OpenCOBOL 1.1 [06FEB2009 Version] Programmer’s Guide 1st Edition, 17 September 2010 Gary Cutler OpenCOBOL Copyright © 2001-2010 Keisuke Nishida / Roger While Under the terms of the GNU General Public License Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License [FDL], Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with Invariant Section “What is OpenCOBOL?”, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. Document Copyright © 2009,2010 Gary Cutler A copy of the FDL is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". 17 September 2010 OpenCOBOL is an evolving tool. While all reasonable attempts will be made to maintain the currency of the information in this document, neither the author of this document nor the authors of the OpenCOBOL software, extend any warranties of any kind by this document or for the information contained therein. Summary of Changes Edition 1st [06FEB2009] Date Change Description 17 September 2010 Introduced documentation for the hitherto undiscovered “COBCPY” environment variable (section 7.1.7 and 7.1.8). Corrected “section 0” broken hyperlinks in the document. 1 April 2010 Documented a work-around for a potential 06FEB2009 compiler parsing problem with the “expression-1 CHARACTERS” clause on the ALLOCATE verb (section 6.6). The parsing problem will be corrected in a future OpenCOBOL 1.1 tarball, at which time the “work-around” documentation will be removed. Elaborated on the use of the GLOBAL clause in data item definitions (section 5.3). 24 March 2010 Corrected a problem with bogus footnote references in Figure 4-8 23 January 2010 OFFICIAL FIRST RELEASE Corrected an error with the description of reference modifiers lacking a length specification. Pre-publication review July-September 2009 Initial version – documents the 06 Feb 2009 build of OpenCOBOL 1.1 17 September 2010 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents Table of Contents FIGURES 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. What is OpenCOBOL? 1.2. Additional References and Documents 1.3. Introducing COBOL 1.3.1. “I Heard COBOL is a Dead Language!” 1.3.2. Programmer Productivity – The “Holy Grail” 1.3.3. Notable COBOL/OpenCOBOL Features Basic Program Readability COBOL Program Structure Copybooks Structured Data Files Table Handling Sorting and Merging Data String Manipulation Textual-User Interface (TUI) Features 1.4. Syntax Description Conventions 1.5. Source Program Format 1.6. Use of Commas and Semicolons 1.7. Using COPY 1.8. Use of Literals 1.8.1. Numeric Literals 1.8.2. Alphanumeric Literals 1.9. Use of Figurative Constants 1.10. User-Defined Names 1.11. Use of LENGTH OF 2. GENERAL OPENCOBOL PROGRAM FORMAT 2.1. General Format for Nested Source Programs 2.2. General Format for Nested Source Functions 3. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION 4. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4.1. CONFIGURATION SECTION 4.1.1. SOURCE-COMPUTER Paragraph 4.1.2. OBJECT-COMPUTER Paragraph 4.1.3. REPOSITORY Paragraph 4.1.4. SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph 4.2. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION 4.2.1. FILE-CONTROL Paragraph ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL Files ORGANIZATION RELATIVE Files ORGANIZATION INDEXED Files 4.2.2. I-O-CONTROL Paragraph 5. DATA DIVISION 5.1. FD - File Description 5.2. SD - SORT Description 5.3. General Format for Data Descriptions 5.4. Condition Names 5.5. Constant Descriptions 06FEB2009 Version 6 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-10 1-10 1-11 1-11 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-13 1-13 1-14 1-14 2-1 2-2 2-2 3-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-6 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-10 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-15 5-16 1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents 5.6. Screen Descriptions 6. PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.1. General PROCEDURE DIVISION Components 6.1.1. Table References 6.1.2. Qualification of Data Names 6.1.3. Reference Modifiers 6.1.4. Expressions Arithmetic Expressions Conditional Expressions 6.1.5. Use of Periods (.) 6.1.6. Use of “VERB” / “END-VERB” Constructs 6.1.7. Intrinsic Functions ABS(number) ACOS(angle) ANNUITY(interest-rate, number-of-periods) ASIN(number) ATAN(number) BYTE-LENGTH(string) CHAR(integer) COMBINED-DATETIME(days, seconds) CONCATENATE(string-1 [, string-2 ] …) COS(number) CURRENT-DATE DATE-OF-INTEGER(integer) DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD(yymmdd [, yy-cutoff ] ) DAY-OF-INTEGER(integer) DAY-TO-YYYYDDD(yyddd [, yy-cutoff]) E EXCEPTION-FILE EXCEPTION-LOCATION EXCEPTION-STATEMENT EXCEPTION-STATUS EXP(number) EXP10(number) FRACTION-PART(number) FACTORIAL(number) INTEGER(number) INTEGER-OF-DATE(date) INTEGER-OF-DAY(date) INTEGER-PART(number) LENGTH(string) LOCALE-DATE(date [, locale ] ) LOCALE-TIME(time [, locale ] ) LOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECS(seconds [, locale ] ) LOG(number) LOG10(number) LOWER-CASE(string) MAX(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) MIN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) MEAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) MEDIAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) MIDRANGE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) MOD(value, modulus) NUMVAL(string) NUMVAL-C(string [, symbol ]) ORD(char) 06FEB2009 Version 5-17 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-5 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-13 6-13 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-17 6-18 2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents ORD-MAX( char-1 [, char-2 ] … ) ORD-MIN( char-1 [, char-2 ] … ) PI PRESENT-VALUE(rate,value-1 [, value-2 ] ) RANDOM [ ( seed ) ] RANGE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) REM(number, divisor) REVERSE(string) SECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME(format,time) SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT SIGN(number) SIN(angle) SQRT(number) MEAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) STORED-CHAR-LENGTH(string) SUBSTITUTE(string,from-1,to-1 [, from-n,to-n ] ) SUBSTITUTE-CASE(string,from-1,to-1 [, from-n,to-n ] ) SUM(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) TAN(angle) TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD(date) TEST-DAY-YYYYDDD(date) TRIM(string[ , LEADING|TRAILING ] ) UPPER-CASE(string) VARIANCE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) WHEN-COMPILED YEAR-TO-YYYY (yy [, yy-cutoff]) 6.1.8. Special Registers 6.1.9. Controlling Concurrent Access to Files File Sharing Record Locking 6.2. General Format of the PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.3. General Format for DECLARATIVES Entries 6.4. ACCEPT 6.4.1. ACCEPT Format 1 – Read from Console 6.4.2. ACCEPT Format 2 – Retrieve Command-Line Arguments 6.4.3. ACCEPT Format 3 – Retrieve Environment Variable Values 6.4.4. ACCEPT Format 4 – Retrieve Screen Data 6.4.5. ACCEPT Format 5 – Retrieve Date/Time 6.4.6. ACCEPT Format 6 - Retrieve Screen Size Data 6.4.7. ACCEPT Exception Handling 6.5. ADD 6.5.1. ADD Format 1 – ADD TO 6.5.2. ADD Format 2 – ADD GIVING 6.5.3. ADD Format 3 – ADD CORRESPONDING 6.6. ALLOCATE 6.7. CALL 6.8. CANCEL 6.9. CLOSE 6.10. COMMIT 6.11. COMPUTE 6.12. CONTINUE 6.13. DELETE 6.14. DISPLAY 6.14.1. DISPLAY Format 1 – Upon Console 6.14.2. DISPLAY Format 2 – Access Command-Line Arguments 6.14.3. DISPLAY Format 3 – Access or Set Environment Variables 6.14.4. DISPLAY Format 4 – Screen Data 06FEB2009 Version 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-19 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-20 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-22 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-26 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-31 6-32 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 6-40 6-41 6-42 6-42 6-42 6-42 6-43 3 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents 6.14.5. DISPLAY Exception Handling 6.15. DIVIDE 6.15.1. DIVIDE Format 1 – DIVIDE INTO 6.15.2. DIVIDE Format 2 – DIVIDE INTO GIVING 6.15.3. DIVIDE Format 3 – DIVIDE BY GIVING 6.15.4. DIVIDE Format 4 – DIVIDE INTO REMAINDER 6.15.5. DIVIDE Format 5 – DIVIDE BY REMAINDER 6.16. ENTRY 6.17. EVALUATE 6.18. EXIT 6.19. FREE 6.20. GENERATE 6.21. GOBACK 6.22. GO TO 6.22.1. GO TO Format 1 – Simple GO TO 6.22.2. GO TO Format 2 – GO TO DEPENDING ON 6.23. IF 6.24. INITIALIZE 6.25. INITIATE 6.26. INSPECT 6.27. MERGE 6.28. MOVE 6.28.1. MOVE Format 1 – Simple MOVE 6.28.2. MOVE Format 2 – MOVE CORRESPONDING 6.29. MULTIPLY 6.29.1. MULTIPLY Format 1 – MULTIPLY BY 6.29.2. MULTIPLY Format 2 – MULTIPLY GIVING 6.30. NEXT SENTENCE 6.31. OPEN 6.32. PERFORM 6.32.1. PERFORM Format 1 – Procedural 6.32.2. PERFORM Format 2 – Inline 6.33. READ 6.33.1. READ Format 1 – Sequential READ 6.33.2. READ Format 2 – Random Read 6.34. RELEASE 6.35. RETURN 6.36. REWRITE 6.37. ROLLBACK 6.38. SEARCH 6.38.1. SEARCH Format 1 –Sequential Search 6.38.2. SEARCH Format 2 –Binary, or Half-interval Search (SEARCH ALL) 6.39. SET 6.39.1. SET Format 1 – SET ENVIRONMENT 6.39.2. SET Format 2 – SET Program-Pointer 6.39.3. SET Format 3 – SET ADDRESS 6.39.4. SET Format 4 – SET Index 6.39.5. SET Format 5 – SET UP/DOWN 6.39.6. SET Format 6 – SET Condition Name 6.39.7. SET Format 7 – SET Switch 6.40. SORT 6.40.1. SORT Format 1 – File-based Sort 6.40.2. SORT Format 2 – Table Sort 6.41. START 6.42. STOP 6.43. STRING 6.44. SUBTRACT 06FEB2009 Version 6-44 6-45 6-45 6-45 6-46 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-51 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-56 6-56 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 6-63 6-65 6-65 6-65 6-67 6-67 6-67 6-68 6-69 6-70 6-70 6-71 6-72 6-72 6-73 6-75 6-76 6-77 6-78 6-79 6-79 6-80 6-82 6-82 6-82 6-82 6-83 6-83 6-83 6-84 6-85 6-85 6-87 6-88 6-90 6-91 6-92 4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents 6.44.1. SUBTRACT Format 1 – SUBTRACT FROM 6.44.2. SUBTRACT Format 2 – SUBTRACT GIVING 6.44.3. SUBTRACT Format 3 – SUBTRACT CORRESPONDING 6.45. SUPPRESS 6.46. TERMINATE 6.47. TRANSFORM 6.48. UNLOCK 6.49. UNSTRING 6.50. WRITE 7. THE OPENCOBOL SYSTEM INTERFACE 7.1. Using the OpenCOBOL Compiler (cobc) 7.1.1. Introduction 7.1.2. Syntax and Options 7.1.3. Compiling Executable Programs 7.1.4. Dynamically-Loadable Subprograms 7.1.5. Static Subroutines 7.1.6. Combining COBOL and C Programs OpenCOBOL Run-Time Library Requirements String Allocation Differences Between OpenCOBOL and C Matching C Data Types with OpenCOBOL USAGEs OpenCOBOL Main Programs CALLing C Subprograms C Main Programs CALLing OpenCOBOL Subprograms 7.1.7. Important Environment Variables 7.1.8. Locating Copybooks at Compilation Time 7.1.9. Using Compiler Configuration Files 7.2. Running OpenCOBOL Programs 7.2.1. Executing Programs Directly 7.2.2. Using the “cobcrun” Utility 7.2.3. Program Arguments 7.2.4. Important Environment Variables 7.3. Built-In Subroutines 7.3.1. “Call by Name” Routines CALL “C$CHDIR” USING directory-path, result CALL “C$COPY” USING src-file-path, dest-file-path, 0 CALL “C$DELETE” USING file-path, 0 CALL “C$FILEINFO” USING file-path, file-info CALL “C$JUSTIFY” USING data-item, “justification-type” CALL “C$MAKEDIR” USING dir-path CALL “C$NARG” USING arg-count-result CALL “C$PARAMSIZE” USING argument-number CALL “C$SLEEP” USING seconds-to-sleep CALL “C$TOLOWER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length CALL “C$TOUPPER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length CALL “CBL_AND” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_CHANGE_DIR” USING directory-path CALL “CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST” USING file-path, file-info CALL “CBL_CLOSE_FILE” USING file-handle CALL “CBL_COPY_FILE” USING src-file-path, dest-file-path CALL “CBL_CREATE_DIR” USING dir-path CALL “CBL_CREATE_FILE” USING file-path, 2, 0, 0, file-handle CALL “CBL_DELETE_DIR” USING dir-path CALL “CBL_DELETE_FILE” USING file-path CALL “CBL_ERROR_PROC” USING function, program-pointer CALL “CBL_EXIT_PROC” USING function, program-pointer CALL “CBL_EQ” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_FLUSH_FILE” USING file-handle 06FEB2009 Version 6-92 6-92 6-93 6-94 6-95 6-96 6-97 6-98 6-100 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-9 7-10 7-10 7-12 7-12 7-12 7-13 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-15 7-15 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-17 7-17 7-17 7-17 7-17 7-17 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-19 7-19 7-19 7-19 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-22 5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents CALL “CBL_GET_CURRENT_DIR” USING BY VALUE 0, BY VALUE length, BY REFERENCE buffer CALL “CBL_IMP” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_NIMP” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_NOR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_NOT” USING item-1, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_OC_NANOSLEEP” USING nanoseconds-to-sleep CALL “CBL_OPEN_FILE” file-path, access-mode, 0, 0, handle CALL “CBL_OR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “CBL_READ_FILE” USING handle, offset, nbytes, flag, buffer CALL “CBL_RENAME_FILE” USING old-file-path, new-file-path CALL “CBL_TOLOWER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length CALL “CBL_TOUPPER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length CALL “CBL_WRITE_FILE” USING handle, offset, nbytes, 0, buffer CALL “CBL_XOR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length CALL “SYSTEM” USING command 7.3.2. “Call by Number” Subroutines CALL X”91” USING return-code, function-code, binary-variable-arg CALL X”F4” USING byte, table CALL X”F5” USING byte, table Binary Truncation 8. SAMPLE PROGRAMS 8.1. FileStat-Msgs.cpy – File Status Values 8.2. COBDUMP – A Hex/Char Data Dump Subroutine 8.3. OCic – an OpenCOBOL Full-Screen Compiler Front-End 8.4. WINSYSTEM – Execute Windows Shell Commands (For Cygwin) 9. GLOSSARY OF TERMS INDEX GNU FREE DOCUMENTATION LICENSE Figures 7-22 7-23 7-23 7-23 7-24 7-24 7-24 7-24 7-25 7-25 7-25 7-26 7-26 7-26 7-26 7-27 7-27 7-28 7-28 7-29 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-4 8-46 9-1 I IX Figure 1-1 - A Sample TUI Screen .................................................................................................................................. 1-10 Figure 1-2 - COPY Syntax ............................................................................................................................................... 1-12 Figure 1-3 - Figurative Constants ................................................................................................................................... 1-14 Figure 2-1 - General OpenCOBOL Program Format ......................................................................................................... 2-1 Figure 2-2 - General Format for Nested Source Programs .............................................................................................. 2-2 Figure 2-3 - General Format for Nested Source Functions .............................................................................................. 2-2 Figure 3-1 - IDENTIFICATION DIVISION Syntax ................................................................................................................ 3-1 Figure 4-1 - ENVIRONMENT DIVISION Syntax .................................................................................................................. 4-1 Figure 4-2 - CONFIGURATION SECTION Syntax ............................................................................................................... 4-1 Figure 4-3 - SOURCE-COMPUTER Paragraph Syntax ....................................................................................................... 4-1 Figure 4-4 - OBJECT-COMPUTER Paragraph Syntax ......................................................................................................... 4-1 Figure 4-5 - REPOSITORY Paragraph Syntax .................................................................................................................... 4-2 Figure 4-6 - SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph Syntax............................................................................................................... 4-3 Figure 4-7 - Locale Codes ................................................................................................................................................. 4-4 Figure 4-8 - Screen ACCEPT Key Codes ............................................................................................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-9 - INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION Syntax .................................................................................................................. 4-5 Figure 4-10 - FILE-CONTROL Paragraph Syntax ............................................................................................................... 4-6 Figure 4-11 - FILE-STATUS Values .................................................................................................................................... 4-7 Figure 4-12 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for SEQUENTIAL Files ............................................................................ 4-8 Figure 4-13 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for RELATIVE Files ................................................................................. 4-8 Figure 4-14 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for INDEXED Files .................................................................................. 4-9 Figure 4-15 - I-O-CONTROL Paragraph Syntax ............................................................................................................... 4-10 06FEB2009 Version 6 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents Figure 5-1 - General DATA DIVISION Format ................................................................................................................... 5-1 Figure 5-2 - FD Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 Figure 5-3- LINAGE-specified Page Structure .................................................................................................................. 5-3 Figure 5-4 - SD Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-3 Figure 5-5 - General Data Description Format ................................................................................................................ 5-4 Figure 5-6 - Data Class-Specification PICTURE Symbols (A/X/9) ...................................................................................... 5-5 Figure 5-7 - Numeric Option PICTURE Symbols (P/S/V) .................................................................................................. 5-6 Figure 5-8 - Sign-Encoding Characters ............................................................................................................................. 5-6 Figure 5-9 - Numeric Editing PICTURE Symbols ............................................................................................................... 5-7 Figure 5-10 - Summary of USAGE Specifications ........................................................................................................... 5-12 Figure 5-11 - Effect of the SYNCHRONIZED Clause ........................................................................................................ 5-14 Figure 5-12 - Level-88 Condition Name Description Syntax .......................................................................................... 5-15 Figure 5-13 - Level-78 Constant Description Syntax ...................................................................................................... 5-16 Figure 5-14 - SCREEN SECTION Data Item Description Syntax ...................................................................................... 5-17 Figure 5-15 - Screen Color Numbers.............................................................................................................................. 5-19 Figure 5-16 - LOWLIGHT / HIGHLIGHT Effect on Screen Colors ..................................................................................... 5-19 Figure 6-1 - Reference Modifier Syntax ........................................................................................................................... 6-2 Figure 6-2 – Unary - Operator Syntax .............................................................................................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-3 – Unary + Operator Syntax ............................................................................................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-4 - Exponentiation Operator Syntax .................................................................................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-5 - Exponentiation Operator Syntax .................................................................................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-6 - Division Operator Syntax .............................................................................................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-7 - Addition Operator Syntax ............................................................................................................................. 6-4 Figure 6-8 - Subtraction Operator Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 6-4 Figure 6-9 - Class Condition Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 6-6 Figure 6-10 - Sign Condition Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 6-6 Figure 6-11 - Using Switch Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 6-7 Figure 6-12 - Relation Condition Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 6-8 Figure 6-13 - Combined Condition Syntax ....................................................................................................................... 6-8 Figure 6-14 - Negated Condition Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 6-9 Figure 6-15 - Special Registers ....................................................................................................................................... 6-21 Figure 6-16 - General PROCEDURE DIVISION Syntax ..................................................................................................... 6-24 Figure 6-17 - General DECLARATIVES Syntax ................................................................................................................. 6-25 Figure 6-18 - ACCEPT (Read from Console) Syntax ........................................................................................................ 6-26 Figure 6-19 - ACCEPT (Command Line Arguments) Syntax............................................................................................ 6-26 Figure 6-20 - ACCEPT (Environment Variable Values) Syntax ....................................................................................... 6-27 Figure 6-21 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Screen Data) Syntax..................................................................................................... 6-28 Figure 6-22 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Date/Time) Syntax ....................................................................................................... 6-29 Figure 6-23 - ACCEPT Options for DATE/TIME Retrieval ............................................................................................... 6-29 Figure 6-24 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Screen Size Data) Syntax ............................................................................................. 6-29 Figure 6-25 - ACCEPT Exception Handling ..................................................................................................................... 6-30 Figure 6-26 - ADD (TO) Syntax ....................................................................................................................................... 6-31 Figure 6-27 - A Sample Program Using ON SIZE ERROR ................................................................................................ 6-31 Figure 6-28 - ADD (GIVING) Syntax ................................................................................................................................ 6-32 Figure 6-29 - ADD (CORRESPONDING) Syntax ............................................................................................................... 6-32 Figure 6-30 - ALLOCATE Syntax...................................................................................................................................... 6-33 Figure 6-31 - CALL Syntax .............................................................................................................................................. 6-34 Figure 6-32 - CALL BY REFERENCE Can Sometimes have Unwanted Effects! ................................................................ 6-35 Figure 6-33 - CALL BY VALUE ......................................................................................................................................... 6-35 Figure 6-34 - CANCEL Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 6-36 Figure 6-35 - CLOSE Syntax ............................................................................................................................................ 6-37 Figure 6-36 - COMMIT Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 6-38 Figure 6-37 - COMPUTE Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-39 Figure 6-38 - CONTINUE Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-40 Figure 6-39 - DELETE Syntax .......................................................................................................................................... 6-41 Figure 6-40 - DISPLAY (Upon Console) Syntax ............................................................................................................... 6-42 Figure 6-41 - DISPLAY (Access Command-line Arguments) Syntax................................................................................ 6-42 06FEB2009 Version 7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents Figure 6-42 - DISPLAY (Access / Set Environment Variables) Syntax ............................................................................. 6-42 Figure 6-43 - DISPLAY (Screen Data) Syntax .................................................................................................................. 6-43 Figure 6-44 - Exception Handling (DISPLAY) Syntax....................................................................................................... 6-44 Figure 6-45 - DIVIDE INTO Syntax .................................................................................................................................. 6-45 Figure 6-46 - DIVIDE INTO GIVING Syntax ..................................................................................................................... 6-45 Figure 6-47 - DIVIDE BY GIVING Syntax ......................................................................................................................... 6-46 Figure 6-48 - DIVIDE INTO REMAINDER Syntax ............................................................................................................. 6-46 Figure 6-49 - DIVIDE BY REMAINDER Syntax ................................................................................................................. 6-47 Figure 6-50 - ENTRY Syntax............................................................................................................................................ 6-48 Figure 6-51 - EVALUATE Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-49 Figure 6-52 - An EVALUATE Demo Program .................................................................................................................. 6-50 Figure 6-53 - EXIT Syntax ............................................................................................................................................... 6-51 Figure 6-54 - Using the EXIT Statement ......................................................................................................................... 6-51 Figure 6-55 - Using EXIT PARAGRAPH ............................................................................................................................ 6-51 Figure 6-56 - Using the EXIT PERFORM Statement ........................................................................................................ 6-51 Figure 6-57 - FREE Syntax .............................................................................................................................................. 6-53 Figure 6-58 - GENERATE Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-54 Figure 6-59 - GOBACK Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 6-55 Figure 6-60 - Simple GOTO Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 6-56 Figure 6-61 - GOTO DEPENDING ON Syntax .................................................................................................................. 6-56 Figure 6-62 - GOTO DEPENDING ON vs IF vs EVALUATE................................................................................................ 6-56 Figure 6-63 - IF Syntax ................................................................................................................................................... 6-57 Figure 6-64 - INITIALIZE Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 6-58 Figure 6-65 - INITIATE Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 6-59 Figure 6-66 - INSPECT Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 6-60 Figure 6-67 - An INSPECT TALLYING Example ................................................................................................................ 6-61 Figure 6-68 - MERGE Syntax .......................................................................................................................................... 6-63 Figure 6-69 - Simple MOVE Syntax ................................................................................................................................ 6-65 Figure 6-70 - MOVE CORRESPONDING Syntax .............................................................................................................. 6-65 Figure 6-71 - MULTIPLY BY Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 6-67 Figure 6-72 - MULTIPLY GIVING Syntax ......................................................................................................................... 6-67 Figure 6-73 - NEXT SENTENCE Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 6-68 Figure 6-74 - OPEN Syntax ............................................................................................................................................. 6-69 Figure 6-75 - Procedural PERFORM Syntax ................................................................................................................... 6-70 Figure 6-76 - Inline PERFORM Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 6-71 Figure 6-77 – READ (Sequential) Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 6-72 Figure 6-78 - READ (Random) Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 6-73 Figure 6-79 - RELEASE Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 6-75 Figure 6-80 - RETURN Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 6-76 Figure 6-81 - REWRITE Syntax ....................................................................................................................................... 6-77 Figure 6-82 - ROLLBACK Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-78 Figure 6-83 - Sequential SEARCH Syntax ....................................................................................................................... 6-79 Figure 6-84 - Binary SEARCH (ALL) Syntax ..................................................................................................................... 6-80 Figure 6-85 - SET ENVIRONMENT Syntax....................................................................................................................... 6-82 Figure 6-86 - SET Program Pointer Syntax ..................................................................................................................... 6-82 Figure 6-87 - SET ADDRESS Syntax................................................................................................................................. 6-82 Figure 6-88 - SET Index Syntax ....................................................................................................................................... 6-83 Figure 6-89 - SET UP/DOWN Syntax .............................................................................................................................. 6-83 Figure 6-90 - SET Condition Name Syntax ..................................................................................................................... 6-83 Figure 6-91 - SET Switch Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 6-84 Figure 6-92 - File-Based SORT Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 6-85 Figure 6-93 - Table SORT Syntax .................................................................................................................................... 6-87 Figure 6-94 - START Syntax ............................................................................................................................................ 6-88 Figure 6-95 - STOP Syntax .............................................................................................................................................. 6-90 Figure 6-96 - STRING Syntax .......................................................................................................................................... 6-91 Figure 6-97 - SUBTRACT FROM Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 6-92 Figure 6-98 - SUBTRACT GIVING Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 6-92 06FEB2009 Version 8 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents Figure 6-99 - SUBTRACT CORRESPONDING Syntax ........................................................................................................ 6-93 Figure 6-100 - SUPPRESS Syntax .................................................................................................................................... 6-94 Figure 6-101 - TERMINATE Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 6-95 Figure 6-102 - TRANSFORM Syntax ............................................................................................................................... 6-96 Figure 6-103 - The TRANSFORM Statement at Work .................................................................................................... 6-96 Figure 6-104 - UNLOCK Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 6-97 Figure 6-105 - UNSTRING Syntax ................................................................................................................................... 6-98 Figure 6-106 - An UNSTRING Example ........................................................................................................................... 6-98 Figure 6-107 - WRITE Syntax ....................................................................................................................................... 6-100 Figure 7-1 - C/OpenCOBOL Data Type Matches .............................................................................................................. 7-4 Figure 7-2 - OpenCOBOL CALLing C ................................................................................................................................. 7-6 Figure 7-3 - C CALLing OpenCOBOL ................................................................................................................................. 7-7 Figure 7-4 - Compiler Environment Variables ................................................................................................................. 7-9 Figure 7-5 - Run-Time Environment Variables ............................................................................................................... 7-13 Figure 7-6 - A Binary Truncation Demo Program .......................................................................................................... 7-29 Figure 7-7 - A Non-Scientific Comparison of Numeric Data Item USAGE Performance ................................................ 7-31 06FEB2009 Version 9 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Table of Contents 06FEB2009 Version 10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1. What is OpenCOBOL? This document describes the syntax, semantics and usage of the COBOL programming language as implemented by the current version of OpenCOBOL. OpenCOBOL is an open-source COBOL compiler and runtime environment. The OpenCOBOL compiler generates C code which is automatically compiled and linked. While originally developed for UNIX operating systems, OpenCOBOL can also be built for MacOS computers or Windows computers utilizing the UNIX-emulation features of such tools as Cygwin and MinGW1. It has also been built as a truly native Windows application utilizing Microsoft’s freely- downloadable Visual Studio Express package to provide the C compiler and linker/loader. The principal developers of OpenCOBOL are Keisuke Nishida and Roger While. They may be contacted at the OpenCOBOL website - This document was intended to serve as a full-function reference and user’s guide suitable for both those readers learning COBOL for the first time as well as those already familiar with some dialect of the COBOL language. The author of this document is Gary Cutler, who may be reached via postings at the forum, or by email at 1.2. Additional References and Documents For those wishing to learn COBOL for the first time, I can strongly recommend the following resources. If you like to hold a book in your hands, I strongly recommend “Murach’s Structured COBOL”, by Mike Murach, Anne Prince and Raul Menendez (2000) - ISBN 9781890774059. Mike Murach and his various writing partners have been writing outstanding COBOL textbooks for several decades, and this text is no exception. It’s an excellent book for those familiar with the concepts of programming in other languages, but unfamiliar with COBOL. Would you prefer a web-based tutorial? Try the University of Limerick (Ireland) COBOL web site - 1.3. Introducing COBOL If you already know a programming language, and that language isn’t COBOL, chances are that language is Java, C or C++. You will find COBOL a much different programming language than those – sometimes those differences are a good thing and sometimes they aren’t. The thing to remember about COBOL is this – it was designed to solve business problems. It was designed to do that in the 1950s. COBOL was the first programming language to become standardized such that a COBOL program written on computer “A” made by company “X” would be able to be compiled and executed on computer “B” made by company “Y”. This may not seem like such a big deal today, but it was a radical departure from all programming languages that came before it and even many that came after it. The name “COBOL” actually says it all – COBOL is an acronym that stands for “COmmon Business Oriented Language”. Note the fact that the word “common” comes before all others. The word “business” is a close second. Therein lies the key to COBOL’s success. 1 The MinGW approach is a personal favorite with the author of this manual because it creates an OpenCOBOL compiler and runtime that require only a single MinGW DLL to be available to OpenCOBOL tools and user programs. That DLL is freely distributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License. A MinGW build of OpenCOBOL fits easily on and runs from a 128MB flash drive with no need to install any software onto the Windows computer that will be using it. Some functionality of the language, dealing with the sharing of files between concurrently executing OpenCOBOL programs and record locking on certain types of files, is sacrificed however. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction 1.3.1. “I Heard COBOL is a Dead Language!” Phoenician is a dead language. Mayan is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. What makes these languages dead is the fact that no one speaks them anymore. COBOL is NOT a dead language, and despite pontifications that come down to us from the ivory towers of academia, it isn’t even on life support. What made those other languages die is the fact that they became obsolete. As the peoples that spoke them were overrun or superseded by other populations that eventually replaced them, no one saw any need to speak their languages. There was no good reason to keep on speaking a language whose creators had become irrelevant to history. COBOL is different. Certainly, there were more people that “spoke” COBOL back in the 1980s than there are now. Remember, however, the second word in COBOL’s acronym – business. Businesses are complex social and economic organisms that exist for but a single purpose – to make money. One of the approaches businesses take to satisfy that all-important survival trait is that they want to avoid expenses. This avoidance of expense turns out to have been key to the survival of COBOL because those programmers of the 1980s (give or take a decade) were very busy programmers. Estimates are that as many as a several hundred billion lines of COBOL code were written for businesses world-wide. Because of the first word in COBOL’s name (“Common”), as businesses replaced their older, slower and less-reliable computer systems with newer, faster and more-reliable ones, they found that the massive investment they had in their COBOL software inventory paid dividends by remaining functional on those new systems - many times with no changes needed whatsoever! Unwilling to endorse change merely for the sake of change, businesses replaced these billions and billions of lines of COBOL code only when absolutely necessary and only when financially justifiable. That justification appeared to have come as the 20th century was nearing the end. Written long before the end of the century was near, many of those COBOL applications used 2-digit years instead of four digit years because, when the programs were written, computer storage of any kind was expensive. Why should millions and millions of bytes of storage be wasted by all those “19” sequences when the software can simply assume them? Since their software would suddenly think the current year was “1900” after the stroke of midnight, December 31st 1999, businesses knew they were going to have to do something about the “Y2K” (programmer “geek speak” for “Year 2000”) problem. At last! Y2K was going to be the massive asteroid strike that finally killed off the COBOL dinosaur. Unfortunately for those seeking the extinction of COBOL, that proved to be wishful thinking. Always concerned with the bottom line, businesses actually analyzed the problems with their programs. Many applications were replaced with newer and “better” versions that used more appropriate (translation: more politically correct) languages and computer systems. BUT … many applications were not replaced. These were the absolutely essential applications whose replacement would cripple the business if everything didn’t go absolutely perfectly. These COBOL applications were modified to use 4-digit years instead of 2-digit ones. At the same time, many of them received cosmetic “face lifts” to make their computer/human interfaces more acceptable, frequently with the help of modules developed in the newer languages. The result is that even today, after the Y2K “extinction event”, there are, by industry estimates, over 40 billion lines of COBOL code still running the businesses of the 21st century. A fact that is disturbing to some is that – just as tiny little furry mammals evolved to cope with the original “extinction event” holocaust – COBOL has also evolved into a leaner and meaner “animal” capable of competing in niches and providing services unthought-of back in 1968. That fact is confirmed by the fact that those lines of COBOL code being tracked by industry analysts are actually growing at the rate of about 4 billion a year. Evolution, you see, is in COBOLs DNA. Over time, COBOL evolved in form and function, first via work done by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and eventually through the efforts of the International Standards Organization (ISO). 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction The first widely-adopted standard for COBOL was published by ANSI in 19682. Named the ANS68 standard, this version of COBOL was originally standardized for use primarily as the business programming tool of the US Defense Department; it quickly was adopted by other Government agencies and private businesses alike. Subsequent standards published in 1974 and 1985 (ANS74 and ANS85, respectively) added new features and evolved the language toward adoption of the programmer-productivity tool of the time – “Structured Programming”. As the 21st century dawned, programming had moved out of the board room and into the Game Room, the Living Room and even the Kitchen; as computers became more and more inexpensive they appeared in games, entertainment devices and appliances. Even the automobile became home to computers galore. These computers need software, and that software is written in the so-called “modern” languages. Combined with Y2K, these trends became the impetus for COBOL to evolve even newer features and capabilities. The COBOL2002 standard3 introduced object-oriented features and syntax that make the language more programmer- friendly to those trained by today’s programming curricula. The COBOL20xx standard, currently under development, carries the evolution forward to the point where a COBOL20xx implementation will be fully as “modern” as any other programming language. Through all this evolution, however, care was taken with each new standard to protect the investment businesses (or anyone, for that matter) had in COBOL software. Generally, a new COBOL standard – once implemented and adopted by a business - required minimal, if any, changes to upgrade existing applications. When changes were necessary, those changes could frequently be made using tools that mechanically upgraded entire libraries of source code with little or no need for human intervention. The OpenCOBOL implementation of the COBOL language supports virtually the entire ANS85 standard as well as some significant features of the COBOL2002 standard, although the truly object-oriented features are not there (yet). 1.3.2. Programmer Productivity – The “Holy Grail” Throughout the history of computer programming, the search for new ways to improve of the productivity of programmers has been the all-important consideration. Sometimes this search has taken the form of introducing new features in programming languages, or even new languages altogether, and sometimes it has evolved new ways of using the existing languages. Other than hobbyists, programming is an activity performed for money. Businesses abhor spending anything more than is absolutely necessary. Even government agencies try to spend as little money on projects as is absolutely necessary4. The amount of programming necessary to accomplish a given task – including rework needed by any errors found during testing (testing: “that time during which an application is actually in production use attempting to serve the purpose for which it was designed” ) is the measure of programmer productivity. Anything that reduces that effort will therefore reduce the time spent in such activities therefore reducing the expense of same. When the expense of programming is reduced, programmer productivity is increased. While many technological and procedural developments have made evolutionary improvements to programmer productivity, each of the following has been responsible for revolutionary improvements: The development of so-called “higher-level” programming languages that enable a programmer to specify in a single statement of the language an action that would have required many more separate statements in a prior programming language. The standardization of such languages, making them usable on a wide variety 2 To that point, in 1968 the US Government made it a requirement that any computer system sold to them must run a version of COBOL that adhered to the ANSI68 standard. The requirement that computers sold to the US Government had to support the current COBOL standard remained for many, many years. 3 “Popular” names for COBOL standards no longer include an organization’s name, and now use Y2K-compliant 4- digit years. 4 This is a religious issue because it is an assertion that – sadly – must be taken purely on faith; there is, unfortunately, all too little real-world evidence to support it. It makes sense, so one can only hope it is true. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-3 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction of computers and operating systems, is a COBOL was a pioneering development in this area, being one of the first higher-level languages. The establishment of programming techniques that make programs easier to read and therefore easier to understand. Not only do such techniques reduce the amount of rework necessary simply to make a program work as designed, but they also reduce the amount of time a programmer needs to study an existing program in order how to best adapt it to changing business requirements. The foremost development in this area was structured programming. Introduced in the late 1970s, this approach to programming spawned new programming languages (PASCAL, ALGOL, PL/1) designed around it. With the ANSI85 standard, COBOL embraced the principles espoused by structured programming mavens as well as any of the languages designed strictly around it. The establishment of programming techniques AND the introduction of programming language capabilities to facilitate the reusability of program code. Anything that supports code reusability can have a profound impact to the amount of time it takes to develop new applications or to make significant changes to existing ones. In recent years, object-oriented programming has been the industry “poster child” for code reusability. By enabling program logic and the data structures that logic manipulates encapsulated into easily stored and retrieved (and therefore “reusable”) modules called classes, the object-oriented languages such as Java, C++ and C# have become the favorites of academia. Since students are being trained in these technologies and only these, by and large, it’s no surprise that – today - object-oriented programming languages are the darlings of the industry. The reality is, however, that good programmers have been practicing code reusability for more than a half- century. Up until recently, COBOL programmers have had some of the best code reusability tools available - they’ve been doing it with copybooks (section 1.7) and subroutines (sections 6.7, 7.1.4 and 7.1.5) rather than classes, methods and attributes but the net results have been similar. With the COBOL2002 standard and the improvements made by the COBOL20xx standard, the playing field is leveled in this regard. 1.3.3. Notable COBOL/OpenCOBOL Features Basic Program Readability When it first was developed, COBOL’s easily-readable syntax made it profoundly different to anything that had been seen before. For the first time, it was possible to specify logic in a manner that was – at least to some extent – comprehensible even to non-programmers. Take for example, the following code written in FORTRAN – a language developed only a year before COBOL: E = P * Q I = I + E With its original limitation on the length of variable names (one letter or a letter followed by a number), and its use of algebraic notation to express actions being taken, FORTRAN wasn’t a particularly readable language, even by programmers. Compare this with the equivalent COBOL code: MULTIPLY PRICE BY QUANTITY GIVING EXTENDED-AMOUNT ADD EXTENDED-AMOUNT TO INVOICE-TOTAL Clearly, even a non-programmer could at least conceptually understand what was going on! Over time, languages like FORTRAN evolved more robust variable names, but FORTRAN was never as readable as COBOL. The inherent readability of COBOL code was a blessing at first, but eventually it became considered as a curse. As more and more people became at least informed about programming if not downright skilled, the syntax of COBOL became one of the reasons the ivory-tower types wanted to see it eradicated. I would MUCH rather be handed an assignment to make significant changes to a COBOL program about which I know nothing than to be asked to do the same with a C, C++ or Java program. Those that argue that it is too boring/wasteful/time-consuming/insulting (choose the word you prefer) to have to code a COBOL program “from scratch” are clearly ignorant of the following facts: 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction Many systems have program-development tools available to ease the task of coding programs; those tools that concentrate on COBOL are capable of providing templates for much of the “overhead” verbiage of any program Good programmers have – for decades – maintained their own skeleton “template” programs for a variety of program types; simply load a template into a text edit and you’ve got a good start to the program Legend has it that there’s actually only ever been ONE program ever written in COBOL – all programs ever written after that sprang from that one! COBOL Program Structure COBOL programs are structured into four major areas of coding, each with it’s own purpose. These four areas are known as DIVISIONS. Each DIVISION may consist of a variety of SECTIONs and each SECTION consists of one or more PARAGRAPHs. A PARARAPH consists of SENTENCEs, each of which consists of one or more STATEMENTs. This hierarchical structure of program components standardizes the composition of all COBOL programs. Much of this manual describes the various divisions, sections, paragraphs and statements that may comprise any COBOL program. The four divisions, and their function, are described in section 2. Each division has its own chapter (sections 3, 4, 5 and 6) and each of those chapters will describe the sections, et. al. available to programmers in each of those divisions. Copybooks A “copybook” is a segment of program code may be utilized by multiple programs simply by having that program use the COPY statement (section 1.7) to import that code into the program. This code may define files, data structures or procedural code. Today’s current programming languages have a statement (usually, this statement is named “include” or “#include”) that performs this same function. What makes the COBOL copybook feature different than the “include” facility in current languages, however, is the fact that the COBOL COPY statement can edit the imported source code as it is being copied. This capability enables copybook libraries extremely valuable to making code reusable. Structured Data COBOL introduced the concept of structured data back in the 1960s. Structured data is data which may be accessed as a single item or may be broken down into sub-items based upon their character position of occurrence within the structure. These structures called group items (page 9-2). At the bottom of any structure are data items that aren’t broken down into sub-items. COBOL refers to these as elementary items (page 9-1). Files One of COBOLs main strengths is the wide variety of files it is capable of accessing. OpenCOBOL, like other COBOL implementations, needs to have the structure of any files that it will be reading and/or writing described to it. The highest-level characteristic of a file’s structure is defined by specifying the ORGANIZATION (section 4.2.1) of the file, as follows: ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL These are files with the simplest of all internal structures. Their contents are structured simply as a series of data records, each terminated by a special end-of-record delimiter character. An ASCII line-feed character (hexadecimal 0A) is the end-of-record delimiter character used by any UNIX or pseudo-UNIX (MinGW, Cygwin, MacOS) OpenCOBOL build. A truly native Windows build would use a carriage-return, line-feed (hexadecimal 0D0A) sequence. Records in this type of file need not be the same length. Records must be read from or written to these files in a purely sequential manner. The only 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction ORGANIZATION IS RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL way to read (or write) record number 100 would be to have read (or written) records number 1 thru 99 first. When the file is written by an OpenCOBOL program, the delimiter sequence will be automatically appended to each data record as it is written to the file. When the file is read, the OpenCOBOL runtime system will strip the trailing delimiter sequence from each record and pad the data (to the right) with SPACES, if necessary, if the data just read is shorter than the area described for data records in the program. If the data is too long, it will be truncated and the excess will be lost. These files should not be defined to contain any exact binary data fields because the contents of those fields could inadvertently have the end-of-record sequence as part of their values – this would confuse the runtime system when reading the file, and it would interpret that value as an actual end-of-record sequence. These files also have a simple internal structure. Their contents are structured simply as a series of fixed-length data records with no special end-of-record delimiter. Records in this type of file are all the same physical length. If variable-length logical records are defined to the program (section 5.3), the space occupied by each physical record in the file will occupy the maximum possible space. Records must be read from or written to these files in a purely sequential manner. The only way to read (or write) record number 100 would be to have read (or written) records number 1 thru 99 first. When the file is written by an OpenCOBOL program, no delimiter sequence is appended to the data. When the file is read, the data is transferred into the program exactly as it exists in the file. In the event that a short record is read as the very last record, that record will be SPACE padded. Care must be taken that programs reading such a file describe records whose length is exactly the same as that used by the programs that created the file. For example, the following shows the contents of a RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL file created by a program that wrote five 6- character records to it. The “A”, “B”, … values and the background colors reflect the records that were written to the file: A A A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D E E E E E E Now, assume that another program reads this file, but described 10-character records rather than 6. Here are the records that program will read: A A A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D E E E E E E There may be times where this is exactly what you were looking for. More often than not, however, this is not desirable behavior. Suggestion: use a copybook to describe the record layouts of any file; this guarantees that multiple programs accessing that file will “see” the same record sizes and layouts. These files can contain exact binary data fields. The contents of record fields are irrelevant to the reading process as there is no end-of-record delimiter. ORGANIZATION IS RELATIVE The contents of these files consist of a series of fixed-length data records prefixed with a four- byte USAGE COMP-5 (Figure 5-10) record header. The record header contains the length of the data, in bytes. The byte-count does not include the four-byte record header. Records in this type of file are all the same physical length. If variable-length logical records are defined to the program (section 5.3), the space occupied by each physical record in the file will occupy the maximum possible space. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-6 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED This file organization was defined to accommodate either sequential or random processing. With a RELATIVE file, it is possible to read or write record 100 directly, without having to have first read or written records 1-99. The OpenCOBOL runtime system uses the program-defined maximum record size to calculate a relative byte position in the file where the record header and data begin, and then transfers the necessary data to or from the program. When the file is written by an OpenCOBOL program, no delimiter sequence is appended to the data, but a record-length field is added to the beginning of each physical record. When the file is read, the data is transferred into the program exactly as it exists in the file. Care must be taken that programs reading such a file describe records whose length is exactly the same as that used by the programs that created the file. It won’t be a pretty site when the OpenCOBOL runtime library ends up interpreting a four-byte ASCII character string as a record length when it transfers data from the file into the program! Suggestion: use a copybook to describe the record layouts of any file; this guarantees that multiple programs accessing that file will “see” the same record sizes and layouts. These files can contain exact binary data fields. The contents of record fields are irrelevant to the reading process as there is no end-of-record delimiter. This is the most advanced file structure available to OpenCOBOL programs. It’s not possible to describe the physical structure of such files because that structure will vary depending upon which advanced file-management facility was included into the OpenCOBOL build you will be using (Berkeley Database [BDB], VBISAM, etc.). We will – instead – discuss the logical structure of the file. There will be multiple structures stored for an INDEXED file. The first will be a data component, which may be thought of as being similar to the internal structure of a RELATIVE file. Data records may not, however, be directly accessed by their record number as would be the case with a RELATIVE file, nor may they be processed sequentially by their physical sequence in the file. The remaining structures will be one or more index components. An index component is a data structure that (somehow) enables the contents of a field, called a primary key, within each data record (a customer number, an employee number, a product code, a name, etc.) to be converted to a record number so that the data record for any given primary key value can be directly read, written and/or deleted. Additionally, the index data structure is defined in such a manner as to allow the file to be processed sequentially, record-by-record, in ascending sequence of the primary key field values. Whether this index structure exists as a binary- searchable tree structure (btree), an elaborate hash structure or something else is pretty much irrelevant to the programmer – the behavior of the structure will be as it was just described. The runtime system will not allow two records to be written to an indexed file with the same primary key value. The capability exists for an additional field to be defined as what is known as an alternate key. Alternate key fields behave just like primary keys, allowing both direct and sequential access to record data based upon the alternate key field values, with one exception. That exception is the fact that alternate keys may be allowed to have duplicate values, depending upon how the alternate key field is described to the OpenCOBOL compiler (section There may be any number of alternate keys, but each key field comes with a disk space penalty as well as an execution time penalty. As the number of alternate key fields increases, it will take longer and longer to write and/or modify records in the file. These files can contain exact binary data fields. The contents of record fields are irrelevant to the reading process as there is no end-of-record delimiter. All files are initially described to an OpenCOBOL program using a SELECT statement (section 4.2.1) coded in the FILE- CONTROL paragraph of the INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION of the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. In addition to defining a name 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction by which the file will be referenced within the program, the SELECT statement will specify the name and path by which the file will be known to the operating system along with its ORGANIZATION, locking (section and sharing (section attributes. A file description (section 5.1) in the FILE SECTION of the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION of the DATA DIVISION will define the structure of records within the file, including whether or not variable-length records are possible and – if so – what the minimum and maximum length might be. In addition, the file description entry can specify file I/O block sizes. Table Handling Other programming languages have arrays, COBOL has tables. They’re basically the same thing. What makes COBOL tables special are two special statements that exist in the COBOL language – SEARCH (section 6.38.1) and SEARCH ALL (section 6.38.2). The first can search a table sequentially, stopping only when either a table entry matching one of any number of search conditions is found, or when all table entries have been checked against the search criteria and none matched any of those criteria. The second can perform an extremely fast search against a table sorted by and searched against a “key” field contained in each table entry. The algorithm used for such a search is a binary search (also known as a half-interval search). This algorithm ensures that only a small number of entries in the table need to be checked in order to find a desired entry or to determine that the desired entry doesn’t exist in the table. The larger the table, the more effective this search becomes. For example, a table containing 32,768 entries will be able to locate a particular entry or will determine the entry doesn’t exist by looking at no more than fifteen (15) entries! The algorithm is explained in detail in the SEARCH ALL documentation (section 6.38.2). Sorting and Merging Data The COBOL language includes a powerful SORT statement (section 6.40.1) that can sort large amounts of data according to arbitrarily complex key structures. This data may originate from within the program or may be contained in one or more external files. The sorted data may be written automatically to one or more output files or may be processed, record-by-record in the sorted sequence. A special form of the SORT statement (section 6.40.2) also exists just to sort the data that resides in a table. This is particularly useful if you wish to use SEARCH ALL against the table. A companion statement – MERGE (section 6.27) – can combine the contents of multiple files together, provided those files are all sorted in a similar manner according to the same key structure(s). The resulting output will consist of the contents of all of the input files, merged together and sequenced according to the common key structure(s). The output of a MERGE may be written automatically to one or more output files or may be processed internally by the program. String Manipulation There have been programming languages designed specifically for the processing of text strings, and there have been programming languages designed for the sole purpose of performing high-powered numerical computations. Most programming languages fall somewhere in the middle, between these two extremes. COBOL is no exception, although it does include some very powerful string manipulation capabilities; OpenCOBOL actually has even more string-manipulation capabilities than many other COBOL implementations. The following chart illustrates the capabilities of OpenCOBOL with regard to strings: Capability OpenCOBOL Feature Supporting that Capability Concatenate two or more strings Conversion of a numeric time or date to a formatted character string CONCATENATE Intrinsic Function (section STRING Statement (section 6.43) LOCALE-TIME or LOCALE-DATE Intrinsic Functions (sections and, respectively 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-8 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction Capability Convert a binary value to its corresponding character in the program’s characterset Convert a character string to lower-case Convert a character string to upper-case Convert a character to its numeric value in the program’s characterset Count occurrences of substrings in a larger string Decode a formatted numeric string back to a numeric value (for example, decode “$12,342.19-“ to a -12342.19 value) Determine the length of a string or data- item capable of storing strings Extract a substring of a string based on its starting character position and length Format a numeric item for output, including thousands-separators (“,” in the USA), currency symbols (“$” in the USA), decimal points, credit/debit symbols, leading or trailing sign characters Justification (Left, Right or Centered) of a string field Monoalphabetic substitution of one or more characters in a string with different characters Parse a string, breaking it up into substrings based upon one or more delimiting character sequences; these delimiters may be single characters, multiple-character strings or multiple consecutive occurrences of either Removal of leading or trailing spaces from a string Substitution of a single substring with another of the same length, based upon the substrings starting character position and length Substitution of one or more substrings in a string with replacement substrings of the same length, regardless of where they occur Substitution of one or more substrings in a string with replacement substrings of a OpenCOBOL Feature Supporting that Capability CHAR Intrinsic Function (section; add 1 to argument before invoking the function; The description of the CHAR function shows a technique that utilizes the MOVE statement that will accomplish the same thing without the need of adding 1 to the numeric argument value first LOWER-CASE Intrinsic Function (section C$TOLOWER Built-in Subroutine (section CBL_TOLOWER Built-in Subroutine (section UPPER-CASE Intrinsic Function (section C$TOUPPER Built-in Subroutine (section CBL_TOUPPER Built-in Subroutine (section ORD Intrinsic Function (section 6.1.7); subtract 1 from the result; The description of the ORD function shows a technique that utilizes the MOVE statement that will accomplish the same thing without the need of adding 1 to the numeric argument value first INSPECT Statement with TALLYING Option (section 6.26) NUMVAL and NUMVAL-C Intrinsic Functions (sections and LENGTH or BYTE-LENGTH Intrinsic Functions (sections and MOVE Statement (section 6.28.1) with a reference modifier on the “sending” field MOVE Statement (section 6.28) with picture-symbol editing applied to the receiving field (section 5.3) C$JUSTIFY built-in subroutine (section INSPECT Statement with CONVERTING Option (section 6.26) TRANSFORM Statement (section 6.47) SUBSTITUTE and SUBSTITUTE-CASE Intrinsic Functions (sections and UNSTRING Statement (section 6.49) TRIM Intrinsic Function (section MOVE Statement (section 6.28.1) with a reference modifier on the “receiving” field INSPECT Statement with REPLACING Option (section 6.26) SUBSTITUTE and SUBSTITUTE-CASE Intrinsic Functions (sections and SUBSTITUTE and SUBSTITUTE-CASE Intrinsic Functions (sections and 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-9 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction Capability different length, regardless of where they occur OpenCOBOL Feature Supporting that Capability Textual-User Interface (TUI) Features The COBOL2002 standard formalizes extensions to the COBOL language that allow for the definition and processing of text-based screens. OpenCOBOL implements virtually all the screen-handling features described by COBOL2002. Here is an example of such a screen as it might appear in the console window of a Windows computer: Figure 1-1 - A Sample TUI Screen Screens such as this5 are defined in the SCREEN SECTION of the DATA DIVISION (section 5.6). Once defined, screens re used at run-time via the ACCEPT (section 6.4.4) and DISPLAY (section 6.14.4) statements. The COBOL2002 standard only covers textual-user interface (TUI) screens and not the more-advanced graphical-user interface (GUI) screen design and processing capabilities built into most modern operating systems. There are subroutine-based packages available that can do full GUI development, but none are open-source. 