diff --git "a/output.json" "b/output.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/output.json" @@ -0,0 +1,3482 @@ +[ + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bAllowStrafe", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Is strafing allowed during movement?" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "Blackboard", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "Blackboard" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bLOSflag", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Used for alternating LineOfSight traces" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "BrainComponent", + "Type": "UBrainComponent", + "Description": "Component responsible for behaviors." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bSetControlRotationFromPawnOrientation", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Copy Pawn rotation to ControlRotation, if there is no focus point." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bSkipExtraLOSChecks", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Skip extra line of sight traces to extremities of target being checked." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bStartAILogicOnPossess", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "By default AI's logic does not start when controlled Pawn is possessed." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bStopAILogicOnUnposses", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "By default AI's logic gets stopped when controlled Pawn is unpossessed." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "bWantsPlayerState", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Specifies if this AI wants its own PlayerState." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "CachedGameplayTasksComponent", + "Type": "UGameplayTasksComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "DefaultNavigationFilterClass", + "Type": "TSubclassOf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "FocusInformation", + "Type": "FFocusKnowledge", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PerceptionComponent", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ReceiveMoveCompleted", + "Type": "FAIMoveCompletedSignature", + "Description": "Blueprint notification that we've completed the current movement request" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ActorsPerceptionUpdated(const TArray< AActor* >& Upda...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Notifies AIController of changes in given actors' perception" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "AreAIIgnoringPlayers()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "BuildPathfindingQuery(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FPathFindingQuery& Query)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Helper function for creating pathfinding query for this agent from move request data" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ClaimTaskResource(TSubclassOf< UGameplayTaskResource ...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ClearFocus(EAIFocusPriority::Type InPriority)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Clears Focus for given priority, will also clear FocalPoint as a result" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "FindPathForMoveRequest(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FPathFindingQuery& Query,FNavPathSharedPtr& OutPath)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Finds path for given move request" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetActionsComp()", + "Type": "UPawnActionsComponent", + "Description": "Returns ActionsComp subobject" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetAIPerceptionComponent()", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetAIPerceptionComponent()", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetBlackboardComponent()", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetBlackboardComponent()", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetBrainComponent()", + "Type": "UBrainComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetCurrentMoveRequestID()", + "Type": "FAIRequestID", + "Description": "Returns the Move Request ID for the current move" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetDebugIcon()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "Debug/dev-time" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetDefaultNavigationFilterClass()", + "Type": "TSubclassOf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetFocalPoint()", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "Retrieve the final position that controller should be looking at." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetFocalPointForPriority(EAIFocusPriority::Type InPriority)", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetFocalPointOnActor(const AActor* Actor)", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "Retrieve the focal point this controller should focus to on given actor." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetFocusActor()", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "Get the focused actor." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetFocusActorForPriority(EAIFocusPriority::Type InPriority)", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGameplayTasksComponent()", + "Type": "UGameplayTasksComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetImmediateMoveDestination()", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "Returns position of current path segment's end." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetMoveStatus()", + "Type": "EPathFollowingStatus::Type", + "Description": "Returns status of path following" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetPathFollowingComponent()", + "Type": "UPathFollowingComponent", + "Description": "Returns PathFollowingComponent subobject" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "HasPartialPath()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Returns true if the current PathFollowingComponent's path is partial (does not reach desired destination)." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "InitializeBlackboard(UBlackboardComponent& BlackboardCo...,UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "K2_ClearFocus()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Clears Focus, will also clear FocalPoint as a result" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "K2_SetFocalPoint(FVector FP)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Set the position that controller should be looking at." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "K2_SetFocus(AActor* NewFocus)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Set Focus for actor, will set FocalPoint as a result." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "LineOfSightTo(const AActor* Other,FVector ViewPoint,bool bAlternateChecks)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Checks line to center and top of other actor" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "MoveTo(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FNavPathSharedPtr* OutPath)", + "Type": "FPathFollowingRequestResult", + "Description": "Makes AI go toward specified destination" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "MoveToActor(AActor* Goal,float AcceptanceRadius,bool bStopOnOverlap,bool bUsePathfinding,bool bCanStrafe,TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter...,bool bAllowPartialPath)", + "Type": "EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type", + "Description": "Makes AI go toward specified Goal actor (destination will be continuously updated), aborts any active path following" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "MoveToLocation(const FVector& Dest,float AcceptanceRadius,bool bStopOnOverlap,bool bUsePathfinding,bool bProjectDestinationToNavigatio...,bool bCanStrafe,TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter...,bool bAllowPartialPath)", + "Type": "EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type", + "Description": "Makes AI go toward specified Dest location, aborts any active path following" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnGameplayTaskResourcesClaimed(FGameplayResourceSet NewlyClaimed,FGameplayResourceSet FreshlyRelease...