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+reason of which the publication could not be made within thirty days. If we
+were to hold that the award would therefore be rendered invalid, it would be
+attaching undue importance to a provision not in the mind of the legislature.
+It is well (1) [1962] IT L.L.J. 144.
+(2 ) [1961]2 S.C.R 679, 710 167 known that it
+very often takes a, long Period of time for the reference to be concluded and
+the award to be made. If the award becomes invalid merely on the ground of
+publication after thirty days, it might entail a fresh reference with needless
+the parties. The non-publication of the award within the period of thirty days
+does not entail any penalty and this is another consideration which has to be
+kept in mind. What was said in the earlier passage from the judgment in The
+Sirsilk Ltd. v. Government of Andhra Pradesh(1) merely shows that it was not
+open to Government to withhold publication but this Court never meant to lay
+down that the period of time fixed for publication was mandatory.
+Coming to the merits of the case, Mr. Gokhale
+argued that the Tribunal. had gone wrong in revising the wage scales as it had
+done. The head of dispute referred to the Tribunal was "revision of wages
+as per award of the Madras Labour Tribunal in 38 of 1960." The arguments
+advanced in this case were the same as in the Bangalore case (just now disposed
+of) and the Tribunal after noting the phenomenal progress of the Company and
+the enormous profits it was making, came to the conclusion that there was no
+reason why there should be any disparity in wages between the employees of a
+branch and the regional office when they were doing the same or similar work.
+In this case also, there was no evidence of comparable concerns. In our view,
+what we have said on this point of the dispute with regard to the Bangalore
+branch applies equally with regard to the Kerala branch and the matter will
+have to go back to the Tribunal for fixing the wages and the adjustment of the
+workers in the revised scale in the light of the observations made in that case
+bearing in mind Mr. Gokhale's offer on behalf of the Company to increase the
+wages as in the other appeal.
+With regard to dearness allowance again, what
+was said in the Bangalore appeal applies equally to this appeal. Here again the
+Tribunal said:
+"It is also an accepted fact that the
+cost of living both at Trivandrum and at Ernakulam is higher than the cost of
+living at Madras. Therefore, there is no justification in perpetuating the
+disparity in the payment of D.A. to the workmen working at Madras and those
+working in the Trivandrum Branch." In the result, the Tribunal directed
+that the workmen of Ernakulam branch should get dearness allowance "at the
+rate at which and in the manner in which" the pay and dearness allowance
+was being paid to the employees of Madras Regional Office. In our view,
+dearness allowance should be the same as decided in the case of the workers of
+the Bangalore branch.
+(1) [1964] 2 S.C.R. 448.
+168 The scheme for gratuity is the same as in
+the case of the Bangalore branch with the only difference that the maximum fixed
+was 20 months' wages after 20 years service. In our view, there is no reason
+why the scheme for gratuity should not be the same in the Ernakulam branch as
+in the Bangalore branch in case of termination of service for misconduct and
+the qualifying period should be 15 years' service.
+Again, on principles already formulated, we
+hold that leave facilities at Ernakulam should be the same as those prevailing
+at Madras.
+Next comes the dispute with regard to the
+working hours.
+The working hours of the employees of
+Trivandrum and Ernakulam as prevalent were from 9 a. m. to 1. p. m. and from 2
+p. m. to 5-30 p. m. on week days and from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. on Saturdays. At
+Madras the Company's workers work only for five days in a week from 9 a. m. to
+1 p. m. and 1- 45 p. m. to 5-30 p.m. The total working hours were therefore
+somewhat less than those at Trivandrum and Ernakulam. The complaint of the
+union before the Tribunal was that although by circular dated 24th March 1963
+the Company had fixed the working hours from 9.30 a.m. for clerks and 9 a.m.
+for mechanics and peons, it was extracting half an hour's work per day extra
+contrary to their own orders. The Tribunal held that the circular should be
+given effect to and that the clerical staff should work from 9.30 a.m. to 1
+p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on working days and from 9.30 a.m.
+to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. We see no reason to
+disturb this portion of the award.
+Another head of dispute related to work-load.
+The complaint of the union was that the workload was too heavy and that the
+method of calculation of workload was arbitrary.
+According to them, the workload fixed by
+agreement between the Company and its employees in Delhi and Lucknow was seven
+machines per day or 150 machines per month, while the workload at Trivandrum
+was 10 machines per day. According to the Management the workload fixed i.e.,
+10 machines per day, was not too much and there was no reason for disturbing
+the prevailing arrangement. But the Management did not deny that during the
+course of negotiations they had agreed to reduce the workload to seven machines
+per day or 150 machines per month and the Tribunal adopted this in the award
+with a rider that "all the machines attended to, whether new or old,
+whether under the service contract or not, will be counted for the sake of
+workload". No satisfactory reason has been adduced as to why we should
+disturb the award.
+The last head of dispute was with regard to
+"moving staff allowance". The union demanded that workmen who were
+deputed on tour on Company's work should be given a day off if they had to
+travel two nights consecutively. Demand was also made that, 169 travelling
+staff should be paid overtime for the work done on holidays while on tour at
+double the normal wages for the day. The Management disputed this claim on the
+ground that it was not possible to calculate the number of hours worked by the
+employee at the out-station while on tour. The Tribunal found on examining a
+mechanic that the jurisdiction of the branch was limited to the districts Trivandrum, Quilon, Alleppey and Kottayam and even if he was forced to work on holidays he
+was given over time wages. The Tribunal held that it was only just and
+reasonable that tour-in- mechanics should be given a day off if they travelled
+on two consecutive days for reaching a place of work and also over- time wages
+at double the wages for the work done on holidays. It appears to us that with
+the limitation as to jurisdiction noted above, the occasion for a mechanic
+spending two consecutive nights for reaching a place of work will arise very
+seldom, but if it does, there is no reason why he should not get overtime wages
+as awarded by the Tribunal and we see no reason to interfere with this portion
+of the award.
+In the result, the matter will go back to the
+Tribunal for disposal of the issue as to the revision of wage scales and
+adjustment of workers in the revised scales. The scheme for gratuity will stand
+modified as indicated in our judgment in Civil Appeal No. 2105 of 1966
+delivered today. The rest of the award will stand. The appellant will pay the
+respondent the costs of this appeal.
+A ward modified.
+God to Creationists: "Let me spell it out for you nice and slow…"
+If ignorance is bliss, then creationists the world over just got a little sadder as scientists announce the discovery of yet another “intermediate fossil,” showing an animal caught midway between the land and the sea like a pre-op transvestite with only one fake boob in place.
+I’ll give you a second to go back and try to parse that sentence. There’s a lot going on.
+The animal has been named Tiktaalik roseae, which means, “Thing that is further proof that God is just testing us, the sadistic bastard.” For the purposes of this essay, we’ll refer to him as “Tik-Tak the Finger Fish.”
+Tik-Tak has fins with the beginnings of little digits, as well as shoulders, wrists, neck, elbows, and other non-fishy attributes. The discovery is so cool that it actually inspired the team’s leader, Dr. Neil H. Shubin of the University of Chicago, to state
+“. . . holy cow.”
+I can’t think of a more appropriate phrase for an evolutionary biologist to utter.
+Now, this isn’t the first of these sneaky transvestite organisms to be found. There’s also Archaeopteryx, a scary looking thing caught between lizards and birds (shown here doing his patented dance, “In Your Face, Creationist Nonsense“).
+“But wait,” I hear you ask, “what are we going to do now that there is no more creationist nonsense to combat?”
+Fear not, gentle reader. Duane T. Gish, retired Chief Creationist in Charge of Misinformation and Utter Foolishness for the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, responds thusly:
+“This alleged transitional fish will have to be evaluated carefully.” But he added that he still found evolution “questionable because paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story.”
+Oh no, you sunk our evolutionary battleship, you delightful cad, you! I’d like to respond further to Gish’s comment, but my brain exploded with the knowledge that millions of years of evolution have thus far resulted in organisms who can say things like “paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story” without the slightest trace of irony. I hope the editors of The Onion read that quote, as it’ll make their jobs much easier since they can just reproduce it word for word. Here, I’ll even help with a headline:
+Area Creationist Looks at Irrefutable Evidence of Evolution, Desperately Grasps for New Way to Be Ignorant
+If there is in fact a god, I’d be willing to bet that he is currently gazing down upon the creationists for the exact same reason that I ocassionally tune in to America’s Next Top Model.
+Yup you can lead an IDer to knowledge but you can't make him think. I got a lovely quote from PZ Myers at (), which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.
+–St. Augustine
+I thnk that says it all.
+Silly Rebecca. Now that this fossil has been found, there are TWO gaps that need to be filled.
+When I was a lad in school, many years ago, I once held…erm…"certain views" about the Way Things Are. And I relied upon "Doctor" Gish for quite a bit of– ah– "interpretation" of evidence.
+GAWD (You should pardon the expression), am I embarrassed that I was ever that ignorant.
+I think this finding is just the coolest!
+Just a quick question: Fish aren't complex? I thought the whole tunafish thermoregulatory thing would prove THAT wrong…Sheesh.
+Cool! Is anyone out there doing research on blatant ignorance? If so, they're about to have a field day!
+because paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story.
+It almost sounds like he wants proof that fish evovled from squid or somthing, but he can't want that, because that would be stupid beyond belief.
+But we have those. I just can't remember what they're called…They're non-vertibrate chordates. Kinda squishy things with notochords, v-shaped muskulature, and pharangical (sorry for the spelling) gill slits. Hell, even squids have a primative notochord. But creationists have always seemed to ignore them. Or, worse, used the whole "If we evolved from monkies why are there still monkies?" argument.
+Frelling IDIOTS!!!
+No one says that we descended from monkeys; Scientists say that there is strong evidence to suggest that humans and monkeys share a recent common ancestor!
+Bloody IDers are not only mind-bendingly stupid, but intellectually dishonest.
+oh no! i have to believe in evolution now! they found more bones!! wow
+somthing died! oh wait, does that mean that the "Aquada" boat slash
+car, proves that boats turn into cars if you give them a couple
+trillion years? hmm mabye people will think that in the future, if the
+car/boat survives a million years in ice, then the next species will
+think so.
+Im curious, so i dont waste my freakin life having no point other then
+to live life to the fullest(even though i know that im just telling
+myself that to make me think im happy ) is there any better proof that
+evolution is real? because i was forced to go to your church ever sence
+middle school biology, while they try to convince me that nothing
+creates everything. and i believed that for 7 years, because i had
+nothing else to believe. but I guess ill have to go to the christians
+because their only ones sceptical enough to go against the theory of
+evolution. what evolutionist preacher is going to tell me about the
+flaws of his religion anyway, i havent found one yet.
+you have found some truth to strengthn your belief in your god, but did
+you need it? no your faith is sufficient enough. the problem is will,
+not truth or faith. you have to want it first. and what you may want is
+no god. you get what you want . You dont live untill you find somthing
+to die for. ill pray that god shows himself true in your life as he did
+in mine.
+-i care what happens to you, but he cares more
+You have to want it first? That's exactly wrong. Wanting it first is what's known as "bias."
+"what evolutionist preacher is going to tell me about the flaws of his religion anyway, i havent found one yet."
+Clear evidence that this commenter is so full of shit. Obviously this person hasn't even bothered to open his eyes (maybe he can't see because they're also covered in shit, who knows).
+Most of what is nowadays considered the theory of evolution is stuff that was added or altered after Darwin first published his "theory". The way science works is that if you disagree with what someone comes up with, you do your own research and prove them wrong (or if you can't, accept that they were right). This is happening all the time, all over the world. The only people who have yet to prove any evolution scientist wrong are the ID-ers themselves. They don't do facts, you see, they only do a lot of talking, so they don't actually have anything with which to prove the scientists wrong. Ergo, they are forced to either accept evolution is right or shut up and find evidence to justify their complaints. That's how it works for real scientists, that's how it works for ID-ers too.
+i see i did make the mistake of putting want, however i ment iyou must be willing to accept, not want.
+"The only people who have yet to prove any evolution scientist wrong are the ID-ers themselves. They don’t do facts, you see, they only do a lot of talking, so they don’t actually have anything with which to prove the scientists wrong."
+is that a fact?
+find out for yourself
+is that a fact?
+No, it's an opinion. However, I dare you to find one genuine piece of evidence that scientists have rejected for the simple reason that it contradicted their theory or seemed to support creationism.
+And before you go searching for one, I'll let you in on a little secret: you will never find one. When something is found that contradicts the theory, it's not the evidence that gets dismissed, it's the theory. That means the theory is altered to fit all the new facts. So the theory is always changing, always fitting the facts as we know them.
+Creationism and ID do no such thing. They blatantly ignore anything that contradicts the central idea (that sky-daddy created humans). Their primary goal is not to learn and understand how the world works (as it is with science), they specifically seek to discredit evolution, and desperately want to validate their assumption that life was created, not even willing to entertain the idea that this assumption may be completely wrong. As such, most of their efforts are of no value whatsoever because they don't offer any new answers, they just avoid the questions to which they don't like the answers.
+In short, if you're looking for something that's consistent with all the facts, evolution is right there. If you're looking for a fantasy fairy tale that's full of inconsistencies and errors and useless philosophical blathering, then perhaps the creationism myth is more your thing. Just be aware that this is the only proper distinction you can make between the two.
+As for links to web resources, maybe you should check this one out:
+more specifically this page:
+Find out for yourself why the claims on your web link actually aren't facts at all …
+This fossil is a tremendous find. I look forward to hearing more as scientists analyze it.
+As for those attempting to argue with the creationists- don't bother, unless their ignorant views threaten your safety or existence- because there is no arguing with them. My oldest sister is a born-again Christian, and we've had discussions until I was blue in the face. Finally, I realized that there is no reasoning with these folks- they see the Universe in a totally different way, therefore, they "think" differently. They don't fundamentally listen to what you have to say, because prima facie, they reject the root premise of what you are saying.
+Facts and data, facts and data, facts and data. Everything else is irrelevant.
+As for those attempting to argue with the creationists- don’t bother, unless their ignorant views threaten your safety or existence- because there is no arguing with them. My oldest sister is a born-again Christian, and we’ve had discussions until I was blue in the face. Finally, I realized that there is no reasoning with these folks- they see the Universe in a totally different way, therefore, they “think†differently. They don’t fundamentally listen to what you have to say, because prima facie, they reject the root premise of what you are saying.
+Your observation is making the exact same point I did I suppose.
+But I’d say every day their ignorant views are threatening my safety and existance. And perhaps not straight away, but definitely in the long run. At the very least someone’s safety or existance is threatened by religious fundamentalism at any given time.
+As such, I think it is very important to balance any piece of creationist drivel with a good, solid dose of reality. Refute them whenever possible, just in case someone should wander onto their comments by accident. The internet is already full of nonsense, and as a skeptic, I somehow feel it’s part of my duty to make sure ignorance is fought wherever it can be fought, and that even includes the comment pages of a blog that may some day by sheer coincidence end up on the first page of someone’s Google search. If all they find is creationist bullshit, they will not learn anything new, or worse, take it as fact and think it’s the truth. If however their ramblings are exposed for what they really are, or at least balanced with some rationality, then perhaps another skeptic is born.
+So I’m not feeding a troll here, I’m simply trying to make it ineffective by exposing it to daylight. And it only took a few minutes of my time to do so anyway. Why make a big deal of that …
+As a Christian who has no problem accepting the overwhelming evidence for evolution, I am baffled by my fellow believers who do. The magnificent sweep of the fossil record is (to me) humbling and awe-inspiring, showing the lineage of living things from mats of blue-green algae, to sharks bigger than dinosaurs, to us.
+And it isn't just fossils that back evolutionary theory up; genetics and comparative biology dovetail with it quite nicely. It is in no way degrading to see our common ancestry with the animals (and farther back, with the plants and bacteria), it is instead a testament, in the very fabric of life, of God's power and glory.
+The fossil of T. rosea is a breathtaking glimpse into the past. It's a treasure, in many senses of the word. We are living in a great time, when such discoveries are being made and fitted into the magnificent mosaic of life on Earth.
+Time to get real. What’s going on with the Instagram algorithm in 2018?
+Let me start by making some things clear:
+- Instagram has not revealed how their algorithm works
+- Instagram only shares their policy, guidelines and new features (from which we can understand what is allowed / not allowed, okay / not okay)
+- Everybody who is giving advice on the algorithm is making assumptions based on their experience
+- We can also make assumptions based on what we know about “social media algorithms”
+So you bet I’ve been experimenting with this algorithm to see what works and what doesn’t work.
+I’ve noticed changes. I’m going to share them with you.
+The good news is: the Instagram algorithm seems to prefer quality over quantity. So stop freaking out about the number of followers and likes.
+The other good news is: you just need to know what to pay attention to.
+Instagram will always be changing. You can choose to fight it or work with it.
+I’ve decided to work with it.
+What have I learned through this experiment?
+I’ve learned that the Instagram algorithm can be described using 3 keywords:
+- Relevance
+- Timing
+- Human
+The Instagram algorithm in one sentence:
+Act like a normal human being and have fun again.
+If that’s all you’re going to remember from this article, it’s enough.
+I’m going to tell you why relevance, timing and being human will help you grow your account in 2018.
+Let’s start:
+The Instagram algorithm analyzes you and “looks” at 2 things
+Keyword: Relevance
+Instagram is made to meet people through photos. Instagram shows you photos you might like. It shows you photos on:
+- Your home feed
+- Your “Recommended for you” feature
+- Your Explore page
+I noticed that these 3 pages are not static. They change depending on what you do on Instagram. They seem to adapt to:
+- What accounts you interact with
+- What hashtags you use
+I’ve noticed that depending on what accounts I interact with and hashtags I use, Instagram shows me different kind of photos and videos.
+For a couple of days I was into puppy photos. I liked and commented on many of them. A few days later my Explore page promoted dog accounts.
