The Grails Framework Authors: The Grails Team Version: 6.2.0 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 What's new in Grails 6? 1.1.1 Updated Dependencies 2 Getting Started 2.1 Installation Requirements 2.2 Downloading and Installing 2.3 Creating an Application 2.4 Creating a Simple Web Application with Grails 2.5 Using Interactive Mode 2.6 Getting Set Up in an IDE 2.7 Grails Directory Structure and Convention over Configuration 2.8 Running and Debugging an Application 2.9 Testing an Application 2.10 Deploying an Application 2.11 Supported Java EE Containers 2.12 Creating Artefacts 2.13 Generating an Application 3 Upgrading from the previous versions 3.1 Upgrading from Grails 5 to Grails 6 3.2 Upgrading from Grails 4 to Grails 5 3.3 Upgrading from Grails 3.3.x to Grails 4 4 Configuration 4.1 Basic Configuration 4.1.1 Options for the YML format Config 4.1.2 Built in options 4.1.3 Logging Logger Names Masking Request Parameters From Stacktrace Logs External Configuration File 4.1.4 GORM 4.1.5 Configuring an HTTP proxy 4.2 The Application Class 4.2.1 Executing the Application Class 4.2.2 Customizing the Application Class 4.2.3 The Application LifeCycle 4.3 Environments 4.4 The DataSource 4.4.1 DataSources and Environments 4.4.2 Automatic Database Migration 4.4.3 Transaction-aware DataSource Proxy 4.4.4 Database Console 4.4.5 Multiple Datasources 4.5 Versioning 4.6 Dependency Resolution 5 The Command Line 5.1 Interactive Mode 5.2 Creating Custom Commands 5.3 Creating a Grails Project 6 Object Relational Mapping (GORM) 6.1 Quick Start Guide 6.1.1 Basic CRUD 6.2 Further Reading on GORM 7 The Web Layer 7.1 Controllers 7.1.1 Understanding Controllers and Actions 7.1.2 Controllers and Scopes 7.1.3 Models and Views 7.1.4 Redirects and Chaining 7.1.5 Data Binding 7.1.6 Responding with JSON 7.1.7 More on JSONBuilder 7.1.8 Responding with XML 7.1.9 Uploading Files 7.1.10 Command Objects 7.1.11 Handling Duplicate Form Submissions 7.1.12 Simple Type Converters 7.1.13 Declarative Controller Exception Handling 7.2 Groovy Server Pages 7.3 URL Mappings 7.3.1 Mapping to Controllers and Actions 7.3.2 Mapping to REST resources 7.3.3 Redirects In URL Mappings 7.3.4 Embedded Variables 7.3.5 Mapping to Views 7.3.6 Mapping to Response Codes 7.3.7 Mapping to HTTP methods 7.3.8 Mapping Wildcards 7.3.9 Automatic Link Re-Writing 7.3.10 Applying Constraints 7.3.11 Named URL Mappings 7.3.12 Customizing URL Formats 7.3.13 Namespaced Controllers 7.4 CORS 7.5 Interceptors 7.5.1 Defining Interceptors 7.5.2 Matching Requests with Interceptors 7.5.3 Ordering Interceptor Execution 7.6 Content Negotiation 8 Traits 8.1 Traits Provided by Grails 8.1.1 WebAttributes Trait Example 9 REST 9.1 Domain classes as REST resources 9.2 Mapping to REST resources 9.3 Linking to REST resources from GSP pages 9.4 Versioning REST resources 9.5 Implementing REST controllers 9.5.1 Extending the RestfulController super class 9.5.2 Implementing REST Controllers Step by Step 9.5.3 Generating a REST controller using scaffolding 9.6 Calling REST Services with HttpClient 9.7 The REST Profile 9.8 JSON Views 9.8.1 Getting Started 9.8.2 Creating JSON Views 9.8.3 JSON View Templates 9.8.4 Rendering Domain Classes with JSON Views 9.8.5 JSON Views by Convention 9.9 Customizing Response Rendering 9.9.1 Customizing the Default Renderers 9.9.2 Implementing a Custom Renderer 9.9.3 Using GSP to Customize Rendering 9.10 Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State 9.10.1 HAL Support 9.10.2 Atom Support 9.10.3 Vnd.Error Support 9.11 Customizing Binding of Resources 9.12 RSS and Atom 10 Asynchronous Programming 11 Validation 11.1 Declaring Constraints 11.2 Validating Constraints 11.3 Sharing Constraints Between Classes 11.4 Validation on the Client 11.5 Validation and Internationalization 11.6 Applying Validation to Other Classes 12 The Service Layer 12.1 Declarative Transactions 12.1.1 Transactions and Multi-DataSources 12.1.2 Transactions Rollback and the Session 12.2 Scoped Services 12.3 Dependency Injection and Services 13 Static Type Checking And Compilation 13.1 The GrailsCompileStatic Annotation 13.2 The GrailsTypeChecked Annotation 14 Testing 14.1 Unit Testing 14.2 Integration Testing 14.3 Functional Testing 15 Internationalization 15.1 Understanding Message Bundles 15.2 Changing Locales 15.3 Reading Messages 15.4 Scaffolding and i18n 16 Security 16.1 Securing Against Attacks 16.2 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention 16.3 Encoding and Decoding Objects 16.4 Authentication 16.5 Security Plugins 16.5.1 Spring Security 17 Plugins 17.1 Creating and Installing Plugins 17.2 Plugin Repositories 17.3 Providing Basic Artefacts 17.4 Evaluating Conventions 17.5 Hooking into Runtime Configuration 17.6 Adding Methods at Compile Time 17.7 Adding Dynamic Methods at Runtime 17.8 Participating in Auto Reload Events 17.9 Understanding Plugin Load Order 17.10 The Artefact API 17.10.1 Asking About Available Artefacts 17.10.2 Adding Your Own Artefact Types 18 Grails and Spring 18.1 Configuring Additional Beans 18.2 Runtime Spring with the Beans DSL 18.3 The BeanBuilder DSL Explained 18.4 Property Placeholder Configuration 18.5 Property Override Configuration 18.6 Spring Boot Actuators 19 Scaffolding 20 Deployment 20.1 Standalone 20.2 Container Deployment (e.g. Tomcat) 20.3 Deployment Configuration Tasks 21 Contributing to Grails 21.1 Report Issues in Github's issue tracker 21.2 Build From Source and Run Tests 21.3 Submit Patches to Grails Core 21.4 Submit Patches to Grails Documentation 1 Introduction Many modern web frameworks in the Java space are more complicated than needed and don’t embrace the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principles. Dynamic frameworks like Rails and Django helped pave the way to a more modern way of thinking about web applications. Grails builds on these concepts and dramatically reduces the complexity of building web applications on the Java platform. What makes it different, however, is that it does so by building on already established Java technologies like Spring and Hibernate. Grails is a full stack framework and attempts to solve as many pieces of the web development puzzle through the core technology and its associated plugins. Included out the box are things like: GORM - An easy to use Object Mapping library with support for and .more View technologies for rendering HTML as well as JSON A controller layer built on Spring Boot A plugin system featuring hundreds of plugins . SQL MongoDB Neo4j , , Flexible profiles to create applications with AngularJS, React and more . An interactive command line environment and build system based on Gradle An embedded Tomcat container which is configured for on the fly reloading All of these are made easy to use through the power of the extensive use of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) Groovy language and the This documentation will take you through getting started with Grails and building web applications with the Grails framework. In addition to this documentation there are various aspects of the technology. comprehensive guides that walk you through Finally, Grails is far more than just a web framework and is made up of various sub-projects. The following table summarizes some other key projects in the eco-system with links to documentation. Project Description GORM for Hibernate An Object Mapping implementation for SQL databases GORM for MongoDB An Object Mapping implementation for the MongoDB Document Database GORM for Neo4j JSON Views An Object Mapping implementation for Neo4j Graph Database A View technology for rendering JSON on the server side Groovy Server Pages A View technology for rendering HTML and other markup on the server Table 1. Grails Ecosystem Projects Async Framework Asynchronous programming abstraction with support for RxJava, GPars and more 1.1 What's new in Grails 6? This section covers all the new features introduced in Grails 6 Overview Grails framework 6 updates Spring Boot to version 2.7. We recommend checking the following Spring technologies release notes for more information. Spring Boot 2.7 The minimum Java version required to run Grails 6 has been updated to Java 11. Support for Micronaut Environments in application.yml The support has been introduced for Micronaut’s Environments concept within the application.yml configurations seamlessly, aiding in smoother transitions between different operational environments like development, testing, and production. file. This feature allows developers to define environment-specific 1.1.1 Updated Dependencies Grails 6.2.0 ships with the following dependency upgrades: Groovy 3.0.11 Micronaut 3 Micronaut for Spring 4 GORM 8 Spring Framework 5.3 Spring Boot 2.7 Gradle 7.6.1 Spock 2.1-groovy-3.0 Grails Testing Support 3 2 Getting Started 2.1 Installation Requirements Before installing Grails you will need a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed with the minimum version denoted in the table below. Download the appropriate JDK for your operating system, run the installer, and then set up an environment variable called JAVA_HOME pointing to the location of this installation. Grails version JDK version (minimum) 6 5 11 8 To automate the installation of Grails we recommend installing and managing multiple Grails versions. SDKMAN which greatly simplifies On some platforms (for example macOS) the Java installation is automatically detected. However in many cases you will want to manually configure the location of Java. For example, if you’re using bash or another variant of the Bourne Shell: export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" On Windows you would have to configure these environment variables in My Computer/Advanced/Environment Variables 2.2 Downloading and Installing The first step to getting up and running with Grails is to install the distribution. The best way to install Grails on *nix systems is with installing and managing multiple Grails versions. SDKMAN which greatly simplifies Install with SDKMAN To install the latest version of Grails using SDKMAN, run this on your terminal: $ sdk install grails You can also specify a version $ sdk install grails 6.2.0 You can find more information about SDKMAN usage on the SDKMAN Docs Manual installation For manual installation follow these steps: Download a binary distribution of Grails and extract the resulting zip file to a location of your choice Set the GRAILS_HOME environment variable to the location where you extracted the zip Unix/Linux This is typically a matter of adding something like the following export GRAILS_HOME=/path/to/grails to your profile This can be done by adding export PATH="$PATH:$GRAILS_HOME/bin" to your profile Windows Copy the path to the bin directory inside the grails folder you have downloaded, for example, C:\path_to_grails\bin Go to Environment Variables, you can typically search or run the command below, the type env and then Enter Start + R Edit the Path variable on User Variables / System Variables depending on your choice. Paste the copied path in the Path Variable. If Grails is working correctly you should now be able to type window and see output similar to this: grails --version in the terminal Grails Version: 6.2.0 2.3 Creating an Application To create a Grails application you first need to familiarize yourself with the usage of the grails command which is used in the following manner: $ grails <> Run create-app to create an application: $ grails create-app myapp This will create a new directory inside the current one that contains the project. Navigate to this directory in your console: $ cd myapp 2.4 Creating a Simple Web Application with Grails Step 1: Create a New Project Open your command prompt or terminal. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your Grails project: $ cd your_project_directory Create a new Grails project with the following command: $ grails create-app myapp Step 2: Access the Project Directory Change into the "myapp" directory, which you just created: $ cd myapp Step 3: Start Grails Interactive Console Start the Grails interactive console by running the "grails" command: $ grails Step 4: Create a Controller In the Grails interactive console, you can use auto-completion to create a controller. Type the following command to create a controller named "greeting": grails> create-controller greeting This command will generate a new controller named "GreetingController.groovy" within the grails-app/controllers/myapp directory. You might wonder why there is an additional "myapp" directory. This structure aligns with conventions commonly used in Java development, where classes are organized into packages. Grails automatically includes the application name as part of the package structure. If you do not specify a package, Grails defaults to using the application name. For more detailed information on creating controllers, you can refer to the documentation on the create-controller page. Step 5: Edit the Controller Open the "GreetingController.groovy" file located in the "grails-app/controllers/myapp" directory in a text editor. Add the following code to the "GreetingController.groovy" file: package myapp class GreetingController { def index () { render "Hello, Congratulations for your first Grails application!" } } The action is simply a method. In this particular case, it calls a special method provided by Grails to the page. render Step 6: Run the Application Grails framework now relies on Gradle tasks for running the application. To start the application, use the following Gradle command: bootRun $ ./gradlew bootRun Your application will be hosted on port 8080 by default. You can access it in your web browser at: http://localhost:8080/ Now, it’s important to know that the welcome page is determined by the following URL mapping: class UrlMappings { static mappings = { $ $ "/ controller / action ?/ id$ ?(. format $ )?" { constraints { // apply constraints here } } ( "/" view "/index" : "500" view '/error' : "404" view '/notFound' : ( ( ) ) ) } } This mapping specifies that the root URL ("/") should display the "index.gsp" view, which is located at "grails-app/views/index.gsp." This "index.gsp" file serves as your welcome or landing page. The other entries in the mapping handle error pages for HTTP status codes 500 and 404. Grails URL Convention Based on Controller and Action Name Grails follows a URL convention that relies on the names of controllers and their actions. This convention simplifies the creation and access of various pages or functionalities within your web application. In the provided code example: package myapp class GreetingController { def index () { render "Hello, Congratulations for your first Grails application!" } } The GreetingController class represents a controller in Grails. Inside the controller, there’s an essentially methods within a controller that handle specific tasks or respond to user requests. action defined as a method. In Grails, actions are index Now, let’s understand how the Grails URL convention works based on this controller and action: 1. Controller Name in URL: 1. The controller name, in this case, "GreetingController," is used in the URL. However, the convention capitalizes the first letter of the controller name and removes the "Controller" suffix. So, "GreetingController" becomes "greeting" in the URL. 2. Action Name in URL: 1. By default, if you don’t specify an action in the URL, Grails assumes the "index" action. So, in this example, accessing the URL /greeting See the end of the default actions. controllers and actions section of the user guide to find out more on Optional: Set a Context Path If you want to set a context path for your application, create a configuration property in the "grails-app/conf/application.yml" file: server : servlet : context-path : /myapp With this configuration, the application will be available at: http://localhost:8080/myapp/ Alternatively, you can set the context path from the command line when using Gradle to run a Grails application. Here’s how you can do it: $ ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.server.servlet.context-path=/your-context-path /your-context-path Replace command sets the context path directly via the property. with the desired context path for your Grails application. This system -Dgrails.server.servlet.context-path For example, if you want your application to be available at "http://localhost:8080/myapp," you can use the following command: $ ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.server.servlet.context-path=/myapp This allows you to configure the context path without modifying the application’s configuration files, making it a flexible and convenient option when running your Grails application with Gradle. Optional: Change Server Port If port 8080 is already in use, you can start the server on a different port using the grails.server.port system-property: $ ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.server.port=9090 Replace "9090" with your preferred port. Note for Windows Users If you encounter an error related to the Java process or filename length, you can use the --stacktrace to your "build.gradle" file. grails { pathingJar = true } flag or add It may also be necessary to enclose the system properties in quotes on Windows: ./gradlew bootRun "-Dgrails.server.port=9090" Conclusion Your Grails application will now display a "Hello, Congratulations on your first Grails application!" message when you access it in your web browser. Remember, you can create multiple controllers and actions to build more complex web applications with Grails. Each action corresponds to a different page accessible through unique URLs based on the controller and action names. 2.5 Using Interactive Mode The Grails Command-line Interface (CLI) offers an interactive mode, which you can access by entering "grails" in your Terminal application or Linux Command Line. Once you’re in the command-line interface, you can enhance your efficiency by utilizing the TAB key for auto-completion. For instance: grails> create create-app create-plugin create-webapp create-controller create-restapi create-domain-class create-web-plugin This interactive mode provides a convenient way to explore available Grails commands and options, making your Grails development workflow more efficient and user-friendly. For more information on the capabilities of interactive mode, refer to the section on Interactive Mode in the user guide. 2.6 Getting Set Up in an IDE Groovy Spring Framework programming language, it is possible to develop Grails application using most Because Grails is built upon the the popular JVM Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). Some IDEs offer more specialized support for Grails, while others may offer basic support for managing dependencies/plugins, running Gradle tasks, code-completion and syntax highlighting. (Spring Boot), the Gradle build tool, and 1. IntelliJ IDEA IntelliJ IDEA is a widely used IDE for Grails development. It offers comprehensive support for Groovy and Grails, including features like code-completion, intelligent code analysis, and seamless integration with Grails artefacts. IntelliJ IDEA also provides powerful database tools that work with Grails' GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping) seamlessly. It offers both a Community (free) and Ultimate (paid) edition, with the latter offering more advanced Grails support, including an embedded version of the , and view resolution for both GSPs and JSON views. Grails Forge IntelliJ IDEA Website 2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. While it’s not a full-fledged IDE, it offers powerful extensions for Grails and Groovy development. and You can install extensions like developer experience. to enhance your Grails Grails for VS Code code-groovy VS Code provides features such as syntax highlighting, code navigation, and integrated terminal support. It’s a great choice for developers who prefer a lightweight and customizable development environment. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 3. STS (Spring Tool Suite) Spring Tool Suite The development, with versions based on both VS Code and Eclipse. This section focuses on the Eclipse version. (STS) is set of IDE tools designed for Spring Framework STS can work as an effective Grails developer platform when used with the Groovy Development Tools does not offer specific support for Grails artefacts or GSP views. plugin (which can be installed using the Eclipse Marketplace). STS Spring Tool Suite (STS) 4. Netbeans Netbeans Apache applications as Gradle projects and provides reasonable editing support for Groovy and GSP views. does not offer specific support for Grails, but it will import Grails 5. TextMate, VIM, and More There are several excellent text editors that work nicely with Groovy and Grails. Here are some references: A bundle is available for Groovy / Grails support in Textmate . A plugin can be installed via Sublime Package Control for the Sublime Text Editor . The emacs-grails extension offers basic support for Grails development in Emacs. See this post for some helpful tips on how to set up VIM as your Grails editor of choice. These text editors, along with the provided extensions and configurations, can enhance your Groovy and Grails development experience, offering flexibility and customization to meet your coding preferences. 2.7 Grails Directory Structure and Convention over Configuration Grails adopts the "convention over configuration" approach to configure itself. In this approach, the name and location of files are used instead of explicit configuration. Therefore, it’s essential to become familiar with the directory structure provided by Grails. Here’s a breakdown of the key directories and links to relevant sections: 1. grails-app - Top-Level Directory for Groovy Sources 1. conf - Configuration Sources 2. controllers - Web Controllers - Responsible for the "C" in MVC (Model-View-Controller). 3. domain - Application Domain - Represents the "M" in MVC. 4. i18n - Supports Internationalization (i18n) . 5. services - The Service Layer . 6. taglib - Tag Libraries . 7. utils - Houses Grails-specific utilities. 8. views - Groovy Server Pages (GSP) or JSON Views - Responsible for the "V" in MVC. 9. commands - Custom Grails Commands - Create your own Grails CLI commands. 2. src/main/groovy - Supporting Sources 3. src/test/groovy - Unit Tests 4. src/integration-test/groovy - integration level. Integration Tests - For testing Grails applications at the Understanding this directory structure and its conventions is fundamental to efficient Grails development. 2.8 Running and Debugging an Application Grails applications can be executed using the built-in application server using the bootRun command. By default, it launches a server on port 8080: $ ./gradlew bootRun To specify a different port, you can set the system property -Dgrails.server.port as follows: $ ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.server.port=8081 For debugging a Grails app, you have two options. You can either right-click on the Application.groovy run the app with the following command and then connect a remote debugger to it: class in your IDE and select the appropriate debugging action, or you can $ ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm For more information on the Grails reference guide . bootRun command, please refer to the bootRun section of the 2.9 Testing an Application src/test/groovy Grails offers a convenient feature where you can automatically generate unit and integration tests for your application using the the responsibility to populate these tests with the appropriate test logic. You can find comprehensive guidance on crafting valid test logic in the section dedicated to Unit and Integration Tests commands. These generated tests are stored in directories. However, it is your src/integration-test/groovy and create-* . To initiate the execution of your tests, including both unit and integration tests, you can utilize the Gradle task. Follow these steps: check 1. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Grails project’s root directory. 2. Execute the following Gradle command: $ ./gradlew check By running the you’ve created and populated with test logic, are executed. This comprehensive testing approach contributes significantly to the robustness and overall quality of your application. task, you ensure that all tests in your Grails project, including the ones check 3. Viewing Test Reports: After running your tests, Grails generates test reports that provide valuable insights into the test results. You can typically find these reports in the directory of your Grails project. Open these reports in a web browser to build/reports/tests view detailed information about test outcomes, including passed, failed, and skipped tests. Remember, testing is not just a process; it’s a fundamental practice that enhances your Grails application’s reliability. Viewing test reports helps you analyze and understand the test results, making it easier to identify and address any issues. By following these testing practices and reviewing test reports, you can deliver a high-quality Grails application to your users with confidence. 2.10 Deploying an Application Grails applications offer multiple deployment options. For traditional container deployments, such as Tomcat or Jetty, you can generate a Web Application Archive (WAR) file using the Gradle task as follows: war $ ./gradlew war This task generates a WAR file with a deployment according to your container’s guidelines. -plain suffix within the build/libs directory, ready for By default, the environment, such as task runs in the development war production environment. You can specify a different , by overriding it in the Gradle command: $ ./gradlew -Dgrails.env=dev war If you prefer not to use a separate Servlet container, you can create and run the Grails WAR file as a regular Java application: $ ./gradlew bootWar $ java -jar build/libs/mywar-0.1.war When deploying Grails, ensure that your container’s JVM runs with the sufficient memory allocation. Here are recommended VM flags: -server option and -server -Xmx1024M 2.11 Supported Java EE Containers The Grails framework requires that runtime containers support Servlet 3.0 and above. By default, Grails framework applications are bundled with an embedded Tomcat server. For more information, please see the section of this documentation. Deployment In addition, read the services. Grails Guides for tips on how to deploy Grails to various popular Cloud 2.12 Creating Artefacts Grails provides a set of useful CLI commands for various tasks, including the creation of essential artifacts such as controllers and domain classes. These commands simplify the development process, although you can achieve similar results using your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or text editor. For instance, to create the foundation of an application, you typically need to generate a domain model using Grails Commands: $ grails create-app myapp $ cd myapp $ grails create-domain-class book Executing these commands will result in the creation of a domain class located at grails-app/domain/myapp/Book.groovy , as shown in the following code: package myapp class Book } { The Grails CLI offers numerous other commands that you can explore in the Grails command line reference guide. Using interactive mode enhances the development experience by providing auto-complete and making the process smoother. 2.13 Generating an Application Quick Start with Grails Scaffolding To quickly initiate your Grails project, you can employ the allows you to generate the essential structure of an application swiftly. Specifically, when running the following command, you can create a associated for your application: (including its unit tests) and the Gradle task. This task controller runCommand views $ ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="generate-all myapp.Book" 3 Upgrading from the previous versions 3.1 Upgrading from Grails 5 to Grails 6 Upgrade Instructions for Grails and Related Dependencies To ensure compatibility with Grails 6, you must update the following versions in your project: 1. Java 11 as Baseline: Starting from Grails 6, Java 11 serves as the baseline requirement for the framework. When upgrading to Grails 6, ensure that your project is configured to use Java 11. This compatibility with Java 11 allows you to take advantage of the latest features, security enhancements, and performance improvements provided by Java 11. Please make sure to update your project’s Java version to 11 before proceeding with the Grails 6 upgrade. Doing so will ensure a seamless transition to the latest version of Grails and enable you to enjoy all the benefits that Java 11 has to offer. 2. The New Grails CLI: Grails 6 comes with a completely revamped and highly efficient Command Line Interface (CLI) that enables you to generate applications and plugins at a remarkable speed. For instance, you can now use the new CLI to create a new Grails 6 application with the following command: grails create-app my-app The new CLI also allows you to generate plugins easily. For example, to create a new plugin named "my-plugin," you can use the following command: grails create-plugin my-plugin One notable improvement in Grails 6 is that it no longer supports certain commands that performed redundant tasks, such as the outdated recommends using the Gradle performance and functionality. task for running your application, which offers better command. Instead, it grails run-app bootRun For example, to run your Grails 6 application, you can use the following command: ./gradlew bootRun As a result of these improvements, the new CLI provides a more streamlined and efficient way to work with Grails applications and plugins. Additionally, in order to fully embrace the improvements in Grails 6, it is advised to remove the old Grails wrapper files from your project root folder. This ensures ./grails ./grailsw that you solely rely on the enhanced capabilities of the new CLI. and Overall, Grails 6 offers a significantly improved development experience with its new CLI, optimized commands, and advanced features for generating applications and plugins. 3. Setting Grails Version and Grails Gradle Plugin: To upgrade to Grails 6, it’s important to configure the appropriate versions in the file as shown below: grailsVersion=6.0.0 grailsGradlePluginVersion=6.0.0 By specifying the above versions, you’ll gain access to the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes introduced in Grails 6. Upgrading to this version empowers your application with enhanced performance and improved security. Additionally, it allows you to leverage the latest advancements in the Grails framework for a more efficient and secure development experience. 4. GORM Version: If your project utilizes GORM, ensure to update the version in the demonstrated below: file as gormVersion=8.0.0 By upgrading to GORM 8.0.0, you will benefit from essential updates and optimizations. This upgrade guarantees seamless interactions with your database and enhances your data management experience. Staying current with GORM allows you to take advantage of the latest database features and improvements, thereby optimizing the performance and functionality of your application. 5. Gradle Version: Grails 6 uses Gradle 7.6.2 which offers performance improvements, bug fixes, and new features over previous versions. Upgrading to the latest Gradle version helps accelerate your build processes and ensures compatibility with other dependencies. 5.1. Upgrade to Gradle 7.6.2 Run the following command to update the Gradle wrapper to the desired version (e.g., Gradle 7.6.2): ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.6.2 This command will download the specified Gradle version and update the Gradle wrapper settings in your project. 5.2. Check Gradle Version: After the command finishes, you can verify that the Gradle version has been updated by checking the distributionUrl in the file should now point to the Gradle 7.6.2 distribution: file located in the directory. The gradle/wrapper distributionUrl=https\:// 5.3. Build the Project: After updating the Gradle wrapper, you can now build your Grails project using the updated Gradle version: ./gradlew build This will initiate the build process with the new Gradle version. 6. Embracing Modern Plugin Management with Grails 6 In Gradle, there are two main ways to add plugins to your project: the apply plugin statement. plugins block and the block instead of the traditional Grails 6 introduces a significant change in how plugins are managed by adopting the Gradle plugins apply plugin project’s build configuration and brings it more in line with modern Gradle conventions. block to manage plugin dependencies and New Grails projects will now utilize the plugins configurations. statements. This shift streamlines the Using the plugins Block in Grails 6: With the new approach, adding plugins to a Grails 6 project is more explicit and organized. In your plugin’s ID and version. file, you can declare plugins within the block, specifying the build.gradle plugins Here’s an example of adding the views-json plugin using the plugins block: build.gradle plugins { id } 'org.grails.plugins.views-json' version '3.0.0' Managing Multiple Plugins: plugins The clarity and makes it easier to manage plugin dependencies. block allows you to add multiple plugins, each on its own line. This enhances build.gradle plugins { id // Add other plugins as needed } 'org.grails.plugins.views-json' version '3.0.0' Moving Older Applications to the New Approach: If you are migrating an older Grails application to Grails 6, you can update the plugin declarations from used the views-json apply plugin plugin, you can modify the build.gradle as follows: block. For example, if your previous application to the plugins Before (Using apply plugin ): build.gradle apply plugin : 'org.grails.plugins.views-json' After (Using plugins Block in Grails 6): build.gradle plugins { id } 'org.grails.plugins.views-json' version '3.0.0' plugins By migrating to the conventions, making it easier to manage plugin dependencies and configurations. This new approach maintains consistency and enhances the overall structure of the project, ensuring a smoother and more efficient development process. block, your Grails 6 project will adhere to modern Gradle 6.2. Use the pluginManagement Block Moving from settings.gradle Grails' effort to adopt the Gradle and consistency across projects. in the apply plugin file is a significant change introduced in Grails 6. This change is part of pluginManagement build.gradle block in the file to the pluginManagement approach for better plugin version control In the previous versions of Grails (before Grails 6), developers used to apply plugins directly in the syntax. For example: file using the apply plugin build.gradle build.gradle "" "" buildscript { repositories { maven { url maven { url } dependencies { classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin: grailsGradlePluginVersion classpath "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:7.3.0" classpath "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:2.3.2" } } } } $ " version "0.1" group "hellorestapi" apply apply apply apply apply plugin "eclipse" : : plugin "idea" plugin "war" : plugin "org.grails.grails-web" : plugin "org.grails.plugins.views-json" : However, with Grails 6, the recommended practice is to move plugin declarations to the block acts as a central pluginManagement place to manage plugin versions for all projects within a multi-project build. block in the file. The pluginManagement settings.gradle Configuring Plugins in the pluginManagement Block: Here’s how you can declare the views-json plugin in the pluginManagement block: 1. Open the settings.gradle file in your Grails 6 project. 2. Add the pluginManagement block with the views-json plugin declaration: settings.gradle pluginManagement { repositories { // Add the Grails plugin repository to resolve the views-json plugin maven { url "" // Other repositories can be added here if needed } } // Declare the views-json plugin and its version plugins { id // Other plugins can be declared here } } 'org.grails.plugins.views-json' version '3.0.0' views-json By including the projects within the multi-project build use the specified version of the views-json promotes consistency in JSON rendering across different projects and simplifies maintenance and version control. plugin in the pluginManagement block, Grails 6 will ensure that all plugin. This Moving Older Applications to the New Approach: If you are migrating an older Grails application to Grails 6, you can update the plugin declarations from previous section. block in the file, as shown in the apply plugin build.gradle to the plugins pluginManagement By adopting the settings.gradle 6 ecosystem. This approach simplifies plugin version control and improves the overall development experience when working with JSON responses in your Grails applications. file, you ensure consistent usage of the plugin across all projects in the Grails block and declaring the plugin in the views-json 6.3 Grails Adoption of "buildSrc" Folder for Buildscript Dependencies views-gradle In previous versions of Grails (before Grails 6), managing buildscript dependencies, such as file. This enables the Gradle compilation of JSON views for production environment. Developers would define the repositories and dependencies needed for the buildscript within the plugin, was typically done directly in the main build.gradle block: buildscript build.gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { // Example: views-gradle plugin classpath "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:3.0.0" } } // Apply the views-json plugin apply 'views-json' plugin : // Other configurations and dependencies This approach meant that the buildscript dependencies were mixed with the rest of the project’s configurations, making the build.gradle maintain. As a result, the buildscript section might become cluttered with various plugin dependencies and other build logic. file longer and potentially harder to With the introduction of Grails 6, there is a significant improvement in managing buildscript dependencies through the use of the organized approach to handle buildscript dependencies, custom Gradle plugins, and extensions specific to the project. folder. This dedicated folder provides a more buildSrc Benefits of Grails 6 Adoption of "buildSrc" Folder 1. 2. Modular Build Configuration: The your Grails application, allowing you to encapsulate build logic, plugins, and dependencies. This separation of concerns improves the organization and modularity of the build configuration. folder acts as a separate mini-project within buildSrc Streamlined Buildscript Management: By moving buildscript dependencies to you can keep the main file clean and focused on the application’s specific requirements. This reduces clutter and promotes a more concise and clear build script. build.gradle buildSrc , 3. Better Collaboration: The approach simplifies collaboration within development teams. Build logic can be centralized and shared across projects, enabling a consistent and efficient development workflow. buildSrc Update from Grails 5 The new Grails 6 application uses build script if additional configuration is needed (e.g. to apply plugins or to declare dependencies). The includes the file. Here’s how the tree layout looks like: folder in a Grails project follows a specific tree layout, which . The buildSrc directory can host a buildSrc/build.gradle build.gradle buildSrc buildSrc/ build.gradle src/ main/ groovy/ Let’s walk through how to manage the Grails 6: views-gradle plugin using the buildSrc folder in Step 1: Create buildSrc Folder: In the root directory of your Grails 6 project, create a new folder named buildSrc . Step 2: Add buildSrc Script: Inside the dependency: buildSrc folder, create a build.gradle file and specify the views-gradle plugin buildSrc/build.gradle repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:3.0.0" } Step 3: Remove apply plugin Statement: In the main related to build.gradle views-gradle file, remove the buildscript , as it is now managed in the block and the folder: buildSrc apply plugin statement build.gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:3.0.0" } } // No need to apply views-json plugin here // Remove the apply plugin statement for views-json if it was previously present apply 'views-json' plugin : // ... Other configurations and dependencies buildSrc folder, developers can separate buildscript dependencies and custom By using the plugin configurations from the main concise build script, which is easier to maintain and understand. Additionally, the buildSrc approach encourages modularity, as build logic and custom plugins can be centralized and shared across projects, fostering better collaboration and consistency within development teams. file. This leads to a cleaner and more build.gradle 7. GORM for MongoDB Sync Driver: The GORM for MongoDB is updated to support the latest mongodb-driver-sync. If you are using GORM for MongoDB and making use of specific MongoDB Driver or low-level Mongo API features, consider checking the Upgrading to the 4.0 Driver guide . This update ensures seamless integration with MongoDB, access to new features, and improved performance while interacting with your MongoDB database. 8. Asset Pipeline Plugin: In Grails 6, there is an update to the Asset Pipeline Plugin, which is now version 4.3.0. The Asset Pipeline Plugin is a crucial component in Grails applications, responsible for managing frontend assets like stylesheets, JavaScript files, and images. The update to version 4.3.0 brings several improvements and new features to enhance the management and processing of frontend assets in your Grails projects. The asset-pipeline plugin 4.3.0 offers new features for managing and processing your frontend assets, ensuring they are efficiently bundled and served to your users. 9. Spring 5.3: Grails 6 is built on Spring 5.3.27. If your project uses Spring-specific features, refer to the Upgrading to Spring 5.3 guide . Spring 5.3 introduces enhancements and fixes to the Spring framework, providing you with the latest improvements in dependency injection, web frameworks, and other Spring-related functionalities. 10. Spring Boot 2.7: Grails 6 updates to Spring Boot 2.7. For more information, consult the Spring Boot 2.7 Release Notes Spring Boot 2.7 comes with new features, performance enhancements, and compatibility improvements, making it a solid foundation for your Grails application. 11. Micronaut 3.9.3: Grails 6 is shipped with Micronaut 3.9.3. If you are using specific Micronaut features, refer to the Upgrading to Micronaut 3.x guide . Micronaut 3.9.3 brings new capabilities, improvements, and bug fixes, empowering your application with a powerful and lightweight microservices framework. 12. Micronaut for Spring 4.5.1: Grails 6 is updated to use Micronaut for Spring 4.5.1. For more information, check out the release notes . Micronaut for Spring 4.5.1 provides seamless integration between Micronaut and Spring, allowing you to leverage the strengths of both frameworks in your Grails project. 3.2 Upgrading from Grails 4 to Grails 5 Bump up Grails Version You will need to upgrade your Grails version defined in as: ... grailsVersion=5.2.0 ... Apache Groovy 3.0.7 Grails 5.1.1 provide support for Groovy 3. We would recommend you to please check the Release notes for Groovy 3 feature which might not work in Groovy 3. to update your application in case you are using a specific Define groovyVersion in to force the application to use Groovy 3. Grails 5.1 app’s ... groovyVersion=3.0.7 ... Bump up GORM Version If you were using GORM , you will need to update the version defined in as: ... gormVersion=7.2.0 ... Bump up gradle version Grails 5.2.x uses gradle 7.2 ... distributionUrl=https\:// ... Also you can run this command ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.2 GORM for MonogDB Sync Driver The GORM for MongoDB is updated to support latest mongodb-driver-sync. If you are using GORM for MongoDB and doing something specific to MongoDB Driver or low level Mongo API then you might want to take a look at Upgrading to the 4.0 Driver Bump up Asset Pipeline plugin version The previous version of asset-pipeline is not supported with Grails 5.0 as it is compiled with a version of Groovy which is binary incompatible with Groovy 3. So, please update the plugin version to 3.2.4. Disabled StringCharArrayAccessor by default The previous version of Grails use the provides optimized access to internals. In Grails 5.0 it is disabled by default but you can enable it by setting a system property with name stringchararrayaccessor.disabled and value which is enabled by default and StringCharArrayAccessor java.lang.String false . Enabling StringCharArrayAccessor would show IllegalReflectiveAccess warnings as it uses reflection to do the optimizations. Changes in profile.yml and feature.yml files in Grails Profiles The format of how dependencies are defined in features and profiles has been changed. See for more information. the section on Application Profiles Deprecation of dot navigation of Grails configuration In order to reduce complexity, improve performance, and increase maintainability, accessing configuration through dot notation (config.a.b.c) has been deprecated. This functionality will be removed in a future release. Also, you would see a warning message if you are accessing configuration through the dot notation. The recommended way to access configuration is: grailsApplication.config.getProperty( "hola" , String .class) Deprecated Classes org.grails.config.NavigableMap org.grails.config.NavigableMapConfig org.grails.config.NavigableMapPropertySource Spring 5.3 Grails 5.0.0.RC1 is built on Spring 5.3.2 See the Spring specific features. Upgrading to Spring 5.3 if you are using Spring Boot 2.4 Grails 5.1.1 updates to Spring Boot 2.6. Please check more information. Spring Boot 2.6 Release Notes for Micronaut 3.2.0 Grails 5.1.1 is shipped with Micronaut 3.2.0. Please check the you are using a specific feature. Upgrading to Micronaut 3.x if Micronaut for Spring 4.0.1 Grails 5.1.1 is updated to Micronaut for Spring 4.0.1, please check out more information. release notes for Gradle 7.x Compile dependency configuration as well as others have been removed from Gradle 7.x. In previous version they were deprecated. Replace configurations: build.gradle ... compile -> implementation testCompile -> testImplementation runtime -> runtimeOnly ... More information in Gradle upgrade docs Gradle upgrade docs Plugins in multi-project setup If you have grails plugins as part of multi-project builds you should also replace the compile with configuration. implementation Additionally if your main application relied on the dependencies declared by the plugin you need to apply further changes. To make the dependencies available again you have to declare them with You also have to apply the api gradle plugin in your plugin project. java-library configuration. More information gradle java-library-plugin 3.3 Upgrading from Grails 3.3.x to Grails 4 Bump up Grails Version You will need to upgrade your Grails version defined in . Grails 3 app’s ... grailsVersion=3.3.8 ... Grails 4 app’s ... grailsVersion=4.0.4 ... Bump up GORM Version If you were using GORM , you will need to update the version defined in . Grails 3 app’s ... gormVersion=6.1.10.RELEASE ... Grails 4 app’s ... gormVersion=7.0.4 ... Move GORM DSL Entries to runtime.groovy GORM DSL entries should be move to configuration in the application.groovy runtime.groovy . For instance, using following GORM is not supported and will break the application: grails.gorm.default.mapping = { id } 'identity' generator : Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2.1 Grails 4.0 is built on Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2.1. See the notes if you are using Spring specific features. migration guide and release Hibernate 5.4 and GORM 7.x Grails 4.x supports a minimum version of Hibernate 5.4 and GORM 7.x. Several changes have been made to GORM to support the newer version of Hibernate and simplify GORM itself. The details of these changes are covered in the GORM upgrade documentation . Spring Boot 2.1 Actuator Please check the from Spring Boot 1.5 the version Grails 3.x used. Spring Boot Actuator documentation since it has changed substantially If you had configuration such as: grails-app/conf/application.yml - Grails 3.3.x endpoints : enabled jmx : : false enabled unique-names : true : true replace it with: grails-app/conf/application.yml - Grails 4.x spring : jmx : unique-names : true management : endpoints : enabled-by-default : false Spring Boot Developer Tools and Spring Loaded Previous versions of Grails used a reloading agent called no longer maintained and does not support Java 11 support for Spring Loaded has been removed. Spring Loaded . Since this library is As a replacement, Grails 4 applications include in the following set of dependencies: build.gradle build script. If you are migrating a Grails 3.x app, please include the Spring Boot Developer Tools dependencies build.gradle . .. ... configurations { developmentOnly runtimeClasspath { extendsFrom developmentOnly } } "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools" ) dependencies { developmentOnly( ... .. } ... .. . Also you should configure the necessary excludes for Spring Developer Tools in application.yml : spring : devtools : restart : exclude : - grails-app/views/** - grails-app/i18n/** - grails-app/conf/** The above configuration prevents the server from restarting when views or message bundles are changed. You can use Spring Developer Tools in combination with a browser extension such as the Chrome LiveReload extension to get automatic browser refresh when you change anything in your Grails application. Spring Boot Gradle Plugin Changes Grails 4 is built on top of Spring Boot 2.1. Grails 3 apps were built on top of Spring Boot 1.x. Your Grails 3 app’s build.gradle may have such configuration: build.gradle bootRun { addResources = true ... } Grails 4 apps are built on top of Spring Boot 2.1. Starting from Spring Boot 2.0, the addResources to the source set that you want to use. Typically that’s property no longer exists. Instead, you need to set the sourceResources property . This is described in sourceSets.main the Spring Boot Gradle plugin’s documentation . Your Grails 4 app’s build.gradle can be configured: build.gradle bootRun { sourceResources sourceSets.main ... } Building executable jars for Grails Plugins Spring Boot’s new Gradle Plugin: The bootRepackage task has been replaced with bootJar and bootWar tasks for building executable jars and wars respectively. Both tasks extend their equivalent standard Gradle jar or war task, giving you access to all of the usual configuration options and behaviour. If you had configuration such as: build.gradle | Grails 3 // enable if you wish to package this plugin as a standalone application bootRepackage.enabled = false replace it with: build.gradle | Grails 4 // enable if you wish to package this plugin as a standalone application bootJar.enabled = false Upgrading to Gradle 5 Grails 3 apps by default used Gradle 3.5. Grails 4 apps use Gradle 5. To upgrade to Gradle 5 execute: ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 5.0 for plugins. If Due to changes in Gradle 5, your project makes use of a plugin that has transitive dependencies, you will need to add those explicitly to your transitive dependencies are no longer resolved build.gradle file. If you customized your app’s build, other migrations may be necessary. Please check Gradle Upgrading your build starts with 512MB of heap instead of 1GB. Please check Default memory settings changed documentation. documentation. Especially notice, that default Gradle daemon now Groovy language update to 2.5.6 Keep in mind, that with grails 4.0.x there is a minor groovy language upgrade (e.g. 3.3.9. used groovy 2.4.x), which requires a couple of changes, that are immediately obvious when trying to compile your source code. However there are also issues with changed implementations of core linkedlist functions! Check an overview of the breaking changes here: Breaking changes of Groovy 2.5 Removed date helper functions Most common issue is that date util functions have been moved to individual project, e.g new Date().format("ddMMyyyy") no longer works without adding: build.gradle dependencies { implementation "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-dateutil:3.0.4" } Changed linked list method implementations Check whether you are using the groovy version of linkedlist implementations: [].pop() - will no longer remove the last, but the first element of the list. Replace it with [].removeLast() is recommended. [].push(..) - will no longer add to the end, but to the beginning of the list. Replace it with [].add(..) is recommended. H2 Web Console Spring Boot 2.1 includes native support for the H2 database web console. Since this is already included in Spring Boot the equivalent feature has been removed from Grails. The H2 console is therefore now available at /h2-console See in the Spring Boot documentation for more information. instead of the previous URI of Using H2’s Web Console /dbconsole . Upgrade Hibernate If you were using GORM for Hibernate implementation in your Grails 3 app, you will need to upgrade to Hibernate 5.4. A Grails 3 build.gradle such as: build.gradle dependencies { ... implementation "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5" implementation "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.1.5.Final" } will be in Grails 4: build.gradle dependencies { ... implementation "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5" implementation "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.4.0.Final" } Migrating to Geb 2.3 Geb 1.1.x (a JDK 1.7 compatible version) was the version shipped by default with Grails 3. Grails 4 is no longer compatible with Java 1.7. You should migrate to Geb 2.3. In Grails 3, if your build.gradle looks like: build.gradle dependencies { testCompile "org.grails.plugins:geb:1.1.2" testRuntime "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-htmlunit-driver:2.47.1" testRuntime "net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:2.18" } In Grails 4, you should replace it with: build.gradle buildscript { repositories { ... } dependencies { ... classpath } } ... .. repositories { ... } " webdriverBinariesVersion $ " (1) apply ... ... apply plugin "idea" : plugin "com.energizedwork.webdriver-binaries" (1) : dependencies { ... testCompile testRuntime testRuntime testRuntime testCompile testCompile testCompile } "org.grails.plugins:geb" (4) "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver: seleniumVersion " "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver: seleniumVersion "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-safari-driver: seleniumSafariDriverVersion (5) " (5) $ $ $ " (5) "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-remote-driver: seleniumVersion "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-api: seleniumVersion "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support: seleniumVersion " (5) " (5) $ $ $ " (5) webdriverBinaries { chromedriver $ geckodriver } " chromeDriverVersion $ " geckodriverVersion " (3) " (2) tasks.withType(Test) { systemProperty systemProperty systemProperty systemProperty } , System "geb.env" "" "" "webdriver.gecko.driver" .getProperty( 'geb.env' , reporting.file( System , .getProperty( '' ) , System .getProperty( 'webdriver.gecko.driver' ) ) "geb/integrationTest" ) gebVersion=2.3 seleniumVersion=3.12.0 webdriverBinariesVersion=1.4 hibernateCoreVersion=5.1.5.Final chromeDriverVersion=2.44 (2) geckodriverVersion=0.23.0 (3) seleniumSafariDriverVersion=3.14.0 Webdriver binaries Gradle plugin . 