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(data.isAutostartSuccessful === true || data.is_autoplay_allowed === true);\n },\n getVideoMetadata: function(data) {\n if (!this.isEmpty(data.video)) {\n return data.video;\n } else {\n return data;\n }\n },\n sendImagePixel: function(url) {\n var image = new Image();\n image.src = url;\n image.style.display = \"none\";\n image.width = 1;\n image.height = 1;\n },\n loadScript: function(src, callback) {\n var e = document.createElement('script');\n e.type = 'text/javascript';\n e.async = true;\n e.src = src;\n if (callback) {\n e.addEventListener('load', callback);\n }\n var n = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];\n n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n);\n },\n getCookie: function(name, flag) {\n var r = _satellite.cookie.get(name)|| \"\";\n if (flag === 'c' || flag === 1) {\n _satellite.cookie.set(name, \"-\", -1000);\n }\n return unescape(r);\n },\n removeCookie: function(name) {\n // if cookie is not removed on first attempt, try again with a different method\n _satellite.cookie.remove(name);\n if (_satellite.cookie.get(name)) {\n document.cookie = name + \"=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.cnn.com;\";\n }\n },\n getCNNEvent: function() {\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNBrandingPartner();\n var tt = \"\"; var cctype = \"\";\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n var pathNameArray = pathName.split(\"/\");\n if(typeof window.CNN !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture.template_type !== 'undefined'){\n tt = window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n }\n if( typeof window.CNN !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture.cap_content_type !== 'undefined'){\n cctype = window.CNN.omniture.cap_content_type;\n }\n var events = \"\";\n if(rval == \"\" || rval == \"nvs\" || rval == \"no value set\" || rval == \"no-value-set\"){\n events = \"event26\"; \n } else {\n events = \"event21,event26\";\n }\n if(tt == \"article\" || cctype == \"article\"){\n events = events + \",event39\";\n }\n if (tt !== \"error\" && pathNameArray[1] == \"video-day\") {\n events = events + \",event63\";\n }\n if (tt !== \"error\" && pathName.indexOf(\"/account/register\") > -1) {\n events = events + \",event51\";\n }\n return events;\n },\n getCNNBusinessName: function() {\n return \"cnn\";\n },\n getCNNCampaign: function(){\n if (wminst.Util.isFBIAPage()) {\n return \"fbia\";\n }\n return;\n },\n getCNNDomainName: function() {\n var hostname = window.location.hostname.toLowerCase();\n hostname = hostname.replace(\"www.\",\"\");\n return hostname;\n },\n getCNNPageURL: function() { //s.pageURL or g variable\n var rval = window.location.href.toLowerCase(), loc = \"\";\n if (wminst.Util.isFBIAPage()) {\n loc = rval;\n rval = \"\";\n if (loc.indexOf(\"ofs=fbia\") > -1) {\n loc = loc.replace(\"ofs=fbia\", \"csr=fbiacnn\"); //suppressing string which is not expected as per new requirement\n }\n var jj = (loc.indexOf(\"?\") != -1 ? \"&\" : \"?\");\n if (loc.indexOf(\"csr=fbiacnn\") > -1) {\n rval = loc + \"\";\n } else {\n rval = loc + jj + \"csr=fbiacnn\"; // added expected substring\n }\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageType: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n var title = document.title.toLowerCase();\n if (title.indexOf(\"page not found\") !== -1 || wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType().includes(\"error\") || title == \"error\") {\n rval = \"errorPage\";\n }\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNAuthor: function() { //prop2,eVar2 - business.cnn.page.author\n var rval = \"\";\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n try {\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.cap_author;\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_author.toString();\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n try {\n rval = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.author;\n } catch (e) {}\n if (!rval) {\n if (document.getElementsByName(\"AUTHOR\").item(0)) {\n rval = document.getElementsByName(\"AUTHOR\").item(0).content;\n } else if (document.getElementsByName(\"author\").item(0)) {\n rval = document.getElementsByName(\"author\").item(0).content;\n }\n }\n }\n if (typeof rval === \"undefined\" || rval == \"no-value-set\" || rval == \"nvs\") rval = \"\";\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getPageAttribution: function() { //prop4,eVar4 - page HPlocation\n var rval = \"\";\n var ishptCookie = false;\n var hptcookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"hpt\");\n var linkTrackingCookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"linkTracking\");\n var regex = new RegExp(\"^[A-Za-z0-9=]+$\");\n if ((typeof linkTrackingCookie == 'undefined' || linkTrackingCookie == \"\") && typeof hptcookie !== 'undefined') {\n ishptCookie = true;\n }\n var attributionCookie = linkTrackingCookie || hptcookie;\n if ((typeof attributionCookie != \"undefined\" && attributionCookie != \"\" && attributionCookie.indexOf(\"breaking:\") != -1) || !regex.test(attributionCookie)) {\n rval = attributionCookie;\n } else if (document.referrer.indexOf(\"cnn.com\") !== -1) {\n rval = wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"linkTracking\") || wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"hpt\");\n try {\n rval = rval.replace(/no\\-value\\-set/g, \"\");\n } catch (e) {}\n var prev_rval = rval;\n try {\n if (attributionCookie) {\n rval = attributionCookie;\n if (attributionCookie.indexOf(\"_\") === -1 && attributionCookie.indexOf(\"|\") === -1 && typeof window.CNN.Utils.b64Decode(attributionCookie) !== 'undefined') {\n rval = window.CNN.Utils.b64Decode(attributionCookie);\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n if (rval) {\n wminst.hpt_set = 1;\n } else {\n rval = prev_rval;\n }\n }\n if (window.is_expansion != 0) {\n if (wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"cnnapp\") && wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"cnnapp\") != null) {\n rval = \"cnnapp:\" + wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"cnnapp\");\n }\n if (wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"eref\") && wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"eref\") != null) {\n rval = \"eref:\" + wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"eref\");\n }\n if (wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"iref\") && wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"iref\") != null) {\n rval = \"iref:\" + wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"iref\");\n }\n if (wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"refresh\") && wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"refresh\") != null) {\n rval = \"auto-refresh\";\n }\n }\n if(rval !== \"\") {\n rval = rval.replace(/no-value-set/g, \"nvs\");\n rval = rval.toLowerCase(); \n }\n this.removeCookie(ishptCookie ? \"hpt\" : \"linkTracking\");\n return rval;\n },\n setPageAttribution: function() {\n if (this.isStellarHomepage()) {\n s.eVar105 = this.getPageAttribution();\n } else {\n s.prop4 = this.getPageAttribution();\n }\n },\n getPhotoGalleryName: function(){ //prop6,eVar6 - Photo Gallery name\n var rval = \"\";\n if(typeof window.CNN !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture.gallery_name !== 'undefined'){\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.gallery_name;\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNVisitNumber: function(rollday) { //prop8,eVar8 - visit_number.$30Day \n rollday = rollday || 28; //default rolling day is 28\n var todaydate = new Date().getTime();\n if (typeof(Storage) !== \"undefined\") { //check for web storage support\n if (localStorage.startdate) { //check for start date\n if (sessionStorage.online) { //check for session variable\n var daysinceonline = Math.ceil((todaydate - sessionStorage.online) / 86400000);\n if (daysinceonline > 1) { //if session is older than 24 hours, reset session start time and count as a visit\n localStorage.visittype = \"repeat\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = Number(localStorage.visitnum) + 1; //increment visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n } else { //new session\n localStorage.visittype = \"repeat\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = Number(localStorage.visitnum) + 1; //increment visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n var daysincestart = Math.ceil((todaydate - localStorage.startdate) / 86400000);\n if (daysincestart > Number(rollday)) { //if days since start date is greater than rolling day, set new start date\n localStorage.startdate = todaydate;\n localStorage.visittype = \"new\";\n localStorage.visitnum = 1;\n }\n } else { //first new visit\n localStorage.startdate = todaydate; //set new start date\n localStorage.visittype = \"new\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = 1; //set visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n return localStorage.visittype + \":\" + localStorage.visitnum;\n } else {\n return \"new:1\";\n }\n },\n getCNNCapMediaType: function() {\n var rval = \"nvs\";\n try{\n if (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.cap_media_type) {\n if (window.CNN.omniture.cap_media_type === \"no-value-set\"){\n rval = \"nvs\";\n } else {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_media_type;\n }\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase(); \n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPublishDate: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.publish_date\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n if (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.publish_date ) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.publish_date;\n }\n if (rval && window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.last_updated_date) {\n rval = rval + \"|\" + window.CNN.omniture.last_updated_date;\n }\n \n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n if (!rval && window.cnn_d && window.cnn_d.omniture && window.cnn_d.omniture.publish_date) {\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.publish_date;\n }\n \n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n populatePublishDate: function(){\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNPublishDate();\n var etype = [\"content\",\"live story\",\"article_livestory\",\"gallery\"];\n var rttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n var result = false;\n if (typeof rttype !== 'undefined') {\n for(var i in etype){\n if(rttype.indexOf(etype[i]) != -1){\n result = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if (result) {\n return rval;\n } else {\n return \"\";\n }\n },\n getCNNDaysSinceLastPublish: function(d) { //prop10,eVar10 - days_since_publish\n var e = new Date();\n var p;\n var j;\n if (d == 'a') {\n try {\n d = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.publish_date;\n } catch (err) {}\n try {\n d = window.CNN.omniture.publish_date || d;\n } catch (err) {}\n j = new Date(d);\n } else if (d.toString().indexOf(\"/\") != -1) {\n p = d.split(\"/\");\n if (p[0].length != 4) {\n p[2] = \"20\" + p[2];\n j = new Date(p[2] + \"/\" + p[0] + \"/\" + p[1]);\n } else {\n j = new Date(d);\n }\n } else {\n j = new Date(d);\n }\n var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;\n var date1_ms = e.getTime();\n var date2_ms = j.getTime();\n var difference_ms = Math.abs(date1_ms - date2_ms)\n var days = Math.round((difference_ms / ONE_DAY))\n if (isNaN(days)) {\n return \"\";\n }\n if (window.is_expansion != 0) {\n return Math.round((difference_ms / ONE_DAY)).toString()\n } else if (window.is_expansion == 0 && typeof window.cnn_metadata.days_since_publish !== \"undefined\") {\n try {\n return window.cnn_metadata.days_since_publish;\n } catch (err) {}\n }\n },\n populateDaysSinceLastPublish: function(){\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNDaysSinceLastPublish(\"a\");\n var etype = [\"content:\",\"live story\",\"article_livestory\"];\n var rttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n var result = false;\n if (typeof rttype !== 'undefined') {\n for(var i in etype){\n if (rttype.indexOf(etype[i]) != -1){\n result = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if(result) {\n return rval;\n } else {\n return \"\";\n }\n },\n getCNNBrandingPartner: function() { //prop11,eVar11 - page branding content partner\n var rval = \"\";\n var bp = \"\";\n try {\n rval = (cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.branding_partner ? cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.branding_partner : window.cnnOmniPartner || \"\");\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture.branding_content_page != 'undefined') {\n bp = window.CNN.omniture.branding_content_page;\n bp = bp.replace(\"default\", \"\");\n if (bp) {\n rval = \"p:\" + bp;\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n if (window.CNN.omniture.branding_gallery || (bp && window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type === 'gallery')) {\n rval = \"g:\" + (window.CNN.omniture.branding_gallery ? window.CNN.omniture.branding_gallery : bp);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture.template_type != 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.template_type == \"error\") {\n rval = \"\"; //suppressed branding partner(prop11,eVar11) value for error page\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNCapContentType: function (){ //prop13,eVar13 - cap_content_type\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type === 'gallery'){\n rval = \"gallery\";\n } else {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_content_type;\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch(e) {\n rval = \"\";\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNCapGenre: function (){ //prop5,eVar5 - cap genre\n var rval = \"\";\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && typeof window.CNN.omniture.cap_genre != \"undefined\"){\n if( window.CNN.omniture.cap_genre == \"\" || window.CNN.omniture.cap_genre == \"no-value-set\")\n rval = \"nvs\";\n else\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_genre.toLowerCase();\n } \n return rval;\n },\n getCNNBrandingSocial: function() { //prop14,eVar14 - Branding Social\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture) {\n if (window.CNN.omniture.fbia === true) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.branding_social;\n }\n }\n } catch(err) {}\n try {\n if (window.navigator.userAgent && window.navigator.userAgent == \"cnn-mobile-app\") {\n return window.navigator.userAgent;\n }\n } catch(err){}\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n if (hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/amp\") != -1) {\n rval = \"google amp\"; //google amp\n }\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fav\") != -1) {\n rval = \"embed\"; //embed\n }\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNTrafficPartner: function() { // eVar15 - Traffic Partner\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(\"FastAB\");\n } catch(err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getIreportgetMember: function() { //prop17,eVar17 - ireport member\n var irptMember = wminst.Util.getCNNAuthenticated(\"authid\", \"displayname\", \"member\", \"anonymous\", \"NonMember\", \"?\");\n if (window.location.host.indexOf(\"politics\") == -1 && window.is_expansion != 0) {\n return irptMember;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n },\n getCNNPageImpression: function() { //prop18,eVar18 - page impressions\n var rval = window.cnnPSproducts || \"\";\n var hptcookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"hpt2\");\n if (document.referrer.indexOf(\"cnn.com\") > -1) {\n try {\n if (hptcookie) {\n rval = hptcookie;\n if (hptcookie.indexOf(\"_\") == -1) {\n rval = CNN.Utils.b64Decode(hptcookie);\n }\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n //document.cookie = \"hpt2=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;\";\n } else {\n if (hptcookie) {\n document.cookie = \"hpt2=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.cnn.com;\";\n }\n }\n rval = rval.replace(/no-value-set/g, \"nvs\");\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNVideoOpportunity: function() { //eVar22 - video embed count\n var rval = \"0\";\n var ttype = \"\";\n try { rval = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.video_embed_count; } catch(e) {}\n try { rval = window.CNN.omniture.video_opportunity || \"0\"; } catch(e) {}\n ttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType();\n if (typeof ttype !== 'undefined' && ttype.indexOf(\"index\") > -1) {\n rval = \"\";\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageHeadline: function() { //prop23,eVar23 - page headline\n var rval = \"nvs\", tt = \"\";\n try { \n rval = window.CNN.omniture.headline;\n tt = window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n } catch(e) {}\n try { \n if(typeof window.cnn_d != \"undefined\" && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture != \"undefined\" && window.cnn_d.omniture.headline != \"undefined\"){\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.headline;\n tt = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n try {\n if(rval == \"no-value-set\" || tt == \"specials\" || tt == \"section front\" || tt == \"index\") {return null;}\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch(e) {rval = \"\";}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNFullPageName: function(pathname,delimiter) {\n var s_pageName = \"\";\n var templateTypeSmall = \"\";\n if (!delimiter) delimiter = \":\";\n var ttbefore = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n if (ttbefore) { //default to \"other\" if template type is not defined\n ttbefore = ttbefore.replace(/adbp./,\"\");\n templateTypeSmall = wminst.Util.getADBPTranslateTemplateType(ttbefore, \"short\")\n } else {\n templateTypeSmall = \"o\";\n }\n var buc_p32 = wminst.Util.getCNNBusinessName() + delimiter + templateTypeSmall;\n var thirdLevelDomain = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\", 3);\n var fullDomain = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n var lastTwoDomain = /(\\.\\w+\\.\\w+)$/.exec(fullDomain);\n if (lastTwoDomain) thirdLevelDomain = fullDomain.replace(lastTwoDomain[0],\"\");\n //if (!pathname) pathname = _jsmd.plugin.gADBPURL(\"path\");\n if (!pathname) {\n var p = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase();\n var a = p.split('/');\n var l = a.length;\n var r = /^index./;\n pathname = (r.test(a[(l-1)])) ? p.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/,\"\") : p;\n r = /([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/;\n if (!r.test(pathname)){\n l = pathname.length;\n if(pathname.charAt(l-1) !== \"/\"){pathname = pathname+\"/\";}\n }\n }\n if (thirdLevelDomain == \"\") {\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + pathname;\n }else{\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + thirdLevelDomain + delimiter + pathname;\n }\n return s_pageName;\n },\n getCNNPageNameV1: function(pname) { //pageName,eVar26 - page.name\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNFullPageName(pname);\n var ttype = \"\";\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture.template_type !== 'undefined') {\n ttype = window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n }\n }catch(e){ttype = \"\";}\n try {\n if (ttype === \"\" && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture === 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type !== 'undefined') {\n ttype = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n }\n }catch(e){}\n // www-m.cnn.com = cnn.com; us-m.cnn.com = cnn.com; edition-m.cnn.com = edition.cnn.com\n var arr = rval.split(\":\");\n if (arr.length == 4) {\n arr[2] = arr[2].replace(/-m$/, \"\");\n arr[2] = arr[2].replace(\"www\", \"\");\n if (arr[2] == \"us\") {\n arr[2] = arr[2].replace(\"us\", \"\");\n }\n arr[2] = arr[2].replace(/\\.$/, \"\");\n if (arr[2] === \"\") arr.splice(2, 1);\n }\n rval = arr.join(\":\");\n if (window.is_expansion && rval.match(/cnn:o:/)) {\n var pn = {\n \"index\": \"in\",\n \"video\": \"v\",\n \"videos\": \"v\",\n \"blog\": \"b\",\n \"blogs\": \"b\",\n \"game\": \"g\",\n \"games\": \"g\",\n \"interactive\": \"it\",\n \"content\": \"c\",\n \"error\": \"err\",\n \"section\": \"sf\",\n \"section front\": \"sf\",\n \"gallery\": \"ga\",\n \"show\": \"sh\",\n \"shows\": \"sh\",\n \"special\": \"sp\",\n \"specials\": \"sp\",\n \"topic\": \"t\",\n \"profile\": \"p\",\n \"article\": \"c\"\n } [ttype];\n if (pn) {\n rval = rval.replace(\"cnn:o:\", \"cnn:\" + pn + \":\");\n }\n }\n if (rval && rval.slice(-1) != \"/\") {\n rval = rval + \"/\";\n }\n if (rval && rval.match(/h_[a-z0-9]+\\/$/)) {\n rval = rval.replace(/h_[a-z0-9]+\\/$/, \"\"); //remove last folder ID\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageName: function(pathname) { //pageName,eVar26 - page.name\n var rval = pathname || window.location.pathname;\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n rval = rval.replace(/^.*\\/\\/[^\\/]+/, \"\"); //remove domain\n rval = rval.replace(\"/index.html\", \"/\"); //remove index.html\n rval = rval.replace(/h_[a-z0-9]+\\/?$/, \"\"); //remove last folder ID\n rval = rval.replace(/\\/?$/, \"/\"); //add trailing slash\n if (rval === \"/\") rval += \"homepage\";\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNBaseURL: function() { //prop26 - Base URL\n var hostname = window.location.hostname;\n var pathname = window.location.pathname;\n pathname = pathname.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/,\"\");\n return hostname + pathname;\n },\n getCNNSection: function(position) { //channel/eVar27, prop28/eVar28\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n for (var i = 0; i <= position; i++) {\n if (i > 0) {\n rval += \":\";\n }\n try {\n var s1 = window.CNN.omniture.section[i];\n if ((s1.indexOf(\":\")) && (s1.indexOf(\"electoral college map\") > -1)) {\n var c1 = s1.split(':');\n rval += c1[0];\n return rval;\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n if (typeof window.CNN != 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture != 'undefined') {\n if (i == 1 && !window.CNN.omniture.section[1]) { //add default value \"no value set\" for subsection (prop28/eVar28)\n window.CNN.omniture.section[1] = \"no value set\";\n try {\n if (this.isNGTVPage()) {\n window.CNN.omniture.section[1] = \"\";\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n if (window.cnn_d && window.cnn_d.omniture && window.cnn_d.omniture.section[i]) {\n try {\n rval += window.cnn_d.omniture.section[i] || \"\";\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n try {\n rval += window.CNN.omniture.section[i] || \"\";\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.template_type == \"list\" && position == 0 && rval == \"\") { //use first path of URL for list pages\n rval = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"path\", 1);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n window.cnn_metadata.section = (typeof window.cnn_metadata.section != \"string\" ? window.cnn_metadata.section : window.JSON.parse(window.cnn_metadata.section));\n rval = (window.cnn_metadata.section[position] ? window.cnn_metadata.section[position] : \"\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageFranchise: function() { //prop31,eVar31 - page_franchise\n var rval = \"\";\n try { rval = cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.broadcast_franchise || rval; } catch(e) {}\n try { rval = CNN.omniture.cap_show_name || rval; } catch(e) {}\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNTemplateType: function(lookupType) { //prop32,eVar32 - page template_type\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n var rval = \"\";\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n if (typeof window.CNN !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture.template_type !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.template_type == 'article') {\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.contentModel !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type === 'gallery') {\n rval = \"content: gallery\";\n } else if (typeof window.CNN.contentModel !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type !== 'undefined' && (window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type === 'video' || window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.pageTop.type === 'video360')) {\n if (typeof window.CNN.contentModel !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.contentModel.analytics.isArticleVideoCollection) {\n rval = \"content:video:collection\";\n } else {\n rval = \"content:video:nocollection\";\n }\n } else if (window.CNN.omniture.cap_content_type !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.cap_content_type === 'gallery') {\n rval = \"content: gallery\";\n } else {\n if (window.CNN.omniture.cap_media_type === 'Video') {\n rval = \"content:video\";\n } else {\n rval = \"content: no media\";\n }\n } \n } catch(e){}\n \n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n rval = \"content\";\n } else if (typeof window.cnn_d !== 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture !== 'undefined') {\n try {\n if (window.cnn_d.omniture.section[0] == \"cnn-underscored\") {\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n try {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n } else {\n var templateTypeCode = \"\";\n if (typeof CNN != 'undefined' && typeof CNN.omniture != 'undefined' && typeof CNN.omniture.template_type != 'undefined') {\n templateTypeCode = CNN.omniture.template_type;\n } else if (typeof cnn_metadata != 'undefined') {\n templateTypeCode = cnn_metadata.template_type;\n } else if (typeof window.cnn_d != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type != 'undefined') {\n templateTypeCode = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n }\n rval = [\"o\", \"other\"];\n var lookup = {\n b: \"blog\",\n g: \"game\",\n it: \"interactive\",\n c: \"content\",\n \"in\": \"index\",\n err: \"error\",\n e: \"ecom\",\n s: \"signup\",\n v: \"video\",\n sf: \"section front\",\n sr: \"search results\",\n fm: \"forum\",\n o: \"other\",\n ir: \"ireport\",\n sp: \"specials\",\n pm: \"perfect market\",\n bf: \"blog front\",\n bc: \"blog category\",\n t: \"topic\",\n w: \"weather\",\n el: \"election\"\n },\n lookupRev = {\n \"blog\": \"b\",\n \"game\": \"g\",\n \"interactive\": \"it\",\n \"content\": \"c\",\n \"index\": \"in\",\n \"error\": \"err\",\n \"ecom\": \"e\",\n \"signup\": \"s\",\n \"video\": \"v\",\n \"section front\": \"sf\",\n \"search results\": \"sr\",\n \"forum\": \"fm\",\n \"other\": \"o\",\n \"ireport\": \"ir\",\n \"specials\": \"sp\",\n \"perfect market\": \"pm\",\n \"blog front\": \"bf\",\n \"blog category\": \"bc\",\n \"topic\": \"t\",\n \"weather\": \"w\",\n \"election\": \"el\"\n };\n if (lookup[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [templateTypeCode, lookup[templateTypeCode]];\n }\n if (lookupRev[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [lookupRev[templateTypeCode], templateTypeCode];\n }\n if (lookupType == \"short\") {\n rval = rval[0];\n }\n if (lookupType == \"long\") {\n rval = rval[1];\n }\n }\n if(typeof rval == \"string\") { \n\t\t\t\trval = rval.toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNContentType: function(defaultVal) { //prop33,eVar33 - content_type\n var omnitureRef = (window.cnn_d && window.cnn_d.omniture) || (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture);\n if (typeof omnitureRef === 'undefined') {\n return defaultVal;\n }\n\n var tt = \"\",\n ct = \"\";\n if (typeof window.cnn_d != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type != 'undefined') {\n tt = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n ct = \"adbp:\" + window.cnn_d.omniture.content_type;\n\n } else {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture !== \"undefined\" && typeof window.CNN.omniture.content_type !== \"undefined\" && window.CNN.omniture.content_type){\n ct = window.CNN.omniture.content_type;\n } else {\n ct = \"adbp:none\";\n }\n if (typeof ct !== 'undefined' && (ct == \"none\" || ct == \"\")) {\n ct = \"adbp:none\";\n }\n tt = window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n }\n var l = {\n \"adbp:blog\": [\"blog.read\", \"adbp:blog read\"],\n \"adbp:content\": [\"article.read\", \"adbp:article read\"],\n \"adbp:game\": [\"game.play\", \"adbp:game played\"],\n \"other:ireport\": [\"other.ireport\", \"other:ireport\"],\n \"other:photo wall\": [\"content.interactive\", \"other:photo wall\"]\n } [tt];\n var m = {\n \"adbp:article read\": \"article.read\"\n } [ct];\n if (m !== null) {\n if (typeof ct !== 'undefined' && ct.indexOf(\"pivit\") !== -1) {\n return tt + \":\" + ct;\n } else {\n return ct;\n }\n }\n if (!l) {\n return defaultVal;\n }\n return l[1];\n },\n getCNNAuthenticated: function(c1, c2, truevalue, falsevalue, neutralvalue, flag) { //prop34,eVar34 - user authenticated\n var rValue = 0;\n if (wminst.Util.getCookie(c1, flag)) {\n rValue++;\n }\n if (wminst.Util.getCookie(c2, flag)) {\n rValue++;\n }\n if (rValue == 0) {\n return falsevalue;\n } else if (rValue == 1) {\n return neutralvalue;\n } else {\n return truevalue;\n }\n },\n getCNNKruxID: function() { // eVar36 - KruxID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = localStorage.kxkuid;\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPlatform: function() { //prop37,eVar37 - page platform\n var rval = \"\";\n if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) {\n rval = \"smartphone\";\n } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {\n rval = \"tablet\";\n } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) {\n if (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i)) {\n rval = \"smartphone\";\n } else {\n rval = \"tablet\";\n }\n } else {\n rval = \"desktop\";\n }\n return rval ? rval : \"no value set\";\n },\n getCNNSearchInternalKeyword: function() { //prop39,eVar39 - search internal keyword\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"query\");\n } catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getLSPostPosition: function() { //eVar45 - Post Position\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n var post_position = window.CNN.omniture.post_position ? window.CNN.omniture.post_position : 1;\n var total_post = window.CNN.omniture.total_post ? window.CNN.omniture.total_post : 0;\n rval = post_position + \":\" + total_post;\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPostID: function() { //prop43 - Post ID\n var rval = null;\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && typeof window.CNN.omniture.post_id != 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.post_id != \"\") {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.post_id;\n } else {\n try{\n pathName = pathName.replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n var path_array = pathName.split(\"/\");\n rval = path_array[path_array.length - 1];\n if(rval.match(/(^h_)[a-z0-9]+$/) === null){\n rval = null;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n } \n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n rval = \"\";\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageVertical: function() { //eVar44 - Page Vertical\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.vertical){\n rval = CNN.contentModel.vertical;\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n }\n } catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNSourceID: function(){ //prop44 - Source ID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(typeof window.CNN != 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture != 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.sourceId) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.sourceId;\n } else if(window.CNN && window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.sourceId){\n rval = window.CNN.contentModel.sourceId;\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch(e) {}\n return rval; \n },\n getCNNTransactionID: function() { // prop46,eVar46\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (typeof window.cnnad_transactionID !== 'undefined') {\n rval = window.cnnad_transactionID;\n } else if (typeof window.cnnad_getTransactionID === \"function\") {\n rval = cnnad_getTransactionID();\n } else {\n rval = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) + \"\" + Math.floor(Math.random()*9007199254740992);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNGUID: function() { // prop47,eVar47\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (typeof window.turner_getGuid === \"function\") {\n rval = turner_getGuid(\"ug\");\n } else {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(\"ug\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getAppNexusID: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (this.isTagConsented(\"app-nexus-id\")) {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(\"zwmc\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval\n },\n getWMID: function(name) {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.WM) {\n var obj = window.WM.PSM || window.WM.CDP || {};\n var fn = obj[\"get\"+name];\n if (typeof fn === \"function\") {\n rval = fn();\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getWMUKID: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = this.getCookie('WMUKID_STABLE');\n\n if (!rval) {\n var wmukidJSON = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"WMUKID\");\n var wmukidObj = JSON.parse(wmukidJSON);\n rval = wmukidObj.id;\n }\n\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval\n },\n getCNNUID: function() {\n var rval = \"nvs\";\n try {\n var cnnuidJSON = localStorage.getItem(\"zion.cnn_uid\");\n if (cnnuidJSON) {\n cnnuidObj = JSON.parse(cnnuidJSON);\n rval = cnnuidObj.id;\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n setIds: function() {\n try {\n if (!s.linkTrackVars.includes(\"None\") && !s.linkTrackVars.includes(\"eVar106\")) {\n s.linkTrackVars += \",eVar106,eVar195,eVar197,eVar198,eVar199\";\n }\n s.eVar106 = this.getCNNUID();\n s.eVar195 = this.getAppNexusID();\n s.eVar197 = this.getWMUKID();\n s.eVar198 = this.getWMID(\"WMHHID\");\n s.eVar199 = this.getWMID(\"WMINID\");\n } catch (e) {}\n },\n getCNNTechStack: function() { //eVar48 - Site Tech Stack\n var dataLayer = (window.CNN || {}).contentModel || {};\n return (dataLayer.techStack || \"\").toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNCMSId: function() { //eVar49 - CMS ID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.cmsId){\n rval = CNN.contentModel.cmsId;\n }\n } catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPreviousPageName: function(){ //prop49,eVar49 - Previous PageName\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(this.isTagConsented('adobe')) {\n var pName = window.document.referrer;\n var prevP = s.getPreviousValue(wminst.Util.getCNNPageName(),\"cnprevpage_pn\");\n if (prevP && typeof pName != \"undefined\" && pName != \"\" && pName.indexOf(\".cnn.com\") != -1) {\n return prevP;\n }\n }\n } catch(e) {return rval;}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPostTitle: function() { //prop50 - Post Title\n var rval = \"\";\n try{\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.post_title) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.post_title;\n } else { \n rval = document.title;\n }\n } catch(e) { rval = document.title; }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n try {\n var dom_obj = $x(\"//script[@type='application/ld+json']\");\n var post_obj = JSON.parse(rval[rval.length - 1]).innerHTML;\n if(post_obj && post_obj.headline){\n rval = post_obj.headline;\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n rval = \"\";\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n if(rval !== \"\") {\n rval = rval.replace(/\\([0-9]+\\)/, \"\").trim();\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNBreakingNewsHP: function(ptt, chnl) {\n var rval = \"\";\n var tt = \"\";\n try {\n if (ptt.indexOf(\":\") != -1) {\n if (ptt.indexOf(\"adbp\") != -1) {\n ptt = ptt.split(\":\");\n tt = ptt[1];\n } else {\n ptt = ptt.split(\":\");\n tt = ptt[0];\n }\n } else {\n tt = ptt;\n }\n var abr = {\n \"index\": \"in\",\n \"video\": \"v\",\n \"videos\": \"v\",\n \"blog\": \"b\",\n \"blogs\": \"b\",\n \"game\": \"g\",\n \"games\": \"g\",\n \"interactive\": \"it\",\n \"content\": \"c\",\n \"error\": \"err\",\n \"section\": \"sf\",\n \"section front\": \"sf\",\n \"gallery\": \"ga\",\n \"show\": \"sh\",\n \"shows\": \"sh\",\n \"special\": \"sp\",\n \"specials\": \"sp\",\n \"topic\": \"t\",\n \"profile\": \"p\",\n \"article\": \"c\"\n } [tt];\n if (chnl && (chnl == \"homepage\" || chnl == \"cnn homepage\")) {\n chnl = \"index\";\n }\n if (tt) {\n rval = \"breaking:\" + chnl + \":\" + abr + \":\";\n }\n return rval;\n } catch (e) {}\n },\n getCNNOrientation: function() { //prop56,eVar56 - page orientation\n var rval = \"no value set\";\n try {\n var x = 0;\n if (self.innerHeight) {\n x = self.innerWidth;\n } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {\n x = document.documentElement.clientWidth;\n } else if (document.body) {\n x = document.body.clientWidth;\n }\n var y = 0;\n if (self.innerHeight) {\n y = self.innerHeight;\n } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {\n y = document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n } else if (document.body) {\n y = document.body.clientHeight;\n }\n rval = (y > x) ? \"portrait\" : \"landscape\";\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNMVPD: function() { //prop57,eVar57 - MVPD\n try {\n var mvpd_store = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"CNNmvpd\");\n if (typeof mvpd_store !== \"undefined\" && mvpd_store !== \"nvs\" && mvpd_store !== \"\") {\n if (mvpd_store !