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnMoveCompleted(FAIRequestID RequestID,EPathFollowingResult::Type Result)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnMoveCompleted(FAIRequestID RequestID,const FPathFollowingResult& Result)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called on completing current movement request" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnUsingBlackBoard(UBlackboardComponent* Blackboa...,UBlackboardData* BlackboardAss...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PauseMove(FAIRequestID RequestToPause)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If AI is currently moving due to request given by RequestToPause, then the move will be paused" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PerformAction(UPawnAction& Action,EAIRequestPriority::Type Priority,UObject*const Instigator)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Actions." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PreparePathfinding(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FPathFindingQuery& Query)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "RequestMove(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FNavPathSharedPtr Path)", + "Type": "FAIRequestID", + "Description": "Passes move request and path object to path following" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "RequestPathAndMove(const FAIMoveRequest& MoveRequest,FPathFindingQuery& Query)", + "Type": "FAIRequestID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ResumeMove(FAIRequestID RequestToResume)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Resumes last AI-performed, paused request provided it's ID was equivalent to RequestToResume" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "RunBehaviorTree(UBehaviorTree* BTAsset)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Starts executing behavior tree." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetFocalPoint(FVector NewFocus,EAIFocusPriority::Type InPriority)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Set FocalPoint for given priority as absolute position or offset from base." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetFocus(AActor* NewFocus,EAIFocusPriority::Type InPriority)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Set Focus actor for given priority, will set FocalPoint as a result." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetMoveBlockDetection(bool bEnable)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Updates state of movement block detection." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetPathFollowingComponent(UPathFollowingComponent* NewPF...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "That his function does not do any pathfollowing state transfer." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetPerceptionComponent(UAIPerceptionComponent& InPercepti...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ShouldSyncBlackboardWith(const UBlackboardComponent& OtherB...)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Does this AIController allow given UBlackboardComponent sync data with it" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SuggestTossVelocity(FVector& OutTossVelocity,FVector Start,FVector End,float TossSpeed,bool bPreferHighArc,float CollisionRadius,bool bOnlyTraceUp)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Computes a launch velocity vector to toss a projectile and hit the given destination." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ToggleAIIgnorePlayers()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Cheat/debugging functions." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "UnclaimTaskResource(TSubclassOf< UGameplayTaskResource ...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "UpdateControlRotation(float DeltaTime,bool bUpdatePawn)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Update direction AI is looking based on FocalPoint" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "UseBlackboard(UBlackboardData* BlackboardAss...,UBlackboardComponent*& Blackbo...)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Makes AI use the specified Blackboard asset & creates a Blackboard Component if one does not already exist." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "DisplayDebug(UCanvas* Canvas,const FDebugDisplayInfo& DebugDisp...,float& YL,float& YPos)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnPossess(APawn* InPawn)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Overridable native function for when this controller is asked to possess a pawn." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnUnPossess()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Overridable native function for when this controller unpossesses its pawn." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetPawn(APawn* InPawn)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Setter for Pawn. Normally should only be used internally when possessing/unpossessing a Pawn." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "StopMovement()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Aborts the move the controller is currently performing" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PostInitializeComponents()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Overridden to create the player replication info and perform other mundane initialization tasks." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "PostRegisterAllComponents()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called after all the components in the Components array are registered, called both in editor and during gameplay" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "Reset()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "Tick(float DeltaSeconds)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Function called every frame on this Actor." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetPathFollowingAgent()", + "Type": "IPathFollowingAgentInterface", + "Description": "Retrieves PathFollowingAgent for this NavAgent" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "IsFollowingAPath()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Checks if the agent is actively following a navigation path" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "ShouldPostponePathUpdates()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Allows delaying repath requests" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetPerceptionComponent()", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGameplayTaskAvatar(const UGameplayTask* Task)", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "Get \"body\" of task's owner / default, having location in world (e.g. Owner = AIController, Avatar = Pawn)" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGameplayTaskDefaultPriority()", + "Type": "uint8", + "Description": "Get default priority for running a task" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGameplayTaskOwner(const UGameplayTask* Task)", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "Get owner of a task or default one when task is null" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGameplayTasksComponent(const UGameplayTask& Task)", + "Type": "UGameplayTasksComponent", + "Description": "Finds tasks component for given GameplayTask, Task.GetGameplayTasksComponent() may not be initialized at this point!" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnGameplayTaskActivated(UGameplayTask& Task)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Notify called after GameplayTask changes state to Active (initial activation or resuming)" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnGameplayTaskDeactivated(UGameplayTask& Task)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Notify called after GameplayTask changes state from Active (finishing or pausing)" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "OnGameplayTaskInitialized(UGameplayTask& Task)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Add empty overrides to fix linker errors if project implements a child class without adding GameplayTasks module dependency" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GetGenericTeamId()", + "Type": "FGenericTeamId", + "Description": "Retrieve team identifier in form of FGenericTeamId" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "SetGenericTeamId(const FGenericTeamId& TeamID)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Assigns Team Agent to given TeamID" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nAAIController\n", + "Name": "GrabDebugSnapshot(FVisualLogEntry* Snapshot)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIBasicCounter\n", + "Name": "NextAvailableID", + "Type": "Type", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIBasicCounter\n", + "Name": "GetNextAvailableID()", + "Type": "Type", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIBasicCounter\n", + "Name": "GetSize()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIBasicCounter\n", + "Name": "OnIndexForced(Type ForcedIndex)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "Index", + "Type": "const TCounter:...", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "GetCounter()", + "Type": "TCounter &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "GetNextID()", + "Type": "FAIGenericID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "GetSize()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "InvalidID()", + "Type": "FAIGenericID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "IsValid()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "operator typename TCounter::Type()", + "Type": "", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIGenericID\n", + "Name": "operator=(const FAIGenericID& Other)", + "Type": "FAIGenericID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "MessageFlags", + "Type": "uint8", + "Description": "Message param: custom flags" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "MessageName", + "Type": "FName", + "Description": "Type of message" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "RequestID", + "Type": "FAIRequestID", + "Description": "Message param: ID" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Sender", + "Type": "FWeakObjectPtr", + "Description": "Message source" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Status", + "Type": "TEnumAsByte", + "Description": "Message param: status" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Broadcast(UObject* WorldContextObject,const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "ClearFlag(uint8 Flag)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "HasFlag(uint8 Flag)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Send(AController* Controller,const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Send(APawn* Pawn,const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "Send(UBrainComponent* BrainComp,const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "SetFlag(uint8 Flag)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessage\n", + "Name": "SetFlags(uint8 Flags)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(AController* Controller,FName MessageType,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(APawn* Pawn,FName MessageType,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(UBrainComponent* BrainComp,FName MessageType,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(AController* Controller,FName MessageType,FAIRequestID MessageID,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(APawn* Pawn,FName MessageType,FAIRequestID MessageID,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "Create(UBrainComponent* BrainComp,FName MessageType,FAIRequestID MessageID,FOnAIMessage const& Delegate)", + "Type": "FAIMessageObserverHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "DescribeObservedMessage()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "GetObservedMessageID()", + "Type": "FAIRequestID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "GetObservedMessageType()", + "Type": "FName", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "IsObservingMessageID()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMessageObserver\n", + "Name": "OnMessage(const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "AcceptanceRadius", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "Pathfollowing: required distance to goal to complete move" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bAllowPartialPath", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfinding: allow using incomplete path going toward goal but not reaching it" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bCanStrafe", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfollowing: keep focal point at move goal" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bInitialized", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Move goal is an actor" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bMoveToActor", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Move goal is an actor" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bProjectGoalOnNavigation", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfinding: goal location will be projected on navigation data before use" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bReachTestIncludesAgentRadius", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfollowing: acceptance radius needs to be increased by agent radius (stop on overlap vs exact point)" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bReachTestIncludesGoalRadius", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfollowing: acceptance radius needs to be increased by goal actor radius" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "bUsePathfinding", + "Type": "uint32: 1", + "Description": "Pathfinding: if set - regular pathfinding will be used, if not - direct path between two points" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "FilterClass", + "Type": "TSubclassOf", + "Description": "Pathfinding: navigation filter to use" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GoalActor", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "Move goal: actor" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GoalLocation", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "Move goal: location" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "UserData", + "Type": "FCustomMoveSharedPtr", + "Description": "Custom user data: structure" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "UserFlags", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Custom user data: flags" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "CanStrafe()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetAcceptanceRadius()", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetDestination()", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "Retrieves request's requested