1 Includes 2 Set the appropriate 3 Set the appropriate Webdriver for Chrome version Webdriver for Firefox version . . 4 Includes the . This is the dependency necessary to work with Grails Geb Plugin dependency Geb and Spock. which has a transitive dependency to geb-spock 5 Selenium and different driver dependencies. Create also a Geb Configuration file at src/integration-test/resources/GebConfig.groovy . src/integration-test/resources/GebConfig.groovy import import import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxOptions import org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariDriver environments { // You need to configure in Safari -> Develop -> Allowed Remote Automation safari { driver = { SafariDriver() } new } // run via “./gradlew -Dgeb.env=chrome iT” chrome { driver = { } ChromeDriver() } new // run via “./gradlew -Dgeb.env=chromeHeadless iT” chromeHeadless { driver = { ChromeOptions o = o.addArguments( new new 'headless' ChromeOptions() ChromeDriver(o) ) } } // run via “./gradlew -Dgeb.env=firefoxHeadless iT” firefoxHeadless { driver = { FirefoxOptions o = o.addArguments( new new '-headless' FirefoxOptions() FirefoxDriver(o) ) } } // run via “./gradlew -Dgeb.env=firefox iT” firefox { driver = { } } FirefoxDriver() } new Deprecated classes The following classes, which were deprecated in Grails 3.x, have been removed in Grails 4. Please, check the list below to find a suitable replacement: Removed Class Alternative org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.UniqueConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.builtin.UniqueConstraint grails.util.BuildScope grails.transaction.GrailsTransactionTemplate grails.gorm.transactions.GrailsTransactionTemplate org.grails.transaction.transform.RollbackTransform org.grails.datastore.gorm.transactions.transform.RollbackTransform grails.transaction.NotTransactional grails.gorm.transactions.NotTransactional grails.transaction.Rollback grails.gorm.transactions.Rollback grails.transaction.Transactional grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional org.grails.config.FlatConfig org.grails.core.metaclass.MetaClassEnhancer Use traits instead. org.grails.core.util.ClassPropertyFetcher org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect.ClassPropertyFetcher org.grails.transaction.transform.TransactionalTransform org.grails.datastore.gorm.transactions.transform.TransactionalTransform grails.core.ComponentCapableDomainClass grails.core.GrailsDomainClassProperty Use the org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext API instead org.grails.core.DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty org.grails.core.MetaGrailsDomainClassProperty org.grails.plugins.domain.DomainClassPluginSupport Use the org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingFactory org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext APIs instead and Handled by org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext now grails.validation.AbstractConstraint Use org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.AbstractConstraint instead grails.validation.AbstractVetoingConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.AbstractVetoingConstraint grails.validation.CascadingValidator grails.gorm.validation.CascadingValidator grails.validation.ConstrainedProperty grails.gorm.validation.ConstrainedProperty grails.validation.Constraint grails.gorm.validation.Constraint grails.validation.ConstraintFactory org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.factory.ConstraintFactory grails.validation.VetoingConstraint grails.gorm.validation.VetoingConstraint grails.validation.ConstraintException org.grails.validation.BlankConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.BlankConstraint org.grails.validation.ConstrainedPropertyBuilder org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.builder.ConstrainedPropertyBuilder org.grails.validation.ConstraintDelegate org.grails.validation.ConstraintsEvaluatorFactoryBean org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.eval.ConstraintsEvaluator org.grails.validation.CreditCardConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.CreditCardConstraint org.grails.validation.DefaultConstraintEvaluator org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.eval.DefaultConstraintEvaluator org.grails.validation.DomainClassPropertyComparator org.grails.validation.EmailConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.EmailConstraint org.grails.validation.GrailsDomainClassValidator grails.gorm.validation.PersistentEntityValidator org.grails.validation.InListConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.InListConstraint org.grails.validation.MatchesConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.MatchesConstraint org.grails.validation.MaxConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.MaxConstraint org.grails.validation.MaxSizeConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.MaxSizeConstraint org.grails.validation.MinConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.MinConstraint org.grails.validation.MinSizeConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.MinSizeConstraint org.grails.validation.NotEqualConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.NotEqualConstraint org.grails.validation.NullableConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.NullableConstraint org.grails.validation.RangeConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.RangeConstraint org.grails.validation.ScaleConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.ScaleConstraint org.grails.validation.SizeConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.SizeConstraint org.grails.validation.UrlConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.UrlConstraint org.grails.validation.ValidatorConstraint org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.ValidatorConstraint org.grails.validation.routines.DomainValidator Replaced by newer version of commons-validation org.grails.validation.routines.InetAddressValidator Replaced by newer version of commons-validation org.grails.validation.routines.RegexValidator Replaced by newer version of commons-validation org.grails.validation.routines.ResultPair Replaced by newer version of commons-validation org.grails.validation.routines.UrlValidator Replaced by newer version of commons-validation grails.web.JSONBuilder groovy.json.StreamingJsonBuilder Grails-Java8 For those who have added a dependency on the is simply remove the dependency. All of the classes in the plugin have been moved out to their respective projects. plugin, all you should need to do grails-java8 Profiles Deprecation A few of the profiles supported in Grails 3.x will no longer be maintained going forward and as a result it is no longer possible to create applications when them in the shorthand form. When upgrading existing projects, it will be necessary to supply the version for these profiles. org.grails.profiles:angularjs org.grails.profiles:angularjs:1.1.2 org.grails.profiles:webpack org.grails.profiles:webpack:1.1.6 org.grails.profiles:react-webpack org.grails.profiles:react-webpack:1.0.8 Scheduled Methods In Grails 3 no configuration or additional changes were necessary to use the Spring @Scheduled application class in order for scheduling to work. annotation. In Grails 4 you must apply the @EnableScheduling annotation to your 4 Configuration It may seem odd that in a framework that embraces "convention-over-configuration" that we tackle this topic now. With Grails' default settings you can actually develop an application without doing any configuration whatsoever, as the quick start demonstrates, but it’s important to learn where and how to override the conventions when you need to. Later sections of the user guide will mention what configuration settings you can use, but not how to set them. The assumption is that you have at least read the first section of this chapter! 4.1 Basic Configuration Configuration in Grails is generally split across 2 areas: build configuration and runtime configuration. Build configuration is generally done via Gradle and the configuration is by default specified in YAML in the build.gradle file. Runtime grails-app/conf/application.yml file. If you prefer to use Grails 2.0-style Groovy configuration then it is possible to specify configuration using Groovy’s available: syntax. Two Groovy configuration files are grails-app/conf/application.groovy grails-app/conf/runtime.groovy ConfigSlurper and : 1. Use application.groovy for configuration that doesn’t depend on application classes 2. Use runtime.groovy for configuration that does depend on application classes This separation is necessary because configuration values defined in available to the Grails CLI, which needs to be able to load application has been compiled. References to application classes in cause an exception when these commands are executed by the CLI: application.groovy application.groovy before the are application.groovy will Error occurred running Grails CLI: startup failed:script14738267015581837265078.groovy: 13: unable to resolve class For Groovy configuration the following variables are available to the configuration script: Variable userHome grailsHome Description Location of the home directory for the account that is running the Grails application. Location of the directory where you installed Grails. If the environment variable is set, it is used. GRAILS_HOME The application name as it appears in appName build.gradle. appVersion For example: The application version as it appears in build.gradle. my.tmp.dir = " ${ userHome }/.grails/tmp" Accessing Configuration with GrailsApplication If you want to read runtime configuration settings, i.e. those defined in the object, which is available as a variable in controllers and tag libraries: application.yml , use grailsApplication class MyController def hello () { { def recipient = grailsApplication.config.getProperty( '' ) render "Hello } } ${ recipient }" config The provides a number of useful methods to read the configuration of the application. object is an instance of the property of the grailsApplication Config interface and In particular, the configuration properties, while specifying the property type (the default type is String) and/or providing a default fallback value. method (seen above) is useful for efficiently retrieving getProperty class MyController { def hello (Recipient recipient) { //Retrieve Integer property '', otherwise use value of 5 def max = grailsApplication.config.getProperty( '' , Integer 5 , ) //Retrieve property '' without specifying type (default is String), otherwise use value "Hello" def greeting = grailsApplication.config.getProperty( '' , "Hello" ) def message = (recipient.receivedHelloCount >= max) ? "Sorry, you've been greeted the max number of times" : " ${ greeting }, ${ recipient }" } render message } } Config Notice that the concept and reads configuration from the environment, system properties and the local application configuration merging them into a single object. instance is a merged configuration based on Spring’s PropertySource GrailsApplication can be easily injected into services and other Grails artifacts: import grails.core.* class MyService GrailsApplication grailsApplication { String greeting() { recipient = grailsApplication.config.getProperty( '' ) def return "Hello ${ recipient }" } } GrailsConfigurationAware Interface Accessing configuration dynamically at runtime can have a small effect on application performance. An alternative approach is to implement the GrailsConfigurationAware interface, which provides a as a parameter when the class is initialized. You can then assign relevant configuration properties to instance properties on the class for later usage. method that accepts the application configuration setConfiguration Config instance has the same properties and usage as the injected The object. Here is the service class from the previous example, using GrailsConfigurationAware instead of injecting GrailsApplication GrailsApplication : config import class MyService implements GrailsConfigurationAware { String recipient String greeting() { return "Hello ${ recipient }" } void setConfiguration(Config config) { recipient = config.getProperty( } '' ) } Spring Value Annotation You can use Spring’s Value annotation to inject configuration values: import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.* class MyController { @Value '${}' String ( recipient ) def hello () { render "Hello } } ${ recipient }" In Groovy code you must use single quotes around the string for the value of the Value annotation otherwise it is interpreted as a GString not a Spring expression. As you can see, when accessing configuration settings you use the same dot notation as when you define them. 4.1.1 Options for the YML format Config The application.yml for configuration files. file was introduced in Grails 3.0, and YAML is now the preferred format Using system properties / command line arguments Suppose you are using the JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING access the same in the yml file then it can be done in the following manner: command line argument and you want to production : dataSource url : : '${JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING}' Similarly system arguments can be accessed. You will need to have this in used to start the application build.gradle to modify the bootRun target if ./gradlew bootRun is bootRun { systemProperties = } System .properties For testing the following will need to change the test task as follows test { systemProperties = } System .properties External configuration application.(properties|yml) Grails will read default. As Grails is a SpringBoot configuration options are available as well, for documentation please consult: or the current directory by from the ./config 4.1.2 Built in options Grails has a set of core settings that are worth knowing about. Their defaults are suitable for most projects, but it’s important to understand what they do because you may need one or more of them later. Runtime settings On the runtime front, i.e. settings: grails-app/conf/application.yml , there are quite a few more core grails.enable.native2ascii - Set this to false if you do not require native2ascii conversion of Grails i18n properties files (default: true). grails.views.default.codec - Sets the default encoding regime for GSPs - can be one of 'none', 'html', or 'base64' (default: 'none'). To reduce risk of XSS attacks, set this to 'html'. grails.views.gsp.encoding - The file encoding used for GSP source files (default: 'utf-8'). grails.mime.file.extensions - Whether to use the file extension to dictate the mime type in Content Negotiation (default: true). grails.mime.types - A map of supported mime types used for Content Negotiation . grails.serverURL - A string specifying the server URL portion of absolute links, including server name e.g. grails.serverURL="". See by redirects. createLink . Also used grails.views.gsp.sitemesh.preprocess - Determines whether SiteMesh preprocessing happens. Disabling this slows down page rendering, but if you need SiteMesh to parse the generated HTML from a GSP view then disabling it is the right option. Don’t worry if you don’t understand this advanced property: leave it set to true. grails.reload.includes grails.reload.excludes and - Configuring these directives determines the reload behavior for project specific source files. Each directive takes a list of strings that are the class names for project source files that should be excluded from reloading behavior or included accordingly when running the application in development with the task. If the reloaded. directive is configured, then only the classes in that list will be grails.reload.includes bootRun 4.1.3 Logging Since Grails 3.0, logging is handled by the configured with the grails-app/conf/logback.xml file. Logback logging framework and can be ) has been Since Grails 5.1.2 support for groovy configuration ( removed (by logback 1.2.9). It is possible to add back groovy configuration by adding the logback-groovy-config library to your project. grails-app/conf/logback.groovy For more information on configuring logging refer to the subject. Logback documentation on the Logger Names Grails artifacts (controllers, services …) get injected a log property automatically. Prior to Grails 3.3.0, the name of the logger for Grails Artifact followed the convention , where type is the type of the artifact, for example, controllers or services , and className is the fully qualified name of the artifact. Grails 3.3.x simplifies logger names. The next examples illustrate the changes: BookController.groovy located at grails-app/controllers/com/company NOT annotated with @Slf4j Logger Name (Grails 3.3.x or higher) Logger Name (Grails 3.2.x or lower) BookController.groovy located at grails-app/controllers/com/company annotated with @Slf4j Logger Name (Grails 3.3.x or higher) Logger Name (Grails 3.2.x or lower) BookService.groovy located at grails-app/services/com/company NOT annotated with @Slf4j Logger Name (Grails 3.3.x or higher) Logger Name (Grails 3.2.x or lower) BookService.groovy located at grails-app/services/com/company annotated with @Slf4j Logger Name (Grails 3.3.x or higher) Logger Name (Grails 3.2.x or lower) BookDetail.groovy located at src/main/groovy/com/company annotated with @Slf4j Logger Name (Grails 3.3.x or higher) Logger Name (Grails 3.2.x or lower) Masking Request Parameters From Stacktrace Logs When Grails logs a stacktrace, the log message may include the names and values of all of the request parameters for the current request. To mask out the values of secure request parameters, specify the parameter names in the property: grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude config grails-app/conf/application.yml grails : exceptionresolver : params : exclude : - password - creditCard Request parameter logging may be turned off altogether by setting the grails.exceptionresolver.logRequestParameters when the application is running in DEVELOPMENT mode and false for all other environments. config property to false. The default value is true grails-app/conf/application.yml grails : exceptionresolver : logRequestParameters : false External Configuration File If you set the configuration property configuration file. logging.config , you can instruct Logback to use an external grails-app/conf/application.yml logging : config : /Users/me/config/logback.groovy Alternatively, you can supply the configuration file location with a system property: $ ./gradlew -Dlogging.config=/Users/me/config/logback.groovy bootRun Or, you could use an environment variable: $ export LOGGING_CONFIG=/Users/me/config/logback.groovy $ ./gradlew bootRun 4.1.4 GORM Grails provides the following GORM configuration options: true method on domain classes to throw a grails.gorm.failOnError - If set to save() fails during a save. This option may also be grails.validation.ValidationException assigned a list of Strings representing package names. If the value is a list of Strings then the failOnError behavior will only be applied to domain classes in those packages (including sub-packages). See the method docs for more information. , causes the validation if save For example, to enable failOnError for all domain classes: grails : gorm : failOnError : true and to enable failOnError for domain classes by package: grails : gorm : failOnError : - com.companyname.somepackage - com.companyname.someotherpackage 4.1.5 Configuring an HTTP proxy To setup Grails to use an HTTP proxy there are two steps. Firstly you need to configure the CLI to be aware of the proxy if you wish to use it to create applications and so on. grails This can be done using the environment variable, for example on Unix systems: GRAILS_OPTS export GRAILS_OPTS="-Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.proxyUser=test -Dhttp.proxyPassword=test" The default profile repository is resolved over HTTPS so are used, however the username and password are specified with http.proxyPassword https.proxyPort and https.proxyUser http.proxyUser and For Windows systems the environment variable can be configured under My . Computer/Advanced/Environment Variables With this configuration in place the proxy. grails command can connect and authenticate via a Secondly, since Grails uses Gradle as the build system, you need to configure Gradle to authenticate via the proxy. For instructions on how to do this see the Gradle user guide section on the topic . 4.2 The Application Class Every new Grails application features an Application class within the grails-app/init directory. The main Application method, meaning it can be run as a regular application. GrailsAutoConfiguration class subclasses the class and features a static void 4.2.1 Executing the Application Class class, if you are using an IDE then you can There are several ways to execute the simply right click on the class and run it directly from your IDE which will start your Grails application. Application This is also useful for debugging since you can debug directly from the IDE without having command from the to connect a remote debugger when using the ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm command line. You can also package your application into a runnable WAR file, for example: $ ./gradlew bootWar $ java -jar build/libs/myapp-0.1.war This is useful if you plan to deploy your application using a container-less approach. 4.2.2 Customizing the Application Class There are several ways in which you can customize the Application class. Customizing Scanning By default Grails will scan all known source directories for controllers, domain class etc., however if there are packages in other JAR files you wish to scan you can do so by overriding the method of the packageNames() Application class: class Application extends @Override GrailsAutoConfiguration { Collection String < > packageNames() { super .packageNames() + [ 'my.additional.package' ] } ... } Registering Additional Beans Application The a method annotated with the name of the method is used as the bean name: class can also be used as a source for Spring bean definitions, simply define and the returned object will become a Spring bean. The Bean class Application extends @Bean MyType myBean() { GrailsAutoConfiguration { return new MyType() } ... } 4.2.3 The Application LifeCycle The Application plugins implement. class also implements the GrailsApplicationLifeCycle interface which all This means that the regular plugins hooks You can override the so on by overriding the appropriate method: Application class can be used to perform the same functions as a plugin. and doWithSpring doWithApplicationContext such as , GrailsAutoConfiguration { class Application extends @Override Closure doWithSpring() { {-> mySpringBean(MyType) } } ... } 4.3 Environments Per Environment Configuration Grails supports the concept of per environment configuration. The files in the application.groovy using either YAML or the syntax provided by following default definition provided by Grails: ConfigSlurper grails-app/conf application.yml directory can use per-environment configuration . As an example consider the application.yml and environments : development : dataSource : dbCreate url : : create-drop jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE test : dataSource : dbCreate url : : production : update jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE dataSource : update : dbCreate url : properties : jdbc:h2:prodDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE jmxEnabled initialSize : true 5 : ... The above can be expressed in Groovy syntax in application.groovy as follows: dataSource { pooled = false driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" username = "sa" password = "" } environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb" } } test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb" properties { jmxEnabled = true initialSize = 5 } } } } Notice how the common configuration is provided at the top level and then an environments block specifies per environment settings for the DataSource properties of the and dbCreate url . Packaging and Running for Different Environments command line Grails' a specific environment. The format is: has built in capabilities to execute any command within the context of grails <> <> In addition, there are 3 preset environments known to Grails: , development production would run: , dev prod . For example to create a WAR for the and test test , and test for environment you grails test war To target other environments you can pass a grails.env variable to any command: ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.env=UAT Programmatic Environment Detection Within your code, such as in a Gant script or a bootstrap class you can detect the class: environment using the Environment import grails.util.Environment ... switch (Environment.current) { case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: configureForDevelopment() break case Environment.PRODUCTION: configureForProduction() break } Per Environment Bootstrapping It’s often desirable to run code when your application starts up on a per-environment basis. To do so you can use the file’s support for per-environment execution: grails-app/init/BootStrap.groovy init = { ServletContext ctx -> def environments { production { ctx.setAttribute( } development { ctx.setAttribute( } } ctx.setAttribute( } "foo" , "bar" ) "env" , "prod" ) "env" , "dev" ) Generic Per Environment Execution The previous You can also use this class yourself to execute your own environment specific logic: example uses the class internally to execute. grails.util.Environment BootStrap Environment.executeForCurrentEnvironment { production { // do something in production } development { // do something only in development } } 4.4 The DataSource Since Grails is built on Java technology setting up a data source requires some knowledge of JDBC (the technology that stands for Java Database Connectivity). If you use a database other than H2 you need a JDBC driver. For example for MySQL you would need Connector/J . Drivers typically come in the form of a JAR archive. It’s best to use the dependency resolution to resolve the jar if it’s available in a Maven repository, for example you could add a dependency for the MySQL driver like this: dependencies { runtimeOnly 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.29' } Once you have the JAR resolved you need to get familiar with how Grails manages its database configuration. The configuration can be maintained in either grails-app/conf/application.groovy dataSource definition which includes the following settings: grails-app/conf/application.yml or . These files contain the driverClassName - The class name of the JDBC driver username - The username used to establish a JDBC connection password - The password used to establish a JDBC connection url - The JDBC URL of the database dbCreate - Whether to auto-generate the database from the domain model - one of 'create-drop', 'create', 'update', 'validate', or 'none' pooled - Whether to use a pool of connections (defaults to true) logSql - Enable SQL logging to stdout formatSql - Format logged SQL dialect - A String or Class that represents the Hibernate dialect used to communicate with the database. See the package for available dialects. org.hibernate.dialect readOnly - If calling setReadOnly(true) on each Connection true makes the DataSource read-only, which results in the connection pool transactional - If BE1PC transaction manager implementation. This only applies to additional datasources. leaves the DataSource’s transactionManager bean outside the chained false persistenceInterceptor - The default datasource is automatically wired up to the persistence interceptor, other datasources are not wired up automatically unless this is set to true properties - Extra properties to set on the DataSource bean. See the Tomcat Pool documentation of the properties . documentation. There is also a Javadoc format jmxExport - If JMX MBeans are added for DataSources with , will disable registration of JMX MBeans for all DataSources. By default jmxEnabled = true in properties. false type - The connection pool class if you want to force Grails to use it when there are more than one available. A typical configuration for MySQL in application.groovy may be something like: dataSource { pooled = true dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect username = "username" password = "password" type = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" properties { jmxEnabled = true initialSize = 5 maxActive = 50 minIdle = 5 maxIdle = 25 maxWait = 10000 maxAge = timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 5000 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000 validationQuery = "SELECT 1" validationQueryTimeout = 3 60000 * 10 validationInterval = 15000 testOnBorrow = true testWhileIdle = true testOnReturn = false jdbcInterceptors = "ConnectionState;StatementCache(max=200)" defaultTransactionIsolation = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED } } When configuring the DataSource do not include the type or the def keyword before any of the configuration settings as Groovy will treat these as local variable definitions and they will not be processed. For example the following is invalid: dataSource { boolean pooled = true // type declaration results in ignored local variable ... } Example of advanced configuration using extra properties: 10 * 60000 dataSource { pooled = true dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect username = "username" password = "password" type = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" properties { // Documentation for Tomcat JDBC Pool // // jmxEnabled = true initialSize = 5 maxActive = 50 minIdle = 5 maxIdle = 25 maxWait = 10000 maxAge = timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 5000 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000 validationQuery = "SELECT 1" validationQueryTimeout = 3 validationInterval = 15000 testOnBorrow = true testWhileIdle = true testOnReturn = false ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad = true // jdbcInterceptors = "ConnectionState;StatementCache(max=200)" defaultTransactionIsolation = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED // safe default // controls for leaked connections abandonWhenPercentageFull = removeAbandonedTimeout = 120 removeAbandoned = true // use JMX console to change this setting at runtime logAbandoned = // JDBC driver properties // Mysql as example dbProperties { // Mysql specific driver properties // // let Tomcat JDBC Pool handle reconnecting autoReconnect=false // truncation behaviour jdbcCompliantTruncation=false // mysql 0-date conversion zeroDateTimeBehavior='convertToNull' // Tomcat JDBC Pool's StatementCache is used instead, so disable mysql driver's cache cachePrepStmts=false cacheCallableStmts=false // Tomcat JDBC Pool's StatementFinalizer keeps track dontTrackOpenResources=true // performance optimization: reduce number of SQLExceptions thrown in mysql driver code holdResultsOpenOverStatementClose=true // enable MySQL query cache - using server prep stmts will disable query caching useServerPrepStmts=false // metadata caching cacheServerConfiguration=true cacheResultSetMetadata=true metadataCacheSize=100 // timeouts for TCP/IP connectTimeout=15000 socketTimeout=120000 // timer tuning (disable) maintainTimeStats=false enableQueryTimeouts=false // misc tuning false // causes stacktrace recording overhead, use only for debugging 100 // settings are active only when pool is full noDatetimeStringSync=true } } } More on dbCreate Hibernate can automatically create the database tables required for your domain model. You have some control over when and how it does this through the take these values: property, which can dbCreate create - Drops the existing schema and creates the schema on startup, dropping existing tables, indexes, etc. first. create-drop - Same as cleanly. create , but also drops the tables when the application shuts down update - Creates missing tables and indexes, and updates the current schema without dropping any tables or data. Note that this can’t properly handle many schema changes like column renames (you’re left with the old column containing the existing data). validate - Makes no changes to your database. Compares the configuration with the existing database schema and reports warnings. any other value - does nothing dbCreate setting to "none" is recommended once your schema is relatively stable Setting the and definitely when your application and database are deployed in production. Database changes are then managed through proper migrations, either with SQL scripts or a migration Database Migration tool like plugin uses Liquibase. Liquibase Flyway . The or 4.4.1 DataSources and Environments The previous example configuration assumes you want the same config for all environments: production, test, development etc. Grails' DataSource definition is "environment aware", however, so you can do: dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect // other common settings here } environments { production { dataSource { url = "jdbc:mysql://" // other environment-specific settings here } } } 4.4.2 Automatic Database Migration dbCreate property of the The should do at runtime with regards to automatically generating the database tables from GORM definition is important as it dictates what Grails classes. The options are described in the DataSource section: DataSource create create-drop update validate no value mode development In development (and certainly once you go to production) you’ll need to stop dropping and re-creating the database every time you start up your server. is by default set to "create-drop", but at some point in dbCreate It’s tempting to switch to your code changes, but Hibernate’s update support is very conservative. It won’t make any changes that could result in data loss, and doesn’t detect renamed columns or tables, so you’ll be left with the old one and will also have the new one. so you retain existing data and only update the schema when update Grails supports migrations with Liquibase or Flyway via plugins. Database Migration Flyway 4.4.3 Transaction-aware DataSource Proxy The actual connection that’s being used by the current transaction or Hibernate bean is wrapped in a transaction-aware proxy so you will be given the if one is active. dataSource Session If this were not the case, then retrieving a connection from the connection, and you wouldn’t be able to see changes that haven’t been committed yet (assuming you have a sensible transaction isolation setting, e.g. READ_COMMITTED would be a new or better). dataSource 4.4.4 Database Console H2 database console The is a convenient feature of H2 that provides a web-based interface to any database that you have a JDBC driver for, and it’s very useful to view the database you’re developing against. It’s especially useful when running against an in-memory database. You can access the console by navigating to See the available. Spring Boot H2 Console Documentation http://localhost:8080/h2-console in a browser. for more information on the options The H2 console is disabled by default (unless you are using Spring Boot’s developer tools) and must be enabled by configuring the true property with a value of spring.h2.console.enabled . The H2 console is only intended for use during development so care should be taken to ensure that in production. spring.h2.console.enabled is not set to true 4.4.5 Multiple Datasources By default all domain classes share a single DataSource and a single database, but you have the option to partition your domain classes into two or more data sources. Configuring Additional DataSources The default this: DataSource configuration in grails-app/conf/application.yml looks something like : : dataSource pooled jmxExport true driverClassName username password true : : : sa environments : development : dataSource : : org.h2.Driver dbCreate url : : create-drop jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE test : dataSource : dbCreate url : : production : update jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE dataSource : update : dbCreate url : properties : jdbc:h2:prodDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE jmxEnabled initialSize : true 5 : This configures a single data sources, add a like the standard adds a second production: DataSource DataSource DataSource with the Spring bean named dataSource . To configure extra dataSources block (at the top level, in an environment block, or both, just definition) with a custom name. For example, this configuration , using MySQL in the development environment and Oracle in : : dataSource pooled true jmxExport driverClassName username password true : : : sa dataSources : lookup : : org.h2.Driver org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver dialect : driverClassName username password : url dbCreate lookup secret update : : : jdbc:mysql://localhost/lookup environments : development : dataSource : dbCreate url : : create-drop jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE test : dataSource : dbCreate url : : production : update jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE dataSource : update : dbCreate url : properties : jdbc:h2:prodDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE jmxEnabled initialSize true 5 : : ... dataSources : lookup : org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:lookup : dialect driverClassName username password : url dbCreate lookup secret update : : : You can use the same or different databases as long as they’re supported by Hibernate. If you need to inject the lookup datasource in a Grails artefact, you can do it like this: DataSource dataSource_lookup While defining multiple data sources, one of them required because Grails determines which data source is the default by determining which one is named "dataSource". be named "dataSource". This is must Configuring Domain Classes If a domain class has no the if you want to use the property in the ZipCode datasource mapping domain to use the DataSource configuration, it defaults to the standard 'dataSource' . Set block to configure a non-default DataSource . For example, 'lookup' DataSource , configure it like this: class ZipCode { String code static mapping = { datasource 'lookup' } } A domain class can also use two or more data sources. Use the list of names to configure more than one, for example: datasources property with a class ZipCode { String code static mapping = { datasources([ } } 'lookup' , 'auditing' ]) If a domain class uses the default 'DEFAULT' to indicate the default DataSource : DataSource and one or more others, use the special name class ZipCode { String code static mapping = { datasources([ } } 'lookup' , 'DEFAULT' ]) If a domain class uses all configured data sources, use the special value 'ALL' : class ZipCode { String code static mapping = { datasource 'ALL' } } Namespaces and GORM Methods If a domain class uses more than one each this class which uses two data sources: DataSource name to make GORM calls for a particular DataSource then you can use the namespace implied by . For example, consider DataSource class ZipCode { String code static mapping = { datasources([ } } 'lookup' , 'auditing' ]) The first DataSource specified is the default when not using an explicit namespace, so in this case we default to the DataSource 'lookup' name, for example: . But you can call GORM methods on the 'auditing' DataSource with zipCode = ZipCode.auditing.get( def ... 42 ) As you can see, you add the instance case. DataSource to the method call in both the static case and the Hibernate Mapped Domain Classes You can also partition annotated Java classes into separate datasources. Classes using the default datasource are registered in annotated class uses a non-default datasource, create a datasource with the file name prefixed with the datasource name. . To specify that an file for that grails-app/conf/hibernate.cfg.xml hibernate.cfg.xml For example if the grails-app/conf/hibernate.cfg.xml Book : class is in the default datasource, you would register that in = and if the grails-app/conf/ds2_hibernate.cfg.xml Library : class is in the "ds2" datasource, you would register that in = The process is the same for classes mapped with hbm.xml files - just list them in the appropriate hibernate.cfg.xml file. Services Like Domain classes, by default Services use the default PlatformTransactionManager DataSource . To configure a Service to use a different and DataSource , use the static datasource property, for example: class DataService { static datasource = 'lookup' someMethod(...) { void ... } } A transactional service can only use a single domain classes whose DataSource is the same as the Service. DataSource , so be sure to only make changes for Note that the datasource specified in a service has no bearing on which datasources are used for domain classes; that’s determined by their declared datasources in the domain classes themselves. It’s used to declare which transaction manager to use. domain class in dataSource1 If you have a Foo uses WahooService transactional for Bar datasources for two-phase commit, e.g. with the Atomikos plugin. , a service method that saves a new and a dataSource1 Foo Foo Bar instance. If you want both to be transactional you’d need to use two services and XA since they share the same datasource. The transaction won’t affect the domain class in dataSource2 and a new Bar , if will only be Transactions across multiple data sources Grails does not by default try to handle transactions that span multiple data sources. You can enable Grails to use the Best Effort 1PC pattern for handling transactions across multiple datasources. To do so you must set the grails.transaction.chainedTransactionManagerPostProcessor.enabled : setting to in true application.yml grails : transaction : chainedTransactionManagerPostProcessor : enabled : true The Best Efforts 1PC pattern developer must be aware of. is fairly general but can fail in some circumstances that the This is a non-XA pattern that involves a synchronized single-phase commit of a number of resources. Because the transaction, but is is not used, it can never be as safe as an often good enough if the participants are aware of the compromises. 2PC XA The basic idea is to delay the commit of all resources as late as possible in a transaction so that the only thing that can go wrong is an infrastructure failure (not a business-processing error). Systems that rely on Best Efforts 1PC reason that infrastructure failures are rare enough that they can afford to take the risk in return for higher throughput. If business-processing services are also designed to be idempotent, then little can go wrong in practice. The BE1PC implementation was added in Grails 2.3.6. . Before this change additional datasources didn’t take part in transactions initiated in Grails. The transactions in additional datasources were basically in auto commit mode. In some cases this might be the wanted behavior. One reason might be performance: on the start of each new transaction, the BE1PC transaction manager creates a new transaction to each datasource. It’s possible to leave an additional datasource out of the BE1PC transaction manager by setting transactional in the respective configuration block of the additional dataSource. Datasources with = false will also be left out of the chained transaction manager (since 2.3.7). readOnly = true By default, the BE1PC implementation will add all beans implementing the Spring PlatformTransactionManager a possible Grails BE1PC transaction manager’s chain of transaction managers. interface to the chained BE1PC transaction manager. For example, bean in the Grails application context would be added to the JMSTransactionManager You can exclude transaction manager beans from the BE1PC implementation with this configuration option: grails : transaction : chainedTransactionManagerPostProcessor : enabled : blacklistPattern true : '.*' The exclude matching is done on the name of the transaction manager bean. The transaction managers of datasources with using this configuration option is not required in that case. will be skipped and transactional = false readOnly = true or XA and Two-phase Commit When the Best Efforts 1PC pattern isn’t suitable for handling transactions across multiple transactional resources (not only datasources), there are several options available for adding XA/2PC support to Grails applications. Spring transactions documentation contains information about integrating the JTA/XA The transaction manager of different application servers. In this case, you can configure a bean with the name manually in transactionManager resources.groovy resources.xml file. or 4.5 Versioning Detecting Versions at Runtime You can detect the application version using Grails' support for application metadata using the grailsApplication class. For example within variable that can be used: there is an implicit GrailsApplication controllers def version = grailsApplication.metadata.getApplicationVersion() You can retrieve the version of Grails that is running with: def grailsVersion = grailsApplication.metadata.getGrailsVersion() or the GrailsUtil class: import grails.util.GrailsUtil ... def grailsVersion = GrailsUtil.grailsVersion 4.6 Dependency Resolution Dependency resolution is handled by the the file. Refer to the build.gradle Gradle user guide for more information. Gradle build tool , all dependencies are defined in 5 The Command Line The Grails New Command-Line Interface (CLI) has undergone significant changes compared to its previous versions, primarily focusing on code generation. One notable alteration is the removal of APIs for invoking Gradle for tasks related to building using Gradle Tooling APIs. This shift in responsibility aligns with the framework’s evolution and its integration with the Gradle build system. Accessing the Grails CLI The Grails CLI (Command Line Interface) can be swiftly and effortlessly accessed by simply typing the following command into your terminal or command prompt: grails This command allows developers to quickly initiate the Grails CLI and begin working with the framework, making it an easy entry point for those looking to start their Grails projects. The New Grails CLI! is the preferred method for initiating new Grails projects. This command-line interface offers various options for creating projects, enabling you to select your preferred build tools, test frameworks, GORM implementation, and more. Additionally, the CLI provides commands for generating essential components like controllers and domain classes. The Grails Forge Website You can also begin your Grails application without the need to install the Grails CLI by visiting . This web-based platform allows you to initiate Grails projects conveniently, bypassing the installation of the CLI. the Grails Forge website Understanding the New Grails Command-line Interface (CLI) Once the Grails CLI has been successfully installed, you can activate it using the "grails" command. For example: grails create-app myapp A Grails framework CLI project is recognizable by the presence of the "grails-cli.yml" file, which is automatically generated at the project’s root if it was created using the CLI. This file contains information about the project’s profile, default package, and other variables. Here is an example of a "grails-cli.yml" configuration for a default Grails web application: spring-boot-starter-tomcat : : : : : : : : web spock gradle groovy com.example gorm-hibernate5 applicationType defaultPackage testFramework sourceLanguage buildTool gormImpl servletImpl features - app-name - asset-pipeline-grails - base - geb - gorm-hibernate5 - gradle - grails-application - grails-console - grails-dependencies - grails-gorm-testing-support - grails-gradle-plugin - grails-gsp - grails-url-mappings - grails-web - grails-web-testing-support - h2 - logback - micronaut-inject-groovy - readme - scaffolding - spock - spring-boot-autoconfigure - spring-boot-starter - spring-boot-starter-tomcat - yaml This "grails-cli.yml" configuration sets the default values for various aspects of the Grails web application, including the application type, default package, test framework, source language, build tool, GORM implementation, servlet implementation, and a list of enabled features. Grails Default Package Configuration The project’s default package is determined based on the project’s name. For instance, running the following command: grails create-app myapp Will set the default package to myapp . If you wish to specify your own default package when creating the application, you can do so by prefixing the application name with the package like this: grails create-app com.example.myapp In this case, "com.example" becomes the default package for your project. Gradle Build Tool Grails now utilizes the Gradle Build System for project management. The project’s build configuration is specified in the file, where you define critical aspects of your project such as its version, required dependencies, and the repositories from which these dependencies should be sourced. Here’s an example of how this is done: build.gradle plugins { id } 'org.grails.grails-web' version 'x.y.z' // Grails plugin repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter' implementation 'org.grails:grails-core' // Add more dependencies as needed... } grails { pathingJar = true } Utilizing Gradle Build Tool To interact with your Grails project and perform various tasks related to building and running it, you should employ Gradle commands. Here are a few examples: Building the Grails application: gradle build Running the Grails application: gradle bootRun Listing available Gradle tasks: gradle tasks By invoking these Gradle commands, you can effectively manage your Grails application’s lifecycle. It is important to remember that Grails leverages the power of Gradle for streamlined project management, including build automation and dependency resolution. This approach allows for greater flexibility and control over your Grails projects. 5.1 Interactive Mode When you execute the Interface (CLI) enters interactive mode. In this mode, it functions like a shell, allowing you command without any arguments, the Grails Command Line grails to run multiple CLI commands without the need to re-initialize the CLI runtime. This mode is particularly useful when working with code-generation commands (such as ), creating multiple projects, or exploring various CLI features. create-controller One of the advantages of interactive mode is the availability of tab-completion. You can simply press the TAB key to view possible options for a given command or flag. Here’s an example of the available options in interactive mode: grails> --help --verbose -V -v create-app create-domain-class create-restapi create-webapp --stacktrace --version -h -x create-controller create-plugin create-web-plugin Help and Information You can access general usage information for Grails commands using the help flag associated with a specific command. grails> create-app -h Usage: grails create-app [-hivVx] [--list-features] [-g=GORM Implementation] [--jdk=] [-s=Servlet Implementation] [-t=TEST] [-f=FEATURE[,FEATURE...]]