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“People have heard of La Specola,” the curator of the Museum of Portuguese Dermatology begins, surveying her kingdom of wax models of various venereal diseases. “But they’ve never heard of us.” I like her confidence. I like how she assumes, even though we’ve just met, that I know what La Specola is. She’s right, of course: the legendary Italian museum is a reference for anyone who’s ever looked into the history of making people out of wax. (The word that accurately describes the practice, however, is the very French “moulage”.) Medical moulages, or models of diseased parts of the human body, were common educational aids in the 19th century. The perfect compromise between anatomical atlases and actual patients, these three-dimensional models were particularly useful to prepare students in the field of dermatology, as many diseases went unnoticed until they manifested (very, very dramatically) on the skin. In order to create a moulage, a doctor would simply apply plaster to the affected part of a patient’s body and wait for it to dry. The hardened mold was then removed and filled with wax. The end result, a three-dimensional copy of the patient’s lesion, could then be painted to look as lifelike as possible. Voilà: a moulage! We’ve since moved on from all that hassle, of course, but moulages are still very much around in medical museums all over Europe. The Museum of Portuguese Dermatology, in Lisbon, is home to a humble 254. The collection occupies a single room in the once-grand Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos. The building itself has seen better days, and I’ve heard there are plans to transfer the hospital elsewhere over the next couple of years. Even the clutter is moving out: up until recently, the basement looked like a medical historian’s wildest dream, but many of its contents have since been relocated to the shiny new Museum of Health just up the street. For now, the moulages remain. I take my time with them, fully examining the craftsmanship and attention to detail expended in each one. The faces strike me as particularly lifelike, the features so natural it’s easy to ignore the circumstances in which they were captured. Just thinking about it ties my mind in knots: I’m looking at someone’s reaction to being covered in plaster in the name of medicine. How did they manage to look this peaceful? (I know I’d be kicking and screaming.) The curator pulls a chair out for me as soon as I’m done touring the collection. She’s an historian, not a doctor, and she immediately apologizes for her inability to tell me more about the lesions on display–but would I like to hear about the long, terrifying reign of syphilis instead? All I know about syphilis is that it is a bacterial infection transmitted mostly be sexual contact, so I sit down. Yes please. I want to know more, and I can’t imagine a better place to do it. The first documented case of syphilis in Portugal dates back to 1496, the curator tells me, but the disease remained a formidable enemy up until the discovery of penicilin in the 20th century. It was during this later period, between the late 1800s and early 1900s, that the city of Lisbon doubled its efforts against the epidemic. In 1897, Tomás de Melo Breyner, a 31-year-old noble turned physician, created the country’s first venereology (i.e. the branch of medicine concerned with venereal diseases, also known as STDs) practice at the now-defunct Hospital do Desterro. A compassionate man, Mello Breyner aimed to provide “the mangy, the pockmarked, and the harlots” with the kind of dignified and effective healthcare they’d been denied up until then. By 1906, he was leading a ward that cared exclusively for female sex workers. (Interestingly, the infirmary ward was named after Mary Magdalene, and the surgical ward after Mary of Egypt: two figures of Catholic iconography associated with prostitution.) But sex workers weren’t the only sufferers of syphilis, of course–Mello Breyner provided ambulatory care to a wide range of patients. People of all ages, genders, and social classes came to be immortalized in his notebooks, as he penned down detailed accounts of their complaints and prescribed a variety of innovative therapies. Under his guidance, the Hospital do Desterro grew into a reference in the field of venereal disease, boasting multiple infirmaries that catered to every ailment imaginable in turn-of-the-century Lisbon. When Mello Breyner died, in 1933, his role as director of the venereology ward was passed on to Luis de Sá Penella–the man who would go on to popularize the practice of moulage in the hospitals of the Portuguese capital. The majority of the 254 wax models that surround us, the curator tells me, were made under Sá Penella’s guidance in the aforementioned Hospital do Desterro, somewhere between the 1930s and 40s; the rest were commissioned right here, in the Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos. (The entire collection of wax models can be seen online. The images are, needless to say, graphic.) Today, at the dawn of the 21st century, Portugal no longer struggles with most of the conditions depicted in this collection. We have inherited this room of (horrifying) wonders, but we cannot, for the most part, imagine what it must have been like to live as patients lived. What a privilege that is, I tell the curator, and she nods gravely along. We part ways a couple of hours later, once we’ve spent the better part of the afternoon recounting the history of Lisbon through the lens of venereal disease. I know, even before I’ve fully left the Museum of Portuguese Dermatology, that I’ll be replaying this conversation in my head for years to come. I’ll be climbing Avenida da Liberdade in a few weeks or months, flanked by glossy haute couture shopfronts, and I’ll be thinking of how, just up the hill from here, the city’s hospitals used to be up in arms against an invisible foe that compromised and conquered every body it touched. History is not all about men in uniforms declaring war on other men in different uniforms, turns out. Sometimes, it’s also about men in white coats declaring war on seemingly unbeatable ailments. It’s very, very rarely about the people whose bodies bear the brunt of said ailments, but places like the Museum of Portuguese Dermatology could help us change that. Here, at least, we can put a face to the anonymity that came with being a patient in the many hospital wards of early 20th century Lisbon. The Museum of Portuguese Dermatology may be visited, every wednesday afternoon (information subject to change, confirm here), just off the cloisters in the Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos. (Get your comfortable shoes on if you’re coming from Avenida da Liberdade: it’s quite a climb.)
An expert panel of the National Research Council were tasked with planning space exploration in the next decade and prioritizing future planetary missions. After interviews with the world’s top planetary scientists, the panel produced The Planetary Science Decadal Survey The survey concluded that exploring icy planets, lunar oceans and martian soil should rank high on NASA’s to-do list. Steven Squyres of Cornell University, the panel’s chair, recently detailed the report in an interview with PBS NewsHour Science Correspondent Miles O’Brien. “Are we alone? How does life first arise? … What we need [to answer those questions] is rocks that we can put in our laboratories … that we have chosen for the maximum potential of preserving evidence of ancient Martian life.” –Steven Squyers
This article is in collaboration with Homeschool Complete. Homeschool Complete – Everything you need to teach your K-4th grade student in one place! A full-year-long program that includes Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, Physical Development, Fitness, Character Development, and Bible, all centered around thematic units. Homeschool Complete is an easy-to-use curriculum, available for grades K-4 in physical format, in bundles with manipulatives, or as a downloadable PDF. It comes with a comprehensive Teacher Edition that contains detailed, step-by-step instructions and lesson plans for a full year of teaching. The Student Workbook contains all the student workbook pages in one place. Subject areas and content lists let you see exactly what you will be covering. The year is broken down into thematic units. The lesson plan format helps you create an effective learning routine by incorporating a daily opening, language arts, math, Bible and special subjects. The Teacher Guide offers practical tips for planning, organization/scheduling and even setting up your school area. Each lesson is clearly outlined, step-by-step with many student workbook pages included. The Appendix offers an extensive collection of extra printables, games, rubrics, and more. This program incorporates quality children’s literature and books to help instill a love of learning in your child. By using a variety of low-cost supplies, all listed on handy supply lists, you can have everything you need readily available for your day. Homeschool Complete seeks to appeal to all your learners with a full variety of activities for each learning style – seeing, hearing and doing. The completed workbook pages make a great record of your learning adventures. In addition to the Complete programs, they offer a variety of Unit Studies. These Unit Studies follow the same structure as the Complete programs by integrating all subjects around an interesting theme, but they only take 1-3 weeks to complete. The Unit Studies come in 2 levels – K-2nd and 3rd-6th. Each level offers a variety of Unit Studies to choose from including; seasons, sports, history, animals, and more. Find Homeschool Complete on Social Media: A BIG thank you to Renita Bentz at Mom of Many for this introductory article.
During this pandemic, we all have struggled with our emotional, mental, physical health and many have suffered because of the massive shift this pandemic has brought into our lives. On one hand, there are people who are still struggling to accept all these changes whereas on the other hand there are people who have used this time period for bringing a positive transformation in society. They have used this period to bring positivity and happiness to others’ lives by starting mental health awareness initiatives, providing the needy with the basic necessities, helping the underprivileged with all the means they can collect. These people aren’t any different from common people but what actually makes them different is their attitude of gratitude and an urge to serve other people. People who have the attitude of showing gratitude towards the smallest things have been able to enjoy even the toughest phases of life and blossom like beautiful flowers. Let’s explore how an attitude of gratitude can help you and other people around you. 1. You are Alive “If you only say one prayer in a day, make it Thank you.” – Rumi This is really important for all of us to end our day by saying thank you for everything we came across today. The moment you say thank you, you appreciate each and everything this day gifted you with. There would be many who couldn’t make it to their homes, lost their lives and their near and dear ones and because of n number of reasons, they couldn’t survive this day. If you survived and have everything you need for living a happy and content life, then I think saying a “Thank you to the almighty” should come naturally to your mind. 2. Your Health “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” – Buddha This quote by Buddha explains the importance of gratitude very gracefully. We, humans, have the tendency to stick to bad things that we face and keep cribbing for the coming days. And in those moments, unintentionally we create an energy of lack and shortage in our lives. Buddha has very well explained that even if you have to face the worst setbacks in a day but at the end of the day if you look closely, you must have something to be grateful for. 3. Learning from the Past “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beatie There would hardly be any individual who doesn’t feel bad after looking at his past decisions and choices but practicing gratitude actually brings peace in individuals that whatever the past was, it was for a reason and it taught him many life lessons. This way having gratitude can make things clearer and brings acceptance for uncontrollable dimensions of one’s life. When an individual has accepted the past completely and have contentment in the present, he can set a bigger and better vision for the future. 4. You have Food, Water and Roof to Stay “Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” – Hansa proverb There are people who don’t feel grateful for the fulfillment of their basic needs and then there are people who struggle for the basic needs all their lifetime. We human beings don’t appreciate things until they become a dream or luxury for us. But the key to abundance and satisfaction is to be thankful for your food, clothes, house, job, and other necessities which are still a dream for many. If we show gratitude for the basic things, we attract bigger things in life. 5. You Passed the Harder Time “Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.” – Steve Maraboli This pandemic tested the people at one or the other level. People struggled in bringing a balance in their work-life and personal life. When such struggle is at the peak, gratitude can act as a savior for many. We just need to sit and maintain our sanity and look for the reasons to continue the daily battle. There are people who lost their loved ones, their jobs in pandemic time, their financial condition was meager. Such difficult situations are hard to deal with and it takes an emotional toll on the people. We all have to face struggles/obstacles but the attitude of gratitude makes the struggling process a little easier and always shows a path to move ahead in life. 6. Your People “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.” – Oprah Winfrey When it comes to being grateful, it is very important that you are surrounded by people who can support you with their grateful mindset. On seeing and observing people of both mindsets, it is quite evident that grateful have a different kind of contentment and acceptance towards the things which are uncontrollable. Such people give us the motivation to be grateful souls not just for our own benefit but for a grateful and happy society. The emotion of gratitude has many benefits not just psychologically but physically as well. There are a good number of researches showing the positive impact of being thankful on one’s stress coping mechanism and sleep quality. You can reap all the health benefits of being grateful simply by saying THANK YOU for even the smallest of blessings. Share the words with your loved ones to bring positivity around you. Contributed by : MONICA A Ph.D. student, strong believer of compassion, kindness, love, and of all those qualities through which this world can be made a better place. Also, I am a big admirer of soulful Sufi music, nature and its beautiful unaltered creations, and my tranquil solitude.
Can the Aging Process be Delayed by Glutathione? In the quest for healthy aging, one compound has been gaining significant attention in recent years - glutathione. This remarkable antioxidant is not just another buzzword; it plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and slowing down the aging process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of glutathione and its remarkable effects on aging. Understanding Glutathione: Nature's Master Antioxidant Before we explore its impact on aging, let's understand what glutathione is. Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. This powerhouse antioxidant is naturally produced in our bodies and is found in every cell, playing a vital role in maintaining cellular health. The Role of Glutathione in Cellular Health - Detoxification: Glutathione is the body's primary detoxifier. It binds to toxins, heavy metals, and free radicals, neutralizing their harmful effects and facilitating their removal from the body. - Antioxidant Defense: Glutathione acts as the body's first line of defense against oxidative stress. It helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, preventing premature aging. - Immune Support: A robust immune system is essential for overall health. Glutathione enhances the immune response by promoting the production of immune cells and aiding their function. Glutathione and Aging: The Connection As we age, the natural production of glutathione in our bodies begins to decline. This decline has far-reaching consequences on our health and plays a significant role in the aging process. Let's explore how glutathione influences aging and how we can harness its benefits. Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Health One of the most visible signs of aging is the formation of wrinkles and the loss of skin elasticity. Glutathione, with its potent antioxidant properties, helps combat oxidative stress in the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a youthful glow. Cellular Energy and Vitality As we age, our energy levels often take a hit, and we may experience fatigue and decreased vitality. Glutathione supports mitochondrial function, the powerhouse of our cells, ensuring they produce energy efficiently. This can lead to increased vitality and a more youthful feeling. Cognitive Function and Brain Health Cognitive decline is a common concern as we age. Glutathione helps protect brain cells from oxidative damage, potentially slowing down cognitive decline and promoting better brain health. Boosting Glutathione Levels Now that we understand the critical role of glutathione in aging, the next question is how we can boost our glutathione levels naturally. Here are some effective strategies: Eating a diet rich in sulfur-containing foods like garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables can provide the building blocks for glutathione production. Additionally, consuming foods high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can further support its synthesis. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Supplements NAC is a supplement that provides cysteine, a key component of glutathione. Taking NAC supplements can help replenish glutathione levels in the body, and we find this so important that we created our own NAC supplement, called NAC+. Engaging in regular physical activity stimulates the production of glutathione and enhances its antioxidant effects. Adequate sleep is essential for overall health and plays a role in glutathione production. Prioritize good sleep hygiene for optimal glutathione levels. The Bottom Line Glutathione is indeed a remarkable compound with profound effects on aging and overall health. Its role as a master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune supporter makes it a valuable asset in the quest for youthful vitality. By incorporating the strategies mentioned above, you can naturally boost your glutathione levels and potentially slow down the aging process. Remember, while glutathione can play a significant role in promoting healthy aging, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your lifestyle or supplement regimen.
When performing FFT analysis, typical window functions are exactly as long as the FFT length: We generally want a window function to have a narrow peak in the spectrum, and small side-lobes, but this time-domain limitation means our goals are always compromised: When we multiply our input by this window, the spectrum of that input gets convolved by this window - so a perfect sine peak gets smudged into a shape which matches our Hann spectrum above: The FFT doesn't compute these smooth curves - it produces the values at each (integer) bin. This means that a certain amount of spreading out the peak is useful, otherwise we could miss it completely unless it landed exactly on a bin. But you can see that the peak is much wider than a single bin, and we also have those side-lobes which produce a long tail of inconvenient values in other bins. Choosing the right window function is always a compromise, and to make a good choice you should understand what properties are most important for your situation. If our window is longer than a single FFT length, we can achieve better results. Here we have Our windows are now 12 FFT time-periods long, but this lets them have tight peaks and a quicker roll-off compared to our previous windows: Let's look at those with linear amplitude (instead of dB), and zoom in a bit on the x-axis: The spectra of these windows approximate a rectangular shape between ±0.5, and a triangular shape between ±1. This approximation gets better as we use wider versions of these windows. If you consider how these windows would smudge the peaks of our spectrum, this means that a pure sine-wave peak would appear in exactly one bin (for BH-sinc) or distributed between the two nearest bins (for BH-sinc2). That's pretty neat! 🙂 How to use multi-period windows The FFT expects input of a particular length, so to actually use these, we first multiply by the window, and then wrap the input around into a single FFT-length block: This wrap-around-and-sum method works because the FFT assumes a periodic signal. Or (phrased a different way), it only calculates values for frequencies which are integer multiples of the FFT length, so you can fold all the segments together to get the same result. The most obvious drawback is that the window extends past You also have to think a bit more carefully before using these windows for anything except analysis (e.g. STFT/frequency-domain processing), because the normal requirements such as the WOLA condition are no longer sufficient. The opposite of zero-padding Here's an alternative perspective on what we're doing. When performing spectral analysis (e.g. for display or peak-finding), we often want to find peaks in between the bins, and an easy way to do this is add a bunch of zeros to the input, thereby taking a longer FFT for the same input: If we extended our input infinitely in each direction, we would get a continuous spectrum. One way to understand zero-padding is sampling the "true" (continuous) spectrum more often. We can view what we're doing here (with the extra-wide windows) as the opposite of zero-padding: sampling the continuous spectrum less often. This means we're dropping information, because we have fewer bins. But when our window's central peak is several bins wide, that's fine - if we squished our extra-wide windows back into the So: FFT length and window length don't have to be linked, and if the window is longer, we wrap/sum the input back into the shorter FFT size. This might not be useful on its own yet 🤷 - I mostly wrote this because this way of thinking about window functions lays the groundwork for some fun stuff later, including:
14Results for "September 17, 1810" The Witherspoon-Jackson Community The Witherspoon-Jackson community, centered around Witherspoon Street, comprised the heart of Princeton’s African-American community during the 19th century. Princeton in the West Indies Under the leadership of President Witherspoon, the College of New Jersey launched an ill-fated campaign to secure donations from slaveholding planter elites in the West Indies. Princeton's Slaveholding Presidents Princeton’s first nine presidents all owned enslaved people at some point in their lives. Though widely considered to be forward-thinking religious, intellectual, and political leaders in the 18th and 19th centuries, they failed to align their practices with their ideals—embodying the tensions between liberty and slavery that characterized American life from the colonial period to the Civil War. Princeton and Slavery: Holding the Center Princeton University, founded as the College of New Jersey in 1746, exemplifies the central paradox of American history. From the start, liberty and slavery were intertwined. Princeton’s Fugitive Slaves Princeton residents published at least 28 newspaper advertisements for runaway slaves between 1774 and 1818. Each tells a unique story of courage and resistance in the face of tremendous odds. Newspaper advertisement for a runaway slave
Independent Christian patriarchate in Ethiopia. Traditionally thought to have been founded by the preaching of the apostle Matthew or the eunuch of the Acts of the Apostles, the church was established in the 4th century by St. Frumentius and his brother Aedesius. Based in Addis Ababa, the church adheres to Monophysite doctrine (see Monophysite heresy ). It accepts the honorary primacy of the Coptic patriarch of Alexandria, who appointed its archbishop s from the 12th century until 1959, when an autonomous Ethiopian patriarchate was established. Its customs include circumcision, rigorous fasting, and the participation of laypersons known as debtera , who perform liturgical music and dances and act as astrologers, scribes, and fortune-tellers. Its principal adherents are the Amhara and Tigray peoples of the northern and central highlands. See also Coptic Orthodox church .
Health Benefits of Vaping Are you tired of conventional smoking taking a toll on your health? Imagine this: you're at a social gathering, surrounded by friends, when someone lights up a cigarette. The overpowering smell fills the air, leaving you with a hacking cough and a sense of discomfort. It's a scenario many of us can relate to, but what if there was a better, healthier alternative? That's where vaping comes in. In this blog, we'll discuss the health benefits of vaping and its positive impact/s on the environment. If you're someone who wants to kick the smoking habit but can't imagine life without that satisfying inhale, this blog is for you. We'll explore how vaping can reduce harmful chemicals, minimise exposure to tar, and offer a more customisable experience to suit your needs. Why vaping is healthier than your average cigarette? 1. Vaping offers a healthier alternative to conventional smoking by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and minimising the risk of tar buildup in the lungs. 2. Vaping allows for a more customisable experience, allowing users to choose from a variety of flavours and nicotine levels to suit their preferences. 3. Switching to vaping can have a positive impact on the environment, as it eliminates the production of cigarette butts and reduces air pollution caused by traditional smoking. 💡 Key Takeaway: While vaping may have its benefits, it's important to acknowledge that research is still ongoing to fully understand the long-term effects, and it's crucial to use reputable and regulated products. What is vaping? Vaping refers to the inhalation and exhalation of aerosol produced by an electronic device called an e-cigarette or vape. This device heats a liquid solution, commonly known as e-juice or vape juice, which typically contains nicotine, flavourings, and other chemicals. The heated liquid is then transformed into vapour, which is inhaled by the user. How does Vaping work? Vaping devices consist of a battery, heating element, and a cartridge or tank to hold the e-juice. When the user activates the device, the battery heats up the heating element, which then evaporates the e-juice. The user inhales this vapour, delivering the desired nicotine or flavorings. Is Vaping safer than Smoking? One of the key reasons why people turn to vaping as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes is the belief that it is a safer option. While research is ongoing, numerous studies have shown that vaping is indeed less harmful than smoking. According to a report by Public Health England, vaping is approximately 95% less harmful than smoking. This is because vaping eliminates the combustion process present in traditional cigarettes, which releases toxic chemicals and carcinogens. Why is Vaping healthier than Smoking? Vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking in recent years. Not only does it provide a satisfying experience for smokers, but it also offers several potential health benefits when compared to smoking. In this section, we will explore the health benefits of vaping and discuss its positive environmental impact. Let's dive in! 1. Reduced Harmful Chemicals: One of the main advantages of vaping is that it significantly reduces the exposure to harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. Unlike traditional smoking, which involves the combustion of tobacco, vaping heats e-liquids to produce inhalable vapour. This process eliminates the combustion of tobacco and the associated harmful byproducts, such as tar and carbon monoxide. As a result, vapers are exposed to fewer toxic chemicals and have a lower risk of developing smoking-related diseases. Vaping does not produce tar, which is known to cause lung damage and increase the risk of respiratory diseases. Studies have shown that vaping significantly reduces the levels of harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acrolein, when compared to smoking. By switching to vaping, smokers can experience improvements in lung function and respiratory symptoms. 2. Nicotine Control and Smoking Cessation: Another benefit of vaping is the ability to control nicotine intake. E-liquids used in vaping devices come in various nicotine strengths, allowing individuals to choose the level that suits their needs. This flexibility can be beneficial for smokers looking to quit or reduce their nicotine dependence. Many vapers gradually decrease their nicotine strength over time, helping them wean off the addictive substance. Vaping provides a similar hand-to-mouth action and sensation to smoking, making it easier to transition away from traditional cigarettes. Several studies suggest that vaping can be an effective tool for smoking cessation, with higher success rates compared to other methods like nicotine replacement therapy. 3. Improved Sense of Taste and Smell: Smoking can dull the senses of taste and smell over time. However, when smokers switch to vaping, they often report a significant improvement in these senses. Vaping does not produce the lingering smell that is associated with traditional smoking, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of tastes and smells. The absence of tobacco smoke in vaping allows the taste buds and olfactory senses to recover, leading to a heightened sensory experience. Many former smokers have reported that they could appreciate flavours and appreciate food more after switching to vaping. Health Benefits of Vaping: Reduction in Harmful Chemicals: Unlike smoking, which involves the combustion of tobacco and the inhalation of harmful chemicals, vaping does not produce smoke. Instead, it produces vapour that contains significantly fewer harmful chemicals and toxicants. While not entirely risk-free, vaping is generally considered to be a less harmful option due to the elimination of many carcinogens present in traditional cigarettes. Control Over Nicotine Intake: Vaping allows users to have better control over their nicotine intake. E-juices come in various nicotine strengths, allowing users to gradually reduce their nicotine consumption or opt for nicotine-free options. This makes it a useful tool for those who wish to quit smoking or reduce their nicotine dependence. Improved Respiratory Function: Many former smokers who switch to vaping report experiencing improvements in their respiratory function. This is because vaping doesn't expose the lungs to the harmful smoke generated by traditional cigarettes. Without the damaging effects of smoke and combustion, vaping may help alleviate symptoms associated with respiratory issues caused by smoking. Variety of Flavours: Another benefit of vaping is the wide range of flavours to choose from including: How is Vaping less harmful than Smoking? One of the key reasons why vaping has gained popularity as an alternative to smoking is its potential to be less harmful to your health. Here we delve into the compelling evidence that supports this claim. Reduced exposure to toxic chemicals: When compared to traditional cigarettes, vaping significantly reduces exposure to toxic chemicals. Cigarettes contain thousands of harmful substances, including tar, carbon monoxide, and various carcinogens. In contrast, the vapour produced by e-cigarettes contains fewer toxic chemicals and lower levels of harmful substances. A study published in the Journal of Aerosol Sciences found that the levels of harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, were significantly lower in e-cigarette vapour compared to cigarette smoke. Elimination of combustion: Unlike smoking, which involves burning tobacco and inhaling the resulting smoke, vaping eliminates the combustion process altogether. Combustion produces harmful byproducts and releases toxic substances into the air. With vaping, e-cigarettes heat e-liquids to a point where they evaporate, generating an aerosol that can be inhaled. Since there is no combustion, the harmful byproducts associated with smoking are not present in vaping. Fewer toxins entering the body: Studies have shown that vaping exposes users to fewer toxins than smoking. Research published in the journal Tobacco Control found that the levels of toxicants in e-cigarette aerosol were significantly lower compared to those in cigarette smoke. This suggests that vaping has the potential to reduce the risk of developing smoking-related illnesses. However, it is important to note that while vaping may be less harmful than smoking, it is not entirely risk-free. Tobacco Cessation (most commonly known as quitting smoking), is the process of discontnuing tobacco smoking. According to numerous studies and testimonials, one of the significant health benefits of vaping is its potential as a tobacco cessation tool. Vaping provides an alternative to traditional smoking methods and has been found to be helpful for individuals who are looking to quit smoking. Here are some key points to consider: Nicotine Replacement: Vaping devices allow individuals to control their nicotine intake. Gradually reducing nicotine levels in e-liquids can help smokers wean off tobacco and reduce cravings. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that e-cigarettes were more effective than traditional nicotine replacement therapies in helping smokers quit. Harm Reduction: Vaping eliminates the combustion process involved in traditional smoking, reducing exposure to harmful toxins and chemicals found in cigarettes. Many former smokers have reported improvement in their respiratory function and overall well-being after switching to vaping. Psychological Assistance: One reason why vaping can be an effective tool for tobacco cessation is its ability to address the behavioural and psychological aspects of smoking addiction. Vaping mimics the satisfaction and hand-to-mouth motion associated with smoking, helping individuals combat the habit effectively. Support Groups and Resources: The vaping community offers a supportive environment for those looking to quit smoking. Online forums, social media groups, and local vape shops provide a platform for individuals to share experiences, seek guidance, and find resources to aid in their tobacco cessation journey. Experts and healthcare professionals emphasise the importance of consulting with a physician or tobacco cessation specialist when considering vaping as a way to quit smoking. They can provide personalised advice and support, helping individuals make informed decisions based on their specific needs. 💡 Key Takeaway: Vaping has shown promise as a tobacco cessation tool, providing smokers with an alternative to traditional cigarettes. With careful nicotine level management, harm reduction, and support from the vaping community, individuals can increase their chances of successfully quitting smoking. Respiratory Health Benefits: Vaping, when compared to traditional smoking, offers several respiratory health benefits. Switching from cigarettes to vaping can have a positive impact on your respiratory system. Here are five key benefits: Reduced Toxins and Chemicals: Traditional cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals, including tar and carbon monoxide, which can damage your cardiovascular system. Vaping, on the other hand, involves heating e-liquids that typically consist of nicotine, propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin. Research suggests that vaping reduces exposure to harmful chemicals found in combustible cigarettes, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Decreased Risk of Respiratory Infections: Smoking cigarettes weakens the immune system and increases the risk of respiratory infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia. Vaping, on the other hand, does not have the same impact on the immune system. While long-term effects of vaping are still being studied, it is generally believed to be a safer alternative that can help decrease the risk of respiratory infections associated with smoking. Improved Lung Function: One study published in the Journal of Aerosol Sciences found that smokers who switched to vaping experienced significant improvements in lung function within a month. Participants showed increased lung capacity and decreased inflammation. This improvement in lung function can lead to easier breathing and better overall respiratory health. Reduced Coughing and Wheezing: Vaping has been reported to reduce coughing and wheezing in individuals who switch from smoking. The irritants present in cigarette smoke can irritate the throat and lungs, leading to persistent coughing and wheezing. By eliminating these irritants and inhaling vapour instead, vapers often experience relief from these respiratory symptoms. Cleaner Indoor Air Quality: Since vaping does not produce smoke, it has a minimal impact on indoor air quality compared to smoking. Traditional smoking releases harmful particles and chemicals into the air, affecting not only the smoker but also those around them. By choosing to vape instead of smoke, you can contribute to cleaner indoor environments, promoting better respiratory health for everyone. 💡 Key Takeaway: Switching from smoking to vaping can offer several respiratory health benefits, including reduced exposure to toxins and chemicals, decreased risk of respiratory infections, improved lung function, reduced coughing and wheezing, and cleaner indoor air quality. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Vaping has gained popularity as a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking, and one of its notable benefits is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. Here's how vaping can contribute to improved heart health: Decreased Oxidative Stress: Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, leading to inflammation and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Studies suggest that vaping may reduce oxidative stress compared to smoking. By replacing traditional smoking with vaping, individuals may experience a reduction in oxidative stress, potentially benefiting their cardiovascular health. Improvement in Circulation: Smoking traditional cigarettes can negatively impact blood circulation due to the constriction of blood vessels. This constriction can lead to reduced oxygen supply to vital organs, including the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Vaping, which does not involve combustion, may lead to improved blood circulation as it reduces the exposure to harmful substances that constrict blood vessels. Lowered Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that vaping can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. Having elevated heart rate and blood pressure for prolonged periods can put strain on the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. By opting for vaping instead of smoking, individuals may experience improvements in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting better cardiovascular health. When discussing the health benefits of vaping, it is important not to overlook the environmental impact of this alternative to traditional smoking. Vaping has gained popularity not only for its potential health advantages but also for its reduced carbon footprint and waste production. Reduced Air Pollution: Traditional tobacco smoking emits harmful chemicals and toxins into the air, contributing to air pollution and negatively impacting the environment. Vaping, however, does not involve combustion and does not produce smoke. This means that vaping releases fewer harmful substances into the air, making it a more environmentally friendly option. One of the most visible environmental consequences of traditional smoking is the littering of cigarette butts. These non-biodegradable filters can take many years to decompose and pose a threat to wildlife when discarded in natural habitats. Vaping eliminates the need for cigarette filters, greatly reducing litter and its detrimental effects on the environment. Conservation of Resources: Vaping devices and e-liquids can be reused and refilled, minimising the need for constant disposal and reducing resource consumption. In contrast, traditional cigarettes are single-use items that require frequent production and disposal, placing a strain on natural resources and contributing to waste accumulation. Many vaping devices and e-liquids are manufactured with the intention of being more environmentally friendly. Companies focus on sustainable production methods, using recyclable materials and minimising waste in their manufacturing processes. This commitment to sustainability helps to reduce the overall environmental impact of vaping. 💡 Key takeaway: Vaping not only offers potential health benefits but also has a positive environmental impact. It reduces air pollution, decreases littering, conserves resources, and promotes sustainable manufacturing practices. Vaping regulations and safety! One of the important aspects to consider when discussing the health benefits of vaping is understanding the regulations and safety measures associated with it. Vaping has gained popularity in recent years, prompting governments and health organisations to establish guidelines to ensure the safety of both users and the general public. In this section, we will explore the vaping regulations and safety measures that should be followed for a responsible and informed vaping experience. Understanding Vaping Regulations: Regulations for vaping products may vary depending on the country or region. It is crucial to familiarise yourself with the specific rules and regulations in your area to ensure compliance. Look for reputable sources such as government health websites, industry associations, or expert-backed publications to stay updated on the latest regulations and any changes that may occur over time. These regulations often focus on aspects such as age restrictions, product labeling, manufacturing guidelines, and marketing restrictions to protect consumers and ensure product safety. Many countries have implemented age restrictions on vaping to prevent underage individuals from accessing these products. These age limits may vary, but it is generally advised that vaping is only suitable for individuals who are of legal smoking age in their jurisdiction. Following age restrictions helps to minimise the risks associated with vaping, as these products may contain nicotine and other potentially harmful substances. Product Safety Standards: Manufacturers are encouraged to adhere to specific safety standards when producing vaping devices and e-liquids. Look for products that meet recognised safety certifications, such as CE or UL, as these indicate that certain safety criteria have been met during the manufacturing process. Additionally, consider the reputation of the brand and read reviews from reliable sources to ensure you are using products that have a track record of safety and quality. Proper Usage and Maintenance: To ensure your vaping experience remains safe and enjoyable, it is essential to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Maintain your vaping device by regularly cleaning and inspecting it for any damage. Replace worn-out parts or batteries according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Proper usage also includes using the correct e-liquids and maintaining a healthy hygiene routine, such as washing hands before handling the device or e-liquids. By following vaping regulations and implementing safety measures, vapers can minimise potential risks and enjoy a responsible vaping experience. It is evident that vaping offers several health benefits that make it a favourable alternative to traditional smoking. By switching to vaping, individuals can experience improvements in their overall well-being, reduced exposure to harmful chemicals, and a decreased risk of certain health conditions. 1. Reduced Harmful Chemicals: Vaping eliminates many of the toxic chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, such as tar and carbon monoxide. As a result, vapers can experience a significant reduction in the risk of respiratory issues and lung diseases. 2. Fewer Respiratory Problems: Vaping does not involve combustion, which means that users can avoid inhaling smoke and the associated harmful substances. This can lead to improved respiratory function, reduced coughing, wheezing, and overall better lung health. 3. Nicotine Control: Vaping allows users to have better control over their nicotine intake. With e-cigarettes, individuals can choose from a variety of nicotine strengths or even opt for nicotine-free options. This can be particularly beneficial for those who are trying to quit smoking but still want the sensation of smoking. 4. Improved Taste and Smell: Unlike traditional smoking, vaping does not produce a strong, lingering odour. Vapers often report an enhanced sense of taste and smell, as they are not constantly exposed to the unpleasant smell of smoke. 5. Lower Risk of Fire Hazards: Traditional cigarettes pose a significant fire hazard, but vaping eliminates this risk. E-cigarettes do not require an open flame, reducing the chances of accidental fires caused by dropped cigarettes or improperly discarded ash. If the cigarette hasn't been discarded properly, it could lead to extreme fires. Vaping is becoming more popular every day, and for good reasons. Not only is it a great way to quit smoking, but it also has a number of health benefits. One of the most important health benefits of vaping is the fact that it can help you quit smoking. It is estimated that vaping can help you quit smoking more quickly than any other method. Another health benefit of vaping is the fact that it is a healthier alternative to smoking. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, tar and other chemicals which are harmful to your health.Vaping also has a lower environmental impact than smoking. cigarettes take up to 20 years to decompose, while vapes break down within a few weeks. So if you're looking for a more healthy and environmentally friendly way to nicotine, vaping is definitely the way to go. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): What is nicotine? Nicotine is a stimulant found in tobacco products that helps smokers to feel an increased sense of pleasure. What are the health benefits of vaping? There are many health benefits to vaping, including reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Vaping also has a positive environmental impact, as it does not produce the same amount of harmful emissions as smoking. What is propylene glycol? Propylene glycol (also known as PG) is a common food additive used in many products, including candies, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It’s also used as a solvent in many e-cigarettes, and is one of the main ingredients in vape juice. What are the health effects of vaping? Some health concerns associated with vaping include: • E-cigarettes can contain harmful chemicals, including nicotine, which can be addictive and increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. • Vaping can also increase your exposure to secondhand smoke, which is harmful to your health. • Vaping can also increase your exposure to environmental toxins, including heavy metals and chemicals. What are the health benefits of e-juice? There are many health benefits to vaping, including reducing harm from smoking, aiding weight loss, and helping to quit smoking. E-juice is made up of different ingredients, some of which may have health benefits. Nicotine is the addictive chemical in cigarettes and is also found in e-cigarettes. In fact, some people use e-cigarettes to quit smoking tobacco entirely. Nicotine is responsible for the addictive properties of both tobacco and e-cigarettes. However, while nicotine is harmful in itself, some of the other ingredients in e-juice can also be harmful. For example, propylene glycol is a common ingredient in e-juice and has been linked to lung cancer in humans. The more you buy the cheaper it gets! Try and see for yourself... 100% Original Product Genuine imported product 100% Secure Payment Highest grade security 100% Purchase Protection We also Wholesale B2B customers enquiry available
Have you ever wondered if your bearded dragon can munch on cucumber? As a pet owner, it’s natural to want to share healthy snacks with your scaly friend. But not all foods are safe or beneficial for them. - Cucumber is Safe in Moderation: Bearded dragons can eat cucumber, but it should be offered sparingly due to its low nutritional value and high water content. - Balanced Diet is Crucial: Young dragons need more protein, while adults can have a more plant-based diet. Essential nutrients should come from insects, dark leafy greens, and safe vegetables. - Preparation Matters: Always wash, peel, and cut cucumbers into small pieces before feeding to prevent choking hazards and improve digestibility. - Monitor for Health Issues: Introduce cucumber gradually and watch for any digestive upset. Excessive cucumber can lead to runny stools. - Explore Alternatives: Other nutritious options like collard greens, bell peppers, and safe fruits (e.g., blueberries, strawberries) should also be included in their diet for variety and health. Understanding Bearded Dragons’ Diet Bearded dragons require a balanced diet to thrive. Understanding their nutritional needs helps you choose safe and beneficial foods, including snacks like cucumber. Nutritional Needs of Bearded Dragons Bearded dragons thrive on a diet consisting of insects, vegetables, and occasional fruits. - Protein Sources: Young bearded dragons require more protein, primarily from insects like crickets, mealworms, and roaches. Adults can shift to a higher plant-based diet. - Vegetables: Dark leafy greens, such as collard greens and dandelion greens, provide essential nutrients. - Fruits: Fruits should be limited due to higher sugar content but can include small amounts of berries and melons. - Calcium and Vitamins: Supplementing with calcium powder and vitamins is vital for preventing metabolic bone disease. Safe Foods for Bearded Dragons Choosing safe foods ensures your bearded dragon stays healthy. - Leafy Greens: Offer greens daily, such as kale or mustard greens. - Non-Citrus Fruits: Serve fruits like strawberries or bananas sparingly as treats. - Vegetables: Include safe veggies like bell peppers and squash occasionally. - Avoid Harmful Foods: Never feed your bearded dragon avocados, onions, or high-oxalate greens like spinach. Cucumber, while not toxic, should be offered in moderation due to its high water content and low nutritional value. Always ensure fresh, clean food is provided for optimal health. Can Bearded Dragon Have Cucumber? Yes, bearded dragons can eat cucumber. However, moderation is key to keeping your pet healthy. Nutritional Value of Cucumber Cucumber offers minimal nutritional benefits for bearded dragons. It contains about 95% water, making it a hydrating snack. However, it has low levels of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. The small amounts of fiber present can aid digestion. Despite being a safe option, it shouldn’t replace more nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens and insects. Risks of Feeding Cucumber to Bearded Dragons Feeding cucumber excessively can lead to issues. Cucumber’s high water content might cause runny stools if given too often. Additionally, large pieces can pose a choking hazard. Always cut cucumber into small, manageable bites to prevent this risk. Monitor your dragon’s reactions when you introduce cucumber, ensuring no digestive upset occurs. Overall, treat cucumber as an occasional treat rather than a staple food. Best Practices for Feeding Cucumber Feeding cucumber to your bearded dragon can be done effectively with some guidelines. Follow these best practices to ensure your pet enjoys cucumber safely. Recommended Serving Sizes Limit cucumber to small amounts. Offer 1-2 small slices, about the size of your dragon’s eye, once a week. This approach helps maintain a balanced diet without overwhelming their digestive system. Always consider your dragon’s specific needs and monitor their intake of other vegetable and protein sources. Preparation Tips for Cucumber Prepare cucumber properly to maximize safety and enjoyment. Follow these steps: - Wash Thoroughly: Clean the cucumber under running water to remove pesticides or dirt. - Peel Off Skin: Peeling the cucumber may reduce potential irritation and makes it easier to digest. - Cut into Small Pieces: Chop the cucumber into tiny, manageable bites to prevent choking hazards. - Remove Seeds: Check for seeds, as they can pose digestive issues. Cut around them if necessary. By taking these preparation steps, you create a safe and enjoyable experience for your bearded dragon while introducing them to cucumber as a fun treat. Alternatives to Cucumber Bearded dragons can enjoy a variety of other foods besides cucumber. Offering different options can ensure your pet gets a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Other Safe Vegetables Include these vegetables in your bearded dragon’s diet: - Collard Greens: High in calcium, collard greens promote healthy bone growth. Chop them into small pieces for easy eating. - Mustard Greens: Another excellent source of calcium, mustard greens provide essential nutrients and can be served raw. - Turnip Greens: These leafy greens are nutrient-dense and can be offered regularly. They also aid in digestion. - Bell Peppers: Rich in vitamins A and C, bell peppers add color and taste. Remove the seeds and slice them into bite-sized pieces. - Squash: Zucchini and yellow squash contain vitamins and hydration. Peel and chop into small bits for safety. Fruits Suitable for Bearded Dragons Use these fruits in moderation as occasional treats: - Blueberries: High in antioxidants, blueberries can be a tasty snack. Limit serving to a few berries to avoid excess sugar. - Strawberries: These sweet fruits offer vitamin C but should be chopped and served in small quantities. - Mango: A favorite among many dragons, mango provides vitamins A and C. Serve small, diced pieces without the skin. - Papaya: This fruit aids digestion due to its enzymes. Offer thin slices for variety but control the amount. - Peaches: Fresh peaches, when offered without the pit, provide hydration and vitamins. Cut them into manageable pieces. Incorporating these vegetables and fruits can keep your bearded dragon healthy and engaged with its diet. Always wash produce thoroughly and monitor for any adverse reactions when introducing new foods. Offering cucumber to your bearded dragon can be a fun way to keep their diet interesting. Just remember to do it in moderation and focus on providing a variety of other nutritious foods. By following the guidelines for preparation and serving size you can safely introduce cucumber as an occasional treat. Keep an eye on your dragon’s reactions to new foods to ensure they stay happy and healthy. With a balanced diet and the right care you’ll help your bearded dragon thrive. Frequently Asked Questions Can bearded dragons eat cucumber? Yes, bearded dragons can eat cucumber, but it should be fed in moderation. Cucumber is mostly water and has minimal nutritional value, so it should not replace more nutrient-rich foods in their diet. How often can I feed my bearded dragon cucumber? It’s best to offer cucumber as an occasional treat, around once a week. Limit the serving size to 1-2 small slices to ensure it doesn’t replace their main diet of leafy greens and protein. What are the risks of feeding cucumber to bearded dragons? Feeding cucumber in excess can lead to digestive issues, such as runny stools, and large pieces may pose a choking hazard. Always cut cucumber into small, manageable bites. Should I peel cucumber before feeding it to my bearded dragon? Yes, it’s recommended to peel the cucumber to reduce the risk of irritation and digestive issues. Always wash the cucumber thoroughly before serving. What are some alternatives to cucumber for bearded dragons? Other safe options include leafy greens like collard and mustard greens, bell peppers, squash, and fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and mango, provided they are offered in moderation.
