[ { "data": { "Question": "Form extracellular fibers with high tensile strength:", "Options": { "A": "Fibronectin", "B": "Collagen", "C": "Integrins", "D": "Proteoglycans" }, "Correct Answer": "Collagen", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "19bf3ca4-1c36-4a4f-ac0b-26fa0a6e780a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cardiolipin phospholipid is abundant in the membrane:", "Options": { "A": "Internal mitochondrial", "B": "External mitochondrial", "C": "Plasma.", "D": "Lysosomal" }, "Correct Answer": "Internal mitochondrial", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "25b03ef9-ad40-456e-9c4e-673041528c00", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is NOT a function of the intermediate filaments:", "Options": { "A": "Provide structural support to the cell.", "B": "Fix the core in its place.", "C": "Provide mechanical resistance", "D": "Cellular locomotion" }, "Correct Answer": "Cellular locomotion", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "038b5d6c-72e1-4eba-a7ce-2d7b5526e8eb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The multivesicular bodies are:", "Options": { "A": "Peroxisomes", "B": "Mitochondria", "C": "Polysomes", "D": "Endosomes" }, "Correct Answer": "Endosomes", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "310f9360-c89a-4b60-927a-3e3de2d7e82b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They form the myelin sheath of the axons in the peripheral nervous system:", "Options": { "A": "Oligodendrocytes", "B": "Schwann cells.", "C": "Microglial cells", "D": "Ganglion cells" }, "Correct Answer": "Schwann cells.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "40ac84e8-53e0-480a-b348-4173b9e85ec3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The fibrocartilage is located in:", "Options": { "A": "Larynx.", "B": "Ventral ends of ribs.", "C": "Intervertebral discs", "D": "Epiglottis." }, "Correct Answer": "Intervertebral discs", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "aa816fb3-8232-428f-8556-082bff057a01", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The linear molecule of DNA associated with proteins is:", "Options": { "A": "Nucleosome", "B": "Chromatin", "C": "Eukaryotic chromosome.", "D": "Gen." }, "Correct Answer": "Eukaryotic chromosome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "293020dd-ef4a-4805-8c13-1cee538d29e8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are multinucleated cells:", "Options": { "A": "Chondroblasts", "B": "Osteoblasts", "C": "Fibroblasts.", "D": "Osteoclasts." }, "Correct Answer": "Osteoclasts.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9fbe8246-574a-4071-b6b3-82b65f4163eb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is an avascular connective tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Conjunctive lax", "B": "Adipose.", "C": "Osseous.", "D": "Cartilage." }, "Correct Answer": "Cartilage.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2368c718-f85e-4288-b6c6-e6a82dbbc317", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The formation of bone from a mold of hyaline cartilage is called:", "Options": { "A": "Intramembranous.", "B": "Trabecular", "C": "Endocondral.", "D": "Apostolic" }, "Correct Answer": "Endocondral.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4517cf68-6aef-4254-a923-10535cec9d43", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They carry out the degradation of proteins associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ERAD):", "Options": { "A": "Proteosomes", "B": "Lysosomes", "C": "Peroxisomes", "D": "Phagosomes" }, "Correct Answer": "Proteosomes", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "04f7a985-725d-48f1-bce7-142d37ffb184", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Vesicles leave from the Golgi cis network (CGN) to:", "Options": { "A": "Endoplasmic reticulum.", "B": "Plasma membrane.", "C": "Lysosomes", "D": "Peroxisomes" }, "Correct Answer": "Endoplasmic reticulum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "93c80b02-51a5-4d18-bd78-2021ebb6c7db", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The protein complex responsible for the branching of actin filaments is:", "Options": { "A": "Gamma tubulina.", "B": "Formina.", "C": "Arp 2/3.", "D": "Apoptosome" }, "Correct Answer": "Arp 2/3.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6d8e4274-c309-4cf8-9a01-44f1d0040270", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The set formed by a pair of perpendicular centrioles and the amorphous material that surrounds them is called:", "Options": { "A": "Axonema.", "B": "Centrosome", "C": "Cinetocoro.", "D": "Basal body" }, "Correct Answer": "Centrosome", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6b26cded-2293-4575-96b7-3509c08e4f8f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In anaphase I of meiosis are separated:", "Options": { "A": "Sister chromates.", "B": "Homologous chromatids.", "C": "Chromosomes brothers.", "D": "Homologous chromosomes." }, "Correct Answer": "Homologous chromosomes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d6320313-36b1-456c-b0c4-5915f4dc6515", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The large non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan that fills the spaces between the molecules of the extracellular matrix is:", "Options": { "A": "Collagen", "B": "Proteoglucan", "C": "Hyaluronic acid.", "D": "Fibronectin" }, "Correct Answer": "Hyaluronic acid.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "87775708-f3c9-4016-bb77-7d9b1d4f9bc5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "He specializes in phagocytosis of bacteria:", "Options": { "A": "Neutrophil", "B": "Eosinophilic", "C": "Basophil", "D": "Lymphocyte" }, "Correct Answer": "Neutrophil", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "309fde1c-0b3c-4e3d-b82d-8f52185ba27f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mesenchyme is a type of tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Muscular.", "B": "Conjunctive.", "C": "Epithelial.", "D": "Nervous." }, "Correct Answer": "Conjunctive.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d388a8ba-af82-496e-87db-851a0f2ee495", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The intercalary discs are a characteristic of muscle tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Skeletal.", "B": "Cardiac.", "C": "Vascular smooth", "D": "Visceral smooth." }, "Correct Answer": "Cardiac.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "307c0372-2600-46a8-92ab-3f6c6153b896", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The gray substance occupies the central part of:", "Options": { "A": "Brain.", "B": "Cerebellum.", "C": "Nerve.", "D": "Spinal cord." }, "Correct Answer": "Spinal cord.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "97bad24f-bb35-4a31-9cca-8f6e97ae50bf", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the plasma membrane:", "Options": { "A": "Only the integral proteins are displaced.", "B": "The particles observed with cryofracture are peripheral proteins.", "C": "The glucidic component of glycoproteins is oriented towards the cytoplasm.", "D": "One of the functions of transmembrane proteins is the reception of ligands." }, "Correct Answer": "One of the functions of transmembrane proteins is the reception of ligands.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0579c118-5b95-4d6e-bcf4-b2d65a9f5d9f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The X and Y chromosomes are similar in size.", "B": "Classic karyotypes are made with metaphase chromosomes.", "C": "During all mitosis the chromosomes are free in the cytoplasm.", "D": "The two X chromosomes originate in the woman the appearance of two corpuscles of Barr." }, "Correct Answer": "Classic karyotypes are made with metaphase chromosomes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0dcbf7f3-479d-47cc-a326-6a65ad161bb8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Nuclear pores:", "Options": { "A": "They are open regulated by the ligand.", "B": "They present a water channel.", "C": "They only allow the transport of ions and small polar molecules.", "D": "They communicate the nucleus with the interior of the endoplasmic reticulum." }, "Correct Answer": "They present a water channel.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "29751128-a3e1-4b25-8ba8-9d128a592981", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the true answer:", "Options": { "A": "Kinesins and dyneins are associated with intermediate filaments.", "B": "Examples of intermediate filaments are keratin, desmin or actin.", "C": "Microtubules are formed by polymerization.", "D": "The centrioles are formed by 9 microtubule doublets." }, "Correct Answer": "Microtubules are formed by polymerization.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b48d49f3-f6ef-4e41-936f-e00e824fc01f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The epithelium that upholsters:", "Options": { "A": "The intestine is bistratified cylindrical.", "B": "The urinary tract is the transition.", "C": "The lymphatic and blood vessels is the mesothelium.", "D": "The respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi) is simple cubic." }, "Correct Answer": "The urinary tract is the transition.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7ee0429b-cd6f-46ec-8752-ff6929729e8a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It can be derived from the three embryonic leaves (endo-, meso- and ecto-dermo) tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Epithelial.", "B": "Conjunctive.", "C": "Muscular.", "D": "Nervous." }, "Correct Answer": "Epithelial.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "31e98d21-24f4-40bc-a133-e5a572e9c60d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Connective tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Lax can be modeled (regular) or not modeled (irregular).", "B": "Denso constitutes the subepithelial conjunctive layer (lamina propria) in many organs.", "C": "Denso has few cells and abundant fibers.", "D": "Mucous is typical of the airways." }, "Correct Answer": "Denso has few cells and abundant fibers.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d89d6e22-7044-4054-ae1c-67c916971dbc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to adipose tissue:", "Options": { "A": "The unilocular adipocytes possess a triglyceride drop delimited by membrane.", "B": "The most important function of brown adipose is thermogenesis.", "C": "The adipocytes secrete leptin, which stimulates the intake.", "D": "The white adipose is poorly irrigated." }, "Correct Answer": "The most important function of brown adipose is thermogenesis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5c2abda4-c51f-4a99-b97d-aa9d4c8b6881", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to cartilage:", "Options": { "A": "Type I collagen predominates in hyaline.", "B": "Chondrocytes form small groups called aggrecans.", "C": "The epiphyseal disc is fibrous cartilage.", "D": "The cartilage has two types of growth: apposition and interstitial." }, "Correct Answer": "The cartilage has two types of growth: apposition and interstitial.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "af32449a-333e-407d-a3cd-51c7af8a12e3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The secretory or adenomere portion is acinous (acinar) in:", "Options": { "A": "Sweat glands.", "B": "Intestinal glands", "C": "Exocrine pancreas.", "D": "Glands of the stomach (pylorus)." }, "Correct Answer": "Exocrine pancreas.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5274edff-7454-497c-9730-4dc6170c320c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The largest representation in the sensory homunculus corresponds to:", "Options": { "A": "Face.", "B": "Back.", "C": "Leg.", "D": "Foot." }, "Correct Answer": "Face.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "907a4590-0e5b-43af-b293-6adfb54d4b7f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the skeletal neuromuscular junctions the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane are:", "Options": { "A": "Alpha adrenergic.", "B": "Beta adrenergic.", "C": "Muscarinics", "D": "Nicotinics" }, "Correct Answer": "Nicotinics", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "34c6bb4d-519c-44ba-a938-44ff98f87664", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Tubules T:", "Options": { "A": "They propagate the action potential to the cellular interior.", "B": "They are stores of calcium.", "C": "They are very developed in the smooth muscle.", "D": "They join the muscle cells." }, "Correct Answer": "They propagate the action potential to the cellular interior.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9f18290e-d481-4d10-9c41-f045f54f2a51", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a neuron the receptor of:", "Options": { "A": "Smell.", "B": "Taste.", "C": "View.", "D": "Ear." }, "Correct Answer": "Smell.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f0be2dda-eaf8-47e8-bacc-dc681e8ef404", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the focal point is behind the retina, the corrective lens should be:", "Options": { "A": "Biconcave", "B": "Biconvex", "C": "Flat", "D": "Polarized." }, "Correct Answer": "Biconvex", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a1e6f0b9-c22f-4adc-8d2f-7c50c764e0ea", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The basal ganglia:", "Options": { "A": "They integrate sensitive information.", "B": "They participate in the neuroendocrine control.", "C": "They participate in the planning of voluntary movements.", "D": "They unleash the dream of slow waves." }, "Correct Answer": "They participate in the planning of voluntary movements.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1f8dc532-52f1-4566-8270-31d9fadcca36", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the retina, the center-periphery antagonism of the ganglion cell receptor field causes it:", "Options": { "A": "The type of photoreceptor activated.", "B": "Horizontal cells.", "C": "Bipolar cells.", "D": "Emissions of the lateral geniculate nucleus." }, "Correct Answer": "Horizontal cells.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3351f156-495d-4397-9ea4-1226e0a120b6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is important for the understanding of language, the lobe:", "Options": { "A": "Parietal.", "B": "Temporary.", "C": "Occipital.", "D": "Frontal." }, "Correct Answer": "Temporary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9a018218-9c3b-4c7f-b16d-8e6e0eea78a8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In skeletal skeletal muscle of mammals:", "Options": { "A": "A motor neuron supplies all its fibers.", "B": "Each motor neuron supplies a single fiber.", "C": "Each fiber receives innervation from a single motor neuron.", "D": "Summation of synaptic potentials is required to reach the excitation threshold." }, "Correct Answer": "Each fiber receives innervation from a single motor neuron.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e7427764-9005-4f7a-8fef-e7b07cbec5ea", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The corpuscles of Pacini:", "Options": { "A": "They are innervated by unmyelinated fibers.", "B": "They mediate thermal sensitivity.", "C": "They are free nerve endings.", "D": "They are fast adaptation receivers." }, "Correct Answer": "They are fast adaptation receivers.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "315671de-d589-4bb4-9a63-67c093812d18", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Golgi's myotendinous organ:", "Options": { "A": "Monitor changes in muscle tension.", "B": "Reports the length of the muscle.", "C": "It is innervated by type Ia sensory fibers.", "D": "It evokes the miotic reflex." }, "Correct Answer": "Monitor changes in muscle tension.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "defe659c-2fa9-48a7-8612-c14cd7b5d49f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hypothalamus is located in:", "Options": { "A": "Midbrain.", "B": "Boss.", "C": "Diencephalon", "D": "Telencephalon." }, "Correct Answer": "Diencephalon", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5372d09d-c12a-41f8-b0e2-628c17198613", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Increases lipogenesis:", "Options": { "A": "Insulin.", "B": "Glucagon.", "C": "Cortisol", "D": "Somatotropin" }, "Correct Answer": "Insulin.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "064e3e50-4a1b-4c28-a01e-137bc787ee18", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) inhibits the:", "Options": { "A": "Synthesis of cortisol.", "B": "Response to stress", "C": "Synthesis of aldosterone.", "D": "Synthesis and release of corticoliberin (CRH)." }, "Correct Answer": "Synthesis and release of corticoliberin (CRH).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b4af7227-4133-4e4c-972f-c41f3f8fd9bf", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Insulin inhibits the:", "Options": { "A": "Incorporation of GLUT4 in the plasma membrane.", "B": "Neoglucogenesis.", "C": "Glucolysis", "D": "Synthesis of triglycerides." }, "Correct Answer": "Neoglucogenesis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "784fdac5-9801-4e7f-9a4f-4793f3ea0f2d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Increases the production of calcitriol:", "Options": { "A": "Parathormone.", "B": "23.25 (OH) 2 cholecalciferol.", "C": "Calcitonin", "D": "Hypercalcemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Parathormone.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "297b727f-f5d0-4b73-976b-1b4f8018b50b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The glucocorticoids:", "Options": { "A": "They inhibit gluconeogenesis from the first moment.", "B": "They stimulate bone formation.", "C": "They are immunosuppressants.", "D": "Antagonize the action of catecholamines." }, "Correct Answer": "They are immunosuppressants.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "34f991c8-464f-4776-8055-6cebd651c167", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main hormones of the adenohypophysis are:", "Options": { "A": "Trophic", "B": "Neurohormones.", "C": "Steroids", "D": "Liposoluble." }, "Correct Answer": "Trophic", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4ed931c7-b08c-42e5-9a43-f739d44c83a2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Gastric receptive relaxation:", "Options": { "A": "It is modulated by the lazy.", "B": "It is stimulated by motilin.", "C": "It is inhibited during swallowing.", "D": "It occurs in the gastric antrum." }, "Correct Answer": "It is modulated by the lazy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0805d61c-9bfc-43a2-b928-9169ef40a358", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nice one:", "Options": { "A": "Swallowing begins", "B": "Stimulates intestinal peristaltic waves.", "C": "Relax the internal anal sphincter", "D": "It inhibits the contraction of the gastric body and antrum." }, "Correct Answer": "It inhibits the contraction of the gastric body and antrum.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7275baec-a91c-46b0-9d19-9437848fbe3c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acini of the pancreas segregate:", "Options": { "A": "Pepsinogen", "B": "Tripsinogen", "C": "Insulin.", "D": "Trypsin" }, "Correct Answer": "Tripsinogen", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ef1387ad-a12a-4afa-9ab3-5aaefe8c0374", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "After ingestion, contractions in the colon begin due to:", "Options": { "A": "Histamine.", "B": "Cholecystokinin", "C": "Gastrocolic reflex.", "D": "Enterogastric reflex." }, "Correct Answer": "Gastrocolic reflex.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f4d4ddc7-c67b-4790-8b95-2dba32438671", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The regression of Müller's ducts:", "Options": { "A": "Determine the differentiation of the male sex.", "B": "It is inhibited by the Müller inhibitory substance.", "C": "It is stimulated by testosterone.", "D": "It is parallel to the regression of Wolff's ducts." }, "Correct Answer": "Determine the differentiation of the male sex.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5180556e-d649-41b5-a6c5-e3bf8cb2e172", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In men the LH:", "Options": { "A": "Stimulates the secretion of androgens by Leydig cells.", "B": "It favors the development of the corpus luteum.", "C": "It is regulated by inhibin.", "D": "It segregates cyclically." }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulates the secretion of androgens by Leydig cells.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9726128f-1bc6-4759-b61b-3d567a006bb9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Plasmin induces:", "Options": { "A": "Formation of the platelet plug.", "B": "Platelet adhesion.", "C": "Fibrinolysis.", "D": "Activation of thrombin." }, "Correct Answer": "Fibrinolysis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8022102d-49d4-4be4-ace4-6f8f7ade96cf", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hematocrit indicates the:", "Options": { "A": "% in volume of hemoglobin with respect to plasma.", "B": "Number of red blood cells per mm3.", "C": "Volume of plasma contained in the blood.", "D": "% in volume of red blood cells with respect to blood." }, "Correct Answer": "% in volume of red blood cells with respect to blood.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "82a0152b-3aeb-44a4-a474-d40d7073beed", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The atrial and ventricular contractions do not coincide because:", "Options": { "A": "There is a delay in the atrioventricular node.", "B": "The impulse starts in the sinoatrial node.", "C": "Purkinje fibers drive very quickly.", "D": "They happen at different speeds." }, "Correct Answer": "There is a delay in the atrioventricular node.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "aeb7123c-6229-4bc6-9358-40b2c3491336", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pacemaker frequency is higher in:", "Options": { "A": "Atrioventricular node.", "B": "Sinus node.", "C": "Make of His.", "D": "Ventricular myocardial cells." }, "Correct Answer": "Sinus node.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "32fff508-ed02-4674-bc0b-896d865a0a63", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It has a positive chronotropic effect:", "Options": { "A": "Vagal stimulation.", "B": "Increase in the concentration of thyroid hormone.", "C": "Increase afterload.", "D": "Activation of arterial baroreceptors." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase in the concentration of thyroid hormone.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dc75cc3c-3261-4447-a24c-776cfe536887", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During cardiac isovolumetric relaxation:", "Options": { "A": "The pressure in the aorta is lower than that in the left ventricle.", "B": "The atrio-ventricular valves are closed.", "C": "The P wave appears on the ECG.", "D": "The ventricular volume is almost zero." }, "Correct Answer": "The atrio-ventricular valves are closed.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bd1903e1-6540-4340-b61e-4ea48a0ea83a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Inhibition of arterial baroreceptors induces:", "Options": { "A": "Vagal stimulation.", "B": "ADH secretion.", "C": "Peripheral vasodilatation.", "D": "Reduction of cardiac output." }, "Correct Answer": "ADH secretion.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "40c41848-3d41-4b09-9cb5-25a75a84eaca", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the electrocardiogram, the conduction velocity of the cardiac impulse through the A-V node is reflected in:", "Options": { "A": "The QRS complex.", "B": "The T wave", "C": "The PR interval.", "D": "The QT interval." }, "Correct Answer": "The PR interval.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6ed0f8b5-72b8-4c6f-972e-4cf848db37ce", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Increase blood pressure stimulation:", "Options": { "A": "Parasympathetic", "B": "Of the baroreceptors.", "C": "Vagal.", "D": "Nice." }, "Correct Answer": "Nice.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "680c8952-e944-40bb-bbd4-4a88d8e31f3d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At the start of expiration at rest:", "Options": { "A": "The alveolar pressure is negative.", "B": "The exhaled gas comes from the anatomical dead space.", "C": "The internal intercostal muscles contract.", "D": "The intrapleural pressure is positive." }, "Correct Answer": "The exhaled gas comes from the anatomical dead space.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5a81f93-551a-422d-9468-2d39e9081a7b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The alveolar pressure is negative:", "Options": { "A": "Throughout the respiratory cycle.", "B": "During inspiration.", "C": "During expiration", "D": "If there is no air flow." }, "Correct Answer": "During inspiration.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b91c293f-860c-4286-b4d9-495393cf8a6c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pulmonary surfactant increases:", "Options": { "A": "The surface tension of the alveoli.", "B": "The respiratory work.", "C": "Pulmonary compliance", "D": "The resistance to air entry." }, "Correct Answer": "Pulmonary compliance", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fbe9254d-a67a-4319-a38b-cbce841cdc84", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The tidal volume is the volume of air that:", "Options": { "A": "There is in the lung after inspiration.", "B": "It is exchanged with the outside in a normal breath.", "C": "It remains in the lungs after expiration.", "D": "It is exchanged with the outside in a minute." }, "Correct Answer": "It is exchanged with the outside in a normal breath.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cdd26323-c184-422c-90e0-27728ee88dc2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a virion is more sensitive to ether than another virion, it can be said that the first:", "Options": { "A": "It has a complex structure.", "B": "It has a helical morphology.", "C": "It has a lipid envelope.", "D": "It has peplomers." }, "Correct Answer": "It has a lipid envelope.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "01af474e-2211-4096-9e33-78f002f90f32", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is a protomer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Each of the proteins that form a pre-virus.", "B": "Each of the proteins that make up the capsid of a virus.", "C": "Each of the monomers that are part of the viral spicules.", "D": "Each one of the pentamers that constitute the capsid of the icosahedral viruses." }, "Correct Answer": "Each of the proteins that make up the capsid of a virus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6d943b73-31c0-477e-b1c5-ae4d5b5095a5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What will be the genetic material of a virus that can synthesize its proteins immediately after the decapsidation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Single-stranded DNA (+).", "B": "Single-stranded DNA (-).", "C": "Single chain RNA (+).", "D": "Single chain RNA (-)." }, "Correct Answer": "Single chain RNA (+).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "af43d89c-f606-4ce7-8545-9f0434fb1e55", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does indinavir act on the human immunodeficiency virus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibits retrotranscriptase.", "B": "Inhibits binding to the target cell.", "C": "It affects the functionality of the viral integrase.", "D": "Inhibits the protease." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibits the protease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5df7a60e-7667-41de-a245-5c1b3fe76743", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is used against the varicella-zoster virus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Trifluridine", "B": "Penciclovir", "C": "Acyclovir", "D": "Iododeoxyuridine" }, "Correct Answer": "Acyclovir", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9f0ba422-defd-4f0b-aeb2-5d7d3394b390", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The yellow fever virus is a:", "Options": { "A": "Flavivirus.", "B": "Alfavirus.", "C": "Bornavirus.", "D": "Arenavirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Flavivirus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "83089a9b-3581-42e6-bf5e-20b4149ef3f8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following viruses contains an RNA polymerase in your virion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Coronavirus.", "B": "Togavirus.", "C": "Calicivirus", "D": "Rabdovirus" }, "Correct Answer": "Rabdovirus", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e38bc32e-5ca9-4484-b611-8ceea808820c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the indicated viruses has a segmented genome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hepadnavirus.", "B": "Ortomixovirus.", "C": "Poxvirus.", "D": "Herpesvirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Ortomixovirus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "58a40eba-71af-43ce-a33d-0b1877351612", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following viruses can easily cause a latent infection ?:", "Options": { "A": "Parotitis.", "B": "Cytomegalovirus.", "C": "Rage.", "D": "Hepatitis A." }, "Correct Answer": "Cytomegalovirus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b7896991-afa7-4a70-ac4f-b21f3b8c5914", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following viruses uses reverse transcriptase during its replication ?:", "Options": { "A": "Polyomavirus", "B": "Parvovirus.", "C": "Hepadnavirus.", "D": "Flavivirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Hepadnavirus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6f4fc4d5-cccc-4f8a-a452-b384083557ee", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following viruses requires DNA polymerases from the host cell for replication ?:", "Options": { "A": "Papillomavirus.", "B": "Hepatitis B virus", "C": "Togavirus.", "D": "Poxvirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Papillomavirus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "85f432c5-f4c5-49de-b370-99585d8ccf16", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What DNA virus has palindromic sequences at its ends to facilitate its replication by the host DNA polymerase ?:", "Options": { "A": "Polyomavirus", "B": "Papillomavirus.", "C": "Parvovirus.", "D": "Baculovirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Parvovirus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2d1b77fd-3a0f-43a8-928c-c6b88a233ca7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the structures visible to the optical microscope that causes the rabies virus in the cells it infects ?:", "Options": { "A": "Radicular granulosis", "B": "Sincitios", "C": "Bodies of Negri.", "D": "Cowdry bodies." }, "Correct Answer": "Bodies of Negri.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c3e28c3c-187f-4026-841f-3c31b1d14c00", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which animal is the recombination between the human influenza virus and the avian that generates the antigenic change ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chicken.", "B": "Rat.", "C": "Duck.", "D": "Pork." }, "Correct Answer": "Pork.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b4c98c6c-50d2-4263-9237-1cca0f482281", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the products that kill or inhibit microbial growth and that are safe enough to be used in living tissues ?:", "Options": { "A": "Antiseptic.", "B": "Sterilizing agent.", "C": "Sanitizing agent.", "D": "Disinfectant." }, "Correct Answer": "Antiseptic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "93a045df-5554-4936-b849-5fe0e230cf7e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the sterilization of thermosensitive liquids, filters with pores of:", "Options": { "A": "1 μm.", "B": "0.22 μm.", "C": "0.1 μm.", "D": "0.02 μm." }, "Correct Answer": "0.22 μm.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e48a6f88-c1de-44df-84aa-38a9988997ad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The counting of microorganisms by microscopy is facilitated by staining the sample with the DAPI fluorophore that binds specifically to:", "Options": { "A": "The peptidoglycan.", "B": "The membrane proteins.", "C": "The DNA.", "D": "The respiratory complexes electron transporters." }, "Correct Answer": "The DNA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c305d2d1-4783-4771-92af-ae5c3d736ca8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ethylene oxide sterilizes by its activity:", "Options": { "A": "Lipid solvent and membrane denaturant.", "B": "Alkylator", "C": "Oxidizer", "D": "Protein denaturant." }, "Correct Answer": "Alkylator", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d204440a-b94e-442b-9323-05ddddf3ace2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why do culture media for obligate anaerobic bacteria usually contain cysteine or thioglycollate ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are specific nutritional requirements of most of these bacteria.", "B": "They are indicators of the contamination of the medium with aerobic bacteria.", "C": "They are redox indicators.", "D": "They are reducing agents." }, "Correct Answer": "They are reducing agents.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "98c9f726-b979-4408-b92b-b4b171577518", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following substances hydrolyzes the N-acetylglucosamine-N-acetylmuramic bond of peptidoglycan ?:", "Options": { "A": "Lysozyme", "B": "Tetracycline", "C": "Penicillin.", "D": "Chloramphenicol" }, "Correct Answer": "Lysozyme", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "da3a3c42-f831-4085-9b5f-23a99e1fe176", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the genome of a bacterium encodes all enzymes involved in the synthesis of dipicolinic acid, it can form:", "Options": { "A": "Capsules", "B": "Endospores", "C": "Flagella.", "D": "Capas S." }, "Correct Answer": "Endospores", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4e74dbcb-7aac-482c-836e-0f5218a434fc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which lipopolysaccharide region is mainly responsible for this molecule being an endotoxin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Lipid A.", "B": "Central region \"core\".", "C": "O Antigen", "D": "The whole molecule." }, "Correct Answer": "Lipid A.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "06e6c6a3-5f33-4d60-b3e9-e7961db74dad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What protein forms the equatorial ring on which the septum of the bacterial division forms ?:", "Options": { "A": "MreB.", "B": "PepS.", "C": "FtsZ.", "D": "MinD." }, "Correct Answer": "FtsZ.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6cd703f4-8571-4a2d-a8ca-81073d47bcf5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following bacterial genetic elements necessarily encodes a transposase ?:", "Options": { "A": "Insertion sequence", "B": "Plasmid", "C": "Integrón", "D": "Replicon" }, "Correct Answer": "Insertion sequence", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c299ab15-c51b-40cf-8185-1ed43c91c97f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If we linearize the chromosome of Escherichia coli and extend it, it will measure:", "Options": { "A": "The same as the length of the bacteria.", "B": "A thousand times less than the length of the bacteria.", "C": "The diameter of the bacteria multiplied by π (pi).", "D": "A thousand times more than the length of the bacteria." }, "Correct Answer": "A thousand times more than the length of the bacteria.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2027c30c-09ae-4de5-afe5-eac8d3afbcf1", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called Small Soluble Acid Proteins (SASP) are a component of bacterial spores whose function is:", "Options": { "A": "Synthesize dipicolinate.", "B": "Give mechanical resistance to the exospore.", "C": "Join large amounts of Ca2 + ions.", "D": "Join the DNA protecting it from heat and ultraviolet radiation." }, "Correct Answer": "Join the DNA protecting it from heat and ultraviolet radiation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dec4617d-ab99-4d09-99d6-8a35838cc56c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The binding of a beta-lactam to the so-called penicillin binding proteins (PBP) blocks the:", "Options": { "A": "Activity of the bactoprenol transporter.", "B": "Synthesis of N-acetyl-muramic.", "C": "Activity of the autolysins.", "D": "Transpeptidation" }, "Correct Answer": "Transpeptidation", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8e9b6236-fbed-4a19-a97d-31068b94b177", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following antibacterials is an analog of p-aminobenzoic acid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sulfanilamide.", "B": "Metronidazole", "C": "Rifampin", "D": "Erythromycin." }, "Correct Answer": "Sulfanilamide.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "35709830-7dd6-483c-a8dd-25170f5ceebb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What group of antibiotics affects DNA supercoiling by inhibiting DNA gyrase ?:", "Options": { "A": "The aminoglycosides.", "B": "The fluoroquinolones.", "C": "The rifamycins.", "D": "The macrolides." }, "Correct Answer": "The fluoroquinolones.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dffc12fa-6893-457d-bf2a-4a8c0b1723cd", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding bacterial plasmids, it is correct to state that:", "Options": { "A": "They always code resistance to antimicrobials.", "B": "They never contain transposons.", "C": "Those containing the tra operon and the oriT site are transferred.", "D": "All are circular." }, "Correct Answer": "Those containing the tra operon and the oriT site are transferred.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8eb01fcc-eacc-4abb-87fa-12b9eef4f4e7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A positive result in the Voges Proskauer test indicates that the bacteria:", "Options": { "A": "Performs an acid-mixed fermentation.", "B": "It is non-fermenting.", "C": "Performs the fermentation butylene glycol (2,3 butanediol).", "D": "It is not an enterobacteria." }, "Correct Answer": "Performs the fermentation butylene glycol (2,3 butanediol).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "740242a9-e3cb-4ab2-84bd-d8ad8fcb6b0b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which genus do bacteria belong that, in solid media, present colonies in the form of a \"fried egg\"? :", "Options": { "A": "Bartonella.", "B": "Mycoplasma", "C": "Francisella.", "D": "Mycobacterium" }, "Correct Answer": "Mycoplasma", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e8d341dd-752b-4912-b53a-3ae31c35ad90", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To what kind do the bacteria that can produce impetigo, pneumonia, meningitis, endocarditis and food poisoning belong ?:", "Options": { "A": "Paenibacillus.", "B": "Propionibacterium", "C": "Salmonella", "D": "Staphylococcus" }, "Correct Answer": "Staphylococcus", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1a23a4af-f4d9-4a4c-820f-3c6ad9dfe8a2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the intermediate host of Yersinia pestis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fleas", "B": "Rodents", "C": "Bats", "D": "Wild birds." }, "Correct Answer": "Fleas", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e96f6677-5be4-4fda-8493-4baa5de35257", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following associations is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Rickettsia prowazekii / ehrlichiosis.", "B": "Coxiella burnetti / fever Q.", "C": "Rickettsia rickettsii / Lyme disease.", "D": "Borrelia burgdorferi / typhus." }, "Correct Answer": "Coxiella burnetti / fever Q.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "068666dd-81c5-408d-bad4-a0d43fae42d3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The following are not grown in artificial laboratory culture media:", "Options": { "A": "Brussels.", "B": "Mycobacteria", "C": "Rickettsias.", "D": "Neisserias." }, "Correct Answer": "Rickettsias.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "710db477-aae1-4098-b22e-f0250c123b19", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The breath test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori depends on the production by the bacteria of:", "Options": { "A": "Surface antigens of the blood type.", "B": "Urea", "C": "CagA secreted effector toxin.", "D": "Catalase" }, "Correct Answer": "Urea", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2f54eefa-0c1e-4322-ac4f-7e2af9319290", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which genus do bacteria that cause diseases such as scarlet fever, rheumatic fever or dental caries belong ?:", "Options": { "A": "Streptococcus", "B": "Fusobacterium.", "C": "Actinomyces.", "D": "Nocardia" }, "Correct Answer": "Streptococcus", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f2c73033-f20f-4153-b15a-4c251c2de0cc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following methodologies is used for the diagnosis of Treponema pallidum ?:", "Options": { "A": "Direct sowing in blood agar.", "B": "Sowing in a selective medium.", "C": "Light field microscopy.", "D": "Dark field microscopy." }, "Correct Answer": "Dark field microscopy.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "66a03bd0-21f2-47c7-adac-85c69bbc7a6d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Be strict anaerobes.", "B": "Possess a very hydrophobic lipopolysaccharide.", "C": "Be acid-alcohol resistant.", "D": "Be negative catalase" }, "Correct Answer": "Be acid-alcohol resistant.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b404bc64-a9f5-488b-9457-681339dd4ac2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which element is the diphtheria toxin encoded ?:", "Options": { "A": "Plasmid", "B": "Transposon.", "C": "Pathogenicity island.", "D": "Profago attenuated." }, "Correct Answer": "Profago attenuated.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "90c62330-185d-4c7c-90cf-a87705f41a4a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A key test to differentiate enterobacterial pseudonomas allows to detect the:", "Options": { "A": "Cytochrome c oxidase.", "B": "Presence of the O antigen", "C": "Presence of capsule.", "D": "Coagulase production." }, "Correct Answer": "Cytochrome c oxidase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9c990206-bb75-49e0-9652-985ca55e525c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The difference between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that explains why the former retain the complex crystal violet-iodine is:", "Options": { "A": "The highest content of peptidoglycan.", "B": "The presence of teichoic acids.", "C": "The absence of porins.", "D": "The absence of external membrane." }, "Correct Answer": "The highest content of peptidoglycan.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3d2336e4-df71-4c7a-9c0a-d6eed1d5fe4c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the following, the most commonly used means for the growth of fungi is:", "Options": { "A": "Tryptone agar.", "B": "Sabouraud-dextrose agar.", "C": "Agar yeast extract.", "D": "Agar blood." }, "Correct Answer": "Sabouraud-dextrose agar.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2756b0ff-d154-4c38-a9b2-74aa934a7c6a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What process inhibit azole antifungals ?:", "Options": { "A": "Synthesis of ergosterol.", "B": "Mitosis.", "C": "Synthesis of chitin.", "D": "DNA synthesis" }, "Correct Answer": "Synthesis of ergosterol.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "eece0b6a-ef19-4ccd-b4ff-d0a135301cbc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To what genus does the fungus that causes ringworm belong ?:", "Options": { "A": "Trichophyton.", "B": "Sporothrix.", "C": "Coccidioides.", "D": "Histoplasma." }, "Correct Answer": "Trichophyton.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e1fac046-2000-40f4-8024-5ad4106d3ab3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What microorganism synthesizes aflatoxins ?:", "Options": { "A": "Histoplasma capsulatum.", "B": "Cryptococcus neoformans.", "C": "Cryptococcus gattii.", "D": "Aspergillus flavus." }, "Correct Answer": "Aspergillus flavus.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4d628ec8-b49b-4e3a-bd34-cc70de8b160a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Candida albicans:", "Options": { "A": "It is a dimorphic zygomycete.", "B": "It is an obligate pathogen.", "C": "It can be part of the normal microbiota of the human body.", "D": "It is sensitive to streptomycin." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be part of the normal microbiota of the human body.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "da5299e2-d991-4991-a471-7625866d5489", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In response to the recognition of pathogen and after receiving help from the T lymphocyte, a macrophage:", "Options": { "A": "Increases the expression of MHC class II molecules.", "B": "Enter anergy state.", "C": "Activates the RAG1-RAG2 complex.", "D": "Inactivates the NADPH oxidase complex." }, "Correct Answer": "Increases the expression of MHC class II molecules.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f9457992-0475-4a0f-a2ee-5fc5f04f4b0e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to their function as antigen presenting cells, B lymphocytes:", "Options": { "A": "They take up the antigen by macropinocytosis and / or phagocytosis.", "B": "They process the antigen through the endosomal pathway.", "C": "They present the antigen to the T lymphocytes through the BCR-TCR junction.", "D": "They present antigen to both Th lymphocytes and virgin T cells." }, "Correct Answer": "They process the antigen through the endosomal pathway.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c13234d2-05b1-49e0-9409-43bc2c944e8f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Identify a phagocytic receptor:", "Options": { "A": "TLR-3 (Toll-Like Receiver).", "B": "Mannose receiver", "C": "NLR (NOD-Like Receiver).", "D": "FcεR." }, "Correct Answer": "Mannose receiver", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9b418be3-4107-4bcc-bf1c-fed6ad1e4a53", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which cellular marker would you select to differentiate any T lymphocyte from a B ?:", "Options": { "A": "CD4.", "B": "CD45.", "C": "CD8.", "D": "CD3." }, "Correct Answer": "CD3.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "47c3c63c-a52d-4c31-b9cc-af2093e09863", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The inhibition of B lymphocytes by preformed antibodies is mediated by:", "Options": { "A": "lgA.", "B": "lgE", "C": "IgG", "D": "lgM." }, "Correct Answer": "IgG", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c60ec3e3-efc1-40d6-80e9-24ec1391ffa8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The proteins TAP-1 and TAP-2 act in the antigen processing:", "Options": { "A": "Transporting peptides from the endosomes to the endoplasmic reticulum.", "B": "Collaborating with HLA-DM in the cut of the CLIP peptide.", "C": "Transporting peptides from the cytoplasm to the endoplasmic reticulum.", "D": "As chaperones to avoid the degradation of the nascent MHC." }, "Correct Answer": "Transporting peptides from the cytoplasm to the endoplasmic reticulum.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a14c753d-81f4-468d-b03e-c10171e244a5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What mechanism of generation of diversity takes place in secondary lymphoid organs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Somatic recombination.", "B": "Change of isotype.", "C": "Addition of N nucleotides (not coded in the germline).", "D": "Somatic hypermutation." }, "Correct Answer": "Somatic hypermutation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3af7a451-c623-4e52-920b-9b4bab72ad31", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Tuberculin hypersensitivity is generated by an inflammatory reaction mediated by lymphocytes:", "Options": { "A": "Th1.", "B": "Th2.", "C": "B.", "D": "Th17." }, "Correct Answer": "Th1.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "797e245a-d65d-42cb-bb86-bd5ab96f4658", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The MHC class I and II molecules are recognized respectively by:", "Options": { "A": "TCR of Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes.", "B": "TCR of CD8 + and CD4 + lymphocytes.", "C": "BCR of B lymphocytes and TCR of T.", "D": "TCR of CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "TCR of CD8 + and CD4 + lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dfd24999-46a9-4453-9746-4e8640255c19", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During an inflammation, the vascular endothelium activates the expression of the adhesion molecule:", "Options": { "A": "VCAM-1.", "B": "LFA-1.", "C": "Selectina-L.", "D": "PSGL-1 (P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand-1)." }, "Correct Answer": "VCAM-1.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3b2102a1-4a59-4112-99f9-51e3f4eace10", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following complement proteins is involved in inflammation ?:", "Options": { "A": "C5a.", "B": "C3b.", "C": "Properdin", "D": "Factor H." }, "Correct Answer": "C5a.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fa9ef22e-a529-4b15-8b70-4b656ad21df3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The central tolerance in the T lymphocytes is acquired:", "Options": { "A": "Thanks to the expression of the AID enzyme.", "B": "During its maturation and development in the thymus.", "C": "During the initial development phases in the bone marrow.", "D": "During the encounter with the antigen in the lymph nodes." }, "Correct Answer": "During its maturation and development in the thymus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "06d3781c-55e6-48ee-a0a1-2e8cc73d4e74", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What molecular process takes place in B lymphocytes during isotype change ?:", "Options": { "A": "BCR edition mediated by RAG1 and 2.", "B": "Recombination between segments V, D and J.", "C": "Recombination between reordered VDJ segments and constant genes.", "D": "Assembly of the H and VpreB chains." }, "Correct Answer": "Recombination between reordered VDJ segments and constant genes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "11f7c693-5f83-4793-a379-3ecc34137450", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The differentiation of Th lymphocytes to Th1 is promoted by the cytokine:", "Options": { "A": "IL-2.", "B": "IL-10.", "C": "IL-12.", "D": "IL-17." }, "Correct Answer": "IL-12.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6f5485ee-fb56-4415-805c-24c25c002bad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity is mediated by the receptor:", "Options": { "A": "CD16 (FcRγIIIA).", "B": "NKG2A.", "C": "KIR-L.", "D": "CD69-NKG2D." }, "Correct Answer": "CD16 (FcRγIIIA).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "42c5685b-6ec5-450a-9055-d852902a380a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The regulatory T lymphocytes inhibit the effector function of T lymphocytes by secreting:", "Options": { "A": "IL-17.", "B": "IL-10 and TGF-β.", "C": "Perforin", "D": "Cytolytic peptides." }, "Correct Answer": "IL-10 and TGF-β.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dc7178f7-75ad-4ca8-9e3b-5076b6e36ad2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following molecules binds to the neonatal receptor for Fc (FcRn) ?:", "Options": { "A": "IgG", "B": "C5a.", "C": "lgA.", "D": "C5b." }, "Correct Answer": "IgG", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a225f61f-c60e-4a7a-893a-f4eb07e14783", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Conjugated vaccines improve the response to:", "Options": { "A": "Lipids", "B": "Virus.", "C": "Polysaccharides", "D": "Proteins" }, "Correct Answer": "Polysaccharides", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "61f4f2b5-bfca-40cc-bca5-53cdb209157e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the process of presentation of peptides of extracellular origin, which enzyme is responsible for the peptide exchange in the cargo compartments ?:", "Options": { "A": "CLIP", "B": "Invariant chain (li).", "C": "HLA-DM.", "D": "TAP." }, "Correct Answer": "HLA-DM.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9fe6b9fd-8a49-499d-86a3-951c88cc278f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following molecules is a regulatory protein of the complement system ?:", "Options": { "A": "C5a.", "B": "C1 inhibitor.", "C": "C3b.", "D": "Factor B." }, "Correct Answer": "C1 inhibitor.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cb854b30-062e-4639-bde6-c774b53874c2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following orders does NOT emanate from the pre-BCR:", "Options": { "A": "Cell proliferation", "B": "Inhibition of new rearrangements of heavy chains.", "C": "Inhibition of new rearrangements of the light chains.", "D": "Start of the rearrangement of light chains." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of new rearrangements of the light chains.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5a7c682b-12cb-437d-9653-61ad8d5a847f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is NOT part of the B lymphocyte co-receptor:", "Options": { "A": "Receptor of complement type 2 (CR2 or CD21).", "B": "CD81 (TOP-1).", "C": "CD79α.", "D": "CD19." }, "Correct Answer": "CD79α.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fc665a3e-7f43-4ff0-8587-036e4d13ac45", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Somatic hypermutation affects:", "Options": { "A": "The variable genes of immunoglobulins.", "B": "The constant genes of the heavy chain.", "C": "The whole immunoglobulin.", "D": "The constant genes of the light chain." }, "Correct Answer": "The variable genes of immunoglobulins.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c9ee73f6-9e17-43a6-8722-b1dc00005f1b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The loss of class I histocompatibility molecules makes the cells susceptible to lysis by lymphocytes:", "Options": { "A": "Th.", "B": "NK", "C": "Tc.", "D": "B." }, "Correct Answer": "NK", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3afbe97d-a777-42f6-aac5-807afaacdc4d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Antitumor immunotherapy by means of LAK lymphocytes (lymphokine-activated cytolytic lymphocytes) is based on the action of:", "Options": { "A": "IL-2 and IL-8.", "B": "Infiltrating mast cells", "C": "NK cells activated by cytokines.", "D": "Macrophages activated by cytokines." }, "Correct Answer": "NK cells activated by cytokines.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1f4d5637-e688-4165-b27e-d2cee641ccac", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The lymphocytes that are diminished in the X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) are:", "Options": { "A": "Tc.", "B": "Th.", "C": "NK", "D": "B." }, "Correct Answer": "B.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dd54201f-61f7-4357-998b-46a917c5e2e9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hyperacute rejection is avoided by transplanting only:", "Options": { "A": "Among related donors.", "B": "When the cross test is positive.", "C": "If donor and recipient share two HLA-DR alleles.", "D": "When the cross test is negative." }, "Correct Answer": "When the cross test is negative.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0b154790-0177-417d-9435-d4d1ff13fc39", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In acute rejection, which cells of the immune system participate in the direct path of allogeneic recognition ?:", "Options": { "A": "Donor antigen presenting cells / T lymphocytes of the recipient.", "B": "Donor antigen presenting cells / T lymphocytes from the donor.", "C": "Antigen presenting cells of the receptor / T lymphocytes of the receptor.", "D": "Host antigen presenting cells / T lymphocytes from the donor." }, "Correct Answer": "Donor antigen presenting cells / T lymphocytes of the recipient.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bae43458-e7ed-4885-a270-9adf97328648", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A splenectomized individual is more vulnerable to infections due to:", "Options": { "A": "Helminths", "B": "Virus.", "C": "Encapsulated bacteria", "D": "Mycobacteria" }, "Correct Answer": "Encapsulated bacteria", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "79f00388-2605-4373-a119-14e3633d7db5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Contact dermatitis caused by nickel is mediated by:", "Options": { "A": "Th1 lymphocytes.", "B": "Th2 lymphocytes.", "C": "lgE", "D": "Immunocomplexes" }, "Correct Answer": "Th1 lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d298360a-82ae-40ad-beab-853a8b0018d7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What technique could be used to diagnose a Williams-Beuren syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conventional cytogenetics (karyotype of G bands).", "B": "In situ hybridization with fluorescence (FISH) with centromeric probe.", "C": "FISH with telomeric probe.", "D": "FISH with locus-specific probe." }, "Correct Answer": "FISH with locus-specific probe.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "71c1fef0-b53f-4c3c-8e7e-1641e914b80f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the karyotype, one of the advantages of the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique is that it allows:", "Options": { "A": "Use fresh material.", "B": "Analyze any alteration in the RNA.", "C": "Use waxed material.", "D": "Its low cost" }, "Correct Answer": "Use waxed material.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9d8f97d6-89b1-4f57-b14b-01f50e117225", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the human genome, the microsatellites or STR consist of tandem repeats of how many nucleotides ?:", "Options": { "A": "50-100.", "B": "10-20.", "C": "2-4.", "D": "20-50." }, "Correct Answer": "2-4.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "72e5ea7b-21b3-4485-b7df-f687268fc530", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The gene involved in Huntington's Chorea is located in the chromosomal region:", "Options": { "A": "2q31.", "B": "7p15.", "C": "19p13.", "D": "4p16." }, "Correct Answer": "4p16.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1536a23d-a2b3-4639-a4f4-6c0f9722836e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the probability that the child of a woman with Charge Syndrome and a normal father has the disease ?:", "Options": { "A": "0,25.", "B": "0.75.", "C": "1.00", "D": "0.50." }, "Correct Answer": "0.50.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4f28cb0f-4623-4299-bbbd-983faf86034d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The National Institute for Health (NIH) database containing free access DNA sequences is called:", "Options": { "A": "COG.", "B": "Ensembl Genomes.", "C": "PDB.", "D": "GenBank." }, "Correct Answer": "GenBank.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f2e472a3-7cda-4d47-8818-52f0fc28ea26", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In eukaryotes, the RNA polymerase that transcribes the transference RNA genes is:", "Options": { "A": "I.", "B": "II.", "C": "III.", "D": "IV." }, "Correct Answer": "III.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f5f85350-e55a-4e43-9320-d09b22488674", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Smith-Magenis syndrome is characterized by a microdeletion of the long arm of the chromosome:", "Options": { "A": "17", "B": "18", "C": "16", "D": "8" }, "Correct Answer": "17", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "70f78c26-6b53-4820-bb1e-a86d8366d01b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following hereditary cancer syndromes are associated with mutations of the TP53 gene ?:", "Options": { "A": "Von Hippel-Lindau.", "B": "Li-Fraumeni", "C": "Breast / ovary family.", "D": "Familial adenomatous polyposis." }, "Correct Answer": "Li-Fraumeni", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5979717-8381-4921-9e68-b24a050e4032", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A karyotype 45, XY, rob (13; 21) (q10; q10) can correspond to a male:", "Options": { "A": "With Down syndrome with a Robertsonian translocation.", "B": "With Williams-Beuren syndrome.", "C": "With Patau Syndrome.", "D": "Healthy, carrier of a Robertsonian translocation." }, "Correct Answer": "Healthy, carrier of a Robertsonian translocation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "36f25646-e848-41d8-baf7-98050b005d7e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The locus of the NF1 gene associated with neurofibromatosis type I is:", "Options": { "A": "21q.", "B": "16q", "C": "17q.", "D": "13p." }, "Correct Answer": "17q.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2fb76b21-98e1-4630-832c-10e7a2f05ee6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a DNA repair gene:", "Options": { "A": "APC.", "B": "ABL1.", "C": "ATM.", "D": "MYC." }, "Correct Answer": "ATM.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "924567c0-8642-4165-bb4a-ff4aefa6357f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The heritability in restricted sense h2 is calculated by dividing:", "Options": { "A": "The genetic variance by the genotypic variance.", "B": "Heritability in the broad sense by the phenotypic variance.", "C": "The additive genetic variance for the phenotypic variance.", "D": "Heritability in the broad sense by genotypic variance." }, "Correct Answer": "The additive genetic variance for the phenotypic variance.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7823fe1f-fff9-4ca0-90e8-1381a1661250", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a disease caused by expansion by repetition of trinucleotides:", "Options": { "A": "Noonan syndrome.", "B": "Friedreich's ataxia.", "C": "Pearson syndrome.", "D": "Duchenne muscular dystrophy." }, "Correct Answer": "Friedreich's ataxia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "61b6baf1-e158-4205-a767-a7ec73501855", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The sequence of Shine-Dalgarno in the bacterial messenger RNA:", "Options": { "A": "It is about 27 nucleotides downstream of the initiation codon.", "B": "It serves as a binding site for ribosomes for translation.", "C": "It serves as a tRNA binding site for translation.", "D": "It is found in the coding region." }, "Correct Answer": "It serves as a binding site for ribosomes for translation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "85eca732-6a7f-42b2-9929-202662d16b26", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What proportion of phenotypic dihydride modified by double dominant epistasis occurs in a cross AaBb x AaBb ?:", "Options": { "A": "9: 3: 4", "B": "12: 3: 1.", "C": "9: 7", "D": "15: 1." }, "Correct Answer": "15: 1.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9e493aca-0e0e-4584-99fa-bb1155fa3646", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many DNA molecules does a metaphase cell contain in a diploid organism of 2n = 26 chromosomes ?:", "Options": { "A": "18", "B": "52", "C": "26", "D": "22" }, "Correct Answer": "52", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2b40d828-9d7a-4af2-9699-aecac25f7e13", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The translocation t (14; 18) (q32; q21) is associated with:", "Options": { "A": "Mantle lymphoma", "B": "Chronic myeloid leukemia", "C": "Follicular lymphoma.", "D": "Ewing's sarcoma" }, "Correct Answer": "Follicular lymphoma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "51c2598e-2519-46c3-bc20-90d80c47c879", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The segregation pattern of a reciprocal translocation in which the homologous centromeres are secreted together is termed:", "Options": { "A": "Adjacent type 2.", "B": "Alternate type 1", "C": "Adjacent type 1.", "D": "Alternate type 2." }, "Correct Answer": "Adjacent type 2.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c3579dd1-754b-43fe-90df-c4e40fe0e967", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cockayne syndrome is related to defects in the mechanism of DNA repair:", "Options": { "A": "By splitting bases.", "B": "By mating error.", "C": "Direct.", "D": "By cleavage of nucleotides." }, "Correct Answer": "By cleavage of nucleotides.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b81071dc-1228-4632-8c7f-67db77562786", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The feature of vertebrae in \"butterfly wings\" corresponds to the syndrome of:", "Options": { "A": "Rubinstein-Taybi.", "B": "Alagille", "C": "Smith-Magenis.", "D": "Langer-Giedion." }, "Correct Answer": "Alagille", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0c476c95-3028-4bdd-981c-e8b0ceeb283d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following diseases has a dominant inheritance linked to the X chromosome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fabry disease.", "B": "Huntington's Korea.", "C": "Cystic fibrosis.", "D": "Rett syndrome" }, "Correct Answer": "Rett syndrome", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fd7e4c35-d828-4383-97f1-1be9a4e75645", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent mechanism of MYC protooncogen activation in Burkitt's lymphoma is:", "Options": { "A": "Gene amplification", "B": "Deletion", "C": "Translocation", "D": "Point mutation" }, "Correct Answer": "Translocation", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3bf626bc-10c3-4f87-9566-2b63882d2801", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the results of a normality test offer a value of p = 0.03, how is the test interpreted ?:", "Options": { "A": "It can not be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "B": "It can be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "C": "The test is not informative.", "D": "The result is not significant." }, "Correct Answer": "It can not be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "422f4159-2082-4d38-ae72-d0cb83227984", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A confidence interval to estimate the population mean will be more precise when:", "Options": { "A": "The lower the confidence level.", "B": "The greater the dispersion of the sample.", "C": "The smaller the sample size.", "D": "The greater the level of trust." }, "Correct Answer": "The lower the confidence level.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "59e75796-d479-43f2-9cc1-535430efacac", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To evaluate the possible association between blood pressure and weight in a group of 100 individuals, when both variables follow a normal distribution, the test is used:", "Options": { "A": "Student's t", "B": "Pearson correlation.", "C": "Spearman correlation.", "D": "Regression." }, "Correct Answer": "Pearson correlation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d41f5973-2316-4e0a-83f0-89aafb8c9c6a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nitrogenous bases of DNA are:", "Options": { "A": "Cytosine, adenine, uracil and thymine.", "B": "Thymine, guanidine, cytosine, adenine.", "C": "Adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine.", "D": "Cytosine, adenine, tyrosine and guanine." }, "Correct Answer": "Adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f03297e7-824a-468f-b870-f0f1da55865f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the structure of a nucleic acid chain:", "Options": { "A": "The phosphodiester linkage is established between the 2 'and 5' positions of the sugars.", "B": "The nitrogenous bases bind to the pentose molecule for its carbon 1 '.", "C": "The pentose can be glucose or fructose.", "D": "Its two extremes are structurally similar." }, "Correct Answer": "The nitrogenous bases bind to the pentose molecule for its carbon 1 '.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3784262f-bd12-4708-a9fc-2f0dc2b82798", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the double helix structure of Watson and Crick for DNA:", "Options": { "A": "Two polynucleotide chains are associated forming a double helix to the left.", "B": "The nitrogenous bases of the two chains are joined through 2 or 3 disulfide bridges.", "C": "The pairs of formed bases are located in planes parallel to the axis of the double helix.", "D": "The phosphate groups are exposed to the outside of the double helix." }, "Correct Answer": "The phosphate groups are exposed to the outside of the double helix.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d03f4dd0-9eb3-4c4f-bd3b-ed6a696fdff3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In DNA replication:", "Options": { "A": "DNA polymerase I is responsible for the synthesis of the first strand of the new DNA.", "B": "The first strand is synthesized in the 5 '-> 3' direction and the second in the 3 '-> 5' direction.", "C": "For the correction of the incorporated errors, the polymerase acts in the 3 '-> 5' direction.", "D": "The Okazaki fragments are primers in the synthesis of the delayed strand." }, "Correct Answer": "For the correction of the incorporated errors, the polymerase acts in the 3 '-> 5' direction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "951e6e19-8ca1-4beb-ad00-9f07b2635a22", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The fundamental enzyme in the replication of the genome of a retrovirus is one:", "Options": { "A": "RNA-replicase.", "B": "DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.", "C": "RNA-dependent DNA polymerase.", "D": "DNA-dependent DNA polymerase." }, "Correct Answer": "RNA-dependent DNA polymerase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "51f10bbe-5297-47b5-a1e4-21f998b17d28", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the sequence of the DNA template strand is 5'ATTGCCATT3 ', the sequence corresponding to its transcribed RNA will be:", "Options": { "A": "AATGGCAAT.", "B": "UAACGGUAA.", "C": "TAACGGTAA.", "D": "AAUGGCAAU" }, "Correct Answer": "AAUGGCAAU", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d63d64cd-d7c8-4627-abdf-e5182240c4ed", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An open reading frame is:", "Options": { "A": "The linear set of triplets comprised between the initiation codon and the termination codon.", "B": "The transcribed region of the gene.", "C": "The sequence that exists between the promoter and the terminator.", "D": "The region of DNA present in the open complex formed by RNA polymerase." }, "Correct Answer": "The linear set of triplets comprised between the initiation codon and the termination codon.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "568a7afa-4b03-4385-80a3-1713b8e1dafb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The bacterial messenger RNAs:", "Options": { "A": "They always have an AUG triplet at their 5 'terminal end.", "B": "They may contain more than one binding site for the ribosome.", "C": "They have triple triplets that overlap at their third base.", "D": "They are read by the RNA polymerase in the translation." }, "Correct Answer": "They may contain more than one binding site for the ribosome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2ebece47-a0e0-402b-9e9d-2d20a9ee4e8f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The initial cause that triggers the termination of the translation is:", "Options": { "A": "The arrival of the ribosome at the end of the mRNA.", "B": "The interaction of the ribosome with the release factor.", "C": "The dissociation of the two subunits of the ribosome.", "D": "The appearance of a stop codon in the A site of the ribosome." }, "Correct Answer": "The appearance of a stop codon in the A site of the ribosome.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8d9381f2-5466-4c61-94ff-8c94caa51ab8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the genetic code:", "Options": { "A": "Each codon always encodes the same amino acid.", "B": "There is a single stop codon.", "C": "Each amino acid is encoded by a single codon.", "D": "The initiation codon encodes the amino acid alanine." }, "Correct Answer": "Each codon always encodes the same amino acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2d3b5568-fd3d-422c-bfba-d3daaf030da5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The determining factor of the specificity of a PCR reaction is:", "Options": { "A": "Denaturing temperature.", "B": "Nature of the polymerase.", "C": "Sequence of the primers.", "D": "Length of template or template DNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Sequence of the primers.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bccb9a75-c71f-4da5-8233-e4dddba8bd6f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The essential characteristic of a typical plasmid vector for cloning in bacteria is that:", "Options": { "A": "It can be integrated into the genome of the host cell.", "B": "Be able to direct the bacterial conjugation process.", "C": "Contain genes that encode your encapsidation.", "D": "Can replicate autonomously." }, "Correct Answer": "Can replicate autonomously.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dffcbe6e-349f-473a-9462-8e0a7b0131cb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an artificial recombinant DNA cloning experiment:", "Options": { "A": "The classic marker for selecting transformed cells is a gene that codes for an antibiotic.", "B": "The number of copies of the recombinant in the culture depends on the potency of the promoter of the marker gene.", "C": "The cloning in monocopy implies the integration of the transgene in the cell chromosome.", "D": "The stability of a recombinant plasmid in the host culture depends on its number of copies." }, "Correct Answer": "The cloning in monocopy implies the integration of the transgene in the cell chromosome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a51be310-1351-4e15-b751-25be02abf97e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following cloning vectors can transport more DNA fragments ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phages", "B": "Plasmids", "C": "YACs (yeast artificial chromosomes).", "D": "Cosmids" }, "Correct Answer": "YACs (yeast artificial chromosomes).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f98e72cd-92fb-4f41-b5ff-a775dfed9c0a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a double-stranded DNA molecule it is fulfilled that:", "Options": { "A": "% A /% T =% G /% C = 1", "B": "% A +% T =% G +% C", "C": "% A /% G =% T /% C = 1", "D": "% purine bases /% pyrimidine bases = 1/2" }, "Correct Answer": "% A /% T =% G /% C = 1", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8c79bc93-685a-4f81-ab65-4badc07b7a20", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "The automated procedure for DNA sequencing is based on the chemical break method developed by Maxam and Gilbert.", "B": "The technique of \"Northern Blot\" allows the analysis of proteins separated by electrophoresis.", "C": "Methylation of one of the bases of the target sequence protects it from breaking by the corresponding endonuclease.", "D": "The \"Southern Blot\" technique combines electrophoresis and immunodiffusion." }, "Correct Answer": "Methylation of one of the bases of the target sequence protects it from breaking by the corresponding endonuclease.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "07279f19-d2a3-4e7e-bc9d-961153fe7633", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hybridization by the Northern method is appropriate for:", "Options": { "A": "Detect the transcription of a gene in an organism with a cDNA probe.", "B": "Detect the presence of a gene in the genome of a microorganism.", "C": "Detect the presence of a plasmid in a bacterium.", "D": "Check the expression of a protein in a bacterium." }, "Correct Answer": "Detect the transcription of a gene in an organism with a cDNA probe.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2741972a-275b-46bd-8dbf-70bf3fe587fa", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pentose phosphate route is NOT useful for:", "Options": { "A": "Produce ATP by phosphorylation at the substrate level.", "B": "Provide ribose for the biosynthesis of nucleotides.", "C": "Generate reducing power in the form of NADPH.", "D": "Generate other sugars of 3 to 7 carbon atoms." }, "Correct Answer": "Produce ATP by phosphorylation at the substrate level.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "276e1372-6cd2-4574-9015-a923e9865d85", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The process that converts a hexose molecule into two molecules of lactate plus two protons is called fermentation:", "Options": { "A": "Mixed acid", "B": "Alcoholic", "C": "Homolactic", "D": "Heteroláctica." }, "Correct Answer": "Homolactic", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "28aba6cb-c46a-47d3-9f5e-e160734eb5cd", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which subunit of the RNA polymerase of Escherichia coli is responsible for the recognition of the promoters ?:", "Options": { "A": "α (alpha).", "B": "β (beta).", "C": "σ (sigma).", "D": "ω (omega)" }, "Correct Answer": "σ (sigma).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d7b7f547-2e94-4589-be18-30f8f0c8bcb2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The basic structure of collagen is constituted by:", "Options": { "A": "A high proportion of alpha-helix.", "B": "A secondary structure rich in beta sheet.", "C": "A primary structure rich in aromatic amino acids.", "D": "Intermolecular associations of 3 extended helices." }, "Correct Answer": "Intermolecular associations of 3 extended helices.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cb21a86e-23a8-45bb-80c8-8bb1ea796039", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An acompetitive (or uncompetitive) inhibitor of an enzyme:", "Options": { "A": "It does not bind to the enzyme until the enzyme-substrate complex has formed.", "B": "It only binds to the free enzyme, not the enzyme-substrate complex.", "C": "It binds to the enzyme in the active site.", "D": "It can bind both the free enzyme and the enzyme-substrate complex." }, "Correct Answer": "It does not bind to the enzyme until the enzyme-substrate complex has formed.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3507c150-d5a4-45ac-a79b-7f80695c3237", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is glutathione ?:", "Options": { "A": "A natural peptide with reducing activity.", "B": "A peptide with vasopressor activity.", "C": "An amino acid that contains sulfur in its side chain.", "D": "A metabolite that stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis." }, "Correct Answer": "A natural peptide with reducing activity.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0ae029d5-0ee6-4a62-af2f-1ac4e6eaf01a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most likely metabolic consequence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in the number of glycogen branches.", "B": "Decrease in glycogen levels.", "C": "Reduction of NADPH levels.", "D": "Persistent hypoglycemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Reduction of NADPH levels.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7f1443eb-2398-46c0-870a-d9feec6152da", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What compound is the final product of the degradation of purines in humans ?:", "Options": { "A": "Urea.", "B": "Ammonia.", "C": "Uric acid.", "D": "Hypoxanthine" }, "Correct Answer": "Uric acid.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "43298438-9275-4146-9b88-0ca23260c96d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which enzyme catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water ?:", "Options": { "A": "ATP synthase.", "B": "Cytochrome c oxidase.", "C": "Cyclooxygenase.", "D": "NADPH reductase." }, "Correct Answer": "Cytochrome c oxidase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d0713fac-b10d-4ffa-950d-d50e84b88446", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What vitamin controls calcium metabolism ?:", "Options": { "A": "TO.", "B": "C.", "C": "D.", "D": "AND." }, "Correct Answer": "D.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "eca8a417-92a3-4dcd-aa9c-4e966bf862f7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Squalene is a precursor of:", "Options": { "A": "Sphingosine", "B": "Prostaglandins.", "C": "Arachidonic acid.", "D": "Cholesterol." }, "Correct Answer": "Cholesterol.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "abcc0d4b-37a0-4507-a2b1-09f602fa50d1", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The production of urea is catalyzed by:", "Options": { "A": "Urea", "B": "Arginase.", "C": "Ornithin succinase.", "D": "Carbamyl phosphatase." }, "Correct Answer": "Arginase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "812a6eac-aa3d-4f23-abbc-71690b340ee2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main donor of methyl groups in the body is:", "Options": { "A": "S-Adenosylmethionine.", "B": "Malonil-CoA.", "C": "Acetyl-CoA.", "D": "CO2" }, "Correct Answer": "S-Adenosylmethionine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e3b0d5fb-7b58-48e0-919b-3c5dfa24317c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The glycerol released by lipolysis is the substrate of the enzyme:", "Options": { "A": "Glycerol kinase.", "B": "Triose phosphate isomerase.", "C": "Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.", "D": "Lactate dehydrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycerol kinase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1bfd21d9-ffb5-4682-ba2f-4e57c9a33920", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzymatic action:", "Options": { "A": "It does not alter the speed of the reactions.", "B": "It facilitates the formation of the transition state.", "C": "Decreases the energy of the substrates.", "D": "Alters the balance of the reaction." }, "Correct Answer": "It facilitates the formation of the transition state.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e6975563-0436-4bb4-b16d-4f17f049f508", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the purpose of the anaplerotic reactions ?:", "Options": { "A": "Provide reducing equivalents to the respiratory chain.", "B": "Replenish intermediates of the citric acid cycle.", "C": "Eliminate nitrogen from the purine bases.", "D": "Degrade metabolites to supply energy." }, "Correct Answer": "Replenish intermediates of the citric acid cycle.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1d275c74-b3f4-4d66-aa0a-d1edfa758b0a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Wilson's disease is associated with an abnormal accumulation of:", "Options": { "A": "Zinc.", "B": "Iron.", "C": "Chrome.", "D": "Copper." }, "Correct Answer": "Copper.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "633a2a3f-bc01-4010-9deb-cee99a7eca03", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding transport through biological membranes:", "Options": { "A": "It only affects the plasma membranes.", "B": "Glucose shows more permeability than water.", "C": "In no case the ions are transported.", "D": "Sometimes it consumes ATP." }, "Correct Answer": "Sometimes it consumes ATP.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1ab48deb-b979-412c-98f7-bbb6b0c70883", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Porphyrias are characterized by an abnormal accumulation of precursors of:", "Options": { "A": "Heme group", "B": "Cytochrome c.", "C": "Fitol.", "D": "Bilirubin" }, "Correct Answer": "Heme group", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "83166031-d58f-4c9b-b9b1-c7919ae6a6fa", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The urea cycle occurs in:", "Options": { "A": "The uricotelic organisms.", "B": "The ureotelic organisms.", "C": "The ammoniotellic organisms.", "D": "All living organisms." }, "Correct Answer": "The ureotelic organisms.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f55a18b0-a27e-48fe-b151-67ab7c3b2055", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Scurvy is a symptom of a severe lack of vitamin C that prevents:", "Options": { "A": "Hydroxylation of prolines and lysines in collagen.", "B": "Incorporation of glycine to collagen.", "C": "Acetylation of prolines in the tropocollagen.", "D": "Methylation of lysines in collagen." }, "Correct Answer": "Hydroxylation of prolines and lysines in collagen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1c58295d-947d-4afa-8de7-824190a23480", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What structure acts as an inducer in the formation of the neural plate in human embryonic development ?:", "Options": { "A": "Trophoblast.", "B": "Primitive line.", "C": "Notocorda.", "D": "Somitos." }, "Correct Answer": "Notocorda.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2ed377d4-2a6f-49dc-9f95-7c47f46bc609", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which part of the female reproductive system does segmentation occur during human embryonic development ?:", "Options": { "A": "Vagina.", "B": "Cervix", "C": "Uterus.", "D": "Uterine thrombus." }, "Correct Answer": "Uterine thrombus.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d84d5ac8-97c4-4529-9831-afc77cb3f0d0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the implantation of a blastocyst in the lower segment of the uterus, in the vicinity of the internal cervical os?", "Options": { "A": "Previous placenta.", "B": "Heterotopic pregnancy.", "C": "Tubal pregnancy.", "D": "Placenta accreta" }, "Correct Answer": "Previous placenta.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f21b2c2b-dda9-4106-a772-62fa9095c183", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a stain for glycogen and molecules rich in carbohydrates:", "Options": { "A": "Hematoxylin-eosin.", "B": "Mallory's trichrome.", "C": "Periodic acid-Schiff reactive (PAS).", "D": "Acetic orcein." }, "Correct Answer": "Periodic acid-Schiff reactive (PAS).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "86729bc8-56a6-4b26-9bab-b16143878f4b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The first step of the histological processing of a sample of tissue or organ is:", "Options": { "A": "Inclusion.", "B": "Fixation.", "C": "Dehydration and rinsing.", "D": "Stain" }, "Correct Answer": "Fixation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2844e7d-e3b5-4850-9dce-360981aa6d4d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The female of Trichinella spiralis is:", "Options": { "A": "Viviparous and is almost twice as long as the male.", "B": "Ovipara and is almost twice as long as the male.", "C": "Oviparous and has the same length as the male.", "D": "Vivípara and measures half the male." }, "Correct Answer": "Viviparous and is almost twice as long as the male.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b4c73c4c-f3e0-47f0-8ef1-8a2aacb760fb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Man is occasionally infected by Dicrocelium dentriticum by ingestion of:", "Options": { "A": "Ants (Formica fusca) that contain metacercarias.", "B": "Ants (Formica fusca) that contain redias.", "C": "Eggs", "D": "Cutaneous penetration of cercariae." }, "Correct Answer": "Ants (Formica fusca) that contain metacercarias.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e5932314-72f7-4e20-a4e1-fe5d6d58953b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Malaria is transmitted through a mosquito of the genus:", "Options": { "A": "Aedes.", "B": "Anopheles.", "C": "Flebotomus.", "D": "Toxorhynchites." }, "Correct Answer": "Anopheles.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eb6557d5-08f2-4d19-9500-80082e04c5e2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the cestodes is called strobilus a:", "Options": { "A": "The protruding anterior part of the scolex of some tapeworms.", "B": "The longitudinal groove in the pseudo-phylloxene scolex.", "C": "Each segment of the tape.", "D": "The body of the tapeworm." }, "Correct Answer": "The body of the tapeworm.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9b693785-ec09-46c1-879a-f54470a866ac", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pathogenic dimorphic fungi are those that:", "Options": { "A": "They form a mycelium with two types of conidia.", "B": "They look like yeast or filamentous fungi depending on the conditions.", "C": "They cause diseases with two types of clinical symptoms.", "D": "They are facultative pathogens." }, "Correct Answer": "They look like yeast or filamentous fungi depending on the conditions.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f363365b-1816-49b0-a7ac-3c6f4b0ae519", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following glycolytic enzymes catalyses the breakage of a 6-carbon molecule into two 3-carbon molecules ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hexokinase.", "B": "Aldolase", "C": "Enolasa", "D": "Phosphofructokinase." }, "Correct Answer": "Aldolase", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e5e5d37a-3b21-4e65-af36-d2204573d39c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The genera Vibrio, Yersinia, Legionella and Pasteurella are all proteobacteria:", "Options": { "A": "Alpha.", "B": "Beta.", "C": "Delta.", "D": "Gamma" }, "Correct Answer": "Gamma", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1a6f3363-b307-4ad7-b70b-741a171bc43c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the DNA structure of the adenovirus inside the virion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Double-stranded linear with a protein attached to each 5 'end.", "B": "Double-stranded linear with a protein attached to each 3 'end.", "C": "Linear double-sided with the ends 5 'and 3' free.", "D": "Double-sided circular" }, "Correct Answer": "Double-stranded linear with a protein attached to each 5 'end.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "40596c5a-d3fb-4dbf-a810-fb08ccede084", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the cell cycle:", "Options": { "A": "The chromosomes replicate in the G2 phase.", "B": "There is a single point of control, that of the passage from phase G1 to S.", "C": "The G2 phase is the most variable of the cell cycle.", "D": "The protein complex between cyclin and the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) is an important regulatory factor in the cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "The protein complex between cyclin and the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) is an important regulatory factor in the cycle.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d0f79fe0-b90e-47d6-a7bf-42bab3fd42e5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statistical test is the most adequate to evaluate the possible association between blood pressure and cholesterol level in a group of 20 individuals, when both variables are measured quantitatively but do not follow a normal distribution ?:", "Options": { "A": "Student's t", "B": "Pearson correlation.", "C": "Spearman correlation.", "D": "U from Mann - Whitney." }, "Correct Answer": "Spearman correlation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7b7f1f3b-e535-41af-949c-7970de902b7f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following autoimmune diseases is caused by autoantibodies that block the function of the target cell ?:", "Options": { "A": "Graves disease.", "B": "Myasthenia gravis", "C": "Pemphigus vulgaris.", "D": "Goodpasture syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Myasthenia gravis", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d5286abb-0dce-48ba-9731-024206606fb3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The meninges are:", "Options": { "A": "Conjunctive tissue.", "B": "Gray substance", "C": "White substance", "D": "Myelin" }, "Correct Answer": "Conjunctive tissue.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a171357f-59f3-4841-8fb4-8daba43904ba", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The increase in plasma osmolarity increases the secretion of:", "Options": { "A": "Vasopressin or ADH.", "B": "Auricular natriuretic factor or FNA.", "C": "Aldosterone", "D": "Angiotensin" }, "Correct Answer": "Vasopressin or ADH.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1d05ddd3-14b3-4ee5-bb73-47b4bd12e878", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Except for the Y chromosome, how many pairs of acrocentric chromosomes are there in the human karyotype ?:", "Options": { "A": "3.", "B": "two.", "C": "5.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "5.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ab15bfab-6ae1-470c-8cfa-e39659a31c3f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding Inequalities in Health, it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "Numerous scientific studies show that inequalities in health are responsible for an excess of morbidity and mortality similar to most known risk factors for disease.", "B": "The different axes of inequality that determine hierarchies of power in society are social class, gender, age, ethnicity or race and territory.", "C": "They are not related to the concept of discrimination.", "D": "There is not enough scientific evidence to recommend that inequalities in health can be reduced if the appropriate public health and social interventions and policies are applied." }, "Correct Answer": "The different axes of inequality that determine hierarchies of power in society are social class, gender, age, ethnicity or race and territory.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d5c58ced-4ec3-47b2-830b-db662b37c921", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the conceptual framework of the determinants of social inequalities in health, of the Commission to reduce Health Inequalities in Spain (2010), based on Solar and Irwin and Navarro, it is FALSE that:", "Options": { "A": "Social inequalities in health are the result of the action of the so-called structural determinants of inequalities and intermediate determinants.", "B": "The social structure determines inequalities in the intermediate factors, which, in turn, determine inequalities in health.", "C": "The intermediate determinants are composed of the socioeconomic and political context.", "D": "The health system also plays an important role in the generation of health inequalities, since, even in those places where coverage is universal and free, people with lower socioeconomic status find greater barriers to access." }, "Correct Answer": "The intermediate determinants are composed of the socioeconomic and political context.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4a7fd927-217b-4ae4-a0af-91d363a48296", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the diagnosis of tuberculous infection from the tuberculin test, we must bear in mind that:", "Options": { "A": "The Mantoux technique is used, which consists of the subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml of the purified protein derivative.", "B": "An 18-gauge needle is used, usually on the anterior aspect of the forearm in the middle and upper third, causing a papule of between 6 and 10 mm in diameter.", "C": "The reading of the test is done between the fifth and seventh day, and induration and erythema should be measured.", "D": "Induration ≥ 5 mm is considered positive in individuals at risk of developing the disease (intimate contacts with index or suspected cases of tuberculosis regardless of BCG, patients suspected of clinical or radiological tuberculosis and in patients with HIV)." }, "Correct Answer": "Induration ≥ 5 mm is considered positive in individuals at risk of developing the disease (intimate contacts with index or suspected cases of tuberculosis regardless of BCG, patients suspected of clinical or radiological tuberculosis and in patients with HIV).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "56b5bff1-2e5c-4a57-8086-f1c9bb029e8e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A mother with a 12 month old child goes to the nursing consultation for the administration of the MMR vaccine. In the consultation, the mother reports that she believes that the child has a certain intolerance to the egg, since sometimes after eating there are slight skin rashes that could be related to the intake. Taking into account all of the above, what would be the action we should take? :", "Options": { "A": "Delay vaccination until the child improves egg tolerance.", "B": "Administer, in a normal way, the MMR vaccine.", "C": "Ask for skin allergy tests, and we will only administer the vaccine in case of a negative result of them.", "D": "Inform the mother that currently the MMR vaccine is not grown on chicken-derived fibroblasts but that, even so, a skin allergy test will be requested before the administration of the vaccine." }, "Correct Answer": "Administer, in a normal way, the MMR vaccine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3f0deb8c-7155-4ba3-a9ea-724a51442cdc", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The U.S. The Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) recommends the adoption of the intervention strategy of the 5 AEs for the execution of behavioral interventions and advice on the main risk factors. Indicate the order that must be followed:", "Options": { "A": "Assess (Find out); Agree (Agree); Advice (Advise); Assist (Help); Arrange (Secure).", "B": "Assess (find out); Advice (Advise); Agree (Agree); Assist (Help); Arrange (Secure).", "C": "Assess (Find out); Assist (Help); Advice (Advise); Arrange (Secure); Agree (Agree).", "D": "Assess (Find out); Advice (Advise); Agree (Agree); Arrange (Secure); Assist." }, "Correct Answer": "Assess (find out); Advice (Advise); Agree (Agree); Assist (Help); Arrange (Secure).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4dd0f348-d312-4b46-aa32-1eccf7ce2b50", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the traditional Mediterranean diet, indicate which of the following characteristics is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "Use of virgin olive oil as the main source of fat.", "B": "Low consumption of weekly meat.", "C": "High consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables.", "D": "Consumption of wine sporadically." }, "Correct Answer": "Consumption of wine sporadically.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2bde0486-ff75-4db1-9086-3dbd49460d22", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to physical activity, it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "A MET, or metabolic equivalent, is the amount of energy used by the body when it is active (practicing some type of physical exercise). So when you are at rest the body spends 0 METs.", "B": "The recommendations for adult population at the international level recommend a minimum aerobic activity of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity.", "C": "Physical activity must be done in blocks of a minimum duration of 30 minutes.", "D": "An adequate state of physical form is a protective factor of mortality from all causes (Relative Risk = 1)." }, "Correct Answer": "The recommendations for adult population at the international level recommend a minimum aerobic activity of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aaafbd00-57c6-4a9f-ba10-0602e4a1b225", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to alcohol consumption, indicate the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The risk consumption in women from 136 grams / week.", "B": "To calculate the grams of pure alcohol the following formula is used: volume in ml x graduation (%) x conversion factor 0.2.", "C": "The risk consumption in men is ≥ 40 grams per day.", "D": "A value of the CAGE test of 4 indicates suspicion of alcoholism." }, "Correct Answer": "The risk consumption in men is ≥ 40 grams per day.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7a703de0-813c-47ac-a7c9-989284245c0c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the transteoric model of the stages of change of Prochaska and Diclemente, when a person is aware that the tobacco habit is harmful to his health and he thinks about leaving it, but has not yet committed, we will say that he is in phase:", "Options": { "A": "Precontemplative", "B": "Contemplative", "C": "Preparatory", "D": "Of action." }, "Correct Answer": "Contemplative", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "514fc227-5489-475a-97ee-63957f3de356", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following sweeteners will NOT raise blood glucose in a person with type 1 diabetes ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fructose.", "B": "Sorbitol.", "C": "Xylitol.", "D": "Aspartame" }, "Correct Answer": "Aspartame", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3827caaf-0287-4458-80d9-fb3337bf56f6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following organizational measures is NOT a priority for improving the approach to chronicity in the healthcare system:", "Options": { "A": "Strengthening of Primary Care teams.", "B": "Involvement of patients in their self-care.", "C": "Reorganization of attention.", "D": "Copayment for the use of emergency services and primary care consultations." }, "Correct Answer": "Copayment for the use of emergency services and primary care consultations.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d724f6a2-4b51-48cf-b270-f71c884461e6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You are in chronic consultation of a Health Center, attending a 61-year-old man, with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, overweight and smoker. Which of the following parameters would you need to assess your cardiovascular risk with the SCORE table ?:", "Options": { "A": "Blood pressure, cholesterol, age, sex and tobacco consumption.", "B": "Blood pressure, family history of premature cardiovascular disease, sex, body mass index and tobacco consumption.", "C": "Blood pressure, triglycerides, age, sex and waist circumference.", "D": "Blood pressure, cholesterol, waist circumference, presence of diabetes, tobacco use." }, "Correct Answer": "Blood pressure, cholesterol, age, sex and tobacco consumption.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "04fb32c9-4a9e-41ae-ae82-183aca5f7382", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You are a family nurse in a Health Center and a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, who persists in smoking and refuses to go to therapy groups for smoking cessation, has joined your quota. The nurse who treated him previously diagnosed him a year ago Ineffective Health Management. If the nursing diagnosis persists, which of the following manifestations could you detect in the patient's assessment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ineffective decisions in daily life to achieve health goals.", "B": "It exaggerates the negative feedback about itself.", "C": "Irritability.", "D": "Dysfunctional interaction with other people." }, "Correct Answer": "Ineffective decisions in daily life to achieve health goals.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c36b8057-b71a-40bc-a5c0-5461bfa05f48", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The strategy for the Chronicity Approach in the National Health System establishes the measures for the reorientation of health care to chronicity. Of the following measures, a NO is intended for this purpose:", "Options": { "A": "Enhance case management.", "B": "Guarantee the integral and multidisciplinary assessment of patients.", "C": "Guarantee the population quality information, true and unbiased, about health in general.", "D": "Implement individualized care plans." }, "Correct Answer": "Guarantee the population quality information, true and unbiased, about health in general.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c7519967-c3df-4279-b47f-91a8bcd03072", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is called, in qualitative research, the sampling in which the obtaining of data is guided by the concepts derived from the theory that is being constructed ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sampling of convenience.", "B": "Sampling with purpose", "C": "Theoretical sampling.", "D": "Sampling in snowball." }, "Correct Answer": "Theoretical sampling.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b4f97cbe-fcd6-4ae7-b79d-b88980093632", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the process of qualitative research, when successive inquiries in both subjects and in the analysis does not provide new relevant information about the phenomenon studied. What concept is it referred to ?:", "Options": { "A": "Suitability.", "B": "Theoretical saturation.", "C": "Evaluation.", "D": "Coding." }, "Correct Answer": "Theoretical saturation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "64dfe005-ae90-4c25-b753-07690bcdac95", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the key record in ethnographic research, where is recorded the research process and the impressions and feelings of the researchers? :", "Options": { "A": "Observation-participant.", "B": "Field diary.", "C": "Condensed report", "D": "Extended report." }, "Correct Answer": "Field diary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2813a812-0dc5-4e89-9792-e1ec39a69fb2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When is it considered that a measuring instrument is reliable ?:", "Options": { "A": "When recommended by a group of accredited experts.", "B": "When you measure the variable that you intend to measure.", "C": "When it produces consistent results when applied on different occasions: stability or reproducibility.", "D": "When it is useful and sensitive to the health problem you have to evaluate." }, "Correct Answer": "When it produces consistent results when applied on different occasions: stability or reproducibility.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6a53a4ec-fdee-47b0-9b02-106dc301006a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the validity of a measuring instrument ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is the degree to which an instrument is sensitive to changes.", "B": "It is the degree to which an instrument measures the variable it intends to measure.", "C": "It is the degree to which an instrument produces consistent results.", "D": "It is the degree to which an instrument is stable in its measurements." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the degree to which an instrument measures the variable it intends to measure.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ea729546-badb-4dda-9ad8-b4b0686f04fc", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is simple random sampling ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is the technique that decides the number of individuals that have to participate in the study.", "B": "It is the technique of selecting subjects where chance does not intervene.", "C": "It is the random technique of selection of study variables.", "D": "It is that technique in which each unit of the sampling frame has the same probability of being chosen." }, "Correct Answer": "It is that technique in which each unit of the sampling frame has the same probability of being chosen.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dfa1e571-aa47-4764-b238-41b93f06827a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is critical reading ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is the reading of an article by a critical expert.", "B": "Critical reading is the systematic process developed to evaluate the design and methodology of the study, the quality of the data and analyze and interpret the results.", "C": "It is reading in discussion groups where a specific topic is discussed.", "D": "It is a reading where what is valued and criticized is the experience and capacity of the authors of the article." }, "Correct Answer": "Critical reading is the systematic process developed to evaluate the design and methodology of the study, the quality of the data and analyze and interpret the results.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3d9a6fdb-6cea-42e1-80fc-ed52202ae57e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is Evidence-based Nursing ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is the conscious, explicit and judicious application of the best scientific evidence available regarding nursing knowledge to make decisions about patient care.", "B": "Do research studies in nursing care.", "C": "It is to administer care based on the opinions of the experts.", "D": "It is the application of nursing care that has been shown to be efficient." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the conscious, explicit and judicious application of the best scientific evidence available regarding nursing knowledge to make decisions about patient care.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "82af7af5-937a-4e7b-87cf-b652e74bb057", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct answer regarding the incidence of AIDS in Spain in the last five years ?:", "Options": { "A": "The sex route is the category of transmission that has the highest incidence of AIDS.", "B": "Those under 25 years of age have the highest incidence of AIDS.", "C": "People from sub-Saharan Africa have the highest incidence of AIDS.", "D": "The most frequent defining AIDS disease is Kaposi's sarcoma." }, "Correct Answer": "The sex route is the category of transmission that has the highest incidence of AIDS.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "24a9b5d6-e232-4743-9967-01d306e5f4ad", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct answer regarding cervical cancer ?:", "Options": { "A": "The diagnosis is made by serology.", "B": "The treatment is carried out with pharmacological measures.", "C": "The main causative agent is the Human Papilloma Virus.", "D": "It is the first most frequent cancer in Spain." }, "Correct Answer": "The main causative agent is the Human Papilloma Virus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ded06dc0-bcfc-46e3-af27-b1de65ff1eec", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct answer regarding the adjustment of mortality rates ?:", "Options": { "A": "The indirect method is preferably used for small populations.", "B": "The indirect method is preferably used for large populations.", "C": "The ratio of standardized rates indicates the difference in mortality rates in two different populations.", "D": "The indirect method has the disadvantage that it needs more information for its elaboration." }, "Correct Answer": "The indirect method is preferably used for small populations.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0f78b7a2-2226-48b4-97ef-deb72e040599", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the World Health Organization, how should nurse care be organized in Primary Care ?:", "Options": { "A": "Organization by specialized services and programs.", "B": "Provide family assistance and home care to a limited number of families.", "C": "Organization in a medical team of a nursing family.", "D": "Organize specialized teams in home care and generalist nurses in consultations." }, "Correct Answer": "Provide family assistance and home care to a limited number of families.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4e8fb170-3bfe-4fbc-9d5f-cd5c52d25cfa", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the process in which the options and services necessary to satisfy the health needs of a person are valued, planned, applied, coordinated, monitored and evaluated, articulating the communication and the available resources that promote quality results and result cost-effective ?:", "Options": { "A": "Planning centered on the person.", "B": "Link Nursing.", "C": "Case management", "D": "Continuity of care." }, "Correct Answer": "Case management", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "76dd1381-3ef4-4674-b432-e1a65ef44d11", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What phase of adaptation to the care situation corresponds to that in which the caregiver may have difficulty verbalizing the feelings provoked by the painful events of care ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phase of denial or lack of Awareness of the Problem.", "B": "Search phase of information and appearance of negative feelings.", "C": "Reorganization phase.", "D": "Resolution Phase." }, "Correct Answer": "Phase of denial or lack of Awareness of the Problem.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9fd1b4fe-38b6-474d-b384-d6daf2a7a090", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the components and tools in the Friedman Family Assessment model ?:", "Options": { "A": "Family development stage, structural stage, functional stage.", "B": "The family as a system, health as a workplace, learning as a process through which healthy behaviors are acquired.", "C": "Family adjustment phase, adaptation phase.", "D": "Identification of information, stage of family development, data of the environment, family structure, family functions, family coping." }, "Correct Answer": "Identification of information, stage of family development, data of the environment, family structure, family functions, family coping.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ed6c1cb5-3102-4ff6-92a2-bfcf6a561171", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What questionnaire would you use to assess family functioning ?:", "Options": { "A": "Apgar Familiar.", "B": "MOS questionnaire.", "C": "Duke-UNC questionnaire.", "D": "Social Readjustment Scale." }, "Correct Answer": "Apgar Familiar.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a2303833-c46c-4403-ae85-bee076146e42", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a diagnosis of community health it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "It is a test that is done prior to accessing the community.", "B": "The key tool is the use of information systems.", "C": "It is a diagnosis that mainly includes the health problems of an area.", "D": "It is necessary to directly contact the local population and local actors." }, "Correct Answer": "It is necessary to directly contact the local population and local actors.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c3bc8838-ee7d-4480-8723-0322be49be4b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the asset-based community health model, what would you say are the elements that determine what an asset in health is ?: (Point out the INCORRECT response):", "Options": { "A": "Those that improve the capacity of people, populations and institutions to maintain and sustain health and well-being.", "B": "Those who can act at the individual, family or community level as protective elements to counteract stress situations.", "C": "Those factors that are defined by the health professional from the health center.", "D": "Those factors that imply a change in the view of populations and institutions to the context and focus on what improves health." }, "Correct Answer": "Those factors that are defined by the health professional from the health center.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a9e699a4-df66-499e-8242-04af2ca31b1f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "It would be a health promotion strategy:", "Options": { "A": "Installation of condom vending machines in the Metro network and transport interchanges.", "B": "Equipment and training of professionals for the expansion of congenital diseases to be included in screening tests.", "C": "Creation of integration forums and coexistence tables in areas at risk of exclusion.", "D": "Workshop on accidents in the elderly population, for its execution in the health center, that updates and favors reflection on injuries and facilitates the training of skills." }, "Correct Answer": "Creation of integration forums and coexistence tables in areas at risk of exclusion.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2945fe05-165b-4728-875d-9130a4d23ce1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The term equity in health means:", "Options": { "A": "That it is necessary to invest in health technology in the different autonomous communities, as we are told in the Strategy of the Ministry of Health to address social inequalities.", "B": "That no person should be at a disadvantage to develop their potential.", "C": "That there should be the same number of health centers per Autonomous Community.", "D": "That all people have health care." }, "Correct Answer": "That no person should be at a disadvantage to develop their potential.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "857097cc-cf8c-40da-a856-5ae456222c72", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the definition of Melena ?:", "Options": { "A": "Emission of red blood through the anal sphincter, usually originated in the lower part of the digestive tract.", "B": "It is the presence of red blood in the stool, not modified by the action of digestive enzymes.", "C": "Emission through the anus of digested blood. Sticky stools and a characteristic foul odor that usually come from the upper digestive tract.", "D": "Vomiting of blood or clots from the upper part of the digestive tract." }, "Correct Answer": "Emission through the anus of digested blood. Sticky stools and a characteristic foul odor that usually come from the upper digestive tract.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "308b85a2-c96c-481c-824a-c968523d42f4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The agents involved in a community participation process are three (indicate the correct answer):", "Options": { "A": "Services that include technicians and professionals, citizenship and administration.", "B": "Professionals of Social Work, Medicine and Nursing.", "C": "Politicians, health personnel and education personnel.", "D": "Health personnel, personnel of the educational field and personnel of the social sector." }, "Correct Answer": "Services that include technicians and professionals, citizenship and administration.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fd66271a-49ed-4e57-8467-289dd14e1d77", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Health promotion is understood as:", "Options": { "A": "A strategy that has several elements comprising in an integrated manner several programs aimed at populations for general health.", "B": "Set of instruments and decisions of a certain society that assigns social functions and at the same time resources to reach a health goal of a population.", "C": "Global political and social process aimed at increasing people's control over the determinants of health.", "D": "Measures designed not only to prevent the onset of the disease, such as the reduction of risk factors, but also to stop its progress and mitigate its consequences once established." }, "Correct Answer": "Global political and social process aimed at increasing people's control over the determinants of health.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "130e6a4a-6a94-464d-b5b6-e184dac19b16", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The declaration of JAKARTA identifies as a priority in the work in health promotion:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the capacity of the community and the empowerment of individuals.", "B": "Reorient public services.", "C": "Develop personal skills", "D": "Promote the concept of primary care in all countries." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the capacity of the community and the empowerment of individuals.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0e66217e-0e1a-43cc-91d2-52d59464d0b2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A group education technique is applied to the development of diabetes knowledge in a group of 40 people who suffer from this disease. The goal is for the whole to handle a considerable amount of information in a short time, analyze it, synthesize it and share it as a team. At first, each of the members of the teams addresses the part of the assigned material (theory and practice). Everyone has the responsibility to learn the subject. After a new team is formed and each of the members of the previous teams assumes the responsibility to teach their new colleagues the topic learned in the first moment. At the end of the application of the technique, the entire population must handle the contents of the class. What is the name of this group educational technique ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phillips 8/8.", "B": "Grating.", "C": "Bronfenbrenner technique.", "D": "Delphi technique." }, "Correct Answer": "Grating.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a9e5bb8f-3294-41ce-9c8d-a8eb9b371334", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a Health Center, an intervention in Health Education has been carried out with 15 patients, aimed at reducing the prevalence of anxiety disorders. The evaluators analyzed the time that each session lasted, as well as the degree of participation. We can say that an evaluation has been carried out:", "Options": { "A": "Impact evaluation.", "B": "Outcome evaluation.", "C": "Process evaluation.", "D": "Implementation evaluation." }, "Correct Answer": "Process evaluation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5eaa9a3f-9dca-4b6f-8eb7-09ab798ae688", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A person goes to our Primary Care office to see what diet to follow, says he has bought a book on dietary advice for months. He has decided that he wants to start losing weight already. In which phase is it found according to the Stages of Change or Transtheoretical Model ?:", "Options": { "A": "Precontemplation.", "B": "Contemplation.", "C": "Preparation.", "D": "Action." }, "Correct Answer": "Preparation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "df838d8d-b461-454e-b658-aaf5bceb317c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A person has Type 2 Diabetes for ten years. He is currently being treated with oral medication, but his disease is getting worse, so the administration of subcutaneous insulin is considered. She says that she will not be able to get punctured, she says that her mother was also diabetic, she tried and could not. Indicate what behavioral determinant (to inject insulin) appears in this case, according to the model of Health Beliefs:", "Options": { "A": "Negative attitude.", "B": "Social influence.", "C": "Social pressure.", "D": "Self-control or self-efficacy" }, "Correct Answer": "Self-control or self-efficacy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3b18849c-5668-43f9-b4ec-d1b512152073", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the definition provided by the radical model of Health Education, what people would be appropriate to carry out the design of this Health Education program ?:", "Options": { "A": "Only the managers, since only they can impose organizational measures.", "B": "The whole population as a whole.", "C": "Only the managers, since they have control over the entire process and can carry a proper evaluation.", "D": "Only health professionals, since it is a question that affects health." }, "Correct Answer": "The whole population as a whole.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eb6e5834-3779-4eb6-917e-3832682aeff1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the context of primary care consultation, the main difficulties in identifying gender violence by the professional are (point out the INCORRECT response):", "Options": { "A": "Being immersed in the same process of sexist socialization as the rest of society.", "B": "Fundamentally biologicist training (not addressing psychosocial problems).", "C": "Distrust in the health system.", "D": "Scarce training in communication skills in the clinical interview." }, "Correct Answer": "Distrust in the health system.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6cd1e18e-7157-4e3d-aa0e-1676acf35e51", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A primary care doctor visits a mother with her 13-year-old son who refers to discontinuous sleep, with night awakenings and not feeling rested. After the assessment, the nurse identifies a sleep pattern disorder and makes a series of general recommendations for the family and the adolescent himself. Point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "You have to practice regular physical exercise, especially in the last third of the afternoon. The tiredness and the endorphins secreted during it, improve the conciliation of sleep.", "B": "It is important for the family to have information about the changes in adolescence, especially about the normal delay of the onset of sleep and the alterations that occur in sleep using mobile phones, the Internet ... immediately before going to bed.", "C": "Try to prevent the young person from compensating for the accumulated sleep deficit during the week with an increase in sleep hours on weekends, beyond what is reasonable (a couple of hours).", "D": "If you nap nap, it should be short, and early in the afternoon." }, "Correct Answer": "You have to practice regular physical exercise, especially in the last third of the afternoon. The tiredness and the endorphins secreted during it, improve the conciliation of sleep.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a1147c2d-e01e-4658-964d-dcb930bfbb10", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 47-year-old man with overweight, sedentary lifestyle and smoker of 10 cigars / day comes to the demand for nursing in primary care. Among the recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease include:", "Options": { "A": "Advise and support the abandonment of tobacco, make dietary changes that include hypocaloric diet to reach normal weight and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.", "B": "It is enough to advise smoking cessation and offer support in the process since there is no cardiovascular disease and there is no obesity.", "C": "Recommend at least 30 minutes of intense physical activity per day.", "D": "The intake of fats should be reduced to 5% of the total caloric intake." }, "Correct Answer": "Advise and support the abandonment of tobacco, make dietary changes that include hypocaloric diet to reach normal weight and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "73e11bf9-f4df-4c49-a333-4a61cac17536", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 58-year-old woman was followed up in the primary care nursing consultation for the control of chronic diseases and the promotion of self-care, with a history of chronic venous insufficiency. She presented an ulcer in the lower distal third of the right leg for 3 months, preserved pulses, serous exudate and macerated periulceral skin. It has an Arm Ankle Index (ITB) of 0.9 What type of compression would you apply ?:", "Options": { "A": "In spite of the symptoms, the ITB indicates that we are facing a severe ischemia in which compression is contraindicated.", "B": "The ITB indicates that we are facing a mixed ulcer, in which strong compression is contraindicated and compression of 20 mmHg can be performed under medical prescription.", "C": "The ITB is unnecessary. Symptoms show a venous ulcer that requires compression with a layer elastic bandage.", "D": "The ITB indicates that we are facing a venous ulcer in which the application of strong compression of 40 mm Hg is indicated by a multilayer bandage." }, "Correct Answer": "The ITB indicates that we are facing a venous ulcer in which the application of strong compression of 40 mm Hg is indicated by a multilayer bandage.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "db7843ee-f93f-4823-814f-9ce34ff334ba", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A mother with her 5-year-old son comes to the primary care nursing consultation and we find that the vaccination status is inadequate. To begin the accelerated rescue immunization, we must bear in mind that:", "Options": { "A": "When in doubt, the potential harmful effects of an overvaccination will always be greater than the suffering of an avoidable disease.", "B": "It is not recommended to follow accelerated calendars or to combine the maximum of compatible antigens, since we would reduce the immune response.", "C": "If the previous vaccination is known and documented, it will be necessary to restart the interrupted regimen, not being enough to administer the pending doses.", "D": "The goal is to reach the correct vaccination for their age, or reach, in any case, sufficient coverage in the shortest time possible, prioritizing the most preventable diseases of greater risk for the child at that time." }, "Correct Answer": "The goal is to reach the correct vaccination for their age, or reach, in any case, sufficient coverage in the shortest time possible, prioritizing the most preventable diseases of greater risk for the child at that time.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "064b2fbe-1bf2-4b39-97f7-c717be2a2cf1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Portfolio of Common Services of the National Health System defines the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures accessible at the Primary Care level. Point out the procedures that are NOT considered basic diagnostic procedures:", "Options": { "A": "Spirometry, maximum expiratory flow measurement and pulse oximetry.", "B": "Cardiovascular explorations: electrocardiography, oscillometry and / or Doppler.", "C": "Psychoaffective, social, morbidity and / or quality of life tests.", "D": "Pathological anatomy." }, "Correct Answer": "Pathological anatomy.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "41182ba7-6fdf-46cd-a552-864be917c582", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Royal Decree1093 / 2010, of 3 September, which approves the minimum data set of clinical reports in the National Health System, the data have a \"minimum set\" (CM) character when their presence is required in any report model defined by any health service. They are \"recommendable\" (R) when their presence or not in the reports, is at the discretion of each autonomous community. Indicate which of the following data is recommended (R) in the Data Set of the Nursing Care Report:", "Options": { "A": "Additional information / Observations.", "B": "Care protocols in which it is included.", "C": "Active evaluation", "D": "Reason for Discharge / Nurse Derivation." }, "Correct Answer": "Additional information / Observations.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9b020dc9-f743-4b6b-af3c-75fa36b481f6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ability of the patient to make decisions, the reports of the preferences about the treatment, the conflict between the patient and the family in terms of decision making, in which functional health pattern of Marjory Gordon are valued:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive-Perceptive.", "B": "Self-perception-Self-concept", "C": "Role-Relations", "D": "Values-Beliefs." }, "Correct Answer": "Cognitive-Perceptive.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "25e5e40e-5fa0-4ac2-9590-8473d4144ce1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to critical thinking, which of the following terms used by Richard Paul as characteristics of critical thinkers is INCORRECT. The critical thinkers are:", "Options": { "A": "Humble.", "B": "Realistic", "C": "Reagents", "D": "Good communicators." }, "Correct Answer": "Reagents", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8b63d5cd-09ae-486d-874e-1c38542480b2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When formulating the objectives in the Care Plan it is fundamental to formulate them:", "Options": { "A": "In the form of nursing activities, to be able to verify with certainty their achievement, according to whether they have been carried out or not.", "B": "Using terms that indicate the changes the nurse intends to achieve, such as; facilitate, make capable, allow or similar verbs followed by the words to the patient.", "C": "In terms of responses from the person to whom the plan is directed.", "D": "Trying to get an objective to solve the maximum possible diagnosis." }, "Correct Answer": "In terms of responses from the person to whom the plan is directed.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a38f9735-a00b-4ff8-9f62-b9b14b8eb815", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mrs. PH had a fall that caused fractures with displacement in two ribs. One month after this episode he goes to the clinic, he complains of pain when breathing. In the physical assessment, Nurse Fernandez identifies that this lady presents: a BMI of 30, superficial breathing with a respiratory rate of 24 rpm. Auscultation reveals reduced vesicular murmur in the right lung. She also notes that the patient has nasal flaring and breathes with pursed lips. After analyzing the data, Nurse Fernandez concludes that Mrs. PH has a breathing that does not provide adequate ventilation. Based on this information formulates the nursing diagnosis of:", "Options": { "A": "Ineffective respiratory pattern r / c bone deformity and pain m / p alterations in respiratory depth and decreased ventilation.", "B": "Ineffective health management r / c obesity m / p pain.", "C": "Anxiety related to shortness of breath r / c alterations in respiratory depth and decreased ventilation m / p bone deformity.", "D": "Acute pain (thoracic) r / c cough secondary to pneumonia m / p nasal flaring and excess secretions." }, "Correct Answer": "Ineffective respiratory pattern r / c bone deformity and pain m / p alterations in respiratory depth and decreased ventilation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b600ada8-47cd-45b1-95a8-714089273915", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the fundamental objectives of the NANDA, NOC and NIC classifications is to respond to the need to systematize the clinical nurse practice that is developed according to the Nursing Process. Starting from the fact that, because it is a process, all phases are interrelated, more significant relationships can be established between each of the classifications and the different phases. Of those established below, it is correct that:", "Options": { "A": "NANDA acquires greater meaning in the Planning phase.", "B": "The NOC Indicators are important, fundamentally, in the Valuation phase.", "C": "The NIC Activities acquire their maximum significance in the Evaluation.", "D": "The NOC is more directly related to Planning." }, "Correct Answer": "The NOC is more directly related to Planning.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "58cb1e9e-60ab-46f0-a0a2-fbf99193302b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hepatic encephalopathy is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by disorders of mental state and neuromuscular function. It is classified into four grades depending on the neurological involvement. What is the definition that corresponds to grade II ?:", "Options": { "A": "Agitation and stupor with responses to verbal stimuli, aggressive and uncontrollable behavior, intense flapping, muscle rigidity and hyperreflexia, language disorder.", "B": "Mild motor incoordination, alteration of sleep rhythm, bradypsychia, change of character.", "C": "Eat of variable depth, seizures and decerebrate posture.", "D": "Tempor-spatial disorientation, memory loss, lethargy, flapping tremor." }, "Correct Answer": "Tempor-spatial disorientation, memory loss, lethargy, flapping tremor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f2698712-9422-4418-aa52-a0a7be90beb8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the theoretical statements developed by Peplau, highlights:", "Options": { "A": "The importance of the concepts of need, independence and dependence.", "B": "The meaning given to the levels established by the nurse in relation to the patient. Substitution, help, guidance, advice and accompaniment.", "C": "The concept of conservation, which describes based on the principles of: Energy and structural integrity, personal and social.", "D": "The nurse - patient interpersonal relationship, which divides into four phases: Guidance, identification, exploitation and resolution." }, "Correct Answer": "The nurse - patient interpersonal relationship, which divides into four phases: Guidance, identification, exploitation and resolution.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f2a15e55-f25e-4e37-84bc-292e37dc040d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Kérouac and collaborators, within the paradigm of categorization and from the orientation \"to the disease\", the person:", "Options": { "A": "It has the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual components.", "B": "Orient care according to your priorities.", "C": "Does not participate in their care.", "D": "You have the responsibility to change your situation." }, "Correct Answer": "Does not participate in their care.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f44c23b0-eb14-42eb-b722-06ef287a3539", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Raile and Marriner, classify the theoretical works nurses in:", "Options": { "A": "Philosophies, conceptual models, theories and intermediate theories.", "B": "Schools: Of the needs, the interaction, the desirable effects, the promotion of health, of the unitary human being and of caring.", "C": "Paradigms: Categorization, integration and transformation.", "D": "Orientations: Ecologist, existentialist, cosmic and sociological." }, "Correct Answer": "Philosophies, conceptual models, theories and intermediate theories.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e50f6ec8-c3b6-4470-aca9-086f61c2efc3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the gastroenteropancreatic tumors, what is known as the one that represents almost 70% of pancreatic endocrine tumors, which originates in the beta cells of the islets, are benign in the vast majority and are small and distributed throughout the pancreas ?:", "Options": { "A": "Glucagonoma", "B": "Gatrinoma.", "C": "Insulinoma", "D": "Vipoma" }, "Correct Answer": "Insulinoma", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5ef8f0a9-9c6c-4986-856e-8c50da682874", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 78-year-old patient with reduced mobility enters our internal medicine facility to study hyperthermia of unknown origin. At the end of the afternoon, we decided to change the sheets on the bed to improve the patient's comfort. The patient is in the supine position and we lift our head with our hands to remove the pillow, at which point we see that he flexes his knees and complains of pain. What could you tell us ?:", "Options": { "A": "The patient has a positive Kerning sign, making us suspect meningeal irritation.", "B": "The patient has a negative Brudzinski sign, making us suspect meningeal irritation.", "C": "The patient has a positive Brudzinski sign, making us suspect meningeal irritation.", "D": "The patient has a negative Kerning sign, making us suspect meningeal irritation." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient has a positive Brudzinski sign, making us suspect meningeal irritation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "800881b6-6daf-4ea2-b8c0-3888e8a39012", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 25-year-old male patient, admitted to a meningioma, enters the neurology facility. Among the nursing care prescribed, we have to assess the level of awareness. What parameters should we assess ?:", "Options": { "A": "Verbal response, eye opening and motor response.", "B": "Sensory response, eye opening and motor response.", "C": "Ocular opening, response to simple commands and motor response.", "D": "Motor response, verbal response and coordinated movements." }, "Correct Answer": "Verbal response, eye opening and motor response.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a32c679e-06f8-4406-bec9-8ff1cd0ef596", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You are a nurse in a winter municipal swimming pool, after a swimming initiation class for adults, one of them, before starting the activity, falls to the ground and starts to convulse (his monitor says he is epileptic). What kind of care? at that time should NOT be done ?:", "Options": { "A": "Protect the person from possible trauma and even from falling into the pool.", "B": "Avoid immobilizing the person by force during the epileptic crisis.", "C": "Wait until you finish convulsing to call the emergency service, even if it is more than 5 minutes.", "D": "Do not put any object in your mouth, even a May cannula (guedel)." }, "Correct Answer": "Wait until you finish convulsing to call the emergency service, even if it is more than 5 minutes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bdd2f97f-7cbd-49ad-9ebc-e3a0910aee2a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "At our primary care clinic, a 72-year-old man who has been discharged from hospital after an ischemic stroke (ACVl), in the continuity of care report, indicates that the patient reports moderate dysphagia. Which of the following cares would NOT be recommended ?:", "Options": { "A": "He has to eat in a relaxed and unhurried environment.", "B": "You can put the television to entertain while eating.", "C": "You must place the patient to eat in a sitting position or if he is bedridden in Fowler.", "D": "Introduce small amounts in the mouth." }, "Correct Answer": "You can put the television to entertain while eating.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9a2e64b1-eb4c-4fbb-a7b6-4dc7a429f762", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient from the outpatient emergency department with moderate head trauma enters the critical care unit, who has been fitted with an intraventricular catheter, since we want to monitor the intracranial pressure (ICP). Which of the following cares would NOT be an adequate option to prevent this PIC from increasing ?:", "Options": { "A": "Maintain a quiet environment free of stimuli.", "B": "Avoid actions that promote the Valsalva maneuver.", "C": "Try to make the person as calm as possible.", "D": "The patient's legs will be elevated in the supine position." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient's legs will be elevated in the supine position.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5957e95d-9fb6-4a4a-9adf-db42bf7a9edf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the American Heart Association's latest recommendations on CPR, which of the following statements is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the case of a cardiac arrest in an adult victim with an eyewitness and with immediate availability of an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator), it is reasonable to use the defibrillator as soon as possible.", "B": "In victims of cardiac arrest, it is reasonable for rescuers to apply a frequency of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.", "C": "Cardiopulmonary Extracorporeal Resuscitation can be considered an alternative to conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in certain patients when it is suspected that the cause of cardiac arrest could be reversible.", "D": "The use of mechanical thoracic compression devices against chest compressions in patients with cardiac arrest is strongly recommended." }, "Correct Answer": "The use of mechanical thoracic compression devices against chest compressions in patients with cardiac arrest is strongly recommended.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e17726de-e8fa-47c7-baca-2e999f4025a8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the factors listed below that favor the appearance of kidney stones, one is NOT correct:", "Options": { "A": "Sedentary lifestyle", "B": "Hereditary cystinuria.", "C": "Drop or prophylactic treatment of it.", "D": "Wet climates that increase fluid retention." }, "Correct Answer": "Wet climates that increase fluid retention.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4e7f05f1-1dca-4770-9285-28e276ee933a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following characteristics does NOT belong to moderate (or persistent moderate) asthma:", "Options": { "A": "It presents symptoms daily.", "B": "Nocturnal symptoms more than once a week.", "C": "Daily use of rescue medication (frequently β2 agonists).", "D": "Presents a FEV between 50% to 70% of the theoretical value." }, "Correct Answer": "Presents a FEV between 50% to 70% of the theoretical value.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c0d125d3-b560-4d5e-b227-6508adee5283", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient enters our nursing consultation accompanied by a family member holding his arm, seems to walk with a broad, irregular and insecure base, as if he could not keep his balance well, with difficulty in coordinating the steps, resulting in an unstable wandering. What type of gear could we say that this patient has ?:", "Options": { "A": "March with \"fallen foot\".", "B": "March of the \"lacunares\".", "C": "March \"spastic\".", "D": "March \"ataxic\"." }, "Correct Answer": "March \"ataxic\".", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c7828821-9469-4865-90fd-74df23d5a053", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following opioid drugs is NOT considered a pure agonist ?:", "Options": { "A": "Morphine.", "B": "Tramadol", "C": "Fentanyl", "D": "Pentazocine" }, "Correct Answer": "Pentazocine", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "90d223f0-0dfa-4ae2-964d-b9d6f5491c47", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "María, 81 years old, is the main caretaker of her husband for 3 years. A few months ago when going to his home, we identified a diagnosis of \"Low situational self-esteem\". Among all the activities we can do, which would be more appropriate to help Maria overcome this situation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Promote the learning of the necessary techniques for the care of the dependent person.", "B": "Assess both the physical and psychological symptoms and refer to medical consultation for prescription of pharmacological treatment.", "C": "Insist on the importance of taking time for your own care and help find alternatives to share time with friends and carry out leisure activities.", "D": "Facilitate knowledge and skills on basic self-care actions for daily life activities." }, "Correct Answer": "Insist on the importance of taking time for your own care and help find alternatives to share time with friends and carry out leisure activities.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0b58c220-8e67-40af-ae82-01511e8d2ddf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The functions of the Triage Box are several, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Classification of patients in order to prioritize urgent care according to its severity.", "B": "Determine the time of attention and the most appropriate resource in each case.", "C": "Specify the medical diagnosis.", "D": "Allow the simultaneous work of two professionals in situation of peak demand for care." }, "Correct Answer": "Specify the medical diagnosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fbe09bc6-39a1-4022-89f9-44d412a25c81", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When facing a victim of a fire, what is the first step to be taken ?:", "Options": { "A": "Separate and / or protect the victim from thermal aggression.", "B": "Perform a meticulous physical exploration.", "C": "Start the contribution of liquids.", "D": "Secure the airway." }, "Correct Answer": "Separate and / or protect the victim from thermal aggression.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "de7d693c-2437-4fc5-9103-910c2fe3c13e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following effects is NOT specific to benzodiazepines ?:", "Options": { "A": "Anxiolytic effect.", "B": "Anticonvulsant effect.", "C": "Antipsychotic effect.", "D": "Sedative effect" }, "Correct Answer": "Antipsychotic effect.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "442501ff-8b04-4123-9023-c92290bc4f1e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following antidiabetic drugs has no hypoglycemic effect ?:", "Options": { "A": "Meglitinide", "B": "Glibenclamide", "C": "Glimepiride", "D": "Metformin." }, "Correct Answer": "Metformin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bab054b6-f899-4a12-b4b9-f6b697a3dcdb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is indicated in the treatment of severe acute asthma ?:", "Options": { "A": "Salmeterol.", "B": "Salbutamol", "C": "Indacaterol", "D": "Olodaterol." }, "Correct Answer": "Salbutamol", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3a20bfc0-9e8f-4c0e-8952-80dadc9aefe7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following adverse reactions is characteristic of furosemide ?:", "Options": { "A": "Erectile dysfunction.", "B": "Hypokalemia", "C": "Headaches", "D": "Diarrhea." }, "Correct Answer": "Hypokalemia", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "806772db-700c-4ada-ab8f-26e2de867597", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which substance is indicated to antagonize the effect of unfractionated heparins in case of Hemorrhage ?:", "Options": { "A": "Protamine", "B": "Vitamin K.", "C": "Acenocoumarol.", "D": "Adrenalin." }, "Correct Answer": "Protamine", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c8ae562b-ca8c-4a70-b97b-0bd2ae456be8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the classification TNM (Tumor, Ganglion [Node], Metastasis). What would indicate the classification T1N0M0:", "Options": { "A": "There is no evidence of a primary tumor.", "B": "There is involvement of regional lymph nodes.", "C": "There is distant metastasis.", "D": "There is no distant metastasis." }, "Correct Answer": "There is no distant metastasis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "18037e3c-2c47-405d-87f4-60dc44700d72", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the symptomatic NO pharmacological treatment of dyspnea in advanced cancer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Corticosteroids", "B": "Ensure there is fresh air with sufficient humidity.", "C": "Do not apply relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety, since these would increase dyspnea.", "D": "Opiates" }, "Correct Answer": "Ensure there is fresh air with sufficient humidity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "215f3c9a-0e2f-42f2-824e-b106e9794091", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What chemotherapeutic drug belongs to the antimetabolite group ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cyclophosphamide", "B": "Doxorubicin", "C": "Anastrozole", "D": "5-Fluorouracil." }, "Correct Answer": "5-Fluorouracil.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b349598e-c9c1-4364-b734-f06e25cd4fd0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient reports xerostomia after receiving chemotherapy: Which drugs favor the secretion of saliva ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pilocarpine.", "B": "Megrestol", "C": "Metoclopramide.", "D": "Mirtazapine" }, "Correct Answer": "Pilocarpine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ba2dbd11-b088-41fe-b108-55e37a049e4e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What recommendations would we give to a patient who presents with xerostomia after receiving chemotherapy ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chew acidic gum without sugar or pieces of natural pineapple.", "B": "Take hot drinks.", "C": "Restrict fluid intake.", "D": "Avoid taking juices." }, "Correct Answer": "Chew acidic gum without sugar or pieces of natural pineapple.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "78117d2e-eff1-4460-ac1a-4308e1dfc900", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding not secondary to portal hypertension is NOT found:", "Options": { "A": "Peptic ulcer.", "B": "Esophageal varices.", "C": "Mallory-Weiss syndrome.", "D": "Acute lesions of the gastric mucosa (erosions and hemorrhagic gastritis)." }, "Correct Answer": "Esophageal varices.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7a058152-367a-4c66-9f66-1b36ba9c8cd0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the complications that define decompensated cirrhosis, it is NOT found:", "Options": { "A": "Ascitis.", "B": "Hepatic encephalopathy.", "C": "Diarrhea.", "D": "Jaundice." }, "Correct Answer": "Diarrhea.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "07083052-398e-4c93-87fc-0c2915055344", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pattern of elimination is altered in patients diagnosed with colon cancer. Point out the NO correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "It can also refer to rectal bleeding and a sensation of a straight rectum.", "B": "The patient maintains a normal intestinal rhythm.", "C": "Usually the size of the stools is decreased (pencil or ribbon shape)", "D": "The patient refers changes in the depositional rhythm, alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient maintains a normal intestinal rhythm.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "365cece9-87c3-4ecf-bb28-f96035f30362", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Is the pancreas a secretion gland ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mixed (endocrine and exocrine).", "B": "Exocrine", "C": "It is not a secretory gland.", "D": "Endocrine" }, "Correct Answer": "Mixed (endocrine and exocrine).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e047edd2-b867-4187-9edd-bcd8b8aa0b61", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the constipation risk factor that is NOT correct:", "Options": { "A": "Advanced age.", "B": "Male sex", "C": "Dietary factors: low fiber intake, low caloric intake.", "D": "Others: drug use, depression, history of physical or sexual abuse." }, "Correct Answer": "Male sex", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "09cac216-cc10-4076-8c07-3baabcf04eda", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient with neurological dysfunction after a traumatic brain injury and brain surgery, what is the typical position description of decortication ?:", "Options": { "A": "Flexion of upper extremities, internal rotation of lower extremities and plantar flexion of the feet.", "B": "Extension of upper extremities, internal rotation of lower extremities and plantar extension of the feet.", "C": "Flexion of upper extremities, external rotation of lower extremities and plantar extension of the feet.", "D": "Extension of upper extremities, external rotation of lower extremities and plantar extension of the feet." }, "Correct Answer": "Flexion of upper extremities, internal rotation of lower extremities and plantar flexion of the feet.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f1875c07-9388-45a0-be38-c3f1b0c152c4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following actions could trigger a picture of autonomic dysreflexia in spinal injured patients ?:", "Options": { "A": "Venipuncture to obtain a blood sample.", "B": "Elevation of upper limbs.", "C": "Painful administration of suppositories and / or enemas.", "D": "Oxygen therapy at high flow." }, "Correct Answer": "Painful administration of suppositories and / or enemas.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "08017c46-3942-4d64-ac17-107ea539705e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following patient positions should be AVOIDED in case of increased intracranial pressure after brain surgery ?:", "Options": { "A": "Supine position with raised head.", "B": "Trendelemburg position.", "C": "Position of Anti Trendelemburg.", "D": "Head in neutral position, centered on the midline." }, "Correct Answer": "Trendelemburg position.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4334cbec-8767-4ff9-b37c-fca4a0ce129e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient undergoing tibial skeletal traction, when should the traction weights be removed? Point out the correct option:", "Options": { "A": "In the postural changes, in order to allow an adequate mobilization of the patient.", "B": "During the moments of cleanliness and hygiene of the patient, to facilitate the work of the professionals.", "C": "Skeletal traction weights should not be removed until the end of their prescription, unless a situation that jeopardizes the patient's integrity occurs.", "D": "The weights can be removed when the patient must leave the room to undergo diagnostic imaging tests. In this case, the traction may be temporarily suspended." }, "Correct Answer": "Skeletal traction weights should not be removed until the end of their prescription, unless a situation that jeopardizes the patient's integrity occurs.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "66960657-b5f9-46ec-ba96-0aee5d618b22", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient who takes a week of absolute rest after pelvic surgery, begins to do isometric exercises of the lower limbs. In this situation, what nursing diagnosis do you think adequately addresses the situation of this patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Disorder of the personal identity.", "B": "Decay of skin integrity.", "C": "Body image disorder.", "D": "Risk of intolerance to activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Risk of intolerance to activity.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a1ad4168-4f86-4f1c-a9d5-47684540594d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the risks associated with intramedullary osteosynthesis surgery is pulmonary fat embolism, which of the following signs would alert you to the appearance of such a picture ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in the level of consciousness.", "B": "Petechiae in the anterior thoracic region and neck.", "C": "Fever higher than 39.5ºC.", "D": "Polaquiuria." }, "Correct Answer": "Petechiae in the anterior thoracic region and neck.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b20f1d7d-399a-41dd-b21e-85b779373ecf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following interventions should AVOID in the care of a patient with compartment syndrome in his left forearm ?:", "Options": { "A": "Application of local ice and elevation of the affected limb.", "B": "Evaluation of the distal capillary filling periodically.", "C": "Placement of the patient in the supine position.", "D": "Assessment of the presence of paresthesias by superficial palpation of the affected limb." }, "Correct Answer": "Application of local ice and elevation of the affected limb.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0afa451f-bdf7-4f19-affd-e50e05107f39", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient undergoing total joint hip replacement surgery, which of the following recommendations is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "As an exercise that contributes to their rehabilitation, the patient must cross the operated leg and direct the knee to the thorax, several times a day.", "B": "It is necessary that the patient, when using the toilet, is as low as possible, in order that the operated hip is in a position inferior to the knee.", "C": "When in bed, the patient will use pillows or appropriate devices between the legs to maintain a light abduction of the operated limb.", "D": "As an element of early rehabilitation, the patient will exercise by flexing the hip operated more than 90 degrees, several times a day." }, "Correct Answer": "When in bed, the patient will use pillows or appropriate devices between the legs to maintain a light abduction of the operated limb.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "23740de3-520a-4a15-af04-5ef6e568c070", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What do we mean by the Health System ?:", "Options": { "A": "Set of hospitals and health centers that make up the public health network.", "B": "Joint public and private institutions directly involved in health care.", "C": "Set of establishments and health professionals responsible for the healing of individuals.", "D": "Public structural model that covers the health needs of the population." }, "Correct Answer": "Joint public and private institutions directly involved in health care.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b6cb4166-3f03-46b6-9448-a8d13216d128", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the permanent organ of communication and information between the different health services and with the central administration of the State currently in Spain ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Health Areas.", "B": "The Interautonomic Committee of Health of the Spanish State.", "C": "The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.", "D": "The Regional Health Council of the Spanish State." }, "Correct Answer": "The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c215fd1f-2a71-4c8e-817d-6a6c40b84112", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is a budget ?:", "Options": { "A": "Plan for the allocation of resources and a means of control so that the results fit the projects.", "B": "It is the balance between direct and indirect costs and income.", "C": "Economic program to be taken into account in strategic planning.", "D": "Process of allocation of material resources to the different assistance programs." }, "Correct Answer": "Plan for the allocation of resources and a means of control so that the results fit the projects.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "792291c6-1d1b-40e2-a88e-24a8ecd54ddd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Avedis Donabedian, what are the elements of health care to focus the evaluation of quality ?:", "Options": { "A": "The results, the strategy and the processes.", "B": "The structure, the processes and the interventions.", "C": "The process, the result and the criteria.", "D": "The structure, the process and the result." }, "Correct Answer": "The structure, the process and the result.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3d4acd7b-899f-4f4b-829c-456ee824cef9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Strategic planning, with respect to time, is it planning ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the medium term.", "B": "Long-term.", "C": "Short term.", "D": "Without term." }, "Correct Answer": "Long-term.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e857c390-8ead-44a2-9b45-ea64876224bb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is an Organigram ?:", "Options": { "A": "A model of partial organizational structure.", "B": "An indicator to measure the quality of assistance.", "C": "A strategic planning", "D": "A chart that shows the relationships between the different parts of an organization." }, "Correct Answer": "A chart that shows the relationships between the different parts of an organization.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a818c2ba-f542-4e2e-931d-fa7c39ac6727", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "If we participate in a process of accreditation of a health center and point out that \"There is a protocol for transferring patients to another organization to meet their needs for continuity of care\" Are we referring to ?:", "Options": { "A": "A standard", "B": "An indicator", "C": "One criterion", "D": "An obligation." }, "Correct Answer": "A standard", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "94a9d3d5-fc57-41ce-81ef-36a70431bdd2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "How would you define the figure of nurse Case Manager ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nurse that facilitates the participation of family members in the emotional and physical care of the patient.", "B": "Nurse who directs support groups to provide emotional support and health-related information to their members.", "C": "Nurse that facilitates the ability of a sick person to interact with others.", "D": "Nurse who coordinates the assistance and defense of individuals and populations in different contexts to reduce costs, reduce the use of resources, improve the quality of assistance and achieve the desired results." }, "Correct Answer": "Nurse who coordinates the assistance and defense of individuals and populations in different contexts to reduce costs, reduce the use of resources, improve the quality of assistance and achieve the desired results.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5eec3a95-706a-4547-aad9-6dc3e52e7629", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the Health Areas, according to the current Spanish legislation ?:", "Options": { "A": "The set of establishments and health professionals responsible for providing health care to individuals.", "B": "The permanent organ of communication and information of the health professionals in its scope of action.", "C": "The fundamental structures of the health system, responsible for the unitary management of the centers and establishments of the Health Service of the Autonomous Community in their territorial demarcation and of the health services and health programs to be developed by them.", "D": "The geographical boundaries legally established where the health resources are located to provide specialized care." }, "Correct Answer": "The fundamental structures of the health system, responsible for the unitary management of the centers and establishments of the Health Service of the Autonomous Community in their territorial demarcation and of the health services and health programs to be developed by them.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "51d039e9-3157-4998-85e3-7a4b92978b1c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following, which is NOT a complication associated with immobility in the elderly ?:", "Options": { "A": "Protein anabolism.", "B": "Osteoporosis.", "C": "Urinary stasis.", "D": "Atelectasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Protein anabolism.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0a50a084-47a2-40d9-b5bf-530d0db07f6e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The anatomical and physiological changes that occur as you age modify the pharmacokinetic characteristics of medications. Of the following, indicate what pharmacokinetic change will affect the elderly patient:", "Options": { "A": "The renal excretion will be increased.", "B": "Decreases the volume of distribution of fat-soluble drugs.", "C": "It decreases the metabolism of drugs with high extraction.", "D": "Increases the volume of distribution of water-soluble drugs." }, "Correct Answer": "It decreases the metabolism of drugs with high extraction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c5fbbac7-af27-428d-ac73-80b12fb7e193", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following scales of functional assessment, which of them will be indicated to assess the instrumental activities of daily life ?:", "Options": { "A": "Katz Index.", "B": "Scale of physical disability of the Red Cross.", "C": "Barthel Index.", "D": "Scale of Lawton and Brody." }, "Correct Answer": "Scale of Lawton and Brody.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9868482e-525b-4b93-9f6a-5a033ba349a2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Concepción, the main caretaker of her father with vascular dementia, goes to the nursing office, where she tells us that she feels less and less able to take care of her father, and that her social life has been greatly diminished since she takes care of him. Which of the following instruments would we use in order to assess the caregiver's burden ?:", "Options": { "A": "Family health scale (APGAR).", "B": "Scale of evaluation of the intrafamilial relations (ERI).", "C": "Scale of evaluation of family functioning.", "D": "Scale of Zarit." }, "Correct Answer": "Scale of Zarit.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "90f0758e-02a7-4399-af28-08c3f99756a1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out what change at the level of the sense organs is associated with the aging process:", "Options": { "A": "Larger pupillary size", "B": "Hypergeusia.", "C": "Atrophy of the organ of Corti.", "D": "Hyperosmia." }, "Correct Answer": "Atrophy of the organ of Corti.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c0ee34ea-8099-409a-b217-0d672caa8359", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct statement regarding urinary incontinence:", "Options": { "A": "Overflow incontinence affects men with benign prostatic hyperplasia to a greater extent.", "B": "Urgent or imperious incontinence has etiology in the weakness of the external sphincter.", "C": "Functional incontinence is characterized by mild loss of urine in the face of increased intra-abdominal pressure.", "D": "Stress incontinence is characterized by large losses of urine." }, "Correct Answer": "Overflow incontinence affects men with benign prostatic hyperplasia to a greater extent.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "32b2f214-5c46-4aa6-a062-15bb102c306e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is an instrument for the screening of patients with cognitive disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Katz Index.", "B": "Pfeiffer questionnaire.", "C": "Karnofsky index.", "D": "Scale of Lawton and Brody." }, "Correct Answer": "Pfeiffer questionnaire.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "78b7f81c-0642-4054-9da0-0f67aed3a884", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct statement regarding pressure ulcers:", "Options": { "A": "On the Norton scale, high scores indicate an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers.", "B": "Due to the classification of pressure ulcers of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), category / stage I pressure ulcers are characterized by the presence of whitening erythema.", "C": "It has to perform the cure in humid environment (CAH), since the materials used have shown a better repair of the cutaneous integrity that the treatment in dry environment, besides being more cost-effective and better manage the exudate.", "D": "As a rule, and following the instructions of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), the pressure ulcer should be cleaned with local antiseptics." }, "Correct Answer": "It has to perform the cure in humid environment (CAH), since the materials used have shown a better repair of the cutaneous integrity that the treatment in dry environment, besides being more cost-effective and better manage the exudate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "71f54a33-47ae-413f-8a11-cfbe6b50e934", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria proposed by Fried et al. to define the syndrome of fragility ?:", "Options": { "A": "Unintentional weight loss equivalent to 10 Kg, or 10% of body weight in the last year.", "B": "Slowness in the march.", "C": "Degree of low physical activity.", "D": "Low energy and resistance." }, "Correct Answer": "Unintentional weight loss equivalent to 10 Kg, or 10% of body weight in the last year.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "65ada9a7-d71f-4213-b8d3-70006ad8b12b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the following scales, which one should be used to evaluate the pain of a critical patient under sedation and connected to mechanical ventilation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ramsay scale.", "B": "Visual analog scale.", "C": "Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale scale (RASS).", "D": "Campbell Scale." }, "Correct Answer": "Campbell Scale.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1aa5793f-d52e-4184-af00-d6556c894c4c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent location of cerebral aneurysms is:", "Options": { "A": "Anterior Communicating Artery.", "B": "Internal Carotid Artery.", "C": "Basilar Artery.", "D": "Middle Cerebral Artery." }, "Correct Answer": "Anterior Communicating Artery.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3c657717-453e-4c36-a172-10b3aee40915", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following activities should NOT be performed on a critical patient in a prone position ?:", "Options": { "A": "Rotate the head and arms placement periodically, placing one arm on one side of the head, where you look at the face, and the other along the trunk.", "B": "Place the bed in the trendelemburg position to avoid facial and eye edema and facilitate tolerance to the diet.", "C": "Elevate the feet with pillows so that the ankle joint is at a 45º angle and the toes free of pressure.", "D": "Check the correct alignment of the spine and lower limbs." }, "Correct Answer": "Place the bed in the trendelemburg position to avoid facial and eye edema and facilitate tolerance to the diet.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "23710f83-4c2e-4a84-bae6-40f4cc37edf8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Before a patient with traumatic brain injury, what score on the Glasgow Coma Scale does it show if we observe that it emits inappropriate words, opens its eyes when speaking to it and makes a withdrawal response when applying a painful stimulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "eleven.", "B": "10", "C": "9", "D": "8" }, "Correct Answer": "10", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4ba1fc7b-0e53-4d8e-bed5-e300e9a2b45b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "As soon as the patient enters the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), the PRIORITY assessment of the nurse is:", "Options": { "A": "Urinary excretion", "B": "ECG monitoring.", "C": "Consciousness state.", "D": "Permeability of the airway and respiratory status." }, "Correct Answer": "Permeability of the airway and respiratory status.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "177a7eac-1f4c-4290-add2-fa5b6d49c4bd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In preoperative care, the primary objectives in the interview with the patient are the following EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Obtain information on the patient's health.", "B": "Determine the patient's expectations about surgery and anesthesia.", "C": "Determine if the patient's surgery should be performed as admitted, ambulatory or the same day of admission.", "D": "Assess the patient's emotional state and their preparation for surgery." }, "Correct Answer": "Determine if the patient's surgery should be performed as admitted, ambulatory or the same day of admission.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3a10bf9f-05c4-4000-a1db-6cf2fccf121a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pharyngeal cannulas:", "Options": { "A": "They allow the isolation of the airway.", "B": "In the presence of craniofacial trauma, both nasal and oral can be used indistinctly.", "C": "There is a single universal size.", "D": "Oropharyngeal cannulas should not be used in conscious patients." }, "Correct Answer": "Oropharyngeal cannulas should not be used in conscious patients.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3ee94768-81f8-40ab-a58b-02c356b19482", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to sutures, which of the following statements is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "It must be taken into account that greater thickness does not always imply greater resistance; It will only be more resistant if it is the same material.", "B": "The minimum thickness of suture that allows to assume the tension of the procedure should be used. Each suture, depending on the material that composes it, will support greater or lesser stresses. The smaller the thickness, the smaller the tissue trauma.", "C": "The resistance is measured according to the tension that the suture is able to withstand, after being knotted, before breaking.", "D": "The thickness of the suture is measured by a system of zeros. The suture with the smallest diameter is the one with the least number of zeros in its numbering." }, "Correct Answer": "The thickness of the suture is measured by a system of zeros. The suture with the smallest diameter is the one with the least number of zeros in its numbering.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "edb2da78-5398-4ec5-abb3-7ebddeac4cec", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the realization of an access to the intracranial space through a hole in the skull bone, the surgical position is:", "Options": { "A": "Patient in supine decubitus with support under the head (roller).", "B": "Semisentado", "C": "Patient in prone position on sled.", "D": "Mahometana" }, "Correct Answer": "Patient in supine decubitus with support under the head (roller).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0a3dd0e6-6e34-4993-a526-9543056c866b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "To prevent excess pressure in the tracheal capillaries, the pressure in the cuff of the tracheostomy tube should be:", "Options": { "A": "Controlled every 2-3 days.", "B": "Less than 20 mmHg or 25 cm of water.", "C": "Greater than 30 mmHg or 35 cm of water.", "D": "Enough to fill the pilot balloon until it is in tension." }, "Correct Answer": "Less than 20 mmHg or 25 cm of water.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2f4fefbc-fbaf-4bb0-98ae-c51e7e6a4f39", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following, what is the correct statement to refer to the fast evacuation syndrome or Dumping syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Symptoms begin about two hours after meals, with cramps, urge to defecate and audible bowel sounds.", "B": "It affects one third of patients undergoing colon resection surgery.", "C": "Entrapment of fluid in the intestinal lumen as a result of the arrival of a large amount of hypertonic fluid in the intestine.", "D": "It is the result of the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine." }, "Correct Answer": "Entrapment of fluid in the intestinal lumen as a result of the arrival of a large amount of hypertonic fluid in the intestine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dc48d998-3338-4685-b531-b8b4b77af8fe", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is not a characteristic used in the assessment of second intention healing in a surgical wound ?:", "Options": { "A": "Exudate or necrotic tissue.", "B": "Borders of the wound.", "C": "Type of suture", "D": "Granulation tissue." }, "Correct Answer": "Type of suture", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3249f072-a006-4cbd-8037-581d04357050", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "During the postoperative period, the patient with an amputation should be instructed that the residual limb, after the first 24 hours, should not be routinely elevated because:", "Options": { "A": "That position reduces the development of phantom pain.", "B": "The unnecessary movement of the limb can cause dehiscence of the wound.", "C": "Can promote contracture in flexion.", "D": "This position promotes the formation of clots at the site of the incision." }, "Correct Answer": "Can promote contracture in flexion.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ad49e14c-7912-4165-a1eb-2235be96ef6f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "There are several types of drainage. Within the aspiration or hypobaric is:", "Options": { "A": "Saratoga", "B": "Kher.", "C": "Silastic.", "D": "Penrose." }, "Correct Answer": "Saratoga", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a15c7dfd-521a-4be1-a2fe-4ca026bca117", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the performance of Cardiac Surgery, an Extracorporeal Circuit is used, whose main function is:", "Options": { "A": "Replace cardiac, pulmonary and renal function.", "B": "Derive blood from the heart and lung to a machine that performs these functions and return it to the body.", "C": "Derive the blood from the lungs to the organism.", "D": "Perform the functions of external pacemaker." }, "Correct Answer": "Derive blood from the heart and lung to a machine that performs these functions and return it to the body.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8d6e29b6-0f51-46f7-88ac-301330b7fba8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The blood from the lungs flows through the four pulmonary veins to:", "Options": { "A": "Right atrium.", "B": "Left atrium.", "C": "Right ventricle.", "D": "Left ventricle." }, "Correct Answer": "Left atrium.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "799c2f81-6be5-4f8d-b886-a77ca170d4c2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Cardiac Surgery, Central Venous Pressure (PVC) monitoring determines:", "Options": { "A": "The cardiac preload.", "B": "Pulmonary capillary pressure.", "C": "Saturation Mixed Venosa.", "D": "The afterload of the Left Ventricle." }, "Correct Answer": "The cardiac preload.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7a59c438-f3c0-4506-968b-1e18a78519c3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In cardiovascular evaluation, the main causes of perioperative morbidity and mortality are:", "Options": { "A": "Arterial Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease and Valvulopathies.", "B": "Congenital heart disease, Diabetes, Arterial Hypertension.", "C": "Arterial Hypertension, Coagulopathies, Valvulopathies.", "D": "Hypertension, Hyperlipidemias, Diabetes." }, "Correct Answer": "Arterial Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease and Valvulopathies.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "749fc6e0-bbca-4b36-959c-5699f21e67f3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which cardiac cavity, the coronary sinus empties:", "Options": { "A": "Left atrium.", "B": "Right atrium.", "C": "Right ventricle.", "D": "Left ventricle." }, "Correct Answer": "Right atrium.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5b14717b-b7fc-4b80-a867-8ceeca75c019", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the Shock, point out the WRONG response:", "Options": { "A": "In the anaphylactic Shock an increase of the cellular permeability takes place, producing edema.", "B": "In neurogenic Shock there is a loss of sympathetic tone, which produces peripheral vasoconstriction and severe hypotension.", "C": "Hypovolemic Shock occurs by a large decrease in the volume of circulating fluid that causes the metabolic needs of the body can not be satisfied.", "D": "Cardiogenic shock occurs when the heart can not produce adequate cardiac output to maintain the metabolic requirements of body tissues." }, "Correct Answer": "In neurogenic Shock there is a loss of sympathetic tone, which produces peripheral vasoconstriction and severe hypotension.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1022fb40-da9e-43f0-b3f3-453510e66fc3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Heat stroke is a systemic inflammatory response characterized by a body temperature:", "Options": { "A": "Between 38ºC and 40ºC.", "B": "Greater than 40.6ºC.", "C": "Less than 40.6ºC.", "D": "38ºC." }, "Correct Answer": "Greater than 40.6ºC.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6809dd7c-a5bd-43aa-8a2a-a113eb7e599b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of free hemoglobin in blood and urine collected at the beginning of a transfusion reaction is proof that a:", "Options": { "A": "Acute hemolytic reaction.", "B": "Delayed hemolytic reaction.", "C": "Febrile reaction", "D": "Transfusion reaction produced by plasma proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "Acute hemolytic reaction.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "38feee77-4774-42b8-93b3-9e2a789dc4d3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the operation of the infusion pumps based on ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the gravity.", "B": "In the supplied volume.", "C": "In the formation of the nursing team.", "D": "In its ability to calculate the dose to be infused." }, "Correct Answer": "In the supplied volume.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3203d848-e2c1-4c74-9d35-42d6a2c274f0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Glasgow coma scale:", "Options": { "A": "It is the sum of the result of the evaluation of 3 areas: eye opening, verbal response, motor response.", "B": "It is the sum of the result of the evaluation of 3 areas: eye opening, verbal response, electrolyte levels.", "C": "It is the sum of the result of the evaluation of 3 areas: verbal response, motor response, cardiac response.", "D": "It is the sum of the result of the evaluation of 3 areas: ocular opening, parenchymal response, motor response." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the sum of the result of the evaluation of 3 areas: eye opening, verbal response, motor response.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "232a08c9-228b-4e47-b244-53382dd3cdbb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The administration of insulin in patients with diabetes Mellitus type 1:", "Options": { "A": "It should always be done by a nursing professional.", "B": "It can be done orally in some cases.", "C": "The patient can do it after being instructed.", "D": "It is not necessary to check the amount to be injected, it will always be the same." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient can do it after being instructed.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b1c439e4-d377-4a0f-b57d-52c33bec6c08", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In acute myocardial infarction:", "Options": { "A": "Pain is always the same, precordial and very intense.", "B": "If the patient lies down and remains at rest, the pain subsides.", "C": "In elderly or diabetic patients, a silent infarction can occur without pain.", "D": "Pain subsides with sublingual nitroglycerin." }, "Correct Answer": "In elderly or diabetic patients, a silent infarction can occur without pain.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6f752b76-6da1-4295-b3b0-5667df793abd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mario G. has undergone surgery and has undergone an esophagectomy due to esophageal cancer. In the postoperative period, tolerance begins with a liquid diet and Mario begins to have intense pain, fever and dyspnea. The nursing staff knows that these symptoms are indicative of:", "Options": { "A": "Intolerance to food.", "B": "The tumor has spread to the aorta.", "C": "There is a gastric perforation with the formation of a fistula towards the lung.", "D": "An extravasation of fluids and food to the mediastinum." }, "Correct Answer": "An extravasation of fluids and food to the mediastinum.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c25097e7-edbb-4ca8-9f21-93225f58ef53", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Paula L. goes to the doctor for presenting a long time epigastric discomfort, regurgitation and heartburn after meals. After the studies and complementary tests, a hiatus hernia is diagnosed. After some time with medical treatment without improvement, he undergoes a surgical intervention (fundoplication) to correct this reflux. Which advice about nutritional treatment is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Take a diet low in fat and rich in protein, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and mint.", "B": "Eat meals in small and frequent portions.", "C": "Drink always natural orange, lemon and tomato juices.", "D": "Advise him to drink water after eating to clean the esophagus from residual food that may irritate the lining of the esophagus." }, "Correct Answer": "Drink always natural orange, lemon and tomato juices.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f749104a-776a-4a51-81c9-87f1edf5c9a6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mrs. Carmen C., 47 years old, carries a sigmoid colostomy. Which of the following recommendations on changing the device is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Remove feces with toilet paper and wash the periostomal skin with warm water and neutral soap (optional) and a wipe to clean the skin and stoma.", "B": "Dry the area well, dabbing with a towel and evaluate the stoma and periostomal skin.", "C": "Apply the skin barrier (optional) and place the bag by pressing gently for 30 seconds to activate the adhesive.", "D": "The bag should be changed at most once a day to avoid damaging the periostomal skin." }, "Correct Answer": "The bag should be changed at most once a day to avoid damaging the periostomal skin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c61e96d5-00fc-4777-bb6c-f65a40093eb9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Margarita R. has been operated eight hours after a fracture of the tibia and has a plaster placed. She calls because she has a lot of pain despite having given her the painkiller one hour ago. The nurse suspects an acute compartment syndrome. What is NOT indicated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Evaluate the edges of the plaster if it is damaging the skin and if it is too tight.", "B": "Give the scheduled analgesia and re-evaluate its effectiveness after one hour.", "C": "Make a neurovascular assessment at regular intervals by checking the temperature, movement and sensitivity and immediately notify the responsible physician in case of alterations.", "D": "Apply ice and elevate the affected leg." }, "Correct Answer": "Apply ice and elevate the affected leg.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d57552b2-6131-4b6b-a576-bac673038d14", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Francisco R., 89, has a sprain on his right foot and a compressive bandage. He has been told to walk with a cane to avoid carrying too much weight on the affected foot. What is the correct way to use a cane ?:", "Options": { "A": "With the cane in the left hand and the elbow slightly flexed, advance the cane and the right leg at the same time. Then overtake the left leg.", "B": "The most correct way is the one with which the patient is safer and develops better.", "C": "With the stick in the right hand and the elbow stretched, advance the cane and the right leg at the same time. Then overtake the left leg.", "D": "With the cane in the right hand and the elbow stretched, advance both feet at the same time supporting all the weight in the left foot." }, "Correct Answer": "With the cane in the left hand and the elbow slightly flexed, advance the cane and the right leg at the same time. Then overtake the left leg.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f63c1185-a719-4486-b446-d3a394429d98", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a collective emergency, it must be clear that:", "Options": { "A": "Advanced medical posts will always be placed within the rescue zone.", "B": "The objective is not to ensure the survival of the affected population, but its evacuation.", "C": "The priority of care will be the possibility of survival, not gravity.", "D": "The existence of victims is not the main justification for their intervention." }, "Correct Answer": "The priority of care will be the possibility of survival, not gravity.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a1514413-7f54-4a4d-b920-0720aaebfadb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In caring for people who have mental health problems, it is important to take into account the sociocultural aspects that may influence the health / disease process due to:", "Options": { "A": "The diagnosis of mental disorders in people of other cultures must be different from that of the rest of the patients.", "B": "Culture influences the expression, presentation, recognition and labeling of mental health and mental pathology.", "C": "The sociological characteristics of each group of individuals affect therapeutic malpractice.", "D": "Nurses from other cultures plan different therapeutic strategies." }, "Correct Answer": "Culture influences the expression, presentation, recognition and labeling of mental health and mental pathology.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "241f9c1b-24eb-478f-9f53-6e6d8768bcee", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the most characteristic symptoms of Nervous Anorexia would be:", "Options": { "A": "Bingeings hidden.", "B": "Binge followed by purges.", "C": "Distortion of the personal scheme.", "D": "Insomnia of conciliation." }, "Correct Answer": "Distortion of the personal scheme.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b9997db3-c099-47ee-bc9d-9fa36d481398", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In people with Schizophrenic Disorder the need to work and perform, shows manifestations of dependence mainly due to:", "Options": { "A": "Abulia and anhedonia.", "B": "Glossolalia and bizarre language.", "C": "Mystical delusions", "D": "Somatization." }, "Correct Answer": "Abulia and anhedonia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "003987d1-2cd2-4f74-84db-ff4ac2629dfe", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main clinical characteristic of OT (obsessive disorders) is the obsessive thoughts that are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Its unusual character, intruder and parasite, who experience themselves as strangers.", "B": "The unconscious control of automatic behaviors.", "C": "Stereotyped behaviors that are repeated over and over again.", "D": "An accused and persistent fear, excessive, irrational and parasitic." }, "Correct Answer": "Its unusual character, intruder and parasite, who experience themselves as strangers.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e1ab30f8-77a0-4ef8-ad47-4a74d3c767ca", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the symptoms that can occur in patients with a Depressive Disorder would be deliroid ideas that revolve around:", "Options": { "A": "Persecution, guilt, mystics.", "B": "Guilt, ruin, hypochondria.", "C": "Injury, depersonalization, diffusion.", "D": "Cosmogonic, self-referential, celotypic." }, "Correct Answer": "Guilt, ruin, hypochondria.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf1b2777-5157-441b-9dd7-9620d65bc8d2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The need for mobilization in a patient with Schizophrenic Disorder can present manifestations of dependence due to movement disorders such as:", "Options": { "A": "Paralysis of the lower limbs.", "B": "Lethargy, inhibition.", "C": "Stereotypes or mannerisms.", "D": "Logoclonia, paresthesias." }, "Correct Answer": "Stereotypes or mannerisms.