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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.133 total votes

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FREE Shipping

Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Need a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum: The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. The clearance between the pole is lesser than the size of the pergola. The distance between the poles is 143.1\" in length and 101.4\" in width.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

First of all what a great and necessary addition to our west facing deck in Texas. It’s a great look and I added Coolaroo sun shades to two sides so we are shaded from the setting sun lower on the horizon. \nReally cannot beat the $400 price point. Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions. Key point: only hand tightened all screws until completely done-then tighten everything down firm. Everything fit perfectly as instructed and I assembled nearly all by myself. I did have my wife and daughter hold the two long sides while I attached the cross rails (that took 15 minutes maximum.) Warning : it is made from very thin aluminum and there is a good chance some part (probably a post) will arrive with a dent. I opened the box while fed ex was still there so he could document it as damaged. I had one dent about an inch to inch and a half in diameter that was not structurally significant and not seen. View photos attached.. Richard. San Antonio, TX. 2022-10-03 18:17:14

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13 Ft. W x 9.5 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Peak Home Furnishings


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.195 total votes

Fast Delivery

FREE Shipping

Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Your perfect solution for outdoor gatherings and parties. We are proud to present you with this simple yet elegantly designed Aluminum pergola. Made with 100% polyester with a PA coating finish which protects you from the sun, rain, snow, and other weather conditions while providing shades. Lightweight, easy to assemble, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

The good Relatively inexpensive, fairly easy to put together as long as you have 2-3 people. It looks nice. \nThe bad The gauge of the aluminum is quite thin. A good bump with a wheelbarrow would probably dent it. This company needs better quality control. Many of the screws were not drilled deep enough for the included Allen wrench to turn... and the Allen wrench itself was not machined right so it was useless. Some of the long screws were bent and unusable. Luckily we had enough of our own tools to work around the problems. The stakes provided to tie it down are hilariously tiny... they are tent stakes! We live in an extremely windy area so we will pour cement footings and bolt ot down to them. We shall see if it can handle rough weather. \nAll in all I like it but I wish it was a little better quality. Oh well, you get what you pay for!. Lisa C.. Flagstaff AZ. 2021-06-13 19:40:15

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13.12 Ft. W x 9.84 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.34 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this product. The pergola can be served for various purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The aluminum frame with wood grain painted is rust and corrosion free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant and can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this product in your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • A high-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with solid wood grain paint protects against rust and scratches.

You really can’t beat this for the price. This fit my patio area perfectly and the canopy is nice and shaded! It was pretty easy to set up. The only tricky part was figuring out the correct way the canopy attaches to the posts. You’ll need three step ladders for the job and 3 people for the canopy install. I love the wood grain texture and can’t wait to fully enjoy it this fall!. Michael. Memphis, TN. 2022-08-30 12:16:24

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.53 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Frame material: High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with white paint protects against rust and scratches.
  • An adjustable sling canopy offers refuge from the sun's harsh rays, and a safety locking system keeps the canopy in place.
  • A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • The canopy was made of durable yarn-dyed fabric which holds its color better and it's water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant.
  • This pergola is ideal for outdoor dining and entertainment.

Is biutiful. Adriel. Las vegas, NV. 2022-05-10 18:49:55

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.45 total votes

Fast Delivery

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • White pergola aluminum alloy frame, powder spray paint, outdoor all-weather use. Suitable for outdoor, patio.
  • Fade-resistant canopy The sun shade canopy is made of improved yarn-dyed fabric, more durable, UV resistant, and fade resistant.
  • Easy assembly detailed instructions, tools required for pergola installation, and customer service contact information are included in the package.

We ordered this pergola based on the dimensions stated. We assembled it only to find it was almost a foot shorter on each side. And it's not that we received the wrong pergola - the package even said it was a 13' x 10' (which is the total size - the interior dimensions from column to column are supposed to be 142.52” W x 100.4” D). But ours measures 12' x 9' total size (with interior column to column dimensions of 135\" W x 92.5\" D). While it may not seem like a lot, it matters to us because when you're working with a smaller space every inch counts. That, and were it the size it was supposed to be our rug would fit within the interior space (which is important because you absolutely have to anchor it to the ground - it's very light). That said, Purple Leaf was great about working with us on the return. And, wrong size notwithstanding, the pergola itself is quite lovely once assembled. The gray shade does an amazing job blocking the sun, and it slid back and forth easily. While the instructions were a bit unclear at times, you eventually figure out. It's also definitely more than a one person job, and even then it takes a few hours to assemble. When it came to final assembly it was easiest to have four people to hold the legs in place because again - it's really light and kind of bendy. But it feels much sturdier once it's completely assembled. Were it the correct size we definitely would have kept it. (Please excuse my finger in the one photo - I was more focused on showing the size discrepancy, but I thought it might help to still show the other angle.) For reference the rug the pergola is resting on measures 8.6' x 13' - it's the Broddick Striped Flatweave Marbella rug.\n\nUPDATE: I contacted Wayfair and they were quick to make everything right. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.. David. Saint Charles, MO. 2022-08-30 13:56:26

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+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

10 Ft. W x 12 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopy

by Kozyard


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.4 total votes

Free shipping

Experience the graceful design and inherent practicality of the domino sunshade. This canopy is an elegant solution for any courtyard or garden, providing ample shade for your next barbeque, birthday party, or play date. The deluxe swan shape of this gazebo compliments any picnic table or bistro set and will allow your family and guests to spend all day outdoors without getting sunburned or rained on. Belying its angelic shape, the pergola was built for durability and longevity. It is waterproof, fade-resistant, and blocks dangerous UV rays, keeping your family cozy and safe. All screws are covered by screw nuts for rust protection. At 10 x 12 and 8 feet tall, it provides an extra-large radius of protection from the sun. Because the pergola is convenient for two people to assemble and move, it can be used for multiple different kinds of events and travel to a variety of locations. If you’re looking for a pavilion or canopy, it fills both roles with sophistication and style. A bungee cord with a plastic toggle ball connects the ribs and the canopy.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Love this pergola. Added just what we needed to our outdoor space. Took about 3 hours with 2 people. Easy enough to put together, just tedious. Seems very sturdy. It is on a deck which we will be securing with different deck screws (it does come with some though).. Melissa. New Berlin, WI. 2022-09-24 16:56:08

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Naples 12 Ft. W x 9 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopy

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.485 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 9 ft. x 12 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The black rust-resistant powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the beige adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straightforward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing with your beverage of choice in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Freestanding
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I live in a rental and the owners didn’t build a wood pergola off the west facing living room like so many of our neighbors. In the summer, that living room bakes and it heats the whole house. I bought the Naples Metal Pergola to help control the temperature in that room and to help reduce my cooling costs in the summer. It has far exceeded my expectations! It’s free standing and is extremely solid and durable. It weighs about 130lbs, so it isn't going anywhere regardless of how hard the wind blows. It’s attractive, has a nice finish and has already impacted the temperature in the house in the afternoons. Couldn’t be happier! Highly recommend.. Helen. PLEASANTON, CA. 2018-07-01 13:25:36

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Wayfair's Choice
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 20 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.125 total votes

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SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: All Surface Types

When I purchased this (10x20) louvered pergola, the only review here told a tale of misery in the assembly. I was cautiously optimistic that we would have better results. Thankfully, our experience was nothing like that reviewer’s. \n\nIt took my husband and me about 6 hours to assemble the pergola start to finish. A couple of things to keep in mind, especially if you’re considering the 10x20\n\nThere’s absolutely no way you could assemble this alone. We managed with 2 people, but there were points when a 3rd person would have been ideal.\n\nThe assembly isn’t complicated, but it is fairly tedious. You’ll need significant room to work, and you have to have two ladders. We managed with a tall step ladder as our second one, but that only worked because my husband is 6’2”. \n\nWe only had 1 screw break, out of the entire project. It wasn’t a problem, though, because they provide two extra louvers. \n\nSpeaking of the louvers, the previous reviewer installed them incorrectly. There are not “four center pieces” as indicated in the review. All of the louvers are identical, and you install the two pieces that attach to the cranks first. Then you install all of the rest, so that each one lays on the previous one when they’re closed. \n\nWe’ve had this up for several weeks now, and it has rained many, many times. When the louvers are closed, the roof on this pergola is absolutely watertight. It’s incredible. \n\nI cannot recommend this highly enough!. Mallory. US. 2021-05-28 10:59:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 13 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.159 total votes

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SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Wood (Patio/Deck)

Overall and when all was said and done, I think this pergola will work well for us. It fit our deck well and truly provides some great options for full shade, being open for sunlight during cooler months, and also an option to leave open to avoid snow weight in the winter. Researched pergolas, gazebos, awnings pretty thoroughly, but settled on this because of roof options and seemed pretty solid looking. I was impressed with the materials and overall structural quality. We’ll see how it holds up in its first 60mph storm though. I will say this was a real beast to assemble myself. Pretty much did it all myself and took a few hours to assemble posts and upper frame one night and better part of a Saturday to put all louvers together, install them and finish assembly. For a handy person, its probably a real 8-10 hour job, but manageable. Be VERY CAREFUL when screwing/tightening the side brackets on the louver sides, the screws are a cheap quality and I probably had 8-10 bust off when almost fully tightened, leaving bolt stuck in the plastic thread. Was a real chore getting around that, but I managed. Also, I was disappointed that the last 2 louvers I pulled out of last box were damaged and dented. I wasn’t gonna mess with trying to get new/replacement ones because shipping this was already REALLY slow to ship. And shippers didn’t communicate at all or even tell us when it was coming or ring doorbell to say it was delivered or they were there. So I just tried straightening out dents myself. Fortunately I got to end of assembly and they had 1 extra louver they included, so I installed least dented 1 on end where it’s not really seen and just stored extra one that was more damaged. Overall, it seems like a solid pergola, the louvered roof works really well and seems well designed. Hope it holds up to our midwest wind and weather, but time will tell. All things considered, I’d give it a 7/10 right now.. Cody. West Fargo, ND. 2021-07-02 23:06:15

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13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola With Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.5 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this 10' x 13' pergola. The pergola can be served for a variety of purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The sleek aluminum frame is rust and corrosion-free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade and UV resistant can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this 10' x 13' pergola on your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • This pergola help adds elegance and ambiance to your outdoor living space
  • High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with dark gray painted provides protection against rust and scratches

Bought 2 for use side-by-side. Both arrived with many places of minor damage, the sheet metal used is very light and thin and damaged in shipping very easily. Also these are quite difficult to assemble even with 2 people. All the reviews about time to assemble are completely true, might even take you longer.. Chris. OAK PARK, IL. 2022-12-27 16:48:09

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+3 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 4 Colors and 2 Sizes

Florence Aluminum Pergola in Gray with Canopy

by Paragon-Outdoor


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.77 total votes

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Creating a relaxing yet stylish outdoor space with the premium Aluminum soft top Pergola. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays - simply slide the convertible canopy back and forth to suit your comfort level. Beams have a powder-coated construction that is maintenance-free and rust-free; replacing simple wood beams that normally rot, crack or weather over time. This soft top pergola can be used for all four seasons for a year-round backyard beauty. Instruction manuals, hardware bolts, and garden stakes are included to safely secure into any ground. Two people are recommended for installation, with up to 3 hours of assembly time.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Every summer we have q hard time with the sun in the late afternoon. No matter the umbrella we used, it would not provide enough shade\n This year we decided to invest in either q pergola or a gazebo. Ended up going with the pergola because I wanted to have the option of shade or no shade. This pergola is beautiful. It's made of aluminum which hopefully means will last for years to come. We decided to buy from Wayfair to be able to include installation (provided by Handy) which worked out very well.. Pamela. Trumbull, CT. 2020-05-12 20:48:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors

11 Ft. W x 11 Ft. D Metal Pergola With Canopy

by Joyside


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.43 total votes

Free shipping

To make the great outdoors even greater, we provide you with durable, stylish, and comfy outdoor furniture that can stand the test of time. From the gazebo, you'll find it elevates your exterior living space to the extraordinary. Whether for a family gathering or just a nice sun bath in your backyard, deck, or poolside, the gazebo makes your outdoor leisure time unforgettable.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored; Freestanding
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I ordered 2 pieces. One arrived on time, the other the next day. The one that was late was just thrown on the road. The box was wrinkled and torn in places. I thought everything was completely broken there. But, not so bad, the damage is not significant. Some places has scrapped and The paint is also scratched in places. For me, all this is not critical. Assembles quickly. About 4 hours collected 2 pieces by two people.\nHint: if the holes do not match, then you need to turn the part over. And everything fits perfectly.\nThe biggest disappointment was the roof. While we were stretching the fabric, it had already begun to tear at the attachment points. But And this is not critical for us either, because we were going to change it anyway.\nIn general, the purchase is satisfied.. Elena. GA. 2022-05-03 16:24:33

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BBQ 11.5 Ft. W x 9.2 FT. D Steel Patio Pergola with Canopy

by Ktaxon


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.23 total votes

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Your family will have a wonderful time with this 12' x 9' Outdoor Rectangular Pergola. With a durable shade and thick, sturdy posts, this pergola is truly the ultimate in practicality and convenience. The adjustable shade allows you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angles of sunlight, and 4 lockers at side help lock in the length you want. The canopy wears a PA coating, which is UV-resistant and water-resistant. The durable powder-coated steel frame features pre-drilled holes so you can anchor it if desired, and the sturdy supporting beams at 4 corners ensure the solid structure of the pergola. Set it up on your lawn or your patio, and get ready to enjoy delightful outdoor life! Attention: It's better to ask 3-4 persons to help set up this pergola, and it may take 1.5-2 hours to finish assembling. The parts of the pergola are packed in 2 boxes separately. Please make sure you receive 2 packages before assembling.

  • Enable you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angle of sunlight and to lock in the length you want
  • Adjustable canopy to be UV-resistant and water resistant
  • Durable powder-coated and sturdy steel frame
  • Pre-drilled holes in feet to anchor
  • Extra caps on the bottom of feet for better looking

It was a little more difficult to put up but it looks good. Satisfied with the quality of the material. Instructions were easy to follow.. Anonymous. . 2022-09-05 19:04:31

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Sunjoy Meadow 10 ft. x 10 ft. Steel Classic Pergola with Adjustable White Shade

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.286 total votes

1-Day Delivery

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Get it Tomorrow

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 10 ft. x 10 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The brown powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the white adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straight-forward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Spiked
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Absolutely love this pergola! I spent a while searching online for one that wasn't so expensive and got good reviews. Also wanted one with a canopy that you can slide up and down to follow where the sun hits. So glad I bought this. Once assembled it looks really nice and worth more than it cost. It feels sturdy and well made so hopefully it will really last. Only 2 complaints - the canopy is not opaque so it lets some sunlight in and definitely lets rain in. Haven't used it much yet but hoping it covers enough of the sun to really create cool shade. Otherwise, I'll be looking to purchase a replacement canopy. I also bought some solar powered string lights to weave across the top for some light at night. \n \nMy biggest complaint though and why I only gave it 4 stars was the instructions - they're horrible. I managed to put the base together wrong, twice, and spent a lot of time fixing it. Also had to call on a few other people to help hold up the posts while I attached the top. So that no one else makes the same assembly mistakes that I made READ THIS FIRST: Do NOT skip the first page that just shows the assembled picture (I'm including a picture of it). I looked at this and saw that it showed multiple steps and went straight to the steps. The big problem there is that it does not clearly tell you in each of those steps the direction of the posts and where the holes on the posts have to face. That is really important! This first page with the assembled picture is the only clear place where it shows you which post letters go where and where the holes go. Pay attention to this before screwing anything together! Otherwise, the rest of the assembly wasn't too hard. With all of my mistakes it took me about 4 hours to put together so should take less if you get it right the first time. \n\nOtherwise, this is a great item and I highly recommend it. . Lindsay. Hawthorne, NJ. 2020-08-12 20:55:00

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Items Per Page
72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.133 total votes

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FREE Shipping

Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Need a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum: The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. The clearance between the pole is lesser than the size of the pergola. The distance between the poles is 143.1\" in length and 101.4\" in width.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

First of all what a great and necessary addition to our west facing deck in Texas. It’s a great look and I added Coolaroo sun shades to two sides so we are shaded from the setting sun lower on the horizon. \nReally cannot beat the $400 price point. Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions. Key point: only hand tightened all screws until completely done-then tighten everything down firm. Everything fit perfectly as instructed and I assembled nearly all by myself. I did have my wife and daughter hold the two long sides while I attached the cross rails (that took 15 minutes maximum.) Warning : it is made from very thin aluminum and there is a good chance some part (probably a post) will arrive with a dent. I opened the box while fed ex was still there so he could document it as damaged. I had one dent about an inch to inch and a half in diameter that was not structurally significant and not seen. View photos attached.. Richard. San Antonio, TX. 2022-10-03 18:17:14

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13 Ft. W x 9.5 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Peak Home Furnishings


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.195 total votes

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Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Your perfect solution for outdoor gatherings and parties. We are proud to present you with this simple yet elegantly designed Aluminum pergola. Made with 100% polyester with a PA coating finish which protects you from the sun, rain, snow, and other weather conditions while providing shades. Lightweight, easy to assemble, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

The good Relatively inexpensive, fairly easy to put together as long as you have 2-3 people. It looks nice. \nThe bad The gauge of the aluminum is quite thin. A good bump with a wheelbarrow would probably dent it. This company needs better quality control. Many of the screws were not drilled deep enough for the included Allen wrench to turn... and the Allen wrench itself was not machined right so it was useless. Some of the long screws were bent and unusable. Luckily we had enough of our own tools to work around the problems. The stakes provided to tie it down are hilariously tiny... they are tent stakes! We live in an extremely windy area so we will pour cement footings and bolt ot down to them. We shall see if it can handle rough weather. \nAll in all I like it but I wish it was a little better quality. Oh well, you get what you pay for!. Lisa C.. Flagstaff AZ. 2021-06-13 19:40:15

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13.12 Ft. W x 9.84 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.34 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this product. The pergola can be served for various purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The aluminum frame with wood grain painted is rust and corrosion free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant and can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this product in your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • A high-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with solid wood grain paint protects against rust and scratches.

You really can’t beat this for the price. This fit my patio area perfectly and the canopy is nice and shaded! It was pretty easy to set up. The only tricky part was figuring out the correct way the canopy attaches to the posts. You’ll need three step ladders for the job and 3 people for the canopy install. I love the wood grain texture and can’t wait to fully enjoy it this fall!. Michael. Memphis, TN. 2022-08-30 12:16:24

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.53 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Frame material: High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with white paint protects against rust and scratches.
  • An adjustable sling canopy offers refuge from the sun's harsh rays, and a safety locking system keeps the canopy in place.
  • A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • The canopy was made of durable yarn-dyed fabric which holds its color better and it's water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant.
  • This pergola is ideal for outdoor dining and entertainment.

Is biutiful. Adriel. Las vegas, NV. 2022-05-10 18:49:55

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.45 total votes

Fast Delivery

FREE Shipping

Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • White pergola aluminum alloy frame, powder spray paint, outdoor all-weather use. Suitable for outdoor, patio.
  • Fade-resistant canopy The sun shade canopy is made of improved yarn-dyed fabric, more durable, UV resistant, and fade resistant.
  • Easy assembly detailed instructions, tools required for pergola installation, and customer service contact information are included in the package.

We ordered this pergola based on the dimensions stated. We assembled it only to find it was almost a foot shorter on each side. And it's not that we received the wrong pergola - the package even said it was a 13' x 10' (which is the total size - the interior dimensions from column to column are supposed to be 142.52” W x 100.4” D). But ours measures 12' x 9' total size (with interior column to column dimensions of 135\" W x 92.5\" D). While it may not seem like a lot, it matters to us because when you're working with a smaller space every inch counts. That, and were it the size it was supposed to be our rug would fit within the interior space (which is important because you absolutely have to anchor it to the ground - it's very light). That said, Purple Leaf was great about working with us on the return. And, wrong size notwithstanding, the pergola itself is quite lovely once assembled. The gray shade does an amazing job blocking the sun, and it slid back and forth easily. While the instructions were a bit unclear at times, you eventually figure out. It's also definitely more than a one person job, and even then it takes a few hours to assemble. When it came to final assembly it was easiest to have four people to hold the legs in place because again - it's really light and kind of bendy. But it feels much sturdier once it's completely assembled. Were it the correct size we definitely would have kept it. (Please excuse my finger in the one photo - I was more focused on showing the size discrepancy, but I thought it might help to still show the other angle.) For reference the rug the pergola is resting on measures 8.6' x 13' - it's the Broddick Striped Flatweave Marbella rug.\n\nUPDATE: I contacted Wayfair and they were quick to make everything right. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.. David. Saint Charles, MO. 2022-08-30 13:56:26

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+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

10 Ft. W x 12 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopy

by Kozyard


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.4 total votes

Free shipping

Experience the graceful design and inherent practicality of the domino sunshade. This canopy is an elegant solution for any courtyard or garden, providing ample shade for your next barbeque, birthday party, or play date. The deluxe swan shape of this gazebo compliments any picnic table or bistro set and will allow your family and guests to spend all day outdoors without getting sunburned or rained on. Belying its angelic shape, the pergola was built for durability and longevity. It is waterproof, fade-resistant, and blocks dangerous UV rays, keeping your family cozy and safe. All screws are covered by screw nuts for rust protection. At 10 x 12 and 8 feet tall, it provides an extra-large radius of protection from the sun. Because the pergola is convenient for two people to assemble and move, it can be used for multiple different kinds of events and travel to a variety of locations. If you’re looking for a pavilion or canopy, it fills both roles with sophistication and style. A bungee cord with a plastic toggle ball connects the ribs and the canopy.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Love this pergola. Added just what we needed to our outdoor space. Took about 3 hours with 2 people. Easy enough to put together, just tedious. Seems very sturdy. It is on a deck which we will be securing with different deck screws (it does come with some though).. Melissa. New Berlin, WI. 2022-09-24 16:56:08

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More OptionsMore Options

Naples 12 Ft. W x 9 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopy

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.485 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 9 ft. x 12 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The black rust-resistant powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the beige adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straightforward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing with your beverage of choice in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Freestanding
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I live in a rental and the owners didn’t build a wood pergola off the west facing living room like so many of our neighbors. In the summer, that living room bakes and it heats the whole house. I bought the Naples Metal Pergola to help control the temperature in that room and to help reduce my cooling costs in the summer. It has far exceeded my expectations! It’s free standing and is extremely solid and durable. It weighs about 130lbs, so it isn't going anywhere regardless of how hard the wind blows. It’s attractive, has a nice finish and has already impacted the temperature in the house in the afternoons. Couldn’t be happier! Highly recommend.. Helen. PLEASANTON, CA. 2018-07-01 13:25:36

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Wayfair's Choice
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 20 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.125 total votes

