These questions and answers were developed by WHO, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF. We are grateful to young people from the Adolescents and Youth Constituency of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health who contributed to the development of these questions and answers. Updated 14 December 2020
Yes. All age groups can catch COVID-19.
While we are still learning about how COVID-19 affects people, so far, data suggests that children under the age of 18 years have few deaths compared to other age groups and usually mild disease. However, cases of critical illness have been reported. As with adults, pre-existing medical problems like high blood pressure, heart and lung problems, asthma, diabetes, obesity, cancer and neurological and developmental conditions are risk factors for severe disease and intensive care admission in children.
Further resources:
Yes. Infected people in all age groups – including adolescents - can transmit the virus to other people, even if they have mild symptoms or do not feel ill.
The virus is spread from person to person through liquid particles such as aerosols (smaller) and droplets (larger) from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in these droplets from an adolescent infected with the virus. Therefore, it is important to stay at least 1 meter away from others. These droplets can land on objects and surfaces. People can then become infected by touching these objects or surfaces, and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
Further resources:
If you have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19,
contact your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline for instructions and find
out what to do. If you have minor symptoms, such as a slight cough or a mild
fever, and no risk factors for severe disease there is generally no need to go
to a health care facility. Your health provider will assess the situation and
give instructions when and where to get a test, stay at home for 14 days away
from others and monitor your health.
Seek medical care immediately if your health gets
worse, or if there is no one in your family that can take care of you at home. If
possible, call your health care provider, hotline or health facility first, so
you can be directed to the right clinic. It is important that you follow the
procedures put in place by your country. Ask a family member or another trusted
adult how you can find out what these procedures are where you live.
Find out more on our main public advice page.
Further resources:
Immediately seek medical care if a member of your family gets seriously ill, for example develops difficulty breathing or feels pain or pressure in the chest. If possible, either you or an adult should contact your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline for instructions and find out where and how you could get care. If your family member is confirmed as having COVID-19, you must be prepared that you and other known contacts will need to isolate for 14 days and monitor symptoms, even if you feel healthy.
Find out more on our main public advice page.
Further resources:
WHO recommends that countries continue routine immunization services wherever feasible. For example, school-based vaccination initiatives should continue only if infection prevention and control measures are implemented to avoid increased risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus among the students, school personnel and health care providers. However, vaccines provided to adolescents have sufficiently flexible schedules to make sure you can get the vaccine in time when vaccination services start again. For example, the HPV vaccine that requires two doses can be started any time between 9 and 14 years of age and the interval between the two doses can be longer. The minimum interval between doses is 6 months, but it can be 12 or 15 months and, if necessary, even longer. It is most important that you receive the second dose at some point in time to be fully protected.
Decisions to continue routine vaccination services are made by each country. Ask a family member or another trusted adult how you can get information about vaccination services where you live. It is important you get the vaccines you are supposed to get, even if they have to be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further resources:
For people with chronic conditions such as such as asthma, diabetes, TB and HIV the most important thing is to continue your medication as prescribed, attend recommended check-ups and seek medical help if you have new symptoms.
Check with your health authorities and health provider if your regular check-ups should be done differently during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some services, such as counselling, may be available remotely. For treatment of clinically stable adolescents with HIV and adolescents with TB and/or other chronic conditions, your health provider should consider multi-month prescriptions and dispensing which will reduce the frequency of your visits to the clinic and ensure continuity of treatment, if movements are disrupted during the pandemic. Seek advice from your health authorities and health care provider on how to be protected from COVID-19 and continue your treatment as prescribed.
Find out more on our main public advice page.
Further resources:
Spending more time at home is difficult and can get boring, but it may help to do something you enjoy. This could be reading a book, playing games or listening to music. Try to stay connected with friends and family every day either by communicating with them by phone or internet if you can, or, if you live close to them and the local rules allow you to, by talking in-person while keeping your distance. You can also get involved with your community to help fight the transmission of the virus.
At the same time, it is still really important that you reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub as often as possible, keeping at least 1 metre (3 feet) from other people, and avoiding crowded places. Even if adolescents with COVID-19 usually do not have symptoms and have mild disease, you might be one of the unlucky adolescents who does get severely ill from COVID-19, or you could spread it to others and be responsible for them getting really ill or even dying. You have the power to make choices that could save lives and together young people can play an important part in fighting COVID-19.
Find out more on our main public advice page.
Further resources:
Explain to your friends why it is important to protect themselves and others by washing their hands, avoiding touching their face, always coughing or sneezing into their elbow, sleeve, or a tissue, and cooperating with physical distancing measures and movement restrictions when called on to do so. Maybe you can share ideas for fun virtual activities that your friends can participate in, and you can encourage them to do them together with you or with other friends. For example, you can encourage them to join YouthAgainstCOVID19 campaign that aims to help teach young people around the world about COVID-19 and what they can do to keep their friends, families and communities safe. This way you are giving them alternatives rather than just telling them to stay at home.
