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    \n A seasonal alfresco dinner that won’t take hours to prepare\n
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    \n A seasonal alfresco dinner that won’t take hours to prepare\n
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    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian
    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    Rosie Sykes’ budget recipes with frozen peas

    Frozen peas retain all their natural sweet freshness and are a comforting essential when you’re cooking on a budget

    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

    … there is a good reason why NOT to support the Guardian

    Not everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. 

    But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 

    1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more

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    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian
    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    Rosie Sykes’ budget recipes with frozen peas

    Frozen peas retain all their natural sweet freshness and are a comforting essential when you’re cooking on a budget

    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

    … there is a good reason why NOT to support the Guardian

    Not everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. 

    But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 

    1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more

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    Help power the Guardian’s journalism for the years to come, whether with a small sum or a larger one. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just £2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you.

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    ","tagName":"DIV","textContent":" Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The GuardianDeliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The GuardianBudget mealsFoodRosie Sykes’ budget recipes with frozen peasFrozen peas retain all their natural sweet freshness and are a comforting essential when you’re cooking on a budgetRosie SykesMon 12 Jun 2023 13.00 BSTLast modified on Mon 12 Jun 2023 17.38 BST4040Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.Prep 15 minCook 35 minServes 43 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubesSea salt and black pepper½ tsp ground turmeric300g frozen peas35g butter1 tbsp oil2 medium onions, peeled and finely diced1 fresh red chilli1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)4 tomatoes, chopped into small diceZest and juice of ½ lemon20g fresh coriander, stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masalaA pinch of chilli powder4 white rolls, split in halfPut the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.Green eggsSummer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The GuardianThis is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.Prep 10 minInfuse 5 min+Cook 25 minServes 41 vegetable or chicken stock cube3 sprigs fresh mint, leaves picked, stalks reservedSea salt and black pepper200g greens, finely shredded4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced300g frozen peas100g french beans, topped and chopped into 2cm pieces80g orzo or pastina80g creme fraiche1 medium garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed4 eggsBoil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.\n Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.\n… there is a good reason why NOT to support the GuardianNot everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more2. We are independent and have no billionaire owner pulling the strings, so your money directly powers our reporting3. It doesn’t cost much, and takes less time than it took to read this messageHelp power the Guardian’s journalism for the years to come, whether with a small sum or a larger one. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just £2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you.Contribution frequency SingleMonthlyAnnualContribution amount $3 per month$6 per monthOtherContinueRemind me in JulyTopicsFoodBudget mealsVegetablesCurryBreadSoupEggsBritish food and drinkrecipesReuse this contentMost viewedSurveillance, swimming and sexy slugs: 2023 Film London Jarman award nominees announced ‘They need to evolve’: why Britain’s curry houses are in declineWeather tracker: India and Pakistan keep close eye on tropical cyclone Kylian Mbappé stuns PSG with formal decision not to renew contract in 2024LiveRussia-Ukraine war live: ‘massive missile attack’ on city of Kryvyi Rih; senior Russian general killed in Zaporizhzhia, says Moscow","xpath":"/html[1]/body[1]/main[1]/article[1]/div[1]/div[1]"}},"event_id":53,"element_html":"
    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian
    Deliciously spreadable: Rosie Sykes’ pea and potato pav bhaji. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    Rosie Sykes’ budget recipes with frozen peas

    Frozen peas retain all their natural sweet freshness and are a comforting essential when you’re cooking on a budget

    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

    … there is a good reason why NOT to support the Guardian

    Not everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. 

    But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 

    1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more

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    3 sprigs fresh mint
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    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

    … there is a good reason why NOT to support the Guardian

    Not everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. 

    But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 

    1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more

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    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

    … there is a good reason why NOT to support the Guardian

    Not everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. 

    But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 

    1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more

    2. We are independent and have no billionaire owner pulling the strings, so your money directly powers our reporting

    3. It doesn’t cost much, and takes less time than it took to read this message

    Help power the Guardian’s journalism for the years to come, whether with a small sum or a larger one. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just £2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you.