Free shipping

SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: All Surface Types

When I purchased this (10x20) louvered pergola, the only review here told a tale of misery in the assembly. I was cautiously optimistic that we would have better results. Thankfully, our experience was nothing like that reviewer’s. \n\nIt took my husband and me about 6 hours to assemble the pergola start to finish. A couple of things to keep in mind, especially if you’re considering the 10x20\n\nThere’s absolutely no way you could assemble this alone. We managed with 2 people, but there were points when a 3rd person would have been ideal.\n\nThe assembly isn’t complicated, but it is fairly tedious. You’ll need significant room to work, and you have to have two ladders. We managed with a tall step ladder as our second one, but that only worked because my husband is 6’2”. \n\nWe only had 1 screw break, out of the entire project. It wasn’t a problem, though, because they provide two extra louvers. \n\nSpeaking of the louvers, the previous reviewer installed them incorrectly. There are not “four center pieces” as indicated in the review. All of the louvers are identical, and you install the two pieces that attach to the cranks first. Then you install all of the rest, so that each one lays on the previous one when they’re closed. \n\nWe’ve had this up for several weeks now, and it has rained many, many times. When the louvers are closed, the roof on this pergola is absolutely watertight. It’s incredible. \n\nI cannot recommend this highly enough!. Mallory. US. 2021-05-28 10:59:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 13 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.159 total votes

Free shipping


SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Wood (Patio/Deck)

Overall and when all was said and done, I think this pergola will work well for us. It fit our deck well and truly provides some great options for full shade, being open for sunlight during cooler months, and also an option to leave open to avoid snow weight in the winter. Researched pergolas, gazebos, awnings pretty thoroughly, but settled on this because of roof options and seemed pretty solid looking. I was impressed with the materials and overall structural quality. We’ll see how it holds up in its first 60mph storm though. I will say this was a real beast to assemble myself. Pretty much did it all myself and took a few hours to assemble posts and upper frame one night and better part of a Saturday to put all louvers together, install them and finish assembly. For a handy person, its probably a real 8-10 hour job, but manageable. Be VERY CAREFUL when screwing/tightening the side brackets on the louver sides, the screws are a cheap quality and I probably had 8-10 bust off when almost fully tightened, leaving bolt stuck in the plastic thread. Was a real chore getting around that, but I managed. Also, I was disappointed that the last 2 louvers I pulled out of last box were damaged and dented. I wasn’t gonna mess with trying to get new/replacement ones because shipping this was already REALLY slow to ship. And shippers didn’t communicate at all or even tell us when it was coming or ring doorbell to say it was delivered or they were there. So I just tried straightening out dents myself. Fortunately I got to end of assembly and they had 1 extra louver they included, so I installed least dented 1 on end where it’s not really seen and just stored extra one that was more damaged. Overall, it seems like a solid pergola, the louvered roof works really well and seems well designed. Hope it holds up to our midwest wind and weather, but time will tell. All things considered, I’d give it a 7/10 right now.. Cody. West Fargo, ND. 2021-07-02 23:06:15

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13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola With Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.5 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this 10' x 13' pergola. The pergola can be served for a variety of purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The sleek aluminum frame is rust and corrosion-free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade and UV resistant can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this 10' x 13' pergola on your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • This pergola help adds elegance and ambiance to your outdoor living space
  • High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with dark gray painted provides protection against rust and scratches

Bought 2 for use side-by-side. Both arrived with many places of minor damage, the sheet metal used is very light and thin and damaged in shipping very easily. Also these are quite difficult to assemble even with 2 people. All the reviews about time to assemble are completely true, might even take you longer.. Chris. OAK PARK, IL. 2022-12-27 16:48:09

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+3 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 4 Colors and 2 Sizes

Florence Aluminum Pergola in Gray with Canopy

by Paragon-Outdoor


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.77 total votes

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Creating a relaxing yet stylish outdoor space with the premium Aluminum soft top Pergola. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays - simply slide the convertible canopy back and forth to suit your comfort level. Beams have a powder-coated construction that is maintenance-free and rust-free; replacing simple wood beams that normally rot, crack or weather over time. This soft top pergola can be used for all four seasons for a year-round backyard beauty. Instruction manuals, hardware bolts, and garden stakes are included to safely secure into any ground. Two people are recommended for installation, with up to 3 hours of assembly time.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Every summer we have q hard time with the sun in the late afternoon. No matter the umbrella we used, it would not provide enough shade\n This year we decided to invest in either q pergola or a gazebo. Ended up going with the pergola because I wanted to have the option of shade or no shade. This pergola is beautiful. It's made of aluminum which hopefully means will last for years to come. We decided to buy from Wayfair to be able to include installation (provided by Handy) which worked out very well.. Pamela. Trumbull, CT. 2020-05-12 20:48:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors

11 Ft. W x 11 Ft. D Metal Pergola With Canopy

by Joyside


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.43 total votes

Free shipping

To make the great outdoors even greater, we provide you with durable, stylish, and comfy outdoor furniture that can stand the test of time. From the gazebo, you'll find it elevates your exterior living space to the extraordinary. Whether for a family gathering or just a nice sun bath in your backyard, deck, or poolside, the gazebo makes your outdoor leisure time unforgettable.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored; Freestanding
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I ordered 2 pieces. One arrived on time, the other the next day. The one that was late was just thrown on the road. The box was wrinkled and torn in places. I thought everything was completely broken there. But, not so bad, the damage is not significant. Some places has scrapped and The paint is also scratched in places. For me, all this is not critical. Assembles quickly. About 4 hours collected 2 pieces by two people.\nHint: if the holes do not match, then you need to turn the part over. And everything fits perfectly.\nThe biggest disappointment was the roof. While we were stretching the fabric, it had already begun to tear at the attachment points. But And this is not critical for us either, because we were going to change it anyway.\nIn general, the purchase is satisfied.. Elena. GA. 2022-05-03 16:24:33

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BBQ 11.5 Ft. W x 9.2 FT. D Steel Patio Pergola with Canopy

by Ktaxon


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.23 total votes

Free shipping

Your family will have a wonderful time with this 12' x 9' Outdoor Rectangular Pergola. With a durable shade and thick, sturdy posts, this pergola is truly the ultimate in practicality and convenience. The adjustable shade allows you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angles of sunlight, and 4 lockers at side help lock in the length you want. The canopy wears a PA coating, which is UV-resistant and water-resistant. The durable powder-coated steel frame features pre-drilled holes so you can anchor it if desired, and the sturdy supporting beams at 4 corners ensure the solid structure of the pergola. Set it up on your lawn or your patio, and get ready to enjoy delightful outdoor life! Attention: It's better to ask 3-4 persons to help set up this pergola, and it may take 1.5-2 hours to finish assembling. The parts of the pergola are packed in 2 boxes separately. Please make sure you receive 2 packages before assembling.

  • Enable you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angle of sunlight and to lock in the length you want
  • Adjustable canopy to be UV-resistant and water resistant
  • Durable powder-coated and sturdy steel frame
  • Pre-drilled holes in feet to anchor
  • Extra caps on the bottom of feet for better looking

It was a little more difficult to put up but it looks good. Satisfied with the quality of the material. Instructions were easy to follow.. Anonymous. . 2022-09-05 19:04:31

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Sunjoy Meadow 10 ft. x 10 ft. Steel Classic Pergola with Adjustable White Shade

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.286 total votes

1-Day Delivery

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Get it Tomorrow

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 10 ft. x 10 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The brown powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the white adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straight-forward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Spiked
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Absolutely love this pergola! I spent a while searching online for one that wasn't so expensive and got good reviews. Also wanted one with a canopy that you can slide up and down to follow where the sun hits. So glad I bought this. Once assembled it looks really nice and worth more than it cost. It feels sturdy and well made so hopefully it will really last. Only 2 complaints - the canopy is not opaque so it lets some sunlight in and definitely lets rain in. Haven't used it much yet but hoping it covers enough of the sun to really create cool shade. Otherwise, I'll be looking to purchase a replacement canopy. I also bought some solar powered string lights to weave across the top for some light at night. \n \nMy biggest complaint though and why I only gave it 4 stars was the instructions - they're horrible. I managed to put the base together wrong, twice, and spent a lot of time fixing it. Also had to call on a few other people to help hold up the posts while I attached the top. So that no one else makes the same assembly mistakes that I made READ THIS FIRST: Do NOT skip the first page that just shows the assembled picture (I'm including a picture of it). I looked at this and saw that it showed multiple steps and went straight to the steps. The big problem there is that it does not clearly tell you in each of those steps the direction of the posts and where the holes on the posts have to face. That is really important! This first page with the assembled picture is the only clear place where it shows you which post letters go where and where the holes go. Pay attention to this before screwing anything together! Otherwise, the rest of the assembly wasn't too hard. With all of my mistakes it took me about 4 hours to put together so should take less if you get it right the first time. \n\nOtherwise, this is a great item and I highly recommend it. . Lindsay. Hawthorne, NJ. 2020-08-12 20:55:00

