[{"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: we are all zombies on these devices no one cares they make so many things easier for people to do and enjoy themselves. The way society shows us is that we all use phones like idiots and honestly, my opinion doesn't change because I know that many people have used their phones pretty stupidly and lose their life for it", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: use it when not in the motion of driving", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Keep your eyes out for police.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Driving is our main way of transportation so we need to keep ourselves safe and everyone else safe", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: the best way to do that is to keep our phones away keeping your phone is smart while driving because texting and driving is a big no-no in everyone else's eyes. The only reason why I think people need to follow this is because I've driven with people who have sat at the light because they were stuck on their phones and I had to tell them to drive so, to be honest, we need to limit ourselves to do it only when are stopped in traffic or we just parked up somewhere.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I don't drive yet but everyone should just know this rule or just follow it at all times watch for police,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: police are like enemies they protect the streets and I respect them for that but honestly, they should always be avoided I'm not saying avoid them at any means necessary but just keep seat belts on and don't text and drive that's the easiest way a cop will catch you so make sure to get wherever you need to go and just move on try not to get in any trouble.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: And to conclude phones are really convenient devices that make millions of things easier for us day to day humans", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: we need to limit ourselves to just using it when not driving and only when it is really needed", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: many cars nowadays come with their own little carphone technology that will speak to you and do stuff for you.\n\nApps like Waze make driving feel much safer and cars like teslas and the other cars I spoke about before can be great substitutes for phones while driving.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I do agree that student's should at least do one activity like help work on the year book's, sports,student council, etc.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If i had to pick one activity it would be student council because i can help people like if their going through tough times.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Say if they have trouble in school, try to help them with there grade's, or maybe the lost a love one. I would convince other to support me because i listen to people about what wrong or if there going thought something. I care about people feelings and i won't say anything in till\u00a0there done.\n\nWhy do i want to do this is because say if your mom,dad,granddad, or grandma die in a car crush wouldn you be upset because that's your family member or maybe they die of the corona would you be upset you would want a councilor, brother, or sister. What i'm trying to say is that people need a council to help them out. Ok say that a truck smash your house wouldn't you be in shock in that case you would need a council right.\n\nWhat i trying to say is that i want people to support me to do what i want to do, like say i want to help people out through family problem or like a love one die of cancer, heart attack, car crush, etc. I would be there to help them through there problem. it would be my honor to help people out.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Your principal has decided that all student's must participate in at least one extracurricular activity. I would do anything to help out people in need for what ever they want me to here i will be there for there need or whats i will be there in spirit.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Imagine this, you've had a long day as a student waking up early and working hard to do well in school all day, but then you remember\u00a0you have\u00a0Basketball practice tonight! This excites because you have become close friends with your teammates, and\u00a0it serves as a nice break from everything going on in school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Attending after school\u00a0clubs and activities\u00a0can give you a place where people with similar interests and hobbies all come together.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: After school clubs can be a safe space where you and your friends get together to do something you all enjoy, and you could make new friends along the way. Being in a club can provide a safe space, and the people there often share your interests.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Activities like these can make you an all rounded\u00a0person while also giving you a break from school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Activities from football to Rubiks\u00a0cube club can create a safe space for the people on the team or in the club.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What do I mean by \"safe space?\"\n\nA safe space is where people can share how they feel, and why they feel that way. An example could be if you're on a football team your teammates become your friends and that gives you a whole community of people who care about you. It doesn't even have to be a team it could even be a group that likes horses, but they still have something in common to bond over. Teammates also tend to build you up, and give a boost in confidence which can help you be a stronger person. Did you know that having fun with your friends and participating in the activities you enjoy\u00a0can even help you get into college?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think that having students participate in an extracurricular activities\u00a0could very beneficial for many different aspects of their development, such as social, emotional, and in some cases even physical.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Most students are very focused on their academics and doing well to look good for college. What they might not know is colleges don't only look at grades they also look at your extracurricular s. Looking at what you did after school\u00a0as well as in school helps hem see that you are able to juggle both things at once, but what they don't know is we actually enjoy it! Though it might seem like a lot especially with all of our school work, it could serve as the well deserved break we need.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students have a lot on their plates between school, homework, and studying, sometimes it's good to take a break", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What better way to relax then do something you enjoy with other people that enjoy it as well. Playing a sport after school can help you create close friends and teammates. When you think about stress reliving one of things you might think of is one of your favorite things to do with some of your friends. Well guess what, you just explained what a club is. In that portion of your day you don't have to worry about acing that test all you have to think about is swishing that three or winning that chess match.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: As a whole I think that after school activities could be beneficial to students in many ways. Many students might not fit in to friend groups, but with after school clubs they know they have similarities with their peers. It's a great way to relive stress with the people you care about while doing something you care about", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: That's why I think that having everyone participate in a club or sport could be very beneficial for these reasons, and I think it's a great addition to our school systems.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Summer projects are some of the most dreaded assignments to give to a student. However, they are very necessary in order for students to retain information needed for the following school year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Summer projects, involving schools, should be teacher-designed in order to optimize students's learning.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: a teacher knows what to assign best based on the class curriculum.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If students were to all decide what the project was and how it should be done, then there would be a multitude of topics and confusion amongst the class. In seventh grade we were given a choice assignment to do. Although it was a fun project and allowed us to use creativity, it didn't lead us to the same information. In a summer project, the main purpose being to continue learning, a student-designed project may not be the best way to learn about a common topic.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the school year would flow much smoother with a teacher-designed project.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In my sophomore year I was assigned a summer assignment for world history. It was the same assignment given to the whole class, and was meant to be completed the same way as well. Completing it made it easier for my teacher and classmates to refer to as the year went on. Similar to a textbook, we all were able to use the same resource to make learning easier and allow the class to flow smoother.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: On the contrary however, students may not have the time to complete a summer project in a specified way. During summer break it is very common for people to travel or have family in town", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: every year I go out of town on road trips to visit family. This year my mom told me that we would be visiting family in Africa. Places like Africa may not have all the necessary resources to complete an assignment the exact way a teacher asks. Even if a student were to have resources available, constant travel may limit a student's time and ability to focus. Students may have to get creative and modify or design their project in a way that would allow them to complete it before the beginning of the school yea", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If a student were to design his or her project, they would likely take the easy route in order to enjoy the rest of their summer", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Although I have many positive qualities, I am known to take the easy route when it comes to a lot of things. In my fifth grade science fair we were allowed to decide our own experiments to do. Instead of trying to think of a topic that may attract viewers at my booth, or something that interested me, I chose the most basic experiment I could think of, \"which paper airplane would fly the farthest.\" When it comes to school students are prone to rush through any work given. Like myself, they'd take the easy route and limit their own capabilities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Summer projects are important for schools and teachers to implement whether it be student-designed or teacher-designed. However in the case of productivity, teacher-designed projects bear more benefits. School year flow, class content, and a student's work habits all play roles in why teacher-designed projects should be the main source of assignments given over the summer.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Soccer team, basketball team, football team, drama club, yearbook club, student council, math club, marching band and more. So many sport teams and school clubs available to any student, usually free, but still some students conclude that they don't want to do any activities after school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students should have to participate in at least one extracurricular activity because it is beneficial to every aspect of their life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Extracurricular activities can help improve students' social skills", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: they have to interact and work with each other outside of school so much that many students will even start to make new friends.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If a student is playing a sport it will help him/her get outside and get fresh air after hours of being stuck inside school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Playing a sport will require exercise making the students healthier and therefore happier.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: and are sometimes unhealthy because of the lack of exercise", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Extracurricular activities are powerful learning tools because students are learning while having fun.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students on sport teams might learn about teamwork and the positive effect of good sportsmanship while students in drama club might learn about how to project your voice and speak confidently on stage, two very important traits if you want to be a leader.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Joining an extracurricular activity may give you new interests and goals in your life", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, I started my first season of marching band last fall and now it is a very important thing to me and I have made it one of my life goals to march in D.C.I. (Drum Core International): where the best and biggest marching bands in the world compete for title of grand champion.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Many students use homework as an excuse not to participate in after-school activities", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But that problem can be easily fixed because there are several clubs and teams that meet once a week or even meet on the weekend.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Another excuse is that the price to participate in these activities is too much.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But that problem can also be fixed easily because there are several free clubs available to students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Extracurricular activities should be made mandatory because they help students socially and health wise, are educational and can guide students to new interests and goals, and can be a very small commitment that doesn't interrupt homework. They can do all that while still being very fun and exciting. Schools are offering teams and clubs that are fun, educational, and can be joined without any disadvantage, they deserve to be mandatory.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Summer projects should be based on student designed.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The students will be able to decide what they want to do, how they can do it, and it will give them time to decide what there project would be based on", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Most students tend to actually do work when they are allowed to chose what it is. Students usually like making their own decisions. It helps them focus much more better and they will be having a great way\u00a0to show the teacher they know how to do projects on their own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: One reason why I think student should design their project is because some students travel to another\u00a0country. Sometimes to go visit family or to have new experience. If students are able to design their project they can make it based on If they went to a different country. They will be able to learn about there culture and how it is different from where the student is from. If they visit family from a different country they can have a little interview with there family and they can turn that into a project. It will give them so much options on what to do there projects on", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Being able to pick your own project is such a better experience because you will be learning new things.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason why I think Students should design their own projects is because teachers sometimes give their students a complicated project", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some students won't be able to understand what they are supposed to do. based on not understanding what the project is about they will end up giving up and not doing the project. Students making their own designed project would mean it would cause them to have to think more. They would have to gather a lot\u00a0of information to make sure their project is good and filled with details.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Therefore Teachers won't have to do so much work", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If students decide their project they would have to come up with many of decisions. Students would have so many great memories. Just by this one project many of things happen over summer it would be a good idea to use their experiences from summer on there project. As a student myself I would rather be able to pick my own project. It would let me learn new things and have much more better experience.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Student should be able to design their own project. It would be fun for them to learn new things especially when it's by there decisions. They are able to think hard and decide what to do their topic on.\n\nThey would have to put in much effort to be able to get a good grade. Teachers wouldn't have so much grading to do. The teachers will also be learning new things from the students. It's a once in a while when student decide a project. summer is supposed to be fun not stressful having a teacher design the project would make them give up and enjoy summer. Students should be able to decide there project especially since its summer.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: i disagree that all students should have at least one extracurricular activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: most of the students spend most of their time outside running, playing different sports and more they could get stressed by having to play sports each time of day and as a result the students could lose interest of playing sports.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: i think that students might not need an extracurricular activity because each student has a gym class", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: in gym class each students does many different activitys including excerise, paser, sit in reach, jumping jacks and other different activitys.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the students could get tired", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: causing them to not pay attention to the teacher and they could miss important information that the teacher is teaching them and that will cause the student to get a bad grade in class and fail the class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Finally students shouldn't have an extracurricular activity because it could make the students very stressed and tired at school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: they spend their time outside to play sports also students have gym classes where they do many different activitys.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Some schools require students to complete projects over summer break to assure that students are still learning while on break. Many of these schools and their students have mixed opinions on if these projects should be teacher designed projects or student designed projects.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe that these projects should be designed by teachers", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: to ensure that students are staying on school related topics", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: so that these projects for students can stay related to school related topics to fully ensure that students are still learning while on summer break", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For projects with the intentions to keep students learning while on summer break the first issue would be students making projects on subjects that have no relevance to school, this would be very inefficient in the efforts made by school boards to keep students learning.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Should these summer projects be teacher designed or student designed? I feel they should be more favored to being student designed. Why would I think that? Why can't teachers determine the design of summer projects? Im going to tell my opinon why.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I feel students should be favored in the designing of their summer projects", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they know what type of schedule they have.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: During most summers, students are going with families, going out of state, even sometimes they are going out of the country. If they have their own designed summer projects then they will know when to try and complete the projects on their own time. Plus, students take the summer time to have fun, and if teachers were designing these projects, it would be unfair to cut into the summer of students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Maybe most teachers feel that if students really cared about learning and school, that it doesn't matter when the project is assigned to you, you should just do it. Also, teachers may think with all the time during the summer, students should have plenty of time to balance managing their summer fun with their summer projects. In some teachers head, I think they may be saying if you care enough to learn and keep your brain and mind focused during the break, doing the projects when they assign they should be no issue at all", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: What's the problem with students designing their summer project? It's not hurting anybody, it's at their own type of pace, they are not being rushed into something they may not be ready for, and I could go on and on about it. In the students' mind, they probably think if they design their own time to do the summer projects, when they are done with the assignments, the work will more than likely be more proifficent and way more precise, rather than teachers trying to assign them the assginments at the wrong time for some students. I would that the teachers would take that to head and be more aware of what students have going on.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: To me, I felt that students had the better argument because at the end of the day, it's really all bout what they think and how they feel. They are the having to do these assignments and a certain time, and actually be expected to put everything to the task. For the familes point of view, knowing that their kid can't have the type of summer they want to have because of these summer projects just doesn't sit right in my book. Lastly, but not leastly, the teachers point of view. I completely understand that even during the break, students should still keep their mind focused, in order to prepare for not only the next school year, but the many years to come after that. But, then again this refers back to the students who have to do the work at a not so good time for them. Honestly, I think their should be no work, or assignments given to students during the summer break. It's really not that not worth if the students aren't going to give their 100% best effort to even try to do it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Touchdown! I just won the biggest game of the year. My team run on the field\u00a0and we jump up and down in joy. This would not have happened if my principal did not make us take a school activity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think that it is a good idea to make us take a school extracurricular activity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it will help kids brain develop faster and it will make smarter", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it helps you on working as a team if you are doing a extracurricular activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: if you don't plays any sports you will get lazy and you will not have any energy\u00a0to do stuff with your friends", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It will help you on your\u00a0leader ship skills the most", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: You never know you might like something you never tried out before.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Next you get to make new friends when you are taking a extracurricular activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some kids are to scared to play any sports or join in a school activity, because they are shy to talk to people. After all you get to have a lot of fun playing with your friends after school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it gives you a break\u00a0form school, you are setting down most of the day doing work for school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When you play sports it helps you take your mind off of work and gives you brain a break.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Next say you move on the first day you don't know anybody, a school activity help you know new kids. After the school year is over the kids will have something to do over the summer, because they know all of these kid from school activities", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it will help kid from getting fat", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: the more kids play sport the least likely kids will be leaving school fat.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it will open up kid to have fun in school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: it take away kids from school and help them learned in a better way.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Kids do not leaned\u00a0by placing\u00a0them in a room for eight hour a day for all most 1/4 of there lives. We learned more by doing school activities,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: it makes better kids, it make smarter kid, it helps kid learned. That is why I think that each school should have kids doing at least one school activity.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Every day millions of children come home on a bus instead of staying after school, and for many, there is a very good reason. It seems to make sense, having everyone take a extra curricular activity, but in reality it doesn't work. Every student has a reason to go, or not to go to an extra curricular activity and some reasons are not just because of preference. Not everyone has a lifestyle that allows them to stay after school or do a sport, many of the students won't have a way to get home. The school will not be able to provide enough buses for these students either. There isn't even enough room in the current activity rooms to hold 78 kids, and the materials needed are to expensive.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Having mandatory extra curricular\u00a0activities will be a disaster", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: there is not enough room,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it is to expensive", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: students won't be able to get home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If our school system made extra curricular activities mandatory the first problem would be the amount of space needed to support the students activity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, there are almost 900 students in my school, This would mean in the 10 after school activities my school provides, there would need to be 90 kids in each one; That's enough to fill 4 classrooms. This brings up another problem, the school can't have 150 kids in one program and 10 in the other, so the school would have to chose the activity for us. Just that fact alone takes all the excitement out of the activity, just for reference, imagine the star quarter back on the football ending up in art instead, possibly destroying his or her whole football career. Most of my school's after school\u00a0activities need certain spaces for the participants to practice and do their activity. For instance the robotics team only has one room with all of the vices, saws, and tools while the other robotics rooms will have students constantly running between the other rooms getting tools that they dont have in their completely different room. The cheer leading\u00a0team will have to move to the gym to fit all the people, but so did the pep band, and basketball practice is already in the gym, but they could just go in the auxiliary gym which is smaller than the cafeteria, the problem with that is the wrestling team is already in the auxiliary gym. The school has no room to fit every team and all of the clubs.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A dungeons and Dragons game along with all of the books and die is over 200 dollars, now imagining multiplying that by 7 just to afford the basics for the club. The robotics team pays around 600 dollars for each robot, and more for the competitions, now that program has to buy 15 robots and buy more slots at the competitions. If some how the schools were able to afford these expensive along with all other clubs, teachers, and staff salaries it would come from our local taxes. This would double our local taxes, but if the schools decide not to over tax the citizens of Generic_School than there would be no way the school could provide the gear and equipment for the school's clubs and teams. My school's sports gear is already worn out and our schools are in dire need of new equipment, but there is no way we could spend 7 times as much just to give everyone more cheap and basic equipment.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: On most days my dad gets home at around six so when my activity ends at 4:30 in the afternoon i have to take the bus. Currently my school has 2 activity buses, one for Generic_City and one for Generic_City. The activity bus arrives at my home which is 5 miles away at 5:40 in the evening, it takes the bus 1 hour and 10 minutes to drop me off at my home. With a direct route the bus would have to travel at 4 mph. There is no way the school can hire enough buses to work almost 12 straight hours a day. If the school really can't find enough buses each bus would have to make 70 stops. Many students won't be able to be picked up by their parents and will be forced to endure the 3 hour bus ride through a city with only 30 square miles of residential area.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: If our schools really made after school activities mandatory, it would be a disaster. One of the biggest issues with this topic is that in its simple form it looks like a great idea, but when you look at the details and what it would cause it shows the big mistake it would be. Giving every student the chance to do an interactive activity they enjoy would be incredible. Sadly, doing that in our current school system would cause all after school activities to stop going to competitions due to the over crowding; The students would not be able to pick their own activity and would be forced to do something they are bad at or just dislike. Making the activities would not only be a punishment to the students of Generic_School but to the teachers, the bus drivers, the custodians, the administrators, the taxpayers, and even our entire county's well being. In this scenario it may at first look like everybody wins, but really when you look at the real facts everybody loses. The entire mentality of school will become even more negative as students are stripped of their choice to do something they enjoy and taken away from time with their family.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Although the goal of this rule would be to create a good learning environment and a chance to participate in more interactive learning experiences,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: our county administrators might fail to see the real outcome of this decision.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Teacher designed projects and student designed projects differ in many ways. This is mainly because students prefer to create projects based solely upon something they already enjoy and know. Teacher based projects prove to be superior by being both more efficient and a better learning tool than their counterpart and in turn student projects prove to be inferior mainly because students prefer to complete projects based on something they already know, then learning something new.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Teacher based projects can be proved more superior by using current event, historical, and personal examples.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: In today's world students are proving to be more disobedient and disrespectful.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This is mainly related to teachers trying to make students more independent and self relying, which is important, but can also be a challenge in the workplace and towards authoritative figures. Teachers are placing more student designed projects in their curriculum and in turn is showing students that everything in life will be suited specifically to their wants and needs, which is false.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Teacher designed projects teach students to be independent and self relying, but they also teach them to research and learn and that some things aren't always specifically based on their preferences.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A current event example that directly correlates to this problem is the phrase \"boomer.\" This word is directed towards the Baby Boomer Generation and is used to describe the independent and self relying seniors who dont agree with the way the schooling system is operated. This generation lived in a time where authority was the key figure across the nation and it was not to be disrespected or major consequences would occur.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: the years, decades, and centuries, times change and society grows either for the better or worse.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: A major system that has changed along the years is the schooling system and a major factor in this change is teachers allowing more student based projects, instead of teacher based projects.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This is a major turn for the worse because students are taking advantage of this and aren't learning anything new for themselves, which is creating more volatile and unintelligent individuals. A historical example that relates more to the way the schooling was before this was the Brown v. Board of Education case. Although, this was a terrible time of segregated schools it was the Brown family who took independence when no one would stand with them and they took the fight to the Supreme Court for their well deserved equality and civil right. However, it would be another grueling, sad 20 years until this\u00a0was accomplished it can be believed that the way the curriculum was taught related to the way\u00a0this family was courageous enough to complete this task.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In my personal experience I have yearned for the chance to create a student based project.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: teacher based projects are more informational and they give students the chance to learn something new.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A direct example of this would be when I was issued a student designed project my tenth grade summer and at first I found it interesting until I received a hundred percent on it. This made me realize that I wasn't learning anything by doing this student based project and that it was more important to create something more challenging and less suited for my taste. I thank my teacher for this opportunity to learn about the major differences in teacher and student based projects and for the chance to learn more efficiently.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Teacher based projects prove to be superior according to many people. They are also a better learning tool and they create a more efficient learning environment for students. Without these projects students would be less obedient and wouldn't show as much respect to their authoritative figures. These projects are able to play a major factor in the curriculum taught by the schooling systems. And they are important to the growth of young individuals.