... [NAME] Creates an application [NAME] The name of the application to create. -f, --features=FEATURE[,FEATURE...] The features to use. Possible values: h2, scaffolding, gorm-hibernate5, spring-boot-starter-jetty, springloaded, spring-boot-starter-tomcat, micronaut-http-client, cache-ehcache, hibernate-validator, postgres, mysql, cache, database-migration, grails-gsp, hamcrest, gorm-mongodb, assertj, mockito, spring-boot-starter-undertow, micronaut-inject-groovy, github-workflow-java-ci, jrebel, testcontainers, sqlserver, grails-console, views-markup, asset-pipeline-grails, views-json, gorm-neo4j, asciidoctor, embedded-mongodb, grails-web-console, logbackGroovy, mongo-sync, shade, geb, properties -g, --gorm=GORM Implementation Which GORM Implementation to configure. Possible values: hibernate, mongodb, neo4j. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -i, --inplace Create a service using the current directory --jdk, --java-version= The JDK version the project should target --list-features Output the available features and their descriptions -s, --servlet=Servlet Implementation Which Servlet Implementation to configure. Possible values: none, tomcat, jetty, undertow. -t, --test=TEST Which test framework to use. Possible values: junit, spock. -v, --verbose Create verbose output. -V, --version Print version information and exit. -x, --stacktrace Show full stack trace when exceptions occur. You can also obtain a list of available features by using the --list-features flag with any of the create commands. grails> create-app --list-features Available Features (+) denotes the feature is included by default Name Description ---------------------------------- --------------- CI/CD github-workflow-java-ci [PREVIEW] Adds a Github Actions Workflow to Build and Test Grails Application Cache cache The Grails Cache plugin provides powerful and easy to use caching functionality to Grails applications and plugins. cache-ehcache The Grails Cache Ehcache plugin extends the Cache plugin and uses Ehcache as the storage provider for cached content. Client micronaut-http-client Adds support for the Micronaut HTTP client Configuration properties Creates a properties configuration file Database database-migration Adds support for Liquibase database migrations. The Database Migration plugin helps you manage database changes while developing Grails applications. embedded-mongodb Executes an embedded mongo database for integration or functional testing gorm-hibernate5 (+) Adds support for Hibernate5 using GORM gorm-mongodb Configures GORM for MongoDB for Groovy applications gorm-neo4j Configures GORM for Neo4j for Groovy applications h2 (+) Adds the H2 driver and default config mongo-sync Adds support for the MongoDB Synchronous Driver mysql Adds the MySQL driver and default config postgres Adds the PostgresSQL driver and default config sqlserver Adds the SQL Server driver and default config testcontainers Use Testcontainers to run a database or other software in a Docker container for tests Development Tools assertj AssertJ fluent assertions framework hamcrest Hamcrest matchers for JUnit jrebel Adds support for class reloading with JRebel (requires separate JRebel installation) springloaded Adds support for class reloading with Spring Loaded Documentation asciidoctor Adds support for creating Asciidoctor documentation Logging logbackGroovy Gives you the ability to use groovy to configure logback instead of XML. Management grails-web-console A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging Other geb (+) This plugins configure Geb for Grails framework to write automation tests. grails-console (+) Starts the Grails console, which is an extended version of the regular Groovy console. micronaut-inject-groovy (+) micronaut-inject-groovy scaffolding (+) The Grails® framework Scaffolding plugin replicates much of the functionality from Grails 2, but uses the fields plugin instead. Packaging shade Adds the ability to build a Fat/Shaded JAR Server spring-boot-starter-jetty spring-boot-starter-jetty spring-boot-starter-tomcat (+) spring-boot-starter-tomcat spring-boot-starter-undertow spring-boot-starter-undertow Validation hibernate-validator Adds support for the Hibernate Validator mockito Mockito test mocking framework for JUnit View Rendering asset-pipeline-grails (+) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in JVM applications primarily via Gradle (however not mandatory). Read more at grails-gsp (+) grails-gsp views-json JSON views are written in Groovy, end with the file extension gson and reside in the grails-app/views directory. They provide a DSL for producing output in the JSON format. views-markup Markup views are written in Groovy, end with the file extension gml and reside in the grails-app/views directory. They provide a DSL for producing output in the XML. 5.2 Creating Custom Commands In Grails, a custom command is a piece of functionality that you can add to your Grails application and execute via the command-line interface (CLI). These commands are not part of the core Grails framework but are extensions you can create to perform specific tasks or operations that are unique to your application’s requirements. Custom commands are a powerful way to automate various tasks, interact with your application, and perform administrative functions from the command line. When you run custom commands, they cause the Grails environment to start, giving you full access to the application context and the runtime, allowing you to work with the application’s resources, services, and configuration as needed within your custom command. There are several reasons why you might want to write a custom command for your Grails application: Automating Tasks: Custom commands allow you to automate routine tasks, such as data migration, database updates, or batch processing, by encapsulating the logic in a command that can be executed on-demand. Administrative Operations: You can use custom commands for administrative tasks like user management, system maintenance, and configuration management, making it easier to manage your application in different environments. Integration: Custom commands can be used to integrate your Grails application with other systems or services. For example, you can create a command to synchronize data with an external API. Customized Workflows: If your application has unique workflows or processes, custom commands provide a way to execute these workflows from the command line. In Grails, you can create custom commands by implementing the GrailsApplicationCommand the handle() method as following: trait. By default, this trait requires your command to implement boolean handle() Commands defined this way still have access to the execution context via a variable called "executionContext." Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create custom commands using the GrailsApplicationCommand trait with examples, and how to run these commands. In Grails, you can create custom commands by implementing the GrailsApplicationCommand trait. Custom commands allow you to add functionality to your Grails application that can be executed via the command-line interface (CLI). Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create custom commands using the trait with examples, and how to run these commands. GrailsApplicationCommand Step 1: Create a Custom Command To create a custom command, you need to create a Groovy class that implements the trait. This trait provides methods for command execution. Let’s GrailsApplicationCommand create a simple example command that greets the user: // grails-app/commands/com/example/GreetCommand.groovy package com.example import grails.cli.GrailsApplicationCommand class GreetCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand { String getName() { return "greet" } String getDescription() { return "Greet the user" } boolean println( handle() { "Hello, user!" ) return true // Return true to indicate successful execution } } In this example, we’ve created a GrailsApplicationCommand trait. It provides a GreetCommand class that implements the getName() method to define the command name, a method to specify the code to run() getDescription() execute when the command is run. method for a brief description, and the Step 2: Build Your Grails Application Before you can use the runCommand task, ensure you have built your Grails application using the following command: ./gradlew assemble This command will compile your application and make it ready for running custom commands. Step 3: Run the Custom Command To run the custom command, use Gradle’s runCommand task. Open your terminal and navigate to your Grails application’s root directory. Then, run the custom command with the following Gradle command: ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="greet" In the command above, replace "greet" with the name of your custom command. This will execute the GreetCommand, and you will see the output. Here’s the expected final output when you run the greet command: Hello, user! Additional Features: Command Arguments and Options Grails also supports command-line arguments and options for custom commands. You can define these in your command class by implementing the interface. Here’s an example of a command that takes a name as an argument and an optional --loud option to make the greeting louder: GrailsApplicationCommand // grails-app/commands/com/example/GreetCommand.groovy package com.example import grails.cli.GrailsApplicationCommand class GreetCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand { String getName() { return "greet" } String getDescription() { return "Greet the user with options" } handle() { args = commandLine.args boolean def String boolean name = args.size() > ? args[ ] : 0 loud = args.contains( "--loud" 0 ) "user" if (loud) { println( } println( } else { "HELLO, name $ ! (LOUD)" ) "Hello, name $ !" ) return true } } Now you can run the greet command with arguments and options: # Greet the user with the default message ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="greet" # Greet a specific user ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="greet Alice" # Greet loudly ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="greet --loud" # Greet a specific user loudly ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="greet Alice --loud" This allows you to create more versatile and interactive custom commands for your Grails application. In summary, creating custom commands in Grails using the trait is a powerful way to extend your application’s functionality beyond the web interface. You can define the command’s name, description, and logic, and then execute it from the command line, optionally passing arguments and options as needed. GrailsApplicationCommand Using the executionContext in the Grails Custom Commands In Grails, the executionContext is a runtime context object that provides valuable information about the current execution environment of a Grails application. It includes details such as the application’s environment (e.g., development, production, test) and allows developers to access this context within custom commands. Custom commands in Grails can use the executionContext to make informed decisions and perform specific tasks based on the current runtime environment. For example, developers can write conditional logic in custom commands that execute differently in production, development, or testing environments. This flexibility enables custom commands to adapt and behave differently depending on the context in which they are run, making them versatile tools for managing and extending Grails applications. Suppose you have a Grails application that manages customer data, and you want to create a custom command to perform data backup. In this scenario, you may want the backup process to behave differently depending on whether you’re running it in a development, staging, or production environment. Here’s an example of how you can create a custom command that uses the executionContext to determine the backup behavior: // grails-app/commands/com/example/BackupCommand.groovy package com.example import grails.cli.GrailsApplicationCommand class BackupCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand { String getName() { return "backup" } String getDescription() { return "Backup customer data" } boolean handle() { // Access the executionContext to determine the environment def environment = executionContext.environment "Performing a full backup of customer data (Production)" ) if ) { (environment == "production" // Perform a full backup in the production environment println( // Add production-specific backup logic here } // Perform a partial backup in other environments println( // Add non-production backup logic here } else { "Performing a partial backup of customer data (Non-production)" ) return true // Return true to indicate successful execution } } In this example: The custom command, named BackupCommand , is created to back up customer data. It checks the executionContext to determine the current environment. If the environment is "production," it performs a full backup with production-specific logic. In all other environments, it performs a partial backup with non-production logic. When you run this custom command using its behavior based on whether you’re in a production or non-production environment, demonstrating how the in a realistic scenario. can be used to make environment-specific decisions ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="backup" , it will adapt executionContext How to Create a Custom Command from a Grails Plugin You can create custom commands not only within your Grails application but also from a Grails plugin. Here’s how to do it: 1. Create a Grails Plugin: If you don’t already have a Grails plugin, you can create one using Grails' plugin generation commands. For example: grails create-plugin my-plugin 2. Define the Command: Inside your Grails plugin, define the custom command by creating a Groovy class that implements the GrailsApplicationCommand , necessary methods like trait or interface, providing the getName() getDescription() , and handle() . 3. Build and Package the Plugin: To publish the plugin, you should use the Gradle maven-publish plugin. Update your plugin’s build.gradle file to include the following configuration: publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from } } repositories { maven { url } } } "file://path/to/your/local/repo" // Adjust the path accordingly Then, you can publish the plugin to your local repository: ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal 4. Add the Plugin as a Dependency: Instead of using the grails install-plugin command, you should add the plugin as a dependency in your Grails application’s build.gradle file. Include the following dependency: dependencies { // ... implementation // ... } 'com.example:my-plugin:1.0.0' // Replace with your plugin's group and version Make sure to replace "com.example:my-plugin:1.0.0" with the appropriate group and version for your plugin 5. Run the Custom Command: Now, you can run the custom command from your Grails application’s root directory using the Gradle task, as previously explained: runCommand ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="your-command-name" Replace plugin. "your-command-name" with the name of the custom command you defined in your By following these steps, you can create and run custom commands from a Grails plugin, extending the functionality of your Grails application as needed. This approach allows you to modularize your custom functionality and share it across multiple Grails projects if necessary. 5.3 Creating a Grails Project Creating a project is the primary usage of the CLI. The primary command for creating a new project is create-app, which creates a standard Grails web application that communicates over HTTP. For other types of application, see the documentation below. Command Description Options -jdk, --java-version -s, --servlet -g, --gorm -t, --test -f, --features -i, --inplace -jdk, --java-version -s, --servlet -g, --gorm -t, --test -f, --features -i, --inplace -jdk, --java-version -s, --servlet -g, --gorm -t, --test -f, --features -i, --inplace -jdk, --java-version -s, --servlet -g, --gorm -t, --test -f, --features -i, --inplace create-app / create-webapp Creates a Grails web application create-restapi Creates a Grails REST API application create-plugin Creates a Grails Plugin application create-web-plugin Creates a Grails Web Plugin application | Flag | Description | Example The create- command flags The "create-*" commands are used to produce a fundamental Grails project, allowing for the inclusion of optional flags to select additional features, to customize GORM settings, an embedded servlet, the test framework, and the Java version. Flag Description Example -jdk, --java-version The JDK version the project should target --java-version 11 -s, --servlet Which Servlet Implementation to configure. Possible values: none, tomcat, jetty, undertow. --servlet=tomcat -g, --gorm Which GORM Implementation to configure. Possible values: hibernate, mongodb, neo4j. --gorm hibernate -t, --test Which test framework to use. Possible values: junit, spock. --test spock -f, --features The features to use. Possible values: h2, gorm-hibernate5, spring-boot-starter-jetty, springloaded, micronaut-http-client, cache-ehcache, hibernate-validator, postgres, mysql, cache, database-migration, grails-gsp, hamcrest, gorm-mongodb, assertj, mockito, spring-boot-starter-undertow, micronaut-inject-groovy, github-workflow-java-ci, jrebel, testcontainers, sqlserver, grails-console, views-markup, views-json, gorm-neo4j, asciidoctor, embedded-mongodb, grails-web-console, logbackGroovy, mongo-sync, shade, properties --features github-workflow-java-ci,micronaut-http-client -i, --inplace Create a project using the current directory --inplace 6 Object Relational Mapping (GORM) Domain classes are core to any business application. They hold state about business processes and hopefully also implement behavior. They are linked together through relationships; one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. GORM is Grails' object relational mapping (ORM) implementation. Under the hood it uses Hibernate (a very popular and flexible open source ORM solution) and thanks to the dynamic nature of Groovy with its static and dynamic typing, along with the convention of Grails, there is far less configuration involved in creating Grails domain classes. You can also write Grails domain classes in Java. See the section on Hibernate Integration for how to write domain classes in Java but still use dynamic persistent methods. Below is a preview of GORM in action: def book = Book .findByTitle( "Groovy in Action" ) book .addToAuthors( .addToAuthors( .save() name "Dierk Koenig" name "Guillaume LaForge" : : ) ) 6.1 Quick Start Guide A domain class can be created with the create-domain-class command: grails create-domain- class myapp .Person If no package is specified with the create-domain-class script, Grails automatically uses the application name as the package name. This will create a class at the location below: grails-app/domain/myapp/Person.groovy such as the one package myapp class Person } { If you have the DataSource property set to "update", "create" or "create-drop" on your , Grails will automatically generate/modify the database tables for you. dbCreate You can customize the class by adding properties: class Person { name age lastVisit String Integer Date } Once you have a domain class try and manipulate it with the shell or console by typing: grails console This loads an interactive GUI where you can run Groovy commands with access to the Spring ApplicationContext, GORM, etc. 6.1.1 Basic CRUD Try performing some basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations. Create To create a domain class use Map constructor to set its properties and call save : def p = new Person( name : "Fred" , age : 40 , lastVisit : new Date ()) method will persist your class to the database using the underlying Hibernate ORM save The layer. Read Grails transparently adds an implicit retrieval: id property to your domain class which you can use for p = Person.get( ) 1 def assert 1 == get This uses the method that expects a database identifier to read the from the database. You can also load an object in a read-only state by using the read method: Person object back def p = ) 1 In this case the underlying Hibernate engine will not do any dirty checking and the object will not be persisted. Note that if you explicitly call the placed back into a read-write state. method then the object is save In addition, you can also load a proxy for an instance by using the load method: def p = Person.load( ) 1 This incurs no database access until a method other than getId() is called. Hibernate then initializes the proxied instance, or throws an exception if no record is found for the specified id. Update To update an instance, change some properties and then call save again: p = Person.get( ) 1 def = "Bob" Delete To delete an instance use the delete method: p = Person.get( ) 1 def p.delete() 6.2 Further Reading on GORM For more information on using GORM see the project. dedicated documentation for the GORM 7 The Web Layer 7.1 Controllers A controller handles requests and creates or prepares the response. A controller can generate the response directly or delegate to a view. To create a controller, simply create a class whose name ends with it’s in a package). directory (in a subdirectory if grails-app/controllers in the Controller URL Mapping The default mapped to a URI and each action defined within your controller maps to URIs within the controller name URI. configuration ensures that the first part of your controller name is 7.1.1 Understanding Controllers and Actions Creating a controller Controllers can be created with the example try running the following command from the root of a Grails project: generate-controller create-controller or command. For grails create-controller book The command will create a controller at the location grails-app/controllers/myapp/BookController.groovy : package myapp class BookController { def index () { } } where "myapp" will be the name of your application, the default package name if one isn’t specified. BookController by default maps to the /book URI (relative to your application root). create-controller The can just as easily create controllers using your favorite text editor or IDE commands are just for convenience and you generate-controller and Creating Actions A controller can have multiple public action methods; each one maps to a URI: class BookController { def list () { // do controller logic // create model return model } } This example maps to the /book/list URI by default thanks to the property being named list . The Default Action A controller has the concept of a default URI that maps to the root URI of the controller, for . The action that is called when the default URI is requested for example is dictated by the following rules: BookController /book If there is only one action, it’s the default If you have an action named index , it’s the default Alternatively you can set it explicitly with the defaultAction property: static defaultAction = "list" 7.1.2 Controllers and Scopes Available Scopes Scopes are hash-like objects where you can store variables. The following scopes are available to controllers: servletContext - Also known as application scope, this scope lets you share state across the entire web application. The servletContext is an instance of ServletContext session - The session allows associating state with a given user and typically uses cookies to associate a session with a client. The session object is an instance of HttpSession request - The request object allows the storage of objects for the current request only. The request object is an instance of HttpServletRequest params - Mutable map of incoming request query string or POST parameters flash - See below Accessing Scopes Scopes can be accessed using the variable names above in combination with Groovy’s array HttpServletRequest : index operator, even on classes provided by the Servlet API such as the class BookController { def find () { findBy = params[ appContext = request[ loggedUser = session[ "findBy" ] ] "foo" "logged_user" ] def def def } } You can also access values within scopes using the de-reference operator, making the syntax even more clear: class BookController { def find () { def def def findBy = params.findBy appContext = loggedUser = session.logged_user } } This is one of the ways that Grails unifies access to the different scopes. Using Flash Scope Grails supports the concept of for this request and the next request only. Afterwards the attributes are cleared. This is useful for setting a message directly before redirecting, for example: scope as a temporary store to make attributes available flash () { def delete def if b = (!b) { Book .get( flash.message = "User not found for id redirect( } ... // remaining code } action :list) ${ }" delete action is requested, the When the display an information message. It will be removed from the request. message value will be in scope and can be used to scope after this second flash Note that the attribute name can be anything you want, and the values are often strings used to display messages, but can be any object type. Scoped Controllers Newly created applications have the "singleton" in listed below. If the property is not assigned a value at all, controllers will default to "prototype" scope. . You may change this value to any of the supported scopes grails.controllers.defaultScope property set to a value of application.yml Supported controller scopes are: prototype (default) - A new controller will be created for each request (recommended for actions as Closure properties) session - One controller is created for the scope of a user session singleton - Only one instance of the controller ever exists (recommended for actions as methods) To enable one of the scopes, add a static scope values listed above, for example scope property to your class with one of the valid static scope = "singleton" You can define the default strategy in key, for example: grails : controllers : defaultScope : singleton application.yml with the grails.controllers.defaultScope Use scoped controllers wisely. For instance, we don’t recommend having any properties in a singleton-scoped controller since they will be shared for requests. all 7.1.3 Models and Views Returning the Model A model is a Map that the view uses when rendering. The keys within that Map correspond to variable names accessible by the view. There are a couple of ways to return a model. First, you can explicitly return a Map instance: def show [ book () { : Book .get(] } The above does not scaffolding section reflect what you should use with the scaffolding views - see the for more details. A more advanced approach is to return an instance of the Spring ModelAndView class: import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView def index // get some books just for the index page, perhaps your favorites () { def favoriteBooks = ... // forward to the list view to show them return new ModelAndView( "/book/list" , [ bookList : favoriteBooks ]) } One thing to bear in mind is that certain variable names can not be used in your model: attributes application Currently, no error will be reported if you do use them, but this will hopefully change in a future version of Grails. Selecting the View In both of the previous two examples there was no code that specified which to render. So how does Grails know which one to pick? The answer lies in the conventions. Grails will look for a view at the location grails-app/views/book/show.gsp for this action: view show class BookController { def show () { : book [ } } Book .get(] To render a different view, use the render method: def show () { def render( } map = [ view book : : Book .get(] "display" , model : map) In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/book/display.gsp with the shared views, you use an absolute path instead of a relative one: directory of the grails-app/views book . Notice that Grails automatically qualifies the view location directory. This is convenient, but to access def show () { def render( } map = [ view book : : Book "/shared/display" .get(] model , : map) In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/shared/display.gsp . Grails also supports JSPs as views, so if a GSP isn’t found in the expected location but a JSP is, it will be used instead. Unlike GSPs, JSPs must be located in the directory path /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/grails-app/views . Additionally, to ensure JSPs work as intended, don’t forget to include the required dependencies for JSP and JSTL implementations in your build.gradle file. Selecting Views For Namespaced Controllers If a controller defines a namespace for itself with the root directory in which Grails will look for views which are specified with a relative path. The default root directory for views rendered by a namespaced controller is . If the view is not found in the namespaced grails-app/views/// directory then Grails will fallback to looking for the view in the non-namespaced directory. property that will affect the namespace See the example below. class ReportingController { static namespace = 'business' def humanResources () { // This will render grails-app/views/business/reporting/humanResources.gsp // if it exists. // If grails-app/views/business/reporting/humanResources.gsp does not // exist the fallback will be grails-app/views/reporting/humanResources.gsp. // The namespaced GSP will take precedence over the non-namespaced GSP. [ } numberOfEmployees 9 : ] def accountsReceivable () { // This will render grails-app/views/business/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp // if it exists. // If grails-app/views/business/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp does not // exist the fallback will be grails-app/views/reporting/numberCrunch.gsp. // The namespaced GSP will take precedence over the non-namespaced GSP. render } } view : 'numberCrunch' , model : [ numberOfEmployees : 13 ] Rendering a Response Sometimes it’s easier (for example with Ajax applications) to render snippets of text or code to the response directly from the controller. For this, the highly flexible method can be used: render render "Hello World!" The above code writes the text "Hello World!" to the response. Other examples include: // write some markup render { for (b div( } } in id books) { :, b.title) // render a specific view : render( 'show' view ) // render a template for each item in a collection Book 'book_template' render( collection template : , : .list()) // render some text with encoding and content type render( "some xml" contentType text : , : "text/xml" , encoding : "UTF-8" ) If you plan on using Groovy’s method be careful of naming clashes between HTML elements and Grails tags, for example: to generate HTML for use with the MarkupBuilder render import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder ... def login() { def def writer = builder = new StringWriter () new MarkupBuilder(writer) builder.html { head { title 'Log in' } body { h1 'Hello' form { } } } def html = writer.toString() render html } This will actually MarkupBuilder call the form tag (which will return some text that will be ignored by the ). To correctly output a
element, use the following: () { def login // ... body { h1 'Hello' builder.form { } } // ... } 7.1.4 Redirects and Chaining Redirects Actions can be redirected using the redirect controller method: class OverviewController { def login () {} def find () { if (!session.user) action : 'login' ) redirect( return } ... } } Internally the redirect method uses the HttpServletResponse object’s sendRedirect method. The redirect method expects one of: The name of an action (and controller name if the redirect isn’t to an action in the current controller): // Also redirects to the index action in the home controller redirect( controller 'index' action 'home' : : , ) A URI for a resource relative the application context path: // Redirect to an explicit URI redirect( "/login.html" uri : ) Or a full URL: // Redirect to a URL url redirect( : "" ) A domain class instance: // Redirect to the domain instance Book redirect book book = ... // obtain a domain instance In the above example Grails will construct a link using the domain class id (if present). Parameters can optionally be passed from one action to the next using the the method: params argument of redirect( action : 'myaction' , params : [ myparam : "myvalue" ]) These parameters are made available through the request parameters. If a parameter is specified with the same name as a request parameter, the request parameter is overridden and the controller parameter is used. dynamic property that accesses params Since the one action to the next: params object is a Map, you can use it to pass the current request parameters from redirect( action : "next" , params : params) Finally, you can also include a fragment in the target URI: redirect( controller : "test" , action : "show" , fragment : "profile" ) which will (depending on the URL mappings) redirect to something like "/myapp/test/show#profile". Chaining Actions can also be chained. Chaining allows the model to be retained from one action to the next. For example calling the action in this action: first class ExampleChainController { def first () { chain( } action : second, model : [ one 1 : ]) def second chain( } () { action : third, model : [ two 2 : ]) def third () { 3 : ]) three [ } } results in the model: [ one 1 : , two 2 : , three 3 : ] The model can be accessed in subsequent controller actions in the chain using the chainModel map. This dynamic property only exists in actions following the call to the method: chain class ChainController { def nextInChain () { model = chainModel.myModel def ... } } Like the redirect method you can also pass parameters to the chain method: chain( action : "action1" , model : [ one 1 : ], params : [ myparam : "param1" ]) The chain method uses the HTTP session and hence should only be used if your application is stateful. 7.1.5 Data Binding Data binding is the act of "binding" incoming request parameters onto the properties of an object or an entire graph of objects. Data binding should deal with all necessary type conversion since request parameters, which are typically delivered by a form submission, are always strings whilst the properties of a Groovy or Java object may well not be. Map Based Binding The data binder is capable of converting and assigning values in a Map to properties of an object. The binder will associate entries in the Map to properties of the object using the keys in the Map that have values which correspond to property names on the object. The following code demonstrates the basics: grails-app/domain/Person.groovy class Person { String String Integer firstName lastName age } def bindingMap = [ firstName : 'Peter' , lastName : 'Gabriel' , age : 63 ] def person = new Person(bindingMap) assert assert assert person.firstName == person.lastName == person.age == 63 'Peter' 'Gabriel' To update properties of a domain object you may assign a Map to the the domain class: properties property of def bindingMap = [ firstName : 'Peter' , lastName : 'Gabriel' , age : 63 ] person = Person.get(someId) def = bindingMap assert assert assert person.firstName == person.lastName == person.age == 63 'Peter' 'Gabriel' The binder can populate a full graph of objects using Maps of Maps. class Person { String String Integer firstName lastName age Address homeAddress } class Address String String { county country } def bindingMap = [ firstName : 'Peter' , lastName : 'Gabriel' , age : 63 , homeAddress : [ county : 'Surrey' , country : 'England' ] ] def person = new Person(bindingMap) assert assert assert assert assert person.firstName == person.lastName == person.age == person.homeAddress.county == == 'Peter' 'Gabriel' 63 'Surrey' 'England' Binding To Collections And Maps The data binder can populate and update Collections and Maps. The following code shows a simple example of populating a of objects in a domain class: List { name hasMany = [ albums : Album] class Band String static List albums } class Album { String title Integer numberOfTracks } def bindingMap = [ 'Genesis' , : name 'albums[0]' 'albums[1]' : [ : [ title title : : 'Foxtrot' 'Nursery Cryme' , numberOfTracks 6 : ], , numberOfTracks 7 : ]] def band = new Band(bindingMap) assert assert assert assert assert assert == 'Genesis' band.albums.size() == 'Foxtrot' band.albums[ ].title == band.albums[ ].numberOfTracks == band.albums[ ].title == band.albums[ ].numberOfTracks == 0 0 1 1 2 6 7 'Nursery Cryme' That code would work in the same way if albums were an array instead of a List . Map Set List the structure of the Note that when binding to a that of a being bound to a correspond to the order of elements in the instead of a album in the being assigned to the Set being updated, as in the following example: , the or it might be the second. When updating existing elements in a Set were a . In the code example above, if could look exactly the same but 'Foxtrot' might be the first the elements in it which represent the element in the is the same as is unordered, the indexes don’t necessarily but since a Set being bound to the must have bindingMap albums List Set Set Set Map Map Set id Set /* * The value of the indexes 0 and 1 in albums[0] and albums[1] are arbitrary * values that can be anything as long as they are unique within the Map. * They do not correspond to the order of elements in albums because albums * is a Set. */ def bindingMap = [ : [ : [ id id : , 9 4 : , title title : : 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' 'Selling England By The Pound' ]] 'albums[0]' 'albums[1]' ] def band = Band.get(someBandId) /* * This will find the Album in albums that has an id of 9 and will set its title * to 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' and will find the Album in albums that has * an id of 4 and set its title to 'Selling England By The Pound'. In both * cases if the Album cannot be found in albums then the album will be retrieved * from the database by id, the Album will be added to albums and will be updated * with the values described above. If a Album with the specified id cannot be * found in the database, then a binding error will be created and associated * with the band object. More on binding errors later. */ = bindingMap When binding to a Map used for binding to a key in the Map being bound to. See the following code: the structure of the binding List or a Set and the index inside of square brackets corresponds to the Map is the same as the structure of a Map class Album { String static Map players title hasMany = [ players : Player] } class Player String } { name def bindingMap = [ 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' , : title 'players[guitar]' : [ 'players[vocals]' : [ 'players[keyboards]' name name : [ : : name 'Steve Hackett' 'Peter Gabriel' 'Tony Banks' : ], ], ]] def album = new Album(bindingMap) assert assert assert assert assert album.title == album.players.size() == == == == 3 'Steve Hackett' 'Peter Gabriel' 'Tony Banks' 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' When updating an existing , if the key specified in the binding being bound to then a new value will be created and added to the as in the following example: Map Map Map does not exist in the with the specified key Map def bindingMap = [ 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' , : title 'players[guitar]' : [ 'players[vocals]' : [ 'players[keyboards]' name name : [ : : name 'Steve Hackett' 'Peter Gabriel' 'Tony Banks' : ], ], ]] def album = new Album(bindingMap) assert assert assert assert assert album.title == album.players.size() == == == == 3 'Steve Hackett' 'Peter Gabriel' 'Tony Banks' 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' def updatedBindingMap = [ 'players[drums]' 'players[keyboards]' : [ name : [ : name 'Phil Collins' ], 'Anthony George Banks' : ]] = updatedBindingMap 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' assert assert assert assert assert assert album.title == album.players.size() == == == == == 4 'Steve Hackett' 'Peter Gabriel' 'Anthony George Banks' 'Phil Collins' Binding Request Data to the Model params object that is available in a controller has special behavior that helps convert The dotted request parameter names into nested Maps that the data binder can work with. For example, if a request includes request parameters named entries like these: with values 'USA' and 'St. Louis' respectively, would include and params [ person : [ homeAddress : [ country : 'USA' , city : 'St. Louis' ]]] There are two ways to bind request parameters onto the properties of a domain class. The first involves using a domain classes' Map constructor: def save () { def b = } new Book (params) The data binding happens within the code the domain class constructor Grails automatically recognizes that you are trying to bind from request parameters. So if we had an incoming request like: . By passing the new Book(params) params object to /book/save?title=The%20Stand&author=Stephen%20King Then the You can use the title and author properties request parameters would automatically be set on the domain class. property to perform data binding onto an existing instance: def save () { b = def Book .get( = params } This has the same effect as using the implicit constructor. When binding an empty String (a String with no characters in it, not even spaces), the data binder will convert the empty String to null. This simplifies the most common case where the intent is to treat an empty form field as having the value null since there isn’t a way to actually submit a null as a request parameter. When this behavior is not desirable the application may assign the value directly. The mass property binding mechanism will by default automatically trim all Strings at binding time. To disable this behavior set the in grails-app/conf/application.groovy grails.databinding.trimStrings property to false . // the default value is true grails.databinding.trimStrings = false // ... The mass property binding mechanism will by default automatically convert all empty Strings to null at binding time. To disable this behavior set the grails.databinding.convertEmptyStringsToNull property to false in grails-app/conf/application.groovy . // the default value is true grails.databinding.convertEmptyStringsToNull = false // ... trimStrings The order of events is that the String trimming happens and then null conversion happens so if converted to null but also blank Strings. A blank String is any String such that the trim() method returns an empty String. , not only will empty Strings be convertEmptyStringsToNull and is is true true all non-transient, typed instance properties of the target object, These forms of data binding in Grails are very convenient, but also indiscriminate. In other words, they will bind including ones that you may not want bound. Just because the form in your UI doesn’t submit all the properties, an attacker can still send malign data via a raw HTTP request. Fortunately, Grails also makes it easy to protect against such attacks - see the section titled "Data Binding and Security concerns" for more information. Data binding and Single-ended Associations If you have a to update these relationships too. For example if you have an incoming request such as: association you can use Grails' data binding capability many-to-one one-to-one or /book/save? Grails will automatically detect the instance for the given id when doing data binding such as: .id suffix on the request parameter and look up the Author def b = new Book (params) An association property can be set to null by passing the literal String "null". For example: /book/save? Data Binding and Many-ended Associations If you have a one-to-many or many-to-many association there are different techniques for data binding depending of the association type. Set If you have a populate an association is to send a list of identifiers. For example consider the usage of based association (the default for a ) then the simplest way to hasMany below: = = = This produces a select box that lets you select multiple values. In this case if you submit the form Grails will automatically use the identifiers from the select box to populate the books association. However, if you have a scenario where you want to update the properties of the associated objects the this technique won’t work. Instead you use the subscript operator: = = = = Set based association it is critical that you render the mark-up in the same However, with order that you plan to do the update in. This is because a although we’re referring to association will be correct on the server side unless you apply some explicit sorting yourself. has no concept of order, so it is not guaranteed that the order of the and books[0] books[1] Set This is not a problem if you use an index you can refer to. This is also true of List based associations, since a List based associations. Map has a defined order and Note also that if the association you are binding to has a size of two and you refer to an element that is outside the size of association: = = = = = = Then Grails will automatically create a new instance for you at the defined position. You can bind existing instances of the associated type to a you would use with a single-ended association. For example: List using the same .id syntax as = = = Would allow individual entries in the books List to be selected separately. Entries at particular indexes can be removed in the same way too. For example: = = = Will render a select box that will remove the association at chosen. books[0] if the empty option is Binding to a name is replaced by the map key: Map property works the same way except that the list index in the parameter = = This would bind the selected image into the Map property images under a key of "cover" . When binding to Maps, Arrays and Collections the data binder will automatically grow the size of the collections as necessary. The default limit to how large the binder will grow a collection is 256. If the data binder encounters an entry that requires the collection be grown beyond that limit, the entry is ignored. The limit may be configured by assigning a value to the grails.databinding.autoGrowCollectionLimit grails-app/conf/application.groovy property in application.groovy . // the default value is 256 grails.databinding.autoGrowCollectionLimit = 128 // ... Data binding with Multiple domain classes It is possible to bind data to multiple domain objects from the params object. For example so you have an incoming request to: /book/save?book.title=The%20Stand& author. You’ll notice the difference with the above request is that each parameter has a prefix such which is used to isolate which parameters belong to which type. Grails' as params subset of the parameters to bind. object is like a multi-dimensional hash and you can index into it to isolate only a or book. def b = new Book ( Notice how we use the prefix before the first dot of the parameters below this level to bind. We could do the same with an book.title parameter to isolate only Author domain class: def a = new Author( Data Binding and Action Arguments Controller action arguments are subject to request parameter data binding. There are 2 categories of controller action arguments. The first category is command objects. Complex types are treated as command objects. See the section of the user guide for details. The other category is basic object types. Supported types are the 8 primitives, their corresponding type wrappers and request parameters to action arguments by name: . The default behavior is to map Command Objects java.lang.String class AccountingController { // accountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber // accountType will be initialized with params.accountType def displayInvoice String ( accountNumber, int accountType) { // ... } } For primitive arguments and arguments which are instances of any of the primitive type wrapper classes a type conversion has to be carried out before the request parameter value can be bound to the action argument. The type conversion happens automatically. In a case like the example shown above, the request parameter has to be converted to an normal Java behavior (null for type wrapper references, false for booleans and zero for numbers) and a corresponding error will be added to the property of the defining controller. . If type conversion fails for any reason, the argument will have its default value per params.accountType errors int /accounting/displayInvoice?accountNumber=B59786&accountType=bogusValue Since "bogusValue" cannot be converted to type int, the value of accountType will be zero, will be equal the controller’s to 1 and the controller’s error. will contain the corresponding will be true, the controller’s errors.getFieldError('accountType') errors.hasErrors() errors.errorCount If the argument name does not match the name of the request parameter then the @grails.web.RequestParameter the request parameter which should be bound to that argument: annotation may be applied to an argument to express the name of import grails.web.RequestParameter class AccountingController { // mainAccountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber // accountType will be initialized with params.accountType def displayInvoice @RequestParameter 'accountNumber' ( ( ) String mainAccountNumber, int accountType) { // ... } } Data binding and type conversion errors Sometimes when performing data binding it is not possible to convert a particular String into a particular target type. This results in a type conversion error. Grails will retain type conversion errors inside the property of a Grails domain class. For example: errors { class Book ... URL publisherURL } Here we have a domain class an incoming request such as: Book that uses the class to represent URLs. Given /book/save?publisherURL=a-bad-url it is not possible to bind the string error occurs. You can check for these like this: a-bad-url to the publisherURL property as a type mismatch def b = new Book (params) (b.hasErrors()) { if println "The value " is not a valid URL!" } ${ b.errors.getFieldError( 'publisherURL' ).rejectedValue }" + Although we have not yet covered error codes (for more information see the section on validation ), for type conversion errors you would want a message from the grails-app/i18n/ message handler such as: file to use for the error. You can use a generic error field { } is not a valid 0 URL Or a more specific one: typeMismatch.Book.publisherURL=The publisher URL you specified is not a valid URL The BindUsing Annotation BindUsing annotation may be used to define a custom binding mechanism for a The particular field in a class. Any time data binding is being applied to the field the closure value of the annotation will be invoked with 2 arguments. The first argument is the object that data binding is being applied to and the second argument is which is the data source for the data binding. The value returned from the closure will be bound to the property. The following example would result in the upper case version of the value in the source being applied to the field during data binding. DataBindingSource name name import grails.databinding.BindUsing class SomeClass { @BindUsing ({obj, source -> //source is DataSourceBinding which is similar to a Map //and defines getAt operation but cannot be used here. //In order to get name from source use getAt instead as shown below. 