extra_gated_prompt: "By requesting access to this repo, you agree that you will respect the usage rights included in each zip file or model collection."
extra_gated_button_content: "Accept and request"
  Full name/huggingface username: text
  Email: text
  I agree to use this model repo and respect the TOS statements: checkbox
  I agree that if there was a model that was deleted (gamer girl, Wolfychu, linechu, etc), that I will respect it being removed: checkbox
  I agree that all the info I have supplied is correct and up-to-date: checkbox

license: openrail
pinned: true
- code
- rvc v2
- voice cloning

# This is now a gated repo. Manual approval is enforced for now, but automatic approval will be ready soon.
# Please fill out the info with your actual info, or else your request will be rejected.

This is a collection of all my models (**FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE EXPRESSED PERMISSION ONLY**) trained using RVC v2.

I will provide proof of consent in each of the zip files listed here, weither it be a picture of a DM, or an image with the TOS stated on it (for any video game voices, TTS voices, etc).

## Notice regarding old models:

If you want a model of mine that is not on this list (i.e, Wolfychu, Xbox gamer girl tetrology, etc), I will **NOT** be providing those as of now. I will only provide them if its a model in this repo and its gone for some reason or another. If you already have one of those models before this has started, you **can** give them to other people, it's your responsibility for them now.

DO NOT DM ME IF YOU WANT A MODEL THAT IS NOT ON THIS LIST! You are wasting your time and energy, I will not be giving them out anymore.


# Explanation about what happened: https://pastebin.com/5cd86wgP


# Credit is not required for any of my models.

# All of my models are non-singing and speaking only (unless otherwise specified in the AI Hub discord) and are compatible with [this program](https://github.com/w-okada/voice-changer).