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Imagine this routine. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, repeat. Sounds boring right? But somewhere between those steps, imagine doing an activity that you love. Makes it a lot more fun doesn't it?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe that all students should participate in an extracurricular activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it helps them try new things,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I am also in an extracurricular activity,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it allows people to focus on something besides schoolwork.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: It's hard to try a new thing because it's scary to get out of your comfort zone. But very soon, it can become enjoyable and fun. Meeting new people is always a great thing to do in an activity. The students will get new friends and it will let them have someone to do the activity with. In activities, a lot of people come in not knowing that they may be good at it. Participating in activities can help someone find their \"thing\". Extracurricular activities let students try new things that help them find out whether or not they like it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I am involved in dance and it has really helped me become a more diverse person.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I have been dancing since I was three years old and I only did ballet back then but as I got older I started more styles such as tap, jazz, lyrical, musical theatre, contemporary, and I still do ballet. Doing all of those styles has made me a versatile dancer. On average I dance about 14 hours a week and it's incredibly tiring but it's also my passion and I love it. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Dancing has made me branch out, make new friends, and do what I love. Doing this activity has helped me figure out what I want to be doing forever. Being involved in dance has let me find out my passion and allowed me to become a stronger person.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A lot of people just go to school, come home, do homework, and then just sit around doing nothing. It's get boring but activities let students do something fun. Schoolwork can become stressful if that's all that someone does. Sometimes focusing on something else can help take their mind off of it. Extracurricular activities can be relaxing. For example, some people do yoga or paint to forget about their stress. Those things can help people not stress as much. Activities allow kids to work on something non-school related.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: it's clear that out of school activities are great for students because it helps them try new things, I am in an activity and I love it, and it allows kids to do something besides schoolwork. I think that all students should do an extracurricular activity that they love.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Have you ever played a sport for your school? Well as an experienced athlete I know it can be hard to balance the never ending piles of homework when you have to spend most of your time training. And it's not just sports that have that effect it's all extracurricular activities. When a student joins on of these activities they don't know what they are signing up for, because they are really just an extra load of stress onto the crippled backs of today's students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Forcing students to participate in extracurricular activities is really just extra stress,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: helping you get bad grades", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: all together effecting you negatively.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Sports are probably the most important thing in many of students lives. Sports are getting them scholarships pushing them to get better grades, and become healthier people overall. But when a student joins a sports team he is taking precious time away from his day where he could be doing his homework, spending time with his family, or even babysitting his little sister so his mom dosen't\u00a0have to pay extra money for a babysitter.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Stressed students get bad grades even when they're striving to get them up, stressed students make bad decisions, and stressed student are more grumpy, and snappy. All of these different emotions piled up causes students to try and find a different output, and that's where drugs, and alcohol come in, they strike when a student is weak. But thats not the only negative side effect of out of school activities because they really do destroy your grades", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Grades make or break people. Grades determine whether or not you get the job or you don't get the job, they give you life but they can also take it away. When a student get good grades joy floods into their life, their parents are proud, their teachers are proud, you auto-matically become glowing like a star. But when bad grades come along they contribute to stress, and usually your parents are not proud, neither are your teachers. Bad grades send students plummeting to rock bottom. Extracurricular activities are a leading cause in bad grades because they provide less time to study, do homework, sleep, and get the better grade. And when it comes to after school clubs they might not seem big but they are, they take away even more time and money because of all the competitions and contributions you have to make to those type of things. After school activities are a roller coaster that only goes up once in a blue moon. They effect you negatively, and it's not right to force them upon students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Forcing student to participate in something that effects them negatively is wrong, and should never happen, ever. Being in the negative can be good sometimes though, for example when you have negative twenty-one fires burning your house ( No fires burning your house) or when your electricity bill is a negative (that means they owe you money). But in most cases being in the negative is NOT a good thing, like extracurricular activities. Negatives and after school activities don't mix because all that happens is more negative things. A negative plus a negative is not a positive, its more negatives. So in the end you have to understand that extracurricular activities are wrong, and not OK.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Finally, Forcing students to participate in after school activities bring stress into their lives, worsens their grades, and puts them really low on a negative scale.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Extracurricular activities are a bad idea for any dedicated student to participate in, yet here we are still getting sign ups\u00a0every day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Imagine this: You are an adult looking back at your schooling experience. Were you in any clubs? If you were, chances are you have fond memories of that time. However, does that mean extracurricular\u00a0activities should be required at school? Many people have strong opinions on the topic.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Extracurricular activities should be required.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: One reason why clubs should be required in school is that being in a club provides skills that are extremely helpful throughout life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: According to Brian Scott, an expert on youth development at the University of Social Sciences, extracurricular\u00a0activities\u00a0in school are some of the best ways that the youth can prepare to enter the working world. Scott explains that this is true because after school activities give kids further experience with important skills such as communication and team work. Furthermore, a study conducted by the Department of Youth Development found that 87% of adults who participated in extracurricular activities in school thought that being in an extracurricular activity gave them skills that helped them later in life. One possible reason why extracurricular\u00a0activities\u00a0could have helped people after they have completed their schooling experience is that it gave them important skills and character traits such as perseverance or good communication. All things considered, extracurricular activities give those who participate quality life skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason why after school activities should be required is that it gives the participants helpful experience.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Evidence for this is found by the University of Statistics who conducted a study that found that 76% of people who were a part of extracurricular\u00a0activities during their school experience thought that the experience from those clubs is helpful to them in their careers. Some ways that clubs can help in careers is it can give students experience in their chosen career path. Examples of clubs that are best at providing experience specific to future careers is the math club where students can participate in competitions or the newspaper club where students can practice for journalism. The experience students gain from joining extracurricular\u00a0activities\u00a0in school can also be helpful when applying to colleges, if students choose to go down that route. According to the board of applications for the prestigious College of Law, one of the top things they look for in an application is what extracurricular\u00a0activities\u00a0the applicant participated in while in school. One member even said, \"I value extracurriculars even more than the grade point average when I am decided who gets in.\"", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason why extracurricular\u00a0activities\u00a0can be beneficial to students is that it gives students an opportunity to make new friends with similar interests.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The Department of Youth Statistics stated that one of the best ways for students to make friends is by letting students choose what activities to do and pairing those with similar interests together. That is exactly what clubs do. Furthermore, it is proven by the University of Psychology that when students have a healthy amount of friends, they are less likely to fail their classes and more likely to succeed. Based on that, extracurricular activities can cause students to be more successful than their peers who do not partake in those activities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: However, some people argue that students should be able to choose whether or not they want to participate in extracurricular activities in school. They cite people such as Jessica Grant, a professor from the West Virginia University of Psychological Studies, who said, \"when people have a choice in what they do, they tend to feel the benefits much more than those who are forced to do something.\"", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: While that might be true, students who are required to participate in at least one extracurricular do have a choice in what club or clubs they join. That choice is explained well by Dr. Matthew Brown, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington State who said, \"even when students are required to participate in something -- either a class or an activity -- they still always have some sort of choice, whether that is what activity to do or what mindset to have.\" Using both sets of logic previously stated, when the students choose what club to participate in, they will experience the largest amount of positive results.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: a requirement in schools should be extracurricular activities. Clubs give students important life skills and experiences, as well as new friends. If clubs are required, then young adults would be much more prepared to transition out of school and in to the working world.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students will be way more benifited if summer school projects were to be student-designed instead of teacher designed", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Allowing for student to design their own project will allow them to explore and learn how to do projects on their own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This will allow them to be more independent and responsible on doing projects on their own and managing their time to do school work.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It also be way more fun then doing a teacher-designed project !", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: If students were to do teacher-designed projects then they will be guided to do a better project overall and will learn stuff that can actually benifit them in the coming year", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: It can also refresh their memory on material they already learned and keep them engaged on education and not on wasting time. Also if the the summer projects were teacher-designed then. If students were to a teacher-designed project than it will fit into a criteria where it is easier to grade. This will allow the teacher to grade them quickly and give feedback to improve the students knowledge and to help solve the mistakes. Also if students did a teacher-designed project than they can have better instructions making it easier and more quickly to get the project done faster allowing them to have a better summer. But it will also keep them engage with school work because it was a teacher-design and the material on it should be instructed and given from the teacher.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The students will be able to have more freedom when making a student-designed project.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: With more freedom students can explore subjects that they don't know about, or want to know more about. This can also make students get more creative with the project when it comes to design or topic that others may find interesting. If students had more freedom with their project allowing them to be creative and showing the teachers what they can do could benifit them because the teacher can give the student more opportunities when doing future projects. Also if the school some very creative project than the student can be recommended to events or major schools in the future. Also when giving students more freedom it can allow them to express themselves or maybe make a point when doing a project on their own. Also when doing a teacher-designed project then students will fell more restrained and more like they are forced to a project. If students had to do their own designed project than they would probably do it more willingly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when allowing the student to their own student-designed project it can make them more responsible and independent.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This will make the students more independent because they will have to the project on their own with no guide or instruciton on how to do it making them do it by themselves. And of course responsible because the student is responsible to get the project done and to turn it in with their own design. Letting a student their own project can help them because could get them to do their work and use their own knowledge.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If the students were to do their own student-design project than they will have fun.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If they are having fun than they will be more engaged on the project and interested allowing them to do better. When they have fun doing there project than it's a more enjoyable experience. It will also teach them how to manage time during the summer to get their project done. Also the student will have all the summer to design their own project allowing them to above and beyond and do something very creative that can influence others and impress the teacher.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Overall a student-design project would be better because it allows the student to explore and have freedom with their design and project allowing them to create cool and complex projects. This would also make student responsible and independent because they have to make their own design project. And overall it would be very fun allowig the student to be engaged with their project and really get into their project making it better.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students should participate in at least one extracurricular activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they could make life long friends that have the same interest.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For an example, if you join a club or sport and know nothing about it, you could ask someone in that club or sport to explain and help you understand more about it. After that, you just might have a new friend.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students could join a extracurricular activity because they need a hobby", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students who don't have any activities to do after-school should sign up for a sport or club because they could become really interested in it and keep doing that activity throughout the school year. Students should join extracurricular activities because they could be fun and it could be a new experience.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students could join a extracurricular activity to make new friends.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you have a small friend group and want to expand, joining a club and/or sport would be a good option because there's always teamwork involved. Students could make friends just by having the same interest in a activity, subject, hobby, etc.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In conclusion I think joining a extracurricular activity is a good idea for students because they could make new friends and find a new hobby they like.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Since the birth of the internet and social media, the world has shifted to greatly favor the innovators and the free-thinkers. Society no longer demands students to find one subject they are good at, go to college to study that subject, and then get a middle class job in that field. While performing one skill at a very high level still holds value, the most successful people are those who can think ahead of the curve, those who can think of the next Amazon, the next Netflix, the next Uber, the next big thing. So, how does that relate to whether we have student-designed or teacher-designed summer school projects?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: letting students design their own projects gives them more freedom, allowing them to think outside the box, which aids the development of valuable skills that are applicable in the real world. Instead of teaching students how to follow directions on a rubric, we should be teaching them to think creatively and how to collaborate with one another.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Allowing students to design their own projects gives them far more freedom than a teacher-designed project ever could", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Keeping students on a leash forces them to wear a one size fits all education. Each student is different; they all have different strengths, different weaknesses, different motivations, and different goals. That is why we need to give them tailored education. Giving students this freedom would allow them to create a project that works well for them, and more importantly on a topic they are actually interested in. If we let students do a topic they enjoy, the results will be far better compared to when they are forced to learn about something they have no long term\u00a0interest in. The freedom students gain from designing their own projects is far more valuable than just following the directions their teachers gave them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Making students design their own projects encourages them to learn how to think creatively", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Arguably, the most valuable skill in today's society is the ability to be able to bring a new unique perspective and thought process to any discussion. That is not a skill that can be obtained by constantly being told what to do and how to do it. Students need to learn for themselves how to go to the drawing board, find out which ideas are bad, which ones are good, and then create a plan to execute the good ones. That is not something that can be spoon fed in the classroom. That's why student designed summer projects are the perfect opportunity for schools to do their part in teaching students how to think creatively.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When forced to come up with their own ideas and think creatively students will develop and enhance skills they would have never had the teacher been the one designing the project.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, if it is a partner project these two students will have to learn how to collaborate together to design a project, designate jobs to each other, and hold each other accountable for their share of the work. That kind of collaboration never would have occurred had the teacher done all that for them. When students go on to college and into their professional career they will have to learn skills like collaboration, because they won't have someone doing it for them. That is why it is important we take the time to prepare them for than now.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: A wise man once said, \"don't follow where the path may lead, but go where there is no path and leave a trail.\" I believe that quote perfectly represents how we want our students to think. The skills developed through out of the box thinking which can be achieved by allowing students the freedom to design their own projects is far more valuable out in the real world then anything the teacher could prepare.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Did you know every summer students are assigned to summer reading? Students are required to read at least one book or more in order to stay engaged in learning.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Summer projets should be teacher-designed", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you get extra help,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you worry less,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you create a stronger bond with the teacher.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: By getting extra help, you able to work on your mistakes and fix them. In this case, you are free to get assistence from you teacher regarding any concept you do not understand and he or she will be more than welcome to help you. For example, incase you are working on an assignment that is math related and there happens to be a question you have worked on several times but still can not figure out, you will then find the need to explain your weaknesses to your teacher so that they work on a solution for your concerns and questions about that specific problem you are trying to solve. As a matter of fact, if you happen to be struggling with any particular subject having teacher-designed projects is more helpful and significant hence you are attaining help and directions from a professional person who understands what they are doinig as well as what you need help on a much higher level that outstand that of a student-designed one. That being said, a teacher-designed summer project is a perfect way to continue learning because you are not only being assisted by getting extra help on a specific assignment, but you are getting more knowledge and benefiting your education even when you are not in school. In other words, you are learning from your mistakes by fixing them with the right tools you need through your teacher and that results in you being more confident and comfortable on that very topic or project you had issues with in the first place. Indeed, getting extra help from you teacher will help you get better grades and following a well teacher-designed summer project will put you in good position for working hard and working on your communication skills as well as keeping your brain sharp and training it to endure any complex situations such as making sure you complete any due work and homework on time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Because students are on vocations, this is their time to get caught up on their favorite hobbies and fun activities with their friends and one last thing they would want to think about is doing some sort of homework during their free relaxing time with family and friends moreover on a summer morning. For instance, lets say a student wants to hang out with friends on a saturday evening, but they remember they have a whole packet of work that was assigned to them before summer vocation and that by the end of summer before school starts, they have to finish it. The student will most liekly be worried and concerned about getting it over with and that means they will either cancell hanging out with friends and stay home doing random summer assigned homework on a saturday, but this is not the case when you know you are working with you teacher and that they will be able to walk you through all the work. Students surely worry less when they are working with a teacher on summer projects hence them doing something fun and relaxing in their free time sinc their teacher is available at any given point. School related projects or assignments are more easier to handle when your teacher is always there to work with you on that specific assigned assignment. As a result, students are much likely to enjoy their time away from school without anything bothering them for whatsoever case. Since students have already endured and served their time on the previous school year, they do not need any kind of aspect worrying them to the point where they have to stay home rather than them having fun and enjoying themselves and having a good time on a summer beach day while having fresh air and cooling off. Therefore, summer projects should be teacher-designed since students are not getting overwhelmed with what they need complete, but rather having some fun time with their friends and telling jokes and laughing them off with their relatives and maybe their pets who knows.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: By doing so, teachers and students are most likely to get along with each other with no issues of any kind. Teachers are more than people who went to school and got their degree, but they are also regualr people just like everyone esle and at a certain point they become like family to us. So it is important for students to make sure they are in good terms with their teacher just in case they need help or guidance from the teachers, they will not get it if they behaved wrongly or cursed at their teachers which is something we often see in schools today. Well, if students and teacher manage to keep a steady and firm bond between one another, no obstacle or problem will come between their relationship, meaning they will be able to work with each other on a daily basis with no problematic concerns from either side.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: teacher-designed projects are best", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: What do you do after school hours? A lot of students spend their time playing sports, doing homework, studying, and also hanging out with friends. My principal has recently added a new rule saying that students must participate in at least one extracurricular activty such as school sports, working on the year book, or serving for student council", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I personally dont think this is a good rule for various reasons", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: school is enough for kids the way it is", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: students should be able to do what they want after school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: My main reason is that students already spend 7 hours every day at school and they shouldn't have to work more after school for things that might not even benefit them", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think studnets should be able to spend their time on whatever they like to do as long as they go to school alongside with it. Students should be able to decide what they want to do after school and can play sports and sign up for activitys if thats what they want to spend their time on but I dont think they should be forced.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason why i think students shouldn't be forced to do extracurricular activitys is that most students are already stressed out with homework and studying outside of school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If students are already stressed out with outside activitys then why should they be forced to do another things on top of what they already have? A lot of students get stressed out over school related things and if the school makes them do more things outside of school it'll just make them more stressed.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Lastly, a lot of students dont just spend their time doing nothing all night", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: most students play a sport or play instrument or find something to do after school hours. And if they don't they're probably busy studying or working on homework. Students dont just sit around and do nothing all night so i think this rule is pointless because a lot of students are already busy doing things. And if some students have to do more things on top of what they already do then that will only cause more stress and might make grades drop because they don't have as much time for school things.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: So what do you like to do after school? Does what you do take up most of your time or are you bored a lot? And most importantly do you think that students should be required to particicpate in extracurricular activitys? These are my reasons why i think we shouldn't.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: To assure students are continuing to learn over the summer, some schools assign summer projects.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: A school summer project should be teacher designed even though it puts more work onto a teachers part, but it is better than getting poor projects from confused students in the beginning of a school year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Projects already bring stress to students, especially since its summer and all students want to do is hangout with friends or do anything school related. Having a teacher design the project is both relieving and easier, because the student has a foundation of what to do", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they meet the requirements needed from the teacher,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: so that they do not waste time on a project that may not even be right.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If the student has a based foundation of what to do to begin with, the project already becomes easier to do.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: With guide lines already set up, the student can continue forth and begin the project successfully. Let us say it was a textbook reading and project based on the reading. Students, for the most part, do not generally enjoy reading pages on pages on pages; however, if a teacher gives a blank statement about what to do, the readings become difficult for the student to comprehend. In a students mind, it can go many different ways to think about a project. Having a teacher design a project base gives the student more to go off of instead of a teacher saying \"Read these pages and submit a project by the beginning of the school year\" is not helpful. By giving a foundation of the project, the student can succeed and be more efficient.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Meeting the requirements of any project whether it is during the school year or outside in daily life is so important, because the requirements is where a person is scored based on their work provided. For a student, requirements are on a rubric which helps guide the way of a assignment or project. For an example, writing essays are difficult in a way of being confident in their work. Usually reverting to guide lines given by the teacher help boost the confidence of work to submit. Receiving requirements by a teacher give assurance to the student by being able to look and see if they have missed anything or gotten all requirements checked off. For a student, being able to receive such assurance relieves us of stress. The stress will always be there, but some of it would have disappeared.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If a summer project was student based, a lot of students would be unsure and confused on what to do. Students do not want to waste time on a project they have no idea what to do. It is both a waste of the students time, but also a waste of the teachers time by grading projects that are not correct.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Also, student based projects have a variety of choices and decisions on whether or not a project is good or bad. Like if a reading was about a mall and how it effects the choice a student has on how to spend time, there are many directions a project could go from there. Students as a whole could easily waste time on a project by procrastinating, but usually it is because they are not sure on what to do. There will always be a student who does not finish in time or even starts it, but those who try and do work efficiently tend to do better time wise. Instead of wasting a student and a teachers time, it is better to have a foundation of a project given by a teacher than having everything be up to and decided by the student.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Having a teacher designed project is beneficial to both a student and a teacher. Work gets put into from both sides, the teacher and the student, to produce an amazing outcome of a project that meets requirements, was time efficient, and also gets the idea of the project. If it were to be the opposite and were to be student based, it would have had a fifty to fifty chance of it having a good or bad project that could not meet requirements, wasted time, and did not get the point of the project. The sole reason of a summer project is to show a student learning, if the project was not good, the project had no affect on the students learning.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: By being allowed to design their own summer projects, students are afforded significantly many more opportunities to learn outside of the classroom and are also able to accomplish their project with a degree of flexibility, letting them both enjoy their time off but also retain information that they learned the previous year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many students have quite the chaotic schedule during the summer months.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Between jobs, internships, and trying to enjoy their time away from school, it's easy for teacher-assigned work to get tossed by the wayside during this time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: By letting their summer work be student-driven, kids will be able to adapt their commitments to their teacher's desire to have them continue their learning over the break and not have to worry about finishing assignments by deadlines that they already know aren't possible for them to meet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, if a student is going to Latin America over the summer, instead of having them mindlessly conjugate verbs on worksheets to submit for their Spanish class, they can actually put what they learned to use out in the world by talking with locals or taking in the culture through music and food. If another student doesn't happen to have a passport and a couple thousand dollars lying around, they can adjust it to their situation, for example going to a local Latin grocery store and buying ingreedients in Spanish in order to make a native dish.