script_name 'mimgui sandbox' script_author 'FYP' local imgui, ffi = require 'mimgui', require 'ffi' local new, str =, ffi.string local imguiStack = {} local function wrapPushFunction(fn, popFn) return function(...) table.insert(imguiStack, popFn) return fn(...) end end local function wrapPopFunction(fn) return function(...) if #imguiStack > 0 then table.remove(imguiStack, #imguiStack) end return fn(...) end end local function useStrict(tbl) local getinfo, error, rawset, rawget = debug.getinfo, error, rawset, rawget local mt = getmetatable(tbl) if mt == nil then mt = {} setmetatable(tbl, mt) end mt.__declared = {} mt.__newindex = function (t, n, v) if not mt.__declared[n] then local info = getinfo(2, "S") if info and info.linedefined > 0 then error("assign to undeclared variable '"..n.."'", 2) end mt.__declared[n] = true end rawset(t, n, v) end mt.__index = function (t, n) if not mt.__declared[n] then local info = getinfo(2, "S") if info and info.what ~= 'C' then error("variable '"..n.."' is not declared", 2) end end return rawget(t, n) end end local function createSandboxEnv() local env = {} for k, v in pairs(_G) do env[k] = v end env.imgui = {} for k, v in pairs(imgui) do env.imgui[k] = v end setmetatable(env.imgui, {__index = getmetatable(imgui).__index}) env.main = nil env.ffi = ffi env._G = env env.imgui.Begin = wrapPushFunction(imgui.Begin, imgui.End) env.imgui.End = wrapPopFunction(imgui.End) useStrict(env) return env end local sbEnv = createSandboxEnv() local window = new.bool(false) local imguiDemo = new.bool(false) local initBox = new.char[0x1000]([[I, new, str = imgui,, ffi.string ]]) local codeBox = new.char[0x2000]([[ I.Begin('Sandbox') I.Text('Hello, World!') I.End() ]]) local sbDraw, sbInitError, sbDrawError local sbInitAutoupdate, sbDrawAutoupdate = new.bool(false), new.bool(false) local sbInitUpdate, sbDrawUpdate = 0, 0 local monospaceFont = nil local createView, globalView, imguiView, mimguiView = nil, nil, nil, nil local function drawSandboxEditor() local center = imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetIO().DisplaySize.x / 2, imgui.GetIO().DisplaySize.y / 2) imgui.SetNextWindowPos(center, imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver, imgui.ImVec2(0.5, 0.5)) imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(550, 550), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) imgui.Begin('ImGui Sandbox', window, imgui.WindowFlags.MenuBar) imgui.BeginMenuBar() if imgui.BeginMenu('Vars') then if imgui.MenuItemBool('ImGui') then if not imguiView then imguiView = createView('imgui', getmetatable(sbEnv.imgui).__index) end[0] = true end if imgui.MenuItemBool('mimgui') then if not mimguiView then mimguiView = createView('mimgui', sbEnv.imgui) end[0] = true end if imgui.MenuItemBool('Global') then if not globalView then globalView = createView('_G', sbEnv) end[0] = true end imgui.EndMenu() end if imgui.MenuItemBool('ImGui Demo') then imguiDemo[0] = true end if imgui.MenuItemBool('Restart') then script.this:reload() end imgui.EndMenuBar() imgui.Text('Initialization code:') imgui.SameLine() imgui.PushStyleVarVec2(imgui.StyleVar.FramePadding, imgui.ImVec2(0, 0)) if imgui.Checkbox('Auto update##1', sbInitAutoupdate) then if sbInitAutoupdate[0] then sbInitUpdate = localClock() end end imgui.PopStyleVar() if not sbInitAutoupdate[0] then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.SmallButton('Update##1') then sbInitUpdate = localClock() end end imgui.PushFont(monospaceFont) if imgui.InputTextMultiline('##Init', initBox, ffi.sizeof(initBox) - 1, imgui.ImVec2(-1, 150), imgui.InputTextFlags.AllowTabInput) then if sbInitAutoupdate[0] then sbInitUpdate = localClock() + 0.5 end end imgui.PopFont() if sbInitError then imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1), "%s", sbInitError) end imgui.Separator() imgui.Text('Drawing code:') imgui.SameLine() imgui.PushStyleVarVec2(imgui.StyleVar.FramePadding, imgui.ImVec2(0, 0)) if imgui.Checkbox('Auto update##2', sbDrawAutoupdate) then if sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then sbDrawUpdate = localClock() end end imgui.PopStyleVar() if not sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.SmallButton('Update##2') then