== null && typeof CNN.omniture.mvpd === \"string\") {\n document.cookie = \"CNNmvpd=\" + CNN.omniture.mvpd + \"; domain= .cnn.com ;\";\n mvpd_store = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"CNNmvpd\");\n return mvpd_store;\n } else if (typeof mvpd_store === \"string\" && mvpd_store != \"\") {\n if (typeof CNN.omniture.mvpd === \"string\") {\n document.cookie = \"CNNmvpd=\" + CNN.omniture.mvpd + \"; domain= .cnn.com ;\";\n mvpd_store = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"CNNmvpd\");\n return mvpd_store;\n } else {\n \n return mvpd_store;\n }\n } else if (mvpd_store === null && typeof CNN.omniture.mvpd === \"string\") {\n document.cookie = \"CNNmvpd=\" + CNN.omniture.mvpd + \"; domain= .cnn.com ;\";\n mvpd_store = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"CNNmvpd\");\n return mvpd_store;\n } else {\n return \"no mvpd set\";\n }\n } else {\n return \"no mvpd set\";\n }\n } catch (err) {return \"no mvpd set\";}\n },\n getCNNAdobeID: function() { //prop59,eVar59 - Adobe Harsh ID\n try {\n var adobe_hash_id_store = _satellite.cookie.get(\"adobe_hash_id\");\n if (typeof adobe_hash_id_store !== \"undefined\" && adobe_hash_id_store !== \"nvs\" && adobe_hash_id_store !== \"\") {\n if (adobe_hash_id_store !== null && typeof CNN.omniture.adobe_hash_id === \"string\") {\n document.cookie = \"adobe_hash_id=\" + CNN.omniture.adobe_hash_id + \"; domain= .cnn.com;\";\n adobe_hash_id_store = _satellite.cookie.get(\"adobe_hash_id\");\n return adobe_hash_id_store;\n } else {\n return \"no mvpd set\";\n }\n } else {\n return \"no mvpd set\";\n }\n } catch (err) {}\n },\n getCNNPlayerState: function(video) { //eVar67 player State\n var screenState = video.screen_state || \"nvs\";\n var screenPosition = video.screen_position || \"nvs\";\n var audioState = video.audio_state || \"nvs\";\n var playerState = \"\";\n try {\n if (screenState == \"nvs\" && CNN && CNN.omniture && CNN.omniture.screen_state) {\n screenState = CNN.omniture.screen_state;\n }\n if (audioState == \"nvs\") {\n if (video.muted === true) {\n audioState = \"muted\";\n } else if (video.muted === false) {\n audioState = \"audio on\";\n }\n }\n playerState = screenState + \"|\" + audioState + \"|\" + screenPosition;\n playerState = playerState.toLowerCase();\n } catch (e) {}\n return playerState;\n },\n getCNNVisitorID: function(id) { //eVar73 - page visitorId\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(id);\n rval = rval.replace(/\\[(.+?)\\]/g, \"\");\n rval = rval.split(\"|\")[1];\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNHierachy: function() { // hier1 - Hierachy\n var rval = \"\";\n /* try {\n var bUnit = wminst.Util.getSiteSpecificSettings(1);\n var channel = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0);\n var domain = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n var section2 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n rval = \"news|cnn|\" + bUnit + \"|\" + domain + \"|\" + channel + \"|\" + section2; \n } catch(e){} */\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNUserAuthState: function() { //prop75,eVar75 - User Authentication State\n try {\n var user_auth_state_store = localStorage.getItem(\"user_auth_state\");\n if (user_auth_state_store !== null && typeof window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state === \"string\") {\n localStorage.setItem(\"user_auth_state\",window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state);\n user_auth_state_store = localStorage.getItem(\"user_auth_state\");\n return user_auth_state_store;\n } else if (typeof user_auth_state_store === \"string\") {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state === \"string\") {\n \n localStorage.setItem(\"user_auth_state\",window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state);\n user_auth_state_store = localStorage.getItem(\"user_auth_state\");\n return user_auth_state_store;\n } else {\n \n return user_auth_state_store;\n }\n } else if (user_auth_state_store === null && typeof window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state === \"string\") {\n localStorage.setItem(\"user_auth_state\",window.CNN.omniture.user_auth_state);\n user_auth_state_store = localStorage.getItem(\"user_auth_state\");\n return user_auth_state_store;\n } else {\n return \"nvs\";\n }\n } catch (err) {return \"\";}\n },\n getCNNUIEngagement: function() { //prop64 - UI Engagement\n var rval = (this.isNGTVPage() || this.isTVEPage()) ? \"ngtv\" : \"cnn news\";\n try { \n if(typeof window.cnn_metadata.friendly_name != 'undefined') {\n rval = window.cnn_metadata.friendly_name;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNTopicAvailability: function() {\n var topic_pattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9a-z,]+$/);\n try {\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNTopic();\n if(rval == \"\"){\n return \"no topics\";\n } else if(topic_pattern.test(rval)) {\n return \"topics available\";\n } else { \n return \"api request failure\";\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n },\n getCNNTopic: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n var cap_array = [];\n try {\n if(CNN && CNN.cep_topics && CNN.cep_topics.cep_brsf && CNN.cep_topics.cep_iabt && CNN.cep_topics.cep_sent && CNN.cep_topics.cep_tags) {\n cap_array = cap_array.concat(CNN.cep_topics.cep_brsf, CNN.cep_topics.cep_iabt, CNN.cep_topics.cep_sent, CNN.cep_topics.cep_tags);\n rval = cap_array.toString();\n } else {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_topic;\n }\n if(typeof rval == \"undefined\" || rval === \"no-value-set\" || rval == \"\" ) {rval = \"\";}\n } catch(e) {}\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getCEPTopisForVideo: function(data) {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(typeof data.cepTopics == \"object\") {\n rval = Object.keys(data.cepTopics).toString();\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n \tgetCNNSiteSectionLevel3: function(val) { //prop51 - Site section level 3 for politics\n\t\t\tvar rval = \"\";\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\trval = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n\t\t\t\tif(typeof val != 'undefined') {\n\t\t\t\t\trval += \":\" + val;\n\t\t\t\t} else if(CNN && CNN.omniture && CNN.omniture.section && typeof CNN.omniture.section[2] != 'undefined') {\n\t\t\t\t\trval += \":\" + CNN.omniture.section[2];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch (e) {}\n\t\t\treturn rval;\n\t\t},\n getCNNInteractiveState: function(data) { //eVar50 - Interactive State for politics\n var rval = \"\";\n if(typeof data == 'undefined' && window.location.hash === \"#my_election\") {\n rval = \"election center:my election:panel open\";\n return rval;\n }\n if (typeof data == \"object\" && (typeof data.tab != 'undefined' || typeof data.map_state != 'undefined' || typeof data.map_level != 'undefined')) {\n var tab = data.tab || \"nvs\";\n var map_state = data.map_state || \"nvs\";\n if(!wminst.Util.isPoliticsExplorer()) {\n if (typeof data.action != 'undefined') {\n var map_level = data.map_level || \"nvs\";\n var race_type = data.race_type || \"nvs\";\n var overlay_type = data.overlay_type || \"nvs\";\n var show_by = data.show_by || \"nvs\";\n rval = \"ec:\" + race_type + \":\" + map_level + \":\" + overlay_type + \":\" + show_by;\n }\n else\n rval = \"election center:\" + tab + \":\" + map_state;\n } else {\n var year = data.year || \"nvs\";\n var comparison_layer = data.comparison_layer || \"nvs\";\n var e_val = data.election || \"nvs\";\n rval = tab + \":\" + year + \":\" + e_val + \":\" + comparison_layer + \":\" + map_state;\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n }\n return rval\n },\n getSiteSpecificSettings: function(type, section) {\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n var port = window.location.port;\n var setting;\n var sites = {\n \"cnn\": [\"cnn-adbp-domestic\", \"cnn domestic\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00001\", \"8587204\"],\n \"cnndev\": [\"cnn-adbp-domestic-dev\", \"cnn domestic\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00001\", \"8587204\"],\n \"cnnintl\": [\"cnn-adbp-intl\", \"cnn international\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00002\", \"8587278\"],\n \"cnnintldev\": [\"cnn-adbp-intl-dev\", \"cnn international\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00002\", \"8587278\"],\n \"ireport\": [\"cnnireport-adbp\", \"cnn ireport\", \"cnnireport\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-702210\", \"c01\", \"00001\", \"3002212\"],\n \"ireportdev\": [\"cnnireport-adbp-dev\", \"cnn ireport\", \"cnnireport\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-702210\", \"c01\", \"00001\", \"3002212\"]\n }\n\n var c4 = {\n val1: [\"cnn homepage\", \"8587211\", \"8587278\"],\n val2: [\"crime\", \"8587220\"],\n val3: [\"us\", \"8587228\"],\n val4: [\"world\", \"8587235\"],\n val5: [\"entertainment\", \"8587242\"],\n val6: [\"politics\", \"8587248\"],\n val7: [\"health\", \"8587254\"],\n val8: [\"tech\", \"8587261\"],\n val9: [\"living\", \"8587266\"],\n val10: [\"opinion\", \"8587272\"],\n val11: [\"watch cnn\", \"8587204\"]\n }\n\n if (section && section != \"\") {\n var x = 0;\n for (x in c4) {\n if (c4[x][0] == section) {\n setting = c4[x][1];\n if (section == \"cnn homepage\") {\n if (hostName.indexOf(\"edition.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = c4[x][2];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"jcmsdev8.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"jcmsref.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnpreview.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"ref.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"preview.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n if (port.indexOf(\"94\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition\") != -1) {\n setting = c4[x][2];\n }\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (hostName.indexOf(\"ireportqa.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.ireportdev[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"jcmsdev8.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"jcmsref.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnpreview.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"ref.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"preview.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"dev.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"stage.cnngo.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"travel.cnngo.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition.stage.next.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnpreview.turner.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"dev.cnnv2.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"ref.cnnv2.com\") != -1 || hostName.match(/^(dev|qa|stage).(www|us|edition)-m.cnn.com/) || hostName.indexOf(\"edition.enable.next.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"terra.next.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"politics.next.cnn.com\") !== -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition.politics.next.cnn.com\") !== -1) {\n if (port.indexOf(\"94\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnespanol\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"stage.cnngo.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"travel.cnngo.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnnintldev[type];\n } else {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n }\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"qai.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"cnn.staging.perfectmarket.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnn.staging2.perfectmarket.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"beta-cronkite.cnnlabs.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"dev-audioplayer-cnn.s3.amazonaws.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"darwin-dev.hope.ui\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"dev-facts-first.cnnlabs.com\")!= -1) {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"int-facts-first.cnnlabs.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnnintldev[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"ireport.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.ireport[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"edition.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnespanol.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"backstory.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"inthefield.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"securityfiles.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"ukelection.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"amanpour.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"screeningroom.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"internationaldesk.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"newsstream.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"prism.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"thebrief.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"insidethemiddleeast.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"connecttheworld.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"business.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"questmeansbusiness.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"goalmouth.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"olympics.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"worldsport.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"bodareal.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"travel.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"footballclub.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition.cnnv2.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition-m.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnnintl[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnv2.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"style.staging.cnn.io\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n } else {\n //default, if any case failed\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n }\n }\n try {\n if (window.CNNIntlVideo) {\n setting = sites.cnnintl[type];\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return setting;\n },\n getJObj: function(objectRef, attribute) {\n objectRef = (typeof objectRef == \"string\" ? window[objectRef] : objectRef);\n var rval = (objectRef != null && attribute != null && attribute.indexOf(\".\") == -1 && attribute.indexOf(\"[\") == -1 ? objectRef[attribute] : objectRef);\n if (rval === objectRef && (typeof attribute !== 'undefined' || attribute != null)) {\n var attribs = attribute.split(\".\"),\n len = attribs.length,\n reArray = /([^\\[]+)\\[(\\d+)\\]/,\n t, t2;\n rval = objectRef;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n t = attribs[i];\n if ((t2 = reArray.exec(t)) != null) {\n rval = rval[t2[1]][parseInt(t2[2])];\n } else rval = rval[t];\n }\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getADBPContentType: function(defaultVal) {\n var tt = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\") || \"\";\n var ct = wminst.Util.getCNNContentType() | \"\";\n var rObj = {};\n var l = {\n \"adbp:blog\": [\"event38\", \"adbp:blog read\"],\n \"adbp:content\": [\"event39\", \"adbp:article read\"]\n } [tt];\n var m = {\n \"adbp:article read\": \"event39\"\n } [ct];\n if (m != null) {\n rObj.events = m;\n rObj.content_type = ct;\n return rObj;\n }\n if (!l) {\n rObj.events = \"\";\n rObj.ct = defaultVal;\n return rObj;\n }\n rObj.events = l[0];\n rObj.ct = l[1];\n return rObj;\n },\n getADBPURL: function(type, lvl) {\n var hostname = window.location.hostname.toLowerCase();\n var pathname = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase();\n var path_array = \"\";\n pathname = pathname.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/, \"\");\n\n var rval;\n switch (type) {\n case \"domain\":\n hostname = hostname.replace(\"www.\", \"\");\n if (lvl == parseFloat(lvl)) {\n var domain_array = hostname.split(\".\");\n var currentPointer = domain_array.length - lvl;\n var currentDomainLevel = (currentPointer >= 0 ? domain_array[currentPointer] : \"\");\n rval = currentDomainLevel;\n } else {\n rval = hostname;\n }\n break;\n case \"path\":\n var pathname2 = pathname.substring(1);\n path_array = pathname2.split(\"/\");\n if (lvl == parseFloat(lvl) && lvl >= 1) {\n var currentPathname = (path_array.length >= lvl ? path_array[lvl - 1] : \"\");\n rval = currentPathname;\n } else {\n rval = pathname;\n }\n break;\n case \"hier\":\n hostname = hostname.replace(\"www.\", \"\");\n path_array = pathname.substring(1).split(\"/\");\n var h1 = hostname + \"/\" + path_array[0];\n var h2 = h1;\n if (path_array[1]) h2 = h2 + \"/\" + path_array[1];\n rval = [h1, h2];\n break;\n default:\n rval = hostname + pathname;\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getADBPPageName: function(pathname, delimiter) {\n var s_pageName = \"\",\n templateTypeSmall = \"\";\n if (!delimiter) delimiter = \":\";\n var ttbefore = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n if (ttbefore) { //default to \"other\" if template type is not defined\n ttbefore = ttbefore.replace(/adbp./, \"\");\n templateTypeSmall = wminst.Util.getADBPTranslateTemplateType(ttbefore, \"short\");\n } else {\n templateTypeSmall = \"o\";\n }\n var buc_p32 = wminst.Util.getCNNBusinessName() + delimiter + templateTypeSmall;\n var thirdLevelDomain = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\", 3);\n var fullDomain = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n var lastTwoDomain = /(\\.\\w+\\.\\w+)$/.exec(fullDomain);\n if (lastTwoDomain) thirdLevelDomain = fullDomain.replace(lastTwoDomain[0], \"\");\n if (!pathname) {\n var p = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase();\n var a = p.split('/');\n var l = a.length;\n var r = /^index./;\n pathname = (r.test(a[(l - 1)])) ? p.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/, \"\") : p;\n r = /([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/;\n if (!r.test(pathname)) {\n l = pathname.length;\n if (pathname.charAt(l - 1) !== \"/\") {\n pathname = pathname + \"/\";\n }\n }\n }\n var pageNameLen, r_len;\n if (thirdLevelDomain == \"\") {\n pageNameLen = buc_p32.length + 1 + pathname.length;\n if (pageNameLen <= 100) {\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + pathname;\n } else {\n r_len = pageNameLen - 100;\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + pathname.substring(r_len);\n }\n } else {\n pageNameLen = buc_p32.length + 1 + thirdLevelDomain.length + 1 + pathname.length;\n if (pageNameLen <= 100) {\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + thirdLevelDomain + delimiter + pathname;\n } else {\n if (thirdLevelDomain.length <= 5) {\n r_len = pageNameLen - 100;\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + thirdLevelDomain + delimiter + pathname.substring(r_len);\n } else {\n thirdLevelDomain = thirdLevelDomain.substring(0, 5);\n pageNameLen = buc_p32.length + 1 + thirdLevelDomain.length + 1 + pathname.length;\n if (pageNameLen <= 100) {\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + thirdLevelDomain + delimiter + pathname;\n } else {\n r_len = pageNameLen - 100;\n s_pageName = buc_p32 + delimiter + thirdLevelDomain + delimiter + pathname.substring(r_len);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return s_pageName;\n },\n getCNNVideoSequence : function()\n {\n return \"1\"; \n },\n getCNNVertical : function()\n {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.CNN.contentModel.vertical && window.CNN.contentModel.vertical !== \"\") {\n rval = window.CNN.contentModel.vertical;\n }\n } catch(e){}\n return rval; \n },\n getADBPTranslateTemplateType: function(templateTypeCode, lookupType) {\n var adbpprefix = \"adbp:\",\n rval = [\"o\", \"other\"];\n var lookup = {\n b: \"blog\",\n g: \"game\",\n it: \"interactive\",\n c: \"content\",\n \"in\": \"index\",\n err: \"error\",\n e: \"ecom\",\n s: \"signup\",\n v: \"video\",\n sf: \"section front\",\n o: \"other\"\n },\n lookupRev = {\n \"blog\": \"b\",\n \"game\": \"g\",\n \"interactive\": \"it\",\n \"content\": \"c\",\n \"index\": \"in\",\n \"error\": \"err\",\n \"ecom\": \"e\",\n \"signup\": \"s\",\n \"video\": \"v\",\n \"section front\": \"sf\",\n \"other\": \"o\"\n };\n if (lookup[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [templateTypeCode, lookup[templateTypeCode]];\n }\n if (lookupRev[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [lookupRev[templateTypeCode], templateTypeCode];\n }\n rval[1] = adbpprefix + rval[1];\n if (lookupType == \"short\") {\n rval = rval[0];\n }\n if (lookupType == \"long\") {\n rval = rval[1];\n }\n return rval;\n },\n gCNNUserAuthState: function() {\n var userAuthObj = { \n user_login_status:\"\",\n user_account_status: \"\",\n user_registered_status: \"\"};\n try {\n var userLoginState = _satellite.cookie.get(\"_cnn_at\") || _satellite.cookie.get(\"_cnn_at_edition\");// ===> User Logged In\n if (userLoginState && userLoginState !== \"\") {\n userAuthObj.user_login_status = \"logged in\";\n userAuthObj.user_registered_status = \"registered\";\n var userAuthState = window.CNN.Utils.b64Decode(userLoginState);\n if(userAuthState && userAuthState.indexOf(\"cnn.authn\") > -1) { \n userAuthObj.user_account_status = \"account verified\";\n } else { \n userAuthObj.user_account_status = \"account not verified\";\n }\n } else {\n userAuthObj.user_registered_status = \"anonymous\";\n userAuthObj.user_login_status = \"not logged in\";\n userAuthObj.user_account_status = \"account not verified\";\n }\n \n \n } catch(e){}\n return userAuthObj;\n },\n getUserRegisteredStatus: function(){ //prop51,eVar51\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.gCNNUserAuthState();\n return rval.user_registered_status;\n }catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getUserAccountStatus: function(){ //prop74,eVar74\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.gCNNUserAuthState();\n return rval.user_account_status;\n }catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getUserLoginStatus: function(){ //eVar89\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.gCNNUserAuthState();\n return rval.user_login_status;\n }catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNSavedRaces: function() {\n\t\t var rval = \"\";\n\t\t\tif(typeof CNN != 'undefined' && typeof CNN.saved_races == \"number\") {\n\t\t\t\trval = \"election center:save races:\" + CNN.saved_races;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(wminst.Util.getCNNCapContentType()) {\n\t\t\t\t\trval = \"D=c13\";\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn rval;\n\t\t},\n getCNNExploreIndentify: function(data) { //eVar79 for Politics Explorer\n\t\t\tvar rval = \"cnn login not required\";\n\t\t\tif((data.interaction_type == \"year race\" && data.racePremiumContent) || (data.interaction_type == \"add layer\" && data.overlayPremiumContent)) {\n\t\t\t\trval = \"cnn login required\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn rval;\n\t\t}\n }\n}();\nwminst.Util.loadCustomVariables();\n\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript1\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwindow.wminst = window.wminst || {};\nwminst.Util = function() {\n return {\n loadCustomVariables: function() {\n this.tmsName = \"launch\";\n this.businessName = \"cnn\";\n this.buildVersion = 77; // Build Update Oct 1, 2024\n this.buildEnv = this.getBuildEnv();\n this.buildDate = this.getBuildDate();\n this.debugFlag = \"WMINST_DEBUG\";\n this.logPrefix = \"[WMINST]\";\n window.is_expansion = true;\n wminst.subscribersReady = false;\n wminst.hpt_set = 0;\n wminst.buffer_count = 0;\n wminst.is_podcast = 0;\n wminst.is_scrubbed = false;\n if (window.cnn_metadata) {\n window.is_expansion = false;\n }\n },\n getBuildEnv: function() 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true || dataLayer.fbia === \"true\";\n },\n isLiveStoryTemplateType: function() {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV1();\n return dataLayer.template_type == \"live story\" || dataLayer.template_type === \"article_livestory\";\n },\n isEmpty: function(obj) {\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n },\n reverse: function(obj) {\n const ret = {};\n Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {\n ret[obj[key]] = key;\n });\n return ret;\n },\n isHexString: function(str) {\n const regexExp = /^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/;\n return regexExp.test(str);\n },\n sendImagePixel: function(url) {\n var image = new Image();\n image.src = url;\n image.style.display = \"none\";\n image.width = 1;\n image.height = 1;\n },\n loadScript: function(src, callback) {\n var e = document.createElement('script');\n e.type = 'text/javascript';\n e.async = true;\n e.src = src;\n if (callback) {\n e.addEventListener('load', callback);\n }\n var n = 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base64Decode: function(str) {\n var rval;\n try {\n rval = window.atob(str);\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getBusinessUnit: function() {\n return this.getSiteSpecificSettings(1);\n },\n addBrandingEvent: function() {\n var bcp = this.getCNNBrandingPartner();\n if (![\"\", \"nvs\", \"no value set\", \"no-value-set\"].includes(bcp)) {\n s.events = \"event21,\" + s.events;\n }\n },\n addArticleEvent: function() {\n var tt = this.getDataLayerV1().template_type || \"\";\n var cctype = this.getDataLayerV1().cap_content_type || \"\";\n if (tt == \"article\" || cctype == \"article\"){\n s.events += \",event39\";\n }\n },\n addCommentsEvent: function() {\n if (this.commentsEnabled()) {\n s.events += \",event118\";\n }\n },\n setPageEvents: function() {\n s.events = \"event26\";\n this.addBrandingEvent();\n this.addArticleEvent();\n var tt = this.getDataLayerV1().template_type || \"\";\n if (tt !== \"error\") {\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n if 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+ \"\";\n } else {\n rval = loc + jj + \"csr=fbiacnn\"; // added expected substring\n }\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageType: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n var title = document.title.toLowerCase();\n if (title.indexOf(\"page not found\") !== -1 || wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType().includes(\"error\") || title == \"error\") {\n rval = \"errorPage\";\n }\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNAuthor: function() { //prop2,eVar2 - business.cnn.page.author\n var rval = \"\";\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n try {\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.cap_author;\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.cap_author.toString();\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n try {\n rval = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.author;\n } catch (e) {}\n if (!rval) {\n if (document.getElementsByName(\"AUTHOR\").item(0)) {\n rval = document.getElementsByName(\"AUTHOR\").item(0).content;\n } else if (document.getElementsByName(\"author\").item(0)) {\n rval = document.getElementsByName(\"author\").item(0).content;\n }\n }\n }\n if (typeof rval === \"undefined\" || rval == \"no-value-set\" || rval == \"nvs\") rval = \"\";\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getPageAttribution: function() { //prop4,eVar4 - page HPlocation\n var rval = \"\";\n var ishptCookie = false;\n var hptcookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"hpt\");\n var linkTrackingCookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"linkTracking\");\n this.log(\"getPageAttribution hptcookie =\", hptcookie, \"linkTrackingCookie =\", linkTrackingCookie);\n var regex = new RegExp(\"^[A-Za-z0-9=]+$\");\n if ((typeof linkTrackingCookie == 'undefined' || linkTrackingCookie == \"\") && typeof hptcookie !== 'undefined') {\n ishptCookie = true;\n }\n var attributionCookie = linkTrackingCookie || hptcookie;\n if ((typeof attributionCookie != \"undefined\" && attributionCookie != \"\" && attributionCookie.indexOf(\"breaking:\") != -1) || !regex.test(attributionCookie)) {\n rval = attributionCookie;\n } else if 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(sessionStorage.online) { //check for session variable\n var daysinceonline = Math.ceil((todaydate - sessionStorage.online) / 86400000);\n if (daysinceonline > 1) { //if session is older than 24 hours, reset session start time and count as a visit\n localStorage.visittype = \"repeat\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = Number(localStorage.visitnum) + 1; //increment visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n } else { //new session\n localStorage.visittype = \"repeat\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = Number(localStorage.visitnum) + 1; //increment visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n var daysincestart = Math.ceil((todaydate - localStorage.startdate) / 86400000);\n if (daysincestart > Number(rollday)) { //if days since start date is greater than rolling day, set new start date\n localStorage.startdate = todaydate;\n localStorage.visittype = \"new\";\n localStorage.visitnum = 1;\n }\n } else { //first new visit\n localStorage.startdate = todaydate; //set new start date\n localStorage.visittype = \"new\"; //set visit type (new vs repeat)\n localStorage.visitnum = 1; //set visit number\n sessionStorage.online = todaydate; //set session variable\n }\n return localStorage.visittype + \":\" + localStorage.visitnum;\n } else {\n return \"new:1\";\n }\n },\n getCNNPublishDate: function() {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV1();\n rval = dataLayer.publish_date || \"\";\n if (dataLayer.last_updated_date) {\n rval += \"|\" + dataLayer.last_updated_date;\n }\n if (!rval) {\n rval = window.cnn_d?.omniture?.publish_date;\n }\n return rval;\n },\n populatePublishDate: function(){\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNPublishDate();\n var etype = [\"content\",\"live story\",\"article_livestory\",\"gallery\"];\n var rttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n var result = false;\n if (typeof rttype !== 'undefined') {\n for(var i in etype){\n if(rttype.indexOf(etype[i]) != -1){\n result = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if (result) {\n return rval;\n } else {\n return \"\";\n }\n },\n getCNNDaysSinceLastPublish: function(d) { //prop10,eVar10 - days_since_publish\n var e = new Date();\n var p;\n var j;\n if (d == 'a') {\n try {\n d = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.publish_date;\n } catch (err) {}\n try {\n d = window.CNN.omniture.publish_date || d;\n } catch (err) {}\n j = new Date(d);\n } else if (d.toString().indexOf(\"/\") != -1) {\n p = d.split(\"/\");\n if (p[0].length != 4) {\n p[2] = \"20\" + p[2];\n j = new Date(p[2] + \"/\" + p[0] + \"/\" + p[1]);\n } else {\n j = new Date(d);\n }\n } else {\n j = new Date(d);\n }\n var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;\n var date1_ms = e.getTime();\n var date2_ms = j.getTime();\n var difference_ms = Math.abs(date1_ms - date2_ms)\n var days = Math.round((difference_ms / ONE_DAY))\n if (isNaN(days)) {\n return \"\";\n }\n if (window.is_expansion != 0) {\n return Math.round((difference_ms / ONE_DAY)).toString()\n } else if (window.is_expansion == 0 && typeof window.cnn_metadata.days_since_publish !== \"undefined\") {\n try {\n return window.cnn_metadata.days_since_publish;\n } catch (err) {}\n }\n },\n populateDaysSinceLastPublish: function(){\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNDaysSinceLastPublish(\"a\");\n var etype = [\"content:\",\"live story\",\"article_livestory\"];\n var rttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n var result = false;\n if (typeof rttype !== 'undefined') {\n for(var i in etype){\n if (rttype.indexOf(etype[i]) != -1){\n result = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if(result) {\n return rval;\n } else {\n return \"\";\n }\n },\n getCNNBrandingPartner: function() { //prop11,eVar11 - page branding content partner\n var dataLayer1 = this.getDataLayerV1();\n var dataLayer2 = this.getDataLayerV2();\n var rval = (dataLayer2.branding || {}).key || dataLayer1.branding_content_page || \"\";\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNCapContentType: function (){ //prop13,eVar13 - cap_content_type\n var dataLayer1 = this.getDataLayerV1();\n var dl2PageTop = this.getDL2PageTop();\n var rval = dataLayer1.cap_content_type || \"\";\n if (dl2PageTop.type === \"gallery\") {\n rval = \"gallery\";\n }\n return rval.toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNCapGenre: function (){ //prop5,eVar5 - cap genre\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV1();\n return (dataLayer.cap_genre || \"nvs\").toLowerCase().replace(\"no-value-set\", \"nvs\");\n },\n getCNNCapMediaType: function() {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV1();\n return (dataLayer.cap_media_type || \"nvs\").toLowerCase().replace(\"no-value-set\", \"nvs\");\n },\n getCNNBrandingSocial: function() { //prop14,eVar14 - Branding Social\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture) {\n if (window.CNN.omniture.fbia === true) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.branding_social;\n }\n }\n } catch(err) {}\n try {\n if (window.navigator.userAgent && window.navigator.userAgent == \"cnn-mobile-app\") {\n return window.navigator.userAgent;\n }\n } catch(err){}\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n if (hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/amp\") != -1) {\n rval = \"google amp\"; //google amp\n }\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fav\") != -1) {\n rval = \"embed\"; //embed\n }\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNTrafficPartner: function() { // eVar15 - Traffic Partner\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(\"FastAB\");\n } catch(err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getIreportgetMember: function() { //prop17,eVar17 - ireport member\n var irptMember = wminst.Util.getCNNAuthenticated(\"authid\", \"displayname\", \"member\", \"anonymous\", \"NonMember\", \"?\");\n if (window.location.host.indexOf(\"politics\") == -1 && window.is_expansion != 0) {\n return irptMember;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n },\n getCNNPageImpression: function() { //prop18,eVar18 - page impressions\n var rval = window.cnnPSproducts || \"\";\n var hptcookie = wminst.Util.getCookie(\"hpt2\");\n if (document.referrer.indexOf(\"cnn.com\") > -1) {\n try {\n if (hptcookie) {\n rval = hptcookie;\n if (hptcookie.indexOf(\"_\") == -1) {\n rval = this.base64Decode(hptcookie);\n }\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n //document.cookie = \"hpt2=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;\";\n } else {\n if (hptcookie) {\n document.cookie = \"hpt2=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.cnn.com;\";\n }\n }\n rval = rval.replace(/no-value-set/g, \"nvs\");\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNVideoOpportunity: function() { //eVar22 - video embed count\n var rval = \"0\";\n var ttype = \"\";\n try { rval = window.cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.video_embed_count; } catch(e) {}\n try { rval = window.CNN.omniture.video_opportunity || \"0\"; } catch(e) {}\n ttype = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType();\n if (typeof ttype !== 'undefined' && ttype.indexOf(\"index\") > -1) {\n rval = \"\";\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageHeadline: function() { //prop23,eVar23 - page headline\n var rval = \"nvs\", tt = \"\";\n try { \n rval = window.CNN.omniture.headline;\n tt = window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n } catch(e) {}\n try { \n if(typeof window.cnn_d != \"undefined\" && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture != \"undefined\" && window.cnn_d.omniture.headline != \"undefined\"){\n rval = window.cnn_d.omniture.headline;\n tt = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n try {\n if(rval == \"no-value-set\" || tt == \"specials\" || tt == \"section front\" || tt == \"index\") {return null;}\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch(e) {rval = \"\";}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageName: function(pathname) { //pageName,eVar26 - page.name\n var rval = pathname || window.location.pathname;\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n rval = rval.replace(/^.*\\/\\/[^\\/]+/, \"\"); //remove domain\n rval = rval.replace(/\\/index(.html)?(\\/)?$/, \"\"); //remove /index/ and /index.html/\n rval = rval.replace(/h_[a-z0-9]+\\/?$/, \"\"); //remove last folder ID\n rval = rval.replace(/\\/?$/, \"/\"); //add trailing slash\n if (rval === \"/\") rval += \"homepage\";\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNBaseURL: function() { //prop26 - Base URL\n var hostname = window.location.hostname;\n var pathname = window.location.pathname;\n pathname = pathname.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/,\"\");\n return hostname + pathname;\n },\n getCNNSection: function(position) { //channel/eVar27, prop28/eVar28\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n for (var i = 0; i <= position; i++) {\n if (i > 0) {\n rval += \":\";\n }\n try {\n var s1 = window.CNN.omniture.section[i];\n if ((s1.indexOf(\":\")) && (s1.indexOf(\"electoral college map\") > -1)) {\n var c1 = s1.split(':');\n rval += c1[0];\n return rval;\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n if (typeof window.CNN != 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture != 'undefined') {\n if (i == 1 && !window.CNN.omniture.section[1]) { //add default value \"no value set\" for subsection (prop28/eVar28)\n window.CNN.omniture.section[1] = \"no value set\";\n try {\n if (this.isNGTVPage()) {\n window.CNN.omniture.section[1] = \"\";\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n if (window.cnn_d && window.cnn_d.omniture && window.cnn_d.omniture.section[i]) {\n try {\n rval += window.cnn_d.omniture.section[i] || \"\";\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n try {\n rval += window.CNN.omniture.section[i] || \"\";\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n try {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture !== 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.template_type == \"list\" && position == 0 && rval == \"\") { //use first path of URL for list pages\n rval = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"path\", 1);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n window.cnn_metadata.section = (typeof window.cnn_metadata.section != \"string\" ? window.cnn_metadata.section : window.JSON.parse(window.cnn_metadata.section));\n rval = (window.cnn_metadata.section[position] ? window.cnn_metadata.section[position] : \"\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPageFranchise: function() { //prop31,eVar31 - page_franchise\n var rval = \"\";\n try { rval = cnn_metadata.business.cnn.page.broadcast_franchise || rval; } catch(e) {}\n try { rval = CNN.omniture.cap_show_name || rval; } catch(e) {}\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNLeadingMedia: function() { //eVar111 - leading media\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV2();\n var rval = dataLayer.leadingMediaType || \"no media\";\n if (rval == \"video\") {\n rval += \"|\";\n rval += dataLayer.isVideoCollection ? \"collection\" : \"nocollection\"\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getTemplateTypeLookup: function() {\n return {\n b: \"blog\",\n g: \"game\",\n it: \"interactive\",\n c: \"content\",\n in: \"index\",\n err: \"error\",\n e: \"ecom\",\n s: \"signup\",\n v: \"video\",\n sf: \"section front\",\n sr: \"search results\",\n fm: \"forum\",\n o: \"other\",\n ir: \"ireport\",\n sp: \"specials\",\n pm: \"perfect market\",\n bf: \"blog front\",\n bc: \"blog category\",\n t: \"topic\",\n w: \"weather\",\n el: \"election\"\n };\n },\n getCNNTemplateType: function(lookupType) { //prop32,eVar32 - page template_type\n var rval = \"\";\n if (window.is_expansion) {\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n var dataLayer1 = this.getDataLayerV1();\n var dataLayer2 = this.getDataLayerV2();\n var dl2PageTop = this.getDL2PageTop();\n if ([\"fave.api.cnn.io\", \"fave-api.cnn.com\"].includes(hostName)) {\n rval = \"content\";\n } else if (dataLayer1.template_type == 'article') {\n try {\n if (dl2PageTop.type === 'gallery' || dataLayer1.cap_content_type === 'gallery') {\n rval = \"content: gallery\";\n } else if (dl2PageTop.type === 'video' || dl2PageTop.type === 'video360') {\n if (dataLayer2.analytics.isArticleVideoCollection) {\n rval = \"content:video:collection\";\n } else {\n rval = \"content:video:nocollection\";\n }\n } else {\n if (dataLayer1.cap_media_type === 'Video') {\n rval = \"content:video\";\n } else {\n rval = \"content: no media\";\n }\n } \n } catch (e) {}\n } else {\n rval = dataLayer1.template_type;\n }\n } else {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV1() || window.cnn_metadata || window.cnn_d?.omniture || {};\n var templateTypeCode = dataLayer.template_type;\n rval = [\"o\", \"other\"];\n var lookup = this.getTemplateTypeLookup();\n var lookupRev = this.reverse(lookup);\n if (lookup[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [templateTypeCode, lookup[templateTypeCode]];\n }\n if (lookupRev[templateTypeCode] != null) {\n rval = [lookupRev[templateTypeCode], templateTypeCode];\n }\n if (lookupType == \"short\") {\n rval = rval[0];\n }\n if (lookupType == \"long\") {\n rval = rval[1];\n }\n }\n if (typeof rval == \"string\") {\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNContentType: function(defaultVal) { //prop33,eVar33 - content_type\n var omnitureRef = (window.cnn_d && window.cnn_d.omniture) || (window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture);\n if (typeof omnitureRef === 'undefined') {\n return defaultVal;\n }\n\n var tt = \"\",\n ct = \"\";\n if (typeof window.cnn_d != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture != 'undefined' && typeof window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type != 'undefined') {\n tt = window.cnn_d.omniture.template_type;\n ct = \"adbp:\" + window.cnn_d.omniture.content_type;\n\n } else {\n if (typeof window.CNN.omniture !== \"undefined\" && typeof window.CNN.omniture.content_type !== \"undefined\" && window.CNN.omniture.content_type){\n ct = window.CNN.omniture.content_type;\n } else {\n ct = \"adbp:none\";\n }\n if (typeof ct !== 'undefined' && (ct == \"none\" || ct == \"\")) {\n ct = \"adbp:none\";\n }\n tt = window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.template_type;\n }\n var l = {\n \"adbp:blog\": [\"blog.read\", \"adbp:blog read\"],\n \"adbp:content\": [\"article.read\", \"adbp:article read\"],\n \"adbp:game\": [\"game.play\", \"adbp:game played\"],\n \"other:ireport\": [\"other.ireport\", \"other:ireport\"],\n \"other:photo wall\": [\"content.interactive\", \"other:photo wall\"]\n } [tt];\n var m = {\n \"adbp:article read\": \"article.read\"\n } [ct];\n if (m !== null) {\n if (typeof ct !== 'undefined' && ct.indexOf(\"pivit\") !== -1) {\n return tt + \":\" + ct;\n } else {\n return ct;\n }\n }\n if (!l) {\n return defaultVal;\n }\n return l[1];\n },\n getCNNAuthenticated: function(c1, c2, truevalue, falsevalue, neutralvalue, flag) { //prop34,eVar34 - user authenticated\n var rValue = 0;\n if (wminst.Util.getCookie(c1, flag)) {\n rValue++;\n }\n if (wminst.Util.getCookie(c2, flag)) {\n rValue++;\n }\n if (rValue == 0) {\n return falsevalue;\n } else if (rValue == 1) {\n return neutralvalue;\n } else {\n return truevalue;\n }\n },\n getCNNKruxID: function() { // eVar36 - KruxID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = localStorage.kxkuid;\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPlatform: function() { //prop37,eVar37 - page platform\n var rval = \"\";\n if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) {\n rval = \"smartphone\";\n } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {\n rval = \"tablet\";\n } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) {\n if (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i)) {\n rval = \"smartphone\";\n } else {\n rval = \"tablet\";\n }\n } else {\n rval = \"desktop\";\n }\n return rval ? rval : \"no value set\";\n },\n getCNNSearchInternalKeyword: function() { //prop39,eVar39 - search internal keyword\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.getQueryParam(\"query\");\n } catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getLSPostPosition: function() { //eVar45 - Post Position\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n var post_position = window.CNN.omniture.post_position ? window.CNN.omniture.post_position : 1;\n var total_post = window.CNN.omniture.total_post ? window.CNN.omniture.total_post : 0;\n rval = post_position + \":\" + total_post;\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPostID: function() { //prop43 - Post ID\n var rval = null;\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && typeof window.CNN.omniture.post_id != 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.post_id != \"\") {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.post_id;\n } else {\n try{\n pathName = pathName.replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n var path_array = pathName.split(\"/\");\n rval = path_array[path_array.length - 1];\n if(rval.match(/(^h_)[a-z0-9]+$/) === null){\n rval = null;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n } \n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n rval = \"\";\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNSourceID: function(){ //prop44 - Source ID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(typeof window.CNN != 'undefined' && typeof window.CNN.omniture != 'undefined' && window.CNN.omniture.sourceId) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.sourceId;\n } else if(window.CNN && window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.sourceId){\n rval = window.CNN.contentModel.sourceId;\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch(e) {}\n return rval; \n },\n getCNNTransactionID: function() { // prop46,eVar46\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (typeof window.cnnad_transactionID !== 'undefined') {\n rval = window.cnnad_transactionID;\n } else if (typeof window.cnnad_getTransactionID === \"function\") {\n rval = cnnad_getTransactionID();\n } else {\n rval = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) + \"\" + Math.floor(Math.random()*9007199254740992);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNGUID: function() { // prop47,eVar47\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (typeof window.turner_getGuid === \"function\") {\n rval = turner_getGuid(\"ug\");\n } else {\n rval = this.getCookie(\"ug\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getAppNexusID: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (this.isTagConsented(\"app-nexus-id\")) {\n rval = this.getCookie(\"zwmc\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval\n },\n getWMID: function(name) {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if (window.WM) {\n var obj = window.WM.PSM || window.WM.CDP || {};\n var fn = obj[\"get\"+name];\n if (typeof fn === \"function\") {\n rval = fn();\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getWMUKID: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = this.getCookie('WMUKID_STABLE');\n\n if (!rval) {\n var wmukidJSON = this.getCookie(\"WMUKID\");\n var wmukidObj = JSON.parse(wmukidJSON);\n rval = wmukidObj.id;\n }\n\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval\n },\n getCNNUID: function() {\n return this.getCookie(\"_cnn_uid\");\n },\n getEdition: function() {\n var rsid = _satellite.getVar(\"RSID\");\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n if (rsid.includes(\"esp\")) {\n return \"espanol\";\n } else if (hostName.includes(\"edition\")) {\n return \"international\";\n } else {\n return \"domestic\";\n }\n },\n getSubsOnlyContent: function() {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV3();\n return dataLayer.subscriptionContent === true ? \"subscriber exclusive content\" : \"standard content\";\n },\n getFlagState: function(name, text) {\n var dataLayer = this.getDataLayerV3();\n if (dataLayer[name] === true) {\n return text + \" enabled\";\n } else if (dataLayer[name] === false) {\n return text + \" disabled\";\n } else {\n return \"nvs\";\n }\n },\n getPaywallState: function() {\n var val1 = this.getFlagState(\"enablePaywall\", \"paywall\");\n var val2 = this.getFlagState(\"disablePaywall\", \"override\");\n return [val1, val2].join(\":\");\n },\n getRegwallState: function() {\n var val1 = this.getFlagState(\"enableRegwall\", \"regwall\");\n var val2 = this.getFlagState(\"disableRegwall\", \"override\");\n return [val1, val2].join(\":\");\n },\n setLinkTrackVars: function(names) {\n if (s.linkTrackVars == \"None\") return;\n let nameArr = names.split(\",\");\n nameArr.forEach(name => {\n if (!s.linkTrackVars.includes(name)) {\n s.linkTrackVars += \",\" + name;\n }\n });\n },\n mapProp: function(eVarNum) {\n return {\n \"26\": \"pageName\",\n \"27\": \"channel\",\n \"29\": \"server\",\n \"41\": \"prop29\"\n } [eVarNum] || (\"prop\" + eVarNum);\n },\n setProps: function(eVarNums) {\n let eVarNumArr = eVarNums.split(\",\");\n eVarNumArr.forEach(eVarNum => {\n var eVarKey = \"eVar\" + eVarNum;\n var propKey = this.mapProp(eVarNum);\n if (s[eVarKey]) {\n s[propKey] = s[propKey] || s[eVarKey];\n s[eVarKey] = \"D=\" + propKey.replace(\"prop\", \"c\").replace(\"channel\", \"ch\");\n }\n });\n },\n setEVars: function(eVarNums) {\n let eVarNumArr = eVarNums.split(\",\");\n eVarNumArr.forEach(eVarNum => {\n var propKey = this.mapProp(eVarNum);\n var eVarKey = \"eVar\" + eVarNum;\n if (s[propKey]) {\n s[eVarKey] = s[propKey];\n s[propKey] = \"\";\n } else {\n s[eVarKey] = \"\";\n }\n });\n },\n setIds: function() {\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"eVar106,eVar195,eVar197,eVar198,eVar199\");\n s.eVar106 = this.getCNNUID();\n s.eVar195 = this.getAppNexusID();\n s.eVar197 = this.getWMUKID();\n s.eVar198 = this.getWMID(\"WMHHID\");\n s.eVar199 = this.getWMID(\"WMINID\");\n },\n setUserAuthState: function() {\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"eVar51,eVar74,eVar89\");\n s.eVar51 = this.getUserAuthState(\"registration\");\n s.eVar74 = this.getUserAuthState(\"verification\");\n s.eVar89 = this.getUserAuthState(\"login\");\n },\n setCommonVars: function(useProps) {\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"pageName,eVar26,server,eVar29,channel,eVar27,prop11,eVar11,prop28,eVar28,prop32,eVar32,prop33,eVar33\");\n s.eVar26 = s.eVar26 || wminst.Util.getCNNPageName();\n s.eVar29 = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n s.eVar27 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0);\n s.eVar11 = wminst.Util.getCNNBrandingPartner();\n s.eVar28 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n s.eVar32 = s.eVar32 || wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n s.eVar33 = wminst.Util.getCNNContentType();\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"prop30,eVar30,prop35,eVar35\");\n s.eVar30 = this.getBusinessUnit();\n s.prop35 = this.getCodeVersion();\n s.eVar35 = \"D=c35\"\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"eVar44\");\n s.eVar44 = 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s.eVar117 = data.stellarId || \"\";\n s.eVar118 = data.parentStellarId || \"\";\n s.eVar119 = (data.videoTags || []).join(\",\");\n s.eVar120 = (data.videoUrl || \"\");\n this.setLinkTrackVars(\"eVar124,eVar127,eVar130\");\n s.eVar124 = (data.branding || \"\").toLowerCase();\n s.eVar127 = (data.firstPublishSlug || \"\").toLowerCase();\n s.eVar130 = this.getPreviewType(data);\n if (useProps) this.setProps(\"53,57,59\");\n },\n getCNNTechStack: function() { //eVar48 - Site Tech Stack\n return this.getDL2Prop(\"techStack\").toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNCMSId: function() { //eVar49 - CMS ID\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.contentModel && window.CNN.contentModel.cmsId){\n rval = CNN.contentModel.cmsId;\n }\n } catch(e){}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPreviousPageName: function(){ //prop49,eVar49 - Previous PageName\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n if(this.isTagConsented('adobe')) {\n var pName = window.document.referrer;\n var prevP = s.getPreviousValue(wminst.Util.getCNNPageName(),\"cnprevpage_pn\");\n if (prevP && typeof pName != \"undefined\" && pName != \"\" && pName.indexOf(\".cnn.com\") != -1) {\n return prevP;\n }\n }\n } catch(e) {return rval;}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNPostTitle: function() { //prop50 - Post Title\n var rval = \"\";\n try{\n if(window.CNN && window.CNN.omniture && window.CNN.omniture.post_title) {\n rval = window.CNN.omniture.post_title;\n } else { \n rval = document.title;\n }\n } catch(e) { rval = document.title; }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n try {\n var dom_obj = $x(\"//script[@type='application/ld+json']\");\n var post_obj = JSON.parse(rval[rval.length - 1]).innerHTML;\n if(post_obj && post_obj.headline){\n rval = post_obj.headline;\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n try {\n if (this.isLiveStoryTemplateType()) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n rval = \"\";\n } \n } catch(e) {}\n if(rval !== \"\") {\n rval = rval.replace(/\\([0-9]+\\)/, \"\").trim();\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getLiveStreamName: function(data) {\n var rval = (data.live_stream_name || data.title || \"\").toLowerCase();\n if (data.id.includes(\"cvpstream\")) {\n rval += \" \" + data.id.substr(-1);\n }\n return data.isLive ? rval : \"\";\n },\n getCNNBreakingNewsHP: function(ptt, chnl) {\n var rval = \"\";\n var tt = \"\";\n try {\n if (ptt.indexOf(\":\") != -1) {\n if (ptt.indexOf(\"adbp\") != -1) {\n ptt = ptt.split(\":\");\n tt = ptt[1];\n } else {\n ptt = ptt.split(\":\");\n tt = ptt[0];\n }\n } else {\n tt = ptt;\n }\n var abr = {\n \"index\": \"in\",\n \"video\": \"v\",\n \"videos\": \"v\",\n \"blog\": \"b\",\n \"blogs\": \"b\",\n \"game\": \"g\",\n \"games\": \"g\",\n \"interactive\": \"it\",\n \"content\": \"c\",\n \"error\": \"err\",\n \"section\": \"sf\",\n \"section front\": \"sf\",\n \"gallery\": \"ga\",\n \"show\": \"sh\",\n \"shows\": \"sh\",\n \"special\": \"sp\",\n \"specials\": \"sp\",\n \"topic\": \"t\",\n \"profile\": \"p\",\n \"article\": \"c\"\n } [tt];\n if (chnl && (chnl == \"homepage\" || chnl == \"cnn homepage\")) {\n chnl = \"index\";\n }\n if (tt) {\n rval = \"breaking:\" + chnl + \":\" + abr + \":\";\n }\n return rval;\n } catch (e) {}\n },\n getCNNOrientation: function() { //prop56,eVar56 - page orientation\n var rval = \"no value set\";\n try {\n var x = 0;\n if (self.innerHeight) {\n x = self.innerWidth;\n } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {\n x = document.documentElement.clientWidth;\n } else if (document.body) {\n x = document.body.clientWidth;\n }\n var y = 0;\n if (self.innerHeight) {\n y = self.innerHeight;\n } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {\n y = document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n } else if (document.body) {\n y = document.body.clientHeight;\n }\n rval = (y > x) ? \"portrait\" : \"landscape\";\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getPreviewType: function(data) {\n return (data.previewType || \"nvs\").toLowerCase();\n },\n getMVPD: function(data) {\n return (data.mvpd || data.mvpd_value || \"\").toLowerCase();\n },\n getAdobeID: function(data) {\n return data.adobe_hash_id || data.adobeHashId || \"\";\n },\n getCookieFromDL: function(cookieName, propName) {\n var propVal = this.getDataLayerV1()[propName];\n if (propVal) {\n this.setCookie(cookieName, propVal);\n }\n return this.getCookie(cookieName) || \"no mvpd set\";\n },\n getLocalStorageFromDL: function(keyName, propName) {\n var propVal = this.getDataLayerV1()[propName];\n if (propVal) {\n localStorage.setItem(keyName, propVal);\n }\n return localStorage.getItem(keyName) || \"nvs\";\n },\n getCNNMVPD: function() {\n return this.getCookieFromDL(\"CNNmvpd\", \"mvpd\");\n },\n getCNNAdobeID: function() {\n return this.getCookieFromDL(\"adobe_hash_id\", \"adobe_hash_id\");\n },\n getCNNUserAuthState: function() {\n return this.getLocalStorageFromDL(\"user_auth_state\", \"user_auth_state\");\n },\n getCNNPlayerState: function(video) { //eVar67 player State\n var screenState = video.screen_state || \"nvs\";\n var screenPosition = video.screen_position || \"nvs\";\n var audioState = video.audio_state || \"nvs\";\n var playerState = \"\";\n try {\n if (screenState == \"nvs\" && CNN && CNN.omniture && CNN.omniture.screen_state) {\n screenState = CNN.omniture.screen_state;\n }\n if (audioState == \"nvs\") {\n if (video.muted === true) {\n audioState = \"muted\";\n } else if (video.muted === false) {\n audioState = \"audio on\";\n }\n }\n playerState = screenState + \"|\" + audioState + \"|\" + screenPosition;\n playerState = playerState.toLowerCase();\n } catch (e) {}\n return playerState;\n },\n getCNNVisitorID: function(id) { //eVar73 - page visitorId\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = _satellite.cookie.get(id);\n rval = rval.replace(/\\[(.+?)\\]/g, \"\");\n rval = rval.split(\"|\")[1];\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n } catch (err) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNHierachy: function() { // hier1 - Hierachy\n var rval = \"\";\n /* try {\n var bUnit = this.getBusinessUnit();\n var channel = this.getCNNSection(0);\n var domain = this.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n var section2 = this.getCNNSection(1);\n rval = \"news|cnn|\" + bUnit + \"|\" + domain + \"|\" + channel + \"|\" + section2; \n } catch(e){} */\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNUIEngagement: function() { //prop64 - UI Engagement\n var rval = (this.isNGTVPage() || this.isTVEPage()) ? \"ngtv\" : \"cnn news\";\n try { \n if(typeof window.cnn_metadata.friendly_name != 'undefined') {\n rval = window.cnn_metadata.friendly_name;\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNTopicAvailability: function() {\n var topic_pattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9a-z,]+$/);\n try {\n var rval = wminst.Util.getCNNTopic();\n if(rval == \"\"){\n return \"no topics\";\n } else if(topic_pattern.test(rval)) {\n return \"topics available\";\n } else { \n return \"api request failure\";\n }\n } catch(e) {}\n },\n getCNNTopic: function() {\n let topicObj = (window.CNN || {}).cep_topics || {};\n let topicKeys = [\"cep_brsf\", \"cep_iabt\", \"cep_sent\", \"cep_tags\"];\n let topicVals = [];\n for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(topicObj)) {\n if (topicKeys.includes(key)) topicVals = topicVals.concat(val);\n }\n let topicStr = (window.cna_omniture || {}).topic || \"\";\n return (topicVals.toString() || topicStr).toLowerCase();\n },\n getCEPTopisForVideo: function(data) {\n let topicObj = (data || {}).cepTopics || {};\n let topicKeys = Object.keys(topicObj);\n return topicKeys.toString().toLowerCase();\n },\n getCNNSiteSectionLevel3: function(val) { //prop51 - Site section level 3 for politics\n var rval = \"\";\n try {\n rval = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n if(typeof val != 'undefined') {\n rval += \":\" + val;\n } else if(CNN && CNN.omniture && CNN.omniture.section && typeof CNN.omniture.section[2] != 'undefined') {\n rval += \":\" + CNN.omniture.section[2];\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNInteractiveState: function(data) { //eVar50 - Interactive State for politics\n var rval = \"\";\n if(typeof data == 'undefined' && window.location.hash === \"#my_election\") {\n rval = \"election center:my election:panel open\";\n return rval;\n }\n if (typeof data == \"object\" && (typeof data.tab != 'undefined' || typeof data.map_state != 'undefined' || typeof data.map_level != 'undefined')) {\n var tab = data.tab || \"nvs\";\n var map_state = data.map_state || \"nvs\";\n if(!wminst.Util.isPoliticsExplorer()) {\n if (typeof data.action != 'undefined') {\n var map_level = data.map_level || \"nvs\";\n var race_type = data.race_type || \"nvs\";\n var overlay_type = data.overlay_type || \"nvs\";\n var show_by = data.show_by || \"nvs\";\n rval = \"ec:\" + race_type + \":\" + map_level + \":\" + overlay_type + \":\" + show_by;\n }\n else\n rval = \"election center:\" + tab + \":\" + map_state;\n } else {\n var year = data.year || \"nvs\";\n var comparison_layer = data.comparison_layer || \"nvs\";\n var e_val = data.election || \"nvs\";\n rval = tab + \":\" + year + \":\" + e_val + \":\" + comparison_layer + \":\" + map_state;\n }\n rval = rval.toLowerCase();\n }\n return rval\n },\n getSiteSpecificSettings: function(type, section) {\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n var port = window.location.port;\n var setting;\n var sites = {\n \"cnn\": [\"cnn-adbp-domestic\", \"cnn domestic\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00001\", \"8587204\"],\n \"cnndev\": [\"cnn-adbp-domestic-dev\", \"cnn domestic\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00001\", \"8587204\"],\n \"cnnintl\": [\"cnn-adbp-intl\", \"cnn international\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00002\", \"8587278\"],\n \"cnnintldev\": [\"cnn-adbp-intl-dev\", \"cnn international\", \"cnn\", \"metrics.cnn.com\", \"smetrics.cnn.com\", \"us-100120\", \"b01\", \"00002\", \"8587278\"],\n \"ireport\": [\"cnnireport-adbp\", \"cnn ireport\", \"cnnireport\", 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hostName.indexOf(\"prism.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"thebrief.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"insidethemiddleeast.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"connecttheworld.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"business.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"questmeansbusiness.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"goalmouth.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"olympics.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"worldsport.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"bodareal.blogs.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"travel.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"footballclub.cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition.cnnv2.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"edition-m.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnnintl[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"cnn.com\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"cnnv2.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n } else if (hostName.indexOf(\"style.staging.cnn.io\") != -1) {\n setting = sites.cnndev[type];\n } else {\n //default, if any case failed\n setting = sites.cnn[type];\n }\n }\n try {\n if (window.CNNIntlVideo) {\n setting = sites.cnnintl[type];\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n return setting;\n },\n getADBPURL: function(type, lvl) {\n var hostname = window.location.hostname.toLowerCase();\n var pathname = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase();\n var path_array = \"\";\n pathname = pathname.replace(/([^\\/]+\\.[^\\/]+$)/, \"\");\n\n var rval;\n switch (type) {\n case \"domain\":\n hostname = hostname.replace(\"www.\", \"\");\n if (lvl == parseFloat(lvl)) {\n var domain_array = hostname.split(\".\");\n var currentPointer = domain_array.length - lvl;\n var currentDomainLevel = (currentPointer >= 0 ? domain_array[currentPointer] : \"\");\n rval = currentDomainLevel;\n } else {\n rval = hostname;\n }\n break;\n case \"path\":\n var pathname2 = pathname.substring(1);\n path_array = pathname2.split(\"/\");\n if (lvl == parseFloat(lvl) && lvl >= 1) {\n var currentPathname = (path_array.length >= lvl ? path_array[lvl - 1] : \"\");\n rval = currentPathname;\n } else {\n rval = pathname;\n }\n break;\n case \"hier\":\n hostname = hostname.replace(\"www.\", \"\");\n path_array = pathname.substring(1).split(\"/\");\n var h1 = hostname + \"/\" + path_array[0];\n var h2 = h1;\n if (path_array[1]) h2 = h2 + \"/\" + path_array[1];\n rval = [h1, h2];\n break;\n default:\n rval = hostname + pathname;\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNVideoSequence: function() {\n return \"1\";\n },\n getUserAuthState: function(type) {\n var userAuthToken = this.getCookie(this.appendHost(\"_cnn_at\"));\n var acctVerified = this.base64Decode(userAuthToken).includes(\"cnn.authn\");\n switch (type) {\n case \"registration\" : return userAuthToken ? \"registered\" : \"anonymous\";\n case \"verification\" : return acctVerified ? \"account verified\" : \"account not verified\";\n case \"login\" : return userAuthToken ? \"logged in\" : \"not logged in\";\n default : return \"\";\n }\n },\n getSubscriberType: function() {\n var preauthz = window.localStorage.getItem(this.appendHost(\"preauthz\"));\n if (preauthz) {\n var decodedPreauthz = this.base64Decode(preauthz);\n try {\n var parsedValue = JSON.parse(decodedPreauthz);\n return parsedValue.value[0].entitlement;\n } catch (error) {\n this.log('Error fetching preauthz', error);\n }\n }\n },\n modSubscriberType: function(subType) {\n var subPrefix = subType ? \"subscriber\" : \"not subscriber\";\n return [subPrefix, subType].join(\":\").toLowerCase();\n },\n getSubsMeterCount: function() {\n var paywallText = window.localStorage.getItem(\"cnn_paywall_v2\") || window.localStorage.getItem(\"cnn_dev_paywall_v2\");\n if (paywallText) {\n try {\n var paywallObj = JSON.parse(paywallText);\n return Object.keys(paywallObj.wallStats).length;\n } catch (error) {\n this.log('Error fetching paywall', error);\n }\n }\n },\n getCNNSavedRaces: function() {\n var rval = \"\";\n if(typeof CNN != 'undefined' && typeof CNN.saved_races == \"number\") {\n rval = \"election center:save races:\" + CNN.saved_races;\n } else {\n if(wminst.Util.getCNNCapContentType()) {\n rval = \"D=c13\";\n }\n }\n return rval;\n },\n getCNNExploreIndentify: function(data) { //eVar79 for Politics Explorer\n var rval = \"cnn login not required\";\n if((data.interaction_type == \"year race\" && data.racePremiumContent) || (data.interaction_type == \"add layer\" && data.overlayPremiumContent)) {\n rval = \"cnn login required\";\n }\n return rval;\n }\n }\n}();\nwminst.Util.loadCustomVariables();\n\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript2\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\n// JSMD Adapter to provide backward compatibility\nwindow._jsmd = window._jsmd || {\n init: function() {\n this.mdata = {\n business: {\n cnn: {\n page: {\n author: wminst.Util.getCNNAuthor(),\n branding_content_partner: wminst.Util.getCNNBrandingPartner(),\n section: [wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0), wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1)]\n }\n }\n }\n };\n return this;\n },\n send: function() {\n },\n trackMetrics: function(action, data, map) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n console.log(\"jsmd adapter trackMetrics action =\" + action + \" window.trackMetrics = \" + typeof window.trackMetrics);\n window.trackMetrics(action, data);\n }, 100);\n },\n plugin: {\n gQuery: function(name) {\n return wminst.Util.getQueryParam(name);\n },\n gCNNVideoCollection: function() {\n return wminst.getCNNMediaCollection();\n }\n }\n};\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript3\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\n/*! A simple PubSub in JavaScript - v1.0.0 - 2014-01-12\n* https://github.com/bdadam/PubSub\n* The MIT License (MIT)\n* Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Beres-Deak */\n!function(){\"use strict\";function a(a){if(\"[object String]\"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(a))throw new TypeError(\"Event is not a string.\")}function b(a){if(\"function\"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError(\"Handler is not a function\")}var c={},d={};d.publish=d.pub=function(b){if(a(b),c[b])for(var d={event:b,args:Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1)},e=0,f=c[b].length;f>e;e++)c[b][e].apply(d,d.args)},d.subscribe=d.sub=function(d,e){a(d),b(e),(c[d]=c[d]||[]).push(e)},d.unsubscribe=d.unsub=function(){var d,e,f,g,h=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);if(h.length>=2){if(d=h[0],e=h[1],a(d),b(e),!c[d])return;for(f=0,g=c[d].length;g>f;f++)c[d][f]===e&&c[d].splice(f,1)}else{e=h[0],b(e);for(d in c)for(f=0,g=c[d].length;g>f;f++)c[d][f]===e&&c[d].splice(f,1)}},\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return d}):\"object\"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=d:window.PubSub=d}();\n\nwindow.trackMetrics = function(action, data) {\n var realaction = action,\n realdata = data;\n if (typeof(action) == \"object\") {\n if (action.type != null) {\n realaction = action.type;\n }\n if (action.action != null) {\n realaction = action.action;\n }\n if (action.data != null) {\n realdata = action.data;\n }\n }\n if (typeof(realdata) == \"object\") {\n if (realdata.data != null) {\n realdata = realdata.data;\n }\n }\n var counter = 0;\n (function poll() {\n if (wminst.subscribersReady || counter >= 10) {\n wminst.Util.log(\"trackMetrics subscribersReady =\", wminst.subscribersReady, \"counter =\", counter, \"action =\", realaction, \"data =\", realdata);\n PubSub.publish(realaction, realdata);\n return true;\n }\n counter++;\n setTimeout(poll, 100);\n })();\n \n //Handling ComScore Events here\n window.trackCSMetrics(realaction, realdata);\n};\n\nwindow.trackCSMetrics = function (realaction, realdata) {\n if ((window.ns_ || {}).StreamingTag) {\n publishCSEvents(realaction, realdata);\n } else {\n wminst.Util.log(\"trackCSMetrics load comscore streamsense\");\n wminst.Util.loadScript(\"//s.cdn.turner.com/analytics/comscore/streamsense.\", function () {\n publishCSEvents(realaction, realdata);\n });\n }\n\n function publishCSEvents(realaction, realdata) {\n try {\n if ([\"cnnvideo-preroll\", \"cnnvideo-adcreative-start\"].includes(realaction)) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-preroll\", realdata);\n } else if ([\"cnnvideo-adcomplete\", \"cnnvideo-midroll-complete\"].includes(realaction)) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_ad-complete\", realdata);\n } else if ([\"cnnvideo-start\", \"cnnvideo-autostart\", \"cnnvideo-live\", \"cnnvideo-autosegment\", \"cnnvideo-autoepisode\", \"cnnvideo-episode\"].includes(realaction)) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-play\", realdata);\n } else if (([\"cnnvideo-pause\"].includes(realaction)) && (realdata.video || {}).paused == true) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-pause\", realdata);\n } else if (([\"cnnvideo-pause\"].includes(realaction)) && (realdata.video || {}).paused == false) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-resume\", realdata);\n } else if ([\"cnnvideo-complete\"].includes(realaction)) {\n PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-complete\", realdata);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n}\n\nwindow.setINSTVideoEvent = function(event, data) {\n if (event == \"cnnvideo-pause\" && !data.paused) {\n event = \"cnnvideo-resume\";\n }\n window.instVideoEvent = {\n name: event,\n time: +(new Date())\n };\n};\n\nwindow.trackVideoEvent = function(data, event, playerid) {\n try {\n if (event !== \"cnnvideo-progress\") {\n setINSTVideoEvent(event, data);\n var currVidObj = data;\n currVidObj.playerid = playerid;\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n video : currVidObj\n }\n });\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.trackVideoProgress = function(vidInfo) {\n try {\n setINSTVideoEvent(\"cnnvideo-progress\", vidInfo);\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"cnnvideo-progress\",\n data: { video: vidInfo }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.setINSTAudioEvent = function(event, data) {\n if (event == \"audio-pause\" && !data.paused) {\n event = \"audio-resume\";\n }\n window.instAudioEvent = {\n name: event,\n time: +(new Date())\n };\n};\n\nwindow.trackAudioEvent = function(data, event, playerid) {\n try {\n if (event !== \"audio-progress\") {\n setINSTAudioEvent(event, data);\n var currAudObj = data;\n currAudObj.playerid = playerid;\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n audio : currAudObj\n }\n });\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.trackAudioProgress = function(audInfo) {\n try {\n setINSTAudioEvent(\"audio-progress\", audInfo);\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"audio-progress\",\n data: { audio: audInfo }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendVideoEvent = function(data, event, playerid) {\n try {\n var currVidObj = window.JSON.parse(data);\n currVidObj.playerid = playerid;\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n video : currVidObj\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendAudioEvent = function(data, event, id) {\n try {\n var currAudObj = (typeof data != \"string\"? data: window.JSON.parse(data));\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n instance: id,\n audio: currAudObj\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendInteractionEvent = function(event, data) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n interaction: data\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendHP10Interaction = function (data) {\n sendInteractionEvent(\"hp10-interaction\", \"10minpreview:\"+data);\n};\n\nwindow.sendGameInteraction = function(event,info) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n value: info\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendVideoClick = function(info, event) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n value: info\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendNewsPulse = function(data) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"dynamic-newsPulseOmniCall\",\n data: {\n newspulse: {\n query: data\n }\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.sendHTML5Event = function(data, event) {\n if (data.contentType ==\"audio\") {\n trackMetrics(\"audio-start\",data.headline, \"adbp-audio\");\n } else {\n data.metas= {branding:\"ireport\"};\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: event,\n data: {\n video : data\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n};\n\nwindow.sendOpenStoryPerspective = function(data) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"ireport-openstory\",\n data: {\n openstory : data\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.trackExitLinkMetrics = function(action) {\n wminst.Util.log(\"trackExitLinkMetrics action =\", action);\n try {\n PubSub.publish(action,\"\");\n }\n catch (e) {}\n};\n\nif (wminst.Util.isStellarPage() && wminst.Util.isUserAccountPage() && window.ZION_MESSAGE_BUS) {\n ZION_MESSAGE_BUS.subscribe(\"event_published\", function(message) {\n try {\n var msgIndex = message.length - 1;\n var eventObj = message[msgIndex].message.event; \n var eventName = eventObj.name;\n if (eventName == \"PaymentTransactionCompleted\") {\n var billing_cycle = eventObj.props.billing_interval;\n if (billing_cycle == \"monthly\" || billing_cycle == \"annualy\" || billing_cycle == \"yearly\") {\n var httpResp = eventObj.props.http_response;\n wminst.Util.log(\"eventName =\", eventName, \"billing =\", billing_cycle, \"httpResp =\", httpResp);\n if (httpResp == \"success\") {\n window.trackMetrics({\n type: \"site_subscription_success\",\n data: eventObj.props\n });\n }\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.error(e);\n }\n })\n}\n//DOM scrapping to track retailer clicks clicked on CNN underscroed pages on non CNN links\nvar sendFBRetailClickPixel = function(data) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"facebook-retailer-click\",\n data: data\n });\n } catch (e) {}\n}; \ntry {\n var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[class*=\"offer-link\"]');\n for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {\n var data = {};\n var linkText = elements[i].innerText ? elements[i].innerText : elements[i].innerHTML;\n if(typeof elements[i] !== 'undefined' && linkText !