destination location, GoalActor's location or GoalLocation, depending on the request itself" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetGoalActor()", + "Type": "AActor *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetGoalLocation()", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetNavigationFilter()", + "Type": "TSubclassOf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetUserData()", + "Type": "FCustomMoveSharedPtr", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "GetUserFlags()", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsMoveToActorRequest()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsProjectingGoal()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsReachTestIncludingAgentRadius()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsReachTestIncludingGoalRadius()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsUsingPartialPaths()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsUsingPathfinding()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "IsValid()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "The request should be either set up to move to a location, of go to a valid actor" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetAcceptanceRadius(float Radius)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetAllowPartialPath(bool bAllowPartial)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetCanStrafe(bool bStrafe)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetGoalActor(const AActor* InGoalActor)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetGoalLocation(const FVector& InGoalLocation)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetNavigationFilter(TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter...)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetProjectGoalLocation(bool bProject)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetReachTestIncludesAgentRadius(bool bIncludeRadius)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetReachTestIncludesGoalRadius(bool bIncludeRadius)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetUsePathfinding(bool bPathfinding)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetUserData(const FCustomMoveSharedPtr& InUser...)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetUserFlags(int32 InUserFlags)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "ToString()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "UpdateGoalLocation(const FVector& NewLocation)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "CanStopOnOverlap()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "This function is deprecated, please use IsReachTestIncludingAgentRadius instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIMoveRequest\n", + "Name": "SetStopOnOverlap(bool bStop)", + "Type": "FAIMoveRequest", + "Description": "This function is deprecated, please use SetReachTestIncludesAgentRadius instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "Index", + "Type": "const TCounter:...", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "Name", + "Type": "const FName", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "GetCounter()", + "Type": "TCounter &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "GetSize()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "InvalidID()", + "Type": "FAINamedID", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "IsValid()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "operator typename TCounter::Type()", + "Type": "", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAINamedID\n", + "Name": "operator=(const FAINamedID& Other)", + "Type": "FAINamedID &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "GetID()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "IsEquivalent(uint32 OtherID)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Returns true if given ID is identical to stored ID or any of considered IDs is FAIRequestID::AnyRequest" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "IsEquivalent(FAIRequestID Other)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "IsValid()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "ToString()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "operator uint32()", + "Type": "", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIRequestID\n", + "Name": "operator=(uint32 OtherID)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "ClearLock(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockPriori...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "ForceClearAllLocks()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Force-clears all locks" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "GetLockPriorityName()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "IsAvailableFor(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockPriori...)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Answers the question if given priority is allowed to use this resource." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "IsLocked()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "IsLockedBy(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockPriori...)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "SetLock(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockPriori...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "SetUseResourceLockCount(bool inUseResourceLockCount)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Set whether we should use resource lock count. clears all existing locks." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "operator+=(const FAIResourceLock& Other)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourceLock\n", + "Name": "operator==(const FAIResourceLock& Other)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "AddResource(const FAIResourceID& Resource)", + "Type": "FAIResourcesSet", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "AddResourceIndex(uint8 ResourceIndex)", + "Type": "FAIResourcesSet", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "Clear()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "ContainsResource(const FAIResourceID& Resource)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "ContainsResourceIndex(uint8 ResourceID)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "IsEmpty()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "RemoveResource(const FAIResourceID& Resource)", + "Type": "FAIResourcesSet", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFAIResourcesSet\n", + "Name": "RemoveResourceIndex(uint8 ResourceIndex)", + "Type": "FAIResourcesSet", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIController.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFFocusKnowledge\n", + "Name": "Priorities", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "TeamID", + "Type": "uint8", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "GetAttitude(const AActor* A,const AActor* B)", + "Type": "ETeamAttitude::Type", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "GetAttitude(FGenericTeamId TeamA,FGenericTeamId TeamB)", + "Type": "ETeamAttitude::Type", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "GetId()", + "Type": "uint8", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "GetTeamIdentifier(const AActor* TeamMember)", + "Type": "FGenericTeamId", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "ResetAttitudeSolver()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "SetAttitudeSolver(const FAttitudeSolverFunction& Sol...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GenericTeamAgentInterface.