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\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\nJack’s food blog Recipes – Jack's Food Blog\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSkip to content
Photo by Timur Saglambilek on Pexels.com\n\" data-medium-file=\"https://jacksgrub.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/pexels-photo-66639.jpeg?w=300\" data-large-file=\"https://jacksgrub.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/pexels-photo-66639.jpeg?w=1024\" data-webtasks-id=\"1c40a735-5532-41dc\">
Jack’s food blog Recipes
Recipes were the starting point of Jack’s Food Blog, and they’re still the area where we see the most interest from our readers. Take a look through some of our favourite recipes here. We specialise in batch cooking recipes and one pot favourites.
Slow cooking pork always brings out a whole load of flavour – enjoy
I hope you’ve enjoyed this curated list of our top recipes. Hopefully there’s been something here which suits your needs. If not, you can view all of our latest posts at the bottom of this page.
Photo by Timur Saglambilek on Pexels.com\n\" data-medium-file=\"https://jacksgrub.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/pexels-photo-66639.jpeg?w=300\" data-large-file=\"https://jacksgrub.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/pexels-photo-66639.jpeg?w=1024\" data-webtasks-id=\"1c40a735-5532-41dc\">
Jack’s food blog Recipes
Recipes were the starting point of Jack’s Food Blog, and they’re still the area where we see the most interest from our readers. Take a look through some of our favourite recipes here. We specialise in batch cooking recipes and one pot favourites.
Slow cooking pork always brings out a whole load of flavour – enjoy
I hope you’ve enjoyed this curated list of our top recipes. Hopefully there’s been something here which suits your needs. If not, you can view all of our latest posts at the bottom of this page.
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This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
This batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.
8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)
1 Onion
1 Carrot
2 Sticks Celery
1 Aubergine
Handful of Olives
Medium sized Ball of Mozzarella
Handful Fresh Basil
Dried Herbs de Provence
Dried Oregano
One tin of Passatta
7 cloves Garlic
3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)
Good wodge of Tomato puree
1 Red Pepper
Frankfurter sausages (optional).
How to do it:
Heat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.
Fry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!
Add around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.
Next, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.
Next, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.
By this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.
Then blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.
Add the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.
Add salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.
I know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.
For another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
\n\t\t5 responses to “Tomato and Chilli Batch Pasta Sauce Recipe”\t
As a fellow food blogger you may want to check out a cooking competition I am hosting. I just issued a call for entrants and think you might be a good candidate. Take a look at it over at rantingchef dot com.
[…] Makalli, actually’. If this is your first time on Jack’s Grub, be sure to check out my signature recipe – an Italian-styled pasta sauce which has taken literally years to […]
[…] on Jack’s Grub, welcome! Should you be on the look out for other recipes, best to start with my original pasta sauce. It’s a recipe I spent years perfecting and am sure you’ll […]
[…] for reading! If you like a one-pot dish, can I also recommend my original pasta sauce and Moroccan chicken recipes, and it goes without saying, I’d love a follow […]
\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n","outerHTML":"\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\nTomato and Chilli Batch Pasta Sauce Recipe – Jack's Food Blog\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSkip to content
This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
This batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.
8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)
1 Onion
1 Carrot
2 Sticks Celery
1 Aubergine
Handful of Olives
Medium sized Ball of Mozzarella
Handful Fresh Basil
Dried Herbs de Provence
Dried Oregano
One tin of Passatta
7 cloves Garlic
3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)
Good wodge of Tomato puree
1 Red Pepper
Frankfurter sausages (optional).
How to do it:
Heat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.
Fry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!
Add around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.
Next, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.
Next, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.
By this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.
Then blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.
Add the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.
Add salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.
I know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.
For another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
\n\t\t5 responses to “Tomato and Chilli Batch Pasta Sauce Recipe”\t
As a fellow food blogger you may want to check out a cooking competition I am hosting. I just issued a call for entrants and think you might be a good candidate. Take a look at it over at rantingchef dot com.
[…] Makalli, actually’. If this is your first time on Jack’s Grub, be sure to check out my signature recipe – an Italian-styled pasta sauce which has taken literally years to […]
[…] on Jack’s Grub, welcome! Should you be on the look out for other recipes, best to start with my original pasta sauce. It’s a recipe I spent years perfecting and am sure you’ll […]
[…] for reading! If you like a one-pot dish, can I also recommend my original pasta sauce and Moroccan chicken recipes, and it goes without saying, I’d love a follow […]
Add around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.
