-- This file is part of the SAMP.Lua project. -- Licensed under the MIT License. -- Copyright (c) 2016, FYP @ BlastHack Team -- https://github.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua local MODULE = { MODULEINFO = { name = 'samp.events', version = 4 }, INTERFACE = { OUTCOMING_RPCS = {}, OUTCOMING_PACKETS = {}, INCOMING_RPCS = {}, INCOMING_PACKETS = {} }, EXPORTS = {} } -- check dependencies assert(isSampLoaded(), 'SA-MP is not loaded') assert(isSampfuncsLoaded(), 'samp.events requires SAMPFUNCS') assert(getMoonloaderVersion() >= 20, 'samp.events requires MoonLoader v.020 or greater') local BitStreamIO = require 'samp.events.bitstream_io' MODULE.INTERFACE.BitStreamIO = BitStreamIO local function read_data(bs, dataType) if type(dataType) ~= 'table' then return BitStreamIO[dataType].read(bs) else -- process nested structures local values = {} for _, it in ipairs(dataType) do local name, t = next(it) values[name] = read_data(bs, t) end return values end end local function write_data(bs, dataType, value) if type(dataType) ~= 'table' then BitStreamIO[dataType].write(bs, value) else -- process nested structures for _, it in ipairs(dataType) do local name, t = next(it) write_data(bs, t, value[name]) end end end local function process_event(bs, callback, struct, ignorebits) local args = {} if bs ~= 0 then if ignorebits then raknetBitStreamIgnoreBits(bs, ignorebits) end if type(struct[2]) == 'function' then local r1, r2 = struct[2](bs) -- call custom reading function if type(callback) == 'table' and type(r1) == 'string' then callback = callback[r1] if callback then args = r2 else return end else args = r1 end else -- skip event name for i = 2, #struct do local _, t = next(struct[i]) -- type table.insert(args, read_data(bs, t)) end end end local result = callback(unpack(args)) if result == false then return false -- consume packet end if bs ~= 0 and type(result) == 'table' then raknetBitStreamSetWriteOffset(bs, ignorebits or 0) if type(struct[3]) == 'function' then struct[3](bs, result) -- call custom writing function else assert(#struct - 1 == #result) for i = 2, #struct do local _, t = next(struct[i]) -- type write_data(bs, t, result[i - 1]) end end end end local function process_packet(id, bs, event_table, ignorebits) local entry = event_table[id] if entry ~= nil then local key = entry[1] local callback = nil if type(key) == 'table' then for i, name in ipairs(key) do if type(MODULE[name]) == 'function' then if not callback then callback = {} end callback[name] = MODULE[name] end end elseif type(MODULE[key]) == 'function' then callback = MODULE[key] end if callback then return process_event(bs, callback, entry, ignorebits) end end end local interface = MODULE.INTERFACE local function samp_on_send_rpc(id, bitStream, priority, reliability, orderingChannel, shiftTs) return process_packet(id, bitStream, interface.OUTCOMING_RPCS) end local function samp_on_send_packet(id, bitStream, priority, reliability, orderingChannel) return process_packet(id, bitStream, interface.OUTCOMING_PACKETS, 8) end local function samp_on_receive_rpc(id, bitStream) return process_packet(id, bitStream, interface.INCOMING_RPCS) end local function samp_on_receive_packet(id, bitStream) return process_packet(id, bitStream, interface.INCOMING_PACKETS, 8) end addEventHandler('onSendRpc', samp_on_send_rpc) addEventHandler('onSendPacket', samp_on_send_packet) addEventHandler('onReceiveRpc', samp_on_receive_rpc) addEventHandler('onReceivePacket', samp_on_receive_packet) return MODULE