Welcome, to NightCafe Studio!

NightCafe Studio

Your creations will show up here. This area can also be used for choosing images, editing advanced settings, and more.


Add a text prompt, tweak your settings, and watch the magic happen.


Browse your latest creations. Click one to open it, then duplicate, evolve, share, publish or do whatever you like with it.


Creating is more fun with friends. Start a chat, or join one that someone shared with you, then have fun creating together.

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  • Create


    Text Prompt

    Describe what you want the AI to create



    Credit Cost

    Total cost: 0.75 credits
    Your balance: 0.25 credits

    You're out of credits.
    You'll only be able to create single-image base "Stable" creations until you've got more credits. Subscribe to NightCafe PRO to keep creating.