+Another time, I kept posting on my feed using hashtags like #styleblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #postitfortheaesthetics. Instagram pushed lifestyle accounts in my home feed. It was showing me photos of people that I’ve been following but that haven’t seen in such a long time (does it happen to you too?). The “Recommended for you” posts were also about lifestyle bloggers.
+This shows that Instagram shows posts that are relevant to what you like.
+If this is happening for my account, it must be happening for other people too.
+Instagram shows your posts if they are relevant to other people
+Keyword: Relevance
+Relevance seems to play a very big part of the Instagram algorithm. And it could explain why likes, comments and engagement dropped.
+Let me explain:
+Let’s say you have an account about cute dogs. Andrew finds your account. He really enjoys it and decides to follow you. But Andrew never likes, comments or engages with posts about dogs. As a result, Instagram might not show your posts at the top of his home feed… because it thinks that Andrew is not interested in dogs. The algorithm thinks that your “dog” photos are not relevant to Andrew.
+It is unfortunate because we all want all our followers to see our posts. However, it’s not all bad news. If you attract the right followers, post often on your feed and Insta Stories, Instagram will show your posts to them.
+It means that you can control the Instagram algorithm (to a certain extent).
+Let me show you.
+Use the tools Instagram gives you to control the algorithm
+Keyword: Relevance + Human
+Think of Instagram as an app with a bunch of different tools. Use the tools you are given:
+- Your feed
+- Hashtags
+- Location tags
+- Insta Stories
+- Live videos
+- Likes and comments
+- Like comments
+- Follow people
+- Follow hashtags
+Naturally, Instagram wants you to use those tools. The more you use different tools, the more Instagram will like you and value you as an active user.
+Careful: Do not use automated tools that like, comments or follow/unfollow for you. Instagram doesn’t allow automated tools. It can get your account in trouble. The algorithm is getting smarter. It can identify suspicious activity or “spam”. So be human.
+Use the right hashtags (and avoid banned ones)
+Keyword: Relevance
+A hashtag is a way for Instagram to know what your post is about. It is also a way for Instagram to connect you to other people.
+- Find the right hashtag for your account
+- Don’t use banned hashtags
+- Use hashtags that will connect you to the right people. Example: if you have a shop and you are selling pens, not many people will go out of their way to type “pen” on Instagram. Think about who are the people who want your stationary (#entrepreneurs, #girlboss #creativecommunity)
+- Switch up your hashtags from time to time to reach new people
+Big question: “Is it true that you should not use 30 hashtags anymore?”
+I haven’t found empirical evidence that supports the fact that Instagram doesn’t want us to use many hashtags anymore. This is what I know:
+- If I don’t use hashtags = not many likes
+- The more hashtag I use = the more likes I get
+- I think of each hashtag as an opportunity to be found by people, so I use all 30 hashtags Instagram allows us to use per post
+- Instagram is making features that support hashtags (hashtags in Insta Stories + “Follow” hashtags). So it means that hashtags are still important and relevant.
+Engagement is more important than the number of followers you have
+Keyword: Human
+Engagement seems to be the Instagram secret weapon of 2018.
+Engagement = interaction on your post (which are likes and comments).
+Instagram seems to be supporting posts that have good engagement.
+Recently, I was looking at the hashtag page for #smallbusiness. This hashtag is very popular and therefore very competitive because it has more than 10 million posts. Yet, a small account (with less than 1,000 followers) made it to the “Top 9” posts! Why? The post had good engagement.
+The faster you get engagement, the more Instagram will promote your post
+Keyword: Timing
+Your Instagram home page might not be chronological anymore, but timing is still very important. The faster you get engagement, the more Instagram will show your post in people’s home feeds and Explore pages.
+How to get engagement fast:
+- Post at your best time to post (that’s when people are the most active)
+- Use your Insta Story to tell people you have a new posts
+- Reply to all comments (or as many as possible)
+- Spend 30 minutes after you post to engage with people
+- Read these 22 tricks to increase engagement organically
+Surprise! Be human
+Keyword: Human
+It makes sense. Think like a human. If you want to find friends who want to paint, you’re not going to search for people who want to cook. You’re going to search for people who want to paint too.
+Instagram thinks the same. It seems like the algorithm is acting like a human being:
+- It wants to help you interact with people who might be interested in you (by showing you relevant posts)
+- It likes when you interact with people you’re following (so don’t forget about them)
+- It likes when you interact with new people (so make sure you follow hashtags and interact with new accounts who are relevant to you)
+- It doesn’t like if you’re being fake (so don’t use automated tools).
+Be consistent… don’t disappear
+Keyword: Human
+Instagram will like you even more if you’re using the app regularly.
+It doesn’t mean you have to post every single day of your life. It means that Instagram will like it if you have a routine or schedule. You can post every second day if you want.
+The key is to be consistent and not vanish.
+Have fun and be yourself
+Welcome to the end of this article! That was a big one. I hope you’re not feeling confused or overwhelmed. Like I said earlier, always think about these 3 words: relevance, timing and human.
+Relax. Have fun sharing photos and videos you love. At the end of the day people connect with people. So be human.
+Leave me a comment if you enjoyed this article or if you have any questions.
+Excellent Information. Thank you for sharing. The trickiest part is getting people to click on your link. What is the trick to get your followers and likes to do that, especially when they are liking a video about a product that solves a daily problem that they probably have?
+Hello Shelley! Really happy you enjoyed the tips. I’m not sure what your Instagram page is about. But these are some tips: be clear about what your Instagram goal is + create quality content (quality images and photos that makes your product shine).
+Instagram is be good for brand awareness, community building and conversion. But these are all different goals. Stick to one goal. Based on your goal you will need to create different content / posts.
+It can take time to see results. So don’t get discouraged. People might see your posts but not click on your link straight away. And it’s ok.
+My tips to sum it up:
+– Clear goal
+– Use good hashtags (hashtags your ideal customers are using)
+– Engage with your ideal customers: likes and comments (make a list of some of your ideal customers if you want in order to engage with them consistently)
+– Engaging doesn’t have to take long (a few minutes every day is good)
+– You can also try to do giveaways with fellow Instagrammers (to increase your brand awareness and introduce yourself to new people)
+– And finally: Instagram is all about trial and error. So take your time to see what works and what doesn’t work. Brainstorm different posts ideas. Tackle your marketing strategy from different angles.
+– And HAVE FUN!! People connect with people. We’re all humans on Instagram (almost all).
+Sorry for rambling, just letting you know what’s on top of my mind. I hope that helps!
+Feel free to look around our blog:. We share ALL our tips here.
+Guys where are your social share buttons?!
+It’s back! Thanks for the heads up 🙂
+I’ve read this interesting post when you guys just posted it and I decided to come back today cause I thought it would be interesting to share my experience with you.
+The new instagram algorithm never ceases to intrigue me and your 3 keywords summed it up perfectly : relevance, timing and human.
+Quality over quantity !!
+Since the creation of my account, I have the same posting schedule : 2 to 3 posts ONLY per week. And it always works fine ! I see a lot of people telling you that you should post 2 to 3 times a day but honestly, lemme tell you that you don’t need too ! It is better to post less and having quality content to share with your audience than forcing yourself to post a few times everyday and your posts lack quality (and you spam your followers!!)
+I recently took a 4 weeks break from social medias (You know how social medias can be so draining). I didn’t post any pictures on IG for 4 weeks straight and I didn’t share anything in my IG story either. I still came on the app a few minutes everyday and the only thing I did was like a few pictures on my feed (without leaving any comments) and l logged off immediately. I felt a bit anxious during my break cause I thought my engagement would be horrible when I’ll come back and that it’ll be hard to get it going again but… none of that happened ! I told my audience that I’m back in my story, I posted, I used my usual hashtags, and my post performed REALLY well ! I was really surprised. Just like I wasn’t gone for 4 weeks !
+Sorry for the long paragraphs haha! 3 Keywords : Relevance, Timing, Human ! That’s the best post I’ve read on the IG algorithm so far ! Thank you Preview !
+Also, I don’t know if this question has been answered before but what does “Other” refer to in the post stats ? I searched but can’t find anything and I really have no clue.
+5 minutes | Feb 1, 2022
+Land on the Golden Gate by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.::
+31 minutes | Feb 1, 2022
+TOP SOURCES Alain de Botton, “Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person,” The School of Life, Joanne Davila, “Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships,” TEDxSBU, John Gottman, “The Science of Love” TEDxVeniceBeach, Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings, “4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships,” TEDxSquareMile, Katie Hood, “The Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Love,” TEDtalk, Also Sourced Willie Earley, “Truth Telling in Relationships, Are We There Yet?” TEDxJerseyCity, Dr. Liat Yakir, “What is Love – Scientifically?” TEDxEilat, Sandy Gerber, “The Secret to Successful Romantic Relationships,” TEDxBearCreekPark, Nathan Ware, “Why We're Unhappy -- The Expectation Gap,” TEDxKlagenfurt, Maya Diamond, “The Surprising Key to Building a Healthy Relationship that Lasts,” TEDxOakland, Femi Ogunjinmi, “How To Tell If Someone Truly Loves You,” TEDxXavierUniversity, Theodore Zeldin, “The Art of Being a Couple,” TEDxOxford, MUSICSmokey Eye by Cheel
+30 minutes | Jan 1, 2022
+Is Blood Thicker Than Water?
+SOURCESCraig Howe, “Oceti Sakowin - The People of the Seven Council Fires,” produced by South Dakota Public Broadcasting, 2007, Josie Green, "Our Tiospaye," Teach for America, Johnathan Santos Silva, "Our Tiospaye," Teach for America, Maria Helena Heim, “Is Blood Thicker Than Water?,” TEDx Dornbirn, The Chiseled Adonis, “Family Vs Friends... Who's More Important,” Catalina Ritzinger "Friendship and Family," TEDx, ParkCity Youthtalk, Warren McCall, “Family -vs- Friends,” Catered Conversation Podcast, Episode 4, Mike Leftwich, “Family -vs- Friends,” Catered Conversation Podcast, Episode 4, Fiona Douglas, “How Did Your Parents Mess You Up?,” TEDxPuxi, Christy Harden, “The Struggle with The Cult of Motherhood,” Sheryl Ziegler, “Why Moms Are Miserable,” TEDxWilmingtonWomen, Corinne Maier [author of No kids, 40 reasons not to have children], [m]otherhood, MUSICSmokey Eye by Cheel All other music, sounds, and vocals incidentally accompanied my sources during production
+23 minutes | Dec 1, 2021
+SourcesSusan Oh, Power of Not Belonging, Sadhguru, Troubled by Fear? Just Change Your Channel! Frank Shamrock, Fear is an Illusion, Trillion Small, Overcoming the Fear of Love, Courtney Ryman, I Have No Friends, Karen Dolva, All the lonely people, Marnix Pauwels, No more fear of life, of Nowhere by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.:: Boom by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.:: Garden by Dan Henig
+16 minutes | Nov 1, 2021
+The Thought That Counts
+SourcesLouis CK, “Solider on a Plane,” Live at the Beacon Theater, 2011 BBC Learning English YouTube channel, “It’s The Thought That Counts,” The English We Speak, 2019, Adam Grant, “Are You a Giver or a Taker,” TED talk, 2018, Abigail Marsh, “Why Some People are More Altruistic than Others,” TED talk, 2016 Ramani Durvasula (Doctor Ramani), “What is ‘narcissistic supply’? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships), Malkin, “Does Narcissism Appear In Neuro Imaging?” MusicMorning Mandolin by Chris Haugen Heart of Nowhere by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.:: Unrest by ELPHNT
+25 minutes | Oct 1, 2021
+Jay Triiiple
+MUSICChangePerformed by Jay TriiipleWritten by Alyssa Taylor and Mic CoatsProduced by Mic CoatsRainbowPerformed by Jay TriiipleTime FliesPerformed by Jay TriiipleWritten by Alyssa Taylor and Connor Ray
+28 minutes | Sep 1, 2021
+Your Birthday
+CREDITS Mark Day, Generic Facebook Birthday Wishes, Mary Coussons-Read PhD, CBS Denver, Happy Birthday On Facebook: Too Easy?, Professor John Cacioppo - Connected Minds: Loneliness, Social Brains and the Need for Community, Eskil Burck, Learning Psychology YouTube channel, psychology of shared birthday, Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, Influence at Work YouTube channel, the Science of Persuasion, Vanessa Van Edwards, Birthday Depression: Why Birthdays Are So Hard, Johann Hari - This could be why you're depressed or anxious, Emile Warot - The power of little celebrations in our lives, Nouman Ali Khan, FreeQuranEducation YouTube Channel, MUSIC Bach Cello Suite No. 1, G Major, Prelude by Cooper Cannell Heart of Nowhere by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.::
+21 minutes | Aug 1, 2021
+William Guy, The Relationship Between Human Fulfillment and Ethics, Simon Sinek, If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business, 99u, Adam Grant, Who Are the Takers, Givers, and Matchers in the Workplace, Google Zeitgeist, Candace Vogler, Ultimate Fulfillment & Human Perfection, Art Bejarano, Super Human Longevity with Dr Steve Hruby, The Power of Human Connection; a Secret of Longevity, Fulfillment, & Happiness, Olivia Aguilar, Sustainability and Human Fulfillment, TEDxDenisonU Russell Brand, The Answer to Your Problem Is Not in Your Head, Commune, Huston Smith, Human Fulfillment, Search for America, MUSICDwarf Star by Freedom Trail StudioSlappy Clov by GodmodeEternal Garden by Dan Henig
+23 minutes | Jul 1, 2021
+MUSICChris ZabriskieELPHNTCREDITSJamil Zaki, Building Empathy in a Fractured World, Stanford Alumni, Nadine Chevolleau, On Civil Society, Toronto Public Library, Chris Frith, Empathy, Serious Science, Ken Robinson, Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, Béalleka Makau, Radical Empathy Disrupts Entitlement, TEDxGrinnellCollege, Chloé Valdary, Founder of Theory of Enchantment, Simon Sinek, A Bit of Optimism podcast, Lee Wolak, The Power of Empathy, Mark Levine, Identity and Emergency Intervention: How Social Group Membership and Inclusiveness of Group Boundaries Shape Helping Behavior, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31(4):443-53, May 2005
+22 minutes | Jun 1, 2021
+Man’s Best Friend
+SOURCESAngela Garvin, This Morning, Susan Little, The Human-Animal Bond, Crystal Dilworth, Do We Love Dogs As Much As Babies?, DNews, Julian Huguet, Why We Love Dogs More Than Humans, DNews, Clive Wynne, ASU KEDtalk: Why are dogs special?, Chris Ulmer, Living with Williams Syndrome (A Condition that Makes You Friendly), Scientific Magazine, What Makes Dogs so Friendly? Study finds genetic link to super out-going people, Kim Brophey, The Problem with Treating a Dog Like a Pet, Kim Brophey, TEDxUNCAsheville, Amrat Hiranya, Train the Owner, Not the Dog, Amrut Dog Guru Hiranya, TEDxDSCE, Mark Twain Quote by Scott Leffler, scottleffler.com MUSICFreedom Trail Studio, “Dwarf Star”Aakash Gandhi, “Invisible Beauty”Wagner, “Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin,” London Symphony OrchestraCat Stevens, “I Love My Dog”
+21 minutes | May 31, 2021
+Ed Tilschner
+On this episode of Genuine Human Connection, I speak with a former client of mine about his experiences discovering a cancerous tumor in his bladder. Ed Tilschner and his wife first met with me 2019. As our social circles and mutual interests overlapped, we started to socialize more, and I discontinued my professional relationship with them. Even through the pandemic, we have stayed in touch. In February, I learned Ed had developed a cancerous tumor. He said he wanted to share his experience with my audience. So, days after emergency surgery to remove the tumor, we talked about cancer, fear, community, and human connection.
