#!/bin/bash # Create the wav directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p wav # Find all .opus files in the opus directory and loop through them find opus/ -name "*.opus" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' opus_file; do # Construct the corresponding .wav file path wav_file=$(echo "$opus_file" | sed 's|opus/|wav/|; s|\.opus$|\.wav|') # Create the subdirectory in wav/ if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$(dirname "$wav_file")" # Convert the .opus file to .wav using ffmpeg, preserving original quality ffmpeg -i "$opus_file" "$wav_file" # Uncomment the line below to resample to 44100 Hz # ffmpeg -i "$opus_file" -ar 44100 "$wav_file" echo "Converted: $opus_file -> $wav_file" done echo "Conversion complete."