== '') {\n data.clickedLink = elements[i].href;\n data.clickedText = linkText;\n }\n elements[i].addEventListener('click', function() {sendFBRetailClickPixel(data);}, false);\n }\n} catch (e) {}\n\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript4\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.getVideoMetadata = function(data) {\n return data.video || data;\n}\n\nwminst.getAudioMetadata = function(data) {\n return data.audio || data;\n}\n\nwminst.isAMPVideos = function() {\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n return hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1;\n};\n\nwminst.isBusinessVideo = function(v) {\n var sectionName = v.sectionName || v.category || \"\";\n var sectionNameList = [\"media\", \"intl_business\", \"tech\", \"business\", \"business-videos\", \"cars\", \"investing\", \"success\", \"perspectives\", \"homes\"];\n return sectionNameList.includes(sectionName);\n};\n\nwminst.getAMPVideoTimeStamp = function() {\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n var ts = \"\";\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/amp\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/cnneamp\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fbia\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fbiaV2\") != -1) {\n ts = new Date().getTime();\n }\n return ts;\n};\n\nvar mediaPlayer = [];\nwminst.getCNNMediaCollection = function() {\n return {\n get: function(i, p) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n return mPlayer[j][p];\n }\n }\n },\n set: function(i, p, v) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n mPlayer[j][p] = v;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n toggle: function(i, p) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n var v = mPlayer[j][p];\n mPlayer[j][p] = !v;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n start: function(i, t) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n mPlayer.push(new objMediaPlayer(i,t));\n function objMediaPlayer(cid, mediaTitle) {\n this.containerId = cid;\n this.mediaTitle = mediaTitle;\n this.vidStarted = false;\n this.audStarted = false;\n this.hasScrubbed = false;\n this.isAuto = false;\n this.isTen = false;\n this.isTwentyFive = false;\n this.isHalf = false;\n this.isSeventyFive = false;\n this.isNinety = false;\n this.isBuffering = false;\n this.isPaused = false;\n this.isMidrollStarted = false;\n this.adNumber = 0;\n this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n this.currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n this.timeSpent = 0;\n }\n },\n pause: function(i) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n var p = mPlayer[j].isPaused;\n var b = mPlayer[j].isBuffering;\n if (!b) {\n if (p) {\n mPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n } else {\n var playedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent;\n mPlayer[j].timeSpent = playedTime;\n }\n }\n mPlayer[j].isPaused = !p;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n buffer: function(i) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n var p = mPlayer[j].isPaused;\n var b = mPlayer[j].isBuffering;\n if (!p) {\n if (b) {\n mPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n } else {\n var playedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent;\n mPlayer[j].timeSpent = playedTime;\n }\n }\n mPlayer[j].isBuffering = !b;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n progress: function(i) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n mPlayer[j].currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n var playedTime = (mPlayer[j].currentTime - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent) / 1000;\n mPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date()).getTime();\n mPlayer[j].timeSpent = 0;\n return Math.round(playedTime);\n }\n }\n },\n complete: function(i) {\n var mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n for (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n if (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n var playedTime = ((new Date()).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent) / 1000;\n mPlayer[j].timeSpent = 0;\n return Math.round(playedTime);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n};\n\nwminst.capCNNTimeSpent = function(timeSpent, trt, liveInterval) {\n try { //check media time spent value\n var timeLimit = 0;\n if ((parseFloat(timeSpent) == parseInt(timeSpent)) && !isNaN(timeSpent)) {\n if (liveInterval && liveInterval > 0) {\n timeLimit = liveInterval; //time limit value set by webdev\n } else {\n timeLimit = 60; //time limit in sec\n if (trt && parseFloat(trt) > 0) {\n timeLimit = parseFloat(trt) * 2;\n }\n }\n if (timeSpent > timeLimit) {\n timeSpent = timeLimit;\n } else if (timeSpent < 0) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n return timeSpent;\n};\n\nwminst.capCNNTimeSpent2 = function(timeSpent, trt) {\n try { //check media time spent value\n if ((parseFloat(timeSpent) == parseInt(timeSpent)) && !isNaN(timeSpent)) { //valid time spent value\n if (trt && !isNaN(trt) && (parseFloat(trt) == parseInt(trt))) { //valid media length\n if (timeSpent > parseFloat(trt) * 2) {\n timeSpent = parseFloat(trt) * 2;\n } else if (timeSpent < 0) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else { //invalid media length\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else { //invalid time spent value\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n return timeSpent;\n};\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript5\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.comscorePageBeacon = function() {\n var c_id = \"6035748\";\n var cs_ucfr = wminst.Util.isTagConsented(\"comscore\") ? \"1\" : \"0\";\n var params = {\n c1: \"2\", c2: c_id, cs_ucfr: cs_ucfr,\n options: {\n enableFirstPartyCookie: true\n }\n }\n if (wminst.Util.isFBIAPage() === true) {\n params.options.url_append = \"comscorekw=fbia\";\n }\n var _comscore = window._comscore = _comscore || [];\n _comscore.push(params);\n \n try {\n if (window.COMSCORE) {\n COMSCORE.beacon(_comscore[0]);\n wminst.Util.sendImagePixel(\"//lightning.cnn.com/analytics/cnn/comscore-pageview-candidate.json\");\n } else {\n wminst.Util.loadScript(\"https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/cs/\" + c_id + \"/beacon.js\");\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"dynamic-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"tab-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnsearch-results\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"weather-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"picker-pageview\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnngallery-click\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"readmore-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"breaking-news\", function(data) {\n if (data.domain && (data.domain == \"cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"us.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"sweet.next.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"edition.cnn.com\")) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n }\n});\n\n\n/* ============== Page Load ============= */\nif (!wminst.Util.isDynamicPage() && !wminst.Util.isFavePage() && !wminst.Util.inIFrame()) { \n wminst.comscorePageBeacon();\n}\n\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript6\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.bomboraStandardVITag = function() {\n if (!window._ml) {\n (function (w,d,t){\n _ml = w._ml || {};\n _ml.nq = w._ml.nq || [];\n _ml.nq.push(['track', '64240', {fp: 'YOUR_USER_ID'}]);\n var s, cd, tag; s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; cd = new Date();\n tag = d.createElement(t); tag.async = 1;\n tag.src = 'https://cdn.ml314.com/taglw.js';\n s.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, s);\n })(window,document,'script');\n } else {\n _ml.nq = window._ml.nq || [];\n _ml.nq.push(['track', '64240']);\n }\n};\n\nwminst.bomboraRealTimeVITag = function() {\n if (!window._bmb) {\n !function(e,t,c,n,o,a,m){e._bmb||(o=e._bmb=function(){o.x?o.x.apply(o,arguments):o.q.push(arguments)},o.q=[],a=t.createElement(c),a.async=true,a.src=\"https://vi.ml314.com/get?eid=64240&tk=GBYTTE9dUG2OqHj1Rk9DPOaLspvMWfLqV236sdkHgf03d&fp=\"+(e.localStorage&&e.localStorage.getItem(n)||\"\"),m=t.getElementsByTagName(c)[0],m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m))}(window,document,\"script\",\"_ccmaid\");\n }\n\n window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};\n googletag.cmd.push(function() {\n _bmb('vi', function(data){\n if (data != null) {\n var tmpSegment = [\n data.industry_id,\n data.revenue_id,\n data.size_id,\n data.functional_area_id,\n data.professional_group_id,\n data.seniority_id,\n data.decision_maker_id,\n data.install_data_id,\n data.topic_id,\n data.interest_group_id,\n data.segment,\n data.b2b_interest_cluster_id\n ].filter(Boolean).join(',');\n\n tmpSegment != '' && googletag.pubads().setTargeting(\"bmb\",tmpSegment.split(','));\n }\n });\n });\n};\n\nwminst.bomboraPageBeacon = function() {\n wminst.bomboraStandardVITag()\n wminst.bomboraRealTimeVITag()\n};\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"dynamic-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"tab-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnsearch-results\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"weather-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"picker-pageview\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"readmore-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"breaking-news\", function(data) {\n if (data.domain && (data.domain == \"cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"us.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"sweet.next.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"edition.cnn.com\")) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n }\n});\n\n\n/* ============== Page Load ============= */\nif (!wminst.Util.isDynamicPage() && !wminst.Util.isFavePage() && !wminst.Util.inIFrame()) { \n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n}\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript7\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.initStreamingTag = function () {\n wminst.myStreamingTag = new ns_.StreamingTag({\n customerC2: \"6035748\"\n });\n}\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"Player_Ready\", function(data) {\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cs_video-preroll\", function(data) {\n var v = wminst.getVideoMetadata(data);\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n if (!wminst.prev_vid) { //first video\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n } else if (wminst.prev_vid && wminst.prev_vid !== v.id) { //new video\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n } else if (wminst.completed_vid && wminst.completed_vid == v.id) {\n wminst.completed_vid = \"\";\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n }\n wminst.prev_vid = v.id;\n var clength = v.ad_duration || 0;\n try {\n clength = parseInt(clength);\n if (clength % 1000 !== 0) {\n clength = clength * 1000;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n clength = 0;\n }\n var cs_ucfr = wminst.Util.isTagConsented(\"comscore\") ? \"1\" : \"0\";\n var metadata = {\n ns_st_cl: clength || 3000,\n cs_ucfr: cs_ucfr\n };\n if (ns_) {\n ns_.StreamingTag.AdType = {\n BrandedOnDemandContent: \"34\",\n BrandedOnDemandLive: \"35\",\n BrandedOnDemandMidRoll: \"32\",\n BrandedOnDemandPostRoll: \"33\",\n BrandedOnDemandPreRoll: \"31\",\n LinearLive: \"21\",\n LinearOnDemandMidRoll: \"12\",\n LinearOnDemandPostRoll: \"13\",\n LinearOnDemandPreRoll: \"11\",\n Other: \"00\"\n };\n }\n var atype = ns_.StreamingTag.AdType.LinearOnDemandPreRoll;\n if (v.adType && v.adType.toLowerCase() === \"midroll\") { atype = ns_.StreamingTag.AdType.LinearOnDemandMidRoll; }\n if (v.adType && v.adType.toLowerCase() === \"postroll\") { atype = ns_.StreamingTag.AdType.LinearOnDemandPostRoll; }\n if (v.isLive && (v.isLive == \"true\" || v.isLive == true)) {\n atype = ns_.StreamingTag.AdType.LinearLive;\n }\n wminst.myStreamingTag.playVideoAdvertisement(metadata, atype);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cs_ad-complete\", function(data) {\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cs_video-play\", function(data) {\n var v = wminst.getVideoMetadata(data);\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n if (!wminst.prev_vid) { //first video\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n } else if (wminst.prev_vid && wminst.prev_vid !== v.id) { //new video\n wminst.initStreamingTag();\n } else if (wminst.completed_vid && wminst.completed_vid == v.id) {\n wminst.completed_vid = \"\";\n 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var c4 = \"CNN\";\n var c3 = \"*null\";\n var c6 = \"*null\";\n try {\n clength = parseInt(clength);\n if (clength % 1000 !== 0) {\n clength = clength * 1000;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n clength = 0;\n }\n var adate = v.timestamp || \"\";\n try {\n if (adate) {\n adate = new Date(adate);\n adate = adate.toISOString().substring(0, 10);\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n if (window.location.hostname.indexOf(\"edition\") != -1) {\n c4 = \"CNNI\";\n c3 = \"CNNEDITION\";\n }\n if (typeof v.category != 'undefined' && v.category.toLowerCase() === \"spanish\") {\n c4 = \"CNNESPANOL\";\n }\n if (typeof v.category != 'undefined' && v.category.toLowerCase() === \"cnnmoney\") {\n c4 = \"CNNMONEY\";\n }\n var ch = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0) || \"\";\n var pn = {\n \"entertainment\": \"CNNENT\",\n \"health\": \"CNNHEALTH\",\n \"politics\": \"CNNPOLITICS\",\n \"tech\": \"CNNTECH\",\n \"travel\": \"CNNTRAVEL\",\n \"us\": \"CNNUS\",\n \"world\": \"CNNWORLD\",\n \"opinions\": \"CNNOPINION\",\n \"living\": \"CNNLIVING\",\n \"cnn homepage\": \"CNNHOME\",\n \"ireport\": \"IREPORT\",\n \"justice\": \"CNNJUSTICE\",\n \"elections\": \"CNNPOLITICS\",\n \"style\": \"CNNSTYLE\"\n }[ch];\n if (pn) { c4 = pn; }\n if(pn && ch == \"elections\"){ c6 = \"ELECTION\";}\n if (wminst.isBusinessVideo(data)) {\n c4 = \"CNNBUSINESS\";\n c6 = \"BUSINESS\";\n }\n var cs_ucfr = wminst.Util.isTagConsented(\"comscore\") ? \"1\" : \"0\";\n var metadata = {\n ns_st_ci: v.id,\n ns_st_cl: clength,\n ns_st_st: \"*null\",\n ns_st_pu: \"CNN\",\n ns_st_pr: v.subcategory || \"*null\",\n ns_st_ep: v.headline || \"*null\",\n ns_st_sn: \"*null\",\n ns_st_en: \"*null\",\n ns_st_ge: v.category || \"*null\",\n ns_st_ia: \"0\",\n ns_st_ce: \"0\",\n ns_st_ddt: \"*null\",\n ns_st_tdt: adate || \"*null\",\n c3: c3,\n c4: c4,\n c6: c6,\n cs_ucfr: cs_ucfr\n };\n if (ns_) {\n ns_.StreamingTag.ContentType = {\n Bumper: \"99\",\n Live: \"13\",\n LongFormOnDemand: \"12\",\n Other: \"00\",\n ShortFormOnDemand: \"11\",\n UserGeneratedLive: \"23\",\n UserGeneratedLongFormOnDemand: \"22\",\n UserGeneratedShortFormOnDemand: \"21\"\n };\n }\n var vtype = ns_.StreamingTag.ContentType.ShortFormOnDemand;\n if (v.content_type && v.content_type == \"episode\") {\n vtype = ns_.StreamingTag.ContentType.LongFormOnDemand;\n }\n if (v.id && v.id.indexOf(\"cvplive\") != -1) {\n vtype = ns_.StreamingTag.ContentType.Live;\n }\n if (v.isLive && v.isLive == \"true\") {\n vtype = ns_.StreamingTag.ContentType.Live;\n }\n wminst.myStreamingTag.playVideoContentPart(metadata, vtype);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cs_video-complete\", function(data) {\n var v = wminst.getVideoMetadata(data);\n wminst.completed_vid = v.id;\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"Video_Completed\", function(data) {\n var v = wminst.getVideoMetadata(data);\n wminst.completed_vid = v.id;\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n});\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript8\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.nielsenPageBeacon = function() {\n var ci, si, rp, random;\n ci = \"us-204044h\";\n si = escape(window.location.href);\n rp = escape(document.referrer);\n random = +(new Date());\n wminst.Util.sendImagePixel(\"//secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=\" + ci + \"&cg=0&cc=1&si=\" + si + \"&rp=\" + rp +\"&ts=compact&rnd=\" + random);\n};\n\nif (!wminst.Util.isRefreshPage() && !wminst.Util.inIFrame()) {\n wminst.nielsenPageBeacon();\n}\n});", "_satellite[\"_runScript9\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.nielsenVideoBeacon = function(state, data, cg) {\n var v = wminst.getVideoMetadata(data);\n var ci, c6, tl, random, url;\n ci = \"us-100120\";\n c6 = (v.category && (v.category == \"cnnmoney\" || v.category == \"business\")) ? \"vc,c02\" : \"vc,b01\";\n tl = state + \"-\" + v.id;\n random = +(new Date());\n url = \"//secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=\" + ci + \"&c6=\" + c6 + \"&cc=1&tl=\" + tl + \"&rnd=\" + random;\n if (cg) url += \"&cg=\" + cg;\n wminst.Util.sendImagePixel(url);\n};\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-start\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-autostart\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-live\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data, \"live\");\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-episode\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-complete\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav2\", data);\n});\n});", "f167c5af-6adf-45f3", "", "baf29482-8757-4843", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript3\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\n/*! A simple PubSub in JavaScript - v1.0.0 - 2014-01-12\n* https://github.com/bdadam/PubSub\n* The MIT License (MIT)\n* Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Beres-Deak */\n!function(){\"use strict\";function a(a){if(\"[object String]\"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(a))throw new TypeError(\"Event is not a string.\")}function b(a){if(\"function\"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError(\"Handler is not a function\")}var c={},d={};d.publish=d.pub=function(b){if(a(b),c[b])for(var d={event:b,args:Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1)},e=0,f=c[b].length;f>e;e++)c[b][e].apply(d,d.args)},d.subscribe=d.sub=function(d,e){a(d),b(e),(c[d]=c[d]||[]).push(e)},d.unsubscribe=d.unsub=function(){var d,e,f,g,h=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);if(h.length>=2){if(d=h[0],e=h[1],a(d),b(e),!c[d])return;for(f=0,g=c[d].length;g>f;f++)c[d][f]===e&&c[d].splice(f,1)}else{e=h[0],b(e);for(d in c)for(f=0,g=c[d].length;g>f;f++)c[d][f]===e&&c[d].splice(f,1)}},\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return d}):\"object\"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=d:window.PubSub=d}();\n\nwindow.setJSMDVideoEvent = function(event, data) {\n\tif (event == \"cnnvideo-pause\" && !data.paused) {\n\t\tevent = \"cnnvideo-resume\";\n\t}\n\twindow.jsmdVideoEvent = {\n\t\tname: event,\n\t\ttime: +(new Date())\n\t};\n};\n\nwindow.trackAudioProgress = function(audInfo) {\n try {\n trackMetrics({\n type: \"audio-progress\",\n data: audInfo});\n } catch (e) {}\n};\n\nwindow.trackVideoProgress = function(vidInfo) {\n\ttry {\n\t\tsetJSMDVideoEvent(\"cnnvideo-progress\", vidInfo);\n\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\ttype: \"cnnvideo-progress\",\n\t\t\tdata: { video: vidInfo }\n\t\t});\n\t} catch(e){}\n};\n\nwindow.trackMetrics = function(action, data) {\n var realaction = action,\n realdata = data;\n if (typeof(action) == \"object\") {\n if (action.type != null) {\n realaction = action.type;\n }\n if (action.action != null) {\n realaction = action.action;\n }\n if (action.data != null) {\n realdata = action.data;\n }\n }\n if (typeof(realdata) == \"object\") {\n if (realdata.data != null) {\n realdata = realdata.data;\n }\n }\n var counter = 0;\n (function poll() {\n setTimeout(function() {\n if (wminst.subscribersReady || counter >= 10) {\n wminst.Util.log(\"trackMetrics subscribersReady =\", wminst.subscribersReady, \"counter =\", counter, \"action =\", realaction, \"data =\", realdata);\n PubSub.publish(realaction, realdata);\n } else {\n counter++;\n poll();\n }\n }, 100);\n })();\n \n //Handling ComScore Events here\n try {\n if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-preroll\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-adcreative-start\"){\n\t \t \tPubSub.publish(\"cs_video-preroll\", realdata.video);\n \t} else if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-adcomplete\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-midroll-complete\"){\n\t \tPubSub.publish(\"cs_ad-complete\", realdata.video);\n\t } else if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-start\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-autostart\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-live\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-autosegment\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-autoepisode\" || realaction == \"cnnvideo-episode\"){\n\t \t\t PubSub.publish(\"cs_video-play\", realdata.video);\n \t} else if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-pause\" && typeof realdata.video.paused !== 'undefined' && realdata.video.paused == true){\n\t \tPubSub.publish(\"cs_video-pause\", realdata.video);\n \t} else if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-pause\" && typeof realdata.video.paused !== 'undefined' && realdata.video.paused == false){\n\t \tPubSub.publish(\"cs_video-resume\", realdata.video);\n \t} else if(realaction == \"cnnvideo-complete\"){\n\t \tPubSub.publish(\"cs_video-complete\", realdata.video);\n \t }\n } catch(e){}\n\n};\n\nwindow.trackVideoEvent = function(data, event, playerid){\n\ttry {\n\t\tif (event !== \"cnnvideo-progress\") {\n\t\t\tsetJSMDVideoEvent(event, data);\n\t\t\tvar currVidObj = data;\n\t\t\tcurrVidObj.playerid = playerid;\n\t\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\t\ttype: event,\n\t\t\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t\t\tvideo : 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catch(e){}\n};\n\nwindow.sendVideo2Event = function(data, event, playerid){\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar currVidObj = data;\n\t\tcurrVidObj.playerid = playerid;\n\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\ttype: event,\n\t\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t\tvideo : currVidObj\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} catch(e){}\n};\n\nwindow.sendAudioEvent = function(data, event, id) {\n try {\n\t\tvar currAudObj = (typeof data != \"string\"? data: window.JSON.parse(data));\n\t\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\t\ttype: event,\n\t\t\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t\t\tinstance: id,\n\t\t\t\t\taudio: currAudObj\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t} catch(e){}\n}; \n\nwindow.sendNewsPulse = function(data){\n\ttry {\n\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\ttype: \"dynamic-newsPulseOmniCall\",\n\t\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t\tnewspulse: {\n\t\t\t\t\tquery: data\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} catch(e){}\n};\n\nwindow.sendHTML5Event = function(data, event){\n\tif (data.contentType ==\"audio\") {\n\t\ttrackMetrics(\"audio-start\",data.headline, \"adbp-audio\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tdata.metas= 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underscroed pages on non CNN links\nvar sendFBRetailClickPixel = function(data) {\n\ttry {\n\t\ttrackMetrics({\n\t\t\ttype: \"facebook-retailer-click\",\n\t\t\tdata: data\n\t\t});\n\t} catch(e){}\n}; \ntry{\n\tvar elements = document.querySelectorAll('[class*=\"offer-link\"]');\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar data = {};\n\t\tvar linkText = elements[i].innerText ? elements[i].innerText : elements[i].innerHTML;\n\t\tif(typeof elements[i] !== 'undefined' && linkText !== ''){\n\t\t data.clickedLink = elements[i].href;\n\t\t data.clickedText = linkText;\n\t\t}\n\t\telements[i].addEventListener('click', function() {sendFBRetailClickPixel(data);}, false);\n\t}\n} catch(ex){}\n\n});", "13193ab4-b8b9-4ba6", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript4\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.isAMPVideos = function() {\n var hostName = window.location.hostname;\n return hostName.indexOf(\"fave.api.cnn.io\") != -1 || hostName.indexOf(\"fave-api.cnn.com\") != -1;\n};\n\nwminst.isMoneyVideo = function(v) {\n var sectionName = v.sectionName || v.category || \"\";\n var sectionNameList = [\"media\", \"intl_business\", \"tech\", \"business\", \"business-videos\", \"cars\", \"investing\", \"success\", \"perspectives\", \"homes\"];\n return sectionNameList.includes(sectionName);\n};\n\nwminst.getAMPVideoTimeStamp = function() {\n var pathName = window.location.pathname;\n var ts = \"\";\n if (pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/amp\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/cnneamp\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fbia\") != -1 || pathName.indexOf(\"/v1/fbiaV2\") != -1) {\n ts = new Date().getTime();\n }\n return ts;\n};\nvar mediaPlayer = new Array;\nwminst.getCNNMediaCollection = function() {\n\treturn {\n\t\tget: function(i, p) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn mPlayer[j][p];\n\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tset: function(i, p, v) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j][p] = v;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t},\n\t\ttoggle: function(i, p) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar v = mPlayer[j][p];\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j][p] = !v;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t},\t\t\n\t\tstart: function(i, t) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tmPlayer.push(new objMediaPlayer(i,t));\n\t\t\tfunction objMediaPlayer(cid, mediaTitle) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.containerId = cid;\n\t\t\t\tthis.mediaTitle = mediaTitle;\n\t\t\t\tthis.vidStarted = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.audStarted = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.hasScrubbed = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isAuto = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isTen = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isTwentyFive = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isHalf = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isSeventyFive = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isBuffering = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isPaused = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.isMidrollStarted = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.adNumber = 0;\n\t\t\t\tthis.startTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\tthis.currentTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\tthis.timeSpent = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tpause: function(i) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar p = mPlayer[j].isPaused;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar b = mPlayer[j].isBuffering;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!b) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (p) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar playedTime = (new Date).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].timeSpent = playedTime;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].isPaused = !p;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t},\n\t\tbuffer: function(i) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar p = mPlayer[j].isPaused;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar b = mPlayer[j].isBuffering;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!p) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (b) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar playedTime = (new Date).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].timeSpent = playedTime;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].isBuffering = !b;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tprogress: function(i) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].currentTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\t\tvar playedTime = (mPlayer[j].currentTime - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent) / 1000;\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].startTime = (new Date).getTime();\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].timeSpent = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn Math.round(playedTime);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t},\n\t\tcomplete: function(i) {\n\t\t\tvar mPlayer = mediaPlayer;\n\t\t\tfor (var j = mPlayer.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\n\t\t\t\tif (mPlayer[j].containerId == i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar playedTime = ((new Date).getTime() - mPlayer[j].startTime + mPlayer[j].timeSpent) / 1000;\n\t\t\t\t\tmPlayer[j].timeSpent = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn Math.round(playedTime);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t};\n};\n\n\nwminst.capCNNTimeSpent = function(timeSpent, trt, liveInterval) {\n try { //check media time spent value\n var timeLimit = 0;\n if ((parseFloat(timeSpent) == parseInt(timeSpent)) && !isNaN(timeSpent)) {\n if (liveInterval && liveInterval > 0) {\n timeLimit = liveInterval; //time limit value set by webdev\n } else {\n timeLimit = 60; //time limit in sec\n if (trt && parseFloat(trt) > 0) {\n timeLimit = parseFloat(trt) * 2;\n }\n }\n if (timeSpent > timeLimit) {\n timeSpent = timeLimit;\n } else if (timeSpent < 0) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n return timeSpent;\n};\n\nwminst.capCNNTimeSpent2 = function(timeSpent, trt) {\n try { //check media time spent value\n if ((parseFloat(timeSpent) == parseInt(timeSpent)) && !isNaN(timeSpent)) { //valid time spent value\n if (trt && !isNaN(trt) && (parseFloat(trt) == parseInt(trt))) { //valid media length\n if (timeSpent > parseFloat(trt) * 2) {\n timeSpent = parseFloat(trt) * 2;\n } else if (timeSpent < 0) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else { //invalid media length\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } else { //invalid time spent value\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n timeSpent = 0;\n }\n return timeSpent;\n};\n});", "27f618c0-0a33-4ce8", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript5\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nPubSub.subscribe(\"site_registration_success\", function(data) {\n s.manageVars(\"clearVars\");\n s.linkTrackVars = \"events,server,channel,pageName,eVar26,eVar27,prop28,eVar28,eVar29,prop30,eVar30,prop32,eVar32,prop33,eVar33,prop35,eVar35,eVar36,prop59,eVar59,prop69,eVar69,prop73,eVar73,list2\";\n s.linkTrackEvents = \"event52,event76\";\n s.events = s.linkTrackEvents;\n s.server = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n s.channel = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0);\n s.pageName = wminst.Util.getCNNPageName();\n s.prop28 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n s.prop30 = wminst.Util.getSiteSpecificSettings(1);\n s.prop32 = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n s.prop33 = wminst.Util.getCNNContentType(\"adbp:none\");\n s.prop35 = wminst.Util.getCNNCodeVersion();\n s.eVar36 = wminst.Util.getCNNKruxID();\n s.prop59 = wminst.Util.getCNNAdobeID();\n try {\n s.prop69 = \"user:account created\";\n } catch (e) {}\n try {\n\twminst.Util.setIds();\n\ts.tl(this, \"o\", \"site_registration_success\");\n } catch (e) {}\n s.clearVars();\n});\nPubSub.subscribe(\"site_login_success\", function(data) {\n s.manageVars(\"clearVars\");\n s.linkTrackVars = \"events,server,channel,pageName,eVar26,eVar27,prop28,eVar28,eVar29,prop30,eVar30,prop32,eVar32,prop33,eVar33,prop35,eVar35,eVar36,prop59,eVar59,prop69,eVar69,prop73,eVar73,eVar89,list2\";\n s.linkTrackEvents = \"event54,event76\";\n s.events = s.linkTrackEvents;\n s.server = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n s.channel = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0);\n s.pageName = wminst.Util.getCNNPageName();\n s.prop28 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n s.prop30 = wminst.Util.getSiteSpecificSettings(1);\n s.prop32 = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n s.prop33 = wminst.Util.getCNNContentType(\"adbp:none\");\n s.prop35 = wminst.Util.getCNNCodeVersion();\n s.eVar36 = wminst.Util.getCNNKruxID();\n s.prop59 = wminst.Util.getCNNAdobeID();\n try {\n s.prop69 = \"user:login success\";\n } catch (e) {}\n var userObj = wminst.Util.gCNNUserAuthState();\n s.eVar89 = userObj.user_login_status;\n try {\n\twminst.Util.setIds();\n\ts.tl(this, \"o\", \"site_login_success\");\n } catch (e) {}\n s.clearVars();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"site_subscription_success\", function(data) {\n s.manageVars(\"clearVars\");\n s.linkTrackVars = \"events,pageName,channel,server,eVar27,prop28,eVar28,eVar29,prop30,eVar30,prop32,eVar32,prop33,eVar33,prop35,eVar35,prop69,eVar69,eVar102\";\n s.linkTrackEvents = \"event76,event108\";\n s.events = s.linkTrackEvents;\n s.pageName = wminst.Util.getCNNPageName();\n s.server = wminst.Util.getADBPURL(\"domain\");\n s.channel = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(0);\n s.prop28 = wminst.Util.getCNNSection(1);\n s.prop30 = wminst.Util.getSiteSpecificSettings(1);\n s.prop32 = wminst.Util.getCNNTemplateType(\"long\");\n s.prop33 = wminst.Util.getCNNContentType(\"adbp:none\") || \"adbp:none\";\n s.prop35 = wminst.Util.getCNNCodeVersion();\n if (data.billing_interval && data.billing_interval !== \"\") {\n\ts.eVar102 = data.billing_interval;\n }\n var interaction_type = \"cnn plus: subscription success\";\n s.prop69 = interaction_type; s.eVar69 = \"D=c69\";\n try {\n\twminst.Util.setIds();\n\ts.tl(this, \"o\", \"site_subscription_success\");\n } catch (e) {}\n s.clearVars();\n});\n});", "e8bec7a9-213b-44f6", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript6\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-start\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-autostart\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-live\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data, \"live\");\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-episode\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav0\", data);\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnvideo-complete\", function(data) {\n wminst.nielsenVideoBeacon(\"dav2\", data);\n});\n\nwminst.nielsenVideoBeacon = function(state, data, cg) {\n var v = wminst.Util.getVideoMetadata(data);\n var ci, c6, tl, random, url;\n ci = \"us-100120\";\n c6 = (v.category && (v.category == \"cnnmoney\" || v.category == \"business\")) ? \"vc,c02\" : \"vc,b01\";\n tl = state + \"-\" + v.id;\n random = +(new Date());\n url = \"//secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=\" + ci + \"&c6=\" + c6 + \"&cc=1&tl=\" + tl + \"&rnd=\" + random;\n if (cg) url += \"&cg=\" + cg;\n wminst.Util.sendImagePixel(url);\n};\n});", "47d51a69-0d3a-4e0d", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript7\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\nwminst.bomboraPageBeacon = function() {\n if (!window._ml) {\n (function (w,d,t){\n _ml = w._ml || {};\n _ml.nq = w._ml.nq || [];\n _ml.nq.push(['track', '64240', {fp: 'YOUR_USER_ID'}]);\n var s, cd, tag; s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; cd = new Date();\n tag = d.createElement(t); tag.async = 1;\n tag.src = 'https://cdn.ml314.com/taglw.js';\n s.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, s);\n })(window,document,'script');\n } else {\n _ml.nq = window._ml.nq || [];\n _ml.nq.push(['track', '64240']);\n }\n};\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"dynamic-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"tab-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cnnsearch-results\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"weather-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"picker-pageview\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"readmore-page\", function(data) {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n});\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"breaking-news\", function(data) {\n if (data.domain && (data.domain == \"cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"us.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"sweet.next.cnn.com\" || data.domain == \"edition.cnn.com\")) {\n // Do Nothing\n } else {\n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n }\n});\n\n\n/* ============== Page Load ============= */\nif (!wminst.Util.isDynamicPage() && !wminst.Util.isFavePage() && !wminst.Util.inIFrame()) { \n wminst.bomboraPageBeacon();\n}\n});", "776f2e3c-a211-4b44", "", "105d744c-4f1f-4eed", "", "_satellite[\"_runScript9\"](function(event, target, Promise) {\ntry {\n requirejs([\"//i.cdn.turner.com/analytics/comscore/streamsense.\"], function() {});\n} catch (e) {\n wminst.Util.loadScript(\"//s.cdn.turner.com/analytics/comscore/streamsense.\");\n}\n\nPubSub.subscribe(\"Player_Ready\", function(data) {\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n wminst.myStreamingTag = new ns_.StreamingTag({\n customerC2: \"6035748\"\n });\n});\nPubSub.subscribe(\"cs_video-preroll\", function(data) {\n if (typeof wminst.myStreamingTag != \"undefined\") {\n wminst.myStreamingTag.stop();\n }\n if (!wminst.prev_vid) { //first video\n wminst.myStreamingTag = new ns_.StreamingTag({\n customerC2: \"6035748\"\n });\n } else if (wminst.prev_vid && wminst.prev_vid !== data.id) { //new video\n wminst.myStreamingTag = new ns_.StreamingTag({\n customerC2: \"6035748\"\n });\n } else if (wminst.completed_vid && wminst.completed_vid == 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+ Novak Djokovic makes political statement about Kosovo after first-round French Open win | CNN
+ Novak Djokovic makes political statement about Kosovo after first-round French Open win
+ —
+ Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic left a political message on a TV camera lens at the French Open on Monday in response to violent clashes in Kosovo .