+24 minutes | Apr 1, 2021
+The Sound Within
+SOURCESHuman Harmonic - A symphony of sound from the human body, The University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), Holland, "Shattering Cancer With Resonant Frequencies," TEDxSkidmoreCollege,. James Rhodes, "Music and The Inner Self," TEDxMadrid, James Rhodes is one of the most important concert piano players of our times and a great innovator of classical music. He has been the subject of documentaries for BBC and Channel 4, he writes for The Guardian and performs in concerts all around the world. His Sunday Times and international bestselling memoir, Instrumental, published by Canongate, is a brutally honest, moving and compelling story that was almost banned until the Supreme Court unanimously overthrew an injunction in May 2015. Julian Treasure, "The 4 Says Sound Affects Us," Julian Treasure is a sound and communication expert. David Meltzer, "Find Your Frequency," David Meltzer is CEO of Sports 1 Marketing, 2X best-selling author, and a top keynote speaker. He is also a Top 100 Business Coach, executive producer and host of Entrepreneur's #1 show “Elevator Pitch”, host of the Top 5 business podcast “The Playbook” and serves as an advisory board member to over 45 companies and charities. Jaggi Vasudev, "Turning Up the Voltage,". Stadium Crowd Cheering Sound Effect,, SoundEffectsFactoryCooper Cannell, “Bach Cello Suite No. 1, G Major, Prelude”Freedom Trail Studio, "Dwarf Star"
+18 minutes | Mar 5, 2021
+SourcesVictor Wooten, Music as a Language, TEDxGabriolaIsland, Victor Wooten is an innovator, composer, arranger, producer, vocalist, and multiinstrumentalist, and has been called the greatest bass player in the world. He is a skilled naturalist and teacher, a published author, a magician, husband and father of four, and a five-time Grammy award winner.ébecca Kleinberger, "Why you don’t like the sound of your own voice," Rebecca Kleinberger is a PhD candidate doing research at the MIT Media Lab. Her work mixes science, engineering, design and art to explore ways to craft experiences for self-reflection and human connection. Treasure, "The 4 ways sound affects us," Playing sound effects both pleasant and awful, Julian Treasure, sound and communication expert, shows how sound affects us in four significant ways. Kaku, "The Universe Is a Symphony of Vibrating Strings," Big Think Youtube channel, Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one of the most widely recognized scientists in the world today. American Institute of Physics, "The Secret Of A Tiger's Roar," Inside Science News Service, Researchers may have found the key to the intimidating and paralyzing affect that a tiger's roar has on animals, including humans. New research by bioacousticians shows that very low frequency sounds may be the key. December 29, 2000 Mark Pilkington, "The fear frequency," The Guardian,. October 15, 2003 Henig, "Eternal Garden"ELPHNT, "Unrest"Godmode, "Sloppy Clav"
+27 minutes | Feb 26, 2021
+Judith Quin
+Judith Quin’s Social Media LinksFree FB Group Page Insta.: Email connect@yourwholevoice.comYou tube MusicAlmost in F - Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:
+20 minutes | Feb 19, 2021
+Ancestry, Heritage, and Beyond
+SourcesJune Kaewsith (Jumakae), artivist (artist +activist) and community organizer turned transformational life coach (or "life doula") and wellness advocate, “How to Connect with Your Ancestors,” “How Much Neanderthal DNA do Humans Have?” Discover Magazine, Dr. Sada Mire, Leiden University course by faculty of archeology and the LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development, Asha Frost, spiritual Healer, visionary, creative, “Dear White Woman Who Wants to be Like Me,” Robin DeAngelo, consultant, educator and facilitator for over 20 years on issues of racial and social justice, Dr. Baskaran Pillai, international teacher, spiritual leader, humanitarian and scholar-mystic from Southern India, “God Consciousness,” Dada Gunamuktananda, trained in meditation, yoga and natural health sciences in Australia, the Philippines and India, “Consciousness -- the final frontier,” Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr., "Look For Me In A Whirlwind Or A Storm," MusicDwarf Star by Freedom Trail StudioInvisible Beauty by Aakash GandhiEternal Garde by Dan Henig
+28 minutes | Feb 12, 2021
+Lyndsey Lyons
+Music byKevin MacLeodAmbiment - The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.::
+19 minutes | Feb 5, 2021
+Credit and SourcesLemn Sissay, When All You Need is a Hug: personal experiences of the UK care system, TEDxLiverpool, Miroslav Volf, Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School Charlie McDonald, Fun Science channel, YouTube Janet Treviño, Touch Therapist, TEDxSanAntonio, Jane Anderson, Massage Therapist, TEDxUofM, Tiffany Field Ph.D., “Preschoolers in America are Touched Less and are More Aggressive Than Preschoolers in France,” Early Child Development and Care Volume 151, 1999 - Issue 1 Elizabeth Day, On the trail of the Free Hugs founder, The Guardian, Dr. Rhoda Lipscomb, MusicKevin MacLeod
+21 minutes | Jan 29, 2021
+Brotherhood of Man
+Sources Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ebenezer Baptist Church, April 30, 1967 Dharma Speaks YouTube Channel, Bhagavad Gita made easy - Part 1/3 Rabbi Chaim Marder Anthony Salciccioli, teacher of philosophy, Clarenceville High School Livonia, Michigan Education and Curricular Perspectives in the Qur'an, Textbook by Sarah Risha Music By Freedom Trail Studio Aakash Gandhi Brotherhood of Man John Lennon Bob Marley
+21 minutes | Jan 22, 2021
+Social Media
+SourcesBailey Parnell TEDxRyerson Talk Philosophy Vibe Chibundu Onuzo Dan Foxx TEDxChelmsford Talk Music byNate BlazeUnited States Marine BandELPHNTGodmodeChibundu Onuzo
+22 minutes | Jan 15, 2021
+Music CreditsAlmost in F - Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.:: Sonatina No 2 in F Major by Joel Cummins
+When I bought my Sony PMW-F55 from Rule.com I knew it was going to be an amazing camera. I was looking at replacing my Red One MX digital cinema camera and needed a similar style large sensor camera that would compliment my Sony PDW-F800. I needed a digital cinema/broadcast television camera hybrid.
+My Red One MX was a decent camera, but I was not using it enough in the broadcast and documentary world. The Red didn’t work correctly all the time and without warning. Many clients did not always want only the Red raw .R3D files because the turnaround time was extensive. My broadcast clients wanted a camera that could record a format on-board that was friendly with their current workflow. That format is XDCAM 422 (or MPEG2 422).
+The F55 has a new format that looks great and plays well with most NLEs, XAVC. In addition to shooting MPEG2 on board, I can shoot XAVC in many resolutions and framerates right to SxS cards.
+I needed an all-in-one camera system that shot broadcast friendly formats, was future proof to shoot 4k, could shoot raw and also could shoot high frame rates (HFR). With the new and planned free firmware updates, the Sony F55 solved all these issues.
+Also, the fact that the F55 is very sensitive in low light, has a global shutter, uses SxS cards on board, has a modular form factor, accepts the Optitek F to Canon EF adapters and even has a soon-to-be-released F to B4 Sony branded lens adapter, I was sold.
+I recently tested out the Abel Cine HDx35 mk2 PL to B4 lens adapter. You can read that blog and watch a short video here.
+I got rid of my (sometimes finicky) “broadcast style” Red One MX and upgraded to the rock-solid F55 and I am very happy I did. I almost went with the cheaper F5 and might have if I knew at the time that the v2.0 firmware would also unlock HFR on that model. But I am happy with the F55 and so far, it has proven to be a workhorse, just like the F800.
+I have added a Sony shoulder mount, Bebob 190 v-mount batteries, a Sony OLED viewfinder and a Sony R5 recorder, so the cost has jumped quite a bit, but my clients are very happy with the turnkey solutions I can provide with this very versatile rig.
+Recently, I updated the firmware to version 2.0 and this unlocked a ton of new features. Most important to me was the ability to record glorious 240 frame per second video in 2k resolution. I have a soft spot for silky smooth slow motion, as many of you know and I’ve been waiting patiently for this update for quite some time. When the firmware finally went live, I immediately applied it without any problems. The update is very easy to do at home, just follow the .pdf instructions included with the firmware file you download from Sony. I have had zero issues with the new update and in fact, it changed the camera so much, I joke around with people that the camera is now a Sony F56!
+I took the freshly updated F55 camera into a heavy thunderstorm yesterday. The skies were dark and ominous. I had a $3 umbrella, a single Sony 512GB SSD installed in the R5 recorder, a Canon 24-70mm f2.8 mk2 lens and my trusty Vinten Vision 100 tripod. The SSD gave me just over 200 minutes of 2k raw 240 fps recording time at a 29.97fps timebase. I wanted to test out the HFR in a dark and dreary wooded area to examine how much sensitivity is lost when shooting higher speed. Many of you understand that when shooting high speed, a lot of light is needed for exposure. And if underexposed, the video gets super noisy, even in raw. Trying to save it in post is impossible.
+I shot for about an hour under the shelter of the umbrella with the camera in 2k raw 240fps at native ISO 1250. I had the Canon 24-70mm lens wide open at f2.8 during the entire shoot. The camera was screaming for more light, but I wanted to really tax the sensor and see if I could make acceptable pictures in the looming darkness. These shots were PURPOSELY underexposed to examine grain and noise in this test. This was worse case scenario and really pushed the limits of the F55.
+The theme of the test video I shot (at the top of this page) was drops of water falling from leaves and branches in the forest. And, my love of ripples in water captured in slow motion and my fondness for foley in post audio was also demonstrated! Check it out.
+Speaking of post, my workflow with the Sony raw files was a bit tricky. I tried for hours to export the slow motion 29.97fps .MXF files using Sony’s free Raw Viewer software. This program is similar to Red’s CINE-X application and allows you to do a grade and then batch all the file to a workable editing format. I use ProRes 422 and Final Cut Pro on a current generation Mac Book Pro Retina laptop. I tried to export the clips, but each time I ended up with a black image the length of the video file.
+My quick fix was to use the F55 camera’s built in LUTs and the R5 raw recorder’s AUX BNC video output. I hooked up a KiPro drive to the AUX out, hit play on the camera and recorded the video at 1080 30p in ProRes 422 (HQ). It took a long time to play and record all that high speed footage! This actually works quite well and could be used in a pinch to get HFR footage instantly to a client. No computer or raw processing needed.
+I searched online and found nobody talking about the “black only when exporting from Sony’s Raw Viewer” issue in any forum or blog. After experimenting in all flavors and codecs in the application, I tried adjusting the “Configuration” menu at the top of the screen. I set the “OpenCL Device” from my MBP’s “GeForce GT 650M” graphics card to “Unused”. I got the export to ProRes to work perfectly. If you are having this same problem, this may be the solution until either NVIDIA, Apple or Sony fixes the problem. Or perhaps my config is screwed up, I do not know. Please leave a comment below if you know more about this.
+I was finally able to test out a few clips and stretch the blacks out a bit to examine the noise in the image. There was a lot of noise was in the clips, but as you will see, they are way underexposed! I’m really not that surprised because it was very dark in the location during the storm while I was shooting. The grain is “filmic and organic” in my opinion, but noise is noise. That being said, this was a torture test. More experimentation at proper exposure is needed for sure. I’m sure it will look amazing, but nice to know I could shoot HFR in almost no light if necessary. Keep an eye on my blog.
+I was very impressed by the look of the slow motion footage. No image artifacts (moiré or aliasing) like found on cheaper camera systems like the Sony FS700 with the new firmware and recorder. Also, the dynamic range and latitude (even in this under exposed test) was excellent. I guess you would expect this from such an expensive camera.
+I will include a few raw .mxf clips straight off the Sony SSD for you to check out at the bottom of this blog post. I will also include a few ProRes 422 (HQ) exported clips graded and ungraded using Raw Viewer. To download these, right click on the “download” button and save file as… if a direct click does not work for you.
+Software Downloads:
+NOTE: These are for reference only. Please follow instructions given by Sony for upgrade and future releases of firmware. I am not responsible if your gear gets screwed up if you decide to update your stuff.
+Sony F55 Firmware v2.0 (62.24MB .bin file)
+Sony F55 Firmware v2.0 Instructions (46.48KB .pdf file)
+Sony R5 Firmware v2.0 (14.30MB .bin file)
+Sony R5 Firmware v2.0 Instructions (121.18KB .pdf file)
+Sony Raw Viewer Software v2.0 – MAC (34.99MB .DMG file)
+Sony Raw Viewer Software v2.0 – WINDOWS (45.26MB .exe file)
+Sony Raw Viewer Software v2.0 Instructions (3.10MB .pdf file)
+Sony F55 Video Downloads:
+NOTE: These files are for test purposes only. Please do not repost any of this content. To download, right click and save file as…
+Leaf Drop 2k Raw off SSD Card (346.53MB .MXF file)
+My Face 2k Raw off SSD Card (261.11MB .MXF file)
+Rain on River 2k Raw off SSD Card (246.67MB .MXF file)
+Leaf Drop 2k ProRes 422 HQ UNGRADED (286.98MB .MOV file)
+My Face 2k ProRes 422 HQ UNGRADED (222.55MB .MOV file)
+Rain on River 2k ProRes 422 HQ UNGRADED (230.82MB .MOV file)
+Leaf Drop 2k ProRes 422 HQ GRADED (294.54MB .MOV file)
+My Face 2k ProRes 422 HQ GRADED (205.23MB .MOV file)
+Rain on River 2k ProRes 422 HQ GRADED (217.67MB .MOV file)
+If you want an account to share your work using DROPBOX like I do, please click here. You get 2GB free!
+Hey Tom. Great article. I just got back from filming the America’s Cup with similar set up on an F55 with HD35 adaptor and shooting XAVC and SLog2. The pictures were gorgeous, but what I didn’t know when I first got the camera was that by shooting in SLog2 when reviewing footage in my monitor I noticed severe banding. I couldn’t find anything on any forums and didn’t receive any help from Sony. Eventually found out when I got back to UK that Sony monitors are the only ones to have Slog image inversion function, or so I was told. Presumably this will be resolved in further firmware updates, but it certainly caused a minor heart attack and set a few days of panic. RE the post workflow shooting XAVC, what a headache. Am going to try what you suggest in your above article, but I am disappointed that it’s not a more friendly codec. Especially when editing in FCP7. All the best
+Very tasteful F55 test. I had wondered what happened to the guy locked in a Vegas hotel room with a Phantomflex. Great work. Inspiring!
+I would be interested in your thoughts regarding HFR and this discussion over on dvxuser.com.
+Seems there there is a big issue with HFR. I have been wanting to buy this camera, but was waiting to see some HFR footage. I will download your footage and see if it is going on in it. but since there are not many fine lines in your footage, I am not sure it would be obvious.
+[…] Tom Guilmette stress tests the Sony F55 at 240 fps to see how well it performs in low light. He also writes an extensive report on its usability for broadcast production. […]
+Thanks for the tip on exporting out of RAW Viewer and the open CL issue. Just had the same problem and sure enough turning off open CL fixes it.
+Hi Tom, really great info, thanks for taking the time to write and for offering the clips to experiment.
+One question for you. When recording HFRs, and then needing to use the odd shot in realtime, how successfully can one speed up the footage? I understand when filming in S&Q mode, no audio is recorded, but re shutter speeds etc, in a 25p timeline, will it look “normal”?. thanks again for all.
+hey Tom, i just shot some footage using 2K RAW at 240fps and the histogram wasn’t showing in the viewfinder. I had a balck box with no levels in it. Same if i used the waveform…Did you had any issues with they ? Thak you in advance.
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+It seems like everything that I’ve written about lately has a common thread: melatonin. When I started weaving together all those melatonin threads, a big picture was revealed. You could say it is a…tapestry of health.
+Melatonin may actually be the key to health and longevity.
+And this is something that I do not say lightly.
+This article will dig into how your body produces and uses melatonin. I’ll delve into some of the recent research studies on it — but know that I’m barely scratching the surface on a topic that would take volumes to thoroughly cover. Then I’ll explain some of the genes involved in producing and using melatonin.
+Melatonin Production
+Melatonin is a biological molecule found in all vertebrates, insects, cyanobacteria, and plants and derived from the amino acid tryptophan. Melatonin is categorized as an indoleamine, which refers to the structure of the molecule. (Serotonin is another neurotransmitter that is an indoleamine.)
+The amino acid tryptophan (found in meats, dairy, and some grains) is converted by the enzyme tryptophan-5-hydroxylase to form 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is then converted to 5-hydroxytryptamine (aka serotonin!). Serotonin is acetylated to form N-acetylserotonin and then converted to N-acetyl-5-methyltryptamine (aka melatonin!). Tryptophan is usually fairly abundant in protein-rich diets.[ref]
+You can describe melatonin production in two categories: pineal production and extra-pineal production.
+Pineal Gland Production:
+The pineal gland is a little organ, about the size of a bean, located in the middle of the brain. It produces and recycles the cerebral spinal fluid, similar to the way the kidneys act as a filter for the rest of the body.
+The pineal gland produces a bunch of melatonin at night. Light exposure controls the secretion of melatonin, and the sun going down (lack of light) allows for the rise of melatonin at night. When light (specifically blue light) hits your eyes in the morning it triggers the breakdown of melatonin and stops pineal gland production for the day. This is what sets your circadian rhythm – the melatonin from the pineal gland increasing when the sun goes down and decreasing with the sunrise.[ref]
+The cells in the pineal gland contain lots of mitochondria, which researchers think synthesize the melatonin. When light levels fall at sunset, the pineal gland produces melatonin and releases it into both the cerebral spinal fluid and the blood circulation of the brain. The cerebral spinal fluid is filling the spaces, or ventricles, surrounding the different regions of the brain.[ref][ref] (I’ll come back to how this impacts brain health and Alzheimer’s disease.)
+As you age, the pineal gland will start to calcify, or build up calcium deposits. This happens throughout the aging process, and there are strong associations between the amount of calcification and neurodegenerative diseases of aging. Thus, the pineal production of melatonin gradually decreases over the course of your life, starting at puberty. The volume of the uncalcified pineal gland correlates to the peak amount of melatonin produced at night.[ref][ref]
+Extra-pineal melatonin:
+Researchers have found out more recently that melatonin production occurs outside of the pineal gland as well. Quite a few of your organs and tissues produce melatonin including the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, liver, thymus, spleen, heart, skin, testes, placenta, and eggs. Some of the most recent research theorizes that all cells can produce melatonin in their mitochondria.[ref]
+Extra-pineal melatonin doesn’t affect the circadian clock or the sleep-wake cycle. Instead, it plays a number of different roles in the cells including as an antioxidant and immune system stimulant.[ref][ref]
+Recap: You make melatonin in the brain (pineal gland) at night and it does a bunch of good things in the brain including setting your circadian rhythm. You also make melatonin in the rest of your cells, not just at night, and it acts as an antioxidant and within the immune system.
+How your body uses melatonin:
+First, let’s look at how much melatonin your body makes. The amount depends on age, time of day, and exposure to light. Most studies will measure the peak amount of melatonin produced in the middle of the night. A study of workers (n=117) found that the average peak nighttime melatonin levels for day workers was 15.4 ng/mg creating/hr, and the average peak melatonin for night shift workers was almost 50% less (10.9 ng/mg).[ref] Other sources point to the differences in melatonin due to age. For example, children ages 10 – 15 may produce 120 pg/ml, but adults by age 40 may only be producing 20 – 30 pg/ml.[ref]
+Suppression of melatonin by light:
+Even low levels of light (1.5 lux) can suppress melatonin production. To put this into perspective, a night light puts out about 5 lux, and streetlights outside are around 10 lux. The maximum suppression of melatonin comes at around 305 lux – this would be similar to very bright indoor lighting. So any amount of light over 305 lux doesn’t add to melatonin suppression.
