Type: Jupyter Notebook Extension Name: Snippets Menu Link: readme.md Description: | Add a customizable menu item to insert code and markdown snippets. Comes with extensive defaults for popular python modules, including fairly complete listings of many important functions and constants, to save searching through documentation. Main: main.js Icon: thumbnail.png Compatibility: 4.x, 5.x Parameters: - name: snippets.insert_as_new_cell description: "Insert snippets as new cells, rather than at cursor inside current cell" input_type: checkbox default: false - name: snippets.include_custom_menu description: "Include custom menu content parsed from JSON string below" input_type: checkbox default: false - name: snippets.custom_menu_content description: | JSON string parsed to define custom menus (only used if the option above is checked) input_type: textarea default: | { "name" : "My favorites", "sub-menu" : [ { "name" : "Menu item text", "snippet" : ["import something", "", "new_command(3.14)", "other_new_code_on_new_line('with a string!')", "stringy(\"if you need them, escape double quotes with a single backslash\")", "backslashy('This \\ appears as just one backslash in the output')", "backslashy2('Here \\\\ are two backslashes')"] }, { "name" : "TeX can be written in menu labels $\\alpha_W e\\int_0 \\mu \\epsilon$", "snippet" : ["another_new_command(2.78)"] } ] } - name: snippets.sibling_selector description: | A JQuery selector for a sibling element next to whose parent element the new menu(s) will be inserted. Other suitable examples include '#file_menu', '#edit_menu', '#view_menu', '#insert_menu', '#cell_menu', and '#kernel_menu'. To append the new menu as a submenu to the 'insert' menu itself, you could use '#insert_menu>:last-child'. input_type: text default: '#help_menu' - name: snippets.insert_before_sibling description: | Insert the new menu(s) before their sibling (the default value of false means they are inserted after the sibling) input_type: checkbox default: false - name: snippets.top_level_submenu_goes_left description: | Snippets menus are often quite big, and positioned at the right side of the menu bar, so by default they open to the left of the menu. Set this to false to get them to open to the right as normal. input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.numpy description: "Include numpy sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.scipy description: "Include scipy sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.matplotlib description: "Include matplotlib sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.sympy description: "Include sympy sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.pandas description: "Include pandas sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.astropy description: "Include astropy sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.h5py description: "Include h5py sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.numba description: "Include numba sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.python description: "Include python sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true - name: snippets.include_submenu.markdown description: "Include markdown sub-menu" input_type: checkbox default: true