+ Following his first-round victory against American Aleksandar Kovacevic, Djokovic wrote “Kosovo is the [heart] of Serbia. Stop the violence” in Serbian on a camera lens, using a heart symbol.
+ The message was displayed on the big screen of Court Philippe Chatrier.
+ Tensions have been rising in the past week in Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008. There were clashes with protestors on Monday after ethnically Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo , a majority Kosovo Serb area, following April elections that Kosovo Serbs had boycotted.
+ At least 34 soldiers with NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo were injured during the clashes.
+ Djokovic elaborated on his message in Serbian at a press conference, saying: “This is the least I could have done. I feel the responsibility as a public figure – doesn’t matter in which field – to give support.
+ “Especially as a son of a man born in Kosovo, I feel the need to give my support to our people and to the entirety of Serbia. I don’t know, and I think many others don’t know, what the future brings for Kosovo and for Serbian people, but it’s necessary to show support and demonstrate unity in these kinds of situations. I don’t know what will happen.”
+ Djokovic’s reference to the “entirety of Serbia” reflects the policy of the Serbian government, which still considers Kosovo to be an integral part of its territory and has not recognized the country’s independence.
+ NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) said that recent developments in Kosovo had prompted it to increase its presence in the northern part of the country on Monday.
+ According to the Italian defense ministry, some KFOR soldiers were injured when protesters threw “Molotov cocktails with nails, firecrackers and stones.”
+ Reuters reported that Djokovic said he had not been approached by French Open organizers about the message he wrote on the camera lens, a photo of which he also shared on Instagram. CNN has contacted the French Tennis Federation for comment.
+ “My stance is clear: I am against wars, violence and any kind of conflict, as I’ve always stated publicly. I empathize with all people, but the situation with Kosovo is a precedent in international law,” the 36-year-old added.
+ As a child growing up in Belgrade, Djokovic lived through NATO’s 78-day bombing campaign in 1999, which was intended to end atrocities committed by troops of Yugoslavia’s then-president Slobodan Milošević against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
+ Djokovic is aiming to win his 23rd grand slam title at the French Open, which would move him clear of Rafael Nadal at the top of the men’s all-time list.
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+ Lionel Messi: What next for arguably the greatest player in history? | CNN
+ Lionel Messi: What next for arguably the greatest player in history?
+ —
+ After helping Paris Saint-Germain win its 11th Ligue 1 title at the weekend, Lionel Messi has some thinking to do.
+ With his contract at the Parisian club coming to an end in June and his relationship with the club seemingly at a breaking point, there is much speculation around where the Argentine will be playing his football next season.
+ In a recent interview with CNN Sport’s Amanda Davies, Messi said he would continue playing while he’s still enjoying it and, at 35, he certainly has a few more years to give.
+ Less than six months ago he was awarded the Golden Ball at the World Cup – the prize given to the best player in the tournament – and has scored 16 goals and provided 16 assists in this season’s league campaign.
+ Amid rumors of a lucrative deal to the Middle East and reports linking him with a move back to his beloved Barcelona, CNN Sport explores the different directions he could turn to as he approaches the twilight of his career.
+ Messi arrived in the French capital to much fanfare. He was to be the missing piece in the puzzle; the man to drive the team to its first ever Champions League trophy.
+ While Messi struggled with injury during his first season in Paris, he still managed to show flashes of his brilliance.
+ He helped the team win yet another Ligue 1 title, but PSG ultimately failed in the Champions League, being beaten by eventual champion Real Madrid in the round of 16.
+ His second season started much better and his link up play with the likes of Neymar Jr. and Kylian Mbappé was the envy of teams around the world.
+ But after his mesmerizing performances in winning the World Cup for Argentina in December 2022, he returned to yet more struggles on a domestic level.
+ In March, PSG was dumped out of the Champions League yet again in the round of 16 – this time by Bayern Munich.
+ It sparked a bitter end of the season and Messi was one of a number of star players to receive a hostile reaction from fans later that month.
+ Messi was then suspended for two weeks after leaving France to attend promotional events in Saudi Arabia; the unauthorized trip meant that he missed a training session.
+ Despite another title victory, a move to a new club looks more than likely.
+ The big question, though, is where?
+ The Catalan club is where Messi turned from school boy to sporting legend.
+ At 17 years old, he made his first of 778 appearances for the Blaugrana , becoming the youngest player to represent the club in an official game at the time.
+ He went on to break the club’s goalscoring record and won 35 trophies during his time at the Camp Nou – including 10 La Liga titles and four Champions Leagues.
+ His emotional departure was fueled by the club’s dire financial state in 2021 and Messi was in tears as he said goodbye in his final press conference.
+ Under new coach and club legend Xavi, Barcelona has just won its first La Liga title in four years this year, with the club starting to look more competitive.
+ “For me, there’s no doubt that if Messi comes back, he will help us on a football level,” Xavi told Barcelona-based newspaper SPORT in a recent interview.
+ “I let the president [Joan Laporta] know this. I have no doubts, no doubt at all that he will help because he is still a decisive footballer, because he still has hunger, because he’s a winner, because he’s a leader and because, also, he’s a different, different player,” added Xavi, who told SPORT that he still talks to Messi.
+ “We don’t have a Barça on a talent level like 2010, for example. And what would Messi bring? He’d bring talent. Final pass, set pieces, goals … in the final third, he’s a player on a different level.
+ “As such, and because of the way I want to play, the way the staff wants to play too, for me there’s no doubt that he would help us a lot, but it all depends on him. In the end, the one who calls the shots at this time is Leo. There’s no doubt.”
+ Journalist Marcela Mora y Araujo, who is an expert on Argentine football, told CNN Sport that while a move to Barcelona would be a “fitting end” to his career, the transfer surely remains somewhat of a “fantasy” given the club is still strapped for cash.
+ “To end his playing days in his football home is quite romantic,” she said.
+ “The Barcelona temptation would be much more to do, perhaps, with his family. His kids were born there.
+ “The lifestyles of footballers’ children are often like kids of diplomats, where they spend a lot of their young lives traveling around the world and then, maybe in their late teens, they have a say and want to be somewhere where they’re happy and comfortable and have a good life. Saudi Arabia might be weird in that respect.
+ “I think that side – family life, daily life, diet, friends, language – then Barcelona would win. No question.”
One-on-one with World Cup winner Lionel Messi
+ 03:53
- Source:
+ Barcelona has made no attempt to hide its feelings toward Messi, but it would require a lot of work behind the scenes to make the signing a reality.
+ But huge deals with audio streaming service Spotify and global investment firm Sixth Street , among others, have helped the club claw its way back from the total financial disarray it found itself in following the Covid-19 pandemic.
+ In September 2022, Barcelona said it had recorded a profit of $98 million for the 2021/22 financial year and predicted profits of $298 million for this current season.
+ The club also announced the renegotiation of the $1.6 billion financial plan to repay the debt taken on to finance the renovation of its dilapidated Camp Nou stadium, meaning Barcelona will now pay off the debt five years earlier than originally planned.
+ Its ability to once again potentially pay big fees and big contracts to players, coupled with Messi’s impending departure, has fans dreaming of a potential return.
+ Saudi Arabia looks determined to attract the world’s biggest players as it attempts to build its reputation and improve the quality of the Saudi Pro League.
+ It’s fast becoming the biggest rival to the likes of Major League Soccer (MLS) in the US as a place for some of the world’s most beloved stars to finish their careers.
+ Earlier this year, Messi’s long-term rival Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Saudi club Al Nassr for an eye-watering sum of money, perhaps paving the way for other superstars to follow suit.
+ A mind-boggling financial package could no doubt be offered to Messi who already has a good working relationship with the country – having previously fronted multiple tourism campaigns.
+ “I think money is always a factor in human decision making,” Mora y Araujo said, amid reports Saudi club Al Hilal was targeting Messi’s signature.
+ “I think a lot of people are saying Messi doesn’t need any more money, but I suspect that any offers that are going to compete with the Saudi offer will have to bear in mind the kind of hefty price tag attached.
+ “But Messi doesn’t seem particularly money driven. He seems someone that enjoys football still very much and for whom the pleasure of the game is an important factor.
+ “When he isn’t enjoying it, he tends to quit or say he’s going to quit or look forlorn. And when he is enjoying it, he shines and makes everybody love football.”
+ Crediting an unnamed source, AFP reported earlier this year that Messi playing in Saudi Arabia next season was a “done deal.”
+ However, Messi’s team told CNN Sport that such claims were false and that the seven-time Ballon d’Or winner would not make a decision on his future until after the Ligue 1 season was over.
+ Mora y Araujo said a move to Saudi is probably the most likely, given it will allow Messi to focus on playing more for Argentina which seems to be his biggest motivating factor – even after winning the World Cup.
+ However, Messi might be put off by Ronaldo’s apparent struggles both on and off the pitch since his move to Saudi Arabia.
+ The Portuguese star has cut a frustrated figure at times this season and there are reports he’s already looking for a move away.
+ “Saudi Arabia’s bad image or bad press is a bigger deal in Europe than it is in the global South, I think,” said Mora y Araujo, referring to the Middle East country’s human rights record.
+ “Not to say that it isn’t commented upon or mentioned in the press … I don’t think his legacy would be tarnished just through playing in Saudi.
+ “I mean, obviously, if he goes on to do something really controversial, but he seems to be somebody who keeps quite a low profile politically speaking, and just gives his image to things.”
+ The list of potential suitors doesn’t stop with Barça or clubs from Saudi Arabia.
+ There is the well trodden path of superstar players moving to the MLS and reports have linked Messi with a potential move to David Beckham’s Inter Miami.
+ Beckham is a well known fan of Messi and, in 2019, teased, “You never know what can happen in football,” when asked about signing the Argentine one day.
+ There have been more serious links since, with UK newspaper The Times reporting in 2022 that a deal between the two parties was close.
+ There is also the option to return home to his beloved Argentina, which would no doubt welcome him with open arms.
+ Messi started his youth career at Newell’s Old Boys before being quickly snapped up by Barcelona, but Mora y Araujo said there is no expectation in Argentina that Messi would ever return home.
+ “I can’t see him playing at Newell’s Old Boys. I don’t think that the emotional tie between him and that club was forged enough. He left when he was very young,” she said.
+ “To have him back there would be lovely, but I’m not sure anyone minds particularly. I think the big pressure from Argentina was that he delivered for Argentina [at the World Cup] and he’s done that now.
+ “It would be amazing if he went back to play in Argentina, but it would just be so absurd because he really is from another league, as it were.”
+ Given its financial power, there has also been some speculation of a possible stint in the English Premier League with Manchester City .
+ The Premier League champion could offer a competitive package and reuniting with former Barcelona boss Pep Guardiola – who managed Messi during his peak years at the club – might be tempting.
+ However, despite all of his mercurial brilliance, a move to the Premier League at this time in his career may be a step too far and, as Mora y Araujo said, Messi has nothing to prove to anyone.
+ “I think the World Cup victory is like a beautiful fairytale ending for international football,” she said.
+ “I don’t think he needs to win anything else and he has nothing to prove, so it’s more a question of how he wants to spend his day job, what he wants to do every day.”
+ As it stands, Messi has many options and speculation will continue to swirl until a decision is made.
+ Wherever he decides to go, the eyes of the world are surely set to follow.
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+ Thiago Seyboth Wild stuns Daniil Medvedev in French Open upset | CNN
+ World No. 172 Thiago Seyboth Wild stuns Russian star Daniil Medvedev in French Open upset
+ —
+ The French Open has already seen a major upset as world No. 2 Daniil Medvedev was knocked out by Brazilian qualifier Thiago Seyboth Wild in the first round on Tuesday.
+ The world No. 172 showed little sign of nerves by beating Medvedev in a thrilling five-set encounter – 7-6(5) 6-7(6) 2-6 6-3 6-4 – in over four hours on court.
+ Medvedev is certainly not at his best on the surface but was coming into Roland Garros off the back of winning his first clay-court trophy at this year’s Italian Open.
+ He was widely expected to beat Seyboth Wild – who was making his first main draw appearance at the grand slam – but the Brazilian came out swinging, dominating the match with his powerful forehand in windy conditions.
+ “I have watched Daniil play for my entire junior career, up until today. Playing on this court against this kind of player and beating him is a dream come true,” Seyboth Wild, 23, said during his on-court interview.
+ “Walking on court, I just wanted to get to the net as much as possible and use my forehand against his and it worked pretty well.”
+ After winning the opening set, Seyboth Wild squandered set points in the second which allowed Medvedev to grow into the game.
+ The Russian then won the third set with ease but continued to struggle with his consistency and was clearly frustrated.
+ It allowed the Brazilian to recover and take the match into a nail-biting deciding set in which he held his nerve to see out a memorable win on Philippe Chatrier.
+ After winning match point with another crushing forehand, the beaming Brazilian turned to the crowd in disbelief, before raising his arms aloft.
+ “It was pretty tough. I started cramping in the second set. I did my best and tried to play my best tennis and it worked,” Seyboth Wild said. “I am really happy with the way I played.”
+ He will now face either Quentin Halys or Guido Pella in the second round.
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+Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic left a political message on a TV camera lens at the French Open on Monday in response to violent clashes in Kosovo.
+Following his first-round victory against American Aleksandar Kovacevic, Djokovic wrote “Kosovo is the [heart] of Serbia. Stop the violence” in Serbian on a camera lens, using a heart symbol.
+The message was displayed on the big screen of Court Philippe Chatrier.
+NATO peacekeepers clashed with local Kosovo Serb protesters in Zvecan, Kosovo, on Monday.
+Why did ethnic Serbs attack NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo?
+Tensions have been rising in the past week in Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008. There were clashes with protestors on Monday after ethnically Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo, a majority Kosovo Serb area, following April elections that Kosovo Serbs had boycotted.
+At least 34 soldiers with NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo were injured during the clashes.
+Djokovic elaborated on his message in Serbian at a press conference, saying: “This is the least I could have done. I feel the responsibility as a public figure – doesn’t matter in which field – to give support.
+“Especially as a son of a man born in Kosovo, I feel the need to give my support to our people and to the entirety of Serbia. I don’t know, and I think many others don’t know, what the future brings for Kosovo and for Serbian people, but it’s necessary to show support and demonstrate unity in these kinds of situations. I don’t know what will happen.”
+Djokovic’s reference to the “entirety of Serbia” reflects the policy of the Serbian government, which still considers Kosovo to be an integral part of its territory and has not recognized the country’s independence.
+NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) said that recent developments in Kosovo had prompted it to increase its presence in the northern part of the country on Monday.
+According to the Italian defense ministry, some KFOR soldiers were injured when protesters threw “Molotov cocktails with nails, firecrackers and stones.”
+Reuters reported that Djokovic said he had not been approached by French Open organizers about the message he wrote on the camera lens, a photo of which he also shared on Instagram. CNN has contacted the French Tennis Federation for comment.
+“My stance is clear: I am against wars, violence and any kind of conflict, as I’ve always stated publicly. I empathize with all people, but the situation with Kosovo is a precedent in international law,” the 36-year-old added.
+As a child growing up in Belgrade, Djokovic lived through NATO’s 78-day bombing campaign in 1999, which was intended to end atrocities committed by troops of Yugoslavia’s then-president Slobodan Milošević against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
+Djokovic is aiming to win his 23rd grand slam title at the French Open, which would move him clear of Rafael Nadal at the top of the men’s all-time list.
+Summarize this article in few lines Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version
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+Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic left a political message on a TV camera lens at the French Open on Monday in response to violent clashes in Kosovo.
+Following his first-round victory against American Aleksandar Kovacevic, Djokovic wrote “Kosovo is the [heart] of Serbia. Stop the violence” in Serbian on a camera lens, using a heart symbol.
+The message was displayed on the big screen of Court Philippe Chatrier.
+NATO peacekeepers clashed with local Kosovo Serb protesters in Zvecan, Kosovo, on Monday.
+Why did ethnic Serbs attack NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo?
+Tensions have been rising in the past week in Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008. There were clashes with protestors on Monday after ethnically Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo, a majority Kosovo Serb area, following April elections that Kosovo Serbs had boycotted.
+At least 34 soldiers with NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo were injured during the clashes.
+Djokovic elaborated on his message in Serbian at a press conference, saying: “This is the least I could have done. I feel the responsibility as a public figure – doesn’t matter in which field – to give support.
+“Especially as a son of a man born in Kosovo, I feel the need to give my support to our people and to the entirety of Serbia. I don’t know, and I think many others don’t know, what the future brings for Kosovo and for Serbian people, but it’s necessary to show support and demonstrate unity in these kinds of situations. I don’t know what will happen.”
+Djokovic’s reference to the “entirety of Serbia” reflects the policy of the Serbian government, which still considers Kosovo to be an integral part of its territory and has not recognized the country’s independence.
+NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) said that recent developments in Kosovo had prompted it to increase its presence in the northern part of the country on Monday.
+According to the Italian defense ministry, some KFOR soldiers were injured when protesters threw “Molotov cocktails with nails, firecrackers and stones.”
+Reuters reported that Djokovic said he had not been approached by French Open organizers about the message he wrote on the camera lens, a photo of which he also shared on Instagram. CNN has contacted the French Tennis Federation for comment.
+“My stance is clear: I am against wars, violence and any kind of conflict, as I’ve always stated publicly. I empathize with all people, but the situation with Kosovo is a precedent in international law,” the 36-year-old added.
+As a child growing up in Belgrade, Djokovic lived through NATO’s 78-day bombing campaign in 1999, which was intended to end atrocities committed by troops of Yugoslavia’s then-president Slobodan Milošević against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
+Djokovic is aiming to win his 23rd grand slam title at the French Open, which would move him clear of Rafael Nadal at the top of the men’s all-time list.
+Summarize this article in few lines Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version
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+ Action Capture
Action Capture
Wait for user instructions, then begin by typing a URL into a search bar.
Remember to perform all the actions in the currently active tab.
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+ Action Capture
Action Capture
Wait for user instructions, then begin by typing a URL into a search bar.
Remember to perform all the actions in the currently active tab.
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+Kira | Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+ "Kira" written by Misa for the Kira videos.
(キラ, kira )
Users in manga/anime
Users in other media
“I'm Kira. And... the god of this new world. In this world, I am the law, and I am the one maintaining order. That is the truth. Now, I am justice. The world's... only hope. ”
+— Light
Kira (キラ) is the figure attributed with causing the epidemic heart attack deaths of criminals. The name Kira was created by the public in response to Light Yagami 's initial use of the Death Note , and various members of the public view Kira as a god. Various Death Note users act as Kira, but their identities are unknown to the public so their actions are viewed as being committed by one entity.
In the Kira investigation, several differences in methods of killing are profiled, so the groups that oppose Kira determine that more than one person is acting as Kira. The different Kiras are given nicknames to differentiate them.
Public view of Kira
Artwork depicting Light's main goal of becoming God
After Light Yagami begins killing criminals with the Death Note, the large number of deaths attracts attention from the general public as well as law enforcement.
As the deaths of criminals continue to increase, people begin voicing their opinions of the situation and dub these deaths as the work of "Kira," derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the word "killer." The word itself originates in Japan, but later carries throughout the world as Kira continues to gain fame.
It seems that the figure Kira may have been around before Light Yagami obtained the Death Note. After suspicion had begun to arise about the mysterious deaths by heart attack of criminals worldwide, members of the public refer to it as "The Legend of the Savior Kira," saying "Kira is among us again," and that he is a "messenger from hell."
As the number of criminal deaths rises and no reason for these deaths are found (the only connection between them being heart attacks), law enforcement begins to strongly take notice. An Interpol conference is finally held between the representatives of the world's law enforcement agencies. The ultimate course of action decided upon is to bring in L , who is considered to be the world's greatest detective, having solved over many other difficult cases.
L decides to address Kira through TV, hoping to gain a reaction and discover Kira's location. He uses a decoy named Lind L. Tailor , a criminal on death row, who announces on live television that he is searching for Kira and that what Kira is doing is wrong. This causes Light to impulsively kill him in rage with the Death Note, narrowing his location to Japan's Kanto region.
Kira quickly becomes news, and various TV stations begin broadcasting anything related to Kira. A very notable station is Sakura TV , which airs the program Kira's Kingdom .
Within the six years of Kira's existence, the public takes strong sides. Some view Kira as a murderer, while others think of Kira as "God." Kira becomes a religious figure to a large portion of the public. Many people who have been wronged by others largely view Kira as their savior and praise him, thanking him for bringing criminals to justice. Misa Amane is such an example, since her parents' murder is avenged by Kira, and she relentlessly pursues him. Others view Kira as a criminal, for differing reasons. These include Near , the Japanese Task Force , and the SPK . Kira's influence becomes such that governments, including the United States under the weak-willed President George Sairas , give in to his influence and call off all attempts to capture him.
Kira worshipers shown at the very end of the manga.
After Light Yagami's death, the Kira killings stop and the world seemingly returns to normal; however, Kira worshipers remain. In the last chapter of the manga, a rather large group of cloaked worshipers is shown, each one carrying a candle. They are traveling through mountains, heading towards a place beneath the moonlight. As they reach their destination, a young woman emerges in the middle of the group and comes to the front. Near the edge of a cliff, she kneels down and places a candle before looking towards the moon.
Characters who act as Kira
This is the list of Kiras, in order, with a description of their time as Kira. All of these individuals are viewed as one "Kira" by the public. They are only referred to as these alternate titles by various individuals investigating the Kira case.
Also known as: Kira
+Light was the first human to use a Death Note within the series. Soon after finding it he decides to use it to cleanse the world of evil. He begins killing off criminals with the Death Note, an act which begins to draw attention from local law enforcement and later on, the world. The detective known as L begins a search for "Kira" and eventually suspects Light Yagami as the killer he is looking for. However, there is no physical evidence to prove Light is Kira, a fact that keeps L from ever capturing Light. After L dies, Light assumes the title of L , and his activities remain unchallenged for five years. Then when Near and Mello come onto the scene, their combined efforts expose Light as Kira. Light seemingly loses his sanity after Near tells him he has "lost", having to be shot several times by Matsuda. Light's name is then written by Ryuk in his Death Note, and he dies of a heart attack.
Also known as: Second Kira
+Misa was the second human to use a Death Note, and obtained her notebook from the Shinigami Rem . Misa was initially an extreme Kira supporter, due to the fact that Kira passed judgment on a man who murdered her parents. She makes several attempts to communicate to Kira through the use of the media, and eventually tracks down Light Yagami by using her Shinigami Eyes. Misa begins to follow Light's orders after she reveals her identity to him, and becomes a tool to Light, losing her memory and making Kira's judgments many different times to draw suspicion away from him. Although she remains committed to the original Kira's goal, her devotion largely subsides in favor of simply helping Light Yagami, who she falls in love with.
After coming to the conclusion that the Second Kira had met the first, and being unable to prove that Misa Amane was guilty, the Kira investigation refocuses its attention on the first Kira.
Misa was the only living Kira after Light's death. She had relinquished her memories of the Death Notes shortly before Light died, and since the SPK was now in possession of both notebooks, there was no way for her to ever regain her memories. In the manga, she commits suicide one year later, on Valentine's Day. In the anime's finale, Misa is last seen standing outside the safety rail on the edge of a skyscraper looking into the sunset.
Also known as: Yotsuba Kira
+Higuchi is an executive of Yotsuba Corporations and the only person, besides C-Kira , to hold the title of Kira who is in no way connected to the original Kira, Light Yagami. He obtained a Death Note from Rem after Light and Misa relinquished their Death Notes and their memories to avoid conviction. He only judged criminals for a short time, until Light and Misa were freed from imprisonment due to the deal Rem was told to offer: "kill criminals and you may write any other names you wish".
He later used the Death Note for selfish reasons such as promotion and furthering the business of Yotsuba. For that, he arranged for various colleagues to hold secret meetings in order to discuss how to further their company's fortunes by using Kira's powers, though they were not told that he himself was Kira. He also continued to kill criminals, though Light notes that he also killed people who had caused death unintentionally , such as a driver who had caused an accidental fatality in a car crash, something that the original Kira would never have done since he targeted hardened, established and bloodthirsty criminals.
Higuchi was later exposed as the new Kira and was arrested. His Death Note was given to Light, who recovered his memories as Kira and killed Higuchi before he was even put in a police car.
Also known as: X-Kira
+Mikami has always had a strong sense of justice and is the most understanding and committed to Kira's goals. After suspicion of Misa rose again, Light mailed Mikami her Death Note. Mikami carried out Light's orders as perfectly as possible, seeing him as God. Despite this devotion, it was a mistake made by Mikami that exposed Light as Kira. In the manga, he dies in prison, though in the anime he stabs himself in the chest with his pen and bleeds to death.
Also known as: Cheap Kira
+Their true identity never revealed, C-Kira appears in the one-shot set three years after the end of the series. C-Kira's Shinigami was Midora , and the origin of the Death Note which C-Kira used is unknown. C-Kira would kill the elderly, suicidal, immobile and any others who wished to die. C-Kira gained these sources via the Internet, and once by killing the members of the audience of a live television program who begged him to kill them. C-Kira's reign was short. He was talked down by Near (now known as L ) who made it clear that he was not going to even bother to investigate the case. C-Kira then wrote his own name down in his Death Note and died. The name of C-Kira was used by Near to mean "Cheap Kira," as Near has a very low opinion of the person.
Also known as: A-Kira
+Minoru appears in the Never Complete One-shot set ten years after the end of the series. He is given a Death Note by Ryuk, who hopes to find a human similar to Light who will use the Death Note, entertain him, and feed him apples. Rather than use the notebook himself, Minoru elects to hold an international auction and sell it to the highest bidder. He dies of a heart attack after selling the notebook to the United States of America, unaware that the King of Death has after-the-fact created a new rule that anyone who tries to sell a Death Note will be killed.
While active as Kira, Minoru is given the nickname "a-Kira" by Near, referring to his intention of auctioning off the Death Note.
In other media
Film series
In the Death Note film series , Light and Misa act as Kira and the Second Kira in much the same way they did in the original.
Kiyomi Takada takes on a role similar to Higuchi in the second film , acting as Kira to help further her career as a journalist.
The miniseries Death Note: New Generation and the film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World introduce new characters who act as Kira.
After Light's death, Ryuk brings a Death Note to Light's son Hikari Yagami , who begins acting as the new Kira with the help of his guardian Teru Mikami. They go mad and Mikami kills Hikari with the Death Note, and he is then killed by Tsukuru Mishima who has tracked Mikami down. The Death Note then falls to Mishima's possession, who continues the work of Kira.
Mishima passes the Death Note to Yuki Shien to continue his work as part of a plot to kill the Task Force and L's successor Ryuzaki . Shien continues to act as Kira, tracking down the other Death Notes, but he plans on finding and killing the new Kira (Mishima) because they are not the original Kira Light Yagami. He recruits Misa to help him by giving her possession of her old Death Note.
Sakura Aoi , Alexey Ivanov , Roger Irving , and Kenichi Mikuriya also possess and use Death Notes in the film series, but they do not act as Kira. Sakura kills people indiscriminately. Ivanov assists people with suicide, similar to C-Kira. Irving is a wall-street broker who kills his clients so he can make money. Mikuriya is a supreme court justice who kills Kira-supporters.
Television drama
In the Death Note television drama , Light and Misa act as Kira and the Second Kira in much the same way they did in the original.
Teru Mikami obtains Misa's Death Note by having her followed and her Death Note stolen. When Light realizes Mikami is behind it, he contacts him and Mikami begins working with Light, carrying out Kira's justice. Misa later rejoins them as well, carrying a scrap of Death Note paper on herself to retain her memories.
In the end, Light dies and the Death Notes burn. Misa and Mikami both lose their memories but survive. It's unknown what becomes of the surviving Kiras, but Mikami is last seen in custody and Misa is last seen with her idol group Ichigo Berry .
In Death Note: The Musical , Light and Misa are the only two Kiras.
In the end, Light dies of a heart attack when Ryuk writes his name in the Death Note. Misa is last seen in confinement without her memories, and her fate is unknown.
In the six years of Kira's existence in the manga series, no one was ever convicted of being Kira. Although Higuchi, Mikami, and Light were arrested for their roles as Kira, they all died before they were officially sentenced.
+Kiyomi Takada is notably excluded from this list of Kiras in the manga series. Although she played a pivotal role in the latter half of the series and killed several people with pages of the Death Note, neither ownership of a notebook nor possession by a Shinigami ever happened to her. Taking this into consideration, Misa is, therefore, the only female Kira in the list.
+Due to Kira's presence, criminals began using aliases to protect themselves. Organized crime syndicates seemed to be left alone as long as they didn't commit violent crimes; despite Light having access to police records around the world and Misa's shinigami eyes, one wasn't wiped out until the mission to get the notebook back from Mello.
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+You searched for death note wiki | Fandom
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+Welcome to Death Note Wiki
+High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook, and the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop or help him.
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata . It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live-action television drama in 2015, an American film in 2017, and a German audio drama in 2018.
Welcome to Death Note Wiki , the fan-operated site documenting the Death Note series! We are currently editing 616 articles and 6,022 files , and you can help !
Death Note Wiki reveals plot details and spoilers about the series!
+ Series and adaptations
+News & announcements
+October 20, 2022 - The upcoming live-action Netflix series will be written by Halia Abdel-Meguid.
+July 6, 2022 - The Duffer Brothers are working on a new live-action Death Note adaptation for Netflix; this is "an entirely new take", not connected to the 2017 Netflix film .
+April 1, 2022 - Death Note: The Musical begins its third performance run in South Korea.
+February 4, 2021 - Death Note: Short Stories was released in Japan.
+February 4, 2020 - The new Death Note one-shot chapter was released in Jump SQ issue #3. The issue will feature Death Note on the cover and the 87-page chapter will have a color page.
+January 20, 2020 - Death Note: The Musical began its third performance run in Tokyo with a new cast.
+See more news
+Earlier news (click to expand):
September 19, 2019 - Preorders open for an L & Watari statue from Oniri Creations.
+August 2019 - An Light & L statue was released by MegaHouse.
+July 13 - August 12, 2019 - Takeshi Obata held his first art exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, titled Never Complete . It features art from his various works including Death Note , and hosts a preview of a new upcoming Death Note one-shot .
+July 5, 2019 - At Japan Expo, Oniri Creations unveiled the unpainted prototype for a new L & Watari figurine.
+March/April 2019 - A Light & Ryuk Diorama was released by Oniri Creations.
+February 28, 2019 - The final three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+February 2019 - The mobile game Othellonia held another Death Note crossover event.
+February 15, 2019 - Jump Force video game was released. It features various characters from Shonen Jump , including Light and Ryuk, although both are non-playable characters.
+January 31, 2019 - Episodes 7, 8, and 9 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+January 22, 2019 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released subtitled on DVD and Blu-ray in North America by Funimation. The first two Japanese live-action films Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name were also re-released subtitled.
+November 30, 2018 - Episodes 4, 5, and 6 for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+November 24, 2018 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia. All main singing roles were performed for the first time.
+October 26, 2018 - The first three episodes for the Death Note audio drama were released in German.
+October 2018 - Announcement: Wikia.com is moving to Fandom.com, and Death Note Wiki will be among the first wikis moved to the new address. All links will be forwarded after the move, so traffic from links to the former address will not be disrupted. (Staff blog announcement here .)
+August 22, 2018 - Announcement: A sequel to Netflix's 2017 Death Note film is in development.
+August 15, 2018 - The board game Death Note: Confrontation was released.
+July 17th, 2018 - Shonen Jump Exhibition Vol. 3 opened, featuring the 2000 era of Shonen Jump including Death Note . The Exhibitions are for Jump's 50th anniversary.