Open Door Anti Lock Out is a security feature designed to prevent unauthorized access to a secure area. It works by using an electronic keypad that requires a code to be entered before the door can be unlocked. If the wrong code is entered, the door will remain locked and an alarm will sound, alerting anyone nearby. This feature can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as offices, homes, and other areas that need to be kept secure. Open Door Anti Lock Out also prevents people from accidentally or intentionally locking themselves out of an area. With this system in place, no one will ever be denied entry unless they have the correct code. Understanding the Basics of Anti-Lock Out Technology in Automobiles Anti-lock out technology is a system designed to prevent drivers from locking themselves out of their vehicles. This technology is especially useful for those who often forget their keys or tend to accidentally lock their car doors when leaving the vehicle. It can also be beneficial for those who are concerned about safety, as it can help prevent theft and other security breaches. How Does It Work? The anti-lock out technology works by using sensors that detect when the car doors are closed. When the door is shut, a signal is sent to the vehicle’s computer system that triggers a mechanism which allows the door to open without needing a key. This can be done either manually or automatically depending on the system installed in the car. In manual systems, drivers will need to press a button or switch on the inside of their vehicle which will activate the system and unlock the door. In automatic systems, once the signal is received from closing the door, it will automatically unlock without any input from the driver. Benefits of Anti-Lock Out Technology There are several benefits that come with having an anti-lock out system in your car. The most obvious benefit is that it eliminates instances of accidental lockouts due to forgetting keys or otherwise misplacing them. It also adds an extra layer of security by preventing thieves from gaining access to your vehicle without proper authorization. Finally, it can provide peace of mind, knowing that you won’t have to worry about dealing with a lockout situation when you least expect it. Different Types of Lock Out Prevention Systems There are several different types of lock out prevention systems available for cars today. Some systems use RFID (radio frequency identification) tags which must be scanned in order for access to be granted into a vehicle. Others use biometric data such as fingerprints or voice recognition in order to verify identity before allowing access into a car. There are even systems which rely solely on keyless entry technology where no physical key is needed at all and access is granted through an electronic code sent directly from a smartphone or other device connected to your car’s computer system. Common Issues with Lock Out Prevention Systems Though lock out prevention systems can be incredibly useful, they aren’t perfect and there are some potential issues you should be aware of before investing in one for your vehicle. One common issue is that some systems may not recognize certain types of keys such as those with chip readers or those without any type of power source at all (e.g., mechanical keys). Additionally, if you’re using RFID tags there may be issues if they become damaged or lost due to wear and tear over time since they won’t work properly if they’re not functioning correctly. Cost of Lock Out Prevention Systems The cost of lock out prevention systems varies depending on what type you’re looking for and what features you want included with it. Generally speaking though, these types of systems range anywhere from around $50-$500 depending on how advanced they are and what features they include. So whether you just want something basic like RFID tags or something more comprehensive like biometric data protection, there’s sure to be an option that fits both your needs and budget! Automobile and Anti-Lock Out Technology The advancements in automotive technology have greatly increased the safety and convenience of modern vehicles. One such technology is Anti-Lock Out (ALO) technology, which is designed to prevent car doors from being easily opened by unauthorized users. ALO technology uses sensors and electronics to detect when someone attempts to open a vehicle door without the proper authorization, such as when they do not have a key or other credential. In response, the system will automatically lock the door, preventing access until the correct credential is provided. How Does Anti-Lock Out Technology Work? Anti-lock out technology works by using sensors that detect any attempts to open a car door without the proper authorization. These sensors are typically installed near the door handle or above it on the frame of the car. When an unauthorized user attempts to open a door, these sensors detect movement and send a signal to an electronic control unit (ECU) located within the vehicle. The ECU then activates a locking mechanism that prevents access until an authorized user provides their credentials. Benefits of Using Anti-Lock Out Technology in Automobiles Using ALO technology provides several benefits for automobile owners, including increased security and convenience. By preventing unauthorized access, it helps protect vehicles from theft or vandalism. Additionally, ALO systems can be configured to recognize multiple credentials, such as keys, keyless entry systems, smartphones, and more. This allows drivers to use whatever credential they prefer while still enjoying the added security of ALO technology. Different Types of Car Door Locking Devices That Use Anti-Lock Out Technology There are several different types of car door locking devices that use anti-lock out technology. The most common type is a keyless entry system which uses an electronic key fob or card that is programmed with specific credentials in order to unlock or lock doors when they are within range of the vehicle’s receiver. Smartphone accessible locking systems are also becoming increasingly popular as they allow users to unlock or lock their vehicles through their smartphones using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity. Finally, some vehicles may be equipped with proximity sensors which detect when someone is nearby and automatically unlock or lock doors depending on whether that person has been granted access rights by the owner of the vehicle. FAQ & Answers Q: What is Anti-Lock Out Technology? A: Anti-Lock Out Technology is a system that prevents a car door from being opened using an external tool such as a key or a lock pick. It uses an electronic code to lock the doors, which can only be unlocked with a specific key or code. Q: How Does Anti-Lock Out Technology Work? A: Anti-Lock Out Technology uses an electronic code to lock the doors, which can only be unlocked with a specific key or code. The system works by sending out a signal to the door locking mechanism when the correct code or key is used, allowing the door to be opened. Q: What are the Benefits of Using Anti-Lock Out Technology in Automobiles? A: The main benefit of using anti-lock out technology in automobiles is increased security. By preventing unauthorized access to your car, you can feel more secure and confident that your vehicle will remain safe and secure. Additionally, anti-lock out technology can help prevent theft by making it more difficult for thieves to gain access to your vehicle. Q: What are Different Types of Lock Out Prevention Systems? A: There are several different types of lock out prevention systems available for automobiles. These include keyless entry systems, which use an electronic code to lock and unlock the doors; smartphone accessible locking systems, which allow users to control their car’s locks using their phone; and mechanical locking systems, which use keys and physical locks on the doors. Q: How Much Does Lock Out Prevention Systems Cost? A: The cost of lock out prevention systems varies depending on the type of system being installed and the make and model of your vehicle. Generally speaking, keyless entry systems tend to be more expensive than mechanical locking systems, while smartphone accessible locking systems tend to have higher installation costs due to their complexity. The Open Door Anti Lock Out system is a great innovation in the automobile industry. It is a reliable and affordable solution to the problem of car doors locking unexpectedly. It is also effective in preventing people from being locked out of their cars. With this system, drivers can be assured that their doors will remain unlocked during their journey and they will not have to worry about the inconvenience and expense of getting back into their vehicles when they are locked out. With more than 30 years in the bicycle industry, I have a strong background in bicycle retailing, sales, marketing and customer service. I have a passion for cycling and a dedication to excellence. As a manager, I worked diligently to increase my capabilities and responsibilities, managing up to eleven mechanics (at Palo Alto Bicycles) and later as a working partner in my own store. As the shop owner of Spoke n’ Word Cycles in Socorro, NM, the success of the mission was my responsibility, which I pursued passionately since we opened in 2003 through the spring of 2011. I am adept at managing owned and loan inventory, preparing weekly & annual inventory statements, and managing staff. The role as managing partner also allowed me tremendous freedom. I used this personal freedom to become more deeply involved in my own advancement as a mechanic, to spearhead local trail building, and advocating for cycling both locally and regionally. As a mechanic, I have several years doing neutral support, experience as a team mechanic, and experience supporting local rides, races, club events. I consistently strive to ensure that bicycles function flawlessly by foreseeing issues and working with the riders, soigners, coaches and other mechanics. Even with decades of experience as a shop mechanic and team mechanic, and continue to pursue greater involvement in this sport as a US Pro Mechanic, and UCI Pro Mechanic. - July 26, 2023BodyFind the Best Grill for Your 2007 Toyota Tacoma – A Complete Guide - July 26, 2023BodyUpgrade Your Ford Escape with the Best 2008 Grill – Here’s How! - July 26, 2023Bumper Stickers, Decals And MagnetsBest Chevy 1500 Door Emblem: Upgrade Your Truck with a Stylish Emblem - July 26, 2023Marker Light AssembliesGive Your 2008 Dodge Dakota a Makeover with the Best Grill Upgrade
Case Study #2: Individual Submission Three Core Functions of Public Health: Policy Development Building on Strengths: A School-Based Mental Health Program Policy development is the process of making decisions as to how to address societal problems. Assessment and research provide the evidence base for the development of policies that determine which practices to support, how resources should be allocated, and how efforts should be mobilized to achieve the defined policy goals. In addition to research, which underlies all other essential services, 3 of the 10 essential public health services fall into the category of policy development. They include: Informing, educating, and empowering people about health issues. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. Developing policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. This case addresses the function of informing, educating, and empowering people about health issues, which is an essential precursor to informed policy development and implementation. This assignment is an individual submission. In 3-5 pages, please explore the following topic, and answer the question prompts provided below. Dont forget to consider the above-mentioned points regarding reflecting on case methods. Question 1: What aspects of the Building on Strengths program are most important to preserve in light of impending funding cuts (i.e., training parents, cultural competence training for teachers, providing direct services, improving data collection and evaluation, focusing on partnership development, engaging in anti-stigma campaigns, etc.?). What is the rationale for this choice? What critical stakeholders should be involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these program components? What additional information does the project director need in order to make this decision? Question 2: What other sources of funding or strategic actions could the project director engage in to help sustain this school-based mental health project beyond the grant? What program elements are most important to continue, especially given the absence of a strong organizational infrastructure? What cultural and political challenges influence the existence and expansion of such a program? Question 3: What other partners or advocates should the project director enlist for help? How could Building on Strengths utilize parents and community members more in the development and sustainability of its program? What barriers to engaging immigrant parents (both documented and undocumented) might they encounter, and how can they address these challenges? Last Completed Projects topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |
We know that a key question for all teachers is: what is it that motivates a student to want to learn. We recently came across this research (1) into academic mindsets and thought you might find it as interesting as we did. Academic mindsets are “the psycho-social attitudes or beliefs one has about oneself in relation to academic work,” (2) and these attitudes and beliefs are often what compel students to engage in learning – or not. So, turns out an academic mindset is one that encourages you to learn – or be academic: in other words, a mindset that motivates! Could be useful then. Carol Dweck has promoted the concept of a growth mindset: that each person can grow their brain by hard work and become cleverer and more intelligent as a result. We have written about this growth mindset in our Digests before. The growth mindset is one example of why a student might want to learn. This research says there are three other “academic mindsets”. In June 2012, a research team in the States published a literature review (2) on “non-cognitive factors” in student learning. By this, they meant the skills, attitudes, beliefs, and strategies that play a role in school performance but which are not directly measured by most “cognitive” academic tests. But to measure school performance, they first looked at student grades. In their review, they found that Academic Behaviours (attending class, doing homework, engaging in classroom activities, studying) have the strongest relationship to grades. The most direct way to improve students’ academic performance is to improve their academic behaviours (i.e., increasing their attendance, increasing the amount they study, increasing the number of assignments they complete, and/or improving their class participation). So far, so unsurprising! But more interestingly, they also found that other things are just as important: the quality, intensity, and duration of effort invested in these academic behaviours, a factor they referred to as Academic Perseverance (i.e., tenacity or grit). The more perseverance a student exhibits, the more likely he or she is to attend class even when other things interfere, to complete homework even when it is challenging, and to continue pursuing academic goals even when setbacks or obstacles get in the way. The research evidence suggests that one of the best ways to increase students’ perseverance and improve their academic behaviours is by supporting the development of Academic Mindsets. Students with positive academic mindsets work harder, engage in more productive academic behaviours, and persevere to overcome obstacles to success. And, as you might expect, students with negative mindsets about school or about themselves as learners are likely to withdraw from the behaviours essential for academic success and to give up easily when they encounter setbacks or difficulty. Further research has demonstrated that academic mindsets are malleable factors that can be changed intentionally through teaching. This suggests that the most fruitful way to improve academic perseverance and to help students build the other competencies associated with deeper learning is to develop positive academic mindsets. Four Academic Mindsets The 2012 report identified four key academic mindsets, each of which is independently associated with increased perseverance, better academic behaviours, and higher grades. These mindsets draw directly from seminal research on human motivation and basic psychological needs. In the 2013 review, these four mindsets are expressed in the first person from the point of view of the learner: “I belong in this academic community” Feeling connected to adults and peers at school, intellectually, not just socially, through an academic community, is a strong motivator. Study groups is a good example of this. Feeling a sense of belonging in an intellectual community helps students interpret setbacks as a natural part of learning, and not as a personal deficit that sets them apart. A student without this sense of belonging loses the will to try. “I believe I can succeed at this” Students’ belief in their own self-efficacy is a better predictor of academic success than their ability. Students need to feel that they’re likely to succeed in order to put in all the hard work of learning something that’s challenging. When students believe they’ll fail, they often don’t invest in the work or, at least, they’ll devalue the task. “This work has meaning and value for me” The brain naturally looks for connections. When students find academic work to be relevant to their lives, their interests, and their concerns, they’re much more likely to work on a task in a sustained way and to perform well. It takes much more energy to focus attention on a task that does not have direct value to the student. “My abilities and intelligence can grow with my effort” Known as the growth mindset, Carol Dweck’s theory is if students believe the brain is a muscle that must be exercised, they’re more likely to interpret setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve. This mindset is associated with the joy of mastering a task, rather than learning for a grade or to outperform others. Crucial Sixth Component To meet its ambitious goals and guide funding in this area, the Hewlett Foundation had developed a framework articulating the components of deeper learning, drawing on current research and interviewing leading thinkers in education, business, and public policy. The deeper learning framework identifies key content knowledge, academic skills, and learning competencies that should be the products of any child’s education. The original framework included five components: – master core academic content through – critical thinking and complex problem solving,- working collaboratively – communicating effectively, and – learning how to learn. As a result of this recent research, the Foundation has now added “academic mindset” as a crucial sixth component. Schools can encourage students to develop these mindsets, but it requires a deliberate focus. “One thing we like to do as a school is celebrate kids taking risks and failing and then learning from those failures,” says one principal. Or as a student on one of our own recent study skills workshops wrote in her feedback afterwards, “I liked hearing about how mistakes are good because we never hear that in school, thank you.” To help students see learning as a process, assessment needs to reflect the same ethos. It needs to include lots of informal feedback so students can improve on their work. Some schools we know adopt a policy of all teacher marking being in green and then students have a second chance to show what they know in red. This practice is fostering an academic or growth mindset. (1) Camille A. Farrington (April 2013). Academic Mindsets as a Critical Component of Deeper Learning, A White Paper prepared for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. University of Chicago, Consortium on Chicago School Research. (2) Farrington, C. A., et al (2012). Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Academic Performance – A Critical Literature Review. Chicago: Consortium on Chicago School Research. Back to blog home
The Companies Act of 2013 in India introduced the concept of “small companies,” aiming to reduce the compliance burden and offer various benefits to support their growth. This article aims to break down the features, advantages, and exemptions available to small companies under the Companies Act 2013. - Small Company as per Companies Act 2013 - The reason behind introduction of Small Company - Definition of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 - Breaking down the definition of Small Company as per Companies Act 2013 - Features of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 - Benefits of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 Small Company as per Companies Act 2013 The concept of small companies in India is relatively new. It was introduced by the Companies Act 2013 to support better facilitation of small businesses. A small company is nothing but a new form of a private company registered under the Companies Act 2013. A private company is classified into a small company based on its size, i.e., paid-up share capital and turnover. In other words, such companies may be called small-sized private companies. The intent of distinguishing small companies from the rest is to give them a special status and to grant them certain benefits under the law. This blog is an attempt to consolidate the relaxations provided to a small company as per the Companies Act 2013. The reason behind introduction of Small Company Upon the recommendations received from an expert committee of Dr. JJ Irani, a renowned Indian industrialist, the concept of small companies was incepted in the Companies Act, 2013. It was felt that a simplified framework should be applied to small companies through the aid of giving exemptions under company law. There is no reason why small businesses should suffer the repercussions of legislation designed to ensure that big, widely owned corporations balance the interests of their stakeholders. By relieving such companies from selected statutory internal/administrative procedures, company law should allow streamlined decision-making procedures. The need was felt for such businesses to be subject to reduced financial reporting and audit standards and to streamlined capital maintenance schemes. In essence, small companies should have a regime that enables them to achieve transparency at a low cost. Definition of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 A small company is a new concept introduced under Section 2(85) of the Companies Act, 2013 to provide some relaxations and privileges with lesser compliance burden on the entities that are smaller in size and operations. A ‘small company’ is defined as a company, other than a public company whose paid-up share capital does not exceed Rs. 2 crores or such higher prescribed amount which shall not be more than Rs. 10 crores, and whose turnover of the preceding financial year does not exceed Rs. 20 crores or such higher prescribed amount which shall not be more than Rs. 100 crores. (Amended vide Companies (Specification of Definitions Details) Amendment Rules, 2021 to be effective from 1st April 2021) Breaking down the definition of Small Company as per Companies Act 2013 A small company is a private limited company that satisfies both the following conditions: 1. Paid-up share capital does not exceed Rs. 2 crores or such higher prescribed amount which shall not be more than Rs. 10 crores, and 2. Turnover of the preceding financial year does not exceed Rs. 20 crores or such higher prescribed amount which shall not be more than Rs. 100 crores. The above definition of a small company is not applicable to the following (i.e., a small company cannot be the below ones): - A public company - A holding company or a subsidiary company - A company registered under Section 8 - A company or body corporate that is governed by any Special Act Thus, even though the above-mentioned companies satisfy the capital and turnover requirements, they would nevertheless fall beyond the purview of ‘small company’ and, consequently, the advantages applicable to a small company cannot be extended to them. Features of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 - A small company can only be a private company. - It cannot be a public company, holding company, subsidiary company, a charitable company registered under Section 8, or a company governed by any Special Act. - Small companies are subject to lesser penalties for non-compliance with any of the provisions of the Companies Act. - It is worth noting that the status of a small company may change from year to year depending upon the range of paid-up share capital and turnover. This means that if a company crosses any of the thresholds provided (either for paid-up capital or turnover), the benefits that are available during a given year may be removed in the following year and may be made available again in the subsequent year (or years). Benefits of a small company as per Companies Act 2013 Some privileges and exemptions are offered by law to companies holding the status of a ‘small company’. They enjoy various relaxations or advantages over other companies, some of which are as follows: Section | Nature of privilege granted | Proviso to Section 2(40) | Cash flow statement: The financial statements of a small company need not include a cash flow statement. | Section 67(2) | Financial assistance for buy-back: Financial assistance (by way of loan, guarantee, etc.) can be given for the purchase of own shares in the company or in its holding company. | Section 92(1) | The signing of annual return: The annual return of a small company needs to be signed by the company secretary, or where there is no company secretary, by the company’s director. However, it need not be signed by a company secretary in practice. | Section 121(1) | Report on AGM: A small company is not required to prepare a report on Annual General Meeting. | Section 134(3)(p) | Statement showing performance of BOD: A small company is not needed to prepare a statement showing the manner in which formal annual evaluation of the performance of the Board, its Committees, and individual directors has been made. | Section 149(1) | The number of directors: A small company need not have more than 2 directors on its Board. | Section 149(4) | Independent directors: A small company is not required to appoint independent directors on its Board. | Section 152(6) | Rotation of directors: Unlike a public company, a specified proportion of directors are not needed to retire every year in a small company. | Section 164(3) | Disqualification of director: A small company, may by its Articles, provide for any additional grounds for disqualification for appointment as a director of the company. | Section 165(1) | The number of directorships: The restrictive provisions concerning the total number of directorships that an individual can hold in a public company (maximum 10) do not include directorships held in small companies that are neither a holding company nor a subsidiary company of a public company. | Section 167(4) | Vacation of office of director: A small company, may by its Articles, provide for any additional grounds for vacation of the office of a director of the company. | Section 173(5) | The number of board meetings: Unlike other companies that need to hold four Board Meetings in a calendar year, a small company is needed to hold at least one meeting of the Board of Directors in each half of a calendar year and the gap between the two Board meetings must not be less than ninety days. | Section 190(4) | Contract of employment: The provisions relating to the contract of employment with managing directors or whole-time directors are not applicable to a Small Company. | Section 197(1) | Managerial remuneration: Unlike a public company, the total managerial remuneration payable by a small company, to its directors, including managing director and whole-time director, and its manager in respect of any particular financial year may exceed eleven percent of the net profits. | CARO, 2020 | CARO: The reporting requirements laid down under the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 for matters to be included in an auditor’s report do not apply to a small company. | Rule 8A of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 | Matters in Board’s report: For the purpose of compliance with Section 134(3), the Board’s report of a small company shall be prepared in an abridged form as prescribed by the Central Government. Small companies are exempted from the matters to be included in the Board’s report as per Rule 8 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. | Section 143(3) | Auditor’s report: The auditor’s report in the case of a small company is not required to indicate whether there are adequate internal financial controls in place (with reference to financial statements) and the operating effectiveness of such controls. | Section 139(2) | Rotation of auditors: Every company needs to mandatorily change its auditor by rotation in pursuance of Section 139(2) of the Companies Act 2013. However, a small company need not comply with this section and hence is exempt from meeting the requirements of this section. | Section 446B | Lesser penalties: If a penalty is payable by a small company for non-compliance with any of the provisions of the Companies Act, then such company and its officer in default shall be liable to a penalty not more than one-half of the penalty specified in such provisions. But this is subject to a maximum of Rs. 2 lakh in the case of a company and Rs. 1 lakh in the case of an officer who is in default. | The introduction of “small companies” in the Companies Act 2013 has provided a much-needed impetus to small businesses in India. With a slew of benefits like reduced compliance requirements and simplified governance structures, small companies can now focus more on their operations and growth rather than being entangled in bureaucratic procedures. While the Companies Act doesn’t differentiate a small company by a specific name, its status under the Act bestows several benefits that can be quite lucrative for emerging businesses.
It sounds like science fiction, or a James Bond movie, but it’s a real thing that’s been going on for years and years. Despite the fact that they float hundreds of kilometers away, on Earth we have the tools to enter satellites without first asking permission. Hacking a satellite and using it to send a broadcast across the country sounds like something out of a spy movie, but it’s actually something you can do in your spare time. And the sky is full of satellites. You might also think that the equipment needed to perform this activity is a NASA computer, but the truth is that You just need a computer (whatever it is) and access to a link station with the satellite. Of course, don’t think that you can hijack a government satellite, these have more security than Alcatraz prison (at the time), what matters to them is access to thousands of satellites that have been abandoned over the past decades. As you well know, hackers are the ethical team, and hackers are the bad guys, so the term hacking is not always negative. Some ethical hackers search for software vulnerabilities in an effort to find the exploits and report them to the developer before the hackers. Some do it for fun, either privately, in small groups, or in gatherings known as hackathons. Others make a living like this. Tech companies like Google often offer huge rewards to hackers who manage to hack their software. For satellite hacking, it can also be legal if the requirements are met. Even after they are turned off, the satellites still belong to someone. If the landlord finds out what you did, you could be in legal trouble. In addition, there is a complete list of regulations accompanying the operation and use of satellites. So, even if the owner of the satellite does not care, you can meet with the US Federal Communications Commission. Looking back, satellites have been hacked for decades. Back in the ’80s, HBO viewers planning to enjoy a night of entertainment received a message from Captain of the hackers who hijacked the broadcast. According to the New York Times,Instead of “The Hawk and the Snowman” there was a message printed on the channel’s test card that read: “Good evening HBO from Captain Midnight. $12.95 a month? No way. (Watch out for the movie channel)“. HBO’s East Coast broadcasts were disrupted by the hack, and its vice president at the time, David Pritchard, said his company had been threatened with sabotage in the months leading up to the incident. Captain Midnight was eventually caught and disguised as John McDougall, an electrical engineer and owner of the satellite dish business who was upset that HBO had added a monthly fee for his services. McDougall was fined $5,000. The problem may also be much worse than interrupting a five-minute movie. As mentioned Washington PostAnd the The US Congress is increasingly concerned about the dangers posed by satellite hackers. In addition to disabling communicationsHackers could theoretically orchestrate an attack that would smash two satellites into each other or crash into the International Space Station. For this reason, be careful when hacking into a satellite, don’t go to pick one you shouldn’t.
How to Increase Flexibility TRANSLATE BUTTON AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE A Quick Overview Flexibility is a crucial component of overall health and well-being. Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve performance, someone wanting to prevent injuries, or simply aiming to move better in daily life, increasing flexibility should be a priority. In this article, we will delve into the importance of flexibility, the benefits it offers, common myths surrounding flexibility, how to assess your current flexibility level, the best warm-up and cool-down techniques, various stretching exercises to incorporate into your routine, tips for increasing flexibility effectively, and the role of nutrition in enhancing flexibility. Additionally, we will discuss when it might be necessary to seek professional help for flexibility issues. Importance of Flexibility in Daily Life Flexibility plays a vital role in our daily lives, affecting how we move, perform tasks, and even our overall quality of life. Being flexible allows for a greater range of motion in joints, making activities such as bending, reaching, and twisting easier and more comfortable. It also helps improve posture, reduce muscle tension, and enhance overall coordination and balance. Additionally, increased flexibility can aid in preventing injuries, as muscles and joints are better prepared to handle sudden movements or impacts without strain. Benefits of Being Flexible The benefits of being flexible extend beyond physical health and performance. Flexibility promotes relaxation and stress relief, as stretching can help release tension in the muscles and promote better blood flow. Improved flexibility can also lead to better sleep quality, as relaxed muscles can aid in falling asleep faster and experiencing fewer interruptions during the night. Furthermore, being flexible can enhance mental well-being by promoting mindfulness and a sense of calm, as stretching exercises often require focus and concentration. Common Myths About Flexibility There are several myths surrounding flexibility that can lead to misconceptions about how to increase it effectively. One common myth is that you have to be naturally flexible to improve your flexibility. In reality, flexibility is a skill that can be developed and improved with consistent practice. Another myth is that stretching before exercise prevents injury. While stretching can help warm up muscles, dynamic movements are more effective for preparing the body for physical activity. Lastly, the myth that flexibility decreases with age is not entirely accurate, as regular stretching and movement can help maintain and even improve flexibility over time. Understanding Your Current Flexibility Level Before embarking on a flexibility training program, it’s essential to assess your current flexibility level to set realistic goals and track progress effectively. You can use simple tests such as the sit-and-reach test for hamstring flexibility or shoulder flexibility tests to gauge your initial range of motion. Additionally, paying attention to how your body feels during daily activities can give you clues about areas of tightness or limited mobility. By understanding where you are starting from, you can tailor your flexibility routine to address specific areas of improvement. Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down Techniques Proper warm-up and cool-down techniques are crucial for preparing the body for stretching exercises and aiding in recovery afterward. A good warm-up should include dynamic movements that mimic the activity you are about to engage in, such as leg swings, arm circles, and hip rotations. This helps increase blood flow to the muscles and joints, making them more pliable and ready for stretching. After a workout or stretching session, a cool-down consisting of gentle stretches and deep breathing can help reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility over time. Incorporating Stretching into Your Routine To increase flexibility effectively, it’s essential to incorporate stretching into your daily routine. Aim to stretch major muscle groups at least two to three times per week, holding each stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeating 2-4 times. Focus on areas of tightness or limited mobility, but also include full-body stretches to ensure overall balance and flexibility. Stretching can be done before or after exercise, or even as a standalone activity on rest days. Consistency is key, so find a routine that works for you and stick to it to see significant improvements in flexibility over time. Different Types of Stretching Exercises There are several types of stretching exercises, each targeting different muscle groups and promoting flexibility in various ways. Some common types of stretching include: Static stretching: Holding a stretch in a comfortable position for a period of time to elongate the muscle. Dynamic stretching: Moving through a range of motion in a controlled manner to prepare the body for physical activity. PNF stretching: Involving a combination of stretching and contracting muscles to improve flexibility and range of motion. Ballistic stretching: Using bouncing or swinging movements to stretch muscles quickly, not recommended for beginners or those with limited flexibility. Yoga and Pilates: Incorporating poses and movements that focus on flexibility, strength, and balance, promoting overall well-being. By incorporating a variety of stretching exercises into your routine, you can target different muscle groups and improve flexibility in a well-rounded manner. Best Practices for Increasing Flexibility When working on increasing flexibility, there are several best practices to keep in mind to ensure safe and effective progress: Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of stretches over time. Listen to your body and avoid pushing through pain or discomfort. Focus on breathing deeply and mindfully during stretches to promote relaxation. Incorporate a mix of static, dynamic, and PNF stretching into your routine for optimal results. Stay consistent with your flexibility training to see long-lasting improvements in range of motion and mobility. By following these best practices, you can enhance your flexibility safely and effectively. Tips for Avoiding Injury While Stretching While stretching is beneficial for increasing flexibility, it’s essential to practice proper form and technique to avoid injury. Some tips for avoiding injury while stretching include: Warm up before stretching to prepare the muscles and joints. Avoid bouncing or jerking movements during stretching, as this can strain muscles. Focus on proper alignment and posture during stretches to target the intended muscle groups. Gradually increase the intensity of stretches over time, without forcing the body into uncomfortable positions. Stop stretching if you feel sharp pain or discomfort, and consult a professional if needed. By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of injury while maximizing the benefits of stretching for flexibility. Monitoring Progress and Setting Goals To track your flexibility progress effectively, consider keeping a flexibility journal to note your exercises, stretches, and any improvements in range of motion over time. Set specific, measurable goals for increasing flexibility in targeted areas, such as touching your toes or improving shoulder mobility. By monitoring your progress and adjusting your routine accordingly, you can stay motivated and see tangible results in your flexibility journey. How Nutrition Affects Flexibility Nutrition plays a significant role in supporting flexibility and overall physical health. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and promote muscle recovery, aiding in flexibility improvements. Additionally, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining joint lubrication and elasticity, crucial for optimal flexibility. Including foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and seeds, can also support joint health and flexibility. By fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods, you can enhance your flexibility training and overall well-being. Seeking Professional Help for Flexibility Issues If you encounter persistent flexibility issues or have specific mobility concerns, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a physical therapist, chiropractor, or certified personal trainer. These professionals can assess your flexibility, identify areas of improvement, and create a tailored flexibility program to address your individual needs. They can also provide guidance on proper form, technique, and progression to ensure safe and effective flexibility training. By working with a professional, you can receive personalized support and expertise to overcome flexibility challenges and reach your flexibility goals. Increasing flexibility is a valuable endeavor that can enhance your physical health, performance, and overall quality of life. By understanding the importance of flexibility, debunking common myths, assessing your current flexibility level, and implementing proper stretching techniques into your routine, you can make significant strides in improving your flexibility. Remember to stay consistent, listen to your body, and seek professional help if needed to maximize the benefits of flexibility training. With dedication and perseverance, you can unlock your body’s full range of motion and experience the many advantages of being flexible. The Enlightenment Journey is a remarkable collection of writings authored by a distinguished group of experts in the fields of spirituality, new age, and esoteric knowledge. This anthology features a diverse assembly of well-experienced authors who bring their profound insights and credible perspectives to the forefront. Each contributor possesses a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, making them authorities in their respective domains. Together, they offer readers a transformative journey into the realms of spiritual growth, self-discovery, and esoteric enlightenment. The Enlightenment Journey is a testament to the collective expertise of these luminaries, providing readers with a rich tapestry of ideas and information to illuminate their spiritual path. Our Diverse Expertise 🌟 While our primary focus is on spirituality and esotericism, we are equally passionate about exploring a wide range of other topics and niches 🌍📚. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative content across various subjects ✨. To ensure we provide the most accurate and valuable insights, we collaborate with trusted experts in their respective domains 🧑🏫👩🏫. This allows us to offer well-rounded perspectives and knowledge to our readers. Our blog originally focused on spirituality and metaphysics, but we’ve since expanded to cover a wide range of niches. Don’t worry—we continue to publish a lot of articles on spirituality! Frequently visit our blog to explore our diverse content and stay tuned for more insightful reads.
Five things you need to know this week about global education Children in conflicts, Children's welfare after natural disasters, Girls' education, Learning through play (Early years), Safe schools, Safe Schools Declaration A shocking stat about the world's poorest girls, education chaos caused by a volcano and learning through play - they're all in our news roundup. 1 in 3 of world's poorest adolescent girls never go to school Nearly one in three adolescent girls from the world’s poorest households have never been to school, a shocking new report has revealed. They face obstacles such as poverty, gender discrimination, disability, ethnic origin or teaching language, distance from schools and poor infrastructure. Limited and unequally distributed funding results in large class sizes, poorly-trained teachers, lack of education materials and poor school infrastructure, according to UNICEF. The United Nations children’s agency launched the report Addressing the Learning Crisis ahead of this week’s World Economic Forum summit and Education World Forum. “As long as public education spending is disproportionately skewed towards children from the richest households, the poorest will have little hope of escaping poverty, learning the skills they need to compete and succeed in today’s world, and contributing to their countries’ economies,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. The agency found that education for children from the richest 20% of households gets nearly double the funding for children from the poorest 20%. Ten countries across Africa account for the highest disparities in education spending – with four times as much funding allocated to the richest children compared with the poorest. Volcano forces 600,000 children out of school Nearly 600,000 children from more than 1,000 schools have been missing out on classes for two weeks after a volcano erupted in the Philippines. Many classrooms are damaged and buried under hazardous ash in towns that have been abandoned – and over 300 schools are being used as evacuation centres. This means students could fall behind and miss graduation in three months, Save the Children has warned. Half a million people have been made homeless by the Taal volcano eruption and it is feared they may not be ABLE to return to their towns and villages for many months. “The emotional and psychosocial stress of being made suddenly homeless and surrounded by so many strangers in such close proximity are taking a toll on children,” said Jerome Balinton, humanitarian manager for Save the Children Philippines. “This means setting up temporary schools so children can return to a normal routine while they wait for the fury of the volcano to subside.” Education boost for vulnerable children in Tanzania A $112 million grant will build on Tanzania’s successful efforts to get more children in school and learning – especially girls and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Between 2017 and 2018, basic education enrolment increased by 8.5% and the likelihood that a child entering primary school will complete the full cycle of primary and lower secondary doubled from 24% to 48%. The Global Partnership for Education’s new grant will improve the quality of pre-primary, primary and non-formal education by strengthening teacher training and professional development, distributing more quality teaching and learning materials to underserved areas and improving education planning and management. “We have received this news with a lot of enthusiasm, giving us all the reasons to work even harder for the children of Tanzania. The previous GPE grant, which concluded in June, was instrumental in supporting learning activities in the lower levels of primary education,” said Dr Leonard Akwilapo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Missile strike on Syrian school killed five children Five children were killed when Syrian forces launched a ballistic missile at a school, Human Rights Watch has reported. More details have now emerged on the January 1 attack in Idlib. The children who died were aged six to 13. Nine civilians were killed on the day but three more have since died of their wounds – including a teacher whose son was also a victim. Human Rights Watch said the missile which struck Abdo Salama School in the town of Sarmin was armed with a banned cluster munition warhead. “After years of killing and maiming children in brutal attacks, the Syrian government starts the new decade by using a banned weapon to kill more children and their teachers,” said Lama Fakih, Crisis and Conflict director at Human Rights Watch. “The Syrian government should cease its repugnant use of cluster munitions and attacks on schools and hold accountable the officials who authorised it.” Learning through play partnerships to help 5m Five million children aged six to 12 will benefit from global partnerships to support primary school teachers’ use of learning through play. The LEGO Foundation has announced partnerships with the Aga Khan Foundation, BRAC, Right To Play, UNICEF, VVOB and RTI International. Each organisation will integrate Learning through Play methods into the development of primary school teachers in Kenya, Bangladesh, Ghana, Rwanda and Vietnam. The partnerships will support 190,000 teachers, as well as three million parents and community stakeholders. “The LEGO Foundation is committed to working with teachers and education systems in using the transformative power of play to improve learning for millions of children all over the world,” said Sarah Bouchie, Head of Global Programmes at the LEGO Foundation.
A friend of mine recently bought a bicycle for his son. The bicycle required some assembly — things like attaching the wheels and pedals. But there weren\’t any instructions for assembling the bicycle. Now, my friend knew what a bicycle should look like and how it should work, so he was still able to put it together. But imagine what would have happened if he had never seen a bicycle before. In that case, he might not have been able to assemble it properly. In some ways, the Bible is like a box of bicycle parts without instructions. Just as it is relatively easy to put together things that are familiar, it is also relatively easy to discover some basic things about the Bible\’s meaning and proper use. On the other hand, just as it is difficult to put together complicated devices without instructions, it is hard to apply the Bible to complicated ethical questions when we do not understand Scripture\’s finer workings. This is the fourth lesson in our series Making Biblical Decisions, and we have entitled this lesson \”The Normative Perspective: Parts and Aspects of Scripture.\” As we have stated throughout these lessons, ethical judgment always involves the application of God\’s Word to a situation by a person. And this has led us to speak of three essential considerations in making biblical decisions: the proper standard of God\’s word, which we have associated with the normative perspective on ethics; the proper goal, which accords with the situational perspective; and the proper motive, which corresponds to the existential perspective. In this lesson we will look for a third time at the normative perspective, exploring the process by which we discern ethical standards in the Bible. And we will be focusing our attention on the different ways the various parts and aspects of Scripture communicate God\’s norms to us. We will divide our discussion of the parts and aspects of Scripture into three main parts: First, we will look at the variety of materials we find in Scripture. Second, we will look more closely at the books and passages that comprise God\’s law in Scripture. And third, we will address the unity of Scripture that draws all of the parts and aspects of the Bible together. Let\’s begin with the variety we find in Scripture. VARIETY OF SCRIPTURE Anyone who has read much of the Bible should recognize that Scripture is not uniform. It contains histories, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, correspondence, and all sorts of other writings. And within each of these writings, we find even further variety. After all, each author wrote in his own way, and his writing itself varied throughout his work. Sometimes he gave commands; sometimes he explained details; sometimes he recalled a personal experience. And this variety is not accidental — God has ordained each portion of the Bible to contribute in its own way to the standards of Christian ethics. Now, because Scripture communicates in so many different ways, it is not sufficient for us simply to know what the Bible says. We also need to know how the Bible communicates, so that when we read what it says, we understand what it means. The variety we find in the Bible can be described in many different ways, and no single way is comprehensive. But to give a sense of this dimension of Scripture and its implications for Christian ethics, we will touch on three matters: First, we will speak of the variety of language employed in the Bible. Secondly, we will speak of the variety of literature in the Bible. And third, we will look at the implications of this variety for modern ethical teaching. We will begin by looking at the smaller and simpler matters related to language, and then move on to the larger and more complex issues of literature. In the first place, the Bible displays the full range of language that we find in all human communication. It contains statements, questions, promises, offers, curses, blessings, threats, judgments quotations, summations, commands, advice, requests, exclamations, descriptions, cries of despair, expressions of desire and admiration and love, and much, much more. Biblical language can be emotionally reserved or emotionally charged. Some of it is quite imaginative, using symbolism and other figures of speech, while other language is relatively unimaginative, expressing matters in a more direct manner. The Bible includes both sarcasm and sincere language. It employs innuendos and allusions as freely as it provides explicit comments. It uses hyperboles and understatements and colloquialisms. And many times it doesn\’t even bother to state the obvious, but instead merely assumes it. This tremendous variety of language presents us with a number of challenges when we read the Bible. After all, if we do not know how to recognize these different types of language, and if we don\’t understand how each one communicates, we are very likely to misunderstand the Bible\’s teachings. Now, over the ages, Christians have proposed many ways of dealing with the challenges presented by the Bible\’s variety of language. But it is safe to say that most of these solutions have fallen into one of two groups: those that believe the Bible uses language in extraordinary ways, and those that believe the Bible uses language in ordinary ways. Often, those who believe that the Bible speaks in extraordinary ways offer solutions that ignore the different types of language in the Bible. Instead, they oversimplify biblical language in order to develop a system of interpretation that can be applied fairly equally to all of Scripture. For example, in the Middle Ages many theologians believed that because the Bible is inspired by God, it communicates in extraordinary ways that exceed human comprehension. In their thinking, every biblical text possessed a variety of symbolic meanings that were sometimes hidden even from the authors of Scripture. Under this system, every text was assumed to have at least some metaphoric meaning, regardless of the human author\’s intentions. More recently, many Christians who believe that Scripture\’s language is extraordinary have gone in the opposite direction. Instead of believing that the extraordinary nature of Scripture makes it hard to interpret, they have insisted that Scripture\’s extraordinary nature makes its language easy to interpret. Some of these have argued that the Holy Spirit directly reveals true interpretations to his people, so that it is unnecessary to know what type of language one is reading, let alone how it normally communicates meaning. Others have argued that Scripture\’s language should always be interpreted as literally as possible, so that metaphoric meanings are only sought when non-figurative meanings do not make good sense. For example, it is apparent that in ordinary communication human beings commonly use hyperboles or overstatements. But many Christians who are committed to biblical authority do not acknowledge that hyperboles appear in the Bible. Instead, they treat every statement in Scripture as if it were straightforward, detached, and precise. In ordinary speech and writing, we often summarize matters, expecting our audiences to fill in the gaps with other knowledge they have. Yet, some Christians find it difficult to acknowledge that inspired writers did the same thing. Instead, they treat passages as if they were utterly comprehensive rather than limited in their scope. Beyond this, we recognize that in ordinary writing and speech, we will often be sarcastic and say just the opposite of what we mean. Yet, many believers find it hard to accept that sarcasm appears in the Bible. In contrast to these opinions that Scripture\’s language is extraordinary is the view that the Bible communicates in ordinary human language, using all the normal conventions of human communication. You will recall that in a prior lesson, we spoke of the clarity of Scripture, by which we meant that the Bible is not obscure, that it is not filled with hidden meanings that can only be discovered through mysterious means, or through special spiritual gifting, or by those who hold special offices in the church. In other words, Scripture is clear only if it speaks in ordinary language and communicates in normal ways. To demonstrate that the bible communicates in ordinary human language, let\’s consider a couple passages where an overly literal reading would be terribly misleading. Think about the petition in Matthew 6:11, which is part of the Lord\’s Prayer: Give us today our daily bread (Matthew 6:11). When this verse is read in an artificially literal way, apart from the conventions of normal human expressions, it looks like Jesus commanded God to give him bread. In fact, all the petitions in the Lord\’s Prayer take the form of imperatives, including not only \”Give us today our daily bread,\” but also \”deliver us from the evil one.\” And it is true that in Greek grammar, imperatives are often commands. This fact has led some Christians who read the Bible in an overly literal way to conclude that Jesus\’ words were commands to God. And of course, since the Lord\’s Prayer is a model that we are to follow in our own prayers, they have also concluded that we have the right to issue commands to God! But from the rest of Scripture, including Jesus\’ own words in the Lord\’s Prayer, we know that imperative verbs are frequently used to express petitions and requests. The same is also true in English. For instance, we say, \”Pass the bread, please.\” Or \”Help me, please!\” These statements are imperatives. But when we say these words, we are not ordinarily issuing commands. Consider also Amos 4:4, where the prophet said this: Go to Bethel and sin; go to Gilgal and sin yet more (Amos 4:4). An overly literal reading of these words has led some interpreters to think that Amos actually wanted his listeners to sin against the Lord at the idolatrous worship centers in Bethel and Gilgal. But this kind of reading is unnatural and does not account for the prophet\’s intentions revealed in other statements. For example, in Amos 5:5, the prophet said: Do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal (Amos 5:5). From this verse and from the rest of the book of Amos, we should conclude that when the prophet ordered the people to sin at Bethel and Gilgal, he spoke sarcastically, meaning just the opposite of what he said. He didn\’t want them to sin in these places, but to stop sinning in them. The mechanics of the Bible\’s language are not unique to Scripture. Instead, the Bible uses the linguistic conventions of its authors and their original audiences. This means that if we are to interpret the Bible responsibly, we have to learn how they ordinarily used language, and we have to understand what each author\’s intent was when he wrote. If the author designed his words to be understood metaphorically, then we should read them metaphorically, searching the text for the meaning the author intended. On the other hand, if the biblical author crafted his words plainly and directly, then our responsibility is to interpret his words in a non-figurative way. Just as there are many varieties of language in Scripture, there are also many varieties of literature. These are larger, more complex forms than language, and they are somewhat more difficult to master. But understanding them is central to handling the various parts and aspects of Scripture responsibly. There are many different forms or genres of literature in Scripture. To name only a few, biblical literature includes: prose, poetry, song, law, narrative, letter, vow, epistle, prophetic oracle, proverb, parable and drama. And within these broader forms, there are often multiple smaller categories. For instance, within the literary form of prophetic oracle, we find oracles of judgment, oracles of blessing, oracles patterned after lawsuits, and so on. These forms are distinguished by their content as well as by their structure, style, and use of language. Moreover, each biblical genre communicates meaning in various ways. So, just as we must be aware of the complexities of language in the Bible, we also need to be aware of the complexities of various literary forms. Usually when we do ethics, we focus on passages in the Bible that contain laws, or that directly teach moral standards and obligations. And these passages are certainly important to our study of ethics. But we should not make the mistake of thinking that the other genres have little or nothing to offer in the way of ethical instruction. For our purposes, we should note that biblical narratives also communicate ethical rules and regulations. Poetry and songs express ethical concerns. Proverbs and other wisdom writings reflect on ethical values. Prophecy expresses God\’s ethical judgments in the form of pleasure or displeasure toward human actions. In fact, as we saw in our earlier lessons, every passage in the Bible reveals God\’s character, and thus every passage contains ethical teaching, whether that passage is a legal code, or a letter, or a poem, or a collection of proverbs, or a historical narrative, or any other type of literature. For this reason, when we do ethics we need to search all types of biblical literature for their revelations of God\’s ethical standards. To illustrate the idea that all genres found in Scripture should guide our ethical reflections, let\’s consider the case of biblical narratives. Certainly the biblical writers were interested in recording historical facts. But they were also interested in using those facts to elicit faith and to teach moral lessons. We will mention five specific ways in which historical narratives contribute to our study and practice of Christian ethics. First, on a very basic level, biblical narratives obligate us to accept their factual content. We are morally obligated to believe that the details of redemptive history are true. This is especially true when it comes to the central events of the gospel, such as: Jesus\’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, and his sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But it is also true with regard to every other fact Scripture teaches us through historical narratives. The mere presentation of these facts in biblical narratives obligates us to believe them. The second reason that biblical narratives are important to Christian ethics is that biblical history has the power to transform us ethically. That is to say, knowing the content of biblical history is part of becoming a Christian. As we saw in our first lesson, only good people are capable of doing good things. And only those who have genuine saving faith in the gospel are good people. Of course, in order for us to have saving faith in Christ, we must know who Christ is and what he has done. And these are facts we learn from the Bible\’s historical record. So, knowing some Biblical history is necessary if we are to have saving faith in Christ. And therefore it is fair to say that knowing some biblical history is necessary if we are to behave ethically. Third, biblical narratives provide the historical setting for God\’s Laws. To understand the Law of God properly, we must understand the historical context in which the Law was given. For example, we must see that biblical narratives emphasize God\’s grace in order to motivate us to obey his Law. Even the Ten Commandments begin in this way. As we read in Exodus 20:2, God began by saying: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery (Exodus 20:2). This short historical statement introduced the Ten Commandments, and provided a central motivation to obey them. In fact, striving to obey them without the motivation of gratitude will never lead to true obedience to the commandments. After all, as we saw in a prior lesson, all good acts must have good motivations. So, biblical narratives are important for ethics because we can only understand God\’s laws properly when we understand biblical history. Fourth, biblical narratives present God\’s evaluation of historical events. And because God\’s evaluations are always correct, they provide us with firm ethical guidance. You will recall that we have defined \”good\” as that which God blesses, and \”evil\” as that which he curses or punishes. Well, in biblical narratives, writers illustrate the kinds of actions, thoughts and motivations that God blesses and curses. By doing so, they provide their readers with examples to follow and to reject. Finally, on occasion the writers of biblical history recorded their own ethical comments. Sometimes these comments are subtle, but other times they are quite blatant. For example, in Genesis 13:12-13, Moses made this comment about the people of Sodom: Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord (Genesis 13:12-13). Moses\’ moral evaluation of Sodom not only calls Lot\’s wisdom into question, but also anticipates the justice that God would soon bring to the city. As God\’s inspired spokesmen, the authors of biblical historical records commented on the goodness or evil of many of the characters, attitudes, and events in their stories. Their evaluations represent the outlooks of God himself, and therefore provide us with many ethical considerations. So, what are the implications of using all the Scriptures as our ethical standard? In the first place, what we have seen about historical narratives is also true of other types of biblical literature: every type of literature is normative; every type of literature teaches us something about the way we should think, act and feel. And as a result, every passage in the Bible places moral obligations on us. For instance, biblical poetry often focuses on appropriate emotional expression, and it frequently describes God\’s approval and disapproval. Prophecy demonstrates God\’s satisfaction or anger with human behavior. It also reveals many good things to do to gain God\’s favor, and warns against sinful things that will incur his wrath. Wisdom literature explains God\’s character, which is our ultimate ethical norm, and it teaches us how to apply the principles of the Law to practical Christian living. Even when ethical considerations are not stressed in a passage, they can always be inferred. Consider again Paul\’s words in 2 Timothy 3:16-17: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Paul insisted that all Scripture, regardless of literary genre, equips Christians to please God. Moreover, since every passage of Scripture is relevant to ethics, it is legitimate to focus on the moral aspects of any given passage — even if the biblical author did not emphasize the moral aspect himself. In short, if we ignore the ethical implications of any portion of Scripture, we cut ourselves off from the full scope of ethical guidance offered in God\’s revelation. Now, the fact that Scripture uses so many types of language and literature to teach us about ethics has some interesting implications for the way we teach ethics today. For one thing, Scripture\’s variety implies that our own teaching of ethics might benefit from using different genres. It is true that direct ethical instruction helps us understand many things. But something is also lost when we rely entirely on straightforward instruction. Simple statements often do not touch our emotions in the same way that poetry and narratives do, just as the plain ethical instructions in Scripture are rarely as moving or memorable to us as the Psalms or the stories about Jesus. The situations explored in typical ethics lectures are seldom as subtle as those in narratives. And simple statements rarely move us to ponder moral issues the way proverbs do. So, at times it may be helpful to teach and preach ethics in the various forms of language used by Scripture itself. In some settings, our teachings on ethical decision making will be more effective if we use our own poetic imagery, stories, proverbs, parables, and other genres that are not usually associated with ethics. So, as we think specifically about Christian ethics, we need to remember that all the varieties of language and literature in Scripture are normative. And we also need to pay special attention to the different ways in which each type of language and literature communicates ethical instruction. Only by handling each type appropriately can we properly understand its ethical teachings. Now that we have introduced how the different forms of language and literature in the Bible guide us in our use of Scripture as our moral standard, we should turn our attention to God\’s Law in Scripture, to those portions of the Bible that address ethics most explicitly. GOD\’S LAW IN SCRIPTURE In Christian and Jewish traditions, the five books of Moses — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy — are known collectively as \”the Law.\” But when we speak of God\’s Law in these lessons, we will not be referring primarily to the books of Moses, but to those portions of Scripture that are written in the literary form of a legal code. Those portions are found primarily in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, but those books also contain historical narrative, poetry, lists and other portions that are not part of their legal code. Moreover, some portions of the legal code are found outside the books of Moses. Now, as we have said, God\’s Law is not the only part of Scripture that contains normative ethical instruction. All Scripture is normative. But the Law contains the clearest and most explicit expressions of many of God\’s ethical requirements, and has traditionally served well as a starting place for ethical investigation. Our look into God\’s Law will divide into two sections. First, we will explain the importance of the Ten Commandments, which are the foundational commandments in God\’s law. And second, we will introduce the three different types of God\’s law that theologians have traditionally recognized. Let\’s begin by turning our attention to the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are listed in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5. Various theological traditions enumerate the commandments differently, but in these lessons we will follow the traditional Protestant numbering. The Ten Commandments may be summarized as follows: Commandment 1: You shall have no other gods before me. Commandment 2: You shall not make for yourself an idol. Commandment 3: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Commandment 4: Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Commandment 5: Honor your father and your mother. Commandment 6: You shall not murder. Commandment 7: You shall not commit adultery. Commandment 8: You shall not steal. Commandment 9: You shall not give false testimony. Commandment 10: You shall not covet. Although some theologians treat the Ten Commandments as if they were just another portion of the Mosaic Law, the Bible indicates that the Ten Commandments have a special primacy over Scripture\’s other commandments. The primacy of the Ten Commandments is both historical and theological. Their historical primacy depends on the fact that, to our knowledge, these laws were the first written legal code that was received by the nation of Israel. Paul called special attention to this fact in Galatians 3:17, where he wrote these words: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God (Galatians 3:17). Paul referred to the giving of the Ten Commandments as the \”introduction\” of the Law, indicating that this was the first time Israel had possessed God\’s Law in this form. Israel received the Ten Commandments through Moses, who himself received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai. By receiving the Ten Commandments, Israel became the first nation to possess an extensive, supernaturally revealed code of God\’s holy requirements. Of course, God\’s people still had many commandments prior to Moses\’ time. We see very clearly in the Flood of Noah\’s day that God had a number of standards that he expected people to follow. And when the people failed to obey God, he destroyed the whole planet with the floodwaters. Moreover, Abraham was not without laws and stipulations to obey. In Genesis 17:1, God had given him the broad and demanding instruction: Walk before me and be blameless (Genesis 17:1). Now, the Ten Commandments were not the only laws given to Israel as they camped at the foot of Mount Sinai. But they served as the preliminary and summary statement for a great number of laws that Israel received immediately afterward, while they were still camped at Mount Sinai. These other laws, commonly known as the Book of the Covenant, can be found in Exodus 21–23. Together with the Ten Commandments, the Book of the Covenant formed Israel\’s initial written legal code. Later, this code was expanded to include many other laws. In addition to having a temporal primacy, the Ten Commandments also had theological or ideological primacy. As we read in Exodus 24:12: The Lord said to Moses, \”Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and commands I have written for their instruction\” (Exodus 24:12). For one thing, unlike the book of the covenant that Moses penned according to the book of instructions, God himself wrote the Ten Commandments on stone tablets. Deuteronomy 9:10 confirms that God himself carved the Ten Commandments in the stone tablets. There Moses claimed: The Lord gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God (Deuteronomy 9:10). By carving the Ten Commandments himself, God demonstrated that the Ten Commandments were special among his laws, that they deserved special attention and notice, and were, in some sense, the most important of his commandments. The theological primacy of the Ten Commandments is also indicated by the special occasion on which Israel received them. The giving of the Law was attended by thunder and lightning, smoke, clouds and heavenly trumpets. During this time, God allowed himself to be viewed not only by Moses, but also by Joshua, Aaron, and the seventy elders of Israel. The Ten Commandments\’ theological primacy is also emphasized in Deuteronomy 4:13, where Moses identified the Ten Commandments as God\’s very covenant with his people: [God] declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments, which he commanded you to follow and then wrote them on two stone tablets (Deuteronomy 4:13). Beyond this, according to Exodus 40:20, The Ten Commandments were also placed within the Ark of the Covenant, God\’s footstool, which was the religious object most closely associated with God\’s presence with Israel. The Book of the Covenant and the rest of the laws did not receive this special recognition. For instance, in Matthew 19:17-19, we read the following discussion between Jesus a man who asked him how to inherit eternal life: Jesus replied … \”If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.