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    ","tagName":"DIV","textContent":"Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.Prep 15 minCook 35 minServes 43 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubesSea salt and black pepper½ tsp ground turmeric300g frozen peas35g butter1 tbsp oil2 medium onions, peeled and finely diced1 fresh red chilli1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)4 tomatoes, chopped into small diceZest and juice of ½ lemon20g fresh coriander, stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masalaA pinch of chilli powder4 white rolls, split in halfPut the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.Green eggsSummer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The GuardianThis is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.Prep 10 minInfuse 5 min+Cook 25 minServes 41 vegetable or chicken stock cube3 sprigs fresh mint, leaves picked, stalks reservedSea salt and black pepper200g greens, finely shredded4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced300g frozen peas100g french beans, topped and chopped into 2cm pieces80g orzo or pastina80g creme fraiche1 medium garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed4 eggsBoil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.\n Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.\n… there is a good reason why NOT to support the GuardianNot everyone can afford to pay for news right now. That is why we keep our journalism open for everyone to read, including in India. If this is you, please continue to read for free. But if you are able to, then there are THREE good reasons to support us today. 1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more2. We are independent and have no billionaire owner pulling the strings, so your money directly powers our reporting3. It doesn’t cost much, and takes less time than it took to read this messageHelp power the Guardian’s journalism for the years to come, whether with a small sum or a larger one. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just £2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you.Contribution frequency SingleMonthlyAnnualContribution amount $3 per month$6 per monthOtherContinueRemind me in JulyTopicsFoodBudget mealsVegetablesCurryBreadSoupEggsBritish food and drinkrecipesReuse this content","xpath":"/html[1]/body[1]/main[1]/article[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[6]"}},"event_id":57,"element_html":"

    Cooked as soon as they are picked and frozen soon after, frozen peas retain all the vegetable’s sweet, fresh flavour. They are very comforting and easy to transform into all sorts: pea soup, for instance, takes mere minutes, while crushed peas with a good dose of butter or olive oil go well with anything from fish fingers to poached eggs, or even stirred through pasta – the possibilities are endless. Frozen peas are an essential when you’re cooking on a budget, so even if you have just an ice box, make sure you keep a small bag of peas in there at all times.

    Pea and potato pav bhaji (pictured top)

    This deliciously spoonable/spreadable curry eaten on bread rolls (pav) is one of Mumbai’s most popular street foods. I was introduced to it by my baker friend, Adam, though this version is simpler than his, mainly to keep costs down. If you can get hold of pav bhaji masala powder, so much the better – its defining trait is mango powder, for which I’ve substituted here with lemon zest and juice.

    Prep 15 min
    Cook 35 min
    Serves 4

    3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes
    Sea salt and black pepper
    ½ tsp ground turmeric
    300g frozen peas
    35g butter
    1 tbsp oil
    2 medium onions
    , peeled and finely diced
    1 fresh red chilli
    1 red, yellow or green pepper, stalk, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely diced (or 120g frozen sliced peppers, defrosted and chopped up a bit)
    4 tomatoes, chopped into small dice
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon
    20g fresh coriander
    , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped
    1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
    1 tbsp garam masala, or pav bhaji masala
    A pinch of chilli powder
    4 white rolls
    , split in half

    Put the potatoes in a pan, pour in enough cold water just to cover, then add a generous dose of salt, some black pepper and the turmeric. Bring to a boil, then simmer until soft – keep an eye on the water in the pan, because you don’t want it to boil dry; equally, you don’t want to strain off at lot of water at the end. When the potatoes are collapsing, add the peas and, if it’s looking dry, a dash more water, cook for five minutes more, then strain the cooking liquor into a bowl and reserve it. Roughly mash the potatoes and peas.

    Meanwhile, heat 15g butter and the oil in a second medium-sized pan, then add all but a heaped tablespoon of the onions and some salt. Once they start to sizzle, turn the heat right down, cover and leave to cook for six to eight minutes, to soften. Check on them from time to time: if they are taking on a lot of colour (a little is OK), stir in a splash of water. Once the onions are soft, add the chilli, sliced pepper, tomato, lemon zest and coriander stalks, turn up the heat and cook, stirring regularly, for a few minutes. Once the tomatoes have softened right down, add the ginger and garlic paste, stir for a minute, then stir in three-quarters of a tablespoon of garam masala and cook for a minute or two longer.

    Add the reserved cooking liquor, then stir in the mash and cook, stirring constantly, until the mix has a loose, spreadable consistency that will smear nicely on bread. Add a few tablespoons of water to loosen, if need be, simmer for a few minutes, so all the flavours intensify, then stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.

    Leave the curry to sit on a low heat while you melt the remaining butter in a large frying pan. Set aside a third of the melted butter, stir the remaining quarter-tablespoon of garam masala and the chilli powder into the rest, then lay in the bread rolls cut down in the spicy butter, to absorb it, and heat up.

    Stir the chopped coriander into the curry and pour the reserved melted butter on top.

    Spoon some curry on to the base of a roll, top with some of the reserved raw onion, coriander, an optional squeeze of lemon and the roll’s lid, then tuck in.

    Green eggs

    Summer vibes: Rosie Sykes’ green eggs. Photograph: Yuki Sugiura/The Guardian

    This is a lovely, soupy, seasonal veg stew that you can add to or subtract from, depending on what you have to hand or on what’s looking good. Frozen peas hold the key to the sweet, light summer vibes, though. You could also use frozen spinach and beans, which make it an economical year-round dish.