+May 30th - June 15th, 2018 - Jumputi Heroes mobile game began events related to Death Note . Light, Misa, and L became available in the game.
+January 13th, 2018 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Hayato Kakizawa aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+December 12th, 2017 - A Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in St. Petersburg, Russia.
+December 2nd, 2017 - The 2017 version of Death Note: The Musical with Kenji Urai aired on WOWOW television in Japan.
+November 17th, 2017 - The film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World aired on television for the first time on "Friday Road Show". The version that aired is a special edition edited by the director Shinsuke Sato.
+October 31st and November 2nd, 2017 - Russian-language concert for Death Note: The Musical performed in Moscow, Russia.
+September 28th, 2017 - Netflix released Death Note: The VR Experience , an interactive video, on YouTube.
+September 8th-20th, 2017 - The mobile game Othellonia had a Death Note collaboration event.
+September 5th, 2017 - VIZ Media released the Death Note All-in-One Edition , a single omnibus volume of the complete manga series , in English.
+September 2nd-24th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had a second production run in Tokyo, Japan.
+August 25th, 2017 - The Death Note American film was released streaming on Netflix.
+August 21st, 2017 - A review embargo lifted for Netflix's Death Note American film and many early reviews were released.
+August 19th-21st, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had four performances in Osaka, Japan.
+July 21st-23rd, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Taiwan, put on by the Japanese cast.
+July 20th, 2017 - Netflix's Death Note American film screened at San Diego Comic Con and a new clip was released online.
+June 29th, 2017 - The first full trailer and a featurette for Netflix's Death Note American film was released.
+June 24th-25th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical had three performances in Toyama, Japan.
+April 19th, 2017 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan.
+March 22nd, 2017 - The first teaser trailer for Netflix's Death Note American remake film was released.
+March 2017 - Death Note: The Concert had four performances in Japan.
+January 3rd-26th, 2017 - Death Note: The Musical returned for a second production in South Korea.
+December 19th, 2016 - Death Note: The Musical Showcase performed in South Korea.
+October 29th, 2016 - Death Note: Light Up the NEW World premiered in Japan.
+September 2016 - Death Note: New Generation was released streaming on Hulu Japan.
+July 1st, 2016 - Death Note: The Escape opened for a limited release at Universal Studios Japan.
+July 5th, 2015 - The Death Note TV drama aired its first episode in Japan.
+June 11th, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in South Korea.
+April 1st, 2015 - Death Note: The Musical had its first performance in Japan.
If you would like to become an affiliate of Death Note Wiki,
contact us .
+Ongoing Anime Spotlights
+Upcoming Anime Spotlights
+Finished Manga Series
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+L (character) | Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+This page features a video (above if enabled through preferences or logged out) not created or controlled by the Death Note Wiki. It may contain inaccuracies and misleading statements . If you would like to make corrections, please contact Wikia Staff at Special:Contact/general .
“Kira is childish, and he hates losing. You guessed it, I'm also childish and hate losing. ”
+— L (
"One" )
+L (エル, Eru ) is a world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira . In his investigation, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira.
L's full appearance
L is a very slim, pale, tall young man with messy neck-length black hair and black eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot, even while in public. This was shown when he visited Light Yagami's school and was seen barefoot while sitting on a bench, not bothering to wear his shoes until he got up to walk. L also tends to hunch over when walking.
The "L" that L uses to represent himself
L is quite secretive, and only communicates with the world through his assistant, Watari . He never shows his face to the world in person, instead representing himself with a capital letter L drawn in "Old English MT" or "Cloister Black" typeface. It is more likely to be "Cloister Black" as Watari's "W" is different in "Old English MT."
After meeting the Japanese Task Force , he requests that the task force refer to him as "Ryuzaki" as an additional safety measure. The Task Force never learns his true name, and it is revealed in neither the manga nor anime.
L is very intelligent, though his disheveled and languid appearance masks his great powers of deduction and many question his abilities upon viewing him. L tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He is good at deceiving his opponents, and is willing to take drastic measures to solve a case. Some of his tactics are quite bold, such as having death row inmate Lind L. Tailor pose as himself on live TV in order to draw out Kira, while others seem bizarre to those involved, such as handcuffing himself to suspected-Kira, Light Yagami. He is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and he isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. Although he tends to be polite, to some (such as Task Force member Shuichi Aizawa ), L can seem condescending at times.
Using subterfuge, misinformation, disinformation, and an analytical knowledge of human nature to help lure a suspected murderer into a false sense of security and possibly make him carelessly over-confident, L sometimes gets what he wants through abnormal or possibly criminal channels. Whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent," he may in fact be over ninety percent convinced of their culpability. Although L tells Light that he is among the least likely suspects with one of the lowest percentages of probability, in reality L is "pretty certain" that Light is Kira. As series writer Tsugumi Ohba said laughing, making light of L's tactics: "The truth is, he's a liar."
L's preferred posture
He also has several quirks, such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods (like desserts, candies and fruits) and holding items by using only a thumb and a finger. He also has an unusual way of sitting, with both of his feet on the chair. He claims that if he sits normally, his reasoning ability would drop 40%. Interestingly, in the manga, he is seen sitting on the floor in a pose similar to how one would meditate, while thinking deeply about the Kira case. He is often seen arranging objects and very intently stacking, or in other ways playing with, his staple food items. L is almost always encountered while performing actions that are considered inappropriate or rude in public. These actions/habits include biting fingernails, placing feet on furniture, slouching, chewing with an open mouth, talking with his mouth full, and calling out personal observations that may offend others.
With his status as the world's greatest detective, he, like Light, has a very sensitive pride, being afraid to be wrong in his deductions and theories, evident through his drastic measures (torturing Misa and confining Light during an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time), and lethargic behavior during the beginning of the Yotsuba arc .
Although he is often seen sitting and inactive, L retains a high athletic ability. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the tennis champion in the England Junior Cup. He also has a knack for martial arts, which is demonstrated in his brief fight with Light. In chapter 38 of the manga, L suggests that even though he eats only sweet foods, he remains underweight because the brain uses the most calories of any organ in the body.
L kicks Light
When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it." He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil."
At the age of eight,[4] L was found by Watari and taken to the orphanage known as Wammy's House, a home for gifted children. Sometime after, Watari realized that L had incredible intelligence and later assisted him in his cases.[5] L became a detective at a young, unknown age and eventually gained a reputation as the greatest detective in the world whose opinion is highly valued.
L notices the rapid rate of criminals dying of heart attacks, and suspects a person is behind this and that he is in Japan, so he seeks cooperation from the NPA . He begins the Kira case by having undocumented death row inmate Lind L. Tailor introduce himself on television as "L" and say that Kira is "evil." This provokes Kira into killing Tailor on the spot, which in turn confirms that the Kira killings are not a coincidental succession of heart attacks amongst criminals but the designs of an ingenious murderer who will kill any and all who try to stop him. It also reveals Kira's location, since the broadcast was televised only in the Kanto region. Not long after this, because of the time of day during which the criminals die coincide with out-of-school hours, he deduces that Kira may well be a student. Not long after this incident, criminals begin dying during one-hour intervals, intentionally contradicting L's theory, showing to L that Kira has access to police information. Because of this, he requests that 12 FBI agents investigate those close to each of the members of the police.
Shortly after the FBI's investigation begins, Kira begins testing his abilities using criminals and leaves behind meaningless clues, successfully distracting L from the agents. Not too long after this, all 12 FBI agents die at Kira's hand. This causes a large portion of the NPA to quit the investigation, only leaving a few members, Soichiro Yagami , Touta Matsuda , Hirokazu Ukita , Shuichi Aizawa , and Kanzo Mogi . L books a hotel room where all six of them can regularly do their investigation, and he gives them counterfeit police badges as well as belt buckles which allow them to contact L in case of an emergency.
L in the manga, declaring he is "justice" to the Task Force.
L finds footage of the death of one of the agents, and the footage shows that Raye Penber , who was investigating the families of Soichiro Yagami and Koreyoshi Kitamura , was reaching for something behind him when he died just outside the train. Furthermore, the body of Naomi Misora , who previously worked with L on the Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases and was Raye's fiancé, went missing. L assumes this was the work of Kira because Naomi didn't seem like the type to commit suicide at the loss of her fiancé. Because of these two factors, Kira must be among those whom Raye was investigating.
L installs surveillance cameras and wiretaps in the Yagami household as well as Kitamura's house. However, L places 64 in the room of Light Yagami , Soichiro's son, whom L observes the closest. After seeing Light's alibi (which was that he writes a name in a blind spot whilst studying), L senses something is very off about Light, deeming him "too perfect."
In order to take his investigation to its next stage, L decides to enroll at To-Oh University (東応大学, Tōō Daigaku )—the same college that Light attends—using the well-known name of a popular singer and actor, Hideki Ryuga . L attends To-Oh because he feels confident in his reasoning and interrogational skills and wishes to test his theory concerning Light's hidden identity by confronting him and perhaps provoking or tricking him to admit that he is indeed Kira. L is well aware that this is something of a gamble, and knows full well that his act of direct confrontation could prove fatal, but as he's convinced he understands Light's thought process, he feels confident that the adversary will not yet risk revealing his secret identity by killing him.
When L introduces himself as Ryuga, Light becomes alert and somewhat alarmed but recognizes that it would be pointless to attempt to kill him—the name is conspicuously fake. Light has no way of knowing whether Ryuga is the real L or a proxy acting under orders. He also reasons that L would have already introduced himself to Light's father earlier, and thus, were he to somehow kill L, this murder would instantly unmask him, proving that he is indeed Kira. If this person proved to be L's proxy, and his name really was Ryuga, he might die, but L would live and know his identity, without ever having had to reveal himself to Light, so that L will have gained all the advantage. Also, while writing the name "Hideki Ryuga" into the Death Note, the face of the pop singer bearing that name might enter Light's thoughts involuntarily, and that would cause the death of pop singer Ryuga, which would also lead L to the obvious conclusion that Light is Kira. As such, L's expectations about the outcome of his daring opening gambit prove true, and Light finds himself in a stalemate situation, unable to act for the time being, as any attempt to rid himself of his hunters would result in confirmed suspicions, his subsequent and unavoidable unmasking, and, ultimately, his undoing.
L's loss against Light in tennis.
L plans on getting closer to Light by asking him to join the investigation; this way, if Light is Kira, he would be more prone to slipping up, while Light not being Kira would still benefit the investigation. L begins by playing a tennis game with Light, in order to have grounds to get closer to Light and begin asking him about the investigation; during the game, L concludes that Light will attempt to meet with the Task Force members in order to confirm L's identity. After losing the tennis match, in order to prevent Light from meeting with the Task Force members, L announces his suspicions, claiming his suspicions are only one percent high. L begins testing Light at the cafe, first by asking him about why L revealed himself, then about the file that the FBI agents received, and finally about three notes Kira left behind using criminals. Light passes all the tests and doesn't slip up, and so L doesn't bother trying to test him anymore.
L then asks Light to join the investigation, but Light takes advantage of this by claiming that he'll refuse to join the investigation unless the Task Force members confirm L's identity. Considering L wants Light to join the investigation and he has another countermeasure to keep him safe anyway, L allows Light to have the Task Force members confirm his identity. Suddenly, L and Light receive news of Soichiro having collapsed of a heart attack due to stress, and at the hospital, L has Soichiro confirm his identity, while also asking for Light's thoughts on Kira's identity.
After a while, Kira sends tapes to Sakura TV , which airs on TV. After Kira begins to kill innocents to prove the fact that they're Kira, the Task Force tries their best to stop the broadcast. After all the calls fail, Ukita attempts to barge in the station, only for him to somehow be killed. This shocks them and angers Aizawa as Kira shouldn't have been able to discover Ukita's name. Luckily, a recovered Soichiro barges in the station using a truck, confirming his safety, and retrieves the tapes from Demegawa, and hands them over to L and the Task Force. Judging from the fact that Kira can now kill with just a face and that Kira is uncharacteristically killing innocents, L speculates that this is indeed a second Kira who seeks the collaboration and attention of the first. Because Light's deductive abilities would be useful, L asks Light to join the Task Force. Because Light knows of L's identity, L has Watari pose as another L through a computer screen in order to prevent Light from killing L and the Task Force, as an outsider would notice their deaths should they occur.
Together, they both manage to have the second Kira, who wishes to have L seen on TV, respond to them. In one of the responses, the second Kira mentions "Shinigami ," and since their existence isn't implausible to L considering previous events, L is shocked and unsettled by the idea of him potentially needing to change his worldview. After the second Kira sends a diary, Light goes to Aoyama on May 22nd under the guise of investigating, only for him to find nothing. On May 23rd, the second Kira releases a tape announcing that she has found Kira, which has L suspect Light further considering this is probably referring to when Light went to Aoyama the previous day, so L has Mogi secretly tail Light.
Judging from the fact that the second Kira now does not seek Kira's attention, L thinks that the second Kira and Kira have joined forces. After this, Light suddenly gains a gaggle of girlfriends, all of whom L investigates. L manages to discover that Misa Amane was ahold of these tapes thanks to the hairs and fibers on them. Thus, Misa Amane is the Second Kira. Her manager is then charged for drugs, and L meets Light again at the university. There, he meets Misa before she is detained. Because of this, Light is in deep trouble and he asks to be detained, and so L does so. During Light's confinement, no criminals are killed, which confirms to L that Light is Kira. During Light's seventh day of confinement, Light begins acting uncharacteristically as he lost his memories of being Kira. After fifteen days, criminals begin dropping dead again, and once 50 days have passed, the Task Force pressures L into releasing Light and Misa. However, before letting them free, L has Soichiro act as if he would shoot Light, as he believes that Misa would kill Soichiro in this situation. However, since she doesn't, L agrees to let them free.
L sulking.
Still convinced Light and Misa are Kira and the second Kira, respectively, L handcuffs his hands to Light's. L asks Light to manipulate Misa into spilling information regarding the case, but Light refuses as it is against his moral code. While Light, L, and Misa are in Misa's room, L sulks over the fact that he has come to the conclusion that Light and Misa have lost their memories of having been Kira and passed on their powers to someone else, which would make solving the case very difficult. Frustrated with L's unwillingness to continue due to all that L has put Light through because of the case, Light punches L, and in response, L kicks Light before Matsuda intervenes and stops the fight.
After a few months of not working on the case, L is shown Light's research; Light deduces Kira is now within the Yotsuba company and that Kira can kill through means other than heart attacks. Shortly after, because of the fact that Kira has bribed and blackmailed the NPA to not oppose Kira, Aizawa quits the Task Force in order to support his family after being fed up with L, who lied to Aizawa about him having to make a choice, as L had already ensured that anyone who would quit the NPA to work with the Task Force would be financially secure.
L and the team watching over the Yotsuba members.
L hires Aiber and Wedy to help them with the investigation now that the Task Force is not a part of the police. Together, they all manage to concoct a plan, but Matsuda messes up by taking initiative and entering Yotsuba headquarters. In order to fix his mistakes, L tells Matsuda to fake his death. L takes advantage of his second alias, Eraldo Coil , whom Yotsuba hired in order to find L, to find out more information about the company, with Aiber communicating with them as Eraldo.
When Misa finds evidence as to who the Third Kira is, L is a little underwhelmed, but comes up with a plan to stop Higuchi regardless. L uses Matsuda as bait during a Sakura TV talk show to lure Higuchi onto the scene, only for the Task Force members to ambush him. Higuchi makes an escape, but with the help of Ide and his return, the Task Force catches up to him. L finally discovers the Death Note , how Kira kills, and discovers the Shinigami , Rem . Light and Misa regain their memories as Kira, and L discovers a rule, one where if someone doesn't write within the notebook within 13 consecutive days, they die. Despite this being a perfect alibi for Light, L still suspects him. Due to pressure from the Task Force now believing Light and Misa are in the clear, L releases Misa and removes the handcuffs from his and Light's hands.
L stands out in the rain, hearing the "bells," and massages Light's feet after doing so . (This has happened only in the anime and is absent from the manga. Many fans interpret this as L having knowledge of his premature death.)
A few killings after Misa's release, the killings from Kira start up again, resulting in L quarreling with the Task Force as he plans on using the notebook to test the legitimacy of the 13-day rule. However, just then, Watari has died, as he noticed all the data concerning the Kira case has been deleted. Once L figures out Rem must have killed Watari, Rem writes L's name in the notebook, killing him. As L has a heart attack, Light catches L and holds him by the arms, allowing L to see Light's smug smirk to show that he was indeed Kira the whole time.
L's death in the anime.
Because of Wammy's House attempting to raise a successor to L, Near and Mello attempt to catch Kira, with Near doing this in order to avenge L and defend his pride. During some of his interactions with Near and Mello, Light remembers L. Ultimately, the combined efforts of Near and Mello succeed in defeating Light.
In other media
Film series
Kenichi Matsuyama as L in the Death Note film series
L retains many of the same characteristics seen in the original series. At the end of the first film, L eats potato chips in front of Light; Light understood this to mean that L was still suspicious of him, as Light had used a potato chip bag to hide a mini LCD television from security cameras while L filmed his room.
As there is no time delay between the first and second films, the second film begins soon before L supposedly dies. Unlike the manga and anime, in the second film, his original "death," caused by Rem writing his name in her Death Note, does not take effect, as L had written his own name in Misa's Death Note earlier. It is his self-sacrifice that allows him to stay alive for a longer duration (as he supposed that Kira would kill him on that day), and allows the investigation team to apprehend Light. After Ryuk kills Light, Ryuk offers L the Death Note. L refuses, and Ryuk, while saying that L is boring, leaves.
Twenty-three days after writing his name in the Death Note, and after burning all the remaining Death Notes and having a conversation with Soichiro Yagami, L dies peacefully while eating a chocolate bar, with a picture of Watari lying right beside him.
L: Change the WorLd chronicles the 23 days that L has left before he dies. L decides to solve one last case. He is in charge of stopping a deadly virus from spreading across the world. Ryuk comes to his aid on behalf of Kira's last wishes. Hideo Nakata, the director, told The Daily Yomiuri that he wanted to exhibit L's "human side," a quality which was not made all too apparent in the Death Note series.
Conception of L in the films
Manga rendition of L's film portrayal
Shūsuke Kaneko, director of the films, said that L's role was the most difficult to cast; as the starting date of the shooting schedule drew near, many of the "big name" actors had other projects. Kaneko decided to offer the role to Ken'ichi Matsuyama, "very much a newcomer." When Matsuyama spoke to him of his intention to "live as L," the young actor had "clinched it," declares Kaneko.
Matsuyama admits having experienced some difficulty in trying to portray L, and he worried about his performance. In the end, he decided to interpret L as an individual who does not "quite understand other people on an emotional level"—the actor reasoned that L rarely interacted with others, and as a consequence, his social skills and emotional expressiveness may not be those of a socially active person. Matsuyama, describing himself as "not very flexible physically," encountered difficulty in emulating L's postures. The actor also ate sweets that L would eat, and carefully considered the details of L's signature gestures.
Matsuyama said that he and Fujiwara became "so immersed" in their character portrayals, that they did not talk to one another while on the set; only when filming ceased did they converse, and they "went out for a drink or two."
Matsuyama described L and Light as having "such unique characters that they’re impossible to understand" and that "the inside of L’s head remains a mystery" to him. Matsuyama said that L and Light are "extremely" alike in that they have "very strong sense of justice."
In the novel Death Note: Another Note , the reader is led to believe L—under the alias, Rue Ryuzaki—is helping Naomi Misora solve a murder case. She was recruited for the case by L because she was on leave from the FBI. This Rue acts very much like L and shared many characteristics like crouching to sit and consuming sweets. At the end of the novel, the reader discovers that Beyond Birthday detective name B , who was another candidate to replace L along with Near and Mello, was not only the killer but also Rue Ryuzaki in disguise under heavy make-up. He was trying to make a case L could not solve to prove his superiority to L. In the book the only certified reference to L was the phone conversations Naomi had with him to discuss the case. At the very end of the book, as Naomi was going back to work, she sees a man similar to Rue, who the reader is led to believe is L (and probably is, considering that Mello earlier stated that this case was the first time that L had shown himself in public under the alias 'Ryuzaki'). This man attempts to give Naomi a hug, which she counters in self-defense and sends him tumbling down a flight of stairs. She then catches up to him and asks him his name, to which he replies, "Ryuzaki."
It is revealed that, prior to the series, L once told Mello three stories regarding his previous solved cases—the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases, detective wars against the real Eraldo Coil and Deneuve , and the story of how L met Watari.[6]
Although following closely the storyline of its film counterpart—with the exception of a few creative changes—the novelization reveals various attributes of L. It is revealed in the novel that the initial "L" has two meanings: L stands for "Last One," meaning no one could surpass or match him, but also for "Lost One," meaning a gifted entity who has dropped down, or was cast out from heaven.
The novel also states that L helped in the prevention of World War III when he was only eight years old.
In the novel, L takes a few capoeira lessons from Suruga. This is most likely a homage to the on-going fan speculation of L's capoeira like fighting style in the Death Note manga and anime.
Also, in the novel, L for the first time completely loses his composure and calm attitude: when Maki is kidnapped by Blue Ship, L breaks down and screams toward the sky after realizing that this was what Light meant about feeling helpless to protect the people he cares about. L also states at one point that "his heart hurts." His feelings about Light are also revealed, and it is described that L did consider Light to be his friend, going as far as holding on to Light's broken watch as a memento and saying, "Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together."
According to the timeline that is presented on each page of the novel, it appears L was to have only 272 days left to live prior to writing his name onto the page of the Death Note . Based on this bit of information it's obvious that L's remaining natural lifespan at the end of the second film would only have amounted to less than a year.
According to page 151 of the novel, it is revealed that the reason why L has acquired so many eccentric quirks is because of the heavy strain of upholding the name of L. From the novel:
How L did not and could not forget the faces of thousands of victims. "Who could comprehend the man who had lived his life, and had to live confronting all the lives ended prematurely, the tears of the grief stricken survivors, the devaluing of life as a daily reality. How was it possible to measure the pain of such a man? Was it a strain so heavy that L's back curved under all its weight? Was it an agony so terrible as to leave the indelible dark circles around his eyes? Was it a feeling so bitter that every bite he took needed to be coated in sugar? The chronically rounded shoulders, the inevitable dark circles, the eccentric tastes—L suppressed the pain of being a champion of justice, but the evidence of the pain was molded into his very body."
L's detective skills are also explored. In the novel L manages to disguise himself from Kujo and the Blue Ship members by wearing lipstick and putting on a women's wig. He even goes as far as playing the part, and calling Suruga "Honey" while in disguise, much to his annoyance.
Main articles: Death Note 13: How to Read and Yonkoma
Death Note 13: How to Read describes L in the Death Note yonkoma as the "holder of the world's greatest mind" and having the "powerful ability to act like a fool." Death Note 13: How to Read adds that in the yonkoma, "it's like [L was] born to be mocked."
Teppei Koike as L (Tokyo, 2015)
L's role in Death Note: The Musical is essentially the same, but there are some notable changes to the plot. L does not create the Task Force; the Task Force is formed prior to his involvement, and Soichiro Yagami calls L in to assist on the case.
The ending is also very different. Light convinces Rem to not just write L's name in the notebook but to also write the manner of L's death. As written, L goes to meet Light at a warehouse in Daikoku Wharf and he takes a gun. Light reveals himself as Kira and allows L to touch the Death Note and see Ryuk. L shoots Light in the leg, but Light reveals that this is all according to what's already been written, because Light intends to make it look like L himself was Kira and Light exposed him. Light guides the gun in L's hand to L's temple, and L pulls the trigger and dies.
Kim Junsu as L (Seongnam, 2015)
L is portrayed by various actors for the different musical productions. Teppei Koike (小池徹平, Koike Teppei ) portrayed him in the 2015 Japanese production, and he will reprise the role in 2017. Kim Junsu (김준수) portrayed him in both the 2015 and 2017 Korean productions. Jarrod Spector voiced the character for the New York studio demo recordings.
L performs the following songs in the Musical:
Kento Yamazaki as L
L receives major changes in the drama adaptation. Unlike his manga and anime counterpart, this live-action L sits properly, albeit with his feet on tables and his legs crossed, regularly wears shoes, and eschews sweets and candy in favour of energy drinks. He is also portrayed as far more bold, evident in episode 2 when he accuses Light and several other suspects as being Kira over the phone without even using a voice scrambler. He shows more emotions than L does in the manga, screaming during his fight with Light and laughing when he knows he has Light cornered.
L has a much closer relationship to Near in the drama, and the two of them regularly keep in touch over the phone. L is very wary of Near’s “Mello” personality and does not hesitate to scold Mello when he comes out. It is for this reason that L attempts to keep Near sheltered, though he ultimately fails when Near escapes the Wammy House. The two spend time together in person, and L values Near's contribution to the Higuchi case and respects his establishment as a world-renowned detective.
American actor Keith Stanfield portrays an American version of L in the 2017 Netflix adaptation of Death Note .
Similar to the television drama, L's character and background have significant changes. Prior to the events of the film, L was raised in an orphanage in New York where he and several other children were trained by Watari to become the greatest detectives in the world. The orphanage was eventually abandoned soon after L's departure. L also rarely took time to sleep and ate nothing but sweets and required Watari's aid to maintain his health.
Towards the film's third act, L displays an aggressive behavior that causes him to shout and even break things when he is angered. When Watari is killed, L's rage consumes him and he takes a gun in an attempt to hunt down Light Turner to avenge his mentor, but is knocked unconscious by a Kira worshipper before he can shoot Light.
After being taken into custody by the police, L is able to avoid prison due to his contacts in the government, but he is deported and is to be sent back to Japan. Before his plane takes off, L remembers Mia's involvement with Light and he breaks into Mia's house. He searches through her belongings and finds a page of the Death Note with the names of the FBI agents on it. Out of anger, L grabs a pen and considers writing Light's name down.
The following information is from Death Note 13: How to Read .
Tsugumi Ohba : Writer
Takeshi Obata : Artist
Ohba created L as a "force of justice" and a "super detective" who stands between Light and Light's goals and advances the story. Ohba believed that the story would not hold much interest if L was significantly older than Light, so Ohba created L as a young adult. Ohba said that for L's name he wanted to use a single letter with a lot of significance; according to Ohba, he considered "I" and "J" but decided that they did not "feel as good" as "L" and settled on it "after careful consideration." Ohba mentions having given L the alias "Ryuzaki" because L is pronounced like R in Japanese.
Ohba said that his favorite human character in the series was L as he believed that L was the "strongest" character in the series "besides Light." Obata also chose L as his favorite due to "appearance, personality, everything." He stated that he could never have created L and that he enjoyed drawing him. Obata added that because of this, L is not "real" to him, and he likes that aspect of L. In response to the question "Who was the most fun to draw?" both Ohba and Obata answered "L."
Ohba claims he left "everything" about L's character design to Obata, who asked Ohba if L could be "unattractive." Afterwards, Ohba would include his ideas about the character into his thumbnails, including L's posture when seated, and notes such as: "he's English," and "he's listless." He also added details regarding L's mannerisms, and his "sweet tooth." Apart from all that, Ohba credits Obata for the character designs.
Obata described the thumbnail pictures of L created by Ohba as having a "plain face with no expression," and no "bags" under his eyes. According to Obata, the thumbnail design was "great, and I wish I could have used it as is." Obata drew L as an "attractive young man" until Chapter 11, when the character appeared in person. After Chapter 11 Obata decided to contrast L's appearance with that of Light's; Obata claims that both he and Ohba held this idea.
Obata speaks of his concern, during the development of the early manga chapters, that L would appear to be "so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met." When Obata's editor told him that he wanted L to have a face "looking cool based on the angle," Obata added black "bags" under L's eyes, and he cited Devilman' s Akira Fudou when expressing his belief that black bags "looked cool." In addition, Obata thought of a "dead eyes" concept, which involved L having "all-black eyes" and "mostly no eyebrows." Although he believes that giving it such black eyes tends to make an animated character appear "goofier," he also thinks that the bags "sharpen the character's gaze." Obata suggests that the design evokes "a feeling of mystery" surrounding the character, and as a result, the reader cannot determine L's true thoughts. He adds that the bags under L's eyes also attract speculation about L's lifestyle and past, and describes the bags as "useful." Obata designed L with a "simple" outfit of a white, long-sleeved shirt and jeans in order to convey the idea that L does not put much thought into choosing his attire. In Death Note 13: How to Read , Ohba presented an initial rough draft of L, and said that, with a "cool expression" and without the "bags" under his eyes the rough draft showed "a totally different person."
While designing color book covers, Obata assigned colors to characters to "get the atmosphere right." The color he assigned to L was gold.
Obata has stated his belief that traits exhibited by L are best revealed "gradually." He is convinced that if he drew L eating "mountains of sweets" prior to revealing L's face, the character would not have "much credibility as a super detective," and people would question whether L was "crazy."
Obata mentions being told often that L's fighting style is much like capoeira; the artist claims that he did not consider this when he drew L's fights—he was simply thinking of the most effective method of kicking an adversary while being handcuffed to him. In Obata's opinion, if the style resembles capoeira, then this "adds another element to it" and "that makes me happy."
L's name, L Lawliet, was first revealed in Death Note 13: How to Read on a promotional card featured at the beginning of the book.
L's lifespan in the anime
In the anime, certain characters take on stylized hair colors while the viewer hears their thoughts; L's color is blue.
+L's lifespan in the television drama is 51161121.
+L can tie two cherry stems in a knot with his mouth, as seen in episode 18.
+In the Death Note DVD Behind the Scenes, L's voice actor, Alessandro Juliani, describes L as an "enigma, and someone, that if you sat next to on the subway with you would probably move to the other side."
+In the Italian version, rather than using the letter "L" to spell his name, the phonetic spelling ("Elle") is used.
+In Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid episode 6, a character resembling L was briefly seen riding a bike.
An L Nendoroid figure
L was one of the Death Note characters made into Nendoroid figures. The L Nendoroid comes with a chair, an extra arm holding a cell phone, another body of L but in his crouching posture, and three other faces, an angry face, a shocked face, and a face looking to the right.
+American R&B singer Christina Grimmie cosplayed as L for her 2015 music video of "Shrug ." Two versions of the music video were made with the L cosplay being used in the "Dude Version ."
“Kira is childish and he hates losing… I'm also childish and hate losing. ” (Chapter 11 )
+“Well, to put it simply… I had prepared a little trick to test whether you were Kira… But I didn't even feel the need to use it on any of you. ” (Chapter 13 )
+“He who moves first always wins. ” (Chapter 20 )
+“I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%. ” (Chapter 21 )
+“The only thing I see is the abnormal strength of Amane's love for Light Yagami. ” (Chapter 36 )
+“Light-kun, please shut Misa-san up. ” (Chapter 37 )
+"Not satisfied unless you're Kira…? Yes, that may be true… I have just realized something… I wanted you to be Kira…" (Chapter 38 )
+“Misa-san, take this seriously or I'll kick you. ” (Chapter 46 )
+“It's not a sense of justice. Figuring out difficult cases is my hobby. If you measured good and evil deeds by current laws, I would be responsible for many crimes. The same way you all like to solve mysteries and riddles, or clear video games more quickly. For me too, it's simply prolonging something I enjoy doing. That's why I only take on cases that pique my interest. It's not justice at all. And if it means being able to clear a case, I don't play fair, I'm a dishonest, cheating human being who hates losing. ” (Death Note One-Shot Special )
+“There are…many types of monsters in this world: Monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble; monsters who abduct children; monsters who devour dreams; monsters who suck blood, and… monsters who always tell lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat even though they've never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it. Because in truth, I am that monster. ” (Death Note Relight 2: L's Successors )
+“The killer is B. ” (Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases , p 104)
+“Light wanted to live like a god. He didn't die like one. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Watari, now I want to live in this world a little bit longer. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Misa Amane… I hope you enjoy the remaining few years of your life. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 115)
+“Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 188)
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+L (character) | Death Note Wiki | Fandom
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“Kira is childish, and he hates losing. You guessed it, I'm also childish and hate losing. ”
+— L (
"One" )
+L (エル, Eru ) is a world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira . In his investigation, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira.
L's full appearance
L is a very slim, pale, tall young man with messy neck-length black hair and black eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot, even while in public. This was shown when he visited Light Yagami's school and was seen barefoot while sitting on a bench, not bothering to wear his shoes until he got up to walk. L also tends to hunch over when walking.
The "L" that L uses to represent himself
L is quite secretive, and only communicates with the world through his assistant, Watari . He never shows his face to the world in person, instead representing himself with a capital letter L drawn in "Old English MT" or "Cloister Black" typeface. It is more likely to be "Cloister Black" as Watari's "W" is different in "Old English MT."
After meeting the Japanese Task Force , he requests that the task force refer to him as "Ryuzaki" as an additional safety measure. The Task Force never learns his true name, and it is revealed in neither the manga nor anime.
L is very intelligent, though his disheveled and languid appearance masks his great powers of deduction and many question his abilities upon viewing him. L tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He is good at deceiving his opponents, and is willing to take drastic measures to solve a case. Some of his tactics are quite bold, such as having death row inmate Lind L. Tailor pose as himself on live TV in order to draw out Kira, while others seem bizarre to those involved, such as handcuffing himself to suspected-Kira, Light Yagami. He is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and he isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. Although he tends to be polite, to some (such as Task Force member Shuichi Aizawa ), L can seem condescending at times.
Using subterfuge, misinformation, disinformation, and an analytical knowledge of human nature to help lure a suspected murderer into a false sense of security and possibly make him carelessly over-confident, L sometimes gets what he wants through abnormal or possibly criminal channels. Whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent," he may in fact be over ninety percent convinced of their culpability. Although L tells Light that he is among the least likely suspects with one of the lowest percentages of probability, in reality L is "pretty certain" that Light is Kira. As series writer Tsugumi Ohba said laughing, making light of L's tactics: "The truth is, he's a liar."