+Supplemental Melatonin:
+The first thing most people think of when it comes to melatonin might be the supplemental melatonin for sleep. Doses of supplemental melatonin range from 300mcg to 10 mg. An oral dose of 1 to 5 mg will raise serum melatonin levels to 10 to 100 times the normal levels within an hour.[ref] Taking melatonin during the day increases daytime sleepiness and drops body temperature (something that normally happens around the time you go to bed at night).[ref] Melatonin is easily absorbed orally, subcutaneously, intranasally, transdermally, and sublingually.
+Melatonin Receptors:
+For melatonin to have a signaling effect on cells, it needs a receptor available on the cell membrane. Two types of melatonin receptors exist, usually referred to as MT1 and MT2 in studies. (More on these receptors in the genetics section below).
+The highest density of melatonin receptors (MT1) is in the suprachiasmatic nucleus – or SCN. The SCN is located in the hypothalamus in the brain. It is your body’s center for the circadian pacemaker. This high density of melatonin receptors allows the signal of daytime (lack of melatonin) and nighttime (increased melatonin due to lack of light) to be received in your core circadian clock.[ref]
+Circulating melatonin in the bloodstream gets quickly taken up by cells. The cells use it as an antioxidant during dimes of high oxidative stress. Melatonin can also be transported into the mitochondria or actually made in the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell). Melatonin acts as a potent antioxidant to combat the abundant free radicals produced in the mitochondria.[ref]
+Studies on Cancer, Aging, and Alzheimer’s:
+Many recent studies have shown that melatonin acts directly to inhibit cancerous cells. It acts to both suppress the proliferation of cancerous cells as well as reducing the ability of a tumor to metastasize.[ref]
+The problem with cancer cells is that they don’t die when they are supposed to. Apoptosis is the process by which cells self-destruct and then are removed. A lot of cancer drugs target this system and increase the apoptosis of both cancerous and normal cells. Melatonin increases apoptosis in cancer cells while being protective in normal cells.[ref]
+No, melatonin isn’t as powerful as chemo or a replacement for it. However, it is being used as an adjunct to chemotherapy. It is being successfully used in breast cancer[ref], leukemia[ref], non-small cell lung cancer[ref], colon cancer[ref][ref], head and neck cancer[ref], and more.[ref]
+Melatonin also suppresses the Warburg effect, which is how cancer cells fuel their growth. “Under the conditions of exposure to low-intensity light at night and circadian disruption that only suppresses nocturnal melatonin production, both the Warburg effect and the uptake of LA and its metabolism to 13-HODE in breast cancer xenografts become completely arrhythmic and operate at a constitutively high level throughout the entire day (all 24-hrs). “[ref][ref]
+Let me point out here that melatonin production decreases with age and cancer rates increase with age…
+There is a lot of epidemiological evidence tying cancer rates – especially breast and prostate cancer – to exposure to light at night, which decreases peak melatonin production. Often people dismiss this, thinking there must be another reason for the association between urban lights and cancer. That is a mistake.
+The associations between shift work, light at night, and breast cancer have been known for decades. The World Health Organization lists light at night as a probable carcinogen.
+The key that ties the epidemiological studies together with an actual mechanism of why light at night causes cancer is that melatonin actively acts as an anti-cancer agent for breast cancer. I encourage you to take a look at the studies on melatonin and breast cancer.[ref][ref][ref][ref] A particularly interesting study looks at the wavelengths of different types of light bulbs in reference to the promotion of cancer growth. (spoiler: LED’s with a lot of blue light promote tumor growth, incandescent bulbs are better)[ref]
+What makes you age? Why specifically changes as we get old? These are harder questions to answer than you might think. It is something that researchers are still grappling with.
+One theory of aging, posited by Harmon in the 1950s, is that it is caused by oxidative stress damaging the cell. The oxidative stress, in part, is caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) created by the mitochondria. This damage from ROS accumulates and increases with age. Thus, antioxidants (resveratrol, vitamin C, etc) are thought to be anti-aging.
+Other researchers, though, think that oxidative stress paints just part of the picture for aging. Another component of aging is the decline in the immune system, known as immunosenescence.[ref][ref]
+Melatonin’s role in aging is thought to be two-part: antioxidant activity and immune system stimulation. The decrease in melatonin as you age parallels the decrease in antioxidant activity and immunosenescence.
+In animals, restricting calories has been shown to extend lifespan. It turns out that restricting calories in some animals also preserves the rhythm of melatonin production. Studies also show that giving exogenous melatonin to animals also increases survival time in a similar manner to calorie restriction.[ref] Not all studies show this, so it may be species-specific. Mice studies do show that they live longer when given supplemental melatonin over the course of their life, starting in adulthood.[ref][ref][ref][ref]
+Animal studies also show that melatonin supplementation (beginning in middle to old age) prevents the decrease in bone mass associated with aging.[ref] It also increases mitochondrial function.[ref] Melatonin is necessary to reap the benefits of exercise when aging.[ref] Supplemental melatonin also doubles insulin sensitivity in aging animals.[ref]
+We don’t do human studies on chronic calorie restriction to extend lifespan – nor have there been long-term studies in humans on supplemental melatonin for fifty-plus years to know the effect. But… there have been interesting studies on specific aspects of aging. For example, a study on leukocytes (part of the immune system) shows that melatonin counteracts some of the effects of aging.[ref] Another study points out that foods that have been repeatedly shown to be protective against cardiovascular disease all contain melatonin.[ref]
+While I don’t think melatonin is a silver bullet to prevent all aspects of aging, the bulk of the studies do show an overall anti-aging effect.
+Alzheimer’s Disease:
+Oxidative stress is theorized to be one cause of Alzheimer’s disease, due to the free radical damage to the brain. Increased lipid oxidation has been found in autopsied AD brains. The other theorized cause of AD is the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaque in the brain.
+Animal studies are quite impressive on the ability of melatonin to reduce amyloid-beta plaque and clear it from the brain. Some studies show the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and even cognitive enhancement over the control group. The animal models of Alzheimer’s also show that melatonin supplementation increases glutathione and SOD, two important antioxidant enzymes, in the brain. Melatonin supplementation alone, though, wasn’t enough to return the AD mice to normal control levels, but the improvements were significant.[ref][ref][ref][ref]
+Another study using a mouse model of AD found that melatonin reduced the signs of Alzheimer’s including cognitive deficits. The study found that the effect of melatonin was not due to the melatonin receptors but rather acts in a receptor-independent manner to clear amyloid-beta plaque.[ref]
+In addition to clearing amyloid-beta plaque, another way that melatonin can protect against Alzheimer’s is through the reduction of ROS in the mitochondria in brain cells.[ref] This may be the key, rather than amyloid-beta clearance. There is uncertainty whether amyloid-beta accumulation is causing AD vs being present along with AD.
+Another theory of Alzheimer’s disease seems it is caused, in part, by altered insulin signaling in the brain. Some researchers are calling it ‘type 3 diabetes’ of the brain. In animal studies, melatonin decreases brain insulin resistance.[ref]
+Melatonin levels decrease with aging while the risk of Alzheimer’s is greatly dependent on aging. Studies using constant light to decrease melatonin production show it causes Alzheimer ‘s-like damage in the cells along with increasing the need for antioxidants such as SOD and monoamine oxidase.[ref]
+There have been quite a few recent studies and reviews pointing to the role of both low melatonin and circadian disruption in the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaque.[ref]
+So what are the results of human studies that have used long-term melatonin supplementation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Well, there don’t seem to be any studies on that… Almost all of the studies on Alzheimer’s focus on preventing the disease from getting worse once someone already has been diagnosed with it — rather than stopping AD from happening in the first place.
+There are quite a few trials on using melatonin supplements to solve the sleep problems associated with Alzheimer’s. The clinical trials on melatonin range in duration from 10 days to 6 months. They show some positive effects on sleep quality, but they don’t show that melatonin supplements reverse the cognitive deficits of AD.[ref]
+One placebo-controlled trial of six months of 2mg time-release melatonin in people with mild to moderate AD did show positive results on cognitive performance compared to placebo. The use of melatonin didn’t suddenly cure AD, but it did decrease the loss in cognition.[ref]
+Other Studies on Supplemental Melatonin:
+Below is an assortment of other studies on melatonin that I found interesting. Bringing them all together helps to make clear the wide-ranging effects of melatonin.
+Nerve Regeneration:
+An animal study showing melatonin plus chondroitin sulfate ABC helped to regenerate damaged nerves in the C5-C7 region of the neck. Melatonin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to scavenge free radicals, reduce edema at the injury site, and reduce nerve degeneration. Chondroitin sulfate is the main component of glial scars, and the enzyme chondroitin sulfate ABC reduces it.[ref]
+Another animal study used melatonin for six weeks on sciatic nerve injuries. The results showed that melatonin given during the dark period increased the nerve function of the sciatic nerve as well as increasing SOD and neural growth factor.[ref]
+The skin is the largest organ of the body, a protective barrier against the outside world and toxins. Skin cells can synthesize melatonin, and the amount of melatonin depends on ethnic background, gender, age. African Americans had the highest levels of melatonin. Exposure to UV-B radiation stimulates melatonin, which acts as an antioxidant in the skin. One way it does this is by promoting glutathione production.[ref] And yes, there are companies now producing skin cream that contains melatonin. One side effect is that melatonin increases melanin, thus darkening skin.
+Iron overload:
+An animal study showed that melatonin decreased the effects of iron overload on bone and stem cell death.[ref] This makes sense because melatonin is a well-known iron chelator.[ref][ref]
+The ovaries and follicle cells contain high levels of melatonin. One aspect of increased infertility due to aging is increased reactive oxygen species within the follicle and oocyte. This decreases egg quality, often leading to infertility problems. Melatonin has been used in clinical trials to increase embryo quality in women undergoing IVF, and it has been used in several studies with women with PCOS to normalizes hormones and increase egg quality.[ref][ref][ref][ref] Melatonin also may play a role in keeping the mother’s body from rejecting the fetus.[ref]
+Gut Microbiome:
+It makes sense that melatonin would affect gut microbes since it is both an antioxidant and an immune modulator. Studies show that supplemental melatonin changes the composition of the gut microbiome, reduces weight, decreases fatty liver, and decreases low-grade inflammation.[ref] Another animal study showed that melatonin not only changes the gut microbiome but also improves the intestinal barrier and increases gastrointestinal motility.[ref]
+Viral and parasitic infections:
+Cardiomyopathy, caused by a viral infection (Coxsackievirus B3), is prevented by supplemental melatonin.[ref] Quite a few parasitic infections show improvement with melatonin including malaria, toxoplasmosis, and trypanosomiasis.[ref] Pretreatment with melatonin decreases the damage to the lungs in RSV infection.[ref] Melatonin may even help with the Ebola virus.[ref]
+A randomized placebo-controlled trial showed that melatonin (3mg/night) for 12 weeks was superior to a placebo for migraine prevention. It was also slightly better than 25mg/day of amitriptyline (tricyclic antidepressant commonly prescribed for migraine prevention).[ref]
+Inflammation and Obesity:
+Low-grade inflammation is associated with obesity. A placebo-controlled trial found that 6mg of supplemental melatonin decreased inflammatory markers (TNF-alpha, IL-6, and CRP) in obese women.[ref] A meta-analysis of a bunch of studies found that melatonin consistently reduces CRP and IL-6 in people with metabolic syndrome.[ref] Several studies have shown that supplemental melatonin (along with diet) increases weight loss.[ref][ref]
+Adding melatonin with exercise cures insulin resistance, hypertension, and fatigue in an animal model of diabetes.[ref] But what about humans? People with type-2 diabetes have lower peak nighttime melatonin levels. This is important because melatonin acts in the pancreas at night to control insulin release. A genetic variant in the melatonin receptor gene is associated with an increased risk of diabetes (more on that below). The influence of melatonin on diabetes may be directly related to its effect as an antioxidant, as a signaling molecule in the pancreas, and its role in setting the circadian rhythm. Recent studies also show that melatonin may directly influence glucose uptake through the GLUT1 receptor.[ref][ref][ref][ref]
+ADHD and Autism:
+There are numerous studies on supplemental melatonin for ADHD. Sleep problems often go hand-in-hand with ADHD for both children and adults. Staying up later while being exposed to light at night suppresses melatonin levels. Taking supplemental melatonin — or just blocking out the light at night — may be helpful to some people with ADHD.
+Most trials on melatonin supplementation for ADHD show improvements in sleep and in behavior. A few trials, though, just showed sleep improvement with no effect on behavior.[ref][ref]
+A study with 125 autistic children with sleep problems found that melatonin increased sleep time by almost an hour per night and decreased the amount of time that it took to fall asleep. A long-term follow-up trial for the next year found also that participants slept over an hour longer, had better sleep quality, and >50% reduction in wakings.[ref][ref] A meta-analysis of 18 previous studies found that melatonin improved both behavioral traits and increased sleep by 73 minutes.[ref] A study of adults with autism found that patients had decreased peak melatonin secretion compared with a control group.[ref]
+Melatonin may be impacting more than just sleep in autism. A recent study on autism found a link to two genetic mutations (not covered by 23andMe) in the gene that codes for the enzyme used to convert serotonin to melatonin. The implication here is that decreased melatonin production due to the genetic variant may be causally involved in autism.[ref]
+Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
+There have been several clinical trials using melatonin to help with IBS symptoms. Melatonin production within the intestinal tract happens under normal conditions and it is also absorbed from foods. Animal studies show that giving low doses (1-10mcg/kg) of melatonin speeds up intestinal transit times, but higher doses (100-1000mcg/kg) slowed transit time significantly.[ref] IBS is often accompanied by increased transit time (diarrhea) or slowed transit time (constipation).
+In addition to transit time, melatonin also acts as an anti-inflammatory and an immune system modulator in the intestines. These functions also play a role in melatonin’s effect on IBS.
+The clinical studies on melatonin show varied results. Overall, there seems to be a benefit of decreased abdominal pain and regulated transit time. Almost half of IBS patients taking melatonin showed improved quality of life, which was significantly higher than those taking a placebo.[ref]
+Genetics and Melatonin:
+Members: See your data below
+Log in and select your data file Not a member? Join now.
+There are several ways that your genes interact with melatonin: through production, cellular receptors, and metabolism. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of genetic variants, though, that significantly impact the production of melatonin. This may be because it is vital to so many processes in the body.
+Below is an overview of some of the studies associated with melatonin-related genetic variants that are available in 23andMe or AncestryDNA data.
+MTNR1B gene:
+This gene codes for the MT2 melatonin receptor.
+The rs1030963 variant is very well studied for its impact on overnight insulin release and glucose levels. It has links to an increase in the risk of diabetes and gestational diabetes.[ref][ref][ref][ref] A reduction in risk for diabetes to back to normal risk allele carriers occurs if they eat dinner earlier.[ref]
+Check your genetic data for rs10830963 (23andMe v4, v5 ; AncestryDNA):
+- G/G: linked to a higher risk of diabetes, increased fasting glucose – don’t eat dinner late
+- C/G: linked to a higher risk of diabetes, increased fasting glucose – don’t eat dinner late
+- C/C: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs10830963 is —.
+Check your genetic data for rs1387153 (23andMe v4, v5, AncestryDNA):
+- T/T: increased fasting glucose, increased risk of gestational diabetes.[ref]
+- C/T: somewhat increased fasting glucose
+- C/C: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs1387153 is —.
+MTNR1A gene:
+This gene codes for the MT1 melatonin receptor.
+Check your genetic data for rs2375801 (23andMe v4)
+- C/C: increased risk of cancer metastasis (liver)[ref]
+- C/T: increased risk of cancer metastasis (liver)
+- T/T: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs2375801 is —.
+Check your genetic data for rs6553010 (23andMe v4, AncestryDNA):
+- A/A: increased risk of cancer metastasis (liver)[ref]
+- A/G: increased risk of cancer metastasis (liver)
+- G/G: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs6553010 is —.
+Check your genetic data for rs12506228 (23andMe v4, v5; AncestryDNA):
+- A/A: likely fewer melatonin receptors in the brain, a greater impact from working the night shift, increased risk of Alzheimer’s.[ref][ref]
+- A/C: somewhat fewer melatonin receptors, somewhat impacted from light at night, increased risk of Alzheimer’s
+- C/C: typical MTNR1A variant
+Members: Your genotype for rs12506228 is —.
+AANAT gene:
+The alkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) gene controls the rhythmic production of melatonin by the pineal gland. The AANAT variant rs28936679 is a rare variant that causes delayed phase sleep disorder.[ref]
+Check your genetic data for rs28936679 (23andMe v4 only):
+- A/G: may cause delayed phase sleep disorder
+- G/G: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs28936679 is —.
+TPH2 Gene:
+The TPH2 gene codes for the rate-limiting enzyme involved in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, which can then be converted to melatonin. The link between TPH2 and melatonin levels is indirect, but I’ve included it here to illustrate the connection between melatonin precursors and disrupted circadian rhythm.[ref][ref]
+Check your genetic data for rs4290270 (23andMe v4; AncestryDNA):
+- T/T: increased risk of waking early, increased risk of depression[ref][ref]
+- A/T: probably a slightly increased risk of waking early, depression (this is the most common genotype)
+- A/A: typical
+Members: Your genotype for rs4290270 is —.
+Check your genetic data for rs4570625 (23andMe v4, v5; AncestryDNA):
+- G/G: less TPH2 function[ref], more likely to achieve depression remission with escitalopram*[ref]
+- G/T: higher TPH2
+- T/T: higher TPH2, less depression[ref]
+Members: Your genotype for rs4570625 is —.
+*escitalopram is an antidepressant that acts on the circadian system.[ref]
+Methylation cycle:
+In the process of turning serotonin into melatonin, your body uses a methyl group. There are quite a few genetic variants that decrease the production of methyl groups, including MTHFR variants. I don’t have any studies, though, that show genetic variants that impact methylation also decrease melatonin.