But, remember that you do not have control over other peoples’ actions so do not get into an argument or a fight to try to change their minds.
Yes. You can play sports that are in line with the physical distancing measures and movement restrictions that are in place in your country. If you are able to go for a bicycle ride, or if you go to a park or public open space to walk, run or exercise always practice physical distancing and wash your hands with water and soap before you leave, when you get to where you are going, and as soon as you get home. If water and soap are not immediately available, use alcohol-based hand rub.
Being physically active is good for your health, both physical and mental. Set up a regular routine to practice activities or sports that do not require close contact with others every day for 1 hour. You can do individual sports, like jogging, walking, dancing or yoga. There are many options to try. You can set up playground games indoors, such as jump rope and hop-scotch, play with your brothers and sisters, and practice some strength training activities, using improvised weights like bottles full of water or sand. If you have access to the internet, you can also join in online active games or fitness classes, or set up your own online physical exercises with your friends or classmates. Find an activity that is fun, can be done within the restrictions that are in place in your country, and makes you feel good.
Do not exercise if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Stay home and rest, seek medical attention and follow the directions of your local health authority.
Further resources:
In situations like a pandemic it is very normal to feel anxious and powerless, and that is ok. Here are a few suggestions on things that could help you proactively manage your anxiety:
Your body and mind are connected. Here are some things you can do to keep them healthy:
• Stay active! Being physically active is good for your body and can help your mind feel better too. If you can go outside, try a walk, run, bike ride, or any other sport. If indoors, try dancing, stretching, or any other movement you can do. Find what works for you – and do it!
• Eat well! Try to make healthy choices about what you eat if you can.
• Take notice of yourself and the world around you. This means becoming more aware of your breathing, your body and your surroundings. Try to BE PRESENT in the moment!
• Sleep! Try to get the right balance of sleep each night. This will help you grow well, stay healthy, and keep clear thoughts.
• Find things that make you happy and do those things more! Listening to music, reading, playing games, chatting with friends, growing plants, cooking, drawing, playing sports…there are many possibilities! Perhaps even try something new! Just make sure that during these activities you respect physical distancing and other protection measures that are in place in your country.
Keep in touch with your family and friends however you can. Use social media, email, phone calls, write a letter! Be creative. And if you can’t connect, then think about a memory of a shared time together.
Understanding how you feel is important. Don’t ignore it. Sometimes writing your feelings down can help you to describe it. It might sound easy or simple, but try this “I feel ....... right now”.
It is okay to feel however it is that you’re feeling. Putting pressure on yourself to always ‘be happy’ or ‘stay positive’ or ‘stay productive’ can sometimes make you feel worse. Instead, if you notice you are experiencing difficult emotions, try telling yourself: “I feel worried and scared, but that does not mean I am not coping.” “It’s been a tough time, it’s okay to be upset.” “I am feeling [insert how you are feeling] and that is okay.” “These are difficult times, it’s normal to feel upset.”
Or think of something to tell yourself that works for you.
Our body experiences and reacts to how we feel. Do you often get headaches? Do your shoulders, chest, or stomach sometimes feel tense? Try closing your eyes, and listening to your own breathing. Notice how you feel in each part of your body, starting from your head down to your toes. Notice if you are feeling any tightness, pain, or pressure in your body. Being aware of where you are feeling tension can help you release it.
Slow breathing is one of the quickest ways of calming down the body when we experience feelings such as fear, worry or anger. Close your eyes and think of a calm place. Imagine yourself there, feeling relaxed.
• Focus on breathing slowly.
• Breathe in for a slow count of 3 and out for a slow count of 3.
• Practice this for a few minutes.
How do you feel after?
When you are experiencing difficult feelings, it is important to find healthy ways to take care of yourself.
Find out more on our #HealthyAtHome - Mental health page.
Further resources:
A near-constant stream of news, sometimes contradictory, can cause anyone to feel lost and distressed. Make sure to use reliable sources such as UNICEF and WHO’s sites to get information, or to check any information you might be getting through less reliable channels.
If you have a phone, you can use the WHO Health Alert on WhatsApp to get the latest information about the pandemic. This is a new service, which is free to use, designed to give prompt, reliable and official information 24 hours a day, worldwide. Start by clicking the WHO Health Alert, then simply text the word ‘Hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started. Many countries have similar initiatives to provide context-specific information and updates. Keep in mind that overloading yourself with information about the COVID-19 pandemic can also be stressful, so seek information updates and practical guidance at specific times during the day and avoid listening to or following rumours that make you feel uncomfortable.
