+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "show_random_elements(common_voice_train.remove_columns([\"path\", \"audio\"]), num_examples=10)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "NdLHxhRd6IK7"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import re\n",
+ "CHARS_TO_IGNORE = [\",\", \"?\", \"¿\", \".\", \"!\", \"¡\", \";\", \";\", \":\", '\"\"', \"%\", '\"', \"�\", \"ʿ\", \"·\", \"჻\", \"~\", \"՞\",\n",
+ " \"؟\", \"،\", \"।\", \"॥\", \"«\", \"»\", \"„\", \"“\", \"”\", \"「\", \"」\", \"‘\", \"’\", \"《\", \"》\", \"(\", \")\", \"[\", \"]\",\n",
+ " \"{\", \"}\", \"=\", \"`\", \"_\", \"+\", \"<\", \">\", \"…\", \"–\", \"°\", \"´\", \"ʾ\", \"‹\", \"›\", \"©\", \"®\", \"—\", \"→\", \"。\",\n",
+ " \"、\", \"﹂\", \"﹁\", \"‧\", \"~\", \"﹏\", \",\", \"{\", \"}\", \"(\", \")\", \"[\", \"]\", \"【\", \"】\", \"‥\", \"〽\",\n",
+ " \"『\", \"』\", \"〝\", \"〟\", \"⟨\", \"⟩\", \"〜\", \":\", \"!\", \"?\", \"♪\", \"؛\", \"/\", \"\\\\\", \"º\", \"−\", \"^\", \"ʻ\", \"ˆ\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "chars_to_remove_regex = f\"[{re.escape(''.join(CHARS_TO_IGNORE))}]\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def remove_special_characters(batch):\n",
+ " batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub(chars_to_remove_regex, '', batch[\"sentence\"]).lower()\n",
+ " batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('[-]', ' ', batch[\"sentence\"]).lower()\n",
+ " return batch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 81,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "e3f4dd7cb7814691b99a98e00e42b413",
+ "07356cbb5c644aed8eb9de437e8e4691",
+ "24f1bfd43ca34ef9933d19e2b2ee93d6",
+ "d0ea9b81b1254e00a3f407d4632ebe50",
+ "92089a2dfb794fbe8a6a4b553f281d85",
+ "add1cdf7f5904571ba09b696819e6724",
+ "b083339d05a645718b9c697c0d3ce2a0",
+ "a5ec641870f44cbe9d5c4f2a6caf9e8b",
+ "8e3c6d7df70d47c5bf1ccfc5ce6b490c",
+ "699c71d9472b4a64a993e19bbe6dd735",
+ "2aaa74b624de44a78a55cea202430754",
+ "37c68e11a6d748018e1478f583a03051",
+ "990fd8d131e640e6ba0f6ed3613cfc8b",
+ "156189bcb95b4a2893d58e4dae6335d7",
+ "a4c60066b2ce4c78acb09269cf3e2894",
+ "515e18bdede14b8f86c3d2b41e4cef00",
+ "b8af84200dd44930970a304cc8fbeb8c",
+ "b269c11828d8431198f55a0f1825a58c",
+ "ba794f1f60eb4bd99c5a22a20acce667",
+ "60493e52db344e60afc883249d71c170",
+ "17e6b65ba76f4b2eb83148730734bddf",
+ "430b2d8471f74285b910f96e44f62924"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "q7YFJgON6IK7",
+ "outputId": "f9c0c89c-08bb-4e06-e29d-40cf7da492c3"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "812eae255443470aa0440b7fb100656a",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0ex [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "03f9d0c65a5c44fdaecda41030ab8c6f",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0ex [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.map(remove_special_characters)\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.map(remove_special_characters)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "NkGbORLu6IK8"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def extract_all_chars(batch):\n",
+ " all_text = \" \".join(batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ " vocab = list(set(all_text))\n",
+ " return {\"vocab\": [vocab], \"all_text\": [all_text]}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 81,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "6825d36977104f0facdc9216b62ffeb7",
+ "85b98111a8f4486d865d5e9213f28ebf",
+ "0f745c9c99b44616a7dc0b41d63d800c",
+ "ed001b4d74c24bda8a75e05f1c4cebff",
+ "c854815e32334e88b18b3fc380b9dd01",
+ "c8c624a55eeb4398aeb78978f1534073",
+ "3da34632f24e40f18fc0d78691e58ba6",
+ "d3a824f5974941beb35aa9d718db3476",
+ "1cb79ffb0385495ba396e69add87a5fc",
+ "15ed138efd55476da386e8f5ed48d583",
+ "a1dfee9c96ab446cb1807d6dafadfab5",
+ "a12d06dcf0a64868a18634f1f6b6bb54",
+ "79a24cbc91f64305bc63e438f3b6be2a",
+ "d378de92cbe24153b561cb416219d3ff",
+ "51ae1caebc9a40b99e3889f79c01db9a",
+ "ad09e4d8e90c4537a592a51f55af3858",
+ "313a4ec6c0c247279c0520aaf1536f47",
+ "cb22cfc078494aebab308a9daef8729b",
+ "f9ae0de86e4244dd88d97fe64df30d3c",
+ "3fbdad25464044029ebddaa7c4503cb6",
+ "f63362b3cbad406891125013c655ab92",
+ "954014a8b8a84c80a365609dfc2181b7"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "Ju5Q4mA-6IK8",
+ "outputId": "80cdeca0-05ed-414d-f779-78e05671cbc4"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "d58fa712ef794540b45a3d18ed93acb9",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1 [00:00, ?ba/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "84af2cdf2384419780bba52c6ba7bf08",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1 [00:00, ?ba/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_train = common_voice_train.map(extract_all_chars, batched=True, batch_size=-1, keep_in_memory=True, remove_columns=common_voice_train.column_names)\n",
+ "vocab_test = common_voice_test.map(extract_all_chars, batched=True, batch_size=-1, keep_in_memory=True, remove_columns=common_voice_test.column_names)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 20,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "gsolpWsJ6IK8"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_list = list(set(vocab_train[\"vocab\"][0]) | set(vocab_test[\"vocab\"][0]))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "0q1NTOFJ6IK8",
+ "outputId": "60753b19-43a0-49e5-b370-82fa1c573952"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "46329\n",
+ "9419\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(len(common_voice_train))\n",
+ "print(len(common_voice_test))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "Inc3TW7j6IK8",
+ "outputId": "9ea274ae-0d4a-48aa-d883-2f3b245aab57"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "55"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(vocab_list)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 23,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "SPiQbdO66IK8",
+ "outputId": "8eac4eab-33b5-4469-f28b-1413ef728054"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "['f',\n",
+ " 'n',\n",
+ " 'e',\n",
+ " 'й',\n",
+ " 'g',\n",
+ " 'х',\n",
+ " 'г',\n",
+ " 'ч',\n",
+ " 'р',\n",
+ " 'ы',\n",
+ " 'ё',\n",
+ " 'c',\n",
+ " 'm',\n",
+ " 'l',\n",
+ " 'x',\n",
+ " 'ш',\n",
+ " '‑',\n",
