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collie retriever shepherd sheep coll", "3161705": "food nothing fruit fruits", "1282645": "bus transports people passengers commute travel", "4567925": "river lake reservoir ocean", "3829975": "deserts desserts pastries pastry past", "2295255": "on", "2706885": "cherry tomatoes", "536155": "camel ll caravan giraffe sheep", "751905": "trees bushes evergreen pine green", "584355": "", "2961375": "maple leaf leaves leafleaf", "821315": "boston waterfront unknown city public b", "2694905": "shirt shirts", "5734855": "london england londonuk eng uk", "2974885": "indian religion christ cath ind", "4383065": "people passengers commuters commuting transportation", "2148345": "purple tulips yellow d flowers", "593675": "orange noodles tentacles ropes straps", "2360155": "nike baseball glove unknown", "4155695": "baseball stadium field stadiums ballpark", "4532875": "streets directions direction traffic", "4480465": "veil cover tut cloak shroud", "367555": "leaves", "2173065": "privacy divider toilets partitions partition walls", "1232015": "nothing anything nothingnothingnothingnothing nothingnothing unknown", "2838755": "shotgun", "543865": "painting", "4682765": "empty full half empt emptyempty", "214515": "rest restaurant", "598435": "golden gate bridge san francisco", "2710795": "elevators ringing bells elev weights prizes", "795525": "on off off battery flip clam shell cell", "2953705": "bear paws toes feet", "4082725": "united kingdom england america americausausausa usausa us", "3704935": "converse sneakers shoes trainers white n", "1372815": "speed limit", "2957765": "slice", "37135": "snow people humans humanshumanshumanshumans ancestors humankind", "1235355": "white sheep wool", "1036765": "1977 1978 1979", "3046255": "wizard of oz disney princess phantom 07 mickey mouse", "3701215": "day night nightnight nightnightnightnight nights", "5388215": "coffee bean chocolate caffe beans espresso", "710055": "wh blender kitchenaid unknown whirl kitchen", "4262745": "talking eating", "4104255": "taking off off", "1824685": "vase filler flowers", "4968915": "tour tours touring both city", "546915": "fruit juices drinks juice", "4378575": "cats cat kittens catscats catscatscats", "817045": "person", "2826695": "jewelry store whimsical jewel boutique bakery", "564425": "b c i d doping vitamin", "648275": "goalkeeper goalie goaltender keeper", "1653475": "", "2108065": "", "839795": "snow hiber breathe retire retreat", "314375": "baking cooking oven baked frying bakingoven", "575155": "monkey mickey mouse mickeys minnie mickeymouse", "250605": "maximum allowable 10", "2366265": "cell phone flip smartphone smartphones nokia", "4491975": "apronpron apron", "40425": "not", "3863905": "grass fertilizer fertilizers soil manure", "2897665": "flowers roses rose carn", "2514755": "military soldier army camouflage", "2834455": "hog roast burger sub", "2476045": "sunglasses goggles glasses", "5506605": "painting drawing drawings", "831745": "bleachers benches stands seats ble", "192515": "surfboard", "3199965": "", "62295": "float floatfloatfloatfloat dissolve both floatfloat", "772605": "yellow yellowyellow yellowyellowyellow yellow", "4032715": "surf surfing", "4437525": "cinnamon sugar powdered", "247025": "first lady", "2400745": "spill spills spillandalsandalsandals vandalism shattering", "18105": "coffee espresso drip blending brewing", "4707705": "cars hatch unmarked sedan automobiles", "4618785": "minnie mouse mousemousemousemouse mousemouse thimble mic", "3006295": "4 6 8 16 12", "1960355": "", "1989975": "baby elephant elephants eleph", "3920675": "man 65 55 70 60 63", "2878545": "kensington kitchenaid cascade faucet kitchen kenyon ken", "1704065": "small white dog poodle puppy fluffy hus", "1153285": "purple flowers weeds wild lil", "4650605": "superhero bat batbat villains superheroes batgirl villain", "741835": "1901 1902 1904 1905 1903", "1341695": "", "4349515": "unhealthy dise diseased sick", "2435045": "hamster", "5179855": "vitamin b complex carbohydrate meat dairy fruit", "300545": "", "4899865": "fan fanfanfan fanfan fans blades", "3814605": "boot boots sued cowboy stocking booted", "4361455": "oval window in middle miracle glass rounded", "2378315": "baby 1", "2360755": "fords is toyota bus che toy", "3877595": "in", "4431925": "laying on couch", "854835": "this keyboard computer keyboards laptop keyboardcomputer", "5715755": "brass percussion trumpet", "4215975": "ski pole skipole poles stick", "5273145": "ancient architecture roman classical rome r", "828605": "scissors cut nothing broke", "81765": "blue overall denim jeans jumper susp suspenders", "748615": "people passengers commuters", "2918685": "brake lights stop", "4042215": "buses bridge bridges", "3605665": "very tall", "4905555": "relaxing watching tv sitting living room", "2844546": "caution hazard slow down", "1618365": "compression ratio 1", "1522095": "", "834075": "stop intersection stops cars stopstop traffic", "242575": "this shoe footwear", "918585": "blue peacock bird peacemaker crane duck peac", "423855": "matterhornhorn mountain rocky mountains", "758425": "pajamas pjs pachuachu pachu pakis p pajachu paj", "5261965": "silver piercing knife pierced stabbing", "3871025": "star stars starsstars starsstarsstarsstars circles", "4434965": "chop chops cho", "1174285": "lights recessed ceiling track recess rec", "1529135": "zoo sculpture museum", "707025": "dark cloudy", "2386875": "snow", "48935": "restroom bathroom shower toilet", "1925855": "cement tile concrete lin", "3015915": "not notns ns notn", "5346905": "boxer pit bulls bull boxerbull", "5167405": "very fast indeed rapidly quickly", "4368785": "very veryveryveryvery veryvery", "306435": "unlucky number 0 zero", "5103335": "baby zebra fetus offspring z", "4716475": "before after afterafter afterafterafterafter", "803865": "2", "620575": "red double deck doubledouble very", "2464465": "shorts attire regiment uniform shirt skirt", "1671185": "1 way left", "2769515": "sheepdog herding sheep dog shepherd coll", "2324345": "asian elephants ind african as", "2701665": "young baby juvenile adolescent", "704445": "green proceed go proceeded gogo", "1557955": "drinks cocktails alcohol water alcoholic juices", "2177265": "", "3217005": "blue team giants cubs cub mets", "3639575": "debating chamber senate impeachment hearings judiciary committee subcommittee", "3504215": "ducks", "2315425": "freshwater fish", "292745": "im not unknown unidentified", "373265": "curtains hanging curtain draft bed", "2839135": "", "3537235": "very", "2745625": "long", "5180715": "samsung smartphone sprint", "2933665": "boats", "3809495": "not ", "1626465": "tomato tomatoes tomatos tomatoestom tomat", "5537195": "cat kitten kittens", "973675": "trailer trailers horses horse", "5021345": "santa clause christmas christ claus", "5023795": "bed designs beds furniture nothing nothingnothingnothing", "301755": "mountains switzerland switzerlanditzerland swiss alps canada sw", "5188665": "rope anchors mast boat water", "5537585": "50 100 100 100 50", "5568115": "not neither nor", "4294915": "car", "4607025": "picture nothing something anything nothingnothing tilted distracting", "1030595": "flowers roses rose tul", "4394935": "0 2 1 all 00 3", "5013075": "", "2265775": "rubber latex leather cloth cotton", "4588945": "wetsuit waders swimsuit wetsuits w wets", "2009465": "i heart listening listen listened listens listener", "1467605": "wooden cherry wood oak", "2163045": "apron runway tarmac ramp catapult", "4746145": "menu tacos", "1369515": "both sexes genders male", "3874805": "highest level professional baseball league amateur collegiate", "532755": "very", "3543925": "tv living room livinglivinglivingliving livingroomliving roomliving", "2898525": "fork knife", "2813305": "row canoe ro", "923535": "string wind", "4800165": "", "454685": "toilet cleaner installer contractor", "5374125": "train freight electr cargo passenger", "631665": "formal", "5162055": "sugar powdered pepper cheese", "1829685": "this oven stove fireplace ovenoven", "2551245": "high low highs", "5355265": "mot racing rallying", "1070725": "blood dye paint bleach bloodblood", "4436935": "fire firefighters humans firefighter departments paramedics", "1838445": "cat whiskers eyebrow hair whisker", "249805": "train stopped stalled derailed paused stationary", "5517465": "builder installer bathroom homeowner painter", "814165": "track has curved pavement asphalt race", "367835": "airport runway airports ground pavement airst", "463565": "washing machine stove oven microwave to", "3958305": "suitcase luggage black", "1923575": "flowers d narciss", "682065": "bathing cleaning shaving", "1034275": "computer laptop laptops computers", "1098355": "eng england britain london brit", "2837575": "trains train cars", "1618185": "lose nothing happen happens catch", "2480025": "yeast dough flour", "4412635": "ariariaria riff usher phantom opera", "1498785": "stairs aboard bus steps staircase", "4676745": "in order to view menus read menu", "5460215": "radio speaker radioradio radios tv", "4946225": "antique french neoclass carved wood vict", "5147255": "students dessert desert deserts classroom snacks cafeteria lunch", "301635": "sheep shepherd border collie coll", "4900995": "chicken sandwiches turkey cheese", "2351685": "men menmen menmenmenmen man gentlemen menmens", "3709455": "largest sun", "814765": "bears polar bear cubs babies puppies", "2396545": "cats cat kittens catscats catscat", "404495": "mirror truck car", "452305": "af africa continent nig nigeria ghana", "2620995": "travel luggage storage merchandise retrieval suitcase suit", "2017145": "hike walk run jog breathe", "3856265": "green apple watermelon pineapple apples", "352485": "video game games wii", "3791055": "", "5281085": "backhand serves serve forehand servebackbackback forehandback fore", "4377745": "hills plateau mountains valleys hillslands", "8975": "texture fluffy", "2875125": "onions onion", "1811035": "all bottom top right left", "2533325": "trash garbage waste", "4008296": "surf wave surfing pipeline crest curl", "1052525": "directions intersection intersections", "1642905": "video playing wii watching playingplaying playingplayingplaying", "5396175": "winter coat", "4475745": "spoon", "1402845": "troop group study team", "428045": "crowded packed crowd populated indeed", "131695": "", "2226595": "catholic cathedral church catholics ch cath", "2400575": "ch english japan chin chinese chch", "396865": "k wind surfing sailing", "4591525": "sweetness sweets sweeteners sweet", "5012995": "tie suit business", "5450715": "screw", "1168315": "sunlight sunshine sun daylight direct", "964665": "dogs", "786565": "horse", "5446235": "photo interview", "4259445": "hacked stabbed slaughtered sacrificed", "653455": "10 20 5 15", "1637165": "cover covers blankets coats jackets", "3306965": "traffic", "4922865": "tracks train track trackstracktracktrack tracktrack", "4135855": "bob length bang bowl long", "1122285": "tree small apple dormant", "4759845": "umbrella tinkerbell tini tinker", "3688275": "kris donuts kris kreme", "3365805": "", "4097225": "wetsuit wets suit suite wetsuits waders w", "5260985": "children toys toy store", "1484805": "nokia phone n ver verizon s", "1838825": "case nothing flip antenna antennas", "4415235": "van bus vanvan", "5615945": "banana fruit salad bananas curry", "4070475": "serve hit to volley tennis", "3770445": "buildings skyscrap skyline landmarks embassies skysc", "5449135": "back backbackbackback backback backbacksbackbackbacksbacksbacksback", "4663785": "room temperature cold", "114875": "", "995395": "junk furniture everything fireworks lightning", "5702155": "knitting needles stitches yarn needle sewing", "4569495": "black classic car antique vintage sedan beetle", "783075": "people bikers cyclists bikersmen", "5474225": "volkswagen beetle volkswagon yeah", "826225": "rope knot knots", "1199045": "in bitten again eaten", "5296245": "tennis was invented in 1888 1886 1880", "3625555": "huge gigantic giant enormous looms", "1338745": "green", "5583035": "fence fences fencesposts fenceposts", "1939775": "molecules water snow ice air ions", "3909435": "", "4251875": "1906 1907 1909", "1174975": "tropical palms palm", "2475045": "flushed away disney movie onward cartoons frozen", "3973535": "0 20 30 40 50", "3477365": "af africa continent and", "455245": "", "251155": "frog face cartoon crab crabs frog", "4220645": "vintage sep mono aged paper parchment", "3116375": "c cage cages", "3788965": "broccoli", "4276105": "", "1300705": "teacher lecturer professor", "3840705": "lights candles leaves light lightslights", "5265145": "", "52945": "sitting seiz seizethe seiza", "3949645": "left turn", "5266635": "closeupupup", "3782145": "", "4045335": "baseball player batter pitcher", "5161675": "this ford pickup truck 1983 1982 1984", "4648565": "phone conversation talking talk", "496435": "garbage rubbish trash waste dump", "5576595": "pawn shop supernatural amino opioid opioids oxy", "2504345": "elephant", "3288985": "windshield wip windows wipes lights", "4735905": "chocolate maple caramel chocolateocolate vanilla", "472215": "food tacos yeah", "667375": "health", "4922435": "flat screen", "2115705": "cops", "3316295": "shelf shelves cabinet shel", "1797705": "", "5358985": "walking cane", "4518425": "tennis racket", "651355": "large commercial airliner jet passenger", "4926485": "wetsuit waders wetsuits wetsetsuit wets", "2171185": "streets roads intersection street road", "22585": "trucks truck tractor machinery", "4360705": "lexus mer lex lexlex luc", "4665915": "", "818105": "curtains shades blind", "5467235": "sheathing removal shaving wool shearing she", "614005": "", "2043215": "ponies horses horse horsesorses", "1369435": "motorcycles bikers bikers bikers bikers cyclists bikers", "872175": "whirlpool corporation kenmore kitchen appliances whirlirlpool kleen whirl", "2927305": "k sauces ketchup mustard ketchupketchup", "791465": "mixer attachment tong slicing knife", "2341625": "federal aviation regulatory airport airports air", "345235": "hang obesity binge eating hunger", "4178235": "birds bird crane", "1754215": "predator neither nor predatory prey", "4420265": "whiskey whisky bourbon liquor", "5321555": "person people humans humankind humanity", "493785": "glove baseball mitten gloves mitt", "2588825": "balloons helium filling nitrogen gas prop compressed", "1577075": "", "5752525": "race track racing", "868755": "lighting", "771855": "handles straps handle racks", "3923305": "fruit salad banana", "1861315": "raw rawrawrawraw rawhide rawraw sewage", "1182995": "kitchenaid ge appliances whirlpool kardon kitchen kenworth", "760015": "mist fog rainy cloudy", "4788725": "pride parade homophobic slurs homophobia", "3557865": "ice hockey", "1363945": "how to score touchdowns winning trophies", "1461285": "yellow eggs egg eggseggegg chickens eggsegg", "36025": "fire 911 emergency phone", "1696535": "umpire referee offic judge u", "2569815": "acron acronyyy arent not ", "5552375": "fire hyd water firefire", "1466205": "paintings landscapes art artwork painting", "1112805": "doors door", "5523745": "camera canon canoncanoncanoncanon canoncanon cameracanoncanon", "1947015": "flower rose tul tulip", "2756315": "ancient roman classical architecture greek", "3769885": "apple computer appleapple computers apples mac", "2336475": "performing stunts circus sitting", "792585": "", "4987825": "", "3014275": "tie knot", "632635": "", "4016885": "sun da sunsun flowers sunflower roses", "394555": "o breakfast plate eggs brunch", "2651145": "large glass etched glassglassglassglass frost", "738925": "0 2", "4001345": "dogs wolves lions lion", "3288535": "rice", "5146665": "spoon", "5229465": "hemisphere southeast asia corner southern", "145465": "tether connects surf boards hold balance stability", "4833055": "0 1 3 2", "4818855": "flying kites flyingflying kite soaring k", "5684555": "2 3 1 5", "4888895": "", "4475115": "", "3202175": "oceans ocean sea oceancean", "4267785": "sink water cat", "5596525": "frigida wh whirlpool ken fridge kwh whirl ge", "4860025": "runway asphalt tarmac concrete", "4636655": "crane cranes storks se cr", "1297225": "cleats are orange boots sneakers cleat cle", "3578375": "this decade 1980 1981 1982", "2702345": "", "3065545": "cotton spun wool white regular knitting", "5697475": "do stop stopstop stopdo", "2932335": "", "475445": "ge", "1256935": "people humans humanshumans humanshumanshumanshumans mankind", "2509205": "runway t tarmac asphalt tarmacarmac", "4976225": "", "4270695": "tokyo metropolitan toyo beijing to ch", "4068075": "electronics computer laptop appliance", "5270735": "inventor invent teddy bears nobody anybody anyone", "5057135": "reflection mirror reflecting", "1970295": "cooking preparing vegetables chopping preparation", "409385": "bat swing hit b", "4804645": "gate latch door", "2045055": "antique vintage ancient antiquity archaic", "1602595": "small", "654485": "nokia s1 flip nokiaokia s", "1660695": "sun god of fertility death heaven chaos", "1517315": "reins reign rope leash rein", "985495": "witches cats bad luck curses misfortune", "2375385": "in 1982", "3672605": "birds ducks chickens duck brown ducksdu", "2808085": "curse lamp light 666 purge", "622165": "", "3140645": "aucklanduckland seattle toronto", "4715585": "hitting serving returning", "5276245": "blanket cover covers covering blankets sheet", "5193565": "worlds surfing championships competition contest", "891475": "chips ah potato lays 0", "5530385": "auckland zoo new zealand san francisco franciso yeah", "4114755": "kill extermin extermination slaughter", "4216895": "leather purse fingernails footwear shoes", "3039925": "baseball", "2025225": "boats 1850 boat 1909 1906 1902", "3599175": "bird sparrow fin finfin pigeon sp", "2812885": "electricity electrons energy sunlight", "4524575": "bases base basesbasebase basebase", "4969775": "laptop computer storing documents files typing work", "2646995": "soon never ever nevernever not", "5167995": "blue shirt tie shirttie tietie shirtties", "4878245": "mushrooms", "3419635": "pasture is not ", "4589315": "teddy bear", "5295325": "laying down resting sitting", "1678635": "not unknown", "334885": "yankees white yankeekees yahoo giants yan", "3104505": "chefs knife baking oven bake", "3195945": "freshwater fishes trout fish", "1411605": "ceramic pot art pottery", "2698475": "trees oak green maple pine", "698095": "poorest poorer poor", "4614455": "both 2", "2502235": "sheep lamb cows goats ram wolves", "3930865": "passengers commuters migrants immigrants", "5176325": "in field fields farms", "3043845": "slicing knife chefs chopping", "2257095": "sausage", "2772925": "how much lot alot lots unknown dont", "3871055": "baby birds fledgling newborn babies", "3075525": "1977 1978 1975 1976 1979", "4530965": "motorcycles harleys cruiser harris 5 harrys har", "832195": "this electricity gas", "4306105": "waves water", "5417025": "airplane passenger jet single engine", "186615": "mcdonalds logo mc dont metro franch mcdonald", "5610825": "fried eggs", "4189355": "storm cloudy rainy rain overcast sunny", "1056055": "phones transformed minion mouse minions", "884995": "cats kittens catsuits kitten cat catscats", "314345": "man bartender waitress bartenderkeeper barman bar waiter", "3143785": "feet are ankles ankle thighs knees legs", "2927635": "plane in flight unsure unknown hawaii", "3758025": "blue and white blueblue blueblueblueblue", "494955": "upside down \ufffd \u2606 nothing nothingnothing broken", "4646165": "lot alot lots", "4733725": "orange unknown not sure unknownunknownunknown flax unknownunknown do", "1731985": "firefighters fire fires emergency emergencies firefire", "2930865": "boat dock pier docking docks slips", "2940845": "airplane plane planeplane planeplaneplane", "257845": "", "2373855": "cross country skiing up mountain hill crosscross downhill", "4652135": "makeup vanity desk bathroom sink", "165565": "skate jump leap jumping o", "1814135": "black lab puppies dogs german shepherd terriers", "465806": "autobiographical book paperback fantasy literary", "3539975": "fruits fruit fruitsfulness fruitsfruit", "5717745": "how much alot lot lots", "409305": "police department taxi service cab taxis", "2039895": "hobby hobbies", "4492385": "red wine intoxication exhaustion alcoholism intox", "2014195": "", "1885105": "child toddler infant baby", "3072805": "horse riders horses", "4442355": "up service automotive armoured arri air ambulance aim", "5487025": "apples apple cider", "3185285": "", "3696315": "fruit digestion throat teeth digestive", "1645695": "diamond v", "1522995": "leash", "1551625": "", "4379945": "ducks birds swans duck ge", "4999135": "computer keyboard programmer", "4327625": "new haven london not ", "5424445": "newburyport guys dudes people chicagoans ch", "4223365": "0 1 50 100 30", "1475685": "cups trash drinks bottles beers", "4946785": "leash collar harness lead tether", "782865": "lines stripes", "346455": "thoroughbred horse", "4376055": "snow sled ice ski", "3554585": "black", "2288765": "", "2134055": "in sn ski sk snow", "3271915": "bathroom restroom shower bathrooms showers", "5297805": "landing flight takeoff", "2790895": "single bed twin", "4145555": "baby giraffe embryo adolescent fetus", "2698275": "poor poorer poorpoor impoverished", "2148005": "mac macintosh macmacmacmac macmac apple pc", "2913215": "toasters toaster", "2256455": "curly wig fri afro curls", "5269225": "traffic congestion bottleneck parking", "4364105": "spiral pasta noodles nodd", "1197995": "this race competition racing", "618195": "jet propulsion missiles missile", "4245365": "skin tone pigment melanocytes melanocyte", "3804475": "im not vans none", "2068415": "eat cake nothing lick finish", "4652045": "baking cooking cake mixing", "113265": "yellow tractor", "1976635": "wine champagne white wines whine", "4510365": "water lake lakes land in", "3330665": "heterosexual bisexual heterosexualisexual bisexualisexual", "531315": "k ketchup and mustard ketchupkr", "1962055": "in fly travel circulate flyfly", "5150535": "microphone microphones recorder vocals keyboards", "134685": "roast beef meat pork ham", "4421545": "", "238035": "400 300 40 30 50", "4325985": "girl girls boy girlgirl girlgirls", "1797535": "", "1574245": "snow boots sk ski", "2518605": "", "5561125": "jockey", "1180815": "exit directions freeway", "2209895": "baseball", "3343525": "surf wind sail surf swim skim", "3598975": "people peoples humans human beings", "2108615": "m mack", "2934895": "green beans peppers vegetables pepper carrots", "5602545": "bus stop shelter busstop", "53125": "green", "2671265": "horses horse ponies horseshorse", "290965": "sand desert deserts dessert", "4316965": "mountains not ", "3430665": "ancestors mankind humanity humankind humans", "2730815": "burger chicken chickens meat beef", "4914005": "", "1159115": "very tall", "1159175": "shaking handshake agreement friendship friendships teamwork", "3220955": "trunk negotiates trunks elephants swallowing", "3790645": "b bbm mer bbmbm bm", "2763655": "back backpack bag shirt backpackbag jacket", "5069655": "kaya kaka kiwi kiwif kiwiwi k", "3358605": "faces drawn labels painted scary", "3514045": "bananas banana fruit", "2655445": "new york state yorks jersey haven nyt", "5137445": "", "4776365": "1909 1915 1916 1917", "261325": "denim jeans not notnt nike", "125675": "tunnels themselves are two rivers bridges", "512815": "window pane screen glass windowwindow door", "4829405": "sale sell sold sales", "2438465": "brit airwaysways b british airways berm", "4774755": "pocket diary notebook note paper", "124285": "not", "1833215": "water air waves waterwater ocean", "1228345": "scooters are honda motorcycles silver", "3924745": "", "4912295": "happy smiling walking posing carrying luggage", "5698275": "truck trucks mixer semi tractor construction", "973115": "cats fur hairs hair furfur furhair furry", "4456215": "young 18 16 15 17 14", "504295": "pitching throwing delivering pitches pitcher", "1869065": "selfie picture portraits selfies", "790215": "terriers terrier ter puppies s miniature", "4636255": "smallest flowers love unknown romance", "427565": "", "5403215": "", "5573875": "350 350 350350350 350350 950", "5061365": "seeds onions onion seasoning", "2776885": "horse carriage wagon", "4890285": "silver spoons", "4432435": "happiness happy excitement sadness pleased", "1764035": "black sunglasses glasses jacket", "3202345": "family clan", "4620675": "", "3601855": "chunks chunk both", "3237205": "red", "5535015": "white bread loaf loafwhitewhite", "5640315": "train freight cargo shipping goods shipment shipments", "4724325": "wine aroma intox intoxicating intoxication intoxicated", "3883815": "paper envelope envelop cardboard", "883825": "", "5063275": "canopy beddedded four", "116355": "all cats friends friendsfriendsfriendsfriends friendscarscarscars carscarscars", "3355655": "on behind behind", "5471005": "novel trilogy fandom", "1763925": "dining", "862215": "", "2380705": "shortage of space empty seats buses parked starved liquidity", "3710905": "person man humankind humanity mankind", "719075": "bathroom cleaner veterinarian toilet physician", "3432565": "sphere lens foto f", "3560685": "green peas beans", "524725": "", "5314595": "blue paddle water surf board", "5295805": "this talking on phones conversation talkingtalktalktalk talktalktalk phone", "3104165": "fruit pineapple coconut mango banana bananas", "5175495": "whipped cream pip vanilla", "3588745": "in spots giraffe spot color markings", "5519005": "directions traffic direction", "681835": "in circle triangle triangles", "1133105": "in air france franca airfrance airfranca fr", "4280185": "silver tong knife tongs spatula", "4276185": "tow truck towing wreck semi towed", "3189246": "black crane blackblack brown white", "2997045": "never ever seldom nevernever nevernevernevernever", "426985": "tv production filmmaking sound recording filmmaker", "723705": "c vitamin", "1277435": "umbrella person humans humanshumanshumanshumans mankind humanshumans", "3006845": "doubles duel dual double singles", "4638305": "", "1846695": "coc soda coke cocco", "231765": "", "75395": "tea water beer cider whiskey", "5546885": "train conductor dispatcher detective detectives police", "1595255": "unknown india not mecca ind", "992295": "running playing football rugby", "4771365": "", "1609105": "kia", "5579485": "tourists tourist foreigners travellers visitors", "4822515": "boxing wii", "2696805": "toy pretend toys", "4296355": "ski poles pole sticks", "4183945": "hens unknown he hasnt hasn", "2929125": "drum kit percussion guitar guitars bass", "1184595": "brick cob bricks stone", "5032125": "1 0 20 30 40 50", "3613595": "honda kawasaki ninja kawawasaki", "4737655": "miss not notnt", "5219235": "quad muscles hamstring muscle", "3980515": "elephants herd ensemble elephant", "853835": "dirt biking mot racing motocycling motocross", "2833295": "africa", "5441175": "for photo contest", "3255035": "peppers pepper pickles onions onion rel", "3252065": "copper brass alloy metal aluminium metals", "550855": "bear sow hiber crawl breathe", "1960495": "boston new haven unknown chicago bostonoston b", "1904075": "water waterwater waters water", "5399775": "cycling race not ", "3412065": "boundaries of tennis courts markings boundary guidelines", "5729935": "", "4936265": "this plane airplane aluminum aluminium", "2661655": "", "1676835": "submarine sandwiches meat beef pork sub subs", "4478835": "", "191365": "stone st cement plaster", "4629445": "", "5767765": "", "2103685": "winnie cake", "189355": "orbiting planet earth", "5387375": "zoo is canada province cans can al", "3434035": "united kingdom america americausausausa usausa usa us", "5135515": "scissors cut cutcut write cuts delete", "3914605": "red apples apple tomatoes applesaches applesapple", "4099795": "", "3910185": "vowel sounds sheep", "498865": "horses", "395485": "spices flour sugar batter bread", "1123955": "elephants", "5801205": "", "4723295": "right", "5291175": "animals elephants elephant african wild", "4891955": "fermentation wine", "4821965": "silver spoon", "3885005": "10 20 2020 25 24 30", "3962125": "ski sled sk cart chair", "381175": "", "3400815": "green sur man", "4761135": "orange pumpkin squash maize pump carrot", "2235995": "pump pumps pumpkin pumping squash", "196655": "not very long time", "2203765": "parrot bird parrotbird par tropical parrotbirds", "3365695": "kitchen stove oven", "3758695": "cow", "2730885": "super", "422285": "clock tower clockclock clockclockclockclock clocks clocktower", "4005365": "", "2356515": "living room hotel roomlivinglivingliving livingliving livinglivingliving", "4412285": "rubber resin leather latex plastic wood", "4478795": "bird house birdhouse birdhousehouseshouseshouseshousehouseshousehousehousebirdhouseshouses", "4561615": "baby 1", "3908645": "parrots tropical birds par parrot parrotsrots", "3185985": "canopy roof shade shelter cover shading", "4071395": "flowers floral flower", "4514825": "sciences disciplines maths mathematics math", "5138815": "silver metal aluminium bronze metals aluminum", "2296225": "cub bullpen baseball american", "2432145": "black shade shadow hair", "1829065": "mustache lips noses mouths mouth teeth", "4246655": "these matches match sticks don", "2877185": "colorful", "2107315": "street name sign streets address", "4652205": "black and white zebra", "2102055": "horse race racing horses", "4672735": "little league baseball minors minor", "4484395": "cord adapter charger ear", "1844775": "semi truck construction drilling pumping drill mining", "4667105": "orange soda juice fanta", "3122865": "", "5734825": "games wii bowling playing wiii", "794985": "trailer caravan trailers cam", "124225": "bunny rabbit rabbits", "5192345": "large", "3717355": "famous sisters dont", "533305": "1964 1966 1969 1977 1978 1976", "5367605": "cath neither catholics catholic", "2090405": "brush cleaner soap", "3035405": "skiing o ski skating snow skiingski", "646025": "continent af africa north african", "4783065": "people sitting watching tv relaxing listening music", "3664175": "dough cake", "1283515": "bus", "4541555": "", "5782315": "1", "2515045": "pizza cutter slic pizz spat", "3191975": "fix repair fixing fixfix mirror", "5360395": "french fries potatoes onion onions", "1738435": "", "2234815": "car bmw sedan bmxi honda vol", "3900735": "", "5071965": "orange lava lamp", "2492615": "back backs both backsback", "1310155": "these clips are wooden", "5522975": "bathing brushing teeth cleaning washing", "2186475": "global warming climate bullying extinction", "5386825": "skate board skating surf snow skateboard", "3820325": "long way time not ago", "304375": "", "2387095": "baseball", "3578775": "phone cell phones smartphones", "3260655": "", "551995": "cowboy rides ride transportation her", "2005505": "wetsuit waders swimsuit wetsuits wetsetsuitsw", "75105": "steam metal metals iron steel", "626525": "ice skating rink figure", "79215": "woman on left is not notntntntnot not", "2535155": "dump construction ha", "5222435": "water air waterwater chlorine ocean waves", "5221955": "bone bones", "4700365": "black shoes dress loaf", "86305": "snowball picture photo people skiing sk", "3653295": "", "1181405": "half halfhalf full pint both partial", "5536595": "cement concrete dirt sand water gravel", "2748015": "2 1", "2263635": "suitcase quint quintessential luggage", "2147265": "window pane windshield windowwindow glass car", "1409845": "spiral pasta shells italian it", "494245": "team friends siblings classmates", "4836465": "tie ties tietie tiestie", "4173505": "swim suit bikini swimsuit", "199805": "maps map electoral votes election", "3732945": "yellow cheese cheesy baked cheddar mac", "3844125": "very", "2140085": "boy girl boys boyboy boyboys", "302765": "scissors pens pencil pen markers", "4133605": "dark shadows shadow shade trees sunlight", "1478835": "orange tab cat kittens calico", "1435385": "nike tennis shoes nikes unknown adikes", "186835": "battery charger apple surge wire wireless electric", "4073695": "cookies cookie", "1930115": "bear", "1757815": "bear bears teddy t bearsbear", "4368305": "", "5398445": "grouchychy monkeys cartoons eloise el", "5006755": "1850 1860 1870", "4550155": "doi doidoidoidoi eleph elephants eth", "4116455": "on ground parked jets tarmac 4 5", "152495": "garment blanket blankets yarn wool", "5491845": "bowl bowls", "887805": "bicycle bike cycle", "434255": "dog movie", "52155": "sitting down view", "4041635": "me noise bark barking", "3279215": "", "3730155": "pot", "24155": "rope leash string ropes thread cord", "2878415": "mascara perfume makeup lipstick cosmetic", "2783475": "candy cane sugar mint tob mintmintmint", "2774705": "bike bikes bicycles", "97385": "sur", "2746855": "hats hat hathat cap", "371745": "surf boards surfboards surfing surfboard", "4298295": "applause acknowledgement applaud acknowledgment", "5146285": "lot alot lots unknown", "3159945": "green purse wallet coach pouch", "4526195": "", "2980505": "anchors buoys floats balls buoysoys bu", "4856145": "boston new haven chicago bostonostonoston b", "3066815": "0 zero", "5682375": "", "2452095": "", "4649035": "packing list vacation vacationpackingpackingpacking dorm rooms", "1392405": "museum collections curator artifacts", "1749095": "bus driver person man", "473885": "orange 2 apples apple", "1515815": "playing catch", "2873605": "advantage neck strength endurance longevity", "805665": "cube cubes squares square circles", "3185255": "", "1702075": "", "5584245": "alcohol whiskey whisky bourbon beer bud", "1839575": "black leather office chair desk", "545415": "red wine overdose intoxication overdoses misuse", "5222335": "easton wooden baseball bat not nike", "348165": "", "5804345": "girl girlgirl boy girlgirlgirlgirl girls", "2603475": "all parts intest intestines torso abdomen", "2976075": "this architecture brutal industrial abandoned factory modern", "5396755": "show showshowshowshow showing shows showshowsshowshow", "3182455": "flower floral flowers cotton", "3579045": "2nd grade 3", "2527025": "trumpet brass orchestra trump horn sax", "4688265": "paper newspaper newspapers paperpaper", "41805": "boy", "4295735": "gate bridge gateway hallway", "811355": "stone limestone concrete cement", "804725": "3 4 2", "4691425": "fries sweet french potato", "421665": "soccer playing kicking falling", "2502255": "fruit fruits grapes", "1060255": "medium", "149605": "skate park skating rink unknown", "3575845": "fabric cloth cotton fabrics leather", "3778685": "undead vampires hall christ crucifix", "4830705": "pirates natives indians pilgrims", "1217825": "holiday birthday memorial fourth 4th unknown", "4597935": "rooster scales", "1981195": "", "5246795": "bus travels transportation transit transport", "4621295": "kia", "5466515": "kay hike paddle ro bo rows", "5344485": "red so yankees white yankeekees ykees blue", "1689545": "spare bedroom both bedrooms neither", "2259865": "", "3742825": "volkswagen transporter volkswagon volks van volksbach volksmann vol", "4433085": "snow hiber breathe crawl sow starve", "440395": "sink toilet waste water litter pee", "4155715": "light lamp lamps", "458295": "inactive active activity passive activeactive", "5718675": "taco tacos dinner burrito", "3372655": "thumb thumbnail ring right finger left", "4384295": "frying method fried", "4211345": "city of london downtown", "1409405": "n y j new haven", "3426885": "train tracks unknown don", "876425": "", "4518255": "noses nose throat mouth fingertips", "5092105": "light lamp lamps lights", "3743575": "garbage dump trash rubbish", "1788495": "rain boots yellow rubber", "10365": "c b i d cit vitamin", "5605635": "parking forbidden prohibited", "4402445": "waving flashing posing smiling", "2173785": "pizza pies pie", "525625": "", "2855705": "diamond star square diamonds diamondstarstar cube", "4097065": "plain cake icing sprinkled glazed twisted", "4511605": "divided split divide divisive unified", "1527815": "crest toothbrush unknown crestunknown col", "2885475": "website", "3876055": "surfboard wood plastic metal resin", "3727885": "monkey", "5358915": "blue color blues purple blueblueblue violet", "3993325": "unleaded gas is not neither", "4310775": "", "2680655": "striped stripes stripe stripped", "1832245": "very veryvery tall", "3110315": "fire water fires", "3201595": "mirror towel drying towels rack", "2653295": "bread wheat rye", "3791435": "nissan truck nismo titan toyotaota", "5235715": "wooden wicker bamboo ratt rattan oak", "4702075": "racing motorcycle honda kawasaki suzuki kawamoto", "1872685": "bird seag gull se pigeon", "1888265": "headphones headphone audio music", "853495": "dragons dragon triangle", "3988585": "white flowers roses", "4395315": "damage scratches wear tear stains potential", "4202155": "gray kittens kitten", "2532655": "", "4927295": "lime limelimelime lemon limeslimelimelime lemonlimelime", "3215925": "motorcycle mechanicsure ", "2866455": "o medals olymp games relay ogames", "3614775": "", "5465755": "skate flip jump jumping o", "74555": "boats boatboats boatsboats boatsboatsboats boat sailboats", "402015": "very", "4295595": "10 20 2020 24 16 22", "686365": "fall autumn winter", "271755": "", "3129585": "in pulling pull", "948845": "cookies", "4684285": "", "5421465": "digestion teeth swallowing", "338695": "", "1088025": "harnesses", "5386405": "lot lots many hundreds thousands millions", "5351415": "thoroughbred horse brown horses thorough", "5470825": "holiday st saint birthday christmas eas", "2875725": "", "638865": "family member", "4629875": "piano keyboard keyboards organ trumpet synthes", "2391445": "cell phone cellphone phones", "5518775": "dishes washing cuisine cleanup tasks", "5478275": "pillow bed pill bolster", "5817665": "men pee restroom bathroom", "711225": "", "4089955": "tennis shoe sneakers shoes nike", "3693215": "sweeping sweep broom", "4548985": "annual annually", "1443535": "0 5 1 3 unknown", "4506085": "", "5349255": "food pastry meat past", "4899145": "theater wall broad walls", "4553705": "poor poorer poorpoor poorest impoverished", "3258335": "", "4797205": "metal metals aluminium brass", "1174945": "", "3323115": "", "1334365": "pick picks pickpickpick pickspick pickpick", "1842235": "nothing broken nothingnothing injured bleeding", "2833935": "moped scooter honda motor", "4484615": "star emblem stars symbol tex", "3253875": "1880 1850 1860", "234055": "ar english ch r th", "1231845": "riding commuting biking", "4602965": "yellow lemon citrus lemons oranges orange lemonle", "3851085": "kite flying kitesites kites kiteflying k", "1052805": "paint oxidation rust corrosion", "2588905": "clouds rain water wind", "4213155": "", "4618445": "soak relax shower bath tub bathing", "3889805": "horse jumping riding polishing horsehorse equ", "2842475": "white clouds fluffy cumulus cloud cum", "3775785": "tongue", "171805": "american airlines delta americans united", "1690035": "t shirt white tennis tshirt tee", "4235025": "snow surfing", "2946885": "onion rings onions", "3248295": "", "3730765": "coffee mc dunk tim", "357325": "trees pine oak maple", "2613495": "tv box flat panel screen tube scree", "5349795": "afternoon noon daily noonnoonnoonnoon noonnoon", "1457415": "schematic diagram chart drawing graph diagramchart", "1940455": "this sur man", "1228445": "rope algae ropes", "482575": "spaceship earth replica plate frigate star spacecraft", "2200715": "winter", "2523595": "graffiti paint painting art mural tagging", "542285": "ice hockey puck baseball", "3653145": "race racing mot motmot races", "2158475": "eaten away destroyed disappear vanish", "3455315": "im not", "4342215": "", "2763175": "tennis tournaments championships finals", "5581635": "africa af africarica australasia usa", "2014065": "", "2131035": "fence gate railing", "5250855": "tricks flip jump flipped flips stunt", "2296585": "birds pigeons pige pigeon", "3250125": "pizza pizz restaurant", "1256845": "this sign direction traffic directions", "5267945": "flowers tul lilies roses", "329495": "playing pet", "1399945": "microwave oven ove stove", "4171295": "direction arrows directions traffic parking", "652205": "metal aluminium aluminum", "5685165": "ship cruise", "4822525": "new yorkshire police department newcastle england london", "4535195": "pink tongue tongueounge licking tongues", "4216565": "red sauce dressing tomato ranch", "3918075": "cow cows cattle livestock", "4097315": "circus performance performances concert show shows", "3785225": "baseball umpire referee batter outfielder catcher", "3788465": "tuxedo tux", "1867915": "baseball red so yankees ykees giants", "5385475": "luxury premium luxurious upscale wealthy", "1460845": "sand kinetic water sands", "1543455": "cutting cake chopping cuttingcutting cuttingcuttingcuttingcutting cuts", "2369635": "flowers flower floral sun", "2026295": "cow bull sunglasses", "2666315": "horse pony ponies horses thoroughbred", "3479895": "police detective detectives policemen", "2262985": "slipping sliding slides slid catching", "2063845": "not ", "591575": "", "3470195": "ladybugs ladybirds beetles ladyflies", "1198845": "exams mathematics maths", "2929235": "", "3196155": "horseback riding competition", "2588545": "sunshineamen", "24445": "beer bud", "76855": "stones monument history monuments prehistoric civilization", "851545": "waves water wave", "5339575": "enthusiastic excited ecstatic both enthusiasm", "1767325": "miami beach bisc unknown m fl", "5597605": "family friends acquaintances", "2431025": "aamerameramer american airlines aaa airline americ", "2423615": "not unknown 10 0 20", "4994475": "cement concrete pavement tarmac t", "654475": "chair chairs chairchairs chairschairs", "4182825": "lot", "1105365": "sisters circle quilts quilt", "1082235": "these horns", "5061495": "gateway bridge gate hallway", "697005": "gold wrapping paper dotted cardboard", "1504275": "", "4367445": "toilet cleaning", "5309065": "low unknown lot", "605995": "bridgewater reins reign rein harness", "3532705": "sitting playing", "3158275": "stop stops brakes brake caution", "3646985": "clock tower steeple turret steep", "3429495": "shadow person persons", "5391805": "yankee ballpark baseball stadium unknown field", "1641895": "12 noon 6 5", "4564125": "fan heater tv radiator furnace", "2059185": "jumping isnt not neither", "4005345": "business meetings conferences seminars presentations", "3857055": "strawberry strawberries fruit fruits", "2401555": "screen television wallpaper resolution background", "3518295": "stuffed animals unknown toys", "2238755": "dove dawn primal soap", "4710965": "lot", "5704105": "", "3728045": "car is car carcarcar vehicle carcar cars", "1997325": "rust corrosion age aging old", "2432315": "voltage is 220 volts 120 240 volts 230", "5021975": "google homepage maps youtube googlegoogle googlegooglegooglegoogle", "4004105": "blue berries blueberries blueberriesblueberries blueblueblueblue blueblue", "842305": "very", "2962865": "eating eat", "890935": "baseball field", "2789215": "tokyo toky", "3744055": "sunglasses sung glasses shades ey sun", "5541615": "vitamin c is indispensable for digestion carbohydrate carbs carbohydrates", "2362435": "fabric cloth cotton", "865765": "bird fin hummingbird finfin finbird humming", "1693225": "", "5502775": "short choppy undercut shaved buzz bob", "3109265": "hourly rate 10 20 25 30", "3813845": "", "4384485": "wardrobe", "4772305": "zebra", "4243265": "bear sitting", "4148875": "snapshot snapshots photo photographers snapshotshot snapshotshots", "5041845": "brushing teeth tooth hygiene", "1746775": "oceans ocean sea oceancean", "455435": "very rapidly quickly fast", "1261355": "laptops laptop", "2421335": "beaches san mate la francisco franciso", "5685076": "2 1 0", "5145135": "water fetch", "702955": "parrots", "4529225": "roman numerals romanromanroman romanromerome rroman r", "274955": "bridle leather harness", "770675": "", "1747005": "cats kittens catscats cat", "606005": "church cathedral churches", "4886825": "knife blade knifeknife sword knives dagger", "3104595": "chips potato chip cris wont", "2524705": "longest streak 1 0 unknown", "3626435": "rocking chair rockingchair directors", "5263015": "digital clock digits electronic elapsed time", "4355435": "cutting cut cuts cutcut", "115545": "nothing something nothingnothingnothing nothingnothing anything nothingsomething", "3638265": "snow unknown", "4537725": "hair styl stylists haircut hairhairhairhair hairhair", "5443255": "", "3314575": "farmers market vendors produce marketplace fruit", "280585": "car showmanship contest show", "1831005": "toolsmithmithmith tools toolsmithsmithsmith toolsmith tool", "3473595": "new york city yorks chicagoicagoicago chicago newyork", "5223605": "pc pc", "2802285": "", "4192495": "hear music talk listen talktalk", "1604025": "choppy water dark blue waters ocean", "3607515": "warm sunny cool cold warmer chilly", "564325": "walk walking walkingwalkingwalking waking walked walks walkingwalking", "4005925": "study studystudystudystudy studies studying both", "5150575": "verizon wireless nokia sprint at", "1230285": "coffee mug cup", "1515735": "black dots dotted squares dot pol", "2016405": "dress coat dresses gown robe skirt", "5251875": "brick bricks", "2240425": "germany gurgaurgaurgaulia germann gitzerland gurgaon german", "2129985": "tennis player", "2073315": "stew broth soup", "97635": "cloth fabric textile plastic", "2083295": "propeller propellers", "3172345": "kite flying kites flyingflying kitesflying k", "2014465": "rabbit holes", "139495": "", "867055": "blue", "5356855": "goggles glasses lenses filters glass", "5717735": "unknown dont know unsure not sure can", "2250415": "bus driving", "1611905": "happy happiness ecstatic smiles joy", "486825": "not", "2272025": "horse ride jump cycle", "967235": "whirlpool kardon kenmore whirlirlpool wh whirliq", "892035": "on streets cities directions", "1584205": "caucasian", "1331515": "black and white terrier shepherd border hus", "4594715": "straw grass grassgrass bamboo", "77405": "audi mercedes automotive audiaudiaudi benz", "679745": "rocks picnic benches", "953975": "", "929425": "pasture field fields", "5066175": "umbrella team unknown person inventor people", "1512365": "1959 1969 1979 197919791979 19791979", "4670715": "semi trucks