define([ 'jquery', 'base/js/dialog', 'base/js/events', 'base/js/namespace', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', 'notebook/js/codecell', ], function ( $, dialog, events, Jupyter, celltoolbar, codecell ) { "use strict"; var CellToolbar = celltoolbar.CellToolbar; var mod_name = 'init_cell'; var log_prefix = '[' + mod_name + ']'; var options = { // updated from server's config & nb metadata run_on_kernel_ready: true, }; var toolbar_preset_name = 'Initialization Cell'; var init_cell_ui_callback = CellToolbar.utils.checkbox_ui_generator( toolbar_preset_name, function setter (cell, value) { if (value) { cell.metadata.init_cell = true; } else { delete cell.metadata.init_cell; } }, function getter (cell) { // if init_cell is undefined, it'll be interpreted as false anyway return cell.metadata.init_cell; } ); function count_init_cells () { console.log(log_prefix, 'counting initialization cells'); var num = 0; var cells = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells(); for (var ii = 0; ii < cells.length; ii++) { var cell = cells[ii]; if ((cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) && cell.metadata.init_cell === true ) { num++; } } console.log(log_prefix, 'found ' + num + ' initialization cell' + (num !== 1 ? 's' : '')); return num } function run_init_cells () { console.log(log_prefix, 'running all initialization cells'); var num = 0; var cells = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells(); for (var ii = 0; ii < cells.length; ii++) { var cell = cells[ii]; if ((cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) && cell.metadata.init_cell === true ) { cell.execute(); num++; } } console.log(log_prefix, 'finished running ' + num + ' initialization cell' + (num !== 1 ? 's' : '')); } var load_ipython_extension = function() { // register action var prefix = 'auto'; var action_name = 'run-initialization-cells'; var action = { icon: 'fa-calculator', help: 'Run all initialization cells', help_index : 'zz', handler : run_init_cells }; var action_full_name = Jupyter.notebook.keyboard_manager.actions.register(action, action_name, prefix); // add toolbar button Jupyter.toolbar.add_buttons_group([action_full_name]); // setup things to run on loading config/notebook Jupyter.notebook.config.loaded .then(function update_options_from_config () { $.extend(true, options,[mod_name]); }, function (reason) { console.warn(log_prefix, 'error loading config:', reason); }) .then(function () { if (Jupyter.notebook._fully_loaded) { callback_notebook_loaded(); } events.on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', callback_notebook_loaded); }).catch(function (reason) { console.error(log_prefix, 'unhandled error:', reason); }); }; function callback_notebook_loaded () { // update from metadata var md_opts = Jupyter.notebook.metadata[mod_name]; if (md_opts !== undefined) { console.log(log_prefix, 'updating options from notebook metadata:', md_opts); $.extend(true, options, md_opts); } // register celltoolbar presets if they haven't been already if (CellToolbar.list_presets().indexOf(toolbar_preset_name) < 0) { // Register a callback to create a UI element for a cell toolbar. CellToolbar.register_callback('init_cell.is_init_cell', init_cell_ui_callback, 'code'); // Register a preset of UI elements forming a cell toolbar. CellToolbar.register_preset(toolbar_preset_name, ['init_cell.is_init_cell'], Jupyter.notebook); } if (options.run_on_kernel_ready) { var num = count_init_cells(); if (num) { if (Jupyter.notebook.trusted) { run_init_cells_asap() } else { dialog.modal({ title : 'Untrusted notebook with initialization code', body : num + ' initialization code cell' + (num !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ' was found but not run since this notebook is untrusted.', buttons: { 'Trust notebook': { 'class' : 'btn-danger', 'click' : () => Jupyter.notebook.trust_notebook() }, 'Do nothing': {'class' : 'btn-primary'} }, notebook: Jupyter.notebook, keyboard_manager: Jupyter.keyboard_manager, }); } } } } function run_init_cells_asap () { if (Jupyter.notebook && Jupyter.notebook.kernel && Jupyter.notebook.kernel.info_reply.status === 'ok') { // kernel is already ready run_init_cells(); } // whenever a (new) kernel becomes ready, run all initialization cells events.on('kernel_ready.Kernel', run_init_cells); } return { load_ipython_extension : load_ipython_extension }; });