+ " 'а',\n",
+ " 'k',\n",
+ " 'я',\n",
+ " 'r',\n",
+ " 'i',\n",
+ " 'б',\n",
+ " 'е',\n",
+ " 'ц',\n",
+ " 'h',\n",
+ " 'z',\n",
+ " 'ф',\n",
+ " 'к',\n",
+ " \"'\",\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 't',\n",
+ " 'э',\n",
+ " 'з',\n",
+ " 'у',\n",
+ " 'л',\n",
+ " 'ю',\n",
+ " ' ',\n",
+ " 'т',\n",
+ " 'ь',\n",
+ " 'д',\n",
+ " 'o',\n",
+ " 'п',\n",
+ " 's',\n",
+ " 'ъ',\n",
+ " 'и',\n",
+ " 'в',\n",
+ " 'щ',\n",
+ " 'ж',\n",
+ " 'о',\n",
+ " 'н',\n",
+ " 'м',\n",
+ " 'p',\n",
+ " 'b',\n",
+ " 'с']"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 23,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_list"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 24,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "eDCcZFFI6IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(sorted(vocab_list))}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 25,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "wjywVk9I6IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict[\"|\"] = vocab_dict[\" \"]\n",
+ "del vocab_dict[\" \"]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 26,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "tgmet03p6IK9",
+ "outputId": "b95dddea-49db-41f7-f710-9452bf897495"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{\"'\": 1,\n",
+ " 'a': 2,\n",
+ " 'b': 3,\n",
+ " 'c': 4,\n",
+ " 'e': 5,\n",
+ " 'f': 6,\n",
+ " 'g': 7,\n",
+ " 'h': 8,\n",
+ " 'i': 9,\n",
+ " 'k': 10,\n",
+ " 'l': 11,\n",
+ " 'm': 12,\n",
+ " 'n': 13,\n",
+ " 'o': 14,\n",
+ " 'p': 15,\n",
+ " 'r': 16,\n",
+ " 's': 17,\n",
+ " 't': 18,\n",
+ " 'x': 19,\n",
+ " 'z': 20,\n",
+ " 'а': 21,\n",
+ " 'б': 22,\n",
+ " 'в': 23,\n",
+ " 'г': 24,\n",
+ " 'д': 25,\n",
+ " 'е': 26,\n",
+ " 'ж': 27,\n",
+ " 'з': 28,\n",
+ " 'и': 29,\n",
+ " 'й': 30,\n",
+ " 'к': 31,\n",
+ " 'л': 32,\n",
+ " 'м': 33,\n",
+ " 'н': 34,\n",
+ " 'о': 35,\n",
+ " 'п': 36,\n",
+ " 'р': 37,\n",
+ " 'с': 38,\n",
+ " 'т': 39,\n",
+ " 'у': 40,\n",
+ " 'ф': 41,\n",
+ " 'х': 42,\n",
+ " 'ц': 43,\n",
+ " 'ч': 44,\n",
+ " 'ш': 45,\n",
+ " 'щ': 46,\n",
+ " 'ъ': 47,\n",
+ " 'ы': 48,\n",
+ " 'ь': 49,\n",
+ " 'э': 50,\n",
+ " 'ю': 51,\n",
+ " 'я': 52,\n",
+ " 'ё': 53,\n",
+ " '‑': 54,\n",
+ " '|': 0}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 26,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 27,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "ZLcIQUV-6IK9",
+ "outputId": "9d909643-8981-4b4b-cf35-216533a61486"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "57"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 27,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict[\"[UNK]\"] = len(vocab_dict)\n",
+ "vocab_dict[\"[PAD]\"] = len(vocab_dict)\n",
+ "len(vocab_dict)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 28,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "OlE9Fm916IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import json\n",
+ "with open('vocab.json', 'w') as vocab_file:\n",
+ " json.dump(vocab_dict, vocab_file)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 29,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "ZnwWceMF6IK9",
+ "outputId": "c55f12b5-d417-4363-92f8-75cd1a5d6677"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "file ./config.json not found\n",
+ "Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from transformers import Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "tokenizer = Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"./\", unk_token=\"[UNK]\", pad_token=\"[PAD]\", word_delimiter_token=\"|\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 30,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ziVOWgep6IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "repo_name = \"wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 31,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "biccWGbt6IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/huggingface_hub/hf_api.py:1001: FutureWarning: `create_repo` now takes `token` as an optional positional argument. Be sure to adapt your code!\n",
+ " warnings.warn(\n",
+ "Cloning https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru into local empty directory.\n",
+ "To https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru\n",
+ " 903c4df..2f7425d main -> main\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/commit/2f7425d996ea36bb7c47215cea4cecc882eaadaf'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 31,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "tokenizer.push_to_hub(repo_name)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 32,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "4GDqmpau6IK9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from transformers import Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor(feature_size=1, sampling_rate=16000, padding_value=0.0, do_normalize=True, return_attention_mask=True)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 33,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "3ydgeSof6IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "processor = Wav2Vec2Processor(feature_extractor=feature_extractor, tokenizer=tokenizer)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 34,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "6RGWMIrk6IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import torchaudio"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 35,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "2oXxiiMx6IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.cast_column(\"audio\", Audio(sampling_rate=16_000))\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.cast_column(\"audio\", Audio(sampling_rate=16_000))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 36,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "ljOF6qF86IK-",
+ "outputId": "531347dd-66dd-4e28-9ff4-ee52b7222398"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{'path': 'cv-corpus-8.0-2022-01-19/ru/clips/common_voice_ru_18849051.mp3',\n",
+ " 'array': array([ 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, ...,\n",
+ " 5.1862571e-05, -7.1976043e-05, -7.0710674e-05], dtype=float32),\n",
