# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest from unittest import mock from pytube import YouTube from pytube.exceptions import LiveStreamError from pytube.exceptions import RecordingUnavailable from pytube.exceptions import RegexMatchError from pytube.exceptions import VideoUnavailable from pytube.exceptions import VideoPrivate from pytube.exceptions import VideoRegionBlocked def test_video_unavailable(): try: raise VideoUnavailable(video_id="YLnZklYFe7E") except VideoUnavailable as e: assert e.video_id == "YLnZklYFe7E" # noqa: PT017 assert str(e) == "YLnZklYFe7E is unavailable" def test_regex_match_error(): try: raise RegexMatchError(caller="hello", pattern="*") except RegexMatchError as e: assert str(e) == "hello: could not find match for *" def test_live_stream_error(): # Ensure this can be caught as generic VideoUnavailable exception with pytest.raises(VideoUnavailable): raise LiveStreamError(video_id='YLnZklYFe7E') try: raise LiveStreamError(video_id='YLnZklYFe7E') except LiveStreamError as e: assert e.video_id == 'YLnZklYFe7E' # noqa: PT017 assert str(e) == 'YLnZklYFe7E is streaming live and cannot be loaded' def test_recording_unavailable_error(): # Ensure this can be caught as generic VideoUnavailable exception with pytest.raises(VideoUnavailable): raise RecordingUnavailable(video_id='5YceQ8YqYMc') try: raise RecordingUnavailable(video_id='5YceQ8YqYMc') except RecordingUnavailable as e: assert e.video_id == '5YceQ8YqYMc' # noqa: PT017 assert str(e) == '5YceQ8YqYMc does not have a live stream recording available' def test_private_error(): # Ensure this can be caught as generic VideoUnavailable exception with pytest.raises(VideoUnavailable): raise VideoPrivate('m8uHb5jIGN8') try: raise VideoPrivate('m8uHb5jIGN8') except VideoPrivate as e: assert e.video_id == 'm8uHb5jIGN8' # noqa: PT017 assert str(e) == 'm8uHb5jIGN8 is a private video' def test_region_locked_error(): # Ensure this can be caught as generic VideoUnavailable exception with pytest.raises(VideoUnavailable): raise VideoRegionBlocked('hZpzr8TbF08') try: raise VideoRegionBlocked('hZpzr8TbF08') except VideoRegionBlocked as e: assert e.video_id == 'hZpzr8TbF08' # noqa: PT017 assert str(e) == 'hZpzr8TbF08 is not available in your region' def test_raises_video_private(private): with mock.patch('pytube.request.urlopen') as mock_url_open: # Mock the responses to YouTube mock_url_open_object = mock.Mock() mock_url_open_object.read.side_effect = [ private['watch_html'].encode('utf-8'), ] mock_url_open.return_value = mock_url_open_object with pytest.raises(VideoPrivate): YouTube('https://youtube.com/watch?v=m8uHb5jIGN8') def test_raises_recording_unavailable(missing_recording): with mock.patch('pytube.request.urlopen') as mock_url_open: # Mock the responses to YouTube mock_url_open_object = mock.Mock() mock_url_open_object.read.side_effect = [ missing_recording['watch_html'].encode('utf-8'), ] mock_url_open.return_value = mock_url_open_object with pytest.raises(RecordingUnavailable): YouTube('https://youtube.com/watch?v=5YceQ8YqYMc') def test_raises_video_region_blocked(region_blocked): with mock.patch('pytube.request.urlopen') as mock_url_open: # Mock the responses to YouTube mock_url_open_object = mock.Mock() mock_url_open_object.read.side_effect = [ region_blocked['watch_html'].encode('utf-8') ] mock_url_open.return_value = mock_url_open_object with pytest.raises(VideoRegionBlocked): YouTube('https://youtube.com/watch?v=hZpzr8TbF08')