\” \”Which ones?\” the man inquired. Jesus replied, \”\’Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,\’ and \’love your neighbor as yourself\’\” (Matthew 19:17-19). The laws that Jesus listed were from the Ten Commandments, except for the instruction on loving neighbors, which is from Leviticus 19:18 and which summarizes the laws Jesus mentioned from Ten Commandments. In short, Jesus indicated that by obeying the Ten Commandments, a person can earn eternal life. Of course, Jesus also taught that no one is good enough to obey these commandments. But the point for our discussion is that Jesus confirmed the importance of the Ten Commandments in a very remarkable way. Even in the New Testament, the Ten Commandments were still spoken of in terms that reflected their theological primacy. The historical and theological primacy that the Bible gives to the Ten Commandments has also been recognized and reflected in Christian and Jewish traditions throughout history. For example, synagogues commonly display symbols of the Ten Commandments. And the two stone tablets of the Commandments are extremely common in Christian iconography, as well. Beyond this, the commandments have also been a vital part of Christian liturgy. In short, for many centuries Christian and Jewish traditions have agreed that this portion of God\’s Law holds a special primacy over Scripture\’s other ethical instructions. Now that we have seen the importance and priority that the Scriptures place on the Ten Commandments, we should turn our attention to the three traditional categories or types of law that we find in Scripture. Three Types of Law In most protestant branches of the church, it has been common to categorize the various laws in the Old Testament Bible into three major groups: moral law, ceremonial law, and civil law. Moral laws are typically thought to convey God\’s ethical standards, and are usually identified with the Ten Commandments. Civil laws provide for the governing of society, especially during the period of Israel\’s theocracy. Ceremonial laws, in turn, are those which provide instruction for worshipping God. Frequently, these are most closely associated with the Old Testament sacrificial system, and Tabernacle and Temple administration. These distinctions have played such an important role in the history of the church that we will look at them more carefully, first addressing some important qualifications of the traditional divisions; second, affirming the value of these divisions; and third, discussing the proper application of the traditional categories of law to the study of ethics. Let\’s think first about some qualifications of the threefold division of the Old Testament laws. Although there are many positive things that can be said about the traditional threefold division of the law, categorizing the laws in Scripture is not without its challenges. In the first place, most biblical scholars rightly notice that the three traditional categories are not taught explicitly in the Bible. That is, nowhere in Scripture do we find any definitive statement that there are distinct types of laws known as moral, ceremonial and civil, let alone instructions explaining which laws belong in which categories. Now, these categories have validity in many ways, but we must not think of them as obvious or clear in every respect. In the second place, Scripture rather plainly presents some laws as belonging to more than one category. For example, in Exodus 20:8-11, the command to observe Sabbath is explicitly set within the Ten Commandments, the moral law. Yet, the Sabbath commandment is also set within a collection of Israel\’s worship ceremonies in Exodus 31:14-16. Scripture also rather explicitly identifies the commandment forbidding murder as both moral and civil. This commandment is also one of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:13, marking it as a moral law. But the Old Testament also made it clear that government was to punish murderers, making murder a civil matter, too. So, as we look at Old Testament laws, we must be aware that many laws clearly fall into more than one division. In fact, it is safe to say that all the laws in the Old Testament had moral, civil and ceremonial aspects. Think about it this way. No matter what may appear most prominently in a particular text, every law was a standard of morality; every law had a direct or indirect bearing on social relations that were regulated by civil laws; and in one way or another, observances and violations of all laws affected the manner in which the people of Israel participated in the ceremonies of worship. For this reason, it is often better to speak of different \”aspects\” of laws rather than placing each law into one of the divisions of the law. Despite these qualifications, we should also be aware that the traditional threefold division has substantial value when it comes to understanding how God intended his law to apply to his people. In the first place, the traditional threefold division helps us see more clearly that the Law was God\’s comprehensive standard for his people\’s lives. The Law did not just regulate a small portion of life; it regulated all of life. This is evident because the traditional threefold division of the Law reflects a genuine distinction that Scripture draws between the three offices that governed Israel\’s theocracy, namely those of prophet, priest and king. Moral law corresponds closely to the prophetic office, which sets forth God\’s command for righteousness. Ceremonial law fits well with the priestly office, since it pertains directly to functions carried out by priests, such as expiation. And civil law is closely related to the office of king, the governing head of the covenant people of God. In the second place, this threefold distinction helps us interpret laws the Bible does not fully explain. By grouping similar laws together, theologians are better able to determine the original meaning and application of many laws about which the Bible says very little. After all, when the Bible gives us extensive information about applying one law, but very little about a similar law, it is reasonable to use the insights from the first to inform our understanding of the second. Now that we have looked at some qualifications of the traditional division of the law, and emphasized its value for understanding Scripture, we should turn our attention to our third concern: the proper application of the traditional threefold division of law to the study of ethics. Although many theologians agree on the validity of the traditional categories of Old Testament law, they often disagree on how to apply these categories to the study of ethics. Some have said that whole categories of laws don\’t apply to modern Christians. In their understanding, the existence of these categories, and the proper identification of laws, provides a mechanism by which they can avoid applying God\’s Word to their lives. Other theologians have said that all the individual laws still apply, but only with regard to some of their aspects. Still others have argued that the traditional categories simply help us to see how each aspect of each law should be applied in the life of every Christian. Consider, for example, the Westminster Confession of Faith\’s statement in chapter 19, section 3: All … ceremonial laws are now abrogated under the new testament. This statement reflects the fact that since the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ, God\’s people are no longer to perform many of the specific behaviors that were required under the Mosaic sacrificial and temple system. We are no longer to maintain the temple, or to restrict women and Gentiles from access to God\’s holy presence, or to sacrifice animals for our sin. The Westminster Confession of Faith makes a similar statement with regard to civil law, but allows that the general equity, or basic moral principles, of civil laws continue to apply. It speaks of Israel\’s civil laws in chapter 19, section 4, where it states: To them also, as a body politic, He gave sundry judicial laws, which expired together with the state of that people, not obliging any other now, further than the general equity thereof may require. Again, the basic idea here is that the specific requirements of the civil laws no longer apply. They have \”expired.\” Now, it is true that believers no longer have to behave in many of the ways specified in the Old Testament, especially with regard to laws that pertain to Old Testament ceremony and civil government. These behaviors have been superseded by the fuller revelation of the New Testament. The civil and ceremonial laws of the Old Testament really have \”expired\” in the sense that we are not to return to Old Testament patterns of life. But it is critical to realize that in another sense, the Old Testament civil and ceremonial laws still apply to modern Christians. The civil and ceremonial laws still guide us as God\’s standard today, just as the moral laws do. There are at least four reasons that Christians should still look to the civil and ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, as well as to its moral laws, for ethical guidance today. First, God\’s character requires us to learn from the revelation these laws provide. As we have already seen, God\’s character is our ultimate standard for ethics. And the Old Testament Law reflects God\’s character; it is a revelation of who God is and what he is like. And God\’s character has not changed. This means that everything the Law revealed about God in the Old Testament continues to be true today. In short, the Old Testament\’s civil and ceremonial laws still reveal our moral standard. Second, Scripture itself teaches the continuing modern application of every Old Testament law, down to the last one. For example, in Matthew 5:18-19, Jesus gave this teaching: Until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:18-19). According to Jesus, every law will continue to reveal God\’s standard until \”everything is accomplished.\” But everything is not accomplished yet — Christ has not yet returned. Until he does, even the least of the commandments is to be taught and observed. So, in one way or another, even the civil and ceremonial laws continue to teach us God\’s norms for our lives. Third, the stubborn fact is that the Bible consistently teaches that the Law is a unified whole, that it all stands together, without regard to distinctions between ceremonial, civil or moral divisions. For example, in James 2:10-11 we read these words: Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, \”Do not commit adultery,\” also said, \”Do not murder\” (James 2:10-11). In the mind of James, the law was indivisible because it all came from the same God. Fourth, all of Scripture, not just some parts, is for our moral instruction. This means that the ceremonial and civil laws as well as the moral laws have something to teach us about modern ethics. As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is … useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Note that Paul did not list any exceptions here. On the contrary, he included \”all Scripture.\” This means that even the ceremonial and civil laws are useful for training us in the ways of righteousness. Now, realizing that the civil and ceremonial laws are still part of our ethical standard in Christian ethics is an important first step. But it is also important to know how to include these types of law in our ethical evaluations. After all, we have already established that we are not simply to continue Old Testament behaviors with regard to these laws. So, what are we supposed to do with these laws? What process of application should we follow? Throughout this series of lessons we have emphasized that ethical decisions always involve the application of God\’s word to a situation by a person. As a result, the standard of any law, whether it emphasizes moral, civil or ceremonial aspects, cannot be properly understood or applied without considering both the situation to which it is applied and the person who applies it. And whenever the details of the situation or the person change, we can expect the application of God\’s word to be at least somewhat different. For the sake of illustration, it will help to consider a test case from the Old Testament in which a civil law was applied to a historical situation. So, consider the case of Zelophehad\’s daughters, who are mentioned in Numbers 27. According to the law that God had given earlier regarding the distribution of the Promised Land, allotments were to be distributed to families, and they were to be divided among the sons. Now, Zelophehad was a man who had died in the wilderness, leaving five daughters but no sons. According to the law of property distribution that God had commanded, Zelophehad\’s daughters could not inherit their father\’s land. So, the daughters appealed to Moses. We read their petition in Numbers 27:3-4: Our father died in the desert… and left no sons. Why should our father\’s name disappear from his clan because he had no son? Give us property among our father\’s relatives (Numbers 27:3-4). Now, if the Lord had intended the law to be applied woodenly or mechanically, the case would have been clear-cut. As the law stood, Zelophehad\’s daughters could not receive an inheritance in the Promised Land. But in the next verse, a very remarkable thing happened. Listen to the words of Numbers 27:5: So Moses brought their case before the Lord (Numbers 27:5). Isn\’t that amazing? Moses had delivered the law about property distribution, and was the supreme judge in Israel. Above all others in that nation, he had intimate knowledge of the ways of God and of the details of God\’s law. If anyone should have known how to judge this case, Moses was the man. So, why didn\’t he know what decision to render? Moses understood that the law God had given him was designed to manage a situation where there were sons. And he knew that the goal of this law was to secure each family\’s place within its tribe, and to preserve their allotments of tribal lands. But in the case of Zelophehad\’s daughters, Moses faced the issue of how to apply the standard revealed by this law to a new situation. He needed help from God because he knew that the new situation would affect how he was to apply the law. And God\’s response is noteworthy. Listen to what God said in Numbers 27:7-8: What Zelophehad\’s daughters are saying is right… Say to the Israelites, \”If a man dies and leaves no son, turn his inheritance over to his daughter\” (Numbers 27:7-8). The passage goes on to list a number of other instances in which a man\’s inheritance might fall to people other than his sons. But the point we are making is this: God indicated that the same aspect of his character was to be applied in different ways in different situations. In many respects, Christians face the same difficulty Moses faced: we have the standard of God\’s law, but we need to apply it to a new situation. The entire law must be reinterpreted and applied in the light of Christ and his work. As priest, Christ fulfills the ceremonial aspects of the law. The ceremonial principles of the law are still binding, and we are to follow them by trusting Christ as our sacrifice, and by worshiping in Spirit and in truth. As king, Christ fulfills the civil aspects of the law. And the church, which is his nation on the earth, is bound to obey these aspects not only by living rightly under our respective earthly governments, which are under Christ\’s greater lordship, but also by directly honoring Christ as king and by keeping his commandments. And finally, as prophet, Christ fulfills the moral aspects of the law. We depend on Christ\’s morality alone as the basis for our acceptance before God. Yet, we must also conform ourselves to Christ\’s image and example, seeking to live as morally as he did during his earthly ministry, and as he continues to do in heaven. In summary, the categories of moral, ceremonial and civil law are helpful in many ways, especially when we think of them as aspects of each law rather than as distinct categories. But these categories should never be used as the basis for ignoring any portion or aspect of God\’s laws. As we have seen, all of God\’s law remains our standard for morality, and we are obligated to apply all of God\’s law to our modern situation. Every bit of God\’s law still serves as our norm for Christian ethics. Now that we have established a basic orientation toward the variety of Scripture, and God\’s law in Scripture, we should explore the unity of Scripture, considering the ways in which the law relates to the other portions of God\’s written revelation. UNITY OF SCRIPTURE It is very common in the modern church to hear Bible teachers say things like, \”Christians don\’t have to obey the Law; we just have to believe the gospel\” or \”The only Law that God requires us to obey is the law of love.\” Now, admittedly, not everything the Bible says about these matters is perfectly clear. But if we rightly analyze all the biblical data, what we discover is that the unity of Scripture is so great that the Law is completely compatible with everything else in the Bible. In this section of our lesson, we will look at several ways in which the Law interacts with other teachings in Scripture. We will look first at the way the Law relates to the commandment of love. Second, we will turn our attention to the relationship between the Law and the gospel of grace. Third, we will examine the Law in relation to redemptive history and the new covenant. And fourth, we will tackle the issue of the harmony of all divine commands. Let\’s begin with the Law\’s relationship to the commandment of love. Commandment of Love When we speak of the \”love commandment,\” we are speaking first and foremost of the commandment to love God. And by implication from this commandment, we are also referring to the commandment to love one another. Although neither of these commandments appears in the Ten Commandments, they both have a certain priority that must be acknowledged. As Jesus stated in Matthew 22:37-40: \”Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.\” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: \”Love your neighbor as yourself.\” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments (Matthew 22:37-40). Here, Jesus identified the commandment to love God as the greatest commandment of all. He also indicated that the commandment to love our neighbor is the second most important law. And he taught that every other commandment depends upon these two laws. So, every other commandment is, in some sense, a description of how we are to love both God and our neighbors. In fact, Paul went so far as to say this in Romans 13:9-10: The commandments … are summed up in this one rule: \”Love your neighbor as yourself.\” … Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:9-10). And in Galatians 5:14 he wrote: The entire law is summed up in a single command: \”Love your neighbor as yourself\” (Galatians 5:14). Now, it is important to read Paul\’s words with great care, because many theologians have made the mistake of thinking that in these verses Paul taught that Christians do not have to obey any law except the law to love our neighbor. In truth, however, Paul was saying that the command to love our neighbor is inseparable from every other command because all of Scripture\’s commands teach us how to love our neighbor. So, if we genuinely, perfectly love our neighbor, we will keep every law that God has given. To put it another way, neither Jesus nor Paul intended to replace the many various stipulations of the law with a simpler formula requiring only love for God and neighbor. Rather, they both intended to teach that the requirements to love God and neighbor are an aspect of every law, and therefore that a person who loves perfectly will keep every commandment of the law. Consider, for example, Deuteronomy 6, from which Jesus quoted in the passage from Matthew that we just read. Deuteronomy 6:1-5 reads: These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you … so that you … may fear the Lord your God … by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you … Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:1-5). Here we can see that, in its original context, the passage Jesus quoted about loving God was inseparably tied to all the various commandments of the Law that God had given through Moses. Love for God was never intended to replace the other requirements. So, as we seek to understand how to use the Law in Christian ethics, we need to keep in mind the primacy and importance of love. Indeed, we need to remember that the entire law of God is summed up in the commands to love God and neighbor. But at the same time, we need to recognize that Scripture\’s emphasis on the love commandment does not exempt us from keeping all the other laws in the Bible. Now that we have examined the interdependence between the love commandment and the rest of the law, we are ready to explore the way the gospel of grace relates to God\’s Law. Gospel of Grace A common misunderstanding among Christians is that the Law is contrary to the gospel of grace. Many believe that because we are saved by grace apart from works of the Law, we have absolutely no obligation to obey the Law. Others believe that the Law is properly seen only as a threat and terror against sinners, whereas the gospel, by contrast, is what saves us after the Law has condemned us. In all actuality, there are so many views about the relationship between the Law and the gospel of grace that we cannot possibly mention them all. So, to counter an entire host of false notions, we will describe the biblical perspective on this relationship by focusing on what have traditionally been called the \”three uses of the Law.\” Since the Protestant Reformation, theologians have frequently spoken of three different ways the Law is used in Scripture. Although much agreement exists about the validity of several different uses, theologians have not always been consistent in numbering these uses. So, to avoid confusion, in these lessons we will refer to the three uses of the Law in the following order: The first use of the Law is the pedagogical use, or the use of the Law as a teacher. When used pedagogically, the Law drives men to Christ by inciting and exposing their sin, and threatening punishment against it. The second use of the Law is the civil use. When we use the Law for a civil end, we use it to restrain sin in society. This use is sometimes associated with external discipline. The third use of the Law is the normative use. This is the use of the Law as a guide or rule for faithful Christians. The pedagogical or first use of the Law speaks of the way God\’s law enlivens sin within unbelievers and shows them their need for Christ. We all know the experience of learning that something is forbidden and being drawn all the more to do it. Paul wrote about his own experience with the pedagogical use of the Law in Romans 7:7-8, where he wrote these words: I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, \”Do not covet.\” But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire (Romans 7:7-8). This use of the law is commonly associated with the biblical teaching that believers were once under law, but are now under grace. When unbelievers are confronted by the Law\’s standards and penalties, they are incited to sin even more, and they recognize the punishment or curse that the Law threatens against them because of their sin. This threat drives some unbelievers to Christ, who graciously saves them from the Law\’s curse. This is the idea behind Paul\’s words in Romans 6:14: Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). In this sense, the pedagogical use of the Law does not apply directly to believers. Once a person has been driven to Christ, the Law has finished its work in this regard. So, with regard to the pedagogical use, we are no longer under the Law. The civil or second use of the law involves the way the law restrains sin by threatening punishment against those who violate it. We can think of ways we restrain our own behavior for fear of punishment by those who hold civil authority over us. This use of the law is for believers and unbelievers alike, and it focuses especially on God\’s place for civil government as an instrument for restraining evil. In future lessons we will address many subjects related to this use of the Law, so for now we will simply mention it, and note that it is not incompatible with the gospel of grace. The third or normative use of the Law, however, is very helpful to study when we think about the Law in terms of the gospel and Christian ethics. The normative use applies the Law in the way that we have been using it in these lectures, namely as a revelation of God\’s will for Christian living. We might compare it to the household rules that our parents made to keep us safe, and that we obeyed because we loved and trusted our parents. For example, listen to the words of 1 John 3:4: Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). John wrote these words long after Christ had ascended into heaven. Nevertheless, he asserted that the Law remains the standard for our behavior. He even went so far as to define all sin in terms of breaking the law. To put it simply, the Law is still the standard by which Christian behavior is judged to be righteous or sinful. And many passages indicate that when the Law is used as a standard for Christian behavior, it is perfectly compatible with the gospel. Before we were saved, we were all sinners, incapable of keeping the Law. We were under the Law\’s curse because we were lawbreakers. But now that we are saved, we are counted as perfect law-keepers in Christ, so that we receive the Law\’s promised blessings of salvation and life. Paul referred to this state as being \”under grace\” to contrast it with being under the Law\’s curse. In short, while believers are not \”under law\” in the sense that we suffer its curse when we sin, we are \”under law\” in the sense that we receive its blessings, and in the sense that we are obligated to obey it. In James 1:25, James puts the matter this way: The man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it — he will be blessed in what he does (James 1:25). Now that we have seen how God\’s Law complements both the love commandment and the gospel of grace, we should look at the Law in relation to the new covenant and the developments of redemptive history. When we speak of redemptive history and the new covenant, we are referring to the changes that took place between the Old and New Testament eras as a result of the work of Jesus Christ. And at this point, we are most interested in the way these changes affect our use of the Law in Christian ethics. In the Old Testament, the new covenant is mentioned by name only once, and that is in Jeremiah 31:31. The New Testament, on the other hand, refers to it several times. The most helpful mention for our purposes, however, can be found in Hebrews 8, where the author quotes extensively from Jeremiah 31 and applies it to the church. In Hebrews 8:8-10, we read these words: I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah… I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people (Hebrews 8:8-10). Notice that in this passage, the new covenant is not something that frees us from the Law. Rather, in the new covenant, the Law is still central. In fact, the Law is written in our minds and hearts as the rules of the new covenant. The image of the Law being written in our hearts and minds indicates that we know and love the Law. Far from leaving the Law behind us as a thing of the past, in the new covenant we internalize the Law and keep it earnestly. In truth, this is precisely how the Law was to be observed even in the old covenant. As the Lord spoke in Deuteronomy 6:6: These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts (Deuteronomy 6:6). And as the psalmist testified in Psalm 119:11: I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11). God\’s word was always supposed to be in the hearts and minds of his people, and it really was in the hearts and minds of many, even in the old covenant. The writing of the Law on our hearts and minds is not something new or different in the new covenant; it is a point of continuity with the old covenant. We might even say that the new covenant gives us even greater reasons to obey the Law. After all, in the Old Testament believers looked back to the exodus from Egypt and toward life in the Promised Land as the grounds for their obedience to the Law. But today, Christians look back on the much greater work of salvation in Christ, and forward to the even greater work of Christ in his second coming, as the grounds for our obedience to the Law. But again, it is important that as Christians we reapply the Law in light of the changes that have taken place between the old and new covenants. As the author of Hebrews wrote in 10:1 of his book: The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming — not the realities themselves (Hebrews 10:1). In the new covenant, Christ has been revealed as the one whom the Law prefigured. And as a result, many laws that obligated old covenant believers to do such things as perform sacrifices are now fulfilled by the reality that they foreshadowed, namely the sacrifice of Christ. As a result, we rightly keep these laws by relying on Jesus as our sacrifice, not by sacrificing bulls and goats. In future lessons, we will look more closely at the kinds of adjustments we must make as we apply the Law to the New Testament age. But for now, it should be clear that in principle the Law applies during the new covenant age. Now that we have explored the Law in relation to love, the gospel, and the new covenant, we are ready to address our final topic: the harmony of all God\’s commands with one another. In the legal system of the Bible there are a great number of laws and requirements. These are so numerous and touch on so many matters that these laws sometimes appear to conflict with one another. Conflict between rules is a problem that every deontological or rule-oriented ethical system faces. But in the case of biblical law, there are no real contradictions; God\’s laws never actually conflict with one another, just as God\’s character never conflicts with itself. Instead, all the moral teachings of Scripture are in perfect harmony with each other. As we saw in James 2:10, the Law is a unified whole: For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it (James 2:10). Because the Law is unified, its various commands collectively require our obedience. That is to say, whenever our actions are in true agreement with any particular stipulation of the Law, they are in agreement with the whole. So, whenever it appears that particular laws in Scripture contradict each other, it simply means that we have not yet come to understand the law correctly. The fact is, we will never understand the entire law perfectly, so from time to time we will feel torn between God\’s various laws. How do we resolve these tensions, practically speaking? Well, there are many things that could be said about such situations, but we will mention just two. In the first place, God\’s laws are given with the implicit understanding that at times some laws take priority over others. For example, in Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus gives the following instruction: If you are offering your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:23-24). Jesus taught that reconciliation between God\’s people takes precedence even over certain offerings made to God — so much so that even if a believer is at the altar and ready to present his gift, he should delay his offering until he has made things right with his brother. Whenever certain sins are said to be worse than others, or certain laws are said to be more important than others, we should realize that the Bible is assigning different levels of priority to its various commands. Thus, giving priority to one law over another is actually in accordance with the whole of the law; and therefore it is not a conflict between particular laws at all. In the second place, biblical laws are also given with the implicit understanding that there are exceptions to rules. That is to say, in the Bible\’s legal system, it is assumed that in emergencies and other unusual circumstances, normal regulations may be transcended by more important principles. Consider, for instance, the confrontation between the apostles and the Sanhedrin in Acts 5. In this situation, the Sanhedrin had commanded the apostles to stop preaching about Jesus, but the apostles had ignored their command. The apostles\’ defense of their action is recorded in Acts 5:29: We must obey God rather than men! (Acts 5:29). In this case, as the governing body of the Jewish people, the Sanhedrin did have some legitimate authority over the apostles. And as a general rule, the Bible requires us to obey human authorities. However, when the Sanhedrin contradicted God\’s commands, this created an exception to the general rule that we are to obey our human leaders. Because of this exception, the righteous and good thing for the apostles to do was to disobey the Sanhedrin and to obey God. But again, this was not a case where one law conflicted with another. After all, the Law is a unified whole revealing God\’s character, and God\’s character is not at odds with itself. Rather, the Law anticipates that general principles will sometimes indicate contrary courses of action. In these cases, the right thing to do must be discovered by looking at every command and principle, and measuring the situation and motivations in light of every obligation. The best course of action will be obedient to the entire body of the Law in its full meaning, even if it does not resemble the way we usually apply some principles. Of course, we have to be cautious when we assign priorities to various commands in Scripture. And because we are limited, fallen human beings, there will no doubt be some times when we can\’t figure out the right thing to do, and even some times when we make the wrong decisions. Nevertheless, we must always remember that the Scriptures are unified. And therefore, we must work hard to find the ways that the laws of God harmonize with each other. In this lesson we have looked at the ways the many parts and aspects of Scripture work together as God\’s standard for Christian ethics. We have seen that the varieties of language and literature in Scripture must each be handled somewhat differently, and that each has something special to tell us about ethics. We have also explored the divisions and functions of God\’s Law in Scripture. And we have seen how the Law is unified with itself and with all other portions of Scripture. As we continue our study of biblical ethics, it is important to remember that there are many different parts and aspects of Scripture, and that each one communicates ethical information to us in different ways. By keeping these ideas in mind as we continue to study and to live our lives before God, we will be able to handle each part and aspect of Scripture more responsibly, and to match our lives more closely to the standards that God has revealed to us.
The power of God is the divine essence energising and producing outward effects. It is omnipotence, in the case of the Trinity, and He is limited by His power only in perfection. There are, however, some things that God cannot do. It is not that He has limited power, but He is limited by His own being. For example, He cannot do things that are self-contradictory with His nature. This would be like calling something a “square triangle”, where this is simply impossible. God can do all that He wills. But His will is determined by His nature. He is all-powerful and yet limited by His own inherent being. He cannot do things that are inconsistent with His own decrees. God’s power is demonstrated within the sphere of creation. The Bible speaks of creation as the work of God’s fingers, and it is manifested in the government of this universe. It is expressed by His power over natural causes such as in the lives of Jonah and Daniel.
In today’s interconnected world, the role of a Cyber Security Specialist has become increasingly vital. As technology continues to advance, so does the sophistication of cyber threats, making organizations more vulnerable to attacks. Consequently, the demand for skilled professionals who can safeguard digital systems and data has skyrocketed. However, breaking into the field of cybersecurity can be challenging due to the technical skills required and the competitive job market. That’s where job assistance programs play a crucial role in guiding aspiring Cyber Security Specialists toward success. 1.Understanding the Role of a Cyber Security Specialist A Cyber Security Specialist is responsible for protecting digital assets from unauthorized access, threats, and breaches. They possess a deep understanding of network security, encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. Additionally, Cyber Security Specialists often hold certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) to validate their expertise. Keeping up with industry trends and emerging technologies is crucial in this rapidly evolving field. 2.Challenges Faced by Aspiring Cyber Security Specialists Aspiring Cyber Security Specialists face several challenges on their journey to securing a rewarding career. One of the main hurdles is the lack of practical experience and industry exposure. Many individuals possess theoretical knowledge but struggle to demonstrate hands-on expertise, which is highly valued by employers. Additionally, the competitive job market poses another obstacle, with numerous candidates vying for limited positions. Lastly, the technical skills gap is a challenge that arises due to the rapid advancement of technology, making it difficult for newcomers to stay up to date. 3.The Importance of Job Assistance Programs Job assistance programs serve as a bridge between academic education and industry requirements. These programs provide aspiring Cyber Security Specialists with the guidance and support needed to navigate the job market successfully. They offer valuable insights into career pathways and specialization options, helping individuals make informed decisions about their professional development. Furthermore, job assistance programs facilitate networking opportunities and industry connections, allowing participants to build relationships with professionals in the field. 4.Key Components of Effective Job Assistance Programs To ensure the success of job assistance programs for Cyber Security Specialists, several key components must be in place. Firstly, participants need assistance with crafting a tailored resume that highlights their relevant skills and experiences. Additionally, interview preparation is crucial, as it equips individuals with the skills and techniques necessary to excel in job interviews. Hands-on training and practical experience, such as internships or access to cybersecurity labs, provide participants with real-world exposure and enhance their practical skills. Mentorship from experienced industry professionals is another invaluable aspect of job assistance programs, as it offers personalized guidance and support tailored to each individual’s goals and aspirations. 5.Resources and Platforms for Cyber Security Job Assistance A plethora of resources and platforms are available to support individuals seeking job assistance in the field of cybersecurity. Online job portals and professional networking sites allow candidates to explore job opportunities, connect with recruiters, and showcase their skills and experiences. Cybersecurity communities and forums provide a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and staying updated on industry trends. Furthermore, educational institutions and industry partnerships often offer job assistance programs or career counseling services to their students, providing a comprehensive support system. 6.Navigating the Job Market as a Cyber Security Specialist Navigating the job market successfully as a Cyber Security Specialist requires a strategic approach. Thorough research on potential employers and job opportunities enables candidates to align their skills and experiences with the specific requirements of each position. Tailoring applications to highlight relevant qualifications and experiences significantly increases the chances of securing interviews. Leveraging professional networks and referrals can also be advantageous, as they provide access to insider information and recommendations from trusted sources. 7.Industry Certifications and Continuous Learning Industry-recognized certifications play a vital role in the career progression of Cyber Security Specialists. Certifications such as CISSP , CEH, or CompTIA Security+ not only validate one’s skills and knowledge but also enhance credibility in the eyes of potential employers. Continuous learning is essential in the ever-changing field of cybersecurity, as new threats and vulnerabilities emerge regularly. Engaging in professional development opportunities, attending workshops, and staying updated on the latest industry trends are key to maintaining a competitive edge. 8.Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of Job Assistance Programs Numerous job assistance programs have successfully paved the way for aspiring Cyber Security Specialists. For instance, the XYZ Job Assistance Program provides a structured approach to career development, offering participants personalized support and guidance. Testimonials from successful graduates emphasize the program’s effectiveness in helping individuals secure desired positions. Similarly, the ABC Cyber Security Academy takes a comprehensive approach to job assistance, focusing on practical experience and mentorship, resulting in notable achievements among its graduates. In conclusion, in becoming a Cyber Security Specialist is a rewarding career path, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Job assistance programs play a vital role in helping aspiring professionals overcome these challenges and achieve their goals. By providing tailored guidance, hands-on training, and mentorship, these programs bridge the gap between academia and industry requirements. It is through such comprehensive support that aspiring Cyber Security Specialists can navigate the job market with confidence and contribute effectively to safeguarding digital assets in our increasingly interconnected world. As you embark on your journey to become a Cyber Security Specialist, remember the value of job assistance programs and the power they hold in shaping your future. With the right resources, guidance, and continuous learning, you can navigate the path to success in this exciting and essential field.
Water cascades are a mesmerizing natural wonder that have captured the human fascination for centuries. From the majestic power of Niagara Falls to the gentle trickle of a backyard fountain, the flow of water has an undeniable allure. But what is it about water cascades that make them so captivating? The answer lies in the science behind the mesmerizing flow of water. The movement of water cascades can be attributed to several scientific principles, including gravity, fluid dynamics, and surface tension. These forces work together to create the hypnotic and soothing effect that water cascades have on our senses. Gravity is the driving force behind the cascading movement of water. As water flows downhill, gravity pulls it downwards, creating a cascading effect. The force of gravity causes the water to move in a continuous and rhythmic manner, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle. Fluid dynamics also play a significant role in the mesmerizing flow of water cascades. As water flows over different surfaces and obstacles, it creates intricate patterns and movements. The interaction between the water and its surroundings creates a dynamic and ever-changing display that captivates the eye. Surface tension is another important factor in the mesmerizing flow of water cascades. This is the cohesive force that holds water molecules together, creating a thin layer on the surface of the water. As the water cascades over different surfaces, the surface tension creates a smooth and continuous flow, adding to the mesmerizing effect. In addition to these scientific principles, water also has a calming and soothing effect on the human mind. The gentle sound of flowing water has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation, making water cascades a popular feature in gardens, parks, and other outdoor spaces. The mesmerizing flow of water cascades is not only a visual and auditory delight, but it also has a profound impact on our emotional and mental well-being. The combination of scientific principles and the inherent calming nature of water make cascades a captivating and therapeutic natural spectacle. In conclusion, the science behind the mesmerizing flow of water cascades involves a combination of gravity, fluid dynamics, surface tension, and the soothing effect of water on the human mind. These forces work together to create a hypnotic and soothing display that has captivated people for generations. Whether it’s a grand waterfall or a small backyard fountain, the mesmerizing flow of water cascades is a testament to the beauty and power of nature.
The Green Revolution in India: A Case Study Background: The Green Revolution in India refers to a set of agricultural initiatives undertaken in the 1960s and 1970s with the aim of increasing food production and achieving self-sufficiency in staple crops. It was characterized by the introduction of high-yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds, increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and improvements in irrigation infrastructure. - High-Yielding Varieties (HYV): - Introduction: High-yielding varieties of crops, particularly wheat and rice, were introduced to replace traditional varieties. - Impact: These new varieties exhibited higher productivity, shorter growth cycles, and better resistance to diseases. - Irrigation Infrastructure: - Expansion of Irrigation: The Green Revolution involved the development and expansion of irrigation facilities, including the construction of dams and canals. - Impact: Improved access to water allowed for multiple cropping seasons, enhancing overall agricultural productivity. - Chemical Inputs: - Increased Fertilizer Use: Farmers were encouraged to use chemical fertilizers to provide essential nutrients to crops. - Pesticide Application: Chemical pesticides were promoted to control pests and diseases, preventing yield losses. - Government Support: - Financial Assistance: The government provided subsidies on fertilizers, seeds, and irrigation facilities to incentivize farmers to adopt modern agricultural practices. - Research and Extension Services: Agricultural research institutions played a key role in developing and disseminating new technologies. - Increased Productivity: - The Green Revolution led to a substantial increase in the production of wheat and rice, transforming India from a food-deficit nation to achieving food self-sufficiency. - Economic Impact: - Higher crop yields improved farmers’ incomes, contributing to rural economic development. - Increased agricultural productivity had positive ripple effects on related industries and the overall economy. - Social Changes: - The increased income and productivity had social implications, such as improved living standards, better education, and healthcare in rural areas. - Challenges and Concerns: - Environmental Impact: Intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides raised concerns about soil health, water pollution, and the loss of biodiversity. - Social Disparities: The benefits of the Green Revolution were not evenly distributed, leading to economic disparities between large and small-scale farmers. - Sustainability Challenges: - Over time, the long-term sustainability of the Green Revolution model has been questioned due to issues such as soil degradation, water scarcity, and the development of resistant pests. Conclusion: The Green Revolution in India significantly transformed the agricultural landscape, contributing to food security and economic growth. However, it also posed challenges related to environmental sustainability and social equity. The experience of the Green Revolution underscores the importance of balancing increased productivity with sustainable agricultural practices to address the evolving needs of a growing population.
You may have heard of the term ‘prediction’ in the context of reading comprehension, but do you truly understand its power and significance? The ability to predict is not just a skill that enhances your reading comprehension, but it is also a cognitive process that our brains naturally engage in when we read. The power of prediction lies in its ability to help you actively engage with the text, make connections, and think critically about what you are reading. As you continue reading this article, you will discover the science behind prediction in reading comprehension, strategies for enhancing your prediction skills, and the benefits of prediction in learning. Whether you are a student, teacher, or someone who simply loves to read, understanding the power of prediction can significantly improve your reading abilities and help you become a more effective learner. So, let’s dive into the world of prediction and uncover its true potential. Table of Contents The Importance of Prediction in Reading Comprehension Understanding what’s coming next is crucial to grasping the meaning of written material. This is where predictive reading comes in. Predictive reading is when a reader makes educated guesses about what will happen next in a text based on the information presented so far. This means the reader is actively engaged in the reading process and is using their critical thinking skills to anticipate future events. On the other hand, reactive reading is when a reader simply reacts to what is happening in the text as they encounter it. This can lead to a passive reading experience and may result in a lack of understanding or confusion. By contrast, predictive reading allows readers to actively engage with the text and make connections between different pieces of information. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and a more enjoyable reading experience overall. The Science behind Prediction in Reading Comprehension You may be surprised to learn that prediction plays a crucial role in reading comprehension. Cognitive processes such as working memory, attention, and prior knowledge heavily influence our ability to predict what comes next in a text. The connection between prediction and comprehension is strong, as prediction helps us make sense of the text and retain information more effectively. The Role of Cognitive Processes The brain uses various processes to make sense of written language. Two of the most important cognitive processes involved in reading comprehension are metacognition and attention. Metacognition refers to the ability to monitor and evaluate one’s own thinking processes, while attention involves the ability to focus and sustain attention on a particular task or stimulus. In the context of reading comprehension, metacognition and attention play a crucial role in helping readers predict what will come next in a text. Another important cognitive process involved in prediction is schema activation. Schemas are mental frameworks or structures that help us organize and interpret information. When we read a text, we activate our existing schemas to help us make sense of what we are reading. Prediction is closely linked to schema activation because it involves using our prior knowledge and experiences to anticipate what comes next in a text. By activating relevant schemas, readers are better able to make accurate predictions about the content and structure of a text. Overall, the cognitive processes of metacognition, attention, and schema activation are essential for readers to make accurate predictions, which in turn enhances their reading comprehension. The Connection between Prediction and Comprehension As you journey through the pages of a book, your mind becomes a treasure hunter, digging through the text to find clues that unlock the secrets of the story and reveal its hidden gems. One of the most effective tools that you can use to uncover these treasures is prediction techniques. Predicting outcomes is a core skill that’s essential to reading comprehension. When you make predictions about what might happen next, you engage with the text at a deeper level, connect ideas, and draw inferences that help you understand the story and its themes. The connection between prediction and comprehension is strong. As you make predictions, you activate your prior knowledge and use it to make sense of the text. This process helps you anticipate what might happen next and prepares you for what is to come. Additionally, prediction techniques help you identify key ideas, themes, and motifs that are woven throughout the story. By paying attention to these details, you can develop a deeper understanding of the text and gain new insights into the characters, plot, and setting. Ultimately, the power of prediction in reading comprehension lies in its ability to help you become an active reader, engage with the text, and extract meaning from the story. Strategies for Enhancing Prediction Skills You can improve your ability to anticipate what comes next in a text by practicing techniques such as making connections to prior knowledge and using contextual clues. Interactive activities can help you develop your prediction skills by engaging you in a stimulating and dynamic learning experience. Try participating in a group discussion where you can brainstorm and share ideas with your peers. This can help you build on your existing knowledge base and improve your ability to predict outcomes. Real world examples can also help you develop strong prediction skills. Look for articles or stories that are relevant to your interests or experiences. This will help you better understand the context of the text and identify important details that can help you make more accurate predictions. Collaborative learning is also an effective way to enhance your prediction skills. Work with a partner or study group to practice predicting outcomes together. This will help you develop a shared understanding of the text and learn from each other’s perspectives. Individual practice is also important. Take time to read on your own and make predictions based on your understanding of the text. This will help you build confidence in your own abilities and improve your overall reading comprehension. The Benefits of Prediction in Learning Now that you know some strategies to enhance your prediction skills, let’s talk about the benefits of prediction in learning. Prediction is a powerful tool that can help you in problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. Here are some examples of how prediction can benefit you: – It helps you anticipate what might happen next in a story or a situation, making it easier for you to follow along and understand the context. – It allows you to make educated guesses and hypotheses, which can lead to better problem solving and decision making. – It encourages you to think critically and analytically, as you need to consider different factors and possibilities when making predictions. By using prediction in your learning, you can become more engaged and active in the process. You’re not just passively receiving information, but actively trying to make sense of it. This can lead to better retention and understanding of the material. Additionally, prediction can help you develop your intuition and creativity, as you learn to trust your instincts and come up with new ideas. Overall, prediction is a valuable skill that can benefit you in many ways. Applications in the Classroom and Beyond When you’re in school or at work, using your ability to predict can help you become more engaged in the material and lead to better problem solving and understanding. Real world examples of prediction in action can be seen in the way teachers use predictive teaching methods to help students learn. One common technique is to use advance organizers, which are used to activate prior knowledge and help students understand new material. For example, a teacher might begin a lesson on the Civil War by asking students to brainstorm what they already know about the topic and then using that information to guide the lesson. Another way that prediction can be applied in the classroom is through the use of graphic organizers. These visual aids help students organize information, make connections, and predict what might come next. For example, a teacher might use a Venn diagram to help students compare and contrast two different texts or use a flowchart to help students understand the steps in a process. Beyond the classroom, prediction can be a valuable tool in many areas of life, from business to sports to personal relationships. By learning to anticipate what might happen next, you can make better decisions and be more prepared for whatever comes your way. Congratulations! You’ve now discovered the power of prediction in reading comprehension. By actively engaging your brain in making predictions while reading, you’ll be able to comprehend the text better and retain more information. According to recent studies, readers who make accurate predictions while reading have better comprehension scores and are more likely to enjoy reading. Just imagine yourself reading a book and being able to predict what the next chapter holds. It’s like having a superpower that can help you understand and enjoy the story even more! So, next time you’re reading a book, try making predictions before turning the page. Use the information you’ve already learned to make an educated guess about what’s going to happen next. You might be surprised at how accurate your predictions can be! With practice, you’ll be able to improve your prediction skills and become more confident in your ability to comprehend what you’re reading. Remember, prediction is not just a guessing game, it’s a tool that can help you unlock the full potential of your brain. So, keep reading, keep predicting, and keep learning!
Probably the birds you hear are nesting in your chimney, and they’re right where they want to be. The most likely possibility is that the birds are Chimney Swifts (assuming you live within their range in eastern North America). If so, the young will have no trouble at all leaving the chimney. It’s possible they’re European Starlings, which commonly nest in cavities and crevices in buildings. Those young aren’t as adept as swifts, but they’re still likely to be able to fly safely out of the nest when it’s time. Sometimes, larger cavity-nesting birds like Wood Ducks and Barn Owls can fall down into a chimney and are too large to fly out, but these would make quite different sounds than a nest full of chicks. If you have a traditional chimney, you can try turning off all the lights in the house, leaving a door open and opening the flue—the bird will see the light of the exit and try to get out. If that fails, it is best to contact a licensed rehabilitator or nuisance wildlife control officer; you can find one in your area by searching on Google. Make sure you don’t use your fireplace until you are sure all birds have left your chimney. All About Birds is a free resource Available for everyone, funded by donors like you
In today’s globalized world, English has become the lingua franca, or the common language that is used for communication between people of different countries. If you want to study or work in a country where Eng is not the primary language, then you will need to be proficient in the language. There are many reasons why you should study English, but here are just a few: 1. English will help you get ahead in your career. 2. English will improve your communication skills. 3. Englwill help you understand other cultures better. 4. Eng will give you a competitive edge in the job market. 5. English will increase your travel opportunities. STUDYING ENGLISH HELPS BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Studying Eng can help brain development in a number of ways. For one, it can improve your ability to think critically and analytically. Eng also helps improve your memory and recall skills. Furthermore, learning English can help you develop better writing skills. All of these benefits can lead to improved brain development overall. How to learn vocabulary easier? One great way to improve your Eng vocabulary is to read as much as possible. Not only will this introduce you to new words, but it will also help you better understand how words are used in context. Another effective strategy is to keep a vocabulary notebook and write down any new words you come across. Include the word, its definition, and an example sentence. You could also create flashcards or use a mobile app to quiz yourself on new vocabulary words. Regularly review the words you’ve learned and try to use them in conversation or writing. With some effort and dedication, you’ll soon have a robust Eng vocabulary. Play NYT Wordle Game One fun way to improve your English skills is to play the NYT Wordle. This game, found on the New York Times website, allows you to unscramble words from famous headlines. As you unscramble the words, you’ll not only improve your Eng vocabulary, but also get a feel for how native speakers use certain words and phrases. How to improve vocabulary in NYT WRODLE? If you’re looking to improve your vocabulary, the New York Times WRODLE is a great resource. With over 50,000 words in the dictionary, you’re sure to find new and interesting words to learn. In addition to looking up words in the dictionary, you can also use the WRODLE to play games and test your knowledge. The game section has a variety of different games that will help you learn new words and improve your understanding of Eng. One of the best ways to learn new vocabulary is by reading. Wordle Nyt includes a variety of articles from different sections of the newspaper. By reading these articles, you’ll be exposed to new words and phrases that you can then look up in the dictionary. So if you’re looking to improve your English vocabulary, the NYT WRODLE is a great resource to check out. There are many reasons why you should study Eng, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that Eng is the language of opportunity. If you want to succeed in life, learning English will give you a much better chance at achieving your goals. En özel ve seksi kadınlardan Merter Escort | İstanbul Escort Bayan sizlerle burada bulusuyor. With English, you can communicate with people all over the world, open up new job opportunities, and gain a deeper understanding of other cultures. So if you’re looking for a reason to start studying Eng remember that it could be the key to unlocking a whole world of possibilities.
The History of Debswana[edit | edit source] Debswana is a company created as a partnership between the government of Botswana and the De Beers Diamond Company in 1969. Each party owns half of the company. Botswana, which is located in the southern part of Africa, is a country that's economy is mostly based around the export of diamonds. In 2013 Debswana was responsible for $701 million U.S. dollars in government revenue, which was a 35% drop from 2011, when the company brought in $1.08 billion USD. The international community has criticized Debswana for its operations in Botswana. The San Bushmen[edit | edit source] Survival International, a charity organization that argues for the rights of indigenous peoples, has held protests to bring attention to the removal of native peoples from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Survival International believes the government acted in the interest of its partnership with Debswana and the possible diamond profits that could be found in the area. The government said they removed the Bushmen to help improve their standard of living, provide them with better public services, medical care, and education. It was also said that they were removed because they were negatively affecting the environment of the game reserve. Survival International claims that the San, who had been living on the lands for generations, did not want or need a better standard of living, and that because of their history in the area they were more likely to have a positive effect on the land than the government was. Benchmark Report[edit | edit source] The Bench Mark Foundation is a South African organization that monitors corporations operating in Africa for corporate social responsibility by measuring them against what it calls the Principles for Corporate Global Responsibility. In 2009 it published a report on its findings of Debswana's operations. The report found that the government's dependence on mining created legislation that was in favour of operations and ignored the environmental and community concerns of the country. It stated that the government does not properly inform citizens of the methods required to mine the areas they live in — the effect on their community and their access to water. The people living in these areas are at a distinct disadvantage when negotiating the government's right to use the lands they live on. Also, the people who live on or near mining operations are not recognized as landowners, meaning they do not receive payment or other compensation for the destructive effect of mining operations in their area. The Bench Mark Foundation states that despite Debswana's significant role in Botswana's economy, there is little benefit at the community level. It believes the government is mostly focused on the profits that can be gained from diamond mining and it's partnership with Debswana.
Measuring Urban Sustainability in Transition The Arctic is rapidly changing across the natural, built, and social environments in ways that are interacting with each other and demanding a response in order to preserve the sustainability of northern cities, where the largest proportion of the Arctic population lives (Figure 1). Natural environmental changes include thawing permafrost, increasing wildfires, more flooding, growing health concerns, warming oceans, and threatened wildlife. The accelerating energy transition away from fossil fuels will transform livelihoods in the region over the coming decades with impacts on transportation systems, tourism, and fishing fleets. These changes are putting intense stress on the existing governance systems as they seek to ensure prosperity for increasingly mobile and diverse populations. Arctic communities and their leaders need sophisticated metrics to measure changes taking place in the natural world and reliable techniques to transform that data into effective design solutions for the built environment and guidance on how social systems can develop community assets to ensure necessary adaptability for future Arctic cities. This project responds to the NSF’s Navigating the New Arctic call and Big Ideas goals by co- designing and co-producing with Arctic communities across the circumpolar north a set of indicators for the natural, built, and social environments that will help shape effective policies for addressing challenges posed by a changing climate and evolving economy. The project indicators seek to measure the transitions in and around complex urban systems, and it is not possible to identify the appropriate indicators for any one of these transitions without understanding what all the transitions are likely to look like, which requires predicting how the entire system needs to change. For example, indicators for the infrastructure/built environment transitions require understanding what infrastructure needs will be produced by the changing natural environment, energy transitions, transportation needs, livelihoods, and population for both the city itself and for the regional system in which the city is embedded and serves. This effort will integrate local Indigenous and settler Arctic communities into all project components following IARPC principles. The central question: How can community-defined indicators help policy makers develop effective governance systems and redesign the built infrastructure to meet the challenges of a changing environment and economy? Fig. 1 Arctic Urban Systems Addressing this overarching question requires a number of sub-questions that need to be answered along the way. 1) Most importantly, how can Arctic urban communities integrate natural, social and built environment data into indicators that most effectively guide policy responses? 2) What indicators work best to measure Arctic conditions? 3) What data should be collected to measure these indicators? 4) Which cities across the circumpolar north are performing better in specific areas of sustainability and why? 5) What policies and design principles are most effective in meeting the challenges of a changing climate and economy? 6) How can best practices be transferred among cities? MUST lays out a research agenda for studying Arctic cities in the context of changing climate, infrastructure, and social systems. It connects the Arctic urban experience to the broader discussion of cities across the globe by applying that research to Arctic circumstances and, in turn, contributing to existing urban literature with theory and empirical evidence developed in the far north. Through the development of indicators and extensive data collection, the project seeks to create easily measured metrics that facilitate dialogue across disciplines, allowing researchers to collaborate on commonly defined problems. This project will help Arctic policymakers and stakeholders pursue a path to sustainability in the face of climate change and economic transitions in the Anthropocene by developing common datasets and indicators across the natural, social and built environments as well as developing possible scenarios. The research is driven by community concerns derived through interviews, focus groups, and other community feedback. By gathering data and identifying best practices, the project will support evidence-based decision making. The indicators seek to start community dialogues on addressing the issues connected to transitions. The MUST project trains a future generation of researchers in convergent research techniques, providing practical skills in working across disciplines and shaping research questions around community concerns. The post-doc, graduate students and undergrads will have opportunities to conduct research in Arctic cities and meet with key stakeholders. Project communications include exhibits, community-based data-driven art projects, a documentary, and the publication of indicators and data addressing key issues of Arctic urban development. This project will build on the work of several completed projects. Most importantly, it will expand and extend the work done as part of Arctic PIRE (NSF #1545913). That effort applied the International Organization for Standardization’s ISO 37120 Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life (2018) to 46 Arctic cities . The project produced a comprehensive picture of cities in the circumpolar north by collecting data for 128 indicators in 19 subject areas across 46 cities (Table 1). The dataset is a significant advance over previous studies of Arctic cities which lacked the ability to provide a comprehensive and quantitative comparison.
How Can We Tell if Ankylosing Spondylitis Care is Being Given According to Recommendations? Scientific Study Title: Measurable definitions of ankylosing spondylitis management recommendations are needed for use in observational studies. Study Start Date: Study End Date: What Was Done? AS (short for ‘ankylosing spondylitis’) is a severe form of spondyloarthritis (that affects the back, hips, and often other parts of the body. Specialist doctors have developed recommendations for how to care for AS patients, which include how to use medications, physiotherapy, and other treatments. However, these recommendations can be hard to understand – in fact, it is possible that different doctors will interpret the recommendations in different ways. For researchers who want to study the effect of following recommended care, it is important to understand exactly what is recommended and how to tell if AS care is being given as directed. To help understand this, researchers brought together specialist doctors to talk about what the recommendations mean to them. The researchers then did an online survey to ask specialists what it means to follow AS care recommendations. What Did We Find? The study discovered that specialist doctors have some differences of opinion about recommended AS care. Based on the feedback they received from the specialists, researchers developed a way to measure whether AS care is being given according to recommendations. Who Was Involved? This study was led by a student researcher as part of a PhD thesis. A total of 7 researchers participated in the study. The Research Team Stephanie Harvard, University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Health PhD student and Arthritis Research Canada Trainee supervised by Dr. Bruno Fautrel, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, Aslam Anis, PhD, FCAHS, Senior Scientist, Health Economics, Arthritis Research Canada, (University of British Columbia) Who Funded This Research? To support her work with the DESIR Cohort, Stephanie Harvard received a Canadian Institutes of Health Research doctoral research award, two bursaries from the French Embassy in Canada, and a Michael Smith Foreign Study Travel award. This portion of the work received no additional funding. Harvard S, Gossec L, Pham T, Richette P, Dougados M, Anis A, Fautrel B. Measurable definitions of ankylosing spondylitis management recommendations are needed for use in observational studies. Joint Bone Spine. 2016 Jan;83(1):101-3.