+Raise endogenous production:
+How can you raise your own body’s production of melatonin? The fact that melatonin production is shut off by light – specifically light in the 480nm wavelength or blue light – causes a mismatch with our modern society. Everything electronic, from your phone to your laptop to your TV, is giving off a lot of blue light. And the low-energy CFL and LED light bulbs all give off a lot more light in the blue wavelengths than the old incandescent bulbs did. Blocking blue light in the evenings with blue-blocking glasses (orange-colored lenses) raises melatonin production by 50% within a week.[ref] Read more here about blue-blocking glasses.
+Supplemental melatonin:
+So if melatonin is so awesome, should everyone be taking a melatonin supplement every day? I can’t answer that with a blanket statement that applies to everyone.
+The drawbacks to supplemental melatonin include that the regular tablets will give you a big peak dose, but not necessarily when your body would produce it. The time-release tablets can give you a more stable dose, but it also doesn’t peak when your body normally would. Some people feel groggy the next day after taking larger doses of melatonin, and some people report having headaches after too much melatonin.
+Melatonin is seemingly safe to take, even at higher doses. Used for decades as a supplement, some studies report using doses up to 6 grams/day with the only side effects being sleepiness.[ref]
+Everyone needs to make their own decision on what is right for their body. If you are younger, blocking blue light at night and relying on your natural production of melatonin may be the best option.
+If you are older and decide to supplement with melatonin, look for a timed-release formula. This better mimics the body’s natural production of melatonin. The regular melatonin supplements metabolize and clear out pretty quickly (half-life around 45 minutes).[ref]
+If you are going to supplement with melatonin, choose a quality brand of supplements. In a 2017 study: 31 different supplement brands, melatonin content differed from the label in 71% of supplements. Additionally, 26% also contained serotonin.[ref] Labdoor.com is a website that shows the results of testing supplements for purity and content. I recommend checking out their rankings of melatonin supplements.
+Melatonin from food:
+Plants also produce melatonin as an antioxidant. Several common foods contain melatonin, which can transiently raise your melatonin levels.
+Food sources include[ref][ref]:
+- coffee beans
+- Goji berries
+- kidney beans
+- apples
+- tart cherries
+In apples, melatonin acts to reduce oxidation. When the apples have started browning, it uses up the melatonin since it is scavenging the free radicals. Therefore, apple juice usually doesn’t have very much melatonin left in it. Apple peels, especially Fuji apples, have higher amounts of melatonin.[ref]
+Going back to the idea that smaller amounts of supplemental melatonin increase intestinal transit time (study referenced in IBS section above), it is interesting that coffee (with both melatonin and caffeine) has that effect on a lot of people in the morning…
+Tryptophan is the precursor amino acid needed for serotonin and melatonin synthesis. A trial of adding tryptophan at breakfast time didn’t increase melatonin at night. But exposure to bright light during the day does increase melatonin at night.[ref]
+Methylene blue increases melatonin production.[ref] There are also some interesting theories around mitochondrial function, methylene blue, and Alzheimer’s disease.
+Conclusion and Recap:
+Melatonin is important to your body in many ways. It is produced in high levels at night in the pineal gland, setting your circadian rhythm and providing vital anti-inflammatory and immune functionality to the brain at night. This nighttime production of pineal melatonin is based on a lack of light hitting the retina. Melatonin is also produced both day and night at low levels in tissues throughout the body, countering ROS in the mitochondria and providing other benefits throughout the body.
+Melatonin is important in aging, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and many other chronic conditions. The circadian mismatch of artificial light at night (and lack of sunlight exposure during the day) may be reducing melatonin levels and increasing the risk of these chronic conditions.
+Related Articles and Genes:
+Bipolar disorder, depression, and circadian clock genes
+New research shows depression and bipolar disorder are linked with changes or disruption in circadian genes. Also, genetic variants in the circadian clock genes can increase your susceptibility to mood disorders.
+Tryptophan: A building block for serotonin and melatonin
+Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body uses to make serotonin and melatonin. Genetic variants can impact the amount of tryptophan that is used for serotonin. This can influence mood, sleep, neurotransmitters, and immune response.
+Alzheimer’s and APOE genotype
+The APOE gene variants are tightly linked with the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Find out whether you carry the APOE risk type for Alzheimer’s – and learn what all of us can do via diet and lifestyle to prevent this disease.
+Her black polished surface stands an unwavering object staunch and resolute through the seasons. For thousands of years she has endured in this very spot deposited here by some ancient glacier. She is a Remnant of a time we have long forgotten. To see her is to marvel in her greatness, the journey here was not easy. It started with a two hour car ride and ended with a five mile hike in. Today I play a game of “don’t get the old guy wet” leaping some of her smaller sisters. Two jumps this way and three that until finally reaching the middle of the pool. The icy cold Alaskan waters snakes against, around, and some days over the smaller but formidable boulders but they have never taken her. I can assure you she is worth the trip and a beautiful sight that you will never forget especially on a crisp fall day like this one where a golden forest trail marks the way. For once you stand upon her, you realize that she owns this pool and she represents all that is great in Alaska. She is big and stubborn and slippery from time to time. She will be here long after you and I are gone. She stands as the gate keeper to the waterfall that rockets out of the canyon some eighty feet above her. To me she is simply the seat for the Guardian of the pool. For if she was to ever wash away, surely she would take the gin clear pool and the trout which reside in it with her. Let’s hope that days never comes. I sigh as I reach her base and place my hand upon her as if greeting an old friend. I wish I had found her first, but she belongs to another. He is always here and I can feel him today. Call it that feeling of being watched; call it goose pimples or the hair rising on your arms and neck. Even when you don’t see him, Trust me, He is always there watching.
+When my friend and fellow Sportsman dramatist (which means Liar in French) Michael Strahan asked me to write a story about my favorite fishing place in Alaska I was not sure which direction I would go. I looked back deep into my fishing archives and scoured notes from previous adventures before being hit with an epiphany. The best trips I have had really had nothing to do with the fishing itself but everything to do with the company I kept. For it is the companions we keep that really marks a man for life and long after we forget about the trout that got away, we will remember who was with us to witness the escape. Such is the case of Norman. There seemed to be no better time to tell the story of Norman, than Halloween. So here goes.
+I’m not sure how long he had been fishing Montana Creek. By the appearance of his equipment, His whole life I reckon. Hell, I’m not sure where he lived or even if he had a house. I know he had a daughter in Virginia and a boy who was killed in a war in some jungle half way around the world many years ago. That came out after a few belts of whatever he carried in his flask for “his aches” as he called them. Im not sure what was in it but we did start a soggy fire with it once and he darned near burned up my waders. I figured we all have our crosses to burn or carry so I never asked. What I did know is that He drove an old green bronco that smelled of Canine, beer and Tobacco. Not necessarily in that order depending on the day. It had a giant steel cable wench on the front and it had windshield wipers that you had to reach up above you to turn on by hand. I only know this because he gave me a ride to Talkeetna once when my car would not start. He spotted me on a rainy day, hood up, tapping on the engine with a screwdriver. “Yaw, that’s going to start it!” is all he said. He then gave me the universally understood head wave to get in. I made the mistake of opening up the passenger door. He made me ride in the back. The dog rode shotgun as the sign screwed into the dash he was now pointing at clearly indicated. My bad!
+That’s the beauty of fishing acquaintances. Let’s face it, There not really buddy’s. We don’t talk about work, or the girls. We don’t ever come from the same social settings. We don’t have the same friends. We don’t really even talk about anything other than what size bead is working or what color flesh fly the bite is on. We don’t call each other and make plans about what to wear or what time he is meeting me on the water. I’m there at daylight. He is there at daylight, usually. If he is not, I don’t care, im not riding in the front anyway. I can net my own fish. If I’m late he will never chastise me, instead he will simply catch my fish. With that said there is a comfort in familiarity and I enjoy knowing there is someone around, most days while I’m fishing.
+We will never discuss religion but we may talk to our god whenever we please.
+I met him on a blind corner about twenty years ago 4 miles above Yoder Road on Montana Creek. I heard him giggling like a school girl fighting a huge rainbow. It was a beautiful sight. Fly rod to the sky bent above the cork and line tight shedding water beads as the fish ran. I sat down on a log and just watched as he masterfully turned the fish into a pool on its first run. He brought the beautiful fish to his feet and reached down and unhooked it and set it free. Fly-fishing is one of those sports not unlike many others and yet completely different. If you spend five minutes with a guy competing at the same sport you know where you rank. This guy was clearly better than me in every way. He fished with style and made fly fishing for me aristocratic. It became about the art of the cast, Not the quantity of the fish caught. He looked to the sky and smiled talking to someone I could not see and although I could not hear his voice over the rapids I could see the sincerity in the words upon his face. He was clean shaven and he had a distinct look of class. I waited until he spotted me and I stood up and walked over. He was wearing an old green and black checkered Woolworth wool fly coat. He had a beaten leather hat. I figured him around 70 and a weekend warrior retired banker.
+I was wrong. “I am 82, you are 4.2 miles above touron fishing central, which means you’re either ambitious or an adventurer type and both are suspect, my name is Norman” he spoke clearly and shook my hand. “If you’re going to watch the best show on earth son, the least you could have done is net an old man’s fish” With that he simply turned and walked up stream. Now those of you who know me know I am very seldom at a loss for words, but he had me. “My name is Jeff” I yelled over the rapids. He put up the back of his hand a waived a half hardy goodbye never looking back and at in the same monotone voice said “ I am 82 years old ,It does not mean I sir am deaf” and with that he was gone.
+By midafternoon I caught up with him again upstream. I had made my way through the boulder gardens and was now just approaching the waterfalls I had described above. There he was laying on his rock with his hat drawn over his eyes and his canvas back pack under his neck. I tried to sneak around him to what I could clearly see was a pool full of salmon which to me meant Rainbows. No dice. “Welcome to The pool” He said from Ten feet above me.
+“Thanks” I said. “What took you so long” He shot back never lifting his cap.
+“I was fishing sir”.
+“Any big ones?” was his reply.
+“I caught a few. One nice one over twenty”
+“Ya I saw that, I was right above you.”
+“Well you could have netted a young man’s fish” seizing a sarcasm moment.
+He simply smiled “There is a 30” fish in that pool. I have hooked him but never landed him. Do me a Favor? ”
+“When you catch him, please let him go.”
+“Of course.”
+“Thank You” and with that he slid off the rock with the agility of a twenty year old and began making his way back down stream. And so it went. For many years, more days than not I have fished on my beloved Montana Creek I have met Norman. We would park our cars in the same pull out and Walk the stream to the falls together fishing along the way. He would climb upon his rock and look into the pool always on the lookout for that 30”. He would than take a nap wake up and head down stream.
+Sometimes I waited. Mostly he caught up. I would mimic his streamer technique, learn by watching as I was always to proud to ask him for help. He would swing the fly through the large pools and then retrieve them very fast. It was money in the bank as the big Rainbows hammered his homemade creations. We would trade his fly’s for my hand painted beads as I ruled the braids and he owned the pools.
+He once said “Do you actually go in and buy those fandango Maybelline colors?”
+“Yup” I said under a cigar trying to Man up.
+“Better you than Me” he said and chuckled.
+Many years had passed since I fished with Norman on that river. One summer he just never showed up. I knew he had passed away as we all will someday.
+Montana Creek is Located 60 miles North of Anchorage. It runs clear and fast along the south side of the Talkeetna Spur Highway until it crosses the Parks Highway and spills gently into the Big Susitna River. Most of the fishing takes place at the confluence where King Salmon in the 50 pound range are not uncommon. You can access the Montana Creek off almost every road off the Talkeetna Spur including but not limited to Yoder road which I described above. From spring to fall it offers the fly fisherman endless opportunity’s to fish on wide open gravel bars and tight confluences. You will find grayling, Rainbow Trout and of course King, Silver, Chum and Pink Salmon. It runs crystal clear and cold most days and even during heavy rains drains and clears up fast. If you get a chance to walk the 5 miles to the falls take some kind of Bear protection. That may consist of a Gun, bear spray or just someone slower than you. As I fish below the falls this day my eyes search for a thirty inch Monster that supposedly resides in the deep blue. It’s been twenty years since that fateful meeting and I still have never seen a 30” rainbow in the old man’s pool but I figure I owe it to him to keep looking. My girlfriend Aimee who has accompanied me today has been collecting shapely rocks and sticks for our fire when she walks up and gives me a punch in the back of the arm and says ”any big ones?” I shoot her a look that must have been just short of something from an episode of the twilight zone.
+“What did you say?”
+She says “That guy back on the trail just asked if you had caught anything big out of that pool?”
+I said “Honey we’re five miles from a road.”
+“What Guy?”
+1. Does Your Dog Regularly Obtaining the Runs?
+Insert bio yoghurt to your own feed. Particularly if it’s occurring on a regular basis. The bio berry generally sorts this type of problem out rather fast.
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+WTA) hachiko akita | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Image Source: flickr.com
+Yellow spots on the lawn are due because your pet’s digestive system is too full of nitrogen therefore the elevated levels of nitrogen in the urine causes the lawn spots. Go out and really look at those burn marks. Notice the way the outside edge of the mark actually has really nice, green grass? That is due to the fact that the nitrogen that burned off the grass is too strong but the outer edges of this ‘ring’ of urine ended up with only enough nitrogen to help rather than hurt. Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+There are a number of things you can do. If you are observant you can water over the spot where the dog has urinated this will dilute the nitrogen and will be beneficial to the yard. Set aside a place the dog may use as a bathroom in which you don’t care what happens. Fill it or just leave the grass there to get burnt. Teach the dog to go in that one spot. This will take time and patience.
+Instead a dose of one teaspoon to one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (determined by the size of the dog) per day can fix the pH imbalance and could solve the issue. The apple cider vinegar can be added to the puppy’s water or put directly on his food. The organic type in the health food store, not the pasteurized variant from the supermarketTwo tbsp of tomato juice to the pet’s food twice per day will have the same effect.
+3. Insect Stings to Cats or Dogs
+Slice a raw onion and then use to the sting when possible.If the sting is within the mouth – Keep “Antihistamine” capsules on your first aid kit. A rapid government soon after the sting may prevent serious complications. You can even have antihistamine in liquid form which makes it much easier to dispense. To administer fluids pull from the jowl near the back teeth it creates a sort of little cup, then pour the measured liquid in, close mouth, tilt head straight back and massage throat. Some dogs will actually swallow the insect live, which may continue stinging the dog and cause anaphylactic shock. This is due to inner swelling of the trachea which cuts off the oxygen supply to the lungs. Speedy administration of “Antihistamine” can reduce and even prevent severe complications.
+![Japanese Akita puppies for sale - YouTube | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Japanese Akita puppies for sale - YouTube | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Image Source: ytimg.com
+SPECIAL NOTE – Dosage will vary based upon the size of the animal. Check with your veterinarian for suggested dose. Normally they’ll refer to the animal’s weight as a guideline.
+4. Sharp Object and Glass ingestion
+Dogs even eat ornaments, Xmas decorations, light bulbs and lots of different items that are sharp and so dangerous. Here is what to do. Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Proceed to the chemist and buy a cotton balls make sure it is cotton balls rather than the cosmetic puff things they are made of manmade fibres. Buy a carton of double cream and keep it in the freezer if in the eventuality of your dog eating something gaudy. Defrost the cream and then pour some in a bowl. Dip cotton balls into the cream and feed them to a dog.
+Dogs less than 10 pounds should eat two balls which you have first torn into smaller pieces. Dogs 10-50 lbs should eat 3-5 balls and dogs should eat 5-7.
+You may feed larger dogs an entire cotton ball simultaneously. Dogs seem to actually like these odd treats and eat them readily. As the cotton works its way through the digestive tract it will find all the glass and small sharp objects and wrap itself around them. Even the teeniest shards of glass will be caught and wrapped in the cotton fibers and the cotton will protect the intestines from damage. Your pet’s stools will be somewhat strange for a few days. If either of the latter symptoms appear you should rush your dog to the vet to get a check-up, but Generally, the puppies should be fine
+5. Bonding
+If you want to quickly bond with a new puppy or rescue puppy. Masticate a piece of white bread till it is a gooey then feed as a titbit to the pup/dog for your initial seven days. You simply need to do this after a day; it mimics the regurgitation procedure when pups and cubs are being weaned in the wild, this really makes all the difference and helps them bond faster and therefore settle in much earlier.
+6. Constipation
+If your dog does not move his bowels for a day or 2, or if he appears to have trouble doing this, he might be constipated. He will not flavor it with the food. Do this until he is regular again. Also be certain that he gets lots of exercise. Deficiency of running, walking, walking and jumping can earn a puppy searchable.
+![American Akita Puppies Breed information & Puppies for Sale | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+American Akita Puppies Breed information & Puppies for Sale | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Image Source: europuppy.com
+7. Automobile Sickness
+Often Ginger helps for this problem either Ginger Biscuits or even better organic ginger fed before the travel. The snacks can be fed as the dog gets in the vehicle, which includes an added incentive of the puppy feeling that it being commended for just getting in the vehicle. Cocculus 6C a naturopathic treatment for travel sickness can also be help particularly to get a puppy who has excessive drooling or has been sick. Sea Legs can also be helpful the human travel sickness but check with your Vet for just how much to administer, though I’d imagine if you bought a kid’s dose it would be fine
+8. Grooming
+Once per week put a really good shake of Olive Oil “the one you use for sandwiches” into the dogs food, it gives the coat a brilliant shiny healthy look. In combination with the petroleum utilize a rubber collar curry comb/ brush; you could purchase it cheaply from any tack shop, strips all the dead hair off and polishes up the coat better than any other brush on the market. They also do a plastic which gets all the seeds and bits of debris out. I utilize both to good impact.