1.4. Syntax Description Conventions Syntax of the OpenCOBOL language will be described in this manual with conventions familiar to COBOL programmers. The following is a description of those syntactical-description techniques: UPPERCASE UNDERLINING COBOL language keywords and implementation-dependent names (the so-called “reserved words” of the COBOL language) will appear in uppercase. reserved words that are underlined are required in whatever syntactical context they are shown. If a reserved word is NOT underlined, it is optional and it’s presence or absence has no effect on the program. lowercase Generic terms representing substitutable arguments will be shown in lowercase. 5 This screen comes from the program named OCic – a full-screen front-end to the OpenCOBOL compiler – the sourcs code of which is included as a sample in this manual. See section 8.3 for the listing of the program. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction [ brackets ] choice-1 | choice-2 { braces } {| selector |} … Shaded Areas Square brackets are used to enclose optional clauses. Any clauses not enclosed in square brackets are mandatory. Simple choices may be indicated with a vertical bar separating them. Although not typically used in COBOL syntactical diagrams, this convention is an effective alternative that may be used when square brackets would make a syntax diagram too complicated. Braces are used to enclose alternatives. Exactly one of the alternatives contained within the braces must be selected. Choice indicators are used to enclose alternatives where one or more of the enclosed selections may be selected. A three-dot sequence (called an “ellipsis”) may appear following brackets, braces, selectors or lowercase entries to indicate that the syntax element preceding the ellipsis may occur multiple times. Shaded areas are used to highlight syntax elements that are recognized by the OpenCOBOL compiler but will either have no effect on the generated code or will be rejected as being unsupported. Such elements are either present in the OpenCOBOL language to facilitate the porting of programs from other COBOL environments, reflect syntax elements that are not yet fully implemented or syntax elements that have become obsolete. 1.5. Source Program Format Traditional COBOL program source format allows programs to be coded using 80-character (maximum) lines with a fixed format. As of the ANSI 2002 standard, a free-format source code format is defined where source code lines can be up to 256 characters long with no fixed meanings assigned to specific column ranges. OpenCOBOL provides the following four methods for specifying the format of source code input files: -fixed -free >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FREE >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED This OpenCOBOL compiler switch specifies that all source input will be in traditional (80-column) fixed format. THIS IS THE DEFAULT MODE. This OpenCOBOL compiler switch specifies that all source input will be in ANSI2002 free (256 column) format. This source line, when encountered by the OpenCOBOL compiler, will switch the compiler’s expectations into free format mode. The “>>” characters MUST begin in column 8 or beyond. Directives such as this and the next one may be used to switch the compiler back and forth between free and fixed mode at will. This source line, when encountered by the OpenCOBOL compiler, will switch the compiler’s expectations into fixed format mode. Directives such as this and the prior one may be used to switch the compiler back and forth between free and fixed mode at will. The following are special directives or characters that may be used in OpenCOBOL programs to signify various things. “*” in column 7 Signifies the source line is a comment. This is valid only when in FIXED mode. “D” in column 7 Signifies the source line is a valid OpenCOBOL statement that will be treated as a comment unless the “–fdebugging-line” switch is specified to the OpenCOBOL compiler (in that instance, the lines will be compiled). This is valid only when in FIXED mode. “*>” in any column Denotes the remainder of the source line is a comment. This may be used in either FREE or FIXED mode, but if it is used in FIXED mode, the “*” should be in column 7 or beyond. “>>D” in any column Signifies the source line is a valid OpenCOBOL statement that will be treated as a comment unless the “-fdebugging-line” switch is specified to the OpenCOBOL compiler (in that instance, the lines will be compiled). This is valid when in FIXED or FREE mode, and must be the first non-blank sequence on the source line. In FREE mode, this sequence may begin in any column. In FIXED mode, this sequence must begin in column 8 or beyond. 1.6. Use of Commas and Semicolons 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-11 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction A comma character (“,”) or a semicolon (“;”) may be inserted into an OpenCOBOL program to improve readability at any spot where white space would be legal (except, of course, within alphanumeric literals). These characters are always optional. COBOL standards require that commas be followed by at least one space, when they’re used. Many modern COBOL compilers (OpenCOBOL included) relax this rule, allowing the space to be omitted in most instances. This can cause “confusion” to the compiler if the DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA clause is used (see section 4.1.4). The following statement, which calls a subroutine passing it two arguments (the numeric constants 1 and 2): CALL “SUBROUTINE” USING 1,2 would – with DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA – actually be interpreted as a subroutine call with ONE arguments (the data non-integer numeric constant 1.2). If you don’t already have it – develop the habit of coding a space after a comma used as punctuation! As an alternative, consider using a semicolon as there is no possibility for “confusion”. 1.7. Using COPY Figure 1-2 - COPY Syntax COPY statements are used to import copybooks (section into a program. OpenCOBOL completely supports the use of copybooks. These are separate source files containing ANY COBOL SYNTAX WHATSOEVER, including other COPY statements. COPY statements may be used anywhere within a COBOL program where the code contained within the copybook would be syntactically valid. The syntax diagram above places great emphasis on a period at the end of the COPY statement and any REPLACING clauses it may have. A period is absolutely mandatory at the end of every COPY statement, even if – to the eye of an experienced COBOL programmer – it doesn’t seem like there should be a period. All COPY statements are resolved and the contents of the corresponding copybooks inserted into the program source code before the actual compilation process begins. The optional “REPLACING” clause allows any reserved words (word-1, word-2), data items (identifier-1, identifier-2), literals (literal-1, literal-2) or whitespace-delimited phrases to be replaced. Any number of such substitutions may be made as a copybook is included into a program. See section 7.1.8 - Locating Copybooks at Compilation Time – for the details as to exactly how the OpenCOBOL compiler locates copybooks when programs are being compiled. 1.8. Use of Literals Literals are constant values that will not change during the execution of a program. There are two fundamental types of literals – numeric and alphanumeric. 1.8.1. Numeric Literals Numeric literals are numeric constants which may be used as array subscripts, as values in arithmetic expressions, or in any procedural statement where a numeric value may be used. Numeric literals may take any of the following forms: Integers such as 1, 56, 2192 or -54. Non-integer fixed point values such as 1.12 or -2.95. Hexadecimal numeric literals such as H”1F” (1F16 = 3110), h’22’ (2216 = 3410) or H’DEAD’ (DEAD16 = 5700510). The “H” character may either be upper- or lower-case and either single quote (‘) or double-quote (“) 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-12 COPYcopybook-nameREPLACING== pseudo-text-1==identifier-1literal-1word-1...== pseudo-text-2==identifier-2literal-2word-2.BY OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction characters may be used. Hexadecimal numeric literals are limited to a maximum value of H’FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ (a 64-bit value). 1.8.2. Alphanumeric Literals Alphanumeric literals are character strings suitable for display on a computer screen, printing on a report, transmission through a communications connection or storage in PIC X or PIC A data items (section 5.3). These are NOT valid for use in arithmetic expressions unless they can first be converted to their numeric computational equivalent (see the NUMVAL and NUMVAL-C intrinsic functions in section 6.1.7). Alphanumeric literals may take any of the following forms: Any sequence of characters enclosed by a pair of single-quote (‘) characters or a pair of double-quote (“) characters constitutes a string literal. The double-quote character (“) may be used as a data character within such a literal. If a single-quote character must be included as a data character, express that character as two consecutive single-quotes (‘’). The single-quote character (‘) may be used as a data character within such a literal. If a double-quote character must be included as a data character, express that character as two consecutive double-quotes (“”). A hexadecimal literal such as X”4A4B4C” (4A4B4C16 = the ASCII string ‘JKL’), x’20’ (2016 = a space) or X’30313233’ (3031323316 = the ASCII string ‘0123’). The “X” character may either be upper- or lower-case and either single quote (‘) or double-quote (“) characters may be used. These hexadecimal alphanumeric literals should always consist of an even number of hexadecimal digits, because each character is represented by eight bits worth of data (2 hex digits). Hexadecimal alphanumeric literals may be of almost unlimited length. Alphanumeric literals too long to fit on a single line may be continued to the next line in one of two ways: If you are using SOURCE FORMAT FIXED mode (section 1.5), the alphanumeric literal can be run right up to and including column 72. The literal may then be continued on the next line anywhere after column 11 by coding another quote or apostrophe (whichever was used to begin the literal originally). The continuation line must also have a hyphen (-) coded in column 7. Here is an example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 01 LONG-LITERAL-VALUE-DEMO PIC X(60) VALUE “This is a long l - “iteral that must - “ be continued.” Regardless of the current SOURCE FORMAT, OpenCOBOL allows alphanumeric literals to be broken up into separate fragments. These fragments have their own beginning and ending quote/apostrophe characters and are “glued together” using “&” characters. No continuation indicator is needed. Here’s an example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 01 LONG-LITERAL-VALUE-DEMO PIC X(60) VALUE “This is a” & “ long literal that must “ & “be continued.”. If your program is using free-form format, there’s less need to continue long alphanumeric literals because statements may be as long as 255 characters. Numeric literals may be split across lines just as alphanumeric literals are, using either of the above techniques and reserved words can be split across lines too (using the first technique). Numeric literals and reserved words don’t get split very often though – it just makes for ugly-looking programs. 1.9. Use of Figurative Constants Figurative constants are reserved words that may be used in lieu of certain literals. In general, a figurative constant may be freely used anywhere its corresponding value could have been used; when used, their value is interpreted as if it were prefixed with “ALL” (see section 5.3 for a discussion of “ALL”). The following chart lists the OpenCOBOL figurative constants and their respective equivalent values. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-13 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Introduction Figure 1-3 - Figurative Constants Figurative Constant ZERO, ZEROS, ZEROES SPACE, SPACES QUOTE, QUOTES LOW-VALUE, LOW-VALUES HIGH-VALUE, HIGH-VALUES Type of Literal Numeric Equivalent Value 0 Alphanumeric Blank Alphanumeric Double-quote character(s) Alphanumeric The character whose value in the programs collating sequence is lowest. If a program is using the ASCII collating sequence, this will represent a sequence of characters comprised entirely of 0-bits. Alphanumeric The character whose value in the programs collating sequence is highest. If a program is using the ASCII collating sequence, this will represent a sequence of characters comprised entirely of 1-bits. NULL Alphanumeric A character comprised entirely of zero-bits (regardless of the programs collating sequence). 1.10. User-Defined Names When you write OpenCOBOL programs, you’ll need to create a variety of names to represent various aspects of the program, the programs data and the external environment in which the program is running. User-defined names may be composed from the characters “A” through “Z” (upper- and/or lower-case), “0” through “9”, dash (“-“) and underscore (“_”). User-defined names may neither start nor end with hyphen or underscore characters. With the exception of procedure names, user-defined names must contain at least one letter. When user-defined names are created as names for data, they will be referenced in this document under the term identifier. 1.11. Use of LENGTH OF Alphanumeric literals and identifiers may optionally be prefixed with the clause “LENGTH OF”. In such cases, the literal actually is a numeric literal with a value equal to the number of bytes in the alphanumeric literal. For example, the following two OpenCOBOL statements both display the same result (27): 01 Demo-Identifier PIC X(27). *> This is a 27-character data-item . . . DISPLAY LENGTH OF “This is a LENGTH OF Example” DISPLAY LENGTH OF Demo-Identifier DISPLAY 27 The LENGTH OF clause on a literal or identifier reference may generally be used anywhere a numeric literal might be specified, with the following exceptions: 1. In place of a literal on a DISPLAY statement. 2. As part of a WRITE or RELEASE statement’s FROM clause. 3. As part of the TIMES clause of a PERFORM. 06FEB2009 Version Page 1-14 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide General OpenCOBOL Program Format 2. General OpenCOBOL Program Format Figure 2-1 - General OpenCOBOL Program Format COBOL programs are organized into DIVISIONS – major groupings of language statements that all relate to a common purpose. Not all divisions are needed in every program, but they must be specified in the order shown when they are used. 1. The OpenCOBOL compiler will compile the source code provided to it (a compilation unit) into a single executable program. This source code can provided as a single program unit (a source code sequence defined by those DIVISIONs required by the program unit, followed by an optional END PROGRAM clause) or as multiple program units EACH consisting of the necessary DIVISIONs and a mandatory END PROGRAM clause. When multiple program units are being compiled in a single compilation unit, the last program unit need not contain an END PROGRAM clause – all others, however, must have one. 2. Specifying multiple input files to the OpenCOBOL compiler defines a compilation unit that consists of the contents of the specified files, compiled in the sequence in which the files are specified. The effect is the same as if a single source file containing multiple program units were compiled, except that the individual source files need not contain END PROGRAM clauses unless they contain multiple program units. 3. Regardless of how many programs units comprise a single compilation unit, only a single output executable program will be generated. The first program unit encountered in the compilation unit will serve as the main program – all others must serve as subprograms, called by the main program or by one of the other program units in the sequence. 4. Here is a brief summary of the purpose of each DIVISION: DIVISION Purpose IDENTIFICATION The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION (section 3) provides basic identification of the program by giving ENVIRONMENT DATA PROCEDURE it a program id (a name). The ENVIRONMENT DIVISION (section 4) defines the external computer environment in which the program will be operating. This includes defining any files that the program may be accessing. The DATA DIVISION (section 5) is used to define all data that will be processed by a program. The PROCEDURE DIVISION (section 6) contains all executable program code. 06FEB2009 Version Page 2-1 { [IDENTIFICATIONDIVISION. ]PROGRAM-ID. program-name-1[ IS INITIALPROGRAM ].[ENVIRONMENTDIVISION. environment-division-content][DATADIVISION. data-division-content][PROCEDUREDIVISION. procedure-division-content ][nested-source-program| nested-source-function]...[ENDPROGRAMprogram-name-1. ]}... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide General OpenCOBOL Program Format 2.1. General Format for Nested Source Programs Figure 2-2 - General Format for Nested Source Programs Nested source programs are program units imbedded inside other program units (they follow the PROCEDURE DIVISION of their “parent” program unit and there is no intervening END PROGRAM between the two). As such they serve as subprograms available ONLY to the parent program unit in which they are imbedded6. 1. Nested source programs may themselves contain other nested programs. Care should be taken to include END PROGRAM clauses between nested subprograms that should be considered at “equal levels” in the nesting structure. 2.2. General Format for Nested Source Functions Figure 2-3 - General Format for Nested Source Functions User-defined functions are defined in the OpenCOBOL syntax but are not currently supported. 1. Attempts to compile a user-defined function will be rejected with a message such as the following: name:line: Error: FUNCTION-ID is not yet implemented 6 Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule. See the discussion of the COMMON clause to the PROGRAM-ID paragraph on page 8. 06FEB2009 Version Page 2-2 [IDENTIFICATIONDIVISION. ]PROGRAM-ID. program-name-1[IS PROGRAM ].[ENVIRONMENTDIVISION. environment-division-content][DATADIVISION. data-division-content][PROCEDUREDIVISION. procedure-division-content ][nested-source-program| nested-source-function]...[ENDPROGRAMprogram-name-1. ]INITIALCOMMONFUNCTION-ID. function-name-1[ IS PROGRAM ] .[ ENVIRONMENT DIVISION . environment-division-content]DATA DIVISION. data-division-contentPROCEDURE DIVISION [ USING data-item-1... ] [ RETURNING data-item-n ]. procedure-division-content [ nested-source-program| nested-source-function] ...[ END FUNCTION function-name-1. ] INITIALCOMMON OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide IDENTIFICATION DIVISION 3. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION Figure 3-1 - IDENTIFICATION DIVISION Syntax The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION provides basic identification of the program by giving it a program id (a name). 1. While the actual IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header is optional, the PROGRAM-ID clause is not. 2. The PROGRAM-ID clause defines the name (program-name) by which other programs may refer to this one (i.e. CALL “program-name”). 3. Program names ARE case-sensitive. If the compilation unit is being created as a dynamically-loadable library file (by using the “-m” option on the OpenCOBOL compiler command), then the library filename created by the compiler will exactly match the program-name. If the compilation unit is being created as an executable file (by using the “-x” option on the OpenCOBOL compiler command) then the program-id may be any valid COBOL identifier name because the executable filename will be the same as the source program filename without the “cbl” or “cob” extension. 4. The INITIAL and COMMON clauses are used within subprograms. The COMMON clause should be used only within subprograms that are nested source programs. 5. The INITIAL clause, if specified, guarantees the subprogram will be in its initial (i.e. compiled) state each and every time it is executed, not just the first time. 6. The COMMON clause, if any, makes a nested source program (subprogram) unit available to the parent program unit as well as to other nested source program units of that parent. 7. Obsolete IDENTIFICATION DIVISION entries such as DATE-WRITTEN, DATE-COMPILED, AUTHOR, INSTALLATION, SECURITY and REMARKS are normally ignored unless the “–Wobsolete” compilation switch is used; in such a case, warning messages will be generated but compilation will continue. 06FEB2009 Version Page 3-1 [IDENTIFICATIONDIVISION. ]PROGRAM-ID. program-name-1[IS PROGRAM ].INITIALCOMMON OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide IDENTIFICATION DIVISION 06FEB2009 Version Page 3-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION Figure 4-1 - ENVIRONMENT DIVISION Syntax The ENVIRONMENT DIVISION defines the external computer environment in which the program will be operating. This includes defining any files that the program may be accessing. 1. If none of the features provided by the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION are required by a program, the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION need not be specified. 4.1. CONFIGURATION SECTION Figure 4-2 - CONFIGURATION SECTION Syntax The CONFIGURATION DIVISION defines the computer system upon which the program is being compiled and executed and also specifies any special environmental configuration or compatibility characteristics. 1. The sequence in which the CONFIGURATION SECTION paragraphs are specified is irrelevant. 4.1.1. SOURCE-COMPUTER Paragraph Figure 4-3 - SOURCE-COMPUTER Paragraph Syntax The SOURCE-COMPUTER paragraph defines the computer upon which the program is being compiled. 1. The value specified for computer-name-1 is irrelevant, provided it is a valid COBOL word that does not match any OpenCOBOL reserved word. 2. The optional WITH DEBUGGING MODE clause, if present, will be flagged as obsolete syntax (if using the “-W”, “- Wobsolete” or “-Wall” compiler switches) and will have no effect on the program compilation. 3. Debugging lines in your programs may be compiled, however, by specifying the “-fdebugging-line” switch to the OpenCOBOL compiler. Section 1.5 discusses how debugging lines are specified in an OpenCOBOL program. 4.1.2. OBJECT-COMPUTER Paragraph Figure 4-4 - OBJECT-COMPUTER Paragraph Syntax The OBJECT-COMPUTER paragraph describes the computer upon which the program will execute. This paragraph is not merely documentation. 1. The value specified for computer-name-2 is irrelevant, provided it is a valid COBOL word that does not match any OpenCOBOL reserved word. 2. The MEMORY SIZE and SEGMENT-LIMIT clauses are supported for compatibility purposes, but are non-functional in OpenCOBOL. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-1 ENVIRONMENTDIVISION.[ CONFIGURATIONSECTION. ][ INPUT-OUTPUTSECTION. ]CONFIGURATIONSECTION.[ SOURCE-COMPUTER. source-computer-contents][ OBJECT-COMPUTER. object-computer-contents][ REPOSITORY. repository-contents][ SPECIAL-NAMES. special-names-contents]SOURCE-COMPUTER. computer-name-1[WITH DEBUGGINGMODE].OBJECT-COMPUTER. computer-name-2MEMORYSIZEIS integer-1[ PROGRAM COLLATINGSEQUENCE IS alphabet-name-1][ SEGMENT-LIMITIS integer-2 ] . WORDSCHARACTERS OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 3. The PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE clause allows you to specify a customized character collating sequence to be used when alphanumeric values are compared to one another. Data will still be stored in the characterset native to the computer, but the logical sequence in which characters are ordered for comparison purposes can be altered from that inherent to the computer’s native characterset. The alphabet-name-1 you specify needs to be defined in the SPECIAL-NAMES section (4.1.4). 4. If no PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE clause is specified, the collating sequence implied by the characterset native to the computer (usually ASCII) will be used. 4.1.3. REPOSITORY Paragraph Figure 4-5 - REPOSITORY Paragraph Syntax The REPOSITORY paragraph provides a mechanism for controlling access to the various built-in intrinsic functions. 1. You may flag one or more (or ALL) intrinsic functions as being usable without the need to code the keyword “FUNCTION” in front of the function names. See section 6.1.7 for more information about intrinsic functions. 2. As an alternative to using the REPOSITORY paragraph, you may instead compile your OpenCOBOL programs using the “-ffunctions-all” switch. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-2 REPOSITORY. FUNCTIONINTRINSIC.function-name-1 …ALL OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4.1.4. SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph Figure 4-6 - SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph Syntax The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph provides a means for specifying the currency sign, choosing the decimal point, [specifying symbolic- characters,] relating implementer- names to user-specified mnemonic names, relating alphabet names to character sets or collating sequences, and relating class names to sets of characters. In short, this paragraph provides a means of easily “configuring” a COBOL program created in another computing environment so that it will compile with minimal changes in an OpenCOBOL environment. 1. The CONSOLE IS CRT clause exists to provide source code compatibility with other versions of OpenCOBOL. It allows the devices “CRT” and “CONSOLE” to be used interchangeably on DISPLAY (section 6.14.1) and ACCEPT (section 6.4.1) statements. This isn’t needed when coding OpenCOBOL programs “from scratch” because OpenCOBOL already considers those two devices to be synonymous. 2. The IS mnemonic-name-1 clause allows you to specify an alternate name for one of the built-in OpenCOBOL device names specified before the “IS”. 3. The external values of SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-8 are specified to a program using the environment variables COB_SWITCH_1 through COB_SWITCH_8, respectively. A value of “ON” turns the switch on. Any other value (including the environment variable being undefined) turns the switch off. The ON STATUS and/or OFF STATUS clauses define condition names that may be used to test whether a switch is set or not at run-time. See sections and for more information. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-3 SWITCH-1..SWITCH-8ISmnemonic-name-2ONSTATUS IScondition-name-1OFFSTATUS IS condition-name-2...SPECIAL-NAMES. [ CONSOLEIS CRT]IS mnemonic-name-3C01..C12......IS mnemonic-name-1SYSINSYSIPTSYSOUTSYSLISTSYSLSTPRINTERSYSERRCONSOLEALPHABET alphabet-nameIS NATIVESTANDARD-1STANDARD-2EBCDIC...literal-1...THRUTHROUGH{ ALSOliteral-3 }...literal-2[ LOCALElocale-name-1IS identifier-1] ...[ CURRENCYSIGN IS literal-6][ DECIMAL-POINTIS COMMA][ CURSORIS identifier-2][ CRTSTATUSIS identifier-3][ SCREENCONTROLIS identifier-4][ EVENTSTATUSIS identifier-5] .SYMBOLICCHARACTERS{ { symbolic-character-1 }... {integer-1}... }…[ INalphabet-name-2 ]ISARECLASSclass-name-1IS literal-4 literal-5THRUTHROUGH...... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4. The ALPHABET clause provides a means for relating a name to a specified character code set or collating sequence, including those you define yourself using the “literal-1” option. You may specify an alphanumeric literal for any of the literal-1, literal-2 or literal-3 specifications. You may also specify any of the figurative constants SPACE[S], ZERO[[E]S], QUOTE[S], HIGH-VALUE[S} or LOW-VALUE[S]. 5. The SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS clause will be syntactically recognized but will be ignored. If you use the “-Wall” or “-W” compiler switches you will receive a warning message stating this feature is not yet implemented. 6. User-defined classes are defined using the CLASS clause. The literal(s) specified on that clause define the possible characters that may be found in a data item’s value in order to be considered part of the class. For example, the following defines a class called “Hexadecimal”, the definition of which specifies the only characters that may be present in a data item if that data item is to be part of the “Hexadecimal” class: CLASS Hexadecimal IS „0‟ THRU „9‟, „A‟ THRU „F‟, „a‟ THRU „f‟ See section for an example of how this user-defined class might be used. The LOCALE clause may be used to associate UNIX-standard locale names with an identifier defined in the DATA DIVISION. Locale names may be any of the following: Figure 4-7 - Locale Codes af_ZA am_ET ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LB ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE arn_CL as_IN az_Cyrl_AZ az_Latn_AZ ba_R be_BY bg_BG bn_IN bo_BT bo_CN br_FR bs_Cyrl_BA bs_Latn_BA ca_ES cs_CZ cy_GB da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE de_LI de_LU dsb_DE dv_MV el_GR en_029 en_AU en_BZ en_CA en_GB en_IE en_IN en_JM en_MY en_NZ en_PH en_SG en_TT en_US en_ZA en_ZW es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT es_HN es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE es_PR es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et_EE eu_ES fa_IR fi_FI fil_PH fo_FO fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR fr_LU fr_MC fy_NL ga_IE gbz_AF gl_ES gsw_FR gu_IN ha_Latn_NG he_IL hi_IN hr_BA hr_HR hu_HU hy_AM id_ID ig_NG ii_CN is_IS it_CH it_IT iu_Cans_CA iu_Latn_CA ja_JP ka_GE kh_KH kk_KZ kl_GL kn_IN ko_KR kok_IN ky_KG lb_LU lo_LA lt_LT lv_LV mi_NZ mk_MK ml_IN mn_Cyrl_MN mn_Mong_CN moh_CA mr_IN ms_BN ms_MY mt_MT nb_NO ne_NP nl_BE nl_NL nn_NO ns_ZA oc_FR or_IN pa_IN pl_PL ps_AF pt_BR pt_PT qut_GT quz_BO quz_EC quz_PE rm_CH ro_RO ru_RU rw_RW sa_IN sah_RU se_FI se_NO se_SE si_LK sk_SK sl_SI sma_NO sma_SE smj_NO smj_SE smn_FI sms_FI sq_AL sr_Cyrl_BA sr_Cyrl_CS sr_Latn_BA sr_Latn_CS sv_FI sv_SE sw_KE syr_SY ta_IN te_IN tg_Cyrl_TJ th_TH tk_TM tmz_Latn_DZ tn_ZA tr_IN tr_TR tt_RU ug_CN uk_UA ur_PK uz_Cyrl_UZ uz_Latn_UZ vi_VN wen_DE wo_SN xh_ZA yo_NG zh_CN zh_HK zh_MO zh_SG zh_TW zu_ZA 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 7. The CURRENCY SIGN clause may be used to define any single character as the currency sign used in PICTURE symbol editing (see Figure 5-9). The default currency sign is a dollar-sign ($). 8. The DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA clause reverses the definition of the “,” and “.” characters when they are used as PICTURE editing symbols (see Figure 5-9) and numeric literals. This can have unwanted side-effects – see section 1.6. 9. The PICTURE of identifier-3 (CRT-STATUS) should be 9(4). This field will receive a 4-digit value indicating the runtime status of a screen ACCEPT. These status codes are as follows: Figure 4-8 - Screen ACCEPT Key Codes Meaning Code ENTER key pressed 0000 F1 – F64 1001 - 1064 PgUp,PgDn7 2001,2002 2003,2004,2006 Up Arrow,Down Arrow,PrtSc (Print Screen) 8 Code Meaning 2005 8000 9000 Esc,9 No data is available on screen ACCEPT Fatal screen I/O error The actual key pressed to generate a function key (Fn) will depend on the type of terminal device you’re using (PC, Macintosh, VT100, etc.) and what type of enhanced display driver was configured with the version of OpenCOBOL you’re using. For example, on an OpenCOBOL built for a Windows PC using MinGW and PDCurses, F1-F12 are the actual F-keys on the PC keyboard, F13-F24 are entered by shifting the F-keys, F25-F36 are entered by holding Ctrl while pressing an F-key and F37-F48 are entered by holding Alt while pressing an F-key. On the other hand, an OpenCOBOL implementation built for Windows using Cygwin and NCurses treats the PCs F1-F12 keys as the actual F1-F12, while shifted F-keys will enter F11-F20. With Cygwin/NCurses, Ctrl- and Alt-modified F-keys aren’t recognized. Neither are Shift-F11 or Shift-F12. Note that numeric keypad keys are not recognizable on Windows MinGW/PDCurses builds of OpenCOBOL, regardless of NumLock settings. Windows Cygwin/NCurses builds recognize numeric keypad inputs properly. Although not tested during the preparation of this documentation, I would expect native Windows builds using PDCurses to behave as MinGW builds do and native Unix builds using NCurses to behave as do Cygwin builds. 10. If the CRT STATUS clause is not specified, an implicit COB-CRT-STATUS identifier (with a PICTURE of 9(4)) will be allocated for the purpose of receiving screen ACCEPT statuses. 11. While the SCREEN CONTROL and EVENT STATUS clauses are clearly noted at compilation time as being unsupported, the CURSOR IS clause is not; currently, however, it appears to be non-functional at runtime. 4.2. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION Figure 4-9 - INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION Syntax The INPUT-OUTPUT section provides for the detailed definition of any files the program will be accessing. 1. If the compiler “config” file you are using has “relaxed-syntax-check” set to “yes”, the FILE-CONTROL and I-O- CONTROL paragraphs may be specified without the INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION header having been specified. See section 7.1.8 for more information on config files and their effect on programs. 7 These keys are available ONLY if the environment variable COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS is set to any non-blank value at runtime. 8 These keys are not detectable on Windows systems 9 This key is available ONLY if the environment variable COB_SCREEN_ESC is set to any non-blank value at runtime (this is in addition to setting COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS) 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-5 INPUT-OUTPUTSECTION.[ FILE-CONTROL. file-control-contents][ I-O-CONTROL. Io-control-contents] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4.2.1. FILE-CONTROL Paragraph Figure 4-10 - FILE-CONTROL Paragraph Syntax The SELECT statement of the FILE-CONTROL paragraph creates a definition of a file and links that COBOL definition to the external operating system environment. What is shown here are those clauses of the SELECT statement that are common to all types of files. Upcoming sections will discuss special SELECT clauses that only pertain to certain types of files. 1. The COLLATING SEQUENCE, RECORD DELIMITER, RESERVE and SHARING WITH ALL OTHER clauses, as well as the specification of a secondary FILE-STATUS field and LOCK MODE … WITH ROLLBACK, while syntactically recognized, are not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 2. The OPTIONAL clause, to be used only for files that will be used to provide input data to the program, indicates the file may or may not actually be available at run-time. Attempts to OPEN (section 6.31) an OPTIONAL file when the file does not exist will receive a special non-fatal file status value (see status 05 in #0 below) indicating the file is not available; a subsequent attempt to READ that file (section 6.33) will return an end-of-file condition. 3. The OpenCOBOL compiler parser tables actually allow the somewhat nonsensical statement: SELECT My-File ASSIGN TO DISK DISPLAY. …to be coded and successfully parsed. The effect will be the same as if this were coded: SELECT My-File ASSIGN TO DISPLAY. …which will be to create a file assigned to the PC screen. 4. If the “literal-1” option is used on the ASSIGN clause, it defines the external link from the COBOL file to an operating system file as follows: If an environment variable named “DD_literal-1” exists, its value will be treated as the full path/filename of the file. If not, then … 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-6 FILE-CONTROL.SELECT[ OPTIONAL] file-name-1DISPLAYliteral-1identifier-1FILESORTSTATUSIS identifier-2 [ identifier-3] ASSIGNTO[ organization-specific-clauses][ COLLATINGSEQUENCE IS alphabet-name-1]...LOCKMODE ISEXCLUSIVEMANUALAUTOMATICWITH LOCKONMULTIPLERECORDSWITH LOCKONRECORDWITH ROLLBACK[ RECORDDELIMITERIS STANDARD-1][ RESERVEinteger-1AREAS ]SHARINGWITHALLOTHERNOOTHERREADONLY....EXTERNALDYNAMICDISKPRINTER OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION If an environment variable named “dd_literal-1” exists, its value will be treated as the full path/filename of the file. If not, then … If an environment variable named “literal-1”exists, its value will be treated as the full path/filename of the file. If not, then… The literal itself will be treated as the full path/filename to the file. This behavior will be influenced by the “filename-mapping” setting in the config file you are using when compiling your programs. The behavior stated above applies only if “filename-mapping: yes” is in-effect. If “filename-mapping: no” is used, only the last option (treating the literal itself as the full name of the file) is possible. See section 7.1.8 for more information on config files and their effect on programs. The PICTURE of identifier-2 (the FILE STATUS clause) should be 9(2). An I/O status code will be saved to this identifier after every I/O verb that is executed against the file. Possible status codes are as follows: Figure 4-11 - FILE-STATUS Values Status Value 00 02 05 07 10 14 21 22 23 30 31 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 57 61 91 Meaning Success Success (Duplicate Record Key Written) Success (Optional File Not Found) Success (No Unit) End of file Out of key range Key invalid Attempt to duplicate key value Key not found Permanent I/O error Inconsistent filename Boundary violation File not found Permission denied Closed with lock Conflicting attribute File already OPEN File not OPEN Read not done Record overflow READ error OPEN INPUT denied OPEN OUTPUT denied OPEN I-O denied Record locked End of page LINAGE specifications invalid File sharing failure File not available 6. The LOCK and SHARING clauses define the conditions under which this file will be usable by other programs executing concurrently with this one. File locking and sharing is covered in section 6.1.9. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL Files Figure 4-12 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for SEQUENTIAL Files SEQUENTIAL files are those whose internal structure (in COBOL, this is referred to as organization) is such that the data in those files can only be processed in a sequential manner; in order to read the 100th record in such a file, you first must read records 1 through 99. 1. Files declared as ORGANIZATION RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL will consist of records with no explicit end-of- record delimiter character sequences; records in such files are “delineated” by a calculated byte-offset (based on record length) into the file . Such files cannot be prepared with any standard text-editing or word processing software as all such programs will imbed delimiter characters. Such files may contain either USAGE DISPLAY or USAGE COMPUTATIONAL (of any variety) data since no character sequence will be interpreted as an end-of- record delimiter. 2. Specifying ORGANIZATION IS RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL is the same as specifying ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL. 3. Files declared as ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL will consist of records terminated by an ASCII line-feed character (X”10”). When reading a LINE SEQUENTIAL file, records in excess of the size implied by the file’s FD will be truncated while records shorter than that size will be padded to the right with the PADDING CHARACTER value. 4. The default PADDING CHARACTER value is SPACE. 5. While the PADDING CHARACTER clause is syntactically acceptable for all file ORGANIZATIONs, it only makes sense for LINE SEQUENTIAL files as these are the only files where incoming records can ever be padded. 6. Both fixed- and variable-length record formats are supported. 7. Files ASSIGNed to PRINTER or CONSOLE should be specified as ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL. 8. See the discussion of the CLOSE(section 6.9), COMMIT (section 6.10), DELETE (section 6.13), MERGE (section 6.27), OPEN (section 6.31), READ(section 6.33), REWRITE(section 6.36), SORT (section 6.40.1), UNLOCK (section 6.48) and WRITE(section 6.50), verbs for information on how SEQUENTIAL files are processed. ORGANIZATION RELATIVE Files Figure 4-13 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for RELATIVE Files RELATIVE files are files with an internal organization such that records may be processed in a sequential manner or in a random manner, where records may be read, written and updated by specifying the relative record number in the file. 1. ORGANIZATION RELATIVE files cannot be assigned to CONSOLE or PRINTER. 2. The RELATIVE KEY clause is optional only if ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL is specified. 3. While records in a ORGANIZATION RELATIVE file may be defined as having variable-length records, the file will be structured in such a manner as to reserve the maximum possible space for each record. 4. An ACCESS MODE of SEQUENTIAL indicates that the records of the file will be processed in a sequential manner, while an ACCESS MODE of RANDOM means that records will be processed in random sequence. The DYNAMIC ACCESS MODE indicates the file will be processed either in RANDOM or SEQUENTIAL mode, and may switch back and forth between the two when the program executes (see the START verb in section 6.41). 5. The default ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-8 [ ACCESSMODE IS SEQUENTIAL]ORGANIZATIONIS SEQUENTIALRECORD BINARYLINEPADDINGCHARACTER ISliteral-1identifier-1ORGANIZATIONIS RELATIVE[ RELATIVEKEY IS identifier-1 ]ACCESSMODE ISSEQUENTIALDYNAMICRANDOM OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 6. The RELATIVE KEY data item is a numeric data item that cannot be a field within records of this file. Its purpose is to return the current relative record number of a RELATIVE file that is being processed in SEQUENTIAL access mode and to be a retrieval key that specifies the relative record number to be read or written when processing a RELATIVE file in RANDOM access mode. 7. See the discussion of the CLOSE(section 6.9), COMMIT (section 6.10), DELETE (section 6.13), MERGE (section 6.27), OPEN (section 6.31), READ(section 6.33), REWRITE(section 6.36), SORT (section 6.40.1), START (section 6.41), UNLOCK (section 6.48) and WRITE(section 6.50), verbs for information on how RELATIVE files are processed. ORGANIZATION INDEXED Files Figure 4-14 - Additional FILE-CONTROL Syntax for INDEXED Files INDEXED files, like RELATIVE files, may have their records processed either sequentially or in a random manner. Unlike RELATIVE files, however, the actual location of a record in an INDEXED file is based upon the value(s) of one or more alphanumeric fields within records of the file. For example, an INDEXED file containing product data might use the product identification code as a key. This means you may read, write or update the “A6G4328”th record or the “Z8X7723”th record directly, based upon the product id value of those records! 1. The specification of so-called “split keys”, while syntactically recognized, are not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 2. An ACCESS MODE of SEQUENTIAL indicates that the records of the file will be processed in a sequential manner with respect to the values of the RECORD KEY or an ALTERNATE RECORD KEY, while an ACCESS MODE of RANDOM means that records will be processed in random sequence of a key field. The DYNAMIC ACCESS MODE indicates the file will be processed either in RANDOM or SEQUENTIAL mode, and may switch back and forth between the two when the program executes (see the START verb in section 6.41). 3. The default ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL. 4. The PRIMARY KEY clause defines the field(s) within the record used to provide the primary access to records within the file. 5. The ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clause, if used, defines an additional field within the record that provides an alternate means of directly accessing records or an additional field by which the file’s contents may be processed sequentially. You have the choice of allowing records to have duplicate alternate key values, if necessary. 6. There may be multiple ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses, each defining an additional alternate key for the file. 7. PRIMARY KEY values must be unique for all records within the value. ALTERNATE RECORD KEY values for records within the file may have duplicate values if and only if the WITH DUPLICATES clause is specified for the alternate key. 8. See the discussion of the CLOSE(section 6.9), COMMIT (section 6.10), DELETE (section 6.13), MERGE (section 6.27), OPEN (section 6.31), READ(section 6.33), REWRITE(section 6.36), SORT (section 6.40.1), START (section 6.41), UNLOCK (section 6.48) and WRITE(section 6.50), verbs for information on how INDEXED files are processed. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-9 ORGANIZATIONIS INDEXEDALTERNATERECORDKEY IS identifier-3identifier-4...=SOURCEIS...[ WITH DUPLICATES]RECORDKEY IS identifier-1 identifier-2 ...=SOURCEISACCESSMODE ISSEQUENTIALDYNAMICRANDOM OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 4.2.2. I-O-CONTROL Paragraph Figure 4-15 - I-O-CONTROL Paragraph Syntax The I-O-CONTROL Paragraph can be used to optimize certain aspects of file processing. 1. The SAME SORT AREA and SAME SORT-MERGE AREA clauses are non-functional. The SAME RECORD AREA is functional, however. 2. The SAME RECORD AREA clause allows you to specify that multiple files should share the same input and output memory buffers. These buffers can sometimes get quite large, and by having multiple files share the same buffer memory you get significantly cut down the amount of memory the program is using (thus making “room” for more procedural code or data). If you do use this feature, take care to ensure that no more than one of the specified files are ever open simultaneously. 3. The MULTIPLE FILE TAPE clause is obsolete and is therefore recognized but not otherwise supported. 06FEB2009 Version Page 4-10 I-O-CONTROL.MULTIPLEFILE TAPE CONTAINSfile-name-1 [ POSITIONinteger-1][ file-name-2[ POSITIONinteger-2 ] ] ...SAMEAREA FOR file-name-1...RECORDSORTSORT-MERGE OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 5. DATA DIVISION Figure 5-1 - General DATA DIVISION Format The DATA DIVISION is used to define all data that will be processed by a program. Depending upon the type of data and/or the manner in which the data will be used, its definition will be specified in one of the sections shown in the syntax skeleton to the left. 1. Any SECTIONs that are declared must be specified in the order shown. If no DATA DIVISION sections are needed, the DATA DIVISION header itself may be omitted. 2. The REPORT SECTION is syntactically recognized but will – if used – be rejected as unsupported. OpenCOBOL does not support the RWCS (it does support the LINAGE clause in an FD, however). 3. The LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION is used in a manner identical to the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION with one exception: data defined in the LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION is [re]initialized to its initial state every time the program (usually a subprogram) is executed while WORKING-STORAGE SECTION data is static—it remains in its last-used state until the program is CANCELed or the execution of the main program is terminated. 4. LOCAL-STORAGE cannot be used in nested programs. 5. The SCREEN SECTION allows you do define text-based screen layouts using conventions and syntax similar to what you might expect to use if you were using the REPORT SECTION to lay out the structure of a report. 6. Note that there is no COMMON-STORAGE SECTION in OpenCOBOL. This feature has actually been removed from the COBOL standard. Its functionality, however, has been replaced by the EXTERNAL and GLOBAL data item attributes. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-1 ...file-descriptionsort-descriptionDATADIVISION.FILESECTION.77-level-data-description01-level-data-descriptionconstant-description...WORKING-STORAGESECTION.77-level-data-description01-level-data-descriptionconstant-description...LOCAL-STORAGESECTION.77-level-data-description01-level-data-descriptionconstant-description...LINKAGESECTION.REPORTSECTION.[report-description ]...screen-descriptionconstant-description...SCREENSECTION. OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 5.1. FD - File Description Figure 5-2 - FD Syntax There must be a detailed description for every file SELECTed in your program. These detailed descriptions will be coded in the FILE SECTION. There are two types of such descriptions – FDs and SDs, used to describe regular data files and sort work files, respectively. The FD provides a detailed description of the record format(s) used with the file as well as how those records are “bundled” into physical blocks for processing efficiency. 1. The CODE-SET clause, while syntactically recognized, is not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 2. The LABEL RECORD, DATA RECORD, RECORDING MODE and VALUE OF clauses are obsolete. If used, they will have no impact on the generated code. The identifiers specified on the DATA RECORD clause will be verified as being defined within the program, but the compiler won’t care whether they are actually specified as records of the file or not. 3. The COBOL programming language allows for the “blocking” of multiple logical data records into a single physical data record; an actual physical write to an output file being processed sequentially will occur when a memory block is filled with new records (see the COMMIT verb in section 6.10). Similarly, when reading a file sequentially, the first READ issued against the file will retrieve the first physical record (block), from which the first logical 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-2 FDfile-nameBLOCKCONTAINS integer-1 [ TOinteger-2]CHARACTERSRECORDSCONTAINS integer-3[ TOinteger-4] CHARACTERSIS VARYINGIN SIZE[ FROM integer-5[ TOinteger-6] CHARACTERSDEPENDINGON identifier-1RECORDRECORDISRECORDSARELABELOMITTEDSTANDARDliteral-1identifier-2VALUEOFimplementor-name-1ISRECORDISRECORDSAREDATAidentifier-3…[ RECORDINGMODE IS recording-mode ]identifier-4…REPORTISREPORTSAREinteger-10Identifier-7LINAGEIS LINESWITH FOOTINGATLINES AT TOPLINES AT BOTTOMInteger-7Identifier-4Integer-8Identifier-5Integer-9Identifier-6[ CODE-SETIS alphabet-name].01-level-data-description...EXTERNALGLOBAL OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION record will be retrieved and delivered to the program. Subsequent READ statements will retrieve successive logical records from the buffer until it is exhausted, in which case another physical read is performed to acquire the next physical record. The BLOCK CONTAINS clause in the FD allows all this processing to be performed in a manner that is completely transparent to the programmer. 4. The RECORD CONTAINS and RECORD IS VARYING clauses are ignored (with a warning message issued) when used with LINE SEQUENTIAL files. With other file organizations these mutually-exclusive clauses define the length of data records within the file. These sizes are used by the BLOCK CONTAINS … RECORDS clause to calculate a block size. 5. The REPORT IS clause is syntactically recognized but will cause an error since the RWCS is not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 6. The LINAGE clause can only be specified for ORGANIZATION RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL or ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL files. If used on an ORGANIZATION RECORD SEQUENTIAL file, the definition of that file will be implicitly changed to LINE SEQUENTIAL. Figure 5-3- LINAGE-specified Page Structure 7. The LINAGE clause is used to specify the logical boundaries (in terms of numbers of lines) of various areas on a printed page, as shown in Figure 5-3. The manner in which this page structure will be utilized is discussed in section 6.50 (the WRITE statement). 8. By specifying the EXTERNAL clause, the FD is capable of being shared between all program units (either separately compiled or compiled in the same compilation unit) in a given execution thread, provided the FD is described (with an EXTERNAL clause) in each compilation unit requiring it. This sharing allows the file to be OPENed, read and/or written and CLOSEd in different program units. 9. By specifying the GLOBAL clause, the FD is capable of being shared between all program units in the same compilation unit in a given execution thread, provided the FD is described (with a GLOBAL clause) in each program unit requiring it. This sharing allows the file to be OPENed, read and/or written and CLOSEd in different program units. Separately compiled programs cannot share a GLOBAL FD (but they can share an EXTERNAL FD). 5.2. SD - SORT Description Figure 5-4 - SD Syntax Sort work files (see sections 6.27 and 6.40.1) are described using an SD, not an FD. 1. The full “FD” syntax is actually available for a sort description, but only those syntax elements shown here are meaningful. 2. Sort files should be assigned to DISK. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-3 Top Margin (unprintable) Bottom Margin (unprintable) -Page Body (printable)Size (in lines): n–t–b Total # of lines that exist on a printed pageLINAGE IS nLINESLINES AT TOP tDefault = 0LINES AT BOTTOM bDefault = 0Page Footing area (if any)WITH FOOTING AT fDefault = no page footerSDfile-nameCONTAINS integer-3[ TOinteger-4] CHARACTERSIS VARYINGIN SIZE[ FROM integer-5[ TOinteger-6] CHARACTERSDEPENDINGON identifier-1RECORD[ CODE-SETIS alphabet-name]01-level-data-description.... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 3. Sorts will be performed in memory, if the amount of data being sorted allows. 4. Should disk work files be necessary due to the amount of data being sorted, they will be automatically allocated to disk in a folder defined by the TMPDIR, TMP or TEMP environment variables (see section 7.2.4). These disk files WILL NOT be automatically purged upon program execution termination (normal or otherwise). Temporary sort work files will be named “cob*.tmp”, in case you want to delete them yourself or from within your program upon sort termination. 5. If you specify a specific filename in the sort file’s SELECT, it will be ignored. 5.3. General Format for Data Descriptions Figure 5-5 - General Data Description Format The syntax skeleton shown here describes the manner in which data items are defined in all DATA DIVISION sections except the SCREEN SECTION. 1. Not specifying an identifier name or FILLER immediately after the level number has the same effect as if FILLER were specified. 2. As with other COBOL implementations, level numbers are restricted to the following values, with the meanings shown: 01 – a highest-level data item that may be complete in and of itself (also called an elementary item) or may be broken down into sub-items (also called a group item). 01-level data items are also frequently referred to as records or record descriptions. 02-49 – these level numbers are used to define data items that are subcomponents of a higher-level data item (the numerically lower the level number, the higher the data item is in the overall hierarchy of the data structure being defined – all structured data must begin with a single 01-level item). All levels 02-49 may be elementary items. All levels 02-48 may also be group items. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-4 [ REDEFINESidentifier-2][ PICTURE IS picture-string][ USAGEIS data-item-usage][ JUSTIFIED RIGHT ][ BLANKWHEN ZERO][ BASED][ ANYLENGTH][ RENAMESidentifier-3[ THRUidentifier-4][ VALUEIS [ ALL] literal-1]SIGNIS [ SEPARATECHARACTER ]LEADINGTRAILINGSYNCHRONIZEDLEFTRIGHTOCCURSinteger-1TIMESinteger-1TOinteger-2TIMES DEPENDINGON identifier-5KEY IS identifier-6...ASCENDINGDESCENDING...[ INDEXEDBY identifier-7... ].level-numberIS EXTERNALIS GLOBALidentifier-1FILLER OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 66 – a regrouping of level 02-49 data – the RENAMES clause is the only one allowed for such items. 77 – a data item that is not broken down into sub-items and is not a sub-item of any other data (this is a somewhat obsolete convention as the same can be accomplished using level 01) There are two additional level numbers (78 and 88) that have very special uses. These are described separately in sections 5.5 (78) and 5.4 (88). 3. Level-66 data items are merely re-groupings of consecutive data items in a structure that are re-grouped in such a way as to define a group-item name (identifier-1) by which they all may be referenced. 4. The PICTURE clause defines the class (numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric) of the data that may be contained by the data item being defined. A PICTURE also (sometimes in conjunction with USAGE) defines the amount of storage reserved for the data item. The three basic class-specification PICTURE symbols have the following uses: Figure 5-6 - Data Class-Specification PICTURE Symbols (A/X/9) Basic Symbol 9 A X Meaning and Usage Defines a spot reserved for a single decimal digit. The actual amount of storage occupied will depend on the specified USAGE. Defines a place reserved for a single alphabetic character (“A”-“Z”, “a”-“z”). Each “A” represents a single byte of storage. Defines a place reserved for a single character of storage. Each “X” represents a single byte of storage. These three symbols are used repeatedly in a PICTURE clause to define how many of each class of data may be contained within the field. For example: PIC 9999 Allocates a data item that can store four-digit positive numbers (we’ll see shortly how negative values can be accounted for). If the USAGE of the field is DISPLAY (the default), four bytes of storage will be allocated and each byte may contain the character “0”, “1”, “2”, … , “8” or “9”. There is no run-time enforcement of the fact that only digits are allowed. A compilation-time WARNING will be issued if literal value that violates the digits-only rule is MOVEd to the field. A run-time violation is detectable using a class condition test (see section PIC 9(4) Identical to the above – a repeat count enclosed within parenthesis can be used with any PICTURE symbols that allows repetition. PIC X(10) This data item can hold a string of any ten characters. PIC A(10) This data item can hold a string of any ten letters. There is no enforcement of the fact that only letters are allowed, but a violation is detectable via a class condition test (see section PIC AA9(3)A This is exactly the same as specifying X(6), but it documents the fact that values should be two letters followed by 3 digits followed by a single letter. There is no enforcement and no capability of detecting violations other than a “brute force” check by character position. Data items containing “A” or “X” PICTURE symbols cannot be used in arithmetic calculations. In addition to the above Figure 5-7 shows the numeric option PICTURE symbols that may be used with “PIC 9” data items: 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION Figure 5-7 - Numeric Option PICTURE Symbols (P/S/V) Numeric Option Symbol P S V Meaning and Usage Defines an implied digit position that will be considered to be a 0 when the data item is referenced at run-time. This symbol is used to allow data items that will contain very large values to be allocated using less storage by assuming a certain number of trailing zeros (one per “P”) to exist at the end of values. All computations and other operations performed against such a data item will behave as if the zeros were actually there. When values are stored into such a field they will have the digit positions defined by the “P” symbols stripped from the values as they are stored. For example, let’s say you need to allocate a data item that contains however many millions of dollars of revenue your company has in gross revenues this year: 01 Gross-Revenue PIC 9(9). In which case 9 bytes of storage will be reserved. The values 000000000 thru 999999999 will represent the gross-revenues. But, if only the millions are tracked (meaning the last six digits are always going to be 0), you could define the field as: 01 Gross-revenue PIC 9(3)P(6). Whenever Gross-Revenue is referenced in the program, the actual value in storage will be treated as if each P symbol (6 of them, in this case) were a zero. If you wanted to store the value 128 million into that field, you would do so as if the “P”s were “9”s: MOVE 128000000 TO Gross-Revenue. This symbol, which if used must be the very first symbol in the PICTURE value, indicates that negative values are possible for this data item. Without an “S”, any negative values stored into this data item via a MOVE or arithmetic statement will have the negative sign stripped from it (in effect becoming the absolute value). This symbol is used to define where an implied decimal-point (if any) is located in a numeric item. Just as there may only be a single decimal point in a number so may there be no more than one “V” in a PICTURE. Implied decimal points occupy no space in storage – they just specify how values are used. For example, if the value “1234” is in storage in a field defined as PIC 999V9, that value would be treated as 123.4 in any statements that referenced it. 5. The SIGN clause, allowable only for USAGE DISPLAY numeric data items, specifies how an “S” symbol will be interpreted. Without the SEPARATE CHARACTER option, the sign of the data item’s value will be encoded by transforming the last (TRAILING) or first (LEADING) digit as follows: Figure 5-8 - Sign-Encoding Characters First/Last Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Encoded Value For POSITIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Encoded Value For NEGATIVE p q r s t u v w x y 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-6 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION If the SEPARATE CHARACTER clause is used, then an actual “+” or “-“ sign will be inserted into the field’s value as the first (LEADING) or last (TRAILING) character. 6. OpenCOBOL supports all standard COBOL PICTURE editing symbols, namely “$”, comma, asterisk (*), decimal- point, CR, DB, + (plus), - (minus), “B”, “0” (zero) and “/”, as follows: Figure 5-9 - Numeric Editing PICTURE Symbols Editing Symbol - (minus) Meaning and Usage This symbol must be used either at the very beginning of a PICTURE or at the very end. If “-“ is used, none of “+”, “CR” or “DB” may be used. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple consecutive “-“ symbols are allowed only at the very beginning of the field. This is called a floating minus sign. Each “-“ symbol will count as one character position in the size of the data item. If only a single “-“ symbol is specified, that symbol will be “replaced” by a “-“ if the value moved to the field is negative, or a SPACE otherwise. If a floating minus sign is used, think of the editing process as if it worked like this: 1. Determine what the edited value would be if each “-“ were actually a “9”. 2. Locate the digit in the edited result that corresponds to the right-most “-“ and scan the edited value back to the left from that point until you come to a “0” that has nothing but “0” characters to the left of it. 3. Replace that “0” with a “-“ if the value moved to the field is negative or a SPACE otherwise. 4. Replace all remaining “0” characters to the left of that position by SPACES. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): If this value… 17 -17 265 -265 51 -51 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… -999 -999 -----99 -----99 999- 999- … this value in storage will result: b017 -017 bbbb265 bbb-265 051b 051- $10 This symbol must be only be used at the very beginning of a PICTURE except that a “+” or “-“ may appear to the left of it. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple consecutive “$“ symbols are allowed. This is called a floating currency symbol. Each “$“ symbol will count as one character position in the size of the data item. If only a single “$“ symbol is specified, that symbol will be inserted into the edited value at that position unless there are so many significant digits to the field value that the position occupied by the “$” is needed to represent a leading non-zero digit. In such cases, the “$” will be treated as a “9”. If a floating currency sign is used, think of the editing process as if it worked like this: 1. Determine what the edited value would be if each “$“ were actually a “9”. 2. Locate the digit in the edited result that corresponds to the right-most “$“ and scan the edited value back to the left from that point until you come to a “0” that has nothing but “0” characters to the left of it. 3. Replace that “0” with a “$“. 4. Replace all remaining “0” characters to the left of that position by SPACES. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): If this value… 17 265 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… $999 $$$$$99 … this value in storage will result: $017 bbb$265 10 The default currency sign used is “$”. Other countries use different currency signs. The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph (see section 4.1.4) allows any symbol to be defined as a currency symbol. If the currency sign is defined to the character ‘#’, for example, then you would use the ‘#’ character as a PICTURE editing symbol. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION Editing Symbol * (asterisk) Meaning and Usage This symbol must be only be used at the very beginning of a PICTURE except that a “+” or “-“ may appear to the left of it. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple consecutive “*“ symbols are not only allowed, but are the typical usage. This is called a floating check protection symbol. Each “*“ symbol will count as one character position in the size of the data item. Think of the editing process as if it worked like this: 1. Determine what the edited value would be if each “*“ were actually a “9”. 2. Locate the digit in the edited result that corresponds to the right-most “*“ and scan the edited value back to the left from that point until you come to a “0” that has nothing but “0” characters to the left of it. 3. Replace that “0” with a “*“. 4. Replace all remaining “0” characters to the left of that position by “*” also. An example: If this value… 265 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… *****99 … this value in storage will result: ****265 , (comma)11 Each comma (,) in the PICTURE string represents a character position into which the character “,” will be inserted. This character position is counted in the size of the item. The “,” symbol is a “smart symbol” capable of masquerading as the floating symbol to its left and right should there be insufficient digits of precision to the numeric value being edited to require the insertion of a “,” character. For example (the symbol b denotes a space): If this value… 17 265 1456 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… $$,$$$,$99 $$,$$$,$99 $$,$$$,$99 … this value in storage will result: bbbbbbb$17 bbbbbb$265 bbbb$1,456 . (period)11 This symbol inserts a decimal point into the edited value at the point where an implied decimal point exists in the value. It is used to edit numeric values. Note that the period specified at the end of every data item definition IS NOT treated as an editing symbol! An example: 01 Edited-Value PIC 9(3).99. 01 Payment PIC 9(3)V99 VALUE 152.19. ... MOVE Payment TO Edited-Value. DISPLAY Edited-Value. / (slash) Will display 152.19 This symbol – usually used when editing dates for printing – inserts a “/” character into the edited value. The inserted “/” character will occupy a byte of storage in the edited result. An example: 01 Edited-Date PIC 99/99/9999. … MOVE 08182009 TO Edited-Date. DISPLAY Edited-Date. + (plus) The displayed value will be 08/18/2009. This symbol must be used either at the very beginning of a PICTURE or at the very end. If “+“ is used, none of “-”, “CR” or “DB” may be used. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple consecutive “+“ symbols are allowed only at the very beginning of the field. This is called a floating plus sign. Each “+“ symbol will count as one character position in the size of the data item. If only a single “+“ symbol is specified, that symbol will be replaced by a “-“ if the value moved to the field is negative, or a “+” 11 If DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA is specified in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, the meanings and usages of the “.” and “,” characters will be reversed 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-8 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION Editing Symbol otherwise. Meaning and Usage If a floating plus sign is used, think of the editing process as if it worked like this: 1. Determine what the edited value would be if each “+“ were actually a “9”. 2. Locate the digit in the edited result that corresponds to the right-most “+“ and scan the edited value back to the left from that point until you come to a “0” that has nothing but “0” characters to the left of it. 3. Replace that “0” with a “-“ if the value moved to the field is negative or a “+” otherwise. 4. Replace all remaining “0” characters to the left of that position by SPACES. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): If this value… 17 -17 265 -265 51 -51 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… +999 +999 +++++99 +++++99 999+ 999- … this value in storage will result: +017 -017 bbb+265 bbb-265 051+ 051- 0 (zero) B This symbol inserts a “0” character into the edited value. The inserted “0” character will occupy a byte of storage in the edited result. An example: 01 Edited-Phone-Number PIC 9(3)B9(3)B9(4). … MOVE 5185551212 TO Edited-Phone-Number. DISPLAY Edited-Phone-Number. The displayed value will be 518 555 1212. This symbol inserts a SPACE character into the edited value. The inserted SPACE character will occupy a byte of storage in the edited result. An example: 01 Edited-Phone-Number PIC 9(3)B9(3)B9(4). … MOVE 5185551212 TO Edited-Phone-Number. DISPLAY Edited-Phone-Number. CR The displayed value will be 518 555 1212. This symbol must be used only at the very end of a PICTURE. If “CR“ is used, none of “-”, “+” or “DB” may be used. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple “CR“ symbols are not allowed in one PICTURE clause. A “CR“ symbol will count as two character positions in the size of the data item. If the value moved into the field is negative, the characters “CR” will be inserted into the edited value, otherwise two SPACES will be inserted. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): This value… 17 -17 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… 99CR 99CR …resulting in this value in storage: 17bb 17CR DB This symbol must be used only at the very end of a PICTURE. If “DB“ is used, none of “-”, “+” or “CR” may be used. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple “DB“ symbols are not allowed in one PICTURE clause. A “DB“ symbol will count as two character positions in the size of the data item. If the value moved into the field is negative, the characters “DB” will be inserted into the edited value, otherwise two SPACES will be inserted. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): This value… …is moved to a field with …resulting in this value in 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-9 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION Editing Symbol 17 -17 Meaning and Usage this PICTURE… 99DB 99DB storage: 17bb 17DB Z This symbol must be only be used at the very beginning of a PICTURE except that a “+” or “-“ may appear to the left of it. It is used to edit numeric values. Multiple consecutive “Z“ symbols are not only allowed, but are the typical manner in which this editing symbol is used. This is called a floating zero suppression. Each “Z“ symbol will count as one character position in the size of the data item. Think of the editing process as if it worked like this: 1. Determine what the edited value would be if each “Z“ were actually a “9”. 