- en
- robotics

There are 11 scenes contained in the dataset from folder 1 to folder 11. Each scene folder contains several video folders represent each recorded videos under that scene. Each video folder contains a RGB folder, a depth folder, a point cloud folder and a ground truth folder.  If you want to use this EgoPAT3Dv2 dataset's RGB modality as we do, you need to generate HDF5 file on your own with the script we provided(about 500GB since huggingface doesn't support that large file):

1. Download all of these scene folders. Extract each video folder from video zip files in the scene folder using unzip command and delete all useless files inside.

2. To use RGB modality, you need to create a new separate folder which has the same hierarchy as the scene-video-rgb structure. Put the previously extracted RGB folders for each scene each video into the same place as the original one. For example, color folder in ***"1/1.1/color"*** should be put into ***"RGB_file/1/1.1"*** as ***"RGB_file/1/1.1/color"***.

3. Run script make_RGB_dataset.py.

Then you can use the provided RGBDataset tool to load dataset and create the dataloader.