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Items Per Page
","tagName":"DIV","textContent":"CategoryOutdoor ShadesPergolasGazebosOutdoor CanopiesShade SailsAwningsShedsCarportsOutdoor UmbrellasOutdoor Curtains & Window TreatmentsShuttersOutdoor Shade AccessoriesOutdoor Shades SaleFast Delivery to:67346SizeFrame MaterialFeaturesInstallation TypeShapeShow More FiltersOutdoor/Outdoor Shades/PergolasPerfect for any budget.Shop NowSponsored$6,000.00Opens in a new tab$6,800.00Opens in a new tab$6,501.23$10,000.00(2)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.2 total votesOpens in a new tabPergolas590 ResultsSort & FilterFast Delivery8x8 Ft.8x10 Ft.10x10 Ft.10x12 Ft.12x12 Ft.12x16 Ft.6-8 Feet8-10 Feet10-12 Feet12-14 Feet14+ FeetMetalAluminumWoodSteelVinylSmall SizeAnchor/Mounting Kit IncludedCanopy IncludedLouvers IncludedArched RoofAnchoredFreestandingWall MountedRectangularSquareTriangularRoundWater ResistantUV ResistantYear-Round UseRust ResistantHigh Wind ResistantHeavy Snow Load CapacityBlackBrownWhiteBeigeNaturalBlueSaleSurplus SaleCedarFirPineEspresso WoodLight WoodMedium WoodWhite WoodSunjoyParagon-OutdoorVitaBackyard DiscoveryModern & ContemporaryTraditionalPressure TreatedNoYesMedium (Fits 3-4 people)Large (Fits 5-7 people)Sort byRecommended72-Hour Clearout+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$459.00(363)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.363 total votes1-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it TomorrowPurple leaf pergola is the perfect choice for you to spend a good time outdoors with your friends in seasons. No matter what style your house or furniture is, our pergola in a stylish design can match different outdoor styles. Large size offers plenty of room to place the sofa or table, giving you the possibility to design what you want to place. You can use it for BBQs, parties, and picnics with your family and friends. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. Our pergola will give you the best outdoor experience!Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)My Son-in-Law came and had it up in 4 hours! I love it. Now I can sit on my deck in the mornings and not get my pajamas wet from the dew. Super easy to put up and I am very happy with the looks and how it functions! LOVE it! Thank you Wayfair ❤️. Shirley. Rochester Hills, MI. 2021-09-09 20:53:22Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout10 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Outdoor Louvered Pergola with Adjustable Aluminum Rainproof Roof Gazebo, Blackby EROMMY$1,598.30$2,399.99(12)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.12 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe roof is designed with two separate louvered roofs that can be opened at a 90° angle and swivel closed to 0°, providing maximum control over the weather elements. At night, you can open the louvers and enjoy the night sky while relaxing in your favorite chair! If the weather changes and it starts to rain, simply close the louvers and continue enjoying the outdoor living area with friends and family. Light to moderate rain is easily drained through the integrated gutter system. It is the best choice for your outdoor gazebo and gazebo combination.Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$394.99$439.99(133)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.133 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Thu. Jun 29Need a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum: The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. The clearance between the pole is lesser than the size of the pergola. The distance between the poles is 143.1\" in length and 101.4\" in width.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)First of all what a great and necessary addition to our west facing deck in Texas. It’s a great look and I added Coolaroo sun shades to two sides so we are shaded from the setting sun lower on the horizon. \nReally cannot beat the $400 price point. Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions. Key point: only hand tightened all screws until completely done-then tighten everything down firm. Everything fit perfectly as instructed and I assembled nearly all by myself. I did have my wife and daughter hold the two long sides while I attached the cross rails (that took 15 minutes maximum.) Warning : it is made from very thin aluminum and there is a good chance some part (probably a post) will arrive with a dent. I opened the box while fed ex was still there so he could document it as damaged. I had one dent about an inch to inch and a half in diameter that was not structurally significant and not seen. View photos attached.. Richard. San Antonio, TX. 2022-10-03 18:17:14Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout20 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Outdoor Hardtop Gazebo Pergola with Adjustable Aluminum Rainproof Roof, Blackby EROMMY$2,999.99$3,699.99(4)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.4 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe roof is designed with two separate louvered roofs that can be opened at a 90° angle and swivel closed to 0°, providing maximum control over the weather elements. At night, you can open the louvers and enjoy the night sky while relaxing in your favorite chair. If the weather changes and it starts to rain, simply close the louvers and continue enjoying the outdoor living area with friends and family. Light to moderate rain is easily drained through the integrated gutter system. It is the best choice for your outdoor gazebo and gazebo combination.Can withstand 27-40 wind speeds (mphOpens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+2 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 3 Colors and 2 SizesSteel Pergola with Canopyby JoysideFrom$256.99$309.99(67)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.67 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe frame of this pergola is made from solid steel for stability. Superb fabric protects against the sun, making it ideal for outdoor. Crafted from the wood color finished post, this pergola is attractive looking. This functional pergola can be used in different outdoor areas such as gardens, and patios. There are two shelves where you can put some fruit and beverage. Enjoy the fresh air and beautiful outdoors with our pergola.Frame Material: Aluminum; SteelMounting / Installation Type: Anchored; FreestandingWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededI really loke this pergola. Looks great. Took 4 hours between two people but that included waiting for two other ones to move the canopy in place. It is definetly not water proof. Have to figure out how to make it so. Some screws missing though and one of the post have a dent. Cant fit the cross bar though.\nSo far so good.. Nelson. Hollywood, FL. 2022-05-05 18:12:31Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Peak Home FurnishingsFrom$379.00(86)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.86 total votesFree shippingKick back and relax without the sun in your eyes by adding a pergola like this to your outdoor oasis. Made powder-coated aluminum frame, this piece includes a shade crafted from polyester that can be expanded or folded up and away, allowing you to control how much sun your seating arrangement gets. This piece is weather-, water-, and UV-resistant, and can resist winds up to 40 miles per hour, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededAbsolutely love it! It is exactly as it appeared in the photos. Easy assembly for 2 people. My husband and I put it together in a matter of only about 3 hours.. Patty Walls. Ozark, Mo. 2022-05-01 15:48:31Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Outdoor Hardtop Gazebo Pergola with Adjustable Aluminum Rainproof Roof, Blackby EROMMY$2,189.29$2,699.99(2)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.2 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe roof is designed with two separate louvered roofs that can be opened at a 90° angle and swivel closed to 0°, providing maximum control over the weather elements. At night, you can open the louvers and enjoy the night sky while relaxing in your favorite chair! If the weather changes and it starts to rain, simply close the louvers and continue enjoying the outdoor living area with friends and family. Light to moderate rain is easily drained through the integrated gutter system. It is the best choice for your outdoor gazebo and gazebo combination.The curtains are dark gray with a bias toward black.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+2 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 3 Colors and 2 SizesAluminum Pergola with Canopyby VeikousFrom$309.98$389.99(455)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.455 total votesFree shippingNeed a space to have a party outside with shade, an aluminum retractable patio gazebo garden pergola with a weather-resistant canopy is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays - simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum. The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This outdoor pergola kit can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty.Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$398.52$427.99(166)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.166 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Purple Leaf pergola is the perfect choice for you to spend a good time outdoors with your friends in seasons. No matter what style your house or furniture is, our pergola in a stylish design can match different outdoor styles. Large size offers plenty of room to place the sofa or table, giving you the possibility to design what you want to place. You can use it for BBQs, parties, and picnics with your family and friends. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. Our pergola will give you the best outdoor experience!Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)It looks great. Seems pretty sturdy so far. Unfortunately it won't keep the rain away. It took a long time to assemble because instructions were not great.. Taneishia. Pembroke Pines, FL. 2021-06-30 11:07:39Opens in a new tabQuickviewMore OptionsMore Options13 Ft. W x 9.5 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Peak Home FurnishingsFrom$365.39$398.68(195)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.195 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Thu. Jun 29Your perfect solution for outdoor gatherings and parties. We are proud to present you with this simple yet elegantly designed Aluminum pergola. Made with 100% polyester with a PA coating finish which protects you from the sun, rain, snow, and other weather conditions while providing shades. Lightweight, easy to assemble, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)The good Relatively inexpensive, fairly easy to put together as long as you have 2-3 people. It looks nice. \nThe bad The gauge of the aluminum is quite thin. A good bump with a wheelbarrow would probably dent it. This company needs better quality control. Many of the screws were not drilled deep enough for the included Allen wrench to turn... and the Allen wrench itself was not machined right so it was useless. Some of the long screws were bent and unusable. Luckily we had enough of our own tools to work around the problems. The stakes provided to tie it down are hilariously tiny... they are tent stakes! We live in an extremely windy area so we will pour cement footings and bolt ot down to them. We shall see if it can handle rough weather. \nAll in all I like it but I wish it was a little better quality. Oh well, you get what you pay for!. Lisa C.. Flagstaff AZ. 2021-06-13 19:40:15Opens in a new tabQuickview+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors13' X 10' Retractable Pergola, Patio Gazebo Grape Trellis with Removable Sun Shade Canopyby OyerolFrom$367.73$430.00(17)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.17 total votesFree shipping13ft x 9.8ft aluminum pergola with canopyThis pergola features 13' x 9.8'. Easy to assemble. Relax without the sun by adding a pergola like this to your outdoor oasis.The canopy of this pergola is made of polyester which is durable, UV-resistant, fade-resistant, and water-resistant.Adjustable canopy for optimal shade against the sun. Safe locking system to keep the canopy in place.5 star product downgraded to 4 stars due to poor instructions and possible excess of screws- but who knows!\n\nVisual instructions for steps one and two, four and five- but what’s missing Dear if taking a leap of faith Maybe this is not for you.\n\nFantastic outcome we sat on Day Two- hope it counties for a few years. Amy. Carlsbad, CA. 2022-07-29 21:57:40Opens in a new tabQuickview+1 Color | 3 SizesAvailable in 2 Colors and 3 SizesSim 10 Ft. W Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$340.20$374.00(199)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.199 total votes1-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it TomorrowNeed a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum. The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Not the beat quality, uses a lot of plastic pieces that warp within a month.. Alina. North Las Vegas, NV. 2021-09-19 14:16:01Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout16 Ft. W x 11 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Domi Louvered$738.90$823.99(57)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.57 total votesFree shipping11 x 16 Outdoor Aluminum Retractable Pergola Perfect for Outdoors. Need a space to have a party outside, domi outdoor living pergola is a perfect choice. The adjustable canopy offers optimal shade you can open it for shade or push it away to enjoy the sunshine. The sturdy frame greatly improves stability and ensures its long-term use. Have our pergola you'll soon be relaxing in your favorite new outdoor living space, and for years to come.High-Quality Materials: The canopy of this pergola is made of durable polyester fabric, which is fade resistant, fire resistant, and water-repellent.Pergola looks amazing and does a great job.\n\nInstructions were very bare bones and the pictures didnt always match the exact look of the items I was supposed to be putting together, but I still managed it with only one extra person helping to put it up.\n\nThe first picture is the finished result, and the second is in the process of putting it up.. Clifton. Ashby, MA. 2022-10-10 20:58:29Opens in a new tabQuickview13.12 Ft. W x 9.84 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Purple Leaf$529.99$559.99(34)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.34 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this product. The pergola can be served for various purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The aluminum frame with wood grain painted is rust and corrosion free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant and can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.Customize this product in your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.A high-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with solid wood grain paint protects against rust and scratches.You really can’t beat this for the price. This fit my patio area perfectly and the canopy is nice and shaded! It was pretty easy to set up. The only tricky part was figuring out the correct way the canopy attaches to the posts. You’ll need three step ladders for the job and 3 people for the canopy install. I love the wood grain texture and can’t wait to fully enjoy it this fall!. Michael. Memphis, TN. 2022-08-30 12:16:24Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors12 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$378.87$449.99(33)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.33 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Thu. Jun 29Need a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum. The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. The clearance between the pole is lesser than the size of the pergola. The distance between the poles is 129.32\" in length and 101.4\" in width.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Easy to assemble and great looking!!. Dawn. Rochester, MN. 2022-05-15 20:12:52Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$427.99$454.08(53)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.53 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.Frame material: High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with white paint protects against rust and scratches.An adjustable sling canopy offers refuge from the sun's harsh rays, and a safety locking system keeps the canopy in place.A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.The canopy was made of durable yarn-dyed fabric which holds its color better and it's water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant.This pergola is ideal for outdoor dining and entertainment.Is biutiful. Adriel. Las vegas, NV. 2022-05-10 18:49:55Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale12x12ft Aluminum Pergola with Retractable Canopy and Side Walls - Brownby Aoodor$499.99$601.54(108)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.108 total votesFree shippingThe clean architectural lines and modern design ensure the pergola will complement almost any architecture. It is constructed of high-quality aluminum that has full protection. Adjustable canopy allows the full site to the sky when looking out from the inside and provides shade when closing. The generous size allows for seating and dining areas, creating the perfect weekend hangout spot. This is the perfect choice for you to spend a good time outdoors in the seasons.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)So far so good! Hasn’t blown over yet! Bolting them to the pavement tomorrow! Fairly easy to assemble, more words in this “ destructions” manual than most of the purchases from Wayfair this summer outdoor assembly projects. Charlie. Gulf Breeze, FL. 2021-10-11 18:49:52Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale12 Ft. W x 19 Ft. D Outdoor Hardtop Gazebo Pergola with Adjustable Aluminum Rainproof Roof, Blackby EROMMY$3,415.68$4,599.99(15)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.15 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe roof is designed with two separate louvered roofs that can be opened at a 90° angle and swivel closed to 0°, providing maximum control over the weather elements. At night, you can open the louvers and enjoy the night sky while relaxing in your favorite chair! If the weather changes and it starts to rain, simply close the louvers and continue enjoying the outdoor living area with friends and family. Light to moderate rain is easily drained through the integrated gutter system. It is the best choice for your outdoor gazebo and gazebo combination.Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$489.99(45)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.45 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.White pergola aluminum alloy frame, powder spray paint, outdoor all-weather use. Suitable for outdoor, patio.Fade-resistant canopy The sun shade canopy is made of improved yarn-dyed fabric, more durable, UV resistant, and fade resistant.Easy assembly detailed instructions, tools required for pergola installation, and customer service contact information are included in the package.We ordered this pergola based on the dimensions stated. We assembled it only to find it was almost a foot shorter on each side. And it's not that we received the wrong pergola - the package even said it was a 13' x 10' (which is the total size - the interior dimensions from column to column are supposed to be 142.52” W x 100.4” D). But ours measures 12' x 9' total size (with interior column to column dimensions of 135\" W x 92.5\" D). While it may not seem like a lot, it matters to us because when you're working with a smaller space every inch counts. That, and were it the size it was supposed to be our rug would fit within the interior space (which is important because you absolutely have to anchor it to the ground - it's very light). That said, Purple Leaf was great about working with us on the return. And, wrong size notwithstanding, the pergola itself is quite lovely once assembled. The gray shade does an amazing job blocking the sun, and it slid back and forth easily. While the instructions were a bit unclear at times, you eventually figure out. It's also definitely more than a one person job, and even then it takes a few hours to assemble. When it came to final assembly it was easiest to have four people to hold the legs in place because again - it's really light and kind of bendy. But it feels much sturdier once it's completely assembled. Were it the correct size we definitely would have kept it. (Please excuse my finger in the one photo - I was more focused on showing the size discrepancy, but I thought it might help to still show the other angle.) For reference the rug the pergola is resting on measures 8.6' x 13' - it's the Broddick Striped Flatweave Marbella rug.\n\nUPDATE: I contacted Wayfair and they were quick to make everything right. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.. David. Saint Charles, MO. 2022-08-30 13:56:26Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors20 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminum Pergolaby EROMMYFrom$3,949.99$4,999.99(3)Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars.3 total votesFree shippingSponsoredWith user-friendly instructions and included explosive bolts, our modern pergola can be assembled in 2-3 hours with 3-4 people. Our friendly customer service team is always here to help. Suitable for patios, decks, garages, and more.It contains expansion bolts which can keep the pergola more stable.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale10 Ft. W x 13 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopyby HOMHUM$278.99$309.99(4)Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars.4 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30It is time to enjoy outdoor life. Do you need a space to have a party with your friends? Do you need a shady place where you could chat with your family and friends cozily? Their upgraded retractable pergola is a worthy choice. The frame of this retractable pergola is made of steel and aluminum, which are light and stable. The adjustable canopy against the sun provides you with a comfortable resting place. Simply slide the foldable canopy back and forth to meet your needs. Whether it's gathering or entertaining in the garden, poolside, terrace, or backyard, this is a perfect choice. Features: High-quality frame material for long-time use; adjustable canopy fits your different needs; 16 stakes provide extra stability; Suitable for a variety of outdoor party entertainment occasions. Specifications: Color: Beige Frame Material: Aluminum & Steel Canopy Material: 180g Polyester PA coated Fabric Overall Dimension: 116.1\"(L) x 155.5\"(W) x 88.6\"(H) ✦Tips: Need to install by yourself, recommended that more than 2 people install it together. Please refer to the size before buying, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors9.8' W x 9.8' D Metal Pergola with Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$394.99(123)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.123 total votes1-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it TomorrowPurple Leaf Pergola The perfect choice for you to spend a good time outdoors with your friends in seasons. No matter what style your house or furniture is, our pergola in a stylish design can match different outdoor styles. Large size offers plenty of room to place the sofa or table, giving you the possibility to design what you want to place. You can use it for BBQs, parties, and picnics with your family and friends. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio or yard. Our pergola will give you the best outdoor experience!Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Very easy to assemble. A good first pergola for a small space. Took about 2 hours to assemble with my spouse and father.. Anonymous. Albuquerque, NM. 2021-06-20 21:14:23Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors10 Ft. W x 12 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopyby KozyardFrom$359.00$395.00(4)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.4 total votesFree shippingExperience the graceful design and inherent practicality of the domino sunshade. This canopy is an elegant solution for any courtyard or garden, providing ample shade for your next barbeque, birthday party, or play date. The deluxe swan shape of this gazebo compliments any picnic table or bistro set and will allow your family and guests to spend all day outdoors without getting sunburned or rained on. Belying its angelic shape, the pergola was built for durability and longevity. It is waterproof, fade-resistant, and blocks dangerous UV rays, keeping your family cozy and safe. All screws are covered by screw nuts for rust protection. At 10 x 12 and 8 feet tall, it provides an extra-large radius of protection from the sun. Because the pergola is convenient for two people to assemble and move, it can be used for multiple different kinds of events and travel to a variety of locations. If you’re looking for a pavilion or canopy, it fills both roles with sophistication and style. A bungee cord with a plastic toggle ball connects the ribs and the canopy.Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededLove this pergola. Added just what we needed to our outdoor space. Took about 3 hours with 2 people. Easy enough to put together, just tedious. Seems very sturdy. It is on a deck which we will be securing with different deck screws (it does come with some though).. Melissa. New Berlin, WI. 2022-09-24 16:56:08Opens in a new tabQuickviewMore OptionsMore OptionsNaples 12 Ft. W x 9 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopyby SunjoyFrom$567.00$699.00(485)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.485 total votes2-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Wed. Jun 28Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 9 ft. x 12 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The black rust-resistant powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the beige adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straightforward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing with your beverage of choice in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.Frame Material: SteelMounting / Installation Type: FreestandingRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/LawnLevel of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededI live in a rental and the owners didn’t build a wood pergola off the west facing living room like so many of our neighbors. In the summer, that living room bakes and it heats the whole house. I bought the Naples Metal Pergola to help control the temperature in that room and to help reduce my cooling costs in the summer. It has far exceeded my expectations! It’s free standing and is extremely solid and durable. It weighs about 130lbs, so it isn't going anywhere regardless of how hard the wind blows. It’s attractive, has a nice finish and has already impacted the temperature in the house in the afternoons. Couldn’t be happier! Highly recommend.. Helen. PLEASANTON, CA. 2018-07-01 13:25:36Opens in a new tabQuickviewWayfair's Choice+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 ColorsPergola 10 Ft. W x 20 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergolaby SORARAFrom$2,889.15$4,499.00(125)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.125 total votesFree shippingSORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: All Surface TypesWhen I purchased this (10x20) louvered pergola, the only review here told a tale of misery in the assembly. I was cautiously optimistic that we would have better results. Thankfully, our experience was nothing like that reviewer’s. \n\nIt took my husband and me about 6 hours to assemble the pergola start to finish. A couple of things to keep in mind, especially if you’re considering the 10x20\n\nThere’s absolutely no way you could assemble this alone. We managed with 2 people, but there were points when a 3rd person would have been ideal.\n\nThe assembly isn’t complicated, but it is fairly tedious. You’ll need significant room to work, and you have to have two ladders. We managed with a tall step ladder as our second one, but that only worked because my husband is 6’2”. \n\nWe only had 1 screw break, out of the entire project. It wasn’t a problem, though, because they provide two extra louvers. \n\nSpeaking of the louvers, the previous reviewer installed them incorrectly. There are not “four center pieces” as indicated in the review. All of the louvers are identical, and you install the two pieces that attach to the cranks first. Then you install all of the rest, so that each one lays on the previous one when they’re closed. \n\nWe’ve had this up for several weeks now, and it has rained many, many times. When the louvers are closed, the roof on this pergola is absolutely watertight. It’s incredible. \n\nI cannot recommend this highly enough!. Mallory. US. 2021-05-28 10:59:26Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 Color | 4 SizesAvailable in 2 Colors and 4 SizesGodwin Pop-Up Canopyby Arlmont & Co.From$193.99$253.99(258)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.258 total votes1-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it TomorrowUpgrade your outdoor space with this classic style pergola gazebo canopy! Add style and flair to your backyard patio or deck by bringing home this elegant and sturdy steel frame pergola. The large footprint offers plenty of room to set up dining sets, lounge furniture, or other outdoor furniture under the protection of the retractable canopy. A reinforced, anti-rust steel frame ensures strong support, while the fully retractable canopy awning allows you to curate the exact amount of sunlight or shade you want. This product pergola gazebo is the perfect outdoor addition to make your patio area cozy and inviting, just in time for backyard BBQs and summer parties!: All Surface Types: Full Assembly Needed: Polyester: Spiked: SteelI purchased this pergola and finally put it up and I love it. I definitely needed help putting up but putting it together was fairly easy. Instead of tying it down to my deck, which is brand new, I secured the corners in planters and put rocks in the planters to weigh it down. We had a fairly strong storm blow through in Ohio and it held up nicely. I feel like it’s sturdy enough to last awhile and I am happy with my purchase.. Johanne. FAIRBORN, OH. 2020-06-14 17:13:23Opens in a new tabQuickview10 Ft X 13 Ft.Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Kozyard$372.46$399.00(170)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.170 total votes2-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Wed. Jun 28Outdoor extra-large BBQ grill aluminum pergola brings sophisticated charm to your deck or yard. The sunshade canopy comes in a soothing blue shade and creates a calm oasis for your family and friends to gather. If you’re looking for a centerpiece to complement your outdoor area and act as a retreat from the heat of the sun, the Morgan pergola’s beautiful design makes every day feel like a vacation. This product is composed of aluminum, which means it is strong, lightweight, and will not rust. It is large enough for small groups to use. The fabric is UV and fire-resistant. This product is designed to make setup quick and easy. The canopy can be either folded or stretched, depending on your needs.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement/lawn/woodExactly what we were looking for a sturdy, affordable shade structure. Putting it together was not bad at all either! The canopy color compliments our patio furniture and helps pull everything together and complete the look.. Kimberly. ORCHARD PARK, NY. 2020-06-04 11:26:32Opens in a new tabQuickview+1 ColorAvailable in 2 ColorsSunjoy Meadow 9.5 ft. x 11 ft. Steel Arched Pergola with 2-Tone Adjustable Shadeby SunjoyFrom$359.99$686.00(897)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.897 total votes2-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Wed. Jun 28Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 9.5 ft. x 11 ft. arched metal pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The brown powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the tan adjustable weather-resistant canopy trimmed in a rich chocolate brown. The shade provides a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straightforward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing with your beverage of choice in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: FreestandingRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Flat and horizontal groundLevel of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededFit perfectly on our 10x10 deck. Didnt have money to screen in the deck, so I figured this was a pretty good option.. Tumika. Kansas City, MO. 2020-05-28 07:45:21Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors10 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopyby KozyardFrom$311.55$409.00(3)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.3 total votesFree shippingSponsoredKick back and relax without the sun in your eyes by adding a pergola like this to your outdoor oasis. Crafted from dark grey finished aluminum, this piece includes a shade crafted from polyester that can be expanded or folded up and away, allowing you to control how much sun your seating arrangement gets. This piece is weather-, water-, and UV-resistant, and can even resist winds up to 40 miles per hour. This piece is designed to be anchored to a patio and works best when attached to concrete, cement, or pavement.Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededBeautiful we love it!. Anonymous. Anonymous. 2022-07-06 13:51:19Opens in a new tabQuickview+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors10 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Peak Home FurnishingsFrom$347.20(55)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.55 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Kick back and relax without the sun in your eyes by adding a pergola like this to your outdoor oasis. Made powder-coated aluminum frame, this piece includes a shade crafted from polyester that can be expanded or folded up and away, allowing you to control how much sun your seating arrangement gets. This piece is weather-, water-, and UV-resistant, and can resist winds up to 40 miles per hour, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededGreat pergola! Very sturdy and can be styled well! Added some curtain rods, string lights and Moroccan lamps to really amp up the ambiance! Definitely recommend. Saumia. Phillipsburg, NJ. 2022-05-22 22:58:37Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 ColorsPergola 10 Ft. W x 13 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergolaby SORARAFrom$2,299.00$3,899.00(159)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.159 total votesFree shippingSponsoredSORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Wood (Patio/Deck)Overall and when all was said and done, I think this pergola will work well for us. It fit our deck well and truly provides some great options for full shade, being open for sunlight during cooler months, and also an option to leave open to avoid snow weight in the winter. Researched pergolas, gazebos, awnings pretty thoroughly, but settled on this because of roof options and seemed pretty solid looking. I was impressed with the materials and overall structural quality. We’ll see how it holds up in its first 60mph storm though. I will say this was a real beast to assemble myself. Pretty much did it all myself and took a few hours to assemble posts and upper frame one night and better part of a Saturday to put all louvers together, install them and finish assembly. For a handy person, its probably a real 8-10 hour job, but manageable. Be VERY CAREFUL when screwing/tightening the side brackets on the louver sides, the screws are a cheap quality and I probably had 8-10 bust off when almost fully tightened, leaving bolt stuck in the plastic thread. Was a real chore getting around that, but I managed. Also, I was disappointed that the last 2 louvers I pulled out of last box were damaged and dented. I wasn’t gonna mess with trying to get new/replacement ones because shipping this was already REALLY slow to ship. And shippers didn’t communicate at all or even tell us when it was coming or ring doorbell to say it was delivered or they were there. So I just tried straightening out dents myself. Fortunately I got to end of assembly and they had 1 extra louver they included, so I installed least dented 1 on end where it’s not really seen and just stored extra one that was more damaged. Overall, it seems like a solid pergola, the louvered roof works really well and seems well designed. Hope it holds up to our midwest wind and weather, but time will tell. All things considered, I’d give it a 7/10 right now.. Cody. West Fargo, ND. 2021-07-02 23:06:15Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopyby Sunny yardFrom$399.98$459.99(5)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.5 total votesFree shippingPergola can offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rayssimply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum. The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This outdoor pergola kit can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 ColorsGardesol 10 Ft. Wx13 Ft. D Louvered Aluminum Pergola Rainproof Gazebo With Adjustable Roofby GardesolFrom$2,399.99$3,899.00(105)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.105 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30You can adjust the roof to get sun shade or sunbathe, and shelter from the rain when fully closedIntegrated Drainage System: The rain will be diverted through the integrated gutter system and postsEasy to Assemble: Prefabricated rails and louvers, user-friendly instructions and online video will do great helpUsage Scenario: Suitable for patio, garden, lawn, deck&yard. Explosive bolts included, which help posts anchored into the cementOpens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopyby OutopeeFrom$269.99$429.99(18)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.18 total votesFree shippingYour family will have a wonderful time with this 10'X 13' Outdoor Rectangular Pergola. With a durable shade and thick, sturdy posts, this pergola is truly the ultimate in practicality and convenience. The adjustable top canopy can be easily retracted by a rope loop or unfolded in any position, allowing you to enjoy shade on a sunny day or stargaze at night. In addition, the canopy wears PA coating, which is UV-resistant and water-resistant. The durable powder-coated steel frame features pre-drilled holes so you can anchor it if desired. Set it up on your lawn or on your patio, and get ready to enjoy delightful outdoor life!The modern and high-class design perfectly matches all the houses. It can be used on your patio, backyard, poolside, deck, and lawn.