The World Health Organization criticized Chinese officials on Friday for withholding research that might link the origin of Covid to wild animals, asking why the data was not made available three years ago and why it is missing now. Before the Chinese data disappeared, an international team of virus experts downloaded the research that appeared online in January and began analyzing it. They say it supports the idea that the epidemic could have started when illegally traded raccoon dogs infected humans at a seafood market in Wuhan. But the genetic sequences were removed from a scientific database once the experts offered to cooperate in the analysis with their Chinese counterparts. “This data could have been – and should have been – shared three years ago,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization. The now missing evidence, he said, “needs the immediate involvement of the international community”. According to experts reviewing the matter, the research provides evidence that raccoon dogs, fox-like animals known to spread coronaviruses, left behind DNA at the same spot in a Wuhan market where genetic signatures of the novel coronavirus were also discovered. Some experts see this finding as indicating that animals may have been infected and may have passed the virus on to humans. With the vast amounts of genetic information taken from swabs from animal cages, carts and other surfaces in a Wuhan market in early 2020, genetic data has been the focus of turbulent anticipation among virus experts since they learned about it a year ago in a paper published by Chinese scientists. A French biologist discovered the genetic sequence in the database last week, and she and a team of colleagues have begun mining it for clues about the origins of the pandemic. This team has not yet issued a paper outlining the findings. But the researchers presented an analysis of the material to a World Health Organization advisory group studying the origins of Covid this week at a meeting that also included a presentation by Chinese researchers on the same data. Sarah Coby, an epidemiologist and developmental biologist at the University of Chicago, who was not involved in the study, said the analysis appeared to contradict previous claims by Chinese scientists that samples from the market that tested positive for coronavirus were transmitted by patients alone. in the last search. “It is very unlikely that we would see this much animal DNA, especially raccoon dog DNA, mixed with viral samples, if the contamination was mostly human,” said Dr. Coby. Questions remain about how the samples were collected, what exactly they contained and why the evidence disappeared. Given the ambiguity, many scientists reacted cautiously, saying it was difficult to evaluate the research without seeing a full report. The idea that a laboratory accident could accidentally trigger a pandemic has become the focus of renewed interest in recent weeks, thanks in part to a new intelligence assessment from the Department of Energy and hearings by the new leadership in the Republican House. But a number of virologists who were not involved in the latest analysis said what was known about the swabs collected at the market supported the case for the sale of animals there that led to the pandemic. “This is exactly what you would expect if the virus was emerging from intermediate or multiple hosts on the market,” said Dr. Kobe. “I think in environmental terms, this is close to a closed state.” Dr. Kobe was one of 18 scientists to sign an influential letter to Science in May 2021 urging serious consideration of a scenario in which the virus could spread from a laboratory in Wuhan. On Friday, she said lab leaks still pose huge risks and that more oversight is needed for research into dangerous pathogens. But Dr. Kobe added that the accumulation of evidence — related to the clustering of human cases around the Wuhan market, the genetic diversity of viruses there, and now the raccoon dog data — has bolstered the case for the market’s origin. New genetic data does not appear to prove that a raccoon dog has been infected with the coronavirus. Even if that were the case, there would still be a possibility that another animal could have passed this virus on to humans, or even that someone infected with the virus could pass it on to a raccoon dog. Some scientists stressed those points on Friday, saying the new genetic data did not significantly change the debate about the origins of the pandemic. “We know that it is a degenerate virus that infects a range of species,” said David Fisman, a University of Toronto epidemiologist who also signed the May 2021 letter in the journal Science. Chinese scholars A Stady In February 2022 given market samples. Some scientists have speculated that the Chinese researchers may have published the data in January because they were required to make it available as part of a review of their study in a scientific journal. The Chinese study suggested that the samples that tested positive for the virus came from infected people, rather than from animals sold in the market. That fits with a narrative long echoed by Chinese officials: that the virus spread not only from outside the market, but also from outside the country. But the Chinese report left evidence that viral materials on the market had been mixed with genetic material from animals. The scientists said the new analysis by the international team showed a stronger link to animals. “Scientifically, it’s not proven that raccoon dogs were the source, but it is certain that odors like infected raccoon dogs were on the market,” said Jeremy Kamel, a virologist at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Louisiana. He added, “It raises more questions about what the Chinese government really knows.” The scientists cautioned that it was not clear whether the genetic material from the virus and from the raccoon dogs was deposited at the same time. Depending on the stability of the genetic material from the virus and the animals, “it could have been deposited there at very different times,” said Michael Imperial, a virologist at the University of Michigan. However, linking animal and viral material nonetheless added to the evidence of a natural indirect event, said Dr. Arturo Casadevall, an immunologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who co-authored a recent study with Dr. Imperial examining the origin of the coronavirus. He said, “I would say it reinforces the idea of zoonosis, that is, the idea that it came from an animal on the market.” Dr. Casadevall said that in the absence of the actual animal that first spread the virus to humans, assessing the origins of an outbreak will always involve assessing the possibilities. In this case, the animals sold on the market were removed before researchers began taking samples in early 2020, making it impossible to find the culprit. Tim Stearns, dean of undergraduate and postgraduate studies at The Rockefeller University in New York, said the latest discovery was “an interesting piece of the puzzle,” though he said it was “not definitive in and of itself and highlights the need for a more thorough investigation.” For all the missing items, some scientists said the new findings highlight how much information scientists have been able to piece together about the beginnings of the pandemic, including home addresses of the first patients and sequencing data from the market. It’s critical to release the raw data, said Theodora Hatziwanu, a virologist at Rockefeller University. But, she said, “I think the evidence is overwhelming right now towards the origin of the market.” The latest data “makes it very unlikely that this will start elsewhere,” she said. Finding the virus in a real animal would be the strongest evidence for the origin of the market, said Felicia Goodrem, an immunobiologist at the University of Arizona. But finding virus and animal material in the same swab was close. “For me, that’s the next best thing,” she said. “Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”
Connectivity for gas detection In many industries, there are many spaces that require gas detection devices. Connectivity increases worker safety by providing additional responsiveness and accuracy. With real-time monitoring of gas hazards and a tool for fleet management, connectivity allows for better monitoring of your gas hazards. What is connectivity? You find this word a bit barbaric? Don't panic, it's not rocket science! Connectivity, when we talk about network, is the fact to link two or more elements by an invisible wire. This can be represented by Bluetooth, WiFi, RFID, satellite, etc. - When you connect your phone to a speaker via Bluetooth, that's connectivity. - When you connect your computer to your home WiFi network, that's connectivity. - When an RFID-enabled item in a store rings the security gate, that's connectivity. - When you do a Google search, for example, the query is transmitted to a modem. The modem is connected to a dish that will transmit the signal to a geostationary satellite above the Earth. This is also connectivity! Connectivity applied to gas detection Generally speaking, the manufacturers' connected software works in the same way. The detectors of the same fleet are connected to a Cloud that will gather all the data related to the devices. The data collected will be stored and analyzed. This makes it possible to take into account the various risks associated with gas. > The detector is connected to the manufacturer's portal via a wired, Bluetooth or satellite connection. > In the event of a gas detection alert, a signal is sent to the application and a protocol is set up to rescue the worker(s) in danger. The application will also record risk situations, such as the position of the dead man in the case of an activity in a confined space for example. > All detection and alert reports are then listed in the software, and the data is available for reporting or analysis. The data is stored in the software and can be used by the company. All these connected softwares are then a real easy solution for the companies, because much simpler than a paper data directory, and very reliable because reactive. It also saves time and space because everything is listed in the same place. The benefits of connectivity > Each gas presence is detected With a connected software, each gas presence is detected and listed. It is a real-time monitoring solution, thanks to the monitoring software and live incident tracking, and a management tool for the detector fleet, since the devices are tested daily and the data of each detector is recorded and automated. It also saves time, since it is no longer necessary to collect data device by device, everything is gathered in one place. In addition, it allows you to quickly identify gas-related problems and risks, analyze them and solve them. > Sensors are quickly usable Thanks to the cloud and device connectivity, teams can quickly identify which detectors need servicing and determine what type of maintenance needs to be done, well before the start of the workday. This is a significant time saver for the company's business. > Testing is more efficient The calibration of detectors is a very important factor in ensuring worker safety. Indeed, detectors must always be tested before being used. However, testing is time-consuming, especially since manual calibration is often risky because human error can occur. With connectivity, calibration and bump tests are performed automatically. This is faster and more accurate! So there are several connected software according to the manufacturers, each one having its own specificities and devices working in a connected way. Today, it is important to know that all recent equipment is equipped with the ability to connect to a software. It is a cloud-based platform that allows you to securely manage and analyze all of your safety information in one place, from almost anywhere, in real time. This application provides visibility into worker gas exposure. It also sends data from your portable sensors to a centralized system to provide a complete view of worker safety. Multi-gas beacon BW RIGRAT BW SOLO wireless sensor BW Flex4 detector >Portail Blackline Safety The portal comes in the form of a comprehensive security cloud via phone or satellite. With real-time, 24/7 monitoring and immediate alerts, Blackline's suite of security solutions allows you to respond as quickly as possible, no matter when or where you need help. In any situation and in any industry, you can work with confidence knowing that help is always available. In the event of an alert, a signal is sent to the portal, and an assistant takes over to help you. G7 EXO multi-gas beacon Dräger Gas Detection Connect ensures your safety at work. The system works by connecting different Dräger products. With personal access, you can optimally manage your equipment and always have the position and status of your gas detection equipment and employees at your disposal. This way, you can protect your staff and increase the efficiency of your industry. X-AM 8000 multi-gas detector Single gas detector PAC 8000/8500 Fixed gas detector POLYTRON 7000 This is the connected security software that works with existing Crowcon portable detectors. The station allows the software to connect, but the devices do not connect. This solution allows for continuous monitoring of the safety and compliance of gas detectors. The data is visible as a cloud that provides actionable information about the fleet of detectors in use. To use the software, all you need is a wired station or a Bluetooth connection. Crowcon Connect gives you an overview of device usage with a dashboard showing the devices assigned for the specific region or area selected. Single gas detector GASMAN
Oral candidiasis - you might know it as oral thrush - is what we get when Candida, a yeast in our mouths, grows too much. It's nothing too scary, just white patches in your mouth and throat, a weird taste, and cracked corners of your mouth. Here's the thing: fighting oral thrush is more than medicine. It's also about how we live - what we eat and how we act. Some little tweaks in these areas can lessen your symptoms and even keep oral thrush from coming back. Diet is a big part of handling oral thrush. What we put in our bodies affects how our body deals with Candida. Eating bad food can spark more Candida growth, which makes oral thrush worse. But eating right can slow it down. Do you know about sugars and yeast in food? They make Candida grow faster, which makes oral thrush symptoms worse. But there are some foods - like yogurt, certain cheeses, and fermented things - that keep our gut bacteria healthy. These foods help keep Candida levels down. Also, certain foods, like garlic and coconut oil, have antifungal powers. They also help control Candida. So, by adding these foods to our diet regularly, we can boost our body's defense against oral thrush. Who knew food could be your help against health troubles like oral candidiasis? We're going to look at different types of food that can help prevent and control oral thrush when part of your diet. Get ready to talk about how smart food choices can change the age-old saying "you are what you eat" into a health-promoting mantra. Why Do Certain Foods Help Fight Thrush? Did you know that garlic and coconut oil actively fight off Candida - the troublemaker behind thrush? These foods work to weaken the Candida cell walls, which helps control the multiplication and spread of this unwanted guest. How about yogurt and kefir, chocked full of probiotics, that help manage thrush by reinforcing the bacterial balance in your mouth? An imbalance that leans towards Candida could lead to thrush - unlike these foods! They flood your mouth with good bacteria and help maintain a decent Candida level. Then you have oranges, bell peppers, and broccoli - food items loaded with Vitamin C. This vitamin acts as the engine for white blood cell production that fights off infections and thus slows down the overgrowth of Candida. On top of that, high-fiber foods like apples and almonds contribute positively to gut health, and that indirectly boosts your immune system. Adding antioxidant-rich foods to your diet, like berries and green tea, is a pretty good move, too, huh? Just think about it; such items have strong antioxidants that guard our cells from harm caused by destructive intruders like Candida. #1 - Lemon Juice Did you know that lemon juice is great against thrush? It's all thanks to things like the antifungal and antiseptic goodness of citric acid. This thing makes life tough for Candida, which is what causes thrush infections. A heads up: Pure lemon juice can do some damage because of how sour it is. That's why it's better to water it down before you use or drink it. A good recipe is adding one or two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to an equal amount of warm water, which makes a sweet home remedy. You can drink this mix now and then throughout your day or use it to rinse your mouth to slow down the thrush bacteria. Wondering if it's a good idea to try out treatments that haven't been tested? Let me reassure you that small amounts of lemon juice are pretty safe to consume. But chugging a bunch of it or not watering it down can bring on some unwanted problems - think things like worn down teeth or heartburn. So, the moral of the story? Be mindful. The antiseptic and antifungal powers of lemon juice make it a pretty useful natural way of dealing with thrush. Is safety your top priority? Mine, too; let's start by watering down that lemon juice before using it. This plain Jane and super helpful schedule could really add some emphasis to the way you handle thrush. #2 - Turmeric Ever thought of turmeric as a special spice for more than giving curry its golden hue? Well, it comes with an active ingredient - curcumin - that's perfect for tackling things like oral thrush. It's pretty genius because of its great anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that really fight back against the Candida organisms - you know, those things causing the disorder. Utilizing this power of curcumin against thrush isn't as complex as it sounds. All you have to do is add raw or powdered turmeric to your meals and hot drinks like tea and milk - and boy; your body's going to love you for this! You could also go for turmeric capsules if that's your thing; it's a handy way to make sure you're getting enough curcumin daily. But there's this tiny problem - your body doesn't initially absorb curcumin that easily. But you know what? Overcoming this isn't a massive headache. Spice up turmeric with some black pepper - it has piperine that ramps up curcumin absorption by a whopping 2000%! This combo isn't basically about dealing with thrush; it goes a step ahead in improving your overall health since it keeps inflammation in check. Isn't what this curcumin can do amazing? So here's a tip: for the best outcome, keep adding turmeric and a smidgen of black pepper to your meals. This will help manage oral thrush and nurture a healthy oral microbiome - it's a win-win. #3 - Probiotic Yogurt Probiotic yogurt is like a superpower against Candida - that's the fungus that gives you thrush. It's packed with good bacteria, especially lactobacilli, that stop Candida from going wild in your mouth. The balance of good and bad bacteria in your mouth really makes or breaks how well it works. If Candida starts to push out the good bacteria, that's when you get thrush. Probiotic yogurt comes in, giving the good bacteria a boost and leaving less room for Candida. When you're picking out probiotic yogurt, go for the plain, non-sweetened kind. Sure, sugar might make it taste better, but it also feeds Candida, which makes your symptoms worse. With unsweetened yogurt, you're getting all the benefits without feeding the bad guys. How well yogurt works against thrush really depends on the amount and type of probiotics it carries. That's why it's important to pick one that's got a lot of probiotics, especially the Lactobacillus type - it has things in it that fight fungus. Adding probiotic yogurt to your regular meals could be really helpful in fighting thrush. Eating yogurt is more than taste; it's also about making the bacteria in your mouth healthier and giving Candida the boot. #4 - Salt Water Let's talk about how salt water, easily accessible and simple, plays an important part in promoting oral health! Think about this: How great is it when a solution to a problem is right in our homes? Salt water's star quality is its effectiveness against oral thrush. The antiseptic qualities it carries stall yeast growth, usually causing this irritating condition. Feeling the sting, burn, and swell that comes with thrush? Don't worry - salt water could have you covered. It has a soothing effect that eases these awful symptoms, also checking the advance of destructive bacteria and fungal invasions. Here's a saltwater rinse you can make: put half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Make sure all the salt dissolves to avoid causing discomfort or causing scrapes inside your mouth. To use this homemade mix, just swish it about in your mouth for a few seconds, then spit it out. This could be a twice-a-day ritual for the best results, but remember not to overuse this method to avoid drying out your mouth or messing up your bacterial balance. An interesting thing is: If this solution is as simple and handy as it sounds, why aren't more people using it? I believe this has to do with the special nature of each oral thrush case. While salt water may be a superb natural fix for some, others might find it lacking. Let's face it: often, oral thrush requires medical help for complete treatment. #5 - Vitamin C Did you know that ascorbic acid, or as we commonly call it, Vitamin C, is a super warrior for our immune system? This powerhouse antioxidant is our important ally against stubborn infections like thrush. When talking about fighting infections and damaging bacteria, Vitamin C is the MVP. Its part? It's simple but important. It ups the creation of white blood cells. That, but it also boosts the potency of lymphocytes and phagocytes. So what's the big deal? Well, for starters, it gives your immune system all the muscles it needs to fend off the bad guy - the Candida fungus, the nasty culprit behind thrush. Here's the thing, though. Our bodies can't make or store Vitamin C. Crazy, right? So, I have to get this valuable nutrient every day. Don't worry - nature's got us covered. A lot of fruits and vegetables are Vitamin C goldmines! You have oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, and bell peppers, And remember those leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts, just bursting with Vitamin C. Sure, getting your Vitamin C from food is ideal. But sometimes, real life gets in the way of a balanced diet; that's when supplements can be a lifesaver! They can really help out, especially if you often deal with thrush or if you're trying to stay a step ahead of it. #6 - Apple Cider Vinegar ACV, which is just short for apple cider vinegar, has some fungus-fighting power. People have used it for a long time to keep Candida in check. This vinegar comes from fermenting apple juice, and what you get is a pretty acidic vinegar. This sourness helps bring balance back to your body's pH. And yeast hates anywhere that isn't cozy for it. Let's break this down real easy. A component called acetic acid in ACV does most of the heavy lifting in fighting fungus. The acid swoops in and gives the yeast a hard time, slowing its growth and spread. What do we get out of it? A big help in fighting issues like thrush. You have to be careful when applying ACV - we don't want any nasty surprises. Just make sure it's diluted enough to avoid any issues. If you don't use it right, you might end up with a fiery mouth and could be dealing with discomfort or worse. A regular recipe for getting the dilution right is mixing a tablespoon or two of ACV in a glass of water. After that, you can either down it or swish it around in your mouth like a mouthwash. It's important not to go overboard with this mix. Taking too much could upset your stomach or create other problems. Drinking it non-stop might mess with your bones and potassium levels, so it's controlled when it comes to drinking ACV. While ACV could ease off thrush symptoms, don't label it as a cure-all. If you're still dealing with symptoms after using it, you might wanna chat with a health expert. Just keep in mind that ACV can support thrush treatment, but it's not a total solution. #7 - Coconut Oil Coconut oil definitely has an important part in tackling candida overgrowth. You see, it's loaded with caprylic acid, lauric acid, and capric acid - don't these just sound super potent? These acids are absolute champs when it comes to fighting fungi! So caprylic acid - it's a bit of an overachiever. Have you ever heard of a yeast cell's worst enemy? That's caprylic acid for you! Coconut oil won't stop at that, though. The lauric acid in it builds up its fungi-fighting power. Once we chow down on coconut oil, our bodies change lauric acid into something called monolaurin. Is monolaurin a super fungi fighter? You bet! I'd suggest you go easy on the quantity when you first start with this natural remedy. How about one or two teaspoons a day? That sounds about right! Once your body gets used to it, you could bump this up to three tablespoons daily. Why do it gradually? Well, it keeps those unpleasant "die-off" symptoms like feeling sick and tiredness at a distance. But there's something else I need to tell you too. If you have a coconut allergy, steer clear! There's no way around that one, I'm afraid. And before you get involved with all this coconut oil jazz, remember to have a word with your doctor, especially if you have heart problems or high cholesterol. Why? Well, coconut oil can be pretty heavy on the fat. Remember about that, okay? Keep It All Natural Look towards natural ingredients in your meals as a way to prevent thrush: they can be quite handy. But watch out! Some foods can shake up the balance of oral flora and make the condition worse. Did you know that sugars, especially in large amounts, fuel yeast growth? They're like a paradise for Candida yeast, giving it the perfect environment to multiply. You should also keep an eye on dairy products that have lots of lactose. Yup - lactose is a type of sugar, and it can also gear up Candida's growth. So, be deliberate when you decide to gobble down milk, cheese, or yogurt. This is even more important when there isn't any fermentation happening. How about thinking about swapping in low-lactose substitutes, like lactose-free alternatives or milk from plants? Also, you have to make sure you're getting enough proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and veggies. If you're aware of what to eat - and what not to eat - you're already one step ahead in the game of maintaining the oral flora balance. But let's not forget that changing your diet can aid in handling thrush, although it only backs up antifungal treatments and advice from medical pros. Sometimes, it surprises me how many people forget that diet is quite tied to health, but let's not skip over professional help; it's still the best route. I suggest viewing a balanced diet as a backup plan to getting treatment from a medical professional. Keep visiting your healthcare provider regularly as you add more and more natural food items to your schedule. This is the way to effectively take charge of thrush. You know what they say: an informed patient is a proper patient. So, couple professional advice with the right nutrition, and you'll be amazed at how strong your body's defenses can become against problems like Candida overgrowth. Never underestimate the value of a professional medical consultation!
Depression is a serious mental health condition that can cause long-term adverse effects, such as dementia, if left untreated. Now research suggests that the timing of the treatment for depression may help to decrease the risk of dementia later in life. Read on to learn more about this finding and how you can get help if you’re struggling with depression. Dementia is a disabling neurocognitive condition that mainly affects older adults. It is characterized by a decline in cognitive function and can lead to problems with memory, language, and thinking. According to the World Health Organization, over 55 million people worldwide live with dementia. The majority of people with dementia are over the age of 80. However, dementia is not a normal part of aging, and younger people can develop the condition. There is no known cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help to improve symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. A new study from China suggests that the link between depression and dementia could be altered depending on the timing of the treatment. Researchers used data data collected by the UK Biobank, a population-based cohort of over 500,000 participants. A total of 350,000 participants were included in the study. During the course of the study, 46,280 people were diagnosed with depression and 725 of those developed dementia. During the study, participants were placed in one of four categories of depression: increasing course, in which mild initial symptoms steadily increase; decreasing course, starting with moderate- or high-severity symptoms but subsequently decreasing; chronically high course of ongoing severe depressive symptoms; and chronically low course, where mild or moderate depressive symptoms are consistently maintained. The study found that depression elevated the risk of dementia by 51% compared to non-depressed participants. However, the risk of participants developing dementia depended on the course of depression. Those with chronically high or increasing depression were more vulnerable to dementia, whereas those with decreasing depression had no greater risk than those without dementia. Researchers then set out to find if the risk for dementia could be lowered by receiving depression treatment. They found that overall, depressed participants who received treatment had a reduction of risk when compared to untreated participants by about 30%. The timing of the treatment also seemed to make a difference in the risk reduction. “Once again, the course of ineffectively treated depression carries significant medical risk,” said John Krystal, MD. In this case, symptomatic depression increases dementia risk by 51%, whereas treatment was associated with a significant reduction in this risk.” “This indicates that timely treatment of depression is needed among those with late-life depression,” added Professor Cheng. “Providing depression treatment for those with late-life depression might not only remit affective symptoms but also postpone the onset of dementia.” Enhancing Cognitive Function While some degree of cognitive decline is nearly inevitable as you age, this study shows how other factors, such as depression, can take a toll on the ability of the brain to function at peak potential. This can affect memory, concentration, and overall brain function. The Smart Pill can help to enhance cognitive function and memory through 9 ingredients that help to support, nourish, and maximize brain health. These include ginkgo biloba, huperzine A, bacopa extract, rosemary extract, and a B vitamin complex. The formulation of these ingredients is an excellent way to help fight free radicals, boost circulation, and provide nutritional support to assist with cognitive function.
Australian fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus are colonial breeding animals forming dense social groups during the breeding season. During this time, males establish and defend territories through physical conflicts, stereotyped posturing and vocalisations. While vocalisations are suggested to play an important role in male recognition systems, it has received little attention. Recordings of nine adult male Australian fur seals were made during the 2000 and 2001 breeding seasons at Kanowna Island (39° 10’S, 146° 18' E), Bass Strait, Australia. The in-air bark vocalisations of territory-holding males were used to characterise the Bark Call and to determine whether males produce individually distinct calls, which could be used as a basis for vocal recognition. Seventeen frequency and temporal variables were measured from a total of 162 barks from nine individual males. The Bark Series was more reliably classified (83%) to the correct caller compared to the Bark Unit. This was assigned with less certainty (68%), although the classification was still relatively high. Findings from this study indicate that there is sufficient stereotypy within individual calls, and sufficient variation between them, to enable vocal recognition in male Australian fur seals. Australian fur seals, males, vocalisations, individual variation, barks.
Climate change policy analysis is fraught with uncertainty and controversy, but at least one thing is perfectly clear: technological innovation is the key to addressing climate change. Moving the economy to a greenhouse – friendly future will necessitate a profound economic transition – a transition that simply cannot come to pass without technological progress. In this report, an impressive team of economists led by Jae Edmonds and Joe Roop explains how economic models of climate change take technological innovation into account. The authors demystify a highly technical subject that is essential to sound policy formulation, raising five central insights: - All future projections of technological change are a matter of assumption. Much is known about how technological change has occurred in the past and what will drive it in the future. However, all projections require assumptions about the future role of technological change in the way the economy grows, in the way energy is used, and in the options available as alternatives to fossil fuels. - Technological progress reduces the cost of climate change mitigation. This result is robust across a broad range of model types and assumptions. - Significant technological progress occurs over long time horizons. This fact should be taken into account in establishing lead times for climate policies. - Policies and prices can “induce” technological change. Thus both policy-makers and businesses play a major role in fostering technological change. - Modeling “induced” technological change (that is, change stimulated by climate policies or price changes) is important because it more closely reflects reality. However, modeling this phenomenon is in its infancy. This report on technological change addresses one of the factors identified by the Pew Center as having the largest influence on economic modeling results. An earlier Center report, “An Introduction to the Economics of Climate Change Policy,” by John Weyant describes the five factors, which include: how baseline greenhouse gas projections are measured, what climate policies are considered, how the substitution of goods and services by producers and consumers is represented, and whether and how GHG reduction benefits are addressed. Two other Pew Center reports explore in detail the role of climate policies, with an emphasis on international emissions trading, and the role of substitution in determining the outcome of economic modeling. The Center and the authors appreciate the valuable insights of several reviewers of early drafts of this paper, including Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Ian Parry, and Alan Sanstad. Special thanks are due to Ev Ehrlich for serving as a consultant for the Center’s economics series and to Judi Greenwald for her editorial assistance.
January 5, 2010 Mild to severe depression might be better treated with alternatives to antidepressant drugs, which do not help patients much more than an inactive placebo, researchers said Tuesday. Combining data from six studies that examined the effectiveness of two commonly prescribed antidepressants — paroxetine and imipramine — found the drugs produced benefits only slightly greater than a placebo in patients with mild to severe depression. “They would have done just as well or just about as well with a placebo,” said Robert DeRubeis, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, who with colleagues performed the meta-analysis. Paroxetine is one of a popular class of drugs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and is sold under the brand name Paxil by GlaxoSmithKline. Imipramine is an older tricyclic antidepressant drug developed in the 1950s. The so-called placebo effect is powerful in treating depression, where people believe they are helped even though they are taking an inactive sugar pill, DeRubeis said. Read entire article:
Recent Research Published with Community Support Several members of the hypermobile community responded to the calls for data before July 2023 to collect saliva as DNA samples to be shared and categorized by the scientists at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). The MUSC Norris Lab thanks the many patients suffering from hEDS who submitted samples, which led to some key study findings published this May in honor of EDS Awareness Month. While many in the EDS community still await the publication of a gene for hypermobile EDS gene(s), which could one day lead to a potential blood test and reduce the long diagnostic journey, they shared a few other key findings from the data. Here’s what they learned… A summary of the study’s top five findings is outlined below in ‘scientist-speak’ with some explanations so the rest of us can better understand the results and its implications. - Participant Data, Demographics and Clinical Information The study included a cohort of 2149 participants with clinically diagnosed hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), with a majority of participants identifying as female (91.53%) and an average age of 37 years. Approximately 76% reported a family history of hEDS. The participants provided self-reported clinical information, and their phenotypic presentations and comorbid conditions were categorized under seven medical specialties: orthopedics, dermatology, internal medicine, cardiology, neurology/neurosurgery, immunology, and psychiatry. - Data and Cluster Analysis In layman’s terms, the study on hEDS identified three different groups or clusters within the group of patients. These clusters showed significant differences in the types and number of additional health conditions (multimorbidity) that the patients experienced alongside hEDS. First, to understand the terms used here, comorbidity refers to the co-occurrence of additional health conditions alongside a primary condition, while multimorbidity refers to the presence of multiple chronic conditions within the same individual. Both concepts highlight the complexity of managing and treating patients with multiple health issues and are important considerations in healthcare and medical research. This means that even though all the patients had hEDS, they could be divided into three distinct groups based on the other health issues they were facing. For example, one group might have more severe symptoms, or a larger number of additional health conditions compared to another group. This finding officially states in a medical journal that hEDS is not the same for everyone and that there are different patterns of health issues that can occur alongside hEDS. The value in that is in understanding these different patterns can help doctors and researchers develop better ways to diagnose and treat hEDS. It also highlights the importance of considering the various health conditions that can accompany hEDS when providing care for patients. - Prevalence of Clinical Characteristics Participants in the study had an average reported Beighton score of seven (7) across all genders and age groups. On average, participants reported 11 different conditions, and 98.6% of patients had at least 4 comorbid conditions. The study did not observe a correlation between the Beighton score and the number of comorbid conditions reported by the patients, gender, or age. The study also revealed that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder was twice as high in males compared to females and nearly 5 times higher in nonbinary individuals which is an interesting finding for potential future research. - Phenotypes and Comorbid Conditions The study categorized diagnostic phenotypes and comorbid conditions commonly seen under the seven various medical specialties outlined above. “Phenotype” refers to an observable trait. “Pheno” simply means “observe” and comes from the same root as the word “phenomenon”. And so it’s an observable type of an organism, and it can refer to anything from a common trait, such as height or hair color, to presence or absence of a disease. The most-reported diagnostic phenotypes among female participants in the cohort included chronic pain, joint subluxations, abnormal scarring, stretchy skin, poor wound healing, and joint dislocations. Valvular heart disease, abdominal hernias, and pelvic organ prolapse were also prevalent in the cohort. - Clinical Implications and Conclusion The study’s findings provide fresh insights into the clinical spectrum of hEDS, underscore the presence of multimorbidity within the cohort, and emphasize the importance of considering these clinical associations in research, cross-screening, and patient care. The capacity to group patients with hEDS into subclusters based on their clinical phenotypes suggests potential divergent genetic and/or environmental influences. Identifying these subclusters can empower physicians with innovative clinical approaches and the possibility of predictive diagnostic tools. The study also emphasizes the essential collaboration among physician specialists, patients, and researchers to break down the barriers of siloed health care for this patient population. The study acknowledges limitations related to self-reported surveys, including recall bias and selection bias. Additionally, the study recorded gender identity but not biological sex, and the average age of participants included children as young as 13 years. Health disparities and limited access to care pose additional challenges, and the percentages of patients with specific comorbidities are likely conservative estimates. Despite these limitations, the study provides novel insights into the clinical presentation and multimorbidity in hEDS and can serve as a guide for clinical care and future research studies. Additional Key Finding: Beighton Score Needs Work to Accurately Diagnose hEDS The study also suggests several implications for the diagnostic criteria of hEDS based on the findings and analyses, which suggest the following considerations for the 2017 diagnostic criteria: - Expanding the Diagnostic Criteria Needed The study indicates that hEDS often presents with symptoms that go beyond the current diagnostic criteria. Patients may present with functional disorders of the gut-brain axis, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, fatigue, dysautonomia, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and spinal instabilities, which are not fully captured by the existing diagnostic criteria. - Comprehensive Clinical Findings The study emphasizes the need for more comprehensive clinical findings in patients with hEDS. It suggests that the 2017 diagnostic criteria may not fully capture the full spectrum of hEDS manifestations, calling for further research to refine the diagnostic guidelines and expand the criteria to encompass a broader range of symptoms and conditions commonly associated with hEDS. - Incorporating Multimorbidity The study highlights the importance of considering multimorbidity in hEDS. It suggests that traditional diagnostic approaches may not fully capture the diversity within the hEDS population, especially when considering comorbid conditions. The identification of distinct clusters within the patient cohort with hEDS, based on the prevalence of comorbid conditions and diagnostic phenotypes, indicates the need to revise and expand the diagnostic criteria to better reflect the clinical diversity observed in patients with hEDS. - Challenges with Beighton Score The study explores the relationship between the extent of generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) as evaluated by the Beighton score and specific clinical manifestations. However, integrating Beighton scores into the clustering analysis resulted in the dissolution of the established clusters, suggesting that GJH may not necessarily align with disease presentation. This observation indicates that the Beighton score may not be the most reliable tool for predicting patient phenotypes, raising questions about its utility in the diagnostic criteria for hEDS. - Need for Revision of Clinical Guidelines Leveraging data from the largest cross-sectional clinical hEDS registry to date, the study suggests that the revision of clinical guidelines for diagnosing patients with hEDS based on these data sets should now be considered. The adoption of multidisciplinary and well-coordinated approaches is proposed for improving screening, diagnosis, and treatment, with the aim of reducing the burden on the healthcare system and enhancing patient outcomes. In summary, the study (full text) supported by Mayo and many community members, has provided valuable insights into the clinical spectrum, multimorbidity, and distinct patient subgroups within the hEDS cohort. These findings have important implications for clinical care, research, and the understanding of hEDS as a complex condition. The study also suggests that the diagnostic criteria for hEDS should be expanded to encompass a broader range of symptoms, conditions, and multimorbidity profiles commonly observed in patients with hEDS. It also emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management, taking into account the diverse clinical manifestations and multimorbidity associated with hEDS. Thank you to all the cohort participant members, researchers, writers and supporters of the study for sharing the findings to better support the hEDS patient community in someday finding answers faster.
Dimetrodon grandis by Josef Moravec. Oil painting 24" x 18", 61 cm x 20 cm). (Framed) * Available for sale to museums and serious art collectors. * Contact us: Dinosaur Corporation Dimetrodon grandis - ancestor of the mammals belonged to the family called Pelycosaurs, which had both mammal and reptile characteristics. Dimetrodon preceded the earliest dinosaurs by more than 40 million years but physically it looked a lot like one. It is often referred to as mammal-like reptile, based on characteristics of the skull and dentition. Dimetrodon was a dominant carnivore, the largest one of the Permian period. It was a predacious reptile that was on the top of the food chain during the early Permian. This pelycosaur possessed a spectacular sail on its back, supported by long, bony spines, each of which grew out of a separate spinal vertebra. The sail was probably an early experiment in controlling body temperature. It is believed that the sail absorbed the heat of the sun and warmed the blood and body. It warmed up early after sunrise and cooled off more efficiently during the heat of the day. It may have also been used for mating and dominance rituals and making it look much larger than it was to predators. Dimetrodon had a large skull with two types of teeth (sharp canines and shearing teeth). It was probably quite slow because it walked on four side-sprawling legs. Dimetrodon is one of the more recognized of the early reptiles. TIME - 280 - 260 MYA, Early Permian period. RANGE - Russia, E. Europe. USA Texas, Oklahoma. DIET - Smaller reptiles and other small vertebrates. SIZE - Up to 6ft (2m) long. To obtain permission for commercial usage of this image contact us: Dinosaur Corporation See more Josef Moravec's Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Ice Age Animals Oil Paintings in Dinosaur ExhibitsCopyright Dinosaur Corporation, USA. All rights reserved TM Add Related Items Recently Viewed Items
Research, field trials and tests for effects on human health and environment are the back end of the regulation of GM foods. The finished product containing ingredients of GM crops can be regulated through labelling the products. This is a highly controversial issue. Even if GM foods are entirely safe, should the consumer have a choice to consume (or not consume) a food with GM ingredients? Even in countries where GM food has been on the shelf for more than five years (the US and Canada), opinion polls have shown that a sizeable proportion of the population wants to know if the food they eat has GM ingredients or not. Several countries are either actively considering labelling of GM foods or have already passed the laws that require labelling of GM food. In India, there has been talk of a labelling system recently. Sri Lanka, which imposed a ban on GM foods two years ago, has indicated that it is considering a labelling system that would replace the ban. China announced a labelling system in 2001, but it is yet to work out; the US has criticised China's labelling regulations, saying the Chinese have not presented any science to support the regulations. The US is clearly worried about the export of soybean, which in 2001 was worth upwards of US $1 billion, as well as corn and cotton. China's concern is its own exports to countries that may require labelling. On April 28, 2003, the Brazilian government announced that all food and food ingredients made from more than one per cent GM ingredients must be labelled. The biggest labelling tussle is between the US and the European Union (EU). The US has been supportive of biotechnology from the word go and its approach is heavily influenced by large biotech corporations. It assumes that the regulation of biotechnology should examine the safety of only the final product, not the GM crops. It does not require labelling of products containing GM products. In 1992, it issued regulations that approve of GM food if it has the same characteristics as its non-GM counterparts. By 2002, the area under GM crops in the US was more than 38 million hectares, 66 per cent of the total area under GM crops in the world. The EU's approach has been more cautious in recent years. Europe saw several scandals over food safety in the 1990s -- mad cow disease, bacterially contaminated meat and dioxin in poultry, pork and beef. These led European consumers to doubt their governments, scientists and the regulatory process, which had suppressed facts and mishandled public health crises. Thereafter, EU has been bringing out several regulations to label foods in which more than one per cent GM ingredient can be traced. It first implemented a mandatory labelling policy on GM foods in 1997 under the Novel Foods Regulation, which required that any GM food on the market be shown to not harm human health, and required labelling if the GM content was 'detectable'. And since 1998, the Union has not approved any GM crops for cultivation. de facto moratorium caused significant decline in the import of US corn to the EU and in May 2003, the US sought the World Trade Organization's (WTO) intervention over the matter. As a counter, in July 2003, the EU came out with a new legislation on labelling and tracing of GM foods. The EU hopes that labelling will restore consumer confidence in the food regulatory system by providing consumers the choice to not eat GM food. Traceability is to help the withdrawal of a product if an unforeseen risk comes up. Traceability would also help monitor the potential health or environmental effects of GM foods and crops, and to control and verify labelling claims (see box: EU labelling policy). The new regulations will enter into force in October 2003. All member states of the EU would be required to begin complying with these rules by April 2004, and the European Commission will review the rules two years later. The regulation brought to an end a five-year moratorium on import of GM foods. The US had contended in the WTO that there is no scientific basis for the moratorium and the labelling, and that GM crops and foods are as safe as conventional foods. So, the EU actions are violations of WTO agreements. Europe's hostility to the US complaint brings memories of the WTO case by the US against the EU's refusal to buy beef raised with bovine growth hormone. Rather than allowing hormone-treated beef as recommended by the WTO dispute settlement body, the EU chose to face increased tariffs on other EU goods exported to the US. US farmers and biotech companies are concerned about the potential impact of the new rules on exports of GM crops such as soybean, which were not directly affected when the moratorium was in place. Now, labels would have to be put on these and it is likely that the GM-vary consumers of Europe will avoid foods and feeds with GM ingredients. But avoiding the GM label would also cost dearly. GM grain is routinely mixed with conventional varieties of corn and soybean. To escape the EU threshold for labelling (0.9 per cent), farmers and food producers in the US would have to segregate GM crops and foods derived from them -- that too at every step of crop harvesting and food processing. This will bring down the competitiveness of the existing commodity grain production mechanisms. It is very unlikely that the amount of GM content would be brought down to no more than 0.9 per cent, because some amount of mixing is bound to happen even with segregation, say, due to pollen drift. Segregation difficulties will also result in a lot of other exports -- processed foods made from cooking oils -- getting the GM label. Soybean is the single largest GM crop in the world, and it is grown primarily for animal feed and food processing. A major chunk of the market for US farmers lies in its exports. US estimates point out that such a scenario could cost them up to US $4 billion in annual agricultural exports to the EU. The Codex Alimentarius Commission, the UN food standards agency, brought more bad news for the US on July 7, 2003 -- on that day, the commission adopted new standards for GM crops. While nations are not bound to follow Codex standards, these are widely used as the legal basis for resolving international trade disputes. The new standards provide detailed procedures to determine if GM foods are safe. It also endorses the concept of 'traceability', which is central to EU actions. "These documents provide a legal basis under WTO rules for the EU's strong safety regulations for GMOs," said Michael Hansen, representative at the Codex meeting of Consumers International, a consortium representing more than 250 consumer rights organisations in 110 countries.
Pedro Martinez is a biologist who works for the Last Survivors Project in the Dominican Republic which aims to conserve EDGE species such as the Hispaniolan solenodon and other native mammals like the hutia. He is involved in research design and field surveys, project management and conservation planning, and earlier this year he attended a course at the Durrell Institute to build on his conservation skills and knowledge. On Thursday the 3rd of February I packed some clothes and traveled to the UK channel island of Jersey to participate in the Durrell Endangered Species Management Graduate Certificate 2012 (DESMAN) at the Durrell WildLife Conservation Centre. The course is designed to help people working in conservation around the world deal with some of the most crucial challenges that critically endangered or nearly extinct species are facing. The centre was founded by the English naturalist Gerald Durrell in the 1970s specialising in island conservation around the world, and now a growing army of different generations of people everywhere continue to be inspired by Durrell’s lifetime commitment to protecting biodiversity. He believed that zoos could play an important role and that training people in conservation theory, methods and practice is essential for future success. The Durrell Institute has so far accumulated more than 35 years of experience bringing species back from the edge of extinction, such as the Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus), echo parakeet (Psittacula eques), Mauritius pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri), and ploughshare tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora). I am one of the lucky ones who was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of this great experience. People from 14 different island states (Mauritius, Hawaii and the Seychelles to name a few) took part in the DESMAN course this year, and like me, are learning about and sharing their experiences of dealing with critically endangered species. The course gave us all some valuable insights from some of the leading conservationist practitioners and scientists working in the field, such as understanding the species on our islands, why biodiversity is important, restoring an ecological balance on islands, the elements of a leadership approach in conservation, and how to be a good leader in our field. We also managed to fit in a very busy week of practical work! These three months have been very intensive in terms of the amount of information we have had to digest and process, but at the same time they have been very productive through use of realistically applicable case studies among other elements. I am convinced that when the time comes the skills learned on this course will prove to be very effective in helping us to solve any situation we face. We are all going to stay in contact through the Durrell Wildlife Institute network, which aims to keep participants informed about the latest developments in the field of conservation as well as to assess the long-term success of former trainees in their respective countries and organisations. Being a part of the DESMAN 2012 has been a really extraordinary experience and one that will stay with me for life, and I am proud to say that now I am a fully-fledged member of Durrell’s international ‘Conservation Army’. If you are interested in learning more about the work of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust click here. Still thinking of applying for an EDGE Fellowship? Send your application to [email protected] before the 31st of May.
The way in which governments spend public resources can contribute to spark an economic crisis , to promote economic growth , or generate a paralysis . Mexico has had governments, especially in the 70s, that started a money factory, squandered money, or became indebted and derailed the national finances . There have been other administrations that had a prudent management of public resources , which turned into economic growth. During the administration led by Enrique Peña Nieto , Mexico’s debt reached its peak, as the proportion of the gross domestic product . The current government has committed to maintaining healthy finances and to avoid increasing the country’s debt, which translates into positive comments from analysts and international organizations. Despite this, economic growth in 2020 will be almost null or slightly negative, in contrast with 2019 . One of the most common critics against the current administration was its expenditure restraint as it took a long time to allocate the resources or were not used. In November 2019 , there was an u nder-spending of MXN $150,000 million. For 2020 , the goal is to accelerate the rhythm of public expenditure . Experts consider that public expenditure can contribute to economic growth by 0.5%. Nevertheless, this is only one of the requirements needed to boost economic growth . Others are not linked to internal decisions but to international scenarios. For example, the oil price has increased as a result of the conflict between Iran and the U.S. But there are other factors that exclusively depend on what is or what isn’t done in Mexico . One of the is to generate trust among investors or to guarantee the rule of law : to have the certainty that the law applies to all and that authorities won’t ask for bribes from those who start a business . As everyone knows, a healthy economy is essential for the country’s development. In 2020 , the federal government won’t repeat its under-spending of public resources; this is important but it should be followed by other actions to improve the Mexican economy .
Jan Evangelista Purkinje Jan Evangelista Purkinje Czech Physiologist and Histologist Jan Evangelista Purkinje made pioneering contributions to histology and physiology. His observations led to many important insights into the workings of the human body, especially various visual phenomena. He invented the microtome, an instrument that slices tissues into very thin samples, and demonstrated the importance of technical advances in microscopy for biological research. In addition to Purkinje cells, his name has been given to identify specific types of conduction, fibers, figures, layers, networks, phenomenon, systems, and Purkinje-Sanson images. Although he made some of the earliest observations of the cell nucleus, the characteristics of cells, and cell division, other scientists are generally credited with these discoveries. He introduced the term "protoplasm" to describe the contents of cells. Purkinje, whose parents were Czech, was born in Libochowitz, Bohemia. He was educated by Piarist monks and intended to join the order, though went instead to Prague to study philosophy. This led him to a deep interest in science and medicine. His graduation thesis on subjective aspects of vision, completed at the University of Prague in 1818, brought him considerable attention. Purkinje observed that when the intensity of illumination decreases, objects of different color but equal brightness appear to be unequally bright; this is now known as Purkinje's phenomenon or shift. In other words, blue objects appear brighter than red objects in dimmer light. He also described the threefold images of an object that are seen by an observer in the eye of another person. These images are caused by an object reflecting from the cornea's surface and both sides of the lens. This phenomenon is now known as "Purkinje's images." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was impressed by Purkinje's research on vision and the two became friends. In 1820 Purkinje studied the induction of vertigo that occurs when the body is rotated in an erect position, but he was unable to explain the phenomenon. In 1823 he was appointed to the Chair of Physiology at Breslau, where he founded an institute for histological research. Because university officials were unwilling to meet his demands for space and equipment, much of his research and teaching was carried out in his own home laboratory, which became known as the cradle of histology. Purkinje was highly respected as a teacher as well as a researcher. He accepted the Chair of Physiology at Prague in 1849, and established another institute for histological research. He directed research at the institute until his death in 1869. In 1839 Purkinje was the first to use the term "protoplasm" in a scientific sense. Theologians had used the word protoplast for Adam, that is, "the first formed." As a physiologist, Purkinje used the term to refer to that which was first produced in the development of the individual plant or animal cell. Apparently, independent of Purkinje, Hugo von Mohl (1805-1872) used the word protoplasm to describe the part of the plant cell within the cell membrane. Although Purkinje's observations of the cell nucleus, or germinal vesicle, in the eggs of birds in 1825 preceded those of Robert Brown (1773-1858), he did not publish these studies until 1830. Purkinje emphasized the value of microscopy, especially the new achromatic microscopes, and developed several innovative teaching tools and a knife that was a precursor of the microtome. He also established the use of balsam sealed preparations and adapted Louis J.M. Daguerre's methods to produce the first photographs of microscopic materials. During the 1830s Purkinje conducted numerous studies of microscopic structures, including studies of the skin of various animals, ciliary motion, nerve cells, myelinated nerve fibers, the large flask-shaped cells with numerous dendrites in the cerebellar cortex (now known as Purkinje cells), the unusual muscle fibers found below the endocardium in a specific region of the ventricles of the heart (the fibers of Purkinje) which are important in the conduction of the cardiac impulse, and so forth. In 1850 he was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society. LOIS N. MAGNER
What is the difference between communism Marxism and socialism? Marxism is a way to view the world, a system of analysis. A form of Government, condition of a society, a political movement can be considered as Communism. The transformation of society into Socialism, and ultimately to Communism is the philosophy of Marxism. Are fascism and capitalism the same? Fascists have commonly sought to eliminate the autonomy of large-scale capitalism and relegate it to the state. However, fascism does support private property rights and the existence of a market economy and very wealthy individuals. Thus, fascist ideology included both pro-capitalist and anti-capitalist elements. What is difference between capitalism socialism and communism? In a nutshell, communism advocates complete governmental control over all means of production and resources; socialism practices flexible forms of state control; and capitalism advocates a free economy and free-market without state intervention. Is Marxism the same as capitalism? Meaning and definition. Capitalism is an economic system whereby private individuals own and control means of production. On the other hand, Marxism is an economic, political, and social concept that critically checks the impact of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development. Is anarchy the opposite of capitalism? In both its social and individualist forms, anarchism is usually considered an anti-capitalist and radical left-wing or far-left movement that promotes libertarian socialist economic theories such as collectivism, communism, individualism, mutualism and syndicalism. Why do anarchists hate capitalism? Anarchists argue that certain capitalist transactions are not voluntary and that maintaining the class structure of a capitalist society requires coercion which violates both anarchist principles and anarcho-capitalism’s non-aggression principle.
Cardiomyopathy comprises a spectrum of diseases of the heart muscle and can affect all ages. Here we will focus on cardiomyopathy that arises in childhood. The majority of genes described in adults also contribute to cardiomyopathy in children. In addition, pediatric cardiomyopathy can be part of various malformation syndromes, neuromuscular disorders and metabolic conditions. Despite advancing sequencing technologies, a substantial proportion of cases remains unexplained. We expect that numerous genes implicated in pediatric cardiomyopathy still await discovery, each explaining only a small proportion of cases. Because the prevalence of pediatric cardiomyopathy is low, studies in humans will lack sufficient statistical power to confirm genotype-phenotype associations. We believe that zebrafish provide an excellent model system to validate and functionally characterize candidate disease genes for pediatric cardiomyopathy. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) offer a number of genetic and experimental advantages for studying cardiovascular development and disease. Zebrafish embryos are externally fertilized and virtually transparent, allowing in vivo imaging of heart and blood vessel formation and patterning from an early stage. Their transparency also enables the use of transgenic lines expressing fluorescent proteins in the heart in order to visualize cellular dynamics during embryonic development. Cardiac development and function in zebrafish show remarkable similarities with those in humans. Several mutant zebrafish lines for known cardiomyopathy genes have already been established. In this research project we will combine the advantages of zebrafish with the powerful CRISPR/Cas9 technology to generate patient-specific in vivo models of pediatric cardiomyopathy. The established zebrafish models will be used to gain further insight into the underlying pathophysiological processes by combining transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomics analyses. Deeper understanding of the disease and its associated networks and pathways and subsequent compound screening experiments in zebrafish mutants will help to identify potential drug targets. Our ultimate goal is to accelerate the development of personalized therapeutic interventions for pediatric cardiomyopathy that correct the underlying disease mechanisms in a preclinical stage, thereby preventing cardiac remodelling.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Fire Safety at Events Events of various sizes and types often feature many people, temporary setups, vehicles and food service operations. These elements can increase the risk of fire, making fire safety a crucial aspect of event organisation. Fire safety at events involves conducting fire risk assessments, adopting preventive actions and establishing response plans to minimise fire-related dangers. Moreover, fire safety at events is essential not only for legal compliance but also to protect staff, attendees and the event venue. Gaining an understanding of the legal framework for fire safety at events is vital. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 sets out the fire safety regulations. This law mandates that event organisers appoint a ‘responsible person(s)’ tasked with performing fire risk assessments and implementing required fire safety protocols to protect all areas of the event. This article looks at key aspects of fire safety at events, emphasising the importance of fire risk assessments. This process entails identifying potential fire sources and those at risk, evaluating the chances of a fire occurring and its potential effects on attendees. We also discuss various fire safety actions, such as ensuring the availability of fire extinguishers, keeping evacuation paths clear, using fire-resistant materials and offering fire safety training to staff. These steps help event organisers create a safer environment for everyone involved. Risk Assessment for Fire Safety at Events Conducting a fire safety risk assessment is a critical step in ensuring fire safety at events. It involves analysing the event’s scale, location, activities and attendee demographics to pinpoint fire risks, assess the associated dangers and devise strategies to reduce or eliminate these risks. Engaging a professional for the risk assessment can be advantageous. The assessment process includes: 1. Identify Fire Hazards, including: - Ignition sources (e.g., electrical devices, pyrotechnics) - Fuel sources (e.g. waste, props and gas supplies) - Oxygen sources 2. Identifying People at Risk: - Participants (including those more vulnerable) - Employees and performers - Nearby individuals 3. Evaluating Risks and Determining Precautions: - Estimating the likelihood and potential impact of a fire - Implementing essential fire safety measures (e.g. fire safety equipment, fire detection and alarm systems, emergency lighting and escape routes) 4. Documentation, Planning and Training: - Recording findings and measures taken - Creating an emergency plan - Providing fire safety training to staff and volunteers - Reassessing the fire risk assessment Preventive Measures for Fire Safety at Events Effective preventive strategies are key to fire safety at events, including: - Installing fire alarm systems and automated detection devices like smoke and heat sensors to quickly alert attendees to fires. - Utilising fire suppression tools, such as sprinklers and extinguishers suitable for specific hazards, ensuring they are accessible and functional. - Maintaining clear signage, evacuation routes and assembly points. - Ensuring easy access to fire exits and having enough trained fire wardens relative to the event size. - Keeping ignition and fuel sources apart. - Conducting regular maintenance and safety checks on electrical equipment. - Using fire-retardant materials for decorations, curtains and temporary structures. Comprehending legal responsibilities, performing thorough fire risk assessments, implementing preventive measures and preparing for emergency responses are crucial for fire safety at events. Integrating these practices into your event planning is essential for the well-being of all attendees and the venue. Enhance your event’s fire safety protocols with our IFE-approved and CPD-accredited online Fire Marshal/Warden Course for staff, or opt for our customisable face-to-face Fire Marshal/Warden Courses, tailored specifically to your venue, to ensure the safety of your guests and staff. Alternatively, if you would like additional information about your fire training requirements, you can get in touch with our friendly customer service team by calling us on 01327 552160, emailing us at [email protected], getting in touch via live chat or filling in our web contact form.
For over five decades, Colombia has faced an internal armed conflict affecting more than 9 million people. Guerrillas, paramilitaries, drug cartels, and State forces have been involved in a contest for the control of territory, with severe consequences for civilians. People have suffered conflict related sexual violence, enforced disappearances, killings, and internal displacement. Conflict-related sexual violence has devastated so many lives in Colombia. Women, men, children, and members of the LGBTQI+ community have been subjected to it, and Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities have been specifically targeted. Perpetrated by all actors, including the State and non-state armed groups, there are upwards of 37,000 victims of conflict-related sexual and reproductive violence registered with the Registro Único de Víctimas in Colombia. In 2016, the Colombian government and the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), which is the country’s largest guerrilla group, signed a peace agreement. Colombia’s peace agreement is considered a milestone worldwide, but it does not mean violence has ceased in the country. With nine million victims of serious human rights or international humanitarian law violations registered, the pressure is on to deliver reparations. SURVIVOR WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS IN 2023 MUNICIPALITIES OF THE CAUCA VALLEY AND SOUTH OF CAUCA The Global Reparations Study on Colombia Using the Global Reparations Study In 2022, after two years of diligent research, the Global Survivors Fund (GSF) published its Global Reparations Study on Colombia. Presented during a launch in Bogota, the recommendations found in the Study now guide the work of our team. One of the findings of the study is that even if there are multiple mechanisms for reparation for victims of the conflict and of survivors, they have resulted in a complex patchwork of competing mechanisms, with all of them relying on limited funding. This helps explain the significant implementation gap, considering the large number of victims. We are working to ensure that survivors are involved in decisions so that their priorities and demands are considered. Survivors' involvement in decisions could also assist in the effective delivery of reparations. Improving administrative reparations We are supporting for the effective implementation of the administrative reparations programme established by Law 1448 on Victims and Land Restitution. Jointly with DeJusticia, a leading human rights and policy think tank, we did a study on budgeting and resource allocation on the implementation of Law 1448, which resulted on a set of informed proposals for better use of resources. More specifically, we are discussing with government, civil society stakeholders, and survivors, how to improve the implementation of a protocol for the provision of comprehensive reparations for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, defined by Law 1719 of 2014, but only partially followed. We are aiming at having those advanced pieces of legislation effectively implemented, as they can be the best way to reach a large number of survivors with comprehensive reparations. Supporting effective participation of survivors in defining reparative measures In its work to uncover crimes and provide timely justice to victims, the JEP has opened macro cases that group together specific crimes and/or localities of violations. Since 2017, it has opened 11 macro cases for trial. A key feature of JEP is to develop a system where those responsible of serious violations who provide information about the violations committed, acknowledge the truth of what happened, and collaborate on the process receive alternative sanctions to prison sentences, which should contain a contribution to reparation to victims. GSF is supporting survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in macro case 05, on the Territorial Situation of the Northern Cauca and Southern Cauca Valley Regions. This case represents over 120,000 victims of different atrocities committed across 17 municipalities in Northern Cauca and Southern Cauca Valley between January 1993 and December 2016. 80 survivors of conflict-related sexual violence are registered in this case, including members of Afro, indigenous, and campesino communities, as well as survivors from the LGTBQI+ community. In our capacity as technical advisors, we are hosting events with survivors to assist JEP in documenting the individual and collective harms of conflict-related sexual violence in this case. To this end, we have designed and are implementing a specific methodology and agenda for how JEP should meet with survivors, so they participate in the definition of their reparative measures. This has involved a series of meetings with survivors that are part of the case, as well as the involvement of the court that formalises decisions. Also involved in the process is the Presidency of JEP, so that the methodology can be applied to other macro cases that involve conflict-related sexual violence. - Number as of December 2023.