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "77d5206c-8e60-4fda-b2be-6b1d18f1ce98", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The false and irreducible belief that the couple is unfaithful, would be a delirium type:", "Options": { "A": "Celotypic", "B": "Erotomaniac", "C": "Nihilistic.", "D": "Somatic." }, "Correct Answer": "Celotypic", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3a4a4637-d5b4-4b22-b704-7a7527c636a2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the crisis of anguish, one of the symptoms that can occur, would be:", "Options": { "A": "Delirium ideas of somatization.", "B": "Flash backs experiences of traumatic events.", "C": "Sudden experiences of depersonalization and strangeness of oneself.", "D": "Conversion disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "Sudden experiences of depersonalization and strangeness of oneself.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "15d12bd6-a539-47e9-b712-8390f8052d1c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many related factors should be included when stating a specific nursing diagnosis in a patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Only one related factor is allowed per diagnosis.", "B": "There are a maximum of three related factors.", "C": "As many as they have associated with the detected problem.", "D": "All the related ones that can be eliminated or diminished by nursing." }, "Correct Answer": "As many as they have associated with the detected problem.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6dc55565-5361-4d63-9400-63a3bce47c89", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a defining characteristic of the nursing process ?:", "Options": { "A": "Disorganized.", "B": "Global.", "C": "Rational.", "D": "Focused on the disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Rational.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ae8a4408-8aa7-47ee-8a5b-4ef7d069b65e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the Primary Care Services Portfolio, the Minor Surgery service is collected, which includes the performance of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. What characteristic must these procedures fulfill ?:", "Options": { "A": "Be of low complexity and minimally invasive.", "B": "Have a medium risk of bleeding.", "C": "They are performed without local anesthesia and do not require postoperative care.", "D": "They can not have a diagnostic purpose." }, "Correct Answer": "Be of low complexity and minimally invasive.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "421ee37f-41d4-44e2-b4ee-99d5aba02065", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the metaparadigmatic elements of nursing thinking ?:", "Options": { "A": "Goal and subject of care, nursing problem, and nursing intervention.", "B": "Person, environment, health and nursing.", "C": "Illness, patient, cause and intervention.", "D": "Person, illness, health, care and results." }, "Correct Answer": "Person, environment, health and nursing.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "53352e2d-263c-4f33-a7eb-880807d2f769", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements corresponds to the nursing care in the Middle Ages ?:", "Options": { "A": "They belong to the \"Domestic stage of care\", according to Collière's classification.", "B": "The health-disease continuum is interpreted as something supernatural.", "C": "They are eminently technical care.", "D": "The development of monastic nursing is noteworthy at this time." }, "Correct Answer": "The development of monastic nursing is noteworthy at this time.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b9076d88-163c-4573-b532-ebdace80dbe2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "During a nutritional-nutrition-focused assessment of Nuria, a 24-year-old woman, you take the following anthropometric measurements: size 160 cm, weight 70 kg. By calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI), point out the weight-height stage described:", "Options": { "A": "BMI = <18 → thinness.", "B": "BMI = 20 - 25 → normal.", "C": "BMI = 25 - 30 → overweight.", "D": "BMI => 30 → obesity." }, "Correct Answer": "BMI = 25 - 30 → overweight.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "74f2628d-10da-42b6-87b2-f18edc7cfa31", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the stages of the family life cycle, indicate which of the following stages of the family cycle corresponds to the acquisition of autonomy and independence of the children, with the consequent relaxation of limits, granting greater degrees of freedom where communication is essential open:", "Options": { "A": "Family with children of school age.", "B": "Family with teenage children.", "C": "Formation of the couple.", "D": "Family with independent children." }, "Correct Answer": "Family with teenage children.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "84c5dec9-7e23-4584-babc-b1647313e8e4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which was the first of the phases of the Nursing Care Process on which work was started for the construction of a standardized language:", "Options": { "A": "Evaluation phase.", "B": "Diagnostic phase.", "C": "Phase of results planning.", "D": "Intervention execution phase." }, "Correct Answer": "Diagnostic phase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5073ac4f-fb1c-468c-b7cc-b866434f2af4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the types of Immunity, indicate the correct NO:", "Options": { "A": "Vaccines, such as the Triple Vírica, are part of the immunity of active and artificial type.", "B": "Passive and natural immunity is the shortest duration: approximately two to three weeks.", "C": "Active and natural immunity is the most effective, forms antibodies by the presence of active infection in the body and can protect us even throughout life.", "D": "Passive and artificial immunity can protect for a very short period of time and are based on the administration of immune serum from an animal or another human being." }, "Correct Answer": "Passive and natural immunity is the shortest duration: approximately two to three weeks.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ed331374-cd9a-4abd-a688-aa43cedde445", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You make the first home visit to Tomás, an 87-year-old man who just arrived a week ago to live with one of his sons, Ramón, whom you already know because he is seen by you in consultation. Ramón tells him that so far his father had been living with another child in another community, so he barely knows about his daily care, but he is worried about his \"excessive reaction to pain.\" Tomás manifests painful sensation even before non-painful stimuli such as the contact of the sheets. Point out how this fact is called, in which a non-painful stimulus produces pain:", "Options": { "A": "Pain threshold.", "B": "Hyperalgia", "C": "Alodinia", "D": "Dysesthesia" }, "Correct Answer": "Alodinia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a7118489-491c-493c-b8db-5956b4a0d965", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "He goes to Francisco's home who has received radiotherapy treatment for cancer of the mouth. Francisco says he does not know how to take care of the skin in the area exposed to radiation. Indicate what recommendation you would give to Francisco:", "Options": { "A": "Leave the area uncovered in the air.", "B": "Wash the skin only with water.", "C": "Avoid contact with other people.", "D": "Apply heat in the area." }, "Correct Answer": "Wash the skin only with water.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c48f93d0-27fb-40ae-b621-b404ba4254e7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Manuel, 48, goes to the health center after accidentally getting a clean wound. Once the condition of the wound has been checked, Manuel's vaccination history is reviewed, which presents five doses of tetanus vaccine, the last dose being 11 years ago. What is the indicated action regarding vaccination in this situation ?:", "Options": { "A": "The sixth dose of tetanus vaccine should be administered at the time of wounding.", "B": "The sixth dose of tetanus vaccine should be administered when it corresponds after ten years of the previous one.", "C": "The sixth dose of tetanus vaccine should be administered and, if it is not properly vaccinated, assess the administration of tetanus immunoglobulin.", "D": "The administration of a new dose of tetanus vaccine is not required." }, "Correct Answer": "The administration of a new dose of tetanus vaccine is not required.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2dff2241-9491-418f-9d55-d3d4911ea30e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Computers have a part that serves to store the program that is running, its data and intermediate results while it is on; being this temporary storage since it is lost when turning off the computer. Indicate the name of the hardware element of the computer that is alluded to:", "Options": { "A": "RAM.", "B": "ROM", "C": "CPU.", "D": "Pen Drive." }, "Correct Answer": "RAM.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9f9fa2a6-e760-4fd6-a432-9ed449412815", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following situations reflects the legal definition of \"informed consent\" to which the nursing profession is subject in its clinical assistance:", "Options": { "A": "Alicia (16 years old, high school student repeating course, started working a month ago in a store, lives with her parents). He measures 1.65 and weighs 85 Kg and declares that he wishes to have a liposuction done, because \"I do not look pretty, this summer I want to go to the beach with friends and the bikini fits me well. I do not care about the risks and what my parents think \".", "B": "Juan, 78 years old, conscious, oriented, with a previous cardiac intervention for mechanical mitral valve placement, needs to be operated on to replace said valve. The patient declares to give consent only when the family is present: In a clinical history it is recorded that Juan manifests not wanting to intervene, but his children and women constantly insist repeating \"you have to do it, how are you going to do this to us\".", "C": "Mercedes, a 61-year-old Romanian woman who needs urgent ventilatory support due to her current health situation (hypertensive asthma attack). Enter without family member or companion in the hospital. During the interview the woman barely understands the questions and answers with affirmation to everything. When asked \"Would I consent to intubation if necessary?\" The woman affirms again.", "D": "Gregorio, 82-year-old man, conscious, oriented, slight hearing loss but having a fluent conversation. During the last months he began to feel tired during his walks and when performing an electrocardiogram an alteration was visualized that can be compensated by placing a pacemaker. After informing her about the intervention, risks and benefits for her health, she affirms to consent to the intervention although her daughter prefers not to submit to this risk since \"it does not affect her daily life so much\"." }, "Correct Answer": "Gregorio, 82-year-old man, conscious, oriented, slight hearing loss but having a fluent conversation. During the last months he began to feel tired during his walks and when performing an electrocardiogram an alteration was visualized that can be compensated by placing a pacemaker. After informing her about the intervention, risks and benefits for her health, she affirms to consent to the intervention although her daughter prefers not to submit to this risk since \"it does not affect her daily life so much\".", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cff9dc1c-758d-47d6-9646-2f720376268a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Reading Joaquín's nursing report, you find about the evaluation of the skin \"Nodule on the back, upper area\". Point out the option that corresponds to the definition of nodule:", "Options": { "A": "Change of color of a skin area, flat and not palpable.", "B": "Circumscribed lesion of the skin, elevated, rounded, less than one centimeter and filled with serous fluid.", "C": "High solid mass, with circumscribed edges, larger and firmer than a papule.", "D": "Solid mass that extends deep into subcutaneous tissue and larger than two centimeters." }, "Correct Answer": "High solid mass, with circumscribed edges, larger and firmer than a papule.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b6bbc1cb-f4a3-4638-9992-4bcad334c35f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the management and administration of services there is a method that was proposed by Hanlon for the prioritization of problems. The formula proposed in this method is composed of four criteria, where one of them can by itself make the problem analyzed obtain a global value of 0, given how this criterion works within the formula and the range of value it can have. Point out what this criterion of Hanlon methods is:", "Options": { "A": "Severity.", "B": "Effectiveness.", "C": "Feasibility.", "D": "Magnitude." }, "Correct Answer": "Feasibility.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "404397fc-675c-4691-b475-0a2cb2c641d3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The use or application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for a wide range of aspects related to health is called under the term:", "Options": { "A": "i-health", "B": "t-health", "C": "tic-health", "D": "e-health" }, "Correct Answer": "e-health", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0c6864be-6b3f-4889-b0b7-5858b4dd982f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the minimum data set of the clinical reports in the National Health System, and specifically with regard to the Nursing Care Report, indicate the correct option regarding the registration of the active assessment for which a person is currently treated. :", "Options": { "A": "The assessment has to follow the structure of Gordon's Functional Patterns.", "B": "The evaluation has to follow the structure of the Universal Self-care Requirements of Orem.", "C": "The assessment has to follow the Henderson Basic Needs structure.", "D": "The registered valuation is not obliged to follow any predetermined structure, but it must indicate the reference model used and the outstanding results obtained." }, "Correct Answer": "The registered valuation is not obliged to follow any predetermined structure, but it must indicate the reference model used and the outstanding results obtained.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3cd9b62a-b16a-4f32-bd81-53b1d045fb1b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many standardized nursing languages exist as recognized by the American Nurses Association ?:", "Options": { "A": "10", "B": "12", "C": "14.", "D": "16" }, "Correct Answer": "12", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "107d1b9f-b34a-464d-87fa-623f6275fec1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Miguel is a 68-year-old man, with no mobility, sensory or psychic limitations. He has been a widower for 12 years and with his two independent children he has a good relationship. A few weeks ago he was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type 2. His family nurse in the first assessment in this new situation has detected a low capacity to choose foods, cooked from them, schedules, before this new life process. What concept does your family nurse refer to as \"a low ability to ...\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Self-care Agency.", "B": "Dependent Self-care Agency.", "C": "Demand for Therapeutic Self-care.", "D": "Universal Self-care Requirements." }, "Correct Answer": "Self-care Agency.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "49b8e5d3-19a1-4ee2-ac85-5b4ae70eb9c2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the following statements about the Letter presented at the First International Conference on Health Promotion held in Ottawa on November 21, 1986, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The concept of health proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is defined for the first time.", "B": "The Ottawa Charter identifies ten health promotion actions.", "C": "Health is seen as a resource for daily life, not as the goal of life.", "D": "Its objectives include promoting the concept of primary health care in all countries." }, "Correct Answer": "Health is seen as a resource for daily life, not as the goal of life.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "adee5ebe-9d9f-43bc-be37-e31673a985cf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Alba, a 66-year-old woman who has been the main caretaker of her husband for 10 years. Her husband, Sebastián, 67 years old man with limitation of mobility and sensory as a result of a traffic accident. Alba's medical history reports that last week she had a score of 46 on the Zarit scale. Given this information, it must be taken into account that:", "Options": { "A": "It is the objective measure to diagnose the Tiredness of caregiver role.", "B": "It is a subjective measure that guides towards the diagnosis of Tiredness of the role of caregiver.", "C": "It is the necessary field to diagnose the Tiredness of the role of caregiver.", "D": "It is a defining characteristic, but not a determining factor for the diagnosis of Tiredness of the role of caregiver." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a subjective measure that guides towards the diagnosis of Tiredness of the role of caregiver.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e27bfbd9-27ad-40b3-bd81-0177bec0dd6e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Andrea goes to the consultation for nutritional imbalance higher than the needs, objectivable with a BMI higher than 27. The nurse considers it opportune to change habits in food and activity. For the proposal of objectives with Andrea, estimates the Basal Energy Expenditure (GEB). What precise data to obtain about Andrea for the calculation of GEB according to the formula of Harris-Bennedict ?:", "Options": { "A": "The weight, the height and the current age.", "B": "Weight, age and daily dominant physical activity.", "C": "The Body mass index and the year of birth.", "D": "Weight, height and daily dominant physical activity." }, "Correct Answer": "The weight, the height and the current age.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "28e47632-a844-4c96-950c-b9f3f677fa74", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Whooping cough is an infection caused by:", "Options": { "A": "The bacterium Bordetella pertussis.", "B": "The bacterium Haemophilus influenzae.", "C": "The bacteria Pneumocystis jiroveci.", "D": "The Influenza bacteria." }, "Correct Answer": "The bacterium Bordetella pertussis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "54f25264-5d6a-4b61-907c-642bbfddff4d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Diego, a 31-year-old man and a nurse, comes to the consultation with a report that states: Measles negative; Rubella negative; Parotiditis positive. Its vaccination history is unknown and it does not present any chronic or acute health process. Point out the correct answer between the following statements:", "Options": { "A": "Given this situation, the recommendation would be the administration of two MMR vaccines with at least four weeks apart.", "B": "In view of this situation, the administration of MMR vaccine would not be recommended when presenting with positive Parotiditis.", "C": "Given this situation and Diego's age, a single dose of MMR vaccine would be recommended.", "D": "In view of this situation, the MMR vaccine would be recommended if it did not coexist with a pregnant woman." }, "Correct Answer": "Given this situation, the recommendation would be the administration of two MMR vaccines with at least four weeks apart.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d5bce28a-8393-4c79-9cbd-2b7c6b146545", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When assessing in an elderly person the Risk of falls following the Downton Scale, which of the following elements we will not have valued:", "Options": { "A": "The taking of non-diuretic antihypertensive drugs.", "B": "The visual sensory limitation.", "C": "Stable walking with a cane.", "D": "The unfavorable environment." }, "Correct Answer": "The unfavorable environment.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "03007a63-6334-42a7-a07c-9947c3fd251d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "ABVD is a treatment scheme used in the therapy of people who have HODGKIN disease. What are the drugs that make it up ?:", "Options": { "A": "Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinorelbine, Dacarbazine.", "B": "Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vincristine, Doxorubicin.", "C": "Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine.", "D": "Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinflunine, Doxorubicin." }, "Correct Answer": "Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c10bb2a1-c095-407f-a0bd-d2a20b4e0f14", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the probability of having disease A is 5%, that of having disease B is 10% and that of having at least one of the two is 13%. What is the probability of having both ?:", "Options": { "A": "0%", "B": "one%.", "C": "two%.", "D": "8%" }, "Correct Answer": "two%.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "85ef2e5f-3acf-49d9-8942-69ef291c3ca9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The basic requirement of a meta-analysis is:", "Options": { "A": "Extract different results in individual studies.", "B": "Extract identical results in individual studies.", "C": "Extract equivalent results in individual studies.", "D": "Extract disparate results in individual studies." }, "Correct Answer": "Extract equivalent results in individual studies.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b170571f-2f3c-47f7-ac0e-0e8341620e2e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the INCORRECT response, regarding the Delphi technique:", "Options": { "A": "A group of experts meets to work with them.", "B": "It is necessary to complete three different questionnaires.", "C": "It is a process that stretches over time.", "D": "It is a technique based on individual reflection." }, "Correct Answer": "A group of experts meets to work with them.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "92428a0d-d05c-48fa-90d7-8ed962dc46cd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When we come to a general conclusion based on particular data we are defining:", "Options": { "A": "The cientific method.", "B": "The deductive method.", "C": "The inductive method.", "D": "A logical reasoning." }, "Correct Answer": "The inductive method.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2ebf1a5a-23f7-44ae-94f7-ad213595a544", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following strategies developed by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the objective is to promote the development of individualized nursing care plans adapted to the needs of each patient, specifying that reference be made, at least, to the following aspects: Prevention of falls and associated injuries, Prevention of pressure ulcers, Prevention of infections associated with healthcare, Security in the physical containment of patients who require it, Prevention of malnutrition and dehydration, especially in elderly patients , Prevention of bronchoaspiration, Prevention and control of pain in adults and children, taking into account the needs and preferences of patients and their caregivers ?:", "Options": { "A": "Strategy for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the National Health System.", "B": "Strategy for addressing the Chronicity of the National Health System.", "C": "Patient Safety Strategy of the National Health System.", "D": "Strategy in Diabetes of the National Health System." }, "Correct Answer": "Patient Safety Strategy of the National Health System.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e5ca06d0-d56a-45a2-ab30-05b2eccd0433", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What health authority is responsible for the establishment, execution and evaluation of a vaccination schedule ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Public Health Commission of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.", "B": "The authority in Public Health of each Autonomous Community is responsible for the vaccination calendar of its territory.", "C": "The Program and Registry of Vaccinations of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.", "D": "Centers for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ECDC)." }, "Correct Answer": "The authority in Public Health of each Autonomous Community is responsible for the vaccination calendar of its territory.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3dc7a4a9-43e6-4c43-a074-492862b003e8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "LCS, a 34-year-old woman, goes from cooperation to a refugee camp for a year; is on treatment with methotrexate for 1 year due to the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. On the occasion of a trip to Morocco, a dose of vaccine against hepatitis A was given 7 months ago, would it be correct to administer a second dose today ?:", "Options": { "A": "Treatment with methotrexate contraindicates the administration of any vaccine.", "B": "It would be necessary to restart the vaccination schedule since it has been a long time since the first dose.", "C": "It would be necessary to request serology IgG-VHA and decide according to the result.", "D": "Yes, it would be right to administer the second dose today." }, "Correct Answer": "Yes, it would be right to administer the second dose today.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c4ada829-ec25-4b72-8156-9da1c705e3be", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following contraindications to vaccination, identify the INCORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "Child with anaphylactic reaction prior to egg contraindicates the trivalent flu vaccine intramuscularly.", "B": "Child with anaphylactic reaction prior to neomycin, contraindicates the vaccine against the triple virus.", "C": "Child with anaphylactic reaction prior to egg, contraindicates the vaccine against chickenpox.", "D": "Adult with anaphylactic reaction prior to egg, contraindicates the vaccine against yellow fever." }, "Correct Answer": "Child with anaphylactic reaction prior to egg, contraindicates the vaccine against chickenpox.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9da23c30-070d-4339-a6bf-28a68b425a0b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to palliative care, which of the following statements is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Provide relief from pain and other symptoms.", "B": "They consider death as a normal process.", "C": "They do not intend to accelerate or delay death.", "D": "They do not offer a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death." }, "Correct Answer": "They do not offer a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b6c19f52-acb9-4134-9e05-6a25d2cc8fe9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the home assessment of a bone marrow transplant patient, it is observed: erythema, painful ulcerations of small extension that produce moderate pain that yields with local analgesia. The patient reports that he has pain when swallowing. All these symptoms are due to the mucositis that the patient presents. To what degree is the mucositis described ?:", "Options": { "A": "Grade 0", "B": "Grade I.", "C": "Grade II", "D": "Grade III." }, "Correct Answer": "Grade II", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f68a4270-bfee-490b-98f5-ae99d9a81541", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mrs. HMR goes to her health center to request information about the results of the study of her future child sent from the pregnancy immunohematology clinic of her reference hospital. The pregnancy of Mrs. HMR has been made thanks to the donation of donor eggs fertilized with the semen of her husband Mr. DCG. As you know for the inheritance of the blood group, two genes are inherited, one from each parent. The donated egg presents the following combination A0 and that of Mr. DCG AA. What will be the baby group?", "Options": { "A": "Group 0", "B": "B Group.", "C": "It can be from group 0 and group A.", "D": "Group A." }, "Correct Answer": "Group A.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2f8e7447-e121-48c8-bfea-295aad2b9970", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What theoretical nurse describes the levels of qualified, beginner, advanced beginner, competent, efficient and expert practice ?:", "Options": { "A": "Patricia Benner", "B": "Dorothea Orem.", "C": "Callista Roy.", "D": "Kari Martinsen" }, "Correct Answer": "Patricia Benner", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b67cefcb-4083-4891-bb3a-57b4d2cdd937", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "JCR is admitted to the internal medicine service of which you are a nurse for the treatment of bilateral pneumonia. He is currently being infused intravenously with a concentrate of red blood cells, a saline solution with 10 milliequivalents of intravenous potassium and a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The patient begins to have chills, low back pain, hypotension, tachycardia and mild hematuria. His first performance is:", "Options": { "A": "Stop the transfusion.", "B": "Notify the doctor responsible for the patient.", "C": "Wait and re-evaluate the patient at 10 minutes.", "D": "Wait and reevaluate the patient at 15 minutes." }, "Correct Answer": "Stop the transfusion.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8e48c3dd-cfa1-46c5-a044-12a239637f78", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main diagnosis of Mr. J.H. es Excess fluid volume m / p anasarca, jugular ingurgitation r / c compromised regulatory mechanisms, has been operated on yesterday of a left knee prosthesis. In today's laboratory he has a hemoglobin of 7.4 gr / dl and the doctor requests the transfusion of a packed red cell of 250 cc volume. What is the infusion rate in this patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Between 250 and 125 ml / h.", "B": "Between 125 and 85 ml / h.", "C": "Between 85 and 65 ml / h", "D": "Between 65 and 50 ml / h." }, "Correct Answer": "Between 85 and 65 ml / h", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4896ab93-0ed4-494e-870f-466740bb01a8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pregnant ARH comes to consultation since the specialist has sent her to the pregnancy immunology clinic of the reference hospital to know if it is necessary to administer anti-D gamma globulin. The administration of anti-D gamma globulin must be administered:", "Options": { "A": "In Rh positive women, in the 72 hours postpartum if the newborn presents the Rh positive.", "B": "In Rh positive women, in the 72 hours postpartum if the newborn presents the Rh negative.", "C": "In Rh negative women, in the 72 hours postpartum if the newborn presents the Rh positive.", "D": "In Rh negative women, in the 72 hours postpartum if the newborn presents the Rh negative." }, "Correct Answer": "In Rh negative women, in the 72 hours postpartum if the newborn presents the Rh positive.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9ef61262-2a6d-4297-844a-bd9477ba745e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the emergency department of the hospital, they request the transfusion of extreme urgency of a patient admitted due to active upper gastrointestinal bleeding. At present, the blood group of the patient is unknown, but the transfusion of both packed red blood cells (CH) and fresh frozen plasma (PFC) is necessary. To avoid a possible transfusion reaction you can transfuse:", "Options": { "A": "CH group 0 positive and PFC AB positive.", "B": "CH of group 0 negative and PFC 0 negative.", "C": "CH of group 0 negative and PFC AB negative.", "D": "CH group 0 positive and PFC 0 positive." }, "Correct Answer": "CH of group 0 negative and PFC AB negative.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bbb571e5-055b-4343-bc1c-c0de12a4bb83", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Selection bias occurs when:", "Options": { "A": "The error is committed in the collection of data.", "B": "The analysis is inappropriate.", "C": "The study population does not represent the target population.", "D": "There is an error because of the relationship that variables maintain with the exposure and the effect within the base population." }, "Correct Answer": "The study population does not represent the target population.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "231ffbe6-32a0-475a-aea6-ddb7cd896a1b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When we refer to dynamic demography we are referring to:", "Options": { "A": "Study in a given moment of the dimension, the structure and the general characteristics of the population of a territorial circumscription.", "B": "Changes that occur over time in the dimension, structure and geographical distribution of human populations and the laws that determine such evolution.", "C": "One of its main sources are population censuses.", "D": "The population pyramids is the most relevant form of expression in this type of demography." }, "Correct Answer": "Changes that occur over time in the dimension, structure and geographical distribution of human populations and the laws that determine such evolution.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "98a5cae8-37e2-477e-bdcb-fe3c1685ac7e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "On the Synthetic Fertility Index, indicate the CORRECT option:", "Options": { "A": "In Spain its value is 2.63 in the year 2015.", "B": "It is a very useful indicator to summarize the fertility situation of a community.", "C": "To ensure the renewal of individuals in a community, their value must be equal to or greater than 2.5.", "D": "The unit in which it is expressed is Daughters by Woman." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a very useful indicator to summarize the fertility situation of a community.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "632686ca-d344-46cc-95f5-4eb431191fac", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the Bradford-Hill criteria on causation is the following:", "Options": { "A": "Reproducibility or consistency.", "B": "Ecological gradient", "C": "Irreversibility; reducing the exposure reduces the disease.", "D": "Reduction to the absurd." }, "Correct Answer": "Reproducibility or consistency.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0765762d-d22b-4ba4-be19-ca50cc4a0a07", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to hand hygiene; Which is the most effective option to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms, if the hands are not visibly dirty ?:", "Options": { "A": "Washing with antiseptic soap is more effective than friction with alcohol solution in the elimination of pathogens.", "B": "Friction with alcohol solution is more effective in eliminating pathogens and requires less time than washing with antiseptic soap.", "C": "Hand hygiene can be carried out indiscriminately with antiseptic soap or alcoholic solution since both options are equally effective.", "D": "The most effective option to reduce the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms is the use of gloves. In fact, the use of gloves exempts from the need to perform hand washing." }, "Correct Answer": "Friction with alcohol solution is more effective in eliminating pathogens and requires less time than washing with antiseptic soap.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b0b62ede-3fa5-47b8-92cc-374805dcf6ef", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the recommendations on the practice of physical exercise in a healthy adult is NOT one of the following:", "Options": { "A": "Perform 150 minutes per week of vigorous anaerobic exercise.", "B": "Perform, at least 2 days a week, muscle strengthening activities and activities to improve flexibility.", "C": "Reduce prolonged sedentary periods of more than 2 hours in a row, taking active breaks every one or two hours.", "D": "Encourage active transport (walking, cycling, ...)." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform 150 minutes per week of vigorous anaerobic exercise.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a4b5abd0-16cd-4ac9-bfdb-33a28e77ee85", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Can inactive influenza vaccination be administered during pregnancy ?:", "Options": { "A": "No, it is not recommended for possible post-vaccinal complications for the fetus.", "B": "No, it is not recommended for possible post-vaccination complications for the mother.", "C": "Yes, it can be vaccinated as long as it is not performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.", "D": "Yes, you can be vaccinated at any time during pregnancy. In fact, pregnant women are considered a risk group for influenza vaccination." }, "Correct Answer": "Yes, you can be vaccinated at any time during pregnancy. In fact, pregnant women are considered a risk group for influenza vaccination.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9774059a-6c88-4686-86c1-901e1d56b300", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the strategy of health promotion and prevention in the National Health System, what recommendations should be made in relation to Food? Point out the INCORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "Limit the consumption of highly caloric beverages / foods, considering your usual daily consumption unhealthy.", "B": "Eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day.", "C": "Reduce salt intake (<5 gr / day).", "D": "Substitute unsaturated fats for saturated fats." }, "Correct Answer": "Substitute unsaturated fats for saturated fats.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b335ce71-f433-4900-8728-7e11c4b8e1f6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the prevention measures of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), point out the CORRECT answer:", "Options": { "A": "Oral sex is not considered a risk practice.", "B": "It is recommended to perform douching after maintaining relationships.", "C": "Contraceptive methods that are not barrier also protect against STIs.", "D": "The female condom is an effective barrier against STIs when used properly." }, "Correct Answer": "The female condom is an effective barrier against STIs when used properly.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1696f4c6-b404-4359-9fa8-764bd96abc2a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which nursing diagnosis of the NANDA classification corresponds the following definition: \"Vulnerable to the deterioration of the corporal systems as a consequence of the prescribed or inevitable musculoskeletal inactivity, which can compromise health\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Impairment of ambulation.", "B": "Intolerance to activity.", "C": "Risk of disuse syndrome.", "D": "Risk of trauma." }, "Correct Answer": "Risk of disuse syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3deea6d0-d3d5-45cb-9515-d3ff3109ad91", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "María is 78 years old, her educational level is low, she lives alone, she is sedentary and presents sarcopenia. Has a salaried caregiver 2 hours a day. In consultation you observe a certain sadness. What nursing diagnosis could you identify?", "Options": { "A": "Risk of Elderly Frailty Syndrome.", "B": "Ineffective denial", "C": "Impairment of ambulation.", "D": "Impairment of the translation." }, "Correct Answer": "Risk of Elderly Frailty Syndrome.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f862d71c-4805-476d-a289-f633d9d434ae", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most recommendable way to carry out Health Education in school is:", "Options": { "A": "Constitute a specific subject on health.", "B": "Organize talks by experts at the school.", "C": "Introduce Health Education transverse in school curricula.", "D": "Inform parents and teachers of the main health problems." }, "Correct Answer": "Introduce Health Education transverse in school curricula.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e661cbd3-952e-46cf-bd68-ab7a6c00a5d8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "José, a 61-year-old man with obesity, sleep apnea, admitted to the ICU five days ago after abdominal surgery. Since the operation has not received sedatives for sleep, it is scheduled analgesia but fails to be effective with the consequent prolonged discomfort, in addition the environment is overstimulating and refers not to have a restful sleep. During the last 24 hours he has begun to manifest anxiety, increased sensitivity to pain, agitation that leads him to retire the night mask for sleep apnea, irritability and is even starting with hallucinations and an episode of aggression. Point out the present diagnostic label:", "Options": { "A": "Despair", "B": "Deprivation of sleep.", "C": "Willingness to improve sleep.", "D": "Sleep pattern disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "Deprivation of sleep.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "86872a4b-f946-4e07-98bc-32903c5ba462", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Esther has a glioblastoma for which she has already received treatment, and is currently receiving palliative treatment. Until recently she had continued with her painting classes and met with her classmates, but for a few days Esther has stopped going, she says she does not care anymore, shrugs, and that there is no point in continuing classes , \"I can not\". In addition, he presents a passive attitude and does not maintain eye contact. Select the diagnosis that presents:", "Options": { "A": "Deficit of recreational activities.", "B": "Impotence.", "C": "Effective coping", "D": "Despair" }, "Correct Answer": "Despair", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9ad2cecf-9e80-44d8-b571-558631345252", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Juan has had surgery for a mouth cancer and two thirds of his tongue have been removed. You receive him in consultation and check that Juan, at this moment, feels worried about the change and also wears a handkerchief that hides his mouth and neck because according to him he is afraid of the reaction of other people. What diagnosis does Juan present ?:", "Options": { "A": "Impotence.", "B": "Impairment of verbal communication.", "C": "Body image disorder.", "D": "Social isolation." }, "Correct Answer": "Body image disorder.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7612b549-b592-45ae-8b46-ded352e67694", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Soledad is at home recently operated on for a pancreatic cancer. Soledad's daughter and husband come to the consultation to request an appointment with their nurse. The daughter asks if her mother is going to die and if the same thing will happen to her too. Select the diagnosis that presents:", "Options": { "A": "Committed family confrontation.", "B": "Dysfunctional family processes.", "C": "Anxiety before death.", "D": "Fear." }, "Correct Answer": "Anxiety before death.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "df46f822-5965-4eea-bd2d-3f9eb3d3051b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Maximiliano has been diagnosed with colon cancer and the treatment he receives has caused severe mucositis. For the following foods, select which one I would not recommend to Maximiliano:", "Options": { "A": "Jelly.", "B": "Scrambled eggs.", "C": "Toasts.", "D": "Bananas" }, "Correct Answer": "Toasts.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f9731a5c-dcb1-4796-939f-f80cc248c435", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the situations of palliative care. Alfonso, a 44-year-old nurse, is the son of Antonio who is in a terminal situation. Alfonso knows the delicate situation of his father and anticipates his loss in a period of \"at most a month or month and a half\". He states that all this is causing an alteration in the level of habitual activity, changes in sleep pattern, suffering, but that he also feels that he is maintaining a connection with his father even stronger than before and that it is helping him to grow personally. Indicate diagnostic label that is present in the case:", "Options": { "A": "Anxiety before death.", "B": "Duel.", "C": "Complicated grief risk.", "D": "Complicated duel" }, "Correct Answer": "Duel.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2387088a-77c4-47a8-98fb-07d1a1211cd0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the focused evaluation of the abdomen of Antonio G.M. employs a technique that involves tapping the body surface with the fingertips to vibrate the underlying tissues and organs (what can be felt with touch) and what emits different sounds (which can be heard) depending on the density which is hit. Point out the name of the described physical examination technique:", "Options": { "A": "Auscultation.", "B": "Palpation.", "C": "Inspection.", "D": "Percussion." }, "Correct Answer": "Percussion.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0dea3b1e-ae40-44d0-81d3-9b4f94ca3adb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In our health center we want to promote hand hygiene to prevent infections related to health care. When we refer to the 5 components of the WHO Multimodal Strategy for the improvement of hand hygiene we are talking about:", "Options": { "A": "Perform hand hygiene before direct contact with the patient, before performing a clean technique, after exposure to fluids, after contact with the patient and after contact with the patient's environment.", "B": "System change, training and learning, evaluation and feedback, reminders in the workplace and institutional climate of safety.", "C": "Preparation of the center, initial evaluation, application, follow-up evaluation and continuous planning and revision cycle.", "D": "The tools for system change: surveys, local production guides, alcohol-based preparations, execution protocols and evaluation protocols." }, "Correct Answer": "System change, training and learning, evaluation and feedback, reminders in the workplace and institutional climate of safety.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3c91c09e-4737-487b-82ee-579f95b4a0fd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the care of a person with a Depressive Disorder, the moments of greatest suicidal risk to consider are:", "Options": { "A": "After 6 months of having started the treatment.", "B": "When inhibition and melancholy diminishes and begins to improve.", "C": "When there are very marked seasonal changes.", "D": "In the chronic phase when stabilization has already taken place." }, "Correct Answer": "When inhibition and melancholy diminishes and begins to improve.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1a2ed2d0-b15e-466d-813b-32142bd24283", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a cohort study, we want to study the association between the appearance of hepatitis B infections in nursing professionals and the use of gloves. The results of the Relative Risk (RR) and its Confidence Interval (CI) at 95% RR use of gloves are shown: 0.5 (95% CI: 0.1 - 0.9). How would you interpret the results?", "Options": { "A": "People who wear gloves have a 50% higher risk of infection with hepatitis B, showing statistically significant differences.", "B": "People who wear gloves have 50% less risk of infection with hepatitis B, showing statistically significant differences.", "C": "People who wear gloves have a 50% lower risk of infection with hepatitis B, without showing statistically significant differences.", "D": "People who wear gloves have a 50% higher risk of hepatitis B infection, without showing statistically significant differences." }, "Correct Answer": "People who wear gloves have 50% less risk of infection with hepatitis B, showing statistically significant differences.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e6a8cb55-4015-458b-af37-9610bb2c4e3c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "People with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder tend to:", "Options": { "A": "To the instability with respect to the experience of one's own image.", "B": "To spite and hostility that tends to indirect revenge.", "C": "To the normativity, perseverance and parsimony, with concern for the yields.", "D": "The grandiosity, self-importance and need for appreciation of others." }, "Correct Answer": "The grandiosity, self-importance and need for appreciation of others.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "20d63c13-c89c-47c8-ba88-9b90d72b9072", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following neuromuscular blockers is used for endotracheal intubation because of its rapid onset of action and because it is the fastest to reverse its action ?:", "Options": { "A": "Suxamethonium.", "B": "Cisatracurium", "C": "Rocuronium.", "D": "Atracurio." }, "Correct Answer": "Suxamethonium.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1f799f00-9e47-4f51-a675-1f00a8a33d8b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Is the randomized clinical trial the design that is related to ?:", "Options": { "A": "Questions related to prevention.", "B": "Questions related to treatment, management and costs.", "C": "Questions related to diagnosis and prognosis.", "D": "Descriptive questions" }, "Correct Answer": "Questions related to treatment, management and costs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0b14ae7b-13a7-49d0-a8fb-91d321a9ffd9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the recommended position in a patient who has just had a lumbar puncture ?:", "Options": { "A": "Left lateral decubitus with flexed legs.", "B": "Right lateral decubitus with flexed legs.", "C": "Projection prone.", "D": "Fowler's position." }, "Correct Answer": "Projection prone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f40c3741-64ab-4035-bb7e-8a27ad04be73", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What chemical property of raltegravir and related drugs explains its ability to inhibit the HIV virus integrase ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are basic compounds, which once protonated block an ion channel associated with the enzyme.", "B": "They are alkylating agents, capable of covalently binding to a cysteine residue of the active site of the enzyme.", "C": "They are chelating agents, capable of coordinating two Mg2 + cations of the active site of the enzyme.", "D": "They are analogues of the transition state of the hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by the enzyme." }, "Correct Answer": "They are chelating agents, capable of coordinating two Mg2 + cations of the active site of the enzyme.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1a9be8c2-ad47-43be-8828-2cd95dbd2e5a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Boc (t-butoxycarbonyl) group is frequently used in combinatorial chemistry to protect the amino group from amino acids in the synthesis of solid phase peptides. What reagent is used for its subsequent elimination ?:", "Options": { "A": "Trifluoroacetic acid.", "B": "Piperidine in dimethylformamide.", "C": "Hydrogenolysis", "D": "Hydrobromic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Trifluoroacetic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b8673b0e-c3da-4801-85e7-1658d44e6bf5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does the hydroxyethylene fragment mimic a proteidomimetic protease inhibitor such as saquinavir ?:", "Options": { "A": "The oxygen of a peptide bond necessary for binding to the active center of the enzyme.", "B": "The tetrahedral transition state of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond.", "C": "The side chain of a serine residue.", "D": "The hydroxyl group of an aspartic acid in the active center." }, "Correct Answer": "The tetrahedral transition state of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "27634f9a-7d26-49f6-b66e-fb85ce207611", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the indicated factors explains the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by certain aryl carbamates, such as physostigmine or neostigmine ?:", "Options": { "A": "These drugs bind to an allosteric site of the enzyme, which causes a conformational change in the enzyme that blocks access to the active site.", "B": "The carbamate group present in these drugs is strongly coordinated to a Zn2 + cation present in the active site of the enzyme.", "C": "These drugs inhibit an ATPase associated with the enzyme and that is necessary for its activity.", "D": "These drugs generate a carbamoylated derivative of a serine residue from the active site of the enzyme, which is difficult to hydrolyze because of its stability." }, "Correct Answer": "These drugs generate a carbamoylated derivative of a serine residue from the active site of the enzyme, which is difficult to hydrolyze because of its stability.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7730746d-e8a0-4e54-99ba-1132cfc09452", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Chlorothiazide is a diuretic that arose from the observation of diuresis as a side effect in an antibacterial agent. In which?:", "Options": { "A": "Chloramphenicol", "B": "Sulfanilamide.", "C": "Isoniazid", "D": "Metenamine." }, "Correct Answer": "Sulfanilamide.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7ba42cf2-6de1-476b-8a69-c401df4e2bbe", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following reactions of drug metabolism corresponds to phase II ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aromatic hydroxylation.", "B": "Reduction of the nitro group.", "C": "Conjugation with amino acids.", "D": "Hydrolysis of the ester group." }, "Correct Answer": "Conjugation with amino acids.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "568bdf17-b821-4b96-93c8-3a3815d5fbd3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following structural fragments, common in angiotensin II receptor antagonists, is ionized at physiological pH because it is acidic ?:", "Options": { "A": "A substructure of biphenyl.", "B": "An imidazole ring.", "C": "A tetrazole ring.", "D": "A hydroxyalkyl group." }, "Correct Answer": "A tetrazole ring.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c597281d-d7c9-4004-b974-37bb987c0df3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the anti-inflammatory analgesic drug that has a chiral or stereogenic center ?:", "Options": { "A": "Indomethacin", "B": "Ibuprofen.", "C": "Paracetamol.", "D": "Meloxicam" }, "Correct Answer": "Ibuprofen.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eb8b8044-509c-4adb-b032-898a56da585c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reaction between diphenylamine and sulfur derivatives, using iodine as a catalyst (Bernthsen reaction), allows obtaining the heterocyclic nucleus characteristic of a group of antipsychotic drugs. Which?:", "Options": { "A": "The butyrophenones.", "B": "The phenothiazines.", "C": "The thioxanthenes.", "D": "The dihydropyridines." }, "Correct Answer": "The phenothiazines.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cb82f66d-5fbf-4cfd-bea1-d2b82ed4578e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Semisynthetic cephalosporins are obtained from 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7ACA), which is obtained in turn from natural cephalosporin C by:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrolysis with dilute hydrochloric acid (6N).", "B": "Treatment with PCl5, giving an iminochloride, which by treatment with alcohol, is transformed into an easily hydrolysable iminoether.", "C": "From 6-APA (6 aminopenicillanic acid), by oxidation of the sulfur and subsequent treatment with p-toluenesulfonic acid, giving a sulfenic acid that causes an expansion of the pentagonal cycle.", "D": "Catalytic hydrogenation of the double bond, followed by an acid deacetylation and formation of the lactone with the adjacent carboxylic group, causing a deacylation of the substituent at position 7." }, "Correct Answer": "Treatment with PCl5, giving an iminochloride, which by treatment with alcohol, is transformed into an easily hydrolysable iminoether.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7f91a2b4-d324-4176-aab6-9406d86f11e1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following structural groups of drugs do NOT act on the different ion channels:", "Options": { "A": "Benzoic amino acid (procaine).", "B": "Benzothiazepines (diltiazem).", "C": "5-substituted triptamines (sumatriptam).", "D": "Sulfonylureas (tolbutamide)." }, "Correct Answer": "5-substituted triptamines (sumatriptam).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7d688114-0eff-4895-ad5d-aca0ba662508", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements regarding clopidogrel is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is covalently bound to a serine residue of the cyclooxygenase.", "B": "It is a prodrug activated by a metabolic reduction process.", "C": "Its target is the thromboxane receptor, to which it binds reversibly.", "D": "One of its metabolites binds irreversibly to a cysteine residue of its receptor." }, "Correct Answer": "One of its metabolites binds irreversibly to a cysteine residue of its receptor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fade25c9-49da-46f4-99fa-88dab5daa9ac", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is a suicide drug ?:", "Options": { "A": "Selegiline", "B": "Atorvastatin.", "C": "Allopurinol", "D": "Lisinopril." }, "Correct Answer": "Selegiline", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5d233dfc-a69d-4775-ade4-9ff3ed5a5b4d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The O-dealkylation of ethers is a metabolic reaction that begins with the hydroxylation of the carbon atom attached to oxygen to give an intermediate that decomposes spontaneously. What nature is this intermediate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hemiaminal", "B": "Hemiacetal.", "C": "Cyanhydrin", "D": "Enol." }, "Correct Answer": "Hemiacetal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1f508ef1-9323-4310-ac0e-b5904627b7a8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements regarding the physiology and structure of mycobacteria is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "The cell wall is rich in lipids, which makes the surface hydrophilic.", "B": "The cord factor (6'6'-trehalose dimycolate) is responsible for the parallel alignment of rows of bacilli, a characteristic of rapidly growing mycobacteria.", "C": "Mycobacterium tuberculosis grows slowly.", "D": "Photochromogenic mycobacteria are those that only produce pigments after exposure to light, while scotocromogens only produce pigments in the dark." }, "Correct Answer": "Mycobacterium tuberculosis grows slowly.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "05e3759b-c693-4ebe-a4b0-7e00dd0f5f48", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the etiologic agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy ?:", "Options": { "A": "Polyomavirus JC.", "B": "West Nile virus.", "C": "Herpes human virus type 6.", "D": "Poliovirus" }, "Correct Answer": "Polyomavirus JC.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "253d94f0-120e-4350-a9e0-b140129140f8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the recommended technique to check the effectiveness of HCV hepatitis treatment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Detection of DNA polymerase.", "B": "Clinical evaluation", "C": "Determination of viral load.", "D": "Detection of IgG antibodies against the virus." }, "Correct Answer": "Determination of viral load.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "92e023e4-3479-4a37-b943-ddec0009937a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following Candida species exhibits intrinsic resistance to fluconazole ?:", "Options": { "A": "Candida albicans.", "B": "Candida krusei", "C": "Candida tropicalis.", "D": "Candida parapsilosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Candida krusei", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0ec08fcf-949e-4f68-b23c-118b4f3a672b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mechanism of action of fosfomycin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition of DNA polymerase.", "B": "Inhibition of the synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors.", "C": "Inhibition of peptidoglycan assembly.", "D": "Methylation of ribosomal RNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of the synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6aa6b606-aa42-4e68-b886-b107eccbc209", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following antifungals acts on the 1,3 Beta-D glucan cell wall of fungi ?:", "Options": { "A": "Amphotericin B.", "B": "Caspofungin", "C": "Voriconazole", "D": "Nystatin" }, "Correct Answer": "Caspofungin", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9005bea3-371e-424e-9408-cf605d957480", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following microorganisms does NOT grow in the usual culture media used in the mycobacteriology laboratory ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mycobacterium tuberculosis.", "B": "Mycobacterium avium.", "C": "Mycobacterium leprae.", "D": "Mycobacterium kansasii." }, "Correct Answer": "Mycobacterium leprae.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0187c7a0-e5e4-4e9e-bf2e-dffe7f688b83", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "MacConkey agar is selective and differential for:", "Options": { "A": "Mycobacteria", "B": "Staphylococcus", "C": "Bacteria of the genus Vibrio.", "D": "Gram negative bacilli." }, "Correct Answer": "Gram negative bacilli.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "da0e7608-7ca4-4d6a-9502-3f4be616c16d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For which of the following microorganisms is an effective vaccine available ?:", "Options": { "A": "Clostridium perfringens.", "B": "Neisseria gonorrhoeae.", "C": "Streptococcus agalactiae.", "D": "Haemophilus influenzae serogroup B." }, "Correct Answer": "Haemophilus influenzae serogroup B.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fa050cc3-cede-45b2-9f9a-fb9faee8c58e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following bacteria is the main cause of diarrhea associated with the use of antibiotics ?:", "Options": { "A": "Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.", "B": "Clostridium difficile.", "C": "Salmonella enterica", "D": "Shigella sonnei." }, "Correct Answer": "Clostridium difficile.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a9937b02-2a2b-4131-abda-3a21f7555b92", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Gram stain is based on:", "Options": { "A": "The presence of mycolic acids in the bacterial cell wall.", "B": "The presence of capsule in some bacteria.", "C": "The different composition of the cell wall of Gram + and - bacteria.", "D": "The presence of spores in some bacteria." }, "Correct Answer": "The different composition of the cell wall of Gram + and - bacteria.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e4ddbd16-1507-4123-891b-9d8dfb552091", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following infectious diseases is considered a zoonosis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fever Q.", "B": "Syphilis.", "C": "Meningococcal meningitis", "D": "Rubella." }, "Correct Answer": "Fever Q.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3a148bbb-7407-44b5-899e-686bd3e160e1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to Strongyloides, which of the following statements is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a trematode of worldwide distribution.", "B": "Human infection is acquired when the third-stage filariform larva goes through the skin.", "C": "It is diagnosed by identifying its characteristic eggs in the feces of the infected person.", "D": "The rhabditiform larvae are distinguished from those of hookworm larvae in their buccal canal, longer in those of Strongyloides." }, "Correct Answer": "Human infection is acquired when the third-stage filariform larva goes through the skin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c1e5554d-7421-4e21-ae5f-785edf0bbb23", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is vector of Leishmania ?:", "Options": { "A": "Anopheles gambiense.", "B": "Aedes albopictus.", "C": "Phlebotomus argentipes.", "D": "Triatoma infestans." }, "Correct Answer": "Phlebotomus argentipes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0b21119d-5cb8-48eb-b15d-e6c592700b84", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For which of the following infections trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole is the treatment of first choice ?:", "Options": { "A": "In pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.", "B": "In interstitial pneumonia due to Pneumocystis jiroveci.", "C": "In pneumonia cavitated by Legionella pneumophila.", "D": "In polymicrobial necrotizing pneumonia." }, "Correct Answer": "In interstitial pneumonia due to Pneumocystis jiroveci.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5369f328-a82a-4b9d-be45-1553545e4a91", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 43-year-old woman who, after returning from Mali, presented with a fever, malaise and arthromyalgia. In the Giemsa stain, parasitised red blood cells increased in size with fine Schüffner granules, irregular mature trophozoites, amoeboids and schizonts with 12 - 24 merozoites. No gametocytes are observed. What species of Plasmodium corresponds to this description ?:", "Options": { "A": "Plasmodium falciparum.", "B": "Plasmodium vivax.", "C": "Plasmodium ovale.", "D": "Plasmodium malariae." }, "Correct Answer": "Plasmodium vivax.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "375c20e0-07df-4132-bf41-0fbcdf3542b8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following parasites is a flagellated protozoan ?:", "Options": { "A": "Heterophyes heterophyes.", "B": "Iodamoeba bütschlii.", "C": "Paragonimus westermani.", "D": "Naegleria fowleri." }, "Correct Answer": "Naegleria fowleri.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "db078a49-8629-4427-bd3d-eef818eb2352", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which excipient is NOT mandatory declaration in the preparation of master formulas ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dextrinomaltose", "B": "Lactose.", "C": "Glucose.", "D": "Cornstarch." }, "Correct Answer": "Dextrinomaltose", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2d0f5c53-a4a9-4b70-bfe0-694792e1fa48", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "On the preparation of master formulas and officinal preparations:", "Options": { "A": "The preparation of a master formula must be done exclusively by the pharmacist.", "B": "Sterile preparations can be prepared in the same preparation area for office preparations since the cross contamination is minimal.", "C": "The elaboration and control of the master formula must be carried out in a room, or in a preparation area, located inside the pharmacy office.", "D": "Office preparations can be prepared by any person without qualification and without supervision of the pharmacist, since they can consult their preparation in the national form." }, "Correct Answer": "The elaboration and control of the master formula must be carried out in a room, or in a preparation area, located inside the pharmacy office.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7243d553-7723-4df7-a139-88e979912ee3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following semi-solid pharmaceutical forms with which a master formula can be prepared has greater occlusivity ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrophobic ointments", "B": "Hydrophobic or water-oily creams.", "C": "Hydrophilic or ole-aqueous creams.", "D": "Hydrophilic ointments" }, "Correct Answer": "Hydrophobic ointments", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e3d1ba6e-f610-4ca2-9f73-45cf61cbb9af", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To prepare a master formula with a water-soluble active ingredient, a hydrophilic ointment is selected. What basic excipients does a hydrophilic ointment contain ?:", "Options": { "A": "Vaselines, oils, waxes and silicones.", "B": "Vaseline, lanolin and fatty alcohols.", "C": "Macrogoles (PEG) liquids and solids.", "D": "White ointment: white wax (5%) and filamentous vaseline (95%)." }, "Correct Answer": "Macrogoles (PEG) liquids and solids.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1ac9eb6c-19fc-43aa-899d-f7a3805253a8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To prepare a gel-like master formula, a gelling polymer is necessary. Which of the following substances presents a pH-dependent gelation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bentonite.", "B": "Carbopol.", "C": "Methylcellulose", "D": "Polyvinyl pyrrolidone." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbopol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2c47adb-3160-4edc-9d50-35e7bd9fe9c5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the operations, including packaging and labeling, called to which a product in bulk must be submitted to become a finished product ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conditioning.", "B": "Calibration.", "C": "Elaboration.", "D": "Preparation." }, "Correct Answer": "Conditioning.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "aabfd428-c854-456c-87fc-240bacc1713b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Chlorhexidine is chemically incompatible with:", "Options": { "A": "Lipophilic substances.", "B": "Soaps", "C": "Hydrophilic substances.", "D": "Ketones" }, "Correct Answer": "Soaps", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ecec2dd6-e597-4b4a-a557-7e45a07d463c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cyclodextrins used in the formation of inclusion complexes are:", "Options": { "A": "Polysorbates", "B": "N-vinylpyrrolidone polymers.", "C": "Cyclic oligosaccharides.", "D": "Carboxymethylcellulose polymers." }, "Correct Answer": "Cyclic oligosaccharides.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e8b5895d-3ced-4c48-907f-4895d61e6794", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What temperature is necessary to reach to eliminate pyrogens by dry heat for a minimum time of 30 minutes ?:", "Options": { "A": "250 ºC.", "B": "200 ºC.", "C": "160 ºC.", "D": "120 ºC." }, "Correct Answer": "250 ºC.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "baee6462-d4ee-4725-9f3c-20c9ae73d65e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The amount excreted in urine of any substance is equal to:", "Options": { "A": "The amount filtered, plus the amount reabsorbed, minus the secreted amount.", "B": "The amount filtered, minus the amount reabsorbed, plus the secreted amount.", "C": "The amount filtered, minus the amount reabsorbed, minus the secreted amount.", "D": "The sum of the filtered amount, the amount reabsorbed, and the secreted amount." }, "Correct Answer": "The amount filtered, minus the amount reabsorbed, plus the secreted amount.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d40ae1f8-b32d-4f01-b1f4-04a16c61ca72", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does muscle contraction begin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Through signals of calcium (Ca 2+).", "B": "For the formation of ATP from ADP + Pi.", "C": "By the hydrolysis of crossed bridges.", "D": "For the elongation of the sarcomere." }, "Correct Answer": "Through signals of calcium (Ca 2+).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "af55aced-aefb-489e-ae57-81e9ee94c3ab", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the sense of hearing, the signals received by the brain are interpreted in the:", "Options": { "A": "Occipital lobe.", "B": "Parietal lobe.", "C": "Frontal lobe", "D": "Temporal lobe." }, "Correct Answer": "Temporal lobe.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "31c63ff0-46ec-4ed8-a024-46c8238add1f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which of the following blood groups can a blood donor with an AB and Rh negative blood group donate blood without danger of incompatibility ?:", "Options": { "A": "Group AB and Rh positive.", "B": "Group 0 and Rh positive.", "C": "Group A and Rh positive.", "D": "Group B and Rh positive." }, "Correct Answer": "Group AB and Rh positive.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0e49cc4d-114a-4b01-a7a8-15b4d7e53e3e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which hormone is determinant for the development and maintenance of the function of the corpus luteum during the first days following ovulation in an ovarian cycle without fertilization ?:", "Options": { "A": "hGC.", "B": "GH", "C": "ACTH.", "D": "LH" }, "Correct Answer": "LH", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "98f44baf-4ad7-4548-b47e-08a93b54c1a3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the direct connection between an artery and a vein called without a capillary network between both vessels ?:", "Options": { "A": "Porta system", "B": "Arterial aneurysm", "C": "Arteriovenous anastomosis.", "D": "Capillary entomosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Arteriovenous anastomosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cba01590-d54d-4ead-b1ca-d03096c2d2fb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following relationships between ion concentrations in normal human plasma is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sodium <Potassium", "B": "Chloride> Sodium.", "C": "Bicarbonate <Calcium.", "D": "Chloride> Bicarbonate." }, "Correct Answer": "Chloride> Bicarbonate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "de6723a9-39c9-46f3-a1a5-97719fcc0f61", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which pump is important for the secretion of bile acids at the level of the canalicular membrane of the hepatocyte ?:", "Options": { "A": "MRP3.", "B": "BSEP.", "C": "ABCG5.", "D": "MDR1." }, "Correct Answer": "BSEP.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5e70d3ab-fd86-46a5-8fca-48e8d00013ac", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "From what compound and where is the adrenaline produced mostly ?:", "Options": { "A": "From tyrosine in the adrenal medulla.", "B": "From tyrosine in the adrenal cortex.", "C": "From tryptophan in the adrenal medulla.", "D": "From tryptophan in the pineal gland." }, "Correct Answer": "From tyrosine in the adrenal medulla.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5c249019-0265-4f67-a3e3-1c67e03a204f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Where are the endocrine cells that secrete most of human prolactin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Adenohypophysis.", "B": "Neurohypophysis.", "C": "Ovary.", "D": "Mammary gland" }, "Correct Answer": "Adenohypophysis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cb132441-8a5b-4629-9218-0de0c96e4315", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following vitamin D derivatives is the most active form generated in the kidney ?:", "Options": { "A": "1,24-dihydroxy-colecalciferol.", "B": "1,25-dihydroxy-colecalciferol.", "C": "1,24,26-trihydroxy-colecalciferol.", "D": "The 25-hydroxy-colecalciferol." }, "Correct Answer": "1,25-dihydroxy-colecalciferol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "85ea7a54-47f0-4c34-96cc-83a4996a3c2d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the deformed erythrocytes with spiculated appearance ?:", "Options": { "A": "Falciforms.", "B": "Drepanocytes", "C": "Schistocytes", "D": "Equinocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "Equinocytes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b0a143e6-5755-4542-a8fe-1fc67a16482c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a type of precursor cell in the genesis of red blood cells ?:", "Options": { "A": "Myeloblast", "B": "Crook.", "C": "Myelocyte", "D": "Reticulocyte" }, "Correct Answer": "Reticulocyte", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "aaa9ff25-beb9-4e42-8bd8-c69b4a837538", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Under physiological conditions most of the leukocytes found in the blood are:", "Options": { "A": "Lymphocytes", "B": "Monocytes", "C": "Neutrophils.", "D": "Eosinophils" }, "Correct Answer": "Neutrophils.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e437f5b6-d2b5-4801-989d-4cc4f621ed09", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Woman of 32 years, blood group 0 Rh negative, in her second month of her second pregnancy. First child group A Rh positive. What study should we perform to rule out positive Rh sensitization ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hemogram and general biochemistry with LDH and Bilirubin.", "B": "Indirect Coombs test.", "C": "Direct Coombs test.", "D": "Study of blood group in the couple." }, "Correct Answer": "Indirect Coombs test.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e8f035dd-75f4-4d2f-bf84-5361d91aecc9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these morphological anomalies DOES NOT belong to the red series ?:", "Options": { "A": "Schistocytes", "B": "Drepanocytes", "C": "Howell corpuscles - Jolly.", "D": "Canes de Auer." }, "Correct Answer": "Canes de Auer.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "32b31ded-548c-4de3-95fe-a526d5ce3c23", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to eosinophils, indicate which is the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "They constitute 2-3% of the total leukocytes.", "B": "It has the ability to adhere to parasites and release toxic substances to them.", "C": "Its phagocytic capacity is superior to that of neutrophils.", "D": "They rise in allergic reactions." }, "Correct Answer": "Its phagocytic capacity is superior to that of neutrophils.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a38234ca-6387-4d9f-ae34-2a2374e8978f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the disorders that can cause a hemorrhage is NOT found:", "Options": { "A": "Antithrombin III deficiency.", "B": "Vitamin K deficiency", "C": "Liver disease", "D": "Thrombocytopenia" }, "Correct Answer": "Antithrombin III deficiency.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a9437dac-67cf-4e5f-b077-e3549cb042c1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Erythropoietin:", "Options": { "A": "It decreases in hypoxic conditions.", "B": "It is synthesized mostly in the kidney.", "C": "Decreases the production of red blood cells.", "D": "It is a neurotransmitter." }, "Correct Answer": "It is synthesized mostly in the kidney.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "33eae75d-864f-4538-86db-1bcf831e1bb5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Patient with anemia, high plasma proteins, bone and kidney alterations, monoclonal peak in the proteinogram. In the extension of peripheral blood erythrocytes are observed forming \"coin stacks\". What is the most likely diagnosis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Viral infection", "B": "Multiple myeloma.", "C": "Chronic lymphatic leukemia.", "D": "Infectious mononucleosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Multiple myeloma.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a78d1524-b7c5-4f75-a0a9-73c29eec1566", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the \"automatism or excessive reflex activity\" phase of the spinal cord syndrome, the following occurs:", "Options": { "A": "Retention of urine and feces.", "B": "Hypotonic and arreflexic paralysis.", "C": "Pyramidal syndrome.", "D": "Inhibition of the medullary centers by not receiving impulses from superior structures." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyramidal syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fe1f22fc-6df2-45a1-a81e-b18774348757", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following pathologies has its origin in the arrest of the bile flow that partially or totally prevents the arrival of bile in the duodenum ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cholelithiasis", "B": "Cholangitis", "C": "Cholecystitis", "D": "Cholestasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Cholestasis", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7b606b54-996e-46eb-90b6-e36700f19aff", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons of the nigrostriatal system occurs in the course of:", "Options": { "A": "Parkinson's disease", "B": "The pyramidal syndrome.", "C": "Huntington's disease", "D": "Alzheimer's disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Parkinson's disease", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6d1eb72b-d5c6-4b35-86fc-d050bfe2fd24", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pneumothorax occurs as a result of the entry of air into:", "Options": { "A": "The interstitial space.", "B": "The alveolar space.", "C": "The pleural space.", "D": "The peribronchial space." }, "Correct Answer": "The pleural space.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ae1177e2-c0da-4e72-afd9-efa7a17a0f1d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following manifestations is NOT characteristic of hypoestrogenism in the postpubertal period ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sterility.", "B": "Primary amenorrhea.", "C": "Osteoporosis.", "D": "Increased cardiovascular risk." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary amenorrhea.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "00f67bdc-187d-4841-9fc0-e877a1cfe34b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Osmotic diarrhea occurs as a result of:", "Options": { "A": "A retention of non-absorbable substances in the intestinal lumen.", "B": "The overcoming of the intestinal absorption capacity by the increase in the secretion of water and solutes.", "C": "The overproduction of digestive peptides.", "D": "An imbalance in parasympathetic sympathetic innervation of the intestine." }, "Correct Answer": "A retention of non-absorbable substances in the intestinal lumen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "02152b83-d2b9-4ca4-a04c-4800739570e4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An individual who suffers an intense anaphylactic reaction has the risk of developing a shock:", "Options": { "A": "Distributive.", "B": "Hypovolemic", "C": "Cardiac.", "D": "Obstructive." }, "Correct Answer": "Distributive.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "168181cd-854b-4e22-b3a7-f0ae5a5bfe17", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following manifestations does NOT appear in the nephrotic syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Edema.", "B": "Proteinuria", "C": "Polyuria", "D": "Hyperlipidemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Polyuria", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c5efefa3-e649-45fc-858b-8b130a02c07c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following alterations in amino acid metabolism is caused by a deficit of vitamin B12 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Methyl-malonic acidemia.", "B": "Phenylketonuric hyperphenylalaninemia.", "C": "Hypertirosinemia type I.", "D": "Alcaptonuria." }, "Correct Answer": "Methyl-malonic acidemia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4e69b90b-ff65-4588-abe9-e43be5652ed4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the activity deficits in the following enzymes of the urea cycle can cause an orotic aciduria, in addition to hyperammonemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ornithine transcarbamylase.", "B": "Arginase.", "C": "Arginine succinate synthase.", "D": "Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase." }, "Correct Answer": "Ornithine transcarbamylase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "06aa39fb-d7e4-41fd-b1d5-015c63b696be", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The von Gierke disease, or glycogenosis type I, is due to a mutation of the enzyme glucose-6 phosphatase or the translocase of glucose-6 phosphate. An important clinical manifestation of this pathology is:", "Options": { "A": "Hypoglycaemia after the ingestion of a meal rich in fructose.", "B": "Neurological alterations derived from the accumulation of glycogen in the CNS.", "C": "Fasting hypoglycemia.", "D": "Intolerance to exercise due to the impossibility of degrading muscle fiber glycogen." }, "Correct Answer": "Fasting hypoglycemia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "33047f48-7b92-4909-b4ca-c5da1ef66f49", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phenylketonuria occurs as a consequence of the deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase and severely affects the central nervous system. Its mode of hereditary transmission is the following:", "Options": { "A": "Autosomal and recessive transmission.", "B": "Transmission linked to the X chromosome", "C": "Autosomal and dominant transmission.", "D": "It is transmitted by the mother, because the gene is in the mitochondrial chromosome." }, "Correct Answer": "Autosomal and recessive transmission.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b6811dc9-e155-4207-9f35-018a57af9256", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following events occurs when insulin binds to its receptor ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increases the amount of phosphorylated threonine residues in the sub subunits of the receptor.", "B": "Increases the amount of phosphorylated serine and threonine residues in the extracellular part of the receptor.", "C": "The receptor catalyzes its own phosphorylation on tyrosine residues from its cytosolic part.", "D": "The receptor is autophosphorylated in the extracellular region where its ɑ and β chains are contacted." }, "Correct Answer": "The receptor catalyzes its own phosphorylation on tyrosine residues from its cytosolic part.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1667be03-5f74-4888-8f17-0e585eb31a14", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The transport through membrane by facilitated diffusion, uses:", "Options": { "A": "Ionic channels.", "B": "Transport proteins.", "C": "ATP- handles.", "D": "Second messengers." }, "Correct Answer": "Transport proteins.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2dc57390-b08b-46ae-a9b0-b81113ed7fa0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The anthraquinone derivatives exert their laxative effect through the following mechanism:", "Options": { "A": "Attraction of water to the intestinal light by osmosis.", "B": "Direct irritation of the mucosa or stimulation of nerve plexuses.", "C": "Favoring the lubrication and change of consistency of the fecal bolus.", "D": "Stimulation of motor activity due to increased intestinal content." }, "Correct Answer": "Direct irritation of the mucosa or stimulation of nerve plexuses.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8d91bfce-7f16-4293-a12f-d4bdf02c6dc0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Proton pump inhibitor drugs:", "Options": { "A": "They act selectively and irreversibly on the parietal cell of the mucosa.", "B": "They present a furanic ring as a common structural core.", "C": "They have no activity on basal gastric acid secretion.", "D": "React with the hydrochloric acid of the gastric light, neutralizing it." }, "Correct Answer": "They act selectively and irreversibly on the parietal cell of the mucosa.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bb5dfd22-2f2d-45f4-8dcc-97a87d1cc842", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A very serious complication produced during general anesthesia with inhalation anesthetics and characterized by a hypermetabolic state of skeletal muscle:", "Options": { "A": "It is treated with muscle relaxants such as succinylcholine.", "B": "It is triggered by opioids.", "C": "It manifests with muscle paralysis.", "D": "It is called malignant hyperthermia." }, "Correct Answer": "It is called malignant hyperthermia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b38330ba-cd90-45ab-9471-969f3fca4ede", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following side effects is NOT characteristic of opioid drugs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in diuresis.", "B": "Constipation.", "C": "Drowsiness.", "D": "Nausea and vomiting." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase in diuresis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "43453478-97c9-4bb9-b0ca-a09c23e41600", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these drugs is a human monoclonal antibody that acts against IL17A, a proinflammatory cytokine, mediator of the inflammatory activity of psoriasis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Secukinumab", "B": "Etanercept.", "C": "Adalimumab.", "D": "Infliximab." }, "Correct Answer": "Secukinumab", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "74043f09-123f-4746-b0bf-80ade97ff73c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Omalizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used for the treatment of:", "Options": { "A": "Severe allergic asthma.", "B": "Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.", "C": "Metastatic colorectal cancer.", "D": "Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria." }, "Correct Answer": "Severe allergic asthma.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e71ceab3-62d0-4adb-9dba-89133ca34507", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these antiepileptic drugs is indicated for use in acute manic crises ?:", "Options": { "A": "Topiramate.", "B": "Lamotrigine", "C": "Carbamazepine", "D": "Gabapentin" }, "Correct Answer": "Carbamazepine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "50641124-40bf-452b-9752-07c6940c1a61", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Flutamide is indicated in the treatment of:", "Options": { "A": "Psoriasis.", "B": "Hormone-dependent prostate cancer.", "C": "Estrogen-dependent breast cancer.", "D": "Osteoporosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Hormone-dependent prostate cancer.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7af633d6-6be7-4f3a-8dca-8c8db9705205", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mechanism of action of infliximab in the treatment of arthritis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Activation of B lymphocytes", "B": "Increase in leukotriene levels.", "C": "Selective inhibition of cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2).", "D": "Inhibition of the effects of TNF-ɑ." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of the effects of TNF-ɑ.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ac9b81f2-a5e3-418c-8bcb-0ef7006b7d87", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mechanism of action of rivaroxaban ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is an inhibitor of vitamin K synthesis.", "B": "It is a human tissue plasminogen activator.", "C": "It is a direct inhibitor of activated factor X.", "D": "It is a direct inhibitor of thrombin." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a direct inhibitor of activated factor X.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1fe2aa1c-de22-4f09-bbf4-4b2607b6a76e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Prasugrel is used in therapy for its properties:", "Options": { "A": "Platelet antiaggregants", "B": "Antianginous", "C": "Antineoplastic", "D": "Antihypertensive" }, "Correct Answer": "Platelet antiaggregants", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "16819475-ce4c-44c9-a6df-3b500d329692", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Desmopressin:", "Options": { "A": "It is a peptide analogue of oxytocin.", "B": "It is used for the suppression of testosterone in the treatment of prostate cancer.", "C": "It is used in the diagnosis and treatment of central diabetes insipidus.", "D": "It is an analogue of gonadorelin used in the treatment of breast cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "It is used in the diagnosis and treatment of central diabetes insipidus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d486e5f5-07ad-46c4-99d7-b707a34e535a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The zolpidem:", "Options": { "A": "It is an antidepressant selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake.", "B": "It acts on GABA-B receptors.", "C": "It is an atypical antipsychotic.", "D": "It is a hypnotic imidazopyridine." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a hypnotic imidazopyridine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5725bcb2-b1f3-4087-b146-57f3d2c17078", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following responses is characteristic of captopril:", "Options": { "A": "It acts as a prodrug that requires prior transformation at the liver level.", "B": "Causes a competitive blockage of the AT1 receiver.", "C": "Reduces the concentration of renin in blood.", "D": "It has shown efficacy in the prevention of diabetic nephropathy." }, "Correct Answer": "It has shown efficacy in the prevention of diabetic nephropathy.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d8e4bfb5-c2b6-4aba-a738-c53b0ce089c6", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mechanism of action of venlafaxine consists of:", "Options": { "A": "Antagonist action alpha1 and alpha2.", "B": "Inhibition of the reuptake of dopamine and noradrenaline.", "C": "Inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin and noradrenaline.", "D": "Antagonist of 5TH2A receptors." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin and noradrenaline.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c876e5f5-da23-4de7-bb52-78575fdf5a4a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Linezolid is an active antimicrobial against Gram +. Which of these side effects should be monitored while using Linezolid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Elevation of ALT / AST.", "B": "Thrombopenia", "C": "Neutropenia", "D": "Hyponatremia" }, "Correct Answer": "Thrombopenia", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f54a56fb-f448-4aba-ba57-d2467c4e23cb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following molecules, what is a stereoselective agonist of the GABAB receptor ?:", "Options": { "A": "Diazepam.", "B": "Phenobarbital.", "C": "Baclofen", "D": "Midazolam" }, "Correct Answer": "Baclofen", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d8581fc9-3a55-4915-b81b-de2ef39b2312", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these drugs is used as platelet antiaggregant, reversible antagonist of the P2Y12 receptor:", "Options": { "A": "Clopidogrel", "B": "Acetylsalicylic acid.", "C": "Tirofiban", "D": "Ticagrelor." }, "Correct Answer": "Ticagrelor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3037c2a0-4360-419c-bd5e-5e69e658d715", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hypnotics are contraindicated in:", "Options": { "A": "Chronic alcoholics because their margin of safety is reduced.", "B": "In the last trimester of pregnancy.", "C": "Patients with advanced age.", "D": "In patients on treatment with alcohol withdrawal syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Chronic alcoholics because their margin of safety is reduced.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5e07bc98-d646-41fa-91f3-2aa6db5c3df1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding eplerenone in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency:", "Options": { "A": "It is a diuretic of first choice in the treatment of clinical symptoms (dyspnea, edema).", "B": "It is an aldosterone receptor antagonist.", "C": "Associated with digoxin reduces cardiovascular mortality.", "D": "It is a powerful arteriovenous vasodilator." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an aldosterone receptor antagonist.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c79b6174-2cdb-4a6d-a019-12604979769d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the aforementioned antineoplastic drugs targets human epidermal growth factor (HER-2) in the treatment of breast cancer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bevacizumab.", "B": "Imatinib", "C": "Rituximab", "D": "Trastuzumab." }, "Correct Answer": "Trastuzumab.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b121c263-a21a-4e18-a534-541ecc64f423", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which drug reduces intraocular pressure in glaucoma by blocking β adrenergic receptors ?:", "Options": { "A": "Timolol", "B": "Bimatoprost.", "C": "Tropicamide", "D": "Pilocarpine." }, "Correct Answer": "Timolol", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "19ce34de-a4c4-4403-95bf-937acd73bae3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following combinations of drugs can precipitate the appearance of a serotonin syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Venlafaxine and tranylcypromine.", "B": "Paracetamol and metformin.", "C": "Ciprofloxacin and ondansetron.", "D": "Voriconazole and tacrolimus." }, "Correct Answer": "Venlafaxine and tranylcypromine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9e8ba711-a854-4b0c-b479-2f1a576e3ca1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs can produce neuroleptic malignant syndrome as an adverse effect ?:", "Options": { "A": "Metformin.", "B": "Bisoprolol.", "C": "Haloperidol.", "D": "Omeprazole" }, "Correct Answer": "Haloperidol.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b927bce9-b8ce-4ce4-bc16-7de843ff1a70", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is of choice for the treatment of hypertension during pregnancy ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aliskirén.", "B": "Enalapril", "C": "Losartán.", "D": "Methyldopa" }, "Correct Answer": "Methyldopa", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5a42d727-6d41-4b67-b45b-8c064ce2d1a9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment of hypertension and prostatic hypertrophy are the two main indications of:", "Options": { "A": "Β2-adrenergic agonists.", "B": "Blockers of calcium channels.", "C": "Anta1-adrenergic antagonists.", "D": "Antagonists of receptors ɑ1 and β." }, "Correct Answer": "Anta1-adrenergic antagonists.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a4651fd7-fbd2-4e14-a15d-5a46babb38d7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the properties attributed to the Allium sativum bulb we can mention:", "Options": { "A": "Anti-inflammatory activity", "B": "Hypertensive activity.", "C": "Laxative activity", "D": "Antiaggregant activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Antiaggregant activity.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "78b10cd9-6b22-4048-9c3a-a9c3136ce906", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to the pharmacological activity of artemisinin (sesquiterpene lactone) extracted from Artemisa annua:", "Options": { "A": "It is a powerful hepatoprotective.", "B": "It is a selective antimalarial.", "C": "It is a potent antitumor.", "D": "It is a powerful cholagogue." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a selective antimalarial.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "18240c46-a30a-4b35-bf9c-b4fbf21df856", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to stevioside, we can affirm that it is:", "Options": { "A": "A flavolignano extracted from roots of Stevia rebaudiana, with antitumor effect.", "B": "A diterpene extracted from Stevia rebaudiana leaves, with sweetening effect.", "C": "A benzylisoquinol alkaloid extracted from stevia rebaudiana rhizomes, with potent antitumor activity.", "D": "A flavonol extracted from Stevia rebaudiana leaves, with anti-inflammatory effect." }, "Correct Answer": "A diterpene extracted from Stevia rebaudiana leaves, with sweetening effect.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4c13483b-ea69-46f4-901b-85960bd01775", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Vinblastine and vincristine are indolmonoterpenic alkaloids:", "Options": { "A": "Extracted from leaves of Vinca major, with antiarrhythmic activity.", "B": "Extracted from sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea, with oxytocic activity.", "C": "Extracted from leaves of Catharanthus roseus, with antitumor activity.", "D": "Extracted from Physostigma venenosum seeds, with parasympathomimetic activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Extracted from leaves of Catharanthus roseus, with antitumor activity.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "213fb86b-4154-401b-a055-4266f3909200", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acronym LADME refers to the main biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic processes. Which process does NOT correspond to any of the acronym LADME ?:", "Options": { "A": "Release.", "B": "Absorption.", "C": "Distribution.", "D": "Elimination." }, "Correct Answer": "Elimination.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0603b042-863d-4bc2-a1bd-040a8dca5f70", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the best indicator of a patient's renal function to adjust the doses of renal elimination drugs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Serum creatinine", "B": "Plasma urea", "C": "Creatinine clearance.", "D": "Tubular secretion rate." }, "Correct Answer": "Creatinine clearance.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "301e844f-3181-475e-9f05-b6af7a50dac9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the protein binding of drugs at the plasma or tissue level, it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "The hepatic clearance depends exclusively on the enzymatic activity of the hepatocytes.", "B": "The binding to plasma proteins is a regulating phenomenon of the renal excretion of drugs.", "C": "Only the ionized and water-soluble form of a drug can be reabsorbed in the renal tubules.", "D": "The non-linearity of the kinetics only manifests itself in the case of saturation of the enzymatic systems." }, "Correct Answer": "The binding to plasma proteins is a regulating phenomenon of the renal excretion of drugs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "adc366af-2584-483e-bdb3-0cbd1f01e7ab", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following factors does NOT modify the absorption ?:", "Options": { "A": "The gastric pH.", "B": "Gastric emptying.", "C": "The physicochemical properties of the compound.", "D": "The gastric blood flow." }, "Correct Answer": "The gastric blood flow.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7e05cd70-6d31-4a5a-ae70-7b0bb769aa6b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which pharmacokinetic parameter is the frequency of administration based ?:", "Options": { "A": "Elimination constant.", "B": "The area under the curve.", "C": "The minimum effective concentration.", "D": "The rate of renal extraction." }, "Correct Answer": "Elimination constant.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8aa681d8-3cfe-4e0d-8db7-6cc74bfcaac3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which drug requires a dose reduction in a patient with severe renal insufficiency ?:", "Options": { "A": "Morphine.", "B": "Carbamazepine", "C": "Midazolam", "D": "Digoxin" }, "Correct Answer": "Digoxin", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2c2b7bd7-7e0b-449e-9968-ae880c839307", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs has an important hepatic first pass effect (more than 40%) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Morphine.", "B": "Ciprofloxacin", "C": "Digoxin", "D": "Amoxicillin" }, "Correct Answer": "Morphine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a9553759-cbd4-4d97-b07f-9f369e9ded61", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a drug has zero-order elimination kinetics, what formula would have the graph that describes the evolution of elimination (concentrations versus time), on an untransformed scale ?:", "Options": { "A": "Exponential curve", "B": "Straight line.", "C": "Descending asymptotic.", "D": "Hyperbola." }, "Correct Answer": "Straight line.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c99c952b-0af7-4029-88a1-35405774364d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a monocompartmental model, the shock dose or intravenous load to reach equilibrium from the first moment, for a drug that follows linear kinetics and is administered by intravenous infusion at constant speed, can be calculated by:", "Options": { "A": "The quotient between the concentration at steady state and the apparent volume of distribution.", "B": "The maintenance dose or perfusion rate, K0 (mg / h), multiplied by the clearance.", "C": "The quotient between the perfusion speed K0 (mg / h) and the elimination constant (1 / h).", "D": "The quotient between the perfusion rate K0 (mg / h) and the elimination half-life (h)." }, "Correct Answer": "The quotient between the perfusion speed K0 (mg / h) and the elimination constant (1 / h).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e2108d29-6bc8-4f51-93c9-7d500b9c9400", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a two compartment distribution model, what do the following volumes represent: volume of distribution in stationary equilibrium state, extrapolated volume and beta volume or area volume ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are apparent volumes of total distribution.", "B": "The physiological volume in which the drug is distributed.", "C": "The total volume of water in the body in which the drug dissolves.", "D": "The volume of the peripheral compartment." }, "Correct Answer": "They are apparent volumes of total distribution.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5d40e9f5-f81e-4ffe-b286-ad8a9672c121", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Several drugs bind to the binding site of albumin II. What drug is used as a marker for this binding site ?:", "Options": { "A": "Warfarin", "B": "Diazepam.", "C": "Fentanyl", "D": "Furosemide." }, "Correct Answer": "Diazepam.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e08898ff-458a-4787-af3f-2032c9a83c9f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why is it that the kinetics of elimination of most drugs are pseudo-linear or first order ?:", "Options": { "A": "The doses used in therapy are less than the maximum speed.", "B": "Therapeutic concentrations are usually higher than the Michaelis constant (Km).", "C": "The maximum speed is less than Km.", "D": "The concentrations used in therapy of most drugs are much lower than the values of Km." }, "Correct Answer": "The concentrations used in therapy of most drugs are much lower than the values of Km.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "704c7a92-b520-4ade-a2a9-ecce75349d43", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What substance is used as a biomarker of total body water ?:", "Options": { "A": "Albumin.", "B": "Evans blue", "C": "Antipyrine.", "D": "Inulin" }, "Correct Answer": "Antipyrine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2680feaf-ffc0-4d5d-87ab-18867a0de078", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Renal failure increases the free fraction of some drugs such as phenytoin and this has the following consequences:", "Options": { "A": "A decrease in the window values or therapeutic margin of total phenytoin concentrations.", "B": "An increase in the available amount of serum albumin.", "C": "An increase in the window or therapeutic margin of phenytoin-free concentrations.", "D": "An enzymatic induction of cytochrome P450." }, "Correct Answer": "A decrease in the window values or therapeutic margin of total phenytoin concentrations.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ba46fea7-3ce5-490b-a787-0c338bab8b7a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The retinoic acid intervenes in:", "Options": { "A": "The synthesis of vitamin A.", "B": "Neural signaling", "C": "The vision.", "D": "The regeneration of the epidermis." }, "Correct Answer": "The regeneration of the epidermis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6a98960a-f117-4737-86e3-c4c5caab541c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The following proteins contain iron, but only one is heme. Indicate which:", "Options": { "A": "Succinyl dehydrogenase.", "B": "Xanthine oxidase", "C": "NADH-cytochrome C reductase.", "D": "Catalase" }, "Correct Answer": "Catalase", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "17c92781-0b04-4882-b146-3dedca1d9c57", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following biochemical actions is performed by insulin:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition of protein degradation.", "B": "Inhibition of the synthesis of triacylglycerols.", "C": "Activation of lipolysis.", "D": "Activation of gluconeogenesis in the liver." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of protein degradation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "96010f33-6530-48f4-bf30-b8f79407b665", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The waxes are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Contain esters of alcohols.", "B": "Contain ceramide.", "C": "Does not contain fatty acids.", "D": "Does not contain unsaturated fatty acids." }, "Correct Answer": "Contain esters of alcohols.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2df5c0d7-4b9d-4931-9b00-862fe84b5094", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Keratin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronate are:", "Options": { "A": "Non-protein acid amino acids.", "B": "Glycosaminoglycans.", "C": "Lecithins.", "D": "Gangliosides" }, "Correct Answer": "Glycosaminoglycans.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "275b2bfd-e252-4162-b551-2e1300f81eff", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An increase in the concentration of acetyl-CoA derived from beta-oxidation promotes:", "Options": { "A": "Hepatic synthesis of acetoacetate and betahydroxybutyrate.", "B": "The activation of lipolysis by activation of hormone-sensitive lipase.", "C": "Inhibition of hepatic synthesis of cholesterol.", "D": "Mitochondrial inhibition of the citric acid cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "Hepatic synthesis of acetoacetate and betahydroxybutyrate.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "714ac73e-b58d-4e54-a3cc-4b8c6b761e94", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Xanthine oxidase is involved in:", "Options": { "A": "The catabolism of glycoproteins.", "B": "The urea cycle.", "C": "The synthesis of uric acid during the catabolism of purines.", "D": "The synthesis of citrulline from ornithine during the catabolism of amino acids." }, "Correct Answer": "The synthesis of uric acid during the catabolism of purines.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "12f47aba-b244-4773-8d2a-8e9101fe4dd2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following reactions corresponds to phase II of the metabolism of xenobiotics:", "Options": { "A": "Oxidation.", "B": "Reduction.", "C": "Conjugation.", "D": "Hydrolysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Conjugation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "83b309ac-2299-479d-a097-78611303b88a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Dolicholes are lipids that transport:", "Options": { "A": "Neutral lipids.", "B": "Hydrophobic proteins.", "C": "Carbohydrates", "D": "Sialic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbohydrates", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1f065013-da74-4757-85ae-e22cd033967f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sialic acid is found in:", "Options": { "A": "Sulfatides.", "B": "Gangliosides", "C": "Globidosides.", "D": "Cerebrósidos." }, "Correct Answer": "Gangliosides", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e51a1162-1757-431c-aed2-94f77966f355", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Blood groups are determined by:", "Options": { "A": "Lipopolysaccharides.", "B": "Glycolipids.", "C": "Lectins.", "D": "Mucopolysaccharides." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycolipids.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7e9bfec4-bbcc-4947-bbf1-db3aa47f6914", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The plasmalogens are:", "Options": { "A": "Galactolipids.", "B": "Sphingoglucolípidos.", "C": "Glycerophospholipids.", "D": "Sphingophospholipids" }, "Correct Answer": "Glycerophospholipids.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "938ea3fe-43ac-461b-ba00-6613f40d5336", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phosphatidic acid is a precursor of:", "Options": { "A": "Triacylglycerols", "B": "Eicosanoids", "C": "Cerebrósidos.", "D": "Sphingophospholipids" }, "Correct Answer": "Triacylglycerols", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "678d2c70-3bc2-4625-bf02-d03f355902d2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the metabolic alterations produced by the excessive ingestion of alcohol, figure:", "Options": { "A": "Hyperlacticidemia.", "B": "Hyperglycemia", "C": "Hipouricemia.", "D": "Decreased triglyceride synthesis." }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperlacticidemia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "01e2ca04-6f6d-486f-8ee2-3f0814c67016", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The effect of AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) on lipid metabolism is:", "Options": { "A": "Activate cholesterol synthesis, by phosphorylation of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA network).", "B": "Activate lipolysis in adipose tissue, through the phosphorylation of lipoprotein lipase (LPL).", "C": "Inhibit beta-oxidation of fatty acids, by phosphorylation of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase.", "D": "Inhibit lipogenesis by phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibit lipogenesis by phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "62b4d56b-e5e5-4196-ad92-d174fb56a022", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lactate, alanine and glycerol have in common:", "Options": { "A": "Be substrates of mitochondrial beta-oxidation.", "B": "Be intermediaries of the citric acid cycle (or tricarboxylic acid cycle).", "C": "To be final products of aerobic glycolysis.", "D": "Be non-glucidic precursors for gluconeogenesis." }, "Correct Answer": "Be non-glucidic precursors for gluconeogenesis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "99bb0cc7-491e-44fd-9775-c3916df82c23", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In glycolysis, which of the following enzymes catalyzes a reaction associated with the cytosolic synthesis of ATP:", "Options": { "A": "Hexokinase.", "B": "Fosfofructoquinasa-1.", "C": "Pyruvate kinase.", "D": "Phosphoglycerate mutase." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyruvate kinase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "23c05618-b735-4f8a-96cf-9c2a62ca0ed3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The effect of a drug that acts as a competitive inhibitor in an enzymatic reaction:", "Options": { "A": "It can be canceled with substrate concentrations much higher than the concentration of the inhibitor.", "B": "It does not affect the kinetic constants of the reaction.", "C": "The higher the concentration of the enzyme-substrate (ES) complex present, the greater.", "D": "It consists of a reduction in the apparent metabolization constant and an increase in the rate of catalysis." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be canceled with substrate concentrations much higher than the concentration of the inhibitor.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f4f6e226-7883-410b-b244-291b7bf2cc81", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is CERTAIN in relation to the synthesis of proteins ?:", "Options": { "A": "In prokaryotic organisms protein synthesis begins with any amino acid whose start codon has an A as the first nucleotide of the triplet.", "B": "Enzymes called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, covalently bind each amino acid with the appropriate tRNA.", "C": "There is only one specific tRNA for each animo acid.", "D": "The termination of the polypeptide chains is signaled by one of the 5 special termination codons in the RNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Enzymes called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, covalently bind each amino acid with the appropriate tRNA.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9b7d1a2c-3d0e-4372-a49a-3c2d3d0a4f6f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the restriction enzymes:", "Options": { "A": "The DNA fragments that result from cuts made by restriction enzymes whose ends do not contain unpaired bases are called cohesive ends.", "B": "The target sequences of the restriction enzymes are all palindromic and 6 base pairs in length.", "C": "The methylation of the bases prevents the binding of the restriction enzyme and, in this way, the DNA itself is not hydrolyzed.", "D": "Restriction enzymes cut only one strand of DNA." }, "Correct Answer": "The methylation of the bases prevents the binding of the restriction enzyme and, in this way, the DNA itself is not hydrolyzed.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2c2a0982-0fa6-4071-9600-f82237e59570", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the genetic polymorphism:", "Options": { "A": "It does not occur due to point mutations.", "B": "They are variations in the genome sequence that differentiate one individual from another.", "C": "It only occurs in non-coding regions of the genome.", "D": "The insertions are the only mechanisms to produce genetic polymorphism." }, "Correct Answer": "They are variations in the genome sequence that differentiate one individual from another.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9a8b78f6-b7df-4b34-b386-b826572018fe", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Semiconservative replication is a process in which:", "Options": { "A": "A completely new DNA is produced.", "B": "Two DNA molecules originate, each one composed of a strand of the original DNA and a new complementary strand.", "C": "The origin strands would be broken during replication, which would somehow rearrange into a molecule with a mixture of new and old fragments.", "D": "It occurs only hypothetically." }, "Correct Answer": "Two DNA molecules originate, each one composed of a strand of the original DNA and a new complementary strand.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3c5333d9-f1f7-4656-bc20-e44290a918f6", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In obtaining cDNA from mRNA, what enzyme is involved ?:", "Options": { "A": "Helicasa", "B": "Ligase.", "C": "Topoisomerase", "D": "Reverse transcriptase" }, "Correct Answer": "Reverse transcriptase", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bcc7b0aa-607c-4064-9ab0-8962e82e868c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is CERTAIN in relation to RNA molecules?", "Options": { "A": "In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes there are 4 main types of RNA: mRNA (messenger), tRNA (transfer), rRNA (ribosomal) and scRNA (small cytoplasmic).", "B": "Some RNAs adopt secondary structures in small regions of their molecule by folding their single strand over itself.", "C": "The mRNA is a linear chain formed by ribonucleosides A, T, C and G.", "D": "The rRNA in prokaryotes is formed by a single strand while in eukaryotes it is a double-stranded molecule that is held together by hydrogen bonds between its nitrogenous bases." }, "Correct Answer": "Some RNAs adopt secondary structures in small regions of their molecule by folding their single strand over itself.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "154a42bd-ea71-4c5c-ae35-1591134565a8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does it mean that the genetic code is degenerate ?:", "Options": { "A": "That there are three reading frames.", "B": "That is a universal code.", "C": "That does not require a termination codon.", "D": "That an amino acid can be encoded by more than one codon." }, "Correct Answer": "That an amino acid can be encoded by more than one codon.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a7019858-ead0-4734-adda-ed247e9c5fac", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a prolonged fasting situation, indicate the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "Increases hepatic gluconeogenesis.", "B": "Increases the production of ketone bodies.", "C": "Increase blood pH.", "D": "It increases the oxidation of fatty acids in liver and muscle." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase blood pH.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "94f2f328-ce8c-49dd-8610-40d84a888e52", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of these pathologies has predominantly unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia:", "Options": { "A": "Hepatocellular necrosis.", "B": "Dubin - Johnson syndrome.", "C": "Gilbert's syndrome.", "D": "Intrahepatic cholestasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Gilbert's syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fb20ece5-5857-46c1-a2f9-8fdd0bbcc3cb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to lactate dehydrogenase:", "Options": { "A": "Three isoenzymes are distinguished.", "B": "It is a very specific parameter in the clinical diagnosis.", "C": "It rises in iron-deficiency anemia.", "D": "Hemolysis produces elevation of their plasma levels." }, "Correct Answer": "Hemolysis produces elevation of their plasma levels.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a7b125f7-c9e5-4d0c-ba62-f10c1af44b9e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to lipoproteins:", "Options": { "A": "Chylomicrons are synthesized in the intestinal mucosa and contain Apo B-48.", "B": "Apo B-100 is the most abundant in HDL.", "C": "VLDL transport exogenous triglycerides.", "D": "The chylomicrons are the highest density." }, "Correct Answer": "Chylomicrons are synthesized in the intestinal mucosa and contain Apo B-48.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d3bf274b-a75b-4d94-8852-c7e95ecd0df7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a newborn presents hyperammonemia and a marked accumulation of citrulline in blood and urine, we will say that it has an enzymatic deficiency in:", "Options": { "A": "Arginine succinate lyase.", "B": "Arginase.", "C": "Arginine succinate synthetase.", "D": "Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase." }, "Correct Answer": "Arginine succinate synthetase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4e8f72a7-ed99-4242-8812-74db0db5f5d7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The alcaptonuria is a genetic disease caused by the deficit of an enzyme:", "Options": { "A": "Tyrosinase", "B": "Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I.", "C": "Phenylalanine hydroxylase.", "D": "Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7cc3ede4-9be1-4bcb-9efd-82170ebf3c35", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Type II diabetes mellitus:", "Options": { "A": "It frequently occurs with ketoacidosis.", "B": "It is usually of juvenile appearance.", "C": "It is not related to obesity.", "D": "It is independent insulin." }, "Correct Answer": "It is independent insulin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "32744188-f068-4b90-9a1e-4b45d824d579", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to amino acids, indicate the FALSE response:", "Options": { "A": "Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid.", "B": "Tripotófano is an aromatic amino acid.", "C": "Methionine contains sulfur in its structure.", "D": "Alanine is an essential amino acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Alanine is an essential amino acid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "52259fab-dac2-48cd-8e93-bede96890369", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When validating an analytical method, which of the following quality characteristics is related to its ability not to be affected by small deliberate changes of operational parameters ?:", "Options": { "A": "Specificity", "B": "Accuracy.", "C": "Precision.", "D": "Sturdiness." }, "Correct Answer": "Sturdiness.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0f33d90b-4672-41c9-adfd-bdcdee6fc8d6", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an argentometric evaluation of Cl- by regression, by means of the Volhard method:", "Options": { "A": "Excess Cl- is titrated with thiocyanate.", "B": "The Cl- excess is evaluated with the Fe3 + ion.", "C": "Excess Ag + is titrated with thiocyanate.", "D": "The excess of Ag + is evaluated with the Fe3 + ion." }, "Correct Answer": "Excess Ag + is titrated with thiocyanate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "24830e72-eaf7-4a5a-bf0d-b3e5c31f6f16", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The quantification of the nickel (Ni2 +) content in a sample can be carried out by gravimetric analysis, through the formation of an insoluble complex in slightly alkaline medium with a precipitating reagent. Would you know which one?", "Options": { "A": "Cupferrón", "B": "8-Hydroxyquinoline.", "C": "Sodium tetraphenylborate.", "D": "Dimethylglyoxime." }, "Correct Answer": "Dimethylglyoxime.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a827e8be-64b2-4cd5-8d95-7ee8e40ca4aa", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the pH of a 1 nM (nanomolar) solution of HCl in water ?:", "Options": { "A": "9.0.", "B": "2.0.", "C": "7.0.", "D": "1.0." }, "Correct Answer": "7.0.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "37ecba04-38d0-40d4-a33f-5fa2b6db6ee5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following indicators would you use in an acid-base titration, considering a pH transition interval of 4 to 6 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Methylene blue.", "B": "Dichlorofluorescein.", "C": "Eriochrome black T.", "D": "Methyl red." }, "Correct Answer": "Methyl red.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3583b5c7-5fc9-4908-a04f-01df6a2115bd", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Eriochrome black T is an indicator that is commonly used in Analytical Chemistry, in assessments:", "Options": { "A": "Acid-base.", "B": "Precipitation.", "C": "Redox (Oxidation-reduction).", "D": "Complex formation." }, "Correct Answer": "Complex formation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4ffc6c28-32f8-4f67-81c5-c2d9119f9d9c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How will the pH be at the equivalence point for the evaluation of a weak acid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Always acid.", "B": "Always basic.", "C": "7.0.", "D": "It will depend on the concentration of acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Always basic.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a9ee0d2e-3fb8-4e48-ac3f-cac8d4110118", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A process in which a part of the scattered radiation has the original frequency and a small part appears at other frequencies, is the basis:", "Options": { "A": "From the scattered light detector after evaporation (ELSD).", "B": "From Raman spectroscopy.", "C": "From near infrared spectrometry.", "D": "From the Rayleigh scatter." }, "Correct Answer": "From Raman spectroscopy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "57d59c88-8c97-4cdd-87ad-5d8aa2321acd", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a separation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with elution with gradients:", "Options": { "A": "The composition of the mobile phase varies throughout the chromatography.", "B": "The temperature of the mobile phase varies throughout the chromatography.", "C": "The pressure of the mobile phase varies throughout the chromatography.", "D": "The composition, temperature and pressure of the mobile phase are constant throughout the chromatography." }, "Correct Answer": "The composition of the mobile phase varies throughout the chromatography.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3c9ccc48-298d-414c-b3d5-8dc3f1c0a9a4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In atomic spectrometry, the widening of the spectral lines due to the thermal agitation of the atoms present in the atomizer is due to:", "Options": { "A": "Widening of the line due to uncertainty.", "B": "Expansion of self-investment.", "C": "Doppler broadening.", "D": "Self-absorption broadening." }, "Correct Answer": "Doppler broadening.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6d2b4f00-a828-4371-bf0e-8369903b2d34", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The emission spectroscopy based on plasma atomization differs from that based on flame atomization in that:", "Options": { "A": "It presents greater interference between the elements of the sample as a direct consequence of using elevated temperatures.", "B": "It does not allow the determination of non-metals such as chlorine, bromine or sulfur.", "C": "It is applicable in concentration ranges that span several orders of magnitude.", "D": "It is not possible to simultaneously record the spectra of several elements, that is, multi-element analysis is not possible." }, "Correct Answer": "It is applicable in concentration ranges that span several orders of magnitude.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a5c8ab6f-1157-4b32-ace6-6abd34a46f15", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which component of the mass spectrometer does separation of the ions take place according to their mass / charge ratio ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ionization chamber", "B": "Ion acceleration plates.", "C": "Mass analyzer.", "D": "Detector." }, "Correct Answer": "Mass analyzer.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d39479f1-830d-42fd-b122-bfa4069ba573", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ultraviolet - visible molecular absorption spectrometry involves the study of:", "Options": { "A": "The vibrational and rotational modes of tension and bending of the atoms of a molecule.", "B": "Exclusively the rotational energy changes in the molecules.", "C": "The scattering of radiation visible by the molecules.", "D": "The electronic energy changes of the molecules, producing simultaneously vibrational and rotational transitions." }, "Correct Answer": "The electronic energy changes of the molecules, producing simultaneously vibrational and rotational transitions.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1f3c00bf-8450-4fb8-b180-b6d32a0688c4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The equation that relates the height of the theoretical plate of a chromatographic column with the velocity of the mobile phase is the equation of:", "Options": { "A": "Debye-Hückel.", "B": "Henderson-Hasselbalch.", "C": "Van Deemter.", "D": "Nernst." }, "Correct Answer": "Van Deemter.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e08217a8-27c6-4739-b291-5149224f54f6", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The spectra obtained in infrared spectroscopy are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "The skeletal vibrations of a molecule produce absorption bands at a very high energy.", "B": "In the interpretation of the spectra, vibrations that are limited to isolated bonds or functional groups of a molecule are not useful.", "C": "They are very useful for the qualitative analysis since two substances that absorb the infrared never do it with the same intensity in the same frequencies. The infrared spectrum of a substance is a \"fingerprint\" of it.", "D": "The overtones have a frequency value lower than the fundamental bands." }, "Correct Answer": "They are very useful for the qualitative analysis since two substances that absorb the infrared never do it with the same intensity in the same frequencies. The infrared spectrum of a substance is a \"fingerprint\" of it.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5de1a9d6-71d8-4336-bbbe-6fcde323843b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following detectors, which is used in gas chromatography ?:", "Options": { "A": "Electrochemical detector.", "B": "Fluorescence detector.", "C": "Refractive index detector.", "D": "Electron capture detector." }, "Correct Answer": "Electron capture detector.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b359a627-9f5d-49e1-a8ae-1a3aad4d4580", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The diffusion coefficient, D, for a spherical particle:", "Options": { "A": "It is independent of the size of the molecule that diffuses.", "B": "It is independent of temperature.", "C": "It is independent of the viscosity of the solution.", "D": "It depends on the temperature, pressure and composition of the solution." }, "Correct Answer": "It depends on the temperature, pressure and composition of the solution.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ee51d543-9fd0-4768-bb7d-4b0268411d34", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When any process takes place in an isolated system:", "Options": { "A": "The thermodynamic equilibrium is reached when the enthalpy is 0.", "B": "The thermodynamic equilibrium is reached when the entropy is maximum.", "C": "Entropy decreases if the process is spontaneous.", "D": "In an isolated system, since there is no heat exchange, the entropy is 0." }, "Correct Answer": "The thermodynamic equilibrium is reached when the entropy is maximum.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3485df80-e5ac-44eb-bf8a-69727441a236", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the equation that describes the effect of the ionic force of the medium on the speed of a reaction of a drug with positive charge:", "Options": { "A": "The ionic strength does not affect the speed of this reaction.", "B": "The representation of the velocity constant versus the ionic force should be linear.", "C": "The representation of the logarithm of the velocity constant versus the inverse of the square root of the ionic force should be linear.", "D": "The representation of the logarithm of the velocity constant versus the square root of the ionic force should be linear." }, "Correct Answer": "The representation of the logarithm of the velocity constant versus the square root of the ionic force should be linear.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b70c3f2e-461d-4391-a6b5-0b939d65cca4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a solution is prepared with an osmotic pressure higher than that of the blood:", "Options": { "A": "The dissolution will be isotonic.", "B": "The dissolution will be hypotonic.", "C": "The red blood cells in contact with said solution will explode.", "D": "The red blood cells in contact with said solution will dehydrate." }, "Correct Answer": "The red blood cells in contact with said solution will dehydrate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fc4d283c-acba-40d0-a01d-6b598d7e528e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In aqueous solutions, the amphiphilic molecules form micelles above the micellar critical concentration and the Kraft temperature. This spontaneous process is due to:", "Options": { "A": "A decrease in the enthalpy of the system due to the formation of micelles.", "B": "An increase in the enthalpy of the system due to the formation of micelles.", "C": "A decrease in the free energy of the system due to the formation of micelles.", "D": "An increase in the free energy of the system due to the formation of micelles." }, "Correct Answer": "A decrease in the free energy of the system due to the formation of micelles.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "21c2d291-197c-4e82-be13-3ea8c845908b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following characteristics is common to bisphenol A, phthalates and DTT ?:", "Options": { "A": "They produce pulmonary fibrosis.", "B": "They are endocrine disruptors.", "C": "They are ototoxic.", "D": "They produce phototoxicity." }, "Correct Answer": "They are endocrine disruptors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "91873132-852b-4c82-a5d5-e6ddd289f998", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the substance that causes pulmonary fibrosis by inhalation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Paraquat", "B": "Silica.", "C": "Bleomycin.", "D": "Ozone." }, "Correct Answer": "Silica.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c200255c-7adb-4ad2-926f-7dc243eb119e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the substance that produces seizures by blocking glycine receptors ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tetrodotoxin", "B": "Strychnine.", "C": "Tubocurarine.", "D": "Picrotoxin" }, "Correct Answer": "Strychnine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ecdfeae5-0f87-4c96-98e7-e6f1b516f61e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mechanism of action of tetrodotoxin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Blocks the H + / K + ATPase pump.", "B": "Inhibits the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase.", "C": "It promotes the release of serotonin.", "D": "Block the sodium channels." }, "Correct Answer": "Block the sodium channels.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "600930be-df1b-493f-a25b-c18a3727d80f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "After an ingestion of cadmium, which of the following organs will be most affected ?:", "Options": { "A": "Kidney.", "B": "Liver.", "C": "Pancreas.", "D": "Thyroid." }, "Correct Answer": "Kidney.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9b09a9f9-3ea0-4569-9128-766995b6a738", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pesticide paration is biotransformed to paraoxon, responsible for its toxicity, by a reaction of:", "Options": { "A": "S-oxidation.", "B": "Epoxidation", "C": "Desulfurization", "D": "Sulfoxide reduction." }, "Correct Answer": "Desulfurization", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "00b29915-9c0f-4d61-9bf5-8a46463db3a4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following reactions do glutathione transferases intervene ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conjugation with glucoside.", "B": "Conjugation with sulfate.", "C": "Formation of glucuronates.", "D": "Formation of mercapturates." }, "Correct Answer": "Formation of mercapturates.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6c082a2c-2a4b-4d4e-86c3-f3e00b70b96c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Flumazenil is used in the treatment of intoxication with:", "Options": { "A": "Digitálicos.", "B": "Benzodiazepines.", "C": "Salicylates.", "D": "Tricyclic antidepressants." }, "Correct Answer": "Benzodiazepines.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "40686f96-21fb-4f97-90fa-e118473dd07e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Diels-Alder reaction involves as reactants:", "Options": { "A": "A diene and an alkene.", "B": "Two substituted alkenes.", "C": "A diene and an aliphatic nitrile.", "D": "An electrodefficient diene and an electronically rich diene." }, "Correct Answer": "A diene and an alkene.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "13b70750-be02-4dc9-97f1-32e2316c847c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is meant by racemic or racemate ?:", "Options": { "A": "A 50% mixture of two stereoisomers.", "B": "A 50% mixture of the enantiomers.", "C": "An enantiomerically pure compound.", "D": "A mixture of the cis isomer and the trans isomer." }, "Correct Answer": "A 50% mixture of the enantiomers.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fb2fda6f-d011-440c-90cf-58b99b70b04e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electrophilic nitration reaction of phenol (hydroxybenzene) leads to:", "Options": { "A": "A mixture of 1-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzene and 1-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzene.", "B": "A mixture of 1-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzene and 1-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzene.", "C": "A mixture of 1-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzene and 1-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzene.", "D": "1-Hydroxy-4-nitrobenzene as the only product." }, "Correct Answer": "A mixture of 1-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzene and 1-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzene.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "32dc8a05-d878-4821-be08-1804136a6ad9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A Grignard reagent reacts with a nitrile to generate, after acid hydrolysis:", "Options": { "A": "A ketone", "B": "An amide", "C": "An aldehyde", "D": "An amine" }, "Correct Answer": "A ketone", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e9b35071-dea8-4d0b-878b-890887edc3fc", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is known by the name of reaction aldólica the reaction of:", "Options": { "A": "An aliphatic ketone and an amine in the presence of a base.", "B": "A c, β-unsaturated ketone and a Grignard reagent.", "C": "An aliphatic ketone or an aliphatic aldehyde in the presence of a base.", "D": "An aliphatic ketone and an imine in acid medium." }, "Correct Answer": "An aliphatic ketone or an aliphatic aldehyde in the presence of a base.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c1dc8255-d173-4a53-b033-5386a30cf5c1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Rydberg constant allows calculation:", "Options": { "A": "The electronic affinity of the hydrogen atom.", "B": "The reticular energy of ionic compounds.", "C": "The energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom.", "D": "The polarization capacity of the proton." }, "Correct Answer": "The energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5d47aab9-4e70-4669-b7c6-418ad8241528", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the same main quantum number the penetration power of the orbitals:", "Options": { "A": "It does not vary.", "B": "It varies according to s> p> d> f.", "C": "It varies according to s <p <d <f.", "D": "It is only high in the d and f orbitals." }, "Correct Answer": "It varies according to s> p> d> f.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bdc1d76f-a1b0-4e32-b6ba-f82f97e0360f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In halogens, the highest value of electronic affinity is found in:", "Options": { "A": "Fluorine.", "B": "Chlorine.", "C": "Bromine.", "D": "Iodo" }, "Correct Answer": "Chlorine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5f988103-6b58-448f-b485-1705d447442c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The viscosity of the liquids depends on the strength:", "Options": { "A": "Of the ionic bond.", "B": "Of the covalent bond.", "C": "Of the intermolecular forces.", "D": "Of the degree of dissociation." }, "Correct Answer": "Of the intermolecular forces.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3673310d-fe7a-4501-a7a0-3577aa85496f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following simple links is stronger ?:", "Options": { "A": "DC.", "B": "I-I", "C": "N-H", "D": "O-H" }, "Correct Answer": "O-H", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5422b87b-3a76-4017-b712-ef12827444c8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Arrhenius equation relates the rate constant of a reaction to:", "Options": { "A": "The concentration of the reactants.", "B": "Temperature.", "C": "The order of reaction.", "D": "Your speed" }, "Correct Answer": "Temperature.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e5b3b287-8228-43e8-ab71-49b3db86707e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nitric oxide molecule is an exception to the Lewis octet rule because:", "Options": { "A": "It has a double link.", "B": "It has a very small size and there are interelectronic repulsions.", "C": "It has an odd number of electrons.", "D": "Expand the octet." }, "Correct Answer": "It has an odd number of electrons.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7b6086be-19d1-402f-a298-13abc6c71a5a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The portal triads of the liver lobules are formed by:", "Options": { "A": "A branch of the hepatic artery, a branch of the portal vein and a branch of a bile duct.", "B": "A branch of the mesenteric artery, a branch of the portal vein and a branch of a bile duct.", "C": "A branch of the hepatic artery, a branch of the hepatic vein and a branch of a bile duct.", "D": "A branch of the hepatic artery, a branch of the portal vein and a branch of the hepatic vein." }, "Correct Answer": "A branch of the hepatic artery, a branch of the portal vein and a branch of a bile duct.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b0213b81-d80a-429d-91e5-57cda35ffc8c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hip joint is a joint of type:", "Options": { "A": "Troclear or Gíglimo.", "B": "Trocoid or pivot.", "C": "Artrodia.", "D": "Enartrosis or spheroid." }, "Correct Answer": "Enartrosis or spheroid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e9819ef5-d192-4572-a4b7-55eaa724048e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The muscle that has its origin (proximal insertion) in the sternum and clavicle and its distal insertion in the mastoid process of the temporal is called:", "Options": { "A": "Splenius", "B": "Occipital.", "C": "Esternohioideo.", "D": "Sternocleidomastoid." }, "Correct Answer": "Sternocleidomastoid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "81c5d62c-3258-44e5-89dd-88b2db83c6c7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The middle region of the brainstem between the bulb and the mesencephalon is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Diencephalon", "B": "Thalamus", "C": "Cerebellum.", "D": "Protuberance or bridge." }, "Correct Answer": "Protuberance or bridge.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ea666f0d-bc32-474e-8660-eef617499b09", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following vessels comes from the celiac trunk ?:", "Options": { "A": "Common liver disease.", "B": "Carotid.", "C": "Holder.", "D": "Renal." }, "Correct Answer": "Common liver disease.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cefb7b07-3e6a-45c1-9726-359f4aaa7645", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which bone of our body protects the pituitary gland ?:", "Options": { "A": "The ethmoid.", "B": "The parietal.", "C": "The sphenoid", "D": "The occipital" }, "Correct Answer": "The sphenoid", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1236a3c5-2d59-41b5-b203-9bf21c7a87d7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "After the evaluation of a diagnostic test, it is verified that it has no false positive result. What can be concluded from this study ?:", "Options": { "A": "That the sensitivity is 100%.", "B": "That the specificity is 100%.", "C": "That the negative predictive value is 100%.", "D": "That the positive predictive value is 0%." }, "Correct Answer": "That the specificity is 100%.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6ec77156-3df5-4e8d-9397-5e910c239242", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of ratio is the quotient between the probability of occurrence of an event and the probability of non-occurrence of said event ?:", "Options": { "A": "One Odds.", "B": "A proportion.", "C": "An absolute rate.", "D": "A relative rate." }, "Correct Answer": "One Odds.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4db0670f-c382-468a-b29d-2307c97d920c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following cases is a type II error committed in a hypothesis test ?:", "Options": { "A": "When the null hypothesis is accepted, the alternative hypothesis is true.", "B": "When the null hypothesis is accepted, the alternative hypothesis is false.", "C": "When the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the null hypothesis is true.", "D": "When the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the null hypothesis is false." }, "Correct Answer": "When the null hypothesis is accepted, the alternative hypothesis is true.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bd0258de-722b-4648-9d9e-5f4dd43af228", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The increased risk of developing colorectal cancer has been linked to infection with Streptococcus gallolyticus. What type of study would you design to demonstrate a causal relationship ?:", "Options": { "A": "Transversal descriptive study type prevalence study.", "B": "Cross-sectional descriptive study type concordance study.", "C": "Longitudinal descriptive study.", "D": "Observational analytical study of cohort study." }, "Correct Answer": "Observational analytical study of cohort study.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3e902a42-50a2-4702-94df-33f6c99e506e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acquisition of a foreign medicine is regulated in:", "Options": { "A": "Royal Legislative Decree 1/2015, of July 24, Consolidated text of the Law on Guarantee and rational use of medicines and health products.", "B": "Royal Decree 1015/2009, of June 19, which regulates the availability of medicines in special situations.", "C": "Royal Decree 782/2013, of 11 October, on the distribution of medicines for human use.", "D": "Royal Decree 824/2010, of June 25, which regulates pharmaceutical laboratories, manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and foreign trade in medicines and medicines under investigation." }, "Correct Answer": "Royal Decree 1015/2009, of June 19, which regulates the availability of medicines in special situations.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6730eee9-9529-44c5-b088-167400a03ee2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The management of purchases of Health Products in the hospital is the responsibility of:", "Options": { "A": "General storehouse.", "B": "Service of Supplies.", "C": "Hospital Pharmacy Service.", "D": "Purchase Commission." }, "Correct Answer": "Hospital Pharmacy Service.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6b8c7cd4-73f4-4792-8d93-ec96957eab61", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is one of the criteria for the inclusion of drugs in the selective financing of the National Health System ?:", "Options": { "A": "Therapeutic and social value of the medicine.", "B": "Low price.", "C": "Security.", "D": "Effectiveness." }, "Correct Answer": "Therapeutic and social value of the medicine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2d3554eb-2baf-4a62-9423-4a092b434f99", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The marketing authorization for orphan drugs is reserved for:", "Options": { "A": "The European Medicines Agency.", "B": "World Health Organization.", "C": "The autonomous communities.", "D": "UNICEF." }, "Correct Answer": "The European Medicines Agency.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2103b1dd-a05c-4b85-aec7-e5d460b120ab", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The supplementary drug protection certificate is extended, within the protection granted to the base patent, when:", "Options": { "A": "The product is not protected by a valid patent.", "B": "The product has already been subject to a certificate of protection.", "C": "The marketing authorization is not the first one granted to the product as a medicine.", "D": "The product, as a medicine, has been the subject of a marketing authorization in accordance with the standards issued by the European Community." }, "Correct Answer": "The product, as a medicine, has been the subject of a marketing authorization in accordance with the standards issued by the European Community.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1af403ff-6702-418b-a591-79f618c5ab65", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In general, and in accordance with the state legislation on pharmacy offices, the minimum population module for opening is:", "Options": { "A": "1,000 inhabitants.", "B": "2,800 inhabitants.", "C": "500 inhabitants.", "D": "State legislation does not fix population modules." }, "Correct Answer": "2,800 inhabitants.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0b0d877e-ebe4-405b-abd5-8e7031c78ed1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In accordance with the norms established in our constitutional order, external health matters correspond to:", "Options": { "A": "The state.", "B": "The European Union.", "C": "The autonomous communities.", "D": "World Health Organization." }, "Correct Answer": "The state.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dd5216e3-79f3-4839-9210-8cd32a5a0b5f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hyperacute rejection of a transplant is caused by:", "Options": { "A": "Preformed antibodies.", "B": "CD4 + T lymphocytes.", "C": "CD8 + T lymphocytes.", "D": "Circulating immune complexes." }, "Correct Answer": "Preformed antibodies.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8eca37cb-a565-4b2a-8007-781bd40bd357", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the purpose of the Cross-Match test or cross-test in solid organ transplantation ?:", "Options": { "A": "To detect the presence in the donor of antibodies against the histocompatibility antigens of the graft recipient.", "B": "To check the correct typing of the alleles of loci A, B and DR.", "C": "To detect the presence in the receptor of antibodies against minor antigens of histocompatibility of the receptor itself. (autoantibodies).", "D": "To detect the presence in the recipient of antibodies against the histocompatibility antigens of the donor." }, "Correct Answer": "To detect the presence in the recipient of antibodies against the histocompatibility antigens of the donor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f30aa876-af43-4773-8cd3-774d3efbe9fe", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the maturation of B lymphocytes we can distinguish two phases:", "Options": { "A": "The antigen (Ag) dependent phase takes place in the thymus and involves the clonality of the lymphocytes.", "B": "The independent Ag phase takes place in the ganglion and promotes clonal expansion.", "C": "The independent Ag phase takes place in the bone marrow and the dependent Ag in the secondary lymphoid organs.", "D": "The dependent Ag phase occurs in the bone marrow and involves the change of isotype." }, "Correct Answer": "The independent Ag phase takes place in the bone marrow and the dependent Ag in the secondary lymphoid organs.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "973ae5ed-15e2-4cf0-9731-056ff2360ace", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the first innate responses to infection is:", "Options": { "A": "T helper cells produce cytokines to promote microbicidal capacities.", "B": "Resident macrophages produce cytokines to attract neutrophils to the infection site.", "C": "Resident macrophages produce cytokines to attract cytotoxic T lymphocytes to the infection site.", "D": "The dendritic cells present the microbial antigens to the neutrophils." }, "Correct Answer": "Resident macrophages produce cytokines to attract neutrophils to the infection site.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a651d5d7-bbe8-4982-84cb-608850a905c8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Graft versus host disease begins when:", "Options": { "A": "The regulatory T lymphocytes present in the graft sample react against host antigens by killing their cells.", "B": "Mature T lymphocytes present in the graft sample react against host antigens.", "C": "Neutrophils present in the graft sample react against host antigens by killing their cells.", "D": "The mature T lymphocytes of the graft react against the antigens of the transplanted organ." }, "Correct Answer": "Mature T lymphocytes present in the graft sample react against host antigens.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4d670978-df72-46e1-b907-cbf4f1af487d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The adaptive response to intracellular bacteria mediated by CD4 + T cells:", "Options": { "A": "It is called Th1 and is induced by IL-12 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ).", "B": "It is called Th17 and is induced by IL 17 in IFN-γ.", "C": "It is called Th 1 and is induced by IL-1 and IFN-γ.", "D": "It is called Th 12 and is mediated by IL-12 and IFN-γ." }, "Correct Answer": "It is called Th1 and is induced by IL-12 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "804e2395-a2e3-4e1b-88b0-b3486ec933ca", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The macrophages activated during an infection have the following functions: phagocytose microbes and kill them, secrete inflammatory cytokines (TNF and IL-1) to promote local inflammation when the infection is controlled, and:", "Options": { "A": "Exit the tissue to encourage repair.", "B": "Remove dead tissue and encourage repair.", "C": "Enter apoptosis to encourage repair.", "D": "Return to the lymph node to stop the immune response." }, "Correct Answer": "Remove dead tissue and encourage repair.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8fc8a241-09c6-4ac5-9186-ea09f3363458", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What phenotype would you expect in an individual in whom an immunodeficiency caused by a mutation homozygous for the CD3ε chain that prevents the expression of this molecular complex has been described ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inability to perform an immune response in any situation.", "B": "Inability to perform cellular responses to viruses and intracellular bacteria, but with a normal humoral response.", "C": "It will only be able to perform an innate and adaptive humoral response Tindependiente.", "D": "Problems to perform responses to extracellular bacteria and fungi." }, "Correct Answer": "It will only be able to perform an innate and adaptive humoral response Tindependiente.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "628f90d4-3ee6-4323-be07-e48a6eff40ef", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these immunoglobulins is important in type I hypersensitivity reactions ?:", "Options": { "A": "IgA", "B": "IgG2.", "C": "IgM", "D": "IgE" }, "Correct Answer": "IgE", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3aaa608d-e091-428a-8fff-191b50a98e16", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of these drugs with antiviral activity does an open structure of acyclonucleoside appear ?:", "Options": { "A": "Zidovudine", "B": "Ribavirin", "C": "Lamivudine", "D": "Ganciclovir" }, "Correct Answer": "Ganciclovir", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d867cbbd-89d0-464e-93dc-3ce61ec94934", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the laboratory diagnosis of legionellosis, which of the following statements is true?", "Options": { "A": "Like other bacteria, Legionella spp. stains in the clinical samples with Gram stain, allowing to visualize the microorganisms easily.", "B": "The agar with yeast extract and plugged carbon (BCYE) is a culture medium used for the isolation of the bacteria.", "C": "Legionella spp. it grows easily in non-selective media incubated in an aerobic atmosphere.", "D": "The measurement of the serological response to infection does not allow in any case to establish a diagnosis of legionellosis." }, "Correct Answer": "The agar with yeast extract and plugged carbon (BCYE) is a culture medium used for the isolation of the bacteria.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b7163a8e-3836-4aa6-9ae7-9b9b92537a1b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The medicine that has gone through all the preparation phases, including its packaging in the final package, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Bulk product.", "B": "Intermediate product.", "C": "Finished product.", "D": "Packaged product" }, "Correct Answer": "Finished product.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5ab81aa9-e6b3-43fb-afce-8e11f6a22c49", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The glomerulosa zone (outer layer) of the secretory adrenal cortex:", "Options": { "A": "Glucocorticoids.", "B": "Androgens", "C": "Aldosterone", "D": "Adrenalin." }, "Correct Answer": "Aldosterone", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "80e039cd-66b5-4c0b-90eb-dec13577dee6", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The fondaparinux is:", "Options": { "A": "Antagonist of vitamin K.", "B": "Synthetic analog of the pentasaccharide sequence of the heparins.", "C": "Glycoprotein IIb / IIIa receptor blocker.", "D": "Antithrombotic drug of choice for oral administration." }, "Correct Answer": "Synthetic analog of the pentasaccharide sequence of the heparins.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b376810c-8583-4006-b984-563817c2ebaf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the \"Hartford nomogram\" used for ?:", "Options": { "A": "For the calculation of renal clearance.", "B": "For dosing adjustment of aminoglycosides.", "C": "For the calculation of liver clearance.", "D": "To estimate the toxicity of paracetamol." }, "Correct Answer": "For dosing adjustment of aminoglycosides.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e984b9e3-6e09-456f-add7-18f74585be37", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the transport of electrons through the respiratory chain:", "Options": { "A": "The antibiotic oligomycin inhibits the passage of electrons through complex II.", "B": "The final reduction of O2 is produced by the CoQ-cytochrome C reductase complex.", "C": "The FAD-dependent dehydrogenases interact with the succinate CoQ reductase complex.", "D": "Cytochromes are present in all respiratory complexes, ordered from highest to lowest redox potential." }, "Correct Answer": "The FAD-dependent dehydrogenases interact with the succinate CoQ reductase complex.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8063a8ad-b07f-414c-90b4-c6145eee5a4b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which type of assessment is murexide used as indicator ?:", "Options": { "A": "Redox.", "B": "Complex formation.", "C": "Acid-base.", "D": "Precipitation." }, "Correct Answer": "Complex formation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8150a989-82b6-4424-9418-282268394d4b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When determining the fluorescence of a compound in solution, it must be taken into account that:", "Options": { "A": "The presence of dissolved oxygen usually reduces the fluorescence intensity of the solution.", "B": "The pH of the solution does not influence the fluorescence of aromatic compounds having acidic or basic functional groups.", "C": "The polarity of the solvent never influences the fluorescence spectrum of the molecules.", "D": "As the temperature increases and the viscosity of the solution decreases, the fluorescence thereof increases." }, "Correct Answer": "The presence of dissolved oxygen usually reduces the fluorescence intensity of the solution.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2b458d3e-3024-4ce9-b172-1ade08b57259", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Selective immunosuppression by the administration of drugs such as cyclosporin A is frequently used in post-transplant treatment with the aim of:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the levels of helper T cells and suppressors in the periphery.", "B": "Decrease levels of circulating immunoglobulins of the IgG and IgM isotypes in the receptor.", "C": "Decrease activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes.", "D": "Increase the levels of alloreactivity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "Decrease activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "abef4c6f-64df-4265-bc0b-bf97998fd584", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 1 Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to the anatomical structure indicated by the blue arrow in the image?", "Options": { "A": "It is innervated by the median nerve.", "B": "Its function is supination of the forearm.", "C": "Participates in the stability of the distal radioulnar joint.", "D": "It has its origin in the distal quarter of the anterior aspect of the ulna and its insertion in the distal quarter of the anterior face of the radius." }, "Correct Answer": "Its function is supination of the forearm.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "91d15ffb-d2df-43b5-8b64-0d4f4fa80dcd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 2 Where is the basilar artery located?", "Options": { "A": "one", "B": "two", "C": "3", "D": "4" }, "Correct Answer": "two", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e6ec5952-5097-4dc9-ac6a-af8eb196a0e8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image No. 3 Which of the following corresponds to the superior mesenteric artery?", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "two.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2988a3f3-8aae-4bf5-9892-c098e9964719", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº4 73-year-old man with hemoptysis. The radiological study shows lung opacity that is biopsied. The histopathological diagnosis of the microscopic image of the biopsy is:", "Options": { "A": "Adenocarcinoma", "B": "Atypical Carcinoid tumor.", "C": "Squamous carcinoma", "D": "Neuroendocrine carcinoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Squamous carcinoma", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1768228a-78c1-4cb5-b031-c7f8aea9efa7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº5 A 25-year-old woman with palpable and painless adenopathy in the supraclavicular region. The patient reports that she has had febrile periods. A biopsy of the adenopathy is performed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The anatomopathological report indicates that the lesion shows a component of large cells that express CD15 and CD30, but not CD45, on a background of an inflammatory nature. Is your diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Toxoplasmosis", "B": "Hodgkin's disease", "C": "Infectious mononucleosis", "D": "Cat-scratch disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Hodgkin's disease", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0ab8bda9-84a2-4681-8442-01d990af3649", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 6 With the following ECG and knowing that it corresponds to a patient of 78 years with a history of extensive anterior infarction and residual moderate ventricular dysfunction, what would be your first diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Atrial tachycardia", "B": "Supraventricular tachycardia due to intranodal reentry.", "C": "Ventricular tachycardia", "D": "Atypical atrial flutter." }, "Correct Answer": "Ventricular tachycardia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "adc52d54-0415-4616-beda-3681f6aefee2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº7 Female, 39 years old, pregnant woman of 34 weeks with delivery in progress who after placing an epidural catheter for analgesia referred dizziness, blood pressure was taken 104/57 mmHg and heart rate 45 bpm, so it was administered 9 mg of ephedrine iv After which, he begins to notice palpitations and oppression at the base of the neck. ECG is shown (see image), which of the following pathophysiological processes has been able to contribute to the development of the picture presented by this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Breakage of a plate with non-occlusive thrombus superimposed.", "B": "Spasm of an epicardial coronary artery.", "C": "Myocardial ischemia related to increased myocardial oxygen demand.", "D": "Dysfunction of the coronary endothelium." }, "Correct Answer": "Myocardial ischemia related to increased myocardial oxygen demand.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e9ccd674-c08a-423c-bc1f-bb88d68373d2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº8 A 42-year-old woman who came to the emergency room because she had presented an episode of shortness of breath at night that forced her to join and later gave way. In addition, he reports progressive worsening of his functional capacity in the last two weeks, with difficulty climbing a flight of stairs due to \"suffocation\". Eight days ago he went to his health center for an episode of sudden onset and end of palpitations. You have a portable echocardiography equipment in the emergency room and perform an exploration in which you find the findings shown in the image (transthoracic echocardiography images obtained in the telesysthesis, in 3-chamber apical view.) Panel A: scale image of gray (B mode), Panel B: Doppler-color image of the same view as Panel A. VI: left ventricle, AI: left atrium, Ao: Aorta.). The therapeutic option that would solve this patient's problem is:", "Options": { "A": "The implantation of a transcatheter prosthesis in the aortic position.", "B": "A percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of the aortic valve.", "C": "A surgery on the mitral valve, if possible repairing.", "D": "With medical treatment it would be sufficient and does not require any intervention in any valve." }, "Correct Answer": "A surgery on the mitral valve, if possible repairing.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e64619c0-384e-4469-83a5-1ebda3b4262a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº9 50-year-old man, diabetic and overweight. He went to the Emergency Department for retrosternal pain and in the jaw, lasting 3 hours, while he slept. When I arrived at the Emergency Room I had this electrocardiogram. Which is the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Acute anteroseptal infarction.", "B": "Acute pericarditis", "C": "Lower infarction.", "D": "Acute inferolateral infarction." }, "Correct Answer": "Acute inferolateral infarction.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3afd5e01-bf65-446e-8d93-457642392d52", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº10 A 80-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, dyslipidemia and cervical osteoarthritis treated with enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide and simvastatin for years and sporadic with paracetamol. Consultation for pruritic skin lesions on trunk and extremities of 2 weeks of evolution for which no medical treatment has been performed (Image). The patient is hemodynamically stable and afebrile when she goes to the emergency department. Point out the correct option:", "Options": { "A": "In the skin biopsy performed of a recent lesion appearance, I would expect to find epidermal spongiosis, spongiosa vesicles and an eosinophilic infiltrate.", "B": "The lesions are compatible with generalized acute exanthematous pustulosis, which is why he would initiate oral treatment with amoxicillin / clavulanic acid.", "C": "With the suspicion of an autoimmune bullous disease, a biopsy of the lesions is performed for direct immunofluorescence. Hospital admission is made and treatment with prednisone is started at a dose of 1mg / kg / day.", "D": "With the suspicion of disseminated eczema, a lesion biopsy was performed for hematoxylin-eosin and treatment with prednisone was started at a dose of 1mg / kg / day." }, "Correct Answer": "With the suspicion of an autoimmune bullous disease, a biopsy of the lesions is performed for direct immunofluorescence. Hospital admission is made and treatment with prednisone is started at a dose of 1mg / kg / day.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1e1c32cd-ce9d-4a72-b6f4-b665f9cb4e13", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº11 Patient of 78 years, with a history of sigmoidectomy for diverticulitis 12 years ago. Consultation due to abdominal distension, accompanied by diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in food, with thin stools. On physical examination, he is afebrile, hemodynamically stable, with diffuse pain on palpation of the abdomen, which is distended and tympanized without peritonism. The hydro-aerial noises are increased. The analytical studies, which include blood count, biochemistry, hemostasis and gasometry, are normal. The image shows abdominal X-ray and CT. Which is the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Intestinal pseudo-obstruction.", "B": "Intestinal occlusion by flanges.", "C": "Intestinal ischemia.", "D": "Colon cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "Colon cancer.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a871f308-fc04-4062-9bca-964f4bbcc091", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº12 A 58-year-old patient with a long-standing heartburn clinic. A high digestive endoscopy is performed, shown in the image. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Barrett's esophagus.", "B": "Peptic esophagitis.", "C": "Eosinophilic esophagitis.", "D": "Mallory-Weiss disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Barrett's esophagus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "103d9820-166c-415d-8e85-c00cf79ec642", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº13 A 65-year-old woman with no medical history of interest who went to the Emergency Room for a nausea and persistent discomfort in the right upper quadrant that had worsened in the last 24 hours; It is accompanied by anorexia with a certain degree of asthenia and athermal sensation. Upon entering the Emergency Room, he was feverish (38.2º C), normotensive (125/75 mm Hg), and with pain on selective palpation in the right hypochondrium; the rest of the physical examination is anodyne. The analysis carried out reveals as the only altered parameters a leukocytosis of 13,000 / mm3 with associated neutrophilia. In this clinical context, the surgeon on call requests an abdominal ultrasound. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The ultrasound shows a distended bladder, with thickened and edematous walls, with infundibular lithiasis. These findings suggest the diagnosis of acute lithiasic cholecystitis.", "B": "The ultrasound shows a distended bladder, with thickened and edematous walls, without evidence of vesicular lithiasis. These findings suggest the diagnosis of acute acalculous cholecystitis.", "C": "The ultrasound shows a slightly distended gallbladder with thickened walls (due to its low distension) without evidence of lithiasis. These findings exclude the diagnosis of acute lithiasic cholecystitis.", "D": "In this clinical context, the first test to be performed should always be abdominal CT because it shows greater sensitivity in the detection of vesicular lithiasis." }, "Correct Answer": "The ultrasound shows a distended bladder, with thickened and edematous walls, with infundibular lithiasis. These findings suggest the diagnosis of acute lithiasic cholecystitis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0459d9c3-4f89-47a8-8bfc-d0545b4909f9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 14 We see a 31-year-old man in the office. He comes accompanied by his mother, with whom he still lives, at the request of her. Two years ago he has not found a job and in recent months he has been retiring at home. The patient claims to feel tired and weak and therefore prefers to leave home little. The mother suspects that the patient is depressed and both admit that she may have gained weight, although it has not been heavy. In clinical examination, what most attracts our attention is a PA of 150/100 mmHg and a prominent abdomen shown in the figure. In these circumstances, what do you think would be the most appropriate immediate behavior?", "Options": { "A": "All patient data are compatible with an excess of glucocorticoids. Discard for external questioning (oral, in creams) and, in addition to a standard analytical including lipid and glycemic study, would request several determinations of free cortisol in urine and a determination of plasma cortisol in the early morning, after administer oral dexamethasone the night before.", "B": "The cutaneous stretch marks can be justified by a possible previous thinning. Most likely, the patient has a metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle ...). I would continue investigating this aspect (glycemia, lipids, confirmation of the TA, etc.). The possible depression could be reactive to the fact of not finding a job and for the moment I would remain expectant in this aspect.", "C": "Cutaneous stretch marks are relatively nonspecific in an obese patient and high BP in a single determination does not allow any conclusions to be drawn. Apart from requesting a general analysis and continuing the study of a possible HTA, it would prioritize the depressive aspects of the patient's behavior and send it for a psychiatric evaluation.", "D": "I would think about the possibility that the patient has a chronic liver disease with portal hypertension and ascites. Although it does not admit a high intake of alcohol, there are other causes (viral, etc.) that should be investigated. The HTA in a first visit may not be significant and, for now, the supposed depressive picture would leave it in the background. I would launch a study of chronic liver disease with studies, in this first phase, biochemical and imaging." }, "Correct Answer": "All patient data are compatible with an excess of glucocorticoids. Discard for external questioning (oral, in creams) and, in addition to a standard analytical including lipid and glycemic study, would request several determinations of free cortisol in urine and a determination of plasma cortisol in the early morning, after administer oral dexamethasone the night before.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ac6bb108-caa9-4007-a5a7-44d60a784e61", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 15 Patient with goiter. The image shows thyroid ultrasound in gray scale and color Doppler. Given these findings, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The image shows an enlarged and slightly hypoechoic gland, with multiple nodules, of heterogeneous eckexture and hypervascularized. Suggestive of multinodular goiter.", "B": "The image shows an enlarged gland of size, normal echogenicity, homogenous ecotexture, without nodules. The vascularization is prominent, normal finding in the parenchyma.", "C": "The image shows an enlarged and slightly hypoechoic gland, without nodules, of heterogeneous eckexture and hypervascularized. The findings are suggestive of Graves disease but there are subacute thyroiditis that may show similar findings.", "D": "The image shows a somewhat enlarged gland of size, normal echogenicity and heterogeneous ecotexture. The increase in diffuse vascularization requires a guided ultrasound puncture (FNA) to rule out thyroid neoplasia." }, "Correct Answer": "The image shows an enlarged and slightly hypoechoic gland, without nodules, of heterogeneous eckexture and hypervascularized. The findings are suggestive of Graves disease but there are subacute thyroiditis that may show similar findings.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9be6b1e4-74f9-40b6-afd6-c1e17937a413", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº16 A 54-year-old black woman with asthenia, drowsiness, paresthesias, gait disorder, and loss of strength and sensation in both lower extremities. The analyzes showed Hb 10.4 g / dL, VCM 107 fL, platelets 110,000 / mm3, leukocytes 5,000 / mm3, neutrophils 1900 / mm3, lymphocytes 2500 / mm3, monocytes 300 / mm3, eosinophils 300 / mm3, reticulocytes 1.0% (normal: 0.5-2), total reticulocytes 5,400 / mm3, haptoglobin 0 g / L (normal 0.3-2 g / L), LDH 1,114 U / L, AST (GOT) 50 U / L, ALT ( GPT) 30 U / L, GGT 16 U / L, alkaline phosphatase 90 U / L, total bilirubin 1.03 mg / dL. Negative Coombs test. The peripheral blood smear is shown in the image. Assessed the clinical and analytical picture, what is the treatment that should be administered to this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Plasmatic exchange.", "B": "Oral corticosteroids", "C": "Parenteral vitamin B12.", "D": "Folic acid and splenectomy." }, "Correct Answer": "Parenteral vitamin B12.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "80b2bd4e-4712-4e65-b9ef-99ae0b13845d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº17 A young patient of 22 years of age is referred to us from Primary Care. He is originally from Jamaica and has been living in Spain for five months. The reason for consulting the family doctor was a feeling of tiredness. As a background, he explains some pains of several years of evolution in various joints, of moderate intensity, without inflammatory signs, which had not been studied in his country. The clinical examination shows pale mucous membranes and a painful ulcerated lesion in the leg, of three years of evolution, for which he had not consulted. I did not remember any local trauma. The analytical sample shows a Hb of 7.6 g / dL, reticulocytes 417,000 / uL, Hto 22.8%, leukocytes 13.540 / uL, with 51% of neutrophils and 36% of lymphocytes, platelets 286,000 / uL, bilirubin 2.12 mg / dL, (direct 0.4 mg / dL) and lactate dehydrogenase 318 U / L (vn <190 U / L). A basic study of coagulation is within normal ranges. The chest radiograph is normal, as well as an Eco-Doppler of the lower extremities. What type of anemia would you suspect before starting the corresponding confirmatory studies?", "Options": { "A": "Anemia due to sickle cells.", "B": "Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.", "C": "Anemia due to chronic disease.", "D": "Anemia due to iron deficiency." }, "Correct Answer": "Anemia due to sickle cells.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ce6ebf71-e213-4d8d-97f2-91f05507e50c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 18 Point to what the image corresponds to:", "Options": { "A": "It is a graph to evaluate the publication bias.", "B": "It is a graph to quantify the kurtosis of a normal distribution.", "C": "It is a graph to quantify type I error.", "D": "It is a graph to evaluate bioequivalence." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a graph to evaluate the publication bias.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "59b16f70-8697-4e11-81d2-9b96cb32fb17", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº19 The urine of a patient under study due to renal insufficiency is received in the laboratory. An analysis is made by means of a test strip, which is shown in the image. What is your diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Nephrotic syndrome due to minimal injuries.", "B": "Nephritic syndrome.", "C": "Chronic interstitial nephropathy.", "D": "Prerenal renal failure." }, "Correct Answer": "Nephritic syndrome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1720e71c-9d64-485c-b0ad-45c5b15e4b3d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº20 Patient of 65 years, smoker, who reports having presented hematuria with clots. During the diagnostic process, a urethrocystoscopy was performed, visualizing this image in the bladder. What would be the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Acute cystitis.", "B": "Bladder tumor.", "C": "Bladder ulcer.", "D": "Schistosomiasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Bladder tumor.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3f296a7f-a1ec-4cc5-b1aa-5961ca39510f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº21 A 65-year-old man with chronic renal insufficiency and hypertensive treatment with enalapril. He goes to the emergency room for general malaise and nausea without chest pain. Upon arrival at the hospital an ECG was performed, which is shown below. What test would you request to confirm the suspected diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Urgent coronary angiography.", "B": "Blood test with ionogram.", "C": "Coronary CT", "D": "Transthoracic echocardiogram." }, "Correct Answer": "Blood test with ionogram.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "95e176bd-09d2-462f-8dce-ef3edaf1d629", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº22 The patient whose radiographs are shown is being followed in the pulmonology consultations by a chronic obstructive bronchopneumonia. Between its antecedents a treated tuberculosis appears, without signs of reactivation. Consultation for an increase, in the last year, of cough and more expectoration than usual, with occasional hemoptotic sputum. The simple radiograph shown is similar to those performed in the annual controls except for a slight increase in radiopacity over the lesion of the right upper lobe. It was decided to perform thoracic CT in supine and prone position whose images are shown in a section of upper lung fields. Is the diagnosis most likely?", "Options": { "A": "Cavitated lung cancer.", "B": "Mycetoma in an existing cavity.", "C": "Lung abscess", "D": "Necrotizing pneumonia" }, "Correct Answer": "Mycetoma in an existing cavity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cf00ceec-1eab-410a-9be7-4ea21949fba3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº23 A 58-year-old man with no clinical or surgical history of interest other than a smoker with a history of progressive dyspnea. Goes to the emergency room due to increased dyspnea. The chest X-ray taken is shown in the image. Indicate in which semiological group should be framed:", "Options": { "A": "Tumor of soft tissues of the chest wall.", "B": "Alveolar consolidation.", "C": "Atelectasis", "D": "Pleural effusion" }, "Correct Answer": "Atelectasis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f9967b66-49f8-44ee-8ae9-5e7261b7dac5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº24 Woman of 35 years of age, without toxic habits, housewife. For 3 years, she has reported a wheezing dyspnea clinic. Studied with chest x-ray and spirometry by her primary care physician, she is diagnosed with extrinsic bronchial asthma. During the last year the clinic worsened despite starting treatment with an inhaler (formoterol every 12 hours), being referred to area pneumology. Spirometry was performed with the result of: FVC 2,900 mL (103% of theory); FEV1 1800 mL (77% of theory); FEV1 / FVC 65% (78% of theory). Negative bronchodilator test. The flow / volume graph of spirometry is shown in the image. What diagnostic test of the following would you request in the first place?", "Options": { "A": "Plethysmography", "B": "Bronchofibroscopy.", "C": "Bronchial hyperreactivity test with methacholine or histamine.", "D": "Proof of challenge with exercise." }, "Correct Answer": "Bronchofibroscopy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "82905a8c-3484-466d-b7bb-2a69df3b1aaa", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº25 A 45-year-old man, with no history of interest, went to the emergency room for dyspnea in the last 24 hours, since he returned from a trip from Mexico. In the emergency department, the image tests that are shown are performed. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Bacterial pneumonia", "B": "Empiema", "C": "Pulmonary infarction.", "D": "Pulmonary tuberculosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Pulmonary infarction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "704a46d4-390e-4de5-9b30-3a3ffe50004a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº26 A 74-year-old patient who consulted due to muscle weakness. Provides a CT performed in another center. Which of the following determinations would support our most probable diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Antibodies to acetylcholine receptor.", "B": "Antibodies against calcium channels.", "C": "Antisintetase antibodies.", "D": "TSH and antithyroid antibodies." }, "Correct Answer": "Antibodies to acetylcholine receptor.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c21be35d-add5-4415-a0c1-27fe3603794c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº27 A 30-year-old man, carrier of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), who goes to the Emergency Department due to progressive loss of vision in his left eye, without other accompanying ophthalmological symptoms. At the funduscopic examination the image of the figure is observed. Before this image, it is possible to suspect:", "Options": { "A": "A CD4 lymphocyte count less than 100.", "B": "The observed pathology is of drug origin.", "C": "This patient requires surgical treatment.", "D": "We are facing an autoimmune problem." }, "Correct Answer": "A CD4 lymphocyte count less than 100.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "34781499-3f5e-4383-a091-6499fb9f3745", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 28 Which of the following symptoms or signs is LESS frequent in a patient with the following image?", "Options": { "A": "Deviation of the look to the left.", "B": "Right hemiparesis.", "C": "Dysarthria", "D": "Arreactive pupils." }, "Correct Answer": "Arreactive pupils.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b1b78be9-cc0f-494e-9ab8-e2a06ff5dd9e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº29 A 32-year-old woman, without any treatment at present, who goes to the Emergency Room with a headache, eyes without ciliary injection and the fundus seen in the image. In view of the funduscopic alterations, which of the following explorations would be the LEAST related to the diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Determination of serum creatinine.", "B": "Measurement of blood pressure (BP).", "C": "Abdominal (periumbilical) auscultation in search of a murmur.", "D": "Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP)." }, "Correct Answer": "Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bb59cf69-1053-4d40-82ff-3ec5b0815da8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº30 A 5-year-old boy presents recurrent outbreaks of very pruritic eczema for months. Your pediatrician refers you to the dermatologist. Which of the following additional tests should you perform to establish the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Cutaneous biopsy.", "B": "Blood test with IgE determination.", "C": "Intradermal reaction with autologous serum.", "D": "None, anamnesis and clinical exploration is enough." }, "Correct Answer": "None, anamnesis and clinical exploration is enough.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "65a060a4-0445-4ff4-a31a-feed1267cc7b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image no.31 A 26-year-old woman consulted for a fever of 3 weeks evolution. The fever was daily, in peaks that reached 38.5 ° C and sometimes at 39 ° C, and was accompanied by pharyngeal pain, myalgias and arthralgias of large joints. Within a few hours the fever subsided spontaneously or by some antipyretic. During the febrile episodes it presented a rash. The patient reported that she had presented two previous episodes in the previous two years, very similar to the current one, which had not been diagnosed despite in-depth studies. He had not made trips outside of Spain nor did he refer epidemiological antecedents of interest. The clinical examination during a febrile episode showed the skin rash that can be seen in the image, which disappeared in a few hours. The patient also had pharyngeal hyperemia, bilateral small painful laterocervical lymphadenopathies and a spleen pole was palpated below the left costal arch. To establish the diagnosis, it is expected that several laboratory and imaging studies should be performed. However, which of the following statements seems more appropriate in the current diagnostic phase?", "Options": { "A": "It would request serological tests for hepatitis B and C, human parvovirus B19, Epstein-Barr virus and test for the human immunodeficiency virus, since the most likely cause are infectious diseases, especially acute viral infections.", "B": "Although it is a diagnosis of exclusion, I would request a serum ferritin because of the possibility that it is an adult Still's disease.", "C": "It would request an immunological study that included antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor, citrullinated cyclic antiseptide antibodies and ANCAs to confirm the suspicion of a systemic rheumatic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus.", "D": "I would request a genetic study given that it is most likely a familial Mediterranean fever type autoinflammatory disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Although it is a diagnosis of exclusion, I would request a serum ferritin because of the possibility that it is an adult Still's disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "030eff04-a1da-476a-aad7-5d7ca9bcbb2e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image no. 32 The hands shown in the image belong to a 52-year-old woman who consulted because she presented 3 years of intermittent mild intermittent pain in the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints of both hands. The pain is aggravated after intense efforts and may be accompanied by swelling and redness. He has taken non-steroidal anti-inflammatories during these periods, with improvement. After deforming, the joints bother you less. Which diagnosis is the most likely?", "Options": { "A": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "B": "Psoriasic arthritis.", "C": "Gouty arthritis", "D": "Arthrosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Arthrosis", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f0b22365-759e-4181-80c5-5d6a299256cd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What would you suspect in a patient who has difficulty in laterally raising the arm (limitation of arm abduction from 30 degrees) and paresthesias in the lateral portion of the shoulder, without pain, and that the previous day has suffered a dislocation escapulohumeral?", "Options": { "A": "A radial nerve injury.", "B": "A lesion of the axillary nerve (circumflex).", "C": "An injury of the musculocutaneous nerve.", "D": "A rupture of the scapulohumeral ligaments." }, "Correct Answer": "A lesion of the axillary nerve (circumflex).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4a6c1d4f-0049-4d1e-9025-becaf9aac684", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 41-year-old woman, with no relevant medical history, presented six months ago with dyspnea of effort that has progressively increased. At auscultation showed basal crackles. The chest radiograph showed bilateral basal densities. Open lung biopsy was performed. In the histopathological study, a complex, heterogeneous lesion was observed, with altered areas that alternated with others preserved, with fibrosis of the alveolar septa and development of marked fibroblastic foci and pneumocytic type 2 hyperplasia. The affectation was fundamentally subpleural. Is the diagnosis of the lung injury?", "Options": { "A": "Histiocytosis of Langerhans cells.", "B": "Usual interstitial pneumonia.", "C": "Allergic allergic extrinsic.", "D": "Alveolar proteinosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Usual interstitial pneumonia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f0e89029-85e2-4ce1-8bea-46e3f8a247f1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following morphological features do we expect to find in the biopsy of the gastric body of a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency?", "Options": { "A": "Helicobacter pylori.", "B": "Intestinal metaplasia", "C": "Hyperplasia of endocrine cells.", "D": "Atrophy." }, "Correct Answer": "Helicobacter pylori.