'name' ]?.toUpperCase() source[ }) String name } Note that data binding is only possible when the name of the request parameter matches with the field name in the class. Here, SomeClass . name from request parameters matches with name from BindUsing annotation may be used to define a custom binding mechanism for all of the The fields on a particular class. When the annotation is applied to a class, the value assigned to the annotation should be a class which implements the of that class will be used any time a value is bound to a property in the class that this annotation has been applied to. interface. An instance BindingHelper (SomeClassWhichImplementsBindingHelper) @BindUsing class SomeClass String Integer { someProperty someOtherProperty } The BindInitializer Annotation The BindInitializer undefined. Unlike the properties on this association. annotation may be used to initialize an associated field in a class if it is annotation, databinding will continue binding all nested BindUsing import grails.databinding.BindInitializer class Account {} class User Account account { // BindInitializer expects you to return a instance of the type // where it's declared on. You can use source as a parameter, in this case user. @BindInitializer ({user-> new Contact( account :user.account) }) Contact contact } class Contact Account account { String firstName } @BindInitializer only makes sense for associated entities, as per this use case. Custom Data Converters The binder will do a lot of type conversion automatically. Some applications may want to define their own mechanism for converting values and a simple way to do this is to write a and register an instance of that class as a bean in class which implements the Spring application context. ValueConverter package com.myapp.converters import grails.databinding.converters.ValueConverter /** * A custom converter which will convert String of the * form 'city:state' into an Address object. */ class AddressValueConverter implements ValueConverter { boolean value } canConvert(value) { instanceof String def convert def new pieces = value.split( com.myapp.Address( city ':' ) (value) { : pieces[ ], 0 state : pieces[ ]) 1 } Class getTargetType() { com.myapp.Address } } An instance of that class needs to be registered as a bean in the Spring application context. The bean name is not important. All beans that implemented ValueConverter will be automatically plugged in to the data binding process. grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { addressConverter com.myapp.converters.AddressValueConverter // ... } class Person { String firstName Address homeAddress } class Address String String { city state } new Person() person = def = [ assert assert assert person.firstName == 'Jeff' = person.homeAddress.state = "O'Fallon" 'Missouri' firstName : 'Jeff' , homeAddress : "O'Fallon:Missouri" ] Date Formats For Data Binding A custom date format may be specified to be used when binding a String to a Date value by applying the annotation to a Date field. BindingFormat import grails.databinding.BindingFormat class Person { @BindingFormat 'MMddyyyy' Date birthDate ( ) } A global setting may be configured in used application wide when binding to Date. application.groovy to define date formats which will be grails-app/conf/application.groovy grails.databinding.dateFormats = [ 'MMddyyyy' , 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S' , "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'" ] The formats specified in they are included in the List. If a property is marked with will take precedence over the values specified in grails.databinding.dateFormats will be attempted in the order in which , the @BindingFormat @BindingFormat grails.databinding.dateFormats . The formats configured by default are: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss’Z' yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S z yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSX Custom Formatted Converters You may supply your own handler for the which implements the class as a bean in the Spring application context. Below is an example of a trivial custom String formatter that might convert the case of a String based on the value assigned to the BindingFormat annotation. annotation by writing a class FormattedValueConverter interface and registering an instance of that BindingFormat package com.myapp.converters import grails.databinding.converters.FormattedValueConverter class FormattedStringValueConverter implements FormattedValueConverter { def convert (value, String format) { if 'UPPERCASE' ( == format) { value = value.toUpperCase() } else if 'LOWERCASE' value = value.toLowerCase() } value } ( == format) { Class getTargetType() { // specifies the type to which this converter may be applied String } } An instance of that class needs to be registered as a bean in the Spring application context. The bean name is not important. All beans that implemented FormattedValueConverter will be automatically plugged in to the data binding process. grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { formattedStringConverter com.myapp.converters.FormattedStringValueConverter // ... } With that in place the BindingFormat data binder to take advantage of the custom converter. annotation may be applied to String fields to inform the import grails.databinding.BindingFormat class Person { @BindingFormat 'UPPERCASE' String someUpperCaseString ( ) @BindingFormat 'LOWERCASE' String someLowerCaseString ( ) String someOtherString } Localized Binding Formats BindingFormat annotation supports localized format strings by using the optional The attribute. If a value is assigned to the code attribute that value will be used as the message code to retrieve the binding format string from the application context and that lookup will be localized. bean in the Spring messageSource code import grails.databinding.BindingFormat class Person { @BindingFormat Date birthDate } (code= 'date.formats.birthdays' ) grails-app/conf/i18n/ # date.formats.birthdays=MMddyyyy grails-app/conf/i18n/ # date.formats.birthdays=ddMMyyyy Structured Data Binding Editors A structured data binding editor is a helper class which can bind structured request parameters to a property. The common use case for structured binding is binding to a Date object which might be constructed from several smaller pieces of information contained in several request parameters with names like . The structured editor would retrieve all of those individual pieces of information and use them to construct a , birthday_month birthday_date birthday_year and Date . The framework provides a structured editor for binding to register its own structured editors for whatever types are appropriate. Consider the following classes: objects. An application may Date src/main/groovy/databinding/Gadget.groovy package databinding class Gadget Shape Shape { expandedShape compressedShape } src/main/groovy/databinding/Shape.groovy package databinding class Shape int area { } Gadget has 2 A Shape Shape to accept request parameters like at binding time. A structured binding editor is well suited for that. has an width fields. A and height area property. It may be that the application wants and use those to calculate the area of a Shape grails.databinding.TypedStructuredBindingEditor The way to register a structured editor with the data binding process is to add an instance of the context. The easiest way to implement the the override the org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor interface is to extend abstract class and interface to the Spring application method as shown below: TypedStructuredBindingEditor getPropertyValue src/main/groovy/databinding/converters/StructuredShapeEditor.groovy package databinding.converters import databinding.Shape import org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor class StructuredShapeEditor extends AbstractStructuredBindingEditor< Shape > { public Shape getPropertyValue( Map values) { // retrieve the individual values from the Map def def width = values.width height = values.height as int as int // use the values to calculate the area of the Shape def area = width * height // create and return a Shape with the appropriate area new Shape area ( : area) } } An instance of that class needs to be registered with the Spring application context: grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { shapeEditor databinding.converters.StructuredShapeEditor // ... } Gadget and expandedShape compressedShape class it will check to see if there are which have a value of When the data binder binds to an instance of the request parameters with names "struct" and if they do exist, that will trigger the use of the individual components of the structure need to have parameter names of the form propertyName_structuredElementName. In the case of the mean that the compressedShape and compressedShape_width the width and the height of the compressed parameter should have a value of "struct" and the parameters should have values which represent the width and the height of the expanded Shape parameters should have values which represent expandedShape and request parameter should have a value of "struct" and the class above that would . Similarly, the compressedShape_height StructuredShapeEditor expandedShape_height expandedShape_width request . The Gadget Shape . grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy class DemoController { def createGadget (Gadget gadget) { /* /demo/createGadget?expandedShape=struct&expandedShape_width=80&expandedShape_height=30 &compressedShape=struct&compressedShape_width=10&compressedShape_height=3 */ // with the request parameters shown above gadget.expandedShape.area would be 2400 // and gadget.compressedShape.area would be 30 // ... } } Typically the request parameters with "struct" as their value would be represented by hidden form fields. Data Binding Event Listeners DataBindingListener The binding events. The interface looks like this: interface provides a mechanism for listeners to be notified of data package; import grails.databinding.errors.BindingError ; /** * A listener which will be notified of events generated during data binding. * * @author Jeff Brown * @since 3.0 * @see DataBindingListenerAdapter */ public interface DataBindingListener { /** * @return true if the listener is interested in events for the specified type. */ boolean supports( Class clazz); /** * Called when data binding is about to start. * * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult) * @return true if data binding should continue */ Boolean beforeBinding( Object target, Object errors); /** * Called when data binding is about to imposed on a property * * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon * @param propertyName The name of the property being bound to * @param value The value of the property being bound * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult) * @return true if data binding should continue, otherwise return false */ Boolean beforeBinding( Object target, String propertyName, Object value, Object errors); /** * Called after data binding has been imposed on a property * * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon * @param propertyName The name of the property that was bound to * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult) */ void afterBinding( Object target, String propertyName, Object errors); /** * Called after data binding has finished. * * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult) */ void afterBinding( Object target, Object errors); /** * Called when an error occurs binding to a property * @param error encapsulates information about the binding error * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult) * @see BindingError */ void bindingError(BindingError error, Object errors); } Any bean in the Spring application context which implements that interface will automatically be registered with the data binder. The implements the interface and provides default implementations for all of the methods in the interface so this class is well suited for subclassing so your listener class only needs to provide implementations for the methods your listener is interested in. DataBindingListenerAdapter DataBindingListener class Using The Data Binder Directly There are situations where an application may want to use the data binder directly. For example, to do binding in a Service on some arbitrary object which is not a domain class. The following will not work because the properties property is read only. src/main/groovy/bindingdemo/Widget.groovy package bindingdemo class Widget String Integer { name size } grails-app/services/bindingdemo/WidgetService.groovy package bindingdemo class WidgetService { (Widget widget, def updateWidget data) { // this will throw an exception because // properties is read-only = data } } Map An instance of the data binder is in the Spring application context with a bean name of interface. The following code grailsWebDataBinder demonstrates using the data binder directly. . That bean implements the DataBinder grails-app/services/bindingdmeo/WidgetService package bindingdemo import grails.databinding.SimpleMapDataBindingSource class WidgetService { // this bean will be autowired into the service def grailsWebDataBinder def updateWidget (Widget widget, Map data) { grailsWebDataBinder.bind widget, data } as SimpleMapDataBindingSource } DataBinder documentation for more information about overloaded versions of the See the bind method. Data Binding and Security Concerns When batch updating properties from request parameters you need to be careful not to allow clients to bind malicious data to domain classes and be persisted in the database. You can limit what properties are bound to a given domain class using the subscript operator: def p = Person.get( ) 1[ 'firstName' 'lastName' , ] = params In this case only the firstName and lastName properties will be bound. Another way to do this is is to use Command Objects as the target of data binding instead of domain classes. Alternatively there is also the flexible bindData method. The bindData method allows the same data binding capability, but to arbitrary objects: p = def new bindData(p, params) Person() The bindData method also lets you exclude certain parameters that you don’t want updated: p = def bindData(p, params, [ Person() new exclude : 'dateOfBirth' ]) Or include only certain properties: p = def bindData(p, params, [ Person() new include : [ 'firstName' , 'lastName' ]]) If an empty List is provided as a value for the include subject to binding if they are not explicitly excluded. parameter then all fields will be The bindable constraint can be used to globally prevent data binding for certain properties. 7.1.6 Responding with JSON Using the respond method to output JSON The respond Negotiation method is the preferred way to return JSON and integrates with and JSON Views . Content respond The appropriate response for the given client. method provides content negotiation strategies to intelligently produce an For example given the following controller and action: grails-app/controllers/example/BookController.groovy package example class BookController { () { def index respond } } Book .list() The respond method will take the followings steps: 1. If the client Accept header specifies a media type (for example application/json ) use that 2. If the file extension of the URI (for example property of grails.mime.types configuration /books.json ) includes a format defined in the grails-app/conf/application.yml use the media type defined in the respond The calculated media type from the RendererRegistry . method will then look for an appriopriate Renderer for the object and the Grails includes a number of pre-configured default representations of JSON responses for the argument passed to going to the URI will produce JSON such as: /book.json Renderer implementations that will produce respond . For example [ { { ] id 1 "title" "The Stand" : id 2 "title" "Shining" : : , : , } }, Controlling the Priority of Media Types By default if you define a controller there is no priority in terms of which format is sent back to the client and Grails assumes you wish to serve HTML as a response type. However if your application is primarily an API, then you can specify the priorty using the responseFormats property: grails-app/controllers/example/BookController.groovy package example class BookController { responseFormats = [ 'json' , 'html' ] static def index respond } } () { Book .list() In the above example Grails will respond by default with with cannot be calculated from the header or file extension. Accept json if the media type to respond Using Views to Output JSON Responses If you define a view (either a GSP or a using the respond method by calculating a model from the argument passed to respond . JSON View ) then Grails will render the view when For example, in the previous listing, if you were to define grails-app/views/index.gsp views, these would be used if the client requested media types respectively. Thus allowing you to define a single backend capable of text/html serving responses to a web browser or representing your application’s API. grails-app/views/index.gson and application/json or When rendering the view, Grails will calculate a model to pass to the view based on the type of the value passed to the method. respond The following table summarizes this convention: Example Argument Type Calculated Model Variable respond Book.list() java.util.List bookList respond( [] ) java.util.List emptyList respond Book.get(1) example.Book book respond( [1,2] ) java.util.List integerList respond( [1,2] as Set ) java.util.Set integerSet respond( [1,2] as Integer[] ) Integer[] integerArray Using this convention you can reference the argument passed to view: respond from within your grails-app/views/book/index.gson @Field List Book < > bookList = [] json bookList, { title book.title } Book book -> You will notice that if translated to if no model variable is specified, such as the Book.list() emptyList returns an empty list then the model variable name is . This is by design and you should provide a default value in the view List in the example above: grails-app/views/book/index.gson // defaults to an empty list @Field List Book ... > bookList = < [] There are cases where you may wish to be more explicit and control the name of the model variable. For example if you have a domain inheritance hierarchy where a call to my return different child classes relying on automatic calculation may not be reliable. list() In this case you should pass the model directly using respond and a map argument: respond bookList : Book .list() When responding with any kind of mixed argument types in a collection, always use an explicit model name. If you simply wish to augment the calculated model then you can do so by passing a model argument: respond Book .list(), [ model : [ bookCount : Book .count()]] The above example will produce a model like the calculated model is combined with the model passed in the [bookList:books, bookCount:totalBooks] , where model argument. Using the render method to output JSON render The cases that don’t warrant the creation of a JSON view: method can also be used to output JSON, but should only be used for simple def list () { def results = Book .list() : contentType render( books(results) { title b.title } } } "application/json" ) { Book b -> In this case the result would be something along the lines of: [ { { ] "title" "The Stand" "title" "Shining" : : } }, This technique for rendering JSON may be ok for very simple responses, but in general and use the view layer rather than embedding you should favour the use of logic in your application. JSON Views The same dangers with naming conflicts described above for XML also apply to JSON building. 7.1.7 More on JSONBuilder The previous section on XML and JSON responses covered simplistic examples of rendering XML and JSON responses. Whilst the XML builder used by Grails is the standard XmlSlurper found in Groovy. For JSON, since Grails 3.1, Grails uses Groovy’s can refer to the how to use it. Groovy documentation and StreamingJsonBuilder by default and you StreamingJsonBuilder API documentation on 7.1.8 Responding with XML 7.1.9 Uploading Files Programmatic File Uploads Grails supports file uploads using Spring’s step for file uploading is to create a multipart form like this: MultipartHttpServletRequest interface. The first Upload Form:
= = = = The uploadForm tag. tag conveniently adds the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute to the standard There are then a number of ways to handle the file upload. One is to work with the Spring MultipartFile instance directly: () { def upload def if (f.empty) { f = request.getFile( 'myFile' ) flash.message = 'file cannot be empty' render( return } 'uploadForm' view : ) f.transferTo( response.sendError( } ( 200 , 'Done' ) new File '/some/local/dir/myfile.txt' )) This is convenient for doing transfers to other destinations and manipulating the file directly as you can obtain an and so on with the MultipartFile interface. InputStream File Uploads through Data Binding File uploads can also be performed using data binding. Consider this Image domain class: class Image { byte[] myFile static constraints = { // Limit upload file size to 2MB myFile } } maxSize 1024 1024 * * : 2 If you create an image using the Grails will automatically bind the file’s contents as a object in the constructor as in the example below, to the property: params byte[] myFile def img = new Image (params) It’s important that you set the constraints, otherwise your database may be created with a small column size that can’t handle reasonably sized files. For example, both H2 and MySQL default to a blob size of 255 bytes for size maxSize properties. byte[] or It is also possible to set the contents of the file as a string by changing the type of the myFile property on the image to a String type: class Image String { myFile } Increase Upload Max File Size Grails default size for file uploads is 128000 (~128KB). When this limit is exceeded you’ll see the following exception: org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: Could not parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException You can configure the limit in your application.yml as follows: grails-app/conf/application.yml grails : controllers : upload : maxFileSize maxRequestSize : 2000000 : 2000000 maxFileSize = The maximum size allowed for uploaded files. maxRequestSize = The maximum size allowed for multipart/form-data requests. You should keep in mind OWASP recommendations - Unrestricted File Upload Limit the file size to a maximum value in order to prevent denial of service attacks. These limits exist to prevent DoS attacks and to enforce overall application performance 7.1.10 Command Objects Grails controllers support the concept of command objects. A command object is a class that is used in conjunction with into an existing domain class. , usually to allow validation of data that may not fit data binding A class is only considered to be a command object when it is used as a parameter of an action. Declaring Command Objects Command object classes are defined just like any other class. class LoginCommand implements username password String String static constraints = { grails.validation.Validateable { username( password( } } blank blank : : false false , , minSize minSize : ) 6 6 : ) In this example, the command object class implements the trait allows the definition of . If the command object just like in is defined in the same source file as the controller that is using it, Grails will automatically make it . It is not required that command object classes be validateable. domain classes Constraints trait. The Validateable Validateable Validateable Validateable object properties which are not instances of java.util.Collection or By default, all java.util.Map nullable: false are . If you want a nullable: true specify this by defining a Validateable defaultNullable that has nullable: true method in the class: . Instances of java.util.Collection and java.util.Map default to properties by default, you can class AuthorSearchCommand implements grails.validation.Validateable { String Integer name age static boolean defaultNullable() { true } } In this example, both name and age will allow null values during validation. Using Command Objects To use command objects, controller actions may optionally specify any number of command object parameters. The parameter types must be supplied so that Grails knows what objects to create and initialize. Before the controller action is executed Grails will automatically create an instance of the command object class and populate its properties by binding the request parameters. If the command object class is marked with validated. For example: then the command object will be Validateable class LoginController { def login if (LoginCommand cmd) { (cmd.hasErrors()) { redirect( return } action : 'loginForm' ) // work with the command object data } } request parameter If the command object’s type is that of a domain class and there is an then instead of invoking the domain class constructor to create a new instance a call will be made to the static parameter will be method on the domain class and the value of the passed as an argument. get id id Whatever is returned from that call to This means that if there is an id the database then the value of the command object will be the instance from the database then action and an error will be added the controller’s is what will be passed into the controller action. request parameter and no corresponding record is found in . If an error occurs retrieving null will be passed as an argument to the controller property. errors null get id If the command object’s type is a domain class and there is no is an request parameter and its value is empty then action unless the HTTP request method is "POST", in which case a new instance of the domain class will be created by invoking the domain class constructor. For all of the cases where the domain class instance is non-null, data binding is only performed if the HTTP request method is "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH". request parameter or there will be passed into the controller null id Command Objects And Request Parameter Names Normally request parameter names will be mapped directly to property names in the command object. Nested parameter names may be used to bind down the object graph in an intuitive way. In the example below a request parameter named instance and a request parameter named the Person property in the property of the address Person . name will be bound to the name will be bound to the property of city class StoreController { (Person buyer) { def buy // ... } } class Person String { name Address address } class Address String { city } A problem may arise if a controller action accepts multiple command objects which happen to contain the same property name. Consider the following example. class StoreController { (Person buyer, Product product) { def buy // ... } } class Person String { name Address address } class Address String { city } class Product String { name } If there is a request parameter named the or the name of the controller action accepts 2 command objects of the same type as shown below. . Another version of the problem can come up if a it isn’t clear if that should represent the name of Product Person name class StoreController { (Person buyer, Person seller, Product product) { def buy // ... } } class Person String { name Address address } class Address String { city } class Product String { name } To help deal with this the framework imposes special rules for mapping parameter names to command object types. The command object data binding will treat all parameters that begin with the controller action parameter name as belonging to the corresponding command object. For example, the product argument, the request parameter will be bound to the name property in the request parameter will be bound to the name property in the buyer argument the request parameter will be bound to the city property of the address property of the seller argument, etc… Command Objects and Dependency Injection Command objects can participate in dependency injection. This is useful if your command object has some custom validation logic which uses a Grails service : class LoginCommand implements grails.validation.Validateable { def loginService String String username password static constraints = { validator username obj.loginService.canLogin(obj.username, obj.password) } } } : { val, obj -> In this example the command object interacts with the name from the Spring ApplicationContext . loginService bean which is injected by Binding The Request Body To Command Objects When a request is made to a controller action which accepts a command object and the request contains a body, Grails will attempt to parse the body of the request based on the request content type and use the body to do data binding on the command object. See the following example. grails-app/controllers/bindingdemo/DemoController.groovy package bindingdemo class DemoController { def createWidget (Widget w) { render "Name: } } ${ w?.name }, Size: ${ w?.size }" class Widget String Integer { name size } $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Some Widget","42"}'[size] localhost:8080/demo/createWidget Name: Some Widget, Size: 42 $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d 'Some Other Widget2112' localhost:8080/bodybind/demo/createWidget Name: Some Other Widget, Size: 2112 The request body will not be parsed under the following conditions: The request method is GET The request method is DELETE The content length is 0 Note that the body of the request is being parsed to make that work. Any attempt to read the body of the request after that will fail since the corresponding input stream will be empty. The controller action can either use a command object or it can parse the body of the request on its own (either directly, or by referring to something like request.JSON), but cannot do both. grails-app/controllers/bindingdemo/DemoController.groovy package bindingdemo class DemoController { def createWidget (Widget w) { // this will fail because it requires reading the body, // which has already been read. def json = request.JSON // ... } } Working with Lists of Command Objects A common use case for command objects is a Command Object that contains a collection of another: class DemoController { def createAuthor (AuthorCommand command) { // ... } class AuthorCommand fullName { String List books } class BookCommand { String String title isbn } } On this example, we want to create an Author with multiple Books. In order to make this work from the UI layer, you can do the following in your GSP: = = = = =
  • = = = =
  • = = = =
There is also support for JSON, so you can submit the following with correct databinding { : "Graeme Rocher" , "fullName" "books" : [{ "title" "isbn" : "The Definitive Guide to Grails" , : "1111-343455-1111" }, { }], } "title" "isbn" : "1111-343455-1112" : "The Definitive Guide to Grails 2" , 7.1.11 Handling Duplicate Form Submissions Grails has built-in support for handling duplicate form submissions using the "Synchronizer Token Pattern". To get started you define a token on the form tag: = Then in your controller code you can use the withForm method to handle valid and invalid requests: withForm { // good request }.invalidToken { // bad request } If you only provide the default Grails will store the invalid token in a request back to the original page. This can then be checked in the view: method and not the chained flash.invalidToken withForm invalidToken variable and redirect the method then by = Don't click the button twice! withForm The sessions if used in a cluster. tag makes use of the session and hence requires session affinity or clustered 7.1.12 Simple Type Converters Type Conversion Methods If you prefer to avoid the overhead of parameters (typically Strings) into another more appropriate type the number of convenience methods for each type: and simply want to convert incoming object has a data binding params def total = 'total' ) The above example uses the short don’t have to perform any additional checks on the parameters. method, and there are also methods for and so on. Each of these methods is null-safe and safe from any parsing errors, so you , boolean long char , , int Each of the conversion methods allows a default value to be passed as an optional second argument. The default value will be returned if a corresponding entry cannot be found in the map or if an error occurs during the conversion. Example: def total = 'total' , 42 ) These same type conversion methods are also available on the attrs parameter of GSP tags. Handling Multi Parameters A common use case is dealing with multiple request parameters of the same name. For example you could get a query string such as ?name=Bob&name=Judy . In this case dealing with one parameter and dealing with many has different semantics since Groovy’s iteration mechanics for the list String method that always returns a list: iterate over each character. To avoid this problem object provides a params in (name for println name } params.list( 'name' )) { 7.1.13 Declarative Controller Exception Handling Grails controllers support a simple mechanism for declarative exception handling. If a controller declares a method that accepts a single argument and the argument type is java.lang.Exception java.lang.Exception time an action in that controller throws an exception of that type. See the following example. , that method will be invoked any or some subclass of grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy package demo class DemoController { def someAction // do some work } () { def handleSQLException SQLException render 'A SQLException Was Handled' } e) { ( def handleBatchUpdateException BatchUpdateException ( e) { redirect } controller : 'logging' , action : 'batchProblem' def handleNumberFormatException NumberFormatException ( nfe) { problemDescription : 'A Number Was Invalid' ] [ } } That controller will behave as if it were written something like this… grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy package demo class DemoController { def someAction () { try { // do some work } catch ( BatchUpdateException e) { return handleBatchUpdateException(e) } catch ( SQLException e) { } catch ( NumberFormatException e) { return handleSQLException(e) return handleNumberFormatException(e) } } def handleSQLException SQLException render 'A SQLException Was Handled' } e) { ( def handleBatchUpdateException BatchUpdateException ( e) { redirect } controller : 'logging' , action : 'batchProblem' def handleNumberFormatException NumberFormatException ( nfe) { problemDescription : 'A Number Was Invalid' ] [ } } The exception handler method names can be any valid method name. The name is not what makes the method an exception handler, the argument type is the important part. Exception The exception handler methods can do anything that a controller action can do including invoking , returning a model, etc. , render redirect One way to share exception handler methods across multiple controllers is to use inheritance. Exception handler methods are inherited into subclasses so an application could define the exception handlers in an abstract class that multiple controllers extend from. Another way to share exception handler methods across multiple controllers is to use a trait, as shown below… src/main/groovy/com/demo/DatabaseExceptionHandler.groovy package com.demo trait DatabaseExceptionHandler { def handleSQLException SQLException ( e) { // handle SQLException } def handleBatchUpdateException BatchUpdateException ( e) { // handle BatchUpdateException } } grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy package com.demo class DemoController implements DatabaseExceptionHandler { // all of the exception handler methods defined // in DatabaseExceptionHandler will be added to // this class at compile time } Exception handler methods must be present at compile time. Specifically, exception handler methods which are runtime metaprogrammed onto a controller class are not supported. 7.2 Groovy Server Pages Groovy Servers Pages (or GSP for short) is Grails' view technology. It is designed to be familiar for users of technologies such as ASP and JSP, but to be far more flexible and intuitive. Although GSP can render any format, not just HTML, it is more designed around rendering markup. If you are looking for a way to simplify JSON responses take a look at JSON Views . GSPs live in the convention) or with the render method such as: grails-app/views directory and are typically rendered automatically (by render( view : "index" ) A GSP is typically a mix of mark-up and GSP tags which aid in view rendering. Although it is possible to have Groovy logic embedded in your GSP and doing this will be covered in this document, the practice is strongly discouraged. Mixing mark-up and code is a thing and most GSP pages contain no code and needn’t do so. bad A GSP typically has a "model" which is a set of variables that are used for view rendering. The model is passed to the GSP view from a controller. For example consider the following controller action: def show [ } book () { : Book .get(] This action will look up a This key can then be referenced within the GSP view using the name instance and create a model that contains a key called book : Book book . $ {book.title} Embedding data received from user input has the risk of making your application vulnerable to an Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack. Please read the documentation on XSS prevention for information on how to prevent XSS attacks. For more information on using GSP please refer to the dedicated GSP documentation . 7.3 URL Mappings Throughout the documentation so far the convention used for URLs has been the default of /controller/action/id controlled by a URL Mappings class located at . However, this convention is not hard wired into Grails and is in fact grails-app/controllers/mypackage/UrlMappings.groovy . UrlMappings The of code: class contains a single property called mappings that has been assigned a block package mypackage class UrlMappings { static mappings = { } } 7.3.1 Mapping to Controllers and Actions To create a simple mapping simply use a relative URL as the method name and specify named parameters for the controller and action to map to: "/product" controller ( : "product" , action : "list" ) In this case we’ve mapped the URL the action definition to map to the default action of the controller: action of the to the /product list ProductController . Omit "/product" controller ( : "product" ) An alternative syntax is to assign the controller and action to use within a block passed to the method: { "/product" controller = "product" action = "list" } Which syntax you use is largely dependent on personal preference. If you have mappings that all fall under a particular path you can group mappings with the group method: group "/product" , { "/apple" controller "product" "/htc" controller "product" , ( : : ( , : id "htc" id "apple" : ) ) } You can also create nested group url mappings: group group "/store" , { "/product" ( , { "/ id$ " controller "product" : ) } } To rewrite one URI onto another explicit URI (rather than a controller/action pair) do something like this: "/hello" uri ( : "/hello.dispatch" ) Rewriting specific URIs is often useful when integrating with other frameworks. 7.3.2 Mapping to REST resources Since Grails 2.3, it possible to create RESTful URL mappings that map onto controllers by convention. The syntax to do so is as follows: "/books" resources 'book' : ( ) You define a base URI and the name of the controller to map to using the resources parameter. The above mapping will result in the following URLs: HTTP Method GET GET POST GET GET PUT URI /books /books/create /books /books/${id} /books/${id}/edit /books/${id} DELETE /books/${id} Grails Action index create save show edit update delete If you are not sure which mapping will be generated for your case just run the command in your grails console. It will give you a really neat report for all the url url-mappings-report mappings. If you wish to include or exclude any of the generated URL mappings you can do so with the exclude: parameter, which accepts the name of the Grails action to include or includes excludes or "/books" resources 'book' ( : or "/books" resources 'book' : ( , excludes :[ 'delete' , 'update' ]) , includes :[ 'index' , 'show' ]) Explicit REST Mappings As of Grails 3.1, if you prefer not to rely on a then you can prefix any URL mapping with the HTTP method name (in lower case) to indicate the HTTP method it applies to. The following URL mapping: mapping to define your mappings resources "/books" resources 'book' : ( ) Is equivalent to: get get post get get put delete ( "/books" controller "book" "/books/create" controller "book" , : "/books" controller "book" ) action "index" : action "create" : , action "save" ) : , ( ( : ) ( : " controller "book" : /edit" controller "book" " controller "book" : " controller "book" , , , : : ( ( ( action "show" : ) , action "edit" : ) action "update" : ) action "delete" : ) "/books/ id$ "/books/ id$ "/books/ id$ "/books/ id$ Notice how the HTTP method name is prefixed prior to each URL mapping definition. Single resources A single resource is a resource for which there is only one (possibly per user) in the system. You can create a single resource using the single parameter (as opposed to resources ): "/book" single 'book' : ( ) This results in the following URL mappings: HTTP Method URI Grails Action GET POST GET GET PUT DELETE /book/create create /book /book /book/edit /book /book save show edit update delete The main difference is that the id is not included in the URL mapping. Nested Resources You can nest resource mappings to generate child resources. For example: "/books" resources 'book' ( "/authors" resources "author" ) { ( : : ) } The above will result in the following URL mappings: HTTP Method URL Grails Action GET GET POST GET /books/${bookId}/authors index /books/${bookId}/authors/create create /books/${bookId}/authors save /books/${bookId}/authors/${id} show GET PUT /books/${bookId}/authors/edit/${id} edit /books/${bookId}/authors/${id} update DELETE /books/${bookId}/authors/${id} delete You can also nest regular URL mappings within a resource mapping: "/books" resources ( : "book" "/publisher" controller "publisher" ( ) ) { : } This will result in the following URL being available: HTTP Method URL Grails Action GET /books/${bookId}/publisher index To map a URI directly below a resource then use a collection block: "/books" resources ( collection { : "book" ) { "/publisher" controller "publisher" : ( ) } } This will result in the following URL being available (without the ID): HTTP Method URL Grails Action GET /books/publisher index Linking to RESTful Mappings You can link to any URL mapping created with the referencing the controller and action to link to: g:link tag provided by Grails simply by < :link controller= g "book" action= "index" >My Link< /g:link> As a convenience you can also pass a domain instance to the resource attribute of the link tag: < :link resource= g " ${ book }" >My Link< /g:link> This will automatically produce the correct link (in this case "/books/1" for an id of "1"). The case of nested resources is a little different as they typically required two identifiers (the id of the resource and the one it is nested within). For example given the nested resources: "/books" resources 'book' ( "/authors" resources "author" ) { : : ( ) } If you wished to link to the show action of the author controller, you would write: // Results in /books/1/authors/2 < :link controller= "author" action= g "show" method= "GET" params= "[bookId:1]" id= "2" >The Author< /g:link> However, to make this more concise there is a used instead: resource attribute to the link tag which can be // Results in /books/1/authors/2 < :link resource= "book/author" g action= "show" bookId= "1" id= "2" >My Link< /g:link> The resource attribute accepts a path to the resource separated by a slash (in this case "book/author"). The attributes of the tag can be used to specify the necessary bookId parameter. 7.3.3 Redirects In URL Mappings Since Grails 2.3, it is possible to define URL mappings which specify a redirect. When a URL mapping specifies a redirect, any time that mapping matches an incoming request, a redirect is initiated with information provided by the mapping. When a URL mapping specifies a redirect the mapping must either supply a String representing a URI to redirect to or must provide a Map representing the target of the redirect. That Map is structured just like the Map that may be passed as an argument to the redirect method in a controller. "/viewBooks" redirect "/viewAuthors" redirect : [ "/viewPublishers" redirect : [ ( ( ( uri : '/books/list' ]) controller : [ controller : 'author' , 'publisher' action , : : action 'list' : ]) 'list' , permanent : true ]) Request parameters that were part of the original request will not be included in the redirect . by default. To include them it is necessary to add the parameter keepParamsWhenRedirect: true "/viewBooks" redirect "/viewAuthors" redirect : [ "/viewPublishers" redirect : [ ( ( ( uri : '/books/list' , controller : [ controller : 'author' keepParamsWhenRedirect : action , 'publisher' action , 'list' : : : true ]) , 'list' keepParamsWhenRedirect permanent true , : : true ]) , keepParamsWhenRedirect : true ]) 7.3.4 Embedded Variables Simple Variables The previous section demonstrated how to map simple URLs with concrete "tokens". In URL mapping speak tokens are the sequence of characters between each slash, '/'. A concrete token is one which is well defined such as as circumstances you don’t know what the value of a particular token will be until runtime. In this case you can use variable placeholders within the URL for example: . However, in many /product static mappings = { "/product/ id$ " controller ( : "product" ) } In this case by embedding a $id variable as the second token Grails will automatically map the second token into a parameter (available via the . For example , the following code will render "MacBook" to the response: given the URL object) called /product/MacBook params id class ProductController { def index () { render } } You can of course construct more complex examples of mappings. For example the traditional blog URL format could be mapped as follows: static $ mappings = { / year $ $ "/ blog / month } / day $ / id$ " controller ( : "blog" , action : "show" ) The above mapping would let you do things like: /graemerocher/2007/01/10/my_funky_blog_entry The individual tokens in the URL would again be mapped into the , values available for and so on. year month day id , , params object with Dynamic Controller and Action Names Variables can also be used to dynamically construct the controller and action name. In fact the default Grails URL mappings use this technique: static mappings = { $ $ "/ controller / action ?/ id$ ?" () } Here the name of the controller, action and id are implicitly obtained from the variables controller action embedded within the URL. and , id You can also resolve the controller name and action name to execute dynamically using a closure: static mappings = { $ "/ controller " action = { params.goHere } } } { Optional Variables Another characteristic of the default mapping is the ability to append a ? at the end of a variable to make it an optional token. In a further example this technique could be applied to the blog URL mapping to have more flexible linking: static mappings = { $ $ / year "/ blog ?/ month $ $ ?/ day ?/ id$ ?" controller "blog" ( : , action "show" : ) } With this mapping all of these URLs would match with only the relevant parameters being populated in the object: params /graemerocher/2007/01/10/my_funky_blog_entry /graemerocher/2007/01/10 /graemerocher/2007/01 /graemerocher/2007 /graemerocher Optional File Extensions If you wish to capture the extension of a particular path, then a special case mapping exists: "/ controller $ / action $ ?/ id$ ?(. format $ )?" () By adding the (.$format)? property in a controller: mapping you can access the file extension using the response.format () { def index render "extension is } ${ response.format }" Arbitrary Variables You can also pass arbitrary parameters from the URL mapping into the controller by just setting them in the block passed to the mapping: { "/holiday/win" id = "Marrakech" year = 2007 } This variables will be available within the params object passed to the controller. Dynamically Resolved Variables The hard coded arbitrary variables are useful, but sometimes you need to calculate the name of the variable based on runtime factors. This is also possible by assigning a block to the variable name: { "/holiday/win" id = { } isEligible = { session.user != } null } // must be logged in In the above case the code within the blocks is resolved when the URL is actually matched and hence can be used in combination with all sorts of logic. 7.3.5 Mapping to Views You can resolve a URL to a view without a controller or action involved. For example to map the root URL to a GSP at the location grails-app/views/index.gsp you could use: / static mappings = { : "/" view ( "/index" ) // map the root URL } Alternatively if you need a view that is specific to a given controller you could use: static mappings = { "/help" controller ( : "site" , view : "help" ) // to a view for a controller } 7.3.6 Mapping to Response Codes Grails also lets you map HTTP response codes to controllers, actions or views. Just use a method name that matches the response code you are interested in: static mappings = { "403" controller "404" controller "500" controller ( ( ( : : : "errors" "errors" "errors" , , , action action action : : : ) "forbidden" "notFound" ) "serverError" ) } Or you can specify custom error pages: static mappings = { ( "403" view ( "404" view "500" view ( : : : "/errors/forbidden" "/errors/notFound" ) "/errors/serverError" ) ) } Declarative Error Handling In addition you can configure handlers for individual exceptions: static mappings = { ( "403" view "404" view ( "500" controller ( "/errors/forbidden" ) "/errors/notFound" action "errors" : : , : ) : "illegalArgument" , exception : IllegalArgumentException ) "500" controller ( : exception : "errors" , NullPointerException action : ) "nullPointer" , "500" controller ( exception : : "errors" : MyException) "/errors/serverError" action , ) "500" view ( : "customException" , } With this configuration, an action in , a a by the catch-all rule and use the will be handled by the ErrorsController MyException IllegalArgumentException will be handled by the illegalArgument NullPointerException customException /errors/serverError will be handled by the action, and action. Other exceptions will be handled view. nullPointer You can access the exception from your custom error handling view or controller action using the request’s attribute like so: exception class ErrorsController def handleError () { { def exception = request.exception // perform desired processing to handle the exception } } If your error-handling controller action throws an exception as well, you’ll end up with a StackOverflowException . 7.3.7 Mapping to HTTP methods URL mappings can also be configured to map based on the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE). This is very useful for RESTful APIs and for restricting mappings based on HTTP method. As an example the following mappings provide a RESTful API URL mappings for the ProductController : static mappings = { "/product/ id$ } " controller "product" : ( , action : "update" , method : "PUT" ) Note that if you specify a HTTP method other than GET in your URL mapping, you also argument to have to specify it when creating the corresponding link by passing the g:link to get a link of the desired format. g:createLink method or 7.3.8 Mapping Wildcards Grails' URL mappings mechanism also supports wildcard mappings. For example consider the following mapping: static mappings = { "/images/*.jpg" controller ( : "image" ) } This mapping will match all paths to images such as achieve the same effect with a variable: /image/logo.jpg . Of course you can static mappings = { "/images/ name $ .jpg" controller ( : "image" ) } However, you can also use double wildcards to match more than one level below: static mappings = { "/images/**.jpg" controller ( : "image" ) } In this cases the mapping will match /image/logo.jpg as well as /image/other/logo.jpg . Even better you can use a double wildcard variable: static // will match /image/logo.jpg and /image/other/logo.jpg mappings = { "/images/ name $ **.jpg" controller ( : "image" ) } In this case it will store the path matched by the wildcard inside a from the object: params name parameter obtainable name = def println name // prints "logo" or "other/logo" If you use wildcard URL mappings then you may want to exclude certain URIs from Grails' URL mapping process. To do this you can provide an UrlMappings.groovy setting inside the excludes class: class UrlMappings { static static excludes = [ mappings = { ... } } "/images/*" , "/css/*" ] In this case Grails won’t attempt to match any URIs that start with /images or /css . 7.3.9 Automatic Link Re-Writing Another great feature of URL mappings is that they automatically customize the behaviour of the tag so that changing the mappings don’t require you to go and change all of your links. link This is done through a URL re-writing technique that reverse engineers the links from the URL mappings. So given a mapping such as the blog one from an earlier section: static $ mappings = { $ / year $ "/ blog ?/ month $ ?/ day ?/ id$ ?" controller "blog" ( : , action "show" : ) } If you use the link tag as follows: = My Blog = My Blog - October 2007 Posts Grails will automatically re-write the URL in the correct format: = = My Blog My Blog - October 2007 Posts 7.3.10 Applying Constraints URL Mappings also support Grails' unified you further "constrain" how a URL is matched. For example, if we revisit the blog sample code from earlier, the mapping currently looks like this: mechanism, which lets validation constraints static $ mappings = { $ / year $ "/ blog ?/ month } $ ?/ day ?/ id$ ?" controller "blog" : ( , action "show" : ) This allows URLs such as: /graemerocher/2007/01/10/my_funky_blog_entry However, it would also allow: /graemerocher/not_a_year/not_a_month/not_a_day/my_funky_blog_entry This is problematic as it forces you to do some clever parsing in the controller code. Luckily, URL Mappings can be constrained to further validate the URL tokens: ?/ id$ ?" { $ $ $ / year ?/ month "/ blog $ ?