are trailers haul freight dump", "5184555": "heart val valval holiday birthday eas", "4329645": "3 1 2 1 2", "5164635": "frame", "2801195": "tie bow ties bowtie", "1323855": "", "1387415": "cub baseball bullpen cubs cuban", "2188625": "train passenger subway commuters commuter", "1245255": "unknown new london chicago york boston", "4416195": "octopus tentacles squid oct", "4891145": "buffalo chicken bull beef hog bullbull", "2182845": "crossed up", "1754615": "theresa corriganriganrigan fitriganrigan", "1414135": "", "3071825": "trucks truck rigs tract dump", "3662405": "death sentence imprisonment lashes", "2237265": "politicians presidents men leaders", "2967905": "pizza pies pie it", "4002165": "face heads necks faces noses", "1788015": "both simulation simulations simulated simulator", "2106805": "peppers pepper", "3896735": "cat", "3000575": "sweat band wrist wrists bands", "1885455": "unknown", "3526755": "fastest birds fast", "490625": "resting relaxing sitting sleeping laying", "153745": "enclosed office cubicle", "624725": "lacrosse nike ad nikes pol", "4997385": "", "5230355": "apple computer software ib unknown", "4558935": "monkey", "5276185": "gir giraffe herb both herbs", "3842635": "this stuff furniture stuffstuffstuffstuff merchandise", "3359865": "shopping carts shoppers grocery groceries", "403985": "cowboy hat fedora", "214475": "red pigment dye hue color", "2064755": "chili hot dog chill sub", "1045645": "cake birthday baby shower celebration milestone celebrations party", "5010565": "robot android robots", "2551865": "flags banners flagsflags flag patriotism", "3981245": "", "1585405": "silver flip clam flipped cell phone cellphone", "3368745": "tennis", "4811655": "red apple retina crimson", "915815": "baseball", "1437115": "man mans both", "4512195": "", "5080085": "in water drown yourself accidents happen everyday tragedies happen drowning", "4710855": "mens bathroom restroom public men", "3667955": "united statesa banana usausausa states", "4028855": "k wind surfing water paras", "738265": "ropes poles handles oars wheels", "2113895": "body water torso parts belly", "725505": "before after beforebeforebeforebefore afterafter", "165315": "truck trucks convoy pickup dirt", "5690465": "military private sergeant major colonel lieutenant rank", "1517565": "12 15 16 14", "2064125": "", "1601815": "water fanta soda waters gator", "4077055": "party spoilers fandom supernatural spoiler hall", "2942335": "waves water wave", "1431585": "baseball cricket softball tennis baseballsoft", "3978265": "numbering system roman numerals angles angle rotation", "3883415": "with friends family friendships friendsfriends", "723915": "jet 5 0 4 38 538", "2039695": "clouds cloud spacecraft plane sky space", "5543015": "tennis balls ball", "1708575": "airport mall terminal hotel airports", "1260755": "dash duc dazz duster duchess duke d", "5196265": "cheese pizza", "3048335": "", "3826955": "orioles detroit orange los ori", "5281985": "trailer caravan trailers rv", "742325": "teeth deserve brushing their hygiene", "2830595": "fridge freezer stove oven microwave dishwasher", "3956735": " amenfr", "3385295": "fur coat furfur hair noses furfurfur", "577535": "pig braid pony gold blonde", "1479695": "flying landing taking take off", "3967035": "orange oranges", "927315": "ladder on elephant climb climbing climbs", "5213865": "don dough donut bakery donuts dunk", "2824155": "van", "2486015": "russia federation germany r usa", "3747265": "bowls bowl", "3075075": "ducks ge brown canadian migratory can", "116945": "flickrickrickr flickr flicker flask reddit fl", "2226295": "this parking meter cars billing toll car", "1289035": "curtains blind curtain fabric", "5497145": "floor rug couch sofa", "990665": "aviation showplane showplaneplaneplaneshowplaneplane air airshowplane", "4546815": "brown rust corrosion rusty antique obsolete old", "1299125": "hat beer soda", "4021915": "gestation period not", "5245085": "ranch pond pasture field farms fields farm", "5777255": "flat screen lcd scree panel tv", "3556035": "canine teeth of dog puppy prematemporalporalporal lobe premolar tooth", "1636835": "working drinking coffee tea", "4048525": "", "5524615": "elderly 60 70 65 55", "4154925": "all lot alot little lots unknown bit", "4558605": "tow truck ha transport vehicles transportation to", "5394045": "whirlpool corporation kenmore kitchen appliances whirlirlpool ltd ken", "3821005": "baseball helmet helm cap helmets batting", "2212235": "nightly news anchors debate", "334295": "soccer goalkeeper goalie midfielder goaltender", "2593125": "aer aerial aeraer", "160715": "waves water wave ocean waveswaves", "2354665": "rake sweeping broom brush", "3176195": "horse rider woman horsewomanwomanwoman", "2141915": "unsafe risky safe", "675315": "carrots carrot", "3082925": "engineer conductor driver", "984395": "woman womanwomanwomanwoman womanwoman womanwomanwomenwomanwoman", "618375": "green apple", "1762135": "not", "4056055": "lenses", "5614795": "messy", "2845365": "brown cows milk dairy", "4417145": "bar lounge restaurant cafe", "794235": "", "2664365": "all", "1093935": "", "2445825": "clothing factory knitting yarn fabric denim garment", "3600455": "black labrador retriever shepherd sheep lab labs", "321155": "rainbow sprink sprinkle", "1473925": "play climb ladder bed up climbed", "5379105": "", "507355": "sink", "4771565": "", "2165245": "truck trailer trucks train bus van", "5816865": "birds pigeons pige pigeon", "1706165": "abstract painting flowers abstraction floral art", "2831965": "dough bread flour", "5590215": "yellow bananas banana", "1113885": "hourly rate is 60 unknown not undefined", "3228475": "grocery supermarket rite", "400065": "bacon", "3575105": "", "472035": "boat canoe paddle row kay", "5845": "chinese stir fry chicken", "1517645": "", "5802745": "", "3134655": "orange juice lemon citrus", "2802675": "bathtub tub bathtubtubtub tubtubtubbowlbowlbowltubtub", "3504355": "red dirt motorcycles motorcycle bikes motor", "4271525": "dell keyboard logitech della microsoft", "5156385": "ratio ratios ration", "3881715": "ships ship boat shipship shipshipshipship shipboat shipships", "733025": "purchase order buy shop eat", "544795": "baseball", "5349655": "in field washing dc washington dcdc dcashington", "3866695": "icing sugar frost", "2709385": "fighting grazing playing battling", "1165185": "canine teeth of dog puppy teddy bear", "5211125": "value 10\u00a2 10\u00a2\u00a2\u00a2 1\u00a2\u00a2 1010 10", "4575195": "stop traffic lights light intersection signal signals", "873785": "ro kay rows roro row rorowing", "442155": "foam mattress bed on single double beds", "2595145": "laptops computers laptop exams", "3246265": "steps stairs staircase", "799015": "ethnic rug woven tribal fringe qu", "3893315": "red wine grapes wines grape", "4537655": "beard beardbeardbeardbeard beardbeard facial bearded shave", "5554935": "lights", "2718905": "rice", "2307125": "spanish italian french ital", "3701455": "drawing caricature drawings cartoons sketches", "4711565": "stone concrete marble cement", "4510245": "1956 1958 1955 1957", "2656295": "clock tower church clockclock clocks cathedral", "60685": "train", "4854915": "dome squared triangle square triangular", "901945": "daytime afternoon day", "629585": "police honda kawasaki ninja", "1547275": "southwest airlines mosa southwestern plains southeast", "5787655": "meat steak pork lamb", "1561335": "broccoli cheese vegetables veggies", "3149935": "pepsi soda p pep pepitas pints", "3896155": "tree branches ropes rope strings string", "4687305": "feathers feather feathershairhair fuzz", "4918045": "manufacturer volvo mercedes volvol vol volvolvol", "1739985": "bib", "4276625": "water sk skiing ski skate", "898775": "for forforforfor forfor both bothbothbothboth", "3239005": "reflection mirror mir mirrors sun mirrored", "1649185": "", "1140345": "students friends classmates siblings family", "3228075": "children toddlers preschool kids all", "1493055": "flip clam cell phones flips", "3269255": "roman numer numerals numeral romanroman numeric r", "2565445": "working work works both happy", "4260405": "north face backpack unknown unsure adidas", "4515155": "nikes puma unknown adikes nikeikes n", "2025005": "agriculture industry pastoral farming fields farms farmland", "2219165": "train passenger commuter freight cargo", "4120625": "foo foofoofoofoo rolling stones", "2402885": "", "675715": "dark clouds storm rain thunder", "1314985": "fries french fry", "3402225": "golden bridge suspension bridges", "326755": "surgery surgeries operations operation", "433475": "river water stream waterways rivers canal", "2508775": "o jumping tricks trick jump flipping flipped", "3543265": "bear bears forest", "4952435": "allergic asthma dairy gluten", "2089945": "siameshire cat siaya si tab pers", "3521805": "black and white photograph camera phone camerapersonperson photographer unknown", "2802065": "", "1504445": "holiday thanks christmas thanksgiving thanksgivinggiving turkey", "3066775": "", "4370935": "helmet coat jacket pants sn", "131405": "underage consumption 18", "2191695": "elephants circus elephant", "1094245": " yeah sure", "4918505": "milk cows dairy cow", "1394945": "40 birthday 10", "1995985": "l split ensu ensuite bay splitsplitsplitsplit", "4424515": "sandals sand shoes toes sandalssandsand heels", "1470945": "bird sparrow fin finfin sp", "3447825": "flip jump flipping flips", "5115085": "wooden ties anchors bridges wood beams", "1989745": "kawasaki ninja katana touring motorcycle kappa k", "774555": "nighttime night daytime nights", "5105405": "1880 1870 1860", "2279185": "pole poles posts", "3249235": "love heart hearts heartheart heartheartheart", "5130275": "relishes pick relish onion k", "5103995": "hot sauce ketchup mustard pepper", "280115": "white roses or flowers lilies tul", "3669755": "sheep goats lamb amen goat", "2730355": "bamboo raft paddle canoe", "5474985": "person man guy woman people", "2494555": "controller controllers remote game wii w", "3826415": "pizza italy chicago", "3292455": "bowl bowls bowlbowl bowlsbowl", "2196335": "ter terriers terrier poodle mutters mut", "1593135": "bathroom bathrooms restroom toilet", "184965": "wood oak pine cherry", "5576105": "for", "3079685": "girl unknown person havent yet cant", "4776175": "grilled chicken seasoned grill baked fried", "3656205": "propeller nose blade rotor propellers", "1017505": "money coin coins dollars", "4941905": "", "4563095": "square knot winds twist standard regular", "3961945": "0", "5470995": "", "167845": "jetek jet lick jetlink jetjetjetjet jetjet jetiki", "3783315": "fireworks firework 4", "2873105": "hat cap hatcap capcap", "5200395": "short sleeved notch round collar neck", "2480665": "parking", "3676055": "tennis ball ballball tennisball balls", "1377575": "potatoes potato sauce rice", "2978665": "ancient game fr frisbee friday soccer fridayfr", "4854845": "", "67805": "soccer", "45875": "cruise ship banquet buffet party", "2216805": "slow down down down down down down", "1289225": "fast 30 20 25", "5565545": "persian cat fluffy tab persi pers", "2044615": "sunset sunrise", "50215": "gray", "42455": "graffiti vandalism vandal", "1832475": "dish dishwasher", "198635": "train thomas thimble thiagoiagoiago thiagoiscoth", "3336345": "nothing nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing", "767535": "wii", "709525": "bartender profession waiter waitress chef", "687495": "red velvet cake chocolate wine blackout", "4465365": "", "2473205": "purple flowers violet pink wild", "2345695": "wind slowed down very slowly but slowlyveryveryvery veryvery", "3253845": "bird sparrow duck pigeon ducks se", "3967255": "electric double oven doubledouble", "5549435": "baseball not unknown", "1280745": "computer mouse keyboard webcam", "5037825": "airplane wasnt not", "5078815": "green pepper bell peppers", "3343025": "ergonomic keyboard computer wireless keyboards erg", "326745": "ford truck che forte chevy pickup for", "1599245": "", "3090815": "parade circus festivals festivities pageant", "3577595": "jump jumping flip jumps o", "1066665": "", "3141305": "tugboat ferry paddle steam ship tug", "3574435": "artisan maker", "2082565": "belts buckle belt beltbeltbeltbelt beltbelt", "5640745": "star stars", "4840905": "its not even plugged nothing anything nothingnothing nothing", "3743515": "hot dog", "4403395": "ti crown tut throne ti", "2828285": "engineer technician engineers", "616065": "pajamas cotton cloth silk fabric", "1434825": "cell phone", "1681875": "kia motors corporation kirinirinirin kirin", "5216105": "group herd elephants elephant ensemble", "77465": "lot alot lots little bit", "3930915": "video game games videos", "2408205": "north face unknown not notnt n", "4671095": "addict rebel addicts diabetic obese", "3103155": "jar vase jarjar jars pot v", "2661035": "second generation adolescent adolescents juveniles teenage", "4958725": "paddle surf surfboard board", "586095": "fermentation fermented cheese ferment", "1703485": "", "3182235": "vase v vasevase flowers vases", "5318615": "girl sailor girls", "4798995": "shortest runway is short", "1591965": "calves cows babies calf juveniles", "4152435": "", "3322715": "kawasaki katana honda suzuki kappa", "2686445": "protection safety padding", "4519535": "banana monkey chimpanzee monkeys", "2457605": "baker flour bakery chefs", "54355": "cat food meat grass catfish fish", "5201555": "diamond ear earrings rings stud hoops earring", "4763475": "goose duck ducks ge", "4000945": "force exerted by skiing momentum centrifugal", "743905": "young fledgling juvenile baby", "3767465": "regulated unregulated regulation regulatedregulated unregulatedregulated", "936775": "flowers ties flower", "5614645": "", "1200065": "fall off feet ankles", "3749245": "players pitchers pitcher defenders", "2629765": "harrys hybrids honda che toy har", "3596865": "fans spectators audience spectator", "3189375": "", "4887645": "digital sign signs signage scoreboard school signsign", "1587575": "puppy lesson unknown", "735115": "tea leaves", "5217295": "heine beers of breweries in germany hops imported light", "3072705": "", "4400155": "renewable energy electricity solar", "5770875": "", "5216635": "", "1905515": "lot alot lots unknown", "3632475": "television broadcasts broadcast televisions televisiontvtv tv", "4123505": "", "367185": "10 12 15 16", "3853425": "robins arent not birds fin rob", "161125": "elephant infancy adolescence adulthood adolescent adults adult", "5377735": "21 20 22 2121 century", "2592495": "water skiing surfing", "4107545": "lot", "923405": "glasses to see", "5161245": "51010 1012 1015 1016 1011", "2691995": "very spite much", "2535285": "police detective sergeant policeman officer", "4695875": "police officers detective cops detectives policemen law", "792445": "black labrador retriever shepherd labs lab", "709395": "person", "2034405": "by age wheels ages tyres", "1721975": "baseball batter hitter catcher pitcher don", "3751295": "unknown", "879805": "this stop sign stopstop signstop stopstopstop", "2069755": "engineer not ", "995195": "turrets windshield windows", "4190525": "eggs egg eggsegg eggseggeggegg", "1362305": "microsoft ergonomic keyboard dell logitech", "399585": "snow", "4197675": "modern era 1950s old fashioned 1960s 1950", "1388465": "", "274065": "coral algae moss bacteria seaw", "3713925": "businessmen politicians lawyers attorneys", "174325": "orange oranges alike apples", "3240365": "surf board surfboard waves boards", "3517345": "lifespan 10 20 5 8", "2992445": "van", "1447465": "north face triumph", "865605": "fabric cloth sofa couch tan", "1962905": "not unknown unsure", "4331225": "happy smiling brushing teeth grinning smiles", "1061485": "old fashioned television box analog tube", "1559425": "grass sunlight sunshine shade", "2933425": "monday morning prayers every day mornings m weekday", "1636925": "bar stool headphone height desk metal", "2252305": "tails tail asses backs", "541635": "baseball yankees yahoo blue twins", "2782305": "browse watch play nothing subtitles", "5627125": "trash bin rubbish garbage waste", "2668095": "nassurance corporation airport regional unknown not", "4261185": "", "4633055": "broccoli", "2873885": "", "902585": "casual casually scaled causal", "1896565": "this bed bedbedbed bench night couch table", "5387475": "b bb run back swing baa", "2924165": "nutrients essential amino acids proteins", "4652665": "stop traffic stops stopstop stopping", "4601645": "lot lots alot", "1563265": "flower lil da", "2566555": "e", "778055": "seed seeds bread", "2871735": "b bmw bm motorbike bbm kappa", "5147715": "leaf maple mapleleaf leaves leafleaf", "1729255": "o medal olymp 2024 games medals", "3876065": "twenty 24", "1671235": "american express southwestjetjetjet southwestjet southwest", "5614875": "ski pole poles", "5636175": "", "2034065": "green broccoli plant cabbage cauliflower lettuce", "192385": "stuffed animal bear both animals either", "5653115": "cookies cookie cake biscuits bisc dessert", "3835255": "octane is adrenaline nitrous unle unleaded", "389235": "parade rally procession biker festivities motorcycle", "1787855": "", "3125745": "car detailing franchise restaurant food", "1269595": "hazards unknown danger hazard", "102225": "clouds rain storm showers", "5094825": "cups storage mixing icing storing drinking", "3564025": "design swirl spiral scrolls", "5466775": "down", "5188435": "", "447045": "juice smooth blended juices smoothie", "5795395": "chocolate frost icing", "5045545": "banana bananas", "3143905": "bikers motorcycles motorcycle", "394975": "school schools both public", "1184135": "antique vintage archaic ancient antiquity", "5090305": "pirates not tigers unknown unsure", "79345": "health healthy heal safe", "4608795": "sparrow bird fin birds swall", "4125755": "train", "4282085": "potatoes potato vegetables food", "833525": "old fashioned flat screen tv box tube", "4841585": "bus tour trolley private tours trolleybus", "190855": "school bus wheels on bus hop hops", "5674075": "voicemail is voice memos", "1405075": "surfboard", "3795585": "as far i can see away", "1729475": "picture clock painting clocks", "5153005": "selfie photograph drawing park outdoors", "3874085": "swim tank top tanks bikini swimsuit", "564865": "mushroom mushrooms", "2614855": "black backpack backpacker straps backpackers backpacks", "1217955": "silhouette sunset twilight", "4047665": "baseball angels bra tigers dod", "2447485": "", "5791765": "back", "3800725": "rabbi unknown person man i presume", "4024545": "wool coat", "1497375": "not", "3872485": "mountains mountain mummy alps", "3485105": "1850 1860 1870 1840", "5462285": "black labrador retri retriever lab mix puppies retrie retrieves labs", "466305": "catcher", "3083125": "theodore teddy bear usa america united statesa americ us", "3455575": "swan bird swaffe mute goose flaming", "494345": "modern day daytime afternoon morning", "2202165": "flowers da orange roses", "3240065": "baseball erupted strike pitch scored struck hit", "734425": "white food who whites", "3143985": "kris krisesworthworthworthskiskiski krises guess", "4552275": "tennis", "4781155": "asian chinese asese asinese chin as", "4567735": "young horses", "892885": "", "155955": "markings fur stripes hair leather", "3652845": "outdoors outdoors", "8825": "lifetime of love patience maturity dedication", "3767125": "for fun adrenaline", "3120505": "baseball batter hitter", "692145": "captains chair recliner suite armchair", "1714295": "peppers tomatoes cuc trees vegetables", "314655": "skate skating", "4070535": "", "4422425": "cargo ship tanker freight", "2487095": "in case pouch bag", "2651585": "short hair pony tail bob", "5413135": "communications agency for foreign businesses relocation office localization telecommunications", "990625": "tuxedo suit jacket turtleneck tux tuxux", "989445": "fish salmon trout cod", "2533235": "passenger transit tour municipal commuter", "2707995": "1950s 1960s 1970s modern era retro 1960", "4031625": "map maps poster mapmap picture diagram", "2751805": "tennis doubles tournaments mixed", "2628935": "sock socks knee blocker", "1653735": "in oven", "4083935": "zebra ze zez z", "1080695": "jet engines gas turbine combustion gas", "1834455": "squares squared square", "2746315": "red light traffic stop accident", "2599605": "tennis elbow instability arthritis tendon", "597355": "nothing creeps ghosts disappear vanish", "5540035": "mascara", "3586075": "clock analog dial analogue", "5436635": "tie", "4818075": "baseball", "3102895": "biggest giant", "1439655": "ceiling mirror camera ceilings aerial", "1675515": "", "4411695": "yellow bananas banana", "940845": "lot lots 250", "897925": "cloth fabric cotton", "1693775": "duchess yamaha honda kawasaki duc", "2372735": "fur wool faux leather flee furfur", "2768945": "bmw sedan mercedes", "453145": "cargo boats ships shipping warships freight", "1874425": "water", "4019445": "", "3543275": "head accessory horns feathers feather", "3803445": "skate unknown unsure dont know unknownunknown", "5369295": "dock", "3555945": "games gameplay video game playing", "3091445": "theodore teddy bear baseball player unknown pitcher 1863", "5321065": "marble granite limestone stone", "494025": "ooesoesoes paddle oars ooes o", "3905595": "", "194875": "", "3100535": "snow snowy winter", "1035105": "health cardiovascular diseases disease dementia diabetes", "2208235": "fruit market produce markets farmers", "159155": "left turn", "1394925": "toilet paper tissue", "1352375": "fines 0 unknown zero", "1249925": "railway railroad train", "3513825": "cleaning watering washing washingwashing", "1126195": "1930 1939 1940 1941 1945", "828135": "red velvet frost vanilla icing cream", "87465": "basketball basketballbasketballbasketballbasketball basketballbasketball hoops basket hoop", "223745": "witches witchcraft evil", "2962675": "fried egg sliced over easy", "3731375": "orange sliced blood fl", "2601185": "toothpaste unknown crest dental mint", "5228275": "calf muscle tendon groin hamstring", "2655895": "metal stainless steel", "4253815": "red stop now stopstopstopstop stopstop stops", "5790655": "wicker baskets", "3497875": "fish shark whale fishes sharks", "1349145": "fedora hat brim straw fisherman", "283495": "polished wood floors finish hard", "4060745": "couple friends siblings classmates acquaintances girlfriends sisters", "2455285": "lot alot lots little", "4117055": "stop stopstop stopstopstop stops halt", "577705": "dump trash garbage rubbish", "4473795": "people seniors men menmenmenmen drivers motorists", "4715045": "toilet seat toilets seats", "4444985": "cone mirror nothing", "5378755": "disaster earthquake quake avalanche earthquakes", "4312405": "baseball not ", "1639335": "train engine engines generator tractor locom", "1561515": "flowers tulips lilies tul bulbs", "380465": "tray containers bowls sp", "4505925": "harness straps reins reign collar", "3190575": "chairs", "2289655": "left", "1448475": "cream sauce sauces dipping syrup gravy", "5641835": "base third first home plate", "802935": "baseball yankees cub cubs", "2024235": "coffee tea caffeine star espresso", "2811085": "brick cloth circular rectangular", "5668555": "professional professionals professionalprofessional business professionalism", "5623055": "canadian", "4649375": "throat breathing lungs stomach", "2887705": "this window pane sill", "5288005": "louvre museum guess coach unknown", "5805385": "policeman detective police", "3886525": "tusk disappear vanish disappears tus", "5216525": "headband consists consist consisting total head", "3411455": "accidents happen everyday fatalities deaths accidental", "881925": "", "2318385": "tiny house tinytiny housetinytiny tinytinytinytiny", "547365": "bridge highway bridges freeway high", "1036735": "fence fencing gate railing fences rail", "5223385": "", "282305": "dancing circus juggling ballet", "844795": "in side car sidecar compartment passenger back sideseat", "2777265": "alps mountains rocky", "3265085": "pirates yellow gold yell", "4891915": "this family reunion meal supper din dinner", "5742075": "intersection directions streets street", "2349005": "im star pop transform mickey", "594515": "red cardinal cardinals cardinalcard bird cardinalinals card", "5016255": "shirt button buttonbutton long sleeve", "950505": "corgi dog shepherd dingo coll", "4834965": "miss amazon river amazonazonazon basin", "83145": "glasses goggles sunglasses ey", "2802705": "", "2561905": "formal informal", "2517905": "animals birds people", "474815": "metal stainless steel aluminum aluminium", "4653015": "garment jacket sweater coat", "2828555": "cooking baking frying", "5018415": "", "3249525": "disney princess", "1569395": "these boots heels shoes boot heel", "4001755": "fedora hat black", "884145": "train station depot", "781965": "", "2855635": "protest", "1778215": "base first bases home", "4578685": "umbrella nike nikes umb ad n", "3212155": "cowboy boots rain leather", "4443375": "bread white loaf breadwhite whitewhite", "2984685": "boats boat boatboatsboatsboatsboatboatsboats boatsboats boatsboatsboats", "3072595": "wetsuit wetsuits waders swimsuit surf wets", "2666465": "intersection street junction corner intersections corners", "1663765": "", "3431565": "passenger bus green commuter tour", "1251685": "street downtown intersection", "4489445": "pepperoni cheese supreme pizza pepperonis pepper", "2349495": "monkeys monkey banana bananas", "2874345": "", "3337055": "elephants die fear perish disappear vanish", "4552555": "chips are seasoned corn maize", "4994255": "straw hat sombrero sun", "3576415": "bathroom shower restroom toilet bathing", "391375": "10 20 15", "4130885": "rooster chicken chickens", "291895": "leash pole person dog", "4326225": "lantern lamps lamp lights lampslights", "816765": "hats hat caps hatshat turb", "4398835": "ski poles", "1024605": "elephant calf elephants african indian", "3504975": "yamaha grill bm 2600 harley david yamonda yam", "5093585": "before after beforebeforebefore beforebefore without", "5334515": " yeah", "5201145": "mattress firm continuum unknown elusive unsure", "1603275": "anchor", "1881135": "beard beardbeard hair facial bearded hairs", "1313525": "flowers lilies da tul l", "4988905": "m che su toy for", "792985": "fire water fires hyd", "1889876": "", "5487235": "distraction boredom distractions distract", "5624085": "beach ocean oceans lake sea", "4827065": "teeth regenerate breathe breath refresh brush", "4345875": "polling station pin sting sock", "2092565": "white horse thoroughbred horses", "4718635": "medium size small", "2951035": "p pugs puppies pug pbullbull", "3836205": "pancakes", "5695305": "allergies asthma allergic", "505185": "", "2625195": "dishes glasses plates dishesware bowls glass", "3293945": "tennis shorts", "1520705": "size differences buttons sizenessness sizeness", "5192875": "film shark surfing jaws movies attack scream", "528195": "climb climbs climbing summit climbed", "3579295": "lot 0 30 50 25", "5432015": "", "1638035": "holiday val birthday christ holidays eas", "2033595": "thin crust pizza", "593135": "rope wake board kite", "740805": "conference meeting workshop", "2550455": "holidays christ christmas advent christchrist crucifix", "415975": "tooth paste", "4121945": "orange juice lemon juices", "903075": "triumph motor scooter moped honda yamaha su", "4999305": "sleepy both yawn tired sleep", "3018955": "dalmation d dalmalmalm dalmala dalmals dalm", "3587245": "", "5513445": "dell windows xp ib", "3652935": "dog dalmation dalbergerberger terrier dalmations white dalm", "911355": "wind turbine windmill turbines turbinewindmill", "4274625": "american dime dollar dollars", "1013105": "jets airplanes planes 4", "2120285": "saddle blanket bridle", "5784975": "egg roll", "4114505": "fridge freezer refrigerator", "5611905": "white pants trousers dress whites slacks kh", "2594395": "balconies stairs access staircase", "1366095": "dishes water people food", "3890375": "silver blue blueblue blueblueblue gray", "222185": "landing landed touchdown land taking off", "3712585": "green plants leaves foliage plant flowers grass", "3390425": "pot pots bowls bowl", "1873365": "rinse repeat cook finish cooking prepare eat", "1098165": "music guitar guitars guitarist video game", "3968525": "im not ", "115195": "standing", "4285655": "", "1425575": "music sounds sound recording", "5700665": "1950s 1960s 1970s", "830585": "warm", "3722195": "parrot sings songs dances", "5434475": "", "1100235": "bird sparrow fin finfin finbird sp", "1887225": "bombs kill kills killkill eradicate killing", "1775165": "pasta shells penini shell pen", "3427045": "", "5084495": "happy birthday anniversary", "5053095": "grocery store baby toy", "2491395": "exert exerted exercising", "1443305": "ice milk water", "5796215": "clips anchors closure safety security bar", "4698515": "", "5247885": "cold winter freezing icy", "1302715": "dress", "4814415": "ghosts pumpkin pump witches", "3866835": "veggie vegetarian pizza spinach tomato cheese ve", "4653535": "united statesa kingdom america americausausausa us", "2115295": "grass hay weeds grassgrass wheat maize", "1608485": "fishing boat", "34835": "toshima transistor toei toshyoima toshiya to", "1327605": "horse races competition show judged judging", "4463325": "rivers river stream water", "4899785": "bathroom shower bathrooms shave restroom", "1061005": "25 35 3535 40 65", "4589085": "snow", "3719505": "cookies biscuits cookie cake", "3593965": "skate ramps wooden ramp", "1865525": "duck paddle transport pods tourist", "3769125": "", "5154305": "n", "2641835": "candle candles candlecandcandcand wax", "77335": "couple married couples wedd wedding", "4598535": "degree certificate of employment diploma", "4737255": "pigment rgb arsenic uranium phosphorus", "1180275": "ge whirlpool microwave kitchenaid unknown appliances k", "3204835": "streetcar intersections traffic lights signals", "1715665": "black book bible study education unknown dictionary", "5436895": "busy bustling crowded busybus", "3353665": "piping trumpet pipe pipes", "701615": "practice practise practices practicing practicepractice", "4897715": "paper cutter scissors paperpaper papers", "1422765": "store shop stores storestore storestorestore storefront", "2953215": "sail sailors people humans human beings mankind man", "1193375": "nightclub party parties", "792695": "bakery donut deli pastry", "4388675": "cell phone", "4040135": "trash litter garbage waste paper", "4603625": "pizza patience concentration attention e", "3605715": "", "4611285": "plane planes airplanes", "2629675": "stripes striped stripe stripped", "790775": "roboats canoe boats kay ro", "3327825": "king", "5081305": "rings ring engagement wedding", "4239325": "shorts diaper diapers", "4305815": "im not unknown", "4051315": "price not unknown", "46475": "whistle me mate vowel sound", "3596255": "unknown 20 20202020 25 30", "2464125": "baseball batter", "5013465": "baby lamb fetus sheep newborn", "5351645": "sheep herding grazing her goats", "913975": "stuffed animals unknown unsure im sure not", "4705395": "orchid flower plant or orchidchid l", "3312255": "parrots par", "3917715": "hose water irrigation", "5298865": "bakery", "802465": "eye glasses ey corrective prescription", "2540075": "", "1625475": "", "3688525": "kitten baby kittens young", "4470915": "this neon clock light numbers electricity", "5024795": "goods toilet paper towels", "4600975": "not nikes wilson unknown n", "3530905": "arch window stained glass", "3954325": "dancing ballet running walking standing", "533175": "dessert cake chees", "88165": "fluffy white clouds cum cumulus", "3069135": "casually dressed casual both clothed", "673445": "on boats crowded people cramped", "145365": "lot lots alot unknown 10", "4707225": "", "337325": "silver porsche beetle", "2374255": "boxer bull boxerbull bullbullbull bullbull", "1534265": "north face unknown northface not sure nikes", "1038395": "metal alloy aluminium aluminum steel metalmetalmetal", "4247055": "rush rushing rushed rushrush", "2302755": "baseball", "3296405": "telescope telescopes shade microphone light", "1121145": "herd cows cattle cow cowscow elephants", "4212415": "wii boxing", "2892135": "ski lift force equilibrium airflow", "4835305": "drink drinking", "4785975": "30 30 2 20 3030", "2019195": "red onion onions tomato pepper", "3921055": "", "370625": "billion dollars unknown 500", "4020415": "elephants", "3826645": "pitching tossing throwing pitches drafting releasing", "856855": "", "5727895": "veil hat scarf flowers flower band", "2149555": "blender machine unknown bottle", "2330225": "africa wild savannah zoo wilderness", "605765": "wheels", "1064195": "metal aluminium aluminum", "4029085": "towel robe towels shower robes", "3748735": "ski sk sksk skiers", "423455": "", "528025": "m mack trucks", "4298585": "stickers", "4729005": "drink sip imbibe wine", "4311785": "metal alloy aluminum aluminium metals steel", "3370685": "orange oranges red", "3703295": "", "2120825": "towel", "705585": "parrot par bird parrotbird parrotparrot parrotbirds", "498195": "standout teenager player boy teen model tennis", "1547545": "spikes anchors buckle cle", "3952595": "unknown lol coach unsure pol", "4472435": "this elephant intellect athleticism willpower intelligence", "3062495": "", "2442095": "plaid che squares squared check pl", "5614485": "", "3768295": "brush teeth regenerate shave brushing", "534745": "what happens next jump land crash lands collide", "2135325": "sitting listening listen listened listens learning", "2499685": "lot alot lots doesnt know", "1622835": "flip cell phone silver cellphone smartphone", "1198345": "cowboys ancestors native americans pioneers settlers first", "1747735": "races themselves festival festivals fringe weddings", "947706": "black bow tie bowtie knot", "5506995": "killer instinct lions lion", "5776235": "radio waves electromagnetic microwave oven", "2127125": "not ", "539295": "leather reclining recliner recliners recl sofa", "5406265": "pork sausage meat pigs pig bacon", "3289785": "baseball batter pitcher", "1790885": "humane society of america", "5234565": "pizza pan plain", "5285625": "scarf shoes flats boots", "5218675": "bedroom bedrooms dining room rooms livingroom", "1572215": "10 15 20 5", "1368115": "musical theater theatre ballet", "3750435": "contest competition prize prizes", "1270765": "wii teaches dances", "3911025": "collection knives belonging scissors unknown artifacts old", "4855265": "chickens chicken turkey poultry", "5744565": "6 5 7 8", "3905675": "ro food truck pizza pi pizz", "3829395": "bear pand bears brown pandurs grizz", "3929475": "picture lady queen woman", "2954485": "north face suitcase luggage unknown unsure", "4830665": "sharks shark dolphin", "619515": "narrow alleyway street corridor alley", "828965": "wetsuit wet wets suit wetsuits swimsuit w", "3690495": "pawn shop", "3443195": "clyds clysters trained clydesdale puppets corses cly", "2027425": "banana", "2640195": "metal fence wood wooden wrought", "5155505": "protest demonstration rally protests impeachment", "1183305": "cocktails beer water wine", "3161025": "orange scarf blanket cloth hijab veil towel", "1561805": "wii is not notntntntnotntntnnnn w", "3989675": "train bridge bridges trains crossing", "3423815": "keyboard mouse keyboards", "3149435": "", "1478235": "party patio backyard living", "4615075": "sow bear gather berries hiber breathe", "3222685": "lot 50", "2179785": "im not ", "3586205": "flower growing in water floating", "4438835": "cow calf bulls bull", "4496975": "tracks train track trackstrack trackstracks rails", "5507875": "snow", "1806415": "pig pigs pit bulls bull", "3606435": "flying took flight flew", "192275": "bears fishes algae bacteria fish fish fish", "5586395": "lights", "4059205": "fence fencing fences gate gates", "2250715": "birds ducks ge gull duck se cranes", "829805": "stadium baseball ballpark grounds", "2856675": "towel rack towels shower sink", "4413825": "pancakes", "3503135": "house", "3029005": "wooden canoe boat", "2517585": "mountain mountains", "3194405": "girl", "4365195": "fastest possible speeds up 30", "824805": "singing songs music", "171545": "infrared camera lens ipod nano webcam digital ip", "1885185": "im not possible unknown woman photographer", "3310315": "", "3497915": "students both student pupils classmates", "4919835": "", "5038755": "ro boat boatboatboatboat boatboat boatboats boatboatboatsboatboat canoe", "2682125": "preparation checklist sanity should be checked clipboard", "4196095": "fast train very rapidly quickly", "166605": "", "857745": "athletics new york san francisco los", "5221505": "duchess honda suzuki ducio duc", "2326705": "communal table third dining tables", "802755": "skin", "470225": "paper clay cardboard plastic", "3392505": "fedex delivery truck van parcel cargo fed", "5560575": "black cow bull calves calf brown cows", "1032605": "waves crushing pounding smashing rolling swallowing", "29315": "clocks clock clockclock clockclockclock clocksclock", "3717915": "washington dc washing dcdc dcashington", "5280975": "pizza", "2654535": "", "412315": "game never ever nevernevernevernever nevernever seldom", "1688655": "candles candle birthday cake chim wax", "2019295": "pole poles post skate skateboard", "4981655": "doors go exits elevator", "2715925": "", "577965": "", "811025": "parking meter metre pole meters", "884585": "hair styl stylist salon styling haircut barber", "4966575": "wood oak pine", "4298035": "poor poorpoor poorer good bad", "5295005": "what happens next leapfrogfrog leapfrog leap jump fail fall", "5339445": "curse word warning audible strike strikeoutoutout strikeout out", "3331525": "hitter batter catcher umpire", "4573355": "fish salmon trout", "4147475": "beard mustache go gogo", "5754835": "bathroom vanity mirror cabinet", "832685": "", "985965": "not ", "1043805": "in metropolitan met metro cities", "3630285": "", "1084295": "grill grate sear baked barbecue", "1576425": "truck", "5128385": "horse jumping equitation equi equ", "5142805": "oval lens fiddle round", "4082275": "washing machine laundry laund dish", "2630315": "bmw katana not not possible", "5302935": "goal keeper catch ball soccer volley", "1318335": "horses barn stable horse", "1103955": "dog breed dogs dogsdogsdogsdogs dogsdogs puppies", "3416175": "", "1632505": "identification tags identify", "1509485": "eas easter bunny party weddings parties", "3371515": "volleyball", "2926885": "toshiba laptop dell della toto", "426805": "1950s 1940s 1950 19501950195019501950 1950", "3916155": "roast pork meat beef ribs", "2637105": "", "3770155": "surfboards surf boards surfboard surfing", "1083845": "", "5025295": "fries fat cholesterol salt salty", "5509065": "wire cable wires wirewire electrical wiring", "3801635": "taking off", "3232405": "", "3976055": "catcher swinging batting hitting playing running", "4595895": "poor poorer poorpoor impoverished", "5027245": "", "2545565": "oil vegetable frying petrol", "3578125": "living room", "1029745": "delivery logistics deliveries", "749755": "twentieth century 21st nineteenth 21", "1917315": "flora flowers flask fauna", "4999155": "", "3107325": "risks inherent dangers danger hazards high", "5528135": "mountains valleys skiers snow", "726015": "pedestrian crossing pedestrians crosswalk cross", "3333245": "wrath hatred rage shame hate", "2554185": "palm palms palmpal coconut trees", "899435": "long", "2994885": "0 0 zero undefined unknown", "499775": "1930 1950 1958 1955 1956", "702615": "setting sett set settingsetting settings sets", "808015": "on ground trash landfill garbage", "5588045": "baseball dug dugout", "2883835": "castle disney", "1245015": "pig tails pigs ponies", "476395": "stuffed teddy bear", "1136545": "ripening interval 2 weeks unknown not months", "4515745": "australasia australia austereo australa austria austral", "4956415": "pedestrian crossing crosswalk yield cross", "4750015": "wood oak pine", "1701015": "beer served in batches bottleneck glasses half full", "202215": "poodle terrier s p sh ter", "1482515": "", "1170625": "not possible unknown sure unsure", "1225835": "left bus duo 2", "2029905": "newspaper slips are delivered to readers newspapers reporters", "3612125": "domestic domesticesticesticestic domesticestic", "4273825": "c b d i doping vitamin", "4511965": "rider drank nothing nothingnothingnothingnothing nothingnothing happened", "3144365": "traffic light intersection lights signal", "1106585": "windshield wip tires tire", "5815825": "deteriorated rundown dirty polluted empty", "60045": "ship cruise yacht liner cru", "3650345": "pizza", "1781935": "cats sleep alot lot lots", "3944045": "disney mickeys", "4306915": "photo", "4806445": "potters association chisansisans japan japanese", "762645": "", "5638095": "", "2801585": "competition contest competitor competitions", "4609165": "screen control panel touchscreen keyboard", "4079115": "oval bathtub antique white", "2250885": "first base third 3rdrd fourth 3rd", "4913305": "gravy boat potatoes mashed potato", "3741465": "red cardinal bird cardinals cardinalcardcardcard card", "4120905": "unknown not crest unclear unsure unknownunknown", "1504805": "coffee boils water tea beverages beverage maker", "3024245": "this man mans manmans manman made", "2413415": "thrott throttling options compressor tuning airflow", "1213515": "girl child children toddlers preschool all", "4384535": "tv watching television sitting", "2340885": "haircut hair extensions hairhair hairhairhairhair", "394035": "very extremely incredibly rapidly quickly", "2597175": "paddle fan plate fanfanfan fanfan", "5397295": "airbus nervus a330 380 jet", "3006205": "microsoft windows xp demo 7 8", "665035": "bananas", "3711575": "desk folder backpack bag pouch", "1153315": "bear ice icebear bears candy", "4297585": "puff seal colony seals seagull gull seagall se", "3055275": "", "886975": "moped scooter motor honda motorcycle", "2681515": "light fluorescent bulbs lights illuminated led", "1475205": "for balance tiss tired balancing", "2481945": "taxi", "970295": "domestic cat domesticesticesticestic domestication interior", "1911595": "surfing board", "1239495": "photo", "459895": "t shirt blue tshirt tee", "2687335": "credit debit parking bank", "4089225": "car repair garage", "3952685": "fetus", "4451405": "mushroom supreme pepperoni pizza cheese pepper", "1179465": "boxer puppies pups boxerbullbullbull bull", "3264805": "nokia cell phone apple sprint s", "2316095": "4 3 5 6", "5541525": "clutteredtered clutter cluttered clutters", "2198805": "burgers burger meat hotdogs hot dogs", "3824015": "briefcase is leather bag pouch purse", "5679765": "stroller baby carriage buggy", "5206795": "london skyline england par", "4439165": "honey teddy bear", "32205": "new york baseball stadium haven", "74895": "in air", "2525445": "red brick apartment apartments", "531135": "ladder stairs stairsadders ladderaddersaddersadders", "2969895": "very long", "3792305": "water surfing skiing", "4760345": "states texas texas texas texark texas is tex", "3567715": "for fun funfunfun finding", "5050865": "king beddeddedded beds queen", "2791755": "fedora hat black fedoras derby top", "2196795": "sound of cowbellbellbell bark me", "4523435": "coming soon going went go gonna", "4347535": "toothpins hold sandwiches together toothpicks tooth skew food", "690545": "dome capped circular dom concrete", "5600155": "individual individualindividualindividualindividual individualindividual individually individuality", "5391675": "catch ball baseball", "3436915": "", "949785": "smoke steam engine passenger coal locom steamsteam", "1919575": "baseball players personalities men gentlemen presidents", "833325": "c cnbc television 4", "208575": "", "4663015": "red blue", "1502115": "dachshund dachs dachhound dachmann dachberger dach", "4025415": "dirt biking mot racing motocross", "1309985": "cat mammal mammals animal", "1975035": "projector projection modem printers generator", "5698515": "grapes oranges orange all", "561195": "", "3424325": "back muscles", "1538245": "tea party birthday witches", "4536825": "", "5691905": "engineer conductor conduct technician operator", "2087795": "adult adultadultadultadult adultadult adults juvenile baby", "4132325": "directions streets street direction neighbourhoods", "5669385": "car convoy rally cars races", "5113905": "africa af nig nigeria unknown", "4341935": "", "2109895": "god of balance heaven amen pose", "2622605": "not at all", "2871195": "mother", "1873345": "sheep lamb", "784825": "birthday of naval personnel", "3604525": "base mate shortstop outfielder outfield third", "160895": "iceberg lettuce green red beet", "4556145": "police officers cops policemen detectives", "1408675": "old fashioned era primitive colonial modern", "3052705": "rubber plastic leather", "5707755": "collie sheepdog sheep shepherd colli hus", "2999595": "german shepherd dog g gretsretsrets", "603165": "", "3094135": "batting batter catcher squat swinging", "5124495": "", "82845": "cell phone conference samsung electronics handset telecom", "798835": "ring silver", "2030355": "stainless steel electric double triple", "4056205": "not", "3015375": "skate park skatepark rink parks ramps", "4741185": "blue jeans trousers denim joggers pants", "829475": "electronic device phone cell cellphone router routers", "4542105": "panda bear p bears pand", "418905": "this parade remembrance memorial 4", "686545": "united kingdom london subway england", "882825": "th thai cuisine thalian asian ch", "5021525": "calm water", "3003925": "toilet paper water", "5606365": "tree abstract art floral artwork minimalist modern", "5795335": "greeting shaking handshake shakes", "55645": "dead birds chickens brown pige ducks pigeons", "4909795": "sidecar is accessory pouch bag", "4375625": "horse pony ponies horses thoroughbred", "2130095": "3 5 6 7", "5148255": "subsidiaries srf southern air grou ssq s", "4965135": "mint leaves decoration mintmintmint", "5299105": "", "2155865": "cone intersection cones intersections merging", "2070515": "milk skim infant breastfeeding", "4733485": "this man made manmade mans manman", "2497305": "ski race each other others competitors sk", "2057695": "not ", "1762985": "pugs pug puppies bull boxer", "4150675": "pink yellow blue", "5090495": "fly kite bike flyfly soar", "1736955": "scissors scissorsissors cutting razor cutter", "17855": "dragons