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGenericTeamId\n", + "Name": "operator uint8()", + "Type": "", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "Graph", + "Type": "const TGraph &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "NodePool", + "Type": "FNodePool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "NodeSorter", + "Type": "FNodeSorter", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "OpenList", + "Type": "FOpenList", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "FindPath(const FSearchNode& StartNode,const FSearchNode& EndNode,const TQueryFilter& Filter,TResultPathInfo& OutPath)", + "Type": "EGraphAStarResult", + "Description": "Performs the actual search." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "FloodFrom(const FSearchNode& StartNode,const TQueryFilter& Filter)", + "Type": "EGraphAStarResult", + "Description": "Floods node pool until running out of either free nodes or open set" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetCostLimit(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetCostLimit(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetHeuristicCost(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetHeuristicCost(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetNeighbour(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const int32 Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetNeighbour(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const int32 Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetNeighbourCount(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FGraphNodeRef Param1)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetNeighbourCount(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FGraphNodeRef Param1)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetTraversalCost(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "GetTraversalCost(const TemplateClass& Obj,const FSearchNode& Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "HasExceededCostLimit(const TemplateClass& Obj,float Cost)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "HasExceededCostLimit(const TemplateClass& Obj,float Cost)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "HasReachMaxSearchNodes(const TQueryFilter& Filter)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "HasReachMaxSearchNodes(const TemplateClass& Obj,uint32 NodeCount)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "HasReachMaxSearchNodes(const TemplateClass& Obj,uint32 NodeCount)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "ProcessSingleNode(const FSearchNode& EndNode,const bool bIsBound,const TQueryFilter& Filter,int32& OutBestNodeIndex,float& OutBestNodeCost)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Single run of A* loop: get node from open set and process neighbors returns true if loop should be continued" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "SetPathInfo(TemplateClass& Obj,const int32 Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "SetPathInfo(TemplateClass& Obj,const int32 Param1,const FSearchNode& Param2)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "ShouldIgnoreClosedNodes(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "ShouldIgnoreClosedNodes(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "ShouldIncludeStartNodeInPath(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStar\n", + "Name": "ShouldIncludeStartNodeInPath(const TemplateClass& Obj)", + "Type": "TEnableIf", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "bIsClosed", + "Type": "uint8: 1", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "bIsOpened", + "Type": "uint8: 1", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "NodeRef", + "Type": "FGraphNodeRef", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "ParentNodeIndex", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "ParentRef", + "Type": "FGraphNodeRef", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "SearchNodeIndex", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "TotalCost", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "TraversalCost", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "IsClosed()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "IsOpened()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "MarkClosed()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "MarkNotClosed()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "MarkNotOpened()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"GraphAStar.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGraphAStarDefaultNode\n", + "Name": "MarkOpened()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGridSize2D\n", + "Name": "Height", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFGridSize2D\n", + "Name": "Width", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "Interval", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "TimeLeft", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "GetElapsedTime()", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "That this function returns meaningful results only if Interval > 0" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "GetElapsedTimeWithFallback(const float FallbackValue)", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "Reset()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Resets the countdown back to Interval" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "Set(const float InNewTimeLeft)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AITypes.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFIntervalCountdown\n", + "Name": "Tick(const float TimeDelta)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "CurrentTimestamp", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "EQSRenderingComponents", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "SelectedEQSId", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "DrawData(IVisualLoggerEditorInterface* ...,UCanvas* Canvas)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "OnItemsSelectionChanged(IVisualLoggerEditorInterface* ...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "OnLogLineSelectionChanged(IVisualLoggerEditorInterface* ...,TSharedPtr< struct FLogEntryItem > ...,int64 UserData)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"VisualLoggerExtension.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nFVisualLoggerExtension\n", + "Name": "ResetData(IVisualLoggerEditorInterface* ...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIModule.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nIAIModule\n", + "Name": "Get()", + "Type": "IAIModule &", + "Description": "Singleton-like access to this module's interface." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIModule.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nIAIModule\n", + "Name": "GetAIAssetCategoryBit()", + "Type": "EAssetTypeCategories::Type", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AIModule.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nIAIModule\n", + "Name": "IsAvailable()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Checks to see if this module is loaded and ready." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "CalcElementBounds(const FElement&)", + "Type": "FBox", + "Description": "You have to supply this yourself" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "CalcNodeBounds(const TArray< FElementBox >& Eleme...,const int StartIndex,const int LimitIndex)", + "Type": "FBox", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "Create(TArray< FElement >&& InElements)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "Create(const TArray< FElement >& InElemen...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "CreateCommonInternal()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Assumes Elements has been set up" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "GetBoundingBoxes()", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "GetElements()", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "GetLongestAxis(const FBox& NodeBounds)", + "Type": "int", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "GetNodes()", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "GetOverlapping(const FBox& Box,TArray< FElement >& OutOverlapping...