script_name 'mimgui overlay example' local imgui = require 'mimgui' local vk = require 'vkeys' local new = -- overlay local overlay = { show = new.bool(true), offset =, position = } imgui.OnFrame(function() return[0] and not isGamePaused() end, function() local io = imgui.GetIO() local pos = overlay.position[0] if pos > 0 then x = (pos == 1 or pos == 3) and overlay.offset[0] or io.DisplaySize.x - overlay.offset[0] y = (pos == 1 or pos == 2) and overlay.offset[0] or io.DisplaySize.y - overlay.offset[0] local window_pos_pivot = imgui.ImVec2((pos == 1 or pos == 3) and 0 or 1, (pos == 1 or pos == 2) and 0 or 1) imgui.SetNextWindowPos(imgui.ImVec2(x, y), imgui.Cond.Always, window_pos_pivot) end local flags = imgui.WindowFlags.NoDecoration + imgui.WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize + imgui.WindowFlags.NoSavedSettings if pos ~= 0 then flags = flags + imgui.WindowFlags.NoMove + imgui.WindowFlags.NoInputs end imgui.Begin('overlay', nil, flags) imgui.Text('Simple overlay\nin the corner of the screen.\nPress key 2 to open settings menu') imgui.Separator() if imgui.IsMousePosValid() then imgui.Text('Mouse Position: (%.1f, %.1f)', io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y) else imgui.Text('Mouse Position: ') end imgui.End() end).HideCursor = true -- settings window local show_settings_window = new.bool() imgui.OnFrame(function() return show_settings_window[0] end, function() imgui.Begin('Overlay settings', show_settings_window) imgui.Checkbox('Show', imgui.DragInt('Offset', overlay.offset, 1, 0, 200) imgui.ComboStr('Position', overlay.position, 'Free\0Up-Left\0Up-Right\0Down-Left\0Down-Right\0\0') imgui.End() end) function main() while true do wait(20) if wasKeyPressed(vk.VK_2) then show_settings_window[0] = not show_settings_window[0] end end end