dragon butterflies butterfly birds fish", "1901575": "high altitude alt altitudes floors", "5460745": "plow empties fill fillfill fillfillfillfill fillingfillfill", "1871565": "p pug dog pugs bull bullbull", "1339815": "politician man mans face trump ob", "2191175": "trains train station", "3111795": "highest mountain snowy rocky", "1262825": "ski team sky jet synchronized skies skyjet", "3216015": "black white red", "5615905": "thoroughbred horse pony horses corses thorough", "4912045": "baking baked extr profiling slicing slaughter", "966905": "this refrigerator freezer storage storing refriger", "4005715": "red wines wine crimson", "562615": "", "1979175": "hair brush comb", "603875": "sidewalk pavement street curb road", "4114925": "clocks clock watch watches", "1308885": "rubber latex plastic w", "1692825": "white ducks ge geese swans", "921885": "happy birthday dog cake daughters", "5181585": "sad unhappy disappointed disappointment dissatisfaction", "1381375": "seeds kernels insects", "869075": "holiday birthday memorial fourth summer 4", "1184226": "woven wicker wood", "3994425": "legislative office is governmental government ministerial", "3468905": "", "2004835": "oranges", "3322275": "phantom of opera wig man donguy inspector detective", "858475": "green wooden canoe sail row ro", "3814035": "fence fencing fences gate", "2685485": "blue", "3002605": "plane airplane planeplaneplaneplane planeplane airplaneplaneplane", "3011215": "bowling outing baseball", "4140275": "competition neither nor", "5070495": "sitting on toilet burying your face", "1349865": "summer holidays 0 summer0 summer4 4", "2328625": "skate riverside", "1262105": "2 3 5 4 6", "274395": "fishes algae salmon fish", "3068665": "cyclists bicycles bikes bicycle", "4020835": "laptop apple dell", "2817485": "hotdog shack hot dog restaurant fast food", "91785": "lamp light lights street lamps", "4799415": "illumination nighttime lighting lights indication", "1976895": "this white bread whites whitewhite whitewhitewhitewhite", "2415655": "rocky mountains cascade alps al", "1663565": "rainbow rainbowbowsbowsbows rainbowbows rainbowrain rainbow", "343875": "moons planet planets moon", "130825": "vans shoes nike", "172165": "food network cooking channel cnn unknown cnbc", "2214755": "in scrubs office show cleaners scr", "771545": "apartment building apartments condos", "666915": "bright sunny sunshine warm cloudy", "3263775": "food worms worm insects wormsworm plants", "5771905": "jacket coat jackets coats", "153545": "short sleeve t shirt tee", "3357875": "1 way to infinity left broad unknown", "817155": "descent surfing movie inception remake star onward", "1452905": "person car tires cars automobiles", "4740265": "man", "4860845": "boxes containers tomatoes", "148495": "", "4703545": "wind surf", "1044435": "in orange citrus vitamin grape", "3374335": "birds bodies feathers legs", "4215785": "orange oranges citrus", "5022045": "marble granite stone", "812945": "scouts troop militia scout", "5588395": "tennis court courts", "2101045": "leopard", "1541195": "tunnels with soil dirt shelters farms", "648905": "train depot station", "4927115": "trails smoke exhaust", "908335": "present presentpresentpresentpresent current presentpresent", "5461405": "teleport airst traveller transporter", "3626185": "nut is bolt green bolts nuts", "780095": "cake chocolate vanilla strawberry", "1905755": "toilet lid bowl seat flush", "4712105": "oil tanker ship construction drilling rigs exploration", "4090505": "", "1766715": "piano keyboard pian keyboards guitar", "3686595": "flowers", "3600315": "blue berries berriesblue blueblue blueblueblueblue blues", "805185": "stain", "679065": "black cat tuxedo tab tabblack tux", "3676395": "slope slopes hill", "2422575": "lot many 10", "2762905": "barnyard farm barn", "2149465": "retro", "5281515": "supreme cheese vegetarian ve", "4755755": "cotton cloth fabric", "5299055": "on ground both runway", "5596575": "not possible yet unknown something unknownunknown", "209035": "brush", "3733425": "clock antique clocks", "38705": "4 memorial fourth four 44", "2354465": "german shepherd corgi dog g ter", "5253425": "orange apples oranges apple fruit", "5204865": "cafe restaurant cafes restaurants", "607205": "brainstem is brain stem divisions mind", "1648425": "unofficial official unofficialofficialofficial informal", "2252645": "fences fencing fence", "3969245": "green", "3521625": "gold horse antique", "1110025": " yeah ", "2086215": "cushion ride forum coil loud", "4736345": "", "5117745": "runner runners trump jet plane", "3675235": "cell phone flip smartphone nokia smartphones", "4788855": "new york", "1829955": "red chair directors director chairs", "1903825": "unknown not unknownunknown unknownunknownunknownunknownnotunknownunknown don", "5307295": "cooking food eating dining", "3780125": "sp mansion stone vill", "3854175": "", "2330395": "bird sparrow fin pigeon sp", "1440895": "", "947925": "this construction devastation demolition renovation caution", "1230555": "fin gull se bird finfin finse", "5775895": "surf boards surfboards surfboard surfingboards surfboardsboards surfing", "2339015": "baseball pitcher", "2920875": "bikers humans humanity humankind mankind", "3635765": "circus horses show performance performances", "4025635": "wine beer alcohol wines winewine", "1457485": "not ", "1301885": "never ever nevernever nevernevernevernever seldom", "1228635": "motorcycle", "1826245": "view from above point perspective viewpoint landscape overview", "1919955": "slow", "2386055": "lion \ufffd \u2606 \u2606birdbirdbird bird birds", "5137485": "black", "578285": "parking ticket sticker tickets trespass infringement citation", "2123305": "parachute board wake wakeboard sail kite", "964975": "person man people im not woman", "3287325": "kiteboard wakeboard wake board kite parachute k", "1161715": "biplane replica propeller historical antique artifact bi", "5708525": "brazil arg argocolaba cac cacocola arg\u00f4", "3454325": "cds movies discs c", "2710025": "gray cat fluffy pers persian", "4325935": "metro not in 1 pubs inine inines lime", "3399875": "wicker ratt rattan basket weave chair w", "5114105": "gathering motorcycles", "1368195": "", "478485": "", "4681635": "guitar", "1096295": "", "818095": "m b", "1305635": "flowers floral flower", "5068435": "this missile missiles engines radar", "3730775": "not neither", "2837155": "chinese cuisine asian stir fry ch", "2335205": "person personpersonperson persons people", "1182785": "black leather jacket faux pu", "3531335": "baby elephant african", "690435": "military ship cargo naval", "1201796": "in diamond rectangle circle diamonds triangle", "2983505": "grind jump grinding ollie o", "4078145": "train on tracks", "899125": "green vegetable broccoli spinach", "5297955": "", "1435015": "sweet sweet", "2263005": "hearts love romance heart roses val", "5056555": "learn fear roar beware flee hide", "5805255": "dog laying on floor playing with bear resting sleeping", "1536385": "tattoos tattoo tatt dag", "4714705": "major minor majormajor majors majorsmajor", "127355": "10 12 16 18 20 sixteen 1616", "2774275": "", "1759235": "", "1984065": "long", "1353675": "lot", "3027135": "sedan toy car honda toyota", "633785": "chocolate frost icing gl", "3220905": "greater giants greaterigersigersigers giantsigersigers tigersigersigers", "1871575": "", "2680845": "people watching airplanes planes", "735415": "motorcycle mirror side", "947535": "this bush weed weeds bushes rose", "3406225": "in stands bleachers spectators spectator seats", "5021045": "wheels rubber tyres plastic tyre tires", "2981825": "mens road bike mountain bicycle", "1227985": "surf falls slip slips fall spills", "1453135": "broccoli beans spinach", "1083555": "", "449375": "semi truck trailer", "3936005": "train trains buses", "1034045": "", "3278765": "", "4808185": "catholic church not unknown", "2655665": "boutique hotel", "384875": "ponies horses horse", "1839825": "ski slope slopes mountain", "3829265": "red buttons bottom middle top navigation all topmost", "3106745": "barrier barriers cubes cube", "770275": "rotti german shepherd terriers rott", "2255845": "im not ", "3438605": "prayer notebook school bookmark scripture", "156845": "", "2811775": "foreign countries unknown not", "5117895": "", "1125745": "ball", "5640435": "this string thread rope chord cord", "1557465": "toilet neither", "2026725": "thoroughbred horse clythe brown thorough", "1864105": "", "1540625": "chain link metal fence wire", "4364535": "typewriter", "154965": "1 on", "4612265": "sewing thread needle person i", "1649515": "surf girls surfers", "4794615": "laptop screen nothing nothingnothingnothingnothing nothingnothing", "4107555": "2010 olympics winter 20102010", "1945505": "for merchandise clothing suits clothes", "3209795": "horses transport manure animals horse ponies", "4954575": "tree trees barrier barriers palms", "4029605": "photo taking photographs pictures taken photos riding", "5616305": "vintage world maps map circumnisphere projection", "1064905": "theodore teddy bear washington", "2380055": "penguins black crows rooks raven pengu", "5694845": "person man businessman suit businessmen", "993165": "stripes striped stripe", "4868075": "manufacturer unknown nike adidas themselves ad", "3085685": "for fun exercise run jog fitness", "5756645": "exorc exorcism", "2646455": "lights lightslightslights lightslights lightlightslightslights", "1150035": "cars arent", "4006445": "team players teams quarters groups", "2721435": "blue", "1911365": "battery life expectancy unknown indefinite not unknownunknown cant", "4678475": "light bulbs bulb fluorescent lights", "4506725": "blue hockey", "1365875": "", "1041725": "craft crafting crafts sewing", "5533045": "serial cable optical fibre optic network ethernet", "2518685": "black coat jacket winter wool trench", "2827895": "bus loop 10", "3851305": "wood woodwood lumber 2 logs timber", "5276375": "biplane propeller single engine", "3873855": "thoroughbred horse", "121085": "fire wrench", "123075": "", "5428175": "brown banana bread wheat loaf bananas", "3363745": "wood grain plastic ply surfing", "3471335": "baseball", "3477945": "taking picture selfie selfies pictures", "3768385": "military pilots pilot commanders", "1342655": "lighthouse keeper lighthousetower cliffs lighthouseighthouse", "2666895": "locomotive builder unknown person engineer", "920675": "waves", "2086405": "weigh me myself 250 10", "4673335": "cats cartoons cartoon cat", "5548155": "lights traffic balloons", "1016325": "flower floral flowers print", "461685": "bunk bed beds twin bunkbed", "1580775": "bed sheet protection comfort sleep safety", "2383455": "", "4168845": "cheddar cheese yellow shredded cheddarheddar american americ", "3909915": "cake dessert cakes carrot cakecake cakecakes", "1681415": "", "600415": "cell phones are flip smartphones smartphone", "5388615": "this salmon trout fish spawning fishes", "3190705": "cargo ships transport goods shipping shipment trade", "2313105": "cold 20 30 40", "2375055": "quilt blanket patched patch", "5803965": "person player players competitors tennis athletes", "2551815": "bananas", "473875": "dogs dog puppies dogsdogsdogsdogs", "3882935": "crosses cross crucifix", "4055275": "black bear brown", "418955": "horses horse horsehorse horsehorsehorsehorse", "3701265": "storm cloudy sunny rainy rain overhang", "4701965": "flower", "5279255": "cat", "4553395": "basketball basketballbasketballbasketball basket hoops volleyball", "335725": "", "4563025": "teeth pulp", "3855045": "white tank top tanks vest tanktank", "1612785": "bees butterflies beesbees beesbeesbeesbees bee", "642335": "hunting trophies hunter hunters", "769785": "cafeteria", "3882145": "fridge all except 2 refrigerator fridgeall", "1283345": "banana bananas fraternity pregnancy birthday", "2958895": "wallpaper floral toile flower white", "3694385": "mountains", "4954035": "fall autumn summer winter fallfall", "3453315": "", "295795": "golden retri retriever mutinous labrador lab mix", "5363185": "", "2756425": "day m monday nights are", "1599745": "bunk bed beds twin triple double", "2502045": "teddy bear", "5305335": "hello kittens cat cats kites", "2756305": "peppers pepper", "1989535": "train freight cargo shipping electr coal", "5406955": "wing tail end tails rear", "3658175": "kite flying k kiteflying kites kitesites", "5365765": "africa continent af zimbabwe america", "1609445": "", "3566545": "lemon orange citrus", "4211025": "", "523825": "accident happened today crash earthquake quake landslide", "2469245": "smallest dice medium mediummediummedium mediumlarge small", "700335": "switch ", "2885865": "brown bear grizzly brownbrown bears", "2484615": "7 eleven seven 8 77", "298945": "eleven channel ten channels television 1", "5267136": "riding horses walking running horse", "463735": "metal bronze iron metals steel zinc", "2169805": "wool", "3274505": "bottom all allall allallallall allbottomallallmostallall half", "1600375": "skate skating", "3455785": "wedding cakeweddings", "1673905": "water waves wave", "2998335": "high heel heels pumps", "884705": "birds parake parakeets parrots", "4336075": "orange sauce liquid soap", "2010035": "blue water calm lake crater glaciers", "435455": "deer goats antlers horns ant", "2527495": "clock tower clocktower towertower", "3839305": "horse show jumping competition equi judged equ", "542865": "honda car sedan", "3608695": "overhead yeah", "3271785": "picnic camping fishing", "1938245": "soccer football fif soccerfootball rugby", "5451605": "light bulbs ceiling recess lighting indirect", "3160915": "bikini bottoms briefs unsure nipples nipple", "1132165": "baker pastry chefs chef", "2502785": "passenger train toy model subway articulated", "2573505": "church congregation people believers", "5284525": "luxury boat yacht boatboat boatboatboat", "4019815": "blending process finishes instantly blended disappear vanish", "4485335": "analog clock clocks alarm wall", "1696405": "bus station train", "3026805": "eastern esoteric easternastern cuisine eccentric", "1226055": "traffic blocking safety prevention", "3222125": "brown blonde blond brownbrown", "4076935": "electricity electrical battery electrons batteries energy", "3756655": "propeller design styling for surfboard animation demonstration balance", "3269665": "smoke cigarette cigarettes cigar smoking cig", "3653585": "migration migratory migrating dispersal flight", "959405": "deserts egypt africa gcc egyptgypt", "1142695": "", "1599575": "woven bamboo straw wicker w", "4793575": "aaron found fault faultfoundfoundfound foundfoundfound findfoundfound", "4807975": "cruise ship liner passenger", "4700535": "hit swing hithit hits run", "1982145": "corridor interior hallway aisle", "4406415": "curly fries", "940495": "clean sweep rug rag cleaner", "894855": "turn arrow directional", "5426435": "baseball catcher batter pitcher umpire", "4910295": "molded mold modeled plastic carved", "2977385": "engineers humans humankind humanity mankind", "3794345": "person man humans people humanshumanshumans", "2056215": "fur dust hair wool furfur", "5423915": "reflections light water polished shine gloss", "5713665": "interior designer architects designers homeowner living", "2291315": "bear factory unknown maker unclear unsure", "3460215": "private tuition schools pupils priv school", "3990975": "coffee tea bar", "3234705": "toilet not sure of course", "155185": "snow breathe freeze disappear perish hiber", "5439115": "right", "5563065": "glow fabric neon silk cloth", "2677155": "tools", "2217396": "", "4880115": "cement concrete asphalt", "5272165": "right", "650125": "tennis net nets", "524485": "cheese mo fet par", "776635": "throwing tossing playing catching catch", "509615": "copper", "2028275": "bear bears bearbearbearbear bearbear", "1802715": "playful humorous", "1946695": "minerals drilling rigs construction mining", "2918255": "", "3325715": "twelve apostles 12 16 20 18", "4567195": "mustard wrapping frost bread", "1066395": "candles candle candlescandcandcand", "417285": "lighthouse light tower keeper turret beacon", "2467975": "b mercedes benz mer", "712655": "", "2061925": "round windows circle turrets", "4552575": "quilt wall blanket quilts qu", "3846805": "gmc trucks che pickup gmcgt g", "1316655": "beds bed", "4612675": "0", "3608705": "chef salad pasta salads lunch", "810125": "fries potatoes potato", "1723105": "bulldog pitbull bull bullbull bullbullbullbull boxer bulls", "4160085": "penguin", "4642715": "white microwave handheld", "926915": "10 20 40 50 30", "4699145": "family dinner table casual party informal parties", "1256395": "dessert cake pastry pie cakecake chees cakes", "2550885": "toilet pee bathroom", "5230345": "snow brush sweeping broom", "2742865": "africa north", "2503035": "torso body plane chassis belly", "3158955": "chair throne chairs chairchair chairchairs", "3470425": "white house dc washingtone dcashington washing washington", "3356155": "birds sparrow swall swallows robins fin sp", "2060015": "air force squadron jets patriots", "2680365": "truck trucks trailer dirt road ground", "4096695": "grind grinding railing rail", "1300245": "", "54305": "person photographer unknown inventor", "4944715": "this snack snacks dessert both", "593845": "automobile car sedan cars carcar", "2773215": "ski", "4497435": "couch sofa", "2517775": "shield badge flag sword", "4445715": "fire hose water hyd", "5318605": "pizza pizz unknown", "1229505": "boats boatsboats boatsboatsboatsboats boatboatsboatsboatboats boat", "680855": "coconut shredded chocolate shred caramel", "1257745": "brick cement concrete", "3493585": "stripes werent not", "201825": "tow truck towing tractor crane construction", "1786515": "dark clouds storm rain thunder", "205495": "public publicpublicpublicpublic publicpublic private pub", "1022785": "clock tell time", "2862275": "golden bridge san franciscogoldgoldgold", "920985": "", "4158225": "stop traffic cars intersection light intersections safety", "3751865": "bananas banana trees", "36715": "coconut rice cheese", "4613335": "poodle", "3468675": "sofa couch sof lov cou", "4293535": "passenger articulated bus streetcar commuter", "5586195": "rug with floral oriental carpet asian orian ori", "5490985": "all", "681635": "walking shuffling moving exercising walkingwalking", "2181145": "bed frame beds bedbedbedbed", "2285195": "jeep truck", "2197525": "stickers papers paper documents", "4637155": "snow jump jumping leap jumpjump flip", "1297715": "", "4220635": "thai elephant parade circus", "3781795": "scarf hijab veil scarfhood", "1117375": "fixing fix fixes repairing fixingfix", "2149435": "dog pomer p hus puffy", "2522175": "united states ch j states america", "5221005": "boat jet ski canoe kay boats", "1438115": "serve serves serving", "4314405": "dog breeds labs dogs lab retrie retrievers", "4352945": "dog puppy labs puppies dogs", "5183925": "cucumber cucumbers cuc lettuce tomato pick", "4284405": "japanese", "3171625": "", "4815155": "day unknown days unlimited", "1659365": "unhappy angry sad depressing", "2771505": "blue denim jeans flared", "5672875": "light show performance performances shows concert", "2692635": "in throw throws toss thrown threw throwthrow", "3095515": "white surfboard surf board long short", "1055945": "", "2650745": "broccoli", "3799805": "", "1306105": "dis", "5704065": "arriving arrives arrive arrived arrival", "1844635": "hit serve back return swing", "3258095": "music guitar guitars bass violin", "3317245": "", "5240565": "hometown racially insensitive peanuts slippery seasoned pack", "790905": "tie winds knot regular standard normal", "4356985": "", "2383015": "wind gust brisk", "5784595": "boy both boys boyboys", "1147295": "apple macintosh appleapple mac android windows", "662095": "shrimp seafood lobster", "502045": "banana bananas", "2243955": "flags patriotism communism communist revolt", "4008385": "seals dolphins sharks shark whales", "4049905": "im not sure unknown cant decide unsure", "4814645": "professionals professional professionalism profession consultants", "5162495": "ice hockey puck hockeyhl", "3097215": "in float swim dive breathe", "5788925": "this restaurant", "2564745": "", "5607505": "crest toothbrush toothpaste unknown tooth colgate", "3235835": "earth itself is not another glacier", "3557375": "corporations that support renewable energy education", "1493435": "10 10 20 15 25 30", "258855": "", "1928355": "barr trump bush obama barrob ob", "1813055": "brick cob bricks stone", "4157285": "yeah", "5677275": "tracks trails loops trackstracks demos marks", "4214525": "jump leap jumping jumps o", "3142465": "1930 1929 1928 1931", "3893365": "house", "1154225": "fire water fires", "4079365": "standing", "709835": "in flowering clusters overflowing bursting spilling full", "3032475": "painter da sun", "2757075": "rainy sunny", "3423235": "this accident accidents happen everyday frequently happens", "4116295": "replay serve hit served play", "4769675": "", "3322045": "angle right", "3749165": "fall autumn fallfall season fallfalls", "1701725": "smartphone cell phone cellphone smartphones camera", "3066785": "sail", "1015595": "this cabbage carrots carrot fibre", "9025": "", "2382005": "watermelon watermelonmelon water watermelonwatermelonmelonwaterwatermelon watermelmelon", "3405235": "russia r germany g", "3145615": "flowers d narciss", "3258505": "contractor company unlimited", "242595": "ups express fedex cargo am delivery pm fed", "4576785": "fruit market produce", "4573735": "shower curtain corner bath", "3255705": "elephants elephant eleph", "1301845": "fruit pear apples", "2582225": "tennis us open championships", "3605255": "nuts almonds peanuts", "5610335": "wii game playing games", "4217945": "keyboard keyboards keys", "5017235": "how long not too short unknown", "5091285": "large oversized giant", "4921555": "garment garments wool yarn clothing apparel", "4693735": "ducks duck goose ge", "4709705": "dog", "1627705": "climb tower walk pray recite", "1827285": "boats sail sailboats yacht boat sailboat", "2927525": "sail sailing sails yacht ship mast", "962225": "blowing candles on birthday cake smash whistle breathe blow", "3778785": "1950s decade timeline modern day 1940s 1950", "640325": "sitting stationary standing still", "1342425": "herd cohesion group flock ensemble", "4874095": "stuffed bears teddy t", "1625205": "surfboard rubber wood plastic metal", "1960615": "boxer bulldogs pitbull bull bullbull", "5218995": "red plastic nothing bull", "4905185": "1929 1930 1933 1939 1943", "4639035": "light street lights lamps artificial illumination", "793035": "stop traffic pedestrian stops stopstop crossing", "4833045": "", "5284675": "", "3342205": "potatoes carrots potato", "3060805": "coffee tea espresso", "2409125": "tennis", "363265": "car parking lot", "2512195": "fridge freezer refrigerator frig", "4274915": "", "3569085": "ball soccer soccerball football", "3619395": "fishing trout fisherman fisher", "5676635": "tennis match matches", "2426315": "party tent event parties tents festival", "5272245": "questions quotations quotes words", "1509315": "wave crash fall die drown drowned", "5160435": "dark black silhouette sep blackblack shadow", "3453455": "10 20 2020 25 30 40", "424585": "conductor person personperson conductorperson man", "2520925": "ball pitch baseball bases game", "153025": "fence", "4276925": "chinese styled asian revival classical ch", "2389945": "spotted dalmation d dalmalmation le dalmal dal", "1132935": "on", "4513645": "harleys arent not notnt", "1744065": "phantom star yoda wars", "2371845": "mens mountain bike bicycle road", "3643035": "q qatar airlines airways delta", "1849655": "white green whitewhite whitewhitewhitewhite whites black", "4691815": "", "525235": "", "1818855": "whirlpool kenmore whirlirlpool whirpool kleen whirl", "193875": "fence fencing fences", "5593825": "motorcycles", "837555": "right", "720025": "dotted squares", "5537965": "vents", "3847505": "slice cut divide eat", "2117255": "collage picture mosaic grouping pictures coll", "1402785": "dry grass brown hay straw", "4554195": "us womens skiing olympi not ", "1897355": "historic route 66 666 unknown routes", "3846985": "ford pickup truck che chevy fords for", "5332915": "hurt injure injured painful hurts", "583385": "cheese cheesy pizza plain mo pepper", "1767575": "leaves fall foliage color doesnt mean", "4307105": "fly mickey mouse flyfliesfliesflies buzzing", "4799015": "stuffed toy sofa padded fabric", "5050925": "", "5157045": "", "3391005": "", "3946915": "water rain", "2601165": "hot dogs baseball", "5447195": "vintage retro old antique", "694015": "fastest achievable unatt unattain unknown not", "2378355": "check che diamonds checks checkcheck", "4103455": "all chicken chickens shrimp poultry", "4993695": "", "1685585": "smoke exhaust fumes", "5159285": "blue teams baseball and white", "1118235": "low lowlowlowlow lowlow", "3530005": "3 4 1 2", "3493525": "", "3137275": "clock clocks clockclockclock clockclock", "1916485": "", "5715355": "toys dolls toy", "3149835": "old fashioned tandem bicycle", "3162245": "united statesa americ america americausausausa usausa us", "654255": "baseball stadium not unknown", "5395895": "scientist professor accountant economist", "2834265": "korean air korea airlines dramas kk k", "1722555": "wooden roofs sh straw roof peaked", "1918365": "ducks duck goose ge", "955185": "honda motor company automobiles motorcycles cars", "1778455": "shadow sun", "124635": "", "4848325": "beach ocean hawaii hawailand haw", "1153595": "ceramic tiles clay tile", "2212895": "fluffy soft fuzzy furry plush", "5654355": "chop chops", "1340725": "", "4270365": "sew thread sewing stitch embro", "4445035": "not unknown sure 1", "2851305": "snack snacks both breakfast", "4083735": "team partnership partners partnerships", "5617565": "not yet", "1264575": "rocks gravel rock stone stones", "2799905": "this miniature garden is exquisitely designed as art sculpture exhibit", "4488655": "ducks duck gray domesticated geese", "5764275": "writing notes annotations typing", "3928415": "", "1947585": "collapsible folding chair wooden directors director", "5589245": "texture resembles sand nothing anything something nothingnothingnothing flat", "3662555": "leg toy figur legleg legs bricks", "2155345": "flowers roses red", "2376995": "bus drivers novice unknown kindergarten learners", "1095865": "", "3127445": "playing playingplaying", "2073785": "school kids 12 05 16 15", "4576605": "coffee drip caffe latte espresso", "4595575": "shelf shelves books bookshelf", "906765": "sails mast sail antennas", "2361025": "out out", "414425": "bikes motorcycles motorcycle dirt", "5260575": "pitcher coffee water tea drinks beverages", "5456895": "bathing swimming washing playing cooling", "958795": "tractor trailer monster truck crushing tract semi", "3351095": "tow truck towing to repair trucks", "3374225": "microwave", "4503145": "mosaic hearts heart flowers strawberries heats", "5719535": "0 2 1 4 6 10", "4029385": "", "4007025": "motorcycle motorcycles bikes bikers cyclists b", "1460915": "intersection street road streets intersections", "3001985": "religious cath christ atheists atheist", "435585": "colorful artwork mural painting painted art aboriginal", "3782295": "baseball glove ball mitten m", "3660005": "wet", "2921465": "not possible unknown sure", "594625": "arcticacticactica iceberg glacier north pole", "4132455": "p pug dog bull boxer puppy", "3233685": "bird cardinal", "1357945": "47 4747 37 57 1947 47487", "4877965": "kitchen stove appliances boil boils", "3572085": "this light street stop streetlight", "841625": "this floating sitting anchored parade", "4600305": "rowing competition ro roasting oars roasts paddle", "3973155": "oath law office rivals unfold order", "3114485": "peppers pepper chili tomatoes beans", "5451165": "yellow team teams", "846105": "front teeth bottom", "48345": "wooden logs bamboo wood", "2367605": "bases first third", "5275975": "red blood clot bleeding injury", "4477115": "breastfeeding milk protection baby nursing", "263215": "greyhound gray grey greygrey greyhoundgreyhound", "4012295": "tunnels bridge bridges", "1577045": "diving throwing tossing catching stealing", "2836825": "in heaven", "4855295": "sound engineer audio playback music", "3182415": "tennis doubles partners teams duel match", "4137075": "dogs", "111595": "jump stunt jumping", "4110095": "play score playplay plays playing", "4352105": "chrome browsers are windows", "5208985": "harley david duke unarmed unrecogn motorcycle har", "3868345": "tropical climates hotter warm warmer humid", "4433605": "birds pigeons crows rook pige", "5077695": "shrimp crabs seafood lobster crab", "4045785": "for dessert wedding birthday desert carrot fruit mango", "706425": "skate", "1366415": "leagues guild baseball writers organization iowa", "3092925": "coffee tea milk espresso", "4498476": "", "1309925": "this match matches tennis tournaments", "2017285": "beatles road 1969 rolling stones", "5309365": "snow not ", "296395": "2016 wasnt not notnt notn", "1551605": "", "99875": "propellers rotor blades blade", "3671115": "smir smirapor samsungbor smirsim mids", "5415915": "video games wii game w", "4773285": "tennis tournament finals match tournaments dont", "258555": "2000 werentntntntnot notntnt not notnt", "249725": "japan institute of business affairs securities unsure s", "4015095": "ice cream scoop social frozen", "4807765": "asia india ch thailand", "68195": "take land fly takeoff taketake", "2043785": "playing holding bear retrieving fetch pretending", "1477015": "guitar guitars music wii w", "2487455": "6", "4192975": "westjetjetjet southwest airlines westjet southwestjet", "5252126": "fourth 4 44 444", "1228965": "waves water ocean wind", "4968325": "blue suitcase", "2698295": "gang", "1201815": "", "5788465": "sitting on ground nothing parked anchored", "1235235": "dairy state of illinois", "1340855": "sleep tired bored boredom tiredness sadness", "4894635": "cut sew donate shave donating", "5173825": "", "2043865": "ignoring ignores ignored ignore", "231275": "jelly cream strawberry cherry raspberry jam", "3230935": "left", "1826025": "hawk owl hawkhawk eagle hawkhawkhawkhawk fal", "3287405": "video game playing", "1367365": "shutdown shut down shuts", "5424845": "stained glass window clock", "5057385": "safety hazard", "1884545": "food worms insects bacteria plants meat", "3875455": "truck dump mixer trash garbage", "2284195": " ", "1557395": "mercedes benz mercedescedes bmw audi mer", "3857165": "lights lamps light lamp bulbs lightslights", "4178345": "recliner chair couch sofa recl", "1437585": "", "3610305": "face toes feet ankles feetfeetfeet", "2405455": "teddy bears bear", "3241035": "violin viol violviolviolviol violinviolviol", "3827075": "jordan neither nor of these those them", "2630425": "pet bathing washing cleaning cleansing", "1679635": "boat canoe kay raft", "3214955": "day today bbc news 1", "4180575": "jammed tore injured slipped fractured", "2241085": "par parrot bird parrots pigeon tropical", "5576785": "nodes connections lights data", "5782135": "chair cushion pillow mattress", "4281265": "tent tentite marquee tent canopy tents dome", "2205275": "paddockhurst road not ", "4716295": "time tells tell telling clock", "4248205": "", "5322675": "bed frame board bedboard bedbedbedbed bedbed", "2737045": "tractor fend fendi tractuti farming", "5112085": "this vegetable oil is tomato olive", "1881405": "engine is not ", "1188705": "dirt bike motorcycle dirtbike motorbike", "395555": "stop stopstop", "1839105": "married wedd marry", "4299185": "10 12 16 20 18 1616 sixteen", "3469155": "", "193185": "fabric cotton cloth", "877205": "not possible unknown unsure uncertain", "1433345": "baking cake", "2273635": "plane airplane 9", "3439845": "horse paint painted cly", "5560215": "hallway corridor", "1925135": "", "4420625": "this bear", "591745": "paper leather cloth sued plastic", "3123265": "small twin tiny minors mini", "8135": "ducks duck chicks juveniles offspring babies", "3700825": "cement mixer truck concrete", "2730535": "sa onions onion cheese sasa", "2062795": "black mummy spider latex mask superhero", "5370905": "k sauces ketchup mustard", "2378975": "dog food canine dogfood", "4564365": "standing in grass eating grazing looking", "111075": "baseball bat hit ball", "5073905": "bus", "1453855": "surf surfing", "897535": "picture puzzle baseball puzzles", "1837885": "person artwork fabric art paintings", "5583485": "horse racing horsehorse race racinghorse", "3910655": "sunlight artificial sunshine direct daylight sun", "1612515": "putting trees in truck placing loading dumping", "5134515": "game design desert fossils cookies shells", "4826945": "o ski jumper portrait selfie skiing", "4161575": "tooth brush toothbrush toothpaste brushing teeth", "2364845": "2 2 1 22 2 2", "2187885": "1982 1983 1981 1986 1987", "115045": "beer light bud craft", "4726595": "", "5184835": "electricity", "2068935": "sharks shark", "3088725": "tropical climates warm hotter hot humid", "2493065": "bird eagle hawk owl turkey raven crane", "1289635": "soccer adidas nike nikes adidasidas n", "101765": "blue jeans skinny denim", "2584005": "inside", "2756085": "man k both mans", "1276445": "fabric felt bags", "3113265": "orange citrus grapefruit orangeorange grape", "1188895": "cat cats pets", "5590735": "cat kitten tab catcat", "5684205": "net", "2569155": "hearings conferences deposition hearing", "5211655": "pilot fly breathe soar travel flyflyfly flyfly", "2553925": "happy happiness satisfied pleased excited", "4442265": "in case scares frightening hygiene scary", "1724205": "lettuce green spinach leaf salad", "3704795": "apron chefs uniforms", "1950625": "crib bed cribbedbedbed bedbedbed", "4059645": "lot", "4034645": "traffic jam congestion bottleneck", "1457615": "bus", "2213115": "10 20 2020 25 30", "464925": "all", "622045": "monster truck convoy trucks rally", "4799355": "day daytime dayday daydayday", "1181585": "food salad vegetables salads stir", "3728705": "flowers buds flower babys breath da", "4915975": "flip flops flop sandals floes fl", "1476595": "picnic dinner lunch eating party", "699525": "very", "4660425": "fire firefighters firefighter", "1690355": "owl scree hawk owlowl owlhawk ow", "1391245": "roman numerals rroman romanromerome romanromanroman r", "4205015": "intellig clerical club gentlemen", "2600345": "fishing boats sail sailboats fishingboats", "2611725": "volleyball and", "4585965": "kite", "5055015": "helmet helmets", "3891455": "orange crab orioles mob ori", "5654765": "apple unknown unsure apples", "506955": "k wind surfing sailing", "859455": "adult emperor penguin wedd weddedin pengu", "1134365": "playing games playingplaying playingplayingplayingplaying gamesplaying w", "139795": "horses jockey horse riders j", "5722455": "hot dog head heads feet feetfingfingfing", "3221215": "siamese cat sculpture sculptures", "1343205": "triangle triangular pyramid triangles square cone", "3787005": "baby calf cow calves", "1252275": "jet plane fighter airplane jetjet", "862855": "carrot carrots", "2361985": "parrot bird parbird parrotparrot par parrotbird", "5126445": "fire flames flame", "453435": "b me brazil brazilrazilrazil", "697585": "", "2607165": "this is not ", "547385": "playing games video game", "884015": "parade riding driving biking commuting", "3045235": "lifetime not unknown sure 2", "4903285": "president", "4943945": "birds pigeons pige pigeon", "1587945": "benches bench boards benchesbench seats", "1470495": "hill hills valleys mountains", "891555": "unknown unsure im sure unclear", "2183345": "circulation arteries lungs throat", "2996795": "outfielders first bases outfielder shortstop outfield", "1199945": "baseball bat glove ball batbat", "1930235": "circle pyramid sphere round", "835195": "fake both", "3361075": "black", "2968435": "p peps pints pep soda pepep", "392775": "this plane airplane planeplane", "546075": "octagon octagonoctoctoctagon octagons octagonsoctagons hex", "1841165": "vitamin d aids digestion immunity antioxidant", "3846035": "", "2072895": "lot 250", "712365": "dachsh labrador retri retriever dachhound beagle d dach", "5117365": "breakfast is cereal brain mind digestion throat gut", "672595": "big picture shot", "3021665": "waiting standing testifying briefing", "123135": "snow man woman", "4244315": "oceans earth planet universe glacier polar", "547555": "urinal toilet commercial bidet bid", "846835": "storm rain thunder", "132785": "", "1076305": "blue jet jets military fighter", "899155": "surfboard surf board surfing boards surfboardboard", "3931105": "skate jumping trick jump leap tricks jumps", "4342345": "elephants elephant", "423085": "white snow whitewhite whitewhitewhite whites", "2603735": "", "3661715": "all", "4238325": "", "4175405": "w gro ridges chips pits rid", "3246695": "tallest highest", "4575875": "fabric cloth sued", "4975375": "pigeon bird dove both pige", "3145375": "tooth paste toothpaste fluoride", "3421905": "o ski skiing olymp", "3470975": "person photographer unknown humans humanshumanshumanshumans humanshumans", "4012355": "driver shouldnt be observed seldom rarely never", "3221805": "floor tile tiles carpet lin marble", "5249255": "single propeller cessna airplane engine cess jet", "1572375": "vintage 1950 1954 1945 1956 1955", "836275": "", "1323105": "writing chalk marker paint handwriting ink", "5806525": "parrot hawk bird pigeon raven par", "3451725": "", "4414935": "glass sliding doors french", "366395": "volks van volkswagen transporter volksmann volkswagon volksbach vol", "3059595": "intersection downtown center", "3444225": "", "1313155": "brim", "1576185": "boats sailing sail races race", "2310915": "person cat personperson personpersonpersonperson hands man", "1875415": "seafood boil shrimp lobster", "3906105": "kite", "324745": "", "576845": "phone cell phones", "4366265": "very", "3662685": "glove catches ball baseball", "1859545": "fragile delicate frail frag", "1933275": "baseball field stadium", "1958405": "bananas banana split", "1344475": "average 20 2020 25 30", "2109095": "happiness joy emotions ecstatic laughter excitement", "3517705": "breakfast buffet brunch pancakes panc unknown restaurant", "1815095": "standing posing waiting", "2821585": "dont know unknown san francisco tell bay", "5413015": "bathroom restroom train bathrooms", "86395": "grey horse thoroughbred gray clystallstall cally", "1499165": "first base 3 third 2 1", "326395": "trees palms palm", "5088145": "rice", "5248235": "airplane jet plane passenger", "590415": "gateway arch new york dc washing yorks washington", "293285": "soda co coc water milk beer", "3591065": "octagonagon octagon octagons octagonoctagon octagonal hexagon", "3962665": "watching television tv playing watchingwatchingwatchingwatching", "4091635": "wooden canoe paddle wood row ro", "3411335": "blue teams giants divisions division", "1965405": "crow raven crows bird", "3380915": "whiskers fur eyebrows whisk", "3711835": "bears bear food lions bearsbear", "4589845": "r raspberry berries raspberries rberries raspberryr", "3271685": "", "5070285": "english alphabet pronounce shorthand spite regular vowel", "2181065": "this race races racing marathon", "3812515": "", "1340395": "cake past pastries pastry deserts", "5058275": "heating radiator bed heat", "3202225": "donuts doughnuts donnuts donutsdonuts donoes dont", "253775": "sunflower sun flower sunflowersunflower sunflowerflowersunsunflowersunrose", "731595": "oil", "4164505": "board meeting advisory corporate governance political", "2793415": "5 6 7 10 4", "1363695": "pink pig pigs hog pork", "158975": "hair styling hairs grooming", "60755": "train station germany gitzerland gelsenkircirc germanya german", "1495835": "polar bear endangered animals list threatened", "5357135": "flag sign american flags pole us", "4756595": "white flowers roses da tul", "2583815": "very extremely tall", "2569085": "", "3263205": "car van minivan wagon suv vanvan", "4358895": "", "3446755": "fly breathe flyfly flyflyflyfly soar", "2681925": "surfers themselves", "5133715": "dogs dog puppy pup", "5514345": "grouping 16 15 14 t", "4657015": "vintage airplanes military jets fighter prope", "1593325": "broccoli not even ch unknown", "1606245": "skiing", "5325775": "mother mothers parents families family", "3384275": "zebra poss possum gum", "3572285": "", "3272995": "skirt skirts shorts pants", "1940225": "brown cow bull female cows dairy milk", "704415": "eighteenth century", "2681905": "unknown maker leather makerunknown unknownunknown", "84945": "glove baseball ball m", "2452045": "office friends friendsfriends friendsfriendsfriendsfriends star starfriendsfriends", "4302445": "golf", "1918055": "cushion pillow bed", "1712625": "red striped baseball cap", "1665565": "surf boards plastic wood plastics", "3297625": "economist magazine publisher time forb forbes", "3930375": "", "5385305": "goat deer sheep goats goatries", "2317485": "itch inflammation tendon pain sore", "2189645": "peppers pepper vegetable cheese ve", "3650305": "driver", "476145": "pilot", "2445285": "vegetable soup chicken potato", "686205": "", "3878495": "very rapidly quickly fast", "5278865": "skate wheels tyres tires", "1175125": "in trash bin garbage", "324915": "hair isnt", "4965785": "ducks gull birds se", "2384525": "hair is falling down", "2955715": "grilled cheese chicken clam", "3696895": "retail trade commercial", "4872645": "bird sparrow swall birds fin", "1936545": "hearing lecture seminar meeting conference", "2766965": "pitching throwing", "4049825": "peacock turkey bird chicken peac", "1995945": "tokyo metropolitan to beijing japan tokykyo toky", "3224115": "tomato tomatoes", "1246095": "rodeo horse rode horses her", "2194075": "score scorescore", "4575215": "trees bir pine oak apple maple", "1842465": "polishing horse jumping equitation equi pol", "4340695": "intersection crosswalk corner street intersections", "5560885": "person personperson unknown unsure", "36685": "africa continent safari wilderness savannah af", "4084815": "batting hitting ball", "3411395": "fries potatoes potato", "246005": "for tours both", "1938195": "collar chain chains", "272935": "gray graygray black brown white blue", "4508935": "fire truck semi ambulance", "768475": "grass shale rocky cliffs", "2109515": "", "4101905": "picture taking pictures pics", "5313745": "asparagus as beans green asasasas", "1983825": "black ducks duck brown ge se", "4218235": "ducks ge", "2932525": "70 80 85 90", "291455": "black lipstick mascara", "3840375": "not unknown new 10 years", "5646825": "parking parking", "775695": "in car motorcycle bike carcar", "4958605": "top hat fed fedora straw brim", "3316805": "", "2629805": "klm klik klmn kkl klt klkk kl", "2734255": "skate long mixed longboard longboards", "2099185": "silver gray silversilver silversilversilver", "2433095": "ducks duck bird birds sw", "221425": "fruit apples apple mango pear l", "4507635": "l luf air lui lufuf luflululu", "1259955": "im not notnt cascade", "3008815": "", "3789775": "pigeon dove bird pigeons gull se", "5308485": "blue pen sharp unknown wilson", "3720225": "vegetarian diet plants", "1455265": "sugar carbs carbohydrates carbohydrate", "1967485": "", "3636565": "tree pine evergreen fir ponder pineever", "3297995": "sun protection sunglasses shade", "462555": "not ", "778555": "dark clouds storm rain thunder cumulus cum", "4108055": "chicken turkey turkeytur tur turkeyturtur", "1590265": "", "1499155": "birds pigeon raven crows crow pige", "2941085": "", "2664415": "catching", "3639335": "", "3355255": "ketchup kikkikkikk", "5531765": "film star starstar interstellar solo inception wars", "1150185": "z squares che striped check", "3976195": "flip phone nokia smartphone cellphone", "2870275": "cocco coke coccoco co coco", "2744135": "fuel gases methane gas", "2206885": "fabric cloth cotton", "5027265": "", "283855": "doctor surgeon physician veterinarian", "3107515": "blonde", "3670115": "cars automobiles vehicles gas", "2205685": "long surfboard white", "127265": "dump mercedes semi dumpdump garbage construction", "1461315": "cleaner water", "3114085": "sandwich bread breadbread chicken", "1077585": "house houses househouse househouses househousehousehouse", "1684305": "trains train trainstrain traintrain", "4013815": "glasses ey necklace sunglasses", "1034985": "tree oak maple pine", "4332215": "not neither nor", "4986015": "take off", "1088975": "candles wax paper candle resin plastic", "3285745": "barrier hurdle hurdles barriers", "4018385": "bed mattress appliance furniture beds", "4791255": "string thread strings rope kite", "2177075": "chemistry homework quiz", "3476525": "can air canada maple airjet airairair", "4520045": "movie posters movies people films", "3515215": "green yellow greengreen", "1005795": "rate 0 zero 20 25 30", "1551675": "new york yorks newyork ny yy newy", "5564976": "notebooks paper stack written notes handwritten", "166805": "bananas banana frozen", "5734795": "not unknown undefined unsure", "256755": "baseball pioneer", "3117265": "chinese", "3781115": "pilot cockpit pilots dashboard dome dash", "5699585": "", "4760865": "", "3840585": "phone phones cellphone phonephone cell smartphone", "4619405": "smoke exhaust fumes", "5611565": "baseball pitcher unknown not unknownunknown", "5105945": "military police cavalry policeman policemen officers", "87765": "lettuce", "2222625": "nintendo wii unknown n", "5458495": "coffee mug cup", "3651315": "exorc ll gorilla mascot masc", "3561875": "with voicemail forwarding forwarded emails messages", "3080535": "goof off goofoff goofing", "4302575": "photo shoot aesthetic phone selfie picture candid", "3295435": "20 2020 21 22", "2650235": "north northwest n ski retailers retailer", "4574925": "walking stroll walks walk briskly walkingwalking", "4613015": "crane cranes storks craters cr", "5728595": "bake boil cool cook warm", "5601865": "pasta shells shell", "1749325": "herbivivno", "3971815": "", "3594145": "5 6 7 8", "1222165": "kitchen house househouse kitchens", "668775": "4 arent fest hall fourth", "2901535": "silverware pot kettle skillet pans", "2494415": "american airline jet commercial delta airlines unknown", "2381545": "charcoal drawing observational drawings", "1479635": "", "3903955": "moderately stren strenuous moderate strenuously", "4305635": "playing", "2186015": "rocks stones stone wood", "3616435": "pel