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: However, the opportunities extend beyond just languages and cultures. If a student is interning at a company in a different city, they have to learn a variety of skills, one of which being how to budget correctly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Here, they can employ what they learned in their math class in order to help them out with their finances by figuring out how much things will cost and what percentages of their money will have to go to which necessity. Again, this applies to everyone, as students who don't have that opportunity still get the chance to apply their math abilities to their own lives, as they might want to figure out how to divide up their paychecks from their summer job between spending and saving money.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: These examples highlight another main benefit of letting students design their own summer projects, that being the increased opportunities that are availible outside of the classroom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Instead of having one general project assigned by the teacher that is monotonus and isn't any different than regular school, students can customize their learning to their specific situation and access things that aren't availible inside the classroom. Students that are interested in making music can apply for internships at music studios that have nicer equipment than their school. Students that enjoy writing can work with local journalists and get a feel for what writing is like for a bigger publication than just their school paper.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: One might be thinking at this point, \"Come on now. This is great for all the kids who are motivated to learn and are enough of a go-getter to go out and do this stuff, but what about the ones who just want to sit inside and play video games or hang out with their friends?\"", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: This is where the real beauty of student-designed work comes in. Even those who don't want to have to sacrifice their precious three months of freedom can still get in valuable time applying what they learned the previous school year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Spend your summer days inside playing video games? Calculate your win rate or determine your average time taken to complete certain levels. Prefer to hang out with your buddies at the pool all day? Determie your arc in the air doing different tricks off the diving board. The ability to adapt one's schedule to their situation is infinitely better than doing some general assignment handed out by a teacher, for all types of people.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: If students can create their own project that is specific to their life over the summer, then they are accomplishing several goals. It allows them to actually get the work done, instead of being unable to do so based off of their schedule. It lets them be interested in their learning instead of complaining about a boring stack of worksheets that that have to robotically complete. Most importantly, however, it gives them the chance to experience things outside of the classroom that are both personalized to their lives and also accomplishing their teacher's goal of getting them to continue to learn information, ensuring that student-designed projects present the best of both worlds.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: People shouldn't be able to use phone while they're driving, but at the same time people need their phone in case of an emergency. Or if their job requires using their phone and driving at the same time they'll have to use their phone", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Everyone knows the law that says that you can't use your phone while driving.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some of the reasons law enforcement say that is because they're plenty of incidents like car accidents or someone getting hit or running a red life. Those reasons could put your life or someone else's life at risk. If you need to use your phone, mostly for emergency purposes, you should pull over on the side of the road and their will me no lives at risk. Many people in the world, including teens, have been badly injured or killed from accidents because either them or the other driver were using their phone.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: On the other hand some people in the world are going to have to use their phones as a job.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, ubers and lyfts. People that do that as a job are going to have to use their phones to use their GPS to find the person that they are picking up from there location. But that goes for anybody that is traveling to places that they haven't heard of before or haven't been there in a while and forgot their ways on how to get there.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: People should be able to use their phones while their driving, but at the same time they should not be able to use their phone at all.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: So what the law enforcements should do is that they should event some type of bumper sticker that people could put on their cars so that they should use their phone for certain purposes only. That should help the driving more safe at least. That should cause less accidents in the world. The only way to get those bumper stickers is that you have to have a job that requires you to use your phone. You're going to have to show proof that you are doing that job. Hopefully they will make this a law and the world will be a better place.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Summers can be the best times of a students life. They get a break from the stress and anxiety of school and they are allowed to do any and all things they wish to do within the legal limits. Summer projects are designed to keep students engaged and learning. This can be a very good thing as long as the project is based on a topic that the student actually enjoys and will be motivated to complete. Students struggle staying engaged enough during the school year, adding a project during the time they are meant to go be kids should be handled very carefully.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: If they want the projects to be successful they must set a broad topic and allow the students to chose anything they want under that umbrella topic.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students will enjoy doing a project about a certain YouTube creator they have fun watching, a sports team they love, or even their favorite book they read during school or over summer break. These projects should not be based around a Shakespeare play that they struggle to even read let alone comprehend. Summer projects are a good idea as long as they are handled well.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Learning is very important and having the project is a good idea. The students must be able to choose exactly what they want to do.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This will keep them interested in the project which will make all the grades of the projects go up compared to if it was a topic they have no interest in.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The students will use more of their time to perfect the project instead of waiting until the last weekend and just turning it in because they do not care about the topic and do not want to waste their time on something that has no impact on their future as soon as they finish the next test they have on the topic. Allowing the students to pick and choose their topic will help them learn about their team, person, idea, etc. without making them feel the stress and anxiety of a teacher assigned school project.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Projects picked by a student may even result in more knowledge being gained than a teacher assigned project.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students could focus on a sports team and how they network their team to different audiences in different ways. For example, mascots are normally focused on the younger audience. Teams almost always have a promotion for the first certain number of people that arrive. The first one thousand people to go through the security gates get a free t-shirt or the first fifty fans to arrive get a jersey. Marketing and understanding how to focus products to a certain group of people is so important. My dream school, Virginia Tech, has promotions every basketball game that if the opposing team misses two free throws in a row the entire crowd gets a voucher for free bacon. This encourages all Hokie fans to be as loud as possible to mess with the mental mindset of the opposing teams shooter. A majority of jobs and careers that are pursued must have a way of marketing or selling their product so this is a very important skill for kids to have that they would not other wise be able to understand if they had to read a Shakespeare book followed by a five pager paper.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Having a teacher assigned project does have an upside", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This will give the students structure and something to base their project on instead of having all the options in the world and not being able to choose one. In school, students are normally more prepared if it is a topic they have been learning about and have background knowledge on compared to a project half way through a topic, or even towards the beginning. If students are given a short book or even a PowerPoint on the topic at hand they will be more successful in completing their project.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: A student lead project during the summer is a great thing it keeps the mind or a student engaged with out boring them. Students can research any and all topics they would like so that they enjoy keeping their brain working and focused on bettering themselves. Teacher based projects will give the students structure but will leave them feeling not engaged\u00a0because the topic is not something they will necessarily enjoy. The idea of a student based project is a good idea and should be created to help the minds and bodies of the students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Are principle has decided to make all students participate in at least one extracurricular activity", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think students should not have to do a extra activity", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: some kids have other things to do", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it should be a praivlage to do a extra class because some kids dont get good grades, or they just dont want to", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think if you are failing a class you should focus on that grade and bringing it up and getting it to at least a C or B . I also think that kids that get in trouble shouldnt be allowed to because they didnt listen or did something they wasnt suppose to . Why give a kid this if they dont listen, they dont deserve to do something like this is they are being disrespectful or not listening. Students that do get good grades above a\n\nD ad F and arent disrespectful should be able to do this if they wanted to.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If students some students did this and some students didnt do this it would be easier on the teacher in that class because schools have a lot\u00a0of kids, and if you was to split the whole school up into activities there is going to be 1 teacher and a lot\u00a0of kids.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Now yes you can put more than 1 teacher in the rooms but if you think about it teachers have to plan there classes and what they are going to do for the rest of the week , and some teachers dont have time because they have other things they need to do after school and in school. Like what if a teacher got sick the other teacher would be by its self with all those kids . Some kids should do this because they never have or never had experience with this type of stuff and some kids will try and take advantage to this and only do it to get out of doing other stuff, thats why i think this is not a good idea ,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I agree that students should have an extracurricular activity.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It can help them stay active,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: also help the school out a lot.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Having an extracurricular activity means having a extra thing to do in school that you like that will provide for the school; like for an example: being the school announcer in the morning it's something that you like that will provide for the school and it is why students should have an extracurricular activity.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The extracurricular activity is effective to students and it will help them pursue in the future.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Example: say if Generic_Name was very shy to talk in front of a class, but he really want to become a business\u00a0man and it requires\u00a0talking in front of is business partners about business, but he still to shy to talk; so he does a extracurricular activity about debating and he found confidence in his self, and now he can talk in front of class presentations\u00a0and it will help him to become a better business man. that's an example of the effects that it do to a student's character.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Extracurricular activity's can also give some relive to the principal's,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: if the students help out the principal than the the principal won't have too much too do on that day like for dances, pep rallies, and meetings and", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: thats why students should have an extracurricular activies.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe you should use policy 1 allow students to bring there cell phones to school.\n\nAs long as they use them at lunch or break or any free time during the school day and have them turned off before they come to class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the reason i chose this policy is because what if a student has an emergency during school like they get sick or get hurt something like that.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you had policy 1 then they could call their parents and get taken home to be cared for i know there are plenty of times when i didn't feel well and i wanted to go home. I could have used my phone but i couldn't because we are not allowed to use our phones at school only after school.\n\nThere is a possibility that some students wouldn't follow the rules about putting there phones away in class and teachers can take them away and they can get them at the end of class or the end of the day if this becomes a problem you can always consider changing the rules to policy 2 don't allow students to have there cell phones at all at school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: people at school also need to use there phones after school to have their parents pick them up or if there parents cant they wouldn't have any way of reaching them", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: that's after school but sometimes they need to tell them during school so if they send a text during class they could cheek it at lunch or after class. that's why i would prefer to use policy 1", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: but you can always change it if it gets out of hand.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Online education has always been a controversial subject with the risk of not understanding the material, and students getting answers from their peers most of the popluation seem to be against the possibility. However, I believe there are new ways to look at the subject.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: The pros for online education are very proactive to the needed change in the school system", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: flexibility,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: time management", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: mental health.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: As a current student at a in person educational school, I have first-hand experience on how time consuming school may 6 be. An online education means that you are being told what you need to have done here before a certain time and, how you are expected to do so. It throws away the possibility of time consuming dialogue that students may have with other students or the teachers getting off topic with a personal story. Doing these little things that happen frequently can turn an 8 hour system into 3 hours. In the mist of giving these students 5 more hours in the day that is 5 more hours for students to work, hang out with friends, do chores and etc. These little things let us teenagers be teenagers just a little while longer. Adding to things such as, the employment rate, students taking college classes during high school, and the amount of teens volunteering.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It gives teen the ability to be more flexible with their lives which is what we should strive for.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Secondly, When giving a student their own time to finish their work and nothing but the guilt\u00a0of not getting a good grade being their motivation, there will always linger the question of \"Will they get it done?\". To that I asked, is school not meant to teach us the tools we need to survive the \"adult world\"? As teenagers we are always told to learn the importance of time management before we get into our careers and even college. However, there are no courses for these types of things but, instead we are expected to learn them through first-hand experience and natural growth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This online school will teach students their obvious subjects such as Math, English and etc but they will subconsciously teach the importance of time management.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students will be expected to finish these lessons on their own because, if a teens prefers to do their work early in the morning in about 2-3 hours does it matter that they're possible hanging with their friends all night. These helps us teens understand the importance of time management without throwing it in their face they subconsciously come to that conclusion on their own.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Lastly, the importance of mental health in the education system is lacking and to be quite blunt is part of the problem.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Most, adults may argue that this is a false narrative because of the of outlets that the education system may offer to students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: However, my question is \"Do these outlets reach out and succeeded to out way the bullying and stress of a normal public school?\"\n\nbecause the answer is \"No.\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: As student at a public school the amount of work that is pilled on and the emotional stress of bullying enough to fall into depression. However, these problem turn into other problems for example, as a teenager your friends become and big part of your life in terms of what makes you happiest. What the current education system fails to realize\u00a0is that two days of seven are not enough to truly cherish your time. Online school eliminates the possibility of those students who are to busy because of school work and because of it have no social life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: To concluded, Online school is and will most likely always be a controversial topic for as long as those who have been to in person school are around. However, I believe it's a matter of noticing that the pros of this new way of thinking out way the cons. These truly serious issues are being over looked because our older generation are extremely set on the mind-set that all generations need to grown up as they did. Let's look to innvoatote new ways.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: If the principal is considering a new cell phone policy there are a lot of things she should know.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: If she has a policy where students can use their phones during lunch and nution' but during class would be great.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many kids would enjoy coming to school because they can talk with their friends but when class time came they would have to turn off their phones. If the other police that phones ant be used at all wouldn't be good.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: With no phones kids would text during class when the teacher isn't looking.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: They would be loosing there education and the teacher would be planning a great assignment and no one would be listen. They would be unaware of what was going on in class. If the teacher tells them you have a test this day they wouldn't know when to study because they were so interested in their phones.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If they had the police that phones could be used during nutrition and lunch a lot more kids would like that.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: They'd like it because they can socialize with friends while they get an education. That way they can just reply to their friends when class is over or if the class is having free time they can talk to their friends. Many students say they are going to the library to get a book when they get any book they put the phone in the book and do whatever. That is wasting their time and someone who actually wants to read the book. They think the book is being used for good things when its not.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: If the school is trying to change the police they should think of the good things and bad things that would happen.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Community service: an assignment that many students detest. Many say that it's too time consuming, that they have better things to do. Others just don't see the point of providing a service to their community. Whichever side you're on, it all comes down to one question: Should students be required to perform community service?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: In my opinion, yes.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: As a young mind in a world diverse opinions and perspectives, I have seen that the generation I live in has become a \"me\" generation. In other words, this generation of students has become so selfish and absorbed in their own personal needs, they've forgotten that there are other people in this world who have greater issues that they must face. For example, when students are requested to give money for a charitable cause, such as helping the less fortunate in third world countries, they choose not to. The sad part is that this refusal to help others in need is not because they are uninformed, but because they are so caught in themselves that they are too selfish to even provide for someone other than themselves. As a matter of fact, 87% of students in middle school stated that if they ever had the chance to give back to their community in a simple way, they would not.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The point I'm trying to make is that requiring community service of students will push them to lay down their pride and conceit to assist someone else.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: To reiterate, students should be required to perform a community service because it will give them a chance to put their \"self love\" on low by helping others. The way I see it, students are on one side of the fence, and because they've never left that one side, they have been led to believe that it is all sunshine and rainbows. However, by requiring of them to take the fence down, they will realize that the grass is much greener in the other side. Don't you want to lead your students to greener grasses?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: will kids should actually bring cell phones to school the reason", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it takes kids education away and kids don't listen to what the teacher is saying", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: even though some kids still bring their cell phones and end up getting taking away", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the principal from others school don't let the kids bring cell phones but the kids still do they really don't listen. and they end up in trouble and cell phone taking away.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the kids that bring there cell phone to they can be in danger too like they can be talking with a stranger tell them to meet them after school or in some place.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: kids could bring their cell phones too school but to have them off before entering there classes", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: so they wont get there cell phone taking away or get in trouble or in danger kids need to stop bringing there cell phones to school and listen to what the teachers in school have to say.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: like if there is a test and the kids are texting how are they going to know about it when their not really listening to what she is saying. kids are not even suppose to have a cell phone its a policy if you have it or not its up too the parents.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: and plus kids bring their cell phones to school and they end up get stole or broke and the parents end up getting really mad at them", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: kids could text talk on the phone mostly after school not in school because we all come to learn not to really fool around. if kids keep on fooling around their is no education for them. in free times kids could use their phone it depends if the teachers let them. its not policy that you really have too use your phone like who are you going to chat with when your friends are right next too you. other times in school kids still use their phones and no one actually tells them anything .", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: And why would principals even let kids bring their cell phones to school just putting their life in danger. And the kids are not getting full education", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: the one that they are going to need in life a cell phone can take off your mind off of the education just by a little text the at the kids can see after school nothing is going to happen too you if you don't see the text like right at that time. you have class at that time no free time or anything. you go to because your learning something that your going to need when you get older. with out you learning this skills what are you going to do in life nothing right.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Our school principal doesn't let us bring our cell phones to school and some kids do understand and other act like if they misunderstood", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: but once they get in trouble there would understand. some kids just need too stop texting during class get there work that their goanna need. and plus of course study for some big tests that may come out. and if kids are missing work why don't just do it? instead of texting or just fooling around school not doing anything. your life something that you need. skill what your going to use during your lifetime and college", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: W.E.B DuBois, the influential civil rights activist and co founder\u00a0of the NAACP, valued education and believed that it was the most important thing in life. However, most students do not share the same beliefs nowadays. They dread going to school because they have to wake up early and rush to get to school on time. They wish to wake up on their own and get the day going at their own pace. When a student has to rush to shcool against theirt will, it can increase stress and reduce productivity. This can be a huge obstacle in the path of their education. Some schools offer distance learning, which allows students to take classes at home through online or video conferencing", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Taking classes online and at home is extremely beneficial for a student's learning", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because it can help avoid illness", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: and it is a more comfortable environment, thus increasing productivity.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: However, it is likely that students will take advantage of this feature in a negative way. The lack of commitment to the online learning can decrease their will to learn. They can skip class and not get anything done at home. In addition, there is a lot of room for malfunctions in the technology.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: If there is no one available in person to help with these issues, online classes become useless. Yet, these factors play a crucial role in the student's development as a person. They teach the student discipline and time management. When a student skips an online class, the teacher will be able to know and punish them accordingly, whether it is lowering their grade or contacting their parents. This teaches the student not to skip classes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Technology issues are unpredictable but are not a complete obstruction to the student's learning. Due to the introduction of the cloud, all their work and progress can be saved online and transferred to another device. The student can contact their teacher and let them know about the issues. This saves a lot of time in the long run.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Everyone, including me, has experienced a sickness, and chances are, they probably got it from someone at school. It is extremely easy for sicknesses and diseases to be transferred around in school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This causes the student to stay home sick and not get any work done. This can be avoided by introducing distance learning. A huge and current example of this is COVAD-19, the coronavirus. It is massive pandemic that is shocking everyone around the world. There are thousands of deaths and cases worldwide. School systems, such as Generic_School Counties, are discussing the possibility of closing school and shifting classes to online to prevent the transfer of this deadly disease. This is a very smart decision because it slows down the spreading of the coronavirus\u00a0in our area and it keeps the students and their families safe.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: A more comfortable environment allows students to feel safe and makes work a little more relaxed and stress free.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When students are more relaxed and comfortable, they are more efficient and productive with their work. They face less pressure from other students and teachers. It makes their work more accurate. In addition, by finishing their work and online classes, they have more time to do what they want and relax. This serves as a motivation for the students to be as productive as possible. Online classes are far less time consuming because you don't have to go anywhere. You can simply wake up, open your device, and start learning; whereas if you're going to school, you have to get ready, travel to school, and sit bored in class wishing to go home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Offering distance learning through online classes and video conferencing can help a lot in a student's path of education because it keeps them safe from breakout diseases and increases their productivity by making them more comfortable. The students face far less stress at home than they do at home. This results in a spike of productivity and even makes their grades better. Online classes should definitely be introduced to more schools because it is a really useful tool in helping the student become a better learner and person by teaching discipline and time management skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: i think we can help this community by helping,clean,stop littering and start helping everyone so that this world can live longer then the outher worlds did", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: and communty service is if people that not doing what there not post to do and outhers can do it to help this community and this world will be ok we wont have to find an new home we will just be fine we need to stop all the killing and more help people get back on there feet we need to find pets homes keep people of the streets the crime that's happing we need to try to stop it help people that in need help them like feed them and outhere stuff to make this place an better place we need to help each outher we just need to get to geathere and get alone with one and anthere and bring this world togeathere when we do that then we can stand up for our self and help outhere that need help and save the needes we can do this we cant be scard to do it ya we need some of it but we can help when we get it then when we have the stuff we need we can give the rest to needes that would give them a lot to live for and us to so that what we need to do to this community but we cant do this becouse some people is greaty over money thay will try to teas us with it so we can be just like them but i don't care i share my stuff be when im out i go work for my money then when i get what i need ill give the rest away to the needes i donat food to needes every day to help so those that is in need of help i pray for them and i help an lil girl find her famely she was lost for 20 days i let her stay at my house till we found her famely then i found 200 on the ground i was think for an min what im going to do so i save it and i still got it till this day till i need it", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: I have been told that you are deciding whether you should give your students community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: well i think you should only give your students community service is if they did something bad.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Community service is really for people who have did something bad, but also you can volunteer to do it for your community, just to help your community stay clean and nice.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: People shouldn't think that doing community service wastes your time", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: it doesn't, you need to do something positive in life, you should be glad to do something positive.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you're an adult, and you did something bad and you had to go talk to an elementary school, I would tell them not to do what I did because they wouldn't wont to be in situation I'm in, so then they would no not to do bad stuff when they grow to be an adult.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I believe that some people don't want to do community service because they think somebody would see them out there, and they would start laughing at them and they'll get mad.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It would be good to start community service at a young age, so you will have that care in you throughout your life.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: TEACHER_NAME, if your students thinks it takes to much time of there day, so be it, I'll let the students that really want to and care about there community.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think helping out in the community would be fun.\n\nTo me helping people out is a good way for people to get to know you.\n\nIt also helps make out world look better!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think you should have the school adopt a road and help pick up trash that people have left behind.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: It would be great for people to understand that just because people in jail are doing Community Service doesn't mean that its a bad thing to do.\n\nI think if you required us to do Community Service that maybe at first not very many people do it, but i think in the long run a lot of people would join.