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0603f473-69c1-4b28-b160-e1a90af4a771", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about generic medications is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "To demonstrate the efficacy and safety of a generic drug, bioequivalence clinical trials should be conducted in patients suffering from one of the pathologies for which it is indicated.", "B": "The name of the generic drug usually coincides with the international common name or the official Spanish name of the active ingredient followed by the name of the pharmaceutical laboratory.", "C": "The generic drug has the same active ingredient as the reference drug but excipients can change.", "D": "The generic drug has to meet the same quality requirements as those required for any other medicine (norms of correct manufacture of medicines)." }, "Correct Answer": "To demonstrate the efficacy and safety of a generic drug, bioequivalence clinical trials should be conducted in patients suffering from one of the pathologies for which it is indicated.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "af86a1e0-c7f4-44cc-88d7-6025d5ee68fe", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "There is a genetic polymorphism of the enzyme thiopurine methyltransferase that is associated with a high risk of severe hematological toxicity when one of the following drugs is administered to homozygous individuals. What is the drug?", "Options": { "A": "Warfarin", "B": "Azathioprine", "C": "Isoniazid", "D": "Succinylcholine" }, "Correct Answer": "Azathioprine", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "66e72b1d-3dc7-43fe-b189-2409487c3003", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In addition to hemorrhage, a serious adverse effect of heparin is:", "Options": { "A": "Hypokalemia", "B": "Metabolic alkalosis", "C": "Diarrhea.", "D": "Thrombocytopenia" }, "Correct Answer": "Thrombocytopenia", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "13a9245a-4e39-4739-9047-1edc6be7413e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following non-steroidal anti-inflammatories more selectively inhibits cyclooxygenase 2?", "Options": { "A": "Etoricoxib.", "B": "Ibuprofen.", "C": "Acetylsalicylic acid.", "D": "Ketorolac" }, "Correct Answer": "Etoricoxib.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c1c73314-b284-4b63-bbd9-4dd28fbc63dd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old woman with major depressive syndrome who has been receiving citalopram for 3 months. She underwent cholecystectomy by laparoscopy under epidural anesthesia with the association fentanyl + bupivacaine. In the postoperative period, he develops intense nausea and vomiting, agitation, tremor, mydriasis, hypersalivation, myoclonus and hyperthermia. Point out the most probable cause of this picture.", "Options": { "A": "Fentanyl poisoning.", "B": "Serotonin syndrome", "C": "Anguish disorder.", "D": "Postoperative psychosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Serotonin syndrome", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "86680231-dd97-42be-a48a-310d40ea79af", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following statements regarding the physiology and structuring of the dream is true:", "Options": { "A": "During REM sleep, the sleep spindles and the K complexes appear.", "B": "Body temperature decreases slightly during sleep.", "C": "The first REM sleep period is usually longer than the rest.", "D": "Phase I of non-REM sleep constitutes 30% of the total sleep time." }, "Correct Answer": "Body temperature decreases slightly during sleep.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf2be22e-fe7f-4736-922a-0e28a0191281", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A vulnerable arteriosclerotic plaque is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Present a size greater than 70%.", "B": "An increase in fibroblast growth factors.", "C": "Decrease in metalloproteases and fibrolysins.", "D": "An increase in macrophages with a high content of lipid material." }, "Correct Answer": "An increase in macrophages with a high content of lipid material.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "efad4bea-0a6d-42a4-bd9c-4dc61fd30c6f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In renal physiology, one of these statements is true:", "Options": { "A": "The loop segments of Henle reabsorb NaCl with an excess of water, an essential effect for the excretion of urine with osmolarity different from that of plasma.", "B": "The reabsorption of bicarbonate in the nephron is mainly performed in the distal convoluted tubule.", "C": "The urinary excretion of Na and water is equal to the sum of the amount filtered through the glomeruli and the amount reabsorbed by the tubules.", "D": "Under normal conditions, 80% of the filtered glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule and returned to the systemic circulation by the peritubular capillaries." }, "Correct Answer": "The loop segments of Henle reabsorb NaCl with an excess of water, an essential effect for the excretion of urine with osmolarity different from that of plasma.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d3fa6126-8c34-4cc0-a528-675360fe0204", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "When does the coronary blood flow of the left ventricle reach its maximum value?", "Options": { "A": "At the beginning of diastole.", "B": "At the beginning of isovolumetric systole.", "C": "When the aortic pressure is maximum.", "D": "When the aortic blood flow is maximum." }, "Correct Answer": "At the beginning of diastole.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "37a26430-1361-4e51-ace4-6e73c1e78b75", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the study of gastric secretion, which of the following tests is worthless?", "Options": { "A": "Urease test.", "B": "Determination of pepsinogens.", "C": "Stimulation with pentagastrin.", "D": "Test of the fictitious food." }, "Correct Answer": "Urease test.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0cebb7a0-a3f6-46c5-bc0e-b9480c98e9ac", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 19-year-old woman with primary amenorrhea is diagnosed with Turner syndrome by a cytogenetic study. What karyotype does it present?", "Options": { "A": "47, XYY.", "B": "47, XXY.", "C": "45, X.", "D": "47, XXX." }, "Correct Answer": "45, X.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "67e23abe-1b7d-434c-b7b9-1cb97547a619", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 27-year-old woman goes to the genetic counseling clinic after having a child with Down syndrome. In the child, a trisomy 21 with translocation 21/21 inherited from the mother is identified. What would be the risk of recurrence of Down syndrome in the future children of this woman?", "Options": { "A": "The risk of recurrence will be 10-15%, as in the rest of translocations.", "B": "100% of viable fetuses will be born with Down syndrome.", "C": "The risk of recurrence will be very low (12%).", "D": "The risk of recurrence will be 50%." }, "Correct Answer": "100% of viable fetuses will be born with Down syndrome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "92f755d4-3b49-4a86-b0a1-492b6d4402e2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 3-year-old child referred for genetic consultation to assess psychomotor retardation, language delay and hyperactivity without significant dysmorphic features or associated malformations. He is the first child of a healthy, young and non-consanguineous couple. A maternal uncle has mental retardation and the maternal grandmother presented early ovarian failure. Which of the following diagnostic tests would be the most appropriate to establish the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Genetic study of triplet expansion of the FMR1 gene.", "B": "Complete metabolic study.", "C": "High resolution karyotype", "D": "Psychometric evaluation" }, "Correct Answer": "Genetic study of triplet expansion of the FMR1 gene.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "055428b2-8032-4700-9395-1e56824b0b6f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Opsonins are molecules capable of recognizing structures on the surface of microorganisms and thus facilitate:", "Options": { "A": "The lysis of said microorganisms.", "B": "Phagocytosis of said microorganisms.", "C": "Type I hypersensitivity reactions to said microorganisms.", "D": "The anergy of specific T cells against said microorganisms." }, "Correct Answer": "Phagocytosis of said microorganisms.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "93408fdb-9591-4d2f-9000-244953b49ea8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the most important functions of secretory immunoglobulin A is:", "Options": { "A": "The defense of mucous membranes.", "B": "The secondary response acquired in transplant.", "C": "The cytotoxic activity dependent on antibodies, by means of receptors for its constant fraction in the macrophage.", "D": "The cellular response T allogenic." }, "Correct Answer": "The defense of mucous membranes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "71c4634a-d2d8-4dd2-851d-9eab6a10efdf", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Certain autoimmune diseases have been associated with genetic deficiencies of the complement system. Specifically, the deficiency in C4 has been associated with:", "Options": { "A": "Systemic lupus erythematosus.", "B": "Rheumatoid arthritis.", "C": "Myasthenia gravis.", "D": "Diabetes mellitus type 1." }, "Correct Answer": "Systemic lupus erythematosus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8c99ee47-8b8f-4351-9811-01401181c8c8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "6-month-old girl, first daughter of a consanguineous Spanish couple with no family history of interest. He went to the emergency room in winter due to a high fever (39-40.5ºC) of three days of evolution, prostration, loss of appetite and marked respiratory distress. On examination, a significant delay in weight was observed, absence of thymic shadow on the chest radiograph, and a circulating lymphocyte level of 920 / mm3 was detected in the hemogram. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "Agammaglobulinemia linked to the X chromosome should be suspected and the quantification of circulating B lymphocytes should be urgently requested.", "B": "It is a respiratory infection typical of the time of year, which requires antibiotic treatment without the need for additional tests.", "C": "A common variable immunodeficiency must be suspected and the ability to produce antibodies should be requested by in vitro functional assays.", "D": "A combined severe immunodeficiency should be suspected and the quantification of the T, B and NK lymphocyte subpopulations should be requested." }, "Correct Answer": "A combined severe immunodeficiency should be suspected and the quantification of the T, B and NK lymphocyte subpopulations should be requested.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4c794d46-2865-4b7a-8891-70a262f0cf01", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "80 year old patient from a nursing home. Presents sepsis of urinary origin that does not respond to empiric treatment with ceftriaxone. In the blood cultures and urocultures, E. coli resistant to cephalosporins grows. The laboratory informs us that it is a strain that produces beta-lactamases with an extended spectrum. Which antibiotic, among the following, should be used?", "Options": { "A": "Ertapenem", "B": "Amoxicillin clavulanic.", "C": "Piperacillin / Tazobactam", "D": "Ciprofloxacin" }, "Correct Answer": "Ertapenem", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b480ae23-b9f2-485c-83b1-e87a220214cd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient presents a lithogenic urinary infection due to the formation of struvite stones. Which of the following microorganisms is probably the causative agent of the infection?", "Options": { "A": "Enterobacter aerogenes.", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus.", "C": "Yersinia enterocolitica.", "D": "Proteus mirabilis." }, "Correct Answer": "Proteus mirabilis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "04e58652-69d7-41df-98b9-f347be9c3548", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Prior to performing an organ transplant, the serological status (presence of antibodies) of both the donor and the possible recipient is systematically determined against certain microorganisms, including cytomegalovirus (CMV). In which of the following situations does the highest incidence of CMV disease occur in recipients of a solid organ transplant?", "Options": { "A": "When both the donor and the recipient of the organ have positive serology against CMV.", "B": "When the donor has negative serology against CMV and the positive receptor.", "C": "When both the donor and the recipient of the organ have negative serology against CMV.", "D": "When the donor has positive serology against CMV and the negative receptor." }, "Correct Answer": "When the donor has positive serology against CMV and the negative receptor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9a9ecd82-c78b-4bea-9c16-826b2c90b6db", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), antiretroviral treatment is initiated. For the evolutionary follow-up of the infection and control of the treatment, which of the following determinations is more useful:", "Options": { "A": "Detection of antibodies by Western blot technique.", "B": "Detection of p24 antigen.", "C": "Quantification of viral load in plasma by genomic amplification techniques.", "D": "Detection of antibodies by ELISA technique." }, "Correct Answer": "Quantification of viral load in plasma by genomic amplification techniques.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "28e03288-3172-42b2-ba63-f1e90a4b200b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the following list of antimicrobials, which one would you NOT choose as a sequential treatment in a patient who is going to be discharged from your home?", "Options": { "A": "Amoxicillin clavulanic.", "B": "Clarithromycin", "C": "Gentamicin", "D": "Ciprofloxacin" }, "Correct Answer": "Gentamicin", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "51e8b2ed-075c-4184-ac3d-58675137fdf8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old man is valued for having suffered a syncope. In the electrocardiogram, deep Q waves are observed and on auscultation, the presence of a systolic murmur in the low left sternal border is highlighted. What is your most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", "B": "Mitral stenosis", "C": "Aortic insufficiency", "D": "Interauricular communication." }, "Correct Answer": "Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e091e6be-881f-45c6-8550-b6cad3e3a173", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The arterial bypass graft (coronary artery bypass) that presents a greater long-term patency (greater than 90% at 10 years after surgery) and, therefore, is used preferentially for coronary artery bypass surgery is:", "Options": { "A": "Autologous saphenous vein.", "B": "Autologous cephalic vein.", "C": "Thoracic or internal mammary artery.", "D": "Radial artery." }, "Correct Answer": "Thoracic or internal mammary artery.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "273c326a-6a5b-4cab-91f8-136e6747fd21", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the treatment of severe mitral regurgitation, indicate which of the following statements is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "Repair of the mitral valve maintains the function of the left ventricle to a greater degree than valve replacement.", "B": "Surgical treatment is indicated in asymptomatic patients when there is left ventricular dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction <60% and / or left ventricular end-systolic diameter> 40 mm).", "C": "Surgical treatment is indicated in symptomatic patients, especially above a 30% left ventricular ejection fraction.", "D": "Mitral valve repair has a surgical risk superior to mitral valve replacement surgery." }, "Correct Answer": "Mitral valve repair has a surgical risk superior to mitral valve replacement surgery.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c0f21ec5-3fd1-49ab-bf55-bd47f353e1c4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the factors associated with the appearance of cardiogenic shock in acute myocardial infarction, it is NOT found:", "Options": { "A": "Monomorphic ventricular extrasystole.", "B": "History of arterial hypertension and / or diabetes mellitus.", "C": "Advanced age.", "D": "History of previous myocardial infarction." }, "Correct Answer": "Monomorphic ventricular extrasystole.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "881036bc-e3e7-4e29-b82d-79ab8abfc179", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 47-year-old man with no history of interest is diagnosed with high blood pressure a year ago. He continues treatment with amlodipine 10 mg (1-0-0) and losartan / hydrochlorothiazide 100/25 mg (1-0-0), and performs a low sodium diet, with good adherence. Despite this, it has figures of PA 168/92 mmHg. What is the next step to make?", "Options": { "A": "Add a fourth drug.", "B": "Increase the dose of any of the ones you are taking.", "C": "Perform ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).", "D": "Conduct a study to rule out secondary arterial hypertension." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "911df4de-e207-497b-ae7d-1fe1138abc40", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 76-year-old man diagnosed with heart failure, in chronic atrial fibrillation, with severe systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction 33%). Continues treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, beta-blocker and thiazide diuretic. Despite this, it is symptomatic, in functional class II of the NYHA. What would be the attitude to follow?", "Options": { "A": "I would add spironolactone.", "B": "I would discontinue beta-blocker treatment.", "C": "I would add amiodarone to the treatment.", "D": "I would add verapamil to the treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "I would add spironolactone.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ce2dad20-cee9-4996-bdad-b6e628958e3f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following diseases, one of them can be manifested with absence of jugular venous pulse:", "Options": { "A": "Constrictive pericarditis.", "B": "Superior vena cava syndrome.", "C": "Tricuspid insufficiency.", "D": "Heart failure." }, "Correct Answer": "Superior vena cava syndrome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6d54ccdc-fed9-4010-bf3a-7b3ed4e34463", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 25-year-old man, a military man by profession, is found in a coma with a temperature of 41ºC after vigorous physical exercise at noon on a hot day. His blood pressure despite the contribution of 3 liters of crystalloids is 80 mm Hg, with oliguria and lactate rise. His heart rate is 125 bpm with ECG showing a supraventricular tachycardia. In the analytical one highlights a prothrombin activity of 30% and INR of 3. Indicate the true answer:", "Options": { "A": "The elevation of muscle enzymes is higher in the classic heat stroke than in heat stroke by exercise.", "B": "A lumbar puncture should be performed to diagnose the condition.", "C": "Digoxin must be administered to control the heart rate.", "D": "Peripheral vasoconstrictors should be avoided for the treatment of hypotension." }, "Correct Answer": "Peripheral vasoconstrictors should be avoided for the treatment of hypotension.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8c28f7af-d974-4a2a-b16b-494abf7b79fc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most important hemodynamic method in the diagnosis of chronic ischemia of the lower extremities is:", "Options": { "A": "Analysis of flow curves by Doppler velocimetry.", "B": "Segment measurement of pressures.", "C": "Valuation of the ankle-brachial index or Yao index.", "D": "Plethysmography at the distal level of the extremities." }, "Correct Answer": "Valuation of the ankle-brachial index or Yao index.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b65a1c4a-54be-4ee3-8bce-acc4ac63c7d0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the clinical forms of erythema multiforme, all of the following statements are correct EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Minor forms are associated with Herpes simplex virus infection and are characterized by so-called target lesions.", "B": "The major forms, or Stevens Johnson syndrome, are characterized by the absence of mucous membrane involvement.", "C": "Mucosal involvement in minor forms is observed in about 25% of cases and is limited to the oral mucosa.", "D": "The toxic epidermal necrolysis, characterized by the detachment of large areas of the skin, represents the most severe form of erythema multiforme major and is related to the intake of drugs." }, "Correct Answer": "The major forms, or Stevens Johnson syndrome, are characterized by the absence of mucous membrane involvement.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eb28aece-face-4bfe-bb69-99ea163be447", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 43-year-old man consults for presenting a congenital nevus in his arm that in the last month has changed shape and color. Surgical resection of the lesion was performed and the anatomopathological diagnosis was as follows: melanoma with a non-ulcerated surface extension of 1.3 mm vertical invasion, 1 mitosis / mm2, which is 2 mm from the closest resection margin. In the physical examination regional lymph nodes are not palpated What is the attitude to follow next ?:", "Options": { "A": "Perform a PET / CT to investigate if there are visceral metastases.", "B": "Perform extension of surgical margins to 1 cm and selective sentinel lymph node biopsy.", "C": "Perform extension of surgical margins to 1 cm and axillary lymphadenectomy.", "D": "It is only necessary to enlarge surgical margins to 2 cm and then periodic follow-up." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform extension of surgical margins to 1 cm and selective sentinel lymph node biopsy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3918f0a3-8b40-486a-94e7-441d18f6187b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old woman with a history of xerophthalmia and xerostomia, who presented in July 2014 due to an eruption of annular erythematous lesions, with more active edges, on the neckline and upper back for 15 days, coinciding with some vacation in Menorca. At the time of the examination we observed that some of the lesions tend to resolve without leaving a scar. It has good general condition and the rest of the physical examination is normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Subacute lupus erythematosus.", "B": "Tinea corporis.", "C": "Cutaneous porphyria takes.", "D": "Annular erythema centrifugal." }, "Correct Answer": "Subacute lupus erythematosus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4b30b51b-9661-40a6-ba28-0648e7f83acb", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT considered a general complication of laparoscopic access in abdominal surgery?", "Options": { "A": "Hemorrhage of solid organs.", "B": "Paralytic ileus.", "C": "Hernia in the abdominal access holes.", "D": "Pneumomediastinum." }, "Correct Answer": "Paralytic ileus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ead2e0df-f041-4f23-93d5-e395d559fb95", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 53-year-old man with no history of interest presented pain in the right iliac fossa of 12 days of evolution. Her family doctor prescribed oral antibiotics and analgesia for suspected urine infection. Goes for persistence of pain and fever. On tomography, an appendicular plastron and an abscess of 7 centimeters are detected. Indicate the most appropriate treatment:", "Options": { "A": "Urgent appendectomy.", "B": "Antibiotherapy, percutaneous drainage of the collection and schedule appendectomy in 12 weeks.", "C": "Urgent intervention with right hemicolectomy and intestinal resection with drainage of abscess.", "D": "Nasogastric aspiration, iv fluid therapy, iv ertapenem and reevaluation in one week." }, "Correct Answer": "Antibiotherapy, percutaneous drainage of the collection and schedule appendectomy in 12 weeks.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2ac65713-7b74-46ad-aa11-f8a7a060a9f0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 83-year-old man, institutionalized, dependent for activities of daily living, diabetic and hypertensive, with no history of previous abdominal surgery. He goes to the emergency room due to abdominal distention, absence of gas and stool emission. During the examination, the abdomen is distended and tympanized, something painful, without peritonism. Hernias are not palpated. Normal analytics In the simple radiography an image in the abdomen is detected in \"coffee grain in sigma\". Indicate according to the diagnosis that you suspect the most correct attitude to follow of the following:", "Options": { "A": "Perform abdominal CT for suspicion of diverticulitis.", "B": "Urgent delivery of arteriography due to suspicion of mesenteric ischemia.", "C": "Devolvulation by low digestive endoscopy.", "D": "Infusion of neostigmine under hemodynamic control for Ogilvie syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Devolvulation by low digestive endoscopy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a153f4b7-f2e9-4c18-b13a-22ebe0198b37", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old man comes to the consultation referring to the appearance of a lump in the right inguinal region that does not produce any symptoms. A clinical examination suggests an inguinal hernia. All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "An ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis.", "B": "The physical examination should be performed both in the supine position and in the standing position.", "C": "It is highly probable that it is an indirect inguinal hernia.", "D": "In the case of surgical treatment, the technique of choice would be a tension-free repair with a prosthetic mesh." }, "Correct Answer": "An ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1b175995-1578-4ea3-b146-63d1f623bf30", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 55-year-old patient, with a 15-year history of ulcerative colitis, presented in a control colonoscopy a rectal cancer eight cm from the anal margin and moderate activity of his colitis, especially on the left side of the colon. It is staged as T2N0M0 after performing image tests. What is the correct intervention for your treatment?", "Options": { "A": "Pantoctocolectomy with ileoanal reservoir and protection ileostomy.", "B": "Anterior resection of rectum with protective lateral ileostomy.", "C": "Abdominoperineal rectum amputation.", "D": "External radiotherapy, and if there is good response, do a local surgery and maintain medical treatment of your inflammatory bowel disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Pantoctocolectomy with ileoanal reservoir and protection ileostomy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7013f748-f29c-4377-9597-94e2c075b460", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 57-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis undergoes regular treatment with corticosteroids. It is under study for presenting a picture of pain in the epigastrium, with occasional nausea and decreased appetite. In the analysis it presents: Hb 15 g / dL, Fe 55 ug / dL, PCR 3 mg / dL, ESR 42 mm at the first hour. Fibrogastroscopy: hiatus hernia of 3 cm and an ulcer at the level of the antrum, excavated, of 1 cm, with high and regular borders and with confluence of folds, which is biopsied. The histological study shows signs of acute inflammation and intestinal metaplasia. Normal abdominal CT What attitude, of those mentioned below, do you consider to be the most appropriate for the treatment of this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Eradicating treatment of Helicobacter pylori.", "B": "Treatment with proton pump inhibitors and a control gastroscopy with biopsy at 8 weeks.", "C": "Suspend corticosteroids.", "D": "Surgical treatment (Billrroth I)." }, "Correct Answer": "Treatment with proton pump inhibitors and a control gastroscopy with biopsy at 8 weeks.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "289f51d1-4147-4515-8f65-1a46df6166a1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 63-year-old patient with a first-degree family history of colorectal cancer at 56 years of age. In his personal history, an episode of rectorrhagia secondary to the hemorrhoidal syndrome was highlighted 15 years ago, so a colonoscopy was performed that was normal and did not present rectal bleeding. Goes to the emergency room for a hematochezic episode. FC 120 bpm and BP 70/40 mmHg. The blood test shows a hemoglobin of 8 g / dL. Point out the INCORRECT response in regards to the management of this patient:", "Options": { "A": "Even if hemodynamic stability is not achieved, it is necessary to insist on colon preparation.", "B": "If the colonoscopy is normal, an upper digestive endoscopy can give the diagnosis in 10-15% of the cases.", "C": "Colonoscopy is the exploration with the best cost / effectiveness ratio for its safety, sensitivity and therapeutic potential.", "D": "The scintigraphy with Tc99m is of proven utility if a Meckel's diverticulum is suspected." }, "Correct Answer": "Even if hemodynamic stability is not achieved, it is necessary to insist on colon preparation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6f557350-72cf-49b4-8af1-6cda6dd8a685", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 63-year-old man with a history of stable alcoholic liver cirrhosis, who does not follow-up or treatment after living abroad, comes to his office. It does not present data of encephalopathy, there is moderate ascites to the exploration and in the analytic it presents a bilirubin of 1,8 mg / dL, an albumin of 3,4 g / dL and a prothrombin activity of 50% (Child-Pugh B- 8). It provides complementary tests performed two years ago: an abdominal ultrasound without ascites, portal vein of 15 mm in diameter and splenomegaly, as well as an oral endoscopy with the presence of grade IV esophageal varices, although it has not had known upper gastrointestinal bleeding to date. Which of the following statements do you think is LESS adequate for this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Although it is stable and does not have fever or pain, a diagnostic paracentesis must be performed, since it is the first known episode of ascites.", "B": "A new ultrasound is indicated to rule out causes that may cause de novo ascites (portal vein thrombosis, hepatocarcinoma, etc.).", "C": "The initiation of treatment with non-cardioselective beta-blockers is indicated because it has large varicose veins, although there is never bleeding, since they prolong survival.", "D": "The initiation of diuretic therapy should be initiated in a short period of hospitalization to ensure that there is no renal failure or associated severe hyponatremia." }, "Correct Answer": "The initiation of diuretic therapy should be initiated in a short period of hospitalization to ensure that there is no renal failure or associated severe hyponatremia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5009415e-6a7e-4c49-820d-29bd356f7007", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, indicate the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The histological study is mandatory in all cases.", "B": "In cirrhotic patients, the diagnosis can be made using dynamic imaging techniques.", "C": "In cirrhotic patients, the diagnosis can be made with clinical suspicion and alpha fetoprotein levels greater than 100 ng / dL.", "D": "Arteriography is the only technique that reliably demonstrates the fundamental characteristic of this tumor, which is arterial hypervascularization." }, "Correct Answer": "In cirrhotic patients, the diagnosis can be made using dynamic imaging techniques.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6763ce1c-b493-48cd-b106-1a0306e1fe21", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 57-year-old man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, abstinence of more than 6 years, has a Child's grade A liver function, grade II esophageal varices and good clinical status (ECOG 1). He is diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in the right hepatic lobe, 8 cm in diameter and with thrombosis of the adjacent portal branch. The most indicated treatment is:", "Options": { "A": "Liver transplant", "B": "Surgical resection", "C": "Transarterial chemoembolization with drug-releasing microspheres (TACE-DEB).", "D": "Sorafenib." }, "Correct Answer": "Sorafenib.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5fc16285-88eb-4863-9ab3-e4a04bbc2f44", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the differential diagnosis of a patient with ascites, the sero-ascitic albumin gradient is very important. Which of the following clinical situations is NOT associated with a gradient greater than 1.1 g / dL?", "Options": { "A": "Hepatic cirrhosis.", "B": "Peritoneal carcinomatosis.", "C": "Budd-Chiari syndrome", "D": "Acute liver failure (fulminant hepatitis)." }, "Correct Answer": "Peritoneal carcinomatosis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "94bd540e-37b9-493d-9be8-ac3205b4fec7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Given the clinical suspicion of intestinal bacterial overgrowth, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "The biopsy is the diagnostic test.", "B": "Presence of anemia.", "C": "History of gastrointestinal surgery.", "D": "Presence of diarrhea." }, "Correct Answer": "The biopsy is the diagnostic test.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d8dae8e0-5fa9-499d-b357-c40083c8fce7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "About celiac disease, which of the following statements is FALSE?", "Options": { "A": "Serological studies for the diagnosis of celiac disease should be performed with the individual on a diet that includes gluten.", "B": "The most common cause of persistence of high serological titers is the lack of dietary compliance or the inadvertent intake of gluten.", "C": "The initial serological test for celiac disease screening is anti-transglutaminase IgA.", "D": "The investigation of HLA-DQ2 / DQ8 should be used routinely to rule out the existence of celiac disease." }, "Correct Answer": "The investigation of HLA-DQ2 / DQ8 should be used routinely to rule out the existence of celiac disease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b1fe88e1-73ae-4c4e-a201-072819855aab", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a disease characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Multiple stenoses and ulcerations of the small intestine.", "B": "Secondary portal hypertension with intestinal venous stasis.", "C": "Ineffective propulsion of the contents of the small intestine with pain and abdominal distension.", "D": "Defective relaxation of the anal sphincter with difficult stool evacuation." }, "Correct Answer": "Ineffective propulsion of the contents of the small intestine with pain and abdominal distension.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8ee12504-5fda-42f5-96cf-d2c7deb1ce08", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most useful serological marker for the diagnosis of type I autoimmune pancreatitis is:", "Options": { "A": "Antibody cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA).", "B": "The anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA).", "C": "The antimicrosomal antibody.", "D": "The level of Ig G4." }, "Correct Answer": "The level of Ig G4.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0b2d9082-4e1a-4751-bf2f-710bfe790c64", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "64-year-old woman, obese, with intense epigastric pain irradiated in belt, low-grade fever, marked hyperamylasemia, 48% hematocrit and discretely elevated serum creatinine. Abdominal CT shows a pancreas with diffuse enlargement, irregular contour, inflammation around the gland and an accumulation of intrapancreatic fluid. Which of these options is CERTAIN in relation to the management of the patient?", "Options": { "A": "Resuscitation by energetic fluid therapy is basic in the treatment.", "B": "Antibiotic therapy should be administered from the beginning for prophylactic purposes to avoid infected necrosis.", "C": "Total parenteral nutrition is indicated after 48-72 hours.", "D": "The use of protease inhibitors (aprotinin) has shown a beneficial effect in these cases." }, "Correct Answer": "Resuscitation by energetic fluid therapy is basic in the treatment.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ffb54c29-40e8-4b3d-b71d-58818896cf5c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 61-year-old woman with a history of hypertension and atrial fibrillation who was followed in the endocrinology clinic by a multinodular goiter (BMN) with multiple nodules in both lobes between 2.5 and 3 cm, none with malignancy characteristics in the imaging tests. . In the last review for 6 months refers to dysphagia for solids. In the analytical one it presents a TSH of 0.001 uU / mL (0.47-4.68) and T4-free of 1.62 ng / mL (0.78-2.19). On follow-up ultrasound, a large BMN with intrathoracic component and multiple nodules is described, one of which presents an increase in size from 3 to 4.4 cm with respect to the previous control of a year ago. Aspiration aspiration of said nodule is requested, being the result of cytology compatible with colloid goitre (benign cytology). What is the most correct attitude to follow?", "Options": { "A": "Annual follow-up with thyroid ultrasound and thyroid function analytics.", "B": "Treatment with radioactive iodine (I-131).", "C": "Treatment with synthesis antithyroid.", "D": "Total thyroidectomy" }, "Correct Answer": "Total thyroidectomy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e8e5577c-6488-4a12-b80f-13cb596ea523", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Diabetes mellitus type 1:", "Options": { "A": "It is usually associated with obesity.", "B": "It can be associated with other autoimmune endocrine diseases.", "C": "It is more frequent than type 2.", "D": "It is usually controlled initially with oral antidiabetics, although insulin may be needed over time." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be associated with other autoimmune endocrine diseases.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2da7d588-7b01-4991-a4eb-fa09609841f3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma:", "Options": { "A": "It has an effective plasma osmolarity> 320 mOsm / Kg.", "B": "It always implies the need for insulin treatment after healing.", "C": "It needs an important contribution of bicarbonate for its treatment.", "D": "It is a common form of presentation of juvenile diabetes." }, "Correct Answer": "It has an effective plasma osmolarity> 320 mOsm / Kg.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "75698ea0-a5ad-4cd2-84c5-ca49146b5a89", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 60-year-old man who suffered a myocardial infarction 1 year ago. They send it to evaluate their treatment. You are taking gemfibrozil 900 mg, lisinopril 20 mg, aspirin 100 mg and carvedilol 25 mg. In his analyzes he has LDL-C 162 mg / dL, HDL-C 46 mg / dL, triglycerides 132 mg / dL, total cholesterol 220 mg / dL. What therapeutic attitude seems more reasonable?", "Options": { "A": "Insist on lifestyle changes and maintain the same treatment.", "B": "It is a priority to increase HDL cholesterol with nicotinic acid.", "C": "LDLc should be decreased by changing gemfibrozil to atorvastatin.", "D": "Remove the beta blocker if it alters the lipids." }, "Correct Answer": "LDLc should be decreased by changing gemfibrozil to atorvastatin.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ec0a20c9-254c-48af-a672-5af7cf4e8418", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient diagnosed with acromegaly due to pituitary tumor, operated on and with residual disease, in chronic treatment with somatostatin analogues, it is necessary to systematically screen other tumors as they are associated in almost a third of patients suffering from this disease. Which of the following pathologies is it essential to discard periodically?", "Options": { "A": "Meningiomas.", "B": "Medullary thyroid carcinoma.", "C": "Small cell lung carcinoma.", "D": "Polyps and colon carcinoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Polyps and colon carcinoma.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "505fbe43-d575-4690-b2a6-4647f010651f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 33-year-old man referred from the digestive consultation. He is diagnosed with hypergastrinemia secondary to pancreatic islet cell tumor and has detected a calcium level of 12.3 mg / dL (normal 8.5-10.5). What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.", "B": "McCune-Albright syndrome.", "C": "Carney complex.", "D": "Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type I." }, "Correct Answer": "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ac62c3a2-137f-4e05-b3a2-5f894aa3aad4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is considered a disease due to a lysosomal deposit?", "Options": { "A": "Primary homozygous hemochromatosis.", "B": "Acute intermittent porphyria.", "C": "Lesch-Nyhan syndrome.", "D": "Fabry disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Fabry disease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5ad1b1f2-f7ae-4788-8bbe-2c552e0c5303", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 43-year-old woman operated on for 6 years of morbid obesity using a biliopancreatic diversion technique. He has lost 75% of the excess weight and maintains an oral diet of 1500 Kcal without any problem in his tolerance. Indicate what supplementation would NOT be necessary in this patient:", "Options": { "A": "Iron.", "B": "Calcium.", "C": "Vitamin D.", "D": "Protein supplement." }, "Correct Answer": "Protein supplement.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0fb893b6-6feb-4adc-b962-ecd5ecf9f243", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Does it indicate which of the following statements in reference to factor V of Leiden is true?", "Options": { "A": "It is the resistance of factor V to the action of protein S.", "B": "It is an acquired disorder that is associated with the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies.", "C": "Its presence causes a prolongation of the partial thromboplastin time.", "D": "Together with the prothrombin mutation, it constitutes the most frequent genetic-based thrombotic predisposition in our environment." }, "Correct Answer": "Together with the prothrombin mutation, it constitutes the most frequent genetic-based thrombotic predisposition in our environment.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c89693d8-45f5-4635-987f-4d7d937eafae", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following types of leukemia is the use of Imatinib the key therapeutic element for long-term disease control?", "Options": { "A": "Acute myeloblastic leukemia.", "B": "Chronic myeloid leukemia", "C": "Chronic prolymphocytic leukemia.", "D": "Chronic lymphocytic leukemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Chronic myeloid leukemia", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ffad8103-e5f7-4277-aa3d-81bae05a31fd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following parameters is NOT part of the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) for myelodysplastic syndromes?", "Options": { "A": "The percentage of blasts in the bone marrow.", "B": "The karyotype.", "C": "The transfusional dependence of packed red blood cells.", "D": "The platelet count in the peripheral blood." }, "Correct Answer": "The transfusional dependence of packed red blood cells.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5b4d8052-7494-4d49-895d-f93a0096ce0a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these complications is NOT typical of chronic lymphatic leukemia?", "Options": { "A": "Venous thrombosis", "B": "Hypogammaglobulinemia.", "C": "Second neoplasms", "D": "Autoimmune hemolytic anemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Venous thrombosis", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0723f9f0-cb57-4f08-84b2-97aeebe484f6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 47-year-old Afro-Caribbean woman with no history of interest who came to the emergency room for fever, asthenia, malaise, blurred vision and dysesthesia in the left side of the body. Physical examination is normal. In the laboratory, anemia (Hb 9 g / dL), severe thrombocytopenia (platelets 16,000 / μL), and marked elevation of LDH were observed. Regarding this case, the correct answer is:", "Options": { "A": "The first suspicion is an autoimmune hemolytic anemia and the most important test for diagnosis will be a direct Coombs.", "B": "The first suspicion is a picture of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura microangiopathy, and a peripheral blood smear should be performed.", "C": "The first suspicion is a picture of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura microangiopathy, and levels of ADAMTS 13 must be determined and until a conclusive result is obtained, treatment should not be started.", "D": "The first suspicion is an autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura with cerebral bleeding and secondary anemia. Antiplatelet antibodies must be determined to guide the treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "The first suspicion is a picture of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura microangiopathy, and a peripheral blood smear should be performed.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b576e57e-5ea0-4183-8733-4a52cc9b23a7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Middle-aged man, healthy until he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, being treated with chemotherapy (CHOP) and anti-CD20 antibodies (Rituximab). He achieved complete remission but after finishing the treatment he presented with prolonged respiratory infections and two admissions for pneumonia. Point out the less useful complementary study to recognize and treat a possible secondary immunodeficiency:", "Options": { "A": "Concentration of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) in peripheral blood.", "B": "Bactericidal activity of phagocytes.", "C": "Count of circulating T and B lymphocyte populations.", "D": "Titration of specific anti-pneumococcal antibodies pre- and post-vaccination." }, "Correct Answer": "Bactericidal activity of phagocytes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "54d724c8-c3a5-40ca-9bb7-bc6d618dc7b5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 72-year-old man reported a lumbar pain and asthenia clinic in recent weeks. In the laboratory, Hb was 10 g / dL, VCM 82 fL, ESR 110 mm / h, creatinine 2.5 mg / dL and proteinuria of Kappa light chains of 4.5 g in 24 h urine. In the medullary aspirate, an infiltration of 45% of undifferentiated plasma cells was observed. Which of the following statements is true in relation to the recommended treatment in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "The treatment will depend on the result of the cytogenetic study.", "B": "After initial induction therapy, the patient's age is adequate to subsequently perform an autologous transplant of peripheral blood hematopoietic progenitors as intensification therapy.", "C": "The most appropriate induction treatment should include a three-drug regimen, for example, bortezomib together with melphalan and prednisone.", "D": "The first-line treatment in this patient must necessarily be oral lenalidomide due to age and renal failure." }, "Correct Answer": "The most appropriate induction treatment should include a three-drug regimen, for example, bortezomib together with melphalan and prednisone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2c53d555-393a-49a5-a0db-4081f85c118b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient went to his doctor for purulent appearance morning urethral discharge for about 2 weeks. At the time it is treated, there is no secretion and the patient refuses to have any intraurethral sample taken. Which of the following treatments do you consider most appropriate?", "Options": { "A": "Penicillin benzathine plus doxycycline.", "B": "Cefixime + doxycycline.", "C": "Spectinomycin + clindamycin.", "D": "Ceftriaxone + metronidazole." }, "Correct Answer": "Cefixime + doxycycline.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9de29dbe-e356-4fb6-bf03-2e72c64d990c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the presence of a patient with neutropenic fever after chemotherapy for leukemia, with suspicion of invasive aspergillosis, which of the following tests is considered the most cost-effective?", "Options": { "A": "Spontaneous sputum culture.", "B": "Fundus", "C": "Magnetic resonance of the abdomen and urine culture.", "D": "Detection of circulating antigen and chest CT." }, "Correct Answer": "Detection of circulating antigen and chest CT.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f3fa593c-290e-4257-b934-075cb4eb8f9b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "The infection caused by Zika virus can be associated with Guillain Barré syndrome.", "B": "The Ebola virus can be transmitted sexually.", "C": "Chikungunya virus infection can produce arthritis and arthralgia that can last several months.", "D": "Anopheles is a vector that can transmit Zika, Chikunguña or Dengue." }, "Correct Answer": "Anopheles is a vector that can transmit Zika, Chikunguña or Dengue.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "96356d0b-4c35-440a-9250-ea87f82f6603", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 75-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus with poor glycemic control in recent years. It has proliferative retinopathy and microalbuminuria as signs of involvement of the target organs. Consultation 3 weeks ago in the Emergency Service for otalgia and otorrhea. He was prescribed ciprofloxacin topically. Today it comes again due to an increase in local pain and paralysis of the VII ipsilateral cranial nerve. Examination of the external auditory canal shows granulation tissue. A cranial CT is performed and bone destruction is observed in the area of the boulder suggestive of osteomyelitis. Which of the following statements is false?", "Options": { "A": "The patient will require intravenous antibiotic treatment in the initial phase and the estimated duration of the total antibiotic treatment will be about 8 weeks.", "B": "The microorganism that most frequently causes this clinical picture is Haemophilus influenzae.", "C": "High-dose endovenous ceftazidime is a reasonable empirical treatment pending the outcome of the cultures.", "D": "It is important to take samples of the external auditory canal for microbiological culture and to be positive, an antibiogram must be performed." }, "Correct Answer": "The microorganism that most frequently causes this clinical picture is Haemophilus influenzae.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7047d473-70b6-47ed-9ae8-beea8d935562", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which is the most active antimicrobial agent in endocarditis and bacteraemia due to oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus?", "Options": { "A": "Imipenem", "B": "Cefazolin.", "C": "Vancomycin", "D": "Daptomycin" }, "Correct Answer": "Daptomycin", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "26d93c6e-759d-4a0c-93c6-a1119ab35641", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following pathogens transmitted by ticks can be confused with malaria, given the clinical characteristics with which it usually occurs, which includes fever and hemolysis, as well as its appearance in the microscopic study of blood smears stained with Giemsa. Which of the following corresponds to the pathogen described?", "Options": { "A": "Borrelia burgdorferi.", "B": "Francisella tularensis.", "C": "Rickettsia conorii.", "D": "Babesia spp." }, "Correct Answer": "Babesia spp.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cb170c2a-457e-4eef-857a-5d3ff11d8829", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following constitutes an advantage of the gamma interferon (IGRA) release assays against the tuberculin skin test in the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection?", "Options": { "A": "Avoid false positives from previous BCG vaccination.", "B": "It has a greater capacity to predict reactivation tuberculosis.", "C": "It has a greater ability to predict the efficacy of prophylaxis with isoniazid.", "D": "Avoid false negatives due to anergy in highly immunosuppressed patients." }, "Correct Answer": "Avoid false positives from previous BCG vaccination.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8838e78d-7404-440d-85bc-f31c9f807e9c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An HIV positive patient returns from Guatemala with watery diarrhea without pathological products and without other symptoms. In the Kinyoun stain of the feces, red oval structures of about 9 microns in diameter are observed. Most likely, it is about:", "Options": { "A": "Cyclospora spp.", "B": "Giardia lamblia.", "C": "Acanthamoeba spp.", "D": "Ascaris lumbricoides." }, "Correct Answer": "Cyclospora spp.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4016e5c1-8411-4ab3-a842-67124fc4cc3e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "To what family does the causal agent of molluscum contagiosum belong?", "Options": { "A": "Arboviridae", "B": "Human papilloma virus.", "C": "Poxvirus.", "D": "Coxsackie." }, "Correct Answer": "Poxvirus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b2e7cd93-65c0-4532-a356-d5fa93f6066b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ludwig's angina is:", "Options": { "A": "A potentially serious infection of the floor of the mouth and submandibular spaces by the possible compromise of the airway.", "B": "An infection of the floor of the mouth and submandibular spaces potentially serious due to its extension to the cavernous sinus.", "C": "A form of anaerobic tonsillitis.", "D": "Its usual origin is a retropharyngeal abscess." }, "Correct Answer": "A potentially serious infection of the floor of the mouth and submandibular spaces by the possible compromise of the airway.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "80b0d6de-66ec-41af-b3e0-9b968fb5a781", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a person who suffers a facial trauma, it is FALSE that it may appear:", "Options": { "A": "Horner syndrome.", "B": "Palpebral ptosis due to injury to the VII cranial nerve.", "C": "Anisocoria due to injury to the third cranial nerve.", "D": "Hypoesthesia in the skin of the cheek due to injury of the infraorbital nerve." }, "Correct Answer": "Palpebral ptosis due to injury to the VII cranial nerve.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d306d71f-138c-4b1a-9977-03b785e58ce9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The otolithic replacement maneuvers are the appropriate treatment for patients suffering:", "Options": { "A": "Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.", "B": "Ménière's disease", "C": "Vestibular migraine.", "D": "Dehiscence of the posterior semicircular canal." }, "Correct Answer": "Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "edb51b16-d37c-4d0d-9762-993a9b87d1d9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old man attended the clinic for presenting intermittent malodorous otorrhea of the right ear for four years. The otomicroscopic examination shows a small atical perforation without other accompanying lesions. The audiometry reveals a moderate transmissible hearing loss. In a previous CT an occupation of the middle ear is observed by soft tissue density material, as well as a solution of bone continuity of the tympanic box roof, at the level of the middle cranial fossa. Given this situation, which one considers the most appropriate option?", "Options": { "A": "I would request a nuclear magnetic resonance with diffusion techniques.", "B": "I would perform an exploratory tympanotomy.", "C": "I would perform a culture of otic exudate.", "D": "I would request a bone scan with technetium." }, "Correct Answer": "I would request a nuclear magnetic resonance with diffusion techniques.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "05b2d572-74c7-4f01-92e7-3d9ec683b011", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Man of 55 years, smoker of 1 package a day from youth. He presented dysphonia of 3 months of evolution and a month ago a stony laterocervical mass and some breathing difficulty with moderate efforts. Point out the most likely diagnosis:", "Options": { "A": "Undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma.", "B": "Adenocarcinoma of the tongue base.", "C": "Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the hypopharynx.", "D": "Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx." }, "Correct Answer": "Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f61ac51a-4596-455b-ba9f-e5304f910647", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is true in relation to the different phases of clinical trials ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phase I clinical trials are performed on a very large number of patients.", "B": "Phase IV clinical trials are exploratory efficacy.", "C": "Bioequivalence studies are a special type of phase III trial.", "D": "The search for doses is one of the main objectives of phase II clinical trials." }, "Correct Answer": "The search for doses is one of the main objectives of phase II clinical trials.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d42f1f91-913e-4e9d-86fb-0d775db4bc83", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a phase III study aimed at confirming the bacteriological efficacy of a new antibiotic for the treatment of patients with severe acute pyelonephritis, which of the following clinical trial designs do you consider most appropriate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Parallel, open, placebo controlled.", "B": "Parallel, randomized, double blind, controlled with another antibiotic.", "C": "Crossed, open, controlled with another antibiotic.", "D": "Crossed, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled." }, "Correct Answer": "Parallel, randomized, double blind, controlled with another antibiotic.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "65d834f9-76ac-4df2-a8cd-c870860b6a65", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The NNT or number of patients who must receive treatment to get one of them to present the event of interest is obtained:", "Options": { "A": "Dividing by two the relative risk decrease.", "B": "Dividing by two the absolute reduction of risk.", "C": "Obtaining the inverse of the relative risk reduction.", "D": "Obtaining the inverse of the absolute risk reduction." }, "Correct Answer": "Obtaining the inverse of the absolute risk reduction.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e232f612-b990-4d3d-a89f-3f56889898cd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Bilbao International Vaccination Center intends to conduct a study to determine if the incidence and characteristics of the adverse effects that appear in its travelers after the administration of the vaccine against yellow fever correspond to the evidence available in the literature. What kind of study is it?", "Options": { "A": "Phase III clinical trial of safety.", "B": "I study cases and controls.", "C": "Pre-authorization study.", "D": "Post-authorization study of the observational type of prospective follow-up (EPA)." }, "Correct Answer": "Post-authorization study of the observational type of prospective follow-up (EPA).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c85dcad3-bc0e-4d1f-9344-281bc8891053", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The epidemiological study design that best fits the evaluation of the association between a rare adverse reaction and a frequently used pharmacological treatment is:", "Options": { "A": "A cohort study", "B": "A case-control study.", "C": "An ecological study.", "D": "Evaluation of case series." }, "Correct Answer": "A case-control study.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8cc3724b-e52e-4a60-8b79-2b375fd192b3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a case-control study, what is the impact of a \"non-differential\" exposure classification error (that is, it occurs with the same probability in the case group and the control group)? the measure of association ?:", "Options": { "A": "It would bring the association measure to the null value.", "B": "I would skew the result towards the alternative hypothesis.", "C": "I would skew the result in an unpredictable direction.", "D": "It would not modify the association measure." }, "Correct Answer": "It would bring the association measure to the null value.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d2065ff7-a7d5-4d27-9a96-a31e0cc453d6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"chi square\" test can be used to determine:", "Options": { "A": "The degree of association in quantitative variables.", "B": "Comparison of means in two samples.", "C": "The equality of variances in two groups.", "D": "The degree of association in qualitative variables." }, "Correct Answer": "The degree of association in qualitative variables.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "09757f25-a07b-4926-9b55-bd9e8585c7cd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The thickness of the subcutaneous fat fold at the triceps level is sometimes used to evaluate the amount of body fat. This variable is not normally distributed in the populations. We want to compare the mean value of this variable in two populations that we assume have different nutritional status. The most appropriate statistical test to test the hypothesis is:", "Options": { "A": "The Mann-Whitney test.", "B": "Student's t test.", "C": "The calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient.", "D": "The F test of Snedecor." }, "Correct Answer": "The Mann-Whitney test.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "28c2b421-bcc8-46cc-8007-2770329263c6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The effectiveness of three treatments for acne reduction is measured by the number of lesions that disappear. Each treatment is applied to a group of volunteers and the results are compared. The most appropriate statistical test to evaluate the differences between groups is:", "Options": { "A": "Analysis of the variance of a way.", "B": "Factorial analysis (multivariate).", "C": "Fisher's exact test.", "D": "Analysis of the regression." }, "Correct Answer": "Analysis of the variance of a way.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5dee8121-eef7-45a2-8b9e-57a0404239a3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One study compared the treatment of patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis with a new antirheumatic drug versus standard methotrexate treatment. The incremental cost of the new antirheumatic drug was 28,000 euros for each additional life-adjusted quality year (QALY) gained with respect to methotrexate. Indicate what type of pharmacoeconomic analysis was performed:", "Options": { "A": "Cost minimization analysis.", "B": "Cost-effectiveness analysis.", "C": "Cost-benefit analysis.", "D": "Cost-utility analysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Cost-utility analysis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "16591e4d-0510-4af1-a50f-7ecc9aac25c3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of economic analysis is used if we compare a generic medicine with the reference medicine ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cost minimization analysis.", "B": "Cost-effectiveness analysis.", "C": "Cost-benefit analysis.", "D": "Cost-utility analysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Cost minimization analysis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "34996e0b-4f19-4fef-b787-bd230441b5eb", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mechanism by which the Spanish public health system decides the price to pay for a certain group of medicines that it considers totally or partially interchangeable from the therapeutic point of view is called:", "Options": { "A": "Reference price system.", "B": "Drug auction.", "C": "Sanitary copayment.", "D": "Willingness to pay." }, "Correct Answer": "Reference price system.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "80ebc745-f71c-41eb-807b-680f8691c53d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A health professional, not vaccinated against the hepatitis B virus (HBV), is accidentally punctured with a needle with blood from a patient with chronic infection with the virus. Which of the following actions to perform, in the shortest possible time, on the healthcare professional is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Administer a first dose of vaccine against HBV and simultaneously co-administer anti-hepatitis B immunoglobulin.", "B": "Administer a first dose of vaccine against HBV and simultaneously start treatment with the antiviral ribavirin.", "C": "Administer hepatitis B immunoglobulin and simultaneously start treatment with the antiviral ribavirin.", "D": "Administer only hepatitis B immunoglobulin" }, "Correct Answer": "Administer a first dose of vaccine against HBV and simultaneously co-administer anti-hepatitis B immunoglobulin.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bce8e72a-14fe-42c0-aef8-ac36e3cfad0f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A pathognomonic sign assumes:", "Options": { "A": "A sensitivity of 100%.", "B": "An area under the curve (AUC) of 1.", "C": "A positive predictive value of 100%.", "D": "A high number of false positives." }, "Correct Answer": "A positive predictive value of 100%.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c9198ebf-96e7-4016-b5db-e646582eac4b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a population we want to determine the prevalence of pediculosis in children under 12 years of age. To do this, the population is divided into neighborhoods and in each of them a random sample is taken whose ideal size has been previously determined. The type of sampling used was:", "Options": { "A": "Simple random sampling.", "B": "Stratified random sampling.", "C": "Random sampling by conglomerates.", "D": "Systematic sampling." }, "Correct Answer": "Stratified random sampling.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "87de101e-3cdb-49d0-92d4-0b66c9e33994", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is desired to know the degree of association that exists between the metabolic syndrome and the vitamin D deficit in the general population. To do this, a sample of a health center is selected from among patients older than 18 years of age, they are scheduled and at the visit a clinical examination is performed to determine if they meet the metabolic syndrome criteria and blood is drawn to measure the concentrations Serum levels of 25 hidoxivitamin D. What is the design of this study ?:", "Options": { "A": "Prospective cohort study.", "B": "Cross-sectional study.", "C": "Cases and controls study.", "D": "Case-crossover study (or \"case-crossover\")." }, "Correct Answer": "Cross-sectional study.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4750a704-c1c4-4438-a9f0-3f81cdf5bb0f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One study aims to evaluate the association between exposure to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and myocardial infarction. To this end, NSAID exposure will be compared among patients diagnosed with myocardial infarction during the next 2 years in a cohort of patients from the Community of Madrid against NSAID exposure in a larger control group without myocardial infarction and that will be sampled from the same cohort. What kind of study is it?", "Options": { "A": "Cohort study nested in a control case.", "B": "Randomized prospective cohort study.", "C": "Case study and prospectively nested cohorts.", "D": "Case-control study nested in a cohort." }, "Correct Answer": "Case-control study nested in a cohort.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7f141388-a517-4a87-a331-47ca727aa08e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following types of study would be the one of choice to study the association between the appearance of a very rare and delayed serious adverse reaction, and the consumption of a certain drug?", "Options": { "A": "Clinical trial with the suspect medication.", "B": "Prevalence study.", "C": "Cases and controls study.", "D": "Ecological study" }, "Correct Answer": "Cases and controls study.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ecf4f091-4cb8-4d57-a631-2165d8aeb6e1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a cohort study comparing a group of subjects with hypertension and a group of subjects with normal blood pressure, an annual incidence of acute myocardial infarction of 15 per thousand and 5 per thousand, respectively, is obtained. Assuming there are no biases or confounding factors, what would be the risk of acute myocardial infarction attributable to hypertension among hypertensive subjects ?:", "Options": { "A": "20 per thousand per year.", "B": "15 per thousand per year.", "C": "10 per thousand per year.", "D": "3 per thousand per year." }, "Correct Answer": "10 per thousand per year.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c66676f2-d3cb-4c2a-9785-bbaf60767827", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 50-year-old patient was admitted for the study of nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsy was performed with the following findings: uniform and diffuse thickening of the wall of the glomerular capillaries. Spicules (spikes) are observed with silver staining and immunofluorescence shows deposits of IgG and C3 along the capillary wall. In serum, circulating autoantibodies against the M-type receptor of phospholipase A2 (PLA2R) are detected. The entity causing the nephrotic syndrome in this patient is:", "Options": { "A": "Minimal change disease.", "B": "Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis.", "C": "Membranous nephropathy", "D": "IgA mesangial nephropathy." }, "Correct Answer": "Membranous nephropathy", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ec12feb7-6a84-4cbd-8257-f2b34796f0d3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 61-year-old woman presents with a febrile picture of three weeks of evolution, being diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. During the aforementioned time, he had received treatment with oral amoxicillin. The elevation of the temperature partially remitted. A few days before admission, fever increased again, accompanied by oliguria, a plasma creatinine level of 4 mg / dL and macroscopic hematuria as well as non-nephrotic proteinuria. In the sediment there were 80% dysmorphic red blood cells and some eosinophils. Plasma C3 and C4 levels were normal. The picture finally reverted, leaving a glomerular filtration rate of 80 mL / min. Which diagnosis among the following is more likely?", "Options": { "A": "Acute interstitial nephritis due to hypersensitivity.", "B": "Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis.", "C": "Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type II.", "D": "Cholesterol atheroembolism." }, "Correct Answer": "Acute interstitial nephritis due to hypersensitivity.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a46e1672-a2cd-45a4-88f7-ac0c12e612b6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a mechanism of progression of chronic kidney disease regardless of its etiology?", "Options": { "A": "Hyperfiltration", "B": "Malnutrition", "C": "Hyperkalemia", "D": "Acidosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperfiltration", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7f78990d-3d98-49b4-870e-3ba8191b48fc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An obese patient, on antiaggregant treatment with acetylsalicylic acid for a previous episode of stroke, with poorly controlled hypertension has creatinine of 6 mg / dL and potassium of 5.8 mEq / L. Your doctor tells you an ultrasound that shows small size kidneys and poor corticomedullary differentiation. The nephrologist decides to refer the patient to the pre-dialysis consultation without performing a renal biopsy. All of the following are arguments for refusing renal biopsy EXCEPT one. Point it out:", "Options": { "A": "There is a risk of hemorrhage.", "B": "The patient is obese.", "C": "The patient has poorly controlled HBP.", "D": "It has little profitability." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient is obese.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "83692da8-1d9e-480d-bbd4-160735eabe4f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old obese, hypertensive woman with diabetic nephropathy (estimated glomerular filtration rate of 38 mL / min / 1.73 m2 and 420 mg albuminuria in 24-hour urine). Which of the following is NOT a factor in the progression of nephropathy?", "Options": { "A": "Badly controlled arterial hypertension.", "B": "Proteinuria", "C": "Hypocalcemia", "D": "Poor glycemic control" }, "Correct Answer": "Hypocalcemia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c54d4f91-04c1-460e-9fe7-c9a2bf97841e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 72-year-old patient was seen in the ER one month earlier due to accidental fall and knee trauma. Check again for bilateral lumbar pain and dark urine for a week. BACKGROUND: HTA, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and gonarthrosis. Continue treatment with enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide 20 / 12.5 mg / day, naproxen on demand, atorvastatin 20 mg / day and metformin 850 mg / day. In the emergency analysis, the following stand out: moderate microcytic anemia, uric acid 9.5 mg / dL; CPK 45 U / L; creatinine 1.9 mg / dL; urea 75 mg / dL; Na 138 mEq / L; K 5.6 mEq / L. In urine: microhematuria ++, proteinuria - and very abundant desquamative cells. No bacteria are observed. In the previous visit to the Emergency Room 1 month ago, all the parameters were normal. An urgent ultrasound is reported as possible bilateral papillary necrosis. What could be the current picture?", "Options": { "A": "Acute renal failure due to enalapril.", "B": "Progression of a diabetic nephropathy.", "C": "NSAID Nephropathy.", "D": "Rhabdomyolysis by statins." }, "Correct Answer": "NSAID Nephropathy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1304dad6-b29e-48a1-9a50-4a4f706fb357", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer regarding the essential criteria to be able to carry out a cadaveric kidney transplant:", "Options": { "A": "ABO group compatibility and negative cross-match (recipient serum does not react against donor T lymphocytes).", "B": "Donor-receptor identity in the histocompatibility antigen DR.", "C": "Absence of cytotoxic antibodies in the receptor.", "D": "The donor must be less than 65 years of age." }, "Correct Answer": "ABO group compatibility and negative cross-match (recipient serum does not react against donor T lymphocytes).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8b80552a-c790-4995-919b-4447f886ce0c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the main contraindication for the use of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors in the treatment of erectile dysfunction?", "Options": { "A": "The concomitant use of nitrates.", "B": "Simultaneous treatment with simvastatin.", "C": "The associated use of metformin.", "D": "Antiaggregation with acetylsalicylic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "The concomitant use of nitrates.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0f551f94-c54c-4210-a74a-3d542ff8dd2d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 57-year-old man comes to his office seeking information about the surgical treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to prostate growth. You have to give him advice about it. Which of the following messages is true?", "Options": { "A": "Among the absolute indications for surgery for symptoms of the lower urinary tract secondary to prostate growth are recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder lithiasis and recurrent hematuria.", "B": "Prostatic stents are a very interesting minimally invasive treatment option for young men with low symptoms of the lower urinary tract secondary to prostate growth.", "C": "The patient surgically treated for symptoms of the lower urinary tract secondary to prostate growth requires a very thorough follow-up, with controls every three months during the first year and every six months thereafter.", "D": "Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is the norm after surgical treatment for symptoms of the lower urinary tract secondary to prostatic growth." }, "Correct Answer": "Among the absolute indications for surgery for symptoms of the lower urinary tract secondary to prostate growth are recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder lithiasis and recurrent hematuria.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4180db27-bdab-409a-ab4c-ab5c0ae56d5a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following nephropathies does NOT have a definite hereditary cause?", "Options": { "A": "Nephronophthisis", "B": "Medullary cystic nephropathy.", "C": "Kidney in medullary sponge.", "D": "Tuberous sclerosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Kidney in medullary sponge.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "97219c0f-0faf-4c84-b947-17db1d3a9444", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 62-year-old woman diagnosed with arterial hypertension treated with amlodipine 10 mg / day and osteoporosis established on denosumab 60 mg sc every 6 months. Consultation by a clinic of 4 months of evolution, consisting of general syndrome, fever of 38ºC and continuous pain in the right lumbar fossa. The examination shows a positive renal fist. An analytical sample showing leukocytes 14,000 / mm3 without left deviation is requested, with Hb 9 g / dL and a VSG of 82 mm at the first hour. The urinary sediment presents leukocyturia and the urine cytology shows abundant macrophages with a foamy appearance. Point out the most likely diagnosis:", "Options": { "A": "Renal tuberculosis", "B": "Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.", "C": "Kidney abscess", "D": "Renal adenocarcinoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf526dd1-5277-4945-90a4-bc223bae68d1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient who presents with an asthma attack, which of the following findings is the one that indicates worse evolution?", "Options": { "A": "Auscultatory silence.", "B": "Tachypnea.", "C": "Prolonged expiration.", "D": "Presence of wheezing on auscultation." }, "Correct Answer": "Auscultatory silence.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1b66e1f1-d137-48c2-9d54-314aca3187e8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the following clinical situations described, indicate which one does NOT require a thoracic drainage as the treatment of choice:", "Options": { "A": "Right primary spontaneous pneumothorax of 50% in a 30-year-old patient with a baseline saturation of 89% and pain on the right hemithorax.", "B": "A 59-year-old man with radiological semiology of veiling of the entire left hemithorax with contralateral mediastinal shift, hypotension of 70/40 mm Hg and heart rate of 120 beats per minute, after a traffic accident.", "C": "A 67-year-old patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the distal third of the right main bronchus with extension over the intermediate bronchus with complete obstruction of the right lower lobe and middle lobe presenting dyspnea at high stress and radiological semiology of veiling of the lower third of the right hemithorax with ipsilateral mediastinal shift .", "D": "A 45-year-old smoker with pneumococcal pneumonia of the left upper lobe and left basal hypophonosis on auscultation. Radiologically, ipsilateral pleural effusion occupying the lower third of the left hemithorax and diagnostic thoracocentesis with pH of the pleural fluid of 6.7." }, "Correct Answer": "A 67-year-old patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the distal third of the right main bronchus with extension over the intermediate bronchus with complete obstruction of the right lower lobe and middle lobe presenting dyspnea at high stress and radiological semiology of veiling of the lower third of the right hemithorax with ipsilateral mediastinal shift .", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8a25adb4-d227-47e7-99e5-f9947dbf38b8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the mechanical ventilation mode with pressure support or PSV (acronym in English \"Pressure-Support Ventilation\") it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "The respiratory rate and the \"tidal\" volume or current are determined by the doctor.", "B": "The patient receives ventilatory assistance only when the ventilator detects an inspiratory effort.", "C": "The most frequent complication of this ventilatory mode is barotrauma.", "D": "It is the most frequent mode used at the beginning of mechanical ventilation because it ensures minute volume in patients who do not breathe spontaneously." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient receives ventilatory assistance only when the ventilator detects an inspiratory effort.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8b08265c-7d16-492a-b72f-08d52ac91157", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following interventions has NOT been shown to influence the evolution of patients with COPD:", "Options": { "A": "Oxygen therapy in patients with chronic hypoxemia.", "B": "Volume reduction surgery in selected patients with emphysema.", "C": "Treatment with N-acetylcysteine.", "D": "Interruption of smoking." }, "Correct Answer": "Treatment with N-acetylcysteine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a9feac8b-09b5-4c21-b160-b85c1ff76a39", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the study of a patient with dyspnea, arterial blood gas analysis is performed. In this examination, a partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of 54 mmHg, a partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 65 mmHg and an alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient of 14. In view of these results, which of The following diagnoses is more likely?", "Options": { "A": "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.", "B": "Pulmonary fibrosis.", "C": "Pulmonary embolism.", "D": "Neuromuscular disease" }, "Correct Answer": "Neuromuscular disease", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "252dc799-87a1-4906-b0a9-00a2ecf13dc3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The histological pattern of interstitial disease most frequently associated with connective tissue diseases is:", "Options": { "A": "Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP).", "B": "Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP).", "C": "Non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP).", "D": "Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP)." }, "Correct Answer": "Non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ef969cdf-ab7e-47c9-91cd-1b2db7af3bc8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old woman diagnosed with follicular lymphoma and undergoing treatment with polychemotherapy (R-CHOP). Enter for pleuritic pain on the left side. The chest radiograph shows a moderate amount of pleural effusion and thoracocentesis shows a serohemorrhagic exudate with 12,000 leukocytes / uL with predominance of neutrophils and absence of mesothelial cells. Ziehl staining and mycobacterial culture were negative and adenosine deaminase in pleural fluid was slightly elevated. Of the following, what would be the most cost-effective diagnostic test?", "Options": { "A": "Pleural biopsy with needle", "B": "Positron emission tomography (PET).", "C": "Culture of mycobacteria in blood.", "D": "Determination of lysozyme in pleural fluid." }, "Correct Answer": "Pleural biopsy with needle", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3e0e2074-b88c-4cc3-a530-326b37b563fd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "If when we explore a patient with asthenia and respiratory insufficiency we discover the existence of acropachies in the fingers, we could suggest the diagnosis of any of the following clinical entities, except one. Which one?", "Options": { "A": "Congenital heart disease.", "B": "Coarctation of aorta.", "C": "Pulmonary neoplasm", "D": "Lung abscess" }, "Correct Answer": "Coarctation of aorta.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "524a0023-9f9c-4242-ba47-e3b0cea88643", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old woman is studied due to episodes of left periocular pain associated with nasal congestion, lacrimation and ipsilateral conjunctival injection. Each crisis lasts approximately 15 minutes and is repeated around 6 times a day. The seizures have not responded to treatment with paracetamol. Neurological examination and cranial MRI are normal. Which of the following is a classic manifestation of this patient's disorder?", "Options": { "A": "Persistence of pain in the forehead in inter-crisis periods.", "B": "Photophobia that can be very intense and associate nausea and vomiting.", "C": "Pain response to treatment with indomethacin.", "D": "Greater frequency of pain in the menstrual period." }, "Correct Answer": "Pain response to treatment with indomethacin.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "70d39321-d0bb-44b3-a716-04b2a1dda22e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 22-year-old patient consulted for a decrease in painful visual acuity in the left eye. It is diagnosed of optic neuritis. Indicate which of the following findings would allow a diagnosis of definitive multiple sclerosis in this patient:", "Options": { "A": "Oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid.", "B": "Alteration of visual evoked potentials (increase in P100 wave latency in both eyes).", "C": "Second attack 3 months later with involvement of the cerebellum.", "D": "Initial MRI with multiple (> 8) bilateral periventricular lesions in T2 sequences." }, "Correct Answer": "Second attack 3 months later with involvement of the cerebellum.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3e9e11df-c03e-4ab0-8382-222e37f8a49f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 15-year-old boy goes to the neurologist, referring in the previous months to morning jolts in both arms without affecting the level of consciousness. In addition, their parents report episodes of disconnection with a fixed gaze and oral automatisms practically every day. In the previous days, he presented a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in a context of sleep deprivation and alcohol intake. There is a family history of a similar process. Which of the following processes would you suspect in the first place?", "Options": { "A": "Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.", "B": "Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.", "C": "Epilepsy of the mesial temporal lobe.", "D": "Consumption of drugs." }, "Correct Answer": "Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b45857ef-e9f6-4aef-9010-3ba0ecd39efd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following diseases does NOT present as an acineto-rigid syndrome?", "Options": { "A": "Huntington's disease", "B": "Sydenham's disease", "C": "Wilson's disease", "D": "Progressive supranuclear palsy." }, "Correct Answer": "Sydenham's disease", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aaf9e7d4-6f6c-418c-8c34-ac0c0534ae2e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what situations would NOT surgery be indicated to treat a cerebral hemorrhage?", "Options": { "A": "Cerebellar hematoma> 3 cm in diameter and neurological deterioration.", "B": "Intraventricular hemorrhage.", "C": "Putaminal hematoma in a patient with a deep coma (Glasgow less than or equal to 8).", "D": "Lobar hematoma and neurological deterioration." }, "Correct Answer": "Putaminal hematoma in a patient with a deep coma (Glasgow less than or equal to 8).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0e7fbef9-c66c-4f24-9670-476d6821dc82", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 60-year-old man presents a picture of rapidly progressive dementia, rigidity, ataxia, myoclonus, which persists during sleep and high voltage discharges in the EEG. What alteration, among the following, is what we can find in the LCR?", "Options": { "A": "Hypoglucorraquia.", "B": "Positive oligoclonal bands.", "C": "Increase in the IgG index.", "D": "Protein 14-3-3 positive." }, "Correct Answer": "Protein 14-3-3 positive.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bd30d72d-02ef-41aa-a4da-b2832552936b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "On type I myotonic dystrophy (Steinert's disease), point out the INCORRECT statement:", "Options": { "A": "Muscle weakness in extremities is predominantly distal.", "B": "It is an autosomal recessive disease with almost complete penetrance.", "C": "In this disease, posterior subcapsular cataracts are characteristic.", "D": "The frequent occurrence of cardiac conduction blocks should be monitored." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an autosomal recessive disease with almost complete penetrance.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "992dc577-33d2-4acb-95c6-fa490a810310", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the movement disorder characterized by simultaneous contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles, which induces postural changes and abnormal movements?", "Options": { "A": "Myoclonus", "B": "Dystonia", "C": "Korea.", "D": "Acatisia" }, "Correct Answer": "Dystonia", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "43313f8c-4eed-4134-abc4-404b979d9c3b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 43-year-old woman has been diagnosed by ultrasound with an intramural uterine myoma of 4 cm. Has two children. Her menstruations are of type 4-5 / 28-30, of a somewhat abundant amount, without clots and without pain. It does not have other symptoms. What would you recommend?", "Options": { "A": "Repeat the ultrasound after 6 months.", "B": "Myomectomy", "C": "Hysterectomy conserving the ovaries.", "D": "Treatment with Gn-RH analogues for 6 months." }, "Correct Answer": "Repeat the ultrasound after 6 months.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "994bbdf8-1a98-4fba-915e-386f572806b2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 31-year-old woman who comes to the clinic for 5 days of abundant rules for 2 years. His last rule was 8 days ago. In the initial assessment and when performing a vaginal ultrasound, a rounded, well-defined, homogenous and hypoechoic formation of 25 mm is evidenced in the endometrial cavity. What would be the pattern to follow?", "Options": { "A": "Perform endometrial aspirate.", "B": "Request a hysteroscopy.", "C": "Establish treatment with oral estrogengestergens and clinical follow-up.", "D": "Establish treatment with tranexamic acid in menses and clinical follow-up." }, "Correct Answer": "Request a hysteroscopy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "34ab43a9-ed19-41b9-a8ad-7f40e8166a3d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (Consensus Group, Rotterdam), 2 out of 3 established criteria must be met. What is NOT a diagnostic criterion?", "Options": { "A": "Clinical and / or analytical hyperandrogenism.", "B": "Resistance to insulin.", "C": "Oligo and / or anovulation.", "D": "Polycystic ovaries defined by ultrasound (12 or more follicles per ovary)." }, "Correct Answer": "Resistance to insulin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "79cb94f7-80f6-4e11-8cf6-e1baa8bf457e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent cause of vesicovaginal fistulas is:", "Options": { "A": "Gynecological surgery.", "B": "Childbirth.", "C": "Cervical cancer or vagina.", "D": "Radiotherapy of gynecologic cancers." }, "Correct Answer": "Gynecological surgery.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4591c469-0288-4286-9bc9-2a46cab05ffc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a pregnant woman in which the pregnancy has passed normally and in the 42 weeks plus one day, the cardiotocographic record is non-reactive. Which of the following behaviors is recommended?", "Options": { "A": "Repeat the registration at 48 hours.", "B": "Perform an ultrasound.", "C": "Perform an amnioscopy.", "D": "Interrupting the pregnancy." }, "Correct Answer": "Interrupting the pregnancy.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "44e50d3a-1851-40b1-89f3-b6e1233aad54", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 33-year-old patient with no history of interest who attended his clinic referring to 3 spontaneous abortions resolved by curettage in the last year and a half. Which of the following tests would NOT you consider of first election in the study of said pair?", "Options": { "A": "Karyotype in both members of the couple.", "B": "Hysteroscopy", "C": "Study of thrombophilias.", "D": "Study of follicular reserve in ovary." }, "Correct Answer": "Study of follicular reserve in ovary.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "12c2f44e-a635-40b7-af9a-e7a158ce2209", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 32-week-old minor who goes to the emergency room for vaginal bleeding. Although she does not provide any report of control of her pregnancy, she refers the antecedent of a previous delivery by caesarean section. Upon speculum examination, red blood is seen through the external cervical os. The patient does not report abdominal pain. The cardiotocographic record confirms the absence of contractions and the normality of the fetal heart rate. The blood count is normal. What is the next step?", "Options": { "A": "Finish the pregnancy through an emergency caesarean section.", "B": "Indicate a transvaginal ultrasound.", "C": "Finish the pregnancy by inducing labor.", "D": "Perform an artificial rupture of membranes." }, "Correct Answer": "Indicate a transvaginal ultrasound.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9ffe6bf4-761d-4cb6-9f67-111f1d6d9005", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is true about ovarian cancer?", "Options": { "A": "The staging of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) of 1987 for ovarian epithelial carcinoma is clinical and based on imaging techniques.", "B": "In a postmenopausal patient with a complex pelvic mass, surgical exploration with laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy becomes necessary, regardless of the CT findings.", "C": "The absence of pathological enlargement of the pelvic and / or para-aortic ganglia size by CT avoids lymphadenectomy and its anatomopathological study.", "D": "In patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer, ultrasound examination has a higher sensitivity than CT for the detection of peritoneal metastases." }, "Correct Answer": "In a postmenopausal patient with a complex pelvic mass, surgical exploration with laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy becomes necessary, regardless of the CT findings.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "71a6dee2-511d-428f-9b41-4aac07a15e11", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old woman undergoes a Pap smear after 5 years without prior control and the diagnosis is SIL (high-grade intraepithelial lesion). The correct behavior to follow is:", "Options": { "A": "Make colposcopy. If it is normal, schedule a conization.", "B": "Confirm the cytology with a biopsy of the cervix under colposcopic control.", "C": "Repeat cytology to confirm diagnosis.", "D": "Make HPV virus typing. Perform conization if the HPV test is positive for high-risk virus." }, "Correct Answer": "Confirm the cytology with a biopsy of the cervix under colposcopic control.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7be94098-5110-439d-a026-faae8a9497c7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "48 year old woman In a mammographic screening study, a group of suspicious microcalcifications was detected in the upper external quadrant of the right breast. Percutaneous biopsy assisted by vacuum in a prone table. The anatomopathological diagnosis is of G II intraductal carcinoma. You propose a surgical exeresis of the lesion with radiological marking (harpoon). The anatomopathological study of the surgical piece reports infiltrating ductal carcinoma of 6 mm (RE ++ 100%, RP ++ 100%, Ki-67 10%, Her-2 negative) associated with intraductal component. Free surgical edges. You report the result to the patient. What would you propose?", "Options": { "A": "Selective biopsy of sentinel lymph node.", "B": "Radiotherapy + hormonotherapy with tamoxifen.", "C": "Mastectomy + axillary lymphadenectomy.", "D": "Chemotherapy + radiotherapy + hormonotherapy with tamoxifen." }, "Correct Answer": "Selective biopsy of sentinel lymph node.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7fad5c9a-1fbc-47b6-8037-40be3c34bc1b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to hereditary breast cancer, point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "It accounts for approximately 20% of all cases of breast cancer.", "B": "It should be suspected in those families with several affected members.", "C": "The known genetic alterations that cause hereditary breast cancer usually have an autosomal recessive inheritance.", "D": "It may be indicated to perform a prophylactic mastectomy." }, "Correct Answer": "The known genetic alterations that cause hereditary breast cancer usually have an autosomal recessive inheritance.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "55959d32-1154-4891-b9b0-e050badcb7c8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The luminous reflex is mediated by the retinal photoreceptors and consists of four neurons. The first (sensory), the second (internuncial), the third (preganglionic motor) and the fourth (postganglionic motor). This is important for the clinical exploration of the afferent pupillary reflex. Which of the following situations is not accompanied by a relative afferent pupillary defect?", "Options": { "A": "Retinal detachment.", "B": "Waterfall.", "C": "Optic neuritis", "D": "Obstruction of the central retinal vein." }, "Correct Answer": "Waterfall.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "134d4ad2-16b3-4d11-a723-eb2e55a6d637", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 9-year-old boy attended consultation due to fatigability and progressive effort dyspnea. At birth, he had discovered a heart murmur, but he did not go for check-ups. On physical examination, the face and hands are pink, while the lower extremities are cyanotic. What anomaly would explain these findings?", "Options": { "A": "Tetralogy of Fallot.", "B": "Ventricular septal defect with pulmonary hypertension.", "C": "Persistent ductus arteriosus with Eisenmenger syndrome.", "D": "Coarctation of aorta." }, "Correct Answer": "Persistent ductus arteriosus with Eisenmenger syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b5b04e4b-1fb8-4c07-a9d5-18200d258865", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following is the most frequent cause of liver transplantation in childhood:", "Options": { "A": "Crigler-Najjar disease type I.", "B": "Primary type I hyperoxaluria", "C": "Biliary atresia", "D": "Alagille's disease" }, "Correct Answer": "Biliary atresia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "815739f2-ac96-4633-aa7b-293b8673325d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the constitutional delay of growth and puberty?", "Options": { "A": "Low size provided during childhood, inadequate for the family context.", "B": "Birth length small for gestational age.", "C": "Family history of late maturation.", "D": "Final size according to the target or genetic size." }, "Correct Answer": "Birth length small for gestational age.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c8daee96-b230-4c1b-a2c0-c434c0057c93", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A child of 18 months of age is treated in the Emergency Department due to an abundant deposition of dark blood. On physical examination, the patient presents with pallor, tachycardia and normal abdominal palpation. In the blood count, the hemoglobin figure is 7 g / dL. What diagnostic test would you request?", "Options": { "A": "Digestive endoscopy.", "B": "Gastrointestinal transit.", "C": "Intestinal scintigraphy with pertechnectate Tc99m.", "D": "Enema opaque." }, "Correct Answer": "Intestinal scintigraphy with pertechnectate Tc99m.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c20bc4c7-14a1-448c-9a11-150716001abe", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to congenital hypothyroidism, indicate the statement FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "Neonatal screening programs detect most cases.", "B": "A non-majority percentage of cases (around 10%) are transitory.", "C": "Thyroid dyshormonogenesis are the most frequent causes.", "D": "Thyroid dysgenesis are alterations in the embryonic development of the thyroid gland." }, "Correct Answer": "Thyroid dyshormonogenesis are the most frequent causes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "86c7af95-c0f0-456a-9f4a-dfaa99864eb3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following diseases does NOT occur with tall stature:", "Options": { "A": "Turner syndrome.", "B": "Klinefelter syndrome.", "C": "Marfan syndrome.", "D": "Homocystinuria." }, "Correct Answer": "Turner syndrome.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bc0db4b3-6cd1-40b7-8a9e-2e4c2b9ae168", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer regarding whooping cough:", "Options": { "A": "It is not very contagious, with attack rates below 20% in susceptible people.", "B": "It is a frequent cause of prolonged cough in adolescents and adults.", "C": "Individuals vaccinated and those who have passed the disease acquire permanent immunity.", "D": "Children under two years of age with suspected pertussis require hospital admission due to the risk of complications." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a frequent cause of prolonged cough in adolescents and adults.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "669426c8-8ef6-418d-8126-25819160ca42", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 2-month-old girl who was referred to the pediatric urology clinic due to grade-III bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. Background: prenatal diagnosis of bilateral pyelic ectasia. Acute pyelonephritis, one month after diagnostic cystourethrography. Of the following options, what would be the most advisable indication?", "Options": { "A": "Do nothing; since the reflux can disappear spontaneously.", "B": "Endoscopic treatment of reflux.", "C": "Request renal scintigraphy (DMSA) and perform a monthly urine culture.", "D": "Antibiotic prophylaxis with amoxicillin and request renal scintigraphy (DMSA)." }, "Correct Answer": "Antibiotic prophylaxis with amoxicillin and request renal scintigraphy (DMSA).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e0c8f9ea-b9ed-4370-87ea-31b9aa771820", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Infant of 5 months who came to the emergency room due to runny nose from two days before, with subsequent onset of dry cough, fatigue, wheezing when breathing with rejection of the shots. On physical examination, T ºC 38.2ºC, arterial saturation of O2 96%, respiratory rate 50 resp / min with subcostal retractions and bilateral wheezing; normal rest. Full-term delivery, without a history of interest, with a vaccination schedule appropriate to their age; parents smokers and goes to nursery from 4 months. Which of these measures do you think is NOT indicated?", "Options": { "A": "Put him semi-incorporated in the crib.", "B": "Nasal washes with physiological serum with secretions aspirate.", "C": "Adequate hydration with smaller and frequent shots.", "D": "Oral amoxicillin, 50 mg / kg / day every 8 hours for 5 days." }, "Correct Answer": "Oral amoxicillin, 50 mg / kg / day every 8 hours for 5 days.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "760fc423-e67d-44a5-a703-53077a819cc4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following statements regarding the treatment of eating disorders is INCORRECT. Point it out", "Options": { "A": "In the hospitalization of a patient with anorexia nervosa with a BMI (body mass index) of 12, the main objective is to restore the nutritional balance as soon as possible by means of weight gain.", "B": "It is extremely difficult to achieve behavioral changes through psychotherapy in a patient who suffers from the psychological effects of extreme thinness.", "C": "Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often a treatment often indicated in hospitalized patients suffering from bulimia nervosa.", "D": "Hospitalization is more often required in bulimia nervosa than in anorexia, due in general to the frequent complications derived from purgative behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or laxative abuse." }, "Correct Answer": "Hospitalization is more often required in bulimia nervosa than in anorexia, due in general to the frequent complications derived from purgative behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or laxative abuse.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d67f3e97-54d2-4236-b8b2-9f63740aaa61", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out which type of disorder best fits the following clinical description: insidious but progressive development of extravagant behavior, with an inability to meet the demands of social life and a decrease in overall performance. There is no evidence of hallucinations or delusions. \"Negative\" traits appear without having been preceded by clearly manifest psychotic symptoms.", "Options": { "A": "Residual schizophrenia.", "B": "Paranoid schizophrenia.", "C": "Simple schizophrenia.", "D": "Hebephrenic schizophrenia." }, "Correct Answer": "Simple schizophrenia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d866498a-89e3-4c27-8b37-11e03ca51d1c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 41-year-old man, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, who has performed an over-supply of lithium carbonate, comes to the emergency room. The exploration highlights intense tremor, ataxia, dysarthria and a vertical nystagmus. A litemia is obtained that is 4.1 mEq / L. What is the best therapeutic option?", "Options": { "A": "Hydration.", "B": "Hemodialysis.", "C": "Gastric lavage", "D": "Aminophylline" }, "Correct Answer": "Hemodialysis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f744abb1-f4de-40bf-a66d-d77f2cb8e4fd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "73-year-old man who is taken by his family to his Mental Health Center, for presenting progressively from about 6 weeks before a picture of apathy, social isolation, asthenia, anorexia with loss of about 5 kg of weight, restlessness and anxiety in the afternoons, difficulties in falling asleep and waking up at 4 in the morning, cognitive alterations with difficulty concentration, slow thinking and language, frequent confusions and inability to perform simple tasks in which he is blocked and non-specific somatic complaints such as sensations of dyspepsia, nausea, headaches, which cause great concern. All the following considerations would be valid in the differential diagnosis EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Depressive disorder secondary to drugs that the patient may be taking.", "B": "Depressive disorder secondary to organic diseases previously diagnosed or not.", "C": "Depressive pseudodementia.", "D": "Delirium" }, "Correct Answer": "Delirium", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "338cb4eb-4f8c-404c-ae80-f54a66541573", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements regarding anxiety disorders is FALSE?", "Options": { "A": "They can manifest as persistent states of psychomotor restlessness and nervousness.", "B": "Anxious activation can alter the levels of cortisol and other hormones.", "C": "They can manifest as sudden and rapid states of psychomotor restlessness and nervousness.", "D": "The presence of depressive symptoms excludes the diagnosis of anxiety disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "The presence of depressive symptoms excludes the diagnosis of anxiety disorders.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e4a6d43d-f4f7-42b8-a91d-821e5bd86897", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 23-year-old man who was brought to the emergency room by his family for the past 3 weeks presented a picture of agitation with significant irritability, verbal and physical aggression, logorrhea, acceleration of thought with flight of ideas, almost global insomnia without feeling of fatigue. Next day, alcohol and marijuana consumption increased markedly and absence of awareness of illness with feelings of being \"better than ever\" and that his family \"is against him\" and that is why they bring him to the hospital. The psychiatrist on duty suspects that it is a manic phase. Which of the following actions is INCORRECT?", "Options": { "A": "Proceed to a hospital admission resorting to an involuntary commitment if the patient refuses to enter.", "B": "Try to reassure the patient verbally and with drugs that reduce agitation.", "C": "Try to convince the patient that he must enter and if he refuses to discharge and recommend going to his mental health center.", "D": "Inform the family of the need for a hospitalization to be able to treat the patient, since they will refuse to take medication voluntarily for lack of awareness of disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Try to convince the patient that he must enter and if he refuses to discharge and recommend going to his mental health center.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "47796a2c-2ea0-4337-9437-dd33f8be3c7d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a 17-year-old boy with compulsive symptoms appears in his office, along with motor and multiple vocal tics, what disorder would he think of as the first diagnostic option?", "Options": { "A": "Obsessive-compulsive disorder", "B": "Huntington's Korea.", "C": "Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.", "D": "Hebephrenic schizophrenia." }, "Correct Answer": "Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fe5f7718-de6a-4a6a-a5a0-5f18262543cb", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "33-year-old man without a history of interest. He comes for a picture of anxiety and decreased mood that presents a couple of months that he relates to the difficulties he is having at work and at home. She says that her life has always been very chaotic, with frequent changes of employment, with difficulties in carrying out the tasks that she begins. His work is very messy, he makes constant mistakes due to absurd oversights and this leads to problems at work and in his family. He is forgetful, very distracted and is only able to concentrate on the things that really interest him. He has been drinking alcohol for years but in recent months this consumption has become more important and is causing problems at work and at home. It also recognizes having lost control with the game to the machines; every time he plays more, he has more difficulty stopping playing and he is not doing important things because he is playing. As far as his way of being is concerned, he is extroverted, sociable, somewhat stubborn and with frequent mood swings, and can go from being very euphoric to feeling very sad in a few minutes and several times a day, usually conditioned by the level of stimulation or gratification you have at that moment. Which of the following diagnoses is unlikely in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Adaptive disorder", "B": "Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.", "C": "Bipolar disorder.", "D": "Alcohol abuse." }, "Correct Answer": "Bipolar disorder.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "158558ba-7053-4499-afdf-c1a2e32b4236", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "60-year-old diabetic patient. Hospital admission 2 weeks ago due to hyperosmolar decompensation. Consult the Emergency Department for pain and swelling in the right knee. Physical examination: Tº 37.2ºC, heart rate 100 beats / minute, respiratory rate 18 / minute, signs of arthritis in the referred joints. Analytical: blood count with 18,000 leukocytes / mm3, uric acid 8.11 mg / dL, creatinine 1.4 mg / dL. Synovial fluid: 20,000 leukocytes / mm3 with 85% polynuclear, no microcrystals are observed and the gram stain does not show germs. What would be the most correct attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Practice intra-articular infiltration with triamcinolone of the affected joint.", "B": "Start outpatient treatment with amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid and assess the response in a week.", "C": "Indicate admission and immediate parenteral antibiotic treatment until the result of the culture.", "D": "Treatment with corticoids at low doses and allopurinol." }, "Correct Answer": "Indicate admission and immediate parenteral antibiotic treatment until the result of the culture.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "add52ef2-1768-4186-aeeb-f2d3953268fa", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 38-year-old man consulted for the appearance of red and painful nodules in both lower limbs at the pretibial level of 2 weeks of evolution. In addition, the patient reports that for a few months and recurrently has oral ulcers and ulcers at the genital level. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Sarcoidosis", "B": "Dermatomyositis", "C": "Behçet syndrome.", "D": "Systemic lupus erythematosus." }, "Correct Answer": "Behçet syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f44a3d94-678d-4986-a2a6-d21915d29d84", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Serves a 32-year-old man, computer specialist, who consults for lumbar pain and asymmetric gluteus, predominantly nocturnal, inflammation of the toes, negative rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein higher than 20mg / dL. What is the most correct attitude?", "Options": { "A": "By age and sex, it is likely that it is gout and would start treatment with allopurinol and colchicine.", "B": "I will ask about a family history of psoriasis and would request HLA-B27, it is likely to suffer from a type of spondyloarthritis.", "C": "The type of pain in the spine guides the diagnosis to a herniated disc. I refer the patient to Neurosurgery.", "D": "I would start treatment with methotrexate that is effective for spinal pain and inflammation of toes." }, "Correct Answer": "I will ask about a family history of psoriasis and would request HLA-B27, it is likely to suffer from a type of spondyloarthritis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "798ca901-b6cb-4ea2-9703-d6c89ae8f0cb", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 75-year-old man with hypertension of 20 years of evolution with a creatinine clearance of 30 mL / min x 1.73 m2 in the last 2 years, uric acid in blood of 8.5 mg / dL and urine of 350 mg /24 hours. Goes for episode of gout in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe of the left foot. Which treatment seems more appropriate?", "Options": { "A": "Diclofenac", "B": "Allopurinol", "C": "Probenecid.", "D": "Prednisone." }, "Correct Answer": "Prednisone.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ba6431e4-8a2c-48c1-8067-5cab3079d46a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding osteoporosis it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "According to the data obtained in bone densitometry, osteoporosis is defined when T score (comparison with healthy young population of the same race and sex) is> 3.5.", "B": "The measurement of T score is useful for the diagnosis of osteoporosis in young women. In postmenopausal women the Z score is used.", "C": "It is indicated to administer specific drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis in menopausal women with a diagnosis of osteopenia (densitometry) and vertebral crushing, whether or not it is symptomatic.", "D": "The action of bisphosphonates used in the treatment of osteoporosis is to activate the action of osteoblasts for the formation of bone." }, "Correct Answer": "It is indicated to administer specific drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis in menopausal women with a diagnosis of osteopenia (densitometry) and vertebral crushing, whether or not it is symptomatic.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7b25609d-e9d5-4074-a2f9-f18084599b2d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 55-year-old woman is evaluated in the consultation for progressive dyspnea of moderate efforts of 3 months of evolution. A visit to the ophthalmologist 1 year earlier had concluded with the diagnosis of a previous uveitis. A chest x-ray is performed, which the radiologist reports as possible stage III sarcoidosis. What findings would you expect to find on the x-ray?", "Options": { "A": "Diffuse parenchymal alterations without hilar adenopathies.", "B": "Hilar adenopathies without parenchymal alterations.", "C": "Adenopathies in the paratracheal region.", "D": "Hilar adenopathies with parenchymal alterations." }, "Correct Answer": "Diffuse parenchymal alterations without hilar adenopathies.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b95b6dd1-88d8-4082-9d69-9da3b3c65a61", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a 68-year-old patient with new onset headache, pain and prolonged morning stiffness in scapular and pelvic girdles of several weeks of evolution that presents unilateral bruising of sudden onset, what treatment among the following would establish before confirming the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Prednisone 10 mg daily v.o.", "B": "Methylprednisolone 1 g i.v. daily for three days.", "C": "Cyclophosphamide i.v. 1 g / m2.", "D": "Infliximab i.v. 3 mg / Kg." }, "Correct Answer": "Methylprednisolone 1 g i.v. daily for three days.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "03a95b53-8a55-400d-9517-64d46c7c0f71", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Patient of 28 years who after suffering a traffic accident is transferred by ambulance to the emergency area of a hospital, arriving at the Traumatology Service at 12 o'clock at night. The patient has severe pain in the hip and exploration shows shortening of the right lower extremity with internal rotation and adduction. X-rays are taken and a posterior dislocation of the right coxo-femoral joint is diagnosed. What will be the therapeutic attitude to perform?", "Options": { "A": "Leave him bedridden with pain treatment and enter him for non-urgent elective treatment.", "B": "Place a continuous traction and medical treatment for pain and inflammation.", "C": "Contact the Anesthesia Service and reduce the dislocation by traction of the extremity to the zenith and with the hip and knees flexed while an assistant stabilizes the pelvis by pressing on iliac crests.", "D": "Operate the emergency patient performing an open reduction of the dislocation." }, "Correct Answer": "Contact the Anesthesia Service and reduce the dislocation by traction of the extremity to the zenith and with the hip and knees flexed while an assistant stabilizes the pelvis by pressing on iliac crests.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "85765913-68f4-4cde-989b-59064363fcca", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the initial evaluation of all traumatized patients in coma, which of the following radiographs are essential even if these locations do not appear to be symptomatic?", "Options": { "A": "Anterior-posterior skull X-ray and pelvic anteroposterior RX.", "B": "Anterior-posterior RX of both femurs and axial RX of pelvis.", "C": "Lateral RX of the cervical spine and anteroposterior RX of the pelvis.", "D": "Lateral RX of the cervical spine and lateral RX of the lumbar spine." }, "Correct Answer": "Lateral RX of the cervical spine and anteroposterior RX of the pelvis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0aa1bd9e-e57d-4582-a6f7-b1d979bb5c73", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT considered an indication for the surgical treatment of fractures of the middle third of the clavicle in adults?", "Options": { "A": "History of fracture of the middle third of the contralateral clavicle.", "B": "Neurovascular lesion that persists after closed reduction.", "C": "Floating shoulder, with clavicle fracture associated with fracture of scapula (neck).", "D": "Open fractures that require cleansing and debridement of the focus." }, "Correct Answer": "History of fracture of the middle third of the contralateral clavicle.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b888d0ae-9b75-4aad-9ba5-20cc29a35867", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 38-year-old man with a history of type 1 diabetes consulted for a picture of 3-4 months of mechanical pain without a traumatic history referring to the inguinal area and anterior aspect of both thighs. More intense on the left side. In the exploration of the hips the pain reproduces specifically with the internal rotation of the hip, which also appears discreetly limited. In the simple radiological study, a radiolucent subchondral image is seen in the left hip. Which of the following would be the correct diagnostic attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Indicate a scintigraphic study to rule out the presence of similar lesions in other large joints.", "B": "Carry out a study of extension and screening of the primary lesion, as it is a bone metastasis in the left hip.", "C": "Make a probable diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the left hip and indicate a MRI study of both hips.", "D": "Perform the diagnosis of transient osteoporosis of the left hip, indicate 2 months of discharge and repeat the radiological study at that time." }, "Correct Answer": "Make a probable diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the left hip and indicate a MRI study of both hips.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9378e3e9-6cf5-4b40-89cf-455469acf956", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT an indication of vertebroplasty?", "Options": { "A": "Acute lumbar osteoporotic fracture.", "B": "Painful vertebral metastasis.", "C": "Fracture burst in thoracolumbar hinge.", "D": "Painful sequelae due to osteoporotic fracture less than 2 years old." }, "Correct Answer": "Fracture burst in thoracolumbar hinge.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "df087f8a-0383-4ecb-82b4-dccc7487c5db", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 50-year-old patient with a history of gout and chronic use of corticosteroids. He is brought to the emergency room due to inability to ambulate due to knee extension deficit. Radiology shows a low patellar height in relation to the contralateral knee. What is the diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Osteonecrosis of the knee.", "B": "Gouty arthritis of the knee.", "C": "Patellar tendon rupture.", "D": "Quadriceps tendon rupture." }, "Correct Answer": "Quadriceps tendon rupture.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "87311a10-6343-40bf-a465-1ca3ac590a8b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient of 50 years, obese, hypertensive and insufficient terminal renal, with cerebrovascular accident recovered a year earlier, he is proceeding to place a hemodialysis catheter by right subclavian vein, after prophylaxis with 2 g of iv cephalosporin. The area has been infiltrated with mepivacaine. Two failed puncture attempts have been made. The patient is very anxious, says that it hurts a lot, her heart rate rises to 125 / min and she wants to sleep with general anesthesia. The doctor has problems for the patient to stay still and continue with the procedure. Every time it is more uncontrolled, complains that it gets dizzy and that it does not hear well, it moves incoordinadamente. To withdraw the sterile drapes, bilateral slight mydriasis and uncoordinated movements are observed. How would you act in this case?", "Options": { "A": "It would immediately administer progressive doses of adrenaline and corticosteroids because of the possibility that it is an anaphylaxis to the local anesthetic or the antibiotic.", "B": "The picture is suggestive of another stroke. I would ask for a CT and I would de-code.", "C": "I suspect an iatrogenic pneumothorax, I would request an urgent chest radiograph with a laptop and I would prepare to drain the pneumothorax.", "D": "I would suspect a systemic absorption of local anesthetics and stop the procedure, administer diazepam, oxygen and cardiovascular support measures." }, "Correct Answer": "I would suspect a systemic absorption of local anesthetics and stop the procedure, administer diazepam, oxygen and cardiovascular support measures.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5b9bfef0-cbff-4c16-ba77-afee358d7c90", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "90 year old patient controlled at home with frequent requests for home care. On this occasion they warn him again for general malaise, nausea, loss of appetite, unspecified abdominal discomfort, fatigue, slight increase in his habitual dyspnea, and slow pulse detection when the caregiver controlled the blood pressure at home this morning. Diagnosed double aortic injury, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, ischemia due to embolism in left leg and hypertension. In treatment with furosemide 40 mg 2 tablets in the morning, potassium supplements, digoxin 5 tablets of 0.25 mg per week, bisoprolol 1.5 mg / day, acenocoumarol 1 mg / day and losartan 100 mg / day. On examination, eupneic at rest, transcutaneous O2 saturation 95%, PA 143/58 mmHg, HR 48 beats per minute, with bigeminy. Slight malleolar edema, normal pulmonary auscultation, cardiac systolic murmur in the aortic focus. Distal temperature and pulses unchanged, normal abdominal palpation. Which of the proposed statements do you think is most likely?", "Options": { "A": "The patient presents worsening of her CHF, which is why she must be referred to the emergency department for intensive treatment.", "B": "The symptoms suggest that it could be a digitalis toxicity.", "C": "It is a functional dyspepsia by polypharmacy and can prescribe a proton pump inhibitor to control the symptoms.", "D": "It is a case of anxiety in a multipath patient immobilized in the home, could start treatment with anxiolytics." }, "Correct Answer": "The symptoms suggest that it could be a digitalis toxicity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4dc0ce0e-5054-4f7f-b18e-d414202a0952", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Man of 80 years conscious and with apparent good general condition. He is transferred to the Emergency Department after suffering electric burn when touching a high voltage cable accidentally. On physical examination, he had a third-degree right-hand burn of 0.2% of total body surface area and a bursting lesion on the right first toe of less than one centimeter in diameter. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "Given the extension, the treatment will consist of daily treatments with silver sulfadiazine in your Health Center and review by the specialist in Plastic Surgery in 48 hours.", "B": "The patient must be urgently transferred, in a medical ambulance, to a Center for large burns, after its previous stabilization in the emergency room.", "C": "The patient must be left in observation for 8 hours and after which if it does not worsen it will proceed to discharge with local cures.", "D": "Debridement of the injured first toe, opening of the carpal tunnel of the right hand, cure with silver sulfadiacin and entry into the plant will proceed." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient must be urgently transferred, in a medical ambulance, to a Center for large burns, after its previous stabilization in the emergency room.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "045d2c61-12ca-47df-934b-f7d9363320c1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these measures would NOT be indicated in the emergency treatment in a patient who has a deep second degree flame burn with 50% of body surface burned?", "Options": { "A": "Absolute diet.", "B": "Administration of lactate ringer according to the Parkland formula.", "C": "Prophylactic administration of intravenous antibiotics.", "D": "Heparin administration for antithrombotic prophylaxis." }, "Correct Answer": "Prophylactic administration of intravenous antibiotics.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "353262bb-097a-4553-b971-1f7f5a5af1f2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 75-year-old woman with no relevant pathological history who consults for a decrease in the total time of sleep, with difficulty falling asleep for more than 1 hour, indicating that she gets up at night easily more than twice and that it costs her again fall asleep for more than 30 minutes. During the day it presents a normal activity with a tendency to nap. Which of the following statements do you think is correct, taking into account that the physical examination is normal and the patient presents a mini-mental of 31/35?", "Options": { "A": "It is a patient who presents a variation of the physiological sleep pattern of aging.", "B": "A thyroid disorder of the elderly should be suspected.", "C": "It is a patient with a major depression.", "D": "It is a patient with idiopathic sleepiness." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a patient who presents a variation of the physiological sleep pattern of aging.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1c44bc67-afdb-4d30-8b25-f7bcb3b73790", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the geriatric assessment scales, the Barthel index is a functional assessment scale that measures the ability to perform activities of daily living, among which the following are included:", "Options": { "A": "Ability to dress.", "B": "Ability to go to the toilet.", "C": "Ability to eat alone", "D": "Ability to manage your medication." }, "Correct Answer": "Ability to manage your medication.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b77d8caf-1c34-47cc-b1e8-a9c832392771", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the treatment of a smoking patient with a non-small cell lung cancer of 4 cm in diameter, located in the peripheral region of the right upper lobe, which invades the visceral pleura and is accompanied by ipsilateral hilar lymph node involvement. Which of the following therapeutic options is more appropriate?", "Options": { "A": "Radiotherapy on lymph node involvement and evaluate surgery later.", "B": "Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and subsequently evaluate surgery.", "C": "Initial chemotherapy and then assess radiotherapy.", "D": "Surgery and evaluate adjuvant chemotherapy later." }, "Correct Answer": "Surgery and evaluate adjuvant chemotherapy later.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7e892463-b5a5-42bb-935b-0fdd10bb3e2a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the diagnostic technique of choice to locate the origin of the primary tumor and its extension in patients with carcinoid syndrome?", "Options": { "A": "Thoraco-abdomino-pelvic CT.", "B": "Magnetic resonance.", "C": "Gammagraphy with octreotide.", "D": "Positron emission tomography (PET)." }, "Correct Answer": "Gammagraphy with octreotide.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "37d3e8cb-b635-49c6-8eb2-aadeb3337536", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "59-year-old man, active smoker, with a history of hypertension, dyslipidemia and alcoholism. It refers to progressive picture in the last 2 years of difficulty climbing stairs with weakness in lower and upper limbs that fluctuates during the day and improves slightly with sustained exercise. Occasionally he has presented episodes of diplopia. Lately persistent dry cough has been added. As part of the study an electromyogram is performed that shows incremental increases in muscle action potential in response to repetitive nerve stimulation. A chest CT scan shows subcarinal lymphadenopathy and a 3.1 cm nodule in the left lower lobe. These findings are consistent with primary pulmonary neoplasia. What is the diagnosis of the associated picture?", "Options": { "A": "Paraneoplastic polyneuropathy.", "B": "Polymyositis", "C": "Myopathy associated with alcoholism.", "D": "Eaton-Lambert syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Eaton-Lambert syndrome.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0fa24ed1-7cc8-4d9c-861a-454b16944e04", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old man, without other associated diseases and with good general condition, has a metastatic hepatic relapse of a colon adenocarcinoma for which he had been operated on 3 years ago. CT shows that liver lesions are multiple and affect all segments. The molecular study of the liver biopsy shows K-ras mutations. What initial treatment is considered most appropriate for the patient?", "Options": { "A": "Liver transplant", "B": "Chemotherapy and anti-EGFR antibody (cetuximab).", "C": "Chemotherapy FOLFOX protocol.", "D": "Palliative treatment of symptoms without administration of chemotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Chemotherapy FOLFOX protocol.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "da35fb02-830b-436e-9b3f-eacc658f1abf", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "To improve the symptomatic control in Palliative Medicine, drugs with different mechanisms of action are used. Indicate the therapeutic group that is not used as an analgesic or coadjuvant in the control of pain.", "Options": { "A": "Opiates", "B": "Tricyclic antidepressants.", "C": "Dopamine agonists.", "D": "Anticomicials." }, "Correct Answer": "Dopamine agonists.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1dbd3e59-5963-43ba-a425-e1b03e8b2720", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "89-year-old woman diagnosed with a colon adenocarcinoma with liver metastases. He attended the consultation three weeks after the diagnosis with constipation of three days of evolution without nausea or vomiting. On clinical examination the abdomen is soft, depressible and with noises present. The patient takes 20 mg of morphine chloride day after diagnosis, with controlled abdominal pain. What do you consider to be the most appropriate therapeutic attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Lower doses of opioids in half.", "B": "To program an osmotic laxative and to verify by a digital rectal examination that there is no fecal impaction.", "C": "To issue a prokinetic.", "D": "Perform an urgent CT scan in the event of suspected intestinal obstruction." }, "Correct Answer": "To program an osmotic laxative and to verify by a digital rectal examination that there is no fecal impaction.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "50bb3d8e-a7d7-4f04-85ea-baab5367ca6e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pedro, a 42-year-old man, consults with his family doctor for the periodic control of high blood pressure diagnosed two years ago. The doctor verifies that the patient is a smoker of 15 cigarettes / day and proposes to the patient the abandonment of the smoking habit. Ask the patient if he / she has considered quitting before, if he / she has achieved it and has relapsed at some time. After listening to the patient's points of view in relation to smoking cessation, he identifies ambivalence of the patient in relation to his behavior and negotiates with him a plan to achieve the stated objective. The clinical interview conducted by the family doctor is called:", "Options": { "A": "Semiological interview.", "B": "Informative interview", "C": "Motivational interview", "D": "Operational interview" }, "Correct Answer": "Motivational interview", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "eac81bf7-ae79-48f6-b64b-09a3f537a772", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 80-year-old woman enters the hospital for the study of anemia after being taken by her children to the emergency room due to rectal bleeding and physical decay. Clinically it is stable. She is diagnosed with cognitive impairment, with frequently incoherent ideation and judgment and behavioral alterations, for which she takes risperidone. Malignant neoplasm of the colon is suspected and a colonoscopy is proposed. You verify that the patient is incapable of understanding adequately what is explained about such a test, its nature, objectives, possible complications, or its diagnostic and eventually therapeutic consequences. In that case:", "Options": { "A": "He is relieved of presenting an informed consent to the patient, and his criterion as a doctor is considered sufficient for the colonoscopy to be performed.", "B": "It requests the appearance of the Judge so that it authorizes the test, before the intellectual incapacity of the patient to decide conveniently by itself.", "C": "Because they do not have the capacity to decide, their families must do so, and their written acceptance must be recorded on the informed consent form.", "D": "An agreement between the doctor and the relatives of the patient based on verbal informed consent for the colonoscopy is legally acceptable." }, "Correct Answer": "Because they do not have the capacity to decide, their families must do so, and their written acceptance must be recorded on the informed consent form.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4b6066ff-1a22-4ca7-8612-b3998b2b7a4b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 76-year-old patient, diagnosed about 18 months ago with unresectable stomach adenocarcinoma, with locoregional extension and undergoing chemotherapy. He was admitted due to intolerance to the intake due to repeated vomiting, with fever and dyspnea. Progression of the tumor disease and bilateral bronchopneumonia with respiratory failure, deterioration of renal function and coagulopathy are radiologically proven. It was decided to initiate broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and parenteral nutrition and hydration, but the patient expressed his refusal to do so. In this specific case:", "Options": { "A": "Your doctor is obliged to establish a treatment, even against the will of the patient, if he suffers a life threatening clinical situation.", "B": "We will present the situation to your relatives or legally designated representative and we will act in accordance with them, even if your opinion does not coincide with that of the patient.", "C": "We will inform the patient of the pros and cons of his decision, and we will respect the one he adopts, even if it could lead to a fatal outcome.", "D": "It is indicated not to undertake any other treatment than sedation due to terminal neoplasia." }, "Correct Answer": "We will inform the patient of the pros and cons of his decision, and we will respect the one he adopts, even if it could lead to a fatal outcome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d016b36d-737e-4229-83da-ec593c437f58", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 23-year-old boy presents with a sudden sharp pain in the left hemithorax that is accompanied by progressive dyspnea. He decides to go to the Emergency Service of the nearest hospital. The attending physician notes obtundation, cyanosis, tachypnea and a physical examination compatible with pneumothorax that is confirmed on the chest radiograph. Oxygen saturation is 70%. The doctor believes that a thoracic drain should be placed. What is the correct attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Request informed consent before doing so.", "B": "Directly practice drainage, since in the case of emergencies, informed consent can be dispensed with.", "C": "Try to locate a relative to decide for the patient.", "D": "It should not be requested since drainage is not necessary." }, "Correct Answer": "Directly practice drainage, since in the case of emergencies, informed consent can be dispensed with.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0f4bfae0-11dc-495c-878d-e2e9073eaa3c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is NOT correct with respect to the basic principles of Bioethics?", "Options": { "A": "They are the fundamental sources from which we justify the guidelines for action, duties and rules.", "B": "The capacity for understanding and the lack of external coercion are fundamental when exercising autonomy.", "C": "The principle of beneficence and autonomy are related and can sometimes be in conflict.", "D": "The principle of justice refers to the compensation due to patients for possible bad medical practices." }, "Correct Answer": "The principle of justice refers to the compensation due to patients for possible bad medical practices.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d5c33beb-a662-4b18-9379-ae1caef2030e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Communication in clinical practice has as its primary objective:", "Options": { "A": "Professional gratification", "B": "The scientific advance.", "C": "Serve the patient's needs.", "D": "Diagnostic accuracy." }, "Correct Answer": "Serve the patient's needs.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "64e3e260-e3a2-49bf-9edd-09820fe8c006", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The maximum performance in the interview between the doctor and the patient is obtained when the doctor:", "Options": { "A": "Take the initiative in order to get specific answers.", "B": "It stays distant.", "C": "Understand what the patient explains.", "D": "He states that he takes charge of the problem as if the patient were his brother." }, "Correct Answer": "Understand what the patient explains.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f2cdcc3d-c5f1-47c5-82d1-ec987262a567", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A medicalized ambulance is mobilized to care for a young man who is traumatized by a traffic accident. On physical examination, right anisocoria with arreactive mydriatic pupil, coma with 4 points on the Glasgow coma scale (eye response 1, motor response 2, verbal response 1), blood pressure 180/100 mmHg, heart rate 56 beats per minute , respiratory rate 8 breaths per minute, oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry 90% breathing room air. What should be the first action of the out-of-hospital emergency team?", "Options": { "A": "Insert a laryngeal mask.", "B": "Channel a peripheral venous line and administer intravenous mannitol.", "C": "Endotracheal intubation with control of the cervical spine.", "D": "Oxygen therapy with ventimask-type mask and immediate transfer to a hospital with a neurosurgeon on duty." }, "Correct Answer": "Endotracheal intubation with control of the cervical spine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "427cc309-825b-493e-8620-7dec28a586da", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 36-year-old man was referred to the Surgery office after urgent drainage of perianal abscess two months before, persisting suppuration. The patient was being previously studied for digestive by diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Colonoscopy: Rectum of normal appearance; at the level of the descending colon and sigma, alternating areas with a \"cobbled\" appearance and linear and deep ulcers alternate with normal-looking ones. Endoanal echo and MRI were completed with a high transsphincter fistula. Without current medical treatment. What would be the most appropriate initial treatment of the fistula?", "Options": { "A": "Fistulotomy", "B": "Placement of non-cutting line in the course of the fistula associated with treatment with metronidazole, infliximab and immunosuppressants.", "C": "Perform repeated drains every time an abscess occurs, associating treatment with infliximab and immunosuppressants.", "D": "Internal lateral sphincterotomy." }, "Correct Answer": "Placement of non-cutting line in the course of the fistula associated with treatment with metronidazole, infliximab and immunosuppressants.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "28a7a075-2901-45ce-983c-036c2edf6fb8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 36-year-old patient consulted due to constant, constrictive chest pain radiating to both arms and intensifying in the dorsal decubitus position. On examination, your doctor objectifies that the pain is relieved by sitting with the body forward. After conducting a thorough study of the patient, you are diagnosed with acute idiopathic pericarditis. Point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "There is no specific test for the diagnosis of idiopathic acute pericarditis, so the diagnosis is one of exclusion.", "B": "Anticoagulants should be avoided because their use can cause hemorrhage in the pericardial cavity.", "C": "There is no specific treatment, but bed rest and acetylsalicylic acid may be indicated.", "D": "You must inform your patient that pericarditis occurs in more than 75% of patients." }, "Correct Answer": "You must inform your patient that pericarditis occurs in more than 75% of patients.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "90f0bfb4-0ec1-4615-bdca-67b5f39653e5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "It evaluates a patient with pelvic pain in which the simple Rx shows osteolytic and osteosclerotic lesions in the iliac and femoral bones. Point out the INCORRECT response.", "Options": { "A": "I would request a bone map including skull and rib cage.", "B": "I would request a determination of bone alkaline phosphatase.", "C": "I would start estrogen hormone therapy.", "D": "Endovenous bisphosphonates such as pamidronate and zoledronate are an effective option in this problem." }, "Correct Answer": "I would start estrogen hormone therapy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "85300ffd-d9f6-4e7c-a916-dfe7d05f5f1d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following monoclonal antibodies has demonstrated its efficacy in the treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria:", "Options": { "A": "Rituximab", "B": "Alemtuzumab", "C": "Eculizumab.", "D": "Ocrelizumab." }, "Correct Answer": "Eculizumab.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9f66f24b-182c-44a0-98e5-20138234a738", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 46-year-old man who consulted urgently for colicky pain located in the left iliac fossa, with some irradiation towards the scrotum. He has not had similar episodes. In the laboratory, serum creatinine is 0.9 mg / dL, leukocytes 6.700 / mm3 and the leukocyte formula is normal. In the urinary sediment there are 12-15 red blood cells / field and the pH of the urine is 6. He has no fever and his body mass index (BMI) is 25.5 kg / m2. Which imaging test is the most sensitive to make the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Plain radiography of abdomen.", "B": "Abdominal ultrasound.", "C": "CT without contrast.", "D": "Intravenous urography." }, "Correct Answer": "CT without contrast.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f13d68f8-fa87-4b9e-8c81-68f5dfd40a6e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Patient of 51 years, without a history of interest. Consultation for fever, poor general condition and pleuritic pain of a week of evolution that has not subsided despite prescribed antibiotic treatment. Enter conscious, oriented and with a fever of 38.7ºC. On physical examination, an abolition of the vesicular murmur in the posterior basal half of the right hemithorax is highlighted. In the analytic it has leucocytes 19,000 / mm3 (80% neutrophils). The radiograph shows a pleural effusion that occupies half of the right hemithorax. What should be the attitude to follow?", "Options": { "A": "Perform a diagnostic and therapeutic video-assisted thoracoscopy.", "B": "Perform a diagnostic thoracocentesis.", "C": "Change the antibiotic used so far.", "D": "Place a pleural drainage urgently." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform a diagnostic thoracocentesis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "604d9258-c5c0-4b12-8c43-66abbb6472e4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 10-year-old girl who presented with asthenia, abdominal pain and gross hematuria with dark urine without voiding symptoms. He has been receiving treatment with amoxicillin for 3 days for acute pharyngotonsillitis. The family reports two similar previous self-limited episodes coinciding with gastroenteritis and otitis media respectively. What is your diagnosis of suspicion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.", "B": "IgA nephropathy.", "C": "Alport syndrome linked to X.", "D": "Acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis." }, "Correct Answer": "IgA nephropathy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4821fbf7-0a60-4b1f-ac6a-718a3b58e5f5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 32-year-old woman with a positive pregnancy test and 9-week amenorrhea. Consultation due to hyperemesis gravidarum of 6 days of evolution and scarce metrorrhagia of 3 hours of evolution. On examination, scarce uterine cavity and uterus increased as a 14-week gestation. In the ultrasound study presents intrauterine image in \"snowflakes\" and absence of intrauterine gestational sac. The determination of ß-HCG is 110,000 mUI / mL. After evacuation by suction and curettage, a complete hydatidiform mole is diagnosed. In the follow-up it is indicated:", "Options": { "A": "Treatment with weekly methotrexate and folinic acid until normalized ßHCG figures.", "B": "Weekly determination of ß-HCG until three consecutive ones are negative, then monthly determination until the end of the year.", "C": "Cerebral and thoracic CT scan every 3 months for 1 year.", "D": "Performed simple chest x-ray every 3 months for 1 year." }, "Correct Answer": "Weekly determination of ß-HCG until three consecutive ones are negative, then monthly determination until the end of the year.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0ce2a585-4a50-40ab-adb3-0f2eee6e0904", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Evidence-based medicine proposes to integrate the best evidence with the clinical experience and the circumstances of patients in making clinical decisions. In relation to the quality of the evidence, what type of study provides us with evidence of higher quality:", "Options": { "A": "Systematic reviews.", "B": "Cohort study.", "C": "Randomized clinical trials.", "D": "Number of cases." }, "Correct Answer": "Systematic reviews.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "21e107d7-f24f-4d12-9610-362d4ed5d56c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The plasma concentration of a drug in the steady state is:", "Options": { "A": "The range of plasma concentration achieved with a drug after five half-lives have elapsed.", "B": "The maximum expected plasma level with a drug in chronic treatment.", "C": "The area under the curve produced by any dose in the course of a chronic treatment.", "D": "The molar equivalent to the elimination half-life." }, "Correct Answer": "The range of plasma concentration achieved with a drug after five half-lives have elapsed.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "00471418-dd25-4ea7-b5a7-9a9de20a9408", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Huntington's disease is a hereditary disorder that:", "Options": { "A": "It follows an autosomal recessive transmission pattern.", "B": "It follows an autosomal dominant pattern of transmission.", "C": "It follows a transmission pattern linked to sex.", "D": "It follows a multifactorial transmission pattern." }, "Correct Answer": "It follows an autosomal dominant pattern of transmission.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2b9930f7-1408-4044-8920-6c850fc2e08b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that has been linked to the degeneration of neurons:", "Options": { "A": "From the mamillothalamic system.", "B": "From the cholinergic system of the basal forebrain.", "C": "Of the nigrostriado system.", "D": "Of the serotoninergic system of the raphe nuclei." }, "Correct Answer": "Of the nigrostriado system.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f86b2cb9-9863-4071-827b-a60ac943f582", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which cells located in the central nervous system surround the cerebral capillaries and the neuronal membranes, participating in the supply of nutrients to the neurons ?:", "Options": { "A": "Schwann cells.", "B": "Oligodendrocytes", "C": "The microglia.", "D": "Astrocytes" }, "Correct Answer": "Astrocytes", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9aa8df78-82ae-48dc-81cb-fb9a3f8f16de", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the hormone that prevents the development of female internal sexual organs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Testosterone", "B": "Dihydrotestosterone", "C": "Hormone inhibitor of the Müller system (hormone Antimülleriana).", "D": "Estradiol." }, "Correct Answer": "Hormone inhibitor of the Müller system (hormone Antimülleriana).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5e838d6c-812a-4f19-b29e-c09e64264280", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The region of the cerebral cortex that provides the sensory and motivational keys in the movements directed to an objective is:", "Options": { "A": "The primary motor area.", "B": "The ventromedial prefrontal cortex.", "C": "The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.", "D": "The posterior parietal cortex." }, "Correct Answer": "The posterior parietal cortex.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1f085ca2-7e74-4aa5-ab8a-c6ee58d685cb", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The neural system that integrates most of the stimuli related to osmotic and volatile thirst includes:", "Options": { "A": "Locus coeruleus.", "B": "Periaqueductal gray substance.", "C": "Medium preoptic core.", "D": "Medial preoptic nucleus." }, "Correct Answer": "Medium preoptic core.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a41543d0-fb5b-4752-925f-965e6fcde0eb", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What brain region is involved in the inhibition and extinction of conditioned emotional responses ?:", "Options": { "A": "The medial or ventromedial prefrontal cortex.", "B": "The posterior parietal cortex.", "C": "The periaqueductal gray matter.", "D": "The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus." }, "Correct Answer": "The medial or ventromedial prefrontal cortex.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b2331f42-aa42-434f-8ce3-a3933d24be3e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The syndrome consisting of a change in the quality of the voice that can lead to the appearance of a foreign accent is called:", "Options": { "A": "Aprosodia", "B": "Amusia", "C": "Hyperprosodia.", "D": "Disprosodia." }, "Correct Answer": "Disprosodia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "790f05bb-d0db-4e25-99f0-0431b0e989f5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When evaluating a patient neuropsychologically, he communicates his perplexity, surprise and concern about the movement of his arm when he picks up the pen. We will say that it presents:", "Options": { "A": "Usage behavior.", "B": "Reduplication syndrome.", "C": "Foreign hand syndrome.", "D": "Depersonalization" }, "Correct Answer": "Foreign hand syndrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "59cf73de-a6b3-4fac-a0f4-f677cc5d3d6e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate what type of validity or reliability refers to the fact that the content of a psychological evaluation technique comprises a representative sample of the possible universe of the behaviors that are intended to be evaluated:", "Options": { "A": "The criterial validity.", "B": "The validity of content.", "C": "The reliability.", "D": "The internal consistency" }, "Correct Answer": "The validity of content.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0d991c45-6979-4463-a8c8-d05b937d1bc3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the psychological evaluation, the interview is considered semi-structured when the interviewer works:", "Options": { "A": "With a sequence of closed questions.", "B": "With a series of predefined open questions or a defined outline.", "C": "With a sequence of open questions without prefixing.", "D": "Without a previous scheme, depending on the problems detected." }, "Correct Answer": "With a series of predefined open questions or a defined outline.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7013543d-fe52-4e95-b81f-0ab90f1495a5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If we use an \"alguedonic\" criterion as one of the defining elements of the existence of a pathology, we are using a variant of the criteria:", "Options": { "A": "Statistics", "B": "Biological", "C": "Psychoanalytics", "D": "Subjectives" }, "Correct Answer": "Subjectives", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "da4de61a-b1ea-4e07-97a2-103bd47a947d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Grid Technique, derived from Kelly's theory of personal constructs, is considered, more properly, a test:", "Options": { "A": "Projective", "B": "Subjective", "C": "Psychometric", "D": "Objective" }, "Correct Answer": "Subjective", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a2c1b371-2372-4eb4-bbc8-7c4ce4560cb2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The psychological evaluation interview is an instrument:", "Options": { "A": "Necessarily quantified.", "B": "Necessarily systematized.", "C": "Necessarily typed.", "D": "It can be an instrument neither quantified nor typified." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be an instrument neither quantified nor typified.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "98219d1c-30e0-439a-ae25-3122ba6710b1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The importance of active listening in an interview is manifested in:", "Options": { "A": "Do not leave breaks in the conversation.", "B": "Lengthen the time of the interview.", "C": "Express initially the agreement with the interviewee.", "D": "Show that you have understood how the interviewee feels." }, "Correct Answer": "Show that you have understood how the interviewee feels.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "aa25e8e4-f415-4949-a04a-55e2eb55808f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Intellectual Quotient (IQ) is defined as:", "Options": { "A": "The ratio between chronological age and mental age multiplied by 100.", "B": "The ratio between mental age and chronological age multiplied by 100.", "C": "The multiplication of chronological age by mental age divided by 100.", "D": "The quotient between mental age and chronological age multiplied by 10." }, "Correct Answer": "The ratio between mental age and chronological age multiplied by 100.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2f657ec3-d759-4fcf-b2e7-c0c837d59c71", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following aspects is NOT a relevant parameter for aerobic physical exercise to be healthy ?:", "Options": { "A": "A sufficient intensity for the heart rate to rise to a certain level.", "B": "The time or duration in which the heart rate is maintained at that level.", "C": "The frequency or number of days in which physical exercise is performed per week.", "D": "The age at which physical exercise begins." }, "Correct Answer": "The age at which physical exercise begins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b61561ed-4f6f-4926-b0c4-77f9f992fae1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the clinical evaluation, the problem of \"false positives\" that refers to the subjects may arise:", "Options": { "A": "Diagnosed with a disorder that does not really suffer.", "B": "Not diagnosed with a disorder they really suffer.", "C": "They hide symptoms related to the disorder they suffer.", "D": "With high social desirability they try to give a positive image." }, "Correct Answer": "Diagnosed with a disorder that does not really suffer.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "acfa236e-3dfa-4ba0-b975-76310b7092a5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC III and WISC IV) the results in the \"search for symbols\" test provide:", "Options": { "A": "An index of processing speed.", "B": "An index of working memory.", "C": "An index of perceptual organization.", "D": "An index of verbal comprehension." }, "Correct Answer": "An index of processing speed.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c4852bdf-0a3b-4961-ac52-c53a6d52f5e5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The evaluation method in which the oral or written information that a person emits about himself is collected is called:", "Options": { "A": "Psychophysiological technique.", "B": "Projective technique.", "C": "Self-report", "D": "Observation." }, "Correct Answer": "Self-report", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dd90a423-4827-41ff-9e12-4d8f191ffc2a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The psychophysiological record is considered an objective evaluation technique because:", "Options": { "A": "Respect the asituacional character of the results.", "B": "The responses of the evaluated person are recorded, coded and processed without intermediation of the evaluator.", "C": "Registers parameters that are stable and invariable over long periods of time.", "D": "The person evaluated can modify their answers according to their will." }, "Correct Answer": "The responses of the evaluated person are recorded, coded and processed without intermediation of the evaluator.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b20934e1-6578-4579-b878-4dafb96beef2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"Diagnostic Interview Schedule, DIS,\" which provides information on the onset, duration and timing of symptoms, is an example of an interview:", "Options": { "A": "Structured", "B": "Semi-structured.", "C": "Motivational.", "D": "Open" }, "Correct Answer": "Structured", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "02dba870-42e2-4550-bbe9-8b011cadcd32", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"Drawing of the Human Figure\" test is an example of projective technique of type:", "Options": { "A": "Structural.", "B": "Thematic", "C": "Constructive", "D": "Expressive" }, "Correct Answer": "Expressive", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "83734f85-40cf-4da3-adbe-088167adeac7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) evaluates:", "Options": { "A": "Personality styles", "B": "Coherence of the personality.", "C": "Antisocial personality vs. altruistic.", "D": "General psychopathology" }, "Correct Answer": "General psychopathology", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "012fe6b2-9adf-4d95-873d-62fe03804a95", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the evaluation of the probability of suicidal and autolytic behavior, it is convenient to:", "Options": { "A": "Address the issue directly only when there are indications of risk.", "B": "Address the issue directly, with explicit questions, regardless of the presence or not of risk factors.", "C": "Address the issue indirectly so that the patient does not feel intimidated.", "D": "Do not address the issue, since talking about suicide increases the likelihood that the person will carry it out." }, "Correct Answer": "Address the issue directly, with explicit questions, regardless of the presence or not of risk factors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "41afc723-ab1f-4c4a-b6c1-9d400a0cf179", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the preferred and preferred evaluation instruments for the diagnosis of elimination disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Questionnaires such as the Bristol Stool Scale.", "B": "Validated self-reports such as the Clinical Questionnaire for Non-Coordinated Urination.", "C": "Questionnaires and validated self-reports.", "D": "Interviews and systematized observation records." }, "Correct Answer": "Interviews and systematized observation records.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3de0ac89-88ea-4e5e-b2f3-468352fbdcad", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is one of the main difficulties encountered when evaluating eating disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "The denial or minimization of the problem.", "B": "The lack of empathy.", "C": "The cachexia.", "D": "The alextimia." }, "Correct Answer": "The denial or minimization of the problem.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9c6ca526-5a06-43bc-a563-16187615829d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What characteristic is applicable to behavioral assessment scales in children, such as the Achenback CBCL ?:", "Options": { "A": "Normally the score does not refer to a normative score.", "B": "It does not require an informant.", "C": "Provides impressions of the evaluator.", "D": "You can check if the behavioral changes are within normal limits." }, "Correct Answer": "You can check if the behavioral changes are within normal limits.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e8ddafc0-0037-4d21-9725-bedbcf4a813d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The assessment of balance is an essential element of the evaluation of psychomotor development:", "Options": { "A": "Of muscular tone.", "B": "Of laterality.", "C": "Of postural control.", "D": "Of the corporal outline." }, "Correct Answer": "Of postural control.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "08e3f186-3f68-4485-92e4-210d65d4069a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What task will be carried out by a child who is evaluated by a projective technique of an expressive type ?:", "Options": { "A": "Make a drawing from a verbal or written slogan.", "B": "Organize a given material from a slogan.", "C": "It will emit a response associated with a stimulus.", "D": "Will tell a story from the presentation of a sheet." }, "Correct Answer": "Make a drawing from a verbal or written slogan.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0c8049d6-afa4-4c8d-934a-4da3135fff35", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The completion of the process of psychological evaluation in clinic involves a report, which:", "Options": { "A": "It is enough that it is offered verbally without going into explanations about etiology and / or therapy that the patient will not understand.", "B": "It must consist, exclusively, in a written document facing the future possibility of being required by sanitary or legal authorities.", "C": "It can be presented both orally and / or in writing.", "D": "If presented in writing, it will not be considered a legal document, nor as a source of information for a subject, because it would break the right to privacy." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be presented both orally and / or in writing.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "512581bb-6d87-43ef-9fc2-f14aa18b1bbd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the sociometric procedures applied to childhood and adolescence, what strategy uses the number of choices and rejections that an individual receives ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nomination by the equals.", "B": "\"Guess who\" techniques.", "C": "Score by equals.", "D": "Scale of appreciation of colleagues." }, "Correct Answer": "Nomination by the equals.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b18d3031-03f2-4e2e-bbc4-3de3df303801", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What assessment tool is used to explain the topography of eating behavior in an eating behavior disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Self-report of symptoms.", "B": "Diagnostic interview", "C": "Self-registration", "D": "Food questionnaire." }, "Correct Answer": "Self-registration", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "81df510c-4322-47f1-bf14-3fbec0cdd4b8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At what level of intelligence does a score of 89 on the Wechsler scale for children (WISC IV) correspond ?:", "Options": { "A": "Medium high", "B": "Medium.", "C": "Medium low", "D": "Low." }, "Correct Answer": "Medium low", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cf8ae3b0-89a8-44a6-bfc4-ae7e69385e73", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What process associated with a writing disorder is evaluated with a test on ability to recover words ?:", "Options": { "A": "Morphosyntactic processes.", "B": "Processes of composition of a text.", "C": "Phonological processes.", "D": "Lexical processes." }, "Correct Answer": "Lexical processes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "47de9035-ea7b-438a-bb83-e95101bd6654", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire \"WHOQOL\" (WHO, 1998) evaluates:", "Options": { "A": "It is designed to evaluate the quality of life in chronically mentally ill patients.", "B": "The functional deterioration.", "C": "The quality of life measured objectively by adaptation indexes.", "D": "The perceived quality of life, including areas such as spirituality." }, "Correct Answer": "The perceived quality of life, including areas such as spirituality.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7e50382a-73fb-4d85-ac6f-a369b015eb7d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The evaluation of personality has been done from various models and theories. From the factorial theories, the most representative test that has inspired the development of others is:", "Options": { "A": "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI.", "B": "Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16PF.", "C": "Gordon Personal Profile, GPP.", "D": "Tennessee Self Concept Scale, TSCS." }, "Correct Answer": "Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16PF.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "051553ac-2f3f-4d7a-9e56-457aab7e0c56", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The scale of percentile ranges that is usually used to communicate the results of the normative tests constitute a scale of the type:", "Options": { "A": "Nominal.", "B": "Ordinal.", "C": "Interval.", "D": "Reason." }, "Correct Answer": "Ordinal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "58943320-8a6c-4bcc-a728-ec038ad255d2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reliability coefficient of a test increases when:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the variability of the sample.", "B": "Decrease the number of items.", "C": "Increase dimensionality", "D": "Decreases its predictive validity." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the variability of the sample.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cd041c69-5f07-4486-b80a-52903a1c6822", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the models of Item Response Theory (TRI) one-dimensional, the logistic model of a parameter (Rasch Model) is characterized by assuming that the items differ in their level of difficulty (parameter b) and:", "Options": { "A": "The parameter a = 0 and the parameter c = 0.", "B": "The parameter a = 1.7 and the parameter c = 0.", "C": "The parameter a is constant and the parameter c = 1.7.", "D": "The parameter a is constant and the parameter c = 0." }, "Correct Answer": "The parameter a is constant and the parameter c = 0.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8f8e9edb-080f-43ca-9c69-a3baa0529ee0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The sensitivity of a psychometric test used for diagnostic purposes is given by:", "Options": { "A": "The number of correct classifications made by the test.", "B": "The proportion of cases correctly detected by the test.", "C": "The proportion of cases incorrectly detected by the test.", "D": "The number of cases that the test stops detecting." }, "Correct Answer": "The proportion of cases correctly detected by the test.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "15919b98-94cd-436c-a55e-08ebf9f15d5b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To the probability of obtaining, being true Ho, a result for a contrast statistic, as or more extreme than the one found in our sample, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Significance level, alpha.", "B": "Confidence level, 1 - alpha.", "C": "Test power, 1 - beta.", "D": "Degree of significance or critical level, p." }, "Correct Answer": "Degree of significance or critical level, p.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5d7ee1ea-8659-43a2-bbcb-c036c4e6b718", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is an assumption that must be met for the application of the chi-square independence test in a contingency table:", "Options": { "A": "That there is an equal number of rows that of columns.", "B": "That the variables are measured in ordinal scale.", "C": "That there is no more than 20% of expected frequencies below 5.", "D": "That the expected frequencies are equal to the empirical frequencies." }, "Correct Answer": "That there is no more than 20% of expected frequencies below 5.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8eb6f102-8d23-42d1-a2b9-f54e9be0cdc4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a box diagram (Box-Plot), the central box represents:", "Options": { "A": "100% of cases.", "B": "The central 75% of cases.", "C": "The central 50% of cases.", "D": "The central 25% of cases." }, "Correct Answer": "The central 50% of cases.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d0e9a97c-cfb2-4e54-a185-fb3bcd8b536a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the type of allocation rule used in the research designs, indicate which of the following statements is CORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "In a pretest-posttest design with non-equivalent control group, the assignment rule used is non-random but known.", "B": "In a discontinuity design of the regression, the assignment rule used is non-random but known.", "C": "In a simple design of interrupted time series, the assignment rule used is non-random but known.", "D": "In a fully repeated measure design, the assignment rule used is non-random but known." }, "Correct Answer": "In a discontinuity design of the regression, the assignment rule used is non-random but known.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8d13116e-3d94-4490-9be4-289bd95e4fff", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the characteristics of the research designs and the analysis techniques associated with them, indicate which of the following statements is CORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "In the design of randomized blocks, a restriction to randomization is carried out, so that the treatments are assigned randomly to the subjects according to the block to which they belong.", "B": "In fully repeated measurement designs, in addition to homoscedasticity, it is necessary to guarantee the sphericity assumption in order to be able to use parametric tests.", "C": "In a factorial design AxB, when the results indicate that both the main and the interaction effects are statistically significant, the main effects must be interpreted first and then the interaction effect.", "D": "In random multigroup designs, the presence of interaction between variables can be interpreted as a moderating effect." }, "Correct Answer": "In the design of randomized blocks, a restriction to randomization is carried out, so that the treatments are assigned randomly to the subjects according to the block to which they belong.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "07214a1c-17c7-4dd5-82f5-de5e5a3ce5e1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the use of randomization as an allocation rule, indicate which of the following statements is CORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "The experimental and quasi-experimental designs are characterized by using, as a control technique, the random assignment of the subjects to the treatments.", "B": "Randomization or use of a randomization rule is the most important control technique of experimental designs because its effectiveness is independent of the sample size.", "C": "All designs, both intersubject and intrasubject, must incorporate the random assignment rule to be considered experimental designs.", "D": "Randomization, as a balancing technique, is a control strategy that seeks to reduce the selection bias." }, "Correct Answer": "Randomization, as a balancing technique, is a control strategy that seeks to reduce the selection bias.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2ef770c0-0bdc-4cd5-8a64-aec2230f85fa", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The aspects of a person's self-concept that are based on their group membership are called:", "Options": { "A": "Social identity", "B": "Collectivism.", "C": "Self esteem.", "D": "Endogroup." }, "Correct Answer": "Social identity", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e21e91a7-2bb5-4850-817a-97845a883d0a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"correspondence bias\" consists of the tendency to:", "Options": { "A": "Respond positively to altruistic behaviors.", "B": "Find similarities in the behavior of different subjects.", "C": "Attribute the behaviors to the internal dispositions of the subjects.", "D": "Explain the behaviors from previous stimuli." }, "Correct Answer": "Attribute the behaviors to the internal dispositions of the subjects.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1ac282f8-57dc-43df-9aed-e7fd99c55ce9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the behavior of a person seeks to avoid rejection of the group, the process called:", "Options": { "A": "Informative social influence.", "B": "Normative social influence.", "C": "Dilution phenomenon.", "D": "Illusion of the Just World." }, "Correct Answer": "Normative social influence.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "064bc74d-2cd8-4b8e-b61f-fab38367b712", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A tactic or persuasive effect consisting in getting a subject to access a costly request, making it access a low cost request before, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Of the low ball.", "B": "Of reduction of tension.", "C": "From the door in the face.", "D": "From the foot in the door." }, "Correct Answer": "From the foot in the door.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6e46df8a-5774-4ffd-8792-39cece5d7a22", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The leadership approach that is based on the exchange of rewards between the leader (agent of influence) and his followers is called:", "Options": { "A": "Transformational leadership", "B": "Contingency leadership model.", "C": "Transactional leadership", "D": "Charismatic leadership" }, "Correct Answer": "Transactional leadership", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f4509605-46e8-410e-8f4b-65b3e36d3864", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The appearance of the so-called \"Group Thought\", according to the model proposed by Janis, is favored by:", "Options": { "A": "The high individual self-concept.", "B": "The heterogeneity of the group.", "C": "Leadership leadership or lack of tradition of impartial leadership.", "D": "The previous trajectory of group success." }, "Correct Answer": "Leadership leadership or lack of tradition of impartial leadership.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5a869c5b-627c-4b76-a097-dc4efd172701", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the person's speech is characterized by a pattern of spontaneous speech in which ideas slip away from each other, they say things juxtaposed and lack an adequate connection between phrases or ideas, we talk about:", "Options": { "A": "Derailment.", "B": "Tangentiality", "C": "It speaks adireccional.", "D": "Alog" }, "Correct Answer": "Derailment.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "43865ad0-94b1-440a-a37d-8fd346d88028", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The circumstantiality of thought is characterized because:", "Options": { "A": "It is often accompanied by motor passivity, affective indifference and / or lack of motivation to act.", "B": "The connections between successive thoughts are established, in many cases, at random or in terms of the similarity of sounds between words, or by proverbs, etc.", "C": "There is a significant decrease in the production of thoughts and mental images, in such a way that the thought becomes slow and laborious.", "D": "The purpose of thought is never lost and it reaches its goal but progresses slowly with a multitude of irrelevant details and excessive parentheses." }, "Correct Answer": "The purpose of thought is never lost and it reaches its goal but progresses slowly with a multitude of irrelevant details and excessive parentheses.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7ed4393f-95de-4df6-a99e-27c218f225ac", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To the muscular movements in the form of violent and uncontrollable contractions of the voluntary musculature that are manifested in one or several muscular groups or in a generalized way in the whole body, they are called:", "Options": { "A": "Compulsions.", "B": "Convulsions", "C": "Tics", "D": "Bradicinesias." }, "Correct Answer": "Convulsions", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "960ef7b1-d7b3-4335-b31c-56f32949cd1c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a memory is not experienced as such, but, on the contrary, is experienced as lived for the first time as an original experience, it is called:", "Options": { "A": "Cryptoamnesia", "B": "\"Deja vu\".", "C": "\"Jamais vu\".", "D": "Pseudology" }, "Correct Answer": "Cryptoamnesia", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "48173fa5-6e43-4aba-b0e3-de5850da54f6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"Gilles de la Tourette\" syndrome is a tic disorder that:", "Options": { "A": "It mainly affects women.", "B": "It usually starts from adolescence.", "C": "It can lead to the manifestation of coprolalia.", "D": "It is associated with Huntington's disease." }, "Correct Answer": "It can lead to the manifestation of coprolalia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "077474d9-fd71-4fb4-95df-331cb13bcdd3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The muscular contractions located in the muscles of the neck that force the individual to flex and extend it (salutary spasms of Salaam) are associated with:", "Options": { "A": "Alzheimer's", "B": "Schizophrenia.", "C": "Certain professions as clerks or violinists.", "D": "The little bad of epilepsy or lesions of the hypothalamus." }, "Correct Answer": "The little bad of epilepsy or lesions of the hypothalamus.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "69118712-edc3-402b-a9a9-16244bf095e5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"tonic dysfemia\" is:", "Options": { "A": "An intense block at the beginning of the speech that the subject wins by force.", "B": "Small spasms that cause the repetition of phonemes throughout the speech.", "C": "A permanent or temporary amnesia of expressive language.", "D": "A difficulty in correctly using grammatical relations and their rules." }, "Correct Answer": "An intense block at the beginning of the speech that the subject wins by force.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f38f5c3a-15af-41e8-a0e1-ccc508739e51", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ability to semantically encode information is impaired in patients with:", "Options": { "A": "Parkinson.", "B": "Alzheimer's", "C": "Multiple sclerosis.", "D": "Huntington." }, "Correct Answer": "Alzheimer's", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7efcbc2c-4751-4afd-9099-76360a5efb35", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When evaluating social skills, if we focus on the paralinguistic elements, we will pay attention to:", "Options": { "A": "The facial expression", "B": "Tone of voice.", "C": "The sense of humor of the conversation.", "D": "Eye contact" }, "Correct Answer": "Tone of voice.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "68675e1e-1286-4549-babf-4e2cbb317b45", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When we observe in a person a psychomotor disorder that makes it difficult for him to carry out proactive activities that require sequencing and orderly coordination of a series of movements (eg, buttoning buttons), we can talk about:", "Options": { "A": "Stereotypes", "B": "Dyskinesias", "C": "Dysmimies", "D": "Apraxias" }, "Correct Answer": "Apraxias", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8f4f8e7f-4c81-4633-ae97-775df6270eea", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"temporary lagoon\" is characterized because:", "Options": { "A": "It is a pathological alteration of the typical memory in patients with Korsakoff Syndrome.", "B": "It is an alteration that occurs regardless of the ability level of the subject in the task you are doing.", "C": "There is no persistent spatio-temporal disorientation.", "D": "The subject registers the events that work as time markers, but later can not recover them." }, "Correct Answer": "There is no persistent spatio-temporal disorientation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "67cb2e44-b9ee-4404-96f7-42d64be65cb1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The dysmegalopsias are characterized because:", "Options": { "A": "They are a form of visual hallucinations.", "B": "They are pathological images called pseudoperceptions.", "C": "They are alterations of the spectrum of megalomaniacal symptoms.", "D": "They are perceptive distortions." }, "Correct Answer": "They are perceptive distortions.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ac8485e7-b9fc-4729-94e3-42866173d14b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Functional hallucinations are characterized because:", "Options": { "A": "The stimuli coming from an external object are combined with a mental image giving rise to a false interpretation of reality.", "B": "There is an incorrect perception of an external stimulus, which is why some authors do not consider it as a true hallucination but as a special form of illusion / distortion.", "C": "They are morbid phenomena that only occur in populations with brain disorders.", "D": "A stimulus belonging to a sensory modality, which is correctly perceived, produces and overlaps an hallucination in the same sensory modality that appears and disappears with them." }, "Correct Answer": "A stimulus belonging to a sensory modality, which is correctly perceived, produces and overlaps an hallucination in the same sensory modality that appears and disappears with them.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1f3b8163-d570-4aaf-9c3c-69c3f53f5812", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Amnesic Syndrome is characterized because:", "Options": { "A": "Those affected have generalized deficits in operational memory tests.", "B": "It affects fundamentally implicit rather than explicit memory.", "C": "It affects semantic memory, but not episodic memory.", "D": "It mainly affects the antegrade memory." }, "Correct Answer": "It mainly affects the antegrade memory.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2571786e-b1a3-4ff3-b6d8-a357c344f3b4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Dissociative amnesia is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Inability to remember relevant autobiographical information.", "B": "Temporary confusion of memories.", "C": "Alteration of identity.", "D": "Memories in conspiracy." }, "Correct Answer": "Inability to remember relevant autobiographical information.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e6a5e542-beeb-4d31-a5ef-bbe97a35a452", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For what kind of patient was Moorey and Greer's Adjuvant Psychological Therapy developed ?:", "Options": { "A": "Patient with cardiovascular diseases.", "B": "Patients with HIV infection.", "C": "Patients with cancer.", "D": "Patients with kidney problems." }, "Correct Answer": "Patients with cancer.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ec7ad8f6-504f-4a48-a1b2-9d19d4d91734", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is acute stress disorder different from post-traumatic stress disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the subjective intensity of the traumatic event that causes them.", "B": "In the possible presence of dissociative symptoms in acute stress disorder (flahsbacks), but not in post-traumatic stress disorder.", "C": "In the possible presence of dissociative symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder (flashbacks), but not in acute stress disorder.", "D": "On the duration of symptoms." }, "Correct Answer": "On the duration of symptoms.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1f87a847-de5f-44c1-8fd4-9d541deb9568", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following experiences can be considered a compulsion according to the DSMIV-TR or DSM-5 ?:", "Options": { "A": "A repetitive doubt.", "B": "Intense discomfort before disordered or asymmetric objects.", "C": "Certain repetitive mental acts (eg counting or repeating words in silence).", "D": "A persistent impulse." }, "Correct Answer": "Certain repetitive mental acts (eg counting or repeating words in silence).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "32143051-80c7-4322-9220-657eaf9854d4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the diagnosis of an obsessive-compulsive disorder, which specification requires the fifth edition (like the previous one) of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "Specify if obsessions or compulsions predominate.", "B": "Specify the presence or absence of a comorbid obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.", "C": "Specify the degree of introspection or disease awareness.", "D": "Specify if the obsessions are egodistonic or egosyntonic." }, "Correct Answer": "Specify the degree of introspection or disease awareness.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4a15abfe-e102-4c34-9463-8afda1d834e6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What disorder does generalized anxiety have a frequent comorbidity ?:", "Options": { "A": "With the disorders due to substance use.", "B": "With neurodevelopmental disorders.", "C": "With depression.", "D": "With the avoidant personality disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "With depression.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "909b112c-e50c-49d7-b390-e52caf9bde76", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following symptoms are not associated with the anxiety and worry present in the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "Restlessness.", "B": "Ease to fatigue.", "C": "Frequent headaches", "D": "Restless or unsatisfactory sleep." }, "Correct Answer": "Frequent headaches", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "27cd339d-4431-41be-a09b-cdff136f11c0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With what personality disorder does social anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity ?:", "Options": { "A": "Schizoid.", "B": "Antisocial.", "C": "Avoidable", "D": "Dependent." }, "Correct Answer": "Avoidable", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "030eb019-fdf5-4985-99d5-e9fd434dc833", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following symptoms is most common during panic attacks ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sweating", "B": "Palpitations", "C": "Fear of going crazy or losing control.", "D": "Feeling of unreality" }, "Correct Answer": "Palpitations", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "75d77d6f-1074-49af-a0c5-61b1c2778ea9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following situations can NOT be considered as a phobic stimulus for the diagnosis of a specific phobia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Invasive medical procedures.", "B": "Situations that can lead to vomiting.", "C": "Situations of fear of environments or natural environments (heights, storms, water).", "D": "The separation of the attachment figures." }, "Correct Answer": "The separation of the attachment figures.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6b473096-c60f-4309-ae6b-6dce3e7c42a8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the Gender Aversion Disorder conceptualized in the diagnostic classifications (DSM-IV-TR or DSM-5) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Like a phobic disorder.", "B": "As a disorder of sexual desire.", "C": "As a disorder of sexual arousal.", "D": "As a paraphillic disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "As a disorder of sexual desire.