By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
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By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Soutik Biswas
India correspondent
By Kathryn Armstrong
BBC News
Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia among protesters detained in New Delhi.
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC World Service, Bengaluru
By Mattea Bubalo
BBC News
By John Campbell
BBC News NI economics and business editor
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
By Luke de Costa & Lewis Coombes
BBC Sport
By Cherylann Mollan
BBC News, Mumbai
By Ashraf Padanna
Reporter, Trivandrum, Kerala
By Meryl Sebastian
BBC News
Cricketer MS Dhoni has decided not to retire after leading the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. Despite expectations of retirement, Dhoni cited the love and support from his fans as the reason for his continued involvement in the sport. CSK won the final match against the Gujarat Titans by five wickets, prompting massive celebrations on social media. Dhoni's decision was praised by fans who saw it as a gift, allowing them to savor the moment. The 41-year-old cricketer is considered an icon and has achieved numerous successes in his career, including winning the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the 2011 ODI World Cup with the Indian team. He is known for his unconventional choices and strategic brilliance as a captain. Dhoni plans to play at least one more season of the IPL as a gift to his fans.
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","tagName":"P","textContent":"Cricketer MS Dhoni has decided not to retire after leading the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. Despite expectations of retirement, Dhoni cited the love and support from his fans as the reason for his continued involvement in the sport. CSK won the final match against the Gujarat Titans by five wickets, prompting massive celebrations on social media. Dhoni's decision was praised by fans who saw it as a gift, allowing them to savor the moment. The 41-year-old cricketer is considered an icon and has achieved numerous successes in his career, including winning the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the 2011 ODI World Cup with the Indian team. He is known for his unconventional choices and strategic brilliance as a captain. Dhoni plans to play at least one more season of the IPL as a gift to his fans.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"},"selected":"Cricketer MS Dhoni has decided not to retire after leading the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. Despite expectations of retirement, Dhoni cited the love and support from his fans as the reason for his continued involvement in the sport. CSK won the final match against the Gujarat Titans by five wickets, prompting massive celebrations on social media. Dhoni's decision was praised by fans who saw it as a gift, allowing them to savor the moment. The 41-year-old cricketer is considered an icon and has achieved numerous successes in his career, including winning the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the 2011 ODI World Cup with the Indian team. He is known for his unconventional choices and strategic brilliance as a captain. Dhoni plans to play at least one more season of the IPL as a gift to his fans."},"event_id":86,"element_html":"Cricketer MS Dhoni has decided not to retire after leading the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. Despite expectations of retirement, Dhoni cited the love and support from his fans as the reason for his continued involvement in the sport. CSK won the final match against the Gujarat Titans by five wickets, prompting massive celebrations on social media. Dhoni's decision was praised by fans who saw it as a gift, allowing them to savor the moment. The 41-year-old cricketer is considered an icon and has achieved numerous successes in his career, including winning the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the 2011 ODI World Cup with the Indian team. He is known for his unconventional choices and strategic brilliance as a captain. Dhoni plans to play at least one more season of the IPL as a gift to his fans.
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