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Second, i think Community Service would be great because most people in our community that are doing Community Service are the people in jail.\n\nTo me when i see people doing Community Service i think of that too.\n\nBut if you get more kids to do it, people will realize that, Hey maybe this would be good if all people did this.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Also the air we breathe in wouldn't be as polluted, and if we got together people not in the school district ,but out of our town it would be a lot cleaner.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I understand that maybe it might be a bad idea because a lot of kids my age have a lot going on like basketball, baseball, football, school work, and much more.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But i promise if you just did this like once a month when there is nothing going on I'm sure there would be no problem.\n\nAlso even if there was a practice on the schedule, the coach for the team or whatever there is a practice for the he/she wouldn't mind them doing some community work.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: All i have to say, I think this would be good for our community, and you have my vote!", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think students should be tasked for community service rather at a high school than rather a middle school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: One of my reasons is that students would get better advantages of getting community service at a high school rather than getting more disadvantages at a middle school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: reason is that students that are going to volunteer for community service is that they get more opportunities at doing community service at lets say for example a swimming pool and you could volunteer as a life guard and you can help clean the high ways for litter than just doing community service at your own school rather like middle school you can only do community service only on the school campus rather than doing it someplace else.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Another reason is that lets say for example you have to earn 20 hours of community service to pass a high school class and you can do those hours on the school days or the weekend unlike middle school you receive 15 hours of community service and you do it possibly every day but", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it can mess up study time.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: the reason that you should have students do community service at a high school is because you can socialize, work, and you can meet different people in the process and make them as friends rather than helping the same person that you already know.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Community Service is a very important aspect of life.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: As a firm believer in this, I would ask you to consider that all students of SCHOOL_NAME take part in community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: As Christians, we are called to administer to the needs of the poor, but if this school is not pushing for it than how are we fulfilling our duties as Christians?\n\nWhether it's working in soup kitchens downtown or helping babysit a neighbor, we should be striving to answer our call from God.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I have done community service with my peers and during my experiences, I have encountered many people from various ages, genders, races, and social classes.\n\nFrom every trip I have gained a valuable experience.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: During one of my experiences, I was working in a soup kitchen in downtown Cleveland.\n\nAlthough intimidating at first, I helped by serving those who didn't have the same gifts I am blessed with.\n\nIsn't that what we are called to do?", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I learned from this that every human person is valuable and should be treated with dignity and respect.\n\nWouldn't you like all of the students at SCHOOL_NAME to participate in such a great journey of faith and attempt to carry out what we are taught by Jesus Christ?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I believe by helping our society to become a better place is why we are put here on this earth", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: we shouldn't be wasting our time and talents by selfishly keeping our gifts to ourself.\n\nWe are called to share those gifts with others.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Simply, I am asking that you implement at least ten hours of community service for the entire school year.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: That is only a little over an hour of community service per month.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: o my god. what is wrong with you? didn't you hear about the football team? no what? you have to have a grade b average to play. are you serious? i wouldn't joke about that. but don't you have a grade a average? yeah but the guys are really upset. there saying i worked hard to keep a grade c average. maby we should write a letter to the principal. yeah i already no what we an say. ok good i need some ideas.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: ok we could explain to him that a lot of us are have real trouble.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: like we don't understand.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: half of the team only is doing so good because of us needing a c average and i don't no if they can get the b average.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: so they would have to leave the team and go write back to getting worse grades agene. there parents were so proud of them and they were really starting to get there live back on track. now its all messed up.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: maby when i right this all down he will change his mind. i hope so.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: In the United States, every student is required to receive a K-12 education. Since technology has become such a big aspect of people's lives, many schools have started to offer online classes. This means that students have the ability to attend their classes from home. With the ability to learn from home, people have started to discuss whether or not this opportunity is beneficial for students", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: schools create a good environment for face-to-face help", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: there are less distractions in schools,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: schools promote projects to improve life skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: First, students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home because schools create a good environment for face-to-face help", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Although technology has made many daily tasks easier, school is a place that shouldn't be taken lightly, and has endless advantages. One of the biggest advantages of taking classes at school is being able to receive help from peers and teachers whenever a student needs it. This may not seem like much, but having the opportunity to get face-to-face help whenever it's necessary can make a big difference on a student's academic success. Not to mention, there are minimal distractions in school that make learning easier than at home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Next, students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home because there are less distractions in schools.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A student's home is a place for relaxation and minimal work. When a person thinks about relieving stress at the end of the day, they think about going home. At home, it's easy to get distracted by the little things. It may just be a pet or the TV, but all of these things result in taking important learning time away from a student's day. At school, a student doesn't have time to get distracted. Lessons are taught and good amounts of work are assigned so a student stays busy. For example, if a student that learns from home has to write an essay, they are more likely to get distracted by the things in their home then get it done. However, a student that learns at school would get their essay done, knowing that it's easier to stay on task then get behind because of distractions. Having less distractions isn't the only positive of learning at school though. A student also gets to work on projects that will help them in their future lives.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Lastly, students would not benefit from learning from home because learning at school pushes students to do projects, which improve life skills", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Projects have always been a way for students to collaborate with their peers. It may not seem like much, but projects teach teamwork, leadership, and knowledge skills. Projects also emphasize the importance of making friends and compromising with others to achieve success. Learning from home deprives students from working with their peers. The only way a student gets to be in contact with another person is if a student is video conferencing a teacher or staff member.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some people may say that students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Attending classes from home makes it easier for students to get an education without having to commute to schools. Not to mention, if a student didn't have to commute to school, they would have more free time\u00a0to do extracurricular activities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: However, students would not benefit from learning from home because schools offer face-to-face help, minimal distractions, and project-based learning that helps students learn essential life skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I don't think it is right for you to change our school policy", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Because students you are really good at playing sports should be allowed to play no matter what.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Because they really work hard at doing their best to impress the coach and work hard at the sports they love.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think you should consider the student that have at least one A, B, or C in class to play in school activities and to play school sports.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Half the school students get at least a grade average of a \"C\" so why change if half the school is doing better. the other half is trying to their grades up gut some things get hard for some people. You should let the students play the sports because not all students are going to get a \"B\" average in school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: To see what they can do and if there are behaving badly just pull them out of the sport they are playing. and tell them they cant play until next try-outs. And hopefully they will make the team those try-outs.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: To be honest I don't like playing sports because I am really bad at sports well some of them i am good but most bad. so you wont be seeing me playing any sports, only the sports i like to play . but you really should let the students who have at least a \"c\" average to in the sports you say that's aloud to play at the right tome of the year.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: But i think you should like get the kids who are foot-ball players and form a foot-ball team at our school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For at least two months or one month that would like be so much fun and get cheerleaders to represent our team and school. iam just putting ideas out there for you", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Some people might think that doing community service is mindless and stupid, but i think it's a great way to help people who don't have a well planned out education or who don't have a house or just cleaning up the environment.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I help the community out by cleaning up litter, donating my old clothes to the poor, also by donating canned food to the soup kitchen and by recycling. The people who don't want to do community service don't have to, they can just help out by donating canned foods or just recycling cans.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think you don't have to make the students do community service if they don't want to. Just put up sign up sheets in the hallways and have people sign up on their own time or just create a group that cleans up the school grounds before or after school hours.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some of my friends disagree with me about community service,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but they can think what they want to think and so can I.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I for one think that doing community service is a good thing.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: personally, i don't think community service should be required", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: if its not your thing your not going to want to do it and your not going to have fun doing it", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I don't think it is much fun to do but i do it with my church anyways. This year a am going to go down to LOCATION_NAME and i am going to help with community service things we well be doing is helping hand out food and helping plant and things people cant do by themselves. I have a lot of friends that do cool stuff like that too. But if you require it makes it sound more like homework, and then kids wont be so excited about it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think community service is about volunteering, if you want to volunteer and help out the community you should.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Another trip i' m doing this year or next is going to my sister church in Mexico and helping them out with a group from my church.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some kids don't have enough time there either to busy with sports or x box or something", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but they should still make some time to volunteer, even if its not huge, they could collect food for a food bank or something small", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: that's what i think about requiring community service.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think that we shouldn't have to do community service if we don't have to time to do it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Say if we play sports we wouldn't have the time of day to it and if you make us do it on weekends kids might not show up or some might become upset with you.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you should let the kids pick or if they do it give the some extra credit", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I play sports and I only have time to help on the weekends and sometimes i will be tried and many other kids who play sports might feel the same way as I do.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: But if you do pick to make kids do community service I will understand", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: it helps kids learn to help out other people besides your self and some kids can really learn from just helping a couple of people out. But its up to you there are some positives and negatives with this choice.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think we should take a vote to see how many kids would like to do community service and who wouldn't. If a lot of kids don't then let the kids who want to go out and help do it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For the kids who don't maybe they will change their minds if their friends tell them how fun it is because they still are hanging out even if they are helping people out while they are doing it. I wouldn't know which to pick for a while i would ask my friends if they do it to give me some positives and negatives on it. Then i would try it and see if i like it and if i do i will keep going along with this act.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: So this is a hard choice for you to pick but i would just go by the vote of your students. Plus maybe a lot of kids will choose to do community service and you wouldn't have to make everyone do it", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think i would vote to do community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Would students benefit from being able to attend classes from home?\n\nyes and no", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: yes, because students who are taking online classes or taking classes at home would be more focused, since there's no distraction like other students or teachers.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: No, because it is not very active socially and physically, unlike going to school, interacting with people, and playing sports.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Also, if the internet's not working then the student would have to skip the class because internet is what loads the videos and is used for face timing with the students", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some students can't learn just by watching a video or taking an online class, they have to actually experience the situation to understand.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But the majority of the students can learn from videos and online classes.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Since technology is growing, I think in the upcoming future there will be just online classes that you can take and schools will be there but the students will go there only if the internet\u00a0is down or any other internet problems, that way the students won't miss a single day of class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: To become a lawyer you have to take the LSAT test, at Towson\u00a0University 35% of the people who took online classes failed the LSAT. To learn about the obstacles and struggle of the real world, you have to go to school. Going to school will be a very hard time but it will prepare you for your life after school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Going to school gives you a lot of benefits", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: communication skills", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: will give you relationships with friends and teachers.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Going to school gives you communication skills and relationships that you will need in the future.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Giannis Antetekumpu, a NBA player from Greece dropped out of high school\u00a0in Greece and wanted to work. Giannis had a great relationship with one of the teachers, that teacher made Giannis go to school again and play basketball, than he became a MVP in the NBA because of that teacher. At Towson University people 30% of the people who took the LSAT\n\nfrom studying online failed because there was no communication, and first hand learning. 70% of the people who took the test while attending school passed. This shows that going to school gives you those relationships and communication skills that is needed to be well off in the future.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Going to school will get you a far in life, and will get you through a lot of the obstacles that you go through. I go through anxiety, because I go to school though being around all these people taught me how to fight the anxiety. Whenever I would feel nervous or intense I know that I can get through it. If I did school at home, I would have never taught my self how to go through that because I would not have that communication and in school life to help me adapt to it. In the show the Fosters,\n\nAiden homosexual in the show did not go to school for three weeks because he was scared, but when he went to school everyone clapped for him and showed him that he was loved", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It is amazing because some people do not feel as loved at home, but in school they feel loved.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: When you are in school you feel loved, you gain social skills, and grow relationships.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Although people say that online school is better so you don't get bullied", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but there should not be bullies in your school in the first place", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: When you are at school you feel loved and meet new people that will help you out through your whole life. Communication skills and relationships is important with whatever you want to do in your life, and will help you through obstacles you will go through. Being in school is very impactful, and has a lot of benefits.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: It would be best to require students to perform community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: They shouldn't think community service is just a waste of time", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: because its not", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: There is litter everywhere in this town and we need people to pick the litter up.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, litter can become a health problem or can affect the environment. if there is too much litter it could be disaster. the environment can be affected the most from litter it can kill plants which mean no oxygen and can kill animals which means no food. people health can also be in jeopardy. if there is too much litter the air can become polluted and people would become ill.\n\nAnother example is, nobody would want to live in a polluted place with litter everywhere.\n\nits disgusting and dirty. people can die from litter and there health can be destroyed. Community service is not a waste of time because your helping the environment and hundreds of people life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: My conclusion is, community service is not a waste of time. Your helping the environment and people's health. Help pick up litter and stop littering before it to late", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Take learning distance on home is not good ideas", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: first reason is\u00a0not the same to take on school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: when we going schools we have more option to learning. sometime when we don't undertant something we can ask the teacher for\u00a0helping or they can explain many times.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: But sometimes we have to take the\u00a0classes on home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: for example if you are sick or have a spcific reason that you can going schools is necesary take online because if we whant to learn is the matter we we have to take the classes. the important thing is that we have the energy to continues with your goals.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: The Learnig distance on home some time be helping to be more possitive and focud because we can take the clases\u00a0any hours we can.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Also when we cut the clases on home we have more chance to listining. The other option to take the clases on home is that we can do other things that we whant.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some schools give the chance to often the clasas on home that is great ideas.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but sometimes is really important to going schools beacuse when we going schools we have more chance to take more clases and graduated with the other student.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Also take clases for video conferencing or going school is little similar becuaser we can see the teacher that is explain the clases. That uniquet things is we can not ask the teacher for helping.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In conclusion. To be attend on schools is more important and helping more tham the distance learning or video conferencing. On my posisition attend on schools is more necesary because\u00a0we have more opportunity to learm and continues to do the things that we whant.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: There are schools that offer distance learning for students so that they can work in their homes on computers. Online learning can be beneficial to the student for health reasons or personal reasons; however, sometimes distance learning is not as beneficial as the classroom experience. There are many aspects of a physical classroom that online students will miss out on. Online classes can be simple for the student, but the simplicity of online learning is not enough for the education of the student", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Even though online classes can make students feel comfortable with working on their own time", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: classroom instruction is more beneficial to students than online classes", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because it helps students gain social experience with their peers,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: helps students communicate easily with their teachers,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: and helps students remember lesson material better with physical experience.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Online learning can be beneficial to the student when it comes to students' individual schedules.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: There are students have jobs, have lots of homework, and have emergencies, so online classrooms can benefit these students because online learning can allow the student to work on their own pace. For example, if a student has a death in the family, the student should take time off from school to mourn and attend services. If that student missed classroom taught classes, the learning experience the student missed cannot be brought back since the entire class as whole moves on through a designated schedule, and the student would have much work to catch up on in little time. But, if the student was taking online classes and missed multiple classes, the student would only worry little in comparison to a classroom student. Since online classes allow students to work on their own time, the student with the family emergency can always catch up whenever he is done with his personal business and he does not have to worry about other classmates' progress in the class. That way, online learning can be beneficial to the student.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: However, the social experience between a student and his peers in the classroom can help the student grow as an individual with good social skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In the classroom, there must be some communication between the students. For instance, communication among the students is present when the teacher assigns group work. In group projects, such as PowerPoint presentations, Google Slides presentations, dioramas, posters, and videos, students need to work together to complete the assignment. Through this experience, students can create good communication skills with each other and make friends comfortably. This characteristic of the physical classroom cannot be found in a digital classroom. In a digital classroom, students do not see other peers in person, making communication harder. Also, students do not know what is happening behind the screen with other students. Students may mistakenly distort communication with each other, eventually ruining peer relationships. Learning social skills from the classroom will help students' social skills in the outside world, so it is important that students take the physical route to classroom learning rather than online learning.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Student communication with the teacher becomes easier when the student is in a classroom rather than in an online class.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In a physical classroom, the teacher is usually present and is easily accessible, but in an online class, the teacher is not always there when a student needs them; the student would have to rely on sending an email or sending a message through a school-sponsored online chat and wait for a response. The waiting time can range from seconds to hours, or perhaps, days, depending on the teacher's schedule. For example, in the summer, a student may take an online class for\u00a0economics and personal finance. There would be a time where the student would need to ask a proctor a question about the testing rules, so in that situation, he would email and wait for a response before the test date. However, the student received an email regarding testing rules after the test date. In situations like this, there is uncertainty in determining when the proctor will respond since the student does not know exactly when the proctor is online; but, in a classroom, this scenario would not happen. Because the student is face to face with the teacher, he gets an immediate response. This makes the situation much easier and stress free for the student.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Physical experience can help students learn better in a class than on a computer.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Online, the student is limited to a screen with lesson materials on it. Also, schools and teachers are limited to adding documents, websites, and tests online. Because of these limits, the online experience feels dull and straightforward with tests and documents. In a physical classroom, there are lectures, models, posters, and hands-on activities available to the student. These physical resources can help a student remember class materials better through the unique experience they would go through. Unlike the online learning experience, a physical learning experience is flexible and fun to the student. A computer will fail to produce these resources to the students because of its limited functionality from technology.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Classroom taught classes are more beneficial to students rather than online classes because of the social skills students attain, the simple communication the students have with teachers, and the memorable physical experience the students gain. These significant differences in physcial classrooms and online classrooms should be taken into consideration by many schools when deciding whether or not they should offer online classes. Technology should not be overused by schools in the age of modern technology; otherwise, modern students will lose the social skills and educational benefits a classroom would have brought. Classroom-based classes will benefit the future of students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I do think that students should be required to do community service.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students should take care of their community by keeping it clean.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Performing community service can help student get jobs in the future.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The final reason is that it'll just make them feel good about themselves knowing they've helped out their community.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When i say keeping the community clean i mean clean all the litter and trash that some people carelessly throw on the street.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Every weekend or so get together with your group and head out into the streets and pick up what ever lose trash you find and dispose of it the right way. I think this is the most important reason that students should do community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Say you write down that you've worked in a soup kitchen or at a local retirement home it will more likely get you a better career. It might take some time out of your day but even when your helping those in need at the end of the day you really just helped yourself.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you help a mentally disabled or physically disabled person that is less fortunate than you understand that you have more than you can ask for while some others don't even have a home, a good brain, or even body parts. If you help the needy and you say to your parents this is nice helping others they'll look at you as a more mature adult knowing that now you know not to take anything for granted and enjoy all the little things.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: These are just a few of the many reasons that students should be required to perform community service for the school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think students must have a least a B average to participate in sports.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: That way the students can bring their grades up", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A lot of students would want to bring their grades up because they would like to participate in sports. That's a way students can bring up their grades. Maybe the students can bring their grade up and that way the students can work harder in class.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: That way students can work hard and participate in a sport that they deserve for getting good grades.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This policy may work so students can bring their grade up and stop failing their classes. One way they can bring up their up and be able to participate in sports is by turning in there homework and completing their work in class.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Here at SCHOOL_NAME we have a policy that says \" If you have more than three (F)'s you cant participate in a sport\"", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: That's why a lot of students try to get a good grade, and that's why the students turn in all their work, in order to participate in a sport. Their is a lot of students in SCHOOL_NAME that don't have good grades and cant participate i", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I say that students should not be required to perform community service but make it like a extra credit thing to earn extra credits.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Also I think that community service is a good thing for our community and everyone who lives in our community,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but we should not be required, because a lot of people would probably drop out of school if we were required to do community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: But you could make a volunteer community clean up club for our school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: It can help senior citizens and young children and people with disabilities.\n\nIt also could clean up some community parks or playgrounds.\n\nBut mostly I would just stick on making a club for volunteers.\n\nThat's some of my reasons for not making community service a required activity to pass school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Also there are a lot of students already in extra activities", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: like band, or sports or both or even other, so that could be very bad for those students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: But sometimes it's good for them and our community, well its always good for our community.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: You should go with policy number one because students should have time to use their cell phones during school but not during class time.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The reason why not during class time is because no one will pay attention to you when you are teaching because they will be texting.