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2fc20469-04dc-47ef-a7ae-914cc41faf71", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the personality disorder classified as such in the (DSM-IV-TR) that does not appear in the section on personality disorders in the ICD-10 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Schizotypic", "B": "Schizoid.", "C": "Histrionic.", "D": "Paranoid" }, "Correct Answer": "Schizotypic", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "15ee17e4-5099-4417-b477-415b2f413767", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the defining characteristic of vaginismus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Genital pain that occurs in women after sexual intercourse.", "B": "Spasms in the musculature of the external third of the vagina that interfere with intercourse.", "C": "Partial or complete failure in obtaining or maintaining the vaginal swelling and lubrication response.", "D": "Absence or delay of orgasm in women during sexual activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Spasms in the musculature of the external third of the vagina that interfere with intercourse.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7dae43b5-41ad-4238-a511-7421251e435a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Beck's depression model, what is the central element in explaining depression ?:", "Options": { "A": "The errors or cognitive distortions.", "B": "The internal, global and stable attributions for negative events.", "C": "A low level of positive emotions and high negative emotions.", "D": "The ruminative style of response to depression." }, "Correct Answer": "The errors or cognitive distortions.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5c1aeba0-6292-46fc-9468-902bdd10a6ad", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is cyclothymia or cyclothymic disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "A disorder in which periods appear with manic episodes and periods with depressive episodes.", "B": "A disorder in which periods appear with manic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a manic episode and periods with episodes of major depression.", "C": "A disorder in which periods appear with episodes hipo maniac and periods with episodes of major depression.", "D": "A disorder in which periods appear with hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a hypomanic episode and periods with depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for an episode of major depression." }, "Correct Answer": "A disorder in which periods appear with hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a hypomanic episode and periods with depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for an episode of major depression.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3c0dc3f2-fb1a-4eb0-bf7e-d73634d9524f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What disorder of the personality includes as criteria to express a superficial and rapidly changing emotional expression ?:", "Options": { "A": "The histrionic disorder of the personality.", "B": "The borderline personality disorder.", "C": "Both the narcissistic disorder and the personality limit.", "D": "The personality disorder by dependence." }, "Correct Answer": "The histrionic disorder of the personality.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c56b76af-c008-425a-ac67-2ffaff0687bf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The propensity that a psychoactive substance has to produce dependence in those who consume it, is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Dependence of a psychoactive substance.", "B": "Disorder due to substance use.", "C": "Addictive potential of a drug.", "D": "Cross tolerance" }, "Correct Answer": "Addictive potential of a drug.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b2b5df77-bfe5-4a27-b606-f3aece72f385", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following factors makes a situation more stressful ?:", "Options": { "A": "The fact that it is unpredictable.", "B": "The fact that it is controllable.", "C": "The fact that it specifically affects the work environment.", "D": "The fact that it occurs during adolescence." }, "Correct Answer": "The fact that it is unpredictable.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "644c91fc-df89-4ca9-b215-cbd87db2e611", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs does her use never produce psychotic symptoms for herself ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cannabis", "B": "The inhalants", "C": "The tobacco", "D": "The hallucinogens." }, "Correct Answer": "The tobacco", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1e3332fd-88a5-4ff1-9949-6cf8c1d1182d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At what level of prevention do we find ourselves when we talk about taking measures so that the disease does not appear in healthy people ?:", "Options": { "A": "Primary prevention.", "B": "Secondary prevention.", "C": "Tertiary prevention.", "D": "Quaternary prevention." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary prevention.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "600c95b8-c4a5-47a6-bf37-5766475b3407", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What theoretical model in Health Psychology defends that the two main explanatory factors of an individual's health behaviors are the perception of vulnerability or susceptibility to the disease and the perceived severity of its consequences ?:", "Options": { "A": "Theory of Reasoned Action.", "B": "Transheoretical model.", "C": "Theory of Social Learning.", "D": "Health Belief Model." }, "Correct Answer": "Health Belief Model.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "24ba4e8d-a0ff-4935-a4c5-476769aa5a16", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "Nightmares occur in the second half of the night, in the REM phase.", "B": "During the nightmare epileptiform activity increases.", "C": "Night terrors usually appear in the last third of the night, in REM (REM) sleep.", "D": "After a night terror, the child remembers the episode clearly." }, "Correct Answer": "Nightmares occur in the second half of the night, in the REM phase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "712a246c-69aa-4879-b30b-b989b04ac1d2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the mechanism of the General Adaptation Syndrome (SGA) proposed by Selye, what phenomenon occurs in a first stage in response to stress ?:", "Options": { "A": "A discharge of adrenaline and corticotrophin in the first seconds or minutes.", "B": "A slow but progressive release of norepinephrine and corticosteroids.", "C": "A blockage of the sympathetic system, while the stressor is present and / or until passing to the second stage.", "D": "A sharp drop in the noradrenaline indexes, which will recover in a second stage." }, "Correct Answer": "A discharge of adrenaline and corticotrophin in the first seconds or minutes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f363f104-836e-487b-9e27-a0edc027594b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements related to diet and weight is FALSE ?:", "Options": { "A": "Overweight grade I (BMI between 25 and 26.9) poses a significant health risk.", "B": "The obesity that supposes the accumulation of fat in the abdomen is much more dangerous for the health that the one that supposes an increase of fat in the hips.", "C": "Cyclical changes in weight as a result of undergoing restrictive hypocaloric diets are much more dangerous than an overweight grade I.", "D": "Men have a greater tendency to accumulate fat in the abdomen and women, in the hips." }, "Correct Answer": "Overweight grade I (BMI between 25 and 26.9) poses a significant health risk.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3c6b0581-213a-4e93-81cf-384dff1a9378", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Studies on the relationships between stress and health consider that the variable of social support:", "Options": { "A": "It shows that relationships with health are exclusively indirect, acting as a modulator of stress.", "B": "There is no clear evidence of a possible direct effect of social support on health.", "C": "Relationships, both indirect and direct, between social support and health have been described.", "D": "So far, evidence has been found that links health with real support but not with perceived support." }, "Correct Answer": "Relationships, both indirect and direct, between social support and health have been described.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a40ddbb1-ce17-4828-bed8-5fe717828649", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "We talk about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder deferred when the symptoms appear:", "Options": { "A": "After a month of the traumatic event.", "B": "Within three months after the traumatic event.", "C": "Between three and five months after the traumatic event.", "D": "After six months, even several years later." }, "Correct Answer": "After six months, even several years later.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2236fb8d-c741-4467-971b-49fec3d23ec6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What headache is the most frequent and is not usually accompanied by nausea ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tension headache.", "B": "Migraine with aura.", "C": "Migraine without aura.", "D": "Headache due to overuse of medication." }, "Correct Answer": "Tension headache.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2e6bb036-8983-45e5-8952-5e2930c03196", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "\"Craving\" is a concept used in the diagnosis of:", "Options": { "A": "Schizophrenia.", "B": "Autism spectrum disorders.", "C": "The disorders related to substances.", "D": "Eating disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "The disorders related to substances.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a65fc530-f0ea-471b-9b0b-eefa05469396", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which disease do religious delusions and olfactory hallucinations usually associate, such as the smell of burnt rubber ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dementia.", "B": "Cerebrovascular disease", "C": "Epilepsy of the temporal lobe.", "D": "Cranioencephalic trauma." }, "Correct Answer": "Epilepsy of the temporal lobe.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d55e0584-e080-4750-92ac-d2e7642156ce", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following can be considered an extrinsic sleep problem or disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inadequate sleep hygiene.", "B": "Sleep disorder by rotation of work shifts.", "C": "Irregular sleep-wake pattern.", "D": "Narcolepsy" }, "Correct Answer": "Inadequate sleep hygiene.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0f7804ec-f6ef-43e4-bfd2-e221ab090c68", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is considered a diagnostic criterion for Delusional Disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "The disorder can be attributed to the physiological effects of a substance.", "B": "There may be hallucinations that are not related to the delusional theme.", "C": "Except for the impact of the delirium (s), the functioning is not very altered and the behavior is not strange or strange.", "D": "Delirious ideas have a minimum duration of 6 months." }, "Correct Answer": "Except for the impact of the delirium (s), the functioning is not very altered and the behavior is not strange or strange.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0d48b528-6950-4334-9b3f-6de259e65b99", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following options refers, more properly, to the gradual development of an elaborate, intricate and complex system of thought based on the misinterpretation of an actual fact ?:", "Options": { "A": "Paraphrenia", "B": "Neurosis.", "C": "Delusion.", "D": "Paranoia." }, "Correct Answer": "Paranoia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6b96058d-0c4f-4f55-94cd-c4bf7f535db3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name given to the belief that one is dead, empty, without viscera and, therefore, lacks a material body ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ekbom syndrome.", "B": "Cotard syndrome.", "C": "Delirium of infestation.", "D": "Zoopática possession delirium." }, "Correct Answer": "Cotard syndrome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "132a07b6-840b-4b53-80ef-969d67f9aec7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Narcolepsy is characterized by abnormalities in sleep, including:", "Options": { "A": "Hypnopompic delusions.", "B": "Pathological manifestations of non-REM sleep.", "C": "Decrease in the number of awakenings during the night.", "D": "Excessive daytime sleepiness." }, "Correct Answer": "Excessive daytime sleepiness.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4a5653a7-3c61-48c5-a85b-7787adb4f66f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following constitute one of the most consistently found structural findings in schizophrenia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ventricular dilatation.", "B": "Global reductions in the volume of cerebral white matter.", "C": "Increase in brain volume.", "D": "Hemispheric symmetries." }, "Correct Answer": "Ventricular dilatation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "52eff0a8-af50-4f24-8386-13ba993717b9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of delirium is most typical of late-onset schizophrenic psychosis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Celotypic delirium.", "B": "Erotomaniac delirium.", "C": "Nihilist delirium.", "D": "Delirio paramentos." }, "Correct Answer": "Delirio paramentos.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ec4f0037-f660-4248-9b97-4d06f8586286", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the belief of being infested by parasites, which are usually small but visible to him ?:", "Options": { "A": "Delusion of denial.", "B": "Parasitic delirium.", "C": "Nihilist delirium.", "D": "Delirium of infestation." }, "Correct Answer": "Delirium of infestation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "162d59cb-99cd-4bf2-a98a-69805aa9699c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What name does the phenomenon receive in which the patient falsely identifies strangers thinking that they do know them ?:", "Options": { "A": "Delirium of Capgras.", "B": "Frégoli syndrome.", "C": "Illusion of Sosias.", "D": "Clerambault syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Frégoli syndrome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "06f49ad2-a4a1-4553-99a4-1c533d400bd2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The somniloquios are parasomnias that are classified within the:", "Options": { "A": "Disorders of activation or arousal.", "B": "Disorders of the circadian rhythm of sleep.", "C": "Disorders of the sleep-wake transition.", "D": "Intrinsic sleep disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "Disorders of the sleep-wake transition.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cbd8ec07-5947-4c78-b6a5-b6818d0e7165", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What syndrome is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness that can last several weeks, disappearing spontaneously ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pickwick syndrome.", "B": "Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.", "C": "Gélineau syndrome.", "D": "Kleine-Levin syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Kleine-Levin syndrome.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "92dad9ef-53c5-42f6-b377-38b99be56860", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is called \"double depression\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cases in which a major depressive episode and a dysthymic disorder appear.", "B": "Cases in which a major depressive episode and a manic episode appear at the time.", "C": "Cases in which there is a dysthymic disorder and a bipolar disorder.", "D": "Cases in which a major depressive episode and a generalized anxiety disorder appear." }, "Correct Answer": "Cases in which a major depressive episode and a dysthymic disorder appear.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cba38160-a24a-41f7-86da-074809e365cd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the DSM diagnostic classifications (IV-TR and 5) to describe a depressive disorder as recurrent, how many major depressive episodes must appear at least ?:", "Options": { "A": "Two.", "B": "Three.", "C": "Five.", "D": "Seven." }, "Correct Answer": "Two.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "593d18b5-4ef7-453d-a6a4-2edb58c7412a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Lewinsohn's depression model, what is the cause of depression ?:", "Options": { "A": "A low rate of behavior.", "B": "Cognitive distortions", "C": "A low positive reinforcement rate contingent on behavior.", "D": "A high rate of positive punishment." }, "Correct Answer": "A low positive reinforcement rate contingent on behavior.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "83eeef62-cee5-474c-8058-d04afd27a066", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which age segment is the most likely start of a bipolar disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Before the age of 16", "B": "Between 20 and 25 years old.", "C": "Between 30 and 35 years old.", "D": "Between 40 and 45 years old." }, "Correct Answer": "Between 20 and 25 years old.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b611c05a-15b2-495d-964b-7199b5f07686", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a defining characteristic of melancholic depressive episodes and disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Having psychotic symptoms congruent with the state of mind.", "B": "Present difficulties of concentration due to concerns.", "C": "Experience persistent fear that something terrible may happen.", "D": "Suffer a marked loss of pleasure in all or almost all activities." }, "Correct Answer": "Suffer a marked loss of pleasure in all or almost all activities.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "84dc3065-187b-4d75-b8ee-a0784d203394", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the proportion of patients with anorexia nervosa who develop bulimia nervosa ?:", "Options": { "A": "Around 50% of patients.", "B": "The totality of those patients.", "C": "Only 5% of patients.", "D": "Around 80% of patients." }, "Correct Answer": "Around 50% of patients.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "055cdf57-af48-4ec3-9987-5723d772c961", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Although the criteria of the DSM (IV-TR and 5) and ICD-10 for the concept of personality disorders is quite similar, it is not so much for:", "Options": { "A": "The number of disorders.", "B": "The impact at the labor level.", "C": "The repercussions at the interpersonal level.", "D": "The organization and classification of personality disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "The organization and classification of personality disorders.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d014c9af-43be-4fe0-9997-7a6e5bb761a2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the psychological therapies developed specifically for the treatment of bipolar disorder are:", "Options": { "A": "The self-control therapy.", "B": "Therapy for solving social problems.", "C": "The interpersonal therapy of social rhythm.", "D": "The system of cognitive behavioral analysis of psychotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "The interpersonal therapy of social rhythm.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f2cf0a91-d7e4-49c8-8cae-8e55b6a051c9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements can be applied to interpersonal depression therapy ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a long-term intervention, with a minimum of 60 sessions.", "B": "It is a structured therapy that has an application manual.", "C": "It focuses on four problem areas: grief, interpersonal disputes, unconscious conflicts and dysfunctional attitudes.", "D": "It was designed as an acute treatment of depression, but not as a continuation and maintenance treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a structured therapy that has an application manual.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "927d18fd-d253-4fbe-9e90-5f96b6385857", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the psychological treatments with greater empirical endorsement in terms of its efficacy in the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults is:", "Options": { "A": "Systemic family therapy.", "B": "Orthodox psychodynamic therapy.", "C": "Exposure therapy", "D": "Interpersonal therapy" }, "Correct Answer": "Interpersonal therapy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7895faa8-df3a-4135-965f-f13c2fbfaf3e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The psychological treatments for bipolar disorder have in common that they intend to contribute to the prevention of relapses by training the patient:", "Options": { "A": "In the identification of subsindromic symptoms.", "B": "In social skills.", "C": "In self-reinforcement skills.", "D": "In the identification of dysfunctional assumptions and beliefs." }, "Correct Answer": "In the identification of subsindromic symptoms.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ad391bf2-4565-40c2-bcb9-506084fbd99f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of major depressive disorder, tricyclic antidepressants:", "Options": { "A": "They are as effective as selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.", "B": "They are the drugs that have been discovered more recently.", "C": "They have fewer side effects than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.", "D": "They are less effective than selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake." }, "Correct Answer": "They are as effective as selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fdec786a-785e-40f6-994d-cbf114755acf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What processing error occurs when a person with depression over-attends the information consistent with the scheme and does not pay attention to information not consistent with these assumptions ?:", "Options": { "A": "Arbitrary inference", "B": "Selective abstraction.", "C": "Fortune teller error.", "D": "Emotional reasoning" }, "Correct Answer": "Selective abstraction.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "07fb5352-2b74-43f9-adc4-56082d2e2508", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is considered effective for the treatment of depression and belongs to the category of classic or first generation treatments ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mirtazapine", "B": "Venlafaxine", "C": "Imipramine", "D": "Paroxetine" }, "Correct Answer": "Imipramine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3aac3119-0097-41a6-b8b6-8a6da8272c4a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following theoretical contributions in the understanding of depression hypothesizes that it is due to specific deficits in self-observation, self-assessment and self-reinforcement ?:", "Options": { "A": "Behavioral focus of Lewinsohn.", "B": "Interpersonal approach of Coyne.", "C": "Systemic procedural approach of Guidano.", "D": "Self-control approach of Rehm." }, "Correct Answer": "Self-control approach of Rehm.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a3d2d64b-2186-4cb4-82af-8f0efed959a5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following therapies for depression is based on the basic idea that patients present significant difficulties in recognizing the connection between their behavior and its consequences in the interpersonal context ?:", "Options": { "A": "Behavioral Cognitive Analysis System of Psychotherapy.", "B": "Interpersonal therapy", "C": "Psychodynamic psychotherapy.", "D": "Brief psychotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Behavioral Cognitive Analysis System of Psychotherapy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e13f2548-2a5b-4535-a490-263c8c82593f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most commonly used drug for bipolar disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Carbamazepine", "B": "Lamotrigine", "C": "Valproate.", "D": "Lithium." }, "Correct Answer": "Lithium.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "37af56dc-2be9-40ba-a63b-98888bfe5d60", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the reformulated theory of learned helplessness applied to depression, what two expectations does the person with depression have ?:", "Options": { "A": "Expectations of low confidence and emotional control.", "B": "The expectations of damage and uncontrollability.", "C": "The expectations of low self-efficacy and result.", "D": "Expectations of sensitivity to anxiety and failure." }, "Correct Answer": "The expectations of damage and uncontrollability.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "85dde9a2-b420-4525-bee4-d0377ef77eea", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the characteristics of behavioral dialectic therapy for borderline personality disorder, which differentiates it from classical cognitive behavioral therapy, is:", "Options": { "A": "The emphasis on the framing of the disorder from a systems perspective, in which the family is the key element.", "B": "The emphasis on the change of cognitive contents (eg cognitive distortions).", "C": "The importance given to work with the behaviors that interfere in the therapy.", "D": "The importance given to dysfunctional cognitive schemes." }, "Correct Answer": "The importance given to work with the behaviors that interfere in the therapy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ec7f2913-98b5-4345-8dd1-5b0a7960b8a9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The theoretical orientation of therapy based on mentalization for personality disorders is:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive", "B": "Psychodynamics", "C": "Systemic", "D": "Gestalt" }, "Correct Answer": "Psychodynamics", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "502fa1c7-f0ad-4f99-88a8-5d7fa2648599", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the characteristics of the STEPPS program (Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving) for the treatment of personality disorders is:", "Options": { "A": "It is an individual treatment.", "B": "The use of different formats: individual, group and telephone consultations.", "C": "Its exclusively group format.", "D": "His emphasis on transfer." }, "Correct Answer": "Its exclusively group format.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "66d11fef-2afb-4677-8b09-245c9be50502", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the Personality Disorders classified in group B ?:", "Options": { "A": "Antisocial, Narcissistic, Limit and Histrionic.", "B": "Narcissistic, Paranoid, Limit and Antisocial.", "C": "Histrionic, Limit, Schizoid and Paranoid.", "D": "Limit, Narcissistic, Schizoid and Paranoid." }, "Correct Answer": "Antisocial, Narcissistic, Limit and Histrionic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a50c8dbe-cd01-4cbc-b648-941a041e8355", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these elements can put at risk the cognitive therapy of OCD ?:", "Options": { "A": "Question dysfunctional beliefs instead of the content of obsessions.", "B": "That the therapist becomes a source of reinsurance.", "C": "That the cognitive questioning be applied.", "D": "Avoid the primacy of authority arguments on the part of the therapist." }, "Correct Answer": "That the therapist becomes a source of reinsurance.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4c8f6e38-10ca-4ac0-8872-4c69b9eabfdc", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a traumatic event occurs, the greatest risk of chronification of symptoms occurs in cases in which:", "Options": { "A": "Sleep disturbance occurs.", "B": "People show affective dullness responses (emotional anesthesia).", "C": "A greater hyperactivation is observed in the first moments.", "D": "They do not have self-help groups." }, "Correct Answer": "People show affective dullness responses (emotional anesthesia).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "655bbfa0-742c-49ed-a0f8-039e6b627cea", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder:", "Options": { "A": "There are no differences between the results of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and benzodazepines.", "B": "In the treatment with benzodacepines there is a lower risk of relapse.", "C": "The combination of CognitiveConductual Therapy and benzodazepines brings considerable benefits to the results.", "D": "Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is superior to the use of benzodazepines." }, "Correct Answer": "Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is superior to the use of benzodazepines.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "51cc7eb7-3ec8-43c9-b43a-60e2bc675c3f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the field of treatments for phobic disorders, which is the intervention that has the most empirical support ?:", "Options": { "A": "The techniques of exposure to phobic stimuli.", "B": "Psychoeducation regarding the unconscious causes of phobias.", "C": "The combined treatments (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy + benzodazepines).", "D": "The recognition of dysfunctional thoughts that keep phobias." }, "Correct Answer": "The techniques of exposure to phobic stimuli.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "215740cb-32a8-4b1a-bbab-52e04645c1f5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the metacognitive model of the psychological treatment of Wells Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the type 2 concern refers to:", "Options": { "A": "The social concern.", "B": "The concern about the cognitive processes and events themselves.", "C": "The concern for physical sensations.", "D": "The worry about traumatic events." }, "Correct Answer": "The concern about the cognitive processes and events themselves.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "96424e29-aa1d-44ea-9361-0033228c2215", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the cognitive therapy of OCD, with what type of obsessions is it more important to question the excessive importance given to thoughts and the fusion thought-action moral type and probabilistic type ?:", "Options": { "A": "With the obsessions of pollution.", "B": "With reactive obsessions.", "C": "With autogenous obsessions.", "D": "With the obsessions of doubt." }, "Correct Answer": "With autogenous obsessions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ff4bc16a-d1b7-4bd5-92b4-a180c9f5ec97", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Interoceptive Exposure therapy is one of the components of psychological treatments of:", "Options": { "A": "The Dysthymia", "B": "Adaptive Disorders", "C": "Obsessive-compulsive disorder", "D": "The Panic and Agoraphobia Disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "The Panic and Agoraphobia Disorder.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bfc65eb9-43a1-445e-8100-73bc3ccfdfe1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the Panic control program of the Barlow group, which of the following statements is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Prevention with Response Prevention should only be applied if there is a Comorbid Obsessive Disorder.", "B": "The main element is the combination of psychological techniques such as Cognitive Restructuring together with pharmacological treatment.", "C": "The cognitive work of identifying and challenging misinterpretations is the main component of this program.", "D": "The fact of systematically exposing the patient to interoceptive sensations similar to those experienced in their panic attacks is of central importance in this program." }, "Correct Answer": "The fact of systematically exposing the patient to interoceptive sensations similar to those experienced in their panic attacks is of central importance in this program.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5a98c37e-142d-4ff2-8358-29beb3720842", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Currently, the most effective treatments for OCD are:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and benzodazepines.", "B": "Exposure with response prevention and atypical neuroleptics.", "C": "New generation psychological therapies and noradrenergic antidepressants.", "D": "Exposure with response prevention, cognitive therapies and inhibitors of serotonin reuptake." }, "Correct Answer": "Exposure with response prevention, cognitive therapies and inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "02759951-cd72-419a-b9c6-1a3c26ad657b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Posttraumatic Stress Disorder:", "Options": { "A": "Both prolonged exposure and cognitive restructuring are equally effective.", "B": "Only cognitive restructuring is effective.", "C": "Jacobson's relaxation shows greater efficacy than cognitive restructuring.", "D": "Only brief exposure is effective due to the difficulty of processing the trauma." }, "Correct Answer": "Both prolonged exposure and cognitive restructuring are equally effective.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4595fa30-7033-46a7-b777-c1007bc19199", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the problems associated with exposure treatment with OCD response prevention is that:", "Options": { "A": "Around 25% of patients do not adhere to treatment.", "B": "It is less effective for obsessions with overt compulsions.", "C": "The combination with pharmacological treatment worsens the result.", "D": "Relapse rates are greater than 50%." }, "Correct Answer": "Around 25% of patients do not adhere to treatment.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "26b454fc-0260-4cf3-83fb-79458679ecde", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cognitive treatments of Social Phobia have among its main objectives:", "Options": { "A": "The decrease in depressive rumination, since it is the main cause of social anxiety.", "B": "Eliminate negative expectations of loss of control over one's behavior.", "C": "The increase in motivation for change, especially affected in these patients.", "D": "Improve self-observation and self-records." }, "Correct Answer": "Eliminate negative expectations of loss of control over one's behavior.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8fcd2892-c345-4a4d-a39a-9c7296c1df4f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statements referring to the extinction procedure is INCORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "The extinction is faster the more evident is the contingency relation between the response we want to eliminate and its consequence.", "B": "The extinction is faster the less intense the reinforcements to which the response we want to eliminate is associated.", "C": "The extinction is slower the less effort it costs to emit the answer we want to eliminate.", "D": "Extinction is faster when the response to be eliminated has been subjected to an intermittent reinforcement program." }, "Correct Answer": "Extinction is faster when the response to be eliminated has been subjected to an intermittent reinforcement program.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3df67a86-f305-49d3-8e80-d2001fd2006b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the distinctive characteristics of \"Contextual Therapies\":", "Options": { "A": "The relevance that these therapies confer to the context, to the verbal behavior and to the functions of the behaviors rather than to their form.", "B": "The centrality granted by these therapies to the emotional context as the main causal factor of the problem behaviors.", "C": "The consideration of variables so far not taken into account as motivations, interests, learning history and customer values, among other contextual variables.", "D": "The explicit rejection that these therapies manifest before the cognitive factors, which are considered as mere epiphenomena, independent of the context." }, "Correct Answer": "The relevance that these therapies confer to the context, to the verbal behavior and to the functions of the behaviors rather than to their form.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a04b7a18-ede9-4316-b310-b2a5b9c27659", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following statements does the principle of Premack best be expressed ?:", "Options": { "A": "In order to personalize and better generalize the learning to natural contexts it is very pertinent to use the activity as a reinforcer.", "B": "It has to do with the principle of parsimony in the sense that it is better to use a primary reinforcement, such as the activity itself, than to resort to more complex ones.", "C": "It is a principle that establishes the component that precedes (Premack) to the maximum effectiveness of a reinforcer.", "D": "Of the activities that an individual performs, the most likely can be used as the least likely reinforcer." }, "Correct Answer": "Of the activities that an individual performs, the most likely can be used as the least likely reinforcer.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3eab60ae-7273-4144-9161-656b09b41048", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is the CORRECT one regarding the response cost and the extinction as operative procedures for the reduction and / or elimination of a behavior? :", "Options": { "A": "The cost of response is a type of extinction that involves a way of eliminating the behavior by withdrawing a certain positive stimulation for the person.", "B": "Extinction is a type of special response cost in which the behavior is completely eliminated.", "C": "The cost of response involves the withdrawal of an appetitive stimulus, while extinction involves the withdrawal of stimuli that maintain a certain response.", "D": "Extinction produces the complete disappearance of the response while the response cost always maintains the response at low rates." }, "Correct Answer": "The cost of response involves the withdrawal of an appetitive stimulus, while extinction involves the withdrawal of stimuli that maintain a certain response.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c1f65fc2-ac96-4b24-842a-6dbdede609b0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the psychodynamic models, the corrective emotional experience (Alexander and French), is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Re-experience situations from the past, avoiding the transfer.", "B": "Relive a traumatic event again in all its intensity.", "C": "Re-experience traumatic situations or deficit links and correct them through the transfer.", "D": "A rational learning of the lived event, without emotional connection." }, "Correct Answer": "Re-experience traumatic situations or deficit links and correct them through the transfer.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "36c78b38-4338-48f0-ad56-2b20a1841dd9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following questions is an example of a \"circular question\" in Systemic Family Therapy ?:", "Options": { "A": "How are you?", "B": "Who cares more for their depression?", "C": "When will you take charge of your life and look for a job?", "D": "What is your name?" }, "Correct Answer": "Who cares more for their depression?", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f3ba5a0f-7b87-46f5-b11d-f85563ec1074", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Systematic Selection of Treatments (Beutler and Harwood, 2000) suggests that for a treatment to be more beneficial, the relationship between different variables of the patient and certain characteristics of the treatment must be taken into account. Which of the following characteristics of the treatment is related to the treatment? Patient resistance ?:", "Options": { "A": "Directivity", "B": "Duration.", "C": "Intensity.", "D": "Format." }, "Correct Answer": "Directivity", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "375843e6-6f7f-4989-ab9f-90d439a37055", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Bordin, the agreement in objectives, the agreement in tasks and the positive emotional bond are the three components of:", "Options": { "A": "The transference.", "B": "The therapeutic alliance", "C": "The therapeutic relationship", "D": "The therapeutic process" }, "Correct Answer": "The therapeutic alliance", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1ac89f42-f2ef-4e56-84ac-7c7bae374232", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Lambert (1986, 1992), what is the percentage of patient change explained by the common factors / therapeutic relationship ?:", "Options": { "A": "About 5%.", "B": "About 15%.", "C": "About 30%.", "D": "About 70%." }, "Correct Answer": "About 30%.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8113f4ec-1264-48f3-805d-c3b6909f6f00", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The introduction of a fading technique in a chip economy program would entail:", "Options": { "A": "Decrease the time between the execution of the behavior and the delivery of the cards.", "B": "Decrease the number of chips needed to earn reinforcers.", "C": "Increase the time between execution of the behavior and delivery of the cards.", "D": "Deliver the cards at random immediately after the execution of the target behaviors." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the time between execution of the behavior and delivery of the cards.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "016d1430-98d0-4b08-ba17-9462b4ee096c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of cognitive error consists in attributing responsibility for external errors or events to oneself even though there is no basis for it ?:", "Options": { "A": "Self-reference", "B": "Personalization.", "C": "Absolutist thinking.", "D": "Self-attribution" }, "Correct Answer": "Personalization.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f67c9d0e-78c2-4401-afb6-501ab817f4ac", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Carl Rogers, what are the three components of the therapist that facilitate the therapeutic change of the patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Empathy, totality and commitment.", "B": "Reflexivity, alliance and self-knowledge.", "C": "Empathy, authenticity and unconditional positive acceptance.", "D": "Reflexivity, acceptance and transfer." }, "Correct Answer": "Empathy, authenticity and unconditional positive acceptance.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "69be6dfc-b106-449a-a4a4-2cac84eb7fa6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which disease requires the daily contribution of insulin because the pancreatic beta cells do not secrete it or do it insufficiently, and it usually appears in childhood-adolescence ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cystic fibrosis.", "B": "Type I diabetes", "C": "Type II diabetes.", "D": "Pancreatitis" }, "Correct Answer": "Type I diabetes", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0d655eaa-1457-4991-b34d-ea5684784477", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the systemic perspective, the symptoms are considered:", "Options": { "A": "An expression of systemic familial dysfunction.", "B": "An expression of family history.", "C": "An intrapsychic alteration.", "D": "An expression of the patient's internal conflict." }, "Correct Answer": "An expression of systemic familial dysfunction.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bee33dcd-fc90-4ecc-8293-7926dee749c1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What psychotherapeutic models consider that the symptomatic manifestation is the expression of an intrapsychic conflict of the individual ?:", "Options": { "A": "Systemic models", "B": "Psychodynamic models.", "C": "Behavioral models", "D": "Integrative models" }, "Correct Answer": "Psychodynamic models.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2477f7b7-e521-4303-bd08-00d1f8ee2095", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In modeling and with regard to retention processes, it can be stated that:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive practice (mentally repeating the sequence of learned behavior) is not effective.", "B": "Complex behaviors benefit more from repetition than simple behaviors.", "C": "Cognitive repetition does not improve the perception of self-efficacy of the subject.", "D": "Cognitive repetition fatigates the subject and diminishes his persistence to carry out the task successfully." }, "Correct Answer": "Complex behaviors benefit more from repetition than simple behaviors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eff0aa9f-592b-492c-9a89-14cd148979eb", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The basic characteristic of the alteration of thought called \"perseveration\" is:", "Options": { "A": "The repetition in echo of the words or phrases of the interlocutor.", "B": "The repetition or persistent fixation of ideas or words.", "C": "A speech pattern in which the conclusions reached are not logically followed from the premises.", "D": "Accelerated slowing of the course of thought." }, "Correct Answer": "The repetition or persistent fixation of ideas or words.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4b67f74e-0c37-4018-9983-1f51d9d19a17", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the generalization of social skills learned in the treatment of schizophrenia, which statement is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "The graduation of the stimuli must be fast.", "B": "You must work with the same interlocutors.", "C": "Do not overdo the trained behaviors to avoid overlearning.", "D": "The possible consequences of the emission of behaviors in the environment must be assessed." }, "Correct Answer": "The possible consequences of the emission of behaviors in the environment must be assessed.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "260ee8e8-d014-45fc-bb1b-fd0cb8a71a99", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Decrease the high Expressed Emotion (Leff and Vaughn, 1989) is the goal of different family intervention programs in schizophrenia. Which of the following dimensions does NOT correspond to this construct of \"Expressed Family Emotion\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hot.", "B": "Overemplication.", "C": "Ambivalence.", "D": "Hostility." }, "Correct Answer": "Ambivalence.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3b081a26-ebea-4f11-8f9d-d50da40878f1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why is the Community Assertive Treatment (TAC) defined for people with severe mental disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "The patient is supported but not the family members or caregivers.", "B": "It is a model that puts the emphasis on medication.", "C": "It offers an individualized treatment, centered on the patient and his natural environment.", "D": "It is complemented with other health services, since the team that develops the TAC does not cover 24 hours a day." }, "Correct Answer": "It offers an individualized treatment, centered on the patient and his natural environment.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dd8a194e-e010-434d-a883-04a360aa2619", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the cognitive rehabilitation of schizophrenia, which of the following statements is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "It must begin with tasks that demand a high demand for attentional capacity.", "B": "The person should be trained in tasks that require a single type of response.", "C": "Programs that fit the general and abstract needs of the person should be used.", "D": "Metacognitive training should be performed." }, "Correct Answer": "Metacognitive training should be performed.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "eca9dacb-d094-4b4f-b24d-0ea56c3940c5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Focusing techniques to reduce the frequency and discomfort associated with auditory hallucinations include:", "Options": { "A": "Divert the patient's attention from the form and physical characteristics of hallucinations, so as not to focus on these aspects.", "B": "Pay attention to the content of hallucinations.", "C": "Avoid the beliefs and thoughts of the person regarding hallucinations.", "D": "Circumscribe the work exclusively to the framework of the clinical session, avoiding tasks between sessions." }, "Correct Answer": "Pay attention to the content of hallucinations.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "695cc162-6967-4f2a-9460-2b3447c2ef5d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following elements, which are characteristic of a typical social skills training session for the treatment of schizophrenia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Identification of the problem, exposure in imagination, modeling and homework.", "B": "Identification of the problem, relaxation techniques, modeling and homework.", "C": "Identification of the problem, cognitive restructuring, modeling and homework.", "D": "Identification of the problem, behavior tests, modeling and homework." }, "Correct Answer": "Identification of the problem, behavior tests, modeling and homework.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2e51b0e2-bee0-48e4-90cf-a510f01d3442", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cognitive-behavioral treatments for positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions) are not very effective:", "Options": { "A": "In acute phases.", "B": "In prodromal phase.", "C": "With patients taking psychodrugs.", "D": "With patients in early intervention programs." }, "Correct Answer": "In acute phases.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fedd6c64-dc21-42df-9e7d-7f00d578a034", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the factors that have been shown to be associated with adherence to therapeutic treatments are NOT included:", "Options": { "A": "The type of symptoms that characterize the disease suffered.", "B": "The complexity of the treatment of the pathology.", "C": "The empathic attitude on the part of the professional.", "D": "The sociodemographic variables of the patient." }, "Correct Answer": "The sociodemographic variables of the patient.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "60814f03-7471-42ab-a123-34dbb79d1356", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, what is the predictor of poor results that has shown the greatest consensus through the studies ?:", "Options": { "A": "Its comorbidity with bulimia nervosa.", "B": "The late onset of anorexia nervosa.", "C": "The longest duration of the disease before going to treatment.", "D": "The low family support." }, "Correct Answer": "The longest duration of the disease before going to treatment.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8c05f013-9548-45f6-92fd-c326270144f8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What treatment is recommended for the unspecified eating disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Guided self-help program.", "B": "Cognitive-behavioral therapy.", "C": "Interpersonal therapy", "D": "The right treatment for the eating disorder that most closely resembles the eating disorder you are suffering from." }, "Correct Answer": "The right treatment for the eating disorder that most closely resembles the eating disorder you are suffering from.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dfc6795e-4215-4d5d-8575-dccf3867238a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the cognitive-behavioral treatment for Fairburn bulimia nervosa, what is the main objective of the third phase ?:", "Options": { "A": "The prevention of relapses.", "B": "The cognitive restructuring.", "C": "The modification of the environmental circumstances that perpetuate the disorder.", "D": "The establishment of self-registers for the maintenance of change." }, "Correct Answer": "The prevention of relapses.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a6344a57-8c5d-467d-97d5-3266d1a8b25e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the main objective that is intended with the technique of exposure to keys (Cue Exposure Theory, CET) in the treatment of drug addiction ?:", "Options": { "A": "That the person with problems of drug addiction knows to identify the situations of risk and thus to prevent the relapse.", "B": "It involves using signals to indicate when the skills acquired during the treatment period should be activated.", "C": "Train so that the person with problems of drug addiction can identify what is the main cause of their addictive disorder.", "D": "The aim is to achieve through exposure and extinction procedures that the person with problems of drug addiction reduces their reactivity to the keys or signals that are associated with the consequences of consumption." }, "Correct Answer": "The aim is to achieve through exposure and extinction procedures that the person with problems of drug addiction reduces their reactivity to the keys or signals that are associated with the consequences of consumption.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a593f0b9-6c2f-4993-bdaf-311d6e2d93d6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the usual procedures in the treatment of gambling addiction is to motivate the player to be included in the list of self-excluded in bingos, casinos and online gambling, so that they can not access the premises or play online. What psychological procedure is based on self-exclusion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Stimulus control.", "B": "Extinction.", "C": "Contradiction.", "D": "Repression." }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulus control.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f4ad504d-8d09-4639-81af-ccbdafdf775b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The technique recommended by the NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) for the treatment of cocaine addiction is the Community Reinforcement with Incentive Therapy. In regards to incentive therapy, points (also called vouchers) are obtained by:", "Options": { "A": "Not have had problems with parents or family members due to having consumed during the week.", "B": "Actively participate in therapies (individual or group).", "C": "Negative results in urinalysis.", "D": "Adequately complete the self-records." }, "Correct Answer": "Negative results in urinalysis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "39ef0d13-5a06-47df-930e-9960fad8574a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the components of the psychoeducational intervention program developed by Fawzy and collaborators for cancer patients ?:", "Options": { "A": "Behavioral training in stress management, emotional support, training in coping skills and information and / or health education.", "B": "Information, cognitive restructuring, social skills training and progressive muscle relaxation.", "C": "Strategies for stress management, relaxation in imagination, health education and exposure techniques in imagination or live.", "D": "Strategies to stop thinking, information and / or health education, narrative therapy and emotional regulation strategies." }, "Correct Answer": "Behavioral training in stress management, emotional support, training in coping skills and information and / or health education.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0634f9ec-ea3b-4136-ad27-a8b8917be6ba", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The aim of the behavioral intervention aimed at preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease is to modify, among other factors:", "Options": { "A": "The blood pressure levels.", "B": "The lifestyles.", "C": "The Type B Behavior Pattern", "D": "The self-esteem." }, "Correct Answer": "The lifestyles.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8a562c70-d090-4b79-8558-52bbc5a55d19", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The QLQ-C30 general quality of life questionnaire for cancer patients prepared by the EORTC (European Organization for Research and Therapy of Cancer) evaluates a series of domains that are NOT included:", "Options": { "A": "The functional areas (physical, emotional, social, cognitive and role).", "B": "The physical symptoms present.", "C": "The spiritual well-being", "D": "The economic impact of cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "The spiritual well-being", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8d2a8f62-eed3-4669-a0f9-3374c401cb7a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What consequences on the psychological refractory period (PRP) does the fact of increasing the interval (SOA) between the presentation of the stimuli ?:", "Options": { "A": "An increase in it.", "B": "A decrease in it.", "C": "The elimination of it.", "D": "It has no consequence." }, "Correct Answer": "A decrease in it.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f844a30e-00b0-4540-95c4-da58d5e7bea4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What operating procedure results in the withdrawal of a positive reinforcer after the execution of the response ?:", "Options": { "A": "Positive punishment", "B": "Omission.", "C": "Escape.", "D": "Negative reinforcement." }, "Correct Answer": "Omission.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "649dbd2e-dca5-4bc3-a635-d61d873303d1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a variable interval program of 20 sec. (IV20) When is the behavior of an individual reinforced ?:", "Options": { "A": "Each time they pass, on average, 20 sec.", "B": "Provided that in the middle interval of 20 sec. The number of responses established by the experimenter has been issued.", "C": "After the emission of any response that occurs in the middle interval of 20 sec.", "D": "On average every 20 sec. and once the answer has been issued." }, "Correct Answer": "On average every 20 sec. and once the answer has been issued.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ceff4a0d-6409-4463-9884-cd289c2180ea", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of conditioning allows to acquire classical conditioning without the presence of a primary unconditioned stimulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conditioning backwards.", "B": "Footprint conditioning.", "C": "Contradiction.", "D": "Higher order conditioning." }, "Correct Answer": "Higher order conditioning.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "50a02273-3c4e-46c6-9038-17c452d24823", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The value of a physical dimension, above or below which a stimulus is detected or not detected, or the minimum amount of stimulation capable of producing a sensation 50% of the time is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Differential threshold", "B": "Absolute threshold.", "C": "Download threshold.", "D": "Recognition threshold." }, "Correct Answer": "Absolute threshold.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5a350682-6fa5-4d19-8f18-e13e2c20c1e6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The phenomenon of Mach Bands is explained by the neurological mechanism of:", "Options": { "A": "The inhibition of return.", "B": "The psychological refractory period.", "C": "Lateral inhibition.", "D": "Blindness for change." }, "Correct Answer": "Lateral inhibition.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8f7c3b10-9d6d-4828-88c9-9fe1e3407914", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Fechner's law:", "Options": { "A": "The sensation increases in the same proportion as does the magnitude of the stimulus.", "B": "It is impossible to know if one sensation is more intense than another.", "C": "The sensation is proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity, or the number of times the magnitude of the stimulus exceeds the absolute threshold.", "D": "The magnitude of the sensation can be measured directly." }, "Correct Answer": "The sensation is proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity, or the number of times the magnitude of the stimulus exceeds the absolute threshold.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dd936bf9-b7ce-449f-b528-ae253dc5f3d0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the phenomenon of remembering something that was forgotten, without a new learning or any other process of improvement in the ability to relive past experiences ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reminiscence.", "B": "Hypoamnesia", "C": "Metamemory", "D": "Posttraumatic amnesia" }, "Correct Answer": "Reminiscence.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "be2b8200-4a29-4887-b85f-82f755055600", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the procedure designed by Ebbinghaus to measure retention or forgetting ?:", "Options": { "A": "The method of savings.", "B": "The partial report technique.", "C": "The technique of the total report.", "D": "The cost-benefit paradigm." }, "Correct Answer": "The method of savings.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a5b81f70-b940-4c97-a2be-1dda3d0d13c7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The fundamental driver of behavior for Carl Rogers is:", "Options": { "A": "The incentive", "B": "Cognitive dissonance", "C": "The need for affiliation.", "D": "The tendency to the realization or update." }, "Correct Answer": "The tendency to the realization or update.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7631f490-77ff-4ffe-9d9c-d0129bdc82e3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Kurt Lewin's Field Theory the psychological distance:", "Options": { "A": "It is directly proportional to the intensity of the force.", "B": "It is inversely proportional to the intensity of the force.", "C": "It exhibits the same properties of physical spaces.", "D": "You can only travel in a single route to achieve a goal." }, "Correct Answer": "It is inversely proportional to the intensity of the force.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9a489735-49a3-428c-a2f5-3a9f04f89a6a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the factors related to the pathogenesis of Tourette syndrome is:", "Options": { "A": "A lower response of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).", "B": "Increased levels of IgG3 and IgA antibodies.", "C": "The insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients in the first stages of life.", "D": "Low sensitivity of the hypothalamohypophysis-adrenal axis." }, "Correct Answer": "The insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients in the first stages of life.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6cee4a89-1e69-489d-af17-947ac6fde5a0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct statement about Selective Mutism ?:", "Options": { "A": "Children with this disorder do not have normal language skills.", "B": "The receptive language is usually deteriorated.", "C": "It does not appear in the family sphere, neither first nor second grade.", "D": "Its onset is usually before five years of age." }, "Correct Answer": "Its onset is usually before five years of age.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "78a47cf4-3038-46ca-8ead-e167649a2c6e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In nocturnal enuresis, urine leakage usually occurs in:", "Options": { "A": "The second third of the night.", "B": "The first third of the night.", "C": "The third third of the night.", "D": "At any time of the night." }, "Correct Answer": "The first third of the night.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c3287f2b-e176-48cb-918b-25eb72065bbe", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the characteristic of the child with ADHD in the face of \"arrogant answers\":", "Options": { "A": "He has difficulty inhibiting them.", "B": "They are problematic for him since they derive from a situation of frustration.", "C": "They are the conducts whose realization supposes a greater degree of difficulty to him.", "D": "They are the ones you can inhibit most easily." }, "Correct Answer": "He has difficulty inhibiting them.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "87bfdc1b-876f-4ef9-81ee-f90d50394dac", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a major component of the habit inversion technique for simple tics ?:", "Options": { "A": "The positive reinforcement of the child's efforts to inhibit tic.", "B": "The practice of an incompatible or competitive response to its appearance.", "C": "The combined use of operant procedures with psychotropic drugs.", "D": "The contingent negative practice." }, "Correct Answer": "The practice of an incompatible or competitive response to its appearance.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "539d5522-8d77-4706-8a8f-45dfda3be083", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Barkley's self-regulation model applied to ADHD, which of these behavioral patterns helps to define the underlying deficit of the disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "A special sensitivity towards the aversive stimuli of the environment.", "B": "An inability to generate \"behavior governed by rules\".", "C": "A normal response to the positive stimuli of the medium.", "D": "A generalized aversion to any kind of rule." }, "Correct Answer": "An inability to generate \"behavior governed by rules\".", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "109ed7bd-4604-4d7b-858b-417d99330477", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Children and adolescents with Generalized Social Phobia:", "Options": { "A": "They present greater affectation in their psychosocial functioning than children with specific social phobia.", "B": "They show a later onset age than children with specific social phobia.", "C": "They usually have a lower number of first-degree relatives diagnosed with social phobia.", "D": "They present the same characteristics as children with specific social phobia." }, "Correct Answer": "They present greater affectation in their psychosocial functioning than children with specific social phobia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a779c1de-7de2-433a-bc7a-86dc0b88d8e3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Defiant Negative Disorder:", "Options": { "A": "It implies a pattern of defiant, argumentative behavior, accompanied by affective indifference.", "B": "It is considered serious when the symptoms appear in two different environments.", "C": "It is a heterogeneous disorder that is accompanied by problems in behavior, regulation of mood and emotions.", "D": "It is more prevalent in girls than boys (1.4: 1)." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a heterogeneous disorder that is accompanied by problems in behavior, regulation of mood and emotions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4459cb61-5d8b-498a-be48-6ddca1a3afc4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is basically \"gastro-ileal\" training or conditioning in cases of encopresis ?:", "Options": { "A": "It's a special form of biofeedback training.", "B": "It is a mixed treatment, pharmacological and behavioral.", "C": "It is a behavioral training based on the handling of relevant physiological stimuli.", "D": "It is a training based on positive reinforcement techniques." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a behavioral training based on the handling of relevant physiological stimuli.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0dfcd28c-9b45-49dc-8b9b-380d16b0dfb1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For what age group is the turtle technique indicated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Young children (Early Childhood Education and first courses of Primary Education).", "B": "Older children (last courses of Primary Education).", "C": "Preadolescents (first courses of Secondary Education).", "D": "Adolescents (last years of Secondary Education and Bachillerato)." }, "Correct Answer": "Young children (Early Childhood Education and first courses of Primary Education).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "632963eb-4b77-4de7-ae80-7a85a2ddaedf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What strategy is usually discouraged in the psychological treatment of enuresis during the training period ?:", "Options": { "A": "Strengthening to keep the bed dry.", "B": "Extinction in enuretic episodes.", "C": "Restriction of fluid intake.", "D": "Promotion of sleep habits." }, "Correct Answer": "Restriction of fluid intake.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0171765b-5cc5-4663-b74f-4f10976e2223", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of differential reinforcement does the teacher apply to the student with behavioral problems when reinforcing him / her for each break without fights ?:", "Options": { "A": "Differential reinforcement of alternating behaviors.", "B": "Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors.", "C": "Differential reinforcement of other behaviors.", "D": "Differential reinforcement of low behavior rates." }, "Correct Answer": "Differential reinforcement of other behaviors.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "90aa5379-61b1-4ca0-97db-87e18e23527b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are emotional stagings ?:", "Options": { "A": "A training modality in social skills.", "B": "A modality of cognitive restructuring.", "C": "A type of relaxation training.", "D": "A mode of exposure." }, "Correct Answer": "A mode of exposure.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9ceff54a-b509-4ff5-be0d-af80938e0927", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which position is more indicated to prevent fainting in hematofobia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Standing in coping position.", "B": "Sitting in a relaxed position.", "C": "Lying in the Trendelenburg position.", "D": "In any position since it is irrelevant." }, "Correct Answer": "Lying in the Trendelenburg position.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e80d0684-d8af-4a56-ab2d-d824aed6d323", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What therapy, in addition to cognitive-behavioral therapy, is a well-established treatment for adolescent depression ?:", "Options": { "A": "The psychoanalytic therapy.", "B": "The humanistic therapy.", "C": "Systemic therapy", "D": "Interpersonal therapy" }, "Correct Answer": "Interpersonal therapy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5d792d53-f1c7-48c7-9213-78668cf1b57c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A child with behavioral problems pulls the bowl of lentils to the ground. His parents force him to pick up what he has thrown away and to scrub the floor of the kitchen, what is the name of this type of punishment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Saciation", "B": "Overcorrection", "C": "Time out.", "D": "Response cost" }, "Correct Answer": "Overcorrection", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fed22d76-4f80-4f51-9df3-3b73901c94b8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following types of therapy has shown greater effectiveness in the intervention with children suffering from an Autism Spectrum disorder? :", "Options": { "A": "Sensory integration therapy.", "B": "Psychoactive medication", "C": "The communication systems facilitated.", "D": "The procedures based on behavior analysis." }, "Correct Answer": "The procedures based on behavior analysis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ed3cbfdc-11b7-4e94-8a51-2fd049f5e5f8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the common denominator of well-established psychological treatments for childhood phobias ?:", "Options": { "A": "The gradual relationship in vivo with the phobic stimulus.", "B": "The training of parents and children together.", "C": "Psychoeducation and emotional control.", "D": "The practice reinforced." }, "Correct Answer": "The gradual relationship in vivo with the phobic stimulus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9cdc0df3-551c-434e-8097-b5398c6a3146", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the processes of coercion present in the relationships of parents with their children when they present behavioral problems of a disruptive or disturbing type, the explanatory role of:", "Options": { "A": "The trap of positive reinforcement.", "B": "The trap of negative reinforcement.", "C": "The trap of positive punishment.", "D": "The trap of negative punishment." }, "Correct Answer": "The trap of negative reinforcement.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9cc61101-3197-48d2-9afb-ff23f363f51b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When is reinforcement of retention effort dispensed in retention training ?:", "Options": { "A": "Immediately before urination.", "B": "During urination", "C": "Immediately after urination.", "D": "Regardless of urination." }, "Correct Answer": "Immediately before urination.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9e0f947b-ca5b-47d2-8915-472900fd1f68", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the intelligence model of the three strata of Carroll:", "Options": { "A": "The first stratum corresponds to the factor G.", "B": "The crystallized intelligence is part of the second stratum.", "C": "The fluid intelligence belongs to the third stratum.", "D": "We find many similarities with the Guilford model but less with authors such as Cattel or Vermon." }, "Correct Answer": "The crystallized intelligence is part of the second stratum.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "44c4bf65-5fab-4262-a49b-f1171c0e1d1c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Guilford's intelligence model, systems, transformations and relationships are examples of:", "Options": { "A": "Contents", "B": "Mental operations", "C": "Products.", "D": "Specific factors" }, "Correct Answer": "Products.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "263faf68-951b-4d76-ad94-6a0ad9a79601", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Sternberg's triarchic theory, what profiles of intelligence can be identified ?:", "Options": { "A": "Adaptive, Selective and Practical.", "B": "Metacomponential, Executive and Practice.", "C": "Imaginative, Computational and Social.", "D": "Analytical, Practical and Creative." }, "Correct Answer": "Analytical, Practical and Creative.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a859834-c76b-462b-8700-6edb1f8ac266", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the face of stressful events, people with high complexity in their self-concept show, in comparison with the low in complexity:", "Options": { "A": "Less damage in your mood.", "B": "More physical symptoms", "C": "More deterioration in social relations.", "D": "More negative expectations." }, "Correct Answer": "Less damage in your mood.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e0707909-423e-4e97-b7a6-40cc23237dc9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the Personality model of J.A. Gray, people high in Extraversion and Neuroticism are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "High anxiety", "B": "High Avoidance of damage.", "C": "High tendency to fight / flight.", "D": "High impulsivity" }, "Correct Answer": "High impulsivity", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0f923185-c165-4f05-8ef1-6607e8fc1139", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Cattell, indicate what type of data we are collecting if, to assess impulsivity, we have an individual draw a line as slowly as possible:", "Options": { "A": "Data T.", "B": "Data Q.", "C": "Data L.", "D": "Data F." }, "Correct Answer": "Data T.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "18d76b95-0039-48b0-ac8f-431c760b3725", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the model of Five Factors, the Search for Emotions, is part of:", "Options": { "A": "Neuroticism", "B": "Openness to Experience", "C": "Responsibility.", "D": "Extraversion" }, "Correct Answer": "Extraversion", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "769d7302-e5f3-4259-a00c-88fd6c3e812e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Bandura, which of the following is a determinant of self-efficacy beliefs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Internal demands", "B": "Self-regulation", "C": "Self-reinforcement.", "D": "Emotional arousal." }, "Correct Answer": "Emotional arousal.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "955b0521-8bcd-4fa3-b01a-5d86b943867c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Studies on behavioral genetics around the main dimensions of personality show that:", "Options": { "A": "The measurement error could exceed 60%.", "B": "The shared environment has more weight than genetic influence.", "C": "Genetic factors contribute 70% to the variance of the main personality dimensions.", "D": "The non-shared environment has more weight than the shared one." }, "Correct Answer": "The non-shared environment has more weight than the shared one.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fc4c4ae2-99ff-4a87-b965-bb792f24bd82", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Cantor (1990,1994), the goals that individuals pursue in specific periods of life and specific contexts are called:", "Options": { "A": "Personal aspirations.", "B": "Social roles", "C": "Life tasks", "D": "Personal projects." }, "Correct Answer": "Life tasks", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "72276758-f6e5-4ee0-b06b-997355d1b7c9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The tendency of the elderly to review their life trajectory and try to make sense of what they have experienced, with what life crisis is Erik Erikson related ?:", "Options": { "A": "Generativity in the face of stagnation.", "B": "Integrity in the face of despair.", "C": "Vital investment versus vital expansion.", "D": "Vital commitment versus vital disimplementation." }, "Correct Answer": "Integrity in the face of despair.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "50a37597-6c7a-4ee4-a208-58ad8dc4d92a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the early stages of language acquisition, children can say \"I savo\" instead of \"I know\" or \"has been broken\" instead of \"has been broken\". What is the name of this type of error ?:", "Options": { "A": "Overregulation.", "B": "Overextension", "C": "Over-restriction.", "D": "Lexical Offset." }, "Correct Answer": "Overregulation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "936f1a1c-f13b-4565-8a3c-f2afc2a95337", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reflection of the newborn by which if he brushes his cheek turns his head to that side and opens his mouth, what is it called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reflection of Babinski.", "B": "Reflection of Search.", "C": "Reflection of Moro.", "D": "Reflection of suction." }, "Correct Answer": "Reflection of Search.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fc1efad6-36bf-4022-8046-ba089ecac8ef", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When an adolescent has not addressed identity problems or committed himself to any future option, in what state of identity is he, according to J. Marcia's model (in the context of E. Erikson's evolutionary approaches) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Premature identity", "B": "Exclusion.", "C": "Consolidated identity", "D": "Dissemination of identity." }, "Correct Answer": "Dissemination of identity.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7a79fbbd-3087-46df-a3b5-dafd932afb4c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the process by which an expert (eg an adult) offers temporary help to a newbie (eg a child) to help him or her master a particular task or problem ?:", "Options": { "A": "Scaffolding.", "B": "Contingent learning", "C": "Critical incident technique.", "D": "Significant teaching" }, "Correct Answer": "Scaffolding.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8fb4319b-c646-47cf-916b-7364b8b47c07", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The alteration that is characterized because the person says that he perceives himself in outer space, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Autoscopy", "B": "Extracampina hallucination.", "C": "Sense of presence", "D": "Illusion of the double." }, "Correct Answer": "Autoscopy", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "68f9f1bb-da1a-491c-9ee9-4db454cb2c87", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Unlike fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence:", "Options": { "A": "It involves fundamentally induction and deduction skills rather than verbal comprehension or richness of vocabulary.", "B": "It responds to a mechanical concept of intelligence.", "C": "It evolves in the form of an inverted U throughout the life cycle.", "D": "It manifests itself especially in complex cognitive tasks." }, "Correct Answer": "It manifests itself especially in complex cognitive tasks.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "303d23c6-e61f-4586-9f45-76436089b510", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what type of problems does the solution of them require the search of a sequence of operations that allow transforming the initial solution into another, which is the goal or objective ?:", "Options": { "A": "Problem of structural induction.", "B": "Transformation problems", "C": "Reorganization problems.", "D": "Problems of conditional reasoning." }, "Correct Answer": "Transformation problems", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "de12c66f-22c3-45b3-9e25-c31a4ab00e6e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the assumptions that must be met in order to apply parametric analysis techniques, indicate which of the following statements is INCORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "The application of parametric tests such as ANOVA requires compliance with assumptions such as normality, homoscedasticity and independence of observations.", "B": "The assumption of normality can be analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with the correction of Lilliefors when the sample sizes are greater than 50.", "C": "The Levene test is applied to analyze the assumption of homoscedasticity and, in case of non-compliance with the assumption, it is recommended to use the statistics proposed by Welch and Brown-Forsythe.", "D": "The independence of the observations can be analyzed using the DurbinWatson test and one of the most effective strategies to ensure compliance with this assumption is to use repeated measures designs." }, "Correct Answer": "The independence of the observations can be analyzed using the DurbinWatson test and one of the most effective strategies to ensure compliance with this assumption is to use repeated measures designs.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fd157e3e-2ab0-4cef-b454-14f9c011a1b2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Probability of Persuasion Elaboration model establishes that the two fundamental components that determine the probability of the elaboration of a message are:", "Options": { "A": "Familiarity and activation.", "B": "Motivation and ability", "C": "Attribution and selection.", "D": "Profit and emotion" }, "Correct Answer": "Motivation and ability", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e288063c-8162-48e2-86d6-b6b505a5f0d6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the affective expression is discordant or inappropriate with the situation, it is called:", "Options": { "A": "Paratimia.", "B": "Affective lability.", "C": "Pathological distress.", "D": "Eutimia." }, "Correct Answer": "Paratimia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1931673a-be39-4f76-a5db-704471812ccf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The elaboration of the \"psychogram\" is the main basis for the interpretation of evaluation techniques such as:", "Options": { "A": "The neuropsychological.", "B": "The objective ones", "C": "The interview", "D": "The Rorschach." }, "Correct Answer": "The Rorschach.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "977c1f45-0f8c-4194-9665-f6a120109586", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following statements about apnea / hypopnea is CORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "It is associated with hypoxia and hypercapnia.", "B": "It is considered moderate if the apnea / hypopnea index is less than 5 per hour.", "C": "The peak of maximum affectation in children is between 6-10 years.", "D": "The dream is usually little fragmented." }, "Correct Answer": "It is associated with hypoxia and hypercapnia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "400f1383-9295-49eb-be3d-83e4a9bec145", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The negative symptoms of schizophrenia have been fundamentally related to:", "Options": { "A": "An increase in activity in the prefrontal cortex.", "B": "A decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex.", "C": "An increase in activity in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway.", "D": "A decrease in activity in the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway." }, "Correct Answer": "A decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "be7bc107-ffc9-405c-bae7-2ce251ec3bb5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Dinitrogen oxide is a gaseous substance that:", "Options": { "A": "It is used as an anesthetic.", "B": "It has an angular structure.", "C": "It is insoluble in water.", "D": "It is obtained industrially by catalytic oxidation of ammonia." }, "Correct Answer": "It is used as an anesthetic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fc8c0702-a595-4b37-9200-ea3f3694b73e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the SO2 molecule ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is linear, with the S atom in the center.", "B": "It is linear, with one of the O atoms in the center.", "C": "It is angular, with the S atom in the center.", "D": "It is apolar." }, "Correct Answer": "It is angular, with the S atom in the center.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e3b2267b-77fc-4132-945d-0824fda92d8f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The trans effect is the influence of a ligand in trans to the overhang with respect to:", "Options": { "A": "The energy released in the reaction.", "B": "The bonding distance between the metal and the incoming ligand.", "C": "The energy of the bond between the metal and the incoming ligand.", "D": "The speed of substitution." }, "Correct Answer": "The speed of substitution.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d17bba24-01de-4f66-8052-d0919fea4fe3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phosphorus is a very reactive element, but the most reactive allotropic form of all is:", "Options": { "A": "The black.", "B": "The target.", "C": "The violet.", "D": "The Red." }, "Correct Answer": "The target.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5055663b-b1d6-4996-a406-620812c2f0f0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What antiknock added to gasoline was the cause of lead contamination produced on a large scale during the last century ?:", "Options": { "A": "Elementary Pb", "B": "Tetrametilplomo", "C": "Tetraethylilomo", "D": "Lead dioxide" }, "Correct Answer": "Tetraethylilomo", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1da40db6-e7d5-42f8-92cd-03d554a69b1f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What happens when in a Frost diagram a species is found above the line formed by the two neighboring species ?:", "Options": { "A": "Said species is unstable in water, and will release hydrogen from it.", "B": "Said species is unstable in water, and will release oxygen from it.", "C": "The two neighboring species condense forming the indicated species.", "D": "Said species dismutates forming the two neighboring species." }, "Correct Answer": "Said species dismutates forming the two neighboring species.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b31f358e-4c8d-4b6f-bcd2-3ef273a009cd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the keys to the very important catalytic oxidation of ammonia (Ostwald process) is:", "Options": { "A": "That the residence time of the reactive gases in the reactor is very short.", "B": "That the ammonia / oxygen ratio is exactly stoichiometric.", "C": "That the temperature exceeds 1,100 ºC.", "D": "That the rhodium catalyst does not have impurities of platinum." }, "Correct Answer": "That the residence time of the reactive gases in the reactor is very short.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "16e0e764-b312-4620-acdd-4eae614f101a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the steel formation, which of these statements is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "Carbon is completely soluble in iron.", "B": "Carbon is highly soluble in iron, since its sizes are similar and form a substitutional alloy.", "C": "Carbon is poorly soluble in iron, as its sizes are quite different and form an interstitial alloy.", "D": "Iron is completely soluble in carbon." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbon is poorly soluble in iron, as its sizes are quite different and form an interstitial alloy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ee24bd22-40a4-498b-8869-cd3d6f9c7d66", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "With what elements do you form xenon compounds ?:", "Options": { "A": "With the transition metals.", "B": "With hydrogen.", "C": "With fluorine and with oxygen.", "D": "With the lanthanides." }, "Correct Answer": "With fluorine and with oxygen.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2414fe20-e17f-4dca-aa92-dd70ffc4e2ac", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is CORRECT in relation to Avogadro's number ?:", "Options": { "A": "It allows to obtain the mass of a substance that reacts with a fixed amount of another.", "B": "It indicates the number of molecules of a substance whose mass, expressed in grams, matches the mass of a molecule of that substance, expressed in units of atomic mass.", "C": "Indicates the number of moles contained in a volume of 22.4 liters.", "D": "It is a constant number of molecules and, therefore, has the same mass for all types of molecules." }, "Correct Answer": "It indicates the number of molecules of a substance whose mass, expressed in grams, matches the mass of a molecule of that substance, expressed in units of atomic mass.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d825b704-b4a2-4cf0-875b-03adea866a88", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the possible electronic transitions produced by electromagnetic radiation, what statement is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "Electronic transitions involve larger energy jumps than transitions between vibrational levels within the same electronic state.", "B": "Since the mass of the nuclei is much greater than that of the electrons, during an electronic transition the molecular geometry changes drastically.", "C": "In so-called electronic transitions of charge transfer the molecule illuminated by radiation gives an electron to another species capable of receiving it.", "D": "The visible / ultraviolet spectra of species in solution are well-defined lines." }, "Correct Answer": "Electronic transitions involve larger energy jumps than transitions between vibrational levels within the same electronic state.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dba0d837-bf0b-4fc3-a6da-b636657a4e9c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which answer is CORRECT in relation to a phase transition entropy at a given pressure ?:", "Options": { "A": "The entropy of condensation of a substance is positive.", "B": "The entropies of fusion and solidification of a substance differ in value and in sign.", "C": "When the system moves to a more ordered phase, its entropy increases.", "D": "The phase transition entropy of a substance is calculated as the quotient between the phase transition enthalpy and the temperature of that transition." }, "Correct Answer": "The phase transition entropy of a substance is calculated as the quotient between the phase transition enthalpy and the temperature of that transition.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e0ada667-4a16-45df-9d39-22140dee7c4c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does the first principle of thermodynamics say ?:", "Options": { "A": "The enthalpy variation of a system is equal to the heat exchanged with its environment if the process is performed at constant volume.", "B": "Internal energy, heat and work are intensive state functions.", "C": "In an isolated system the internal energy remains constant.", "D": "The internal energy and the entropy are functions of state." }, "Correct Answer": "In an isolated system the internal energy remains constant.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5b23b9bb-652a-420d-bb0a-5734fa352d4e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Could you cite three transition metals that give mononuclear carbonyls ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mn, Tc, Re.", "B": "Cr, Mo, W.", "C": "Cu, Ag, Au.", "D": "Co, Rh, Go." }, "Correct Answer": "Cr, Mo, W.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aa339538-2cf8-40f3-8239-a44917d0c9c7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which answer is CORRECT in relation to the phase diagram of a pure substance ?:", "Options": { "A": "At equilibrium, the chemical potential of a substance is the same throughout the sample, regardless of the number of phases that are present.", "B": "The critical point is one in which the solid-liquid-vapor phases coexist.", "C": "The solid-liquid equilibrium curve begins at the triple point and ends at the critical point.", "D": "The temperature of the triple point depends on the pressure that is considered." }, "Correct Answer": "At equilibrium, the chemical potential of a substance is the same throughout the sample, regardless of the number of phases that are present.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "95d51fcc-317e-4a54-b7dd-1a394fe4a957", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many microstates has a p2 configuration ?:", "Options": { "A": "6", "B": "12", "C": "fifteen.", "D": "twenty." }, "Correct Answer": "fifteen.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6edfc4a3-7c1b-458c-a100-bc1254d98425", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What answer indicates the main characteristic of colligative properties of solutions ?:", "Options": { "A": "All derive from the concentration gradient that arises when two dissolutions of different concentration are put in contact through a semipermeable membrane.", "B": "They explain that the vapor pressure of a solvent in a solution is slightly higher than that of the pure solvent.", "C": "They explain that the range of temperatures, at normal pressure, in which a substance remains in a liquid state decreases when a solute is added.", "D": "They are a consequence of the reduction of chemical potential of the liquid solvent produced by the presence of a solute." }, "Correct Answer": "They are a consequence of the reduction of chemical potential of the liquid solvent produced by the presence of a solute.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ed2749a6-9274-478d-a47a-f462c9b6228f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which answer is CORRECT in relation to the resolution of the Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom ?:", "Options": { "A": "The allowed wave functions depend exclusively on the distance between the hydrogen nucleus and the electron of this atom.", "B": "The value of the quantum number of angular momentum varies between zero and infinity.", "C": "The hydrogen wave functions depend on four quantum numbers, among which, the main quantum number takes values between one and infinity.", "D": "The values of the magnetic quantum number depend on the direction in which the electron rotates in the atom." }, "Correct Answer": "The hydrogen wave functions depend on four quantum numbers, among which, the main quantum number takes values between one and infinity.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "84338013-abb5-4815-a658-0957de6064e4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the molar conductivity of an electrolyte in a solution is defined as the quotient of its specific conductivity and its molar concentration, should the molar conductivity be kept constant by varying the concentration of the solution?", "Options": { "A": "No, the molar conductivity always increases if the concentration of the electrolyte in the solution is increased.", "B": "No, it always decreases with increasing concentration, although differently for strong and weak electrolytes.", "C": "Yes, because the numerator and the denominator of the definition of the molar conductivity vary in the same way with the concentration, so their variations are canceled.", "D": "In general, no. It only remains constant for strong electrolytes in which the specific conductivity is directly proportional to the concentration of the electrolyte." }, "Correct Answer": "No, it always decreases with increasing concentration, although differently for strong and weak electrolytes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2d113ce8-04cb-4908-ae1a-c95884d47fd7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What coordination indexes can oxygen have in ionic oxides ?:", "Options": { "A": "Square plane, tetrahedral, octahedral, cubic.", "B": "Triangular plane, triangular pyramid.", "C": "Pyramid of square base, triangular pyramid.", "D": "There are no ionic oxides." }, "Correct Answer": "Square plane, tetrahedral, octahedral, cubic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "740ee4f4-e8ad-46aa-b17a-eb8f95caf8ef", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Thermoplastic polymers:", "Options": { "A": "They do not alter their hardness when heated.", "B": "They soften when heated and harden when cooled, reversibly.", "C": "They soften when heated and harden when cooled, irreversibly.", "D": "They melt when heated and stay fluid after cooling." }, "Correct Answer": "They soften when heated and harden when cooled, reversibly.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d1e69728-e7ff-4dea-8d38-665ccf9700aa", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What happens when a piece of sodium at 100 ° C is heated in a stream of chlorine ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nothing. There is no reaction.", "B": "A strong reaction occurs producing NaCl2.", "C": "NaCl is produced.", "D": "The reaction progresses slowly giving Na2Cl." }, "Correct Answer": "NaCl is produced.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "96002179-b38e-4ff5-8e61-a8cd8d6e4ce1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the process called by which a steel pipe connected to a copper pipe in a domestic hot water heater corrodes in the vicinity of the union ?:", "Options": { "A": "Corrosion by concentration.", "B": "Corrosion by differential aeration.", "C": "Corrosion due to the formation of a concentration cell.", "D": "Galvanic corrosion" }, "Correct Answer": "Galvanic corrosion", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e19928e2-8ebc-4af2-a24b-64584eb8fedf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following sulfur hexahalides exists ?:", "Options": { "A": "The hexafluoride.", "B": "The hexachloride.", "C": "The hexabromide.", "D": "The hexaiodide." }, "Correct Answer": "The hexafluoride.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "70b3d8c1-a558-4f00-916c-d2e3a71709e5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the measure of the degree of plastic deformation that has supported a material until the break ?:", "Options": { "A": "Resilience", "B": "Tenacity.", "C": "Ductility.", "D": "Hardness." }, "Correct Answer": "Ductility.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d7ebbc84-165f-41cd-a563-0dcb6451df62", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ammonia is a reducer because:", "Options": { "A": "Reacts with O2 to give N2 and H2O.", "B": "Reacts with Na to give NaNH2 and H2.", "C": "It dissolves in water to give NH4 + ions and OH- ions.", "D": "Reacts with HCl to give NH4Cl." }, "Correct Answer": "Reacts with O2 to give N2 and H2O.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7bb6b887-8319-4270-9b50-4ce40c70ad07", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The product obtained by the transformation from a non-crystalline to a crystalline state by suitable high-temperature heat treatment:", "Options": { "A": "It is formed by large crystals and is called agglomerate of monocrystals.", "B": "It is formed by a polycrystalline material of fine grade and is called glass ceramic.", "C": "Reverts to the non-crystalline state when cooling and is called glass.", "D": "It forms a single crystal in its entirety and is called monocrystal." }, "Correct Answer": "It is formed by a polycrystalline material of fine grade and is called glass ceramic.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0f0a3bf2-4fc5-4488-b1e6-0ad8d29b783c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The slip is a suspension of:", "Options": { "A": "Sand and other plastic materials in water.", "B": "Clay and other plastic materials in water.", "C": "Sand and other non-plastic materials in water.", "D": "Clay and other non-plastic materials in water." }, "Correct Answer": "Clay and other non-plastic materials in water.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3593abab-0f7e-4333-84bc-6c496489bed7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are graphite and diamond?", "Options": { "A": "Polymorphs", "B": "Allotropes", "C": "Isomorphs", "D": "Isotropic" }, "Correct Answer": "Allotropes", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "69c3f098-f7b3-4484-9f92-ee4d6e91be06", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What happens if the lithium reacts with water ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrogen, due to the reduction of water.", "B": "Oxygen, due to the oxidation of water.", "C": "Oxygen, due to the reduction of water.", "D": "The Li (II) cation, product of the oxidation of elemental lithium." }, "Correct Answer": "Hydrogen, due to the reduction of water.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "31501ebd-89d8-41c3-84e2-f331fc6e24c2", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the fragile fracture carried out ?:", "Options": { "A": "With appreciable deformation and rapid propagation of fissures.", "B": "With appreciable deformation and slow crack propagation.", "C": "No appreciable deformation and rapid propagation of cracks.", "D": "No appreciable deformation and slow crack propagation." }, "Correct Answer": "No appreciable deformation and rapid propagation of cracks.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "536d7832-efd3-4572-807f-ba79e569b996", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is mercury obtained industrially ?:", "Options": { "A": "Heating the sulfur to the air.", "B": "By oxide electrolysis.", "C": "By reduction of the oxide with hydrogen.", "D": "By reduction of the oxide with carbon monoxide." }, "Correct Answer": "Heating the sulfur to the air.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "432fc028-3bcc-4bca-aa34-dabdb97cebc0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How are single wall carbon nanotubes formed ?:", "Options": { "A": "By carbon chains of monatomic thickness joined together by weak forces.", "B": "By simple layers of graphene rolled in a tube.", "C": "By sheets of carbon atoms with the same structure as the fullerene surface.", "D": "By simple layers of benzene-type rings condensed together." }, "Correct Answer": "By simple layers of graphene rolled in a tube.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "01792a91-82d3-4241-a02a-8177dd6d8e25", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A structural composite material is used in applications that require high tensile strength and:", "Options": { "A": "High resistance to compression and high resistance to torsion.", "B": "High resistance to compression and low resistance to torsion.", "C": "Low resistance to compression and high resistance to torsion.", "D": "Low compression resistance and low torsional strength." }, "Correct Answer": "High resistance to compression and high resistance to torsion.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "eb4128b3-2fd2-41a9-91f9-cb0ef4d10a38", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the eluent strength increased in reversed phase high resolution liquid chromatography ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reducing the polarity of the mobile phase.", "B": "Increasing the polarity of the mobile phase.", "C": "Increasing the concentration of the injected sample.", "D": "Modifying the volume of the injected sample." }, "Correct Answer": "Reducing the polarity of the mobile phase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1c3ade5a-9051-435d-aa08-08c48c58d401", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "To separate anions using the ion exchange liquid chromatography technique can be used as a stationary phase:", "Options": { "A": "A crosslinked polymer having linked sulfonic acid groups.", "B": "A crosslinked polymer having linked carboxylic acid groups.", "C": "A crosslinked polymer that has linked quaternary amine groups.", "D": "A cross-linked polymer of styrene and divinylbenzene." }, "Correct Answer": "A crosslinked polymer that has linked quaternary amine groups.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d0e8942f-e2cf-439f-b2a7-02653f99f801", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about the KMNO4 is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a primary pattern.", "B": "It can not be used as an autoindicator in acid solution.", "C": "It can be standardized by sodium oxalate titration.", "D": "It is a strong reducer in acid medium." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be standardized by sodium oxalate titration.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fa1865a2-98ad-401d-91b7-e53cd30ee783", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the technique of capillary electrophoresis, one of the ways to introduce the sample in the separation capillary is by hydrodynamic injection. How is this form of injection carried out ?:", "Options": { "A": "Applying a high potential difference between the ends of the capillary.", "B": "Applying a pressure difference across the ends of the capillary.", "C": "Applying a small potential difference between the ends of the capillary.", "D": "Increasing the temperature of the capillary." }, "Correct Answer": "Applying a pressure difference across the ends of the capillary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "40a51ecd-bce8-4300-8c2a-d91358e5ebfd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In liquid-liquid dispersive microextraction, what is added to the aqueous sample containing the analyte to be extracted? :", "Options": { "A": "Chlorobenzene", "B": "Methanol", "C": "A mixture of chlorobenzene and methanol.", "D": "A mixture of methanol and acetonitrile." }, "Correct Answer": "A mixture of chlorobenzene and methanol.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "732b4c24-0cfc-4616-92a4-b17c31a60d25", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following sequence sequences is the CORRECT one when the solid phase extraction technique is applied ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conditioning of the cartridge-application of the sample-washing of the cartridge to eliminate interferences retained-elution of the analytes of interest.", "B": "Application of the sample-cartridge conditioning-washing the cartridge to eliminate retained interferences-elution of the analytes of interest.", "C": "Conditioning of the cartridge-elution of the analytes of interest-application of the sample-washing of the cartridge to eliminate interferences retained.", "D": "Application of the sample-cartridge conditioning-elution of the analytes of interest-washing of the cartridge to eliminate interferences retained." }, "Correct Answer": "Conditioning of the cartridge-application of the sample-washing of the cartridge to eliminate interferences retained-elution of the analytes of interest.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bbe3e2fa-ea23-4228-9ac0-e8a61c5d1193", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Deuterium lamps are used as a source of excitation in Molecular Spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region because in said region:", "Options": { "A": "They emit a continuous spectrum.", "B": "They emit a spectrum of lines.", "C": "Deuterium emits fluorescence.", "D": "Deuterium emits phosphorescence." }, "Correct Answer": "They emit a continuous spectrum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ead6d4e2-2431-4400-badc-09346ea63e92", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The radiation emitted by a solution of a fluorescent molecule always appears at:", "Options": { "A": "The same wavelength as the excitation radiation.", "B": "Wavelengths longer than the excitation radiation.", "C": "Wavelengths shorter than that of the excitation radiation.", "D": "The wavelength corresponding to the maximum of its absorption band." }, "Correct Answer": "Wavelengths longer than the excitation radiation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1c966d57-c849-44ae-8a97-3fea737411ec", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The internal standard calibration method is used in the gas chromatography technique to:", "Options": { "A": "Favor the volatilization of the sample.", "B": "Dim the noise of the detector.", "C": "Decrease analyte retention times.", "D": "Decrease the uncertainty associated with the injection of the sample." }, "Correct Answer": "Decrease the uncertainty associated with the injection of the sample.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1d5139fc-1894-45fb-b9d7-84205c179148", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does dissolution behave during electrolysis ?:", "Options": { "A": "As an electronic driver.", "B": "As an ion driver.", "C": "As a semiconductor.", "D": "As an insulating medium." }, "Correct Answer": "As an ion driver.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ea6a4d69-ded8-4328-b685-b7c66f773edf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "To carry out a potentiometric titration at i = 0, would you always need a reference electrode ?:", "Options": { "A": "No, it could be done with two different indicator electrodes.", "B": "Yes, it is essential to perform the valuation curve.", "C": "No, if you use a mercury electrode as an indicator electrode.", "D": "No, if one system is reversible and another is irreversible." }, "Correct Answer": "No, it could be done with two different indicator electrodes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "65a23ae2-3261-4b07-a640-1b8a720697dc", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The precision of an analytical method is determined:", "Options": { "A": "Through its application to a certified reference material.", "B": "By comparing their results with those obtained with a reference method.", "C": "Performing repeated measures and evaluating the dispersion of the results obtained.", "D": "Comparing the linearity interval and the dynamic interval." }, "Correct Answer": "Performing repeated measures and evaluating the dispersion of the results obtained.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "93f962e4-8a9c-4958-b811-5b6925b95569", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The triprotic acid H3A has pKa1 = 2.2, pKa2 = 7.2 and pKa3 = 12.3. What is the predominant species at pH = 1 ?:", "Options": { "A": "A3-.", "B": "HA2-.", "C": "H2A", "D": "H3A." }, "Correct Answer": "H3A.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a9b1241-8e51-47a7-b67d-d26ae062940d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The separation factor or selectivity factor (α) of a chromatographic column for two species A and B:", "Options": { "A": "It has a value of 1 when the retention times of A and B are identical.", "B": "It is independent of the retention times of A and B.", "C": "It depends on the width of the chromatographic peaks of A and B.", "D": "It depends on the length of the column." }, "Correct Answer": "It has a value of 1 when the retention times of A and B are identical.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "002e5e80-ac7c-4412-a1fd-1f3ae93f7607", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Separations by capillary zone electrophoresis are characterized by the fact that the species move through a capillary by the action of an electric field, so that:", "Options": { "A": "The anions leave the capillary before the cations.", "B": "Cations are the species that come out first of the capillary.", "C": "Neutral species do not move through the capillary.", "D": "All loaded species move at the same speed." }, "Correct Answer": "Cations are the species that come out first of the capillary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6cb2183f-c82c-4a1d-a85a-bd7ac3feed8e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Gas chromatography is the method of choice for the separation of substances:", "Options": { "A": "Volatile and thermally stable.", "B": "Non-volatile and thermally stable.", "C": "Organic with very high molecular weights.", "D": "Non-volatile high polarity." }, "Correct Answer": "Volatile and thermally stable.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1e66be5d-1e41-4bcd-97e9-9b783e891da0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In some sample preparation and treatment procedures prior to analysis, the solid phase extraction technique is used. This technique:", "Options": { "A": "It is characterized by the high consumption of organic solvents.", "B": "It only serves for the treatment of very small sample volumes.", "C": "It is applied by passing the liquid sample through an adsorbent solid contained in a small column (cartridge).", "D": "It does not require the application of pressure or vacuum." }, "Correct Answer": "It is applied by passing the liquid sample through an adsorbent solid contained in a small column (cartridge).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ad62a3b0-b88b-495e-a77c-b286a8ddc2d5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many experiments should be done in a complete factorial design to study five factors each of them at two levels ?:", "Options": { "A": "5.", "B": "10", "C": "25", "D": "32" }, "Correct Answer": "32", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8cd84a9e-9657-4a87-bd80-adb44ca0d49e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the techniques of liquid column chromatography is called dead time of the column a:", "Options": { "A": "The time it takes for a substance to pass through the chromatographic detector.", "B": "The relationship between the time a substance spends in the stationary phase and the time it spends in the mobile phase.", "C": "The time required for a substance not retained in the column to travel from the injector to the detector.", "D": "The time it takes for the substance most strongly retained in the stationary phase to reach the detector." }, "Correct Answer": "The time required for a substance not retained in the column to travel from the injector to the detector.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "59bcfdc3-d1ca-4381-be67-2f94704b3509", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the isoelectric focusing technique (isoelectric focus) the analytes are separated by the difference of:", "Options": { "A": "Its molecular weight", "B": "Its isoelectric points.", "C": "Its charge / mass ratio.", "D": "Its electrophoretic mobilities." }, "Correct Answer": "Its isoelectric points.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8f95e2f6-21c1-4e99-8132-5b6781d03626", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an amperometric assessment made unlike controlled potential:", "Options": { "A": "The potential of the indicator electrode must be set.", "B": "Two indicator electrodes of the same nature are used.", "C": "It is essential to use a potentiostatic system.", "D": "A reference electrode is always needed." }, "Correct Answer": "Two indicator electrodes of the same nature are used.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2a744667-969d-4bd8-9396-b3332fb331d6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the basis of a selective oxygen electrode or Clark electrode ?:", "Options": { "A": "Measures a liquid binding potential.", "B": "It uses a membrane with an ion exchanger.", "C": "The oxygen in the solution is measured amperometrically.", "D": "It uses a platinum anode." }, "Correct Answer": "The oxygen in the solution is measured amperometrically.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "761c8054-bb41-488b-bd17-f3ad611771b9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most important requirement in a controlled potential coulometry ?:", "Options": { "A": "That a good potentiostat is used to control the potential of the working electrode.", "B": "That a good reference electrode is used.", "C": "That the current efficiency is 100%.", "D": "That an electronic integrator be used to measure the area under the curve." }, "Correct Answer": "That the current efficiency is 100%.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "53879e35-d98a-4cd1-af9a-a3cc1c943fb3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In separations by liquid-liquid extraction, the fraction extracted from an analyte:", "Options": { "A": "It does not depend on the initial concentration of the analyte.", "B": "It depends on the initial concentration of the analyte.", "C": "It does not depend on the pH of the solution.", "D": "It does not depend on the distribution constant." }, "Correct Answer": "It does not depend on the initial concentration of the analyte.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "64568423-1559-402f-b449-0109ab0884c8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electronic capture detector is a detection system that is used in the gas chromatography technique. This detector responds selectively to:", "Options": { "A": "The organic compounds that contain phosphorus in its molecule.", "B": "Organic compounds easily ionizable by electromagnetic radiation.", "C": "Organic compounds that contain halogen functional groups in their molecule.", "D": "Organic compounds easily ionizable by a hydrogen / air flame." }, "Correct Answer": "Organic compounds that contain halogen functional groups in their molecule.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ce808d8d-95cf-4375-a110-2605be2f9920", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Size exclusion chromatography is a liquid column chromatography method in which:", "Options": { "A": "The analytes of larger molecular size elute before the smaller ones.", "B": "The analytes of smaller molecular size elute before the larger ones.", "C": "The elution of the analytes depends on the polarity of the stationary phase.", "D": "The elution of the analytes depends on the composition of the mobile phase." }, "Correct Answer": "The analytes of larger molecular size elute before the smaller ones.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5424bbd4-bdb3-42fb-bd9d-2c2058a6e77f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most basic aspect of a chronotécnica ?:", "Options": { "A": "Which is based on a stationary broadcasting regime.", "B": "That the dissolution does not stir.", "C": "They use triangular waves as excitement.", "D": "They use sine waves as excitation." }, "Correct Answer": "That the dissolution does not stir.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "78c5aa8c-cc72-4c2b-a3cf-19a8c1a85e22", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why does a potentiostat need an auxiliary electrode ?:", "Options": { "A": "A potentiostat does not need any auxiliary electrode.", "B": "Because not having a reference electrode needs an auxiliary one.", "C": "Because the electrolysis is carried out between the auxiliary electrode and the working electrode.", "D": "Because the auxiliary electrode minimizes background noise." }, "Correct Answer": "Because the electrolysis is carried out between the auxiliary electrode and the working electrode.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "70cf5000-cb29-41fc-b572-1b9dfdae6998", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a linear sweep voltammetry, the potential:", "Options": { "A": "Peak corresponds to the half-wave potential.", "B": "Semi-peaks coincide with the half-wave potential.", "C": "Semi-pectic is related to the half-wave potential.", "D": "The half-wave is calculated by summing the peak potential and the half-peak potential." }, "Correct Answer": "Semi-pectic is related to the half-wave potential.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "111fb6c0-82ed-4b91-90d5-b0b7832981b5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "An organic acid R-COOH (pKa = 7) is separated by liquid-liquid extraction with a suitable organic solvent. The largest fraction extracted will be obtained for:", "Options": { "A": "pH = 1.", "B": "pH = 7.", "C": "pH = 10.", "D": "pH = 14." }, "Correct Answer": "pH = 1.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9d4bbc8f-6543-4b57-af82-0413200ea002", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Considering an electrochemical cell, the term polarization refers to:", "Options": { "A": "An increase in the current intensity of the working electrode.", "B": "A decrease in the current intensity of the working electrode.", "C": "A change of the reference electrode.", "D": "A deviation from the potential as predicted by the Nernst equation." }, "Correct Answer": "A deviation from the potential as predicted by the Nernst equation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7602904c-84b4-4e6b-a7c3-e5dbaa05e1ab", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In gravimetric analysis the digestion of the precipitate is necessary to obtain:", "Options": { "A": "Much smaller crystals.", "B": "Much larger crystals.", "C": "Very high gravimetric factors.", "D": "Very small gravimetric factors." }, "Correct Answer": "Much larger crystals.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2b13a117-7e6b-41f3-be15-9b055e01f574", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the chemical species that acts as a reducer in the following redox reaction ?: MnO2 + 3I- + 4H3O + → Mn2 + + I-3 + 6H2O", "Options": { "A": "MnO2.", "B": "H3O +.", "C": "I-.", "D": "Mn2 +." }, "Correct Answer": "I-.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "80f91267-3254-4221-a5d7-ae2c5f07e576", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In atomic absorption spectrophotometry, which flame provides the highest temperature ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acetylene / oxygen.", "B": "Acetylene / air.", "C": "Acetylene / nitrous oxide.", "D": "Hydrogen / air." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetylene / oxygen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9b1a9533-92b3-463e-b9b3-b009d9993014", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the analysis of multivariate data linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is considered a technique of:", "Options": { "A": "Recognition of unsupervised guidelines.", "B": "Recognition of supervised guidelines.", "C": "Simple regression", "D": "Comparison of medians." }, "Correct Answer": "Simple regression", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9ac9571a-7a66-4dbb-abdc-8aa23b07c169", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When should the standard addition calibration technique be applied ?:", "Options": { "A": "When the calibration function is not rectilinear.", "B": "When there is a matrix effect that can not be corrected.", "C": "When, between successive measurements, it is difficult to maintain any of the operative parameters or reproduce the amount of sample submitted to the measurement process.", "D": "When it is not possible to establish the level of false negatives." }, "Correct Answer": "When there is a matrix effect that can not be corrected.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "437eaa99-a2ab-4c85-816e-ba23f0418d6d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following parameters should be modified to reduce the retention time of chromatographic peaks in gas chromatography ?:", "Options": { "A": "The oven temperature program of the chromatographic column.", "B": "The amount of sample injected.", "C": "The sample division ratio (Split ratio).", "D": "The temperature of the injector." }, "Correct Answer": "The oven temperature program of the chromatographic column.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0e407063-b8f0-4ab7-82c7-93b7db40ffe4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mission of the transducer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Recognize the analyte.", "B": "Catalyze the substrate to product.", "C": "Act as a mediator in the enzymatic reaction.", "D": "Allow the whole process to give rise to a measurable response." }, "Correct Answer": "Allow the whole process to give rise to a measurable response.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c646c2d2-a162-4dae-b1e7-a86471904f26", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following chemometric tools belongs to the group of techniques for recognition of non-supervised guidelines ?:", "Options": { "A": "Linear discriminant analysis (LDA).", "B": "Method of the nearest neighbors K (KNN).", "C": "Analysis of groupings (CA).", "D": "Independent modeling of classes (SIMCA)." }, "Correct Answer": "Analysis of groupings (CA).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "17eaa41f-2d5f-43e1-99a1-d7173f1cb774", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the pH of a 10-8M HCl solution ?:", "Options": { "A": "pH <7.", "B": "pH = 8.", "C": "8 <pH <10.", "D": "pH> 10." }, "Correct Answer": "pH <7.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ae302ac8-a882-4f49-8b7c-40930827afb8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of detectors are used in the ion chromatography technique with suppressor columns ?:", "Options": { "A": "Amperometric detectors.", "B": "Spectrophotometric detectors", "C": "Conductivity detectors", "D": "Flame ionization detectors." }, "Correct Answer": "Conductivity detectors", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bd7d6055-9518-4dc6-af48-454a569f6ac0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the titrant reagent in the determination of the hardness of a water sample by means of complex formation assessment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.", "B": "The calcium ion.", "C": "The black dye Eriochrome T.", "D": "The ammonia-ammonium chloride regulatory solution." }, "Correct Answer": "Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f31eb820-3179-4711-bf88-a1b2189191cf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements of the flame ionization detector is CORRECT? :", "Options": { "A": "It works in the data acquisition mode of selected mass / charge ratios (m / z).", "B": "It is only sensitive to halogenated compounds.", "C": "The sample is destroyed in the detector.", "D": "It measures the capacity of a substance to transmit heat from a hot region to a cold one." }, "Correct Answer": "The sample is destroyed in the detector.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e1c00566-5e6f-4353-9a11-5d0e5949a2e8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What process takes place in the analyzer of a quadrupole mass spectrometer ?:", "Options": { "A": "The electronic ionization of molecules.", "B": "The chemical ionization of molecules.", "C": "The separation of the ions generated as a function of their mass / charge ratio (m / z).", "D": "The detection of ions." }, "Correct Answer": "The separation of the ions generated as a function of their mass / charge ratio (m / z).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "39779c31-5279-473b-b270-196f4dd775f4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What information is represented on the abscissa axis of a mass spectrum ?:", "Options": { "A": "The mass / load ratio.", "B": "The retention time.", "C": "The wavelength", "D": "The wave number" }, "Correct Answer": "The mass / load ratio.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dcacf5b7-cd75-4f82-bc81-c19135b842bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Crossed aldol condensations in which a ketone reacts with an aromatic aldehyde are known as:", "Options": { "A": "Condensing of Claisen-Schmidt.", "B": "Additions of Michael.", "C": "Substitution reactions.", "D": "Hofmann eliminations." }, "Correct Answer": "Condensing of Claisen-Schmidt.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3b04e072-6c48-4513-82f7-cd55820a9193", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which phrase of the following is CORRECT on the additions of enolate anions to α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are known as Grignard reactions.", "B": "The reaction products are 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds.", "C": "The enolate that participates in this reaction is known as an acceptor.", "D": "In these reactions γ-ketoesters are obtained." }, "Correct Answer": "The reaction products are 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c6e8adca-9d76-4397-8277-fbf2721e5ca8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hydrolysis of 2-bromo-2-methylpentane takes place through a unimolecular nucleophilic substitution, the determining step is the dissociation to give:", "Options": { "A": "An alkyl radical and a halide ion.", "B": "An alkyl radical and a halide radical.", "C": "An alkyl anion and a halide ion.", "D": "An alkyl cation and a halide ion." }, "Correct Answer": "An alkyl cation and a halide ion.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "786ab42d-dba1-43d0-8349-958c558ab54b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Teflon is an inert plastic that is obtained from:", "Options": { "A": "Vinyl chloride.", "B": "Chlorotrifluoroethylene.", "C": "Tetrafluoroethylene.", "D": "Acrylonitrile" }, "Correct Answer": "Tetrafluoroethylene.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2c0642cc-a9cb-46e8-a937-78709a756c37", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The successive reaction of toluene with N-bromosuccinimide, sodium hydroxide and pyridinium chlorochromate generates:", "Options": { "A": "Benzoic acid.", "B": "Benzaldehyde", "C": "4-Methylphenol.", "D": "Benzyl alcohol" }, "Correct Answer": "Benzaldehyde", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fd3d825a-b43e-4c2b-9721-07154c2449bd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds have less acidic character than benzoic acid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Carbonic acid", "B": "Formic acid.", "C": "The p-nitrobenzoic acid.", "D": "Trichloroacetic acid" }, "Correct Answer": "Carbonic acid", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c2eece98-9023-42a4-a6fd-58aba348af25", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Second Order Nucleophilic Substitution (SN2) reactions, the most reactive substrates are:", "Options": { "A": "Primary.", "B": "Secondary", "C": "Tertiary", "D": "Quaternaries" }, "Correct Answer": "Primary.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "da83e7c2-cbda-4b21-990d-5d8b594dd6f3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The preparation of organometallic compounds from haloalkanes illustrates an important concept of synthetic organic chemistry:", "Options": { "A": "The reversal of polarization.", "B": "The inversion of stereochemistry.", "C": "The stereoselectivity.", "D": "The diastereoselectivity." }, "Correct Answer": "The reversal of polarization.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5faa620f-2967-4499-a01a-a41d488edc9f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the transposition of Beckmann an oxime becomes:", "Options": { "A": "Acid.", "B": "Nitrona", "C": "Nitrile", "D": "Amide." }, "Correct Answer": "Amide.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2c4c4621-5f58-4ad3-9acf-b5ea6caaea3c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The -OH, -OR and -NR2 groups are:", "Options": { "A": "Meta strong leaders.", "B": "Goal moderate leaders.", "C": "Ortho-for strong leaders.", "D": "Ortho-for moderate leaders." }, "Correct Answer": "Ortho-for strong leaders.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c3d2cdc8-a7d9-440f-9beb-3c3f93d1701b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The carbonyl carbon of aldehydes and ketones has hybridization:", "Options": { "A": "sp3.", "B": "sp2.", "C": "sp.", "D": "dsp2." }, "Correct Answer": "sp2.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "30aceb9c-7416-4a12-a1ce-36ecbf04c13b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The unique oxidation of the aldehyde group of a monosaccharide leads to a:", "Options": { "A": "Aldonic acid.", "B": "Uronic acid.", "C": "Aldaric acid.", "D": "Alditol." }, "Correct Answer": "Aldonic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "19ab0741-f72f-4de7-966b-edb8796d8e67", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Heating of cyclopentanecarboxamide with aqueous sulfuric acid followed by treatment with thionyl chloride and pyridine gives:", "Options": { "A": "1-Chlorocyclopentanecarboxylic acid.", "B": "Cyclopentanecarbonyl chloride.", "C": "Cyclopentylmethanamine", "D": "Chloromethylcyclopentane." }, "Correct Answer": "Cyclopentanecarbonyl chloride.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "32b330ed-ce98-40ca-b77e-ea6b18c62f4e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the shape of the signal observed in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum for the four hydrogens of the oxygenated methylenes of diethyl ether ?:", "Options": { "A": "Doublet.", "B": "Double doublet.", "C": "Triplet.", "D": "Quartet." }, "Correct Answer": "Quartet.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "eb58971f-db72-42ad-a237-3a0420f9ff97", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which functional group of the following is a priority and should be chosen as the main function according to the rules of systematic nomenclature of the IUPAC in a molecule that contains all of them ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aldehyde.", "B": "Amide.", "C": "Amine.", "D": "Ether." }, "Correct Answer": "Amide.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ad964105-f192-498e-ad45-d8a7e79610f7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The key intermediates in the Friedel-Crafts alknoilations are:", "Options": { "A": "Acilio cations.", "B": "Acilio anions.", "C": "The alkyl cations.", "D": "The aromatic cations." }, "Correct Answer": "Acilio cations.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ded2a166-1ed5-4382-bb5e-f613ae3e7f8a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which prefix should be used to systematically name the structure substituent -SH ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sulfonil.", "B": "Hydroxyvitium", "C": "Sulfanil.", "D": "Uncle." }, "Correct Answer": "Sulfanil.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3e71e37c-0b11-49b1-a3ee-57cb5b2143d9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What name does the aromatic tricyclic hydrocarbon formed by fused rings of six members arranged in a linear form and whose molecular formula is C14H10 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Anthracene", "B": "Fenanthrene.", "C": "Naphthalene", "D": "Triphenylene." }, "Correct Answer": "Anthracene", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1e518a4c-a857-4b20-a84c-2034b56c1475", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The major product of the reaction of methyl propanoate and methyl formate in sodium methoxide in methanol and subsequent acid hydrolysis is:", "Options": { "A": "2-Dimethyl methylmalonate.", "B": "2- (Formyloxy) propanoate.", "C": "3-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanoate methyl.", "D": "Methyl 2-methyl-3-oxopropanoate." }, "Correct Answer": "Methyl 2-methyl-3-oxopropanoate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "57351e58-8e52-4104-b0a9-6b657eb8f332", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many fluorine atoms does the perfluorooctane molecule have ?:", "Options": { "A": "Eighteen.", "B": "Fourteen.", "C": "Ten.", "D": "Eight." }, "Correct Answer": "Eighteen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6f91167d-e2a1-42a1-a4cf-079cca8127f3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When treating a primary alcohol with HBr, the corresponding haloalkane is normally obtained by SN2 reaction through:", "Options": { "A": "Ion alkoxonium.", "B": "Radical alkyloxonium.", "C": "Alkyloxonium anion.", "D": "Alkyl anion." }, "Correct Answer": "Ion alkoxonium.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c94fa985-2147-4a91-b17c-a2f2203a5ff7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the approximate chemical shift of the singlet signal that is observed in a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum for the three hydrogens of the acetyl group present in ethyl acetate ?:", "Options": { "A": "1 ppm.", "B": "2 ppm.", "C": "3 ppm.", "D": "4 ppm." }, "Correct Answer": "2 ppm.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dbc444a8-187c-42bc-8e84-4f8af2579d90", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many members is the ring of a β-lactam ?:", "Options": { "A": "Three.", "B": "Four.", "C": "Five.", "D": "Six." }, "Correct Answer": "Four.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eec7cb11-c98f-41a0-86f2-e7284b4cbec6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What role does dimethyl sulfide play in the alkylation reaction it undergoes when it is reacted with methyl iodide ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nucleophile", "B": "Electrophile", "C": "Oxidizer", "D": "Reducer." }, "Correct Answer": "Nucleophile", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cbc6b513-9f72-482e-9b61-5fa895e0ad42", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Grignard reagents react with ethylene oxide to produce:", "Options": { "A": "Ethyl ethers.", "B": "Tertiary alcohols.", "C": "Secondary alcohols", "D": "Primary alcohols." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary alcohols.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0746c9dd-038a-4a71-8fb6-bcaa2ba9e999", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Second Order Nucleophilic Substitution reactions (SN2) occurs:", "Options": { "A": "Retention of the configuration.", "B": "Racemization.", "C": "Investment of the configuration.", "D": "Transpositions." }, "Correct Answer": "Investment of the configuration.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4e4cbbd4-879d-4833-abdf-ade36f5e78eb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Aldehydes and ketones react with phosphorus ylides to give alkenes and triphenylphosphine oxide. This reaction is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Barton reaction.", "B": "Sonogashira reaction.", "C": "Wittig reaction.", "D": "Robinson's reaction." }, "Correct Answer": "Wittig reaction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7029e6e0-1738-49bf-90ad-da1137c3d13c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The compounds capable of forming an enolate react with formaldehyde imines and a primary or secondary amine to give compounds:", "Options": { "A": "α-aminoalkyl carbonyl.", "B": "β-aminoalkyl carbonyl.", "C": "γ-aminoalkyl carbonyl.", "D": "δ-aminoalkyl carbonyl." }, "Correct Answer": "β-aminoalkyl carbonyl.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cec29434-57f2-4b39-bd47-182d524eae1d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The addition of an acetylide ion to a carbonyl group provides after adding water or diluted acids:", "Options": { "A": "An alcohol", "B": "An olefin.", "C": "A carboxylic acid.", "D": "An ester." }, "Correct Answer": "An alcohol", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8cea866c-1739-4618-a6aa-4dffcbb8a349", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The oxidation of a phenol with chromic acid produces:", "Options": { "A": "Lactones.", "B": "Flavones", "C": "Quinones", "D": "Chalcones" }, "Correct Answer": "Quinones", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e7ec1d88-d679-4f12-8168-c350c7e8b5cd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The addition of Grignard reagents (Magnesians) to ethylene oxide, provides after protonation:", "Options": { "A": "Alcohols with two more carbon atoms.", "B": "Olefins with two more carbon atoms.", "C": "Carbonyl with two more carbon atoms.", "D": "Esters with two more carbon atoms." }, "Correct Answer": "Alcohols with two more carbon atoms.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "720cb134-a5a2-4588-aadd-499dbb84a0a2", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In infrared spectroscopy, every organic molecule has characteristic signals below 1500cm-1 known as the region of:", "Options": { "A": "Tension.", "B": "Fingerprint.", "C": "Flexion excitations.", "D": "Vibrational excitations." }, "Correct Answer": "Fingerprint.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "316c664f-e6c0-421f-9312-3d936a9eab96", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Infrared spectroscopy is useful for identifying terminal alkynes. These have characteristic bands of tension of the triple bond between:", "Options": { "A": "3100-3500 cm-1.", "B": "1700-1800 cm-1.", "C": "2100-2260 cm-1.", "D": "1600-1700 cm-1." }, "Correct Answer": "2100-2260 cm-1.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "971cfe57-c67d-4f8c-977a-173108a81eeb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cyclohexanone reacts with pyrrolidine to give:", "Options": { "A": "A secondary amine.", "B": "A nitrile", "C": "An amide", "D": "An enamine." }, "Correct Answer": "An enamine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ba1ec2ec-ebf5-4598-97d9-29c00b563a68", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Hofmann elimination is a reaction in which a tetralkylammonium salt in basic medium becomes:", "Options": { "A": "Alkene", "B": "Alcohol.", "C": "Amide.", "D": "Nitrile" }, "Correct Answer": "Alkene", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fa728627-c123-4eae-bdea-13ca1594d899", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mechanisms of palladium-catalyzed couplings such as Stille, Negishi or Suzuki begin with:", "Options": { "A": "Oxidative removal of an organic halide to the catalyst.", "B": "Reductive addition of an organic halide to the catalyst.", "C": "Oxidative addition of an organic halide to the catalyst.", "D": "Reductive elimination of an organic halide to the catalyst." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxidative addition of an organic halide to the catalyst.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3d89ac68-ce44-46f7-acb3-052f7e79d712", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Swern's oxidation uses dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as an oxidizing agent to transform alcohols into:", "Options": { "A": "Aldehydes and ketones.", "B": "Ketones and carboxylic acids.", "C": "Carboxylic acids and Esters.", "D": "Aldehydes and Lactones." }, "Correct Answer": "Aldehydes and ketones.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1261e963-5e29-4be2-98f1-b5a7c82c1dfa", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hydroxy acids can be esterified intramolecularly producing:", "Options": { "A": "Ethers", "B": "Nitriles", "C": "Amides", "D": "Lactones." }, "Correct Answer": "Lactones.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "07244a6d-13e6-4e32-8982-277f406703b6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Acetals are protective groups that hydrolyze with:", "Options": { "A": "Bases and are stable in acidic conditions.", "B": "Acids and are stable in the presence of bases.", "C": "Acids and bases.", "D": "Neutral organic solvents." }, "Correct Answer": "Acids and are stable in the presence of bases.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7752efa5-9f30-4b0b-b37a-eda8dbdc1083", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A tertiary amine can be obtained by reaction of ketones or aldehydes with secondary amines in the presence of the reducing agent:", "Options": { "A": "NaBH4.", "B": "LiAlH4.", "C": "Na (CH3COO) 3BH.", "D": "H2 / Ni." }, "Correct Answer": "Na (CH3COO) 3BH.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f2600a15-0b85-427f-a576-b8ae1f7869e5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Oximes are formed by the reaction of aldehydes and ketones with:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrazine", "B": "Semicarbazide", "C": "Phenylhydrazine", "D": "Hydroxylamine." }, "Correct Answer": "Hydroxylamine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1b129b1c-76a4-4387-abb2-8a9f4fb7ad26", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When bencino is generated in the presence of furan, the following occurs:", "Options": { "A": "An alkylation of Friedel-Crafts.", "B": "An acylation of Friedel-Crafts.", "C": "An adduct of Diels-Alder.", "D": "A condensation of Robinson." }, "Correct Answer": "An adduct of Diels-Alder.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a05a4086-f0a5-4261-ad12-e086c9d8e424", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "1,1-dimethylcyclohexane always has:", "Options": { "A": "The two equatorial methyls.", "B": "One equatorial methyl group and the other axial.", "C": "The two axial methyls.", "D": "The two pseudo-equatorial methyls." }, "Correct Answer": "One equatorial methyl group and the other axial.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5092b87-562d-4eae-84cd-d470076b79f7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many stereoisomers of 2-bromo-3-chlorobutane are possible ?:", "Options": { "A": "Two.", "B": "Three.", "C": "Four.", "D": "Five." }, "Correct Answer": "Four.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "650c4970-682e-41d5-884b-99152d60d33c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The speed of nitration of the following compounds follows the order:", "Options": { "A": "Toluene> benzene> trifluoromethylbenzene.", "B": "Benzene> toluene> trifluoromethylbenzene.", "C": "Trifluoromethylbenzene> toluene> benzene.", "D": "Trifluoromethylbenzene> benzene> toluene." }, "Correct Answer": "Toluene> benzene> trifluoromethylbenzene.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "57dc9bb3-033a-4eb2-81a6-e58303a4cab0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following tissues, organs or cell types can NOT use ketone bodies:", "Options": { "A": "Brain.", "B": "Heart.", "C": "Erythrocytes", "D": "Skeletal muscle" }, "Correct Answer": "Erythrocytes", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "eabe93fb-7ecb-45c0-88fd-d7b0d41f640a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anaplerotic reactions:", "Options": { "A": "They are catalyzed by dehydrogenases linked to pyridine.", "B": "They are part of the anabolic pathway of cholesterol synthesis.", "C": "They are endergónicas.", "D": "They provide intermediaries to the citric acid cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "They provide intermediaries to the citric acid cycle.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1edda3d0-de1d-49ff-928f-116ee7eae6c3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The existence of a proton gradient from one side of the membrane to the other is essential for the operation:", "Options": { "A": "From the core.", "B": "Of the mitochondria.", "C": "From the endoplasmic reticulum.", "D": "From the Golgi complex." }, "Correct Answer": "Of the mitochondria.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3eea3754-bd0d-4719-8ebd-0166500ecfc1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following statements about tetrahydrofolate (THF) is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "It is a coenzyme that mobilizes functional groups of carbon.", "B": "Its conversion into 10-formyl-THF generates energy in the form of ATP.", "C": "In the synthesis of thymine nucleotides it acts as a carbon donor.", "D": "Participates in the synthesis of purines." }, "Correct Answer": "Its conversion into 10-formyl-THF generates energy in the form of ATP.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7d51c11c-5b3c-4fc6-b854-ad5535f9eda5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ketone bodies, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate:", "Options": { "A": "They originate in the liver, in the cellular mitochondrial matrix, as products of the enzymatic β-oxidation of fatty acids.", "B": "They originate in the liver, in the cellular cytoplasm, during the enzymatic biosynthesis of fatty acids.", "C": "They are transported by blood, from muscle to liver, where they are converted to AcetylCoA by the action of certain enzymes.", "D": "They originate spontaneously in the liver when there are high concentrations of fatty acids." }, "Correct Answer": "They originate in the liver, in the cellular mitochondrial matrix, as products of the enzymatic β-oxidation of fatty acids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b537c589-a54b-4ba9-8a63-c6c2be421bd8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Thiamin deficiency affects:", "Options": { "A": "The synthesis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG).", "B": "The activity of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase.", "C": "The oxidation of pyruvate.", "D": "The Dalmatians, but not the humans." }, "Correct Answer": "The oxidation of pyruvate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "224f8867-bd28-407b-8db4-5b5201813229", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following compounds transfers reduction equivalents from the mitochondria to the cytosol during gluconeogenesis:", "Options": { "A": "Fosfoenolpiruvato.", "B": "Glycerol-3-phosphate.", "C": "Aspartate", "D": "Malate." }, "Correct Answer": "Malate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0c936947-7228-49e2-b0c6-3f6e7f9ee4a1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electronic flow through the mitochondrial electronic transport chain is regulated by:", "Options": { "A": "The ATP / ADP relationship.", "B": "The concentration of acetyl CoA.", "C": "The production of CO2.", "D": "The formation of NADPH." }, "Correct Answer": "The ATP / ADP relationship.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "304b4752-f80d-416a-a6b0-6277c96e825e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex:", "Options": { "A": "It is found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.", "B": "It uses thiamine pyrophosphate as a coenzyme.", "C": "It is made up of five different subunits.", "D": "Catalyzes a reversible reaction." }, "Correct Answer": "It uses thiamine pyrophosphate as a coenzyme.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "084c8b81-c2f6-4a7a-bd7e-70b47d453164", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I:", "Options": { "A": "It catalyzes a reversible reaction of the pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway.", "B": "It catalyzes a reversible reaction of the urea biosynthesis pathway.", "C": "It is regulated by the intracellular levels of N-acetylglutamate.", "D": "It is located in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum." }, "Correct Answer": "It is regulated by the intracellular levels of N-acetylglutamate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f126f786-6324-4689-a065-c4deb86a59f6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "All the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix, EXCEPTION of one that is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Which of the following is:", "Options": { "A": "Citrate synthase.", "B": "α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.", "C": "Succinate dehydrogenase.", "D": "Fumarasa" }, "Correct Answer": "Succinate dehydrogenase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f45c2674-3088-4cfe-8854-a63f297ec78f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The fumarase belongs to the group of:", "Options": { "A": "Oxidoreductases.", "B": "Transferases", "C": "Hydrolases.", "D": "Liasas" }, "Correct Answer": "Liasas", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "36305b74-c5ef-41f0-8fc8-17fe94806d4d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The human being CAN NOT:", "Options": { "A": "Convert glucose to lactate.", "B": "Transform fatty acids into carbohydrates.", "C": "Transform carbohydrates into fatty acids.", "D": "Synthesize purine bases." }, "Correct Answer": "Transform fatty acids into carbohydrates.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4d065db8-9700-4268-8c41-abbea7ab8b70", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What other name does complex III receive from the electron transport chain that is produced in the mitochondria ?:", "Options": { "A": "Succinate-coenzyme Q reductase.", "B": "NADH-dehydrogenase.", "C": "Coenzyme Q-cytochrome c-oxidoreductase.", "D": "Cytochrome c oxidase." }, "Correct Answer": "Coenzyme Q-cytochrome c-oxidoreductase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d1a670d0-fecf-496e-a9d2-fd3fde91da13", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The liver can form glucose from:", "Options": { "A": "Acetoacetate.", "B": "To the girl.", "C": "Acetyl CoA", "D": "Palmitate." }, "Correct Answer": "To the girl.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f629b90e-6982-40d0-aeb1-7b8ed5fac53c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the two most important metabolic purposes of the pentose phosphate route ?:", "Options": { "A": "The generation of NADH and the manufacture of nucleic acid components.", "B": "The synthesis of fructose-6-phosphate and the generation of NADPH necessary for biosynthetic pathways.", "C": "The generation of NADPH necessary for biosynthetic routes and the generation of α-ketoglutarate for amino acid biosynthesis.", "D": "The generation of NADPH necessary for biosynthetic pathways and the production of ribose5-P for the synthesis of nucleotides." }, "Correct Answer": "The generation of NADPH necessary for biosynthetic pathways and the production of ribose5-P for the synthesis of nucleotides.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bb72cf05-05a5-4e24-8835-4ef0f23081f1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzyme acetyl CoA carboxylase:", "Options": { "A": "It is part of the pathway of degradation of fatty acids.", "B": "It catalyzes the formation of malonyl CoA.", "C": "It catalyzes the formation of hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA.", "D": "It is active when it is phosphorylated and in its monomeric form." }, "Correct Answer": "It catalyzes the formation of malonyl CoA.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dd7733a6-0049-4c34-8646-9e246c13bda3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the structure that links the chromosomes to the mitotic bone ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cinetocoro.", "B": "Centrosome", "C": "Microtubule", "D": "Centromere" }, "Correct Answer": "Cinetocoro.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "98db0c21-7818-4bc9-917a-5c8045e75960", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the function of the coenzyme biotin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Involved in redox reactions.", "B": "Involved in hydrolysis reactions.", "C": "It is necessary for the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase.", "D": "Involved in carboxylation reactions." }, "Correct Answer": "Involved in carboxylation reactions.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f7a6fc69-d8be-4247-a693-5496fd645f36", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the main glucose transporter in the hepatocyte ?:", "Options": { "A": "GLUT 1", "B": "GLUT 2.", "C": "GLUT 3.", "D": "GLUT 4." }, "Correct Answer": "GLUT 2.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7cfb7cd7-61e9-4d32-ae99-aa7113440b0e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to glycogen, which of the following statements is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a little branched polymer.", "B": "It accumulates in large quantities in most tissues.", "C": "Glucose is mobilized from the non-reducing ends of the glycogen molecule.", "D": "It is stored in the muscle to be distributed to the rest of the tissues." }, "Correct Answer": "Glucose is mobilized from the non-reducing ends of the glycogen molecule.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dca99c8c-8aad-4145-8650-90459fe80a82", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate among the following answers the one that contains ONLY names of glycerophospholipids:", "Options": { "A": "Phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol.", "B": "Phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, ceramide.", "C": "Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, cholesterol.", "D": "Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, sphingomyelin." }, "Correct Answer": "Phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "837b9b68-2a17-466b-9344-5904067cfc04", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main fuels of the brain in case of prolonged fasting are:", "Options": { "A": "Amino acids from the liver.", "B": "Fatty acids from adipose tissue.", "C": "Ketone bodies from the muscle.", "D": "Ketone bodies from the liver." }, "Correct Answer": "Ketone bodies from the liver.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "727022d1-3afc-480a-b2ac-e5971fe6f581", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which organ of mammals occurs the synthesis of urea mainly:", "Options": { "A": "In the kidney.", "B": "In the liver", "C": "In skeletal muscle.", "D": "In the small intestine." }, "Correct Answer": "In the liver", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "926f9098-2798-4ad8-b7df-765925613f7b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Enzymes increase the speed of the reactions that catalyze because:", "Options": { "A": "They shift the balance towards the formation of the substrate.", "B": "They shift the balance towards the formation of the product.", "C": "Decrease the activation energy.", "D": "Increase the activation energy." }, "Correct Answer": "Decrease the activation energy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a291526f-0f6d-4da4-8a17-13497d18fc33", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When oxygen binds to myoglobin or hemoglobin, the two Fe2 + coordination bonds perpendicular to the heme are occupied by:", "Options": { "A": "A molecule of O2 and an atom of an amino acid.", "B": "One molecule of O2 and one atom of heme.", "C": "Two oxygen atoms.", "D": "Two molecules of O2." }, "Correct Answer": "A molecule of O2 and an atom of an amino acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9d075e76-f666-4309-b65d-b41718e879db", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzyme that limits the speed of lipogenesis is:", "Options": { "A": "The HGMCoA reductase.", "B": "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase.", "C": "Acetyl-CoA-ACP transacylase.", "D": "Malonyl-CoA-ACP transacylase." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2b98d1af-917e-43ec-8327-d6c5914f184b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is CERTAIN for glycolysis ?:", "Options": { "A": "ATP is generated by oxidative phosphorylation.", "B": "A pyruvate and three molecules of CO2 are generated from the oxidation of a glucose molecule.", "C": "The reaction takes place in the mitochondrial matrix.", "D": "The enzyme that regulates the speed of the route is phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1)." }, "Correct Answer": "The enzyme that regulates the speed of the route is phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ea5150dd-5d16-4c40-9fbc-fe844cec80ff", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzymes of gluconeogenesis are cytoplasmic EXCEPT a mitochondrial enzyme that is:", "Options": { "A": "Pyruvate carboxylase.", "B": "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.", "C": "Enolasa", "D": "Pyruvate kinase." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyruvate carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7da77923-e3c1-401c-bb4d-007f61cc782e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The muscle glycogen phosphorylase enzyme:", "Options": { "A": "It is responsible for phosphorylating glycogen.", "B": "Degrade glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate.", "C": "Degrade glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate.", "D": "It is irreversibly inhibited by AMP." }, "Correct Answer": "Degrade glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf86bac9-50a9-498e-8620-0dc80f6849ae", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The 2,4-dinitrophenol added to a cell in aerobic respiration causes:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the transmembrane electrochemical gradient in the mitochondria.", "B": "Decrease oxygen consumption.", "C": "Stop or decrease the production of ATP.", "D": "Increase oxygen consumption and ATP production." }, "Correct Answer": "Stop or decrease the production of ATP.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a4e7eecd-a17f-4871-8fb0-4950c53fe3bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds is common in gluconeogenesis from Lactate and from Glycerol ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pyruvate.", "B": "Glucose-6-phosphate.", "C": "Acetyl-CoA.", "D": "Fosfoenolpiruvato." }, "Correct Answer": "Glucose-6-phosphate.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c6ff66b4-8324-427d-be57-939033c77b3c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "During the elongation stage of protein synthesis in eukaryotes:", "Options": { "A": "Streptomycin can cause premature dissociation of an incomplete peptide.", "B": "The peptide bond is formed by attack of the carboxyl group of the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA on the amino group of the growing peptide.", "C": "The new peptide bond synthesized by peptidyl transferase requires hydrolysis of GTP.", "D": "The peptidyl-tRNA is displaced to the P site of the ribosome." }, "Correct Answer": "The peptidyl-tRNA is displaced to the P site of the ribosome.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7b345837-26fa-46cb-bab8-59db329fed08", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The chaperones:", "Options": { "A": "They keep the proteins in an unfolded state that allows their passage through the membranes.", "B": "They are always required to direct the folding of proteins.", "C": "They direct the correct formation of the quaternary structure of proteins.", "D": "When they bind to a protein they increase their rate of degradation." }, "Correct Answer": "They keep the proteins in an unfolded state that allows their passage through the membranes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "03ce1442-aa62-4603-bdc0-a1aedcda1b6d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What compound is formed as the final product of the degradation of purines ?:", "Options": { "A": "Glutamic acid.", "B": "Ammonia.", "C": "Urea.", "D": "Uric acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Uric acid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ef1be804-08d9-4a3b-a329-b7a209d7d6b2", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The standard deviation is defined as:", "Options": { "A": "The average of the difference between any value and the average.", "B": "The variance divided by two.", "C": "The square root of the variance.", "D": "The sum of the squares of the differences between any value and the mean." }, "Correct Answer": "The square root of the variance.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "21917b61-b172-4347-97ae-0f957104491b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acetylation of histones gives rise to a more open structure because:", "Options": { "A": "The electrostatic attraction between histones and DNA is weakened.", "B": "The interaction of histones with the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase is stimulated.", "C": "DNA methylation is facilitated.", "D": "The interaction of transcription factors with DNA is prevented." }, "Correct Answer": "The electrostatic attraction between histones and DNA is weakened.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3e8c0a36-7769-4676-a1b7-14aafd36baa8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In eukaryotes satellite DNA:", "Options": { "A": "It can be separated from chromosomal DNA by differential centrifugation in phosphate buffer.", "B": "It is associated with centromeres.", "C": "It's the microsomal.", "D": "It is associated with lysosomes." }, "Correct Answer": "It is associated with centromeres.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f2ef3601-d62e-43d6-92be-97d76ea74da3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The error correction capacity of DNA polymerases depends on its activity:", "Options": { "A": "3 '→ 5' exonuclease.", "B": "5 '→ 3' exonuclease.", "C": "5 '→ 3' endonuclease.", "D": "Endonuclease 3 '→ 5'." }, "Correct Answer": "3 '→ 5' exonuclease.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "76c7cbec-f3c3-45bb-955d-bfc10acd691f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Competitive inhibitors:", "Options": { "A": "Decrease the Km", "B": "Increase the Vmax", "C": "They decrease the Vmax.", "D": "Increase the Km" }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the Km", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "27ce70c4-043c-4b1f-a38f-d9a97840b606", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "DNA is more resistant than RNA to alkaline hydrolysis because:", "Options": { "A": "It is double-stranded.", "B": "The 2 'carbons are attached to 2 H atoms while in the RNA they are attached to an H atom and an OH group.", "C": "DNA has T nucleotides instead of U.", "D": "It forms stable tertiary structures." }, "Correct Answer": "The 2 'carbons are attached to 2 H atoms while in the RNA they are attached to an H atom and an OH group.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "885beae3-46ed-48f3-8e57-17f12955444c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The precursors of the synthesis of the heme group are:", "Options": { "A": "Glycine and succinyl CoA.", "B": "Cysteine and acetyl CoA.", "C": "Cysteine and succinyl CoA.", "D": "Glycine and acetyl CoA." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycine and succinyl CoA.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c56d4fae-0220-4342-9a9e-3a155d2dfa18", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Chargaff's rules, on the proportion of nitrogenous bases in all DNA molecules, say that:", "Options": { "A": "A = G.", "B": "A = C.", "C": "A + G = T + C.", "D": "A + T = G + C" }, "Correct Answer": "A + G = T + C.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "822043f9-bf0a-4972-ba32-52ec4510ca5a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about biological membranes is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "All biological membranes have cholesterol.", "B": "The lipid composition of all eukaryotic membranes is similar.", "C": "The free fatty acids are major components of the membranes.", "D": "The inner and outer layers of many membranes have different lipid composition." }, "Correct Answer": "The inner and outer layers of many membranes have different lipid composition.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "50950008-3360-413a-a54b-d1d46c35e31e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The internal mitochondrial membrane contains a transport system for:", "Options": { "A": "NADH", "B": "ADP.", "C": "GDP.", "D": "Acetyl-CoA." }, "Correct Answer": "ADP.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "746089a8-3a05-417c-825f-ec66bf2d70b7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The only two exclusively ketogenic amino acids are:", "Options": { "A": "Leucine and lysine.", "B": "Cysteine and lysine.", "C": "Isoleucine and leucine.", "D": "Tryptophan and phenylalanine." }, "Correct Answer": "Leucine and lysine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2796ecd5-6cfd-42ef-82d4-21645da3495f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following options correctly defines a hapten ?:", "Options": { "A": "The calibrator used in an immunoassay.", "B": "A small immunogenic molecule that is linked to a larger one forming a new antigen that stimulates the production of specific antibodies against the small molecule.", "C": "An antibody directed against a specific substance in an immunoassay.", "D": "An antibody produced by hybridoma technology to make a more specific immunoassay against a given substance." }, "Correct Answer": "A small immunogenic molecule that is linked to a larger one forming a new antigen that stimulates the production of specific antibodies against the small molecule.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "92b3a8ab-b89b-460f-af6b-289a0e4296ae", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following amino acids has a positive net charge in its side chain at physiological pH ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aspartic acid.", "B": "Serina", "C": "Lysine", "D": "Tyrosine" }, "Correct Answer": "Lysine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1ece88a6-0c4b-4674-aafe-bc738ea87f1c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A plasma sample that remains cloudy after being overnight in the refrigerator (4 ° C) contains excessive amounts of:", "Options": { "A": "Quilomicrons.", "B": "VLDL.", "C": "LDL.", "D": "HDL." }, "Correct Answer": "VLDL.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "045d4314-5cf0-4c38-bf04-2c6e99f92a00", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The initiation factor IF-2:", "Options": { "A": "Transports all the aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site of the ribosome.", "B": "It catalyzes the binding of each amino acid to its corresponding tRNA.", "C": "It carries an ATP molecule associated with the protein molecule.", "D": "Participate in the initiation of the translation." }, "Correct Answer": "Participate in the initiation of the translation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a7a1866-5ef4-4f68-aef3-68532fe42934", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following lipoproteins transport the triacylglycerols formed in the liver ?:", "Options": { "A": "Quilomicrons.", "B": "HDL.", "C": "VLDL.", "D": "LDL." }, "Correct Answer": "VLDL.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ffc1aa35-323f-4956-9101-5cbd9876701b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out which of the affirmations about the gangliosides is CERTAIN:", "Options": { "A": "In your molecule there is sialic acid.", "B": "They are formed from sphingomyelin by the addition of one or more monosaccharide residues.", "C": "N-acetylmuramic acid derivatives are involved in its composition.", "D": "They contain N-acetylglucosamine esterifying the phosphate group of the ceramides." }, "Correct Answer": "In your molecule there is sialic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "819d4434-dca9-41ca-80fd-fbf33866cf12", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the catalytic mechanisms that enzymes use is:", "Options": { "A": "Charge and dispersion effects.", "B": "Hydrophilic catalysis.", "C": "Effects of proximity and orientation.", "D": "Stereoselective catalysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Effects of proximity and orientation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d294a72c-9468-4202-9bd7-c9b8db8bf8e8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "DNA-dependent RNA polymerases:", "Options": { "A": "They require the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates.", "B": "They require a DNA template.", "C": "They require a primer.", "D": "They add ribonucleotides to the 5'-hydroxyl end of the RNA chain." }, "Correct Answer": "They require a DNA template.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c9d1a4a2-95b6-42a8-8246-a093809de78b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Enzyme immunoassays use enzymes to:", "Options": { "A": "Mark the substrates of the enzymatic reactions.", "B": "Increase the speed of immunological reactions.", "C": "Detect and quantify immunological reactions.", "D": "Decrease the speed of immunological reactions." }, "Correct Answer": "Detect and quantify immunological reactions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6bb01b70-4320-4c74-ab83-18af87cfb7ae", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A fragment of Okazaki is:", "Options": { "A": "An RNA that is part of the 30S ribosomal subunit.", "B": "A segment of mRNA synthesized by RNA polymerase.", "C": "A fragment of DNA that is generated by the action of an endonuclease.", "D": "A segment of intermediate DNA in the synthesis of the delayed strand." }, "Correct Answer": "A segment of intermediate DNA in the synthesis of the delayed strand.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1d9fffde-eeb5-4da1-b1d9-64c898ac7445", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the transformation of phosphoenolpyruvate into pyruvate, pyruvate kinase consumes:", "Options": { "A": "1 ADP.", "B": "1 ADP + 1 NAD +.", "C": "2 ADP.", "D": "2 ADP + 2 NAD +." }, "Correct Answer": "1 ADP.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d6523bce-f58e-4f0d-8671-414ba65cd38d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The four most abundant elements of living matter are:", "Options": { "A": "C, H, O, P.", "B": "C, O, S, P.", "C": "C, N, O, P.", "D": "C, O, H, N." }, "Correct Answer": "C, O, H, N.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3ad809ba-c140-4fea-a485-2642f1e9bf44", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In eukaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation:", "Options": { "A": "Consume ATP to generate reducing power.", "B": "It consists in the use of electrons from NADH or FADH2 to reduce water to molecular oxygen.", "C": "It takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.", "D": "The flow of electrons through the respiratory chain leads to the pumping of protons into the mitochondria." }, "Correct Answer": "It takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dfb8a984-84ae-48b9-ad05-f0221b01d3eb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The replacement number of an enzyme:", "Options": { "A": "It refers to each catalytic center.", "B": "It reflects the average life of the enzyme.", "C": "It is variable.", "D": "It is an exponential function." }, "Correct Answer": "It refers to each catalytic center.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6950cc94-907a-491e-aa2b-af35ccac4453", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect does the medicine aspirin cause ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increases the cyclooxygenase activity of the COX-1 isoenzyme.", "B": "Increases the cyclooxygenase activity of the COX-2 isoenzyme.", "C": "Acetylates a threonine residue from the active center of COX-1.", "D": "Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "78c24cd3-7397-4983-a1a7-4039a8add8f6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following factors displaces the dissociation curve of the hemoglobin to the right, favoring the release of oxygen to the tissues ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in pH.", "B": "The increase in temperature.", "C": "The decrease of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate.", "D": "The presence of carboxyhemoglobins." }, "Correct Answer": "The increase in temperature.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "851b521b-47a6-4a77-9f49-f434e81df37e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which immunoglobulin, of those listed below, has the highest molecular weight ?:", "Options": { "A": "Immunoglobulin M.", "B": "Immunoglobulin A.", "C": "Immunoglobulin G.", "D": "Immunoglobulin D." }, "Correct Answer": "Immunoglobulin M.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "128372f9-d1d5-469b-93db-35bb996d930d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which acid reacts with acetyl-coenzyme-A to generate citric acid in the Krebs cycle ?:", "Options": { "A": "Oxalisuccinic acid.", "B": "Fumaric acid.", "C": "Malic acid.", "D": "Oxalacetic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxalacetic acid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e3e999bd-9b8b-4f96-8cb5-82ae98142dfa", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following types of lipoproteins present in human plasma, which has the highest percentage of proteins in its composition ?:", "Options": { "A": "Quilomicrons.", "B": "High density lipoproteins (HDL).", "C": "Low density lipoproteins (LDL).", "D": "Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)." }, "Correct Answer": "High density lipoproteins (HDL).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "04e49992-30b1-4e5e-a852-1ceb953c7e04", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The movement of ions and polar molecules through cell membranes:", "Options": { "A": "It is exclusive of prokaryotic cells.", "B": "It is carried out by hemoglobin and myoglobin.", "C": "Requires transporter proteins.", "D": "It lacks biological relevance." }, "Correct Answer": "Requires transporter proteins.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "eb2468ae-8792-4225-b099-9fe459ce97a1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which amino acid residues of proteins can carbohydrates be linked ?:", "Options": { "A": "A threonine, proline and asparagine.", "B": "A tyrosine, threonine and serine.", "C": "A serine, cysteine and threonine.", "D": "A serine, threonine and asparagine." }, "Correct Answer": "A serine, threonine and asparagine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2db9308f-deb8-48c4-814a-c6d638b22f44", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "DNA topoisomerases:", "Options": { "A": "They separate the two strands of DNA using energy from the hydrolysis of ATP.", "B": "They join the separate strands of the DNA to prevent them from being re-paired.", "C": "They relieve the torsion stress generated in the separation of the two strands of DNA.", "D": "They delete the fragments of RNA primer thanks to their exonuclease activity." }, "Correct Answer": "They relieve the torsion stress generated in the separation of the two strands of DNA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "baf06dde-ba82-494c-a6e4-5876d3598d1a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The polymerase chain reaction (PCR):", "Options": { "A": "It allows to amplify exponentially specific fragments of DNA.", "B": "It is based on the use of a thermolabile RNA polymerase.", "C": "It requires, among other components, the four ribonucleoside triphosphates.", "D": "Requires a ribonucleic acid template." }, "Correct Answer": "It allows to amplify exponentially specific fragments of DNA.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2cf091ba-fa7e-43cf-b186-6d1e4c9b31a0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect does tetrodoxin have on cells ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibits the K + channels.", "B": "Inhibits Na + channels.", "C": "Inhibits Ca2 + channels.", "D": "Open the K + channels." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibits Na + channels.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "42923cbe-be1c-47f2-baeb-a6edfdb62160", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the completely reduced form of coenzyme Q called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Semiquinone", "B": "Quinone.", "C": "Ubiquinol", "D": "Ubiquinone" }, "Correct Answer": "Ubiquinol", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "254d5d32-9295-4be2-b357-219036601acf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does insulin stimulate glycogen synthesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Activating glycogen synthase kinase.", "B": "Deactivating glycogen synthase kinase.", "C": "Deactivating phosphorylase kinase.", "D": "Activating glycogen synthase." }, "Correct Answer": "Deactivating glycogen synthase kinase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f58f7994-6311-400c-b92f-a7760a54ac55", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In α-helices, hydrogen bonds:", "Options": { "A": "They form only among some amino acid residues of the helix.", "B": "They form only near the amino and carboxyl ends of the helix.", "C": "They are almost perpendicular to the axis of the propeller.", "D": "They are almost parallel to the axis of the propeller." }, "Correct Answer": "They are almost parallel to the axis of the propeller.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "450a72dc-d35e-4a0b-8ed5-b8f20bbf224c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most important regulatory factor in the speed of the pentose phosphate route ?:", "Options": { "A": "The concentration of NADP +.", "B": "The concentration of NAD +.", "C": "The concentration of Glucose-6-phosphate.", "D": "The concentration of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate." }, "Correct Answer": "The concentration of NADP +.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c87fd20d-c6a1-4f22-af55-11b87dec5e20", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why are cyanide compounds (CN-) toxic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Because they block the transport of glucose.", "B": "Because they block the transport of electrons in the mitochondria.", "C": "Because they block the mobilization of glycogen.", "D": "Because they inhibit ATP synthase." }, "Correct Answer": "Because they block the transport of electrons in the mitochondria.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "166109ab-cecf-499a-9f55-8091759581d5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Certain regions with specific and stable patterns of folding and / or function can appear in different proteins. These regions are called:", "Options": { "A": "Subunits", "B": "Domains", "C": "Oligomers", "D": "Protomers" }, "Correct Answer": "Domains", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ad5d5ccd-38f3-48ff-a000-8220b8937899", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following lipids contains phosphate in its molecule ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cardiolipin", "B": "Triacylglycerol.", "C": "Ganglioside", "D": "Cerebrósido." }, "Correct Answer": "Cardiolipin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5025ff10-6f0c-4bbd-b737-2870f040bd7f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the synthesis of cholesterol, what causes the condensation of three activated isoprene units ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate.", "B": "Geranyl pyrophosphate.", "C": "Farnesyl pyrophosphate.", "D": "Squalene" }, "Correct Answer": "Farnesyl pyrophosphate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a5154c1a-8a4c-4173-8c05-80b914ca6b8f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Where does nitric oxide come from ?:", "Options": { "A": "Of an amino group of lysine.", "B": "From the amino group of glycine.", "C": "From the imidazole group of histidine.", "D": "From the guanidino group of arginine." }, "Correct Answer": "From the guanidino group of arginine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "599e6c09-5da5-4756-81bf-843aed2963ff", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to mutations in DNA:", "Options": { "A": "De-purification is caused by chemical agents.", "B": "Deaminations occur spontaneously.", "C": "The loss of bases implies the rupture between these and the phosphate.", "D": "UV radiation causes dephosphorylation." }, "Correct Answer": "Deaminations occur spontaneously.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "03960f23-63e6-43b0-90cc-60596357059e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The facilitated diffusion of a substrate through a biological membrane is:", "Options": { "A": "Powered by the electrochemical gradient.", "B": "Driven by the ATP.", "C": "Endergonica", "D": "Unspecific with respect to the substrate." }, "Correct Answer": "Powered by the electrochemical gradient.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d3edd632-0537-4592-9c82-1764f9c4b5d4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Compounds related to nitrous acid (nitrites, nitrosamine) change the DNA structure by:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds.", "B": "Deamination of nitrogenous bases.", "C": "Depurinization", "D": "Formation of cyclobutyl rings." }, "Correct Answer": "Deamination of nitrogenous bases.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ad85f28b-dae1-4500-af67-0b36b0044536", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the mechanism of splicing in eukaryotes, which of the following options is CORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "It takes place in the cellular cytoplasm.", "B": "It eliminates the exons and leaves the introns together in a mature mRNA.", "C": "The introns of groups I and II do not need protein enzymes for splicing.", "D": "The introns of groups I and II need ATP for splicing." }, "Correct Answer": "The introns of groups I and II do not need protein enzymes for splicing.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3c24af95-0f33-43f8-98ac-63dd77bbc58c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The necessary coenzyme in all transamination reactions derives from:", "Options": { "A": "Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6).", "B": "Riboflavin.", "C": "Thiamine.", "D": "B12 vitamin." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "24b02278-3510-457a-8291-c0c6f307d957", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Na + -K + ATPase of the plasma membrane:", "Options": { "A": "It is an electroneutro transporter.", "B": "It causes the exit of 3 Na + and introduces 2 K + per hydrolysed ATP molecule.", "C": "Move the Na + in favor of its concentration gradient.", "D": "Move the K + in favor of its concentration gradient." }, "Correct Answer": "It causes the exit of 3 Na + and introduces 2 K + per hydrolysed ATP molecule.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1fb03f5e-2503-4567-ab05-485616ad83d6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the sequencing of DNA by the Sanger method, the 2'-3 'dideoxynucleotides play the following role:", "Options": { "A": "They are allosteric inhibitors of DNA polymerase.", "B": "They are suicide inhibitors of DNA polymerase.", "C": "They destabilize DNA.", "D": "They are incorporated into DNA but prevent further elongation of the strand." }, "Correct Answer": "They are incorporated into DNA but prevent further elongation of the strand.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ae165097-e25b-40fa-b13a-e628509abfe9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the fermentation process, what is the objective of converting the pyruvate resulting from glycolysis into lactate or ethanol ?:", "Options": { "A": "NAD + is regenerated to continue glycolysis.", "B": "An additional ATP molecule is generated.", "C": "Lactate and ethanol are intermediaries of glycolysis.", "D": "Lactate and ethanol enter directly into the Krebs cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "NAD + is regenerated to continue glycolysis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "67377b95-3fb7-4a38-b12d-35f5cc28159d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a cell needs NADPH but not ribose-5-phosphate:", "Options": { "A": "Only the oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway works.", "B": "Only the non-oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway works.", "C": "The carbon atoms of glucose-6-phosphate are released as CO2.", "D": "The malate-aspartate shuttle is responsible for the synthesis of NADPH." }, "Correct Answer": "The carbon atoms of glucose-6-phosphate are released as CO2.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "373d3020-9ddb-4ae0-8e1e-b17fd0f2e33b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which subunits of RNA polymerase recognize the promoter sites in DNA ?:", "Options": { "A": "The alpha subunits.", "B": "The omega subunits.", "C": "The beta subunits.", "D": "The sigma subunits." }, "Correct Answer": "The sigma subunits.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b3296859-1c83-4489-b9a8-072f858e6492", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following amino acids incorporated into a polypeptide chain can be phosphorylated by protein kinases ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tyrosine", "B": "Arginine", "C": "Lysine", "D": "Aspartic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "Tyrosine", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "14be30f7-fa71-49ef-a111-3dd1f6b4d3bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these phrases about gluconeogenesis is NOT true ?:", "Options": { "A": "Gluconeogenesis is the production of new glucose.", "B": "Gluconeogenesis has as main substrates lactate, amino acids, propionate and acetyl-CoA.", "C": "Gluconeogenesis uses some enzymatic reactions different from those of glycolysis.", "D": "Gluconeogenesis occurs mainly in the cytosol." }, "Correct Answer": "Gluconeogenesis has as main substrates lactate, amino acids, propionate and acetyl-CoA.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e81b444d-0794-4a85-93a3-0f907370d3f6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phosphatidylinositols:", "Options": { "A": "They are located mainly in the internal mitochondrial membrane.", "B": "They release Ca2 + from the endoplasmic reticulum.", "C": "They allow the anchoring of glycoproteins to cell membranes.", "D": "They are neutral phospholipids." }, "Correct Answer": "They allow the anchoring of glycoproteins to cell membranes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0bba9fda-db56-475f-a6c1-1ca914f380c5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzyme limiting the speed of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway is:", "Options": { "A": "Isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase.", "B": "HMG-CoA synthase.", "C": "Squalene 2,3-epoxide cyclase.", "D": "HMG-CoA reductase." }, "Correct Answer": "HMG-CoA reductase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e326c8c6-3960-4c41-9ba3-082b183ab264", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The exonucleases:", "Options": { "A": "They degrade nucleic acids from one end of the molecule.", "B": "They exclusively degrade DNA.", "C": "They exclusively degrade RNA.", "D": "They hydrolyze internal phosphoester bonds in nucleic acids." }, "Correct Answer": "They degrade nucleic acids from one end of the molecule.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "de017688-bd6d-4ab0-80d9-040757cd3da4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main step that regulates the total path of de novo biosynthesis of purine nucleotides is:", "Options": { "A": "The formation of ribose-5-phosphate from ribose-1-phosphate.", "B": "The formation of 5-phosphoribosilamine from 5-phospho-α-D-ribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP).", "C": "The formation of inosine-5-monophosphate.", "D": "The formation of glycinamide ribonucleotide from 5-phosphoribosilamide." }, "Correct Answer": "The formation of 5-phosphoribosilamine from 5-phospho-α-D-ribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0b70beac-83f9-4139-b145-55e72c7c42c8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The guanylate cyclase that responds to nitric oxide (NO):", "Options": { "A": "It is a catalytic domain of the membrane receptor.", "B": "It is located exclusively in the smooth musculature.", "C": "It is a monomeric enzyme.", "D": "It contains a heme group." }, "Correct Answer": "It contains a heme group.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "01b59ad7-3e30-4ac8-8b6f-5a7b5b112cdd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The O-glucosidic bond is formed:", "Options": { "A": "For multiple hydrogen bonds between two monosaccharides.", "B": "Internally between the anomeric carbon of a monosaccharide and its own hydroxyl group on carbon 5.", "C": "Between the anomeric carbon of one monosaccharide and the hydroxyl group of another.", "D": "Between the carbon that carries the keto or aldol group and the alpha carbon." }, "Correct Answer": "Between the anomeric carbon of one monosaccharide and the hydroxyl group of another.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7cba25fc-46bf-4fdf-a4ac-27cbe1898e68", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The DNA ligase:", "Options": { "A": "It synthesizes DNA from RNA.", "B": "It catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds.", "C": "Unites fragments of dephosphorylated DNA.", "D": "It has preference for the puric bases." }, "Correct Answer": "It catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cdad92d6-b3de-42d6-bfb9-708479b4b9a9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pentose phosphate route may be a good route for the metabolism of ribose from the diet. What type of components do these waste mainly come from ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nucleic acids.", "B": "Steroids", "C": "Starch, lactose and sucrose.", "D": "Proteins" }, "Correct Answer": "Nucleic acids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "365bbaa6-af34-4da7-8d40-43b8d9828822", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Laporte selection rule for electronic spectra states that transitions are allowed for which:", "Options": { "A": "There is no change in parity.", "B": "There is a change in parity.", "C": "Transitions will be allowed regardless of whether or not the parity changes.", "D": "Transitions will be prohibited regardless of whether or not the parity changes." }, "Correct Answer": "There is a change in parity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e8c4844e-33e7-4d72-8029-6fb407b3e5bc", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the area capillary electrophoresis technique, the magnitude of the electroosmotic flow increases:", "Options": { "A": "By increasing the pH of the separation buffer.", "B": "By lowering the pH of the separation buffer.", "C": "By increasing the ionic strength of the separation buffer.", "D": "When the working temperature increases." }, "Correct Answer": "By increasing the pH of the separation buffer.