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "IsEmpty()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "RecreateTree(const TArray< FElement >& InElemen...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "RecreateTree(TArray< FElement >&& InElements)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "Reset()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BVTree.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTBVTree\n", + "Name": "Subdivide(TArray< FElementBox >& ElementBBox...,const int StartIndex,const int LimitIndex,int& CurrentNode)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"DefaultManagerInstanceTracker.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTDefaultManagerInstanceTracker\n", + "Name": "bCreateIfMissing", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"DefaultManagerInstanceTracker.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTDefaultManagerInstanceTracker\n", + "Name": "WorldToInstanceMap", + "Type": "TMap", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"DefaultManagerInstanceTracker.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTDefaultManagerInstanceTracker\n", + "Name": "GetManagerInstance(UWorld& World)", + "Type": "FManager \u0004...", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"DefaultManagerInstanceTracker.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTDefaultManagerInstanceTracker\n", + "Name": "OnWorldCleanup(UWorld* World,bool,bool)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "BoundsSize", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Cells", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "CellSize", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "DEPRECATED, use GridCellSize instead of this." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GridCellSize", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GridSize", + "Type": "FGridSize2D", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Origin", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "WorldBounds", + "Type": "FBox", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "AllocateMemory()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "CleanUp()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "FreeMemory()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetAllocatedSize()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellAtIndexUnsafe(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FCellType", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellAtIndexUnsafe(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FCellType &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellAtWorldLocation(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FCellType", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellAtWorldLocationUnsafe(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FCellType", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellCoords(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "Convert world location to (X,Y) coords on grid, result is clamped to grid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellCoords(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "Convert cell index to (X,Y) coords on grid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellCoordsUnsafe(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "Convert world location to (X,Y) coords on grid, result can be outside grid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellCoordX(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert cell index to coord X on grid, result can be invalid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellCoordY(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert cell index to coord Y on grid, result can be invalid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellIndex(int32 LocationX,int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert (X,Y) coords on grid to cell index, returns -1 for position outside grid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellIndex(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert world location to cell index, returns -1 for position outside grid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellIndexUnsafe(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert world location to cell index, result can be invalid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellIndexUnsafe(int32 LocationX,int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert (X,Y) coords on grid to cell index, result can be invalid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellIndexUnsafe(const FIntVector& CellCoords)", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "Convert (X,Y) coords on grid to cell index, result can be invalid" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellsCount()", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetWorldCellBox(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FBox", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetWorldCellBox(int32 LocationX,int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "FBox", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetWorldCellCenter(int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetWorldCellCenter(int32 LocationX,int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "FVector", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Init(float InCellSize,const FBox& Bounds)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "IsValid()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "IsValidCoord(const FIntVector& CellCoords)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "IsValidCoord(int32 LocationX,int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "IsValidIndex(const int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Num()", + "Type": "int32", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Serialize(FArchive& Ar)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "UpdateWorldBounds()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Zero()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "operator[](int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FCellType &", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "operator[](int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FCellType", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "CellCoordsToCellIndex(const int32 LocationX,const int32 LocationY)", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellIndex instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "CellIndexToCoords(uint32 CellIndex,uint32& LocationX,uint32& LocationY)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellCoords instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "CellIndexToCoords(uint32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellCoords instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetCellAtWorldLocationSafe(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FCellType", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellAtWorldLocation instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "GetValuesMemorySize()", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetAllocatedSize instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "Init(uint32 InCellSize,const FBox& Bounds)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use the one with float CellSize argument" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "IsValidCellIndex(const int32 CellIndex)", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use IsValidIndex instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "WorldToCellCoords(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "FIntVector", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellCoords instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "WorldToCellCoords(const FVector& WorldLocation,uint32& LocationX,uint32& LocationY)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellCoords instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"SimpleCellGrid.