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: They should use it during their free time because what is the use having a cell phone if you can't use it during school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I don't have a cell phone because there is no room on the plan for me right now because I have five sisters and four brothers. In my school you are aloud to bring your cell phones but you can't use it at all in school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: People who has a cell phone shouldn't use it when they have to study because that is just waste of time and you will get bad grades.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think students can be benefit", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because they can have more time, if they have job", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they need an extra class but, they could not be or stay after school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they just cannot come to school for personals reasons", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: First,student from high school much of them have a job and they need take class at home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: just for three hours and then rest to get ready to their job. They also can have time to do homework it's how it can be easy for them to study more and have a grade and graduate.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Second, if they are almost to finish high school, but\u00a0they just need a credit and they don't want to be in school just for one class they should take that class\u00a0online and have more time;", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: it can be for homework or they go to visit another place but they cannot missing that class because they need that credit and grade for graduation. What about they can not stay after school but they need that grade they can take that online while they're at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Third, if the person have deformity they could not walk,\u00a0or just don't want to come to school for different reason most be bullying, they can be benefit with the online class so they can get they class done and fine what they want to be in their future, also can have their graduation.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I really think those are the reason why they can be benefit with the online classes they have more time for homework, job, rest, and visit others place, and also they get the grade that they need that is how they're benefit.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Imagine walking into a classroom where as soon as the teacher turns to the white board the students pull out phones and other devices and begin using them. Because they are allowed to have phones during free times they can't get into as much trouble for having such things on. Have you ever tried talking to someone who is texting and they don't even respond?\n\nDespite many pleas about how it would cut down on texts during class,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe the no phones at all during school to make much more sense.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The no phones condition would make the school not responsible for any stolen phones", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: stop almost all texting during class", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: and make test scores higher.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In our school I have sometimes seen problems where kids will steal each others stuff including phones, if the teachers or kids don't know who stole it or can't get it back the I can see many an angered parent suing the district or the school.\n\nI know for a fact that I have once suffered as I thought someone had stolen my phone and I wouldn't get it back, I knew that if I would tell a teacher the whole class would be punished until someone came forward and even then my parents would be mad unless that person would get suspended or expelled.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I know that in the district handbook said it wouldn't be responsible for any lost items but if you allow kids to bring electronics to school you are making yourself responsible.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This would also cut down on texting during class as if children are caught with a phone even in their pocket they would be in trouble.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Once before in Spanish class I was caught texting but it was only because the phone was in my hand that my teacher could prove it, had I slipped the phone into my backpack as I saw her coming she would have no reason to think that I had been texting in her class beside vague suspicion. Another thing it would do is if a teacher heard a phone ring in class they used to go easy on people because their only fault might have been forgetting to turn it off. With this new policy in place kids could be punished just for having it there not just on.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another good thing no phones would do would to make test scores higher.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Without as much distraction caused by drama such as how 'PROPER_NAME and PROPER_NAME are dating' or 'how cute is so-and-so' they would be able to focus more in class, learn more and test better. The other thing is kids wouldn't have it as easy if they wanted to cheat on tests and therefore make their tests invalid. For any school that strives to make itself better a 'No Phone' policy would help them a lot.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Though there are many people who say letting people use phones in free time would cut down on texting", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: I disagree for many reasons.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: When learning at school with other students who cause distractions it is always hard to focus would you be able to focus? Even though going to school makes you socialize with friends and they feed you it sometimes is hard for a student to show up to school or even learn.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: For me I would rather work on my assignments and others things my teacher would like me to do at home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: reason why is that some students would not be able to focus especially when a student is causing lots of noise making it hard for you to focus on your assignment", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason is that some students could live far from the school making it hard to get to school everyday", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Finally students could have more time to work and study making it easy for students to revise in a quite place at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: one way is that they can put on headphones to relax and work hard and listen to some music. Some teachers hate when students have their phone out or when they are listening to music so begin at home may cause the student to focus more by listening to music because every student has a different way of studying and one student might be more focus if he or she loves listening to music when working or studying. This also makes the student more relived that he or she can listen to music. Students who are always trying to bust a joke or make a noise causes problems for a student who is trying to work to get her grade up this makes it very hard for a student to focus on what their are supposed to do. Students can benefit from listening to music because for me when I listen to music while I am working I feel great and energetic making it easy for me to knockout my work at a fast rate.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some students can't catch the bus because the bus is too far away from their house this makes going to school very difficult because without a reliable ride to school everyday you may be coming to school very late making it hard for you to study or work on assignments because you are worried about how you will get home because you do not have a reliable ride to school to home. This makes a student stress a lot thats why working at home you would\u00a0not be worried about who would be taking to and back from school. It also makes the student more productive because they would not have to find a ride all the time they could study and get their work done faster than other people. Also coming to school late makes it very hard to understand what was taught in the classroom making a student very stressed over it because a student grade might go down because he or she failed the test cause they came late to school so that student might not have understood what was taught.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Finally students could have more time to study and work on their assignments", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: sometimes teachers may go through the assignment very quickly making it hard for a student to understand the what he or she or supposed to do. Also teachers may not give as much time for students to finish assignment working at home makes it easier because you have as much time as needed for you to complete your assignment and also for a student to revise over their work before turning it in to the teacher students may not be able to turn in assignments on time depending on the assignment this makes a student very stressful because they do not want to turn in the assignment late and get a late grade for it. Sometimes students worry about things like this especially when a student grade is flunking and they need to get it up to graduate or move on to the next grade level.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Although going to school could very exciting for a student or very happy to see friends", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: your happiest place is home", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: if you could a student could work from home that would change the way a student studies and complete assignment because they have time on their hands and also the are relaxed they would not have to sit in a class for over 55 minutes. Working at home could be very beneficial because It could be very difficult for another student to learn at school because they might be that one student who is making it hard for a student trying to focus or a student might be stressed because they might not have a ride to and back from school and worried that they might not enough time to finish their assignment and get it turned in on time. Working at home may not stress a student because they would have enough time to complete an assignment. This is why working on assignments at home would benefit a student.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe all students must do tasks to assist the community. Students should participate in helping the community", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it helps our community and city possibly even our state look good", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it will make the children performing the tasks more responsible.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Most kids helping with the community will feel good about themselves", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: they will think to themselves wow i really did help make a difference in my community. They will often take pride in their work. We should help our communities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The children of OTHER_NAME should help clean our streets, help the needy, raise money for the city parks or even tutor the children in OTHER_NAME elementary schools. By doing this, the tourists will begin to say good things about the city of OTHER_NAME and the city of OTHER_NAME. We will receive more tourists and people interested in moving to OTHER_NAME or OTHER_NAME.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: We could even assist the needy, if we assist the needy we will look like a community that cares about our residents. When we help the younger we are helping our future lawyers and doctors even our future engineers with their education.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: we will feel depended on and we will most likely feel thankful. We will feel good about ourselves and we will want to participate in more activities to help our community.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: i hope you have come to an conclusion that you should encourage students to participate in community service, not only for the good of the people but for the good of the hearts of the children.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think policy 1 should be the best option for letting students have cell phones,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the reason being is because what happens if we are in an emergency and the teacher's phones don't work", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: we will need phones wich reach a good signal.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: what would happen without phones in the world,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: we need to appreciate what the humankind has given us and use it.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: True teenagers at times are irresponsible and they don't care about they're body and true they are lazy and don't right correct spelling and not only that but get distracted with they're phones and focus less on they're studies ,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but us as a nation we can do something about it or even change the education.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: what i am trying to say is that we need to appreciate technology and true at times people are bad educated but we as a nation can collaborate together so that we could end this, please make the right decision by choosing policy 1.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Sometimes when children get kick out of school they do Community Service.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think all school's should make they children do Community Service. It's something to keep them busy and keep them out of trouble. Community Service is one of they punishments we have.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Well to start it off. Community Service is a important thing to do. It keep your culture looking wonderful.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Most of the times you can do community service just by helping someone with they yard work. Its a activity for most people. My brother love doing community service , he love people , and the people love him.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Community Service help a lot of minors that need something to do", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: , and i think that will help most of them do right.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Most of the time you see men doing Community Service by picking up trash or helping someone with a house.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think Community Service will keep some of them out of trouble.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Its a policy for some people to do community Service if they get kick out of school,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: because the judge probably told them they had to do Community Service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Community Service is like helping someone stay out of trouble. Keep you busy at all times and doing the right things. It Keep you from doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Community Service is like a job, but you not getting paid out of it. Most of time some people can do community service by doing the right thing or they can do something with they life by doing community service.\n\nCommunity Service is a activity , and i think we should do Community Service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Parents are always looking for new ways to give their student the best education possible, but for some, the options available are not suitable for their student. Distance learning is a possible new option in which students can learn from home using online classes and possible video contact with their teachers", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students should have the option to attend class at home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it will allow students who are often absent to miss less of the curriculum and allow for easier catch up if work is missed", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: llow students who struggle with social situations to learn and ask questions in a stress-free environment", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: give students the time they need to learn material or complete certain assignments.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Online classes will allow students who have frequent absences to attend class and make up work with more ease", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students miss school for many reasons, such as illness, travel, or family struggles, and each of these possibilities are often unavoidable. Classes at home would allow more flexibility for these students. In all cases, the ability to be at home would also allow these students to work when convenient, whether it is when they are feeling better or they have down time on a trip. Students should still be allowed absences in certain circumstances. If they miss a class, rather than having all of their work piled up and having to schedule time with each teacher, they can do the work from home, not having to worry about the schedules of anyone but themselves. A great example is students with poor immune systems that get sick quite often. Depending on the severity of the illness, students who are home sick could attend classes without the fear of contaminating others or getting exposed to worse germs, and allow them to avoid a place that houses countless bacteria and viruses that could cause an illness at any time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Not only this, but on a day that a sick student stays home from school, they often have periods of feeling better and having more energy, so these periods could be utilized for working on classwork, a luxury that is not available in a school building. If this same student were taking classes at school and missed an assessment in class, they would have to schedule time outside of that class and coordinate to find a time that is available for both them and their teacher to make up the work. However, if this student missed an assessment that was online, they would be able to make it up any time that they are free, not having the restrictions of seven hours of a tight packed schedule or specific times in the day", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Distance classes would allow for less absences and missing work, improving the experience of both students and teachers.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some adults may be concerned that at home learning would deprive students of face to face interaction on a daily basis", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but for some students, these interactions cause unnecessary stress that hinders their learning", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Anxiety is becoming increasingly more common and that anxiety is often caused by social interactions. For students with such stresses, asking questions in class and asking teachers or fellow students for help is very difficult. The ability to ask such questions online will make them more comfortable and able to learn. If a student is unable to ask a question in class because they fear that they will be judged or make a mistake, they will continue to be confused about whatever it is they had a question about", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If the class they are taking is online, that student could ask their teacher a question privately, with the ability to edit their phrasing, and get an answer the way they can understand it. Students would not have the everyday interaction of a usual classroom atmosphere, but students that choose at home classes will have greater benefits and can seek connections in a more comfortable setting for them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Giving the option of at home classes would allow students to get a more personalized education.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Every student has a different way of learning, so, many students struggle through classes because they are not being taught the way they learn best. Some students learn best by taking notes, while others learn by doing hands on activities. Some students can hear something once and be able to understand fully, while others take more time to process. At home classes gives students the ability to take the time they need to learn material and complete classwork. One student may only have to listen to a teacher lecture and take little to no notes to understand a topic. Another student may need to listen, take extensive notes, and reread or write their notes in order to gain a fraction of the understanding, but they are not able to do this in class. If the expectation in a class is that you are able to complete an activity after 30 minutes of a teacher talking, but that is not how some students learn, those students will be lost and fall behind the others. With classes at home and online, they would be able to take the time they needed to grasp a topic before moving on to use what they just learned. At home learning allows students to practice the learning style that helps them learn the best.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Distance learning should be an option for students because they are able to stay on top of their work when they are not at their best, have a learning environment that works well for them, and have the time needed to learn material. Just like any other new way of learning, there are concerns, but the benefits of distance learning greatly outweigh those concerns. This type of learning is only one of the many options for parents and students to choose from in order to get the best education and though it may not be best for some students, that should not take away the option from others.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: students are require to take community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: helps them get organized", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: helps out the community to be more cleaner.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: doing community service helps kids stay out of trouble such as gangs, violence, and drugs.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: it helps kids to be more disciplined, more respectful, more caring for our planet, more careful, more safe, and more mature", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Community service is helpful to kids that get bored at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Sometimes people think that doing community service is just a waste of time because they don't want to do it or they think that it is just boring. But community service can show you new things. Such as taking care for the elderly, taking care of the planet, respecting others, and helping others.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Those are my reasons on why our school should do community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think policy one is much better", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because sometimes there are days where you forget something or don't remember to bring something.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you had a cell phone then you could call or text your parents/guardians and ask them to bring it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Also if you have your cell phone on you instead of taking notes in class some cell phones have a camera and the ones with cameras could take a picture of their notes. If you need to find out what a word means you can just look it up on your phone. If you turn them off when they are supposed to be turned off then there are no problems. Also some people forget to bring lets say there gym clothes they could just call or text there parents and they could bring them.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I see why people wouldn't want cell phones at school like they could be distractions", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but, if they are allowed at schools then students should have no reason to do it in class when they know they can do it at a free time in the day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: there are plenty of reasons why kids should be able to use cell phones in school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: One big reason we should have cell phones in school is they could be used for all kinds of things like say i am in social studies class and the teacher asks a question and nobody knows the answer then kids could get on there phones and look up the answer. Another reason would be that students rarely study, much less every night but, if they are allowed to use there cell phones then that makes studying easier and more fun.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: I wish to address you on how you are considering making community service a requirement for students. First off I'd like to express my feelings on community service then I would like to go on to talk about whether making it required would be a good idea or not.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Community service is a great opportunity to help others.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It not only helps and brings happiness to others but in ways you'll find that doing community service can help you too.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many people do it so willingly because of the good feelings they get from knowing that they're making a difference and benefiting someone else without them having someone to pay them to do it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It also helps people greater understand charity and service to others of which the feelings you get from doing these things come no other way.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In the end most people feel accomplished and they are sometimes helped just as much as the people they were helping. They volunteer most of the time not for money but for reasons like what i just talked about.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Though great experiences and feelings can come from doing community service bad ones can too.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When forced to do something a persons natural reaction is to strike out against or oppose it. The students might start to feel this way such as convicts who are assigned community service by the state do. If this happens the service will be done poorly with little effort and the feelings that are supposed to come from it will be pushed away.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: So if you can't force them to do it then how can you get them to do community service?\n\nEncouragement is the answer.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: By helping and asking politely and advertising community service there will be a far better chance that students will do it, but more importantly they will want to do it. Get the students excited about it and they'll do it and be able to freely experience the great blessings community service has to offer for both sides.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Yes you will have a lot less people that end up doing it, but the people that do will be excited, motivated and ready to make a difference in the world one community at a time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students should be able to have cell phones at school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: what harm is it doing to the child if they text during a passing period or during lunch?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Its not hurting anybody as long as the phone is turned off and doesn't cause a distraction during class time then why would it be a problem?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I know that some teenagers will still try to text during class but the number of people who do will go down", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The school should treat students and teachers fairly. If there trying to be fair then the teachers shouldn't be aloud to use there cell phones during class either.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Cell phones aren't even that bad in the first place.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Yes, most of Americans use them to much, and they are a huge distraction most of the time", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but they still haven't done any harm to the American society.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Actually cell phones have actually brought a lot of people closer together. They also serve the purpose to help people out.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I understand there's not that great of a purpose to having a cell phone at school, but it would make the student body a whole lot happier than it is today.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Just the short time we have during class would just be so much better for everybody in the entire school. I still don't even understand why we aren't aloud to use them during class. Why do the teachers care, there getting paid? If a student doesn't want to listen then they shouldn't be forced too. Kids go to school to get a education i understand it shouldn't be interrupted by cell phones. but kids need to have a good time well learning. School is a place for education but come on at least let kids have some socialization.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Letting kids use cell phones during class would be a huge deal to everybody at SCHOOL_NAME it will make the three years we have at this school go by as fast as possiable.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Yes i think students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: in the way that they can be more ready to start the class, and they will focus.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The reason why i though that is because sometimes at school the students they have shame to show to other the best of them,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: \" the intelligent student told me that i can't\u00a0do anything or i can't speak very well English\" still if we want make our goals we can do it. Without go to the school.\n\n-For example:\n\nIf a student is on\u00a0his house alone with no one told him what or how he need to do the correct things, but he has a lot of question about what he is doing in his online class. He will\u00a0try to find the way to solve the problem by himself.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Also if i was in my home find new imformation and i work to much during the day then i would be hungry then i can go to the kitchen for cook something very fast and go back to my room continue with my homework. And if i have a question i will ask for help to some teacher by texting.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Eventually, attend classes at home with no pressure could made different and confortable for the students who are shy or maybe need a teacher only for one student for\u00a0explain the class that\u00a0the student is taking.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Below for those students that don't like to wake up too early in the morningt they have the choose to study more later since at night without necesary be ready for school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Many cases when girls are pregnant they can still going at school, but it was diffult for them had to continue study and also after that they giving birth too.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: i know that\u00a0because a friend told me and another girls too,\u00a0she told us the process that she has to pass during her pregnancy and after when she has her baby with her I don't know how hard it is, but i can imagine in this position. So what my friend do? during her pregnancy she still coming to the\u00a0school i saw her many time she was so tired with her belly and then when she has her baby yet she take in her house the next classes i was surprise about it either i do not how unconfortable it was for her that a teacher was with her when the baby start cry or when the baby need to eat, later she was done she back to the school but she didn't feel ok for leave her baby at home. This story make me think about it if i have the election to choose how i can study i prefer\u00a0study and take the classes in my house better that school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I think the students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home that's great idea. but there are many problems;", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: what happen if the student do not have money to pay the online classes? either their families do not have the recourses for help them another reason that's why we have to work and make money for us and we missing many days in the school for stay at home because we want sleep more hours or we coming to the school\u00a0and we are no pay attention what the teacher is talk about the class, So i think this if a student want\u00a0money need to work and continue study online maybe in that way is more easy pass the class and the SOL", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: Attend classes from home\u00a0by way online help this type of case the students go to work few hours and then coming home for the rest of the day to study or another option is one day work and the next day don't and stay at home taking the online classes", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: in summary\u00a0\"NEVER GIVE UP\" when we want something that we can't get it in nowhere only in our effort we can make that possible. Also with some help ask when we do not understand something and put the best of us all including: try to solve the problems, research good imformation, and the most importat thing that we have to do is study. sometimes the other people make feel us so bad or without no reason to be in this world, go ahead and desmostrate\u00a0to that person who do not believe in you that you can do it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: During school year is possible learning for online or video conferencing,in the videos explain clearly what or how to solve math ejercise or another kind of materials.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Examples of benefit to attend classes at home are:\n\n- Spend more time in the computer\n\n- More focus in the homework\n\n- Use the iphone for imformation whenever we want\n\n- Study all the day\n\n- No talk with your friends during your class\n\n- Finish more fast with no distraction", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: All that things are benfit if the students being to attend classes in their home in the winter they don't have to worry about how cold is outside in the morning or what clothes is appropriate for school, and have to coming in the school in a good mood for study and see somebody that we do not want to see and prevent be involve in problems with another student. Could fine stay at home by self in own class than go to the school. Many student suffer of depreciation and that is so bad for them. If they school giving to them the opportunities to take the classes online it is more better for their healthy, this is my opinion about attend classes on the home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I would like to say that I support the option to use cell phones during free time throughout the school day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students need a way to communicate with out making too much noise.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Using cell phones between class allows students to communicate with their friends even if they are across the school. It also allows them to contact their family if it is necessary.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Using there phones between classes will also help keep students happy and the happier the student is the more likely they are to focus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Even if students were not allowed to bring cell phones to school, they would anyway and then they would use them in class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This just cause more students to get in trouble then necessary.