bird pellet pelita peli storks", "716845": "mushroom mushrooms fungi", "2969755": "windows doors door", "5461245": "living room livingroom livingroomlivingroomlivingroomslivinglivingroom roomlivingliving", "3300825": "conductor driver", "302815": "", "1467255": "airplanes planes airplanesplanesplanes jets", "29985": "new york city newyork newydd yorks", "1909205": "fire dog dogs dogsdogs dogdogs", "1984265": "water tea", "4863625": "clocks clock tower clockclock clockclockclock", "950295": "knit wool yarn knitting", "77585": "horse racing horsehorse horses betting race", "5385445": "hotdog sandwich hot dog sub", "4571495": "slipping falling skiing", "2740475": "person pitcher kid man dude boy", "2461195": "", "3838415": "oven temperature 350", "1916665": "", "956115": "im not n", "2013825": "time tell tells telltime", "4015415": "nintendo wii unknown not s", "2708095": "playing sliding slides running slipping slid", "1378295": "pony tail hair", "864525": "cars movie carscarscars carscars star chip", "798935": "firefighters firefighter paramedics paramed", "2337485": "engine pickup truck suv", "3444565": "architects have purposefully designed", "3779735": "", "4805765": "blackberry nokia sprint verizon s l", "1627805": "tiger bob tom", "3841605": "overalls overall diapers susp suspenders shorts", "1269725": "sand", "1510495": "blue train subway thomas", "2103225": "toilet bowl restroom bathroom", "4801215": "fire candle candles candlecandcandcand vot wax", "2760155": "lot alot lots", "4040245": "tennis ball", "1845045": "cows milk cow beef", "4826655": "store stores storestore shop purchase", "5670795": "watch watchwatch tell watches wrist", "2044075": "apartment building house apartments", "5431665": "parking money coins dollars cash moneymoney", "1772775": "thumbsyeah amen", "1275435": "flowers store perfume wedding weddings", "2493625": "baseball pitcher pitch ball", "3850165": "artwork art both arte dedication paintings", "794815": "honda kawasaki ninja motorcycle blue crotch rocket", "4193535": "", "3219595": "", "44415": "short", "4770665": "surfboard rubber plastic plastics wood", "1256865": "serve serves serving", "5578555": "in grass field outfield", "2447205": "greyhound shepherd german g mut", "364475": "", "2017385": "unknown not sure unsure cant tell don", "4291115": "aa auto parts store nokiastore target targetstore", "4949055": "in forest woods glacier", "4083515": "fire hyd flowers", "3808895": "this person interviewer microphone lecture speaker", "2849015": "mcdonalds chicken 0 mcdonaldsmcdonald", "2327795": "eternity ring married marry marriage", "1260545": "talking discussing chatting speaking playing", "3137245": "fur coat furry furfur coats hair", "4098215": "", "3226985": "", "4207545": "lifespan immortality unknown not forever indefinite", "1289775": "traction kite kit both", "2566375": "very high 100", "1248405": "baseball game stadium ballpark", "4176315": "c white caucasian whitewhitewhite caucas", "5776695": "christ christchrist christmas advent crucifix merry", "1848135": "lifetime", "4716695": "ch chorea japan chusausa china", "1351715": "professional sur", "641865": "inventor computers apple invent", "3851865": "puppy adolescence infancy puppies", "2432345": "kite", "4354355": "accident occurs when cars happens", "3448175": "in africa af africarica continent afrika afasia austral", "5185105": "browse collect read choose brow", "4746015": "candles birthday 11", "950325": "blanket blankets com", "5149305": "wii", "4992395": "muscles arms shoulders armsarms physique arm", "120965": "north face nike", "2939465": "", "2938625": "fedex express fedx fed ex fedxfedx ups", "5223505": "baseball field ballpark stadium", "4099035": "donkey donkeys goat horses goats horse", "5143565": "birds se gull cranes ge", "2789365": "light recessed ceiling fluorescent recess rec", "2619315": "scarf hijab beads necklace ear", "3602115": "cyclist man humans humanshumanshumanshumans human beings", "4034725": "", "5509125": "pick picks pickpick pickpickpick pickspick", "5721105": "tea boiling water boil simmer boils", "1908395": "in 1996 1995 1997 1998 1999", "919265": "silver bracelet watch", "4413875": "tracks train track", "1369625": "hot dogs hotdogs sausage food hotdogsdogs", "2142525": "", "1185145": "air force aviation army navy", "3473195": "boats sail sailboats sailboatsboats", "4696395": "boats", "707405": "bear fur rabbit cat dog", "74765": "glass wine alcohol booze beer", "4710645": " yeah", "1067145": "hotdogs hot dogs sausage fast food", "3120175": "bacon ham pork pros", "1973185": "bridge soil dirt sand", "1855885": "wings feathers feather", "1191245": "road roadroadroadroad roads roadsroadroadroadsroadroad roadroadsroad", "784665": "orange clay dirt sandy", "3318715": "hearts heart shaped heartheart heartheartheart", "2349565": "", "313295": "chandelier lamps chandeliers lamp ch", "1056975": "apple slice apples core cider", "2610645": "nuts almonds almond peanuts", "1301475": "barriers fences gates", "2612025": "teddy bear", "2021465": "p poco pep pepsico pepco pepep", "1743915": "novice inexperienced apprentice beginner rookie", "3315445": "students undergraduates classmates scholars", "5752285": "electric guitar guitars amplifier cant", "4973225": "nativity scene display stall exhibit", "5667135": "", "4697285": "", "5172615": "jockey horse jumping equitation equ riding", "3994565": "compare coupons app finance screenshot", "4857555": "pacific ocean beach unknown bay pac", "4692815": "ro rottwe ter german shepherd rotti", "1885155": "town square london city", "5016465": "se gull birds gullse", "2547105": "landing landed land lands both", "1151445": "hawk eagle pigeon hawkhawk raven", "2614965": "peppers pepper", "489345": "1987 1986 1988", "5188195": "1994 winter 1993 1995 1996 1992", "4317085": "this measurement resonance electron electrons", "5545075": "pictures paintings photos pics portraits", "1137245": "", "2858005": "", "2943605": "o", "4403105": "", "599535": "ariz region arizona arizriz az us", "4964205": "white vanilla condensed chocolate frost strawberry", "3597165": "gases methane atmospheric gas greenhouse", "3940655": "fire water firefighters", "5056265": "cheddar and white swiss cheese 2", "4315985": "birds ducks duck bird", "5564245": "orange oranges orangesorange citrus apples", "4724525": "1990 1990199019901990 19901990 1989199019902000200019901990", "1815665": "black crow raven crows", "1375835": "bears bear t tigger", "1869525": "orange circulation throat teeth face mouth", "3084755": "anr air air fr alliance airline airairs", "3435145": "wii is not notntntntnotntntnn", "3101555": "church gothic revival classical architecture renaissance gothesque g", "5547525": "", "633655": "blur motion", "2216965": "broth noodles shrimp tofu fish", "4669675": "mouse buttons keyboard keys key", "1328475": "britan biplane b britian british propeller bbc", "868185": "pole post poles polepole posts", "3830145": "matching game check checkcheck checkmate not checker", "2989495": "skate fall leap fail land lands", "2088385": "train freight cargo shipping goods trade", "3477845": "knitting hat cap bean knit", "1627475": "lot", "1084465": "dusk twilight sunset dawn", "1756095": "this pasta noodles dinner spaghetti", "251025": "cider beer", "176975": "", "2941995": "person jokinokinokin jokin jokin jokin jokin", "2608995": "crochet yarn knit knitting needle", "2969335": "ski", "3598705": "k surfing wind paras", "3224785": "decoration flowers display burial crem ashes", "1520565": "parking meter meters metermeter", "2100805": "playing games wii playingplaying playingplayingplayingplaying", "1596495": "this very", "5674215": "sheepdog sheep shepherd collie coll", "4703215": "right", "958725": "hot dogs hotdogs hotdogsdogs dogshotdogs hotdog hotdogshot", "202535": "suit business formal suits", "275625": "blue denim jeans", "2012915": "ch stir noodles nood", "3692135": "picture book childrens poems paperback", "3721225": "blue door doors", "615875": "beer beers cider beerbeer ale alcohol", "4899425": "flamingoes flamingos cranes crane cr", "2721625": "clothing apparel garments wool", "3867155": "lot alot lots little bit", "3111045": "terrier chinois ter shepherd terriers", "2938005": "umbrella towel beach ocean water", "2310195": "", "5781285": "newest apple laptops macbooks", "1382765": "double beds twin queen", "5772395": "", "3558575": "parade daytime day", "1579115": "oil vegetable tomato olive", "1891825": "risky risk risks dangerous", "963285": "", "741565": "climb climbed walk climbing", "3150125": "", "5373495": "cookies biscuits muffins muff", "4902645": "", "5557975": "light illuminate lighting illumination", "5029965": "k paras sailing surfing", "5017395": "green red yellow redyellow retina", "5529745": "knife razor scissors", "4493695": "ship boat shipship shipboat boatboat", "4865815": "united states senate office congress us", "4585745": "not", "3501295": "baseball player identification number batter", "3098505": "top", "2319875": "umbrella", "2187175": "2 223 1212 16", "1951955": "price not ", "4762205": "rectangle cylinder square rectangular", "2964035": "north face unknown not sure head n", "2784115": "bicycle bike bicycles bikes", "3348405": "parade race races racing", "1261825": "white painted", "4513535": "soccer", "4915165": "flowers wild d roses da", "886715": "", "2052705": "license to operate semi truck driver driving licence trucks", "3246825": "lights lamps lamp lighting", "5148715": "elephant", "5034075": "fastest possible speeds can be achieved 0 30 40", "979995": "", "1103715": "money bills cash currency", "4925455": "north face orange nike", "2533075": "mountains hills", "5564065": "black and white blackblack", "4203725": "skills needed to repair mechanics occupational therapists technical therapist", "1808185": "fastball", "2676115": "greyhound terriers grey labrador lab", "467535": "", "1082545": "marble granite stone limestone quartz", "662835": "delivery pizza deliveries", "3471115": "water lot unknown lots alot", "1576565": "person runner nominee contestant runnerrunner ball", "4705325": "umbrella shade shelter protection rain", "1445615": "with southwest airlines southeast southeastern southwestern consolidation", "2613055": "laughing smiling posing", "2388165": "film negatives sep blues color blue", "102485": "tag tags collar tagtags", "1652915": "white plastic rubber plastics nylon cloth fabric", "3341875": "white frost vanilla icing fond", "261645": "coca soda", "3105735": "inflatable boat raft jet ski motor", "2566645": "waffle fries curly wavy potato", "4846205": "windows fruit fruits food ice", "1619585": "goggles glasses ski ey headsets sunglasses", "4508565": "donuts all 10", "5756315": "telephone call talk talktalktalktalk answer", "3112205": "children adults", "2688045": "do stop stopstop yield", "729875": "rain rainy freezing wind cold", "420895": "sharks shark dolphin", "4614965": "streetcar trolley tram traffic bus cars", "5647335": "church very old", "2638265": "skyscraper downtown building office skyscrap skysc", "3840275": "red double sided bus decker passenger deck tour", "3130715": "pim spots acne wart", "3941515": "denim jeans cotton leather sued textile", "2323875": "teammates friends siblings competitors mates", "2874005": "baking cooking simmering simmer frying", "4819665": "tennis shoes sneakers trainers", "3070325": "dalmation d dalmalmation lab puppy dalm dalmally", "2537485": "americans humans proto human beings humanshumanshumans", "4589605": "glasses ey hat tie", "3505185": "button buffalo burning burner", "4769505": "denim jeans cotton cloth wool", "870785": "400 300 500", "964145": "baseball bat swinging hitting ball", "2133895": "birds eating feeding food", "2737105": "wire electrical electric power wires", "1090955": "snowy snow winter cloudy cold", "2215935": "waves wave", "3419855": "orange oranges orangeorange citrus squeezed", "2331115": "", "444205": "", "2563665": "skate wheels wheel whe", "4451035": "novelty stationary craft scissors sewing fabric", "4071355": "dump garbage rubbish trash", "691695": "black winter coat ski trench", "3145725": "this cart carts bags goods bag", "1570375": "mall shopping malls shoppers", "2182835": "enormous gigantic huge giant", "344235": "cro croat pastry crohn", "1519005": "electronics gadgets computer electronic devices technology", "3248705": "train conductor engineer technician", "1413425": "farmers market produce vegetable farmers", "1613335": "", "77535": "435 535 440 635 6 7", "5716715": "cat siuana si tab pers", "2367255": "rug carpet carp mat", "515255": "metal pan skillet glass", "2306505": "", "1842185": "tennis ball", "170555": "", "5167265": "", "3748465": "studying study studied studies learning", "1631755": "this barrier keeps train traffic trains stop", "5637255": "roman numerals are", "5658765": "beanie cap knit bean stocking", "2595945": "", "249355": "destroy tick nothing anything nothingnothingnothingnothing", "4281425": "graffiti chalk handwriting spray paint marker", "5646555": "10 5 6 7 8", "1228675": "honda motorcycles cars automobiles hybrids", "2987935": "trolling motors 1 0 2", "345315": "", "3926485": "baby sheep lamb mother unknown", "3007825": "handler apprentice trainer trainers consultant", "5592255": "salt water freshwater", "1069735": "0 30 20 25", "1706235": "in oven", "5161755": "apple macintosh appleapple ib apples micro", "413055": "buffet brunch both neither salad", "3042235": "mane", "71235": "k wind surfing water skiing paras", "2863485": "trucking company wholesale jobs interstate highway highways", "2467505": "p pep porsche pints pepsico pepitas", "2134365": "answering answered", "2735485": "green grass lush healthy long", "123575": "nutrients potassium magnesium creatine phosphate", "5500285": "this swinging hitting batting swing bat swings", "2784895": "passenger jet commercial airliner", "391955": "protest rally meeting seminar", "1529145": "powdered sugar", "1405755": "", "2662005": "umbrella umb blankets towels", "2032695": "restaurant welcome welcomes wisdom words", "649485": "hurricanes summer hurricane earthquake tornado", "4326835": "points 10 10", "5373715": "b bake slice hear batch both", "429775": "1950s", "5152875": "", "3758265": "building buildings streets protesters", "1933905": "military jet fighter", "3558665": "person man umbrella unknown photographer", "5465815": "", "1952945": "passenger passengers both commuter", "3166405": "military jet fighter jets navy", "1058815": "red and white", "767095": "directions direction trains traffic railroad", "1372285": "plaid striped", "2496195": "amusement park ride rides fair", "5494265": "chinese cuisine stir asian ch", "3070505": "very", "1760865": "polar regions north america east africa south", "2002895": "", "1496025": "brown bears cub cardinals bear unknown", "3346305": "water drowning accidents accidental deaths drown suicides", "2881575": "water bottle bottled plastic", "851795": "subway train", "1420985": "this baseball player batter", "2382905": "sail boat sailboat sailboats sails boats", "5504145": "1000", "4229565": "bed sheet blanket sheets bedbedbedbed", "3016975": "rug mat floor carpet", "4367595": "1893 1929 1928 1931 1927", "3519725": "book books booksbooks textbooks literature booksbooksbooks", "2781835": " ", "5756155": "", "2583705": "1950s werent not wasnt wasntntntntns", "5276495": "diet coke soda fanta dr co", "2753485": "horses", "3444605": "", "4023785": "restaurant", "3989625": "primary both secondary secondarysecondary", "4537045": "", "155545": "", "966855": "arizona oh", "3412095": "", "5715415": "rv caravan classic show wheels bus r", "4524685": "mountains mountain unknown north america", "4783285": "store", "578015": "t subway train new york passenger passengers", "5755945": "girl left", "1125845": "heineken beer heine heinehe heinehaven heiner", "2153415": "", "4881505": "1\u20442", "1362005": "casserole chickens chicken poultry meat", "1430515": "hut house shelter shed dwelling", "2527595": "garment towel towels cloth shirt", "3826885": "car is small enough that it could fit into side", "3653195": "tail wing tails tailtail spoiler tale", "4092095": "field pasture fields", "3773005": "ham and cheese meats meat", "5408315": "satisfied pleased happy", "2534705": "mohawk", "1842095": "boy", "2104515": "trade ivory trades food money trading", "3286545": "lg signature", "2453265": "thoroughbred horses horse thorough", "3616725": "", "2230045": "gir ze sharks giraffe girraf girites", "1472775": "1930 unknown 1910 1900 2020", "901065": "navy seals air force squadron forces us", "300235": "", "1039325": "nintendo wii is unknown s", "4524985": "sartharth sarth s sonyonyony sony sarthony", "4959695": "baseball field ballpark stadium", "3057035": "oven baking bakery don dough", "1344945": "skate jump hop limbo o", "2845295": "egg salad tuna eggegg chicken sandwich", "162065": "dog toy frisbee", "1863085": "landing take off runway flight takeoff", "4869365": "table dining wooden diningtable kitchen", "1263755": "net tennis court 1 2 3 4", "2329105": "time clock telling elapsed", "1805885": "time telling clocks tell timers", "126785": "swimwear sunscreen sun protection shade bathing", "2631115": "pastry dough bread breadbread", "4181415": "funnel cake fan fans feathers", "2967475": "", "5812185": "flying show stunts tricks maneuvers stunt", "2571185": "", "94655": "19 20 21 22", "4450075": "orange juice lemon", "1746235": "shelves storage shelf", "2249595": "pole pipe hose pipes piping", "5577685": "indian culture aboriginal american as", "1925315": "wind surfing sail sailing", "3052245": "pink cushion pillow couch chair hammock", "2842465": "belt buckle fashion accessory rappers belts", "2774915": "ad sneakers tennis trainers adidas", "1167375": "milk cow dairy cows", "4964155": "legs", "162535": "kites themselves kitesites kiteskites kties", "576175": "cars parade procession demonstration demolition", "3198186": "brown bear bears bearbearbearbear", "4565635": "fried chicken chickens beef shrimp fish meat", "5287645": "fruit pineapple peach mango blue", "5815535": "350 350 950 850 970 950950 950990", "3169285": "this city", "5415105": "farm milk cows dairy manure food", "4129865": "upside down view extreme distorted foto closeup f", "3261615": "belowbelowbelowbelow belowbelow below belowbelowbelowbelowbelowbelowabove", "3714895": "not ", "5487265": "fire hyd hydhyd hy hydfire", "423555": "collie shepherd dog ter lab", "2871405": "dirt biking motoc racing motocross motorcycles mot", "2351765": "watching television tv sitting living", "800525": "peppers pepper pickles onions", "1957975": "not heard unknown 1 hr 2 hours", "2765145": "st saint patrick stpatrick patricks", "2910045": "play nintendo x w", "4564165": "buses lot", "1802535": "brown bull bulls", "1142885": "stroller cart wheelchair st", "3385185": "church religion worship", "3022305": "coffee tea espresso breakfast", "3450535": "playing", "991805": "", "2309715": "hat cap bean", "3957685": "baseball little league angels orioles unknown american ori", "826505": "rectangle triangle square rectangular", "1011155": "spring summer festivals 0 midsummer mids", "3189245": "craters pelicans cranes pelons se", "5485655": "wild wildwildwildwild animals feral wilderness", "435005": "feet of persons toes ankles", "2017225": "", "3851265": "cross crosscrosscrosscross crosscross crosses crossross country", "753695": "un processed processor processing process processors processedprocess", "3792385": "toilet cleaner", "936345": "apple macintosh desktop appleapple laptop mac", "1878035": "library libraries bookstore librarylibrary", "2311025": "desk table office desks tabletop", "4794625": "in", "4736165": "mercedes bank benz mercedesben mercedescedes mer", "116055": "one way direction directions traffic 1", "1795195": "clear glass engraved antique crystal", "2866395": "", "2543255": "businessman hotel guest businessmen billionaires", "322955": "traffic goes cars go", "5616415": "chain cta mint cycling", "4014555": "shaving shearing clipping she sheeling", "4943985": "black bear", "5802345": "blue eyed heter heterozygozygozygous heterozygous mutation heterozygosity heterozygotes", "4857885": "flowers roses rose blush pink", "562665": "meatballs bacon chicken shrimp", "3534845": "dessert cookie dough pastry", "1937095": "field of green grass lush", "2215925": "hotel hotels rooms", "4452445": "goal is to catch", "3784165": "fanning fan fanfan fanfanfanfan fans compressor", "65395": "clouds cirrus cumulus storm ciruli cumulusulus cumuli cum", "1889225": "siblings family relatives families sisters", "3404125": "matrix reload reloaded movie trilogy movies horror supernatural", "910235": "baseball glove gloves", "5059035": "party parties picnic eating", "2918545": "unknown zoo", "3266635": "metal metals metalsmetal metalmetal", "3466535": "", "392585": "easy tricky difficult challenging tough", "4205295": "1830 1860 20 30 25 2020 40", "5309645": "delta airlines dart american", "5705675": "4 wheels legs arms", "2016445": "laying position fetal", "737275": "bird crane stork searer gull cranes se", "3548195": "snow rain light water lights", "5375435": "first base 3 2 1", "4055485": "outside", "452765": "white whitewhitewhitewhite whitewhite whit whites", "4586645": "saddle on back", "1302865": "speed limit indicator", "32365": "chandelier chandalandalandal lamp chandelite chandal chandel ch", "1382995": "cats kittens catscats mice", "4595155": "very stren strenuous indeed strenuously", "3382105": "you are killers guitarist anthology youre", "2505": "pole building skyscraper buildings skysc", "2299495": "train station depot traintrain platform", "149285": "sheep baby lamb", "5586905": "red berries cranberries cran cranberry r", "5153775": "chips ah lays potato trail", "1284315": "remote for television s toto tosh tos to", "3934885": "green beans peas beansbeans", "1062415": "chevy truck chevette fords che toy", "1140605": "meat", "531575": "cup cake cupcake vanilla cupcup", "3708085": "d flower da daisy drape", "4245335": "throw toss pitch throwthrow throws threw", "1371275": "p delta jet polar pm pplant", "5588515": "talking discussing talkingtalking sitting speaking", "400715": "cement plaster concrete", "2246705": "delete", "1451885": "", "5811365": "stripes striped stripe floral", "2656255": "person man hand", "4587485": "1996 1998 1999 1997 2001", "2869105": "donuts doughnuts don donutsdonuts dough", "2304335": "tennis tournaments matches tournament", "934305": "poodle p white dog small fluffy", "3561535": "egg", "3920605": "very", "2872455": "fire emergencies emergency fires", "1828215": "chop chopsticks chops lad spoon fork", "4370805": "jam jams jelly", "1347475": "cow bull bulls cows bullbull not", "5429915": "gurgaurgaurga new delhi gurgaon gurga\u0308uttuttutt", "5682565": "", "749475": "hat cap knit knitting", "1938215": "cat", "1472785": "wii", "5473785": "mickey mouse mickeys disneymicmic mickeysmicmicmickey", "1781785": "cat kitten tiger tab", "3094545": "smiling talking discussing chatting interviewing talkingtalking", "4742555": "halfway point line sideline dividing sidelines boundary", "4522055": "chihuahua ch chihuaha terrier chihuagle chihu", "1803155": "", "3738215": "person unknown poet man", "5095475": "", "1221445": "bacon", "235425": "octagonagon octagon octagons octagonoctagon octagonal oct", "4476275": "not long time lasting", "1550495": "jeans denim velvet leather sued", "5226675": "red nissan", "365335": "lot 200", "2434435": "middle 1 right left", "3766435": "cat", "3187805": "honda motor hondaondaonda kappa kawasaki h", "2034295": "pink lemon orange apple", "4335685": "gir ze birds giraffe giraff", "1163265": "woman", "1911935": "dalmation d dalmate dalmations dalmately dalmathy", "3381345": "mint leaves herb sage", "3046935": "carriage drivers driver automobile", "2874885": "flowers white lilies daffords d daffs narciss roses", "3694995": "reins reinspringpringpringstallstallstall pony saddle", "3283505": "", "1527255": "lot", "716015": "", "2548615": "fridge refrigerator", "2218945": "carrots onions onion", "4396145": "river miss oh", "236315": "motorbike dirtbike dirt bike motorcycle motocy", "393155": "oil on canvas is red paint", "3081705": "gir giraffe ze z gif girlish", "4619895": "medium sized dogs weigh 250", "3879775": "small propeller cessna airplane single engine cess", "3905655": "long", "3901685": "chocolate chipsye nuts nutsnutsnutsnuts nutsnutsnutnutsnutsnut nutsnuts", "3479815": "t shirt tee tshirt", "847765": "very quickly", "195815": "pee bathroom poop peepee toilet", "1767635": "end ends ending endings", "2845455": "homegrown", "1958485": "bikers not ", "4094445": "skate skating park ramps rink amusement", "2413455": "baseball giants twins cardinals card cub", "510475": "lot", "943595": "tripod", "3984355": "virgin airlines jet commercial passenger airplane jetjet", "5806785": "tortoise not ", "1382175": "hat cap bean", "84295": "as ch asians asas asian", "2722555": "pedestrian crosswalk lines cross", "4633555": "skate ramps parks park skatepark", "5681555": "apple unknown not sure", "4563765": "", "1119225": "video games wii", "136035": "7 6 8", "3402675": "straw beer soda", "1996095": "tennis skirt skirts", "4995365": "wild horse", "4328775": "", "2853235": "duck goose ducks gull", "488485": "apple slices sliced slicing", "1225735": "this jet military commercial jets unknown", "305": "white flowers roses rose carn da", "40685": "car cars automobiles vehicles carscars", "4972075": "chandelier chandalandalandal radiant chandelusherch ch chandelandel", "4248005": "lot alot lots little unknown", "5018015": "not ", "3345855": "owl hawk eagle", "497195": "not possible unknown", "713475": "play toy pretend kitchen", "4146835": "baseball yankees new york yorks ykees yankee", "922065": "apple phone nokia ips", "1912775": "", "1263895": "not", "2480235": "military uniform naval navy", "85645": "this crossing intersection crossings unknown cross", "2742325": "", "1866465": "smoothie juice lemon vodka smooth", "2459325": "playstation play nintendo x xplay", "2576255": "metal alloy rubber leather latex plastic", "982205": "green spinach broccoli kale lettuce basil", "5737245": "star stars starstarstar starstar starstars", "1587865": "blue jeans trousers denim crotch flared", "3407635": "motorcycle bike", "4634325": "lot", "3639565": "", "2505695": "black suit tailored business velvet tuxedo", "476405": "tie ties tietie tietiestiestiestie", "3159615": "gir giraff giraffe ze elephants girigators", "1392305": "new york state unknown jersey yorks", "4079055": "flowers d dfl dandelions", "942105": "white", "2680945": "devil minnie mouse", "4454115": "", "2643775": "volcanic eruption occurs when rocks earthquakes earthquake fault", "26085": "books shelf shelves booksbooks book library", "419205": "jargon of surfing", "271425": "person friend colleague friendfriend friendfriendfriendfriend", "3730535": "united kingdom london england u", "4876425": "ball sphere soccer orb circle", "3894985": "camera phone canon canoncanoncanoncanon digital cameracanoncanon cameracanon canoncanon", "199675": "lot alot lots many", "4755765": "soccer street road roadway", "3947945": "not", "787605": "twin twins twinning", "1127265": "frontrunner honda hondaondaonda accord sedan hondaota", "4394455": "aldehyde vitamin c", "4188185": "", "1421535": "", "5629115": "helicopter helicopters", "3535045": "bulldog pit bull bullbull bulls boxer bullbullbull", "3359125": "wind is playing fun windy", "3674255": "parked parking sitting", "3550925": "tides replenishment currents influx water wind breeze", "2731035": "cartoons stickers toys cartoon", "4606425": "in field grass fields pasture savanna plains", "200905": "strike out outs strikeout unknown", "997285": "wind surfing kites k parasailing kitesboarding paras", "1182495": "skate jump jumping leap flip", "1623965": "photo landscape photography still portrait", "4262545": "skate jump jumping flip jumpjump leap o", "4373915": "tile tiles lin", "4341615": "baseball field park ballpark", "1586475": "this keyboard computer software typing", "1999635": "", "4944455": "africa", "4651535": "lcd", "4902225": "dirty old poor rotten bad", "3902865": "for president bush", "1692045": "washing dc", "3424015": "baseball reds cub cubs mets", "2186255": "ipod nano ipipip ipip ipn ipodip ip", "5654435": "", "5740765": "team together", "3989255": "chairs tables seats vases chair", "2937235": "cats cats tiger", "1169445": "price of comparable appliances cheap inexpensive moderately priced", "3959645": "", "675605": "", "1057085": "tennis courts court", "171055": "picture", "887595": "hoarder hoard hoarders", "971725": "smoke fire steam fumes smokes flames", "703565": "snow ice salt sand water", "5556065": "surf board surfboard surfing surfboardboard", "825135": "switzerlanditzerland switzerland sweden ch", "736205": "dedication ceremony anniversary ceremonies", "3497345": "pink flowers weeds bushes", "3937055": "toilet mechanism overflow adjustment wheelchair plumbing", "731895": "lights", "1466265": "", "5806955": "running forward pass passpass passpasspass right", "4252965": "", "1716565": "shadow", "432565": "green grass spider grassgrass plant f", "1785205": "rabbits are rodents", "3016145": "french fries potatoes", "3348675": "mountains mountain", "226915": "microwave oven", "1053965": "go go", "4991305": "stuffed animal bear doll toy", "64645": "big ben clock medieval astronomical celestial", "2467945": "computer mouse mice mousemouse mousemousemouse", "4264295": "coffee star starbucks dunk", "3554875": "tea coffee water", "4087995": "safety helmets riding helmet", "5362655": "police chase suspects stop stopstopstopstop stopstop patrol", "2722115": "flowers in flo floaters pedals all floater", "4798645": "ford transit bus che toy", "1619245": "", "5793945": "tracks train track trackstracks trackstrack rails", "1314275": "navy seals naval marines", "487425": "highway freeway interstate highways", "769705": "", "1713395": "tokyo toto to beijing japan new", "1852005": "nokia motorola s sprint black", "4756565": "deserts dessert desert", "5503565": "very", "3764365": "rectangle square rectangular squared", "2875855": "all", "1349585": "clyds clydesdale horses corses clyde clylydes", "62305": "cake icing frost piping", "1379535": "parking spaces reserved", "4284865": "", "5048865": "in woods forest intersection watershed northeast", "1314905": "black milk cows dairy", "862675": "candy sprink sprinkle chocolate icing", "1651995": "1880 1850 1860", "361575": "tail tails red", "5400825": "nearest station 3 5 4", "3765055": "peninsula hotel tokyo boutique not", "2462875": "united airlines unite unitedunited unitedunitedunited states", "167415": "", "2595575": "german language spanish french english sp", "854115": "remote controller", "1917405": "vitamin b complex calcium iodine c d", "3218215": "mayor of london borough unknown can", "3414205": "cows countryside cattle cow mountains roads", "3414575": "taller but", "2371375": "infancy baby toddler 3", "5207655": "peppers pepper tomatoes", "5649825": "vitamin c", "4056305": "neighborhood suburban suburbs suburb neighborhoods", "5564975": "stack of paper notebooks stacks", "2728325": "bus driver conductor busbus", "3514945": "strawberry cherry strawberries cher", "1032675": "flip", "4209645": "", "5256755": "ball tennis racket player", "3939545": "debate lecture seminar meeting conference", "3854235": "green lettuce spinach basil mint", "3714825": "one way 1", "2449755": "", "2163785": "", "4358395": "4", "5154275": "turns landfill", "758295": "laptop dell della windows xp", "5469845": "organizational changes cleaning", "1820325": "black cow bull brown", "3168255": "right", "4963625": "orange cone hazard cones caution traffic", "4074055": "snow skate snowball surf ski board", "1965455": "feet of people ankles toes legs", "2366295": "16 14 18 15 17 19", "3887725": "female male femalemale femalefemale", "5602385": "bridge vehicles cars automobiles transportation driving", "3384685": "screen screens blind", "833865": "rv is trailer r caravan", "2325515": "volkswagen beetle volkswagon volksbach volksmann volvo volks", "5295115": "c d vitamin", "1259205": "knot winds tie square knots", "2362945": "bathroom shower pee", "2128465": "person photographer personperson personpersonpersonperson", "5039615": "dress pants robe gown robes", "3178615": "very extremely", "1568495": "work workwork workworkworkwork commuting typing", "2553295": "in suit jacket suite suitsuitsuit suits business", "3791115": "peppers cheese pepper onions", "1947745": "brick bricks stone cement", "2109555": "drinking", "2714015": "2", "5512845": "blender blend blended mix grind blending", "1106975": "subway sandwich unknown", "4065435": "c vitamin i d doping", "4841365": "wood oak pine", "1133895": "playing both", "5693565": "moped scooter motor scooters motorcycles sc", "3770565": "art abstract modern painting abstraction", "735835": "cheese food dates fruit nuts", "2395585": "livestock judging contest sheep cattle hers", "2154745": "sail sails sailing sailors rigged sailed", "1626505": "airplane jet jetjetjetjet jetjet turbine", "96205": "", "3293995": "dirty water runoff fertilizer oxidation wastewater algae", "5297455": "umbrella shade shelter protection rain", "2211875": "b benezuela brazil", "5579875": "flowers da d pedals", "3404195": "", "1492535": "grass grazing instinct eating normal nom", "1379645": "seat relaxation chilling relaxing resting sitting", "880805": "very fast", "1939475": "toshiba toto toshio toshyo toshima tototo", "5373355": "marble granite stone limestone quartz", "2911175": "", "4899275": "star stars starsstarsstarsstars starsstars curtains curtain", "4696485": "candy kisses cher cherries cherilles cherishes", "506205": "tennis racket right rac", "5767055": "black crow raven crows rook", "1081565": "this mirror nothing anything nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing undefined", "5569555": "snowboarder", "4215425": "", "284515": "orange juice smooth", "5666075": "stuffed bear teddy t", "2595955": "tooth pasteyestoothpaste", "2430725": "trees pine fir ever ponder", "3797355": "this cake bundt cakes bread dessert muff", "2709125": "police officer policeman policemen cops policepolice", "2707155": "", "3876855": "chair sits seating lecturer sitting", "4685305": "tartan blanket scarf shirt sweater tart", "2835455": "b c", "4433495": "blue collar band collarcollar color harness", "4169185": "oil seasoning salt dressing grease", "1185505": "these sticky notes reminders stickers notesnotes papers", "1810345": "birds pigeons pige chicks pigeon", "2829525": "surfboard surfing jump leap", "4811295": "not n even notns", "5491685": "fries french potatoes potato fry knife", "1289575": "wing wings wingswing engines wingwings", "1996785": "cocco co coc coco", "2095375": "juice water soda", "2126435": "land anywhere else fly", "2942445": "gas pumps station stations prices petrol gasoline", "5710745": "salmon spawning trout fishes fishing", "2637705": "cattle cows cow", "567335": "seatbelt buckle seatbeltbelt seat", "1112355": "tourist tourists both", "4359085": "mosaic tiles", "1869415": "surfing", "429725": "goodwill target unknown living room stores best", "3929435": "russian cuisine r", "3057325": "britain eng england brit london englanduk", "5057005": "man on left", "947665": "briefcase holds tie tietietietie tietietiestiestiestietie", "434795": "c c k c", "3366975": "apple apples applesapple appleapple", "3988135": "dalmation d dalmalmation dot dalmal dalmations dalm", "33255": "this ancient greece turkey russia germany g", "4232475": "braid pony tail pig scarf", "844895": "microphone headphones headphone", "2768545": "artificial grass turf synthetic artificialificial", "1967235": "event flyers contest party festival", "3106545": "economy recession economic", "990105": "pedestrian crossing", "369145": "", "5134965": "", "774445": "donuts deserts doughnuts pastry doughuts don", "2734665": "not dont notntntnt", "3247785": "on ground wheels", "1237315": "back serve fore", "1958105": "unknown chicago", "524615": "ford fusion sedan honda", "2569685": "skate skatepark park ramps ramp rink", "1986545": "major majormajor majors minor", "2846705": "rocks rocky mountains hills mountain cliffs", "1239165": "cats cat catscats kittens catscat", "2036115": "cleaner toilet", "4837815": "bicycle riding cycling cycle commuting cyclists bikes", "866205": "nike federation adidas soccer nikes ad adidasidas n", "5292405": "microphone microphones speaker webcam recorder", "396435": "twin beds", "1175145": "10 16 18 8 12", "606785": "ch chihuahua ter boxer terrier", "3177815": "", "2212935": "toes toesfeetfeetfeet feet feetfeet feetfeetfeet", "4349915": "new york city yorks yorkshire england washington", "4358865": "dessert desert deserts starter main", "2463185": "north face unknown burton not unknownunknownunknown n", "4958025": "toilet paper pee bathroom restroom", "479815": "soccer goalie goalkeeper unknown", "5749445": "dax airlines d air freight freightjet daxjetjetjet djetjet", "1235825": "in", "5003175": "logs lumber timber", "2538345": "countertop on right", "2450865": "derail disaster derailed crash breakup", "555345": "tree treetree bush treetreetreetree branch", "5660995": "legs torso thighs feet", "179355": "paddle shuffle surfing paddling float padd", "4454935": "baseball base basebasebasebase basebase", "1848795": "assortment model cars figur collect alloy", "2446665": "factory factories hand", "4621105": "clock clocks fan clockclock alarm timer", "3278205": "race competition contest", "314435": "trees", "4255505": "", "2933775": "pizza", "2436375": "apple logo macintosh appleapple apples", "1476985": "storm clouds", "2675165": "bark sounds dog sound barking roar", "2759395": "airplane plane", "4283265": "", "4340455": "umbrella beach sun shade umb", "2146055": "not", "4121125": "silver fork forks", "740995": "im not", "1197985": "ford pickup truck che for", "1836115": "bear brown bears grizzly brownbrown black grizz", "3007045": "pioneers flight predecessors fram framers", "391915": "north face unknown burton n snow not don", "5275875": "jeep truck rover je", "4909935": "star stars starsstars starsstarsstarsstars starstarsstars", "3282985": "", "5554705": "educated affluent plateau wealthy wealthier socio", "5174875": "dalmation d dalmalmalal dalm dalmal dal", "3134735": "rope ropes string tether thread line", "1128055": "shapes painted colors color colorful", "4875895": "very long", "17325": "bass guitar guitars drums guitarist", "2043825": "vintage 1930 1939 1941 1945 1940", "154865": "bicycle commuting biking cycling commute bikes", "1570065": "gaming tournament tournaments games finals gamer", "2646765": "tow truck towing", "15225": "coffee cake loaf muff cup vanilla", "5751765": "dirt bike motorcycle", "357075": "", "4424315": "builder unknown not ", "3287435": "polar bears bear glaciers", "4136255": "wetsuit waders swim swimsuit wet w wets", "2724895": "vintage sep black gray white brown", "3388645": "both bothbothbothboth bothboth vegetables vegetable", "5270565": "ch stir vegetables veggies broccoli", "1451915": "horse racing racinghorse riding pol", "1726555": "", "5388145": "food bread dough", "1990115": "old fashioned fords ford 1925 1924 1929 for", "2362955": "rode livestock fair", "2713575": "adult 5", "4566025": "amazon river dont know dont dontntntnt", "1878695": "lighthouse tower lighthouse", "3275725": "silver metal chrome", "2094095": "silk cotton cloth linen", "1840035": "skate 1977 unknown 1976 1978", "5327535": "navy seals air force squadron forces army", "999885": "", "938855": "converse sneakers chuck dc ad con", "3149645": "people passengers commuters peoplepeople tourists", "2861205": "this website filters downloads videos filtering filter", "3233875": "stars squares diamonds triangles square rect", "5005795": "snow board skate snowball surf boards", "398595": "passenger coach first class third second", "3258915": "unhealthy healthy harmful unhealthyhealthy both neither", "1502865": "beard surf boards surfboard santa", "2741305": "vegetables produce food fruit", "147915": "kreme chocolate dunk kris gl k", "3442365": "fire hose water hyd", "2762085": "", "2580355": "circle circular circlecircle circles disc round", "1264335": "clouds cirrus cumulus cirulus ciruli thin", "2498755": "don dough donuts donut", "3877725": "circle circles rounded round radius", "5053435": "never nevernever ever not", "2105705": "elderly retired old retirees seniors", "3030225": "yahoo school schools yahoo schoolyahooyahoo", "1166035": "orange oranges orangeorange citrus", "3594795": "cake chees cheese cheesecake", "4458575": "skate boards board skateboards skating ramps", "2810915": "nitrogen fertilizer phosphorus phosphate uranium", "2395865": "tie winds knot triple", "4412315": "journalist indeed", "199185": "jump leap jumping flip jumpjump o", "1547705": "field grass plain savannah sav", "4576545": "broken shattered fractured broke breaking fragile", "3350905": "russian language french german g", "3971875": "l", "1005165": "police policepolpolpol polo policepolice", "4251235": "hospital hospitals", "776395": "lounge chairs beaches beach", "764065": "very long 1 not", "4071025": "waves choppy ocean cho", "2794775": "outdoor cafe caf\u00e9 patio restaurant cafes", "2879225": "hands", "1215825": "london england united kingdom uk eng", "3068245": "arizona ohio caucuses republican oh mich", "1464205": "", "399485": "im sorry star not can friends friendsfriendsfriendsfriends", "1472045": "swimsuits bathing swim swimsuit", "15625": "building stone concrete cement", "2762445": "video game gameplay games", "3512425": "hot dog sausage hotdog hotdogs", "3532845": "", "1658525": "size difference color", "1956775": "green lizard reptiles frog frogs rept", "632705": "tennis player", "673565": "chicken turkey club meat mummy", "3099855": "litter neither trash waste", "1255855": "for dipping sauce cheese chips salad ol", "4074665": "train engine locomotive tender locom", "63805": "fr friday fetch fridays disc fridayfriday", "5714315": "", "686485": "sand sandsand beach sandy sands beaches", "2321435": "radiator heater heating radiators furnace heat", "330345": "sauce", "287665": "orchid flower orchidchid or lily l", "613385": "sun swim relax bask sunbat", "3783055": "pirate ship sail junk kite", "707805": "towel towels rack oven door", "2585185": "north america continent northnorth africa", "4827335": "", "487975": "beach sun relaxing sitting sunsun shading", "4477955": "dump semi dumpdump dumping garbage truck", "2619565": "haircut cutting shaving hairc haircuthair", "1627285": "teddy bear", "4311125": "cookies ice cookie chocolate frost", "4237185": "", "3422555": "bob haircuts short", "3106655": "", "4806835": "wood beams ceiling ceilings", "3644025": "", "3218245": "snow skate snowball mogul skiing boarding", "1196365": "tracks train track trackstrack trackstracks rails", "5011185": "", "4580835": "cataracts dementia brain neurological disease", "4064525": "apple chassis appleapple aerial drone", "3105015": "flowers", "5179985": "very low", "3913975": "languages spoken ind ar ch", "5028055": "this fr friday fetch disc fridays fridayfr", "658555": "cleaning water vinegar soap cleaner cleans", "3359285": "", "5103495": "me vowel meeeee meow", "5665925": "fields farms farmland field pasture", "5409335": "", "613075": "orange lemon oranges orangeorange", "2865115": "person child girl", "5031495": "1940 1950 40 4040", "5417645": "shopping walking shoppers buying", "2090125": "tea lemon", "4488245": "in play drib throw discard throwthrow", "2682095": "not neither", "4306175": "lot alot lots lotmanymany", "2626905": "people church worship churches congregation", "3260645": "metal aluminium aluminum alloy", "4563155": "bathing cooling standing washing playing drinking", "3082105": "", "3260015": "pottery wheel clay ceramic soil pot", "4849645": "green vegetables veggies broccoli vegetable", "5208515": "sewing thread crafting knitting needle", "2742775": "brown calf dairy cow bull", "2931425": "kris kreme donut restaurant krust k", "3281065": "tires dirt nothing mud rubber", "5611265": "old vintage fashioned", "549385": "sharks", "578705": "wooden bamboo rattan wicker wood oak", "968285": "tennis ball balls", "4196455": "truck trucks pickup truckruck car", "2361415": "snow board skate snowball ski snowboard", "3228695": "", "4693305": "church building worship baptism weddings", "666625": "", "758005": "jockey", "3311655": "bridge bridges train span highway freeway", "2929285": "chicagoicago chicago ch unknown boston", "3913675": "sail boat canoe surf mast kay", "4761065": "cell phone manufacturer samsung electronics smartphone smartphones telecommunications", "2072505": "royal teddy bear not sure unknown", "1238515": "factory manufacturer unknown unsure factories", "3556575": "crane lifting bucket construction lift", "5657555": "ducks ge geese geynes canada", "481605": "blue jeans denim skinny flared", "1148695": "d dachshund dachhound terrier dachs dachmann", "5523045": "right", "3139145": "blanket sheet com sheets qu", "5298235": "horses eat alike 0 2 1", "2798835": "pillow factory outlet unknown target undefined", "4563435": "pond lake river ocean lakelake", "633455": "table tabletabletabletable tabletable tables", "146835": "thoroughbred horses brown", "2093825": "hex hexagons octagon octagons hexagon", "1053865": "converse sneakers ad nikes unknown nike", "2417205": "striped hat bean fed beanie alike", "4962565": "concrete cement pavement poured", "1937325": "", "5439865": "", "1899435": "", "4978045": "africa af continent africarica afrika america", "672695": "beach surfing surf", "856575": "sheep robber cowboy sheriff guns", "3004415": "red bus wheel front side", "903245": "new york city newyork tokyo newtown tokyaya", "4021745": "ups aerial united parcel service us delta airlines", "1264135": "engines electricity engine jet turbine gas", "3864295": "baseball field stadium ballpark", "3153745": "da flower rose lily", "2498395": "pizza pizz pie pizzazza pies", "990085": "billions trillions of dollars millions", "919485": "back swing hit serve", "3023725": "", "3758205": "dark darkened", "1405485": "polar bear bears polarbear glacier glaciers", "1735385": "green parrot bird parrotrot parrots parrotparrot par", "1054015": "tow truck semi wreck dump crane", "4020045": "in washing machine obama", "1788125": "pizza pizz pizzaital italian", "133975": "fly land flyfly hover", "4315695": "elephants", "2538295": "sheep