2. Locate the digit in the edited result that corresponds to the right-most “Z“ and scan the edited value back to the left from that point until you come to a “0” that has nothing but “0” characters to the left of it. 3. Replace that “0” with a SPACE. 4. Replace all remaining “0” characters to the left of that position by SPACES. Some examples (the symbol b denotes a space): This value… 17 265 …is moved to a field with this PICTURE… Z999 ZZZZZ99 …resulting in this value in storage: b017 bbbb265 No more than one editing symbol may be used in a floating manner in the same PICTURE clause. 5. Numeric data items containing editing symbols are referred to as numeric edited fields. Such data items may receive values in the various arithmetic statements but may not be used as sources of data in those same statements. The statements in question are ADD (section 6.5), COMPUTE(section 6.11), DIVIDE(section 6.15), MULTIPLY (section 6.29) and SUBTRACT (section 6.44). 6. By specifying the EXTERNAL clause, the data item being defined is capable of being shared between all program units (either separately compiled or compiled in the same compilation unit) in a given execution thread, provided the data item is described (with an EXTERNAL clause) in each compilation unit requiring it. 7. By specifying the GLOBAL clause, the data item is capable of being shared between all program units in the same compilation unit in a given execution thread, provided the data item is described with an GLOBAL clause in each program unit requiring it and provided all program-units using GLOBAL are nested within the first program-unit defining the data item with GLOBAL– see section 2.1 for a discussion of program unit nesting. 8. The EXTERNAL clause may only be specified at the 77 or 01 level. 9. An EXTERNAL item must have a data name (i.e. identifier-1) and that name cannot be FILLER. 10. EXTERNAL cannot be combined with GLOBAL, REDEFINES or BASED. 11. The VALUE clause is ignored on EXTERNAL data items or on any data items defines as subordinate to an EXTERNAL data item. 12. The OCCURS clause is used to create a data structure called a table12 that repeats multiple times. For example: 05 QUARTLY-REVENUE OCCURS 4 TIMES PIC 9(7)V99. Will allocate the following: QUARTLY-REVENUE (1) QUARTLY-REVENUE (2) QUARTLY-REVENUE (3) QUARTLY-REVENUE (4) Each occurrence is referenced using the subscript syntax (a numeric literal, arithmetic expression or numeric identifier enclosed within parenthesis) shown in the diagram. The OCCURS clause may be used at the group level too, in which case the entire group structure repeats, as follows: 12 Other programming languages with which you might be familiar refer to this sort of structure as an array. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 05 X OCCURS 3 TIMES. 10 A PIC X(1). 10 B PIC X(1). 10 C PIC X(1). A (1) X (1) B (1) C (1) A (2) X (2) B (2) C (2) A (3) X (3) B (3) C (3) See sections 6.1.1 (Table References), 6.38 (SEARCH), 6.40 (SORT) as well as item #28 below for more information about tables. 13. The optional DEPENDING ON clause can be added to an OCCURS to create a variable-length table. Such tables will be allocated out to the maximum size specified as integer-2. At execution time the value of identifier-5 will determine how many of the table elements are accessible. 14. The OCCURS clause cannot be specified in a data description entry that has a level number of 01, 66, 77, or 88. 15. VALUE specifies an initial compilation-time value that will be assigned to the storage occupied by the data item in the program object code generated by the compiler. If the optional “ALL” clause is used, it may only be used with an alphanumeric literal value; the value will be repeated as needed to completely fill the data item. Here are some examples with and without ALL: PIC X(5) VALUE “A” – will have the value “A”,SPACE,SPACE,SPACE,SPACE PIC X(5) VALUE ALL “A” – will have the value “A”,”A”,”A”,”A”,”A” PIC 9(3) VALUE 1 – will have the value 001 PIC 9(3) VALUE ALL “1” – will have the value 111 16. The ASCENDING KEY, DESCENDING KEY and INDEXED BY clauses will be discussed in section 6.39 (SEARCH). 17. The BASED and ANY LENGTH clauses cannot be used together. 18. The JUSTIFIED RIGHT clause, valid only on an alphabetic (PIC A) or alphanumeric (PIC X) item, will cause values shorter than the length of the data item to be right-justified and space-filled when they are MOVEd into the data item. 19. Data items declared with BASED are allocated no storage at compilation time. At run-time, the ALLOCATE verb is used to allocate space for and (optionally) initialize such items. 20. Data items declared with the ANY LENGTH attribute have no fixed compile-time length. Such items may only be defined in the LINKAGE SECTION as they may only serve as subroutine argument descriptions. ANY LENGTH items must have a PICTURE clause that specifies exactly one A, X or 9 symbol. 21. The BLANK WHEN ZERO clause, when used on a numeric item, will cause that item’s value to be automatically transformed into SPACES if a value of 0 is ever MOVEd to the item. 22. The REDEFINES clause causes identifier-1 to occupy the same physical storage space as identifier-2, so that storage may be defined in a different manner with a (probably) different structure. The following must all be true in order to use REDEFINES: a. The level number of identifier-2 must be the same as that of identifier-1. b. The level number of identifier-2 (and identifier-1) cannot be 66, 77, 78 or 88. c. If “n” represents the level number of identifier-2 (and identifier-1), then no other data items with level number “n” may be defined between identifier-1 and identifier-2. d. The total allocated size of identifier-1 must be the same as the total allocated size of identifier-2. e. No OCCURS clause may be defined on identifier-2. There may – however – be items defined with OCCURS clauses subordinate to identifier-2. f. No VALUE clause may be defined on identifier-2. No data items subordinate to identifier-2 may have VALUE clauses, with the exception of level-88 condition names. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-11 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 23. The following table summarizes the various possible USAGE specifications: Figure 5-10 - Summary of USAGE Specifications USAGE Allocated Space (Bytes) BINARY Depends on number of “9”s in PICTURE and the ”binary-size” setting of the configuration file (section 7.1.8) used to compile the program Storage Format Allows negative Values? Used w/ PIC? Identical To Most-compatible – see #24 If PICTURE contains “S” Yes COMPUTATIONAL, COMPUTATIONAL-4 BINARY-CHAR or BINARY-CHAR SIGNED One byte Native – see #24 Yes No BINARY-CHAR UNSIGNED One byte Native – see #24 No – see No BINARY-C-LONG or BINARY-C-LONG SIGNED BINARY-C-LONG UNSIGNED Allocates the same amount of storage as does the C language “long” data type on that computer; typically this is 32 bits but it could be 64 bits Allocates the same amount of storage as does the C language “long” data type on that computer; typically this is 32 bits but it could be 64 bits #25 Native – see #24 Yes No Native – see #24 No – see No #25 BINARY-DOUBLE or BINARY-DOUBLE SIGNED Allocates a “traditional” double-word of storage (64 bits) Native – see #24 Yes No BINARY-DOUBLE UNSIGNED Allocates a “traditional” double-word of storage (64 bits) Native – see #24 No – see No #25 BINARY-LONG or BINARY-LONG SIGNED Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 Yes No BINARY-LONG UNSIGNED Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No – see No #25 SIGNED-LONG, SIGNED-INT UNSIGNED-LONG, UNSIGNED-INT BINARY-SHORT or BINARY-SHORT SIGNED Allocates a half-word of storage (16 bits) Native – see #24 Yes No SIGNED-SHORT BINARY-SHORT UNSIGNED Allocates a half-word of storage (16 bits) Native – see #24 No – see No UNSIGNED-SHORT COMPUTATIONAL Depends on number of “9”s in PICTURE and the ”binary-size” setting of the configuration file (section 7.1.8) used to compile the program Most-compatible – see #24 COMPUTATIONAL-1 Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Single-precision floating-point Allocates a double-word of storage (64 bits) Double-precision floating-point #25 If PICTURE contains “S” Yes BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL-4 Yes Yes No No COMPUTATIONAL-2 COMPUTATIONAL-3 COMPUTATIONAL-4 COMPUTATIONAL-5 Allocates 4 bits per “9” in the PICTURE plus a (trailing) 4-byte field for the sign, rounded up to the nearest byte, SYNCHRONIZED RIGHT (see #27) Depends on number of “9”s in PICTURE and the ”binary-size” setting of the configuration file (section 7.1.8) used to compile the program Depends on number of “9”s in PICTURE and the ”binary-size” setting of the configuration file (section 7.1.8) used to compile the program Packed decimal – see #26 Most-compatible – see #24 If PICTURE contains “S” If PICTURE contains “S” No PACKED-DECIMAL Yes BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL Yes If PICTURE contains “S” 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-12 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION USAGE Allocated Space (Bytes) COMPUTATIONAL-X DISPLAY INDEX NATIONAL PACKED-DECIMAL Storage Format Allows negative Values? Used w/ PIC? Most-compatible – see #24 Yes If PICTURE contains “S” Identical To Characters Yes If PICTURE contains “S” Allocates bytes based upon the number of “9”s in the PICTURE according to the ”binary-size” setting of “1—8” in the configuration file used to compile the program. See section 7.1.8 for an illustration of how a value of “1—8” for “binary-size” would work. Depends on PICTURE – One character13 per X, A, 9, period, $, Z, 0, *, S (if SEPARATE CHARACTER specified), +, - or B symbol in PICTURE; Add 2 more bytes if DB or CR symbol used Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No No USAGE NATIONAL, while syntactically recognized, is not supported by OpenCOBOL Allocates 4 bits per “9” in the PICTURE plus a (trailing) 4-byte field for the sign, rounded up to the nearest byte, SYNCHRONIZED RIGHT (see #27) Packed decimal – see #26 If PICTURE contains “S” No COMPUTATIONAL-3 POINTER Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No PROGRAM-POINTER Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No SIGNED-INT Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 Yes SIGNED-LONG Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 Yes SIGNED-SHORT UNSIGNED-INT Allocates a half-word of storage (16 bits) Native – see #24 Yes Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No – see #25 No No No No No No UNSIGNED-LONG Allocates a word of storage (32 bits) Native – see #24 No – see No #25 BINARY-LONG-SIGNED, SIGNED-LONG BINARY-LONG SIGNED, SIGNED-INT BINARY SHORT SIGNED BINARY-LONG UNSIGNED, UNSIGNED-LONG BINARY-LONG UNSIGNED, UNSIGNED-INT UNSIGNED-SHORT Allocates a half-word of storage (16 bits) Native – see #24 No – see No BINARY-SHORT UNSIGNED #25 24. Binary data can be stored in either a “Big-Endian” or “Little-Endian” form. Big-endian data allocation calls for the bytes that comprise a binary item to be allocated such that the least- significant byte is the right-most byte. For example, a four-byte binary item having a value of decimal 20 would be big-endian allocated as 00000014 (shown in hexadecimal notation). Little-endian data allocation calls for the bytes that comprise a binary item to be allocated such that the least- significant byte is the left-most byte. For example, a four-byte binary item having a value of decimal 20 would be little-endian allocated as 14000000 (shown in hexadecimal notation). All CPUs are capable of “understanding” big-endian format, which makes it the “most-compatible” form of binary storage across computer systems. Some CPUs – such as the Intel/AMD i386/x64 architecture processors such as those used in most Windows PCs – prefer to process binary data stored in a little-endian format. Since that format is more efficient on those systems, it is referred to as the “native” binary format. 13 In this context, one character is the same as one byte, unless you’ve built yourself an OpenCOBOL system that uses Unicode (unlikely), in which case 1 character = two bytes. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-13 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION On a system supporting only one format of binary storage (generally, that would be big-endian), the terms “most- efficient” format and “native format” are synonymous. 25. Binary data items that have the UNSIGNED attribute explicitly coded, or that do not have an “S” symbol in their PICTURE clause cannot preserve negative values that may be stored into them. Attempts to store a negative value into such a field will actually result in the binary representation of the negative number actually being interpreted as if it were a positive number. For example, on a computer running an Intel or AMD processor, the value of -3 expressed as a binary value would be 111111012. If that value is moved into a USAGE BINARY-CHAR UNSIGNED field, it would actually be interpreted as 0111111012, or 253. 26. Packed-decimal (i.e. USAGE COMP-3 or USAGE PACKED-DECIMAL) data is stored as a series of bytes such that each byte contains two 4-bit fields with each field representing a “9” in the PICTURE and storing a single decimal digit. The last byte will always contain a single 4-bit digit (corresponding to a “9” and a 4-bit sign indicator (always present, even if no “S” symbol is used). The first byte may contain an unused left-most 4-bit field, depending on how many “9” symbols were used in the PICTURE. The sign indicator will have a value of a hexadecimal A thru F, with values of A, C, E and F indicating a positive sign and B or D representing a negative value. Therefore, a PIC S9(3) COMP-3 packed-decimal field with a value of -15 would be stored internally as a hexadecimal 015D (or perhaps a 015B). If you attempt to store a negative number into a packed decimal field that has no “S” in its PICTURE, the absolute value of the negative number will actually be stored. 27. The SYNCHRONIZED clause (which may be abbreviated as SYNC) optimizes the storage of binary numeric items to store them in such a manner as to make it as fast as possible for the CPU to fetch them. This synchronization is performed as follows: a. b. c. d. If the binary item occupies one byte of storage, no synchronization is performed. If the binary item occupies two bytes of storage, the binary item is allocated at the next half-word boundary. If the binary item occupies four bytes of storage, the binary item is allocated at the next word boundary. If the binary item occupies four bytes of storage, the binary item is allocated at the next word boundary. Here’s an example of a group item’s storage allocation with and without using SYNCHRONIZED: Figure 5-11 - Effect of the SYNCHRONIZED Clause The grey blocks represent the unused “slack” bytes that are allocated in the Group-Item-2 structure because of the SYNC clauses. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-14 ACEBDFACEBDF01 Group-Item-1.05 A PIC X(1).05 B USAGE BINARY-SHORT.05 C PIC X(2).05 D USAGE BINARY-LONG.05 E PIC X(3).05 F USAGE BINARY-DOUBLE.01 Group-Item-2.05 A PIC X(1).05 B SYNC USAGE BINARY-SHORT.05 C PIC X(2).05 D SYNC USAGE BINARY-LONG.05 E PIC X(3).05 F SYNC USAGE BINARY-DOUBLE.Group-Item-1Group-Item-2Word½Word½Word½Word½Word½Word½WordWordWordWordWordWordWordBytesBytesBytesDoubleWordDoubleWordDoubleWordDoubleWord OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION The LEFT and RIGHT options to the SYNCHRONIZED clause are recognized for syntactical compatibility with other COBOL implementations, but are otherwise non-functional. 28. Initializing a table is one of the trickier aspects of COBOL data definition. There are basically three standard techniques and a fourth that people familiar with other COBOL implementations but new to OpenCOBOL may find interesting. So, here are the three “standard” approaches: a. Don’t bother worrying about it at compile-time. Use the INITIALIZE verb to initialize all data item occurrences in a table (at run-time) to their data-type-specific default values (numerics: 0, alphabetic and alphanumerics: SPACES). b. Initialize small tables at compile time by including a VALUE clause on the group item that serves as a “parent” to the table, as follows: 05 SHIRT-SIZES VALUE “S 14M 15L 16XL17”. 10 SHIRT-SIZE-TBL OCCURS 4 TIMES. 15 SST-SIZE PIC X(2). 15 SST-NECK PIC 9(2). c. Initialize tables of almost any size at compilation time by utilizing the REDEFINES clause: 05 SHIRT-SIZE-VALUES. 10 PIC X(4) VALUE “S 14”. 10 PIC X(4) VALUE “M 15”. 10 PIC X(4) VALUE “L 16”. 10 PIC X(4) VALUE “XL17”. 05 SHIRT-SIZES REDEFINES SHIRT-SIZE-VALUES. 10 SHIRT-SIZE-TBL OCCURS 4 TIMES. 15 SST-SIZE PIC X(2). 15 SST-NECK PIC 9(2). Admittedly, the table shown in #28c is much more verbose than #28b. What is good about #28c, however, is that you can have as many FILLER/VALUE items as you need for a larger table (and those values can be as long as necessary! Many COBOL compilers do not allow the use of VALUE and OCCURS on the same data item; additionally, they don’t allow a VALUE clause on a data item subordinate to an OCCURS. OpenCOBOL, however, has neither of these restrictions! Observe the following example, which illustrates the fourth manner in which tables may be initialized in OpenCOBOL: 05 X OCCURS 6 TIMES. 10 A PIC X(1) VALUE „?‟. 10 B PIC X(1) VALUE „%‟. 10 N PIC 9(2) VALUE 10. In this example, all six “A” items will be initialized to “?”, all six “B” items will be initialized to “%” and all six “N” items will be initialized to 10. It’s not clear exactly how many times this sort of initialization will be useful, but it’s there if you need it. 5.4. Condition Names Figure 5-12 - Level-88 Condition Name Description Syntax Condition names are Boolean (i.e. “TRUE” / “FALSE”) data items. 1. Condition names are always defined subordinate to another data item. That data item must be an elementary item. 2. Condition names do not occupy any storage. 3. The VALUE(s) specified for the condition name specify the specific values and/or ranges of values of the parent elementary data item that will cause the condition name to have a value of TRUE. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-15 VALUEISVALUESAREliteral-1THROUGHTHRUliteral-2......88 condition-name-1[ WHEN SET TO FALSEIS literal-3] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 4. The optional FALSE clause defines an explicit value that will be assigned to the parent elementary data item should the SET statement ever be used to set the condition-name-1 to FALSE. See section 6.39.6 for more information on how the SET statement can be used to specify the TRUE/FALSE value of a condition name. 5. See section for a general discussion of condition names. 5.5. Constant Descriptions Figure 5-13 - Level-78 Constant Description Syntax Data descriptions of these forms do not actually allocate any storage, but instead are a means of associating a name with an alphanumeric or numeric literal. 1. The two forms are essentially identical when defining a value of a literal. Defining a constant whose value is the length of another item is – as you can see – possible only using the “01 CONSTANT” form. 2. The GLOBAL clause, while recognized syntactically, is currently unsupported by OpenCOBOL and should generate a compiler warning if used. As of the Feb 06 2009 packaging of OpenCOBOL 1.1, however, its use will actually abort the compiler. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-16 literal-2LENGTHOF identifier-3 .BYTE-LENGTHOF identifier-401 identifier-2CONSTANT[ IS GLOBAL] AS 78 identifier-1VALUEIS literal-1. OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 5.6. Screen Descriptions Figure 5-14 - SCREEN SECTION Data Item Description Syntax The syntax skeleton shown here describes how data items are defined in the SCREEN SECTION. These data items are used via special forms of the ACCEPT (section 6.4) and DISPLAY (section 6.14.4) verbs to create TUI (that is “Textual User Interface” programs. 1. Data items with level numbers 66, 78 and 88 may be used in the SCREEN SECTION; they have the same syntax, rules and usage as they do in the other DATA DIVISION sections. 2. Use the BELL or BEEP clauses (they are synonymous) to cause an audible tone to occur when the screen item is DISPLAYed. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-17 level-number.LINENUMBER IS [ PLUS] integer-2identifier-2PICTURE IS picture-stringVALUEIS literal-1USINGidentifier-6FROMTOidentifier-8identifier-7literal-2[ JUSTIFIED RIGHT ][ BLANKWHEN ZERO][ OCCURSinteger-1TIMES ][ BELL| BEEP][ AUTO| AUTO-SKIP| AUTOTERMINATE][ UNDERLINE][ OVERLINE][ SECURE][ REQUIRED][ FULL][ PROMPT][REVERSE-VIDEO][ BLANKLINE| SCREEN][ERASEEOL| EOS]identifier-1FILLERSIGNIS [ SEPARATECHARACTER ]LEADINGTRAILINGCOLUMN NUMBER IS [ PLUS] integer-3identifier-3FOREGROUND-COLOR IS integer-4identifier-4HIGHLIGHTLOWLIGHT[ BLINK] BACKGROUND-COLOR IS integer-5identifier-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 3. The AUTO clause (the three forms are all equivalent) will cause the cursor to automatically advance to the next input-enabled field if the field having the AUTO clause is completely filled. 4. The UNDERLINE and OVERLINE clauses are essentially non-functional on Windows systems as those video attributes are not currently supported by the Windows console window API. The UNDERLINE clause will have an effect, however, as it will make the foreground color of the field blue regardless of the value specified (or implied) by the FOREGROUND-COLOR attribute. Whether or not these clauses operate on UNIX systems will depend upon the video attributes of the terminal output device being used. 5. The SECURE attribute may only be used on a field allowing data entry (USING or TO). This attribute will cause all data entered into the field to appear as asterisks. 6. The REQUIRED and FULL attributes, while syntactically acceptable, are non-functional. 7. The PROMPT attribute is superfluous in OpenCOBOL as its behavior is assumed on all input fields.14 8. The REVERSE-VIDEO attribute reverses the meaning of the specified or implied FOREGROUND-COLOR and BACKGROUND-COLOR attributes. 9. The BLANK clause will blank-out the screen or line from the point indicated by any LINE and/or COLUMN clause on the data item. In addition, the console window foreground and background colors will be set to whatever is specified on the item. Use of this clause ANYWHERE within an 01-level item (or its subordinate items, if any) will cause ALL displayed fields ANYWHERE within that 01-level item (or its subordinate items) to be invisible. 10. The ERASE clause will erase the remainder of the console window’s current line (EOL) or the console window screen (EOS) starting at the end of the field having the ERASE clause to be erased and to have its colors set to the foreground and background colors in effect for the field containing the ERASE clause. 11. Without LINE or COLUMN clauses, SCREEN SECTION fields will display on the console window beginning at whatever line/column coordinate is stated or implied by the ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement that presents the screen item. After a field is presented to the console window, the next field will be presented immediately following that field. The LINE and COLUMN clauses provide a means of explicitly stating where a field should be presented on the console window. Coordinates may be stated on an absolute basis (i.e. “LINE 1 COLUMN 5”) or on a relative basis based upon the end of the previously-presented field (i.e. “LINE PLUS 2 COLUMN PLUS 1”). Identifiers or literals may be used to define the absolute or relative position. If identifiers are used, they must be PIC 9 items without editing symbols (any numeric USAGE is allowed except for COMPUTATIONAL-1 or COMPUTATIONAL-2. Note that either of these floating-point USAGE specifications will be accepted, but will produce unpredictable results. Fields do not need to be defined in LINE/COLUMN sequence of their presentation, unless of course you’re relying on the implicit positioning of screen items by not using LINE and COLUMN. The TAB and BACK-TAB (Shift-TAB) keys will position the cursor from field to field in the line/column sequence in which the fields occur on the console window, regardless of the sequence in which they were defined in the SCREEN SECTION. You may abbreviate COLUMN as COL, if you wish. 14 The PROMPT attribute is used to specify that empty input fields will be marked by a non-blank character to ensure they’re visible. This functionality is ALWAYS on for all editable screen fields in OpenCOBOL (an underscore character is used). 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-18 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 12. The FOREGROUND-COLOR and BACKGROUND-COLOR clauses are used to specify the color of text (foreground) or the screen (background). You specify colors by number (0-7) according to the following: Figure 5-15 - Screen Color Numbers Integer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Color Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Yellow White 13. The HIGHLIGHT and LOWLIGHT options control the intensity of text (foreground). This is intended to provide a three-level intensity scheme (LOWLIGHT, nothing-specified, HIGHLIGHT), but the Windows console only supports two-levels, so LOWLIGHT is the same as leaving this clause off altogether. Using this modifier to the FOREGROUND-COLOR attribute, you can actually have sixteen text colors, not just eight, as follows: Figure 5-16 - LOWLIGHT / HIGHLIGHT Effect on Screen Colors FOREGROUND-COLOR integer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HIGHLIGHT LOWLIGHT Black Dark Grey Dark Blue / Indigo Bright Blue Dark Green Dark Cyan Dark Red Dark Magenta Gold / Brown Light Grey Bright Green Bright Cyan Bright Red Bright Magenta Yellow White 14. The BLINK attribute modifies the visual appearance of the BACKGROUND-COLOR specification. The Windows console does not support blinking, so the visual effect of BLINK in the Windows version of OpenCOBOL is to provide the same sixteen colors to the BACKGROUND-COLOR palette as are possible with FOREGROUND-COLOR combined with LOWLIGHT/HIGHLIGHT. 15. Foreground and background color attributes are inheritable from other fields. They are not inherited from the prior field encountered but rather from parent data items (data items with numerically lower level numbers). Observe the following… 78 Black VALUE 0. 78 Blue VALUE 1. 78 Green VALUE 2. 78 White VALUE 7. ... 02 XYZ BACKGROUND-COLOR Black FOREGROUND-COLOR Green ... 05 ABC BACKGROUND-COLOR Blue FOREGROUND-COLOR White ... 05 DEF (no BACKGROUND-COLOR or FOREGROUND-COLOR specified) ... The color of field DEF will be Green-on-White (inherited from XYZ) 16. The VALUE clause is used to define fixed text that cannot be changed. 17. The FROM clause is used to define a field whose contents should come from the specified literal or identifier. 18. The TO clause is used to define a data-entry field with no initial value; when a value is entered, it will be saved to the specified identifier. 19. The USING clause is a combination of “FROM identifier” and “TO identifier”. 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-19 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide DATA DIVISION 06FEB2009 Version Page 5-20 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6. PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.1. General PROCEDURE DIVISION Components 6.1.1. Table References COBOL uses parenthesis to specify the subscripts used to reference table entries (tables in COBOL are what other programming languages refer to as arrays). For example, observe the following data structure which simulates a 4 column by 3 row grid of characters: 01 GRID. 05 GRID-ROW OCCURS 3 TIMES. 10 GRID-COLUMN OCCURS 4 TIMES. 15 GRID-CHARACTER PIC X(1). A reference to the GRID-CHARACTER shaded in the following diagram: Would be coded as: GRID-CHARACTER (2, 3) Subscripts may be specified as numeric (integer) literals, PIC 9 (integer) data items, USAGE INDEX data items or arithmetic expressions resulting in an integer value involving any combination of these. The ability to use full arithmetic expressions as table (array) subscripts, while common in many languages, is rare in the COBOL universe. See section for a discussion of arithmetic expressions. 6.1.2. Qualification of Data Names COBOL allows data names to be duplicated within a program, provided references to those data names may be made in such a manner as to make those references unique through a process known as qualification. To see qualification at work, observe the following segments of two data records defined in a COBOL program: 01 EMPLOYEE. 05 MAILING-ADDRESS. 10 STREET PIC X(35). 10 CITY PIC X(15). 10 STATE PIC X(2). 10 ZIP-CODE. 15 ZIP-CODE-5 PIC 9(5). 15 FILLER PIC X(4). 01 CUSTOMER. 05 MAILING-ADDRESS. 10 STREET PIC X(35). 10 CITY PIC X(15). 10 STATE PIC X(2). 10 ZIP-CODE. 15 ZIP-CODE-5 PIC 9(5). 15 FILLER PIC X(4). Now, let’s deal with the problem of setting the CITY portion of an EMPLOYEEs MAILING-ADDRESS to “Philadelphia”. Clearly, the following cannot work because the compiler will be unable to determine which of the two CITY fields you are referring to: MOVE “Philadelphia” TO CITY. We could qualify the reference to CITY as follows, in an attempt to correct the problem: MOVE “Philadelphia” TO CITY OF MAILING-ADDRESS. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Unfortunately that too is insufficient because it is still insufficient to identify specifically which CITY is being referenced. To truly identify which specific CITY you want, you’d have to code the following: MOVE “Philadelphia” TO CITY OF MAILING-ADDRESS OF EMPLOYEE. Now there can be no confusion as to which CITY is being changed. Fortunately, you don’t need to be so specific; COBOL allows intermediate qualification levels to be omitted. This allows you to specify: MOVE “Philadelphia” TO CITY OF EMPLOYEE. If you need to qualify a reference to a table, do so as follows: identifier-1 OF identifier-2 ( subscript …) The reserved word “IN” may be used in lieu of “OF”. 6.1.3. Reference Modifiers Figure 6-1 - Reference Modifier Syntax The COBOL ’85 standard introduced the concept of a reference modifier to facilitate references to only a portion of a data item; OpenCOBOL fully supports reference modification. The start value indicates the starting character position being referenced (character position values start with 1, not 0 as is the case in some programming languages) and length specifies how many characters are wanted. If no length is specified, a value equivalent to the remaining character positions from start to the end will be assumed. Here are a few examples: CUSTOMER-LAST-NAME (1:3) references the first three characters of CUSTOMER-LAST-NAME CUSTOMER-LAST-NAME (4:) references all character positions of CUSTOMER-LAST-NAME from the fourth onward. FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE (5:2) references the current month (see the documentation of the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic function on page 6-13 for details) Hex-Digits (Nibble + 1:1) Hex-Digits (Nibble + 1:) Array-Element (6) (7:5) Assuming that “Nibble” is a numeric data item with a value in the range 0-15, and Hex-Digits is a PIC X(16) item with a value of “0123456789ABCDEF”, this converts that numeric value to a hexadecimal digit. Does the same as the above – if you leave out the length, 1 is assumed; YOU STILL NEED THE “:” CHARACTER THOUGH. References 5 characters in the 6th occurrence of Array-Element, starting at character position 7. Reference modification may be used anywhere an identifier is legal, including serving as the receiving field of statements like MOVE, STRING and ACCEPT, to name a few. 6.1.4. Expressions OpenCOBOL, like other COBOL implementations, supports two basic types of expressions: Arithmetic expressions, which calculate a numeric result Conditional Expressions, which calculate a TRUE or FALSE value Unlike other programming languages, which allow arithmetic values such as 0 and -1 to represent FALSE and TRUE, respectively, COBOL treats logical TRUE/FALSE values as something different from 0/-1. OpenCOBOL adheres to this policy. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-2 identifier-1[ OFidentifier-2] [ ( subscript ... ) ]intrinsic-function-reference( start: [ length ] ) OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Arithmetic Expressions Arithmetic expressions are formed using following operators. In complex expressions composed of multiple operators, a precedence of operation applies whereby those operations having a higher precedence are computed first before operations with a lower precedence. Precedence / Operation Figure 6-2 – Unary - Operator Syntax Precedence: 1ST (Highest) Figure 6-3 – Unary + Operator Syntax Precedence: 1ST (Highest) Figure 6-4 - Exponentiation Operator Syntax Precedence: 2nd Figure 6-5 - Exponentiation Operator Syntax Precedence: 3rd Figure 6-6 - Division Operator Syntax Precedence: 3rd Discussion The unary - operator returns the arithmetic negation of its single argument, effectively returning as its value the product of its argument and -1. The unary + operator returns the value of its single argument, effectively returning as its value the product of its argument and +1. The value of the left-hand argument raised to the power indicated by the right-hand argument is computed. OpenCOBOL allows the “^” symbol to be used in lieu of the “**” symbol. The product of the left-hand argument and the right-hand argument is computed. The value of the left-hand argument divided by the right-hand argument is computed. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-3 numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)--numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)+numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)**numeric-literal-2identifier-2( arith-expr-2)numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)*numeric-literal-2identifier-2( arith-expr-2)numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)/numeric-literal-2identifier-2( arith-expr-2) OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Precedence / Operation Figure 6-7 - Addition Operator Syntax Precedence: 4th (Lowest) Discussion The sum of the left-hand argument and the right- hand argument is computed. Figure 6-8 - Subtraction Operator Syntax Precedence: 4th (Lowest) The value of the right-hand argument subtracted from the left-hand argument is computed. The COBOL standards require the use of at least one space before and after the exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction operators. This is the best policy to follow when coding expressions as it ensures compatibility with other COBOL implementations and avoids the need to deal with the following special rules which define the circumstances under which leading and/or trailing spaces may be omitted: 1. OpenCOBOL does not actually require leading or trailing spaces around the exponentiation, multiplication or division operators. 2. The ADDITION operator must be followed by a space if it is followed by an unsigned numeric literal. Failure to do so (for example: “4+3”) will result in an “Invalid Expression” error because the compiler will treat the “+” as an attempt to specify a signed numeric literal, leaving the expression with no operator. In any other circumstances, the leading and trailing spaces around the ADDITION operator are optional. 3. The SUBTRACTION operator must be followed by a space if it is followed by an unsigned numeric literal. Failure to do so (for example: “4-3”) will result in an “Invalid Expression” error because the compiler will treat the “-” as an attempt to specify a signed numeric literal, leaving the expression with no operator. 4. The SUBTRACTION operator must have a leading and/or trailing space if neither argument is a parenthesized expression. Failure to include one or the other space (“3-Arg”, “Arga-Argb”, …) will cause the compiler to look for a defined reserved word or user-defined name that (hopefully) doesn’t exist – generating a “‘identifier’ Undefined” error. If you are really unlucky, it actually WILL find such an identifier, which is almost certain to cause runtime problems! 5. 6. If the argument of a UNARY PLUS operator is an unsigned numeric literal, the unary plus operator must be followed by a space to avoid being treated as part of the numeric literal (thus making it a signed positive numeric literal). If the argument of a UNARY NEGATION operator is an unsigned numeric literal, the unary negation operator must be followed by a space to avoid being treated as part of the numeric literal (thus making it a signed negative numeric literal). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-4 numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)+numeric-literal-2identifier-2( arith-expr-2)numeric-literal-1identifier-1( arith-expr-1)–numeric-literal-2identifier-2( arith-expr-2) OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Here are some examples of arithmetic expressions (all of which involve numeric literals, to simplify the discussion). Expression Result Notes 3 * 4 + 1 2 ^ 3 * 4 - 10 2 ** 3 * 4 - 10 3 * (4 + 1) 13 22 22 15 * has precedence over + 23 is 8, times 4 is 32, minus 10 is 22. Same as the above – OpenCOBOL allows either “^” or “**” to be used as the exponentiation operator. Parenthesis provide for a recursive application of the arithmetic expression rules, allowing arithmetic expressions to become components within other, more complex, arithmetic expressions. 5 / 2.5 + 7 * 2 – 1.15 15.35 Integer and non-integer operands may be freely intermixed Of course, arithmetic expression operands may be numeric data items (any USAGE except DISPLAY, POINTER or PROGRAM POINTER) as well as numeric literals. Conditional Expressions Conditional expressions are expressions which identify the conditions under which a program may make a decision about processing to be performed. As such, conditional expressions produce a value of TRUE or FALSE. There are seven types of conditional expressions, as follows, in increasing order of complexity. Condition Names (Level-88 Items) These are the simplest of all conditions. Observe the following code: 05 SHIRT-SIZE PIC 99V9. 88 LILLIPUTIAN VALUE 0 THRU 12.5 88 XS VALUE 13 THRU 13.5. 88 S VALUE 14, 14.5. 88 M VALUE 15, 15.5. 88 L VALUE 16, 16.5. 88 XL VALUE 17, 17.5. 88 XXL VALUE 18, 18.5. 88 HUMUNGOUS VALUE 19 THRU 99.9. The condition names “LILLIPUTIAN”, “XS”, “S”, “M”, “L”, “XL”, “XXL” and “HUMONGOUS” will have TRUE or FALSE values based upon the values within their parent data item (SHIRT-SIZE). So, a program wanting to test whether or not the current SHIRT-SIZE value can be classified as “XL” could have that decision coded as a combined condition (the most complex type of conditional expression), as follows: IF SHIRT-SIZE = 17 OR SHIRT-SIZE = 17.5 Or it could utilize the condition name XL as follows: IF XL Class Conditions 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Figure 6-9 - Class Condition Syntax Class conditions evaluate the type of data that is currently stored in a data item. 1. The NUMERIC class test considers only the characters “0”, “1”, … , “9” to be numeric; only a data item containing nothing but digits will pass a IS NUMERIC class test. Spaces, decimal points, commas, currency signs, plus signs, minus signs and any other characters except the digit characters will all fail “IS NUMERIC” class tests. 2. The ALPHABETIC class test considers only upper-case letters, lower-case letters and SPACES to be alphabetic in nature. 3. The ALPHABETIC-LOWER and ALPHABETIC-UPPER class conditions consider only spaces and the respective type of letters to be acceptable in order to pass such a class test. 4. Only data items whose USAGE is either explicitly or implicitly defined as DISPLAY may be used in NUMERIC or any of the ALPHABETIC class conditions. 5. Some COBOL implementations disallow the use of group items or PIC A items with NUMERIC class conditions and the use of PIC 9 items with ALPHABETIC class conditions. OpenCOBOL has no such restrictions. 6. The OMITTED class condition is used when it is necessary for a subroutine to determine whether or not a particular argument was passed to the subroutine. In such class conditions, identifier-1 must be a LINKAGE SECTION item defined on the USING clause of the subprograms “PROCEDURE DIVISION” header. See section 6.7 for the method to use when omitting arguments from a CALL to a subprogram. 7. The class-name-1 option allows you to test for a user-defined class. Here’s an example. First, assume the following SPECIAL-NAMES definition of the user-defined class “Hexadecimal”: SPECIAL-NAMES. CLASS Hexadecimal IS „0‟ THRU „9‟, „A‟ THRU „F‟, „a‟ THRU „f‟. Now observe the following code, which will execute the 150-Process-Hex-Value procedure if Entered-Value contains nothing but valid hexadecimal digits: IF Entered-Value IS Hexadecimal PERFORM 150-Process-Hex-Value END-IF Sign Conditions Figure 6-10 - Sign Condition Syntax Sign conditions evaluate the numeric state of a PIC 9 data item. 1. Only data items defined with some sort of numeric USAGE/PICTURE can be used for this type of class condition. 2. A POSTIVE or NEGATIVE class condition will be TRUE only if the value of identifier-1 is strictly greater than or less than zero, respectively. A ZERO class condition can be passed only if the value of identifier-1 is exactly zero. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-6 identifier-1IS [ NOT]NUMERICALPHABETICALPHABETIC-LOWERALPHABETIC-UPPEROMITTEDclass-name-1POSITIVENEGATIVEZEROidentifier-1IS [ NOT] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Switch-Status Conditions Figure 6-11 - Using Switch Conditions In the SPECIAL- NAMES paragraph (see section 4.1.4), an external switch name can be associated with one or more condition names. These condition names may then be used to test the ON/OFF status of the external switch. An example is shown to the left. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-7 ...ENVIRONMENT DIVISION....SPECIAL-NAMES.SWITCH-1 IS External-Stat-1ON STATUS IS OK-To-Display...PROCEDURE DIVISION....IF OK-To-DisplayDISPLAY ‘Switch 1 Set’END-DISPLAYEND-IF...$ COB_SWITCH_1=ON$ export COB_SWITCH_1$ testprogSwitch 1 Set$Setting the switch and running the program…Relevant sections of ‘testprog’… OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Relation Conditions Figure 6-12 - Relation Condition Syntax These conditions evaluate how two different values “relate” to each other. 1. When comparing one numeric value to another, the USAGE and number of significant digits in either value are irrelevant as the comparison is performed using the actual algebraic values. 2. When comparing strings, the comparison is made based upon the program’s collating sequence (see section 4.1.2). When the two string arguments are of unequal length, the shorter is assumed to be padded (on the right) with a sufficient number of SPACES as to make the two strings of equal length. String comparisons take place on a corresponding character-by-character basis until an unequal pair of characters is found. At that point, the relative position of where each character in the pair falls in the collating sequence will determine which is greater (or less) than the other. Combined Conditions Figure 6-13 - Combined Condition Syntax A combined condition is one that computes a TRUE/FALSE value from the TRUE/FALSE values of two other conditions (which could – themselves – be combined conditions). 1. If either condition has a value of TRUE, the result of ORing the two together will result in a value of TRUE. Only when ORing two FALSE conditions will a result of FALSE occur. 2. In order for AND to yield a value of TRUE, both conditions must have a value of TRUE. In all other circumstances, AND produces a FALSE value. 3. When chaining multiple, similar conditions together with the same operator (OR/AND), and left or right arguments having common operators and subjects, it is possible to abbreviate the program code. For example: IF ACCOUNT-STATUS = 1 OR ACCOUNT-STATUS = 2 OR ACCOUNT-STATUS = 7 Could be abbreviated as: IF ACCOUNT-STATUS = 1 OR 2 OR 7 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-8 IS EQUALTOIS =EQUALSIS NOTEQUALTOIS NOT=IS GREATERTHANIS >IS LESSTHANIS =IS NOTLESSTHANIS LESSTHAN OREQUALTOIS <=IS NOT GREATERTHANidentifier-2literal-2arith-expr2index-name-2identifier-1literal-1arith-expr-1index-name-1ANDORcondition-1condition-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 4. Just as multiplication takes precedence over addition in arithmetic expressions, so does AND take precedence over OR in combined conditions. Use parenthesis to change this precedence, if necessary. For example: FALSE OR TRUE AND TRUE evaluates to TRUE (FALSE OR FALSE) AND TRUE evaluates to FALSE FALSE OR (FALSE AND TRUE) evaluates to TRUE Negated Conditions Figure 6-14 - Negated Condition Syntax A condition may be negated by prefixing it with the NOT operator. 1. The NOT operator has the highest precedence of all logical operators, just as a unary minus sign (which negates a numeric value) is the highest precedence arithmetic operator. 2. Parenthesis must be used to explicitly signify the sequence in which conditions are evaluated and processed if the default precedence isn’t desired. For example: NOT TRUE AND FALSE AND NOT FALSE evaluates to FALSE AND FALSE AND TRUE which evaluates to FALSE NOT (TRUE AND FALSE AND NOT FALSE) evaluates to NOT (FALSE) which evaluates to TRUE NOT TRUE AND (FALSE AND NOT FALSE) evaluates to FALSE AND (FALSE AND TRUE) which evaluates to FALSE 6.1.5. Use of Periods (.) All COBOL implementations distinguish between sentences and statements in the PROCEDURE DIVISION. A statement is a single executable COBOL instruction. For example, these are all statements: MOVE SPACES TO Employee-Address ADD 1 TO Record-Counter DISPLAY “Record-Counter=” Record-Counter Some COBOL statements have a “scope of applicability” associated with them where one or more other statements can be considered to be part of or related to the statement in question. An example of such a situation might be the following, where the interest on a loan is being calculated and displayed - 4% interest if the loan balance is under $10000 and 4.5% otherwise: IF Loan-Balance < 10000 MULTIPLY Loan-Balance BY 0.04 GIVING Interest ELSE MULTIPLY Loan-Balance BY 0.045 GIVING Interest DISPLAY “Interest Amount = “ Interest In this example, the “IF” statement actually has a scope that can include two sets of associated statements – one set to be executed when the “IF” condition is TRUE and another if it is FALSE. Unfortunately, there’s a problem with the above. A human being looking at that code will probably understand that the DISPLAY statement, because of its lack of indentation, is to be executed regardless of the TRUE/FALSE value of the “IF” condition. Unfortunately, the OpenCOBOL compiler (or any other COBOL compiler for that matter) won’t see it that way because it really couldn’t care less what sort of indentation, if any, is used. In fact, the OpenCOBOL compiler would be just as happy to see the code written like this: IF Loan-Balance < 10000 MULTIPLY Loan-balance BY 0.04 GIVING Interest ELSE MULTIPLY Loan-Balance BY 0.045 GIVING Interest DISPLAY “Interest Amount = “ Interest So how then do we inform the compiler that the DISPLAY statement is outside the scope of the “IF”? That’s where sentences come in. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-9 NOTcondition OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION A COBOL sentence is defined as any arbitrarily long sequence of statements, followed by a period (.) character. The period character is what terminates the scope of a set of statements. Therefore, our example needs to be coded like this: IF Loan-Balance < 10000 MULTIPLY Loan-Balance BY 0.04 GIVING Interest ELSE MULTIPLY Loan-Balance BY 0.045 GIVING Interest. DISPLAY “Interest Amount = “ Interest See the period at the end of the second MULTIPLY? That is what terminates the scope of the “IF”, thus making the DISPLAY something that will be executed regardless of how the “Loan-Balance < 10000” test evaluated. 6.1.6. Use of “VERB” / “END-VERB” Constructs Prior to the 1985 COBOL standard, using a period character was the only way to signal the end of a statement’s scope. Unfortunately, this caused some problems. Take a look at this code: IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A & B = 1” ELSE IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A NOT = 1 BUT B = 1” ELSE DISPLAY “NEITHER A NOR B = 1”. The problem with this code is the fact that the ELSE will be associated with the “IF B = 1” statement, not the “IF A = 1” statement (remember – no COBOL compiler cares about how you indent your code). This sort of problem led to the following band-aid solution15 added to the COBOL language: IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A & B = 1” ELSE NEXT SENTENCE ELSE IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A NOT = 1 BUT B = 1” ELSE DISPLAY “NEITHER A NOR B = 1”. The NEXT SENTENCE statement (see section 6.30) informs COBOL that if the “B = 1” condition is false, control should fall into the first statement that follows the next period. With the 1985 standard for COBOL, a much more elegant solution was introduced. Those COBOL verbs (statements) that needed such a thing were allowed to use an “END-verb” construct to end their scope without disrupting the scope of any statements whose scope they might have been in. Any COBOL 85 compiler would have allowed the following solution to our problem: IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A & B = 1” END-IF ELSE IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A NOT = 1 BUT B = 1” ELSE DISPLAY “NEITHER A NOR B = 1”. 15 Yes, I realize you could have changed the code to “IF A = 1 AND B = 1”, but that wouldn’t have allowed me to make my case here 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION This new facility made the period almost obsolete, as our program segment would probably be coded like this today: IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A & B = 1” END-IF ELSE IF B = 1 DISPLAY “A NOT = 1 BUT B = 1” ELSE DISPLAY “NEITHER A NOR B = 1” END-IF END-IF COBOL (OpenCOBOL included) still requires that each PROCEDURE DIVISION paragraph contain at least once sentence if there is any executable code in that paragraph, but a popular coding standard is now to simply code a single period right before the end of each paragraph. Check out the “OCic” sample program in section 8.3 and you’ll see how that would be done. The standard for the COBOL language shows the various “END-verb” specifications to be optional because using a period as a scope-terminator remains legal. Some statements have an “END-verb” scope-terminator defined for them that they don’t appear to need.16 If you will be porting existing code over to OpenCOBOL, you’ll find it an accommodating facility capable of conforming to language and coding standards that code is likely to use. If you are creating new OpenCOBOL programs, however, I would strongly counsel you to use the “END-verb” structures religiously in those programs. 6.1.7. Intrinsic Functions OpenCOBOL supports a variety of “intrinsic functions” that may be used anywhere in the PROCEDURE DIVISION where a literal is allowed. For example: MOVE FUNCTION LENGTH(Employee-Last-Name) TO Employee-LN-Len. Note how the word “FUNCTION” is part of the syntax when you use an intrinsic function. You can use intrinsic functions without having to include the reserved word FUNCTION via settings in the REPOSITORY paragraph of the CONFIGURATION SECTION. See section 4.1.3 for more information. The following intrinsic functions, known to other “dialects” of COBOL, are defined to OpenCOBOL as reserved words but are not otherwise implemented currently. Any attempts to use these functions will result in a compile-time error message. BOOLEAN-OF-INTEGER HIGHEST-ALGEBRAIC NUMVAL-F CHAR-NATIONAL DISPLAY-OF EXCEPTION-FILE-N INTEGER-OF-BOOLEAN STANDARD-COMPARE LOCALE-COMPARE LOWEST-ALGEBRAIC TEST-NUMVAL TEST-NUMVAL-C TEST-NUMVAL-F EXCEPTION-LOCATION-N NATIONAL-OF The supported intrinsic functions are listed in the following table, along with their syntax and usage notes. Remember that the keyword FUNCTION is required to be specified immediately before the function name in order to use the function, unless otherwise indicated via the REPOSITORY paragraph of the CONFIGURATION SECTION. ABS(number) Determines and returns the absolute value of the number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal ) supplied as an argument. 16 STRING (section 6.43) and UNSTRING (section 6.49), for example – could it be there are plans in the works for a future standard to introduce an option to such statements that would need a scope-terminator? 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-11 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION ACOS(angle) The ACOS function determines and returns the trigonometric arc-cosine, or inverse cosine, of the angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal) supplied as an argument. ANNUITY(interest-rate, number-of-periods) This function returns a numeric value approximating the ratio of an annuity paid at the specified interest-rate (PIC 9 items or numeric literal) for each of the specified number-of-periods (PIC 9 items or numeric literal). The interest-rate is the rate of interest paid at each payment. If you only have an annual interest rate and you wish to compute annuity payments for monthly payments, divide the annual interest rate by 12 and use that value for interest-rate on this function. Multiply this result times the desired principal amount to determine the amount of each period’s payment. A note for the financially challenged: an annuity is basically a reverse loan; an accountant would take the result of this function multiplied by -1 to compute a loan payment you are making. ASIN(number) The ASIN function determines and returns the trigonometric arc-sine, or inverse sine, of the angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal) supplied as an argument. ATAN(number) Use this function to determine and return the trigonometric arc-tangent, or inverse tangent, of the angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal) supplied as an argument. BYTE-LENGTH(string) BYTE-length returns the length – in bytes – of the specified string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal). This intrinsic function is identical to the LENGTH function. CHAR(integer) This function returns the character in the ordinal position specified by the integer argument (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; no fractional part is allowed) from the collating sequence being used by the program. For example, if the program is using the (default) ASCII characterset, CHAR(34) returns the 34th character in the ASCII characterset – an exclamation-point (“!”). If you are using this function to convert a numeric value to its corresponding ASCII character, you must use an argument value one greater than the numeric value. If an argument whose value is less than 1 or greater than 256 is specified, the character in the program collating sequence corresponding to a value of all zero bits is returned. The following code is an alternative approach when you just wish to convert a number to its ASCII equivalent: 01 Char-Value. 05 Numeric-Value USAGE BINARY-CHAR. . . . MOVE numeric-character-value TO Numeric-Value The Char-Value item now has the corresponding ASCII character value 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-12 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION COMBINED-DATETIME(days, seconds) This function returns a 12-digit result, the first seven digits of which are the value of the days argument (a PIC 9 item or a numeric literal) and the last five of which are the value of the seconds argument (a PIC 9 item or a numeric literal). If a days value less than 1 or greater than 3067671 is specified, or if a seconds value less than 1 or greater than 86400 is specified, a value of 0 is returned and a runtime error will result. CONCATENATE(string-1 [, string-2 ] …) This function concatenates the specified strings (group items, USAGE DISPLAY elementary items and/or alphanumeric literals) together into a single string result. If a numeric literal or PIC 9 identifier is specified as a string, decimal points will be removed and negative signs in PIC S9 fields will be inserted as defined by the SIGN clause (or absence thereof) of the field. Numeric literals are processed as if SIGN IS TRAILING were in effect. COS(number) The COS function determines and returns the trigonometric cosine of the angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal) supplied as an argument. CURRENT-DATE Returns the current date and time as the following 21-character structure: 01 CURRENT-DATE-AND-TIME. 05 CDT-Year PIC 9(4). 05 CDT-Month PIC 9(2). *> 01-12 05 CDT-Day PIC 9(2). *> 01-31 05 CDT-Hour PIC 9(2). *> 00-23 05 CDT-Minutes PIC 9(2). *> 00-59 05 CDT-Seconds PIC 9(2). *> 00-59 05 CDT-Hundredths-Of-Secs PIC 9(2). *> 00-99 05 CDT-GMT-Diff-Hours PIC S9(2) SIGN LEADING SEPARATE. 05 CDT-GMT-Diff-Minutes PIC 9(2). *> 00 or 30 Since the CURRENT-DATE function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. DATE-OF-INTEGER(integer) This function returns a calendar date in yyyymmdd format. The date is determined by adding the number of days specified as integer (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) to December 31, 1600. For example, DATE-OF-INTEGER(1) returns 16010101. A value less than 1 or greater than 3067671 (9999/12/31) will return a result of 0. DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD(yymmdd [, yy-cutoff ] ) You can use this function to convert the six-digit date specified as yymmdd (a PIC 9 data item or a numeric literal) to an eight-digit format (yyyymmdd). The optional yy-cutoff (a PIC 9 data item or a numeric literal) argument is the year cutoff used to delineate centuries; if the year component of the date meets or exceeds this cutoff value, the result will be 19yymmdd; if the year component of the date is less than the cutoff value, the result will be 20yymmdd. The default cutoff value if no second argument is given will be 50. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-13 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION DAY-OF-INTEGER(integer) This function returns a calendar date in yyyyddd (i.e. Julian) format. The date is determined by adding the number of days specified as integer (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) to December 31, 1600. For example, DATE-OF-INTEGER(1) returns 1601001. A value less than 1 or greater than 3067671 (9999/12/31) will return a result of 0. DAY-TO-YYYYDDD(yyddd [, yy-cutoff]) You can use this function to convert the five-digit date specified as yyddd (a PIC 9 data item or a numeric literal) to a seven-digit format (yyyyddd). The optional yy-cutoff argument (a PIC 9 data item or a numeric literal) is the year cutoff used to delineate centuries; if the year component of the date meets or exceeds this cutoff value, the result will be 19yyddd; if the year component of the date is less than the cutoff, the result will be 20yyddd. The default cutoff value if no second argument is given will be 50. E This function returns the mathematical constant “E” (the base of natural logarithms). The maximum precision with which this value may be returned is 2.7182818284590452353602874713526625. Since the E function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. EXCEPTION-FILE This function returns I/O exception information from the most-recently executed input or output statement. The information is returned to a structure resembling the following: 01 INPUT-OUTPUT-EXCEPTION. 05 IOE-FILE-STATUS PIC 9(2). 05 IOE-FILE-SELECT-NAME PIC X(32). See Figure 4-11 for information about possible file-status values. The name returned after the file status information will be the “SELECT” name of the file, and it will be returned ONLY if the returned file status value is not 00. Since the EXCEPTION-FILE function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. EXCEPTION-LOCATION This function returns exception information from the most-recently failing statement. The information is returned to a 1023 character string in one of the following formats, depending on the nature of the failure: program-id; paragraph OF section; statement-number program-id; section; statement-number program-id; paragraph; statement-number program-id; statement-number Since the EXCEPTION-LOCATION function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. The program must be compiled with the “-g” option for this function to return any meaningful information. See section 6.5.1 for an example of this function at work. EXCEPTION-STATEMENT This function returns the most-recent COBOL statement that generated an exception condition. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-14 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Since the EXCEPTION-STATEMENT function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. The program must be compiled with the “-g” option for this function to return any meaningful information. See section 6.5.1 for an example of this function at work. EXCEPTION-STATUS This function returns the error type (as a text string) from the most-recent COBOL statement that generated an exception condition. Since the EXCEPTION-STATUS function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. See section 6.5.1 for an example of this function at work. EXP(number) Computes and returns the value of the mathematical constant “e” raised to the power specified by number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). EXP10(number) Computes and returns the value of 10 raised to the power specified by number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). FRACTION-PART(number) This function returns that portion of number that occurs to the right of the decimal point. Number must be a numeric data item or a numeric literal. FRACTION-PART(3.1415), for example, returns a value of 0.1415. This function is equivalent to the expression: number – FUNCTION INTEGER-PART(number) FACTORIAL(number) This function computes and returns the factorial value of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). INTEGER(number) The INTEGER function returns the greatest integer value that is less than or equal to number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). INTEGER-OF-DATE(date) This function converts date (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) – presumed to be a Gregorian calendar form standard date (YYYYMMDD) - to integer date form – that is, the number of days that have transpired since 1600/12/31. INTEGER-OF-DAY(date) This function converts date (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) – presumed to be a Julian calendar form standard date (YYYYDDD) to integer date form – that is, the number of days that have transpired since 1600/12/31. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-15 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION INTEGER-PART(number) Returns the integer portion of the value of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). LENGTH(string) Returns the length – in bytes – of string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal). This intrinsic function is identical to the BYTE-LENGTH function. LOCALE-DATE(date [, locale ] ) Converts the eight-digit date (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) from YYYYMMDD format to the format appropriate to the current locale. On a Windows system, this will be the “short date” format as set using Control Panel. You may include an optional second argument to specify the locale name (group item or PIC X identifier) you’d like to use for date formatting. If used, this second argument MUST be an identifier. Locale names are specified using UNIX- standard names. The complete list of supported locale names is shown in Figure 4-7. LOCALE-TIME(time [, locale ] ) Converts the four- (HHMM) or six-digit (HHMMSS) time (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) to a format appropriate to the current locale. On a Windows system, this will be the “time” format as set using Control Panel. You may include an optional locale name (a group item or PIC X identifier) you’d like to use for time formatting. If used, this second argument MUST be an identifier. Locale names are specified using UNIX-standard names. The complete list of supported locale names is shown in Figure 4-7. LOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECS(seconds [, locale ] ) Converts the number of seconds since midnight (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) to a format appropriate to the current locale. On a Windows system, this will be the “time” format as set using Control Panel. You may include an optional locale name (a group item or PIC X identifier) you’d like to use for time formatting. If used, this second argument MUST be an identifier. Locale names are specified using UNIX-standard names. The complete list of supported locale names is shown in Figure 4-7. LOG(number) Computes and returns the natural logarithm (base “e”) of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). LOG10(number) Computes and returns the base 10 logarithm of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). LOWER-CASE(string) This function returns the value of string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal), converted entirely to lower case. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-16 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION MAX(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the maximum value from the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). MIN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the minimum value from the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). MEAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the statistical mean value of the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). MEDIAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the statistical median value of the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). MIDRANGE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) The MIDRANGE (middle range) function returns a numeric value that is the arithmetic mean (average) of the values of the minimum and maximum numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). MOD(value, modulus) Returns value modulo modulus. Both arguments may be PIC 9 data items or numeric literals. Either (or both) may have a non-integer value. The result is determined according to the following formula: value - (modulus * FUNCTION INTEGER (value / modulus)) NUMVAL(string) The NUMVAL function converts a string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal) to its corresponding numeric value by parsing that string according to the rules for COBOL PICTURE editing. For example, the string “12,345.55” will be converted to a numeric value of 12345.55.17 NUMVAL-C(string [, symbol ]) This function performs a function similar to that of the NUMVAL function, but provides for the specification of a converts a string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal) to its corresponding numeric value by parsing that string according to the rules for COBOL PICTURE editing. The optional symbol character represents the currency symbol (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal) that occurs within string. For example, the string “$12,345.55” will be converted to a numeric value of 12345.55 (“$” is the assumed default currency symbol).18 17 The string parsing rules for NUMVAL and NUMVAL-C are quite loose, essentially ignoring any non-numeric or invalid characters. Thus, both routines will generate a result of 1234 for “$1,234”, “******1234”, “xxxxx12xxxx34” and so on. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-17 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION ORD(char) This function returns the ordinal position in the program characterset (usually ASCII) corresponding to the 1st character of the char argument (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal). For example, assuming the program is using the standard ASCII collating sequence, ORD(“!”) returns 34 because “!” is the 34th ASCII character. If you are using this function to convert an ASCII character to its numeric value, you must subtract one from the result. The following code is an alternative approach when you just wish to convert an ASCII character to its numeric equivalent: 01 Char-Value. 05 Numeric-Value USAGE BINARY-CHAR. . . . MOVE “character” TO Char-Value The Numeric-Value item now has the corresponding numeric value ORD-MAX( char-1 [, char-2 ] … ) This function returns the ordinal position in the argument list corresponding to the argument whose 1st character has the highest position in the program collating sequence (usually ASCII). For example, assuming the program is using the standard ASCII collating sequence, ORD-MAX(“Z”, “z", “!”) returns 2 because the ASCII character “z” occurs after “Z” and “!” in the program collating sequence. Each char argument is a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal ORD-MIN( char-1 [, char-2 ] … ) This function returns the ordinal position in the argument list corresponding to the argument whose 1st character has the lowest position in the program collating sequence (usually ASCII). For example, assuming the program is using the standard ASCII collating sequence, ORD-MAX(“Z”, “z", “!”) returns 3 because the ASCII character “!” occurs before “Z” and “z” in the program’s collating sequence. Each char argument is a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal PI This function returns the mathematical constant “PI”. The maximum precision with which this value may be returned is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029. Since the PI function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. PRESENT-VALUE(rate,value-1 [, value-2 ] ) The PRESENT-VALUE function returns a value that approximates the present value of a series of future period-end amounts specified by the various value arguments at a discount rate specified by the rate argument. All arguments are PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals. The following formula summarizes the functions operation: RANDOM [ ( seed ) ] The RANDOM function returns a non-integer value in the range 0 to 1 (for example, 0.123456789). If seed is specified, it must be zero or a positive integer (specified as a PIC 9 item and/or numeric literal). It is used as the seed value to generate a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. If a subsequent reference specifies seed, a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers is started. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-18 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION If the first executed reference to this function does not specify a seed, the seed will be supplied by the compiler. In each case, subsequent references without specifying a seed return the next number in the current sequence. RANGE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) The RANGE function returns a value that is equal to the value of the maximum number in the argument list minus the value of the minimum number argument. All arguments are PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals. REM(number, divisor) This function returns a numeric value that is the remainder of number divided by divisor. Both arguments may be PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals. The result is determined according to the following formula: number - (divisor * FUNCTION INTEGER-PART (number / divisor)) REVERSE(string) This function returns the byte-by-byte reversed value of the specified string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal). SECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME(format,time) This function decodes a string whose value represents a formatted time and returns the total number of seconds that string represents. The time string must contain hours, minutes and seconds. The time argument may be specified as a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or an alphanumeric literal. The format argument is a string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or an alphanumeric literal) documenting the format of time using “hh”, “mm” and “ss” to denote where the respective time information can be found. Any other characters found in format represent character positions that will be ignored. For example, a format of “hhmmss” indicates that time will be treated as a six-digit value where the first two characters are the number of hours, the next two represent minutes and the last two represent seconds. Similarly, a format of “hh:mm:ss” states that time will be an eight-character string where characters 3 and 6 will be ignored. SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT This function returns the current time of day expressed as the total number of elapsed seconds since midnight. SIGN(number) The SIGN function returns a -1 if the value of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal) is negative, a zero if the value of number is exactly zero and a 1 if the value of number if greater than 0. SIN(angle) Determines and returns the trigonometric sine of the specified angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). SQRT(number) The SQRT function returns a numeric value that approximates the square root of number (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal with a non-negative value). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-19 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION MEAN(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the statistical standard deviation of the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). STORED-CHAR-LENGTH(string) Returns the length – in bytes – of the specified string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal) MINUS the total number of trailing spaces, if any. SUBSTITUTE(string,from-1,to-1 [, from-n,to-n ] ) This function parses the specified string, replacing all occurrences of the from-n strings with the corresponding to-n strings. The from strings must match exactly with regard to value and case. The from strings do not have to be the same length as the to strings. All arguments are group items, USAGE DISPLAY elementary items or alphanumeric literals. A null to string will be treated as a single SPACE. SUBSTITUTE-CASE(string,from-1,to-1 [, from-n,to-n ] ) The SUBSTITUTE-CASE function operates the same as the SUBSTITUTE function, except that from string matching is performed without regard for case. All arguments are group items, USAGE DISPLAY elementary items or alphanumeric literals. SUM(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) The SUM function returns a value that is the sum of the number arguments (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). TAN(angle) Determines and returns the trigonometric tangent of the specified angle (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal). TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD(date) Determines if the supplied date (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal; cannot contain a fractional part) is a valid date of the form yyyymmdd and that the date is in the range 1601/01/01 to 9999/12/31. If it is value, a 0 value is returned. If it isn’t, a value of 1 is returned. TEST-DAY-YYYYDDD(date) Determines if the supplied date (a PIC 9 item or numeric literal (cannot contain a fractional part) is a valid date of the form yyyyddd and that the date is in the range 1601001 to 9999365. If it is value, a 0 value is returned. If it isn’t, a value of 1 is returned. TRIM(string[ , LEADING|TRAILING ] ) This function removes leading or trailing spaces from the specified string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal). The second argument is specified as a keyword, not a quoted string or identifier. If no second argument is specified, both leading and trailing spaces will be removed. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-20 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION UPPER-CASE(string) This function returns the value of string (a group item, USAGE DISPLAY elementary item or alphanumeric literal), converted entirely to upper case. VARIANCE(number-1 [, number-2 ] …) This function returns the statistical variance of the specified list numbers (PIC 9 items and/or numeric literals). WHEN-COMPILED This function returns date and time the program was compiled in the same format as the result returned by the CURRENT-DATE function. Since the WHEN-COMPILED function has no arguments, no parenthesis should be specified. YEAR-TO-YYYY (yy [, yy-cutoff]) YEAR-TO-YYYY converts yy (a) - a two-digit year - to a four-digit format (yyyy). The optional yy-cutoff argument (also a PIC 9 data item or numeric literal) is the year cutoff used to delineate centuries; if yy meets or exceeds this cutoff value, the result will be 19yy; if yy is less than the cutoff, the result will be 20yy. The default cutoff value if no second argument is given will be 50. 6.1.8. Special Registers OpenCOBOL, like other COBOL dialects, includes a number of data items that are automatically available to a programmer without the need to actually define them in the DATA DIVISION. COBOL refers to such items as registers or special registers. The special registers available to an OpenCOBOL program are as follows: Figure 6-15 - Special Registers Register Name LINAGE-COUNTER Implied COBOL PIC/USAGE18 BINARY-LONG SIGNED NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS BINARY-LONG SIGNED Usage An occurrence of this register exists for each SELECTed file having a LINAGE clause (see section 5.1). If there are multiple files whose FDs have a LINAGE clause, any explicit references to this register will require qualification (using “OF file- name”). The value of this register will be the current logical line number within the page body (see section 5.1 for a discussion of how the LINAGE clause structures logical pages). DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTENTS OF THIS REGISTER. This register contains the number of arguments passed to a subprogram. Its value will be zero when referenced in a main program. See the C$NARG built-in subroutine documentation in section for another way of retrieving the same data. 18 See section 5.3 for a description of the PICTURE / USAGE specifications 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-21 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Register Name RETURN-CODE Implied COBOL PIC/USAGE18 BINARY-LONG SIGNED SORT-RETURN BINARY-LONG SIGNED WHEN-COMPILED See “Usage” Usage This register provides a numeric data item into which a subroutine may MOVE a value prior to transferring control back to the program that CALLed it, or into which a main program may MOVE a value before returning control to the operating system. Many built-in subroutines (section 7.3) will return a value using this register. These values are – by convention – used to signify success (usually with a value of 0) or failure (usually with a non-zero value) of the process the program setting the RETURN-CODE value was attempting to perform. This register is used to report the success/fail status of a RELEASE or RETURN statement. A value of 0 is reported on success. A value of 16 denotes failure. An “AT END” condition on a RETURN is not considered a failure. This register contains the date and time the program was compiled in the format “mm/dd/”. Note that only a two-digit year is provided. 6.1.9. Controlling Concurrent Access to Files The manipulation of data files is one of the COBOL language’s great strengths. There are features built-in to the COBOL language to deal with the possibility that multiple programs may be attempting to access the same file concurrently. Multiple program concurrent access is dealt with in two ways – file sharing and record locking. Not all OpenCOBOL implementations support file sharing and record-locking options. Whether they do or not depends upon the operating system they were built for and the build options that were used when the specific OpenCOBOL implementation was generated. File Sharing OpenCOBOL controls concurrent-file access at the highest level through the concept of file sharing, enforced when a program attempts to OPEN a file (see section 6.31). This is accomplished via a UNIX operating-system routine called “fcntl()”. That module is not currently supported by Windows19 and is not present in the MinGW Unix-emulation package. OpenCOBOL builds created using a MinGW environment will be incapable of supporting file-sharing controls – files will always be shared in such environments. An OpenCOBOL build created using the Cygwin environment on Windows would have access to “fcntl()” and therefore will support file sharing. Of course, actual Unix builds of OpenCOBOL, as well as MacOS builds20, will have no issues using BDB because “fcntl()” is built-in to Unix. Any limitations you impose on a successful OPEN will remain in place until your program either issues a CLOSE against the file or terminates. There are three ways in which concurrent access to a file may be controlled at the file level: 19 Windows has other means of providing equivalent functionality to “fcntl()”, but the BDB package was not coded to utilize them. The use of other advanced file I/O packages that support both the UNIX and Windows concurrent- access routines (such as VBISAM) are currently under investigation by the author. 20 Apple Computer’s MacOS X operating system is based on an open-source version of UNIX and therefore includes support of “fcntl()”. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-22 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Sharing Option ALL OTHER NO OTHER Effect When your program opens a file in this manner, no restrictions will be placed on other programs attempting to OPEN the file after your program did. This is the default sharing mode. When your program opens a file in this manner, your program announces that it is unwilling to allow any other program to have any access to the file as long as you are using that file; OPEN attempts made in other programs will fail with a file status of 37 (“PERMISSION DENIED”) until such time as you CLOSE the file (see section 6.9). READ ONLY Opening a file in this manner indicates you are willing to allow other programs to OPEN the file for INPUT while you have it OPEN. If they attempt any other OPEN, their OPEN will fail with a file status of 37. Of course, your program may fail if someone else got to the file first and OPENed it with a sharing option that imposed file-sharing limitations. Record Locking Record-locking is supported by advanced file-management software that provides a single point-of-control for access to files (usually ORGANIZATION INDEXED files). One such runtime package capable of doing this is the Berkely Database (BDB) package. The various I/O statements are capable of imposing limitations on the access – by other concurrently-executing programs – to the file record they just accessed. These limitations are syntactically imposed by placing a lock on the record. Other records in the file remain available, assuming that file-sharing limitations imposed at OPEN-time didn’t prevent access to the entire file. Locks remain in-effect until a program holding the lock terminates, Issues a CLOSE (section 6.9) against the file, issues an UNLOCK (section 6.48) against the file, executes a COMMIT (section 6.10) or executes a ROLLBACK (section 6.37). The record locking options (not all options are available to all statements) are as shown in the following table. Record Locking Option WITH LOCK WITH NO LOCK IGNORING LOCK WITH IGNORE LOCK WITH WAIT Effect Access to the record by other programs will be denied. The record will not be locked. This is the default locking option in effect for all statements. This option is possible only when reading records – it informs OpenCOBOL that any locks held by other programs should be ignored. The two options shown are synonymous. This option is possible only when reading records – it informs OpenCOBOL that the program is willing to wait for a lock held on the record being read to be released. Without this option, an attempt to read a locked record will be immediately aborted and a file status of 47 will be returned. With this option, the program will wait for a pre-configured time for the lock to be released. If the lock is released within the preconfigured wait time, the read will be successful. If the pre-configured wait time expires before the lock is released, the read attempt will be aborted and a 47 file status will be issued. If the OpenCOBOL build you are using was configured to use BDB, record locking will be available by using the execution-time environment variable DB_HOME (see section 7.2.4). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-23 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.2. General Format of the PROCEDURE DIVISION Figure 6-16 - General PROCEDURE DIVISION Syntax The first (optional) segment of the PROCEDURE DIVISION is a special area known as “declaratives”. In this area, you may define processing routines that are to be used as special “trap” routines executed only when certain events occur. These will be described in section 6.3. The various sections and paragraphs in which the procedural logic of your program will be coded will follow any “declaratives”. The PROCEDURE DIVISION is the only one of the COBOL divisions that allows you to create your own sections and paragraphs. 1. The USING and RETURNING clauses define arguments to a program serving as a subroutine. All identifiers specified on these clauses must be defined in the LINKAGE SECTION of the program in which the USING and/or RETURNING clauses appear. 2. The CHAINING clause should be used only by a program that will be invoked by another program via the CHAIN verb. The identifiers specified with CHAINING clauses must be defined in the LINKAGE SECTION of the program in which the CHAINING clauses appear. Chaining, however, is currently syntactically supported by OpenCOBOL but is otherwise non-functional. Attempts to use the CHAIN verb will be rejected. 3. While intended for use with user-defined FUNCTIONs (which are not currently supported by OpenCOBOL), the RETURNING clause can be used as a means of specifying and documenting an argument to a subprogram in which a value is returned. 4. The BY REFERENCE clause indicates that the program will be passed the address of the data item corresponding to a program argument; this program will be allowed to modify the contents of any BY REFERENCE argument. BY REFERENCE is the assumed default for all USING/CHAINING arguments (CHAINING arguments must be BY REFERENCE). 5. The BY VALUE clause indicates the program will be passed a read-only copy of the data item from the calling program that corresponds to the argument. The contents of BY VALUE arguments cannot be changed by the subprograms receiving them. 6. The USING mechanism is NOT how OpenCOBOL programs should retrieve their command-line arguments as is the case in some mainframe implementations of COBOL. See the ACCEPT verb for information on how program command line arguments should be retrieved. 7. The various SIZE clauses specify the size (in bytes) of received arguments. The SIZE IS AUTO clause (the default) indicates that argument size will be determined automatically based upon the size of the item in the calling 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-24 PROCEDUREDIVISION[ RETURNINGidentifier-1] . USINGCHAININGargument-1...argumentFormat:BYREFERENCEVALUESIZEIS AUTOSIZEIS DEFAULT[ UNSIGNED] SIZEIS integer-1[declaratives-entry] ... [section-name-1 SECTION. ]paragraph-name-1.[ procedural-statement-1 ] …[ OPTIONAL]identifier-2... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION program. The remaining SIZE options allow you to force a specific size to be assumed, with SIZE IS DEFAULT being the same as UNSIGNED SIZE IS 4. 6.3. General Format for DECLARATIVES Entries Figure 6-17 - General DECLARATIVES Syntax The DECLARATIVES area of the PROCEDURE DIVISION allows the programmer to define a series of “trap” routines capable of intercepting certain events that may occur at program execution time. 1. Since the RWCS is not currently supported by OpenCOBOL, the USE BEFORE REPORTING clause will be syntactically recognized but rejected as being unsupported. 2. The USE FOR DEBUGGING clause will be syntactically recognized but will be ignored. If you use the “-Wall” or “-W” compiler switches you will receive a warning message stating this feature is not yet implemented. 3. The USE AFTER STANDARD ERROR PROCEDURE clause defines a routine invoked any time a failure is encountered with the specified I/O type (or against the specified file(s). 4. The GLOBAL option, if used, allows a declaratives procedure to be used across all program units in the same compilation unit. 5. DECLARATIVES routines (of any type) may not reference any procedures outside the scope of the DECLARATIVES area except for referencing them via the PERFORM statement. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-25 DECLARATIVES.ENDDECLARATIVES.section-name-1SECTION.paragraph-name-1.USEEXCEPTIONERROR[ GLOBAL] AFTER STANDARD PROCEDURE ONINPUTOUTPUTI-OEXTENDfile-name-1...ALLPROCEDURESprocedure-name-1FOR DEBUGGINGON[ GLOBAL] BEFOREREPORTINGidentifier-1.statement-1...... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.4. ACCEPT 6.4.1. ACCEPT Format 1 – Read from Console Figure 6-18 - ACCEPT (Read from Console) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to read a value from the console window and store it into a data item (identifier). 1. If the FROM clause is used, the specified mnemonic-name must be either SYSIN or CONSOLE, or a user-defined mnemonic-name assigned to one of those two devices via the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph. The devices SYSIN and CONSOLE may be used interchangeably and both reference the console window. 2. If no FROM clause is specified, FROM CONSOLE is assumed. 6.4.2. ACCEPT Format 2 – Retrieve Command-Line Arguments Figure 6-19 - ACCEPT (Command Line Arguments) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to retrieve arguments from the programs command-line. 1. When you accept from the COMMAND-LINE option, you will retrieve the entire set of arguments entered on the command line that executed the program, exactly as they were specified. Parsing that returned data into its meaningful information will be your responsibility. 2. By accepting from ARGUMENT-NUMBER, you will be asking the OpenCOBOL run-time system to parse the arguments from the command-line and return the number of arguments found. Parsing will be conducted according to the operating system’s rules, as follows: Arguments will be separated by treating SPACES between characters as the delineators between arguments. The number of spaces separating two non-blank values is irrelevant. Strings enclosed in double-quote characters (“) will be treated as a single argument, regardless of how many spaces (if any) might be imbedded within those quotation characters. On Windows systems, single-quote, or apostrophe characters (‘) will be treated just like any other data character and will NOT delineate strings. 3. By accepting from ARGUMENT-VALUE, you will be asking the OpenCOBOL run-time system to parse the arguments from the command-line and return the arguments whose number is currently in the ARGUMENT- NUMBER register21. Parsing will be conducted according to the rules set forth in #2 above. 4. The syntax and usage of the optional exception-handler is discussed in section 6.4.7. 21 Use format #2 of the DISPLAY statement to set ARGUMENT-NUMBER to the desired value 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-26 ACCEPTidentifier[ FROMmnemonic-name][ END-ACCEPT]ACCEPTidentifier[ END-ACCEPT]COMMAND-LINEARGUMENT-NUMBERARGUMENT-VALUE[ exception-handler ] FROM OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.4.3. ACCEPT Format 3 – Retrieve Environment Variable Values Figure 6-20 - ACCEPT (Environment Variable Values) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to retrieve environment variable values. 1. By accepting from ENVIRONMENT-VALUE, you will be asking the OpenCOBOL run-time system to retrieve the value of the environment variable whose name is currently in the ENVIRONMENT-NAME register22. 2. A simpler approach to retrieving an environment variables value is to use “ACCEPT … FROM ENVIRONMENT”. Using that form, you specify the environment variable to be retrieved right on the ACCEPT command itself. 3. The syntax and usage of the optional exception-handler is discussed in section 6.4.7. 22 Use format #3 of the DISPLAY statement to set ENVIRONMENT-NAME to the desired environment variable name 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-27 [ END-ACCEPT]ENVIRONMENT-VALUEENVIRONMENTLiteral-1Identifier-2FROM[ exception-handler ]ACCEPTidentifier-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.4.4. ACCEPT Format 4 – Retrieve Screen Data Figure 6-21 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Screen Data) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to retrieve data from a formatted console window screen using a data item defined in the SCREEN SECTION. 1. If identifier-1 is defined in the SCREEN SECTION, all cursor positioning (AT) and attribute specifications (WITH) are taken from the SCREEN SECTION definition and anything specified on the ACCEPT will be ignored. Use the AT and WITH options only when ACCEPTing a data item that was not defined in the SCREEN SECTION. 2. The various AT clauses provide a means of positioning the cursor to a specific spot on the screen before the screen is read. The literal-3 / identifier-4 value must be a four-digit value with the 1st two digits indicating the line where the cursor should be positioned and the last two digits being the column. 3. Most of the WITH options were described in section 5.6, with the exception of the UPDATE and SCROLL options. With the exception of SCROLL, WITH options should be specified only once. 4. The UPDATE option which causes the current contents of identifier-1 to be displayed before a new value is accepted. 5. The SCROLL option will cause the entire contents of the screen to be scrolled UP or DOWN by the specified number of lines before any value is displayed on the screen. It is possible to specify a SCROLL UP clause as well as a SCROLL DOWN clause. If no LINES specification is made, “1 LINE” will be assumed. 6. The syntax and usage of the optional exception-handler is discussed in section 6.4.7. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-28 ACCEPTidentifier-1[ exception-handler][ END-ACCEPT]FOREGROUND-COLORIS integer-4identifier-5BACKGROUND-COLORIS integer-5identifier-6WITH...REQUIREDFULLPROMPTAUTO| AUTO-SKIP| AUTOTERMINATEBELL| BEEPREVERSE-VIDEOUNDERLINEOVERLINESECUREUPDATEHIGHLIGHTLOWLIGHTBLINKSCROLLUPDOWNBYinteger-6identifier-7LINESLINEATCOLUMNPOSITIONNUMBERinteger-2identifier-3AT LINENUMBERinteger-1identifier-2COLUMNPOSITIONNUMBERinteger-2identifier-3ATinteger-3identifier-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.4.5. ACCEPT Format 5 – Retrieve Date/Time Figure 6-22 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Date/Time) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to retrieve the current system date and/or time and store it into a data item. 1. The data retrieved from the system, and the format in which it is structured, will vary according to the following chart: ACCEPT Option DATE Data Returned identifier-1 Format Current date in Gregorian form 01 CURRENT-DATE. 05 CD-YEAR PIC 9(2). 05 CD-MONTH PIC 9(2). 05 CD-DAY-OF-MONTH PIC 9(2). DATE YYYYMMDD Current date in Gregorian form 01 CURRENT-DATE. DAY Current date in Julian form DAY YYYYDDD Current date in Julian form DAY-OF-WEEK Current day of the week TIME Current time 05 CD-YEAR PIC 9(4). 05 CD-MONTH PIC 9(2). 05 CD-DAY-OF-MONTH PIC 9(2). 01 CURRENT-DATE. 05 CD-YEAR PIC 9(2). 05 CD-DAY-OF-YEAR PIC 9(3). 01 CURRENT-DATE. 05 CD-YEAR PIC 9(4). 05 CD-DAY-OF-YEAR PIC 9(3). 01 CURRENT-DATE. 05 CD-DAY-OF-WEEK PIC 9(1). 88 MONDAY VALUE 1. 88 TUESDAY VALUE 2. 88 WEDNESDAY VALUE 3. 88 THURSDAY VALUE 4. 88 FRIDAY VALUE 5. 88 SATURDAY VALUE 6. 88 SUNDAY VALUE 7. 01 CURRENT-TIME. 05 CT-HOURS PIC 9(2). 05 CT-MINUTES PIC 9(2). 05 CT-SECONDS PIC 9(2). 06 CT-HUNDREDTHS-OF-SECS PIC 9(2). Figure 6-23 - ACCEPT Options for DATE/TIME Retrieval 6.4.6. ACCEPT Format 6 - Retrieve Screen Size Data Figure 6-24 - ACCEPT (Retrieve Screen Size Data) Syntax This format of the ACCEPT verb is used to retrieve the displayable size (in character positions) of the console window in which the program is executing. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-29 ACCEPTidentifier[ END-ACCEPT]DATEDATEYYYYMMDDDAYDAYYYYYDDDDAY-OF-WEEKTIMEFROMACCEPTidentifierLINESCOLUMNSFROM[ END-ACCEPT] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 1. In environments such as a Windows console window, where the logical size of the window may far exceed that of the physical console window, the size returned will be that of the physical console window. 6.4.7. ACCEPT Exception Handling Figure 6-25 - ACCEPT Exception Handling The EXCEPTION and NOT EXCEPTION clauses available on some formats of the ACCEPT verb allow you to specify code to be executed specifically upon the failure or success (respectively) of the ACCEPT. Since ACCEPT does not set any sort of return code or status flag, this is the only way to detect success and failure. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-30 ON EXCEPTIONimperative-statement-1NOTON EXCEPTIONimperative-statement-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.5. ADD 6.5.1. ADD Format 1 – ADD TO Figure 6-26 - ADD (TO) Syntax This format of the ADD statement generates the arithmetic sum of all arguments that appear before the TO (identifier-1 or literal-1) and then adds that sum to each of the identifiers listed after the TO (identifier-2). 1. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. 2. Literal-1 must be a numeric literal. 3. Should a non-integer result be generated and assigned to any of the identifier-2 data items that have the optional ROUNDED keyword, the result saved into identifier-2 will be rounded according to the standard mathematical rules for rounding values to the least-significant digit of precision. For example, if the PICTURE is 99V99 and the result to be saved is 12.152, the saved value will be 12.15 whereas a result of 76.165 would save a value of 76.17. 4. If the optional LENGTH OF clause is used on any literal-1 or identifier-1, the arithmetic value used during the computation process will be the length – in bytes – of the data item or literal, not the actual value of that data item or literal. Figure 6-27 - A Sample Program Using ON SIZE ERROR 5. The optional ON SIZE ERROR clause allows you to specify code that will be executed if the result to be saved into an identifier-2 item exceeds the capacity of that item. For example, if the PICTURE is 99V99 and the result to be saved is 101.43, a SIZE ERROR condition would exist. Without an ON SIZE ERROR clause, OpenCOBOL will store a value of 01.43 into the field. With an ON SIZE ERROR clause, the value of the identifier-2 item will be unchanged and imperative-statatement-1 will be executed. As an illustration, observe the small demo program and output shown here. It also illustrates some of the “EXCEPTION” intrinsic functions (see section 6.1.7). 6. The NOT ON SIZE ERROR clause, if specified, will execute an imperative statement if the ADD statement did not encounter a field size overflow condition. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-31 ADD[ LENGTHOF ]literal-1identifier-1...TO{ identifier-2[ ROUNDED] } ...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-ADD]1. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.2. PROGRAM-ID. corrdemo.3. DATA DIVISION.4. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.5. 01 Item-1 VALUE 1 PIC 99V99.6. PROCEDURE DIVISION.7. 100-Main SECTION.8. P1.9. ADD 19 81.43 TO Item-1 10. ON SIZE ERROR11. DISPLAY 'Item-1:' Item-112. DISPLAY 'Error: ' FUNCTION EXCEPTION-STATUS13. DISPLAY 'Where: ' FUNCTION EXCEPTION-LOCATION14. DISPLAY ' What: ' FUNCTION EXCEPTION-STATEMENT15. END-ADD.16.STOP RUN.When executed, the program produces the following output:Item-1:0100Error: EC-SIZE-OVERFLOWWhere: corrdemo; P1 OF 100-Main; 9What: ADD OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.5.2. ADD Format 2 – ADD GIVING Figure 6-28 - ADD (GIVING) Syntax This format of the ADD statement generates the arithmetic sum of all arguments that appear before the TO (identifier-1 or literal- 1), adds that sum to the contents of identifier-2 (if any) and then replaces the contents of the identifiers listed after the GIVING (identifier-3) with that sum. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 must be a numeric (edited or unedited) data item. 3. Literal-1 must be a numeric literal. 4. The contents of identifier-2 are not altered. 5. The use and behavior of the ROUNDED, LENGTH OF, ON SIZE ERROR and NOT ON SIZE ERROR clauses is as described in section 6.5.1 for Format 1 of the ADD statement. 6.5.3. ADD Format 3 – ADD CORRESPONDING Figure 6-29 - ADD (CORRESPONDING) Syntax This format of the ADD statement generates code equivalent to individual ADD TO statements for corresponding matches of data items found subordinate to the two identifiers. 1. The rules for identifying corresponding matches are as discussed in section 6.28.2 – MOVE CORRESPONDING. 2. The use and behavior of the ROUNDED, ON SIZE ERROR and NOT ON SIZE ERROR clauses is as described in section 6.5.1 for Format 1 of the ADD statement. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-32 ADD[ LENGTHOF ]literal-1identifier-1...[ TOidentifier-2][ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-ADD]GIVING{identifier-3[ ROUNDED] }...ADDCORRESPONDING identifier-1TOidentifier-2[ ROUNDED][ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-ADD] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.6. ALLOCATE Figure 6-30 - ALLOCATE Syntax The ALLOCATE statement is used to dynamically allocate memory at run-time. 1. 2. If used, expression-1 must be an arithmetic expression with a non-zero positive integer value. To avoid confusing the 06FEB2009 version of the syntax parser when using the “expression-1 CHARACTERS” option, enclose the expression in parenthesis so it cannot be mistaken for the “identifier-1” option. This possibility of parser “confusion” will be corrected in a future OpenCOBOL 1.1 tarball. If used, identifier-1 should be an 01-level item defined with the BASED attribute in WORKING-STORAGE or LOCAL- STORAGE. It can be an 01 item defined in the LINKAGE SECTION, but using such a data item is not recommended. 3. If used, identifier-2 should be a USAGE POINTER data item. 4. The optional RETURNING clause will return the address of the allocated memory block into the specified USAGE POINTER item. When this option is used, OpenCOBOL will retain knowledge of the originally-requested size of the allocated memory block in case a FREE (section 6.19) statement is ever issued against that USAGE POINTER item. 5. When the “identifier-1” option is used, INITIALIZE will initialize the allocated memory block according to the PICTURE and (if any) VALUE clauses present in the definition of identifier-1 as if a INITIALIZE identifier-1 WITH FILLER ALL TO VALUE THEN TO DEFAULT were executed once identifier-1 was allocated. See section 6.24 for a discussion of the INITIALIZE statement. 6. When the “expression-1 CHARACTERS” option is used, INITIALIZE will initialize the allocated memory block to binary zeros. 7. If the INITIALIZE clause is not used, the initial contents of allocated memory will be left to whatever rules of memory allocation are in effect for the operating system the program is running under. 8. There are two basic ways in which this statement is used. The simplest is: ALLOCATE My-01-Item With this form, a block of storage equal in size to the defined size of My-01-Item (which must have been defined with the BASED attribute) will be allocated. The address of that block of storage will become the base address of My-01-Item so that it and its subordinate data items become usable within the program. A second (and equivalent) approach is: ALLOCATE LENGTH OF My-01-Item CHARACTERS RETURNING The-Pointer. SET ADDRESS OF My-01-Item TO The-Pointer. With this form, the ALLOCATE statements allocates a block of memory exactly the size as would be needed for My-01-Item; that address is returned into a pointer variable. The SET statement then “bases” the address of My- 01-Item to be the address of the memory block created by the ALLOCATE. The only real functional difference between these two approaches is that – with the first – the INITIALIZED clause, if any, will be honored. 9. Referencing a BASED data item either before its storage has been ALLOCATEd or after its storage has been FREEd will lead to unpredictable results23. 23 The COBOL standards like to use the term “unpredictable results” to indicate any sort of unexpected or undesirable behavior – the results in this case probably are predictable though – the program will probably abort from attempting to access an invalid address. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-33 ALLOCATE[ INITIALIZED][ RETURNINGidentifier-2]expression-1CHARACTERSidentifier-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.7. CALL Figure 6-31 - CALL Syntax The CALL statement is used to transfer control to another program, called a subprogram or subroutine. 1. The expectation is that the subprogram will eventually return control back to the CALLing program, at which point the CALLing program will resume execution starting with the statement immediately following the CALL. Subprograms are not required to return to their CALLers, however, and are free to halt program execution if they wish. 2. The EXCEPTION and OVERFLOW keywords may be used interchangeably. 3. The RETURNING and GIVING keywords may be used interchangeably. 4. The value of literal-1 or identifier-1 is the entry-point of the subprogram you wish to CALL. See sections 7.1.4 and 7.1.5 for more information on how this entry-point is used. 5. When you CALL a subroutine using identifier-1, you are forcing the runtime system to call a dynamically-loadable module. See section 7.1.4 for information on dynamically-loadable modules. 6. The optional ON EXCEPTION clause specifies code to be executed should the loading of a dynamically-loadable module fail. By specifying ON EXCEPTION, the default behavior of generating an error message and halting the program will be overridden – replaced by whatever logic you specify. 7. The optional NOT ON EXCEPTION clause specifies code to be executed should the loading of a dynamically- loadable module succeed. 8. The USING clause defines a list of arguments that may be passed from the CALLing program to the subprogram. The manner in which the arguments are passed depends upon the BY clause. 9. If the subprogram being CALLed is an OpenCOBOL program, and if that program had the INITIAL attribute specified on its PROGRAM-ID clause, all of the subprogram’s DATA DIVISION data will be restored to its initial state each time the subprogram is executed24. This [re]-initialization behavior will always apply to any data defined in the subprogram’s LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION (if any), regardless of the use (or not) of INITIAL. 24 This is regardless of which entry-point within the subprogram is CALLed 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-34 CALLidentifier-1literal-1USINGBYREFERENCECONTENTVALUESIZEIS AUTOSIZEIS DEFAULTUNSIGNEDSIZEIS integeridentifier-2literal-2OMITTED...EXCEPTIONOVERFLOWONimperative-statement-1RETURNINGGIVINGIdentifier-3[ END-CALL]EXCEPTIONOVERFLOWNOTONimperative-statement-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Figure 6-32 - CALL BY REFERENCE Can Sometimes have Unwanted Effects! 10. BY REFERENCE (the default) passes the address of the argument to the subprogram and will allow the subprogram to change that arguments value. This can be dangerous when passing a literal value as an argument. 11. BY CONTENT passes the address of a copy of the argument to the subprogram. If the subprogram changes the value of such an argument, the original version of it back in the CALLing program remains unchanged. Clearly, as Figure 6-32 shows, this is the safest way to pass literal values to a subprogram. Figure 6-33 - CALL BY VALUE 12. BY VALUE passes the address of the argument as the argument. Check out the coding example in Figure 6-33. Why would you want this? The answer is simple – if the subprogram is written in OpenCOBOL, you probably wouldn’t! This feature exists to provide compatibility with C, C++ and other languages. 13. The RETURNING clause allows you to specify a data item into which the subroutine should return a value. If you use this clause on the CALL, the subroutine should include a RETURNING clause on its PROCEDURE DIVISION header. Of course, a subroutine may pass a value back in ANY argument passed BY REFERENCE. 14. For additional information, see sections 6.8 (CANCEL), 6.16 (ENTRY), 6.18 (EXIT) and 6.21 (GOBACK). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-35 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. testbed.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.PROCEDURE DIVISION.000-Main.DISPLAY "MAIN (Before CALL): lit=" "lit".CALL "testsub" USING BY REFERENCE "lit".DISPLAY "MAIN (After CALL) : lit=" "lit".STOP RUN.IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. testsub.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.LINKAGE SECTION.01 Arg1 PIC X(3).PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Arg1.000-Main.MOVE 'XXX' TO Arg1.EXIT PROGRAM.END PROGRAM testsub.END PROGRAM testbed.This program and subprogram…Produce thisoutput…Since the literal was passed BY REFERENCE, it was actually changed!MAIN (Before CALL): lit=litMAIN (After CALL) : lit=XXXIDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. testbed.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.01 Item USAGE BINARY-LONG VALUE 256.PROCEDURE DIVISION.000-Main.CALL "testsub1" USING BY CONTENT "lit", BY VALUE Item.STOP RUN.END PROGRAM testbed.IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. testsub1.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.01 The-Pointer USAGE POINTER.LINKAGE SECTION.01 Arg1 PIC X(3).01 Arg2 PIC X(4).PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Arg1, Arg2.000-Main.SET The-Pointer TO ADDRESS OF Arg2.DISPLAY "Arg1=" Arg1. DISPLAY " The-Pointer=" The-Pointer.EXIT PROGRAM.END PROGRAM testsub1.This program and subprogram…Produce thisoutput…Arg1=litThe-Pointer=0x00000100 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.8. CANCEL Figure 6-34 - CANCEL Syntax The CANCEL statement unloads the dynamically-loadable module containing the entry-point specified as literal-1 or identifier-1 from memory. 1. If the dynamically-loadable module unloaded by the CANCEL is subsequently re-executed, all DATA DIVISION storage for that dynamically-loadable module will once again be in its initial state. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-36 CANCELidentifier-1literal-1... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.9. CLOSE Figure 6-35 - CLOSE Syntax The CLOSE statement terminates the programs access to the specified file(s) or to the currently mounted reel/unit of the file(s). 1. The CLOSE statement may only be executed against files that have been successfully OPENed. 2. The REEL, UNIT and NO REWIND clauses are available only for ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL (either LINE or RECORD BINARY) SEQUENTIAL files. The words REEL and UNIT may be used interchangeably, and reflect a file that is stored on or will be written to multiple removable tapes/disks. Not all systems support such devices, and OpenCOBOL features to manipulate such multiple-unit files may not be functional on your system. 3. The REEL and UNIT phrases are intended for use with files which have had MULTIPLE REEL or MULTIPLE UNIT specified in their SELECT clause. If the run-time system does not recognize multi-unit files, the CLOSE REEL and CLOSE UNIT statements will perform no function. 4. Once a file has been closed, it cannot be accessed again until it has been successfully re-OPENed. 5. A successful CLOSE without REEL or UNIT executed against a file that was OPENed in either OUTPUT or EXTEND mode will write any remaining unwritten record buffers to the file; regardless of OPEN mode, any record locks held for closed files will be released as well. A closed file will then be no longer available for subsequent READ, WRITE, REWRITE, START or DELETE statements until it is once again OPENed. 6. A CLOSE WITH LOCK option will prevent your program from re-opening the file again in the same program execution. 7. A successful CLOSE with REEL or UNIT will write any remaining unwritten record buffers to the closed files and will release any record locks held for those files as well. The currently mounted reel/unit of the file will be dismounted and the next reel/unit requested. The file’s status remains OPEN. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-37 CLOSEfile-name-1REELUNITFOR REMOVALWITH LOCKWITH NOREWIND... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.10. COMMIT Figure 6-36 - COMMIT Syntax The COMMIT statement performs an UNLOCK against every currently-OPEN file. 1. See the UNLOCK statement (section 6.48) for additional details. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-38 COMMIT OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.11. COMPUTE Figure 6-37 - COMPUTE Syntax The COMPUTE statement provides a means of easily performing complex arithmetic operations with a single statement, instead of using cumbersome and possibly confusing sequences of ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE statements. 1. The word EQUAL and the equals-sign (=) may be used interchangeably. 2. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5.1). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-39 COMPUTE{identifier-1[ ROUNDED] }... arithmetic-expression[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2]EQUAL=[ END-COMPUTE] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.12. CONTINUE Figure 6-38 - CONTINUE Syntax The CONTINUE statement is a no-operation statement, performing no action whatsoever. 1. The CONTINUE statement is often used with IF statements (section 6.23) as a place-holder for conditionally- executed code that is either not yet needed or not yet designed. The following two sentences are equivalent. One uses CONTINUE statements to mark places where code may need to be inserted in the future. “Minimalist” Coding (Specifying only what is necessary) Coding With CONTINUE (Documenting where code might be needed someday) IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY „A=1 & B=1‟ END-DISPLAY END-IF ELSE IF A = 2 IF B = 2 DISPLAY „A=2 & B=2‟ END-DISPLAY END-IF END-IF END-IF IF A = 1 IF B = 1 DISPLAY „A=1 & B=1‟ END-DISPLAY ELSE CONTINUE END-IF ELSE IF A = 2 IF B = 2 DISPLAY „A=2 & B=2‟ END-DISPLAY ELSE CONTINUE END-IF ELSE CONTINUE END-IF END-IF Coding such as this is generally a matter of personal preference or site coding standards. There is no difference in the object code generated by the two, so there isn’t a run-time efficiency issue (just one of “coding efficiency”). 2. Another IF-statement usage for CONTINUE is to avoid the use of NOT in the conditional expression coded on the IF statement. This too is a personal and/or site standards issue. Here’s an example: Without CONTINUE With CONTINUE IF Action-Flag NOT = „I‟ AND „U‟ DISPLAY „Invalid Action-Flag‟ EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Action-Flag = „I‟ OR „U‟ CONTINUE ELSE DISPLAY „Invalid Action-Flag‟ EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF Because of the way COBOL (OpenCOBOL included) handles the abbreviation of conditional expressions, the conditional expression in the left-hand box is actually a short-hand version of the (not-so-intuitive): IF Action-Flag NOT = „I‟ AND Action-Flag NOT = „U‟ Many programmers would have coded the “IF” (incorrectly) as “IF Action-Flag NOT = „I‟ OR „U‟” – this is sure to cause run-time problems. This causes many programmers to consider the code in the right-hand box to be more readable, even though it is a little longer. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-40 CONTINUE OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.13. DELETE Figure 6-39 - DELETE Syntax The DELETE statement logically deletes a record from an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE or ORGANIZATION INDEXED file. 1. The INVALID KEY and NOT INVALID KEY clauses cannot be specified for a file who’s ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL. 2. The INVALID KEY clause provides the ability to react to a DELETE failure, while the NOT INVALID KEY clause gives the program the capability of specifying actions to be taken if the DELETE succeeds. 3. The ORGANIZATION of file-name must be RELATIVE or INDEXED. 4. For RELATIVE or INDEXED files in the SEQUENTIAL access mode, the last input-output statement executed for file- name prior to the execution of the DELETE statement must have been a successfully executed READ statement. That READ will therefore identify the record to be deleted. 5. 6. If file-name is a RELATIVE file whose ACCESS MODE is either RANDOM or DYNAMIC, the record to be deleted is the one whose relative record number is currently the value of the field specified as the files RELATIVE KEY. If file-name is an INDEXED file whose ACCESS MODE is RANDOM or DYNAMIC, the record to be deleted is the one whose primary key is currently the value of the field specified as the RECORD KEY of the file. 7. An INVALID KEY condition will exist, and can be dealt with via the INVALID KEY clause, if the record specified to be deleted by the RELATIVE KEY or RECORD KEY value does not exist in an access mode RANDOM or DYNAMIC file. This is a condition that cannot exist for ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL files because of rule #4. DELETE failures on ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL files can only be “handled” via DECLARATIVES. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-41 DELETEfile-nameRECORD[ INVALIDKEYimperative-statement-1][ NOTINVALIDKEYimperative-statement-2][ END-DELETE] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.14. DISPLAY 6.14.1. DISPLAY Format 1 – Upon Console Figure 6-40 - DISPLAY (Upon Console) Syntax This format of the DISPLAY statement displays the specified identifier contents and/or literal values on the shell or console window from which the program was started. The displayed text will appear starting in column 1 of the next available line. If all screen lines have previously had text displayed to them, the screen will scroll upward one line and the text will appear on the last line. 1. If no UPON clause is specified, UPON CONSOLE will be assumed. 2. The specified mnemonic-name must be CONSOLE, CRT, PRINTER or any user-defined mnemonic name associated with one of these devices within the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph (see section 4.1.4). All such mnemonics specify the same destination – the shell (UNIX) or console (Windows) window from which the program was run. 3. The NO ADVANCING clause, if used, will suppress the normal carriage-return / line-feed sequence that normally is added to the end of any console display. 6.14.2. DISPLAY Format 2 – Access Command-Line Arguments Figure 6-41 - DISPLAY (Access Command-line Arguments) Syntax This form of the DISPLAY statement may be used to specify the command-line argument number to be retrieved by a subsequent ACCEPT or to specify a new value for the command- line arguments themselves. 1. Executing a DISPLAY … UPON COMMAND-LINE will influence subsequent ACCEPT … FROM COMMAND-LINE statements (which will then return the DISPLAYed value), but will not influence subsequent ACCEPT … FROM ARGUMENT-VALUE statements – these will continue to return the original program execution parameters. 6.14.3. DISPLAY Format 3 – Access or Set Environment Variables Figure 6-42 - DISPLAY (Access / Set Environment Variables) Syntax This form of the DISPLAY statement can be used to create or modify environment variables. 1. To create or change an environment variable will require two DISPLAY statements, which must be executed in the following sequence: 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-42 DISPLAYidentifier-1literal-1[ UPONmnemonic-name][ END-DISPLAY]...[ exception-handler][ WITH NOADVANCING]DISPLAY... UPONARGUMENT-NUMBERCOMMAND-LINEidentifier-1literal-1[ exception-handler][ END-DISPLAY]DISPLAY... UPONENVIRONMENT-VALUEENVIRONMENT-NAMEidentifier-1literal-1[ exception-handler][ END-DISPLAY] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION DISPLAY environment-variable-name UPON ENVIRONMENT-NAME END-DISPLAY DISPLAY environment-variable-value UPON ENVIRONMENT-VALUE END-DISPLAY 2. Environment variables created or changed from within OpenCOBOL programs will be available to any sub-shell processes spawned by that program (i.e. CALL “SYSTEM”) but will not be known to the shell or console window that started the OpenCOBOL program. 3. Consider using SET ENVIRONMENT (section 6.39.1) in lieu of DISPLAY to set environment variables as it is much simpler. 6.14.4. DISPLAY Format 4 – Screen Data Figure 6-43 - DISPLAY (Screen Data) Syntax This format of the DISPLAY statement presents data onto a formatted screen. 1. If identifier-1 is defined in the SCREEN SECTION, all cursor positioning (AT) and attribute specifications (WITH) are taken from the SCREEN SECTION definition and anything specified on the DISPLAY will be ignored. Use the AT and WITH options only when DISPLAYing a data item that was not defined in the SCREEN SECTION. 2. The various AT clauses provide a means of positioning the cursor to a specific spot on the screen before the data is presented to the screen. The literal-3 / identifier-4 value must be a four-digit value with the 1st two digits indicating the line where the cursor should be positioned and the last two digits being the column. 3. See section 6.4.4 (ACCEPT ACCEPT Format 4 – Retrieve Screen Data) for a description of the SCROLL option. 4. The remaining “WITH” options were described in section 5.6. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-43 DISPLAYATCOLUMNPOSITIONNUMBERinteger-3identifier-4AT LINENUMBERinteger-1identifier-2COLUMNPOSITIONNUMBERinteger-2identifier-3ATinteger-4identifier-5FOREGROUND-COLORIS integer-5identifier-6BACKGROUND-COLORIS integer-6identifier-7WITH[ exception-handler][ END-DISPLAY]...BELL| BEEPREVERSE-VIDEOUNDERLINEOVERLINEHIGHLIGHTLOWLIGHTBLINKSCROLLUPDOWNBYinteger-6identifier-7LINESLINEidentifier-1literal-1... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.14.5. DISPLAY Exception Handling Figure 6-44 - Exception Handling (DISPLAY) Syntax The EXCEPTION and NOT EXCEPTION clauses available on all formats of the DISPLAY verb allow you to specify code to be executed specifically upon the failure or success (respectively) of the DISPLAY. Since DISPLAY does not set any sort of return code or status flag, this is the only way to detect success and failure. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-44 ON EXCEPTIONimperative-statement-1NOTON EXCEPTIONimperative-statement-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.15. DIVIDE 6.15.1. DIVIDE Format 1 – DIVIDE INTO Figure 6-45 - DIVIDE INTO Syntax This format of DIVIDE will divide a specified value into one or more data items, replacing each of those data items with the result of its old value divided by the identifier-1 / literal-1 value. Any remainder calculated as a result of the division is discarded. 1. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. 2. Literal-1 must be a numeric literal. 3. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 4. If the identifier-1 / literal-1 value is zero, a SIZE ERROR condition will result. A SIZE ERROR will also occur if the result of the division requires more digits of precision to the left of a decimal-point than are available in any of the receiving fields. 6.15.2. DIVIDE Format 2 – DIVIDE INTO GIVING Figure 6-46 - DIVIDE INTO GIVING Syntax This format of DIVIDE will divide a specified value (identifier-1 / literal-1) into another value (identifier-2 / literal-2) and will then replace the contents of one or more receiving data items (identifier-3 …) with the results of that division. Any remainder calculated as a result of the division is discarded. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 must be a numeric (edited or unedited) data item. 3. Literal-1 and literal-2 must be numeric literals. 4. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 5. If the identifier-1 / literal-1 value is zero, a SIZE ERROR condition will result. A SIZE ERROR will also occur if the result of the division requires more digits of precision to the left of a decimal-point than are available in any of the receiving fields. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-45 DIVIDEidentifier-1literal-1INTO{identifier-2[ ROUNDED] } ...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-DIVIDE][ END-DIVIDE]DIVIDEidentifier-1literal-1INTOidentifier-2literal-2GIVING{identifier-3[ ROUNDED] } ...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.15.3. DIVIDE Format 3 – DIVIDE BY GIVING Figure 6-47 - DIVIDE BY GIVING Syntax This format of DIVIDE will divide a specified value (identifier-1 / literal-1) by another value (identifier-2 / literal-2) and will then replace the contents of one or more receiving data items (identifier-3 …) with the results of that division. Any remainder calculated as a result of the division is discarded. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 must be a numeric (edited or unedited) data item. 3. Literal-1 and literal-2 must be numeric literals. 4. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 5. If the identifier-2 / literal-2 value is zero, a SIZE ERROR condition will result. A SIZE ERROR will also occur if the result of the division requires more digits of precision to the left of a decimal-point than are available in any of the receiving fields. 6.15.4. DIVIDE Format 4 – DIVIDE INTO REMAINDER Figure 6-48 - DIVIDE INTO REMAINDER Syntax This format of DIVIDE will divide a specified value (identifier-1 / literal- 1) into another value (identifier-2 / literal-2) and will then replace the contents of a single data item (identifier-3) with the results of that division. Any remainder calculated as a result of the division is saved in identifier-4. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 and identifier-4 must be numeric (edited or unedited) data items. 3. Literal-1 and literal-2 must be numeric literals. 4. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of 5. the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). If the identifier-1 / literal-1 value is zero, a SIZE ERROR condition will result. A SIZE ERROR will also occur if the result of the division requires more digits of precision to the left of a decimal-point than are available in any of the receiving fields. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-46 [ END-DIVIDE]DIVIDEidentifier-1literal-1BYidentifier-2literal-2GIVING{identifier-3[ ROUNDED] } ...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-DIVIDE]DIVIDEidentifier-1literal-1INTOidentifier-2literal-2GIVINGidentifier-3[ ROUNDED] REMAINDERidentifier-4[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.15.5. DIVIDE Format 5 – DIVIDE BY REMAINDER Figure 6-49 - DIVIDE BY REMAINDER Syntax This format of DIVIDE will divide a specified value (identifier-1 / literal-1) by another value (identifier-2 / literal- 2) and will then replace the contents of a single receiving data item (identifier-3) with the results of that division. Any remainder calculated as a result of the division is saved in identifier-4. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 and identifier-4 must be umeric (edited or unedited) data items. 3. Literal-1 and literal-2 must be numeric literals. 4. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 5. If the identifier-2 / literal-2 value is zero, a SIZE ERROR condition will result. A SIZE ERROR will also occur if the result of the division requires more digits of precision to the left of a decimal-point than are available in any of the receiving fields. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-47 [ END-DIVIDE]DIVIDEidentifier-1literal-1BYidentifier-2literal-2GIVINGidentifier-3[ ROUNDED] REMAINDERidentifier-4[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.16. ENTRY Figure 6-50 - ENTRY Syntax The ENTRY statement is used to define an alternate entry-point into a subroutine, along with the arguments that subroutine will be expecting. 1. You may not use an ENTRY statement in a nested subprogram (see section 2.1). 2. The USING clause matches up against the USING clause of any CALL statements that will be invoking the subroutine. 3. The literal-1 value will specify the entry-point name of the subroutine. It must be specified exactly on CALL statements (with regard to the use of upper- and lower-case letters) as it is specified on the ENTRY statement. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-48 ENTRYliteral-1USINGBYREFERENCECONTENTVALUESIZEIS AUTOSIZEIS DEFAULTUNSIGNEDSIZEIS integeridentifier-1... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.17. EVALUATE Figure 6-51 - EVALUATE Syntax The EVALUATE statement provides a means of defining processing that should take place under a variety of related circum- stances 1. The reserved words THRU and THROUGH may be used interchangeably. 2. When using THROUGH, the values connected by a THROUGH clause (arith-expr-n, identifier-n and/or literal-n) must be the same class. For example: Legal: (3 + Years-Of-Service) THROUGH 99 “A” THRU “Z” X’00’ THRU X’1F’ 15.7 THROUGH 19.4 Not Legal: 0 THRU “A” Last-Name THRU Zip-Code (Assuming Last-Name is PIC X and Zip-Code is PIC 9) 3. The values specified after the EVALUATE verb but before the first WHEN clause are known as selection subjects while the values specified on each WHEN clause are known as selection objects. 4. Each WHEN clause must have the same number of selection objects as the EVALUATE verb has selection subjects. 5. Each EVALUATE clause’s selection subject will be tested for equality to each WHEN clauses corresponding selection object. 6. The first WHEN clause found where all such equality tests described in rule #5 result in TRUE results will be the one whose imperative statement will be executed. 7. If none of the WHEN clauses have all such equality tests as described in rule #5 resulting in TRUE results then the imperative statement associated with the WHEN OTHER clause (imperative-statement-2) will be executed. If there is no WHEN OTHER clause, control will simply fall into the next statement following the EVALUATE statement. 8. Once a WHEN or WHEN OTHER clause’s imperative statement has been executed, control will fall into the next statement following the EVALUATE statement. 9. Using a selection object of ANY will cause an automatic match with whatever selection subject the ANY was matched against. Here’s a “case study” that will illustrate the usefulness of the EVALUATE statement. A program is being developed to compute the interest to be paid on accounts based upon their average daily balance [ADB]. The business rules for this process are as follows: 1. Interest-bearing checking accounts will receive no interest if their ADB is less than $1000. Interest-bearing checking accounts with an ADB $1000 to $1499.99 will receive 1% of the ADB as interest. Those with an ADB of $1500 or more will receive 1.5% of the ADB as interest. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-49 [ END-EVALUATE]EVALUATE[ ALSO] ...TRUEFALSEexpression-1identifier-1literal-1TRUEFALSEexpression-2identifier-2literal-2......Imperative-statement-1[ WHENOTHER] imperative-statement-2]WHENANYcondition-1TRUEFALSE[ NOT]arith-expr-2identifier-3literal-3arith-expr-3identifier-4literal-4THROUGHTHRUALSOANYcondition-2TRUEFALSE[ NOT]arith-expr-4identifier-5literal-5arith-expr-5identifier-6literal-6THROUGHTHRU OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 2. Statement savings accounts will receive 1.5% interest on an ADB up to $10000 and 1.75% for any ADB amounts over $10000. 3. Platinum savings accounts receive 2% interest on their ADB, regardless of average balance amounts. 4. No other types of accounts receive interest. Here’s a sample OpenCOBOL program that can be used to test an “EVALUATE” implementation of these business rules. Output from the program is shown in the inset. Figure 6-52 - An EVALUATE Demo Program 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-50 >>SOURCE FORMAT FREEIDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. evaldemo.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.01 Account-Type PIC X(1).88 Interest-Bearing-Checking VALUE 'c'.88 Statement-Savings VALUE 's'.88 Platinum-Savings VALUE 'p'.01 ADB-Char PIC X(10).01 Ave-Daily-Balance PIC 9(7)V99.01 Formatted-Amount PIC Z(6)9.99.01 Interest-Amount PIC 9(7)V99.PROCEDURE DIVISION.000-Main.PERFORM FOREVERDISPLAY "Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): " WITH NO ADVANCINGACCEPT Account-TypeIF Account-Type = SPACESSTOP RUNEND-IFDISPLAY "Enter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): " WITH NO ADVANCINGACCEPT ADB-CharMOVE FUNCTION NUMVAL(ADB-Char) TO Ave-Daily-BalanceEVALUATE TRUE ALSO Ave-Daily-BalanceWHEN Interest-Bearing-Checking ALSO 0.00 THRU 999.99MOVE 0 TO Interest-AmountWHEN Interest-Bearing-Checking ALSO 1000.00 THRU 1499.99COMPUTE Interest-Amount ROUNDED = 0.01 * Ave-Daily-BalanceWHEN Interest-Bearing-Checking ALSO ANYCOMPUTE Interest-Amount ROUNDED = 0.015 * Ave-Daily-BalanceWHEN Statement-Savings ALSO 0.00 THRU 10000.00COMPUTE Interest-Amount ROUNDED = 0.015 * Ave-Daily-BalanceWHEN Statement-Savings ALSO ANYCOMPUTE Interest-Amount ROUNDED = 0.015 * Ave-Daily-Balance + 0.175 * (Ave-Daily-Balance -10000) WHEN Platinum-Savings ALSO ANYCOMPUTE Interest-Amount ROUNDED = 0.020 * Ave-Daily-BalanceWHEN OTHERMOVE 0 TO Interest-AmountEND-EVALUATEMOVE Interest-Amount TO Formatted-AmountDISPLAY "Accrued Interest = " Formatted-AmountEND-PERFORM.Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): cEnter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): 250Accrued Interest = 0.00Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): cEnter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): 1250Accrued Interest = 12.50Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): cEnter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): 1899.99Accrued Interest = 28.50Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): sEnter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): 22000.00Accrued Interest = 2430.00Enter Account Type (c,s,p,other): pEnter Ave Daily Balance (nnnnnnn.nn): 1.98Accrued Interest = 0.04 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.18. EXIT Figure 6-53 - EXIT Syntax 1. When used without any of the optional clauses, the “EXIT” statement simply provides a common “GO TO” end point for a series of procedures. Figure 6-54 illustrates the use of the EXIT statement. 2. When an EXIT statement is used, it must be the only statement in the paragraph in which it occurs. 3. The EXIT statement is a no-operation statement (much like the CONTINUE statement). The EXIT statement is a multi-purpose statement; it may provide a common end point for a series of procedures, exit an inline PERFORM, a paragraph or a section or it may mark the logical end of a called program. Figure 6-54 - Using the EXIT Statement 4. An EXIT PARAGRAPH statement transfers control to a point immediately past the end of the current paragraph, while an EXIT SECTION statement causes control to pass to point immediately past the last paragraph in the current section. Figure 6-55 - Using EXIT PARAGRAPH If the EXIT PARAGRAPH or EXIT SECTION resides in a paragraph within the scope of a procedural PERFORM (section 6.32.1), control will be returned back to the PERFORM for evaluation of any TIMES, VARYING and/or UNTIL clauses. It the EXIT PARAGRAPH or EXIST SECTION resides outside the scope of a procedural PERFORM, control simply transfers to the first executable statement in the next paragraph (EXIT PARAGRAPH) or section (EXIT SECTION). Figure 6-55 shows how the example shown in Figure 6-54 could have been coded without a GO TO by utilizing an EXIT PARAGRAPH statement. 5. The EXIT PERFORM and EXIT PERFORM CYCLE statements are intended to be used in conjunction with an inline PERFORM statement (section 6.32.2). 6. An EXIT PERFORM CYCLE will terminate the current iteration of the inline PERFORM, giving control to any TIMES, VARYING and/or UNTIL clauses for them to determine if another cycle needs to be performed. Figure 6-56 - Using the EXIT PERFORM Statement 7. An EXIT PERFORM will terminate the inline PERFORM outright, transferring control to the first statement following the PERFORM. Figure 6-56 shows the final modification to the Figure 6-54 example; by using Inline PERFORM and EXIT PERFORM statements we can really streamline processing. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-51 EXITPROGRAMPERFORM[ CYCLE]SECTIONPARAGRAPH01 Switches.05 Input-File-Switch PIC X(1).88 EOF-On-Input-File VALUE „Y‟ FALSE „N‟....SET EOF-On-Input-File TO FALSE.PERFORM 100-Process-A-TransactionUNTIL EOF-On-Input-File....100-Process-A-Transaction.READ Input-File AT ENDSET EOF-On-Input-File TO TRUEEXIT PARAGRAPH.IF Input-Recof Input-File = SPACESEXIT PARAGRAPH. *> IGNORE BLANK RECORDS!process the record just read01 Switches.05 Input-File-Switch PIC X(1).88 EOF-On-Input-File VALUE „Y‟ FALSE „N‟....SET EOF-On-Input-File TO FALSE.PERFORM 100-Process-A-TransactionUNTIL EOF-On-Input-File....100-Process-A-Transaction.READ Input-File AT ENDSET EOF-On-Input-File TO TRUEEXIT PARAGRAPH.IF Input-Recof Input-File = SPACESEXIT PARAGRAPH. *> IGNORE BLANK RECORDS!process the record just readPERFORM FOREVERREAD Input-File AT ENDEXIT PERFORMEND-READIF Input-Recof Input-File = SPACESEXIT PERFORM CYCLE *> IGNORE BLANK RECORDS!END-IFprocess the record just readEND PERFORM OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 8. Finally, the EXIT PROGRAM statement terminates the execution of subroutine (i.e. a program that has been CALLed by another), returning to the CALLing program at the statement following the CALL. If executed by a main program, the EXIT PROGRAM statement is non-functional. The COBOL2002 standard has made a common extension to the COBOL language - the GOBACK statement (section 6.21) - standard; the GOBACK statement should be strongly considered as the preferred alternative to EXIT PROGRAM for new programs. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-52 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.19. FREE Figure 6-57 - FREE Syntax The FREE statement releases memory previously allocated to the program by the ALLOCATE statement (section 6.6). 1. 2. 3. Identifier-1 must be a USAGE POINTER data item or an 01-level data item with the BASED attribute. If identifier-1 is a USAGE POINTER data item and it contains a valid address, the FREE statement will release the memory block the pointer references. In addition, any BASED data items that the pointer was used to provide an address for will become un-based and therefore un-usable. If identifier-1 did not contain a valid address, no action will be taken. If identifier-1 is a BASED data item and that data item is currently based (meaning it currently has memory allocated for it), its memory is released and identifier-1 will become un-based and therefore un-usable. If identifier-1 was not based, no action will be taken. 4. The ADDRESS OF clause adds no special function to the FREE statement. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-53 FREE{[ ADDRESSOF ] identifier-1}... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.20. GENERATE Figure 6-58 - GENERATE Syntax Although syntactically recognized by the OpenCOBOL compiler, the GENERATE statement is non-functional because the RWCS (COBOL Report Writer) is not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-54 identifier-1report-name-1GENERATE OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.21. GOBACK Figure 6-59 - GOBACK Syntax The GOBACK statement is used to logically terminate an executing program. 1. 2. If executed within a subroutine (i.e. a CALLed program), GOBACK will transfer control back to the CALLing program, specifically to the statement following the CALL. If executed within a main program, GOBACK will act as a STOP RUN statement (section 6.42). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-55 GOBACK OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.22. GO TO 6.22.1. GO TO Format 1 – Simple GO TO Figure 6-60 - Simple GOTO Syntax This form of the GO TO statement unconditionally transfers control in a program to the specified procedure-name. 1. If the specified procedure name is a SECTION, control will transfer to the first paragraph in that section. 6.22.2. GO TO Format 2 – GO TO DEPENDING ON Figure 6-61 - GOTO DEPENDING ON Syntax This form of the GO TO statement will transfer control to any one of a number of specified procedure names depending on the numeric value of the identifier specified on the statement. 1. The PICTURE and/or USAGE of the specified identifier-1 must be such as to define it as a numeric, unedited, 2. 3. preferably unsigned integer data item. If the value of identifier-1 has the value 1, control will be transferred to the 1st specified procedure name. If the value is 2, control will transfer to the 2nd procedure name, etc. If the value of identifier-1 is less than 1 or exceeds the total number of procedure names specified on the GO TO statement, control will simply fall thru into the next statement following the GO TO. 4. The following chart shows how GO TO DEPENDING ON may be used in a real application situation, and compares it against the two alternatives – IF and EVALUATE. Figure 6-62 - GOTO DEPENDING ON vs IF vs EVALUATE GOTO DEPENDING ON IF EVALUATE IF ACCT-TYPE = 1 Code to handle account type 1 ELSE IF ACCT-TYPE = 2 Code to handle account type 2 ELSE IF ACCT-TYPE = 3 Code to handle account type 3 ELSE Code to handle invalid account type END-IF. EVALUATE ACCT-TYPE WHEN 1 Code to handle account type 1 WHEN 2 Code to handle account type 2 WHEN 3 Code to handle account type 3 WHEN OTHER Code to handle invalid account type END-EVALUATE. GO TO PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-1 PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-2 PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-3 DEPENDING ON ACCT-TYPE. Code to handle invalid account type GO TO DONE-WITH-ACCT-TYPE. PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-1. Code to handle account type 1 GO TO DONE-WITH-ACCT-TYPE. PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-2. Code to handle account type 2 GO TO DONE-WITH-ACCT-TYPE. PROCESS-ACCT-TYPE-3. Code to handle account type 3 DONE-WITH-ACCT-TYPE. There is no question that “modern programming philosophy” would prefer the EVALUATE approach. An interesting note is that the code generated by the IF and EVALUATE approaches is virtually identical. Sometimes, NEW, while it might be considered BETTER, doesn’t always mean DIFFERENT! 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-56 GOTO procedure-nameGOTO procedure-name-1 ...DEPENDINGON identifier-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.23. IF Figure 6-63 - IF Syntax The IF statement is used to conditionally execute a single imperative statement or to select one of two different imperative statements based upon the TRUE/FALSE value of a conditional expression. 1. 2. If conditional-expression evaluates to TRUE, imperative-statement-1 will be executed regardless of whether or not an ELSE clause is present. Once imperative-statement-1 has been executed, control falls into the first statement following the END-IF or to the first statement of the next sentence if there is no END-IF clause. If the optional ELSE clause is present and conditional-expression-1 evaluates to FALSE, then (and only then) imperative-statement-2 will be executed. Once imperative-statement-2 has been executed, control falls into the first statement following the END-IF or to the first statement of the next sentence if there is no END-IF clause. 3. See section 6.1.5 for a discussion (and examples) of how periods (.) and END-IF statements are both similar to and different from each other in the way they are capable of ending the scope of an IF statement. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-57 IF conditional-expressionTHENimperative-statement-1[ ELSE imperative-statement-2 ][ END-IF] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.24. INITIALIZE Figure 6-64 - INITIALIZE Syntax The INITIALIZE statement sets the elementary item(s) specified as identifier-1, or those elementary items subordinate to group items specified as identifier-1 to specific values. 