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you do make the rule that students cannot bring cell phones at least consider keeping record of how may times each student has been caught with their cell phone and make it a set number of times they can be caught with it until they are severely punished( at least once).", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I hope that you will take my thoughts on the matter under concern, and if you do ban cell phones I understand.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I don't think students of any school should have to do community service if they don't want to.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Community service takes a lot out of the day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What if the students other things to do at home.\n\nMost students at our school play sports after school, and if they are playing spots how are they going to do community service?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I know it is great to help out the community,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but we should be able to do it when we want to.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I understand that if a student have to have some kind of punishment and have to community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But I don't think we should have to pick up after other students they should pick up after themselves.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What time does all of this starts? Because some students have to be at home at a certain time. And if we had to do it after we got home from playing sports it would be too dark to see how to do anything.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I know it is great to help your to but I really don't should have to do communit", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Community service is a great thing to do for the environment.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This assignment for others to do community service will help out our community alot thanks to your gratitude.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I know for a fact that once every student does community service that our community will be showing a great example for other students at other schools.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This will help others relize how important the environment is these days and how bad it is now.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students will begin to relize that life isn't all about games and electronic devices.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Its about the hard work in life that gets your through the bad and good. And that you need to show respect for the environment and others around you.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Wouldn't you want to people to clean up after themselves. Instead of you doing it for them. People have been littering for years and it is now time for people to take responsibility for there actions. We need to show them that doing a little work for the community can make a big difference in our world that we live in today. It is time for people to fix there mistakes and admit what they have done wrong.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I hope that you consider my letter as a letter of hope and a chance for something new. So do what is right and allow people to relize that when you do something for the community it will do something back for you. Which would be a nice, free, cleansed world that is safe for others to live in and you no longer have to worry about the safety of the environment.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Community work never hurts, Its something that would be good for our school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It s something that others will appreciate and when your done not just make you feel good because you helped someone but also make the ones you helped feel good.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some may say that's its a waste of time and they could be out having fun with there friends or going to parties and what not.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But if they never know the feeling of accomplishment when it comes to that.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Have you ever went to the store and seem teens walking around in there PJs? And its 12 noon and you wonder '' well they sould be doing something better than that.'' I have and being a teen i have done it, and im not saying that all teens do it or its a bad thing im just saying they could be doing something better with there time like helping elders and if they don't think that's cool they could go to the park and clean it up, so they could hang there with there friends.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It would kids off the streets hanging out and putting them to do something useful.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Have you ever wondered why most of the parks are dirty of why you don't really see students helping out there community? Well that's because you give them a choice to ether do community service or not to. If there lazy of course there going to pick not to due to the fact they don't want to go.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: But if they had to go more things would get done around the town because they would be helping.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: They would go clean parks, help the elder, little kids at schools, soup kitchens for the poor and many more. Its could really make a change to our community.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When you get older in life and you need a job or you want this collage to want you, then having community service will look good on your application for the collage/job", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: and they will think ''Well they seem to care about there town to help out this much '' and by them knowing that you did this to help you will look good to them. Which in the long shot you will look better, then some of the others. Not just helping you out with collage or a job but skills in life. You might have learned something while doing your community service that helps you out when in a tough predicament that you come across.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I did community service a couple of times and i certainly learned new skills. I helped out elder and cleaned beaches it was fun to me and I believe that it would be good for our school to require community service not just for the town and people but for themselves to feel personal pride in that they did for there community and themselves. It would be a great thing to do for our school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: There is no need to change the school's policy so that students with a B average or above may be the only ones aloud to participate in sports and other school activities. Granted, students must keep up with their school work, but level of book smarts does not effect the qualities for sports or other activities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Sports are based on levels of fitness, not brain activity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If a student excels in a sport, he or she should not be limited to access of achieving their goals in this sport because they are not at a high academic level. Limiting their ability to participate in what they excel in can take away many opportunities. For example, one of your students has the skill to play on a professional sports team, but unfortunately they are not allowed to participate in sports at school because they have a C average. A C average today in math class doesn't determine their future as a MVP.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Taking a student out of sports and other activities will not promise higher grades.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some students have learning disabilities that prevent them from learning to the standard that reaches a B average or above. Sports and other activities can stimulate the mind and actually help with learning. By allowing the students to participate in both sports and class they have a more likely chance to improve in both.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Many students have a C average in school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: There is no statement that this is because sports or other activities are preventing a higher grade. It is possible that the students do not understand the topics as well because they are not being taught how they need to be taught.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I understand that one believes that by not allowing students to participate in sports or other activities will limit their focus to school work, therefore allowing more time towards education", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: Still, to live a healthy and well-rounded life, one must have the options to participate in activities other than school work.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Although you are considering the policy to chance, keeping the policy to allow any student participate in sports and other activities will permit them with chances of a better, well-rounded future. Think of the students futures above what they learn today and may not excel in.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: it would be very beneficial for our school to participate in community service", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I see a community were there is no trash in the roads or fields, there are kids helping their elders, and even students wanting to help the community, this can be us.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Some of the activities that would easily be assessed are cleaning up trash", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: caring for the elderly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: because it can almost be treated like a field trip where students will be brought to a designated location where clean up is necessary and the students will clean up the roads and fields to have better land and less global warming because of the littered trash.\n\nThis form of community service would be easy because it would take less than two hours, so the kids can leave the school and come back in the blink of an eye.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I believe this would be easy but a little more difficult to plan the picking up trash because the students will need to leave and come back from the homes of the elderly at different times so most if not all of the elderly citizens of our community can be helped and cared by the students at SCHOOL_NAME.\n\nIn a result there would be less fatalities of the elderly by falling because of the students with them to help care for them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In Conclusion, I believe I will soon be able to see the day where our community is safe, where there is no global warming happening, where the streets and fields of our community are free of debris and the elderly are not frightened of getting too old where it is hard to see or walk because they will have children to rely on.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: School is not exactly something everyone looks forward to nowadays. Teenagers are depressed, anxious, and some incredibly sick. It is so difficult to avoid some of the negative things in life when a student is constantly surrounded by peer pressure and bullying. If given the choice, many students would most likely choose to skip school and stay at home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: if a student was given the option to attend classes from home, it would be beneficial.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: it allows those who get sick to stay caught up", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: protects those who get bullied and assaulted in school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: First, online classes by way of video conference are very helpful to those who are sick because they are still able to be taught by a teacher.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many students come into school even if they are sick. This causes an illness to spread around the entire student body just because one student couldn't miss class. On the other hand, if a student stays home because they are sick, they miss a lot of classwork and aren't able to pay attend the important lessons being taught. One time, I had to stay home because of a stomach bug. I got behind in my classes and was never really able to understand the concepts as well as I could have if I was taught by my teacher like everyone else. I got a very bad grade on the test on these concepts because I was not able to catch up. If I was able to call in to my missed classes, I would have benefited greatly because I could ask questions if I had any, hear the teacher's explanation, and see how the teacher would solve the problem instead of having to figure it all out on my own. On a more serious level, there are some kids who are, unfortunately, terminally ill. They are either physically unable to go to school because of their type of illness or aren't allowed to go out very often because of the risks and dangers they could face. They are more prone to your typical cold and flu, and it is deadlier for them. If they were able to sit in on their classes through a video conference, then they could still feel like they are going to high school like a \"normal\" teenager. Overall, even if attending classes online was only available to those who are sick, it would still help so many kids.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Video conferences and attending classes online are also beneficial to a different demographic, those who are bullied and assaulted.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: To protect those who fear going to school because they are constantly putting themselves in danger, the school could give them this option of learning from home. There are so many stories of kids getting beat up at school and the school not trying to fix things or not being able to fix things, and this is a way that the schools can help be a part of the solution. There are also numerous stories of students getting sexually assaulted and raped. These students go through every day, trying to avoid those horrible people who did this horrible thing to them, wondering why they have to put in so much work just so this doesn't happen to them again. The book\n\nSpeak brings a lot of light on this issue. The main character goes through this avoiding process and, in the end, is unable to completely avoid her rapist. She finds it extremely difficult to see him in school, acting as if he hasn't done anything wrong. If she was given the option to do online schooling, I bet she would have done it in a heartbeat. She dreaded going to school every day and this extra option would have been a godsend for her. Sometimes, you have to take things into your own hands, and if that means making the decision to do schooling from home, then you do what you gotta do.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some may say that students and teenagers need a chance to socially interact with others, and school helps provide that.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But, everyone has people they interact with outside of school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Whether it be in the neighborhood or at church, there are many other ways to get your social fix in. Take home-schooled kids, for example. They might be home alone all day trying to get their schoolwork done, but home-schooled students\u00a0have these groups called co-ops. These co-ops are groups of other students that are home-schooled that come to learn altogether. This helps those who are home-schooled get themselves some time with other students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: There are many benefits to having another option for students who are sick and kids who get assaulted and bullied. Many of today's societal issues, whether it be new illnesses spreading or more and more students getting hurt and going to school in fear, affect a teenager's school life. The less focused we are on the issues going on outside of school, the more we are able to focus on what could impact our future. School is vital to our future in today's world, and the administration needs to realize that there are things taking away our focus from school. Teenagers are the future of this world, and the past generations need to realize that things are different that they were in their time. Would you want your children to go to school living in fear? Well, they already are.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Some student can take classes at home because they could find a subject of course that like. Learning websites can help them get better at what they do", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: It could benefit", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they it would seem easier to go on different classes or to take a video to study a subject", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, taking classes online would give you a head start. Many other schools have students at home take taking these course and have them apply for it.\u00a0It is like a benefit for them to take some opportunity to get taught about something they have learn or to have a different way of learning it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I will think they would able to do this if they are interested. For example, Home-schooling could that much money.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: 1. They want to try out some different learning strategies.\n\n2. They can apply online.\n\n3. They can try taking some subjects that they like.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In conclusion, it could be able to work for the home-schoolers to also have an education because they did not go to public but have it at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think that students shouldn't be required to do community service because there family might not have time or maybe there parents wont let them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think it would be nice for some children to help out but they shouldn't have to.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The children should not be responsible to take on actions on doing other peoples stuff because it might have not been them who either littered or did something that the person that did this action should be responsible for it. Children should only be required to do community service if they have served time in jail and is required by the law or they are doing it for a good cause like when they have to do it at there school so they are ready for college and have to learn what their life is going to be about", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Taking time to do community kind of takes away being able to be a kid", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: because you don't really get to hang out with friends and family , you don't get to have your own time and you might not have time to do your homework and that might cause you to have failing grades which even takes away more of your privilege's to hang out with friends or have your own time", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: so i think that being required to do community service shouldn't be allowed unless you have done something so that you have to do community service.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: All though community service looks good on your college application so children should try to participate with community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but shouldn't be required at least you should wait until the kids are a senior in H.S. to start require community service.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: This letter is about the cell phone policy", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: the policy I would consider to use would be the policy number one.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I believe the policy is good making phone calls checking on others, talking to friends or family and texting to friends is good", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: but I would make a few changes to it the first thing I would change about it would be during class teachers or staff should check the phones to see if they are turned off.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The other thing I would change about is, teachers and staff should keep watch on their students if they are using their cell-phone in class because sometimes they cannot be trusted.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I would still consider the policy of number one just make these few changes to it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe everyone should be required to do at least 24 hours of community service each year.\n\nThat's adds up to only one day of your 365 day year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: It is not asking for a lot from the us to sacrifice one day.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think if you want to do more than 24 hours of service, go right ahead that would be even better.\n\nIf 1,000 students each help out for a day, that would be 24,000 hours of community service!\n\nThat could make a huge impact in our community.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I know some people would still disagree and not do this, but as a second option you can make them do a large project that would take them a lot longer than a day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I don't know too many people that would much rather do a huge project rather than sacrifice a total of two, maybe three whole days to help out their community.\n\nIt wouldn't take long at all.\n\nIt could be as easy as picking up some trash in the local park or, if you want to you can be able to tutor kids or help out kids with a disability.\n\nEither way, you are going to help out the community in a positive way.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Just imagine, what we could be able to do if our whole school were to chip in 24 hours of community service.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: We could do so much if we were to put this rule into our school program.\n\nI do community service every year just to help out the community without being required to do it.\n\nI have cleaned up the park, helped make sandwiches for the homeless, helped kids with disabilities.\n\nI can only imagine how much this could change our community if everybody in our school were required to do this.\n\nPeople that we would be helping would be so grateful.\n\nWe as a school could become the school that everyone talks so greatly about.\n\nWe could start promoting this idea around school by hanging posters up, handing out flyers, reminding people on the morning and afternoon announcements.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: If you get behind my idea, I know students and teachers will follow us and make a huge difference in our community.\n\nWe could even send out e-mails to each student's parents telling them of this idea.\n\nIf the parents find out about this, I believe they will certainly force their kids to take part in a small amount of community service.\n\nAll I am asking from you, is to just enforce this one little rule into our school.\n\nIt could change lives.\n\nI am not asking for everybody to do a whole lot, just 24 hours of your life to help out the community.\n\nThere are so many opportunities for our students to help out our community.\n\nWho knows, maybe you could save somebody's life while doing the community service.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Distance learning is a new learning method for students to attend classes from home by online or you can video conference. Schools have brought distance learning in their system for students can do their assignments from home. Many people think this is a great idea and some oppose to this learning method. The schools can see\u00a0if they are on track or online to their classes but if they arn't in the online class they will be behind in their assignments. Is this new learning method a great way to learn? or does being in a class with a teacher more beneficial for the student?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The main problem in distance learning is if students are really getting on the online class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students who do get on are on task and on point. The students who get on the computer and get on the online class for a short period of time at home might be playing, or might not be concentrated, because he is at home and dosen't feel like doing it. Students who don't do their assignments they wait until they are at school because in school you arn't distracted like at home you are concentrated and ready to work. Is distance learning beneficial for students at home? for some students it might be but for many it isn't.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Is online learning at home beneficial for students? some students do think its beneficial and a really great idea", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many people prefer learning in class with a teacher because they can ask questions if they don't get the question that is being asked. Students do some of their work but get off in a short period of time if they are at home, if they were at school the students would be on task and doing their assignments, unlike at home they would be off task. Many students prefer teachers teaching them so they can get more information of what they are being taught. Distance learning isn't capable of doing what you do in a classroom. Is distance learning really beneficial?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Is being taught in a classroom more beneficial for students? many students prefer being taught by a teacher than online. Students are more productive and they share their thoughts and explanations in that specific assignment than online classroom", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: All the students are in the same page and all gathering more information by writing notes and being concentrated in their tasks. Students are more interactive with each other and sharing thoughts and many techniques\u00a0to get the answers by fellow classmates, also getting good\u00a0grades. Classroom learning is beneficial for many students and teachers.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students have their own way of learning, it doesn't matter if its distance learning nor in a classroom. It is how they feel how they enjoy learning", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Students will say this is the best way for learning other no this is, it doesn't matter what you think is the best way to learn its how you enjoy\u00a0learning something it is the\u00a0best way for you. The students who prefer distance learning really do it at home and feel like they are learning mush more at than in a classroom. Students who enjoy learning in a classroom like being around peers and want knowledge from everyone around them. They are both beneficial for that specific student.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: do you thing stuudent would benefit from being able to attend classes from hom?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I sopport the student should be attend class from home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because We do not have to go to School and we can have more time with the family", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: We do not have to wake up early", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: we can saty safe at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: some student do not like to wake up early and they shoose to take the classes online", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: for the reason that student do not to ride the bus and can early to School.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: In my opinio it is a good idea to take class online most in this time becacuse so many bad thing are happen in the world", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: for Example the corona virus this is one of most reason that I support to attend class at home because We can do the classes online and we can stay at home more safe and healthy.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: other good reason that is a good idea to take classes in home is that you mom know that you are in home because a lot of students scape and they mom thing that they are inthe School", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: so if peolple attend classes from home mom ready know the his son in home.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: conclution some student do not like to use the computer and they shoose to come to School and other student they do not how to use computer but still doing a good idea tke classes at home becasue you can have more time with your family also you don't have to wake up early to ride the bus and you can do you work at home and take more break", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think that not all the students should be required to do the community service", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: I think that the principle would be very shocked just to see how many of the student would wont to cleanup their school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: I bet that many of the students would think that doing the community service would just make them look very stupid to their friends.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: But what some of the students at the school needs to realize is that even if your friends may think that your crazy for doing it is not always about what your friends may think. Some of the times a friend my not know what` s best for you. And I say if you think that it would make a difference in one persons life then it was all worth it. And no matter what every person wants to live in a safe and also clean place no matter were you may go.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I think that if the principle would require them to do it then that is not fare on the principles side.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Most kids loves getting involved in doing things for their community.\n\nI think that for all the friends that think that it takes up to much time you should just try to work something out like a real friend would. No one sad that you had to work all day it doesn't matter if you only do the community service for five minutes at least you can say i did something to help out my school and my community. Not to may people can actually say that they helped make a difference in their whole community. So all for all I just wont to say,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: just because your friends may no wont to do something that doesn't mean that you don't have to either; and also to say that you cant make people do what they don't won't to do and that comment goes to the principle.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think that students would benefit from learning at home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because they wont have\u00a0to change", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: get up early in the morning to shower and do there hair", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they'll be pay more attention", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they will be comfortable at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The hardest part of school is getting ready. you wake up go brush your teeth and go to your closet and look at your cloths. after you think you picked a outfit u go look in the mirror and youll either not like it or you look and see a stain. Then you'll have to change.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: with the online classes you can wear anything and stay home and you wont need to stress about what to wear.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: most students usually take showers before school. they either take it before they sleep or when they wake up. some students do both to smell good. that causes them do miss the bus and effects on there lesson time cause they come late to school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when u have online classes u wont need to miss lessons cause you can get everything set up and go take a shower and when u get out your ready to go.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when your home your\u00a0comfortable and you pay attention", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: it gives then an advantage to be smarter and even pass there classmates on class work. public schools are difficult even if you try. some teacher dont know how to teach it in then way that students understand it. that causes students to fail and they may repeat the class.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: This is about if i suport students atending class online at home?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: i think that yes if they put their mind to it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: And i think if they want to pass all their grades if they are doing school at home and they really want to do it then yes If they do the all their sentens well and all their paragh well.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Aslo i think that if they are home schooled that they might do the work when they want to do it", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: some of them will not care about it and some might just forgetand outher will say they will do it latter.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Sometime the mom/dad dose not\u00a0help the student", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: most of the time the\u00a0student want to do home school and want to pass then yes it depends on the student. when any student dose school at home they will often not do the work they aslo dont learn all the things the the school teaches they learn what the mom/dad knows.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: I will say i suport it but i also dont suport becuas like i said most kids dont do the work but also some do the work.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: most kids when they are home schooled the mom/dad send them to school becuas they dont know what elas to teach them some just do it just to get school over with and when the mom/dad send them to school they some times llike but they aslo end up droping out of school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Most student do benift from atending class at home but if they put their mind to it and do the work some time they learn like that becuas theirs no one that bothers them they do the work at their own speed on what they know.\n\nmost student come to school when they are home school they dont know most of the things that they learning that is becuas they didn't learn much when they where atending the class at home online becuas they were offten on their phone most of the time not caring about the work,\u00a0or becuas they sleep late. Some student do know more when they are home schooled some times more then what they a student that gose to public school.\n\nbut most students that are home school they some times want to go to public school they want to go beacus they want to learn more thing make frend they rather go to public school to learn more beacuas they benn doing home school for most of the school year. some time its beacuas of their mom/dad scared that some thing might happen to their kid they dont trust their kid going to public school beacuas they might do some bad thiing.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: im sure that students benefitfrom home school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: some take colleg class at home some start their corears but taking online class at home or some just do the things/follow the step their perent.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: sometime when they are home schooled they have to go to school", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: they have family problems or beacuas they just dont like being home scholled no more beacuas they want to do more things they wan tot learn more beacuas they feel like they are not learing the thing that they are learnig at home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: The things they learn some times aint right if they are learnig it frome their mom/dad if they are not doing the class online. But i think if they are doing the online class doing what they have to do to know what they want to be in life get thru all the the online class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Schools are now starting to provide new methods of students being able to learn. With having school at home there is many benefits and cons about it. Students now have more ways to go to school and get a education that maybe they weren't able to get before", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I think that students wouldn't really benefit from taking classes from home", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: because they are more distractions", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the student would probably will be on their phone", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the lack of communication with others.