L's preferred posture
He also has several quirks, such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods (like desserts, candies and fruits) and holding items by using only a thumb and a finger. He also has an unusual way of sitting, with both of his feet on the chair. He claims that if he sits normally, his reasoning ability would drop 40%. Interestingly, in the manga, he is seen sitting on the floor in a pose similar to how one would meditate, while thinking deeply about the Kira case. He is often seen arranging objects and very intently stacking, or in other ways playing with, his staple food items. L is almost always encountered while performing actions that are considered inappropriate or rude in public. These actions/habits include biting fingernails, placing feet on furniture, slouching, chewing with an open mouth, talking with his mouth full, and calling out personal observations that may offend others.
With his status as the world's greatest detective, he, like Light, has a very sensitive pride, being afraid to be wrong in his deductions and theories, evident through his drastic measures (torturing Misa and confining Light during an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time), and lethargic behavior during the beginning of the Yotsuba arc .
Although he is often seen sitting and inactive, L retains a high athletic ability. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the tennis champion in the England Junior Cup. He also has a knack for martial arts, which is demonstrated in his brief fight with Light. In chapter 38 of the manga, L suggests that even though he eats only sweet foods, he remains underweight because the brain uses the most calories of any organ in the body.
L kicks Light
When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it." He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil."
At the age of eight,[4] L was found by Watari and taken to the orphanage known as Wammy's House, a home for gifted children. Sometime after, Watari realized that L had incredible intelligence and later assisted him in his cases.[5] L became a detective at a young, unknown age and eventually gained a reputation as the greatest detective in the world whose opinion is highly valued.
L notices the rapid rate of criminals dying of heart attacks, and suspects a person is behind this and that he is in Japan, so he seeks cooperation from the NPA . He begins the Kira case by having undocumented death row inmate Lind L. Tailor introduce himself on television as "L" and say that Kira is "evil." This provokes Kira into killing Tailor on the spot, which in turn confirms that the Kira killings are not a coincidental succession of heart attacks amongst criminals but the designs of an ingenious murderer who will kill any and all who try to stop him. It also reveals Kira's location, since the broadcast was televised only in the Kanto region. Not long after this, because of the time of day during which the criminals die coincide with out-of-school hours, he deduces that Kira may well be a student. Not long after this incident, criminals begin dying during one-hour intervals, intentionally contradicting L's theory, showing to L that Kira has access to police information. Because of this, he requests that 12 FBI agents investigate those close to each of the members of the police.
Shortly after the FBI's investigation begins, Kira begins testing his abilities using criminals and leaves behind meaningless clues, successfully distracting L from the agents. Not too long after this, all 12 FBI agents die at Kira's hand. This causes a large portion of the NPA to quit the investigation, only leaving a few members, Soichiro Yagami , Touta Matsuda , Hirokazu Ukita , Shuichi Aizawa , and Kanzo Mogi . L books a hotel room where all six of them can regularly do their investigation, and he gives them counterfeit police badges as well as belt buckles which allow them to contact L in case of an emergency.
L in the manga, declaring he is "justice" to the Task Force.
L finds footage of the death of one of the agents, and the footage shows that Raye Penber , who was investigating the families of Soichiro Yagami and Koreyoshi Kitamura , was reaching for something behind him when he died just outside the train. Furthermore, the body of Naomi Misora , who previously worked with L on the Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases and was Raye's fiancé, went missing. L assumes this was the work of Kira because Naomi didn't seem like the type to commit suicide at the loss of her fiancé. Because of these two factors, Kira must be among those whom Raye was investigating.
L installs surveillance cameras and wiretaps in the Yagami household as well as Kitamura's house. However, L places 64 in the room of Light Yagami , Soichiro's son, whom L observes the closest. After seeing Light's alibi (which was that he writes a name in a blind spot whilst studying), L senses something is very off about Light, deeming him "too perfect."
In order to take his investigation to its next stage, L decides to enroll at To-Oh University (東応大学, Tōō Daigaku )—the same college that Light attends—using the well-known name of a popular singer and actor, Hideki Ryuga . L attends To-Oh because he feels confident in his reasoning and interrogational skills and wishes to test his theory concerning Light's hidden identity by confronting him and perhaps provoking or tricking him to admit that he is indeed Kira. L is well aware that this is something of a gamble, and knows full well that his act of direct confrontation could prove fatal, but as he's convinced he understands Light's thought process, he feels confident that the adversary will not yet risk revealing his secret identity by killing him.
When L introduces himself as Ryuga, Light becomes alert and somewhat alarmed but recognizes that it would be pointless to attempt to kill him—the name is conspicuously fake. Light has no way of knowing whether Ryuga is the real L or a proxy acting under orders. He also reasons that L would have already introduced himself to Light's father earlier, and thus, were he to somehow kill L, this murder would instantly unmask him, proving that he is indeed Kira. If this person proved to be L's proxy, and his name really was Ryuga, he might die, but L would live and know his identity, without ever having had to reveal himself to Light, so that L will have gained all the advantage. Also, while writing the name "Hideki Ryuga" into the Death Note, the face of the pop singer bearing that name might enter Light's thoughts involuntarily, and that would cause the death of pop singer Ryuga, which would also lead L to the obvious conclusion that Light is Kira. As such, L's expectations about the outcome of his daring opening gambit prove true, and Light finds himself in a stalemate situation, unable to act for the time being, as any attempt to rid himself of his hunters would result in confirmed suspicions, his subsequent and unavoidable unmasking, and, ultimately, his undoing.
L's loss against Light in tennis.
L plans on getting closer to Light by asking him to join the investigation; this way, if Light is Kira, he would be more prone to slipping up, while Light not being Kira would still benefit the investigation. L begins by playing a tennis game with Light, in order to have grounds to get closer to Light and begin asking him about the investigation; during the game, L concludes that Light will attempt to meet with the Task Force members in order to confirm L's identity. After losing the tennis match, in order to prevent Light from meeting with the Task Force members, L announces his suspicions, claiming his suspicions are only one percent high. L begins testing Light at the cafe, first by asking him about why L revealed himself, then about the file that the FBI agents received, and finally about three notes Kira left behind using criminals. Light passes all the tests and doesn't slip up, and so L doesn't bother trying to test him anymore.
L then asks Light to join the investigation, but Light takes advantage of this by claiming that he'll refuse to join the investigation unless the Task Force members confirm L's identity. Considering L wants Light to join the investigation and he has another countermeasure to keep him safe anyway, L allows Light to have the Task Force members confirm his identity. Suddenly, L and Light receive news of Soichiro having collapsed of a heart attack due to stress, and at the hospital, L has Soichiro confirm his identity, while also asking for Light's thoughts on Kira's identity.
After a while, Kira sends tapes to Sakura TV , which airs on TV. After Kira begins to kill innocents to prove the fact that they're Kira, the Task Force tries their best to stop the broadcast. After all the calls fail, Ukita attempts to barge in the station, only for him to somehow be killed. This shocks them and angers Aizawa as Kira shouldn't have been able to discover Ukita's name. Luckily, a recovered Soichiro barges in the station using a truck, confirming his safety, and retrieves the tapes from Demegawa, and hands them over to L and the Task Force. Judging from the fact that Kira can now kill with just a face and that Kira is uncharacteristically killing innocents, L speculates that this is indeed a second Kira who seeks the collaboration and attention of the first. Because Light's deductive abilities would be useful, L asks Light to join the Task Force. Because Light knows of L's identity, L has Watari pose as another L through a computer screen in order to prevent Light from killing L and the Task Force, as an outsider would notice their deaths should they occur.
Together, they both manage to have the second Kira, who wishes to have L seen on TV, respond to them. In one of the responses, the second Kira mentions "Shinigami ," and since their existence isn't implausible to L considering previous events, L is shocked and unsettled by the idea of him potentially needing to change his worldview. After the second Kira sends a diary, Light goes to Aoyama on May 22nd under the guise of investigating, only for him to find nothing. On May 23rd, the second Kira releases a tape announcing that she has found Kira, which has L suspect Light further considering this is probably referring to when Light went to Aoyama the previous day, so L has Mogi secretly tail Light.
Judging from the fact that the second Kira now does not seek Kira's attention, L thinks that the second Kira and Kira have joined forces. After this, Light suddenly gains a gaggle of girlfriends, all of whom L investigates. L manages to discover that Misa Amane was ahold of these tapes thanks to the hairs and fibers on them. Thus, Misa Amane is the Second Kira. Her manager is then charged for drugs, and L meets Light again at the university. There, he meets Misa before she is detained. Because of this, Light is in deep trouble and he asks to be detained, and so L does so. During Light's confinement, no criminals are killed, which confirms to L that Light is Kira. During Light's seventh day of confinement, Light begins acting uncharacteristically as he lost his memories of being Kira. After fifteen days, criminals begin dropping dead again, and once 50 days have passed, the Task Force pressures L into releasing Light and Misa. However, before letting them free, L has Soichiro act as if he would shoot Light, as he believes that Misa would kill Soichiro in this situation. However, since she doesn't, L agrees to let them free.
L sulking.
Still convinced Light and Misa are Kira and the second Kira, respectively, L handcuffs his hands to Light's. L asks Light to manipulate Misa into spilling information regarding the case, but Light refuses as it is against his moral code. While Light, L, and Misa are in Misa's room, L sulks over the fact that he has come to the conclusion that Light and Misa have lost their memories of having been Kira and passed on their powers to someone else, which would make solving the case very difficult. Frustrated with L's unwillingness to continue due to all that L has put Light through because of the case, Light punches L, and in response, L kicks Light before Matsuda intervenes and stops the fight.
After a few months of not working on the case, L is shown Light's research; Light deduces Kira is now within the Yotsuba company and that Kira can kill through means other than heart attacks. Shortly after, because of the fact that Kira has bribed and blackmailed the NPA to not oppose Kira, Aizawa quits the Task Force in order to support his family after being fed up with L, who lied to Aizawa about him having to make a choice, as L had already ensured that anyone who would quit the NPA to work with the Task Force would be financially secure.
L and the team watching over the Yotsuba members.
L hires Aiber and Wedy to help them with the investigation now that the Task Force is not a part of the police. Together, they all manage to concoct a plan, but Matsuda messes up by taking initiative and entering Yotsuba headquarters. In order to fix his mistakes, L tells Matsuda to fake his death. L takes advantage of his second alias, Eraldo Coil , whom Yotsuba hired in order to find L, to find out more information about the company, with Aiber communicating with them as Eraldo.
When Misa finds evidence as to who the Third Kira is, L is a little underwhelmed, but comes up with a plan to stop Higuchi regardless. L uses Matsuda as bait during a Sakura TV talk show to lure Higuchi onto the scene, only for the Task Force members to ambush him. Higuchi makes an escape, but with the help of Ide and his return, the Task Force catches up to him. L finally discovers the Death Note , how Kira kills, and discovers the Shinigami , Rem . Light and Misa regain their memories as Kira, and L discovers a rule, one where if someone doesn't write within the notebook within 13 consecutive days, they die. Despite this being a perfect alibi for Light, L still suspects him. Due to pressure from the Task Force now believing Light and Misa are in the clear, L releases Misa and removes the handcuffs from his and Light's hands.
L stands out in the rain, hearing the "bells," and massages Light's feet after doing so . (This has happened only in the anime and is absent from the manga. Many fans interpret this as L having knowledge of his premature death.)
A few killings after Misa's release, the killings from Kira start up again, resulting in L quarreling with the Task Force as he plans on using the notebook to test the legitimacy of the 13-day rule. However, just then, Watari has died, as he noticed all the data concerning the Kira case has been deleted. Once L figures out Rem must have killed Watari, Rem writes L's name in the notebook, killing him. As L has a heart attack, Light catches L and holds him by the arms, allowing L to see Light's smug smirk to show that he was indeed Kira the whole time.
L's death in the anime.
Because of Wammy's House attempting to raise a successor to L, Near and Mello attempt to catch Kira, with Near doing this in order to avenge L and defend his pride. During some of his interactions with Near and Mello, Light remembers L. Ultimately, the combined efforts of Near and Mello succeed in defeating Light.
In other media
Film series
Kenichi Matsuyama as L in the Death Note film series
L retains many of the same characteristics seen in the original series. At the end of the first film, L eats potato chips in front of Light; Light understood this to mean that L was still suspicious of him, as Light had used a potato chip bag to hide a mini LCD television from security cameras while L filmed his room.
As there is no time delay between the first and second films, the second film begins soon before L supposedly dies. Unlike the manga and anime, in the second film, his original "death," caused by Rem writing his name in her Death Note, does not take effect, as L had written his own name in Misa's Death Note earlier. It is his self-sacrifice that allows him to stay alive for a longer duration (as he supposed that Kira would kill him on that day), and allows the investigation team to apprehend Light. After Ryuk kills Light, Ryuk offers L the Death Note. L refuses, and Ryuk, while saying that L is boring, leaves.
Twenty-three days after writing his name in the Death Note, and after burning all the remaining Death Notes and having a conversation with Soichiro Yagami, L dies peacefully while eating a chocolate bar, with a picture of Watari lying right beside him.
L: Change the WorLd chronicles the 23 days that L has left before he dies. L decides to solve one last case. He is in charge of stopping a deadly virus from spreading across the world. Ryuk comes to his aid on behalf of Kira's last wishes. Hideo Nakata, the director, told The Daily Yomiuri that he wanted to exhibit L's "human side," a quality which was not made all too apparent in the Death Note series.
Conception of L in the films
Manga rendition of L's film portrayal
Shūsuke Kaneko, director of the films, said that L's role was the most difficult to cast; as the starting date of the shooting schedule drew near, many of the "big name" actors had other projects. Kaneko decided to offer the role to Ken'ichi Matsuyama, "very much a newcomer." When Matsuyama spoke to him of his intention to "live as L," the young actor had "clinched it," declares Kaneko.
Matsuyama admits having experienced some difficulty in trying to portray L, and he worried about his performance. In the end, he decided to interpret L as an individual who does not "quite understand other people on an emotional level"—the actor reasoned that L rarely interacted with others, and as a consequence, his social skills and emotional expressiveness may not be those of a socially active person. Matsuyama, describing himself as "not very flexible physically," encountered difficulty in emulating L's postures. The actor also ate sweets that L would eat, and carefully considered the details of L's signature gestures.
Matsuyama said that he and Fujiwara became "so immersed" in their character portrayals, that they did not talk to one another while on the set; only when filming ceased did they converse, and they "went out for a drink or two."
Matsuyama described L and Light as having "such unique characters that they’re impossible to understand" and that "the inside of L’s head remains a mystery" to him. Matsuyama said that L and Light are "extremely" alike in that they have "very strong sense of justice."
In the novel Death Note: Another Note , the reader is led to believe L—under the alias, Rue Ryuzaki—is helping Naomi Misora solve a murder case. She was recruited for the case by L because she was on leave from the FBI. This Rue acts very much like L and shared many characteristics like crouching to sit and consuming sweets. At the end of the novel, the reader discovers that Beyond Birthday detective name B , who was another candidate to replace L along with Near and Mello, was not only the killer but also Rue Ryuzaki in disguise under heavy make-up. He was trying to make a case L could not solve to prove his superiority to L. In the book the only certified reference to L was the phone conversations Naomi had with him to discuss the case. At the very end of the book, as Naomi was going back to work, she sees a man similar to Rue, who the reader is led to believe is L (and probably is, considering that Mello earlier stated that this case was the first time that L had shown himself in public under the alias 'Ryuzaki'). This man attempts to give Naomi a hug, which she counters in self-defense and sends him tumbling down a flight of stairs. She then catches up to him and asks him his name, to which he replies, "Ryuzaki."
It is revealed that, prior to the series, L once told Mello three stories regarding his previous solved cases—the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases, detective wars against the real Eraldo Coil and Deneuve , and the story of how L met Watari.[6]
Although following closely the storyline of its film counterpart—with the exception of a few creative changes—the novelization reveals various attributes of L. It is revealed in the novel that the initial "L" has two meanings: L stands for "Last One," meaning no one could surpass or match him, but also for "Lost One," meaning a gifted entity who has dropped down, or was cast out from heaven.
The novel also states that L helped in the prevention of World War III when he was only eight years old.
In the novel, L takes a few capoeira lessons from Suruga. This is most likely a homage to the on-going fan speculation of L's capoeira like fighting style in the Death Note manga and anime.
Also, in the novel, L for the first time completely loses his composure and calm attitude: when Maki is kidnapped by Blue Ship, L breaks down and screams toward the sky after realizing that this was what Light meant about feeling helpless to protect the people he cares about. L also states at one point that "his heart hurts." His feelings about Light are also revealed, and it is described that L did consider Light to be his friend, going as far as holding on to Light's broken watch as a memento and saying, "Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together."
According to the timeline that is presented on each page of the novel, it appears L was to have only 272 days left to live prior to writing his name onto the page of the Death Note . Based on this bit of information it's obvious that L's remaining natural lifespan at the end of the second film would only have amounted to less than a year.
According to page 151 of the novel, it is revealed that the reason why L has acquired so many eccentric quirks is because of the heavy strain of upholding the name of L. From the novel:
How L did not and could not forget the faces of thousands of victims. "Who could comprehend the man who had lived his life, and had to live confronting all the lives ended prematurely, the tears of the grief stricken survivors, the devaluing of life as a daily reality. How was it possible to measure the pain of such a man? Was it a strain so heavy that L's back curved under all its weight? Was it an agony so terrible as to leave the indelible dark circles around his eyes? Was it a feeling so bitter that every bite he took needed to be coated in sugar? The chronically rounded shoulders, the inevitable dark circles, the eccentric tastes—L suppressed the pain of being a champion of justice, but the evidence of the pain was molded into his very body."
L's detective skills are also explored. In the novel L manages to disguise himself from Kujo and the Blue Ship members by wearing lipstick and putting on a women's wig. He even goes as far as playing the part, and calling Suruga "Honey" while in disguise, much to his annoyance.
Main articles: Death Note 13: How to Read and Yonkoma
Death Note 13: How to Read describes L in the Death Note yonkoma as the "holder of the world's greatest mind" and having the "powerful ability to act like a fool." Death Note 13: How to Read adds that in the yonkoma, "it's like [L was] born to be mocked."
Teppei Koike as L (Tokyo, 2015)
L's role in Death Note: The Musical is essentially the same, but there are some notable changes to the plot. L does not create the Task Force; the Task Force is formed prior to his involvement, and Soichiro Yagami calls L in to assist on the case.
The ending is also very different. Light convinces Rem to not just write L's name in the notebook but to also write the manner of L's death. As written, L goes to meet Light at a warehouse in Daikoku Wharf and he takes a gun. Light reveals himself as Kira and allows L to touch the Death Note and see Ryuk. L shoots Light in the leg, but Light reveals that this is all according to what's already been written, because Light intends to make it look like L himself was Kira and Light exposed him. Light guides the gun in L's hand to L's temple, and L pulls the trigger and dies.
Kim Junsu as L (Seongnam, 2015)
L is portrayed by various actors for the different musical productions. Teppei Koike (小池徹平, Koike Teppei ) portrayed him in the 2015 Japanese production, and he will reprise the role in 2017. Kim Junsu (김준수) portrayed him in both the 2015 and 2017 Korean productions. Jarrod Spector voiced the character for the New York studio demo recordings.
L performs the following songs in the Musical:
Kento Yamazaki as L
L receives major changes in the drama adaptation. Unlike his manga and anime counterpart, this live-action L sits properly, albeit with his feet on tables and his legs crossed, regularly wears shoes, and eschews sweets and candy in favour of energy drinks. He is also portrayed as far more bold, evident in episode 2 when he accuses Light and several other suspects as being Kira over the phone without even using a voice scrambler. He shows more emotions than L does in the manga, screaming during his fight with Light and laughing when he knows he has Light cornered.
L has a much closer relationship to Near in the drama, and the two of them regularly keep in touch over the phone. L is very wary of Near’s “Mello” personality and does not hesitate to scold Mello when he comes out. It is for this reason that L attempts to keep Near sheltered, though he ultimately fails when Near escapes the Wammy House. The two spend time together in person, and L values Near's contribution to the Higuchi case and respects his establishment as a world-renowned detective.
American actor Keith Stanfield portrays an American version of L in the 2017 Netflix adaptation of Death Note .
Similar to the television drama, L's character and background have significant changes. Prior to the events of the film, L was raised in an orphanage in New York where he and several other children were trained by Watari to become the greatest detectives in the world. The orphanage was eventually abandoned soon after L's departure. L also rarely took time to sleep and ate nothing but sweets and required Watari's aid to maintain his health.
Towards the film's third act, L displays an aggressive behavior that causes him to shout and even break things when he is angered. When Watari is killed, L's rage consumes him and he takes a gun in an attempt to hunt down Light Turner to avenge his mentor, but is knocked unconscious by a Kira worshipper before he can shoot Light.
After being taken into custody by the police, L is able to avoid prison due to his contacts in the government, but he is deported and is to be sent back to Japan. Before his plane takes off, L remembers Mia's involvement with Light and he breaks into Mia's house. He searches through her belongings and finds a page of the Death Note with the names of the FBI agents on it. Out of anger, L grabs a pen and considers writing Light's name down.
The following information is from Death Note 13: How to Read .
Tsugumi Ohba : Writer
Takeshi Obata : Artist
Ohba created L as a "force of justice" and a "super detective" who stands between Light and Light's goals and advances the story. Ohba believed that the story would not hold much interest if L was significantly older than Light, so Ohba created L as a young adult. Ohba said that for L's name he wanted to use a single letter with a lot of significance; according to Ohba, he considered "I" and "J" but decided that they did not "feel as good" as "L" and settled on it "after careful consideration." Ohba mentions having given L the alias "Ryuzaki" because L is pronounced like R in Japanese.
Ohba said that his favorite human character in the series was L as he believed that L was the "strongest" character in the series "besides Light." Obata also chose L as his favorite due to "appearance, personality, everything." He stated that he could never have created L and that he enjoyed drawing him. Obata added that because of this, L is not "real" to him, and he likes that aspect of L. In response to the question "Who was the most fun to draw?" both Ohba and Obata answered "L."
Ohba claims he left "everything" about L's character design to Obata, who asked Ohba if L could be "unattractive." Afterwards, Ohba would include his ideas about the character into his thumbnails, including L's posture when seated, and notes such as: "he's English," and "he's listless." He also added details regarding L's mannerisms, and his "sweet tooth." Apart from all that, Ohba credits Obata for the character designs.
Obata described the thumbnail pictures of L created by Ohba as having a "plain face with no expression," and no "bags" under his eyes. According to Obata, the thumbnail design was "great, and I wish I could have used it as is." Obata drew L as an "attractive young man" until Chapter 11, when the character appeared in person. After Chapter 11 Obata decided to contrast L's appearance with that of Light's; Obata claims that both he and Ohba held this idea.
Obata speaks of his concern, during the development of the early manga chapters, that L would appear to be "so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met." When Obata's editor told him that he wanted L to have a face "looking cool based on the angle," Obata added black "bags" under L's eyes, and he cited Devilman' s Akira Fudou when expressing his belief that black bags "looked cool." In addition, Obata thought of a "dead eyes" concept, which involved L having "all-black eyes" and "mostly no eyebrows." Although he believes that giving it such black eyes tends to make an animated character appear "goofier," he also thinks that the bags "sharpen the character's gaze." Obata suggests that the design evokes "a feeling of mystery" surrounding the character, and as a result, the reader cannot determine L's true thoughts. He adds that the bags under L's eyes also attract speculation about L's lifestyle and past, and describes the bags as "useful." Obata designed L with a "simple" outfit of a white, long-sleeved shirt and jeans in order to convey the idea that L does not put much thought into choosing his attire. In Death Note 13: How to Read , Ohba presented an initial rough draft of L, and said that, with a "cool expression" and without the "bags" under his eyes the rough draft showed "a totally different person."
While designing color book covers, Obata assigned colors to characters to "get the atmosphere right." The color he assigned to L was gold.
Obata has stated his belief that traits exhibited by L are best revealed "gradually." He is convinced that if he drew L eating "mountains of sweets" prior to revealing L's face, the character would not have "much credibility as a super detective," and people would question whether L was "crazy."
Obata mentions being told often that L's fighting style is much like capoeira; the artist claims that he did not consider this when he drew L's fights—he was simply thinking of the most effective method of kicking an adversary while being handcuffed to him. In Obata's opinion, if the style resembles capoeira, then this "adds another element to it" and "that makes me happy."
L's name, L Lawliet, was first revealed in Death Note 13: How to Read on a promotional card featured at the beginning of the book.
L's lifespan in the anime
In the anime, certain characters take on stylized hair colors while the viewer hears their thoughts; L's color is blue.
+L's lifespan in the television drama is 51161121.
+L can tie two cherry stems in a knot with his mouth, as seen in episode 18.
+In the Death Note DVD Behind the Scenes, L's voice actor, Alessandro Juliani, describes L as an "enigma, and someone, that if you sat next to on the subway with you would probably move to the other side."
+In the Italian version, rather than using the letter "L" to spell his name, the phonetic spelling ("Elle") is used.
+In Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid episode 6, a character resembling L was briefly seen riding a bike.
An L Nendoroid figure
L was one of the Death Note characters made into Nendoroid figures. The L Nendoroid comes with a chair, an extra arm holding a cell phone, another body of L but in his crouching posture, and three other faces, an angry face, a shocked face, and a face looking to the right.
+American R&B singer Christina Grimmie cosplayed as L for her 2015 music video of "Shrug ." Two versions of the music video were made with the L cosplay being used in the "Dude Version ."
“Kira is childish and he hates losing… I'm also childish and hate losing. ” (Chapter 11 )
+“Well, to put it simply… I had prepared a little trick to test whether you were Kira… But I didn't even feel the need to use it on any of you. ” (Chapter 13 )
+“He who moves first always wins. ” (Chapter 20 )
+“I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%. ” (Chapter 21 )
+“The only thing I see is the abnormal strength of Amane's love for Light Yagami. ” (Chapter 36 )
+“Light-kun, please shut Misa-san up. ” (Chapter 37 )
+"Not satisfied unless you're Kira…? Yes, that may be true… I have just realized something… I wanted you to be Kira…" (Chapter 38 )
+“Misa-san, take this seriously or I'll kick you. ” (Chapter 46 )
+“It's not a sense of justice. Figuring out difficult cases is my hobby. If you measured good and evil deeds by current laws, I would be responsible for many crimes. The same way you all like to solve mysteries and riddles, or clear video games more quickly. For me too, it's simply prolonging something I enjoy doing. That's why I only take on cases that pique my interest. It's not justice at all. And if it means being able to clear a case, I don't play fair, I'm a dishonest, cheating human being who hates losing. ” (Death Note One-Shot Special )
+“There are…many types of monsters in this world: Monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble; monsters who abduct children; monsters who devour dreams; monsters who suck blood, and… monsters who always tell lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat even though they've never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it. Because in truth, I am that monster. ” (Death Note Relight 2: L's Successors )
+“The killer is B. ” (Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases , p 104)
+“Light wanted to live like a god. He didn't die like one. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Watari, now I want to live in this world a little bit longer. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Misa Amane… I hope you enjoy the remaining few years of your life. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 115)
+“Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 188)
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+L (character) | Death Note Wiki | Fandom
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“Kira is childish, and he hates losing. You guessed it, I'm also childish and hate losing. ”
+— L (
"One" )
+L (エル, Eru ) is a world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira . In his investigation, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira.
L's full appearance
L is a very slim, pale, tall young man with messy neck-length black hair and black eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot, even while in public. This was shown when he visited Light Yagami's school and was seen barefoot while sitting on a bench, not bothering to wear his shoes until he got up to walk. L also tends to hunch over when walking.
The "L" that L uses to represent himself
L is quite secretive, and only communicates with the world through his assistant, Watari . He never shows his face to the world in person, instead representing himself with a capital letter L drawn in "Old English MT" or "Cloister Black" typeface. It is more likely to be "Cloister Black" as Watari's "W" is different in "Old English MT."
After meeting the Japanese Task Force , he requests that the task force refer to him as "Ryuzaki" as an additional safety measure. The Task Force never learns his true name, and it is revealed in neither the manga nor anime.
L is very intelligent, though his disheveled and languid appearance masks his great powers of deduction and many question his abilities upon viewing him. L tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He is good at deceiving his opponents, and is willing to take drastic measures to solve a case. Some of his tactics are quite bold, such as having death row inmate Lind L. Tailor pose as himself on live TV in order to draw out Kira, while others seem bizarre to those involved, such as handcuffing himself to suspected-Kira, Light Yagami. He is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and he isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. Although he tends to be polite, to some (such as Task Force member Shuichi Aizawa ), L can seem condescending at times.
Using subterfuge, misinformation, disinformation, and an analytical knowledge of human nature to help lure a suspected murderer into a false sense of security and possibly make him carelessly over-confident, L sometimes gets what he wants through abnormal or possibly criminal channels. Whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent," he may in fact be over ninety percent convinced of their culpability. Although L tells Light that he is among the least likely suspects with one of the lowest percentages of probability, in reality L is "pretty certain" that Light is Kira. As series writer Tsugumi Ohba said laughing, making light of L's tactics: "The truth is, he's a liar."
L's preferred posture
He also has several quirks, such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods (like desserts, candies and fruits) and holding items by using only a thumb and a finger. He also has an unusual way of sitting, with both of his feet on the chair. He claims that if he sits normally, his reasoning ability would drop 40%. Interestingly, in the manga, he is seen sitting on the floor in a pose similar to how one would meditate, while thinking deeply about the Kira case. He is often seen arranging objects and very intently stacking, or in other ways playing with, his staple food items. L is almost always encountered while performing actions that are considered inappropriate or rude in public. These actions/habits include biting fingernails, placing feet on furniture, slouching, chewing with an open mouth, talking with his mouth full, and calling out personal observations that may offend others.
With his status as the world's greatest detective, he, like Light, has a very sensitive pride, being afraid to be wrong in his deductions and theories, evident through his drastic measures (torturing Misa and confining Light during an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time), and lethargic behavior during the beginning of the Yotsuba arc .
Although he is often seen sitting and inactive, L retains a high athletic ability. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the tennis champion in the England Junior Cup. He also has a knack for martial arts, which is demonstrated in his brief fight with Light. In chapter 38 of the manga, L suggests that even though he eats only sweet foods, he remains underweight because the brain uses the most calories of any organ in the body.
L kicks Light
When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it." He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil."
At the age of eight,[4] L was found by Watari and taken to the orphanage known as Wammy's House, a home for gifted children. Sometime after, Watari realized that L had incredible intelligence and later assisted him in his cases.[5] L became a detective at a young, unknown age and eventually gained a reputation as the greatest detective in the world whose opinion is highly valued.
L notices the rapid rate of criminals dying of heart attacks, and suspects a person is behind this and that he is in Japan, so he seeks cooperation from the NPA . He begins the Kira case by having undocumented death row inmate Lind L. Tailor introduce himself on television as "L" and say that Kira is "evil." This provokes Kira into killing Tailor on the spot, which in turn confirms that the Kira killings are not a coincidental succession of heart attacks amongst criminals but the designs of an ingenious murderer who will kill any and all who try to stop him. It also reveals Kira's location, since the broadcast was televised only in the Kanto region. Not long after this, because of the time of day during which the criminals die coincide with out-of-school hours, he deduces that Kira may well be a student. Not long after this incident, criminals begin dying during one-hour intervals, intentionally contradicting L's theory, showing to L that Kira has access to police information. Because of this, he requests that 12 FBI agents investigate those close to each of the members of the police.
Shortly after the FBI's investigation begins, Kira begins testing his abilities using criminals and leaves behind meaningless clues, successfully distracting L from the agents. Not too long after this, all 12 FBI agents die at Kira's hand. This causes a large portion of the NPA to quit the investigation, only leaving a few members, Soichiro Yagami , Touta Matsuda , Hirokazu Ukita , Shuichi Aizawa , and Kanzo Mogi . L books a hotel room where all six of them can regularly do their investigation, and he gives them counterfeit police badges as well as belt buckles which allow them to contact L in case of an emergency.
L in the manga, declaring he is "justice" to the Task Force.
L finds footage of the death of one of the agents, and the footage shows that Raye Penber , who was investigating the families of Soichiro Yagami and Koreyoshi Kitamura , was reaching for something behind him when he died just outside the train. Furthermore, the body of Naomi Misora , who previously worked with L on the Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases and was Raye's fiancé, went missing. L assumes this was the work of Kira because Naomi didn't seem like the type to commit suicide at the loss of her fiancé. Because of these two factors, Kira must be among those whom Raye was investigating.
L installs surveillance cameras and wiretaps in the Yagami household as well as Kitamura's house. However, L places 64 in the room of Light Yagami , Soichiro's son, whom L observes the closest. After seeing Light's alibi (which was that he writes a name in a blind spot whilst studying), L senses something is very off about Light, deeming him "too perfect."
In order to take his investigation to its next stage, L decides to enroll at To-Oh University (東応大学, Tōō Daigaku )—the same college that Light attends—using the well-known name of a popular singer and actor, Hideki Ryuga . L attends To-Oh because he feels confident in his reasoning and interrogational skills and wishes to test his theory concerning Light's hidden identity by confronting him and perhaps provoking or tricking him to admit that he is indeed Kira. L is well aware that this is something of a gamble, and knows full well that his act of direct confrontation could prove fatal, but as he's convinced he understands Light's thought process, he feels confident that the adversary will not yet risk revealing his secret identity by killing him.