1. The list of data items eligible to be set to new values by this statement is: Every elementary item specified as identifier-1 …, PLUS… Every elementary item defined subordinate to every group item specified as identifier-1 …, with the following exceptions: USAGE INDEX items are excluded. Items with a REDEFINES as part of their definition are excluded; this means that items subordinate to them are excluded as well. The identifier-1 items themselves may have a REDEFINES and may be subordinate to an item that has a REDEFINES, however. This list is referred to as the list of receiving fields. 2. None of the identifier-1 fields may have the OCCUR DEPENDING ON clause (section 5.3) in their definition nor may any items subordinate to the identifier-1 fields have an OCCURS DEPENDING ON. 3. The optional WITH FILLER clause, if present, will allow FILLER items to be retained in the list of receiving fields (otherwise they will be excluded). 4. 5. 6. If no TO VALUE or REPLACING clauses are specified, a DEFAULT clause will be assumed. If the optional REPLACING clause is specified, every possible MOVE of the sending field to every possible receiving field must be legal in order for the INITIALIZE to by syntactically acceptable to the compiler. Initialization for each receiving field takes place by applying the first of the following rules that apply to the field: If a TO VALUE clause exists, does the receiving field qualify as one of the data categories listed on the clause? If it does, the data item will be initialized to it’s VALUE clause value. If a REPLACING clause exists, does the receiving field qualify as one of the data categories listed on the clause? If it does, the receiving field will be initialized to the specified sending field value. If a DEFAULT clause exists, initialize the field to a value appropriate to its USAGE (Alphanumeric and Numeric initialized to SPACES, Pointer and Program-Pointer initialized to NULL, all numeric and numeric-edited initialized to ZERO). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-58 INITIALIZEidentifier-1… [ WITH FILLER]TO VALUEALLALPHABETICALPHANUMERICNUMERICALPHANUMERIC-EDITEDNUMERIC-EDITEDNATIONALNATIONAL-EDITEDALLALPHABETICALPHANUMERICNUMERICALPHANUMERIC-EDITEDNUMERIC-EDITEDNATIONALNATIONAL-EDITEDTHEN REPLACINGliteral-1identifier-2DATA BY[ LENGTHOF ][THEN TO DEFAULT]... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.25. INITIATE Figure 6-65 - INITIATE Syntax Although syntactically recognized by the OpenCOBOL compiler, the INITIATE statement is non-functional because the RWCS (COBOL Report Writer) is not currently supported by OpenCOBOL. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-59 INITIATEreport-name-1... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.26. INSPECT Figure 6-66 - INSPECT Syntax This statement is used to perform various counting or data-alteration operations against strings. 1. Identifier-1 and literal-1 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-1 may be a group item. 2. The specification of literal-1 prevents the use of either the REPLACING or CONVERTING clauses. 3. To avoid confusion and/or conflicts, the TALLYING, REPLACING and CONVERTING clauses will be executed in the order they are coded. Additional rules for INSPECT vary, depending upon the clause(s) specified. TALLYING clause rules: The purpose of the TALLYING clause is to count how many occurrences of a string appear within identifier-1 or literal-1. 1. 2. 3. Identifier-2 must be an unedited numeric item. Identifier-3 and literal-2 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-3 may be a group item. Identifier-2 will be incremented by 1 each time the target string being searched for is found in identifier-1. The target string will be: a. Any single character if the CHARACTERS option is used; this form basically just counts total characters b. ALL, all LEADING, only the FIRST or all TRAILING occurrences of Identifier-3 or literal-2. 4. Normally the entire literal-1 or identifier-1 string will be scanned. This behavior may be modified, however, using the optional BEFORE|AFTER clause to specify a starting and/or ending point based upon data found in the string being scanned. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-60 literal-1identifier-1INSPECTliteral-7identifier-8BEFOREAFTERINITIAL......TALLYINGidentifier-2FORliteral-2identifier-3ALLLEADINGTRAILINGCHARACTERSREPLACINGliteral-3identifier-4ALLLEADINGFIRSTTRAILINGCHARACTERSliteral-4identifier-5BYCONVERTINGTOliteral-5identifier-6literal-6identifier-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION Figure 6-67 - An INSPECT TALLYING Example 5. Once an occurrence of the target string is found and TALLYed, the INSPECT TALLYING process will resume from the end of the found occurrence. This prevents the possibility of counting overlapping occurrences. The example shows an 8-character item whose value is “XXXXXXXX” used as the object of an INSPECT TALLYING that is looking for “XX” occurrences: Only four (4) “XX” occurrences were found. Character positions 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 – even though they are “XX” occurrences – weren’t counted because they overlapped other occurrences. REPLACING clause rules: The purpose of the REPLACING clause is to replace occurrences of a substring within a string with a different substring of the same length. If you need to replace one or more substrings with others of a different length, consider using the SUBSTITUTE intrinsic function (section 6.1.7). 1. 2. Identifier-4 and literal-3 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-4 may be a group item. Identifier-5 and literal-4 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-5 may be a group item. 3. Identifier-4 / literal-3 must be the same length as identifier-5 / literal-4. 4. The substring specified before the “BY” will be referred to as the target string. The substring specified after the “BY” will be referred to as the replacement string. 5. Target strings are identified as: a. Any sequence of characters as long as the length of the replacement string if the CHARACTERS option is used b. ALL, all LEADING, only the FIRST or all TRAILING occurrences of Identifier-4 or literal-3. 6. Normally the entire identifier-1 string will be scanned. This behavior may be modified, however, using the optional BEFORE|AFTER clause to specify a starting and/or ending point based upon data found in the string being scanned. 7. Once an occurrence of the target string is found and replaced, the INSPECT REPLACING process will resume from the end of the found occurrence. This prevents the possibility of replacing overlapping occurrences. This is very similar to how TALLYING handled the possibility of overlapping occurrences. CONVERTING clause rules: The purpose of the CONVERTING clause is to perform a series of monoalphabetic substitutions against a data item. 1. 2. Identifier-5 and literal-6 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-5 may be a group item. Identifier-6 and literal-7 must be explicitly or implicitly defined as alphanumeric USAGE DISPLAY data. Identifier-6 may be a group item. 3. Identifier-5 / literal-6 must be the same length as identifier-6 / literal-7. 4. The substring specified before the “TO” will be referred to as the target string. The substring specified after the “TO” will be referred to as the replacement string. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-61 01 Inspect-Item PIC X(8) VALUE “XXXXXXXX”.01 Double-X-Counter PIC 9(2)....MOVE 0 TO Double-X-CounterINSPECT Inspect-ItemTALLYING Double-X-Counter FOR ALL “XX“DISPLAY“Count=“ Double-X-CounterEND-DISPLAYCount=04GeneratedOutputXXXXXXXX12345678Inspect-Item OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 5. The contents of identifier-1 will be scanned – character by character. For each character, if that character appears in the target string, the corresponding character (by relative position) in the replacement string will then replace that character in identifier-1. 6. 7. If the length of the replacement string exceeds that of the target string, the excess will be ignored. If the length of the target string exceeds that of the replacement string, the replacement string will be assumed to be padded to the right with SPACES to make up the difference. 8. This INSPECT statement clause was introduced in the 1985 standard of COBOL, making the TRANSFORM verb (section 6.47) obsolete. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-62 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.27. MERGE Figure 6-68 - MERGE Syntax The MERGE statement combines two or more identically sequenced files on a set of specified keys. 1. The sort-file named on the MERGE statement must be defined using a sort description (SD) in the FILE SECTION of the DATA DIVISION. See section 5.2. This file is referred to in the remainder of this discussion as the “merge file”. 2. File-name-1, file-name-2 and file-name-3 (if specified) must reference ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL or ORGANIZATION RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL files. These files must be defined using a file description (FD) in the FILE SECTION of the DATA DIVISION. See section 5.1. The same file may be used for file-name-1 and file-name-2. 3. The identifier-1 … field(s) must be defined as field(s) within a record of sort-file. 4. The WITH DUPLICATES IN ORDER clause is supported for compatibility purposes, but is non-functional. 5. The record descriptions of file-name-1, file-name-2, file-name-3 (if any) and sort-file are assumed to be identical in layout and size. While the actual data names used for fields in these files’ records may differ, the structure of records, PICTURE of fields, size of fields and USAGE of data should match field-by-field across all files. A common programming technique when using the MERGE statement is to define the records of all files involved on the MERGE as simple elementary items of the form “01 record-name PIC X(n).” where n is the record size. The only file where records are actually described in detail would then be the sort-file. 6. The following rules apply to the files named on the USING clause: a. None of them may be OPEN at the time the MERGE is executed. b. Each of those files is assumed to be already sorted according to the specifications set forth on the MERGE statement’s KEY clause. c. No two of those files may be referenced on a SAME RECORD AREA, SAME SORT AREA or SAME SORT-MERGE AREA statement25. 7. As the MERGE begins execution, the first record in each of the USING files is read. 8. As the MERGE statement executes, the current record from each of the USING files is inspected and compared to each other according to the rules set forth by the KEY clause. The record that should be “next” in sequence (according to KEY) will be written to the merge file and the USING file from which that record came will be read so that its next record is available. As end-of-file conditions are reached on USING files, those files will be excluded from further MERGE processing – processing continues with the remaining USING files. This process will continue until all USING files have been completely processed. 25 See section 4.2.2 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-63 MERGEsort-fileONKEYidentifier-1...ASCENDINGDESCENDING...[WITH DUPLICATESIN ORDER ]USINGfile-name-1file-name-2...OUTPUTPROCEDUREIS procedure-name-1GIVINGfile-name-3...THROUGHTHRUprocedure-name-2[ COLLATINGSEQUENCE IS alphabet-name-1] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 9. Once the merge file has been populated, the merged data will be written to file-name-3 if the GIVING clause was specified, or will be processed by utilizing an OUTPUT PROCEDURE defined as procedure-name 1 or procedure- name-1 THRU procedure-name-2. 10. When GIVING is specified, file-name-3 … must not be OPEN at the time the MERGE is executed. 11. When an OUTPUT PROCEDURE is used, merged records are manually read from the merge file – one at a time – using the RETURN statement (section 6.35). 12. A STOP RUN, EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK executed within an OUTPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the currently executing program as well as the MERGE. 13. A GO TO statement that transfers control out of the OUTPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the MERGE but allows the program to continue executing from the point where the GO TO transferred control to. Once an OUTPUT PROCEDURE has been aborted using a GO TO it cannot be resumed. You may, however, re-execute the MERGE statement itself. Any records not yet RETURNed from the merge file will be lost if a MERGE is restarted in this manner. USING A “GO TO” TO PREMATURELY TERMINATE A SORT, OR RE-STARTING A PREVIOUSLY-CANCELLED MERGE IS NOT CONSIDERED GOOD PROGRAMMING STYLE AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED. 14. An OUTPUT PROCEDURE is terminated either implicitly by a fall-thru of control past the last statement of procedure-name-2 (or procedure-name-1 if there is no procedure-name-2) or explicitly via an EXIT SECTION / EXIT PARAGRAPH executed in procedure-name-2 (or procedure-name-1 if there is no procedure-name-2). Once the OUTPUT PROCEDURE terminates, the output phase – and the MERGE statement itself - is complete. 15. The scope of the OUTPUT PROCEDURE must not allow a file-based SORT (section 6.40.1), MERGE or RELEASE (section 6.34) statement to be executed. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-64 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.28. MOVE 6.28.1. MOVE Format 1 – Simple MOVE Figure 6-69 - Simple MOVE Syntax This statement moves a specific value to one or more receiving data items. 1. The MOVE statement will replace the contents of one or more receiving data items (identifier-2 …) with a new value. 2. The exact manner in which the new value is stored in each receiving data item will depend upon the PICTURE and USAGE of each identifier-2 item. 6.28.2. MOVE Format 2 – MOVE CORRESPONDING Figure 6-70 - MOVE CORRESPONDING Syntax This statement moves similarly-named elementary items from one group item to another. 1. The word CORRESPONDING may be abbreviated as CORR. 2. Both identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be group items. 3. Two data items subordinate to identifier-1 and identifier-2 are said to correspond if they meet the following conditions: a. They both have the same name, but that name is not FILLER b. If they are not immediately subordinate to identifier-1 and identifier-2, then the items they ARE subordinate to have the same name, but that name is not FILLER; if those items, in turn, are not identifier-1 and identifier- 2, then this rule continues to apply recursively upward through the structure of identifier-1 and identifier-2 c. They are both elementary items (ADD CORR,SUBTRACT CORR) or at least one of them is an elementary item (MOVE CORR) d. Neither potential corresponding candidate is a REDEFINES or RENAMES of another data item e. Neither potential corresponding candidate has an OCCURS clause (they MAY, however, contain subordinate data items that contain an OCCURS clause) 4. When corresponding matches are established, the effect of a MOVE CORRESPONDING on those matches will be as if a series of individual MOVEs were done – one for each match. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-65 MOVEliteral-1identifier-1TOidentifier-2... MOVECORRESPONDING identifier-1TOidentifier-2... OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION The previous rules may be best understood with an example. Observe the following code: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. corrdemo. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 X. 05 A VALUE 'A' PIC X(1). 05 G1. 10 G2. 15 B VALUE 'B' PIC X(1). 05 C. 10 FILLER VALUE 'C' PIC X(1). 05 G3. 10 G4. 15 D VALUE 'D' PIC X(1). 05 V1 VALUE 'E' PIC X(1). 05 E REDEFINES V1 PIC X(1). 05 F VALUE 'F' PIC X(1). 05 G VALUE ALL 'G'. 10 G2 OCCURS 4 TIMES PIC X(1). 05 H VALUE ALL 'H' PIC X(4). 01 Y. 02 A PIC X(1). 02 G1. 03 G2. 04 B PIC X(1). 02 C PIC X(1). 02 G3. 03 G5. 04 D PIC X(1). 02 E PIC X(1). 02 V2 PIC X(1). 02 G PIC X(4). 02 H OCCURS 4 TIMES PIC X(1). 66 F RENAMES V2. PROCEDURE DIVISION. 100-Main. MOVE ALL '-' TO Y. DISPLAY ' Names: ' 'ABCDEFGGGGHHHH'. DISPLAY 'Before: ' Y. MOVE CORR X TO Y. DISPLAY ' After: ' Y. STOP RUN. The DISPLAY statements produce the output: Names: ABCDEFGGGGHHHH Before: -------------- After: ABC---GGGG---- OpenCOBOL had no problem establishing a “corresponding” relationship between the “A”, “B” and “C” data items within the “X” and “Y” group items. Note that even though “X” uses a level numbering scheme of 01- 05-10-15 while “Y” uses 01-02-03-04, that fact makes no difference to the establishment of corresponding matches. The “G” items were found to match even though G OF X was the parent of a data item that contains an OCCURS clause No match could be made with the “D” items because they violate rule #3b (look carefully at the four group item names). No match could be made with the “E” items because E OF X violates rule #3d (REDEFINES). No match could be made with the “F” items because E OF X violates rule #3d (RENAMES). No match could be made with the “H” items because H OF Y contains an OCCURS clause, therefore violating rule #3e. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-66 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.29. MULTIPLY 6.29.1. MULTIPLY Format 1 – MULTIPLY BY Figure 6-71 - MULTIPLY BY Syntax This format of the MULTIPLY statement generates arithmetic products. 1. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. 2. Literal-1 must be a numeric literal. 3. The value of identifier-1 or integer-1 multiplied by each individual identifier-2 will be computed and each of those products in turn will be moved to the corresponding identifier-2 data item, replacing the old contents. 4. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 6.29.2. MULTIPLY Format 2 – MULTIPLY GIVING Figure 6-72 - MULTIPLY GIVING Syntax This format of the MULTIPLY statement generates the arithmetic product of two values and then replaces the contents of the identifiers listed after the GIVING (identifier-3 …) with that product. 1. 2. Identifier-1 and identifier-2 must be numeric unedited data items. Identifier-3 must be a numeric (edited or unedited) data item. 3. Literal-1 and literal-2 must be numeric literals. 4. The values of identifier-1 and identifier-2 are not altered. 5. The ON SIZE ERROR, NOT ON SIZE ERROR and ROUNDED clauses are coded and operate the same as the clauses of the same name available to the ADD statement (see section 6.5). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-67 MULTIPLYBY{identifier-2[ ROUNDED] }...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2][ END-MULTIPLY]literal-1identifier-1MULTIPLYBYGIVING{identifier-3[ ROUNDED] } ...[ ON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-1][ NOTON SIZEERRORimperative-statement-2 ][ END-MULTIPLY]literal-1identifier-1literal-2identifier-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.30. NEXT SENTENCE Figure 6-73 - NEXT SENTENCE Syntax The NEXT SENTENCE statement is a means of “breaking out” of a series of nested “IF” statements. 1. The NEXT SENTENCE statement is valid only when used within an “IF” statement. 2. As its name implies, this statement causes control to transfer to the next sentence in the program. 3. See section 6.1.5 for a discussion of why the NEXT SENTENCE statement is needed for COBOL programs that are coded according to pre-1985 standards. You’ll also see why programs coded for 1985 (and beyond) standards don’t need it. 4. New OpenCOBOL programs should be coded to use the END-IF scope terminator for IF statements, which invalidates the use of NEXT SENTENCE in favor of the CONTINUE statement (section 6.12). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-68 NEXTSENTENCE OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.31. OPEN Figure 6-74 - OPEN Syntax The OPEN statement makes one or more files described in your program available for use. 1. Any file defined in an OpenCOBOL program must be successfully OPENed before it may be referenced on a CLOSE (section 6.9), DELETE (section 6.13), READ (section 6.33), START (section 6.41) or UNLOCK (section 6.48) statement. Additionally, a file must be successfully OPENed for any of its record data names (or data elements subordinate to those records) to be referenced on ANY statement. 2. Any attempt to OPEN a file that is already OPEN will fail with a file status of 41 (“File Already OPEN”). This is a fatal error that will terminate the program. 3. Any OPEN failure (including “File Already OPEN”) may be trapped using DECLARATIVES (section 6.3) or an error procedure (section 7.3.2), but when those trap routines exit the OpenCOBOL runtime system will terminate the program. Ultimately, you cannot recover from an OPEN failure. 4. The INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O and EXTEND options inform OpenCOBOL of the manner in which you wish to use the file, as follows: OPEN Mode INPUT OUTPUT I-O EXTEND Effect You may only read the existing contents of the file - only the CLOSE, READ, START and UNLOCK statements will be allowed. You may only write new content (which will completely replace any previous file contents) to the file - only the CLOSE, UNLOCK and WRITE statements will be allowed. You may perform any operation you wish against the file - all file I/O statements will be allowed. You may only write new content (which will be appended after any previously existing file content) to the file - only the CLOSE, UNLOCK and WRITE statements will be allowed. 5. The SHARING clause informs OpenCOBOL how you are willing to co-exist with any other OpenCOBOL programs that may attempt to OPEN the same file after your program does. Sharing options were discussed in section 6. The WITH NO REWIND and WITH LOCK clauses are non-functional. Devices that would be capable of supporting a WITH NO REWIND clause (tape drives) are pretty rare in the environments in which OpenCOBOL is intended to operate. No compiler or runtime message is issued if this option is used (it just won’t do anything). The WITH LOCK option is treated a little differently – it’s officially “not implemented”, and will generate a compilation warning if it is used. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-69 OPENINPUTOUTPUTI-OEXTENDSHARINGWITHALLOTHERNOOTHERREADONLYfile-name-1 ...WITHNOREWINDLOCK OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.32. PERFORM 6.32.1. PERFORM Format 1 – Procedural Figure 6-75 - Procedural PERFORM Syntax This format of the PERFORM statement is used to transfer control to one or more procedures and to return control when execution of the specified procedure(s) is complete. This invocation of the procedure(s) can be done a single time, multiple times, repeatedly until a condition becomes TRUE or forever (with – presumably – some way of breaking out of the control of the PERFORM within the procedure(s). 1. The words THROUGH and THRU may be used interchangeably. 2. Both procedure-name-1 and procedure-name-2 must be PROCEDURE DIVISION sections or paragraphs defined in the same program unit as the PERFORM statement. 3. If procedure-name-2 option is specified, it must follow procedure-name-1 in the program’s source code. 4. The scope of the PERFORM is defined as being the statements within procedure-name-1, the statements within procedure-name-2 and all statements in all procedures defined between them. 5. Without the FOREVER, TIMES or UNTIL clauses, the code within the scope of the PERFORM will be executed (once) and control will return to the statement following the PERFORM. 6. The FOREVER option will repeatedly execute the code within the scope of the PERFORM with no conditions defined on the PERFORM statement itself for termination of the repetition. It will be up to the programmer to include code within the scope of the PERFORM that will either halt the program (STOP RUN) or break out of the PERFORM (EXIT PERFORM). 7. The TIMES option will repeat the execution of the instructions within the scope of the PERFORM a fixed number of times. Once that number of repetitions has concluded, control will fall into the next statement following the PERFORM. 8. The UNTIL clause will enable the statements within the scope of the PERFORM to be executed repeatedly until such time as the value of conditional-expression-1 becomes TRUE. 9. The optional WITH TEST clause will control whether the UNTIL test is performed BEFORE the scope of the PERFORM is executed or AFTER. The default, if no WITH TEST clause is specified, is BEFORE. 10. The optional VARYING clause allows for the definition of a data item (identifier-3) that will have a unique numeric value for each iteration of the execution of the statements within the scope of the PERFORM. The first time, identifier-3 will have the value specified by the FROM clause. At the conclusion of each iteration, the value defined by the BY clause will be added to identifier-3 before conditional-expression-1 is evaluated. The default BY value, if no BY clause is specified, is 1. 11. If a VARYING clause has been used, you may also use any number of additional AFTER clauses to create a secondary loop situation where each AFTER will create an additional series of iterations, will define an additional data item to be incremented during each iteration and will define an additional conditional expression to define the termination of that series of iterations. Functionally, this is basically a way of nesting a 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-70 FOREVERliteral-1identifier-1TIMESWITH TEST BEFOREAFTERPERFORMprocedure-name-1[procedure-name-2]AFTERidentifier-4FROM literal-4identifier-6BYliteral-5identifier-7...UNTILconditional-expression -2UNTILconditional-expression -1VARYINGidentifier-3FROM literal-2identifier-4BYliteral-3identifier-5THROUGHTHRU OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION PERFORM/VARYING/UNTIL within another PERFORM/VARYING/UNTIL without the need to code multiple statements. An example will probably help. Observe the following code which defines a two- dimensional (3 row by 4 column) table and a pair of numeric data items to be used to subscript references to each element of the table: 01 PERFORM-DEMO. 05 PD-ROW OCCURS 3 TIMES. 10 PD-COL OCCURS 4 TIMES 15 PD PIC X(1). 01 PD-Col-No PIC 9 COMP. 01 PD-Row-No PIC 9 COMP. Let’s say we want to PERFORM a routine (100-Visit-Each-PD) which will – in turn – access each PD data item in the sequence shown to the right. Here’s the PERFORM code: PERFORM 100-Visit-Each-PD WITH TEST AFTER VARYING PD-Row-No FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL PD-Row-No = 3 AFTER PD-Col-No FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL PD-Col-No = 4. But, perhaps you needed to “visit” each PD in the sequence shown to the left. If so, then here’s the PERFORM you need: PERFORM 100-Visit-Each-PD WITH TEST AFTER VARYING PD-Col-No FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL PD-Col-No = 4 VARYING PD-Row-No FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL PD-Row-No = 3. 6.32.2. PERFORM Format 2 – Inline Figure 6-76 - Inline PERFORM Syntax This format of the PERFORM statement is identical in operation to format 1, except for the fact that the statements that comprise the scope of the PERFORM are now specified in- line with the PERFORM code rather than in procedures located elsewhere within the program. 1. The FOREVER, TIMES, WITH TEST, VARYING, BY, AFTER and UNTIL clauses have the same use and effect as the same clauses on format 1 of the PERFORM statement. 2. The distinguishing characteristic of this format versus format 1 is that – with this version of the PERFORM statement – the code being executed is specified in-line (imperative-statement-1 …) rather than in a procedure. ‘ 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-71 FOREVERliteral-1identifier-1TIMESWITH TEST BEFOREAFTERPERFORMAFTERidentifier-4FROM literal-4identifier-6BYliteral-5identifier-7...UNTILconditional-expression -2UNTILconditional-expression -1VARYINGidentifier-3FROM literal-2identifier-4BYliteral-3identifier-5imperative-statement-1…END-PERFORMPD (1, 1)PD (1, 2)PD (1, 3)PD (1, 4)PD (2, 1)PD (2, 2)PD (2, 3)PD (2, 4)PD (3, 1)PD (3, 2)PD (3, 3)PD (3, 4)123456789101112147102581136912 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.33. READ 6.33.1. READ Format 1 – Sequential READ Figure 6-77 – READ (Sequential) Syntax This form of the READ statement retrieves the next (or previous) record from a file. 1. File-name-1 must currently be OPEN (section 6.31) for INPUT or I-O. 2. 3. 4. If the ACCESS MODE of file-name-1 is RANDOM, this format of the READ statement cannot be used. If the ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL, this is the only format of READ that is available. In such cases, the NEXT/PRIOR clauses are truly optional. If the ACCESS MODE is DYNAMIC, this format of the READ statement may be used as well as format 2. The following minimalist READ statement… READ file-name-1 …is perfectly legal according to both READ formats. For that reason, when ACCESS MODE DYNAMIC has been specified and you want to tell the OpenCOBOL compiler that a statement such as the one above should be treated as a sequential READ, you must add either NEXT or PRIOR to the statement (otherwise it will be treated as a random READ). 5. The next available record in file-name-1 is retrieved and the contents of that record stored into the 01-level record structures subordinate to the file’s FD (section 5.1). 6. The keywords NEXT and PREVIOUS specify in what direction of travel the reading process will take through the file. If neither NEXT nor PREVIOUS clause is specified, NEXT is assumed. 7. The PREVIOUS option is available only for ORGANIZATION INDEXED files. 8. The optional INTO clause will cause a copy of the just-read record’s contents to be MOVEd to identifier-1, assuming the READ succeeded. 9. See section for a discussion of the record LOCK options. 10. The optional AT END clause will – if present – cause imperative-statement-1 to be executed if the READ attempt fails due to a file status of 10 (end-of-file). The AT END clause WILL NOT DETECT OTHER NON-ZERO FILE-STATUS VALUES. Use a DECLARATIVES routine (section 6.3) or an explicitly-declared file status field tested after the READ to detect error conditions other than end-of-file. 11. The optional NOT AT END clause will – if present – cause imperative-statement-2 to be executed if the READ attempt is successful. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-72 READfile-name-1RECORD[ INTOidentifier-1]NEXTPREVIOUSIGNORINGLOCKWITH LOCKWITH NOLOCKWITH IGNORELOCKWITH WAIT[ AT ENDimperative-statement-1] [ NOTAT ENDimperative-statement-2][ END-READ] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.33.2. READ Format 2 – Random Read Figure 6-78 - READ (Random) Syntax This form of the READ statement retrieves an arbitrary record from a file. 1. File-name-1 must currently be OPEN (section 6.31) for INPUT or I-O. 2. 3. 4. If the ACCESS MODE of file-name-1 is SEQUENTIAL, this format of the READ statement cannot be used. If the ACCESS MODE is RANDOM, this is the only format of READ that is available. If the ACCESS MODE is DYNAMIC, this format of the READ statement may be used as well as format 1. The following minimalist READ statement… READ file-name-1 …is perfectly legal according to both READ formats. For that reason, when ACCESS MODE DYNAMIC has been specified for a file, a READ statement such as the above will be automatically treated as a random READ. 5. The optional KEY clause tells the compiler how a record is to be located in the file. If the KEY clause is absent: If the file is an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE file, the contents of the field declared as the file’s RELATIVE KEY will be used to identify a record. If the file is an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE file, the contents of the field declared as the file’s RELATIVE KEY will be used to identify a record. If the KEY clause is specified: If the file is an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE file, the contents of identifier-2 will be used as the relative record number of the record to be accessed. Identifier-2 does not have to be the RELATIVE KEY field of the file (although it could be if you wish). If the file is an ORGANIZATION INDEXED file, identifier-2 must be the PRIMARY RECORD KEY or one of the file’s ALTERNATE RECORD KEY fields (if any) – the current contents of that field will identify the record to be accessed. If an alternate record key is used, and that key allows duplicate values, the record accessed will be the 1st one having that key value. 6. The record identified by rule #5 will be retrieved from file-name-1 and the contents of that record stored into the 01-level record structures subordinate to the file’s FD (section 5.1). 7. The optional INTO clause will cause a copy of the just-read record’s contents to be MOVEd to identifier-1, assuming the READ succeeded. 8. See section for a discussion of the record LOCK options. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-73 READfile-name-1RECORD[ INTOidentifier-1]IGNORINGLOCKWITH LOCKWITH NOLOCKWITH IGNORELOCKWITH WAIT[ KEYIS identifier-2][ INVALIDKEY imperative-statement-3] [ NOTINVALIDKEY imperative-statement-4][ END-READ] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 9. The optional INVALID KEY clause will – if present – cause imperative-statement-1 to be executed if the READ attempt fails due to a file status of 23 (“Key Not Exists”). The INVALID KEY clause WILL NOT DETECT OTHER NON- ZERO FILE-STATUS VALUES. Use a DECLARATIVES routine (section 6.3) or an explicitly-declared file status field tested after the READ to detect error conditions other than “Key Not Exists”. 10. The optional NOT INVALID KEY clause will – if present – cause imperative-statement-2 to be executed if the READ attempt is successful. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-74 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.34. RELEASE Figure 6-79 - RELEASE Syntax The RELEASE statement adds a new record to a sort file. 1. The RELEASE statement is valid only within the INPUT PROCEDURE of a SORT statement. See section 6.40.1. 2. Record-name-1 must be a record defined to a sort description (SD) entry. See section 5.2. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-75 RELEASErecord-name-1[ FROM]literal-1identifier-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.35. RETURN Figure 6-80 - RETURN Syntax The RETURN statement reads a record from a sort- or merge file. 1. The RETURN statement is valid only within the OUTPUT PROCEDURE of a SORT (section 6.40.1) or MERGE (section 6.27) statement. 2. File-name-1 must be a sort- or merge file defined with a sort description (SD) entry. See section 5.2. 3. The INTO, AT END and NOT AT END clauses are used the same as with their READ statement (section 6.33) equivalents. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-76 RETURNfile-name-1RECORD[ INTOidentifier-1][ AT ENDimperative-statement-1] [ NOTAT ENDimperative-statement-2][ END-RETURN] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.36. REWRITE Figure 6-81 - REWRITE Syntax The REWRITE statement replaces a logical record on a disk file. 1. Record-name-1 must be defined as an 01-level record subordinate to the File Description (FD – see section 5.1) of a file that is currently OPEN (section 6.31) for I-O. 2. The optional FROM clause will cause literal-1 or identifier-1 to be implicitly MOVEd into record-name-1 prior to writing record-name-1 to the file. 3. The REWRITE statement may not be used with ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL files. 4. See section for a discussion of the record LOCK options. 5. Rewriting a record does not cause the record contents of the file to be physically updated until the next block of the file is read, a COMMIT statement (section 6.10) is issued or that file is closed. 6. If the file has ORGANIZATION RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL: a. The record to be rewritten will be the one retrieved by the most-recently executed READ (section 6.33) of the file. b. The size of record-name-1 cannot be altered (see the RECORD CONTAINS / RECORD IS VARYING clauses in section 5.1). 7. If the file has ORGANIZATION RELATIVE or ORGANIZATION INDEXED: a. If the file has ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL, the record to be rewritten will be the one retrieved by the most- recently executed READ (section 6.33) of the file. If the file has ACCESS MODE RANDOM or ACCESS MODE DYNAMIC, no READ is required before a record may be rewritten – the RELATIVE KEY / RECORD KEY definition for the file will specify the record to be updated. b. The size of record-name-1 may be updated. 8. The ON INVALID KEY clause will be triggered (thus executing imperative-statement-1) if an error occurred during the REWRITE. Such errors might be actual I/O errors or “Key Not Exists” errors (file status 23), indicating no record exists that satisfies the RELATIVE KEY or RECORD KEY clause requirements. 9. The NOT ON INVALID KEY clause will be triggered, thus executing imperative-statement-2, if no error occurred during the REWRITE. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-77 [ INVALIDKEY imperative-statement-3] [ NOTINVALIDKEY imperative-statement-4]REWRITErecord-name-1[ FROM]WITH LOCKWITH NOLOCK[ END-REWRITE]literal-1identifier-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.37. ROLLBACK Figure 6-82 - ROLLBACK Syntax The ROLLBACK verb reverts changes made to all files since the start of the program or since the last COMMIT. 1. OpenCOBOL does not (currently, at least) support file rollback. The OpenCOBOL ROLLBACK statement will have the same effect as the COMMIT verb (section 6.10). 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-78 ROLLBACK OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.38. SEARCH 6.38.1. SEARCH Format 1 –Sequential Search Figure 6-83 - Sequential SEARCH Syntax The SEARCH statement is used to sequentially search a table, stopping either once a specific value is located within the table or when the table has been completely searched. 1. The index-name-1 identifier specified on the VARYING clause must be USAGE INDEX. 2. If no VARYING clause is specified, then the table being searched must have been created with an INDEXED BY clause (see section 5.3). 3. At the time the SEARCH statement is executed, the current value of index-name-1 (or the table’s defined INDEXED BY index) will define the starting position in the table where the searching process will begin. Typically, one initializes that index to a value of 1 before starting the SEARCH, as follows: SET index-name-1 TO 1 4. During the searching process, the conditional-expression-1 will be evaluated and – if TRUE – will cause imperative- statement-2 to be executed, after which control will fall into the next statement after the SEARCH. 5. 6. 7. If multiple WHEN clauses exist, each conditional-expression-n will be evaluated in-turn and the first one that evaluates to TRUE will cause the corresponding imperative-statement-n to be executed, after which control will fall into the next statement after the SEARCH. If no conditional-expression-n evaluates to TRUE, the value of index-name-1 will be incremented by 1. If the value of index-name-1 is still within the OCCURS scope of table-name, the WHEN clause(s) will again be re-evaluated. This process will continue until a WHEN clause conditional-expression-n evaluates to TRUE or until the value of index-name-1 is no longer within the OCCURS scope of table-name. If no conditional-expression-n ever evaluates to TRUE and the value of index-name-1 is no longer within the OCCURS scope of table-name, the imperative-statement-1 which is part of the AT END clause will be executed. After this, control will fall into the next statement following the SEARCH. If there is no AT END clause, control simply falls into the next statement following the SEARCH. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-79 SEARCHtable-name[ VARYINGindex-name-1][ AT ENDimperative-statement-1]{WHENconditional-expression-1imperative-statement-2 } …[ END-SEARCH] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.38.2. SEARCH Format 2 –Binary, or Half-interval Search (SEARCH ALL) Figure 6-84 - Binary SEARCH (ALL) Syntax This format of the SEARCH statement performs a binary, or half-interval, search against a sorted table. 1. The definition of table-name must include the OCCURS, ASCENDING (and/or DESCENDING) KEY and INDEXED BY clauses. 2. In order for a table to be searchable via the SEARCH ALL statement, each of the following must be true: a. The table meets the requirements of rule #1 above. b. Just because the table has one or more KEY clauses doesn’t mean the data is actually in that sequence in the table – the actual sequence of the data must agree with the KEY clause(s)!26 c. No two records in the table may have the same KEY field values. If the table has multiple KEY definitions, then no two records in the table may have the same combination of KEY field values. If rule “a” is violated, the compiler will reject the SEARCH ALL. If rules “b” and/or “c” are violated, there will be no message issued by the compiler, but the run-time results of a SEARCH ALL against the table will probably be incorrect. 3. Key-data-item-1 and key-data-item-2 … (if any) must be defined as keys of table-name via ASCENDING KEY or DESCENDING KEY clauses (see rule #1 above). 4. Index-name-1 is the first INDEXED BY data item for table-name. 5. The WHEN clause is mandatory, unlike format 1 of the SEARCH statement. 6. There can only be one WHEN clause specified; there may be any number of AND clauses, but there cannot be more WHEN & AND clauses than there are KEY fields to the table. Each WHEN/AND clause should reference a different KEY field. 7. The function of the WHEN, along with any ANDs, is to compare the key field(s) of the table, as indexed by the first INDEXED BY item, against the specified literal and/or identifier values in order to locate the desired entry in the table. The table’s index will be automatically varied by the SEARCH ALL statement in a manner designed to require the minimum number of tests. 26 Of course, if the data sequence doesn’t agree with the KEY clause, you can easily make it that way using a table SORT (see section SORT Format 2 – Table Sort) 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-80 SEARCHALLtable-name[ AT ENDimperative-statement-1]WHENkey-data-item-1 (index-name-1 ) ANDkey-data-item-2 ( index-name-1) …imperative-statement-2[ END-SEARCH]literal-1identifier-1EQUALSIS EQUALTO=literal-2identifier-2EQUALSIS EQUALTO= OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 8. The internal processing of the SEARCH ALL statement begins by setting internal “first” and “last” pointers to the 1st and last entry locations of the table. Processing then proceeds as follows27: a. The entry half-way between “first” and “last” is identified. We’ll call this the “current” entry, and will set its table entry location is saved into index-name-1. b. The WHEN (along with any ANDs) is evaluated. This comparison of the keys against the target literal/identifier values will have one of three possible outcomes: i. ii. iii. If the key(s) and value(s) match, imperative-statement-2 is executed, after which control falls thru into the next statement following the SEARCH ALL. If the key(s) are LESS THAN the value(s), then the table entry being searched for can only occur in the “current” to “last” range of the table, so a new “first” pointer value is set (it will be set to the “current” pointer). If the key(s) are GREATER THAN the value(s), then the table entry being searched for can only occur in the “first” to “current” range of the table, so a new “last” pointer value is set (it will be set to the “current” pointer). c. d. If the new “first” and “last” pointers are different than the old “first” and “last” pointers, there’s more left to be searched, so return to step “a” and continue. If the new “first” and “last” pointers are the same as the old “first” and “last” pointers, the table has been exhausted and the entry being searched for cannot be found; imperative-statement-1 is executed, after which control falls thru into the next statement following the SEARCH ALL. The net effect of the above algorithm is that only a fraction of the number of elements in the table need ever be tested in order to decide whether or not a particular entry exists. This is because the SEARCH ALL discards half the remaining entries in the table each time it checks an entry. Computer scientists will compare these two search techniques as follows: A sequential search (format 1) will need an average of n/2 tests and a worst case of n tests in order to find an entry and n tests to identify that an entry doesn’t exist (n = the number of entries in the table). A binary search (format 2) will need worst case of log2n tests in order to find an entry and log2n tests to identify that an entry doesn’t exist (n = the number of entries in the table). Here’s a more practical view of the difference. Let’s say that a table has 1,000 entries in it. With a sequential (format 1) search, on average, you’ll have to check 500 of them to find an entry and you’ll have to look at all 1,000 of them to find that en entry doesn’t exist. With a binary search, express the number of entries as a binary number (1,00010 = 11111010002) and count the number of digits in the result (10) -THAT is the worst-case number of tests required to find an entry or to identify that it doesn’t exist. That’s quite an improvement. 27 This is a simplified view of the algorithm intended purely as a pedagogical tool – an actual implementation of it requires a few additional picky little details to make it work (such as what to do when rule “a” identifies a “current” entry of 12.5!) 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-81 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.39. SET 6.39.1. SET Format 1 – SET ENVIRONMENT Figure 6-85 - SET ENVIRONMENT Syntax This format of the SET statement provides a straight-forward means of setting environment values from within a program. 1. Environment variables created or changed from within OpenCOBOL programs will be available to any sub-shell processes spawned by that program (i.e. CALL “SYSTEM”) but will not be known to the shell or console window that started the OpenCOBOL program. 2. This is a much simpler and more readable means of setting environment variables than by using the DISPLAY statement (section 6.14.3). For example, these two code sequences produce identical results: DISPLAY “VARNAME” UPON ENVIRONMENT-NAME END-DISPLAY DISPLAY “VALUE” UPON ENVIRONMENT-VALUE END-DISPLAY SET ENVIRONMENT “VARNAME” TO “VALUE” 6.39.2. SET Format 2 – SET Program-Pointer Figure 6-86 - SET Program Pointer Syntax This form of SET allows you to retrieve the address of a PROCEDURE DIVISION code module – specifically a declared entry-point into the PROCEDURE DIVISION. 1. If you have used other versions of COBOL before (particularly mainframe implementations), you’ve possibly seen subroutine CALLs made passing a PROCEDURE DIVISION paragraph or SECTION name as an argument – that is not possible in OpenCOBOL; instead, you need to know how to use this form of the SET statement. 2. The USAGE of program-pointer-1 must be PROGRAM-POINTER. 3. The literal-1 or identifier-1 value specified must name the PROGRAM-ID of the program or the entry-point named on an ENTRY statement. 4. Once the address of a PROCEDURE DIVISION code area has been acquired in this way, the address could be passed to a subroutine (usually written in C) for whatever use it needs it for. For examples of PROGRAM-POINTERS at work, see sections and 6.39.3. SET Format 3 – SET ADDRESS Figure 6-87 - SET ADDRESS Syntax This form of the SET statement can be used to work with the addresses of data items rather than their contents. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-82 integer-1identifier-1SETENVIRONMENTTOinteger-2identifier-2SETprogram-pointer-1TOENTRY literal-1identifier-1SET[ ADDRESSOF] … TO[ ADDRESSOF] pointer-name-1identifier-1pointer-name-2identifier-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 1. When the ADDRESS OF clause is used before the TO you will be using the SET to alter the address of a LINKAGE SECTION or BASED data item. Without that clause you will be assigning an address to one or more USAGE POINTER data items. 2. When the ADDRESS OF clause is used after the TO, SET will be identifying the address of identifier-2 as the address to be assigned to identifier-1 or stored in pointer-name-1. If the “ADDRESS OF” clause is absent after the TO, the contents of pointer-name-2 will serve as the address to be assigned. 6.39.4. SET Format 4 – SET Index Figure 6-88 - SET Index Syntax This SET statement assigns a value to a USAGE INDEX data item. 1. The USAGE of index-name-1 should be INDEX, or index-name-1 must be identified in a table INDEXED BY clause. 6.39.5. SET Format 5 – SET UP/DOWN Figure 6-89 - SET UP/DOWN Syntax This format of SET is used to increment or decrement the value of an index or pointer by a specified amount. 1. The USAGE of index-name-1 must be INDEX. The USAGE of pointer-1 must be POINTER or PROGRAM-POINTER. 2. The typical usage when an index-name-1 is specified is to set the value UP or DOWN by 1, since an index-name-1 is usually being used to sequentially walk through the elements of a table. 6.39.6. SET Format 6 – SET Condition Name Figure 6-90 - SET Condition Name Syntax This format provides one method of specifying the TRUE / FALSE value of a level-88 condition name. 1. By setting the specified condition name(s) to a TRUE or FALSE value, you will actually be assigning a value to the parent data item(s) to which the condition name data item(s) is subordinate to. 2. When specifying TRUE, the value assigned to each parent data item will be the first VALUE specified on the condition name’s definition. 3. When specifying FALSE on the SET, the value assigned to each parent data item will be the value specified for the FALSE clause of the condition name’s definition; if any condition-name-1 occurrence lacks a FALSE clause, the SET statement will be rejected by the compiler. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-83 literal-1identifier-1SETindex-name-1TOSETUPDOWNBY[ LENGTHOF]literal-1identifier-2function-reference 1index-name-1pointer-1TRUEFALSESET{condition-name-1 }… TO OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.39.7. SET Format 7 – SET Switch Figure 6-91 - SET Switch Syntax Use this SET statement type to turn a switch ON or OFF. 1. Switches are defined using the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph. See section 4.1.4 for additional information. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-84 ONOFFSET{ mnemonic-name-1} … TO OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.40. SORT 6.40.1. SORT Format 1 – File-based Sort Figure 6-92 - File-Based SORT Syntax This format of the SORT statement is designed to sort large volumes of data according to one or more key fields. 1. The sort-file named on the SORT statement must be defined using a sort description (SD) in the FILE SECTION of the DATA DIVISION. See section 5.2. This file is referred to as the “sort file”. 2. If specified, file-name-1 and file-name-2 must reference ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL or ORGANIZATION RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL files. These files must be defined using a file description (FD) in the FILE SECTION of the DATA DIVISION. See section 5.1. The same file may be used for file-name-1 and file-name-2. 3. The identifier-1 … field(s) must be defined as field(s) within a record of sort-file. 4. The WITH DUPLICATES IN ORDER clause is supported for compatibility purposes, but is non-functional. 5. A sort file (see #1) is never OPENed or CLOSEd. 6. The SORT statement works in three stages, as follows: STAGE I (the input phase): a. The data to be sorted is loaded into the sort file. This is accomplished either by taking the entire contents of the file(s) named on the USING clause or by utilizing an INPUT PROCEDURE defined as procedure-name 1 or procedure-name-1 THRU procedure-name-2. b. When USING is specified, file-name-1 … must not be OPEN at the time the SORT is executed. c. When an INPUT PROCEDURE is used, records to be sorted are produced using whatever logic is necessary and are manually written to the sort file – one at a time – using the RELEASE statement (section 6.34). d. A STOP RUN, EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK executed within an INPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the currently executing program as well as the SORT. e. A GO TO statement that transfers control out of the INPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the SORT but allows the program to continue executing from the point where the GO TO transferred control to. Once an INPUT PROCEDURE has been aborted using a GO TO it cannot be resumed. You may, however, re-execute the SORT 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-85 SORTsort-fileONKEYidentifier-1...ASCENDINGDESCENDING...[ WITH DUPLICATESIN ORDER ]INPUTPROCEDUREIS procedure-name-1USINGfile-name-1...THROUGHTHRUprocedure-name-2OUTPUTPROCEDUREIS procedure-name-3GIVINGfile-name-2...THROUGHTHRUprocedure-name-4[ COLLATINGSEQUENCE IS alphabet-name-1] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION statement itself. Any records previously RELEASEd to the sort file will be lost if a SORT is restarted in this manner. USING A “GO TO” TO PREMATURELY TERMINATE A SORT, OR RE-STARTING A PREVIOUSLY- CANCELLED SORT IS NOT CONSIDERED GOOD PROGRAMMING STYLE AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED. f. As data is loaded into the sort file, it is actually being buffered in dynamically-allocated memory. Only if the amount of data to be sorted exceeds the amount of available sort memory (128 MB)28 will actual disk files be allocated and utilized. These “sort work files” will be discussed again shortly. g. An INPUT PROCEDURE is terminated either implicitly by a fall-thru of control past the last statement of procedure-name-2 (or procedure-name-1 if there is no procedure-name-2) or explicitly via an EXIT SECTION / EXIT PARAGRAPH executed in procedure-name-2 (or procedure-name-1 if there is no procedure-name-2). Once the INPUT PROCEDURE terminates, the input phase is complete. h. The scope of the INPUT PROCEDURE must not allow a file-based SORT, MERGE (section 6.27) or RETURN (section 6.35) statement to be executed. STAGE 2 (the sort phase): a. The sort will take place by arranging the data records in the sequence defined by the ASCENDING KEY and/or DESCENDING KEY specification(s) on the SORT statement according to the COLLATING SEQUENCE specified on the SORT (if any) or – if none was defined – the PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE specified or implied by the OBJECT-COMPUTER paragraph. Keys may be any supported data type and USAGE except for level-78 or level- 88 data items. b. For example, let’s assume we’re sorting a series of financial transactions. The SORT statement might look like this: SORT Sort-File ASCENDING KEY Transaction-Date ASCENDING KEY Account-Number DESCENDING KEY Transaction-Amount . . . The effect of this statement will be to sort all transactions into ascending order of the date the transaction took place (oldest first, newest last). Unless the business running this program is going out of business, there are most-likely many transactions for any given date – therefore, within each grouping of transactions all with the same date, transactions will be sub-sorted into ascending sequence of the account number the transactions apply to. Since it’s quite possible there might be multiple transactions for an account on any given date, a third level sub-sort will arrange all transactions for the same account on the same date into descending sequence of the actual amount of the transaction (largest first, smallest last). If two or more transactions of $100.00 were recorded for account #12345 on the 31st of August 2009, there will be no way of predicting exactly how those transactions are ordered relative to each other since there’s no additional “level” specified for sort keys. c. OpenCOBOL does not utilize a high-capacity, high-performance (and usually high expense) sorting package as would be the case on a mainframe computer system, but the SORT algorithms used29 are more than adequate for the task. Stage 3 (the output phase): a. Once the sort phase is complete, the sorted data will be written to file-name-2 if the GIVING clause was specified, or by utilizing an OUTPUT PROCEDURE defined as procedure-name 3 or procedure-name-3 THRU procedure-name-4. b. When GIVING is specified, file-name-2 … must not be OPEN at the time the SORT is executed. 28 There is a runtime environment variable (COB_SORT_MEMORY) that you may use to allocate more or less memory to the sorting process. See section 7.2.4. 29 The OpenCOBOL sort routines are entirely self-contained in the OpenCOBOL run-time library 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-86 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION c. When an OUTPUT PROCEDURE is used, sorted records are manually read from the sort file – one at a time – using the RETURN statement (section 6.35). d. A STOP RUN, EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK executed within an OUTPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the currently executing program as well as the SORT. e. A GO TO statement that transfers control out of the OUTPUT PROCEDURE will terminate the SORT but allows the program to continue executing from the point where the GO TO transferred control to. Once an OUTPUT PROCEDURE has been aborted using a GO TO it cannot be resumed. You may, however, re-execute the SORT statement itself. Any records not yet RETURNed from the sort file will be lost if a SORT is restarted in this manner. USING A “GO TO” TO PREMATURELY TERMINATE A SORT, OR RE-STARTING A PREVIOUSLY- CANCELLED SORT IS NOT CONSIDERED GOOD PROGRAMMING STYLE AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED. f. An OUTPUT PROCEDURE is terminated either implicitly by a fall-thru of control past the last statement of procedure-name-4 (or procedure-name-3 if there is no procedure-name-4) or explicitly via an EXIT SECTION / EXIT PARAGRAPH executed in procedure-name-4 (or procedure-name-3 if there is no procedure-name-4). Once the OUTPUT PROCEDURE terminates, the output phase – and the SORT statement itself - is complete. g. The scope of the OUTPUT PROCEDURE must not allow a file-based SORT, MERGE (section 6.27) or RELEASE (section 6.34) statement to be executed. 7. Should disk work files be necessary due to the amount of data being sorted, they will be automatically allocated to disk in a folder defined by the TMPDIR, TMP or TEMP environment variables (see section 7.2.4). These disk files WILL NOT be automatically purged upon program execution termination (normal or otherwise). Temporary sort work files will be named “cobxxxx.tmp”, in case you want to delete them yourself or from within your program upon sort termination. 6.40.2. SORT Format 2 – Table Sort Figure 6-93 - Table SORT Syntax This format of the SORT statement sorts relatively small quantities of data – namely data contained in a DATA DIVISION table – according to one or more key fields. 1. The table-name data item must have an OCCURS clause. 2. The identifier-1 … field(s), if any, must be defined as data items subordinate to table-name. 3. The WITH DUPLICATES IN ORDER clause is supported for compatibility purposes, but is non-functional. 4. The data within table-name will be sorted in-place (i.e. no sort file is required) according to the KEY specification(s) made on the SORT statement. 5. Currently, a table SORT with no KEY specification(s) made on the SORT statement is unsupported and will be rejected by the compiler. 6. The sort will take place by arranging the data records in the sequence defined by the ASCENDING KEY and/or DESCENDING KEY specification(s) on the SORT statement according to the COLLATING SEQUENCE specified on the SORT (if any) or – if none was defined – the PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE specified or implied by the OBJECT- COMPUTER paragraph. Keys may be any supported data type and USAGE except for level-78 or level-88 data items. 7. The SORT will be performed in-place within table-name – no sort file is required. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-87 SORTtable-name[ WITH DUPLICATESIN ORDER]ONKEYidentifier-1...ASCENDINGDESCENDING...[COLLATINGSEQUENCE IS alphabet-name-1] OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide PROCEDURE DIVISION 6.41. START Figure 6-94 - START Syntax The START statement defines the logical starting point within a file for subsequent sequential read operations. 1. File-name-1 must be an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE or ORGANIZATION INDEXED file. 2. File-name-1 must have been SELECTed with an ACCESS MODE DYNAMIC or ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL. 3. File-name-1 must be OPEN (section 6.31) in either INPUT or I-O mode at the time the START is executed. 4. 5. 6. If no KEY clause is specified, “KEY IS EQUAL TO identifier-1” will be assumed. If file-name-1 is an ORGANIZATION RELATIVE file, identifier-1 must be the RELATIVE KEY of the file. See section If file-name-1 is an ORGANIZATION INDEXED file, identifier-1 must be the RECORD KEY or one of the ALTERNATE RECORD KEY fields for the file. See section 7. After successful execution of a START statement, the internal record pointer into the file-name-1 data will be positioned such that the next sequential READ statement executed against file-name-1 will read: a. The FIRST record that satisfies the KEY clause specification if the relation check specified is EQUAL TO, GREATER THAN or GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (or any of their syntactical equivalents). b. The LAST record that satisfies the KEY clause specification is the relation check specified is LESS THAN or LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (or any of their syntactical equivalents). 8. The START statement only positions the file for a subsequent sequential READ – it does not actually populate file- name-1s 01-level records with new data. You must issue a sequential READ after a successful START to actually read the record that satisfies the KEY clause. 9. The ON INVALID KEY clause will be triggered (thus executing imperative-statement-1) if an error occurred during the START. Such errors might be actual I/O errors or “Key Not Exists” errors (file status 23), indicating no record exists that satisfies the KEY clause requirements. 06FEB2009 Version Page 6-88 STARTfile-name-1identifier-1IS EQUALTOIS =EQUALSIS GREATERTHANIS >IS GREATERTHAN OREQUALTOIS >=IS NOTLESSTHANIS LESSTHANIS Warnings/features for a specific dialect : cobol2002 Cobol 2002 cobol85 Cobol 85 ibm IBM Compatible mvs MVS Compatible bs2000 BS2000 Compatible mf Micro Focus Compatible default When not specified See config/default.conf and config/*.conf -free Use free source format -fixed Use fixed source format (default) -O, -O2, -Os Enable optimization -g Produce debugging information in the output -debug Enable all run-time error checking -o Place the output into -b Combine all input files into a single dynamically loadable module -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link -C Translation only; convert COBOL to C -S Compile only; output assembly file -c Compile and assemble, but do not link -P Generate preprocessed program listing (.lst) -Xref Generate cross reference through 'cobxref' (V. Coen's 'cobxref' must be in path) -I Add to copy/include search path -L Add to library search path -l Link the library -A Add to the C compile phase -Q Add to the C link phase -D Pass to the C compiler -conf= User defined dialect configuration - See -std= --list-reserved Display reserved words --list-intrinsics Display intrinsic functions --list-mnemonics Display mnemonic names -save-temps(=) Save intermediate files (default current directory) -MT Set target file used in dependency list -MF Place dependency list into -ext Add default file extension -W Enable ALL warnings -Wall Enable all warnings except as noted below -Wobsolete Warn if obsolete features are used 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface -Warchaic Warn if archaic features are used -Wredefinition Warn incompatible redefinition of data items -Wconstant Warn inconsistent constant -Wparentheses Warn lack of parentheses around AND within OR -Wstrict-typing Warn type mismatch strictly -Wimplicit-define Warn implicitly defined data items -Wcall-params Warn non 01/77 items for CALL params (NOT set with -Wall) -Wcolumn-overflow Warn text after column 72, FIXED format (NOT set with -Wall) -Wterminator Warn lack of scope terminator END-XXX (NOT set with -Wall) -Wtruncate Warn possible field truncation (NOT set with -Wall) -Wlinkage Warn dangling LINKAGE items (NOT set with -Wall) -Wunreachable Warn unreachable statements (NOT set with -Wall) -ftrace Generate trace code (Executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH) -ftraceall Generate trace code (Executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH/STATEMENTS) -fsyntax-only Syntax error checking only; don't emit any output -fdebugging-line Enable debugging lines ('D' in indicator column) -fsource-location Generate source location code (Turned on by -debug or -g) -fimplicit-init Do automatic initialization of the Cobol runtime system -fsign-ascii Numeric display sign ASCII (Default on ASCII machines) -fsign-ebcdic Numeric display sign EBCDIC (Default on EBCDIC machines) -fstack-check PERFORM stack checking (Turned on by -debug or -g) -ffold-copy-lower Fold COPY subject to lower case (Default no transformation) -ffold-copy-upper Fold COPY subject to upper case (Default no transformation) -fwrite-after Use AFTER 1 for WRITE of LINE SEQUENTIAL (Default BEFORE 1) -fnotrunc Do not truncate binary fields according to PICTURE -ffunctions-all Allow use of intrinsic functions without FUNCTION keyword -fmfcomment '*' or '/' in column 1 treated as comment (FIXED only) -fnull-param Pass extra NULL terminating pointers on CALL statements As discussed in section 2, program compilation units may consist of multiple programs defined sequentially in a single source file. By specifying multiple source files on the “cobc” command, it is possible for a single execution of the “cobc” command to process multiple compilation units. 7.1.3. Compiling Executable Programs The simplest mode of compilation is to generate a single executable file from one or more OpenCOBOL source files: cobc –x prog1.cbl prog2.cbl prog3.cbl The main program must be the first program unit found in the “prog1.cbl” file. The remainder of “prog1.cbl” as well as all of “prog2.cbl” and “prog3.cbl” must be subprograms or nested subprograms. This will generate a single executable file (UNIX) or exe file (Windows) which has all required COBOL programs included in the file. The dynamically-loadable runtime libraries for OpenCOBOL, GMP and BDB (or whatever other file I/O module was built-in to the OpenCOBOL package you are using) are still required to be available at run-time, however. 7.1.4. Dynamically-Loadable Subprograms Subprograms that are to be dynamically loaded into memory at execution time must be compiled using the “-m” option on the cobc command, as follows: cobc –m sprog1.cbl - or- cobc –m sprog1.cbl sprog2.cbl sprog3.cbl The first command above generates a single dynamically-loadable module while the second example generates three. The following rules apply to dynamically-loaded modules and the subroutines contained within them: 1. A Dynamically-loadable module generated from a source file named “xxxxxxxx.cbl” or “xxxxxxxx.cob” will be named “” on a UNIX system or “xxxxxxxx.dll” on a Windows system. 2. Dynamically-loadable modules containing only a single subprogram are created from OpenCOBOL source files having only a single program-unit. The PROGRAM-ID of that program unit must match exactly the filename (minus “.cbl” or “.cob”) of the source code as well the filename (minus the “.so” or “.dll”) of the dynamically- loadable module. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface 3. Dynamically-loadable modules containing multiple subprograms are created from a single OpenCOBOL source file containing multiple program-units. The PROGRAM-ID of one of those program units must match exactly the filename (minus “.cbl” or “.cob”) of the source code as well the filename (minus the “.so” or .dll”) of the dynamically-loadable module. This PROGRAM-ID is known as the primary entry-point of the dynamically-loadable module. 4. When a program CALLs a subprogram that is contained within a dynamically-loadable module a. The OpenCOBOL runtime library performs a search of all currently-loaded dynamically-loadable modules for the subprogram entry-point (the entry-point is the literal or identifier coded on the CALL statement (see section 6.7). That entry-point will have been defined as either a PROGRAM-ID (section 3) or ENTRY point (section 6.16) within the source file that created the dynamically-loadable module. b. c. If the entry-point was found, control is transferred to there and the subprogram begins execution. If the entry-point was not found, the OpenCOBOL runtime library searches for a file named “” (UNIX) or “xxxxxxxx.dll” (Windows), where xxxxxxxx is the desired subroutine entry-point. i. ii. If a file was located, it is loaded and control is transferred to the entry-point within it so the subprogram may begin execution. If a file was not located, an error message (“libcob: Cannot find module 'xxxxxxxx'”) is issued and program execution is aborted. 5. Rule #4 has a profound implication to subprogramming with dynamically-loadable modules containing multiple entry-points – You must successfully CALL the primary entry-point of the module (see rule #3) before you can CALL any other entry-points within the module. It is also possible to generate main programs as dynamically-loadable libraries. Just use the “-m” option (as shown here) rather than the “-x” option. To execute these main programs, you’ll need to utilize the cobcrun command, as discussed in section 7.2.2. 7.1.5. Static Subroutines You may also compile OpenCOBOL subroutines into assembler source code which can then be assembled and linked with a main program when that main program is compiled. To create such an assembler source file, compile the subprogram(s) as follows: cobc –S sprog1.cbl (Note: “-S” is an uppercase-S) This will create an assembler source file named “sprog1.s”. If you specify multiple input files, they’ll each create their own “.s” files. To compile a main program, assemble an assembler source file and static-link it all together: cobc –x mainprog.cbl sprog1.s If multiple subprograms are needed, simply add their “.s” files to the command line. Any subprogram entry-points for which “.s” files were not specified will be CALLed at runtime as dynamically-loadable modules. 