/ day controller = "blog" action = "show" constraints { year( month( day( } } matches /\\\d{4}/ : ) matches /\\\d{2}/ : ) matches /\\\d{2}/ : ) In this case the constraints ensure that the valid pattern thus relieving you of that burden later on. , year month and day parameters match a particular 7.3.11 Named URL Mappings URL Mappings also support named mappings, that is mappings which have a name associated with them. The name may be used to refer to a specific mapping when links are generated. The syntax for defining a named mapping is as follows: mappings = { static name : { // ... } } For example: { : "/showPeople" mappings = { static name personList controller = 'person' action = 'list' } name controller = 'product' action = 'accountDetails' } } accountDetails : $ "/details/ acctNumber " { The mapping may be referenced in a link tag in a GSP. = List People That would result in: = List People Parameters may be specified using the params attribute. = Show Account = That would result in: = Show Account Alternatively you may reference a named mapping using the link namespace. List People That would result in: = List People The link namespace approach allows parameters to be specified as attributes. = Show Account That would result in: = Show Account value to the attribute. These attributes will be applied directly to the href, not passed through to be To specify attributes that should be applied to the generated attrs used as request parameters. , specify a href Map Show Account = = That would result in: = = Show Account 7.3.12 Customizing URL Formats The default URL Mapping mechanism supports camel case names in the URLs. The default in a controller named URL for accessing an action named would be something like . Grails allows for the customization of this pattern and provides an implementation which replaces the camel case convention with a . To enable hyphenated convention that would support URLs like hyphenated URLs assign a value of "hyphenated" to the grails-app/conf/application.groovy grails.web.url.converter /math-helper/add-numbers /mathHelper/addNumbers property in MathHelperController addNumbers . grails-app/conf/application.groovy grails.web.url.converter = 'hyphenated' interface and adding an instance of that class to the Spring application context Arbitrary strategies may be plugged in by providing a class which implements the UrlConverter with the bean name of with that name, it will be used as the default converter and there is no need to assign a value to the . If Grails finds a bean in the context grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME config property. grails.web.url.converter src/main/groovy/com/myapplication/MyUrlConverterImpl.groovy package com.myapplication class MyUrlConverterImpl implements grails.web.UrlConverter { String toUrlElement( String propertyOrClassName) { // return some representation of a property or class name that should be used in URLs... } } grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { " ${ grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME } }" (com.myapplication.MyUrlConverterImpl) 7.3.13 Namespaced Controllers If an application defines multiple controllers with the same name in different packages, the controllers must be defined in a namespace. The way to define a namespace for a controller is to define a static property named property that represents the namespace. in the controller and assign a String to the namespace grails-app/controllers/com/app/reporting/AdminController.groovy package class AdminController { static namespace = 'reports' // ... } grails-app/controllers/com/app/security/AdminController.groovy package class AdminController { static namespace = 'users' // ... } When defining url mappings which should be associated with a namespaced controller, the namespace variable needs to be part of the URL mapping. grails-app/controllers/UrlMappings.groovy class UrlMappings { static mappings = { '/userAdmin' { controller = 'admin' namespace = 'users' } '/reportAdmin' { controller = 'admin' namespace = 'reports' } "/ namespace $ / controller $ / action $ ?" () } } Reverse URL mappings also require that the namespace be specified. < :link controller= < :link controller= g g "admin" "admin" namespace= namespace= "reports" "users" >Click For Report Admin< /g:link> >Click For User Admin< /g:link> namespace When resolving a URL mapping (forward or reverse) to a namespaced controller, a mapping will only match if the controllers with the same name in different packages, at most 1 of them may be defined without a define a for forward or reverse mapping resolutions. property. If there are multiple controllers with the same name that do not property, the framework will not know how to distinguish between them has been provided. If the application provides several namespace namespace It is allowed for an application to use a plugin which provides a controller with the same name as a controller provided by the application and for neither of the controllers to define a property as long as the controllers are in separate packages. For example, an namespace application may include a controller named application may use a plugin which provides a controller named com.humanresources.ReportingController controller provided by the plugin needs to be explicit in specifying that the mapping applies to the . The only issue with that is the URL mapping for the which is provided by the plugin. com.accounting.ReportingController ReportingController and the See the following example. static mappings = { "/accountingReports" { controller = "reporting" } "/humanResourceReports" controller = "reporting" plugin = "humanResources" } } { With that mapping in place, a request to ReportingController be handled by the which is defined in the application. A request to ReportingController which is provided by the /accountingReports will be handled by the humanResources plugin. /humanResourceReports will There could be any number of plugins but no plugin may provide more than one in separate packages. ReportingController controllers provided by any number of ReportingController even if they are defined Assigning a value to the controllers with the same name available at runtime provided by the application and/or and there is no other plugins. If the ReportingController available at runtime, the following mapping would work. variable in the mapping is only required if there are multiple plugin provides a ReportingController humanResources plugin static mappings = { "/humanResourceReports" controller = "reporting" } } { It is best practice to be explicit about the fact that the controller is being provided by a plugin. 7.4 CORS Spring Boot provides CORS support out of the box, but it is difficult to configure in a Grails application due to the way UrlMappings are used instead of annotations that define URLs. Starting with Grails 3.2.1, we have added a way to configure CORS that makes sense in a Grails application. Once enabled, the default setting is "wide open". application.yml grails : cors : enabled : true That will produce a mapping to all urls /** with: allowedOrigins allowedMethods allowedHeaders exposedHeaders ['*'] ['*'] ['*'] null maxAge allowCredentials 1800 false Some of these settings come directly from Spring Boot and can change in future versions. See Spring CORS Configuration Documentation All of those settings can be easily overridden. application.yml grails : cors : enabled allowedOrigins true : : - http://localhost:5000 In the example above, the allowedOrigins setting will replace [*] . You can also configure different URLs. application.yml grails : cors : enabled allowedHeaders true : : - Content-Type mappings : '[/api/**]' : allowedOrigins : - http://localhost:5000 # Other configurations not specified default to the global config Note that the mapping key must be made with bracket notation (see ), which is a breaking change between Spring Boot 1.5 (Grails 3) and Spring Boot 2 (Grails 4). Specifying at least one mapping will disable the creation of the global mapping ( /** you wish to keep that setting, you should specify it along with your other mappings. ). If The settings above will produce a single mapping of /api/** with the following settings: allowedOrigins ['http://localhost:5000'] allowedMethods ['*'] allowedHeaders ['Content-Type'] exposedHeaders maxAge null 1800 allowCredentials false If you don’t wish to override any of the default settings, but only want to specify URLs, you can do so like this example: application.yml grails : cors : enabled mappings : : true '[/api/**]' : inherit 7.5 Interceptors Grails provides standalone Interceptors using the create-interceptor command: $ grails create-interceptor MyInterceptor The above command will create an Interceptor in the following default contents: grails-app/controllers directory with the class MyInterceptor { boolean before() { true } boolean after() { true } void afterView() { // no-op } } Interceptors vs Filters In versions of Grails prior to Grails 3.0, Grails supported the notion of filters. These are still supported for backwards compatibility but are considered deprecated. The new interceptors concept in Grails 3.0 is superior in a number of ways, most significantly interceptors can use Groovy’s (something which is often critical as interceptors can be executed for every request.) annotation to optimize performance CompileStatic 7.5.1 Defining Interceptors By default interceptors will match the controllers with the same name. For example if you have an interceptor called will trigger the interceptor. then all requests to the actions of the BookInterceptor BookController An Interceptor intercept requests: implements the Interceptor trait and provides 3 methods that can be used to /** * Executed before a matched action * * @return Whether the action should continue and execute */ boolean before() { true } /** * Executed after the action executes but prior to view rendering * * @return True if view rendering should continue, false otherwise */ boolean after() { true } /** * Executed after view rendering completes */ void afterView() {} As described above the execution of the action by returning before false . method is executed prior to an action and can cancel the after The returns false. The after properties respectively: method is executed after an action executes and can halt view rendering if it and method can also modify the view or model using the view model after() { boolean = view = true } "bar" // add a new model attribute called 'foo' 'alternate' // render a different view called 'alternate' afterView The exception is available using the throwable property of the Interceptor trait. method is executed after view rendering completes. If an exception occurs, the 7.5.2 Matching Requests with Interceptors As mention in the previous section, by default an interceptor will match only requests to the associated controller by convention. However you can configure the interceptor to match any request using the methods defined in the Interceptor API matchAll or match . The matching methods return a interceptor matches the request. Matcher instance which can be used to configure how the For example the following interceptor will match all requests except those to the login controller: { class AuthInterceptor AuthInterceptor() { matchAll() .excludes( } controller "login" : ) boolean before() { // perform authentication } } You can also perform matching using named argument: class LoggingInterceptor LoggingInterceptor() { match( match( } controller "book" controller : : ~ { , action "show" : ) /(author|publisher)/ ) // using strings // using regex boolean before() { ... } } You can use any number of matchers defined in your interceptor. They will be executed in the order in which they have been defined. For example the above interceptor will match for all of the following: when the show action of BookController is called when AuthorController or PublisherController is called All named arguments except for argument supports a String path that is compatible with Spring’s accept either a String or a Regex expression. The . The AntPathMatcher uri uri possible named arguments are: namespace - The namespace of the controller controller - The name of the controller action - The name of the action method - The HTTP method uri - The URI of the request. If this argument is used then all other arguments will be ignored and only this will be used. 7.5.3 Ordering Interceptor Execution Interceptors can be ordered by defining an order property that defines a priority. For example: class AuthInterceptor { int order = HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE ... } The default value of the sorting the ordered interceptor first. order property is 0. Interceptor execution order is determined by property in an ascending direction and executing the lowest numerically order The values should run first or last respectively. HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE and LOWEST_PRECEDENCE can be used to define filters that should Note that if you write an interceptor that is to be used by others it is better increment or decrement the LOWEST_PRECEDENCE inserted before or after the interceptor you are authoring: to allow other interceptors to be HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE and int order = HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 50 // or int order = LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 50 To find out the computed order of interceptors you can add a debug logger to logback.groovy as follows: logger 'grails.artefact.Interceptor' , DEBUG, [ 'STDOUT' ], false You can override any interceptors default order by using bean override configuration in grails-app/conf/application.yml : beans : authInterceptor : order 50 : Or in grails-app/conf/application.groovy : beans { authInterceptor { order = 50 } } Thus giving you complete control over interceptor execution order. 7.6 Content Negotiation Grails has built in support for explicit format request parameter or the extension of a mapped URI. Content negotiation using either the HTTP Accept header, an Configuring Mime Types Before you can start dealing with content negotiation you need to tell Grails what content types you wish to support. By default Grails comes configured with a number of different content types within grails-app/conf/application.yml using the grails.mime.types setting: grails : mime : types : application/atom+xml : '*/*' : : text/css text/csv : all atom css csv form html application/x-www-form-urlencoded : : - text/html - application/xhtml+xml js : json text/javascript : - application/json - text/json multipartForm rss text hal : text/plain : application/rss+xml : : multipart/form-data - application/hal+json - application/hal+xml xml : - text/xml - application/xml The setting can also be done in grails-app/conf/application.groovy as shown below: grails.mime.types = [ // the first one is the default format // 'all' maps to '*' or the first available format in withFormat : : : : : : [ all atom css csv form html js json multipartForm rss text hal xml : : : : [ : [ : : [ , '*/*' 'application/atom+xml' 'text/css' , 'text/csv' , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , 'text/html' 'application/xhtml+xml' , , ], 'text/javascript' , 'application/json' , 'multipart/form-data' 'application/rss+xml' 'text/plain' , ], 'text/json' , , 'application/hal+json' 'application/hal+xml' , 'text/xml' 'application/xml' , ] ], ] The above bit of configuration allows Grails to detect to format of a request containing either the 'text/xml' or 'application/xml' media types as simply 'xml'. You can add your own types by simply adding new entries into the map. The first one is the default format. Content Negotiation using the format Request Parameter Let’s say a controller action can return a resource in a variety of formats: HTML, XML, and JSON. What format will the client get? The easiest and most reliable way for the client to control this is through a URL parameter. format So if you, as a browser or some other client, want a resource as XML, you can use a URL like this: The request parameters the default Grails URL Mapping format is allowed as well get "/$controller(.$format)?"(action:"index") , but will override format the "/$controller"(action:"index") . parameter with null. So the default mapping should be updated to get The result of this on the server side is a xml . format property on the response object with the value You can also define this parameter in the URL Mappings definition: "/book/list" controller "book" format = "xml" } ( : , action "list" : ) { You could code your controller action to return XML based on this property, but you can also make use of the controller-specific withFormat() method: This example requires the addition of the org.grails.plugins:grails-plugin-converters plugin import grails.converters.JSON import grails.converters.XML class BookController { def list () { def books = Book .list() withFormat { html : books json { render books xml { render books { render books bookList '*' as JSON } as as XML } JSON } } } } In this example, Grails will only execute the block inside requested content type. So if the preferred format is call only. Each 'block' can either be a map model for the corresponding view (as we are doing for 'html' in the above example) or a closure. The closure can contain any standard action code, for example it can return a model or render content directly. that matches the then Grails will execute the withFormat() html html() When no format matches explicitly, a (wildcard) block can be used to handle all other formats. * There is a special format, "all", that is handled differently from the explicit formats. If "all" is specified (normally this happens through the Accept header - see below), then the first block of is executed when there isn’t a (wildcard) block available. withFormat() * You should not add an explicit "all" block. In this example, a format of "all" will trigger the html is the first block and there is no block). handler ( html * bookList withFormat { html : books json { render books xml { render books } as JSON } as XML } When using value of the withFormat withFormat make sure it is the last call in your controller action as the return method is used by the action to dictate what happens next. Using the Accept header Every incoming HTTP request has a special mime types) a client can "accept". In older browsers this is typically: Accept header that defines what media types (or */* which simply means anything. However, newer browsers send more interesting values such as this one sent by Firefox: text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/html;q=0.9, \ text/plain;q=0.8, image/png, */*;q=0.5 This particular accept header is unhelpful because it indicates that XML is the preferred response format whereas the user is really expecting HTML. That’s why Grails ignores the accept header by default for browsers. However, non-browser clients are typically more specific in their requirements and can send accept headers such as application/json As mentioned the default configuration in Grails is to ignore the accept header for browsers. This is done by the configuration setting , which is configured to detect the major rendering engines and ignore their ACCEPT headers. This allows Grails' content negotiation to continue to work for non-browser clients: grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents = [ 'Gecko' , 'WebKit' , 'Presto' , 'Trident' ] For example, if it sees the accept header above ('application/json') it will set you’d expect. And of course this works with the when the URL parameter is set (although the URL parameter takes precedence). as method in just the same way as withFormat() format format to json An accept header of '*/\*' results in a value of all for the format property. If the accept header is used but contains no registered content types, Grails will assume a broken browser is making the request and will set the HTML format - note that this is different from how the other content negotiation modes work as those would activate the "all" format! Request format vs. Response format request As of Grails 2.0, there is a separate notion of the The request format is dictated by the header and is typically used to detect if the CONTENT_TYPE incoming request can be parsed into XML or JSON, whilst the response format uses the file extension, format parameter or ACCEPT header to attempt to deliver an appropriate response to the client. format and the response format. withFormat The wish to add logic that deals with the request format then you can do so using a separate withFormat available on controllers deals specifically with the response format. If you method available on the request: request.withFormat { xml { // read XML } json { // read JSON } } Content Negotiation with URI Extensions Grails also supports content negotiation using URI extensions. For example given the following URI: /book/list.xml This works as a result of the default URL Mapping definition which is: "/ controller $ / action $ ?/ id$ ?(. format $ )?" { Note the inclusion of the variable in the path. If you do not wish to use content negotiation via the file extension then simply remove this part of the URL mapping: format "/ controller $ / action $ ?/ id$ ?" { Testing Content Negotiation To test content negotiation in a unit or integration test (see the section on either manipulate the incoming request headers: Testing ) you can void testJavascriptOutput() { def controller = new TestController() "Accept" controller.request.addHeader "text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*" , controller.testAction() assertEquals } "alert('hello')" , controller.response.contentAsString Or you can set the format parameter to achieve a similar effect: void testJavascriptOutput() { def controller = new TestController() controller.params.format = 'js' controller.testAction() assertEquals } "alert('hello')" , controller.response.contentAsString 8 Traits Overview Grails provides a number of traits which provide access to properties and behavior that may be accessed from various Grails artefacts as well as arbitrary Groovy classes which are part of a Grails project. Many of these traits are automatically added to Grails artefact classes (like controllers and taglibs, for example) and are easy to add to other classes. 8.1 Traits Provided by Grails Grails artefacts are automatically augmented with certain traits at compile time. Domain Class Traits grails.artefact.DomainClass grails.web.databinding.WebDataBinding org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormEntity org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormValidateable Controller Traits grails.artefact.gsp.TagLibraryInvoker grails.artefact.AsyncController grails.artefact.controller.RestResponder grails.artefact.Controller Interceptor Trait grails.artefact.Interceptor Tag Library Trait grails.artefact.TagLibrary Below is a list of other traits provided by the framework. The javadocs provide more detail about methods and properties related to each trait. Trait Brief Description grails.web.api.WebAttributes Common Web Attributes grails.web.api.ServletAttributes Servlet API Attributes grails.web.databinding.DataBinder Data Binding API Request Forwarding API Response Redirecting API Response Rendering API grails.validation.Validateable Validation API 8.1.1 WebAttributes Trait Example WebAttributes is one of the traits provided by the framework. Any Groovy class may implement this trait to inherit all of the properties and behaviors provided by the trait. src/main/groovy/demo/Helper.groovy package demo import grails.web.api.WebAttributes class Helper implements WebAttributes { List String < > getControllerNames() { // There is no need to pass grailsApplication as an argument // or otherwise inject the grailsApplication property. The // WebAttributes trait provides access to grailsApplication. grailsApplication.getArtefacts( } } 'Controller' )*.name The traits are compatible with static compilation… src/main/groovy/demo/Helper.groovy package demo import grails.web.api.WebAttributes import groovy.transform.CompileStatic @CompileStatic class Helper implements WebAttributes { List String < > getControllerNames() { // There is no need to pass grailsApplication as an argument // or otherwise inject the grailsApplication property. The // WebAttributes trait provides access to grailsApplication. grailsApplication.getArtefacts( } } 'Controller' )*.name 9 REST REST is not really a technology in itself, but more an architectural pattern. REST is very simple and just involves using plain XML or JSON as a communication medium, combined with URL patterns that are "representational" of the underlying system, and HTTP methods such as GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. Each HTTP method maps to an action type. For example GET for retrieving data, POST for creating data, PUT for updating and so on. Grails includes flexible features that make it easy to create RESTful APIs. Creating a RESTful resource can be as simple as one line of code, as demonstrated in the next section. 9.1 Domain classes as REST resources The easiest way to create a RESTful API in Grails is to expose a domain class as a REST resource. This can be done by adding the class: transformation to any domain import* @Resource class Book (uri= { '/books' ) String title constraints = { blank false : static title } } Resource Simply by adding the automatically be available as a REST resource in either XML or JSON formats. The transformation will automatically register the necessary controller called transformation and specifying a URI, your domain class will RESTful URL mapping BookController and create a . You can try it out by adding some test data to BootStrap.groovy : init = { servletContext -> new Book title "The Stand" : new Book title "The Shining" : ( ( ).save() ).save() def } And then hitting the URL http://localhost:8080/books/1 , which will render the response like: = The Stand If you change the URL to such as: http://localhost:8080/books/1.json you will get a JSON response { "id" 1 "title" "The Stand" : , : } If you wish to change the default to return JSON instead of XML, you can do this by setting the transformation: attribute of the Resource formats import* '/books' , formats=[ 'json' , 'xml' ]) (uri= { @Resource class Book ... } With the above example JSON will be prioritized. The list that is passed should contain the names of the formats that the resource should expose. The names of formats are defined in the setting of application.groovy grails.mime.types : grails.mime.types = [ ... json: [ ... xml: [ ] 'application/json' , 'text/json' ], 'text/xml' , 'application/xml' ] See the section on Configuring Mime Types in the user guide for more information. Instead of using the file extension in the URI, you can also obtain a JSON response using the ACCEPT header. Here’s an example using the Unix tool: curl $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/books/1 {"id":1,"title":"The Stand"} This works thanks to Grails' Content Negotiation features. You can create a new resource by issuing a POST request: $ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title":"Along Came A Spider"}' localhost:8080/books HTTP/1.1 201 Created Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 ... Updating can be done with a PUT request: $ curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title":"Along Came A Spider"}' localhost:8080/books/1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 ... Finally a resource can be deleted with DELETE request: $ curl -i -X DELETE localhost:8080/books/1 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 ... As you can see, the resource. You can enable only read-only capabilities by setting the transformation enables all of the HTTP method verbs on the readOnly attribute to true: Resource import* '/books' , readOnly= true ) (uri= { @Resource class Book ... } In this case , POST PUT and DELETE requests will be forbidden. 9.2 Mapping to REST resources If you prefer to keep the declaration of the URL mapping in your UrlMappings.groovy file then simply removing the line to UrlMappings.groovy uri attribute of the will suffice: Resource transformation and adding the following "/books" resources "book" ( : ) Extending your API to include more end points then becomes trivial: "/books" resources "book" ( : ) { : "/publisher" controller "publisher" ( , method "GET" : ) } The above example will expose the URI . /books/1/publisher A more detailed explanation on Mappings section of the user guide. creating RESTful URL mappings can be found in the URL 9.3 Linking to REST resources from GSP pages The link tag offers an easy way to link to any domain class resource: = My Link However, currently you cannot use g:link to link to the DELETE action and most browsers do not support sending the DELETE method directly. The best way to accomplish this is to use a form submit: = = = = = Grails supports overriding the request method via the hidden browser compatibility purposes. This is useful when using restful resource mappings to create powerful web interfaces. To make a link fire this type of event, perhaps capture all click events for links with a attribute and issue a form submit via JavaScript. parameter. This is for data-method _method 9.4 Versioning REST resources A common requirement with a REST API is to expose different versions at the same time. There are a few ways this can be achieved in Grails. Versioning using the URI A common approach is to use the URI to version APIs (although this approach is discouraged in favour of Hypermedia). For example, you can define the following URL mappings: "/books/v1" resources "book" "/books/v2" resources "book" ( ( : : , , namespace 'v1' namespace 'v2' : : ) ) That will match the following controllers: package myapp.v1 class BookController { static namespace = 'v1' } package myapp.v2 class BookController { static namespace = 'v2' } This approach has the disadvantage of requiring two different URI namespaces for your API. Versioning with the Accept-Version header As an alternative Grails supports the passing of an example you can define the following URL mappings: Accept-Version header from clients. For "/books" version '1.0' "/books" version '2.0' ( ( : : , , resources "book" resources "book" : : , , namespace 'v1' namespace 'v2' : : ) ) Then in the client simply pass which version you need using the Accept-Version header: $ curl -i -H "Accept-Version: 1.0" -X GET http://localhost:8080/books Versioning using Hypermedia / Mime Types Another approach to versioning is to use Mime Type definitions to declare the version of your custom media types (see the section on "Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State" for more information about Hypermedia concepts). For example, in application.groovy you can declare a custom Mime Type for your resource that includes a version parameter (the 'v' parameter): grails.mime.types = [ '*/*' , : all : book bookv2 "application/;v=1.0" : "application/;v=2.0" , , ... } It is critical that place your new mime types after the 'all' Mime Type because if the Content Type of the request cannot be established then the first entry in the map is used for the response. If you have your new Mime Type at the top then Grails will always try and send back your new Mime Type if the requested Mime Type cannot be established. Then override the renderer (see the section on "Customizing Response Rendering" for more information on custom renderers) to send back the custom Mime Type in : grails-app/conf/spring/resourses.groovy import* import grails.web.mime.* beans = { bookRendererV1(JsonRenderer, myapp.v1.Book, bookRendererV2(JsonRenderer, myapp.v2.Book, } new new MimeType( MimeType( "application/" "application/" , [ : , [ : v "1.0" v "2.0" ])) ])) Then update the list of acceptable response formats in your controller: class BookController extends RestfulController { static responseFormats = [ 'json' , 'xml' , 'book' , 'bookv2' ] // ... } Then using the Accept header you can specify which version you need using the Mime Type: $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/;v=1.0" -X GET http //localhost:8080/books : 9.5 Implementing REST controllers Resource transformation is a quick way to get started, but typically you’ll want to The customize the controller logic, the rendering of the response or extend the API to include additional actions. 9.5.1 Extending the RestfulController super class The easiest way to get started doing so is to create a new controller for your resource that extends the super class. For example: class BookController extends static responseFormats = [ RestfulController< , 'json' 'xml' ] Book > { BookController() { super Book ( ) } } To customize any logic you can just override the appropriate action. The following table provides the names of the action names and the URIs they map to: HTTP Method GET GET POST GET GET PUT URI /books /books/create /books /books/${id} Controller Action index create save show /books/${id}/edit edit /books/${id} update DELETE /books/${id} delete The create and edit actions are only needed if the controller exposes an HTML interface. As an example, if you have a the parent and the child identifiers. For example, given the following URL mapping: then you would typically want to query both nested resource "/authors" resources 'author' "/books" resources 'book' ( : : ( ) { ) } You could implement the nested controller as follows: class BookController extends RestfulController { static responseFormats = [ 'json' , 'xml' ] BookController() { super Book ( ) } @Override protected Book queryForResource( Serializable id) { Book .where { id == id && == params.authorId }.find() } } The example above subclasses method to customize the query for the resource to take into account the parent resource. and overrides the protected RestfulController queryForResource Customizing Data Binding In A RestfulController Subclass The RestfulController class contains code which does data binding for actions like update as the source for data binding. For example, the update action does something like this… and method which returns a value which will be used . The class defines a getObjectToBind() save class RestfulController { def update () { T instance = // retrieve instance from the database... = getObjectToBind() // ... } // ... } getObjectToBind() method returns the By default the used as the binding source, if the request has a body then the body will be parsed and its contents will be used to do the data binding, otherwise the request parameters will be used to do the data binding. Subclasses of RestfulController may override the getObjectToBind() method and return anything that is a valid binding source, including a DataBindingSource getObjectToBind() . For most use cases binding the request is appropriate but the method allows for changing that behavior where desired. object. When the object is request or a Map request Using custom subclass of RestfulController with Resource annotation You can also customize the behaviour of the controller that backs the Resource annotation. The class must provide a constructor that takes a domain class as its argument. The second constructor is required for supporting Resource annotation with readOnly=true. This is a template that can be used for subclassed RestfulController classes used in Resource annotations: class SubclassRestfulController SubclassRestfulController( Class extends domainClass) { RestfulController { this (domainClass, false ) } SubclassRestfulController( Class domainClass, boolean readOnly) { super (domainClass, readOnly) } } You can specify the super class of the controller that backs the Resource annotation with the superClass attribute. import* @Resource class Book (uri= { '/books' , superClass=SubclassRestfulController) String title constraints = { blank false : static title } } 9.5.2 Implementing REST Controllers Step by Step If you don’t want to take advantage of the features provided by the class, then you can implement each HTTP verb yourself manually. The first step is to create RestfulController super a controller: $ grails create-controller book Then add some useful imports and enable readOnly by default: import grails.gorm.transactions.* import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.* import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.* (readOnly = true ) @Transactional class BookController ... } { Recall that each HTTP verb matches a particular Grails action according to the following conventions: HTTP Method GET GET GET GET POST PUT URI /books /books/${id} Controller Action index show /books/create create /books/${id}/edit /books edit save /books/${id} update DELETE /books/${id} delete edit create and The interface for the REST resource. They are there in order to render appropriate HTML forms to create and edit a resource. They can be discarded if that is not a requirement. actions are already required if you plan to implement an HTML respond method introduced in Grails 2.3. The method tries to produce the most appropriate response for the requested content type The key to implementing REST actions is the respond (JSON, XML, HTML etc.) Implementing the 'index' action For example, to implement the objects to respond with: index action, simply call the respond method passing the list of ( def index Integer params.max = respond } Book max) { Math .min(max ?: , 100 ) 10 model .list(params), :[ bookCount : Book .count()] Note that in the above example we also use the supply the total count. This is only required if you plan to support pagination via some user argument of the method to respond model interface. respond method will, using The appropriate response given the content type requested by the client (via the ACCEPT header or file extension). , attempt to reply with the most Content Negotiation If the content type is established to be HTML then a model will be produced such that the action above would be the equivalent of writing: ( def index Integer params.max = [ bookList } : max) { Math .min(max ?: .list(params), , 100 bookCount ) 10 Book : Book .count()] index.gsp By providing an content type is something other than HTML then the an appropriate object. This is done by inspecting the respond method will attempt to lookup instance that is capable of rendering the passed . file you can render an appropriate view for the given model. If the By default there are already renderers configured for JSON and XML, to find out how to register a custom renderer see the section on "Customizing Response Rendering". Implementing the 'show' action show action, which is used to display and individual resource by id, can be implemented The in one line of Groovy code (excluding the method signature): def show Book ( respond book } book) { By specifying the domain instance as a parameter to the action Grails will automatically attempt to lookup the domain instance using the instance doesn’t exist, then a 404 error if null is passed otherwise once again it will attempt to render an appropriate response. If the format is HTML then an appropriate model will produced. The following action is functionally equivalent to the above action: parameter of the request. If the domain respond id will be passed into the action. The null method will return def show Book ( if (book == render } book) { ) { null status 404 : else { return [ book : book] } } Implementing the 'save' action action creates new resource representations. To start off, simply define an action save The that accepts a resource as the first argument and mark it as grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional transform: Transactional with the @Transactional def save Book ... } ( book) { Then the first thing to do is check whether the resource has any respond with the errors: validation errors and if so if (book.hasErrors()) { respond book.errors, } view 'create' : { else ... } In the case of HTML the 'create' view will be rendered again so the user can correct the invalid input. In the case of other formats (JSON, XML etc.), the errors object itself will be rendered in the appropriate format and a status code of 422 (UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) returned. If there are no errors then the resource can be saved and an appropriate response sent: flush true : withFormat { html { flash.message = message( redirect book } code : 'default.created.message' , args : [message( code : 'book.label' , default : 'Book' ),]) '*' { render status : CREATED } } In the case of HTML a redirect is issued to the originating resource and for other formats a status code of 201 (CREATED) is returned. Implementing the 'update' action update The action. First define the method signature: action updates an existing resource representation and is largely similar to the save @Transactional def update Book ... } ( book) { If the resource exists then Grails will load the resource, otherwise null is passed. In the case of null, you should return a 404: (book == if null render } ) { status : NOT_FOUND { else ... } Then once again check for errors validation errors and if so respond with the errors: if (book.hasErrors()) { respond book.errors, } else ... } { view 'edit' : In the case of HTML the 'edit' view will be rendered again so the user can correct the invalid input. In the case of other formats (JSON, XML etc.) the errors object itself will be rendered in the appropriate format and a status code of 422 (UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) returned. If there are no errors then the resource can be saved and an appropriate response sent: flush true : withFormat { html { flash.message = message( redirect book } '*' { render status : OK } } code : 'default.updated.message' , args : [message( code : 'book.label' , default : 'Book' ),]) In the case of HTML a redirect is issued to the originating resource and for other formats a status code of 200 (OK) is returned. Implementing the 'delete' action The update delete action, except the delete() method is called instead: action deletes an existing resource. The implementation is largely similar to the flush true : book.delete withFormat { html { flash.message = message( redirect } action "index" : , method "GET" : code : 'default.deleted.message' , args : [message( code : 'Book.label' , default : 'Book' ),]) '*' { render status : NO_CONTENT } } Notice that for an HTML response a redirect is issued back to the index other content types a response code 204 (NO_CONTENT) is returned. action, whilst for 9.5.3 Generating a REST controller using scaffolding To see some of these concepts in action and help you get going, the version 2.0 and above, can generate a REST ready controller for you, simply run the command: Scaffolding plugin , $ grails generate-controller <> 9.6 Calling REST Services with HttpClient Micronaut HTTP Client Calling Grails REST services - as well as third-party services - is very straightforward using the . This HTTP client has both a low-level API and a higher level AOP-driven API, making it useful for both simple requests as well as building declarative, type-safe API layers. To use the Micronaut HTTP client you must have the your classpath. Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file. micronaut-http-client dependency on build.gradle implementation 'io.micronaut:micronaut-http-client' Low-level API HttpClient The methods to help ease executing HTTP requests and receive responses. interface forms the basis for the low-level API. This interfaces declares The majority of the methods in the interface returns Reactive Streams Publisher instances, and a sub-interface called RxHttpClient is included that provides a variation of the HttpClient interface that returns RxJava Flowable types. When using to return an instance of blocking flow, you may wish to call HttpClient BlockingHttpClient toBlocking() HttpClient in a . There are a few ways by which you can obtain a reference to a way is using the method create HttpClient . The most simple Creating an HTTP client List searchWithApi( String baseUrl = String searchTerm) { "" HttpClient client = HttpClient.create(baseUrl.toURL()).toBlocking() (1) HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.GET( HttpResponse< client.close() (2) String > resp =, String ) "/search?limit=25&media=music&entity=album&term= ${ searchTerm }" ) String json = resp.body() ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() (3) objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false ) SearchResult searchResult.results } searchResult = objectMapper.readValue(json, SearchResult ) 1 Create a new instance of BlockingHttpClient with HttpClient , toBlocking() with the create method, and convert to an instance of 2 The client should be closed using the ObjectMapper 3 Jackson’s SearchResult close method to prevent thread leaking. API can be used to map the raw JSON to POGOs, in this case Consult the the HttpClient Http Client section low-level API. Declarative API of the Micronaut user guide for more information on using A declarative HTTP client can be written by adding the abstract class. Using Micronaut’s AOP support (see the Micronaut user guide section on Introduction Advice ), the abstract or interface methods will be implemented for you at compilation time as HTTP calls. Declarative clients can return data-bound POGOs (or POJOs) without requiring special handling from the calling code. annotation to any interface or @Client package example.grails import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get import io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client @Client "" interface GrailsAppForgeClient { ( ) ( @Get "/{version}/profiles" List Map > profiles( < String ) version) } Note that HTTP client methods are annotated with the appropriate HTTP method, such as @Get @Post or . To use a client like the one in the above example, simply inject an instance of the client into any bean using the annotation. @Autowired @Autowired GrailsAppForgeClient appForgeClient List Map < > profiles( String grailsVersion) { respond appForgeClient.profiles(grailsVersion) } For more details on writing and using declarative clients, consult the the Micronaut user guide . Http Client section of 9.7 The REST Profile Since Grails 3.1, Grails supports a tailored profile for creating REST applications that provides a more focused set of dependencies and commands. To get started with a REST API-type application: $ grails create-restapi my-api This will create a new REST application that provides the following features: Default set of commands for creating and generating REST endpoints Defaults to using JSON views for rendering responses (see the next section) Fewer plugins than a default Grails Web-style application (no GSP, no Asset Pipeline, nothing HTML related) You will notice for example in the rendering the default index page and as well as any 404 and 500 errors. directory that there are grails-app/views *.gson files for If you issue the following set of commands: $ grails create-domain-class my.api.Book $ ./gradlew runCommand -Pargs="generate-all my.api.Book" The generate-* commands are only available after adding the org.grails.plugins:scaffolding dependency to your project. They are not available by default in a REST application. Also, they will no longer produce *.gson files as that was a feature of the REST API-profile. Profiles where removed in Grails 6. Instead of CRUD HTML interface a REST endpoint is generated that produces JSON responses. In addition, the generated functional and unit tests by default test the REST endpoint. 9.8 JSON Views As mentioned in the previous section the REST profile by default uses JSON views to render JSON responses. These play a similar role to GSP, but instead are optimized for outputing JSON responses instead of HTML. You can continue to separate your application in terms of MVC, with the logic of your application residing in controllers and services, whilst view related matters are handled by JSON views. JSON views also provide the flexibility to easily customize the JSON presented to clients without having to resort to relatively complex marshalling libraries like Jackson or Grails' marshaller API. Since Grails 3.1, JSON views are considered by the Grails team the best way to present JSON output for the client, the section on writing custom marshallers has been removed from the user guide. If you are looking for information on that topic, see the Grails 3.0.x guide . 9.8.1 Getting Started If you are using the REST application, then the JSON views plugin will already be included and you can skip the remainder of this section. Otherwise you will need to modify your build.gradle to include the necessary plugin to activate JSON views: implementation 'org.grails.plugins:views-json:1.0.0' // or whatever is the latest version source code repository for JSON views The more documentation and contributions can be found on Github if you are looking for In order to compile JSON views for production deployment you should also activate the Gradle plugin by first modifying the block: buildscript buildscript { ... dependencies { ... classpath "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:1.0.0" } } Then apply the plugins: org.grails.plugins.views-json Gradle plugin after any Grails core gradle ... apply apply plugin plugin : : "org.grails.grails-web" "org.grails.plugins.views-json" This will add a compileGsonViews production JAR or WAR file. task to Gradle, which is invoked prior to creating the 9.8.2 Creating JSON Views JSON views go into the grails-app/views regular Groovy scripts and can be opened in any Groovy editor. directory and end with the .gson suffix. They are Example JSON view: json.person { name "bob" } To open them in the Groovy editor in Intellij IDEA, double click on the file and when asked which file to associate it with, choose "Groovy" The above JSON view produces: { "person" :{ "name" "bob" : }} There is an implicit json variable which is an instance of StreamingJsonBuilder . Example usages: json( , , ) == 1 2 3 json { name 1 2 3 json([ , , ]) { n "Bob" "[1,2,3]" } == '{"name":"Bob"}' it } == '[{"n":1},{"n":2},{"n":3}]' Refer to the API documentation on is possible. StreamingJsonBuilder for more information about what 9.8.3 JSON View Templates You can define templates starting with underscore . For example given the following template called _person.gson : _ model { Person person } json { name age person.age } You can render it with a view as follows: model { Family family } json { name age family.father.age oldestChild g.render( children g.render( } template "person" : template "person" : , , model :[ collection person : family.children, var 'person' : ) : family.children.max { Person p -> p.age } ]) Alternatively for a more concise way to invoke templates, using the tmpl variable: model { Family family } json { name age family.father.age oldestChild tmpl.person( family.children.max { Person p -> p.age } ] ) children tmpl.person( family.children ) } 9.8.4 Rendering Domain Classes with JSON Views Typically your model may involve one or many domain instances. JSON views provide a render method for rendering these. For example given the following domain class: class Book String { title } And the following template: model { Book book } json g.render(book) The resulting output is: { id 1 : , title "The Stand" : } You can customize the rendering by including or excluding properties: json g.render(book, [ includes :[ 'title' ]]) Or by providing a closure to add additional JSON output: json g.render(book) { pages 1000 } 9.8.5 JSON Views by Convention There are a few useful conventions you can follow when creating JSON views. For example if you have a domain class called grails-app/views/book/_book.gson template: , then creating a template located at method will result in rendering the and using the respond Book ( def show Long respond } id) { Book .get(id) In addition if an error occurs during validation by default Grails will try to render a template called grails-app/views/errors/_errors.gson , otherwise it will try to render grails-app/views/book/_errors.gson if the former doesn’t exist. This is useful because when persisting objects you can render these aforementioned templates: respond with validation errors to @Transactional def save Book ( book) { (book.hasErrors()) { if transactionStatus.setRollbackOnly() respond book.errors } else { // valid object } } If a validation error occurs in the above example the grails-app/views/book/_errors.gson template will be rendered. For more information on JSON views (and Markup views), see the JSON Views user guide . 9.9 Customizing Response Rendering If you are looking for a more low-level API and JSON or Markup views don’t suite your needs then you may want to consider implementing a custom renderer. 9.9.1 Customizing the Default Renderers The default renderers for XML and JSON can be found in the packages respectively. These use the Grails converters ( and grails.converters.XML and grails.converters.JSON ) by default for response rendering. You can easily customize response rendering using these default renderers. A common change you may want to make is to include or exclude certain properties from rendering. Including or Excluding Properties from Rendering As mentioned previously, Grails maintains a registry of instances. There are some default configured renderers and the ability to register or override renderers for a given domain class or even for a collection of domain classes. To include a particular property from rendering you need to register a custom renderer by defining a bean in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy : import* beans = { bookRenderer(XmlRenderer, includes = [ } } 'title' ] Book ) { The bean name is not important (Grails will scan the application context for all registered renderer beans), but for organizational and readability purposes it is recommended you name it something meaningful. To exclude a property, the excludes property of the XmlRenderer class can be used: import* beans = { bookRenderer(XmlRenderer, excludes = [ } } 'isbn' ] Book ) { Customizing the Converters As mentioned previously, the default renders use the covers. In other words, under the covers they essentially do the following: grails.converters package under the import grails.converters.