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Distractions become more noticeable at home because there are loads of things that could distract you", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example, if your taking your classes in the living room, the TV might be on or you're attempted to go watch TV. Another example, could be that your in the kitchen and you happen to start eating and you happen to take a break from your class. I honesty think that if you take classes from home it's a waste of time.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: These almost everyone has a phone and even now at schools everyone is on them. I think that the with being home and having classes the phone will be like one of the main problem because of how addicting it is", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example during a session you get a call or text and your mind gets preoccupied with that text or call that you receive. It also takes away time from learning because if your constantly on the phone you aren't paying attention to whats happening.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Another reason that I think that we don't really benefit is that theres a lack of communication with other people", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Having good communication skills is important to have because you might need it for a future job", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: With taking online or video conferences it sort of helps with that", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but not fully", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: It's more beneficial that they go to a public or private school because they are different types of people and you get more experience on the communication. For example, with doing a video conference most likely you'll be talking to the same teacher every day, while going to school somewhere you won't talk to the same one or couple of people.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: With all being said, students should attend school instead of taking classes at home because of all the distractions, phones being in the way, and of lack of communication. Even though I might think a certain way, you shouldn't just take all my advice, many people happen to learn or educate themselves in different ways. I would like to thank whomever is reading this and thank them for the effort they put into reading this. By the way never stop learning in the long run it helps out a lot.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Have you ever wanted to get advice on something? So you went and asked some people for some advice, and you got various answers.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When ever someone gets the same answer they know what to do, but when you get various answers you still know what to do", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Getting multiple opinions could help someone", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: get different ideas for something so they know if it's good advice or not.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When ever someone gets the same answer they know what to do, but when they get various answers they still know what to do", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What that means is if you're looking for advice and you get various answers most of the answers may all be the same so you know what to do. Another reason is all of the answers in some way may link to form the same type of advice.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Getting multiple opinions could help someone get different ideas for something so they know if it's good advice or not.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If someone is looking for advice and they get multiple answers on what type of advice to take, they'll ask other people if it's good advice or not so they can narrow down if\u00a0they want to take that advice or ask for better advice.\n\nAnother way getting multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice is if they are making a bad decision getting multiple good opinions on why that decision is bad could help them stop doing bad things and make them do good things.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: getting multiple opinions can help people in many ways like when ever someone gets the same answer they know what to do, but when you get various answers you still know what to do. Getting multiple opinions could help someone get different ideas for something so they know if it's good advice or not.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: From the minute we are born we are taught to always talk to a parent or guardian if we have an issue. But there are so many other people you could go to that would save you so much time and effort and they would give the exact same response as your parents. I believe you should always go to a separate opinion from that of your parental guardian and what you will find when you do so, is these other sources can teach you a lot more than your family and they have different experiences from those of your parents. your parents will always want the best and nothing more from you but think to yourself, \"do my parents really care about my issue or are they just trying to make me feel better about the problem at hand. So when you are done talking to your parents your decision is not made any easier, truthfully it's become a lot more challenging. Because you have been told what you expected them to say it's not helpful and you are disappointed.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: a great reason for going to another opinion for help is the fact that they won't sugarcoat the truth from you.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: They may not know you as well as your parents do and it could ultimately benefit you to hear the hard truth about the matter at hand. When you get constructive criticism from a peer it allows you to do a self evaluation on your problems and the different solutions you could use to solve your problems. That peer will always want the best out of you because it may be a close friend and they will understand you a bit better and they will always tell you your problem and try to help you understand what is wrong and what you should do. When you go to a second opinion you have to look back and think if you held back anything when you were talking to them, and if you didnt than you should expect them not to hold any of their emotions or feelings about the problem to you.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they will always want to listen and seek understanding about your problems.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you are talking to family member they may not care about your problems or say something along the lines of \"oh honey it's ok you will be fine\" and them saying that is not fine and you should never be satisfied with that answer from anyone. Your friend or close peer, like a teacher or coach will want to understand your issue and they want to help you at all costs because they know that your a good kid and they never want to see you down,moody or upset ever. Your coaches put you through struggle and so do you teachers so they know you can handle the hard moments in life and want to always help you, so you can make the right decision. whenever you hear a question in class you want to seek understanding about the question so you can answer it the next time someone asks. The issue hear is very similar to that and when you have a problem or issue that you believe needs a second opinion they will always be willing to listen. That way they can ultimately impact your decision for the better and you will be so relieved and you will ask yourself why you didn't go to them earlier", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when you go to an alternative opinion about a concern they can show you a different perspective of the situation at hand. Which then helps you become a better problem solver in general", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: having that skill can make some of the tough decision seem very easy. The moment your eyes become fully opened to the different outcomes of what you could say or do based on a simple decision. You start to almost think more logically when you are given the task of answering the hard questions about yourself and you realize that all the decisions you make, impacts you and only you so don't worry about someone else when making a decision about your livelihood. This will ultimately always end up as a better decision because you took the time to hear another way of solving the issue and you can factor that into your decision making and how you will handle the problem you needed to get advice about.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: I personally have always believed in the idea of going to a second opinion about an issue and I always want to help people with their problems just like they help me with mine. You should never discredit your parent or guardians opinion because they could ultimately be correct when it's all said and done. However the minute you start only listening to your parents is the minute when your friends lose trust in you, and you lose trust in them. Remember that whenever a conflict is resolved or your problem is fixed you always have to credit someone for helping you with your problem and if that person is someone other than your parents than you have learned that your peers may be less experienced but they could be just as wise and just as intelligent as your parent or guardian. Finally when you make your ultimate decision based on the advice you were given you are very well informed and you can learn the different perspectives and different lessons that can be taught by different people and you come out of the experience so much wiser and smarter than you ever were before.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: going to a second opinion is beneficial towards your decision making and ultimately will help you in the long run with whatever issues arise.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Why they are think studnets should have classes from home by way of online or video conferencing? Many of the studnets home is to far and maybe can't come or is come let.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Every schools should have this option for students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This is make easy for some students.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: First,some students wanna to stay home for classes this is good thing because you can fouces carfully and take you time and no body can't make you obsess.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some students maybe just need focuse to classes and he can't do in schools and he want to be school home. For Example; We have firend family him name is Generic_Name,Generic_Name wanted to be home school and do work in home. He do like to come school early. He told to him Mother and Father but they are is not agree with him because they says you have to go school and you can learning better and he do not have any option and he start to go school.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Second,the student want to stay home school they should know home school make your lazy because you don't have any activity to do you you stay home all time.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For friendship you can't find good friend. this is make you unfriendly. for the class maybe you not understand what teachers means and you have some question. For Example;Generic_Name she is school home and she all time in home she doesn't have any friend she talk with her mother and father and her mother father is agree with she and she start to go school and she find alot friend and she understand better then befor.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Lastly,some teachers like to teach online and I think this is good option to for teachers because maybe teachers can teach better and maybe can foucse better then in class.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Some teachers go to students home for the teaching just for one student and focuse to just one student. For Example;Generic_Name every Thusday have teacher she come every Thusday in Generic_Name home and she was help to Generic_Name to all home work. she talk to Generic_Name about home teacher is good then teacher in school because you focuse just for one student but in school you focuse just for maybe twenty students this is to hardc for me.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Studnets, should go schools this is not matter do you want go home school or normal school.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: some students have some physically problem I think they are need home schools because is easy then school because in school maybe somebody push and like some accident. For the physically students schools home is good because they can learning easly and they can focause better and nobody obsses.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Some students, need go school for the understand better. Some students need go school because if they are stay in home and they want home schools maybe in not listen to teacher or make copy. For friendly some people is unsocial and need make friend in school. Ithink school good option for this studnets.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: When looking for advice on a decision, do you ask multiple people, or just one? Chances are that you ask many people in search of advice. You do this all the time, such as when you go to multiple doctors for different takes on your problem to help you to decide what action to take.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Searching for multiple opinions and advice can help you", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: to slow down and not act on impulse,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: discover the consequences the choices you have", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: find more options to take.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When you take the time to get advice from others, you prevent yourself from making an impulsive decision.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Making a choice on impulse will rarely turn out well as you probably have very little knowledge and advice from others going behind it. It is when you step back and get advice from others that you prevent yourself from making these kinds of decisions. As an example, think about leaders in government. Often times they take a long time to make a decision as they hear from all of their advisers\u00a0and take their time, as they do not want to make a impulsive choice. By forcing yourself to slow down and get advice form others, you are making better choices by having other's advice and making yourself think a little harder about what choice you are going to make. Getting advice does more than just slowing you down to make a better choice, it also allows others to make sure you are making one that will have serious consequences.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: By getting advice from multiple people you can discover and understand repercussions\u00a0of your actions that you might have taken and caused even more problems.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you never took anybody else advice, you would have really no idea about what might happen as a result of your choice. Getting advice from other's on your problem would give you ideas about the consequences of the your choices, helping you to make a better decision. For example, let's say you have a dental problem where your front teeth don't have enough space to come out of your gum. You may go to a orthodontist who tells you that you would be fine if you just put braces on to give your teeth more space. Now let's say that you go to another orthodontist who tells you that just putting braces on may cause your back teeth to get\u00a0bunched too close together, causing unnecessary pain. You just averted a crisis by simply getting advice from multiple people. By not being impulsive with your actions and getting advice form the people around you, you can make good decisions.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: You could also discover different options to take through getting other's advice. Seeking multiple opinions can help you to discover new choices that you never thought about", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you were to talk with one person, they may be able to give you a few different options, one, or none at all, but if you ask for advice from many people, you could learn of all sorts of different choices that you could make. By having more options, you have a better chance at being able to make the best decision for yourself. Going back to our dental example, let's say you go to another orthodontist, but this time he is an expert on your problem specifically. He tells you that you could get braces on only the teeth that need to move, or you could also have surgery to move the teeth to where they need to be instantly. Although, he tells you that the former would be easier and a bit cheaper, but both are immensely better options than your first two choices. By getting more options you are able to make much more informed decisions and have a easier time making the best decision for yourself and others.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: By getting advice from others, you can make good decisions, as people can give you insights into your problem and help you to make the best choice. When you simply get advice from others, your ability to make the right decision is greatly increased, as you can find more options, understand the problem better, discover some of the repercussions your decision may have, and find out what others think the best action for you to take is. By discovering all of this, you can make an informed decision based on it, which will almost always be better than an impulsive decision that could have serious consequences. Getting advice from others will always be helpful in making the right choices.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: There is immense appeal to being able to spend the day at home and learn from the comforts of your living space while the alternative is being inside of a school building for seven long hours. Some schools have started to offer online classes or options for students to learn from the comfort of their homes. While this is not the traditional approach to schooling and learning, there are definitely a wide array of benefits which accompanying online learning for students", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Further implementation of these online classes by schools would benefit students", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: due to the benefits for busy parents", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: an increased ability for students to learn and work at their own pace", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: accomodations for students to not fall behind or infect others while sick.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Children of certain ages and within certain family situations would benefit greatly from being able to learn from home and help their parents with household duties or other siblings.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In lower income households or single parent households with young children, it can be incredibly taxing to work the appropriate hours to support the family while dealing with watching young children, especially if childcare is too expensive. With online schooling options, older siblings would be able to stay at home, get an education, and relieve the pressures upon their parent or parents through watching their younger siblings. Chores could be done throughout the day and errands could be run; more freedom throughout the day would enable teenagers to best allocate their time to maximize it to their own benefit as well as their family's benefit.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: However, some children from low income households depend on the school to provide meals for the children, so not physically attending school could have some serious detriment depending on the particular living situation of the child.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Additionally, the implementation of online classes would enable children to work at their own pace and consequently maximize their own learning.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: In a system which would allow for the child to budget their own time from the comfort of their own home on schoolwork would enable the child put in the appropriate time which they need rather than spending too little or too much time on a particular subject or assignment. With the online classes only being an option, there are certainly teachers from the school which would be available to provide the necessary supplemental support. Also, the online classes could serve as an outside supplement to in class learning. Extra resources available to students with such great detail as being an entire online course would be invaluable as a supplement to what a teacher could provide in the classroom. Virtual learning could also provide a connection for a more individualized approach. Everyone learns differently, so creating an online course tailored to specific individuals or with particular goals in mind would greatly benefit this group of stragglers within the student population.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Online schooling would certainly work best for some students, but it would be more detrimental for the learning of others due to the diversity in the ways in which we learn.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Most significantly, the implementation of online classes would enable children to continue learning while sick and to not fall behind in their classes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Attending school while sick is something which schools attempt to prevent and discourage, but the pressure to do well in school and the great workload make it close to impossible to miss school days without that greatly impacting your grade. In turn, the negative impact upon grades and having an insurmountable quantity of work to make up leads to a great amount of stress and anxiety. Making the decision to attend school while sick to avoid the stress of making up the work might lead to others getting sick from the exposure. Some students have physical health or mental health crises where the student may miss a consecutive week or more of school, and the recovery from that is a tremendous pain that might continue taxing a student mentally and physically. Making this accomodation for students physical health, mental health, and intellectual success should be an easy decision on the part of schools which begin considering online classes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In today's modern age with widespread technology use pervading every aspect of our lives, the decision to offer online classes should come as an easy one in order to accomodate students and promote greater learning. By offering online class options, schools would be helping out an important group of parents, allowing students to pace themselves appropriately, and prevent absent students from falling behind in school. Considering this plethora of benefits which students would reap from taking online classes, it is well-worth the time to develop and offer these classes for the sake of the students who would benefit from such virtual schooling.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Imagine living in a world where everybody thinks alike. A place where everybody has the same political views, the same views on relationships and even ice cream\u00a0flavor.\n\nA world that lacks different kinds of people with different mindsets is no world at all. Without unique mindsets to guide you through the highs, lows and small mysteries of life, we would all be at a roadblock. Weather you seek advice from outsiders often or do so once every blue moon, every person you ask will answer your question differently, with a unique thought process of their own", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Seeking multiple opinions can guide someone to make a better choice in various ways", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: , such as opening their eyes to something they hadn't previously thought about,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: having them realize what someone else would do if they were in that same position,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: taking multiple opinions into consideration is beneficial to all of us.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Asking others simply for their input on a subject can deeply affect the way that you may view something.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Outsiders viewpoints on a subject can change our perspectives drastically, opening our eyes to a new and different way of thinking. Every single one of us has had something in our past that affects our decision making process, weather its based on our experiences or how we were raised. It may be that you think through things with more caution, or don't think through things at all and thats why you are so spontaneous. I once asked a friend if I should get a necklace with pearls on it or a necklace with golden stars on it. She told me the one with stars on it because she enjoyed the way it looked on me. I then turned to my other friend who was known for thinking through things with a bit more caution and logical thinking. She started to ask me questions, \"What necklace would you get more use out of?\" \"Which necklace could you wear in all of the seasons?\" \"What necklace is the most similar to a necklace that you already have?\" With her advice I then realized that I owned necklaces that were similar to the stars at home and I would get much more use out of the pearls because they went with all of my outfits and were always classy. I would have had a necklace with golden stars on it, that I may have not gotten much use out of. However, with the input of another outside source I was able to eliminate that situation from happening. Though this is an example on a small scale with little actual effect or strong importance, the same thought process applies\u00a0to something on a larger scale. With more viewpoints and opinions comes the idea of higher knowledge and with knowledge comes more implied power.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Realizing that everybody has unique and different viewpoints can be extremley beneficial to all of us. When we take advantage of many unique view points it helps us to make a better choice. Hearing the thoughts and opinions of others opens our eyes to ideas that we may not have previously taken into consideration, the viewpoints of others may even make us realize what someone else would do if they were in our position. Everybody has a past that affects and alters the way that they make everyday decisions or life changing decisions. However, with the help of multiple people's opinions, it can lead us down the pathway of a better decision. Next time you need help with picking the better choice, seek multiple people with different view points to really find the true right choice.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Have you ever had to make a tough decision\u00a0but you just couldn't because it was to hard? Sounds familiar right. Well you probably didn't have made that decision\u00a0because you didn't have multiple viewpoints. Don't worry though. Many people struggle with the same thing. It's hard to make snap decisions\u00a0if you don't have different viewpoints on it. Many people say that it's easier to make hard decisions with different viewpoints and, I agree.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: It's better to make a decision when you have multiple opinions", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you can find new viewpoints,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: have an outsiders opinion", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you could discover relevant information about the topic that could persuade your decision.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When I make a decision I seek out others for their opinion. This has helped me with the decision making process and it can help you as well. Every single day you make decisions. These decisions effect your life. For example one time I had to choose between quitting lacrosse or quitting acting classes. I loved both activities and, it was hard to choose one or the other. So, I asked my mom and she gave me her opinion. This was very helpful because if I had made the decision on my own, I wouldn't have been able to find another viewpoint and the decision I made would've effected my life forever. The opinion my mom gave was to skip lacrosse practice one day a week for my acting classes. Acting was only one day a week and lacrosse was three days a week.\n\nI liked this option. I wouldn't have discovered it if my mom hadn't given me her opinion.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Say your making a big decision. Maybe Its a personal one or one at school or work. The decisions we make today will effect others. Sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. If you have an outsiders opinion, most likely you will become more empathetic. In our brain we usually only think of our own opinion. Our viewpoint. But, there are two sides to every story. We often forget about our peers opinions when making a decision. Having an outsiders opinion can help you learn other peoples opinions and point of views on the situation and it can help you learn how your decision can effect others. Maybe their opinion can help ween you in a different direction.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The other day I was watching a movie. The movie was about a court case in which jurors had to decide if a man was innocent or guilty. The trial gave a lot of useful information that was used in the decision making but, as they went deeper into the mystery, more information was brought to the table. At first twelve out of the thirteen men thought that the man was guilty but as more and more information was discovered by the man one man who though he was innocent, slowly the other jurors who once thought the man was guilty thought he was innocent. At the end of the movie the man was in fact innocent. If that one juror hadn't brought new information that was relevant to the case, they probably would've given the man a improper accusation. This is a great example of how having many opinions can bring relevant information to a decision.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: it's better to seek multiple opinions.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some could say that it's not helpful because its your own decision and only you can make it", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but, I think its better to have other opinions because you can find new view points, you can have a outsiders opinion and you can discover more useful information that is relevant to the topic.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Distance learning is an extravagant way of learning for those who don't necessarily have an easy option to go to public schooling.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Even though some argue that the social interactions experienced at school help build a person's character", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: ; there are many cases where large classrooms actually cripple a student's potential", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Distance learning has many benefits", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: such as for people living in rural areas where transportation can be an issue.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Distance learning students who have a hard time in social environments can find themselves excelling in the privacy of their home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Less school days would be missed due to the fact that outside weather conditions and school conditions would not be an issue.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Also, less money would have to be poured into the transportation system and can be focused on other important aspects of the education system.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: To start off, student's living in rural areas have a harder time getting to school and especially through a bus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: These student's have to wake up earlier than usual and miss out on more sleep.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: You could argue that these rides help the student's create new friends", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but, these student's usually meet outside of school since they live close by.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The more sleep and time a student has to themselves, the more successful they will be.\u00a0Imagine this, a student living in a rural countryside lives about 35 minutes away from his school. Their school starts at around 8:00 AM. The bus would have to make multiple stops and the student's being the first. This would mean that the student would have to be ready to leave in time for the bus to pick them up and endure the rest of the stops. Being this early they would have to be ready by about 7 AM or maybe even earlier. He or she would then have to wake up at a comfortable time maybe 6 AM or earlier. The day before they had homework which they didnt finish until about 5 PM. To get more than 8 hours of sleep at that point you would need to sleep before 10 PM. This leaves the student with not even 5 hours of the day for himself. More time could be allocated to extracurricular activities if the student did not have to worry about getting up in time for the bus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Secondly, there are many student's who suffer from social anxiety and many other issues with social interaction. distance learning can make a student feel comfortable from learning in their own home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Parents also have more control in a student's performance by being their to guide and support them through their studies. A student studying through distance learning will also be able to have more experience with technology. This added experience and knowledge will be critical in this advancing world. A lot\u00a0of people will be able to find themselves taking heart to technology related fields or simply giving themselves new found\u00a0passions. Students who otherwise despise going to school and having to deal with their ailment will find a new found\u00a0love for school and learning. Take for example, a new high school\u00a0student who suffers from social anxiety. This student would have to deal with tons of stress from entering a new environment with new people. He or she would be focused on the gratification of his peers while distracting him from his schoolwork. If this student was taking a distance learning program he would not have to force himself through this unnecessary stress. This student would pick up on vital learning abilities needed in high school\u00a0to help him succeed in his upcoming years. Otherwise, without this type of program, the student could miss out on important opportunities through the stress and turmoil of worrying about his peers and image.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Also, a lot\u00a0of school is missed due to bad road conditions or weather. Distance learning can help make sure that less days are missed so that students can stay on task.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: People who are critical to this topic could say that bad weather could take out energy thus making it useless,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: however these conditions rarely become bad enough to take out power sources.