herd flock", "4435": "couple married", "1363125": "big ben clock tower cathedral", "5436225": "d dalmation dog dal dalmalmation ddt", "629275": "pillar column post pole pillarpost", "5692555": "caucasian immigrant white whites whitewhitewhitewhite whitewhite", "4574345": "elephant winnie po", "4134015": "strawberry strawberries bananas", "2221275": "guitars guitar guitarist", "2037115": "bmw sedan bm audi bbm mer", "5069795": "finger index indexindex thumb pointer indexes indices", "1987215": "hand posture bends knees elbows crawling creeps", "2322275": "suitcase luggage bags suit", "1292055": "bowling wii pin lanes ping", "2816315": "r roman romanromanromanroman romanromerome rromanromanrome", "2925875": "s ter terrier dog poodle schn", "4710955": "dachshund d dachhound dachstein dachmann", "5678995": "light green lime mint", "2453775": "train engine 1902 1901 1906", "3341035": "washington monument tower monuments washing dc", "5159175": "lifetime apprenticeships are highly skilled professionals", "2669105": "30", "4226085": "4 3 6 5 8", "778745": "thoroughbred horses clydesdale american thorough", "4140895": "spanish language bilingual french sp", "3907925": "guitars guitar acoustic guitarist", "3835815": "doctor surgeon physician physicians doctors", "582505": "streets street intersection directions", "1862545": "very incredibly rapidly quickly suddenly slowly", "2090895": "san francisco bay bridge mate franciso", "5600375": "seeds birds food bread carbs carbohydrate", "2764175": "baseball pirates bears cub yan dod", "261185": "tennis racket ball racquet rac", "3859295": "cloudy overhang rainy ove cloudyover overcast", "3590815": "spinach lettuce basil", "949205": "baseball", "1835885": "graffiti tagging spray paint vandalism sten", "2844065": "1977 1978 1979 1981", "4577975": "skatehawk skate streetcar chicken raven bird ravenhawkhawk", "2547955": "serial number denomination denominations dollars currency", "5412885": "glass ceramic plastic cer por", "1773875": "", "1003375": "brown horse horses cly white", "549625": "ship cargo cruise ferry", "5424025": "curator mathematician researcher scientist architect", "2221805": "church", "3918235": "adrenaline nerve serotonin dopamine", "5445615": "inventor of kite kites im not ", "3107725": "clyds", "1995335": "singing song guitar music songs", "1493885": "hit hits hithithit hithit swing", "2990665": "feral cat", "5328575": "dog food meat canine", "1456825": "2 2 3 2 4", "4475525": "man usher dude", "146445": "art graffiti tagging skate painting skating spray", "4280935": "importance of tie knot style", "3775435": "tennis court net courts", "3736455": "long sleeve purple sweater sleeves", "3621545": "street name names aliases streets", "1393095": "", "525185": "light sunlight lightlight natural sun", "5364965": "racing running walking runningrunning races", "1023335": "lot alot lots lotmanymanymany manymany many manymanymany", "1284345": "pipe chim pipepipe chimpipepipepipe pipepipepipe", "682315": "maintenance repairs repair servicing dredging dred", "4277275": "fast food establishment restaurant", "5780025": "wine drink sip alcoholic drunk", "3057795": "delta klein klm klx klf", "4279755": "hearts love romance affection passion heart jealousy", "3513525": "ground hangar runway field plane", "1187305": "tennis shoes sneakers sand trainers", "4199075": "banana cake", "5466205": "fire department water firefighters", "2083815": "ski poles sticks pole", "4803135": "im not notnt", "4464715": "teddy bears christmas bear t", "4990275": "very", "1192945": "tracks train track trackstracks trackstrack", "5244535": "beach sand sandy sandsand", "443855": "serve serves backhand servebackback serving back", "3034535": "stone rock granite stones limestone", "4048125": "domestic domest domestication domesticated servants domestic", "2825585": "very veryvery", "4318085": "sandwich", "4462665": "bar soap solid hand ivory", "1958375": "car to plow truck pl", "605935": "striped shirt t plaid pl", "2734365": "candles birthday wax candle vot", "5186495": "7 eleven seven 8 77", "3941135": "k wind surfing", "4584305": "rural", "2221455": "cat catcatcatcat", "3089195": "wire wirewire cable wires rope wiring", "1396795": "", "3616205": "victorian era antique 1880 1870 vict", "4297625": "trunk belongs ivory elephant tusk trunks tus", "4480695": "yellow mustard", "3665775": "stripes striped stripe zebra", "2897905": "phone smartphone smartphones apple", "2044585": "polar bear", "1127035": "passenger double deck tour", "1941596": "boats sail yacht motor", "3889605": "mountains", "3997465": "yellow orange blue", "622575": "traveling vacation travel travelling", "3506445": "knot winds bow tie", "3447935": "unknown ski resort not ", "1482465": "clocks clock alarms clocksclock alarm timers", "1213665": "tank tanks t vest tanktank shirt", "5762255": "", "4990615": "bakery shop store donut restaurant don", "277425": "cloth fabric cotton denim", "4263185": "brown leather boots unknown", "5596335": "riding horses racing", "2114065": "belts buckle buck", "4842775": "photo shoot selfie fun self portrait candid silly", "5114615": "bamboo wood straw weave", "225005": "lot alot lots", "1071975": "rowing boats rowingross canoe row ro", "1466115": "bathtub bathing bath tub baths shower", "1875595": "zoos natural habitat zoo habitats", "1059215": "surfing bandwagon hawaii island ocean indo pacific", "3504845": "poodle sh puppies terrier p cock", "3686265": "what goes trains go gogo gogogo", "4088545": "surf boards surfing surfboards", "719085": "decade 1990", "2912905": "mountains mountain rocky mountainous valleys", "3732925": "red robinson wood rob robber cartoon", "1485175": "balanced stance balance standing", "4174755": "wetsuit waders swim wetsuits wets w", "2854705": "drinking eating tasting swallowing eatingeating", "2481505": "", "47615": "desktop desktopdesktop computer desk both dev", "2433825": "", "1483435": "onions onion ketchup k", "2433335": "white cars", "2148705": "parking cars meter automobiles tickets expired", "657325": "flip cell phone cellphone nokia motorola", "2697885": "", "628155": "city skyline cities citycity buildings urban", "710435": "baseball", "4365215": "woman", "282635": "", "807455": "", "2510265": "clouds cirrus cumulus ciruli fluffy cumulusulus cum", "2255395": "to see", "642415": "jet boat ski surf surfboard wake", "1546675": "logo design branding logos", "603505": "wii is nintendo nintendointendo w", "128925": "window windows doors windshield windowswindow", "4509615": "tropical climates", "5454475": "safety traffic stop caution hazard", "3486975": "hair curl unknown can not cannot nike", "4951345": "bird pigeon duck dove ducks se", "3921675": "tooth toothpick rice cabbage cheese col", "1610625": "american flag airlines southwest americanjet americ", "3644845": "sleep play eat rest crawl sleeps", "3511465": "black pepper seasoning herb spice pars", "2171655": "beer bud heine budhe", "1164625": "fire firefire", "484085": "orange oranges peach orangeorange apple citrus", "482885": "this gauge needle rpm rev gau", "1997195": "elephant size trunk tusk tucks large", "2076985": "english bilingual translation", "26195": "bear brown bears grizzly brownbrown grizz", "1985475": "british flag bbc uk brit britritrit b", "1478565": "persian rug indian persanian tribal ori", "3463105": "", "3393525": "laptops computers laptop computersputers", "3826245": "weather forecast steep cross", "4206085": "calves puberty menstru menstruation gestation lifespan", "5247865": "cart", "680285": "roast beef", "390655": "shirt button dress buttonbutton", "1900005": "this nothing waving posing pose poses standing", "3481435": "ship cruise boat", "193975": "cat litter kitten unknown pedigree discontinued", "5128455": "tie silk fabric velvet ribbon cotton cloth", "1448815": "table desk tables desks", "5135775": "shortcuts are short haircuts", "1422995": "horses", "3814705": "itch menstrual cycle headache menstru", "424635": "female male femalefemale femalemale", "3912165": "shortest building 10 foot 20 2020 25 15", "2684065": "chef instructor", "1352785": "old fashioned transistor unknown unidentified sony", "2342075": "beagle puppy terrier boxer lab", "4202445": "this guitar tuning guitars piano acoustic", "1624195": "train maintenance repair repairs repairing", "4052885": "", "2327185": "spinach lettuce basil", "383505": "snow man humans humanshumanshumanshumans humanshumans human beings", "4535175": "ind", "4539075": "unhealthy healthy unhealthyhealthy harmful health", "4540865": "diesel engine oil petrol", "3487155": "", "3191175": "silver tong knife spat fork tongues", "4479135": "for forforforfor", "3443855": "elephants", "4735535": "angels red blue baseball teams and respectively yankees", "829045": "", "1699345": "many 20", "3078575": "", "5454095": "shoes heels high heel perfection", "4990545": "black white tuxedo tux kitten and tab t", "3621405": "photographer", "259965": "raft board boardboard boardboardboardboard raftboard", "3449215": "sheepdog puppy poodle terrier hus", "3123385": "custom personalized customized customization carved", "1375525": "flowers v vases arrangement arrang arrangments", "4822655": "purple cabbage onion", "5253605": "snow ski slay climb walk smile", "5139835": "cake icing frost", "3975345": "serve serves back serving hit served", "5596195": "ar english sp french greek", "5266665": "book bible revelation paperback dictionary", "4969185": "yellow", "5545595": "on both sexes male", "1439295": "birds sparrow swall swallows fin sp", "2518355": "phantom book 3 thief twilight plague", "4679055": "evening afternoon morning mornings", "1227965": "0", "2142565": "oval sink bathroom pedestal sinks", "832545": "shaking hands", "1822425": "german shepherd dog g shepherdger", "1432585": "orange coffee drip black espresso", "1546775": "classroom teacher school teachers classrooms", "5412555": "green peppers spinach", "2612355": "orange citrus oranges", "98095": "united states america usa americ americausausausa", "215355": "white ceramic", "5136835": "sitting", "1597235": "caucasian white whitewhite whitewhitewhitewhite caucasians c", "4738705": "cold frig freezing icy", "1572785": "this ski resort switzerland unknown", "2290585": "", "5792715": "below freezing temperatures cold", "2742485": "blue air jet 380 0 a380 ad", "1251155": "", "1269675": "islands of australia bermuda aka bora aust", "2576705": "apple phone s samsungamsung samsung galaxy", "2530315": "bat batter hitter player catcher contributor", "1213185": "coffee espresso drip black", "4204755": "wheelie jump wheel wheelwheel leap", "4151195": "healthy nutritious unhealthy healthyhealthy health", "331825": "sinks 0 sink", "1462085": "tracks track tracktracktracktrack tracktrack", "581535": "left", "4547085": "", "221235": "", "1459265": "baseball pitcher unknown homer", "4535675": "swim swimsuit shorts swimsuits", "1526215": " ", "1464545": "ocean beach beaches", "2289745": "party birthday parties", "4782155": "plants grass", "4536465": "gestation period 1 0 2", "534585": "diesel locomotive electricity electric", "5105915": "artwork art artworks decor paint", "2838845": "", "2777885": "this carrot carrots vegetables veggies", "4064465": "1 2", "2084185": "1947 1956 1955 1957 1958", "2307415": "jet plane airplane airplanes planes", "5526305": "woodpecker wood alloy aluminum", "1937105": "fruit salad banana bananas dessert pudding", "1970015": "grind jump leap o", "2359765": "person people students", "5381705": "all", "1381535": "bathroom restroom bathrooms shower bathing", "2374135": "bathroom toilet cleaning poop pee po", "5413195": "green beer wine", "2981545": "bnsf railway boston streetcar unknown am", "2577825": "chefs chef cooks culinary cook cooking", "4734385": "carrots vegetables veggies", "4783515": "very", "3614905": "blanket sheet sheets com", "441705": "red and white sprink sprinkle patriotic sugar", "2733525": "surfers sur surf chefs", "3796075": "tank top tanks bikini", "251925": "salad dressing", "4896065": "", "1003195": "tent", "1825075": "process of refining chips potato soda processed", "353185": "shelf shoes shoe", "3016445": "t teddy bear", "2922265": "cycling bicycle cyclists cyclist biking cycle", "2003055": "cat person kitten kittens cats", "936575": "air france franca airfrance french airfr", "2637345": "tile tiles lin", "1728895": "bathroom technician painter builder restroom", "5586785": "", "2451355": "", "4190285": "vase on left votive v", "187805": "italian cuisine italians immigrants americans ital", "3976455": "refrigerator fridge frig", "1400925": "patient surgeon nurse surgeons nurses doctors", "1819325": "metal wire wood bar", "3887265": "motorboats anchored", "2421455": "luggage balancing balance stability", "3372775": "computers computer electronics technology software computersputers", "4846665": "pawn shop", "642835": "grazing eating feeding", "2976325": "phone communication chat texting talking", "5693495": "yellow d flowers tulips dyes da", "2982955": "san francisco bridge golden bay mate", "5314575": "very", "4105745": "phone cell cellphone phonephone call telephone", "3202535": "suitcase", "4779435": "", "5007405": "boxes", "25705": "holidays hall christ thanks eas", "885385": "", "4056225": "monarchy london", "475025": "s samsung siemiemiem siem tosh", "5099865": "glass marble granite", "2695975": "switzerlanditzerlanditzerland switzerland italy sweden fr", "1131505": "north polar regions america arctic", "5254675": "skate jump leap jumping flip o", "4672625": "bank guarant guaranty", "5297885": "people peoples travelers humanity humans", "2167425": "big ben clock clockbig", "47025": "4", "3890615": "silver metal metals metalmetal metalmetalmetal", "4824525": "cat me mehhhhhhhhhhhh me meeeeehhhhhhhhhhh", "3132135": "converse sneakers unknown chuck dc", "1885285": "", "3595955": "street lamp streetlight light streets", "3441385": "digestion teeth intest swallowing", "1688485": "marina bay harbor harbour", "615025": "basil mint spinach pest sage pepper", "2336725": "fr frisbee friday", "2282275": "water pool fountain pools", "2294075": "", "3357995": "cutting knife knives knifeknife knivesknife", "2706365": "beach swimming diving bathing surfing", "1646035": "man snow mountain manman", "3735095": "im not", "4355545": "us open tennis tournament championships tournaments 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giri", "2052805": "airplanes planes plane birds", "4704715": "aircraft airplane plane airplaneplane planeplane", "5253805": "delta airlines ad def dart deposition", "4054415": "1970s 1978 1977 1979", "4765535": "dresses formal wear weddings prom", "1434905": "", "946255": "train", "1968885": "hops nab pta n tea p", "3077295": "banking waterwater water money", "5068085": "youtube webpage fl mash https", "3376285": "donuts bakery unknown india africa americ", "4015895": "inauguration ceremony anniversary retirement birthday", "3846175": "back serve servebackbackback forehandbackback forehand backhand", "2788235": "poles very", "3893265": "scissorsissorsissorsissors scissors knife opener cutter scissorsissors", "1331455": "fire trucks firefighters flames", "5647155": "china japan asia ch us as", "1770235": "this isnt scottish pilot plane", "460245": "pepsi diet soda p pep", "3974825": "w ww wws wwww wwswwws", "5418805": "", "1075785": "baseball", "1191875": "", "2272505": "influenza fever pneumonia flu tuberculosis", "2464915": "in 1982 1983 1985 1986 1987", "2813945": "bike chained to pole", "3080985": "bears bear fox", "2636855": "crying cries cry screaming cried", "16815": "books textbooks booksbooks novels book literature", "1678485": "da flower sunflower daisy yellow d", "2900805": "", "330915": "scoreboard stats advertisement statistics information", "5602425": "", "205175": "doors", "3850665": "greyhound grey greyhoundgrey greygreyhound greygrey greygreygreygrey", "918865": "baseball red card twins yankees", "3059195": "steam locomotive engine passenger freight", "1178845": "400 600 300 500", "5107295": "black t shirt tee tshirt v neck", "698745": "stop", "615": "af african africa africanrican ind", "2352175": "mountains mountain", "288545": "white surf board paddle surfboard", "5151025": "crest toothpaste unknown tooth colgate", "2766395": "livestock judging sheep cattle goat", "3350035": "oil is not petrol 0 refinery palm", "1611935": "ome egg", "117025": "wooden canoe paddle dugout longboat fishing", "4416525": "leaping dog guarding sheep her watching looking", "1536205": "older newer newerolderolderolder tighterolderolder youngerolder newerolder", "452675": "strawberry strawberries raspberry", "3649345": "", "1321395": "short tandem 2", "4156025": "public restrooms restroom", "4855955": "tie tietie tietietie tieties ties", "1674115": "on trees apples fruit", "2925965": "50 50505050 5050 both 60", "2010325": "married couple couples engaged marry marriage", "1839905": "monkeys monkey primates", "12325": "airplane prope single engine stunt bi plane small", "5239075": "", "3769215": "in can canada ontario canitzerland canadacanada canitzerlandcan", "2030345": "", "2844185": "butterfly butterflies bees monarch", "2907615": "graffiti chalk spray paint white black red", "2168255": "unknown vans skate not unsure n", "1572885": "contagious disease plague contag sickness herpes", "1770885": "fabric cloth cotton", "3635545": "", "2741605": "fast", "4251375": "tacos taco food me dinner lunch", "594835": "vitamin c", "2411485": "table coffee drinking wine beverages", "5635845": "classrooms classroom kindergarten school", "1415575": "dog canine food dogfood", "604525": "horses thoroughbred white wild ponies horse feral", "3385415": "mantlepiecepiecepiece mantlepiece mantle shelf mant", "4727375": "in 2005 2004 2006 20052006", "3902135": "tennis nikes head wilson unknown wil", "2013085": "black bear", "472135": "wine tasting party winewine pairing", "2917645": "0 1", "5483185": "woven bamboo wood straw fabric cloth", "2743345": "hit ball baseball", "716035": "robots humans beings humanity humanshumanshumanshumans", "4341355": "ar ind th", "17125": "tracks train track trackstrack", "2885485": "learning training learninglearning studying sitting", "4917275": "united statesa italy america americas usa", "3458035": "", "4045925": "apple apples appleapple", "4566525": "indian elephant tusk ivory", "991395": "triangle triangular triangles square rectangle diamond", "3906755": "novice beginner expert both amateur", "2813826": "leather stitching", "4108985": "professionally professional professionals professionalism", "32495": "bird sparrow fin finfin sp", "3417565": "road street right", "2615215": "happiness laughter joy happy gratification", "638205": "red maple leaf leaves can", "2419055": "business partners partner colleagues collaborators partnership partnerships", "3891335": "snow water ice molecules air", "2002725": "", "2338295": "go go", "3740015": "green yellow red", "3889005": "", "4374855": "vote volunteer votevote participate donate", "907395": "suitcase", "338965": "table tabletabletable tables tabletop tabletable", "5289375": "", "1477465": "truck accident negligence negligent stupidity", "1131525": "wooden canoe paddle rowing row boat ro", "3462665": "fisherman fishermen fisher sailors fisheries", "3956145": "train subway metro passenger bullet", "371245": "trench coat with flared sleeves yellow", "1638285": "baseball", "4418585": "grind grinding jump", "2505335": "screen window door front", "2999685": "ch noodles soup broth", "4298095": "net", "2519885": "black beans beansbeansbeansbeans bean beansbeans bag", "2631895": "stop gesture handshake catch", "4334415": "africa nig nigeria india ind", "104215": "turkey club sandwich chicken sub", "3358045": "train station platform depot", "5696725": "tissues tissue not sure unknown k", "3467415": "w ww wwww wws wwsw wwsws wet", "2775305": "potatoes", "873225": "engine electricity ethanol methane diesel gas", "2059865": "raindrops light sunlight lightlight sun rain", "4824725": "peacemaker rooster peacock submariner peac", "2100105": "navy seals marines corps air force naval", "4787415": "skate skating basketball surfing skateboarding", "4484315": "7 8 9 10", "5399675": "16 18 19 1818 28 48", "2395815": "im not", "4978155": "cow calf bull", "3357125": "teddy bear president bush yeah", "5403265": "playing video games playingplaying playingplayingplayingplaying", "4074135": "", "3587885": "dessert deserts desert desserts", "2215095": "cow calf cows bull cattle cowcow", "5776535": "", "2782195": "toshiba laptop", "1171195": "rocks gravel stone rock", "2228715": "sit relax rest sitting", "2568515": "barcode tattoo removal hair fingerprint identification", "84225": "", "4702115": "bikes motorcycles", "4808075": "incredibles logo car superhero movie cars", "5393585": "mountain bike road bicycle commuting", "1191085": "small horse", "5396065": "", "977055": "crane swan cranes stork se", "524425": "clothing store on sidewalk", "1663285": "dog obedience championship contest fetch catch challenge", "3314095": "aommelommelommel tasting wine expertommelommel winesommelommel bartenderommelommel waiterommelommel", "647315": "posed pose poses", "3555895": "", "2227605": "stuffed teddy bear", "4644985": "food buffet catering dessert deserts", "1201795": "red", "1100895": "hot dog sausage hotdog hotdogs dogs", "3093145": "profession shepherd hunter farmer farmers", "2895835": "bear bears teddy bearsbear t", "423495": "beach veneto beaches venice san francisco ven m", "662995": "farmer herdsmen are sheep humans people peoplepeoplepeople farmers", "2032165": "professionals entrepreneurs professional comedians professionalism", "885145": "hello health stores flagship store merchandise", "5502225": "blue berries orange oranges blueberries", "2838145": "", "869225": "hair brushing brushes brush comb fan", "2770505": "barn owl barred small scree brown baby", "1551065": "fork forks", "4293185": "luggage clothes clothing goods", "3700595": "spices salt pepper peppers spice", "4426805": "", "3130155": "cheese sausage white pizza topping plain", "2567485": "skate park", "4719055": "b c d", "1241325": "spinach lettuce kale broccoli basil", "848335": "lot", "1719665": "tandem bicycle bike", "3017475": "north pole canada america", "2120235": "ancient antiquity classical greek", "1871675": "brown couch sofa section sued", "2220865": "stuffed toy contest stuffing event", "2556235": "umbrella shade shading sun hold light", "1105305": "white pink whitewhite blue whitewhitewhite", "1362655": "stripes striped stripe strips stripped", "3343105": "cat grin", "4365085": "factory factories manufacturer manufact", "761305": "bunch batches batch group", "5298665": "arizona", "5570475": "waves waveswaves wave", "3116915": "tropical beaches hot", "84535": "this wing wings tail left right", "803055": "gold metal plastic titanium metals", "4539685": "tennis racket", "4049645": "sand beach beaches ocean", "1665295": "lot 100", "4785375": "1200 1600 600 400 500", "4506665": "rainy cloudy rain", "3689565": "", "501345": "blind curtains shades blindblind curtain", "2594465": "ostr", "3365415": "pirates marines la masc marine", "3872565": "hospital corridor psychiatry dispensary hospitals", "1855776": "sandwich bun bread", "4589465": "bridle", "5501445": "flying stunts performing stunt soaring flyingflying", "3053635": "horse pony clythe horses wild", "4964295": "im not sure photographer unknown", "3703695": "herd flock group", "1114325": "shower stall tub bath", "4312415": "dog food canine dogdog", "2016305": "suits suit wedding suite groom", "612065": "bus stop stopbus busstop station", "364395": "", "2148755": "dog tales bus schools school", "4433775": "train transportation passengers commuters commuting", "3154285": "", "1990395": "ski lift", "1637155": "running exercise walking exercising", "1424705": "grocery supermarket unknown", "4280855": "im not ", "3684795": "china airlines ch united chchid j", "2039755": "messy tidy chaotic mess murky oily", "4059065": "baseball pitcher batter outfielder shortstop", "1036995": "clouds storm cloud rain cloudy precipitation", "3024975": "homer", "1942355": "camera nintendo wii digital n", "5087105": "very fast", "2331935": "unknown not sure unsure h", "367765": "toy figures unknown n gauge don", "1374835": "mountains mountain hills valleys deserts", "540525": "play nintendo x video", "3686455": "triumph motorcycle motorcycles kawasaki honda har", "1350455": "people birds bird birdsse se", "1412655": "boy boys boyboys both boysboys", "2493655": "5 6 4", "2901925": "smoke exhaust smokes fumes steam clouds", "3358715": "parking zone", "3120546": "person personpersonpersonperson personperson human beings", "1315095": "cafe furniture restaurant", "2356835": "chefs kitchen kitchens cooks cooking", "4704425": "1910 1929 1930 1928 1934 1931", "748945": "office cubicle clusters cluster clustered", "5254435": "knifeyes slicing", "4818895": "", "5311795": "bird pigeon dove fin sparrow", "385845": "evergreen pine tree bush trees bushes fir", "4665805": "blanket", "5768505": "gray cat tab", "1576395": "hot sauce ketchup", "1689275": "tablet computer tablets touchscreen laptop slideshow", "4814545": "16 32 20 24 30", "5558055": "roman numer numerals", "3505965": "rock stone brick", "1358205": "car in vehicle automobile carcar window", "2809685": "", "514345": "rice", "2918945": "drink water drinking thirst", "3556855": "oldest woman grandma lady grandmother", "5422005": "thecatchcatchcatch catchcatch catch catchcatchcatch catches catching", "2958035": "", "3046915": "im not", "3573015": "lifespan immortality unknown not forever indefinite", "2098135": "day daytime afternoon morning", "309955": "all", "3289175": "sheep", "4750335": "bathroom restroom bathrooms toilet", "1081645": "phantom scream", "5263625": "umbrella", "4033355": "romanesque revival renaissance gothesque architecture g", "3577505": "building buildings rooms architecture landmarks", "3509605": "stainless steel chrome silver", "4171985": "black and white milk dairy cows", "961065": "delta airlines flight md d dart", "2972795": "not", "4128555": "intersection crosswalk pedestrian crossroads intersections cross", "1747945": "umbrella umb umbrell", "1237625": "toilet seat airplane toilets", "1274415": "", "202135": "flowers tulips roses tul", "3699315": "happiest happier happy ecstatic satisfied", "1053885": "apple ipad mini n\u00b0 unknown appleapple", "2459355": "person conductor engineer driver curator constructor", "5473875": "old rusty", "164655": "grass artificial green synthetic", "2504175": "", "2910095": "luggage suitcase case suite brief", "4619085": "frost vanilla strawberry", "634955": "clock tower cathedral church churches", "4973845": "horse pony ponies miniature mini", "3255695": "", "4475885": "crucifix craft crafting crafts paper art", "1573415": "stuffed bears clothes for sale auctions marketplace stores retail", "902745": "landing landed land lands", "2194185": "teddy bear t teddybear bears", "3994325": "wood oak woodwood oakwood pine", "1405855": "petroleum is unle unleaded petrol", "208825": "orange orangeorange oranges lemon citrus grape", "1610285": "ch ping table paddle pingnis pingpin pingping", "1396865": "", "873485": "aircraft airplane plane jet airplaneplane", "3626595": "teddy bear t stuffed teddybear tbear", "379865": "hospitals room beds hospital rooms", "1774725": "", "3592495": "catcher umpire pitcher batter goaltender keeper", "3066615": "glasses ey prescription glasseslasses", "568785": "evergreen pine fir ever", "2793455": "pizza pizz n nach", "2254035": "phone phones cell cellphones", "2146995": "elephant elephants elephantsele horses elephantseleele", "4955285": "this lettuce salad", "4362885": "decade 1910 1920 1930 30 3030 40", "4192325": "cheese unknown chip chipchip", "352165": "playing games game gamesplayingplaying gamesplaying", "3995945": "german shepherd rotti gretsrets g", "182565": "", "680535": "tv watching television movies", "4285355": "radio", "2505785": "sunset evening twilight dusk", "2108995": "rural", "331115": "cat food", "1165625": "this circus standing", "925225": "birds bird birdsbird birdbirds birdbird", "4299955": "", "4485215": "adidas ball soccer nike unknown n", "2525185": "pizza", "5051225": "chickens chicken pigeon", "3917485": "friday fetch fridayfriday fridays fri", "277935": "", "5102605": "on boat commuting travel transport travelling", "5656135": "white caucasian whitewhite whitewhitewhitewhite whites", "3488655": "", "204185": "jewelry ring rings earrings ear", "2987115": "oranges orange", "2076295": "chocolate cake frost cocoa fond", "3197985": "african aboriginal indigenous indian ind", "615825": "carrot carrots", "56195": "silver fork forks forksfork forkfork", "3152945": "coworkers colleagues cowork roomm teammates", "2225885": "aids dementia depression", "137145": "fog", "3563305": "1", "1918735": "truck street sidewalk tree road trees", "3047105": "", "4976985": "food blending drinks blender blend brewing", "5477435": "cook eat cookeateateat eateat eateateat", "4009665": "children kids bedrooms", "1085005": "cold air polluted haze", "3251255": "street sign directional streets", "1290065": "toaster oven bag toasters", "4552525": "clouds cloudy partly sunny clear", "1662965": "healthy nutritious unhealthy health healthyhealthy healthcare", "948265": "sheep ram lamb goats goat", "2878395": "tracks train track trackstracks trackstrack trackstrain", "755585": "sheets cleaning cleans clean sheet mattress", "2978705": "", "4473455": "london englands england uk brit", "3223945": "light bulbs fluorescent indirect ambient", "329635": "chinese noodles ch asian spaghetti stir", "843395": "this shrimp crabs lobster seafood clam chicken", "4463455": "farm barn house shed garage barnhouse", "4058425": "christ cath christchrist faiths religions hijab", "2224265": "luggage travel suitcase traveling", "1562045": "", "1485165": "charcoal ashes wood", "3558945": "browse shop buy", "3635705": "green broccoli cabbage cauliflower lettuce kale", "5657145": "elbows pads sleeves braces", "1381335": "musical instrument percussion trumpet orchestra drums", "1287685": "this plane seats wheels seat engine", "4632845": "happiness happy joy satisfaction pleased", "2852145": "guitar", "1858485": "", "1635535": "baseball yankees mets twins dodgers", "1782755": "b bb bbb", "2826755": "", "1327735": "kalittaittaitta kapitalitalital delta klm", "3519145": "purple violet blue pink", "5290195": "eggs egg eggsegg breakfast", "1142265": "digital tablet computer tablets touchscreen", "5545565": "seaplane amphibious aircraft propeller helicopter water plane sea", "874655": "", "4310125": "yamaha racing formula 2 motogross motocross 3 mot", "4050135": "digit 5", "4348775": "new york subway am train haven amtrack n", "2582895": "hay", "2603995": "computer keyboard typing messages commuting", "5740255": "donuts doughnuts kris don donutsdonuts", "2476315": "philipsipsips philips philpspsps philipspsps", "1777055": "", "1627605": "raw materials", "5484285": "passenger plane jet airplane", "4439375": "orange trees oranges citrus", "4137465": "person mind people peoples skulls heads", "2283885": "hummingbirdbird hummingbird humming bird hawk", "1385215": "paper newspaper newspapers papers", "4295865": "old", "4854815": "bread flour yeast dough", "94085": "ski", "3817955": "octopus tentacles squid squidoctopus oct", "1909925": "snow ski cross sk", "5188295": "herding sheep", "3003075": "mississippi river missouri miss ohio missmiss", "5433715": "court house courthouse courtroom courts", "1309715": "t bear teddy", "4471505": "wheels pedals pedal accelerator seat pedd", "3830295": "this watch watches watchwatch clockwatch watchwatchwatchwatch", "2573885": "flipped upside down shattered broken broke", "1811365": "yellow", "5264335": "biscuit cake biscuits bread bisc", "3923155": "fire water fires", "2781745": "easy quick", "206115": "competing vying competitor competed competitors competitions", "593995": "roman numerals romanromanromanroman romanoman rroman r", "3084965": "snowboarding contest competition race snow skiing", "1786375": "pizza", "4507075": "black white and photograph whiteblackblack", "5313915": "orange oranges citrus", "2052175": "", "4029415": "fire hose", "5164555": "star starstar hotdogs mickey mouse stars", "2460265": "diamond circle square rectangle", "2816175": "luggage clothes clothing belongings", "1806395": "", "3201255": "apple phone cell", "144885": "suv of van su car sport", "3227685": "package unknown crest cant remember kleen tissue", "4865435": "", "460785": "seeds grains seed pollen grain", "3422065": "analyst programmer software developer", "3545455": "moped scooter honda motor scoped", "3021415": "aircraft plane airplane planeplaneplane planeplane aircraftplaneplaneplane", "1660475": "serving serves serve served returning servingserving", "5547445": "usb connector connectors cable solder unknown", "5187745": "flying kites soaring smiling flyingflying posing", "4774425": "smile happiness grin happy smiles", "3106805": "donuts doughnuts don donutsdonuts donut", "987395": "cheese topping pizza crust filling", "5555865": "navy seals military naval marines", "5144575": "theodore teddy bear bush bears t", "645": "units of time", "588765": "holiday val birthday hall holidays", "443415": "shingle roof brick wood", "4406755": "ski tracks sk snow sksk skis", "1533975": "fall fail failfail failfailfailfail fails", "3859345": "", "1495985": "", "3383575": "child lamb baby toddler", "4602355": "baseball pitcher outfielder outfield", "2218655": "speakers speaker loudspe sound microphones", "5217635": "do dodododo dodo docha choco", "3742115": "rope ropes knots knot", "5002715": "bird meat carbohydrate worms meatfood", "5038445": "ski poles sk brakes", "5161905": "lot alot lots little", "2455035": "small airplane propeller cess single engine prope", "1646915": "bunk bed beds twin", "1410085": "train cars freight carts", "2759805": "curtains curtain blind sheer", "3323225": "snowball snow drift", "5158035": "lights beds", "1332985": "racket vintage tennis antique old", "4149845": "right", "5034785": "clam shells shell", "5254095": "", "3019165": "", "3107805": "black cat fluffy pers tab", "1712705": "silence nothing nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing unknown", "720955": "tennis", "4032225": "bicycle tandem bicycles bike", "4230505": "knot tie winds top square", "5589175": "c b d e doping vitamin", "5265065": "1950\u2032\u2032\u2032\u2033 1958 1959 1959 1958", "1465335": "circle circular round circlecircle rounded circles", "4454465": "fire firefighter firefighters", "388965": "film projection tube old fashioned vintage", "704795": "grilled cheese chicken", "587145": "4", "4873995": "united statesa ind me usa us", "2603815": "black newspaper london times", "4886415": "guys watching watch watched watches watchingwatchingwatching", "3463515": "graduate school undergraduates students level undergraduateuates", "1585555": "rice ris pasta maize barley", "4318205": "mesh", "1785055": "sand sandsandsand sandy sands beach sandsand", "4763415": "pitcher catcher shortstop", "4290405": "television cable conglomeration televisions tv", "5174925": "piano keyboard keys keyboards guitar", "1991425": "dark cloudy twilight evening darkened rainy", "2653535": "white gull se birds gulls sesels", "1955085": "salad vegetables vegetable salads", "1422395": "bird crow hawk pigeon raven fin", "4212295": "purple lights", "4798555": "petty officer lieutenant commander captain senior chief captains", "2083385": "", "4928535": "bear bears polar", "5596475": "forearm muscles arm hamstring tendon", "1889735": "zebra zeebra ze zez z zeze", "9085": "birds bird raven food", "3948805": "kenmore kitchenware whirlpool ken stainless steel kitchen appliances", "1090785": "baseball players humans humanshumans humanshumanshumans ancestors human beings", "2467005": "thomas aboard thimble", "4994695": "wood grain plastic plastics rubber", "4905705": "pastry", "2373905": "dark night nights nighttime evening nightnightnight midnight", "4610995": "puppy poodle white puppies p", "2230685": "ham", "2993945": "apartments condos residences housing homes", "4055635": "microwave oven", "4133345": "pony tail ponies pig", "162095": "crosswalkwalk walk walkwalk walkwalkwalkwalk crosswalk cross", "2834515": "p pomeranian puddin pomer puppy dog", "773465": "on on on on", "5753195": "unknown satelatelatelco samsung sony s sonyony samsungamsung", "2303935": "yankees angels redsox red sox redsobs", "4029165": "nil defeat defeats defeated", "3748915": "coordinates of northeast corner 2600\u00b0\u00b0\u00b0 \u00b0 \u00b0\u00b0 unknown", "1632675": "cow bull bullbull bulls bullbullbull", "1679955": "tooth toothpins sticks toothsticks stick", "1810095": "", "1530645": "kitchen showroom kitchenstorestorestore storestore store retail", "944445": "persian cats tab kittens persians pers rag", "3220825": "sand sandsand beach sandy sands beaches", "5467035": "kites", "2933065": "queen", "5060585": "silk cotton velvet cloth fabric", "1411015": "lot many", "52885": "brushing brush brushes styling hair", "2790255": "long ago time", "5322775": "marble rhapshapshapsromerome roman columns neoclass rome neoc", "5407465": "sombrero cowboy hat ranc rancher ranchers", "428685": "round", "4101555": "", "396805": "", "4285035": "office beach", "4107395": "black skate longboard long rectangle", "4721815": "polar bear bears", "37295": "sleep travel sleepsleep crawl stay", "4528135": "", "891015": "", "1087085": "in 1998 1995 1997 1999 2001", "5585815": "", "4556515": "shoes nothing nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing anything something", "4177515": "spider web spiders webs", "3120035": "pole tree", "610485": "m train mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm", "2744225": "orange tomato tomatoes oranges", "4391855": "motorcycles arent not ", "5158785": "fridge freezer storage storing", "4554275": "girl", "2978685": "girl female females femalefemale femalefemalefemalefemale feminism male", "3721975": "2 1 ii", "536325": "silver laptop apple macintosh appleapple mac", "505565": "japanese cuisine asian", "1799535": "", "924285": "baseball erupted played strike outs scored struck hit strikes", "2770385": "peace gesture victory 2", "557075": "italian pizza pizz pizzaitalitalital italien it", "2632085": "blindfold blink blind eye blindblind", "2015995": "money wallet", "1719405": "hall pumpkin haunted pump witches witch", "5372465": "bow bowtie tie ribbon", "5695385": "dog food bark canine treats", "3307265": "bicycles bikes bicycle cyclists", "2854735": "cotton fabric cloth plastic", "5485325": "", "1267095": "clydesdale horses thoroughbred horse clypse cly", "5090955": "hot hotter warmer hots", "911235": "3 2 1", "4152755": "grocery store supermarket marketplace market", "5748295": "peace finger peacepeacepeace peacepeace", "3612555": "for free not sure how much unknown unknown unknowns", "1511725": "baker cook chefs chef", "4290485": "wood carved oak cherry", "5054775": "ski sk snow sksk skski skiing", "2309055": " ", "3090865": "us open tennis championships tournament", "3168715": "cat me cats kittens all", "5551026": "sheep lamb goats goat ram cows", "4796876": "priests retired retirement retirees", "150965": "toilet throne bowl seat", "2395285": "safe unsafe risky safesafe", "410945": "monks novice asian chanting temples bud", "1139445": "trunk", "5340585": "smoke exhaust fumes", "2870035": "sunset twilight dusk", "4868215": "theflyflyfly fly float flyfly", "2453515": "team horse poloc equitation horsehorse poleering pol", "4309255": "cake icing frost sugar fond", "4416785": "meat protein carbs phosphorus potassium phosphate nutrient", "3043145": "water birds ocean waterwater fish", "3018855": "immm not ", "3377485": "toilets toilet", "2031515": "k wind surfing kites paras", "5465945": "jet fighter jets military", "5414915": "ind ar indo asian sp", "5054895": "dragon dragons elves frogs mythical", "1068955": "therapy veterinary riding medicine", "4807905": "female", "4688465": "took off runway take", "1539655": "tennis sneakers ad trainers", "3931935": "speaker speakers headphones", "171475": "jet turbine engines jetjet jets combustion", "3998785": "kites kiteskites kties kitesites k", "224155": "wicker weave wood rattan w", "3342085": "tropical fruit fruits vegetables citrus", "4970335": "jet military fighter jets", "286985": "textile cotton cloth fabric", "5427155": "fish tuna sushi salmon", "3405475": "", "3037035": "flowers rose roses roserose roseroserose", "3662045": "small airplane propeller single engine", "2332425": "pc pcpcpcpc pcpc both pcps", "2504985": "smile face happy faces smiles", "2426565": "farmer", "2910195": "this sandwich sandwiches sub breakfast lunch", "541215": "floor lamp cylinder cylinders lamps cyl", "4716975": "toddler child baby girl", "2280435": "sleep sleeping bedroom bedrooms", "2466395": "brick limestone stone rock", "2231145": "all lot alot lots unknown", "5428205": "concrete cement asphalt", "3389885": "vegetables veggies produce broccoli vegetable", "4419055": "tie tietie tietietie knot ties tieties", "717695": "toilet cleaner", "3949005": "dance ballet dancing", "2088155": "japanese craftsperson maker artisan artisanisansisansisans", "3427575": "night evening nighttime nights", "1913405": "angels orioles card giants red so ori", "5783175": "battleship hms venerable halifax", "3148495": "", "3274815": "candles candle candlecandcandcand cake", "1690405": "mercedes benz mercedescedes mer", "4428865": "coffee pastry croissants cro\u00ee croiss", "1683165": "stuffed animals bears teddy", "1899575": "dinner table starter lobster shrimp seafood", "2526115": "this snack snacks both lunch", "331575": "vowel sound cows me sounds vow", "267325": "pomeranian poodle p pomeromeromer puppy pomer puppies sh", "2607205": "italian restaurant pizza italianital italien", "1720595": "glass mirror clear crystal glassglass", "3122525": "this decade 2020 2050 2030", "4620715": "fruit salad ice pie pies", "5695845": "bakery cake grocery", "3751105": "rubber fabric latex plastic cloth", "2450625": "baseball red so yankees giants cubs cub", "2486375": "pacific ocean", "83295": "0 1 2", "2135065": "building brick block apartment apartments", "2528505": "relax watch tv watching movies relaxing", "5605305": "snow sunlight sunshine water sun", "2964555": "collar shirt tie tietie", "1020245": "coach teacher coaches", "3100475": "time clock tell telling", "1692175": "striped african zebra africa wild", "173205": "", "5141835": "bar soap solid hand liquid", "3142925": "in pink", "4419035": "candy", "5007615": "daytime day afternoon evening 3", "3236615": "suit jacket tuxedo suitsuitsuit suite tux", "4371735": "german shepherd gretsretsrets grets golden retrie", "5461305": "baseball mets bullpen cards card cubers cub", "3796545": "dump haul construction mining", "627435": "italian cuisine pizza italianitalian italien itilian it", "3693495": "zoo is america continent north americ us", "479055": "male males malemen malemale", "3233525": "surfboard unknown 200 dont know 100", "205095": "shoes sneakers tennis skate trainers con", "2107695": "couple friends siblings partners acquaintances", "45355": "competition", "508175": "white shirt long sleeves button dress", "4156695": "brushing teeth every morning \ufffd renew", "1848285": "laundry", "2240055": "3 4 33 three third", "4815525": "north south east", "2886595": "right", "2276635": "white whitewhite whitewhitewhite whites", "4566665": "very", "665395": "kite", "5318315": "adventures of tintin", "3569725": "", "2346375": "child boy children childrenchildren", "837536": "c b d doping nutrient", "4013905": "", "2267515": "mecha mexican cuisine american indian me", "1831125": "burgers hamburger burger meat beef", "4258365": "lot many manymanymanymany manymany", "4290395": "bat baseball batbat batter ball", "2483205": "coach purse unknown guess nwt l", "4909315": "im not nikes converse dc", "4872455": "street intersection streets stop traffic", "4762765": "monopod aerodynamodynamically priced monoplane", "4847695": "canyonlands mountains rocks mountain canyon", "1859065": "gir ze sharks girigators lions giraffe", "4628035": "banana", "5669925": "business businesses businessbusiness both", "4963395": "little bit lot", "1047115": "motorcycles bikes motorcycle cycles", "1772805": "kite", "1585365": "vines", "4572075": "o", "369075": "2016 summer 2015 2017", "3690865": "plants", "3490595": "nothing nothingnothing anything something nothingnothingnothing anythingnothing", "3693975": "face mickeys faces vegetables people", "5268775": "motorcycle motorcycles", "463205": "", "2012465": "im not", "2236875": "apple apples fruit", "1512595": "sharks", "4580255": "motorcycle", "1583915": "white surfboard surf board long", "5407905": "cigarette nicotine smoke", "5120885": "home office offices homehomehome homes", "2334775": "people peoples passengers peoplepeople spectators", "1889025": "0", "92875": "bathing ape nintendo switch bank anthem", "90395": "", "666965": "", "1082015": "", "4677605": "grass field fields plains sav", "4843535": "cheese mo c cheddar", "2064275": "low", "4680975": "yellow mcdonalds", "805435": "wetsuitsuits wetsuit wetsetsuits waders wets", "3489045": "cart wagon carts", "4165595": "cat collar identification tags bells", "1063875": "floating swimming diving diver surfing", "1722295": "suitcase packing luggage clothes belongings travel", "5056665": "highest density cluster wealthy affluent neighborhoods poor poorest", "357635": "", "3904945": "poorest poor very impoverished disadvantaged", "800305": "sheep goats goat ram lamb", "3439935": "in woods forest forests", "5175845": "skate vans van", "1271045": "street sign signs", "4012255": "bikes bicycles bicycle motorcycles", "1932815": "adidas advert ad adidasidas adidas", "111885": "", "5683915": "trees pine evergreen fir ponder", "3039355": "afternoon noon lunch midday", "814815": "young 16 15 17 18", "5232115": "hot dogs hotdogs food hotdogsdogs hotdog hotdogshotdogs", "2282245": "sorceress", "535735": "425 525 825 925 45 5 5", "2270665": "pastry dough dessert", "3655235": "food maize rice corn wheat cereal grains", "4205755": "teddy", "1565105": "15 20 21 22", "394705": "canvas cloth", "2503675": "black stripes zebra striped z", "1443575": "hanging in air floating flying suspended", "5410725": "birds bird birdsbirds birdsbird", "4480775": "brick cement concrete bricks stone", "3580705": "vans warped tour skateboarding contest rally", "639595": "cowboy