* ... render book as XML // or render book as JSON Why the separation between converters and renderers? Well a renderer has more flexibility to use whatever rendering technology you chose. When implementing a custom renderer you could use the other hand are very much tied to Grails' own marshalling implementation. or any Java library to implement the renderer. Converters on Jackson Gson , 9.9.2 Implementing a Custom Renderer If you want even more control of the rendering or prefer to use your own marshalling techniques then you can implement your own simple implementation that customizes the rendering of the instance. For example below is a class: Renderer Book myapp package import* import grails.web.mime.MimeType class BookXmlRenderer extends BookXmlRenderer() { AbstractRenderer< Book > { super Book ( , [MimeType.XML,MimeType.TEXT_XML] as MimeType [] ) } void render( Book object, RenderContext context) { context.contentType = def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(context.writer) } } id :, title :object.title) The MimeType AbstractRenderer super class has a constructor that takes the class that it renders and the (s) that are accepted (via the ACCEPT header or file extension) for the renderer. To configure this renderer, simply add it is a bean to grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy : beans = { bookRenderer(myapp.BookXmlRenderer) } The result will be that all Book instances will be rendered in the following format: If you change the rendering to a completely different format like the above, then you also need to change the binding if you plan to support POST and PUT requests. Grails will not automatically know how to bind data from a custom XML format to a domain class otherwise. See the section on "Customizing Binding of Resources" for further information. Container Renderers A objects (lists, maps, collections etc.). The interface is largely the same as the Renderer interface except for the addition of the "contained" type. For example: is a renderer that renders responses for containers of method, which should return the getComponentType() class BookListRenderer implements ContainerRenderer< List , Book > { < Class List Class Book < [] > getTargetType() { > getComponentType() { getMimeTypes() { [ MimeType.XML] } Book List } as MimeType [] } render( List object, RenderContext context) { MimeType void .... } } 9.9.3 Using GSP to Customize Rendering You can also customize rendering on a per action basis using Groovy Server Pages (GSP). For example given the action mentioned previously: show def show Book ( respond book } book) { You could supply a show.xml.gsp file to customize the rendering of the XML: <% @page }" /> 9.10 Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State HATEOAS, an abbreviation for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, is a common pattern applied to REST architectures that uses hypermedia and linking to define the REST API. Hypermedia (also called Mime or Media Types) are used to describe the state of a REST resource, and links tell clients how to transition to the next state. The format of the response is typically JSON or XML, although standard formats such as frequently used. and/or Atom HAL are 9.10.1 HAL Support HAL is a standard exchange format commonly used when developing REST APIs that follow HATEOAS principals. An example HAL document representing a list of orders can be seen below: { "_links" : { : : "/orders" "/orders?page=2" }, }, "self" "next" "find" "href" "href" : { : { : { "href" "templated" : "/orders{?id}" true : , }, "admin" : [{ "href" "title" : "/admins/2" , : "Fred" }, { }] }, "href" "title" : "/admins/5" , : "Kate" : 14 , "currentlyProcessing" "shippedToday" "_embedded" : { "order" : [{ : 20 , "_links" : { : { "self" "basket" "customer" "href" : "href" "/orders/123" : "href" "/baskets/98712" : }, "/customers/7809" }, : { : { } }, : "total" "currency" "status" : , 30.00 "USD" : "shipped" , }, { "_links" : { : { "self" "basket" "customer" "href" : "href" "/orders/124" : "href" "/baskets/97213" : "/customers/12369" }, }, : { : { } }, : "total" "currency" "status" : , "USD" 20.00 : "processing" , }] } } Exposing Resources Using HAL To return HAL instead of regular JSON for a resource you can simply override the renderer in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy (or with an instance of HalXmlRenderer for the XML variation): import* beans = { halBookRenderer(HalJsonRenderer, rest.test.Book) } You will also need to update the acceptable response formats for the resource so that the HAL format is included. Not doing so will result in a 406 - Not Acceptable response being returned from the server. This can be done by setting the formats attribute of the Resource transformation: import* '/books' , formats=[ 'json' , 'xml' , 'hal' ]) (uri= { @Resource class Book ... } Or by updating the responseFormats in the controller: class BookController extends RestfulController { static responseFormats = [ 'json' , 'xml' , 'hal' ] // ... } With the bean in place requesting the HAL content type will return HAL: $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/hal+json" http //localhost:8080/books/1 : 1.1 200 OK : Apache-Coyote/ 1.1 HTTP/ Server Content- Type : application/hal+json;charset=ISO- 8859 1 - { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/1" , : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "title" : "\"The Stand\"" } To use HAL XML format simply change the renderer: import* beans = { halBookRenderer(HalXmlRenderer, rest.test.Book) } Rendering Collections Using HAL To return HAL instead of regular JSON for a list of resources you can simply override the renderer in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy with an instance of : import* beans = { halBookCollectionRenderer(HalJsonCollectionRenderer, rest.test.Book) } With the bean in place requesting the HAL content type will return HAL: curl -i -H "Accept: application/hal+json" http //localhost:8080/books : $ HTTP/ Server Content- Transfer- Date 1.1 200 OK : Apache-Coyote/ 1.1 Type : application/hal+json;charset=UTF- 8 Encoding : Thu, 17 Oct : chunked : 2013 02 34 14 : GMT { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books" , : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "_embedded" "book" : [ : { { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/1" : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "title" : "The Stand" }, { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/2" : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "title" : "Infinite Jest" }, { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/3" : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" , , , } }, "title" : "Walden" } ] } } Notice that the key associated with the list of is derived from the type of objects in the collection, namely value of this key assign a value to the bean as shown below: collectionName Book objects in the rendered JSON is book which Book . In order to customize the HalJsonCollectionRenderer property on the import* beans = { halBookCollectionRenderer(HalCollectionJsonRenderer, rest.test.Book) { collectionName = 'publications' } } With that in place the rendered HAL will look like the following: curl -i -H "Accept: application/hal+json" http //localhost:8080/books : $ HTTP/ Server Content- Transfer- Date 1.1 200 OK : Apache-Coyote/ 1.1 Type : application/hal+json;charset=UTF- 8 Encoding : Thu, 17 Oct : chunked : 2013 02 34 14 : GMT { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books" , : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "_embedded" : { "publications" : [ { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/1" , : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "title" : "The Stand" }, { "_links" : { "self" : { : "href" "hreflang" "type" : "http://localhost:8080/books/2" : "en" , "application/hal+json" } }, "title" : "Infinite Jest" }, { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/3" : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/hal+json" , , } }, "title" : "Walden" } ] } } Using Custom Media / Mime Types If you wish to use a custom Mime Type then you first need to declare the Mime Types in grails-app/conf/application.groovy : grails.mime.types = [ : : : all book bookList , "*/*" "application/" "application/" , , ... ] It is critical that place your new mime types after the 'all' Mime Type because if the Content Type of the request cannot be established then the first entry in the map is used for the response. If you have your new Mime Type at the top then Grails will always try and send back your new Mime Type if the requested Mime Type cannot be established. Then override the renderer to return HAL using the custom Mime Types: import* import grails.web.mime.* beans = { halBookRenderer(HalJsonRenderer, rest.test.Book, halBookListRenderer(HalJsonCollectionRenderer, rest.test.Book, } MimeType( new "application/" , [ : v "1.0" ])) new MimeType( "application/" , [ : v "1.0" ])) In the above example the first bean defines a HAL renderer for a single book instance that returns a Mime Type of Mime Type used to render a collection of books (in this case application/ . The second bean defines the application/ ). is an example of a media-range ( application/ - Header Field Definitions). This example uses entity (book) and operation (list) to form the media-range values but in reality, it may not be necessary to create a separate Mime type for each operation. Further, it may not be necessary to create Mime types at the entity level. See the section on "Versioning REST resources" for further information about how to define your own Mime types. With this in place issuing a request for the new Mime Type returns the necessary HAL: $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/" http://localhost:8080/books/1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: application/;charset=ISO-8859-1 { "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/books/1", "hreflang": "en", "type": "application/" } }, "title": "\"The Stand\"" } Customizing Link Rendering An important aspect of HATEOAS is the usage of links that describe the transitions the client can use to interact with the REST API. By default the automatically create links for you for associations and to the resource itself (using the "self" relationship). HalJsonRenderer will However you can customize link rendering using the classes annotated with For example, the resulting output: show link or any class annotated with . method that is added to all domain action can be modified as follows to provide a new link in the ( def show Book respond book } book) { : rel 'publisher' , href : g.createLink( absolute : true , resource "publisher" : , params :[ bookId :]) Which will result in output such as: { "_links" "self" : { : { "http://localhost:8080/books/1" , : "href" "hreflang" "type" : : "en" , "application/" } "publisher" : { "href" "hreflang" : : "en" "http://localhost:8080/books/1/publisher" , } }, "title" : "\"The Stand\"" } method can be passed named arguments that match the properties of the link The class. 9.10.2 Atom Support Atom is another standard interchange format used to implement REST APIs. An example of Atom output can be seen below: = Example Feed <link href ""/> <updated> 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z = John Doe urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6 = Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok <link href ""/> <id> <updated> <summary> urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z </summary> Some text. </updated> To use Atom rendering again simply define a custom renderer: import* beans = { halBookRenderer(AtomRenderer, rest.test.Book) halBookListRenderer(AtomCollectionRenderer, rest.test.Book) } 9.10.3 Vnd.Error Support Vnd.Error is a standardised way of expressing an error response. By default when a validation error occurs when attempting to POST new resources then the errors object will be sent back allow with a 422 respond code: $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "" http //localhost:8080/books : 1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity : Apache-Coyote/ 1.1 HTTP/ Server Content- Type : application/json;charset=ISO- 8859 1 - { "errors" : [ { "rest.test.Book" , : "object" "field" "title" : "rejected-value" "message" : , : null , "Property [title] of class [class rest.test.Book] cannot be null" } ] } If you wish to change the format to Vnd.Error then simply register bean in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy : beans = { vndJsonErrorRenderer( // for Vnd.Error XML format vndXmlErrorRenderer( } Then if you alter the client request to accept Vnd.Error you get an appropriate response: curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.error+json,application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "" http //localhost:8080/books : 1.1 200 OK : Apache-Coyote/ 1.1 Type : application/vnd.error+json;charset=ISO- 8859 1 - $ HTTP/ Server Content- [ { : "book.nullable, "logref" "message" "_links" : : { "resource" "href" : { : "http://localhost:8080/rest-test/books" "Property [title] of class [class rest.test.Book] cannot be null" , } } } ] 9.11 Customizing Binding of Resources The framework provides a sophisticated but simple mechanism for binding REST requests to domain objects and command objects. One way to take advantage of this is to bind the request the body of the request, the the of a domain class. Given the following XML as and assign "The Stand" to action will create a new authorName property and "Stephen King" to the property in a controller the property. properties createBook title Book "1.0" encoding= The Stand Stephen King "UTF-8" ?> class BookController { def createBook () { def book = new Book () = request // ... } } Command objects will automatically be bound with the body of the request: class BookController { def createBook (BookCommand book) { // ... } } class BookCommand { String String title authorName } id attribute, the If the command object type is a domain class and the root element of the XML document contains an instance from the database and then the rest of the document will be bound to the instance. If no corresponding record is found in the database, the command object reference will be null. value will be used to retrieve the corresponding persistent id "42" "1.0" encoding= Walden Henry David Thoreau "UTF-8" ?> class BookController { def updateBook Book ( book) { // The book will have been retrieved from the database and updated // by doing something like this: // // book == Book.get('42') // if(book != null) { // = request // } // // the code above represents what the framework will // have done. There is no need to write that code. // ... } } DataBindingSource DataBindingSourceCreator The data binding depends on an instance of the instance of the will be selected based on the DataBindingSourceCreator implementations are provided to handle common content types. The default implementations will be fine for most use cases. The following table lists the content types which are supported by the core framework and which DataBindingSourceCreator implementations are used for each. All of the implementation classes are in the org.grails.databinding.bindingsource interface. The specific implementation of of the request. Several interface created by an contentType package. Content Type(s) Bean Name DataBindingSourceCreator Impl. application/xml, text/xml application/json, text/json xmlDataBindingSourceCreator XmlDataBindingSourceCreator jsonDataBindingSourceCreator JsonDataBindingSourceCreator application/hal+json halJsonDataBindingSourceCreator HalJsonDataBindingSourceCreator application/hal+xml halXmlDataBindingSourceCreator HalXmlDataBindingSourceCreator DataBindingSourceCreator In order to provide your own class which implements Spring application context. If you are replacing one of the existing helpers, use the corresponding bean name from above. If you are providing a helper for a content type other than those accounted for by the core framework, the bean name may be anything that you like but you should take care not to conflict with one of the bean names above. for any of those content types, write a and register an instance of that class in the DataBindingSourceCreator The DataBindingSourceCreator interface defines just 2 methods: package org.grails.databinding.bindingsource import grails.web.mime.MimeType import grails.databinding.DataBindingSource /** * A factory for DataBindingSource instances * * @since 2.3 * @see DataBindingSourceRegistry * @see DataBindingSource * */ interface DataBindingSourceCreator { /** * `return All of the {`link MimeType} supported by this helper */ MimeType getMimeTypes() [] /** * Creates a DataBindingSource suitable for binding bindingSource to bindingTarget * * @param mimeType a mime type * @param bindingTarget the target of the data binding * @param bindingSource the value being bound * @return a DataBindingSource */ DataBindingSource createDataBindingSource(MimeType mimeType, } Object bindingTarget, Object bindingSource) AbstractRequestBodyDataBindingSourceCreator is an abstract class designed to be extended to simplify writing custom AbstractRequestbodyDatabindingSourceCreator DataBindingSourceCreator classes. Classes which extend which accepts an need to implement a method named as an argument and returns a InputStream DataBindingSource getMimeTypes InputStream argument to method described in the createBindingSource DataBindingSourceCreator provides access to the body createBindingSource as well as implementing the interface above. The of the request. The code below shows a simple implementation. src/main/groovy/com/demo/myapp/databinding/MyCustomDataBindingSourceCreator.groovy package com.demo.myapp.databinding import grails.web.mime.MimeType import grails.databinding.DataBindingSource import org import org ... ... databinding.SimpleMapDataBindingSource databinding.bindingsource.AbstractRequestBodyDataBindingSourceCreator /** * A custom DataBindingSourceCreator capable of parsing key value pairs out of * a request body containing a comma separated list of key:value pairs like: * * name:Herman,age:99,town:STL * */ class MyCustomDataBindingSourceCreator extends AbstractRequestBodyDataBindingSourceCreator { @Override public MimeType [] getMimeTypes() { [ } new MimeType( 'text/custom+demo+csv' )] as MimeType [] @Override protected DataBindingSource createBindingSource( InputStream inputStream) { def map = [:] def reader = new InputStreamReader (inputStream) // this is an obviously naive parser and is intended // for demonstration purposes only. reader.eachLine { line -> keyValuePairs.each { keyValuePair -> def keyValuePairs = line.split( ',' ) if (keyValuePair?.trim()) { def def def keyValuePieces = keyValuePair.split( key = keyValuePieces[ ].trim() value = keyValuePieces[ ].trim() 0 1 ':' ) map<> = value } } } // create and return a DataBindingSource which contains the parsed data new SimpleMapDataBindingSource(map) } } An instance of context. MyCustomDataSourceCreator needs to be registered in the spring application grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { myCustomCreator com.demo.myapp.databinding.MyCustomDataBindingSourceCreator // ... } With that in place the framework will use the DataBindingSourceCreator "text/custom+demo+csv". is needed to deal with a request which has a myCustomCreator bean any time a contentType of 9.12 RSS and Atom No direct support is provided for RSS or Atom within Grails. You could construct RSS or ATOM feeds with the method’s XML capability. render 10 Asynchronous Programming With modern hardware featuring multiple cores, many programming languages have been adding asynchronous, parallel programming APIs, Groovy being no exception. Popular asynchronous libraries include: RxJava - GPars - Reactor - By building on top of these various libraries the concurrent programming within the framework, include the concept of Promises, and a unified event model. Async features of Grails aim to simplify In general, since the Reactive programming model is an evolving space, Grails tries to provide generic support for integrating a range of asynchronous libraries and doesn’t recommend any single library as they all have various advantages and disadvantages. For more information on Asynchronous programming with Grails see the user guide for the Grails Asynchronous Framework . 11 Validation Grails validation capability is built on However Grails takes this further and provides a unified way to define validation "constraints" with its constraints mechanism. Spring’s Validator API and data binding capabilities. Constraints in Grails are a way to declaratively specify validation rules. Most commonly they are applied to also support constraints. Command Objects URL Mappings domain classes , however and 11.1 Declaring Constraints Within a domain class code block: constraints are defined with the constraints property that is assigned a class User String String String Integer { login password email age static constraints = { ... } } You then use method calls that match the property name for which the constraint applies in combination with named parameters to specify constraints: class User ... { size static constraints = { login password email age } } 5 : .. size : 15 : .. 5 true email 18 : min , 15 blank , blank : blank : false : false , false , unique : true In this example we’ve declared that the long, it cannot be blank and must be unique. We’ve also applied other constraints to the password email property must be between 5 and 15 characters login properties. and age , By default, all domain class properties are not nullable (i.e. they have an implicit nullable: false constraint). A complete reference for the available constraints can be found in the Quick Reference section under the Constraints heading. Note that constraints are only evaluated once which may be relevant for a constraint that relies on a value like an instance of java.util.Date . class User ... { static constraints = { // this Date object is created when the constraints are evaluated, not // each time an instance of the User class is validated. birthDate () } } new Date max : A word of warning - referencing domain class properties from constraints It’s very easy to attempt to reference instance variables from the static constraints block, but this isn’t legal in Groovy (or Java). If you do so, you will get a your trouble. For example, you may try MissingPropertyException for class Response Survey survey Answer answer { constraints = { blank blank false false : : static survey answer } } , inList : survey.answers See how the Instead, use a custom inList validator : constraint references the instance property survey ? That won’t work. { class Response ... static constraints = { survey answer } } blank blank : : false false , validator : { val, obj -> val in obj.survey.answers } In this example, the validated, so we can access its new value for the answer obj property, argument to the custom validator is the domain instance that is being survey property and return a boolean to indicate whether the , is valid. val 11.2 Validating Constraints Validation Basics Call the validate method to validate a domain class instance: def user = new User(params) { (user.validate()) { if // do something with user } else user.errors.allErrors.each { println it } } property on domain classes is an instance of the Spring errors interface provides methods to navigate the validation errors and also retrieve the interface. The Errors The Errors original values. Validation Phases Within Grails there are two phases of validation, the first one being occurs when you bind request parameters onto an instance such as: data binding which def user = new User(params) At this point you may already have errors in the as converting Strings to Dates). You can check these and obtain the original input value using the property due to type conversion (such API: Errors errors if (user.hasErrors()) { if "login" (user.errors.hasFieldErrors( println user.errors.getFieldError( } } )) { "login" ).rejectedValue The second phase of validation happens when you call will validate the bound values against the the method calls constraints validate save before executing, allowing you to write code like: validate . This is when Grails you defined. For example, by default save or if ( { return user { } else user.errors.allErrors.each { println it } } 11.3 Sharing Constraints Between Classes Command Objects A common pattern in Grails is to use and then copy the properties of the command object to the relevant domain classes. This often means that your command objects and domain classes share properties and their constraints. You could manually copy and paste the constraints between the two, but that’s a very error-prone approach. Instead, make use of Grails' global constraints and import mechanism. for validating user-submitted data Global Constraints In addition to defining constraints in domain classes, command objects and other validateable classes , you can also define them in grails-app/conf/runtime.groovy : grails.gorm.default.constraints = { 1 : : .. 20 blank nullable , '*' nullable size false true : , ( myShared( } ) : false ) These constraints are not attached to any particular classes, but they can be easily referenced from any validateable class: class User ... { static constraints = { login } } shared : "myShared" shared Note the use of the defined in can reference these shared constraints from any validateable class, such as command objects. argument, whose value is the name of one of the constraints . Despite the name of the configuration setting, you grails.gorm.default.constraints The '*' constraint is a special case: it means that the associated constraints ('nullable' and 'size' in the above example) will be applied to all properties in all validateable classes. These defaults can be overridden by the constraints declared in a validateable class. Importing Constraints Grails 2 introduced an alternative approach to sharing constraints that allows you to import a set of constraints from one class into another. Let’s say you have a domain class like so: class User String String String { firstName lastName passwordHash static constraints = { firstName lastName passwordHash } } blank blank : false , nullable : false : blank false : , false nullable : false : , nullable false You then want to create a command object, the domain class and the corresponding constraints. You do this with the importFrom() method: , that shares some of the properties of UserCommand class UserCommand { String String String String firstName lastName password confirmPassword static constraints = { importFrom User password : confirmPassword } } blank false blank , : nullable false false nullable : , : false This will import all the constraints from the The import will ignore any constraints in the source class ( corresponding properties in the importing class ( UserCommand 'firstName' and 'lastName' constraints will be imported into only properties shared by the two classes. User domain class and apply them to UserCommand . ) that don’t have User ). In the above example, only the because those are the UserCommand If you want more control over which constraints are imported, use the arguments. Both of these accept a list of simple or regular expression strings that are matched against the property names in the source constraints. So for example, if you only wanted to import the 'lastName' constraint you would use: and include exclude ... static constraints = { importFrom User, ... } include : [ "lastName" ] or if you wanted all constraints that ended with 'Name': ... static constraints = { importFrom User, ... } include : [ /.*Name/ ] Of course, exclude does the reverse, specifying which constraints should not be imported. 11.4 Validation on the Client Displaying Errors Typically if you get a validation error you redirect back to the view for rendering. Once there you need some way of displaying errors. Grails supports a rich set of tags for dealing with errors. To render the errors as a list you can use renderErrors : = If you need more control you can use hasErrors and eachError :
    = = =
  • ${err}
Highlighting Errors It is often useful to highlight using a red box or some indicator when a field has been incorrectly input. This can also be done with the example: by invoking it as a method. For hasErrors
= = = =
This code checks if the CSS class to the div field of the login user , allowing you to use CSS rules to highlight the bean has any errors and if so it adds an div . errors Retrieving Input Values Each error is actually an instance of the FieldError class in Spring, which retains the original input value within it. This is useful as you can use the error object to restore the value input by the user using the fieldValue tag: = = = This code will check for an existing originally input value for the login field. FieldError in the User bean and if there is obtain the 11.5 Validation and Internationalization Another important thing to note about errors in Grails is that error messages are not hard class in Spring resolves messages from message bundles coded anywhere. The using Grails' FieldError support. i18n Constraints and Message Codes The codes themselves are dictated by a convention. For example consider the constraints we looked at earlier: package com.mycompany.myapp class User ... { size static constraints = { login password email age } } 5 : .. size : 15 : .. 5 true email 18 : min , 15 blank , blank : blank : false : false , false , unique : true If a constraint is violated, Grails looks by convention for a message code: Constraint blank Error Code className.propertyName.blank creditCard className.propertyName.creditCard.invalid email inList matches max maxSize min minSize notEqual nullable range size unique url validator className.propertyName.not.inList className.propertyName.matches.invalid className.propertyName.max.exceeded className.propertyName.maxSize.exceeded className.propertyName.min.notmet className.propertyName.minSize.notmet className.propertyName.notEqual className.propertyName.nullable className.propertyName.range.toosmall or className.propertyName.range.toobig className.propertyName.size.toosmall or className.propertyName.size.toobig className.propertyName.unique className.propertyName.url.invalid classname.propertyName. + String returned by Closure In the case of the such as the following in your blank constraint this would be user.login.blank grails-app/i18n/ so you would need a message file: user.login.blank=Your login name must be specified! The class name is looked for both with and without a package, with the packaged version taking precedence. So for example, user.login.blank plugin’s. will be used before com.mycompany.myapp.User.login.blank . This allows for cases where your domain class message codes clash with a For a reference on what codes are for which constraints refer to the reference guide for each constraint (e.g. blank ). Displaying Messages renderErrors The you need more control of rendering you can handle this yourself: tag will automatically look up messages for you using the message tag. If
    = = =
  • =
In this example within the body of the with its error argument to read the message for the given error. eachError tag we use the message tag in combination 11.6 Applying Validation to Other Classes Domain classes and Command Objects support validation by default. Other classes may be made validateable by defining the static constraints and then telling the framework about them. It is important that the application register the validateable classes with the framework. Simply defining the sufficient. property in the class (as described above) property is not constraints The Validateable Trait Classes which define the static be validateable. Consider this example: constraints property and implement the Validateable trait will src/main/groovy/com/mycompany/myapp/User.groovy package com.mycompany.myapp import grails.validation.Validateable class User implements ... Validateable { size static constraints = { login password email age } } 5 : .. size : 15 : .. 5 true email 18 : min , 15 blank , blank : blank : false : false , false , unique : true Programmatic access Accessing the constraints on a validateable object is slightly different. You can access a command object’s constraints programmatically in another context by accessing the static property of the class. That property is an instance of Map In the example above, accessing User.constraintsMap.login.unique User.constraintsMap.login.blank . would yield true would yield false , while 12 The Service Layer Grails defines the notion of a service layer. The Grails team discourages the embedding of core application logic inside controllers, as it does not promote reuse and a clean separation of concerns. Services in Grails are the place to put the majority of the logic in your application, leaving controllers responsible for handling request flow with redirects and so on. Creating a Service You can create a Grails service by running the your project in a terminal window: create-service command from the root of grails create-service helloworld.simple If no package is specified with the create-service script, Grails automatically uses the grails.defaultPackage grails-app/conf/application.yml as the package name. defined in The above example will create a service at the location grails-app/services/helloworld/SimpleService.groovy . A service’s name ends with the convention Service , other than that a service is a plain Groovy class: package helloworld class SimpleService } { 12.1 Declarative Transactions Declarative Transactions Services are typically involved with coordinating logic between often involved with persistence that spans large operations. Given the nature of services, they frequently require transactional behaviour. You can use programmatic transactions with the method, however this is repetitive and doesn’t fully leverage the power of Spring’s underlying transaction abstraction. withTransaction domain classes , and hence Services enable transaction demarcation, which is a declarative way of defining which methods are to be made transactional. To enable transactions on a service use the Transactional transform: import grails.gorm.transactions.* @Transactional class CountryService { } The result is that all methods are wrapped in a transaction and automatic rollback occurs if a method throws an exception (both Checked or Runtime exceptions) or an Error. The propagation level of the transaction is by default set to PROPAGATION_REQUIRED . Version Grails 3.2.0 was the first version to use GORM 6 by default. Checked exceptions did not roll back transactions before GORM 6. Only a method which threw a runtime exception (i.e. one that extends RuntimeException) rollbacked a transaction. Warning: will not get a transactional service if you use the dependency injection is the only way that declarative transactions work. You new operator such as new BookService() The Transactional annotation vs the transactional property In versions of Grails prior to Grails 3.1, Grails created Spring proxies and used the transactional default in applications created with Grails 3.1 and above in favor of the @Transactional transformation. property to enable and disable proxy creation. These proxies are disabled by For versions of Grails 3.1.x and 3.2.x, if you wish to renable this feature (not recommended) then you must set grails-app/conf/application.yml to true or remove the configuration in grails.spring.transactionManagement grails-app/conf/application.groovy or . In Grails 3.3.x Spring proxies for transaction management has been dropped completely, and you must use Grails' AST transforms. In Grails 3.3.x, if you wish to continue to use Spring proxies for transaction management you will have to configure them manually, using the appropriate Spring configuration. In addition, prior to Grails 3.1 services were transactional by default, as of Grails 3.1 they are only transactional if the transformation is applied. @Transactional Custom Transaction Configuration @Transactional Grails also provides more fine-grained control over transactions at a per-method level or need to specify an alternative propagation level. For example, the mark a particular method to be skipped when a class is annotated with annotation can be used to @Transactional annotations for cases where you need @NotTransactional @NotTransactional and . Annotating a service method with behavior for that service (in the same way that adding use any annotations you must annotate all methods that require transactions. disables the default Grails transactional does) so if you transactional=false Transactional In this example transaction, and listBooks deleteBook uses a read-only transaction, uses a default read-write is not transactional (probably not a good idea given its name). updateBook import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional class BookService { @Transactional def listBooks Book .list() () { (readOnly = true ) } @Transactional def updateBook () { // ... } def deleteBook () { // ... } } You can also annotate the class to define the default transaction behavior for the whole service, and then override that default per-method: import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional @Transactional class BookService { def listBooks Book .list() () { } def updateBook () { // ... } def deleteBook () { // ... } } This version defaults to all methods being read-write transactional (due to the class-level annotation), but the method overrides this to use a read-only transaction: listBooks import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional @Transactional class BookService { @Transactional def listBooks Book .list() () { (readOnly = true ) } def updateBook () { // ... } def deleteBook () { // ... } } Although and configuration from the class-level annotation. updateBook deleteBook aren’t annotated in this example, they inherit the For more information refer to the section of the Spring user guide on Using @Transactional . Unlike Spring you do not need any prior configuration to use annotation as needed and Grails will detect them up automatically. Transactional ; just specify the Transaction status TransactionStatus is available by default in Grails transactional service An instance of methods. Example: import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional @Transactional class BookService { def deleteBook () { transactionStatus.setRollbackOnly() } } 12.1.1 Transactions and Multi-DataSources Given two domain classes such as: class Movie { String title } class Book String { title static mapping = { datasource 'books' } } You can supply the desired data source to @Transactional or @ReadOnly annotations. import grails.gorm.transactions.ReadOnly import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional import groovy.transform.CompileStatic @CompileStatic class BookService { @ReadOnly 'books' < List Book Book ( > findAll() { .where {}.findAll() ) } @Transactional 'books' Book ( ) String book = save( Book book } } title) { new Book title ( : title) @CompileStatic class MovieService { @ReadOnly List findAll() { Movie.where {}.findAll() } } 12.1.2 Transactions Rollback and the Session Understanding Transactions and the Hibernate Session When using transactions there are important considerations you must take into account with regards to how the underlying persistence session is handled by Hibernate. When a transaction is rolled back the Hibernate session used by GORM is cleared. This means any objects within the session become detached and accessing uninitialized lazy-loaded collections will lead to a LazyInitializationException . To understand why it is important that the Hibernate session is cleared. Consider the following example: class Author String Integer { name age static hasMany = [ books : Book ] } If you were to save two authors using consecutive transactions as follows: Author.withTransaction { status -> name "Stephen King" Author( new : status.setRollbackOnly() } Author.withTransaction { status -> name "Stephen King" Author( new : , age : 40 ).save() , age : 40 ).save() } Only the second author would be saved since the first transaction rolls back the author save() by clearing the Hibernate session. If the Hibernate session were not cleared then both author instances would be persisted and it would lead to very unexpected results. It can, however, be frustrating to get a cleared. LazyInitializationException due to the session being For example, consider the following example: class AuthorService { void updateAge(id, def author = Author.get(id) int age) { author.age = age if (author.isTooOld()) { throw new AuthorException( "too old" , author) } } } class AuthorController { def authorService def updateAge () { try { authorService.updateAge(, } "age" )) catch (e) { render "Author books } } } ${ }" In the above example the transaction will be rolled back if the age of the the maximum value defined in the AuthorException references the author but when the method by throwing an isTooOld() books association is accessed a Author AuthorException age exceeds . The LazyInitializationException cleared. will be thrown because the underlying Hibernate session has been To solve this problem you have a number of options. One is to ensure you query eagerly to get the data you will need: class AuthorService ... void updateAge(id, { int age) { def ... author = Author.findById(id, [ fetch :[ books "eager" : ]]) In this example the books association will be queried when retrieving the Author . This is the optimal solution as it requires fewer queries than the following suggested solutions. Another solution is to redirect the request after a transaction rollback: class AuthorController { AuthorService authorService def updateAge () { try { authorService.updateAge(, } "age" )) catch (e) { flash.message = "Can't update age" redirect } } } action "show" : , id In this case a new request will deal with retrieving the solution is to retrieve the data for the correct state: Author Author again. And, finally a third again to make sure the session remains in the class AuthorController { def authorService def updateAge () { try { authorService.updateAge(, } "age" )) catch (e) { def author = author.books ${ }" render "Author books } } } Validation Errors and Rollback A common use case is to rollback a transaction if there are validation errors. For example consider this service: import grails.validation.ValidationException class AuthorService { void updateAge(id, def author = Author.get(id) int age) { author.age = age if (!author.validate()) { throw new ValidationException( "Author is not valid" , author.errors) } } } To re-render the same view that a transaction was rolled back in you can re-associate the errors with a refreshed instance before rendering: import grails.validation.ValidationException class AuthorController { def authorService def updateAge () { try { authorService.updateAge(, } "age" )) catch (ValidationException e) { def author = author.errors = e.errors render } } } "edit" view : , model : [ author :author] 12.2 Scoped Services By default, access to service methods is not synchronised, so nothing prevents concurrent execution of those methods. In fact, because the service is a singleton and may be used concurrently, you should be very careful about storing state in a service. Or take the easy (and better) road and never store state in a service. You can change this behaviour by placing a service in a particular scope. The supported scopes are: prototype - A new service is created every time it is injected into another class request - A new service will be created per request flash - A new service will be created for the current and next request only flow - In web flows the service will exist for the scope of the flow conversation - In web flows the service will exist for the scope of the conversation. ie a root flow and its sub flows session - A service is created for the scope of a user session singleton (default) - Only one instance of the service ever exists If your service is and can only be used in the context of a Web Flow. , flash flow conversation or scoped it must implement To enable one of the scopes, add a static scope property to your class whose value is one of the above, for example static scope = "flow" Upgrading Starting with Grails 2.3, new applications are generated with configuration that defaults the scope of controllers to scoped services, the services effectively behave as per-controller singletons. If non-singleton services are required, controller scope should be changed as well. controllers interact with singleton singleton prototype . If See Controllers and Scopes in the user guide for more information. Lazy initialization You can also configure whether the service is lazily initialized. By default, this is set to but you can disable this and make initialization eager with the property: lazyInit true , static lazyInit = false 12.3 Dependency Injection and Services Dependency Injection Basics A key aspect of Grails services is the ability to use injection features. Grails supports "dependency injection by convention". In other words, you can use the property name representation of the class name of a service to automatically inject them into controllers, tag libraries, and so on. Spring Framework 's dependency As an example, given a service called in a controller as follows: BookService , if you define a property called bookService class BookController { bookService def ... } In this case, the Spring container will automatically inject an instance of that service based on its configured scope. All dependency injection is done by name. You can also specify the type as follows: class AuthorService BookService bookService } { NOTE: Normally the property name is generated by lower casing the first letter of the class would map to a property named type. For example, an instance of the BookService bookService . To be consistent with standard JavaBean conventions, if the first 2 letters of the class name are upper case, the property name is the same as the class name. For example, the property name of the jdbcHelperService class would be JDBCHelperService JDBCHelperService jDBCHelperService , not or . See section 8.8 of the JavaBean specification for more information on de-capitalization rules. Only the top level object is subjected to injection as traversing all nested objects to perform injection would be a performance issue. Be careful when injecting the non-default datasources. For example, using this config: dataSources : dataSource pooled jmxExport : : true : true ..... secondary: pooled jmxExport : true : true ..... You can inject the primary dataSource like you would expect: class BookSqlService { def dataSource } But to inject the . resources.groovy secondary datasource, you have to use Spring’s Autowired injection or class BookSqlSecondaryService { @Autowired @Qualifier 'dataSource_secondary' ( ) def dataSource2 } Dependency Injection and Services You can inject services in other services with the same technique. If you had an AuthorService that needed to use the as follows would allow that: , declaring the AuthorService BookService class AuthorService bookService def { } Dependency Injection and Domain Classes / Tag Libraries You can even inject services into domain classes and tag libraries, which can aid in the development of rich domain models and views: { class Book ... def bookService def buyBook () { bookService.buyBook( } } this ) Since Grails 3.2.8 this is not enabled by default. If you want to enable it again, take a look at Spring Autowiring of Domain Instance Service Bean Names The default bean name which is associated with a service can be problematic if there are multiple services with the same name defined in different packages. For example consider the situation where an application defines a service class named the application uses a plugin named class named com.demo.ReportingService and that plugin provides a service ReportingUtilities . com.reporting.util.ReportingService and The default bean name for each of those would be with each other. Grails manages this by changing the default bean name for services provided by plugins by prefixing the bean name with the plugin name. reportingService so they would conflict In the scenario described above the reportingService bean would be an instance of the com.demo.ReportingService class defined in the application and the reportingUtilitiesReportingService com.reporting.util.ReportingService bean would be an instance of the class provided by the ReportingUtilities plugin. For all service beans provided by plugins, if there are no other services with the same name within the application or other plugins in the application then a bean alias will be created which does not include the plugin name and that alias points to the bean referred to by the name that does include the plugin name prefix. ReportingUtilities plugin provides a service named For example, if the com.reporting.util.AuthorService of the plugins that the application is using then there will be a bean named reportingUtilitiesAuthorService class and there will be a bean alias defined in the context named to that same bean. which is an instance of this and there is no other AuthorService com.reporting.util.AuthorService authorService which points in the application or in any 13 Static Type Checking And Compilation Groovy is a dynamic language and by default Groovy uses a dynamic dispatch mechanism to carry out method calls and property access. This dynamic dispatch mechanism provides a lot of flexibility and power to the language. For example, it is possible to dynamically add methods to classes at runtime and it is possible to dynamically replace existing methods at runtime. Features like these are important and provide a lot of power to the language. However, there are times when you may want to disable this dynamic dispatch in favor of a more static dispatch mechanism and Groovy provides a way to do that. The way to tell the Groovy compiler that a particular class should compiled statically is to mark the class with the groovy.transform.CompileStatic annotation as shown below. import groovy.transform.CompileStatic @CompileStatic class MyClass { // this class will be statically compiled... } these notes on Groovy static compilation See and why you might want to use it. for more details on how CompileStatic works CompileStatic One limitation of using is that when you use it you give up access to the power and flexibility offered by dynamic dispatch. For example, in Grails you would not be able to invoke a GORM dynamic finder from a class that is marked with compiler cannot verify that the dynamic finder method exists, because it doesn’t exist at compile time. It may be that you want to take advantage of Groovy’s static compilation benefits without giving up access to dynamic dispatch for Grails specific things like dynamic finders and this is where GrailsCompileStatic allows access to those specific features to be accessed dynamically. but is aware of certain Grails features and grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic behaves just like because the comes in. CompileStatic CompileStatic 13.1 The GrailsCompileStatic Annotation GrailsCompileStatic The GrailsCompileStatic annotation may be applied to a class or methods within a class. import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic @GrailsCompileStatic class SomeClass { // all of the code in this class will be statically compiled def methodOne () { // ... } def methodTwo () { // ... } def methodThree () { // ... } } import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic class SomeClass { // methodOne and methodThree will be statically compiled // methodTwo will be dynamically compiled @GrailsCompileStatic def methodOne () { // ... } def methodTwo () { // ... } @GrailsCompileStatic def methodThree () { // ... } } It is possible to mark a class with marking them with skipped for that particular method as shown below. GrailsCompileStatic GrailsCompileStatic and exclude specific methods by and specifying that the type checking should be import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode @GrailsCompileStatic class SomeClass { // methodOne and methodThree will be statically compiled // methodTwo will be dynamically compiled def methodOne () { // ... } @GrailsCompileStatic def methodTwo () { (TypeCheckingMode.SKIP) // ... } def methodThree () { // ... } } GrailsCompileStatic Code that is marked with specific interactions that cannot be statically compiled but that identify as permissible for dynamic dispatch. These include things like invoking dynamic finders and DSL code in configuration blocks like constraints and mapping closures in domain classes. will all be statically compiled except for Grails GrailsCompileStatic can Care must be taken when deciding to statically compile code. There are benefits associated with static compilation but in order to take advantage of those benefits you are giving up the power and flexibility of dynamic dispatch. For example if code is statically compiled it cannot take advantage of runtime metaprogramming enhancements which may be provided by plugins. 