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Student's without power would have more issues to deal with that would also disrupt their learning, so it would only be logical that learning for that day should be halted. There are more scenarios where distance learning would help in these conditions rather than have no impact. For example, on a snowy day, roads are too dangerous for buses and drivers to come to school. With distance learning, students would have the ability to still experience a full school day without their learning be crippled by transportation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Finally, less money would be spent on transportation and less stops would have to be made.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This could save student's more time in the mornings, and save the school money to enhance their learning experience. Buses would have less mileage and more gas. Student's who drive wouldn't have to worry about expenses towards their transportation. Also larger amounts of people can be accommodated by the school due to less people being physically in the classroom. More money could also mean raises to teachers which would satisfy the ongoing issue of teachers feeling like they aren't paid enough. Students will also be more enticed in a school career due to a larger salary. Schools will run a lot\u00a0more smoothly and the field would be infinitely more respected by the new generation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In conclusion, distance learning has a lot of benefits and brings forth solutions to modern problems. Students taking distance learning can better understand technology and how they feel about it. It would come to no surprise if we saw an increase of teachers and computer scientists due to the implementation of this program. School offices would be thrilled to use less money on transportation, and to see students enjoy their success without the turmoil of going through unwanted social interaction. Distance learning is an example of how technological evolution brings forth great changes to everyday life, and how we can get into a healthier mindset of change in the school system.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: When asking for advice it is beneficial to ask multiple people. Each person is different and can have different opinions and view points. When you get multiple opinions you get a variety of different answers and ideas that you can use.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better decision", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: all people have different backgrounds,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: different experiences,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: can provide new ways to think about something.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many people grew up different ways, in different places, and with different people around them. This can impact the way people think about things. According to a study, 90% of people who grew up in poverty know how important getting a job and being able to provide for others is. They know the importance of this because they grew up without it. For example when I was at a beach and I was debating whether or not I should use my money on ice cream\u00a0or a sand bucket so I went around asking people what I should purchase. I went up to a man who was not from America and asked him what I should get and he said that since he didnt have ice cream in his home country, I should get that. The man didnt have ice cream in his country so his background influenced his decision to tell me what i should get.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Everyone's experiences are different even if they did the same thing. This can influence what they tell you. A study has shown that people who have had fun doing\u00a0something are more likely to give positive advice, and those who have not had a good experience are more likely to give negative advice. When someone has had not good experiences with something will probably not recommend you do that same thing where as if someone has had a good time doing something they might recommend\u00a0it. For example when a friend of mine was preparing to go on vacation to Florida, he was wondering if he should take a plane or drive. Many people he asked said that when they had been on planes they were not pleased with the comfort ability\u00a0of them and that he should drive. Others said that in their experiences of being on a plane where quite enjoyable and that driving would be very long and boring. Each person has a different experience and has different advice to give you.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Each person interprets everything you say differently and think about things differently. for example I was wondering if I should start writing an essay now or wait a little bit and brain storm. I asked my mom and dad what I should do and my mom said that I should think and do a little bit of it now, then later go back check it and do a little bit more. I didn't even think of doing that and it goes to show that asking multiple people can provide new ideas and ways of thinking. According to a philosopher if man gets caught up with work and close his mind to other ways of going about it, he will need someone else to open it for him. this explains that different opinions can help one open their mind to different things and make better decisions", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: getting advice from multiple people is beneficial because all people have different backgrounds, different experiences, and have different ways to think about things. Multiple opinions help you make a better choice because you can see what other people think about a certain thing. Getting multiple opinion\u00a0can also help you a chance to think of something in a way that you didnt think about. If you ever need advice in the future, ask multiple people about it and make your decision from there.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Have you ever had to make a hard decision so you asked multiple people for they're opinion on that situation?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Having multiple opinions on a situation is better than having one opinion", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: people can offer different point of views to the situation", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: some people may have experience in the decision you are trying to decide", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when you are making a hard decision all by yourself it can stress you out but when you ask other people for help and get their opinion it can relieve stress from yourself.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: People can offer many different point of views on the situation and can provide different opinions about the situation.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many people have very good decision making skills and help from those people can help you evaluate your decision and help you make a final decision.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: people who can relate about your dilemma will be the best help to someone who is struggling to make a decision on their own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: when making a hard decision all by yourself it can stress you a lot.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: research shows that putting a lot of stress on the body when you are trying to make a decision can often make you choose the wrong solution. Asking other people for advice can help you relieve your stress and can help you make the right decision without stressing your body.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Having many opinions on a situation is better than having one opinion, because people can give you a different point of view on the situation than you had before. some people may have experience in the decision you are trying to decide, and when you are making a hard decision all by yourself it can stress you out but when you ask other people for help and get their opinion it can relieve stress from your body. that is why seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing. This allows students to learn in the comfort of their own home, without having to transport to a private, or public school. This may be convienent for parents who work on a busy schedule, allowing them to choose when and where they want their chilldren to learn.\n\nAlthough online schooling my be beneficial to some children, it may harm their future.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: With this being said, students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they wouldn't develop social skills", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they would have a hard time creating relationships with others", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they may struggle from lack of motivation and depression.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: To grow as an individual, it is essential to surround oneself with others. This is because it allows individuals to develop skills that may make or break their future. These skills are called social skills, and they should be developed as a child. Social skills are important for student development because it allows them to communicate with the people surrounding them on an every day basis", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Schools were intended to bring students together, allowing communication with one another, which is why it is so important for students to learn in grow in schools that are not online.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Social skills may also be one of the biggest things a student can learn in school, and this is something that online schooling does not offer. Communicating with one another will allow students to work and learn together, creating relationships on the way. If students are not surrounded by others, they will have a difficult time creating relationships and friendships with others.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Relationships play a huge role in almost everyone's life. Whether their romantic, family oriented, or friendships, they are an important way to grow as an individual. Students who attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing may find it difficult to create relationships that are not family oriented because they are not surrounded by other students every day. While students who attend online school are in the comfort of their own home, students that attend schools outside of their home are comforted by the people surrounding them", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: This is why students who attend school outside of their home have a major advantage, which is developing relationships.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students will also get a sense of who they are and what they like when engaging and developing relationships with other students, which students who take school online will not be able to do. Most students find joy in creating relationships with others, so they are excited to wake up every morning for school. Those who aren't able to create bonds with others may lack that motivation to get up every morning, which may take a toll on their mental health.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students who attend school beyond the comfort of their own household may have more motivation to get out of bed every morning than those who take school online", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This is because the students who are enrolled in schools may look forward to getting out of the house and seeing their friends every morning, while the students who are enrolled in online schooling have to stay in, isolated from things beyond their household. This may cause harm on the mental health of the students taking school online because they may feel excluded from the world around them. Feeling excluded from the world around them may place a sense of loneless in their life, which may lead to depression. Students should be surrounded by others as they grow so they can maintain a healthy mental state, and be happy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Critics may argue that online schooling has a positive impact on students because if they learn in an enviorment that they feel most comfortable in, then they will be able to absorb more information on a daily basis. They may also say that it is more managable for busy students, and that they can work their schedules around education.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: However, students who learn at home all their life will suffer from a lack social skills, and will have a hard time fitting in in the real world.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: This will cause them to have a major disadvantage from the students because they will have a difficlut time communicating with the people around them, which will definately have an impact on their future.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing because they wouldn't develop social skills, they would have a hard time creating relationships with others,\u00a0and they may struggle from lack of motivation and depression.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Seeking mutiplle opinions is a great idea for many people.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: some things could be bad and nobady wants that and, there could be people who has the right information.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Looking for people with the best advice is the good part, thats why some people look for more people with advice, to see who has the best advice.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Not alot of people will have good advice for what you're looking for", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but sometimes could be good intel on some other things you'd probably need to know like life standards, what to eat so you can get better, and what can make you better.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Getting advice from mutiple people is a really good idea because not everyone is going to give you all information because their either going to forget about it, not want to say, or don't want to talk about it all the way.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: The more the advice the person gives you the better, the most advice is the advice that will teach you more about what you need to know.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: A lot\u00a0of people think seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice. I think this is true because the more you know about something the e better and Easier for you to pick choice", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Imagine this, you find out your mail was robbed. You know that the mail always comes at 2:30 and you saw when the mail man came and dropped it in front of your house. Then you saw two teens walking in front of your house. You might quickly regconise them and quickly call the cops but they wont get arrested on the spot. The police will have to have witnesses,and the teens\n\nPoint of View of the story\n\nI always ask my friends what they think about something before making my final answer.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If people give you more opinions about something you will know like the pros and cons of what ever your asking about", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Thats why i always ask my friends to give me there point of view in things, its easier\u00a0for me to pick a choice between just by knowing whats better for me. Point of views will always help you doesnt matter what problem you have because you can literally figure an answer quickly.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: point of views can really help you out no matter what and i just explained to you why.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Have you ever had something you needed advice?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Way dies\u00a0it help to ask for multiple opinions it will let you see what they would do,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: They shed have your best intros in mind,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: You will get multiple way to do what you need to do.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: They shed have your best intros in mind.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: What dies that mean?\n\nIt means that they wont gave\u00a0you bad advice.\n\nthey will tell you what to do bast on their own experts.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Instead of just getting one way to what ever you need you will get multiple ways to do it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: For example\u00a0I\u00a0was layering to throw\u00a0a cove ball in baseball.\n\nI had two people helping me one of them had one way to throw it and the under\u00a0one had a defeat way.\n\nI lest to both of them and I had to throw the first way that the first person told me.\n\nYou would see what they would do.\n\neveryone has their own ape an\u00a0just like you you mint have a deft ape an\u00a0then your friend that is human.\n\nSo asking multiple people is not bad.\n\nIt will help you if length so dont let anyone tell you that getting multiple opinions.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: In closer I thing that asking for multiple opinions is good become. You would see what they would do, if they are all good pople they will have your best in mind,and You will get multiple ways to do what you need to do", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Do you have trouble making choices by yourself? Sometimes people aren't sure what to do in certain situations so they ask for advice.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: I believe seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: other people may have more experience with the topic,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: you can learn a lot from others,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: getting multiple opinions can help you feel more confident in what you are choosing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you haven't dealt with something much then it will be very useful to get advice and opinions from multiple people who have dealt with your problem before. You should ask numerous people about their past experiences to find out what worked best for them. All of that will help you come to a decision that will hopefully work out. Humans who have more knowledge on your subject will be wiser and can give you a lot of important input to think about when it comes to making a choice. I personally like to talk to my parents about issues because they know much more than I do and usually make the right choices.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: When talking to multiple people they may point out some things you never noticed or thought about, they can also look at your situation from another point of view. This is good because you may be focused on one thing but there could be many other important details that you overlooked. You should always ask more than one person about your problem so that you get a range of opinions and not just one that could be biased. Others may also have more information that you were not aware of.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: If you are making a hard choice, it is important to feel good about what you decide. Knowing that other people agree with you and having a lot of feedback will make you more comfortable with your choice. It can also be less stressful if you know that others believe you are doing the right thing. Many people greatly care about what others think so it can be a relief if they are helped and supported in making a good choice.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: listening to others advice can be very beneficial. You should always talk to numerous people about important decisions. I think that getting multiple opinions will help people make the best choice because they will gain more information on their problem, they will be more comfortable with their choice, and others might have dealt with similar problems before so they have more knowledge on the issue. No one has to try to find a solution on their own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Did you know that when people look for opinions they look for advice?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: seeking multiple opinions when seeking for advice can help make a better choice. I agree with this statement", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: choices", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: opinions,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: point of view of", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: the point of view.", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: persons point of view, the opinions you get from the people is their opinions but sometimes the person whos asking for advice will have to go to another to get their point of view. Depends on situation, the point of view really depends on how and what your situation is, like lets say they are in a fight with their best friend and they go to there parents for help, the mom might just say to talk to her and their dad might say dont talk to her anymore. Many different choices, before the person chooses they usually gets points of views from other people for advice some of these choices can be tricky to choose from.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: opinions,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: the point of view, this person who is looking for some advice. The opinions really depend on the persons point of view. different opinions, opinions can be tricky some opinions are a lot of different then others. Seeking opinions, opinions are the point of view towards the choice this person is about to make so sometimes people ask more than one person to get a different point of view.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: choices,", "label": 0}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: hard choices, choices can be a whole lot better when you seek different opinions from other people. Like lets say the person has a choice between their best friend and their new friend they get along with so well, this choice is very hard to choose from. Many choices, choices can come in many different ways like lets say one person has a choice to eat pizza, pasta , or eat a salad they have more then two choices and they are only aloud too choose one. When one person is looking for advice on a choice one will usually would go with the opinions that work the best for his or her choice. It really doesnt matter what they choose it only matters what the opinion, and situation, or the choice this person is in", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Seeking multiple opinions when seeking for advice can help make a better choice. I agree with this prompt because of the point of view, the opinions, and finally the choices. Opinions and choices happen in our everyday lives.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: A student lounges on his couch, eating cereal while listening to his professor give a lecture. While this scene may evoke a feeling of a relaxed learning environment, many, if not all students would actually find it much harder to experience a good quality education from home.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: By attending school from home, students would be unfocused and miss out on opportunities that only a physical school can provide. A school provides a specified location completely dedicated to learning.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Students from all over get together and interact, learning not only the course material, but life skills in human interaction.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Many homes that house one or more students are normally very busy place. Take an average middle class family, around two parents and three children. At least one parent has work, so they are away for they majority of the day. The other parent must now be the one to shuttle the students to doctors appointments, and cannot leave them home. The parent would have to decide between taking their children to everywhere the parent goes, and distracting the children from education, or leaving them home alone. Either the students would not be able to focus on their work, or the parent would not get anything useful done. Say they had a nanny to watch the children while the parents work. Now the children have to be impossibly restrained to keep themselves from bothering each other. Imagine trying to focus on a physics lecture while trying to stop a young child from coming into your room screaming", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: . Even if the conditions at home are completely perfect, a student needs to somehow remain completely focused. A screen with colors and sounds coming out of it does not hold one responsible as well as an in person teacher.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The distractions could range from \"just taking a break\" to \"just getting some fresh air\" to \"I'm just going to go to the movies\". There is no real way the teacher could stop them. Many students lack self-control, or need to be taught it. These students would never learn that they can not just leave because something bores them. All, but especially young students would find focusing extremely difficult when not being held accountable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Suppose the distractions are not an issue. A student sits down at his computer, switches it on, and is greeted by a neon light and artificial sounds. After the lecture, the student reaches out, switches the screen off, and takes a nap. This seems completely fine, but the student is missing a very crucial step; actual human interaction. This is vital for any functioning adult. No matter what job one has, they will always have to interact with another human.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: If a students life consists of just wake up, eat, watch a lecture, do the work, eat, go to sleep, then they miss out on human interaction other than their direct family for nearly eighteen years. That is absolutely not an ideal trade for the luxury of learning from home.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Some classes are altogether impossible to attend online.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: How would any musician learn to play in a group? Would they turn up the computer volume all the way just to hear a few other people? How would they play together if there is a delay in transmission? That completely rules out all of the musical department. What about workshop classes? Are the students expected to purchase thousands of dollars of machinery just to do a school project? Now the only classes available online are the ones that just pump your head full of words and facts. Nearly all schools also have extracurricular sports. These sports are much cheaper and easier to participate in than private clubs. Online, students can not exactly throw a baseball to each other. They would instead have to pay hundreds of dollars, even if they made they very selective tryouts.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: After reviewing the negatives of the situation, it is apparent that they outweigh the positives. Just for the convenience of not leaving ones bed to take a class, one would have to give up human interaction, easily accessible activities, and the ability to distinguish a place of work from a place of rest.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Advice. Advice can be important to many people, and most of the time they ask multiple people for it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Seeking advice can sometimes be hard and asking multiple people can help you reach your final decision.\u00a0Asking multiple people of their opinion helps someone make a better choice", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: they have more options,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: quicker and easier to get a final decision,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: make an overall smarter choice.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: A lot of people are going to say a lot of different things about your situation. This gives you more options to make a better choice in the end. The more options you have, the more possibilities there are and then choose the one you think is best. It also gives you the opportunity to use the process of elimination for options you don't consider to be helpful. This can help for any situation you may be in.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: The reason it would be easier is that the people you ask, have probably been in the same situation you are in. It is also a quicker process because other people can help you through it instead of going in alone. This is really helpful for most people because some situations are nearly impossible to do alone. It takes nearly twice as long if you were to figure out a solution on your own.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Sometimes, other people have the best answers to your problems. You can make a smarter choice by asking multiple people because most of the time, they have the answers. It is easier to make a smarter choice by getting help when you need it. All of the other advice leads into this one. I feel you can use all of these stratogies to get to the smartest choice you can. When making a decision be sure to ask othe people.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: asking multiple people for advice can be really helpful to most, if not, all people. It is never easy approaching a problem by yourself which is why you should always ask for help. Asking others for advice can sometimes be the best option because you have more options to choose from while in the decision making process, you can make a decision easier and quicker, and you can arrive to an overall smarter choice from others.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLead: Advancements in how we are providing education continue to grow in the number of options for how one is receiving their education, Attending classes in school is a way that a majority of people receive their education, although some students are provided the opportunity and option to receive education outside of the typical school environment, this being options to learn from home. These options can include online courses, or a video conference.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPosition: Students would not benefit from an education outside of the school environment as much as they would attending school", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: being separated from a learning environment makes it more difficult to complete work and focus,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: participating in an online course allows for a lack of communication and ideas from other peers,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: receiving help from a teacher or an instructor would be more limited and restricted if one were to take an online course.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: When working in an environment other than school, in this case at home, there is a removed focus of the student due to the setting they are in, and it may make learning more difficult in terms of concentration.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Take for example, completing an online course. When students are at home taking the online course, they are placed in a more comfortable environment that lacks a working ambiance. Consequently, there is a greater chance that the student could focus their attention away from the work because of distractions that may include: television, chores, video games, and others. They may also more easily have the tendency to slack off and fall behind. While completing work at a school, students are surrounded by materials that place them in the mindset of their education, and provided help and support that encourages learning and success, rather than the at home comforts. Fortunately, at school there are a limited number of things that will focus ones attention away from what is needed to be completed, and done to the fullest potential with effort. In a working environment the encouragement to learn not only comes from the instructors, but also the other students that also attend the school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Provided a student takes a course outside of a school, they are not always given the opportunity to have other peers around that are earning the same education.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some may claim that independent work is a better option", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but what is so beneficial from attending a school is that students are exposed to other ideas developed by other students, and can participate in engaging discussions to make further achievements.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Through these shared concepts, students can learn and comprehend more information off of one another, and make connections through certain ideas that are shared in class. This is demonstrated not only through group assignments, but through the participation of students during a class lesson. When a student is called on to share aloud, they are sharing an idea that may benefit someone else's learning experience, and help with their improvement and understanding of the curriculum in the class. School group projects allow students to share their ideas towards one another and further their comprehension of the relevant information. The students may develop a new way to perceive the topic, which, beneficially, is crucial for their success in the course and in the future. Ideas are not only defined through other students, but are defined through the professionalism the teachers carry in the course.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nClaim: Students knowledge is generated through in person help from instructors, given that students struggle to make a connection and perceive the topic.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvidence: Online courses do not give the opportunity for students to ask engaging and purposeful questions to help them make achievements. If students who are participating in taking an online course at home begin to struggle in a course, the lack of communication from someone who is experienced may further complicate that situation; however teachers i school direct students primarily to succeed in the course, and are willing to provide all the help necessary for a student's success. Even if students are taking a course through, for example a video conference, they still are not gaining the same\u00a0help. If a video conference lesson was for a math course, it would be complicated for a teacher to view the mistakes made on practice that a student completed, and directly present to them what they did incorrectly. Teachers roles are to expand and elaborate on topics, so a student is able to gain a full understanding of the curriculum necessary for a test, or a future assessment. Those who are taking a course at home do not gain\u00a0that full elaboration or background knowledge as a student who is receiving in person instruction would.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: It is crucial for a person who wants a full and purposeful learning experience to attend an actual school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Although some may make claim that taking a course at home provides for more personal time to complete other necessary tasks, and can learn the same information as those who are attending an actual school,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: those that are not educated in a school aren't receiving the same fulfillment and educational opportunities as those who are educated in a school environment.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCounterclaim: Some may also believe that at home courses aren't as complex and are more flexible,", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRebuttal: but they allow for more mistakes, and less knowledge gained through them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following argument fragment on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConcluding Statement: Schools are not only beneficial but are crucial success not only in the courses they are taking, but in future roles, whether that be, for example, in a career, or becoming financially stable. Secondary options to attending a school, like courses at home, are not the same and do not hold the same roles or positions as a school do in the sense of a person's success.", "label": 2}]