+ " 'sampling_rate': 16000}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 36,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train[0][\"audio\"]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "2Lt4U5wL6IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def prepare_dataset(batch):\n",
+ " audio = batch[\"audio\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # batched output is \"un-batched\"\n",
+ " batch[\"input_values\"] = processor(audio[\"array\"], sampling_rate=audio[\"sampling_rate\"]).input_values[0]\n",
+ " batch[\"input_length\"] = len(batch[\"input_values\"])\n",
+ " \n",
+ " with processor.as_target_processor():\n",
+ " batch[\"labels\"] = processor(batch[\"sentence\"]).input_ids\n",
+ " return batch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 38,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 98,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "5ce68963158f43c6afd697112ae91b86",
+ "9e3f3a604e6a455e96d0b8c2c1ad437b",
+ "fd832e95e5e545d6ba00375c311f4d6d",
+ "ca3ab0df68934372874e745484f452c8",
+ "8afadf17db944fd8aa3160963d9ce1d3",
+ "55ad365db37744b8aeba007e99ec719e",
+ "9bc1101beda048109d123fb002d5400c",
+ "d90cdb5e20d643cd939b195f67c6480b",
+ "fe4b7a51a8454b8c97b66cc5f8a96040",
+ "ddb0349a1010496d9ef755fdc0b7960e",
+ "61368172bb5a431d990ef898bc23d9cc",
+ "e1ded32ac98d45b98a0ea4f96f5f472a",
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+ "86f48fe824a4424691ac207bdb9be81c",
+ "7051513a70fd45e292b742f8b0e1c24a",
+ "a757021c8c2240e788df46ec84a67587",
+ "b8531ca6621a479796636b6f5460240c",
+ "f1acc768df0c4d50bdb0c1c008aad15e",
+ "1b433b3ae9c84d47bd5fb1d3978f4f3a",
+ "f82689a91e3e4962935dd07e20c13426",
+ "7a1499b32a28488087c951ef8af473a0",
+ "3ac86f6958ba46f4a53ffa937e66427c"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "ldXFrogk6IK-",
+ "outputId": "839b1d78-4017-4b1e-c259-c1fec5641de0"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "4b538c91f6f9471c99421a2ff3f7de02",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0ex [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "done train\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "1d22be2b5e0541de91f9f87a4cdd891e",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0ex [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.map(prepare_dataset, remove_columns=common_voice_train.column_names)\n",
+ "print(\"done train\")\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.map(prepare_dataset, remove_columns=common_voice_test.column_names)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 39,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "JP1OWPs36IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "max_input_length = 20.0 * feature_extractor.sampling_rate\n",
+ "min_input_length = 0.0 * feature_extractor.sampling_rate"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 40,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "1gHoa7lL6IK-"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def is_audio_in_length_range(length):\n",
+ " return length > min_input_length and length < max_input_length"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 41,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 49,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "b9e3a30cafbf4a7ca7bbdf3fe9a636b4",
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+ "8d14f0d27388487aa0f605df23bcb466"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "TjEkpBpJ6IK_",
+ "outputId": "0b74024a-66b5-444c-a230-9f119eab3824"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "4a27d4c29eaa41b38e525c0122bf1bb3",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/47 [00:00, ?ba/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.filter(\n",
+ " is_audio_in_length_range,\n",
+ " input_columns=[\"input_length\"],\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 42,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "c9K5jjV96IK_"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import torch\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from dataclasses import dataclass, field\n",
+ "from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union\n",
+ "from transformers import AutoProcessor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@dataclass\n",
+ "class DataCollatorCTCWithPadding:\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Data collator that will dynamically pad the inputs received.\n",
+ " Args:\n",
+ " processor (:class:`~transformers.AutoProcessor`)\n",
+ " The processor used for proccessing the data.\n",
+ " padding (:obj:`bool`, :obj:`str` or :class:`~transformers.tokenization_utils_base.PaddingStrategy`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`):\n",
+ " Select a strategy to pad the returned sequences (according to the model's padding side and padding index)\n",
+ " among:\n",
+ " * :obj:`True` or :obj:`'longest'`: Pad to the longest sequence in the batch (or no padding if only a single\n",
+ " sequence if provided).\n",
+ " * :obj:`'max_length'`: Pad to a maximum length specified with the argument :obj:`max_length` or to the\n",
+ " maximum acceptable input length for the model if that argument is not provided.\n",
+ " * :obj:`False` or :obj:`'do_not_pad'` (default): No padding (i.e., can output a batch with sequences of\n",
+ " different lengths).\n",
+ " max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`):\n",
+ " Maximum length of the ``input_values`` of the returned list and optionally padding length (see above).\n",
+ " max_length_labels (:obj:`int`, `optional`):\n",
+ " Maximum length of the ``labels`` returned list and optionally padding length (see above).\n",
+ " pad_to_multiple_of (:obj:`int`, `optional`):\n",
+ " If set will pad the sequence to a multiple of the provided value.\n",
+ " This is especially useful to enable the use of Tensor Cores on NVIDIA hardware with compute capability >=\n",
+ " 7.5 (Volta).\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " processor: AutoProcessor\n",
+ " padding: Union[bool, str] = \"longest\"\n",
+ " pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None\n",
+ " pad_to_multiple_of_labels: Optional[int] = None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def __call__(self, features: List[Dict[str, Union[List[int], torch.Tensor]]]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:\n",
+ " # split inputs and labels since they have to be of different lenghts and need\n",