Find out more on our Mythbusters page
Find out more on our #HealthyAtHome - Mental health page.
Further resources:
A decision to reopen schools in every country and area is made based on careful assessment of the situation, with consensus among all the key parties involved, including the health and education policy-makers, teachers and other school staff, parents and health and community workers. In addition, reopening of schools is carefully planned and prepared, with all necessary measures in place to protect the safety and health of everyone in the school community.
Therefore, if your school reopens, you should feel assured it is safe for you to go back to school – provided that you strictly follow the guidelines and rules that will be provided by your school.
Of course, if you have any concerns with going back to school, do not hesitate to speak out to your teachers and parents or guardians.
Further resources:
Your school or place where you are studying are likely to make arrangements for you to catch up on what you have missed when your school was closed. Many schools have put in place accelerated learning modalities to help pupils catch up on learning loss.
If your school is still closed, and you cannot attend classes in person, follow the procedures that your school has put in place to give you access to educational materials and technologies (internet, texting radio, radio, or television). If you have access to the internet, you can also consult your teachers and other trusted adults to identify and access reliable online learning opportunities and resources, including those included in the distance learning solutions recommended by UNESCO, the United Nations agency that helps countries improve their education systems. In addition, UNESCO is collecting stories from students, teachers and parents about how they are coping and continuing to learn during school closures. Access those stories, they might inspire you. You can also contact UNESCO and share your story! Find out how to share it here.
In places where internet connectivity is a problem, many governments have started to broadcast educational programmes on TV and radio channels during school closures. If you live in such a place, look out for educational programmes on your local TV and radio channels.
Further resources:
You should not wear a mask when playing sports or doing physical activities, such as running, jumping or playing on the playground, so that it doesn’t compromise your breathing. However, remember to maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, limit the number of friends playing together, and respect hand hygiene.
Regarding wearing masks in schools and other public places, WHO advises that people always consult and abide by local authorities on recommended practices in their area. In countries or areas where there is intense community transmission of the virus and in settings where physical distancing cannot be achieved, WHO and UNICEF advise decision makers to apply the following criteria for use of masks in schools (either in classes, corridors or communal areas) when developing national policies:
• Children aged 5 years and under should not be required to wear masks.
• For children between six and 11 years of age, the decision to use a mask will vary from place to place, and will depend on several factors, such as the intensity of transmission in the area where the child lives, local norms that influence social interactions, the child’s capacity to comply with the appropriate use of masks and availability of appropriate adult supervision, and other factors.
• Children and adolescents 12 years or older should follow the national mask guidelines for adults.
Watch our ‘How to wear a fabric mask’ video for a demonstration.
Watch our ‘WHO’s recommended fabric mask materials and composition’ video for more information.
Further resources:
COVID-19 has abruptly pushed many people’s daily lives online, and you may be spending even more hours online than before. While online solutions provide huge opportunities for continuing your learning, socializing and playing, you should try to limit the amount of screen time that is not related to your studies or physical activity. This is because you need to be physically active to keep healthy and a positive attitude. In addition, some people are sensitive to flickering lights and may get headaches, nausea, and dizziness, and even seizures if they spend too much time in front of a screen. Therefore, it is important to replace some of the recreational screen time with non-screen activities, like listening to music, reading, playing board games, and physical activity, like going for a walk or jog. Excessive gaming can lead to “gaming disorder” that leads to reduced sleep or day-night reversal, loss of appetite, aggression, headaches, and attention problems. If you experience these symptoms, seek help from your parents or a trusted adult.
Further resources:
Since you might be spending even more time online than before, it is wise to be aware of some of the risks. First, be careful what content you share online. Risky behaviour, such as sexting or sharing of sexualized content, can expose you to risks of blackmail, harassment and humiliation. Second, spending more time online may increase the chances that you could come into contact with online predators who seek to sexually exploit young people. When in front of webcams wear appropriate clothing and avoid using private instant messaging services in your communication with teachers. In addition, it’s important to note that some adolescents – for example those with disabilities and those perceived to be different or at greater risk of catching or spreading COVID-19 - may be at increased risk of cyberbullying and discrimination. Hurtful, discriminatory or inappropriate online contact is never okay. If in doubt, or if you feel uncomfortable or distressed about some interactions you have online, tell a parent or another trusted adult immediately.
Further resources:
Find out more about COVID-19 and its implications for protecting children online
This is a difficult time. Many people – including perhaps your parents - are worrying about security, health, and money. When people are in cramped and confined living conditions, these tensions and stress can become even greater. It is normal to have disagreements. However, if the disagreements become verbal or physical, then it is right to take action.