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4fbad674-aac4-4b8b-8158-9e9c355a13da", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The number of carbon atoms that a sesquiterpene has is:", "Options": { "A": "Ten.", "B": "Fifteen.", "C": "Twenty.", "D": "Twenty-five" }, "Correct Answer": "Fifteen.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0d19aafb-aacf-4457-b80e-34a4890ee6fd", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The three main lipid components of cell membranes are:", "Options": { "A": "Glycolipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol esters.", "B": "Triacylglycerols, free fatty acids and cholesterol.", "C": "Phospholipids, sphingolipids and cholesterol.", "D": "Triacylglycerols, phospholipids and cholesterol." }, "Correct Answer": "Phospholipids, sphingolipids and cholesterol.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b490598d-4237-47f0-8ad0-cfe74a109193", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most favorable positions for the chloro and ethyl substituents on trans-1-chloro-3-ethylcyclohexane [ΔG (eq ax) Cl = 2.0; Et = 8.0 KJ / mol] are:", "Options": { "A": "Chlorine (axial); ethyl (equatorial).", "B": "Chlorine (axial); ethyl (axial).", "C": "Chlorine (equatorial); ethyl (equatorial).", "D": "Chlorine (equatorial); ethyl (axial)." }, "Correct Answer": "Chlorine (axial); ethyl (equatorial).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fbcff3ce-6708-4c51-a9e9-980c4e23a1ad", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How can the matrix phase of fibrous compounds NOT be ?:", "Options": { "A": "Metallic", "B": "Polymer", "C": "Of wood.", "D": "Ceramics." }, "Correct Answer": "Of wood.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fecc4614-149f-42f0-8656-9e55a807f930", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In separations by gas-liquid chromatography the mobile phase that is used is:", "Options": { "A": "A pretty polar liquid.", "B": "A little polar liquid.", "C": "A supercritical fluid.", "D": "A gas" }, "Correct Answer": "A gas", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "62f58f99-d438-4e98-afc8-307a1a99e990", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes DOES NOT intervene in glycolysis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pyruvate kinase.", "B": "Enolasa", "C": "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.", "D": "Fosfofructoquinasa." }, "Correct Answer": "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b513353e-abdc-4ed4-b909-dec1c93fb6b5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The absolute refractory period of a nerve fiber is due to:", "Options": { "A": "Inactivation of Ca2 + channels.", "B": "Inactivation of K + channels.", "C": "Inactivation of Na + channels.", "D": "The posthiperpolarization that follows the action potential." }, "Correct Answer": "Inactivation of Na + channels.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "92584888-ff3d-4519-ae84-e5ba0727e751", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hair cells of the cochlea:", "Options": { "A": "They are depolarized by K + entry.", "B": "They have stereocilia embedded in the otolithic membrane.", "C": "They have stereocilios embedded in the dome.", "D": "They are activated with the turning of the head." }, "Correct Answer": "They are depolarized by K + entry.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8cc69616-6f93-4659-b378-9187035c1370", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the photoreceptors:", "Options": { "A": "The canes provide color vision.", "B": "When illuminated, the input current of Na + increases.", "C": "Light dissociates rhodopsin in its components.", "D": "Sinaptan with ganglion cells." }, "Correct Answer": "Light dissociates rhodopsin in its components.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "14c0dcee-2092-4142-a6cf-094f01d0e5a0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For contraction of striated muscle fibers, Ca2 + binds to:", "Options": { "A": "Myosin", "B": "Troponin", "C": "Tropomyosin", "D": "Actina." }, "Correct Answer": "Troponin", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "468ac422-35fa-4276-9634-859b8d2f63a1", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The crossed extensor reflex is produced by activation of:", "Options": { "A": "Nocireceptores.", "B": "Receptors Ia of the muscular spindle.", "C": "Receptors Ib of the Golgi tendon organ.", "D": "Basal ganglia" }, "Correct Answer": "Nocireceptores.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2a7485e6-449a-417c-b137-b8703ba00ae6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the sympathetic nervous system:", "Options": { "A": "The preganglionic neuron is located in the medulla oblongata.", "B": "The preganglionic neuron releases noradrenaline.", "C": "Its activation increases the heart rate.", "D": "Its activation stimulates urination." }, "Correct Answer": "Its activation increases the heart rate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6b11a0bf-6ad6-456e-a0bd-69fa3fdf6d35", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The von Willebrand factor:", "Options": { "A": "It is a lipid.", "B": "It promotes vasodilation.", "C": "Stimulates the formation of erythrocytes.", "D": "It binds both collagen and platelets." }, "Correct Answer": "It binds both collagen and platelets.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b4a72eba-ca13-4c7b-b1f9-ff1e7fdd4412", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The depolarization of the action potential in cells of the sinoatrial node is measured by:", "Options": { "A": "Na +.", "B": "Ca2 +.", "C": "K +.", "D": "Cl-." }, "Correct Answer": "Ca2 +.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "00533fc1-35e0-4c4d-90a0-d7236855e1ff", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the law of Posseuille, if the radius of an arteriole is doubled, the blood flow will be:", "Options": { "A": "Half.", "B": "The double.", "C": "8 times greater", "D": "16 times greater" }, "Correct Answer": "16 times greater", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "aade6b5c-6af4-40c1-b7f4-a104fd647375", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reabsorption of glucose and amino acids in the nephron occurs in:", "Options": { "A": "Proximal tubule", "B": "Henle's handle.", "C": "Distal tubule.", "D": "Collecting tubule." }, "Correct Answer": "Proximal tubule", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a289a488-2d3b-4d09-9864-1554b585ae7f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the mean arterial pressure rises from 100 to 150 mmHg:", "Options": { "A": "Vasodilation of the afferent arteriole to the renal glomerulus occurs.", "B": "Vasoconstriction of the arteriole afferent to the renal glomerulus occurs.", "C": "The glomerular filtration increases 1.5 times.", "D": "The glomerular filtration decreases 1.5 times." }, "Correct Answer": "Vasoconstriction of the arteriole afferent to the renal glomerulus occurs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1061e1c8-2f32-49a9-8325-779ef76bf978", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During a respiratory cycle at rest, the pressure:", "Options": { "A": "Intrapleural is always positive.", "B": "Transpulmonary becomes negative in expiration.", "C": "Intrapleural does not change.", "D": "Transpulmonary is always positive." }, "Correct Answer": "Transpulmonary is always positive.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4a50da7b-f9cf-4b0a-9969-23eae60dc066", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pulmonary surfactant:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the work done to inflate the lung.", "B": "It is a mixture of monosaccharides and polysaccharides.", "C": "Decreases the surface tension of the alveoli.", "D": "It is produced by the endothelial cells of the alveolar capillaries." }, "Correct Answer": "Decreases the surface tension of the alveoli.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "eaee4805-f56c-4d9e-b761-38a1d723f757", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The contraction of the smooth muscle of the digestive tract:", "Options": { "A": "It requires the binding of Ca2 + to troponin.", "B": "It is mediated by Ca2 + coming, mainly, from the extracellular medium.", "C": "Unlike striated muscle, it is not mediated by Ca2 +.", "D": "It is mediated by the Na + that goes into each action potential." }, "Correct Answer": "It is mediated by Ca2 + coming, mainly, from the extracellular medium.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "72d362cb-e35f-47c6-b378-cbc91683f76a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pharyngeal phase of swallowing:", "Options": { "A": "It is controlled by the swallowing center.", "B": "It is totally voluntary.", "C": "It starts with the opening of the glottis.", "D": "It ends with the opening of the pyloric sphincter." }, "Correct Answer": "It is controlled by the swallowing center.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7936f5bd-00d5-4192-b3b6-7c6ae81b0d4a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The secretion of HCl in the stomach can be stated that:", "Options": { "A": "Decreased by vagal stimulation.", "B": "Decreased by histamine administration.", "C": "Increase by gastrin action.", "D": "Increase by a pH less than 2 in the stomach." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase by gastrin action.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "65b5c467-5f7b-4d10-a859-99a12a973bb8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pepsin:", "Options": { "A": "It secretes the pancreas in an inactive form.", "B": "It secretes the stomach in an inactive form.", "C": "It is activated in the intestine by enterokinase or enteropeptidase.", "D": "It works by activating trypsinogen." }, "Correct Answer": "It secretes the stomach in an inactive form.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "79bc1410-33f0-4c18-a55f-d482a100bb0a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The myenteric or Auerbach plexus of the digestive tract:", "Options": { "A": "It contains postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system.", "B": "It is located between the layers of longitudinal and circular smooth muscle.", "C": "Innervates the secretory glands of the intestinal mucosa.", "D": "It is located between the circular smooth muscle layer and the submucosa." }, "Correct Answer": "It is located between the layers of longitudinal and circular smooth muscle.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "24eed41c-21eb-46ab-b0a0-d8582aa84518", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cortisol stimulates the:", "Options": { "A": "Glucose uptake in many tissues.", "B": "Synthesis of lipids.", "C": "Synthesis of proteins in muscle.", "D": "Synthesis of glucose." }, "Correct Answer": "Synthesis of glucose.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bb5978dc-10f3-4082-8945-d6893edb2b0f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Angiotensin II:", "Options": { "A": "It is synthesized exclusively in the kidney.", "B": "It favors the formation of renin.", "C": "It is a powerful vasodilator.", "D": "Stimulates the secretion of aldosterone." }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulates the secretion of aldosterone.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f1d879ce-32d8-4439-bd4d-16f4e55c2229", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The thyroid hormones:", "Options": { "A": "They are peptides.", "B": "They require iodide for their synthesis.", "C": "They are transported free in plasma.", "D": "They are stored in the form of secretion granules." }, "Correct Answer": "They require iodide for their synthesis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "58a0b465-492b-4452-8c13-7e14ed0eda9a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Stimulates the secretion of growth hormone:", "Options": { "A": "Hyperglycemia", "B": "Somatostatin.", "C": "Free fatty acids in plasma.", "D": "Amino acids in plasma." }, "Correct Answer": "Amino acids in plasma.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "577a950a-2e98-48df-aa6a-feaeb601ed2d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A medium that causes an increase in cell volume is:", "Options": { "A": "Hypertonic", "B": "Hypotonic", "C": "Hyperosmotic", "D": "Hyposmotic" }, "Correct Answer": "Hypotonic", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e26b030f-8d11-4903-b533-2994102d446b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cell surface can be determined knowing the:", "Options": { "A": "Specific resistance of the membrane.", "B": "Time constant of the membrane.", "C": "Constant membrane space.", "D": "Capacitance of the membrane." }, "Correct Answer": "Capacitance of the membrane.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "70625e14-84f5-4bde-8473-55ed9c8b36d5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The gustatory threshold is lower for:", "Options": { "A": "Saccharose.", "B": "Sodium chloride.", "C": "Citric acid.", "D": "Quinine." }, "Correct Answer": "Quinine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fc903a5b-7970-4886-86c5-98aa17113745", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The muscle spindles:", "Options": { "A": "They are innervated only by afferent fibers.", "B": "They are innervated only by efferent fibers.", "C": "They are located only in extensor muscles.", "D": "They are innervated only by myelin fibers." }, "Correct Answer": "They are innervated only by myelin fibers.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3b83a180-7386-4b31-9a3e-b7eb2cde7830", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The suprachiasmatic nucleus:", "Options": { "A": "Regulates plasma osmolarity.", "B": "Synthesize oxytocin.", "C": "Receives afferences from retinal ganglion neurons.", "D": "Mediates the pupillary reflex." }, "Correct Answer": "Receives afferences from retinal ganglion neurons.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "27061e56-6140-4771-b919-b13741fddd91", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The photomotor reflection:", "Options": { "A": "It is monosynaptic.", "B": "It is mediated by parasympathetic fibers.", "C": "Involves neurons of the cerebral cortex.", "D": "Induces mydriasis in both eyes." }, "Correct Answer": "It is mediated by parasympathetic fibers.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ceb260ab-7cb5-4db1-9c30-42c62663d5de", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The secretion of insulin increases by:", "Options": { "A": "Parasympathetic stimulus.", "B": "Exercise.", "C": "Hypoglycemia", "D": "Somatostatin." }, "Correct Answer": "Parasympathetic stimulus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8a73c57d-173f-467a-9e95-ae9140b5672b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Parathormone stimulates the:", "Options": { "A": "Osteoprotegerin secretion by osteoblasts.", "B": "Renal phosphate reabsorption.", "C": "Bone resorption by osteoclasts.", "D": "Formation of 24,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol." }, "Correct Answer": "Bone resorption by osteoclasts.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "75ba7fbd-2c7e-4784-9329-92423f36b05a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Testosterone:", "Options": { "A": "It is synthesized in Sertoli cells.", "B": "It is anabolic.", "C": "Decreases the hematocrit.", "D": "Stimulates the secretion of LH." }, "Correct Answer": "It is anabolic.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cace02a5-9f71-45bb-949a-357c9596027a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Albumin:", "Options": { "A": "Contributes to plasma colloid osmotic pressure.", "B": "It is excreted in urine.", "C": "It transports catecholamines in plasma.", "D": "It is a plasma globulin." }, "Correct Answer": "Contributes to plasma colloid osmotic pressure.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2f1ae87e-cb42-440d-b4c3-a716ad3de3f3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cells of the His bundle:", "Options": { "A": "They lack voltage-dependent Ca2 + channels.", "B": "They set the heart rate.", "C": "Its contraction determines the stroke volume.", "D": "They transmit the heart impulse more rapidly than the atrio-ventricular node." }, "Correct Answer": "They transmit the heart impulse more rapidly than the atrio-ventricular node.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b3bf530c-dc0c-43c6-b651-6f06cdeec833", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reflection of Bainbridge:", "Options": { "A": "Induces tachycardia.", "B": "Inhibits arterial baroreceptors.", "C": "Reduces myocardial contractility", "D": "It is activated by reduction of venous return." }, "Correct Answer": "Induces tachycardia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "112af871-af2b-4a86-a798-5a13b2b383f0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The first sound of Korotkoff indicates the:", "Options": { "A": "Value of systolic blood pressure.", "B": "Closure of the aortic valve.", "C": "Value of the pulse pressure.", "D": "Step to laminar blood flow caused by a pressure cuff." }, "Correct Answer": "Value of systolic blood pressure.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "df03baf3-cffa-45d5-91bd-f82a79a1abad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In standing, the pulmonary perfusion is greater:", "Options": { "A": "In the lung bases that in the vertices.", "B": "In a forced expiration.", "C": "When the alveolar PO2 decreases.", "D": "In arterial hypotension." }, "Correct Answer": "In the lung bases that in the vertices.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "282dd7f7-a394-4882-a14f-9863603a0a5e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If the alveolar ventilation doubles (constant environmental and metabolic conditions):", "Options": { "A": "The alveolar PO2 is reduced by half.", "B": "The alveolar PCO2 is reduced by half.", "C": "The O2 content in arterial blood is doubled.", "D": "Respiratory acidosis is induced." }, "Correct Answer": "The alveolar PCO2 is reduced by half.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f32cf6cc-a570-4183-987f-90abe4c2f3ad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A simple spirometer (without gas analyzer) measures:", "Options": { "A": "Residual volume", "B": "Expiratory reserve volume.", "C": "Total lung capacity.", "D": "Functional residual capacity." }, "Correct Answer": "Expiratory reserve volume.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6a648163-4543-46fe-adb8-92e821160916", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Increases renal excretion of sodium:", "Options": { "A": "Auricular natriuretic peptide.", "B": "Aldosterone", "C": "Sympathetic stimulus", "D": "Angiotensin II." }, "Correct Answer": "Auricular natriuretic peptide.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e2a16adb-f01c-40ed-862e-46bd0cf2cf0e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The concentration of a substance \"X\" in plasma is 2 mM and in urine is 100 mM. If the urinary flow is 2ml / min, the renal clearance of \"X\" is:", "Options": { "A": "25 mM.", "B": "50 mM.", "C": "50 ml / min.", "D": "100 ml / min." }, "Correct Answer": "100 ml / min.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e6e5b2e3-fe90-41da-80e4-77002a55f7ef", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Most of the filtered calcium is reabsorbed in:", "Options": { "A": "Proximal tubule", "B": "Descending handle of Henle.", "C": "Distal tubule.", "D": "Collecting tubule." }, "Correct Answer": "Proximal tubule", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d867f183-1ca7-4c46-a414-26d8a0b235a0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The arrival of fats and / or solutions with low pH to the duodenum reduces:", "Options": { "A": "The secretion of secretin.", "B": "Gastric emptying.", "C": "The secretion of cholecystokinin.", "D": "The secretion of motilin." }, "Correct Answer": "Gastric emptying.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "55676e6f-b1fc-4c0e-863f-be205ba17a15", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The intestinal absorption of iron is more effective:", "Options": { "A": "In the form of ferric ion.", "B": "In the form of heme group.", "C": "Via the transferrin membrane transporter.", "D": "If there are oxalates in digestive light." }, "Correct Answer": "In the form of heme group.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bb1d2bee-7649-4344-a27e-7ccd54abe30b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The antidiuretic hormone:", "Options": { "A": "It acts at the level of the proximal tubule of the nephron.", "B": "It is secreted by decreasing plasma osmolarity.", "C": "Increases renal reabsorption of water.", "D": "Stimulates the endocytosis of aquaporins." }, "Correct Answer": "Increases renal reabsorption of water.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "70269fea-d532-4693-b250-58f6f1704655", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Biliary secretion is reduced by:", "Options": { "A": "Bile salts that recirculate through the enterohepatic circulation", "B": "Secretina.", "C": "Cholecystokinin", "D": "Somatostatin." }, "Correct Answer": "Somatostatin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f869e028-207f-40af-97ae-25725492fd65", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is characteristic of the epithelia:", "Options": { "A": "Present a binding complex in its basal region.", "B": "Join the basement membrane by means of hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions.", "C": "Present desmosomes just below its free surface.", "D": "Contain intermediate filaments of vimentin and desmin (tonofilaments)" }, "Correct Answer": "Join the basement membrane by means of hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "03ff4824-1961-4237-9f1c-de988ca73668", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the apocrine secretion the medium is released:", "Options": { "A": "Only the product of secretion, by exocytosis.", "B": "Only the product of secretion, by transmembrane transport (channels and transporters).", "C": "The product of secretion, some cytoplasm and plasma membrane.", "D": "The whole cell." }, "Correct Answer": "The product of secretion, some cytoplasm and plasma membrane.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4b117325-e260-4c64-8902-10aa5412a4ba", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The tendon is characterized by a connective tissue:", "Options": { "A": "Lax.", "B": "Dense modeling (regular).", "C": "Dense not modeled (irregular).", "D": "Elastic." }, "Correct Answer": "Dense modeling (regular).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "495c1765-6760-4b79-86fa-7e4000f21e40", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the bone tissue:", "Options": { "A": "There are two varieties: trabecular and spongy.", "B": "The trabecular variety is formed by the Havers systems.", "C": "There is little irrigation.", "D": "The Volkmann ducts connect with the Havers ducts." }, "Correct Answer": "The Volkmann ducts connect with the Havers ducts.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b1da721e-29e0-4fe1-81e0-e0fdcf668f46", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Osteoblasts:", "Options": { "A": "They are located in the active periosteum and endosteum.", "B": "They contain abundant lysosomes.", "C": "They contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum.", "D": "They are macrophages." }, "Correct Answer": "They are located in the active periosteum and endosteum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "59305f57-a68a-46a1-85dd-26b39671d14c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to ossification:", "Options": { "A": "Endochondral ossification occurs in flat bones, like those in the skull.", "B": "The ossification of the long bones begins in the epiphyses.", "C": "The articular cartilage constitutes the so-called growth cartilage or epiphyseal disc.", "D": "Resorption tunnels (or perforating cones) allow for bone remodeling." }, "Correct Answer": "Resorption tunnels (or perforating cones) allow for bone remodeling.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b0c2e211-7720-49c9-bfb2-5ac6f7bdb1a6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An elongated, large cell with numerous peripheral nuclei corresponds to:", "Options": { "A": "Skeletal muscle", "B": "Smooth muscle.", "C": "Cardiac muscle", "D": "Myoid cell." }, "Correct Answer": "Skeletal muscle", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "420c32f0-370e-4c7c-8808-228656f0291b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cells that myelinate axons in the central nervous system are:", "Options": { "A": "Astrocytes", "B": "Oligodendrocytes", "C": "Microglia", "D": "Ependymal glia." }, "Correct Answer": "Oligodendrocytes", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "187a448c-31d9-4c88-9b0a-d2e95193433a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a venule postcapillary the vessel:", "Options": { "A": "Formed by endothelium.", "B": "Formed by endothelium and pericytes.", "C": "Formed by endothelium and one or two layers of smooth muscle.", "D": "Having internal elastic membrane." }, "Correct Answer": "Formed by endothelium and pericytes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3dbabf26-f280-444a-a427-3383f972b1da", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following hemotopoietic organs is the stroma a reticular epithelium ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bone marrow.", "B": "Lymph node", "C": "Spleen.", "D": "Thymus" }, "Correct Answer": "Thymus", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d854a8c2-ea3d-4443-9d43-744f0390122b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The cells of Paneth are:", "Options": { "A": "Zimogénicas present in the stomach.", "B": "Zimogénicas present in the intestine.", "C": "Defenses present in the stomach.", "D": "Defenses present in the intestine." }, "Correct Answer": "Defenses present in the intestine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f655ae95-6af5-452f-bd70-dff6d9ab9155", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To which of the following human endocrine glands belong the C or parafollicular cells ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hypophysis.", "B": "Adrenal cortex", "C": "Adrenal medulla", "D": "Thyroid." }, "Correct Answer": "Thyroid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "30f2c49d-c316-4edd-84d9-1622cf8fa38a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The vascular stria:", "Options": { "A": "It is located in the ciliary body of the eye.", "B": "It is part of the aqueous humor drainage system.", "C": "It is the posterior epithelium of the cornea.", "D": "It is an epithelium of the inner ear that contains capillaries." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an epithelium of the inner ear that contains capillaries.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "850bc726-bbcc-40f4-b46c-9bf7e59fa371", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The disulfide bridges of proteins are formed in:", "Options": { "A": "Polyribosomes", "B": "Endoplasmic reticulum.", "C": "Citosol", "D": "Golgi complex." }, "Correct Answer": "Endoplasmic reticulum.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d11f5bcc-e750-495b-b412-7198b8bc9c24", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Golgi selection of lysosomal enzymes depends on:", "Options": { "A": "Oligomerization.", "B": "Glycosylation", "C": "Proteolysis", "D": "Sulfation." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycosylation", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c22f5a36-2ea4-41dc-ba29-af3830542a56", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The perinuclear location of the Golgi complex is the work of:", "Options": { "A": "Kinesin", "B": "Dynein", "C": "Myosin", "D": "Keratin" }, "Correct Answer": "Dynein", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "acae525d-3dc6-474e-8e60-99c4f268f3e9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Catalase is a common component of:", "Options": { "A": "Lysosomes", "B": "Peroxisomes", "C": "Endosomes", "D": "Mitochondria" }, "Correct Answer": "Peroxisomes", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "088bf55b-1733-4afc-8075-c6ca761d932a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are arranged radially from the centrosome:", "Options": { "A": "Microtubules", "B": "Actin filaments.", "C": "Keratin filaments.", "D": "Centriolos" }, "Correct Answer": "Microtubules", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2a90b2dd-4e0e-44e6-a4b2-e687f595c530", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nuclear sheet is constituted by:", "Options": { "A": "Actin filaments.", "B": "Intermediate filaments", "C": "Laminin", "D": "Heterochromatin." }, "Correct Answer": "Intermediate filaments", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "acdaa55a-0897-40ff-b114-10e92277f880", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anaphase B consists of:", "Options": { "A": "Displacement of the chromosomes towards the poles of the spindle.", "B": "Shortening of kinetochore microtubules.", "C": "Shortening of polar microtubules.", "D": "Separation of the poles of the spindle." }, "Correct Answer": "Separation of the poles of the spindle.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ff840cc5-715d-4dd0-93a2-79211b64c290", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are places of recombination between homologous chromosomes:", "Options": { "A": "Cinetocoros.", "B": "Synapse", "C": "Chiasmas", "D": "Centromeres" }, "Correct Answer": "Chiasmas", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "584801d7-8937-452a-b537-1695c2820240", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of basal folds in the epithelial cells is related to:", "Options": { "A": "Capture of signals.", "B": "Secretory activity.", "C": "Ion transport", "D": "Adhesion to connective tissue." }, "Correct Answer": "Ion transport", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "39f782dc-6085-4250-a070-eced6038198d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are transmembrane proteins responsible for the formation of focal junctions:", "Options": { "A": "Cadherins.", "B": "Integrins", "C": "Selectins.", "D": "Ocludines." }, "Correct Answer": "Integrins", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e64174ba-52f3-4740-9bfd-b9dbcb5a7ec7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are surrounded by a basal or external lamina:", "Options": { "A": "Fibroblasts.", "B": "Neurons", "C": "Erythrocytes", "D": "Adipocytes" }, "Correct Answer": "Adipocytes", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4e52727f-02e2-4bda-8b53-cb5cb1940e37", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Adhesive glycoprotein abundant in the extracellular matrix:", "Options": { "A": "Calmodulin.", "B": "Fibronectin", "C": "Catenin", "D": "Adaptina." }, "Correct Answer": "Fibronectin", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1caeefab-4d18-4cc9-86cb-a264cb7c7c56", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Derived from the monocyte precursor cell:", "Options": { "A": "Adipocy", "B": "Hepatocyte", "C": "Osteoclast", "D": "Fibroblast." }, "Correct Answer": "Osteoclast", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f8bc71ac-f62a-477b-acd0-1cb777fc424b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anchor the synaptic vesicles to the membrane of the presynaptic terminal:", "Options": { "A": "Integrins", "B": "Cadherins.", "C": "SNAREs.", "D": "Neurofilaments." }, "Correct Answer": "SNAREs.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "875ef85f-2745-4e38-a734-4eb3734c6fdb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The portal triads:", "Options": { "A": "They are characteristics of the gallbladder.", "B": "They contain a bile duct, an artery or arteriole, and a muscular vein or venule.", "C": "They are located in the center of the hepatic lobules.", "D": "They are also called hepatic acini." }, "Correct Answer": "They contain a bile duct, an artery or arteriole, and a muscular vein or venule.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "19a9cd19-574d-4191-9f5f-3696cad07be1", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sinusoids are a type of:", "Options": { "A": "Blood capillaries", "B": "Artery.", "C": "Come to.", "D": "Lymphatic vessel." }, "Correct Answer": "Blood capillaries", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a6f0b1c4-4992-484e-84c2-2ef7e38af492", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The basal compartment of the seminiferous tube contains:", "Options": { "A": "Spermatogonias", "B": "Secondary espermatocitos.", "C": "Spermatids.", "D": "Sperm" }, "Correct Answer": "Spermatogonias", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "513df402-f1f0-4668-ae50-b536c318cabc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In spermatogenesis, the first cells with haploid envelope are:", "Options": { "A": "Spermatogonias B.", "B": "Primary spermatocytes.", "C": "Secondary espermatocitos.", "D": "Sperm" }, "Correct Answer": "Secondary espermatocitos.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b29c3226-2c8a-48d4-aed6-70e96685b887", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What part of the embryo contacts the endometrium during implantation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Syncytiotrophoblast.", "B": "Extraembryonic mesoderm", "C": "Radiated crown.", "D": "Internal cellular mass." }, "Correct Answer": "Syncytiotrophoblast.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "65d6b614-075d-4f3a-b668-d0ac2a198acf", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "By increasing the maternal age of gestation, the incidence of:", "Options": { "A": "Monosomy X.", "B": "Trisomy XXY.", "C": "Trisomy XXX.", "D": "Trisomy 21" }, "Correct Answer": "Trisomy 21", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6af61d1f-c94e-48d6-b192-05e92d157b45", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sperm training takes place in:", "Options": { "A": "Epididymis", "B": "Uterus and uterine tubes.", "C": "Seminiferous tubules.", "D": "Urethra." }, "Correct Answer": "Uterus and uterine tubes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0cc6ee8c-bde5-4f2d-910b-bb1e8e239501", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In macrophages, which enzyme catalyzes the halogenation of phagocytized microbes ?:", "Options": { "A": "NADPH oxidase.", "B": "Myeloperoxidase", "C": "Synthesis of inducible nitric oxide.", "D": "Catalase" }, "Correct Answer": "Myeloperoxidase", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b1565a0c-a975-4ea0-904f-4c266d101a7e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The activation of the complement system originates molecules with different biological activity, among which C3b and C4b:", "Options": { "A": "They act as anaphylatoxin for phagocytes.", "B": "They activate the secretion of histamine.", "C": "They activate the opsonization of the microbe, promoting its phagocytosis.", "D": "They prevent the formation of the membrane attack complex." }, "Correct Answer": "They activate the opsonization of the microbe, promoting its phagocytosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "25fe53d8-d87e-4b0a-b4cd-9bb92fba6674", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are dirigins or adresinas:", "Options": { "A": "The cell adhesion molecules dependent on glycosylation (GlyCAM).", "B": "The cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin family (IgCAM).", "C": "The molecules of vascular cell adhesion (VCAM).", "D": "The α4β1 integrin (VLA-4)." }, "Correct Answer": "The cell adhesion molecules dependent on glycosylation (GlyCAM).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "152fb584-10b9-467c-8d8b-9cd4703aeea9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The germinal centers are areas where lymphocytes proliferate:", "Options": { "A": "B.", "B": "Th.", "C": "NK", "D": "Tc." }, "Correct Answer": "B.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "00ff0511-8195-4836-a9a0-b9fb33c0ae2e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following inflammatory mediators exerts a synergistic effect with prostglandin E2 (PGE2) in the increase of vascular permeability ?:", "Options": { "A": "C3a.", "B": "Leukotriene B4 (LTB4).", "C": "IL-8.", "D": "Neutrophil chemotactic factor (NCF)." }, "Correct Answer": "Leukotriene B4 (LTB4).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1b202812-de72-411a-ae74-834477a003d7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In cell signaling through Toll-type receptors 3 (TLR3) does NOT intervene:", "Options": { "A": "Adapter with TIR domain (TRIF).", "B": "Factor associated to the tumor necrosis factor 6 receptor (TRAF-6)", "C": "Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88).", "D": "Nuclear factor Kappa-B (NF-κB)." }, "Correct Answer": "Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a585292c-df6a-41f3-8db4-f6bf93f6e1ad", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following signaling mediators is NOT involved in the activation of the infocito T ?:", "Options": { "A": "Kinase regulated by extracellular signals (ERK).", "B": "C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK).", "C": "Ras proteins.", "D": "Lyn kinase." }, "Correct Answer": "Lyn kinase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3e20ea22-f9c3-4e2a-8c1f-59ec8cce4693", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "T-helper cells 17 (Th17) produce proinflammatory cytokines, including:", "Options": { "A": "IL-22.", "B": "IL-12.", "C": "IL-5", "D": "IL-13." }, "Correct Answer": "IL-22.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e224c4d9-292d-49e4-887f-4f40c239a2c6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The start of the alternative pathway of activation of the blood complement requires the:", "Options": { "A": "Union of C3 to factor B.", "B": "Spontaneous hydrolysis of C3.", "C": "Action of factor D on factor B.", "D": "Formation of the C3 convertase." }, "Correct Answer": "Spontaneous hydrolysis of C3.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fbdb8d4c-6355-4940-863e-272f5072a0d5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The macrophages that are located in the hepatic sinusoids are known as cells:", "Options": { "A": "From Kupffer.", "B": "From Ito.", "C": "Dendritic", "D": "Sinusoidal" }, "Correct Answer": "From Kupffer.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2171dd26-09f3-47ee-be7e-7cec30f73226", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Superoxide radicals are produced by:", "Options": { "A": "Platelets.", "B": "Macrophages", "C": "T lymphocytes.", "D": "NK lymphocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "Macrophages", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "42987144-c8ee-4868-b82b-ed25829624a2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is part of the adaptive immunity:", "Options": { "A": "Complement.", "B": "Lysozyme", "C": "Polymorphonuclear leukocytes.", "D": "T lymphocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "T lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6d79adf4-ade0-46c5-aae5-fe4d3b765e1b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is NOT complement function:", "Options": { "A": "Lysis", "B": "Chemotaxis", "C": "Glucolysis", "D": "Opsonization" }, "Correct Answer": "Glucolysis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "de706195-67a2-4bd7-9335-1e4091e6e9df", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these leukocytes specializes in defense against large parasites such as helminths ?:", "Options": { "A": "Eosinophilic granulocytes.", "B": "Macrophages", "C": "T lymphocytes.", "D": "Dendritic cells" }, "Correct Answer": "Eosinophilic granulocytes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bacc0593-f49f-43aa-a6a5-9eb849543625", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "NO are inhibitory receptors of natural killer (NK) lymphocytes:", "Options": { "A": "Receptors of the Ig-type cytolytic lymphocyte (KIR).", "B": "Transcripts of type Ig (ILT).", "C": "CD16 receivers.", "D": "Receivers CD94 / NKG2." }, "Correct Answer": "CD16 receivers.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "be6fe076-ccb9-4017-944d-0f3824636702", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the main complex of hiscocompatibility, haplotype is the set of:", "Options": { "A": "Class I genes", "B": "Class II genes", "C": "Existing alleles in a certain chromosome.", "D": "Alleles existing in a certain locus." }, "Correct Answer": "Existing alleles in a certain chromosome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6e46f703-1242-45d5-9c81-23f9142fd60d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the immune synapse, while the ZAP-70 kinase is associated with the TCR, the talin does it to:", "Options": { "A": "The CD4 or CD8 co-receptors.", "B": "The integrin LFA-1.", "C": "The enzyme ZAP-70.", "D": "The enzymes MAP kinases." }, "Correct Answer": "The integrin LFA-1.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7672b9e5-21c8-45e5-95cf-54dddd3ea609", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is NOT a transcription factor in most T-cell responses:", "Options": { "A": "The nuclear factor of activated T lymphocytes (NFAT).", "B": "The nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB).", "C": "AP-1.", "D": "MYC." }, "Correct Answer": "MYC.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f5976d0b-044c-4d9a-b435-2e8ff311cfde", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In humoral responses dependent on T lymphocytes:", "Options": { "A": "B lymphocytes express CD40L on the surface.", "B": "Activated B lymphocytes migrate to the follicle following a gradient of IL-2.", "C": "The antigen is taken up by B lymphocytes and presented to the Tγδ lymphocytes.", "D": "The B lymphocytes process and present the antigen, alter its profile of chemokine receptors and migrate to the area of the T lymphocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "The B lymphocytes process and present the antigen, alter its profile of chemokine receptors and migrate to the area of the T lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a301b3bb-950a-4a7e-88d5-e214118169c3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is NOT among the mechanisms that activate lymphocyte apoptosis elimination:", "Options": { "A": "Receptors of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family.", "B": "Damage to DNA", "C": "Oxidative stress.", "D": "Interleukin-2 (IL-2)." }, "Correct Answer": "Interleukin-2 (IL-2).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f1dbacd4-4492-4789-981c-97a56d1cabde", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Interferon (IFN) type I:", "Options": { "A": "Increases expression of major histocompatibility complex (CPH) molecules of class I.", "B": "Decreases the expression of major histocompatibility complex (CPH) molecules of class I.", "C": "Increases the expression of the major histocompatibility complex (CPH) molecules of class II.", "D": "Decreases the expression of major histocompatibility complex (CPH) molecules of class II." }, "Correct Answer": "Increases expression of major histocompatibility complex (CPH) molecules of class I.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8d13baf7-d0fd-40da-b30e-81fd5493f6b7", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "While IL-4 and IL-5 are cytokines produced by helper T-lymphocytes type 2 (TH2), helper T lymphocytes type 1 (TH1) produce the characteristic cytokine:", "Options": { "A": "Interferon-α (IFN-α).", "B": "Interferon-γ (IFN-γ).", "C": "Interferon-β (IFN-β).", "D": "Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)." }, "Correct Answer": "Interferon-γ (IFN-γ).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7ca12d00-ef84-465d-b95a-23469dde150d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "NO participates in the differentiation of helper T-lymphocytes-1 (TH1) on:", "Options": { "A": "Signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 (STAT1).", "B": "Signal transducer and activator of transcription-6 (STAT6).", "C": "Transcription factor T-bet.", "D": "Signal transducer and transcription activator-4 (STAT4)." }, "Correct Answer": "Signal transducer and activator of transcription-6 (STAT6).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5ba10dab-ca0f-445c-8d9c-db7e5f464c05", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, those due to perforin deficiencies cause:", "Options": { "A": "Uncontrolled activation of macrophages and defects in the function of NK cells.", "B": "Defects of the expression of molecules of the main histocompatibility complex (CPH) of class II.", "C": "Reduction of CD8 + T lymphocytes.", "D": "Defects of the mobility of leukocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "Uncontrolled activation of macrophages and defects in the function of NK cells.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "697b8de7-dd45-478c-8240-e87ba060a475", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), people with a mutation of the chemokine receptor are resistant to infection:", "Options": { "A": "CXCR4.", "B": "CCR5.", "C": "CXCR13.", "D": "CCR2." }, "Correct Answer": "CCR5.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "58d8901b-11db-4633-b9a2-48df0a84b246", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, which is characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets, is caused by anti-autoantibodies:", "Options": { "A": "CD18.", "B": "CD94a.", "C": "CD41a.", "D": "ITGB6." }, "Correct Answer": "CD41a.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e8306361-37e0-4d91-8b17-d2a124928926", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hemolytic disease of the newborn, also called fetal eritoblastosis, can occur in women:", "Options": { "A": "Rh positive who have had an Rh positive child.", "B": "Rh negative ones who have had an Rh positive child.", "C": "Rh positive who have had a Rh negative child.", "D": "Rh negative who have had a Rh negative child." }, "Correct Answer": "Rh negative ones who have had an Rh positive child.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eb16eef6-baee-4841-83dc-c8ed5efcd6f9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to anhydrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency (DEA-ID), which gene of the nuclear factor -B pathway (NF-κB) is mutated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibitor of κB kinase α (IKKα).", "B": "Inhibitor of the κB kinase β (IKKβ).", "C": "Inhibitor of κB kinase (IKKγ).", "D": "Kinase 4 associated with the interleukin-1 receptor (IRAK-4)." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibitor of κB kinase (IKKγ).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5590f57a-c702-466f-837d-3babcbb610ea", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect does an increase in the concentration of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG) cause in hemoglobin ?:", "Options": { "A": "The four heme groups are saturated with 2.3BPG.", "B": "The oxygenated conformation is stabilized.", "C": "Increase the affinity for O2.", "D": "The affinity for O2 decreases." }, "Correct Answer": "The affinity for O2 decreases.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ac90825b-dd30-4d40-bae6-9507b8d8847a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the glucokinase enzyme, it can be stated that:", "Options": { "A": "It is expressed in the liver and beta cells of the pancreatic islets.", "B": "It catalyzes the phosphorolytic cleavage of hepatic glycogen by releasing glucose-1-phosphate.", "C": "The reaction of phosphorylation of glucose by the enzyme follows a michaelian kinetics.", "D": "Insulin represses transcription of the hepatic glocokinase gene." }, "Correct Answer": "It is expressed in the liver and beta cells of the pancreatic islets.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ebc50a1c-08e2-436a-866d-c5ca4d902459", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Biotin is the prosthetic group of the:", "Options": { "A": "Decarboxylases", "B": "Carboxylases", "C": "Kinases", "D": "Transferases" }, "Correct Answer": "Carboxylases", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3f5591b9-0cf5-421b-b002-d20543d435a4", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Adrenaline stimulates the:", "Options": { "A": "Degradation of glycogen in skeletal muscle.", "B": "Synthesis of glycogen in the liver.", "C": "Lipogenesis in adipose tissue.", "D": "Synthesis of triacylglycerols in the liver." }, "Correct Answer": "Degradation of glycogen in skeletal muscle.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2b71e506-8a27-42af-a044-6d07a1cc057e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pentose route generates:", "Options": { "A": "NADH for cholesterol biosynthesis.", "B": "NADPH for the biosynthesis of fatty acids and steroids.", "C": "Glucose from phosphorylated pentoses.", "D": "Reactive oxygen species and oxidized pentoses." }, "Correct Answer": "NADPH for the biosynthesis of fatty acids and steroids.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7855912a-7101-4c19-a889-9b4dd39d3847", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which compound can NOT be used as a precursor for the net synthesis of glucose in humans ?:", "Options": { "A": "Lactate", "B": "To the girl.", "C": "Palmitic acid (16: 0).", "D": "Glycerol." }, "Correct Answer": "Palmitic acid (16: 0).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f1eb1b93-a1ef-46ff-8193-83ecd46ec1d8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Each cycle of β-oxidation of fatty acids follows the following sequence of reactions:", "Options": { "A": "NAD + -dependent oxidation; FAD-dependent oxidation; hydration; thiolysis.", "B": "FAD-dependent oxidation; NAD + -dependent oxidation; hydration; thiolysis.", "C": "FAD-dependent oxidation; hydration; NAD + -dependent oxidation; thiolysis.", "D": "Thiolysis; FAD-dependent oxidation; hydration; NAD + -dependent oxidation." }, "Correct Answer": "FAD-dependent oxidation; hydration; NAD + -dependent oxidation; thiolysis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "72307add-50bc-45f2-b410-81e6f278e1cb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The degradation of the fatty acid 17: 0 yields:", "Options": { "A": "8 molecules of acetyl-CoA and a monocarbonate fragment.", "B": "7 molecules of acetyl-CoA and 1 molecule of propionyl-CoA.", "C": "7 molecules of acetyl-CoA and 1 molecule of malonyl-CoA.", "D": "6 molecules of acetyl-CoA and 1 molecule of succinyl-CoA." }, "Correct Answer": "7 molecules of acetyl-CoA and 1 molecule of propionyl-CoA.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b7d33f26-e4d7-489b-ab72-3d64926ac42f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ketone bodies:", "Options": { "A": "They are acetoacetyl-CoA, hydroxybutyryl-CoA and acetone.", "B": "They are synthesized in the liver mitochondria.", "C": "They are transported to peripheral tissues linked to lipoproteins.", "D": "They decrease in blood in type 1 diabetes not treated." }, "Correct Answer": "They are synthesized in the liver mitochondria.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7e19e083-51fe-4920-ba63-549531f2496d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the major lipid component of VLDL ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fatty acids.", "B": "Cholesterol.", "C": "Triacylglycerols", "D": "Phosphatidylcholine" }, "Correct Answer": "Triacylglycerols", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0eb9e239-6c29-49ef-b21f-3b9cfa55011a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During protein turnover, which of the following molecules binds to the proteins marking them for degradation by the proteasome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cathepsin", "B": "Ubiquinone", "C": "Ubiquitin", "D": "Carnitine" }, "Correct Answer": "Ubiquitin", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bf3da3f1-4394-4877-aa58-112d16494c75", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The prosthetic group of aminotransferases (transaminases) is:", "Options": { "A": "Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate.", "B": "Thiamine pyrophosphate.", "C": "N5-N10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate.", "D": "Cobalamin." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dbb43099-d01f-4649-a575-45c78c77a86d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes is involved in the biosynthesis of urea ?:", "Options": { "A": "Glutamate dehydrogenase.", "B": "Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I.", "C": "Succinate synthetase", "D": "Ornithine decarboxylase." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dd38641d-2c0a-486f-b40f-53bd4847ed9c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The amino acid precursor of serotonin is:", "Options": { "A": "Tyrosine", "B": "Tryptophan", "C": "Homocysteine.", "D": "Histidine" }, "Correct Answer": "Tryptophan", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3929369e-3650-4368-91c4-5a67e9167280", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzyme participates in the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides:", "Options": { "A": "Xanthine oxidase", "B": "Uricasa.", "C": "Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase II.", "D": "Ornithine transcarbamylase." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase II.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "61705a82-b046-459a-961d-8b1475e2cd12", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds can not be synthesized by humans ?:", "Options": { "A": "Oleic acid (Δ9 18: 1).", "B": "Phosphatidylethanolamine.", "C": "Carnitine", "D": "Tetrahydrofolate." }, "Correct Answer": "Tetrahydrofolate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1a52ae33-aa13-4898-99fd-1e7e911ada72", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electrons from the FADH2 of the flavoproteins are incorporated into the respiratory chain through:", "Options": { "A": "The complex I.", "B": "The complex III.", "C": "Ubiquinone", "D": "The cytochrome c." }, "Correct Answer": "Ubiquinone", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "984ec307-e08e-4003-ba12-ce6e0471b582", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pantothenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of:", "Options": { "A": "Coenzyme A.", "B": "Biotin", "C": "FAD.", "D": "B12 vitamin." }, "Correct Answer": "Coenzyme A.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "198810c5-8ce6-45fa-921b-6dc5003399de", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A sigmoid dependence of the reaction rate catalyzed by the substrate concentration is a sign that the responsible enzyme is subject to:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition by excess substrate.", "B": "Acompetitive inhibition.", "C": "Allosteric regulation.", "D": "Negative Cooperativity" }, "Correct Answer": "Allosteric regulation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bc105e4b-d587-4b67-9285-a4292f5a0a98", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Enzymes act as catalysts because:", "Options": { "A": "They reduce the free energy of the reaction.", "B": "They reduce the activation energy of the reaction.", "C": "They accelerate the formation of the steady state.", "D": "Increase the equilibrium constant of the reaction." }, "Correct Answer": "They reduce the activation energy of the reaction.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "64078fec-0107-47bd-aa86-199c3a9b3ed5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of:", "Options": { "A": "A glucose and a fructopiranose linked by glycosidic bond.", "B": "Two glucose molecules linked by glycosidic bond.", "C": "A glucose and a galactose linked by glycosidic bond.", "D": "A glucose and a maltose linked by glycosidic bond." }, "Correct Answer": "A glucose and a fructopiranose linked by glycosidic bond.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4fa381d0-01b8-4b28-9c79-846586f90da8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sphingomyelin is a sphingolipid consisting of:", "Options": { "A": "Sphingosine, a fatty acid and a sugar.", "B": "Ceramide and a fatty acid.", "C": "Sphingosine esterified by a fatty acid.", "D": "Ceramide and a group of phosphorylcholine." }, "Correct Answer": "Ceramide and a group of phosphorylcholine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e198558a-fd71-40dd-996d-65c062582f56", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An enzyme inhibitor that reduces the Vm and Km of an enzyme in the same proportion is an inhibitor of type:", "Options": { "A": "Not competitive.", "B": "Mixed.", "C": "Acompetitive.", "D": "Competitive." }, "Correct Answer": "Acompetitive.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4299ddea-abc6-4c0a-bb34-11cef95c0149", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The alpha-helix is an element of secondary structure of proteins that is stabilized by hydrogen bonds:", "Options": { "A": "Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the propeller.", "B": "Intercatenaries", "C": "Among the carbonyls of the peptide bonds.", "D": "Between parallel or antiparallel peptide chains." }, "Correct Answer": "Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the propeller.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0a367b17-28f0-4225-b3d4-24b793de10e0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The snRNPs or \"snurps\" are:", "Options": { "A": "Small nuclear RNA", "B": "Small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins.", "C": "Small cytoplasmic ribonucleoproteins.", "D": "Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins." }, "Correct Answer": "Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "74bbc892-d88b-4bad-a690-a817df8e2570", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the double helix structure defined by Watson and Crick for DNA:", "Options": { "A": "The percentage of the base pairs A = T is equal to the percentage of the base pairs G = C.", "B": "The base pair G = C is linked by three covalent bonds and the pair A = T by two.", "C": "The pairs of nitrogenous bases are located inside the double helix joined by forces of stacking or stacking.", "D": "The polynucleotide chains involve phosphodiester bonds established between the 1 'position of the nitrogenous base and the 5' position of the sugar moiety." }, "Correct Answer": "The pairs of nitrogenous bases are located inside the double helix joined by forces of stacking or stacking.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8fdb29d7-eef0-445a-adfd-2605257ee0f5", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mechanism of DNA replication in bacteria and in the nuclear chromosomes of eukaryotes is:", "Options": { "A": "Unidirectional and semiconservative.", "B": "Bidirectional and semiconservative.", "C": "Unidirectional and conservative.", "D": "Bidirectional and conservative." }, "Correct Answer": "Bidirectional and semiconservative.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6361a2f5-8f6c-436d-b4a1-96a8851f8579", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to bacterial promoters:", "Options": { "A": "Box -10 of the E.coli promoters is the initial contact site with the RNApolymerase.", "B": "A mutation that changes the TATAGT sequence of the -10 box of a promoter and converts it to TGTAGT is expected to cause a significant increase in the level of gene expression.", "C": "The nucleotide sequence of the promoter regions of E. coli is highly conserved.", "D": "The length of the region separating the -10 and -35 sequences from the bacterial promoters is critical for recognition by the RNA polymerase." }, "Correct Answer": "The length of the region separating the -10 and -35 sequences from the bacterial promoters is critical for recognition by the RNA polymerase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "963aeb6c-a272-4033-bcdc-26f8e2920094", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the translation:", "Options": { "A": "The assembly begins with the binding of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence present in the messenger RNA and a complementary and highly conserved sequence of the 16S RNA of the small subunit of the ribosome.", "B": "The initiator aminoacyl-tRNA is N-acetylmethionyl-tRNA.", "C": "The messengers are read by the ribosome in the 3 '→ 5' direction and the polypeptide chain grows at the C-terminal end.", "D": "The messengers are read by the ribosome in the 5 '→ 3' direction and the polypeptide chain grows at the N-terminal end." }, "Correct Answer": "The assembly begins with the binding of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence present in the messenger RNA and a complementary and highly conserved sequence of the 16S RNA of the small subunit of the ribosome.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a2418373-9788-4545-886f-5977d32b6d75", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the regulation of gene expression:", "Options": { "A": "The operator is the site of the DNA that receives the RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.", "B": "Repression is the ability to prevent the expression of an enzyme when the product of its reaction is absent.", "C": "Catabolic repression is exerted through cAMP (cyclic AMP).", "D": "The attenuation is a second level of control of the expression of the trp operon based on the action of the TrpR regulator." }, "Correct Answer": "Catabolic repression is exerted through cAMP (cyclic AMP).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4efd0621-414e-405c-a19f-0a6aa4a663bf", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Type II restriction endonucleases:", "Options": { "A": "They undo the hydrogen bridges that hold the two strands of DNA together.", "B": "They cause the breaking of the covalent bonds of a strand of DNA in a specific sequence.", "C": "They catalyze the hydrolysis of sugar-phosphate bonds at the ends of the two strands of DNA.", "D": "They recognize and break the two strands of DNA through sites with a palindromic sequence." }, "Correct Answer": "They recognize and break the two strands of DNA through sites with a palindromic sequence.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9fb9e551-db66-44fc-85b2-6d3ff3b375aa", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In DNA cloning technology the:", "Options": { "A": "Reporter or control genes are used to select cells transformed by DNA.", "B": "Vectors derived from phages are those that have more capacity for the cloning of large DNA fragments.", "C": "Cosmids are vectors for DNA cloning in bacteria.", "D": "YAC vectors are only active in yeast." }, "Correct Answer": "Cosmids are vectors for DNA cloning in bacteria.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7c5394c3-1d10-41cc-97e6-47315af47473", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electrophoretic mobility of a DNA fragment depends on its:", "Options": { "A": "Linear or circular shape.", "B": "Sequence of base pairs.", "C": "Content in GC pairs.", "D": "Concentration in the solution." }, "Correct Answer": "Linear or circular shape.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "998d6a2e-5a06-4815-99db-f6b91354599b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The PCR:", "Options": { "A": "It is a procedure used to separate clones from a genomic library.", "B": "It requires the use of heat-resistant polymerases.", "C": "It is a reaction based on the activity of RNA polymerase.", "D": "It takes place in the cellular cytoplasm." }, "Correct Answer": "It requires the use of heat-resistant polymerases.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6e408e4e-648b-46cd-94d7-5a2d8e18f388", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is verified by a two-way Anova if the effect of a certain drug depends on the sex of the patients. If this interaction has a p = 0.28, how is it interpreted ?:", "Options": { "A": "The effect of the drug is better in men.", "B": "The effect of the drug depends on the sex of the patients.", "C": "The effect of the drug does not depend on the sex of the patients.", "D": "The drug is not effective." }, "Correct Answer": "The effect of the drug does not depend on the sex of the patients.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "94a0fadb-0643-4072-a991-84b9f1acfb5e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What statistical test allows to compare proportions of two independent samples ?:", "Options": { "A": "McNemar test.", "B": "Test of the Median.", "C": "Fisher's exact test.", "D": "Test U of Mann-Whitney." }, "Correct Answer": "Fisher's exact test.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "19897a21-253f-426f-b40e-a2b6a22c4f72", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The test that allows comparing two means of independent samples when the variable is not normally distributed is:", "Options": { "A": "Student's t test of two independent samples with n1 + n2 degrees of freedom.", "B": "Student's t test of two independent samples with (n1 + n2) -2 degrees of freedom.", "C": "Student's t test of two independent samples with (n1 + n2) -1 degrees of freedom.", "D": "Mann-Whitney U" }, "Correct Answer": "Mann-Whitney U", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b1fd63f7-c24a-4c1e-80d5-a91dcb961e9c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What statistical test would be applied to compare two eye drops administering a different one in each eye of the same patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Student's t test of independent samples.", "B": "Exact Fisher.", "C": "McNemar", "D": "Welch" }, "Correct Answer": "McNemar", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "43030c62-9af6-4728-8539-4aca2e14be6c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Artemisins are drugs:", "Options": { "A": "Active against the different species and stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium.", "B": "Used in the prophylaxis of infection by hookworms.", "C": "Used topically against Tunga penetrans.", "D": "Frequently used in meningoencephalitis by Naegleria fowleri." }, "Correct Answer": "Active against the different species and stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "133c6c9c-e575-443e-91f4-257e162246e3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anisakis simplex:", "Options": { "A": "It is a trematode whose larvae are found in fish and cephalopods.", "B": "It is a platyhelmint that in its adult stage is located inside the mucosa of the small intestine of various animals.", "C": "Defining hosts are marine mammals.", "D": "Man is his only definitive guest." }, "Correct Answer": "Defining hosts are marine mammals.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "78f6d4d0-db18-40a2-b0e7-2ecd73bdf739", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "May cause megaloblastic anemia in the parasitized patient:", "Options": { "A": "Taenia saginata", "B": "Taenia solium", "C": "Diphyllobothrium latum.", "D": "Hymenolepis diminuta." }, "Correct Answer": "Diphyllobothrium latum.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7f535a3e-7f98-4410-9d1c-f606c64d06e8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is RARELY surpassed in infections by Plasmodium ovale or Plasmodium vivax the% of parasitized red blood cells of:", "Options": { "A": "two%.", "B": "7%", "C": "10%", "D": "12%" }, "Correct Answer": "two%.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "686f3533-90c7-43d3-aa84-d12d9a4ec474", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the rapid immunochromatography test for the immunological detection of visceral Leishmaniasis is used as antigen:", "Options": { "A": "Recombinant kinesia (rK39).", "B": "Extraction of promastigote culture.", "C": "Recombinant antigen rK26.", "D": "Domperidone" }, "Correct Answer": "Recombinant kinesia (rK39).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0c277ef2-532e-4f79-887a-ddaae1148cd9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Baltimore classification:", "Options": { "A": "It establishes three taxonomic domains: Eucaria, Bacteria and Archaeobacteria.", "B": "Classify viruses according to the shape of their capsid.", "C": "Distinguish between naked and wrapped viruses.", "D": "Classifies viruses by their strategy in the synthesis of mRNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Classifies viruses by their strategy in the synthesis of mRNA.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b0caea2b-5973-473b-bb42-99f8374d1fae", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In bacteriophage T4, the genetic phenomenon of the cyclic permutation is related to:", "Options": { "A": "The existence of virions descended from the same virus with genes distributed in a different order.", "B": "The alternation of lytic and lysogenic cycles.", "C": "Faulty encapsulations.", "D": "The alternation of two types of host bacteria in their life cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "The existence of virions descended from the same virus with genes distributed in a different order.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ff8e4fb3-ff68-436e-9800-2099e9d8909d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It does NOT belong to the family of herpesviruses:", "Options": { "A": "Epstein-Barr.", "B": "Vaccinia", "C": "Cytomegalovirus.", "D": "Kaposi sarcoma virus." }, "Correct Answer": "Vaccinia", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "db23424b-764c-46e4-876d-f6f63b0378e1", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following liver viruses requires the presence (preinfection) of another virus to replicate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hepatitis A.", "B": "Hepatitis B.", "C": "Hepatitis C.", "D": "Hepatitis D." }, "Correct Answer": "Hepatitis D.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "efa60b5a-cfc5-4946-9324-1e838029c0dd", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are viruses with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) those of:", "Options": { "A": "Poliomyelitis", "B": "The flu.", "C": "The Ebola.", "D": "Smallpox" }, "Correct Answer": "Smallpox", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b7d4c7e9-8b14-4738-97e7-c64479a54736", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They use a reverse transcriptase the:", "Options": { "A": "Rabdovirus", "B": "Herpesvirus.", "C": "Adenovirus.", "D": "Hepadnavirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Hepadnavirus.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ac96d8fa-b1a0-4b87-9c0a-99e76767996b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Viruses of the Poxviridae family of clinical interest for humans:", "Options": { "A": "They include smallpox, bovine smallpox, vaccinia and molluscum contagiosum.", "B": "They replicate in the mitochondria of the cell.", "C": "They require the retrotranscription of their genome.", "D": "Their infections are commonly associated with viral hepatitis." }, "Correct Answer": "They include smallpox, bovine smallpox, vaccinia and molluscum contagiosum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2eb6e88b-06a9-4a7b-bbde-34b8a3a6b564", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The rotaviruses are:", "Options": { "A": "Double-stranded RNA virus and one of the main causes of viral gastroenteritis.", "B": "Double chain RNA virus causing respiratory diseases.", "C": "Wrapped DNA virus very resistant to disinfectants.", "D": "One of the main viruses that cause acute hepatitis." }, "Correct Answer": "Double-stranded RNA virus and one of the main causes of viral gastroenteritis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c9c974be-ad97-44b6-8d94-bdc21264316e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Poliovirus is a virus:", "Options": { "A": "With plasma membrane that replicates in nerve cells causing neurological alterations.", "B": "It is transmitted through the respiratory tract and that is why it is so contagious.", "C": "Whose infection entails replication within the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent excretion of the virus in the feces.", "D": "Virtually eradicated from the human population." }, "Correct Answer": "Virtually eradicated from the human population.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "40beb545-220e-4e72-8ef0-2d18ab90bc29", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicates the correct statement regarding the viruses that cause hepatitis:", "Options": { "A": "They have RNA as a gene material.", "B": "Hepatitis A and E are caused by the infection of viruses A and E after the ingestion of contaminated water or food.", "C": "Hepatitis B, C and D occur after contact with blood and human body fluids contaminated with viruses B, C and D, but are also transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes.", "D": "The hepatitis C virus, like the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), are retroviruses and are transmitted sexually." }, "Correct Answer": "Hepatitis A and E are caused by the infection of viruses A and E after the ingestion of contaminated water or food.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bb2f74fc-9140-4ddd-8444-13d05ee0ea27", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Yellow fever is transmitted by a mosquito carrying a:", "Options": { "A": "Viroid.", "B": "Flavivirus.", "C": "Poliovirus", "D": "Rotavirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Flavivirus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b05ab224-2c9a-4498-94bd-c1783301bc08", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mumps or mumps:", "Options": { "A": "It is caused by a paramyxovirus.", "B": "It lacks effective vaccine.", "C": "It is fought effectively with β-lactams.", "D": "It is produced by the rubella virus." }, "Correct Answer": "It is caused by a paramyxovirus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "12578495-9e0d-427b-afec-8887684d6c77", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Marburg virus:", "Options": { "A": "It causes catarrhal affections.", "B": "It is similar to Ebola.", "C": "It causes the so-called Asian pneumonia transmitted by mosquitoes.", "D": "It is a pneumovirus that causes lethal infections in Germany in the late 1960s." }, "Correct Answer": "It is similar to Ebola.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f2e9de8a-6c14-4a40-a960-b1e92e4c14dd", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is FALSE in relation to the treatment against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that:", "Options": { "A": "It uses a recombinant vaccine.", "B": "Use inhibitors against reverse transcriptase.", "C": "Use inhibitors against the virus protease.", "D": "Use inhibitors of the virus integrase." }, "Correct Answer": "It uses a recombinant vaccine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "10722a97-909a-4a1a-923b-f52b8030920c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The human papilloma virus (HPV):", "Options": { "A": "It has a plasma membrane and a genome composed of RNA.", "B": "His serotypes 16 and 18 are associated with cervical cancer.", "C": "Blood transfusion is one of its main routes of transmission.", "D": "Its treatment includes inhibitors of viral reverse transcriptase." }, "Correct Answer": "His serotypes 16 and 18 are associated with cervical cancer.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9dce9c97-a717-4c86-b948-180356584a11", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The smallpox virus is a:", "Options": { "A": "Poxvirus.", "B": "Adenovirus.", "C": "Polyomavirus", "D": "Coronavirus." }, "Correct Answer": "Poxvirus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b8327e39-fa7e-4baf-8bfb-ce356e939c45", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They are bacterial cell inclusions:", "Options": { "A": "The anamoxosomes.", "B": "The polyphosphate granules.", "C": "The gas vesicles.", "D": "The bodies of Negri." }, "Correct Answer": "The polyphosphate granules.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e569831b-b6e4-4526-87ec-0ae6bce0f0a0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main polymerizing enzyme of bacterial DNA is DNA polymerase:", "Options": { "A": "I.", "B": "III.", "C": "IV.", "D": "V." }, "Correct Answer": "III.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "64f02d33-e3e8-4f8f-8b8c-bae71560609f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The type III secretion systems that have some gram-negative bacteria that:", "Options": { "A": "They participate in the synthesis of the outer membrane.", "B": "They include systems for the expulsion of antibiotics.", "C": "They secrete lytic enzymes for the extracellular digestion of macromolecules.", "D": "They inject proteins into eukaryotic cells." }, "Correct Answer": "They inject proteins into eukaryotic cells.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "482b29da-4674-4c31-baaf-b662a156a820", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In bacteria, the FtsZ protein is an essential component of:", "Options": { "A": "Fostotransferase system for the incorporation of sugars.", "B": "Divisome", "C": "Ribosome", "D": "Strand of the flagellum." }, "Correct Answer": "Divisome", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "abe89e4c-e0de-4301-bd37-89df08ac74ab", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a chemostat inoculated with a pure culture, increasing the flow decreases constantly:", "Options": { "A": "The concentration of the limiting substrate.", "B": "The density of the crop.", "C": "The generation time.", "D": "The generation time and the density of the crop." }, "Correct Answer": "The generation time.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d94e530b-61cc-4635-b5bc-e6a4b77bb9b6", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "An essential difference between general disinfectants and antiseptics is that the latter:", "Options": { "A": "They are organic compounds.", "B": "They kill the endospores.", "C": "They must be innocuous enough to be applied in living tissues.", "D": "They are used only on inanimate objects." }, "Correct Answer": "They must be innocuous enough to be applied in living tissues.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "12434023-22c9-4354-9e18-abf9adbf9a0d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Acts (n) on subunit 30 of the prokaryotic ribosome:", "Options": { "A": "Erythromycin", "B": "Rifampicin", "C": "The tetracyclines.", "D": "The quinolones." }, "Correct Answer": "The tetracyclines.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3ee780e9-97e2-4c48-aaab-014d67134b61", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ribotyping is a method to identify microorganisms from the analysis of:", "Options": { "A": "Map of ribosomal peptides.", "B": "Sequences of the beta subunit gene of RNA polymerase.", "C": "Sequences of the alpha subunit gene of RNA polymerase.", "D": "Restriction fragments of ribosomal RNA genes." }, "Correct Answer": "Restriction fragments of ribosomal RNA genes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d88e2199-057d-40ad-881f-bdeb5662fa1d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Characteristically the streptococci of the pyogenes subgroup:", "Options": { "A": "They are part of the normal microbiota of the mouth.", "B": "They are associated with dental caries.", "C": "Causes pneumonia.", "D": "They are beta-hemolytic." }, "Correct Answer": "They are beta-hemolytic.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a67c88c9-e1bd-4558-b37b-212b85720462", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Meningococcal infection (Neisseria meningitidis):", "Options": { "A": "It is treated with tetracyclines combined with aminoglycosides.", "B": "It is commonly contracted by direct contact.", "C": "It can be prevented with vaccines that contain capsular polysaccharides.", "D": "It has a higher incidence in adults than in young people or children." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be prevented with vaccines that contain capsular polysaccharides.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "544df47c-c515-4b5e-94a2-8d9cc549afbb", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Staphylococcus aureus differs from Staphylococcus epidermidis because the first one:", "Options": { "A": "Rarely produces pyogenic (purulent) infections.", "B": "It produces coagulase, an enzyme that converts fibrinogen into fibrin.", "C": "It grows in very high salt concentrations.", "D": "It is not found in the normal human microbiota." }, "Correct Answer": "It produces coagulase, an enzyme that converts fibrinogen into fibrin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "659b47ec-b89c-4548-a2e6-9528f51bdf31", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "Dark-field microscopy is used to detect Treponema pallidum in clinical samples.", "B": "Helicobacter pylori is a spirochete that penetrates the human gastric mucosa.", "C": "Borrelia (Borrelia spp.) Are transmitted by mosquito bites.", "D": "Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an obligate intracellular pathogen." }, "Correct Answer": "Dark-field microscopy is used to detect Treponema pallidum in clinical samples.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bca15ffd-d46d-4c20-960a-bff57abb471b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of nosocomial infections.", "B": "Escherichia coli carries out a butanediol fermentation.", "C": "Typhoid fevers are caused by a species of Rickettsia.", "D": "The bacteria of the genus Serratia are gram-positive cocci." }, "Correct Answer": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of nosocomial infections.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "70815b19-bbbb-4145-a91f-b0ae26a63315", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "Q fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii.", "B": "The reservoir of Bacillus anthracis are wild animals.", "C": "Gas gangrene is caused by streptococci.", "D": "Salmonella typhi (S. enterico serovar typhi) is transmitted by direct contact." }, "Correct Answer": "Q fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e7614818-db62-426c-95ee-19c95e622f96", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "They cause superficial mycoses in humans the fungi of the genus:", "Options": { "A": "Sporothrix.", "B": "Trichophyton.", "C": "Cryptococcus", "D": "Histoplasma." }, "Correct Answer": "Trichophyton.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "69721061-81f4-43bc-a063-e369984e8ac4", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the genus Aspergillus, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "It produces sexual spores called conidia.", "B": "It is a zygomycete.", "C": "It includes species that produce powerful toxins.", "D": "It causes only superficial mycoses." }, "Correct Answer": "It includes species that produce powerful toxins.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f01fefb4-8c11-4cbc-a9c6-e4102b59eee9", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "Candida albicans is a zygomycete.", "B": "Histoplasma capsulatum can cause cutaneous infections in humans.", "C": "Pneumocystis can cause lung infections in humans.", "D": "Some species of Penicillium are pathogenic for humans." }, "Correct Answer": "Pneumocystis can cause lung infections in humans.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5c22156b-9b76-4172-9d3b-d3a3e253221e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The strains that produce Betalactamasas of extended spectrum (BLEA) are not able to hydrolyze:", "Options": { "A": "The cephalosporins.", "B": "The monobactams.", "C": "Penicillin", "D": "The carbapenems." }, "Correct Answer": "The carbapenems.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a9af08be-0963-4f1b-ae97-f4bfcf4ce44f", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The diarrhea associated with the consumption of antibiotics is usually caused by:", "Options": { "A": "Campylobacter spp.", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus.", "C": "Clostridium difficile.", "D": "Yersinia enterocolitica." }, "Correct Answer": "Clostridium difficile.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5ddba531-0125-4e2e-b7ef-b0bd21c16867", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The rapid detection of Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine is done by:", "Options": { "A": "PCR.", "B": "Fixation of the complement.", "C": "Counterimmunoelectrophoresis.", "D": "Immunochromatography." }, "Correct Answer": "Immunochromatography.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "70481f47-7bad-4d3c-9fe7-e5ea532a3b4e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the selective agar of choice for the isolation of the Genus Bordetella ?:", "Options": { "A": "Schaedler.", "B": "Thayer-Martin.", "C": "Regan-Lowe.", "D": "BCYE (Buffered Charcoal Yeast extract)." }, "Correct Answer": "Regan-Lowe.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "28b47a38-650e-4ebe-bc14-e65d9c70bf2e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The test for the elimination of urea marked with 13C in exhaled air serves to identify:", "Options": { "A": "Helicobacter pylori.", "B": "Tropheryma whipplei.", "C": "Borrelia burgdorferi.", "D": "Coxiella burnetii." }, "Correct Answer": "Helicobacter pylori.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7b378ff0-a5bf-40a7-9e28-bbd91c98b06c", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A karyotype 45, XX, rob (14; 21) (q10; q10) can correspond to a woman:", "Options": { "A": "With Down syndrome with a Robertsonian translocation.", "B": "Sana, carrier of a Robertsonian translocation.", "C": "With Prader-Willi syndrome.", "D": "With Edwards syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Sana, carrier of a Robertsonian translocation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1f4fdc81-2b8f-4f8c-8be2-7e274b9ddbf0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lissencephaly is associated with the syndrome of:", "Options": { "A": "Angelman", "B": "Smith-Magenis.", "C": "Rubinstein-Taybi.", "D": "Miller-Dieker." }, "Correct Answer": "Miller-Dieker.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "17b54945-5594-47f2-bd4e-d6cdaa417dc2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The deletion of (20) (p12) is associated with the syndrome of:", "Options": { "A": "Alagille", "B": "Williams.", "C": "Say George.", "D": "Langer-Giedion." }, "Correct Answer": "Alagille", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bb78389c-bf44-4c33-ba1f-744c8a547013", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The disease xerodermia pigmentosa is related to defects in the mechanism of DNA repair:", "Options": { "A": "By splitting bases.", "B": "For mating errors.", "C": "Direct.", "D": "By cleavage of nucleotides." }, "Correct Answer": "By cleavage of nucleotides.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "41f2781e-d4d8-4a75-8db9-d6e2e3f1ba92", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the transition mutations one:", "Options": { "A": "Purine is replaced by a pyrimidine.", "B": "Pyrimidine is replaced by a purine.", "C": "Pyrimidine is replaced by another pyrimidine.", "D": "Purina is replaced by two other purines." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyrimidine is replaced by another pyrimidine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ade6cdae-6923-4b3a-8043-bac920f6c67d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In eukaryotes, group II introns are present in genes:", "Options": { "A": "Of rRNA.", "B": "From tRNA.", "C": "They encode proteins in the nucleus.", "D": "They encode proteins in the mitochondria." }, "Correct Answer": "They encode proteins in the mitochondria.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ab5272df-bc9e-41a4-a9de-918d618a0504", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In chromatin, it is called chromatosome when:", "Options": { "A": "Nucleosome without histone H.", "B": "Nucleosome with histone H1.", "C": "Set of histones of a nucleosome.", "D": "DNA and histones from two adjacent nucleosomes." }, "Correct Answer": "Nucleosome with histone H1.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cb0362f6-6ffb-4cac-a25c-1dcee6cc7447", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many copies of histone H3 will there be in chromatin with 200 chromatosomes ?:", "Options": { "A": "fifty.", "B": "100", "C": "200.", "D": "400" }, "Correct Answer": "400", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ca0bf08e-cee4-41b3-88e3-b3514fb2e24b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of ploidy defines an individual 2n-22 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Double monosomy.", "B": "Simple monosomy.", "C": "Euploidia double.", "D": "Double Nulisomy" }, "Correct Answer": "Double Nulisomy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e7d2e7d1-aa4b-43e7-af0f-bacdb250da6b", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many DNA molecules does a 2n = 40 diploid cell contain during the G2 phase of the cell cycle ?:", "Options": { "A": "twenty.", "B": "40", "C": "80", "D": "120" }, "Correct Answer": "80", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c7ca16a6-18eb-4f63-bc44-8f412bc52cd4", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What genetic technique could you use to diagnose an Angelman syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Conventional cytogenetics (karyotype of G bands).", "B": "In situ hybridization with fluorescence (FISH) with centromeric probe.", "C": "(FISH) with telomeric probe.", "D": "(FISH) with locus-specific probe." }, "Correct Answer": "(FISH) with locus-specific probe.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a3f4efe-33ec-4b2b-8599-e3d3662b88cc", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "ASO-PCR is a technique of:", "Options": { "A": "Detection of mutations without identifying the type.", "B": "Detection of specific mutations.", "C": "Sequencing", "D": "DNA amplification" }, "Correct Answer": "Detection of specific mutations.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d760c9c5-d3c2-4dce-841b-ea15c087fd07", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the advantages of the karyotype, with respect to the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, is that it allows:", "Options": { "A": "Use fresh and paraffined material.", "B": "Use the entire genome.", "C": "Detect microdeletions", "D": "Detect translocations." }, "Correct Answer": "Use the entire genome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "22ac4a01-2ac4-4848-b2ce-96ad06c692f2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The R-bands of human metaphase chromosomes:", "Options": { "A": "They have high gene density.", "B": "They contain poor DNA in GC pairs.", "C": "They replicate at the end of phase S.", "D": "They have low gene density." }, "Correct Answer": "They have high gene density.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "da9c55d2-e074-455a-a291-946e53f487b0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What approximate proportion of the human genome is estimated to be coding ?:", "Options": { "A": "1.5 - 2%.", "B": "4 - 10%.", "C": "10-25%.", "D": "More than 25%" }, "Correct Answer": "1.5 - 2%.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dd1c1927-942d-441d-95eb-7d3d7159dad8", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "DNA markers of minisatellite type can be detected by:", "Options": { "A": "PCR.", "B": "ARMS PCR.", "C": "Southern blot.", "D": "ASO PCR." }, "Correct Answer": "Southern blot.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "af24bb16-42de-43c1-9059-10c77b7a68ba", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To detect small deletions or duplications at the genomic level, the technique of choice would be:", "Options": { "A": "Karyotype of bands G.", "B": "Genomic microarrays.", "C": "Expression microarrays", "D": "RT-PCR." }, "Correct Answer": "Genomic microarrays.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3832b1a3-2ef9-4ed5-a191-000d8f1669ff", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to FISH, PCR has the advantage that:", "Options": { "A": "It is a genome-wide screening technique.", "B": "It can be done in fixed and / or frozen tissue.", "C": "Detects cryptic alterations less than 5Mb.", "D": "It is more sensitive." }, "Correct Answer": "It is more sensitive.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0bb40331-30f8-4f87-89a6-ac6709a69f36", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Northern Blot technique the molecule that separates and transfers is:", "Options": { "A": "DNA + RNA.", "B": "DNA", "C": "Protein.", "D": "RNA" }, "Correct Answer": "RNA", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1d5bb5a4-fa43-40ac-8446-212aab5ec1b3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent mechanism that induces the activation of the BCL2 protooncogene in follicular lymphoma is:", "Options": { "A": "Gene amplification", "B": "Translocation", "C": "Point mutation", "D": "Deletion" }, "Correct Answer": "Translocation", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c18d4764-a85c-4fef-9948-9326c9bc1320", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The translocation t (15; 17) (q22; q11) is associated with leukemia:", "Options": { "A": "Acute lymphocytic", "B": "Chronic myeloid", "C": "Acute promyelocytic.", "D": "Chronic lymphocytic" }, "Correct Answer": "Acute promyelocytic.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c286fc68-5410-4ae2-aa17-eb8825fc017d", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The correct formula to describe a karyotype of a male with monosomy of chromosome 6, and a long-arm isocromosome of chromosome 17 is:", "Options": { "A": "45, XY, -6, iso (17) (p10).", "B": "45, XY, 6, i (12) (q10).", "C": "45, XY, -6, i (17) (q10).", "D": "45, XY, 6, i (12) (p10)." }, "Correct Answer": "45, XY, -6, i (17) (q10).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c6f7712f-ab69-480e-9772-f1336f52b74e", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the prophase of meiosis I the homologous chromosomes remain united during the synapse by:", "Options": { "A": "The cellular spindle.", "B": "The centromeres.", "C": "The synaptonemic complex.", "D": "The cell membrane." }, "Correct Answer": "The synaptonemic complex.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c54b800b-aa16-4283-8f16-610c93591d24", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the prometaphase of mitosis the chromosomes bind to the mitotic spindle through the:", "Options": { "A": "Cinetocoros.", "B": "Nucléolos.", "C": "Centriolos", "D": "Satellites" }, "Correct Answer": "Cinetocoros.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c779614b-8d5b-4c65-a52a-d055e2fe0a97", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a disease caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA:", "Options": { "A": "Rett syndrome", "B": "Hunter syndrome", "C": "Acute intermittent porphyria.", "D": "Pearson syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Pearson syndrome.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e359d8c5-ab02-4026-a8fd-9af55dc765ab", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following diseases has a recessive inheritance linked to the X chromosome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hypophosphatemia", "B": "Hypertrichosis", "C": "Fabry disease.", "D": "Rett syndrome" }, "Correct Answer": "Fabry disease.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e60f663b-9762-4e2a-937b-10cc344b82d0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "It is a disease with autosomal recessive inheritance:", "Options": { "A": "Cystic fibrosis.", "B": "Huntington's Korea.", "C": "Familial hypercholesterolemia.", "D": "Crouzon syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Cystic fibrosis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "85df59b6-9c76-4cf4-ab6e-86120f1c354a", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following eukaryotic organisms has the largest number of genes ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mouse (Mus musculus).", "B": "Rice (Oryza sativa).", "C": "Zebrafish (Danio rerio).", "D": "Corn (Zea mays)." }, "Correct Answer": "Corn (Zea mays).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3f41cc5d-0f02-4aea-8066-c2e681675099", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many chromosomes will have the cells of a 2n = 46 diploid organism that has 4 nulisomies and a monosomy ?:", "Options": { "A": "37", "B": "38", "C": "39", "D": "42" }, "Correct Answer": "37", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ab5dfc25-4c67-4f1f-b8ad-a89c461fd7c3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "There is a hypothesis that 40% of adults exercise at least once a week. What test would be used to check this hypothesis from a sample ?:", "Options": { "A": "Wilcoxon", "B": "Goodness of fit.", "C": "Mc Nemar", "D": "Contingency 2x2." }, "Correct Answer": "Goodness of fit.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "54370c66-f217-46ed-8974-74bce6c2f183", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When performing a hypothesis test:", "Options": { "A": "The larger the sample size, the greater the power.", "B": "A less beta error, more power.", "C": "If the test power increases, the beta error increases.", "D": "The lower the alpha error, the lower the specificity." }, "Correct Answer": "A less beta error, more power.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ff32ce1f-1b1d-4874-99a9-3fb5b73e45a2", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a normality test offers a value p> 0.05, how is it interpreted ?:", "Options": { "A": "It can be assumed that the variable does not follow a normal distribution.", "B": "It can not be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "C": "It can be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "D": "The test has turned out to be significant." }, "Correct Answer": "It can be assumed that the variable follows a normal distribution.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "94e0dd7b-ba07-42d1-92cb-7354cf12c5e3", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a sample has a coefficient of variation of 0.12, it means that:", "Options": { "A": "Standard deviation is 12% of the mean.", "B": "Variance is 12% of the average.", "C": "Mean is 12% of the standard deviation.", "D": "Standard deviation is 88% of the mean." }, "Correct Answer": "Standard deviation is 12% of the mean.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "82df0338-d37f-41da-ada5-abc564a15423", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The median:", "Options": { "A": "It is a statistic of position and form.", "B": "Always matches the average.", "C": "It is more stable than the average in asymmetrical distributions.", "D": "It is more reliable than the average in symmetric distributions." }, "Correct Answer": "It is more stable than the average in asymmetrical distributions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a5692023-c59f-4afa-9e1e-bbeb095ea1f0", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mannitol salt agar is a selective culture medium used for the isolation of:", "Options": { "A": "Mycobacterium tuberculosis.", "B": "Streptococcus pneumoniae.", "C": "Staphylococcus aureus.", "D": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa." }, "Correct Answer": "Staphylococcus aureus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a2628262-8b21-41f0-a96a-617a50596987", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The systemic action of TNF generates in the liver:", "Options": { "A": "The activation of acute phase proteins.", "B": "Synthesis of prostaglandins.", "C": "Production of lipopolysaccharide.", "D": "Cachexia" }, "Correct Answer": "The activation of acute phase proteins.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "904b605d-1e24-479d-bced-a08c8b64c183", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A map of Ramachandran represents:", "Options": { "A": "The different types of secondary structure in the folding of a polypeptide.", "B": "The angles adopted by the peptide bonds in a polypeptide.", "C": "The arrangement of hydrogen bonds that stabilize the 3D structure of a protein.", "D": "The topology of the secondary structure elements of a protein." }, "Correct Answer": "The angles adopted by the peptide bonds in a polypeptide.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e76de0dc-ead4-43bd-95a7-5dce22081934", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of:", "Options": { "A": "Proteins on the surface of bacteria and viruses.", "B": "Proteins in the walls of Gram-negative bacteria.", "C": "Peptide bonds of bacterial peptidoglycans.", "D": "Glycosidic links of bacterial polysaccharides." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycosidic links of bacterial polysaccharides.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0bc80763-eef7-438f-b44a-46516a34db08", "topic_name": "biology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Code of Ethics of Spanish Nursing comes into force in the year:", "Options": { "A": "1988.", "B": "1975", "C": "1989", "D": "1990." }, "Correct Answer": "1989", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4ece4524-19ad-431d-8998-8797ac0a8166", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The law 41/2002, of November 14, regulating the autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations in matters of information and clinical documentation, in its article 11, speaks of Previous Instructions, or Living Will or Advance Directives. What is the purpose of this document ?:", "Options": { "A": "Although it is mentioned in the Law, it has not been carried out in the Autonomous Communities because of the complexity of its execution.", "B": "By this document, a person of legal age, capable and free, expresses his will in advance, so that it is fulfilled at the moment he reaches situations in which he is not able to express it personally, about care and treatment of his health or the fate of your body and organs if you die.", "C": "By this document, a person of legal age, capable and free, expresses his will in advance, although the doctor who attends him, does not have to give him more importance than a complementary information.", "D": "By this document, a person of legal age, capable and free, expresses in advance his will about the fate of his body and organs when he dies." }, "Correct Answer": "By this document, a person of legal age, capable and free, expresses his will in advance, so that it is fulfilled at the moment he reaches situations in which he is not able to express it personally, about care and treatment of his health or the fate of your body and organs if you die.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "87748fc4-900b-4cb0-b5d1-0fa2d6d89c8e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is \"Foundation\" in Ethics ?:", "Options": { "A": "Answer \"with foundation\" to the questions that the profession presents us.", "B": "Is to give reason to justify the principles or moral standards. It opens the way to dialogue and is a safeguard against dogmatism.", "C": "Find an answer to the fundamental questions that patients ask us.", "D": "Give the most adequate response to the patients' questions, based on our principles." }, "Correct Answer": "Is to give reason to justify the principles or moral standards. It opens the way to dialogue and is a safeguard against dogmatism.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "74506a81-7646-4ed1-b392-9482ab3f49e4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What principles does the so-called Minimum Ethics include ?:", "Options": { "A": "Principles of autonomy and charity.", "B": "Principles of autonomy and justice.", "C": "Principles of nonmaleficence and charity.", "D": "Principles of nonmaleficence and justice." }, "Correct Answer": "Principles of nonmaleficence and justice.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "33eb5ed9-dc83-4f21-b08a-554a16e7779b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is professional secrecy ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the commitment not to disclose what is known through the performance of a profession, a commitment that is acquired by the professional through a tacit agreement made with society for the fact of taking up a profession.", "B": "Commitment not to comment on what is known through the performance of a profession, except in the professional field.", "C": "Commitment not to comment on what is known in the professional field, except if it is irrelevant for the patient's life.", "D": "Commitment not to disclose what is known through the performance of a profession, a commitment that is canceled if the working conditions are bad." }, "Correct Answer": "In the commitment not to disclose what is known through the performance of a profession, a commitment that is acquired by the professional through a tacit agreement made with society for the fact of taking up a profession.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dacb5038-cea1-4ee9-8ee6-f5c75b24d708", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What types of Ethics Committees exist today:", "Options": { "A": "Ethics Committees for the Families of the Sick and Committees of Care Ethics.", "B": "Ethics Committees for the monitoring of Health Expenditure and Research Ethics Committees.", "C": "Assistance Ethics Committees or Ethics Assistants and Clinical Research Ethics Committees.", "D": "Ethical Committees for the Improvement of Welfare Practices and Ethical Pharmacological Surveillance Committees." }, "Correct Answer": "Assistance Ethics Committees or Ethics Assistants and Clinical Research Ethics Committees.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "223aeb7d-ce63-40f2-84e4-e626aca6fbed", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in children and adolescents due to epidemiological association with Reye Syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acetylsalicylic acid.", "B": "Paracetamol.", "C": "Ibuprofen.", "D": "Diclofenac" }, "Correct Answer": "Acetylsalicylic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5d7a1bd2-9aa6-4cbc-bf71-d616986bb92f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Before a patient under treatment with levodopa, which of the following recommendations would you do to improve the absorption of the medication ?:", "Options": { "A": "Administer vitamin B6 supplements.", "B": "Take it with a full stomach.", "C": "Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates.", "D": "Avoid foods rich in proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "Avoid foods rich in proteins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5e419ad8-bacc-4b5b-a176-272a27da47af", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient is treated for depression with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant, which of the following drugs will he receiving ?:", "Options": { "A": "Amitriptyline.", "B": "Imipramine", "C": "Mirtazapine", "D": "Fluoxetine." }, "Correct Answer": "Fluoxetine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "daa841f1-b021-4706-abce-30d87b69b34c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient has received a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker to perform a surgical intervention. What kind of drugs can be used to reverse the block ?:", "Options": { "A": "None, since the blockade produced by these drugs is irreversible until it is metabolized by cholinesterases.", "B": "Dopamine receptor agonists.", "C": "Inhibitors of acetyl cholinesterase.", "D": "Alpha adrenergic agonists." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibitors of acetyl cholinesterase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3e34ace5-b7bc-4ef6-8c00-3e8747684467", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what year was the current Spanish General Health Law approved ?:", "Options": { "A": "1978", "B": "1980", "C": "1982", "D": "1986" }, "Correct Answer": "1986", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6518a8de-5895-419e-9f8f-d7223c13abc8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the permanent communication and information body of the different health services, among them and with the state administration in Spain, called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Technical Committee of the National Health System for Coordination.", "B": "National Health Coordination Committee.", "C": "Coordinating Council between the Autonomous Communities.", "D": "Interterritorial Council of the National Health System." }, "Correct Answer": "Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2f679f95-1457-4562-b81f-da00f52a2994", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the fundamental structure of the Spanish Health System that is responsible for the unitary management of the centers and establishments of the health service of each Autonomous Community in its territorial demarcation and of the health services and health programs to be developed by them ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Ministries of Health.", "B": "The Health Areas.", "C": "The interterritorial councils.", "D": "The Ministry of Health." }, "Correct Answer": "The Health Areas.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c7ada235-375c-4064-b904-36f535f39ce5", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the budgetary structure of a public hospital In which budget chapter are collected the financial resources to meet the payment of salaries of professionals ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chapter VI.", "B": "Chapter IX.", "C": "Chapter III.", "D": "Chapter I." }, "Correct Answer": "Chapter I.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c0b9f225-abc3-4dac-aa7d-b0964111016c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following Theories are NOT related to the motivation of personnel in the workplace ?:", "Options": { "A": "Taylor's Monist Theory.", "B": "Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs.", "C": "Theory of Systems of Von Bertalanffy.", "D": "Theory of the double factor of Herzberg." }, "Correct Answer": "Theory of Systems of Von Bertalanffy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bd45a171-a789-463c-a3fe-fbf5dabe9eb9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The process of influence between individuals or groups to achieve goals, according to McCloskey and Molen, refers to:", "Options": { "A": "The motivation.", "B": "The strategy.", "C": "The leadership.", "D": "The communication." }, "Correct Answer": "The leadership.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "583add91-a731-4af3-96e1-2edafd608fc4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which author is considered the father of scientific management ?:", "Options": { "A": "Herzberg.", "B": "Maslow.", "C": "Drucker", "D": "Taylor." }, "Correct Answer": "Taylor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2abf59f9-468c-46a2-ab5e-4b87c69d62f1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the strategic planification?:", "Options": { "A": "Long-term planning", "B": "The medium-term planning.", "C": "The short-term planning.", "D": "Planning without deadlines." }, "Correct Answer": "Long-term planning", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d2678181-fa75-4826-9304-053af79c3863", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following answers refers to an instrument that can be used in the decision-making process ?:", "Options": { "A": "Case-Mix.", "B": "Gantt chart.", "C": "Peer Review", "D": "Flexner report." }, "Correct Answer": "Gantt chart.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "44fc2c7b-4ed8-4d1b-bc65-61269a9aa179", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The term \"Case-Mix\" refers to:", "Options": { "A": "A budgetary concept.", "B": "A health care protocol.", "C": "A system for classifying patients.", "D": "A model of care." }, "Correct Answer": "A system for classifying patients.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "921c3d28-c517-4352-ba0a-452801905b0d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The study on adverse effects in the Spanish health system shows that:", "Options": { "A": "Its greater number is related to the incorrect identification of the patient.", "B": "Those related to medications are the most numerous.", "C": "Patient falls are not among the adverse effects of care.", "D": "Less than 20% could be avoided." }, "Correct Answer": "Those related to medications are the most numerous.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7f2fe1bd-9503-4eb9-8f74-f99965289d79", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment, based on the knowledge and clinical judgment, performed by a nursing professional to favor the patient's expected result, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Nurse Diagnosis", "B": "Nursing result.", "C": "Nursing intervention.", "D": "Nurse Evaluation." }, "Correct Answer": "Nursing intervention.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d558b238-af34-4d51-bd8d-f852a9819550", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the classification of Nursing Interventions (NIC), what is the name of transferring the responsibility of carrying out the patient's care, maintaining the responsibility for the result ?:", "Options": { "A": "Leadership.", "B": "Supervision.", "C": "Delegation.", "D": "Derivation." }, "Correct Answer": "Delegation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fe0b9742-1e45-4dcc-9a53-829dd4a302eb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the assessment by Functional Patterns of Marjory Gordon, the perceived capacity for self-care with a functional level of coding III indicates:", "Options": { "A": "It requires help or supervision from another person.", "B": "You need the use of a device or device.", "C": "Complete self-care, is independent.", "D": "Requires help from another person (and equipment or device)." }, "Correct Answer": "Requires help from another person (and equipment or device).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f5b8fb41-e4ce-48c8-b028-5d8fb7054735", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following NANDA diagnostics is complete and correctly formulated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Risk of deterioration of liver function manifested by alcohol abuse.", "B": "Vagabonding related to separation from the family environment manifested by walking from one side to another and search behavior.", "C": "Risk of infection related to invasive procedures (peripheral venous route) manifested by redness in the puncture site of the peripheral venous catheter.", "D": "Pattern of ineffective feeding of the infant related to the inability to maintain an effective suction manifested by anatomical anomaly." }, "Correct Answer": "Vagabonding related to separation from the family environment manifested by walking from one side to another and search behavior.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2870027d-1667-415f-a6ed-655b71c992ba", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The planning phase of the nursing process implies:", "Options": { "A": "Obtain, Collect, Organize, Validate and Evaluate.", "B": "Identify, Validate, Infer and Interpret.", "C": "Prioritize, Define Results and Strategies criteria.", "D": "Update data, act, favor the help relationship." }, "Correct Answer": "Prioritize, Define Results and Strategies criteria.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "89bcb944-92bf-434b-972d-35a3c298a6e9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which functional pattern of Marjory Gordon are evaluated the perception of the affective capacities and the emotional state ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive-Perceptual", "B": "Role-Relations", "C": "Adaptation-Tolerance to stress.", "D": "Self-perception-Self-concept" }, "Correct Answer": "Self-perception-Self-concept", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "149455da-6155-40cc-b673-15ae7bda1a11", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A.P. of 69 years is hospitalized for an acute myocardial infarction. He states that he has difficulty reconciling and maintaining sleep due to pain, fear of the evolution of the disease, noise and environmental light. With what diagnosis do you identify this situation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sleep deprivation.", "B": "Insomnia.", "C": "Sleep pattern disorder.", "D": "Willingness to improve sleep." }, "Correct Answer": "Insomnia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1e4d5ffa-256b-41bb-8745-26484b48ec42", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "\"Any treatment based on the criteria and clinical knowledge, performed by a nursing professional to improve patient outcomes\", corresponds to the definition of:", "Options": { "A": "Individualized nursing care plan.", "B": "NIC intervention.", "C": "Clinical way", "D": "Nursing plan standardized." }, "Correct Answer": "NIC intervention.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5fa21539-3e8d-41da-bbc4-4b4e3846fcc7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate from the following answers what can be the cause of error in the formulation of Nursing diagnoses:", "Options": { "A": "Detect the causal or risk factors.", "B": "Identify manifestations, signs and symptoms.", "C": "Make sure that the patient's response precedes the causal factor.", "D": "Consider needs as problems." }, "Correct Answer": "Consider needs as problems.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "130f02c8-0808-46e7-9ec1-e4b32c8bfcfa", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the following factors, which can both hinder and encourage critical thinking:", "Options": { "A": "Moral development", "B": "Experience, Self-confidence.", "C": "Skills for writing, language management.", "D": "Knowledge of the situation and resources." }, "Correct Answer": "Experience, Self-confidence.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bc4520af-fad0-4e65-958a-6080c3a4468a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the skills for clinical reasoning \"form opinions or deduce based on the logical interpretation of the data\", it is called:", "Options": { "A": "Points of view.", "B": "Conceptualize", "C": "Infer.", "D": "Assumptions" }, "Correct Answer": "Infer.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f2055707-6fff-4e1b-a03e-24d075314711", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the sequence of basic life support in adults, according to the 2015 Recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council ?:", "Options": { "A": "Alert to the emergency services, opening of the airway, initiation of chest compressions (30), rescue breaths (2), continue with the compression / ventilation relationship (30/2), use of the automated external defibrillator in the case of what exists.", "B": "Opening of the airway and checking of breathing, alert to emergency services, start of rescue breaths (2), chest compressions (30), continue with the understanding / ventilation relationship (30/2), use of the external defibrillator automated in case it exists.", "C": "Opening of the airway and checking of breathing, alert to emergency services, initiation of chest compressions (30), rescue breaths (2), continuing the compression / ventilation relationship (30/2) and use of the external defibrillator automated in case it exists.", "D": "Chest compressions (30), alerts to emergency services, opening of the airway and checking of breathing, rescue breaths (2), continuing the compression / ventilation relationship (30/2), use of the automated external defibrillator in the case that exists." }, "Correct Answer": "Opening of the airway and checking of breathing, alert to emergency services, initiation of chest compressions (30), rescue breaths (2), continuing the compression / ventilation relationship (30/2) and use of the external defibrillator automated in case it exists.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "46b67cb7-7965-4844-97f7-76f384afb3e0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an anaphylactic reaction, what will be the recommended dose of adrenaline in infants and children:", "Options": { "A": "The recommended dose is 0.01 mg per kilogram, with a maximum of 0.5 mg and can be repeated in 5-15 minutes if necessary.", "B": "The recommended dose is 0.1 mg per kilogram, with a maximum of 0.5 mg and can be repeated in 5-15 minutes if necessary.", "C": "The recommended dose is 0.001 mg per kilogram, with a maximum of 0.5 mg and can be repeated in 5-15 minutes if necessary.", "D": "The recommended dose is 1 mg per kilogram, with a maximum of 70 mg and can be repeated in 5-15 minutes if necessary." }, "Correct Answer": "The recommended dose is 0.01 mg per kilogram, with a maximum of 0.5 mg and can be repeated in 5-15 minutes if necessary.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3fbbeee7-7779-4b60-8dcd-11d3b29acce8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What score on the Glasgow scale, will an adult present after a situation of moderate trauma if he opens his eyes when someone speaks to him, the verbal response is confusing when asked and his response is of flexion before a painful stimulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "eleven.", "B": "12", "C": "10", "D": "9" }, "Correct Answer": "10", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f27f6672-ac58-41b0-9c73-aaa96a53000e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the organization of the sanitary zone in a Nuclear, Biological and / or Chemical incident, which of the following statements is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the hot zone, an advanced medical or health post is installed to carry out health care and the subsequent transfer of those affected to a hospital center.", "B": "In the cold zone, the decontamination station or tunnel will be installed.", "C": "In the temperate zone, the personnel carrying out the decontamination must also wear protective clothing, although at a lower level than those used in the hot zone.", "D": "In the cold zone it is necessary to wear protective suits." }, "Correct Answer": "In the temperate zone, the personnel carrying out the decontamination must also wear protective clothing, although at a lower level than those used in the hot zone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "da541a1f-6573-4f25-af39-2657a64fc8d3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following options is correct in relation to the replacement of liquids in the \"big burn\", according to the Parkland Formula ?:", "Options": { "A": "In adults the volume to be infused in 24 hours is 4 ml of crystalloids x kg of weight x the percentage (%) of Burned Body Surface.", "B": "In adults, the volume to be infused in 24 hours is 2 ml of crystalloids x kg of weight x the percentage (%) of Burned Body Surface.", "C": "In adults, the volume to be infused in 48 hours is 4 ml of crystalloids x kg of weight x the percentage (%) of Burned Body Surface.", "D": "In adults, the volume to be infused in 48 hours is 2 ml of crystalloids x kg of weight x the percentage (%) of Burned Body Surface." }, "Correct Answer": "In adults the volume to be infused in 24 hours is 4 ml of crystalloids x kg of weight x the percentage (%) of Burned Body Surface.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "055f697f-f7b4-4626-8250-29effbe9e516", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When carrying out air health transport, it is necessary to take into account a series of physical factors that may influence the pathology of the evacuated patient. Noise is one of them, what is the noise level inside a sanitary transport aircraft ?:", "Options": { "A": "70-80 dB.", "B": "80-90 dB.", "C": "100-110 dB.", "D": "60-70 dB." }, "Correct Answer": "80-90 dB.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "14486f5f-a4e2-45f3-9834-424f0ab412d9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sergio, a 90-year-old man, presents cognitive impairment of acute onset, disorientation, visual hallucinations and delayed psychomotor activity. What would be the most likely diagnosis that Sergio will present ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dementia.", "B": "Depression.", "C": "Alzheimer's", "D": "Delirium" }, "Correct Answer": "Delirium", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dcef8d76-f756-4c06-838f-16f87aab956d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the correct statement regarding pressure ulcers:", "Options": { "A": "Topical application of extra virgin olive oil is more effective than hyperoxygenated fatty acids in the prevention of pressure ulcers.", "B": "A subject with \"bad\" general physical condition, with an \"apathetic\" mental state, with very limited mobility, bedridden and urinary incontinent, will obtain a score on the Norton Scale of 7 points.", "C": "They have to use dressings and products of \"dry cure\", since they have demonstrated a better repair of the cutaneous integrity than the treatment with \"wet cure\".", "D": "Due to the classification of pressure ulcers of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), category / stage IV pressure ulcers are characterized by the total loss of tissue thickness to bone structure, tendon or muscle exposed." }, "Correct Answer": "Due to the classification of pressure ulcers of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), category / stage IV pressure ulcers are characterized by the total loss of tissue thickness to bone structure, tendon or muscle exposed.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b534bcf3-b7df-420a-b458-c7c0f14d0a03", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the INCORRECT statement regarding macular degeneration related to age:", "Options": { "A": "Patients with age-related macular degeneration often experience metamorphopsia.", "B": "There are two clinical forms of age-related macular degeneration, dry or atrophic and neovascular or wet, with dry or atrophic being more prevalent than wet or neovascular.", "C": "Among the risk factors related to the occurrence of macular degeneration related to age we found smoking.", "D": "It mainly affects peripheral vision." }, "Correct Answer": "It mainly affects peripheral vision.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b05cfeea-6ebd-43cf-8821-6864afdc4b2f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Andrés is an old man of 78 years who comes with his wife Diana to the Primary Care consultation. This one tells us that lately Andres finds it more difficult to manage the money and take autonomous means of public transport. Of the following indexes, scales and tests, which would be indicated / administered in order to detect difficulties to carry out the instrumental activities ?:", "Options": { "A": "Scale of Lawton and Brody.", "B": "Pfeiffer test.", "C": "Barthel Index.", "D": "Mini-cognitive exam." }, "Correct Answer": "Scale of Lawton and Brody.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9ce19e16-bc5b-4cd3-82d7-f971386bd7d6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following nursing care related to cardioversion is INCORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "Prior to the procedure, the persistence of the arrhythmia to be treated will be confirmed by means of a recording of the electrocardiogram (ECG) with 12 leads, or with a rhythm strip.", "B": "Monitor the patient with the defibrillator monitor, selecting the electrocardiographic derivation that shows the R wave of greater amplitude (higher voltage), which allows to correctly detect the defibrillator in a SINC (synchronized) manner.", "C": "Ensure that the oxygen delivery to the patient is not interrupted during the shock.", "D": "After cardioversion, in the case of skin burns, silver sulfadiazine will be applied to them." }, "Correct Answer": "Ensure that the oxygen delivery to the patient is not interrupted during the shock.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9d346ea1-cfe2-404c-ad34-a9a8b1613490", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Esther attends to perform the relevant occupational health examination in her company. When evaluating the electrocardiogram of her, we observed that each P wave is followed by a QRS complex, but with a prolonged PR interval of constant form (> 0.20 seconds). Given the evidence on the electrocardiogram, we can suspect that Esther has:", "Options": { "A": "First degree atrioventricular block.", "B": "Second-degree atrioventricular block type Mobitz I.", "C": "Mobitz II second degree atrioventricular block.", "D": "Third-degree atrioventricular block." }, "Correct Answer": "First degree atrioventricular block.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d04b8bde-f133-4c1a-a5aa-a7f4e6002a52", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "48-year-old male, married and with 2 children, businessman with high position, smoker until 5 years ago. In October 2017, he suffered an episode of loss of consciousness with cardiorespiratory arrest in his work. Your coworkers initiate basic CPR maneuvers while waiting for the Emergency Service. Upon arrival, 7 minutes later, the patient is unconscious, without pulse and while continuing with compressions and ventilations, is monitored by observing on the electrocardiogram (ECG) a ventricular fibrillation. Indicate which of the following measures would be correct to perform in this situation, first:", "Options": { "A": "Continue with CPR for 2 minutes, with a rhythm of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations, and reevaluate the situation.", "B": "Continue CPR while channeling a venous line and administer 300 mg of amiodarone.", "C": "Apply a discharge of 200 J Biphasic and immediately begin with compressions, with cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations.", "D": "Apply a 360 J Monophasic shock and re-evaluate the rhythm while administering 1 mg of adrenaline." }, "Correct Answer": "Apply a discharge of 200 J Biphasic and immediately begin with compressions, with cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f51174bb-2dc1-474a-a6a6-3aa71e714e28", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "During ventricular contraction of the heart:", "Options": { "A": "The tricuspid and mitral valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed.", "B": "The semilunar and mitral valves are open and the tricuspid valve is closed.", "C": "The tricuspid valve and the semilunar valves are closed and the mitral valve is open.", "D": "The semilunar valves are open and the tricuspid and mitral valves are closed." }, "Correct Answer": "The semilunar valves are open and the tricuspid and mitral valves are closed.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8b5a3d3c-e004-4894-a667-af8067345e99", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "As established by the latest recommendations of the European Cardiovascular Society regarding the prevention of cardiovascular disease:", "Options": { "A": "All healthy adults of any age are recommended to practice a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of intense aerobic physical activity or an equivalent combination.", "B": "For hypertensive patients under treatment and under 60 years of age, a systolic blood pressure of less than 150 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg is recommended.", "C": "A healthy diet is recommended, in which trans unsaturated fatty acids represent at least 10% of the total energy intake and that the supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids is the minimum possible.", "D": "When well tolerated and not contraindicated, glibenclamide is recommended as a first-line treatment in diabetes mellitus, after evaluation of renal function." }, "Correct Answer": "All healthy adults of any age are recommended to practice a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of intense aerobic physical activity or an equivalent combination.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7fb88492-eaf0-46dc-98fc-d759c7e4e12d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient goes to the nursing office after receiving several cycles of oxaliplatin. The patient manifests having paresthesias, dysesthesia, allodynia in the hands and feet. What classification of pain would this clinic have ?:", "Options": { "A": "Neuropathic", "B": "Mixed.", "C": "Psychogenic", "D": "Somatic." }, "Correct Answer": "Neuropathic", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5b6cf9c0-4ac0-4450-ac66-3a472b4fb9ea", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the TNM classification. What would the T1N1M1 classification indicate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Progressive increase in volume and tumor attack, increasing degrees of demonstrable abnormality in regional lymph nodes, there is distant metastasis.", "B": "Progressive increase in volume and tumor attack, increasing degrees of demonstrable abnormality in regional lymph nodes, no distant metastasis.", "C": "Progressive increase in volume and tumor attack, regional lymph nodes show no abnormality, there is distant metastasis.", "D": "There is no distant metastasis." }, "Correct Answer": "Progressive increase in volume and tumor attack, increasing degrees of demonstrable abnormality in regional lymph nodes, there is distant metastasis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6d1bbdb1-695d-4ab7-a22c-41ee5e505479", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is an etiologic factor of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Extreme thinness.", "B": "Female sex", "C": "Barrett's esophagus.", "D": "Not have a smoking habit." }, "Correct Answer": "Barrett's esophagus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bcd34040-e52c-46dc-afc7-e8977ee0987f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are predisposing factors of suffering a malignant melanoma ?:", "Options": { "A": "Clear skin, sun exposure, family history of melanoma, dysplastic nevus syndrome and presence of a giant congenital nevus.", "B": "Dark skin, sun exposure, family history of melanoma, dysplastic nevus syndrome.", "C": "Clear skin, sun exposure, no family history of melanoma, dysplastic nevus syndrome and presence of giant congenital nevus.", "D": "Low sun exposure, family history of melanoma, dysplastic nevus syndrome and presence of a giant congenital nevus." }, "Correct Answer": "Clear skin, sun exposure, family history of melanoma, dysplastic nevus syndrome and presence of a giant congenital nevus.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a4d9fac0-1203-4541-9761-61ad2bb76fae", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Worldwide, what are the neoplasms that occur most often? :", "Options": { "A": "Lung, breast, colon-rectum.", "B": "Liver.", "C": "Cervix.", "D": "Pancreas." }, "Correct Answer": "Lung, breast, colon-rectum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a3af8691-e24c-4651-a764-07178ede0289", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is a complication of bronchiolitis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Death.", "B": "Coma.", "C": "Atelectasis", "D": "Cardiogenic shock." }, "Correct Answer": "Atelectasis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a4ebf04c-1e92-44d3-a351-0161eae653cd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What congenital anomaly occurs in the \"transposition of large vessels\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "The aorta emerges from the right atrium and the pulmonary artery of the left atrium.", "B": "The aorta emerges from the left atrium and the pulmonary artery of the right atrium.", "C": "The aorta emerges from the left ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle.", "D": "The aorta emerges from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery of the left ventricle." }, "Correct Answer": "The aorta emerges from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery of the left ventricle.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "73919e51-01d9-455a-84c9-48943482c9ab", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is an epileptic state (or status epilepticus) defined in a pediatric patient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Excessive neuronal discharge in the cerebral cortex with duration equal to or greater than 5 minutes.", "B": "Excessive neuronal discharge in the cerebral cortex with duration equal to or greater than 15 minutes.", "C": "Excessive neuronal discharge in the cerebral cortex with duration equal to or greater than 30 minutes.", "D": "Excessive neuronal discharge in the cerebral cortex with duration equal to or greater than 60 minutes." }, "Correct Answer": "Excessive neuronal discharge in the cerebral cortex with duration equal to or greater than 30 minutes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4df31cf9-3d9a-44bd-a323-5aa6f586730f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What problem can be indicative of a delay in the emission of meconium (later than 24 hours of life) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Gastroschisis.", "B": "Hirschsprung's disease.", "C": "Meckel's diverticulum.", "D": "Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Hirschsprung's disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "858232e0-e689-4107-b005-e8bbd0ee227b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "At what age corresponds the sensory-motor (or sensorimotor) phase described by Piaget ?:", "Options": { "A": "3 to 5 years.", "B": "From 1 to 4 years.", "C": "From 6 to 11 years old.", "D": "From birth to 18/24 months." }, "Correct Answer": "From birth to 18/24 months.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d1af2788-a262-4ee6-9317-58f0f8d7688b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the following antidiabetics, which one does NOT cause hypoglycemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tolbutamide", "B": "Metformin.", "C": "Nateglinide", "D": "Glipizide." }, "Correct Answer": "Metformin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "37ab3e6f-67ba-40ff-881c-7ae8166b1c88", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following criteria is diagnosis of Diabetes:", "Options": { "A": "Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 120 mg / dl.", "B": "Plasma glycemia at 2 hours ≥ 180 mg / dl during an oral glucose overload test (SOG) performed with a glucose load of 75 g.", "C": "Plasma glucaemia at random ≥ 200 mg / dl.", "D": "Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥6.5%." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥6.5%.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "811cf099-ae8b-4d3a-a543-d71713802ecd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out one of the characteristics of feeding people with diabetes:", "Options": { "A": "The intake of carbohydrates should be lower, in people with diabetes, of 100150 g / day.", "B": "The food must adapt to the tastes, culture and economic possibilities, allowing the greatest possible flexibility.", "C": "The fiber intake should be higher than in the general population.", "D": "Carbohydrates and monounsaturated fats should be 50% of the caloric intake." }, "Correct Answer": "The food must adapt to the tastes, culture and economic possibilities, allowing the greatest possible flexibility.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a4523389-dd3c-4042-9e92-93d1c6a3505a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the symptoms or signs in the feet due to diabetic neuropathy is:", "Options": { "A": "Intermittent claudication.", "B": "Night pain that gives way with the decline of the affected member.", "C": "Hyperkeratosis.", "D": "Glossy skin with absence of hair and cornification of nails." }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperkeratosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d49d10e5-2006-4535-9963-3a44173c4ad3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The value that reflects the effect of a carbohydrate-rich amount of food in postprandial plasma glycemia compared to the effect that an equivalent amount of pure glucose would produce is called:", "Options": { "A": "Glycemic load.", "B": "Carbohydrate ration.", "C": "Heat exchange.", "D": "Glycemic index." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycemic index.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "eee201b0-35ea-4f9e-8998-15148481dcc7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is called the existence of a chronic deficiency of energy and proteins, which results in a loss of body reserves of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat that produces a cachectic aspect and is usually observed in prolonged starvation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Caloric malnutrition (marasmus).", "B": "Chronic starvation without inflammation.", "C": "Protein malnutrition (Kwashiorkor).", "D": "Mixed malnutrition." }, "Correct Answer": "Caloric malnutrition (marasmus).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5b2a0681-b499-4d47-a4e6-89721f0f0e09", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the correct self-realization of capillary blood glucose measurement, it is recommended:", "Options": { "A": "Tighten the puncture site until a drop of blood comes out.", "B": "The use of antiseptics (alcohol, chlorhexidine).", "C": "Wash hands, if possible with hot water, and dry.", "D": "Click, preferably, on the fingers: index, heart and ring." }, "Correct Answer": "Wash hands, if possible with hot water, and dry.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b56f134f-4583-47e0-91bf-9ceef35cddce", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The lung damage produced during mechanical ventilation by opening and closing the collapsed alveoli is called:", "Options": { "A": "Biotrauma", "B": "Barotrauma.", "C": "Volutrauma.", "D": "Atelectrauma." }, "Correct Answer": "Atelectrauma.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3b26fbfc-235d-42e1-a8cc-94bb8dea1fe9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main clinical manifestations presented by a patient with COPD are, point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "Breathing with pursed lips.", "B": "Fingers in drumstick.", "C": "Decreased expiratory phase.", "D": "Productive cough" }, "Correct Answer": "Decreased expiratory phase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8a7a6fc9-6e61-4649-b47f-2bf90d513099", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to spirometry, the maximum volume that can be mobilized in a forced respiratory cycle corresponds to, indicate the correct response:", "Options": { "A": "Functional residual capacity.", "B": "FEV1 or maximum expired volume in 1 second.", "C": "Vital Capacity", "D": "Inspiratory Reserve Volume." }, "Correct Answer": "Vital Capacity", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "059d3098-3e42-48c6-bdb5-2d7f644f56e1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the clinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism, it is NOT found:", "Options": { "A": "Hypertension and bradycardia.", "B": "Dyspnea and tachypnea.", "C": "Hemoptysis and cough.", "D": "Agitation not justified." }, "Correct Answer": "Hypertension and bradycardia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ea5c7588-9898-4855-8d61-561bd25fb1e3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The auscultation of the pleural friction is characteristic of, indicate the answer:", "Options": { "A": "Pleural effusion", "B": "Pleuritis.", "C": "Spontaneous pneumothorax", "D": "Atelectasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Pleuritis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8df1feaa-32c3-4154-af8a-d3e4cf7c601e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the evaluation of a patient with chronic hyperaldosteronism due to adrenal disease, it will be evident:", "Options": { "A": "Hypertension, edema and hyperkalemia.", "B": "Hypotension and hypokalemia.", "C": "High blood pressure, no edema and hypokalemia.", "D": "Hypotension, hyperkalemia and hyperglycemia." }, "Correct Answer": "High blood pressure, no edema and hypokalemia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "06406760-c7d2-4fd0-97de-2f1a4c605350", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the performance of an electrocardiogram (ECG), the placement of the electrodes for the derivations of the limbs (right arm, left arm, left leg):", "Options": { "A": "It should be done in the most proximal position of the limb, near the heart.", "B": "It must be done in the most distal position of the member.", "C": "It must be done in an intermediate zone of the member.", "D": "It can be done anywhere in the member." }, "Correct Answer": "It must be done in the most distal position of the member.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4b598efc-5ee7-4f9d-89f7-4de533d10712", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Glasgow coma scale consists of several fundamental sections that are:", "Options": { "A": "Cranial nerves, motor response, sensitive response.", "B": "Eye opening, verbal response, motor response.", "C": "Response to pain, verbal response, motor response.", "D": "Eye reflexes, tendon reflexes, spinal reflexes." }, "Correct Answer": "Eye opening, verbal response, motor response.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fbf6ee67-65c0-4394-a178-b4e9106fe06b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient with chronic heart failure:", "Options": { "A": "In general, it is suggested not to restrict salt intake strictly (<2 gr / day).", "B": "It is suggested that you be strongly advised about strict restriction (<1.5 l / day) on fluid intake.", "C": "There are no benefits when participating in health education programs for self-care versus traditional individual information.", "D": "In general, intense daily physical exercise is recommended." }, "Correct Answer": "In general, it is suggested not to restrict salt intake strictly (<2 gr / day).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5a21fb2e-ce1e-4a88-b20d-8c6735e6340d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent signs and symptoms that a patient with pulmonary thromboembolism may present, and that must be assessed continuously in patients at risk are:", "Options": { "A": "Tachypnea and arterial hypertension.", "B": "Dyspnea, tachypnea and tachycardia.", "C": "Chest pain, pulmonary edema and arterial hypertension.", "D": "Fever, arterial hypertension and hemoptysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Dyspnea, tachypnea and tachycardia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "35bebf35-0070-4830-bbc9-e2fabf472607", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following pathologies is accompanied by diffuse and sporadic demyelination ?:", "Options": { "A": "Multiple sclerosis.", "B": "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.", "C": "Parkinson's disease", "D": "Subarachnoid hemorrhage." }, "Correct Answer": "Multiple sclerosis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "db3e2e6c-9498-425e-8cce-bf95d1b70b1a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the most common causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia:", "Options": { "A": "Streptococcus pneumoniae.", "B": "Klebsiella pneumoniae.", "C": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa.", "D": "Staphylococcus aureus." }, "Correct Answer": "Streptococcus pneumoniae.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1a47a22a-b552-424c-85ed-ef8ed0cc5188", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Antonio, 75, with no personal history of interest, goes to the emergency department for a syncopal picture, with loss of knowledge. On arrival at the emergency room, cardiac auscultation detected bradycardia of 30-40 beats / minute, confirming, on the electrocardiogram (ECG) performed, the existence of a third-degree atrioventricular block, with ventricular escape of 32 beats / minute, Which drug would be the most indicated to use in this situation until the placement of a pacemaker ?:", "Options": { "A": "Atenolol.", "B": "Propafenone", "C": "Atropine.", "D": "Digoxin" }, "Correct Answer": "Atropine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "df42ac1b-ae14-4ec3-bedc-821373d67015", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The symptoms of perception disorder, thought content, mood or behavior that usually occur in patients with dementia are called:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive impairment associated with dementia.", "B": "Functional difficulties associated with dementia.", "C": "Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.", "D": "They do not exist as such." }, "Correct Answer": "Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "779adf89-38ec-41ac-8a76-39e1ac11469f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 57-year-old woman weighs 95 kg and has a history of daily alcohol intake, smoking, high blood pressure, high sodium intake and sedentary lifestyle. Identify, from the following, which risk factors, in this patient, are the most significant related to peripheral arterial disease:", "Options": { "A": "Sex and age", "B": "Smoking and hypertension.", "C": "Weight and alcohol intake.", "D": "Sedentary lifestyle" }, "Correct Answer": "Smoking and hypertension.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5bbfecca-b199-441d-ae5a-39372d27ccd7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient with a venous ulcer in the lower limbs has characteristic symptomatology and clinical manifestations. Which of the following responses is not characteristic of this situation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Thick and hardened skin.", "B": "Significant edema", "C": "Intermittent claudication.", "D": "Normal pulses" }, "Correct Answer": "Intermittent claudication.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ad478b8d-6726-48be-bdbd-2e575ef642e2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The diet of a person with intestinal diverticulosis should be:", "Options": { "A": "Hyperproteic.", "B": "Hypercaloric.", "C": "Rich in fiber.", "D": "Hyposodic." }, "Correct Answer": "Rich in fiber.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3176e8d8-7cd6-411b-94ba-310b46491fcf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When instructing a patient affected by gastroesophageal reflux on behaviors that may aggravate the symptoms, it would include all of the following EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Drinking alcohol", "B": "Eat chocolate.", "C": "Drink coffee.", "D": "Eat protein foods" }, "Correct Answer": "Eat protein foods", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a2ced70-9930-4174-ae2a-59f39a52fce2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient who is going to perform an arthroplasty, the nurse explains that the purpose of this procedure is:", "Options": { "A": "Merge a joint.", "B": "Limit range of motion of the joint.", "C": "Evaluate the extent of the joint injury.", "D": "Replace the joint and improve its function." }, "Correct Answer": "Replace the joint and improve its function.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a0b7eb5d-2600-4d2a-bde4-745fc9ee93a6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the most serious complications in patients with Enteral Nutrition is aspiration. Of the following measures, could you indicate which is appropriate for its prevention ?:", "Options": { "A": "Use only foods at room temperature.", "B": "Administer only patients with the Sengstaken-Blakemore probe.", "C": "Place the patient in Semi-Fowler position.", "D": "Place the patient in Trendelemburg." }, "Correct Answer": "Place the patient in Semi-Fowler position.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "65a6315c-ee8c-4f7a-bbf4-3bdd628d43ce", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "To prevent the onset of parasympathetic hyperactivity (vagal reflexes, tracheobronchial and salivary hypersecretion or bronchoconstriction), during certain manipulations or instrumental interventions in surgery, the following are used:", "Options": { "A": "Atropine.", "B": "Adrenalin.", "C": "Bromazepam.", "D": "Alprazolam" }, "Correct Answer": "Atropine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9cf07ddf-6e7d-493d-bbfe-bfa38310f942", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "An analgesic that is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine, acting on the same receptors, is:", "Options": { "A": "Buprenorphine", "B": "Codeine.", "C": "Pentazocine", "D": "Fentanyl" }, "Correct Answer": "Fentanyl", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a00941bd-fb5b-4141-967a-7b1cb00cf86a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A glycopeptide antibiotic requires avoiding the formation of foam in its reconstitution, or letting it rest for 15 minutes before extracting the contents of the vial. Is about:", "Options": { "A": "Teicoplanin", "B": "Gentamicin", "C": "Cefalotina.", "D": "Piperacillin" }, "Correct Answer": "Teicoplanin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c9c4c30e-c029-47e2-9b99-3e14ed06584c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the states of acute hypotension, such as those that may appear after a sympathectomy, an extirpation of a pheochromocytoma or after spinal anesthesia, a catecholamine is used, such as:", "Options": { "A": "Dihydroergotamine", "B": "Noradrenaline", "C": "Terbutaline", "D": "Isoprenaline" }, "Correct Answer": "Noradrenaline", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4c782334-4492-44d0-be84-0dd7488ffcaf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Psychological manifestations during the exit from the anesthesia state, such as vivid images, hallucinations, nightmares and exit delirium (dissociative or flotation sensations), are characteristics of the anesthetic:", "Options": { "A": "Sevoflurane", "B": "Thiopental.", "C": "Ketamine", "D": "Propofol" }, "Correct Answer": "Ketamine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "78809227-ffd8-4b9b-8084-e8ffa18e2d60", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the prevention of thrombosis in the extracorporeal circuit during cardiac and vascular surgery, the anticoagulant is used:", "Options": { "A": "Acenocoumarol.", "B": "Ticlopidine", "C": "Clopidogrel", "D": "Heparin." }, "Correct Answer": "Heparin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3b2b0172-deba-4741-875b-4d6a90062eab", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, are significantly less aggressive than other NSAIDs for the gastrointestinal mucosa, and are used in patients with a history of gastrointestinal risk. One of them is:", "Options": { "A": "Piroxicam", "B": "Celecoxib", "C": "Indomethacin", "D": "Phenylbutazone." }, "Correct Answer": "Celecoxib", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e5b10abc-28ce-4e1a-9c16-a9926045f1b9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient with intracranial hypertension and left ventricular drainage, what is the general measure, from the postural point of view, that would take to prevent and control an increase in intracranial pressure ?:", "Options": { "A": "Keep the patient in the Trendelemburg position.", "B": "Place the patient in the right lateral decubitus position.", "C": "Place the patient with the head of the bed between 15 and 30 degrees above the horizontal.", "D": "Place the patient in the left lateral decubitus position." }, "Correct Answer": "Place the patient with the head of the bed between 15 and 30 degrees above the horizontal.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4cd1a980-dd2a-4b67-9334-a99333dcff9a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following alterations can cause a driving deafness ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tympanic perforation.", "B": "Acoustic neuroma", "C": "Ototoxic drugs.", "D": "Overexposure to noise." }, "Correct Answer": "Tympanic perforation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4f121115-bdcd-4c1b-a9fa-02fb129f5426", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the proper order of administration of eye drops and artificial tears ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is indistinct. Artificial tears can be applied before eye drops and vice versa.", "B": "Due to the level of viscosity, artificial tears will be administered before the eye drops.", "C": "Due to the level of viscosity, artificial tears will be administered after eye drops.", "D": "Artificial tears and eye drops should not be administered in a close manner over time." }, "Correct Answer": "Due to the level of viscosity, artificial tears will be administered after eye drops.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c3b3b4b1-4c8f-4ab2-b5e0-87d3ba854e9d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Faced with an eye accident in which chemical products are poured directly into the eye, which substances have more penetration power and potentially lead to more serious injuries ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acid substances, with a very low pH.", "B": "The substances of alkaline character, with a very high pH.", "C": "Substances with neutral pH.", "D": "The power of penetration is not related to the acid, neutral or alkaline character of the substance that causes the accident." }, "Correct Answer": "The substances of alkaline character, with a very high pH.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0c01e7c9-819a-4c4b-9afb-05b05d230ad9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In patients with insomnia linked to restlessness and disorientation secondary to cognitive deficit, what should be the appropriate attitude in relation to the sleep pattern ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is necessary to impose a specific sleep pattern, in any case.", "B": "If the patient sleeps during the day, but also during the night, it is not necessary to impose a specific sleep pattern.", "C": "It is not necessary to achieve a specific sleep pattern in patients with cognitive deficit. Over time, it will self-regulate.", "D": "It is mandatory to respect your sleep moments, regardless of whether they occur during the day." }, "Correct Answer": "If the patient sleeps during the day, but also during the night, it is not necessary to impose a specific sleep pattern.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5de6894c-4128-455f-a7af-b53858885d4f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following skin lesions occur with loss of sensitivity and anesthesia ?:", "Options": { "A": "First degree epidermal burn.", "B": "Second degree superficial dermal burn.", "C": "Ulcer by pressure of degree II.", "D": "Subdermal burn of the third degree." }, "Correct Answer": "Subdermal burn of the third degree.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "86f870b6-0972-42f0-a842-5f3cb9059a8e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the care of a patient with pressure ulcers, which of the following methods of debridement is likely to injure the areas surrounding the ulcer if it is not used properly or circumscribed to the lesion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mechanical method, by irrigation of the wound.", "B": "Autolytic method, with wet healing on the lesion.", "C": "Enzymatic / chemical method.", "D": "Osmotic method." }, "Correct Answer": "Enzymatic / chemical method.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "252cb24a-b573-4a41-ac44-44366727b0c6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT an intravenous anesthetic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Propofol", "B": "Ketamine", "C": "Halotano.", "D": "Etomidate." }, "Correct Answer": "Halotano.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ceb5e58f-333a-478f-aba6-9289dfe4b593", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most common spaces to perform the epidural block will be:", "Options": { "A": "Between T12-L1 and L1-L2.", "B": "Between L2-L3 and L3-L4.", "C": "Between T11-T12 and T12-L1.", "D": "Between L1-L2 and L2 L3." }, "Correct Answer": "Between L2-L3 and L3-L4.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b401a80c-975c-43f9-8c7b-174db59f62bb", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Due to the classification system of the American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) to estimate the anesthetic risk, a subject with poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus type 1 will be classified as:", "Options": { "A": "ASA I.", "B": "ASA II.", "C": "ASA III.", "D": "ASA IV." }, "Correct Answer": "ASA III.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "68eb19bb-350c-4eb5-8143-43616040c5c8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the INCORRECT statement in relation to the electric scalpel plate:", "Options": { "A": "This should be placed in an area devoid of hair and scar tissue.", "B": "It must be firmly fixed to the skin, without allowing air space between the plate and the skin.", "C": "The skin where it is placed must be perfectly dry.", "D": "It should be placed preferably in areas with bony prominences." }, "Correct Answer": "It should be placed preferably in areas with bony prominences.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "46d27d8e-8398-40f7-99e3-e01e94081e82", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ismael, after suffering a hip fracture, is subjected to a hip hemiarthroplasty. Which of the following postural norms will be indicated to teach Ismael during his hospital stay:", "Options": { "A": "In the bed you should stay with your legs as close together as possible and without rotating your feet externally.", "B": "When Ismael is going to get out of bed he will do it on the side of the operated extremity in order to avoid internal rotation.", "C": "If Ishmael sits in an armchair, the height of the chair should allow the hip to be lower than the knees.", "D": "When it is necessary to lateralize Ismael for hygiene or change of bedding this will be placed on the operated side." }, "Correct Answer": "When Ismael is going to get out of bed he will do it on the side of the operated extremity in order to avoid internal rotation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f3b95dae-d7ea-42ec-872c-7d09a32cc9d5", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Based on the \"Clinical Practice Guideline on Perioperative Care in Major Abdominal Surgery\" published by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, which of the following recommendations is considered INCORRECT based on the recommendations of the (USPSTF) US Preventive Services Task Force ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is recommended to implement a perioperative care plan that encourages the early and progressive mobilization of the patient, with the removal of the bed on the same day of surgery, and the start of ambulation within the first 24 postoperative hours.", "B": "In patients who have undergone surgery for colorectal surgery, small bowel surgery or gynecological abdominal surgery, it is recommended to start the oral intake of liquids and solids as soon as possible, according to the tolerance of the patient, preferably within the first 24 hours after the intervention. surgical", "C": "In non-diabetic patients who are going to be operated on for major elective abdominal surgery, the administration of 200 to 400 ml of a carbohydrate drink containing at least 50 g of glucose is recommended, up to 2 hours before surgery.", "D": "The use of sedative and / or anxiolytic premedication of intermediate or long action in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery is recommended." }, "Correct Answer": "The use of sedative and / or anxiolytic premedication of intermediate or long action in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery is recommended.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7f2587b6-14b3-424c-afd6-4e65ec9b7e05", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the INCORRECT statement in relation to malignant hyperthermia:", "Options": { "A": "It is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder.", "B": "Symptomatologically, it is characterized, in the short term, by the increase in the end-to-end carbon dioxide that does not respond to ventilation and the presence of tachypnea and tachycardia.", "C": "The drug of choice in the treatment of malignant hyperthermia will be succinylcholine.", "D": "If the disorder is not controlled, it will lead to myoglobinuria, thus observing the dark colored urine." }, "Correct Answer": "The drug of choice in the treatment of malignant hyperthermia will be succinylcholine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "af98be63-fda0-41c0-8bc5-2bcb77b701db", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Evaristo has undergone mitral valve repair surgery. After three days in the Intensive Care Unit, she continues with mechanical ventilation in ventilatory pressure support mode (PS). We observed that the patient has a respiratory rate of 8 breaths per minute, evidencing a tidal volume of 245 ml. When extracting an arterial gasometry, a pH of 7.28, a PCO2 of 63 mm Hg and a HCO3 of 28 mEq / L are observed. Which of the following acid-base imbalances will our patient present ?:", "Options": { "A": "Respiratory acidosis", "B": "Respiratory alkalosis.", "C": "Metabolic acidosis.", "D": "Metabolic alkalosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Respiratory acidosis", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a7090d57-2dbf-4333-8eba-5545799ab944", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A woman undergoing breast reconstructive surgery 3 days ago, she continues to present severe vomiting and considerable diarrhea, and she tells us that she is \"very weak\", getting dizzy when she gets out of bed very quickly. On physical examination we observed an irregular pulse, for which an electrocardiogram was performed showing a flattened P wave, depression of the ST segment and the existence of a U wave. Given the exposed findings, we can suspect that the patient has:", "Options": { "A": "Hypokalemia", "B": "Hyponatremia", "C": "Hypercalcemia.", "D": "Hyperphosphatemia" }, "Correct Answer": "Hypokalemia", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ce8d281e-2b9d-49db-a5a7-7c9baae56b3d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the correct statement in relation to the drainages:", "Options": { "A": "Penrose drainage is an active drainage.", "B": "The use of the Kehr tube is common in bile duct surgeries.", "C": "The Jackson Pratt drainage only allows blood to be evacuated, unable to evacuate air.", "D": "The water seal in the thoracic drainage (Pleur-evac ®) facilitates the entry of outside air into the system during expiration." }, "Correct Answer": "The use of the Kehr tube is common in bile duct surgeries.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e08ac137-6e3e-495a-bdd7-14ed252a41ab", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "To maintain blood pressure there are two determinants:", "Options": { "A": "Cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR).", "B": "Heart rate (HR) and body temperature (Tª).", "C": "Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR).", "D": "The preload and the afterload." }, "Correct Answer": "Cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0fcb094c-cb3f-45c7-9bcf-855cfa1cc610", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cardiac output (GC) meets the following formula:", "Options": { "A": "GC = FC (heart rate) x VE (left ventricular ejection volume).", "B": "GC = FC (heart rate) x VE (right ventricular ejection volume).", "C": "GC = TA (blood pressure) x VE (ejection volume of the left atrium).", "D": "GC = TA (blood pressure) x VE (ejection volume of the right atrium)." }, "Correct Answer": "GC = FC (heart rate) x VE (left ventricular ejection volume).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ee959a83-aad1-4544-92b5-848332a892ca", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The term Central Venous Pressure refers to:", "Options": { "A": "The load or volume that distends the left ventricle before contraction or systole.", "B": "It is the blood pressure measured at the junction of the vena cava with the right atrium.", "C": "The load or volume that distends the left atrium before relaxation or diastole.", "D": "The load or volume that distends the right atrium before relaxation or diastole." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the blood pressure measured at the junction of the vena cava with the right atrium.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eaca7e98-2cd9-4f05-93cc-123c6f54ff2f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main cause of Mitral Stenosis is:", "Options": { "A": "Congenital disease.", "B": "Rheumatic disease.", "C": "Coronary heart disease.", "D": "Infectious disease" }, "Correct Answer": "Rheumatic disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1cfe2325-387c-4d6e-a197-e153e91a4383", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The triad of Virchow is constituted by:", "Options": { "A": "Arterial stasis, Hypercoagulability, Lesions of the venous wall.", "B": "Venous stasis, Hypercoagulability, Lesions of the venous wall.", "C": "Hypertension, Hypocoagulability, injuries of the arterial wall.", "D": "Hypotension, Hypocoagulability, injuries of the arterial wall." }, "Correct Answer": "Venous stasis, Hypercoagulability, Lesions of the venous wall.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d9d417bd-05dc-4af9-9214-67c890ab3a69", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cardioversion is indicated in:", "Options": { "A": "Treatment of acute myocardial infarction.", "B": "Treatment of complete AuricularVentricular Block.", "C": "Prophylactic treatment of some arrhythmias that can trigger Cardiorespiratory arrest (CRP) or that appear after it.", "D": "Treatment of Ventricular Fibrillation." }, "Correct Answer": "Prophylactic treatment of some arrhythmias that can trigger Cardiorespiratory arrest (CRP) or that appear after it.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6a798d71-0f26-4703-a5ba-46f76d493cf1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The surgical position in which the patient is placed with the thighs in abduction, the knees and hips flexed, and the feet are suspended with stirrups or legs that are fixed to the table of denominates:", "Options": { "A": "Lithotomy position.", "B": "Inverted Trendelemburg position.", "C": "Kraske position.", "D": "Sitting position." }, "Correct Answer": "Lithotomy position.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4e899c86-6d08-4dab-9d99-cde12fc0f9fc", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A local anesthetic is indicated in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, such as those resulting from an acute myocardial infarction, digital toxicity, cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization. Is about:", "Options": { "A": "Bupivacaine", "B": "Lidocaine", "C": "Mepivacaine", "D": "Procaine" }, "Correct Answer": "Lidocaine", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "87b4eb9e-59a7-4566-b4ba-23d35b1a1c51", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "To avoid a neuromuscular block, administration of the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin should be done:", "Options": { "A": "In fast bolus.", "B": "In intravenous infusion for a period of 30-60 minutes.", "C": "In intravenous infusion between 5 and 10 minutes.", "D": "In slow intravenous injection administered between 1 and 5 minutes." }, "Correct Answer": "In intravenous infusion for a period of 30-60 minutes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "244a1018-674e-4ec8-b1ea-33dc06068fd9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting in children and adults, an antagonist of type 3 serotonin receptors (5-HT3) is indicated. Is about:", "Options": { "A": "Ondansetron.", "B": "Methylprednisolone", "C": "Metoclopramide.", "D": "Domperidone" }, "Correct Answer": "Ondansetron.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "701ecf49-773a-465d-9b35-b63d03d9bd84", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "We have a patient in our care who has just arrived from a tumor resection surgery at the level of the temporal cerebral cortex. Which of the following cares should I NOT do ?:", "Options": { "A": "Assess and record the level of consciousness using the Glasgow comma scale.", "B": "Observe and record the pupillary state and photomotor reflex.", "C": "Maintain proper ventilation and avoid hypoxemia, as this increases cerebral edema.", "D": "Perform routine aspirations to avoid accumulation of secretions, since they can later produce pneumonia." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform routine aspirations to avoid accumulation of secretions, since they can later produce pneumonia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "39dad5dd-5fc8-4aad-86fb-3f02f4a54a4f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The patient in bed 227 has just arrived from the operating room where a skeletal femur traction has been placed. Which of the following nursing care would NOT be adequate to perform in the immediate postoperative period ?:", "Options": { "A": "Perform neurovascular evaluations frequently.", "B": "Evaluate the condition of the skin, in addition to the specific care of the nails or needles used in traction.", "C": "Assess the possibility of the appearance of pseudoarthrosis.", "D": "Assess the pain of the patient, and it may be necessary to administer analgesics more frequently." }, "Correct Answer": "Assess the possibility of the appearance of pseudoarthrosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "34d3b7a4-4c5b-4dfc-9d71-d48384fcd98b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A newly operated cataract patient arrives at our resuscitation, in what position should the patient be placed to reduce intraocular pressure ?:", "Options": { "A": "In semi-Fowler position on the healthy side.", "B": "In semi-Fowler position on the affected side.", "C": "Prone position with the head resting on the affected side.", "D": "Supine decubitus with the headboard at 0º." }, "Correct Answer": "In semi-Fowler position on the healthy side.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2300aa74-b914-4ccd-9cd0-9163054cf932", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the different lesions on the skin, the pustule is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Solid mass, prominent, palpable with a circumscribed edge.", "B": "Semisolid mass in the subcutaneous tissue or the dermis.", "C": "Linear crack in the skin that extends beyond the epidermis.", "D": "Vesicle or blister filled with purulent fluid." }, "Correct Answer": "Vesicle or blister filled with purulent fluid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b372abd3-9473-48c7-9886-6abcde6cfea2", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A patient who has had recurrent otitis externa comes to our nursing office. Which of the following preventive measures would you NOT recommend ?:", "Options": { "A": "Protect the external auditory canal when you shower, wash your head or swim in the pool.", "B": "If you are diagnosed with otitis externa, avoid water sports for 7-10 days to allow the canal to heal.", "C": "Avoid scratching the external auditory canal with the nail.", "D": "The patient should clean the external auditory canal with cotton-tipped applicators (sticks)." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient should clean the external auditory canal with cotton-tipped applicators (sticks).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "31682de5-0396-4fbf-9716-56c9c6bb35ad", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "They have assigned him a quota of population in a Health Center, with a very old population. What prevalence of people with heart failure are likely to be found in people older than 70 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Between 1 and 2l%.", "B": "5%.", "C": "7%", "D": "Above 10%" }, "Correct Answer": "Above 10%", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "978d55c7-dd57-44dc-8b12-ef76d18d8050", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a home visit to a patient with heart failure, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia, when reviewing the patient's first aid kit, you find a series of drugs that the patient habitually consumes. Which of them poses a risk for the worsening of heart failure ?:", "Options": { "A": "Metformin.", "B": "Dexketoprofen", "C": "Furosemide.", "D": "Carvedilol." }, "Correct Answer": "Dexketoprofen", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "490b9e18-ae8d-4a04-a9a4-c930a1cdf235", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following vaccines should be indicated in people with heart failure ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hepatitis C.", "B": "Hepatitis B.", "C": "Pneumococcus.", "D": "Chickenpox." }, "Correct Answer": "Pneumococcus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b39ed740-c68c-4a9b-a712-dcbf689ea36f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following statements is true in relation to the Social Determinants of Health:", "Options": { "A": "The distribution of health problems in any population is usually random.", "B": "The fact that the disease and its biological and behavioral causes follow certain social patterns shows us that the individual determinants are influenced by more structural social determinants.", "C": "Social determinants in health are understood as unjust and avoidable differences in health among groups of populations defined socially, economically, demographically or geographically.", "D": "Empowerment consists of measures of redistribution of power favoring those who have more." }, "Correct Answer": "The fact that the disease and its biological and behavioral causes follow certain social patterns shows us that the individual determinants are influenced by more structural social determinants.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3f0ac05c-bfa2-4a2f-a8d0-5be4b7bf8658", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the conceptual framework of the determinants of social inequalities in health, based on Solar and Irwin and Navarro, we can affirm that:", "Options": { "A": "When the social class decreases, health improves, both expressed in perceived health and in an excess of mortality or morbidity.", "B": "Inequalities only affect a small segment of the poorest population.", "C": "Inequalities are reproduced throughout the life cycle, the social class of the family where one is born, the level of studies acquired or occupation, generating unequal resources and opportunities throughout life.", "D": "The differences in health between men and women essentially respond to biological differences." }, "Correct Answer": "Inequalities are reproduced throughout the life cycle, the social class of the family where one is born, the level of studies acquired or occupation, generating unequal resources and opportunities throughout life.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c25e0c97-0c5d-4129-a1c8-4f6c27c48d08", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the Hepatitis A vaccine, which of the following statements is NOT true:", "Options": { "A": "The Hepatitis A vaccine will be indicated only to people older than 65 years.", "B": "The Hepatitis A vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine.", "C": "The Hepatitis A vaccine is administered in 2 doses, separating the 2nd dose between 6 to 12 months of the first.", "D": "The complete and correct vaccination of Hepatitis A confers protection of 9599%." }, "Correct Answer": "The Hepatitis A vaccine will be indicated only to people older than 65 years.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0cdb1324-8189-4a87-a41e-12163b8b34e0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of these means will we NOT find Legionella ?:", "Options": { "A": "Respirators and nebulizers.", "B": "SPA baths, thermal waters or showers.", "C": "Saltwater.", "D": "Cooling towers" }, "Correct Answer": "Saltwater.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c473db40-2b74-424d-a40e-a0f36f352032", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding HIV / AIDS, it is FALSE that:", "Options": { "A": "In addition to vertical and horizontal transmission routes (blood or blood products and serosanguineous or genital fluids), some cases of transmission by arthropod vectors have now been documented.", "B": "In injecting drug users who share syringes, it is transmitted from microtransfusions of infected blood, when injected with contaminated equipment.", "C": "Asymptomatic pregnant women, as well as those with elevated CD4 + lymphocyte counts, have a lower risk of HIV transmission.", "D": "The highest risk sexual practice is the genital-anal relationship between males, and the risk is significantly higher for the anal recipient than for the insertor." }, "Correct Answer": "In addition to vertical and horizontal transmission routes (blood or blood products and serosanguineous or genital fluids), some cases of transmission by arthropod vectors have now been documented.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b5ee192a-964f-4958-a733-c010151f7091", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the tuberculin test (Mantoux) or Purified Protected Derivative (PPD) it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "The reading (at 48-72 h.) Consists of measuring the diameter of the erythema.", "B": "It consists of a subcutaneous injection in the ventral forearm face of PPD (purified protein derivative).", "C": "In adults, a positive reaction (≥ 5 mm) usually indicates previous contact with the tubercle bacillus.", "D": "In children, a positive reaction (≥ 1 mm) usually indicates tuberculous disease." }, "Correct Answer": "In adults, a positive reaction (≥ 5 mm) usually indicates previous contact with the tubercle bacillus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b4e44b2e-b906-41eb-8715-aea7f93f73e3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following options is NOT a recommendation of physical activity for the adult population ?:", "Options": { "A": "The long sedentary periods should be reduced.", "B": "Minimum aerobic activity of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity.", "C": "It must be done in blocks of a minimum duration of 30 minutes, to have effects on health.", "D": "To obtain greater benefits, aerobic activity can be increased to 300 minutes of moderate or 150 minutes of vigorous to the week, or an equivalent combination of both." }, "Correct Answer": "It must be done in blocks of a minimum duration of 30 minutes, to have effects on health.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7de6986a-d9a4-4c4f-ba75-5e272fa61b39", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following risk factors for drug addiction is of a microsocial type ?:", "Options": { "A": "Group pressure.", "B": "Sex.", "C": "Personality.", "D": "Availability of substances." }, "Correct Answer": "Group pressure.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c4af8714-f9b2-4513-a4c3-c9f1d4bc5bea", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the World Health Organization and according to scientific evidence, the threshold to consider alcohol risk consumption is:", "Options": { "A": "Less than 20 g / day in men and less than 12 g / day in women.", "B": "Regular consumption of 12 g / day in women and 20 g / day in men.", "C": "Regular consumption of 20-40 g / day in women and 40-60 g / day in men.", "D": "Regular consumption of 24 g / day in both men and women." }, "Correct Answer": "Regular consumption of 20-40 g / day in women and 40-60 g / day in men.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5eba1dff-f8d2-4c14-9263-56f5106c97aa", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Messages about healthy eating should be based on epidemiological evidence. Identify which of the following messages about healthy eating is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "Reduce total fat intake, especially saturated and trans fat.", "B": "Limit egg consumption, due to its high cholesterol content.", "C": "Promote the consumption of proteins of vegetable origin, instead of those of animal origin.", "D": "Encourage the consumption of whole grain cereals, instead of refined grains." }, "Correct Answer": "Limit egg consumption, due to its high cholesterol content.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b47112ef-69f9-4f7d-a373-6c103c85328e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Risk reduction (or harm reduction) strategies aim to not eliminate the use of drugs, but to admit that their use is inevitable and, therefore, to try to reduce the harm. Indicate which of the following statements is NOT correct:", "Options": { "A": "They are primary prevention measures and health promotion.", "B": "They include programs for the exchange of sterile syringes, safe sex, maintenance with opiates (methadone), etc.", "C": "Its drawback is that they give some legitimacy to the use of drugs, which can have adverse effects, especially on vulnerable groups.", "D": "The evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions is carried out on rare occasions and without adequate methodological rigor." }, "Correct Answer": "They are primary prevention measures and health promotion.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9d53e09a-1ee7-4273-993c-b652d12135cc", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mrs. J.L.G., blood group A Rh negative, has been the mother of two twins, one of them Rh positive and the other A Rh negative). What dose of anti-D gammaglobulin should be administered to this patient taking into account that she did not receive a prophylactic dose between weeks 28 and 30 of gestation ?:", "Options": { "A": "900 micrograms.", "B": "800 micrograms.", "C": "600 micrograms.", "D": "300 micrograms." }, "Correct Answer": "300 micrograms.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d815fe72-7025-4fee-a8f0-60e6d39a8689", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the point of view of public health, what is the definition of community ?:", "Options": { "A": "Set of human beings, sick or not, who live in a territory defined by geographical limits.", "B": "Set of people who influence and are affected by a certain educational environment.", "C": "Social group determined by geographic limits and / or common interests and values. Its members know and interact with each other.", "D": "Set of diverse populations that inhabit a common environment in a certain time and that is in reciprocal interaction." }, "Correct Answer": "Social group determined by geographic limits and / or common interests and values. Its members know and interact with each other.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c9430cc7-14f5-4ec7-b3a5-20e7ff5c6ce3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct answer about the epidemiological chain of tuberculosis ?:", "Options": { "A": "The agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is responsible for the cases of sick population.", "B": "The usual reservoirs are chicken farms.", "C": "There is no specific treatment for the disease developed by mycobacteria.", "D": "Usually the transmission occurs indoors and depends on the ambient temperature of the room." }, "Correct Answer": "The agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is responsible for the cases of sick population.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "22022d76-37be-4993-91ee-28d4481067a0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following answers fits the concept of life expectancy:", "Options": { "A": "A life expectancy at birth of 85.13 years implies that those born in that year will live, on average, those years.", "B": "The life expectancy indicator can only be calculated at birth.", "C": "Its calculation is made from a life table or mortality table.", "D": "This indicator is higher than 85 years now in both men and women born in Spain since 2015." }, "Correct Answer": "Its calculation is made from a life table or mortality table.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d75e807f-0d1f-44d6-af36-7c337cc16a6c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is considered a true contraindication for the administration of a systematic vaccine ?:", "Options": { "A": "Illness / mild acute infection with fever <38º C or without fever.", "B": "Treatment with antibiotics.", "C": "Serious allergic reaction to that vaccine or one of its components.", "D": "History of asthma, eczema or atopy." }, "Correct Answer": "Serious allergic reaction to that vaccine or one of its components.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c1a540fd-bfca-40b2-b849-73979566a259", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "From the following options indicate which option is CERTAIN as a contraindication in vaccination:", "Options": { "A": "Be on antibiotic treatment at that time.", "B": "Be convalescing from a mild illness", "C": "Corticoterapia of short duration.", "D": "Decompensated cardiopathies." }, "Correct Answer": "Decompensated cardiopathies.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f2a7b49a-131b-4763-9db5-40182259de41", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following sources of scientific information specifically contains reviews on a certain topic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Medline.", "B": "Cochrane Library.", "C": "Scielo", "D": "Take care" }, "Correct Answer": "Cochrane Library.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f2048261-dc26-4c94-8943-c9deb24fe185", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the sample design of an investigation it is decided to randomly select a number of districts of a city. Subsequently, a number of random census sections are chosen over these districts, of which all persons living in these sections are included for the study. Is about:", "Options": { "A": "A multi-stage sampling", "B": "A systematic sampling.", "C": "A multi-stage stratified sampling.", "D": "A semiprobabilistic sampling." }, "Correct Answer": "A multi-stage sampling", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "efbffce7-325d-416a-9458-e96bef7abc2c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to the criteria of causality in research formulated by Hill, the \"association observed repeatedly by several people, in different places, circumstances and times\" corresponds to the criterion of:", "Options": { "A": "Strength of association.", "B": "Consistency.", "C": "Specificity", "D": "Plausibility." }, "Correct Answer": "Consistency.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e05997c6-81ac-49b9-b13c-d254b4b0e0dd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The use of filters or limiters in the bibliographic search strategies refers to:", "Options": { "A": "The use of Boolean operators.", "B": "The use of thesauri.", "C": "Narrow the search by language.", "D": "The use of truncation." }, "Correct Answer": "Narrow the search by language.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4f5a0ad5-0253-4479-85cf-67c3608a23a3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In qualitative research the combination of different methods, theories, data and researchers, or any of these elements, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Credibility.", "B": "Triangulation", "C": "Dependability", "D": "Suitability." }, "Correct Answer": "Triangulation", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f5a10c1f-a6d6-4bd0-8ba4-3849d4bbd99d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What methodological approach, aims to explain how individuals give meaning to social phenomena through their lived experience ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ethnography.", "B": "Grounded Theory.", "C": "Phenomenology.", "D": "Ethnomethodology" }, "Correct Answer": "Phenomenology.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c8c44e6a-bc8c-4c84-b4de-8ce64fdb819f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the analytical process by means of which phrases, themes or concepts are labeled, which summarize what is dealt with in the segment of the analyzed text ?:", "Options": { "A": "Coding.", "B": "Microanalysis", "C": "Analytical summary", "D": "Constant comparison method." }, "Correct Answer": "Coding.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "18a6fb47-68e0-499a-bc73-1705bae5df64", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What qualitative research technique consists of repeated face-to-face encounters between the researcher and the informants, aimed at understanding the perspectives that informants have about their lives ?:", "Options": { "A": "Participant observation.", "B": "In-depth interviews", "C": "Discussion groups.", "D": "Focus groups." }, "Correct Answer": "In-depth interviews", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e88428f8-b1fd-4c18-8970-8d397d112e30", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The people who formally or informally regulate access to a research field are called:", "Options": { "A": "Observers.", "B": "Goalkeepers", "C": "Analysts", "D": "Experts" }, "Correct Answer": "Goalkeepers", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "70a2613d-0ff4-42e1-aebf-1d792fc5608a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the discussion groups, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "It is a natural group conversation.", "B": "It is a learning group.", "C": "Generates a group opinion space.", "D": "It is a work team." }, "Correct Answer": "Generates a group opinion space.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bae82f04-f3ce-401b-89fe-4b5ef5cecdb6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the definition of the global fertility rate ?:", "Options": { "A": "The total of births, of mother belonging to a certain area in a year for every 1,000 inhabitants.", "B": "The total of births, of mother of a certain area occurred in a year, for every 1,000 women of childbearing age (from 15 to 49 years of age) of said area.", "C": "The number of children that a woman belonging to a certain area would have during her fertile life.", "D": "The percentage of births of mothers belonging to a certain area, over the total births registered in that area during a year." }, "Correct Answer": "The total of births, of mother of a certain area occurred in a year, for every 1,000 women of childbearing age (from 15 to 49 years of age) of said area.