Menu from Restaurant Jonathan & Sieglinde
Check out the menu at Restaurant Jonathan & Sieglinde and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From appetizers to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store for you when you book a table at Restaurant Jonathan & Sieglinde. You can even check out the prices so you know what to expect, besides the flavours.Browse the menu highlights from Restaurant Jonathan & Sieglinde and when your mouth starts to water, so you can get in on the flavour action. Mmmm we’re getting hungry already…
Menu highlights
Includes dishes that are:
Kärntner Erdäpfel Rahmsuppe
Erdäpfel - Chipskörberl
Ziegenkäse in Speck
Erdäpfel - Lachsravioli
Erdäpfel Pfandl
Erdäpfel - Cordon Bleu
..Ofen-ERDÄPFEL mit Butter
Der Vegetarier
...Ofen-ERDÄPFEL mit viel Gemüse und Rahmsauce
Le Gourmet
...Ofen ERDÄPFEL mit Schweinsmedallions und Pfeffersauce
Apfelschaum mit Calvados
Warmes Reis-Soufflé-Törtchen
Erdäpfel-Topfenecken & Berencrumble
If you have found the perfect dish and you're in charge of picking a restaurant
Book a table before they’re gone