The global success of the digital ‘Connected World’ is accompanied by all-encompassing societal changes, from new forms of communication, collaboration and information exchange to new business and governance models and control mechanisms. Its impact on access to, perceptions of and meanings and values attributed to heritage, is potentially far reaching. Heritage planning may greatly profit from it, but the potentials and risks of the Digital Turn are still poorly studied. Digital methods and tools may greatly facilitate communication and information exchange between all stakeholders involved in spatial transformation processes and they may contribute to public participation in decision making, but they can also be manipulated by particular communities and can lead to a greater divide between state and citizens and, eventually, to increased state control. Developing and testing digital applications like perspective mapping, digital biographies, collaborative design work spaces and serious gaming, this WP sets out a training model that enables heritage planners to develop the opportunities of the Connected World in a sustainable way. 7. Citizen Science and big data for collaborative, heritage- based planning of city development. Host: UNEW (UK) (CLOSED) 8. Gamification methods for collaborative heritage planning. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED) 9. Datascape methods for heritage planning professionals. Host: BEZAL (IL) (CLOSED)
It may be opportune for those who hold religious beliefs to also conduct critical reflection, writes Console Tleane. ‘African people are notoriously religious (and) religion permeates into all the departments of life so that it is not easy or possible to isolate it.” These words, written in 1969 by Kenyan philosopher and Anglican priest John Mbiti in his seminal book African Religions and Philosophy, were to inspire a crop of young people in South Africa who embarked on a journey to understand the religiosity of black people. Barney Pityana was to adapt the words and wrote in 1971 that “black people are notoriously religious”. Unlike Mbiti, Pityana and his black consciousness movement comrades at the time did not so much seek to provide a defence for African traditional beliefs, even though that was also important for them. Instead, they sought to turn the tide against how Christianity in particular was used as an instrument of oppression. For them, some elements of the Christian belief system could be turned into liberatory tools. Inspired by the African-American theologian James Cone’s black theology, and later the Latin American liberation theology pioneers like Leonardo Boff, Gustavo Gutierrez, Jon Sobrino and Juan Segundo, there emerged a unique South African blend of a theology of liberation. Two strands were to crystallise – contextual theology, adopting the Freedom Charter-inspired political strand, and the black consciousness-inspired black theology. Progressive interpretations of Christianity were provided. Unfortunately, for a long time the voices lacking were those of feminist theologians. It is against this background that we have to pause and ask some questions about what attracts many people to some manifestations of religious beliefs. In the case of South Africa such beliefs would, by sheer statistics, mainly be Christian. In other parts of the world it could be Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or any other organised religions. So, how should we understand the huge following that men like TB Joshua command? An examination of the events that surround the tragic and heart-wrenching Lagos incident, and other related phenomena where the faith of those attached to particular churches defies the understanding of some commentators, may require a reflection on some aspects of the evolution of the Christian church. With the European reformation taking root from the 1500s, the church had to shed its imperial and aristocratic trappings, and return to what is regarded by many as the main base for the belief system – the scriptures. As if to reverse the gains of the reformation, the alliance between the church and colonialism cast the system to some form of backwardness. Power and privilege, facilitated through conquest, were remoulded into the church. Fast forward to the 1960s and early ’70s when the mainly mainstream/mainline churches refashioned themselves again, with some theologians adopting liberatory interpretations of the scriptures. Thus the church became the defender of the poor. At the same time as the mainline churches were reflecting on their practice and largely adopting a socially sensitive interpretation of the scriptures, there emerged a new phenomenon, crystallising during the 1960s and carrying on to date. Two strands would emerge out of that. The first would be the charismatic phenomenon, in certain instances having the trappings of fundamentalism. This would be strengthened and popularised through what would become known as televangelism, that is, the use of television to reach wider audiences. While it would be wrong to generalise on this emergent phenomenon, which has powerful and good elements of spiritual revival and genuine faith, it is also true that some variants of this new movement would give rise to disturbing tendencies of what is known as prosperity Christianity. Simply put, this is the belief that dedicated submission to God will lead to financial prosperity. No need to highlight the point that the related danger with this approach is that the poor may blame themselves for not being faithful and prayerful enough if they do not achieve the promised prosperity. The other disturbing phenomenon that emerged was the rise of cults. These would be characterised by illogical, obedient and at times blind following of a leader. In some cases the result of such phenomena would be tragic. Examples include the well-documented case of Jim Jones in Guyana, where 909 of his followers committed mass suicide by drinking cyanide in 1978, following his instructions. Another was David Koresh, who died with 75 of his followers after a violent stand-off with US federal law enforcement agencies. Over the years the Marxist description of religion being the “opium of the masses” remained the dominant way in which many commentators attempted to understand what may be regarded as undying faith in a particular leader, such as TB Joshua. This characterisation is however limited in its ability to explain why it is not just poor people who profess belief in the ability of a fellow human being to possess powers to perform miracles. Otherwise we would not have rich, educated and powerful people also seeking intercessions by the likes of Joshua. It does seem there are two main factors that have created fertile ground for the growth of the latest phenomenon in the Christian faith in particular. The first remains socioeconomic. The second can be said to be psychosocial. With regards to socioeconomic factors it remains an observable fact that many poor people would still turn to religion in the hope that they may receive amelioration from their hardships. Instead of educating the poor that their condition is human-made – the result of the capitalist system of exploitation and greed – some religious leaders still play on the emotions of the poor; promising them that their faith only will take them out of poverty. The second factor, which can be observed across all social classes, is the resort to religion with the hope that the hardships caused by today’s stresses can only be solved through deferment to God. It is true that change of lifestyle, reflection and taking time off from our hectic schedules is beneficial. What is however not problematised is the failure to also address the root causes of our stresses, and simply defer everything to a higher authority. What is even more worrying is that cultic practices, which deliberately misinterpret the scriptures and are built around personalities, and prosperity beliefs, have become pervasive. As we continue to mourn for the dead countrymen and -women, and hold our hearts out for those injured, and their families, it may be opportune for those who hold any form of religious belief to also conduct critical reflection. As Mbiti puts it, religion will continue to permeate into all the departments of life. Yet, there is a need to start developing critical faculties against blind belief, and balance that with rational and critical rigour. In that way, fellow human beings like Joshua will have to be held to account, especially against the backdrop of the tragic loss of lives, and not be allowed to conduct business as usual. This will mean the faithful will have to refuse to divorce reason and the ability to question, from believing. It may be that the critical tools developed during the reformation, which are rationality and criticism, and those learnt in the Latin American context, and our own context, which are concientisation and learning to question (apologies to Paulo Freire), need to be re-infused into “all departments of life”, including belief systems. As some would put it, it means “taking the beliefs and values of Christianity and weaving them into the fabric of our lives”, while refusing to separate “the sacred from the secular; the head from the heart”. * Console Tleane is a PhD (Sociology) candidate at the University of Cape Town. ** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Newspapers.
National Autistic Society Improving understanding of autism National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. Since 1962, they’ve been providing support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people. Although 99.5% of the public have heard of autism, only 16% of autistic people and their families think that the public understand autism in a meaningful way. National Autistic Society works to tackle that lack of understanding and make sure more environments like shops and public spaces are suitable for autistic people. Our 2022 grant of over £21,000 has allowed the charity to create an autism-friendly online guide (external link) to change the way businesses understand and support autistic people. - There are more than 700,000 autistic people in the UK. - 91% of autistic people say staff training would make the biggest difference to autistic people when visiting shops and services. - National Autistic Society has been providing support, guidance and advice since 1962. Encouraging autism-friendly environments The guide explains how to make services, environments and information accessible for autistic people. It includes information on the basics of autism, the barriers that autistic people face, simple adjustments that businesses can make to support autistic people, as well as details on support available. National Autistic Society is also encouraging businesses to work towards achieving the Autism Friendly Award, formally accrediting them as accessible for autistic people. We’ve supported National Autistic Society since 2020, helping to fund the first-ever Autism at Work Summit, more info here.
Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race Catalogue Number: WW3065 Producer: Weston Woods Subject: Black History, Character Education, Children's Stories, Guidance, Language Arts, Science, Women's Studies Grade Level: PreK - 2 Country Of Origin: Canada Copyright Year: 2019 Running Time: 15 Closed Captions: Yes Written by Margot Lee Shetterly with Winifred Conkling Illustrated by Laura Freeman Narrated by Octavia Spencer. Music by Michael Bacon. Based on the New York Times bestselling book and the Academy Award–nominated movie, here is the incredibly inspiring true story of four black women who helped NASA launch men into space to picture book readers! Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden were good at math… really good. They participated in some of NASA’s greatest successes, like providing the calculations for America’s first journeys into space. And they did so during a time when being black and a woman limited what they could do. But they worked hard. They persisted. And they used their genius minds to change the world. This is the story of four female African American mathematicians at NASA, known as “computers,” and how they overcame gender and racial barriers to succeed in a highly challenging STEM-based career.
Restoring a lifeline: How Mercy Corps is helping Jordan with its water crisis The global climate crisis is shrinking water reserves and making access to clean water difficult. One in three people do not have access to safe drinking water, and two out of five lack basic hand-washing facilities. In addition, overarching water insecurity—too little, too much, or too dirty water—is increasing in scale, scope, and impact as a result of climate change. Yet, the path to clean water in climate-insecure contexts is achievable, as Mercy Corps and Xylem Watermark found in Jordan. The two organizations will share the blueprint to their success at next month’s World Water Week in Stockholm. What better place to try innovative solutions to remedy the water crisis than in Jordan, one of the most water-scarce countries, with one of the lowest per capita water availability levels in the world. The situation there has become even more acute in recent years as the country’s population nearly doubled from 2004 to 2015. Aquifers in Jordan are drained faster than they can be replenished, and this is only exacerbated by climate change. The result is increased tension and disruption in the country, when water demand outpaces water availability. In 2021, in this challenging context, Xylem, a water technology company, funded Mercy Corps’ pilot project called Livelihoods and Environmental Actions for Development (LEAD), through Watermark, Xylem’s corporate social responsibility program. LEAD is a dynamic, multi-phase initiative tailored for Zubaireya Village, Jordan. Its mission is to encourage the autonomy of local community-based organizations, smallholder farmers, food producers, and youth, fostering sustainable resource management and reinforcing rural livelihoods. Targeting three pivotal sectors—water security, food security, and economic development—LEAD conducted social and technical research to identify community needs. The overall goal was to improve water infrastructure, water and agriculture practices, and facilitate increased access to more profitable and reliable markets for targeted smallholder farmers, food producers, women and youth so the community would be better equipped to manage their water sources and sustain their livelihoods, thus improving their resilience in response to climate change. Ahmad is one of the farmers who saw a way forward with help from Mercy Corps’ LEAD project. He has been caring for a crop of olive trees on his property for years; some are 100 years old. Because of the chronic water shortages in recent years in Jordan, the crops have suffered. “Over the years, we have witnessed an increasing demand for water due to a rise in agricultural activities, which has led to a scarcity of water during the summer months,” Ahmad said. “This situation compelled me to explore innovative solutions for water conservation.” It’s essential to take care of our environment and resources for future generations. Ahmad, Farmer and Mercy Corps Participant The LEAD team conducted four workshops covering water security, agricultural management, marketing, and livelihood generation. Ahmad was offered a subgrant to purchase essential equipment and a full grant to carry out the project. Although his initial motivation was to reduce his water bill, he shared that grey water has countless benefits. “The grey water system not only helps with water conservation but also allows us to repurpose food leftovers as compost for the trees,” he said. “It’s essential to take care of our environment and resources for future generations.” Through LEAD, Mercy Corps supported 100 smallholder farmers, food producers, and 140 youth to enhance their livelihoods and access digital business opportunities. The program replaced 200 flow meters, rehabilitated one pump station, revitalized one water tank, established a new chlorination system, and installed a new PV system. In all, the water pipeline system was completely rejuvenated. The project has now been developed into a fully-fledged and funded project that can be replicated across the country, thanks largely to Xylem Watermark’s original investment. “Without the essential support from Xylem and other private sector partners like them, Mercy Corps wouldn’t have the seed funding needed to test and scale new ideas, expand proven solutions, and unlock barriers to further philanthropic support toward bold climate action,” said Kate Edelen, Mercy Corps Director of Water Security. Xylem Watermark is one of Mercy Corps’ Climate: Possible anchor donors. Climate: Possible is a campaign that builds on the organization’s decades of experience partnering with communities to solve urgent challenges while creating transformative opportunities that help communities cope, adapt, and build lasting climate resilience solutions. "We feel privileged to work with partners like Mercy Corps, who are not only supporting communities facing climate-related disasters with immediate support but helping communities build long-term resilience through new and transformative approaches." said Austin Alexander, Xylem Vice President of Sustainability and Social Impact. At Mercy Corps, we hope to collaborate with Xylem and other private sector partners as we continue working toward a world where everyone has access to clean water. This story was originally published by Global WA.
What is actually Area ? What on earth is the position of every thing is area in arithmetic? Clearly, a area is described as the space of room. In physics electric powered notion we are able to refer in this metric, our amounts which includes house electrical power and electric area, gravitational force, atmospheric possible, and many others.,. It will be functions as an entire and due to this fact a wonderful house at which just about every quantity is calculated or a operational area. But on the 1 hand what is domain in physics and in unique text, there is but just one component in that everyday people can derive from. It will be especially correct and uncomplicated for your valid reason in the event that there are actually no better dimension that each and every amount may well be place in a area. On the other hand what on earth is area names in physics can be explained by providing a numerical representation of exponents or its odds which determine the distance of domains. Then there genuinely surely are actually a limited amount of likelihood exponent values, if you are going to locate normally a finite quantity of domains to change into picked. Exactly what is a domain in physics is a chance to remember of the houses of this area. It is actually the coating of space-time that inbound links. It is really a sheet of spacetime that can be analyze via an electromagnetic region. No matter whether it truly is examine, all the area related areas of these things can be found and it is actually the basis of their electricity of concept quantify and also to define the place. What can be described as area in physics certainly is the membrane which will be divided by software of an electromagnetic area. It is made up of the two house and time. What exactly is really a domain identify in physics will be just certainly a structure precisely the place the truth is the process of heating can be employed to work out the stamina stages or stamina capabilities. An electronic device is said to do the job based upon the idea of demonstrating and examining exactly the connection in between your electricity of the two unbiased factors. What exactly is actually a area in physics could possibly be which the range of times the average border truly worth of a quantity may possibly be clarified by a operate of velocity and electricity of light. For instance, by way of the emblem, the goal of the electric powered place with all its unique energy levels described by indicates of the velocity of sunshine. What is often a area in physics can be a hypothetical theoretical principle that is utilised to clarify the origin of mass, vitality, matter, forces, particles, electromagnetism, and so on. The origin of mass is the rationalization of your mechanism in the nuclear reactions in atoms, chemical reactions in matter, and the romantic relationship between atomic mass and stamina. What is known as a domain in physics would be the mathematical framework that could show the existence of the chosen vigor, the meaning of electrons, quarks, and their quantum nature. The popular electrical power of the nucleus, the nucleons, and so forth. What the heck is a domain in physics is considered the analyze with the experiment which is certainly a sort of a mathematical description within the particle technique in atomic and nuclear procedures. What is actually certainly a domain name in physics is the framework which will give a image of the calculation of definitely absolutely totally free vigor for instance the vitality that is certainly liberated through the electrons and atoms at a excellent country. What's actually a domain identify in physics is the pace of light, and that the enhancement of the particles go when ever they have a vacuum. What can be described as area in physics would be the linear function which can give the expression within the portions of the stage mass. What's a site in physics is definitely the physical parameter which can be termed the universal pace of sunshine additionally, the speed of light is directly correlated towards the electricity and kinetic power in the particles. What's a domain in physics could be the mathematical description of your length concerning just one position and yet another place and therefore the area.
1Kish was a wealthy man who belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. His father was Abiel, his grandfather was Zeror, his great-grandfather was Becorath, and his great-great-grandfather was Aphiah. 2Kish had a son named Saul, who was better looking and more than a head taller than anyone else in all Israel. 3Kish owned some donkeys, but they had run off. So he told Saul, “Take one of the servants and go and look for the donkeys.” 4Saul and the servant went through the hill country of Ephraim and the territory of Shalishah, but they could not find the donkeys. Then they went through the territories of Shaalim and Benjamin, but still there was no sign of the donkeys. 5Finally they came to the territory where the clan of Zuph lived. “Let's go back home,” Saul told his servant. “If we don't go back soon, my father will stop worrying about the donkeys and start worrying about us!” 6“Wait!” the servant answered. “There's a man of God who lives in a town near here. He's amazing! Everything he says comes true. Let's talk to him. Perhaps he can tell us where to look.” 7Saul said, “How can we talk to the prophet when I don't have anything to give him? We don't even have any bread left in our sacks. What can we give him?” 8“I have a small piece of silver,” the servant answered. “We can give him that, and then he will tell us where to look for the donkeys.” 9-10“Great!” Saul replied. “Let's go to the man who can see visions!” He said this because in those days God would answer questions by giving visions to prophets. Saul and his servant went to the town where the prophet lived. 11As they were going up the hill to the town, they met some young women coming out to get water, and the two men said to them, “We're looking for the man who can see visions. Is he in town?” 12“Yes, he is,” they replied. “He's in town today because there's going to be a sacrifice and a sacred meal at the place of worship. In fact, he's just ahead of you. Hurry 13and you should find him just inside the town gate. He's on his way out to the place of worship to eat with the invited guests. They can't start eating until he blesses the sacrifice. If you go now, you should find him.” 14They went to the town, and just as they were going through the gate, Samuel was coming out on his way to the place of worship. 15The day before Saul came, the LORD had told Samuel, 16“I've seen how my people are suffering, and I've heard their call for help. About this time tomorrow I'll send you a man from the tribe of Benjamin, who will rescue my people from the Philistines. I want you to pour olive oil on his head to show that he will be their leader.” 17Samuel looked at Saul, and the LORD told Samuel, “This is the man I told you about. He's the one who will rule Israel.” 18Saul went over to Samuel in the gateway and said, “A man who can see visions lives here in town. Could you tell me the way to his house?” 19“I am the one who sees visions!” Samuel answered. “Go on up to the place of worship. You will eat with me today, and in the morning I'll answer your questions. 20Don't worry about your donkeys that ran off three days ago. They've already been found. Everything of value in Israel now belongs to you and your family.” 21“Why are you telling me this?” Saul asked. “I'm from Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my clan is the least important in the tribe.” Saul eats with Samuel and stays at his house 22Samuel took Saul and his servant into the dining room at the place of worship. About thirty people were there for the dinner, but Samuel gave Saul and his servant the places of honour. 23-24Then Samuel told the cook, “I gave you the best piece of meat and told you to set it aside. Bring it here now.” The cook brought the meat over and set it down in front of Saul. “This is for you,” Samuel told him. “Go ahead and eat it. I had this piece saved especially for you, and I invited these guests to eat with you.” After Saul and Samuel had finished eating, 25they went down from the place of worship and back into town. A bed was set up for Saul on the flat roof of Samuel's house, 26and Saul slept there. About sunrise the next morning, Samuel called up to Saul on the roof, “Time to get up! I'll help you get started on your way.” Saul got up. He and Samuel left together 27and had almost reached the edge of town when Samuel stopped and said, “Tell your servant to go on. Stay here with me for a few minutes, and I'll tell you what God has told me.”
Bullmastiff is originated from United Kingdom but Rottweiler is originated from Germany. Both Bullmastiff and Rottweiler are having almost same height. Both Bullmastiff and Rottweiler are having almost same weight. Both Bullmastiff and Rottweiler has almost same life span. Both Bullmastiff and Rottweiler has almost same litter size. Both Bullmastiff and Rottweiler requires Low maintenance. The Old English Mastiff as well as the Bulldog are the breeds behind the Bull Mastiff. The Bullmastiff was originally developed in England around the 1860’s. Gamekeepers in England wanted a large, brave, robust dog which could help with keeping poachers away from their large estates which kept game. As these large estates dwindled, so did the need for the services of the Bullmastiff and later they were simply bred to be family companions. As more Old English Mastiffs were bred, the dog became lighter, so that light tan or fawn became the preferred color. The breed was officially recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1924, and the American Kennel Club in 1933. It is beleived to be the Rottweiler has been developed from the Roman cattle dogs. The Roman empire made a camp in a place at Germany in 74 AD. The area was called as 'das Rote Wil' and later as 'Rottweil'. In the middle ages Rottweiler was used in bear hunting and as a cattle dog. In 1899 the International club for Leonbergers and Rottweiler dogs was formed in Germany. In 19th century due to set in of railways the cattle was moved by railways and the need for the breed declined. When the world war was set in there came a heavy demand for police dogs. Rottweilers played a major role in first and second world war. In 1921 many German Rottweiler clubs joined together to form ADRK, which is Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub. This is said to be the home club of Rottweiler. American kennel club recognised them in 1931. They become 9th most popular breed in America in 2013. Bullmastiffs are large, brachycephalic dogs, and heights are between 61 and 68cm and the dog weight anything between 41 – 59kg. While it isn’t particularly tall, the dog is thickly set with a deep chest and strong, muscular legs. The Bull Mastiff has a powerful build and plenty of strength with an imposing look on his face. He is a powerful, active breed with a short coat which is also weather resistant and can be any shade of fawn, red or brindle. The dog has a black muzzle and the skull is large and square. The ears are set high and are short and floppy. The tail was once docked, giving the dog an even more distinctive, powerful appearance, but these days, due to regulations, the tail is left long. The Bullmastiff is a loyal, devoted, fearless, protective dog. When he belongs to a human family, he becomes a companion but a fierce protector too, being a territorial dog. They love being with their family and can be good with children too, and even other pets, but proper training and socialization will be important. They aren’t aggressive around strangers, though he does make a wonderful guard dog. He is intelligent and stubborn and if you don’t want him becoming destructive, even though he is a low-energy dog, you will need to exercise him and walk him every day. Rottweilers are good natured, obedient and are very much eager to work. They are calm, confident and an excellent watchdog. They will not make friends immediately. Rottweilers can be said as an all purpose dog since they are suitable as companion and watch dog as well. He is good in herding and guarding as genital feature. Rottweiler must be trained from its younger stage and should not be hit while training. They have high energy level and thus they are interested in doing work if properly trained. There are more possibilities of biting the strangers because of watchdog tendency. They are very good in herding sheeps as they have a natural gathering style. They are clever and adjusts the barking sound according to the situation. While herding they used to prove the leadership by selecting the dominant one in the flock and challenging it. If they were made to watch a same flock of cattle regularly, then they will develop a bond with them and will be affectionate with them as long as the cattle obeys its commands. Contrary to his formidable looks, the Bullmastiff is a gentle, affectionate pet when he has been properly socialized. He is a great pet for families and will guard them with his life. He is loyal and devoted but can be somewhat aloof, particularly with strangers. He isn’t a highly energetic dog and he is more or less low maintenance and easy-going. Feed him correctly, give him a nice, warm sleeping spot to call his own and give him attention like he deserves as a family member. The Bullmastiff will reward you by being a solid and devoted companion. They are friendly with children and enjoy the company with them. But it is not advised to leave them with children without adult supervision. Rottweilers do not make friends immediately but take time to know about new people. He is an excellent watchdog. Males are quiet in nature but are watchful and females are more affectionate and obey some more. A good training is required for them to obey your orders. They are not good for apartment life and thus a fenced back yard will be better for them to play and spend the energy. They require companion and will be happy to walk around with you. Hot weather will be some what better for them when compared with cold. Rottweilers are easy to train because of their high intelligence. The training should be started in their young stage to have best results. They should not be dominated but treated kindly with understanding. They should be comfortable with the surroundings and people. Giving him a reward for training will make him interested in doing it. If he does a mistake then he should not be hit, so that he may get fear and loss his interest in doing it. Punishments will never work for them but rewarding will make him encouraged. Simple commands such as sit and stand shall be taught to them. The Bullmastiff is a generally healthy breed, but even so, the breed is known for having to contend with certain health issues. He doesn’t have a particularly long life span either and can live to be about 10, ll or 12 years of age. Some of the more common illnesses to look out for include - This is a condition where the thighbone doesn’t fit properly into the hip joint. The troublesome part is that it can lead to arthritis, pain and lameness for your pet. This is a worrisome, life-threatening condition for a dog, particularly for large, deep-chested dogs such as your Bullmastiff. Instead of feeding your Mastiff one large meal, it is recommended to feed him 2 smaller meals. Bloat occurs when the stomach is distended with gas or air and twists, restricting the normal return of blood to the heart. The health issues affecting the eyes of them are Cataract and Progressive Retinal Atropy. Health problems common in their joints are Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia and Panosteitis. They also have chances to get circulatory system problems like Aortic Stenosis and Von Willebrand's Disease. Other common health problems in Rottweiler are Bloat and Cancer. Mostly people think that Rottweilers don't shed but they are short haired dog and sheds more. They are having double coat that is undercoat and topcoat. The undercoat is softer and protects them in winter and topcoat is rougher and visible. It is said that they will shed in spring and winter seasons. Shedding can be reduced by brushing them. The Bullmastiff has a short dense coat which is looked upon as low-maintenance. He will require a brushing twice a week, being a light to average shedder. He is a dog that tends to drool quite a bit so you may need to wipe away slobber from time to time. Because his face has wrinkles, check the creases to ensure they remain free of dirt and food particles to ward off infection. Check his ears at the same time, brush his teeth at least twice a week with special dog-toothpaste and brush and keep the nails trimmed. Your large Bullmastiff will require high-quality commercial dog food but he will also need some home-made food in between such as rice, vegetables and meat. He is a large dog and will have to get an intake of raw meat too. Dogs denied raw meat can end up with skin problems as well as other health issues.It is better to feel your Bullmastiff smaller meals than to give him one large meal which he scoffs down quickly. Smaller meals will help prevent the most dangerous illness known as Bloat. Ensure he has a steady supply of fresh, cool water. Rottweiler puppies should be given a diet which has protein, carbohydrates and fats. They need different diets in their growing stages. They can be given chicken with bones and vegetables for 4 days in a week. Beef with vegetables can also be given. When feeding them red meat a raw meaty bone can also be included. Fish oil can be given such that starting with 1000 mg and making it to 3000 mg in a time of two weeks. High calories of protein should be provided to them to meet their energy requirements. While buying commercial food it should be checked for the main ingredient to be meat. Protein levels should be more from animals than vegetables. High quality dairy products should be included. Food should not have low quality flavours and preservatives. Healthy fat is necessary for their skin and coat. If these fats are not provided it will cause dandruff and itchy skin. Brushing them weekly once is recommended for their coat and skin. Buying the puppy from reputable breeder will be better. Vaccinations and preventive medicines should be given on right time. Spaying and Neutering should be done to avoid unwanted pregnancy. High quality diet should be maintained. Making them to bath once in a week is advisable. Nails should be trimmed once in every two weeks. Rottweilers like to chase something and Laser pointer will be a good game for them. It will make them busy and also entertain us. But it should be on a limit and they should not get bored. A treat or toy can be hided and they can be made to find it. A bottle should be filled with water and frozen. The frozen bottle can be given to them for playing. In summer time it will make them very happy to play with it. A ball or toy can be thrown and they can be made to fetch it. Walking them is also a good exercise.
Pasteurisation is a process during which milk is heated just enough to kill any bacteria that could present a food safety risk. Its use became widespread during the 20thcentury, and today all cow’s milk sold in stores must be pasteurised. Pasteurisation is a very effective method for ensuring the safety of milk (and other liquids such as juice) that are produced on a large scale or in places far from where they’ll eventually be consumed. Milk for cheese may be pasteurised as well, of course, and this approach makes sense when the milk supply comes from many farms or is located far from the where the cheese is made. Because cheesemaking is a process of farming bacteria, tiny numbers present in the milk at the beginning may grow to high numbers by the end of the process, so there is no room for error. When milk for cheese is pasteurised, the cheesemaker must replace what has been destroyed by the pasteurisation process by adding starter cultures, commercially-available strains of bacteria that ferment the milk. This process is very efficient and consistent, and if the cheesemaker is skilled, it can result in delicious cheese. But the practice of cheesemaking originated long before starter cultures or pasteurisation had ever been imagined, as the only way of preserving milk on small farms before an era of rapid transport and refrigeration. Cheesemakers would process their raw milk while it was still fresh, unknowingly propagating the natural bacteria present within the milk as they made the cheese. With a fastidious approach to animal husbandry, and by using milk when it is very fresh, it is still possible today to make cheeses that allow us to taste the impact of these naturally-occurring microorganisms that are unique to each farm. Many of the cheesemakers we work with have started to explore how adapting their farming practices specifically to encourage the presence of interesting and diverse microbes that can make their cheeses taste more unique and interesting. Some farms that we are working with are now making their raw milk cheeses entirely with microbes that originate on their farms, either by making their own cultures or through using whey (the liquid fraction of the milk that is removed during cheesemaking) as a continuous culture to seed the next batch, akin to a sourdough starter. Try these amazing cheeses to get a taste of native raw milk microbes at work: - St James – Holker Farm Dairy - Innes Log & Innes Brick - Highfields Farm Dairy - Cardo & Old Ford - Sleight Farm
Victims of violent crime often say after the incident, “It came out of nowhere.” But that’s not always true. The criminal came from somewhere, and in many cases, there were pre-incident indicators that he was a bad guy or that something abnormal was going on. The victim didn’t see the signs, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any. Understanding gaze behavior—yours and the bad guy’s—is key to picking up on those abnormal signals and spotting crime before it fully develops. Gaze behavior is what someone does with their eyes and how their body reacts to what they’re seeing. You first need to be mindful of your own gaze behavior; how you look at the world around you. That will enable you to spot when someone else’s gaze is cast on you in a suspicious way. Your Own Gaze You already know that walking around in condition white, nose in your phone, oblivious to what’s going on around you, is foolish and dangerous. Being casually but consciously aware of your surroundings will keep you safer, but this isn’t just “keep your head on a swivel” stuff. You need to look beyond your immediate vicinity and know what’s going on at various distances: close, mid-range and at distance. Think about when you’re driving. You don’t focus all your attention on the steering wheel (very close) or on the back of the car in front of you (close) or even on the car in front of him (mid-range). You shift your gaze from the car in front of you to the side of the road, to the rearview mirror, to way up ahead, and back to the car in front of you, and every so often you repeat this sequence in some way. Why? You do this so you can spot a potential problem—say, a deer on the side of the road, or brake lights 20 cars up on the interstate—while you still have plenty of time to react to it. The same needs to be true when you’re walking down the street, through a parking lot or anywhere else. Pay attention to what’s going on immediately around you, at a mid-range distance and far ahead where you’re going. Who is moving in and out of each space? What problems are developing that you can stay away from? Be careful about just whipping your head from side to side as you do when you cross the street—we’ve all had the experience of looking so quickly that we really don’t look at all, and we miss something that was right there. Consciously look around you at each distance to get a good handle on your surroundings. Let your brain register what’s happening. It’s also helpful to make a habit of checking behind you, and you can use mirrors and reflective surfaces to help you do that, if available. Don’t be afraid to physically turn your head and look behind you if you’ve just passed someone you feel suspicious of or if you have that eerie “someone’s following me” feeling. Someone Else’s Gaze Somewhere around 90 percent of our communication is non-verbal. You can tell a lot about a person and their intentions by their body language and, for the purposes of this article, by the way they watch the world around them. Pay attention to who is looking at you. Depending somewhat on where you live, eye contact with strangers has well-known social limits. Looking for more than a couple of seconds is staring. A short stare with a smile, followed by looking away and then making eye contact again, might be flirting. Eye contact followed by dropping the eyes can indicate fear or submission. And long stares are threatening, intimidating or at least uncomfortable. Plenty of people are socially awkward without being a threat, but take note of anyone who looks at you too long, too fast, too frequently or too intensely. None of that is normal behavior among strangers. A quick “accidental” eye contact is awkward, so we often finish it with a smile or a nod to indicate that we’re not a weirdo and we mean no harm. Pay attention to anyone who meets your eye for a split second and immediately shifts their gaze away, especially if they do it more than once. At that point, they’re watching you for some reason that might be innocent … or might not. Make note of anyone who stares at you. If he’s not innocently flirting, and if you’re not doing anything attention-grabbing, why’s he so intent on watching what you’re doing? Is he sizing you up? Is he learning your patterns? Is he intentionally meeting your gaze to see if you react fearfully or confidently? Also beware of groups of people who are together but aren’t engaging each other or looking at each other. A group of young men standing around in a parking lot should be talking to each other or at least looking at their phones, probably near someone’s car or the bus stop. They shouldn’t be standing in silence, watching other people or staring at the store exit to see who passes through. That’s abnormal gaze behavior, and you should steer clear of this pack. Safety expert Marc MacYoung refers to a particular type of gaze behavior he calls a “witness check,” which he describes in his book Safety Doesn’t Have to Be Scary as “a fast glancing around to see if there are any witnesses or people near enough to interfere with the attackers’ plans. This usually happens as they are approaching, but still sort of far out. It’s a very distinctive move that if you see someone doing it in a fringe area (or a confrontation), it’s a bad, bad sign.” He describes the witness check as a very fast, unfocused glance—the criminal isn’t trying to recognize anyone’s face, as you would do if you were looking for a friend in a crowd, so his gaze doesn’t linger on each side. He’s simply checking for the presence of any people at all. The specific gaze behavior known as a witness check often happens while the criminal is still a distance away from his chosen prey, and he’ll probably be in the act of approaching you while he does it. This is why it’s important for you to look beyond what’s immediately in front of you and scan your surroundings at mid-range and at distance—if you can spot someone watching you and glancing around as he approaches you, you have bought yourself time to react. If you think about it, you already know something about what predatory gaze behavior looks like. Picture a housecat stalking a bird in the front yard. What is his body doing? It’s low, tense, every muscle flexed, moving quickly when he can and then freezing until the bird turns away, then creeping slowly, tail twitching. And what are his eyes doing? They haven’t moved for the entire stalk. He’s deliberate and focused, staring at his chosen victim. Any person approaching you with that kind of focused gaze behavior should throw up all kinds of red flags. If he’s far off, he might avert his gaze to avoid eye contact that might scare you off. If he’s at mid-range, he might test you with a hard stare, hoping to intimidate you into freezing for a couple of seconds while he closes the gap. If he’s close, within a few yards, he might watch you out of the side of his eyes while pretending to look at something else, or he might just plow ahead with a smash-and-grab-style attack. You want to spot him before he gets that close. Part of keeping yourself safe is paying attention to who’s paying attention to you and how they’re using their gaze, especially when it’s cast in your direction. And the best way to notice the signs of criminal gaze behavior is to develop your own conscious gaze behavior that has you looking and really seeing what’s going on around you at close, mid-range and far-out distances. This is really just people-watching taken to a slightly more deliberate level, but it’s one of the best tools you have to see trouble while it’s still brewing so you can avoid it.
Of all the impacts that caused extinctions of Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead, dams were the most significant. And the most significant of the dams, at least in terms of the number of known runs that were extinguished, is Grand Coulee. The dam wiped out runs that spawned in tributaries that drained into the Columbia from that point, river mile 596, to the headwaters, a distance of 645 river miles. Adding the tributary miles where salmon spawned nearly doubled the distance. The Bureau of Reclamation, which built the dam, was aware of the impact Grand Coulee would have on salmon and steelhead and took steps to compensate for the losses through the construction of hatcheries. This was complicated, however, by the fact that the upper Columbia salmon runs had been declining for years before the dam finished them off. The Bureau contracted with the Washington Department of Fisheries to assess the runs and recommend a means of preserving them. The resulting 1938 report, issued by B.M. Brennan, director of the Department, detailed the decline of Columbia River salmon from multiple causes. The report contained recommendations for preserving and relocating the salmon and steelhead runs — the North Central Washington Upper Columbia River Salmon Conservation Project. The cost was estimated at $2.6 million, which would be paid from the Grand Coulee construction fund. The plan called for trapping adult fish at Rock Island Dam and transporting them in tank trucks to release points in rivers and streams below Grand Coulee and also, eventually, to a hatchery that would be built at Leavenworth, on a Wenatchee River tributary called Icicle Creek. From there, juvenile fish eventually would be transported to release sites throughout north central Washington. It was an ambitious plan, but it did not appear to attract broad public interest. In the report, Brennan noted general public indifference regarding the plight of fish and, conversely, public enthusiasm for Grand Coulee Dam, which then was three years from completion but already had blocked the river. In the introduction of the report Brennan wrote: “The fishery of the Columbia River has been decreasing slowly since the turn of the century. The constant inroads of civilization have continually worked to the detriment of fish populations. First irrigation diversions, then small hydroelectric dams on several tributaries, then more and larger irrigation diversions, over-fishing by the commercial interests, increasing sport fishing, gaffing of fish on the spawning grounds, and increasing industrial and domestic pollution bringing pressure constantly against the fish populations have slowly decreased their former abundance. So many factors were at work in so many ways, that the public’s attention was never riveted for any length of time on the decreasing value of this enormous natural asset. “. . . In the first burst of enthusiasm that the whole Northwest felt at the culmination of its plans, the fact that the construction of this dam would strike a serious blow to the Columbia River fishery was overlooked by the general public. When the plans for the high dam finally were approved, it became apparent that salmon could not be put over a dam of this height as they had been at the much lower Rock Island and Bonneville dams. The stock of salmon spawning in some 1,100 miles of river and tributaries was to be permanently destroyed. Further study revealed that the alternative methods for preserving these runs would be extremely expensive, if they were possible. There was a feeling that the vast economic gains to be derived from this project should not be endangered by consideration of the fish. It was even felt in some quarters that the fish were not worth the money that it would take to preserve them. “. . . The irrigation and power developments in connection with the Grand Coulee project are confiscating valuable prior rights to the river held by the fish and therefore by the commonwealth to which the fish belong. It is only just that these developments pay compensation for these confiscations; that is, the cost for the apparatus necessary to perpetuate these runs should be included as a part of the capital investment of the dam and irrigation system, and the operation of this apparatus should be included in the operating costs of the irrigation and power developments.” Grand Coulee Dam thwarted the grand plans Washington had to rebuild the Columbia River salmon fishery. In discussing possible methods of protecting salmon and steelhead from the impact of the dam, Brennan noted: “There had been a systematic progression of improvements up the river with the idea in mind of bringing back every portion of the Columbia River watershed under the jurisdiction of the State of Washington into its former condition of productivity. . . [but] Grand Coulee Dam completely upset a large share of these plans and work.” According to Brennan’s report, “the pressure of public opinion” forced the construction of fish protective devices 400 miles downriver at Bonneville Dam. The pressure of public opinion also may have played a part in the decision of the Bureau of Reclamation, then called the Reclamation Service, to preserve some remnant of the salmon and steelhead that its dam at Grand Coulee would wipe out. Making the decision was the easy part; making it happen was the hard part. As Brennan notes in his report for the Reclamation Service, “there was left the question of what was the best way to take care of the fish.” Little was known, he wrote, and he might have added that there was little time. 1938 was the year construction at Grand Coulee Dam finally would cut off the river to migrating fish. An investigation was needed — of fish behavior, migratory patterns, abundance, spawning locations, tributary water flow and temperature. So many things. Because the state couldn’t afford such a study, the Reclamation Service gave the state $25,000 for a one-year investigation. The state didn’t receive the money until the spring migration of juvenile salmon nearly was over. Only six months of field study was possible. Brennan did the best he could. He began with the obvious — the dam itself. Fish passage would be impossible, he concluded. “The construction of the low dam, as originally planned, would have presented no insurmountable obstacles to caring for the fish,” [but] “the present plan of constructing a dam with 350 feet of head completely alters this picture. For several reasons it is impractical, if not impossible, to put fish over a dam of this height and maintain a run with the project under its ultimate development.” Brennan cited five reasons why fish passage at Grand Coulee would not work. First, water immediately below the dam could be expected to fluctuate as much as 40 vertical feet within periods of minutes, depending on power production. It would be difficult, at least, to build a fish ladder that would operate efficiently in such conditions, he reasoned. Second, because the dam likely would be spilling water in the summer when the fish arrive on their upstream journey to spawn, the fish, which are attracted to agitated water, likely could not find the ladder entrance. Third, in the spring and early summer, when the juvenile fish are heading to the ocean, the giant irrigation pumps would be sucking up to 18,000 cubic feet per second from a spot directly behind the dam, an amount of water Brennan likened to the flow of the Skagit River in western Washington. “It will be a practical impossibility to screen these pump intakes with mesh fine enough to keep the young fish out,” he wrote. “Large numbers [of young salmon and steelhead] would be pumped into the irrigation system to perish.” Fourth, water would not spill over the dam all year round, and so at certain times of the year — the fall, for example — young fish would be stuck behind the dam, where there likely would not be enough food for their survival through the winter. In the spring, when the river is higher, young fish swept over the dam would face a “. . .400-foot slide down the concrete face of the dam,” and “...all or mostly all would be killed.” Fifth, even if the fish could be carried over the dam in a column of water and not touch the concrete, where they would be battered and descaled, “. . .it is questionable how safely they could negotiate this 350-foot fall.” That’s an understatement. So fish passage was impossible, or at least so improbably expensive and life-threatening that it wasn’t worthy of further consideration. But there was a larger problem than the concrete wall at Grand Coulee. The larger problem was with the fish themselves. These fish did not spawn at the dam, or anywhere near it. Some went all the way to the headwaters, and most spread out into myriad tributaries in Washington and southeastern British Columbia. There was almost no knowledge of how many salmon, as a percentage of those that cross Rock Island Dam, spawned above Grand Coulee. Many were believed destined for the Arrow Lakes, but that area was remote and virtually inaccessible by road and so a difficult place to count fish. Anecdotal evidence was useful, however, and the authors of the report noted a conversation with “an old Indian” at Kettle Falls on August 6, 1937, about sockeye salmon, also called blueback: “Although he did not know the fish by the name blueback, he recognized them when confronted with the specimens that had been caught. He said that many years ago there used to be large runs of blueback at Kettle Falls, and the Indians used to congregate there to catch them, but in recent years the runs had been so small that the Indians had not fished them.” Based on this report and others, including interviews with residents near the Arrow Lakes, the biologists estimated that “more than 85 percent” of the sockeye crossing Rock Island Dam were destined for rivers other than the Wenatchee and the Okanogan, the only two sockeye rivers downstream of Grand Coulee. Sockeye are unique among salmon in that they spawn and rear in and around lakes, such as Lake Wenatchee and Lake Osoyoos, on the Wenatchee and Okanagon rivers, respectively. The problem for the biologists, of course, was that these fish, and other salmon that spawned in the upper Columbia, were not ready to spawn when they reached Rock Island Dam. “The salmon and steelhead when they reach [Rock Island Dam] are not ripe and will not spawn for several months,” Brennan wrote. “The blueback pass over the dam in July and August and do not spawn until the latter part of September. The first Chinook salmon reach Rock Island in April and do not begin spawning until the latter part of August. The fall run of steelhead pass Rock Island in September, October and November and do not spawn until the following late winter and spring.” His solution was to hold the salmon, somehow, until they were ready to spawn and then transfer them to Columbia tributaries downstream of the dam — the Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow and Okanagon. But what about the salmon and steelhead that spawn in those rivers? Would they be held, too? It would be impossible to tell them apart, and so all must be collected together. But where would they be taken? And when? Each population would have a unique run timing. Imagine each population as an alarm clock set to go off at a different time. There was no acceptable water supply near Rock Island Dam for rearing ponds, but there was sufficient clean water and a good location at Icicle Creek, a Wenatchee River tributary near the town of Leavenworth, 42 miles from the dam by highway. Brennan’s plan was to collect adult salmon and steelhead at Rock Island Dam and haul them by truck to release sites on the Wenatchee, Okanogan, Methow and Entiat rivers. Ultimately, the Leavenworth hatchery would produce fish to supplement the runs in these rivers. Brennan knew it would be impossible to naturally produce as many fish in the 677 miles of those four tributaries below Grand Coulee as in the 1,100 miles of tributaries above the dam where most of the captured fish would have spawned. So hatchery production would supplement natural production. “Instead of a natural crop of young fish from these four tributaries, it becomes necessary to produce an intensified crop far in excess of that which could be produced naturally,” he wrote. And these fish would be different from other hatchery fish. They would be bigger — closer to the size they would have been had they been hatched above Grand Coulee and migrated to the sea naturally. “Such a program may offset the damage done by Grand Coulee Dam; ordinary hatching and liberation in the young fry stage cannot,” he wrote. These were not pristine rivers. In fact, they suffered some of the same problems as modern-day rivers. For example, the Okanogan River was “a sluggish, slow-moving stream” whose chief salmon-producing tributary, Salmon Creek, was so heavily pumped for irrigation “that it’s rehabilitation for salmon reproduction is impossible,” Brennan wrote. The Methow supported salmon, but the small size of the run likely was due to the impact of a hydropower dam constructed at its mouth in 1915 and removed in 1929, and the fact that the river “has a particularly large number of irrigation diversions.” The Entiat, in contrast, was an excellent salmon river — with few salmon. Like the Methow, the Entiat once had a power dam near its mouth, which later was removed. The dam blocked salmon, and the damage was done. The Wenatchee River’s salmon runs suffered from large irrigation and power diversions. Each of the rivers had unscreened diversions that were lethal to juvenile fish. It wasn’t ideal, but it was all they had to work with. The trapping and hauling began in May 1939. Fish were trapped at Rock Island Dam, transferred to a tank truck and then transported to releases sites — two in the Wenatchee drainage (Icicle Creek and a spot on the main river called Monitor) and one each on the Methow, Entiat and Okanogan rivers. In the process, the biologists learned a good deal about salmon. For instance, they learned that even though water temperature in the unrefrigerated tank truck rose steadily, there seemed to be little effect on the fish. In the three-hour hauls to Oroville, on the Okanogan, and Twisp, on the Methow, the water temperature would rise by as much as 16.2 degrees. One time, the water temperature on arrival at Oroville was 79.7 degrees, about 12 degrees above lethal for salmon. But, according to the report, “these fish were certainly as lively and appeared, outwardly, at least, as healthy as any fish hauled.” There was concern, however, for the viability of the eggs and sperm following such a temperature shock. The biologists also learned about the importance of properly oxygenated water during transport. During one haul to Icicle Creek, the oxygen pump broke down during and 29 out of 30 salmon were dead on arrival. In general, though, the biologists were impressed with the resiliency of the fish. Upon releasing fish from the tank truck, many were noted with scars, gouges and other wounds, but these fish would revive in the water and swim off apparently unaffected. They were hearty fish — they are hearty fish today — but in 1938 they faced a gauntlet strikingly familiar to the one modern salmon face. There were dozens of gravity diversions for irrigation on each river — 73 total on the four rivers, not including the complete diversion of Salmon Creek, plus diversions on the Okanagan in British Columbia above Lake Osoyoos. Also, there were numerous irrigation pump stations that lacked fish screens. All told, the gravity diversions alone accounted for all but roughly 100 cubic feet per second of the combined average flow of all four rivers. As happens today, rivers can be overappropriated, and when flows are below average, the rivers can run dry. There were diversions for hydropower dams, too — three on the Wenatchee River alone. “The thousands of young fish diverted are practically all killed when the ditch is dried up in the fall,” according to the report. “Also, the diversion of this quantity of water actually renders some of the streams (particularly the tributaries of the Methow) unfit for the upstream migration of the adults in the fall, as well as strongly decreasing the feeding and shelter area for the young fish.” This was the habitat that was supposed to rebuild the fish runs lost to Grand Coulee Dam. The desperate situation — one might say the seeming futility of the restoration effort — was not lost on the men who were handed this difficult task in 1938. Brennan’s report comments: “To the most casual observer it is an increasing source of wonder that any adult salmon are able to reach the spawning grounds and, once reached, that enough of the small salmon are able to return to the sea to maintain a run of any size. As a matter of fact, the salmon runs into these streams are at present in an extreme state of depletion. Irrigation and water power developments are the two principal causes. Mining and domestic pollution are not yet important factors, but are potentially so.” In March 1940, the trapping and hauling began for the second year. Some of the fish were taken to the Leavenworth hatchery, now completed. On August 6, 1941, the first salmon reared at the hatchery, 50,000 fingerling Chinook, were trucked to the Entiat River and released. Later, other hatchery progeny were released into the Methow, Okanagon and Wenatchee rivers, and by 1942 the adult progeny of fish that had been trapped and transported up to three years earlier began returning to spawn. The Bureau of Reclamation claimed victory in 1943 — the same year no salmon or steelhead showed up at the base of Grand Coulee Dam attempting to continue upriver — and sought to turn over the Leavenworth hatchery and its related facilities to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. By 1949, ownership had been transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. While it is true that salmon were returning to spawn, they were not returning in numbers even close to pre-dam counts and, of course, none of these fish was destined to spawn above Grand Coulee. In 1933, the year construction began at Grand Coulee, 51,879 salmon swam through the fish ladders at Rock Island Dam. Through 1942, the highest count was 35,000, and most years were far lower. Paul Pitzer, in his history of the dam, Grand Coulee: Harnessing a Dream, concludes it simply isn’t known whether the salmon transplant experiment was a success. Other impacts damaged the salmon runs, including the construction of new dams downstream, construction of irrigation systems on tributaries, diseases at the hatcheries, overfishing and pollution. “In the 1930s, when the dams were the highest priority, the salmon survived more through good luck than government efforts,” he wrote. Meanwhile, north of the border Canada appears to have been truly indifferent to the loss of salmon and steelhead from Grand Coulee. It is true that a few citizens spoke against the destruction of the Canadian Columbia River runs at the public hearings conducted by the International Joint Commission at Trail, B.C., and Spokane in 1941. But neither British Columbia nor Canadian federal fishery agencies registered concerns at the hearings, and the citizens who spoke seemed more interested in ensuring that the Americans who killed the runs would provide replacement fish in compensation. In fact, the state of Washington eventually built two hatcheries to release fish — trout and kokanee — into Lake Roosevelt as partial compensation for the loss of salmon and steelhead, and hatcheries operated bvy the Spokane and Colville tribes were built through the Council's Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Canadian federal officials were not entirely silent on the matter, however. In October 1934, as the initial site preparations were underway at Grand Coulee, the Canadian Legation in Washington, D.C., took note of the fact that the high dam — with no fish passage facilities — meant ruin for Canadian Columbia River salmon. The Legation expressed its concern in a letter to the federal Ministry of Fisheries in Ottawa. The reply to that letter, signed by Deputy Minister William A. Found, concluded: “The assumption that there is no commercial salmon fishery on the Columbia River in Canada is correct, and hence Canadian interests in that respect will not be affected if the dam at Grand Coulee is not equipped with fishway facilities.” Remarkably, the Canadian government wrote off Columbia River salmon because there would be no adverse economic impact to commercial fisheries from their loss.
Bessemer Bend, Wyoming Bessemer Bend has a population of less than 250 residents and is located in the state of Wyoming. Wyoming is located in the mountain region of the western US, it is the tenth most extensive but is the least populated out of the fifty states in the US. Wyoming is a very natural place with many mountains, national parks and lakes. The vast amount of nature and the moderate climate are the main reason why there is such a big pest problem in Bessemer Bend. Bessemer Bend gets an average of 13 inches of rainfall, 79 inches of snowfall and 218 days of sunshine per year. The month of July has the hottest days of the year with temperatures reaching 84 degrees and the month of January has the coldest days of the year with temperatures dropping to 12 degrees. During the cold months, pests enter homes looking for shelter and food, however, pests can be seen all year round. These pests include rodents, bugs, bees, spiders, fleas, termites and many more. Pests can be a nuisance to get rid of. Most homeowners like to try and resolve pest issues themselves to save money before they get an expert to do the job as a last resort. There are many common DIY pest controlling methods used such as setting traps, storing food away in pest-proof metal and glass containers, setting baits and poison. There are also many natural and safe ways of preventing pests from entering homes and getting rid of them, these include chemical-free ways to get rid of pests such as bugs and insects, an effective way of doing so is vacuuming them and their nests up with a vacuum specific for these critters. This is an easy and quick way of getting rid of them as the bugs usually suffocate in the bag and die. Another way of getting rid of insect pests in by using a swatter. Although this is an effective way of killing them, it can be quite challenging and time consuming to swat flying insects. Natural methods of pest prevention and reduction include using strong scents such as peppermint and tea tree to deter mice from entering homes and prevent them from staying. Pests like rodents tend to hate strong smells so spraying the house with these smells can make them move elsewhere. Some DIY pest controlling methods work well on small infestation, however, it is inevitable that most pest problems will need to be dealt with by a pest controller or an exterminator. Professionals are better suited to the job than homeowners as they have extensive training and equipment and can rid a house of pests quickly. Although hiring such a professional can be costly, it’s a small price to pay to get rid of pests and put measures into place to prevent them from entering the home again. Wyoming Termite and Pest Control is a company with extensive knowledge and experience in pest controlling and removal. They provide customers with high quality pest removal advice and their services are affordable. Another company similar to this is Best Pest Control. Eliminating pests can be costly but doing so through these highly qualified professionals is worth the peace of mind that ensues.