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "63eba6c9-cd3f-45ef-aafc-d28676c688f7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the type of epidemiological study that can produce the strongest evidence when establishing cause-effect relationships ?:", "Options": { "A": "Transversal study.", "B": "Cohort study.", "C": "Cases and controls study.", "D": "Clinical trial" }, "Correct Answer": "Clinical trial", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e02f5711-e527-4805-9d46-346aa2f4b5c7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which regression model should be used if you have an Odds Ratio as an association measure ?:", "Options": { "A": "Linear regression.", "B": "Logistic regression.", "C": "Cox regression.", "D": "Poisson regression." }, "Correct Answer": "Logistic regression.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "88ec8176-5619-4bf3-8809-72b5e0af46a9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The variable \"blood group\", what kind of variable is it ?:", "Options": { "A": "Discrete quantitative.", "B": "Quantitative continues.", "C": "Qualitative nominal.", "D": "Qualitative ordinal." }, "Correct Answer": "Qualitative nominal.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bd90c870-fcce-400f-a658-fa8dc3945c69", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a study, information was collected from 200 people who have been followed for a year at the gastroenterology plant of a hospital in Madrid. We want to study the number of new cases of Hepatitis B in these 200 people who have all had the same follow-up time. What frequency measure would you use ?:", "Options": { "A": "Accumulated incidence.", "B": "Prevalence", "C": "Incidence density.", "D": "Relative risk." }, "Correct Answer": "Accumulated incidence.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f663b072-ec6b-4cfb-9c3a-7c095f83e760", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In one study, the mean capillary blood glucose was calculated in a sample of 200 patients in a consultation. The mean is 130 mg / dL, standard deviation is 20 and a Confidence Interval (CI) is 95% (125-136). How would the IC be interpreted ?:", "Options": { "A": "With a 95% safety, the mean capillary blood glucose in the population sample is between 125 and 136 mg / dL.", "B": "With a 95% safety, there are statistically significant differences in the mean capillary blood glucose of the sample.", "C": "With a 95% safety, there are no statistically significant differences in the mean capillary blood glucose of the sample.", "D": "With an assurance of 95% the mean capillary blood glucose in the population in which the sample was extracted, is between 125 and 136 mg / dl." }, "Correct Answer": "With an assurance of 95% the mean capillary blood glucose in the population in which the sample was extracted, is between 125 and 136 mg / dl.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "31f2598a-a9d5-4b53-a75f-fcb49e32859d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a study we want to determine if there is a relationship between total blood cholesterol and age, what graph will be used to show the relationship between both variables? :", "Options": { "A": "Histogram", "B": "Bar chart.", "C": "Dispersion diagram.", "D": "Sectors diagrams." }, "Correct Answer": "Dispersion diagram.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9baac41d-88be-4ec6-9722-760d8c2cfb44", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When you want to study if there is a relationship between a quantitative variable in three different groups of individuals, what nonparametric test should be used:", "Options": { "A": "Kruskal-Wallis test.", "B": "Anova test.", "C": "Test of the rank sum of Wilcoxon.", "D": "Student's test" }, "Correct Answer": "Kruskal-Wallis test.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4ac2b391-f24b-43d5-96d5-a3a4e32c6664", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the recommended publication standard for case-control studies ?:", "Options": { "A": "CONSORT.", "B": "STROBE.", "C": "AGREE.", "D": "TREND." }, "Correct Answer": "STROBE.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2a629763-6f77-4f3a-9375-021fb13eec56", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One study evaluated the effectiveness of an integrated hospital-primary care program for the management of patients with heart failure in a comprehensive health area, compared to patients with heart failure who received conventional care, obtaining that patients with heart failure included in the program obtained an HR (Hazard Ratio) for mortality of 0.92 (95% CI: 0.86-0.97). Point out the TRUE:", "Options": { "A": "If they had measured the relative risk, the values obtained would have been identical.", "B": "There are no differences in mortality between patients with heart failure included in the integrated program and those not included.", "C": "Patients with heart failure included in the integrated program have a higher risk of mortality than those who received conventional care.", "D": "Patients with heart failure included in the integrated program have a lower risk of mortality than those who received conventional care." }, "Correct Answer": "Patients with heart failure included in the integrated program have a lower risk of mortality than those who received conventional care.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4bc62733-c6a9-4738-a6ff-17a1c405ed31", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A systematic review has evaluated the effect of four modalities of educational interventions guided by nurses in cancer patients. To do this, they measured the impact on their quality of life and the level of pain. These findings were obtained on the improvement of the quality of life, expressed in terms of Number Needed to Treat (NNT). Educational model 1: NNT 12 (CI: 95% 8,7-16,1) Educational model 2: NNT 37 (CI: 95% 26,262.9) Educational model 3: NNT 125 (CI: 95% 75,2148,0 ) Educational model 4: NNT 237 (CI: 95% 216,3321,8)", "Options": { "A": "The educational model 4 is the most effective.", "B": "Educational model 2 is the most effective.", "C": "The educational model 3 is the most effective.", "D": "The educational model 1 is the most effective." }, "Correct Answer": "The educational model 1 is the most effective.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dadee7cd-ee28-4468-ad00-9c9f29f6c1db", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which metasearch engine allows searches in PICO format ?:", "Options": { "A": "Trip Database.", "B": "Epistemonikos.", "C": "NHS Evidence.", "D": "PubMed Health." }, "Correct Answer": "Trip Database.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5910b3dd-f9e4-4b19-9cb3-ef586487ce1f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a randomized, controlled study is critically evaluated with the critical reading instrument of the CASPe network, one of the questions that is asked is whether the patients, clinicians and study staff were kept blind to the treatment. What does this question refer to?", "Options": { "A": "A if study was prospective.", "B": "To the type of randomization of the study.", "C": "To the degree of knowledge that patients, researchers and other personnel had about the treatment or intervention assigned.", "D": "To the number of assignment groups in the experiment." }, "Correct Answer": "To the degree of knowledge that patients, researchers and other personnel had about the treatment or intervention assigned.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0cdab2c5-feaa-4272-bc27-0a5024aa50c9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the study you are doing on weight gain among infants with exclusive breastfeeding, mixed breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding with prepared milk formulas, the scale you use always indicates a weight of 200 grams greater than the actual weight. This would cause a type error:", "Options": { "A": "Systematic.", "B": "Of selection.", "C": "Random.", "D": "Of falsification." }, "Correct Answer": "Systematic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "be656d3d-62aa-4cc7-b317-ff6d22517665", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the doctoral studies D.N.F. the meaning of the experience suffered by students from different secondary education institutes in the province of Malaga, who have suffered bullying in 2016, is collected. This is a type of study:", "Options": { "A": "Observational", "B": "Phenomenological", "C": "Ethnographic.", "D": "Biographical." }, "Correct Answer": "Phenomenological", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "df602e2f-76ac-4b80-b67a-f4891d916f40", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the key stages of the behavior change that the trans-theoretical model encompasses ?:", "Options": { "A": "Precontemplation, preparation, planning, action, maintenance and relapses.", "B": "Contemplation preparation, planning, action, maintenance and relapses.", "C": "Preparation, contemplation, preaction, action and evaluation.", "D": "Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapses." }, "Correct Answer": "Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapses.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3daa010d-e292-438a-8402-a3398f435462", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following models of behavior modification in health is a model of health promotion planning that is based on the premise that the educational diagnosis must precede the intervention plan ?:", "Options": { "A": "The model of the precaution process.", "B": "The model of social learning.", "C": "The Model Precedes-Proceeds.", "D": "The reasoned action model." }, "Correct Answer": "The Model Precedes-Proceeds.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b911b9c8-4fab-45a1-b699-d20f54cf725e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Health Education, the technique \"Information with discussion\" consists of:", "Options": { "A": "Provide oral information on a topic, facilitating questions and discussion.", "B": "Repeat the essential contents for better understanding and fixation.", "C": "Verify the understanding of the key points of the content.", "D": "Call attention to some aspect that the person does not express or clearly expresses." }, "Correct Answer": "Provide oral information on a topic, facilitating questions and discussion.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7517357b-59a3-487c-b00b-b91a9fd35866", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the learning process of health education, what technique could help people to develop specific skills that will help them to introduce the changes that have been proposed ?:", "Options": { "A": "Confront inconsistencies.", "B": "Demonstration with training.", "C": "Grating.", "D": "Phillips 66." }, "Correct Answer": "Demonstration with training.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "83873660-c297-4f59-9675-27c183f0f22c", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following techniques that could be used in the development of a Health Education program are considered \"Analysis Techniques\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Grating.", "B": "Fotopalabra", "C": "Case method.", "D": "Role-playing." }, "Correct Answer": "Case method.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d5ff5910-acdd-43ec-ae73-33f99bf4a26e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The 9th World Conference on Health Promotion held in Shanghai in 2016, incorporates as a novelty a key strategy to promote health and sustainable development that deals with:", "Options": { "A": "Highlight certain prerequisites for health, including peace, adequate economic and food resources, housing, a stable ecosystem and sustainable use of resources.", "B": "The need to promote the concept of Primary Care in all countries and their development.", "C": "An international forum of mayors that culminates with the adoption of the Consensus on Healthy Cities.", "D": "Participation as an essential element to sustain health efforts. People have to be the center of action in the promotion of health, processes and decision making." }, "Correct Answer": "An international forum of mayors that culminates with the adoption of the Consensus on Healthy Cities.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d19f3fe8-27bc-4836-8224-b0771b806f42", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what year the 1st World Conference on Health Promotion in Ottawa was held:", "Options": { "A": "1978", "B": "1882", "C": "1986", "D": "1991" }, "Correct Answer": "1986", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c7786932-3911-4fd1-83fd-c409de6cc1f8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the processes of Community Participation in Health based on the salutogenic model, the preparation of a map of assets in health implies (indicate the correct answer):", "Options": { "A": "A process in which citizens begin to discover positive factors in their community and weave a network of relationships and mutual support.", "B": "A strategy for the realization of health diagnoses from the approach of estimating regulatory needs.", "C": "A participation strategy that seeks to deepen the initial \"health picture\" of the community, describing the formal resources of that community.", "D": "An approach that is based on the classic information of health indicators." }, "Correct Answer": "A process in which citizens begin to discover positive factors in their community and weave a network of relationships and mutual support.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9b40988d-4e46-43d7-ac26-3ab9cb01e551", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The conceptual framework of the determinants of social inequalities in health, proposed by the Commission to reduce health inequalities in Spain, prepared in 2010, suggests the existence of axes of social inequality in health. These axes of inequality that determine hierarchies of power in society would be (point out the correct answer):", "Options": { "A": "Social class, gender, age, ethnicity or race and territory.", "B": "Culture and values, macroeconomic policies and the labor market.", "C": "Behavioral factors, biological factors and psychosocial factors.", "D": "Income, housing, residential environment and domestic work." }, "Correct Answer": "Social class, gender, age, ethnicity or race and territory.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ad78841e-c7a4-4304-a5e4-02214d89db7d", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The community diagnosis is a fundamental instrument in any process of community participation. This phase of the process should include:", "Options": { "A": "It must include a progressive transfer of the protagonism towards the community that will be able to manage its resources and capacities.", "B": "It must include the prioritization of the problems detected.", "C": "It must include basic structural data of territory.", "D": "It must include the evaluation of the impact of results." }, "Correct Answer": "It must include basic structural data of territory.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "78c25efe-3a08-4056-816d-fb46eaa4bb1e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the so-called community participation mechanisms, we find support groups, which refer to:", "Options": { "A": "Groups of healthy or sick people linked by a similar problem, with the expectation that the group dynamics generated help to improve certain aspects of the evolution of patients.", "B": "Group of people who usually represent different social groups and several sectors with repercussions on health, professionals of the health services, who engage in shared dialogues around health.", "C": "People who, due to their interests, concerns, activity developed or recruitment of the health system, receive training to perform health promotion tasks with their peers and fellow citizens, voluntarily and without administrative links with the health system.", "D": "Health professionals who perform promotion and prevention tasks for the population, improving the training of users, families and the community." }, "Correct Answer": "Groups of healthy or sick people linked by a similar problem, with the expectation that the group dynamics generated help to improve certain aspects of the evolution of patients.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c71f1ac5-a019-4d0e-a9ac-bb09f6007dc8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Health literacy refers to:", "Options": { "A": "A social and cognitive skills that determine the level of motivation and ability of a person to access, understand and use information in a way that allows you to promote and maintain good health.", "B": "To changes in behavior of secondary users to an approach based on social, environmental, economic and health system use conditions.", "C": "To the strengthening of the capacities of the individuals, offering not only information, but the knowledge and the necessary abilities so that they can be responsible for their health.", "D": "To individual modifications of behavior, determined by personal characteristics and sociocultural factors." }, "Correct Answer": "A social and cognitive skills that determine the level of motivation and ability of a person to access, understand and use information in a way that allows you to promote and maintain good health.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "031ccac9-e400-4d24-ab20-76aad4ee9185", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the main factors addressed in the Strategy for the Promotion of Health and Prevention in the National Health System (SNS), within the framework of the chronicity approach is (point out the FALSE answer):", "Options": { "A": "The consumption of harmful risk of alcohol.", "B": "The consumption of tobacco.", "C": "Sexual health", "D": "Emotional well-being" }, "Correct Answer": "Sexual health", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7045bd19-b492-4242-8c91-65867f53a178", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following definitions, which refers to the health promotion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Set of necessary measures to prevent the development of diseases.", "B": "Interventions aimed at avoiding the appearance of specific diseases, reducing their incidence and prevalence in populations.", "C": "It consists of providing the peoples with the necessary means to improve their health and exercise greater control over it.", "D": "It is essential health care based on practical, scientifically founded and socially acceptable methods and technologies, made available to all individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can support." }, "Correct Answer": "It consists of providing the peoples with the necessary means to improve their health and exercise greater control over it.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8674f3b7-1dd8-4fa2-8378-196b41bde1a9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You go to the Cultural Center of your basic health area to make a session of Health Education about the climacteric. In relation to calcium metabolism and the prevention of osteoporosis, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The consumption of caffeine decreases the fixation of calcium to bone.", "B": "Calcium requirements decrease during menopause.", "C": "The maximum adult bone mass is reached around 45 years, coinciding with the onset of menopause in women.", "D": "Continuous physical overload stimulates calcium deposition by osteoclasts." }, "Correct Answer": "The consumption of caffeine decreases the fixation of calcium to bone.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "631f3968-f4d7-4f5f-bd00-6450adfd220b", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Multifactor interventions for the prevention of falls in frail elderly include:", "Options": { "A": "Nutritional advice and exercise.", "B": "Healthy lifestyles program.", "C": "Assessment of the degree of dependence and risk of falls.", "D": "Physical activity program, review of medication and household risks." }, "Correct Answer": "Physical activity program, review of medication and household risks.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1aa91a0a-4291-47b4-a578-fae77f610f09", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In health check-ups between 2 and 6 months of age, the nurse advises parents regarding sudden infant death syndrome. From the following recommendations, indicate the INCORRECT:", "Options": { "A": "Recommend the prone position during sleep as the safest position to sleep.", "B": "Recommend breastfeeding on demand.", "C": "Discourage smoking by parents, and do not allow anyone to smoke in front of the baby.", "D": "The crib in the parents' room is the safest place." }, "Correct Answer": "Recommend the prone position during sleep as the safest position to sleep.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dffd6e77-1a62-4ff6-9427-f95191f9b0c6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the reviews of the child's health after 2 years, what findings should we consider of risk in relation to childhood obesity ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in BMI less than or equal to 2 units / year.", "B": "Adipose bounce before age 5", "C": "The body mass index greater than or equal to the 85th percentile is an indicator of obesity.", "D": "The body mass index greater than or equal to the 90th percentile is an indicator of obesity." }, "Correct Answer": "Adipose bounce before age 5", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9a97889d-cf8d-42f8-ab88-873e730dc664", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Before a woman who expresses in consultation her desire for pregnancy, the nurse plans to inform and give advice on lifestyles. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "In women who plan their pregnancy and who are not immunized against rubella, vaccination before pregnancy with MMR vaccine is suggested and precautions should be taken to avoid pregnancy during the 28 days following vaccination.", "B": "It is suggested to administer a daily routine supplementation with a multivitamin preparation to avoid neural tube defects.", "C": "It is suggested to routinely administer a daily iodine supplementation.", "D": "In women who plan their pregnancy and who are not immunized against hepatitis B, it is contraindicated until after delivery." }, "Correct Answer": "In women who plan their pregnancy and who are not immunized against rubella, vaccination before pregnancy with MMR vaccine is suggested and precautions should be taken to avoid pregnancy during the 28 days following vaccination.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "52bdebf4-193d-41d7-92f3-2a137f95851f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Manuel is a person with advanced COPD, who requires home care. At the last visit he verbally manifested fatigue, weakness and we observed clear signs of dyspnea on exertion. Given the diagnosis of \"Intolerance to Activity\", what NIC intervention would we consider ?:", "Options": { "A": "Intolerance of the activity.", "B": "Self-care: activities of daily life.", "C": "Knowledge: prescribed activity.", "D": "Energy management" }, "Correct Answer": "Energy management", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "648bb756-81cf-415b-a8c5-5c29a98fa629", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer. When applying silver dressings in the treatment of wounds, what is the main function of these among the following answers ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reduce the microbial load in acute or chronic infected wounds.", "B": "Prevent the antimicrobial barrier in acute or chronic infected wounds.", "C": "Eliminate the smell of chronic wounds.", "D": "Eliminate exudate from chronic wounds." }, "Correct Answer": "Reduce the microbial load in acute or chronic infected wounds.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a907739b-7f1f-4aba-9af6-6f302c5b9114", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Manuela, is an elderly diabetic attended at home with criteria of high complexity. Her daughters do not live with her and take care of her according to her availability in a rotating way. The nurse identifies a diagnosis of \"Committed family confrontation\". What result criteria would we consider NOC ?:", "Options": { "A": "Support the caregiver.", "B": "Help with self-care: transfer.", "C": "Performance of the main caregiver: direct care.", "D": "Encourage family involvement." }, "Correct Answer": "Performance of the main caregiver: direct care.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e34c0041-88dd-4e53-be73-20e17a9dd635", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Studies carried out in our field, highlight the high prevalence of malnutrition and the risk of malnutrition in dependent persons assisted at home. Indicate the parameter that is NOT assessed with the Mini Nutritional Assessment:", "Options": { "A": "Loss of appetite", "B": "Recent weight loss.", "C": "Consideration of the patient on his health compared to people his age.", "D": "Presence of osteoporosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Presence of osteoporosis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "79608885-8654-45f3-835a-3d7742263ae7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Primary Care What is the recommended test for initial screening to determine the situation of fragility / functional limitation in older people ?:", "Options": { "A": "Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB).", "B": "Audit C.", "C": "Lawton-Brody Index.", "D": "Morisky-Green test." }, "Correct Answer": "Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a31825e2-3780-45a8-a3d9-85fb264e5da9", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the community case management nurse, she points out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "Case management has been incorporated as a service modality for people with highly complex health problems.", "B": "It is the nurse responsible for the execution of the Care Plan.", "C": "Identify and mobilize services or resources to support care.", "D": "It favors home care." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the nurse responsible for the execution of the Care Plan.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e05c9c96-fe3a-455f-974f-5b2fadf4dbad", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the prevention activities that nurses must carry out in children's health programs, point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "In children under 2 years, brushing should be done by the parents, with a toothpaste with 1,000 ppm of fluoride and the amount similar to a \"scraping or stain\" on the toothbrush.", "B": "In the health check-ups of the first year of life, the use of walkers should be advised.", "C": "The psychomotor development of the child should be assessed through the Denver test or Denver Developmental Screening Test-II (DDST-II).", "D": "Make dietary recommendations systematically in the health checks of all children from 2 to 18 years." }, "Correct Answer": "In the health check-ups of the first year of life, the use of walkers should be advised.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4856c070-9c88-4be3-b32a-523d6de4c3bf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Common Services Portfolio of the current National Health System includes services for women. Which of the following activities is NOT contemplated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Puerperal visit in the first month of postpartum to assess the state of health of the woman and the newborn.", "B": "Prevention, detection and attention to the problems of women in the climacteric.", "C": "Monitoring of risk pregnancy in a coordinated way with specialized attention.", "D": "Detection of risk groups and early diagnosis of gynecological cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "Monitoring of risk pregnancy in a coordinated way with specialized attention.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "64152eaa-bdd7-4a43-ba09-633145c28ed8", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the family assessment in crisis situations, the nurse can identify the characteristics of functional or dysfunctional families. Which of the following tests can be useful ?:", "Options": { "A": "MOS questionnaire.", "B": "Duke-UNC questionnaire.", "C": "Apgar Familiar.", "D": "Family Genogram" }, "Correct Answer": "Apgar Familiar.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5d54ca13-631a-47ac-a968-695197f12ba7", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You are in the Primary Care office where you are going to vaccinate a person. Note in the package insert that an adjuvant is found among the components of the vaccine. What does this component refer to ?:", "Options": { "A": "An adjuvant is a substance that increases the immunogenicity of the vaccine antigen.", "B": "An adjuvant, despite its effect, will decrease the stability of the vaccine antigen.", "C": "An adjuvant should not be introduced into vaccines for special populations, such as the elderly or immunosuppressed.", "D": "An adjuvant does not allow reducing the amount of vaccine antigen included in the vaccine or the number of doses of vaccines administered." }, "Correct Answer": "An adjuvant is a substance that increases the immunogenicity of the vaccine antigen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b4088af2-af7c-4a82-a1b2-22fd59cf601f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Receive a notice to attend a traffic accident. It is the only health staff until the arrival of advanced life support. Upon arrival, a patient is found who has been removed from the car and who presents amputation at the level of the distal femur with intense arterial hemorrhage. The patient is unconscious. What would be the order of action ?:", "Options": { "A": "Insert venous via to administer fluids, perform evaluation of the airway, breathing and circulation and resuscitation maneuvers if necessary.", "B": "Place tourniquet above the wound, perform airway assessment, breathing, circulation and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers if applicable.", "C": "Evaluate the airway, breathing, circulation, perform resuscitation maneuvers if necessary and elevate the limb to reduce bleeding.", "D": "Check the airway, breathing, circulation, perform resuscitation maneuvers if necessary and then apply a tourniquet over the wound." }, "Correct Answer": "Place tourniquet above the wound, perform airway assessment, breathing, circulation and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers if applicable.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aa78991a-f51e-44fd-a467-a9b60770c49f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Mrs. M.F.B goes to your Primary Health Care clinic in the center where you work with a report from the hematologist of the reference hospital in which a thrombocytopenia is indicated as a diagnosis. You review the drugs you are taking. Which of them can contribute to thrombocytopenia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ibuprofen.", "B": "Metformin.", "C": "Omeprazole", "D": "Bromazepam." }, "Correct Answer": "Ibuprofen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c4fece19-8224-4358-8ecd-14b37ba6c1d6", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following answers is a defining characteristic of the nursing diagnosis \"ineffective management of family health\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reject the change in health status.", "B": "Failure to take action to reduce risk factors.", "C": "Express desire to improve the immunization / vaccination status.", "D": "Express desire to improve the choices of daily life to achieve the objectives." }, "Correct Answer": "Failure to take action to reduce risk factors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "32312fd4-a518-495e-a66a-da90df428859", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "She goes to the Primary Care consultation María, 8 years old, accompanied by her father because of leg injuries. The father comments that yesterday they were in an old family house in the countryside to review the structure of it and stayed to sleep, although the mattresses were old. Multiple and grouped erythematous papules arranged in a zigzag pattern are observed in the girl. It does not present hemorrhagic sufferers. What would be the first suspected cause of these injuries ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bedbug stings", "B": "Horse-fly stings", "C": "Tracked stings.", "D": "Lice bites" }, "Correct Answer": "Bedbug stings", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dfafb309-7c85-4727-b8c3-bc189f13713a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer. Manuel, 58, has recently started treatment with acenocoumarol. Go to your consultation for assessment and health education. You will inform about:", "Options": { "A": "The interaction with medications such as acetylsalicylic acid is negligible.", "B": "The interaction of broadleaf vegetables because this treatment acts to enhance the action of vitamin K.", "C": "The interaction of broadleaf vegetables because this treatment works by inhibiting the action of vitamin K.", "D": "The interaction with certain intercurrent processes is not significant due to the wide therapeutic margin of this treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "The interaction of broadleaf vegetables because this treatment works by inhibiting the action of vitamin K.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "45a98838-061e-477f-8c97-7a54b8003830", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Are you as a companion of a relative in a consultation, in his presence a person collapses? What is the sequence of steps to follow in the performance, according to the latest recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council 2015 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Early recognition and asking for help, early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by health professionals, Automatic External Defibrillation (AED), early advanced life support.", "B": "Early recognition and asking for help, early CPR by witnesses, basic life support.", "C": "Early recognition and waiting for help, early CPR by health professionals, DEA, early advanced life support and standardized post-resuscitation care.", "D": "Early recognition and asking for help, early CPR per witness, early defibrillation, early advanced life support and standardized post-resuscitation care." }, "Correct Answer": "Early recognition and asking for help, early CPR per witness, early defibrillation, early advanced life support and standardized post-resuscitation care.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6a52d262-4fd8-4a10-b3b8-035b2fe6da82", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which parameter does NOT indicate a good start and initiation of breastfeeding ?:", "Options": { "A": "The baby's chin touches the chest and the nose is free.", "B": "There is less areola visible below the chin than above the nipple.", "C": "Sucking sounds are heard.", "D": "Absence of pain in the mother." }, "Correct Answer": "Sucking sounds are heard.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "185caef2-551d-40e7-a5cd-38479d77ad1f", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "She goes to the primary care clinic Teresa, 35 years of age to administer the anti-hepatitis A vaccine. After its administration, the patient complains of generalized itching and difficulty breathing. Given the suspicion of an anaphylactic reaction to a component of the vaccine, what immediate action would be the LEAST adequate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Assess airway patency.", "B": "Administration of intravenous adrenaline.", "C": "100% oxygen administration.", "D": "Administration of inhaled or nebulized salbutamol." }, "Correct Answer": "Administration of intravenous adrenaline.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8c4800d0-0a88-4876-be64-248e1dba7ecf", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Augustine goes to the consultation of the health center. You, as your Primary Care nurse, detect the presence of bradycardia. Which of the following factors could be linked ?:", "Options": { "A": "Body temperature of 38ºC.", "B": "Presence of hemorrhage.", "C": "Digitalis taking.", "D": "Step from decubitus position to standing." }, "Correct Answer": "Digitalis taking.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b4a36bc9-c663-4194-82cc-ecaf708c05de", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Jesus, a 72-year-old man presents a wound after a fall a few days ago. The bed is dry, and there is a hard, blackened plaque that makes healing difficult. Within the types of debridements available, choose the correct answer in relation to autolytic debridement:", "Options": { "A": "The cells responsible for autolytic debridement are macrophages and phagocytes.", "B": "It occurs naturally in all wounds, but can be inhibited by the use of amorphous hydrogels.", "C": "One of the advantages is that it presents a shorter action over time.", "D": "It is a type of traumatic debridement and not very selective." }, "Correct Answer": "The cells responsible for autolytic debridement are macrophages and phagocytes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cda31fb1-4348-4b20-add2-53d29a938b27", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "He goes to the emergency service José Antonio, 12, diagnosed with diabetes. He presents sweating and tremor and a capillary blood glucose of 43 mg / dl. To what physiological mechanism are these signs caused by hypoglycemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.", "B": "Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.", "C": "Inhibition of the autonomic nervous system.", "D": "Alteration of the central nervous system." }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d10f35f7-a31a-4113-b7b1-2aa96363c264", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following muscles participates in the raising of the rib cage during inspiration ?:", "Options": { "A": "External intercostals.", "B": "Internal intercostals", "C": "Diaphragm.", "D": "Straight of the abdomen." }, "Correct Answer": "External intercostals.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "16920e69-ce3f-480c-b9ce-2ef96798f2a5", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a manager trusts in the high involvement and training of each one of the people that make up the group, encourages him to discuss and share decision-making with them, the leadership style is:", "Options": { "A": "Autocratic.", "B": "Bureaucratic.", "C": "Permissive.", "D": "Democratic." }, "Correct Answer": "Democratic.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "31e7b391-6c5a-4801-a7f9-7d053307b461", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "As a Nursing professional in a Health Center, you receive an urgent notice to go to a home with the information of loss of consciousness of a 53-year-old man. Upon arrival at the site he finds the person on the floor of a yard under construction and the woman reports that she has been working all morning despite the heat that she is doing. The patient shows an abnormal flexion of the extremities, to the call it emits incomprehensible sounds and only opens the eyes before the pain. Indicate your score on the Glasgow scale:", "Options": { "A": "3 + 2 + 1 = 6.", "B": "4 + 1 + 1 = 6.", "C": "3 + 3 + 1 = 7.", "D": "3 + 2 + 2 = 7." }, "Correct Answer": "3 + 2 + 2 = 7.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "40d97c63-f8a3-470c-9e1c-4bf395d412d0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lucía is a 42-year-old woman who comes to the consultation of her Primary Care nurse after being discharged from the hospital due to appendectomy. Presents a wound in the abdomen considered contaminated clean. Depending on the degree and likelihood of contamination, a wound is a clean contaminated type when:", "Options": { "A": "It has dead tissue.", "B": "They are surgical wounds that have affected the respiratory, alimentary, genital or urinary tract and do not show signs of infection.", "C": "They are surgical wounds in which the sterile field has been seriously violated.", "D": "They show signs of inflammation." }, "Correct Answer": "They are surgical wounds that have affected the respiratory, alimentary, genital or urinary tract and do not show signs of infection.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d6427bee-9a66-4d15-b25f-46abca1a4830", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "During the focused assessment of the breathing pattern of Mr. Juan Antonio, 68, he finds the following characteristics: frequency and depth of irregular breathing, with periods of apnea combined with periods of breathing that increase in depth and frequency and then decrease gradually until again pause for apnea. Point out how you would record this respiratory pattern in the medical record:", "Options": { "A": "Cheyne-Stokes breathing.", "B": "Breathing Biot.", "C": "Eupneic breathing.", "D": "Breath of Kussmaul." }, "Correct Answer": "Cheyne-Stokes breathing.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "787e2e2f-8c15-4d30-95c9-d4a7d4917fd3", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Elena has had a permanent colostomy 10 days ago for sigma cancer. She goes to consult with her Primary Care nurse today and says that she has not yet been able to change her device because she does not want to \"see what she has there\", it is her daughter who carries out the hygiene of the area. What nursing diagnosis based on the NANDA Taxonomy would you write in the Clinical History in this case ?:", "Options": { "A": "Body image disorder.", "B": "Personal oversight", "C": "Acute confusion", "D": "Unstable emotional control." }, "Correct Answer": "Body image disorder.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "728b71a3-bcf7-4380-a99f-f1abba8730c0", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the strategy of health promotion and prevention in the National Health System, which of the following recommendations on physical activity in the adult population is NOT correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Perform a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity or a minimum of 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity.", "B": "Strength exercises (muscle enhancement) of large muscle groups should be performed at least two days a week.", "C": "Reduce prolonged sedentary periods, taking active breaks every three or four hours with short stretching sessions or taking a short walk.", "D": "In order to maintain the range of joint mobility, it is recommended to perform series of flexibility exercises twice a week." }, "Correct Answer": "Reduce prolonged sedentary periods, taking active breaks every three or four hours with short stretching sessions or taking a short walk.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d56b34ee-1b92-4186-b96f-33ba931995c5", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the recommendations of different international organizations on healthy eating are all the following, except one. Identify it:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the daily intake of fruits, vegetables and vegetables to reach, at least 400 g / day.", "B": "Moderate the consumption of simple sugars such as sweets, sweets and soft drinks.", "C": "Increase the consumption of legumes, whole grains and nuts.", "D": "Consume at least 30% of the caloric intake from saturated fatty acids." }, "Correct Answer": "Consume at least 30% of the caloric intake from saturated fatty acids.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "07e693d0-2554-43cd-b44e-5f96c91ce549", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Strategy for the Promotion of Health and Prevention of the National Health System proposes to detect and intervene on frailty in people over 70 years of age. What test do you propose to use to perform fragility screening in Primary Care ?:", "Options": { "A": "Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) execution test.", "B": "Downton scale.", "C": "Tinetti scale.", "D": "Goldberg Health Questionnaire." }, "Correct Answer": "Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) execution test.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4301be2a-10a6-4412-bac4-b5e0ae4b3573", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Is it necessary to administer diphtheria-tetanus booster vaccine in a healthy 25-year-old patient who has been properly vaccinated in childhood, has been cut with glass from a bottle and has a clean wound ?:", "Options": { "A": "Yes, a booster dose of diphtheria-tetanus should be administered after more than 10 years have elapsed since the last dose.", "B": "Yes, a booster dose of diphtheria-tetanus and a dose of antitetanus gammaglobulin should have been administered more than 10 years after the last dose.", "C": "No, it is protected and it would not be necessary to give a booster dose.", "D": "Yes, whenever an incised wound occurs, a dose of tetanus vaccine should be administered, regardless of the patient's immunization status." }, "Correct Answer": "No, it is protected and it would not be necessary to give a booster dose.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "041b2f5f-5bf7-4a1c-807e-19a0be305b24", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the administration of vaccines, indicate the wrong answer:", "Options": { "A": "To administer vaccines intramuscularly, the needle should pierce the skin at a 90º angle.", "B": "When a vaccine and a gamma globulin should be administered, they should be injected into different extremities.", "C": "The tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) is administered intradermally.", "D": "The rotavirus vaccine is administered by the deep subcutaneous route." }, "Correct Answer": "The rotavirus vaccine is administered by the deep subcutaneous route.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9fb70419-8d7a-43b5-8b3f-d53aeee657e4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the screening and intervention on alcohol risk consumption, point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "To perform the risk consumption screening in Primary Care, the use of the AUDIT-C test is proposed.", "B": "In men, a consumption higher than 40 g / day is considered risky (4 Unit of Standard Drink UBE) or 280 g / week (28 UBE).", "C": "In women, a consumption higher than 24 g / day (2-2.5 UBE) or 170 g / week (17 UBE) is considered risky.", "D": "Among the recommendations for reducing consumption in the non-dependent risk drinker is the convenience of drinking distilled beverages instead of fermented beverages." }, "Correct Answer": "Among the recommendations for reducing consumption in the non-dependent risk drinker is the convenience of drinking distilled beverages instead of fermented beverages.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6843181b-2066-4791-8162-529982d9c4a5", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the measures of prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "To prevent the transmission of human papilloma virus, the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System recommends the vaccination of girls at 12 years of age.", "B": "The latex condom and the diaphragm are considered very effective methods for the prevention of STIs.", "C": "Spermicides are not considered an adequate method to prevent STIs.", "D": "People with a diagnosed STI should receive advice about the period in which they and their partners should avoid having sex." }, "Correct Answer": "The latex condom and the diaphragm are considered very effective methods for the prevention of STIs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "663915ff-71e1-4122-8b0d-5c5538034ee4", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Soledad, a 73-year-old woman who is visited at her daughter's house, with whom she usually lives. In a new assessment of the Activity / Exercise pattern, Soledad tells her that before she reached the Health Center, which is half a kilometer away, but since the last time her vision has worsened, the streets are under construction and she finds herself with worse physical condition. Her daughter reports that Soledad is afraid of falling and that she now walks worse and has difficulty climbing stairs and ramps, but that she still drives well inside the house. Indicate the diagnostic label to which the case corresponds:", "Options": { "A": "Intolerance to activity.", "B": "Deterioration of the ability to translate.", "C": "Deterioration of standing.", "D": "Impairment of ambulation." }, "Correct Answer": "Impairment of ambulation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "35d526e4-d555-4cd1-b825-146e08bc3139", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Juana of 89 years, conscious and oriented, has been institutionalized in the hospital for three months. The reason for admission was a fracture of the left humerus, but after its intervention, it was complicated by a respiratory infection process that kept it intact and with minimal possibility of displacement. Social interaction and daily activity have been reduced considerably. Manifest boredom and motivation to increase activity and social contacts, however, the environment does not allow to engage in a daily activity similar to your habit at home. Indicate the diagnostic label according to the case:", "Options": { "A": "Sedentary lifestyle", "B": "Deficit of recreational activities.", "C": "Risk of disuse syndrome.", "D": "Fear." }, "Correct Answer": "Deficit of recreational activities.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "66a170a4-dbe9-4610-a684-1f2f17752659", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Walking down the street to make a home visit is a man of about 40 who suffers a heat stroke. Point out the correct option with regard to heat stroke:", "Options": { "A": "The heat stroke is manifested by a rise in body temperature above 41 ° C, hot skin, diaphoresis, redness, miotic and non-reactive pupils and change of adjustment at the level of the hypothalamus.", "B": "The heat stroke is manifested by a rise in body temperature above 39 ° C, an increase in heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, hot skin, diaphoresis, redness and a change in the level of the hypothalamus.", "C": "Heat stroke is manifested by a rise in body temperature above 40 ° C, a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, hot, dry, pale skin and depression of hypothalamus function.", "D": "Heat stroke is manifested by a rise in body temperature above 41ºC, an increase in heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, hot, dry, red skin, and depression of hypothalamus function." }, "Correct Answer": "Heat stroke is manifested by a rise in body temperature above 41ºC, an increase in heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, hot, dry, red skin, and depression of hypothalamus function.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "93f9c209-8c2c-4080-b9b5-b57938c585ff", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The positive Trousseau sign where the carpal spasm occurs is characteristic of an electrolyte disturbance and can be easily identified in the Primary Care consultation with the help of a cuff to take the tension. Indicate the type of alteration of the electrolyte balance in question:", "Options": { "A": "Hypocalcemia", "B": "Hypomagnesemia", "C": "Hyperkalemia", "D": "Hypernatremia" }, "Correct Answer": "Hypocalcemia", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "aca4246e-117a-415f-b9c9-35d04d16c811", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "He goes to the home of Milagros, a 61-year-old woman on dialysis for kidney failure who has manifested diarrhea and paresthesias in the extremities in the last few hours. During the assessment, you find a substantial decrease in the usual heart rate along with an irregular pulse. Indicate the type of electrolyte imbalance to suspect before said evaluation:", "Options": { "A": "Hypokalemia", "B": "Hypomagnesemia", "C": "Hypermagnesemia.", "D": "Hyperkalemia" }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperkalemia", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e4266f84-93e3-4555-9d44-ab25e0b54ef1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "A follow-up assessment of Ramona is performed for the diagnosis of excess fluid volume by means of the scale of four points of assessment of the edema. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "The fovea up to two millimeters is recorded as 0.", "B": "The fovea from 2 to 7 millimeters is rated as 2+.", "C": "The 7-millimeter fovea is registered as 3+.", "D": "The fovea greater than 5 millimeters is rated as 4+." }, "Correct Answer": "The 7-millimeter fovea is registered as 3+.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "92fa2c17-a635-4147-a6c3-fc670a2396df", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pathophysiological consequences of the climacteric are the following EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Vaginal dryness", "B": "Osteoporosis.", "C": "Menstrual irregularity", "D": "Greater frequency of heart diseases." }, "Correct Answer": "Greater frequency of heart diseases.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7eddadda-e4b5-46d4-8213-9839d8b05903", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The following equation used to calculate basal metabolism or resting energy expenditure is the equation: Men TMR = 66.5 + [13.7 x Weight (kg)] + [5.03 x Size (cm)] - [6.75 x age (years)]. Women TMR = 655.1 + [9.56 x Weight (kg)] + [1.85 x Size (cm)] - [4.68 x age (years)]. TMR: Metabolic Rest Rate", "Options": { "A": "Parkland.", "B": "Mifflin", "C": "Harris-Benedict.", "D": "Dubois and Dubois." }, "Correct Answer": "Harris-Benedict.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e60552f3-8efc-4aa0-a2e5-f184725a09c1", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer. You are taking care of a family in your Primary Care consultation. About the instruments of attention to it, we know that:", "Options": { "A": "The Apgar family allows assessing the perception of the person on the functioning of his family at a given time.", "B": "The Apgar family does not allow to measure affectivity as an evaluating element of family functionality.", "C": "The family Apgar does not allow to measure the resolutive capacity as an evaluating element of family functionality.", "D": "The family Apgar does not allow an approach to identify conflicts in the family area." }, "Correct Answer": "The Apgar family allows assessing the perception of the person on the functioning of his family at a given time.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8efd996b-a60e-44ad-98a6-44bc3b3eb97e", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "Before carrying out a community intervention on habits of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle in the Spanish child and adolescent population, the latest reports on the indicated subject must be known, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "In the age of 9 to 12 years girls do not meet the recommendations of physical activity in a greater proportion (around 20-25%) than children.", "B": "In adolescence (13-17 years) increases the non-compliance of the recommendations of physical activity in both sexes.", "C": "The majority of children between 6 and 9 years of age walk to and from school respectively, but only if the distance to school is less than one kilometer.", "D": "The percentages of adolescents are similar to that of adolescents in terms of physical activity during recess." }, "Correct Answer": "The percentages of adolescents are similar to that of adolescents in terms of physical activity during recess.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4628dc49-ef1b-4af5-806a-5ebf5063659a", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "You are in the Primary Care consultation. He is healing a patient of a wound. What type of waste has been generated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sanitary waste assimilable to municipal or type I waste", "B": "Non-specific or type II sanitary waste.", "C": "Sanitary waste specific to risk or type III.", "D": "Waste typified in singular or type IV regulations." }, "Correct Answer": "Non-specific or type II sanitary waste.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "89f1cce0-6219-4de9-9a0a-d23165e219dd", "topic_name": "nursery" }, { "data": { "Question": "The metabolic reaction of amine dealkylation begins with the hydroxylation of the carbon atom attached to the nitrogen to cause an unstable metabolite. Of what nature is this metabolite ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hemiacetal.", "B": "Hydroxylamine.", "C": "Hemiaminal", "D": "Cyanhydrin" }, "Correct Answer": "Hemiaminal", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a3672e8c-fed5-4134-b198-c95dda45ea7d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "On what functional group present in a drug or its metabolites can there be a phase II metabolic reaction of conjugation with amino acids ?:", "Options": { "A": "Activated carboxylic acids such as acylCoA.", "B": "Primary amides.", "C": "Phenolic hydroxyl.", "D": "Oxides of arene." }, "Correct Answer": "Activated carboxylic acids such as acylCoA.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "93f36bce-e706-40e3-9db7-6242c4774326", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Rolitetracycline is a prodrug of tetracycline of Mannich base nature, how does the activation of this prodrug take place ?:", "Options": { "A": "By action of a non-specific esterase.", "B": "By action of a nonspecific amidase.", "C": "By the action of an alcohol dehydrogenase.", "D": "By non-enzymatic decomposition." }, "Correct Answer": "By non-enzymatic decomposition.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b2bff7bf-c603-4a2d-abff-f1e6a23eaa6b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Amphotericin B is an antifungal agent that is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Half of its structure is hydrophilic and the other half lipophilic, and interacts with the lipids of the membrane to form a tunnel by association of several molecules.", "B": "Half of its structure has acidic remains and the other half basic remains that bind to the phospholipids of the membrane and alter the transport of ions", "C": "It has a cyclic structure capable of complexing potassium ions that transports to the cellular exterior.", "D": "It has a helical peptide structure that crosses the membrane and allows the exit of ions." }, "Correct Answer": "Half of its structure is hydrophilic and the other half lipophilic, and interacts with the lipids of the membrane to form a tunnel by association of several molecules.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c2eaa8d1-b999-439f-8a32-faaeb3c735b9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about pentostatin is FALSE ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is an adenosine deaminase inhibitor.", "B": "It is an analogue of the transition state.", "C": "It lengthens the half-life of vidarabine (ara-A) when administered together.", "D": "It is an analog of purine nucleosides with an acyclic chain instead of sugar." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an analog of purine nucleosides with an acyclic chain instead of sugar.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0750a562-8d94-4ae7-9c2b-88ff475b15e3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Paclitaxel, better known as taxol, is:", "Options": { "A": "An interleaving agent.", "B": "A stabilizer of microtubules in mitosis.", "C": "An alkylating agent.", "D": "An inhibitor of protein synthesis." }, "Correct Answer": "A stabilizer of microtubules in mitosis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dd596bce-4680-40be-82e0-820980aac793", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Triptans are serotonergic agonists used in the treatment of migraine, characterized by having in its structure a heterocyclic system of the type:", "Options": { "A": "Indic.", "B": "Piperazine.", "C": "Imidazoic", "D": "Pyrimidinic" }, "Correct Answer": "Indic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8b173b9a-feb5-402e-bb99-9b4b9b77976b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following substituents can be considered a bioisostere of a carboxylic acid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Guanidino", "B": "Acetyl.", "C": "Methylureide.", "D": "5-tetrazolyl." }, "Correct Answer": "5-tetrazolyl.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4ba7ad76-de6c-46e1-9451-4ff58643f123", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is a prodrug ?:", "Options": { "A": "Vigabatrin", "B": "Methotrexate", "C": "Atracurio.", "D": "Omeprazole" }, "Correct Answer": "Omeprazole", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "60271d66-4b0f-4b65-ad5a-d013401deaf2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following modifications in the structure of morphine leads to an increase in analgesic activity ?:", "Options": { "A": "OH group in position 14 and allyl group in nitrogen.", "B": "Cyclopropylmethyl group in nitrogen.", "C": "Phenethyl group in nitrogen.", "D": "Methoxyl group in place of the phenolic hydroxyl of position 3." }, "Correct Answer": "Phenethyl group in nitrogen.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f02a4e5a-ad24-412b-8d06-82e561e8d9b5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What general chemical structure does the selective beta 1 adrenergic receptor antagonist have ?:", "Options": { "A": "Arylethylamines", "B": "Imidazolines.", "C": "Aryloxypropanolamines.", "D": "Arylethanolamines" }, "Correct Answer": "Aryloxypropanolamines.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "32a54cef-f3ac-4c6c-9475-c9cf4bf7e2e2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The epoxidation of allylic alcohols is one of the stages in the synthesis route of aryloxypropanolamines. What is the selective enantio epoxidation reaction of said alcohols called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Epoxidation of Shi.", "B": "Epoxidation of Sharpless.", "C": "Epoxidation of Corey.", "D": "Epoxidation of Priezhaev." }, "Correct Answer": "Epoxidation of Sharpless.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2058e16d-b040-4dad-97bc-e94c8f6ded3e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following functional groups is present in the structure of the antimalarial drug artemisinin and is essential for its activity ?:", "Options": { "A": "Endoperoxide", "B": "Lactone", "C": "Ether.", "D": "Ester." }, "Correct Answer": "Endoperoxide", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c5379ba8-829b-4052-ad91-e0fde9882211", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anthracyclines are antitumor agents that have in their structure a fragment of betahydroxycarbonyl able to form complexes with Fe3 +. These complexes reinforce the antitumor action of these drugs because:", "Options": { "A": "They favor alkylation reactions of DNA bases.", "B": "They promote the formation of hydroxyl radicals.", "C": "They stimulate the depolymerization of microtubules.", "D": "They favor the intercalation between the DNA bases." }, "Correct Answer": "They promote the formation of hydroxyl radicals.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "474ffee9-c611-4f22-b635-a489b3998e01", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most appropriate technique to diagnose an infection with Legionella pneumophila ?:", "Options": { "A": "Detection of antigen (serogroup 1) in a urine sample.", "B": "Gram stain of a respiratory sample.", "C": "Cultivation in blood agar and incubation at 42º C in a microaerophilic atmosphere.", "D": "Acid-alcohol resistant stains." }, "Correct Answer": "Detection of antigen (serogroup 1) in a urine sample.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7fd2833b-17c5-4a45-a497-7c6aa00da090", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct regarding Campylobacter jejuni ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is an immobile Gram-negative bacillus.", "B": "For its growth it requires a microaerophilic atmosphere.", "C": "For the isolation from fecal samples, general culture media and incubation temperature at 37º C are used.", "D": "It is a strict anaerobic microorganism." }, "Correct Answer": "For its growth it requires a microaerophilic atmosphere.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e0bebdaf-a44e-4c42-9522-e2daea990e10", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The strain Escherichia coli serotype O157: H7, which causes haemolytic uraemic syndrome, is classified as:", "Options": { "A": "Enteropathogenic E. coli.", "B": "Enterotoxigenic E. coli.", "C": "Enteroinvasive E. coli.", "D": "Enterohemorrhagic E. coli." }, "Correct Answer": "Enterohemorrhagic E. coli.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ea308bfc-eb11-4364-9ea0-f53b818ecbd0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Given the isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus in a fungal culture from a sputum sample, what decision would it make ?:", "Options": { "A": "Discard it because of the high probability that it is a contaminant.", "B": "Consider it as a commensal microbiota of the respiratory tract.", "C": "Evaluate its meaning considering the risk factors of the patient.", "D": "Grow the same sample again." }, "Correct Answer": "Evaluate its meaning considering the risk factors of the patient.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7ad03394-9125-4c2d-b3db-add91513a782", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the fungi listed below is resistant to amphotericin B:", "Options": { "A": "Candida krusei", "B": "Histoplasma capsulatum.", "C": "Aspergillus terreus", "D": "Candida albicans." }, "Correct Answer": "Aspergillus terreus", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ec60a3f0-b989-498d-bebf-8c06c5423521", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer regarding vancomycin:", "Options": { "A": "It belongs to the family lincosaminas.", "B": "It acts by inhibiting the synthesis of proteins.", "C": "It has activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.", "D": "It is only active against Gram positive bacteria." }, "Correct Answer": "It is only active against Gram positive bacteria.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8625e2ef-9b2d-4017-b3d7-eca0fe56e01b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Prophylactic measures for the prevention of neonatal infection with Streptococcus agalactiae include:", "Options": { "A": "Identification of pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy.", "B": "Vaccination of pregnant carriers.", "C": "Penicillin treatment of pregnant women carriers during the first trimester of pregnancy.", "D": "Administration of intrapartum penicillin to pregnant women carriers." }, "Correct Answer": "Administration of intrapartum penicillin to pregnant women carriers.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b8164b1d-109c-40de-90e1-206fd64fb7c2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mechanism of action of the antibiotics of the quinolone group ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition of DNA replication.", "B": "Inhibition of cell wall formation.", "C": "Inhibition of protein synthesis.", "D": "Inhibition of the synthesis of tetrahydrofolate." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibition of DNA replication.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2da660cc-369e-43d5-b03a-8e252e74f00a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The antibiotic treatment of choice for meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae serogroup b is:", "Options": { "A": "Gentamicin", "B": "Erythromycin.", "C": "Ciprofloxacin", "D": "Cefotaxime" }, "Correct Answer": "Cefotaxime", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0454e964-b6ce-4954-9231-5a6a11512727", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The TCBS agar (Tiosulfato Citrate Bilis Sucrose), is selective and differential for:", "Options": { "A": "Mycobacteria", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus.", "C": "Bacteria of the genus Vibrio.", "D": "Bacteria of the genus Salmonella." }, "Correct Answer": "Bacteria of the genus Vibrio.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e6d68bfe-3eb2-4613-88d5-afd1244c0ca5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main mechanism of resistance to penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems in enterobacteria is due to:", "Options": { "A": "Active ejection pumps.", "B": "Modification of PBPs produced by acquisition of the mecA gene.", "C": "Beta-lactamases", "D": "Modification of porinas." }, "Correct Answer": "Beta-lactamases", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "24d96bcd-c30e-4c7a-b67c-c6317c33dc76", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following microorganisms is a strict anaerobic Gram positive bacillus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bacillus anthracis.", "B": "Nocardia asteroids.", "C": "Clostridium tetani.", "D": "Listeria monocytogenes." }, "Correct Answer": "Clostridium tetani.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4ba344f3-4be3-4bc8-9c43-d296cfb10e9c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following bacteria is transmitted in Europe through the bite of Ixodes ricinus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Borrelia burgdorferi.", "B": "Mycobacterium ulcerans.", "C": "Bartonella quintana.", "D": "Rickettsia prowazekii." }, "Correct Answer": "Borrelia burgdorferi.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "29ee39fe-1e95-4a7e-922e-491d08a3a56e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, what is the correct statement ?:", "Options": { "A": "Isoniazid has bactericidal activity by inhibiting the synthesis of mycolic acids.", "B": "Pyrazinamide inhibits the formation of messenger RNA by blocking RNA polymerase.", "C": "Rifampicin blocks cell wall synthesis by acting on arabinogalactans.", "D": "Ethambutol inhibits DNA gyrase." }, "Correct Answer": "Isoniazid has bactericidal activity by inhibiting the synthesis of mycolic acids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7a9ec546-2069-45f8-9b98-f20ce91f92aa", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What clinical entity is caused, mainly, by Clostridium difficile ?:", "Options": { "A": "Botulism.", "B": "Diarrhea associated with antibiotics.", "C": "Gas gangrene.", "D": "Tetanus." }, "Correct Answer": "Diarrhea associated with antibiotics.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8850f85b-3d83-49c8-ae1e-60b981ed917c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the stools of a 6-year-old boy with diarrhea and abdominal pain, a packet of parasite eggs surrounded by a transparent membrane is observed. Which treatment do you consider most appropriate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Praziquantel", "B": "Azithromycin", "C": "Metronidazole", "D": "Albendazole" }, "Correct Answer": "Praziquantel", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ac9f7a90-bb59-45cf-bc14-650bdce7e3bb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the correct triad in relation to the sample to be collected, the diagnostic procedure to be performed and the causative organism of the infection ?:", "Options": { "A": "Complete blood / acid resistant alcohol stain / Cryptosporidium parvum.", "B": "Skin ulcer biopsy / Macroscopic examination / Leishmania spp.", "C": "Bronchoalveolar lavage / Direct immunofluorescence / Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci.", "D": "Corneal scraping / Serology / Acanthamoeba castellanii." }, "Correct Answer": "Bronchoalveolar lavage / Direct immunofluorescence / Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "70b78d23-b97d-453f-b76d-081866109448", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 21-year-old man went to the emergency room after presenting several episodes of generalized tonic-clonic seizures in the last week. In the cranial CT scan, a unilocular cystic lesion was observed with a small nodule attached to the wall corresponding to the encysting larva of a parasite. Which of the following pathogens can be responsible ?:", "Options": { "A": "Entamoeba histolytica.", "B": "Cryptococcus neoformans.", "C": "Taenia saginata", "D": "Taenia solium" }, "Correct Answer": "Taenia solium", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "21d3ca11-1581-455d-aeb3-9cf25f863f15", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is true in relation to trichinosis ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a zoonotic parasitosis caused by cestodes of the genus Trichinella spp.", "B": "It is an accidental parasitosis of the man of intestinal localization in the adult and tissue form in the larval form.", "C": "Trichinella spiralis, one of the non-encapsulated species, is the most prevalent.", "D": "Significant antibody titers appear after the second week of the infestation and persist for years." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an accidental parasitosis of the man of intestinal localization in the adult and tissue form in the larval form.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aa84e939-4733-48e9-8d64-60d653b7ffcc", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which animal acts as an intermediate host in the life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski ?:", "Options": { "A": "The pig.", "B": "Cow.", "C": "The dog.", "D": "The snail." }, "Correct Answer": "The snail.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8568a655-3ea7-41a2-9185-61d8eebab0e4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A slow freezing speed during the lyophilization process produces:", "Options": { "A": "A small number of crystallization nuclei.", "B": "Pores of small size in the product at the end of the drying.", "C": "A difficult output of water vapor during primary drying.", "D": "A larger surface for the desorption of the water remaining in the secondary desiccation." }, "Correct Answer": "A small number of crystallization nuclei.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e6aa0e1a-c160-42d4-a1af-5cce08ac55e5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the technological resource known as controlled flocculation ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the incorporation into the formulation of chelating substances such as EDTA that act as flocculants.", "B": "In the addition of electrolytes to modify the Z potential and improve the stability of colloidal systems such as suspensions and emulsions.", "C": "In the modification of the particle size by electric shocks to modify the degree of flocculation in colloidal systems.", "D": "In the incorporation of viscosifying agents that modify the rheological properties of suspensions and gels." }, "Correct Answer": "In the addition of electrolytes to modify the Z potential and improve the stability of colloidal systems such as suspensions and emulsions.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "13833586-761e-4516-a2f3-e6bce54c66f8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the main characteristics of a flocculated system is the following:", "Options": { "A": "Slow sedimentation rate", "B": "Volume of high sediment.", "C": "High zeta potential values.", "D": "Presence of a maximum and minimum primary energy." }, "Correct Answer": "Volume of high sediment.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1061659d-ed19-4284-a35b-b4ed3a60b2bd", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The mathematical approach of Heckel in the interpretation of data in a pharmaceutical development, provides us with information about:", "Options": { "A": "The degree of sedimentation of solid particles in a given suspension formulation.", "B": "The characteristics of plasticity and compressibility of a powdery solid material.", "C": "The average particle size of a pulverulent material for its dosage in rigid capsules or tablets.", "D": "The caking capacity of a pulverulent solid material and its fluidity for its dosage in tablets or capsules." }, "Correct Answer": "The characteristics of plasticity and compressibility of a powdery solid material.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a212d724-f62d-493d-9683-d4c38d38a317", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The formation of agglomerates of solid particles of difficult redispersion in the suspensions is known by the following name:", "Options": { "A": "Caking", "B": "Puffing", "C": "Melting.", "D": "Flocculation" }, "Correct Answer": "Caking", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "02be3c30-920f-4450-a734-9de38a1d1bad", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following methods would you choose to directly determine the specific surface of a pulverulent solid material ?:", "Options": { "A": "The gas adsorption technique.", "B": "Granulometric analysis by sieving.", "C": "Granulometric analysis by electron microscopy.", "D": "Granulometric analysis by sedimentation techniques." }, "Correct Answer": "The gas adsorption technique.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "928162d5-bdcc-48e4-aa1f-b3291b863d0d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The relationship between the weight of water vapor and the weight of dry air contained in a moist air mass is known by the following name:", "Options": { "A": "RH.", "B": "Absolute humidity.", "C": "Hygrometric state.", "D": "Psychrometric diagram" }, "Correct Answer": "Absolute humidity.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7e3f4ea4-7513-4932-82f4-7e48854f3f65", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does the reduction of particle size by spraying affect the properties of an active ingredient for its formulation, taking into account the general equation of Noyes and Whitney ?:", "Options": { "A": "It supposes a decrease in the specific surface, associated to a decrease in the solubility and the speed of dissolution.", "B": "It implies an increase in solubility and, therefore, an increase in oral bioavailability.", "C": "It supposes an increase of the specific surface that is translated in an increase in its speed of dissolution.", "D": "It supposes an improvement of the stability of the active principle when increasing the specific surface." }, "Correct Answer": "It supposes an increase of the specific surface that is translated in an increase in its speed of dissolution.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "40da8c0a-e24c-457a-805a-8ff562166fa0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements correctly defines the lyophilization process ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a system of cold desiccation by means of a decrease of the pressure below the critical point of the water and subsequent sublimation.", "B": "It is a system of desiccation by means of a decrease in pressure below the triple point of water and subsequent sublimation.", "C": "It is a drying system by freezing the water contained in a sample and then raising the temperature to evaporate the ice formed.", "D": "It is a drying system by freezing the water contained in a sample and subsequent sublimation of the ice formed." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a drying system by freezing the water contained in a sample and subsequent sublimation of the ice formed.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9ee8befc-3ba9-4609-8054-93edcd7135ec", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the physiological effect of parathyroid hormone or PTH ?:", "Options": { "A": "It intervenes in glandular growth.", "B": "Involved in the metabolism of iron.", "C": "Regulates the renal concentration of water.", "D": "Involved in the control of extracellular concentrations of calcium and phosphate." }, "Correct Answer": "Involved in the control of extracellular concentrations of calcium and phosphate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "834d325e-641a-4603-a224-0a3e67293153", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The physiological function of the delay in conduction of the cardiac impulse through the atrio-ventricular node is to allow sufficient time for:", "Options": { "A": "The displacement of blood from the aorta to the rest of the arteries.", "B": "Venous return to the atria.", "C": "The filling of the ventricles.", "D": "Contraction of ventricles." }, "Correct Answer": "The filling of the ventricles.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7104f0b2-6b65-47fe-a70f-7c7db8692204", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following factors favors ultrafiltration at the level of the glomerulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "The oncotic pressure of the glomerular capillary.", "B": "The oncotic pressure of Bowman's capsule.", "C": "The hydrostatic pressure of the glomerular capillary.", "D": "The hydrostatic pressure of the Bowman capsule." }, "Correct Answer": "The hydrostatic pressure of the glomerular capillary.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "47a27d73-4939-4dbd-9140-06be2b5f394a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which factor stimulates the inhibition or delay of gastric emptying:", "Options": { "A": "A pH greater than 5.", "B": "The increase of the volume of chyme in the stomach.", "C": "The acidity of duodenal chyme.", "D": "The presence of products of protein digestion in the stomach." }, "Correct Answer": "The acidity of duodenal chyme.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "75a74df5-6058-4d7f-a1e0-e7bbeba20996", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What part of the electrocardiogram corresponds to ventricular depolarization ?:", "Options": { "A": "The P wave", "B": "The QRS complex.", "C": "The T wave", "D": "The PR segment." }, "Correct Answer": "The QRS complex.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3c4a4cfb-0f67-437f-9af1-34d2a4139827", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Where is mineralocorticoid release ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the fascicular layer of the adrenal cortex.", "B": "In the glomerulosa layer of the adrenal cortex.", "C": "In the reticular layer of the adrenal cortex.", "D": "In the adrenal medulla." }, "Correct Answer": "In the glomerulosa layer of the adrenal cortex.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "327602ee-2c24-4e01-8153-bff0d9817c37", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which hormone favors the mobilization of aquaporins 2 to the luminal membrane in the renal tubule ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aldosterone", "B": "Angiotensin II.", "C": "The antidiuretic hormone.", "D": "The atrial natriuretic peptide." }, "Correct Answer": "The antidiuretic hormone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "90b34028-1ef5-4a76-9f67-8e9425c5c373", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which vitamin requires the intrinsic factor for intestinal absorption ?:", "Options": { "A": "Vitamin C.", "B": "Vitamin B2", "C": "Vitamin B12", "D": "Vitamin D." }, "Correct Answer": "Vitamin B12", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6784d2ee-42cc-4500-bf62-a09b1621227e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the signal that stimulates the secretion of parathyroid hormone ?:", "Options": { "A": "The concentration of phosphorus in the plasma.", "B": "The concentration of calcium in the plasma.", "C": "The concentration of potassium in the plasma.", "D": "The concentration of sodium in the plasma." }, "Correct Answer": "The concentration of calcium in the plasma.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "405b7345-d1cb-4e78-95a1-277a1e085c95", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The first sound or heart tone is due to:", "Options": { "A": "At the closure of atrioventricular valves.", "B": "At the closing of the semilunar valves.", "C": "To the vibrations of the aorta during atrial contraction.", "D": "To the rapid flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles." }, "Correct Answer": "At the closure of atrioventricular valves.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a09c4d7d-9923-4c3c-ad5e-8d4268b6307e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During periods of REM sleep or paradoxical sleep:", "Options": { "A": "The electroencephalogram is similar to that of wakefulness.", "B": "The δ waves predominate in the electroencephalogram.", "C": "The level of muscle tone is high.", "D": "The heart and respiratory rates are reduced." }, "Correct Answer": "The electroencephalogram is similar to that of wakefulness.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "427bad58-ab52-4ccc-ac6f-6c52b8762c91", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The repolarization phase of the action potential in the nerve is determined by:", "Options": { "A": "The sodium outlet.", "B": "The output of calcium.", "C": "The output of potassium.", "D": "The entrance of potassium." }, "Correct Answer": "The output of potassium.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "136f6116-018e-4ec0-8532-d516fd1b69b8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The olfactory glomerulus is the synapse established between the olfactory cells and:", "Options": { "A": "Granular", "B": "Mitrals.", "C": "Horizontal", "D": "Amacrinas." }, "Correct Answer": "Mitrals.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "48a6f669-66f7-4e53-a79f-4cbe608dddbf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What neurotransmitter is responsible for chronic pain ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acetylcholine", "B": "Noradrenaline", "C": "The vasoactive intestinal peptide.", "D": "Substance P, an undecapeptide." }, "Correct Answer": "Substance P, an undecapeptide.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6b1e300b-a606-4141-9ccd-449dcc8c3aab", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The central regulation of breathing is carried out in:", "Options": { "A": "Spinal cord.", "B": "The brainstem.", "C": "The thalamus", "D": "The cerebral cortex" }, "Correct Answer": "The brainstem.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ffd9854e-9f32-4c2b-a77d-a3f5471a3df3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A young patient develops, a few days after the restart of a drug that he had already taken on another occasion, a progressive picture of general deterioration, necrotic oral ulcers and high fever without focus or response to antipyretics. His suspicion would focus first on the possibility of:", "Options": { "A": "Mucocutaneous toxicity.", "B": "Dose-dependent hepatotoxicity.", "C": "Immunoallergic agranulocytosis.", "D": "DRESS syndrome (Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms)." }, "Correct Answer": "Immunoallergic agranulocytosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "934b81ed-20b1-40d9-b5c8-92c9f63c0360", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A \"leukoerythroblastic reaction\" is defined as the presence in blood of precursor myeloid cells (myelocytes and metamyelocytes), nucleated red cells (erythroblasts) and dacryocytes or cells in tears. What disease frequently presents this finding in the peripheral blood in its advanced phase as a reflection of its pathogenesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chronic myeloid leukemia", "B": "Multiple myeloma.", "C": "Chronic lymphatic leukemia.", "D": "Primary myelofibrosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Primary myelofibrosis", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6ee2a9f1-167c-4408-8984-97ae7caec617", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of moderate thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy with hypofibrinogenemia and decrease in haptoglobin is suggestive of:", "Options": { "A": "Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.", "B": "Systemic lupus erythematosus.", "C": "Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.", "D": "Advanced liver disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Advanced liver disease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4ecc1f2e-ac88-4f6c-a3e5-74efbdf234ac", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the mechanism of blood clot formation does NOT intervene:", "Options": { "A": "Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.", "B": "Conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.", "C": "Vitamin K.", "D": "Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin." }, "Correct Answer": "Conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9227a927-e95d-45fc-a0c0-aa5f0f47654f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to sickle cell anemia or sickle cell disease:", "Options": { "A": "It is the hemoglobinopathy C.", "B": "The affected erythrocytes are resistant to infection by Plasmodium falciparum.", "C": "It is very common in the white population.", "D": "It belongs to the group of hemoglobinopathies of lesser clinical interest." }, "Correct Answer": "The affected erythrocytes are resistant to infection by Plasmodium falciparum.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4acd6366-b607-4da8-a0ef-da654a91e99e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which laboratory finding does NOT belong to a picture of hemolytic anemia:", "Options": { "A": "Increase in serum bilirubin at the expense of its conjugated fraction.", "B": "Presence of schistocytes in the peripheral blood microscopic examination.", "C": "Decrease in haptoglobin levels.", "D": "Increase in lactate dehydrogenase levels." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase in serum bilirubin at the expense of its conjugated fraction.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e6ff8536-7478-4466-98c8-ac9c238a07c8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following sensory systems is affected in Kallmann Syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Olfactory.", "B": "Visual.", "C": "Gustatory.", "D": "Auditory." }, "Correct Answer": "Olfactory.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5b57365c-395c-4297-b2bf-222831d2d3e3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Atelectasis is a restrictive pathology of ventilation characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "The anomalous dilation of the bronchi.", "B": "The abnormal expansion of the pleural space.", "C": "The collapse of the alveoli.", "D": "The fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma." }, "Correct Answer": "The collapse of the alveoli.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7225201e-a8d9-4f8f-b80e-a80e1d5e62f0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pheochromocytoma is a tumor that develops in:", "Options": { "A": "The glomerular layer of the adrenal cortex.", "B": "The fascicular layer of the adrenal cortex.", "C": "The reticular layer of the adrenal cortex.", "D": "The adrenal medulla." }, "Correct Answer": "The adrenal medulla.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ec2eb803-9063-447e-96f9-875c0a392820", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the main etiological factor associated with acute pancreatitis:", "Options": { "A": "Biliary lithiasis.", "B": "Helicobacter pylori.", "C": "Hypocalcemia.", "D": "The Gilbert Syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Biliary lithiasis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "98bf93b1-7980-40dd-aac6-790e7dc504dd", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In pulmonary emphysema occurs:", "Options": { "A": "The destruction of alveolar walls.", "B": "A generalized bronchoconstriction.", "C": "Mucosal hypersecretion of airways.", "D": "The fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma." }, "Correct Answer": "The destruction of alveolar walls.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0881cc1b-f49f-450b-8fa1-a8851013b0b3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Increased secretion of growth hormone after puberty, produces:", "Options": { "A": "Dwarfism", "B": "Growth hormone lack syndrome.", "C": "Acromegaly.", "D": "Giantism." }, "Correct Answer": "Acromegaly.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1377bd7d-c890-4931-88e9-386358960a3a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following causes of malabsorption occurs with alteration of the intestinal mucosa ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Crigler-Najjar syndrome.", "B": "A cholestasis", "C": "Celiac disease", "D": "Achalasia" }, "Correct Answer": "Celiac disease", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3804ecc7-973e-4590-9f9e-f4b4324fc73a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Cushing's syndrome occurs:", "Options": { "A": "An increase in the release of glucocorticoids.", "B": "A decrease in the release of glucocorticoids.", "C": "An increase in mineralocorticoid release.", "D": "A decrease in mineralocorticoid release." }, "Correct Answer": "An increase in the release of glucocorticoids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b7f106f2-858e-4ee4-8cd2-72fc385caf09", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Thalassemias are diseases characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Mutations in globins structures.", "B": "Excess of normal hemoglobin in erythrocytes.", "C": "Quantitative excess in the synthesis of globin chains.", "D": "Quantitative defect in the synthesis of one or more globin chains." }, "Correct Answer": "Quantitative defect in the synthesis of one or more globin chains.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1387e0dd-77cf-4846-bde2-d3645ec7251d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes can be considered a good marker of drug-induced hemolytic anemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Aspartate aminotransferase (Aspartate transaminase, AST).", "B": "Creatine kinase (CK).", "C": "Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH).", "D": "Lactate dehydrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4c147828-988d-4ab5-b706-e625fded4e07", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In galactosemia, the formation of cataracts is due to:", "Options": { "A": "The excess formation of the polyalcohol sorbitol.", "B": "The excess formation of the polyalcohol galactitol.", "C": "The reduction of aldose reductase activity.", "D": "The excessive formation of NADPH promoted by the activation of aldose reductase." }, "Correct Answer": "The excess formation of the polyalcohol galactitol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7ac7600e-7821-499f-9819-4231145bc2a5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What metabolic disease is caused by a deficiency in phenylalanine hydroxylase ?:", "Options": { "A": "Maple syrup.", "B": "Tyrosinemia type II.", "C": "Alcaptonuria.", "D": "Phenylketonuria" }, "Correct Answer": "Phenylketonuria", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "52b8924a-0b9b-40bf-964f-97afee689eb8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following disorders is associated with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dubin-Johnson syndrome.", "B": "Rotor syndrome.", "C": "Intrahepatic cholestasis", "D": "Crigler-Najjar syndrome Types I and II." }, "Correct Answer": "Crigler-Najjar syndrome Types I and II.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bdd1d424-f1fc-4ad2-9215-1fe833323674", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer regarding alteplase:", "Options": { "A": "It is effective if it is administered in the first 10 hours after the thrombotic episode.", "B": "Its effectiveness is similar to that of calcium and sodium blockers.", "C": "It is administered intravenously and regains blood flow by undoing the thrombus.", "D": "It is an antagonist of the glutamic NMDA receptor." }, "Correct Answer": "It is administered intravenously and regains blood flow by undoing the thrombus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3fa05351-f0d9-4472-adf5-cc4781288b67", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Second generation serotonergic triptan agonists:", "Options": { "A": "They have fewer adverse reactions than sumatriptan.", "B": "They present worse pharmacokinetic parameters than sumatriptan.", "C": "They present a powerful vasodilator effect.", "D": "They are not effective in migraine-induced exercise." }, "Correct Answer": "They have fewer adverse reactions than sumatriptan.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2a313976-53da-4e63-afc6-bd2b040adeac", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the molecular target of tocilizumab ?:", "Options": { "A": "CD20 of B lymphocytes", "B": "Interleukin Receptor 1.", "C": "Interleukin 6 receptor.", "D": "Tumor necrosis factor alpha." }, "Correct Answer": "Interleukin 6 receptor.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c36748b7-8cdb-487a-b66b-1b89cab64e09", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a direct inhibitor of the coagulation factor Xa ?:", "Options": { "A": "Enoxaparin", "B": "Fondaparinux.", "C": "Acenocoumarol.", "D": "Apixaban." }, "Correct Answer": "Apixaban.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "174cbef2-b872-4286-b663-334de952dc8c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the case of an allergic to penicillins, which drug would be of choice for a dental infection ?:", "Options": { "A": "Clindamycin", "B": "Amoxicillin", "C": "Vancomycin", "D": "Imipenem" }, "Correct Answer": "Clindamycin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ba374327-304f-4c4a-b212-176da4cfeef9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ivacaftor is an enhancer of the CFTR protein that is used in the pharmacological therapy of:", "Options": { "A": "Prostate adenocarcinoma resistant to castration.", "B": "Cystic fibrosis.", "C": "Recurrent remitting multiple sclerosis.", "D": "Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)." }, "Correct Answer": "Cystic fibrosis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b1ebd5ac-ee64-4703-9006-4424ce11497c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to citalopram it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "It selectively inhibits the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter.", "B": "It blocks the reuptake of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine mainly, with less effect on the reuptake of dopamine.", "C": "It blocks the reuptake of various amines by the presynaptic terminal by competition for the place of binding to the transporter.", "D": "It reversibly and selectively inhibits monoamine oxidase-A." }, "Correct Answer": "It selectively inhibits the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c98e5b4d-ad6e-4e43-8a57-2ef4db12cde5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Modafinil is a drug that is used in:", "Options": { "A": "Eating disorders", "B": "Narcolepsy", "C": "Migraine.", "D": "The treatment of Parkinson's." }, "Correct Answer": "Narcolepsy", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf150939-cd20-4a8f-925a-c0b50d937015", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "On metformin, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Decreases the release of glucose from the liver.", "B": "Stimulates the secretion of insulin.", "C": "It delays the fragmentation of carbohydrates.", "D": "It produces hypoglycemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Decreases the release of glucose from the liver.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "190434bd-c794-4f14-88cd-ec7d7031c01e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sulfonylureas are drugs:", "Options": { "A": "That decrease the resistance of tissues to insulin.", "B": "Stimulants of insulin secretion.", "C": "Hypoglycemic agents of choice in pregnancy.", "D": "Inhibitors of intestinal alpha-glucosidase." }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulants of insulin secretion.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a571ba00-2e20-42e4-bf2e-1b31baf46885", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following groups of drugs, which would be of choice in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy ?:", "Options": { "A": "Nitrates.", "B": "Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).", "C": "Alpha-blockers.", "D": "Inhibitors of kallikrein." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "38c92c80-f570-4cdb-a047-853759bc1876", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is indicated in the treatment of neuropathic pain ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pregabalin", "B": "Ibuprofen.", "C": "Lidocaine", "D": "Diclofenac" }, "Correct Answer": "Pregabalin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a5965a6f-c89f-458d-b76a-460f59ee3072", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Travoprost is a drug used in the treatment of:", "Options": { "A": "Macular degeneration associated with age.", "B": "Erectile dysfunction.", "C": "Glaucoma.", "D": "Allergic conjunctivitis." }, "Correct Answer": "Glaucoma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9ca3eec1-b9e1-413b-866e-4933e05e4290", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine are drugs used in the treatment of:", "Options": { "A": "Psoriasis.", "B": "Rheumatoid arthritis.", "C": "Ulcerative colitis", "D": "Drop." }, "Correct Answer": "Rheumatoid arthritis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2ab3ccd9-b795-42dd-a47b-8c77c2294ca2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following antiarrhythmic drugs can produce thyroid alterations as an adverse effect ?:", "Options": { "A": "Vernakalant.", "B": "Amiodarone", "C": "Lidocaine", "D": "Diltiazem." }, "Correct Answer": "Amiodarone", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a9716c30-7f4e-4e72-881b-e13e6cd8ed90", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following oral anticoagulants is a direct thrombin inhibitor ?:", "Options": { "A": "Rivaroxaban.", "B": "Dabigatran", "C": "Apixaban", "D": "Edoxaban" }, "Correct Answer": "Dabigatran", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1e8f809d-10d2-4daf-95f1-18111fa0ba4f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Valsartan is a drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure. To what pharmacological group does it belong ?:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibitor of the angiotensin converting enzyme.", "B": "Antagonist of AT1 receptors of angiotensin II.", "C": "Beta blocker.", "D": "Calcium antagonist." }, "Correct Answer": "Antagonist of AT1 receptors of angiotensin II.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fb5760da-8e75-4eb8-83f0-cf6e2cc7503a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following drugs, which one is of choice for the treatment of a hypertensive patient with high levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol ?:", "Options": { "A": "Prazosin", "B": "Propranolol", "C": "Yohimbina.", "D": "Carvedilol." }, "Correct Answer": "Prazosin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9c0ebfcc-7070-48ea-b474-bdea921dbc68", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the FALSE response to digoxin:", "Options": { "A": "It presents a narrow therapeutic margin.", "B": "It presents enterohepatic circulation.", "C": "It is a dialyzable drug.", "D": "It is specifically, saturable and reversible fixed to the Na + / K + ATPase." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a dialyzable drug.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "10beb9d5-0d51-42f0-87e5-9d942eead05a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What drug is indicated in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Toremifene.", "B": "Cetuximab.", "C": "Imatinib", "D": "Rituximab" }, "Correct Answer": "Imatinib", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "99ee7a3e-366b-4be7-ab4e-32cc2119d2ce", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is sunitinib indicated for ?:", "Options": { "A": "Renal carcinoma", "B": "Hepatocarcinoma", "C": "Non-small cell lung cancer.", "D": "Melanoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Renal carcinoma", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a6c39400-452e-4feb-bfeb-3d30057bf9f0", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following β2 agonists used in the treatment of asthma has an average duration of action (4-8 h) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Indacaterol", "B": "Bambuterol", "C": "Salmeterol.", "D": "Salbutamol" }, "Correct Answer": "Salbutamol", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "11dbc5df-4cf3-4e24-a131-de1ba47fc06e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is indicated in the treatment of asthma by inhalation due to its anti-inflammatory properties ?:", "Options": { "A": "Beclomethasone", "B": "Theophylline", "C": "Glycopyrronium bromide.", "D": "Salbutamol" }, "Correct Answer": "Beclomethasone", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "faefa860-4ec5-4fb9-a85e-1d39faff8686", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is used in anesthesia, in systems of infusion controlled by the patient, and through patches applied on the skin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Etorphine.", "B": "Alvimopán.", "C": "Pentazocine", "D": "Fentanyl" }, "Correct Answer": "Fentanyl", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d631b90e-e8b8-4312-87c8-6d4125bcbf53", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding local anesthetics, it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "Ropivacaine is a topical anesthetic.", "B": "Its liposolubility does not affect the potency.", "C": "They block voltage-dependent calcium channels.", "D": "They are administered in association with a vasoconstrictor." }, "Correct Answer": "They are administered in association with a vasoconstrictor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fc4b2748-4f6b-4c0e-a316-69efd8e1d4bb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Rotigotine is indicated for the treatment of:", "Options": { "A": "Huntington's disease", "B": "Parkinson's disease", "C": "Alzheimer disease.", "D": "Myasthenia gravis." }, "Correct Answer": "Parkinson's disease", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5ffdca7-d08d-45d2-98c6-b9ad4cc8a8aa", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is an adverse effect of fingolimod ?:", "Options": { "A": "Decrease in glomerular filtration.", "B": "Dysgeusia", "C": "Decrease in bone mineral density.", "D": "Reduction of heart rate." }, "Correct Answer": "Reduction of heart rate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4c9a4b53-7fe5-40bb-8638-e23a591d7771", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Orally administered proton pump inhibitor drugs:", "Options": { "A": "Neutralize hydrochloric acid from gastric secretion.", "B": "They block the histaminergic receptor.", "C": "They block the gastrin receptor.", "D": "They require enteric cover." }, "Correct Answer": "They require enteric cover.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c228516c-8535-4b83-90ac-62419f18f3d3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What side effects can non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) produce ?:", "Options": { "A": "Edema, aggravation of heart failure and hypertension.", "B": "Hypokalemia", "C": "Spinal hyperplasia", "D": "Increase in the diuretic effect of furosemide." }, "Correct Answer": "Edema, aggravation of heart failure and hypertension.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "36c66951-c99b-4a71-a8bc-c5c6802a16ff", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When do we consider that two medications are bioequivalent ?:", "Options": { "A": "The pharmacological effect of both is identical.", "B": "The pharmacological effect and the bioavailability are the same.", "C": "The speed of disposition (Cmax and Tmax) and the bioavailability of the active principle are practically the same.", "D": "The speed of disposition (Cmax and Tmax) and the clearance of the active principle are practically the same." }, "Correct Answer": "The speed of disposition (Cmax and Tmax) and the bioavailability of the active principle are practically the same.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "53030d05-7f90-4c6e-a488-0ead50fff71d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The essential oils are:", "Options": { "A": "Oily substances consisting of unsaturated fatty acids.", "B": "Oils rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that the human body can not synthesize.", "C": "Volatile substances obtained by physical processes from vegetal aromatic species.", "D": "Natural substances of pleasant smell obtained with polar organic solvents." }, "Correct Answer": "Volatile substances obtained by physical processes from vegetal aromatic species.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1b271806-7a42-4f3b-afb1-b7363af3dc92", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Vitali-Morin reaction is specific to:", "Options": { "A": "Coumarins", "B": "Esters of the tropic acid.", "C": "Ergolinic alkaloids.", "D": "Reduced anthraquinones." }, "Correct Answer": "Esters of the tropic acid.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c574dedd-8bcc-411f-b2e8-2f024462e89b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The active ingredients of Panax ginseng are:", "Options": { "A": "Saponosides.", "B": "Isoquinoline alkaloids.", "C": "Flavonoids", "D": "Sesquiterpene lactones." }, "Correct Answer": "Saponosides.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "eb253a13-47a9-441a-aa08-de14ef790c68", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about ergometrine is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a simple amide of lysergic acid.", "B": "It has antitumor properties.", "C": "It is an alkaloid of the ergopeptin group.", "D": "It has antihypertensive properties." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a simple amide of lysergic acid.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cecc19ea-e953-46c5-9f81-aa3b178a5b29", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the bicompatimental pharmacokinetic model, after intravenous administration in bolus, different volumes of distribution can be calculated: central compartment volume (V1), total volume in steady state (Vdss), extrapolated volume (Vdextr) and area volume (Vdarea). The calculation of Vdss is made from:", "Options": { "A": "The drug-transfer rates between the central and peripheral compartments when the amount in the peripheral is maximum.", "B": "The amount of drug in the terminal phase.", "C": "Relationship between the administered dose and the maximum concentration in the central compartment.", "D": "Relationship between the dose administered and the maximum concentration in the peripheral compartment." }, "Correct Answer": "The drug-transfer rates between the central and peripheral compartments when the amount in the peripheral is maximum.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "45fd067e-9f21-408f-9821-7b0b02a98704", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The glomerular filtration rate of a drug depends on:", "Options": { "A": "The binding to plasma proteins.", "B": "The tubular reabsorption.", "C": "The concentration of drug in biophase.", "D": "The glomerular filtration flow and the drug-free concentration." }, "Correct Answer": "The glomerular filtration flow and the drug-free concentration.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0d93d52a-9507-4092-adee-d148ad2e76ab", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the oral absorption of drugs at the colon level, which of the following statements about the colon as a place of absorption is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "As in the small intestine, there is a large amount of intestinal microvilli.", "B": "It has a useful surface of absorption higher than that of the small intestine.", "C": "It is characterized by an abundant bacterial population, which can affect absorption.", "D": "As in the small intestine there are a large number of carrier systems that mediate the active transport of drugs." }, "Correct Answer": "It is characterized by an abundant bacterial population, which can affect absorption.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b23c9478-b7bd-48f6-ae1e-8ea614534c47", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a drug is administered in a multiple dose regimen, the index or accumulation factor (R) depends on:", "Options": { "A": "The apparent volume of distribution of the drug.", "B": "The half-life of the drug and the dosage range.", "C": "The dose administered and the bioavailability of the drug.", "D": "The number of doses administered." }, "Correct Answer": "The half-life of the drug and the dosage range.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a22ca31d-aad9-4785-b46b-b9f2996a5703", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the mechanisms of absorption of drugs, which is carried out with carrier and in favor of concentration gradient ?:", "Options": { "A": "Diffusion by membrane.", "B": "Active transport.", "C": "Facilitated dissemination.", "D": "Ion pairs" }, "Correct Answer": "Facilitated dissemination.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f1afde75-82d8-45e4-914e-1a4f57375a42", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to the effect of gastric emptying on the oral absorption of drugs, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "The higher the volume of intake, the lower the gastric emptying rate.", "B": "Liquid products leave the stomach at a slower rate than solids.", "C": "Lipid intake increases the rate of gastric emptying.", "D": "By a mechanical mechanism, the left supine decubitus position increases the rate of gastric emptying." }, "Correct Answer": "The higher the volume of intake, the lower the gastric emptying rate.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a8a438e3-3575-47b3-910a-1878e4b426cc", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A solution of an IV infusion antibiotic is administered at a concentration of 2 mg / mL. How many milliliters per hour should be administered to an adult patient of 60 kg so that the infusion rate is 1 mg / kg per hour ?:", "Options": { "A": "12 mL / hour.", "B": "20 mL / hour.", "C": "30 mL / hour.", "D": "60 mL / hour." }, "Correct Answer": "30 mL / hour.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3003472d-0ce2-470b-acb7-78382a844828", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the administration of drugs subcutaneously, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "The incorporation of vasoconstrictors, such as adrenaline, increases the speed of absorption.", "B": "It is a parenteral route of difficult access.", "C": "When drugs are administered in this way repeatedly, for example insulin in type I diabetics, it is recommended not to alternate the injection site to avoid the appearance of lipodystrophies.", "D": "Solid forms of sustained release can be implanted to obtain extended periods of release of some drugs." }, "Correct Answer": "Solid forms of sustained release can be implanted to obtain extended periods of release of some drugs.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f1bbe03e-cbf2-4012-a850-1c3727289fdf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the development of a new oral formulation of the same active ingredient, a lower bioavailability in magnitude (F) of the drug is manifested. What pharmacokinetic parameters are affected ?:", "Options": { "A": "The maximum concentration (Cmax and the time in which said concentration is reached (Tmax).", "B": "The area under the curve (AUC) and the plasma half-life.", "C": "Tmax and plasma half-life.", "D": "The AUC and the Cmax." }, "Correct Answer": "The AUC and the Cmax.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d68be540-579f-47ed-97ec-83a011498c24", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Changes in the free fraction of a drug due to alterations in the binding to plasma proteins may cause changes in the clearance of the liver. In this regard, indicate the correct statement:", "Options": { "A": "In drugs with high hepatic extraction, hepatic clearance is not influenced by changes in protein binding.", "B": "In drugs with low hepatic extraction, hepatic clearance is not influenced by changes in protein binding.", "C": "All drugs have their liver clearance affected when protein binding is modified.", "D": "No drug has affected its hepatic clearance when protein binding is modified." }, "Correct Answer": "In drugs with high hepatic extraction, hepatic clearance is not influenced by changes in protein binding.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fb5f14f3-178d-42c6-979f-b842d8f25b7e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the administration of drugs through the pulmonary route, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "The penetration depth in the respiratory system of the particles administered by the pulmonary route is directly proportional to the respiratory rate.", "B": "The penetration depth in the respiratory apparatus of the particles administered by the pulmonary route is directly proportional to the particle size and density.", "C": "The electrical charge of inhaled aerosolized drug particles does not influence their lung deposition.", "D": "Typically, drug particle sizes of 5 μm or less are used." }, "Correct Answer": "Typically, drug particle sizes of 5 μm or less are used.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bf293209-cbb1-4550-b08f-de3c26b50733", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the administration of drugs by nasal route and its possible absorption, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "The main drawback is the phenomenon known as mucociliary clearance.", "B": "It is characterized for being a little vascularized zone.", "C": "The absorption rate when absorption is by passive diffusion is inversely proportional to the concentration of the drug at the absorption site.", "D": "The molecular weight and the distribution coefficient of the drug do not influence its nasal absorption." }, "Correct Answer": "The main drawback is the phenomenon known as mucociliary clearance.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0e853cea-f439-4ca5-baf3-0c1f348caa10", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following causes could lead to NON-LINEAR kinetic behavior at the level of distribution of a drug ?:", "Options": { "A": "Important variations in the enterohepatic cycle.", "B": "Enzymatic autoinduction phenomenon developed over time.", "C": "Saturation of the drug binding sites at the tissue level.", "D": "Modification of the dissolved fraction of drug as the dose increases." }, "Correct Answer": "Saturation of the drug binding sites at the tissue level.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "591a0572-042d-4715-b86f-16dd1004c9f9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During replication, how do you start the mechanism catalyzed by DNA polymerases ?:", "Options": { "A": "With a segment of RNA that acts as a primer.", "B": "They are enzymes that do not need a primer.", "C": "Copying a mold chain of nature RNA.", "D": "No need for mold chains." }, "Correct Answer": "With a segment of RNA that acts as a primer.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7ebdc3e2-d097-4438-b81c-fbe0c1a35d60", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most abundant amino acid in collagen ?:", "Options": { "A": "4-hydroxyproline.", "B": "To the girl.", "C": "Glycine", "D": "Proline" }, "Correct Answer": "Glycine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5189415b-d452-44bf-9850-fa8079cb61d8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following effectors causes the Bohr effect by acting on the binding and release of O2 by hemoglobin ?:", "Options": { "A": "2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate.", "B": "O2, by acting on the other fixation centers of the molecule.", "C": "CO.", "D": "The pH and CO2." }, "Correct Answer": "The pH and CO2.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f7175e76-9a02-41d2-9c3c-51fa23249f64", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With what name is the parameter of enzymatic kinetics that gives the number of substrate molecules converted into product per unit of time and in charge of a single molecule of enzyme ?:", "Options": { "A": "Catalytic efficiency", "B": "Maximum speed (Vmax).", "C": "Constant of Michaelis (Km).", "D": "Spare number (Kcat)." }, "Correct Answer": "Spare number (Kcat).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "087362e3-4cdc-4b56-b2b0-aa52d4661e78", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The telomeres:", "Options": { "A": "They do not intervene in the protection of the chromosomal ends.", "B": "They are structures present at the ends of linear chromosomes.", "C": "They are not found in the chromosomes of human cells.", "D": "They do not contain repeated sequences." }, "Correct Answer": "They are structures present at the ends of linear chromosomes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "687d7d7a-249b-47ab-bbb7-e33d9d6e98b2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of protein domains interact with membrane lipids to promote firm binding of integral membrane proteins ?:", "Options": { "A": "Domains with predominance of hydrophobic amino acids.", "B": "Domains with predominance of dicarboxylic amino acids.", "C": "Domains with predominance of basic amino acids.", "D": "Domains with predominance of hydroxyamino acids." }, "Correct Answer": "Domains with predominance of hydrophobic amino acids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7ffbdbaa-3cf5-4c8e-8759-57cb31062930", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What characteristic is characteristic of the precursors of eukaryotic messenger RNA ?:", "Options": { "A": "They do not contain introns.", "B": "They are synthesized in the cell's cytosol.", "C": "They do not need post-transcription processing.", "D": "They are synthesized by RNA polymerase II." }, "Correct Answer": "They are synthesized by RNA polymerase II.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "02ffc4f8-7081-4d78-a7f7-7e94dd2adecc", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the enzyme adenylyl cyclase activated ?:", "Options": { "A": "By interacting directly with membrane receptors activated by its ligand.", "B": "By interacting directly with Gsα subunits that have previously bound GTP.", "C": "By interacting directly with Gsα subunits that have previously bound GDP.", "D": "By interacting directly with the cyclic AMP (cAMP) produced by the Gsα subunits." }, "Correct Answer": "By interacting directly with Gsα subunits that have previously bound GTP.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8a7e98a9-7033-465b-9bda-5874a50d2b03", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following pathways or phases of metabolic pathways does the enzyme glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase participate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Non-oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway.", "B": "Gluconeogenic route.", "C": "Oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway.", "D": "Glycolytic pathway" }, "Correct Answer": "Oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ada3afe1-8de6-4f72-a9ee-7a2ecd9ca8f5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What proteins are synthesized in the ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum ?:", "Options": { "A": "The nuclear proteins.", "B": "The proteins of the mitochondrial matrix.", "C": "The proteins of chloroplasts.", "D": "The secretion proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "The secretion proteins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bbe6273c-ead4-4de9-96e2-e92d676b236f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What function does the enzyme glycogenin exert on the metabolism of the gucógeno ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phosphorylates the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase, activating it.", "B": "It is a primer of glycogen synthase so that it can act in the polymerization of glucose molecules.", "C": "It is the enzyme involved in the formation of UDP-glucose, necessary for the synthesis of glycogen.", "D": "It is an enzyme with branching capacity, also known as amyl (1-4) to (1-6) transglucosilasa." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a primer of glycogen synthase so that it can act in the polymerization of glucose molecules.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a02a61a7-1ee6-4dbb-abb2-d20274c8f012", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What action does the protein carnitine acyltransferase I perform ?:", "Options": { "A": "It catalyzes the transesterification of acylcoenzyme A and carnitine to produce acylcarnitine and coenzyme A.", "B": "Located in the mitochondrial inner membrane, it transports (in antiport) carnitine and acilcarnitina.", "C": "It catalyzes the transesterification of acylcarnitine and coenzyme A to produce acylcoenzyme A and carnitine.", "D": "It catalyzes the aggregation of porous molecules for the transport of acyl-coenzyme A to the mitochondrial matrix." }, "Correct Answer": "It catalyzes the transesterification of acylcoenzyme A and carnitine to produce acylcarnitine and coenzyme A.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "686ec748-0bfb-4e11-92ff-e72378341678", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the cell cycle in humans, what role does the retinoblastoma protein play ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acts in the S phase of the cell division cycle.", "B": "It has an activating role of cell proliferation.", "C": "It acts as a suppressor of cell proliferation.", "D": "Acts in phase G2 of the cell division cycle." }, "Correct Answer": "It acts as a suppressor of cell proliferation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bd79431d-42ee-41d4-9221-8f8b30cc0b8a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes of the urea cycle has a mitochondrial location ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ornithine transcarbamylase.", "B": "Arginase.", "C": "Argininosuccinase.", "D": "Argininosuccinate synthetase." }, "Correct Answer": "Ornithine transcarbamylase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "077917c0-be08-4347-ba39-e6df5f284089", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following amino acids is considered ketogenic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Leucine", "B": "Aspartate", "C": "Valina", "D": "Glutamine" }, "Correct Answer": "Leucine", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ddf30d24-c35e-48c4-a5b0-18de02d38c1a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes related to the lipogenic pathway is activated by citrate (allosteric activator) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fatty acid synthase.", "B": "Citrate lyase", "C": "Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase.", "D": "Malic enzyme." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3f0c69ff-09e5-4b4f-98b7-82a7e0d740b5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect does glucagon promote when interacting with its receptors in liver cells ?:", "Options": { "A": "Activation by phosphorylation of glycogen synthase.", "B": "Activation by phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase.", "C": "Inactivation by phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase.", "D": "Inactivation by phosphorylation of phosphofructo kinase 2." }, "Correct Answer": "Inactivation by phosphorylation of phosphofructo kinase 2.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "de4635fa-bf9c-465c-993a-884f484ffc3e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes is the most regulated and key in cholesterol biosynthesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase.", "B": "β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase.", "C": "β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase.", "D": "Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase" }, "Correct Answer": "β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0eead815-a06d-48a9-8023-baa63829d4c3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is transfer RNA (tRNA) ?:", "Options": { "A": "The fragment of RNA that makes up the t subunit of the ribosome.", "B": "There is no such type of RNA.", "C": "The fragment of RNA that transfers newly synthesized proteins from the ribosome to the outside of the nucleus.", "D": "The fragment of RNA that transfers amino acids to the ribosome during the synthesis of proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "The fragment of RNA that transfers amino acids to the ribosome during the synthesis of proteins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "18e9572b-17fb-4090-a9af-1812fdeee51b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the Okazaki fragments ?:", "Options": { "A": "One of the subunits of the DNA polymerase enzyme that adds nucleotides in the 3'-5 'direction.", "B": "Small fragments of DNA that contain a STOP codon.", "C": "Small fragments of DNA that allow the replication of the DNA strand in the 3'-5 'direction.", "D": "Small fragments of RNA that are synthesized at the beginning of the DNA transcription process." }, "Correct Answer": "Small fragments of DNA that allow the replication of the DNA strand in the 3'-5 'direction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "029c2729-3149-4c12-8b73-351c3bb00376", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The polymerase chain reaction is a technique used to:", "Options": { "A": "Sequence a DNA fragment.", "B": "Generate multiple copies of a DNA fragment.", "C": "Suppress the information of a fragment of DNA.", "D": "Denature a fragment of DNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Generate multiple copies of a DNA fragment.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9818e230-36e0-4809-8053-94d9db51717c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a DNA molecule replicates bidirectionally, it means that:", "Options": { "A": "It has two origins.", "B": "It has two chains.", "C": "It has two termination points.", "D": "It has two replication forks." }, "Correct Answer": "It has two replication forks.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "822ed49d-e2d0-45be-9733-e3b8ca659e9e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the introns, what statement is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are never eliminated during the maturation of RNA.", "B": "They are sequences that contain information that will give rise to a protein.", "C": "They are non-coding regions that interrupt the coding areas of a gene.", "D": "They are never present in a gene." }, "Correct Answer": "They are non-coding regions that interrupt the coding areas of a gene.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1c968a5e-0964-4a45-8544-039de03c799b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following processes is NOT a point mutation in the DNA sequence ?:", "Options": { "A": "Translocation", "B": "Insertion.", "C": "Deletion", "D": "Substitution." }, "Correct Answer": "Translocation", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6f94afbf-467e-417d-bf64-bc5056153eee", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which codon is considered the codon for the start of translation in eukaryotes ?:", "Options": { "A": "AAC.", "B": "AUA.", "C": "AGG.", "D": "AUG." }, "Correct Answer": "AUG.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "97f74172-a47a-4c48-b7f8-7fce14113179", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds prior to the start of replication ?:", "Options": { "A": "Helicasa", "B": "Primasa.", "C": "Topoisomerase", "D": "Replicasa" }, "Correct Answer": "Helicasa", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f2c37c43-df79-433a-a00d-6b66fe7e468b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A common clinical sign of Wilson's disease is:", "Options": { "A": "Cardiomyopathy", "B": "Dysarthria", "C": "Kayser-Fleischer rings.", "D": "Dysphagia" }, "Correct Answer": "Kayser-Fleischer rings.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a1bde2ab-b278-4979-bd42-33a94bdf4e90", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis it is important to determine:", "Options": { "A": "Acid phosphatase.", "B": "Pancreatic lipase and / or amylase.", "C": "Alkaline phosphatase.", "D": "Aspartate aminofransferase (AST) and / or alanine aminotransferase (ALT)." }, "Correct Answer": "Pancreatic lipase and / or amylase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e8b97202-88f1-4666-b184-3e6bf3aeadef", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the INCORRECT association:", "Options": { "A": "Vitamin B12-Test Shilling.", "B": "Vitamin C-Scurvy.", "C": "Vitamin K-Water-soluble vitamin.", "D": "Vitamin B1-Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Vitamin K-Water-soluble vitamin.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5a6d2edd-fde9-4bf4-b162-4d27d6b596e5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of these hormones is NOT released by the pituitary gland:", "Options": { "A": "Somatotropin or growth hormone.", "B": "Oxytocin", "C": "Prolactin", "D": "Progesterone." }, "Correct Answer": "Progesterone.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "19ee7464-cf13-4f72-8ee3-c81e96489d11", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the metabolic functions of adrenaline in organisms is:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the availability of glucose and fatty acids for use as fuel.", "B": "Increase insulin secretion.", "C": "Decreases the secretion of glucagon.", "D": "Decreases glycolysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the availability of glucose and fatty acids for use as fuel.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "32cc5092-f1e9-47e9-b9f4-bbb7ebba3053", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the adrenocortical function, point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "Addison's disease-Primary adrenal insufficiency.", "B": "Cushing's disease-Excess production of cortisol.", "C": "Aldosterone-Principal mineralcorticoid produced in the adrenal cortex.", "D": "Primary hyperaldosterolism-Hypertension, hyperkalemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary hyperaldosterolism-Hypertension, hyperkalemia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c8c3ea57-f471-4939-8bc1-128186601892", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these proteins is NOT considered acute ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ceruloplasmin.", "B": "C reactive protein.", "C": "Haptoglobin.", "D": "Beta 2 microglobulin." }, "Correct Answer": "Beta 2 microglobulin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "95633d60-2f0c-4304-9f96-530ecb23c719", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The normal reduction potential of the redox couple Fe3 + / Fe2 + can be inferred experimentally from the titration curve and corresponds to the measured potential:", "Options": { "A": "When a titration volume equal to the equivalence volume has been added.", "B": "When a titrator volume equal to twice the volume of equivalence has been added.", "C": "When a titrator volume equal to half the volume of equivalence has been added.", "D": "Before adding titrant reagent." }, "Correct Answer": "When a titrator volume equal to half the volume of equivalence has been added.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "34403a78-35c8-4709-839a-bb2c1ab1d323", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following indicators would you use in an argentometric titration of bromide ion using the Mohr method ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fluorescein", "B": "Fe + 3.", "C": "Potassium thiocyanate.", "D": "Sodium chromate." }, "Correct Answer": "Sodium chromate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3d3742ec-6869-4041-9ccf-c2aa6887d569", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The accuracy of an analytical method is evaluated from:", "Options": { "A": "The slope of the calibration line.", "B": "The coefficient of variation.", "C": "The traceability", "D": "The relative error." }, "Correct Answer": "The coefficient of variation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "08c6c6a9-b947-41c4-9e74-243adbd6b7c5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The detection of the end point of a chloride assessment by the Volhard method occurs:", "Options": { "A": "When a red silver chromate precipitate appears.", "B": "When a complex of Fe + 3 thiocyanate appears red.", "C": "When the silver chloride precipitate adsorbs a cationic indicator and the solution changes color.", "D": "When the silver chloride precipitate adsorbs an anionic indicator and the solution changes color." }, "Correct Answer": "When a complex of Fe + 3 thiocyanate appears red.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3c051af0-4d4a-45ea-8bb3-407415de0498", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following indicators would you use in a complexometric titration of Mg2 + with EDTA at pH 10 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Eriochrome black T.", "B": "Murexide.", "C": "Glycinotimol red.", "D": "Methylthiol blue." }, "Correct Answer": "Eriochrome black T.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7e436525-10bd-466e-9986-f6a20cd5216c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A solution of the weak acid HA of pKa = 5.0 and buffered to a pH value of 7.0 has:", "Options": { "A": "An acid concentration that is 100 times greater than that of conjugate base.", "B": "A base concentration that is 100 times greater than that of conjugate acid.", "C": "A base concentration that is 2 times higher than that of conjugate acid.", "D": "An acid concentration that is 2 times higher than the conjugate base." }, "Correct Answer": "A base concentration that is 100 times greater than that of conjugate acid.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4b280d56-df8a-4616-9639-1cdb89dac639", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following methods would you use in the determination of organic nitrogen ?:", "Options": { "A": "Karl Fischer", "B": "Volhard.", "C": "Kjeldahl", "D": "Caldwell-Moyer" }, "Correct Answer": "Kjeldahl", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1d4be598-3f19-46b0-ba57-31ec2738bbca", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a potentiometric determination using ion-selective electrodes, the membrane potential developed in the selective electrode is:", "Options": { "A": "Directly proportional to the concentration of the ion.", "B": "Inversely proportional to the concentration of the ion.", "C": "Inversely proportional to the logarithm of the activity of the ion.", "D": "Directly proportional to the logarithm of the activity of the ion." }, "Correct Answer": "Directly proportional to the logarithm of the activity of the ion.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "673d9232-6781-4b86-91ae-389383305ecf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following electronic transitions is there radiant energy loss ?:", "Options": { "A": "Internal conversion", "B": "External conversion", "C": "Crossing between systems.", "D": "Phosphorescence." }, "Correct Answer": "Phosphorescence.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c97e7ab5-9e34-4f2c-b9f3-20006b57c7e3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Boltzmann's distribution law, in a atomizer used in atomic absorption spectrometry the population of atoms in ground state:", "Options": { "A": "It increases exponentially when the temperature increases.", "B": "It decreases exponentially when the temperature increases.", "C": "Increases linearly with increasing temperature.", "D": "It decreases linearly with increasing temperature." }, "Correct Answer": "It decreases exponentially when the temperature increases.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "225ba420-9926-497a-8a39-559e41e889eb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following gases is used as a mobile phase in gas chromatography ?:", "Options": { "A": "Methane.", "B": "Oxygen.", "C": "Carbon monoxide.", "D": "Nitrogen." }, "Correct Answer": "Nitrogen.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "75a58193-a9b4-4a41-a0f3-43cd8e71fb17", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What ionization system, used in mass spectrometry, requires a matrix that absorbs electromagnetic radiation ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ionization by electron bombardment.", "B": "Chemical ionization.", "C": "Maldi ionization.", "D": "Ionization by electrospray." }, "Correct Answer": "Maldi ionization.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "710b716b-01eb-4d4c-9292-68003496842f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Commercial infrared absorption spectrometers can be dispersive spectrometers:", "Options": { "A": "They use diffraction grating networks.", "B": "Of Fourier transform.", "C": "They use the Michelson interferometer.", "D": "That they do not use any dispersant element." }, "Correct Answer": "They use diffraction grating networks.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "aa9b7127-cb2d-47eb-825b-1fb54e3220a5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an ion chromatography equipment, where is the suppressor membrane or column placed ?:", "Options": { "A": "Before the injector.", "B": "Between the injector and the separating column.", "C": "Between the separating column and the detector.", "D": "After the detector." }, "Correct Answer": "Between the separating column and the detector.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8a3ab77b-bc5a-43bf-85c2-64125aaf36f5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The efficiency of a chromatographic separation can be increased:", "Options": { "A": "Increasing the particle diameter of the stationary phase.", "B": "Decreasing the thickness of the layer of the liquid stationary phase.", "C": "Increasing the viscosity of the stationary phase.", "D": "Increasing the diameter of the column." }, "Correct Answer": "Decreasing the thickness of the layer of the liquid stationary phase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9dbcd764-15bb-41bf-a301-48341e130eb5", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of conjugated chromophore groups in the chemical structure of an absorbent compound, with respect to the isolated chromophore groups, produces an effect in the absorption spectrum:", "Options": { "A": "Hipsochromic and hypochromic.", "B": "Hipsochromic and hyperchromic.", "C": "Batochromic and hypochromic.", "D": "Batochromic and hyperchromic." }, "Correct Answer": "Batochromic and hyperchromic.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d272c841-7161-44b1-ba1e-12646d8e0946", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The half-life time or half-life of a drug that degrades following a first-order reaction depends on:", "Options": { "A": "The initial concentration of drug.", "B": "Time.", "C": "The rate constant of the reaction.", "D": "The loading of the drug in solution." }, "Correct Answer": "The rate constant of the reaction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fac2ac6b-2d4d-4362-89dd-c029edc8fe94", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Pyridine and formamide present in the temperature-composition phase diagram for the solid-liquid equilibrium a eutectic point, which represents the temperature and composition to which they are in equilibrium:", "Options": { "A": "The solid solution with the liquid solution.", "B": "The solid pyridine, the solid formamide and the liquid solution.", "C": "The pyridine liquid, the formamide liquid and the solid solution.", "D": "The solid pyridine, the solid formamide, the pyridine liquid and the formamide liquid." }, "Correct Answer": "The solid pyridine, the solid formamide and the liquid solution.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2df64de-478f-4418-b33f-d878441dafa1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The i factor of Van't Hoff for a strong electrolyte tends toward a value equal to:", "Options": { "A": "The charge of the ions to dissociate.", "B": "The molality of ions.", "C": "The molarity of ions.", "D": "The number of ions to dissociate." }, "Correct Answer": "The number of ions to dissociate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7202b1a9-3cfc-4ad3-b143-b6696eeabb01", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For a single-component system, in a limited range of temperature, a representation of the chemical potential versus temperature, at constant pressure, is a straight line of negative slope for the solid, liquid and gas phases. For which of these phases is the slope module greater ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is the same for all three phases.", "B": "For the gas phase.", "C": "For the liquid phase.", "D": "For the solid phase." }, "Correct Answer": "For the gas phase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a44b28f6-bb81-4ac4-a4e2-a34dbbce95cd", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The thermodynamic magnitude that allows to determine if a closed system at constant temperature and pressure, able to perform only P-V work, is in equilibrium is:", "Options": { "A": "The internal energy of the system.", "B": "The Gibbs free energy of the system.", "C": "The Helmholtz free energy of the system.", "D": "The number of moles of the system." }, "Correct Answer": "The Gibbs free energy of the system.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "87ca4dd5-ce48-4a3d-a879-02184ee6d168", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The approximation of the steady state assumes that after the induction period the formation velocity is equal to the disappearance velocity for:", "Options": { "A": "The reaction intermediates.", "B": "The reaction products.", "C": "The catalyst of the reaction.", "D": "All the species present in the reaction cell." }, "Correct Answer": "The reaction intermediates.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8a52b371-5bb0-4e22-ae9b-b1b5acf253a4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of toxins are responsible for paralyzing intoxication due to the consumption of molluscs ?:", "Options": { "A": "Saxitoxins.", "B": "Okadaic acid and derivatives.", "C": "Pectenotoxins", "D": "Domoic acid and isomers." }, "Correct Answer": "Saxitoxins.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cf5016c1-6ca3-48ae-b15e-3d56749d19cf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of these toxins is responsible for the serious poisoning caused by Amanita phalloides:", "Options": { "A": "Falolysin", "B": "Falotoxin", "C": "Amanitin", "D": "Muscarina." }, "Correct Answer": "Amanitin", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "445af8ea-027d-4a12-8501-3981320b8d5b", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of Wilson's disease, as well as in poisoning by various heavy metals, it is used as an antidote:", "Options": { "A": "Ascorbic acid.", "B": "Dantrolene", "C": "Penicillamine", "D": "Sugammadex" }, "Correct Answer": "Penicillamine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "310d3a54-c35c-4845-bee9-7c902e6daa7e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The uptake test of the neutral red dye or NRU (\"Neutral Red Uptake Test\") in the 3T3 cell line is used as a test of:", "Options": { "A": "Dermal photoxicity.", "B": "Mutagenesis", "C": "Hepatotoxicity", "D": "Carcinogenesis" }, "Correct Answer": "Dermal photoxicity.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8e9b7c27-9b8a-4395-8c35-60f21f2fe0a7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The extrarenal purification method in which toxins are absorbed from the blood by passing through a column of activated charcoal is called:", "Options": { "A": "Hemodialysis.", "B": "Hemoperfusion.", "C": "Plasmapheresis.", "D": "Hemofiltration." }, "Correct Answer": "Hemoperfusion.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "15d71147-afa8-4990-b3b1-66bb49faa75d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of arreactive mydriasis and dry skin and mouth are signs of intoxication due to:", "Options": { "A": "Opiates", "B": "Atropine substances", "C": "Anticolinesterase", "D": "Benzodiazepines." }, "Correct Answer": "Atropine substances", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aae624e2-7b6f-4acb-89c4-197b8680c42e", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following toxic substances could come from polycarbonate food containers:", "Options": { "A": "Melamine.", "B": "Nitrosamines.", "C": "Semicarbazide", "D": "Bisphenol A." }, "Correct Answer": "Bisphenol A.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8acd2314-c74f-4ce2-822c-5398e9138a17", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds is the most suitable substrate to be used in an aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pyridine", "B": "Nitrobenzene.", "C": "Benzene.", "D": "Methoxybenzene" }, "Correct Answer": "Methoxybenzene", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7ff026f7-2110-441c-8142-7199e746580f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The compounds called meso are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Be chiral and have at least two stereogénicos centers.", "B": "Be achiral by having a plane of symmetry.", "C": "Be chiral but optically inactive.", "D": "Be achiral for not having asymmetric carbons." }, "Correct Answer": "Be achiral by having a plane of symmetry.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "aa462eef-1d86-420e-9dcf-f8ad21e72987", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nucleophilic substitution reactions of halogenated derivatives can proceed through a bimolecular (SN2) or unimolecular (SN1) mechanism. Which of the following characteristics is applicable to the SN1 reaction ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a concerted process.", "B": "The kinetics of the reaction depends on the concentration of the nucleophilic species.", "C": "Carbocations are formed as intermediate species.", "D": "Fluorinated aliphatic compounds are more reactive than the corresponding chlorinated derivatives." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbocations are formed as intermediate species.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b1f8d62f-1c80-4310-b7cb-221187832d94", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following characteristics is applicable to glucose ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a ketohexose.", "B": "L-glucose is the one found naturally.", "C": "In aqueous solution it is found mainly in cyclic form of pyranose.", "D": "In aqueous solution it is found mainly in cyclic form of furanose." }, "Correct Answer": "In aqueous solution it is found mainly in cyclic form of pyranose.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fbf257b6-d312-4d8f-961e-16f2f3892e4f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following reactions involves as reagents an alkene and a diene ?:", "Options": { "A": "The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction.", "B": "The reaction of Diels-Alder.", "C": "The metathesis reaction.", "D": "The reaction of Claisen." }, "Correct Answer": "The reaction of Diels-Alder.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d550e63f-2b92-4c08-9843-3dbf8da0e1b1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A chemical element whose atomic number is Z disintegrates by releasing a beta particle. What is the atomic number of the new element formed ?:", "Options": { "A": "Z + 1", "B": "Z - 1.", "C": "Z.", "D": "Z - 2." }, "Correct Answer": "Z + 1", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8d26153b-8a00-466f-a6ce-7d7e1f35b55d", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following options orders the indicated atoms according to their electronic affinity ?:", "Options": { "A": "O <N <P <Yes.", "B": "Yes <P <N <O.", "C": "N <P <Yes <O.", "D": "P <N <Yes <O." }, "Correct Answer": "N <P <Yes <O.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b9e6dd0b-73aa-43c8-ae48-8b162f602018", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following species is amphoteric or ampholyte ?:", "Options": { "A": "S2-.", "B": "H2PO-4.", "C": "H2SO4.", "D": "CH4" }, "Correct Answer": "H2PO-4.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9749802e-a6cd-42a7-b604-7961f94e6087", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements regarding the elements of Group 14 of the periodic table is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tin and lead are semimetals.", "B": "Hybridization of the carbon atom in the diamond is sp2 and in the graphite it is sp3.", "C": "Graphite is insulating while diamond is electrically conductive.", "D": "At room temperature all elements of Group 14 are solid." }, "Correct Answer": "At room temperature all elements of Group 14 are solid.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b961ebad-7f96-45ab-88ef-6b9981d739de", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "From its electronic configuration in its ground state, which of the following chemical species is paramagnetic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Na", "B": "Mg.", "C": "Cl-.", "D": "Zn." }, "Correct Answer": "Na", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "259670ee-9d18-43bc-9716-8d3030dd960f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does the electrical conductivity of metals vary ?:", "Options": { "A": "It increases as the temperature increases.", "B": "Metals are electrical insulators.", "C": "It is independent of temperature.", "D": "It decreases as the temperature increases." }, "Correct Answer": "It decreases as the temperature increases.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b6d3f401-6be6-4f68-b1f2-c38e0f1910e1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements regarding hydrogen halides HF, HCL, HBr, HI is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "In aqueous solution they have an acid character and their acid strength increases according to HF <HCI <HBr <HI.", "B": "In all of them there are intermolecular hydrogen bonds.", "C": "They are all liquid under normal pressure and temperature conditions.", "D": "They are obtained by oxidation of the corresponding halogen." }, "Correct Answer": "In aqueous solution they have an acid character and their acid strength increases according to HF <HCI <HBr <HI.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f4330444-4f90-4471-80cf-7beebf37c619", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A cross-over experimental study on the effect of two different treatments:", "Options": { "A": "Randomly establish pairs of subjects to be treated.", "B": "Choose randomly the experimental group of the population.", "C": "It randomly establishes the order of application of the treatments.", "D": "It does not use any type of randomization." }, "Correct Answer": "It randomly establishes the order of application of the treatments.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6a27e4d5-0dc7-4f8c-b51e-f9868eac49e9", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an experimental study conducted in a single blind:", "Options": { "A": "The patient does not know which experimental group has been assigned.", "B": "The investigator does not know which experimental group has been assigned to the patient.", "C": "Both the patient and the researcher are unaware of which experimental group the patient has been assigned to.", "D": "No one knows the assignment group." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient does not know which experimental group has been assigned.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "24e1632d-943a-4e80-94c6-64834bf4435a", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The specificity of a diagnostic test of a certain disease represents:", "Options": { "A": "The conditional probability of a positive test result if the subject has the disease.", "B": "The conditional probability of a negative test result if the subject has the disease.", "C": "The conditional probability of a positive test result if the subject does NOT have the disease.", "D": "The conditional probability of a negative result in the test if the subject does NOT have the disease." }, "Correct Answer": "The conditional probability of a negative result in the test if the subject does NOT have the disease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bed5b56d-7d06-48d2-82dd-ee6dcab10a34", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statistical indices is a measure of dispersion ?:", "Options": { "A": "Arithmetic average.", "B": "Geometric mean.", "C": "Fashion.", "D": "Interquartile range." }, "Correct Answer": "Interquartile range.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "752afe0f-38da-4c1e-b447-9a2774b19715", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The variable \"blood group\" is:", "Options": { "A": "A nominal categorical variable.", "B": "An ordinal categorical variable.", "C": "A discrete quantitative variable.", "D": "A quantitative variable continues." }, "Correct Answer": "A nominal categorical variable.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "142732e2-9cf4-48c2-b345-66265bdcc6a1", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What drug data should be recorded in the Narcotics Accounting Book ?:", "Options": { "A": "National code", "B": "Lot.", "C": "Provider.", "D": "Expiration." }, "Correct Answer": "Provider.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f8afe225-d440-447a-b5dd-b2c07fa84eed", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the validity period for medication authorization ?:", "Options": { "A": "3 years.", "B": "5 years.", "C": "10 years.", "D": "Undefined." }, "Correct Answer": "5 years.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d8b2afec-6234-4ffe-a84d-08d118908984", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acronym H in the outer packaging of an industrially manufactured medicine means:", "Options": { "A": "Medicine for hospital use.", "B": "Orphan drug.", "C": "Homeopathic medicine.", "D": "Hospice medication." }, "Correct Answer": "Medicine for hospital use.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "01ca0a3f-2bdd-4d39-9d33-9f37e46d8e47", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The permanent communication and information organ of the different Health Services, both among them and with the State Administration, is:", "Options": { "A": "Comprehensive Health Plan.", "B": "The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.", "C": "The Quality Agency of the National Health System.", "D": "The Institute of Health Information." }, "Correct Answer": "The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "02697a80-f6ba-47e0-9d13-febec84d0d6c", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Homeopathic medicines:", "Options": { "A": "They are not authorized in Spain.", "B": "They are not described in the pharmacopoeias of the countries of the European Union.", "C": "They can be financed with state funds devoted to health.", "D": "In Spain, they are considered special medicines." }, "Correct Answer": "In Spain, they are considered special medicines.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0c3d0a6c-dd3b-47d3-b3b0-57620e4ad095", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The prescription and application of medicines NOT authorized to patients NOT included in a clinical trial:", "Options": { "A": "It is legally prohibited in Spain.", "B": "Requires authorization from the European Medicines Agency.", "C": "It is legally contemplated in Spain, as compassionate use.", "D": "It is restricted to the health services of the Armed Forces." }, "Correct Answer": "It is legally contemplated in Spain, as compassionate use.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a1f4a69a-8524-47ad-a5db-521faabf3a62", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Code TSI 001 is applied, in the official recipes of the National Health System:", "Options": { "A": "For users with a reduced contribution of 10%.", "B": "For users exempt from contributions.", "C": "For users with a contribution of 40%.", "D": "For recipes for medicines and health products that are not financed." }, "Correct Answer": "For users exempt from contributions.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a5435872-067c-4f02-a815-ded179a1d42f", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Chronic granulomatous disease is due to:", "Options": { "A": "A deficiency in the adhesion of leukocytes.", "B": "A defect in the gene that codes for factor H.", "C": "A defect in the production process of reactive oxygen species in phagocytic cells.", "D": "A primary B cell deficiency" }, "Correct Answer": "A defect in the production process of reactive oxygen species in phagocytic cells.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1b2b4a77-e840-4ff6-bf37-0530cec770b8", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The perforins are some proteins:", "Options": { "A": "Present in the granules of NK cells and involved in the process of apoptosis of the target cell.", "B": "From the complement system and that are part of the membrane attack complex (MAC).", "C": "That are part of the Histocompatibility Complex of type II (MHC-2).", "D": "Secreted by macrophages and involved in the lysis of pathogens." }, "Correct Answer": "Present in the granules of NK cells and involved in the process of apoptosis of the target cell.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6fe2bb60-30e6-4462-8e14-801a9ca08406", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Follicular dendritic cells are:", "Options": { "A": "Those responsible for the presentation of antigens to T lymphocytes.", "B": "Able to fix immunocomplexes and maintain antigens in a native form for presentation to B lymphocytes.", "C": "Able to secrete large amounts of antiviral cytokines.", "D": "Dendritic cells that derive from Langerhans cells." }, "Correct Answer": "Able to fix immunocomplexes and maintain antigens in a native form for presentation to B lymphocytes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a7d7b451-5dc2-431a-a479-69179a6ec040", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The M cells are:", "Options": { "A": "Antigen presenting cells, present in the thymus.", "B": "Phagocytic cells that are found exclusively in the germinal center.", "C": "Cells present in the intestine, responsible for the transport of antigens.", "D": "Hematopoietic stem cells." }, "Correct Answer": "Cells present in the intestine, responsible for the transport of antigens.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5c83cd19-6c7a-4e8e-b6d0-f9d8d2d31125", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicates the correct statement about TLRs or toll-like receptors:", "Options": { "A": "They are a family of soluble molecules that opsonize bacteria facilitating their phagocytosis.", "B": "They are molecules present in the bacterial wall, especially in the flagella, whose function is to adhere to the epithelia of the host.", "C": "They are molecules that express the cells of the immune system to recognize microbial structures.", "D": "They recognize proinflammatory cytokines, acting synergistically in the inflammatory response." }, "Correct Answer": "They are molecules that express the cells of the immune system to recognize microbial structures.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5289ebcf-7d10-42f4-bc70-64df9704a5cf", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following characteristics will a patient with helminth infection and one who is responding to an allergen have in common ?:", "Options": { "A": "In both patients an increase of cytotoxic T lymphocytes will be detected.", "B": "In both patients the innate immunity will be deficient.", "C": "In both, an elevated level of serum IgE will be detected.", "D": "Both patients have a high risk of developing an autoimmune disease." }, "Correct Answer": "In both, an elevated level of serum IgE will be detected.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "78764e7f-ee6c-49b6-bc58-40c52754e2a4", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the correct statement about the biological activity of immunoglobulins (Ig):", "Options": { "A": "IgG is the most abundant Ig in the intestinal lumen, where it performs its function as a neutralizing antibody.", "B": "IgG activates the classical pathway of the Complement System through the interaction of its Fab region.", "C": "Dimeric IgA is an opsonin that allows phagocytosis of pathogens via FcαR receptors.", "D": "IgM is the first Ig that occurs in the primary immune response." }, "Correct Answer": "IgM is the first Ig that occurs in the primary immune response.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "73fd009f-524d-4060-8bb8-0d04dfaf0111", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Somatic hypermutation is a process that is very important during the immune response because:", "Options": { "A": "It facilitates the change of isotype of memory B cells after the primary response.", "B": "It allows the generation of B lymphocytes with a B cell receptor that will have a different affinity for the same antigen.", "C": "It induces the proliferation of naive B lymphocytes in the lymph node after the expansion of activated B lymphocytes.", "D": "It conditions the microenvironment of the germinative center to make the isotype change during the adaptive response." }, "Correct Answer": "It allows the generation of B lymphocytes with a B cell receptor that will have a different affinity for the same antigen.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f9018d83-fef3-4de1-82ee-bd0a455d9945", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following molecules participates in the extravasation of the T lymphocytes to the target tissue ?:", "Options": { "A": "Selectina L.", "B": "IFN-gamma.", "C": "CD3.", "D": "Molecules belonging to the MHC." }, "Correct Answer": "Selectina L.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2cc0201b-ba21-4bcc-a602-f94c612c4e58", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Vorinostat is an antitumor agent that acts as an inhibitor of histone deacetylases. This drug contains in its structure a group capable of coordinating with the Zn2 + cation, present in the active site of the enzyme. Indicate which group is:", "Options": { "A": "Sulfoxide", "B": "Hydroxamic acid", "C": "Ether.", "D": "Fluorine." }, "Correct Answer": "Hydroxamic acid", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "83f51080-4843-4b69-be3f-63f65a2e7255", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following antimicrobials is indicated for the treatment of liver abscesses by Entamoeba histolytica ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mebendazole", "B": "Praziquantel", "C": "Metronidazole", "D": "Ivermectin" }, "Correct Answer": "Metronidazole", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9d7b78a1-eda1-4b39-adfb-5ac74851b3b2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The residual volume is the amount of air in the lung after one:", "Options": { "A": "Normal inspiration", "B": "Maximum inspiration.", "C": "Normal expiration.", "D": "Maximum expiration." }, "Correct Answer": "Maximum expiration.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e432e5f8-11a9-4b75-b041-7c7e745642c3", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following mediators crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts on the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center ?:", "Options": { "A": "Interleukin 6", "B": "Prostaglandin E2.", "C": "Interleukin 12", "D": "Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)." }, "Correct Answer": "Prostaglandin E2.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ac3b9688-dcad-4025-a3f5-06d3c62157d7", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding daptomycin, which of the following statements is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "It has activity against gram-negative bacteria.", "B": "It can be administered orally.", "C": "It is inactivated by pulmonary surfactant.", "D": "It presents adverse reactions at the bone level." }, "Correct Answer": "It is inactivated by pulmonary surfactant.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ab0fc2bb-f6bd-4cb9-88dc-19872635efff", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ginkgolides:", "Options": { "A": "They are flavonoids, responsible for the pharmacological activity of the Ginkgo biloba leaf.", "B": "They lack therapeutic interest.", "C": "They are diterpenic compounds responsible for the pharmacological activity of the Ginkgo biloba leaf.", "D": "They facilitate the renal elimination of water." }, "Correct Answer": "They are diterpenic compounds responsible for the pharmacological activity of the Ginkgo biloba leaf.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "17f1c11f-d688-4175-9d35-2da081b33c65", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following substances is NOT a product of the reaction catalyzed by heme oxygenase ?:", "Options": { "A": "Biliverdin", "B": "Fe2 +.", "C": "CO.", "D": "CO2" }, "Correct Answer": "CO2", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "11e3d78f-b404-4edb-932f-70071519a6eb", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which mineral enhances the action of insulin ?:", "Options": { "A": "Iodo.", "B": "Calcium.", "C": "Chrome.", "D": "Selenium." }, "Correct Answer": "Chrome.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a583ab13-afd2-4408-8ae3-5a29048a62e2", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The plasma emission atomic emission spectrometry (ICP) equipment differs from the atomic absorption spectrometry equipment in that it does NOT have:", "Options": { "A": "Source of electromagnetic radiation.", "B": "Selector of electromagnetic radiation.", "C": "Electromagnetic radiation detector.", "D": "Sample atomization system." }, "Correct Answer": "Source of electromagnetic radiation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c85067a7-e470-421e-bf59-4774da9dac06", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "DiGeorge syndrome is caused by:", "Options": { "A": "A defect in the development of B lymphocytes", "B": "A deficiency of phagocytic cells.", "C": "An aplasia or hypoplasia of the thymus.", "D": "A deficit of factor C1-INH." }, "Correct Answer": "An aplasia or hypoplasia of the thymus.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1dc9c6d0-a2cf-4293-a681-3247dc75a501", "topic_name": "pharmacology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image no. 1 An 82-year-old man with a history of dilated cardiomyopathy came to the emergency room for recurrent syncope in the last week. An electrocardiogram is performed that shows:", "Options": { "A": "Blocking of right branch with posterior hemiblock.", "B": "Blocking of right branch with anterior hemiblock.", "C": "Complete block left branch.", "D": "Blocking of right branch." }, "Correct Answer": "Blocking of right branch with anterior hemiblock.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a8351037-8d7e-4348-aea7-0664dddeb9a5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº2 A 40-year-old man with arterial hypertension, in treatment with enalapril, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide at full doses. In consultation you have blood pressure figures above 150/100 mmHg and the result of 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is shown in the image. The shaded strip on the right indicates the sleep period. Ensures compliance with the treatment, exercise daily and eat with little salt. Do not take medications that can raise blood pressure. What is the most correct attitude at this time?", "Options": { "A": "Maintain your current treatment without changes and repeat the MAP in 6 months.", "B": "Associate an antialdosterone, suspend hydrochlorothiazide and review in consultation in 6 months.", "C": "Associate olmesartan and repeat MAP in 6 months.", "D": "Consider a study to rule out causes of secondary hypertension and associate a fourth drug." }, "Correct Answer": "Consider a study to rule out causes of secondary hypertension and associate a fourth drug.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "51a265c5-0b62-4627-96b3-e6997ecc0f5d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº3 A 44-year-old woman operated on for colon neoplasia using midline laparotomy without remarkable incidents. After a few hours of postoperative, progressively presents poor general condition, discomfort and discomfort. At the time of examination, she has a good state of consciousness, is afebrile but sweaty, tachycardic (132 l / min), with arterial hypotension (82/52 mmHg), respiratory rate of 24 per minute and an arterial oxygen saturation of 97% . Respiratory auscultation is normal and rhythmic. Abdominal palpation is somewhat painful and surgical drains have poor debit. Check a chest x-ray done to check a central line without seeing relevant cardiopulmonary pathology. In the urgent analytical objective a slight decrease of the hemoglobin with respect to the preoperative one. In this context, you perform an ecoFAST ultrasound focused on the right hypochondrium (image 1) and a subxiphoid cardiac window (image 2). What is your best therapeutic option?", "Options": { "A": "Urgent notice to surgery to reassess the patient for probable intra-abdominal bleeding as a complication of the surgical intervention.", "B": "High oxygen oxygen, intensive serum therapy, intravenous noradrenaline and antibiotic therapy for suspected sepsis.", "C": "Ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis and depending on the result, later review the cause of possible pericardial effusion.", "D": "Consider fibrinolysis given the high clinical probability of severe acute pulmonary thromboembolism." }, "Correct Answer": "Ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis and depending on the result, later review the cause of possible pericardial effusion.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a00b0d3f-fea3-476e-906f-0893f8a66584", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº4 A 69-year-old woman who attended a cardiology outpatient clinic referring to limited-moderate-small-effort dyspnea in recent months. The electrocardiogram shows atrial fibrillation with controlled ventricular response. The exploration highlights a diastolic murmur. We performed a transthoracic echocardiogram. What do you think is the most likely diagnosis of this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Bacterial endocarditis", "B": "Mitral stenosis", "C": "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", "D": "Aortic insufficiency" }, "Correct Answer": "Mitral stenosis", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6f6223ba-c884-4b07-bd5e-0382b15ac393", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº5 Carlos is 31 years old and this is the third time that he has been going to the emergency room this year for presenting episodes of esophageal impaction after the ingestion of meat that have required extraction by oral endoscopy. As background it should be noted that he has bronchial asthma and is allergic to nuts. Point out the true answer based on the esophageal findings found in a new oral endoscopy:", "Options": { "A": "The image corresponds to the trachea, the endoscopist has entered the airway.", "B": "Diagnostic suspicion should be confirmed with histology by taking biopsies of the distal and proximal esophagus.", "C": "If the patient reports chest pain, the image is diagnostic of diffuse esophageal spasm.", "D": "The image corresponds to an achalasia." }, "Correct Answer": "Diagnostic suspicion should be confirmed with histology by taking biopsies of the distal and proximal esophagus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cc70e5a3-8762-45b9-9ea4-7de6f0ec2477", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº6 A 84-year-old woman with a history of cholecystectomy who presented with abdominal pain and jaundice. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed. What is the correct diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Mirizzi syndrome.", "B": "Pancreas neoplasm", "C": "Coledocolithiasis", "D": "Post-surgical stenosis of the common bile duct." }, "Correct Answer": "Coledocolithiasis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c25fae73-9f8f-4608-a49d-a22129093cf9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº7 A 42-year-old woman who came to the emergency room due to abdominal pain and fever. A CT is performed that does not provide data on the possible cause of the pain, however, before the findings objectified in the image, it is referred to the doctor. Which of the following explorations do you consider indicated to complete the study?", "Options": { "A": "Scintigraphy with meta-iodobencilguanidina.", "B": "Determination of 5 hydroxyindoleacetic in 24h urine.", "C": "Needle aspiration with fine needle with ultrasound control.", "D": "Magnetic resonance." }, "Correct Answer": "Magnetic resonance.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8362e854-c205-4977-932a-c2ea8958abbd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº8 A 47-year-old woman who referred for two weeks a picture of low-grade fever, asthenia, palpitations and neck pain with swallowing with a sensation of increased soft tissue. In the laboratory, an ESR of 87 mm / h and a serum TSH of 0.01 IU / L are noteworthy. The performance of a thyroid scan is indicated. Which of the following images is compatible with the diagnosis of the patient?", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "one.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "67f86ce5-e803-49fd-bb99-014b43363857", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº9 A 28-year-old woman who has been undergoing treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome goes to the office for pregnancy control, referring to 10-week amenorrhea. Ultrasound revealed a single, live fetus with a cephalo-caudal length (CRL) of 57 mm, corresponding to 12 weeks. Point out the correct option:", "Options": { "A": "We must assume that the actual gestational age is 12 weeks, reassign a new FUR (Last Rule Date) or FPP (Probable Date of Delivery) and plan the rest of the pregnancy controls based on this gestational age.", "B": "We will continue to consider that the actual gestational age is 10 weeks, since it coincides with the patient's FUR. We will plan the rest of the controls based on this gestational age, although we will record this discordance in the clinical history.", "C": "Given this discrepancy, we will request a blood test to quantify the ß-HCG hormone and decide according to its levels what is the actual gestational age to be able to plan the rest of the pregnancy controls.", "D": "We will request a new ultrasound control in 2 weeks to see the evolution and diagnose with more certainty the correct gestational age." }, "Correct Answer": "We must assume that the actual gestational age is 12 weeks, reassign a new FUR (Last Rule Date) or FPP (Probable Date of Delivery) and plan the rest of the pregnancy controls based on this gestational age.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dfc75b67-0176-4b09-a888-4e6bc4d90e7f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº10 A 40-year-old woman goes to the emergency department for anemic syndrome. On physical examination, mucocutaneous pallor with conjunctival jaundice is observed. Peripheral blood tests include the following data: leukocytes 7,380 / μL, hemoglobin 7,6 g / dL, VCM 97 fl, platelets 78,000 / μL, LDH 1,092 U / L, total bilirubin 3,4 mg / dL and indirect bilirubin 2.9 mg / dL. Given the findings of the peripheral blood smear, indicate the diagnosis of correct suspicion:", "Options": { "A": "Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.", "B": "Myelofibrosis", "C": "Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.", "D": "Sickle-cell anaemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1a2b199c-d7a3-4cb8-8e8a-5f718cf472a2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº11 A 68-year-old man who consulted due to asthenia. He refers to bone pain as the only accompanying symptomatology. His kidney function was normal 6 months earlier. General analytical is performed, which shows: creatinine 2.0 mg / dL, urea 86 mg / dL, plasma proteins 90 g / L, ESR 120 mm / h, urinary albumin / creatinine ratio 4 (normal), urinary protein / creatinine ratio 80 (N <22). The image of the urine sediment and the urine dipstick is attached. What suspicion can the patient have and what test would he do in the first place?", "Options": { "A": "An amyloidosis and a biopsy of subcutaneous fat.", "B": "A multiple myeloma and I would ask for a proteinagram and Bence Jones protein in urine.", "C": "A glomerular disease and would request an urgent renal biopsy.", "D": "An acute tubular necrosis and request a renal ultrasound." }, "Correct Answer": "A multiple myeloma and I would ask for a proteinagram and Bence Jones protein in urine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2dac3a2c-d103-456e-942c-cda0e1967493", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº12 A 70-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertrophic septal cardiomyopathy. He enters the ICU due to a septic shock of respiratory origin. After stabilization by vasoactive support and 14 days of antibiotic therapy, a good clinical and analytical evolution follows. Abruptly presents a generalized seizure that requires orotracheal intubation by lowering the level of consciousness. An urgent CT with contrast shows a left parietal cavitated lesion. MRI is performed. What is the diagnosis of presumption?", "Options": { "A": "Brain abscess", "B": "Primary tumor of the central nervous system.", "C": "Metastasis of solid tumor.", "D": "Cerebral toxoplasmosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Brain abscess", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f5cb6b41-b117-4c65-b694-f212efaffad0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image No. 13 What is the diagnosis of suspicion of the following echocardiographic image?", "Options": { "A": "Aortic dissection.", "B": "Aortic stenosis.", "C": "Aortic endocarditis.", "D": "Aortic valve myxoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Aortic endocarditis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "63c8d331-4ea6-497c-bb07-a65ab65964be", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº14 An 83-year-old man went to the emergency room for asthenia, malaise and diarrhea. History of hypertension, diabetic with chronic kidney disease (EFG 32 mL / min) and heart failure (FE 30%). In treatment with digoxin, nebivolol, furosemide, allopurinol, spironolactone, enalapril, atorvastatin and sitagliptin. On examination, there are signs of mucosal dehydration. PA 90/44 mm / Hg, FC 67 bpm. Analysis: Hb 10.8 g / dL, glucose 156 mg / dL, urea 125 mg / dL, creatinine 3.25 mg / dL, K 7.5 mEq / L, Na 138 mEq / L, pH 7.31, bicarbonate 16 mmol / L. The following ECG is performed. What is the first measure to establish in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Administer 10% calcium gluconate iv.", "B": "Correct metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate iv.", "C": "Withdrawal of drugs and add ion exchange resins.", "D": "Hemodialysis." }, "Correct Answer": "Administer 10% calcium gluconate iv.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "566e01db-0ea9-416c-b085-c8496dde0799", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº15 A 71-year-old man consulted for low-grade fever and asthenia of 3 weeks of evolution, who did not give in despite antibiotic treatment for 7 days. In the urine strip, microhematuria is seen. It provides a blood count with Hb of 10.1 g / dL, VCM of 91.6 fL. Firstly, an abdominal ultrasound is performed, but the radiologist questions him and decides to perform a CT scan. Point out the answer that seems right:", "Options": { "A": "The image is compatible with renal tuberculosis.", "B": "You should have waited 3 more weeks with antibiotic treatment before doing an imaging test.", "C": "There is a renal excretory lesion that suggests a hypernephroma.", "D": "There is indication of placement of a double J left catheter." }, "Correct Answer": "There is a renal excretory lesion that suggests a hypernephroma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5261d133-68bd-49bf-bd54-2c9e07a2adca", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº16 Woman of 45 years of age, smoker of 20 cig / day. He went to the emergency room due to a clinical picture of 10 days of mucopurulent cough, pain in the right hemithorax, asthenia and night sweats. Pulmonary auscultation with decreased vesicular murmur in the upper third of the right lung with abundant rhonchi in both fields. Analytical: Hb 10 g / dL, platelets 629,000 / μL and leukocytes 16,000 / μL with 83% neutrophils. A thorax RX is performed. What is the most correct attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Transthoracic aspiration guided by CT.", "B": "Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage.", "C": "Empirical antibiotherapy with coverage for anaerobes.", "D": "Percutaneous drainage." }, "Correct Answer": "Empirical antibiotherapy with coverage for anaerobes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f87b3dae-fd70-4794-8bb7-4fe38684e36e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº17 A 22-year-old man with no relevant medical history who came to the emergency room due to non-specific chest and abdominal pain. Blood pressure of 90/50 mmHg, heart rate 120 beats per minute and basal saturation 94%. Respiratory auscultation with bilateral generalized hypophonosis. What is the diagnosis and initial treatment according to the image?", "Options": { "A": "Atelectasis Respiratory physiotherapy.", "B": "Pneumothorax. Thoracic drainage.", "C": "Atelectasis Bronchoscopy", "D": "Pneumothorax. Videothoracoscopy." }, "Correct Answer": "Pneumothorax. Thoracic drainage.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "dc274b04-e2b7-4e4d-bd2b-5035e59b29fd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº18 74-year-old woman with HBP, left nephrectomy for renal tuberculosis in 2004 and major depression disorder with mutism treated with electroconvulsive therapy. Last session two weeks ago. It is brought to the emergency by syncope. In the PA 142/90 mmHg scan, FC 105 bpm, oxygen saturation 89%, tachypnea at 30 rpm with run. ECG without signs of acute ischemia. Rx thorax with increased diameter of the pulmonary artery. Analytical with urea 89 mg / dL, creatinine 2.1 mg / dL, BNP 945 pg / mL, troponin 34 ng / mL (normal <0.5), D-dimer 3,200 ng / dL. The following test is performed. Given the findings, what is the most correct action?", "Options": { "A": "Confirm the diagnosis with a chest CT angiogram.", "B": "Anticoagular with heparin and close monitoring of vital signs.", "C": "Administer intravenous loop diuretics, nitrites and antiaggregants.", "D": "Administer fibrinolytics before the severity of the condition." }, "Correct Answer": "Anticoagular with heparin and close monitoring of vital signs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fb8be972-4461-450c-b0e0-2706d9583363", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image No. 19 A 77-year-old man found at home with right hemiplegia and global aphasia. Last seen asymptomatic 20 hours before. Cranial CT shown. Point out the CORRECT answer:", "Options": { "A": "The image does not allow to determine the time of ischemia; it could have been only a few minutes since the deficit appeared.", "B": "Does not meet criteria for the administration of fibrinolytic treatment.", "C": "Admission to a stroke unit is not indicated in this patient.", "D": "Given the size of the infarction, a decompressive craniectomy should be considered before cerebral edema appears." }, "Correct Answer": "Does not meet criteria for the administration of fibrinolytic treatment.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "292e630b-7f10-4250-844b-c2a3e4e5e52c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº20 A 3-year-old boy whose parents report that he has a lesion on the inner side of the right forearm, detected three months after birth, which sometimes reddens and itches. What is the most likely diagnosis and what attitude would it take?", "Options": { "A": "Mastocytoma, observation as it probably involutes.", "B": "Sebaceous nevus, extirpation.", "C": "Angiofibroma, exploration of the whole body surface and genetic study.", "D": "Congenital melanocytic nevus, monitoring and photographic control." }, "Correct Answer": "Mastocytoma, observation as it probably involutes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9719a347-9d8b-4065-8ec4-c89da0023018", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 21 A 38-year-old bank employee who has been periodically checked for a company is referred to us to assess the chest X-ray. The patient smokes 20 cigarettes / day from the age of 21. She says that during the last months, she is somewhat more tired than usual. The basic laboratory tests are normal except for an Hb of 11.4 g / dL. An electrocardiogram and forced spirometry are normal. What do you think is the most plausible diagnostic orientation?", "Options": { "A": "Hodgkin's disease", "B": "Fungal infection histoplasmosis type.", "C": "Sarcoidosis", "D": "Bronchogenic carcinoma" }, "Correct Answer": "Sarcoidosis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cbc5313e-58bb-4aa8-a0be-fa64333982df", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº22 A 68-year-old woman on chronic treatment due to polymyalgia rheumatica. Go to the consultation for right inguinal pain radiating to the anteromedial face of the proximal third of the thigh, of insidious onset and without causal trauma. It is a continuous but increasing pain. It gets worse with the standing. Simple RX is done in which slight symmetrical degenerative changes are observed in both hips, without loss of the joint interline in the painful hip. An MRI is performed. Which diagnosis do you consider most likely?", "Options": { "A": "Acute osteomyelitis", "B": "Hip arthrosis.", "C": "Avascular necrosis of the femoral head.", "D": "Osteosarcoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Avascular necrosis of the femoral head.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "adc45f4e-416b-4330-b55b-a9424f6d7c84", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº23 What is the correct answer to a young man with a traumatic history 3 days ago who undergoes this knee radiography?", "Options": { "A": "Bipartite ball joint.", "B": "Patella fracture.", "C": "Osteochondritis dissecans.", "D": "Secondary ossification nucleus not merged." }, "Correct Answer": "Patella fracture.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9c00bf5f-ca69-4c58-b162-689127627d79", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº24 A 75-year-old man who goes to the emergency room due to abdominal pain and fever of 24 hours of evolution. On physical examination, we found a patient who was feverish, obtunded, hemodynamically unstable, and with a stomach on a table. Abdominal CT is requested, revealing pneumoperitoneum and abundant content in the peritoneal cavity. It is decided to transfer urgently to the operating room. We started resuscitation with fluids and, in view of the need for vasoactive infusion, the resident proceeded to channel the central venous catheter. When observing the color of the blood it shows doubts and requests gasometry realization. Results: pH 7.30; pO2 95 mmHg; pCO2 44 mmHg; HCO3 18 mmol / L; SO2 95%. Point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "The image shown has been obtained through ultrasound.", "B": "One of the possible complications of this technique is the puncture of the common carotid artery.", "C": "If we stick to gasometric values, the technique has been successful.", "D": "This technique has been shown to reduce the rate of complications." }, "Correct Answer": "If we stick to gasometric values, the technique has been successful.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cc130353-9910-4c8f-89c3-704277344c56", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº25 According to the results of the clinical trial included in the image linked to the question, which of the following conclusions is true?", "Options": { "A": "Mirgliptin significantly reduces the annual rate of cardiovascular events compared to metformin, with a hazard ratio below 1 and a significant p of 0.01.", "B": "The study is not conclusive, because the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the hazard ratio can not rule out that the difference in favor of mirgliptin is less than 30% in relative terms.", "C": "The non-inferiority of mirgliptin is demonstrated because the p value of superiority is not significant.", "D": "Mirgliptin is not inferior to metformin according to the conditions prescribed in the study protocol." }, "Correct Answer": "Mirgliptin is not inferior to metformin according to the conditions prescribed in the study protocol.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a08cb67a-67c2-434d-86b2-6637f1be9639", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº26 A 26-year-old man who presented erythematous-scaly plaques on the scalp, elbows, sacral region, periumbilical and knees for 7 years. He has followed different treatments (acitretin, methotrexate, cyclosporine, phototherapy) that have been only partially effective or have caused adverse effects. Which of the following drugs has an approved indication for our patient?", "Options": { "A": "Abatacept.", "B": "Ustekinumab.", "C": "Leflunomide", "D": "Tocilizumab" }, "Correct Answer": "Ustekinumab.