summarize in short "Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times. Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top) This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice."

Frozen peas are a versatile and budget-friendly ingredient that retains the fresh flavor of the vegetable. They can be easily transformed into various dishes like pea soup or crushed peas with butter or olive oil. They go well with fish fingers, poached eggs, or even pasta. It is recommended to keep a small bag of peas in the freezer at all times. One recipe suggestion is pea and potato pav bhaji, a popular Mumbai street food, which can be enjoyed on bread rolls. This simplified version uses lemon zest and juice instead of mango powder.

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