    Prep 10 min
    Infuse 5 min+
    Cook 25 min
    Serves 4

    1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
    3 sprigs fresh mint
    , leaves picked, stalks reserved
    Sea salt and black pepper
    200g greens, finely shredded
    4 spring onions, trimmed as little as possible, then finely sliced
    300g frozen peas
    100g french beans
    , topped and chopped into 2cm pieces
    80g orzo or pastina
    80g creme fraiche
    1 medium
    garlic clove, peeled and finely grated or crushed
    4 eggs

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    Lift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.

    While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.

    Heat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.

    Blob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls.

    • Rosie Sykes is a chef and food writer. Her next book, Every Last Bite: 70 Recipes to Save Time, Money and Resources, will be published by Quadrille next year.

    • \n

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    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

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    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

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    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

    ","tagName":"P","textContent":"Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.","xpath":"id(\"maincontent\")/div[1]/p[14]"},"selected":"Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.\n\nLift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.\n\nWhile the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.\n\nHeat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.\n\nBlob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls."},"event_id":60,"element_html":"

    Boil the kettle, then pour 700ml boiling water into a medium casserole dish for which you have a lid and that can fit under the grill. Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.

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Crumble in the stock cube, throw in the mint stalks, a good pinch of salt and a grind of pepper, then bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the stock cube. Turn off the heat, then leave to infuse for at least five minutes, and ideally up to 30 if you have the time.\r\n\r\nLift out and discard the mint stalks, then add the shredded greens and spring onions, bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes. Add the peas, beans and pasta, bring back to a simmer and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until soft.\r\n\r\nWhile the vegetables are cooking, finely chop the mint leaves, then stir into the creme fraiche with the garlic and season.\r\n\r\nHeat the grill to high, or turn on the oven to the highest it can go. One at a time, break the eggs into a small cup, then gently slide each of them into a different corner of the pan. Give the broth around each egg a little stir, so the whites start to set, then cover and simmer for three or so minutes, until the whites are well on their way to being set.\r\n\r\nBlob some of the creme fraiche mixture on each egg, drop the rest all around the top of the stew, then grill or bake for three or four minutes, until the cream turns golden brown. Serve warm in shallow bowls."},"event_id":76,"element_html":"","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":330.84500002861023,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-83-1.png","page":"page-84-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":405,"mouseY":149,"tabId":2011629231,"timestamp":1686649257216,"url":"https://bard.google.com/","viewportHeight":657,"viewportWidth":1366,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":405,"clientY":149,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":75,"layerY":108,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":15,"offsetY":8,"pageX":405,"pageY":149,"returnValue":true,"screenX":405,"screenY":220,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":63570.89999997616,"x":405,"y":149},"element":{"attributes":{"data-webtasks-id":"3e0e4b32-558e-4ede"},"bbox":{"bottom":397,"height":256,"left":390,"right":1246,"top":141,"width":856,"x":390,"y":141},"innerHTML":"\n
  • In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.
  • \n
  • Add shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.
  • \n
  • While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.
  • \n
  • Heat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.
  • \n
  • Top each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm.
  • \n","outerHTML":"
    1. In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.
    2. \n
    3. Add shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.
    4. \n
    5. While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.
    6. \n
    7. Heat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.
    8. \n
    9. Top each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm.
    10. \n
    ","tagName":"OL","textContent":"\nIn a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.\nAdd shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.\nWhile the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.\nHeat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.\nTop each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm.\n","xpath":"id(\"message-content-idr_bc17e18f21c18378\")/div[1]/ol[1]"}},"event_id":84,"element_html":"
    1. In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.
    2. \n
    3. Add shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.
    4. \n
    5. While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.
    6. \n
    7. Heat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.
    8. \n
    9. Top each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm.
    10. \n
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  • In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.
  • ","tagName":"LI","textContent":"In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.","xpath":"id(\"message-content-idr_bc17e18f21c18378\")/div[1]/ol[1]/li[1]"},"selected":"In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.\nAdd shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.\nWhile the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.\nHeat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.\nTop each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm."},"event_id":85,"element_html":"
  • In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.
  • ","screenshot_effect":null}},{"timestamp":395.629,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Below summary is generated using Bard AI:\n\t\n\t1. In a medium casserole dish, bring 700ml boiling water to a simmer with a stock cube, mint stalks, salt, and pepper. Turn off the heat and let infuse for at least 5 minutes.\n\t2. Add shredded greens, spring onions, peas, beans, and pasta to the casserole dish and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until soft.\n\t3. While the vegetables are cooking, finely chop mint leaves and stir into creme fraiche with garlic. Season to taste.\n\t4. Heat the grill or oven to high. Break eggs into a small cup and gently slide each egg into a different corner of the casserole dish. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set.\n\t5. Top each egg with some of the creme fraiche mixture and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until the cream is golden brown. Serve warm.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":400.629,"speaker":"instructor","utterance":"We are done here.","type":"chat"}],"status":"checked"}