+9. Grooming Two
+No matter the dogs coat short or long groom daily. Even if it’s just for a few minutes and be sure you groom on the withers. This assists in bonding and social status. Grooming is a significant social gesture. That is why some dominant dogs object to being groomed, they do not think you’ve got the place to initiate this activity.
+10. Tears Stains and Bacterial Infections
+Bacterial infections commonly occur in the tear ducts. “Ptirsporum”, reddish yeast germs, is in the origin of most yeast infections. Tear stains also frequently happen in precisely the same time for a gum infection or ear infection. Staining may also happen on a puppy’s paws from licking around his mouth from contaminated saliva.
+Apple cider vinegar (in its normal form from a health food store, not the pasteurized variant from the Supermarket) I get mine from horse tack stores. It is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, and deodorant; It assists digestion and to eliminate tooth decay; prevents tooth decay and hair loss (even mange), in addition, it prevents and heals gum disease and skin problems; and will discourage fleas. Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Placing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per quart of water in your pet’s water bowl or on food can clear up most active yeast diseases and protect against future infections. Apple cider vinegar tablets can be used if your puppy won’t drink the treated water or eat the meals.
+11. Halitosis/Dog Breath
+Halitosis, or disagreeable breath, may be brought about by means of a stomach problem, bad teeth or tonsils, or something that is stuck in your dog’s mouth or throat. Look your dog’s teeth to determine if any are decayed. If his breath remains offensive, then take him to a vet to see if he wants his teeth his or her tonsils treated.
+12. Cuts
+If your dog cuts slightly, put some boric acid solution or some peroxide on the cut and then leave it alone. You can also buy veterinarian wound powder, the ideal place to buy this really is a horse tack shop it’s much cheaper, clean out the cut or abrasion making sure no dirt or debris is left in the wound and yank the powder onto the region and leave it normally brightens up rather quickly. If the cut is on his leg or foot and bleeds a lot, tie a piece of fabric tightly around his leg, between the trim and his body, release the strain every ten minutes, and take him to a vet simultaneously.
+13. Electric Shocks
+Surprisingly the shock he receives is generally not serious (although in some circumstances has proved fatal); however it can sometimes be powerful enough to knock him out. If it happens, put a little household ammonia on a wad of cotton and then hold this under his nose. Don’t touch the nose with it, since the ammonia will burn your own skin. The sharp odour will bring him around. If he does comes to, provide him some cool, strong, black coffee to drink. If his mouth appears burnt by the shock, wet a cloth in strong, trendy tea and wash the burned area with this. Take him to the vet when he appears burnt or injured at all.
+14. Imagine if your pet swallows a harmful thing
+It’s a rare pup that doesn’t swallow a minumum of one odd object which his stomach can’t possibly digest. However, a dog’s stomach is so constructed it can take care care of the majority of the odd things that find their way to it. If you should realize your dog swallow something you know is bad for him … a piece of rubber mill, a large nail, a splinter of bone or sharp metallic thing … here’s what to do right away.
+Give him a large piece of soft bread. Now put him onto a paper another place where he can inhale without doing any harm. In a short while, the salt will cause him to throw up the bread and the odd object. If this does not appear the first time provide him another dose of salt after about 5 minutes. Once the object is vomited, He ought to be fine. However, if he starts to have diarrhoea, or when his stomach swells up and looks tender when you touch it, then give him a tablespoonful of mineral oil. If he still seems to be in pain after a few hours, or if there. Squeeze a few drops of this in each eye. You can even use plain hot milk for this purpose. If your furry friend has some mild conjunctivitis attempt warm used tea bags, if the infection is more than mild then buy some Golden Eye from the chemist (lotion not drops) and treat for three days this clears up most diseases, yet if he still has problems a visit to the Vet is in order. In case of a real injury to the eyes by a dogfight, or something poked into them, put a pad of gauze soaked in boric-acid solution 50/50 ie warm water and boric acid over the eye that’s hurt. Then wrap a towel loosely around your dog’s head and take him to a vet.
+16. Commands
+Avoid giving your puppy commands that you know you cannot apply. Each time you give a command that’s neither complied with nor enforced your dog learns that commands are optional.
+One command should equal one response, so give your dog just 1 control (twice max!) , then gently enforce it. , is neither an efficient nor effective way to issue commands. Simply give your dog one “Sit” command and lightly place or lure your dog into the sit position, then praise/reward.
+17. The Dog’s Name
+Whenever you can, use your dog’s title positively, instead of using it together with a reprimand, warnings or punishment. Your dog should trust that when it hears its own name or is called to you, great things happen. His name should always be positive and reacted to with enthusiasm, never hesitancy or fear.
+One of best ways to make sure his name is viewed as a positive would be to sit the dog between you and your partner or a friend and say the dog’s name. If he doesn’t look at you, then give his ear a gentle tug to gain his attention so that he turns his head towards you, As soon as this happens praise and treat enthusiastically, cheese, puffed jerky or dried liver is ideal. Get your partner/friend to perform exactly the exact same and keep repeating back and forth for a few minutes, do so regularly and for the remaining dogs life also he/she should always react enthusiastically whenever his name is mentioned. Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Some people including myself produce a lousy dog name so that the dog never hears its real name at any negative situation.
+18. Pee Poles
+These are very new in the pet stores and are made of hard plastic and look almost like a 1 foot high giant tack. You hammer them at the region you want the puppy to urinate and hey presto. These scientists do very nicely with their pheromones, what with all the DAP diffuser and this.
+![Sapphire - Akita Inu Puppy for sale | Euro Puppy | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Sapphire - Akita Inu Puppy for sale | Euro Puppy | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia | Akita Puppy For Sale In Malaysia
+Image Source: youtube.com
+19. Puppy Teething
+Most of the teething and chewing as besides mouthing and nipping starts at about 4.5 weeks old. This is time that the little piranha teeth, laughingly called puppy teeth begin dropping out, as the brand new adult teeth begin pushing through. It takes anything up to 8 weeks for all these new teeth to set in the jaw, although this is happening the pup has a need to chew. To help soothe this and conserve your fixtures, furniture and fixtures. Not the thin brittle ones but a fairly thick large one, this will help his teeth and Heal the itching. Another fantastic help is get a knotted rope you purchase as a spoonful it in water and put it in the freezer. The ice which creates helps warm and itchy gums. Additionally suspend carrots and whilst frozen contribute to teething pups a great and healthy soother. #keyword#.
+20. Games of all Tug
+I don’t enjoy games of tug at any moment, except having a specially timid or frightened dog then I’ll play and let the dog win to develop some confidence. However I never play tug with a pup whilst it’s its puppy/piranha teeth. It actually has little or no jaw muscles at this time therefore you can dislocate the jaw or perhaps misalign the teeth by enjoying roughhouse tug games. You could also be setting the scene for aggressive confrontations later from the puppy’s growth cycle by enjoying this kind of game. It’d be better playing games of locate, hide little bits of treats from the home and garden and invite the puppy to hunt them out, or ball matches these all help dispel a few of the pup’s energies and also to stimulate the mind, as opposed to stimulate the aggression predatory side of the puppy.
+Article Text
+Objectives To update the evidence for the efficacy of biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to inform European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Task Force treatment recommendations.
+Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched for phase III or IV (or phase II, if these studies were lacking) randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published between January 2013 and February 2016. Abstracts from the American College of Rheumatology and EULAR conferences were obtained.
+Results The RCTs confirmed greater efficacy with a bDMARD+conventional synthetic DMARD (csDMARD) versus a csDMARDs alone (level 1A evidence). Using a treat-to-target strategy approach, commencing and escalating csDMARD therapy and adding a bDMARD in cases of non-response, is an effective approach (1B). If a bDMARD had failed, improvements in clinical response were seen on switching to another bDMARD (1A), but no clear advantage was seen for switching to an agent with another mode of action. Maintenance of clinical response in patients in remission or low disease activity was best when continuing rather than stopping a bDMARD, but bDMARD dose reduction or ‘spacing’ was possible, with a substantial proportion of patients achieving bDMARD-free remission (2B). RCTs have also demonstrated efficacy of several new bDMARDs and biosimilar DMARDs (1B).
+Conclusions This systematic literature review consistently confirmed the previously reported efficacy of bDMARDs in RA and provided additional information on bDMARD switching and dose reduction.
+- Anti-TNF
+- DMARDs (biologic)
+- Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Statistics from Altmetric.com
+Since the 2013 systematic literature review (SLR) on biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA),1 there have been several trials addressing efficacy and safety of various established bDMARDs, looking at different aspects of therapy including induction, switching, tapering and stopping of bDMARDs. There have also been publications on new bDMARDs, including some with new modes of action, as well as on a number of biosimilar DMARDs (bsDMARDs).
+Many clinical trials provide direct comparisons between a bDMARD and a conventional synthetic DMARD (csDMARD). The use of treat-to-target strategies,2 however, better reflects real-life treatment approaches and therefore provides additional evidence for the use of these therapies in clinical practice. This SLR therefore also sought to provide an update on bDMARD strategy studies, previously defined as ‘clinical trial(s) of any treatment of RA in which at least one arm consists of medication adjustment according to protocol, based on clinical outcomes aiming at a specific target’.3
+This SLR aimed to update the body of evidence with information that has emerged since 2013 regarding the use of bDMARDs in RA. The results of this SLR and two others4 ,5 provided the task force with the current state of evidence.
+The updated standard operating procedures by European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) were followed.6 As before,1 ,7 studies on the following nine bDMARDs were included: adalimumab (ADA), certolizumab-pegol (CZP), etanercept (ETN), golimumab (GLM), infliximab (IFX), anakinra (ANA), abatacept (ABT), rituximab (RTX) and tocilizumab (TCZ).1 ,7 Information was also sought on new bDMARDs, including bsDMARDs. The search was performed using MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane CENTRAL databases between January 2013 and February 2016. Relevant abstracts were sought from the 2013–2015 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and 2014–2016 EULAR conferences.
+The study selection criteria were the same as those in previous EULAR bDMARD SLRs.1 ,7 The Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool for RevMan 5.18 was used to assess the quality of published studies and the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine levels of evidence9 was used to assign levels of evidence. Details on the search strategy can be found in the online supplementary material.
+supplementary material
+Of 10 187 articles from the database search, together with additional ACR and EULAR conference abstracts and articles found after the database search, 51 published papers and 35 abstracts met the inclusion criteria. Risk of bias was considered ‘low’ for most but not all studies. Open-label trials were assigned ‘high risk of bias’ for the category ‘blinding of participants and personnel’ (see online supplementary material).
+Efficacy data are presented in five sections: (1) bDMARD efficacy trials (in combination with a csDMARD or as monotherapy); (2) bDMARD strategy trials; (3) bDMARD switching trials; (4) bDMARD stopping or dose reduction trials and (4) trials with new therapies (new bDMARDs and bsDMARDs, and bDMARDs versus a targeted synthetic DMARD (tsDMARD)).
+Patients with RA were grouped as follows: (1) DMARD-naive, (2) methotrexate (MTX)-naive, (3) MTX-inadequate response (IR), (4) csDMARD-IR (mixed DMARD-IR) and (5) tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) TNFi-IR. This is highlighted for each study and studies are divided accordingly in the online supplementary section.
+Biological DMARD efficacy
+The focus of the results was on the primary outcomes. Other efficacy outcomes are presented in the online supplementary section.
+Existing biological DMARD+csDMARD combination versus csDMARD
+Nine new studies have been published after 2013 confirming evidence for the efficacy of a bDMARD+csDMARD versus a csDMARD.10–18 In DMARD-naive RA (2010 ACR/EULAR19), the C-EARLY10 study met its primary endpoint of sustained Disease Activity Score using a 28 joint count (DAS28)<2.6 between weeks 40 and 52 (CZP+MTX vs placebo+MTX: 29% vs 15%). In MTX-naive RA, C-OPERA confirmed better efficacy of CZP+MTX compared with MTX alone.14 CARDERA-2 failed to demonstrate radiological superiority of ANA+MTX versus MTX monotherapy.13 In mixed DMARD-IR patients, subcutaneous TCZ+MTX was superior to background MTX in the BREVACTA study (ACR 20 at week 24: 61% vs 32% at week 24),17 and RTX+background leflunomide to leflunomide in the AMARA study.18
+The results of these new randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that a combination of a bDMARD and a csDMARD is more effective than a csDMARD alone. Level of evidence (LOE) as in the previous SLRs:1 1A.
+Biological DMARD+MTX combination versus biological DMARD monotherapy
+In the MTX-naive RA AVERT study, a status of DAS28<2.6 was more often achieved with ABT+MTX than with MTX monotherapy or ABT monotherapy at 12 months (60.9% vs 45.2% vs 42.5%). The FUNCTION study also showed higher proportions of patients with DAS remission and ACR responses—and less radiographic progression—with TCZ 8 mg/kg+MTX compared with TCZ monotherapy.20 ,21 TCZ monotherapy had more DAS28<2.6 and less radiographic progression than MTX monotherapy, but most other secondary endpoints, including physical function, were not different.
+In MTX- IR RA patients, the SURPRISE study showed at week 24, the time of the primary endpoint, that a status of DAS28<2.6 was more often achieved when adding TCZ to MTX versus switching from MTX to TCZ (70% vs 55%).22 This modest benefit had disappeared at week 52 (72% vs 70%). Clinically relevant radiographic progression was lower with TCZ+MTX combination therapy than with TCZ monotherapy (van der Heijde-Sharp score ≥3: 7% vs 15%).
+The results of the newer RCTs are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that a combination of any bDMARD and a csDMARD is more effective than bDMARD monotherapy (LOE as in the previous SLRs:1 1B).
+Biological strategy-type studies
+In the U-Act-Early RCT, MTX-naive patients were randomised to TCZ+MTX, TCZ monotherapy or MTX monotherapy using a treat-to-target approach.23 The primary analysis (number of people achieving sustained DAS28<2.6 by the originally assigned treatment) was higher in the TCZ+MTX or TCZ monotherapy groups than the MTX monotherapy group (86% vs 84% vs 44%). In the clinically more relevant second analysis, and co-primary endpoint, which addresses the entire study period, the initial differences between the groups were no longer seen with the addition of TCZ in the MTX monotherapy group following a treat-to-target approach (86% vs 88% vs 77%).
+In TACIT, a non-inferiority RCT in MTX-IR RA who had failed MTX and another csDMARD,24 patients were randomised to either a strategy of TNFi-start, followed by a switch to a second bDMARD in case of no response, or to a strategy of combination csDMARD therapy, followed by the start of a bDMARD in case of non-response. The change in Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score after 12 months (primary endpoint) was not inferior for the strategy starting with combination csDMARD versus the strategy starting with TNFi (−0.45 vs −0.3). While earlier clinical responses were seen in the TNFi strategy, a status of DAS28<2.6 at 12 months was met by slightly more patients in the TNF start group than in the csDMARD group (44% vs 35%). Of note this was an open-label study with a (too) large non-inferiority margin that importantly limits its interpretability. Thus, the study had a high risk of bias. Adverse events were more frequently found in the csDMARD combination group.
+Ten-year data from all four arms of the BeSt trial suggested that a high proportion of patients (53%) maintain long-term remission, either on drugs or drug free, and had very limited 10-year radiographic progression, confirming the effectiveness of early DMARD treatment together with a treat-to-target approach.25
+The results of the newer RCTs are therefore in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that strategies aiming at benchmarking disease activity and intensifying treatment when clinical remission or low disease activity is not yet reached may lead to favourable outcomes (LOE: 1B).
+Switching between bDMARDs in TNFi-IR RA
+Previous meta-analyses of RCTs had already demonstrated efficacy of all bDMARD classes in patients failing a TNFi (TNFi-IR) (LOE: 1A).7 ,26 To date, new bDMARD switching trials of this type could not be found.
+Patients from the DREAM cohort, who had failed a first TNFi and had DAS28≥3.2, were randomised to receive ABT or RTX, or a second TNFi in a trial with a non-inferiority design. The mean (SD) 12-month DAS28 were 3.8 (1.2) versus 3.4 (1.2) versus 3.5 (1.5) in the ABT, RTX and TNFi groups, respectively.27 In the ROC trial, patients who failed their first TNFi were randomised to either a second TNFi or to another mode of action bDMARD (ABT, RTX or TCZ).28 At week 48, EULAR good response was 60% with a non-TNFi bDMARD versus 43.2% for a second TNFi.
+The results of the newer RCTs are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that patients who have failed their first TNFi may expect benefit from a second TNFi or from a non-TNFi biological (LOE: 1A). There is insufficient evidence to prioritise either strategy.
+Biological DMARD stopping or dose reduction
+Biological DMARD stopping
+In patients with MTX-naive RA, the AVERT trial11 showed that patients with DAS28<3.2 on ABT+MTX, ABT or MTX maintained their drug-free status (DAS28<2.6, both at 12 and 18 months) in only 14.8% after stopping ABT+MTX, 12.4% after stopping ABT and 7.8% after stopping MTX.
+In patients with MTX-IR RA, in the ENCOURAGE study, patients with DAS28<2.6 on ETN+MTX at 6 and 12 months were randomly assigned to strategies stopping or continuing their treatment. There were higher proportions of patients with DAS28<2.6 when continuing medication (88%) versus withdrawing ETN and continuing MTX (54%).29
+In patients with MTX-IR RA that had participated in the ACT-RAY study, a follow-up study showed that in those with sustained DAS28<2.6 and discontinued TCZ only 38.4% of the TCZ+MTX group and 35.1% of the TCZ monotherapy group maintained that state for an average of 3 months.30 The majority of those who lost response (84%) responded well to TCZ reintroduction, but 16% did not.
+The results of the newer RCTs are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that a variable but relatively low proportion of patients who have sustained low disease activity or remission on a strategy with a bDMARD can stop that bDMARD (and continue MTX) without losing their status of low disease activity/remission (LOE: 2B).