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors14 Ft. W x 12 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby AoodorFrom$579.99$899.99(9)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.9 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30The clean architectural lines and modern design ensure the pergola will complement almost any architecture. It is constructed of high-quality aluminum that has full protection. Adjustable canopy allows the full site to the sky when looking out from the inside and provides shade when closing. The generous size allows for seating and dining areas, creating the perfect weekend hangout spot. This is the perfect choice for you to spend a good time outdoors in the seasons.Opens in a new tabQuickview13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola With Canopyby Purple Leaf$459.00$499.00(5)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.5 total votes2-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Wed. Jun 28Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this 10' x 13' pergola. The pergola can be served for a variety of purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The sleek aluminum frame is rust and corrosion-free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade and UV resistant can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.Customize this 10' x 13' pergola on your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.This pergola help adds elegance and ambiance to your outdoor living spaceHigh-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with dark gray painted provides protection against rust and scratchesBought 2 for use side-by-side. Both arrived with many places of minor damage, the sheet metal used is very light and thin and damaged in shipping very easily. Also these are quite difficult to assemble even with 2 people. All the reviews about time to assemble are completely true, might even take you longer.. Chris. OAK PARK, IL. 2022-12-27 16:48:09Opens in a new tabQuickview+4 ColorsAvailable in 5 ColorsPurple Leaf 12 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola With Canopyby Purple LeafFrom$459.99$499.99(7)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.7 total votes2-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Wed. Jun 28Whether the design of your house or furniture is natural, modern, or simple, our stylish design pergola can match your architectural style. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum. The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. Whether it is gathering or entertaining in the garden, poolside, patio, or backyard, this is a perfect choice. Also, add elegant and relaxing outdoor space to your patio. Our pergola will provide you with the best outdoor experience!Fixing clip: The ceiling beam is equipped with two fixing clips, which can effectively prevent the ceiling from being blown open by the windModern aesthetics the modern and high-class design perfectly matches all the houses. It can be used on your patio, backyard, poolside, deck, and lawn.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSaleMore OptionsMore Options13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Metal Pergolaby Lausaint HomeFrom$1,799.99$2,089.98(31)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.31 total votesFree shippingSponsoredThe pergola with adjustable louvers could effectively expand your entertaining patio space. The simple manual crank design allows you to open or close the louvers effortlessly, contributing to the quick switch from the warm mode to the closed pergola against the rain. The sturdy aluminum alloy frame is very sturdy that prolongs the service life. Just use the louvered pergola as an outdoor relaxing place to enjoy dining or party time with your family.Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+3 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 4 Colors and 2 SizesFlorence Aluminum Pergola in Gray with Canopyby Paragon-OutdoorFrom$1,259.68$1,819.61(77)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.77 total votesFree shippingCreating a relaxing yet stylish outdoor space with the premium Aluminum soft top Pergola. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays - simply slide the convertible canopy back and forth to suit your comfort level. Beams have a powder-coated construction that is maintenance-free and rust-free; replacing simple wood beams that normally rot, crack or weather over time. This soft top pergola can be used for all four seasons for a year-round backyard beauty. Instruction manuals, hardware bolts, and garden stakes are included to safely secure into any ground. Two people are recommended for installation, with up to 3 hours of assembly time.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesLevel of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededEvery summer we have q hard time with the sun in the late afternoon. No matter the umbrella we used, it would not provide enough shade\n This year we decided to invest in either q pergola or a gazebo. Ended up going with the pergola because I wanted to have the option of shade or no shade. This pergola is beautiful. It's made of aluminum which hopefully means will last for years to come. We decided to buy from Wayfair to be able to include installation (provided by Handy) which worked out very well.. Pamela. Trumbull, CT. 2020-05-12 20:48:26Opens in a new tabQuickview+1 ColorAvailable in 2 ColorsFreestanding Villa Pergola with Motorization and LED Lighting Included, 13' x 13'by BON PERGOLAFrom$6,501.23$10,000.00(2)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.2 total votesFree shippingSponsoredEnhance your outdoor living space with the Villa Pergola, a practical yet stylish shading solution that offers both versatility and durability. Crafted from high-quality aluminum, this freestanding pergola is made to withstand the elements for long-lasting use. The Villa Pergola is equipped with adjustable louvers that allow you to control the amount of sunshine you want to let in to create the perfect atmosphere for your outdoor gatherings. This motorized pergola is low maintenance, rust-resistant, and stain-resistant, making it an ideal alternative to traditional wooden pergolas. The pergola also comes equipped with LED lighting, making it perfect for entertaining well into the evening. Available in multiple size and color variations.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/CementGreat pergola. Delivered on time, nothing was damagedmissed. We installed by ourselves in 1 day, very easy if you read all instructions carefully. Works as expected, we are ready for the summer.. Eva. Cedar Park, TX. 2023-02-23 20:36:53Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors11 Ft. W x 11 Ft. D Metal Pergola With Canopyby JoysideFrom$402.60$453.89(43)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.43 total votesFree shippingTo make the great outdoors even greater, we provide you with durable, stylish, and comfy outdoor furniture that can stand the test of time. From the gazebo, you'll find it elevates your exterior living space to the extraordinary. Whether for a family gathering or just a nice sun bath in your backyard, deck, or poolside, the gazebo makes your outdoor leisure time unforgettable.Frame Material: MetalMounting / Installation Type: Anchored; FreestandingWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededI ordered 2 pieces. One arrived on time, the other the next day. The one that was late was just thrown on the road. The box was wrinkled and torn in places. I thought everything was completely broken there. But, not so bad, the damage is not significant. Some places has scrapped and The paint is also scratched in places. For me, all this is not critical. Assembles quickly. About 4 hours collected 2 pieces by two people.\nHint: if the holes do not match, then you need to turn the part over. And everything fits perfectly.\nThe biggest disappointment was the roof. While we were stretching the fabric, it had already begun to tear at the attachment points. But And this is not critical for us either, because we were going to change it anyway.\nIn general, the purchase is satisfied.. Elena. GA. 2022-05-03 16:24:33Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale13.12 Ft. W x 9.84 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby Purple Leaf$459.00$549.00(9)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.9 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Fri. Jun 30Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this product. The pergola can be served for various purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The aluminum frame with wood grain painted is rust and corrosion free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant and can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.A high-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with dark gray paint provides protection against rust and scratchesFollow the instruction to assemble it step by stepThis pergola help adds elegance and ambiance to your outdoor living spaceMy husband loves it! Protects his outdoor tools from the weather. Easy to put together with the help of his buddy. Anonymous. US. 2023-01-28 09:35:41Opens in a new tabQuickviewBBQ 11.5 Ft. W x 9.2 FT. D Steel Patio Pergola with Canopyby Ktaxon$309.89$342.22(23)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.23 total votesFree shippingYour family will have a wonderful time with this 12' x 9' Outdoor Rectangular Pergola. With a durable shade and thick, sturdy posts, this pergola is truly the ultimate in practicality and convenience. The adjustable shade allows you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angles of sunlight, and 4 lockers at side help lock in the length you want. The canopy wears a PA coating, which is UV-resistant and water-resistant. The durable powder-coated steel frame features pre-drilled holes so you can anchor it if desired, and the sturdy supporting beams at 4 corners ensure the solid structure of the pergola. Set it up on your lawn or your patio, and get ready to enjoy delightful outdoor life! Attention: It's better to ask 3-4 persons to help set up this pergola, and it may take 1.5-2 hours to finish assembling. The parts of the pergola are packed in 2 boxes separately. Please make sure you receive 2 packages before assembling.Enable you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angle of sunlight and to lock in the length you wantAdjustable canopy to be UV-resistant and water resistantDurable powder-coated and sturdy steel framePre-drilled holes in feet to anchorExtra caps on the bottom of feet for better lookingIt was a little more difficult to put up but it looks good. Satisfied with the quality of the material. Instructions were easy to follow.. Anonymous. . 2022-09-05 19:04:31Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 ColorsGardesol 10 Ft. Wx10 Ft. D Louvered Aluminum Pergola Rainproof Gazebo With Adjustable Roofby GardesolFrom$1,899.99$3,199.00(91)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.91 total votesFree shippingSponsoredYou can adjust the roof to get sun shade or sunbathe, and shelter from the rain when fully closedIntegrated Drainage System: The rain will be diverted through the integrated gutter system and postsEasy to Assemble: Prefabricated rails and louvers, user-friendly instructions and online video will do great helpUsage Scenario: Suitable for patio, garden, lawn, deck&yard. Explosive bolts included, which help posts anchored into the cementOpens in a new tabQuickviewSale10 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopyby HOMHUM$240.36$286.43(58)Rated 4 out of 5 stars.58 total votesFast DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it by Thu. Jun 29Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: Anchored; FreestandingWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededIt’s fine for something quick and temporary but you get what you pay for. The structure feels cheap and the pieces arrived bent and damaged. Two of the hole where you connect the top pieces to the pole we’re stripped before we even started. The directions are not clear. If you buy and are building, note that the gr xy pieces are not interchangeable as the directions imply. Set them up how you see in the step after to save yourself from building the whole thing to only unbuild it. I highly recommend building all the pieces and dry fitting them before you start screwing anything in. \n\nThis is a temporary fix for me until I build my own deck and pergola. I just set it up yesterday so I’m not sure how it stands in wind yet. I did not want to drill into anything so I attached blocks of would at the bottom for install and put them into some larger planters filled with dirt.. Julie. Maine. 2022-05-02 06:29:44Opens in a new tabQuickviewSale+1 ColorAvailable in 2 ColorsFreestanding Villa Pergola with Motorization and LED Lighting Included, 13' x 10'by BON PERGOLAFrom$6,000.00$9,000.00(5)Rated 5 out of 5 stars.5 total votesFree shippingSponsoredEnhance your outdoor living space with the Villa Pergola, a practical yet stylish shading solution that offers both versatility and durability. Crafted from high-quality aluminum, this freestanding pergola is made to withstand the elements for long-lasting use. The Villa Pergola is equipped with adjustable louvers that allow you to control the amount of sunshine you want to let in to create the perfect atmosphere for your outdoor gatherings. This motorized pergola is low maintenance, rust-resistant, and stain-resistant, making it an ideal alternative to traditional wooden pergolas. The pergola also comes equipped with LED lighting, making it perfect for entertaining well into the evening. Available in multiple size and color variations.Frame Material: AluminumMounting / Installation Type: AnchoredWeather Resistant: YesRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/CementThis is a great pergola with beautiful and stylish design. I ordered through wayfair and initially worried about shipping. Jeff is very helpful in answering my concerns and very responsive. The packing and shipping is extraordinary. I hired a local to install and took 3-4 hours to get it done. Over all, nice experience.. AV. US. 2022-09-18 15:05:01Opens in a new tabQuickview72-Hour Clearout13 Ft. W x 8.5 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopyby Joyside$436.58$517.23(26)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.26 total votesFree shippingThis pergola is designed with an arched roof. The pergola shade cover is made of superb fabric protecting you from the sun. The frame of this pergola is made from solid steel for stability. And the wood color looking of the post gives the pergola an elegant sense. Put it on your patio, and add your patio attractively looking. You can relax under the pergola with your family and friends.Frame Material: SteelMounting / Installation Type: Anchored; FreestandingWeather Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)Level of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededRelatively easy to set up although you do need three people at one point.. Robert. Valley Stream, NY. 2022-06-14 19:56:26Opens in a new tabQuickviewSaleSunjoy Meadow 10 ft. x 10 ft. Steel Classic Pergola with Adjustable White Shadeby Sunjoy$502.20$742.00(286)Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.286 total votes1-Day DeliveryFREE ShippingGet it TomorrowDo you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 10 ft. x 10 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The brown powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the white adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straight-forward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.Frame Material: SteelMounting / Installation Type: SpikedRust Resistant: YesCompatible Installation Surface: Grass/LawnLevel of Assembly: Full Assembly NeededAbsolutely love this pergola! I spent a while searching online for one that wasn't so expensive and got good reviews. Also wanted one with a canopy that you can slide up and down to follow where the sun hits. So glad I bought this. Once assembled it looks really nice and worth more than it cost. It feels sturdy and well made so hopefully it will really last. Only 2 complaints - the canopy is not opaque so it lets some sunlight in and definitely lets rain in. Haven't used it much yet but hoping it covers enough of the sun to really create cool shade. Otherwise, I'll be looking to purchase a replacement canopy. I also bought some solar powered string lights to weave across the top for some light at night. \n \nMy biggest complaint though and why I only gave it 4 stars was the instructions - they're horrible. I managed to put the base together wrong, twice, and spent a lot of time fixing it. Also had to call on a few other people to help hold up the posts while I attached the top. So that no one else makes the same assembly mistakes that I made READ THIS FIRST: Do NOT skip the first page that just shows the assembled picture (I'm including a picture of it). I looked at this and saw that it showed multiple steps and went straight to the steps. The big problem there is that it does not clearly tell you in each of those steps the direction of the posts and where the holes on the posts have to face. That is really important! This first page with the assembled picture is the only clear place where it shows you which post letters go where and where the holes go. Pay attention to this before screwing anything together! Otherwise, the rest of the assembly wasn't too hard. With all of my mistakes it took me about 4 hours to put together so should take less if you get it right the first time. \n\nOtherwise, this is a great item and I highly recommend it. . Lindsay. Hawthorne, NJ. 2020-08-12 20:55:00Opens in a new tabQuickviewHigh-quality sheds for every lifestyle and budget.Shop NowSponsoredFits your outdoor space, matches your summer style.Shop NowSponsoredItems Per Page48Previous Page1234…13Next","xpath":"id(\"sf-ui-browse::application\")/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]"}},"event_id":30,"element_html":"
72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.133 total votes