Next, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.
Next, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.
By this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.
Then blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.
Add the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.
Add salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.
I know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.
For another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
This batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.
8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)
1 Onion
1 Carrot
2 Sticks Celery
1 Aubergine
Handful of Olives
Medium sized Ball of Mozzarella
Handful Fresh Basil
Dried Herbs de Provence
Dried Oregano
One tin of Passatta
7 cloves Garlic
3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)
Good wodge of Tomato puree
1 Red Pepper
Frankfurter sausages (optional).
How to do it:
Heat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.
Fry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!
Add around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.
Next, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.
Next, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.
By this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.
Then blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.
Add the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.
Add salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.
I know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.
For another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
","tagName":"DIV","textContent":"This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\n\nHow to do it:\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.\nAlso, my Chorizo Chicken Jambalaya recipe is to be missed at your peril.\n\t\t\tAdvertisements\n \n \n \n Powered by wordads.co\n \n \n We've received your report.\n \n Thanks for your feedback!\n \n \n \n Seen too often\n \n \n \n Not relevant\n \n \n \n Offensive\n \n \n \n Broken\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Report this ad\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t__ATA.cmd.push(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t__ATA.initDynamicSlot({\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid: 'atatags-931956131-64a3e7c942012',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlocation: 120,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tformFactor: '001',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlabel: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: 'Advertisements',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcreative: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treportAd: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: 'Report this ad',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprivacySettings: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: 'Privacy',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tShare this:TwitterFacebookLike this:Like Loading…","xpath":"id(\"wp--skip-link--target\")/div[3]"}},"event_id":23,"element_html":"
This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
This batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.
8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)
1 Onion
1 Carrot
2 Sticks Celery
1 Aubergine
Handful of Olives
Medium sized Ball of Mozzarella
Handful Fresh Basil
Dried Herbs de Provence
Dried Oregano
One tin of Passatta
7 cloves Garlic
3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)
Good wodge of Tomato puree
1 Red Pepper
Frankfurter sausages (optional).
How to do it:
Heat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.
Fry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!
Add around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.
Next, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.
Next, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.
By this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.
Then blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.
Add the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.
Add salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.
I know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.
For another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
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This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
","tagName":"P","textContent":"This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.","xpath":"id(\"wp--skip-link--target\")/div[3]/p[1]"},"selected":"This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\n\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\n\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\n\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\n\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\n\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\n\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\n\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal."},"event_id":29,"element_html":"
This is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.