+Biological DMARD dose reduction
+In MTX-naive RA patients, in a substudy of AGREE, patients with a DAS28 erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR) <2.6 at year 2 on ABT 10 mg/kg+MTX were randomised to ABT 10 mg/kg (full dose)+MTX versus ABT 5 mg/kg (half dose)+MTX.31 Similar relapse rates were seen in both groups (31% in the ABT 10 mg/kg and 34% in the 5 mg/kg groups).
+The open-label non-inferiority DRESS RCT, in which patients in stable low disease activity on ADA or ETN were randomised to usual care or a dose reduction strategy (stepwise increase in injection intervals), showed that continuation versus dose reduction led to similar rates of ‘major flare’ (10% vs 12%).32
+In the OPTIRRA RCT, patients in stable (3 months) low disease activity (DAS28<3.2) on ADA or ETN were randomised to continue ADA or ETN, taper ADA or ETN by 33% or taper ADA or ETN by 66%.33 Similar flare rates were seen in the continuation and ADA or ETN 33% tapering group (14% vs 13%), but a higher rate in the ADA or ETN 66% tapering group (37%).
+The SMART34 study, in which TNFi-IR RA patients who achieved a EULAR (moderate or good) response on standard dose RTX were randomised to receive RTX 1000 mg once or RTX 1000 mg twice, suggested non-inferiority of both strategies (adjusted mean difference in DAS28-C reactive protein (DAS28-CRP) area under the curve 51.4 (95% CI −13.2 to 234)).
+The results of the newer RCTs are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that a significant proportion of patients who have sustained low disease activity on a strategy with a bDMARD can taper that bDMARD (and continue MTX) without losing their status of low disease activity and that reducing the dose of the bDMARD by up to 50% or increasing the interval between doses accordingly conveys similar results as continuing full dose (LOE: 2B).
+bDMARDs in comparison to new therapies
+Existing bDMARDs versus new targeted synthetic DMARDs
+In the MTX-IR RA-BEAM study, comparing ADA+MTX versus the tsDMARD baricitinib+MTX versus placebo+MTX, showed small but significantly lower responses for ADA+MTX versus baricitinib+MTX, but both were higher than placebo+MTX (DAS28-CRP<2.6 19% vs 24% vs 4%) at week 12.35
+New biological DMARDs
+Several new bDMARDs targeting well-known targets have undergone phase II or III clinical trials in MTX-IR or mixed-DMARD-IR RA patients and have consistently shown superiority in clinical responses versus placebo. These include the human interleukin (IL)-6-receptor-inhibitor sarilumab,36 the humanised anti-IL6 clazakizumab,37 the human anti-IL6 sirukumab38 and also the granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor receptor alpha inhibitor (GMCSFrα-i) mavrilimumab.39 On the other hand, bDMARDs targeting the IL12/23p40-pathway (ustekinumab),40 the IL23p19-pathway (guselkumab)40 and the B-cell-activating factor (tabalumab)41–43 have not demonstrated clinical efficacy over placebo in RA.
+Studies have also formally demonstrated efficacy for sirukumab38 and sarilumab44 in patients previously exposed to other bDMARDs.
+Biosimilar DMARDs
+The long-term observational study of the PLANETRA trial has suggested sustained efficacy of those treated with the bsDMARD IFX CT-P13.45 IFX CT-P13 also demonstrated clinical efficacy in another RCT of MTX-IR RA.46 Efficacy was also formally proven in placebo-controlled RCTs with the ADA bsDMARDs ABP50147 and SB5,48 with the ETN bsDMARDs HD20349 and SB4,50 with the IFX bsDMARD SB251 and with the RTX bsDMARD BCD-020.52
+The results of the newer RCTs are in accordance with the previously formulated standpoint that targeting the IL6-pathway, now including also the IL-6 ligand, may provide benefits to patients, that targeting the cytokine GMCSF is potentially beneficial to patients and that bsDMARDs are as effective biologicals as the originator bDMARDs in the treatment of patients with RA.
+This review on bDMARDs in RA aimed to provide a systematic update of the body of evidence available for the treatment of patients with RA with bDMARDs. It only includes new data from 2013 onwards. These data were presented to the expert committee that convened to discuss the 2016 update of the EULAR recommendations on the (drug) management of patients with RA.53
+The results of this SLR confirmed the efficacy of bDMARDs in combination with a csDMARD (ADA, CZP, ETN, GLM, IFX, ABT, RTX and TCZ but not ANA).13 Combination therapy (bDMARD+csDMARD) was in general again found to be superior to bDMARD monotherapy.
+Remarkably, we did not find any new ‘head-to-head’ trial with bDMARDs published after 2013 in this highly competitive field of high-cost drug treatment in RA. Investigators of sponsored trials usually sought (reconfirmation of) superiority over placebo or engaged in low-commercial-risk strategy trials that reconfirmed the already inarguable efficacy of their bDMARD over placebo.
+What is needed in the field of RA, known for its high number of very effective but costly treatments, is a proper evidence-based prioritisation of the drugs we have available. Guideline committees such as ours have to base their consensus on solid data stemming from direct comparisons of treatments. In the absence of high-quality direct comparisons, methodologists and (company) statisticians find escape routes in indirect comparisons and network meta-analyses. We will not dispute the modest merits of network meta-analyses, but warn against the careless interpretation of their results, since no (network) meta-analysis is methodologically better than the weakest trial contributing to it.
+The most important findings in this update SLR were as follows: patients on MTX monotherapy achieved sustained remission when following a treat-to-target strategy.23 Results from new strategy studies23 ,24 in this regard support those from previous RCTs1 ,3 and allow a firm conclusion: a treat-to-target approach, escalating csDMARD therapy and adding a bDMARD in cases of non-response, is an effective approach.
+New trials in patients who have failed their first TNFi show that switching to a second bDMARD ‘makes sense’. However, the current RCTs do not help us in deciding if this second bDMARD should be a TNFi DMARD or a non-TNFi DMARD. Sparse data that are currently available are not convincing. It may, for instance, be relevant that a patient has not had any response to bDMARD from its initiation (primary non-response) or that an initial response was lost over time (secondary non-response). Evidence from RCTs that may help answering such questions is still lacking.
+Recently we have faced the advent of several bsDMARDs. Many of these have passed the hurdle of regulatory ‘biosimilarity’ and have entered the market or will do this soon. To date, there is no scientific indication that these bsDMARDs, which are already less expensive in some countries than their originator counterparts, are inferior to their ‘parents’ in efficacy or safety. In the absence of tangible distinctions between originator bDMARDs and their bsDMARDs, future guideline committees will likely base their priority on non-scientific arguments such as drug costs.
+In general, patients with RA that have achieved low disease activity or remission are better off with continuation of their treatment than with stopping, but many of the patients can successfully apply bDMARD dose reduction or interval increase, and if a flare occurs most of them will regain disease control upon restarting their bDMARD. Prognostic factors that may help determining which patient subgroups are able to de-escalate therapy and achieve drug-free remission are needed.54 Several studies have addressed these55–58 but we could not find RCTs in which patients had been stratified according to prognostic factors for tapering.
+Comparative data with the tsDMARD baricitinib suggested superior efficacy of baricitinib over ADA, but it remains to be seen if this short-term gain remains over time. Obviously, long-term data on safety still have to be awaited before a proper valuation can take place. There were also several RCTs demonstrating efficacy of new mode-of-action bDMARDs and bsDMARDs in RA.
+As before, the sole source of efficacy studies in this SLR was RCTs. While registry data may provide real-life efficacy data, these are prone to bias and have not been included in this SLR. Registry data, however, are crucial to evaluate long-term drug safety and have been used in the EULAR SLR addressing DMARD safety.4
+In conclusion, this literature review consistently confirmed the efficacy of bDMARDs in RA. It provides some evidence for bDMARD stopping and dose reduction, addressed the important topic of bDMARD switching in TNFi-IR RA and highlighted the advent of some new biological therapies.
+The authors thank Liz Dalton, University of Leeds, for her expertise and help with the literature search and EULAR for funding this work.
+Correction notice This article has been corrected since it published Online First. Reference 8 has been updated.
+Contributors JLN and KT extracted the data for the SLR. All coauthors contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
+Competing interests JS:. JWB: Roche, AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Pfizer, UCB. GB: UCB, AbbVie, BMS, Hexal, Janssen, Lilly, MSD, Medimmune, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Roche.. RL: AbbVie, Amgen, Centocor, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Schering-Plough, UCB, Pfizer, Ablynx, Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Celgene, Janssen (formerly Centocor), Galapagos, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Novartis, Novo-Nordisk, Merck, TiGenix, Rheumatology Consultancy B.
+Now, with evidence sourced from Cadbury India's (now known as Mondelez India Foods after a global merger) own investigations, internal emails and documents, the Excise Department order as well as interviews with former company officials, ET has pieced together the story of how it may have bribed government officials and, possibly top politicians, to create paperwork showing an integrated factory as two separate units.
+Its parent Mondelez International Inc is the target of a federal investigation in the US. But Mondelez was unlikely to face criminal charges under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which bars American companies from bribing foreign officials, because no evidence has emerged connecting the suspicious payments to the US, the Wall Street Journal reported on October 13 quoting unnamed sources.
+Mondelez, however, knew about irregular payments in India at least three months before the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) began formal investigations in February 2011, said Rajan Nair, who headed the company's special security investigations group in 2010-11, when contacted by ET.
+"It was very obvious that the company had hired dubious consultants who bribed government officials, including possibly top politicians in Himachal Pradesh, for statutory approvals,'' Nair said. External investigators engaged by Cadbury found that irregular payments appeared to tally with periods during which crucial approvals came through. One permission they examined was from a state industrial clearances committee headed by the then chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, records show.
+The chief minister used his discretionary powers to grant in-principle approval overruling pollution control board (PCB) objections, according to the Cadbury investigation.
+Dhumal told ET over telephone that he hadn't overruled the PCB. "It was only an in-principle clearance given to Cadbury subject to it obtaining other permissions. It was later found that the company had manipulated records to claim tax benefits,'' he said.
+Phantom Factory
+The issue relates to Cadbury India's largest manufacturing plant located in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, which makes Bournvita, 5-Star bars and buttonshaped%, documents show.
+Dhumal said he did not know Deepak Singh Chandel, the consultant hired by Cadbury to get the de-amalgamation approval, and had never met him. The former chief minister said Cadbury never paid him any money. ``Not even for my election campaign.'' Cadbury needed the clearances fast. When contacted, Shivanand Sanadi, Cadbury's then vice-president, legal, told ET he had advised the management that the company required a host of prior approvals to set up Unit II and it could not claim tax benefits without them in place.
+The move got underway in August 2009 and the unit had to be operational by March 31, 2010, the sunset date to claim tax benefits under the state industrial promotion policy. Chandel admitted to excise department officials who had launched a probe in September 2011 that Cadbury asked him specifically to get backdated approvals.
+On March 25 this year, excise commissioner Parminder Singh Sodhi ordered Cadbury to pay Rs 342 crore it owed in excise and imposed a total penalty of Rs 241 crore for evading it over three years beginning May 2010. Sodhi also fined 12 individuals a total of Rs 2.29 crore, including a Rs 1 crore penalty on the then managing director Anand Kripalu. The company is contesting the order in the Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal.
+Cadbury's internal probe led to a cleanup in April 2011. Several employees, including top managers, were forced out. However, they continue to get legal support and help in paying fines from the company, said at least one person who was thus being aided.
+Among those who left was Rajesh Garg, finance director, whom the investigation report described as the "main architect and proponent for claiming separate tax incentives for Unit II". The report also said that Garg "closely monitored the progress of approvals and licenses for Unit II but claims no knowledge of Daksh". Daksh Associates and Consultants is run by Chandel. Garg could not be reached for comment despite repeated attempts by ET.
+The day after Garg signed his separation agreement with the company, managing director Kripalu sent out a company-wide mail: ``Over the last three years as FD (finance director), Rajesh has built the finance function into a strong business partner, enabling decision making that creates significant value.'' Kripalu, who has since moved to United Spirits Ltd as CEO, told ET by text message that "it would be inappropriate for him to comment''.
+Responding to an ET questionnaire, a Mondelez India spokesperson emailed: "A compliant and ethical corporate culture, which includes adhering to laws and industry regulations in all jurisdictions in which we do business, is integral to our success. It would be inappropriate for us to comment at this time since the matter is in the legal domain.''
+Mondelez directed ET to its 10-Q quarterly SEC filing on October 29, which said it was continuing investigations in India and that it continues to cooperate with government authorities.
+Cadbury India became part of Kraft Foods when Kraft acquired Cadbury's British parent in a $19.6 billion global deal creating the world's biggest confectioner in January 2010. In October 2012, Kraft renamed itself Mondelez International Inc.
+The Revelations
+"It all started with a simple lie to wrongfully claim income tax and excise benefit but they got cornered by the excise authorities,'' said Nair, who now works as an independent fraud, risk and security consultant to corporates.
+Shivanand Sanadi, now an independent lawyer, said after internal investigations revealed that illegal payments may have been made, Mondelez's counsel assessed options regarding disclosures in India and the US. It also got law firm AZB Partners' opinion on how anti-corruption law applied in India and its implications.
+The first time the top management in the US was alerted was in late October 2010 after Nair and Adrian Wong, director, Asia Pacific, global security, met Mohit Vesasi at Hotel Taj in Chandigarh earlier that month. Vesasi, a canteen contractor at the Baddi plant, alleged that the company routinely paid bribes to government officials. The company immediately flagged it as Special Situation 1. "It means the SSM (Special Situation Management) note would reach the Kraft leadership team in the US, including (CEO) Irene Rosenfeld's office,'' said Nair, who was familiar with company processes.
+Rosenfeld is the CEO of the $30 billion-by-revenue Mondelez, which makes Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo, among other snacks.
+Following the initial findings, Mondelez hired Baker & McKenzie LLP and AZB & Partners as legal advisers and forensic experts from Ernst and Young (now EY) to investigate the allegations.
+The secret probe was called Project Maxim. EY investigators probed suspicious payments of $177,650 (Rs 80 lakh) to several outside parties, the bulk of it to Chandel's Daksh Associates.
+On January 26, 2011, in the conference room of the Taj Land's End hotel in Mumbai, EY shared its findings with the Mondelez management, including Terry Sabol, vice-president, finance and strategy, Asia Pacific, and audit chief Carolyn Gibbs, vice-president, internal audit. EY described how bribes were masked, who were involved, why Daksh was a conduit and how Daksh's invoices were created at the Cadbury office, investigator Nair said.
+In an internal memo sent five days later to several people, Mondelez's chief counsel for Asia-Pacific, Cathy Heeley, wrote that investigations had unearthed evidence that ``the allegations regarding improper payments to government officials appear to be well-founded''.
+Heeley also raised the possibility of public exposure if the investigation was disclosed to the DoJ. Unknown to the company, a whistleblower had weeks ago informed the SEC about irregularities at Cadbury. An SEC subpoena regarding alleged FCPA violations arrived February 1. A fortnight later, the company asked AZB Partners what the implications of the disclosure to SEC would be in India.
+Project Maxim reported unambiguously: "Based on the interviews with company employees and Mr Chandel [of Daksh to which Rs 48 lakh was paid], the following was determined: Daksh was appointed to deliver approvals and licenses through his contacts with government officials, including chief minister of Himachal Pradesh having discretionary power and presiding over the State Level Single Window Clearance Authority (SWCA) — which provides in principle approvals for setting up new industrial units in HP and is also an appellate authority for any rejections of orders passed by state government agencies.'' An annexure to the report presented a 'rate-card' that Chandel gave to Cadbury HR chief Bhavana Dogra.
+Dogra, who now works at Bunge India, told ET by a text message that she would not comment on anything. Chandel provided an email address over phone but did not respond to questions ET sent him. He also did not answer follow-up calls to his cellphone. Three executives met Chandel at a hotel near the factory and negotiated the rates down, according to two former Cadbury employees. Negotiated rates appear added by hand in the same rate-card. It lists 23 licences that were required.
+Chandel delivered, partially. Box of Chocolates In an update on November 30, 2010, EY pointed out key events that raised potential FCPA compliance concerns. The most important approval for de-amalgamation of Unit II came in March. The report noted during March 1-15, 2010: "De-amalgamation decision moved to single window clearance committee on March 21, 2010. Jaiboy Philip [Jaiboy Phillips, then director, supply chain, Cadbury India] spoke to Vijay Chandan — principal secretary to the chief minister for de-amalgamation. Additional quotations [for money] requested from Daksh.''
+The update showed that Daksh asked for Rs 10 lakh on March 8. The next day Chandel and Cadbury official Tarun Walia traveled to Chandigarh and Delhi and stayed there for three days. Cadbury paid for the trip. On March 16, Bhavana Dogra sent an email to colleagues: "We have just received information that Unit I & II case of De amalgamation has been decided in our favour in SWCA this evening. Although the meeting notes will be published in a day or so. We will confirm back the same once we get the copy of formal approval informing them.''
+Project Maxim notes that during March 16-22: "Jaiboy Phillips spoke to Mr Dhumal (CM of HP) and has agreed to clear the de-amalgamation application and also speak to the secretary, PCB (Pollution Control Board). De-amalgamation is passed in CIL's favour in spite of PCB member secretary objected (sic) to the proceedings but was overruled by CM.''
+Dhumal's intervention came after a sub-committee of members from the pollution control board, the state electricity board and industries department rejected Cadbury's application on March 6. He told ET that there was no question of his taking a decision without the other departments' concurrence.
+Project Maxim found that some critical approvals coincided with the submission of invoices by Daksh. It raised one invoice for Rs 11.6 lakh on March 30 and the same day a copy of the de-amalgamation letter was received after meeting officials from the chief minister's office, the report noted.