7.1.6. Combining COBOL and C Programs Linkage between OpenCOBOL and C language programs is possible, but may require a little bit of special coding in one program or the other in order to meaningfully pass data between them. The issues involved deal predominantly with three topics, as follows. Each issue is discussed, with upcoming coding samples illustrating specifics as to how those issues are overcome in actual program code. OpenCOBOL Run-Time Library Requirements Like most other implementations of the COBOL language, OpenCOBOL utilizes a run-time library. When the first program unit executed in a given execution sequence is an OpenCOBOL program, any run-time library initialization will 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-3 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface be performed by that COBOL code in a manner that is transparent to the C-language programmer. If, however, a C program unit is the first to execute, the burden of perform OpenCOBOL run-time library initialization falls upon the C program. String Allocation Differences Between OpenCOBOL and C Both languages store strings as a fixed-length continuous sequence of characters. COBOL stores these character sequences up to a specific quantity limit imposed by the PICTURE cause of the data item. For example: 01 LastName PIC X(15). There is never an issue of exactly what the length of a string contained in a USAGE DISPLAY data item is – there are always exactly how ever many characters as were allowed for by the PICTURE clause. In the example above, “LastName” will always contain exactly fifteen characters; of course, there may be anywhere from 0 to 15 trailing SPACES as part of the current LastName value. C actually has no “string” datatype – rather, it stores strings as an array of “char” datatype items where each element of the array is a single character. Being an array, there is an upper limit to how many characters may be stored in a given “string”. For example: char lastName[15]; /* 15 chars: lastName[0] thru lastName[14] */ C provides a robust set of string-manipulation functions to copy strings from one char array to another, search strings for certain characters, compare one char array to another, concatenate char arrays and so forth. To make these functions possible, it was necessary to be able to define the logical end of a string. C accomplishes this via the expectation that all strings (char arrays) will be terminated by a NULL character (x’00’). Of course, no one forces a programmer to do this, but if [s]he ever expects to use any of the C standard functions to manipulate that string they had better be doing it. So, OpenCOBOL programmers expecting to pass strings to or receive strings from C programs had best be prepared to deal with the null-termination issue. Matching C Data Types with OpenCOBOL USAGEs This is pretty simple, the OpenCOBOL and C programmer must just be aware of the following correspondence between C data types and COBOL USAGE specifications: Figure 7-1 - C/OpenCOBOL Data Type Matches This COBOL USAGE… (no PICTURE allowed) Occupies this space… Holds these numeric values… And corresponds to this C data type… BINARY-CHAR 1 byte 0 to 255 unsigned char BINARY-CHAR UNSIGNED BINARY-CHAR SIGNED BINARY-SHORT BINARY-SHORT UNSIGNED 1 byte 2 bytes -128 to +127 0 to 65535 BINARY-SHORT SIGNED 2 bytes -32768 to +32767 signed char unsigned unsigned int unsigned short unsigned short int int short short int signed int 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface This COBOL USAGE… (no PICTURE allowed) Occupies this space… Holds these numeric values… And corresponds to this C data type… BINARY-LONG 4 bytes 0 to 4294967295 BINARY-LONG UNSIGNED signed short signed short int unsigned long unsigned long int BINARY-LONG SIGNED 4 bytes -2147483648 to +2147483647 long long int signed long signed long int BINARY-C-LONG SIGNED 4 bytes or 8 bytes -2147483648 to +2147483647 long Or -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807 (see the description of USAGE BINARY-C-LONG in Figure 5-10) BINARY-DOUBLE 8 bytes 0 to 18446744073709551615 unsigned long long BINARY-DOUBLE UNSIGNED BINARY-DOUBLE SIGNED 8 bytes COMPUTATIONAL-1 4 bytes COMPUTATIONAL-2 8 bytes N/A (no OpenCOBOL equivalent) 12 bytes -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807 -3.4 x 1038 to +3.4 x 1038 (six decimal digits of precision) -1.7 x 10308 to +1.7 x 10308 (15 decimal digits of precision) -1.19 x 104932 to +1.19 x 104932 (18 decimal digits of precision) unsigned long long int long long int signed long long int float double long double There are other OpenCOBOL PICTURE/USAGE combinations that can define the same storage size and value range combinations, but (with the exception of COMP-1 and COMP-2), these are the ANSI2002 standard specifications for C- program data compatibility and OpenCOBOL programmers should get used to using them when data is being shared with C programs (they’re good documentation too, highlighting the fact that the data will be “shared” with a C program). The minimum values shown for the various SIGNED integer USAGEs are appropriate for a computer system that uses 2s-complement representation for negative signed binary values (such as those CPUs typically found in Windows PCs). A computer system using 1s-complement representation for negative signed binary values would have minimum values that are 1 greater (-127 instead of -128, for example). 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface OpenCOBOL Main Programs CALLing C Subprograms Here are samples of an OpenCOBOL program that CALLs a C subprogram. Figure 7-2 - OpenCOBOL CALLing C (maincob.cbl) (subc.c) This OpenCOBOL MAIN PROGRAM… …wants to CALL this C SUBPROGRAM #include int subc(char *arg1, char *arg2, unsigned long *arg3) { char nu1[7]="New1"; char nu2[7]="New2"; printf("Starting subc\n"); printf("Arg1=%s\n",arg1); printf("Arg2=%s\n",arg2); printf("Arg3=%d\n",*arg3); arg1[0]='X'; arg2[0]='Y'; *arg3=987654321; return 2; } IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. maincob. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 Arg1 PIC X(7). 01 Arg2 PIC X(7). 01 Arg3 USAGE BINARY-LONG. PROCEDURE DIVISION. 000-Main. DISPLAY 'Starting cobmain'. MOVE 123456789 TO Arg3. STRING 'Arg1' X'00' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Arg1 END-STRING. STRING 'Arg2' X'00' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Arg2 END-STRING. CALL 'subc' USING BY CONTENT Arg1, BY REFERENCE Arg2, BY REFERENCE Arg3. DISPLAY 'Back'. DISPLAY 'Arg1=' Arg1. DISPLAY 'Arg2=' Arg2. DISPLAY 'Arg3=' Arg3. DISPLAY 'Returned value=' RETURN-CODE. STOP RUN. The idea is to pass two string and one full-word unsigned arguments to the subprogram, have the subprogram print them out, change all three and pass a return code of 2 back to the caller . The caller will then re-display the three arguments (showing changes only to the two BY REFERENCE arguments), display the return code and halt. While simple, these two programs illustrate the techniques required quite nicely. Note how the COBOL program ensures that a null end-of-string terminator is present on both string arguments. Since the C program is planning on making changes to all three arguments, it declares all three as pointers in the function header and references the third argument as a pointer in the function body.33 33 It actually had no choice for the two string (char array) arguments – they must be defined as pointers in the function even though the function code references them without the leading “*” that normally signifies pointers. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-6 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface These programs are compiled and executed as follows. The example assumes a UNIX system with an OpenCOBOL build that uses the native C compiler on that system; the technique works equally well regardless of which C compiler and which operating system you’re using. $ cc –c subc.c $ cobc -x maincob.cbl subc.o $ maincob Starting cobmain Starting subc Arg1=Arg1 Arg2=Arg2 Arg3=123456789 Back Arg1=Arg1 Arg2=Yrg2 Arg3=+0987654321 Returned value=+000000002 $ Remember that the null characters are actually in the OpenCOBOL “Arg1” and “Arg2” data items. They don’t appear in the output, but they ARE there. When passing character strings to C programs, it’s probably a good idea to make a null-terminated copy of the string items and pass those copies to the C program. As was discussed in section 6.7, an OpenCOBOL CALL to a subprogram will need to specify the BY CONTENT clause to make an argument unchangeable by a subprogram if that subprogram is written in a language other than OpenCOBOL. When the CALLing and CALLed programs are both OpenCOBOL, the BY VALUE will be a faster alternative to BY CONTENT. C Main Programs CALLing OpenCOBOL Subprograms Now, the roles of the two languages in the previous section will be reversed, having a C main program execute an OpenCOBOL subprogram. Figure 7-3 - C CALLing OpenCOBOL (mainc.c) This C MAIN PROGRAM… #include #include int main (int argc, char **argv) { int returnCode; char arg1[7] = "Arg1"; char arg2[7] = "Arg2"; unsigned long arg3 = 123456789; printf("Starting mainc...\n"); cob_init (argc, argv); /* cob_init(0,NULL) if cmdline args not going to COBOL */ returnCode = subcob(arg1,arg2,&arg3); printf("Back\n"); printf("Arg1=%s\n",arg1); printf("Arg2=%s\n",arg2); printf("Arg3=%d\n",arg3); printf("Returned value=%d\n",returnCode); return returnCode; } (subcob.cbl) …wants to CALL this OpenCOBOL SUBPROGRAM IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. subcob. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 Arg1 PIC X(7). 01 Arg2 PIC X(7). 01 Arg3 USAGE BINARY-LONG. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING BY VALUE Arg1, BY REFERENCE Arg2, BY REFERENCE Arg3. 000-Main. DISPLAY 'Starting cobsub.cbl'. DISPLAY 'Arg1=' Arg1. DISPLAY 'Arg2=' Arg2. DISPLAY 'Arg3=' Arg3. MOVE 'X' TO Arg1 (1:1). MOVE 'X' TO Arg2 (1:1). MOVE 987654321 TO Arg3. MOVE 2 TO RETURN-CODE. GOBACK. Since the C program is the one that will execute first, before the OpenCOBOL subroutine, the burden of initializing the OpenCOBOL run-time environment lies with that C program; it will have to invoke the “cob_init” function, which is part of the “libcob” library. The two required C statements are shown, highlighted in boldface. The arguments to the “cob_init” routine are the argument count and value parameters passed to the main function when the program began execution. By passing them into the OpenCOBOL subprogram, it will be possible for that OpenCOBOL program to retrieve the command line or individual command-line arguments. If that won’t be necessary, “cob_init(0,NULL);” could be specified instead. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Since the C program wants to allow “arg3” to be changed by the subprogram, it prefixes it with a “&” to force a CALL BY REFERENCE for that argument. Since “arg1” and “arg2” are strings (char arrays), they are automatically passed by reference. Here’s the output of the compilation process as well as the program’s execution. The example assumes a Windows system with an OpenCOBOL build that uses the GNU C compiler on that system; the technique works equally well regardless of which C compiler and which operating system you’re using. C:\Users\Gary\Documents\Programs> cobc -S subcob.cbl C:\Users\Gary\Documents\Programs> gcc mainc.c subcob.s –o mainc.exe -llibcob C:\Users\Gary\Documents\Programs> mainc.exe Starting mainc... Starting cobsub.cbl Arg1=Arg1 Arg2=Arg2 Arg3=+0123456789 Back Arg1=Xrg1 Arg2=Xrg2 Arg3=987654321 Returned value=2 C:\Users\Gary\Documents\Programs> Note that even though we told OpenCOBOL that the 1st argument was to be BY VALUE, it was treated as if it were BY REFERENCE anyway. String (char array) arguments passed from C callers to OpenCOBOL subprograms will be modifiable by the subprogram. It’s best to pass a copy of such data if you want to ensure that the subprogram doesn’t change it. The third argument is different, however. Since it’s not an array you have the choice of passing it either BY REFERENCE34 or BY VALUE35. 34 Use “&” with the argument in the C calling program; specify the argument as BY REFERENCE in the COBOL subprogram 35 Don’t use “&” with the argument in the C calling program; specify the argument as BY VALUE in the COBOL subprogram 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-8 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface 7.1.7. Important Environment Variables The following chart documents the various environment variables that can play a role in the compilation of OpenCOBOL programs. Figure 7-4 - Compiler Environment Variables Environment Variable COB_CC COB_CFLAGS 36 COB_CONFIG_DIR COB_COPY_DIR COB_LDADD 36 COB_LDFLAGS 36 COB_LIBS 36 COBCPY LD_LIBRARY_PATH Use Set to the name of the C compiler you wish OpenCOBOL to use. USE THIS FEATURE AT YOUR OWN RISK – YOU SHOULD ALWAYS USE THE C COMPILER YOUR OPENCOBOL BUILD WAS GENERATED FOR Set to any switches that you’d like to pass on to the C compiler from the cobc compiler (in addition to any that cobc will specify). The default is “-Iprefix/include”, where “prefix” is the path prefix specified when the OpenCOBOL binaries you are using were created. Set to the path to the folder where OpenCOBOL “config” files are kept. See section 7.1.9 for information on how those config files are used. If COPY modules your program needs are NOT stored in the same directory as your program, set this environment variable to the folder in which the COPY modules may be found (IBM mainframe programmers will recognize this as “SYSLIB”). See section 7.1.8 for additional information on the use of COPY modules. Set to any additional linker switches (ld) that can specify where standard libraries that must be linked with the program can be found. The default is “” (null). Set to any linker/loader (ld) switches that you’d like to pass on to the C compiler from the cobc compiler (in addition to any that cobc will specify). The default is none. Set to any linker switches (ld) that specify where standard libraries that must be linked with the program can be found. The default is “-Lprefix/lib -lcob” , where “prefix” is the path prefix specified when the OpenCOBOL binaries you are using were created. This environment variable provides an additional means of specifying where COPY modules may be found by the compiler (see also COB_COPY_DIR, above). See section 7.1.8 for additional information on the use of COPY modules. If you are planning on using static-linked subroutine libraries, set this variable to the path to the directory containing your libraries. 36 These switches are intended for use only in very special circumstances by very advanced users; their usage is discouraged. A future release of OpenCOBOL will introduce a better way to pass switched to the C compiler and/or the loader from the cobc command. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-9 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Environment Variable Use TMPDIR TMP (checked in this order) Set to a directory/folder appropriate to create temporary files in. The intermediate working files created by cobc will be created here (and deleted once they’re no longer needed). On a Windows system, the TMP environment variable is normally set for you when you logon. If you wish to use a different temporary folder, you may set TMPDIR yourself and have no fear of disrupting other Windows software that relies on TMP. 7.1.8. Locating Copybooks at Compilation Time The OpenCOBOL compiler will attempt to locate copybooks (source code modules brought into the compilation process via the COPY statement) by searching for them in the following folders. The search will occur in the sequence shown below, and will terminate once a copybook is found. The folder in which the program being compiled resides. The folder named on the “-I” compiler switch (see section 7.1.2) Each of the folders named on the COBCPY environment variable (see section 7.1.7). A single folder may be named or multiple folders may be specified, separated by a system-appropriate delimiter character.37 When multiple folders are specified, they will be searched in the order they are named on the environment variable. The folder specified on the COB_COPY_DIR environment variable (see section 7.1.7). As each of the above folders is searched for a copybook - “COPY XXXXXXXX.”, for example – the OpenCOBOL compiler will attempt to locate the copybook file by any of the following names, in the sequence shown: XXXXXXXX.CPY XXXXXXXX.CBL XXXXXXXX.COB XXXXXXXX.cpy XXXXXXXX.cbl XXXXXXXX.cob XXXXXXXX The COPY command is case-sensitive on UNIX systems; “COPY copybookname” and “COPY COPYBOOKNAME” will both fail to locate the “CopyBookName” copybook on a UNIX system. Windows implementations of OpenCOBOL may or may not be similarly case sensitive with regard to copybook names, depending upon the Windows version and OpenCOBOL build options – it is safest to simply treat the COPY command as case-sensitive in all environments. 7.1.9. Using Compiler Configuration Files OpenCOBOL uses compiler configuration files to define various options that will control the compilation process. These configuration files are specified using the “-conf” compilation switch or are found in the folder defined by the COB_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. The following is a verbatim listing of the “default” configuration file (the one used if you don’t specify the “-conf” switch), just to show you the types of settings that may appear: # COBOL compiler configuration -*- sh -*- # Value: any string name: "OpenCOBOL" 37 If the OpenCOBOL compiler you are using was built to utilize a native Windows environment, use a semicolon (;). If, however, the OpenCOBOL compiler was built for a Unix or Linux environment, or was built for a Windows environment utilizing either the Cygwin or MinGW Unix “emulators”, use a colon character (:) as the separator. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface # Value: int tab-width: 8 text-column: 72 # Value: 'cobol2002', 'mf', 'ibm' # assign-clause: mf # If yes, file names are resolved at run time using environment variables. # For example, given ASSIGN TO "DATAFILE", the actual file name will be # 1. the value of environment variable 'DD_DATAFILE' or # 2. the value of environment variable 'dd_DATAFILE' or # 3. the value of environment variable 'DATAFILE' or # 4. the literal "DATAFILE" # If no, the value of the assign clause is the file name. # # Value: 'yes', 'no' filename-mapping: yes # Value: 'yes', 'no' pretty-display: yes # Value: 'yes', 'no' auto-initialize: yes # Value: 'yes', 'no' complex-odo: no # Value: 'yes', 'no' indirect-redefines: no # Binary byte size - defines the allocated bytes according to PIC # Value: signed unsigned bytes # ------ -------- ----- # '2-4-8' 1 - 4 2 # 5 - 9 4 # 10 - 18 8 # # '1-2-4-8' 1 - 2 1 # 3 - 4 2 # 5 - 9 4 # 10 - 18 8 # # '1--8' 1 - 2 1 - 2 1 # 3 - 4 3 - 4 2 # 5 - 6 5 - 7 3 # 7 - 9 8 - 9 4 # 10 - 11 10 - 12 5 # 12 - 14 13 - 14 6 # 15 - 16 15 - 16 7 # 17 - 18 17 - 18 8 binary-size: 1-2-4-8 # Value: 'yes', 'no' binary-truncate: yes # Value: 'native', 'big-endian' binary-byteorder: big-endian # Value: 'yes', 'no' larger-redefines-ok: no # Value: 'yes', 'no' relaxed-syntax-check: no # Perform type OSVS - If yes, the exit point of any currently executing perform # is recognized if reached. # Value: 'yes', 'no' perform-osvs: no # If yes, linkage-section items remain allocated # between invocations. # Value: 'yes', 'no' sticky-linkage: no 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-11 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface # If yes, allow non-matching level numbers # Value: 'yes', 'no' relax-level-hierarchy: no # not-reserved: # Value: Word to be taken out of the reserved words list # (case independent) # Dialect features # Value: 'ok', 'archaic', 'obsolete', 'skip', 'ignore', 'unconformable' author-paragraph: memory-size-clause: multiple-file-tape-clause: label-records-clause: value-of-clause: data-records-clause: top-level-occurs-clause: synchronized-clause: goto-statement-without-name: stop-literal-statement: debugging-line: padding-character-clause: next-sentence-phrase: eject-statement: entry-statement: move-noninteger-to-alphanumeric: error odo-without-to: obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete skip ok obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete archaic skip obsolete ok 7.2. Running OpenCOBOL Programs 7.2.1. Executing Programs Directly OpenCOBOL programs compiled with the “-x” option will be generated as directly-executable programs. For example, on a Windows system, the “-x” option will be generated as an “.exe” file. These native executables are appropriate for execution as non-graphical user interface programs. On a UNIX system this means the programs may be executed from a command shell such as bash, csh, ksh and so forth. When an OpenCOBOL program runs on a Windows system, it runs within a console window (i.e. “cmd.exe”). Interactions between the program and the user will take place using the standard input, standard output and standard error streams. Any SCREEN SECTION I/O performed by the program will take place within the command shell “window”. Direct program execution syntax is as follows: [path]program [arguments] For example: /usr/local/printaccount ACCT=6625378 Or… C:\Users\Me\Documents\Programs\printaccount.exe ACCT=6625378 7.2.2. Using the “cobcrun” Utility It is possible to generate executable modules for all OpenCOBOL programs, not just subroutines, by choosing to use the “-m” option to specify the compiler output format even for main programs (as discussed in section 7.1.4, this is the recommended output format option for subroutines). Some may prefer to compile their OpenCOBOL main programs into these dynamically-loadable modules in the interests of using the same general compilation command for all programs without having to think “Is it a main program or a subroutine?”. Main programs compiled in this manner should be executed as follows: 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-12 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface [path]cobcrun program [arguments] Do not specify the “.so” or “.dll” extension on the program name. The “program” value must exactly match the PROGRAM-ID of the main program (including upper- and lower-case letters). For an example of the use of cobcrun: cd /usr/local cobcrun printaccount ACCT=6625378 Or… cd C:\Users\Me\Documents\Programs cobcrun printaccount.exe ACCT=6625378 Note how the cobcrun command does not allow a path to be specified with the program name –the directory in which the programs dynamically loadable module exists must either be the current directory or must be defined in the current PATH. 7.2.3. Program Arguments Regardless of the manner in which a program is executed, any arguments specified to the program may be retrieved via either of the following, documented in section 6.4.2: ACCEPT … FROM COMMAND-LINE ACCEPT … FROM ARGUMENT-VALUE 7.2.4. Important Environment Variables The following chart documents the various environment variables that can play a role in the execution of OpenCOBOL programs. Figure 7-5 - Run-Time Environment Variables Environment Variable Use COB_LIBRARY_PATH COB_PRE_LOAD COB_SCREEN_ESC COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS At runtime, OpenCOBOL will attempt to locate and load any application dynamically-loadable libraries from the PATH and the directory in which the program executable was found. If these library files could be somewhere else, specify the directory path using this variable. If set to any non-null value, this variable will cause all dynamically-loadable libraries to be loaded when the program begins execution (rather than searching for and loading the module upon first use). If set to any non-blank value, this variable allows the ACCEPT verb to detect the Esc key. See Figure 4-8 for additional information. Setting this variable to any non-blank value will allow the ACCEPT verb to detect the Esc, PgUp and PgDn keys. See Figure 4-8 for additional information. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-13 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Environment Variable Use COB_SORT_MEMORY COB_SWITCH_n COB_SYNC DB_HOME PATH TMPDIR TMP TEMP (checked in this order) 7.3. Built-In Subroutines The value of this variable (an integer) will be used to define how much memory will be allocated for use in sorting. If the value is 1048576 or greater, that value will be used “as is” as the amount of memory (in bytes) to allocate. If the value is less than 1048576. The default sort memory amount is 128 MB. (n=1 to 8); These environment variables correspond to SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-8. Setting them to “ON” will activate them; any other value turns them off. See section 4.1.4 for more information. If set to a value of upper- or lowercase “p”, this variable will force a file commit every time a file is written to (ensuring that data is immediately written to the file rather than retained in memory until a future commit occurs). This will slow-down update access to files, but will provide for better integrity in the event of a program failure. If your OpenCOBOL build uses the Berkeley Database (BDB) package, use this environment variable to specify the folder in which the lock management files to be associated with all non-SORT files opened by the program will be stored38. Having this variable defined will activate record locking features on the READ (section 6.33), REWRITE (section 6.36) and WRITE (section 6.50) statements39. The OpenCOBOL “bin” directory should be defined in the PATH. Set to a directory/folder appropriate to create temporary files in. This will be used by SORT and MERGE to create temporary work files. You may also use this folder for any temporary files your application may require. Good form dictates that – if your application DOES create temporary working files – it should clean-up after itself.40. 38 ORGANIZATION INDEXED files will also have their data file allocated in the DB_HOME folder, if DB_HOME exists. 39 Even with DB_HOME, locking will not work with ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL (either type) or ORGANIZAION RELATIVE files with OpenCOBOL builds created for Windows/MinGW. ORGANIZATION INDEXED locks will work with Windows/MinGW and all locks will work for all file organizations with UNIX OpenCOBOL builds. 40 Take a look at the C$DELETE and CBL_DELETE_FILE built-in subroutines. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-14 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface 7.3.1. “Call by Name” Routines There are a number of built-in subroutines included with OpenCOBOL. Generally, these routines are intended to match those available in Micro Focus COBOL (CBL_...) or ACUCOBOL (C$...). These routines, all executed via their UPPERCASE NAMES, are capable of performing the following functions: Changing the current directory Copying files Creating a directory Creating, Opening, Closing, Reading and Writing byte-stream files Deleting directories (folders) Deleting files Determining how many arguments were passed to a subroutine Getting file information (size and last-modification date/time) Getting the length (in bytes) of an argument passed to a subroutine Justifying a field left-, right- or center-aligned Moving files (a destructive “copy”) Putting the program ‘to sleep’, specifying the sleep time in seconds Putting the program ‘to sleep’, specifying the sleep time in nanoseconds; CAVEAT: although you’ll express the time in nanoseconds, Windows systems will only be able to sleep at a millisecond granularity Submitting a command to the shell environment appropriate for the version of OpenCOBOL you are using for execution The following table describes the various built-in subroutines. ALL SUBROUTINE ARGUMENTS ARE MANDATORY EXCEPT WHERE EXPLICITLY NOTED TO THE CONTRARY. Any subroutine returning a value to RETURN-CODE could utilize the RETURNING/GIVING clause on the CALL to return the result back to the full-word binary COMP-5 data item of your choice. See section 6.7. CALL “C$CHDIR” USING directory-path, result This routine makes directory-path (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) the current directory. The return code of the operation is returned both in the result argument (any non-edited numeric identifier) as well as in the RETURN-CODE special register. The return code of the operation will be either 0=Success or 128=failure. The directory change remains in effect until the program terminates (in which the original current directory at the time the program was restarted will be automatically restored) or until another C$CHDIR is executed. Also see CBL_CHANGE_DIR – section CALL “C$COPY” USING src-file-path, dest-file-path, 0 Use this subroutine to copy file src-file-path to dest-file-path as if it were done via the “CP” (Unix) or “COPY” (Windows) command. Both file path arguments may be alphanumeric literals or identifiers. The third argument is required, but is unused. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-15 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface If the attempt to copy the file fails (for example, it or the destination directory doesn't exist), RETURN-CODE will be set to 128; on successful completion it will be set to 0. Also see CBL_COPY_FILE – section CALL “C$DELETE” USING file-path, 0 This routine deletes the file specified by the file-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) just as if that were done using the “RM” (Unix) or “ERASE” (Windows) command. The second argument is required, but is unused. If the attempt to delete the file fails (for example, it doesn't exist), RETURN-CODE will be set to 128; on successful completion it will be set to 0. Also see CBL_DELETE_FILE – section CALL “C$FILEINFO” USING file-path, file-info With this routine you may retrieve the size of the file41 specified as the file-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) and the date/time that file was last modified. The information is returned to the file-info argument, which is defined as the following 16-byte area: 01 File-Info. 05 File-Size-In-Bytes PIC 9(18) COMP. 05 Mod-YYYYMMDD PIC 9(8) COMP. *> Modification Date 05 Mod-HHMMSS00 PIC 9(8) COMP. *> Modification Time The last two decimal digits in the modification time will always be 0. If the subroutine is successful, a value of 0 will be returned in RETURN-CODE. Failure to retrieve the needed statistics on the file will cause a RETURN-CODE value of 35 to be passed back. Supplying less than two arguments will generate a 128 RETURN-CODE value. Also see CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST – section CALL “C$JUSTIFY” USING data-item, “justification-type” Use C$JUSTIFY to left, right or center-justify an alphabetic, alphanumeric or numeric edited data-item. The justification-type argument indicates the type of the justification to be performed. The value of that argument will be interpreted as follows: absent Cxxx... Rxxx... Lxxx... anything else Treated as if it were "R" Treated the same as if it were "R" If it begins with a capital "C", the value will be centered If it begins with a capital "R", the value will be right-justified, space-filled to the left If it begins with a capital "L", the value will be left-justified, space-filled to the right CALL “C$MAKEDIR” USING dir-path With this routine you may create a new directory – the name of which is supplied as the dir-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier). Only the lowest-level directory (last) in the specified path can be created – all others must already exist. This subroutine will NOT behave as a “mkdir –p” (Unix) or “mkdir /p” (Windows). 41 File size information may not be available in the particular OpenCOBOL build / Operating System combination you are using and may therefore always be returned as zero. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-16 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface RETURN-CODE will be set to the return code of the operation; the value will be either 0=Success or 128=failure. Also see CBL_CREATE_DIR- section CALL “C$NARG” USING arg-count-result C$NARG returns the number of arguments passed to the subroutine that calls C$NARG back to the numeric field arg- count-result. When CALLed from a main program, the returned value will always be 0. Also see the NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS.register (section 6.1.8). CALL “C$PARAMSIZE” USING argument-number This subroutine returns the size (in bytes) of the subroutine argument supplied using the argument-number parameter (a numeric literal or data item). The size is returned in the RETURN-CODE special register. If the specified argument does not exist, or an invalid argument number is specified, a value of 0 is returned. CALL “C$SLEEP” USING seconds-to-sleep C$SLEEP puts the program to sleep for the specified number of seconds. The seconds-to-sleep argument may be a numeric literal or data item. Sleep times less than 1 will be interpreted as 0, which immediately returns without any sleep delay. Also see the CBL_OC_NANOSLEEP subroutine – section CALL “C$TOLOWER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length This routine will converts convert-length (a numeric literal or data item) leading characters of data-item (an alphanumeric identifier) to lower-case. The convert-length argument must be specified BY VALUE. It specifies how many (leading) characters in data-item will be converted – any characters after that will remain unchanged. If convert-length is negative or zero, no conversion will be performed. Also see CBL_TOLOWER – section CALL “C$TOUPPER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length Use the C$TOUPPER subroutine to change the convert-length (a numeric literal or data item) leading characters of data-item (an alphanumeric identifier) to upper-case. The convert-length argument must be specified BY VALUE. It specifies how many (leading) characters in data-item will be converted – any characters after that will remain unchanged. If convert-length is negative or zero, no conversion will be performed. Also see CBL_TOUPPER – section CALL “CBL_AND” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs a bit-by-bit logical AND operation between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-17 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “AND” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit New Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 CALL “CBL_CHANGE_DIR” USING directory-path This routine makes directory-path (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) the current directory. The directory change remains in effect until the program terminates (in which the original current directory at the time the program was restarted will be automatically restored) or until another CBL_CHANGE_DIR (or C$CHDIR) is executed. The return code of the operation is returned in the RETURN-CODE special register. The return code of the operation will be either 0=Success or 128=failure. Also see C$CHDIR – section CALL “CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST” USING file-path, file-info With this routine you may retrieve the size of the file42 specified as the file-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) and the date/time that file was last modified. The information is returned to the file-info argument, which is defined as the following 16-byte area: 01 Argument-2. 05 File-Size-In-Bytes PIC 9(18) COMP. 05 Mod-DD PIC 9(2) COMP. *> Modification Time 05 Mod-MO PIC 9(2) COMP. 05 Mod-YYYY PIC 9(4) COMP. *> Modification Date 05 Mod-HH PIC 9(2) COMP. 05 Mod-MM PIC 9(2) COMP. 05 Mod-SS PIC 9(2) COMP. 05 FILLER PIC 9(2) COMP. *> This will always be 00 If the subroutine is successful, a value of 0 will be returned in RETURN-CODE. Failure to retrieve the needed statistics on the file will cause a RETURN-CODE value of 35 to be passed back. Supplying less than two arguments will generate a 128 RETURN-CODE value. Also see C$FILEINFO - section CALL “CBL_CLOSE_FILE” USING file-handle The CBL_CLOSE_FILE subroutine closes a bytestream file previously opened by either the CBL_OPEN_FILE or CBL_CREATE_FILE subroutines. If the file defined by the file-handle argument (a PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X data item) was opened for output, an implicit CBL_FLUSH_FILE will be performed before the file is closed. 42 File size information may not be available in the particular OpenCOBOL build / Operating System combination you are using and may therefore always be returned as zero. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-18 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface If the subroutine is successful, a value of 0 will be returned in RETURN-CODE. Failure will cause a RETURN-CODE value of -1 to be passed back. CALL “CBL_COPY_FILE” USING src-file-path, dest-file-path Use this subroutine to copy file src-file-path to dest-file-path as if it were done via the “CP” (Unix) or “COPY” (Windows) command. Both file path arguments may be alphanumeric literals or identifiers. If the attempt to copy the file fails (for example, it or the destination directory doesn't exist), RETURN-CODE will be set to 128; on successful completion it will be set to 0. Also see C$COPY – section CALL “CBL_CREATE_DIR” USING dir-path With this routine you may create a new directory – the name of which is supplied as the dir-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier). Only the lowest-level directory (last) in the specified path can be created – all others must already exist. This subroutine will NOT behave as a “mkdir –p” (Unix) or “mkdir /p” (Windows). RETURN-CODE will be set to the return code of the operation; the value will be either 0=Success or 128=failure. Also see C$MAKEDIR – section CALL “CBL_CREATE_FILE” USING file-path, 2, 0, 0, file-handle The CBL_CREATE_FILE subroutine creates the new file specified using the file-path argument and opens it for output as a byte-stream file usable by CBL_WRITE_FILE.. Arguments 2, 3 and 4 should be coded as the constant values shown.43 A file handle (PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X) will be returned, for any subsequent CBL_WRITE_FILE or CBL_CLOSE_FILE calls. The success or failure of the subroutine will be reported back in the RETURN-CODE register, with a RETURN-CODE value of -1 indicating an invalid argument and a value of 0 indicating success. Also see CBL_OPEN_FILE – section CALL “CBL_DELETE_DIR” USING dir-path Delete an empty directory via CBL_DELETE_DIR. The only argument – dir-path (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) – is the name of the directory to be deleted. Only the lowest-level directory (last) in the specified path will be deleted, and that directory must be empty to be deleted. RETURN-CODE will be set to the return code of the operation; the value will be either 0=Success or 128=failure. CALL “CBL_DELETE_FILE” USING file-path This routine deletes the file specified by the file-path argument (an alphanumeric literal or identifier) just as if that were done using the “RM” (Unix) or “ERASE” (Windows) command. 43 CBL_CREATE_FILE is actually a special-case of the CBL_OPEN_FILE routine - see that routine for a description of the meanings of arguments 2, 3 and 4. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-19 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface If the attempt to delete the file fails (for example, it doesn't exist), RETURN-CODE will be set to 128; on successful completion it will be set to 0. Also see C$DELETE – section CALL “CBL_ERROR_PROC” USING function, program-pointer This routine registers a general error-handling routine. The function argument must be a numeric literal or a 32-bit binary COMP-5 data item (USAGE BINARY-LONG, for example) with a value of 0 or 1. A value of 0 means that you will be registering (“installing”) an error procedure while a value of 1 indicates you’re deregistering (“uninstalling”) a previously-installed error procedure. The program-pointer must be a USAGE PROGRAM-POINTER data item containing the address of your error procedure. See section 6.39.2 for instructions on how to populate such a data item. A success (0) or failure (non-0) result will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. A custom error-handler routine, if any, will trigger when a runtime error condition is encountered. The code within the handler will be executed and – once the handler issues an EXIT PROGRAM or a GOBACK - the system-standard error handling routine will be executed. Only one user-defined error procedure may be in effect at any time. An error procedure may be defined by a main program or a subprogram, but regardless of from where it was registered, it applies to the overall program compilation unit and will trigger when a runtime error occurs anywhere in the executable program. If the error procedure was defined by a subprogram, that program must be loaded at the time the error procedure is executed. An error procedure should terminate using EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK. The following is a sample OpenCOBOL program that registers an error procedure. The output of that program is shown as well - as you can see, the error handler’s messages appear followed by the standard OpenCOBOL message. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. demoerrproc. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 78 Err-Proc-Install VALUE 0. 01 Current-Date PIC X(8). 01 Current-Time PIC X(8). 01 Err-Proc-Address USAGE PROCEDURE-POINTER. 01 Formatted-Date PIC X(4)/X(2)/X(2). 01 Formatted-Time PIC X(2)/X(2)/X(2). PROCEDURE DIVISION. 000-Register-Err-Proc. SET Err-Proc-Address TO ENTRY "999-Err" CALL "CBL_ERROR_PROC" USING Err-Proc-Install, Err-Proc-Address END-CALL IF RETURN-CODE NOT = 0 DISPLAY 'Error: Could not‟ & „register Error Procedure' END-IF . 099-Now-Test-Err-Proc. CALL "Tilt" END-CALL GOBACK . 999-Err-Proc. ENTRY "999-Err" DISPLAY '** A Runtime Error Has Occurred **' END-DISPLAY ACCEPT Current-Date FROM DATE YYYYMMDD END-ACCEPT ACCEPT Current-Time FROM TIME 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-20 ** A Runtime Error Has Occurred ***** 2009/08/28 10:35:10 ***libcob: Cannot find module 'Tilt'Program output… OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface END-ACCEPT MOVE Current-Date TO Formatted-Date MOVE Current-Time TO Formatted-Time INSPECT Formatted-Time REPLACING ALL '/' BY ':' DISPLAY '*** ' Formatted-Date ' ' Formatted-Time ' ***' END-DISPLAY GOBACK . CALL “CBL_EXIT_PROC” USING function, program-pointer This routine registers a general exit-handling routine. The function argument must be a numeric literal or a 32-bit binary COMP-5 data item (USAGE BINARY-LONG, for example) with a value of 0 or 1. A value of 0 means that you will be registering (“installing”) an exit procedure while a value of 1 indicates you’re deregistering (“uninstalling”) a previously-installed exit procedure. The program-pointer must be a USAGE PROGRAM-POINTER data item containing the address of your exit procedure. See section 6.39.2 for instructions on how to populate such a data item. A success (0) or failure (non-0) result will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. An exit procedure will trigger when a “STOP RUN” or its equivalent (i.e. “GOBACK” executed in a main program) is executed. The exit procedure code will be executed and – once it issues an EXIT PROGRAM or a GOBACK, the system- standard program termination routine will be executed. Only one user-defined exit procedure may be in effect at any time. An exit procedure may be defined by a main program or a subprogram, but regardless of from where it was registered, it applies to the overall program compilation unit and will trigger when a STOP RUN is executed anywhere in the executable program. If the exit procedure was defined by a subprogram, that program must be loaded at the time the exit procedure is executed. An exit procedure should terminate using EXIT PROGRAM or a GOBACK. The following is a sample OpenCOBOL program that registers an exit procedure. The output of that program is shown as well. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. demoexitproc. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 78 Exit-Proc-Install VALUE 0. 01 Current-Date PIC X(8). 01 Current-Time PIC X(8). 01 Exit-Proc-Address USAGE PROCEDURE-POINTER. 01 Formatted-Date PIC XXXX/XX/XX. 01 Formatted-Time PIC XX/XX/XX. PROCEDURE DIVISION. 000-Register-Exit-Proc. SET Exit-Proc-Address TO ENTRY "999-Exit" CALL "CBL_EXIT_PROC" USING Exit-Proc-Install, Exit-Proc-Address END-CALL IF RETURN-CODE NOT = 0 DISPLAY 'Error: Could not register Exit Procedure' END-IF . 099-Now-Test-Exit-Proc. DISPLAY 'Executing a STOP RUN...' END-DISPLAY GOBACK . 999-Exit-Proc. ENTRY "999-Exit" DISPLAY '*** STOP RUN has been executed ***' END-DISPLAY 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-21 Executing a STOP RUN...*** STOP RUN has been executed ****** 2009/08/28 10:01:29 ***Program output… OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface ACCEPT Current-Date FROM DATE YYYYMMDD END-ACCEPT ACCEPT Current-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPT MOVE Current-Date TO Formatted-Date MOVE Current-Time TO Formatted-Time INSPECT Formatted-Time REPLACING ALL '/' BY ':' DISPLAY '*** ' Formatted-Date ' ' Formatted-Time ' ***' END-DISPLAY GOBACK . CALL “CBL_EQ” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs a bit-by-bit test for equality between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item- 1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “EQ” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 1 0 0 1 CALL “CBL_FLUSH_FILE” USING file-handle In Micro Focus COBOL, CALLing this subroutine flushes any as-yet unwritten memory buffers for the (output) file whose file-handle is specified as the argument to disk. This routine is non-functional in OpenCOBOL. It exists only to provide compatibility for applications that may have been developed for Micro Focus COBOL. CALL “CBL_GET_CURRENT_DIR” USING BY VALUE 0, BY VALUE length, BY REFERENCE buffer This retrieves the fully-qualified pathname of the current directory, saving up to length characters of that name into the specified buffer. The first argument is unused, but must be specified. It must be specified BY VALUE. The length argument must be specified BY VALUE. The buffer argument must be specified BY REFERENCE. The value specified for the length argument (a numeric literal or data item) should not exceed the actual length of the buffer argument. If the value specified for the length argument is LESS THAN the actual length of the buffer argument, the current directory path will be left-justified and space filled within the first length bytes of buffer – any bytes in buffer after that point will be unchanged. If the routine is successful, a value of 0 will be returned to the RETURN-CODE register. If the routine failed because of a problem with an argument (such as a negative or 0 length), a RETURN-CODE value of 128 will result. Finally, if the 1st argument value is anything but zero, the routine will fail with a 129 RETURN-CODE. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-22 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface CALL “CBL_IMP” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs a bit-by-bit “implies” test between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “IMP” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 1 1 0 1 CALL “CBL_NIMP” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs the negation of a bit-by-bit “implies” test between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “NIMP” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 0 CALL “CBL_NOR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs the negation of a bit-by-bit “OR” test between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “NOR” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 1 0 0 0 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-23 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface CALL “CBL_NOT” USING item-1, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine “flips” the left-most 8*byte-length bits of item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “NOT” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Old Arg #2 bit 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 1 0 CALL “CBL_OC_NANOSLEEP” USING nanoseconds-to-sleep CB_OC_NANOSLEEP puts the program to sleep for the specified number of nanoseconds. The nanoseconds-to-sleep argument is a numeric literal or data item. There are one BILLION nanoseconds in a second, so if you wanted to put the program to sleep for 1/4 second you'd use a nanoseconds-to-sleep value of 250000000. Also see C$SLEEP – section CALL “CBL_OPEN_FILE” file-path, access-mode, 0, 0, handle .This routine opens an existing file for use as a byte-stream file usable by CBL_WRITE_FILE or CBL_READ_FILE. The file-path argument is an alphanumeric literal or data-item. The access-mode argument is a numeric literal or data item with a PIC X USAGE COMP-X (or USAGE BINARY-CHAR) definition; it specifies how you wish to use the file, as follows: 1 = input (read-only) 2 = output (write-only) 3 = input and/or output The third and fourth arguments would specify a locking mode and device specification, respectively, but they’re not implemented in OpenCOBOL (currently, at least) – just specify each as 0. The final argument – handle - is a PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X item that will receive the handle to the file. That handle is used on all other byte-stream functions to reference this specific file. A RETURN-CODE value of -1 indicates an invalid argument, while a value of 0 indicates success. A value of 35 means the file does not exist. Also see CBL_CREATE_FILE – section CALL “CBL_OR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs a bit-by-bit “OR” test between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown below documents the “OR” process. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-24 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 0 1 1 1 CALL “CBL_READ_FILE” USING handle, offset, nbytes, flag, buffer This routine reads nbytes of data starting at byte number offset from the byte-stream file defined by handle into the specified buffer. The handle argument (PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X) must have been populated by a prior call to CBL_OPEN_FILE. The offset argument (PIC X(8) USAGE COMP-X) defines the location in the file of the first byte to be read. The first byte of a file is byte offset 0. The nbytes argument (PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X) specifies how many bytes (maximum) will be read. If the flags argument is specified as 128, the size of the file (in bytes) will be returned into the file offset argument (argument 2) upon completion.44 The only other valid value for flags is 0. This argument may be specified either as a numeric literal or as a PIC X USAGE COMP-X data item. Upon completion, RETURN-CODE will be set to 0 if the read was successful or to 10 if an “end-of-file” condition occurred. If RETURN-CODE has a value of -1, a problem was identified with the subroutine arguments. CALL “CBL_RENAME_FILE” USING old-file-path, new-file-path You may use this subroutine to rename a file. The file specified by old-file-path will be “renamed” to the name specified as new-file-path. Each argument may be an alphanumeric literal or data item. Despite what the name of this routine might make you believe, this routine is more than just a simple “rename” – it will actually move the file supplied as the 1st argument to the file specified as the 2nd argument. Think of it as a two- step sequence, first copying the old-file-path to the new-file-path and then a second step where the old-file-path is deleted. If the attempt to move the file fails (for example, it doesn't exist), RETURN-CODE will be set to 128; on successful completion it will be set to 0. CALL “CBL_TOLOWER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length This routine will converts convert-length (a numeric literal or data item) leading characters of data-item (an alphanumeric identifier) to lower-case. The convert-length argument must be specified BY VALUE. It specifies how many (leading) characters in data-item will be converted – any characters after that will remain unchanged. If convert-length is negative or zero, no conversion will be performed. Also see C$TOLOWER – section 44 Not all operating system/OpenCOBOL environments may be able to retrieve file sizes – in such cases, a value of zero will be returned. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-25 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface CALL “CBL_TOUPPER” USING data-item, BY VALUE convert-length Use C$TOUPPER to change the convert-length (a numeric literal or data item) leading characters of data-item (an alphanumeric identifier) to upper-case. The convert-length argument must be specified BY VALUE. It specifies how many (leading) characters in data-item will be converted – any characters after that will remain unchanged. If convert-length is negative or zero, no conversion will be performed. Also see C$TOUPPER – section CALL “CBL_WRITE_FILE” USING handle, offset, nbytes, 0, buffer This routine writes nbytes of data from the specified buffer to the byte-stream file defined by handle starting at byte number offset. The handle argument (PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X) must have been populated by a prior call to CBL_OPEN_FILE. The offset argument (PIC X(8) USAGE COMP-X) defines the location in the file of the first byte to be written to. The first byte of a file is byte offset 0. The nbytes argument (PIC X(4) USAGE COMP-X) specifies how many bytes (maximum) will be written. The only allowable value or the flags argument is 0. This argument may be specified either as a numeric literal or as a PIC X USAGE COMP-X data item. Upon completion, RETURN-CODE will be set to 0 if the write was successful or to 30 if an I/O error condition occurred. If RETURN-CODE has a value of -1, a problem was identified with the subroutine arguments. CALL “CBL_XOR” USING item-1, item-2, BY VALUE byte-length This subroutine performs a bit-by-bit exclusive “OR” test between the left-most 8*byte-length corresponding bits of item-1 and item-2, storing the resulting bit string into item-2. Item-1 may be an alphanumeric literal or a data item. Item-2 must be a data item. The length of both item-1 and item-2 must be at least 8*byte-length. Byte-length may be a numeric literal or data item, and must be specified using BY VALUE. The truth table shown to the right documents the “XOR” process. Any bits in item-2 after the 8*byte-length point will be unaffected. A result of zero will be passed back in the RETURN-CODE register. Arg #1 bit Arg #2 bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 New Arg #2 bit 0 1 1 0 CALL “SYSTEM” USING command This subroutine submits the specified command (an alphanumeric literal or data item) to a command shell. A shell will be opened subordinate to the OpenCOBOL program issuing the CALL to SYSTEM. Output from the command (if any) will appear in the command window in which the OpenCOBOL program was executed. On a Unix system, the shell environment will be established using the default shell program. This is also true when using an OpenCOBOL build created with and for the Cygwin Unix emulator. With native Windows Windows/MinGW builds, the shell environment will be the Windows console window command processor (usually “cmd.exe”) appropriate for the version of Windows you’re using. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-26 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface To trap output from the executed command and process it within the OpenCOBOL program, use a pipe (>) to send the command output to a temporary file which you then READ from within the program once control returns. 7.3.2. “Call by Number” Subroutines Early versions of Micro Focus COBOL allowed programmers to access various runtime library routines by using a single two-digit hexadecimal number as the entry=point name. These were known as call-by-number routines. Over time, Micro Focus COBOL evolved, replacing most of the call-by-number routines with ones accessible using a more conventional call-by-name technique. Most of the call-by-number routines have evolved into even more powerful call-by-name routines, many of which are supported by OpenCOBOL and were already presented in section 7.3 Three of the original call-by-number routines never evolved call-by-name equivalents; OpenCOBOL supports these routines. CALL X”91” USING return-code, function-code, binary-variable-arg The original Micro Focus version of this routine is capable of providing a wide variety of functions – OpenCOBOL supports just three of those functions: Turning runtime switches (SWITCH-1, … , SWITCH-8) on Turning runtime switches (SWITCH-1, … , SWITCH-8) off Retrieving the number of arguments passed to a subroutine45 The return-code argument must be a binary numeric data item (USAGE BINARY-CHAR is recommended). It will receive a value of 0 if the operation was successful, 1 otherwise. The function code argument must be either a numeric literal or a binary numeric data item (USAGE BINARY-CHAR is recommended). The third argument – variable-arg – is defined differently depending upon the function-code value, as follows: Value of function-code Action To Be Performed Definition and usage of variable-arg Sets and/or clears all eight of the COBOL switches (SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-8) that are available for definition within SPECIAL-NAMES (see section 4.1.4)46 Reads all eight of the COBOL switches (SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-8) that are available for definition within SPECIAL-NAMES (see section 4.1.4) Retrieves the number of arguments passed to the program executing the CALL X”91” Variable-arg should be an OCCURS 8 TIMES array of USAGE BINARY-CHAR. Each occurrence that is set to a value of zero prior to the CALL will cause the corresponding switch to be cleared. Each occurrence set to 1 prior to the CALL will cause the corresponding switch to be set. Values other than 0 or 1 will be ignored. This argument should be an OCCURS 8 TIMES array of USAGE BINARY-CHAR. Each of the 1st eight occurrences of the array will be set to either 0 or 1 – 1 if the corresponding switch is set, 0 otherwise. This argument should be a binary numeric data item (USAGE BINARY-CHAR is recommended). The number of arguments passed to the subroutine executing the CALL X”91” will be stored here. 11 12 16 45 OpenCOBOL actually has two other ways to accomplish this task – the C$NARG subroutine (section and the NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS special register (section 6.1.8); I recommend you use one of these methods instead of the X”91” routine when coding new programs 46 If you only wish to set and/or clear some of the switches, it is recommended that you first use function 12 to read the current values of the switches and then change the variable-arg occurrences for the switch(es) you wish to change before using function 11 to actually make the changes. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-27 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface CALL X”F4” USING byte, table Routine X”F4” packs an 8-byte area containing 8 1-byte binary values of 0 or 1 into the corresponding bit positions of a 1-byte data item. The byte data item need be only a single byte in size. If it is longer, the excess will be unaffected by this subroutine. Table must be a data item at least 8 bytes long. If it is longer, the excess will be ignored by this subroutine. Typically, table is defined similarly to the following: 01 table. 05 each-byte OCCURS 8 TIMES USAGE BINARY-CHAR. The following diagram illustrates how this subroutine works. The colored squares represent the bits in the 1st 8 bytes of array that will be packed into byte. The white squares represent the bits in each each-byte that will be ignored. CALL X”F5” USING byte, table This routine unpacks each bit of a byte into an 8-byte area so they may be individually accessed and manipulated. The byte data item need be only a single byte in size. If it is longer, the excess will be ignored by this subroutine. Table must be a data item at least 8 bytes long. If it is longer, the excess will be unaffected by this subroutine. Typically, table is defined similarly to the following: 01 table. 05 each-byte OCCURS 8 TIMES USAGE BINARY-CHAR. The following diagram illustrates how this subroutine works. The colored squares represent each of the 8 bits in byte. The diagram shows how those bits will be “unpacked” into the rightmost bit of each of the 1st 8 consecutive bytes of array. The white squares represent the remaining bits in each of the 1st 8 each-byte occurrences – all of which will be set to 0. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-28 each-byte (1)each-byte (2)each-byte (3)each-byte (4)each-byte (5)each-byte (6)each-byte(7)each-byte(8)byteeach-byte (1)each-byte (2)each-byte (3)each-byte (4)each-byte (5)each-byte (6)each-byte(7)each-byte(8)byte OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface Figure 7-6 - A Binary Truncation Demo Program Binary Truncation By default, the OpenCOBOL compiler will truncate binary data items to the precision indicated by their PICTURE clause. For example, the following data item will have 2 bytes of storage allocated for it: 01 Comp-5-Item PIC 9(3) COMP-5. Because of truncation, even though this field has enough bits allocated (16) to store values from 0 to 65535, it will be limited to values of 0 to 999 because of its PICTURE. Or is it? Take a look at the small demo program shown here. This program will perform three different types of operations against a binary field, displaying the results of each. Here are the results when the program is compiled (with truncation in-effect by default) and executed: You can see that truncation affected the DISPLAY statements but appears to have had no impact whatsoever on the MOVE and ADD statements. This is the hidden secret about truncation in OpenCOBOL: it doesn’t really truncate the internally-stored values – it just truncates the DISPLAY of them! If that same program is recompiled without truncation (by adding the “-fnotrunc” switch to the ‘cobc’ command), the results are as follows: If this was all there was to the binary truncation issue it wouldn’t be worth a section in this document. The fact is, however, that binary truncation has a significant effect on the performance of OpenCOBOL programs. When binary truncation is in effect, arithmetic operations performed against all types of numeric data items (even USAGE DISPLAY) are slowed down. Before continuing, it’s worth making the point that we’re NOT talking about astronomical performance degradations here. Today’s computers are FAST, and a user sitting at the keyboard, running an OpenCOBOL program is unlikely to notice. BUT … if you have an OpenCOBOL program that has to process large amounts of data, performing some significant “number crunching” against that data as it goes, the impact of truncation could become noticeable. 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-29 Bin-Item-1=760 Disp-Item-1=032760Bin-Item-1=765 Disp-Item-1=032765Bin-Item-1=767 Disp-Item-1=032767IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. DEMOTRUNC.ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.DATA DIVISION.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.01 Bin-Item-1 PIC 9(3)COMP-5VALUE 32760.01 Disp-Item-1 PIC 9(6).PROCEDURE DIVISION.000-Main.MOVE Bin-Item-1 TO Disp-Item-1DISPLAY'Bin-Item-1=' Bin-Item-1 ' Disp-Item-1=' Disp-Item-1END-DISPLAYADD 5 TO Bin-Item-1MOVE Bin-Item-1 TO Disp-Item-1DISPLAY'Bin-Item-1=' Bin-Item-1 ' Disp-Item-1=' Disp-Item-1END-DISPLAYMOVE 32767 TO Bin-Item-1MOVE Bin-Item-1 TO Disp-Item-1DISPLAY'Bin-Item-1=' Bin-Item-1' Disp-Item-1=' Disp-Item-1END-DISPLAYSTOP RUN. Bin-Item-1=32760 Disp-Item-1=032760Bin-Item-1=32765 Disp-Item-1=032765Bin-Item-1=32767 Disp-Item-1=032767 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface The demo program shown in Figure 7-7 compares the performance of performing arithmetic operations (in a totally non-scientific, non-rigorous way) against USAGE DISPLAY, COMP, COMP-5 and BINARY-xxx47 numeric data. It was actually my intent when I first wrote the program to merely demonstrate the relative performance differences between the first three types of numeric data storage, and it certainly met that objective. Imagine my surprise, however, when I discovered that the use of “-fnotrunc” also made a significant difference! Here’s what the program does: There are four numeric data items in the program – one USAGE DISPLAY, one USAGE COMP, one USAGE COMP-5 and one USAGE BINARY-LONG. Since the program was run on a computer with an Intel-architecture processor (actually it’s an AMD, but results are identical with Intel) I wanted to see just how much more efficient COMP-5 was over COMP. Each data item will have 7 added to it ten million times. You’ll see why shortly. The time (to one-one-hundredth of a second) will be retrieved before and after each test and the difference between the two will be DISPLAYed. This is why the computations were done so many times – it was to make sure the timing was “measurable” with only a 1/100 second “stopwatch”. OpenCOBOL is retrieving wall-clock time, not actual CPU-used time, so other activities taking place on the computer had to be kept to a minimum while the tests were running. I also ran the tests multiple times, just to make sure I had consistent results (I did). Like I mentioned earlier – this is not a rigorous, scientific benchmark of numeric performance; it’s just a quick-and-dirty comparison. Figure 7-7 shows the program and the test results received when executing both with and without the “-fnotrunc” switch. Here are the conclusions I drew from running these tests many times (30). The timings shown are average times from all tests: With truncation ON: USAGE COMP has a significant performance advantage over USAGE DISPLAY USAGE COMP-5 has an even greater performance advantage over USAGE COMP, than COMP did over DISPLAY USAGE BINARY-LONG (and presumably the other BINARY-xxx USAGEs as well) perform identically (within the measurement tolerances of the test) with COMP-5; this should be no surprise since COMP-5 and BINARY-xxx both allocate data the same way With truncation OFF: There was a huge drop in both USAGE DISPLAY and USAGE COMP timings. The relative performance advantage of USAGE COMP over USAGE DISPLAY is even larger with truncation off than it was with it on. USAGE COMP-5 and USAGE BINARY-xxx appear to be virtually unaffected by the truncation on/off status, although there was a .01 second increase in average execution time of those tests without truncation over those with truncation. Given the number of times I ran the tests, it’s obvious that something makes COMP- 5/BINARY-xxx run slower without truncation than with it; that difference, however, is so miniscule that I discount it as being statistically irrelevant48. My final observation is that I see absolutely no reason whatsoever why the “-fnotrunc” option shouldn’t be used on all OpenCOBOL compilations. If you want to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your OpenCOBOL programs, don’t forget to investigate the various “–O” (optimization) switches. Actually run programs using various optimization switches (or not) and compare 47 USAGE BINARY-xxx is supposed to store numeric data identically to USAGE COMP-5, but I felt it couldn’t hurt to check. 48 Remember – that’s a .01 second difference over TEN MILLION iterations! 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-30 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface execution times, don’t just compare the generated C code because sometimes the differences can’t be “seen” at the C source-code level. Figure 7-7 - A Non-Scientific Comparison of Numeric Data Item USAGE Performance 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-31 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. DEMOMATH.DATA DIVISION.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.01 Begin-Time.05 BT-HH PIC 9(2).05 BT-MM PIC 9(2).05 BT-SS PIC 9(2).05 BT-HU PIC 9(2).01 Binary-Item BINARY-LONG SIGNED VALUE 0.01 Comp-Item COMP PIC S9(9) VALUE 0.01 Comp-5-Item COMP-5 PIC S9(9) VALUE 0.01 Display-Item DISPLAY PIC S9(9) VALUE 0.01 End-Time.05 ET-HH PIC 9(2).05 ET-MM PIC 9(2).05 ET-SS PIC 9(2).05 ET-HU PIC 9(2).78 Repeat-Count VALUE 10000000.01 Time-Diff PIC ZZ9.99.PROCEDURE DIVISION.010-Test-Usage-DISPLAY.ACCEPT Begin-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPTPERFORM Repeat-Count TIMES ADD 7 TO Display-Item END-PERFORMPERFORM 100-Determine-Time-DiffDISPLAY 'USAGE DISPLAY: ' Time-Diff ' SECONDS' END-DISPLAY.020-Test-Usage-COMP.ACCEPT Begin-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPTPERFORM Repeat-Count TIMES ADD 7 TO Comp-Item END-PERFORMPERFORM 100-Determine-Time-DiffDISPLAY 'USAGE COMP: ' Time-Diff ' SECONDS' END-DISPLAY.030-Test-Usage-COMP-5.ACCEPT Begin-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPTPERFORM Repeat-Count TIMES ADD 7 TO Comp-5-Item END-PERFORMPERFORM 100-Determine-Time-DiffDISPLAY 'USAGE COMP-5: ' Time-Diff ' SECONDS' END-DISPLAY.040-Test-Usage-BINARY.ACCEPT Begin-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPTPERFORM Repeat-Count TIMES ADD 7 TO Binary-Item END-PERFORMPERFORM 100-Determine-Time-DiffDISPLAY 'USAGE BINARY: ' Time-Diff ' SECONDS' END-DISPLAY.099-Done.STOP RUN.100-Determine-Time-Diff.ACCEPT End-Time FROM TIME END-ACCEPTCOMPUTE Time-Diff =( (ET-HH * 360000 + ET-MM * 6000 + ET-SS * 100 + ET-HU)-(BT-HH * 360000 + BT-MM * 6000 + BT-SS * 100 + BT-HU) )/ 100.USAGE DISPLAY: 0.69 SECONDSUSAGE COMP: 0.06 SECONDSUSAGE COMP-5: 0.05 SECONDSUSAGE BINARY: 0.05 SECONDSResults with truncationturned off (“-fnotrunc” used on ‘cobc’)USAGE DISPLAY: 6.49 SECONDSUSAGE COMP: 2.81 SECONDSUSAGE COMP-5: 0.04 SECONDSUSAGE BINARY: 0.04 SECONDSResults with truncationturned on (the default) OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide The OpenCOBOL System Interface 06FEB2009 Version Page 7-32 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 8. Sample Programs 8.1. FileStat-Msgs.cpy – File Status Values This copybook contains an EVALUATE statement to translate the two-digit file status codes that may be generated by file I/O statements. The copybook assumes that the file status data item name is “STATUS” and the error message data item is named “MSG”. By using the COPY statement’s REPLACING clause, however, you may use the data names you wish, as follows: COPY FileStat-Msgs REPLACING STATUS BY Input-File-Status MSG BY Error-Message. Here’s the FileStat-Msgs.cpy copybook: EVALUATE STATUS WHEN 00 MOVE 'SUCCESS ' TO MSG WHEN 02 MOVE 'SUCCESS DUPLICATE ' TO MSG WHEN 04 MOVE 'SUCCESS INCOMPLETE ' TO MSG WHEN 05 MOVE 'SUCCESS OPTIONAL ' TO MSG WHEN 07 MOVE 'SUCCESS NO UNIT ' TO MSG WHEN 10 MOVE 'END OF FILE ' TO MSG WHEN 14 MOVE 'OUT OF KEY RANGE ' TO MSG WHEN 21 MOVE 'KEY INVALID ' TO MSG WHEN 22 MOVE 'KEY EXISTS ' TO MSG WHEN 23 MOVE 'KEY NOT EXISTS ' TO MSG WHEN 30 MOVE 'PERMANENT ERROR ' TO MSG WHEN 31 MOVE 'INCONSISTENT FILENAME ' TO MSG WHEN 34 MOVE 'BOUNDARY VIOLATION ' TO MSG WHEN 35 MOVE 'FILE NOT FOUND ' TO MSG WHEN 37 MOVE 'PERMISSION DENIED ' TO MSG WHEN 38 MOVE 'CLOSED WITH LOCK ' TO MSG WHEN 39 MOVE 'CONFLICT ATTRIBUTE ' TO MSG WHEN 41 MOVE 'ALREADY OPEN ' TO MSG WHEN 42 MOVE 'NOT OPEN ' TO MSG WHEN 43 MOVE 'READ NOT DONE ' TO MSG WHEN 44 MOVE 'RECORD OVERFLOW ' TO MSG WHEN 46 MOVE 'READ ERROR ' TO MSG WHEN 47 MOVE 'INPUT DENIED ' TO MSG WHEN 48 MOVE 'OUTPUT DENIED ' TO MSG WHEN 49 MOVE 'I/O DENIED ' TO MSG WHEN 51 MOVE 'RECORD LOCKED ' TO MSG WHEN 52 MOVE 'END-OF-PAGE ' TO MSG WHEN 57 MOVE 'I/O LINAGE ' TO MSG WHEN 61 MOVE 'FILE SHARING FAILURE ' TO MSG WHEN 91 MOVE 'FILE NOT AVAILABLE ' TO MSG END-EVALUATE. 8.2. COBDUMP – A Hex/Char Data Dump Subroutine This next sample program is a useful little utility subroutine to produce a formatted hexadecimal and character dump of the data area passed to it. If you follow the OpenCOBOL forums, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the CBL_OC_DUMP subroutine that was the winning entry in an OpenCOBOL programming contest. It’s a great tool for producing data dumps, and it’ll probably be in the official OpenCOBOL distribution one of these days. For now though, I’ll keep using my good ol’ “COBDUMP” routine. It’s been my travelling companion from COBOL job to COBOL job since 1971. Here it is, all tuned up for OpenCOBOL, with new tires and a fresh coat of paint: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. COBDUMP. ***************************************************************** ** This is an OpenCOBOL subroutine that will generate a ** ** formatted Hex/Char dump of a storage area. To use this ** ** subroutine, simply CALL it as follows: ** ** ** ** CALL "COBDUMP" USING ** ** [ ] ** ** ** ** If specified, the argument specifies how many ** ** bytes of are to be dumped. If absent, all of ** ** will be dumped (i.e. LENGTH() will ** 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs ** be assumed for ). ** ** ** ** >>> Note that the subroutine name MUST be specified in <<< ** ** >>> UPPERCASE <<< ** ** ** ** The dump is generated to STDERR, so you may pipe it to a ** ** file when you execute your program using "2> file". ** ** ** ** AUTHOR: GARY L. CUTLER ** ** ** ** ** ** NOTE: The author has a sentimental attachment to ** ** this subroutine - it's been around since 1971 ** ** and it's been converted to and run on 10 dif- ** ** ferent operating system/compiler environments ** ** ** ** DATE-WRITTEN: October 14, 1971 ** ** ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC1071 Initial coding - Univac Dept. of Defense COBOL '68 ** ** GC0577 Converted to Univac ASCII COBOL (ACOB) - COBOL '74 ** ** GC1182 Converted to Univac UTS4000 COBOL - COBOL '74 w/ ** ** SCREEN SECTION enhancements ** ** GC0883 Converted to Honeywell/Bull COBOL - COBOL '74 ** ** GC0983 Converted to IBM VS COBOL - COBOL '74 ** ** GC0887 Converted to IBM VS COBOL II - COBOL '85 ** ** GC1294 Converted to Micro Focus COBOL V3.0 - COBOL '85 w/ ** ** extensions ** ** GC0703 Converted to Unisys Universal Compiling System (UCS) ** ** COBOL (UCOB) - COBOL '85 ** ** GC1204 Converted to Unisys Object COBOL (OCOB) - COBOL 2002 ** ** GC0609 Converted to OpenCOBOL 1.1 - COBOL '85 w/ some COBOL ** ** 2002 features ** ** GC0410 Enhanced to make 2nd argument (buffer length) ** ** optional ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 78 Undisplayable-Char-Symbol VALUE X'F9'. 