+ " # different padding methods\n",
+ " input_features = [{\"input_values\": feature[\"input_values\"]} for feature in features]\n",
+ " label_features = [{\"input_ids\": feature[\"labels\"]} for feature in features]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " batch = self.processor.pad(\n",
+ " input_features,\n",
+ " padding=self.padding,\n",
+ " pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of,\n",
+ " return_tensors=\"pt\",\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " with self.processor.as_target_processor():\n",
+ " labels_batch = self.processor.pad(\n",
+ " label_features,\n",
+ " padding=self.padding,\n",
+ " pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of_labels,\n",
+ " return_tensors=\"pt\",\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # replace padding with -100 to ignore loss correctly\n",
+ " labels = labels_batch[\"input_ids\"].masked_fill(labels_batch.attention_mask.ne(1), -100)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " batch[\"labels\"] = labels\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return batch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 43,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "WcQgSGyj6IK_"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "data_collator = DataCollatorCTCWithPadding(processor=processor, padding=True)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 44,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 49,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "6cc16ec4852a4d4582eaf33d1cff826c",
+ "2f30c5df319c4a48821ec755ee5da56a",
+ "de951c72061b4336bf75d740af794ca0",
+ "a79cfde642384d619ce5c63f39ecc663",
+ "e5dbc60918ca45da95c182a1dee60b11",
+ "d32b18b2918d4c93bea93f36576e3126",
+ "2322e918a1234201baea4d53d759971c",
+ "6389d412e77e4ec09f349a917d00dc46",
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+ "19aa057986cd46a1bdea803c140a2ac0",
+ "e210bd8662c04b0b96f8736b71463994"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "wSSJacE46IK_",
+ "outputId": "3bbde635-9e7b-458d-c89c-ef3986c8f5f2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "wer_metric = load_metric(\"wer\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 45,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "AWh2K1ia6IK_"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def compute_metrics(pred):\n",
+ " pred_logits = pred.predictions\n",
+ " pred_ids = np.argmax(pred_logits, axis=-1)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " pred.label_ids[pred.label_ids == -100] = processor.tokenizer.pad_token_id\n",
+ "\n",
+ " pred_str = processor.batch_decode(pred_ids)\n",
+ " # we do not want to group tokens when computing the metrics\n",
+ " label_str = processor.batch_decode(pred.label_ids, group_tokens=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " wer = wer_metric.compute(predictions=pred_str, references=label_str)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return {\"wer\": wer}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 46,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 1000,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "4eb1abff92784022addb0bf5b31ae373",
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+ "ff043090146b48de83ce764b5d526df9",
+ "535fbef4f8784d2fbd3e78a8a22fdcca",
+ "c45f7b4056374db59e1214bd853b1156",
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+ "d2f297bc8be84b64adf64455026b8772",
+ "62a3c3d1336f4228acef6f2e5be17b13"
+ ]
+ },
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "id": "XCnGR0uB6ILA",
+ "jupyter": {
+ "outputs_hidden": true
+ },
+ "outputId": "e77ff43a-9f8d-4a31-8700-bdc7eddb8b23"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Some weights of the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b were not used when initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC: ['project_hid.weight', 'quantizer.codevectors', 'project_q.bias', 'quantizer.weight_proj.weight', 'quantizer.weight_proj.bias', 'project_q.weight', 'project_hid.bias']\n",
+ "- This IS expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).\n",
+ "- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).\n",
+ "Some weights of Wav2Vec2ForCTC were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b and are newly initialized: ['lm_head.weight', 'lm_head.bias']\n",
+ "You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Wav2Vec2ForCTC(\n",
+ " (wav2vec2): Wav2Vec2Model(\n",
+ " (feature_extractor): Wav2Vec2FeatureEncoder(\n",
+ " (conv_layers): ModuleList(\n",
+ " (0): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(1, 512, kernel_size=(10,), stride=(5,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (1): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (2): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (3): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (4): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (5): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(2,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (6): Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(512, 512, kernel_size=(2,), stride=(2,))\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (feature_projection): Wav2Vec2FeatureProjection(\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((512,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (projection): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.04, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (encoder): Wav2Vec2EncoderStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (pos_conv_embed): Wav2Vec2PositionalConvEmbedding(\n",
+ " (conv): Conv1d(1280, 1280, kernel_size=(128,), stride=(1,), padding=(64,), groups=16)\n",
+ " (padding): Wav2Vec2SamePadLayer()\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layers): ModuleList(\n",