sbDrawUpdate = localClock() end end imgui.PushFont(monospaceFont) if imgui.InputTextMultiline('##Code', codeBox, ffi.sizeof(codeBox) - 1, imgui.ImVec2(-1, 250), imgui.InputTextFlags.AllowTabInput) then if sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then sbDrawUpdate = localClock() + 0.5 end end imgui.PopFont() if sbDrawError then imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1), "%s", sbDrawError) end imgui.End() end local function updateSandbox() if sbInitUpdate ~= 0 and localClock() >= sbInitUpdate then sbInitUpdate = 0 local f, err = load(str(initBox), nil, 't', sbEnv) sbInitError = err if f then local res, err = pcall(f) if not res then sbInitError = err end end end if sbDrawUpdate ~= 0 and localClock() >= sbDrawUpdate then sbDrawUpdate = 0 local f, err = load(str(codeBox), nil, 't', sbEnv) sbDrawError = err if f then sbDraw = f end end end local function drawSandbox() if sbDraw and not sbDrawError then local res, err = pcall(sbDraw) if not res then sbDrawError = err for i = #imguiStack, 1, -1 do imguiStack[i]() imguiStack[i] = nil end end end end local function drawLuaViews() if imguiView then imguiView:draw() end if globalView then globalView:draw() end if mimguiView then mimguiView:draw() end end local function drawImguiDemo() if imguiDemo[0] then imgui.ShowDemoWindow(imguiDemo) end end imgui.OnInitialize(function() local defaultFontCfg = imgui.GetIO().Fonts.ConfigData.Data[0] local fontPath = getFolderPath(0x14) .. '\\consola.ttf' monospaceFont = imgui.GetIO().Fonts:AddFontFromFileTTF(fontPath, 15.0, nil, defaultFontCfg.GlyphRanges) end) imgui.OnFrame(function() return window[0] end, function() -- before frame updateSandbox() end, function() drawSandboxEditor() drawSandbox() drawLuaViews() drawImguiDemo() end) function imgui.PushTextColor(color) return imgui.PushStyleColorU32(imgui.Col.Text, color) end local valueColors = { ['table'] = 0xFFDD78C6, ['function'] = 0xFFEFAF61, ['string'] = 0xFF79C398, ['number'] = 0xFF669AD1, ['userdata'] = 0xFF756CE0, } createView = function(name, tbl) assert(type(tbl) == 'table') local view = { name = name, table = tbl, show = new.bool(true), filter = imgui.ImGuiTextFilter(), sort = new.bool(false) } function view:drawItem(parent, key, value, path) local vstr = tostring(value) local str = key .. ' = ' .. vstr local vtype = type(value) local color = valueColors[vtype] or 0xFFFFFFFF if vtype == 'table' then imgui.PushTextColor(color) local tree = imgui.TreeNodeStr(str) imgui.PopStyleColor() if tree then for key, val in pairs(value) do self:drawItem(value, key, val, path .. '.' .. key) end local mt = getmetatable(value) if mt then self:drawItem(value, '', mt, path .. '.') end imgui.TreePop() end else imgui.PushTextColor(color) imgui.Text(str) imgui.PopStyleColor() end if imgui.IsItemHovered() then if imgui.IsMouseClicked(1) then setClipboardText(path) end imgui.BeginTooltip() imgui.PushTextWrapPos(450.0) imgui.Text('Click right mouse button to copy name') imgui.Separator() imgui.TextUnformatted(vtype .. '\n' .. vstr) imgui.PopTextWrapPos() imgui.EndTooltip() end end function view:draw() if[0] then local window_name = ('%s (%s)'):format(, tostring(self.table)) imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(400, 500), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) imgui.Begin('Lua View: ' .. window_name, self.filter:Draw('Filter', -100) imgui.SameLine() imgui.Checkbox('Sort', self.sort) imgui.BeginChild(window_name) local processItem = function(key, val) if val ~= self.table then local text = key .. ' = ' .. tostring(val) if self.filter:PassFilter(text) then self:drawItem(self.table, key, val, name .. '.' .. key) end end end if self.sort[0] then local sorted = {} -- cache? for key, val in pairs(self.table) do table.insert(sorted, {key, val}) end table.sort(sorted, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end) for i, v in ipairs(sorted) do processItem(v[1], v[2]) end else for key, val in pairs(self.table) do processItem(key, val) end end imgui.EndChild() imgui.End() end return[0] end return view end function main() sbInitUpdate = localClock() sbDrawUpdate = localClock() while true do wait(0) if testCheat('MSB') then window[0] = not window[0] end end end