hat brim fedora", "2969465": "converse sneakers unknown nikes n", "3631905": "this wood woodwood leather oak wooden plastic", "3065355": "traffic lights lightslights trafficlights trafficlightslights", "791725": "orange fruit produce fruits", "2214275": "marble granite stone", "4839935": "towels towel folded sheets blankets robes", "5278655": "wright brothers aka founders unknown not sure", "1052575": "water lake pond", "5393715": "skyscraper casino restaurant casinos skysc", "5642885": "bedroom dormitoryitoryitory beds dormitory dorm", "4274945": "jeans denim ad", "4641665": "black", "5270825": "race racing motorcycle motorcycles mot", "1374205": "parrot tropical", "5086785": "motor boat fishing motorboat", "5723085": "blur movement motion blurry blurred", "1068305": "both", "4147545": "helicopter helicopters rotor", "5523895": "light distort stare gaze e", "2398705": "delta airlines southwest jet klm", "2007825": "bad good badbadbadbad badbad", "2241935": "brown bear grizzly grizzley brownbrown black", "1683565": "", "4212055": "", "2625525": "white sauces chili mustard ketchup", "3237655": "mouse", "2742245": "twin beds double single king", "858275": "carriage wagon cart buggy carts", "5773625": "1870 1880 1860", "726065": "truck trucks", "345395": "o cross skiing not notn", "2070055": "long", "973715": "apartment juggling studio condo apartments ghetto", "2471465": "b pitch strike base bb", "630175": "pigeon bird birds pigeons pigeonbirdsbirds pige", "296715": "10", "3422945": "silver fork forks", "4227745": "gold fountain not ", "2720075": "referees players themselves", "5501815": "battery charger phone cords wires", "4586405": "delta airlines def deltadt quad united", "3211815": "cold 30 \u00b0 \u00b0\u00b0\u00b0\u00b0 30\u00b0", "5129506": "cook chef chefs", "294265": "rural countryside", "3442935": "", "2413885": "collie sheep ter poodle shepherd coll", "4815325": "fire wrench nut lug", "1013905": "fruit seller market produce fruits", "5118485": "tallest mountain", "2615965": "indian elephant trunk ivory tusk", "2483245": "banana bananas", "4977095": "", "5265925": "driving parade walking marching", "2476415": "person personpersonpersonperson personperson ownerpersonperson farmer farmer", "5170705": "drain water sewer overflow", "1151565": "perenn perennials perennial both", "5072875": "plastic leather cloth fabric cotton", "733485": "dirt street road both bike", "3566905": "brown bear grizzly", "2533885": "cat cats kittens", "831535": "", "2417905": "pilot", "1064635": "rural", "1498335": "very fast", "3868845": "cat", "5739805": "jump jumping leap jumps", "1881815": "house build building dwelling home", "2590145": "plaid squared che pl plingham", "3629735": "trucks import cement construction concrete man matsuatsuatsu", "1203755": "miami dolphins california cali fl ca cal", "2050865": "ball soccer balls", "339405": "", "3797365": "donuts dough don donutsdonuts donut dondon", "677265": "aircraft propeller jet airplane passenger single engine", "830005": "nutritious healthy good", "4617015": "teddy bear t bears teddybear", "3666655": "skate jump jumping", "1458255": "giraffe", "4111555": "earliest bicycles were 1888 1886 1880", "5451545": "old fashioned steam locomotive passenger toy", "2152545": "phone phones cell", "3470555": "not sure dude man manji unknown", "4736785": "crafts crafting craft constructing", "2882155": "im not", "4794175": "bathroom pee restroom toilet", "4235865": "", "310805": "parade rainbow pride", "534965": "paciferiferous pacific ocean", "3286795": "", "1018745": "hot", "930315": "dessert desert deserts snack breakfast", "3169075": "dog boxer pitbull bull german shepherd g", "2532815": "ocean", "895825": "fishing boat", "2236645": "flowers roses carn rose rosesrose rosesros", "4661365": "in 1982 1983 1987 1986 1988", "370245": "traveling luggage storage clothes belongings", "1908065": "brown horse", "683855": "restaurant cafeteria lunch sandwich", "1181695": "darkest green military army navy naval", "53555": "poodle terrier mut", "2111645": "spaghetti noodles chinese asian ch", "1667235": "food", "5536335": "over overoveroverover yesoverover over", "216785": "newer generation older old", "1677555": "", "2307085": "crashing rolling crushing raining falling", "3630785": "1 2 weeks", "5341075": "with family", "216935": "people cars automobiles vehicles bridge", "669765": "poodle terrier small sh dog", "5458445": "seafood clam", "4988135": "brothers baa boris bbc b", "3593205": "cats kittens mice rats", "2226955": "living room livingroom roomliving livinglivingliving livingroomliving", "852815": "eggs egg eggsegg", "2370985": "cactus", "5209425": "pilot", "1983195": "construction repairs excavation demolition reconstruction", "4264085": "century 21 20 22 19 twenty", "993215": "home office", "1219775": "pink rose roses roserose flower roseros", "2113405": "dog puppy dogdogdogdog lab dogdog dogdogdogs golden", "5204725": "wine", "3024435": "silver gray silversilver silversilversilver black", "4008625": "light blue dress sky dark", "2737825": "caucasian", "5054025": "5", "4051815": "accident happens accidents crash", "930485": "", "2578755": "", "2204495": "chop spoon chops sticks spoons", "4957525": "freeway signs highways highway roads", "402055": "intestines digestion intestine intest", "4558745": "hy amen", "4336625": "memory capacity impeccable recollection superior", "4202915": "this sculpture statue", "5526795": "flying landing flyingflying returning landed", "4875735": "airplanes planes plane", "5247185": "", "1474665": "male allele c is recessive chromosomes d female x", "1467225": "stone wood concrete cement", "2272955": "black and white photograph sep charcoal mono", "3388895": "oven stove", "2140405": "arriving arrival arrived arrives arrive both", "2780965": "nokia sprint apple s motorola", "4040635": "bedroom bedrooms bed bathroom", "2684285": "motorcycle motorcycles", "49015": "puff bird puffin duck seal seagull gull", "4213145": "sitting parked standing sat seated neither", "4024485": "table cloth tablecloth tabletable", "5555165": "cats", "760425": "dough doughnuts donuts doughuts doughnutsdonuts don", "1626825": "grass", "1345205": "tuxedo tux", "4825635": "photography photographer blogger professional photographers unknown", "1210015": "nails toes fingertips fingers teeth", "2251745": "low altitude 0 unknown zero", "2786565": "this person people phones phone", "1229395": "banana bananas bunch batches", "423845": "light reflecting lighting reflection photon lightlight", "2964395": "disney castle", "5575685": "baseball bats bat", "333595": "clouds birds kites k", "673205": "lifeguard assistant photographer painter curator artist unknown", "920065": "clouds storm rain cumulus cum", "3960395": "toshiba samsung", "960275": "horse", "4005935": "hazard lights triangles flares caution triangle", "5393785": "jumping very veryveryveryvery veryvery very", "5018515": "dark cloudy", "3548345": "mist fog", "3459445": "sail boats sailboats wind bree sunny", "713135": "catch throw fetch", "712645": "poodle cock ter sheep", "4879525": "lot alot lots unknown", "2976995": "sandwich burger sandwiches submarine food sub", "1229525": "not", "5454115": "rice", "5244205": "", "4204505": "sleep read relax", "5232205": "5", "4456895": "not necessarily nor", "4012885": "bisc biscuits sandwich", "39925": "purple strawberry violet cherry grape", "4339945": "blue jeans trousers denim jeansblue flared", "561455": "marina building pier dock harbor mar", "3632435": "red", "248425": "silver tong spoon lad spat", "936215": "fence fences fencing herds farms", "5800825": "bag", "590825": "blanket blankets covers", "4430055": "im not ", "91485": "m toyota honda unknown mitsumi mits", "1787545": "her herher riding harassing husband roundup", "5041875": "", "2546455": "crane stork cranes swan se", "1761745": "dining room kitchen living", "945275": "mixer mixing bowl mix", "2810605": "jacket coat", "1298205": "glass plastics plastic", "3907575": "salad dressing recipe sauce vegetables salads", "4614435": "wind sailing surfing", "3632245": "machines tract machinery construction crane", "4423075": "birds se gull seiders seiners", "2525255": "", "5188985": "clouds storm cloud rain", "2688815": "black top hat toptop fedora bow derby", "4945485": "stuffed bears charities charitable donations children", "147835": "red apples green apple", "2461615": "war ii xx x xxxxx communism", "1169945": "parked nothing parking sitting stored", "1791545": "concrete pavement asphalt tarmac", "1329935": "plate food grapes fruit", "3423535": "chefs chef cooks", "2230955": "beach sun swimming sunbat surfing", "5582865": "newspaper publishes editorial cartoons humor jokes humour quot", "561165": " ", "5412295": "", "4355755": "baseball little league pee american", "1499965": "rectangle triangle rectangular square", "5424435": "boy brushing hair hairs nothing nothingnothingnothing", "482675": "rabbi priest pastor", "5253185": "cell phone cellphone phonephone", "102305": "pric priciest sunglasses 500500500 500500500", "4757655": "rock surfboard song", "2021585": "10 20 30 40 50", "4826595": "tennis historians archaeologists anthrop humans humanity", "1546505": "girls female females girl male", "1344905": "ter terrier puppy chihuahua chihu puppies chihuahu", "3732595": "sunglasses glasses ey polarized", "1874355": "united statesa americ america usa americausausausa states", "1127475": "fridge refrigerator blender neither", "2170545": "tooth brushing teeth your", "445835": "", "3125405": "new york city newyork chicagoicago chicago yorks", "298015": "orange juice oranges orangeorange juices", "28235": "motorcycle racing motorcycles bikes", "316665": "steam engine was coal diesel", "2839685": "food fruit snacks fruits healthy salad salads", "4021845": "kites", "2094285": "strand candles holiday white electricity christmas", "3019275": "carrot carrots", "1075865": "ice food frozen iceice gel", "5473155": "beer poured brut draught cor", "1665495": "vegetables", "2792225": "diesel engine gas", "1912305": "brick bricks", "3922095": "2 3 4 5 6", "1498345": "american airlines continental 1024 united us", "5226605": "bark dog roar wolf me", "4222835": "defence tackle goalie goalkeeper", "1768965": "airplane jet plane", "3159975": "people folks peoplepeople children humans students", "3465215": "orioles orange orikees los", "5131235": "", "4965095": "wooden table it isntntntntnotntnt", "327385": "cat siamese siaka pers si tab", "3035075": "white flowers orchid lilies purple or", "3885035": "", "2128685": "cats cat catcat catcats", "3481805": "dairy cows brown milk", "1619295": "nintendo wii was released in 1994 game", "4170705": "flying kite kiting kites flyingflying k", "2237185": "person batter runner hitter batterrunner shortstop", "3394215": "palm palms", "80065": "new york newyork yorks yy ny", "1615855": "", "3148225": "green cactus lettuce spinach cilantro c", "3129395": "white cake vanilla strawberry", "5672745": "", "520355": "hawaiian airlines hawaii hawaya hawala hawaiayan haw hawaiai", "375395": "pizza crust white bread pizzawhitewhite", "3412575": "kettle tea pot jug kettleettle", "3243655": "light switch bulb lightlightlightlight lightlight", "794625": "flowers roses flower floral", "4650665": "grass hay", "3684395": "on vacation vacations", "1022055": "this gathering convoy transport vehicles clients", "2344745": "plumbing technician technicians", "832625": "new york governor unknown jersey unknownnew", "2025455": "tree oak pine maple", "2676245": "bear bears bearbear bearsbear", "2311945": "horseback horse riding", "4278325": "cook chefs chef cooks sailors", "3052475": "pitbull terrier pit bull boxer", "5048005": "flowers roses rose rosesros pink", "3106065": "windows", "5516075": "belongings clothing clothes", "3581895": "map on right", "490925": "traffic street congest", "876975": "elephants ivory tusk tusks trade teeth t", "613585": "fence chain link net mesh", "4815065": "beach volleyball soccer volley", "2621915": "new york", "4666275": "ingredients cookie chocolate chip sugar flour", "1599535": "elderly aging both ageing older", "3231645": "bear stuffing stuffed animal unknown", "4181785": "tennis serve serves hit return swing serving", "452045": "10 20 2020 25 30 40", "5092355": "caucasian", "3022165": "5 6 7", "5604815": "3 4 5 6", "4645935": "tie not notnt unknown", "1494985": "spoon", "5772755": "little bit lot alot lots", "3493765": "electric stove microwave oven electricity", "2174865": "pitcher throw catcher outfielder batter shortstop", "920315": "red green apples yellow", "1092085": "points can be deducted 10", "3466725": "decoration wedding party weddings", "4870615": "not unknown sure indefinite long lifespan", "1538175": "smoke steam coal engine locom steamsteam", "4508605": "baseball", "4600685": "programmer designer architect computer", "5716485": "yankees yankee baseball wichita york yorks", "229585": "economist", "5572005": "plane birds mankind humankind humanity", "1275815": "pillow cover baby blanket", "1001595": "suspenders overall tie", "2961695": "cake cakes all", "4848355": "flowers", "5105": "", "5447835": "ducks duck", "1311975": "continent europe north america africa americ", "5536685": "", "3336535": "bathroom toilet restroom bathrooms", "892385": "laptops laptop notebooks computers lapt", "99935": "pan tray pans plates", "3596355": "throats mouths throat noses mouth", "5324915": "", "2450895": "elasticity durability resilience cling", "3832135": "", "1418735": "birds swall sparrow swallow fin", "3500775": "p co cocco coco coc", "4488395": "not ", "1454525": "ski lift lifts", "5551025": "car", "5377205": "", "3036275": "sadness boredom loneliness", "2876665": "horses ponies horse horseshorse horsesorses horsesorse", "2617655": "", "4402915": "cathedral in italy city downtown london it", "5389385": "", "75355": "yellow surfboard white surf board", "3804255": "baseball ball ballball puck balls", "660035": "", "863995": "", "4849085": "greek revival neoclassicism classical architecture romanesque neoclassism neoc", "2200625": "notes diary entries papers writing", "1191575": "", "2357605": "brushing teeth", "4591115": "washington monuments dc unknown washing", "1603255": "disney characters mickeys princes princesdisney", "5072435": "american airlines delta unknown united", "2612715": "microwave", "2379035": "cat siamese tab pers siaya siames", "926465": "", "2377185": "oregon unknown ocean obregon", "875075": "knife blade knifeknifeknifeknife knifeknife bladeknife stab", "2534305": "baby 1", "5103205": "windows operating system xp", "5583185": "intersection junction intersections corner", "4318175": "grass hay straw food haygrass", "3715115": "serve swing forehand hit serves back", "4618705": "baby toddler 1", "848535": "", "5029115": "blueberries berries grapes blueberriesberries blue cher", "1136985": "balancing man", "5540705": "jump jumping leap o", "4474245": "truck dont know", "1768735": "", "2299755": "cutting knife slicing chopping slic", "5764575": "microwaves microwave oven microwaws", "2706515": "salad dressing bowl dip salads", "4959295": "exercise", "2406895": "water", "1297815": "lot alot lots", "1884405": "2003 2004 2005", "50115": "12 13 14 16", "4278885": "tusk is ivory trunk trunks t", "1879785": "20 21 2020 22 twenty", "4489175": "metal stainless steel", "2470715": "indian religious indianinduindu indinduinduindu indindu ind", "5390565": "apple 1024 appleapple 10", "1450875": "", "4590785": "baseball diamond dime circle diamonds triangle", "5002245": "catcher umpire pitcher batter goaltender", "3629445": "sedan car carcar automobile audi", "1987865": "bathroom restroom bathrooms toilet", "3449415": "wart rapid aging ageing hair", "2838095": "this phone cell camera webcam", "2068995": "", "3159445": "puppy puppies 1", "4059915": "cell phone phones", "4279465": "4 3 6 5", "2618435": "holidays christmas birthday christ", "4280195": "hit hits hithit hithithithit strike struck", "3255235": "females both sexes female females", "4128485": "sailing contest race racing races", "5100275": "turkey breast meat ham", "3543355": "store not sure unknown unsure", "3825825": "strips stripes logs longitudinal", "2887235": "vegetables veggies", "3053155": "sand beach on beaches shore", "997455": "ch jorea ind j th us", "1794795": "airplane flying", "3750045": "scissors sewing rulers cutting scissorsissors crafting", "1248355": "bread roll rolls dough bun", "3544835": "tree oak maple oakoak el", "1002265": "snow jump leap jumped jumping skiing", "4384475": "material", "5547705": "food sure", "4689515": "traveling luggage travel suitcase clothes packing", "5081955": "", "2474935": "stroll walking commuting cyclists everyday across roads driving", "2206545": "construction business contractor jobs mining", "5503965": "yellow green yellowyellow yellowyellowyellow white", "3493385": "soup stew broth", "753625": "lot 2000 1000 500", "1283095": "flower orchid lily or l", "1185635": "dog boxer puppy lab puppies beagle bull", "5499625": "", "1164445": "mozzarella cheese white mozzerella par", "536415": "metal are not notntntnt", "548925": "computer monitor lighting keyboard mouse typing", "4045455": "heater radiator fireplace furnace tv", "2980805": "beagles ro cock pit pitrororo pitro", "5179755": "fire not even 10 20 50", "3721365": "dog poodle terrier s small white p", "5731915": "bus platinum traveller stage grey", "1779395": "vegetable oil frying chicken", "71395": "hotel hotels train", "5415365": "", "2867925": "bench benches benchbenchbench seat benchbench", "236795": "benefits of carrots circulation throat digestion teeth", "5304605": "mammals animals mammal cattle verte", "4660245": "north woods forests america americ us", "3444425": "tree small evergreen pine ficus oak", "2718815": "right", "1902725": "headlights grill grate buffers bumper buffer", "2428475": "smoothies drinks beverages cocktails smooth", "1488795": "", "733875": "mother breastfeeding baby babies herd mothers", "4386635": "isuzu isuzuzu", "1928165": "", "1537305": "racing motorcycle motorcycles", "189425": "wii is nintendo", "2359595": "airplane plane jet", "3448805": "paddle surfing boarding sup paddleboarding", "5802865": "2 0 1", "137635": "elephant", "2196065": "dogs dog canine", "851635": "color of fur texture colour", "3039625": "traffic light stop", "5058845": "north face unknown nikes under armour northface n", "2218565": "", "2555765": "train transportation freight cargo transport trains", "4529635": "unknown ankara turkey ank b", "4223115": "", "968335": "green plant spider", "5465685": "steel is widely used in conjunction with aluminium alloy", "2599595": "brown blanket sheet runner", "5445025": "", "4159035": "college students colleges teens", "2197965": "broccoli chicken meat", "4974835": "french english spanish ital frenchrench", "2636235": "goldfish fish potato chips", "4767065": "clock clockclockclock clocks clockclock time", "4283105": "labrador retriever german shepherd lab labs", "78095": "tennis ball", "2856185": "on fake both", "2890305": "black and white sheep goats", "1476235": "fabrics cotton cloth fabric", "1772535": "produce fruit produces producing produced both", "527515": "ind detroit twins tigers twin detroitroit det", "4213895": "manufactured fabricated manufacture replica", "328725": "tie bow bows bowties bowtiestiesties", "2927205": "barn shelter hangar stable", "3337395": "minions despicable me minion cars", "1251885": "picnic lunch dinner", "3902695": "support balance stability balancing balances balancebalance", "5699965": "doubles tennis tennis tournaments", "2058755": "bunk beds bunkbed dorm bed", "1133385": "time clock tell", "2097726": "london new york paris france", "2680715": "f", "551305": "menus nap mats", "2839995": "baseball indians unknown indinals teams", "410275": "hot sauces hotter sauce hottest", "1502546": "coconut cake vanilla carrot", "328165": "blue globe earth planet map", "2809085": "life vest protection safety float fishermen hunters lifeguards", "1258485": "two double deck dual doubledouble", "4459605": "cheese pepper mustard onion onions mac", "2898715": "red", "556075": "cat sleeping sleep reading", "2029315": "bear brown grizzly grizzley brownbrown black", "2395055": "elephants elephant eleph", "5615245": "", "4291445": "baseball shortstop outfielder outfield", "1308165": "cardinals angels card cards", "3808275": "", "3304265": "sidewalk street pavement sidewalkstreet road", "868035": "clay asphalt rubber cement resin", "1177685": "im not ", "3179985": "both yesboth yesbothbothboth veggies", "1066585": "mountain mountains", "2180995": "sleeping resting sleep rested laying relaxing", "5428095": "cream icing sprink frost", "1346225": "baseball cubans cub cubs dodgers chicago yan", "2426635": "green go", "3229905": "skate skating ramps rink surf vans", "5569545": "crest toothpaste unknown brush toothbrush col", "480475": "trees pine maple oak fir ponder ever", "2279475": "life expectancy 10 years unknown 20 2020", "2541765": "masks costumes costume disguise", "4991795": "flip cell phone smartphone cellphone motorola", "4666625": "water lake reservoir river ocean lakes lakelake", "4853695": "birds bird birdsbirds birdbirds birdsbird", "2840185": "", "1478295": "", "3647425": "horses are horses horses horses horses zebra", "1745735": "apple laptop dell appleapple", "1838275": "heater clothes towels water radiator heating", "1961975": "", "753225": "", "2793775": "golden retriever labs lab retrie retrieves", "1602265": "snow mountain ski hill slope", "3961435": "beach swimming bathing sun sunbat", "3234895": "this man mans made manmade", "5689845": "concrete asphalt pavement highway cement", "3933965": "christ evangelical denominations churches cath", "4761045": "", "4861635": "wood metal aluminum metalmetalmetal aluminium", "613515": "ribbon bow tie tietie", "4927155": "craft project projects crafts crafting materials", "5129505": "pizza", "4837145": "vent", "5397345": "wind sailors humans man humankind humanshumanshumans", "2114845": "chicken sub turkey", "3775725": "marina dock pier docking harbor", "2706045": "surfboard surf board boards surfboards white", "1160045": "this parade", "1381485": "russian language german ar g", "4773435": "", "179455": "", "2581085": "toilet paper seats doors stalls sinks", "1969715": "mint crest unknown", "1079625": "very fast", "384905": "in omn omnibus omnium omnibranch omnivers omniv", "4033255": "electric stove with burner", "4024075": "umpire referee u", "5354555": "black olive oluces olives", "3860095": "cheese dough bread flour", "2089675": "cell phone phonephone cellphone phones", "5210055": "aussie peninsula australasia australia", "1069415": "kite flying kites kitesite kiteflying k", "2177695": "ford trucks gm emblem toy che unknown", "5309015": "bow tie clip", "2012525": "chinese archaic feminine wedding dress asian", "828005": "not unknown quantity unknownunknown don", "4238905": "pizza pizz it", "3811545": "tourist tourism both tourists attraction", "2736075": "persian cat fluffy tab pers", "1144685": "food processor blender", "2052435": "boats sail sails sailing sailboats sailors", "355325": "military government governmentvernmentvernmentvernmentgovernmentgovernmentvernmentvernment", "3417145": "plant plants flowers", "271905": "c i d doping vitamin", "4822235": "kite flying kiteflying kites kitekite k", "4350455": "robins cardinal robin bird", "5198675": "train suitcase", "1369795": "america continent euro", "162555": "cross crosscrosscross country crosses crucifix crosscountry", "3089795": "clean cleancleanclean tidy crisp cleaned dirty", "5389995": "french spanish german italian english", "5236695": "indian cuisine asian ind indo american", "787975": "birds bird birdsbird birdbirds birdsbirds", "5573355": "exorc exorcisms ghosts exorcists", "133725": "fishing boats sail fishingboats fisherman", "1789875": "plate plates plateplate platesplate hot", "2248215": "in neither", "2746405": "canon camera canoncanon canoncanoncanoncanon nikkor", "484745": "monkeys monkey banana", "2578135": "sunrise sunset dusk twilight", "3054625": "bmw ktm motorcycle bmws suzuki kawasaki bm", "2189415": "white frost icing cake decoration filling fond", "4270355": "water life vest jacket", "1718345": "clydes domest domesticated pony horse clythe clyly", "670855": "motorcycles", "2919475": "speeches debate impeachment hearings meeting hearing", "4140825": "clock", "5660885": "b bb baa", "3955275": "school parking campus schools university", "4789825": "street name intersection streets", "119685": "clydesdale horse clyde clyffe draft corses cly", "4843865": "china beijing pearl", "1948455": "playing playingplaying both", "3002075": "timber industry logistics forestry lumber logging", "1455385": "", "1506465": "bar pub restaurant barbar establishment barbars", "2478265": "methane gas nitrogen sulfur", "4456715": "green velvet coach unknown coats", "3710155": "jump leap jumping flip", "1528155": "furniture antique sofa chairs living", "1778405": "indian tribal ind asian indinavian indroid", "3201375": "eat pray eateat eateateat feast", "2767035": "police car taxi policecar", "2837205": "", "937245": "plain cake glazed kreme frost kris", "4989385": "stripes striped stripe stripped", "1744125": "old fashioned architecture victorian renaissance classic neoclass vict", "4093385": "", "1354125": "man", "2775765": "police ambulance paramedics", "2432115": "1 toddler baby", "33895": "ducks duck", "502945": "propellers", "5461935": "in forests woods woodland", "87345": "hotdog hot dogs hotdogs food sandwich fast", "1777485": "day daytime dayday daydaydayday daydays days", "2548455": "more less fewer", "2067545": "united kingdom england englandusausausa americausausa states", "3278055": "ducks duck swan", "584375": "red rope leash", "938665": "newborn babies ze baby", "2094495": "onions", "3154235": "dogs golden retrie retrieves labs labrador", "5531165": "strike happens bases strikes homer b", "1028115": "orange oranges orangeorange", "4538025": "chinese cuisine asian as stir fry ch", "4634775": "0", "3410705": "", "4326375": "horse", "186015": "mountains mountain mountainous", "2268965": "oil shale gas methane", "4652115": "1870 1880 1860", "2812805": "computer laptop apple computers mac", "270125": "birds swallows butterflies birdsbirds raven bird", "1490275": "omn omnium omnibus omnibranch", "1954845": "tennis p racket prince", "282295": "wooden grand piano antique mahogany unaccompanied violin", "3503035": "chinese antique carved asian", "5237425": "plant cactus bamboo fern c", "1418485": "power electricity electrical electric", "5317255": "lamp light lighting lights shade illumination", "1602555": "nintendo nintendointendo n wii consoles nintendon", "3717945": "life vest protection safety float jackets", "5509605": "", "3297565": "military army air force marines navy", "4104015": "palm palms pine coconut", "4372775": "medium sized shirt", "5615455": "sandwich sandwiches hotdogs hot", "743485": "blue jean fin bird par", "1887875": "glove gloves baseball bat helmet", "3646565": "craft crafting sewing crafts stitching", "114615": "sand sandsand sandy sands beach", "2316015": "rock limestone stone", "5713555": "mecca africa india ind", "1451635": "red che chechechechechet chechet cheche chechev", "2056685": "boating licenses commercial alcoholic alcohol drinking", "3088295": "fruit salad apple", "991595": "dying process art painting", "4121345": "catcher", "123155": "", "94795": "gum worm frog frogfrogfrogfrog frogs grou", "2126105": "mecha ch me chinese american", "1119965": "television flat screen samsung tv box unknown unidentified s", "1550585": "canopy roof ceiling", "4024065": "baseball catch hit run catchcatch ball catchcatchcatch", "1039675": "motorcycle gas", "2461815": "", "4205235": "fruit trees", "5458325": "parking meter meters", "2308645": "bananas banana maize squash corn", "5402035": "long sleeve shirt dress button", "5528195": "cat shark", "3356305": "boats boatsboatsboatsboats boatboats boatsboats boat kay", "5625025": "elephants eat grass plants leaves trees", "2276215": "swings swing carts nets seats", "1342365": "cathedral church churches castle", "3227775": "metal aluminum plastic", "4554635": "tell time play timers read", "797925": "veggies vegetables both vegetable", "2492886": "traffic light", "3761145": "animal mammal mammals mammalian", "1298435": "dark chocolate brown cocoa chocolateocolate condensed", "859605": "japanese chinese asian japan", "3691805": "asian elephants african", "5066055": "lifespan lifetime immortality unknown forever indefinite", "496115": "indian ocean ind gulf pacific indo pac", "4055415": "color cat toes feet unknown white", "348555": "flowers roses rose tul", "2609515": "racing track horse tracktrack tracktracktracktrack", "4014345": "bird song birds sparrow chorus sp", "5588495": "big clock tower clockclock ben clocktower steep", "2078805": "mothers moms parents mothersmother mother", "5273535": "medium", "1915255": "baby newborn 1", "5335685": "magazine dwell living rooms lifestyle room", "218725": "leather couch l shaped curved sofa section", "5103855": "happiness happy satisfaction joy satisfied", "2152885": "", "4706725": "lowest road", "4984495": "", "158305": "dog on sign emblem signdog canine", "1695025": "bears bear teddy", "1173665": "vegetables carrots peppers", "4829545": "military army navy seals marines", "4049906": "girl 10 11 12 13 14 15 16", "4194745": "green tree bush treetree branch oak", "2655315": "orange", "2968925": "green mint mintmintmintmint mintmint basil pars", "2732885": "green apple red", "5514135": "flowers da chicks sun roses wild", "4667975": "stomping up", "5100285": "computer monitor laptop", "3040525": "k wind surfing", "932645": "bears bear bearsbear bearbear", "600355": "japan isnt not notntntntnotntnt", "3218315": "", "467255": "thoroughbred horse brown horses american", "42445": "low lowlowlowlow lowlow high lowhigh", "1281755": "fruit orange grapes grape", "577645": "bear brown grizzly grizzley black bears", "5543245": "fabric tailored couch velvet victorian pa", "213535": "movies cartoons videos", "792245": "fruit market fruits produce", "2373405": "blue carpet rug", "1135985": "life jacket jackets lifesavers", "5606305": "", "2959405": "", "4472245": "person bat baseball glove ball batbat mitt", "2250875": "car sedan honda hatch ford volks", "4497275": "bird sparrow fin finfin sp", "5393175": "fishing boats are anchored sail", "5444755": "wood", "3380125": "yamaha bikes unknown unsure don don", "3237845": "this handle handles handlehandle knob lever", "234155": "", "3623955": "fluffy white clouds storm cumulus rain cum", "2937205": "1975 1978 1977", "2380735": "beagle puppy", "795915": "apple laptop computer software computers", "4693015": "ch japan china asia", "4390895": "rooster chicken chickens ro", "3825595": "food cook eat prepare cookeat eateateat", "460145": "french fries", "3035975": "sun flower sunflower sunflowersunflower flowersunflowersun sunflowerflower", "3758785": "bathroom toilet shave shower shaving", "4779115": "person inmate detainee prisoners detainees inmates", "5634445": "evening dinner supper night", "4774405": "trick", "2171365": "follow follows followed match followfollowfollowfollow", "1652035": "caution slow please pedestrians beware traffic", "1142595": "holiday val hall 4 thanksgiving", "1253535": "banana bananas", "3026345": "banana bananas", "908275": "dog food treats foods canine", "3652985": "maze newspaper puzzle crossword timed", "3429525": "grass shade tree", "197255": "passenger city bus tour commuter", "2410035": "box", "5759295": "hospital room beds hospitals", "589295": "sunset clear over ha sunny", "2960385": "palm palms", "1559955": "throw pitch thrown throws threw", "3988505": "broccoli starch fibre vitamin c", "5032745": "girl child granddaughter daughter teenager", "4407925": "aboriginal dot diamond star stars", "367395": "chicken thighs chickens poultry meat", "1148985": "woodpecker wood fin rob", "2056795": "honda kawasaki kappa harleys", "738575": "woman not sure dont know unknown competitor", "3672715": "ladybug lady moth butterfly", "3930645": "3", "3224025": "pizza pizz mc", "3338315": "", "235395": "skiing isntntntntnotnt ", "4200855": "this transport food ration delivery feed supplies feeding", "2343525": "spring fall summer autumn", "4040045": "pier dock docks docking", "643565": "new york state yorks yorkshire england haven", "4853035": "tree pine fir ever ponder", "2139995": "in cup cupcake cupcakes cupcakescupcakes cakes cupcakecup", "3241655": "don dough america americausausausa usausa usa", "2025835": "southwest northwest southeastern southwestern southeast scenic", "3476105": "toshiba", "3854455": "nintendo wii is not notntntntntnt", "1399585": "stone stones stonestone stonestones", "1957725": "drinks water beer soda gas", "3325745": "power button must be on", "2460705": "party birthday video game gaming parties", "2123315": "bird sparrow fin pigeon finsp sp", "2965735": "grazing eating graz eats sampling", "2953985": "toy truck pickup", "2246885": "crane", "510215": "gaming adventure multiplayer video game games", "391965": "", "1297195": "bird tropical parrot hummingbird fin", "2038915": "blue team unknown cant decide", "5625175": "", "113985": "lifespan life expectancy 10 years lifecycle 5", "1481845": "suitcase luggage suitcases suit suits", "825685": "cat food tuna", "4031185": "airplanes planes jets", "3769075": "cow cows cattle cowscow", "4876875": "", "857995": "cargo", "763725": "military missile missiles combat flying", "1016925": "nothing anything nothingnothingnothingnothing nothingnothing nothinganythingnothingnothing", "5235435": "teddy bear", "3739605": "", "599615": "tennis", "4022435": "mirror bathroom mirrors vanity mirrormir", "204505": "hotter humid humidifiers warm hot warmer", "325865": "shoes scissors footwear sneakers shoe", "3239635": "bicycle bike cycle", "4384795": "black red pink blackblackblackblack", "959895": "herding dogs sheep her livestock", "1747585": "living room bedroom hotel bedrooms bathroom", "5671865": "zebra", "3641325": "surf surfing", "1105145": "bagel bagelel bagels donut bagelbagel bag", "230355": "toy boat houseboat play replica model", "2402525": "tv", "4390855": "lifespan lifetime longevity immortality unknown", "2488315": "umbrella", "5226615": "brewers bay ray rye every", "2978725": "other chicago bull chili bulls", "5385185": "all", "5354455": "relaxing chilling cooling refreshing", "1669595": "wine glasses wines", "5083825": "balloon dessert desert deserts", "5283555": "pizza", "5625895": "bedroom bedrooms bed bedroombedroom beds", "679525": "power wire wires", "3749715": "saddle consists of mane legs", "3505575": "trees oak green pine maple", "4130575": "eating buffet probing swallowing ingestion", "152395": "man wig wigs curls wavy", "3986155": "road highway street roads freeway", "1737605": "brown cow cows cattle beef", "4872445": "eat indulge feast hoard", "2916255": "flag banner paper kite", "934275": "noodles pasta penne nood", "4391415": "2 3 4", "2599515": "", "5047695": "small jet commercial passenger", "5392705": "pirates baseball team unknown yanks yan", "3671005": "scissors cutting cuts cut", "2454155": "tile tiles ceramic brick stone", "2260535": "rock limestone rocks stone granite", "3364145": "carriage wagon buggy cart", "4284775": "kites songs cars grease phantom k", "413405": "snow ski lift elevator", "1778325": "beer bud hops beers beerbeer", "5006945": "mirror", "3070395": "contents electronics equipment gadgets belongings junk", "3095995": "airplane plane airplaneplane planeplane", "2093535": "soccer field park fields", "424815": "parade train people event ceremony", "278525": "elephants elephant herd eleph", "4379445": "superheroes spider spiderman superhero", "2804235": "left train", "3022365": "biker", "960845": "potassium calcium magnesium k", "4993665": "plate plateplate plateplateplate plat table plates", "1462745": "1995 1999 1997 1998", "1061075": "tsunami waves water fear drowning", "4408135": "surf board surfboard surfing bo", "3204545": "windows window xp desktop windowswindows", "3373425": "airport operations travel airports flying", "5510145": "public restroom restrooms", "4996345": "forests forest woods wilderness", "3210705": "luggage suitcase", "4835475": "aa boe 777 737 toy unknown unsure for", "866765": "apron", "4320195": "another building buildings temple", "4183525": "10 5 6 7", "5453645": "decoration display advertising", "3412055": "on", "1147325": "talking fishing watching standing on boat surve", "1026075": "baby babies toddlers dolls", "2689215": "military army navy aviation", "5535065": "computer keyboard keyboards apple piano", "4052095": "rain storm rainstorm flood water storms", "4548925": "silent movie inception interstellar star", "1518485": "lights beams lamps wood ceiling beamslights", "1245805": "economy stimulus jobs economic recession", "872145": "highest recommended safety helmet high", "4864495": "african continent af africa africaasia africarica", "3213025": "train", "1809355": "shark fish dolphin sharks fishes", "2025115": "nike tennis adidas ad nikes", "2864925": "jump flip leap jumping o", "2645145": "humane society of greater new york charitable trusts organization charities nonprofits", "250455": "", "3515375": "", "2509665": "aucklanducklanduckland new york newcastle sydney seattle seattleuckland sy", "4922915": "orange lemon citrus oranges orangeorange", "3271835": "cake chees cheesecake pie cheese dessert", "3909965": "this bathroom is luxurious featuring soaking tubs hotel", "5660605": "deserts of ladakh valleys mountains rocky desert dessert", "3642515": "helmets", "4490375": "dell laptop laptops notebook windows xp", "1243645": "playing video games gamesplaying videos videog", "4887455": "tying tie knot tyingtie ties", "4012325": "black yellow blackyellow yellowyellow", "436975": "sausage meat beef pork bacon pig hog", "2020505": "water oxygen chlorine waterwater air", "3698665": "", "4010835": "florida legislature fl floridad california flickr", "2222605": "cotton silk cloth fabric leather", "2023725": "art artartart arte artart", "2483605": "", "2063945": "boat building sail boats sailing boaters fishing", "2214005": "middle bottom right scissors", "2860515": "", "4298195": "bird cardinal hummingbird woodpecker wood", "1137255": "stickers magnets sticky magnet", "4736045": "soda water beer wine", "5722545": "dog puppy puppydog dogdog", "1398655": "", "4227825": "", "2599105": "", "466095": "10 20 25 30", "5072525": "hot doghotdog", "3736975": "leaves", "499335": "triangle triangles triangular rectangle square ad", "2278255": "", "5228205": "biggest plane in world cargo", "635405": "sunset evening dusk twilight", "5734015": "30 20 20202020 25", "253745": "left", "4860135": "air transport transportation cargo", "3975995": "left", "4194425": "airliner passenger jet commercial", "689585": "3 4 5", "3474055": "cheese olive avocado fats", "416065": "jeep wrangler jeeps che je su", "3788905": "cats kittens litter cat", "313585": "protection safety helmet protectionprotection", "89995": "chrome browsers cannot not", "1401525": "daytime winter", "3235885": "doughnut eating donut food don", "2154625": "military camouflage soldier army uniform", "3736395": "metal cutting utility knife jumper", "31185": "kite", "819035": "", "3991955": "road landfill right city downtown", "762545": "little bit lot lots alot", "2449945": "7 8 10 12 13 15", "2870065": "white cheese basil spinach pepper melted", "3035485": "10 5 6 7", "730295": "second world war 2", "5601525": "bookmark reading book studying read", "2566435": "right", "2159075": "living room bedroom roomlivingliving", "4800055": "", "1191695": "collie sheep shepherd dog coll", "4662775": "nightly news television broadcast primetime televised cable newsfakefakefake", "861835": "blue motorcycles motorcycle harleys bikes har", "3551755": "champagne wine wines", "3239585": "military naval air force navy", "3166495": "this landing runway takeoff taking flight performing", "309395": "waves wave water ocean surf waveswaves", "767425": "woman", "3057625": "refinery products oil methane gas", "5376875": "smiles happiness laughter", "2156005": "expired expires retired expiration full", "2559045": "manual manuals", "784005": "full beard", "3486165": "wine whisky 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stop sign", "4172735": "", "1916515": "diamond triangle rectangle circle diamonds", "2572975": "happy ecstatic satisfied pleased", "4956665": "", "4400035": "paper towel towels towelpaper", "3607475": "3 third 33 4 three", "5067505": "2", "1538925": "female", "4884405": "blanket sheet blankets towel covers cover", "3514225": "horses procession parade horse", "4485315": "waving flying bouncing dancing playing", "389225": "white surf boards surfboards surfing", "1806705": "yuan museum ming dynasty china ch", "3305165": "saddle pad is blanket blankets", "776245": "unknown samsung electronics toshiba unknownunknownunknown s", "2499835": "for sale ", "1896455": "vegetables produce food fruit", "5659665": "ceramic tile brick tiles", "1681345": "dachberger dach puppy dachshund dachhound dachdog d", "228385": "clock tell time tells", "2760095": "fall autumn winter summer", "2026015": "dark night evening nighttime nights nightnight evenings", "1536015": "terrier collie sheepdog shepherd", "5502355": "sub chicken meat turkey tuna", "2565335": "carpet rug carp tile padding wood", "5137295": "green squares check checked yellow", "96085": "snow ski slope mountain slopes downhill", "1719505": "umpire referee", "4674315": "wood hard wooden hardwood plank woodwood", "303455": "goods merchandise food luggage items", "3539335": "20 2020 21 22 2121", "732265": "work workwork typing workworkworkwork", "1911735": "", "381235": "head prince tennis racket puff wilson wil", "5004575": "restaurant dining room cafeteria diningroom classroom", "5490035": "coffee caffe caf\u00e9 coc", "224405": "public publicpublicpublicpublic publicpublic", "4949405": "clock people unknown", "1413825": "tennis serving serves playing serve served", "4277495": "bananas", "19435": "", "4651375": "stone marble tile granite", "5529385": "big clock clockbig ben rig", "183855": "long teeth are very", "4499025": "power electrical electric", "5181945": "white cheese mozzarella moarella mozza mo fet", "525635": "fields field pasture", "507915": "american baking french indian italian americ", "1878725": "vegan", "1339055": "lesson 6", "5037175": "tennis ball", "3958515": "blender mixer blaster jug ju", "627405": "green yellow greengreen greengreengreengreen brown gray", "1994875": "united statesa americ america americausa states usa", "3575495": "skirt", "4713755": "person people humanshumanshumanshumans humans beings mankind", "39955": "legs muscles thighs feet", "3645905": "this float parade comedy comedic joke", "5339415": "time clock clockclockclockclock clockclock timeclockclock", "5406335": "cake yellow vanilla carrot lemon pound", "1996185": "shirt abdomen neck stomach throat chest", "1007575": "hello kitty ana jet eva japan ev", "2621805": "chop sticks", "290415": "taking picture pictures taken photos picturestaking", "4855505": "4 6 5 8 7", "3464335": "3", "85715": "shaking hands after playing tennis", "5076055": "", "5784845": "silver flip phone clam cell flips", "4152885": "coal", "5351655": "clouds cloud sunglasses shade sails sail", "3185945": "brakes brake shutter slap stop", "787815": "0 2 1", "13325": "grass hay plants grassgrass", "2328895": "water river confluence riverconfluence riverconfconfconfluence waterways", "5162635": "black stripes striped stripe zebra", "4238555": "rubber plastic leather latex cle", "3991655": "mountains mountain snowy mountainous terrain", "3543805": "circle round circles circlecircle rounds circumference", "462305": "fords are toyota", "2338785": "vegetarian", "4452635": "tent hamm canopy shelter bed", "5038835": "female male females femalefemale femalemale", "4414625": "", "4102455": "toshiba samsung", "2901745": "intersection median intersections cross center", "4339685": "air show parade demonstration display drill", "2861815": "drinks alcohol cocktails beer alcoholic", "967025": "", "3987705": "stripes striped", "3630385": "waiting relaxing relax relaxation", "1306815": "ground", "129335": "wheel cover decoration detail guard protection", "2555255": "", "2935435": "elephant ivory tusk t tus", "4467095": "squash zucchini yellow zuchini z", "5171385": "boundaries fences enclosure livestock containment", "5392145": "lot of people lots 100", "52605": "b pitch strike bb baa bbb", "970785": "clouds sky cloud skies heavens", "3704175": "clouds cloud", "1557515": "passenger plane jet jetjetjetjetplanejetjet jetjetplane", "1463895": "red arrows right", "1864835": "cats are enormous huge huge huge huge huge", "3968125": "red clay dirt sandy orange mud dusty", "4454275": "locked unlocked lock unlock unlockedlockedlockedlocked", "5202085": "spoon fork knife", "2204085": "blinds fabric shade blind", "1287295": "unknown maker unsure undecided denim", "297945": "this white bread dough powdered hot dog whitewhite", "2673385": "sleep sleeping sleeps slept", "2093565": "value 5050 5050 50 50 5050", "5575075": "ball disappear vanish hit serve", "948135": "wildebe buffalo zebra wilde wild", "3303685": "polar bear", "69355": "fabric cloth cotton", "783055": "cat pillow pill cats", "3332915": "cat siamese si tab pers", "5022845": "name tags breed location", "2056725": "", "5048945": "motor consists of electric", "16705": "0 00", "4889285": "1950s modernism revisited 1960s 1960s 1960", "4688295": "yellow mustard cheese 1 0 2", "5544085": "laying on laptop resting", "4078455": "grind grinding jump", "2024315": "dresses dress gown dressdress dressdressdress", "2166655": "photo", "2956575": "utility pole trees power poles parade street", "5577255": "surfboard surf board plastic plastics rubber wood", "3118955": "magnets", "1718065": "trees green oak maple", "623515": "airport travel airline aviation", "5560355": "", "85315": "planting gardening cultivating plants fertilizer gard", "4750195": "", "1743995": "coffee umb umbrell umbrella umbumb umbum umbur", "4759995": "chocolate cake dessert cakecake", "3896825": "united airlines continental unite us unitedunited", "1623195": "baseball scoreboard bat bases score base", "4151315": "20 2020 25 15 30 10", "5296475": "", "921705": "", "3615785": "person personpersonperson apple unknown im not", "815": "", "3577625": "thoroughbred horse", "85925": "muscles