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "622fb3a7-d17b-4095-9498-fbe991ddeea2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº27 A 54-year-old male diagnosed with disseminated melanoma treated with vemurafenib. Six weeks after starting the treatment, it refers to the appearance of a rapidly growing skin lesion (see image). What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Orient button.", "B": "Metastasis in transit of melanoma.", "C": "Keratoacanthoma", "D": "Basal cell carcinoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Keratoacanthoma", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "20e89784-c816-42b6-b061-538ca6c787b7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº28 40-year-old man who consulted for blurred vision, pain and right red eye of 3 days of evolution. Biomicroscopic exploration is shown in the image. The intraocular pressure in that eye is 10 mmHg. The fundus does not show alterations. What is the first diagnostic option?", "Options": { "A": "Chorioretinitis", "B": "Keratitis herpetiformis", "C": "Anterior uveitis.", "D": "Glaucomatocyclic crisis." }, "Correct Answer": "Anterior uveitis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "30f13a19-eefb-40a5-8f6b-d6751f3b0ac2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº29 A 35-year-old woman with a 2-week history of headache, hypothyroidism and a body mass index of 30 with the following fundus image. Which of the following is the LEAST probable finding that we can find?", "Options": { "A": "Decreased visual acuity (0.1) in both eyes.", "B": "Campimetry with increased blind spot and nasal defects.", "C": "Brain Magnetic Resonance without significant alterations.", "D": "Composition of cerebrospinal fluid within the limits of normality." }, "Correct Answer": "Decreased visual acuity (0.1) in both eyes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e16808d1-d3e5-414e-be38-daf38d99d2ab", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº30 It is your first guard as emergency doctor in a mobile ICU and you assist a man of about 50 years old who has just collapsed to the ground abruptly. When you explore the patient is unconscious and does not breathe. You have checked that he does not have a pulse either, so you start performing chest compressions and ventilations at a 30: 2 rhythm. One of your colleagues in the health team has placed the monitor-defibrillator paddles and the image shown appears on the monitor screen. What action is the priority in this case?", "Options": { "A": "Continue with cardiac massage and isolate the airway by orotracheal intubation.", "B": "Get a venous access to administer adrenaline.", "C": "Load the defibrillator and apply a shock to continue immediately with the cardiac massage.", "D": "Notify the emergency coordinator so they can send you help." }, "Correct Answer": "Load the defibrillator and apply a shock to continue immediately with the cardiac massage.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d7472809-00fd-4504-80d4-59e1e071042c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image # 31 The patient with the 1st ECG receives a drug. The post-treatment electrocardiographic sequence (2nd and 3rd) is shown. What is the drug administered?", "Options": { "A": "Verapamil", "B": "Atenolol.", "C": "Adenosine", "D": "Digoxin" }, "Correct Answer": "Adenosine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "887135a6-1637-45cb-b10e-2573e09f85e1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº32 Which of the following structures corresponds to the vertebral artery?", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "3.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dd4f3e79-9607-433f-bfa8-7dbe4e7fe0af", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image no. 33 What is the radiological diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Lytic lesions in iliac blades.", "B": "Bulging of the right renopsoas line suggestive of lymphadenopathy.", "C": "Splenomegaly", "D": "Left sacroiliitis." }, "Correct Answer": "Splenomegaly", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "49ce6240-28ce-41b0-bff0-0b5e660ced22", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to the image nº34 From the following bony structures indicate the odontoid process:", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "3.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "67985b95-8a95-48e7-aecb-4d9e3d29070e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Question linked to image nº35 A 25-year-old woman, with no relevant medical history, presenting a painless cervical adenopathy of 3 cm in diameter, slow-growing and two months old. The patient reports fever and night sweats. A biopsy of the adenopathy is performed. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Sarcoidosis", "B": "Toxoplasmosis", "C": "Tuberculosis.", "D": "Lymphoma" }, "Correct Answer": "Tuberculosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3fd8d45b-d66b-4a08-95eb-b18462a38359", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the anatomy of the vein carries one of the following statements is FALSE:", "Options": { "A": "Anatomically it forms behind the neck of the pancreas.", "B": "Like many other veins of the organism, its walls have valves.", "C": "In the hepatic hilum it is usually behind the hepatic artery.", "D": "Its bifurcation presents fewer anatomical variants than the bile ducts." }, "Correct Answer": "Like many other veins of the organism, its walls have valves.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3b7433ef-8d85-48af-a36b-1d9d56ca97e4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following arteries is NOT a branch of the external carotid artery?", "Options": { "A": "Lingual artery.", "B": "Facial artery.", "C": "Ophthalmic artery.", "D": "Superficial temporal artery." }, "Correct Answer": "Lingual artery.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e3eb2dbc-247c-462b-9795-1228e58026f9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of necrosis is characteristic of acute myocardial infarction?", "Options": { "A": "Liquefiable necrosis.", "B": "Coagulative necrosis.", "C": "Caseous necrosis.", "D": "Fibrinoid necrosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Caseous necrosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8372225c-0be3-408a-b152-4195e72f080f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 58-year-old woman with a history of Riedel's thyroiditis. He has abdominal pain, weight loss and obstructive jaundice. In view of the radiological suspicion of pancreatic carcinoma, a cephalic duodenopancreatectomy is performed. In the anatomopathological study we did not find a carcinoma, but abundant inflammatory cells with a tendency to surround ducts, marked fibrosis, obliterating phlebitis and more than 50 IgG4 + plasma cells per high-power field. Which is the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Pancreatic hamartoma", "B": "Autoimmune pancreatitis.", "C": "Malacoplaquia.", "D": "Groove pancreatitis." }, "Correct Answer": "Autoimmune pancreatitis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ea64d012-1253-46b3-9708-dab04bb6d6e2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The histological finding that allows a diagnosis of Barret's esophagus in a biopsy is the presence of:", "Options": { "A": "Papillomatous flat epithelium.", "B": "Specialized columnar epithelium with goblet cells.", "C": "Inflammatory infiltrate mononuclear.", "D": "Glycogenic acanthosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Papillomatous flat epithelium.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c74fbf6d-38ff-4e1e-96b7-0c06a84751a4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women due to the risk of congenital malformations?", "Options": { "A": "Gentamicin", "B": "Dexamethasone.", "C": "Isotretinoin", "D": "Alpha-methyldopa." }, "Correct Answer": "Gentamicin", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "09b92d71-6b31-4f41-84a6-5c0a854654bf", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the consequence of a high apparent volume of distribution of a drug?", "Options": { "A": "Lower concentration in plasma.", "B": "Greater elimination speed.", "C": "Greater pharmacological effect.", "D": "Greater binding to plasma proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "Greater binding to plasma proteins.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "215d178e-365d-4838-9c95-4f5082765618", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the CORRECT answer. In slow metabolizing CYP2D6 patients, one would expect to find:", "Options": { "A": "A reduction in the analgesic efficacy of codeine.", "B": "Inefficacy of the treatment with acenocoumarol.", "C": "Potentiation of the synergistic effect of codeine with paracetamol.", "D": "Requirement of a higher dose of amitriptyline." }, "Correct Answer": "A reduction in the analgesic efficacy of codeine.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0dcf1cb9-3741-4f37-a5db-84b11bd5312f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Beta-lactams are the most numerous group of antibiotics. One of the NEGATIVE aspects of this group of antibiotics is:", "Options": { "A": "The absence of derivatives that are well absorbed orally.", "B": "The lack of derivatives with antibacterial activity on pseudomonas aeruginosa.", "C": "The possibility of any of its derivatives, to produce severe allergic reactions.", "D": "The need to associate inhibitors of beta-lactamases, to any derivative, to avoid bacterial resistance." }, "Correct Answer": "The lack of derivatives with antibacterial activity on pseudomonas aeruginosa.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4ada1916-8f94-43e3-b999-2a674959b9a8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the drugs listed below and used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension is NOT an analogue of prostacyclin:", "Options": { "A": "Iloprost.", "B": "Riociguat.", "C": "Treprostinil.", "D": "Epoprostenol." }, "Correct Answer": "Iloprost.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "68e969da-410d-48f9-bb3f-887820ec0855", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The human being CAN NOT:", "Options": { "A": "Convert glucose to lactate.", "B": "Transform carbohydrates into fatty acids.", "C": "Transform fatty acids into carbohydrates.", "D": "Convert pyruvate into glucose." }, "Correct Answer": "Convert pyruvate into glucose.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "87bd7643-7bea-4580-95df-0058a2a637e4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Glycogen is a branched polysaccharide of high molecular weight formed by glucose molecules linked together by alpha-1,4 bonds that form long chains that branch every 12-18 units by alpha-1,6 bonds. In relation to glycogen metabolism, what is the FALSE response?", "Options": { "A": "In the process of glycogenolysis the degradation of glycogen to glucose-1 phosphate occurs.", "B": "Glycogen can accumulate abnormally in neurons, as in Lafora's disease.", "C": "Glycogenosis affecting the liver usually presents with hepatomegaly and hyperglycemia as the first clinical symptomatology.", "D": "Adrenaline regulates glycogen metabolism." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycogenosis affecting the liver usually presents with hepatomegaly and hyperglycemia as the first clinical symptomatology.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d6e80bcb-5152-438a-a702-cca75b966efc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is CERTAIN concerning Angiotensin II in glomerular filtration?", "Options": { "A": "Angiotensin II preferentially contracts the efferent arterioles in most physiological states, raising the hydrostatic glomerular pressure.", "B": "The afferent arteries are especially sensitive to Angiotensin II-mediated dilation in most of the physiological states associated with the activation of the renin-angiotensin system.", "C": "Increased Angiotensin II concentrations decrease the hydrostatic glomerular pressure, increasing renal blood flow.", "D": "Angiotensin II, with its arteriolar constriction action, contributes to the reduction of sodium and water reabsorption." }, "Correct Answer": "Increased Angiotensin II concentrations decrease the hydrostatic glomerular pressure, increasing renal blood flow.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c73dc330-a201-480d-bf60-7da836d65115", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main fuels of the brain in case of prolonged fasting are:", "Options": { "A": "The amino acids from the liver.", "B": "The ketone bodies coming from the muscle.", "C": "Fatty acids from adipose tissue.", "D": "The ketone bodies from the liver." }, "Correct Answer": "The ketone bodies coming from the muscle.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "05569f24-2171-4411-857a-6ffc6be91d48", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hepcidin has a central role in iron homeostasis. Which of these statements is true?", "Options": { "A": "Its absence determines iron overload.", "B": "The excess of it allows to increase the intestinal absorption of iron.", "C": "It is produced mainly in the kidney.", "D": "Its synthesis is not influenced by the iron ingested." }, "Correct Answer": "Its absence determines iron overload.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "988f9282-5c7c-41bb-aa19-5c0df315815d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the inheritance patterns of diseases of genetic origin, which of the following statements is true?", "Options": { "A": "A characteristic of diseases with autosomal dominant inheritance is the existence of asymptomatic carriers.", "B": "Hereditary diseases linked to the Y chromosome are more frequent than those linked to the X chromosome.", "C": "It is not possible to transmit a disease with mutations of mitochondrial DNA from a male affected to his offspring.", "D": "Polygenic inheritance is one of the classic forms of Mendelian inheritance." }, "Correct Answer": "It is not possible to transmit a disease with mutations of mitochondrial DNA from a male affected to his offspring.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5bc5c475-c54c-4491-845e-99b6328bc0e0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A couple with a first male child (index case) affected by cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) goes to the genetic counseling clinic. The molecular diagnosis indicates that the index case is homozygous for the F508del mutation and its heterozygous carrier parents. The clinical geneticist will inform you about the form of transmission of the disease. Which statement is correct?", "Options": { "A": "The probability that the next descendant is affected is 25%.", "B": "The probability that the next descendant is affected is 50%.", "C": "Having had an affectionate child, the next descendant will also be affectionate.", "D": "Having had a homozygous F508del son, the next descendant will be a heterozygous carrier (67%) or a homozygous genotype without the mutation (33%)." }, "Correct Answer": "Having had a homozygous F508del son, the next descendant will be a heterozygous carrier (67%) or a homozygous genotype without the mutation (33%).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f5d00893-1b2d-4dee-a418-ee804899b1e8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the genetic mechanism underlying myotonic dystrophy type 1 or Steinert's disease?", "Options": { "A": "The expansion of a trinucleotide in the ZNF9 gene.", "B": "The duplication of specific regions of the CNBP gene.", "C": "The presence of point mutations in the DMPK gene.", "D": "The expansion of a trinucleotide in the DMPK gene." }, "Correct Answer": "The expansion of a trinucleotide in the DMPK gene.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "aff3c0df-e81a-431b-ad85-31da4fa5a2b7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Isabel has three sons and one daughter (María), all of whom are healthy. A brother and a maternal uncle of Isabel died because they were affected by Duchenne's disease; a recessive disease linked to the X chromosome. Currently, Maria wants to become pregnant and wants to know the risk of transmitting the disease to her offspring. With the data collected, what is the probability that Maria is a carrier of Duchenne's disease?", "Options": { "A": "2/3.", "B": "1/2", "C": "1/4", "D": "Less than 1/4." }, "Correct Answer": "2/3.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "12d92286-db6f-45ba-99c5-4dbbbb46989a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer regarding carcinogenesis:", "Options": { "A": "Oncogenes behave dominantly.", "B": "Mutation of tumor suppressor genes causes an activation of their normal function.", "C": "The RB gene is an oncogene.", "D": "The RAS gene is a tumor suppressor gene." }, "Correct Answer": "Oncogenes behave dominantly.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7153ab42-49ac-4623-9a66-f72b25842212", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the hemolytic disease of the newborn, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "It is a reaction mediated by IgE.", "B": "It is mediated by antibodies of the mother's IgG class.", "C": "It is mediated by newborn antibodies.", "D": "It is a reaction mediated by CD8 + T cells." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a reaction mediated by IgE.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7f32a5e8-e16f-45ba-9f17-75649ce2fe39", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The receptors for the lymphocyte antigen are called clonotypic because:", "Options": { "A": "Each lymphocyte and its offspring (clone) express a single type of them with a single antigenic specificity.", "B": "Each lymphocyte and its offspring (clone) express a unique type of them with several antigenic specificities.", "C": "Several lymphocytes and their offspring (clones) express several types of them with several antigenic specificities.", "D": "After molecular cloning and gene rearrangement, the lymphocytes acquire clonal antigenic specificity." }, "Correct Answer": "Each lymphocyte and its offspring (clone) express a unique type of them with several antigenic specificities.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c5a96021-7409-4c42-a785-52fdfeeea9bc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In allergic bronchial asthma, one of these molecules is responsible for the increase in IgE synthesis:", "Options": { "A": "Interferon gamma.", "B": "Interleukin 1", "C": "Interleukin 4", "D": "Interleukin 5" }, "Correct Answer": "Interleukin 4", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "51efb32d-3109-4dcd-a37a-845deb557ffa", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A drug-induced urticaria can be caused by the following mechanisms EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "An IgE-dependent response.", "B": "For circulating immunocomplexes.", "C": "Non-immunological activation of the effector route.", "D": "A capsaicin deficit." }, "Correct Answer": "Non-immunological activation of the effector route.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "38d852be-af75-44b1-9b91-cf378c3e6f60", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these receptors of the cells of the immune system are located exclusively in the cellular cytoplasm?", "Options": { "A": "Nod-like receptors (NLR).", "B": "T-alpha-beta lymphocyte receptor (TcR alfabeta).", "C": "Toll-like receptors (TLR).", "D": "Receptor of gamma-delta T lymphocyte (TcR gamma-delta)." }, "Correct Answer": "Toll-like receptors (TLR).", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2dae4bf5-c3fe-4aaf-816e-1ac729d6972a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 62-year-old man who went to the hospital's emergency room due to a fever of 38.3ºC and chills. He is tachycardic and tachypneic. Blood analysis: leukocytosis with left deviation. The blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg. No murmurs are heard in cardiac auscultation and chest X-ray rules out pneumonia. As a history of interest, it refers to recurrent urinary tract infections. A week ago, the family doctor prescribed cefuroxime, a drug he is currently taking. Two blood cultures are extracted and urine is sent for examination of the sediment and microbiological culture. The sediment is pathological, with intense pyuria, but negative nitrites. At 24 hours it is reported from the microbiology laboratory that both the urine and the blood cultures submitted are positive and in them gram-positive cocci grouped in chains, pending identification and antibiogram are observed. While waiting for the final result, what would you recommend?", "Options": { "A": "Continue with cefuroxime waiting for the final result, because the patient has taken multiple treatments and we should not be wrong in their current treatment.", "B": "Switch to ertapenem, thinking about the possibility of multiresistant microorganisms.", "C": "Switch to a broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment that covers Enterococcus spp.", "D": "Change to a broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment containing imipenem, thinking about the possibility of Staphylococcus aureus, since our hospital has a high incidence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)." }, "Correct Answer": "Change to a broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment containing imipenem, thinking about the possibility of Staphylococcus aureus, since our hospital has a high incidence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0a4607cb-c756-4cea-945a-782340edcc8a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What answer is CERTAIN regarding Candida albicans?", "Options": { "A": "It is the main causative agent of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in critical units.", "B": "It is a filamentous fungus that requires means with lamb's blood for its isolation in the microbiology laboratory.", "C": "It is massively destroyed in the presence of fluoroquinolones.", "D": "The infections caused by this fungus usually respond well to azo compounds." }, "Correct Answer": "It is massively destroyed in the presence of fluoroquinolones.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ae894651-1d28-4714-950c-c43f93dbdb24", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these mycobacteria does NOT belong to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex?", "Options": { "A": "Mycobacterium bovis.", "B": "Mycobacterium kansasii.", "C": "Mycobacterium africanum.", "D": "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)." }, "Correct Answer": "Mycobacterium kansasii.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fa076076-496b-40a2-91a1-5943b30e846f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most common bacterial agent of childhood-acquired pneumonia in the community?", "Options": { "A": "Streptococcus pneumoniae.", "B": "Haemophilus influenzae B.", "C": "Mycoplasma pneumoniae.", "D": "Staphylococcus aureus." }, "Correct Answer": "Mycoplasma pneumoniae.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1f7dda1d-bce3-4c38-9f5e-3bc4f9d47141", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Echinocandin antifungals have a mechanism of action based on:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition of protein synthesis by interaction with the 30S subunit of the ribosome.", "B": "Alteration of topoisomerase II with involvement of DNA replication.", "C": "Inhibition of beta-1,3 glucan synthase involved in the synthesis of the fungal cell wall.", "D": "Inhibition of the fungal polymerase involved in the synthesis of the RNA of the fungus." }, "Correct Answer": "Alteration of topoisomerase II with involvement of DNA replication.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0191e5c2-bcc0-4441-b21a-1af4cffe3dfd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to supraventricular tachycardias, point out the CORRECT answer:", "Options": { "A": "The most frequent is atrio-ventricular reentrant tachycardia through an accessory pathway.", "B": "The \"frog sign\" (visible a waves in the jugular pulse) is typical of atrial tachycardia.", "C": "Carotid sinus massage is useful to reverse an episode of atrial flutter.", "D": "Radiofrequency ablation is the treatment of choice for recurrent intranodal reentrant tachycardia." }, "Correct Answer": "The most frequent is atrio-ventricular reentrant tachycardia through an accessory pathway.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c0ce681b-773f-4f1a-9d82-f29cae226d65", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following findings is NOT found in restrictive cardiomyopathy?", "Options": { "A": "Normal or slightly reduced systolic function.", "B": "High left and right filling pressures.", "C": "Anterior systolic movement of the mitral valve.", "D": "Low voltage and conduction disturbances in the electrocardiogram." }, "Correct Answer": "Low voltage and conduction disturbances in the electrocardiogram.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e156c6fb-47a1-4574-a8a6-75e2ca2d8295", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 87-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, admitted 48 hours ago to the coronary care unit due to acute myocardial infarction with elevation of ST of anterior location. Warn by dyspnea. In the exploration, a systolic murmur with thrill was observed, irradiated to the right sternal border that was not present at admission. What complication do you suspect?", "Options": { "A": "Heart failure due to extensive necrosis.", "B": "Previous aneurysm", "C": "Rupture of the free wall of the left ventricle.", "D": "Break in the interventricular septum." }, "Correct Answer": "Rupture of the free wall of the left ventricle.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "02d8153a-3b83-467d-a6e2-10b074a36f78", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the FALSE response in relation to the surgical treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms:", "Options": { "A": "The replacement of the aneurysmal aorta with a graft is indicated when the diameter of the ascending aorta is greater than 4.5 cm.", "B": "In patients diagnosed with Marfan's disease or bicuspid aortic valve, surgical treatment will be considered when the aorta is between 4 and 5 cm in diameter.", "C": "It is considered necessary to intervene on the descending aneurysmal thoracic aorta if its diameter is greater than 6 cm.", "D": "It is recommended to replace the aneurysmal aorta when, in a period of 1 year, an increase in the diameter of the aneurysm of more than 1 cm is observed." }, "Correct Answer": "The replacement of the aneurysmal aorta with a graft is indicated when the diameter of the ascending aorta is greater than 4.5 cm.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "581d31ca-e0da-438f-a00d-95002619a88f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a situation of heart failure, the heart presents different adaptive mechanisms. Which of the following is NOT correct?", "Options": { "A": "Inhibition of the arginine-vasopressin system, which generates vasoconstriction and hydrosaline retention.", "B": "Development of myocardial hypertrophy, to normalize the overload of the ventricular wall.", "C": "Activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which increases ventricular contractility.", "D": "Alterations in the production of energy in the myocardium and modifications in the extracellular matrix of the myocardiocytes." }, "Correct Answer": "Alterations in the production of energy in the myocardium and modifications in the extracellular matrix of the myocardiocytes.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "87c0978c-955a-47d9-8413-7ff2e67fdca8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Male of 84 years of age, with chronic heart failure in functional grade II secondary to ischemic heart disease with severe non-revascularizable systolic dysfunction, chronic kidney disease stage 3 (glomerular filtration 45-50 mL / min) and permanent atrial fibrillation with heart rate> 80 beats per minute. Which of the following drugs does NOT provide benefit to the patient based on the evidence currently available?", "Options": { "A": "Ivabradina.", "B": "Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme.", "C": "Anti-aldosteronic.", "D": "Beta-blockers." }, "Correct Answer": "Anti-aldosteronic.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e94968fc-a84b-4228-bf83-e8816f516c7f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old man, with a history of febrile symptoms and chest pain, goes to the hospital with dyspnea and tachypnea. On physical examination, the blood pressure figures are low, the jugular venous pressure is elevated with a prominent descending sinus x and the pulse is paradoxical. What diagnosis would you suspect?", "Options": { "A": "Dilated cardiomyopathy.", "B": "Pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade.", "C": "Constrictive pericarditis.", "D": "Ischemic heart disease" }, "Correct Answer": "Pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b1f97dae-beea-4c8b-9e25-57b318936ce2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence in the right cardiac catheterization of an average pressure of the pulmonary artery> of 25 mm Hg and a pulmonary pressure (or capillary)> of 15 mm Hg, is defining:", "Options": { "A": "Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.", "B": "Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue disease.", "C": "Pulmonary hypertension secondary to left heart disease.", "D": "Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension." }, "Correct Answer": "Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "900fc48e-62b1-49e8-83c4-a656330af034", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most frequent location of deep vein thrombosis is:", "Options": { "A": "Venous plexuses of the soleus muscles.", "B": "Femoral sector in the thigh.", "C": "Iliac sector", "D": "Vena cava inferior." }, "Correct Answer": "Venous plexuses of the soleus muscles.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "aa7847d7-acfb-40d2-8820-4143451f5d23", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the resection surgery of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma, indicate which technique is most used:", "Options": { "A": "The cephalic duodenopancreatectomy with regional lymphadenectomy.", "B": "The pancreaticojejunostomy, which consists in the derivation of the pancreatic duct to the intestine.", "C": "Corporo-caudal pancreatectomy by laparoscopy.", "D": "Enucleation of the tumor without the need for lymphadenectomy." }, "Correct Answer": "The pancreaticojejunostomy, which consists in the derivation of the pancreatic duct to the intestine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e1705065-1803-44e1-a9f5-83cb0914d2ec", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 78-year-old woman with dementia and institutionalized is brought by her caregivers for severe abdominal pain with deterioration of the general state and abdominal distension. Analytical with leukocytosis, elevated hematocrit, renal failure and metabolic acidosis. The ECG shows atrial fibrillation. Abdominal tomography detects edematous small bowel loops, with intestinal and portal pneumatosis. The most likely diagnosis is:", "Options": { "A": "Perforation of gastric or duodenal ulcus.", "B": "Biliary ileus.", "C": "Obstructive sigmoid neoplasia with perforation.", "D": "Mesenteric ischemia." }, "Correct Answer": "Obstructive sigmoid neoplasia with perforation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7a214543-ec14-485f-b84e-a23d04be053b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 80-year-old woman attended the emergency department with abdominal pain that began in the epigastrium and subsequently irradiated to the left iliac fossa. It is accompanied by fever of 37.5ºC. An abdominal CT is performed, objectifying inflammation in the walls of the sigma and mesenteric abscess of 2 cm. The treatment of choice is:", "Options": { "A": "Admission in plant with absolute diet and broad spectrum antibiotic treatment.", "B": "Discharge colostomy.", "C": "Drainage by laparoscopic surgery.", "D": "Urgent surgery with sigmoidectomy and colorectal anastomosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Admission in plant with absolute diet and broad spectrum antibiotic treatment.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "58ddec02-9ef0-431d-b0fc-3c4e80e1f212", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 52-year-old man was referred to the digestive service for symptoms of hematochezia, tenesmus and reduced diameter of the stool. A series of tests are performed, diagnosing a sigma adenocarcinoma without distant metastasis. The patient is surgically treated and referred to the medical oncology office to assess complementary chemotherapy treatment. Which of the following factors is of poor prognosis after surgical resection and should be taken into account when planning chemotherapy treatment?", "Options": { "A": "The presence of anemia at diagnosis.", "B": "The existence of a family history of colorectal cancer.", "C": "The size of the primary lesion and histological differentiation.", "D": "The perforation or adhesion of the tumor to adjacent organs." }, "Correct Answer": "The perforation or adhesion of the tumor to adjacent organs.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7b375535-b586-433a-aa2b-7059f52c70ee", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In ulcerative colitis, what factor does NOT increase the risk of colorectal neoplasia?", "Options": { "A": "The time of evolution.", "B": "The extensive affectation of the disease.", "C": "The coexistence of primary biliary cirrhosis.", "D": "Family history of colorectal cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "The extensive affectation of the disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6327acc9-7aee-4569-90f4-5ff96b94f8b2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 56-year-old man, smoker and drinker, presented dysphagia mainly to solids, regurgitation and retrosternal pain. Endoscopy was performed, finding a stenosing 3 cm tumor in the distal esophagus. The biopsy is reported as an adenocarcinoma. Thoracic CT shows thickening of 2 cm in the thoracic esophagus without distant metastases. In the transesophageal ultrasound, a tumor is observed that invades the muscle, without observing mediastinal lymph nodes. What is the treatment of choice?", "Options": { "A": "Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and later esophagectomy.", "B": "Radiotherapy as definitive treatment.", "C": "Placement of stent-type prosthesis.", "D": "Esophagectomy and gastric plasty with cervical anastomosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Esophagectomy and gastric plasty with cervical anastomosis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6d06eb30-17b4-46c1-8b2a-91dbb04ffa67", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 39-year-old woman diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus more than 20 years ago. For several months he has reported nausea, with some vomiting and abdominal distension. He has lost 6 Kg of weight. Gastroscopy: normal esophagus, stomach with alimentary remains and rest of the exploration until second duodenal portion without alterations. What evidence do you think is most useful for your diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Ultrasound of the abdomen.", "B": "Esophageal manometry", "C": "CT of the abdomen.", "D": "Isotopic study of gastric emptying." }, "Correct Answer": "Ultrasound of the abdomen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a556a3df-8f39-49ee-b1cd-aefb5dd7769a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old man with no pathological history of interest who went to the emergency room for presenting a picture of instability after an episode of black stools such as tar. In the emergency room, arterial hypotension was observed and recovered with conventional fluid therapy. Hemoglobin on admission 8 g / dL, hematocrit 25%. In the following days it continues with melénic episodes and descent of the hematocrit that need the transfusion of 3 packed red blood cells. Colonoscopy and upper digestive endoscopy were performed, finding no cause of his hemorrhagic symptoms. After one week of hospital admission and the transfusion of 4 units of red blood cell concentrates, she continues with manes. The next step to follow is:", "Options": { "A": "Immediate surgical intervention.", "B": "Endoscopic capsule", "C": "Surgical enteroscopy.", "D": "Continue with conservative treatment and request arteriography." }, "Correct Answer": "Continue with conservative treatment and request arteriography.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "68bb0b22-c2d6-4279-8c96-4c142dc45361", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 30-year-old woman, 33 weeks pregnant, who consulted for pruritus of a week of evolution. Liver tests show a slight increase in transaminase values (AST 77 IU / L and ALT 84 IU / L), as well as alkaline phosphatase (155 IU / L) and gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (125 IU / L), with a Total bilirubin figure of 2.3 mg / dL. The hemogram and the coagulation study are normal, the abdominal ultrasound shows no hepatic or biliary abnormalities and the hepatitis virus serology, as well as the autoantibodies are negative. Which of the following attitudes is correct?", "Options": { "A": "Perform a liver biopsy to establish the diagnosis of liver disease.", "B": "Treat the patient with ursodeoxycholic acid, since it is probably a benign intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.", "C": "Interrupting pregnancy since the most likely diagnosis is acute fatty liver of pregnancy.", "D": "Perform an MRI to rule out primary sclerosing cholangitis." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform an MRI to rule out primary sclerosing cholangitis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "577cbd31-9183-4646-8234-ece6ec565201", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 67-year-old man with alcoholic cirrhosis followed up by the hepatology service is diagnosed with a hepatocellular carcinoma of 3 cm in diameter located in the left lobe, segment 3. Subjected to a study to assess the treatment to be followed, it is shown that the patient does not have Portal hypertension has a normal hepatic function, a MELD score of 7 and a Child-Pugh grade A. The alpha-fetoprotein is less than 50 ng / mL and no distant metastasis has been observed. What is the most indicated treatment in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Apply percutaneous ethanol injection.", "B": "Liver resection.", "C": "Liver transplant", "D": "Transarterial chemoembolization." }, "Correct Answer": "Liver transplant", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7350e0f3-e87a-4b52-a5a0-41ad28866073", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 24-year-old man with chronic iron deficiency anemia of unknown origin, with ileocolonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy without lesions. An endoscopic capsule study was performed observing isolated ulcers at the level of the distal jejunum. In which of the following diseases are these injuries?", "Options": { "A": "Whipple's disease", "B": "Cystic pneumatosis intestinal.", "C": "Refractory celiac sprue.", "D": "Eosinophilic enteritis" }, "Correct Answer": "Cystic pneumatosis intestinal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "798add84-bc71-44b2-8b99-a30ec10e4ef3", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In irritable bowel syndrome, it is true that:", "Options": { "A": "Routine laboratory studies (analysis) show specific abnormalities of this syndrome.", "B": "Among the symptoms that make us think of an irritable bowel are: nighttime abdominal pain, progressive pain and weight loss.", "C": "It courses with diarrhea or constipation; if both are manifested, this entity is ruled out.", "D": "In patients with irritable bowel syndrome with predominance of diarrhea, the diagnostic study should include: stool culture, celiac disease screening, colonoscopy with biopsies." }, "Correct Answer": "In patients with irritable bowel syndrome with predominance of diarrhea, the diagnostic study should include: stool culture, celiac disease screening, colonoscopy with biopsies.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "475fbf42-745b-4a73-86f4-c759fa5374b0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement about pancreatic cancer is correct?", "Options": { "A": "The risk factors involved in this neoplasia include smoking, obesity and acute pancreatitis.", "B": "The most suitable diagnostic imaging test is helical CT without contrast and double phase.", "C": "It is necessary to confirm preoperatory anatomopathological diagnosis before performing surgical treatment with a curative purpose.", "D": "The genetic alteration detected most frequently is the deletion of the p16 gene." }, "Correct Answer": "The genetic alteration detected most frequently is the deletion of the p16 gene.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f267898f-dfc7-455a-bb4b-b22a8aedf13a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the treatment of choice for a 38-year-old man diagnosed with Cushing's disease in relation to a pituitary macroadenoma 22 mm in diameter?", "Options": { "A": "Initially try medical treatment and, if it is not effective, resort to surgery.", "B": "Adrenalectomy", "C": "Selective surgical resection of the adenoma.", "D": "Radiation therapy to try to decrease the tumor size." }, "Correct Answer": "Selective surgical resection of the adenoma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2ae3885a-5a01-4d8f-a883-9ab254dab4c2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 55-year-old woman, type 2 diabetic and obese, on treatment with metformin, with 8% Hb A1c, tells a story of recurrent urinary tract infections. Which of the following therapeutic options to associate with metformin considers the LESS adequate?", "Options": { "A": "DPP4 inhibitors.", "B": "GLP1 analogs.", "C": "Basal insulin", "D": "SGLT2 inhibitors." }, "Correct Answer": "DPP4 inhibitors.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "edc389b6-22b1-45a6-b1e6-98f23b4ae6cd", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs has been shown to be effective in reducing fibrosis in a patient with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis?", "Options": { "A": "Pioglitazone.", "B": "Pentoxifylline", "C": "Ursodeoxycholic acid.", "D": "Fenofibrate." }, "Correct Answer": "Pioglitazone.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "740d0643-c37e-460d-8451-57cd0d7d932c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 27-year-old woman consulted for presenting secondary amenorrhea of one year of evolution. It does not refer to yatrogenic antecedents. Analytically, the estradiol concentration is lower than normal and the prolactin value is 12 ng / mL. Indicate which of the explorations cited below would request as a first step to try to identify the origin of the disorder:", "Options": { "A": "Magnetic resonance hypothalamus pituitary.", "B": "Karyotype", "C": "Basal FSH.", "D": "Stimulation with chorionic gonadotropin." }, "Correct Answer": "Basal FSH.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6400fe21-f75e-4c5b-a425-490baeac6165", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 34-year-old woman admitted for a polyuria and polydipsia study. In the first 24 hours of admission, a diuresis of 8.2 liters was observed and an analytical sample was obtained showing a glycemia of 96 mg / dL, natremia of 148 mEq / L and plasma osmolality of 309 mOsm / kg with urinary osmolality of 89 mOsm / kg. What diagnostic test should be done next?", "Options": { "A": "Infusion test of hypertonic saline for serial determination of antidiuretic hormone.", "B": "Dehydration test (Miller test).", "C": "Administration of desmopressin with serial control of osmolality in urine.", "D": "Determination of antidiuretic hormone in plasma." }, "Correct Answer": "Determination of antidiuretic hormone in plasma.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c9a7f7f0-dd27-42c0-8332-ec260f218962", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 24-year-old student of mathematics, who comes to the clinic to confirm the diagnostic suspicion after a consultation in Google. Since childhood he has episodes of intense pain, lancinating, in hands and feet, lasting between minutes and days. He relates them to physical exercise, stress or fever, and was diagnosed with \"growing pains\". Later he notes that he does not have sweating after playing sports. He has also observed punctate skin lesions, of a dark red color, in \"the swimsuit zone\", considered non-specific. Get the diagnosis after collecting three keys (painful neuropathy, hypohidrosis and angiokeratomas). What do you think is the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Fabry disease.", "B": "Pompe disease.", "C": "Hereditary amyloidotic polyneuropathy.", "D": "Gaucher disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Hereditary amyloidotic polyneuropathy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6a4c8580-ba4e-475b-b54e-dc2bc3404ba4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 73-year-old patient presented complete neurological dysphagia in the swallowing test, secondary to a cadioembolic stroke in the territory of the left middle cerebral artery. You will need long-term nutritional support. Of the following treatment modalities, which one do you consider most appropriate for this case?", "Options": { "A": "Enteral nutrition by nasogastric tube.", "B": "Enteral nutrition by nasoduodenal tube.", "C": "Enteral nutrition by gastrostomy.", "D": "Enteral nutrition by jejunostomy." }, "Correct Answer": "Enteral nutrition by nasogastric tube.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bceb8eb2-97d9-4b76-b40e-282d04d12f1a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with confusional symptoms accompanied by dysphonia. On examination, the patient had a palpable mass in the neck and in the blood analysis plasma levels of 15 mg / dL (normal up to 10.2 mg / dL). Given these findings, which of the following diagnoses should be suspected?", "Options": { "A": "Parathyroid carcinoma", "B": "Medullary thyroid carcinoma.", "C": "MEN type I.", "D": "Adenoma of parathyroid." }, "Correct Answer": "MEN type I.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bd89882d-be95-453b-a9e6-83c07b92dd37", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "64 year old woman Menopause at 54 years old. Two pregnancies and eutocic births. He does not take any medication. He goes to the emergency department referring vaginal bleeding of two days with discomfort in hypogastrium. The clinical examination performed by the gynecologist does not object to injuries in the external genitalia, vagina or cervix. The vaginal touch is not conclusive. Which of the following behaviors seems the most appropriate as the first diagnostic approach?", "Options": { "A": "Transvaginal ultrasound and endometrial thickness measurement. Depending on it, take an endometrial biopsy or not.", "B": "Endometrial biopsy by aspiration in consultation. With it I can obtain the diagnosis very reliably and it is economical.", "C": "Hysteroscopy with sedation and directed biopsy if any lesion is seen.", "D": "I would perform a microlevel, since it is the test that would give me the definitive diagnosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Hysteroscopy with sedation and directed biopsy if any lesion is seen.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d5f1f4f7-b0a9-4a24-9583-67c98b2fe78d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 24-year-old woman complained of low abdominal pain of two weeks evolution that has worsened with the last sexual intercourse. He refers to having a recent partner with whom he only occasionally uses a condom. The examination presents regular general condition. Tº of 38.6ºC, leucocytes 16,000 / uL (85% neutrophils); PCR 30 mg / L. The speculum examination evidences abundant abnormal vaginal discharge and painful cervical mobilization. Indicate the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "We would start antibiotic treatment as soon as we suspect the diagnosis.", "B": "We would indicate as a complementary preferential test a hysterosalpingography for tubal evaluation.", "C": "The delay in diagnosis and treatment increases the appearance of sequelae.", "D": "The presence of abscess would be a criterion for hospitalization." }, "Correct Answer": "We would start antibiotic treatment as soon as we suspect the diagnosis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8fc81551-9fa9-4e8b-a594-4834c9b17ce1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 21-year-old woman presented with a hormonal study with FSH 0.29 mUI / mL (normal in the follicular phase = 3.50-12.50 mUI / mL) and LH <0.1 mUI / mL (normal follicular phase 2.40-12.60 mUI / mL). We must perform a differential diagnosis between the following clinical situations EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Administration of combined oral contraceptives.", "B": "Premature ovarian failure.", "C": "Eating behavior disorder.", "D": "Craniopharyngioma." }, "Correct Answer": "Premature ovarian failure.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f8468d9c-bec3-4e66-8bbb-e436016f0314", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding urinary incontinence, point out the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "In urinary stress incontinence, a precipitating factor is physical exercise.", "B": "In urgency incontinence, the urinary frequency is normal.", "C": "The most reliable test to establish an accurate diagnosis of the type of incontinence is the urodynamic study.", "D": "In the treatment of emergency urinary incontinence, anticholinergic drugs are used." }, "Correct Answer": "In urgency incontinence, the urinary frequency is normal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e020ec44-ed5d-4f6c-973f-ba8ae8486f6b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 34-year-old woman consulted for recurrent co-surgery. It provides a cytology with a high-grade intraepithelial lesion (H-SIL). Subsequently, colposcopy and biopsy are performed on a mosaic area and the histology tells us of a focus of invasive squamous carcinoma of 2 mm in length. Which therapeutic option is the most appropriate for this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Conization", "B": "Total hysterectomy without adnexectomy.", "C": "Pelvic radiotherapy with curative intention.", "D": "Repeat a larger biopsy." }, "Correct Answer": "Conization", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c9b1b336-a9e5-47b6-9154-48896f8c412a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What anatomopathological characteristics present, in most cases, tumors included in the molecular subtype of breast cancer called \"basal-like\"?", "Options": { "A": "High positivity for hormone receptors, negativity for HER2 and low expression of Ki67.", "B": "High positivity for hormone receptors, negativity for HER2 and high expression of Ki67.", "C": "Absence of hormone receptor expression and negativity for HER2.", "D": "Absence of hormone receptor expression and presence of HER2 positive (overexpressed or amplified)." }, "Correct Answer": "High positivity for hormone receptors, negativity for HER2 and high expression of Ki67.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c1254899-545b-4f18-bea4-92d396f08531", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 64-year-old woman with no relevant comorbidities was operated on for a right breast cancer through an enlarged lumpectomy and selective sentinel node biopsy, with the following pathological result: poorly differentiated infiltrative ductal carcinoma (grade 3), size 2.2 cm ( pT2), positive estrogen and progesterone receptors, Ki67 25%, HER2 negative. It presents macroscopic involvement of the sentinel lymph node, although there is no involvement of the rest of isolated axillary lymph nodes (pN1). What adjuvant systemic treatment do you consider most appropriate for this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Adjuvant hormone therapy that includes aromatase inhibitors.", "B": "Adjuvant chemotherapy, preferably with anthracyclines and taxanes, followed by hormone therapy.", "C": "Adjuvant chemotherapy in association with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab, followed by hormone therapy.", "D": "Adjuvant chemotherapy, preferably with anthracyclines and taxanes." }, "Correct Answer": "Adjuvant chemotherapy, preferably with anthracyclines and taxanes, followed by hormone therapy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "740a2056-2f13-4cf7-b05c-8819a3391bc2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT a movement in the head delivery mechanism?", "Options": { "A": "Retroflection", "B": "Flexion.", "C": "Detachment", "D": "Intrapelvic rotation." }, "Correct Answer": "Retroflection", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7e98578e-5723-4ee0-bd3c-c42e27553291", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 36-year-old woman who attended the clinic for having suffered three spontaneous abortions in the first trimester. He has not had any pregnancy to term. Among the studies that you will request in the first place, the following is NOT included:", "Options": { "A": "Hysterosalpingography.", "B": "Karyotype in peripheral blood of both members of the couple.", "C": "Determination of antiphospholipid antibodies.", "D": "Vaginal ultrasound." }, "Correct Answer": "Hysterosalpingography.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fe004660-8eb2-4009-969b-18b0f1ecdd1f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is the sequence of measures CORRECT to a postpartum hemorrhage?", "Options": { "A": "Uterine massage, bladder catheter placement, volume replacement, administration of uterotonics and revision of the birth canal.", "B": "Uterine massage, bladder catheter placement, volemia replacement, administration of uterotonics and transvaginal ultrasound.", "C": "Uterine massage, bladder catheter placement, volume replacement, administration of uterotonics and uterine tamponade.", "D": "Uterine massage, bladder catheter placement, volume replacement, administration of uterotonics and ligation of uterine arteries." }, "Correct Answer": "Uterine massage, bladder catheter placement, volume replacement, administration of uterotonics and revision of the birth canal.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9692f3e7-7e94-4d7c-beb4-505ea62a66a0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "40-year-old woman who consults for anemia. In the analytical highlights Hb 10.5 g / dL, iron deficiency, macrocytosis and hypergastrinemia. He has a history of lupus arthropathy and Graves Basedow's disease. It is being treated with prednisone 15 mg / d, colchicine 0.5 mg every 12 h and methimazole 10 mg / d. What do you consider the most likely cause of anemia?", "Options": { "A": "Hematic losses in relation to steroid treatment.", "B": "Medullary hypoplasia 2º to colchicine.", "C": "Hemolysis secondary to taking methimazole.", "D": "Type A gastritis" }, "Correct Answer": "Medullary hypoplasia 2º to colchicine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9f7128cc-6a3d-49ad-8ba3-69dacab1cba6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 32-year-old woman consulted because she wanted to get pregnant and reported a history of a lung embolism episode 7 years earlier while taking oral contraceptives. Treatment was performed with acenocoumarol for 6 months. The thrombophilia study was negative. Prophylaxis of venous thrombosis is advised in case you become pregnant. Point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "Prophylactic treatment with low molecular weight heparin should be advised during pregnancy and up to 6 weeks postpartum.", "B": "Prophylactic treatment with aspirin should be advised throughout the pregnancy.", "C": "Prophylaxis with acenocoumarol should be advised throughout the pregnancy.", "D": "Since the thrombophilia study was negative, only prophylaxis of venous thrombosis with compression stockings for lower limbs is required." }, "Correct Answer": "Since the thrombophilia study was negative, only prophylaxis of venous thrombosis with compression stockings for lower limbs is required.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "26bd7922-219d-45ca-9ecc-be2e693b9123", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding anticoagulant treatment, indicate the FALSE response:", "Options": { "A": "Dabigatran - Direct thrombin inhibitor.", "B": "Plasugrel - Aggregation inhibitor and platelet activation.", "C": "Edoxaban - Direct factor Xa inhibitor.", "D": "Idarucizumab - Inhibitor of plasminogen activation." }, "Correct Answer": "Dabigatran - Direct thrombin inhibitor.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c4e27512-3476-4f43-b7b7-d90b03c7c7f9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 64-year-old woman with a history of bilateral carpal tunnel. In the last months it presents a picture of asthenia and progressive dyspnea, until making small efforts. In the analytical one stands out a pro-BNP of 2,500 pg / mL, as well as the existence of a monoclonal component (positive immunofixation for lambda chains) in serum of 0.4 g / dL. The levels of kappa and lambda free light chains are 1.2 and 67.8 mg / dL, respectively. A sternal puncture is performed, observing a medullary plasmacytosis of 6%. Absence of lytic lesions in CT of the entire skeleton. What is the diagnosis of suspicion and the initial diagnostic test for confirmation?", "Options": { "A": "Waldenström macroglobulinemia - Molecular analysis of the MYD88 gene.", "B": "Symptomatic multiple myeloma - PET / CT.", "C": "Amyloidosis AL - Aspirate / abdominal fat biopsy.", "D": "POEMS syndrome - Determination of VEGF." }, "Correct Answer": "Waldenström macroglobulinemia - Molecular analysis of the MYD88 gene.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e15ee3b6-578c-47f0-b408-e312520a59a0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 17-year-old woman who presents very abundant rules from the first menstruation. Refer frequent epistaxis. Hematimetry: Hb 10.5 g / dL, VCM 77 fL, leukocytes 7,200 / uL with normal formula, platelets 182,000 / uL. Prothrombin time 12 \"(12\"), aPTT 34 \"(30\"), fibrinogen 340 mg / dL. Platelet aggregation with ADP, collagen and epinephrine: absence of response. Aglutina with ristocetina. In cytometry, absence of Gp IIb-IIIa is observed. Which is the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Thrombosis of Glanzmann.", "B": "Von Willebrand disease.", "C": "Primary immune thrombocytopenia.", "D": "Bernard-Soulier syndrome." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary immune thrombocytopenia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0ab8ebc9-ffe1-42c1-a93f-08452efc16cc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 23-year-old girl is referred by her obstetrician for the study of thrombocytopenia. Her platelets in the first prenatal evaluation a month ago were 42,000 / uL. She is 16 weeks pregnant and does not report hemorrhagic manifestations. Physical examination is normal. Hemogram: leukocytes 8,500 / uL, Hb 12 g / dL, platelets 51,000 / uL. The revision of the blood smear reveals platelets in accumulations. What is the diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Primary immune thrombocytopenia.", "B": "Thrombocytopenia of pregnancy.", "C": "Seudotrombocitopenia by EDTA.", "D": "Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura." }, "Correct Answer": "Seudotrombocitopenia by EDTA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "efcc2389-0d67-4630-9205-d8b09c4455da", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to the hematopoietic progenitor transplant, point out the FALSE statement:", "Options": { "A": "In patients who lack an identical or unrelated HLA-identical donor, umbilical cord blood can be used as an alternative source.", "B": "In patients lacking a familiar or unrelated HLA-identical donor, progenitor cells from a haploidentical donor can be used.", "C": "In autologous transplantation the cells are cryopreserved and must be thawed prior to administration.", "D": "The graft effect against leukemia is greater in autologous than in allogeneic transplantation." }, "Correct Answer": "The graft effect against leukemia is greater in autologous than in allogeneic transplantation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b340bca2-bb48-4cc6-82f2-038755c2ee27", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 34-year-old man who consulted in the emergency department for dysuria and burning in the urethral meatus, with the presence of a thick and thick discharge that exits through the meatus for 3 days. Which of the following answers is FALSE?", "Options": { "A": "A sample of the urethral exudate must be obtained to make the etiological diagnosis.", "B": "Empirical treatment will be performed with intramuscular ceftriaxone and azithromycin orally in single doses, pending microbiological results.", "C": "Antibiogram should be performed in cases in which N. gonorrhoeae is isolated.", "D": "At 2-3 weeks after the administration of the treatment, new urethral samples must be obtained to confirm the microbiological cure." }, "Correct Answer": "A sample of the urethral exudate must be obtained to make the etiological diagnosis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ba70e862-989e-438a-98cd-1bddea794538", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old woman underwent haematopoietic precursor transplant 30 days ago and severe neutropenia. It begins with cough and expectoration hemoptica in addition to fever and dyspnea of moderate efforts that does not improve despite five days of treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanate (875/125 mg / 8 h) and levofloxacin (500 mg / 12 h). Thoracic radiographs show multiple poorly defined pulmonary nodules, some of them cavitated. Among the following, what is the most likely suspected diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Septic embolisms.", "B": "Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.", "C": "Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia.", "D": "Systemic candidiasis" }, "Correct Answer": "Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "10b5ed56-bd14-4f8a-a675-d5779bd32589", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 38-year-old man visited the emergency room due to fever above 39ºC and a deterioration in his level of consciousness after having made a trip to Equatorial Guinea without antimalarial prophylaxis. In the analytical highlights: creatinine of 3.4 mg / dL, AST 764 U / L, ALT 678 U / L. The laboratory reports the visualization in blood of a Plasmodium falciparum with a parasitemia level of 6%. What treatment would you establish at this time?", "Options": { "A": "Mefloquine by mouth", "B": "Intravenous artesunate.", "C": "Doxycycline orally.", "D": "Quinine sulfate orally." }, "Correct Answer": "Intravenous artesunate.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "783c3802-dbec-4427-8d8a-58826284cf05", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 85-year-old man with a peripheral venous catheter who, one week after being hospitalized due to a stroke, begins with shivering and fever. Blood cultures are performed and from microbiology it is reported that gram positive cocci are growing in clusters. Pending the antibiogram, what is the most appropriate antibiotic treatment?", "Options": { "A": "Cefazolin.", "B": "Cloxacillin", "C": "Vancomycin", "D": "Linezolid." }, "Correct Answer": "Vancomycin", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1add8ca5-b221-4eb3-ba82-2d1e071b6036", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Luis is a 25-year-old boy who suffered splenectomy after a bicycle accident 1 year ago. He has a dog that bit him 24 hours ago and a small wound on his right hand. Go to your health center (located 3 hours from the nearest hospital) for fever of 39 º C, pain in the wound and malaise. On examination PA 100/60 mm Hg, HR 110 beats per minute, slight inflammation in the wound without pus. Which of the following actions is more indicated at this time?", "Options": { "A": "Send to the hospital to vaccinate for rabies and tetanus and keep under observation.", "B": "Clean the wound and administer intramuscular nonspecific gammaglobulin.", "C": "Give 400 mg of oral moxifloxacin and send to the hospital.", "D": "Give clindamycin 600 mg orally every 8 hours and observation." }, "Correct Answer": "Clean the wound and administer intramuscular nonspecific gammaglobulin.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1cc0da39-8cc2-4458-a1cb-a50474d9164b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 38-year-old woman of veterinary profession, in charge of the surveillance of wild animals and helping with domestic livestock. It begins with a picture of high fever with chills, headache, myalgias and nonproductive cough that it interprets as a flu process. He comes because of chest pain. Chest radiography revealed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates in lower fields. A serological test is performed with elevation of antibody titers against antigens in phase II. Which of the following statements is true?", "Options": { "A": "The form of transmission of this entity is by ticks.", "B": "Both doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating acute forms of this disease.", "C": "In its acute form it also presents, generally, elevation of antibodies against antigens in phase I.", "D": "Mortality in acute forms is almost non-existent." }, "Correct Answer": "In its acute form it also presents, generally, elevation of antibodies against antigens in phase I.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "78428693-59a5-4083-8ce2-024c2ba7c355", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the current standard guideline in our setting for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis?", "Options": { "A": "Isoniazide + rifampicin + pyrazinamide (6 months).", "B": "Isoniazide + rifampicin + pyrazinamide + ethambutol (2 months) followed by isoniazid + rifampicin (4 months).", "C": "Isoniazide + rifabutin + ethambutol (9 months).", "D": "Isoniazide + rifampicin + pyrazinamide (2 months) followed by isoniazid + rifampicin (4 months)." }, "Correct Answer": "Isoniazide + rifampicin + pyrazinamide (2 months) followed by isoniazid + rifampicin (4 months).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0f0ad0fa-7ec1-4875-b311-ac1352b91a07", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old man consulted for productive cough, pleuritic pain on his right side and fever of 48 hours of evolution. A basal O2 saturation of 88% and rales on the right base were observed. The chest X-ray shows a right basal consolidation. Have a history of HIV infection well controlled with antiretrovirals (CD4 cells 550 cells / uL and undetectable HIV viral load). Which of the empirical antimicrobial treatments listed below seems more appropriate?", "Options": { "A": "Ceftriaxone 2 g and azithromycin 500 mg every 24 hours.", "B": "Ceftriaxone 2 g, azithromycin 500 mg every 24 hours and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 5 mg / kg / 8 h (based on doses of trimethoprim).", "C": "Methyl-prednisolone 40 mg / day, ceftriaxone 2 g IV / 24 h and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 5 mg / kg / 8 h (based on dose of trimethoprim).", "D": "Meropenem 1 g / 8 h and vancomycin 1 g / 12 h." }, "Correct Answer": "Ceftriaxone 2 g, azithromycin 500 mg every 24 hours and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 5 mg / kg / 8 h (based on doses of trimethoprim).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3015dfee-728c-4534-bb99-9b848dd38dbe", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "With regard to infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "In the world, the most frequent route of transmission of HCV is vertical.", "B": "If HCV is acquired in adulthood, it becomes chronic in 5-10% of cases.", "C": "The majority of patients with chronic HCV infection have positive HCV antibodies.", "D": "Acute HCV infection occurs with frank jaundice in more than 80% of cases." }, "Correct Answer": "Acute HCV infection occurs with frank jaundice in more than 80% of cases.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7f429836-0baf-43be-9ec4-f138ba7e58be", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old woman who visited her dentist for pain in the right mandibular body and ulcerated lesion in the oral mucosa with exposure of bone over a rubbing area due to her dental prosthesis, which had lasted three months. Her background includes a vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis 5 years ago, smoker of a pack of cigarettes a day, type 2 diabetes for 15 years, polymyalgia rheumatica in oral steroid treatment (5 mg of prednisone daily for 5 years) and neoplasia of Right breast treated 5 years ago with surgery and local radiotherapy. The patient has been treated with denosumab for 5 years. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Mandibular bone lesion secondary to radiotherapy (osteoradionecrosis).", "B": "Mandibular vascular bone necrosis secondary to diabetic vasculopathy, smoking and osteoporosis.", "C": "Epidermoid verrucosa-ulcerated carcinoma.", "D": "Mandibular osteonecrosis secondary to treatment with denosumab." }, "Correct Answer": "Epidermoid verrucosa-ulcerated carcinoma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d51dbd03-e7f7-4338-8104-705c69b3f27d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following lesions of the jaws does the treatment require a partial or marginal resection, since simple enucleation or curettage of it is not enough to eradicate it?", "Options": { "A": "Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor.", "B": "Odontogenic myxoma", "C": "Osteoblastoma", "D": "Eosinophilic granuloma." }, "Correct Answer": "Odontogenic myxoma", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f2ae8dd1-9b9d-4ce2-b28b-41b180c05a5b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What result would acupuncture offer with a 500 Hz tuning fork, in an idiopathic right ear deafness?", "Options": { "A": "Rinne positive (+) of the right ear and Weber to the left ear.", "B": "Rinne negative (-) of the right ear and Weber towards the left ear.", "C": "Rinne positive (+) of the left ear and Weber to the right ear.", "D": "Rinne negative (-) of the left ear and Weber to the right ear." }, "Correct Answer": "Rinne positive (+) of the left ear and Weber to the right ear.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "718f071c-c56d-42d7-a62b-40ab665df9d8", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 47-year-old man, with a history of a right parotid pleomorphic adenoma, treated with surgery (extrafacial parotidectomy) 6 months ago, who came to our clinic because he presented pain during the mastication with sweating and reddening of the skin of the preauricular region. What treatment would be the one of choice?", "Options": { "A": "Total parotidectomy enlarged when suspicion of tumor recurrence.", "B": "Pregabalin", "C": "Injection of intradermal botulinum toxin.", "D": "Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy" }, "Correct Answer": "Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "db397160-8d8d-4f67-96b5-17ddf7fae4d6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Considering that the pathophysiology of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is cupulolithiasis, what treatment would it indicate in a patient in whom the symptoms persist after two weeks?", "Options": { "A": "Vestibular neuroleptic or antidopaminergic sedatives.", "B": "Corticosteroids", "C": "Replacement maneuver of particles.", "D": "Neurectomy of the singular nerve." }, "Correct Answer": "Vestibular neuroleptic or antidopaminergic sedatives.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a94695a9-1c01-4750-9962-9ee71c2c9f2d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "We will suspect acute renal failure of pre-renal origin in the presence of:", "Options": { "A": "Hypotension, elevation of serum urea and creatinine levels, urine osmolarity less than 500 mOsm / kg, and fractional sodium excretion greater than 1%.", "B": "Digestive intolerance, elevation of serum urea and creatinine levels, urine osmolarity greater than 500 mOsm / kg and fractional sodium excretion less than 1%.", "C": "Previous intravenous administration of iodinated contrast, elevation of serum urea and creatinine levels, urine osmolarity less than 500 mOsm / kg and fractional sodium excretion greater than 1%.", "D": "Previous administration of an aminoglycoside antibiotic, elevation of serum urea and creatinine levels and isostenuria." }, "Correct Answer": "Digestive intolerance, elevation of serum urea and creatinine levels, urine osmolarity greater than 500 mOsm / kg and fractional sodium excretion less than 1%.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "497157ef-63b3-4f64-9d32-c96f7a98553a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most characteristic association of metabolic alterations that we can find in the presence of chronic renal failure in advanced stages is:", "Options": { "A": "Hyperkalemia, hypophosphoremia, hypercalcemia and metabolic acidosis.", "B": "Hypokalemia, hypophosphoremia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis.", "C": "Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis.", "D": "Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic alkalosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3f6c112e-df97-4c3c-a58c-9fd15d75a7d0", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 28-year-old man presented to the emergency department of the hospital due to gross hematuria. Which of the following alterations in urinalysis would support the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis?", "Options": { "A": "Dysmorphic red blood cells and / or blood cylinders.", "B": "Proteinuria of 1 g / day, with a negative result on a dipstick and with microalbuminuria greater than 300 mg / 24 hours.", "C": "Coexistence of hematuria with pyuria without bacteriuria.", "D": "Clots in the urine with the naked eye." }, "Correct Answer": "Proteinuria of 1 g / day, with a negative result on a dipstick and with microalbuminuria greater than 300 mg / 24 hours.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4a0a8835-1702-4bea-b6ba-d2202daba285", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Man of 25 years with no known background of interest. It takes 2 months with foamy and loaded urine, without other symptoms. Physical exploration without findings. Elemental urine: pH 5; glucose -; hemoglobin ++; proteins ++; leukocyte esterase -; proteinuria 1.5 g / 24 hours; Urinary Na 60 mEq / L; Urinary K 30 mEq / L; Urinary Cl 100 mEq / L. Blood biochemistry: creatinine 1.6 mg / dL; urea 80 mg / dL; Na 140 mEq / L; K 3.8 mEq / L. Immunological study: negative antiDNA; ANCA negative; antiMBG negative; negative rheumatoid factor; C3 20 mg / dL (normal 60-120); C4 10 mg / dL (normal 20-40). Renal biopsy is performed. Which of these diagnoses do you think is most likely to be found in the biopsy?", "Options": { "A": "Membranous glomerulonephritis.", "B": "Glomerulonephritis of minimal changes.", "C": "IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis.", "D": "Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis." }, "Correct Answer": "IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "58a476cb-85a4-40ad-97ff-f1990f64098e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is the most common form of presentation of lithium nephropathy?", "Options": { "A": "Glomerulosclerosis", "B": "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.", "C": "Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephropathy.", "D": "Acute interstitial nephritis." }, "Correct Answer": "Acute interstitial nephritis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ebfd3a9b-e8ee-4847-9a84-80abd54e27df", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 55-year-old man who underwent a kidney transplant 24 hours ago. It begins with hematuria and subsequently with a sudden cessation of diuresis. What imaging test is indicated to clarify the diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Isotopic renogram.", "B": "Ultrasound-Doppler", "C": "Intravenous urography.", "D": "Magnetic resonance." }, "Correct Answer": "Ultrasound-Doppler", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fc856fea-9ac5-456c-b0c7-b263ab4d1c42", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 55-year-old diabetic man with good glycemic control who came for erectile dysfunction of 3 years of evolution, of slow onset. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction, etiological causes should be initially treated, lifestyles should be modified that favor erectile dysfunction and identify the needs and expectations of the patient and his partner. What should be the complementary treatment to consider?", "Options": { "A": "Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 5.", "B": "Vacuum devices.", "C": "Alprostadil topical.", "D": "Intracavernous injections" }, "Correct Answer": "Vacuum devices.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2fb55b5-a94e-4d4b-8cee-b04b3130e2ab", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 63-year-old man with no family history of prostatic carcinoma consulted for mild obstructive voiding symptoms. It provides a determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) less than 1 ng / mL. In rectal examination, a hardened and fixed area of half a centimeter is seen in a prostatic lobe. In this case, the correct attitude is:", "Options": { "A": "Repeat the determination of PSA in three months.", "B": "Indicate a transrectal prostate biopsy.", "C": "Treat with an alpha blocking to improve the obstructive symptomatology and repeat the PSA annually.", "D": "Schedule a retropubic prostatic resection." }, "Correct Answer": "Repeat the determination of PSA in three months.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4b7d5b83-9278-42a2-b685-04b2e8433295", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Two-year-old girl diagnosed with grade II unilateral vesicoureteral reflux (reflux to the ureter, pelvis and calyces without dilation of the urinary tract and normal papillary morphology). What is the most appropriate treatment at the beginning of this pathology?", "Options": { "A": "Endoscopic injection of dextranomer in the intramural ureteral tract.", "B": "Ureteral reimplantation by open route.", "C": "Laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation.", "D": "Conservative treatment by observation and antibiotic / antiseptic prophylaxis." }, "Correct Answer": "Conservative treatment by observation and antibiotic / antiseptic prophylaxis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "303df9c2-fa8e-47b6-be67-94f7eff6a221", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old man visited the emergency room for a 48-hour history of fever of 39ºC, shivering, poor general condition, frequency, dysuria, bladder tenesmus and perianal pain. In the analytical sample, it showed creatinine values of 0.9 mg / dL, procalcitonin of 1.5 ng / mL, leukocytes of 20,000 / uL and PSA of 45 ng / mL. What is the attitude to follow in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Serotherapy, antipyretics, urine culture, antibiotherapy and thoracoabdominal CT.", "B": "Serotherapy, antipyretics and antibiotic therapy prior to prostate biopsy.", "C": "Sueroterapia, antitérmicos and antibioterapia during three weeks and to repeat levels of PSA in three months.", "D": "Sueroterapia, antitérmicos and antibioterapia. Request levels of prostatic acid phosphatase." }, "Correct Answer": "Serotherapy, antipyretics, urine culture, antibiotherapy and thoracoabdominal CT.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a3570b60-0c86-4beb-aadd-c5d5743c43a7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A woman goes to the emergency room three days after being subjected to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy on a calculation of 2.1 cm maximum diameter located in the left kidney. He presented poor general condition, pain in the left renal fossa, nausea and fever of 39.2ºC. Simple Rx is performed in which several small calculi are seen in the area of the left distal ureter. The radiologist informs us that on ultrasound he observes the existence of left pyelocalicial grade II dilatation. The next step should be:", "Options": { "A": "Urinary ureteroscopy given the existence of obstructive uropathy of lithiasic cause.", "B": "Income with intravenous hydration, as well as antibiotic treatment, given the suspicion of urinary infection.", "C": "Urgent urinary diversion (ureteral catheterization or percutaneous nephrostomy) given the suspicion of complicated obstructive uropathy.", "D": "New session of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, previous symptomatic treatment of the patient with anti-inflammatory, antibiotic treatment and intravenous hydration." }, "Correct Answer": "Urgent urinary diversion (ureteral catheterization or percutaneous nephrostomy) given the suspicion of complicated obstructive uropathy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "41b3f5fe-339f-4894-8624-432231eeb55a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 29-year-old woman with persistent moderate asthma well controlled with fluticasone / salmeterol every 12 hours and terbutaline on demand discovers that she is 5 weeks pregnant. Which attitude is the most correct?", "Options": { "A": "Substitute fluticasone / salmeterol for budesonide / formoterol.", "B": "Suspend fluticasone / salmeterol and keep only salbutamol on demand.", "C": "Suspend fluticasone / salmeterol and try maintenance only with montelukast.", "D": "Remove fluticasone / salmeterol and try maintenance only with budesonide at medium doses." }, "Correct Answer": "Remove fluticasone / salmeterol and try maintenance only with budesonide at medium doses.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "071fde1b-a347-448d-bd69-d7f37298d736", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 23-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by the emergency service after a car accident with the result of 2 deaths and she is the only survivor. Upon arrival at our center, the patient is under orotracheal intubation and hemodynamically stable. The physical examination reveals multiple blunt injuries throughout the body, bleeding on the sheet on the scalp, and slight generalized bilateral hypophonosis. Normal cardiac auscultation. Abdomen: soft and depressible without signs of peritonism. Rest of physical exploration by normal appliances. It was decided to perform cranio-cervico-thoracic-abdominal-pelvic CT. What radiological finding would NOT be compatible with a ruptured aorta?", "Options": { "A": "Left pleural effusion.", "B": "Mediastinal emphysema", "C": "Pericardial effusion", "D": "Mediastinal broadening." }, "Correct Answer": "Mediastinal broadening.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "84ba7b2d-7917-4df9-a528-57a3a722999b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "It is due to an alteration of the pulmonary capillary membrane.", "B": "Radiologically, bilateral opacities not explained by pleural effusion, atelectasis or pulmonary nodules are observed.", "C": "It is necessary that there is an occlusion pressure of the pulmonary artery (POAP)> 18 mmHg.", "D": "The quotient Pa02 / FiO2 must be less than or equal to 200 mmHg." }, "Correct Answer": "Radiologically, bilateral opacities not explained by pleural effusion, atelectasis or pulmonary nodules are observed.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9b63aa52-566b-4643-9ed1-5304b95d3c6a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The study of the multifunctional severity of COPD is performed with the BODEX and BODE indices, which have some common criteria. Which of the following criteria is exclusively part of one of the two indexes?", "Options": { "A": "Dyspnea assessment (MRC).", "B": "Distance traveled (meters).", "C": "Body mass index (BMI).", "D": "Forced vital capacity (FVC)." }, "Correct Answer": "Dyspnea assessment (MRC).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5ab74450-877c-4573-aef0-a3e5f0fa57cb", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "He receives a 65-year-old man, former smoker with an accumulated consumption of 50 packs / year and diagnosed with emphysema-like COPD. He cites cough with little expectoration and dyspnea of moderate efforts. Request respiratory functional tests. Of the following results, which one is LESS likely?", "Options": { "A": "FEV1 (expiratory flow in the first second) less than 80%.", "B": "DLCO (diffusion capacity) normal.", "C": "FEV1 / FVC ratio less than 70%.", "D": "TLC (total lung capacity) increased." }, "Correct Answer": "DLCO (diffusion capacity) normal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6cf9d7d9-fe36-4fdc-83bb-e7e369c22788", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 47-year-old man, with a history of depressive syndrome, is seen in the emergency room after having found him in his unconscious home. In arterial blood gases, it stands out: pH 6.94; HCO3 5 mEq / L; PaCO2 17 mmHg. The anion gap or anion gap is 35 (normal value 12 ± 2). The glycemia and creatinine were normal and the ketone bodies negative. The calculated osmolarity revealed a value of 295 mOsm / kg, compared to an osmolarity measured directly of 325 mOsm / kg. Point out the correct statement:", "Options": { "A": "The patient presents a mixed acidosis.", "B": "The possibility of methanol poisoning should be ruled out.", "C": "It is a metabolic acidosis due to loss of bicarbonate. We must rule out diarrhea or kidney losses.", "D": "Given the decrease in bicarbonate, its immediate replacement is essential in order to achieve, in the first hour, its normal plasma values." }, "Correct Answer": "The possibility of methanol poisoning should be ruled out.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "30f10ae7-16f3-40eb-b212-e5f0366a1e35", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 51-year-old woman reports dyspnea from moderate efforts of several months of evolution. He does not have a history of interest and the elementary analysis (blood count and basic biochemistry) is normal. In the respiratory functional tests, a FEV1 / FVC ratio greater than 0.7 and a FVC and a TLC of 85% and 83% were observed in relation to their theoretical values, respectively. The DLCO is 40%. Given these data, I would think about:", "Options": { "A": "Disorder of the thoracic or neuromuscular cage.", "B": "Emphysema.", "C": "Vascular lung disease.", "D": "Asthma." }, "Correct Answer": "Emphysema.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e79e177d-1225-4724-a220-4630e0561fd2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a patient diagnosed with pneumonia and with metaneumonic pleural effusion in 2/3 of the right hemithorax, which of the following sign associations is frequent to observe?", "Options": { "A": "Normal vesicular murmur - normal vocal vibrations-matt percussion.", "B": "Diminished vesicular murmur - increased vocal vibrations - percussion mate.", "C": "Rattles - increased vocal vibrations matt impact.", "D": "Diminished vesicular murmur - diminished vocal vibrations - percussion mate." }, "Correct Answer": "Rattles - increased vocal vibrations matt impact.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "188900f6-ae05-4485-9f20-15a27a0e7196", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the study of a 65-year-old smoker, a lung mass of 8 cm in diameter was seen in the right upper lobe, with ipsilateral hilar lymph node involvement. The patient is finally diagnosed with a pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Based on the characteristics cited, indicate which of the following treatments is the most appropriate:", "Options": { "A": "Surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.", "B": "Surgery plus postoperative radiotherapy.", "C": "Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery.", "D": "Combined chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery." }, "Correct Answer": "Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f27f81ec-127e-45fb-9761-f3ddda17d872", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 59-year-old woman with epileptic seizures of recent onset who went to the emergency room. On examination, it shows left pyramidal signs and papilledema. A brain MRI was performed showing a right hemispherical mass with edema, deviation from the midline and signs of tentorial herniation. He says that for a week he has had a headache that has progressed in intensity. Which of the following characteristics associated with headache seems most likely in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Morning dominance.", "B": "It does not change with effort.", "C": "Photophobia.", "D": "Sonophobia" }, "Correct Answer": "Photophobia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f3304037-9589-43ff-85dd-552c0dfd176b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a woman with an epileptic seizure that presents the following clinical characteristics: epigastric aura, unpleasant smell, disconnection of the medium, motor automatisms (sucking, swallowing, opening and closing of a hand) and post-critical amnesia, what is your diagnostic suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Generalized non-convulsive crisis or typical absence.", "B": "Partial continuous epilepsy.", "C": "Amiotonic crisis", "D": "Complex partial crisis of the temporal lobe." }, "Correct Answer": "Complex partial crisis of the temporal lobe.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "70d1d0c0-0a9c-4176-9089-fc0fffb954b1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 25-year-old man consults for tremor. Objective exploration dysarthria and dystonia. He has a family history of psychiatric illness and movement disorders. Which diagnostic test do you consider most accurate?", "Options": { "A": "DATSCAN.", "B": "Nerve conduction study.", "C": "Electroencephalogram.", "D": "Copper in 24-hour urine." }, "Correct Answer": "Copper in 24-hour urine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a6feddb5-15d8-4853-9880-f829db02d2a7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 13-year-old boy presents a subacute picture of headache and diplopia. The neurological examination shows a paralysis of the vertical gaze and magnetic resonance a contrasting lesion in the pineal region that obstructs the aqueduct of Silvio. The most likely diagnosis is:", "Options": { "A": "Glioblastoma", "B": "Medulloblastoma", "C": "Germ cell tumor.", "D": "Meningioma" }, "Correct Answer": "Medulloblastoma", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5bdc3452-5a16-4501-9530-460e70af1d88", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 78-year-old woman presents a 2-year history of episodic amnesia that has been associated in recent months with difficulty recognizing familiar faces, apraxia of dress, anomie, and temporary disorientation. The family confirms a clear functional deterioration in instrumental activities of daily life with respect to its previous level. The patient shows a very evident anosognosia. General analytical studies, thyroid hormones and vitamin B12 are normal. Which of the following clinical findings did you NOT expect to find in this situation?", "Options": { "A": "Neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the hippocampus, temporal cortex and Meynert's nucleus as findings of pathological anatomy.", "B": "REM sleep behavior disorder.", "C": "Medial temporal cortical atrophy in cerebral magnetic resonance.", "D": "ApoE 3/4 heterozygous genotype." }, "Correct Answer": "REM sleep behavior disorder.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0e5e9027-c6df-44a3-b155-63d6480d82dc", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old woman consulted due to weakness in the right hand that has spread in a few months to other muscle areas of both arms and legs, predominantly distal. In the exploration there is atrophy and fasciculations in different metameric territories with preserved sensitivity. There is a bilateral Babinski sign. What is the diagnostic test that would confirm the diagnosis of suspicion?", "Options": { "A": "Brain CT", "B": "Electromyographic study.", "C": "Brain MRI.", "D": "Evoked multimodal potentials." }, "Correct Answer": "Brain CT", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2742ad98-fe97-4e38-bd90-ea3723f953e9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A man presents on the neurological examination a thermoalgesic sensory deficit in the left leg associated with a loss of vibratory and positional sensitivity in the right leg. At the same time it presents clumsiness and loss of distal strength in the right leg and a right plantar cutaneous reflex in extension. Which of the following statements is true?", "Options": { "A": "It is a syringomyelia-type centromedullary syndrome.", "B": "It is a hemimedular syndrome.", "C": "It is a pattern of transverse spinal cord injury.", "D": "It is a pattern of lateral bulbar injury." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a syringomyelia-type centromedullary syndrome.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fc59701a-6823-4bdb-924c-0537af35f0ff", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a man of 70 years, hypertensive, with right hemiplegia of sudden onset with a slight dysarthria, without alterations in the evocation or understanding of language, what type of stroke do you think is more likely to have suffered?", "Options": { "A": "A left capsular lacunar infarct.", "B": "A cortico-subcortical frontal fronto-temporal sylvian infarct.", "C": "A brain stem infarct.", "D": "A left lenticular hemorrhage." }, "Correct Answer": "A cortico-subcortical frontal fronto-temporal sylvian infarct.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "32167f87-b76d-4df7-9d50-f08848d6e374", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "13-year-old girl operated on due to Hirschsprung's disease at 3 months of age. Which of the following tumors is most likely to present?", "Options": { "A": "Abdominal neuroblastoma", "B": "Wilms tumor.", "C": "Mesoblastic nephroma.", "D": "Familial thyroid medullary carcinoma." }, "Correct Answer": "Mesoblastic nephroma.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a85da408-131c-4426-86c7-cb98e272317e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"complementary food\" or \"Beikost\", is the introduction of different foods from breast milk or formula milk in children, point out an incorrect option in this type of diet:", "Options": { "A": "From 4 months egg yolk.", "B": "From 4 months gluten-free cereals.", "C": "From 4 months fresh fruit.", "D": "From 6 months cereal with gluten." }, "Correct Answer": "From 4 months egg yolk.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "26fef44e-b089-4679-9360-fdfd8ccbfa2b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Infant of 1 month of life that presents vomiting of 24 hours of evolution. Eat with appetite and cry between shots. Since birth, he takes a bottle and did not vomit previously. Based on the most probable diagnostic suspicion, what diagnostic tests do you consider most appropriate?", "Options": { "A": "It is a physiological gastro-esophageal reflux for your age, it is enough with a semi-incorporated position after taking.", "B": "It can be a gastroenteritis, it would do venous blood gas and ions and it would administer intravenous rehydration.", "C": "Probably have a hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, I would ask for an ultrasound.", "D": "We must rule out a congenital malformation of the digestive tract with a gastro-duodenal transit." }, "Correct Answer": "We must rule out a congenital malformation of the digestive tract with a gastro-duodenal transit.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3f828278-b690-4185-80fc-1dbdce2d63e1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which serum biochemical profile is suggestive of rickets due to vitamin D deficiency in a 5-month-old infant:", "Options": { "A": "Normal calcium; normal phosphate; normal alkaline phosphatases (FA); normal parathyroid hormone (PTH); 25 OH vitamin D low.", "B": "Normal calcium; low phosphate; Normal FA; Normal PTH; 25 OH vitamin D low.", "C": "Low calcium; high phosphate; FA elevated; Normal PTH; 25 OH vitamin D low.", "D": "Normal calcium; normal phosphate; FA elevated; Elevated PTH; 25 OH vitamin D low." }, "Correct Answer": "Normal calcium; normal phosphate; FA elevated; Elevated PTH; 25 OH vitamin D low.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a3740904-1eef-431e-a0a1-83be2443ec41", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 6-month-old infant has episodes of spasms in flexion, in bouts, most often when drowsy. The parents find him off and sad and with an impression of little progress in development. On physical examination, there are 7 hypopigmented spots on the trunk and on the extremities. Among the complementary studies performed, the echocardiography finding of a apparently asymptomatic cardiac tumor stands out. Which of the following pathologies is most likely in this child?", "Options": { "A": "Sturge-Weber syndrome.", "B": "Neurofibromatosis type 1.", "C": "Neurofibromatosis type 2.", "D": "Tuberous sclerosis." }, "Correct Answer": "Tuberous sclerosis.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a11108ce-a443-4116-bc81-c8f3dd961801", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In congenital diaphragmatic hernia with posterolateral defect, which alteration has greater pathophysiological and clinical importance?", "Options": { "A": "Herniation of a liver in a thorax.", "B": "Associated intestinal malrotation.", "C": "The intrathoracic peritoneal hernia sac.", "D": "Pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension." }, "Correct Answer": "Pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0c098923-166c-4630-9613-0fb19d16323c", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Before a 9 year old boy with testicular pain of 6 hours of evolution, intense, that almost prevents him from walking, without previous trauma, what is the most probable diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Crural hernia.", "B": "Morgagni hydátide torsion.", "C": "Epididymitis", "D": "Testicular torsion." }, "Correct Answer": "Epididymitis", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e08f9c6b-fd58-4277-9d74-db3913c951df", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "20-day-old baby who presents a picture of regurgitation and vomiting from birth. He looks malnourished and lethargic. Artificial breastfeeding from birth. In the analysis, leukocytosis with left deviation stands out. Absolute diet, glucosaline perfusion and intravenous antibiotics are indicated. In view of the clinical improvement, oral feeding was reintroduced at 48 hours, followed by repeated vomiting, incoercible, more intense than those presented at admission, reappearance of the lethargic aspect and the same analytical alterations. The most probable diagnosis of this patient is:", "Options": { "A": "Enterocolitis syndrome induced by cow's milk proteins.", "B": "Large hiatal hernia.", "C": "Severe sepsis", "D": "Gastroesophageal reflux disease." }, "Correct Answer": "Gastroesophageal reflux disease.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e6c3ba0c-1718-4f5d-b46c-c202cc671b85", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A newborn has a heart rate of 80 beats per minute at the minute of birth, a slow and irregular breathing, absence of muscular tone with generalized flaccidity, absent response to the energetic striking of the sole and pink coloration of the body with the extremities. bluish What score of the Apgar test corresponds?", "Options": { "A": "Two points.", "B": "Five points.", "C": "Three points.", "D": "Six points." }, "Correct Answer": "Two points.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bf247625-1093-48da-810c-b2d76ecbdac1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 7-year-old boy who goes to the emergency department of the hospital after falling on trampolines placed in the town square. It presents an obvious deformity in the right forearm, with preserved pulses and normal sensitivity. What type of injury does the patient present?", "Options": { "A": "Fracture in green stem of radius and ulna.", "B": "Wrist sprain", "C": "Isolated fracture of radio.", "D": "Long spiroidal fracture of the isolated ulna." }, "Correct Answer": "Fracture in green stem of radius and ulna.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "008ae755-ccf0-498f-87e8-b2a27d9641ab", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 80-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years and high blood pressure. He has been treated with paracetamol, tramadol and indapamide for years and in the last 3 months also with prednisone 7.5 mg daily and etanercept, with good results. She consulted because for 2 weeks she has invalidating pain of the left hip without fever. The analyzes show 14,000 leukocytes / uL, hemoglobin 10 g / dL, PCR 50 mg / L, creatinine 1.2 mg / dL. Pelvic radiography is normal. Indicate the CORRECT attitude:", "Options": { "A": "It is an outbreak of rheumatoid arthritis insufficiently controlled. The dose of prednisone should be increased or an anti-inflammatory drug should be associated with monitoring renal function.", "B": "Leukocytosis and recent treatment with corticosteroids suggest aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Analgesia should be increased and discharge should be ensured with canes or bedding.", "C": "Requires hospital admission for suspected acute infectious arthritis of the hip. Antibiotic therapy should be started early.", "D": "It is an acute gouty arthritis of the hip. Allopurinol should be combined and analgesia increased if necessary, using major opioids." }, "Correct Answer": "Requires hospital admission for suspected acute infectious arthritis of the hip. Antibiotic therapy should be started early.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "104e75bf-24bd-45d7-91e3-3c9cbc361ad6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 40-year-old woman with an insidious onset of 10 weeks of evolution consisting of pain, erythema and increased temperature of the second and third metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands and the right carpus comes to her office. Although the pain partially calms since you take 3 tablets of Ibuprofen daily, you still feel bad. He also refers to a constant grit in the eyes and that they often cry when he goes out. Which of the following symptoms is LESS likely to be found during the history?", "Options": { "A": "Rigidity in the hands of morning predominance of more than one hour.", "B": "Subcutaneous nodules on the rubbing surfaces of elbows, knees and fingers.", "C": "Asthenia, anorexia and low-grade fever.", "D": "Lumbar pain of inflammatory rhythm." }, "Correct Answer": "Subcutaneous nodules on the rubbing surfaces of elbows, knees and fingers.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5bbb359-cbf4-42c2-87fd-b842db0c8d04", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the anti-Ro antibodies (SS-A), point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "They are associated with Sjögren's syndrome.", "B": "They are associated with venous and arterial thrombosis.", "C": "They are associated with subacute cutaneous lupus.", "D": "They are associated with neonatal lupus with heart block." }, "Correct Answer": "They are associated with neonatal lupus with heart block.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "23898d49-8e05-4fa8-85a0-c4a056855828", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fibromyalgia?", "Options": { "A": "Its diagnosis is essentially clinical, as there are no characteristic laboratory alterations.", "B": "Symmetric distribution of painful points.", "C": "Presence of symptoms such as paresthesias, sleep disturbances and rigidity.", "D": "Good response to glucocorticoid treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "Good response to glucocorticoid treatment.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "02313a55-05a0-467e-b001-f55aa0400c3f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 50-year-old diabetic man with mechanical spinal pain and stiffness. The exploration denotes limitation of all movements of the lumbar and cervical spine. The acute phase reactants are negative. The antigen HLA-B27 is negative. Pelvic radiology is normal. The column radiology demonstrates the presence of thick intervertebral bony bridges separated from the spine and in the lumbar spine only on the right side thereof. What is the first diagnostic possibility?", "Options": { "A": "Ankylosing spondylitis.", "B": "Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis.", "C": "Paget's disease.", "D": "Psoriatic arthropathy" }, "Correct Answer": "Ankylosing spondylitis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4857a550-2cc2-45d7-8def-25e540a8f577", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 60-year-old man with a history of renal lithiasis due to uric acid and chronic tophaceous arthropathy who presented a severe allergic reaction to allopurinol one year ago, consulted for monthly episodes of monoarticular arthritis in knees, ankles and metatarsophalangeal joints. In the analytic, uricemia of 12 mg / dL and uric acid in urine of 24 hours of 1,100 mg stand out. In addition to joint bud treatment, what is the most appropriate background treatment for your arthropathy?", "Options": { "A": "Treatment with febuxostat.", "B": "Indomethacin treatment", "C": "Treatment with benzbromarone.", "D": "Treatment with exercise, strict diet low in purines and colchicine." }, "Correct Answer": "Treatment with benzbromarone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "31c4c37a-7780-48d4-852b-0b1f3a25e366", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 18-year-old woman with a history of bronchial asthma who consulted for cutaneous purpura, arthralgias and edema of the lower limbs. It presents elevated acute phase reactants, normal glomerular filtration and proteinuria in non-nephrotic range. In radiology, a veiling of the paranasal sinuses is observed. Neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) and antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Systemic lupus erythematosus with renal involvement.", "B": "EGPA-type vasculitis (eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis or Churg-Strauss syndrome).", "C": "Purple of Schönlein-Henoch.", "D": "Granulomatosis with poliangeitis (Wegener's disease)." }, "Correct Answer": "EGPA-type vasculitis (eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis or Churg-Strauss syndrome).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1f5d9b42-e46e-461d-856b-a36503232dc2", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 36-year-old man with no history of interest who, after high-energy trauma when falling from a motorcycle, presented a fractured mid-shaft tibial fracture, open, grade II Gustilo. Which of the following maneuvers or therapies is more effective for the prevention of infection?", "Options": { "A": "Immediate broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic therapy.", "B": "Comprehensive debridement-washing of the wound in the operating room with at least 10 liters of physiological saline.", "C": "Urgent stabilization of the fracture by external fixation and early closure of the wound.", "D": "Early wound closure with antiseptics and oxygen therapy at two liters per minute." }, "Correct Answer": "Early wound closure with antiseptics and oxygen therapy at two liters per minute.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "82441c9b-b01b-4b1c-a19a-6fcf20b44e25", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "60-year-old woman, insulin-dependent diabetic, presenting right shoulder pain of nocturnal predominance of several weeks of evolution. It does not refer traumatism. Physical examination highlights an active and passive limitation of all shoulder movement arcs. What clinical picture do you suspect as the first diagnostic possibility?", "Options": { "A": "A malignant tumor located in the proximal epiphysis of the humerus.", "B": "A septic arthritis of the shoulder.", "C": "Adhesive capsulitis", "D": "An acromioclavicular osteoarthritic degenerative process." }, "Correct Answer": "A septic arthritis of the shoulder.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b1a60afb-4600-47e8-947a-f5fa78fb4a59", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 36-year-old man with no personal history of interest was admitted to the emergency department due to a sudden onset of intense pain on the posterior aspect of the lower right limb reaching the foot. In the examination, he presented: Right right leg at 10º, decreased force in the plantar flexion of the right foot, hypoesthesia in the outer edge of the right foot and absence of a right right reflex. The simple x-ray of the lumbar spine shows no significant alterations. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "Herniated disc L1 / L2.", "B": "Horsetail syndrome.", "C": "Herniated disc L4 / L5.", "D": "Herniated disc L5 / S1." }, "Correct Answer": "Herniated disc L5 / S1.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "01e425a9-ea17-4c13-aa8a-9f4947a11dc1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "18-year-old boy, who presented a sprained right ankle treated with immobilization 1 year ago. Since then it presents a picture of intense pain and allodynia. Initially, the skin presented an edematous, hyperemic and hot appearance. At the time of consultation, a hard, cyanotic and cold skin edema was observed. The complementary tests show slight demineralization in the affected extremity without other findings of interest. What treatment is NOT recommended?", "Options": { "A": "Tramadol", "B": "Amitriptyline.", "C": "Alendronate.", "D": "Celecoxib" }, "Correct Answer": "Amitriptyline.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "72f0f141-3395-4011-b4f0-1c7d481975f4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "An 18-year-old boy who went to the emergency room due to pain and functional impotence in the right knee. After the biopsy study, the diagnosis of osteoblastic osteosarcoma of the distal femur is established. Given the type of tumor and the location, what treatment protocol is usually performed in most cases?", "Options": { "A": "Amputation of the extremity.", "B": "Neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Surgery Adjuvant chemotherapy.", "C": "Radiation therapy and chemotherapy.", "D": "Surgery and radiotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Surgery Adjuvant chemotherapy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5748a71a-18fd-4bfa-b86f-41ff4f43ecd9", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A man with a drug-eluting stent implanted 2 months ago, under treatment with acetylsalicylic acid (AAS) 300 mg / d and clopidogrel 75 mg / d, is presented in the pre-anesthetic assessment clinic and must undergo a scheduled surgery for multiple tooth extraction. Indicate the best recommendation to maintain the balance between the thrombotic risk and the hemorrhagic risk of the proposed surgery:", "Options": { "A": "Delaying surgery for 3 months.", "B": "Keep the antiplatelet treatment.", "C": "Suspend AAS and keep clopidogrel.", "D": "Reduce the dose of ASA to 100 mg / day and discontinue clopidogrel until the day after surgery." }, "Correct Answer": "Keep the antiplatelet treatment.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "512650c7-f39b-4009-9e40-5c56349f61fa", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Triage is a method of classifying patients who, following a color scale, allows us to establish priorities when assisting a patient. Its use is extended in the hospital emergency but it is also used in out-of-hospital medicine in situations of disasters or accidents with multiple victims. Imagine that you are in a mobile ICU as the first intervening resource in one of these situations. What would you do to identify the milder or green patients?", "Options": { "A": "Thoroughly explore each of the patients making sure they are conscious and have no visible wounds.", "B": "Ask each patient how they are and consider green those who do not report any pain.", "C": "Identify those who have a decrease in the level of consciousness in order to separate the minor.", "D": "Shout clearly: \"those who can walk to follow me\" and move them to a safe area." }, "Correct Answer": "Thoroughly explore each of the patients making sure they are conscious and have no visible wounds.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0ede813e-4f1f-4857-9466-933bf3aa2349", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following parameters is NOT part of the Glasgow comma scale?", "Options": { "A": "Eye opening.", "B": "Verbal response", "C": "Motor response", "D": "Pupillary reactivity." }, "Correct Answer": "Verbal response", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "34d63e16-3481-48a5-84d9-aeafbca2a703", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A diabetic woman with a malleolar ulcer of approximately 10 years of evolution comes to her office. He has required continuous topical cures but the wound has never finished closing by second intention. You notice that one of the edges of the ulcer begins to mamelone. What should be your immediate attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Hospital admission and intravenous antibiotic treatment.", "B": "Biopsy of the mamelonated area.", "C": "Perform cures with debriding enzymatic ointments.", "D": "Ulcer coverage with skin graft." }, "Correct Answer": "Ulcer coverage with skin graft.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "52a03e2c-9461-469c-90a3-d24072f4ae5a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The physiological changes that occur with aging favor the development of disease. Regarding them, point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "There is a decrease in the number of nephrons related to biological age that causes physiological loss of renal function.", "B": "Sclerosis of cardiac myocytes favors the development of systolic heart failure.", "C": "The decrease in lean mass and increase in fat favors the accumulation of long-lasting benzodiazepines.", "D": "The increase in infections in old age is favored by immunosenescence." }, "Correct Answer": "Sclerosis of cardiac myocytes favors the development of systolic heart failure.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2d651c8-e08e-43e2-9cf3-e80ce30bd348", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to delirium or acute hospital confusional syndrome in the elderly, indicate the true:", "Options": { "A": "Previous dementia and depression are precipitating factors of delirium.", "B": "Starting a steroid treatment is a potential cause of delirium.", "C": "Benzodiazepines are the most suitable drugs for the treatment of the inversion of the sleep-wake cycle characteristic of delirium.", "D": "The early mobilization of the patient during hospitalization does not prevent the onset of delirium." }, "Correct Answer": "Previous dementia and depression are precipitating factors of delirium.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5cc7f814-7b14-449f-8e8b-4cb8470402b5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs has been shown to be effective in controlling symptoms in an older patient with restless legs syndrome?", "Options": { "A": "Pramipexole", "B": "Risperidone.", "C": "Lithium.", "D": "Fluoxetine." }, "Correct Answer": "Fluoxetine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2f47df6b-13d3-4d81-b61a-c1240fcac826", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 27-year-old man diagnosed after an orchiectomy of embryonic testicular carcinoma. After surgery, the tumor markers persist and in the staging CT there are multiple retroperitoneal adenopathies greater than 3 cm. What is the indicated treatment?", "Options": { "A": "Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy.", "B": "Radiation therapy on the retroperitoneum.", "C": "Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy followed by radiotherapy.", "D": "Chemotherapy type BEP." }, "Correct Answer": "Radiation therapy on the retroperitoneum.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b3cf0771-17af-43e6-b355-e939c2e1499a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 65-year-old woman with no personal history of interest, operated on for sigmoid adenocarcinoma that infiltrates the serosa (T4) with involvement of 2 lymph nodes of 35 isolates (N1). In the extension study, no distant metastasis (M0) is evident. What is the next step to make?", "Options": { "A": "Determine mutation of KRAS and NRAS to be able to administer an anti-EFGR in case of not being mutated.", "B": "Associate treatment with chemotherapy bevacizumab if mutated.", "C": "Administer a combination of chemotherapy with fluorouracil and oxaliplatin.", "D": "Perform treatment with radiotherapy by having lymph node involvement." }, "Correct Answer": "Perform treatment with radiotherapy by having lymph node involvement.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "74272ea9-3953-44ec-a1b2-112b504bf599", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the presence of mutations in EFGR in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, which of the following statements is FALSE?", "Options": { "A": "They are especially frequent in Caucasian patients and exceptional in Asian population.", "B": "They are located mainly in exons 19 and 21 of the gene.", "C": "They are more frequent in adenocarcinomas, in non-smokers and in females.", "D": "In patients with advanced stages, the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (gefitinib or erlotinib) has been shown to be superior to chemotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "They are especially frequent in Caucasian patients and exceptional in Asian population.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a82b7653-94e6-489e-845c-44946914693a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "All of the following drugs have been shown to be effective in the treatment of hormone-resistant prostate cancer, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Docetaxel", "B": "Abiraterone", "C": "Enzalutamide", "D": "Nivolumab." }, "Correct Answer": "Enzalutamide", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "05b336b4-9984-47b2-97e6-9146c8a89578", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the agony, point out the INCORRECT response:", "Options": { "A": "The ideal drug for sedation is midazolam.", "B": "Morphine is contraindicated in the treatment of dyspnea because it produces respiratory depression.", "C": "The standard treatment for premortem rales is the administration of anticholinergics.", "D": "In the agitation the treatment is haloperidol." }, "Correct Answer": "The standard treatment for premortem rales is the administration of anticholinergics.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "38f8b9b9-c09c-43cf-b546-5e72a98c7b4e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 45-year-old woman diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer with multiple bone metastases, undergoing hormonal treatment and intravenous bisphosphonates. He comes to his office referring to intense basal bone pain (EVA = 7), in several locations, without associated neurological symptoms and pain exacerbations (EVA = 9) several times a day that force him to remain at rest. On treatment with ibuprofen (600 mg every 8 hours) and tramadol (150 mg daily). What treatment would you consider more appropriate in this patient to improve pain control?", "Options": { "A": "Suspend ibuprofen and tramadol and start a major opioid such as morphine or oxycodone.", "B": "Stop tramadol, maintain ibuprofen and start a major opioid such as morphine or oxycodone.", "C": "Suspend ibuprofen and tramadol and start a major opioid such as morphine or oxycodone, and at the same time treatment for breakthrough pain with sublingual fentanyl.", "D": "Suspend tramadol, maintain ibuprofen and initiate a major opioid such as morphine or oxycodone, and at the same time treatment for breakthrough pain with sublingual fentanyl." }, "Correct Answer": "Stop tramadol, maintain ibuprofen and start a major opioid such as morphine or oxycodone.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a047194b-09a5-4205-9b60-37480e7df664", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "He goes to the home of an oncological patient who lately does not have pain well controlled. In the physical examination it seems that there is no evidence of tumor progression, it does not reveal any data of interest of the previously known. In the anamnesis the main caregiver states that the patient has pain at 8 hours after receiving the basal dose of morphine every 12 hours. This clinical situation is called:", "Options": { "A": "Tolerance.", "B": "Hyperalgesia", "C": "Dependence.", "D": "Inefficiency." }, "Correct Answer": "Inefficiency.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8728f87c-b7ac-4442-933f-ec08bb85e70e", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Woman with advanced neurodegenerative disease. He arrives at the emergency room of the hospital with a respiratory infection, which has triggered acute global respiratory failure. The patient has registered an advance directive. In those previous instructions, she says \"she does not want to be subjected to mechanical ventilation.\" He also stated that he appointed his friend Pedro as his representative. The doctor who assesses the patient in the emergency department and has read the advance directive asks Pedro for his doubts about it, since the picture is acute and potentially reversible after treatment that includes mechanical ventilation, and it seems that the document is written thinking about a chronic situation, not the current one. You consider it TRUE that:", "Options": { "A": "The representative can change the patient's advance directive, in their best interest.", "B": "The doctor, being an emergency situation, is not obliged to follow the advance directive or consult with the representative.", "C": "The representative can not change the advance directive. Its purpose is to guarantee respect for the patient's values and compliance with the instruction.", "D": "The immediate family members present can make a substitution decision in their best interest, and the opinion of the representative does not matter." }, "Correct Answer": "The doctor, being an emergency situation, is not obliged to follow the advance directive or consult with the representative.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0abe34a4-4ccc-4176-bab0-7eeca005de62", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Overdiagnosis is the phenomenon that occurs when people are diagnosed with diseases that would never cause them symptoms or shorten their lives, but instead the alarm generated by the finding may cause undesirable consequences. Which of the following actions is considered to cause overdiagnosis?", "Options": { "A": "The screening of colon cancer directed to the population segment of 50-69 years through the fecal occult blood test.", "B": "Screening for prostate cancer in healthy men using the PSA test.", "C": "Start a diagnostic study for people who come to the clinic for presenting persistent microhematuria.", "D": "Start a diagnostic study for people who come to the clinic for chronic cough." }, "Correct Answer": "Start a diagnostic study for people who come to the clinic for chronic cough.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "30b8b66e-8528-4af4-8d4e-05e61794c9a5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why is it necessary to obtain informed consent of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures?", "Options": { "A": "It is a legal requirement that exempts the doctor from any liability.", "B": "It involves a shared decision making after informing the patient of the procedure.", "C": "It gives the doctor freedom to perform new procedures.", "D": "It allows to determine if the patient is capable of making decisions." }, "Correct Answer": "It involves a shared decision making after informing the patient of the procedure.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0eaccdf3-2cd6-4c05-8467-5867c9e70c2d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the variable on which, fundamentally, the decision on surgical margins in the treatment of a cutaneous melanoma case will depend:", "Options": { "A": "Larger diameter of the lesion, in millimeters.", "B": "Maximum thickness of the lesion, in millimeters (Breslow index).", "C": "Presence of ulceration in the lesion.", "D": "Mitosis per square millimeter (mitotic index)." }, "Correct Answer": "Maximum thickness of the lesion, in millimeters (Breslow index).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8b2227af-b501-4f46-9a1a-0e8ffac33b85", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 74-year-old man came to his office for presenting constitutional syndrome with a loss of 5 kilos in the last month, along with asthenia. He reports that in the last three weeks, in addition, he has observed the appearance of red lesions on legs that sometimes drain an oily material, also associated with abdominal and rib pain, as well as pain and flushing of the ankles and knees. You decide to perform a biopsy and note that \"phantom cells\" appear in the subcutaneous tissue. The clinical manifestations of the patient and this finding of the skin biopsy will lead him to perform one of the following tests to make the definitive diagnosis:", "Options": { "A": "Gastrointestinal endoscopy: gastric adenocarcinoma.", "B": "Abdominal CT scan: pancreatic cancer.", "C": "Thoracic CT: lymph node sarcoidosis (Löfgren's syndrome).", "D": "Cultivation of cutaneous nodules: cutaneous tuberculosis (lupus vulgaris)." }, "Correct Answer": "Abdominal CT scan: pancreatic cancer.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b35aa8aa-5eca-4033-983c-cd068e643216", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "If there is a direct trauma to the orbital region, point out the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "Trapping of the optic nerve is common, clinically causing diplopia.", "B": "There may be a burst of the orbital floor with clinical diplopia and enophthalmos.", "C": "Frequently, a Le Fort-I type maxillofacial fracture occurs.", "D": "There is a very high risk of eyeball burst." }, "Correct Answer": "There is a very high risk of eyeball burst.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7da6ef8e-c473-472c-99ce-1a06411dfa48", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "67-year-old man, diabetic and asthmatic, with primary open-angle glaucoma in both eyes. He has an eye pressure of 34 mmHg in his right eye and 31 mmHg in his left eye. Which of the following pharmacological groups is the most indicated as the first choice as a hypotensive treatment?", "Options": { "A": "Inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase.", "B": "Beta-blockers.", "C": "Alpha-2 agonists.", "D": "Derivatives of prostaglandins." }, "Correct Answer": "Beta-blockers.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7e6952ec-55c9-4636-a22e-a0675ad74772", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 26-year-old woman with schizophrenia who goes to the mental health clinic after a recent hospitalization for a psychotic decompensation. After being admitted 22 days is discharged the week prior to the current review. The family reports that they find her very uneasy and with great psychomotor restlessness. On examination, it is evident that she can not remain seated and is continuously circling the consultation without a specific purpose. The positive psychotic symptoms that led to their admission are not observed, since they adjusted their treatment with 15 mg of haloperidol daily in the hospital. The diagnosis of the situation presented by the patient is:", "Options": { "A": "Generalized anxiety disorder.", "B": "Anxiety secondary to psychotic decompensation.", "C": "Acatisia", "D": "Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity." }, "Correct Answer": "Acatisia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "116cdc2c-6fa1-4118-a3d8-a66158cff29a", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the treatment of acute mania, the following antipsychotics are approved by the FDA, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Olanzapine.", "B": "Clozapine", "C": "Aripiprazole", "D": "Ziprasidone." }, "Correct Answer": "Aripiprazole", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2b525a5c-5cd1-401a-a409-23e168d33dff", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Woman of 55 years, married and with two children of 25 and 20 years of age. Go to the mental health clinic for problems in the family environment. The patient reports being ill, sad and worried about \"the troubles that my husband gives me\". He has seen him embraced by another woman and affirms that \"he is against her and that he deceives her because he cares too much for his children\". Both the husband and the children deny that information given by the patient. With no outstanding psychiatric medical history, he presents a psychopathological exploration of lucidity with a good level of awareness and orientation in the 3 spheres. Presents discreet hypothymia of months of evolution. Alteration of the content of thought in the form of delusional ideas of a celotypical nature and of damage with self-referential phenomena. There is no alteration of the sensoperceptive sphere. It does not present autolytic ideation. It maintains an adequate cognitive rhythm and preserves the biological rhythms of sleep and appetite. What is the diagnosis that best fits the clinical picture presented by the patient?", "Options": { "A": "Paranoid schizophrenia.", "B": "Major depressive disorder with psychotic characteristics.", "C": "Paranoid personality disorder.", "D": "Delirious disorder" }, "Correct Answer": "Delirious disorder", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ce494909-d823-4d7d-bc9f-49f779af14e6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the diagnostic orientation to a 35-year-old man with no medical history who comes to the clinic explaining insurmountable fears to enter crowded places after experiencing a month ago, when entering a shopping center, an acute episode of anxiety with somatic symptoms ( tachycardia, sweats, dyspnea ..)?", "Options": { "A": "Anticipatory stress disorder", "B": "Avoidance drive phobia.", "C": "Obsessive disorder", "D": "Anguish disorder with agoraphobia." }, "Correct Answer": "Anguish disorder with agoraphobia.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "33a2992a-d905-428e-bba9-5af1e083585b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 22-year-old medical student, with a family history in the same sense of her discomfort, consults for fear, from childhood, to observing scenes that contain blood or physical damage, which causes fainting with loss of consciousness and falling soil, with full recovery in a few minutes. What are the correct diagnostic orientation and therapeutic attitude?", "Options": { "A": "He suffers from a conversion disorder and requires analytic psychotherapy.", "B": "He suffers from agoraphobia and requires treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.", "C": "He suffers from a simple phobia and requires cognitive-behavioral treatment.", "D": "He suffers from a specific phobia and does not require treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "He suffers from a conversion disorder and requires analytic psychotherapy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d28dfcc6-1546-46bc-bf36-1540ca786499", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Some parents come to consultation worried about the situation of their son who is going to repeat 4th of Compulsory Primary Education (EPO). At school they complain about their behavior, but they have not made any intervention. The parents feel guilty because they have delayed the request for help because of the sister's health problems. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with leukemia and focused on her treatment, which has evolved positively. They state that their son has problems with classmates because of his character, he is very restless and distracted, he does not accept losing and he is upset when he does not win. She always had the problems, but they increase at the beginning of EPO, and the teacher has always told them that she was lazy but that she was capable, taking away her importance. How would you orient this case?", "Options": { "A": "He would diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and treat him with methylphenidate.", "B": "I would analyze the family dynamics to work on the problems derived from the illness in the sister and what this had meant in the behavior of the child.", "C": "Intervened with the school to provide information on possible school bullying.", "D": "I would have an interview with the child and request school information." }, "Correct Answer": "I would have an interview with the child and request school information.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "91957657-453f-4fc8-a792-57d64261e5d6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Monica is a twenty-year-old girl who is taken to the emergency room by her parents because they do not know what to do with her. For about three years she has been obsessed with her silhouette and seems to judge everything based on the physical aspect, underestimating other personal qualities that she has and that everyone recognizes. Since about five months ago he also has episodes that make him feel very bad and that he describes as uncontrollable, consisting in the intake of enormous quantities of food in a very short time. This has been happening to her more and more frequently, occurring between two and three times a week for the last 3 months. Account for example that last night ate four packets of cookies in an hour and a half after what, as usual usually do, unable to withstand the feeling of guilt has caused vomiting, thus ejecting most of what was ingested. In this patient it would be much more IMPROBABLE to find one of the following characteristics, point it out:", "Options": { "A": "Metabolic acidosis with hyperchloremia.", "B": "Fasting behaviors.", "C": "History of impulsive behaviors such as alcohol consumption or self-harm behaviors of low lethality.", "D": "Elevated serum amylase levels." }, "Correct Answer": "Fasting behaviors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "570cbe94-0d0a-41b7-9180-291f59dec9ab", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out the correct answer about clinical trials with medicines in children:", "Options": { "A": "They are legally possible and ethically acceptable, but the researcher must respect the explicit desire of the child to refuse to participate in the trial, provided that the latter is able to form an opinion.", "B": "They are legally possible and ethically acceptable and only require the authorization of the parents or legal guardians.", "C": "They are legally possible and ethically acceptable, as long as the child is 12 years of age or older.", "D": "They are legally possible but they are not ethical, since children do not have the capacity to consent to research." }, "Correct Answer": "They are legally possible and ethically acceptable, but the researcher must respect the explicit desire of the child to refuse to participate in the trial, provided that the latter is able to form an opinion.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "47854811-1df3-48ac-93c1-862a5e786bd6", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "One clinical trial showed no significant difference between the new drug thromboporix and placebo in the incidence of myocardial infarction (7% versus 5%, p = 0.68) in the total study population, but it did show that thromboporix reduced the risk of infarction in one of the 20 subgroups analyzed, specifically in those older than 55 years (3% versus 8%, p = 0.048). Point out the TRUE:", "Options": { "A": "The significant result in the subgroup reasonably rules out a type I error.", "B": "It can be useful to propose new hypotheses, which should be checked in new tests designed for this purpose.", "C": "The type II error can be the cause of statistical significance in said subgroup.", "D": "The result obtained in the subgroup is an example of the so-called Brawnwald paradox." }, "Correct Answer": "The result obtained in the subgroup is an example of the so-called Brawnwald paradox.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cef3f1d8-b4e6-4929-bf59-3f814fc8dcd7", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to phase III clinical trials conducted in oncology, point out the true answer:", "Options": { "A": "The response rate is usually used as the main variable, since it is considered clinically relevant under any circumstance.", "B": "In frequent tumors, such as colon cancer, phase III clinical trials are usually uncontrolled clinical trials.", "C": "When the existence of important prognostic factors of the type of cancer under study is known, it is advisable to stratify the randomization to ensure an equitable distribution of these factors.", "D": "Very strict inclusion criteria that exclude certain types of patients (for example elderly patients) should be used, as this will make the results more general." }, "Correct Answer": "When the existence of important prognostic factors of the type of cancer under study is known, it is advisable to stratify the randomization to ensure an equitable distribution of these factors.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "187d73c1-a949-4e16-9fa3-c6acf7c6a5ca", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In 2000, Swedish researchers conducted a study to see if cannabis use increased the risk of schizophrenia. To this end, they identified 50,087 men who were part of the compulsory military recruitment between 1969 and 1970. As part of the recruitment process, they were interviewed where, in a non-anonymous way, they indicated the use of cannabis. This group was followed from 1970 to 1996 through the hospital records to find out how many of them had a diagnosis of schizophrenia registered during that period. For the analysis, they divided the subjects into two groups: those who indicated that they had used cannabis 2 or more times and those who used cannabis less than 2 times and calculated the frequency of schizophrenia in each of them. What kind of epidemiological study is it about?", "Options": { "A": "Cohort study.", "B": "Cases and controls study.", "C": "Retrospective cross section study.", "D": "Non-randomized clinical trial." }, "Correct Answer": "Cohort study.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "71c5952a-14d5-4b5e-8f18-7608a64f9476", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an epidemiological cohort study, what do we mean by exposed patients?", "Options": { "A": "Patients who have the risk factor of the disease or health problem we want to study.", "B": "Patients who agree to participate in the study after giving their informed consent.", "C": "Subjects who do not develop the disease or health problem under study during follow-up.", "D": "Patients who have the disease or health problem we want to study." }, "Correct Answer": "Patients who agree to participate in the study after giving their informed consent.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "85333e46-304f-4e3e-bd3c-9ee73a7fc65b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The dermatology department of a hospital has registered all the cases diagnosed of toxic epidermal necrolysis in the center during the last twenty years. It is found that 20% of these patients had been exposed to carbamazepine in the 6 weeks prior to diagnosis, while 10% had been exposed to phenytoin. Which of the following corresponds to the design of this study?", "Options": { "A": "An ecological study.", "B": "A case-control study.", "C": "A prevalence study.", "D": "A descriptive study" }, "Correct Answer": "A prevalence study.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2eb7afb8-d5ac-4b97-8777-decccdcf7e69", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "The survival of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is being evaluated depending on the time of acquisition of the infection. Which of the following tests is the most appropriate for the proposed objective?", "Options": { "A": "Student's t test.", "B": "Calculation of the linear regression.", "C": "Kaplan-Meier Estimator.", "D": "Calculation of the logistic regression." }, "Correct Answer": "Calculation of the linear regression.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b93cb1f2-32ca-4ca4-9534-9bf191200643", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "With which of the following measures can we reduce the amplitude of a confidence interval?", "Options": { "A": "Increasing the sample size or decreasing the degree of confidence.", "B": "Decreasing the sample size or decreasing the degree of confidence.", "C": "Increasing the sample size or decreasing the statistical power.", "D": "Increasing the sample size or increasing the degree of confidence." }, "Correct Answer": "Increasing the sample size or decreasing the statistical power.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2867b1b4-b1b4-4ee1-81eb-902df4c81f1d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the sensitivity analyzes in pharmacoeconomic evaluations, indicate the FALSE answer:", "Options": { "A": "It is an analysis of uncertainty.", "B": "They can be multivariate.", "C": "Endpoint sensitivity analysis is univariate.", "D": "Monte Carlo simulation is a type of probabilistic sensitivity analysis." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an analysis of uncertainty.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bd07889d-9a1a-4406-9b45-883087b18d6f", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is evaluated by:", "Options": { "A": "Standardized questionnaires with proven metric properties.", "B": "Simple chest x-ray and global blood and urine analysis.", "C": "Minimum basic data set (CMBD).", "D": "Screening tests of high sensitivity and specificity." }, "Correct Answer": "Standardized questionnaires with proven metric properties.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "dc7c94fd-9e10-48b6-a0c6-e4979004fafe", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the characteristics of the Spanish health system?", "Options": { "A": "Public financing, universal coverage, comprehensive healthcare, equity based on accessibility and territorial decentralization.", "B": "Public financing, universal coverage, comprehensive healthcare, efficiency and territorial centralization.", "C": "Mixed financing (public and private), mixed management (public and private) and territorial centralization.", "D": "Financing for social security contributions, mixed management (public and private) and territorial decentralization." }, "Correct Answer": "Public financing, universal coverage, comprehensive healthcare, efficiency and territorial centralization.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e673376e-ec00-418a-8d2f-3a9cb8358ab4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cochrane, an independent organization whose purpose is to provide the best available evidence, usually bases its recommendations on systematic reviews. What do you think this methodology is about?", "Options": { "A": "From a study with random distribution of participants between the intervention group and the control group.", "B": "Of a statistical technique that allows to combine the findings of several independent studies with each other.", "C": "From a structured search based on a well-defined question and an explicit protocol.", "D": "From a scientific consensus technique valid for independent collaboration groups." }, "Correct Answer": "From a study with random distribution of participants between the intervention group and the control group.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "47073869-b28e-4d75-a877-bc0e87074932", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the recommended anatomical site for administration of a vaccine intramuscularly in infants less than 12 months of age?", "Options": { "A": "Anterior rectus of the abdomen.", "B": "Deltoid.", "C": "External anterolateral aspect of the thigh (vastus lateralis muscle).", "D": "Dorso-gluteal region (upper external quadrant of the gluteus maximus)." }, "Correct Answer": "Anterior rectus of the abdomen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0c3fd946-0e7e-4545-81e7-3ed4d6813645", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following vaccines is recommended for administration at 12 months with a booster dose at 3-4 years?", "Options": { "A": "Hepatitis B.", "B": "Viral triple.", "C": "Chickenpox.", "D": "Vaccine against pneumococcus." }, "Correct Answer": "Chickenpox.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "48bb05bc-1c33-4379-9d31-539ab1325bd4", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following characteristics is LESS important in a population screening (or early detection) program?", "Options": { "A": "That the diagnostic test for early detection is very specific.", "B": "That the early identification of the disorder allows to apply interventions that improve its prognosis.", "C": "That the early detection process is economically profitable.", "D": "That the program be applied to a common disorder with a large burden of morbidity." }, "Correct Answer": "That the diagnostic test for early detection is very specific.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b7a0be30-c25f-45c2-a7a2-273ed5ae256d", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old Bolivian woman, 3 months pregnant, who has been living in Spain for 10 years with her partner, who is Spanish and has never traveled to Latin America. The woman has two other children with her partner, born in Spain and a brother who lives in Bolivia and another in Spain. During pregnancy, he was diagnosed with Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Which of the following actions to perform on the disease is INCORRECT?", "Options": { "A": "Recommend that your children have T. cruzi serology because of the risk of transplacental transmission.", "B": "Inform the patient of the risk of T. cruzi transmission and of the attitude that will be taken during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.", "C": "Recommend that your husband get the serology of T. cruzi because of the risk of transmitting the disease through sexual contact.", "D": "Recommend that your brothers get serology of T. cruzi for the risk of vector transmission." }, "Correct Answer": "Recommend that your husband get the serology of T. cruzi because of the risk of transmitting the disease through sexual contact.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4b3c15f5-9b67-4867-8300-5696310ee027", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following characteristics is attributable to the case-control studies?", "Options": { "A": "They allow to know the risk associated with exposure to several factors.", "B": "It includes a group exposed to one factor and another group not exposed.", "C": "They are very efficient when the prevalence of exposure to the factor is very low.", "D": "They are randomized studies." }, "Correct Answer": "They are very efficient when the prevalence of exposure to the factor is very low.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f92e6dec-833e-49e3-b2b2-692f5bcd88b1", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "When the protocol of a research project is elaborated, which of the following aspects should be undertaken in the first place?", "Options": { "A": "Define the objectives.", "B": "Justify the problem.", "C": "Establish the reference population.", "D": "Define the hypothesis." }, "Correct Answer": "Define the objectives.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "60c31a16-f386-4758-aade-41e54ab68a95", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 35-year-old man went to the emergency department with intense perianal pain and fever of 38ºC, which lasted two days. On examination, he presented a painful mass in the left ischio-rectal fossa. What is the most appropriate attitude?", "Options": { "A": "Broad spectrum antibiotics and control evolution.", "B": "Perform echoendoscopy and ultrasound-guided FNA.", "C": "Drainage under regional anesthesia.", "D": "Perform a CT scan and thus assess the approach to correct treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "Drainage under regional anesthesia.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "11f229b7-5a77-447e-b41a-4b1c61d8ea21", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In secondary prevention, after an acute myocardial infarction, which of the following measures has NOT shown a beneficial effect?", "Options": { "A": "Physical exercise.", "B": "Calcium antagonists.", "C": "Acetylsalicylic acid.", "D": "Beta-blockers" }, "Correct Answer": "Calcium antagonists.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "41c17b56-133a-442b-a5e6-d0c9d4315f99", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the design of clinical trials, randomization allows to reduce the risk of the following causes of bias, EXCEPT one:", "Options": { "A": "Expectations about the treatments studied.", "B": "Changes in treatment standards over time.", "C": "Differences in clinical practice among participating centers.", "D": "Variability of unknown prognostic factors between individuals." }, "Correct Answer": "Changes in treatment standards over time.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2fb8420f-408c-4a68-841f-151761cfff28", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following entities is NOT a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis?", "Options": { "A": "Perihepatitis", "B": "Urethritis.", "C": "Chancroid.", "D": "Lymphogranuloma venereum." }, "Correct Answer": "Chancroid.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "75a61673-2dc9-4136-b132-daa50d79a82b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "A 50-year-old woman, non-smoker who presented progressive dyspnea and non-productive cough for three years. Auscultation with fine basal crackles. Respiratory functional tests: FVC 89%, FEV1 65%, FEV1 / FVC 60%, TLC 130%, RV 170%, RV / TLC 150%, DLCOc 56%. In CT disseminated cystic images. Which of these diagnoses do you think is the most likely?", "Options": { "A": "COPD.", "B": "Lymphangioleiomyomatosis", "C": "Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.", "D": "Histiocytosis X." }, "Correct Answer": "Lymphangioleiomyomatosis", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d2b564cf-dca0-41df-bd2f-4bfe8263d2c5", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "What complementary test has a MINOR relevance in the diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis?", "Options": { "A": "Magnetic resonance of sacroiliac", "B": "HLA-B27", "C": "X-ray of sacroiliac", "D": "Globular sedimentation rate." }, "Correct Answer": "Globular sedimentation rate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "76756440-2faa-4d0d-a19c-5e0d29f07545", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "45 year old woman Two previous pregnancies with normal deliveries (G2PN2). Heavy menstrual bleeding for about 1 year. Ultrasonography shows a subserosal myoma of 2 cm that has remained stable for several years. A normal endometrial biopsy is performed. The patient presented hemoglobin 10 g / dL despite oral ferrotherapy and the amount of menstrual flow did not decrease despite treatment with tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid. Which of the following is the treatment of first choice in this patient?", "Options": { "A": "Total hysterectomy conserving adnexa.", "B": "Combined oral contraceptives.", "C": "Endometrial ablation.", "D": "Levonorgestrel IUD." }, "Correct Answer": "Levonorgestrel IUD.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ce74ceaa-b080-45d6-8870-936e71a2347b", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following glomerulopathies is the most frequent cause of nephrotic syndrome in the elderly?", "Options": { "A": "Membranous glomerulonephritis.", "B": "Segmental focal glomerulosclerosis.", "C": "Diabetic nephropathy.", "D": "Kidney Amyloidosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Membranous glomerulonephritis.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4176e7a5-87a7-492c-a44f-ad014dc11454", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following clinical scenarios is most likely to correspond to multiple sclerosis?", "Options": { "A": "36-year-old woman who notices electric shocks from the cervical region to the buttocks when bending the neck, with exploratory finding of pyramidalism in both legs and hemihypoestesia with level D1.", "B": "A 22-year-old woman with generalized tonic-clonic seizures of recent onset, normal neurological examination and mesial temporal sclerosis in cranial MRI.", "C": "A 42-year-old man with ascending subacute paresthesias on both legs and arms, symmetric paraparesis and universal areflexia.", "D": "A 54-year-old man with cognitive deterioration of a rapidly progressive course in which cranial MRI showed multiple periventricular hyperintense lesions and subcortical lacunae." }, "Correct Answer": "36-year-old woman who notices electric shocks from the cervical region to the buttocks when bending the neck, with exploratory finding of pyramidalism in both legs and hemihypoestesia with level D1.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2d4b2a6a-7e50-4d88-a3e4-5dbcfaad3779", "topic_name": "medicine" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the early development of language, what are the terms of a single word that represent the meaning of a whole thought or a complete sentence ?:", "Options": { "A": "Holofrases.", "B": "Overextensions.", "C": "Pivot word.", "D": "Lexical condensation." }, "Correct Answer": "Holofrases.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "be670636-23a5-4e35-855a-a999163ad41a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Babies often repeat pleasant or interesting events that happened first by chance. What is this phenomenon called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Zone of proximal development.", "B": "Accommodation.", "C": "Circular reaction.", "D": "Reflections learned." }, "Correct Answer": "Circular reaction.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "007d4f76-97ea-421d-83d2-3806d710921c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the laboratory procedure that is usually used to observe the type of attachment a child exhibits with his or her caregiver or another person? :", "Options": { "A": "Strange situation", "B": "Participant observation.", "C": "Scaffolding.", "D": "Significant teaching" }, "Correct Answer": "Strange situation", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e18fece1-997d-416b-b519-68aa7a94461e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the framework of the theories of E. Erikson, the interest of many adults to take care of the new generations, to leave a legacy that survives them and, in general, to be productive and creative, is called:", "Options": { "A": "Ecumenism.", "B": "Integrity.", "C": "Symbolic immortality.", "D": "Generativity" }, "Correct Answer": "Generativity", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "77262bd6-4568-461f-8b45-826a33380013", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The belief, typical in adolescence, that others continually observe us and are interested in us, what is it called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Unanimity bias.", "B": "Audience (or public) imaginary.", "C": "Personal story", "D": "Prosecution bias." }, "Correct Answer": "Audience (or public) imaginary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7868b515-3d66-4822-afff-bfc63e475d37", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Type A Behavior Pattern (PCTA):", "Options": { "A": "Any of the dimensions or factors that compose it maintain a close relationship with coronary disease.", "B": "It is especially the hostility dimension that maintains an important relationship with physiological reactivity and coronary disease.", "C": "PCTA only correlates with coronary risk in high-risk patients (for example, those who have suffered a heart attack)", "D": "Recent meta-analytic studies have found no relationship between PCTA and coronary risk." }, "Correct Answer": "It is especially the hostility dimension that maintains an important relationship with physiological reactivity and coronary disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b7117ebb-70cd-47c3-8885-09060aec49f6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ergos and Feelings:", "Options": { "A": "They are part of the dynamic approaches proposed by S. Freud.", "B": "They are elements integrated into the theoretical formulations of C. Rogers.", "C": "They are part of the dynamic motivating features of R.B. Cattell.", "D": "They are included in the A. Bandura model." }, "Correct Answer": "They are part of the dynamic motivating features of R.B. Cattell.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dc42982c-179d-4da1-9066-f07b4900281d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For H.J. Eysenck, a high and intense level in the cerebral areas that control the sympathetic branch of the Autonomic Nervous System would induce the obtaining of high scores in the dimension of:", "Options": { "A": "Extroversion.", "B": "Neuroticism", "C": "Psychoticism", "D": "Extroversion and Neuroticism at the same time." }, "Correct Answer": "Neuroticism", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8066d2c5-7b56-4939-881c-74ba64d8623e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Following the Theory of learned indifference, depression is associated with one of these combinations of attributions:", "Options": { "A": "Internal, stable, global.", "B": "Internal, unstable, specific.", "C": "External, stable, global.", "D": "External, unstable, specific." }, "Correct Answer": "Internal, stable, global.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f210549e-5845-4ed3-9f46-b070aa8f1491", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Costa and McCrae's Model of the Big Five, the Opening to experience is characterized by the following characteristics:", "Options": { "A": "Original, independent, creative, daring.", "B": "Kind, tender, trusting, courteous.", "C": "Careful, reliable, hardworking, organized.", "D": "Sociable, loquacious, fun, affectionate." }, "Correct Answer": "Original, independent, creative, daring.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b6aceff8-9114-4630-90ca-9a9aab8c4a7d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following features is NOT considered in the Big Five model ?:", "Options": { "A": "Neuroticism", "B": "Force of the self", "C": "Extroversion.", "D": "Amiability." }, "Correct Answer": "Force of the self", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d8e87230-ac73-42f0-96b7-2618354ff7ba", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The two basic forms or types of coping proposed by Lazarus and Folkman are:", "Options": { "A": "Active and pasive.", "B": "Focused on the problem and focused on emotional resolution.", "C": "Controllable or uncontrollable.", "D": "Internal and external." }, "Correct Answer": "Focused on the problem and focused on emotional resolution.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8ac03619-a132-4304-a9b5-09b37392b0c7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The appropriation of successes and the exculpation of one's mistakes is a manifestation of the cognitive bias of:", "Options": { "A": "Rewriting of memory.", "B": "Benevolence.", "C": "Egocentricity", "D": "Self-involvement" }, "Correct Answer": "Benevolence.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "242835ad-bb65-4df3-a1d1-031584bb0561", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Following the classification established by R. B. Cattell, appealing in personality to measures of individual differences in which the purpose of the evaluation is hidden is synonymous with using:", "Options": { "A": "Data O.", "B": "Data T.", "C": "Data L.", "D": "Data S." }, "Correct Answer": "Data T.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7475d425-4ed7-41f8-99d4-9a1402f0836f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The empirical results with respect to the Model of the Big Five indicate that, with the advance of age, there is a gradual increase in:", "Options": { "A": "Friendliness and Responsibility", "B": "Extraversion and Neuroticism.", "C": "Openness and Responsibility", "D": "Kindness and Neuroticism." }, "Correct Answer": "Friendliness and Responsibility", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0b8d44d6-207e-47a6-afb4-f2f9d73d1dab", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the theory of J. A. Gray, sensitivity to rewards is based on:", "Options": { "A": "The ascending reticular activation system.", "B": "The behavioral activation system.", "C": "The right prefrontal cortex.", "D": "The limbic activation system." }, "Correct Answer": "The behavioral activation system.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c8493fb9-a740-4fe0-bedb-38ece499a4f9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the theory of H.J. Eysenck, with equal motivating conditions, introverts (vs. extroverts) show:", "Options": { "A": "Optimal performance with lower levels of stimulation.", "B": "Lower performance in surveillance tasks.", "C": "Worse tolerance to sensory deprivation conditions.", "D": "Lower performance in conditioning tasks." }, "Correct Answer": "Optimal performance with lower levels of stimulation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "32a69d9c-dd35-4495-9ba5-b7ec0c762e03", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of classical conditioning is referred to when the presentation of the Conditioned Stimulus indicates the absence of the Unconditioned Stimulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Delayed", "B": "Of footprint.", "C": "Excitatory", "D": "Inhibitory." }, "Correct Answer": "Inhibitory.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f971fa88-fb80-4ae1-930f-6cbd4e2e578d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The FACS (Facial Action Coding System):", "Options": { "A": "It is based on a descriptive system of facial expression developed by Izard.", "B": "It can only be applied to those facial expressions that have an emotional character.", "C": "It allows to decompose each facial expression in minimum units of movement.", "D": "Its usefulness is limited to the recognition of true facial expressions." }, "Correct Answer": "It allows to decompose each facial expression in minimum units of movement.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a164292e-1f77-4409-8594-8cd2ee1efc0e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which phenomenon explains that, when the sound of the visual reading of the lips does not coincide with the one presented auditorily, the way of listening to it is modified:", "Options": { "A": "The Stroop effect.", "B": "The McGurk effect.", "C": "The suffix effect.", "D": "The meridian effect." }, "Correct Answer": "The McGurk effect.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2c183639-6894-4ca3-bde1-ced83e8ef575", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of memory is the result of the phenomenon of perceptive priming:", "Options": { "A": "From declarative memory.", "B": "From non-declarative memory.", "C": "From explicit memory.", "D": "Of the episodic memory." }, "Correct Answer": "From non-declarative memory.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d9e15231-6d98-4732-90f5-f071c21da9e5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The colors that are perceived with the same hue despite having a different spectral composition are known as:", "Options": { "A": "Protanopes.", "B": "Complementary", "C": "Opponents", "D": "Metomers." }, "Correct Answer": "Metomers.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "fad782bc-b356-4c0a-a229-d94813d56844", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which model of the following proposes a propositional representation of information in the form of semantic networks ?:", "Options": { "A": "The model of Collins and Quillian (1969).", "B": "The model of Craik and Lockhart (1972).", "C": "The model of Kahneman (1973).", "D": "Cowan's model (1988)." }, "Correct Answer": "The model of Collins and Quillian (1969).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e5f02eee-2a0a-408c-89af-f77429d9b5ef", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate under what principle of perceptual grouping it is established that the elements presented with the same pattern of movement are perceived as the same perceptive unit:", "Options": { "A": "Likeness.", "B": "Parsimony.", "C": "Common destiny", "D": "Good continuation." }, "Correct Answer": "Common destiny", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b0185673-cec2-4bfb-9c24-7d729848cb94", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out which of the following statements can be applied to deductive reasoning:", "Options": { "A": "From true premises your conclusion can not be false", "B": "From true premises it is unlikely that its conclusion is false.", "C": "The truth of the premises does not guarantee the truth of the conclusions.", "D": "It allows describing and predicting new information based on known information." }, "Correct Answer": "From true premises your conclusion can not be false", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9f416aba-6093-4625-9eb7-7f1c696fba6b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to David Marr, at what level of organization of visual processing are represented the symbolic primitives of the image ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the gross primary sketch.", "B": "In the complete primary outline.", "C": "In outline 21/2-D.", "D": "In sketch 3-D." }, "Correct Answer": "In the gross primary sketch.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "02f9a45f-a9ee-497b-81c8-682b4d01bf9b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What neural entity postulates the model of Morton (1969) to represent a written word ?:", "Options": { "A": "The lemma", "B": "The perceptron.", "C": "The pictogen.", "D": "The logogén." }, "Correct Answer": "The logogén.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bbc21d88-0371-4ee7-b7ac-3bfdf8b51c3f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What kind of prevention would constitute a campaign aimed at the early detection of HIV infection ?:", "Options": { "A": "Primary prevention.", "B": "Secondary prevention.", "C": "Tertiary prevention.", "D": "Promotion of healthy habits." }, "Correct Answer": "Secondary prevention.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5cc69d11-2f5d-4942-b943-a5659a2e4ff4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the stress model of Lazarus and Folkman (1986), what is the secondary evaluation ?:", "Options": { "A": "The assessment that people make about their own resources to face the stressful event.", "B": "The analysis that people make about the nature of the stressful event they face.", "C": "A reassessment that people make when new information about the stressful event appears.", "D": "The final assessment that people make about the result achieved with the selected coping strategy." }, "Correct Answer": "The assessment that people make about their own resources to face the stressful event.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "55fb9f5a-8f0c-440d-9877-3b7ed7ce42e4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the theory of door control (Melzack and Wall, 1965), what would be the pain experience ?:", "Options": { "A": "To the amount of damaged tissue.", "B": "To the negative reinforcement received from the environment.", "C": "To the interaction between sensory, cognitive and emotional aspects.", "D": "To the perception of self-efficacy to face pain." }, "Correct Answer": "To the interaction between sensory, cognitive and emotional aspects.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ef1ad799-6cbc-4a38-8f7a-25edf75e3cce", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following theoretical proposals, the intention of a behavior is a function of the attitudes and the subjective norm ?:", "Options": { "A": "Theory of self-efficacy of Bandura (1986).", "B": "Theory of the reasoned action of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980).", "C": "Health belief model by Becker and Rosenstock (1984).", "D": "Theory of equilibrium by Herder (1958)." }, "Correct Answer": "Theory of the reasoned action of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e40ecb99-159f-4c6e-8cbc-9c2640d86385", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What characterizes the Münchausen syndrome ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tendency to urinary infections that the patient will try to explain due to a lack of natural regulation of their body temperature.", "B": "The use by patients of a florid and very technical terminology in the description of their physical symptoms when they are sick.", "C": "The pretense of a nonexistent disease, the wandering behavior from hospital to hospital and the pathological tendency to lie.", "D": "Continuous body check behaviors (such as checking the body for suspicious lumps, taking a fever continuously, purging several times a week, and following a strict diet) for fear of having cancer." }, "Correct Answer": "The pretense of a nonexistent disease, the wandering behavior from hospital to hospital and the pathological tendency to lie.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "03884e85-adda-4bb0-9869-114029e6ed7c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of symptoms or deficits that affect the voluntary or sensory motor functioning, which suggests the existence of a medical, neurological or other disease, for which no clinical evidence is found to corroborate it, is one of the characteristics of the:", "Options": { "A": "Undifferentiated somatoform disorder.", "B": "Somatization disorder.", "C": "Conversion disorder", "D": "Pain disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "Conversion disorder", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fd71d8c2-b03a-44ff-87e1-ee5f5a007a51", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the difference between factitious and simulation disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "That the patient with factitious disorder obtains an internal gain of the symptoms, while in the simulation one the gain is external.", "B": "The difference lies in the diseases and disorders caused by the persistent symptoms: physical disorders in factitious disorder and various mental disorders in the simulation.", "C": "That the simulation provides the patient with more psychological benefits, proper to the role of the patient.", "D": "That in factitious disorder the person is aware of the simulation of his illness, while in the simulation disorder the person really believes that he has a specific disease." }, "Correct Answer": "That the patient with factitious disorder obtains an internal gain of the symptoms, while in the simulation one the gain is external.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6df2eb0b-3c27-4885-ac4f-5cbe1495bc7f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what type of dissociative disorder does the patient feel distanced as if he were an external observer of his body or mental processes ?:", "Options": { "A": "The dissociative escape", "B": "The conversion disorder.", "C": "The depersonalization disorder.", "D": "Hysterical psychosis" }, "Correct Answer": "The depersonalization disorder.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ca2f7e60-0736-479a-99a3-619ba469f406", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the essential characteristic of dissociative disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "A disturbance in the integration of the functions of consciousness, memory, identity and perception.", "B": "An inability to remember important personal information in stressful situations.", "C": "A fragmentation in different identities that take control of the behavior of the individual in an alternative way.", "D": "One or more symptoms that affect voluntary motor functions and suggest a neurological disease." }, "Correct Answer": "A disturbance in the integration of the functions of consciousness, memory, identity and perception.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "01213321-a8d3-4970-8deb-e4ec6ceabf13", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How long can dissociative amnesia last ?:", "Options": { "A": "No more than 30 minutes.", "B": "Several hours.", "C": "Several days, but rarely more than a month.", "D": "Several years." }, "Correct Answer": "Several years.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f1eec16e-c7b3-429d-a09f-325db1220f1b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the capacity of a substance to cause dependence in those who consume it ?:", "Options": { "A": "Addictive potential of a drug.", "B": "Psychological dependence", "C": "Physical dependence", "D": "Dependence syndrome" }, "Correct Answer": "Addictive potential of a drug.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "26ec6ba0-f1eb-4259-87c6-a5d4f420853a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What do factitious disorders and somatomorphs share ?:", "Options": { "A": "The deliberate generation of symptoms.", "B": "The repeated loss of work.", "C": "The voluntary control of the person.", "D": "In both there are bodily symptoms and psychological factors." }, "Correct Answer": "In both there are bodily symptoms and psychological factors.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3a393275-8cdc-4359-9382-58d2184fa114", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following anxiety disorders has a biphasic cardiovascular response pattern ?:", "Options": { "A": "Obsessive-compulsive disorder", "B": "Blood-specific phobia.", "C": "Social phobia.", "D": "Agoraphobia." }, "Correct Answer": "Blood-specific phobia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ae7f14ad-14f1-41fd-a931-8f8c87e9fb55", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following disorders is it most common a start in childhood or adolescence ?:", "Options": { "A": "Social phobia.", "B": "Panic disorder", "C": "Generalized anxiety disorder.", "D": "Post-traumatic stress disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "Social phobia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9c493560-2429-410a-b47e-255b9c748094", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Normal concerns and pathological concerns (eg, those that appear in a Generalized Anxiety Disorder) DO NOT differ in:", "Options": { "A": "Content.", "B": "Intensity.", "C": "Incontrolability", "D": "Upset associate." }, "Correct Answer": "Content.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1d43cc6b-d5c0-4378-a364-994b6d1b1b21", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a characteristic of the compulsions of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are always motor responses.", "B": "They are behaviors with a function or purpose (reduce or prevent something feared).", "C": "They are pleasant behaviors in themselves.", "D": "They are automatic and uncontrollable behaviors." }, "Correct Answer": "They are behaviors with a function or purpose (reduce or prevent something feared).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "377dbc2d-1715-4206-a241-be4b693a845b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following disorders has a similar prevalence in men and women ?:", "Options": { "A": "Agoraphobia.", "B": "Post-traumatic stress disorder.", "C": "Obsessive-compulsive disorder", "D": "Depression." }, "Correct Answer": "Obsessive-compulsive disorder", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0968b654-2ce6-43f8-b7b5-487f70a8571e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a characteristic of the obsessions / intrusions typical of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are always thoughts.", "B": "The person recognizes that they are a product of their own mind.", "C": "The person does not recognize that they are a product of their own (grafted into the mind).", "D": "The person considers them always rational and meaningful." }, "Correct Answer": "The person recognizes that they are a product of their own mind.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b60225bf-2896-424c-86f2-c31544b58a39", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the minimum consecutive duration of symptoms in a Major Depression Episode ?:", "Options": { "A": "One week.", "B": "Two weeks.", "C": "One month.", "D": "Six months." }, "Correct Answer": "Two weeks.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "81faf43c-00f0-4a5c-9fea-95413433d58c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a defining characteristic of melancholic depressive episodes and disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Lack of reactivity to stimuli generally pleasurable.", "B": "Difficulties of concentration due to concerns.", "C": "Prolonged pattern of sensitivity or interpersonal rejection.", "D": "Psychotic characteristics congruent with the state of mind." }, "Correct Answer": "Lack of reactivity to stimuli generally pleasurable.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0b2faab4-0b07-4a50-bd10-6c844f9fb55b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is a characteristic of Dysthymia or Persistent Depressive Disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "It may involve the appearance of hypomanic episodes.", "B": "In a state of subsyndromic depression after experiencing a Major Depressive Disorder.", "C": "Its symptoms last a minimum of one year.", "D": "Its symptoms last a minimum of two years." }, "Correct Answer": "Its symptoms last a minimum of two years.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cb41d8d9-f2eb-4699-b067-2b8887717101", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is Bipolar Disorders I and II different ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the duration of manic episodes.", "B": "In the chronicity of the disorder.", "C": "In the presence or not of a major depressive episode.", "D": "In the presence or not of a fully developed manic episode." }, "Correct Answer": "In the presence or not of a fully developed manic episode.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "434591ab-81d6-4475-ada7-3aa38f82a2c8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a severe depressive episode, which of the following symptoms does NOT correspond to the so-called \"melancholic characteristics\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Lost of pleasure for most activities.", "B": "Early awakening (at least two hours earlier than usual).", "C": "Major psychomotor delay.", "D": "The mood is worse in the afternoon." }, "Correct Answer": "The mood is worse in the afternoon.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "caa9d603-2d4e-4f2c-a533-a0bc63b607d7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the Clinical Practice Guideline of Eating Disorders of the Ministry of Health, regarding the psychological treatment of anorexia nervosa, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "Most of the time it is not possible to do it on an outpatient basis.", "B": "The duration of treatment should be at least 6 months when performed on an outpatient basis.", "C": "In no case should psychodynamically oriented therapies be considered in the ambulatory treatment of anorexia nervosa.", "D": "In people with hospitalized anorexia it is very convenient to use extremely rigid behavior modification programs." }, "Correct Answer": "The duration of treatment should be at least 6 months when performed on an outpatient basis.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4f82197a-baac-4b0f-9aba-9ece8e8d12fd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the pharmacological treatment of bulimia nervosa with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs):", "Options": { "A": "When Fluoxetine is used, the usual doses are the same as in the case of depressive episodes (20 mg / day).", "B": "Currently, the drug of first choice is Citalopram.", "C": "There is considerable evidence about the effect of treatment with Fluoxetine (60 mg / day) in the short term.", "D": "They should not be taken if psychological treatment is initiated." }, "Correct Answer": "There is considerable evidence about the effect of treatment with Fluoxetine (60 mg / day) in the short term.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "71aa7ec1-bdbe-4fa8-97c3-c14cea16294e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of an intense fear to gain weight, realization of a very restrictive diet and excessive physical exercise in a girl of 19 years with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 15.5 suggests:", "Options": { "A": "Anorexia nervosa mixed type.", "B": "Atypical Anorexia Nervosa.", "C": "Bulimia nervosa of early onset.", "D": "Anorexia nervosa restrictive type." }, "Correct Answer": "Anorexia nervosa restrictive type.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c39ca504-5487-491a-9290-710aeeab494d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The classification systems of abnormal behavior (eg, those used in the DSM) constitute:", "Options": { "A": "Reason scales", "B": "Rated classification systems", "C": "Interval systems", "D": "Ordinal scales." }, "Correct Answer": "Rated classification systems", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "cc4fa161-0b0c-4fe3-a305-ce1c5e3b1c95", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is the correct one regarding Eating Disorders? :", "Options": { "A": "A body weight below normal is diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa.", "B": "According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in anorexia nervosa, the Body Mass Index (BMI) must be less than 17.5.", "C": "Secondary amenorrhea in anorexia nervosa always appears after significant weight loss.", "D": "The so-called Russell sign (callosities or wounds on the back of the hand or fingers) is only observable in bulimia nervosa." }, "Correct Answer": "According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in anorexia nervosa, the Body Mass Index (BMI) must be less than 17.5.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d6365157-382a-4580-8061-8c4f4319c669", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statements is true regarding the clinical characteristics of schizophrenia ?:", "Options": { "A": "Negative symptoms are symptoms that are in excess or that are expressed as an exaggeration of normal functions.", "B": "The positive symptoms would be those that reflect a decrease or loss of normal functions.", "C": "Positive symptoms are symptoms that are in excess or that are expressed as an exaggeration of normal functions.", "D": "In the paranoid schizophrenia negative symptoms predominate." }, "Correct Answer": "Positive symptoms are symptoms that are in excess or that are expressed as an exaggeration of normal functions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3a02c07a-aa12-4bfb-bccf-aa665f925faa", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the irradiation of thought ?:", "Options": { "A": "The patient believes that there are thoughts that are not his and that have been introduced into his mind.", "B": "The patient believes that thoughts have been removed from his mind and he feels empty.", "C": "The patient has the belief that his thought is diffused, so that he and others can hear them audibly.", "D": "The patient believes that people can read or know their thoughts." }, "Correct Answer": "The patient believes that people can read or know their thoughts.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a860f111-5c0c-44fc-9437-c3d6e4c15ab6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the alteration of the language consisting in the construction of sentences without any bond and that makes the discourse incomprehensible ?:", "Options": { "A": "Circumstantiality", "B": "Schizoafasia.", "C": "Taquilalia", "D": "Ilogicity" }, "Correct Answer": "Schizoafasia.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a266d24a-b4c3-4670-85d3-e38ad600bdde", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Motor symptoms or catatonic (or disorganized) behavior are considered:", "Options": { "A": "Positive symptoms of schizophrenia.", "B": "Negative symptoms of schizophrenia.", "C": "Delirious symptoms of schizophrenia.", "D": "Undifferentiated symptoms of schizophrenia." }, "Correct Answer": "Positive symptoms of schizophrenia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b00b7cde-54af-4c15-a5ac-95a6bee66fc3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Double Depression is one in which clinical pictures of:", "Options": { "A": "Mixed anxiety and depression disorder.", "B": "Major depressive disorder and cyclothymia.", "C": "Dysthymic disorder and minor depressive disorder.", "D": "Major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "Major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "0f5d4f6f-4329-4df9-9c1f-c4a548ef82ae", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Anaclitic depression refers to a type of depression characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "The excessive dependence of others.", "B": "An excessive level of self-criticism.", "C": "History of overprotection during childhood.", "D": "The inability to concentrate on something." }, "Correct Answer": "The excessive dependence of others.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "46a254ed-fcb9-4eb1-b1c5-d3d28b8a9846", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following symptoms does NOT constitute a possible diagnostic criterion in the DSM (IV-TR or 5) to Major Depression Disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Significant increase in weight.", "B": "Persistent decrease in the ability to make decisions.", "C": "Persistent fear of death", "D": "Insomnia." }, "Correct Answer": "Persistent fear of death", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c85b60f1-e7d0-4d68-a713-8e6782df73be", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Studies on sleep in subjects complaining of insomnia show:", "Options": { "A": "That most overestimate the amount of time he actually sleeps.", "B": "That most underestimate the amount of time that actually sleeps.", "C": "That most accurately estimate the amount of time he actually sleeps.", "D": "That the majority estimates with accuracy the amount of time that sleeps only during the siesta." }, "Correct Answer": "That most underestimate the amount of time that actually sleeps.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1efbbbde-efde-4428-978d-fbb53a7fa98c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following characteristics is typical of selective mutism:", "Options": { "A": "Constant failure to speak in any situation.", "B": "It occurs exclusively during the course of an autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder.", "C": "The failure to speak can be attributed to the lack of knowledge of the language.", "D": "Constant failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation to speak (eg, school) despite doing so on other occasions." }, "Correct Answer": "Constant failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation to speak (eg, school) despite doing so on other occasions.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "de5bf050-520b-41ba-9d8e-b93ede8af215", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At what stage of sleep do night terrors usually occur ?:", "Options": { "A": "Stage 1", "B": "Stage 2", "C": "REM stadium.", "D": "Stage 4" }, "Correct Answer": "Stage 4", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1c42de0b-ab3b-4885-a015-0fba6f065d60", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the \"narcoleptic tetrad\" is the symptom of cataplexy, which consists of:", "Options": { "A": "An irresistible need to sleep at any time.", "B": "A sudden decrease or loss of muscle tone, the patient remaining fully conscious.", "C": "The inability to move just before the establishment of sleep or waking up in the morning.", "D": "Experience visual or auditory hallucinations." }, "Correct Answer": "A sudden decrease or loss of muscle tone, the patient remaining fully conscious.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b4f929d9-fef7-4c82-9f6c-61b56889cec7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At what stage of the dream do nightmares usually occur ?:", "Options": { "A": "Stage 1", "B": "Stage 2", "C": "REM sleep stadium.", "D": "Stage 4" }, "Correct Answer": "REM sleep stadium.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "da5d0ee9-7229-4158-a237-dc78236824b7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is usually the most striking symptom in the clinical picture of sleep apnea ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chronic pain", "B": "Excessive daytime sleepiness.", "C": "The paralysis of sleep.", "D": "The hypnagogic hallucinations." }, "Correct Answer": "Excessive daytime sleepiness.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "65ad40db-151b-4910-b47f-bbde5f5194c4", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The term gender dysphoria refers to:", "Options": { "A": "To intense and recurrent sexual impulses, and to fantasies or behaviors that involve unusual objects.", "B": "To an alteration of sexual desire due to psychophysiological changes in the sexual response cycle.", "C": "To the discomfort that may accompany the incongruence between the experienced or expressed gender and the assigned gender.", "D": "To the erotic attraction towards men, women or both." }, "Correct Answer": "To the discomfort that may accompany the incongruence between the experienced or expressed gender and the assigned gender.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9558a7de-6691-40f4-baea-bc93e24c3153", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Dyspareunia is a disorder:", "Options": { "A": "That affects only women.", "B": "That affects only men.", "C": "That affects both men and women.", "D": "Of the dream." }, "Correct Answer": "That affects both men and women.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cf6b3906-c8a9-43e3-962d-6c11af6d4613", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the personality disorder by avoidance (TPE), the main diagnostic systems coincide in pointing out as characteristic of this problem, the following:", "Options": { "A": "Subjects with TPE avoid activities that involve interpersonal contact for fear of criticism, rejection or disapproval.", "B": "The social inhibition responses of the subject with TPE are not associated with hypersensitivity to negative evaluation and feelings of inferiority.", "C": "The subjects avoid involvement with other people, although they are sure that they will please or be appreciated.", "D": "It must be ruled out that the inhibition of new relationships is caused by an absolute indifference and a complete lack of interest in establishing social or affective bonds." }, "Correct Answer": "Subjects with TPE avoid activities that involve interpersonal contact for fear of criticism, rejection or disapproval.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "95046bf8-6f16-40de-a867-a3790a80f7d7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The \"disinhibited social relationship disorder\" (also called \"reactive disorder of childhood bonding\") is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Behavioral, verbal or physical manifestations too familiar with strangers and easy to go with strangers.", "B": "Active avoidance behaviors and rejection of interaction with strangers.", "C": "Present a high prevalence, between 5% and 10%.", "D": "A marked increase in \"caretaker verification or follow-up behaviors\"." }, "Correct Answer": "Behavioral, verbal or physical manifestations too familiar with strangers and easy to go with strangers.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "66896d53-11f3-4300-a2c6-f74dc05fa050", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the main diagnostic manuals, indicate which of the following criteria is essential when determining the existence of a schizoid personality disorder:", "Options": { "A": "Compulsive and repetitive behaviors tending to the pursuit of pleasure.", "B": "Exacerbated and obsessive interest in sexual relationships with different people.", "C": "Excessive tidiness in the fulfillment of social norms, always seeking the praise of others.", "D": "Emotional coldness and / or flat affectivity." }, "Correct Answer": "Emotional coldness and / or flat affectivity.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "04a77d27-d67d-4428-943f-571ba96abf97", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate the correct option regarding the diagnosis of \"Adjustment disorder\" (TA):", "Options": { "A": "It can be manifested with symptoms, either depressive or anxious, but a diagnosis of \"mixed type\" of anxiety and depression is discouraged.", "B": "TA will not be considered depressive if the depression reaction is brief, that is, less than one month.", "C": "None of the symptoms (such as discomfort, feeling of incapacity to face problems, depressive mood, etc.) is by itself of sufficient severity to justify another more specific diagnosis.", "D": "Given that their manifestation is justified by the presence of a stressor, any reference to a possible \"individual vulnerability\" should be discarded." }, "Correct Answer": "None of the symptoms (such as discomfort, feeling of incapacity to face problems, depressive mood, etc.) is by itself of sufficient severity to justify another more specific diagnosis.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "979d20e3-e330-441f-9ea2-bc306e2b8bec", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of projective technique is the Düss's Fables test ?:", "Options": { "A": "Associative", "B": "Cathartic", "C": "Expressive", "D": "Structural." }, "Correct Answer": "Associative", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5656420b-98c2-4b61-80c6-3290723d86d8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following is NOT a factor of those evaluated in the NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI):", "Options": { "A": "Culture.", "B": "Neuroticism", "C": "Accordance.", "D": "Openness to experience" }, "Correct Answer": "Culture.