Diseases & Conditions Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip There are many kinds of arthritis that can affect the hip joint and make it difficult to do everyday activities. The most common type is osteoarthritis (OA), a non-inflammatory arthritis. Also known as degenerative arthritis, OA is associated with aging-related wear and tear or trauma; it is not a result of the body's altered immune response. OA typically causes painful symptoms in middle-aged people. Inflammatory arthritis refers to any type of arthritis caused by an overactive immune system. These types of arthritis are also known as autoimmune disorders. Unlike osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis affects people of all ages, often showing signs in early adulthood. These diseases mostly affect the joints but can also affect other organs, such as the eyes, lungs, heart, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and skin. These are common types of inflammatory arthritis that can cause symptoms in the hip joint: - Rheumatoid arthritis - Ankylosing spondylitis - Psoriatic arthritis Less common types of inflammatory arthritis affecting the hip joint include: - Systemic lupus erythematosus - Reactive arthritis - Inflammatory bowel disease-related arthritis - Juvenile inflammatory arthritis (JIA) - Arthritis induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors (chemotherapy) There are also types of inflammatory arthritis that are not autoimmune in nature. These diseases can also cause symptoms in the hip joint: - Gout (uric acid crystal disease) - Pseudogout (CPPD - calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease) - Septic arthritis (caused by a viral or bacterial infection) - Lyme arthritis (caused by Lyme disease) Although there is no cure for inflammatory arthritis, there have been many advances in treatment, particularly in the development of new medications. Early diagnosis and treatment can help patients maintain mobility and function by preventing severe damage to the joint. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the large pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone). A slippery tissue called articular cartilage covers the surface of the ball and socket. It creates a smooth, low-friction surface that helps the bones glide easily across each other. The surface of the joint is covered by a thin lining called the synovium. In a healthy hip, the synovium produces a small amount of fluid that lubricates the cartilage and aids in movement. These are the most common types of inflammatory arthritis that affect the hip joint. In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovium thickens, swells, and produces chemical substances that attack and destroy the articular cartilage covering the bone. Rheumatoid arthritis often involves the same joint on both sides of the body, so both hips may be affected. Ankylosing spondylitis causes inflammation of the spine and large joints, including the hips, resulting in stiffness and pain. it can cause erosion of the sacroiliac joint and fusion of the spine (bamboo spine). Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis — a skin disease that causes red patches with scaling. - Joints in psoriatic arthritis can be red, swollen, and warm. - Sausage-like swelling can occur in fingers and toes. - Changes in nails, like pitting, can be seen. - Some patients have pain in the tailbone (coccyx). In a person with inflammatory arthritis, the body's immune system lacks the ability to self-regulate, and the immune system turns on itself. The tissue invasion of immune cells causes inflammation where it is not needed, and the production of chemicals causes damage to the affected tissues. The exact cause of inflammatory arthritis is not known, although there is evidence that genetics plays a role in the development of some forms of the disease. Inflammatory arthritis may cause general symptoms throughout the body, such as fever, loss of appetite and fatigue. A hip affected by inflammatory arthritis will feel painful and stiff. There are other symptoms, as well: - A dull, aching pain in the groin, outer thigh, knee, or buttocks - Limited range of motion - Pain that is worse in the morning or after sitting or resting for a while, but lessens with activity - Pain in the joint severe enough to cause a limp or make walking difficult Patients with suspected inflammatory hip arthritis should be seen by a rheumatologist. This is a physician that specializes in patients with autoimmune diseases. Patients with long-standing inflammatory arthritis or those who do not respond to medical treatment will end up with joint destruction, which can lead to joint replacement. During your initial examination, your doctor will ask questions about your medical history and your symptoms, then conduct a physical examination and order diagnostic tests. During the physical examination, your doctor will evaluate the range of motion in your hip. Increased pain and limitation during some movements may be a sign of inflammatory arthritis. The doctor will also look for a limp or other problems with your gait (the way you walk) due to stiffness of the hip. X-rays are imaging tests that create detailed pictures of dense structures, like bone. X-rays of an arthritic hip will show whether there is any thinning or erosion in the bones, any loss of joint space, or any excess fluid in the joint. Blood tests like sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are indicators of inflammatory arthritis. Antibodies like rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody, and anti-citrullinated peptied can be useful in the diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis. Although there is no cure for inflammatory arthritis, there are a number of treatment options that can help prevent joint destruction. Inflammatory arthritis is often treated by a team of healthcare professionals, including rheumatologists, physical and occupational therapists, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, and orthopaedic surgeons. The treatment plan for managing your symptoms will depend upon your inflammatory disease. Advances in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis have made a dramatic difference in the lives of people with these diseases. Inflammatory arthritis can often be well controlled using medications, and it can go into remission when treated early in the course of the disease. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen may relieve pain and help reduce inflammation. NSAIDs are available in both over-the-counter and prescription forms. Corticosteroids. Medications like prednisone are potent anti-inflammatories and can suppress the immune system. They can be taken by mouth or by injection. Injections in the hip, such as corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid, or platelet-rich plasma (PRP), can also help control pain. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). These drugs act on the immune system to help slow the progression of disease. Methotrexate is a commonly prescribed DMARD. There are several newer medications on the market known as biologics, genetically engineered proteins which target specific parts of the immune system that trigger inflammation. These drugs can be very effective for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other forms of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. Physical therapy. Specific exercises may help increase the range of motion in your hip and strengthen the muscles that support the joint. In addition, regular, moderate exercise may decrease stiffness and improve endurance. Swimming is a preferred exercise for people with ankylosing spondylitis because spinal motion may be limited. Assistive devices. Using a cane, walker, long-handled shoehorn, or reacher may make it easier for you to perform the tasks of daily living. If nonsurgical treatments do not sufficiently relieve your pain, your doctor may recommend surgery. The type of surgery performed depends on several factors, including: - Your age - Condition of the hip joint - Which disease is causing your inflammatory arthritis - Progression of the disease The most common surgical procedures performed for inflammatory arthritis of the hip include total hip replacement and synovectomy. Total hip replacement. Your doctor will remove the damaged cartilage and bone, then position new metal or plastic joint surfaces to restore the function of your hip. Total hip replacement is often recommended for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis to relieve pain and improve range of motion. Synovectomy. Synovectomy is done to remove part or all of the joint lining (synovium). It may be effective if the disease is limited to the joint lining and has not affected the articular cartilage that covers the bones. Generally, the procedure is used to treat only the early stages of inflammatory arthritis. Your doctor will discuss the various surgical options with you. Do not hesitate to ask why a specific procedure is being recommended and what outcome you can expect. Complications. Although complications are possible in any surgery, your doctor will take steps to minimize the risks. The most common complications of surgery include: - Excessive bleeding - Blood clots - Damage to blood vessels or arteries - Dislocation (in total hip replacement) - Limb length inequality (in total hip replacement) Your doctor will discuss all the possible complications with you before your surgery. Recovery. How long it takes to recover and resume your daily activities will depend on several factors, including your general health and the type of surgical procedure you have. Initially, you may need a cane, walker, or crutches to walk. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help you regain strength in your hip and to restore range of motion. Inflammatory arthritis of the hip can cause a wide range of disabling symptoms. Today, new medications may prevent progression of disease and joint destruction, and early treatment can help preserve the hip joint. In cases that progress to severe joint damage, surgery can relieve your pain, increase motion, and help you get back to enjoying everyday activities. Total hip replacement is one of the most successful operations in all of medicine. AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific orthopaedic advice or assistance should consult his or her orthopaedic surgeon, or locate one in your area through the AAOS Find an Orthopaedist program on this website.
"nectar'd wine..." See in text (Text of the Poem) The image of “nectar’d wine” may be a turn of phrase, evoking a wine that is as sweet to the senses as nectar. More broadly, the wine is a metaphor for a pleasant, pleasure-giving demeanour. The idea is that such a demeanour will inevitably attract people. Subscribe to unlock » "hills will answer..." See in text (Text of the Poem) The figure of one’s song being answered by the hills is poetic—joy begetting joy—but carries a literal meaning as well. Loud sounds emitted in valleys will produce echoes which ring from the surfaces of the hills, a form of “answer.” This phenomenon is further developed two lines later.
As tragedies seem pervasive in current day, they also had jolting impact in the annals of Delaware County, including the disaster that struck on April 15, 1912. When the RMS Titanic sunk into the Atlantic, there were some ties to Delaware County and they’re celebrated by the items and books stored at the Delaware County Historical Society. There, books such as “A Night to Remember” by Walter Lord and “Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy” by John P. Eaton and Charles Haas are housed along with a telegraph from that time period. There’s even some anthracite coal that was forested from the Titanic itself. It had been recovered from the research and recovery expedition of 1994. Here, Delaware County has a very close connection to the horrific maritime event. Eleanor Widener was daughter of the American industrialist, William L. Elkins, who had made much money providing Union troops with mutton. Elkins then partnered with P.A.B. Widener and they invested in trolley car lines as public transportation was becoming popular – a move that made them millions. Elkins’ daughter married Widener’s son, George, Nov. 1, 1883 and they had three children. In 1912, the couple was planning to build a mansion on the cliffs of Newport, R.I. and sailed to Europe in March to buy estate furniture. Their son, Harry, was with them. He was known for having a 3,500-volume collection of rare first edition books. On that fateful Sunday night, the Wideners gave their last dinner party in the A la Carte restaurant, which was attended by Captain Edward Smith, Major Archibald Butt, an aide to President William Taft and John Thayer II, vice president of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Later that evening, the ship struck the iceberg. Her son, Harry, went back to their cabin to retrieve his books and Eleanor sent her husband to get her pearls. Both men went down with the ship. When she returned to the Philadelphia area, she began renovations to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church as a memorial to her husband and gave $2 million to Harvard University for the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library. At the Delaware County Historical Society Museum, Library & Research Center, the aforementioned Titanic items – and more - are among the collection. The museum is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday and Friday; 1 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday; and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The museum’s telephone number is 610-872-0502. Parking is free on the society lot behind the building or across the street in the municipal lot. Membership in the Delaware County Historical Society ranges from $10 for students, $27 for individuals to $250 at the patron level. It includes free admission to the society’s Chester museum and library at 408 Avenue of the States, the society newsletter and preferred reservations and discounts for lectures and events. To join, please visit or call 610-359-0832. Among the items in the Delaware County Historical Society's collection is a piece of coal from the Titanic. The DCHS has an example of the type of telegraph used on the Titanic to send out its distress call.
The 1960s was a decade of immense change, and fashion reflected that spirit. It was a time of youthful rebellion, social movements, and technological advancements, all of which influenced what people wore. Early 1960s: The decade began with a continuation of the polished styles of the 1950s. Think Jackie Kennedy’s pillbox hats, tailored skirt suits, and shift dresses. Men still wore suits, often with narrow lapels and skinny ties. Mid-1960s: As the decade progressed, fashion became more youthful and playful. Hemlines rose, miniskirts became all the rage, and bold colors and patterns emerged. The “mod” style, characterized by geometric shapes and optical illusions, gained popularity. Late 1960s: The latter part of the decade saw a further embrace of experimentation and individuality. Hippie fashion, with its flowing dresses, bell-bottoms, and tie-dye prints, reflected the counterculture movement. Men grew their hair long and donned colorful shirts and vests Beyond the Clothes: 1960s fashion wasn’t just about clothing. It was about self-expression and individuality. People used fashion to make statements about their beliefs and identities. This is evident in the rise of unisex clothing, which challenged traditional gender norms. Legacy: The 1960s left a lasting impact on fashion. Many of the trends from this era, like miniskirts, bell-bottoms, and bold prints, continue to be reinterpreted and worn today. The decade’s emphasis on self-expression and individuality also continues to inspire contemporary fashion trends.
Dental care for your dog DOGS need dental care, too! Unfortunately, dental hygiene for dogs is sometimes overlooked. Many people seem to just expect dogs to have bad breath, and few people brush their dogs’ teeth frequently enough. Dental hygiene is just as important to your dog’s overall health as things like nutrition, proper exercise and routine grooming. Help keep your dog healthy – pay attention to those pearly whites! Monitoring Your Dog’s Dental Health Catching teeth problems early will help avoid severe dental disease. The simplest way to keep track of your dog’s teeth is to look at them on a regular basis and be aware of signs that may indicate a problem. To inspect your dog’s teeth, lift the lips all around the mouth, looking at the front and back teeth as closely as possible. Be gentle and use caution so you do not accidentally get nipped! Your veterinarian will also take a look at your dog’s teeth during routine examinations, so make sure you keep up with these – visit your vet every 6-12 months for wellness check-ups. Contact your vet if any problems arise. Watch for the following signs: - Halitosis (bad breath) - Reluctance to chew / crying out when chewing - Increased salivation - Red and/or puffy gums - Bleeding gums - Tartar / Calculus (hard coating on teeth that is usually brown or yellow; results from plaque build-up) - Missing and/or loose teeth - Anything else about the mouth that appears unusual The Dangers of Dental Disease Plaque builds up on the teeth and turns into tartar, or calculus. These areas grow bacteria and eat away at the teeth and gums. Halitosis, periodontal disease, oral pain and tooth loss can occur. However, the bacteria not only cause disease in the mouth – they can also affect other parts of the body, like the heart and kidneys. The most important thing to do is address dental disease as soon as it is detected, no matter how minor. Better yet, work hard to prevent it! Preventing Dental Disease in Dogs There are several things you can do to help keep your dog’s teeth in good shape. Start a dental care routine as early as possible in your dog’s life so he getused to the feeling of having his teeth brushed and inspected. Puppies have 28 deciduous teeth that typically fall out by about six months of age. By this time, your dog should be getting his teeth brushed regularly. If you decide to brush your dog’s teeth, here are some important tips to keep in mind: - NEVER brush your dog’s teeth with human toothpaste – it can make your dog sick! Use special enzymatic toothpaste made especially for dogs. The same goes for oral rinses. - Plaque begins to turn into tartar / calculus within 24-48 hours, so daily brushing is recommended. Work your dog’s tooth brushing into your own routine – consider brushing his teeth around the same time you do yours so it will be easier to remember. - Use a “finger brush” or special long toothbrush designed for use on dogs. When starting out with brushings, the finger brush can help ease your dog into it, as these do not feel as awkward as hard brushes. - Before you begin, ask your veterinarian to show you some techniques to make tooth brushing easier on you and your dog. If you are not able to brush your dog’s teeth, there are other options. Consider using oral rinses made especially for dogs. You can also purchase special dental treats. Avoid real bones – not only can they lead to gastrointestinal upset, they may also cause tooth fractures. Most of all: make sure you keep up with vet exams. From time to time, a professional dental cleaning may be recommended. This requires general anesthesia. During the procedure, your dog’s teeth and gums will be examined closely for problems. The teeth will then be scaled and polished. If dental problems are noted, tooth extractions could become necessary. Alternatively, you may be referred to a veterinary dentist for specialty procedures. Some dogs need dental cleanings one or more times per year, while others can go longer. Be certain to follow your vet’s recommendations. And remember, what you do at home can really make all the difference. –
If you are conducting experiments with a specific cell type, the first procedural step will usually involve preparing the cells from a tissue of interest. This entails lysing the cells to release intracellular contents, usually nucleic acids and/or proteins. The process may be accomplished in a number of ways, each conferring varying degrees of effectiveness, cost, and time. High pressure homogenization is known to be one of the more effective methods of cell lysis. Below is a list of factors to consider as you create a tissue homogenization protocol, intended to enhance the quality and amount of lysate. - Protein location Cellular location plays a huge role in determining the best way to approach cell lysis. For example, certain proteins are located in specific organelles. Lysis methods that release the contents from every compartment make it incredibly difficult to achieve high yield of a protein of interest. In contrast, optimization of methods that are able to release contents from specific structures makes the process easier, and enhances product isolation. - Size of samples to be processed Every homogenizer is suited to a specific range of sample sizes. For example, bead mills tend to homogenize the smallest sample sizes (2 mL or less), while industrial-scale homogenizers can process many liters at once. Being able to predict the range of sample sizes you will be mostly working with before purchasing a homogenizer is ideal. However, if you already have a homogenizer but your sample is the incorrect size, you still have options. Samples that are too large can be cut into smaller pieces, and samples that are too small can be diluted to a volume that is better suited to the machine. - Tissue type being homogenized The type of tissue your cells come from will largely dictate the sensitivity of your protocol. Soft tissue, such as adipose, muscle, and connective, are not difficult to disrupt. They therefore require a sensitive process that lyses cells without destroying the proteins of interest. In contrast, tough and fibrous tissue will need to be paired with a powerful process that is able to break through rigid cell structures. Pion: The Homogenizer Advantage Use of high quality cell lysis equipment will provide numerous benefits for applications like tissue homogenization. And there are plenty of companies on the market to select your equipment from. However, the lysate can be of higher quality and more even consistency when run through top-shelf equipment, most frequently in the form of a high pressure homogenizer. Pion's BEE brand technology is trusted by researchers and lab managers around the world. We deliver an array of key benefits, such as production of nano/micro emulsions and dispersions and lipids and suspensions; these can be used for applications such as injectables, targeted drug delivery, inhalants, time release, anesthetics, and importantly, vaccinations. In addition, we have extensive experience in the challenges that our customers face as they transition from concept, through to R&D, clinical trials, all-important FDA approval and finally, to manufacturing. Learn more by visiting our products.
The world food price index collected for the last 60 years by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hit its highest record in March, declining gently in April. Pandemic, war and death in Ukraine, and droughts in the last 2 years… Such a combination looks apocalyptical. Now it is adding global hunger risks, because of the food price crisis. The rise in global food prices started in mid-2020 because supply chain disruptions triggered food stockpiling. Mobility restrictions on migrant labor also affected harvests in many parts of the world. Since then, weather phenomena have also brought problems with major crops in many parts of the world. Brazil, the world's biggest soybean exporter, suffered a severe drought in 2021. This year, China's wheat crop is among the worst ever. India's high temperatures – 45 degrees centigrade in April – have hit its “wheat belt”. In contrast, its super-crop last year made up for crumbling crops from other exporters such as Canada and Argentina. A report released last week by the United States Department of Agriculture forecasted a drop in 2022 of the global wheat crops and regulatory stock levels. An additional shock came with Russia's invasion of Ukraine in late February. Nearly one-third of the world's wheat and barley and two-thirds of global sunflower oil exports come from the two countries. Ukraine is the largest corn exporter in the world. The conflict has damaged Ukraine's ports and agricultural infrastructure, which will undoubtedly limit the country's agricultural production for years to come. The volume of grains produced in Ukraine fell from 5 million tons per month to 500,000. The post-meeting communiqué of G7 foreign ministers in Germany last Saturday warned of a global hunger crisis if alternative means of exporting the country's grain by land are not found. According to the German minister, Annalena Baerbock, about 25 tons of grain are currently blocked by Russian armed forces in Ukrainian ports. Western sanctions on Russia have led some buyers to avoid buying grain from the country. The energy price shock caused by the Russian invasion will also impact food prices. The energy price increase in the last two years has been the biggest in 50 years. And a spike in fertilizer prices reflected not only the reserve for neighbors announced by Russia, but also the fact that, for example, nitrogen-based fertilizer production makes intensive use of now-more expensive natural gas. Russia and its ally Belarus mine nearly 40% of the world's potash that is used as an input for another type of fertilizer. Higher fertilizer prices – Figure 1 - will be felt in the current seasons. As if all this were not enough, in the name of “food security”, export restrictions and the storage of basic products to avoid future shortages have been practiced by countries since the pandemic, with consequences on the supply in the global market. 35 countries have adopted export controls in the last two years. Parallels can be drawn with what occurred in the global food price crisis of 2007-08. Kazakhstan, for example, the world's second-largest wheat flour exporter and a Russian grain dealer, has banned exports. Last Saturday, India, which is among the top 10 wheat exporters in the world, announced a ban on sales abroad (Figure 2). The impact of India’s announcement on global prices has already been felt on Monday, May 16. And other examples of protectionism via banning foreign sales follow. Indonesia, responsible for 75% of the world's palm oil production, banned exports in late April to secure domestic cooking oil supplies. The explosive increase in food prices, in general, has been even more significant in the case of vegetable cooking oils (Figure 3). Rising food prices and, in some countries, the risk of social upheavals have led to an increase in the number of exporters banning foreign sales or establishing export tariffs or quotas. These protectionist measures further increased the food import bill for countries dependent on international markets for the domestic supply of food commodities, hitting some of the poorest in the world. The impact of the ongoing crisis has been differentiated by regions and levels of economic development. Middle East and North African countries have wheat as 50-70% of grain consumption, mainly imported from Russia and Ukraine. It is worth recalling that wheat prices were one of the “Arab spring” triggers at the beginning of the last decade. The proportions of wheat in grain consumption in Asia and Latin America are lower: 29% and 16%, respectively. On the other hand, the IMF regional report for Sub-Saharan Africa of April brought warnings about how rising oil and food prices are putting pressure on external and fiscal balances of commodity-importing countries, raising concerns about food security in the region. Abdelaaziz Ait Ali et al. (2022) have recently approached the connections between the Russia-Ukraine war and food security in Morocco. Colleagues at the Policy Center for the New South have been offering analyses of food security in African and Latin American countries and others since the pandemic. In any case, no one can claim to be unscathed from the food price shock. Particularly in the case of the poor and the poorest economies, for whom the share of food in the consumption basket is significant (Figure 4). Last year, the World Bank estimated around 100 million people in the world were being pushed below the poverty line of $1.90 a day, a figure that has been compounded by the shocks in place since the invasion of Ukraine. What about national policies for mitigating the effects of food price increases? Not those worsening them, as in the case of protectionism that we mentioned. The IMF's “Fiscal Monitor” report of April provides a survey of measures taken in 94 countries, produced by Roberto Perreli, one of its economists. In many cases, direct subsidies have been given to consumer prices. In contrast, others have established subsidies for seeds and fertilizers used by farmers and in-kind food distribution programs. The fiscal fragility inherited from the pandemic limits such public programs in many developing countries.
These Mental Health Resources Were Created For the AAPI Community, and They’re Available If You Need Help With the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes – the Stop AAPI Hate National Report covered 3,795 incidents from March 19 2020 to Feb. 28 2021, which only represent a fraction of the hate incidents against the AAPI community each year – it is more important than ever for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) folks to take care of their mental health. “Seeking help is human; it does not mean you are weak, it does not mean you are ‘crazy,'” said therapist and coach Edward Lee, LMHC. He explained that the reality is everyone needs mental health help. “There is a lot of stigma around mental health help, especially in the Asian community. Not seeking mental health help when we need it actually hurts us individually and collectively.” Lee added that humans are social beings by nature, so adding these horrific crimes on top of a global pandemic can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness and loneliness – it’s not normal to handle things in isolation. “You don’t have to do anything alone,” he said. Licensed psychologist Sarah Kwan, MS, PhD, told POPSUGAR that racial trauma can be compounded when racial stereotypes and expectations are internalized. “For AAPI, a major stereotype is that we are ‘unemotional’ and lack emotional need; the message is that we ‘shouldn’t’ need help,” she explained. “To cope, emotions may be repressed, signs of suffering may be ignored, and we may find ourselves simply gritting our teeth through the pain.” Even if you feel like you don’t “need” therapy, you could be holding on to trauma that you might not realize. Lee described these symptoms as: ruminating or negative thoughts; flashbacks; having feelings of melancholy, anxiety, grief, hopelessness, or fear; and exhibiting behaviours such as avoidance, hypervigilance, irritability, muscle tension, inability to concentrate, and changes in sleep. The bottom is line is that there shouldn’t be any shame in seeking the help from a professional or organization to take care of your mental well-being. “To seek out mental health services as a means to find safety in the mind and body is the most important step in healing from trauma,” Dr. Kwan said. Below, is a non-exhaustive list of therapist databases, organizations, Instagram accounts, and for other mental health resources specifically for the AAPI community, gathered in part from information from Mental Health America. - Asian Mental Health Collective has a directory for Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American (APISAA) therapists, which you can find here: APISAA Therapist Directory. The directory includes therapists from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and includes their name, credentials, website, and contact information. - is a resource for people looking for South Asian therapists specifically. You can search the director for a therapist near you. - National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association hosts a list of therapists, mental health organizations, and service providers for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) in all 50 states. - Inclusive Therapists works to connect marginalized people with culturally responsive, identity-affirming therapists. The website includes a directory of therapists near you who offer in-person or teletherapy, and an option to get matched with a therapist. - National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network is committed to the mental health of queer and trans people of colour (QTPOC) and offers a directory of QTPOC therapists. Advocacy and Mental Health Information - Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA): The AAPA’s mission is to “advance the mental health and well-being of Asian American communities through research, professional practice, education, and policy,” according to its website. The website also includes a fact sheet, reports, and a section to sign up for the newsletter, plus resources specifically for AAPI LBGTQ+ folks. - Asian American Health Initiative: The Asian American Health Initiative is part of the Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services, but offer general resources for all Asian-Americans seeking help, including informative PDFs, videos, and publications on mental health and therapy. - Asian Mental Health Collective: Asian Mental Health Collective is focused on providing mental health care support and building a community for the Asian community worldwide. They work to raise awareness and challenge the stigma against mental illness. The website includes hotlines, a Google sheet directory of organizations, and more resources. - National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association: The mission of the NAAPIMHA “is to promote the mental health and well being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities” according to its website, and words to raise awareness. Some the resources include links to national Asian American Pacific Islander organizations, mental health advocacy organizations, and federal resources. - Asians Do Therapy was started by licensed marriage and family therapist Yin J. Li, MA, LMFT. It highlights stories of Asian Americans’ experience with therapy with the goal of raising awareness about good, culturally-informed therapy and help erase the stigma associated with seeking mental health help. The website also offers resources for people who are new to therapy, such as when to see a therapist. - @asianmentalhealthproject: The Asian Mental Health Project was founded by Carrie Zhang, and provides resources to educate about mental health and encourage people to seek help. Last year, Zhang started check-in sessions on Instagram Live called Stay In, Check-In, which are a safe space for people to connect with mental health experts and share experiences. The Asian Mental Health Project notes it’s not a replacement for therapy. - @asiansformentalhealth: This instagram account is run by clinical psychologist Jenny Wang, PhD. She notes that this also isn’t therapy, but the feed is filled with positive affirmations, advice, tips, and nuggets of wisdom from a professional to the AAPI community. - @itsjiyounkim: Ji-Youn Kim is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor based out of Vancouver, Canada. She offers coaching and counseling sessions via video and phone therapy. She uses her position as a social justice advocate on her Instagram feed, informing her followers on the connection between social justice and mental health. - @hieupham.lcsw: Hieu Pham, LCSW is a therapist based in Orange County, CA who specializes in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma. Her feed offers compelling infographics, quote graphics, and photos to inform her followers and help erase the stigma associated with mental illness and therapy.
Vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking, but it raises many questions about its effects on health. While many studies suggest that vaping is a less harmful option than cigarettes, it’s essential to examine what the latest research says about vaping and its long-term impact on the body. In this post, we’ll summarize some of the most prominent studies and what they have found. Is Vaping Less Harmful Than Smoking? One of the most debated questions about vaping is how it compares to smoking. According to a report by Public Health England, vaping is estimated to be up to 95% less harmful than smoking. This is mainly because vaping products do not contain tar and many of the carcinogens found in cigarettes. Research shows that vaping can help those who want to quit smoking by delivering nicotine in a similar way but without the harmful combustion by-products found in cigarette smoke. However, it’s important to note that while vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, it still carries some risk, particularly for products containing nicotine. Nicotine in E-Cigarettes: How Does It Affect the Body? Nicotine, found in many vaping products, is an addictive substance that affects the body in several ways. It is known to increase heart rate and blood pressure, which can lead to long-term cardiovascular issues if consumed in high doses. However, research has shown that nicotine itself is not the primary cause of the severe health risks associated with smoking. The dangerous substances in cigarettes come mainly from combustion, something that doesn’t occur with vaping. This makes nicotine in e-cigarettes less harmful than in traditional cigarettes, though it can still be addictive and negatively affect young users. Impact on the Lungs: What Do We Know So Far? One of the biggest concerns surrounding vaping is its effects on the lungs. Vaping involves inhaling vapor containing nicotine and flavorings, but it’s not the same as inhaling cigarette smoke. Several studies have examined lung health in vapers compared to smokers, and the results show that vaping has a much lower harmful effect on the lungs. However, long-term studies are still lacking, and there are concerns about how some flavorings and chemicals in e-liquids might affect the lungs over time. Researchers continue to investigate these effects to provide a more comprehensive understanding. Can Vaping Help People Quit Smoking? Several studies suggest that vaping can be an effective tool for helping people quit smoking. According to a large UK study, researchers found that those who used e-cigarettes were twice as likely to successfully quit smoking compared to those using traditional nicotine patches or gum. It’s important to note that vaping is not entirely risk-free. It’s best used as a transitional method to quit smoking rather than a long-term solution. The goal should be to gradually reduce nicotine intake and eventually quit altogether. What Are the Long-Term Risks of Vaping? While vaping is considered a safer alternative to smoking, there are still risks, especially if used over a long period. Researchers have found that certain flavorings used in e-liquids, such as diacetyl, can cause lung damage if inhaled over time. Therefore, it’s important to choose e-liquids from reputable manufacturers that follow safety standards. There are also risks for young users who start vaping, as nicotine can affect brain development in teenagers and young adults. It’s important to adhere to regulations that prohibit the sale of vaping products to people under 18 years old. Conclusion: What Does the Research Say About Vaping? Vaping is a less harmful alternative to smoking and can be an effective tool for people who want to quit. The research so far shows that there are significantly fewer risks with vaping compared to traditional smoking, but there are still aspects that require further long-term research, particularly regarding its effects on the lungs and cardiovascular system. Want to learn more about vaping and health, or are you interested in trying vaping as a way to quit smoking? Explore our range at and get advice on the best products for you.
Is Magnesium Water Soluble or Fat Soluble? Magnesium is a water-soluble element. The amount of a material that is dissolvable in a given amount of solvent determines solubility. One example of solubility is adding alcohol to water, while insolubility is demonstrated by adding oil to water. Magnesium is a metal listed on the periodic chart. It is found in the earth’s crust, as well as in combination with other minerals in nature, such as dolomite and magnesite. Magnesium also exists in the human body and in seawater. Due to its ability to burn brightly as a source of light, this element is used in flare guns, incendiary bombs and pyrotechnics.
Saskatoon Dental Group is a locally owned, full-scale Saskatoon dental clinic offering general dentistry services. At Saskatoon Dental Group, we are dedicated to offering excellent care to our amazing patients who are like family to us. We are grateful to treat whole families in Saskatoon across multiple generations and have a multicultural team speaking multiple languages. Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages. It occurs when the enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, is gradually eroded by acids produced by bacteria in your mouth. Understanding the steps to tooth decay can help you take proactive steps to prevent it. Here’s a closer look at understanding tooth decay; steps and prevention to safeguard your oral health. Understanding Tooth Decay: Steps and Prevention Step 1: Plaque Formation The journey to tooth decay begins with the formation of plaque. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that coats your teeth. When you consume sugary or starchy foods, these bacteria feed on the sugars and release acids as byproducts. These acids weaken the enamel and create an ideal environment for decay to thrive. Step 2: Enamel Demineralization The acids produced by bacteria cause demineralization of the enamel, which is the first visible sign of trouble. Initially, you might not notice any symptoms, but as the enamel weakens, it can lead to sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or sweet foods. Step 3: Formation of a Cavity As enamel continues to erode, a small hole or cavity begins to form. At this stage, you may start to experience mild discomfort or pain when eating or drinking. If left untreated, the cavity will progress and become larger over time. Step 4: Dentin Decay Once the cavity extends beyond the enamel and reaches the dentin, the inner layer of the tooth, the decay accelerates. Dentin is softer than enamel, making it easier for the bacteria to penetrate and spread. You may experience more significant pain and sensitivity at this stage. Step 5: Pulp Involvement If tooth decay continues to progress without intervention, it can reach the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. This stage is incredibly painful and often requires a root canal procedure to save the tooth. Step 6: Abscess Formation In the most severe cases, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, leading to the formation of an abscess. Abscesses can cause intense pain, swelling, and even systemic health problems if left untreated. When you understand tooth decay: Prevention is Key Thankfully, tooth decay is largely preventable. Here are some essential steps to protect your teeth: - Brush and Floss Regularly: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles. - Healthy Diet: Limit sugary and starchy foods and beverages, as they promote plaque formation. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. - Fluoride: Use fluoride toothpaste and consider fluoride treatments from your dentist to strengthen enamel. - Regular Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings to catch and address early signs of decay. - Sealants: Ask your dentist about dental sealants, a protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of molars to prevent decay. Understanding the steps to tooth decay empowers you to take proactive measures to maintain good oral health. By following proper dental hygiene practices and seeking professional care, you can keep your smile bright and cavity-free. Consulting your Saskatoon Dental Group dentist can provide personalized recommendations based on an individual’s unique oral health situation. See you soon!
The word sustainability in the way it is used today refers to the capacity of the Earth’s ecosystem and human activities to co-exist. While the environment comprises a large aspect of sustainability, it is made up of two other pillars: economy and society. The interplay of factors involving environment, economy, and society determines whether our actions as consumers and as brands are sustainable. In our current climate, sustainability is an important consideration for consumers who are taking it into account as they make their purchasing decisions. However, for a brand it’s not always clear how to communicate their stance on sustainability or even how consumers think about it. Our guide to sustainability is dedicated to these important topics. Is sustainability important to consumers? It’s essential to understand the following: - The importance of Natural & Sustainability to consumers - Your consumers’ expectations - Their purchase habits - Their declared preferences for taste & smell Firmenich carried out a large consumer survey with 5000 women aged between 18 to 55 years old in the USA, France, Brazil, Mexico, and China. Participants were screened on the following question: How often do you buy Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly products, whether food and-or personal-home care products ? The result was that for 70% of respondents, notions of naturalness and sustainability were important in their decision to buy a perfume. Brands need to elaborate a clearly articulated set of claims to build an educational and compelling narrative. Health vs Pleasure dilemma 64% of respondents feel that fragrances can impact their health and our planet’s resources. 89% of respondents feel that fragrances bring pleasure and sensorial experiences. The tension is: there exists a perception that natural products aren’t as enjoyable, and that there needs to be a pleasant combination of natural + sensorial. Consumers don’t expect natural products to be unfragranced, since they don’t want to lose the pleasure aspect. But their perception of fragrances is ambiguous, which means that reassurance and transparency in brand communication are crucial. Expectations vs Reality dilemma Consumers say that they want natural smelling, fresh, light, soft fragrances, with identifiable ingredients from nature, but they select intense, blooming, strong, and long-lasting fragrances.The tension is: Consumers say they want natural fragrances, but when they smell natural, they don’t find them as appealing. The solution is to use a rich sustainable palette of ingredients, not limiting oneself to one type or style. Nature vs Innovation dilemma Many consumers say, “The main reason for me to buy natural or organic products is because they are more healthy.” Or “buying green products make me feel better about my consumption.” They also say, “It’s okay to include synthetic stuff, as long as it does no harm to my health, with endorsement from scientists or the government.” Or “The fragrance of natural products is not long-lasting enough, and the scent is lacking in layers.” The tension is: Consumers want to use natural products, and yet in their daily regimen they often rely on science-backed, innovative products. Nature is often perceived at odds or even in conflict with innovation, and as a concept, nature is aspirational. On the other hand, innovation is treated as part of the new world, highly dependent on technology and industry. The solution is once again communication and education. This dilemma stems from perception, rather than reality, and a brand must be clear, reassuring, and confident about its claims. Communicate clearly with reassurance and transparency to resonate with consumers. Sustainable claims drive purchase intent, but they also need to be verifiable and authentic. Adapt your product offer, especially as consumers will pay more for natural, sustainable, and sensorial product benefits. Offer products that convey naturality and are based on a rich sustainable palette of ingredients. Our palette offers a variety of ingredients that are also sustainable, and we are ready to help you design your ideal product. Source: Firmenich Conscious Consumer Study 2019, FR/US/BR/CN Personal + Home Care, on-line study, sniff+taste test and focus groups
The risk of electrocution is one of the biggest, yet least talked about dangers that we face. Coming into contact with an exposed live wire, getting shocked while working on machinery or a getting hit by lightning are a few examples of ways that we can become seriously injured or killed in a matter of seconds. Let’s examine the basic principles behind grounding along with a few ideas to consider in order to minimize risk of becoming injured or killed. The purpose of grounding is to add a level of safety to protect individuals as well as electronic components from shock or overload. The earth neutralizes the power of an electrical current and thereby represents the fastest and safest way to carry energy away from an overloaded circuit. Power surges, lightning strikes, static discharge and faulty electrical wiring can all contribute a hazard that would not be mitigated if a ground was not in place. In most homes, ground wires from the main electrical box are either attached to a post or stake that is placed into the ground. It is also not uncommon for electrical wires to be attached to underground metal water pipes as a way to carry any unwanted currents away from an electrical circuit. Grounding is not usually necessary for an electrical current to work, but it is essential for safety. This is why it is common to see electricians wearing rubber boots, special gloves and attaching themselves or their equipment to a ground. It’s also important to consider grounding when working on appliances, computers, televisions and other devices. Always turn off the power, unplug them and discharge any residual electricity before starting work. You can do this by attaching a small wire to a ground source or another common option is to wear a ground wristband. Some tools also come with ground attachments as well. Water promotes electrical conductivity and enhances the risk of becoming shocked, even if safety measures are in place. This is why you should never perform electrical repairs or any kind of wiring work in the rain, where water is present or in very humid or moist conditions without disconnecting the power first. On the other hand, the lack of water reduces conductivity and many materials that would be unsafe when wet, such as our bodies, wood, plastic or glass tend to have better insulating properties. Insulation does not prevent an electrical current from being discharged from a wire or circuit, especially if there is a hole, tear or area of exposure. Electrical tape can be used to help mask some of the electrical discharge. However, keep in mind that insulation on wires and electrical components will need to be thicker or more dense as the power generated increases. This is why small, thin wires, tend to have just a little bit of insulation whereas thicker wires have are encased in a heavy sheath of protective material. Therefore, use electrical tape sparingly, such as on cords on small appliances or standard extension cords. Remember that any gaps or weaknesses in the insulation or the tape will produce a risk of electrical discharge. Discard and replace old, frayed wires and power cords, don’t make repairs on items that are still plugged in to the power source and make sure that you always have a ground available to divert any wayward electricity. Finally, use common sense and avoid taking risks. Don’t step in pools of water or puddles if live wires are exposed and on the ground, and avoid working on machinery in wet conditions as well. Don’t try to fix power live power lines yourself and avoid being outdoors or holding electronic devices during thunderstorms. Getting electrocuted is avoidable under most conditions, and many people get injured or killed because they did not follow simple precautions. Make sure to exercise an abundance of caution and avoid becoming an unintended victim, and always remember that no job is worth risking your life over.
Embark on a journey to establish a harmonious home environment by mastering the art of boundary training. In this guide, we'll provide insights for owners on teaching limits at home, ensuring dogs understand boundaries and reinforcing a sense of structure and discipline. 1. The Foundation of a Well-Behaved Home: Setting Boundaries Creating a well-behaved home begins with setting clear boundaries. Dogs, like humans, thrive on structure and knowing what is expected of them. Boundary training provides a framework for positive behavior, fostering a peaceful coexistence between owners and their dapper companions. 2. Define Clear Boundaries: Communicating Expectations Clearly define the boundaries you want to establish in your home. Whether it's designated areas, furniture rules, or restricted spaces, communicate these expectations consistently. This clarity helps your dog understand the limits and reduces confusion about where they are allowed to go or what behaviors are acceptable. 3. Consistent Reinforcement: Establishing Routine Consistency is key in boundary training. Reinforce boundaries consistently, ensuring that every member of the household follows the same rules. This consistent approach establishes a routine, making it easier for your dog to understand and adhere to the set boundaries. 4. Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding Good Behavior Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in boundary training. When your dog respects the established boundaries, reward them with treats, praise, or affection. Positive reinforcement reinforces the desired behavior, encouraging your dapper dog to continue following the established limits. 5. Redirecting Undesirable Behavior: Gentle Guidance When your dog tests boundaries or exhibits undesirable behavior, gently redirect their attention. Use commands or cues to guide them back to the designated areas or activities that align with the established boundaries. Consistent redirection helps reinforce the limits without resorting to negative reinforcement. 6. Patience in Correction: Building Understanding Correction is part of boundary training, but it should be approached with patience. If your dog crosses a boundary, correct them calmly and redirect their behavior. Avoid harsh punishments, as these can create confusion and fear. The goal is to build understanding and cooperation through gentle correction. 7. Designated Safe Spaces: Creating Comfort Zones In addition to setting boundaries, create designated safe spaces for your dog. Provide comfortable beds or crates where they can retreat and relax. These safe spaces serve as havens where your dapper dog can feel secure, reinforcing positive behaviour within the established limits. 8. Consistent Communication: Understanding Non-Verbal Cues Dogs are highly attuned to non-verbal cues. Use consistent body language and gestures to communicate boundaries. Whether it's a hand signal or a specific posture, these cues help your dog understand when they are approaching a limit or when their behavior is in line with expectations. By mastering boundary training, you're not just creating a well-behaved home; you're nurturing a positive and structured relationship with your dapper dog. Through clear communication, consistent reinforcement, and gentle guidance, you'll establish a home environment where boundaries are understood, respected, and contribute to the overall well-being of your canine companion.
Incredible Rocks of India includes the balancing rocks, pillar rocks and the most beautiful and amazing Marble Rocks of Bhedaghat. The amazing shape and size of these natural rocks are ranked in world’s amazing rock formations list. An overview of the most incredible natural rock formations in India: Toad Rock is a huge rock formation, resembling a toad and thus the name. Located in Aravalli range, it is known for pleasant atmosphere and offers beautiful views of the lake and hills. Toad rock along with Nandi rock, Camel rock and Nun rock are suitable for trekking and rock climbing. This 200 ft tall monolith structure of predominantly basalt rock is 65 million years old. It was formed during the Mesozoic era. Interestingly, during this era there was a huge volcanic explosion in which ‘Gilbert Hill’ was squeezed out of the surface of the earth. Gilbert Hill is one of the two such structures found in the entire world. The another such structure is found in Wyoming, USA and is called ‘Devil’s Tower’. Yana village of Karnataka is famous for its unusual rock formations known as Yana Rocks, located in the Sahyadri mountain range of the Western Ghats. These two massive rock are known as Bhairaveshwara Shikhara (120 metres in height) and the Mohini Shikhara (90 metres in height). The huge rocks are composed of solid black, crystalline limestone. The Marble Rocks are 3 km long beautiful gorge along of the Narmada River in the city of Jabalpur. Its very popular tourist destination in the state of Madhya Pradesh known as bhedaghat. Marble rocks in Bhedaghat are the only of its kind in India. Basalt Rocks at St. Mary’s Islands St. Mary’s Isles are a group of small islands located 7 km from Udupi. The island is known for its famous basalt rocks which have crystallized into columns and split into hexagonal mosaic. Perhaps, this is the only spot in India where basaltic rocks show up such peculiar formation. The Kodaikanal Pillar Rocks are made up of three massive granite rocks whose heights extend up to 400 feet. Sited 8 km from the lake tower, tourists can obtain a spectacular bird’s eye view of the surrounding panoramic vistas. There is an excellent public garden adjacent to the viewpoint. The Phantom Rock is a beautiful archeological site located in Wayanad district, Kerala. This piece of natural art which has a skull shaped rock over a small boulder is formed out of huge metamorphic rocks and is locally known as “Cheengeri Mala” or “Thalappara”. Natural Arch on Tirumala hills is a geological wonder of India, located in Andhra Pradesh. The arch is one of the few natural arches or bridges in Asia and the only natural rock arch in India. The arch measures 8 m (26.2 ft) in width and 3 m (9.8 ft) in height, and it is believed to be several million years old. The Himalayan rock formation is situated on the highway to Leh in northern India, the Leh Manali rock formations is one of the must see thing on highway. Balancing Rock, Mahabalipurum The Krishna’s butterball is a giant balancing rock, 5 meters in diameter, perched on a smooth slope, seemingly defying all laws of physics. It weighs over 250 tons and miraculously stands on an extremely small, slippery area of a hill. Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Balancing Rocks is situated at the base of Madan Mahal Fort, 6 km from Jabalpur, near Shailparna. The rock balances on the huge base rock by just touching it slightly. Yet it is amazingly that the Balancing Rock survived even in earthquake of magnitude 6.5. It is said that it’s impossible to disturb the balance of this rock. Nijagal Betta is a hill rock located at few hundred metres from the Bangalore, The hill is mixture of ruined forts, temples and some amazing rock formations. Here in Nijagallu Betta, its believed that a war was fought between Hyder Ali and Peshwa Madhav Rao. Rocks of Ramanagar and boulders are very famous for adventurous activities like rock climbing, rappelling, trekking. The rocky hills of Ramanagaram are knwon for natural rock formations in India.
Rent: Definition and Types of Rents In simple words, ‘ rent’ is used as a part of the product which is paid to the owner of land for the use of his goods and services. But, in economics, rent has been differently defined from time to time. Thus rent refers only to make payments for factors of production which are in imperfectly elastic supply. For instance, it is the price paid for the use of land. Definition of Rent: The concept of rent has been defined as follows: “Rent is that portion of the produce of the earth which is paid to the landlord for the use of original and indestructible powers of the soil.” -Ricardo “Rent is the income derived from the ownership of land and other free gifts of Nature.” He further called it ‘Quasi Rent’ which arises on the manmade equipment’s and machines in the short period and tends to disappear in the long run. – Marshall “Rent is the price paid for the use of land.” –Prof. Carver Economic rent is also termed as surplus as it is received by the landlord without any effort. Prof. Bounding termed it as “Economic Surplus.” Moreover, modern economists comprising of Mrs. Joan Robinson, Boulding etc. opined that part of the income of each factor can be rent. Income alone received by land cannot be rent. It is so because different factors have different uses. As such, each factor will be used for that purpose in which its income is maximum. The opportunity cost of a factor for its use in the work yielding maximum income is the price of output that the factor concerned can earn by working in next alternative use. Definition of Economic Rent: The definitions of economic rent can be grouped into two parts as: “Economic rent is the payment for the use of scarce natural resources”. – Jacob Oser “Economic rent is that portion of a landlord’s income which is attributable to his ownership of land.” – Anatol Murad “Economic Rent may be defined as any payment to a factor of production which is in excess of the minimum amount necessary to keep the factor in its present occupation.” – Boulding “Rent is the difference between actual payment to a factor and its supply price or transfer earnings.” – Hibdon Types of Rent: The main types of rent are as under: - Economic Rent: Economic rent refers to the payment made for the use of land alone. But in economics, the term rent is used in the sense of economic rent. In the words of Ricardo and other classical economists, economic rent refers to the payment for the use of land alone It is also called Economic Surplus because it emerges without any effort on the part of the landlord. Prof. Boulding termed it “Economic Surplus”. - Gross Rent: Gross rent is the rent that is paid for the services of land and the capital invested on it. Gross rent consists of: (1) Economic rent. It refers to payments made for the use of land. (2) Interest on capital invested for improvement of land. (3) Reward for the risk taken by the landlord in investing his capital. - Scarcity Rent: Scarcity rent refers to the price paid for the use of the homogeneous land when its supply is limited in relation to demand. If all land is homogeneous but demand for land exceeds its supply, the entire land will earn economic rent by virtue of its scarcity. In this way, rent will arise when supply of land is inelastic. Prof. Ricardo opined that land was beneficial but it was also scarce. Productivity of land was indicative of the generosity of nature but its total supply remaining more or less fixed symbolized niggardliness of nature. - Differential Rent: Differential rent refers to the rent which arises due to the differences in the fertility of land. In every country, there exists a variety of land. Some lands are more fertile and some are less fertile. When the farmer’s are compelled to cultivate less fertile land the owners of more fertile land get relatively more production. This surplus which arises due to difference in fertility of land is called the differential rent. This type of rent arises under extensive cultivation. According to Ricardo, “In order to increase production on same type of land, more units of labour and capital are employed.” - Contract Rent: Contract rent refers to that rent which is agreed upon between the landowner and the user of the land. On the basis of some contract, which may be verbal or written, contract rent may be more or less than the economic rent.
8 Reasons to Try Art Therapy Why Art Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder? Art Therapy offers the opportunity to learn and practice many social and emotional awareness skills that are a struggle for children on the Autism Spectrum. Self-expression and maintaining and developing relationships are explored and enhanced through both the therapeutic relationship and art therapy. This is because the relationship established between a client and the therapist can promote healthy and safe attachments. The art-making component builds on that relationship and offers an alternative form of communication, sensory integration, self-expression, and promotes cognitive-emotional development. 8 Reasons to Try Art Therapy for Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder: 1. Imagination/Abstract Thinking Art therapy can help your child display age-appropriate imagination and abstract thinking skills. 2. Sensory Regulation & Integration Art therapy can improve your child's ability to regulate his or her body and integrate sensory experiences. Children learn to use art to externalize and process thoughts and feelings, improving communication and connection between children and their caregivers. 4. Developmental Growth Art therapy helps children hit important milestones like age-appropriate drawing ability, fine motor skills, overall artistic development, and can be used to improve other relevant deficit areas that can be addressed using art. 5. Visual-Spatial Skills Art therapy improves the child's ability to negotiate and render/model in both two and three-dimensional spaces and the ability to rotate objects mentally. 6. Recreation/Leisure Skills Art therapy helps children on the spectrum develop productive, enjoyable leisure activities and generalize them to the home and other natural environments. 7. Developing Self-identity/Empowerment Using art-making can help children explore, learn, and discuss the different components of an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis that empowers them to build a positive self-identity. 8. Reduce Anxiety/Stress Art therapy also promotes learning coping skills through the creative process, including mindfulness, deep breathing, and guided imagery to improve emotional self-regulation. How to Tell if Art Therapy is a Good Fit for Your Child: • Does your child struggle with self-expression, relationship building, emotional regulation, abstract thinking, sensory processing deficits, or communication? • Is your child interested in creative processes? • As a parent, are you willing to actively participate in your child's therapeutic treatment while respecting therapeutic boundaries? If you answered yes to the questions above, your child might benefit from art therapy. Individual Art Therapy sessions are tailored to your child's needs. The child will lead the therapist to what materials naturally pique their interest. From there, the art therapist will create a treatment plan that includes goals and objectives. You, as the parents or caregivers, will be included as active participants in the therapeutic process. Group Art Therapy sessions are based on a common goal. All group members will be screened to ensure they are an appropriate fit, and members will be placed according to similar developmental and emotional needs. There is a significant social and communication component to every group that children on the spectrum can benefit from. Because many individuals diagnosed with ASD are visual thinkers, artwork can facilitate forming connections with peers because it offers a concrete way to see another's perspective. Hillery Jones is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Art Therapist. Her passion is in using the creative process to help children, adolescents, and adults gain a deeper sense of self-awareness. Her approach is client-led, practical, holistic, and adaptable in everyday life. She integrates a kinesthetic learning component of connecting mind and body to her practice. She uses traditional talk therapy and art therapy to meet the unique needs of each individual. Her ultimate goal is to provide clients with the tools needed to be the best version of themselves. Hillery received her B.A. in Art Education from Lamar University and her M.A. Art Therapy Counseling from Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. She has worked in school, hospital, residential, and out-patient settings.
Your twenties are a time of growth, exploration, and establishing healthy habits that can set the foundation for a vibrant life ahead. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting your overall well-being during this transformative decade. In this article, we will delve into the essential vitamins you should consider incorporating into your diet to promote optimal health and well-being in your 20s. From bone health and immunity to energy levels and skin radiance, these vitamins can help you thrive as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of this exciting phase of life. 1. Vitamin D: Nurturing Bone Health The Role of Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. During your twenties, bone density peaks, making it crucial to ensure you’re getting adequate vitamin D to support strong bones and prevent future issues like osteoporosis. Your body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of sun exposure a few times a week, but be cautious about overexposure and wear sunscreen. Include vitamin D-rich foods in your diet, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy products, and egg yolks. If dietary intake is insufficient, consider a vitamin D supplement under the guidance of a healthcare professional. 2. Vitamin C: Boosting Immunity and Collagen Formation Vitamin C is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. In your 20s, a strong immune system is vital to combat daily stressors and prevent illnesses that can disrupt your active lifestyle. See Also: 9 Important Roles of Vitamin C Vitamin C plays a key role in collagen synthesis, supporting skin elasticity and overall skin health. It contributes to a youthful complexion and helps combat signs of aging. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you meet your vitamin C needs naturally. 3. B Vitamins: Energizing Your Body B Vitamins Complex B vitamins, including B6, B12, and folate, are essential for converting food into energy. They also play a role in brain health, mood regulation, and red blood cell formation. Maintaining Energy Levels Your twenties are often filled with busy schedules and new experiences. B vitamins can help you maintain optimal energy levels and cognitive function to stay focused and alert. Whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, legumes, and leafy greens are rich in B vitamins. A balanced diet that includes these foods can provide you with the necessary B vitamins. 4. Vitamin A: Nurturing Skin and Vision Vitamin A supports skin health and helps prevent dryness and blemishes. It also promotes cell turnover, giving you a radiant complexion. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing night blindness. It also plays a role in the health of your eyes’ cornea. See Also: Benefits & Importance of Vitamin A Include foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and kale, in your meals. These foods can contribute to healthy skin and vision. See Also: 7 Vegetables Rich in Vitamin A 5. Vitamin E: Antioxidant Defense Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. This protection supports overall health and may contribute to skin health. Vitamin E may also support heart health by promoting healthy blood circulation and helping to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. See Also: Why Vitamin E Matters: 5 Health Benefits Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, spinach, and broccoli are good dietary sources of vitamin E. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you benefit from its antioxidant properties. In your 20s, investing in your health and well-being through proper nutrition is paramount. By incorporating essential vitamins like vitamin D for bone health, vitamin C for immunity and skin radiance, B vitamins for energy, vitamin A for skin and vision, and vitamin E for antioxidant defense, you can lay the groundwork for a healthy and thriving future. While getting vitamins from whole foods is ideal, supplements can be considered if your diet falls short or if advised by a healthcare professional. Remember that individual needs may vary, and consulting with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian can help you tailor your vitamin intake to your specific health goals and circumstances. With a balanced approach to nutrition and a focus on these essential vitamins, you can embark on your journey through your twenties with vitality and well-being as your companions.