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Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Need a space to have a party outside, It is the perfect solution. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays—simply slide the convertible top back and forth to suit your comfort level. The frame is made of durable rust-resistant powder-coated aluminum: The adjustable canopy provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. This pergola can be used for all four seasons for year-round backyard beauty. Adds an elegant and relaxed outdoor space for dining or entertaining in your garden, pool, deck, patio, or yard. The clearance between the pole is lesser than the size of the pergola. The distance between the poles is 143.1\" in length and 101.4\" in width.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

First of all what a great and necessary addition to our west facing deck in Texas. It’s a great look and I added Coolaroo sun shades to two sides so we are shaded from the setting sun lower on the horizon. \nReally cannot beat the $400 price point. Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions. Key point: only hand tightened all screws until completely done-then tighten everything down firm. Everything fit perfectly as instructed and I assembled nearly all by myself. I did have my wife and daughter hold the two long sides while I attached the cross rails (that took 15 minutes maximum.) Warning : it is made from very thin aluminum and there is a good chance some part (probably a post) will arrive with a dent. I opened the box while fed ex was still there so he could document it as damaged. I had one dent about an inch to inch and a half in diameter that was not structurally significant and not seen. View photos attached.. Richard. San Antonio, TX. 2022-10-03 18:17:14

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13 Ft. W x 9.5 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Peak Home Furnishings


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.195 total votes

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Get it by Thu. Jun 29

Your perfect solution for outdoor gatherings and parties. We are proud to present you with this simple yet elegantly designed Aluminum pergola. Made with 100% polyester with a PA coating finish which protects you from the sun, rain, snow, and other weather conditions while providing shades. Lightweight, easy to assemble, ideal for recreational occasions, BBQ parties, and commercial uses.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn; Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)

The good Relatively inexpensive, fairly easy to put together as long as you have 2-3 people. It looks nice. \nThe bad The gauge of the aluminum is quite thin. A good bump with a wheelbarrow would probably dent it. This company needs better quality control. Many of the screws were not drilled deep enough for the included Allen wrench to turn... and the Allen wrench itself was not machined right so it was useless. Some of the long screws were bent and unusable. Luckily we had enough of our own tools to work around the problems. The stakes provided to tie it down are hilariously tiny... they are tent stakes! We live in an extremely windy area so we will pour cement footings and bolt ot down to them. We shall see if it can handle rough weather. \nAll in all I like it but I wish it was a little better quality. Oh well, you get what you pay for!. Lisa C.. Flagstaff AZ. 2021-06-13 19:40:15

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13.12 Ft. W x 9.84 Ft. D Aluminum Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.34 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this product. The pergola can be served for various purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The aluminum frame with wood grain painted is rust and corrosion free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant and can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this product in your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • A high-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with solid wood grain paint protects against rust and scratches.

You really can’t beat this for the price. This fit my patio area perfectly and the canopy is nice and shaded! It was pretty easy to set up. The only tricky part was figuring out the correct way the canopy attaches to the posts. You’ll need three step ladders for the job and 3 people for the canopy install. I love the wood grain texture and can’t wait to fully enjoy it this fall!. Michael. Memphis, TN. 2022-08-30 12:16:24

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

12 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.53 total votes

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Frame material: High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with white paint protects against rust and scratches.
  • An adjustable sling canopy offers refuge from the sun's harsh rays, and a safety locking system keeps the canopy in place.
  • A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • The canopy was made of durable yarn-dyed fabric which holds its color better and it's water-repellent, fade, and UV resistant.
  • This pergola is ideal for outdoor dining and entertainment.

Is biutiful. Adriel. Las vegas, NV. 2022-05-10 18:49:55

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72-Hour Clearout
+2 ColorsAvailable in 3 Colors

13 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola with Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.45 total votes

Fast Delivery

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Get it by Fri. Jun 30

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this leaf pergola. It can be used for entertaining al fresco dining or to keep flowers and vegetables from burning on hot summer days. The smooth aluminum frame is rust- and corrosion-resistant and is powder-coated for maximum outdoor durability. The white-painted exterior makes the pergola more elegant and sophisticated, and the convertible canopy slides easily for optimal shade from the harsh sun. It's made from yarn-dyed fabric for better water repellency, fading, and UV resistance for year-round use. Customize the look by adding strings of lights or vines to create stunning visuals. Push away the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • White pergola aluminum alloy frame, powder spray paint, outdoor all-weather use. Suitable for outdoor, patio.
  • Fade-resistant canopy The sun shade canopy is made of improved yarn-dyed fabric, more durable, UV resistant, and fade resistant.
  • Easy assembly detailed instructions, tools required for pergola installation, and customer service contact information are included in the package.

We ordered this pergola based on the dimensions stated. We assembled it only to find it was almost a foot shorter on each side. And it's not that we received the wrong pergola - the package even said it was a 13' x 10' (which is the total size - the interior dimensions from column to column are supposed to be 142.52” W x 100.4” D). But ours measures 12' x 9' total size (with interior column to column dimensions of 135\" W x 92.5\" D). While it may not seem like a lot, it matters to us because when you're working with a smaller space every inch counts. That, and were it the size it was supposed to be our rug would fit within the interior space (which is important because you absolutely have to anchor it to the ground - it's very light). That said, Purple Leaf was great about working with us on the return. And, wrong size notwithstanding, the pergola itself is quite lovely once assembled. The gray shade does an amazing job blocking the sun, and it slid back and forth easily. While the instructions were a bit unclear at times, you eventually figure out. It's also definitely more than a one person job, and even then it takes a few hours to assemble. When it came to final assembly it was easiest to have four people to hold the legs in place because again - it's really light and kind of bendy. But it feels much sturdier once it's completely assembled. Were it the correct size we definitely would have kept it. (Please excuse my finger in the one photo - I was more focused on showing the size discrepancy, but I thought it might help to still show the other angle.) For reference the rug the pergola is resting on measures 8.6' x 13' - it's the Broddick Striped Flatweave Marbella rug.\n\nUPDATE: I contacted Wayfair and they were quick to make everything right. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.. David. Saint Charles, MO. 2022-08-30 13:56:26

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+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

10 Ft. W x 12 Ft. D Metal Pergola with Canopy

by Kozyard


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.4 total votes

Free shipping

Experience the graceful design and inherent practicality of the domino sunshade. This canopy is an elegant solution for any courtyard or garden, providing ample shade for your next barbeque, birthday party, or play date. The deluxe swan shape of this gazebo compliments any picnic table or bistro set and will allow your family and guests to spend all day outdoors without getting sunburned or rained on. Belying its angelic shape, the pergola was built for durability and longevity. It is waterproof, fade-resistant, and blocks dangerous UV rays, keeping your family cozy and safe. All screws are covered by screw nuts for rust protection. At 10 x 12 and 8 feet tall, it provides an extra-large radius of protection from the sun. Because the pergola is convenient for two people to assemble and move, it can be used for multiple different kinds of events and travel to a variety of locations. If you’re looking for a pavilion or canopy, it fills both roles with sophistication and style. A bungee cord with a plastic toggle ball connects the ribs and the canopy.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Love this pergola. Added just what we needed to our outdoor space. Took about 3 hours with 2 people. Easy enough to put together, just tedious. Seems very sturdy. It is on a deck which we will be securing with different deck screws (it does come with some though).. Melissa. New Berlin, WI. 2022-09-24 16:56:08

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Naples 12 Ft. W x 9 Ft. D Steel Pergola with Canopy

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.485 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 9 ft. x 12 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The black rust-resistant powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the beige adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straightforward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing with your beverage of choice in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Freestanding
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I live in a rental and the owners didn’t build a wood pergola off the west facing living room like so many of our neighbors. In the summer, that living room bakes and it heats the whole house. I bought the Naples Metal Pergola to help control the temperature in that room and to help reduce my cooling costs in the summer. It has far exceeded my expectations! It’s free standing and is extremely solid and durable. It weighs about 130lbs, so it isn't going anywhere regardless of how hard the wind blows. It’s attractive, has a nice finish and has already impacted the temperature in the house in the afternoons. Couldn’t be happier! Highly recommend.. Helen. PLEASANTON, CA. 2018-07-01 13:25:36