+ " (0): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (1): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (2): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (3): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (4): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (5): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (6): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (7): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (8): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (9): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (10): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (11): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (12): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (13): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (14): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (15): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (16): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (17): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (18): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (19): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (20): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (21): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (22): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (23): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (24): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (25): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (26): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (27): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (28): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (29): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (30): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (31): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (32): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (33): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (34): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (35): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (36): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (37): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (38): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (39): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (40): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (41): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (42): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (43): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (44): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (45): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (46): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (47): Wav2Vec2EncoderLayerStableLayerNorm(\n",
+ " (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention(\n",
+ " (k_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (v_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (q_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (out_proj): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward(\n",
+ " (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.055, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=5120, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dense): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=1280, bias=True)\n",
+ " (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.047, inplace=False)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((1280,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " (dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)\n",
+ " (lm_head): Linear(in_features=1280, out_features=59, bias=True)\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 46,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC\n",
+ "\n",
+ "model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained(\n",
+ " \"facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b\", \n",
+ " attention_dropout=0.094,\n",
+ " hidden_dropout=0.047,\n",
+ " feat_proj_dropout=0.04,\n",
+ " mask_time_prob=0.082,\n",
+ " layerdrop=0.041,\n",
+ " activation_dropout=0.055,\n",
+ " ctc_loss_reduction=\"mean\", \n",
+ " pad_token_id=processor.tokenizer.pad_token_id,\n",
+ " vocab_size=len(processor.tokenizer),\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "model.to('cuda')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 47,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "vJ4YmBLK6ILA",
+ "outputId": "5ff744c2-0a83-41fa-8b5b-aa0e430ff1e9"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/wav2vec2/modeling_wav2vec2.py:1700: FutureWarning: The method `freeze_feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in Transformers v5.Please use the equivalent `freeze_feature_encoder` method instead.\n",
+ " warnings.warn(\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "model.freeze_feature_extractor()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 48,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "Wu3bwi8i6ILA"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "os.environ[\"WANDB_DISABLED\"] = \"true\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 49,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "0NXLfMI56ILA"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from transformers import TrainingArguments\n",
+ "\n",
+ "training_args = TrainingArguments(\n",
+ " output_dir=repo_name,\n",
+ " group_by_length=True,\n",
+ " per_device_train_batch_size=32,\n",
+ " gradient_accumulation_steps=1,\n",
+ " evaluation_strategy=\"steps\",\n",
+ " num_train_epochs=10,\n",
+ " gradient_checkpointing=True,\n",
+ " fp16=True,\n",
+ " save_steps=500,\n",
+ " eval_steps=500,\n",
+ " logging_steps=50,\n",
+ " learning_rate=5e-5,\n",
+ " warmup_steps=500,\n",
+ " save_total_limit=3,\n",
+ " push_to_hub=True,\n",
+ " load_best_model_at_end=True,\n",
+ " greater_is_better=False,\n",
+ " report_to=\"tensorboard\",\n",
+ " metric_for_best_model='eval_wer',\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 50,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "MTdz79SyGz0y",
+ "outputId": "867f5a41-e82e-44be-aaf0-3fc6c0698a7e"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Sat Feb 5 08:58:36 2022 \n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| NVIDIA-SMI 460.32.03 Driver Version: 460.32.03 CUDA Version: 11.2 |\n",
+ "|-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+\n",
+ "| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |\n",
+ "| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |\n",
+ "| | | MIG M. |\n",
+ "|===============================+======================+======================|\n",
+ "| 0 Tesla K80 Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off | 0 |\n",