13.2 The GrailsTypeChecked Annotation GrailsTypeChecked grails.compiler.GrailsTypeChecked The annotation except that it only enables static type checking, not static compilation. This affords compile time feedback for expressions which cannot be validated statically at compile time while still leaving dynamic dispatch in place for the class. annotation works a lot like the GrailsCompileStatic import grails.compiler.GrailsTypeChecked @GrailsTypeChecked class SomeClass { // all of the code in this class will be statically type // checked and will be dynamically dispatched at runtime def methodOne () { // ... } def methodTwo () { // ... } def methodThree () { // ... } } 14 Testing Automated testing is a critical aspect of Grails development. Grails provides a rich set of testing capabilities, ranging from low-level unit testing to high-level functional tests. This comprehensive guide explores these diverse testing features in detail. Automatic Test Generation When you use the integration and tests. For example, running the generate- create- commands, Grails automatically generates or unit command as shown below: create-controller grails create-controller com.example.simple Grails generates a controller at grails-app/controllers/com/example/SimpleController.groovy and a corresponding unit test at src/test/groovy/com/example/SimpleControllerSpec.groovy. It’s important to note that Grails only creates the test structure; you need to implement the test logic. Running Tests To execute tests, you can use the Gradle check task: ./gradlew check This command will execute all the Unit tests in src/main/groovy/com/example/ directory. Targeting Tests To selectively target tests for execution, you have several options: 1. To run all tests for a controller named SimpleController, use this command: ./gradlew check --tests SimpleController 2. To test all classes ending in Controller, you can employ wildcards: 2. ./gradlew check --tests *Controller 3. To specify package names: ./gradlew check --tests*Controller 4. To run all tests in a package: ./gradlew check --tests* 5. To run all tests in a package, including subpackages: ./gradlew check --tests**.* 6. To target specific test methods: ./gradlew check --tests SimpleController.testLogin You can combine multiple patterns as needed: ./gradlew check --tests* SimpleController.testLogin BookController You might need to specify the package name before the class name and append "Spec" to it. For instance, to run the test for the ProductController, use ./gradlew test *.ProductControllerSpec. You can also use the star wildcard if you want to avoid typing the entire package hierarchy. Debugging To debug your tests using a remote debugger, you can add commands, like so: --debug-jvm after ./gradlew in any ./gradlew check --debug-jvm This will open the default Java remote debugging port, 5005, allowing you to attach a remote debugger from your code editor or integrated development environment. Targeting Test Phases / Running Unit & Integration Separately To execute "unit" tests, use this command: ./gradlew test For "integration" tests, you would run: ./gradlew integrationTest Targeting Tests When Using Phases You can combine test and phase targeting: ./gradlew test**.* This command will run all tests in the unit phase within the package or its subpackages. For more detailed information, it’s recommended to consult the Gradle documentation on Testing in Java & JVM projects . 14.1 Unit Testing Unit testing are tests at the "unit" level. In other words you are testing individual methods or blocks of code without consideration for surrounding infrastructure. Unit tests are typically run without the presence of physical resources that involve I/O such as databases, socket connections or files. This is to ensure they run as quick as possible since quick feedback is important. Grails Testing Support Framework Since Grails 3.3, the support provides a set of traits. An example hello world test can be seen below: is used for all unit tests. This import spock.lang.Specification import grails.testing.web.controllers.ControllerUnitTest class HelloControllerTests extends Specification implements ControllerUnitTest { void "Test message action" () { when "The message action is invoked" : controller.message() : then "Hello is returned" response.text == 'Hello' } } For more information on writing tests with Grails Testing Support see the dedicated documentation . Versions of Grails below 3.2 used the @TestMixin IDE friendly trait based implementation. AST transformation. This library has been superceded by the simpler and more Grails Test Mixin Framework which was based on the 14.2 Integration Testing Integration tests differ from unit tests in that you have full access to the Grails environment command: within the test. You can create an integration test using the create-integration-test $ grails create-integration-test Example The above command will create a new integration test at the location src/integration-test/groovy//ExampleSpec.groovy . Grails uses the test environment for integration tests and loads the application prior to the first test run. All tests use the same application state. Transactions Integration test methods run inside their own database transaction by default, which is rolled back at the end of each test method. This means that data saved during a test is not persisted to the database (which is shared across all tests). The default generated integration test template includes the annotation: Rollback import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration import grails.gorm.transactions.* import spock.lang.* @Integration @Rollback class ExampleSpec extends Specification { ... void "test something" () { expect "fix me" : true == false } } Rollback annotation ensures that each test method runs in a transaction that is rolled The back. Generally this is desirable because you do not want your tests depending on order or application state. grails.gorm.transactions.Rollback In Grails 3.0 tests rely on integration tests. Though each test method transaction is rolled back, the a separate transaction that is not rolled back. Data will persist to the database and will need to be cleaned up manually if sample: sets up data and persists them as shown in the below annotation to bind the session in method uses setup() setup() import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration import grails.gorm.transactions.* import spock.lang.* @Integration @Rollback class BookSpec extends void setup() { Specification { // Below line would persist and not roll back flush 'Grails in Action' new Book name ).save( : ( : true ) } void "test something" : () { expect Book .count() == 1 } } To preload the database and automatically roll back setup logic, any persistence operations need to be called from the test method itself so that they can run within the test method’s rolled back transaction. Similar to usage of the creates a record in database and after running other test will be rolled back: method shown below which setupData() import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration import grails.gorm.transactions.* import spock.lang.* @Integration @Rollback class BookSpec extends Specification { void setupData() { // Below line would roll back new Book name ( : 'Grails in Action' ).save( flush : true ) } void "test something" () { given : setupData() expect Book : .count() == 1 } } Using Spring’s Rollback annotation Another transactional approach could be to use Spring’s @Rollback instead. import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration import org.springframework.test.annotation.Rollback import spock.lang.* @Integration @Rollback class BookSpec extends Specification { void setup() { new Book name ( } : 'Grails in Action' ).save( flush : true ) void "test something" : () { expect Book .count() == 1 } } It isn’t possible to make grails.gorm.transactions.Rollback behave the same way as Spring’s Rollback annotation because transforms the byte code of grails.gorm.transactions.Rollback the class, eliminating the need for a proxy (which Spring’s version requires). This has the downside that you cannot implement it differently for different cases (as Spring does for testing). DirtiesContext If you do have a series of tests that will share state you can remove the test in the suite should feature the DirtiesContext annotation which will shutdown the environment and restart it fresh (note that this will have an impact on test run times). Rollback and the last Autowiring To obtain a reference to a bean you can use the Autowired annotation. For example: ... import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.* @Integration @Rollback class ExampleServiceSpec extends Specification { @Autowired ExampleService exampleService ... void "Test example service" () { expect : exampleService.countExamples() == 0 } } Testing Controllers To integration test controllers it is recommended you use create a Geb functional test. See the following section on functional testing for more information. create-functional-test command to 14.3 Functional Testing Functional tests involve making HTTP requests against the running application and verifying the resultant behaviour. This is useful for end-to-end testing scenarios, such as making REST calls against a JSON API. Grails by default ships with support for writing functional tests using the To create a functional test you can use the a new functional test: create-functional-test Geb framework . command which will create $ grails create-functional-test MyFunctional The above command will create a new Spock spec called src/integration-test/groovy indicate it is an integration test and extends the directory. The test is annotated with the super class: GebSpec MyFunctionalSpec.groovy in the Integration annotation to @Integration class HomeSpec extends GebSpec { def setup () { } def cleanup () { } void "Test the home page renders correctly" () { when "The home page is visited" : go '/' then "The title is correct" : $ 'title' ).text() == "Welcome to Grails" ( } } When the test is run the application container will be loaded up in the background and you can send requests to the running application using the Geb API. Note that the application is only loaded once for the entire test run, so functional tests share the state of the application across the whole suite. In addition the application is loaded in the JVM as the test, this means that the test has full access to the application state and can interact directly with data services such as GORM to setup and cleanup test data. Integration annotation supports an optional The to specify the application class to use for the functional test. The class must extend GrailsAutoConfiguration applicationClass attribute which may be used . @Integration class HomeSpec extends GebSpec { (applicationClass=com.demo.Application) // ... } applicationClass If the the application class dynamically which can be problematic in multiproject builds where multiple application classes may be present. is not specified then the test runtime environment will attempt to locate When running the server port by default will be randomly assigned. The Integration annotation adds a property of what port the application is running on this isn’t needed if you are extending the shown above but can be useful information. to the test class that you can use if you want to know serverPort GebSpec as If you want to run the tests on a fixed port (defined by the property), you need to manually annotate your test with @SpringBootTest : server.port configuration import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import spock.lang.Specification @Integration @SpringBootTest class MySpec extends Specification { (webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT) // ... } 15 Internationalization Grails supports Internationalization (i18n) out of the box by leveraging the underlying Spring MVC internationalization support. With Grails you are able to customize the text that appears in a view based on the user’s Locale. To quote the javadoc for the Locale class: A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. An operation that requires a Locale to perform its task is called locale-sensitive and uses the Locale to tailor information for the user. For example, displaying a number is a locale-sensitive operation—the number should be formatted according to the customs/conventions of the user’s native country, region, or culture. A Locale is made up of a language code and a country code . For example "en_US" is the code for US English, whilst "en_GB" is the code for British English. 15.1 Understanding Message Bundles Now that you have an idea of locales, to use them in Grails you create message bundle file containing the different languages that you wish to render. Message bundles in Grails are located inside the directory and are simple Java properties files. grails-app/i18n Each bundle starts with the name ships with several message bundles for a whole range of languages within the grails-app/i18n directory. For example: by convention and ends with the locale. Grails messages … By default Grails looks in for messages unless the user has specified a locale. You can create your own message bundle by simply creating a new properties file that ends with the locale you are interested in. For example British English. for 15.2 Changing Locales By default, the user locale is detected from the incoming provide users the capability to switch locales by simply passing a parameter called Grails as a request parameter: header. You can to Accept-Language lang /book/ list?lang=es Grails will automatically switch the user’s locale and subsequent requests will use the switched locale. By default, Grails uses SessionLocaleResolver as the localeResolver bean. You can change the default locale easily: grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver beans = { localeResolver(SessionLocaleResolver) { defaultLocale= } } new Locale 'es' ) ( localeResolver Other Cookie: are available. For example, you could use save the switched locale in a grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver beans = { localeResolver(CookieLocaleResolver) { defaultLocale= } } new Locale 'es' ) ( Or fix the locale: grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.FixedLocaleResolver beans = { localeResolver(FixedLocaleResolver, } new Locale 'de' ( )) 15.3 Reading Messages Reading Messages in the View The most common place that you need messages is inside the view. Use the this: message tag for = As long as you have a key in your the one below then Grails will look up the message: (with appropriate locale suffix) such as my.localized.content=Hola, me llamo John. Hoy es domingo. Messages can also include arguments, for example: = = The message declaration specifies positional parameters which are dynamically specified: my.localized.content=Hola, me llamo { }. Hoy es { }. 0 1 Reading Messages in Grails Artifacts with MessageSource In a Grails artifact, you can inject arguments: message code, message arguments, default message and locale to retrieve a message. and use the method with the messageSource getMessage import org.springframework.context.MessageSource import org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder class MyappController { MessageSource messageSource def show () { def msg = messageSource.getMessage( 'my.localized.content' , [ 'Juan' , 'lunes' ] as Object[] , 'Default Message' , LocaleContextHolder.locale) } Reading Messages in Controllers and Tag Libraries with the Message Tag Additionally, you can read a message inside Controllers and Tag Libraries with the Message Tag . However, using the message tag relies on GSP support which a Grails application may not necessarily have; e.g. a rest application. In a controller, you can invoke tags as methods. def show () { def msg = message( code : "my.localized.content" , args : [ 'Juan' , 'lunes' ]) } The same technique can be used in namespace then you must prefix the call with tag libraries g. , but if your tag library uses a custom : def myTag = { attrs, body -> code msg = g.message( def } : "my.localized.content" , args : [ 'Juan' , 'lunes' ]) 15.4 Scaffolding and i18n scaffolding Grails the locale-specific messages. message templates for controllers and views are fully i18n-aware. The GSPs use tag for labels, buttons etc. and controller flash messages use i18n to resolve The scaffolding includes locale specific labels for domain classes and domain fields. For example, if you have a domain class with a field: title Book class Book String { title } The scaffolding will use labels with the following keys: book.label = Libro book.title.label = Título del libro You can use this property pattern if you’d like or come up with one of your own. There is nothing special about the use of the word label convention used by the scaffolding. as part of the key other than it’s the 16 Security Grails is no more or less secure than Java Servlets. However, Java servlets (and hence Grails) are extremely secure and largely immune to common buffer overrun and malformed URL exploits due to the nature of the Java Virtual Machine underpinning the code. Web security problems typically occur due to developer naivety or mistakes, and there is a little Grails can do to avoid common mistakes and make writing secure applications easier to write. What Grails Automatically Does Grails has a few built in safety mechanisms by default. All standard database access via prevent SQL injection attacks GORM domain objects is automatically SQL escaped to The default scaffolding templates HTML escape all data fields when displayed , Grails link creating tags ( appropriate escaping mechanisms to prevent code injection link form createLink createLinkTo , , and others) all use Grails provides and URLs to prevent injection attacks here. codecs to let you trivially escape data when rendered as HTML, JavaScript 16.1 Securing Against Attacks SQL injection Hibernate, which is the technology underlying GORM domain classes, automatically escapes data when committing to database so this is not an issue. However it is still possible to write bad dynamic HQL code that uses unchecked request parameters. For example doing the following is vulnerable to HQL injection attacks: def vulnerable () { def books = Book .find( "from Book as b where b.title ='" + params.title + "'" ) } or the analogous call using a GString: def vulnerable () { def books = Book .find( "from Book as b where b.title =' ${ params.title }'" ) } Do not do this. Use named or positional parameters instead to pass in parameters: def safe () { def books = Book .find( "from Book as b where b.title = ?" , [params.title]) } or def safe () { def books = Book .find( "from Book as b where b.title = :title" , [ } title : params.title]) Phishing This really a public relations issue in terms of avoiding hijacking of your branding and a declared communication policy with your customers. Customers need to know how to identify valid emails. XSS - cross-site scripting injection It is important that your application verifies as much as possible that incoming requests were originated from your application and not from another site. It is also important to ensure that all data values rendered into views are escaped correctly. For example when rendering to HTML or XHTML you must ensure that people cannot maliciously inject JavaScript or other HTML into data or tags viewed by others. Grails 2.3 and above include special support for automatically encoded data placed into GSP pages. See the documentation on information. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) prevention for further You must also avoid the use of request parameters or data fields for determining the next URL to redirect the user to. If you use a successURL where to redirect a user to after a successful login, attackers can imitate your login procedure using your own site, and then redirect the user back to their own site once logged in, potentially allowing JavaScript code to then exploit the logged-in account on the site. parameter for example to determine Cross-site request forgery CSRF involves unauthorized commands being transmitted from a user that a website trusts. A typical example would be another website embedding a link to perform an action on your website if the user is still authenticated. The best way to decrease risk against these types of attacks is to use the Handling Duplicate Form Submissions your forms. See it. An additional measure would be to not use remember-me cookies. attribute on for more information on how to use useToken HTML/URL injection This is where bad data is supplied such that when it is later used to create a link in a page, clicking it will not cause the expected behaviour, and may redirect to another site or alter request parameters. HTML/URL injection is easily handled with the libraries supplied by Grails all use encodeAsURL tags that generate URLs you will need to be mindful of doing this too. codecs supplied by Grails, and the tag where appropriate. If you create your own Denial of service Load balancers and other appliances are more likely to be useful here, but there are also issues relating to excessive queries for example where a link is created by an attacker to set the maximum value of a result set so that a query could exceed the memory limits of the server or slow the system down. The solution here is to always sanitize request parameters before passing them to dynamic finders or other GORM query methods: limit = safeMax = int def return Book 100 .list( max :safeMax) Math .min(params.max?.toInteger() ?: limit, limit) // limit to 100 results Guessable IDs Many applications use the last part of the URL as an "id" of some object to retrieve from GORM or elsewhere. Especially in the case of GORM these are easily guessable as they are typically sequential integers. Therefore you must assert that the requesting user is allowed to view the object with the requested id before returning the response to the user. Not doing this is "security through obscurity" which is inevitably breached, just like having a default password of "letmein" and so on. You must assume that every unprotected URL is publicly accessible one way or another. 16.2 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a common attack vector for web applications. They typically involve submitting HTML or Javascript code in a form such that when that code is displayed, the browser does something nasty. It could be as simple as popping up an alert box, or it could be much worse like for example one could access other users session cookies. The solution is to escape all untrusted user input when it is displayed in a page. For example, ' ) { Forced Encoding for Tags If a tag specifies a default encoding that differs from your requirements you can force the encoding for any tag by passing the optional 'encodeAs' attribute: < :message code= g "" encodeAs= "JavaScript" /> Default Encoding for All Output The default configuration for new applications is fine for most use cases, and backwards compatible with existing plugins and tag libraries. However, you can also make your application even more secure by configuring Grails to always encode all output at the end of a response. This is done using the : application.groovy configuration in filteringCodecForContentType grails.views.gsp.filteringCodecForContentType. 'text/html' = 'html' Note that, if activated, the markup is not encoded: staticparts codec typically needs to be set to raw so that static codecs { expression = scriptlet = taglib = staticparts = } 'html' // escapes values inside ${} 'html' // escapes output from scriptlets in GSPs 'none' // escapes output from taglibs 'raw' // escapes output from static template parts 16.3 Encoding and Decoding Objects Grails supports the concept of dynamic encode/decode methods. A set of standard codecs are bundled with Grails. Grails also supports a simple mechanism for developers to contribute their own codecs that will be recognized at runtime. Codec Classes A Grails codec class is one that may contain an encode closure, a decode closure or both. When a Grails application starts up the Grails framework dynamically loads codecs from the grails-app/utils/ directory. The framework looks under Codec grails-app/utils/ . For example one of the standard codecs that ships with Grails is for class names that end with the convention HTMLCodec . If a codec contains an method to the closure. For example, the the name encodeAsHTML Object . encode closure Grails will create a dynamic encode method and add that class with a name representing the codec that defined the encode HTMLCodec class defines an encode closure, so Grails attaches it with HTMLCodec URLCodec and and decodeHTML classes also define a decodeURL The the names from anywhere in a Grails application. For example, consider a case where a report contains a property called 'description' which may contain special characters that must be escaped to be presented in an HTML document. One way to deal with that in a GSP is to encode the description property using the dynamic encode method as shown below: respectively. Dynamic codec methods may be invoked closure, so Grails attaches those with decode $ {report.description.encodeAsHTML()} Decoding is performed using value.decodeHTML() syntax. Encoder and Decoder interfaces for staticly compiled code A preferred way to use codecs is to use the codecLookup bean to get hold of Decoder instances . Encoder and package org.grails.encoder; public interface CodecLookup { public Encoder public lookupEncoder( Decoder lookupDecoder( String String codecName); codecName); } example of using CodecLookup and Encoder interface import org.grails.encoder.CodecLookup class CustomTagLib CodecLookup codecLookup { def myTag = { Map attrs, body -> out << codecLookup.lookupEncoder( } } Standard Codecs HTMLCodec 'HTML' ).encode(attrs.something) This codec performs HTML escaping and unescaping, so that values can be rendered safely in an HTML page without creating any HTML tags or damaging the page layout. For example, given a value "Don’t you know that 2 > 1?" you wouldn’t be able to show this safely within an HTML page because the > will look like it closes a tag, which is especially bad if you render this data within an attribute, such as the value attribute of an input field. Example of usage: Note that the HTML encoding does not re-encode apostrophe/single quote so you must use double quotes on attribute values to avoid text with apostrophes affecting your page. HTMLCodec defaults to HTML4 style escaping (legacy HTMLCodec implementation in Grails versions before 2.3.0) which escapes non-ascii characters. You can use plain XML escaping instead of HTML4 escaping by setting this config property in application.groovy : grails.views.gsp.htmlcodec = 'xml' XMLCodec This codec performs XML escaping and unescaping. It escapes & , < , > , " , ' , \\\\ , @ , ` , non breaking space (\\\\u00a0), line separator (\\\\u2028) and paragraph separator (\\\\u2029). HTMLJSCodec This codec performs HTML and JS encoding. It is used for preventing some DOM-XSS vulnerabilities. See for guidelines of preventing DOM based XSS attacks. OWASP - DOM based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet URLCodec URL encoding is required when creating URLs in links or form actions, or any time data is used to create a URL. It prevents illegal characters from getting into the URL and changing its meaning, for example "Apple & Blackberry" is not going to work well as a parameter in a GET request as the ampersand will break parameter parsing. Example of usage: "/mycontroller/find?searchKey= ${ lastSearch.encodeAsURL() }" > Base64Codec Performs Base64 encode/decode functions. Example of usage: Your registration code is : {user.registrationCode.encodeAsBase64()} $ JavaScriptCodec Escapes Strings so they can be used as valid JavaScript strings. For example: Element .update( '${elementId}' , '${render(template: "/common/message").encodeAsJavaScript()}' ) HexCodec Encodes byte arrays or lists of integers to lowercase hexadecimal strings, and can decode hexadecimal strings into byte arrays. For example: Selected colour : #$ {[ MD5Codec 255 127 255 , , ].encodeAsHex()} Uses the MD5 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage: Your API Key : {user.uniqueID.encodeAsMD5()} $ MD5BytesCodec Uses the MD5 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage: byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsMD5Bytes() SHA1Codec Uses the SHA1 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage: Your API Key : {user.uniqueID.encodeAsSHA1()} $ SHA1BytesCodec Uses the SHA1 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage: byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsSHA1Bytes() SHA256Codec Uses the SHA256 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage: Your API Key : {user.uniqueID.encodeAsSHA256()} $ SHA256BytesCodec Uses the SHA256 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage: byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsSHA256Bytes() Custom Codecs Applications may define their own codecs and Grails will load them along with the standard directory and the class codecs. A custom codec class must be defined in the name must end with . The codec may contain a static decode closure or both. The closure must accept a single argument which will be the object that the dynamic method was invoked on. For Example: closure, a grails-app/utils/ static encode Codec class PigLatinCodec { static encode = { str -> // convert the string to pig latin and return the result } } With the above codec in place an application could do something like this: ${lastName.encodeAsPigLatin()} 16.4 Authentication Grails has no default mechanism for authentication as it is possible to implement authentication in many different ways. It is however, easy to implement a simple authentication mechanism using . This is sufficient for simple use cases but it’s highly preferable to use an established security framework, for example by using the Spring Security interceptors plugin. or the Shiro Interceptors let you apply authentication across all controllers or across a URI space. For example you can create a new set of filters in a class called grails-app/controllers/SecurityInterceptor.groovy by running: grails create-interceptor security and implement your interception logic there: class SecurityInterceptor { SecurityInterceptor() { matchAll() .except( } controller 'user' : boolean before() { , action 'login' : ) redirect( (!session.user && actionName != controller "user" , : if "login" ) { action : "login" ) return false } return true } } Here the interceptor intercepts execution there is no user in the session then redirect to the before all actions except action. login login are executed, and if The login action itself is simple too: def login if () { (request.get) { return // render the login view } def if (u) { if u = User.findByLogin(params.login) (u.password == params.password) { session.user = u redirect( } action : "home" ) { else render( } } view : "login" , model : [ message : "Password incorrect" ]) else { render( } } view : "login" , model : [ message : "User not found" ]) 16.5 Security Plugins If you need more advanced functionality beyond simple authentication such as authorization, roles etc. then you should consider using the spring security core plugin. 16.5.1 Spring Security The Spring Security plugins are built on the flexible, extensible framework for building all sorts of authentication and authorization schemes. The plugins are modular so you can install just the functionality that you need for your application. The Spring Security plugins are the official security plugins for Grails and are actively maintained and supported. project which provides a Spring Security There is a encrypted/salted passwords, HTTP Basic authentication, etc. and secondary dependent plugin which supports form-based authentication, Spring Security Core plugins provide alternate functionality such as LDAP authentication Kerberos authentication , extensions and security workflows. ACL support single sign-on with Jasig CAS , and a plugin providing user interface , , Spring Security Core See the information. plugin page for basic information and user guide for detailed 17 Plugins Grails is first and foremost a web application framework, but it is also a platform. By exposing a number of extension points that let you extend anything from the command line interface to the runtime configuration engine, Grails can be customised to suit almost any needs. To hook into this platform, all you need to do is create a plugin. Extending the platform may sound complicated, but plugins can range from trivially simple to incredibly powerful. If you know how to build a Grails application, you’ll know how to create a plugin for or some static resources. sharing a data model 17.1 Creating and Installing Plugins Creating Plugins Creating a Grails plugin is a simple matter of running the command: grails create-plugin <> This will create a web-plugin project for the name you specify. For example running grails create-plugin example would create a new web-plugin project called example . In Grails 3.0 you should consider whether the plugin you create requires a web environment or whether the plugin can be used with other profiles. If your plugin does not require a web environment then use the "plugin" profile instead of the default "web-plugin" profile: grails create-plugin <> --profile=plugin Make sure the plugin name does not contain more than one capital letter in a row, or it won’t work. Camel case is fine, though. Being a regular Grails project has a number of benefits in that you can immediately test your plugin by running (if the plugin targets the "web" profile): ./gradlew bootRun Plugin projects don’t provide an index.gsp by default since most plugins don’t need it. So, if you try to view the plugin running in a browser right after creating it, you will receive a page not found error. You can easily create a you’d like. for your plugin if grails-app/views/index.gsp The structure of a Grails plugin is very nearly the same as a Grails application project’s except that in the plugin descriptor class (a class that ends in "GrailsPlugin"). For example: directory under the plugin package structure you will find a src/main/groovy import grails.plugins.* class ExampleGrailsPlugin extends ... } Plugin { All plugins must have this class under the regarded as a plugin. The plugin class defines metadata about the plugin, and optionally various hooks into plugin extension points (covered shortly). directory, otherwise they are not src/main/groovy You can also provide additional information about your plugin using several special properties: title - short one-sentence description of your plugin grailsVersion - The version range of Grails that the plugin supports. eg. "1.2 > *" (indicating 1.2 or higher) author - plugin author’s name authorEmail - plugin author’s contact e-mail developers - Any additional developers beyond the author specified above. description - full multi-line description of plugin’s features documentation - URL of the plugin’s documentation license - License of the plugin issueManagement - Issue Tracker of the plugin scm - Source code management location of the plugin Here is a slimmed down example from the Quartz Grails plugin : package quartz @Slf4j class QuartzGrailsPlugin extends // the version or versions of Grails the plugin is designed for Plugin { def grailsVersion = "3.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT > *" // resources that are excluded from plugin packaging def pluginExcludes = [ "grails-app/views/error.gsp" ] "Quartz" // Headline display name of the plugin def def def def title = author = authorEmail = description = "Jeff Brown" "" '''\ Adds Quartz job scheduling features ''' def List def def def def profiles = [ 'web' ] loadAfter = [ documentation = license = issueManagement = [ developers = [ "APACHE" 'hibernate3' , 'hibernate4' , 'hibernate5' , 'services' ] "" system : "Github Issues" , url : "" ] [ ] name : "Joe Dev" , email : "" ] def scm = [ url : "" ] Closure doWithSpring()...... Plugin Configuration Instead of directly accessing Grails configuration as grailsApplication.config.getProperty('mail.hostName', String) ConfigurationProperties bean (or a POJO) annotated with plugin configuration: , use a Spring Boot configuration annotation. Here is an example ./src/main/groovy/example/MailPluginConfiguration.groovy package example import @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mail") class MailPluginConfiguration { String hostName int port String from } You can inject the MailPluginConfiguration bean into your bean like any other bean. ./grails-app/services/example/MailService.groovy package example class MailService { MailPluginConfiguration mailPluginConfiguration void sendMail() { } } Please read the Spring Boot Externalized Configuration section for more information. Installing Local Plugins In order to install the Grails plugin to your local Maven, you could use Gradle Maven Publish plugin. You may also need to configure the publishing extension as: ) { 'java-api' publishing { publications { maven(MavenPublication) { versionMapping { usage( fromResolutionOf( } usage( fromResolutionResult() } } from } } } 'java-runtime' ) { 'runtimeClasspath' ) Please refer to the Gradle Maven Publish plugin documentation for up-to-date information. To make your plugin available for use in a Grails application run the ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal command: ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal This will install the plugin into your local Maven cache. Then to use the plugin within an application declare a dependency on the plugin in your mavenLocal() in your repositories hash: file and include build.gradle ... repositories { ... mavenLocal() } ... implementation "org.grails.plugins:quartz:0.1" In Grails 2.x plugins were packaged as ZIP files, however in Grails 3.x plugins are simple JAR files that can be added to the classpath of the IDE. Plugins and Multi-Project Builds If you wish to setup a plugin as part of a multi project build then follow these steps. Step 1: Create the application and the plugin Using the grails command create an application and a plugin: $ $ grails create-app myapp grails create-plugin myplugin Step 2: Create a settings.gradle file In the same directory create a settings.gradle file with the following contents: include "myapp" , "myplugin" The directory structure should be as follows: PROJECT_DIR - settings.gradle - myapp - build.gradle - myplugin - build.gradle Step 3: Declare a project dependency on the plugin Within the plugins block: build.gradle of the application declare a dependency on the plugin within the grails { plugins { implementation project( } } ':myplugin' ) You can also declare the dependency within the get subproject reloading if you do this! dependencies block, however you will not Step 4: Configure the plugin to enable reloading In the plugin directory, add or modify the needs to be set in order for the plugin to add the exploded directories to the classpath. file. A new property exploded=true Step 5: Run the application Now run the application using the application directory, you can use the ./gradlew bootRun command from the root of the verbose flag to see the Gradle output: cd myapp $ .$ /gradlew bootRun --verbose You will notice from the Gradle output that plugins sources are built and placed on the classpath of your application: : : : : : : : : : : : myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin myplugin :compileAstJava UP-TO-DATE :compileAstGroovy UP-TO-DATE :processAstResources UP-TO-DATE :astClasses UP-TO-DATE :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :configScript UP-TO-DATE :compileGroovy :copyAssets UP-TO-DATE :copyCommands UP-TO-DATE :copyTemplates UP-TO-DATE :processResources myapp myapp myapp myapp myapp myapp : : : : : : Grails application running at :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :compileGroovy :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes :findMainClass :bootRun http //localhost:8080 in environment: development : Notes on excluded Artefacts create-plugin Although the command creates certain files for you so that the plugin can be run as a Grails application, not all of these files are included when packaging a plugin. The following is a list of artefacts created, but not included by package-plugin : grails-app/build.gradle (although it is used to generate dependencies.groovy ) grails-app/conf/application.yml (renamed to plugin.yml) grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy grails-app/conf/logback.groovy Everything within /src/test/*\* SCM management files within *\*/.svn/*\* and *\*/CVS/*\* Customizing the plugin contents When developing a plugin you may create test classes and sources that are used during the development and testing of the plugin but should not be exported to the application. To exclude test sources you need to modify the descriptor AND exclude the resources inside your have some classes under the not be packaged in the application. In your plugin descriptor you should exclude these: property of the plugin file. For example say you package that are in your plugin source tree but should pluginExcludes build.gradle com.demo // resources that should be loaded by the plugin once installed in the application def pluginExcludes = [ '**/com/demo/**' ] And in your build.gradle you should exclude the compiled classes from the JAR file: jar { exclude "com/demo/**/**" } Inline Plugins in Grails 3.0 In Grails 2.x it was possible to specify inline plugins in functionality has been replaced by Gradle’s multi-project build feature. BuildConfig , in Grails 3.x this To set up a multi project build create an appliation and a plugin in a parent directory: $ $ grails create-app myapp grails create-plugin myplugin Then create a application and plugin: settings.gradle include 'myapp' , 'myplugin' file in the parent directory specifying the location of your Finally add a dependency in your application’s build.gradle on the plugin: implementation project( ':myplugin' ) Using this technique you have achieved the equivalent of inline plugins from Grails 2.x. 17.2 Plugin Repositories Distributing Plugins in the Grails Central Plugin Repository The preferred way to distribute plugin is to publish to the official Grails Central Plugin Repository. This will make your plugin visible to the list-plugins command: grails list-plugins which lists all plugins that are in the central repository. Your plugin will also be available to the plugin-info command: grails plugin-info [plugin-name] which prints extra information about it, such as its description, who wrote, etc. If you have created a Grails plugin and want it to be hosted in the central repository, you’ll find instructions for getting an account on the plugin portal website. 17.3 Providing Basic Artefacts Add Command Line Commands A plugin can add new commands to the Grails 3.0 interactive shell in one of two ways. First, using the create-script to the application. The directory: you can create a code generation script which will become available create-script command will create the script in the src/main/scripts + src/main/scripts <-- additional scripts here + grails-app + controllers + services + etc. Code generation scripts can be used to create artefacts within the project tree and automate interactions with Gradle. If you want to create a new shell command that interacts with a loaded Grails application instance then you should use the command: create-command $ grails create-command MyExampleCommand This will create a file called extends ApplicationCommand : grails-app/commands/PACKAGE_PATH/MyExampleCommand.groovy that import* class MyExampleCommand implements ApplicationCommand { boolean handle(ExecutionContext ctx) { println "Hello World" return true } } ApplicationCommand An like any other Spring bean. has access to the GrailsApplication instance and is subject to autowiring You can also inform Grails to skip the execution of property in your command: Bootstrap.groovy files with a simple class MyExampleCommand implements ApplicationCommand { boolean skipBootstrap = true handle(ExecutionContext ctx) { boolean ... } } For each invoke the using either: ApplicationCommand present Grails will create a shell command and a Gradle task to ApplicationCommand . In the above example you can invoke the MyExampleCommand class $ grails my-example Or $ gradle myExample The Grails version is all lower case hyphen separated and excludes the "Command" suffix. The main difference between code generation scripts and the latter has full access to the Grails application state and hence can be used to perform tasks that interactive with the database, call into GORM etc. ApplicationCommand instances is that In Grails 2.x Gant scripts could be used to perform both these tasks, in Grails 3.x code generation and interacting with runtime application state has been cleanly separated. Adding a new grails-app artifact (Controller, Tag Library, Service, etc.) A plugin can add new artifacts by creating the relevant file within the grails-app tree. + grails-app + controllers <-- additional controllers here + services <-- additional services here + etc. <-- additional XXX here Providing Views, Templates and View resolution When a plugin provides a controller it may also provide default views to be rendered. This is an excellent way to modularize your application through plugins. Grails' view resolution mechanism will first look for the view in the application it is installed into and if that fails will attempt to look for the view within the plugin. This means that you can override views provided by a plugin by creating corresponding GSPs in the application’s grails-app/views directory. For example, consider a controller called plugin. If the action being executed is list grails-app/views/book/list.gsp plugin. BookController , Grails will first look for a view called that’s provided by an 'amazon' then if that fails it will look for the same view relative to the However if the view uses templates that are also provided by the plugin then the following syntax may be necessary: < :render template= g "fooTemplate" plugin= "amazon" /> Note the usage of the template resides. If this is not specified then Grails will look for the template relative to the application. attribute, which contains the name of the plugin where the plugin Excluded Artefacts By default Grails excludes the following files during the packaging process: grails-app/conf/logback.groovy grails-app/conf/application.yml (renamed to plugin.yml ) grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy Everything within /src/test/*\* SCM management files within *\*/.svn/*\* and *\*/CVS/*\* UrlMappings.groovy The default required for the plugin to work. You are also free to add a UrlMappings definition under a be included. For example a file called different name which is fine. grails-app/controllers/BlogUrlMappings.groovy file is not excluded, so remove any mappings that are not will The list of excludes is extensible with the pluginExcludes property: pluginExcludes = [ // resources that are excluded from plugin packaging def "grails-app/views/error.gsp" ] This is useful for example to include demo or test resources in the plugin repository, but not include them in the final distribution. 17.4 Evaluating Conventions Before looking at providing runtime configuration based on conventions you first need to understand how to evaluate those conventions from a plugin. Every plugin has an implicit application variable which is an instance of the GrailsApplication interface. GrailsApplication The project and internally stores references to all artifact classes within your application. interface provides methods to evaluate the conventions within the Artifacts implement the controller or a tag library. For example to get all GrailsClass interface, which represents a Grails resource such as a GrailsClass instances you can do: (grailsClass for println } in application.allClasses) { GrailsApplication has a few "magic" properties to narrow the type of artefact you are interested in. For example to access controllers you can use: (controllerClass for println } in application.controllerClasses) { The dynamic method conventions are as follows: *Classes - Retrieves all the classes for a particular artefact name. For example application.controllerClasses . get*Class - Retrieves a named class for a particular artefact. For example application.getControllerClass("PersonController") is*Class - Returns application.isControllerClass(PersonController) true if the given class is of the given artefact type. For example GrailsClass The work with the conventions. These include: interface has a number of useful methods that let you further evaluate and getPropertyValue - Gets the initial value of the given property on the class hasProperty - Returns true if the class has the specified property newInstance - Creates a new instance of this class. getName - Returns the logical name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable getShortName - Returns the short name of the class without package prefix getFullName - Returns the full name of the class in the application with the trailing convention part and with the package name getPropertyName - Returns the name of the class as a property name getLogicalPropertyName - Returns the logical property name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable getNaturalName - Returns the name of the property in natural terms (e.g. 'lastName' becomes 'Last Name') getPackageName - Returns the package name For a full reference refer to the javadoc API . 17.5 Hooking into Runtime Configuration Grails provides a number of hooks to leverage the different parts of the system and perform runtime configuration by convention. Hooking into the Grails Spring configuration First, you can hook in Grails runtime configuration overriding the the following snippet is from one of the core Grails plugins that provides class and returning a closure that defines additional beans. For example the i18n support: doWithSpring Plugin method from import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.LocaleChangeInterceptor import import grails.plugins.