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Wayfair's Choice
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 20 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.125 total votes

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SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: All Surface Types

When I purchased this (10x20) louvered pergola, the only review here told a tale of misery in the assembly. I was cautiously optimistic that we would have better results. Thankfully, our experience was nothing like that reviewer’s. \n\nIt took my husband and me about 6 hours to assemble the pergola start to finish. A couple of things to keep in mind, especially if you’re considering the 10x20\n\nThere’s absolutely no way you could assemble this alone. We managed with 2 people, but there were points when a 3rd person would have been ideal.\n\nThe assembly isn’t complicated, but it is fairly tedious. You’ll need significant room to work, and you have to have two ladders. We managed with a tall step ladder as our second one, but that only worked because my husband is 6’2”. \n\nWe only had 1 screw break, out of the entire project. It wasn’t a problem, though, because they provide two extra louvers. \n\nSpeaking of the louvers, the previous reviewer installed them incorrectly. There are not “four center pieces” as indicated in the review. All of the louvers are identical, and you install the two pieces that attach to the cranks first. Then you install all of the rest, so that each one lays on the previous one when they’re closed. \n\nWe’ve had this up for several weeks now, and it has rained many, many times. When the louvers are closed, the roof on this pergola is absolutely watertight. It’s incredible. \n\nI cannot recommend this highly enough!. Mallory. US. 2021-05-28 10:59:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+3 ColorsAvailable in 4 Colors

Pergola 10 Ft. W x 13 Ft. D Adjustable Louvered Roof Metal Pergola



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.159 total votes

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SORARA Outdoor Living has created a louvered pergola system that extends your living space outdoors. The patented louvered pergola design allows you to utilize your space on sunny days and even when it's raining. You control the amount of sunlight you want with our premium ergonomically designed louver wand. When the rain starts you do not have to retreat indoors. Simply close the louver roof and let the integrated guttering system protect you from the elements. Whether you are covering a seating area, hot tub, or even your favorite BBQ grill, is a perfect choice. Invite your neighbors, family, and friends over for a day of relaxation. Constructed of a heavy gauge aluminum frame and sturdy powder-coated steel louvers, received a 2020 Red Dot award for its innovative design. There are no visible fasteners to distract from its sleek appearance. Step-by-Step assembly and installation instructions are easy to understand and helpful videos are available as well.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Wood (Patio/Deck)

Overall and when all was said and done, I think this pergola will work well for us. It fit our deck well and truly provides some great options for full shade, being open for sunlight during cooler months, and also an option to leave open to avoid snow weight in the winter. Researched pergolas, gazebos, awnings pretty thoroughly, but settled on this because of roof options and seemed pretty solid looking. I was impressed with the materials and overall structural quality. We’ll see how it holds up in its first 60mph storm though. I will say this was a real beast to assemble myself. Pretty much did it all myself and took a few hours to assemble posts and upper frame one night and better part of a Saturday to put all louvers together, install them and finish assembly. For a handy person, its probably a real 8-10 hour job, but manageable. Be VERY CAREFUL when screwing/tightening the side brackets on the louver sides, the screws are a cheap quality and I probably had 8-10 bust off when almost fully tightened, leaving bolt stuck in the plastic thread. Was a real chore getting around that, but I managed. Also, I was disappointed that the last 2 louvers I pulled out of last box were damaged and dented. I wasn’t gonna mess with trying to get new/replacement ones because shipping this was already REALLY slow to ship. And shippers didn’t communicate at all or even tell us when it was coming or ring doorbell to say it was delivered or they were there. So I just tried straightening out dents myself. Fortunately I got to end of assembly and they had 1 extra louver they included, so I installed least dented 1 on end where it’s not really seen and just stored extra one that was more damaged. Overall, it seems like a solid pergola, the louvered roof works really well and seems well designed. Hope it holds up to our midwest wind and weather, but time will tell. All things considered, I’d give it a 7/10 right now.. Cody. West Fargo, ND. 2021-07-02 23:06:15

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13 Ft. W X 10 Ft. D Aluminium Pergola With Canopy

by Purple Leaf


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.5 total votes

2-Day Delivery

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Get it by Wed. Jun 28

Transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis with this 10' x 13' pergola. The pergola can be served for a variety of purposes. Not only can be used for outdoor dining and entertainment but also can be used as keeping flowers and greens from burning in the hot summer. The sleek aluminum frame is rust and corrosion-free, finished in powder coating for maximum outdoor durability. The convertible canopy can slide easily to offer the optimal shade from harsh sun rays. It is made of yarn-dyed fabric which is water-repellent, fade and UV resistant can be used year-round. Customize the look by adding string lights or vines for creating a stunning visual effect. Push back the canopy and enjoy a day of sunbathing with family and friends.

  • Customize this 10' x 13' pergola on your yard to enjoy outdoor activities. A freestanding pergola that can be installed wherever you like.
  • This pergola help adds elegance and ambiance to your outdoor living space
  • High-performance powder-coated aluminum frame with dark gray painted provides protection against rust and scratches

Bought 2 for use side-by-side. Both arrived with many places of minor damage, the sheet metal used is very light and thin and damaged in shipping very easily. Also these are quite difficult to assemble even with 2 people. All the reviews about time to assemble are completely true, might even take you longer.. Chris. OAK PARK, IL. 2022-12-27 16:48:09

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+3 Colors | 2 SizesAvailable in 4 Colors and 2 Sizes

Florence Aluminum Pergola in Gray with Canopy

by Paragon-Outdoor


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.77 total votes

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Creating a relaxing yet stylish outdoor space with the premium Aluminum soft top Pergola. It offers privacy and optimal shade from harsh sun rays - simply slide the convertible canopy back and forth to suit your comfort level. Beams have a powder-coated construction that is maintenance-free and rust-free; replacing simple wood beams that normally rot, crack or weather over time. This soft top pergola can be used for all four seasons for a year-round backyard beauty. Instruction manuals, hardware bolts, and garden stakes are included to safely secure into any ground. Two people are recommended for installation, with up to 3 hours of assembly time.

  • Frame Material: Aluminum
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Every summer we have q hard time with the sun in the late afternoon. No matter the umbrella we used, it would not provide enough shade\n This year we decided to invest in either q pergola or a gazebo. Ended up going with the pergola because I wanted to have the option of shade or no shade. This pergola is beautiful. It's made of aluminum which hopefully means will last for years to come. We decided to buy from Wayfair to be able to include installation (provided by Handy) which worked out very well.. Pamela. Trumbull, CT. 2020-05-12 20:48:26

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72-Hour Clearout
+1 ColorAvailable in 2 Colors

11 Ft. W x 11 Ft. D Metal Pergola With Canopy

by Joyside


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.43 total votes

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To make the great outdoors even greater, we provide you with durable, stylish, and comfy outdoor furniture that can stand the test of time. From the gazebo, you'll find it elevates your exterior living space to the extraordinary. Whether for a family gathering or just a nice sun bath in your backyard, deck, or poolside, the gazebo makes your outdoor leisure time unforgettable.

  • Frame Material: Metal
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Anchored; Freestanding
  • Weather Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Concrete/Pavement/Cement; Wood (Patio/Deck)
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

I ordered 2 pieces. One arrived on time, the other the next day. The one that was late was just thrown on the road. The box was wrinkled and torn in places. I thought everything was completely broken there. But, not so bad, the damage is not significant. Some places has scrapped and The paint is also scratched in places. For me, all this is not critical. Assembles quickly. About 4 hours collected 2 pieces by two people.\nHint: if the holes do not match, then you need to turn the part over. And everything fits perfectly.\nThe biggest disappointment was the roof. While we were stretching the fabric, it had already begun to tear at the attachment points. But And this is not critical for us either, because we were going to change it anyway.\nIn general, the purchase is satisfied.. Elena. GA. 2022-05-03 16:24:33

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BBQ 11.5 Ft. W x 9.2 FT. D Steel Patio Pergola with Canopy

by Ktaxon


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.23 total votes

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Your family will have a wonderful time with this 12' x 9' Outdoor Rectangular Pergola. With a durable shade and thick, sturdy posts, this pergola is truly the ultimate in practicality and convenience. The adjustable shade allows you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angles of sunlight, and 4 lockers at side help lock in the length you want. The canopy wears a PA coating, which is UV-resistant and water-resistant. The durable powder-coated steel frame features pre-drilled holes so you can anchor it if desired, and the sturdy supporting beams at 4 corners ensure the solid structure of the pergola. Set it up on your lawn or your patio, and get ready to enjoy delightful outdoor life! Attention: It's better to ask 3-4 persons to help set up this pergola, and it may take 1.5-2 hours to finish assembling. The parts of the pergola are packed in 2 boxes separately. Please make sure you receive 2 packages before assembling.

  • Enable you to adjust the length of two sides according to the different angle of sunlight and to lock in the length you want
  • Adjustable canopy to be UV-resistant and water resistant
  • Durable powder-coated and sturdy steel frame
  • Pre-drilled holes in feet to anchor
  • Extra caps on the bottom of feet for better looking

It was a little more difficult to put up but it looks good. Satisfied with the quality of the material. Instructions were easy to follow.. Anonymous. . 2022-09-05 19:04:31

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Sunjoy Meadow 10 ft. x 10 ft. Steel Classic Pergola with Adjustable White Shade

by Sunjoy


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.286 total votes

1-Day Delivery

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Get it Tomorrow

Do you wish you could entertain friends outdoors when they’re at your house? If you’d love to move the party outside, but don’t have a comfortable place to gather, this 10 ft. x 10 ft. classic-design pergola by the world’s leading ready-to-assemble outdoor structure maker, Sunjoy, is the perfect solution. The brown powder-coated steel frame pairs perfectly with the white adjustable weather-resistant canopy. The shade provides for a welcome retreat on the hottest sunny days. With straight-forward, easy-to-follow assembly instructions you’ll be relaxing in your favorite new outdoor living space for years to come.

  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Mounting / Installation Type: Spiked
  • Rust Resistant: Yes
  • Compatible Installation Surface: Grass/Lawn
  • Level of Assembly: Full Assembly Needed

Absolutely love this pergola! I spent a while searching online for one that wasn't so expensive and got good reviews. Also wanted one with a canopy that you can slide up and down to follow where the sun hits. So glad I bought this. Once assembled it looks really nice and worth more than it cost. It feels sturdy and well made so hopefully it will really last. Only 2 complaints - the canopy is not opaque so it lets some sunlight in and definitely lets rain in. Haven't used it much yet but hoping it covers enough of the sun to really create cool shade. Otherwise, I'll be looking to purchase a replacement canopy. I also bought some solar powered string lights to weave across the top for some light at night. \n \nMy biggest complaint though and why I only gave it 4 stars was the instructions - they're horrible. I managed to put the base together wrong, twice, and spent a lot of time fixing it. Also had to call on a few other people to help hold up the posts while I attached the top. So that no one else makes the same assembly mistakes that I made READ THIS FIRST: Do NOT skip the first page that just shows the assembled picture (I'm including a picture of it). I looked at this and saw that it showed multiple steps and went straight to the steps. The big problem there is that it does not clearly tell you in each of those steps the direction of the posts and where the holes on the posts have to face. That is really important! This first page with the assembled picture is the only clear place where it shows you which post letters go where and where the holes go. Pay attention to this before screwing anything together! Otherwise, the rest of the assembly wasn't too hard. With all of my mistakes it took me about 4 hours to put together so should take less if you get it right the first time. \n\nOtherwise, this is a great item and I highly recommend it. . Lindsay. Hawthorne, NJ. 2020-08-12 20:55:00

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