+ "| N/A 73C P0 72W / 149W | 1806MiB / 11441MiB | 0% Default |\n",
+ "| | | N/A |\n",
+ "+-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+\n",
+ " \n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Processes: |\n",
+ "| GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |\n",
+ "| ID ID Usage |\n",
+ "|=============================================================================|\n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!nvidia-smi"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 49,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "id": "eTNIJiY66ILA",
+ "jupyter": {
+ "outputs_hidden": true
+ },
+ "outputId": "4c18731e-6766-439b-de44-5bb70c3040ac"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "Collecting bitsandbytes-cuda111\n",
+ " Downloading bitsandbytes_cuda111-0.26.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.0 MB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 4.0 MB 24.2 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: bitsandbytes-cuda111\n",
+ "Successfully installed bitsandbytes-cuda111-0.26.0\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: You are using pip version 21.3.1; however, version 22.0.3 is available.\n",
+ "You should consider upgrading via the '/opt/conda/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.\u001b[0m\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install bitsandbytes-cuda111 --user"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 52,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "jupyter": {
+ "outputs_hidden": true
+ }
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "Collecting tensorboard\n",
+ " Downloading tensorboard-2.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.8 MB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 5.8 MB 4.8 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting absl-py>=0.4\n",
+ " Downloading absl_py-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (126 kB)\n",
+ " |██���█████████████████████████████| 126 kB 99.3 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting google-auth<3,>=1.6.3\n",
+ " Downloading google_auth-2.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (156 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 156 kB 92.1 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting werkzeug>=0.11.15\n",
+ " Downloading Werkzeug-2.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (288 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 288 kB 80.4 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting markdown>=2.6.8\n",
+ " Downloading Markdown-3.3.6-py3-none-any.whl (97 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 97 kB 27.2 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.26 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tensorboard) (0.35.1)\n",
+ "Collecting tensorboard-plugin-wit>=1.6.0\n",
+ " Downloading tensorboard_plugin_wit-1.8.1-py3-none-any.whl (781 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 781 kB 97.0 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: setuptools>=41.0.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tensorboard) (50.3.1.post20201107)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tensorboard) (1.19.2)\n",
+ "Collecting grpcio>=1.24.3\n",
+ " Downloading grpcio-1.43.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (4.1 MB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 4.1 MB 76.3 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting protobuf>=3.6.0\n",
+ " Downloading protobuf-3.19.4-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (1.1 MB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 1.1 MB 76.3 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1\n",
+ " Downloading google_auth_oauthlib-0.4.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests<3,>=2.21.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tensorboard) (2.24.0)\n",
+ "Collecting tensorboard-data-server<0.7.0,>=0.6.0\n",
+ " Downloading tensorboard_data_server-0.6.1-py3-none-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (4.9 MB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 4.9 MB 39.7 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: six in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from absl-py>=0.4->tensorboard) (1.15.0)\n",
+ "Collecting rsa<5,>=3.1.4\n",
+ " Downloading rsa-4.8-py3-none-any.whl (39 kB)\n",
+ "Collecting pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1\n",
+ " Downloading pyasn1_modules-0.2.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (155 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 155 kB 99.3 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting cachetools<6.0,>=2.0.0\n",
+ " Downloading cachetools-5.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (9.1 kB)\n",
+ "Collecting requests-oauthlib>=0.7.0\n",
+ " Downloading requests_oauthlib-1.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (23 kB)\n",
+ "Collecting importlib-metadata>=4.4\n",
+ " Downloading importlib_metadata-4.10.1-py3-none-any.whl (17 kB)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2.21.0->tensorboard) (3.0.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2.21.0->tensorboard) (2.10)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2.21.0->tensorboard) (2020.12.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2.21.0->tensorboard) (1.25.11)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from importlib-metadata>=4.4->markdown>=2.6.8->tensorboard) (3.7.0)\n",
+ "Collecting pyasn1<0.5.0,>=0.4.6\n",
+ " Downloading pyasn1-0.4.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (77 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 77 kB 26.5 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hCollecting oauthlib>=3.0.0\n",
+ " Downloading oauthlib-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (151 kB)\n",
+ " |████████████████████████████████| 151 kB 104.7 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: pyasn1, rsa, pyasn1-modules, oauthlib, cachetools, requests-oauthlib, importlib-metadata, google-auth, werkzeug, tensorboard-plugin-wit, tensorboard-data-server, protobuf, markdown, grpcio, google-auth-oauthlib, absl-py, tensorboard\n",