abdominal exercises dumbbell curls reps workouts", "5216715": "tire tyre tyres tires", "4283015": "toys stuffed bears", "3643695": "new york city yorks newyork y ny", "4476945": "skate jump jumping leap flip grind o", "4741745": "", "4002985": "papers documents paper newspapers trash", "139445": "engineer contractor construction technician", "2803245": "red wine yellow blue green", "4926575": "cross country skiing crosscross snow", "1689785": "sunset evening dusk", "291615": "laptops laptop computers notebooks lapt", "5239475": "snack snacks meal", "2765845": "unknown switzerland germany", "3584625": "combustion revolution revolutions agricultural industrial", "3292625": "ponies horses horseshorse horse", "3290185": "flowers icing frost piping pip", "1160065": "passenger train trolley streetcar commuter", "1446465": "visibility safety hazard protection", "1909645": "engines exhaust gases air airspace airflow compressed", "4637385": "hill slope hillhill cliff grass mountain", "392725": "pesticides pesticide water glyphosate", "2112835": "football footballfootballfootball rugby soccer quarterback baseball", "5056255": "chinese cuisine ch stew stir", "1404165": "cool cold warm coldcold chilly", "4018425": "low lowlowlowlow lowlow lowslowlow yeslowlow", "985435": "tracks train trains", "3414135": "reflection head", "1113185": "12 3 2 noon", "3691265": "guitar hero video game guitars chords heroes", "423715": "cart wagon wheel wheels", "4047955": "ind af africa asia africaasia", "387305": "touchscreen glass plastic plastics", "4560715": "germans invented computers germ man unknown", "4269835": "parking cars car", "5643145": "lot", "5342915": "male", "1249145": "holiday hall halloweenalloweenalloweenalloween birthday birthdayalloweenalloween", "3478765": "this landed landing land lands", "1735965": "air force logistics army forces j", "3503615": "water skiing waterwater surfing skiingwater", "3425615": "stop stops", "4756995": "mountains hills valleys valley", "1682945": "surf boards surfboards surfboard surfing board", "1767595": "tablet", "1189045": "flowers", "2166015": "sage basil herb mint herbs rose", "4469715": "streets buildings street", "1127855": "criterion collection videotapes audio cassettes cds videot", "4627125": "relax chill live breathe watch", "428185": "kite", "3784195": "riding horse jumping horses", "3719785": "black", "4166055": "green clay resin paint", "5126625": "c cnn nightly news 1122 11", "5198435": "", "3836055": "bat hit play swing run hits", "3347325": "wine water wines champagne winewine", "2911655": "", "1261805": "toshiba wireless keyboard dell della logitech tosh de", "1075275": "surf board surfboard boogieboard bo", "5220745": "snack snacks both meal", "682525": "baseball wood plastic rubber leather", "5807355": "healthy unhealthy health healthyhealthy nutritious healthcare", "4334545": "water surfing k paras wind", "4479675": "this brushing brush fingertips hairs", "2201095": "kite", "2455505": "horses grazing pastoral horse horsesorses horseshorse", "786955": "orange vegetable fruit oranges pumpkin grape", "4842875": "elephants elephant eleph ele elephantsele", "3132635": "lazyyeah sure", "4540725": "brewery", "895635": "trees bushes", "4267915": "2000s werentntntntnotntnotntnt notntnt", "1160435": "elephants elephant", "4795915": "left turn", "4283795": "crossing streets roads intersections intersection cross", "1381895": "windows 7", "5778305": "charcoal grill both", "5481075": "birdbill throats mouths throat jaws", "1774925": "cat food cats catfish catfishfish fish", "371865": "baseball", "3741715": "", "3853075": "counters are wood", "5506555": "baseball game", "1514865": "necklace jewelry chain neck lariat", "95395": "light artificial sunlight fluorescent natural", "1858665": "pizza 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"3952165": "skate race skateboarding championships races", "4948605": "writings writing paint graffiti chalk", "2648885": "desktop desktopdesktop computer desk dev", "2070135": "white surfboard surf whitewhite", "55875": "3 4 5", "5497845": "green fuzzy carpet", "1762635": "giraffe milk ivory cream babies", "4075595": "lights street lamps lightslightslightslights streetlightslights", "1612295": "", "3499475": "tile ceiling drop", "3820445": "trailer truck van horse", "5044545": "lifespan immortality longevity", "1736475": "tree maple teddy oak pine t", "3589705": "stripes striped stripe solid", "4855025": "snow sun", "5782615": "snack snacks", "5129245": "clothing retailer footwear shoes tyres tyre", "5293795": "10 20 5 6 7", "1017385": "sail contest sailing racing race", "3642225": "food starch carbohydrate hay grass", "3777725": "bedroom bedrooms beds bed bedroombedroom", "5433335": "sit watch watching tv watches movies", "2889485": "", "4073135": "italian cuisine renaissance pasta italien italianital it", "1643435": "extremely very expensive", "1114555": "tomatoes all 3", "296025": "ro kay bo rows paddle padd", "4035205": "snow skiing kite kiting", "3343645": "burgers burger sandwiches hamburger sandwich", "2906785": "terrier pitbull terriers collie dalmation", "2154605": "applause applaud yeah", "5419115": "polar region north america canada alaska glacier al", "3498705": "kris kreme sprink sprinkle cake", "3083385": "catcher umpire batter shortstop pitcher u", "883245": "flowers fruit fruits fruitfruit oranges", "3166995": "chickens eggs brood chicks", "4883955": "running runner runningrunner runners runningrunning runs", "3232785": "silver fork forks knife forkfork tongues", "681795": "fire water waterwater", "2433045": "", "2032525": "", "854595": "toilet cleaner soap", "2140225": "birds sparrow swall swallow pigeon rob", "615755": "green street sign directional streets road streetstreet", "5182185": "bedroom bedrooms beds", "3546265": "urban", "2772045": "airplane passenger jet", "3148775": "subway train traintrain subwaytrain", "4585055": "bmw kawasaki motorcycles harleys bmotor honda b", "328455": "baseball singing microphone choir vocals", "5727815": "flying plane airplane people humans humanshumanshumanshumans", "4407385": "manual override manuals automatic", "4966465": "rainbow nation nations countries", "4724055": "orange oranges apples", "4403115": "field horses ponies horse horsesorses horseshorse", "2250555": "severity of fire hazards classification warnings level", "877265": "jet passenger jetjet commercial", "1221375": "shepherdeur profession veterinarian farmer vet shepherd", "4995965": "fire water smoke flames", "4148495": "in kitchen ", "3698895": "meatball supreme cheese mozzarella meat", "5310765": "mens shoes dress dresses loaf", "460025": "justices impeachment hearings trial hearing", "3934225": "penalty is 350 fines 0 unknown zero", "2086445": "hair styling", "1345995": "frost vanilla strawberry chocolate sweet lemon coconut", "88365": "palm tropical humid climate warm sunny", "211835": "lord jesus christ crucified", "2694965": "s santa hat christmas stocking christ", "1238915": "bear bears bearbear mammals", "1683355": "winter winters 2020 winterwinter unknown 2018", "5669355": "wall dock walls wallwall docks", "1224215": "lionesses lions", "5392965": "mutt sheepdog ter terriers terrier mut coll", "559845": "explore relax swim breathe kay divers", "1035565": "b pony ponies tail ponytails ponytail", "759015": "green and blue orange", "5141935": "bridge boat bridges", "2448465": "cake don dough donut cup doughdon", "5287615": "fluffy white clouds cumulus cumulusulus cum", "899025": "umbrella pole cane", "2091325": "new york times", "1635945": "cheesecake factory vanilla bean blackberry raspberry", "1233895": "cheese pizza chicken chickens", "5227045": "", "4599595": "angle formula equation unknown", "4647895": "", "720305": "", "4602875": "reading lying down resting laying", "5373455": "", "5117845": "kayaking ro kay paddle robo rowing", "2472095": "metal aluminium aluminum alloy", "2851945": "not parade", "2265245": "clyds thoroughbred horses corses brown clyly", "2029185": "cheese onions onion", "2206155": "united statesa mecca america usa americausausausa us", "3210365": "this batter", "4223435": "wii game console television video games w", "165785": "buildings building ", "4819095": "stripes striped stripe zebra stripped", "1478945": "chocolate cake glazed gl", "5186475": "paint painting painted paints spray", "2962255": "left zebra", "1986215": "palm tree plant", "3682935": "construction work mining excavation jobs ha", "2272935": "frying method fried", "1755405": "lot", "3859715": "buildings bikes bicycles sun", "5638035": "broth soup stew", "3448935": "yogurt ice cream icecream gel", "2940345": "competition competitor competitions competitors competing", "3151045": "passengers both commuters passenger travellers", "397545": "skate board surf skating boards 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"1941595": "boats dock anchor berth float sail", "2121745": "crane stork cranes pelican seag", "4873535": "painted graffiti tagging paint painting colourful", "308055": "glass glassglassglass glassglass ceramic plastic plastics", "4703435": "sheep", "3318855": "lava lamp", "5185185": "german shepherd dog ro labs labrador retrie retrievers", "5752735": "3 2 4", "4853645": "", "243195": "long necks throat neck throats heads", "5488745": "olive oil is tomato", "5252125": "very hot hotdog veryvery 1 1", "3771885": "cows milk cow water", "4758045": "silver metal metals aluminum aluminium metalmetal", "924805": "cat food tuna fish", "692575": "hot dogs hotdogs hotdogsdogs hotdog sausage dog", "2213135": "winter cold", "2096545": "moped scooter", "5090985": "safety helmet torso abdomen hips chest", "1586765": "snow snowball snowy ice sand", "2719415": "skate skating skateboarding boarding surfing", "3448595": "pacific ocean", "3839495": "bakery baking pizza commercial", "3162755": "new york metropolitan yorks seattle washing dc", "1866085": "horses", "5592885": "rubber tyre tires tyres", "3312665": "subway nab chicken funnel", "5240445": "toilet unknown unknownunknownunknownunknown unknownunknown unidentified", "2635165": "mother", "94745": "hawk eagle hawkhawk owl hawkhawkhawk", "625315": "cowboy", "5520925": "abstract blurry unfocused blur", "1827995": "waterfall water falls people", "3249015": "chevy trucks pickups pickup toyota che", "1913385": "cutting boards chopping board cuttingboards boardsboards", "3198185": "pray sleep brush teeth brushing", "2550185": "cake bread banana", "5165825": "hit swing serve play", "2867045": "walking tourists visitors tourism", "4224055": "ski poles sk skiing", "3316975": "cold windy beach temper temperate climates temperamental tropical", "9415": "reading read studying reads researching readingreading", "2591375": "", "2249295": "carrots potatoes carrot vegetables mash", "2325435": "carrot carrots", "5733305": "right", "2498565": "ham turkey club meat", "2604485": "", "3130615": "whirlirlpool kleen fridge whirlpool whirl", "2861715": "r riff rabb rrr", "72325": "people passengers commuters peoplepeople", "4125165": "", "4150895": "2 1 3", "5555145": "supreme mushroom cheese vegetable veggie", "4524705": "propellers engine motor", "236395": "", "5546985": "pumpkins decoration halloween party parties halleen hall", "1019525": "business accountant entrepreneur accountantibrarianibrarianibrarian architect", "2531095": "stop", "3547665": "flowers lilies da lils pedal lily l", "5267395": "teddy bear teddybushbushbush bush bushbush bushbushbush trump ob", "461065": "", "644555": "", "4428195": "sleep rest slept travel sleepsleep sleeping", "3404405": "accommodation dorm rooms bedrooms", "1684885": "clouds fog", "5434805": "", "3381675": "crest toothpaste unknown colgate unknownunknownunknown", "5171605": "cement concrete stone", "3946005": "dispatcher replies reply okay", "1849035": "dell va apple della hp", "3540755": "pony horse polishing horses poli", "2672105": "umbrella", "4029805": "", "585175": "school schoolschoolschoolschool bus unknown unknownschoolschool schools schoolschool", "2860095": "red poodle dog p cock overlapping", "2581765": "black labrador retriever lab", "1173225": "train stopping waiting stopped", "2106865": "castle renaissance revival castles goth", "3337105": "meter expired parking time unknown", "2157465": "ketchup sauces mustard gravy may", "2224445": "breakfast cereal banana fruit", "3930805": "donuts", "1481765": "ladybird beetle ladybug bug beetles lady", "5777185": "red wines 20", "3543595": "20 21 19 22 century", "3699205": "coc co cocco cococo soda", "5367385": "black cat siames tab tuxedo si", "5656415": "public private publicprivate privateprivateprivateprivate privateprivate", "3117065": "rent lease rented rentals renting rental", "2738855": "play fight playplay fights playing", "3735695": "very", "4424735": "pray worship preach weep", "3623285": "in wild wildwildwildwild animals wilderness feral", "586945": "donut doughnut donnut donutdonut don", "1825275": "bunk bed metal beds dorm", "171715": "black labrador retri retriever lab puppy mix retrie retrieves", "2373335": "eating smiling eatingeating sitting dining eatingeatingeating", "1763245": "clouds cloudy partly sunny", "2012615": "living room livingroom roomliving livingroomlivinglivingliving", "3271535": "orange oranges orangeorange orangesorange", "388015": "tusk ivory grass", "2122715": "man beard hair beardbeard mustache bald", "2068305": "black blackblack blackblackblackblack both", "3999735": "skate jump jumping flip o", "826765": "1982 honda motorcycles 1983 1987 1986", "2530655": "on discard cover rinse clean wash", "2319415": "kite", "1245625": "cowboy himself unknown not can", "4421815": "this fire cooking food", "5342595": "mountains region russia", "1097525": "icing sugar flour cake", "3797435": "fly", "4074005": "park benches parkpark bench playground cemetery", "5517525": "back serve fore", "4734205": "1 2 3", "5001655": "bench k kangaroo rectangle benchkang", "775505": "clouds cumulus storm fluffy white cumulusulus cum", "2462805": "playing tennis swinging playingplaying", "4133005": "as ch dinner asinese chinese", "5569835": "music musicmusic songs both musicmusicmusic", "2130365": "warm sunny warmer cool", "2597605": "sleep sleeping slept sleepsleep sleeps", "2760175": "clear sunny sunnyclear clearclear", "927815": "brown bull cows bulls bullbull", "3954455": "living room livingroom roomliving rooms livingroomlivinglivingliving", "3147105": "playful banter both youthful", "5404595": "road asphalt highway paved freeway", "4719355": "", "2322185": "", "1435305": "miami dolphins beach mnl bisc beaches m", "1040815": "trees cows", "3173065": "first base 2", "2179585": "sinks sink basin sank", "3337385": "bird pigeon dove gray pigeons fin", "3764905": "snow snowball skiing powder mogul slope downhill", "3548435": "", "789095": "american sandwich french white americans", "83945": "0", "63275": "switzerlanditzerland switzerland germany sweden fritzerland sw", "615065": "t tt ttttttt ttt ttp tttt", "4232755": "computer monitor laptop computers computercomputer computerputer", "2674995": "serve tennis serves serveback forehand backhand", "49315": "snack snacks both", "3192665": "subway tunnels underground train tunnel", "2894255": "red so yankees cubs blue cub", "2943145": "flowers roses rose rosesros rosesrose tul", "436555": "", "1038655": "0 2 00 4 1 3", "479525": "b c d", "1095685": "sandwich breakfast lunch", "4058735": "country music cowboy western", "1813515": "field in fields forest", "436065": "military jets jet airplanes fighter", "3464695": "skate flip jump jumping o", "4456055": "wooden clocks antique analog", "1101365": "tennis court", "3172105": "clyds horses corses thoroughbred cly", "3767505": "adidas superstar sneakers puma white trainers", "2172995": "cats me sounds myself meme mate sound", "2600975": "wii console controller remote wi", "3573425": "get getgetgetget getget both", "3862675": "image text speech words documents logo", "617805": "necks backs neck spine back", "3879545": "crow raven pigeon", "4874895": "giraffe", "3825175": "antique furniture pieces clothing garments apparel clothes", "1286475": "door", "2561775": "birds cartoon peanuts bird cartoons", "3441465": "wii game bowling boxing w", "1206555": "ski resort", "2257045": "imported exported export", "4871185": "red wine vinegar wines beer alcohol winewine", "2684545": "", "4957535": "very long", "5694365": "c b i d k", "1516586": "sunset dusk twilight evening", "5091145": "donut pastry doughnut dough", "5421655": "p pug dog", "1794805": "downhill", "3969095": "silver laptop apple appleapple dell", "334085": "hold holding holdinghold holdholdholdhold", "3797325": "", "5767585": "trains passenger commuters commuting commuter", "4277145": "sunglasses sun shades sunscreen glasses goggles", "2807215": "", "3262395": "yeah", "2352135": "freezing temperatures cold winter icy", "535395": "typing on laptop computer reading studying watching", "3951705": "packing vacation travel away abroad", "3748605": "me vowel sounds sound bark", "1643105": "rope ropes people person sk", "1457385": "power poles transformer linemen", "5171155": "play parade performance playplay renaissance", "819665": "this parade ceremony procession military funeral", "1203695": "good bad goodgood goodbadbadbad badbadbad", "17745": "skate skating 1 2", "4098345": "1950s 1960 1950 1950 1960 1960", "1650465": "", "2694835": "skate humans skatehumanshumanshumans humanshumans humanshumanshumans", "1488105": "", "5719035": "poodle terrier labs lab grey cock", "4588665": "fishing boat boatboatboat boatboats fishingboat boatboat", "4892975": "overnight stay sleep sleeping", "3328125": "baseball outfielder batter shortstop outfield", "5380185": "eating grazing sniff smelling", "840845": "hit play serve hitplay swing return", "67335": "train conductor engineer driver pastor technician curator", "5255915": "in", "4908755": "tennis", "1414605": "standing in water resting sitting", "128245": "birds", "3638485": "", "670575": "contents overflowing belongings clothes clothing", "736105": "", "2553265": "happiness happy smiles joy happinessappiness emotions", "4477285": "snow ice water snowball glacier glaciers", "880875": "broken arm nothing something nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing taped", "1278665": "", "1601025": "boxing brawl wii smack", "5634555": "tooth brush toothbrush", "1817715": "sunlight", "4620375": "video game games wii", "1613565": "flour dough sugar yeast bread", "234195": "seagall gull se seagull bird", "1985065": "100 capacity 20 25 30 40", "3901206": "slide snow snowball tubing", "2448475": "fetus embryo zebra offspring embryos", "1493315": "tow truck crane", "4827985": "summer holidays months winter spring", "866115": "carrots vegetables carrot soup onions", "2571635": "jeans denim trousers guess mankind", "5790025": "church churches cathedral chapel churchchurch", "1195505": "flower orchid lily l", "1551725": "mustard icing frost decoration", "2155115": "military marines navy naval", "1440495": "tomatoes tomato strawberries tomatos", "521515": "3 4 4 3 7 8 8", "3401035": "orange oranges orangeorange citrus orangesorange", "1540115": "artic forest", "4104365": "office desks offices", "3723435": "bird cardinal robin fin robinals rob", "587365": "anesthetic implants anesthesia injecting needles medicine", "632095": "crime of vehicularicular manslaughter texting", "3259035": "awards ceremony tournaments trophies finals competitions", "1149405": "", "4509755": "baseball", "1260905": "plaza mayor unsure unknown unclear not", "2576285": "courtyard square sq squares", "1567685": "busiest weekends hubs rush", "3376385": "cross crosses x crucifix", "5568865": "harley david harris honda kaw", "4237775": "kite", "4552115": "red and white stripes american flag patriotic america", "5150205": "ice food gel frozen snowball icefood", "2282265": "air force aviation military marines army forces", "1735685": "runway pavement tarmac ground roads t", "134175": "", "3881495": "military army air force cavalry artillery marines", "5056615": "cook recipes chefs cooks", "993885": "monarch butterflies butterfly", "4410955": "toilet toilets restroom", "4616005": "tired bored sleepy exhausted weary tiredness fatigue", "3611395": "hat", "2741235": "", "2126025": "throat digestion lungs teeth organs", "1141945": "roses rose rosesros tul", "4167765": "400 600 500", "954865": "wave surge avatar tsunami", "2366735": "horse stable barn horses", "1438625": "", "2715775": "grass leaves trees plants", "4048695": "b c d", "4503405": "", "5721525": "wing plane airplane wings wingwing", "1701065": "california beaches califonia hawaii cali cal calif", "3190055": "umbrella underneath under table underside ground", "2197785": "eating grazing grass hay", "409315": "cat tiger tab tabtab calico pers", "4928945": "asia continent asiaasia ch chasia as", "5327685": "lf l f lorry fif", "394565": "m caf\u00e9", "742065": "dell l laptop notebook della", "5663555": "vitamin c", "2945455": "truck trucks train bus", "3773975": "gold silver yellow brass goldgold goldsilver", "3649175": "", "2859105": "coffee table o otto", "1479245": "boats sailing boaters commuting travel transportation", "4283455": "in oven", "2787315": "bus 10", "4619145": "trees grass cows ponies bushes horses", "4152035": "towels towel linen rolls", "3071375": "downtown district center central core", "5516575": "train subway station", "4268295": "fortune fue for sure forrest fortunefortune", "4997885": "winter unknown", "346805": "", "1217205": "man suit jacket tie suits suitsuit", "4398595": "k c b i d doping vitamin", "1915405": "toilet bathroom", "4009715": "outside", "728095": "coffee water filtered", "1543105": "cow cows cattle bull cowcow", "2418365": "sandwich lunch", "3147145": "dog sleep walk unknown", "4808205": "bathroom bathrooms restroom toilet ensu", "2505175": "onion goat sheep cow cows", "2692285": "greyhound", "1701225": "skiing", "572645": "doll toy troll figure figures cartoon animated", "1938785": "", "106005": "waving smiling posing", "2430005": "person people peoples folks humans peoplepeople", "4359635": "right", "1862075": "", "3198685": "dinner party dessert supper", "2534835": "not ", "2622615": "", "2924405": "teddy bear stuffing nothing", "5520665": "carrots carrot vegetables", "4780875": "calculator spreadsheet software keyboard excel computer", "242425": "0 1 2 3 5 6", "5616775": "low lowlowlowlow lowlow both high lowhigh", "1721965": "skate skateboarding", "5566225": "lot many manymanymanymany manymany", "5659395": "soccer", "1498175": "no ", "1490365": "paddle surf board surfboard surfboardboard", "3497935": "bm motorbike b bbm motorcycle", "408555": "water", "3336945": "picnic table bench benches tables", "1396655": "", "4079585": "flowers leaves plants foliage", "3873935": "icing sugar frost gl", "2878725": "beer beerbeer alcohol beers yeast", "1455515": "pilot", "1058535": "street", "982325": "sunset dusk twilight", "5140735": "surf board white surfboard boards surfboards", "2087145": "new york chicagoicago chicago ch", "3459515": "water turbulent waves wavy salt", "4808835": "dell laptop laptops apple della hp", "5650625": "banana split bananas frozen", "638935": "leather shoes sued wood", "3298885": "drinking singing cocktails beer wine partying", "2459205": "human person man dog humans dog", "3722925": "american motorcycle harley david har harleys", "1928275": "very veryveryveryvery fast rapidly quickly", "4809505": "", "2960995": "ski poles themselves skiing sk", "987035": "therapy animals veterinary medicine", "167205": "clock clockclockclockclock clockclock clocksclockclock timeclockclock clocks", "1547555": "outdoors", "1809685": "", "3633635": "inside", "5414395": "rabbit bunny cat rabbits sheep", "5262915": "pork ribs", "5455735": "cake pan bunt bundt bund", "4090225": "ivory is carving tusk flesh bone", "2074555": "ford truck che toy fords dodge for", "4411995": "cake dessert deserts desert", "5408825": "euro euroeuroeuro euroeuro euros eurozone", "5429845": "dough hasnt been refined sugar flour", "2169635": "teddy bears bear", "4867135": "horse riding massacre", "2833125": "airlines have invested invest investments investing", "1511705": "modern", "2629795": "elephants elephant elephantele elephanteleele eleph", "3937195": "leather couch latex vinyl sued", "4356325": "whirlpool ken stainless steel kenmore frigida kirin k", "1393895": "regular unleaded gasoline", "5132405": "blank blankblankblankblank yesblank blankblank", "103695": "golden retriever retri labrador labs", "2496185": "playing video games playingplaying playingplayingplayingplaying wii", "3721995": "running run runningrunning racing runs ran", "976605": "person dinner party supper meal lunch", "858765": "adidas advert ad nike ads", "244545": "life jacket vest paddle oar", "1418095": "dismantling relocation transport removal storage", "4425315": "material plastic disposable surgical masks made", "4012315": "classic vintage retro classical classics", "1757395": "saddle blanket reins reign", "1269925": "circle round circles rounds circular", "3359555": "greyhound labrador retrievers grey retriever lab", "2925435": "", "247235": "baseball twins brewers noodles twins batter angels", "5586565": "pizza pizz", "3885685": "night", "5454285": "collie shepherd terrier sheep german mut", "3734145": "40", "3276605": "meatballs meat meats chicken steak beef", "3519895": "food salad sandwich vegetables soup salads", "3191395": "skate boards surf skateboards skating skateboard", "3229695": "middle third 1", "222305": "time expired 2 02 2 222", "573005": "", "4499475": "display to eat", "4881495": "thickness varies depending on length thread", "4700555": "chicagoicago chicago ch new york", "5099335": "russian empire russia uzbekistan turkey russiaussia r", "788645": "straw hat fedora fed", "1944385": "naval ship battleship warships battles battleships", "5215695": "calico cat tab pers cal", "5043485": "plain glazed cake frost glammed gl", "5725845": "ghosts ghost witches sleep hall", "4993965": "snow snowball skate snowy skiing", "3526515": "legsightightight", "762935": "20 2020 21 2021 22", "4727885": "flying turnaround turn turning turnturn", "3841575": "", "2104505": "bikers motorcycles motorcycle bikers b", "2707405": "red sox yankees redsox devils so cub", "4265565": "daytime afternoon day morning", "321835": "italians themselves rave humans humanshumanshumanshumans human beings", "2402855": "chocolate mint tob hall can", "3543165": "mother zebra dies fetus sibling cousin siblings", "4857705": "", "989395": "dough doughnut pastry donut don", "44425": "pig braid pigs pigtails", "5797255": "roses rose roserose rosesrose", "2108565": "cheese chicken eggs egg bread", "405805": "teddy bear stuffed tiger leopard tigers t", "5352025": "working overtime work", "5368555": "risks yeah sure", "5050465": "field fields refinery", "184255": "gir giraffe both herb", "4091315": "2", "5160085": "person people peoples computers anyone", "3639355": "train station unknown town city", "3487825": "statue of christ redeemer liberty sculpture", "4560095": "dell dos della micro", "4181145": "daytime afternoon morning", "5292265": "riding lesson ride nothing", "303955": "driveway", "675275": "sheep cow cows goats lamb goat", "326465": "", "1757565": "dark clouds storm rain thunder cum", "1059335": "sunny", "3806205": "black blacks blackblackblack mono white", "1601035": "brick bricks concrete stone brickstone", "645625": "in india ind r ch china japan", "2291495": "cycling bicycle cycle", "3241075": "phone phones cell phonephone cellphone handset", "3164075": "baker pastry bakery chefs chef cook", "964815": "brown bear grizzly grizzley grizz", "5678585": "aristocracy monarchy horses cavalry b", "5429465": "autumn fall fallfall season fallfalls", "605265": "japanese chinese english japan ch", "5185095": "japanese cuisine as japan ch", "191935": "double decker doubleheader doubleheaderdoubledoubledouble doubledouble deck", "1395945": "motorcycle motorcycles bikes motorbike", "1058595": "florida oranges fl floridian orange california cal calif", "4473475": "ford truck", "2167715": "", "3053475": "zebra z ze zez", "4275605": "music notes musical", "3177335": "grapes apples limes", "5660545": "video game television screen tv w", "5750555": "happy birthday wedding", "2826925": "orange oranges", "3696035": "black", "14035": "30 40 35", "3328165": "beer yeast hops beers alcohol", "3775705": "lot 1024 512 512512 512512512512", "2174335": "plant", "4929655": "", "2706595": "", "2760045": "baked beans bake cooked both", "4875395": "lake", "2505665": "flower phantom roses rose", "4592095": "letters words alphabet", "3255845": "twin beds double queen", "697055": "elephant", "4824545": "politician congressman judge attorney lawyer solicitor", "1369035": "", "439175": "ketogenic diet weight loss dash diets primal ket", "1926425": "brown cows milk dairy beef", "5625105": "0 20 25 30", "4745505": "sugar carbohydrate carbohydrates fibre nutrient", "5546685": "fishing boat canoe sail", "1118315": "buses bus train tram busbus subway streetcar", "505115": "surfing class ocean surf instructors sur", "2939495": "vitamin c is important d", "1341005": "baseball red soo redsoso sox sooths so", "3477935": "trees pine evergreen fir ever", "395285": "blue and white yankees bullpen dye dod", "5229165": "brick bricks stone concrete red", "4378895": "sunny cloudy warm sunny", "3460615": "french bilingual italian ital spanish", "4460065": "fork", "968205": "", "3244125": "fun funfun funfunfun both filament", "5706945": "snow glare sun", "2746905": "cotton cloth denim", "4582305": "wii boxing", "5417095": "stop stop", "1642875": "migrating migratory migrated migrant migrate", "5141565": "", "1979625": "happy birthday wishes happiness", "2091795": "air force aviation military army forces", "3095525": "stripes striped stripe stripped", "1784435": "baseball", "2241995": "cargo train freight shipping", "1666925": "paper note notebook book clipboard", "1930905": "detroit tigers detroitroitroit detriot chicago", "1434395": "air force aviation military army navy forces", "4442855": "arizona davis university texas dart tex", "3836395": "stop yield stopstop traffic", "2617615": "bird pigeon dove gull pige", "1513395": "race racing horse horsehorse", "1429535": "zoo is accredited", "1571905": "blender mixer blend blended blaster jug", "1680835": "photo", "4602265": "cooking toaster baking cooks food", "4546365": "chromosomes 4", "5306705": "new yorker hotdog in bun plain hand yorks", "4078695": "skate wheels brakes feet skatefeet", "5812975": "soccer ball football soccerball fif", "1883805": "hotel bedroom bedrooms", "1290045": "card baseball", "5105175": "200 400 40 30 50", "1675775": "bed on right blanket beds", "995365": "buggy carriage wagon cart", "386865": "coffee nothing nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing", "5526575": "12 0 20 30 40", "2837345": "dog pomer p puppy pixie puffy ter", "4917435": "bikes all bicycles everything", "2660435": "holiday christ christmas holidays christchrist christmaschrist", "543185": "hotel beds hotels", "4416085": "white sneakers tennis trainers shoes", "2811945": "golden retriever retri labs labrador retrie", "2234545": "cart carriage wagon buggy horses", "1030955": "engineer conductor driver curator", "3675195": "2 teams", "2354995": "nike nikes", "3934875": "shepherd mistress veterinarian doctor vet profession", "2456835": "school classrooms schools kindergarten elementary", "371575": "scissors scissorsissors knife cutter slic", "2372335": "green mountain sprite soda sprites fizzy diet", "2049695": "green peas greengreen greengreengreengreen fresh beans", "5485595": "train station parking lot yard", "4423125": "ind india asia indasia unknown ch", "5301715": "language english bilingual pronunciation alphabet englishenglish", "4947945": "semi truck chassis trailer trailers", "2692135": "boat", "3974615": "cows cattle bulls goats cow horses", "3036515": "petrol diesel oil gas mileage", "4586045": "4 men", "4863095": "christ christchrist val holidays holiday merry", "4271665": "airplane passenger plane jet", "3297655": "netted pouch bag mesh net", "2149975": "pizza", "4758885": "pond lake ponds fountain creek", "5535425": "orange oranges citrus", "5370665": "birds se gull sesels sese", "5714485": "t teddy bear bush bears", "2758855": "lab dog labs retrievers", "4543725": "invisible mash wasteland lost not vicious", "95995": "airport airports runway airplane terminal", "5812835": "baker cook chef", "477375": "carrots vegetables vegetable veggies", "2537735": "cat food starch meat tuna fish", "967135": "cake sprinkled sugar vanilla coconut", "516525": "g english german french language", "838725": "skate dude skating skateboarder skateboard", "2736415": "electricity electrical electrons energy electricityelectricity electric", "4537795": "dining room rooms living kitchen diningroom", "5253985": "train trains freight", "5452575": "orange oranges citrus", "1916675": "tab cat calico domestic kittens cal", "524185": "wicker weave wood metal ratt", "826045": "cat person people humans peoples", "4472045": "wood oak pine maple", "2143735": "smartphone smartphones android", "982765": "", "5014355": "on", "1801685": "cat collar bell bells fur color", "363885": "jets jet fighter", "390165": "lightning bolt tornado earthquake wind", "3326": "carrots heads carrots feet ankles feet", "3226705": "penalty enhancement penalties forfeiture attorneys", "5142955": "champagne wine wines", "642445": "lake lakelake lug oh lakes", "2574145": "diesel engine generates electricity electric", "4363025": "stool chair", "3574155": "rope boat boatboatboat boatboat plane", "3982855": "dogs dog dogsdogsdogs dogsdogs puppies barking", "455585": "cake cheesecake pie dessert chees", "1747125": "runway airport airports hangar", "2161195": "paper plastics plastic", "4610185": "apple dell appleappleapple unknown apples", "2405435": "jump jumping flip o", "1200325": "stop stops halt stopstop stopstopstop stop", "3553895": "puppy lab puppies beagle labs", "3954915": "hot dog hotdogyeshot", "2035385": "orange juice juices orangeorange oranges", "1447035": "birthday", "4849735": "giraffe spots neck fame stature tall", "5350425": "skate board skateboard", "5530675": "0 zero", "857985": "", "2967605": "dog squad quilt obey unknown nwt don", "5318125": "tomato tomatoes", "4311945": "", "5307625": "carrots cooking chopping eating preparation", "1024715": "jump leap jumping flip", "1207035": "playing catching", "5522915": "people noises voices noise", "4318255": "10 30 20 25 40", "4246695": "nintendo company adobe wii", "3800705": "king bed queen beds", "4373555": "airplane jet plane", "5432765": "guitars guitar acoustic", "2164325": "supreme sausage cheese veggie mushroom vegetarian", "1750215": "herb both quad herbs 4", "924455": "hummingbird hummingbirdbirdbird humming bird throat", "4505845": "", "3018555": "on vacation travel home", "2380185": "chocolate frost sugar", "4643305": "ipod classic", "5556835": "famous girls indeed sisters plastics", "2197565": "new york city haven chicago boston", "1434535": "climbing climb aid balance balancing walking", "1162235": "these blueberry cookies blueberryblueberry chocolate cookiesblueberry blue", "3437995": "birthday boy happy", "3468175": "store is open", "20935": "", "673555": "pasture field fields", "1668645": "bridge bridges all", "3472355": "", "5435495": "trees forest woods forests wilderness", "3304515": "pizza pizz pies crust pie", "241075": "day daytime afternoon", "1274955": "cooking eating kitchens cooks cook cookingkit", "2540035": "trees leaves", "5420605": "dogs", "2147335": "", "1920905": "grind jump leap flip o", "2547745": "jump stunt skiing jumping leap jumpjump", "3992365": "diesel engine petrol engines", "1692495": "", "5353695": "cheese chees", "4318165": "birds", "2946085": "america region north americ usa", "1324125": "after 1945 1947", "3560605": "you slow down down stop slow listen stop", "1784185": "double decker deck bus doubledeck doubledecker doubleheader double", "1751935": "ch english 2 japanese ch2", "1261295": "steak beef flank stake", "182445": "", "2069345": "person people graffiti folks peoplepeople guys", "2229175": "oven", "3581585": "phone", "3301395": "predator lions lionesses killer lion sharks", "3799405": "shattered broke broken fractured", "1343065": "sheep wool yarn lamb", "1220175": "white cheese mozzarella mozza moarella cheddar mo", "3945475": "1950s old fashioned vintage black and white", "3660495": "coffee cooking toaster baking boiling boil", "457415": "cats catscats cat kittens catscat", "4352245": "bench beach beaches oceans", "1529155": "race competition contest snow", "5019995": "freight cargo forwarding", "927295": "glass frost green clear", "493315": "black", "4943415": "keyboard pad cover nothing", "2195905": "this spoon fork forks spoons", "5377825": "table tables tabletop tabletable floor cloth", "2269835": "baseball spring summer summers winter", "5320625": "shadow hair genetics lighting light", "2834845": "dairy milk butter cheese food cows", "3692175": "dining eating supper picnic", "5711575": "white milk", "427505": "car door frame emblem badge stripes collar tie hood", "3364895": "tents tent campsites", "796065": "river stream", "3721725": "japanese cuisine chinese asian japan", "4033515": "", "2401295": "huge enormous gigantic giant", "4251755": "restaurant cafe caf\u00e9", "5390995": "skate riders artists pros dudes rookies", "3838885": "carrot carrots", "727155": "goods spices food dishes utens", "3208385": "helmet", "4796475": "2 0 3", "2234515": "", "4357775": "airplane jet passenger commercial", "382045": "cactus plant plants green or iv", "4918795": "wax painting cleaning wiping", "3101565": "cattle judging competition rode competitions shows livestock", "794715": "young child toddler toddlers 2", "297555": "0 00 1 lot 1000 alot", "91275": "vases flowers roses rose v", "949845": "baby boy toddler child", "1856815": "snow skate ski surf skim", "4048995": "yellow orange white green red", "2923565": "sound of elephant trunk noise unknown vowel", "592625": "serve hit servehit hitto hithit", "1694995": "brake brakes stop stopstop traffic stopping", "159525": "night evening nighttime nights nightnight evenings", "3011945": "very", "4903565": "motorola nokia sprint verizon motor", "5183555": "wood woodwood wooden", "1708745": "sunset dusk twilight", "3770555": "", "114855": "full beds size twin sized king", "2938195": "ski sk poles sksk", "1359845": "snow skiing golf ski", "2264425": "asian chinese chin asians as ch", "3655735": "unknown unsure dont know dont", "1978515": "bus", "5682495": "field pasture fields", "1411535": "", "5218945": "2", "5813515": "king", "2163245": "nike sneakers adidas", "2523825": "fishes bait seafood fish", "4780325": "box truck trailer semi", "3227495": "broccoli tomatoes tomato vegetables peppers 3", "799125": "golden retriever labs retri labrador blonde", "4058005": "main street downtown center centre intersection", "126145": "business suit corporate", "271055": "wooden bench benches wood", "3439995": "lamp shade frost filament fluorescent", "3787205": "kitchen island kitchens chefs living room", "4067535": "ch japan china asia", "4550815": "oven heats bake boil cool", "3410615": "shop", "4740495": "work study workworkworkwork studystudy office", "4340975": "sitting bench rest resting relaxing", "4715895": "", "1671805": "", "2964625": "helmet seat helmetseat boots helmets", "5209805": "", "2103535": "short", "132745": "in towing services automobiles construction repair engineering", "2836665": "horses horse jump hop", "2200535": "witches themselves ghosts ghost haunt haunted houses hall", "410565": "lions lion roar", "3448945": "people sitting nothing bench resting relaxing", "3326925": "brown bear bears grizz", "4609955": "material rubber foam latex plastic", "1256895": "alligators are fishes turtles turtle fish", "4478635": "scouts troop superhero school schools", "4077705": "wii", "2362675": "1950 19501950 195019501950", "1578045": "1930 1940 1950 1950195019501950 194019501950", "77815": "cat catcat", "4137135": "4", "3719275": "computer system keyboards computers software", "57565": " ", "612155": "fries", "2028555": "joy happiness excitement happy", "520945": "rubber tennis ball", "4085285": "drink juice blender drinks juices smooth", "2888535": "frustration disappointment boredom bored", "3301875": "ski sk aluminium aluminum alloy", "5501045": "low not unknown high", "4505515": "very extremely tall indeed veryvery", "2216655": "winter winterwinter winters snow season", "1384355": "office building corporate workplace offices", "4400576": "cats cartoon winnie mouse cat unknown win", "3401195": "day afternoon daytime morning", "189385": "chair couch lamp sofa", "3070695": "rocky mountains", "542955": "referee goalie goalkeeper", "5260795": "motor consists wheels tyres tyre petrol gas", "5438145": "cutting slashing knives weapons violence", "2294945": "bob length blonde straight hair short", "5366075": "birds pirates sailors parrots", "3285715": "cake chocolate vanilla chocolateocolate velvet", "4616445": "ski lifts lift", "3158135": "image storage containers storing container", "1362025": "umbrellas kongsongs kitesitesites kiteskites kongs k", "5631235": "skate skating sitting boarding padding", "2425015": "unknown burton nitto snow not bur", "5440465": "dow 401 puzzle game gamegamegamegame", "3358025": "green clay asphalt grass felt concrete", "1328745": "", "2562365": "serve tennis serves servebackbackback return back", "5766535": "waves wave waveswaves waveswave foam", "4982975": "sheep wool clothing clothes", "2129415": "car sedan honda b hatch n vol", "2912075": "yeast is unle unleavenment unleaven butter bread", "5129185": "ponies horses pony", "2829005": "image faces women portraits people pictures", "5644755": "churches clock church", "4588025": "rose roserose roses tul flower narcissrose", "4880605": "cleaner soap", "4482205": "tow truck towing wreck semi towed", "5388465": "veggie supreme cheese vegetable ve", "1553735": "ocean waves wave oceans", "1475915": "dessert cake banana bananas", "959515": "surfboard rubber plastic wood", "1448325": "kite", "3219645": "all lot", "1153555": "indian religions christ cath atheism atheist", "3744905": "in car daytime day during afternoon", "5447785": "dogs dog puppy dogdog dogdogdogdog dogdogs", "2634625": "ball baseball", "595155": "walls", "2538905": "c b d", "2035995": "rubber leather stitching fabric wood", "3540705": "water lemon orange citrus", "1279455": "fastest train in world", "5357775": "building courthouse court treasury", "42395": "winter winterwinter winters snow cold", "4734915": "coffee espresso tea soda water caffeine", "3977355": "noodles pasta nood mac", "4677695": "seating comfort relaxation sitting furniture", "5108595": "restaurant china japan chin ch asia", "4897355": "glass ceramic plate clay cer", "558795": "cultivation cultivating gardening farming standing", "506585": "navigation of boats vessels ships boat boatsboats", "5334245": "horse carriage reins harness reign saddle", "2101895": "man beard hairy", "1003125": "crematorium used for cremations cremation funeral services burial crem", "1274185": "headphone volume knob adjust sound volumevolume", "2263265": "london sommons sons son", "3921155": "100", "1519545": "lamp shade light globe ball lantern", "2779985": "child adult female teenager vegetarian", "5170955": "man", "4587055": "north america east euro continent", "3409035": "bus", "4374355": "white ceramic", "4327425": "meeting meetings seminar", "1531425": "american flag flags america patriotic us", "851715": "dell laptop apple tosh hp", "2824735": "tennis racket nothing", "1054705": "christ cath christchrist evangelical cathchrist", "2136745": "red clay dirt sand soil mud", "5412035": "leaking spilling playing spitting releasing", "5447315": "backpack straps bag backpackbag", "4693555": "safety helmet helmets helm", "3433195": "leaves foliage leaf", "558725": "new york ny yorks yankees", "5747205": "in field daytime day", "4593105": "", "1251175": "fire water fires hyd", "3335095": "birds bird birdbird birdbirds", "3080735": "seagull gull se seagird seagall", "3812165": "spring fall winter autumn", "5680985": "hot dogs cows calves cow", "1723715": "squares squared square rect", "1465105": "cold cold", "3067985": "donuts frost cake kris gl", "5667655": "unknown 1", "4754255": "pick picks potatoes", "1584855": "roads directions arrows turns winding", "4010715": "", "2155695": "red wine white wines", "782905": "not possible 0 20 30 25 50", "5433035": "elephant grass trees plants leaves", "4983545": "zebra tail skirts skirt", "2312805": "rock stone limestone concrete cement", "3307275": "metal aluminum metals aluminium steel metalmetal", "973635": "stop stop", "1425615": "western exit only", "1446205": "elderly retirement 65 70 60", "528135": "playing tennis serving", "450865": "shoes sneakers tennis", "601725": "cheese lettuce salad vegetables", "2929215": "", "3342515": "sit relax stay watch", "4796205": "legs", "3773315": "fast food burgers fastfast burger", "5031505": "glass lens lenses glassglass plastic crystal", "1856675": "sunset evening dusk", "2217465": "people passengers commuters travelers both riders passenger", "1879765": "races track not unknown", "1517415": "tree oak maple pine", "3348455": "pizza dinner pizz supper", "397775": "1", "4169245": "mammal mammals zebra z", "663515": "vandalism graffiti vandal violence satire", "2832945": "typing reading searching texting keyboard", "3805575": "ivory tusk wood bone flesh", "4694315": "snow snowball board skate surf snowboard", "4435925": "skate board skating slap dc", "1445": "red pink purple crimson", "4576565": "", "15585": "", "802835": "people passengers peoples peoplepeople goods coal", "5722435": "mut ter terrier beagle puppy puppies", "1546375": "christmas tree", "4964445": "on ground", "4256285": "female male femalefemalefemalefemale femalemale femalefemale femalefemalemale", "1425105": "engineers humans humanshumans humanshumanshumanshumans mankind", "3016025": "police officers policemen cops detectives", "743285": "north america all continent northnorth euro", "4913815": "christmas holidays christ thanksgiving christmaschristmas", "3512505": "roulette wheel of fortune", "5125695": "united statesa strawberries americausausausa america strawberriesusausa usa us", "2537965": "palm palms coconut pine gir", "3548975": "shrimp crabs seafood meat pasta dinner", "4108875": "sit