01 Addr-Pointer USAGE POINTER. 01 Addr-Number REDEFINES Addr-Pointer USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Addr-Sub USAGE BINARY-CHAR. 01 Addr-Value USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Buffer-Length USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Buffer-Sub COMP-5 PIC 9(4). 01 Hex-Digits VALUE '0123456789ABCDEF'. 05 Hex-Digit OCCURS 16 TIMES PIC X(1). 01 Left-Nibble COMP-5 PIC 9(1). 01 Nibble REDEFINES Left-Nibble BINARY-CHAR. 01 Output-Detail. 05 OD-Addr. 10 OD-Addr-Hex OCCURS 8 TIMES PIC X. 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 OD-Byte PIC Z(3)9. 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 OD-Hex OCCURS 16 TIMES. 10 OD-Hex-1 PIC X. 10 OD-Hex-2 PIC X. 10 FILLER PIC X. 05 OD-ASCII OCCURS 16 TIMES PIC X. 01 Output-Sub COMP-5 PIC 9(2). 01 Output-Header-1. 05 FILLER PIC X(80) VALUE '<-Addr-> Byte ' & '<---------------- Hexadecimal ----------------> ' & '<---- Char ---->'. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 01 Output-Header-2. 05 FILLER PIC X(80) VALUE '======== ==== ' & '=============================================== ' & '================'. 01 PIC-XX. 05 FILLER PIC X VALUE LOW-VALUES. 05 PIC-X PIC X. 01 PIC-Halfword REDEFINES PIC-XX PIC 9(4) COMP-X. 01 PIC-X10. 05 FILLER PIC X(2). 05 PIC-X8 PIC X(8). 01 Right-Nibble COMP-5 PIC 9(1). LINKAGE SECTION. 01 Buffer PIC X ANY LENGTH. 01 Buffer-Len USAGE BINARY-LONG. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Buffer, OPTIONAL Buffer-Len. 000-COBDUMP. IF NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS = 1 MOVE LENGTH(Buffer) TO Buffer-Length ELSE MOVE Buffer-Len TO Buffer-Length END-IF MOVE SPACES TO Output-Detail SET Addr-Pointer TO ADDRESS OF Buffer PERFORM 100-Generate-Address MOVE 0 TO Output-Sub DISPLAY Output-Header-1 UPON SYSERR END-DISPLAY DISPLAY Output-Header-2 UPON SYSERR END-DISPLAY PERFORM VARYING Buffer-Sub FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL Buffer-Sub > Buffer-Length ADD 1 TO Output-Sub END-ADD IF Output-Sub = 1 MOVE Buffer-Sub TO OD-Byte END-IF MOVE Buffer (Buffer-Sub : 1) TO PIC-X IF (PIC-X < ' ') OR (PIC-X > '~') MOVE Undisplayable-Char-Symbol TO OD-ASCII (Output-Sub) ELSE MOVE PIC-X TO OD-ASCII (Output-Sub) END-IF DIVIDE PIC-Halfword BY 16 GIVING Left-Nibble REMAINDER Right-Nibble END-DIVIDE ADD 1 TO Left-Nibble Right-Nibble END-ADD MOVE Hex-Digit (Left-Nibble) TO OD-Hex-1 (Output-Sub) MOVE Hex-Digit (Right-Nibble) TO OD-Hex-2 (Output-Sub) IF Output-Sub = 16 DISPLAY Output-Detail UPON SYSERR END-DISPLAY MOVE SPACES TO Output-Detail MOVE 0 TO Output-Sub SET Addr-Pointer UP BY 16 PERFORM 100-Generate-Address END-IF END-PERFORM IF Output-Sub > 0 DISPLAY Output-Detail UPON SYSERR END-DISPLAY END-IF 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-3 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs EXIT PROGRAM . 100-Generate-Address. MOVE 8 TO Addr-Sub MOVE Addr-Number TO Addr-Value MOVE ALL '0' TO OD-Addr PERFORM WITH TEST BEFORE UNTIL Addr-Value = 0 DIVIDE Addr-Value BY 16 GIVING Addr-Value REMAINDER Nibble END-DIVIDE ADD 1 TO Nibble MOVE Hex-Digit (Nibble) TO OD-Addr-Hex (Addr-Sub) SUBTRACT 1 FROM Addr-Sub END-PERFORM . 8.3. OCic – an OpenCOBOL Full-Screen Compiler Front-End This is more than a mere demonstration program – it’s also a very practical utility! The “OCic” (OpenCOBOL Interactive Compiler) is a TUI program that may be used to connect the “cobc” compiler into a text editing framework so that – by simply pressing a keystroke sequence while editing an OpenCOBOL program – you may trigger a compilation of that program. The program is well documented (IMHO) and you should find it fairly easy to follow. The OCic.cbl was written to work with a native Windows or Windows/MinGW build of OpenCOBOL as well as a Windows/Cygwin or UNIX build – I suspect it’ll work for MacOS, since that OS is actually a derivative of Linux, but such compatibility is untested. An advantage to using OCic to compile your programs is its ability to generate source and/or cross-reference listings of your programs. Source listings generated by OCic will show the original source code of your programs, with all indentation and comments preserved. Additionally, any COPYed code will be included in the listing immediately following the COPY statement that triggered its inclusion into your program. Cross-reference listings will show all user-defined data items and procedures as well as intrinsic function and special register references. In addition to showing the line numbers at which items were defined and referenced, those references that MODIFY the contents of the data item will have an asterisk appended to them. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. OCic. ***************************************************************** ** This program provides a Textual User Interface (TUI) to the ** ** process of compiling and (optionally) executing an OpenCOBOL** ** program. ** ** ** ** This programs execution syntax is as follows: ** ** ** ** ocic [ ... ] ** ** ** ** Once executed, a display screen will be presented showing ** ** the compilation options that will be used. The user will ** ** have the opportunity to change options, specify new ones ** ** and specify any program execution arguments to be used if ** ** you select the "Execute" option. When you press the Enter ** ** key the program will be compiled. ** ** ** ** The SCREEN SECTION contains an image of the screen. ** ** ** ** The "010-Parse-Args" section in the PROCEDURE DIVISION has ** ** documentation on switches and their function. ** ***************************************************************** ** ** ** AUTHOR: GARY L. CUTLER ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL ** ** ** ** DATE-WRITTEN: June 14, 2009 ** ** ** ***************************************************************** ** Note: Depending on which extended DISPLAY handler you're ** ** using (PDCurses, Curses, ...), you may need to un- ** ** comment any source lines tagged with "SCROLL" in cols ** ** 1-6 in order to have error messages scroll properly ** ** in the OCic shell window. ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC0609 Don't display compiler messages file if compilation ** ** Is successful. Also don't display messages if the ** ** output file is busy (just put a message on the ** ** screen, leave the OC screen up & let the user fix ** ** the problem & resubmit. ** ** GC0709 When 'EXECUTE' is selected, a 'FILE BUSY' error will ** ** still cause the (old) executable to be launched. ** ** Also, the 'EXTRA SWITCHES' field is being ignored. ** ** Changed the title bar to lowlighted reverse video & ** ** the message area to highlighted reverse-video. ** ** GC0809 Add a SPACE in from of command-line args when ** ** executing users program. Add a SPACE after the ** ** -ftraceall switch when building cobc command. ** ** GC0909 Convert to work on Cygwin/Linux as well as MinGW ** ** GC0310 Virtualized the key codes for S-F1 thru S-F7 as they ** ** differ depending upon whether PDCurses or NCurses is ** ** being used. ** ** GC0410 Introduced the cross-reference and source listing ** ** features. Also fixed a bug in @EXTRA switch proces- ** ** sing where garbage will result if more than the ** ** @EXTRA switch is specified. ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT Bat-File ASSIGN TO Bat-File-Name ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. SELECT Cobc-Output ASSIGN TO Cobc-Output-File ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. SELECT Source-Code ASSIGN TO File-Name ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS FSM-Status. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD Bat-File. 01 Bat-File-Rec PIC X(2048). FD Cobc-Output. 01 Cobc-Output-Rec PIC X(256). FD Source-Code. 01 Source-Code-Record PIC X(80). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. COPY screenio. 01 Bat-File-Name PIC X(256). GC0909 01 Cmd PIC X(512). 01 Cobc-Cmd PIC X(256). 01 Cobc-Output-File PIC X(256). 01 Command-Line-Args PIC X(256). 01 Config-File PIC X(12). GC0310 01 Config-Keys. GC0310 05 CK-S-F1 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F2 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F3 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F4 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F5 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F6 PIC 9(4). GC0310 05 CK-S-F7 PIC 9(4). GC0909 01 Dir-Char PIC X(1). 01 Dummy PIC X(1). 01 Env-TEMP PIC X(256). 01 File-Name. 05 FN-Char OCCURS 256 TIMES PIC X(1). 01 File-Status-Message. 05 FILLER PIC X(13) VALUE 'Status Code: '. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-5 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FSM-Status PIC 9(2). 05 FILLER PIC X(11) VALUE ', Meaning: '. 05 FSM-Msg PIC X(25). 01 Flags. 05 F-Compilation-Succeeded PIC X(1). 88 88-Compile-OK VALUE 'Y'. GC0909 88 88-Compile-OK-Warn VALUE 'W'. 88 88-Compile-Failed VALUE 'N'. GC0609 05 F-Complete PIC X(1). GC0609 88 88-Complete VALUE 'Y'. GC0609 88 88-Not-Complete VALUE 'N'. GC0809 05 F-IDENT-DIVISION PIC X(1). GC0809 88 88-1st-Prog-Complete VALUE 'Y'. GC0809 88 88-More-To-1st-Prog VALUE 'N'. 05 F-LINKAGE-SECTION PIC X(1). 88 88-Compile-As-Subpgm VALUE 'Y'. 88 88-Compile-As-Mainpgm VALUE 'N'. 05 F-No-Switch-Changes PIC X(1). 88 88-No-Switch-Changes VALUE 'Y'. 88 88-Switch-Changes VALUE 'N'. GC0709 05 F-Output-File-Busy PIC X(1). GC0709 88 88-Output-File-Busy VALUE 'Y'. GC0709 88 88-Output-File-Avail VALUE 'N'. GC0809 05 F-Source-Record-Type PIC X(1). GC0809 88 88-Source-Rec-Linkage VALUE 'L'. GC0809 88 88-Source-Rec-Ident VALUE 'I'. GC0809 88 88-Source-Rec-IgnoCOB-COLOR-RED VALUE ' '. 05 F-Switch-Error PIC X(1). 88 88-Switch-Is-Bad VALUE 'Y'. 88 88-Switch-Is-Good VALUE 'N'. GC0909 01 Horizontal-Line PIC X(80). GC0909 01 I USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 J USAGE BINARY-LONG. GC0909 01 MS USAGE BINARY-LONG. GC0909 01 ML USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 OC-Compiled PIC XXXX/XX/XXBXX/XX. GC0909 01 OS-Type USAGE BINARY-LONG. GC0909 88 OS-Unknown VALUE 0. GC0909 88 OS-Windows VALUE 1. GC0909 88 OS-Cygwin VALUE 2. GC0909 88 OS-UNIX VALUE 3. GC0909 01 OS-Type-Literal PIC X(7). 01 Output-Message PIC X(80). 01 Path-Delimiter PIC X(1). 01 Prog-Folder PIC X(256). 01 Prog-Extension PIC X(30). 01 Prog-File-Name PIC X(40). 01 Prog-Name PIC X(31). 78 Selection-Char VALUE '>'. 01 Switch-Display. 05 SD-Switch-And-Value PIC X(19). 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 SD-Description PIC X(60). 01 Switch-Keyword PIC X(12). GC0410 88 Switch-Is-CONFIG VALUE '@CONFIG', '@C'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-DEBUG VALUE '@DEBUG', '@D'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-DLL VALUE '@DLL'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-EXECUTE VALUE '@EXECUTE', '@E'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-EXTRA VALUE '@EXTRA', '@EX'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-NOTRUNC VALUE '@NOTRUNC', '@N'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-TRACE VALUE '@TRACE', '@T'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-SOURCE VALUE '@SOURCE', '@S'. GC0410 88 Switch-Is-XREF VALUE '@XREF', '@X'. 01 Switch-Keyword-And-Value PIC X(256). 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-6 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 01 Switch-Value. 05 SV-1 PIC X(1). 05 FILLER PIC X(255). 01 Switch-Value-Alt REDEFINES Switch-Value PIC X(256). 88 Valid-Config-Filename VALUE 'BS2000', 'COBOL85', 'COBOL2002', 'DEFAULT', 'IBM', 'MF', 'MVS'. 01 Switches. 05 S-ARGS PIC X(75) VALUE SPACES. 05 S-CfgS. 10 S-Cfg-BS2000 PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 10 S-Cfg-COBOL85 PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 10 S-Cfg-COBOL2002 PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 10 S-Cfg-DEFAULT PIC X(1) VALUE Selection-Char. 10 S-Cfg-IBM PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 10 S-Cfg-MF PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 10 S-Cfg-MVS PIC X(1) VALUE ' '. 05 S-EXTRA PIC X(75) VALUE SPACES. 05 S-Yes-No-Switches. 10 S-DEBUG PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. 10 S-DLL PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. GC0410 10 S-XREF PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. GC0410 10 S-SOURCE PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. 10 S-EXECUTE PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. 10 S-NOTRUNC PIC X(1) VALUE 'Y'. 10 S-SUBROUTINE PIC X(1) VALUE 'A'. 10 S-TRACE PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. 10 S-TRACEALL PIC X(1) VALUE 'N'. 01 Tally USAGE BINARY-LONG. SCREEN SECTION. *> *> Here is the layout of the OCic screen. *> *> Note that this program can utilize the traditional PC line-drawing characters, *> if they are available. *> *> If this program is run on Windows, it must run with codepage 437 activated to *> display the line-drawing characters. With a native Windows build or a *> Windows/MinGW build, one could use the command "chcp 437" to set that codepage *> for display within a Windows console window (that should be the default, though). *> With a Windows/Cygwin build, set the environment variable CYGWIN to a value of *> "codepage:oem" (this cannot be done from within the program though - you will *> have to use the "Computer/Advanced System Settings/Environment Variables" (Vista or *> Windows 7) function to define the variable. XP Users: use "My Computer/Properties/ *> Advanced/Environment Variables". *> *> To use OCic without the line-drawing characters, comment-out the first set of *> 78 "LD" items and uncomment the second. *> *> The following sample screen layout shows how the screen looks with line-drawing *> characters disabled. *> *>=================================================================================== *> OCic (2010/04/02 11:36) - OpenCOBOL V1.1 Interactive Compilation Windows 01 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 02 *> | Program: OCic F-Key: Select Opt | 03 *> | Folder: E:\OpenCOBOL\Samples Enter: Compile | 04 *> | Filename: OCic.cbl Esc: Quit | 05 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 06 *> On/Off Switches: Configuration: 07 *> +---------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ 08 *> | F1 Compile debug lines F8 Produce source listing | S-F1 BS2000 | 09 *> | F2 Always make DLLs F9 Produce xref listing | S-F2 COBOL85 | 10 *> | F3 Pgm is a SUBROUTINE | S-F3 COBOL2002 | 11 *> | F4 Execute if compile OK | S-F4 > Default | 12 *> | F5 > No COMP/BINARY trunc | S-F5 IBM | 13 *> | F6 Trace procedures | S-F6 MicroFocus | 14 *> | F7 Trace proc + stmnts | S-F7 MVS | 15 *> +---------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ 16 *> Additional "cobc" Switches (if any): 17 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 18 *> | -O2________________________________________________________________________ | 19 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 20 *> Program Execution Arguments (if any): 21 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 22 *> | ___________________________________________________________________________ | 23 *> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 24 *> OCic Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL 25 *>=================================================================================== *>12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-7 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs *> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *> *> USE THESE CHARS FOR LINE-DRAWING IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO PC-DOS CODEPAGE 437: *> 78 LD-UL-Corner VALUE X"DA". 78 LD-LL-Corner VALUE X"C0". 78 LD-UR-Corner VALUE X"BF". 78 LD-LR-Corner VALUE X"D9". 78 LD-Upper-T VALUE X"C2". 78 LD-Lower-T VALUE X"C1". 78 LD-Horiz-Line VALUE X"C4". 78 LD-Vert-Line VALUE X"B3". *> *> USE THESE CHARS FOR LINE-DRAWING IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO PC-DOS CODEPAGE 437: *> *> 78 LD-UL-Corner VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-LL-Corner VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-UR-Corner VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-LR-Corner VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-Upper-T VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-Lower-T VALUE '+'. *> 78 LD-Horiz-Line VALUE '-'. *> 78 LD-Vert-Line VALUE '|'. *> 01 Blank-Screen LINE 1 COLUMN 1 BLANK SCREEN. 01 Switches-Screen BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE AUTO. *> *> GENERAL SCREEN FRAMEWORK *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLUE HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 02 COL 02 VALUE LD-UL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-UR-Corner. 05 LINE 03 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 04 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 05 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 06 COL 02 VALUE LD-LL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-LR-Corner. 05 LINE 08 COL 02 VALUE LD-UL-Corner. 05 PIC X(57) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Upper-T. 05 PIC X(19) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-UR-Corner. 05 LINE 09 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 10 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 11 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 12 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 13 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 14 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 15 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-8 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 LINE 16 COL 02 VALUE LD-LL-Corner. 05 PIC X(57) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 60 VALUE LD-Lower-T. 05 PIC X(19) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-LR-Corner. 05 LINE 18 COL 02 VALUE LD-UL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-UR-Corner. 05 LINE 19 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 20 COL 02 VALUE LD-LL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-LR-Corner. 05 LINE 22 COL 02 VALUE LD-UL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-UR-Corner. 05 LINE 23 COL 02 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-Vert-Line. 05 LINE 24 COL 02 VALUE LD-LL-Corner. 05 PIC X(77) FROM Horizontal-Line. 05 COL 80 VALUE LD-LR-Corner. *> *> TOP AND BOTTOM LINES *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLUE BLINK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE HIGHLIGHT. GC0410 05 LINE 01 COL 01 VALUE ' OCic ('. GC0410 05 PIC X(16) FROM OC-Compiled. GC0410 05 VALUE ') OpenCOBOL 1.1 06FEB2009 ' & GC0410 'Interactive Compilation '. GC0410 05 LINE 25 COL 01 PIC X(81) FROM Output-Message. *> *> LABELS *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-CYAN HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 07 COL 04 VALUE 'On/Off Switches:'. 05 COL 62 VALUE 'Configuration:'. 05 LINE 17 COL 04 VALUE 'Additional "cobc" Switches (if any - '):'. 05 LINE 21 COL 04 VALUE 'Program Execution Arguments (if an - 'y):'. *> *> TOP SECTION BACKGROUND *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-CYAN LOWLIGHT. 05 LINE 03 COL 04 VALUE 'Program: '. 05 LINE 04 COL 04 VALUE 'Folder: '. 05 LINE 05 COL 04 VALUE 'Filename: '. 05 LINE 03 COL 62 VALUE 'F-Key: Select Opt'. 05 LINE 04 COL 62 VALUE 'Enter: Compile '. 05 LINE 05 COL 62 VALUE 'Esc: Quit '. *> *> TOP SECTION PROGRAM INFO *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 03 COL 14 PIC X(47) FROM Prog-Name. 05 LINE 04 COL 14 PIC X(47) FROM Prog-Folder. 05 LINE 05 COL 14 PIC X(47) FROM Prog-File-Name. *> *> MIDDLE LEFT SECTION F-KEYS *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 04 VALUE 'F1'. 05 LINE 10 COL 04 VALUE 'F2'. 05 LINE 11 COL 04 VALUE 'F3'. 05 LINE 12 COL 04 VALUE 'F4'. 05 LINE 13 COL 04 VALUE 'F5'. 05 LINE 14 COL 04 VALUE 'F6'. 05 LINE 15 COL 04 VALUE 'F7'. 05 LINE 09 COL 32 VALUE 'F8'. 05 LINE 10 COL 32 VALUE 'F9'. *> *> MIDDLE LEFT SECTION SWITCHES 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-9 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-RED HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-DEBUG. 05 LINE 10 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-DLL. 05 LINE 11 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-SUBROUTINE. 05 LINE 12 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-EXECUTE. 05 LINE 13 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-NOTRUNC. 05 LINE 14 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-TRACE. 05 LINE 15 COL 07 PIC X(1) FROM S-TRACEALL. 05 LINE 09 COL 35 PIC X(1) FROM S-SOURCE. 05 LINE 10 COL 35 PIC X(1) FROM S-XREF. *> *> MIDDLE LEFT SECTION BACKGROUND *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-CYAN LOWLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 09 VALUE 'Compile debug lines '. 05 LINE 10 COL 09 VALUE 'Always make DLLs '. 05 LINE 11 COL 09 VALUE 'Pgm is a SUBROUTINE '. 05 LINE 12 COL 09 VALUE 'Execute if compile OK '. 05 LINE 13 COL 09 VALUE 'No COMP/BINARY trunc '. 05 LINE 14 COL 09 VALUE 'Trace procedures '. 05 LINE 15 COL 09 VALUE 'Trace proc + stmnts '. 05 LINE 09 COL 37 VALUE 'Produce source listing'. 05 LINE 10 COL 37 VALUE 'Produce xref listing '. *> *> MIDDLE RIGHT SECTION F-KEYS *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F1'. 05 LINE 10 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F2'. 05 LINE 11 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F3'. 05 LINE 12 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F4'. 05 LINE 13 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F5'. 05 LINE 14 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F6'. 05 LINE 15 COL 62 VALUE 'S-F7'. *> *> MIDDLE RIGHT SECTION SWITCHES *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-RED HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-BS2000. 05 LINE 10 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-COBOL85. 05 LINE 11 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-COBOL2002. 05 LINE 12 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-DEFAULT. 05 LINE 13 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-IBM. 05 LINE 14 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-MF. 05 LINE 15 COL 67 PIC X(1) FROM S-Cfg-MVS. *> *> MIDDLE RIGHT SECTION BACKGROUND *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-CYAN LOWLIGHT. 05 LINE 09 COL 69 VALUE 'BS2000 '. 05 LINE 10 COL 69 VALUE 'COBOL85 '. 05 LINE 11 COL 69 VALUE 'COBOL2002 '. 05 LINE 12 COL 69 VALUE 'Default '. 05 LINE 13 COL 69 VALUE 'IBM '. 05 LINE 14 COL 69 VALUE 'MicroFocus'. 05 LINE 15 COL 69 VALUE 'MVS '. *> *> FREE-FORM OPTIONS FIELDS *> 03 BACKGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-BLACK FOREGROUND-COLOR COB-COLOR-WHITE HIGHLIGHT. 05 LINE 19 COL 04 PIC X(75) USING S-EXTRA. 05 LINE 23 COL 04 PIC X(75) USING S-ARGS. / PROCEDURE DIVISION. ***************************************************************** ** Legend to procedure names: ** ** ** ** 00x-xxx All MAIN driver procedures ** ** 0xx-xxx All GLOBAL UTILITY procedures ** ** 1xx-xxx All INITIALIZATION procedures ** ** 2xx-xxx All CORE PROCESSING procedures ** ** 9xx-xxx All TERMINATION procedures ** ***************************************************************** DECLARATIVES. 000-File-Error SECTION. USE AFTER STANDARD ERROR PROCEDURE ON Source-Code. 000-Handle-Error. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-10 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs COPY FileStat-Msgs REPLACING STATUS BY FSM-Status MSG BY FSM-Msg. MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message IF FSM-Status = 35 DISPLAY 'File not found: "' TRIM(File-Name,TRAILING) '"' END-DISPLAY ELSE DISPLAY 'Error accessing file: "' TRIM(File-Name,TRAILING) '"' END-DISPLAY END-IF GOBACK . END DECLARATIVES. / 000-Main SECTION. PERFORM 100-Initialization GC0609 SET 88-Not-Complete TO TRUE GC0609 PERFORM UNTIL 88-Complete GC0609 PERFORM 200-Let-User-Set-Switches GC0609 PERFORM 210-Run-Compiler GC0410 IF (88-Compile-OK OR 88-Compile-OK-Warn) GC0410 AND (S-XREF NOT = SPACE OR S-SOURCE NOT = SPACE) GC0410 PERFORM 220-Make-Listing GC0410 END-IF GC0709 IF (S-EXECUTE NOT = SPACES) GC0709 AND (88-Output-File-Avail) GC0609 PERFORM 230-Run-Program GC0609 END-IF GC0609 END-PERFORM . 009-Done. PERFORM 900-Terminate . * -- Control will NOT return / 010-Parse-Args SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Process a sequence of KEYWORD=VALUE items. These are items ** ** specified on the command-line to provide the initial ** ** options shown selected on the screen. When integrating ** ** OCic into an edirot or framework, include these switches on ** ** the ocic.exe command the editor/framework executes. Any ** ** underlined choice is the default value for that switch. ** ** ** ** @CONFIG=BS2000|COBOL85|COBOL2002|DEFAULT|IBM|MF|MVS ** ** ======= ** ** This switch specifies the default cobc compiler configura- ** ** tion file to be used ** ** ** ** @DEBUG=YES|NO ** ** == ** ** This switch specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) debugging ** ** lines (those with a "D" in column 7) will be compiled. ** ** ** ** @DLL=YES|NO ** ** == ** ** Use this switch to force ALL compiled programs to be built ** ** as DLLs ("@DLL=YES"). When main programs are built as DLLs ** ** they must be executed using the cobcrun utility. When ** ** "@DLL=NO" is in effect, main programs are generated as ** ** actual "exe" files and only subprograms will be generated ** ** as DLLs. ** ** ** ** @EXECUTE=YES|NO ** ** == ** ** This switch specifies whether ("@EXECUTE=YES") or not ** ** ("@EXECUTE=NO") the program will be executed after it is ** ** successfully compiled. ** ** ** ** @EXTRA=extra cobc argument(s) ** ** ** ** This switch allows you to specify additional cobc arguments ** ** that aren't managed by the other OC switches. If used, ** ** this must be the last switch specified on the command line, ** ** as everything that follows the "=" will be placed on the ** 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-11 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs ** cobc command generated by OC. ** ** ** ** @NOTRUNC=YES|NO ** ** === ** ** This switch specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) the sup- ** ** pression of binary field truncation will occur. If a PIC ** ** 99 COMP field (one byte of storage), for example, is given ** ** the value 123, it may have its value truncated to 23 when ** ** DISPLAYed. Regardless of the NOTRUNC setting, internally ** ** the full precision of the field (allowing a maximum value ** ** of 255) will be preserved. Even though truncation - if it ** ** does occur - would appear to have a minimal disruption on ** ** program operation, it has a significant effect on program ** ** run-time speed. ** ** ** ** @TRACE=YES|NO|ALL ** ** == ** ** This switch controls whether or not code will be added to ** ** the object program to produce execution-time logic traces. ** ** A specification of "@TRACE=NO" means no such code will be ** ** produced. By specifying "@TRACE=YES", code will be genera- ** ** ted to display procedure names as they are entered. A ** ** "@TRACE=ALL" specification will generate not only procedure ** ** traces (as "@TRACE=YES" would) but also statement-level ** ** traces too! All trace output is written to STDERR, so ** ** adding a "2>file" to the execution of the program will pipe ** ** the trace output to a file. You may find it valuable to ** ** add your own DISPLAY statements to the debugging output via ** ** "DISPLAY xx UPON SYSERR" The SYSERR device corresponds to ** ** the Windows or UNIX STDERR device and will therefore honor ** ** any "2>file" placed at the end of your program's execution. ** ** Add a "D" in column 7 and you can control the generation or ** ** ignoring of these DISPLAY statements via the "@DEBUG" ** ** switch. ** ** ** GC0410** @SOURCE=YES|NO ** GC0410** == ** GC0410** Use this switch to produce a source listing of the program, ** GC0410** PROVIDED it compiles without errors. ** ** ** GC0410** @XREF=YES|NO ** GC0410** == ** GC0410** Use this switch to produce a cross-reference listing of the ** GC0410** program, PROVIDED it compiles without errors. ** ***************************************************************** 011-Init. MOVE 1 TO I . 012-Extract-Kwd-And-Value. PERFORM UNTIL I NOT < LENGTH(Command-Line-Args) MOVE I TO J UNSTRING Command-Line-Args DELIMITED BY ALL SPACES INTO Switch-Keyword-And-Value WITH POINTER I END-UNSTRING IF Switch-Keyword-And-Value NOT = SPACES UNSTRING Switch-Keyword-And-Value DELIMITED BY '=' INTO Switch-Keyword, Switch-Value END-UNSTRING PERFORM 030-Process-Keyword END-IF END-PERFORM . 019-Done. EXIT. ***************************************************************** ** Since this program uses the SCREEN SECTION, it cannot do ** ** conventional console DISPLAY operations. This routine ** ** (which, I admit, is like using an H-bomb to hunt rabbits) ** ** will submit an "ECHO" command to the system to simulate a ** ** DISPLAY. ** ***************************************************************** 021-Build-And-Issue-Command. DISPLAY Output-Message END-DISPLAY . 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-12 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 029-Done. EXIT. / 030-Process-Keyword SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Process a single KEYWORD=VALUE item. ** ***************************************************************** 031-Init. MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Keyword) TO Switch-Keyword SET 88-Switch-Is-Good TO TRUE . 032-Process. EVALUATE TRUE WHEN Switch-Is-EXTRA GC0410 MOVE J TO I UNSTRING Command-Line-Args DELIMITED BY '=' INTO Dummy, S-EXTRA GC0410 WITH POINTER I GC0410 END-UNSTRING MOVE LENGTH(Command-Line-Args) TO I WHEN Switch-Is-CONFIG MOVE 'CONFIG' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) TO Switch-Value EVALUATE Switch-Value WHEN 'BS2000' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-BS2000 WHEN 'COBOL85' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-COBOL85 WHEN 'COBOL2002' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-COBOL2002 WHEN 'DEFAULT' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-DEFAULT WHEN 'IBM' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-IBM WHEN 'MF' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-MF WHEN 'MVS' MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-MVS WHEN OTHER MOVE 'An invalid /CONFIG switch value ' & 'was specified on the command line ' & '- ignored' TO Output-Message END-EVALUATE WHEN Switch-Is-DEBUG MOVE 'DEBUG' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) TO Switch-Value PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value IF 88-Switch-Is-Good MOVE SV-1 TO S-DEBUG END-IF GC0410 WHEN Switch-Is-DLL GC0410 MOVE 'DLL' TO Switch-Keyword GC0410 MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) GC0410 TO Switch-Value GC0410 PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value GC0410 IF 88-Switch-Is-Good GC0410 MOVE SV-1 TO S-DLL GC0410 END-IF WHEN Switch-Is-EXECUTE MOVE 'EXECUTE' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) TO Switch-Value PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value IF 88-Switch-Is-Good MOVE SV-1 TO S-EXECUTE END-IF WHEN Switch-Is-NOTRUNC MOVE 'NOTRUNC' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) TO Switch-Value PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value IF 88-Switch-Is-Good 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-13 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs MOVE SV-1 TO S-NOTRUNC END-IF GC0410 WHEN Switch-Is-SOURCE GC0410 MOVE 'SOURCE' TO Switch-Keyword GC0410 MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) GC0410 TO Switch-Value GC0410 PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All GC0410 IF 88-Switch-Is-Good GC0410 MOVE SV-1 TO S-SOURCE GC0410 END-IF WHEN Switch-Is-TRACE MOVE 'TRACE' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) TO Switch-Value PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All IF 88-Switch-Is-Good MOVE SV-1 TO S-TRACE END-IF GC0410 WHEN Switch-Is-XREF GC0410 MOVE 'XREF' TO Switch-Keyword GC0410 MOVE UPPER-CASE(Switch-Value) GC0410 TO Switch-Value GC0410 PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All GC0410 IF 88-Switch-Is-Good GC0410 MOVE SV-1 TO S-XREF GC0410 END-IF WHEN OTHER MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message STRING '"' TRIM(Switch-Keyword) '" is not a valid switch ' & '- ignored' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Output-Message END-STRING SET 88-Switch-Is-Bad TO TRUE END-EVALUATE . 039-Done. EXIT. / 040-Process-Yes-No-Value SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Process a switch value of YES or NO ** ***************************************************************** 042-Process. EVALUATE SV-1 WHEN 'Y' MOVE 'YES' TO Switch-Value WHEN 'N' MOVE 'NO' To Switch-Value WHEN OTHER MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message STRING '*ERROR: "' TRIM(Switch-Value) '" is not a valid value for the "' TRIM(Switch-Keyword) '" switch' DELIMITED SPACES INTO Output-Message END-STRING SET 88-Switch-Is-Bad TO TRUE END-EVALUATE . 049-Done. EXIT. / 050-Process-Yes-No-All SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Process a switch value of YES, NO or ALL ** ***************************************************************** 052-Process. IF SV-1 = 'A' MOVE 'ALL' TO Switch-Value ELSE PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value END-IF . 059-Done. EXIT. / 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-14 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 060-Process-Yes-No-Auto SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Process a switch value of YES, NO or AUTO ** ***************************************************************** 061-Init. IF SV-1 = 'A' PERFORM 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION IF 88-Compile-As-Subpgm MOVE 'Y' TO Switch-Value ELSE MOVE 'N' TO Switch-Value END-IF ELSE PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value END-IF . / 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Determine if the program being compiled is a MAIN program ** ***************************************************************** 071-Init. OPEN INPUT Source-Code SET 88-Compile-As-Mainpgm TO TRUE SET 88-More-To-1st-Prog TO TRUE PERFORM UNTIL 88-1st-Prog-Complete READ Source-Code AT END CLOSE Source-Code EXIT SECTION END-READ CALL 'CHECKSOURCE' USING Source-Code-Record F-Source-Record-Type END-CALL IF 88-Source-Rec-Ident SET 88-1st-Prog-Complete TO TRUE END-IF END-PERFORM . 072-Process-Source. SET 88-Source-Rec-IgnoCOB-COLOR-RED TO TRUE PERFORM UNTIL 88-Source-Rec-Linkage OR 88-Source-Rec-Ident READ Source-Code AT END CLOSE Source-Code EXIT SECTION END-READ CALL 'CHECKSOURCE' USING Source-Code-Record F-Source-Record-Type END-CALL END-PERFORM CLOSE Source-Code IF 88-Source-Rec-Linkage SET 88-Compile-As-Subpgm TO TRUE END-IF . 079-Done. EXIT. / 100-Initialization SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Perform all program-wide initialization operations ** ***************************************************************** GC0909 101-Determine-OS-Type. GC0909 CALL 'GETOSTYPE' GC0909 END-CALL GC0909 MOVE RETURN-CODE TO OS-Type GC0909 EVALUATE TRUE GC0909 WHEN OS-Unknown GC0909 MOVE '\' TO Dir-Char GC0909 MOVE 'Unknown' TO OS-Type-Literal GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F11 TO CK-S-F1 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F12 TO CK-S-F2 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F13 TO CK-S-F3 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F14 TO CK-S-F4 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F15 TO CK-S-F5 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F16 TO CK-S-F6 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F17 TO CK-S-F7 GC0909 WHEN OS-Windows 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-15 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs GC0909 MOVE '\' TO Dir-Char GC0909 MOVE 'Windows' TO OS-Type-Literal GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F13 TO CK-S-F1 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F14 TO CK-S-F2 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F15 TO CK-S-F3 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F16 TO CK-S-F4 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F17 TO CK-S-F5 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F18 TO CK-S-F6 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F19 TO CK-S-F7 GC0909 WHEN OS-Cygwin GC0909 MOVE '/' TO Dir-Char GC0410 MOVE 'Cygwin' TO OS-Type-Literal GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F11 TO CK-S-F1 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F12 TO CK-S-F2 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F13 TO CK-S-F3 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F14 TO CK-S-F4 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F15 TO CK-S-F5 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F16 TO CK-S-F6 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F17 TO CK-S-F7 GC0909 WHEN OS-UNIX GC0909 MOVE '/' TO Dir-Char GC0410 MOVE 'UNIX ' TO OS-Type-Literal GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F11 TO CK-S-F1 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F12 TO CK-S-F2 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F13 TO CK-S-F3 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F14 TO CK-S-F4 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F15 TO CK-S-F5 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F16 TO CK-S-F6 GC0310 MOVE COB-SCR-F17 TO CK-S-F7 GC0909 END-EVALUATE GC0909 . 102-Set-Environment-Vars. SET ENVIRONMENT 'COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS' TO 'Y' SET ENVIRONMENT 'COB_SCREEN_ESC' TO 'Y' . 103-Generate-Cobc-Output-Fn. ACCEPT Env-TEMP FROM ENVIRONMENT "TEMP" END-ACCEPT MOVE SPACES TO Cobc-Output-File STRING TRIM(Env-TEMP,TRAILING) GC0909 Dir-Char GC0909 'OC-Messages.TXT' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Output-File END-STRING . 104-Generate-Banner-Line-Info. MOVE WHEN-COMPILED (1:12) TO OC-Compiled INSPECT OC-Compiled REPLACING ALL '/' BY ':' AFTER INITIAL SPACE . 105-Establish-Switch-Settings. ACCEPT Command-Line-Args FROM COMMAND-LINE END-ACCEPT MOVE TRIM(Command-Line-Args, Leading) TO Command-Line-Args MOVE 0 TO Tally GC0410 INSPECT Command-Line-Args TALLYING Tally FOR ALL '@' IF Tally = 0 MOVE Command-Line-Args TO File-Name MOVE SPACES TO Command-Line-Args ELSE GC0410 UNSTRING Command-Line-Args DELIMITED BY '@' INTO File-Name, Dummy END-UNSTRING INSPECT Command-Line-Args GC0410 REPLACING FIRST '@' BY LOW-VALUES UNSTRING Command-Line-Args DELIMITED BY LOW-VALUES INTO Dummy, Cmd END-UNSTRING MOVE SPACES TO Command-Line-Args GC0410 STRING '@' Cmd DELIMITED SIZE INTO Command-Line-Args END-STRING END-IF IF File-Name = SPACES 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-16 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs DISPLAY 'No program filename was specified' END-DISPLAY PERFORM 900-Terminate END-IF PERFORM 010-Parse-Args IF S-SUBROUTINE = 'A' MOVE 'S' TO Switch-Keyword MOVE 'A' TO Switch-Value PERFORM 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION IF 88-Compile-As-Subpgm MOVE 'Y' TO S-SUBROUTINE ELSE MOVE 'N' TO S-SUBROUTINE END-IF END-IF INSPECT S-Yes-No-Switches REPLACING ALL 'Y' BY Selection-Char INSPECT S-Yes-No-Switches REPLACING ALL 'N' BY ' ' . 106-Determine-Folder-Path. Move 256 TO I GC0909 IF OS-Cygwin AND File-Name (2:1) = ':' GC0909 MOVE '\' TO Dir-Char GC0909 END-IF PERFORM UNTIL I = 0 OR FN-Char (I) = Dir-Char SUBTRACT 1 FROM I END-PERFORM IF I = 0 MOVE SPACES TO Prog-Folder MOVE File-Name TO Prog-File-Name ELSE MOVE '*' TO FN-Char (I) UNSTRING File-Name DELIMITED BY '*' INTO Prog-Folder Prog-File-Name END-UNSTRING MOVE Dir-Char TO FN-Char (I) END-IF UNSTRING Prog-File-Name DELIMITED BY '.' INTO Prog-Name, Prog-Extension END-UNSTRING IF Prog-Folder = SPACES ACCEPT Prog-Folder FROM ENVIRONMENT 'CD' END-ACCEPT GC0909 ELSE GC0909 CALL "CBL_CHANGE_DIR" GC0909 USING TRIM(Prog-Folder,TRAILING) GC0909 END-CALL END-IF GC0909 IF OS-Cygwin AND File-Name (2:1) = ':' GC0909 MOVE '/' TO Dir-Char GC0909 END-IF . GC0909 107-Other. GC0909 MOVE ALL LD-Horiz-Line TO Horizontal-Line. GC0410 MOVE CONCATENATE(' OCic for ', GC0410 TRIM(OS-Type-Literal,Trailing), GC0410 ' Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler,', GC0410 ' GPL') GC0410 TO Output-Message. GC0909 . GC0909 109-Done. EXIT. / 200-Let-User-Set-Switches SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Show the user the current switch settings and allow them to ** ** be changed. ** ***************************************************************** 201-Init. SET 88-Switch-Changes TO TRUE . 202-Show-And-Change-Switches. PERFORM UNTIL 88-No-Switch-Changes ACCEPT Switches-Screen END-ACCEPT IF COB-CRT-STATUS > 0 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-17 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs EVALUATE COB-CRT-STATUS WHEN COB-SCR-F1 IF S-DEBUG = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-DEBUG ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-DEBUG END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F2 IF S-DLL = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-DLL ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-DLL END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F3 IF S-SUBROUTINE = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-SUBROUTINE MOVE ' ' TO S-EXECUTE ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-SUBROUTINE END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F4 IF S-EXECUTE = SPACE AND S-SUBROUTINE = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-EXECUTE ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-EXECUTE END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F5 IF S-NOTRUNC = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-NOTRUNC ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-NOTRUNC END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F6 IF S-TRACE = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-TRACE MOVE ' ' TO S-TRACEALL ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-TRACE END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-F7 IF S-TRACEALL = SPACE MOVE Selection-Char TO S-TRACEALL MOVE ' ' TO S-TRACE ELSE MOVE ' ' TO S-TRACEALL END-IF GC0410 WHEN COB-SCR-F8 GC0410 IF S-SOURCE = SPACE GC0410 MOVE Selection-Char TO S-SOURCE GC0410 ELSE GC0410 MOVE ' ' TO S-SOURCE GC0410 END-IF GC0410 WHEN COB-SCR-F9 GC0410 IF S-XREF = SPACE GC0410 MOVE Selection-Char TO S-XREF GC0410 ELSE GC0410 MOVE ' ' TO S-XREF GC0410 END-IF WHEN COB-SCR-ESC PERFORM 900-Terminate GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F1 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-BS2000 GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F2 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-COBOL85 GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F3 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-COBOL2002 GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F4 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-DEFAULT GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F5 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-IBM GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F6 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-MF GC0310 WHEN CK-S-F7 MOVE SPACES TO S-CfgS MOVE Selection-Char TO S-Cfg-MVS WHEN OTHER MOVE 'An unsupported key was pressed' 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-18 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs TO Output-Message END-EVALUATE ELSE SET 88-No-Switch-Changes TO TRUE END-IF END-PERFORM . 209-Done. EXIT. / 210-Run-Compiler SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Run the compiler using the switch settings we've prepared. ** ***************************************************************** 211-Init. MOVE SPACES TO Cmd Cobc-Cmd Output-Message DISPLAY Switches-Screen END-DISPLAY MOVE 1 TO I EVALUATE TRUE WHEN S-Cfg-BS2000 NOT = SPACES MOVE 'bs2000' TO Config-File WHEN S-Cfg-COBOL85 NOT = SPACES MOVE 'cobol85' TO Config-File WHEN S-Cfg-COBOL2002 NOT = SPACES MOVE 'cobol2002' TO Config-File WHEN S-Cfg-IBM NOT = SPACES MOVE 'ibm' TO Config-File WHEN S-Cfg-MF NOT = SPACES MOVE 'mf' TO Config-File WHEN S-Cfg-MVS NOT = SPACES MOVE 'mvs' TO Config-File WHEN OTHER MOVE 'default' TO Config-File END-EVALUATE . 212-Build-Compile-Command. GC0909 MOVE SPACES TO Cobc-Cmd GC0909 STRING 'cobc -std=' GC0909 TRIM(Config-File,TRAILING) GC0909 ' ' GC0909 INTO Cobc-Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING IF S-SUBROUTINE NOT = ' ' STRING '-m ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING ELSE STRING '-x ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF S-DEBUG NOT = ' ' STRING '-fdebugging-line ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF S-NOTRUNC NOT = ' ' STRING '-fnotrunc ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF S-TRACEALL NOT = ' ' GC0809 STRING '-ftraceall ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF S-TRACE NOT = ' ' STRING '-ftrace ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-19 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs END-IF GC0709 IF S-EXTRA > SPACES GC0709 STRING ' ' GC0709 TRIM(S-Extra,TRAILING) GC0709 ' ' GC0709 DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd GC0709 WITH POINTER I GC0709 END-STRING GC0709 END-IF GC0909 STRING TRIM(Prog-File-Name,TRAILING) GC0909 DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cobc-Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING . 213-Run-Compiler. GC0410 MOVE ' Compiling...' TO Output-Message GC0410 DISPLAY GC0410 Switches-Screen GC0410 END-DISPLAY GC0609 SET 88-Output-File-Avail TO TRUE MOVE SPACES TO Cmd STRING TRIM(Cobc-Cmd,TRAILING) ' 2>' TRIM(Cobc-Output-File,TRAILING) DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cmd END-STRING CALL 'SYSTEM' USING TRIM(Cmd,TRAILING) END-CALL GC0909 IF RETURN-CODE = 0 GC0909 SET 88-Compile-OK TO TRUE GC0909 ELSE GC0909 SET 88-Compile-Failed TO TRUE GC0909 END-IF GC0909 IF 88-Compile-OK GC0909 OPEN INPUT Cobc-Output GC0909 READ Cobc-Output GC0909 AT END GC0909 CONTINUE GC0909 NOT AT END GC0909 SET 88-Compile-OK-Warn TO TRUE GC0909 END-READ GC0909 CLOSE Cobc-Output GC0909 END-IF GC0909 MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message IF 88-Compile-OK GC0909 MOVE ' Compilation Was Successful' TO Output-Message GC0909 DISPLAY GC0909 Switches-Screen GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 CALL 'C$SLEEP' GC0909 USING 2 GC0909 END-CALL GC0909 MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message GC0609 SET 88-Complete TO TRUE ELSE GC0909 DISPLAY GC0909 Blank-Screen GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 IF 88-Compile-OK-Warn GC0909 DISPLAY ' Compilation was successful, but ' & GC0909 'warnings were generated:' SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 1 LINE GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 ELSE GC0909 DISPLAY 'Compilation Failed:' SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 1 LINE GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 END-IF GC0609 SET 88-Compile-Failed TO TRUE GC0609 SET 88-Complete TO TRUE GC0909 DISPLAY ' ' SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 1 LINE GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 OPEN INPUT Cobc-Output GC0909 PERFORM FOREVER GC0909 READ Cobc-Output AT END GC0909 EXIT PERFORM 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-20 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs GC0909 END-READ GC0909 DISPLAY TRIM(Cobc-Output-Rec,TRAILING) SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 1 LINE GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 END-PERFORM GC0909 CLOSE Cobc-Output GC0909 DISPLAY ' ' SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 2 LINES GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 DISPLAY 'Press ENTER to close:' SCROLL* AT LINE 24 COLUMN 1 SCROLL* WITH SCROLL UP 1 LINE GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 ACCEPT Dummy GC0909 FROM CONSOLE GC0909 END-ACCEPT GC0909 DISPLAY GC0909 Blank-Screen GC0909 END-DISPLAY END-IF . 219-Done. IF 88-Compile-Failed PERFORM 900-Terminate END-IF . / GC0410 220-Make-Listing SECTION. GC0410***************************************************************** GC0410** Generate a source and/or xref listing using XREF ** GC0410***************************************************************** GC0410 GC0410 221-Init. GC0410 MOVE ' Generating cross-reference listing...' GC0410 TO Output-Message GC0410 DISPLAY GC0410 Switches-Screen GC0410 END-DISPLAY GC0410 CALL "CBL_DELETE_FILE" GC0410 USING CONCATENATE(TRIM(Prog-Name,Trailing),".lst") GC0410 END-CALL GC0410 MOVE 0 TO RETURN-CODE GC0410 . GC0410 GC0410 213-Run-OCXref. GC0410 MOVE SPACES TO Output-Message GC0410 CALL 'LISTING' GC0410 USING S-SOURCE GC0410 S-XREF GC0410 File-Name GC0410 ON EXCEPTION GC0410 MOVE ' LISTING module is not available' GC0410 TO Output-Message GC0410 MOVE 1 TO RETURN-CODE GC0410 END-CALL GC0410 IF RETURN-CODE = 0 GC0410 MOVE ' Listing generated' GC0410 TO Output-Message GC0410 IF OS-Windows OR OS-Cygwin GC0410 MOVE SPACES TO Cmd GC0410 STRING GC0410 'cmd /c ' GC0410 TRIM(Prog-Name,TRAILING) GC0410 '.lst' GC0410 DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cmd GC0410 END-STRING GC0410 CALL 'SYSTEM' GC0410 USING TRIM(Cmd,TRAILING) GC0410 END-CALL GC0410 END-IF GC0410 ELSE GC0410 IF Output-Message = SPACES GC0410 MOVE ' Listing generation failed' GC0410 TO Output-Message GC0410 END-IF GC0410 END-IF GC0410 DISPLAY GC0410 Switches-Screen GC0410 END-DISPLAY GC0410 CALL 'C$SLEEP' GC0410 USING 2 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-21 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs GC0410 END-CALL GC0410 . / 230-Run-Program SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Run the compiled program ** ***************************************************************** 232-Build-Command. GC0909 MOVE SPACES TO Cmd GC0909 MOVE 1 TO I IF S-SUBROUTINE NOT = ' ' OR S-DLL NOT = ' ' STRING 'cobcrun ' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF Prog-Folder NOT = SPACES GC0909 IF OS-Cygwin AND Prog-Folder (2:1) = ':' GC0909 STRING '/cygdrive/' GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 STRING LOWER-CASE(Prog-Folder (1:1)) GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 PERFORM VARYING J FROM 3 BY 1 GC0909 UNTIL J > LENGTH(TRIM(Prog-Folder)) GC0909 IF Prog-Folder (J:1) = '\' GC0909 STRING '/' GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 ELSE GC0909 STRING Prog-Folder (J:1) GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 END-IF GC0909 END-PERFORM GC0909 ELSE GC0410 STRING '"' TRIM(Prog-Folder,TRAILING) GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 END-IF GC0909 STRING Dir-Char GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 ELSE GC0909 IF OS-Cygwin OR OS-UNIX GC0909 STRING './' GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 END-IF END-IF GC0909 STRING TRIM(Prog-Name,TRAILING) GC0909 INTO Cmd GC0909 WITH POINTER I GC0909 END-STRING GC0909 IF S-SUBROUTINE = ' ' GC0909 AND S-DLL NOT = ' ' GC0909 STRING '.exe' DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF S-ARGS NOT = SPACES GC0809 STRING ' ' TRIM(S-ARGS,TRAILING) INTO Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF IF OS-Unknown OR OS-Windows GC0410 STRING '"&&pause' INTO Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING ELSE STRING ';echo "Press ENTER to close...";read' 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-22 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs INTO Cmd WITH POINTER I END-STRING END-IF . 233-Run-Program. GC0909 DISPLAY GC0909 Blank-Screen GC0909 END-DISPLAY CALL 'SYSTEM' USING TRIM(Cmd,TRAILING) END-CALL PERFORM 900-Terminate . 239-Done. EXIT. / 900-Terminate SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Display a message and halt the program ** ***************************************************************** 901-Display-Message. GC0909 IF Output-Message > SPACES GC0909 DISPLAY GC0909 Switches-Screen GC0909 END-DISPLAY GC0909 CALL 'C$SLEEP' GC0909 USING 2 GC0909 END-CALL GC0909 END-IF DISPLAY Blank-Screen END-DISPLAY . 909-Done. GOBACK . END PROGRAM OCic. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. GETOSTYPE. ***************************************************************** ** This subprogram determine the OS type the program is run- ** ** ning under, passing that result back in RETURN-CODE as fol- ** ** lows: ** ** ** ** 0: Cannot be determined ** ** 1: Native Windows or Windows/MinGW ** ** 2: Cygwin ** ** 3: UNIX/Linux/MacOS ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC0909 Initial coding. ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 Env-Path PIC X(1024). 01 Tally USAGE BINARY-LONG. PROCEDURE DIVISION. 000-Main SECTION. 010-Get-TEMP-Var. MOVE SPACES TO Env-Path ACCEPT Env-Path FROM ENVIRONMENT "PATH" ON EXCEPTION MOVE 0 TO RETURN-CODE GOBACK END-ACCEPT IF Env-Path = SPACES MOVE 0 TO RETURN-CODE ELSE MOVE 0 TO Tally INSPECT Env-Path 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-23 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs TALLYING Tally FOR ALL ";" IF Tally = 0 *> Must be some form of UNIX MOVE 0 TO Tally INSPECT Env-Path TALLYING TALLY FOR ALL "/cygdrive/" IF Tally = 0 *> UNIX/MacOS MOVE 3 TO RETURN-CODE ELSE *> Cygwin MOVE 2 TO RETURN-CODE END-IF ELSE *> Assume Windows[/MinGW] MOVE 1 TO RETURN-CODE END-IF END-IF GOBACK . END PROGRAM GETOSTYPE. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CHECKSOURCE. ***************************************************************** ** This subprogram will scan a line of source code it is given ** ** looking for "LINKAGE SECTION" or "IDENTIFICATION DIVISION". ** ** ** ** ****NOTE**** ****NOTE**** ****NOTE**** ****NOTE*** ** ** ** ** These two strings must be found IN THEIR ENTIRETY within ** ** the 1st 80 columns of program source records, and cannot ** ** follow either a "*>" sequence OR a "*" in col 7. ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC0809 Initial coding. ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 Compressed-Src. 05 CS-Char OCCURS 80 TIMES PIC X(1). 01 Flags. 05 F-Found-SPACE PIC X(1). 88 88-Skipping-SPACE VALUE 'Y'. 88 88-Not-Skipping-SPACE VALUE 'N'. 01 I USAGE BINARY-CHAR. 01 J USAGE BINARY-CHAR. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 Argument-1. 02 A1-Char OCCURS 80 TIMES PIC X(1). 01 Argument-2 PIC X(1). 88 88-A2-LINKAGE-SECTION VALUE 'L'. 88 88-A2-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION VALUE 'I'. 88 88-A2-Nothing-Special VALUE ' '. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Argument-1, Argument-2. 000-Main SECTION. 010-Initialize. SET 88-A2-Nothing-Special TO TRUE IF A1-Char (7) = '*' GOBACK END-IF . 020-Compress-Multiple-SPACES. SET 88-Not-Skipping-SPACE TO TRUE MOVE 0 TO J MOVE SPACES TO Compressed-Src PERFORM VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL I > 80 IF A1-Char (I) = SPACE IF 88-Not-Skipping-SPACE ADD 1 TO J MOVE UPPER-CASE(A1-Char (I)) TO CS-Char (J) SET 88-Skipping-SPACE TO TRUE END-IF ELSE SET 88-Not-Skipping-SPACE TO TRUE ADD 1 TO J 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-24 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs MOVE A1-Char (I) TO CS-Char (J) END-IF END-PERFORM . 030-Scan-Compressed-Src. PERFORM VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL I > 66 EVALUATE TRUE WHEN CS-Char (I) = '*' IF Compressed-Src (I : 2) = '*>' GOBACK END-IF WHEN (CS-Char (I) = 'L') AND (I < 66) IF Compressed-Src (I : 15) = 'LINKAGE SECTION' SET 88-A2-LINKAGE-SECTION TO TRUE GOBACK END-IF WHEN (CS-Char (I) = 'I') AND (I < 58) IF Compressed-Src (I : 23) = 'IDENTIFICATION ' & 'DIVISION' SET 88-A2-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION TO TRUE GOBACK END-IF END-EVALUATE END-PERFORM . 099-Never-Found-Either-One. GOBACK . END PROGRAM CHECKSOURCE. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. LISTING. ***************************************************************** ** This subprogram generates a cross-reference listing of an ** ** OpenCOBOL program. ** ** ** ** Linkage: CALL "LISTING" USING ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Where: ** ** is a PIC X(1) flag indicating ** ** whether or not a source listing ** ** should be produced (space=NO, ** ** non-space=yes) ** ** is a PIC X(1) flag indicating ** ** whether or not an xref listing ** ** should be produced (space=NO, ** ** non-space=yes) ** ** is the [path]filename of the ** ** program being listed and/or ** ** xreffed in a PIC X(256) form. ** ***************************************************************** ** ** ** AUTHOR: GARY L. CUTLER ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL ** ** ** ** DATE-WRITTEN: April 1, 2010 ** ** ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC0410 Initial coding ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT Expand-Code ASSIGN TO Expanded-Src-Filename ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. SELECT Report-File ASSIGN TO Report-Filename ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. SELECT Sort-File ASSIGN TO DISK. SELECT Source-Code ASSIGN TO Src-Filename ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD Expand-Code. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-25 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 01 Expand-Code-Rec. 05 ECR-1 PIC X. 05 ECR-2-256 PIC X(256). 01 Expand-Code-Rec-Alt. 05 ECR-1-128 PIC X(128). 05 ECR-129-256 PIC X(128). FD Report-File. 01 Report-Rec PIC X(135). SD Sort-File. 01 Sort-Rec. 05 SR-Prog-ID PIC X(15). 05 SR-Token-UC PIC X(32). 05 SR-Token PIC X(32). 05 SR-Section PIC X(15). 05 SR-Line-No-Def PIC 9(6). 05 SR-Reference. 10 SR-Line-No-Ref PIC 9(6). 10 SR-Ref-Flag PIC X(1). FD Source-Code. 01 Source-Code-Rec. GC0410 05 SCR-1-128. GC0410 10 FILLER PIC X(6). GC0410 10 SCR-7 PIC X(1). GC0410 10 FILLER PIC X(121). 05 SCR-129-256 PIC X(128). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 78 Line-Nos-Per-Rec VALUE 8. 01 Cmd PIC X(256). 01 Delim PIC X(2). 01 Detail-Line-S. 05 DLS-Line-No PIC ZZZZZ9. 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 DLS-Statement PIC X(128). 01 Detail-Line-X. 05 DLX-Prog-ID PIC X(15). 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 DLX-Token PIC X(32). 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 DLX-Line-No-Def PIC ZZZZZ9. 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 DLX-Section PIC X(15). 05 FILLER PIC X(1). 05 DLX-Reference OCCURS Line-Nos-Per-Rec TIMES. 10 DLX-Line-No-Ref PIC ZZZZZ9. 10 DLX-Ref-Flag PIC X(1). 10 FILLER PIC X(1). 01 Dummy PIC X(1). 01 Env-TEMP PIC X(256). 01 Expanded-Src-Filename PIC X(256). 01 Filename PIC X(256). 01 Flags. 05 F-First-Record PIC X(1). 05 F-In-Which-Pgm PIC X(1). 88 In-Main-Module VALUE 'M'. 88 In-Copybook VALUE 'C'. 05 F-Last-Token-Ended-Sent PIC X(1). 05 F-Processing-PICTURE PIC X(1). 05 F-Token-Ended-Sentence PIC X(1). 01 Group-Indicators. 05 GI-Prog-ID PIC X(15). 05 GI-Token PIC X(32). 01 Heading-1S. 05 FILLER PIC X(125) VALUE "OpenCOBOL 1.1 06FEB2009 Source Listing - " & "OCic Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL". 05 H1S-Date PIC 9999/99/99. 01 Heading-1X. 05 FILLER PIC X(125) VALUE 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-26 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs "OpenCOBOL 1.1 06FEB2009 Cross-Reference Listing - " & "OCic Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL". 05 H1X-Date PIC 9999/99/99. 01 Heading-2 PIC X(135). 01 Heading-4S PIC X(16) VALUE "Line Statement". 01 Heading-4X PIC X(96) VALUE "PROGRAM-ID Identifier/Register/Function Defn Wher - "e Defined References (* = Updated)". 01 Heading-5S PIC X(135) VALUE "====== ===================================================== - "============================================================ - "===============". 01 Heading-5X PIC X(135) VALUE "=============== ================================ ====== ==== - "=========== ================================================ - "===============". 01 Held-Reference PIC X(100). 01 I USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 J USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Lines-Left USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Lines-Per-Page USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Lines-Per-Page-ENV PIC X(256). 01 Num-UserNames USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 PIC-X10 PIC X(10). 01 PIC-X32 PIC X(32). 01 PIC-X256 PIC X(256). 01 Program-Path PIC X(256). 01 Report-Filename PIC X(256). 01 Reserved-Words. 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IABS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VACCEPT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ACCESS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IACOS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ACTIVE-CLASS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VADD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ADDRESS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ADVANCING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KAFTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALIGNED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VALLOCATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHABET". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHABETIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHABETIC-LOWER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHABETIC-UPPER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHANUMERIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALSO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VALTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ALTERNATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AND". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IANNUITY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ANY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ANYCASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ARE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AREA". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AREAS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ARGUMENT-NUMBER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ARGUMENT-VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ASCENDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IASIN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ASSIGN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IATAN". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-27 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AUTHOR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AUTO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AUTO-SKIP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AUTOMATIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " AUTOTERMINATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BACKGROUND-COLOR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BASED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BEEP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BEFORE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BELL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY-C-LONG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY-CHAR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY-DOUBLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY-LONG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BINARY-SHORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BLANK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BLINK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BLOCK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BOOLEAN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " BOTTOM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "YBY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IBYTE-LENGTH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC01". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC02". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC03". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC04". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC05". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC06". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC07". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC08". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC09". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC10". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC11". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MC12". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCALL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCANCEL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CHAINING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICHAR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CHARACTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CHARACTERS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CLASS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CLASS-ID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCLOSE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICOB-CRT-STATUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CODE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CODE-SET". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COLLATING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COLS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COLUMN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COLUMNS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICOMBINED-DATETIME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMMA". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMMAND-LINE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCOMMIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMMON". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-1". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-2". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-3". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-4". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-5". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMP-X". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-1". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-2". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-3". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-4". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-5". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COMPUTATIONAL-X". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCOMPUTE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICONCATENATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONDITION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KCONFIGURATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MCONSOLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONSTANT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONTAINS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONTENT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VCONTINUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONTROL". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-28 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CONTROLS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KCONVERTING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " COPY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CORR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CORRESPONDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICOS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KCOUNT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CRT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CURRENCY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ICURRENT-DATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CURSOR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " CYCLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KDATA". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DATA-POINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DATE-COMPILED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DATE-MODIFIED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IDATE-OF-INTEGER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IDATE-TO-YYYYMMDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DATE-WRITTEN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DAY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IDAY-OF-INTEGER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DAY-OF-WEEK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IDAY-TO-YYYYDDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DEBUGGING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DECIMAL-POINT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DECLARATIVES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DEFAULT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VDELETE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DELIMITED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KDELIMITER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DEPENDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DESCENDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DESTINATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DETAIL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DISABLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DISK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VDISPLAY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VDIVIDE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KDIVISION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KDOWN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DUPLICATES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " DYNAMIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EBCDIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VELSE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-ACCEPT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-ADD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-CALL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-COMPUTE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-DELETE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-DISPLAY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-DIVIDE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-EVALUATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-IF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-MULTIPLY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-OF-PAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-PERFORM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-READ". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-RETURN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-REWRITE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-SEARCH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-START". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-STRING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-SUBTRACT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-UNSTRING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " END-WRITE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VENTRY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KENVIRONMENT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ENVIRONMENT-NAME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ENVIRONMENT-VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EOL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EOP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EOS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EQUAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KEQUALS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ERASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ERROR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ESCAPE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VEVALUATE". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-29 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EXCEPTION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXCEPTION-FILE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXCEPTION-LOCATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EXCEPTION-OBJECT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXCEPTION-STATEMENT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXCEPTION-STATUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EXCLUSIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VEXIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IEXP10". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EXTEND". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " EXTERNAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IFACTORIAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FACTORY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FALSE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KFD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KFILE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FILE-CONTROL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FILE-ID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FILLER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FINAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FIRST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-BINARY-16". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-BINARY-34". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-BINARY-7". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-DECIMAL-16". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-DECIMAL-34". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-EXTENDED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-LONG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FLOAT-SHORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FOOTING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FOR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FOREGROUND-COLOR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FOREVER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FORMAT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MFORMFEED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IFRACTION-PART". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VFREE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FROM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FULL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FUNCTION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FUNCTION-ID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " FUNCTION-POINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VGENERATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " GET". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KGIVING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " GLOBAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VGO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VGOBACK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " GREATER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " GROUP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " GROUP-USAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " HEADING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " HIGH-VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " HIGH-VALUES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " HIGHLIGHT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " I-O". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " I-O-CONTROL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KIDENTIFICATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VIF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " IGNORE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " IGNORING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " IN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INDEX". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KINDEXED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INDICATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INFINITY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INHERITS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INITIAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INITIALISED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VINITIALIZE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INITIALIZED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VINITIATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INPUT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KINPUT-OUTPUT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VINSPECT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INSTALLATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IINTEGER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IINTEGER-OF-DATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IINTEGER-OF-DAY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IINTEGER-PART". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INTERFACE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INTERFACE-ID". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-30 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KINTO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INTRINSIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INVALID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " INVOKE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " IS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " JUST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " JUSTIFIED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " KEY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LABEL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LAST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LEADING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LEFT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LEFT-JUSTIFY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILENGTH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LESS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LIMIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LIMITS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LINAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILINAGE-COUNTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LINE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LINE-COUNTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LINES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KLINKAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KLOCAL-STORAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOCALE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOCALE-DATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOCALE-TIME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECONDS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOCK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOG10". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOW-VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOW-VALUES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOWER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ILOWER-CASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " LOWLIGHT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " MANUAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMAX". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMEAN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMEDIAN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " MEMORY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VMERGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " METHOD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " METHOD-ID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMIDRANGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMIN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " MINUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IMOD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " MODE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VMOVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " MULTIPLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VMULTIPLY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NATIONAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NATIONAL-EDITED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NATIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NEGATIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NESTED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VNEXT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NOT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NULL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NULLS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NUMBER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "INUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NUMBERS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NUMERIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " NUMERIC-EDITED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "INUMVAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "INUMVAL-C". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OBJECT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OBJECT-COMPUTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OBJECT-REFERENCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OCCURS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OFF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OMITTED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ON". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ONLY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VOPEN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OPTIONAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OPTIONS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IORD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IORD-MAX". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-31 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IORD-MIN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ORDER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ORGANIZATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OTHER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OUTPUT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OVERFLOW". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OVERLINE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " OVERRIDE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PACKED-DECIMAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PADDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PAGE-COUNTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PARAGRAPH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VPERFORM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IPI". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KPIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KPICTURE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PLUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KPOINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " POSITION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " POSITIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PRESENT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IPRESENT-VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PREVIOUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MPRINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PRINTING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KPROCEDURE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROCEDURE-POINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROCEDURES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROCEED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROGRAM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KPROGRAM-ID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROGRAM-POINTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROMPT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROPERTY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " PROTOTYPE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " QUOTE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " QUOTES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RAISE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RAISING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IRANDOM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IRANGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VREAD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VREADY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RECORD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RECORDING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RECORDS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RECURSIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KREDEFINES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REEL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REFERENCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RELATIVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VRELEASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IREM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REMAINDER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REMARKS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REMOVAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KRENAMES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KREPLACING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KREPORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REPORTING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REPORTS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REPOSITORY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REPRESENTS-NOT-A-NUMBER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REQUIRED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RESERVE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RESUME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RETRY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VRETURN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IRETURN-CODE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KRETURNING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IREVERSE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REVERSE-VIDEO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " REWIND". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VREWRITE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RIGHT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RIGHT-JUSTIFY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VROLLBACK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ROUNDED". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-32 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " RUN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SAME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KSCREEN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SCROLL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KSD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSEARCH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KSECTION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SECURE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SECURITY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SEGMENT-LIMIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SELECT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SELF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SENTENCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SEPARATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SEQUENCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SEQUENTIAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSET". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SHARING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISIGN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SIGNED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SIGNED-INT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SIGNED-LONG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SIGNED-SHORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISIN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SIZE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SORT-MERGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISORT-RETURN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SOURCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SOURCE-COMPUTER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SOURCES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SPACE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SPACE-FILL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SPACES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SPECIAL-NAMES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISQRT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " STANDARD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " STANDARD-1". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " STANDARD-2". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISTANDARD-DEVIATION". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSTART". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " STATUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSTOP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISTORED-CHAR-LENGTH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSTRING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISUBSTITUTE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISUBSTITUTE-CASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSUBTRACT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ISUM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SUPER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VSUPPRESS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-1". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-2". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-3". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-4". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-5". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-6". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-7". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSWITCH-8". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SYMBOLIC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SYNC". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SYNCHRONIZED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSERR". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSIN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSIPT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSLIST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSLST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "MSYSOUT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " SYSTEM-DEFAULT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TABLE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KTALLYING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ITAN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TAPE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VTERMINATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TEST". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ITEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ITEST-DAY-YYYYDDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " THAN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " THEN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " THROUGH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " THRU". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TIME". 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-33 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TIMES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KTO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TOP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TRAILING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TRAILING-SIGN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VTRANSFORM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "ITRIM". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TRUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TYPE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " TYPEDEF". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNDERLINE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNIVERSAL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VUNLOCK". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNSIGNED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNSIGNED-INT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNSIGNED-LONG". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNSIGNED-SHORT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VUNSTRING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UNTIL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KUP". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UPDATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UPON". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " UPPER". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IUPPER-CASE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " USAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VUSE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " USER-DEFAULT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KUSING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VAL-STATUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VALID". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VALIDATE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VALIDATE-STATUS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VALUE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " VALUES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IVARIANCE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KVARYING". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " WAIT". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VWHEN". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IWHEN-COMPILED". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " WITH". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " WORDS". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "KWORKING-STORAGE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "VWRITE". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE "IYEAR-TO-YYYY". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " YYYYDDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " YYYYMMDD". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ZERO". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ZERO-FILL". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ZEROES". 05 FILLER PIC X(33) VALUE " ZEROS". 01 Reserved-Word-Table REDEFINES Reserved-Words. 05 Reserved-Word OCCURS 591 TIMES ASCENDING KEY RW-Word INDEXED RW-Idx. 10 RW-Type PIC X(1). 10 RW-Word PIC X(32). 01 Saved-Section PIC X(15). 01 Search-Token PIC X(32). 01 Source-Line-No PIC 9(6). 01 Src-Ptr USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Syntax-Parsing-Items. 05 SPI-Current-Char PIC X(1). 88 Current-Char-Is-Punct VALUE "=", "(", ")", "*", "/", "&", ";", ",", "<", ">", ":". 88 Current-Char-Is-Quote VALUE '"', "'". 88 Current-Char-Is-X VALUE "x", "X". 88 Current-Char-Is-Z VALUE "z", "Z". 05 SPI-Current-Division PIC X(1). 88 In-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION VALUE "I", "?". 88 In-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION VALUE "E". 88 In-DATA-DIVISION VALUE "D". 88 In-PROCEDURE-DIVISION VALUE "P". 05 SPI-Current-Line-No PIC 9(6). 05 SPI-Current-Program-ID. 10 FILLER PIC X(12). 10 SPI-CP-13-15 PIC X(3). 05 SPI-Current-Section. 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-34 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs 10 SPI-CS-1 PIC X(1). 10 SPI-CS-2-14. 15 FILLER PIC X(10). 15 SPI-CS-11-14 PIC X(3). 10 SPI-CS-15 PIC X(1). 05 SPI-Current-Token PIC X(32). 05 SPI-Current-Token-UC PIC X(32). 05 SPI-Current-Verb PIC X(12). 05 SPI-Next-Char PIC X(1). 88 Next-Char-Is-Quote VALUE '"', "'". 05 SPI-Prior-Token PIC X(32). 05 SPI-Token-Type PIC X(1). 88 Token-Is-EOF VALUE HIGH-VALUES. 88 Token-Is-Identifier VALUE "I". 88 Token-Is-Key-Word VALUE "K", "V". 88 Token-Is-Literal-Alpha VALUE "L". 88 Token-Is-Literal-Number VALUE "N". 88 Token-Is-Verb VALUE "V". 01 Tally USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Todays-Date PIC 9(8). LINKAGE SECTION. 01 Produce-Source-Listing PIC X(1). 01 Produce-Xref-Listing PIC X(1). 01 Src-Filename PIC X(256). / PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Produce-Source-Listing Produce-Xref-Listing Src-Filename. 000-Main SECTION. 001-Init. PERFORM 100-Initialization PERFORM 200-Execute-cobc OPEN OUTPUT Report-File IF Produce-Source-Listing NOT = SPACE PERFORM 500-Produce-Source-Listing END-IF IF Produce-Xref-Listing NOT = SPACE SORT Sort-File ASCENDING KEY SR-Prog-ID SR-Token-UC SR-Line-No-Ref INPUT PROCEDURE 300-Tokenize-Source OUTPUT PROCEDURE 400-Produce-Xref-Listing END-IF CLOSE Report-File GOBACK . / 100-Initialization SECTION. ***************************************************************** ** Perform all program-wide initialization operations ** ***************************************************************** 101-Establish-Working-Env. MOVE TRIM(Src-Filename,Leading) TO Src-Filename ACCEPT Env-TEMP FROM ENVIRONMENT "TEMP" END-ACCEPT ACCEPT Lines-Per-Page-ENV FROM ENVIRONMENT "OCXREF_LINES" END-ACCEPT INSPECT Src-Filename REPLACING ALL "\" BY "/" INSPECT Env-TEMP REPLACING ALL "\" BY "/" MOVE Src-Filename TO Program-Path MOVE Program-Path TO Heading-2 CALL "C$JUSTIFY" USING Heading-2, "Right" END-CALL MOVE LENGTH(TRIM(Src-Filename,Trailing)) TO I MOVE 0 TO J PERFORM UNTIL Src-Filename(I:1) = '/' OR I = 0 SUBTRACT 1 FROM I ADD 1 TO J END-PERFORM UNSTRING Src-Filename((I + 1):J) DELIMITED BY "." INTO Filename, Dummy END-UNSTRING STRING TRIM(Env-TEMP,Trailing) "/" TRIM(Filename,Trailing) ".i" 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-35 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs DELIMITED SIZE INTO Expanded-Src-Filename END-STRING STRING Program-Path(1:I) TRIM(Filename,Trailing) ".lst" DELIMITED SIZE INTO Report-Filename END-STRING IF Lines-Per-Page-ENV NOT = SPACES MOVE NUMVAL(Lines-Per-Page-ENV) TO Lines-Per-Page ELSE MOVE 60 TO Lines-Per-Page END-IF ACCEPT Todays-Date FROM DATE YYYYMMDD END-ACCEPT MOVE Todays-Date TO H1X-Date H1S-Date MOVE "????????????..." TO SPI-Current-Program-ID MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Current-Verb Held-Reference MOVE "Y" TO F-First-Record . / 200-Execute-cobc SECTION. 201-Build-Cmd. STRING "cobc -E " TRIM(Program-Path, Trailing) " > " TRIM(Expanded-Src-Filename,Trailing) DELIMITED SIZE INTO Cmd END-STRING CALL "SYSTEM" USING Cmd END-CALL IF RETURN-CODE NOT = 0 DISPLAY "Cross-reference terminated by previous errors" UPON SYSERR END-DISPLAY GOBACK END-IF . 209-Exit. EXIT . / 300-Tokenize-Source SECTION. 301-Driver. OPEN INPUT Expand-Code MOVE SPACES TO Expand-Code-Rec MOVE 256 TO Src-Ptr MOVE 0 TO Num-UserNames SPI-Current-Line-No MOVE "?" TO SPI-Current-Division PERFORM FOREVER PERFORM 310-Get-Token IF Token-Is-EOF EXIT PERFORM END-IF MOVE UPPER-CASE(SPI-Current-Token) TO SPI-Current-Token-UC IF Token-Is-Verb MOVE SPI-Current-Token-UC TO SPI-Current-Verb SPI-Prior-Token IF Held-Reference NOT = SPACES MOVE Held-Reference TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference RELEASE Sort-Rec END-IF END-IF EVALUATE TRUE WHEN In-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION PERFORM 320-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION WHEN In-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION PERFORM 330-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION WHEN In-DATA-DIVISION PERFORM 340-DATA-DIVISION WHEN In-PROCEDURE-DIVISION PERFORM 350-PROCEDURE-DIVISION END-EVALUATE 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-36 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs IF Token-Is-Key-Word MOVE SPI-Current-Token-UC TO SPI-Prior-Token END-IF IF F-Token-Ended-Sentence = "Y" AND SPI-Current-Division NOT = "I" MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token SPI-Current-Verb END-IF END-PERFORM CLOSE Expand-Code EXIT SECTION . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 310-Get-Token. *>-- Position to 1st non-blank character MOVE F-Token-Ended-Sentence TO F-Last-Token-Ended-Sent MOVE "N" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence PERFORM UNTIL Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr : 1) NOT = SPACE IF Src-Ptr > 255 READ Expand-Code AT END IF Held-Reference NOT = SPACES MOVE Held-Reference TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference RELEASE Sort-Rec END-IF SET Token-Is-EOF TO TRUE MOVE 0 TO SPI-Current-Line-No EXIT PARAGRAPH END-READ IF ECR-1 = "#" PERFORM 311-Control-Record ELSE PERFORM 312-Expand-Code-Record END-IF ELSE ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr END-IF END-PERFORM *>-- Extract token string MOVE Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr : 1) TO SPI-Current-Char MOVE Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr + 1: 1) TO SPI-Next-Char IF SPI-Current-Char = "." ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr MOVE SPI-Current-Char TO SPI-Current-Token MOVE SPACE TO SPI-Token-Type MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-Punct AND SPI-Current-Char = "=" AND SPI-Current-Division = "P" ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr MOVE "EQUALS" TO SPI-Current-Token MOVE "K" TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-Punct *> So subscripts don't get flagged w/ "*" AND SPI-Current-Char = "(" AND SPI-Current-Division = "P" MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-Punct ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr MOVE SPI-Current-Char TO SPI-Current-Token MOVE SPACE TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-Quote ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr UNSTRING Expand-Code-Rec DELIMITED BY SPI-Current-Char INTO SPI-Current-Token WITH POINTER Src-Ptr END-UNSTRING IF Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr : 1) = "." MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr END-IF SET Token-Is-Literal-Alpha TO TRUE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-X AND Next-Char-Is-Quote ADD 2 TO Src-Ptr 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-37 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs UNSTRING Expand-Code-Rec DELIMITED BY SPI-Next-Char INTO SPI-Current-Token WITH POINTER Src-Ptr END-UNSTRING IF Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr : 1) = "." MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr END-IF SET Token-Is-Literal-Number TO TRUE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Current-Char-Is-Z AND Next-Char-Is-Quote ADD 2 TO Src-Ptr UNSTRING Expand-Code-Rec DELIMITED BY SPI-Next-Char INTO SPI-Current-Token WITH POINTER Src-Ptr END-UNSTRING IF Expand-Code-Rec(Src-Ptr : 1) = "." MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr END-IF SET Token-Is-Literal-Alpha TO TRUE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF F-Processing-PICTURE = "Y" UNSTRING Expand-Code-Rec DELIMITED BY ". " OR " " INTO SPI-Current-Token DELIMITER IN Delim WITH POINTER Src-Ptr END-UNSTRING IF Delim = ". " MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence ADD 1 TO Src-Ptr END-IF IF UPPER-CASE(SPI-Current-Token) = "IS" MOVE SPACE TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH ELSE MOVE "N" TO F-Processing-PICTURE MOVE SPACE TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF END-IF UNSTRING Expand-Code-Rec DELIMITED BY ". " OR " " OR "=" OR "(" OR ")" OR "*" OR "/" OR "&" OR ";" OR "," OR "<" OR ">" OR ":" INTO SPI-Current-Token DELIMITER IN Delim WITH POINTER Src-Ptr END-UNSTRING IF Delim = ". " MOVE "Y" TO F-Token-Ended-Sentence END-IF IF Delim NOT = ". " AND " " SUBTRACT 1 FROM Src-Ptr END-IF *>-- Classify Token MOVE UPPER-CASE(SPI-Current-Token) TO Search-Token IF Search-Token = "EQUAL" OR "EQUALS" MOVE "EQUALS" TO SPI-Current-Token MOVE "K" TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF SEARCH ALL Reserved-Word WHEN RW-Word (RW-Idx) = Search-Token MOVE RW-Type (RW-Idx) TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH END-SEARCH *>-- Not a reserved word, must be a user name SET Token-Is-Identifier TO TRUE *> NEEDS EXPANSION!!!! PERFORM 313-Check-For-Numeric-Token IF Token-Is-Literal-Number IF (F-Last-Token-Ended-Sent = "Y") AND (SPI-Current-Division = "D") MOVE "LEVEL #" TO SPI-Current-Token MOVE "K" TO SPI-Token-Type EXIT PARAGRAPH ELSE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-38 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs END-IF EXIT PARAGRAPH . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 311-Control-Record. UNSTRING ECR-2-256 DELIMITED BY '"' INTO PIC-X10, PIC-X256, Dummy END-UNSTRING INSPECT PIC-X10 REPLACING ALL '"' BY SPACE COMPUTE I = NUMVAL(PIC-X10) - 1 IF TRIM(PIC-X256,Trailing) = TRIM(Program-Path,Trailing) MOVE I TO SPI-Current-Line-No SET In-Main-Module TO TRUE IF Saved-Section NOT = SPACES MOVE Saved-Section TO SPI-Current-Section END-IF ELSE SET In-Copybook TO TRUE IF Saved-Section = SPACES MOVE SPI-Current-Section TO Saved-Section END-IF MOVE LENGTH(TRIM(PIC-X256,Trailing)) TO I MOVE 0 TO J PERFORM UNTIL PIC-X256(I:1) = '/' OR I = 0 SUBTRACT 1 FROM I ADD 1 TO J END-PERFORM UNSTRING PIC-X256((I + 1):J) DELIMITED BY "." INTO Filename, Dummy END-UNSTRING MOVE "[" TO SPI-CS-1 MOVE Filename TO SPI-CS-2-14 IF SPI-CS-11-14 NOT = SPACES MOVE "..." TO SPI-CS-11-14 END-IF MOVE "]" TO SPI-CS-15 END-IF MOVE SPACES TO Expand-Code-Rec *> Force another READ MOVE 256 TO Src-Ptr . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 312-Expand-Code-Record. MOVE 1 TO Src-Ptr IF In-Main-Module ADD 1 To SPI-Current-Line-No END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 313-Check-For-Numeric-Token. MOVE SPI-Current-Token TO PIC-X32 INSPECT PIC-X32 REPLACING TRAILING SPACES BY "0" IF PIC-X32 IS NUMERIC *> Simple Unsigned Integer SET Token-Is-Literal-Number TO TRUE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF PIC-X32(1:1) = "+" OR "-" MOVE "0" TO PIC-X32(1:1) END-IF MOVE 0 TO Tally INSPECT PIC-X32 TALLYING Tally FOR ALL "." IF Tally = 1 INSPECT PIC-X32 REPLACING ALL "." BY "0" END-IF IF PIC-X32 IS NUMERIC SET Token-Is-Literal-Number TO TRUE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 320-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION. IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "DIVISION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Division EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF SPI-Prior-Token = "PROGRAM-ID" MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token MOVE SPI-Current-Token TO SPI-Current-Program-ID IF SPI-CP-13-15 NOT = SPACES MOVE "..." TO SPI-CP-13-15 END-IF 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-39 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 330-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION. IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "DIVISION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Division EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "SECTION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Section EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Token-Is-Identifier PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 340-DATA-DIVISION. IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "DIVISION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Division EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "SECTION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Section EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF (SPI-Current-Token = "PIC" OR "PICTURE") AND (Token-Is-Key-Word) MOVE "Y" TO F-Processing-PICTURE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF Token-Is-Identifier EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "FD" PERFORM 360-Release-Def MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "SD" PERFORM 360-Release-Def MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "LEVEL #" PERFORM 360-Release-Def MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INDEXED" PERFORM 360-Release-Def MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "USING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INTO" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 350-PROCEDURE-DIVISION. IF SPI-Current-Section NOT = "PROCEDURE" MOVE "PROCEDURE" TO SPI-Current-Section END-IF IF Token-Is-Key-Word AND SPI-Current-Token = "DIVISION" MOVE SPI-Prior-Token TO SPI-Current-Division EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF SPI-Current-Verb = SPACES IF Token-Is-Identifier PERFORM 360-Release-Def MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token END-IF EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF IF NOT Token-Is-Identifier EXIT PARAGRAPH END-IF EVALUATE SPI-Current-Verb WHEN "ACCEPT" PERFORM 351-ACCEPT WHEN "ADD" PERFORM 351-ADD WHEN "ALLOCATE" PERFORM 351-ALLOCATE 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-40 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs WHEN "CALL" PERFORM 351-CALL WHEN "COMPUTE" PERFORM 351-COMPUTE WHEN "DIVIDE" PERFORM 351-DIVIDE WHEN "FREE" PERFORM 351-FREE WHEN "INITIALIZE" PERFORM 351-INITIALIZE WHEN "INSPECT" PERFORM 351-INSPECT WHEN "MOVE" PERFORM 351-MOVE WHEN "MULTIPLY" PERFORM 351-MULTIPLY WHEN "PERFORM" PERFORM 351-PERFORM WHEN "SET" PERFORM 351-SET WHEN "STRING" PERFORM 351-STRING WHEN "SUBTRACT" PERFORM 351-SUBTRACT WHEN "TRANSFORM" PERFORM 351-TRANSFORM WHEN "UNSTRING" PERFORM 351-UNSTRING WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-ACCEPT. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "ACCEPT" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-ADD. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "GIVING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "TO" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-ALLOCATE. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "ALLOCATE" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "RETURNING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-CALL. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "RETURNING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "GIVING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-COMPUTE. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "COMPUTE" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-41 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-DIVIDE. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INTO" PERFORM 363-Set-Upd MOVE Sort-Rec TO Held-Reference WHEN "GIVING" IF Held-Reference NOT = SPACES MOVE Held-Reference To Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES To Held-Reference SR-Ref-Flag RELEASE Sort-Rec END-IF PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "REMAINDER" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-FREE. PERFORM 362-Release-Upd . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-INITIALIZE. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INITIALIZE" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "REPLACING" PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-INSPECT. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INSPECT" PERFORM 364-Set-Ref MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "TALLYING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "REPLACING" IF Held-Reference NOT = SPACES MOVE Held-Reference TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference MOVE "*" TO SR-Ref-Flag RELEASE Sort-Rec END-IF MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "CONVERTING" IF Held-Reference NOT = SPACES MOVE Held-Reference TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference MOVE "*" TO SR-Ref-Flag RELEASE Sort-Rec END-IF MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-MOVE. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "TO" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-MULTIPLY. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "BY" PERFORM 363-Set-Upd MOVE Sort-Rec TO Held-Reference WHEN "GIVING" MOVE Held-Reference TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPACES TO Held-Reference SR-Ref-Flag RELEASE Sort-Rec 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-42 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-PERFORM. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "VARYING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "AFTER" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-SET. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "SET" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-STRING. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INTO" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "POINTER" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-SUBTRACT. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "GIVING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "FROM" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-TRANSFORM. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "TRANSFORM" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd MOVE SPACES TO SPI-Prior-Token WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 351-UNSTRING. EVALUATE SPI-Prior-Token WHEN "INTO" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "DELIMITER" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "COUNT" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "POINTER" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN "TALLYING" PERFORM 362-Release-Upd WHEN OTHER PERFORM 361-Release-Ref END-EVALUATE . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 360-Release-Def. MOVE SPACES TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPI-Current-Program-ID TO SR-Prog-ID MOVE SPI-Current-Token-UC TO SR-Token-UC MOVE SPI-Current-Token TO SR-Token MOVE SPI-Current-Section TO SR-Section MOVE SPI-Current-Line-No TO SR-Line-No-Def 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-43 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs MOVE 0 TO SR-Line-No-Ref RELEASE Sort-Rec . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 361-Release-Ref. PERFORM 364-Set-Ref RELEASE Sort-Rec . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 362-Release-Upd. PERFORM 363-Set-Upd RELEASE Sort-Rec . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 363-Set-Upd. MOVE SPACES TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPI-Current-Program-ID TO SR-Prog-ID MOVE SPI-Current-Token-UC TO SR-Token-UC MOVE SPI-Current-Token TO SR-Token MOVE SPI-Current-Section TO SR-Section MOVE SPI-Current-Line-No TO SR-Line-No-Ref MOVE "*" TO SR-Ref-Flag . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 364-Set-Ref. MOVE SPACES TO Sort-Rec MOVE SPI-Current-Program-ID TO SR-Prog-ID MOVE SPI-Current-Token-UC TO SR-Token-UC MOVE SPI-Current-Token TO SR-Token MOVE SPI-Current-Section TO SR-Section MOVE SPI-Current-Line-No TO SR-Line-No-Ref . / 400-Produce-Xref-Listing SECTION. 401-Init. MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-X Group-Indicators MOVE 0 TO I Lines-Left . 402-Process-Sorted-Recs. PERFORM FOREVER RETURN Sort-File AT END EXIT PERFORM END-RETURN IF SR-Prog-ID NOT = GI-Prog-ID OR SR-Token-UC NOT = GI-Token IF Detail-Line-X NOT = SPACES PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line END-IF IF SR-Prog-ID NOT = GI-Prog-ID MOVE 0 TO Lines-Left END-IF MOVE SR-Prog-ID TO GI-Prog-ID MOVE SR-Token-UC TO GI-Token END-IF IF Detail-Line-X = SPACES MOVE SR-Prog-ID TO DLX-Prog-ID MOVE SR-Token TO DLX-Token MOVE SR-Section TO DLX-Section IF SR-Line-No-Def NOT = SPACES MOVE SR-Line-No-Def TO DLX-Line-No-Def END-IF END-IF IF SR-Reference > '000000' ADD 1 TO I IF I > Line-Nos-Per-Rec PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line MOVE 1 TO I END-IF MOVE SR-Line-No-Ref TO DLX-Line-No-Ref (I) MOVE SR-Ref-Flag TO DLX-Ref-Flag (I) END-IF END-PERFORM IF Detail-Line-X NOT = SPACES PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line END-IF EXIT SECTION . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 410-Generate-Report-Line. IF Lines-Left < 1 IF F-First-Record = "Y" 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-44 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs MOVE "N" TO F-First-Record WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-1X BEFORE 1 ELSE MOVE SPACES TO Report-Rec WRITE Report-Rec BEFORE PAGE MOVE SPACES TO Report-Rec WRITE Report-Rec BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-1X BEFORE 1 END-IF WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-2 BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-4X BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-5X BEFORE 1 COMPUTE Lines-Left = Lines-Per-Page - 4 END-COMPUTE END-IF WRITE Report-Rec FROM Detail-Line-X BEFORE 1 MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-X MOVE 0 TO I SUBTRACT 1 FROM Lines-Left . / 500-Produce-Source-Listing SECTION. 501-Generate-Source-Listing. OPEN INPUT Source-Code Expand-Code MOVE 0 TO Source-Line-No PERFORM FOREVER READ Expand-Code AT END EXIT PERFORM END-READ IF ECR-1 = "#" PERFORM 510-Control-Record ELSE PERFORM 520-Expand-Code-Record END-IF END-PERFORM CLOSE Source-Code Expand-Code EXIT SECTION . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 510-Control-Record. UNSTRING ECR-2-256 DELIMITED BY '"' INTO PIC-X10, PIC-X256, Dummy END-UNSTRING IF TRIM(PIC-X256,Trailing) = TRIM(Program-Path,Trailing) *> Main Pgm SET In-Main-Module TO TRUE IF Source-Line-No > 0 READ Expand-Code END-READ END-IF ELSE *> COPY SET In-Copybook TO TRUE END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 520-Expand-Code-Record. IF In-Main-Module ADD 1 To SPI-Current-Line-No READ Source-Code AT END NEXT SENTENCE END-READ ADD 1 TO Source-Line-No MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-S MOVE Source-Line-No TO DLS-Line-No MOVE SCR-1-128 TO DLS-Statement GC0410 IF SCR-7 = "/" GC0410 MOVE 0 TO Lines-Left GC0410 END-IF PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line IF SCR-129-256 NOT = SPACES MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-S MOVE SCR-129-256 TO DLS-Statement PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line END-IF ELSE IF Expand-Code-Rec NOT = SPACES MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-S MOVE ECR-1-128 TO DLS-Statement PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line IF ECR-129-256 NOT = SPACES MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-S MOVE ECR-129-256 TO DLS-Statement PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line END-IF 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-45 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs END-IF END-IF . *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 530-Generate-Source-Line. IF Lines-Left < 1 IF F-First-Record = "Y" MOVE "N" TO F-First-Record WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-1S BEFORE 1 ELSE MOVE SPACES TO Report-Rec WRITE Report-Rec BEFORE PAGE MOVE SPACES TO Report-Rec WRITE Report-Rec BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-1S BEFORE 1 END-IF WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-2 BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-4S BEFORE 1 WRITE Report-Rec FROM Heading-5S BEFORE 1 COMPUTE Lines-Left = Lines-Per-Page - 4 END-COMPUTE END-IF WRITE Report-Rec FROM Detail-Line-S BEFORE 1 MOVE SPACES TO Detail-Line-S SUBTRACT 1 FROM Lines-Left . END PROGRAM LISTING. 8.4. WINSYSTEM – Execute Windows Shell Commands (For Cygwin) IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. WINSYSTEM. ***************************************************************** ** This is an OpenCOBOL subroutine that will submit a Windows ** ** command to the Windows "cmd.exe" command shell for proces- ** ** sing. This is needed if your OpenCOBOL version was built ** ** using Cygwin because the "SYSTEM" built-in subroutine will ** ** submit commands to the Cygwin shell rather than the Windows ** ** shell. ** ** ** ** CALL "WINSYSTEM" USING ** ** ** ** >>> Note that the subroutine name MUST be specified in <<< ** ** >>> upper-case <<< ** ***************************************************************** ** DATE CHANGE DESCRIPTION ** ** ====== ==================================================== ** ** GC0909 Initial coding ** ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 Cmd-Len USAGE BINARY-LONG. 01 Shell-Cmd PIC X(1024). LINKAGE SECTION. 01 Cmd PIC X(1) ANY LENGTH. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Cmd. 000-Main. CALL "C$PARAMSIZE" USING 1. MOVE RETURN-CODE TO Cmd-Len. MOVE SPACES TO Shell-Cmd. STRING "cmd.exe /C " Cmd(1:Cmd-Len) INTO Shell-Cmd END-STRING CALL "SYSTEM" 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-46 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Sample Programs USING TRIM(Shell-Cmd) END-CALL . 099-Wave-Bye-Bye. GOBACK . 06FEB2009 Version Page 8-47 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Glossary of Terms 9. Glossary of Terms There are many terms that are used throughout this document (as well as throughout ANY document dealing with the COBOL language) that are used to make discussions of syntax and semantics more concise. The following is a list of such terms and their definitions. Alphanumeric literal A string of characters enclosed within a pair of quotation marks (“) or apostrophes (‘). See section 1.8. Collating sequence The sequence in which the characters that are acceptable to a computer are ordered for purposes of all types of sorting, merging, comparing, and processing. OpenCOBOL programs may utilize standard character-set collating sequences (such as that defined by the ASCII or EBCDIC charactersets) or programmer-defined custom sequences as specified in the OBJECT-COMPUTER paragraph (section 4.1.2) and defined in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph (section 4.1.4). Compilation unit A single source file being compiled by the OpenCOBOL compiler. A compilation unit may contain one or more program units. Division COBOL programs are broken into four major areas, called DIVISIONS. Divisions are used to collect program components oriented toward specific similar goals together in a single place. The COBOL divisions are: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION – names the program and, optionally, if it is a subprogram, defines it’s high-level data initialization policy and/or global availability to other programs compiled in the same compilation unit. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION – defines characteristics of the environment in which the program will be executed, such as files the program will be reading and/or writing, run- time switches that may be used to pass information into the program from the operating system environment and any special options that may be needed in order for the program to properly compile; typically, those special options are used to enable COBOL programs created using some other version of COBOL to be compiled and executed under a different version. DATA DIVISION – provides detailed descriptions of the files, data and data structures the program will be working with. PROCEDURE DIVISION – contains the actual executable program code. Dynamically- loadable library The OpenCOBOL compiler can create dynamically-loadable library files when compiling subprograms as their own separate compilation units. On UNIX systems, these will be “.so” files while on Windows systems these will be DLLs. Main programs can be created in this manner also. The “-m” compiler switch is used to create dynamically-loadable libraries. Dynamically- loadable module A synonym for Dynamically-loadable library. Elementary Item A data item described as not being further logically subdivided. Entry-point A spot in the PROCEDURE DIVISION where a program may begin execution when it is executed from the operating system or CALLed by another program. Every program has at least one entry- point – known as the primary entry-point – which corresponds to the first executable statement in the PROCEDURE DIVISION following the DECLARATIVES area, if any. Additional entry-points may be defined via the ENTRY statement (see section 6.16). Entry-point name Every entry-point has a name. That name must be unique for all program units that comprise an executable program. Entry-point names are defined using a subroutine’s PROGRAM-ID clause (see section 3) or via ENTRY statements coded in the subroutine’s PROCEDURE DIVISION (see section 6.16). 06FEB2009 Version Page 9-1 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Glossary of Terms Executable file The OpenCOBOL compiler can create operating-system appropriate files that may be executed directly from the operating system environment. On Windows systems, these will be “.exe” files whereas on UNIX systems they will have no specific extensions. The “-x” compiler switch is used to create executable files. Only main programs should be compiled in this manner. Figurative constants Group item Identifiers OpenCOBOL, like other COBOL implementations, supports a number of reserved words that may be used to represent a specific literal value. These are known as figurative constants. See section 1.9. A group item is an identifier that is broken down into sub-items. For example, a MAILING- ADDRESS might be broken down into STREET-ADDRESS, APARTMENT-NUMBER, CITY, STATE and ZIP-CODE components. These are data items a COBOL program will be working with. The vast majority of identifiers are defined by the user (programmer) while a few are pre-defined by the OpenCOBOL compiler. Identifiers pre-defined by the compiler are referred to as registers. Other programming languages generally refer to identifiers as “variables”. Imperative statement Level number A sequence of one or more non-conditional OpenCOBOL statements or conditional OpenCOBOL statements properly terminated with the correct “END-xxxx” trailer. A user-defined word expressed as a 1- or 2-digit number that indicates the hierarchical position of a data item or the special properties of a data description entry. Level numbers in the range 1 through 49 indicate the position of a data item in the hierarchical structure of a logical record. Level numbers in the range 1 through 9 can be written either as a single digit or as a zero followed by the significant digit. Level numbers 66, 77, 78 and 88 identify special properties of a data description entry. See sections 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 0. Literal A numeric literal or an alphanumeric literal. Main program An OpenCOBOL program that is to be executed directly from an operating system or shell event. Main programs are not executed from other programs unless such execution is accomplished via the CALL “SYSTEM” facility. Numeric literal A numeric constant. See section 1.8. Primary Entry- point See entry-point. Procedure All executable code statements within a single PROCEDURE DIVISION paragraph or SECTION. Procedure name A programmer-defined SECTION or paragraph name in the PROCEDURE DIVISION assigned to a procedure. Procedure names serve as a means by which a statement may refer to the statements that follow the procedure name. Program unit Qualification Record Registers An OpenCOBOL main program or subprogram. Subprogram program units may be nested inside of other program units and a main program unit may be followed by any number of subprogram program units in the same compilation unit. The process of establishing a unique reference to a data item whose name is duplicated in a program. This takes the form of using the duplicated data name and the name of any of its parent data items, connected by “OF” or “IN” such that the combination of those two data names is unique within the program. The most-inclusive, highest level, data item. The level number for a record is 01. A record can be either an elementary item or a group item. Special data items that are automatically defined for your use by the OpenCOBOL compiler. See section 6.1.8. 06FEB2009 Version Page 9-2 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Glossary of Terms Reserved word A COBOL word specified in the list of words that can be used in a COBOL source program, but that must not appear in the program as user-defined words or system names. Sentence Any number of COBOL statements, followed by a period. Statement Subprogram or subroutine User-defined names A single COBOL instruction. Every statement starts with a verb which defines the overall action the statement will take. Any additional syntax following the verb refines the actions that will be taken. These two interchangeable terms refer to OpenCOBOL programs that are executed by another program. Typically this is done via the CALL statement from another OpenCOBOL program, although OpenCOBOL may execute subprograms written in other languages and other language programs may execute OpenCOBOL programs. Either the name of an identifier or a procedure in the program. OpenCOBOL limits user-defined names to a maximum of 31 characters taken from the set of numeric digits, upper- and lower-case letters, hyphens and underscores. A user-defined name may neither begin nor end with a hyphen or underscore. User-defined names used as file names may additionally not begin with a digit although - unlike many other programming languages - user-defined names used as identifiers or procedure names may. Verb A single COBOL reserved-word which defines an action a COBOL program will take at execution time. Every COBOL statement begins with a verb. Some verbs perform relatively simple actions (MOVE, STOP, SET, etc.) while others can perform extremely complex actions (SEARCH, SORT, MERGE, STRING, UNSTRING, etc.). 06FEB2009 Version Page 9-3 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Glossary of Terms 06FEB2009 Version Page 9-4 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index Index * * In Column 7, 1-11 > >>D, 1-11 >>SOURCE FORMAT, 1-11 A ACCEPT, 5-18, 6-24 Command-Line Arguments, 6-26 CONSOLE, 6-26 Date/Time, 6-29 Environment, 6-27 Screen Data, 6-28 Screen Size, 6-29 ACCESS MODE, 4-8, 4-9 DYNAMIC, 6-42, 6-73, 6-74, 6-78, 6-89 RANDOM, 6-42, 6-73, 6-74, 6-78 SEQUENTIAL, 6-42, 6-78, 6-89 ADD CORRESPONDING, 6-32 GIVING, 6-32 TO, 6-31 ADDRESS OF FREE, 6-54 SET, 6-84 AFTER, 6-72 INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 PERFORM VARYING, 6-71 PERFORM WITH TEST, 6-71 WRITE ADVANCING, 6-101 ALL INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 VALUE, 5-11 ALL PROCEDURES, 6-25 ALLOCATE, 5-11, 6-33 ALPHABET, 4-4 ALPHABETIC, 6-6 ALPHABETIC-LOWER, 6-6 ALPHABETIC-UPPER, 6-6 Alphanumeric Literal, 1-13 ALTER, 6-34 ALTERNATE RECORD KEY, 4-9, 6-89 ALTERNATE RECORD KEY fields, 6-74 ANY, 6-50 ANY LENGTH, 5-11 ARGUMENT-NUMBER, 6-26 ARGUMENT-VALUE, 6-26, 6-27 Arithmetic Expressions, 6-2 ASCENDING KEY SORT, 6-87, 6-88 Table, 5-11, 6-81 ASSIGN, 4-6 AT ACCEPT, 6-28 06FEB2009 Version DISPLAY, 6-44 END (READ), 6-73 END-OF-PAGE, 6-102 AUTO, 5-18 B BACKGROUND-COLOR, 5-18, 5-19 BACK-TAB, 5-18 BASED, 5-10, 5-11, 6-84 BEEP, 5-17 BEFORE INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 PERFORM WITH TEST, 6-71 WRITE ADVANCING, 6-101 BELL, 5-17 Big-Endian, 5-13 BLANK, 5-18 BLANK WHEN ZERO, 5-11 BLINK, 5-19 BLOCK CONTAINS, 5-3 BY CONTENT, 7-7 PERFORM VARYING, 6-71, 6-72 REFERENCE, 6-24, 6-36, 7-6, 7-8 VALUE, 6-24, 7-8 BYTE-LENGTH, 5-16 C C$CHDIR, 7-15 C$COPY, 7-15 C$DELETE, 7-15 C$FILEINFO, 7-16 C$JUSTIFY, 7-16 C$MAKEDIR, 7-16 C$NARG, 7-16, 7-27 C$PARAMSIZE, 7-17 C$SLEEP, 7-17 C$TOLOWER, 7-17 C$TOUPPER, 7-17 CALL, 6-6, 6-35, 7-3, 9-1 CANCEL, 5-1, 6-37 CBL_AND, 7-17 CBL_CHANGE_DIR, 7-18 CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST, 7-18 CBL_CLOSE_FILE, 7-18 CBL_COPY_FILE, 7-18 CBL_CREATE_DIR, 7-19 CBL_CREATE_FILE, 7-19 CBL_DELETE_DIR, 7-19 CBL_DELETE_FILE, 7-19 CBL_EQ, 7-22 CBL_ERROR_PROC, 7-19 CBL_EXIT_PROC, 7-21 CBL_FLUSH_FILE, 7-22 CBL_IMP, 7-22 CBL_NIMP, 7-23 Page i OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index CBL_NOR, 7-23 CBL_NOT, 7-24 CBL_OC_NANOSLEEP, 7-24 CBL_OPEN_FILE, 7-19, 7-24 CBL_OR, 7-24 CBL_READ_FILE, 7-24, 7-25 CBL_RENAME_FILE, 7-25 CBL_TOUPPER, 7-25 CBL_WRITE_FILE, 7-19, 7-24, 7-26 CBL_XOR, 7-26 CHAIN, 6-24 CHAINING, 6-24 CHARACTERS, 6-62 CLASS, 4-4 CLOSE, 6-23, 6-38, 6-70 cobcrun, 7-12 CODE-SET, 5-2 COL, 5-18 Collating Sequence, 9-1 COLLATING SEQUENCE, 4-2, 4-6 COLUMN, 5-18 Column 7 "*", 1-11 "D", 1-11 COLUMNS, 6-29 Combined Conditions, 6-8 COMMAND-LINE, 6-26 comment, 1-11 COMMIT, 6-23, 6-39, 6-78 COMMON-STORAGE SECTION (Alternative To), 5-1 Compilation Unit, 2-1, 5-3, 5-10, 9-1 Compiler Switches All Switches, 7-1 -conf, 7-10 -fdebugging-line, 1-11 -ffunctions-all, 4-2 -fixed, 1-11 -fnotrunc, 7-29 -free, 1-11 -g, 6-14, 6-15 -m, 7-2, 7-3, 7-12, 9-1 -m, 3-1 -S, 7-3 -Wobsolete, 3-1 -x, 7-3, 7-12, 9-2 -x, 3-1 COMPUTE, 6-40 Condition Names, 6-5 Conditional Expressions, 6-2, 6-5 Conditions Combined, 6-8 Level-88 Condition Names, 6-5 Negated, 6-9 Relation, 6-8 Switch Status, 6-7 Configuration Files, 7-10 CONFIGURATION SECTION, 4-1 CONSOLE, 6-43 CONSOLE IS CRT, 4-3 CONSTANT, 5-16 Constant Descriptions, 5-16 06FEB2009 Version CONTINUE, 6-41 CONVERTING, 6-61, 6-62, 6-97 CORRESPONDING, 6-32 COUNT, 6-100 CRT, 4-5, 6-43 CURRENCY SIGN, 4-5 CURSOR IS, 4-5 D D In Column 7, 1-11 DATA DIVISION, 1-7, 1-10 DATA RECORD, 5-2 DATE, 6-29 DATE YYYYMMDD, 6-29 DAY, 6-29 DAY YYYYDDD, 6-29 DAY-OF-WEEK, 6-29 DEBUGGING MODE, 4-1 DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA, 4-5 DECLARATIVES, 6-25, 6-42, 6-70, 9-1 DEFAULT, 6-59 DELETE, 6-42, 6-70 DELIMITED BY STRING, 6-92 UNSTRING, 6-99 DELIMITED BY SIZE, 6-92 DELIMITER, 6-100 DESCENDING KEY SORT, 6-87, 6-88 Table, 5-11, 6-81 DISK, 5-3 DISPLAY, 5-18 Command-Line Arguments, 6-43 CONSOLE, 6-43 Environment, 6-43 Screen Data, 6-44 DIVIDE BY/GIVING, 6-47 BY/REMAINDER, 6-48 INTO, 6-46 INTO/GIVING, 6-46 INTO/REMAINDER, 6-47 DIVISION, 9-1 DYNAMIC, 4-8, 4-9 Dynamically-Loadable Library, 3-1, 9-1 E Elementary Item, 9-1 ELSE, 6-58 END PROGRAM, 2-1, 2-2 END-IF, 6-58 ENTRY, 6-49, 6-83, 7-3, 9-1 Entry Point, 9-1 ENVIRONMENT, 6-27 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, 1-7, 4-1 Environment Variables COB_CC, 7-9 COB_CFLAGS, 7-9 COB_CONFIG_DIR, 7-9 Page ii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index COB_CONFIG_PATH, 7-10 COB_COPY_DIR, 7-9, 7-10 COB_LDADD, 7-9 COB_LDFLAGS, 7-9 COB_LIBRARY_PATH, 7-13 COB_LIBS, 7-9 COB_PRE_LOAD, 7-13 COB_SCREEN_ESC, 4-5, 7-13 COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS, 4-5, 7-13 COB_SORT_MEMORY, 7-13 COB_SWITCH_n, 4-4 COB_SWITCH_n, 7-13 COB_SYNC, 7-14 dd_literal-1, 4-7 DD_literal-1, 4-6 LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 7-9 literal-1, 4-7 PATH, 7-14 TEMP, 7-14 TMP, 7-10, 7-14 TMPDIR, 7-10, 7-14 ENVIRONMENT-NAME, 6-27 ENVIRONMENT-VALUE, 6-27 EOL, 5-18 EOS, 5-18 ERASE, 5-18 Error Procedure (user-defined), 6-70, 7-19 EVALUATE, 6-50 EVENT STATUS, 4-5 EXCEPTION ACCEPT, 6-30 CALL, 6-35 DISPLAY, 6-45 Executable File, 3-1, 9-2 EXIT, 6-52 PARAGRAPH, 6-52, 6-65 PERFORM, 6-52 PERFORM CYCLE, 6-52 PROGRAM, 6-65, 6-86, 6-88 SECTION, 6-52, 6-65 Simple, 6-52 Exit Procedure (user-defined), 7-21 Expressions Arithmetic, 6-2 Conditional, 6-2, 6-5 EXTEND, 6-70, 6-101 EXTERNAL Data Item Description, 5-1, 5-10 FD, 5-3 F FD, 6-101 -fdebugging-line, 4-1 Figurative Constant, 1-14, 9-2 File Description, 6-101 FILE SECTION, 1-7 FILE STATUS, 4-7 FILE-CONTROL, 1-7, 4-6 FILLER, 5-4 FIRST 06FEB2009 Version INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 -fixed, 1-11 fixed format, 1-11 FOREGROUND-COLOR, 5-18, 5-19 FOREVER, 6-71, 6-72 -free, 1-11 FREE, 6-54 free format, 1-11 FROM PERFORM VARYING, 6-71 REWRITE, 6-78 Screen Item Description, 5-19 Screen Item Description, 5-19 WRITE, 6-101 FULL, 5-18 FUNCTION-ID, 2-2 G GENERATE, 6-55 GIVING CALL, 6-35 MERGE, 6-65 SORT, 6-87 STOP, 6-91 GLOBAL, 6-25 data item, 5-10 Data Item Description, 5-1 FD, 5-3 GO TO, 6-65, 6-71, 6-86, 6-88 DEPENDING ON, 6-57 Simple, 6-57 GOBACK, 6-53, 6-56, 6-65, 6-86, 6-88, 7-21 Group Item, 9-2 H HIGHLIGHT, 5-19 I IDENTIFICATION DIVISION, 3-1 Identifier, 9-2 IF, 6-58 IGNORING LOCK, 6-23 Imperative Statement, 9-2 INDEXED BY, 5-11, 6-81, 6-84 INITIAL, 6-35 INITIALIZE, 6-33 Verb, 6-59 INITIATE, 6-60 INPUT, 6-70 INPUT PROCEDURE, 6-76, 6-86 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION, 1-7, 4-5 INSPECT, 6-61, 6-97 Intrinsic Functions (Supported) ABS, 6-11 CHAR, 6-12 COMBINED-DATETIME, 6-13 CONCATENATE, 6-13 CURRENT-DATE, 6-13 Page iii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index DATE-OF-INTEGER, 6-13 DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD, 6-13 DAY-OF-INTEGER, 6-14 DAY-TO-YYYYDDD, 6-14 E, 6-14 EXCEPTION-FILE, 6-14 EXCEPTION-LOCATION, 6-14 EXCEPTION-STATEMENT, 6-14 EXCEPTION-STATUS, 6-15 EXP, 6-15 EXP10, 6-15 FACTORIAL, 6-15 FRACTIONAL-PART, 6-15 INTEGER, 6-15 INTEGER-OF-DATE, 6-15 INTEGER-OF-DAY, 6-15 INTEGER-PART, 6-16 LENGTH, 6-16 LOCALE-DATE, 6-16 LOCALE-TIME, 6-16 LOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECS, 6-16 LOG, 6-16 LOG10, 6-16 LOWER-CASE, 6-16, 6-21 MAX, 6-17, 6-20, 6-21 MIDRANGE, 6-17 MOD, 6-17 NUMVAL, 1-13, 6-17 NUMVAL-C, 1-13, 6-17 ORD, 6-18 ORD-MAX, 6-18 PI, 6-18 PRESENT-VALUE, 6-18 RANDOM, 6-18 RANGE, 6-19 REM, 6-19 REVERSE, 6-19 SECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME, 6-19 SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT, 6-19 SIGN, 6-19 SIN, 6-19 SQRT, 6-19 STORED-CHAR-LENGTH, 6-20 SUBSTITUTE, 6-20 SUM, 6-20 TAN, 6-20 TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD, 6-20 TEST-DAY-YYYYDDD, 6-20 TRIM, 6-20 WHEN-COMPILED, 6-21 YEAR-TO-YYYY, 6-21 Intrinsic Functions (Unsupported) BOOLEAN-OF-INTEGER, 6-11 CHAR-NATIONAL, 6-11 DISPLAY-OF, 6-11 EXCEPTION-FILE-N, 6-11 EXCEPTION-LOCATION-N, 6-11 HIGHEST-ALGEBRAIC, 6-11 INTEGER-OF-BOOLEAN, 6-11 LOCALE-COMPARE, 6-11 LOWEST-ALGEBRAIC, 6-11 06FEB2009 Version NATIONAL-OF, 6-11 NUMVAL-F, 6-11 STANDARD-COMPARE, 6-11 TEST-NUMVAL, 6-11 TEST-NUMVAL-C, 6-11 TEST-NUMVAL-F, 6-11 INVALID KEY DELETE, 6-42 REWRITE, 6-78 START, 6-89 WRITE, 6-102 I-O, 6-70, 6-101 I-O-CONTROL, 4-10 J JUSTIFIED RIGHT, 5-11 K KEY (START), 6-89 L LABEL RECORD, 5-2 LEADING INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 SIGN, 5-6 LENGTH, 5-16 LENGTH OF, 6-31 Use With Alphanumeric Literals, 1-14 Level 01, 5-4 02-49, 5-4 66, 5-5, 5-17 77, 5-5 78, 5-16, 5-17 88, 5-17 Level Number, 9-2 LINAGE, 5-1, 5-3, 6-21, 6-101 LINE, 5-18 LINES ACCEPT, 6-29 AT BOTTOM, 6-102 AT TOP, 6-102 WRITE ADVANCING, 6-101 LINKAGE SECTION, 6-24, 6-84 Literal, 9-2 Little-Endian, 5-13 LOCALE, 4-4 LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION, 5-1, 6-35 LOCK, 4-7 LOWLIGHT, 5-19 M Main Program, 9-2 MEMORY SIZE, 4-2 MERGE, 6-64 MOVE, 5-11 CORRESPONDING, 6-66 Page iv OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index Simple, 6-66 MULTIPLE FILE TAPE, 4-10 MULTIPLY BY, 6-68 GIVING, 6-68 N Negated Conditions, 6-9 NEGATIVE, 6-6 Nested Source Programs, 2-2, 3-1 NEXT, 6-73 NEXT SENTENCE, 6-69 NO ADVANCING, 6-43 NO REWIND, 6-38 NOT AT END, 6-73 NOT AT END-OF-PAGE, 6-102 NOT EXCEPTION ACCEPT, 6-30 DISPLAY, 6-45 NOT INVALID KEY DELETE, 6-42 READ, 6-75 READ, 6-75 REWRITE, 6-78 START, 6-90 WRITE, 6-102 NOT ON OVERFLOW STRING, 6-92 UNSTRING, 6-100 NOT ON SIZE ERROR ADD, 6-31 COMPUTE, 6-40 DIVIDE, 6-46, 6-47, 6-48 MULTIPLY, 6-68 SUBTRACT, 6-93 NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS, 7-16, 7-27 NUMERIC, 6-6 Numeric Literal, 1-12, 9-2 O OBJECT-COMPUTER, 4-1 OCCURS, 5-10, 6-81 OFF STATUS, 4-4 OMITTED, 6-6 ON OVERFLOW STRING, 6-92 UNSTRING, 6-100 ON SIZE ERROR ADD, 6-31 COMPUTE, 6-40 DIVIDE, 6-46, 6-47, 6-48 MULTIPLY, 6-68 SUBTRACT, 6-93 ON STATUS, 4-4 OPEN, 6-70, 6-73, 6-74, 6-89, 6-101 OPTIONAL, 4-6 ORGANIZATION INDEXED, 1-7, 4-9, 6-42, 6-73, 6-78, 6-89, 6-101, 6-102, 7- 14 06FEB2009 Version LINE SEQUENTIAL, 1-5, 4-8, 5-3, 6-38, 6-64, 6-78, 6-86, 6- 101 RECORD BINARY SEQUENTIAL, 1-6, 4-8, 5-3, 6-38, 6-64, 6- 78, 6-86, 6-101 RELATIVE, 1-6, 4-8, 6-42, 6-78, 6-89, 6-101, 6-102 OUTPUT, 6-70, 6-101 OUTPUT PROCEDURE, 6-77 MERGE, 6-65 SORT, 6-87 OVERFLOW CALL, 6-35 OVERLINE, 5-18 P PAGE WRITE ADVANCING, 6-101 PERFORM, 6-25, 6-52 Inline, 6-72 Procedural, 6-71 POSITIVE, 6-6 PREVIOUS, 6-73 PRIMARY KEY, 4-9 PRIMARY RECORD KEY, 6-74 PRINTER, 4-8, 6-43 Procedure, 9-2 PROCEDURE DIVISION, 6-24 Procedure Name, 9-2 PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE, 6-87, 6-88 Program Unit, 2-1, 9-2 PROGRAM-ID, 3-1, 7-3 PROGRAM-POINTER, 6-83 PROMPT, 5-18 Q Qualification, 6-1, 9-2 R RANDOM, 4-8, 4-9 READ, 6-42, 6-70, 6-73, 6-74, 6-78 Record, 9-2 RECORD CONTAINS, 5-3, 6-78 RECORD DELIMITER, 4-6 RECORD IS VARYING, 5-3, 6-78 RECORD KEY, 4-9, 6-42, 6-78, 6-89 RECORDING MODE, 5-2 REDEFINES, 5-10, 5-11 REEL, 6-38 Reference Modifier, 6-2 Registers, 9-2 Relation Conditions, 6-8 RELATIVE KEY, 4-8, 4-9, 6-42, 6-78, 6-89 RELEASE, 6-76, 6-86 REPLACING INITIALIZE, 6-59 REPLACING (COPY), 1-12 REPLACING (INSPECT), 6-61, 6-62 REPORT IS, 5-3 REPORT SECTION, 5-1 Page v OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index REPOSITORY, 4-2, 6-11 REQUIRED, 5-18 RESERVE, 4-6 Reserved Word, 9-3 RETURN, 6-65, 6-77, 6-88 RETURN-CODE, 7-15, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 7-19, 7-20, 7-21, 7-22, 7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26 RETURNING, 6-24, 6-33 CALL, 6-35 STOP, 6-91 REVERSE-VIDEO, 5-18 REWRITE, 6-78 ROLLBACK, 6-23, 6-79 ROUNDED, 6-31 ADD, 6-40 DIVIDE, 6-46, 6-47, 6-48 MULTIPLY, 6-68 SUBTRACT, 6-93 S SAME RECORD AREA, 4-10, 6-64 SAME SORT AREA, 4-10, 6-64 SAME SORT-MERGE AREA, 4-10, 6-64 SCREEN CONTROL, 4-5 SCREEN SECTION, 1-10, 5-1 SCROLL, 6-28 SEARCH (Sequential), 6-80 ALL (Binary Search), 6-81 SECURE, 5-18 SEGMENT-LIMIT, 4-2 SELECT, 1-7 Sentence, 9-3 SEPARATE CHARACTER, 5-6 SEQUENTIAL, 4-8, 4-9 SET Address, 6-83 Condition Name, 6-84 ENVIRONMENT, 6-83 Index, 6-84 Program-Pointer, 6-83 Switch, 6-85 UP/DOWN, 6-84 SHARING, 4-7, 6-70 SHARING WITH ALL OTHER, 4-6 Shift-TAB, 5-18 SIGN, 5-6 SIZE, 6-24 SIZE IS AUTO, 6-24 SORT File, 6-86 Table, 6-88 SOURCE-COMPUTER, 4-1 Special Registers, 9-2 SPECIAL-NAMES, 4-3, 6-43, 7-27 Split Keys, 4-9 START, 4-8, 4-9, 6-70, 6-89 Statement, 9-3 STOP RUN, 6-56, 6-65, 6-71, 6-86, 6-88, 6-91, 7-21 STRING, 6-92 Subprogram, 9-3 Subroutine, 9-3 Subscripts, 6-1 SUBTRACT CORRESPONDING, 6-94 FROM, 6-93 GIVING, 6-93 SUPPRESS, 6-95 Switch Status Conditions, 6-7 SWITCH-n, 4-4, 7-27 SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS, 4-4 SYNCHRONIZED, 5-14 SYSTEM, 7-26 T TAB, 5-18 TALLYING, 6-61 UNSTRING, 6-100 TERMINATE, 6-96 THROUGH, 6-50, 6-71 THRU, 6-50, 6-71 TIME, 6-29 TIMES, 6-52, 6-71, 6-72 TO Screen Item Description, 5-19 TO VALUE, 6-59 TRAILING INSPECT, 6-61, 6-62 SIGN, 5-6 TRANSFORM, 6-97 U UNDERLINE, 5-18 UNIT, 6-38 UNLOCK, 6-23, 6-39, 6-70, 6-98 UNSTRING, 6-99 UNTIL, 6-52, 6-71, 6-72 UPDATE, 6-28 UPON, 6-43 USAGE BINARY-CHAR, 7-4, 7-27 BINARY-CHAR SIGNED, 7-4 BINARY-CHAR UNSIGNED, 7-4 BINARY-C-LONG SIGNED, 7-5 BINARY-DOUBLE, 7-5 BINARY-DOUBLE SIGNED, 7-5 BINARY-DOUBLE UNSIGNED, 7-5 BINARY-LONG, 7-5 BINARY-LONG SIGNED, 7-5 BINARY-LONG UNSIGNED, 7-5 BINARY-SHORT, 7-4 BINARY-SHORT SIGNED, 7-4 BINARY-SHORT UNSIGNED, 7-4 COMPUTATIONAL-1, 7-5 COMPUTATIONAL-2, 7-5 DISPLAY, 6-5 INDEX, 6-84 POINTER, 6-5, 6-33, 6-84 PROGRAM POINTER, 6-5 06FEB2009 Version Page vi OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index PROGRAM-POINTER, 6-84, 7-19, 7-21 USE AFTER STANDARD ERROR PROCEDURE, 6-25 USE BEFORE REPORTING, 6-25 USE FOR DEBUGGING, 6-25 user-defined name, 9-3 User-Defined Name, 9-3 USING, 6-24 Screen Item Description, 5-19 USING (CALL), 6-35 USING (SORT), 6-86 V VALUE, 5-10, 5-19 VALUE OF, 5-2 VARYING, 6-52, 6-71, 6-72 Verb, 9-3 W WHEN, 6-50 WITH DUPLICATES, 4-9 DUPLICATES IN ORDER, 6-64, 6-86, 6-88 IGNORE LOCK, 6-23 LOCK, 6-23 CLOSE, 6-38, 6-70 NO LOCK, 6-23 NO REWIND CLOSE, 6-70 POINTER STRING, 6-92 UNSTRING, 6-99 TEST, 6-71, 6-72 WITH FILLER, 6-59 WITH WAIT, 6-23 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION, 1-7, 5-1 WRITE, 6-101 X X"F4", 7-28 X"F5", 7-28 X”91”, 7-27 06FEB2009 Version Page vii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide Index 06FEB2009 Version Page viii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide GNU Free Documentation License GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.3, 3 November 2008 Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 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It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this License. I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. 06FEB2009 Version Page xi OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide GNU Free Documentation License These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements". 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION 06FEB2009 Version Page xii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide GNU Free Documentation License Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document. 11. RELICENSING "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site. "CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization. "Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document. 06FEB2009 Version Page xiii OpenCOBOL 1.1 Programmers Guide GNU Free Documentation License An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008. The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing. 06FEB2009 Version Page xiv