+ "\u001b[33m WARNING: The scripts pyrsa-decrypt, pyrsa-encrypt, pyrsa-keygen, pyrsa-priv2pub, pyrsa-sign and pyrsa-verify are installed in '/workspace/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.\n",
+ " Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33m WARNING: The script markdown_py is installed in '/workspace/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.\n",
+ " Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33m WARNING: The script google-oauthlib-tool is installed in '/workspace/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.\n",
+ " Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33m WARNING: The script tensorboard is installed in '/workspace/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.\n",
+ " Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.\u001b[0m\n",
+ "Successfully installed absl-py-1.0.0 cachetools-5.0.0 google-auth-2.6.0 google-auth-oauthlib-0.4.6 grpcio-1.43.0 importlib-metadata-4.10.1 markdown-3.3.6 oauthlib-3.2.0 protobuf-3.19.4 pyasn1-0.4.8 pyasn1-modules-0.2.8 requests-oauthlib-1.3.1 rsa-4.8 tensorboard-2.8.0 tensorboard-data-server-0.6.1 tensorboard-plugin-wit-1.8.1 werkzeug-2.0.2\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -uggingface-hub (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages)\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mWARNING: You are using pip version 21.3.1; however, version 22.0.3 is available.\n",
+ "You should consider upgrading via the '/opt/conda/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.\u001b[0m\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install tensorboard --user"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 50,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 732,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
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+ "aff7e29683e14cb5b1b76ddbf80e528c",
+ "805c9080eeb64e26859a19405b0529c3",
+ "496ae52b33aa4fbda8bde8bcb3791c9c",
+ "40271b49aaa541e286c5d59432fedff5",
+ "25de7fb2d8884be0944822ca28e54363",
+ "432129ee22174ab0935a48e1be94f759",
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+ "4df809cb50b9497cb739c43b6d4fa7ac",
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+ "7c5907acf85943b9b430dcea234faf9c",
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+ "af8d14fecd7545c7978292f333c6b7e1",
+ "271a0f0891644b81b5a684c6756660c9",
+ "bd50420066ea41238c26fa4494303355",
+ "8edad5ac1d974f43b41f25893d517db1",
+ "6cbb7289891a41d9a99f64ab73b663e0",
+ "c6c6c11852b84383a89c7af1583842ed",
+ "c60e7c6ab29149b8988d871df59e493b",
+ "f7fed0712ada4e90bf6f77739d7f36fd",
+ "d68cce18010c44058305c29cbf428598",
+ "165523a9439e48f692ce7f8dff6d2009",
+ "497bde87ca7a415791e24c569f13d046",
+ "019d55028f7245f7a1af1dcaf8ce9efa",
+ "f8ffedca892a481e8b79b92ccf98e497",
+ "aabd57a7b86948fe95f40db66e04a338",
+ "2830259df5184d19809a6af0381804f0",
+ "9a01e7f579a747afb5cc7d0b6a6e119f",
+ "1cd1ed174b4f4612af2b994e248473e4",
+ "235e7ecfc401446c9318394f701b344f",
+ "c999d260928848d08dabff30e9354437",
+ "75c3c64306df4185aa4d9a32b0a024c1",
+ "bac5d5752af5498284b138dbbf69681d",
+ "fb7a264328674db992df5311f41fba41"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "9jie-V0n6ILA",
+ "outputId": "831edb46-1b75-4c69-9694-14be0dadfd00"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/workspace/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`.\n",
+ "Using amp half precision backend\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import bitsandbytes as bnb\n",
+ "from transformers import Trainer\n",
+ "from transformers.trainer_pt_utils import get_parameter_names\n",
+ "\n",
+ "decay_parameters = get_parameter_names(model, [torch.nn.LayerNorm])\n",
+ "decay_parameters = [name for name in decay_parameters if \"bias\" not in name]\n",
+ "optimizer_grouped_parameters = [\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " \"params\": [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if n in decay_parameters],\n",
+ " \"weight_decay\": training_args.weight_decay,\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " \"params\": [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if n not in decay_parameters],\n",
+ " \"weight_decay\": 0.0,\n",
+ " },\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "optimizer = bnb.optim.Adam8bit(\n",
+ " params=optimizer_grouped_parameters,\n",
+ " lr=training_args.learning_rate,\n",
+ " betas=(training_args.adam_beta1, training_args.adam_beta2),\n",
+ " eps=training_args.adam_epsilon,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "optimizers = (optimizer, None)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Initialize Trainer\n",
+ "trainer = Trainer(\n",
+ " model=model,\n",
+ " data_collator=data_collator,\n",
+ " args=training_args,\n",
+ " compute_metrics=compute_metrics,\n",
+ " train_dataset=common_voice_train,\n",
+ " eval_dataset=common_voice_test,\n",
+ " tokenizer=processor.feature_extractor,\n",
+ " optimizers=optimizers,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 51,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "955VTrNd6ILB"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 52,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 529
+ },
+ "id": "tMtJagfc6ILB",
+ "outputId": "9022f51c-29ca-4f66-8f46-8eeeba41bc60"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running training *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 46329\n",
+ " Num Epochs = 10\n",
+ " Instantaneous batch size per device = 32\n",
+ " Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 32\n",
+ " Gradient Accumulation steps = 1\n",
+ " Total optimization steps = 14480\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ " [14480/14480 18:27:11, Epoch 10/10]\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " Step | \n",
+ " Training Loss | \n",
+ " Validation Loss | \n",
+ " Wer | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 500 | \n",
+ " 0.546200 | \n",
+ " 0.402721 | \n",
+ " 0.357467 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1000 | \n",
+ " 0.498000 | \n",
+ " 0.258813 | \n",
+ " 0.251255 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1500 | \n",
+ " 0.427900 | \n",
+ " 0.226491 | \n",
+ " 0.220422 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2000 | \n",
+ " 0.409900 | \n",
+ " 0.218946 | \n",
+ " 0.197877 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2500 | \n",