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6dc5bbfc-945f-47e8-b5ca-aa31b5b8f1af", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is trying to achieve with the functional analysis of behavior ?:", "Options": { "A": "Identify the superior functions of the behavior to be analyzed.", "B": "Identify the behavior in which you want to intervene and the circumstances that maintain it.", "C": "Establish functional relationships between the behavior and the instrument with which it will be evaluated.", "D": "Establish functional relationships between the behavior and the basic functions of the activity to be evaluated." }, "Correct Answer": "Identify the behavior in which you want to intervene and the circumstances that maintain it.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6f59e65d-1d10-4a22-bed6-4b097bde7b0c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the evaluation of the progress in the psychological treatment of anxiety disorders, the instruments that have been most sensitive are:", "Options": { "A": "The laboratory tests.", "B": "The open interview.", "C": "Projective techniques", "D": "The scoring scales." }, "Correct Answer": "The scoring scales.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3287cca4-6e70-4df6-8f36-821167a135ba", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The WPPSI IV is the Wechsler scale designed to measure intelligence:", "Options": { "A": "In the third age.", "B": "In adults", "C": "From 7.6 years to 16 years.", "D": "From 2.6 years to 7.7 years" }, "Correct Answer": "From 2.6 years to 7.7 years", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d34205d0-f341-47df-8044-85d6dc7646a3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Semantic Differential is an evaluation technique:", "Options": { "A": "Projective", "B": "Objective", "C": "Social.", "D": "Subjective" }, "Correct Answer": "Subjective", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "863f11a1-5e91-49a7-b606-281cf85ee372", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Test of the drawing of the human figure (DAP) is an evaluation technique:", "Options": { "A": "Structural projective.", "B": "Thematic project.", "C": "Expressive projective.", "D": "Projective repressive." }, "Correct Answer": "Expressive projective.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e1c80431-3363-4e39-9afd-43e44c618e2b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The evaluation battery for children of Kaufman (K-ABC):", "Options": { "A": "It can be applied after 6 months.", "B": "It can not be applied to children with deafness.", "C": "It is very useful to evaluate gifted children.", "D": "It allows measuring the processing capacity, independently of the acquired learning." }, "Correct Answer": "It allows measuring the processing capacity, independently of the acquired learning.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "24d15d56-f69f-4c83-9b83-c24bf8ff9fe1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What research technique allows the location of brain structures to subsequently produce injuries, administer substances, collect electrical activity, among other actions ?:", "Options": { "A": "Transmission electron microscopy.", "B": "Confocal microscopy with laser.", "C": "Stereotactic surgery.", "D": "Autoradiography with 2-deoxyglucose." }, "Correct Answer": "Stereotactic surgery.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "739d1689-45ab-4fe0-bba1-f9b0cce9b386", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following is one of the main difficulties encountered in assessing eating disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "The lack of awareness of the problem.", "B": "The lack of empathy.", "C": "The cachexia.", "D": "Alexithymia" }, "Correct Answer": "The lack of awareness of the problem.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "da6fe4b2-b2ec-439d-97fb-afb6a8bec2af", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In response to Deci and Ryan's Theory of Self-Determination, we can affirm that:", "Options": { "A": "Intrinsic motivation is the only type of autonomous motivation.", "B": "Exclusive goals directly satisfy basic psychological needs.", "C": "Intrinsic motivation includes the type of regulation: introjected, identified and integrated.", "D": "Intrinsic motivation decreases due to the effect of external events such as when time is given, goals are imposed, subject to surveillance or there is competition or evaluation judgments." }, "Correct Answer": "Intrinsic motivation decreases due to the effect of external events such as when time is given, goals are imposed, subject to surveillance or there is competition or evaluation judgments.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1e5b13ff-5c8f-4f6f-8d78-cb95eb3e410a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How do you call the degree of relevance and representativeness of the contents measured by a psychological evaluation instrument ?:", "Options": { "A": "Internal consistency", "B": "Content validity", "C": "Internal reliability", "D": "Clinical utility" }, "Correct Answer": "Content validity", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "79a9bf41-537a-470d-8d56-f2699bda4cd7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does the Raven Progressive Matrices test measure ?:", "Options": { "A": "The general intelligence.", "B": "The knowledge acquired over time.", "C": "The verbal reasoning.", "D": "The crystallized intelligence." }, "Correct Answer": "The general intelligence.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "80e5e6f1-d1ee-476a-bf44-c08769aa60bf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of care is evaluated primarily in measures of inattention in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Divided attention", "B": "Sustained attention.", "C": "Full attention.", "D": "Alternating attention." }, "Correct Answer": "Sustained attention.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8aff564e-b65b-4e51-93d3-5a0703e3fac7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Multiaxial Clinical Inventory of Millon I and II (MCMI) is used to evaluate:", "Options": { "A": "Psychopathological characteristics of intelligence.", "B": "Psychopathological characteristics of the personality.", "C": "The serious mental disorder.", "D": "The affective functioning of the individual." }, "Correct Answer": "Psychopathological characteristics of the personality.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4df2b9e2-5bc4-455c-a800-0f53e68f19c1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following assessment instruments is of choice to assess the development of a 5-year-old child ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bayley Scale of Child Development.", "B": "Peabody development scale.", "C": "Battelle Development Inventory.", "D": "Development Scale Brunet-Lezine." }, "Correct Answer": "Battelle Development Inventory.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3849cccd-0d62-4f19-bbe3-4f7da4c58fed", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What projective test applicable to children is of an expressive type ?:", "Options": { "A": "Test of the Koch tree.", "B": "Thematic apperception test by Murray.", "C": "Fables of Düss.", "D": "Test Black leg of Corman." }, "Correct Answer": "Test of the Koch tree.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "ab1a1d4e-380c-4e99-ac0e-76ae46f49c7a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What will you evaluate if you decide to record the topographic aspects of the response in a teenager diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Degree of belief in the dreaded consequences.", "B": "Antecedents and consequents of the obsessions.", "C": "Consequence of rituals.", "D": "Frequency and duration of obsessions." }, "Correct Answer": "Frequency and duration of obsessions.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ef41b304-f2e3-4645-acf6-fe3b99d9f7a8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following aspects or characteristics is specific to the tolerance test applied to childhood phobia:", "Options": { "A": "The child progressively approaches the feared object.", "B": "The variables of time and intensity of light are graduated.", "C": "It is a natural observation.", "D": "The child faces the situation without any gradation." }, "Correct Answer": "The child faces the situation without any gradation.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "740cf47c-86e4-4832-a05f-942dd9fa39bf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following assessment instruments is indicated to assess the severity of depressive symptoms in childhood ?:", "Options": { "A": "Infant Depression Inventory (CDI) by Koback and Beck.", "B": "Inventory of irrational beliefs of Silva and Martorell.", "C": "Diagnostic interview for children and adolescents-IV.", "D": "Peterson attributional style questionnaire (ASQ)." }, "Correct Answer": "Infant Depression Inventory (CDI) by Koback and Beck.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "82a13173-b2e7-47fb-abaf-4c02c857c5b9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what aspect is the evaluation of dynamic type or learning potential focused, to evaluate the low intellectual capacity in childhood ?:", "Options": { "A": "The IQ", "B": "The basic cognitive processes.", "C": "Semantic knowledge", "D": "The ability to benefit from instruction." }, "Correct Answer": "The ability to benefit from instruction.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cfb834ed-aa17-46cd-8bda-8c7478136dcc", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to what is measured the academic performance of a girl if we use criterial instruments ?:", "Options": { "A": "To the reference population.", "B": "To the cognitive capacity.", "C": "To the curricular design.", "D": "To the statistical standard." }, "Correct Answer": "To the curricular design.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6cbaf337-5437-4cd5-bc9a-ed50f2dfed71", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which test is considered a general neuropsychological test in the child assessment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Copy test of a complex figure of Rey.", "B": "Wechsler intelligence scale for children WISC-IV", "C": "Token test.", "D": "Benton visual retention test." }, "Correct Answer": "Wechsler intelligence scale for children WISC-IV", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4a497d5f-3415-45f1-8ad4-032011eb8b57", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which scale of Raven's progressive matrices applies to children from 5 to 11 years old ?:", "Options": { "A": "Upper scale (APM).", "B": "General scale (SPM).", "C": "Infant scale (SCM).", "D": "Color scale (CPM)." }, "Correct Answer": "Color scale (CPM).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a593a43d-742f-4fc5-8cb6-3723d4da113b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Rett's disorder, it appears (n):", "Options": { "A": "Pre and perinatal alterations.", "B": "A circumference of the skull smaller than normal at birth.", "C": "An acceleration of the cranial growth from the first year.", "D": "A normal motor development until the first five months." }, "Correct Answer": "A normal motor development until the first five months.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6426b5cc-a069-4dfb-9cc7-4484add60eaf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the so-called \"mere exposure effect\", repeated exposure to an object favors:", "Options": { "A": "The rejection towards it.", "B": "The ambivalent attraction towards it.", "C": "The biggest attraction to it", "D": "Oscillations in the attraction towards it." }, "Correct Answer": "The biggest attraction to it", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2c2a7d30-9b90-41a3-8e71-b7e9ab272513", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"false consensus effect\" consists of the tendency to think that:", "Options": { "A": "The general population thinks very differently about important things.", "B": "Our behaviors or ideas are more common than they really are.", "C": "It is easy to get consensus with the dialogue.", "D": "There is coherence between what a person says and what they think." }, "Correct Answer": "Our behaviors or ideas are more common than they really are.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2cae7f2b-430a-47fb-91ab-b8e31fcc3989", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"actor-observer effect\" consists of:", "Options": { "A": "Attribute our behaviors to external factors and the behaviors of others to internal factors.", "B": "Attribute our behaviors to internal factors and the behaviors of others to external factors.", "C": "Attributing both our behaviors and the behaviors of others to internal factors.", "D": "Attribute both our behaviors and the behaviors of others to external factors." }, "Correct Answer": "Attribute our behaviors to external factors and the behaviors of others to internal factors.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3594eb1d-b025-44c2-a9b4-28eefbfe4c1c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"illusory correlation\" produces:", "Options": { "A": "Confusions between correlation and causation in research", "B": "Overvaluation of own abilities in people with low self-esteem.", "C": "Tendency to maintain one's own positions and situations of discussion.", "D": "Overestimation of negative behaviors in small groups." }, "Correct Answer": "Overestimation of negative behaviors in small groups.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "af4ef2ac-d1ad-4e7a-b48b-fbac1ac98bfd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The persuasive technique called \"low ball\" consists of:", "Options": { "A": "Use an attractive emitter to persuade.", "B": "Make a person access a request and then show that it has additional costs.", "C": "Getting a person to access a large request by first raising a smaller request.", "D": "Make first a large request that is known to be rejected and then a smaller one." }, "Correct Answer": "Make a person access a request and then show that it has additional costs.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9bd31ea1-b948-468a-85fa-0538ab6cf6b6", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Theory of social identity establishes that one of the strategies to achieve a positive social identity is to give positive values to characteristics of the group that previously were valued as negative. This strategy is called:", "Options": { "A": "Intragroup differentiation.", "B": "Social creativity", "C": "Social competitiveness", "D": "Metacontrast" }, "Correct Answer": "Social creativity", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3fcc1b8b-007f-426d-8e9e-3c520b58cce0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the treatment of gambling addiction, the gradual exposure with response prevention is based on the following principles of learning:", "Options": { "A": "Inhibitory conditioning and second order conditioning.", "B": "Extinction and molding.", "C": "Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.", "D": "Generalization and discrimination." }, "Correct Answer": "Extinction and molding.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6cd5aa35-f3ee-40ac-8fe1-7419274da47f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which state of the Transteoric Model of Prochaska and DiClemente is a person who comes for the first time to the sessions of the clinical psychologist to stop drinking and complies with the therapist's recommendations? :", "Options": { "A": "Precontemplation.", "B": "Contemplation.", "C": "Preparation.", "D": "Action." }, "Correct Answer": "Action.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "733ad1a0-4743-4328-ae07-afa9d8b1a174", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is sought with the treatment of heroin addiction by administering opioid antagonists (mainly naltrexone) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Block brain receptors to opioids and prevent the use of heroin has reinforcing effects.", "B": "Avoid polydrug use of other drugs (alcohol, cocaine).", "C": "Maintain moderate heroin use in those people who are not able to overcome addiction.", "D": "Causing adverse reactions to the use of heroin (aversive treatment)." }, "Correct Answer": "Block brain receptors to opioids and prevent the use of heroin has reinforcing effects.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "bf7d1f73-aeec-45bc-adbe-8d97fa5aff27", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within Beck's cognitive therapy there are several means to verbally question beliefs. Point out the INCORRECT form:", "Options": { "A": "Examine the evidence for and against the belief.", "B": "Analyze the usefulness of the belief.", "C": "Use the technique of the descending arrow.", "D": "Find an alternative formulated in more realistic and useful terms." }, "Correct Answer": "Use the technique of the descending arrow.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "fd02f475-a45b-4842-90d7-4d7b10378b92", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate in which of the following clinical areas the paradoxical intention could not be applied:", "Options": { "A": "In challenging and oppositional patients.", "B": "In patients who experience a lack of behavioral control.", "C": "In patients with self-injurious ideas or behaviors.", "D": "In patients in whom the fear of the problem and its consequences is its main maintainer." }, "Correct Answer": "In patients with self-injurious ideas or behaviors.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0d08ec47-1212-48e2-ad18-524350ae5937", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point to the INCORRECT option. Interoceptive exposure:", "Options": { "A": "It is indicated in panic disorder.", "B": "It consists in exposing the patient, in a safe place, to the unpleasant physical sensations through the involuntary induction of the feared psychophysiological stimuli.", "C": "The patient is exposed to the feared sensations for a long time without issuing escape behaviors.", "D": "The number of therapeutic sessions ranges around ten." }, "Correct Answer": "It consists in exposing the patient, in a safe place, to the unpleasant physical sensations through the involuntary induction of the feared psychophysiological stimuli.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e8afa122-5ba4-49db-ac6c-cd5645ff534d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the factors common to treatment techniques for the control of activation, what is the most determining factor of its effectiveness ?:", "Options": { "A": "The mental distraction.", "B": "The regular practice.", "C": "The environmental stimulation.", "D": "Increase muscle tone" }, "Correct Answer": "The regular practice.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "daca5505-d204-426d-9ea6-d9ae54ac3cff", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the possible changes produced by the relaxation of the autonomic nervous system is NOT the:", "Options": { "A": "Decrease in respiratory rate.", "B": "Decrease in heart rate", "C": "Decrease in the production of saliva.", "D": "Decreased blood pressure." }, "Correct Answer": "Decrease in the production of saliva.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "04fdb22b-be54-4b09-a81b-11bbfd047817", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to several meta-analyzes, in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, cognitive therapy seems as effective as exposure with prevention of response:", "Options": { "A": "In all cases", "B": "At least when the first includes behavioral experiments.", "C": "In no case.", "D": "If it is accompanied by treatment with antidepressants." }, "Correct Answer": "At least when the first includes behavioral experiments.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "11ad4359-1fbb-432f-ab92-b2bdba636f26", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the psychological treatment of arterial hypertension, indicate which of the following statements is correct:", "Options": { "A": "Muscle relaxation exercises are contraindicated because they can cause a worsening of blood pressure.", "B": "Psychological interventions have not shown evidence of their effectiveness in hypertension.", "C": "Therapy based on imagination is the treatment of choice for high blood pressure.", "D": "Transcendental meditation can significantly reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients." }, "Correct Answer": "Transcendental meditation can significantly reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5ca81717-0b13-4010-be3a-c3d0d05e9153", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In cognitive therapy for the treatment of personality disorders (Beck et al., 2005), three strategies and specialized techniques of cognitive type are described in detail: cognitive probes, addressing the schemes and:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive flexibilization techniques.", "B": "Decision making.", "C": "Role plays.", "D": "Employment of evocation of images." }, "Correct Answer": "Decision making.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "414df50c-80ac-4b16-9320-7a2f010fb28c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Taking into account the characteristic symptomatology of schizoid personality disorder, what therapeutic component is often included in your psychological treatment ?:", "Options": { "A": "Interoceptive exposure.", "B": "Focusing techniques in psychotic symptoms.", "C": "Training in social skills.", "D": "Mentalization techniques" }, "Correct Answer": "Training in social skills.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "685efe50-ee73-4ba7-8cfa-eb6e518f526c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Point out which of the following is the most effective treatment for borderline personality disorder:", "Options": { "A": "Dialectical-behavioral therapy.", "B": "Short psychoanalytic therapy.", "C": "Systemic therapy", "D": "Strategic therapy of the self." }, "Correct Answer": "Dialectical-behavioral therapy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e6c5387f-3cef-4b58-b928-b7f72ed9caef", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The three-phase model of human sexual response adds the concept of desire and condenses the sexual response into three distinct but physiologically related phases: desire, arousal and orgasm. This model was described by:", "Options": { "A": "William Masters and Virginia Johnson.", "B": "Rosemary Basson.", "C": "Hellen Singer Kaplan.", "D": "Alfred Kinsey." }, "Correct Answer": "Hellen Singer Kaplan.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b3329521-d635-424f-8bd7-9a82459ef28f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following treatment alternatives, which of them has shown greater efficacy in reducing the number of repeat offenders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Chemical castration with drugs that reduce the production or cellular uptake of testosterone.", "B": "Pharmacological treatment with selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake (SSRI).", "C": "Pharmacological treatment either with antiandrogens or with SSRIs together with psychoanalytic psychotherapy.", "D": "Pharmacological treatment either with antiandrogens or with SSRIs together with cognitive-behavioral therapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Pharmacological treatment either with antiandrogens or with SSRIs together with cognitive-behavioral therapy.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "57065462-c97e-4035-85bd-60c6fda0b094", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To overcome relapses, Cognitive Therapy based on Mindfulness for depression mainly promotes patients:", "Options": { "A": "They distract or avoid states of sadness or unhappiness.", "B": "Learn to reduce the likelihood that rumination or ruminant thinking will be reinstated, at times when it increases dysphoria or low mood.", "C": "Learn to carry out more enjoyable activities and avoid or escape unpleasant ones.", "D": "Become good or excellent meditators in the Buddhist tradition." }, "Correct Answer": "Learn to reduce the likelihood that rumination or ruminant thinking will be reinstated, at times when it increases dysphoria or low mood.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "20e2817c-aae9-469e-8be1-075397a44afa", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the manual of \"Cognitive Therapy of Depression\" by Beck, Rush, Shaw and Emery (1979), a series of specific guidelines for cognitive treatment are proposed. Point to the INCORRECT option:", "Options": { "A": "To know the patient's \"personal paradigm\", that is, his vision of himself, of his problem, of the world and of the future.", "B": "Avoid \"labeling\" the patient and making value judgments.", "C": "Explain to the patient his / her counterproductive behavior based on the \"infantile or unconscious\" wishes, providing a motivational interpretation of his behavior.", "D": "Use the questions as a therapeutic tool." }, "Correct Answer": "Explain to the patient his / her counterproductive behavior based on the \"infantile or unconscious\" wishes, providing a motivational interpretation of his behavior.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e68660aa-660c-491b-ad3c-2ea37ce0c946", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the framework of Behavioral Activation (eg Martell):", "Options": { "A": "It should start with activities that have not been part of the person's repertoire.", "B": "The patient's activities should be structured according to their mood.", "C": "Activities that involve natural reinforcement should be prioritized.", "D": "The change is more difficult if you start little by little." }, "Correct Answer": "Activities that involve natural reinforcement should be prioritized.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "1dd98735-c668-49b7-9a65-c8fc938161af", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If we apply the \"cognitive re-evaluation\" module of the \"unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders\" to a patient with depression, Barlow et al. What should be your objective in relation to the \"errors of thought\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Replace erroneous thoughts with more realistic ones.", "B": "Increase flexibility in the assessment of situations.", "C": "Repair the wrong ways of thinking presented by the patient.", "D": "Bring the exposure of emotions to the real world." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase flexibility in the assessment of situations.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "884bd442-084d-47d3-bc4e-94495f383bbf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to Beck's Cognitive Therapy, patients with depression often give too much importance to the failures and negative events that occur, excluding other positive events. What is this cognitive distortion called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Over-generalization.", "B": "Selective abstraction.", "C": "Catastrophism.", "D": "Dichotomous thinking." }, "Correct Answer": "Selective abstraction.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "52ca606d-737a-44f2-8ac9-a8d0ac859419", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In an investigation it was concluded that there is a relationship between the variables studied, based on the result obtained in the null hypothesis test. However, we find that this relationship does not exist in the population. According to this statement ... (indicate the correct statement):", "Options": { "A": "A type I error has been committed.", "B": "A type II error has been committed.", "C": "The power of the test is low.", "D": "The p value obtained in the null hypothesis test is greater than 0.05." }, "Correct Answer": "A type I error has been committed.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8929bbef-c360-44a3-8801-8babf0964f5a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Cronbach Alpha Coefficient can be considered as:", "Options": { "A": "The upper limit of the reliability coefficient.", "B": "Equivalent to the reliability index.", "C": "The lower limit of the reliability coefficient.", "D": "The correlation between the odd and even items of the test." }, "Correct Answer": "The lower limit of the reliability coefficient.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4118f174-abe5-479c-969b-975a1db5631b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression, indicate the correct answer:", "Options": { "A": "It is structured in 5 phases.", "B": "It has not been compared in randomized clinical trials with other proven treatments for depression.", "C": "Make sure that the patient assumes the \"sick role\".", "D": "It focuses mainly on the interpersonal problems that the person has had in his childhood." }, "Correct Answer": "Make sure that the patient assumes the \"sick role\".", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "55536651-e63e-450d-bb68-2f2869795fe9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is true in relation to Behavioral Activation applied to the treatment of Depression ?:", "Options": { "A": "Try to change the emotional reactions of the patient in the short term (sadness, discouragement, disinterest, etc.)", "B": "It completely abandons the goal of changing the patient's emotions.", "C": "Pretend that the emotions change to produce a change in behavior.", "D": "It is necessary in the short term to accept the emotions of the patient." }, "Correct Answer": "It is necessary in the short term to accept the emotions of the patient.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5384821e-9b4b-45a8-b887-b4d56fa35241", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the behavioral repertoires on which Social Skills Therapy is usually focused for the treatment of depression? (Becker, Heimberg and Bellack):", "Options": { "A": "Negative assertion, positive assertion and conversation skills.", "B": "Positive assertion, conversation skills and non-verbal communication.", "C": "Negative assertion, conversation skills and non-verbal communication.", "D": "Positive assertion, negative assertion and striped record." }, "Correct Answer": "Negative assertion, positive assertion and conversation skills.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fca12b88-5eac-4ad8-b274-1459bdf84246", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The objectives of psychosocial treatment for bipolar disorder may include, all of the following, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Help patients identify subsyndromal or prodrome symptoms.", "B": "To be able to replace pharmacological treatment.", "C": "Improve performance between episodes.", "D": "Improve adherence to pharmacotherapy." }, "Correct Answer": "To be able to replace pharmacological treatment.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9108a9e9-4300-44d5-b298-e180e16d41b0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "All of the following alternatives constitute effective treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder, EXCEPT one. Indicate which:", "Options": { "A": "Exhibition with response prevention.", "B": "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).", "C": "Cognitive Therapy of OCD", "D": "Stopping the thought." }, "Correct Answer": "Stopping the thought.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dd4674df-003f-49d4-9d2f-5d57095631fa", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following would be a therapeutic goal in the first session proper treatment of anxiety disorder by disease? (Salkovskis and Warwick):", "Options": { "A": "Limit or block the behaviors that the patient performs in relation to their somatic symptoms such as self-inspection or the search for reassuring information.", "B": "Propose to the patient the hypothesis that it is an anxiety problem, as an alternative to the hypothesis of the existence of an organic disorder.", "C": "Question verbally the negative interpretations of the somatic symptoms of the patient.", "D": "Involve family members in the treatment, indicating how to act in response to the family's demands for reassurance." }, "Correct Answer": "Propose to the patient the hypothesis that it is an anxiety problem, as an alternative to the hypothesis of the existence of an organic disorder.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "40ff7ef8-e1c5-4bb3-b133-e370a7d5062f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What would be the most appropriate way to carry out an exposure program for obsessive thoughts in a patient with an obsessive-compulsive disorder ?:", "Options": { "A": "Exposing the patient to the feared situations, starting with the least disturbing obsessive thought and following with the most disturbing ones.", "B": "To expose the patient to the feared situations, starting with the most disturbing obsessive thought and following with the most disturbing ones.", "C": "To expose the patient alternatively to a very disturbing obsessive thought and to another little disturbing one.", "D": "Exposing the patient only to the most disturbing obsessive thought and expecting an effect of generalization to the least disturbing." }, "Correct Answer": "Exposing the patient to the feared situations, starting with the least disturbing obsessive thought and following with the most disturbing ones.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "96ff855d-1a95-4565-a4ea-4871c754cbbb", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What type of treatment would we use to work with a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, if their obsessions are of the type: \"run over a pedestrian\", \"crash with the car\" or \"assault someone else\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Live exposure with response prevention.", "B": "Imagination exhibition with response prevention.", "C": "Only response prevention.", "D": "Stopping the thought." }, "Correct Answer": "Imagination exhibition with response prevention.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "30c3f4ed-1bd1-4b22-9359-cffe75dccbb3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the mental disorder that most frequently appears comorbid with bulimia nervosa ?:", "Options": { "A": "Mood disorder", "B": "Post-traumatic stress disorder", "C": "Substance dependence", "D": "Panic disorder" }, "Correct Answer": "Mood disorder", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c6245801-ba9b-4237-9f39-43619c404de8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "We can differentiate a patient with bulimia nervosa from one with binge eating disorder in that:", "Options": { "A": "Patients with binge eating disorder eat more food than patients with bulimia nervosa in the binge episode.", "B": "Patients with bulimia nervosa have less sensation of lack of control over what they eat during binge episode than patients with binge eating disorder.", "C": "Patients with binge eating disorder do not perform inappropriate compensatory behavior three episodes of binge eating.", "D": "Patients with binge eating disorder have a higher BMI than patients with bulimia nervosa." }, "Correct Answer": "Patients with binge eating disorder do not perform inappropriate compensatory behavior three episodes of binge eating.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "071e3d0c-71c7-4567-b9d2-4729439689e2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "According to the DSM-5, body dysmorphic disorder is considered:", "Options": { "A": "An anxiety disorder", "B": "A disorder related to the spectrum of somatic symptom disorders.", "C": "A dissociative disorder", "D": "A disorder related to the spectrum of obsessive-compulsive disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "A disorder related to the spectrum of obsessive-compulsive disorder.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "df079902-49cd-4b96-99ca-da8189b0f6ec", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the most frequent psychopathological characteristics of patients who have an anxiety disorder due to illness is:", "Options": { "A": "The high somatosensory amplification.", "B": "The high tolerance to somatic uncertainty.", "C": "The rejection of reassuring information.", "D": "Adaptive beliefs about health: they are \"good patients\"." }, "Correct Answer": "The high somatosensory amplification.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0dd2426d-3dfd-4e62-8a17-53e93e7f887c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following psychosocial treatment programs for schizophrenia contains a specific social skills training module ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cognitive Remediation therapy (Wykes and Reeder, 2005).", "B": "Cognitive therapy for delusions, voices and paranoia (Chadwick et al., 1996).", "C": "Targeting therapy (Slade, and Bentall, 1988).", "D": "Integrated psychological therapy (IPT, Brenner et al., 1992)." }, "Correct Answer": "Integrated psychological therapy (IPT, Brenner et al., 1992).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ae861a5c-d346-4406-bbe2-9ccf4019031c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the cognitive-behavioral treatment for schizophrenia, which of the following statements is INCORRECT ?:", "Options": { "A": "Most cognitive-behavioral treatment programs have an approximate duration of around 20 sessions.", "B": "Its efficacy has been demonstrated consistently in both the stable phase and the acute phase of the disease.", "C": "The cognitive-behavioral treatment has shown efficacy basically on the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.", "D": "The cognitive-behavioral treatment is among the psychological treatments for schizophrenia with greater experimental support." }, "Correct Answer": "Its efficacy has been demonstrated consistently in both the stable phase and the acute phase of the disease.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5951f83e-d8e4-4b14-8aa0-8517404d323d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following programs is NOT a type of family intervention ?:", "Options": { "A": "The psychoeducational model of Anderson.", "B": "The cognitive-behavioral interventions of Tarrier.", "C": "Kemp's compliance therapy.", "D": "Leff's package of socio-family interventions." }, "Correct Answer": "Kemp's compliance therapy.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d0bfd42b-cde3-4dd1-b2aa-9f1042166163", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following subprograms is part of the Integrated Psychological Therapy (ITP) of Hodel and Brenner ?:", "Options": { "A": "Social perception.", "B": "Internal coping", "C": "Psychoeducation", "D": "Modification of beliefs." }, "Correct Answer": "Social perception.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b27c9971-f06f-41e0-a4da-f44fbf14150b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following programs is a specific cognitive-behavioral counseling treatment for the positive symptoms of schizophrenia? :", "Options": { "A": "Tarrier's coping strategies empowerment therapy.", "B": "The integrated psychological therapy of Hodel and Brenner.", "C": "Cognitive enhancement therapy of Hogarty and Flesher.", "D": "Hogarty's personal therapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Tarrier's coping strategies empowerment therapy.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6f40d36a-7871-4535-9e27-8785d34ec0aa", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is one of the main drawbacks of social skills training programs for patients with schizophrenia ?:", "Options": { "A": "The rejection of patients to this type of intervention.", "B": "The inability of patients to learn new skills due to the deterioration of the disease.", "C": "That social skills do not affect the social functioning and quality of life of the patient.", "D": "The difficulty of generalization of learning to complex social situations." }, "Correct Answer": "The difficulty of generalization of learning to complex social situations.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8e992d6d-9afb-4c60-955f-1f9bb62ff300", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following psychological treatments for schizophrenia is specially designed to apply in acute phases and during hospital admission ?:", "Options": { "A": "Bentall focusing therapy.", "B": "Kemp compliance therapy.", "C": "Cognitive therapy for delusions, voices and paranoia of Chadwick.", "D": "Cognitive Empowerment Therapy of Hogarty and Flesher." }, "Correct Answer": "Kemp compliance therapy.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8830baa2-0a88-4e3c-8ecf-c9105b611492", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the pharmacological treatment for schizophrenia, which of the following statements is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "According to clinical guidelines, pharmacological treatment is the treatment of choice in the acute phases, but it is optional in the maintenance phases.", "B": "Pharmacological treatment achieves the remission of positive symptoms in approximately 80% of patients.", "C": "One of the main differences between typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics is in the adverse side effects they generate.", "D": "Antipsychotics have been shown to be equally effective for both positive and negative symptomatology." }, "Correct Answer": "One of the main differences between typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics is in the adverse side effects they generate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "087aa13a-75e3-44d5-85c7-e0ba041297b9", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following drugs is an antipsychotic ?:", "Options": { "A": "Sertraline", "B": "Diazepam.", "C": "Olanzapine.", "D": "Paroxetine" }, "Correct Answer": "Olanzapine.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cadeaba6-366f-4858-8ca1-75275236d1fd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The theory of the Personal Construct of George Kelly fits within the theories:", "Options": { "A": "Constructivists", "B": "Behaviorists", "C": "Interpersonal", "D": "Systemic" }, "Correct Answer": "Constructivists", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a848e3be-29a5-470f-84fc-4dc440522452", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which operant technique has an additive phase and a subtractive one ?:", "Options": { "A": "The chain", "B": "Overcorrection", "C": "The response cost.", "D": "The fading." }, "Correct Answer": "The fading.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c25e73f4-cec7-4941-aa13-ccf8d69c623a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What other name does \"participatory or participatory modeling\" receive:", "Options": { "A": "Automodelado", "B": "Imagined practice", "C": "Contact desensitization.", "D": "Concealed awareness" }, "Correct Answer": "Contact desensitization.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f269c3ef-2afc-414a-9557-6255001c0828", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What technique would be more advisable to use if what we want is to weaken but not totally suppress a certain behavior ?:", "Options": { "A": "The extinction.", "B": "The differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors.", "C": "The differential reinforcement of low behavior rates.", "D": "The differential reinforcement of other behaviors." }, "Correct Answer": "The differential reinforcement of low behavior rates.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "764b0e31-e141-4cb6-8470-65b58d871561", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what therapeutic strategy is the \"decisional balance\" usually used in order to assess the positive and negative aspects of current behavior ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the techniques of covert conditioning.", "B": "In the motivational interview.", "C": "In the administration of time.", "D": "In palliative coping." }, "Correct Answer": "In the motivational interview.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ea9799fb-56c3-44fd-9651-1364411c375a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What would NOT be an objective to achieve in the \"Problem Orientation\" phase (or problem orientation) of the problem-solving process developed by D'Zurilla and Goldfried ?:", "Options": { "A": "Try to solve the problem from a feeling of control and competence.", "B": "Treat the problem more as a challenge than as a threat.", "C": "Learn to stop and think before acting (reflexivity instead of impulsivity).", "D": "Generate the largest possible number of alternatives." }, "Correct Answer": "Generate the largest possible number of alternatives.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4e6992ab-4768-4ca1-851c-14cae088545b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Bernstein and Borkovec propose a training in relaxation in which the number of muscle groups to train is progressively reduced. Indicate the sequence proposed by these authors (the figures correspond to the number of muscle groups in each of the phases):", "Options": { "A": "8-4-2.", "B": "16-7-4.", "C": "20-14-3.", "D": "40-12-2." }, "Correct Answer": "16-7-4.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2c23903e-c792-4fb5-832e-6e27060151da", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the systemic models of therapy, a very important concept to analyze the family structure is that of \"triadic systems\". Regarding these, we can affirm the following:", "Options": { "A": "Coalitions between members of different generations are called \"perverse triangles\".", "B": "Triadic systems are always organized as \"coalitions\" and not as \"alliances\".", "C": "Coalitions are not usually denied by the family.", "D": "Coalitions occur between parents against a child." }, "Correct Answer": "Coalitions between members of different generations are called \"perverse triangles\".", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "00fb15f0-b16b-4873-a5c3-1b7bbfd21df5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the systemic models of therapy, what is the name of the relative who presents the symptom ?:", "Options": { "A": "Systemic or systematic patient.", "B": "Identified patient.", "C": "Triangulated patient.", "D": "Patient or family member." }, "Correct Answer": "Identified patient.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2cf4ab04-f6f0-407d-8f72-f8fca01f30d1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Beck's Negative Cognitive Triad refers to:", "Options": { "A": "Negative sensations, emotions and feelings previous to ruminative thoughts typical of depression.", "B": "Negative cognitive distortion on the childhood, adolescence and adulthood of the depressive patient.", "C": "Negative view of oneself, the world and the future.", "D": "Depressive patient response style based on rumination, magnification and excessive generalization." }, "Correct Answer": "Negative view of oneself, the world and the future.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "2170780e-8075-4031-bb4f-89049f188f4f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is called, in systemic therapies, the intervention of a relative who presents the facts in such a way that they form an orderly sequence, generally to determine a cause and an effect ?:", "Options": { "A": "Efficient causation", "B": "Punctuation.", "C": "Circularity.", "D": "Positive connotation" }, "Correct Answer": "Punctuation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d6664f1d-6520-49e5-861d-af7570c9ba05", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Psychoanalysis, what is the technique that corresponds to the \"fundamental analytical rule\":", "Options": { "A": "The analysis of the transfer.", "B": "The analysis of dreams.", "C": "The free association.", "D": "The interpretation of repression." }, "Correct Answer": "The free association.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e9680a8b-9dcd-4907-a9ea-0e04f934549d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Experiential Avoidance Disorder, proposed by the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, originates in:", "Options": { "A": "The orientation to the immediate welfare.", "B": "Mutual involvement", "C": "The self as context.", "D": "The culture of inaction." }, "Correct Answer": "The orientation to the immediate welfare.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9fab7712-5686-42d5-aeab-3602adc5af98", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the framework of the Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, the fundamental principle of the Biosocial Theory of Personality-Limit Disorder proposes that the main problem disorder in this pathology is:", "Options": { "A": "The agitation.", "B": "The literal interpretation of the other.", "C": "The deregulation of emotions.", "D": "The lack of adherence to treatment." }, "Correct Answer": "The deregulation of emotions.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7ae6a044-a06c-4b4b-b9d0-1073348c9e36", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the ABC model of Rational Emotive Therapy, what place corresponds to irrational beliefs ?:", "Options": { "A": "The A.", "B": "The B", "C": "C.", "D": "Irrational beliefs are NOT contemplated in this therapy." }, "Correct Answer": "The B", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6e330cf0-a4e2-43ca-967f-ce9efc43866f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For Viktor Frankl Logotherapy, what is the main generator of neuroses ?:", "Options": { "A": "The repression of the libido.", "B": "The deficiencies in the upbringing.", "C": "The loss of meaning in life.", "D": "Social frustration" }, "Correct Answer": "The loss of meaning in life.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8889dda7-af09-43f9-bdc8-79f16c06d34f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is one of the main premises of Rogers Client-Centered Therapy ?:", "Options": { "A": "The emphasis on the prescriptive role of the therapist.", "B": "The consideration of existential anguish as the engine of change.", "C": "The rejection of the directive role of the therapist.", "D": "The emphasis on the past rather than the present." }, "Correct Answer": "The rejection of the directive role of the therapist.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "72898f75-eb2c-4e9a-9fb2-9f7e3ea0a1bf", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the basic concept in brief psychodynamic therapies ?:", "Options": { "A": "The concept of active transfer.", "B": "The concept of focus.", "C": "The concept of tendency to realization.", "D": "The behavioral activation." }, "Correct Answer": "The concept of focus.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c8b90f12-c35b-44f4-b02f-d0454b0dde31", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the following criteria for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DSM-5) is INCORRECT, state which:", "Options": { "A": "Reasons of anger, serious and recurrent that are verbally manifested, or behaviorally, whose intensity or duration are disproportionate to the situation or provocation (present for 12 or more months).", "B": "Cholera attacks occur, on average, three or more times per week (present for 12 or more months).", "C": "The state of mind between cholera accesses is persistently irritable or irascible most of the day, almost every day, and is observable by other people (present for 12 or more months).", "D": "The first diagnosis must be made before the age of 6." }, "Correct Answer": "The first diagnosis must be made before the age of 6.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "33176751-704e-4393-9bfe-60c8c4948edc", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most likely age of onset of anorexia nervosa (DSM-5) ?:", "Options": { "A": "In early childhood", "B": "It usually begins during adolescence or early adulthood.", "C": "At any age, although preferred before age 40.", "D": "Towards 10-11 years old or preadolescence." }, "Correct Answer": "It usually begins during adolescence or early adulthood.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ee080738-0ac5-480f-9dc1-a78148eedd0c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The disorder characterized by a pattern of anger / irritability, arguments / defiant or vengeful attitude that lasts for at least six months, manifested by 4 or more symptoms associated with this pattern, and exhibited during the interaction with an individual (who not be a brother), without there being a serious mood alteration, it is called (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "Behavior disorder", "B": "Disruptive disruption disorder.", "C": "Defiant negativist disorder", "D": "Intermittent explosive disorder." }, "Correct Answer": "Defiant negativist disorder", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "7e4cea7d-c1b1-4944-aaa5-e6485f2303c3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Select the statement that is true about conduct disorder (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "The first significant symptoms of conduct disorder always appear in the preschool years.", "B": "In most individuals, the disorder subsides in adulthood.", "C": "The symptoms of the disorder vary little with age.", "D": "The prevalence varies widely in different countries depending on ethnicity and race." }, "Correct Answer": "In most individuals, the disorder subsides in adulthood.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c1b64a7a-de79-4b88-9518-8fbb564143bd", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement in relation to Major Depression Disorder (DSM-5) is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "It does not appear during early childhood.", "B": "In children, an increase in target-directed activity can occur.", "C": "In children and adolescents the mood can be irritable.", "D": "During adolescence, comorbidity only occurs with other internalizing disorders (internalized)." }, "Correct Answer": "In children and adolescents the mood can be irritable.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d95f515a-48e2-436c-914e-77063d2e0afc", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Within the communication disorders, in childhood fluency disorder (stuttering) there are varied symptoms or factors that appear frequently and remarkably. Indicates the one that DOES NOT belong to this pathology (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "Fragmented words", "B": "Circumloquios.", "C": "Repetition of monosyllabic words.", "D": "Very limited grammatical structure." }, "Correct Answer": "Very limited grammatical structure.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dd6bb726-edf5-4e2b-8861-1a2b7c79c74e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A teenager comes to the consultation exposing the following symptoms: (1) Has intrusive and recurrent ideas of monsters with spikes that fight between them very aggressively, these ideas (thoughts, images) are imposed on his mind and create much anxiety and discomfort; (2) He has repetitive behaviors (for example, whenever he eats lentils he has to count them and the spoon must be 19), which causes him to need a lot of time to eat and conflicts with the mother. From the 4 statements, indicate the correct answer (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "All the symptoms are compulsions.", "B": "He has obsessions and compulsions.", "C": "You have cyclic affective symptoms.", "D": "All the symptoms are obsessions." }, "Correct Answer": "He has obsessions and compulsions.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6227cf11-e225-43a3-9935-16edd1e2d077", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A teenager has the following symptoms: (1) Multiple motor tics and several vocal tics that have been present at some time during the illness, although not concurrently; (2) The tics appear intermittently in frequency, but have persisted for more than a year since the appearance of the first tic; (3) The tics began at age 6; and (4) The disorder can not be attributed to the physiological effects of a substance or to another medical condition. What disorder could it present? (DSM-5):", "Options": { "A": "Disorder of persistent motor or vocal tics.", "B": "Disorder of the Tourette.", "C": "Transient tics disorder.", "D": "Tics disorder not specified." }, "Correct Answer": "Disorder of the Tourette.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b5d32a11-f017-4980-9b91-61d6a39cda4b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If a child has time to watch TV, regarding the time he usually sees, due to his bad behavior, what is the applied procedure called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Positive punishment", "B": "Response cost", "C": "Overcorrection", "D": "Time out." }, "Correct Answer": "Response cost", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0e3fc552-8fdc-431d-8a1d-96d5f8860a25", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following treatments is the most empirically recommended for childhood eating disorders ?:", "Options": { "A": "Behavioral therapy", "B": "Cognitive therapy", "C": "Strategic systemic therapy.", "D": "Nutritional training for parents." }, "Correct Answer": "Behavioral therapy", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e4e248db-2953-441b-b493-994a8d13f6d0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "How should the children's relaxation training sessions be ?:", "Options": { "A": "Long and little frequents", "B": "Long and frequent.", "C": "Short and infrequent.", "D": "Short and frequent." }, "Correct Answer": "Short and frequent.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1d57acfe-55e0-45d2-8b6c-8d480fbf4311", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What treatments have been shown to be most effective for the specific phobia in children and adolescents ?:", "Options": { "A": "Autogenous relaxation and self-control training.", "B": "Cognitive restructuring and rewarding tasks.", "C": "The system of positive reinforcement and training in social skills.", "D": "Systematic desensitization in vivo, reinforced practice and participant modeling." }, "Correct Answer": "Systematic desensitization in vivo, reinforced practice and participant modeling.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dac99f96-e5d3-47fb-83b3-768f2d327bbe", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Depression in adolescents, from which therapy do interpersonal role disputes, grief, role transitions and interpersonal deficits work ?:", "Options": { "A": "These are areas that can only be worked on in adults.", "B": "Cognitive", "C": "Interpersonal", "D": "Psychoanalytic" }, "Correct Answer": "Interpersonal", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f43de315-b640-4431-90d6-a820bf293963", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In training in voluntary retention of urine, in enuresis disorder:", "Options": { "A": "Parents will wake the child every 30 minutes until the bladder is emptied.", "B": "You will be placed a \"pipi-stop\" when you increase your fluid intake.", "C": "Sphincter control training, positive reinforcement and fluid intake will be performed.", "D": "Reinforcers will not be used, since learning must be natural." }, "Correct Answer": "Sphincter control training, positive reinforcement and fluid intake will be performed.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e4dac65a-2493-4486-ad9d-d2dd170b4b9f", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "During the application of the technique of exposure to the traumatic experience, in cases of abuse or sexual abuse in childhood:", "Options": { "A": "The symptoms do not disappear, so its application with young children is not recommended.", "B": "Children may show a transient increase in symptoms.", "C": "Negative cognitions are not reduced.", "D": "It is not necessary for the therapist to control the intensity of the emotion." }, "Correct Answer": "Children may show a transient increase in symptoms.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "15d28b28-eaa7-4c0c-a0d6-99f9a3d4aeec", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the treatment that has received the most empirical support for the intervention in childhood cancer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Systemic therapy", "B": "Brief therapy focused on solutions.", "C": "Humanistic therapy", "D": "Cognitive behavioral therapy focused on the traumatic experience." }, "Correct Answer": "Cognitive behavioral therapy focused on the traumatic experience.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9e76db6d-79ac-40e8-b353-94d898ea8e2e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In defiant negative disorder, if possible, it is recommended:", "Options": { "A": "Include a therapeutic intervention with parents separately.", "B": "Work alone with the child, due to its characteristics.", "C": "Work from the psychodrama.", "D": "Do only one group intervention of the whole family." }, "Correct Answer": "Include a therapeutic intervention with parents separately.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "458b5e27-8b3c-4a1e-94d3-ffe11b0863e7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the treatment of choice for the phobia of darkness ?:", "Options": { "A": "Self-instruction of competence.", "B": "Live exhibition.", "C": "Exhibition in imagination.", "D": "Positive reinforcement." }, "Correct Answer": "Live exhibition.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9face128-0b1f-494a-8478-4a1de034ff4e", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The main component in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents is:", "Options": { "A": "Stopping the thought.", "B": "Exhibition with prevention of answers.", "C": "Reinforced practice", "D": "Extinction." }, "Correct Answer": "Exhibition with prevention of answers.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "512f40ed-60b4-4864-849c-c1308f5707be", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The technique of repeating reinforcing stimuli or responses until they are no longer attractive to the child is called:", "Options": { "A": "Overcorrection", "B": "Positive practice", "C": "Saciation", "D": "Negative reinforcement." }, "Correct Answer": "Saciation", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "48a50b50-34a6-4b12-818b-fed31944e75c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment program \"Coping Cat\" (Kendall) aims to treat:", "Options": { "A": "Infantile anxiety", "B": "Childhood depression", "C": "Hyperactivity", "D": "The pervasive developmental disorders." }, "Correct Answer": "Infantile anxiety", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2c219a85-bf2f-4d63-bd2c-3c03e7924fef", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A strategy that can be used in the fading phase of a chip economy system is:", "Options": { "A": "Decrease the time between the delivery of reinforcers.", "B": "Increase the number of behaviors that allow reinforcers to gain.", "C": "Increase the requirement to obtain reinforcers.", "D": "Increase the number of reinforcers gained by the execution of the target behavior." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the requirement to obtain reinforcers.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a06cabc0-0467-46ab-989c-8fb9bc619127", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When a stimulus belonging to a certain sensory field produces or activates a hallucination in another different sensory modality, we speak of:", "Options": { "A": "Functional hallucination", "B": "Hallucination reflects.", "C": "Extracampina hallucination.", "D": "Hallucination combined with delirium." }, "Correct Answer": "Hallucination reflects.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "307c5635-68b0-4294-995b-f35dffd7f257", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nocturnal myoclonus is a disorder linked to:", "Options": { "A": "A problem of wakefulness when the subject is in a resting state.", "B": "The third Age.", "C": "Adolescence.", "D": "An increase in antidasacid eye movements." }, "Correct Answer": "The third Age.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0e697b50-218c-4ab6-80c8-9235bd6e6d0d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "To the alteration in which the person invents falsehoods or \"makes\" new memories, without there being presence of dementia or neurological damage, it is called:", "Options": { "A": "Collusion.", "B": "Fantastic pseudology.", "C": "Fantasiology", "D": "Cryptoamnesia" }, "Correct Answer": "Fantastic pseudology.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ce7f1b5d-9142-4cd4-886c-b6edf6a8158b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When, in the context of a psychopathology, the discourse is excessively detailed, with the presence of excessive parentheses, we speak more specifically of:", "Options": { "A": "Tangentiality", "B": "Logorrea.", "C": "Retailer thinking.", "D": "Circumstantiality" }, "Correct Answer": "Circumstantiality", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a1e7002d-8bd6-49a0-9018-78b037228886", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What characterizes the flight of ideas ?:", "Options": { "A": "The person believes that his thoughts are not his, but that an external and irresistible force has been introduced into the mind.", "B": "Ideas follow one another quickly, each phrase may be more or less logically connected to the previous one, but the goal changes before the thought is elaborated.", "C": "The speech is unintelligible, the rules of syntax can be ignored, and there is not an adequate connection between words.", "D": "The person believes that an outside force is stealing or extracting their thoughts." }, "Correct Answer": "Ideas follow one another quickly, each phrase may be more or less logically connected to the previous one, but the goal changes before the thought is elaborated.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "01cafdc4-98db-4d00-83f0-b4ebb80053e3", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Abrupt and violent contractions of the voluntary musculature associated with spasmodic movements are called:", "Options": { "A": "Stereotypes", "B": "Tremors", "C": "Convulsions", "D": "Tics" }, "Correct Answer": "Convulsions", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8eb37a83-053d-4414-a8de-d3e3b042750b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The transient states of sudden onset and end, with posterior lacunar amnesia, characterized by narrowing of consciousness and lack of attention to the environment are called:", "Options": { "A": "Hallucinoids", "B": "Deliroids", "C": "Oniroids.", "D": "Twilight" }, "Correct Answer": "Twilight", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "f4cd0ae3-c26a-469c-bf59-dc2d54bd47ec", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following alterations is considered a perceptive distortion of the intensity of a stimulus ?:", "Options": { "A": "Metamorphopsia", "B": "Dysmorphopsia", "C": "Hyperesthesia", "D": "Pareidolias" }, "Correct Answer": "Hyperesthesia", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "92922695-aece-435b-84e3-bab0bb5322a5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The amnestic syndrome is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Presenting anterograde amnesia, which may or may not be accompanied by retrograde amnesia.", "B": "Present exclusively retrograde amnesia.", "C": "Presenting retrograde amnesia, which may or may not be accompanied by anterograde amnesia.", "D": "Present exclusively anterograde amnesia." }, "Correct Answer": "Presenting anterograde amnesia, which may or may not be accompanied by retrograde amnesia.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "16439173-e715-4c42-9ca2-15e1dd991be0", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The movements that lack naturalness and sound forced, affected or searched, are called:", "Options": { "A": "Mannerisms.", "B": "Bradicinesias.", "C": "Bradipraxias", "D": "Acinesias" }, "Correct Answer": "Mannerisms.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4151812f-b683-476b-ab1b-f846ed93f77c", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What characterizes a functional hallucination ?:", "Options": { "A": "That the person suffers hallucinations depending on their affective state.", "B": "That the same stimulus causes, at the same time, a normal perception and a hallucination in the same sensory modality.", "C": "That the person suffers hallucinations that are a function of the presence of other psychotic symptoms.", "D": "That a stimulus produces at the same time a normal perception and a hallucination, but in a different sensory modality." }, "Correct Answer": "That the same stimulus causes, at the same time, a normal perception and a hallucination in the same sensory modality.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "43efaf7a-8a0f-4c89-ac54-cfa25a03c723", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The aprosexia refers to:", "Options": { "A": "Absence of total attention.", "B": "Lack of perceptive sensitivity", "C": "Deficit in emotional expression.", "D": "Mnesic distortion." }, "Correct Answer": "Absence of total attention.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4db4ed19-9592-4c90-b79a-124a5b15725d", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the delirium of reference:", "Options": { "A": "The person sees himself in outer space.", "B": "The person has the belief that details, phrases or events, apparently unimportant, refer to it or have a special significance for it.", "C": "The person has the subjective feeling that their feelings or actions are controlled by a referent entity.", "D": "The person hears voices that refer to her in the third person." }, "Correct Answer": "The person has the belief that details, phrases or events, apparently unimportant, refer to it or have a special significance for it.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9bd7f9c6-57ac-44f5-8231-4d9b74f99a39", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hypnopompic images are characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Produced in an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness, that is, they occur when we are waking up.", "B": "Be perceptive distortions that generally occur in the visual mode.", "C": "Be perceptive deceptions that indicate a neurological pathology.", "D": "To be auditory, visual and / or tactile distortions that occur when we are sleeping." }, "Correct Answer": "Produced in an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness, that is, they occur when we are waking up.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "57c3eca8-b235-4f9e-af0b-e2db9439f414", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which gene is involved in the differentiation of the bipotential gonad in the testicle or ovary ?:", "Options": { "A": "The Wnt4 gene.", "B": "The Sry gene.", "C": "The Fst gene", "D": "The Foxl2 gene." }, "Correct Answer": "The Sry gene.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "92fbddb9-04f1-4d72-b380-074917cc2a71", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One of the physiological substrates of the homeostatic process that drives the dream is constituted by:", "Options": { "A": "The histamine released by the neurons of the tuberomamilar nucleus of the hypothalamus.", "B": "The orexinergic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus.", "C": "The noradrenergic system of the locus coeruleus.", "D": "Adenosine that acts on the ventrolateral preoptic area." }, "Correct Answer": "Adenosine that acts on the ventrolateral preoptic area.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "14910ed0-57b3-4f54-862e-9775ddf457eb", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Huntington's disease is a motor disorder of genetic origin produced by the degeneration of:", "Options": { "A": "Caudate nucleus and putamen.", "B": "Cerebellum.", "C": "Primary motor area.", "D": "Fastigial core." }, "Correct Answer": "Caudate nucleus and putamen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "65d57023-4b16-473a-b7cf-58f1ea912b79", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Korsakoff syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects especially the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus and is caused by a deficit of:", "Options": { "A": "Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).", "B": "Thiamine (vitamin B1).", "C": "Riboflavin (vitamin B2).", "D": "Folic acid (vitamin B9)." }, "Correct Answer": "Thiamine (vitamin B1).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1527fedf-64c4-43fb-a8d1-cd3eafacd3d5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "A true smile, in comparison with a false one, is characterized by the anatomical activation of:", "Options": { "A": "Orbicular muscle of the eyes (orbicularis oculi).", "B": "Orbicularis muscle of the lips (orbicularis oris).", "C": "Greater zygomatic muscle (zygomaticus major).", "D": "Risorius muscle (risorius)." }, "Correct Answer": "Orbicular muscle of the eyes (orbicularis oculi).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6a1de6f7-0070-4542-b076-686ca90f0b87", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "At the cerebral level, the control of seasonal biological rhythms is governed by:", "Options": { "A": "The red nucleus", "B": "The nucleus interporsus.", "C": "The pineal gland", "D": "The retina." }, "Correct Answer": "The pineal gland", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d19c9e3b-8867-440b-bfea-f655ae8df2a8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The neurotransmitter involved in the physical basis of muscle contraction (at the level of the neuromuscular junction) is:", "Options": { "A": "Dopamine", "B": "Acetylcholine", "C": "Actin", "D": "Myosin" }, "Correct Answer": "Acetylcholine", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "81465753-293e-4380-9ffa-f6edbaf7dea7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which light-sensitive cells send their signals to the suprachiasmatic nucleus ?:", "Options": { "A": "The orexinergic cells of the lateral hypothalamus.", "B": "The magnocellular cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus.", "C": "The photosensitive ganglion cells of the retina.", "D": "The cones and canes of the retina." }, "Correct Answer": "The photosensitive ganglion cells of the retina.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "400df23f-0a14-40aa-b424-a3310d777555", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Pearson Correlation Coefficient is reduced if:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the homogeneity of the sample.", "B": "Increase the sample size.", "C": "It is calculated in typical scores.", "D": "X and Y are exchanged" }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the homogeneity of the sample.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "b35a0dce-8a51-497a-93a7-5dc68ba5f7c7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "When we affirm that a test is valid we are referring to its scores:", "Options": { "A": "They are precise.", "B": "They are stable.", "C": "They serve for the intended purposes.", "D": "They lack random error." }, "Correct Answer": "They serve for the intended purposes.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "18736693-f17b-409f-a68f-bf195ebb70a2", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "With respect to the components of the total variance of the data, the error variance is a source of variation that:", "Options": { "A": "It is part of the systematic variance of the data.", "B": "It takes place in the independent variable due to the influence of strange or disturbing variables.", "C": "It is due to random factors.", "D": "It is also known as intergroup variance." }, "Correct Answer": "It is due to random factors.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dc7900da-a754-43fd-8ca8-3ff832e4fdfc", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "For the use of parametric statistical tests, it is necessary to analyze compliance with the assumptions of the statistical model. In this sense, point out the INCORRECT statement:", "Options": { "A": "To analyze the assumption of homogeneity of the variances, it is recommended to use the Levene test for being robust in case of non-compliance with the assumption of normality of the dependent variable.", "B": "The use of a rule of random assignment of the subjects to the experimental conditions is one of the most used procedures to guarantee compliance with the assumption of independence of the observations.", "C": "To measure compliance with the normality of the dependent variable scores, it is recommended to use the Bartlett test.", "D": "In the presence of heterocedasticity, one of the methods that can be used is the correction of the degrees of freedom of the F test, which is called conservative F test." }, "Correct Answer": "To measure compliance with the normality of the dependent variable scores, it is recommended to use the Bartlett test.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f024464d-7b19-4293-94ab-7a32d353c3a5", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the validity of statistical conclusion, when defining the power of a statistical test, indicate which of the following statements is INCORRECT):", "Options": { "A": "It depends on the size of the effect obtained in the study.", "B": "It increases as the sample size of the study increases.", "C": "It is inversely proportional to the value of the type I error rate that the experimenter considers appropriate in a study.", "D": "It is complementary to type II error." }, "Correct Answer": "It is inversely proportional to the value of the type I error rate that the experimenter considers appropriate in a study.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b5b2ecfd-49b1-4a86-91c8-64fde92f4107", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "If to correctly answer question 20 of a test it is necessary to know the correct answer to question 19, what assumption of the TRI (Theory of response to the item) would we be in default ?:", "Options": { "A": "Local independence", "B": "Normal.", "C": "Homogeneity.", "D": "Linearity" }, "Correct Answer": "Local independence", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "1f79f5c9-b054-418e-844b-979fb11e6f3a", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What concept in the Theory of the Response to the Item is analogous to the reliability in the Classic Theory of the Tests ?:", "Options": { "A": "Unidimensionality", "B": "Adjustment.", "C": "Invariance.", "D": "Information." }, "Correct Answer": "Information.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "362ce5d1-3b6a-4070-bdd7-b2de827dee00", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Where are glucocorticoids synthesized ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the anterior pituitary.", "B": "In the adrenal medulla.", "C": "In the fasciculated and reticular areas of the adrenal cortex.", "D": "On the islets of Langerhans." }, "Correct Answer": "In the fasciculated and reticular areas of the adrenal cortex.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e0725760-f2df-4162-bcf0-4ca6d14965e8", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "Sleepwalking:", "Options": { "A": "It necessarily involves somniloquy among its symptoms.", "B": "It involves an elaborate and emotional speech during the episode.", "C": "It does not predispose to other psychopathological disorders.", "D": "It involves alterations during wakefulness due to headaches and drowsiness." }, "Correct Answer": "It does not predispose to other psychopathological disorders.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "cec7c987-4cf2-4831-9902-43b8be577aa7", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the essential components in the treatment of encopresis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Training in the use of the bathroom and therapy with laxatives.", "B": "Training in the use of the bathroom and response cost.", "C": "Positive reinforcement and punishment techniques.", "D": "Undercover modeling and laxative therapy." }, "Correct Answer": "Training in the use of the bathroom and therapy with laxatives.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "642a1c42-a3cc-4a79-b9bc-6821725a0924", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "The so-called \"social facilitation effect\" shows that in the presence of the public:", "Options": { "A": "Improves the execution of well-learned tasks.", "B": "Improves the execution of difficult tasks.", "C": "It worsens the execution of easy tasks.", "D": "Improves the execution of poorly learned tasks." }, "Correct Answer": "Improves the execution of well-learned tasks.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "5f405751-a636-4ff8-a47d-a5e84dbc140b", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "One way to empower people to resist persuasion is to provide them with weak arguments against their attitudes that can easily be refuted. This strategy is called:", "Options": { "A": "Priming", "B": "Induced pleasure.", "C": "Inoculation.", "D": "Reactance" }, "Correct Answer": "Inoculation.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "71c21700-c157-4a16-9d81-67d85aac7bd1", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for adults (WAIS-III and WAIS-IV), what index is the \"Arithmetic\" test part of ?:", "Options": { "A": "Work memory.", "B": "Verbal comprehension", "C": "Processing speed.", "D": "Perceptive organization" }, "Correct Answer": "Work memory.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "73178207-2f70-46ad-9a74-f23b62444bda", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "What name does the reinforcement principle say that the most likely behavior will reinforce the least likely behavior ?:", "Options": { "A": "Principle of Premack.", "B": "Principle of preparation of Seligman.", "C": "Sidman's avoidance principle.", "D": "Modeling." }, "Correct Answer": "Principle of Premack.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "255099df-3ddb-4a61-97aa-81ee8f648b95", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the characteristics of the random factorial designs, we can say that:", "Options": { "A": "They are quasi-experimental designs in which two or more independent variables are manipulated.", "B": "They allow to analyze both the main effects of the factors on the dependent variable, and the effect of interaction between these factors.", "C": "These are designs whose main analysis technique is the factorial analysis of main components.", "D": "They are designs in which the independent variables can be of both intrasubject and intersubject nature." }, "Correct Answer": "They allow to analyze both the main effects of the factors on the dependent variable, and the effect of interaction between these factors.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c879a7dc-e75d-44ce-9984-50cbcca99b58", "topic_name": "psychology" }, { "data": { "Question": "In atomic emission spectroscopy with induction-coupled plasma, it is usually used as a plasmogenic gas:", "Options": { "A": "Helium because it forms excited species in a metastable state capable of exciting elements with high energies such as halogens and non-metals.", "B": "Argon because it is chemically inert, monatomic, has a high ionization energy capable of exciting most elements of the periodic system and its emission spectrum is simple.", "C": "Oxygen because it is an affordable and cheap, diatomic gas and during atomization molecular species are formed, which increases the emission signal.", "D": "Hydrogen, because ions and electrons are produced during the atomization and compounds with functional groups such as carbonyl, alcohol, halogen or amine produce few ions or practically none in the plasma." }, "Correct Answer": "Argon because it is chemically inert, monatomic, has a high ionization energy capable of exciting most elements of the periodic system and its emission spectrum is simple.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "473248b7-3e3f-498c-bb1d-48bc652d2000", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How can the limit molar conductivity of a strong electrolyte be calculated ?:", "Options": { "A": "Reading it directly on the screen of a conductimeter calibrated in units of Siemen / cm.", "B": "By extrapolation of the adjustment line derived from the Ostwald dilution law.", "C": "As a sum of the contributions of the limit molar conductivities of the ions that form it, taking into account the stoichiometry of the compound.", "D": "Dividing the specific conductivity of the electrolyte at a certain concentration between said concentration." }, "Correct Answer": "As a sum of the contributions of the limit molar conductivities of the ions that form it, taking into account the stoichiometry of the compound.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "70a5288b-53dd-4a6f-b743-a1d72f60e173", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Could a potentiometric titration be performed without a reference electrode ?:", "Options": { "A": "Only if we use a selective glass electrode.", "B": "No, we are always going to need a reference electrode and an indicator electrode.", "C": "Only in the case of a determination of fluorides.", "D": "Yes, if we use two indicator electrodes of different nature." }, "Correct Answer": "Yes, if we use two indicator electrodes of different nature.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c344b7f4-1ff1-492c-94fc-57ebb506a4a4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a linear regression analysis, residual or residual error is the difference between:", "Options": { "A": "The average value of the signals and the certified value of the analyte.", "B": "The median of the signals and the certified value of the analyte.", "C": "The measured value of the signal and the value predicted by the equation obtained.", "D": "The median of the signals and the value predicted by the equation." }, "Correct Answer": "The measured value of the signal and the value predicted by the equation obtained.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "59c08d5b-dd6a-432a-8bb4-8b7bac42fced", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "10 mL of a 0.02 HCl solution is available. If we add 10 mL of water. What would be the pH of the resulting solution ?:", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "two.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6a8461f8-f17a-4c87-9d51-20c3e82b79e6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The background correction used in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization based on the excision of atomic lines into three components by the action of a magnetic field is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Continuous source correction.", "B": "Correction for self-investment of the source.", "C": "Correction based on the Zeeman effect.", "D": "Correction of two lines." }, "Correct Answer": "Correction based on the Zeeman effect.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5872deaa-cf50-467f-80b1-2e850396bb03", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the statistical evaluation of analytical data, the null hypothesis (Ho) is used to know if the difference found between two values that are being compared can be explained by errors:", "Options": { "A": "Indeterminate.", "B": "Determined", "C": "Certain constants.", "D": "Proportional determinations." }, "Correct Answer": "Indeterminate.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "407120f1-8c9c-4c65-850d-285a76bec359", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which answer is correct in relation to the degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte ?:", "Options": { "A": "It does not depend on the nature of the electrolyte.", "B": "It does not depend on the concentration of the electrolyte.", "C": "Increases with increasing electrolyte concentration.", "D": "It reaches its maximum value at infinite dilution." }, "Correct Answer": "It reaches its maximum value at infinite dilution.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "1d3bc9e0-7087-43f4-a87d-bb45513168cf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of dissolved oxygen can negatively affect the sensitivity of a fluorometric determination because:", "Options": { "A": "Oxygen displaces the fluorescence band of the fluorescent molecule at shorter wavelengths.", "B": "Oxygen-fluorophore interactions of dipole-dipole type or induce permanent dipoles in the fluorophore can occur.", "C": "Oxygen, in its fundamental state, has a paramagnetic character because it is in the triplet state, which induces the excited fluorophore at an intersystem crossing, going from the singlet state to the triplet.", "D": "Oxygen, in its fundamental state, has a diamagnetic character because it is in the singlet state, which induces the fluorophore to an internal non-radiative conversion." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxygen, in its fundamental state, has a paramagnetic character because it is in the triplet state, which induces the excited fluorophore at an intersystem crossing, going from the singlet state to the triplet.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b883fcaf-9b30-4a6c-8949-b276485af785", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The effectiveness of a chromatographic column to separate two solutes increases:", "Options": { "A": "By increasing the number of theoretical plates (N).", "B": "By increasing the theoretical plate height (H).", "C": "By increasing the width of the chromatographic peaks of the solutes.", "D": "By decreasing the length of the column filling." }, "Correct Answer": "By increasing the number of theoretical plates (N).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "4ed4d52f-8e6c-4c1a-acb0-cdd8d158f009", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following instrumental techniques is the most appropriate to establish the molecular formula of an unknown peptide ?:", "Options": { "A": "Infrared spectrophotometry with Fourier Transform.", "B": "Gas Chromatography-ICP.", "C": "Mass spectrometry-ICP.", "D": "High Resolution Mass Spectrometry." }, "Correct Answer": "High Resolution Mass Spectrometry.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "69059344-a7aa-4af7-bbe6-6c551c610fe3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does the DM diffusion coefficient influence the broadening of a chromatographic band ?:", "Options": { "A": "It influences more in liquid chromatography than in gas chromatography.", "B": "It influences more in gas chromatography than in liquid chromatography.", "C": "It influences liquid chromatography in the same way as in gas chromatography.", "D": "It influences more in ion chromatography than in gas chromatography." }, "Correct Answer": "It influences more in gas chromatography than in liquid chromatography.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0d02cbc6-8ff5-4151-8a47-4e6992598ebf", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In gas chromatography, if we compare an electronic capture detector with a flame ionization detector, it can be stated that:", "Options": { "A": "Both detectors have the same selectivity.", "B": "The flame ionization detector is more sensitive to halogen-containing compounds in its molecule than the electronic capture detector.", "C": "The electronic capture detector is more selective than the flame ionization detector.", "D": "The flame ionization detector is more selective than the electronic capture detector." }, "Correct Answer": "The electronic capture detector is more selective than the flame ionization detector.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "45520bef-b35c-4e10-943b-247a2f17e111", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is correct in relation to the electrolyte concept ?:", "Options": { "A": "An electrolyte must be formed by ions both when it is isolated and when it is part of a solution.", "B": "An electrolyte gives rise to non-ideal aqueous solutions, even if its concentration is very low.", "C": "The presence of an electrolyte is at the base of the transport phenomenon known as thermal conductivity.", "D": "For a substance to be considered an electrolyte it must be completely dissociated in ions when it is in solution." }, "Correct Answer": "An electrolyte gives rise to non-ideal aqueous solutions, even if its concentration is very low.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7068d0a7-c4d6-48d7-ad91-40387a249e4d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is correct in relation to the equilibrium constant of a homogeneous gas phase reaction ?:", "Options": { "A": "You can calculate if you know the standard Gibbs energy of the reaction and the temperature at which it takes place (in addition to the value of the universal gas constant).", "B": "It is related to the Gibbs energy of the reaction in the conditions in which it is carried out, although they are not the standard conditions.", "C": "It depends on the temperature, the pressure and the amounts of reagents that are present in the balance.", "D": "Change value if an inert substance is added to the reaction once it reaches equilibrium." }, "Correct Answer": "You can calculate if you know the standard Gibbs energy of the reaction and the temperature at which it takes place (in addition to the value of the universal gas constant).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8487d0ed-d84c-4645-ab2d-2ea5b3ecc8b8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the ion chromatography technique with suppressor column, the suppressor column is located in the chromatograph:", "Options": { "A": "Before the ion exchange separation column.", "B": "After the ion exchange separation column.", "C": "After the detector.", "D": "Before the injection valve." }, "Correct Answer": "After the ion exchange separation column.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e94c4dfb-0b16-49b5-b83d-cc5b8f6fb683", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the eluent strength of the mobile phase increased in liquid chromatography of adsorption ?:", "Options": { "A": "Using a mass spectrometry detector.", "B": "Increasing the concentration of the compounds in the sample that is injected.", "C": "Increasing the polarity of the mobile phase.", "D": "Decreasing the polarity of the mobile phase." }, "Correct Answer": "Increasing the polarity of the mobile phase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9ea4bba3-038d-41a6-b2db-4aaedaa28d42", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The calibration method by standard additions is widely used to partially or completely compensate for systematic errors due to:", "Options": { "A": "Interferences from the sample matrix.", "B": "Losses of the analyte during the preparation of the sample.", "C": "Mechanical or electrical fluctuations of the instrumentation.", "D": "Volume changes in the sample due to evaporation." }, "Correct Answer": "Interferences from the sample matrix.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "fc9e5434-d473-4124-bfe6-5d19aa57999f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Are there cells without liquid union ?:", "Options": { "A": "Yes, if we use a membrane to separate the anodic compartment from the cathode.", "B": "Yes, if there is a common electrolyte between the electrodes.", "C": "No, because a salt bridge is always necessary.", "D": "No, because there will always be liquid unions." }, "Correct Answer": "Yes, if there is a common electrolyte between the electrodes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "edcbb50e-ba9f-4d49-85be-7a8b456e4455", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The electrochemical potential is related to:", "Options": { "A": "The free energy of reaction ΔG.", "B": "The limit intensity of diffusion.", "C": "The capacity of the double ionic layer.", "D": "The potential that the auxiliary electrode takes." }, "Correct Answer": "The free energy of reaction ΔG.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cfb7de77-7c89-4d5f-b2b0-e5e35ad651f5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which instrumental combination is the most suitable to carry out spectrophotometric measurements in the 200-350 nm region ?:", "Options": { "A": "Tungsten lamp / quartz cuvette.", "B": "Deuterium lamp / plastic bucket.", "C": "Nernst emitter / NaCl cuvette.", "D": "Deuterium lamp / quartz cuvette." }, "Correct Answer": "Deuterium lamp / quartz cuvette.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "015c72b7-e25e-47b9-b0f5-3cd75e024025", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What modification produces an increase in the temperature of the capillary column of a gas chromatograph ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the retention time of the compounds.", "B": "It does not modify the separation of the compounds.", "C": "Decreases the retention time of the compounds.", "D": "Modifies the proportion of sample that does not enter the chromatographic column." }, "Correct Answer": "Decreases the retention time of the compounds.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ea8b633c-d432-47d5-9335-61893112ca87", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The instrumental deviations of Beer's Law are mainly due to:", "Options": { "A": "Variations in temperature which causes displacements of the chemical equilibrium.", "B": "Use of non-monochromatic radiation and the presence of parasitic radiation.", "C": "Use of high concentrations of analyte, which modifies the refractive index of the solution.", "D": "The participation of the absorbing species in a chemical or physical equilibrium, which can modify its concentration at the time of measurement." }, "Correct Answer": "Use of non-monochromatic radiation and the presence of parasitic radiation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "987448d0-acce-4582-bf8a-bf54e6f15c13", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the open tubular columns (capillaries) used in gas chromatography ?:", "Options": { "A": "They provide higher resolution than the packed columns.", "B": "They show less rapidity of analysis than the packed columns.", "C": "They provide less sensitivity than the packed columns.", "D": "They have greater sample capacity than the packed columns." }, "Correct Answer": "They provide higher resolution than the packed columns.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "79ce1402-c6b4-4f6c-9d29-35f9100f1ce5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the mass spectrum of a compound modified by decreasing the kinetic energy of electrons in the electronic ionization source of the mass spectrometer ?:", "Options": { "A": "There is greater fragmentation and lower abundance of the molecular ion.", "B": "It decreases both the fragmentation and the abundance of the molecular ion.", "C": "It increases both the fragmentation and the abundance of the molecular ion.", "D": "There is less fragmentation and more abundance of the molecular ion." }, "Correct Answer": "There is less fragmentation and more abundance of the molecular ion.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e1efa569-cda7-4878-b2e0-6036d328d58e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy without flame, the source of excitation of the atoms is:", "Options": { "A": "A \"graphite furnace\".", "B": "A hollow cathode lamp whose cathode is of the same element that is to be analyzed.", "C": "A coolidge tube.", "D": "A source of continuous excitement as is a Nernst emitter." }, "Correct Answer": "A hollow cathode lamp whose cathode is of the same element that is to be analyzed.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "8f761fe9-4d32-4783-b1b1-0dd50440b921", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A combined pH electrode:", "Options": { "A": "It has a salt bridge.", "B": "It does not need a salt bridge.", "C": "It has two glass membranes.", "D": "It only uses one Ag / AgCl electrode." }, "Correct Answer": "It has a salt bridge.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6671c7a3-f17e-484f-aee2-016cd97305fe", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a glucose sensor with amperometric basis:", "Options": { "A": "Oxygen is a necessary reagent that is called a cofactor.", "B": "Oxygen is an interfering", "C": "The transducer is an optical fiber.", "D": "It does not need a cofactor." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxygen is a necessary reagent that is called a cofactor.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cd8e4596-ec76-47f7-bc8e-ea5aa51fec1a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A selective fluoride electrode:", "Options": { "A": "It uses a LaF3 crystal doped with strontium.", "B": "It has an internal solution of 0.1M KCl.", "C": "Being a solid state electrode does not need internal dissolution.", "D": "It has an internal solution of 0.1M NaF and 0.1M NaCl." }, "Correct Answer": "It has an internal solution of 0.1M NaF and 0.1M NaCl.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "156b5bd4-1421-4279-b33f-25061a80bc56", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is correct in relation to thermodynamic state functions ?:", "Options": { "A": "The enthalpy is the sum of the internal energy plus the product of the pressure by volume.", "B": "The Gibbs function is the sum of the internal energy plus the product of the entropy by the temperature.", "C": "Internal energy can be defined as the Helmholz function minus the product of temperature by entropy.", "D": "The Helmholz function is the sum of the enthalpy plus the product of the pressure by volume." }, "Correct Answer": "The enthalpy is the sum of the internal energy plus the product of the pressure by volume.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6ba800d9-14f3-440a-828e-3d61bf5d87ef", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What variables does the ionic strength of a solution depend on ?:", "Options": { "A": "Of the ionic radius of the ions present in the solution.", "B": "Of the force constant of the bond that is formed between ions of opposite sign present in the solution.", "C": "Of the charge and concentration of all ions and ion pairs dissolved in the solution.", "D": "The average ionic activity coefficient of dissolved ions." }, "Correct Answer": "Of the charge and concentration of all ions and ion pairs dissolved in the solution.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6c12d4c2-cfc7-49d0-8e28-55bfeb79ae81", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which statement is correct in relation to the entropy variation of a system ?:", "Options": { "A": "All phase changes that a substance can undergo by modifying its pressure and temperature conditions are spontaneous and occur with an increase in entropy.", "B": "By studying the sign of the entropy variation during a transformation of an isolated system one can know if such a transformation is possible or not.", "C": "An increase in entropy implies an increase in molecular disorder and this disorder is greater if, for the same entropy variation, it occurs at low temperature.", "D": "If a closed system experiences an increase in entropy, it means that it has undergone a spontaneous transformation." }, "Correct Answer": "An increase in entropy implies an increase in molecular disorder and this disorder is greater if, for the same entropy variation, it occurs at low temperature.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a2ac1016-9e5e-47a1-95cb-0815d0438c36", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a reverse phase chromatographic separation the eluent strength of the hydroorganic mobile phase (e.g., water / methanol):", "Options": { "A": "Increases when increasing its water content.", "B": "Increases by increasing its content in organic solvent (methanol).", "C": "It decreases when increasing its content in organic solvent (methanol).", "D": "It does not depend on its content in organic solvent (methanol)." }, "Correct Answer": "Increases by increasing its content in organic solvent (methanol).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "98eef036-b285-4883-a043-bcb2500068a0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The separation of positively charged inorganic ions can be carried out by the liquid ion exchange chromatography technique using as a stationary phase:", "Options": { "A": "A crosslinked polymer that has bound sulfonic acid functional groups.", "B": "A cross-linked polymer having linked alkyl functional groups.", "C": "A crosslinked polymer having linked quaternary ammonium functional groups.", "D": "A cross-linked polymer of styrene and divinylbenzene without charged functional groups." }, "Correct Answer": "A crosslinked polymer that has bound sulfonic acid functional groups.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "52a72206-79bc-4837-afe1-dee71a5d436a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the technique of liquid chromatography of distribution in normal phase:", "Options": { "A": "The stationary phase is less polar than the mobile phase.", "B": "The mobile phase is an aqueous solution.", "C": "The stationary phase is polar and the mobile phase is non-polar.", "D": "The stationary phase has the same polarity as the mobile phase." }, "Correct Answer": "The stationary phase is polar and the mobile phase is non-polar.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e827d340-0cf7-4642-b6ba-ae2d893100bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Separations by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) are characterized in that the electrophoretic medium:", "Options": { "A": "It has a pH gradient throughout the entire capillary.", "B": "It has a uniform composition throughout the entire capillary.", "C": "It is not homogeneous throughout the capillary.", "D": "It does not have electrical conductivity." }, "Correct Answer": "It has a uniform composition throughout the entire capillary.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "65e21a2c-4d22-4780-912e-c342f56334d9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the technique of liquid-liquid extraction of a solute from an aqueous phase to another organic phase the amount of solute extracted:", "Options": { "A": "It increases with increasing the ratio of organic and aqueous phase volumes used.", "B": "It decreases with increasing the ratio of organic and aqueous phase volumes used.", "C": "It is independent of the ratio of organic and aqueous phase volumes used.", "D": "Increases by decreasing the ratio of organic and aqueous phase volumes used." }, "Correct Answer": "It increases with increasing the ratio of organic and aqueous phase volumes used.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "c7655106-4cfa-4861-9245-6a24c27e13fe", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How should samples be analyzed to evaluate the accuracy of an analytical method under repeatability conditions ?:", "Options": { "A": "In the same laboratory, with the same equipment and reagents, the same operator and in a short interval of time (a work session).", "B": "In the same laboratory, with the same equipment and reagents, the same operator and in a long interval of time that includes several work sessions (several days).", "C": "In the same laboratory, with different equipment and reagents, different operators and in a long interval of time that includes several work sessions (several days).", "D": "In different laboratories, which implies different equipment, reagents and operators." }, "Correct Answer": "In the same laboratory, with the same equipment and reagents, the same operator and in a short interval of time (a work session).", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "db902a42-b3f0-45e3-96ea-517ea9d58397", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Clark's oxygen sensor:", "Options": { "A": "Does not have any electrolyte inside.", "B": "You need a platinum anode.", "C": "It needs an internal electrolyte.", "D": "It has three electrodes." }, "Correct Answer": "It needs an internal electrolyte.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c60c60a6-246d-4ebc-b978-3b52526aa1bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a potentiometric redisolution:", "Options": { "A": "The solution is not stirred.", "B": "No supporting electrolyte is needed.", "C": "Once the accumulation is done, a potential sweep is performed.", "D": "Once the accumulation is done, the potential-time curve is recorded." }, "Correct Answer": "Once the accumulation is done, the potential-time curve is recorded.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "55be825a-fc51-4b08-8360-74177349ad9a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the chemical species that acts as a reducing agent in the following redox reaction 2Fe2 + H2O2 + 2H + ⟺ Fe3 + 2H2O:", "Options": { "A": "The divalent iron.", "B": "Trivalent iron.", "C": "The hydrogen peroxide", "D": "The protons." }, "Correct Answer": "The divalent iron.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cbcc0ccf-4317-43fa-8f18-aa8e4faa3781", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the origin of the residual current ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a current of faradaic origin.", "B": "It is a capacitive origin current.", "C": "It is the sum of currents of faradaic origin plus currents of capacitive type.", "D": "Its origin is the loading and unloading of the double ionic layer." }, "Correct Answer": "It is the sum of currents of faradaic origin plus currents of capacitive type.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "63ffb9c4-4a3a-4cf7-862d-8bbc84ab6db7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the gravimetric analysis the formation of large particles of precipitate is favored. Which of the following strategies DOES NOT favor the growth of particles ?:", "Options": { "A": "Increase the temperature during precipitation.", "B": "Slowly add the precipitating reagent while stirring vigorously.", "C": "Maintain a small volume of solution, so that the concentrations of analyte and precipitating reagent are high.", "D": "Use precipitation in a homogeneous phase." }, "Correct Answer": "Maintain a small volume of solution, so that the concentrations of analyte and precipitating reagent are high.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "918c8da1-5143-4284-8975-af5b200e3cee", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How can the polymerization reactions by which polymers are produced ?:", "Options": { "A": "Of addition and extension.", "B": "Of addition and condensation.", "C": "Extension and condensation.", "D": "Of addition, extension and condensation." }, "Correct Answer": "Of addition and condensation.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "74901d3f-b23f-470c-b105-ff603b2d6b0b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the origin of the semiconductor behavior of Si doped with Ga ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is an intrinsic semiconductor.", "B": "It is an extrinsic semiconductor by vacancies in the crystalline structure.", "C": "It is an extrinsic semiconductor because Ga is an electron donor.", "D": "It is an extrinsic semiconductor because the Ga is an electron acceptor." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an extrinsic semiconductor because the Ga is an electron acceptor.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9b8dfb99-0c1f-477d-9461-672813631f95", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is an AB packing of compact layers of atoms called ?:", "Options": { "A": "Compact cubic", "B": "Hexagonal compact.", "C": "Simple cubic", "D": "Cubic centered on the body." }, "Correct Answer": "Hexagonal compact.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "eaa43dc5-c264-41f5-9086-1a1dbe8d1c5e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What do the Hund rules allow in a reasonably reliable way ?:", "Options": { "A": "Predict the fundamental term of a configuration.", "B": "Predict the energy order of the higher energy terms.", "C": "Predict both the fundamental term and the energy order of the higher energy ones.", "D": "They have nothing to do with the energies of the fundamental term or of the excited ones." }, "Correct Answer": "Predict the fundamental term of a configuration.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "34a4643f-7399-45fa-80e2-4ac1962e5653", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What properties characterize carbon fibers with respect to those of aramid ?:", "Options": { "A": "They have higher elastic modulus, less resistance and are cheaper than aramid fibers.", "B": "They have lower elastic modulus, higher strength and are more expensive than aramid fibers.", "C": "They have lower elastic modulus, lower resistance and are more expensive than aramid fibers.", "D": "They have higher elastic modulus, greater resistance and are more expensive than aramid fibers." }, "Correct Answer": "They have higher elastic modulus, greater resistance and are more expensive than aramid fibers.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "33a141bb-40fc-42c4-bca0-a6533daf1956", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does the number of normal vibrations of a molecule depend on ?:", "Options": { "A": "Exclusively of the number of atoms that the molecule possesses.", "B": "Exclusively of whether the molecule is linear or not.", "C": "The number of atoms it has and whether the molecule is linear or not.", "D": "It does not depend on whether the molecule is linear or not." }, "Correct Answer": "The number of atoms it has and whether the molecule is linear or not.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4bef1614-b1bb-4b7a-873d-3f9b545f34f4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect does the emission of an alpha particle produce on the emitting atom ?:", "Options": { "A": "The formation of a divalent anion.", "B": "The formation of an atom with an atomic number a higher unit.", "C": "The formation of an atom with an atomic number a lower unit.", "D": "The formation of an atom with an atomic number two units lower." }, "Correct Answer": "The formation of an atom with an atomic number two units lower.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d4c41e6c-4374-4156-9924-b7598b9f17a4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the magnetic behavior of the dioxygen molecule ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is diamagnetic.", "B": "It is paramagnetic.", "C": "It is ferromagnetic.", "D": "It is a free radical." }, "Correct Answer": "It is paramagnetic.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fcd27015-25d8-4c95-8b8b-ef37f4a91034", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the carbon content of the iron foundry ?:", "Options": { "A": "It does not contain carbon.", "B": "It has a carbon content of less than 2.14% by weight.", "C": "It has a carbon content equal to 2.14% by weight.", "D": "They have a carbon content higher than 2.14% by weight." }, "Correct Answer": "They have a carbon content higher than 2.14% by weight.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9f4eb61b-a5a4-46f4-9ae3-8283bcbe8600", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following polyhedra, which can form coordination compounds with coordination number seven, is not important from the chemical point of view ?:", "Options": { "A": "The pentagonal bipyramid", "B": "The biapped trigonal pyramid.", "C": "The mono-coated octahedron.", "D": "The single-prick trigonal prism." }, "Correct Answer": "The biapped trigonal pyramid.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a39557df-2c5c-4c22-852b-26bc3d386b74", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the duration of the application time of the heating and the cooling speed in the annealing:", "Options": { "A": "For a short period of time and rapid cooling.", "B": "For a short period of time and slow cooling.", "C": "For a prolonged period of time and rapid cooling.", "D": "For a prolonged period of time and slow cooling." }, "Correct Answer": "For a prolonged period of time and slow cooling.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "265e843c-f4db-42a9-b004-b2bf005cafb7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How can the redox reaction mechanisms between coordination compounds be ?:", "Options": { "A": "Associative or dissociative.", "B": "High spin or low spin.", "C": "Internal sphere or external sphere.", "D": "Exergónicos or endergónicos." }, "Correct Answer": "Internal sphere or external sphere.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "33a97a84-d177-4269-8042-67d89a887c63", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Are there nitrogen compounds in a negative oxidation state ?:", "Options": { "A": "Only one, ammonia.", "B": "There are several, for example, ammonia, hydrazine and hydrogen azide.", "C": "No. The lowest known oxidation state is zero, that of elemental nitrogen.", "D": "Only two: ammonia and dinitrogen monoxide." }, "Correct Answer": "There are several, for example, ammonia, hydrazine and hydrogen azide.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a25208ce-63d8-4b70-8ac3-26ec9b4232c9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How do hard acids tend to be ?:", "Options": { "A": "Small and not polarizable.", "B": "Small and polarizable.", "C": "Large and unpolarizable.", "D": "Large and polarizable." }, "Correct Answer": "Small and not polarizable.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "15794fec-4a72-434d-9bdd-f8d786cad01b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are fullerenes ?:", "Options": { "A": "Graphite polymorphs.", "B": "Graphites of graphite.", "C": "Isomorphs of the diamond.", "D": "Allotropes of carbon." }, "Correct Answer": "Allotropes of carbon.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e2a4ee1a-24ca-4b69-be42-34f890acd481", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What energies convert piezoelectric materials into transducers ?:", "Options": { "A": "Electric and nuclear energy.", "B": "Electrical and mechanical energy", "C": "Mechanical and nuclear energy.", "D": "They are unable to convert energy from one type to another." }, "Correct Answer": "Electrical and mechanical energy", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3206d3b0-be8f-4829-bb93-c9f010487c12", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why is HF a weak acid in water ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is weak because all hydrogen halides, HX, are weak acids.", "B": "It is weak because it is poorly soluble in water.", "C": "It is a weak acid because it forms strong hydrogen bonds with the H3O + cations and with the fluoride ion.", "D": "It is strong, only the carboxylic acids are weak." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a weak acid because it forms strong hydrogen bonds with the H3O + cations and with the fluoride ion.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ac40c58b-83a9-429b-bde2-533f0f3f82da", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "From a structural point of view, how can oxides be classified ?:", "Options": { "A": "In four groups, molecular species, linear chains, layers and three-dimensional networks.", "B": "There are only ionic oxides, arranged in three-dimensional networks.", "C": "There are only two major groups: molecular groups and those that form three-dimensional networks.", "D": "There are only three major groups: molecular groups, those that form layers and those that are arranged in three-dimensional networks." }, "Correct Answer": "In four groups, molecular species, linear chains, layers and three-dimensional networks.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "73b5a9ba-2f2b-45d4-ac31-2afe9bef5854", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How does the relative stability of the different oxidation states vary throughout group 5 ?:", "Options": { "A": "In all of them, the most stable oxidation state is 6.", "B": "In all of them, the most stable oxidation state is 1.", "C": "Under normal conditions the vanadium prefers the oxidation state 5, the niobium the 4 and the tantalum the 2.", "D": "While under normal conditions the Nb and the Ta prefer the oxidation state 5, the V prefers the 4." }, "Correct Answer": "While under normal conditions the Nb and the Ta prefer the oxidation state 5, the V prefers the 4.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d0022c39-62d2-493d-8f80-6f3c165ed30f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How are the saturated solutions of bromine in neutral water at room temperature ?:", "Options": { "A": "Very diluted and slightly pale pink color.", "B": "Unstable due to disproportionation of bromine in HBr and HBrO4.", "C": "Unstable by oxidation of water to hydrogen peroxide.", "D": "Unstable to sunlight due to oxygen emission." }, "Correct Answer": "Unstable to sunlight due to oxygen emission.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4c263f62-549e-4c3c-b2fa-ad0c13829096", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about polonium is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "In its elementary state it is an isostructural solid with Se and Te.", "B": "The element is soluble in concentrated HCl with evolution of hydrogen.", "C": "Its most used oxide is PoO3.", "D": "Only its isotope of mass number 210 is radioactive." }, "Correct Answer": "The element is soluble in concentrated HCl with evolution of hydrogen.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a35f1b94-e00a-45fe-afb2-29fa2672e9c2", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds does NOT react with liquid water at room temperature ?:", "Options": { "A": "Calcium acetylide", "B": "Carbon dioxide.", "C": "The nitrogen monoxide.", "D": "Cesium hydride" }, "Correct Answer": "The nitrogen monoxide.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5c6079d9-4548-4b32-9a28-1fc11bdb0d09", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these situations occurs in aqueous solution at pH = 0 if the normal potential of the pair Cu (II) / Cu (I) is lower than that of the pair Cu (I) / Cu (0) ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cu (II) and Cu (0) condense to produce Cu (I).", "B": "Cu (I) dismutates producing Cu (II) and Cu (0).", "C": "All of Cu (I) is oxidized to Cu (II).", "D": "All Cu (I) is reduced to Cu (0)." }, "Correct Answer": "Cu (I) dismutates producing Cu (II) and Cu (0).", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d8fcd995-a253-4681-9306-57c787e2304d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the binding capacity of the isoelectronic ligands CO and CN- ?:", "Options": { "A": "The CO is good π acceptor and the CN- good σ donor.", "B": "The CO is wrong π acceptor and the CN- wrong σ donor.", "C": "Both are good π acceptors and bad σ givers.", "D": "The CN- is very good π acceptor and the CO very good σ donor." }, "Correct Answer": "The CO is good π acceptor and the CN- good σ donor.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0bbef1d5-e2d1-4738-98be-87331d962210", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What gases are the main components of acid rain ?:", "Options": { "A": "CO2 and NOx.", "B": "SO2 and NOx.", "C": "CO2 and SO2.", "D": "CO2 and O3." }, "Correct Answer": "SO2 and NOx.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b3cc941a-9f19-425a-b46d-de270ed9cc45", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the structure and reactivity of CrO3 ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is molecular, basic and little oxidant.", "B": "Consists of chains of tetrahedral units CrO4 sharing vertices, is acid and very reducing.", "C": "It is molecular, basic and oxidant.", "D": "Consists of chains of tetrahedral units CrO4 sharing vertices, is acid and oxidant." }, "Correct Answer": "Consists of chains of tetrahedral units CrO4 sharing vertices, is acid and oxidant.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "bb440ae2-0db5-4b3d-825c-63bb825c6d5a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the structure and main applications of Osmium Tetraoxide, OsO4 ?:", "Options": { "A": "There can be no Osmium compounds in oxidation state VIII.", "B": "Its structure is in chains and is used as a reducer.", "C": "It is made up of tetrahedral molecules and is used to oxidize C = C bonds to `cisdioles and to stain biological material.", "D": "It is made up of tetrahedral molecules and is reducing." }, "Correct Answer": "It is made up of tetrahedral molecules and is used to oxidize C = C bonds to `cisdioles and to stain biological material.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "0081047d-d41f-4980-a709-e47756437ed3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements about manganese oxide (VII) is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is inert in front of water.", "B": "It is an ionic substance.", "C": "It is an oily and dense liquid.", "D": "It is a thermally very stable liquid." }, "Correct Answer": "It is an oily and dense liquid.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b3076f74-cbaa-4afa-bb0f-a3f3be315874", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is called slip plane ?:", "Options": { "A": "To the plane with a minimum atomic packing density.", "B": "To the plane with a maximum atomic packing density.", "C": "To the plane perpendicular to the maximum density of atomic packing.", "D": "To the plane perpendicular to the minimum density of atomic packing." }, "Correct Answer": "To the plane with a maximum atomic packing density.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "17020263-3dbd-488e-b642-047aa370c384", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the ruby, precious stone used in the \"ruby laser\" ?:", "Options": { "A": "Zircon doped with small amounts of Fe (III).", "B": "Zircon doped with small amounts of Cr (III).", "C": "Corundum doped with small amounts of Fe (III).", "D": "Corundum doped with small amounts of Cr (III)." }, "Correct Answer": "Corundum doped with small amounts of Cr (III).", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b502e58a-a0b4-417b-ab4c-c61bbb1aaef3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why is tin used a lot in the metal alloy industry ?:", "Options": { "A": "Because it has a high mechanical resistance.", "B": "Because it provides anti-corrosion resistance.", "C": "Because it has a high melting point.", "D": "Because it is a low cost metal." }, "Correct Answer": "Because it provides anti-corrosion resistance.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "0e55afa4-b017-4598-93ac-216c95ac2862", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What do most of the crystalline polymorphic forms of silica, SiO2, have in common ?:", "Options": { "A": "The existence of Si-Si links.", "B": "The octahedral environment of silicon.", "C": "The existence of sequences Si-O-O-Si.", "D": "The existence of tetrahedra [SiO4] sharing vertices." }, "Correct Answer": "The existence of tetrahedra [SiO4] sharing vertices.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e4587ae1-efc8-4a4d-b5b1-b600a93bf2d5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is sodium found when dissolved in ammonia to obtain a diluted solution of intense blue ?:", "Options": { "A": "As sodium atoms Na.", "B": "As sodium cations, Na +.", "C": "As sodium anions, Na-.", "D": "It does not dissolve." }, "Correct Answer": "As sodium cations, Na +.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ed58d4f2-24e1-4079-a716-fea50a71ec3f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Grignard and organolithium reagents react with ethylene oxide to form:", "Options": { "A": "Ketones", "B": "Aldehydes.", "C": "Primary alcohols.", "D": "Secondary alcohols" }, "Correct Answer": "Primary alcohols.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "9d4e1745-3a48-4a67-81f8-9451d7000eae", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The oxidation reaction of alkenes with OsO 4 in the presence of peroxides leads to 1,2-diols. When this reaction is carried out with trans2-butene [(E) -but-2-ene] we obtain:", "Options": { "A": "A mixture containing 50% (2S, 3R) butane-2,3-diol and 50% (2S, 3S-butane-2,3-diol.", "B": "A mixture containing 50% (2R, 3R) butane-2,3-diol and 50% (2S, 3S) -butane-2,3-diol.", "C": "Only (2S, 3R) -butane-2,3-diol.", "D": "Only (2R, 3R) -butane-2,3-diol." }, "Correct Answer": "A mixture containing 50% (2R, 3R) butane-2,3-diol and 50% (2S, 3S) -butane-2,3-diol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d54527ef-49d0-4c6e-9262-0310c4a262be", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hydration of alkynes follows the Markovnikov rule, so the hydration of terminal alkynes results in:", "Options": { "A": "Carboxylic acids.", "B": "Aldehydes.", "C": "Alquenos", "D": "Methyl ketones." }, "Correct Answer": "Methyl ketones.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "cd019891-47dc-4519-b753-96ab5b03ca20", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the reactions of Nucleophilic Substitution of First Order (SN1) occurs:", "Options": { "A": "Retention of the configuration.", "B": "Racemization.", "C": "Investment of the configuration.", "D": "Cycling and transposition." }, "Correct Answer": "Racemization.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "85870eb3-112b-4c93-9a15-976bc4cf67f9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The nitrogen of the amines has:", "Options": { "A": "A hybridization sp.", "B": "A sp2 hybridization.", "C": "An sp3 hybridization", "D": "A hybridization s." }, "Correct Answer": "An sp3 hybridization", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "352c562c-c36b-480d-87c2-7cd0054e8ce7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When heating a gaseous mixture of 1,3butadiene and ethene, the following occurs:", "Options": { "A": "Cyclohexene", "B": "Isoprene", "C": "Benzene.", "D": "Cyclohexadiene." }, "Correct Answer": "Cyclohexene", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "7dcca2f4-eef3-4438-b934-99dc354a38d8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What causes a primary arylamine when treated with nitrous acid ?:", "Options": { "A": "The nitrosation of the aromatic ring in the para position of the amine.", "B": "An N-oxide on the nitrogen of the amine.", "C": "A diazonium salt in the para-position of the amine.", "D": "A diazonium salt on the same carbon where the amine was." }, "Correct Answer": "A diazonium salt on the same carbon where the amine was.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "3af4a404-277d-43e0-9b77-adbb6300741e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The amides react with phosphorus pentoxide or with boiling acetic anhydride to obtain:", "Options": { "A": "Amides", "B": "Esters.", "C": "Nitriles", "D": "Aldehydes." }, "Correct Answer": "Nitriles", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "02b409ff-c419-4d2b-84b4-d7fee00230ff", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which phrase of the following is correct in relation to the dehydrohalogenation reaction that takes place through an E2 mechanism ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is a concerted reaction that takes place in two steps.", "B": "It is a concerted reaction that takes place in a single step.", "C": "It is a reaction in which a carbocation forms which can undergo transpositions.", "D": "The bulky bases can prevent the elimination favoring that the substitution products are formed." }, "Correct Answer": "It is a concerted reaction that takes place in a single step.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b629a432-6229-4e57-af33-88e4faa69d15", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What name does the saturated six-membered heteromocycle receive that contains an oxygen atom as the only hetero atom ?:", "Options": { "A": "Dioxane", "B": "Pirano.", "C": "Tetrahydrofuran", "D": "Tetrahydropyran" }, "Correct Answer": "Tetrahydropyran", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "41fe2587-ba29-4802-812d-023a6c60f9f7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Amines react easily with esters to give:", "Options": { "A": "Iminas.", "B": "Enaminas.", "C": "Amides", "D": "Nitriles" }, "Correct Answer": "Amides", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a0de694e-1f07-4867-bf10-24b9e07014e3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ability of a chiral substance to rotate the plane in which polarized light vibrates in a plane is:", "Options": { "A": "The optical activity.", "B": "The relative configuration.", "C": "The stereochemistry.", "D": "The absolute configuration" }, "Correct Answer": "The optical activity.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "590aa94b-ff20-44a3-849c-13e3df68a74d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reduction of a carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones, by heating with hydrazine and sodium hydroxide in an alcohol at high temperature, is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Williamson's reaction.", "B": "Wolff-Kishner reaction.", "C": "Diels-Alder reaction.", "D": "Reaction of Opennauer." }, "Correct Answer": "Wolff-Kishner reaction.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "b564eb30-309d-48be-a447-c4ab3807b411", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the name of the conformation of the ethane molecule that has two hydrogen atoms forming a dihedral angle of 180º ?:", "Options": { "A": "Anti.", "B": "Eclipsada.", "C": "Gauche.", "D": "Syncline." }, "Correct Answer": "Anti.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a89d0f46-ec59-45d1-b71a-851e7ea3c9f8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Under what conditions of the following is an alkyne hydrogenated to a cis alkene ?:", "Options": { "A": "With sodium borohydride.", "B": "With sodium in liquid ammonia.", "C": "In the presence of hydrogen and using Lindlar palladium as a catalyst.", "D": "In the presence of hydrogen and using platinum as a catalyst." }, "Correct Answer": "In the presence of hydrogen and using Lindlar palladium as a catalyst.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b2aaa950-383f-4101-b891-be45354185b8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Tertiary haloalkanes in the presence of strong base experience:", "Options": { "A": "Unimolecular nucleophilic substitution.", "B": "Bimolecular elimination.", "C": "Bimolecular nucleophilic substitution.", "D": "Reordering reactions." }, "Correct Answer": "Bimolecular elimination.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "38a84429-6848-49b9-9bbd-acf914f3e857", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In aromatic compounds, such as benzene, the reactions of:", "Options": { "A": "Electrophilic substitution.", "B": "Electrophilic addition.", "C": "Nucleophilic addition.", "D": "Elimination." }, "Correct Answer": "Electrophilic substitution.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "18ab85d2-d549-47e0-83c4-e06483b02f8b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cyclopropanes are easily prepared by addition to the double bond of the alkenes of:", "Options": { "A": "Alcohols", "B": "Nitriles", "C": "Esters.", "D": "Carbenos." }, "Correct Answer": "Carbenos.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b92b4755-8683-4322-9def-fef65bdb95d4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The structural units responsible for the characteristic reactions of a molecule are:", "Options": { "A": "The atoms.", "B": "The functional groups.", "C": "The links.", "D": "The conformations." }, "Correct Answer": "The functional groups.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a7a245c3-b800-4f32-9193-a0fbeb264f81", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The relationship between a keto form and an enolic form is described as:", "Options": { "A": "Tautomerism", "B": "Chiral inversion.", "C": "Ionization", "D": "Mutarotation" }, "Correct Answer": "Tautomerism", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f233246f-58b3-4d67-a34b-e836d1cabffa", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment of butanal with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at 80-100 ° C results in:", "Options": { "A": "2-Ethyl-2-hydroxyhexanal.", "B": "4,5-Octanediol.", "C": "2-Ethyl-2-hexenal.", "D": "2-Octenal." }, "Correct Answer": "2-Ethyl-2-hexenal.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "bab82396-d554-456e-82d5-361e776ef711", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A quinone can be obtained by reaction of chromic acid with:", "Options": { "A": "Cyclohexanol.", "B": "Phenol.", "C": "Toluene", "D": "Xylene." }, "Correct Answer": "Phenol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3f9ac7f9-5cde-4db1-b241-eea9094d3263", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Potassium tert-butoxide in tert-butanol are conditions typically used to produce reactions:", "Options": { "A": "SN1.", "B": "SN2.", "C": "E1.", "D": "E2." }, "Correct Answer": "E2.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "afdd4afe-8558-4326-a7dd-54533d7ec48b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the reaction of phenol with 1,2-epoxypropane (2-methyloxirane) in sodium hydroxide at 150 ° C, a product (C9H12O2) is formed in 90% yield. The product formed is:", "Options": { "A": "1-Phenyloxypropan-2-ol.", "B": "2-Phenyloxypropan-2-ol.", "C": "2- Phenyloxypropan-1-ol.", "D": "1- Phenyloxypropane." }, "Correct Answer": "1-Phenyloxypropan-2-ol.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "80fe6482-5e03-4adb-b8e0-f544c9030628", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "An unknown compound C4H8O exhibits a strong absorption in the infrared at 1710 cm-1. The 13 C NMR spectrum exhibits four peaks at δ 9, 29, 37 and 209 ppm. The 1 H NMR spectrum has three signals δ 1.1 (triplet), 2.1 (singlet), and 2.3 (quadruple) ppm. The unknown compound is:", "Options": { "A": "Butanal", "B": "3-Buten-2-ol.", "C": "2-Butanone.", "D": "Tetrahydrofuran" }, "Correct Answer": "2-Butanone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c21040a1-f675-484a-8a64-f7509e94e507", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Cyclohexanone reacts with pyrrolidine to give:", "Options": { "A": "A secondary amine.", "B": "A nitrile", "C": "An amide", "D": "An enamine." }, "Correct Answer": "An enamine.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "7b0e0e11-d8f4-4664-ba5e-9fa6308c784c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Acetonitrile is a solvent:", "Options": { "A": "Polar aprotic.", "B": "Polar protic.", "C": "Not polar.", "D": "Very little polar." }, "Correct Answer": "Polar aprotic.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "cfd9e2c4-48be-415c-a73d-145b9e49a92e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The hydroboration-oxidation reaction of alkenes leads to:", "Options": { "A": "Ketones", "B": "Alcohols", "C": "Aldehydes", "D": "Carboxylic acids." }, "Correct Answer": "Alcohols", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6104f190-6097-475c-bc35-6f30cb4bb771", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lithium aluminum hydride allows the reduction of carboxylic acids to:", "Options": { "A": "Ketones", "B": "Tertiary alcohols.", "C": "Secondary alcohols", "D": "Primary alcohols." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary alcohols.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d1f12eed-8a19-48fc-91b7-1a9355f05c62", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The designation of a substituent such as \"methoxycarbonyl\" refers to a functional group of type:", "Options": { "A": "Carboxylic acid.", "B": "Acid anhydride.", "C": "Ester.", "D": "Hydroxyether" }, "Correct Answer": "Ester.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "444af5f0-6988-43f1-91d1-474b1c3ba324", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Hydrogen cyanide is reversibly added to the carbonyl group to form adducts commonly known as:", "Options": { "A": "Cyanhydrins.", "B": "Nitriles", "C": "Enaminas.", "D": "Iminas." }, "Correct Answer": "Cyanhydrins.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "494140b7-1003-4c86-b9f2-cd908f20ab15", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The increasing order of the equilibrium constant value of the hydration of the following ketones: cyclobutanone (1), cyclopropanone (2) and 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-pentanone (3) is:", "Options": { "A": "1 <2 <3", "B": "3 <1 <2.", "C": "2 <1 <3.", "D": "2 <3 <1." }, "Correct Answer": "3 <1 <2.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "11600a0b-c1f6-4a1b-91da-1d287fada957", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The most suitable reaction sequence for the preparation of 5-phenyl-4-hydroxypentan-2-one from acetone (propan-2-one) and 2-phenylacetaldehyde is:", "Options": { "A": "a) Acetone + LDA, -78 ° C; b) 2-Phenylacetaldehyde; c) H2O.", "B": "a) 2-Phenylacetaldehyde + LDA, -78 ° C; b) Acetone; c) H2O.", "C": "a) Acetone + NaOH, 25 ° C; b) 2-Phenylacetaldehyde; c) H2O.", "D": "a) 2-Phenylacetaldehyde + NaOH, 25º; b) Acetone; c) H2O." }, "Correct Answer": "a) Acetone + LDA, -78 ° C; b) 2-Phenylacetaldehyde; c) H2O.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "f9bb3e74-9ee2-45d5-8816-282e8c8b5d40", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Friedel-Crafts acylation of benzene produced by reaction of a carboxylic acid chloride in the presence of aluminum trichloride:", "Options": { "A": "Phenol.", "B": "Benzoic acid.", "C": "A phenyl ketone.", "D": "Benzaldehyde" }, "Correct Answer": "A phenyl ketone.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "adabf232-b525-406d-ac5f-5e311beb7e31", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The conversion of malonic acid ester to substituted acetic acid is called:", "Options": { "A": "Synthesis of Suzuki.", "B": "Abiotic synthesis.", "C": "Acetoacetic synthesis.", "D": "Malonic synthesis" }, "Correct Answer": "Malonic synthesis", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5c3e2e55-9abe-40f1-aa58-b6c8b2398a8c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Terpene containing 20 carbon atoms is known as:", "Options": { "A": "Monoterpene", "B": "Sesquiterpene", "C": "Diterpene", "D": "Sesterterpeno." }, "Correct Answer": "Diterpene", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "b4607936-2d28-4a24-8e4e-32a7488f5640", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment of pyridine with bromine in fuming sulfuric acid (H2SO4, SO3) results in:", "Options": { "A": "2,4,6-Tribromopyridine.", "B": "3-Bromopyridine.", "C": "2-Bromopyridine.", "D": "2,4-Dibromopyridine." }, "Correct Answer": "3-Bromopyridine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "3d61a78a-2aa0-42dc-a2ad-3043f37de7b3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reaction of but-2-ino with sodium in liquid ammonia is:", "Options": { "A": "An oxidation reaction that produces cis-2butene [(Z) -2-but-2-ene].", "B": "An oxidation reaction that produces trans2-butene [E-2-but-2-ene].", "C": "A reduction reaction that produces trans2-butene [(E) -2-but-2-ene].", "D": "A reduction reaction that produces cis-2butene [(Z) -2-but-2-ene]." }, "Correct Answer": "A reduction reaction that produces trans2-butene [(E) -2-but-2-ene].", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "82d7f6df-e436-408a-94f3-abf0fb5d784c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which functional group of the following is a priority and should be chosen as the main function according to the rules of systematic nomenclature of the IUPAC in a molecule that contains all of them ?:", "Options": { "A": "Amine.", "B": "Ketone", "C": "Phenol.", "D": "Nitrile" }, "Correct Answer": "Nitrile", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "9d0b3152-50cd-44e2-a14c-8b4b6b5d7ffe", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What reaction product does butanal cause when treated with a strong base that forms its enolate as sodium ethoxide in ethanol ?:", "Options": { "A": "After dehydration, an α, β-unsaturated aldehyde.", "B": "An aldehyde with two more carbon atoms.", "C": "A dialdehyde.", "D": "A peracid." }, "Correct Answer": "After dehydration, an α, β-unsaturated aldehyde.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "9e9e944f-c2ae-4129-9cb8-e200c0f2bc15", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The successive reaction of 3-methylbutanonitrile with 1) HCl, H2O, heat; 2) LiAIH4; 3) H2O; 4) pyridinium chlorochromate, dichloromethane gives rise to:", "Options": { "A": "3-Methyl-2-butanone.", "B": "3-Methylbutanal.", "C": "3-Methylbutanoic acid.", "D": "1-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone." }, "Correct Answer": "3-Methylbutanal.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9684b1a0-2073-48bc-becb-e313f386de4f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The reaction of (R) -2-chlorobutane with cyanide in acetone gives (S) -2-methylbutanonitrile. However, the reaction of (R) -2-iodobutane with methanol leads to a mixture of the (R) and (S) enantiomers of 2-methoxybutane. This different stereochemical result is due to:", "Options": { "A": "In the substitution reaction, the chloride is a better leaving group than the iodide.", "B": "Acetone is a protic polar solvent.", "C": "The first reaction takes place through an SN2 mechanism and the second one takes place through an SN1 mechanism.", "D": "The first reaction takes place through an SN1 mechanism and the second one takes place through an SN2 mechanism." }, "Correct Answer": "The first reaction takes place through an SN2 mechanism and the second one takes place through an SN1 mechanism.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f34a5596-2577-48e9-92c2-ee70605460cb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The treatment of a primary aniline with nitrous acid produces:", "Options": { "A": "A nitrile", "B": "An amide", "C": "An amine", "D": "A diazonium salt." }, "Correct Answer": "A diazonium salt.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a710230f-9b93-4218-a021-77b91b5f81fa", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The best sequence of reactions for preparing 1-butene from ethanol is:", "Options": { "A": "(1) NaC≡CH; (2) H2, Pd / Lindlar.", "B": "(1) NaC≡CH; (2) Na, NH3,", "C": "(1) HBr, heat; (2) NaC≡CH; (3) Pd / Lindlar.", "D": "(1) HBr, heat; (2) KOC (CH3) 3, DMSO; (3) NaC≡CH; (4) Pd / LIndlar." }, "Correct Answer": "(1) HBr, heat; (2) NaC≡CH; (3) Pd / Lindlar.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "07ca6c00-e535-46be-be42-bbdba88b0092", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Lithium diorganocuprates are known as reagents of:", "Options": { "A": "Negishi", "B": "Suzuki", "C": "Gilman.", "D": "Heck" }, "Correct Answer": "Gilman.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "e4b4bbfe-9a46-4831-92c7-4912837bf0d6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The acid-base disorder characterized by an initial elevation of the bicarbonate concentration is called:", "Options": { "A": "Metabolic acidosis.", "B": "Mixed disorder", "C": "Respiratory alkalosis.", "D": "Metabolic alkalosis" }, "Correct Answer": "Metabolic alkalosis", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e502aea1-985c-48c8-99e8-6523ef3e7769", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the activated form of diacylglycerol from which phospholipids are synthesized ?:", "Options": { "A": "AMP-diacylglycerol.", "B": "ADP-diacylglycerol.", "C": "IMP-diacylglycerol.", "D": "CDP-diacylglycerol." }, "Correct Answer": "CDP-diacylglycerol.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "101542e8-9173-43db-8094-ea8be98273e4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate in which of the following processes Carnitine acyltransferase is necessary:", "Options": { "A": "Oxidation of fatty acids.", "B": "Synthesis of fatty acids.", "C": "Synthesis of cholesterol.", "D": "Digestion of triacylglycerols." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxidation of fatty acids.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "21f87c14-8726-4033-851c-9f92e092332b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many high-energy bonds are required for the generation of each peptide bond during protein synthesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "Four.", "D": "8" }, "Correct Answer": "Four.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "693c2f02-b60e-4dd5-a3f9-caecf535ba9b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The persistent noise of an ion-selective electrode is usually caused by:", "Options": { "A": "Pollution of the sample.", "B": "Blocking at the confluence on the salt bridge.", "C": "Oversaturation", "D": "Inadequate calibration" }, "Correct Answer": "Blocking at the confluence on the salt bridge.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "c718705c-c26b-4a68-b4eb-ddb973ef2b09", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Where mainly the synthesis of ketone bodies takes place:", "Options": { "A": "In the brain.", "B": "In the adipose tissue.", "C": "In the kidney.", "D": "In the liver" }, "Correct Answer": "In the liver", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "dfea9033-cc97-489b-8985-bced1eada79a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "An international unit (IU) of enzymatic activity is the amount of enzyme that:", "Options": { "A": "Convert 1 μmol of substrate into product per liter.", "B": "Form 1 mg of product per dL.", "C": "Convert 1 μmol of substrate into product per minute.", "D": "Form 1 μmol of product per liter." }, "Correct Answer": "Convert 1 μmol of substrate into product per minute.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c26687b7-257b-4618-a3db-f9cea3ca12ad", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most common cause of lactose intolerance ?:", "Options": { "A": "Allergy to proteins of cow's milk.", "B": "Impossibility to cleave lactose in glucose and galactose.", "C": "Inability to metabolize galactose.", "D": "Defects in glucose receptors in the enterocyte membrane." }, "Correct Answer": "Impossibility to cleave lactose in glucose and galactose.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d332d7ec-e21c-49e7-a213-e22cbf1256c8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "If [2-2H] acetyl-CoA is added to a preparation containing all the enzymes and cofactors necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids, together with an excess of malonyl-CoA, how many deuterium atoms will be incorporated into each palmitate molecule? ?:", "Options": { "A": "3.", "B": "9", "C": "16", "D": "33" }, "Correct Answer": "3.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "6ed144da-047d-4783-8f61-95aaeb5aa135", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which two steps of the Krebs cycle is CO2 generated as waste ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate → citrate; citrate → isocitrate.", "B": "Citrate → isocitrate; succinyl-CoA → succinate.", "C": "Isocitrate → α-ketoglutarate; fumarate → malate.", "D": "Isocitrate → α-ketoglutarate; α-ketoglutarate → succinyl-CoA." }, "Correct Answer": "Isocitrate → α-ketoglutarate; α-ketoglutarate → succinyl-CoA.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "ea62965f-4367-45f0-9a9b-98d079ca30ab", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which enzymes have the function of changing the degree of DNA undercoiling ?:", "Options": { "A": "the DNA ligases.", "B": "The DNA helicases.", "C": "The topoisomerases.", "D": "The DNA polymerases." }, "Correct Answer": "The topoisomerases.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "f90b6282-bace-498e-b072-4fee0541df34", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What effect do carbon dioxide and hydrogen bonds have on the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen ?:", "Options": { "A": "The decrease, facilitating the release of oxygen in the tissues of rapid metabolism.", "B": "They increase it, facilitating the union of oxygen in the lungs.", "C": "They have no effect.", "D": "They affect the affinity of myoglobin but not that of hemoglobin." }, "Correct Answer": "The decrease, facilitating the release of oxygen in the tissues of rapid metabolism.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "a0b785b2-bdf9-4717-aa42-6c41ad7e04a4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following statements is correct?:", "Options": { "A": "RNA synthesis is performed in the 3'→ 5'direction.", "B": "Many copies of RNA can be generated from one gene.", "C": "RNA synthesis requires a primer.", "D": "RNA polymerase has error correction activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Many copies of RNA can be generated from one gene.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "26909208-dc1b-4cf2-abf5-2726c746dac7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the role of vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen ?:", "Options": { "A": "It makes collagen less stable and flexible.", "B": "Involved in the formation of hydroxy glycine.", "C": "It is involved in the formation reaction of hydroxyproline from proline.", "D": "Intervenes as an oxidizing agent." }, "Correct Answer": "It is involved in the formation reaction of hydroxyproline from proline.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "91c3fb82-ce26-484e-83f6-4f2a8a40c17d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Troponin C:", "Options": { "A": "It is the subunit of troponin that binds to actin.", "B": "Interacts with vimentin.", "C": "It presents four homologous structural domains.", "D": "It has four Ca ++ binding sites." }, "Correct Answer": "It has four Ca ++ binding sites.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "8dbfad30-8408-4c01-9726-0fa5c9435557", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What molecule is the biotin enzyme ?:", "Options": { "A": "Pyruvate carboxylase.", "B": "Lactate dehydrogenase.", "C": "Pyruvate dehydrogenase.", "D": "Nitrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyruvate carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "3f970332-53d0-4587-bec1-e2783423f58c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following intermediaries can be isolated from yeasts that are fermenting wine but not from healthy skeletal muscle:", "Options": { "A": "Acetyl CoA", "B": "Lactate", "C": "Acetaldehyde", "D": "Oxalacetate." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetaldehyde", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d59a6670-a7db-4a4f-8b27-4d025b3463b4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation Which of the following options is NOT true ?:", "Options": { "A": "ATP is required for the activation reaction.", "B": "It takes place in lysosomes.", "C": "The identity of the N-terminal amino acid is a major determinant of selection for degradation.", "D": "The binding of ubiquitin to certain proteins does not cause its degradation." }, "Correct Answer": "It takes place in lysosomes.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bce3564f-fead-4539-ba89-72268608fe88", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The urea cycle:", "Options": { "A": "It takes place in the renal glomeruli.", "B": "It is connected to glycolysis by common intermediaries.", "C": "It is amphibolic in nature.", "D": "Its N-acetylglutamate regulates its speed as a positive regulator." }, "Correct Answer": "Its N-acetylglutamate regulates its speed as a positive regulator.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a19cc472-4bf3-4e97-bc7e-432c10c61a9a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Chromatin is formed by:", "Options": { "A": "DNA and histones organized in nucleosomes.", "B": "Nucleosomes of the cytoplasm.", "C": "The association of RNA and proteins.", "D": "Tubulin bound to nuclear proteins." }, "Correct Answer": "DNA and histones organized in nucleosomes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "2966d45f-76b1-48b5-9ded-8c23811545f6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what DNA repair system do DNA glycosylases participate ?:", "Options": { "A": "Repair of incorrect matings.", "B": "Repair by base excision.", "C": "Repair by nucleotide excision.", "D": "Direct repair" }, "Correct Answer": "Repair by base excision.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "fa3e92fa-4ce7-47ad-ab9b-2e0c3a1a1515", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phosphatidic acid is a:", "Options": { "A": "Fatty acid linked to a phosphate group.", "B": "Composite of \"high energy\".", "C": "Glycerophospholipic", "D": "Polymer of phosphate groups." }, "Correct Answer": "Glycerophospholipic", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4f53e8d7-1a4a-46d5-8bc1-63e2f801b955", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In general acid-base catalysis:", "Options": { "A": "The enzyme-substrate complex acquires the character of acid or weak base.", "B": "The intermediates are stabilized by transfer of a proton.", "C": "A covalent intermediate is formed between enzyme and substrate.", "D": "An acidic group or strong base attacks the substrate." }, "Correct Answer": "The intermediates are stabilized by transfer of a proton.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f2a8d331-8388-4c56-b446-6c6ac87e15d7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following pairs of enzymes constitutes a substrate cycle ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hexokinase and pyruvate kinase.", "B": "Aldolase and enolase", "C": "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphatase.", "D": "Hexokinase and glucose 6-phosphatase." }, "Correct Answer": "Hexokinase and glucose 6-phosphatase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "040f6fe1-1b30-4a11-8765-ba9741429170", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the effect of adrenaline on glycogen metabolism in the liver ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acts synergistically with insulin.", "B": "Stimulates the degradation of glycogen.", "C": "Stimulates glycogen biosynthesis.", "D": "It has no effect" }, "Correct Answer": "Stimulates the degradation of glycogen.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5deee6a0-0ae6-4698-a41e-d7207c0a2a39", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Inside the mitochondria, within the urea cycle, carbamoyl phosphate and ornithine form a nitrogenous compound that exits into the cytosol. What compound is it ?:", "Options": { "A": "Carbamine.", "B": "Urea.", "C": "Citrulline", "D": "Fumarate" }, "Correct Answer": "Citrulline", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c26a1540-b2e4-47c6-a4f3-91c83ffc586f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How is the reactive oxygen species \"superoxide ion\" formed ?:", "Options": { "A": "By transferring a single electron to oxygen.", "B": "By transferring two electrons to oxygen.", "C": "Through the reaction catalyzed by superoxide dismutase.", "D": "Through the reaction catalyzed by catalase." }, "Correct Answer": "By transferring a single electron to oxygen.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "8bbc0259-8bd4-4f55-8adf-91fec95fed13", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many high-energy phosphates does the synthesis of a urea molecule require by a return of the urea cycle ?:", "Options": { "A": "one.", "B": "two.", "C": "3.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "Four.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a73998e5-a2c3-4594-b6b2-b882f16e80b7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding hemoglobin:", "Options": { "A": "Its dissociation curve of O2 is hyperbolic.", "B": "The intracellular pH does not influence the binding of O2.", "C": "2,3 bisphosphoglycerate reduces its affinity for O2.", "D": "Hemoglobin S is the form present in the Caucasian race." }, "Correct Answer": "2,3 bisphosphoglycerate reduces its affinity for O2.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "a4bbe55c-43ed-4b0b-adff-c57995a569c9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In a hairpin of DNA replication:", "Options": { "A": "The conductive strand is replicated in the 3'→ 5'direction.", "B": "The delayed strand is replicated discontinuously.", "C": "Only the coding strand is replicated.", "D": "The tRNAs are synthesized." }, "Correct Answer": "The delayed strand is replicated discontinuously.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "34f8d0fd-5ab6-481b-9fc6-3bcef404f075", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "On which of the following enzymes citrate has a positive allosteric effect:", "Options": { "A": "Pyruvate kinase.", "B": "Acetyl CoA carboxylase.", "C": "Fosfofructoquinasa.", "D": "Enolasa" }, "Correct Answer": "Acetyl CoA carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "edf4cf21-2921-4280-ad95-d675fcccbe68", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The majority of the reducing equivalents that are used for the synthesis of fatty acids can be generated from:", "Options": { "A": "Pentose phosphate pathway.", "B": "Glucolysis", "C": "Citric acid cycle.", "D": "Mitochondrial mitochondrial dehydrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Pentose phosphate pathway.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "874fd745-52f8-42a0-8c3f-84752dce1c7b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds acts as a reducing agent in fatty acid biosynthesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "NADH", "B": "NADPH.", "C": "FAD +.", "D": "FADH." }, "Correct Answer": "NADPH.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "34151c4d-c3f4-4350-a25a-7f64812099b3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Tyrosine is the precursor of all the following molecules, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Dopa", "B": "Dopamine", "C": "Phenylalanine", "D": "Adrenalin." }, "Correct Answer": "Phenylalanine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "3b3c8a73-8ae1-4f26-b3fb-b19907d80c4c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC):", "Options": { "A": "Form malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA.", "B": "It is used as a shuttle to pass acetyl-CoA to the cytoplasm.", "C": "It is a multienzyme complex with at least seven polypeptide chains.", "D": "Removes a water molecule of β-hydroxybutyrate forming a double bond." }, "Correct Answer": "Form malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e0e65241-08a8-4758-afff-91f6a22bc3a5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following compounds is an activator of gluconeogenesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate.", "B": "Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.", "C": "Acetyl-CoA.", "D": "AMP." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetyl-CoA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "30da7804-d9f7-4760-adcd-ec46be5251d6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What technique is used to separate proteins according to their differences in mass ?:", "Options": { "A": "Isoelectric focus.", "B": "Western transfer.", "C": "Ion exchange chromatography.", "D": "Gel electrophoresis with SDS." }, "Correct Answer": "Gel electrophoresis with SDS.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "e1963493-d6d9-4949-8f7b-2f1267057e7d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following amino acids has a side chain with a thioether group ?:", "Options": { "A": "The cysteine", "B": "Isoleucine", "C": "Methionine", "D": "The tryptophan." }, "Correct Answer": "Methionine", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "5de48605-25df-4e3a-8cbf-9e9965ffae6f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In which of the following reactions does biotin participate:", "Options": { "A": "Hydroxylations.", "B": "Carboxylations", "C": "Dehydration", "D": "Desaminations." }, "Correct Answer": "Carboxylations", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "d391c2e2-a0e4-4682-a3a6-dc14a2a68f66", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following statements of the electron transport chain, what is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "An FADH molecule can generate up to 2.5 molecules of ATP.", "B": "One molecule of NADH can generate up to 1.5 molecules of ATP.", "C": "Electrons flow from more positive reduction potentials to more negative reduction potentials.", "D": "Complex II (used by FADH2) does not transfer protons to the intermembrane space." }, "Correct Answer": "Complex II (used by FADH2) does not transfer protons to the intermembrane space.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b0533523-d85b-4399-b495-08536de5dc9c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "DNA is more resistant than RNA to alkaline hydrolysis because:", "Options": { "A": "The 2 'hydroxyl group is sensitive to attack by the -OH ions.", "B": "It is double-stranded.", "C": "DNA has T nucleotides instead of U.", "D": "It forms stable secondary structures." }, "Correct Answer": "The 2 'hydroxyl group is sensitive to attack by the -OH ions.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "e3641adf-4090-449c-85d4-b19621a0b84c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Under normal metabolic conditions, erythrocytes accumulate:", "Options": { "A": "Fosfoenolpiruvato.", "B": "Lactate", "C": "NADPH.", "D": "Citrate." }, "Correct Answer": "Lactate", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "9f0c580d-92ff-4dcf-a004-41dbf0a81b87", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statements about eukaryotic mRNA is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "It is translated before the transcription ends.", "B": "It is processed in the cell's cytosol.", "C": "Increase its stability by modifying its 5 'and 3' ends.", "D": "It is modified at its 3 'end by a reaction catalyzed by the guanylyltransferase." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase its stability by modifying its 5 'and 3' ends.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8adc1e6b-3e48-4a63-b366-69a3b65b2087", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of the following statements is true for glycogen phosphorylase:", "Options": { "A": "Eliminates the glycogen branches.", "B": "It catalyzes the phosphorolysis of glycogen to produce glucose-1-phosphate.", "C": "It converts glucose-1-phosphate into glucose-6 phosphate.", "D": "Activates glucose-1-phosphate to UDP-Glucose." }, "Correct Answer": "It catalyzes the phosphorolysis of glycogen to produce glucose-1-phosphate.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "5fad5f48-127a-4d2d-9841-0d816d92164d", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The presence of which of the following structural provisions strongly suggests that it is a regulatory protein of DNA binding:", "Options": { "A": "Sheet β.", "B": "Chaperone", "C": "Disordered region.", "D": "Finger of zinc." }, "Correct Answer": "Finger of zinc.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d431c189-cb11-422f-bc81-33e42606cb44", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to the loading of proteins, indicate which of the following statements is correct. When the pH of the solution is greater than the pI (isoelectric point) of the protein:", "Options": { "A": "The protein has a negative charge.", "B": "The load of the protein does not vary.", "C": "The protein has a positive charge.", "D": "It depends on the amino acids that make up the protein." }, "Correct Answer": "The protein has a negative charge.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "36572c7b-5882-48ac-97ec-378f0a642e4a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "From what compound do mammals CAN NOT synthesize glucose ?:", "Options": { "A": "To the girl.", "B": "Glycerol.", "C": "Stearic acid.", "D": "Lactate" }, "Correct Answer": "Stearic acid.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "6cdc6b9f-3e57-414e-9950-a96052faec89", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Among the many molecules of phosphorylated compounds of high hydrolysis energy that are formed during the operation of the citric acid cycle, a molecule is synthesized at the substrate level. In which of the following reactions does it take place ?:", "Options": { "A": "Isocitrate → α-ketoglutarate.", "B": "Succinyl CoA → Succinate.", "C": "Succinate → Fumarate.", "D": "Fumarate → Malato." }, "Correct Answer": "Succinyl CoA → Succinate.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "6dab26c0-224c-4db9-9e68-13188d0eb293", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the function of telomerase ?:", "Options": { "A": "Synthesize the telomeres at the ends of the eukaryotic chromosomes.", "B": "Synthesize the polyA tail of eukaryotic messenger RNA molecules.", "C": "Eliminate telomeres from the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes.", "D": "Remove polyA tail from eukaryotic messenger RNA molecules." }, "Correct Answer": "Synthesize the telomeres at the ends of the eukaryotic chromosomes.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "54cfb15e-d7c2-4a42-9aa2-3b230a48d6c6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following steps is NOT part of gluconeogenesis ?:", "Options": { "A": "Oxalacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate.", "B": "Glucose-6-P to glucose.", "C": "Pyruvate to oxaloacetate.", "D": "Oxalacetate to pyruvate." }, "Correct Answer": "Oxalacetate to pyruvate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "10e4d0ec-ce2c-4d6c-a22d-4d649269aaf5", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In relation to DNA replication, the term processivity indicates:", "Options": { "A": "Error rate of the polymerase.", "B": "Deletion of one or more bases in the DNA.", "C": "The ability of the enzyme to catalyze multiple consecutive reactions without detaching from the substrate.", "D": "Specificity in the speed of replication." }, "Correct Answer": "The ability of the enzyme to catalyze multiple consecutive reactions without detaching from the substrate.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "21b1478f-9232-49b5-b86e-12137f7afbf8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Indicate which of these enzymes catalyzes a phosphorylation reaction at the substrate level in glycolysis:", "Options": { "A": "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.", "B": "Fosfofructoquinasa-1.", "C": "Hexokinase.", "D": "Pyruvate kinase." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyruvate kinase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "5e036e14-3771-431d-818b-00a26e245195", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Plasmids are molecules of:", "Options": { "A": "Circular DNAs that are replicated in a manner dependent on the chromosome of the host.", "B": "Circular DNAs that replicate independently of the host chromosome.", "C": "Linear recombinant DNA.", "D": "Double chain and circular RNA." }, "Correct Answer": "Circular DNAs that replicate independently of the host chromosome.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "7e97b5c6-b75a-4146-9b26-610d27516a6f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following reasons would cause the cells to switch from cellular respiration to fermentation ?:", "Options": { "A": "No pyruvate available.", "B": "The final electron acceptor of the electronic transport chain is not available.", "C": "Supplies of NADH and FADH2 are low.", "D": "The protonic force is exhausted." }, "Correct Answer": "The final electron acceptor of the electronic transport chain is not available.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2ae8e59d-b92a-445d-bdf0-ee057dd9d24f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The restriction endonucleases:", "Options": { "A": "They are used for the formation of hybrid molecules by recombination.", "B": "They recognize and cut phosphoester bonds starting at the 5 'ends.", "C": "They recognize and cut DNA in specific sequences.", "D": "They recognize and cut DNA into nucleosome-free sequences." }, "Correct Answer": "They recognize and cut DNA in specific sequences.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "67f43212-aeab-4bde-9153-1849ea40d70e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The recombinant DNA:", "Options": { "A": "The hybrid DNA obtained by homologous recombination.", "B": "Obtained by restriction endonucleases and DNA ligase.", "C": "The supercoiled cellular hybrid DNA.", "D": "It is obtained by the formation of heteroduplex by hybridization of DNA fragments of different origins." }, "Correct Answer": "Obtained by restriction endonucleases and DNA ligase.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "45431e72-1880-4b46-bdf4-939c60f43675", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "After the ultraviolet lesion of DNA on the skin:", "Options": { "A": "A specific excinuclease detects the damaged areas.", "B": "Purine dimers are formed.", "C": "Both chains are cut.", "D": "An endonuclease removes the chain." }, "Correct Answer": "A specific excinuclease detects the damaged areas.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "0c743c7f-395c-4c1a-960d-baf9316fd78c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "All the following compounds contain exclusively glucose, EXCEPT:", "Options": { "A": "Amilose.", "B": "Cellulose.", "C": "Maltose.", "D": "Lactose." }, "Correct Answer": "Lactose.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "b8705485-ee67-475b-8e2e-2f91e30e928e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The topoisomeras are enzymes:", "Options": { "A": "That denaturalize the double helix structure of DNA.", "B": "That promote hybridization between two topological isomers of DNA.", "C": "Which increase or decrease the degree of unwinding of DNA.", "D": "With helicase-primase activity." }, "Correct Answer": "Which increase or decrease the degree of unwinding of DNA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "127512b4-4266-416d-b4d5-09ff15bf95c1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Why subunits is protein kinase A dependent on cyclic AMP ?:", "Options": { "A": "4 regulatory subunits.", "B": "2 regulatory and 2 catalytic subunits.", "C": "3 regulatory subunits and 1 catalytic subunit.", "D": "4 catalytic subunits." }, "Correct Answer": "2 regulatory and 2 catalytic subunits.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "abeb06ac-835a-41df-b8ec-93db8f744af0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The waxes are formed by the union of:", "Options": { "A": "Glycerol and three long chain fatty acids through ester bonds.", "B": "A long chain fatty acid and a long chain alcohol, through an ester type bond.", "C": "Glycerol, two long chain fatty acids and one monosaccharide.", "D": "Glycerol, a fatty acid, a neutral monosaccharide and a sialic acid." }, "Correct Answer": "A long chain fatty acid and a long chain alcohol, through an ester type bond.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "a16554a5-4535-4587-a32d-54e8282032bb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What does a competitive inhibitor do in an enzyme ?:", "Options": { "A": "It does not change the value of the Michaelis constant (Km), but decreases the maximum speed (Vmax) of the reaction.", "B": "It diminishes the value of the Km, without affecting the value of the Vmax.", "C": "Increase the value of the Km, without affecting the value of the Vmax.", "D": "It occupies a different site from the active site of the enzyme." }, "Correct Answer": "Increase the value of the Km, without affecting the value of the Vmax.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "4f549503-3f13-4763-bf61-5478d69ea2cb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Citrate increases the Vmax of the:", "Options": { "A": "β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase.", "B": "Enoil-ACP reductase.", "C": "β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase.", "D": "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase." }, "Correct Answer": "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "533cb613-2f13-4f77-9801-b890ac02b45c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the most frequent configuration of the peptide bond in proteins ?:", "Options": { "A": "The cis configuration.", "B": "The trans configuration", "C": "The cis form in animal proteins and the trans form in plants.", "D": "The cis and trans forms are equally frequent." }, "Correct Answer": "The trans configuration", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "e46581c0-129e-4300-a11f-2505c6d120e6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Regarding the phosphorylation mechanisms, which option is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are never regulators of enzymatic activity.", "B": "They always require the presence of ADP and a protein kinase.", "C": "They always require the presence of ATP and a protein kinase.", "D": "They are carried out on glutamate residues of the enzyme." }, "Correct Answer": "They always require the presence of ATP and a protein kinase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c55d6fdc-dcdf-493e-853f-c2b5b76b49d6", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Eukaryotes synthesize anionic phospholipids from:", "Options": { "A": "CDP-choline.", "B": "CDP-diacylglycerol.", "C": "UDP-diacylglycerol.", "D": "UDP-choline." }, "Correct Answer": "CDP-diacylglycerol.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4eb7ed94-5ab4-40d8-88b5-f4a62d22db86", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The human disease called alcaptonuria occurs as a consequence of a defect in the gene that codes for:", "Options": { "A": "Methylmalonyl CoA mutase.", "B": "Carbamyl phosphate synthetase I.", "C": "Homogentisic 1,2-dioxygenase.", "D": "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Homogentisic 1,2-dioxygenase.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "dfea831d-3d9b-4c07-b684-ab17b119d6f0", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Adipocytes:", "Options": { "A": "They are insensitive to insulin.", "B": "They contain high concentrations of reactive C-peptide.", "C": "They are mediators in the inflammatory response.", "D": "They produce leptin." }, "Correct Answer": "They produce leptin.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "09024ea8-b682-4a26-bfb5-2203ca90bf83", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The enzyme ATPase of Na + K +:", "Options": { "A": "It is an example of a protein that participates in a passive transport through the membrane.", "B": "It synthesizes ATP to generate enough energy to pass Na + and K + ions through the membrane.", "C": "It needs to be linked to Na + and K + to hydrolyze ATP.", "D": "Transports Na + ions into the cell and K + ions to the outside." }, "Correct Answer": "It needs to be linked to Na + and K + to hydrolyze ATP.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "8d07c10e-31cd-428e-b4c0-8edfc0515619", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statements about phosphofructokinase is true ?:", "Options": { "A": "Phosphofructokinase is allosterically inhibited when the concentration of ATP decreases.", "B": "The affinity of phosphofructokinase to fructose-6-phosphate decreases when ATP decreases.", "C": "The activity of phosphofructokinase decreases when the pH increases.", "D": "Phosphofructokinase has an activity that is stimulated when the concentration of AMP varies." }, "Correct Answer": "Phosphofructokinase has an activity that is stimulated when the concentration of AMP varies.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "a14f8c0b-5c3b-4df6-84fe-7c6e58d7ab27", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The activation of fatty acids consists of:", "Options": { "A": "The incorporation of a pyrophosphate group.", "B": "The formation of malonyl-CoA.", "C": "The condensation with the thiol group of CoA.", "D": "The binding to carnitine." }, "Correct Answer": "The condensation with the thiol group of CoA.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ba72f0fd-dcbd-4e56-9954-3b545831a8d1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The ADP that enters the mitochondria:", "Options": { "A": "It spreads freely through the membrane.", "B": "It enters the mitochondrial matrix only if ATP is released.", "C": "It uses a transport protein, the ATPADP permease.", "D": "It uses a simporte, since its entrance is coupled to the entrance of protons." }, "Correct Answer": "It enters the mitochondrial matrix only if ATP is released.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "1647569b-6f7e-4d9e-8d38-8fa7d25ae28a", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The α helix of proteins is a type of secondary structure that is characterized by:", "Options": { "A": "Being levorotatory", "B": "Be rich in proline waste.", "C": "Be rich in glycine waste.", "D": "Be stabilized by hydrogen bridges." }, "Correct Answer": "Be stabilized by hydrogen bridges.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "4361acf9-c277-470c-b08e-472166350792", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Water is a liquid at room temperature due to the cohesion that exists between its molecules. Indicate what type of link hold the water molecules together:", "Options": { "A": "Hydrogen bonds.", "B": "Covalent bonds", "C": "Hydrophobic interactions", "D": "Van der Waals forces." }, "Correct Answer": "Hydrogen bonds.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "428036e8-8e8a-43e4-9cb2-a9c6ee41fe02", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The peptide bond:", "Options": { "A": "There is free rotation between Cα and N.", "B": "It is flat and rigid because it is a double bond C = C.", "C": "It is flat and rigid despite being a CN link.", "D": "It is a weak link similar to a hydrogen bridge." }, "Correct Answer": "It is flat and rigid despite being a CN link.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "d0317866-2b4c-4594-b470-d7f2fa238974", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Phosphofructokinase-1 is positively modulated by:", "Options": { "A": "Acetyl-CoA.", "B": "AMP.", "C": "ATP", "D": "Citrate." }, "Correct Answer": "AMP.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "ae55107e-e72a-436c-bc6a-2a916f24b6b9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In what type of reversible enzymatic inhibition does the inhibitor only bind to the enzyme-substrate complex ?:", "Options": { "A": "Acompetitive", "B": "Competitive", "C": "Mixed", "D": "Not competitive" }, "Correct Answer": "Acompetitive", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "93003614-3fe5-46c2-bb7b-cce1a7f93a6e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex:", "Options": { "A": "Catalyzes a reversible reaction.", "B": "Produce ATP.", "C": "Use FAD as a coenzyme.", "D": "Use NADP as a coenzyme." }, "Correct Answer": "Use FAD as a coenzyme.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c1e96e0c-5236-46bc-9a4e-1af20b7eb23c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Alanine aminotransferase catalyzes the formation of alanine by transferring an amino group to:", "Options": { "A": "Acetyl-CoA.", "B": "Citrate.", "C": "Oxalacetate.", "D": "Pyruvate." }, "Correct Answer": "Pyruvate.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "6bba3900-8f46-42d0-8ff5-a6b6fe24763b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following ions is the most abundant in the intracellular fluid ?:", "Options": { "A": "Calcium.", "B": "Sodium.", "C": "Chlorine.", "D": "Potassium." }, "Correct Answer": "Potassium.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "210f95bb-0a0a-4370-94e8-bbc73f0661d7", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following enzymes does NOT participate in beta-oxidation of fatty acids ?:", "Options": { "A": "Thiolase", "B": "Peroxidase", "C": "Enoil hydratase", "D": "Acyl dehydrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "Peroxidase", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f781f502-7b5f-4e53-a056-50da19fea58b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following molecules does NOT belong to the mitochondrial electronic transport chain ?:", "Options": { "A": "ATP synthase.", "B": "Cytochrome c", "C": "NADH dehydrogenase.", "D": "Succinate dehydrogenase." }, "Correct Answer": "ATP synthase.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "779c83d9-88eb-4d65-9084-985451be0874", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following numbers approximates more to the net yield in production of ATP molecules during cellular respiration, for each molecule of glucose ?:", "Options": { "A": "Six.", "B": "Twelve.", "C": "Twenty four.", "D": "Thirty." }, "Correct Answer": "Thirty.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "c0d4cabf-5142-4fda-9812-866cc252c145", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "When does the fluidity of the membrane increase ?:", "Options": { "A": "When the length of the fatty acids of the phospholipids of the membrane increases.", "B": "When the concentration of cholesterol in the membrane decreases.", "C": "When the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids increases.", "D": "When the temperature decreases." }, "Correct Answer": "When the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids increases.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "353e3fcf-68d0-4bb4-b28e-bf1b520ce7f2", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which enzyme catalyzes the transcription of most of the protein coding genes in eukaryotic cells ?:", "Options": { "A": "RNA polymerase I.", "B": "RNA polymerase II.", "C": "RNA polymerase III.", "D": "RNA polymerase σ." }, "Correct Answer": "RNA polymerase II.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "bf48e6d6-4628-40bb-b3fc-1ba9c502eb24", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "A peptidoglycan:", "Options": { "A": "It is a homo-polysaccharide.", "B": "It contains N-acetyl glucosamine.", "C": "Structurally it is identical to dextran.", "D": "It contains glucose units linked by a (1 → 4) bond with α (1 → 6) branches." }, "Correct Answer": "It contains N-acetyl glucosamine.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "2b334416-3f4d-4368-a3d0-3b36e60d8df3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which amino acid can become an intermediate of the citric acid cycle or the urea cycle:", "Options": { "A": "Tyrosine", "B": "Leucine", "C": "Tryptophan", "D": "Aspartate" }, "Correct Answer": "Aspartate", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "debdf92c-c700-4b2f-a865-6156935df9e9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Ceramide is:", "Options": { "A": "A synonym of triacylglycerol.", "B": "A type of wax widely distributed in plants.", "C": "The binding of sphingosine and a fatty acid through an amide bond.", "D": "A bioactive amine that regulates the production of wax." }, "Correct Answer": "The binding of sphingosine and a fatty acid through an amide bond.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "76665d7c-8d36-4d47-b6b4-184002ea0980", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "In the Edman reaction to determine the amino acid sequence of a peptide, the reagent used is:", "Options": { "A": "Dinitrofluorobenzene", "B": "Methyl iodide", "C": "Sodium nitroprusside.", "D": "Phenylisothiocyanate" }, "Correct Answer": "Phenylisothiocyanate", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "2d61eacb-c0da-4955-8a9d-b78b58f98483", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What apolipoprotein interacts with the LDL receptor in the process of receptor-mediated endocytosis for cholesterol uptake ?:", "Options": { "A": "Apo-AI.", "B": "Apo-AII.", "C": "Apo-B100.", "D": "Apo-E." }, "Correct Answer": "Apo-B100.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "c33dd639-7999-4dbe-8310-427152364ee9", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the main posttranslational modifications histones can suffer ?:", "Options": { "A": "Methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation.", "B": "Glycosylation and phosphorylation.", "C": "Glycosylation and isoprenylation.", "D": "ADP-ribosilation." }, "Correct Answer": "Methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "d30e4d0c-dd0c-4f29-9c6e-6edff3cf6d0b", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of the following interactions is responsible for maintaining the primary structure of the proteins ?:", "Options": { "A": "Interactions of Van der Waals.", "B": "Hydrogen bonds.", "C": "Hydrophobic links.", "D": "Covalent bonds" }, "Correct Answer": "Covalent bonds", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "d67dc114-07a1-44fe-9ac6-785687532dd8", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these statements about G proteins is correct ?:", "Options": { "A": "They are formed by four subunits: α, β, δ and γ.", "B": "They are channel-forming proteins.", "C": "They intervene in the signaling by hormonal receptors.", "D": "They are activated by binding to GDP." }, "Correct Answer": "They intervene in the signaling by hormonal receptors.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "81994fd5-618c-489d-8e1a-b6b4bf2be83f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which of these processes happens in eukaryotic replication ?:", "Options": { "A": "The replication fork advances more rapidly than in prokaryotic replication.", "B": "Acts DNA polymerase β with a reparative function.", "C": "Acts DNA polymerase δ with a 3'-5'endonuclease function", "D": "The DNA copy starts at a single point." }, "Correct Answer": "Acts DNA polymerase β with a reparative function.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "4e85bc92-482a-4946-8033-d4720af636b3", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What are the four steps that are repeated, in the order indicated, for the β-oxidation of a palmitoyl-Coenzyme A ?:", "Options": { "A": "Hydration; oxidation; reduction; thiolysis", "B": "Dehydrogenation; hydration; dehydrogenation; thiolysis", "C": "Dehydrogenation; hydration; reduction; thiolysis", "D": "Dehydrogenation; dehydration; reduction; thiolysis" }, "Correct Answer": "Dehydrogenation; hydration; dehydrogenation; thiolysis", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "039d69d6-6358-440c-a561-07513ef9f2b1", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases does the genome of the bacterium Escherichia coli code for ?:", "Options": { "A": "Only one, which esterifies all the amino acids with their corresponding tRNAs.", "B": "More than 250", "C": "Twenty, each of which is specific to a particular amino acid and its corresponding tRNAs.", "D": "None, the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are unique to eukaryotes." }, "Correct Answer": "Twenty, each of which is specific to a particular amino acid and its corresponding tRNAs.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "38ce4df8-cebc-425a-bea6-0b0b2f64c66f", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Of the following statements, what is characteristic of the guanidino group of arginine ?:", "Options": { "A": "It confers a negative charge on that amino acid.", "B": "It is of the \"polar without load\" type.", "C": "It is deprotonated at physiological pH.", "D": "Determine that arginine has the highest pKa of all protein amino acids." }, "Correct Answer": "Determine that arginine has the highest pKa of all protein amino acids.", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "217594e9-f48a-4df9-99a1-4d377d2ae03c", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The disaccharide α-D-glucopyranosyl- (1 → 4) glucopyranose is also called:", "Options": { "A": "Lactose.", "B": "Maltose.", "C": "Saccharose.", "D": "Cellobiose" }, "Correct Answer": "Maltose.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "f46e2867-0d85-4c74-9a6e-c9a6d45c7fae", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "On a structural level, which of the following hormones is NOT of glucoproteic composition ?:", "Options": { "A": "Stimulating Follicle Hormone", "B": "Luteinizing hormone.", "C": "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.", "D": "Thyroxine" }, "Correct Answer": "Thyroxine", "Correct Option": "D" }, "id": "61eb8138-387e-462e-8712-1276f67b6adb", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The synthesis of Williamson ethers consists in the reaction of an alkoxide with a:", "Options": { "A": "Ester.", "B": "Acid.", "C": "Primary haloalkane.", "D": "Aldehyde." }, "Correct Answer": "Primary haloalkane.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "924053fc-d93d-49a4-b4b9-64985a8bc731", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "The Grignard reagents react with CO2 generating, after the addition of a diluted acid:", "Options": { "A": "Aldehydes.", "B": "Carboxylic acids.", "C": "Ketones", "D": "Alcohols" }, "Correct Answer": "Carboxylic acids.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "31191e89-5b31-4a95-9025-7be3c5445de4", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "To what type structure corresponds the definition \"Compact cubic packing of anions, with cations occupying orderly half of the tetrahedral holes ?:", "Options": { "A": "Cesium chloride", "B": "Sodium chloride.", "C": "Blende.", "D": "Fluorite." }, "Correct Answer": "Blende.", "Correct Option": "C" }, "id": "ee86e25d-d570-41b2-a558-3fbe8988626e", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Na2B2O7 is used as the primary standard in the valuations of:", "Options": { "A": "Strong acids", "B": "Strong bases.", "C": "Anions that precipitate with chloride.", "D": "Metals that react with the AEDT." }, "Correct Answer": "Strong acids", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "becf344c-119a-4515-ba5f-9aa7a3f0ea18", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "What is the color of the phenolphthalein indicator at pH = 4 ?:", "Options": { "A": "Red.", "B": "Colorless.", "C": "White.", "D": "Blue." }, "Correct Answer": "Colorless.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "14e7577d-f9ad-4626-91e3-c752ce052930", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "Which indicator is used in the valuation of the chloride ion with silver nitrate by the Mohr method ?:", "Options": { "A": "Ion CrO.", "B": "Phenolphthalein", "C": "Eriochrome black T.", "D": "No indicator is used." }, "Correct Answer": "Ion CrO.", "Correct Option": "A" }, "id": "622e9ba1-a5a0-4374-841a-9449c6a9b709", "topic_name": "chemistry" }, { "data": { "Question": "How many NADPH molecules are generated in the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to ribulose-5-phosphate in the pentose pathway ?:", "Options": { "A": "None because you get NADH.", "B": "Two.", "C": "Three.", "D": "Four." }, "Correct Answer": "Two.", "Correct Option": "B" }, "id": "68bfba2b-ebee-4f52-8d85-9758bc030916", "topic_name": "chemistry" } ]