* class I18nGrailsPlugin extends Plugin { def version = "0.1" Closure doWithSpring() {{-> messageSource(ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) { basename = "WEB-INF/grails-app/i18n/messages" } localeChangeInterceptor(LocaleChangeInterceptor) { paramName = "lang" } localeResolver(CookieLocaleResolver) }} } This plugin configures the Grails messageSource Locale resolution and switching. It using the bean and a couple of other beans to manage Spring Bean Builder syntax to do so. Customizing the Servlet Environment In previous versions of Grails it was possible to dynamically modify the generated In Grails 3.x there is no web.xml web.xml file and it is not possible to programmatically modify the file anymore. web.xml . However, it is possible to perform the most commons tasks of modifying the Servlet environment in Grails 3.x. Adding New Servlets If you want to add a new Servlet instance the simplest way is simply to define a new Spring bean in the method: doWithSpring Closure doWithSpring() {{-> myServlet(MyServlet) }} If you need to customize the servlet you can use Spring Boot’s ServletRegistrationBean : Closure doWithSpring() {{-> myServlet(ServletRegistrationBean, loadOnStartup = 2 } }} Adding New Servlet Filters new MyServlet(), "/myServlet/*" ) { Just like Servlets, the simplest way to configure a new filter is to simply define a Spring bean: Closure doWithSpring() {{-> myFilter(MyFilter) }} However, if you want to control the order of filter registrations you will need to use Spring Boot’s FilterRegistrationBean : myFilter(FilterRegistrationBean) { filter = bean(MyFilter) urlPatterns = [ order = Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE } '/*' ] Grails' internal registered filters ( defined by incrementing before or between Grails' filters. , GrailsWebRequestFilter HiddenHttpMethodFilter etc.) are HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE by 10 thus allowing several filters to be inserted Doing Post Initialisation Configuration Sometimes it is useful to be able do some runtime configuration after the Spring ApplicationContext closure property. has been built. In this case you can define a doWithApplicationContext class SimplePlugin extends Plugin{ def def name = version = "simple" "1.1" @Override void doWithApplicationContext() { def sessionFactory = applicationContext.sessionFactory // do something here with session factory } } 17.6 Adding Methods at Compile Time Grails 3.0 makes it easy to add new traits to existing artefact types from a plugin. For example say you wanted to add methods for manipulating dates to controllers. This can be done by defining a trait in src/main/groovy : package myplugin @Enhances "Controller" trait DateTrait { ( ) Date currentDate() { return new Date () } } The @Enhances annotation defines the types of artefacts that the trait should be applied to. As an alternative to using the to tell Grails which artefacts you want to inject the trait into at compile time: annotation above, you can implement a @Enhances TraitInjector package myplugin @CompileStatic class ControllerTraitInjector implements TraitInjector { @Override Class getTrait() { SomeTrait } @Override String[] getArtefactTypes() { ] as String[] 'Controller' [ } } The above defines the types of artefacts that the trait should be applied to. will add the to all controllers. The TraitInjector SomeTrait getArtefactTypes method Applying traits conditionally TraitInjector implementation can also implement the A apply traits to only those artefacts which satisfy a custom requirement. For example, if a trait should only be applied if the target artefact class has a specific annotation, it can be done as below SupportsClassNode interface to package myplugin @CompileStatic class AnnotationBasedTraitInjector implements TraitInjector, SupportsClassNode { @Override Class getTrait() { SomeTrait } @Override String[] getArtefactTypes() { ] as String[] 'Controller' [ } boolean supports(ClassNode classNode) { return GrailsASTUtils.hasAnnotation(classNode, SomeAnnotation) } } TraitInjector will add the SomeTrait to only those controllers which has the Above SomeAnnotation declared. The framework discovers trait injectors by way of a META-INF/grails.factories descriptor that is in the .jar file. This descriptor is automatically generated. The descriptor generated for the code shown above would look like this: #Grails Factories File grails.compiler.traits.TraitInjector= myplugin.ControllerTraitInjector,myplugin.DateTraitTraitInjector Due to formatting issues, above code snippet includes a line break after equal sign. That file is generated automatically and added to the .jar file at build time. If for any reason the application defines its own , it is important that the trait injectors be explicitly src/main/resources/META-INF/grails.factories defined in that file. The auto-generated metadata is only reliable if the application does not define its own src/main/resources/META-INF/grails.factores grails.factories file at file. 17.7 Adding Dynamic Methods at Runtime The Basics Grails plugins let you register dynamic methods with any Grails-managed or other class at runtime. This work is done in a doWithDynamicMethods method. Note that Grails 3.x features newer features such as traits that are usable from code compiled with cases that are not possible with traits. . It is recommended that dynamic behavior is only added for CompileStatic class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin { void doWithDynamicMethods() { for (controllerClass in grailsApplication.controllerClasses) { controllerClass.metaClass.myNewMethod = {-> println } } } "hello world" } In this case we use the implicit application object to get a reference to all of the controller to each controller. If classes' MetaClass instances and add a new method called you know beforehand the class you wish the add a method to you can simply reference its metaClass myNewMethod property. For example we can add a new method swapCase to java.lang.String : class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin { @Override void doWithDynamicMethods() { String .metaClass.swapCase = {-> new StringBuilder sb = () def delegate.each { sb << ( Character Character Character .isUpperCase( .toLowerCase( .toUpperCase( it as char it as char it as char ) ? ) : )) } sb.toString() } assert "UpAndDown" == "uPaNDdOWN" .swapCase() } } Interacting with the ApplicationContext doWithDynamicMethods closure gets passed the Spring The useful as it lets you interact with objects within it. For example if you were implementing a method to interact with Hibernate you could use the instance in combination with a instance. This is ApplicationContext HibernateTemplate SessionFactory : import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate class ExampleHibernatePlugin extends Plugin{ void doWithDynamicMethods() { for (domainClass in grailsApplication.domainClasses) { domainClass.metaClass.static.load = { id-> sf = applicationContext.sessionFactory template = HibernateTemplate(sf) Long new def def template.load(delegate, id) } } } } Also because of the autowiring and dependency injection capability of the Spring container you can implement more powerful dynamic constructors that use the application context to wire dependencies into your object at runtime: class MyConstructorPlugin { void doWithDynamicMethods() (domainClass in domainClass.metaClass.constructor = {-> grailsApplication.domainClasses) { for return applicationContext.getBean( } } } } Here we actually replace the default constructor with one that looks up prototyped Spring beans instead! 17.8 Participating in Auto Reload Events Monitoring Resources for Changes Often it is valuable to monitor resources for changes and perform some action when they occur. This is how Grails implements advanced reloading of application state at runtime. For example, consider this simplified snippet from the Grails ServicesPlugin : class ServicesGrailsPlugin extends ... def watchedResources = "file:./grails-app/services/**/*Service.groovy" Plugin { ... void onChange( if (event.source) { Map String < , Object > event) { def def serviceClass = grailsApplication.addServiceClass(event.source) serviceName = serviceClass.propertyName ${ }" " beans { " serviceName $ " (serviceClass.getClazz()) { bean -> bean.autowire = true } } } } } watchedResources First it defines references or patterns of the resources to watch. If the watched resources specify a Groovy file, when it is changed it will automatically be reloaded and passed into the in the as either a String or a List of strings that contain either the object. onChange event closure The event object defines a number of useful properties: event.source - The source of the event, either the reloaded Class or a Spring Resource event.ctx - The Spring ApplicationContext instance event.plugin - The plugin object that manages the resource (usually this ) event.application - The GrailsApplication instance event.manager - The GrailsPluginManager instance These objects are available to help you apply the appropriate changes based on what changed. In the "Services" example above, a new service bean is re-registered with the ApplicationContext when one of the service classes changes. Influencing Other Plugins In addition to reacting to changes, sometimes a plugin needs to "influence" another. Take for example the Services and Controllers plugins. When a service is reloaded, unless you reload the controllers too, problems will occur when you try to auto-wire the reloaded service into an older controller Class. To get around this, you can specify which plugins another plugin "influences". This means that when one plugin detects a change, it will reload itself and then reload its influenced plugins. For example consider this snippet from the ServicesGrailsPlugin : def influences = [ 'controllers' ] Observing other plugins If there is a particular plugin that you would like to observe for changes but not necessary watch the resources that it monitors you can use the "observe" property: def observe = [ "controllers" ] In this case when a controller is changed you will also receive the event chained from the controllers plugin. It is also possible for a plugin to observe all loaded plugins by using a wildcard: def observe = [ "*" ] The Logging plugin does exactly this so that it can add the that changes while the application is running. log property back to any artefact 17.9 Understanding Plugin Load Order Controlling Plugin Dependencies Plugins often depend on the presence of other plugins and can adapt depending on the presence of others. This is implemented with two properties. The first is called example, take a look at this snippet from the Hibernate plugin: dependsOn . For class HibernateGrailsPlugin { def version = "1.0" def dependsOn = [ } : dataSource domainClass "1.0" i18n : "1.0" core : : , ] "1.0" , "1.0" , The Hibernate plugin is dependent on the presence of four plugins: the , dataSource domainClass , i18n and core plugins. The dependencies will be loaded before the Hibernate plugin and if all dependencies do not load, then the plugin will not load. dependsOn The ranges. A few examples of the syntax can be seen below: property also supports a mini expression language for specifying version def def def dependsOn = [ dependsOn = [ dependsOn = [ foo foo foo : : : ] "* > 1.0" "1.0 > 1.1" "1.0 > *" ] ] When the wildcard * character is used it denotes "any" version. The expression syntax also excludes any suffixes such as -BETA, -ALPHA etc. so for example the expression "1.0 > 1.1" would match any of the following versions: 1.1 1.0 1.0.1 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT 1.1-BETA2 Controlling Load Order dependsOn Using establishes a "hard" dependency in that if the dependency is not resolved, the plugin will give up and won’t load. It is possible though to have a weaker dependency using the properties: loadBefore loadAfter and def loadAfter = [ 'controllers' ] Here the plugin will be loaded after the loaded. The plugin can then adapt to the presence of the other plugin, for example the Hibernate plugin has this code in its doWithSpring plugin if it exists, otherwise it will just be closure: controllers "controllers" (manager?.hasGrailsPlugin( if openSessionInViewInterceptor(OpenSessionInViewInterceptor) { flushMode = HibernateAccessor.FLUSH_MANUAL sessionFactory = sessionFactory } grailsUrlHandlerMapping.interceptors << openSessionInViewInterceptor } )) { Here the Hibernate plugin will only register an plugin has been loaded. The manager interface and it provides methods to interact with other plugins. variable is an instance of the OpenSessionInViewInterceptor if the GrailsPluginManager controllers You can also use the should load before: loadBefore property to specify one or more plugins that your plugin def loadBefore = [ 'rabbitmq' ] Scopes and Environments It’s not only plugin load order that you can control. You can also specify which environments your plugin should be loaded in and which scopes (stages of a build). Simply declare one or both of these properties in your plugin descriptor: def environments = [ 'development' , 'test' , 'myCustomEnv' ] def scopes = [ excludes 'war' : ] In this example, the plugin will only load in the 'development' and 'test' environments. Nor will it be packaged into the WAR file, because it’s excluded from the 'war' phase. This allows plugins to not be packaged for production use. development-only The full list of available scopes are defined by the enum BuildScope , but here’s a summary: test - when running tests functional-test - when running functional tests run - for run-app and run-war war - when packaging the application as a WAR file all - plugin applies to all scopes (default) Both properties can be one of: a string - a sole inclusion a list - a list of environments or scopes to include a map - for full control, with 'includes' and/or 'excludes' keys that can have string or list values For example, def environments = "test" will only include the plugin in the test environment, whereas def environments = [ "development" , "test" ] will include it in both the development and test environments. Finally, def environments = [ includes : [ "development" , "test" ]] will do the same thing. 17.10 The Artefact API You should by now understand that Grails has the concept of artefacts: special types of classes that it knows about and can treat differently from normal Groovy and Java classes, for example by enhancing them with extra properties and methods. Examples of artefacts include domain classes and controllers. What you may not be aware of is that Grails allows application and plugin developers access to the underlying infrastructure for artefacts, which means you can find out what artefacts are available and even enhance them yourself. You can even provide your own custom artefact types. 17.10.1 Asking About Available Artefacts As a plugin developer, it can be important for you to find out about what domain classes, controllers, or other types of artefact are available in an application. For example, the Elasticsearch plugin searchable properties and index the appropriate ones. So how does it do it? The answer lies needs to know what domain classes exist so it can check them for any with the automatically in controllers and GSPs and can be object, and instance of grailsApplication GrailsApplication that’s available injected everywhere else. grailsApplication The artefacts. Probably the most common is the one that gives you all the classes of a particular artefact type: object has several important properties and methods for querying in grailsApplication.Classes) { (cls for ... } In this case, have: artefactType is the property name form of the artefact type. With core Grails you domain controller tagLib service codec bootstrap urlMappings So for example, if you want to iterate over all the domain classes, you use: in grailsApplication.domainClasses) { (cls for ... } and for URL mappings: in grailsApplication.urlMappingsClasses) { (cls for ... } You need to be aware that the objects returned by these properties are not instances of Instead, they are instances of methods, including one for the underlying that has some particularly useful properties and GrailsClass Class : Class . shortName - the class name of the artefact without the package (equivalent of Class.simpleName ). logicalPropertyName - the artefact name in property form without the 'type' suffix. So MyGreatController becomes 'myGreat'. isAbstract() - a boolean indicating whether the artefact class is abstract or not. getPropertyValue(name) - returns the value of the given property, whether it’s a static or an instance one. This works best if the property is initialised on declaration, e.g. static transactional = true . The artefact API also allows you to fetch classes by name and check whether a class is an artefact: getClass(String name) isClass(Class clazz) The first method will retrieve the 'MyGreatController'. The second will check whether a class is a particular type of artefact. For example, you can use to check whether grailsApplication.isControllerClass(org.example.MyGreatController) instance for the given name, e.g. is in fact a controller. MyGreatController GrailsClass 17.10.2 Adding Your Own Artefact Types Plugins can easily provide their own artefacts so that they can easily find out what implementations are available and take part in reloading. All you need to do is create an ArtefactHandler implementation and register it in your main plugin class: class MyGrailsPlugin { artefacts = [ org.somewhere.MyArtefactHandler ] def ... } The artefacts list can contain either handler classes (as above) or instances of handlers. So, what does an artefact handler look like? Well, put simply it is an implementation of the ArtefactHandler interface. To make life a bit easier, there is a skeleton implementation that can readily be extended: ArtefactHandlerAdapter . In addition to the handler itself, every new artefact needs a corresponding wrapper class that implements AbstractInjectableGrailsClass Spring bean that is auto-wired, just like controllers and services. , which is particularly useful as it turns your artefact into a . Again, skeleton implementations are available such as GrailsClass The best way to understand how both the handler and wrapper classes work is to look at the Quartz plugin: GrailsJobClass DefaultGrailsJobClass JobArtefactHandler Another example is the Shiro plugin which adds a realm artefact. 18 Grails and Spring This section is for advanced users and those who are interested in how Grails integrates with and builds on the Spring Framework . It is also useful for doing runtime configuration Grails. plugin developers considering 18.1 Configuring Additional Beans Using the Spring Bean DSL You can easily register new (or override existing) beans by configuring them in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy inside a which uses the Grails property (a Closure): Spring DSL beans . Beans are defined beans = { // beans here } As a simple example you can configure a bean with the following syntax: import beans = { myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } } Once configured, the bean can be auto-wired into Grails artifacts and other classes that support dependency injection (for example declaring a public field whose name is your bean’s name (in this case and integration tests) by BootStrap.groovy myBean ): class ExampleController { myBean def ... } Using the DSL has the advantage that you can mix bean declarations and logic, for example based on the environment : import grails.util.Environment import import beans = { switch (Environment.current) { case Environment.PRODUCTION: myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } break case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: myBean(MockImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } break } } GrailsApplication The access the Grails configuration (amongst other things): object can be accessed with the application variable and can be used to import grails.util.Environment import import beans = { if (application.config.getProperty( '' )) { { else myBean(MockImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } } myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } } } resources.groovy If you define a bean in Grails or an installed plugin, your bean will replace the previous registration. This is a convenient way to customize behavior without resorting to editing plugin code or other approaches that would affect maintainability. with the same name as one previously registered by Using XML Beans can also be configured using a of Grails this file was automatically generated for you by the resources.groovy is still supported - you just need to create it yourself. . In earlier versions script, but the DSL in is the preferred approach now so it isn’t automatically generated now. But it grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml run-app This file is typical Spring XML file and the Spring documentation has an excellent reference on how to configure Spring beans. The myBean the XML file: bean that we configured using the DSL would be configured with this syntax in = = = = = = Like the other bean it can be auto-wired into any class that supports dependency injection: class ExampleController { def myBean } Referencing Existing Beans Beans declared in For example if you had a bean would reference it like this in the DSL: or BookService resources.groovy resources.xml class its Spring bean name would be can reference other beans by convention. bookService , so your beans = { myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" bookService = ref( } } "bookService" ) or like this in XML: = = = = = = = = The bean needs a public setter for the bean reference (and also the two simple properties), which in Groovy would be defined like this: package class MyBeanImpl Integer String { someProperty otherProperty BookService bookService // or just "def bookService" } or in Java like this: package; class MyBeanImpl { BookService bookService; private private Integer private String someProperty; otherProperty; public void this setBookService(BookService theBookService) { .bookService = theBookService; } } public void this setSomeProperty( Integer someProperty) { .someProperty = someProperty; public void this setOtherProperty( String otherProperty) { .otherProperty = otherProperty; } } ref (in XML or the DSL) is very powerful since it configures a runtime reference, so Using the referenced bean doesn’t have to exist yet. As long as it’s in place when the final application context configuration occurs, everything will be resolved correctly. For a full reference of the available beans see the plugin reference in the reference guide. 18.2 Runtime Spring with the Beans DSL This Bean builder in Grails aims to provide a simplified way of wiring together dependencies that uses Spring at its core. In addition, Spring’s regular way of configuration (via XML and annotations) is static and difficult to modify and configure at runtime, other than programmatic XML creation which is both error prone and verbose. Grails' BeanBuilder changes all that by making it possible to programmatically wire together components at runtime, allowing you to adapt the logic based on system properties or environment variables. This enables the code to adapt to its environment and avoids unnecessary duplication of code (having different Spring configs for test, development and production environments) The BeanBuilder class Grails provides a grails.spring.BeanBuilder bean definitions. The basics are as follows: class that uses dynamic Groovy to construct import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource import org.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext import grails.spring.BeanBuilder def bb = new BeanBuilder() bb.beans { dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" } sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { dataSource = ref( hibernateProperties = [ 'dataSource' ) "" "hibernate.show_sql" : : "create-drop" "true" ] , } } ApplicationContext appContext = bb.createApplicationContext() plugins Within new instance of and beans blocks respectively. and the grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy file you don’t need to create a BeanBuilder . Instead the DSL is implicitly available inside the doWithSpring This example shows how you would configure Hibernate with a data source with the BeanBuilder class. Each method call (in this case bean in Spring. The first argument to the method is the bean’s class, whilst the last argument is a block. Within the body of the block you can set properties on the bean using standard Groovy syntax. calls) maps to the name of the sessionFactory dataSource and Bean references are resolved automatically using the name of the bean. This can be seen in the example above with the way the bean resolves the reference. sessionFactory dataSource Certain special properties related to bean management can also be set by the builder, as seen in the following code: sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { bean -> // Autowiring behaviour. The other option is 'byType'. <> bean.autowire = 'byName' // Sets the initialisation method to 'init'. [init-method] bean.initMethod = 'init' // Sets the destruction method to 'destroy'. [destroy-method] bean.destroyMethod = 'destroy' // Sets the scope of the bean. <> bean.scope = 'request' dataSource = ref( hibernateProperties = [ 'dataSource' , ) "" "hibernate.show_sql" : : "create-drop" "true" ] } The strings in square brackets are the names of the equivalent bean attributes in Spring’s XML definition. Using BeanBuilder with Spring MVC Include the grails-spring-.jar Spring MVC application. Then add the following /WEB-INF/web.xml file: file in your classpath to use BeanBuilder in a regular values to your contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/applicationContext.groovy contextClass grails.web.servlet.context.GrailsWebApplicationContext Then create a /WEB-INF/applicationContext.groovy file that does the rest: import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource beans { dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" } } Loading Bean Definitions from the File System You can use the same path matching syntax defined here. For example: BeanBuilder class to load external Groovy scripts that define beans using the def bb = bb.loadBeans( new BeanBuilder() "classpath:*SpringBeans.groovy" ) def applicationContext = bb.createApplicationContext() Here the loads all Groovy files on the classpath ending with parses them into bean definitions. An example script can be seen below: BeanBuilder SpringBeans.groovy and import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource import org.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean beans { dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" } sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { dataSource = dataSource hibernateProperties = [ "" "hibernate.show_sql" : : "create-drop" "true" ] , } } Adding Variables to the Binding (Context) If you’re loading beans from a script you can set the binding to use by creating a Groovy Binding : binding = def binding.maxSize = 10000 binding.productGroup = 'finance' new Binding () bb = def new bb.binding = binding bb.loadBeans( BeanBuilder() "classpath:*SpringBeans.groovy" ) def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext() Then you can access the maxSize and productGroup properties in your DSL files. 18.3 The BeanBuilder DSL Explained Using Constructor Arguments Constructor arguments can be defined using parameters to each bean-defining method. Put them after the first argument (the Class): bb.beans { exampleBean(MyExampleBean, someProperty = [ , , ] 3 } } 2 1 "firstArgument" 2 , ) { This configuration corresponds to a MyExampleBean with a constructor that looks like this: MyExampleBean( ... } String foo, int bar) { Configuring the BeanDefinition (Using factory methods) The first argument to the closure is a reference to the bean configuration instance, which you can use to configure factory methods and invoke any method on the AbstractBeanDefinition class: bb.beans { exampleBean(MyExampleBean) { bean -> bean.factoryMethod = "getInstance" bean.singleton = false someProperty = [ , , ] } } 1 3 2 As an alternative you can also use the return value of the bean defining method to configure the bean: bb.beans { def example = exampleBean(MyExampleBean) { someProperty = [ , , ] 3 2 1 } example.factoryMethod = "getInstance" } Using Factory beans Spring defines the concept of factory beans and often a bean is created not directly from a new instance of a Class, but from one of these factories. In this case the bean has no Class argument and instead you must pass the name of the factory bean to the bean defining method: bb.beans { myFactory(ExampleFactoryBean) { someProperty = [ , , ] } 1 3 2 myBean(myFactory) { name = "blah" } } Another common approach is provide the name of the factory method to call on the factory bean. This can be done using Groovy’s named parameter syntax: bb.beans { myFactory(ExampleFactoryBean) { someProperty = [ , , ] } 2 1 3 myFactory myBean( name = "blah" } } : "getInstance" ) { Here the bean. getInstance method on the ExampleFactoryBean bean will be called to create the myBean Creating Bean References at Runtime Sometimes you don’t know the name of the bean to be created until runtime. In this case you can use a string interpolation to invoke a bean defining method dynamically: beanName = def bb.beans { " ${ beanName "example" }Bean" (MyExampleBean) { someProperty = [ , , ] } } 3 2 1 In this case the method. The example has a hard-coded value but would work just as well with a name that is generated programmatically based on configuration, system properties, etc. variable defined earlier is used when invoking a bean defining beanName Furthermore, because sometimes bean names are not known until runtime you may need to reference them by name when wiring together other beans, in this case using the method: ref beanName = def bb.beans { "example" " ${ beanName }Bean" (MyExampleBean) { someProperty = [ , , ] } 3 2 1 anotherBean(AnotherBean) { example = ref( } } ${ " beanName }Bean" ) Here the example property of The AnotherBean method can also be used to refer to beans from a parent is set using a runtime reference to the ApplicationContext ref exampleBean that is . provided in the constructor of the BeanBuilder : new bb = BeanBuilder(parent) ApplicationContext parent = ...// def bb.beans { anotherBean(AnotherBean) { example = ref( } } beanName ${ " }Bean" , true ) Here the second parameter parent context. true specifies that the reference will look for the bean in the Using Anonymous (Inner) Beans You can use anonymous inner beans by setting a property of the bean to a block that takes an argument that is the bean type: bb.beans { marge(Person) { name = "Marge" husband = { Person p -> name = "Homer" age = 45 props = [ } children = [ref( } overweight 'bart' : true , height : "1.8m" ] ), ref( 'lisa' )] bart(Person) { name = "Bart" age = 11 } lisa(Person) { name = "Lisa" age = 9 } } In the above example we set the inner bean reference. Alternatively if you have a factory bean you can omit the type and just use the specified bean definition instead to setup the factory: bean’s husband property to a block that creates an marge bb.beans { personFactory(PersonFactory) marge(Person) { name = "Marge" husband = { bean -> bean.factoryBean = "personFactory" bean.factoryMethod = "newInstance" name = "Homer" age = 45 props = [ } children = [ref( } } overweight ), ref( height 'bart' 'lisa' true , : )] : "1.8m" ] Abstract Beans and Parent Bean Definitions To create an abstract bean definition define a bean without a Class parameter: class HolyGrailQuest { def start () { println "lets begin" } } class KnightOfTheRoundTable { String String name leader HolyGrailQuest quest KnightOfTheRoundTable( String name) { this .name = name } def embarkOnQuest quest.start() } } () { import grails.spring.BeanBuilder new bb = BeanBuilder() def bb.beans { abstractBean { leader = "Lancelot" } ... } Here we define an abstract bean that has a the abstract bean set it as the parent of the child bean: leader property with the value of "Lancelot" . To use bb.beans { ... quest(HolyGrailQuest) knights(KnightOfTheRoundTable, bean.parent = abstractBean quest = ref( } } 'quest' ) "Camelot" ) { bean -> When using a parent bean you must set the parent property of the bean before setting any other properties on the bean! If you want an abstract bean that has a Class specified you can do it this way: import grails.spring.BeanBuilder bb = def bb.beans { new BeanBuilder() abstractBean(KnightOfTheRoundTable) { bean -> bean. = leader = "Lancelot" } 'abstract' true quest(HolyGrailQuest) ) { bean -> knights( "Camelot" bean.parent = abstractBean quest = quest } } In this example we create an abstract bean of type argument to set it to abstract. Later we define a knights bean that has no inherits the from the parent bean. KnightOfTheRoundTable Class and use the bean Class defined, but Using Spring Namespaces Since Spring 2.0, users of Spring have had easier access to key features via XML namespaces. You can use a Spring namespace in BeanBuilder by declaring it with this syntax: xmlns context "" : and then invoking a method that matches the names of the Spring namespace tag and its associated attributes: context. 'component-scan' 'base-package' ( : "" ) You can do some useful things with Spring namespaces, such as looking up a JNDI resource: xmlns jee "" : jee. 'jndi-lookup' id ( : "dataSource" , 'jndi-name' : "java:comp/env/myDataSource" ) This example will create a Spring bean with the identifier by performing a JNDI lookup on the given JNDI name. With Spring namespaces you also get full access to all of the powerful AOP support in Spring from BeanBuilder. For example given these two classes: dataSource class Person { age int String name void birthday() { ++age; } } class BirthdayCardSender { List peopleSentCards = [] void onBirthday(Person person) { peopleSentCards << person } } You can define an aspect that uses a pointcut to detect whenever the called: birthday() method is xmlns aop "" : fred(Person) { name = "Fred" age = 45 } birthdayCardSenderAspect(BirthdayCardSender) aop { config( aspect( after "proxy-target-class" true "sendBirthdayCard" : id : method : : "onBirthday" ) { , , ref : "birthdayCardSenderAspect" ) { pointcut "execution(void ..Person.birthday()) and this(person)" } } } 18.4 Property Placeholder Configuration Grails supports the notion of property placeholder configuration through an extended version of Spring’s PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer . Settings defined in either placeholder values for Spring configuration in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy scripts or Java properties files can be used as and grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml . For example given the following entries in ConfigSlurper grails-app/conf/application.groovy (or an externalized config): database.driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" database.dbname="mysql:mydb" You can then specify placeholders in resources.xml as follows using the familiar ${..} syntax: = = ${database.driver} = jdbc:${database.dbname} To specify placeholders in resources.groovy you need to use single quotes: dataSource(org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource) { driverClassName = '${database.driver}' url = 'jdbc:${database.dbname}' } This sets the property value to a literal string which is later resolved against the config by Spring’s PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. A better option for variable: resources.groovy is to access properties through the grailsApplication dataSource(org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource) { driverClassName = grailsApplication.config.getProperty( url = "jdbc\: } grailsApplication.config.getProperty( 'database.dbname' 'database.driver' , ${ , String String }" ) ) Using this approach will keep the types as defined in your config. 18.5 Property Override Configuration Grails supports setting of bean properties via configuration . You define a beans block with the names of beans and their values: beans { bookService { webServiceURL = "" } } The general format is: <>.<> = <> The same configuration in a Java properties file would be: beans.bookService.webServiceURL= http // : 18.6 Spring Boot Actuators Spring Boot Actuator endpoints allow you to monitor and interact with your application. Spring Boot includes a number of built-in endpoints. For example the provides basic application health information. endpoint health These endpoints are disabled by default since Grails 3.1.8. You can enable actuator endpoints in your application.yml as follows: grails-app/conf/application.yml management : endpoints : enabled-by-default : true 19 Scaffolding Scaffolding lets you generate some basic CRUD interfaces for a domain class, including: The necessary views Controller actions for create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations The way for an application to express a dependency on the scaffolding plugin is by including the following in build.gradle . dependencies { // ... implementation "org.grails.plugins:scaffolding" // ... } Dynamic Scaffolding The simplest way to get started with scaffolding is to enable it by setting the scaffold property in the controller to a specific domain class: class BookController { scaffold = static } Book // Or any other domain class such as "Author", "Publisher" With this configured, when you start your application the actions and views will be autogenerated at runtime. The following actions are dynamically implemented by default by the runtime scaffolding mechanism: index show edit delete create save update A CRUD interface will also be generated. To access this open browser. http://localhost:8080/book in a Note: The old alternative of defining scaffold property: class BookController { scaffold = static } true is no longer supported above Grails 3.0. If you prefer to keep your domain model in Java and use scaffolding, simply import the domain class and set its name as the mapped with Hibernate you can still argument. scaffold You can add new actions to a scaffolded controller, for example: class BookController { static scaffold = Book def changeAuthor Book = Author.get(params[ () { .get( b = def "" ]) // redirect to a scaffolded action redirect( } } action :show) You can also override the scaffolded actions: class BookController { static scaffold = Book // overrides scaffolded action to return both authors and books def index () { [ } bookInstanceList bookInstanceTotal authorInstanceList : Book .list(), : Book .count(), : Author.list()] def show () { Book book = def log.error( , book) [bookInstance : book] } } "{}" .get( All of this is what is known as "dynamic scaffolding" where the CRUD interface is generated dynamically at runtime. By default, the size of text areas in scaffolded views is defined in the CSS, so adding 'rows' and 'cols' attributes will have no effect. Also, the standard scaffold views expect model variables of the form for collections and InstanceList tempting to use properties like 'books' and 'book', but those won’t work. Instance for single instances. It’s Static Scaffolding Grails lets you generate a controller and the views used to create the above interface from the command line. To generate a controller type: grails generate-controller Book or to generate the views: grails generate-views Book or to generate everything: grails generate-all Book If you have a domain class in a package or are generating from a Hibernate mapped class remember to include the fully qualified package name: grails generate-all com.bookstore.Book Customizing the Generated Views The views adapt to appear in the views simply by re-ordering the constraints in the builder: Validation constraints . For example you can change the order that fields constraints = { def title() releaseDate() } You can also get the generator to generate lists instead of text inputs if you use the inList constraint: constraints = { def title() category( releaseDate() } inList : [ "Fiction" , "Non-fiction" , "Biography" ]) Or if you use the range constraint on a number: constraints = { range 18 : .. 65 ) def age( } Restricting the size with a constraint also effects how many characters can be entered in the d view: constraints = { 30 size 0 : .. def name( } ) The Fields Plugin The Grails scaffolding templates make use of the the scaffold views, you can customize the forms and tables using the plugin (see the Fields plugin docs The Fields Plugin for details). . Once you’ve generated provided by the Taglib < %-- Generate an HTML table from bookInstanceList, showing only 'title' and 'category' columns --% = = > Customizing the Scaffolding templates The templates used by Grails to generate the controller and views can be customized by installing the templates with the install-templates command. 20 Deployment Grails applications can be deployed in a number of ways, each of which has its pros and cons. 20.1 Standalone "./gradlew bootRun" You should be very familiar with this approach by now, since it is the most common method of running an application during the development phase. An embedded Tomcat server is launched that loads the web application from the development sources, thus allowing it to pick up any changes to application files. You can run the application in the production environment using: ./gradlew bootRun -Dgrails.env=prod You can run the app using the Wrapper . ./gradlew bootRun bootRun Gradle task. The next command uses the Gradle You can specify an environment supplying grails.env system property. ./gradlew -Dgrails.env=prod bootRun Runnable WAR or JAR file Another way to deploy in Grails 3.0 or above is to use the new support for runnable JAR or WAR files. To create runnable archives, run grails package : grails package Alternatively, you could use the assemble Gradle task. ./gradlew assemble You can then run either the WAR file or the JAR using your Java installation: java -Dgrails.env=prod -jar build/libs/mywar- 0.1 .war (or .jar) A TAR/ZIP distribution Note: TAR/ZIP distribution assembly has been removed from Grails 3.1. 20.2 Container Deployment (e.g. Tomcat) Grails apps can be deployed to a Servlet Container or Application Server. WAR file A common approach to Grails application deployment in production is to deploy to an existing Servlet container via a WAR file. Containers allow multiple applications to be deployed on the same port with different paths. Creating a WAR file is as simple as executing the war command: grails war This will produce a WAR file that can be deployed to a container, in the build/libs directory. Note that by default Grails will include an embeddable version of Tomcat inside the WAR file so that it is runnable (see the previous section), this can cause problems if you deploy to a different version of Tomcat. If you don’t intend to use the embedded container then you should either remove the Tomcat dependencies or change the scope to testImplementation prior to deploying to your production container in build.gradle : testImplementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat" Application servers The Grails framework requires that runtime containers support Servlet 3.0 and above. By default, Grails framework applications are bundled with an embeddable Tomcat and testing is primarily done with Tomcat. Any servlet container meeting the minimum requirements should be able to run Grails framework applications, but some workarounds may be required for container-specific bugs or configurations. 20.3 Deployment Configuration Tasks Setting up HTTPS and SSL certificates for standalone deployment To configure an SSL certificate and to listen on an HTTPS port instead of HTTP, add properties like these to application.yml : server : port ssl : : 8443 The port to listen on # enabled : store key- key-store- key- key- alias password true : e.g. Activate HTTPS mode on the server port # # # # : e.g. tomcat : e.g. changeit tomcat7/keystore/tomcat.keystore password /etc/ : These settings control the embedded Tomcat container for a production deployment. Alternatively, the properties can be specified on the command-line. Example: -Dserver.ssl.enabled=true -Dserver.ssl.key-store=/path/to/keystore . Configuration of both an HTTP and HTTPS connector via application properties is not supported. If you want to have both, then you’ll need to configure one of them programmatically. (More information on how to do this can be found in the how-to guide below.) There are other relevant settings. Further reference: Spring Boot: Embed Webservers - Configure SSL Spring Book: Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat Spring Boot: Common Application Properties 21 Contributing to Grails Grails is an open source project with an active community and we rely heavily on that community to help make Grails better. As such, there are various ways in which people can contribute to Grails. One of these is by available. In this chapter, we’ll look at some of the other options. and making them publicly writing useful plugins 21.1 Report Issues in Github's issue tracker . Similarly for its documentation Grails uses Github to track issues in the there is a . If you’ve found a bug or wish to see a particular feature added, these are the places to start. You’ll need to create a (free) github account in order to either submit an issue or comment on an existing one in either of these. core framework separate tracker When submitting issues, please provide as much information as possible and in the case of bugs, make sure you explain which versions of Groovy, Grails and various plugins you are using. Other environment details - OS version, JDK, Gradle etc. should also be included. Also, an issue is much more likely to be dealt with if you upload a reproducible sample application on a github repository and provide a link in the issue. Reviewing issues There are quite a few old issues in github, some of which may no longer be valid. The core team can’t track down these alone, so a very simple contribution that you can make is to verify one or two issues occasionally. Which issues need verification? Going to the been resolved. issue tracker will display all issues that haven’t Once you’ve verified an issue, simply add a short comment explaining what you found. Be sure to metion your environment details and grails version. 21.2 Build From Source and Run Tests If you’re interested in contributing fixes and features to any part of grails, you will have to learn how to get hold of the project’s source, build it and test it with your own applications. Before you start, make sure you have: A JDK (11 or above) A git client Once you have all the pre-requisite packages installed, the next step is to download the Grails source code, which is hosted at GitHub GitHub user example, to get the core framework run: in several repositories owned by the . This is a simple case of cloning the repository you’re interested in. For "grails" git clone http // : This will create a "grails-core" directory in your current working directory containing all the project source files. The next step is to get a Grails installation from the source. Creating a Grails installation If you look at the project structure, you’ll see that it doesn’t look much like a standard GRAILS_HOME directory of the project: installation. But, it’s very simple to turn it into one. Just run this from the root ./gradlew install This will fetch all the standard dependencies required by Grails and then build a GRAILS_HOME installation. Note that this target skips the extensive collection of Grails test classes, which can take some time to complete. environment variable to Once the above command has finished, simply set the the checkout directory and add the "bin" directory to your path. When you next type grails command to run, you’ll be using the version you just built. GRAILS_HOME If you are using the following: SDKMAN then that can also be used to work with this local installation via sdk install grails dev /path/to/grails-core You will also need to publish your local installation to your local maven. ./gradlew pTML Now you will have a dev version in your local which you can use to test your features. Running the test suite All you have to do to run the full suite of tests is: ./gradlew test These will take a while (15-30 mins), so consider running individual tests using the command line. For example, to run the test spec simply execute the following command: BinaryPluginSpec ./gradlew :grails-core:test --tests *.BinaryPluginSpec Note that you need to specify the sub-project that the test case resides in, because the top-level "test" target won’t work…. Developing in IntelliJ IDEA You need to run the following gradle task: ./gradlew idea Then open the project file which is generated in IDEA. Simple! Developing in STS / Eclipse You need to run the following gradle task: ./gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse Before importing projects to STS do the following action: Edit grails-scripts/.classpath and remove the line "". Use "ImportGeneralExisting Projects into Workspace" to import all projects to STS. There will be a few build errors. To fix them do the following: Add the springloaded-core JAR file in $GRAILS_HOME/lib/org.springsource.springloaded/springloaded-core/jars to grails-core’s classpath. Remove "src/test/groovy" from grails-plugin-testing’s source path GRECLIPSE-1067 Add the jsp-api JAR file in $GRAILS_HOME/lib/javax.servlet.jsp/jsp-api/jars to the classpath of grails-web Fix the source path of grails-scripts. Add linked source folder linking to "../scripts". If you get build errors in grails-scripts, do "../gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse" in that directory and edit the .classpath file again (remove the line ""). Remove possible empty "scripts" directory under grails-scripts if you are not able to add the linked folder. Do a clean build for the whole workspace. To use Eclipse GIT scm team provider: Select all projects (except "Servers") in the navigation and right click Team Share project (not "Share projects"). Choose "Git". Then check "Use or create repository in parent folder of project" and click "Finish". Get the recommended code style settings from the yet, currently ). Import the code style xml file to STS in WindowPreferencesJavaCode StyleFormatterImport . Grails code uses spaces instead of tabs for indenting. (final style not decided mailing list thread profile.xml Debugging Grails or a Grails application To enable debugging, run: ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm By default Grails forks a JVM to run the application in. The debugger to be associated with the forked JVM. -debug-jvm argument causes the 21.3 Submit Patches to Grails Core If you want to submit patches to the project, you simply need to fork the repository on GitHub rather than clone it directly. Then you will commit your changes to your fork and send a pull request for a core team member to review. Forking and Pull Requests One of the benefits of forking the repository GitHub and is the way that you can easily contribute to a project by with your changes. sending pull requests What follows are some guidelines to help ensure that your pull requests are speedily dealt with and provide the information we need. They will also make your life easier! Make sure your fork is up to date Making changes to outdated sources is not a good idea. Someone else may have already made the change. git pull upstream master Create a local branch for your changes Your life will be greatly simplified if you create a local branch to make your changes on. For example, as soon as you fork a repository and clone the fork locally, execute git checkout -b issue_123 This will create a new local branch called "issue_123" based off the "master" branch. Of course, you can name the branch whatever you like, but a good idea would be to reference the GitHub issue number that the change is relevant to. Each Pull Request should have its own branch. Create Github issues for non-trivial changes For any non-trivial changes, raise an issue on github if one doesn’t already exist. That helps us keep track of what changes go into each new version of Grails. Include github issue ID in commit messages This may not seem particularly important, but having a github issue ID in a commit message means that we can find out at a later date why a change was made. Include the ID in any and all commits that relate to that issue. If a commit isn’t related to an issue, then there’s no need to include an issue ID. Make sure your fork is up to date again and rebase Since the core developers must merge your commits into the main repository, it makes life much easier if your fork on GitHub is up to date before you send a pull request. Let’s say you have the main repository set up as a remote called "upstream" and you want to submit a pull request. Also, all your changes are currently on the local "issue_123" branch but not on "master". The first step involves pulling any changes from the main repository that have been added since you last fetched and merged: git checkout master git pull upstream master This should complete without any problems or conflicts. Next, rebase your local branch against the now up-to-date master: git checkout issue_123 git rebase master What this does is rearrange the commits such that all of your changes come after the most recent one in master. Think adding some cards to the top of a deck rather than shuffling them into the pack. Push your branch to GitHub and send Pull Request Finally, you must push your changes to your fork on GitHub, otherwise the core developers won’t be able to pick them up: git push origin issue_123 You should not merge your branch to your forks master. If the Pull Request is not accepted, your master will then be out of sync with upstream forever. You’re now ready to send the pull request from the GitHub user interface. Say what your pull request is for A pull request can contain any number of commits and it may be related to any number of issues. In the pull request message, please specify the IDs of all issues that the request relates to. Also give a brief description of the work you have done, such as: "I refactored the data binder and added support for custom number editors. Fixes #xxxx". 21.4 Submit Patches to Grails Documentation Contributing Simple Changes The user guide is written using simply click on the "Improve this doc" link that is to the right of each section of the documentation. . The simplest way to contribute fixes is to Asciidoctor This will link to the Github edit screen where you can make changes, preview them and create a pull request. Building the Guide If you want to make significant changes, such as changing the structure of the table of contents etc. then we recommend you build the user guide. To do that simply checkout the sources from github: $ git clone $ cd grails-doc The source files can be found in the (TOC) is defined in the src/en/guide/toc.yml src/en/guide file. directory. Whilst the Table of Contents Each YAML key points to a Asciidoc template. For example consider the following YAML: introduction : title : Introduction whatsNew title : : ... What's new in Grails 3.2? introduction key points to The that is dislayed in the TOC. Because points to introduction . src/en/guide/introduction.adoc . The title whatsNew key is nested underneath the key defines the title introduction key it src/en/guide/introduction/whatsNew.adoc , which is nested in a directory called Essentially, using the of the user guide. toc.yml file and the directory structure you can manipulate the structure To generate the documentation run the publishGuide task: $ ./gradlew publishGuide -x apiDocs In the above example we skip the all Groovydoc documentation will be built too! apiDocs task to speed up building of the guide, otherwise Once the guide is built simply open the changes. build/docs/index.html file in a browser to review your Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.