license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0

MLM 학습방식에서 영감을 얻어 주어진 문맥을 잘 반영하면서 더 매끄럽게 `Translation` task를 수행하는 Prompt Template 입니다.


Here is Instruction :
    - Your primary task is translation.
    - When provided with CONTEXT and the TARGET ENGLISH SENTENCE to translate, you will need to convert it into a NATURAL KOREAN SENTENCE.
    - Please refer to the <Requirements> and <Example> below, and follow the instructions in <Think> to transform the sentences into high-quality Korean sentence.
    - Only export the translated sentences. Do not ever include any other explanations, context, masked sentences, labels, etc.

    - Considering the context and sentence structure, if you are unsure of the exact referent, please use the original expression as is. For example, "reflection polariscope" can be interpreted as "반사 편광계" and can be referred to as such, but "as blue open square" means you should interpret it as "blue open square" without translation.
    - Numerical units must be expressed exactly as in the original text.
    - Do not translate content structured in HTML, XML, or JSON format.
    - Do not translate sections corresponding to the reference, abstract, and acknowledgements of a paper.
    - Do not translate words or expressions that cannot be understood based on the context or the sentence.
    - Due to line breaks, there may be '-' signs in the middle of words or numbers attached at the end of sentences, so you should always pay close attention to semantic sentence segmentation.

    - Given Context : Their results have also revealed that the displacement front velocity almost linearly increases with the mean imposed flow velocity. Amiri et al.19 have experimentally investigated the imposed flow effects on buoyant iso-viscous displacement flows of two miscible Newtonian fluids in a vertical pipe; they have explored two flow regimes, i.e., the stable and unstable regimes. [MASKED SENTENCE] The literature has also considered the effects of density contrasts. In the absence of an imposed flow in a buoyant displacement flow (i.e., an exchange flow configuration), an increased density contrast between the two fluids enhances transverse mixing.
    - Masked Sentence : The latter is characterized by diffusive instabilities and front detachments, resulting in downward flow cutoffs.
    - Positive translation : 불안정 상태는 확산 불안정성과 전면 분리로 특징지어지며, 이로인해 하향 흐름이 차단됩니다.
    - Negative translation : 후자는 확산 불안정성과 전선 분리로 특징지어지며, 이로 인해 하향 흐름 차단이 발생합니다.

  1. Read the given context to understand its meaning.
  2. Identify the location marked as [MASKED SENTENCE] and grasp the meaning of the given sentence.
  3. Check the <Requirements> to ensure there are no violations.
  4. Refer to the <Example> and perform a translation that closely aligns with the Positive translation.

Given Context : {context}

Masked Sentence : {target_sentence}