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Here are my secrets.\r\n\r\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\r\n\r\nIngredients:\r\n\r\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\r\n1 Onion\r\n1 Carrot\r\n2 Sticks Celery\r\n1 Aubergine\r\nHandful of Olives\r\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\r\nHandful Fresh Basil\r\nDried Herbs de Provence\r\nDried Oregano\r\nOne tin of Passatta\r\n7 cloves Garlic\r\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\r\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\r\n1 Red Pepper\r\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\r\nHow to do it:\r\n\r\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\r\n\r\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\r\n\r\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\r\n\r\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\r\n\r\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\r\n\r\nTomatoes boiling in Water\r\n\r\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\r\n\r\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\r\n\r\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\r\n\r\nSauce cooking down\r\n\r\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\r\n\r\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\r\n\r\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\r\n\r\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\r\n\r\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\r\n\r\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\r\n\r\nPasta and sauce in bowl\r\n\r\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal."},"event_id":43,"element_html":"","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":220.84699988365173,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-44-1.png","page":"page-44-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1278,"mouseY":660,"tabId":102465276,"timestamp":1688463434714,"url":"https://chat.openai.com/","viewportHeight":746,"viewportWidth":1536,"zoomLevel":1.25},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":1597.5,"clientY":825.0,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":764,"layerY":200,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":935.0,"offsetY":228.75,"pageX":1597.5,"pageY":825.0,"returnValue":true,"screenX":1597.5,"screenY":913.75,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":25366.299999999814,"x":1597.5,"y":825.0},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0","data-id":"root","data-webtasks-id":"f3c3b5ee-28bb-4cc4","id":"prompt-textarea","placeholder":"Send a message","rows":"1","style":"max-height: 200px; height: 1728px;","tabindex":"0"},"bbox":{"bottom":846.0000228881836,"height":250.0,"left":663.4999847412109,"right":1601.500015258789,"top":596.0000228881836,"width":938.0000305175781,"x":663.4999847412109,"y":596.0000228881836},"innerHTML":"Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.","outerHTML":"","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.","xpath":"id(\"prompt-textarea\")"}},"event_id":44,"element_html":"","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":228.0329999923706,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-45-1.png","page":"page-45-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1249,"mouseY":679,"tabId":102465276,"timestamp":1688463441900,"url":"https://chat.openai.com/","viewportHeight":746,"viewportWidth":1536,"zoomLevel":1.25},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":1561.25,"clientY":848.75,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":12,"layerY":30,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":15.0,"offsetY":38.75,"pageX":1561.25,"pageY":848.75,"returnValue":true,"screenX":1561.25,"screenY":937.5,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":32548.799999999814,"x":1561.25,"y":848.75},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"absolute p-1 rounded-md md:bottom-3 md:p-2 md:right-3 dark:hover:bg-gray-900 dark:disabled:hover:bg-transparent right-2 disabled:text-gray-400 enabled:bg-brand-purple text-white bottom-1.5 transition-colors disabled:opacity-40","data-webtasks-id":"e7b6f4dd-8159-4d12","style":"background-color: rgb(25, 195, 125);"},"bbox":{"bottom":850.9999847412109,"height":40.0,"left":1546.5000915527344,"right":1586.5000915527344,"top":810.9999847412109,"width":40.0,"x":1546.5000915527344,"y":810.9999847412109},"innerHTML":"","outerHTML":"","tagName":"BUTTON","textContent":"","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[3]/form[1]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]"}},"event_id":45,"element_html":"","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":228.34099984169006,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-45-1.png","page":"page-46-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"submit","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1249,"mouseY":679,"tabId":102465276,"timestamp":1688463442208,"url":"https://chat.openai.com/","viewportHeight":746,"viewportWidth":1536,"zoomLevel":1.25},"properties":{"composed":false,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":false,"timeStamp":32769.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"stretch mx-2 flex flex-row gap-3 last:mb-2 md:mx-4 md:last:mb-6 lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl","data-webtasks-id":"d654ac25-5339-4a4c"},"bbox":{"bottom":867.0000076293945,"height":292.00000762939453,"left":642.5,"right":1602.5,"top":575.0,"width":960.0,"x":642.5,"y":575.0},"innerHTML":"
","outerHTML":"","tagName":"FORM","textContent":"Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[3]/form[1]"}},"event_id":46,"element_html":"","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":232.98099994659424,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-47-0.png","page":"page-47-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1535,"mouseY":219,"tabId":102465276,"timestamp":1688463446848,"url":"https://chat.openai.com/","viewportHeight":746,"viewportWidth":1536,"zoomLevel":1.25},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":1918.75,"clientY":273.75,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":1275,"layerY":219,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":1593.75,"offsetY":273.75,"pageX":1918.75,"pageY":273.75,"returnValue":true,"screenX":1918.75,"screenY":362.5,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":37429.59999999963,"x":1918.75,"y":273.75},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"react-scroll-to-bottom--css-zcycb-1n7m0yu","data-webtasks-id":"50cf5c16-7b51-4243"},"bbox":{"bottom":932.0000457763672,"height":932.0000457763672,"left":325.0,"right":1920.0,"top":0.0,"width":1595.0,"x":325.0,"y":0.0},"innerHTML":"
1 / 1
Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
1 / 1
This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives,