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nTSimpleCellGrid\n", + "Name": "WorldToCellIndex(const FVector& WorldLocation)", + "Type": "uint32", + "Description": "This function is now deprecated, please use GetCellIndex instead." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "GetWorld()", + "Type": "UWorld *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "GetWorldFast()", + "Type": "UWorld *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "GetTickableGameObjectWorld()", + "Type": "UWorld *", + "Description": "FTickableGameObject begin." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "GetStatId()", + "Type": "TStatId", + "Description": "Return the stat id to use for this tickable" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "GetTickableTickType()", + "Type": "ETickableTickType", + "Description": "Virtual that can be overloaded by the inheriting class." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISubsystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISubsystem\n", + "Name": "Tick(float DeltaTime)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Pure virtual that must be overloaded by the inheriting class." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "AcceptanceRadius", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "Default AI movement's acceptance radius used to determine whether AI reached path's end" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "ActorSpawnedDelegateHandle", + "Type": "FDelegateHandle", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "AllProxyObjects", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bAcceptPartialPaths", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Sets default value for rather move tasks accept partial paths or not" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bAddBlackboardSelfKey", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If set to true will result in automatically adding the SelfActor key to new Blackboard assets." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bAllowControllersAsEQSQuerier", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If enable will make EQS not complaint about using Controllers as queriers." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bAllowStrafing", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Sets default value for rather move tasks allow strafing or not" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "BehaviorTreeManager", + "Type": "UBehaviorTreeManager", + "Description": "Behavior tree manager used by game" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bEnableBTAITasks", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Whether or not to enable Gameplay Tasks for move tasks this property is just a transition-time flag - in the end we're going to switch over to Gameplay Tasks anyway, that's the goal." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bEnableDebuggerPlugin", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If set, GameplayDebuggerPlugin will be loaded on module's startup" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bFinishMoveOnGoalOverlap", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If true, overlapping the goal will be counted by default as finishing a move" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "bForgetStaleActors", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "If set, actors will be forgotten by the perception system when their stimulus has expired." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "BlackboardDataToComponentsMap", + "Type": "FBlackboardDataToComponentsMap", + "Description": "UBlackboardComponent instances that reference the blackboard data definition" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "DefaultSightCollisionChannel", + "Type": "TEnumAsByte", + "Description": "Which collision channel to use for sight checks by default" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "EnvironmentQueryManager", + "Type": "UEnvQueryManager", + "Description": "Environment query manager used by game" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "HotSpotManager", + "Type": "UAIHotSpotManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "HotSpotManagerClassName", + "Type": "FSoftClassPath", + "Description": "Class that will be used to spawn the hot spot manager, can be game-specific" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "NavLocalGrids", + "Type": "UNavLocalGridManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "PathfollowingNavLinkAcceptanceRadius", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "Similarly to PathfollowingRegularPathPointAcceptanceRadius used by pathfollowing's internals but gets applied only when next point on a path represents a begining of navigation link" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "PathfollowingRegularPathPointAcceptanceRadius", + "Type": "float", + "Description": "Value used for pathfollowing's internal code to determine whether AI reached path's point." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "PerceptionSystem", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionSystem", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "PerceptionSystemClassName", + "Type": "FSoftClassPath", + "Description": "Class that will be used to spawn the perception system, can be game-specific" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "AddReferenceFromProxyObject(UAIAsyncTaskBlueprintProxy* Bl...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "AIIgnorePlayers()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Cheats" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "AILoggingVerbose()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "ConditionalLoadDebuggerPlugin()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "CreateBlackboardDataToComponentsIterator(UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset)", + "Type": "FBlackboardDataToComponentsIterator", + "Description": "Creates a forward only iterator for that will iterate all UBlackboardComponent instances that reference the specified BlackboardAsset and it's parents." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetBehaviorTreeManager()", + "Type": "UBehaviorTreeManager", + "Description": "Behavior tree manager const getter" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetBehaviorTreeManager()", + "Type": "UBehaviorTreeManager", + "Description": "Behavior tree manager getter" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetCurrent(UWorld& World)", + "Type": "UAISystem", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetCurrentSafe(UWorld* World)", + "Type": "UAISystem", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetEnvironmentQueryManager()", + "Type": "UEnvQueryManager", + "Description": "Environment Query manager const getter" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetEnvironmentQueryManager()", + "Type": "UEnvQueryManager", + "Description": "Environment Query manager getter" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetHotSpotManager()", + "Type": "UAIHotSpotManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetHotSpotManager()", + "Type": "UAIHotSpotManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetNavLocalGridManager()", + "Type": "UNavLocalGridManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetNavLocalGridManager()", + "Type": "UNavLocalGridManager", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetOuterWorld()", + "Type": "UWorld *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetPerceptionSystem()", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionSystem", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetPerceptionSystem()", + "Type": "UAIPerceptionSystem", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetRandomStream()", + "Type": "FRandomStream", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "GetWorld()", + "Type": "UWorld *", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "LoadDebuggerPlugin()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "OnActorSpawned(AActor* SpawnedActor)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "RegisterBlackboardComponent(UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset,UBlackboardComponent& BlackboardCo...