+ " 0.468800 | \n",
+ " 0.210009 | \n",
+ " 0.191966 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3000 | \n",
+ " 0.224100 | \n",
+ " 0.197974 | \n",
+ " 0.176719 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3500 | \n",
+ " 0.205600 | \n",
+ " 0.202031 | \n",
+ " 0.168287 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4000 | \n",
+ " 0.342300 | \n",
+ " 0.186168 | \n",
+ " 0.160555 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4500 | \n",
+ " 0.247800 | \n",
+ " 0.178670 | \n",
+ " 0.156309 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5000 | \n",
+ " 0.307900 | \n",
+ " 0.175857 | \n",
+ " 0.155537 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5500 | \n",
+ " 0.247700 | \n",
+ " 0.171286 | \n",
+ " 0.142268 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6000 | \n",
+ " 0.171800 | \n",
+ " 0.169515 | \n",
+ " 0.139095 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6500 | \n",
+ " 0.167500 | \n",
+ " 0.167683 | \n",
+ " 0.137201 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7000 | \n",
+ " 0.163100 | \n",
+ " 0.165151 | \n",
+ " 0.133293 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7500 | \n",
+ " 0.142900 | \n",
+ " 0.160473 | \n",
+ " 0.130832 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8000 | \n",
+ " 0.150500 | \n",
+ " 0.161166 | \n",
+ " 0.124511 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8500 | \n",
+ " 0.138500 | \n",
+ " 0.148741 | \n",
+ " 0.122497 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9000 | \n",
+ " 0.128500 | \n",
+ " 0.152599 | \n",
+ " 0.120072 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9500 | \n",
+ " 0.115300 | \n",
+ " 0.146372 | \n",
+ " 0.117177 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 10000 | \n",
+ " 0.115900 | \n",
+ " 0.150462 | \n",
+ " 0.114270 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 10500 | \n",
+ " 0.106100 | \n",
+ " 0.144378 | \n",
+ " 0.110567 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 11000 | \n",
+ " 0.101600 | \n",
+ " 0.142675 | \n",
+ " 0.107491 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 11500 | \n",
+ " 0.112500 | \n",
+ " 0.138553 | \n",
+ " 0.104511 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 12000 | \n",
+ " 0.093700 | \n",
+ " 0.140342 | \n",
+ " 0.102183 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 12500 | \n",
+ " 0.105900 | \n",
+ " 0.140615 | \n",
+ " 0.102220 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 13000 | \n",
+ " 0.085700 | \n",
+ " 0.137172 | \n",
+ " 0.099240 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 13500 | \n",
+ " 0.090100 | \n",
+ " 0.137990 | \n",
+ " 0.097672 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 14000 | \n",
+ " 0.091300 | \n",
+ " 0.135158 | \n",
+ " 0.097129 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-1500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-2500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-3500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-4500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-5500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-6500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-7500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-8500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-9500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-10500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-11500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13500\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13500/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13500/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-13500/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12000] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 9419\n",
+ " Batch size = 8\n",
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-14000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-14000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-14000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-14000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Deleting older checkpoint [wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-12500] due to args.save_total_limit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Loading best model from wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/checkpoint-14000 (score: 0.09712907117008444).\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "TrainOutput(global_step=14480, training_loss=0.30223861218157394, metrics={'train_runtime': 66440.375, 'train_samples_per_second': 6.973, 'train_steps_per_second': 0.218, 'total_flos': 2.2389266516763502e+20, 'train_loss': 0.30223861218157394, 'epoch': 10.0})"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 52,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "trainer.train()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 53,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "WpLhQDv26ILB"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Saving model checkpoint to wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/preprocessor_config.json\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "4a5a3a310e364ff7a951fca976ba2487",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Upload file pytorch_model.bin: 0%| | 3.38k/3.59G [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "To https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru\n",
+ " ceae18d..2be1f44 main -> main\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields:\n",
+ "{'dataset': {'name': 'common_voice', 'type': 'common_voice', 'args': 'ru'}}\n",
+ "To https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru\n",
+ " 2be1f44..dacc045 main -> main\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'https://huggingface.co/RASMUS/wav2vec2-xlsr-1b-ru/commit/2be1f447609b8e54c6d7d60460897541ca6fc5f8'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 53,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "trainer.push_to_hub()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "accelerator": "GPU",
+ "colab": {
+ "name": "train_xlsr_et_common_voice_8.ipynb",
+ "provenance": []
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
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