What Is Florida State Law on Travel Time? If you’re wondering about the details of Florida state law on travel time, you’re not alone. Many employees have questions about whether travel time should be compensated, especially when it comes to work-related activities. Florida’s laws, closely aligned with federal guidelines, ensure fair treatment for employees and provide clear instructions for employers regarding compensable travel time. This article will explore how travel time is handled under Florida law, when it’s compensable, and what employees need to know to avoid potential disputes. Understanding Travel Time and Compensation Under Florida Law In Florida, not all travel time is considered compensable. The state follows the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines, which outline the circumstances under which employees must be paid for their travel time. Commuting vs. Work-Related Travel A crucial distinction in Florida law is between regular commuting and work-related travel. Generally, commuting—traveling from your home to your primary work location—is not considered work time and does not require compensation. However, if travel is an essential part of your job, such as traveling between job sites or attending meetings, it is considered work-related travel and must be compensated. Overtime and Travel Time Florida follows federal overtime laws, which require employees to be compensated at a rate of one and a half times their regular pay for any hours worked over 40 in a week. Travel time that is considered work time under Florida law counts toward the total hours worked for the week. If these hours exceed 40, employees may be eligible for overtime pay. When it comes to overnight travel, Florida law follows FLSA rules, which state that travel during normal work hours must be compensated, even if the travel happens on a day the employee doesn’t usually work, such as a weekend. For example, if you are required to travel on a Saturday between 10 AM and 2 PM for a work conference, those four hours are considered compensable, even though they fall outside your regular work schedule. Employee Rights and Compensation for Travel Time Employees should be aware of their rights regarding travel time compensation under Florida law. If your employer requires you to travel for work purposes, whether it’s attending a seminar, traveling between job sites, or visiting clients, that time must be compensated. If an employer does not pay for work-related travel, it could be a violation of wage laws, and employees may take legal action to recover unpaid wages. Training and Work Conferences If your employer requires you to attend training sessions, workshops, or conferences, the time spent traveling to and from these events is also considered work time and must be compensated. Common Exceptions to Travel Time Compensation While Florida law generally follows federal rules for compensable travel time, there are some exceptions where travel time may not require payment: - Commuting: Travel from home to your regular work location is not compensable. - Personal Errands During a Business Trip: If you take personal time during a business trip (e.g., sightseeing), this time is not compensable. - Travel Outside Normal Working Hours: If travel occurs outside regular work hours and you are not actively engaged in work, it may not need to be compensated. Employer Obligations and Record-Keeping Employers in Florida are required to follow both state and federal regulations concerning travel time. They must clearly define which travel activities are compensable and maintain accurate records of work-related travel time. Employees who believe they are not being compensated for work-related travel should address the issue with their employer or seek legal advice if necessary. Legal Recourse for Unpaid Travel Time If you believe your employer is not paying you appropriately for compensable travel time, you can file a wage claim under the FLSA. In some cases, employees may be entitled to back pay, penalties, and damages for unpaid travel time. FAQs on Florida Travel Time Law Is commuting time compensable in Florida? No, commuting from your home to your regular work location is not considered compensable under Florida law. When should an employee be compensated for travel time? Employees should be compensated for any travel directly related to their job duties, such as traveling between work sites or attending meetings and conferences. Does travel time count toward overtime? Yes, if the travel time is compensable, it counts toward the total hours worked. If those hours exceed 40 in a week, overtime laws apply. Is overnight travel compensable? Yes, employees must be compensated for travel during regular working hours, even if it occurs on weekends or outside their regular workdays. Can I file a complaint if my employer doesn’t pay for travel time? Yes, employees can file a wage claim under the FLSA if they believe they have not been properly compensated for travel time. In summary, Florida state law on travel time requires employers to compensate employees for work-related travel, but not for regular commuting. Understanding the difference between commuting and work-related travel is crucial for both employers and employees to avoid disputes. If you believe you’re not being compensated for travel time as required, consulting with a labor attorney may be your best course of action.
It’s a fact: mushrooms are notoriously tricky to identify. It’s possible to have two mushrooms that look similar to the eye, but are fundamentally different at a genetic level. So, for as long as humans have been benefiting from mushrooms as food and medicine, we’ve relied on experts to verify their correct identity. Mycologists (mushroom scientists) have been steadily building our body of knowledge on how to distinguish each unique type of mushroom. One of the best ways turns out to be DNA testing. New Chapter’s LifeShield™ products give you mushroom strains that are identity assured. Every strain - from Reishi to Maitake to Turkey Tail - is carefully qualified and confirmed. This includes identification through mushroom DNA testing. We established a new gold standard in mushroom identification: taking the time to test each strain at the DNA level, then crosscheck and confirm the results with robust databases. Every batch is also tested against an established chemical fingerprint for that mushroom species to verify and confirm its identity. The result? With New Chapter LifeShield mushroom supplements, you can be sure that what you see is what you get! New Chapter LifeShield mushrooms give you the wisdom of the whole fungi—preserving each mushroom’s profile of beneficial compounds. Learn more about our mushroom supplements: LifeShield Reishi, LifeShield Mind Force, LifeShield Liver Force, LifeShield Breathe, and LifeShield Immune Support. We LOVE our mushrooms—what do you think? Learn more!
Perennial vines are one of the best ways to add pops of color along with texture to vertical spaces. These beautiful flowering vines come back every year. The advantage of going for perennial vines is that they normally do not require much care and maintenance. They would just be waiting for the optimal season to bloom. The list below might help in choosing the best perennial flowering vines. Trumpet vines comes in colors such as red, yellow or orange and they contribute to adding a burst of summer in your garden. This plant grows quite fast and is effective in attracting hummingbirds bringing color to dry and hot spots. The trumpet vine can climb up to 30 feet and can spread massively through their underground stems. This plant can easily be prone to weeds in a garden unless it is planted in a zone where it can be adequately controlled. False Hydrangea Vine The common name of this plant is derived from its resemblance to a climbing hydrangea. The vines of the false hydrangea has more flowers and the come with large white bracts that resemble big petals. A variety with pink bracts also exists. This plant can climb up to 40 feet and has beautiful foliage. The particular Moonlight variety is preferred for its dark green leaves and silver overlay. This plant looks like it comes right from the tropics. The hardy passionflower however, comes from North America. These perennial vines are easy to grow and they produce copious quantities of lavender purple flowers in the summer. This plant normally attracts lots of butterflies and can be quite invasive if uncontained.
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There are a lot of ways to damage your credit score, from falling for a credit card scam to just being unlucky with the recent economy. This article will give you some tips on how you can improve your situation. If your credit does not allow you to obtain new credit, getting a secured one is much easier and will help fix your credit. Most likely, you will not have a problem obtaining this type of card, but you must add funds to the account before you make any purchases to assure the bank that you will pay. If you get a new card and use it responsibly, it will help to improve your credit score. Make sure that you are never using more than 50% of your credit card’s limit. If your credit card balances exceed 50% of their limits, it will lower your credit score, so spread your debt over multiple cards, or better, pay down the balances. Maintaining a respectable credit score will enable you to obtain lower interest rates. By doing this your monthly payments will be easier to afford and your bill will be paid off faster. Paying your outstanding balances on time is the best way to keep your credit in check, and to obtain lower interest rates. Getting an installment account can help you earn money and provide a boost to your credit. Make sure that you are able to afford the payments on any installment accounts that you open. You can quickly improve your score by successfully managing these accounts. Make sure you check out any credit counseling agency you consider using. While many counselors are reputable and exist to offer real help, some do have ulterior motives. Some are not legitimate. You should always find out if a credit counselor is the real thing. Credit Card Companies Call and request lower limits on your cards from the credit card companies. This is likely to keep you from overusing credit, which can be a financial burden. It also lets credit card companies know that you are responsible, and this makes them more likely to extend credit to you as time goes on. If you are doing hardcore credit score repair, you need to scrutinize your report for negative entries. The item may be essentially correct, but there may be an error someplace. If the date or amount, or some other thing is incorrect it may be possible to get the entire item removed. Sign up with a credit union if you need to get a new credit line and are having a hard time. These credit unions can probably give you better credit options in the long run. If you wish to repair your credit, you’ll have to stop spending more than you earn. This is nothing short of a lifestyle overhaul. For a while, the easy availability of credit encouraged people to buy more than they could afford. We now must pay for that. You should look at what you can afford to spend, before using credit for purchases. As part of your credit score repair process, it is a good idea to terminate all of your credit cards except one. Making one monthly payment will be easier than paying off different bills. This can help you avoid paying down smaller balances and focus on paying one card off. Taking time to examine your monthly credit card bill is critical to ensure that there are no errors. Contact the credit card company right away if there are incorrect fees, so that they won’t be on your credit report. Try not to file bankruptcy if at all possible. Bankruptcies appear on credit reports for ten years. It might seem like a good thing but you will be affected down the line. Most lenders will be hesitant to work with you in the future when a bankruptcy shows on your credit report. Timely payments will keep your credit status in good standing. Late payments are added to credit reports and they can damage your chances of getting loans or a home in the future. Getting your credit in line is probably an area of stress for you. Guidance you get from this article can turn that stress into pleasure. The advice offered in this article can help to get you back on track to repairing your credit.
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This is meat from cattle that only consumes grass, throughout their lifetime. This is the best method of keeping animals because they will not acquire chemicals that may affect their bodies. People will like this meat as they will be safe from the effects that are brought about by the chemicals in the meat. They will also have the ability to safeguard themselves from effects of hormones that maybe brought by taking meat from animals that had been introduced to them. A reduction in the amount of calories is implemented by taking this type of beef. When feeding on normal beef, the amount of calories that are built in the body are high. If one moves from taking the normal beef to grass-fed beef, they will depreciate the high amount of calories. It helps to regulate the bulk and figure of the body. This will aid at the reduction in chances of getting infections like heart attack that are brought about by the high amount of calories in the body. This king of beef will aid at providing the body with the best blood sugar level. This is possible as these are some fatty acids in the beef that are effective in dealing with diabetes and obesity. This will be to the benefit of the people that are living with these deseases. Due to the effectiveness in the production of insulin, people taking this kind of beef will be able to control their blood sugar level in the blood. With the company of ketogenic salts, grass-fed beef will help in production of more energy. This is most appropriate for those who do hard jobs that require a lot of energy. The beef also produces some levels of electrolytes. This is most useful to those people who begin their keto lifestyle. It produces electrolytes that are most needed by the bodies of those who have adapted the keto life. The reason is that it is important to replenish the electrolytes after flashing them out through the keto diet. One will also have the ability to fight cancer, which is a risky disease. This is so because this kind of meat is unique as it has conjugated linoleic acid, which is an anticancer nutrient. This provides a natural way of preventing deadly diseases. This beef will also produce a significant amount of fats that are healthy to the body. They have great amount of omega-3 fats that helps in effecting the functions of the brain. The grass-fed beef will also contain much less levels of bacteria. This is because other beef that take mixed types of foods have high levels of bacteria from those feeds. The Ultimate Guide to Food Finding Similarities Between Products and Life
A notary public in Boon Keng is a public servant appointed by a state official. The general focus of his or her job is to witness the documents’ verification and administer oaths. They serve to deter fraud, appearing as an impartial witness for legal documents such as affidavits, deeds or powers of attorney. The presence of a notary public helps to screen for imposters and make sure both parties are entering into an agreement knowingly and willingly. Similarly, legalization is the process of proper authentication or screening of documents or the notary by the high commission or the embassy or the consulate of the country in which the document is to be used is authorized to or located in Singapore. In simple terms, it is the official confirmation of the originality of the documents or we can say that document legalization is just the confirmation that the stamp, seal or the signature showing in the document is genuine and not a fraud. Boon Keng Notary Public Service Locations The affidavit is a written version of sworn statement: a voluntary oath before a notary public, judge or commissioner of deed, all of whom are authorized to administer oaths. Both the affiant and the authorized officer are required to sign the affidavit. The affidavit is also a useful tool in rectifying inadvertently wrongful data. A simple example of an affidavit is the "Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons" purposely to facilitate the correction of another person's name. These two (2) particular disinterested persons issuing the affidavit are usually older close acquaintances of the other person's family. The affidavit they swear to will explicitly state that they both know that the person seeking the correction of name is one and the same as that person they know since childhood years, etc. etc. The affidavit speaks for a person and of a person. Depending on the motives by which an affidavit is presented, affidavits can either be moral or immoral. Affidavits can be good or bad. Affidavits, however legalese it can get, is also an affirmation of a person's being. An affidavit can actually bares one's soul for the world to know - better or worse. The use and abuse of affidavits is common. Affidavits can make or break anyone. Affidavits can build or ruin an empire. Why? Affidavits spin off court litigations, small or great. Affidavit could be that minute cog of the big machine of justice or injustice. Take your pick! What is a Commissioner For Oaths? A notary public is an officer chosen at the state level to serve as an impartial witness to the signing of documents. Dependent on the state in question, he also offers a number of other services such as administering of oaths, fingerprinting and wedding services. Notaries take a fee set by their state for these services. Notary public rates may vary from state to state. In Maryland, a notary can demand and receive a fee of not more than $2 for the performance of an original notarial deed. He may demand not more than $1 for each signature on each extra copy of the original document. A notary can receive up to 25¢ per mile and a fee not exceeding $5, as compensation for travel in the performance of a notarial act. Unless otherwise allowed by law, notary public rates may not go beyond this amount. A notary public who charges more than the maximum declared by each state subjects himself to possible criminal action. Suspension or revocation of the notary public commission by the Secretary of State's office is also possible.
Written August 12 (25), 1906 | Published according to | From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965 Translated from the Russian Edited by Clemens Dutt The Left-wing Social-Democrats must reconsider the question of boycotting the State Duma. It should be borne in mind that we have always presented this question concretely, and in connection with a definite political situation. For instance, Proletary (Geneva) wrote that "it would be ridiculous to renounce utilising even the Bulygin Duma"[*] -- if it could come into being. And in referring to the Witte Duma in the pamphlet Social-Democracy and the State Duma (by N. Lenin and F. Dan), N. Lenin wrote: "We must by all means carefully reconsider the question of tactics. . . . The situation has changed" at the time of the Bulygin Duma (see p . 2 of the pamphlet cited).** The principal difference between revolutionary Social-Democracy and opportunist Social-Democracy on the question of boycott is as follows: the opportunists in all circumstances confine themselves to applying the stereotyped method copied from a specific period in the history of German socialism. We must utilise representative institutions; the Duma is a representative institution; therefore boycott is anarchism, and we must go into the Duma. All the arguments used by our Mensheviks, and especially by Plekhanov, on this topic, could be reduced to this childishly simple syllogism. The Menshevik resolution on the importance of representative institutions in a revolutionary period (see Partiiniye Izvestia, No. 2) strikingly reveals the stereotyped and anti-historical nature of their argument. The revolutionary Social-Democrats, on the contrary, lay chief emphasis on the necessity of carefully appraising the concrete political situation. It is impossible to cope with the tasks of the revolutionary epoch in Russia by copying in a biased manner one of the recent German stereotyped patterns, forgetting the lessons of 1847-48. The progress of our revolution will be altogether incomprehensible if we confine ourselves to making bare contrasts between "anarchist" boycott and Social-Democratic participation in elections. Learn from the history of the Russian revolution, gentlemen! This history has proved that the tactics of boycotting the Bulygin Duma were the only correct tactics at that time, and were entirely justified by events. Whoever forgets this and argues about boycott without taking the lessons of the Bulygin Duma into account (as the Mensheviks always do) is certifying his own mental poverty, his inability to explain and take into account one of the most important and eventful periods of the Russian revolution. The tactics of boycotting the Bulygin Duma were based on a correct appraisal of the temper of the revolutionary proletariat and of the objective features of the situation, which made an immediate general outbreak inevitable. Let us pass to the second lesson of history -- to the Witte, Cadet Duma. Nowadays we often hear Social-Democratic intellectuals making repentant speeches about the boycott of that Duma. The fact that it did assemble and undoubtedly rendered indirect service to the revolution is considered to be sufficient reason for penitently confessing that the boycott of the Witte Duma had been a mistake. Such a view, however, is extremely biased and short-sighted. It fails to take into consideration a number of very important facts of the period prior to the Witte Duma, the period of its existence and the period after its dissolution. Remember that the electoral law for that Duma was promulgated on December 11, at a time when the insurgents were waging an armed fight for a constituent assembly. Remember that even the Menshevik "Nachalo " wrote at the time: "The proletariat will also sweep away the Witte Duma, just as it swept away the Bulygin Duma." Under such circumstances the proletariat could not and should not have surrendered to the tsar without a fight the power to convene the first representative assembly in Russia. The proletariat had to fight against the autocracy being strengthened by a loan on the security of the Witte Duma. The proletariat had to combat the constitutional illusions which, in the spring of 1906, formed the entire basis of the election campaign of the Cadets and the elections among the peasantry. At that time, when the importance of the Duma was being immeasurably exaggerated, the only means of combating such illusions was the boycott. The degree to which the spread of constitutional illusions was connected with participation in the election campaign and in the elections in the spring of 1906 is strikingly revealed by the attitude adopted by our Mensheviks. Suffice it to recall that, in spite of the warnings of the Bolsheviks, in the resolution of the Fourth (Unity) Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party the Duma was referred to as a "power "! Another instance: with complete self-assurance, Plekhanov wrote: "The government will fall into the abyss when it dissolves the Duma." In reply to him it was said at that time: we must prepare to push the enemy into the abyss and not, like the Cadets, place hopes on its "falling" into the abyss by itself. And how soon the words then uttered were proved correct!* It was the duty of the proletariat to exert every effort to preserve the independence of its tactics in our revolution, namely: together with the politically conscious peasantry against the vacillating and treacherous liberal-monarchist bourgeoisie. But it was impossible to employ these tactics during the elections to the Witte Duma owing to a number of circumstances, both objective and subjective, which, in the vast majority of localities in Russia, would have made participation in the elections tantamount to the workers' party tacitly supporting the Cadets. The proletariat could not and should not have adopted half-hearted and artificially concocted tactics, prompted by "cunning" and confusion, of elections for an unknown purpose, of elections to the Duma, but not for the Duma. And yet it is a historical fact, which cannot be abolished by the silence, subterfuges and evasions of the Mensheviks, that not one of them, not even Plekhanov, dared advocate in the press that we should go into the Duma. It is a fact that not a single call was issued in the press to go into the Duma. It is a fact that the Mensheviks themselves, in the leaflet issued by the Joint Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P., officially recognised the boycott and confined the dispute only to the question of the stage at which the boycott was to be adopted. It is a fact that the Mensheviks laid emphasis, not on the elections to the Duma, but on the elections as such, and even on the process of electing as a means of organising for an uprising and for sweeping away the Duma. Events proved, however, that it was impossible to carry on mass agitation during the elections, and that the Duma alone provided certain opportunities for carrying on agitation among the masses. Whoever really makes an effort to consider and weigh all these complicated facts, both objective and subjective, will see that the Caucasus was only an exception which proved the general rule. He will see that contrite speeches and explaining away the boycott as a piece of "youthful impetuousness" reveal an extremely narrow, superficial and short-sighted estimate of events. The dissolution of the Duma has now clearly demonstrated that in the conditions prevailing in the spring of 1906 the boycott, on the whole, was the right tactics and advantageous. Under the conditions which then prevailed, only by means of the boycott could the Social-Democrats fulfil their duty of giving the people the necessary warning against the tsar's constitution and supplying the necessary criticism of the chicanery of the Cadets during the elections; and both (warning and criticism) were strikingly confirmed by the dissolution of the Duma. Here is a small instance to illustrate the above. In the spring of 1906, Mr. Vodovozov, who is half-Cadet and half-Menshevik, was whole-heartedly in favour of participating in the elections and supporting the Cadets. Yesterday (August 11) he wrote in Tovarishch that the Cadets "wanted to be a parliamentary party in a country that has no parliament and a constitutional party in a country that has no constitution"; that "the whole character of the Cadet Party has been determined by the fundamental contradiction be- tween a radical programme and quite non-radical tactics". The Bolsheviks could not desire a greater triumph than this admission on the part of a Left Cadet or Right-wing Plekhanovite. However, while absolutely rejecting faint-hearted and short-sighted speeches of repentance, as well as the silly explanation of the boycott as "youthful impetuousness", we do not by any means reject the new lessons of the Cadet Duma. It would be pedantic obstinacy to be afraid of frankly admitting these new lessons and taking them into account. History has shown that when the Duma assembles opportunities arise for carrying on useful agitation both from within the Duma and around it; that the tactics of joining forces with the revolutionary peasantry against the Cadets can be applied in the Duma. This may seem paradoxical, but such, undoubtedly, is the irony of history: it was the Cadet Duma that clearly demonstrated to the masses the correctness of what we might briefly describe as "anti-Cadet" tactics. History has ruthlessly confuted all constitutional illusions and all "faith in the Duma"; but history has undoubtedly proved that that institution is of some, although modest, use to the revolution as a platform for agitation, for exposing the true "inner nature" of the political parties, etc. Hence the conclusion: it would be ridiculous to shut our eyes to realities. The time has now come when the revolutionary Social-Democrats must cease to be boycottists. We shall not refuse to go into the Second Duma when (or "if") it is convened. We shall not refuse to utilise this arena, but we shall not exaggerate its modest importance; on the contrary, guided by the experience already provided by history, we shall entirely subordinate the struggle we wage in the Duma to another form of struggle, namely, strikes, uprisings, etc. We shall convene the Fifth Party Congress; there we shall resolve that in the event of elections taking place, it will be necessary to enter into an electoral agreement, for a few weeks, with the Trudoviks (unless the Fifth Party Congress is convened it will be impossible to conduct a united election campaign; and "blocs with other parties" are absolutely prohibited by the decision of the Fourth Congress). And then we shall utterly rout the Cadets. This conclusion, however, does not by any means reveal the whole complexity of the task that confronts us. We deliberately emphasised the words "in the event of elections taking place", etc. We do not know yet whether the Second Duma will be convened, when the elections will take place, what the electoral laws will be like, or what the situation will be at that time. Hence our conclusion suffers from being extremely general: we need it to enable us to sum up past experience, to take note of the lessons of the past, to put the forthcoming questions of tactics on a proper basis; but it is totally inadequate for solving the concrete problems of immediate tactics. Only Cadets and the "Cadet-like" people of all sorts can be satisfied with such a conclusion at the present time, can create a "slogan" for themselves out of the yearnings for a new Duma and try to persuade the government of the desirability of convening it as quickly as possible, etc. Only conscious or unconscious traitors to the revolution would at the present time exert all efforts to divert the inevitable new rise of temper and excitement into the channel of an election and not into that of a fight waged by means of a general strike and uprising. This brings us to the crux of the question of present-day Social-Democratic tactics. The issue now is not whether we should take part in the elections. To say "yes" or "no" in this case means saying nothing at all about the fundamental problem of the moment. Outwardly, the political situation in August 1906 is similar to that in August 1905, but enormous progress has been made during this period: the forces that are fighting on the respective sides, the forms of the struggle, and the time required for carrying out this or that strategic move -- if we may so express it -- have all become more exactly defined. The government's plan is clear. It was absolutely right in its calculations when it fixed the date of the convocation of the Duma and did not fix -- contrary to the law -- the date of the elections. The government does not want to tie its hands or show its cards. Firstly, it is gaining time in which to consider an amendment of the electoral law. Secondly -- and this is the most important -- it is keeping the date of the elections in reserve until the character and intensity of the new rise of temper can be fully gauged. The government wishes to fix the date of the elections at the particular time (and perhaps in the particular form, i.e., the form of elections) when it can split and paralyse the incipient uprising. The government's reasoning is correct: if things remain quiet, perhaps we shall not convene the Duma at all, or revert to the Bulygin laws. If, however, a strong movement arises, then we can try to split it by fixing a date for the elections for the time being and in this way entice certain cowards and simpletons away from the direct revolutionary struggle. Liberal blockheads (see Tovarishch and Rech ) so utterly fail to understand the situation that they are of their own accord crawling into the net set by the government. They are trying with might and main "to prove" the need for the Duma and the desirability of diverting the rising tide into the channel of an election. But even they cannot deny that the question of what form the impending struggle will assume is still an open one. Today's issue of Rech (August 12) admits: "What the peasants will say in the autumn . . . is still unknown." . . . "It will be difficult to make any general forecasts until September-October, when the temper of the peasantry is definitely revealed." The liberal bourgeois remain true to their nature. They do not want to assist actively in choosing the form of the struggle and in moulding the temper of the peasants one way or another, nor are they capable of doing so. The interests of the bourgeoisie demand that the old regime be not overthrown, but merely weakened, and that a liberal Cabinet be formed. The interests of the proletariat demand the complete overthrow of the old, tsarist regime and the convocation of a constituent assembly with full power. Its interests demand the most active intervention in moulding the temper of the peasants, in choosing the most resolute forms of struggle as well as the best moment for it. On no account must we with draw, or obscure, the slogan: convocation of a constituent assembly by revolutionary means, i.e., through the medium of a provisional revolutionary government. We must concentrate all efforts on explaining the conditions for an uprising: that it must be combined with the strike movement; that all the revolutionary forces must be rallied and prepared for it, etc. We must resolutely take the path that was indicated in the well-known manifestoes: "To the Army and Navy" and "To All the Peasants", which were signed by the "bloc" of all revolutionary organisations, including the Trudovik Group. Lastly, we must take special care that the government does not under any circumstances succeed in splitting, stopping, or weakening the incipient uprising by ordering elections. In this respect the lessons of the Cadet Duma must be absolutely binding for us, viz., the lessons that the Duma campaign is a subordinate and secondary form of struggle, and that, owing to the objective conditions of the moment, direct revolutionary actions by the broad mass of the people still remain the principal form of struggle. Of course, subordinating the Duma campaign to the main struggle, assigning a secondary role to this campaign for the contingency of an unfavourable outcome of the battle, or postponing the battle until experience of the Second Duma is obtained -- such tactics may, if you like, be described as the old boycott tactics. On formal grounds this description might be justified, because, apart from the work of agitation and propaganda, which is always obligatory, "preparation for elections" consists of minute technical arrangements, which can very rarely be made a long time before the elections. We do not want to argue about words; in substance these tactics are the logical development of the old tactics, but not a repetition of them; they are a deduction drawn from the last boycott, but not the last boycott itself. To sum up. We must take into account the experience of the Cadet Duma and spread its lessons among the masses. We must prove to them that the Duma is "useless", that a constituent assembly is essential, that the Cadets are wavering; we must demand that the Trudoviks throw off the yoke of the Cadets, and we must support the former against the latter. We must recognise at once the need for an electoral agreement between the Social-Democrats and the Trudoviks in the event of new elections taking place. We must exert all our efforts to counteract the government's plan to split the uprising by ordering elections. Advocating their tried revolutionary slogans with greater energy than ever, Social- Democrats must exert every effort to unite all the revolutionary elements and classes more closely, to convert the upsurge that is probable in the near future into an armed uprising of the whole people against the tsarist government. * See present edition, Vol. 9, p. 182. --Ed. [Transcriber's Note: See Lenin's "The Boycott of the Bulygin Duma, and Insurrection". -- DJR] ** Ibid., Vol. 10, pp. 104-05. --Ed. [Transcriber's Note: See Lenin's "The State Duma and Social-Democratic Tactics". -- DJR] * See present edition, Vol. 10, p. 476. --Ed. [Transcriber's Note: See Lenin's "How Comrade Plekhanov Argues About Social-Democratic Tactics". -- DJR] Notes on | Proletary (The Proletarian ) -- an illegal Bolshevik weekly, official organ of the R.S.D.L.P., founded in accordance with a resolution of the Third Congress of the Party. Lenin was appointed editor-in-chief by a decision of a plenary session of the Party's Central Committee, on April 27 (May 10), 1905. Partiiniye Izvestia (Party News ) -- a newspaper, the organ of the Joint Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P., which was published illegally in St. Petersburg on the eve of the Fourth (Unity) Congress of the Party. Two issues were brought out: those of February 7 (20) and March 20 (April 2), 1906. The editorial board was composed on an equal basis of editors of the Bolshevik organ (Proletary ) and the Menshevik organ (the new Iskra ). The Bolshevik members of the editorial board included Lenin, Lunacharsky and others. Lenin's articles "The Present Situation in Russia and the Tactics of the Workers' Party", "The Russian Revolution and the Tasks of the Proletariat" were printed in Partiiniye Izvestia over the signature "Bolshevik" (see present edition, Vol. 10, pp. 112-19, 135-45). After the Congress, publication of the newspaper was discontinued. The Law of December 11 (24), 1905, was the law on elections to the State Duma. By it the voters were divided into four curias: agricultural (landlords), urban (bourgeoisie), peasant and workers'. One landlord vote was made equivalent in value to three votes of urban bourgeois representatives, 15 peasant votes or 45 workers' votes. The law ensured the huge preponderance of the clique of landlords and capitalists in the Duma. Tovarishch (The Comrade ) -- a bourgeois daily newspaper published in St. Petersburg from March 1906 to January 1908. Formally, it was not the organ of any party, but in effect it was an organ of the Left Cadets. Mensheviks also contributed to the newspaper. Proletary was published in Geneva from May 14 (27) till November 12 (25), 1905, a total of twenty-six issues being brought out. Active in the work of the editorial board were V. V. Vorovsky, A. V. Lunacharsky and M. S. Olminsky. Proletary continued the policy of the old, Leninist Iskra, and maintained full continuity with the Bolshevik newspaper Vperyod. Lenin wrote more than 50 articles and items for Proletary, his articles being reprinted in local Bolshevik periodicals, and also published in the form of leaflets. Publication of Proletary was discontinued shortly after Lenin's departure for Russia in November 1905, the last two issues (Nos. 25 and 26) being edited by V. V. Vorovsky.
Published in pamphlet form | Published according to | From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965 Translated from the Russian Edited by Clemens Dutt FROM THE NOTES OF A SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC PUBLICIST St Petersburg, January 15, 1907 The bourgeois press is now gossiping and cackling over the resolutions of the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic Conference. The liberals, from the pompous official organ Rech to the gutter rag Segodnya, are united in a general chorus of jubilation over the split caused by the Mensheviks, of triumph at the return of these prodigal sons of "society" to the fold of the "opposition bloc", at their emancipation from "revolutionary illusions". Social-Democrats who are really on the side of the revolutionary proletariat would do well to ask: "But who are the judges?" Let us take what is perhaps the best of these judges, Rodnaya Zemlya, of January 15. The trend of this newspaper is undoubtedly more Left than that of the Cadets. Judging from all the facts, it may be called a Trudovik trend. As documentary confirmation of this political estimate we may point out that Mr. Tan is a contributor to that newspaper. Mr. Tan's name is in the published list of members of the organising committee of the "Trudovik (Popular Socialist) Party". And so, the judges are the Trudoviks. They condemn the Bolsheviks, and, like the Cadets, approve the plan of the Mensheviks. They disagree with the Cadets only in that they object to the latter getting more than two or three seats in the general bloc of all the Left parties. Such is the verdict. Let us examine the grounds. "The controversy undoubtedly centres on the question whether there is or is not a Black-Hundred danger in St. Petersburg." That is not true. If you take it upon yourselves to judge the Bolshevik Social-Democrats in a leading article of a political newspaper, it is your duty to know what you are judging. In that leading article you yourselves say: "The controversy that has now flared up over the resolutions of the [Social-Democratic] conference is undoubtedly one of public interest." People who express the wish publicly to participate in a controversy of general interest and at once betray their ignorance of the "centre" of the controversy run the risk of having a none too flattering appellation hurled at them. . . . The revolutionary Social-Democrats have repeatedly explained and insisted in all their numerous political declarations that the so-called Black-Hundred danger cannot be regarded as the "centre" of the controversy over election tactics. Why not? Because the tactics of the workers' party during the elections must be only the application to a particular case of the general principles of the socialist tactics of the proletariat. Elections are only one of the fields, and by no means the most important, most essential one (particularly in a revolutionary period), in which the socialist proletariat wages the struggle for liberty and for the abolition of all exploitation. In addition to the one waged with the aid of ballot papers, there is another type of struggle, which inevitably flares up in times of revolution. This other struggle is apt to be forgotten by intellectuals who imagine that they are men of education, whose sympathies for liberty lie no deeper than the tips of their tongues. And it is apt to be forgotten by the small proprietors, who stand aloof from the bitter, everyday struggle against capital and its henchmen. But the proletarian does not forget about it. Therefore, for the class-conscious proletarian, election tactics can only be an adaptation of his general tactics to a particular struggle, namely, the election struggle; under no circumstances does this imply a change in the principles of his tactics, or the shifting of the "centre" of these tactics The basis of socialist tactics in time of revolution consists in the progressive class, the proletariat, marching at the head of the people's revolution (the revolution that is now taking place in Russia is a bourgeois revolution in the sense that the attainment of complete freedom and all the land for the people will not rid us in the least of the rule of the bourgeoisie; obviously, the fact that the revolution has this socio-economic character does not prevent it from being a people's revolution). The progressive class must therefore consistently expose to the masses the falsity of all hopes of negotiations and agreements with the old regime in general, and of agreements between landlords and peasants over the land question in particular. The progressive class must pursue its independent line of undeviating struggle, supporting only those who are really fighting, and only to the extent that they fight. Such are the basic principles of socialist tactics, which dictate to the workers' party class independence as the rule, and collaboration and agreements only with the revolutionary bourgeoisie, and only as an exception. The liberals do not understand these principles of Social-Democratic tactics. The idea of class struggle is foreign to them; the idea of contrasting a people's revolution to deals and negotiations is repugnant to them. But in principle all Social-Democrats, Bolsheviks and even Mensheviks, accept these tactics. The Trudoviks, who undertake to edit a political organ without knowing the ABC of the contemporary tactical problems of socialism, can read about this even in the election platform of the Social-Democratic Party -- the platform of the Mensheviks, who predominate in the Central Committee. "Citizens," states this platform, "you should elect to the Duma people who not only want liberty for Russia, but are anxious to help the people's revolution to achieve it. . . . The majority in the First Duma, led by the party of 'people's freedom', hoped to obtain liberty and land by means of peaceful negotiations with the government. . . . Citizens! Elect fighters for the revolution, who, shoulder to shoulder with you, will continue the great cause that was initiated in January, October and December last year (1905)." The "centre of the controversy", which our Trudoviks have totally failed to grasp, is whether agreements with the Cadets can be sanctioned in principle from this point of view. The St. Petersburg Social-Democratic Conference answered this question in the negative, as the 14 delegates of the All-Russian Conference (of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party) had done before them. No agreements can be tolerated with a party which is bargaining and parleying with the old regime. The Cadets cannot be our allies in the "people's revolution". Their admission to the ranks of the "fighters for the revolution" would not strengthen but weaken these fighters, whose work is being hindered by the Cadets, who are now openly opposing the struggle and all revolutionary slogans. In failing to see the principle underlying the attitude of the Bolshevik Social-Democrats towards the Cadets, our judges have failed to notice the "elephant". These Trudoviks are entirely under the ideological influence of the bourgeois liberals. The elections have over-shadowed everything for them; election results have over-shadowed the task of enlightening the masses in the course of the election campaign. They have no idea how important it is for a Social-Democrat to carry on perfectly clear, definite and unambiguous election agitation if he is to remain true to his principles, loyal to his revolutionary standpoint in spite of all efforts to tempt him with the prospect of a seat in the Duma, or to frighten him with the prospect of not winning a single seat in the capital. Absorbed in the liberals' scrapping, the Trudoviks have forgotten all principles, they have forgotten all the fundamental objects of the revolution. They see nothing, understand nothing, care for nothing, and only keep on muttering: "one seat, two seats, three seats"! . . . "The controversy . . . centres on . . . whether there is a Black-Hundred danger in St. Petersburg.". . . So you reduce the Black-Hundred danger to the danger of a Black-Hundred victory in elections faked by the government! Cannot you understand, gentlemen, that by putting the question in this way, you are admitting that the government is already victorious, and that the cause of liberty, which you prate about so much, is already lost? You yourselves do not see, and you are preventing the masses of the people from seeing, the real Black-Hundred danger, which is manifested not in the voting, but in the definition of the conditions of voting (the Senate interpretations and the impending repeal of the electoral law of December 11), in the nullification of the results of voting (the dissolution of the Duma). You are entirely adopting the vulgar liberal point of view and are concentrating your minds -- and the minds of the mass of the people whom you are misleading -- on struggle within the limits of a fake law which is being still further faked. You fail to see the Black-Hundred danger in the form of the possible arrest of all the electors. You throw away that which depends on you, and wholly on you, which is at any rate a lasting and substantial asset to the revolution, namely: the development of the revolutionary spirit of the masses by consistent agitation. On the other hand, what you are chasing after depends not on you, but on the artifices of Stolypin, on a new Senate interpretation, on further violations of the electoral law by the police. Consequently, you are fighting the "Black-Hundred danger" in exactly the same way as the French bourgeois republicans are fighting the monarchist danger; namely, by strengthening monarchist institutions and the monarchist constitution within the republic. For, by instilling into the minds of the people the idea that the Black-Hundred danger is the danger of an increased Black-Hundred vote, you are perpetuating the ignorance of the most backward masses as to the real source and real nature of the Black-Hundred danger. But let us proceed. Let us assume that there will be no further Senate interpretations concerning the elections and the electors. Let us take the question of the parties that may win the elections in St. Petersburg under the existing electoral system. The Trudoviks cannot deny that the parties of the Right have been seriously compromised; that the Union of October Seventeenth is suffering defeat after defeat, each more ignominious than the last; that "of late the Octobrists have completely subsided, stunned by heavy blows from the Left"; that "the public has swung to the Left". But . . . Shchedrin long ago translated this "but" of the Russian liberals into intelligible language: "ears will never grow higher than foreheads, never!" -- but "technical difficulties", "literature is not being delivered", "they won't give us ballot papers", "police restrictions". . . . There you have the psychology of the Russian intellectual: in words he is a bold radical, in deeds he is a contemptible little government official. The remedy for police restrictions is supposed to lie in blocs with the Cadets! Why not blocs with the Octobrists, who "want" a constitution, and are sure of not being subjected to "restrictions"? Truly Russian political logic: electoral agreements to combat the failure of the post-office to deliver literature, to combat the refusal to issue ballot papers. . . . What are you combating, gentlemen? The "laws" which sanction the outrageous conduct of the police, which declare certain parties to be "illegal" and deprive them of ballot papers. How are you combating them? Why, of course, by means of an agreement with a party which will either obtain ballot papers from the Peaceful Renovators, or come to terms with Stolypin before the Duma opens, or else will also be left without ballot papers! The Russian government official (a radical at twenty, a liberal at thirty, and simply an official at forty) is accustomed to play the liberal when at home and make threatening gestures where nobody can see him. He thinks the election campaign should be-fought along these same lines. Influence the masses? Nonsense, the post-office refuses to deliver our literature. Publish and distribute literature without the "post-office" and similar institutions? Nonsense! These are obsolete, revolutionary illusions, which are not in accord with "broad" constitutional activity. Broad constitutional activity consists in acting so as to fool the authorities; "they" will look for me among the Social-Democrats, or among the Socialist-Revolutionaries, but I shall hide in the Cadet list so well that they will not find me. The government will look for me as a revolutionary, but I shall fool both the government and the revolutionaries; I shall go over to the "opposition bloc". You see what a clever fellow I am! But will it not turn out, Oh worthy politician, that you will be fooling also the masses, who will no longer be able to distinguish you from the "opposition" of the obsequious liberals? Nonsense! What do the masses matter? . . . Well, we'll give the workers' curia a seat. . . . And then, from a certain point of view, we are all in favour of freedom . . . the revolution has become a national cause . . . the Cadets, too, are ready to fight in their own way. . . . The question arises, have our Trudoviks any political ideas, besides ideas relating to the police ? They have. Their idea is that we must adapt ourselves not to the energetic and active voter, but to the stay-at-home, the cowed or sleepy voter. Listen to the arguments of a "Left" newspaper: "The temper that prevails at meetings is no criterion of the temper of the whole mass of voters. . . . Not more than one-tenth of the voters go to meetings; of course, these are the most energetic, lively and active people." Truly a sufficient reason for trailing in the wake of the least energetic, the most lifeless and inactive Cadet voters! The tragedy of the Russian radical is that for decades he has been yearning for meetings, for liberty, burning with passion (in words) for liberty; and when he goes to a meeting and finds that its temper is more radical than his own, he begins to sigh: "it is hard to judge", "not more than one-tenth", "one must be a bit more cautious, gentlemen!" He is just like Turgenev's ardent hero who ran away from Asya, and about whom Chernyshevsky wrote "A Russian at a Rendezvous". Oh, you, who call yourselves supporters of the toiling masses! It's not for you to go to a rendezvous with the revolution. Stay at home; really, it will be quieter there; and you need have no dealings with these dangerous "most energetic, lively and active people". Stay-at-home philistines are more your type! Perhaps this simple example will help you to grasp the "centre of the controversy" over agreements with the Cadets? It is, my dear sir, that we want to shake up the philistine and make a citizen of him. And to do that we must compel him to choose between the philistine policy of the Cadets who are prostrating themselves before the (pshaw! pshaw!) "constitution", and the revolutionary policy of the socialist proletariat. A "bloc of all the Left parties" means submerging the "one tenth, the most energetic, lively and active people", in the mass of the apathetic, stolid and somnolent. It means subordinating those who are willing to fight (and are capable of carrying the masses with them at the decisive moment) to those who prefer to play the same despicable game of loyalty that the Cadets played in the First Duma, and, like the Cadet Lvov, prefer to haggle with Stolypin and basely go over to the latter. The reaction is attacking us, it has already withdrawn a good third of what was gained in October, and is threatening to withdraw the other two-thirds. But you pose as men of law and order and defend yourselves by appealing to philistine mentality: no attacks; no revolution; we are going into the Duma to legislate; we confine ourselves to defence ; we abide by the law! When will you understand that to keep on the defensive is in itself an admission of moral defeat? In fact, you are people who have suffered moral defeat. All you are fit for is to vote for the Cadets. "Compel the philistine to choose", we said. Yes, compel. No socialist party in the world could wrest the masses from the influence of the liberal or radical bourgeois parties, which base themselves on the mentality of the philistine, without giving them a jolt, without meeting with some resistance, without taking the risk involved in the first experiment to decide who is really defending liberty, we or the If there is an agreement with the Cadets, the philistine has no need to worry about this. The radical windbag politicians and Social-Democratic opportunists have already thought the matter out for him at their rendezvous with the Cadets. The philistine has shifted to the Left (not as a result of our efforts, not as a result of our Party propaganda, but as a result of Stolypin's zeal) -- that's enough for us. And since he has shifted to the Left, he will be for a "bloc of all the Lefts"! And it will be the whole mass of philistines, not merely the restive -- pardon -- active one-tenth of the people. We should adapt our meetings and our whole policy to suit the cowardly philistine -- that is what a bloc with the Cadets means in practice. But we said: We need not only leaflets and platforms, resolutions and speeches, but we must carry out our whole policy, and election campaign in such a way as to draw a sharp contrast between the cowardly philistine and the staunch fighter. And this can be done only by contrasting two different lists: the Cadet list and the Social-Democratic list. In the metropolis, whose newspapers circulate all over Russia, where the headquarters of all the political parties are located, which leads the country ideologically and politically, it is a thousand times more important to give an example, not of a policy of philistine equanimity, but of a policy worthy of the October fighters who wrested a little freedom from the authorities, a policy worthy of the proletariat. Our talk about the necessity of recognising the mistakes of the "peace-loving" Cadet Duma, and of taking a step forward, will remain idle talk unless we ourselves take a step forward in combating the philistine Oblomov idea of "a bloc of all the Left parties". Our calls to go forward will ring false and will fail to fire the hearts of the fighters among the people if we ourselves, the "guides", the "leaders", mark time in the capital in full view of all the peoples of Russia, arm in arm with these same Cadets, on the basis of an "amicable " distribution of seats, in friendly fashion, all together, all for the same cause, all for liberty. . . . What is the use of reviving old quarrels? What harm if the Menshevik Ivan Ivanovich did call the Cadet Ivan Nikiforovich a goose? "Not more than one-tenth of the voters go to meetings.' . . . Very well, Mr. Radical. We will take your word for it for once; we will concede this point to you, because -- because your argument is so clumsy. One-tenth of the voters makes 13,000 out of 130,000 for the whole of St. Petersburg. These 13,000, the most energetic, lively and active voters, are more to the Left than th Cadets. Let us ask ourselves: Can anyone of sound mind and judgement assert that the energetic people who attend meetings do not lead a certain number of the less energetic, stay-at-home voters? Everyone will realise that such an assertion would be wrong ; that in a city with a population of a million and a half there are thousands of agencies and channels, apart from newspapers and meetings, through which the mood of the advanced elements is communicated to the masses. Everyone will understand -- and all elections in all countries confirm it -- that every energetic voter who attends meetings is backed by not one but several stay-at-home voters. At the last elections, of the total of 150,000 voters in St. Petersburg, 60,000 went to the poll. Of these, about 40,000 voted for the Cadets, and about 20,000 in the whole of St. Petersburg voted for the Rights. We have heard from our Mr. Radical himself, who does not wish to be an "optimist" (Heaven forbid! our radicals want to be "steady respectable people" . . . like the German radicals of the eighteen forties). . . . We have heard from him that the Octobrists have become quiescent, and we know from facts of their utter defeat. Now we hear of 13,000 energetic voters who are more to the Left than the Cadets. Remember that this proportion varies considerably in the different districts. Remember the number of votes that are usually behind every voter who goes to meetings. It will be clear to you then that the danger of a Black Hundred vote in St. Petersburg, meaning the danger of the Rights being elected to the Duma as a result of a split in the Cadet and socialist vote, is a preposterous fable. For the Rights to be elected to the Duma in St. Petersburg, the votes in the majority of the districts would not merely have to be split, but split in such a way that both the Cadets and the socialists would each have fewer votes than the Black-Hundred list. That is an obvious absurdity. Therefore, we say plainly: if the Black-Hundred danger does not manifest itself in violations of the "constitution" (and it is the estimate of this prospect that is the crux of the difference between the tactics of the Cadets and that of the socialists), then a split in the Cadet and socialist vote cannot possibly result in a victory for the Rights in St. Petersburg. The cry about the danger of a Black-Hundred victory in the elections in St. Petersburg is a deception of the people spread by the Cadets, the "radicals' and the opportunists of every brand, and serves the interests of philistinism in politics. In practice, the fable about this Black-Hundred danger is in the interests of the Cadets, whom it helps to protect against the danger from the Left. It serves to dull the senses of the masses, for it does not require them, when they cast their vote, to distinguish between the "legislating" bourgeois Cadet and the socialist who is leading the people into battle. Therefore, when the general chorus of liberals, Trudoviks and opportunist Social-Democrats howl at us: You are isolated! -- we answer calmly: We are very glad to have isolated ourselves from a fraud. We are very glad to have isolated ourselves from a dirty business. For to come before a mass of 130,000 voters in St. Petersburg, after January 9, 1905, and after October 1905, in order to help to elect Kutler, Nabokov, Struve & Co. to the Duma is certainly a dirty business. We predict to the Trudoviks and to the opportunist Social-Democrats who are rejoicing in anticipation that the Cadets will get them and not the Bolsheviks into the Duma -- we predict that if the Second Duma is a Cadet Duma, the Trudoviks and opportunist Social-Democrats will be ashamed of having helped to elect the Cadets. They will now be directly responsible for it. And the Cadets in the Second Duma will move so far to the right (this is evident from their general behaviour and from all the political literature they have issued during the past year) that even the extreme opportunists will be obliged to expose them. In the First Duma, the Cadet Lvov went over to the Peaceful Renovators and justified the Black-Hundred dissolution of the Duma. In the Second Duma (unless history brings us a radical change that will wipe out all petty deals with the Cadets, and all the Cadets themselves), in the Second Duma the Cadets of the Lvov type will show their true colours not at the end, but at the beginning. Well then, gentlemen, take the seats in the Duma that the Cadets are offering you! We do not envy you. We shall undertake to warn the mass of the workers and of the petty bourgeoisie in the capital. We shall undertake to make them realise -- not only by speeches, but also by means of the elections themselves -- the gulf that divides the Cadets from the socialists. Every man to his trade -- though "there are hosts of people who would like to mix these two trades, we are not of their number." "And they," says the leading article in Rodnaya Zemlya, speaking of the Bolsheviks, "will now be even more isolated than ever; for those former boycottists, the Socialist-Revolutionaries, are now not only taking part in the elections, but are even in favour of a bloc with the Cadets." This is new and interesting. We have already observed, on a former occasion, that on this question of electoral agreements the Socialist-Revolutionaries are not behaving like a political party, but like an intellectualist clique, for we heard of no open political action of their organisations on this question. And now, assuming that the newspaper for which Mr. Tan writes is not telling a down right lie and is not repeating an unverified rumour, we shall draw this further conclusion -- namely: in the matter of electoral agreements the Socialist-Revolutionaries are guilty of political dishonesty, or, at any rate, are displaying vacillation that amounts to a political danger. Everyone knows that the Conference of the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic organisation rejected a bloc with the Cadets and offered to enter into an electoral agreement with the Trudoviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries against the Cadets. Our resolution was published in all the newspapers. Negotiations between the St. Petersburg Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party and the appropriate bodies of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Committee of the Trudovik Group have already taken place. Differences arose over our exclusion of the Popular Socialists and over the distribution of seats. If, nevertheless, the Socialist-Revolutionaries, who began negotiations with us after we had declared that we had definitely decided to give battle to the Cadets in St. Petersburg, have begun, or are continuing, negotiations with the Cadets for a bloc, then obviously, the Socialist-Revolutionaries are guilty of political dishonesty. We openly declare: We are going to fight the Cadets. Who is on our side? But the Socialist-Revolutionaries are negotiating both with us and with the Cadets! We repeat: We do not know whether the leading article in Rodnaya Zemlya told the truth or not. We cannot altogether ignore a direct statement made by an organ to which Mr. Tan, a member of the Organising Committee of the Popular Socialist Party, is a contributor. We have learned about the bloc between the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Popular Socialists from the press and from the communications made by the Socialist-Revolutionaries in their negotiations with us (although we are ignorant of the terms of this bloc and of its real nature; in this connection also something is going on behind the scenes). Our duty, therefore, is to raise this question publicly and openly, so that all may know of the behaviour of a certain political party. Hitherto, in this country, the alignment of parties has been determined only by their programmes and literature -- but these, after all, are only words. The First Duma provided an opportunity of judging some parties by their actions. Now we must make use of the elections, too, and we shall use them for fully enlightening the masses as to the real nature of the parties. That the Socialist-Revolutionaries are hiding something in their relations with the Popular Socialists is now a political fact. That the Socialist-Revolutionaries are now actually trailing in the wake of the opportunist party that has split off from them is also a fact. Hence, in regard to revolutionary independence and determination the Socialist-Revolutionaries are really much worse than they seem to be. And if they agree to enter into a bloc with the Cadets -- and to gain a seat not for themselves, but for the Popular Socialists -- we shall have excellent agitational material with which to explain to the workers of St. Petersburg the Marxist thesis of the utter instability and deceptive exterior of the petty-bourgeois (even if revolutionary) parties. We not only think that it is a matter of honour for a Social-Democrat to "isolate" himself from such parties, but we think it is the only well-calculated policy to pursue. But our calculation is made not from the point of view of seats in the Duma, but from the point of view of the working class movement as a whole, from the point of view of the fundamental interests of socialism. But let us return to Rodnaya Zemlya. The following passage shows how frivolous that newspaper can be. "Generally speaking, the decisions of the Bolshevik Conference appear to have been adopted hastily and rashly. After all in that respect are the Trudoviks better than the Popular Socialists?" This "after all" is a real gem. The author is such an ignoramus in politics that he does not even realise that he is walking about naked, like an Australian savage. And these are the educated politicians of the petty bourgeoisie! Well, there is nothing for it but to perform the "thankless task" of the publicist: to go over old ground and teach the ABC. The Trudoviks, i.e., the Committee of the Trudovik Group, which was approached by the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic Conference, and the Popular Socialists, originated from the Trudovik Group in the First Duma. This Trudovik Group had two wings: one opportunist, the other revolutionary. The difference between them was most clearly revealed in the two Land Bills introduced by the Trudovik Group: the Bill of the 104, and the Bill of the 33. Common to both Bills is that (1) they are in favour of transferring the land from the landlords to the peasants; (2) they are thoroughly permeated with the spirit of petty-bourgeois utopianism, the utopia of "equalising" small proprietors (in some respects, at least) in a society based on commodity production. The difference between these Bills is that the first is permeated with the small proprietor's fear of being too radical, of drawing too large a mass of poor people into the movement. This "spirit" of the Bill of the 104 was admirably expressed by one of its authors, one of the leaders of the Popular Socialists, Mr. Peshekhonov, in referring to the declaration of the "thrifty muzhiks" in the Duma: "We were sent here to get land, not to give it up." This means that in addition to the utopia of petty-bourgeois equalitarianism this wing of the Trudoviks clearly expresses the selfish interests of the more well-to-do section of the peasantry, who are afraid lest they might have to "give up" something (on the assumption that there will be general "equalisation", as socialism is conceived by the petty bourgeois). Take from the landlord, but give nothing to the proletarian, such is the motto of the party of the thrifty muzhiks. On the other hand, the Bill of the 33 proposes the immediate and complete abolition of private property in land. It also contains the "equalitarian" utopia, and to the same degree, but it does not express the fear of having to "give up". This is the utopia, not of the opportunist but of the revolutionary petty bourgeois; not of the thrifty muzhik, but of the ruined muzhik. It is not a dream of profiting from the landlord to the detriment of the proletarian, it is a dream of making everybody, including the proletarians, happy by equalisation. It expresses, not the fear of drawing the broadest and poorest masses into the movement, but the desire to draw them into the struggle (the desire is there, but the ability or understanding how to do so is lacking).[*] After the Duma this difference in the two trends among the Trudoviks led to the formation of two distinct political organisations: the Committee of the Trudovik Group, and the Popular Socialist Party. The former has earned an honour able place in the history of the Russian revolution by its July manifestoes. So far as public knowledge goes, it has not yet forfeited its good reputation, has never renounced its manifestoes or joined the chorus of moaners, grousers and renegades. The second organisation took advantage of the period of the dissolution of the Duma to legalise itself under the Stolypin regime, to "berate" the above-mentioned manifestoes in the legal press, where it was shielded from criticism from the Left, to advise the people "for the time being" not to come into conflict with certain institutions of the old regime, and so forth. The Conference of the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic organisation was, if anything, rather mild in its criticism of this party when it spoke of its "evasive position on the fundamental questions of the struggle outside the Duma". Thus, the political facts so far are that the petty-bourgeois or Trudovik parties have clearly split into the parties of the revolutionary petty bourgeoisie (the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Committee of the Trudovik Group) and a party of the opportunist petty bourgeoisie (the Popular Socialists). Since for Social-Democrats the election campaign is a means for politically educating the masses, here too, by distinguishing two Trudovik parties from a third, we have compelled the ordinary man in the street to ponder over the reasons for this distinction. And after thinking it out and realising what it is all about he will make an intelligent choice. In conclusion we must note that the naïve and ignorant leader-writer of Rodnaya Zemlya indulges also in amusing sophistries to support his case. It would not be amiss to analyse one of these sophistries, which is of a kind that just suits philistines: "The Bolsheviks are wrong even if there is no Black-Hundred danger. For, in that case, there is no need for a bloc with the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Trudoviks, and the Socialist-Democratic Party could with great benefit to the purity of its class content come out in the elections quite independently." See what clever fellows we are, thinks this radical -- we can even judge of the purity of class content! Yes, the modern newspaper hack "can" make judgements about anything, but he lacks knowledge and understanding. It is not true to say that the need to preserve the purity of a class position precludes all agreements. To think so is to reduce the ideas of Marxism to absurdity, to make a caricature of them. And it is equally untrue to say that there is no need for a bloc with the Socialist-Revolutionaries if there is no Black-Hundred danger. Complete independence of the Social-Democratic Labour Party in the election campaign is the general rule. But every live, mass party must allow certain exceptions, but only within reasonable and strictly defined limits. In the epoch of the bourgeois revolution all Social-Democrats sanctioned political agreements with the revolutionary bourgeoisie, when they worked together in the Soviets of Workers', Peasants', Soldiers', Railwaymen's, etc., Deputies, and when they signed the famous manifesto of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies (December 1905) or the July manifestoes (July 1906). The leader-writer of Rodnaya Zemlya is evidently ignorant of the most generally known facts about the parts played by the various parties in the Russian revolution. The revolutionary Social-Democrats reject unprincipled agreements, they reject harmful and unnecessary agreements, but they would never think of tying their hands altogether and under all circumstances. That would be childish. The platform of the 14 delegates at the All-Russian Social-Democratic Conference is documentary proof of that. To proceed. The "necessity" of an agreement with the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Trudoviks in St. Petersburg arises from the Cadet danger. Had the author of the leading article in Rodnaya Zemlya been familiar with the subject which he undertook to discuss, he would have known that even among the Social-Democrats who support agreements with the Cadets there are highly influential bodies (the Bund, for example) which recognise the need for a bloc with the revolutionary bourgeoisie in case of a Cadet danger, when there is no Black-Hundred danger. In St. Petersburg, it would be possible not only to conduct an election campaign in the spirit of revolutionary and socialist education of the masses (we Social-Democrats will achieve this in any case), but to defeat the Cadets, if the Menshevik Social-Democrats did not betray us, and if all the revolutionary Trudoviks followed all the socialists. And Since we are conducting an election campaign, we have no right to miss any opportunity of achieving victory, as long as there is no violation of the principles of socialist tactics. That the only important fight being waged in St. Petersburg is that between the Cadets and the Social-Democrats is proved by the election meetings (the same holds good for Moscow, and we may add that the results of all straw votes, such as that instituted by the newspaper Vek, or by the Shop Assistants' Union "Unity and Strength", have also confirmed this thesis). That an agreement with the Cadets means the ideological and political hegemony of the Cadets over their allies is borne out by the whole political press and by the whole character of the negotiations. The Cadets dictate the terms. The Cadets publicly lay down the significance of the agreements (recall their comments on the Mensheviks and the Pop- ular Socialists: "the moderate socialist parties", "the opposition bloc"). The Cadets are asked to agree to an equal distribution of seats as a maximum concession. It is equally beyond doubt that an agreement between the Social-Democrats and the revolutionary-democratic parties means the hegemony of the Social-Democrats over the petty bourgeoisie. The Social-Democratic press has given an open, clear and all-round exposition of all its views, whereas the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Committee of the Trudovik Group have made no independent statement whatever on the question of agreements. The keynote is set by the Social-Democrats. The modification of their socialist views, of their class standpoint, is quite out of the question. When it comes to distributing the seats no one will think of offering them the smaller share. Their campaign in the workers' curia is proceeding quite independently, and is proving their preponderance. Under such circumstances it would be simply absurd to be afraid to lead our revolutionary petty-bourgeois allies into battle against the Cadets. Under such circumstances we could even draw the Popular Socialists with us if the occasion required it. The principles of our Party would not suffer from this in the least: the political line would remain the same and the struggle against the leading party of the liberal-bourgeois conciliators would be waged with no less vigour. No sensible person would say that we were following the Popular Socialists (in conceding to them, together with the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Committee of the Trudovik Group, two seats out of six). On the contrary, it would be proof that the Social-Democrats were conducting a really independent campaign, and that we had deprived the Cadets of one of their appendages. Is it not obvious that if the semi-Cadets came on our list, their mobilisation against the Cadets would not merely not prejudice, but would, on the contrary, facilitate the task of fighting the latter? The Conference of the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic organisation acted rightly in declaring openly and publicly its hostility towards the Popular Socialists. It was our duty to warn the revolutionary Trudoviks against such a pseudo-Trudovik party. If the revolutionary Trudoviks are dependent on the Popular Socialist Party, which is formally an entirely independent party, let them say so publicly. It is most important for us to drag this fact into the light of day, to make them admit it, and to draw all the conclusions that follow from it in our agitation among the mass of the workers, among the whole people. Whether we get Trudoviks of a better or worse quality as our allies in the fight against the Cadets in St. Petersburg, is a question that we shall decide in a purely practical way. We have formulated our principles. In any case we shall go into the fight independently. We have openly disclaimed responsibility for the least reliable Trudoviks and placed this responsibility on others. Rira bien qui rira le dernier (he who laughs last laughs best). Our forecast has been proved correct. There will be three lists for the Duma elections in St. Petersburg: the Black-Hundred, the Cadet and the Social Democratic. Citizens, make your choice! OF A FOOL. . . ." * Of these and many other petty-bourgeois revolutionaries we might say what an anarchist poet said about us: "Together we'll destroy, but not construct." The Left Cadets on Tovarishch tried to ridicule the Bolsheviks when the latter declared, as early as November, that three main parties were contending against each other in St. Petersburg: the Black Hundreds, the Cadets, and the Social-Democrats. Notes on | The pamphlet "When You Hear the Judgement of a Fool. . . ." (From the Notes of a Social-Democratic Publicist) was printed in St. Petersburg in January 1907 by the Novaya Duma Publishers at the legal Bolshevik print-shop Dyelo. Soon after, the police confiscated almost every copy. In 1912 the tsarist government banned the pamphlet. In the article "A Russian at a Rendezvous", written on the basis of Turgenev's story, Asya, Chernyshevsky branded the ineffectiveness, and divorce between words and deeds, of the Russian intelligentsia. Lenin is referring to the attempt of the Left-Cadet newspaper Vek (Century ) to collect data on the sentiments of the electors. In its issue No. 5, January 9 (22), 1907, the newspaper published preliminary results of the voting by its readers: 765 persons voted for the Cadets and 407 for the Social-Democrats. The other parties received a negligible number of votes.