If you are worried about what is happening in your home, or don’t feel safe, talk to a trusted adult about what worries you, and seek their advice. During an argument or a fight, try not to draw attention to yourself so that you don’t end up getting hurt. It might be useful to have a safety plan in case the violence escalates. This includes preparing a bag with essential items, like clothing, documents and electric charger, and having a neighbour, friend, relative, or shelter identified to go to should you need to leave the house immediately for safety reasons. Arrange with the trusted adult to help you alert the relevant authorities who can help you stay safe, including the police, emergency health services and social services.
In many of the countries that have been most affected by COVID-19, essential services are still available, including shelters or protection services. If there are no trusted adults for you to share your concerns with, your country may have helplines, including text services so that you can communicate with someone who can help you or give you advice.
Further resources:
There is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through semen or vaginal fluids. However, having sex with someone means that you are very close to them. This puts one person at risk if the other person has COVID-19. Masturbation does not involve another person and carries no risk of COVID-19. Depending on the government guideline, there might be restrictions in place to meet people outside your household, so it is important you follow these guidelines. Your risk of COVID-19 is not increased if you already live in the same household as your sexual partner and you are both taking steps to protect yourself from the virus. Make sure to use condoms and contraception to avoid sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy.
Further resources:
It is wrong for anyone to do this. And it is not your fault in any way. If you are staying in the same house as the person and/or are dependent on him (it will usually be a man), that may make some of the things that you could do difficult, especially during stay-at-home restrictions due to COVID-19. Here are some things that you can consider doing to improve your safety while in the house.
If you have been sexually abused or raped and need urgent medical help or care, go as soon as possible to the nearest hospital or clinic to ask for medical care.
Further resources:
We don’t know when the pandemic will end, but we know it depends on every person’s contribution in helping stop the spread of the virus. The sacrifices you have made by not seeing your friends and by not going to school for a while, and other activities, are your contributions to fighting the pandemic. By putting societies and economies on hold, we have reduced the ability of the virus to spread through our communities. These defensive measures have helped to limit the damage the virus can cause, and bought us time to learn more about the virus and find solutions so that we can get back to a more familiar way of living. This is why it was possible to reopen schools and businesses in many places. It is important that you continue to practice the recommended measures and encourage your friends to do the same to prevent the situation from getting worse.
Further resources:
The anonymity of working from home is really taking a toll on people and it is normal if you are feeling a bit forgotten and lost. It can feel difficult to get the attention you deserve and get your work noticed, especially if this is a new job and you do not yet know your manager and other colleagues well. If you have a comfortable relationship with your supervisor it may be helpful to discuss whether adjustments to your workload, work schedule or other work-related matters can be made. This conversation could also be held with the person responsible for human resources at work.
There are many things you can do to feel more comfortable in the new job while working remotely. Ask your supervisor to access a training on remote working and personal effectiveness skills. Using your time to access learning and training opportunities can not only help you develop skills for your current role but also prepare you for future roles you may desire. Agree with your manager to have regular check-in calls where you can keep your supervisor aware of accomplishments with an informative summary. If you have regular team meetings use this as an opportunity to flag your key successes, and let your co-workers to know you better. Invite your colleagues with whom you haven’t connected yet to virtual coffee dates. Don’t be shy to volunteer for new projects, and offer help to your colleagues when you can.
When solutions to problems are hard to find, it can help to talk through with people who you trust, who may be able to help or can be a person to discuss ideas with - ranging from friends, to our work colleagues or supervisors or HR or to external advisors such as career guidance and job-seeking support. Many public employment offices have moved their services online and can offer you great insights about the labour market, vacancies and training opportunities.
If you feel your mental health is taking a big toll and its affecting you much more than expected (such as affecting how well you work) then consider the following 1) engaging in stress management techniques – as reduced stress can help to improve our problem solving thinking (see Doing What Matters in Times of Stress and Managing work-related psychosocial risks during the COVID-19 pandemic); 2) if you are still in work, consider reaching out to your staff health or human resources services who may be able to help you find to mental health and psychosocial support at work or through your local health services including online support.
Further resources:
COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease which means that it existed naturally in animals before it spilled over to humans. Most new or emerging infectious diseases —whether in wildlife, domestic animals, plants or people — are driven by human activities that lead to environmental degradation. Human pressures, from deforestation, to intensive and polluting agricultural practices, to unsafe management and consumption of wildlife, increase the risk of new or emerging infectious diseases. This is why the number of emerging infectious disease outbreaks has increased steadily since 1980.
To prevent the disastrous effects of emerging infectious diseases, we have to recognize that human health is intimately connected to the health of animals and our shared environment, and take action. Millions of young people have already mobilized to demand action not only on climate and biodiversity - but also for the right to breathe clean air, and for their future on a liveable planet. You can join them to add your voice and talents to this global movement:
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