When L introduces himself as Ryuga, Light becomes alert and somewhat alarmed but recognizes that it would be pointless to attempt to kill him—the name is conspicuously fake. Light has no way of knowing whether Ryuga is the real L or a proxy acting under orders. He also reasons that L would have already introduced himself to Light's father earlier, and thus, were he to somehow kill L, this murder would instantly unmask him, proving that he is indeed Kira. If this person proved to be L's proxy, and his name really was Ryuga, he might die, but L would live and know his identity, without ever having had to reveal himself to Light, so that L will have gained all the advantage. Also, while writing the name "Hideki Ryuga" into the Death Note, the face of the pop singer bearing that name might enter Light's thoughts involuntarily, and that would cause the death of pop singer Ryuga, which would also lead L to the obvious conclusion that Light is Kira. As such, L's expectations about the outcome of his daring opening gambit prove true, and Light finds himself in a stalemate situation, unable to act for the time being, as any attempt to rid himself of his hunters would result in confirmed suspicions, his subsequent and unavoidable unmasking, and, ultimately, his undoing.
L's loss against Light in tennis.
L plans on getting closer to Light by asking him to join the investigation; this way, if Light is Kira, he would be more prone to slipping up, while Light not being Kira would still benefit the investigation. L begins by playing a tennis game with Light, in order to have grounds to get closer to Light and begin asking him about the investigation; during the game, L concludes that Light will attempt to meet with the Task Force members in order to confirm L's identity. After losing the tennis match, in order to prevent Light from meeting with the Task Force members, L announces his suspicions, claiming his suspicions are only one percent high. L begins testing Light at the cafe, first by asking him about why L revealed himself, then about the file that the FBI agents received, and finally about three notes Kira left behind using criminals. Light passes all the tests and doesn't slip up, and so L doesn't bother trying to test him anymore.
L then asks Light to join the investigation, but Light takes advantage of this by claiming that he'll refuse to join the investigation unless the Task Force members confirm L's identity. Considering L wants Light to join the investigation and he has another countermeasure to keep him safe anyway, L allows Light to have the Task Force members confirm his identity. Suddenly, L and Light receive news of Soichiro having collapsed of a heart attack due to stress, and at the hospital, L has Soichiro confirm his identity, while also asking for Light's thoughts on Kira's identity.
After a while, Kira sends tapes to Sakura TV , which airs on TV. After Kira begins to kill innocents to prove the fact that they're Kira, the Task Force tries their best to stop the broadcast. After all the calls fail, Ukita attempts to barge in the station, only for him to somehow be killed. This shocks them and angers Aizawa as Kira shouldn't have been able to discover Ukita's name. Luckily, a recovered Soichiro barges in the station using a truck, confirming his safety, and retrieves the tapes from Demegawa, and hands them over to L and the Task Force. Judging from the fact that Kira can now kill with just a face and that Kira is uncharacteristically killing innocents, L speculates that this is indeed a second Kira who seeks the collaboration and attention of the first. Because Light's deductive abilities would be useful, L asks Light to join the Task Force. Because Light knows of L's identity, L has Watari pose as another L through a computer screen in order to prevent Light from killing L and the Task Force, as an outsider would notice their deaths should they occur.
Together, they both manage to have the second Kira, who wishes to have L seen on TV, respond to them. In one of the responses, the second Kira mentions "Shinigami ," and since their existence isn't implausible to L considering previous events, L is shocked and unsettled by the idea of him potentially needing to change his worldview. After the second Kira sends a diary, Light goes to Aoyama on May 22nd under the guise of investigating, only for him to find nothing. On May 23rd, the second Kira releases a tape announcing that she has found Kira, which has L suspect Light further considering this is probably referring to when Light went to Aoyama the previous day, so L has Mogi secretly tail Light.
Judging from the fact that the second Kira now does not seek Kira's attention, L thinks that the second Kira and Kira have joined forces. After this, Light suddenly gains a gaggle of girlfriends, all of whom L investigates. L manages to discover that Misa Amane was ahold of these tapes thanks to the hairs and fibers on them. Thus, Misa Amane is the Second Kira. Her manager is then charged for drugs, and L meets Light again at the university. There, he meets Misa before she is detained. Because of this, Light is in deep trouble and he asks to be detained, and so L does so. During Light's confinement, no criminals are killed, which confirms to L that Light is Kira. During Light's seventh day of confinement, Light begins acting uncharacteristically as he lost his memories of being Kira. After fifteen days, criminals begin dropping dead again, and once 50 days have passed, the Task Force pressures L into releasing Light and Misa. However, before letting them free, L has Soichiro act as if he would shoot Light, as he believes that Misa would kill Soichiro in this situation. However, since she doesn't, L agrees to let them free.
L sulking.
Still convinced Light and Misa are Kira and the second Kira, respectively, L handcuffs his hands to Light's. L asks Light to manipulate Misa into spilling information regarding the case, but Light refuses as it is against his moral code. While Light, L, and Misa are in Misa's room, L sulks over the fact that he has come to the conclusion that Light and Misa have lost their memories of having been Kira and passed on their powers to someone else, which would make solving the case very difficult. Frustrated with L's unwillingness to continue due to all that L has put Light through because of the case, Light punches L, and in response, L kicks Light before Matsuda intervenes and stops the fight.
After a few months of not working on the case, L is shown Light's research; Light deduces Kira is now within the Yotsuba company and that Kira can kill through means other than heart attacks. Shortly after, because of the fact that Kira has bribed and blackmailed the NPA to not oppose Kira, Aizawa quits the Task Force in order to support his family after being fed up with L, who lied to Aizawa about him having to make a choice, as L had already ensured that anyone who would quit the NPA to work with the Task Force would be financially secure.
L and the team watching over the Yotsuba members.
L hires Aiber and Wedy to help them with the investigation now that the Task Force is not a part of the police. Together, they all manage to concoct a plan, but Matsuda messes up by taking initiative and entering Yotsuba headquarters. In order to fix his mistakes, L tells Matsuda to fake his death. L takes advantage of his second alias, Eraldo Coil , whom Yotsuba hired in order to find L, to find out more information about the company, with Aiber communicating with them as Eraldo.
When Misa finds evidence as to who the Third Kira is, L is a little underwhelmed, but comes up with a plan to stop Higuchi regardless. L uses Matsuda as bait during a Sakura TV talk show to lure Higuchi onto the scene, only for the Task Force members to ambush him. Higuchi makes an escape, but with the help of Ide and his return, the Task Force catches up to him. L finally discovers the Death Note , how Kira kills, and discovers the Shinigami , Rem . Light and Misa regain their memories as Kira, and L discovers a rule, one where if someone doesn't write within the notebook within 13 consecutive days, they die. Despite this being a perfect alibi for Light, L still suspects him. Due to pressure from the Task Force now believing Light and Misa are in the clear, L releases Misa and removes the handcuffs from his and Light's hands.
L stands out in the rain, hearing the "bells," and massages Light's feet after doing so . (This has happened only in the anime and is absent from the manga. Many fans interpret this as L having knowledge of his premature death.)
A few killings after Misa's release, the killings from Kira start up again, resulting in L quarreling with the Task Force as he plans on using the notebook to test the legitimacy of the 13-day rule. However, just then, Watari has died, as he noticed all the data concerning the Kira case has been deleted. Once L figures out Rem must have killed Watari, Rem writes L's name in the notebook, killing him. As L has a heart attack, Light catches L and holds him by the arms, allowing L to see Light's smug smirk to show that he was indeed Kira the whole time.
L's death in the anime.
Because of Wammy's House attempting to raise a successor to L, Near and Mello attempt to catch Kira, with Near doing this in order to avenge L and defend his pride. During some of his interactions with Near and Mello, Light remembers L. Ultimately, the combined efforts of Near and Mello succeed in defeating Light.
In other media
Film series
Kenichi Matsuyama as L in the Death Note film series
L retains many of the same characteristics seen in the original series. At the end of the first film, L eats potato chips in front of Light; Light understood this to mean that L was still suspicious of him, as Light had used a potato chip bag to hide a mini LCD television from security cameras while L filmed his room.
As there is no time delay between the first and second films, the second film begins soon before L supposedly dies. Unlike the manga and anime, in the second film, his original "death," caused by Rem writing his name in her Death Note, does not take effect, as L had written his own name in Misa's Death Note earlier. It is his self-sacrifice that allows him to stay alive for a longer duration (as he supposed that Kira would kill him on that day), and allows the investigation team to apprehend Light. After Ryuk kills Light, Ryuk offers L the Death Note. L refuses, and Ryuk, while saying that L is boring, leaves.
Twenty-three days after writing his name in the Death Note, and after burning all the remaining Death Notes and having a conversation with Soichiro Yagami, L dies peacefully while eating a chocolate bar, with a picture of Watari lying right beside him.
L: Change the WorLd chronicles the 23 days that L has left before he dies. L decides to solve one last case. He is in charge of stopping a deadly virus from spreading across the world. Ryuk comes to his aid on behalf of Kira's last wishes. Hideo Nakata, the director, told The Daily Yomiuri that he wanted to exhibit L's "human side," a quality which was not made all too apparent in the Death Note series.
Conception of L in the films
Manga rendition of L's film portrayal
Shūsuke Kaneko, director of the films, said that L's role was the most difficult to cast; as the starting date of the shooting schedule drew near, many of the "big name" actors had other projects. Kaneko decided to offer the role to Ken'ichi Matsuyama, "very much a newcomer." When Matsuyama spoke to him of his intention to "live as L," the young actor had "clinched it," declares Kaneko.
Matsuyama admits having experienced some difficulty in trying to portray L, and he worried about his performance. In the end, he decided to interpret L as an individual who does not "quite understand other people on an emotional level"—the actor reasoned that L rarely interacted with others, and as a consequence, his social skills and emotional expressiveness may not be those of a socially active person. Matsuyama, describing himself as "not very flexible physically," encountered difficulty in emulating L's postures. The actor also ate sweets that L would eat, and carefully considered the details of L's signature gestures.
Matsuyama said that he and Fujiwara became "so immersed" in their character portrayals, that they did not talk to one another while on the set; only when filming ceased did they converse, and they "went out for a drink or two."
Matsuyama described L and Light as having "such unique characters that they’re impossible to understand" and that "the inside of L’s head remains a mystery" to him. Matsuyama said that L and Light are "extremely" alike in that they have "very strong sense of justice."
In the novel Death Note: Another Note , the reader is led to believe L—under the alias, Rue Ryuzaki—is helping Naomi Misora solve a murder case. She was recruited for the case by L because she was on leave from the FBI. This Rue acts very much like L and shared many characteristics like crouching to sit and consuming sweets. At the end of the novel, the reader discovers that Beyond Birthday detective name B , who was another candidate to replace L along with Near and Mello, was not only the killer but also Rue Ryuzaki in disguise under heavy make-up. He was trying to make a case L could not solve to prove his superiority to L. In the book the only certified reference to L was the phone conversations Naomi had with him to discuss the case. At the very end of the book, as Naomi was going back to work, she sees a man similar to Rue, who the reader is led to believe is L (and probably is, considering that Mello earlier stated that this case was the first time that L had shown himself in public under the alias 'Ryuzaki'). This man attempts to give Naomi a hug, which she counters in self-defense and sends him tumbling down a flight of stairs. She then catches up to him and asks him his name, to which he replies, "Ryuzaki."
It is revealed that, prior to the series, L once told Mello three stories regarding his previous solved cases—the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases, detective wars against the real Eraldo Coil and Deneuve , and the story of how L met Watari.[6]
Although following closely the storyline of its film counterpart—with the exception of a few creative changes—the novelization reveals various attributes of L. It is revealed in the novel that the initial "L" has two meanings: L stands for "Last One," meaning no one could surpass or match him, but also for "Lost One," meaning a gifted entity who has dropped down, or was cast out from heaven.
The novel also states that L helped in the prevention of World War III when he was only eight years old.
In the novel, L takes a few capoeira lessons from Suruga. This is most likely a homage to the on-going fan speculation of L's capoeira like fighting style in the Death Note manga and anime.
Also, in the novel, L for the first time completely loses his composure and calm attitude: when Maki is kidnapped by Blue Ship, L breaks down and screams toward the sky after realizing that this was what Light meant about feeling helpless to protect the people he cares about. L also states at one point that "his heart hurts." His feelings about Light are also revealed, and it is described that L did consider Light to be his friend, going as far as holding on to Light's broken watch as a memento and saying, "Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together."
According to the timeline that is presented on each page of the novel, it appears L was to have only 272 days left to live prior to writing his name onto the page of the Death Note . Based on this bit of information it's obvious that L's remaining natural lifespan at the end of the second film would only have amounted to less than a year.
According to page 151 of the novel, it is revealed that the reason why L has acquired so many eccentric quirks is because of the heavy strain of upholding the name of L. From the novel:
How L did not and could not forget the faces of thousands of victims. "Who could comprehend the man who had lived his life, and had to live confronting all the lives ended prematurely, the tears of the grief stricken survivors, the devaluing of life as a daily reality. How was it possible to measure the pain of such a man? Was it a strain so heavy that L's back curved under all its weight? Was it an agony so terrible as to leave the indelible dark circles around his eyes? Was it a feeling so bitter that every bite he took needed to be coated in sugar? The chronically rounded shoulders, the inevitable dark circles, the eccentric tastes—L suppressed the pain of being a champion of justice, but the evidence of the pain was molded into his very body."
L's detective skills are also explored. In the novel L manages to disguise himself from Kujo and the Blue Ship members by wearing lipstick and putting on a women's wig. He even goes as far as playing the part, and calling Suruga "Honey" while in disguise, much to his annoyance.
Main articles: Death Note 13: How to Read and Yonkoma
Death Note 13: How to Read describes L in the Death Note yonkoma as the "holder of the world's greatest mind" and having the "powerful ability to act like a fool." Death Note 13: How to Read adds that in the yonkoma, "it's like [L was] born to be mocked."
Teppei Koike as L (Tokyo, 2015)
L's role in Death Note: The Musical is essentially the same, but there are some notable changes to the plot. L does not create the Task Force; the Task Force is formed prior to his involvement, and Soichiro Yagami calls L in to assist on the case.
The ending is also very different. Light convinces Rem to not just write L's name in the notebook but to also write the manner of L's death. As written, L goes to meet Light at a warehouse in Daikoku Wharf and he takes a gun. Light reveals himself as Kira and allows L to touch the Death Note and see Ryuk. L shoots Light in the leg, but Light reveals that this is all according to what's already been written, because Light intends to make it look like L himself was Kira and Light exposed him. Light guides the gun in L's hand to L's temple, and L pulls the trigger and dies.
Kim Junsu as L (Seongnam, 2015)
L is portrayed by various actors for the different musical productions. Teppei Koike (小池徹平, Koike Teppei ) portrayed him in the 2015 Japanese production, and he will reprise the role in 2017. Kim Junsu (김준수) portrayed him in both the 2015 and 2017 Korean productions. Jarrod Spector voiced the character for the New York studio demo recordings.
L performs the following songs in the Musical:
Kento Yamazaki as L
L receives major changes in the drama adaptation. Unlike his manga and anime counterpart, this live-action L sits properly, albeit with his feet on tables and his legs crossed, regularly wears shoes, and eschews sweets and candy in favour of energy drinks. He is also portrayed as far more bold, evident in episode 2 when he accuses Light and several other suspects as being Kira over the phone without even using a voice scrambler. He shows more emotions than L does in the manga, screaming during his fight with Light and laughing when he knows he has Light cornered.
L has a much closer relationship to Near in the drama, and the two of them regularly keep in touch over the phone. L is very wary of Near’s “Mello” personality and does not hesitate to scold Mello when he comes out. It is for this reason that L attempts to keep Near sheltered, though he ultimately fails when Near escapes the Wammy House. The two spend time together in person, and L values Near's contribution to the Higuchi case and respects his establishment as a world-renowned detective.
American actor Keith Stanfield portrays an American version of L in the 2017 Netflix adaptation of Death Note .
Similar to the television drama, L's character and background have significant changes. Prior to the events of the film, L was raised in an orphanage in New York where he and several other children were trained by Watari to become the greatest detectives in the world. The orphanage was eventually abandoned soon after L's departure. L also rarely took time to sleep and ate nothing but sweets and required Watari's aid to maintain his health.
Towards the film's third act, L displays an aggressive behavior that causes him to shout and even break things when he is angered. When Watari is killed, L's rage consumes him and he takes a gun in an attempt to hunt down Light Turner to avenge his mentor, but is knocked unconscious by a Kira worshipper before he can shoot Light.
After being taken into custody by the police, L is able to avoid prison due to his contacts in the government, but he is deported and is to be sent back to Japan. Before his plane takes off, L remembers Mia's involvement with Light and he breaks into Mia's house. He searches through her belongings and finds a page of the Death Note with the names of the FBI agents on it. Out of anger, L grabs a pen and considers writing Light's name down.
The following information is from Death Note 13: How to Read .
Tsugumi Ohba : Writer
Takeshi Obata : Artist
Ohba created L as a "force of justice" and a "super detective" who stands between Light and Light's goals and advances the story. Ohba believed that the story would not hold much interest if L was significantly older than Light, so Ohba created L as a young adult. Ohba said that for L's name he wanted to use a single letter with a lot of significance; according to Ohba, he considered "I" and "J" but decided that they did not "feel as good" as "L" and settled on it "after careful consideration." Ohba mentions having given L the alias "Ryuzaki" because L is pronounced like R in Japanese.
Ohba said that his favorite human character in the series was L as he believed that L was the "strongest" character in the series "besides Light." Obata also chose L as his favorite due to "appearance, personality, everything." He stated that he could never have created L and that he enjoyed drawing him. Obata added that because of this, L is not "real" to him, and he likes that aspect of L. In response to the question "Who was the most fun to draw?" both Ohba and Obata answered "L."
Ohba claims he left "everything" about L's character design to Obata, who asked Ohba if L could be "unattractive." Afterwards, Ohba would include his ideas about the character into his thumbnails, including L's posture when seated, and notes such as: "he's English," and "he's listless." He also added details regarding L's mannerisms, and his "sweet tooth." Apart from all that, Ohba credits Obata for the character designs.
Obata described the thumbnail pictures of L created by Ohba as having a "plain face with no expression," and no "bags" under his eyes. According to Obata, the thumbnail design was "great, and I wish I could have used it as is." Obata drew L as an "attractive young man" until Chapter 11, when the character appeared in person. After Chapter 11 Obata decided to contrast L's appearance with that of Light's; Obata claims that both he and Ohba held this idea.
Obata speaks of his concern, during the development of the early manga chapters, that L would appear to be "so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met." When Obata's editor told him that he wanted L to have a face "looking cool based on the angle," Obata added black "bags" under L's eyes, and he cited Devilman' s Akira Fudou when expressing his belief that black bags "looked cool." In addition, Obata thought of a "dead eyes" concept, which involved L having "all-black eyes" and "mostly no eyebrows." Although he believes that giving it such black eyes tends to make an animated character appear "goofier," he also thinks that the bags "sharpen the character's gaze." Obata suggests that the design evokes "a feeling of mystery" surrounding the character, and as a result, the reader cannot determine L's true thoughts. He adds that the bags under L's eyes also attract speculation about L's lifestyle and past, and describes the bags as "useful." Obata designed L with a "simple" outfit of a white, long-sleeved shirt and jeans in order to convey the idea that L does not put much thought into choosing his attire. In Death Note 13: How to Read , Ohba presented an initial rough draft of L, and said that, with a "cool expression" and without the "bags" under his eyes the rough draft showed "a totally different person."
While designing color book covers, Obata assigned colors to characters to "get the atmosphere right." The color he assigned to L was gold.
Obata has stated his belief that traits exhibited by L are best revealed "gradually." He is convinced that if he drew L eating "mountains of sweets" prior to revealing L's face, the character would not have "much credibility as a super detective," and people would question whether L was "crazy."
Obata mentions being told often that L's fighting style is much like capoeira; the artist claims that he did not consider this when he drew L's fights—he was simply thinking of the most effective method of kicking an adversary while being handcuffed to him. In Obata's opinion, if the style resembles capoeira, then this "adds another element to it" and "that makes me happy."
L's name, L Lawliet, was first revealed in Death Note 13: How to Read on a promotional card featured at the beginning of the book.
L's lifespan in the anime
In the anime, certain characters take on stylized hair colors while the viewer hears their thoughts; L's color is blue.
+L's lifespan in the television drama is 51161121.
+L can tie two cherry stems in a knot with his mouth, as seen in episode 18.
+In the Death Note DVD Behind the Scenes, L's voice actor, Alessandro Juliani, describes L as an "enigma, and someone, that if you sat next to on the subway with you would probably move to the other side."
+In the Italian version, rather than using the letter "L" to spell his name, the phonetic spelling ("Elle") is used.
+In Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid episode 6, a character resembling L was briefly seen riding a bike.
An L Nendoroid figure
L was one of the Death Note characters made into Nendoroid figures. The L Nendoroid comes with a chair, an extra arm holding a cell phone, another body of L but in his crouching posture, and three other faces, an angry face, a shocked face, and a face looking to the right.
+American R&B singer Christina Grimmie cosplayed as L for her 2015 music video of "Shrug ." Two versions of the music video were made with the L cosplay being used in the "Dude Version ."
“Kira is childish and he hates losing… I'm also childish and hate losing. ” (Chapter 11 )
+“Well, to put it simply… I had prepared a little trick to test whether you were Kira… But I didn't even feel the need to use it on any of you. ” (Chapter 13 )
+“He who moves first always wins. ” (Chapter 20 )
+“I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%. ” (Chapter 21 )
+“The only thing I see is the abnormal strength of Amane's love for Light Yagami. ” (Chapter 36 )
+“Light-kun, please shut Misa-san up. ” (Chapter 37 )
+"Not satisfied unless you're Kira…? Yes, that may be true… I have just realized something… I wanted you to be Kira…" (Chapter 38 )
+“Misa-san, take this seriously or I'll kick you. ” (Chapter 46 )
+“It's not a sense of justice. Figuring out difficult cases is my hobby. If you measured good and evil deeds by current laws, I would be responsible for many crimes. The same way you all like to solve mysteries and riddles, or clear video games more quickly. For me too, it's simply prolonging something I enjoy doing. That's why I only take on cases that pique my interest. It's not justice at all. And if it means being able to clear a case, I don't play fair, I'm a dishonest, cheating human being who hates losing. ” (Death Note One-Shot Special )
+“There are…many types of monsters in this world: Monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble; monsters who abduct children; monsters who devour dreams; monsters who suck blood, and… monsters who always tell lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat even though they've never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it. Because in truth, I am that monster. ” (Death Note Relight 2: L's Successors )
+“The killer is B. ” (Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases , p 104)
+“Light wanted to live like a god. He didn't die like one. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Watari, now I want to live in this world a little bit longer. ” (L: Change the WorLd )
+“Misa Amane… I hope you enjoy the remaining few years of your life. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 115)
+“Light, I'll see you on the other side. Let us explore the world of nothingness together. ” (L: Change the WorLd , p 188)
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+Kira | Death Note Wiki | Fandom
+ "Kira" written by Misa for the Kira videos.
(キラ, kira )
Users in manga/anime
Users in other media
“I'm Kira. And... the god of this new world. In this world, I am the law, and I am the one maintaining order. That is the truth. Now, I am justice. The world's... only hope. ”
+— Light
Kira (キラ) is the figure attributed with causing the epidemic heart attack deaths of criminals. The name Kira was created by the public in response to Light Yagami 's initial use of the Death Note , and various members of the public view Kira as a god. Various Death Note users act as Kira, but their identities are unknown to the public so their actions are viewed as being committed by one entity.
In the Kira investigation, several differences in methods of killing are profiled, so the groups that oppose Kira determine that more than one person is acting as Kira. The different Kiras are given nicknames to differentiate them.
Public view of Kira
Artwork depicting Light's main goal of becoming God
After Light Yagami begins killing criminals with the Death Note, the large number of deaths attracts attention from the general public as well as law enforcement.
As the deaths of criminals continue to increase, people begin voicing their opinions of the situation and dub these deaths as the work of "Kira," derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the word "killer." The word itself originates in Japan, but later carries throughout the world as Kira continues to gain fame.
It seems that the figure Kira may have been around before Light Yagami obtained the Death Note. After suspicion had begun to arise about the mysterious deaths by heart attack of criminals worldwide, members of the public refer to it as "The Legend of the Savior Kira," saying "Kira is among us again," and that he is a "messenger from hell."
As the number of criminal deaths rises and no reason for these deaths are found (the only connection between them being heart attacks), law enforcement begins to strongly take notice. An Interpol conference is finally held between the representatives of the world's law enforcement agencies. The ultimate course of action decided upon is to bring in L , who is considered to be the world's greatest detective, having solved over many other difficult cases.
L decides to address Kira through TV, hoping to gain a reaction and discover Kira's location. He uses a decoy named Lind L. Tailor , a criminal on death row, who announces on live television that he is searching for Kira and that what Kira is doing is wrong. This causes Light to impulsively kill him in rage with the Death Note, narrowing his location to Japan's Kanto region.
Kira quickly becomes news, and various TV stations begin broadcasting anything related to Kira. A very notable station is Sakura TV , which airs the program Kira's Kingdom .
Within the six years of Kira's existence, the public takes strong sides. Some view Kira as a murderer, while others think of Kira as "God." Kira becomes a religious figure to a large portion of the public. Many people who have been wronged by others largely view Kira as their savior and praise him, thanking him for bringing criminals to justice. Misa Amane is such an example, since her parents' murder is avenged by Kira, and she relentlessly pursues him. Others view Kira as a criminal, for differing reasons. These include Near , the Japanese Task Force , and the SPK . Kira's influence becomes such that governments, including the United States under the weak-willed President George Sairas , give in to his influence and call off all attempts to capture him.
Kira worshipers shown at the very end of the manga.
After Light Yagami's death, the Kira killings stop and the world seemingly returns to normal; however, Kira worshipers remain. In the last chapter of the manga, a rather large group of cloaked worshipers is shown, each one carrying a candle. They are traveling through mountains, heading towards a place beneath the moonlight. As they reach their destination, a young woman emerges in the middle of the group and comes to the front. Near the edge of a cliff, she kneels down and places a candle before looking towards the moon.
Characters who act as Kira
This is the list of Kiras, in order, with a description of their time as Kira. All of these individuals are viewed as one "Kira" by the public. They are only referred to as these alternate titles by various individuals investigating the Kira case.
Also known as: Kira
+Light was the first human to use a Death Note within the series. Soon after finding it he decides to use it to cleanse the world of evil. He begins killing off criminals with the Death Note, an act which begins to draw attention from local law enforcement and later on, the world. The detective known as L begins a search for "Kira" and eventually suspects Light Yagami as the killer he is looking for. However, there is no physical evidence to prove Light is Kira, a fact that keeps L from ever capturing Light. After L dies, Light assumes the title of L , and his activities remain unchallenged for five years. Then when Near and Mello come onto the scene, their combined efforts expose Light as Kira. Light seemingly loses his sanity after Near tells him he has "lost", having to be shot several times by Matsuda. Light's name is then written by Ryuk in his Death Note, and he dies of a heart attack.
Also known as: Second Kira
+Misa was the second human to use a Death Note, and obtained her notebook from the Shinigami Rem . Misa was initially an extreme Kira supporter, due to the fact that Kira passed judgment on a man who murdered her parents. She makes several attempts to communicate to Kira through the use of the media, and eventually tracks down Light Yagami by using her Shinigami Eyes. Misa begins to follow Light's orders after she reveals her identity to him, and becomes a tool to Light, losing her memory and making Kira's judgments many different times to draw suspicion away from him. Although she remains committed to the original Kira's goal, her devotion largely subsides in favor of simply helping Light Yagami, who she falls in love with.
After coming to the conclusion that the Second Kira had met the first, and being unable to prove that Misa Amane was guilty, the Kira investigation refocuses its attention on the first Kira.
Misa was the only living Kira after Light's death. She had relinquished her memories of the Death Notes shortly before Light died, and since the SPK was now in possession of both notebooks, there was no way for her to ever regain her memories. In the manga, she commits suicide one year later, on Valentine's Day. In the anime's finale, Misa is last seen standing outside the safety rail on the edge of a skyscraper looking into the sunset.
Also known as: Yotsuba Kira
+Higuchi is an executive of Yotsuba Corporations and the only person, besides C-Kira , to hold the title of Kira who is in no way connected to the original Kira, Light Yagami. He obtained a Death Note from Rem after Light and Misa relinquished their Death Notes and their memories to avoid conviction. He only judged criminals for a short time, until Light and Misa were freed from imprisonment due to the deal Rem was told to offer: "kill criminals and you may write any other names you wish".
He later used the Death Note for selfish reasons such as promotion and furthering the business of Yotsuba. For that, he arranged for various colleagues to hold secret meetings in order to discuss how to further their company's fortunes by using Kira's powers, though they were not told that he himself was Kira. He also continued to kill criminals, though Light notes that he also killed people who had caused death unintentionally , such as a driver who had caused an accidental fatality in a car crash, something that the original Kira would never have done since he targeted hardened, established and bloodthirsty criminals.
Higuchi was later exposed as the new Kira and was arrested. His Death Note was given to Light, who recovered his memories as Kira and killed Higuchi before he was even put in a police car.
Also known as: X-Kira
+Mikami has always had a strong sense of justice and is the most understanding and committed to Kira's goals. After suspicion of Misa rose again, Light mailed Mikami her Death Note. Mikami carried out Light's orders as perfectly as possible, seeing him as God. Despite this devotion, it was a mistake made by Mikami that exposed Light as Kira. In the manga, he dies in prison, though in the anime he stabs himself in the chest with his pen and bleeds to death.
Also known as: Cheap Kira
+Their true identity never revealed, C-Kira appears in the one-shot set three years after the end of the series. C-Kira's Shinigami was Midora , and the origin of the Death Note which C-Kira used is unknown. C-Kira would kill the elderly, suicidal, immobile and any others who wished to die. C-Kira gained these sources via the Internet, and once by killing the members of the audience of a live television program who begged him to kill them. C-Kira's reign was short. He was talked down by Near (now known as L ) who made it clear that he was not going to even bother to investigate the case. C-Kira then wrote his own name down in his Death Note and died. The name of C-Kira was used by Near to mean "Cheap Kira," as Near has a very low opinion of the person.
Also known as: A-Kira
+Minoru appears in the Never Complete One-shot set ten years after the end of the series. He is given a Death Note by Ryuk, who hopes to find a human similar to Light who will use the Death Note, entertain him, and feed him apples. Rather than use the notebook himself, Minoru elects to hold an international auction and sell it to the highest bidder. He dies of a heart attack after selling the notebook to the United States of America, unaware that the King of Death has after-the-fact created a new rule that anyone who tries to sell a Death Note will be killed.
While active as Kira, Minoru is given the nickname "a-Kira" by Near, referring to his intention of auctioning off the Death Note.
In other media
Film series
In the Death Note film series , Light and Misa act as Kira and the Second Kira in much the same way they did in the original.
Kiyomi Takada takes on a role similar to Higuchi in the second film , acting as Kira to help further her career as a journalist.
The miniseries Death Note: New Generation and the film Death Note: Light Up the NEW World introduce new characters who act as Kira.
After Light's death, Ryuk brings a Death Note to Light's son Hikari Yagami , who begins acting as the new Kira with the help of his guardian Teru Mikami. They go mad and Mikami kills Hikari with the Death Note, and he is then killed by Tsukuru Mishima who has tracked Mikami down. The Death Note then falls to Mishima's possession, who continues the work of Kira.
Mishima passes the Death Note to Yuki Shien to continue his work as part of a plot to kill the Task Force and L's successor Ryuzaki . Shien continues to act as Kira, tracking down the other Death Notes, but he plans on finding and killing the new Kira (Mishima) because they are not the original Kira Light Yagami. He recruits Misa to help him by giving her possession of her old Death Note.
Sakura Aoi , Alexey Ivanov , Roger Irving , and Kenichi Mikuriya also possess and use Death Notes in the film series, but they do not act as Kira. Sakura kills people indiscriminately. Ivanov assists people with suicide, similar to C-Kira. Irving is a wall-street broker who kills his clients so he can make money. Mikuriya is a supreme court justice who kills Kira-supporters.
Television drama
In the Death Note television drama , Light and Misa act as Kira and the Second Kira in much the same way they did in the original.
Teru Mikami obtains Misa's Death Note by having her followed and her Death Note stolen. When Light realizes Mikami is behind it, he contacts him and Mikami begins working with Light, carrying out Kira's justice. Misa later rejoins them as well, carrying a scrap of Death Note paper on herself to retain her memories.
In the end, Light dies and the Death Notes burn. Misa and Mikami both lose their memories but survive. It's unknown what becomes of the surviving Kiras, but Mikami is last seen in custody and Misa is last seen with her idol group Ichigo Berry .
In Death Note: The Musical , Light and Misa are the only two Kiras.
In the end, Light dies of a heart attack when Ryuk writes his name in the Death Note. Misa is last seen in confinement without her memories, and her fate is unknown.
In the six years of Kira's existence in the manga series, no one was ever convicted of being Kira. Although Higuchi, Mikami, and Light were arrested for their roles as Kira, they all died before they were officially sentenced.
+Kiyomi Takada is notably excluded from this list of Kiras in the manga series. Although she played a pivotal role in the latter half of the series and killed several people with pages of the Death Note, neither ownership of a notebook nor possession by a Shinigami ever happened to her. Taking this into consideration, Misa is, therefore, the only female Kira in the list.
+Due to Kira's presence, criminals began using aliases to protect themselves. Organized crime syndicates seemed to be left alone as long as they didn't commit violent crimes; despite Light having access to police records around the world and Misa's shinigami eyes, one wasn't wiped out until the mission to get the notebook back from Mello.
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