Drug demand rises over surge in ‘walking pneumonia,’ flu 270 patients hospitalized for mycoplasma pneumonia during 4th week of November: KCDC By Park Jun-heePublished : Dec. 6, 2023 - 15:00 South Korean drugmakers are in a rush to mass-produce antipyretics and antibiotics to keep pace with demand for medicines amid the rise in cases of mycoplasma pneumonia -- a bacterium that causes respiratory infections -- and flu viruses during the winter. To avoid a medicine shortage, Daewon Pharmaceutical has started boosting the production of fever medicines and antibiotics, according to reports on Wednesday citing pharmaceutical industry insiders. Hanmi Pharmaceutical, another leading drugmaker, is also preparing to produce more medicines such as fever reducers and sell them in large quantities to meet market demand. Industry insiders believe the spike in respiratory illnesses created a surge in demand, as over-the-counter remedies can help patients recover from infections faster if started early on. Mycoplasma pneumonia is a type of common bacterial infection that can spread through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is also called “walking pneumonia” for being relatively mild and not necessarily requiring hospitalization or bed rest. Currently it is classified at level four, the lowest in the country’s four-tier infection classification system. The pathogen can linger in the nose and throat without making a person ill, but can develop into pneumonia if it spreads to the lungs. Pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics without first testing to find the cause. Young children under the age of five can develop cold-like symptoms, such as vomiting, sore throat and sneezing. They are also more prone to severe cases that progress to pneumonia if their immune systems are weak or have never been exposed to the bacterium. Older kids and adults could report symptoms like headaches, fatigue or a worsening cough lasting for several weeks. In line with growing concerns over the uptick in the pneumonia outbreak and the seasonal illness, Ildong Pharmaceutical said it is also mulling whether to increase the production of medications and expand its availability for coughing and sneezing populations. Korea United Pharm. Inc., a local pharmaceuticals producer, said that the company’s antibiotic production has increased by some 20 percent since October. Its production of expectorants and antitussives, more commonly known as cough suppressants, rose by about 15 percent in the same period, driven by increased demand. Medication sales have been strong for some companies. Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s profit for fever reducer medicine for children stood at 423 million won ($322,000), a threefold increase from 152 million won in August, reflecting the spread of the illness during the fall-winter period. Meanwhile, a total of 270 patients were hospitalized for mycoplasma pneumonia infections during the fourth week of November, up 97 from the first week’s 173, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday. The patient illness rate for those who showed influenza-like symptoms was 45.8 per 1000 outpatients Nov. 19-25, the KCDC added. A wave of childhood pneumonia infections struck China in September, with the average number of child patients recorded between 1,600 and 1,800 in Beijing, the neighboring country’s capital city. The illness has recently been detected in Indonesia, France, the Netherlands and Denmark. Assembly clash looms over W4tr budget cut Can Korea break away from apartment fixation? Russian defense chief leaves NK after high-level talks
Following on from part 1 in which I introduced how variables can be used in map composers, I’d like to now explore how using variables can make it easier to manage your QGIS projects. As a quick refresher, variables are a new feature in QGIS 2.12 which allow you to create preset values for use anywhere you can use an expression in QGIS. Let’s imagine a typical map project. You load up QGIS, throw a bunch of layers on your map, and then get stuck into styling and labelling them ‘just right’. Over time the project gets more and more complex, with a stack of layers all styled using different rendering and labelling rules. You keep tweaking settings until you’re almost happy with the result, but eventually realise that you made the wrong choice of font for the labelling and now need to go through all your layers and labelling rules and update each in turn to the new typeface. Ouch. Variables to the rescue! As you may recall from part 1, you can reuse variables anywhere in QGIS where you can enter an expression. This includes using them for data defined overrides in symbology and labelling. So, lets imagine that way back at the beginning of our project we created a project level variable called @main_label_font: Now, we can re-use that variable in a data defined override for the label font setting. In fact, QGIS makes this even easier for you by showing a “variables” sub-menu allowing easy access to all the currently defined variables accessible to the layer: When we hit Apply all our labels will be updated to use the font face defined by the @main_label_font variable, so in this case ‘Courier New’: In a similar way we can bind all the other layer’s label fonts to the same variable, so @main_label_font will be reused by all the layers in the project. Then, when we later realise that Courier New was a horrible choice for labelling the map, it’s just a matter of opening up the Project Properties dialog and updating the value of the @main_label_font variable: And now when we hit Apply the font for all our labelled layers will be updated all at once: It’s not only a huge time saver, it also makes changes like this easier because you can try out different font faces by updating the variable and hitting apply and seeing the effect that the changes have all at once. Updating multiple layers manually tends to have the consequence that you forget what the map looked like before you started making the change, making direct comparisons harder. Of course, you could have multiple variables for other fonts used by your project too, eg @secondary_label_font and @highlighted_feature_font. Plus, this approach isn’t limited to just setting the label font. You could utilise project level variables for consolidating font sizes, symbol line thickness, marker rotation, in fact, ANYTHING that has one of those handy little data defined override buttons next to it: One last thing before I wrap up part 2 of this series. The same underlying changes which introduced variables to QGIS also allows us to begin introducing a whole stack of new, useful functions to the expression engine. One of these which also helps with project management is the new project_color function. Just like how we can use project level variables throughout a project, project_color lets you reuse a color throughout your project. First, you need to create a named colour in the Default Styles group under the Project Properties dialog: Then, you can set a data defined override for a symbol or label colour to the expression “project_color(‘red alert!’)“: When you go back and change the corresponding colour in the Project Properties dialog, every symbol bound to this colour will also be updated! So, there you have it. With a little bit of forward planning and by taking advantage of the power of expression variables in QGIS 2.12 you can help make your mapping projects much easier to manage and update! That’s all for now, but we’re still only just getting started with variables. Part 3, coming soon!.. (Update: Part 3 is available now)
We have a Samsung RS261MDBP refrigerator, which is a side-by-side, frost-free model, with the freezer on the left, and refrigerator on the right. One day, I noticed a puddle of water on the floor under the freezer. Since it was on the side with the water/ice dispenser, my first thought was that it might be the dispenser leaking. But then I opened the freezer door and noticed a frozen stream of water coming from inside the freezer. The freezer was still plenty cold, so I doubted it could be something melting. I took out the bottom drawer of the freezer, and then noticed a solid sheet of ice at the bottom of the freezer. I removed all the ice, and the problem went away for about a day, but then two days later, it was back, and so was the ice sheet. I never actually witnessed the water actively dripping. Okay, nothing to do but roll up my sleeves, move all the food out of the freezer into an ice chest, and figure out what fed that ice sheet. A bit of an aside as to how (I think) a frost-free freezer works. About once a day, a heater coil turns on for 5 minutes to melt off any frost that may have accumulated on the freezer coils. That water drips down into a pan under the refrigerator, where a fan evaporates it into the air. If that defrosting was happening at 3 am, it would explain why I never witnessed any actual dripping. PRO TIP: It might be tempting to not bother taking the back cover off as above, but doing so will really save time and aggravation. You can gently squeeze the tube to clear the ice clog, or if the thing is frozen solid, apply heat with a hair dryer. Pouring hot water from the other side and waiting for it to drain can take hours. Most likely, the drain had been clogged with ice, more than the defroster could melt in 5 minutes. I melted and cleaned out every bit of ice that I could see, and made sure that when I poured a half cup of water into the drain, it freely flowed into the evaporation pan under the fridge. Success. I put everything back together, and it’s been working fine for a month, now. But how did this situation come about in the first place? My theory is that the freezer door had been open for a LONG time in humid weather, as we were reorganizing the freezer. Possibly, that gave an excessive amount of frost a chance to accumulate, and block the defroster drain.
I’m leading a field trip to a beech-sugar maple forest this spring. We’ll look at the spring flowers and as we stroll around also talk about what mesophytic forests are like, why they are where they are, what the interactions among the organisms are, and other such natural history and ecology topics. The specific site where we’ll gather is the Mildred Harris Sanctuary north of Kalamazoo. It’s owned by the Michigan Audubon Society and has been stewarded for many years by the Audubon Society of Kalamazoo. The trip is sponsored by the Southwest Chapter of the Michigan Botanical Club as part of its 2012 project concentrating on natural features and conservation in Oshstemo Township (known to some as the Occupy Oshtemo movement. I’ve led a trip along these lines several springs in past years, to one or another of the remaining examples of mesophytic forest in southwest Michigan. But there’s a difference this year. Most such trips for spring ephemerals led by me or others have been held in mid or late April or even early May. This year the president, Tyler Bassett, of the Southwest Chapter of the Botanical Club and I had agreed on Saturday April 21 as the date. Then the second week of March arrived. The beginning of March had temperatures fairly close to the historical averages–30s as highs and 20s as lows. March 6 started a run in which day after day had highs at least in the 60s and often the 70s. March 19 to 22, had a run of highs in the 80s. The last freezing temperatures came far back in February. Looking at what was happening to the flora, Tyler and I decided to move the date of spring wild flower trip up by two weeks, to Saturday March 7. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, but seventeen days with temperatures between 60 and 85 in the middle of March may make it necessary for Michigan nature organizations to revise their field trip calendars. Here’s an idea, a sampling, of what’s been happening this spring: As mentioned in my last post, I heard wood frogs in Oshtemo Township 12 March and by the next night, they were joined by a few spring peepers. By the night of 15 March, both these species as well as chorus frogs were in full voice. On the 15th, the high temperature was 79 and the low 55, compared with historical averages of 45 and 27 degrees. As to the plants, on a visit 14 March to Newton Woods at Russ Forest, two friends and I found spring beauty up, a broad-leaved sedge with flowering stalks, and harbinger of spring close to full bloom. In Oshtemo Township, spice bush was in full bloom by 18 March, a golden haze over the edges of the kettles where the frogs had gathered. Bloodroot was in bloom 19 March. On 22 March, I visited a rich beech-maple forest in Pavilion Township. All of the following (in the order I came across them) were in bloom: Spring beauty, Dutchman’s breeches, Yellow violet, harbinger of spring (nearly done), blue violet, Carex plantaginifolia (nearly done), toothwort, purple spring cress, wood anemone, and skunk cabbage. Several other species were up and some had obvious flower buds. So we’ll gather this year April 7 at the Harris Sanctuary which is in the southwest corner of F Avenue and 8th Street. It’s about 3 miles north of the trail-head of the Kal-Haven Trail (which is on 9th Street). F Avenue is a gravel road–a Natural Beauty road, in fact. Attendees should park on the north side of the road. Be there by 10 AM. Harris is on the Kalamazoo moraine, so there will some mild hill climbing. We’ll finish about noon. Bring a sandwich and have lunch sitting on a log if you wish. The technically minded may notice that the Harris Sanctuary is not in Oshtemo Township. But it’s pretty close. Three-quarters of a mile north.
There was a sea of blue in St. Michael’s N.S. on Friday 16th April as we celebrated our first annual Autism Awareness Day on Friday 16th April. The children in each class took part in various lessons throughout the day to raise awareness about autism. They learned what autism is, how to communicate with someone with autism, and how we could make school life easier for someone with autism. We wore blue on the day in support of autism awareness. We also completed a whole-school collaborative art project which you can view below. The puzzle pattern reflects the complexity of the autism spectrum. It also shows that although we all have different personalities and abilities, we all fit together to create one amazing school community. The children engaged really well and learned a lot! Well done boys and girls!
In present-day fast-paced globe of monetary markets, the increase of automatic investing has been practically nothing short of innovative. With the introduction of Foreign exchange robots, traders have unlocked a strong tool that has the potential to transform their trading methods. These superior algorithms are made to evaluate industry knowledge, execute trades, and handle hazards with velocity and precision that are basically not possible for human beings to match. Forex robots provide a level of efficiency and precision that can boost buying and selling outcomes and open up up new prospects for both amateur and seasoned traders alike. The Evolution of Foreign exchange Robots In the early days of forex trading, human traders meticulously analyzed marketplace knowledge to make trading choices. This guide approach was time-consuming and susceptible to human error. As engineering superior, the idea of automated trading methods emerged, major to the growth of foreign exchange robots. Forex trading robots are computer software packages that use algorithms to execute trades on behalf of traders. These robots are developed to analyze market problems, discover rewarding possibilities, and place trades with higher speed and precision. The evolution of forex trading robots has revolutionized the way trading is performed in the forex trading market. With the rise of artificial intelligence and equipment studying, contemporary forex trading robots are turning into more and more sophisticated. They can adapt to shifting market conditions, understand from earlier trades, and improve their techniques for improved functionality. As the capabilities of fx robots carry on to evolve, traders are harnessing the power of automation to improve their investing encounter. Advantages of Utilizing Foreign exchange Robots Forex robots supply traders the benefit of executing trades with large speed and precision, taking benefit of industry possibilities that may be skipped by human traders. These automated programs can evaluate vast quantities of knowledge in a make a difference of seconds, identifying worthwhile trading opportunities and executing trades appropriately. Another advantage of employing fx robots is the elimination of psychological buying and selling choices. Thoughts like fear and greed can usually cloud a trader’s judgment, major to impulsive choices that could consequence in losses. Fx robots function dependent on predefined algorithms, totally free from psychological influences, ensuring disciplined and steady investing. Moreover, foreign exchange robots can run 24/seven without having the need to have for breaks, as opposed to human traders who require relaxation and sleep. forex robot enables for trades to be executed at any time, having benefit of world-wide marketplace movements and guaranteeing that no rewarding chances are missed. Difficulties and Dangers 1 significant challenge faced by forex trading robots is the possible for specialized glitches or problems in the buying and selling algorithms. These robots rely intensely on complex mathematical formulation and historic info to make buying and selling choices, and any deviation from expected results can direct to substantial losses. Another risk related with making use of fx robots is the absence of emotional intelligence and instinct that human traders possess. Whilst robots can analyze knowledge and execute trades at lightning pace, they may possibly wrestle to adapt to unexpected industry events or unexpected alterations in investing problems. Additionally, there is a problem about above-reliance on automation, as some traders may turn into complacent and fail to remain informed about market place tendencies and developments. This can end result in a disconnect amongst the trader and the buying and selling approach utilized by the robot, major to bad selection-generating and likely fiscal losses.
What Should You Do If An Old Dental Crown Falls Off? Dental crowns can last for a very long time, but like all things, they can suffer damage and eventually start to degrade as a result. If you have a dental crown that's been with you for as long as you can remember and it's fallen off, then you need to take action to protect your teeth. Here's what you should be doing right now. Make an Appointment ASAP First things first: make an appointment with a dentist to have your crown replaced with a new one. This is essential. There is no particular fix to repairing a dental crown at home, and anything that you do to put it back on will only be a temporary measure. In the meantime, the tooth that was covered by the crown is now exposed to all the bacteria and potential trauma of chewing in your mouth, which means that it's more likely to suffer additional damage. If the tooth is allowed to be uncapped for long enough, it could even need a root canal, so you need to get an appointment as soon as possible. Use Dental Adhesive In the meantime, you can take steps to put your damaged crown back on and protect your tooth with it. This is also essential to ensuring that your tooth doesn't experience additional damage. To do this, go to your local drugstore and head to the dental aisle. There you should be able to find a temporary dental adhesive that's designed for mounting crowns back on. Follow the directions on the product and use firm pressure to press the crown back over the tooth. This should help to keep the crown in place, but keep in mind that it's a temporary fix and that the crown may still pop off again before you get to the dentist's office. Be careful not to choke on it or accidentally swallow it if it does come off. When you head to the dentist's office, they'll get started right away to protect your tooth. They'll remove the crown if you've temporarily mounted it again and will examine the tooth. If the tooth has been damaged or the filling within it has been damaged, your dentist will take steps to repair the damage and to ensure that your tooth stays healthy. This may involve removing the old filling and placing a new one, or putting filling in new areas that have been freshly damaged since the crown fell off. From there, they'll put a temporary crown over your tooth. A new, permanent one will be ordered that will fit your tooth more appropriately and will match the color and shape of your tooth so that no one notices that you have a crown. It should be ready within days, so you'll head back to the dentist to repeat this process when it is. Contact someone like Gregory S Rutherford, DDS to schedule a consultation.
[This post is the result of the Asexuality Questionnaire project. The quotations used within are gathered from anonymous responses to questions asked as part of that project.] Coming out is an important part of the asexual experience. Most asexuals consider coming out at some point. Often, they’ll confide in a close friends, other times, they’ll dive in with a running leap and announce their orientation to the entire world. Some decide to remain in the closet until another time. Many people are only out to a few of their friends or only part of their family. The phrase “I’m out to the people who matter” came up repeatedly in the responses. It seems to be uncommon for an asexual to be out to everyone they know. The two most common reasons for not coming out to a particular person are fear of how they’ll react and not considering it important that they know. Quite a few people just viewed their asexuality as a component of who they are, and held a “Yeah? So what?” view of it, that is, they don’t hide it, but they don’t feel a need to broadcast it to the world, and they’ll talk about it if it ever comes up. When it comes to family, more people said that they were out to a sibling than to a parent, and more were out to parents than grandparents. Sometimes they would be out to only one parent, but not want to tell the other. Often, different members of the family would react differently. A brother might be wholly accepting, while the mother could be dismissive. Awkwardness discussing sexual matters (or lack thereof) with family and fear of rejection were some of the primary reasons for not coming out to family. Most people who came out reported at least one positive experience. Positive or neutral experiences seemed to outnumber negative experiences. In fact, many of the people who responded did not report any reactions that they classified as negative. Quite a few people stressed that coming out was a personal decision to make. No one should feel as though they have to come out. In the end, it’s nobody’s business but your own, so if you don’t want to tell anyone else, that’s perfectly fine. Many reactions are positive. “The first time I came out, it was to a bunch of my long-time online friends, and I had a very positive response. After that, it was my parents, who were mostly okay with it, and then my more liberal friends, and now it’s pretty much any time it comes up. Most of the responses have been indifferent or positive.” “They were both incredibly accepting and awesome.” “Yes, my parents especially were accepting of me. They had never put any pressure on me before, so their reaction was mostly, “So that’s why. That’s cool.” ” “People have repeatedly supported me by reiterating the fact that I am who I am and it’s okay.” “Most people accepted the information like they’d have accepted information about my favourite food: mostly they just said something like ‘Ah, okay’ or just continued the conversation like it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.” “I got high-fived once! That was pretty great.” “I’ve been lucky. Everyone has been really great about it, once they knew what it was.” “Almost everyone single person I have told has been very supportive and respectful, and the ones who weren’t didn’t care enough to stop talking to me.” Some are not. “My mother was furious. I explained what asexuality was, but she was adamant it didn’t exist. “There’s only heterosexuality and homosexuality!” she shouted. I didn’t make matters better when I confessed to being bi-romantic. After threatening to hit me, she stormed out of my room. (I should not that she did not hit me, only threatened to.) Later when my dad came upstairs to wish me goodnight I came out to him too. He didn’t care so much about the bi-romantic part. But when I told him I was asexual- I’ve never seen him look so disappointed. He wasn’t angry, just sad almost. Like I’d failed him. He told me that I was still young, and not to make such a big decision just yet. Both my parents act like that night never happened.” “Denial was sharp and one of the worst pains.” “I have only come out to my husband, who immediately regarded it as a failure of his sexual skills.” “My one friend made bacteria jokes and told me I was broken.” “I’ve been prayed over. I’ve had a therapist fixate on my asexuality to the point of ignoring everything else, claiming to accept me but going on about it in session after session. I’ve lost someone who was, at that time, my best friend; he just drifted away from me, and that was the start. I’ve been told, repeatedly, that I was broken, damaged, ugly. My mom once, after accepting me for a long time, suggested that I should get my hormones checked. I’ve had doctors treat it as a symptom, or with suspicion. I have one friend who, no matter how many times I tell, never seems to absorb the information.” “My cousin said some very hurtful things to me and I was very depressed, even suicidal for a while. I had to cut him out of my life. If people can’t accept you for who you are, then they don’t deserve your time of day.” “I lost one friend when I discovered he harasses asexuals on Tumblr for “appropriating queerness.” We were friends before I realised I was asexual and he realised there was such a thing. We both discovered the community separately, and apparently both had very different reactions to it.” “First boyfriend tried to fix me with his magical penis. I’m not sure how much worse than that you can get.” Several people “tested the waters” beforehand, talking about asexuality with people before coming out to them. “I have not come out to my parents. I’ve told them both *about* asexuality and their reactions were not promising. I think my dad would make a lot of well-meaning but annoying conjectures about where it came from, and my mom would flip out and tell me I had an illness and if I didn’t get treated I would be “missing a crucial part of life”.” Some people are out because they didn’t feel right concealing it. “I came out because I didn’t want to keep such an important secret from my friends, especially when it’s directly relevant to my identity and relationships.” “I do like telling people the truth and not having their expectations shattered after a long time of knowing me.” “I came out to my brother first because he is my best friend and not telling him was eating away at me. I felt like a liar every time I looked him in the eye.” “I came out because it was something I wanted out in the open and I wanted to have friends I could talk to about it.” “I came out to a small group of people (a mix of close family and friends) because I didn’t want to keep a part of myself I considered important completely to myself, and I think it’s important to be honest with those closest to you.” “I told other people because I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer. I felt like the longer I kept it a secret, the more ashamed of it I would become, and I didn’t want to be ashamed of my sexuality.” Some people are out because they’ve just discovered something about themselves and want to share it. “When I found out that Asexuality was a thing, I first read everything on AVEN, then raced downstairs to my mom and showed her the site, all ‘mom, mom, I found my people! :D’” “I’ve come out to a few friends, though not all of them. I did it because I was discovering this new thing in my life and I wanted to share it with someone.” “I came out because I was excited to find out something new about myself that I’d never realized before, and I wanted to share it with everyone.” “I was out within hours of discovering asexuality, simply because the closet is not a happy place.” Others don’t tell people because they don’t feel other people need to know. “If someone asks, I tell them. Otherwise I see no reason to tell them (unless they wish to engage in a sexual relationship with me).” “I only come out if it is necessary and would not voluntarily do so to anyone I didn’t know well, as I don’t see how my orientation is most people’s business.” “Also, it doesn’t really seem necessary for me to bring it up with most people. It wouldn’t really change anything, so why bother?” “My asexuality is not something I make a big deal out of, and I don’t really feel the need to tell people unless they specifically ask whether I’m ace.” Quite a few people remarked that others had already guessed that they were asexual. “The best reactions came from my friends and ranged from “That explains a lot” to “I knew there was something different about you. Nice to know there’s a word for it.” ” “The times that I’ve talked about it, it was to explain why I’ve been single all my life and plan to remain that way for the foreseeable future. That is, to explain what they’ve already noticed about me and found out of the ordinary.” “One is my best friend, who is also asexual. That was easy… since she already suspected I was.” “And my mom’s like “I guessed.”” “Almost all the conversations I’ve had about my asexuality with friends have been supportive. Notably, last year some article online spurred me to tell my housemates, “I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it, but I am asexual.” They replied, “Yes, we figured.” That was lovely and reassuring.” “When I came out to one of my best friends, her initial reaction was “Wait, is this something you just figured out?” Apparently she’s known since 8th grade and I figured it out summer before sophomore year of college. We spent several minutes then with her just saying “How did you not know?!” and me replying “How was I supposed to know?”” “People were probably pegging me as asexual before I even knew the term, or even if they didn’t have a term for it themselves.” “My best friend simply said “I’m not surprised” and accepted me wholeheartedly.” Sometimes the person they’re coming out to is asexual as well. “I told my best friend about it, but that was easy because he is asexual too!” “As it turns out, she is also asexual, and she came out to me at the same time I came out to her.” “One of my friends that I came out to actually told me that she is asexual too and now we both have someone that understands us and we can be completely open with.” “The second person I ever came out to was my partner, and I was so upset by the thought of him dumping me and hating me just because I didn’t want into his pants that I started crying all over his shirt, which is hilarious in hindsight, especially since 15 seconds later he came out as asexual to me (serendipity!).” And sometimes the other person knows someone who might be asexual. “During the talk with both my parents we discussed a number of older relatives on both sides of the family who never married. My dad’s brother has never married and in all the time I’ve known him (going on 40 years) I’ve never seen him to have any romantic or sexual relationships. I don’t know if he is asexual or not, it’s not the kind of thing he would ever talk about. But my parents could understand me in the context of other people they knew who were similar.” Some people expressed fears or doubts about coming out. “I don’t know if I will ever tell my family as I’m pretty sure they won’t understand and will only hurt me by trying to be understanding.” “I haven’t really thought about why I’m not out to most people, for the most part I think it’s none of their business, but there might be a slight fear in that as well, fear of not being accepted or that they don’t believe me or think I’m a freak.” “I worry about what some people think, as I know they will tell me that it’s just a phase I’m going through.” “I get more disbelief and confusion. I worry about being seen as attention seeking, especially with my own regular confusion about my own sexuality.” “I’m not out to family yet though. I just don’t know how they will react, and I want to wait untill I have somewhere else I can go if they react poorly.” Sometimes people are skeptical. “One friend tried to convince me that I was simply straight and haven’t found the right guy.” “Most people disbelived me and even asked numerous questions to try and find the reason behing my unwillingness to fuck. A lot of them sugested therapy and treated me as a labrat that is now open to scrutiny and can be used to prove or refute their own personal theories.” “He preached to me for a good five minutes about how I couldn’t be sure I was asexual because I hadn’t had sex. And, he explained, he hadn’t enjoyed sex the first time either, so if I didn’t then I should try it again just in case. He’s flat out told me that I will have sex eventually, and that I was never a teenager because being a teenager is defined by having sex.” “When I first came out to my mother, she dismissed it as me choosing to be celibate for we are Catholic.” “My parents didn’t really understand what I was saying at all, and probably still don’t. My dad still thinks I’m gay but repressed, whereas my mum still wants grandchildren that I have no intention of giving.” “I have come out to two people: my mom and my therapist. Both times were less than ideal. They didn’t really get it/ don’t seem to fully believe it. I haven’t come out to others because I am afraid they will not believe me.” “One of my friends told me that I can’t be asexual because all adults want to have sex and I was just being immature and trying to sound like a special snow flake. I also tried to tell my parents but they told me I was too young to know what I am.” Being out makes a difference in how other people feel about asexuality. “But the more time passes and the more quietly and resolutely I stick to what I have said all along, the more acceptance I gain. My family are usually the first to fall in line.” “The second person I told said that if I had just told him *about* asexuality without saying *I* was asexual, he would have been skeptical about its existence.” “She insisted at first that I was just making stuff up to avoid social contact, but she’s come around since then and is now a great ally.” “I got a lot of the “we’re worried you’ll be lonely” and “maybe you should try it” stuff from my parents, but once I’d explained that it was an orientation, they completely took me seriously and accepted me.” “My parents’ response also wasn’t too bad, but it was still a long, five year process to get them to the point where we’re all really comfortable with their knowledge level. Now they’re proud, running around their rural community educating people on asexuality and all sorts of stuff.” One person cited the “Just One Person” theory, where it only takes one out and visible person to make a difference in someone’s life. “But more important than that, I want young aces to know they’re not alone. I felt so isolated through much of my adolescence, and I think that if I had known of one other ace, I wouldn’t have felt as confused and alone as I did. So I want to be that one other ace for young people.” Occasionally, coming out can be very cathartic. “It was extremely liberating. I felt ecstatic for days.” “All around it was a really great experience. I cried from happiness because it felt like a weight had lifted off my chest.” One person says they came out because their friends were playing matchmaker. “I came out to my friends because they kept trying to set me up on dates with people and it was getting annoying.” Sometimes aces come out non-chalantly. “I have come out to a few people I only know online. But not in any grand statement, just a passing comment that fit the topic.” “It has always been incidental to a conversation, rather than something I set out to do.” “I’m out to my mother and all my close friends. Some various people from my high school knew, and so do some various people at Uni. I never had a huge “coming out” so to speak.” Others will write a letter. “I sent her an email with a link to AVEN and she overall took it really well.” “I did it through letters, so I didn’t have to say anything.” Or a text message. “On the day I had decided was my coming out day I texted my mother from the light rail station with, “So I’m a homoromatic asexual. I’ll still prolly identify as a lesbian in most situations however, because my sex life is not that many people’s business.” She responded with, “Okay. You know I love and support you. :)” ” Sometimes they’ll use various forms of social media to broadcast it. “Yes, I’ve come out individually and en-masse via youtube.” “I came out on my Tumblr blog first, because I have very good and open-minded friends there. I then came out on Facebook to all of my friends and family and got mostly positive responses.” “I made a limited visibility post about it on Facebook. The response was underwhelming, but at least there was nothing negative. I got one supportive comment from my mom and one like from a friend.” “I made a post about asexuality, in which I mentioned at the end that I was aro/ace, and I linked to it on Facebook, and so it’s entirely possible that many people I haven’t come out to know. That was kind of scary, and I’m not sure I would have done it again, but there were a lot of useless news stories about asexuality coming out, and one of my college friends came out to our group as aromantic and clearly had only just heard of it, and I wanted to do my part to increase awareness.” And a couple of people were drunk when it happened. “I told some others when we were discussing relationships, boys, who was attractive at the party, etc. while drunk.” “I came out once – to three of my closest friends. We were at a party and VERY drunk. My three friends were talking about sex, my drunk mind decided now was a good time to tell them that I was asexual, so I did. They slurred “we love ya”, hugged me and continued talking about sex.” One person came out in two languages while having ice cream in a foreign country. “I think my ultimate positive coming out experience was when I was in Japan, and I went to lunch with an American friend, a couple of Dutch friends, and their Japanese friends (who spoke limited English), and, due to a series of slightly hilarious circumstances involving Sherlock, I wound up outing myself first in English and then in Japanese (because the Japanese girls wanted to know why the conversation on our end of the table had suddenly gotten so intense). Not only was it an incredibly validating experience for me in terms of language proficiency (I think that once you are able to explain human sexuality in a foreign language, you are probably getting close to fluency), everyone was very supportive and took it well. And that was how I wound up explaining human sexuality in two languages over parfaits.” And finally, one person even used my book to come out. (Available on Amazon and Kindle!) “My parents know. I sent them an email with a link to your book one night. The next morning, when I woke up, my mom took me out to breakfast and talked about it with me. Both of my parents were very supportive.” (Also take a look at the companion post about advice for coming out.)
Be the first pioneers to continue the Astronomy Discussions at our new Astronomy meeting place... The Space and Astronomy Agora | RE: How Do I Polar Align A Meade LX-50? Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by [email protected] on October 27, 2000 23:56:44 UTC | I have an LX50 and rough polar alignment for visual use is quite simple. First level the tripod, this is crucial and must be done every time you observe. Attach the wedge to the tripod and roughly set the latitude of the wedge with that of your observing site using the scale on the side of the wedge. Make sure you retighten all bolts on the wedge after making this adjustment. Next place the tube & fork assembly on the tripod and tighten the three connecting bolts. Now aim the scope at Polaris and center it in the eyepiece. I usually use a low power eyepiece at first and then after I have it centered switch to a high power eyepiece for better accuracy. SLIGHTLY loosen the center nut which holds the wedge to the tripod and loosen the two Altzimuth adjusting screws on the front of the wedge. Now you should be able to move the wedge slightly side to side for centering Polaris. You can adjust the DEC as needed with either the DEC adjusting knob or controller. Once Polaris is centered, tighten the center nut on the wedge and the two Altzimuth adjusting screws to lock the wedge in place being sure to keep polaris centered in the eyepiece while doing so. Now the scope is roughly polar aligned. and should track accurately for visual observing purposes. Additional Information | Unless otherwise specified, web site content Copyright 1994-2024 John Huggins All Rights Reserved Forum posts are Copyright their authors as specified in the heading above the post. "dbHTML," "AstroGuide," "ASTRONOMY.NET" & "VA.NET" are trademarks of John Huggins |
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Martingale is a betting system that originated long before Las Vegas and gambling is a twinkle in the eyes of Bugsy Siegel. In fact, this strategy originated in 18th century France. Rumored to be the brainchild of ruthless casino owner John Martindale. Judi Online , As you may have guessed, the Martingale system name is a play on the family name Mr. Martindale. It is important to note that Mr. Martindale does not use the system itself, but strongly recommends its use among its gambling customers. He would regularly suggest to his players that other gamblers had consistently won large amounts of money using the system. Sadly, since most successful gambling systems fly in the face of conventional logic, they will agree with this idea. Today, I’m going to share the joys and sorrows of the Martingale and in what specific situations it can work and why. I will also define and evaluate the Anti-Martingale variation of the system. The Martingale system is one of the most popular betting strategies employed by recreational players around the world. This is because it has a straight forward and seemingly rational approach. Players believe the easier the philosophy the better and of course it is. Players do not have to commit to memory complex equations or quickly calculate the bet amount in their head. This system can be easily implemented in online casinos as well as in traditional brick and mortar establishments. Over the years there have been dozens of variations on the Martingale system. All of these variations orbit around the main idea of increasing or decreasing the stake after losing. In most cases this system is applied to games of odds that are close to winning 50/50 on a losing outcome. Like black and red Roulette bets or passes and don’t cross the line at the craps table. A less common but without question, to which the Martingale system can apply, is Baccarat. The traditional Martingale system only doubles the next bet after a loss has occurred. When victory is achieved, a new cycle begins. The strength of the system is that the player wins the highest bet of the cycle. Consider the following hypothesis: If a player starts with a $ 1 bet and, loses that bet. Their next bet is $ 2 dollars, and if the player loses that bet, their next bet is $ 4. If the bet is won, the cycle will restart and the player starts betting with $ 1 again. Advantages of Using the Martingale System in Gambling This approach guarantees that the player will win the biggest bet of each betting cycle. At first glance and into the mathematical challenge, the Martingale system appears to be a superior approach to coin-flip games. Novice players saw this as essentially having a license to print money. Like the perception of a parking lot near the door in a shopping mall on Black Friday, Martingale, too, is an illusion. This system opens players up to impossible but very high risk approaches and to very minimal prizes. The Martingale system plays on the statistical probability of odds and lures players to a false sense of security. Provides an illusion where the approach shows that the player has very high odds. To win some small amounts and have a very low chance of losing large amounts of money. Because players often win small amounts, players fall into the wrong perception. That winning more often means winning more total dollars. This, I can assure you, is not the case. Finally, since most of the games applied to the Martingale system are subject to the laws of trial mathematics. Which inherently states that each event is independent of the last. There is no way for players to feel safe in their play without additional hedging. I’ll be back there soon. Next, I would like to address some of the major drawbacks with the Martingale system. A popular variation of the Martingale system is the Anti-Martingale system. The premise here is to half the stake after each bet and double the stake after each win. This variation is betting on the streak but again in the long run, players will see a steady decline in their bankroll. Like the traditional Martingale system, the independent trial law causes this to fail. Players will sooner or later reach a streak where losing will eliminate all wins. There are ways to hedge your bets when using the Martingale betting system which gives players positive expectations. But they can only be used for a very short time and have no long term possibilities. The way players do this is by using promotional chips. These are the chips offered to players by the casino which can be wagered but have no cash value. So if the player wins they get the money but if they lose the bet it doesn’t cost you anything. This is basically a free bet. This shifts the percentage because there is no negative edge on the bet. It’s really playing with “house money.” The Martingale is not a system that leads to positive expectations for players, and should not be treated as such. Even considering using a method to generate money hedging methods such as promotional chips should be used. The Martingale Betting System can only be successful when its main principles are upheld. You really have to keep doubling your bet until you win. If this pattern is broken at any point or limited by external factors, it falls into theory and practice. Hence, if you are looking for bigger blackjack or roulette profits then you should look beyond this strategy. Although there are some benefits to it when used in small doses. Relying on it as a complete betting system would be an expensive mistake. One that will eventually force you to break any bankroll management rules. Which you may have set yourself.
Now choose toys your child is very complicated and difficult. The variety of toy products and the Sea "waiting" children and their parents on the shelves. Most often children's toys to choose and buy spontaneously, due to the current circumstances or appearance. Developmental potential of the same toys, its 'usefulness' is often ignored. But in vain. Choosing one or another toy, you just imagine that your child will do with it. It is clear that children with toys play. But what this game can be given for development of the kid? And if the choice is between just a beautiful toy, the fear Prefer still last. Smart choice toys – a clever child! It is important to take into account the age of the crumbs with buying another toy. Only if the toy "just right" crumbs over the years, he will get pleasure from the game and appreciate the true gift. Thus, the main criteria for toys: 1. Simplicity and understandability. It is not always better when Each toy is connected to the mass of different properties and functions. Increasingly universal in this issue only confuses the kid confused, and he lost: what should I do? Useful it will acquire different toys, each of which has its clear purpose. 2.Stimuly for development. Toy necessarily happy baby, be it in fun, meet their needs. It is this toy will stimulate children's meaningful curiosity and foster, prompting crumb disassemble and assemble, rearrange the different parts and roll, feel, and extract new sounds. Also, toys should be as open to change and transformations. These versatile and popular at all times toys as balls, cubes, pads, dolls, due to its simplicity, extremely plastic, allow infinite complexity, thousands of new combinations and can not bore a child. 3. Inducement to self-sufficiency. Better if the kid can play on their own, without all the time to help mom or dad. The toy can be considered as a special subject, allowing crumbs to feel confidence in their abilities. It should be a support for the independent actions of the child, should help to enhance their own competence and independence. Game object is selected correctly if it contains a clear child guidance for its independent activity. 4. Appeal. Toys should be possible to cause pleasant emotions, good feelings. Beautiful toy everything else form the artistic taste of kids. Protect children from provoking evil and aggression toys.
Strengthening Youth and Community Through a Culture of Mentoring Since 2009 The Mission of the Twinfield Together Mentoring Program is to Create and Support Meaningful Mentoring Relationships and Connections so that Youth in our Community are Engaged and Thriving Children in third through ninth grade are matched with an adult friend and role model, to engage in healthy activities they both enjoy. Matches meet in the community at least twice a month, in the after school hours. Community Based Mentoring Program Details Community Mentor Application High school mentors meet with their mentee once a week doing things they both enjoy. This weekly commitment gives both students something to look forward to each week. There are also unique opportunities for high schoolers to make a difference in their community through leadership projects. Peer Mentoring Program Details Peer Mentor Application Peer Leadership Projects | Adult mentors come to school once a week to meet their mentee doing things they both enjoy. They build their friendship playing games, reading books, taking walks, and making art together. School Based Mentor Application Community Commitments and Clubs allow 6th, 7th & 8th graders an opportunity to do a weekly service project, and also connect with peers and adults doing what they love, and trying new things. Clubs and Commitments Program Details Click here to Become a Club Mentor |
Septic tank service is a critical element of home upkeep that typically gets overlooked. Lots of house owners realize that they have a septic tank, but few understand the importance of routine care and maintenance. A well-kept septic system can use years of reliable waste monitoring, while disregard can cause expensive fixings and ecological hazards. In this post, we will certainly explore the value of normal septic tank solution, what it requires, and how home owners can guarantee their systems continue to be in optimal functioning condition. The key function of a sewage-disposal tank is to deal with and keep wastewater from your home. It operates by dividing solids from fluids and permitting the effluent to be dispersed into the drainpipe field for further treatment. Routine septic tank solution normally entails draining accumulated solids, examining the storage tank for any type of indicators of wear or damage, and inspecting the total capability of the system. Generally, it is recommended to have your sewage-disposal tank pumped every 3 to 5 years, yet the regularity may vary relying on family size, water use, and tank size. One of the major advantages of routine sewage-disposal tank solution is the avoidance of back-up and system failing. If solids accumulate and are not eliminated, they can overflow right into the drainpipe area, causing clogs, negative smells, or even sewage backup right into the home. This situation not just positions a health danger however can also cause extensive fixing costs. Normal assessments can help catch tiny troubles prior to they escalate, preserving the honesty of your septic tank and extending its life-span. Along with professional solution, there are several steps homeowners can take to maintain their septic tanks. First, bear in mind what drops the drains; prevent flushing non-biodegradable things and try to reduce making use of extreme chemicals that can disrupt the equilibrium of germs essential for appropriate waste breakdown. Furthermore, routine water usage surveillance can avoid overloads that can stress the system. Lastly, having a clear understanding of your septic tank format can assist prevent unintended damages to components such as the drain area and container. Finally, proactive septic tank solution is essential for maintaining a healthy home atmosphere and ensuring the long life of your septic system. House owners ought to focus on normal upkeep schedules, recognize the correct usage of their systems, and remain alert for any indicators of problem. By spending time and resources in sewage-disposal tank solution, you can guard your home from costly repairs and maintain your wastewater system working efficiently for several years to find.
A Qualitative Assessment of a Training and Communication Intervention on Antibiotic Prescription Practices Among Health Workers and Outpatients at Public Health Facilities in Uganda. Kaawa-Mafigiri D., Ekusai-Sebatta D., Rutebemberwa E., Sserwanga A., Kitutu FE., Kapisi J., Hopkins H., Salami O., Nkeramahame J., Olliaro P., Horgan P. BACKGROUND: Antibiotic prescribing practices are 1 of the contributing causes of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The study explored the key drivers and barriers to adherence to prescribing instructions among healthcare workers and outpatient attendees with the aim of developing a training and communication intervention to improve adherence to prescription. METHODS: Prior to randomized trials at 3 health centers in Uganda (Aduku, Kihihi, and Nagongera), a pre-intervention qualitative assessment was conducted to explore behavioral drivers for adherence to prescriptions and the communication of adherence messages. Based on the findings, a training and communication package was developed for healthcare workers and patients at Day 0 of the trial. During the trial's Day 7 patient follow-up, in-depth interviews were conducted to further investigate adherence behaviors. RESULTS: Five main themes were identified that acted as drivers or barriers to prescription adherence. Key drivers included: drug availability at health facility, health worker knowledge, and communication to patients. Barriers included: care-seeker use of treatment resorts and an inability by care-seeker to buy drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The T&C appeared to influence both health workers' and patients' behavior and improve adherence to prescription.The adapted T&C should be considered a toolkit to improve antibiotic use across health facilities accompanied with appropriate guidelines to mitigate AMR.