import logging import os import sys import time import accelerate from absl import app import gin from internal import configs from internal import datasets from internal import image from internal import models from internal import raw_utils from internal import ref_utils from internal import train_utils from internal import checkpoints from internal import utils from internal import vis import numpy as np import torch import tensorboardX from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map configs.define_common_flags() def summarize_results(folder, scene_names, num_buckets): metric_names = ['psnrs', 'ssims', 'lpips'] num_iters = 1000000 precisions = [3, 4, 4, 4] results = [] for scene_name in scene_names: test_preds_folder = os.path.join(folder, scene_name, 'test_preds') values = [] for metric_name in metric_names: filename = os.path.join(folder, scene_name, 'test_preds', f'{metric_name}_{num_iters}.txt') with utils.open_file(filename) as f: v = np.array([float(s) for s in f.readline().split(' ')]) values.append(np.mean(np.reshape(v, [-1, num_buckets]), 0)) results.append(np.concatenate(values)) avg_results = np.mean(np.array(results), 0) psnr, ssim, lpips = np.mean(np.reshape(avg_results, [-1, num_buckets]), 1) mse = np.exp(-0.1 * np.log(10.) * psnr) dssim = np.sqrt(1 - ssim) avg_avg = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(np.array([mse, dssim, lpips])))) s = [] for i, v in enumerate(np.reshape(avg_results, [-1, num_buckets])): s.append(' '.join([f'{s:0.{precisions[i]}f}' for s in v])) s.append(f'{avg_avg:0.{precisions[-1]}f}') return ' | '.join(s) def main(unused_argv): config = configs.load_config() config.exp_path = os.path.join('exp', config.exp_name) config.checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(config.exp_path, 'checkpoints') config.render_dir = os.path.join(config.exp_path, 'render') accelerator = accelerate.Accelerator() # setup logger logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", force=True, handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout), logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(config.exp_path, 'log_eval.txt'))], level=logging.INFO, ) sys.excepthook = utils.handle_exception logger = accelerate.logging.get_logger(__name__), main_process_only=False) config.world_size = accelerator.num_processes config.global_rank = accelerator.process_index accelerate.utils.set_seed(config.seed, device_specific=True) model = models.Model(config=config) model.eval() dataset = datasets.load_dataset('test', config.data_dir, config) dataloader =, shuffle=False, batch_size=1, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) tb_process_fn = lambda x: x.transpose(2, 0, 1) if len(x.shape) == 3 else x[None] if config.rawnerf_mode: postprocess_fn = dataset.metadata['postprocess_fn'] else: postprocess_fn = lambda z: z if config.eval_raw_affine_cc: cc_fun = raw_utils.match_images_affine else: cc_fun = image.color_correct model = accelerator.prepare(model) metric_harness = image.MetricHarness() last_step = 0 out_dir = os.path.join(config.exp_path, 'path_renders' if config.render_path else 'test_preds') path_fn = lambda x: os.path.join(out_dir, x) if not config.eval_only_once: summary_writer = tensorboardX.SummaryWriter( os.path.join(config.exp_path, 'eval')) while True: step = checkpoints.restore_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_dir, accelerator, logger) if step <= last_step:'Checkpoint step {step} <= last step {last_step}, sleeping.') time.sleep(10) continue'Evaluating checkpoint at step {step}.') if config.eval_save_output and (not utils.isdir(out_dir)): utils.makedirs(out_dir) num_eval = min(dataset.size, config.eval_dataset_limit) perm = np.random.permutation(num_eval) showcase_indices = np.sort(perm[:config.num_showcase_images]) metrics = [] metrics_cc = [] showcases = [] render_times = [] for idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader): batch = accelerate.utils.send_to_device(batch, accelerator.device) eval_start_time = time.time() if idx >= num_eval:'Skipping image {idx + 1}/{dataset.size}') continue'Evaluating image {idx + 1}/{dataset.size}') rendering = models.render_image(model, accelerator, batch, False, 1, config) if not accelerator.is_main_process: # Only record via host 0. continue render_times.append((time.time() - eval_start_time))'Rendered in {render_times[-1]:0.3f}s') cc_start_time = time.time() rendering['rgb_cc'] = cc_fun(rendering['rgb'], batch['rgb']) rendering = tree_map(lambda x: x.detach().cpu().numpy() if x is not None else None, rendering) batch = tree_map(lambda x: x.detach().cpu().numpy() if x is not None else None, batch) gt_rgb = batch['rgb']'Color corrected in {(time.time() - cc_start_time):0.3f}s') if not config.eval_only_once and idx in showcase_indices: showcase_idx = idx if config.deterministic_showcase else len(showcases) showcases.append((showcase_idx, rendering, batch)) if not config.render_path: rgb = postprocess_fn(rendering['rgb']) rgb_cc = postprocess_fn(rendering['rgb_cc']) rgb_gt = postprocess_fn(gt_rgb) if config.eval_quantize_metrics: # Ensures that the images written to disk reproduce the metrics. rgb = np.round(rgb * 255) / 255 rgb_cc = np.round(rgb_cc * 255) / 255 if config.eval_crop_borders > 0: crop_fn = lambda x, c=config.eval_crop_borders: x[c:-c, c:-c] rgb = crop_fn(rgb) rgb_cc = crop_fn(rgb_cc) rgb_gt = crop_fn(rgb_gt) metric = metric_harness(rgb, rgb_gt) metric_cc = metric_harness(rgb_cc, rgb_gt) if config.compute_disp_metrics: for tag in ['mean', 'median']: key = f'distance_{tag}' if key in rendering: disparity = 1 / (1 + rendering[key]) metric[f'disparity_{tag}_mse'] = float( ((disparity - batch['disps']) ** 2).mean()) if config.compute_normal_metrics: weights = rendering['acc'] * batch['alphas'] normalized_normals_gt = ref_utils.l2_normalize_np(batch['normals']) for key, val in rendering.items(): if key.startswith('normals') and val is not None: normalized_normals = ref_utils.l2_normalize_np(val) metric[key + '_mae'] = ref_utils.compute_weighted_mae_np( weights, normalized_normals, normalized_normals_gt) for m, v in metric.items():'{m:30s} = {v:.4f}') metrics.append(metric) metrics_cc.append(metric_cc) if config.eval_save_output and (config.eval_render_interval > 0): if (idx % config.eval_render_interval) == 0: utils.save_img_u8(postprocess_fn(rendering['rgb']), path_fn(f'color_{idx:03d}.png')) utils.save_img_u8(postprocess_fn(rendering['rgb_cc']), path_fn(f'color_cc_{idx:03d}.png')) for key in ['distance_mean', 'distance_median']: if key in rendering: utils.save_img_f32(rendering[key], path_fn(f'{key}_{idx:03d}.tiff')) for key in ['normals']: if key in rendering: utils.save_img_u8(rendering[key] / 2. + 0.5, path_fn(f'{key}_{idx:03d}.png')) utils.save_img_f32(rendering['acc'], path_fn(f'acc_{idx:03d}.tiff')) if (not config.eval_only_once) and accelerator.is_main_process: summary_writer.add_scalar('eval_median_render_time', np.median(render_times), step) for name in metrics[0]: scores = [m[name] for m in metrics] summary_writer.add_scalar('eval_metrics/' + name, np.mean(scores), step) summary_writer.add_histogram('eval_metrics/' + 'perimage_' + name, scores, step) for name in metrics_cc[0]: scores = [m[name] for m in metrics_cc] summary_writer.add_scalar('eval_metrics_cc/' + name, np.mean(scores), step) summary_writer.add_histogram('eval_metrics_cc/' + 'perimage_' + name, scores, step) for i, r, b in showcases: if config.vis_decimate > 1: d = config.vis_decimate decimate_fn = lambda x, d=d: None if x is None else x[::d, ::d] else: decimate_fn = lambda x: x r = tree_map(decimate_fn, r) b = tree_map(decimate_fn, b) visualizations = vis.visualize_suite(r, b) for k, v in visualizations.items(): if k == 'color': v = postprocess_fn(v) summary_writer.add_image(f'output_{k}_{i}', tb_process_fn(v), step) if not config.render_path: target = postprocess_fn(b['rgb']) summary_writer.add_image(f'true_color_{i}', tb_process_fn(target), step) pred = postprocess_fn(visualizations['color']) residual = np.clip(pred - target + 0.5, 0, 1) summary_writer.add_image(f'true_residual_{i}', tb_process_fn(residual), step) if config.compute_normal_metrics: summary_writer.add_image(f'true_normals_{i}', tb_process_fn(b['normals']) / 2. + 0.5, step) if (config.eval_save_output and (not config.render_path) and accelerator.is_main_process): with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'render_times_{step}.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(' '.join([str(r) for r in render_times]))'metrics:') results = {} num_buckets = config.multiscale_levels if config.multiscale else 1 for name in metrics[0]: with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'metric_{name}_{step}.txt'), 'w') as f: ms = [m[name] for m in metrics] f.write(' '.join([str(m) for m in ms])) results[name] = ' | '.join( list(map(str, np.mean(np.array(ms).reshape([-1, num_buckets]), 0).tolist()))) with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'metric_avg_{step}.txt'), 'w') as f: for name in metrics[0]: f.write(f'{name}: {results[name]}\n')'{name}: {results[name]}')'metrics_cc:') results_cc = {} for name in metrics_cc[0]: with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'metric_cc_{name}_{step}.txt'), 'w') as f: ms = [m[name] for m in metrics_cc] f.write(' '.join([str(m) for m in ms])) results_cc[name] = ' | '.join( list(map(str, np.mean(np.array(ms).reshape([-1, num_buckets]), 0).tolist()))) with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'metric_cc_avg_{step}.txt'), 'w') as f: for name in metrics[0]: f.write(f'{name}: {results_cc[name]}\n')'{name}: {results_cc[name]}') if config.eval_save_ray_data: for i, r, b in showcases: rays = {k: v for k, v in r.items() if 'ray_' in k} np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) with utils.open_file(path_fn(f'ray_data_{step}_{i}.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(repr(rays)) if config.eval_only_once: break if config.early_exit_steps is not None: num_steps = config.early_exit_steps else: num_steps = config.max_steps if int(step) >= num_steps: break last_step = step'Finish evaluation.') if __name__ == '__main__': with gin.config_scope('eval'):