1 / 1
Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
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This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives,
","tagName":"DIV","textContent":"1 / 1Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.ChatGPTChatGPT1 / 1This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives,","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]"}},"event_id":47,"element_html":"
1 / 1
Summarize the entire article in few lines \nThis is my best recipe in my opinion, took ages to perfect, and has brought me nearly worldwide fame. Here are my secrets.\n\nThis batch pasta sauce recipe will give you 6 good portions. It’s a great one to portion out and chuck in the freezer for another time too.\n\nIngredients:\n\n8 Fresh tomatoes or a pack of plum tomatoes (better)\n1 Onion\n1 Carrot\n2 Sticks Celery\n1 Aubergine\nHandful of Olives\nMedium sized Ball of Mozzarella\nHandful Fresh Basil\nDried Herbs de Provence\nDried Oregano\nOne tin of Passatta\n7 cloves Garlic\n3-4 red chillis (I’ve replaced one with a Jalapeno)\nGood wodge of Tomato puree\n1 Red Pepper\nFrankfurter sausages (optional).\nHow to do it:\n\nHeat up 2tbsp of olive oil in a Le Creuset or something similar.\n\nFry together the onions, aubergine, celery and carrots with the lid on until well softened. Then add 2-3 red chillies, depending on if you’re a spice boss. Also add 7 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of tomato puree. I know this seems a lot but there’s a lot of sauce to flavour!\n\nVegetables, Garlic and Chilli\n\nAdd around 200ml of boiling water at this point too, and leave it to cook for a bit.\n\nNext, boil the tomatoes in water to get their skins off. Some will go in the sauce now, and some later on.\n\nTomatoes boiling in Water\n\nNext, add them to the fried veg, chilli, purée and garlic.\n\nFried vegetables with tomatoes\n\nBy this point you should be thinking about Italy, and hankering for an espresso. Allow this to cook together for at least an hour. Whilst you wait, chop up your pepper and get excited.\n\nSauce cooking down\n\nThen blend the mixture together, and add the pepper, along with the olives and the rest of the tomatoes.\n\nTomatoes, Peppers and Olives\n\nAdd the dried herbs, then let it cook for another hour, the secret is in the long cooking, so be patient. Fry your frankfurters off at this time as well.\n\nSauce with Dried Herbs and Frankfurters\n\nAdd salt and pepper and see how it tastes, a bit of parmesan tastes lovely when mixed in as well. Finally, turn off the heat and put the mozzarella on the sauce, but don’t mix it or you’ll just get a stringy mess.\n\nI know it can be frowned upon to put cheddar on pasta sauce, but it goes well with this, as does, parmesan.\n\nPasta and sauce in bowl\n\nFor another hearty one-pot dish, try my Moroccan Chicken recipe. Crammed full of lemon, coriander and olives, it’s a delicious and very different type of meal.
1 / 1
This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and ol
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This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.
","tagName":"P","textContent":"This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":48,"element_html":"
This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.
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This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.
","tagName":"P","textContent":"This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"},"selected":"This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken."},"event_id":49,"element_html":"
This article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.
","screenshot_effect":null}},{"timestamp":264.133,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Here is the summary I generated using Chat GPT:\n\tThis article provides a recipe for a batch pasta sauce that the author considers their best recipe, which has gained them fame. The recipe includes ingredients like tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, aubergine, olives, mozzarella, basil, dried herbs, garlic, red chillies, tomato puree, red pepper, and optional frankfurter sausages. The cooking process involves frying the vegetables, adding tomatoes, boiling them, blending the mixture, adding peppers and olives, cooking it further, and finally adding mozzarella. The article also suggests adding cheddar or parmesan cheese to the sauce and mentions another recipe for Moroccan Chicken.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":278.133,"speaker":"instructor","utterance":"We can conclude here.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":290.133,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Certainly. If you have more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Goodbye for now!","type":"chat"}],"status":"checked"}
\n\t\t5 responses to “Tomato and Chilli Batch Pasta Sauce Recipe”\t
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\n\n\tAs a fellow food blogger you may want to check out a cooking competition I am hosting. I just issued a call for entrants and think you might be a good candidate. Take a look at it over at rantingchef dot com.
\n\t\t\t\tLooks pretty good! I must say I love experimenting with my sauces when I am not working at my pasta restaurant. Will try this out, thanks for sharing!
\n\t\t\t\t[…] Makalli, actually’. If this is your first time on Jack’s Grub, be sure to check out my signature recipe – an Italian-styled pasta sauce which has taken literally years to […]
\n\t\t\t\t[…] on Jack’s Grub, welcome! Should you be on the look out for other recipes, best to start with my original pasta sauce. It’s a recipe I spent years perfecting and am sure you’ll […]
\n\t\t\t\t[…] for reading! If you like a one-pot dish, can I also recommend my original pasta sauce and Moroccan chicken recipes, and it goes without saying, I’d love a follow […]
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