--- language: - fi - fr multilingulality: - multilingual task_categories: - translation viewer: false --- > [!NOTE] > Dataset origin: https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7211/ ## Description This is a compilation of parallel corpora resources used in building of Machine Translation engines in NTEU project (Action number: 2018-EU-IA-0051). Data in this resource are compiled in two TMX files, two tiers grouped by data source reliablity. Tier A -- data originating from human edited sources, translation memories and alike. Tier B -- data originating created by automatic aligning parallel data from miscellaneous web and parallel documents sources. The subsequent sections list all the sources contained in this parallel corpus. Tier A: ------- A parallel corpus "EAC-TM" collected for reuse from "Language Technology Resources page of EU Science Hub", https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/language-technologies/eac-translation-memory, licensed under CC-BY-4.0 license license and in accordance with EC Legal Disclaimer https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en. A parallel corpus "DGT-TM" collected for reuse from "Language Technology Resources page of EU Science Hub", https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/language-technologies/dgt-translation-memory. The DGT-TM database is the exclusive property of the European Commission. The Commission cedes its non-exclusive rights free of charge and world-wide for the entire duration of the protection of those rights to the re-user, for all kinds of use which comply with the conditions laid down in the Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the re-use of Commission documents, published in Official Journal of the European Union L330 of 14 December 2011, pages 39 to 42. Any re-use of the database or of the structured elements contained in it is required to be identified by the re-user, who is under an obligation to state the source of the documents used: the website address, the date of the latest update and the fact that the European Commission retains ownership of the data. A parallel corpus "ECDC-TM" as published under a non-standard license, Free reuse with attribution. A parallel corpus "DCEP" as published under a non-standard license, reuse permitted, attribution required. A glossary of terms corpus "IATE Terminology" collected for reuse from "IATE web site", as published under a non-standard license, reuse permitted, attribution required. A parallel corpus "EU Constitution" collected for reuse from "OPUS web site", http://opus.nlpl.eu/EUconst.php as Public domain from OPUS. A parallel corpus "JRC-Acquis" collected for reuse from "OPUS web site", http://opus.nlpl.eu/JRC-Acquis.php as Public domain from OPUS. Tier B: ------- A parallel corpus "OPUS - ECB" as Public domain from OPUS. A parallel corpus "EU-Bookshop" collected for reuse from "OPUS web site", https://opus.nlpl.eu/EUbookshop.php as Public domain from OPUS. A parallel corpus "Europarl v6" collected for reuse from "STATMT web site", https://www.statmt.org/europarl/archives.html#v6 as published as public domain (StatMT: "We are not aware of any copyright restrictions of the material"). A parallel corpus "OPUS - EMEA" collected for reuse from "OPUS web site", https://opus.nlpl.eu/ as published as public domain, no license assigned. Original data originating from "European Medicines Agency", https://www.ema.europa.eu/en. ## Citation ``` Compilation of Finnish-French parallel corpora resources used for training of NTEU Machine Translation engines. (2021). Version unspecified. [Dataset (Text corpus)]. Source: European Language Grid. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7211 ```