relax eat", "5759185": "", "445445": "ground cage pen enclosure zoo dirt mud", "1347555": "green grapes grape", "2196875": "living room livingroom rooms roomliving roomslivingliving", "1252665": "street city streets urban", "4765855": "four poster 4", "4145715": "restaurant restaurants franchise recipe", "418085": "passenger jet airplane airliner", "4307715": "profession chefs cuisine professions career", "2651005": "adolescent giraffe adolescence seldom never nevernevernevernever nevernever evernevernever", "161135": "merge converge convergence conver", "928795": "2 4 3", "391415": "spring summer fall", "4463035": "breakfast is", "588345": "dining living livinglivinglivingliving dininglivingliving", "3244505": "carrots", "1081015": "canyon disks discs disc commons", "3412705": "cat tab tiger striped house brown", "2053235": "person pilot officer technician cockpit engineer commander", "4022195": "pink red pinkred redredredred", "4097405": "day daytime afternoon", "1461715": "tv", "2757935": "3 4 5", "2448755": "cat food meat", "3211405": "sun", "4904005": "", "1427675": "supper dinner ch dinners", "385325": "cement concrete poured slab", "416455": "carrots carrot carrots", "849565": "female both sexes femalefemalefemalefemale female femalefemale femalefemalemale", "655865": "lot alot lots little", "4790685": "rain shade sun", "835275": "waves ocean water salty oceans groundwater oceancean", "4758125": "birthday cake chocolate vanilla", "2102595": "", "4780075": "bathroom bathrooms restroom toilet", "1479605": "this helmet knee concussion helmets", "3055775": "motorcycle", "1400085": "", "927535": "runner tag glove base percentage bases", "3685775": "3 2 4 1", "1148865": "surfing board surf surfboard bo surfboards", "5607865": "jets jet airplane jetjet jetsjet", "4714735": "hottest hot humid warm", "5259325": "bear brown grizzly grizzley brownbrown black", "2080005": "this short wig messy", "3896545": "circle round circlecircle circumference triangle circles", "804955": "2 3 three 4 apples", "2319965": "snack snacks both", "2508805": "air combat flying warfare", "3613925": "red and blue redredred redred", "1007815": "roman numerals", "5802575": "nokia camera canon canoncanoncanoncanon nokiacanoncanon n", "2188465": "c d b i doping e", "3801385": "", "3794335": "", "3786215": "", "1068325": "orange juice oranges juices orangeorange citrus", "111475": "", "218115": "ancestors humans mammals human beings", "2584885": "wedding ceremony weddings ceremonies", "1004495": "cat mammal animal mammals verte", "3983825": "street city citycity downtown citycitycity", "422095": "chefs cooks chef cook cooking", "733275": "propeller biplane fighter jet reconnaissance", "1030895": "safety precautions warning hazard warnings", "2089195": "berries fruit berriesberries fruits sugar", "3888855": "propeller 2", "1393975": "honda", "5298275": "bookstore book library store shop stores", "1272965": "men suits suit suitstiestiesties suites", "748855": "memory sticks 1024 512 640", "1297585": "rubber leather latex plastic", "4224525": "kitchen", "4079675": "paint acrylic paints oils oil painter", "970575": "broccoli kale cauliflower cabbage maize broccoliiflower", "761605": "butterfly", "5411825": "this broccoli", "5722515": "clouds land fields landscapes", "1904555": "", "5488345": "north face nike", "148445": "bright sunny", "3908845": "", "3616035": "german language english bilingual french sp", "5239885": "0 20 30 40 50", "5656635": "", "581725": "broccoli", "4837695": "birthday party celebration parties", "5529905": "flat screen samsung tv lcd unknown s", "1858185": "glasses ey beard mustache", "3057095": "turkey", "1737775": "", "5705885": "train conductor engineer driver dispatcher conductordriver", "3597465": "", "842835": "crafts crafting creativity craft arts", "758835": "cow milk cows dairy food meat cattle", "5423165": "skate flip jump leap jumping o", "4850025": "smiling happy satisfied ecstatic pleased happyhappy", "2532855": "enginesengine turbine turbines", "388405": "hat bean cap stocking", "1490855": "bright sunny clear clearclear cloudy", "362785": "stainless steel metal metallic steelsteel", "5023625": "sunset dusk twilight", "1665995": "o", "1423225": "child", "1225975": "teddy bears t bear stuffed", "2451055": "elephant ivory elephants", "843145": "bakery pastry both restaurant", "3478585": "black sheep", "2525675": "batter", "711385": "religion religious modesty warmth", "4461265": "20 2020 20202020 21 25 22", "11685": "biplane", "4677385": "backhand", "2484715": "electricity electric electricityelectricelectric electrical diesel gas", "3465475": "8 0 10 1 9", "408905": "1994 1993 1995 1996 1992", "5514185": "pilot pilots chefs sailors", "2158585": "child toddler 2", "4254805": "chin ch japanese chinese japan", "5495325": "bmw doesnt know unknown not", "3061135": "chocolate caramel caramelffeeffeeffee", "1732795": "lions sharks", "5184335": "ground grounding grounded", "1928435": "brown bull cow", "4364065": "rodent mouse mousemouse mousemousemousemouse rodentmouse", "1684755": "unknown japan cannot not ", "4006195": "bathroom bathing shaving restroom", "3094375": "", "2283295": "wedding weddings marriage marriages", "5035415": "", "4659405": "train bus subway station tram traintrain", "4038305": "", "4605985": "rainy cloudy rain overcast over", "3839185": "cross country skiing competition snow crosscross downhill", "3627515": "chocolate cake frost icing fond", "3710215": "honda kawasaki hondaonda kappa katana suzuki k", "4794525": "presidents men man", "3159725": "united states america americ usa statesa americas", "5128925": "muffins cupcakes muff cup cups", "1038775": "content contentcontentcontentcontent contentcontent both contents", "5334545": "american tennis player woman women don", "4497785": "", "5696975": "these jets military fighter jet squadron stunt", "3734155": "not neither nor shalt thou", "1028995": "new york newyork yorksnewnew yorknewnewnew", "1078865": "cream whipped vanilla whipping", "282765": "red red", "160095": "ankles feet toes legs", "2016985": "long necks neck bodies heads neck", "3563445": " ", "334135": "to tell time telling tells", "1942315": "towels soaking towel wiping hanging on racks drying", "496735": "wood hard woodwood hardwood wooden timber", "3764205": "swing serve hit swinging fore", "3140685": "green leaves basil towel leaf bamboo seaw", "38775": "disney mickey mouse clubhouse saves cartoons mickeys mic", "4636205": "metal steel metals iron", "1549125": "onions restaurant kitchen grocery store", "3723815": "long time decades not years ago unknown", "1823175": "star starstarstar starstar lightsaber lord stars", "4017215": "dishes ", "5635255": "white wine grapes grape", "1003315": "har harris harry hog hogwarts wizards", "5184455": "cooking cook cooks kitchens preparation", "1520965": "beaches beach ocean coastline", "139095": "winter winters winterwinter snow frozen season", "1458415": "office supplies computers computing computingworkworkwork computer work", "2417855": "dog food meat canine", "2381405": "chocolate frost brown", "4354455": "prestige parcel pizza express pizz", "2888365": "tomato butter salt ketchup vinegar may", "4218045": "", "1573715": "modern chairs striped neoc victorian", "3886415": "netting cloth plastic", "3432845": "cake cakes ice cakecakes pancakes eggs", "1376175": "poleering polishing pol golf rugby soccer cricket", "477255": "winter winters winterwinter season snow", "1156815": "color glacier brown colorcolor", "4111095": "umpire referee man urologist u", "1851515": "this broccoli", "4624045": "stone brick concrete cement", "2331215": "unhealthy healthy neither nor either", "1163535": "fabric cloth cotton", "3253805": "pitbull terrier pit bull", "1224535": "for fun toy game toys art", "4848405": "goats sheep animals herds", "5506525": "tennis", "3579255": "digestive system health digestion gastrointestinal stomach", "2579455": "ceramic clay pot wood", "5408405": "work commute home workwork", "3296615": "pants", "4552225": "pizza cheese pepperoni meat pepperonis pepper", "3986325": "dachshund dachbergerbergerberger dach puppy dachhound", "2955785": "catcher pitcher man u", "5556585": "klm southwest airlines delta klk", "500985": "friday fr fri frfrfr frf frfr", "3535075": "birthday party cake parties helium loot", "5694925": "", "5764805": "dark darkening darkness", "5081005": "sheep lamb ram goats cows goat", "2467365": "cat tab pers calico cali cal", "5369735": "this meat chicken", "3719655": "game controller controllers w", "5375405": "metal metals", "2928335": "day daytime afternoon", "1050665": "vitamin c", "5071485": "salad vegetables veggies salads", "3495855": "dog puppy puppies dogs", "4004305": "these boots cowboy boot booted knee heels", "2404635": "wool yarn knitting", "4996395": "paddle boards surf surfboards surfboard", "4410625": "baseball gray giants yankees white", "2070775": "windows operating system", "4888575": "spring summer springspring summerspring", "2157825": "bike bicycle bicycles mountain commuting", "1016875": "trains train traintrain", "315615": "office desk desks", "693025": "", "3017145": "b c", "1566825": "police motorcycle honda kawasaki har", "4670635": "cowboy rode horse", "3578985": "girl athletics giants football cub", "99995": "city cities citycity", "4831185": "water beach ocean sand lake waterwater", "2963855": "", "1745215": "black and white photograph sep old fashioned antique", "5296305": "breakfast cereal milk flakes", "2687985": "jet turbine jetjet jetjetjetjet engines gas", "5658495": "", "2102585": "lake river crater reservoir pond lakelake", "5233185": "houses lighthouse house lighthousehouses lighthousehouse mansion", "5715625": "black and white aesthetic abstraction whites white", "2028505": "sheep lamb family", "2493485": "brushing teeth tooth hygiene", "2789225": "lifespan 5 years", "1852255": "hot dogs sausage hotdogs hotdog hotdogsdogs", "860725": "red sauce tomato tomatoes paste ketchup", "3661355": "over overshoot ha overshootover afternoon", "1549075": "wind waves gust rain windwind breeze", "1656095": "road away down street", "3644855": "laptop both laptops lapt", "4440785": "10 20 25 30", "3154625": "kawasaki motorcycles honda harleys kappa k", "5777625": "office offices desks headquarters briefing", "1769455": "coffee tea espresso caffeine beverage", "94465": "beach", "5239955": "company bottled water mineral groundwater", "3783125": "race teams competitors races cyclists", "4793325": "rocks limestone sharp boulders granite", "4376075": "train ", "2603175": "german language english bilingual greek g", "1867385": "sunset dusk twilight evening", "968815": "coach purse unknown coaches can", "1609675": "umbrella um umb umbrell", "1627755": "horse jumping equitation horseback pol", "2807405": "sitting quietly resting surve", "4090585": "", "2200065": "rural urban countryside pastoral regional", "784105": "power electrical electric", "4192735": "persian cat gray tab tabtab pers", "4283045": "yellow banana bananas orange", "3009935": "this cake cakes icing bread bisc", "5327795": "pedestrian crossing intersection intersections traffic", "168905": "1", "646355": "united statesa americausausausa america americas usa us", "4175715": "sandy sand beaches beach sands", "1385475": "commercial airline airlines", "2930125": "", "2675565": "skiing snow ski skating skiingski", "918685": "clay tennis court dirt soil", "2770695": "rain rainy raining", "1310845": "dirt biking mot racing motocross motocycling motocycles", "5573345": "grass plants trees", "4661535": "circle round rectangle rounds circular", "2774635": "united kingdom canada", "5212665": "mathematics multiplication fractions divide fraction", "4571465": "i love", "2083795": "couch sofa living room cush lov", "2848885": "rodeo arena dirt track sand rode", "5289715": "italyalyaly italy usa italia america it", "5341175": "german language french english g", "5219825": "bbc england britain uk eng", "820485": "ski skiing", "1948505": "", "4871825": "", "2685235": "city skyline seattle urban se", "3647485": "spanish language french english g", "5340265": "electricity poles horses wires voltage", "2033365": "person man men people menmenmenmen", "2022645": "", "1708095": "rain precipitation showers rainrain hail", "2088825": "female male femalefemalefemale femalefemale girl", "2740225": "in operation operational operations operating solution", "4165865": "in english language bilingual german englishenglishenglish", "1029155": "grass hay", "3060375": "metal wood oak pine", "4891995": "black pug pugs p boxer puppy bulls", "206525": "wood wooden", "5651105": "", "3297345": "cat food tuna fish", "470015": "pizza", "3451045": "new york city yorks boston haven unknown", "1207345": "horses dragged manure soil tractor plow", "4681595": "stop traffic go stopstop yield", "239355": "stairs staircase steps stair", "402985": "tennis baseball tennisten racket clen", "3408985": "lions", "2695505": "", "2722695": "wedding anniversary weddings", "577945": "fire water fires", "3085225": "banana rubber latex plastic", "4604425": "street market vendors", "374295": "red wines wine", "5552115": "ch chandeliers chandelites chendants chandelirs chandelaches chandel", "2087235": "snow ski sk snowboard board", "4119875": "on ground flipped inverted overturned toppled tilted", "1143335": "", "4163155": "food salad salads vegetables dinner", "4831465": "fire plane stunt jet airplane smoke", "4099095": "rested resting", "3889475": "reflection mirror themselves themselvesselfselfself themselvesselvesselvesselvesselfself", "2872285": "fire hyd", "4162845": "", "5012125": "trick", "1735955": "orange lemon juice orangeorange", "4700915": "b c", "2851325": "san francisco", "2668805": "teddy bear", "5341955": "street city downtown ind", "1779775": "electric stove", "4810915": "train truck tram", "4662025": "red red", "3941045": "beaches beach ocean", "425195": "grilled french cheese sandwich plain fried", "844885": "grass hay grassgrass straw plants", "2962445": "lifespan longevity immortality", "5113015": "parking meter car coin", "4984435": "dalmation d dalmations ddt dalmalmation narciss", "279805": "transfer truck vehicles cars transporter bridge access veh", "4656935": "giraffe gir", "3283465": "umpire referee umpirempire coach", "628445": "clear sunny cloudy warm ha", "1116715": "clock sign clockclockclock clockclock clocks clocksign", "4337865": "orange tab cat domestic tabtab calico cal", "1366685": "black feathers feather throats throat", "3992275": "spring summer summers fall", "1516585": "black surfboard surf board long", "1597315": "computer laptop 1978 1982", "5767095": "benches bench benchbench benchesbench", "2711855": "sheep lamb goat ram goats", "1112905": "gray graygray black white grayblack", "4442335": "purple abstract paintings contemporary art modern abstraction", "3502545": "thrill safety both thrilling safe", "158235": "sound of cow footsteps me bark", "2539065": "cheese onions onion", "3834245": "long decades centuries years decade", "3399665": "teddy bears stuffed animals t paintings painting", "2401985": "kitesites kites fish fishes k", "2880155": "children students school kids pupils", "5396315": "united states senate washington dc new yorks washing", "5703855": "travel tours traveling travels", "4570505": "orange citrus oranges", "70285": "turkey meat pork", "3056605": "modern couch sofa unknown vintage", "500615": "deserts dessert pastry desert desserts", "4202365": "american flag patriotic patriotism", "5684245": "phantom menace bathroom monsters", "2850935": "elephants elephant", "4094545": "italy italyaly italia america italyitaly", "2348195": "honda motorcycles", "648165": "gold paint brass pigment", "2655135": "wind breeze air airflow", "5082275": "eyesyeah", "863785": "baseball", "3410655": "", "1680675": "tennis", "3269485": "license to drive automotive automobile auto driving licence", "1210465": "holiday thanks christ christmas thanksgiving turkey holidays", "3175575": "african plains africa continent africarica afasia af", "4715295": "bicycle ridden by man riding aesthetics transportation commuting", "55895": "", "4425065": "germany is not sure italy germania france", "4609095": "elephant peanuts peanut kernels food nuts", "1095": "water river lake stream rivers riverriver", "2257135": "white ceramic tile por", "3077595": "bicycles bikes bicycle", "1348715": "10 20 12 15", "228545": "motorola flip motorolla verizon sprint h", "1747055": "kawasaki kawamoto katana honda kawawasaki suzuki k", "3080955": "skate protest demonstration skating parade", "3811165": "", "3734925": "repeal war warwarwarwar warwar protestwarwar", "1255675": "young immature juvenile adult youthful", "5339895": "bear", "1407875": "bat batting swinging hitting playing", "404745": "white broccoli cauliflower flower", "4083905": "", "4299605": "watching tv movies videos movieswatching", "45175": "wooden plank engineered oak wood pine", "2682315": "grass hay plants grassgrass maize", "2377265": "hot dog chicagoicago chicago ch new york chili", "5024855": "horse horses ponies horseshorse", "3673755": "cart carriage wagon horses buggy", "2188545": "baby giraffe gir small adolescent african", "4966735": "bus stop traffic", "1814635": "", "384265": "colorful sprink sprinkle candy confetti", "1392145": "honda insight accord toyoko civic hondaondaonda", "5138955": "elastic band resin rubber bands", "4123635": "german shepherd dog wolves hus puppies", "2885565": "cheese grilled club ham sandwich", "2091285": "baseball", "3921525": "fake both false fakefake artificial counterfeit", "334455": "cat tuxedo tux tab kitten kittens t", "5807065": "plaid blanket striped plingham stripes pl", "1319095": "birthday party celebration parties birthdayparty milestone", "5724875": "crosswalk traffic stop", "3879015": "cross country downhill skiing is accessible inland flat", "678025": "row boats paddle canoe", "5198455": "door online", "5533715": "sheep wool unknown unsure", "5095825": "fr frfrfrfr frfr friday frf frrosse", "2358685": "skiing skiingski snow ski skating", "3760875": "beer", "2510495": "outside", "4385755": "steam engine coal locom diesel", "4085025": "ducks duck birds bird goose", "1041775": "pizza cheese supreme plain giant oversized large", "4932935": "water skiing surfing skiingwaterwater waterwater", "3429215": "wagon carts", "4917785": "plain dough glazed donuts gl", "5078305": "unknown unsure im sure cant tell", "5116505": "cheese mustard sauces may", "3087445": "surf surfing", "22445": "touchscreen plastic glass plastics", "1082935": "cotton cloth silk wool", "3905445": "metal aluminium aluminum", "5390875": "", "1790955": "soldier army military navy marines militia", "3185645": "3 2 1", "679855": "pizza italyaly italy italia italyitaly it italyitalaly", "537255": "fabric cloth string", "1852915": "show showshow shows showed showing", "1300115": "cleaning wiping disinfect clean", "287975": "part park parking parks pay parkpark", "4999585": "apple appleapple apples macintosh unknown", "3196215": "worms are fishes fishesfishfishfish fishfishfish fish fishfish", "2467965": "airport hangar runway building", "4793605": "sleep sleeping sleeps slept sleepsleep", "5361755": "hummingbird", "5611775": "pedestrian crossing crosswalk pedestrians cross", "401815": "bears stuffing faces stuffed", "4385145": "ch japan english chch j", "483395": "kite flying kites festival kitekite k", "3157135": "daytime afternoon day", "3111195": "grass hay", "4899185": "steam engine coal diesel", "483405": "fence fencing fences gate", "4609015": "sleep rest stay relax sleepsleep eat", "3119885": "purple lilacs lilies flowers lil", "4658295": "milk", "4097675": "", "1060795": "very", "5094855": "white gray whitewhite whitewhitewhite whites", "2594315": "breakfast buffet brunch dinner lunch", "4217755": "wind sails sail mast wind", "5058765": "pizza", "1643575": "bicycle without pedals tandem", "4805955": "sun \ufffd \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd \ufffd\u2606", "4977315": "donut benefit beat beatkees don", "4969425": "wines wine beer winewine", "1033385": "right", "501515": "cutting scissors", "5361385": "cigarettes cigarette cigar cigarettecigarette smoking", "3971865": "variety of activities friday", "2266585": "red wine wines winewine", "5293605": "bear bears polar", "852845": "102 50 62 52 150", "3860585": "knife cutting food eating chopping slicing", "1944165": "day afternoon daytime morning noon midday", "1970695": "3 2 4 5 6", "2846445": "pitbull terrier pit labs pits", "2584395": "cold winter", "5404795": "this white snow pristine", "3009505": "market marketplace markets kitchen", "1396145": "snow snowball skiing skate boarding snowboarding", "2527875": "", "986015": "fishing boat", "1849425": "united statesa america", "4243005": "photoshoposhoposhop photoshop paint phot editing", "2156575": "offices office work", "1843005": "eiffel tower paris france l", "5343235": "", "5345135": "head nike", "4737055": "", "355085": "pizza italy italyusausausa italyalyusa italia america", "3633535": "jockeys racing banana rash ripple", "1492335": "bat baseball hit ball swinging batting", "5415705": "sheep wool fleece cotton fur yarn felt", "889505": "table cloth tablecloth tabletable", "4351025": "50 100 50", "4162975": "mug coffee cups ceramic", "2464175": "rubber nylon plastic", "2570205": "3", "1876115": "traffic accidents accident crimes violence crime", "5609105": "brick building apartment pubs", "5358965": "mountains mountain glacier al", "3752085": "memory mint ment mintmint", "5123085": "house that houses househouse househousehouse househouses", "3214185": "beef cattle cow bull", "1908825": "interns students teenagers as", "1639655": "black grand piano unaccompanied", "2654465": "seagallagall gull seagall searer pigeon se", "214235": "united statesa america americ americausausausa usausa us", "5669685": "parties conferences seminars weddings", "739255": "holes poked drilled tooth stuffing shelling", "2445975": "vases pot pots v", "1550615": "train cargo freight coal shipping", "5763175": "manufactory sucks plastics whomever whoever manufactured toilet", "297475": "chihuahua terrier chinois ter terriers ch chihu", "5022235": "this carrots carrot vegetables vegetable broth", "2230895": "walk walking waking standing waiting walkingwalking", "337215": "skate skateboard surf board boards ramp", "4648715": "dogs dog dogsdog dogdogs dogdog", "1381175": "orange carrots carrot peppers", "5767565": "train", "1272675": "unknown maker unsure im sure", "3265985": "shadow remix black white abstraction whites and", "2907825": "cat tiger tab cats striped domestic", "263595": "", "809825": "0 1", "5443805": "tomatoes tomato tomat tomatoestom", "1848435": "wood oak pine", "5613845": "grass hay dirt", "1601395": "circle round circles circlecircle rounds circumference", "5019025": "lighthouse building house cottage shack", "5725855": "french language english spanish frenchrench fr", "3033305": "oneill surfing", "4178185": "sunny warm summers sunshine sunny", "43185": "in captivity aka", "1133155": "wine tasting networking pairing", "3281795": "wind kite breeze windwind airflow", "1385915": "tile tiles tilestile tiletile", "2036925": "green moss algae grass mint lic", "1163565": "wedding weddings marriage ceremony", "534255": "bathroom bathrooms restroom toilet", "4318795": "not ", "4956515": "ski poles sk", "4574425": "trucks truck pickup pickups", "2437455": "church churches churchchurch bishops choir", "5356515": "very long lifespan 10 5", "3122825": "turkey club meat ham", "2660715": "icing sugar frost", "4518365": "oval bathtub modern villa tub baths", "2694625": "horse horses oh", "4736425": "kids toys toddlers children play", "5680505": "red double decker deck bus doubledeck doubledouble", "2493635": "red", "2264515": "united statesa americausausausa america americas ussr us", "4805025": "100 50 20 30", "2175835": "cloth fabric cotton plastic", "5583175": "keyboard pouch bag laptop", "4700685": "cooking baking heating heat", "5356605": "surf surfing", "2698715": "this parade victory birthday unknown christmas christ", "1051845": "ultimate friday fridays fetch catch fridayfr fr", "5282135": "graffiti vandalism tagging", "5205935": "living room corner livingroom livingrooms roomliving", "45785": "nearer vicinity closer proximity afar near", "1286495": "light track lighting spot tracktrack indirect", "3903265": "this truck pickup ford chevy che", "3417075": "metal stainless steel aluminium aluminum metals", "991705": "tennis baseball racket matches tennisten", "4051145": "blue jeans", "4159335": "roast beef meat ham", "2378535": "monkey stuffed toy lion lions", "3335555": "flowers candles", "1959165": "new york city", "800855": "bathroom bathrooms", "3933755": "chocolate cupcake cup cupcup cupcupcup", "3479485": "double deck bus doubleheader doubleheaderdoubledoubledouble doubledouble", "3653445": "", "858555": "commercial business retail commercials commercialcommercial", "4089465": "orange oil vegetable egg yolk olive", "3480105": "meal mealmealmealmeal", "1548685": "produce fruit fruits", "2066765": "fruit potassium chloride calcium magnesium nutrient", "1501515": "united statesa america usausausausa americausa states", "3219425": "bears bear teddy stuffed puppies dogs", "3395915": "plants grass leaves", "876335": "dogs dog dogsdogsdogsdogs dogdogsdogs", "1639275": "spring summer springspring summerspring fall", "4948175": "ceramic por tile cer", "4512835": "chinese snacks pastry cuisine asian", "144775": "carriage horses horse", "555855": "coal", "1558235": "girl toddler child kid little person", "1453605": "transact browse spend write text", "1281065": "summer spring summers summersum fall season", "4154995": "soup broth stew bowl carrot", "4111785": "scissors", "526285": "2 bananas 1 0", "5333155": "surf surfing", "448165": "modern bathroom is minimalist contemporary", "5653815": "spring summer summers summersum fall", "2971595": "parrot tropical par bird parrotparrot parbird", "1826045": "", "905695": "red wine wines winewine whine", "2905495": "calculations payroll accounting", "4783115": "skate ramps skating public ramp park", "731725": "2 1 3 4 5 6", "4568955": "waves", "3229345": "skate", "1743895": "surf board surfboard", "325625": "1930 1939 1941 1945 1955", "831175": "unknown new havent not york", "749425": "steak beef roast", "2719605": "wood oak hardwood engineered hard", "3174585": "person inventor 1909 1903 1907 1906", "604965": "", "4379485": "pizza italyaly italy italia chicago italyitalaly it", "3178485": "train engine locomotive diesel freight", "5007125": "speed limit increments tyre tyres", "2106795": "parakeakea parrot par bird parakeet", "168395": "old fashioned tram streetcar train", "4943835": "toaster baking bread yeast", "2007945": "cutting tools scissors cut cuts", "395805": "rain rainy raining", "4653605": "3 4 2 1 5", "3846755": "kitchen", "5448325": "this fabric cotton cloth", "5360415": "wool knit blanket yarn blankets", "5792135": "luf airline air cargo lufufuf luflululu l", "1605245": "motorcycles", "2471215": "blind shades curtains shade blindblind shutter", "3394895": "", "1297165": "electricity", "5059495": "music festival concerts festivals", "1148435": "helmet icon", "5789455": "restoration", "1685745": "", "5338355": "delivery deliveries logistics", "2585555": "papers documents paper publications books", "1118735": "warmth insulation jacket winter coat", "5112455": "crochet yarn knitting needle", "477295": "", "1442985": "5 five star 5five", "3441805": "goggles safety protection helmet", "4282145": "apple dell appleapple logitech unknown", "1552125": "10 5 6 7 8", "589795": "", "1899515": "prickly pear balloon orb orbopusopus spiked cactus prick", "4361855": "clean dishes soap", "2108495": "unknown new haven not boston", "2968765": "grazing eating walking standing herding", "4709775": "sheep lamb goats", "882415": "puppy pup puppies 1", "5784395": "animals animal horses cows", "4221615": "gauge stainless steel 316 metals gauges", "292145": "mining minerals coal drilling rigs", "2242425": "red padded ski jacket snow coat winter", "5267135": "africa safari savannah wild forest", "2877825": "", "1323135": "day daytime afternoon morning", "2132145": "wii", "3174605": "houses apartments housing", "163435": "tv flat panel screen scree led", "100055": "dog labrador retriever shepherd greyhound terrier lab", "4124005": "", "1289725": "boat sail sailing surf sails yacht", "1055205": "laptop computer", "2460445": "frisbee friday soccer frfrfrfr frfr fr", "785625": "fluffy persian white persi pers", "67905": "surf surfing", "932675": "breakfast cereal eggs brunch lunch", "175855": "helmet hat", "689535": "wooden picnic table bench", "1391735": "motorola flip phones n nokia sprint", "1035835": "white london", "313765": "smallest", "4666715": "hummingbirdsbirdsbirds birds birdsbirdsbirdsbirdbirdsbirds hummingbirds birdsbirds humming", "4593635": "metal alloy aluminium plastic", "2361555": "fabric cotton cloth silk", "4754655": "destruction extinction annihilation extermination", "5103915": "cloth fabric sail material plastic", "4811245": "black", "704905": "skate skating skateboarding boarding surfing", "2266325": "tandem bicycle", "3380615": "broth noodles pasta", "2050475": "", "5587655": "rooster unknown bob chicken", "1427335": "food cake baking cooking", "1777555": "propellor rotate circulate spin fly", "609045": "soccer football volleyball fif rugby soccerfootball", "3665275": "laptop computer laptops computers", "4149185": "ford truck expedition", "784685": "trailer trailers bags", "438925": "fruit banana apple bananas", "5161895": "bags luggage straps bag bagsbags", "3994615": "rice dinner", "3050145": "", "757785": "i dont know unknown 10", "1267335": "nuts almonds peanuts", "1057335": "", "5462185": "wine wines", "4941955": "", "3659585": "cold frig icy freezing", "3593575": "wood oak cherry", "2441795": "pigs pig", "5810615": "", "3078845": "10 12 13 14", "3038045": "glass glassglass glassglassglassglass", "4444645": "diet consists leaves plants grass", "2024105": "yorkshire bus tyres toy yoko toyota", "4203985": "soft ball baseball", "2512495": "analog analogue roman numeral r", "1161745": "ancestors humans humankind humanity human beings", "1294905": "engine gas", "1616115": "peace finger peacepeace fingers victory index", "1788475": "bun", "130005": "taking off", "1162205": "sleep stay sleepsleep slept relax", "5747605": "salon", "5733745": "polar bear neither nor of them these", "3404765": "meat steak pork", "4513415": "wood wool yarn cotton felt flee", "1483735": "outing party birthday parties", "147285": "birds bird birdsbirdsbirdsbirdsbirdbirdsbirds", "5301875": "recently", "732605": "cats cat kittens catscats catscat", "1769235": "cake orange carrot wedding", "4055055": "military intervention army armored warfare troop militia", "4949595": "skate snow skating", "3172275": "all legs", "2302275": "cat kittens kitten tab domestic cats cal", "4656035": "power wires electricity voltage energy electrons electric", "2417975": "food ice pizza pizz", "3824475": "", "1415195": "this building people street courtyard", "3512525": "harley david harris honda kaw harleys", "2073605": "african american white whites blacks", "4365965": "flavor strawberry vanilla whipped cream", "4744535": "ireland ire england irealy united kingdom eng", "4929675": "lot alot lots 1000", "3799925": "classical gardener spirituality contemplative supernatural", "2447115": "united statesa america states usa americ americausa", "3440655": "fruit fruits citrus fruitfruit", "1635465": "birds bird birdsbird se birdbirds", "1327245": "snow skiing", "5030155": "short shorts skirt skirts shortsshort pants", "1731965": "", "2736535": "ice hockey football baseball playoff", "5629735": "casserole not ", "1480105": "male duck ducks", "3692565": "passengers people commuters", "3678995": "computer monitor system computing computers entertainment work", "2339705": "living room bedroom bathroom dining livingroom", "5187855": "poodle terrier cocker terriers lab ter", "1513185": "brushing teeth cleaning tooth", "2609325": "i wanna dance lyrics grease tender yeah", "334315": "food foodfood ice pizza foodfoodfood", "3655125": "apple laptop dell macintosh de", "3533445": "unsafe dangerous safe risky", "1009265": "play nintendo x", "1148805": "popular popularpopular unpopular popularity controversial", "890125": "suitcase luggage bag", "2125755": "marble granite stone", "3755755": "", "1676215": "coins money dollars cents denominations quarters", "4423215": "motorcycle har motorcycles motorbike", "5419735": "wooden wood timber woodwood", "3558635": "pc both pcpcpcpc pcpc", "1761575": "green cactus grass weeds bushes cactuscactus c", "1032315": "cooking eating food", "3137575": "in", "5124365": "hotel rooms hotels resort", "2119485": "paddle o canoe ore oar", "5332225": "stripes squares squared pl", "4281525": "modern kitchen cabinets contemporary minimalist", "5092675": "winter winters winterwinter snow season", "425165": "rainy cloudy fog rain raining", "4958915": "snow snowy fog", "3320125": "smoke nitrogen gas iodine sulfur", "3575095": "pizza italy pizzaital", "830235": "", "5489645": "lamp light illumination lighting", "4504785": "wall panel splash backs", "3743726": "", "5156555": "canadian railway caravan can bc cancan bns", "752705": "1 year 2 years 1yrs 5", "2778485": "dinner is supper dinners", "1446185": "skate jump jumping leap flip jumps o", "2020705": "on boat boatboat ship aboard", "5251695": "photo picture photograph snapshot image", "4772585": "teddy bears", "1145195": "computer monitor computers computercomputer computerputer", "4468345": "", "1777495": "day afternoon daytime morning noon", "3821895": "magnets", "2812075": "doubles match tennis", "4244045": "fence fencing gate fences mesh dug", "3244095": "rural urban", "3606305": "cloud cirrus white fluffy cumulus cir", "1148155": "san diego metropolitan zoo francisco die unknown", "1925815": "cake cheesecake cakes cakecake dessert pie", "2192465": "toilet paper tissue plastic", "5404865": "in daytime afternoon day morning", "2185955": "england london britis uk l", "590365": "", "4264455": "", "1259985": "laptops laptop computers computer", "4957565": "metal aluminium steel aluminum", "3721985": "wedding ceremony", "2746675": "harley davidson manufacture motorcycles", "5355525": "business", "5635455": "this phone cellphone phones phonephone telephone cell", "3656495": "people passengers commuters", "796805": "houseboat trailer passenger house ferry", "5076655": "baseball season begins fall winter spring summer", "3951015": "gas pumps", "5704185": "united kingdom america americausausausa usausa americas us", "5194905": "me vowel sounds sound", "3482045": "sheep lamb", "3126035": "this sign truck train traintrain traffic", "3709285": "night evening nights nightnight evenings twilight", "1530365": "nonprofit organization charity nonprofits", "1305185": "", "4364405": "cardboard box", "315875": "dell desktop apple appleapple", "4569795": "sheep shepherd goats collie her", "660345": "meat roast beef pork", "1754185": "united kingdom austria germany england austral", "5009845": "computer keyboard computers keyboards typing", "5738855": "retaliate roar flee run stop", "5507595": "white", "5648375": "vodka alcohol alcoholalcohol", "528975": "can both women sure", "4820795": "electricity electric methane diesel gas", "5461055": "star stars starsstarsstarsstars starstars starsstars", "2190305": "", "3226385": "marble granite ceramic", "2677195": "carbohydrate fibre carbs carbohydrates c", "4075895": "boats boatboats boatsboatsboatsboats boatsboats boat sail", "3022015": "ceramic clay cer pot", "1043285": "baseball", "4159095": "horse show judging contest", "4213465": "pizza", "273345": "thailand islands ch asia us", "4691915": "blanket", "3346655": "wii", "851765": "rice", "2067475": "brown leather stitching sued cloth fabric", "3697625": "tracks people passengers riders peoplepeople folks", "5219505": "skiing snow children protection safety child", "4883965": "visiting visit visitors visits visited exhibitions", "4470905": "short shortshortshortshort shortshort both shorts length", "5814995": "jet fighter fighterfighterfighter air force military", "935805": "pizza tong knife spat", "801405": "bilingual english language englishenglish translation pronunciation", "5557155": "stone stones plastic plastics wood resin", "4053165": "this rifle ammo pistol handgun handguns pistols", "3326135": "pizza it pizz itit", "1089145": "chinese noodle spaghetti asian", "1414825": "", "3426395": "poodle cock lab p puppies ter", "981235": "hot dogs hotdogs sausage hotdogsdogs hotdog", "3813055": "golf quiz golf", "3725115": "skiing race racing o competition skiingathlon", "275395": "rainy rain cloudy both raining", "2790715": "apple apples appleapple applesapple", "975645": "sunshine sunny", "3989245": "red meat roast meatmeat steak beef", "3801265": "light lightlightlightlight lightlight sunlight lights", "2591135": "metal aluminium aluminum", "4054005": "light bulb electricity battery batteries voltage recharge", "5290565": "bird cardinal robin fin card rob", "5260295": "clothes nothing anything nothingnothing nothingnothingnothingnothing clothing", "1149685": "dell acer aspire laptop tosh de", "608735": "wetsuit waders swimsuit wetsuits wuit w wets", "2701865": "", "1593565": "keyboard keyboards keys shortcuts mice", "1461865": "paper", "337525": "", "3040885": "baseball game playing", "377575": "ultimate fridays pool games friday poker fr", "3916465": "living room airstream trailer caravan livingroom cam", "2455775": "", "868325": "l london england", "4048545": "spring summer fall", "1270845": "brick bricks", "1901355": "sandwich sandwiches food", "4008455": "pilot pilots engines wings", "5023005": "apple s de ip unknown mac", "4715915": "", "5506425": "", "517355": "vegetables veggies vegetable fruit", "4975585": "paper newspaper newspapers", "42595": "military birthday anniversary celebration ceremony swearing", "1890275": "faster pace slower paced", "5338075": "dens densities densely packed density dense packs", "1802855": "fabrics cotton fabric cloth", "2963775": "clown fish orange on left", "104845": "yellow brown tan", "5352505": "freight cargo forwarding forward", "2680425": "", "3209875": "wood lumber woodwood timber woodwoods material", "4249155": "", "2885785": "bull cow cows", "1426745": "downtown area chicago neighborhoods uptown", "5349015": "stop", "4767615": "suv toyota sport utility jeep su", "892325": "marble tile tiles", "3739645": "5", "4527826": "cattle judging cows cow livestock", "4845625": "england united kingdom london uk eng", "2095315": "ice skating hockey", "3549365": "", "1711035": "denim jeans cloth cotton fabric", "2349975": "clocks clock tower clockclock clockclockclock bell", "4398705": "sheep lamb goats", "4047405": "this plane jet airplane", "3529085": "wine drinking beer tasting", "5281295": "africa af continent", "579695": "legos plastic", "5010285": "london metropolitan england new york b", "100585": "golden gate san franciscoyesfranc", "2854935": "pedestrian crossing crosswalk pedestrians cross", "3517965": "silver metal metals aluminum steel aluminium", "4171605": "wine bottles wines", "1456905": "deposit money cash nothing", "4869775": "ping tennis pool wii golf", "3256965": "stairs staircase steps stair", "2490585": "", "5683085": "elephants ivory tusk t", "5575145": "japanese", "2187345": "c d vitamin", "3378825": "caucasian white caucasians whites whitewhite", "5447055": "basil spinach mint herb basililantro sage", "4029545": "sofa couch lov", "4415465": "beach on beaches ocean sandy", "1829605": "poke umbrella pokepokepokepoke penny paddle", "1165115": "af africa continent africarica afasia ind", "1602145": "work works workwork workworkworkwork", "1062965": "wood woodwood wooden", "5562225": "fr friday fridayfrfr fridays frf frfr", "4748035": "honda suzuki duchess dsu suzuka d", "487595": "bus driver sweeps sidewalks streets pedestrians messenger deliveries", "5362445": "skate wood ply woodwood woodboard plastic lumber", "140735": "construction professions license dump truck demolition", "4536865": "wii", "3470215": "me cat noise sound", "1802675": "mustache cigar pim moustache beard", "3589655": "far", "4712805": "trains train traintrain traintraintrain", "3333565": "double decker deck bus doubleheader doubledeck sided passenger", "4958505": "lifespan 10 years unknown 20 25", "204645": "20 21 19 22", "4593495": "abdomen belly stomach chest", "3153835": "", "95175": "dogs dog dogsdogsdogsdogs dogsdogs", "1184075": "island islands peninsula lake", "2346995": "donut doughnut donuts doughnuts donutdon", "1376615": "zoo", "3987725": "metal steel metals iron metallic", "2744305": "chrysrysrys chicago red card cubs", "2006195": "highway asphalt freeway highways 1", "3219025": "pizza oven heat fire stove", "3988215": "kites", "2591985": "0 1", "4500475": "dog labrador retriever labs lab puppies dach", "2241645": "phone cell smartphone cellphone smartphones", "3984345": "hearts circle circles squares", "3374905": "toshiba laptop dell toto notebook de", "5191135": "blind curtains shade shades", "2938335": "black ind african indian", "4778605": "suzuki kawasaki katana honda suzuka kaw", "2512925": "tattoo tattoos tatt weed dagger", "5506245": "tracks train track trackstracktracktrack tracktrack", "3965725": "4", "5057915": "flour maize wheat corn", "2740125": "parking cars meter tickets automobiles meters", "1960825": "", "2446355": "chocolate cake dessert pie cakes cakecake", "3732125": "motorcycle motorcycles harleys harrys har", "1380075": "pond wetlands ecological ecology", "5588635": "dogs dog dogsdogs", "5106175": "bus vol unknown for", "5288495": "camera is not possible lens", "3214485": "bakery pastry cafe don", "4070375": "library shelves books bookstore libraries", "941325": "christ winter christchrist holidays holiday merry", "3284375": "", "2795435": "airplane plane airplaneplane planeplane airplanes", "1156425": "3 4 5 6", "4853005": "united statesa kingdom america states usa", "2624775": "driving misdemean misdemeanor theft distracted", "2356705": "new york times", "549765": "plastics plastic resin rubber wood", "5597285": "wool insulation warmth fleece", "2461605": "desserts deserts dessert", "3136745": "middle right left", "4542055": "trains train traintrain", "656685": "day afternoon daytime morning noon", "4035795": "", "2558985": "pizza sauce pizz cheese", "3032875": "chicago suburbs unknown humour chicagoicago ch", "133565": "zoo is ecosystems parks park", "3492045": "london england uk", "3639405": "coffee mug cup", "2207995": "farmstead farm barn farms ranch", "2363895": "stone brick wood cement concrete stones", "3310595": "elephants elephant", "182765": "", "3040385": "birds se gull serets", "2767815": "apples apple", "948255": "family reunion bonding friendships friendship", "3965485": "christ christchrist christmas winter merry holiday", "3394995": "", "4498735": "baseball", "1103575": "electric motor electricity petrol gas", "3237175": "cats kittens catscats kitten cat", "5190245": "trains train railway trolley", "394955": "black skate longboard short long", "695105": "cow", "5598655": "1912 1932 1942 1962 1943", "1665255": "umbrella sun shade rain", "3701935": "brown bear polar", "4025985": "farmland dr broad bra broadbroad band", "736855": "big ben clock benbig bigben", "4021125": "", "5298795": "tree leaves branch branches", "4329475": "", "5721255": "cat food catfood carbs", "5601235": "ford escort mk ii not", "712715": "wii", "4230285": "snakes have often been seen in this area", "1871115": "suitcase luggage stairs staircase ladder", "4515135": "quiz quizz quizzes", "3351895": "accountant accounting office employment billing", "4607035": "computer laptop laptops computers", "4795535": "birds sparrow fin pigeon sp", "2291555": "", "5297875": "truck dump mixer tanker semi", "1256835": "television samsung galaxy tv unknown electronics s", "2311645": "computer monitor desktop laptop", "2703885": "", "4898905": "united shalt thou half u haul exodus nations", "4535335": "ch japan english chch chin j", "3210075": "afternoon morning day daytime noon", "260335": "water river rivers riverriver stream lake", "3797775": "green bushes evergreen pine fir ever", "2609065": "comics convention", "3929745": "baseball cap hat", "2810355": "blender blend blending mixer conver", "3514005": "", "5341305": "wood oak pine", "2124385": "ski sk skis", "504055": "white wood woodwood plastic metal glass woodglass", "3961375": "bicycle helmets brakes brake mirrors helmet", "4588275": "skate jump jumping leap o", "3849075": "equal rights equality women employment workers", "3776095": "dachsh puppies dachs dachpins dachbeagle dachdogs d", "3854065": "white ceramic", "4391395": "pacific ocean is largest", "393865": "", "4645505": "baseball field", "1535855": "mickey mouse mousemousemousemouse mickeys mousemouse mic", "5667985": "resting rested", "2877375": "engineer technician apprentice mechanic", "352725": "plate fork knife nap", "3215945": "united kingdom eng england statesa america usa americ", "1227525": "0 little zero 00 0 none", "590935": "rock stone hut brick barn", "703475": "jockey broker brokers jockeyockey", "4881205": "", "2363405": "this laptop computer laptops computers laptopaptop", "2831385": "park bench anywhere parkpark anytime", "2980655": "surf surfing", "1958775": "snow winter snowball winters snowy", "620385": "wine pink red wines", "737825": "roman numerals", "3211945": "mosaic tile tiles ceramic", "4001625": "london england united kingdom uk eng", "1187245": "africa continent african af africaaf", "3248175": "day daytime afternoon morning noon", "4436535": "german wartime military historical 1943", "394065": "poaching extinction elephants ivory", "5106805": "apple apples appleapple applesapple fruit", "5392635": "dachshund dachs dachmann dachberger dachhound d", "3440675": "ch japan asia chasia", "3175215": "d narcissus flowers narciss daff", "2162375": "hit play swing serve hithit hitplay", "4852345": "cake flour starch sugar yeast", "3611455": "", "4889325": "double decker deck bus doubleheader doubleheaderdoubledoubledouble", "3432795": "nissan patrol nismo toyota nissanissanissan", "3281015": "elephants elephant eleph ele elephantsele", "2012135": "right", "2963745": "white whitewhite whites whitewhitewhite red", "341285": "computer monitor desktop dell", "5227415": "breakfast is brunch dessert"} \ No newline at end of file