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Registers a UBlackboardComponent instance with this blackboard data asset." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "RemoveReferenceToProxyObject(UAIAsyncTaskBlueprintProxy* Bl...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "RunEQS(const FString& QueryName,UObject* Target)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Insta-runs EQS query for given Target" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "SeedRandomStream(const int32 Seed)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "UnregisterBlackboardComponent(UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset,UBlackboardComponent& BlackboardCo...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Unregisters a UBlackboardComponent instance with this blackboard data asset." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "CleanupWorld(bool bSessionEnded,bool bCleanupResources,UWorld* NewWorld)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called by UWorld::CleanupWorld." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "InitializeActorsForPlay(bool bTimeGotReset)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "UAISystemBase begin." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "StartPlay()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called by UWorld::BeginPlay to indicate the gameplay has started." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "WorldOriginLocationChanged(FIntVector OldOriginLocation,FIntVector NewOriginLocation)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Event called on world origin location changes" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "BeginDestroy()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called before destroying the object." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"AISystem.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUAISystem\n", + "Name": "PostInitProperties()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called after the C++ constructor and after the properties have been initialized, including those loaded from config." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "AIOwner", + "Type": "AAIController", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "BlackboardComp", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "Blackboard component" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "MessageObservers", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "Active message observers" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "MessagesToProcess", + "Type": "TArray", + "Description": "This is a temp contraption to implement delayed messages delivering until proper AI messaging is implemented" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "ResourceLock", + "Type": "FAIResourceLock", + "Description": "Used to keep track of which subsystem requested this AI resource be locked" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "CacheBlackboardComponent(UBlackboardComponent* BBComp)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "END UActorComponent overrides caches BlackboardComponent's pointer to be used with this brain component" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "Cleanup()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "AI logic won't be needed anymore, stop all activity and run cleanup" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "DescribeSelfToVisLog(FVisualLogEntry* Snapshot)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "GetAIOwner()", + "Type": "AAIController", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "GetBlackboardComponent()", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "GetBlackboardComponent()", + "Type": "UBlackboardComponent", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "GetDebugInfoString()", + "Type": "FString", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "HandleMessage(const FAIMessage& Message)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "IsPaused()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "IsRunning()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "PauseLogic(const FString& Reason)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Pause logic and blackboard updates." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "RequestLogicRestartOnUnlock()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "To be called in case we want to restart AI logic while it's still being locked." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "RestartLogic()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Restarts currently running or previously ran brain logic." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "ResumeLogic(const FString& Reason)", + "Type": "EAILogicResuming::Type", + "Description": "Resumes paused brain logic. MUST be called by child implementations!" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "StartLogic()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Starts brain logic. If brain is already running, will not do anything." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "StopLogic(const FString& Reason)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Stops currently running brain logic." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "InitializeComponent()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "BEGIN UActorComponent overrides" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "OnRegister()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Called when a component is registered, after Scene is set, but before CreateRenderState_Concurrent or OnCreatePhysicsState are called." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "TickComponent(float DeltaTime,enum ELevelTick TickType,FActorComponentTickFunction* T...)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Function called every frame on this ActorComponent." + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "ClearResourceLock(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockSource)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Clear resource lock of the given origin" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "ForceUnlockResource()", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "Force-clears all locks on resource" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "IsResourceLocked()", + "Type": "bool", + "Description": "Check whether resource is currently locked" + }, + { + "Module": "AIModule", + "HeaderPath": "#include \"BrainComponent.h\"", + "ClassName": "\nUBrainComponent\n", + "Name": "LockResource(EAIRequestPriority::Type LockSource)", + "Type": "void", + "Description": "If resource is lockable lock it with indicated priority" + } +] \ No newline at end of file