+Stella McCartney���������������������������������������������
+Stella McCartney debuted the iconic 'Falabella' bag for Fall '10 and has updated it every season since - during that time, countless style icons have been spotted carrying it. This version has been made in Italy from plush black velvet and traced with signature chain trims. It's perfectly sized to hold just the necessities.
+Always one to put sustainability first, Stella McCartney says she's actually delighted when customers mistake her faux leather bags for real ones because the differences are so imperceptible. This quilted style is embellished with a logo-embossed star and opens to a faux suede-lined interior with a zipped pocket to store a cardholder and extra notes. Wrap the chain strap around your wrist to carry it as a clutch on nights out.
+Stella McCartney is a big fan of aviator-style sunglasses as they really complement her heart-shaped face. The angular lines of this gold-tone pair feel so cool and modern. They're fitted with graduated dark-gray lenses and black tips.
+We've seen many iterations of Stella McCartney's 'Falabella' bag over the years, and every season new colors and fabrics make it feel fresh and cool. This latest version is made from supple velvet in a rich crimson hue that's accented by signature silver whipstitched chains. It's perfectly sized to house daily essentials.
+After spending her formative years at Savile Row, it's fair to say Stella McCartney's strengths lie in tailoring. This sleek shirt is cut from cotton-poplin and patterned with vertical stripes that create a slimming effect. Wear yours tucked into jeans or leather pants with the label's mules.
+Stella McCartney's Pre-Fall '18 lineup is all about elegant simplicity and the pieces you can easily mix and match with anything. This sweater is spun from lightweight wool with a hint of natural stretch for comfort. Wear it the way fashion editors do - with your hair tucked into the turtleneck and a pair of chunky gold hoop earrings.
+Inspired by menswear shirting, Stella McCartney's top is crafted from striped cotton-poplin in a breezy loose silhouette. It has an elasticated off-the-shoulder neckline and wide-cut sleeves. Wear yours with white tailored pants and mules.
+Ms Stella McCartney might have only been designing menswear for the last couple of seasons but everything in the Aw18 collection already feels like an old favourite - not least of which, these blue jeans. They've been made in Italy from robust denim and cut in a tapered workwear-inspired fit. Shown here with Maison Margiela jacket, Stella McCartney T-shirt, Maison Margiela sneakers. Blue denim - Belt loops, five pockets, whiskered, faded - Button and zip fastening - 100% cotton; trim: 60% polyurethane, 40% polyester - Dry clean - Made in Italy
+Corduroy dominated the Fall '18 shows, and Stella McCartney embraces the trend in such a modern way. Cut to sit high on the waist, these shorts are made from plush storm-blue cotton and lined in smooth satin. Team yours with the matching blazer or play with texture and style with a silk blouse or lace camisole..
+The perfect poster girl for her own brand, Stella McCartney always looks so cool and effortless when wearing a classic shirt. Detailed with utility-style chest pockets, this sky-blue one is made from lightweight cotton-poplin and has darts through the back for a hint of structure. Tuck yours into a midi skirt or pants.
+Part of the brand's permanent capsule collection of timeless staples, Stella McCartney's 'Arlesa' top is designed with breezy side slits. This piece is cut from crepe for a fluid silhouette and has an adjustable silver zipper at the neckline. It looks effortlessly chic tucked into flowing skirts.
+One of Stella McCartney's hero designs (we also have it in black, white and royal-blue ), the 'Arlesa' top will go with anything in your wardrobe. This fluid piece is split at the sides and has a silver zip at the neckline that can be left slightly undone. Wear it tucked into a skirt or tailored pants.
+It takes a rigorous crafting process to make the signature faux brushed-leather used in Stella McCartney's iconic 'Falabella' collection - the soft fabric is exceptionally durable, too. This black shoulder bag is trimmed with whipstitched chains and sized to hold your small daily essentials. Carry it by the top handles or cross-body using the long strap
+Stella McCartney's 'Falabella' collection contains so many much-loved styles, but this black shoulder bag may be one of our favorites to date. Made in Italy, it's crafted from faux brushed-leather with a pink faux suede interior that are incredibly soft - the designer is completely dedicated to ethical design and sustainability. Tuck the signature silver chain inside to carry yours as a clutch.
+Sweater Sweater Kids Stella Mccartney
+Stella McCartney opened her new London flagship store only a couple of months ago, and it's filled with biodegradable mannequins and has a papier-mâché wall constructed from her office's waste paper. This 'Star' shoulder bag is crafted from signature eco-friendly faux leather that's made from recycled materials.
+As part of Stella McCartney's 'Skin-Free-Skin' code and lifetime pledge, the designer has introduced this shoulder bag to her already impressive ethical roster. Crafted from two-tone faux python, it can easily stow all your daily essentials and looks great carried cross-body. Invest in it to demonstrate your commitment to sustainable fashion.
+Look no further than Stella McCartney for sustainable shades - the label uses over 50% natural and renewable resources for each pair. Made from smooth bio-acetate, these futuristic sunglasses are detailed with a silver chain that runs along the top and a single blue-tone mirrored lens. The oversized D-frame silhouette suits heart-shaped faces best.
+Stella McCartney's dress may look simple from the front, but has discreet cutouts at the back to make it appear as though the petal sleeves are coming apart at the seams. It's beautifully cut from burgundy stretch-cady and has discreet pockets at the sides. Slip it on with pumps or sandals.
+Stella McCartney's collections always have a touch of rock 'n' roll to them, and this tank nods to the minimalist glamour of the '90s. It's made from plush midnight-blue velvet blended with a little silk and cut in a slightly loose shape. The low V-neckline is perfect for framing layered gold necklaces.
+Stella McCartney's sweater has been made in Italy from wool that feels so soft and light against the skin. This sky-blue style has a loose silhouette that's perfect for layering. Wear yours with everything from inky jeans to printed midi skirts.
+Stella McCartney 's 'Denzel' jeans are made from faded light-blue denim and feature fraying along the seams and at the cuffs to give the impression they've been faithfully worn. They're cut in a slim fit that lightly tapers at the ankle and finished with a brand-stamped faux leather patch on the reverse. Shown here with Stella McCartney T-shirt, Stella McCartney sweater, Maison Margiela coat, Common Projects sneakers. Light-blue denim - Belt loops, five pockets, whiskered, faded, distressed, faux leather back patch - Button and zip fastening - 100% cotton; trim: 60% polyurethane, 40% polyester - Dry clean - Made in Italy
+Stella McCartney recently made headlines for designing Meghan Markle's minimalist reception dress for the royal wedding. A more casual take on the brand's signature pared-down style, this denim wrap dress is defined by ruffled trims that extend from the sweetheart neckline to the mini hem. The washed finish looks great with woven accessories.
+EXCLUSIVE AT NET-A-PORTER.COM. Made just for us in the designer's signature 'Lover Red' hue, Stella McCartney's dress is smart enough for the office but a great option for parties and weddings, too. It's cut from sculpting cady and defined with subtle pleats down the bodice and flared skirt. Amp up the vivid shade by styling it with black accessories.
+Stella McCartney prefers to put pictures of animals on its T-shirts than to use any derived products in its designs. Made in Italy, this one is cut for a comfortable fit from cotton-jersey printed with a landscape scene and three stags. Shown here with Prada jacket, Stella McCartney jeans, Maison Margiela sneakers. Multicoloured cotton-jersey - Crew neck - 100% cotton - Machine wash - Made in Italy.
+Stella McCartney's sweater is woven from lightweight wool that feels so soft against your skin. This piece is knitted in a classic crew-neck shape and ribbed at the cuffs and hem to define the loose fit. Perfect for layering, wear it under a blazer or simply tucked into a midi skirt..
+It's the small details that set Stella McCartney's white T-shirt apart from the rest. Made from cotton-jersey that feels so soft and light against the skin, it's cut for a loose, oversized fit and embroidered with the label's signature star in rainbow threads. Try yours half-tucked into track pants or jeans.
+The velvet used to make Stella McCartney's pants is blended with sustainable viscose as part of the British brand's responsible ethos. This pair is cut in a slouchy relaxed shape and has an elasticated waistband to make them even more comfortable. Add the matching blazer to your shopping bag to wear them as a suit.
+Whether it's her developments in sustainability or otherwise, Ms Stella McCartney puts an enormous amount of research into everything she designs - the inspiration for this sweater comes from traditional fisherman knits. It's made from virgin wool for natural water-resistance and breathability and finished with contrasting striped cuffs. Shown here with Dries Van Noten coat, Dries Van Noten trousers, Gucci shirt, Maison Margiela sneakers. Ivory, green and brown virgin wool - V-neck, ribbed trims - 100% virgin wool; trim: 88% wool, 11% polyamide, 1% elastane - Dry clean - Made in Italy
+Chevrons are a motif found throughout Stella McCartney 's Aw18 collection - on this virgin wool sweater, a bold red one is used to create a broader and more defined frame. Mr Idris Elba was recently spotted styling his simply with a pair of navy tailored trousers. Shown here with Maison Margiela trousers, Lanvin sneakers, Dries Van Noten bag. Midnight-blue and red virgin wool - Crew neck, ribbed trims - 100% virgin wool - Dry clean - Made in Italy
+Stella McCartney's faux leather tote is what the environmentally conscious fashion fan should be using. It comes complete with an attached zip pouch for valuables and, thanks to the extra-roomy interior, it's perfect for work, a weekend getaway or even the gym. Not only does the pillar-box red finish look really fresh, the perforated logo on the front feels modern, too - it's a discreet nod to the logomania trend.
+Stella McCartney's camisole is such a pretty choice for summer parties and events. Loosely cut from silk, it's trimmed with delicate scalloped lace that beautifully frames the open back - adjust the satin bow ties to keep it in place. It looks especially elegant styled with white tailoring, making it the perfect 'something blue' to wear beneath a wedding suit.
+There is something so chic about a pair of white tailored pants. Stella McCartney's version is made from lightweight silk crepe de chine and has a flattering high-rise waist complemented by a fluid wide-leg shape. Wear yours with the coordinating blouse, letting the hem pool around slides or sneakers.
+Sweater Sweater Kids Stella Mccartney
+To prove just how versatile they are, Stella McCartney's 'Eclypse' sneakers were styled with a variety of looks in the label's Resort '18 presentation - this pair looked so striking with a fluid cream outfit. Grounded by a chunky rubber sole, they're made from faux leather finished with an iridescent rainbow effect and fasten with wide Velcro® straps.
+Stella McCartney has used different knitting techniques to create the subtle pattern on this charcoal sweater. It's been made in Italy from a soft and insulating virgin wool-blend and has a comfortable regular-fit shape. Try wearing it layered over a button-down shirt. Shown here with Dries Van Noten trousers, Acne Studios coat, Common Projects sneakers. Charcoal virgin wool-blend - Crew neck, ribbed trims - Fabric1: 65% virgin wool, 35% polyamide; fabric2: 100% virgin wool - Hand wash - Made in Italy
+Stella McCartney refreshes its 'Est.
+Sweater Sweater Kids Stella Mccartney
+Stella McCartney's shirt is the closest thing to wearing your pajamas out of the house. Made from weightless silk crepe de chine, it's cut in a loose, easy shape and outlined with shimmering gold piping. Tuck yours into a pair of skinny jeans to temper the loose fit.
+Continuing an ongoing commitment to eco-friendly craftsmanship and textiles, Stella McCartney incorporates 'Skin-Free-Skin' into her latest collection. This 'Flo' bag is made from python-effect faux leather and has an accordion silhouette that expands to fit all your essentials. Carry yours by the chain-trimmed shoulder strap or top handle.
+Ever committed to providing sleek and stylish options for the eco-conscious customer, Stella McCartney's latest collection features 'Skin-Free-Skin' pieces. This python-effect faux leather shoulder bag can be carried by the chic top handle or worn cross-body. It has an accordion silhouette that opens up to a surprisingly spacious interior.
+Sweater Sweater Kids Stella Mccartney
+Stella McCartney's jersey pants capture the season's animal print trend so perfectly. Cut for a relaxed fit, this pair has an elasticated striped waistband and concealed pockets. Adjust the gold ankle zips to highlight your favorite pumps or sneakers.
+T-shirt T-shirt Kids Stella Mccartney
+Stella McCartney's T-shirt is appliquéd with a vintage-inspired patch that's embroidered with playful slogans like 'All is Love' and 'No Smile No Service'. It's made from soft cotton-jersey and has a crew neckline and relaxed fit. Wear yours tucked into jeans or track pants.
+You can't go wrong with a cozy sweater on chilly days, but it's the sleek cold-shoulder cutouts of Stella McCartney's version that make it an elegant choice, too. It's designed for an oversized fit from plush wool that's ribbed so it won't lose its shape. Wear yours with everything from tailoring to denim.
+Inspired by classic pajama styles, Stella McCartney's shirt is detailed with smooth piping and notch lapels. Made in Italy, it's cut for a relaxed fit from ivory floral-jacquard enhanced with a hint of silk to keep it feeling soft and looking lustrous. Team yours with the coordinating pants or jeans and slides.
+Championed by sisterly duos like the Olsen twins and Bella and Gigi Hadid, transparent sunglasses are one of the hottest eyewear trends. This pair by Stella McCartney has squared cat-eye frames and lenses that match the rich orange hue. True to the label's commitment to sustainability, they're made from biodegradable acetate for less impact on the environment..
+Ms McCartney threw what she called a "Stella-bration" to kick off Aw18 - the party in LA went on into the early hours and her father and Mr Ringo Starr played a surprise set of their hits. The collection itself is filled with easy pieces that capture the spirit of fun, like this 'Idol' cotton-jersey T-shirt printed with the season's main mantra and motif. Shown here with AMI jeans, Acne Studios jacket, AMI sneakers. Multicoloured cotton-jersey - Crew neck - 100% cotton - Machine wash - Made in Italy
+A pair of sheer lace pants might not be at the top of your wish list, but Stella McCartney shows you why they should. Cut from soft wool-blend lace, this floral-patterned pair is fitted through the thigh before flaring out at the hem - balance the turned-up cuffs with heels. They're underpinned with shorts for coverage and look so chic styled with a blazer.
+Stella McCartney's Fall '18 runway was full of the designer's signatures - impeccably cut outerwear and sleek tailoring. Part of the lineup, these black pants are cut from wool with a straight-leg silhouette that has a leg-lengthening effect. Wear them with high heels, like in the show.
+The airy, lingerie-style silhouettes in Stella McCartney's Fall '18 collection reference clothes worn by the women captured in J.H. Lynch's mid-century portraits. Cut from lightweight silk-georgette, this black dress is shirred to highlight the smallest part of your waist and fastens with skinny ties at the open back. Take cues from the show and underpin the sheerness with tailored pants. - Black silk-georgette - Slips on - 100% silk; trim: 50% cotton, 50% viscose - Dry clean Large to size. See
+Stella McCartney's 'Falabella' bag is updated in a pretty pastel-pink hue for the new season. Crafted from the label's signature faux brushed-leather that has the supple feel of suede, it's framed with the iconic chain trims that are polished to catch light from every angle. It's sized to fit just the essentials - think a cell phone, keys and lipstick.
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+ my first half Ironman, and overcoming running injuries. Depending on the situation, I might wait until I’ve overcome or made it through the worst before sharing – particularly for the more emotional things. For others, I like to take a more in-the-moment approach. In the case of today’s post, it’s the latter.
+I talked in my last monthly intention check in about how January was full of tests, and the powers at be certainly seem to thing this is a good season of my life for testing! For context, about a month ago I was promoted to a manager role at work. I knew that with this exciting news, I’d have a ton of opportunities to develop myself as a leader and have a positive impact on others. I also knew it wouldn’t be without a lot of additional responsibility, accountability…. and time.
+Last week was a wild one. Double-booked days, plenty of curve balls, an overflowing inbox and longing for some sort of cloning machine so that I could make 5 of myself to keep up with it all. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep, went to bed thinking about work, dreamed about work, woke up thinking about work, and spent far longer than usual doing work. There were some high highs, some low lows.
+By Friday, it was almost as though my body didn’t even detect the fatigue any more. Guys, this is NOT something I subject myself to often! I’m used to a very regular early-to-bed, early-to-rise sleep schedule, but the candle was burnt at both ends all week long. Anyone else know the feeling?
+Thankfully, it’s a long weekend here in BC, and i’ve intentionally been spending the time getting myself back into a restored, rejuvenated state. Self care is a huge priority for me this year, and although the past week was one I don’t wish to experience again for a while, I feel I’ve developed a good little toolkit of self care practices to bring me back to feeling great when these life tests hit. If the year has been off to a fierce start for you as well, I hope you’ll use these ideas to inspire your own self care routine.
+What makes these practices effective?
+There are a few different things going on in each of the ideas I’ve provided, but for the most part, it’s all about stimulating the natural chemicals and hormones in our bodies that do things like:
+- Lower cortisol and adrenaline – the stress hormones we release in ‘fight or flight mode’ which can lead to poor sleep, irritability, weight gain, belly fat storage, headaches, anxiety, low sex drive, food cravings, hair and skin irritation, weakened immune function and thyroid imbalances. All not fun issues to deal with!
+- Boost feel-good hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins
+- Increase blood flow around the body, which can make us feel more energized
+- Stimulate the pleasure centers in the brain, including the amygdala (regulates emotion), cerebellum (for muscle function), pituitary gland and VTA, which release some of the happy hormones I listed above. These are the same areas stimulated in people with substance addiction1, but in the case of self care practices, you’re doing it in a far more holistically helpful way!
+20 ways to restore yourself after a crazy week
+1. Sleep
+Listed as #1 and for good reason. Sleep is one of the most restorative, healing and impactful things you can do to improve everything from mood, energy levels and ability to focus, to biological health markers like cortisol levels and inflammation2. It’s kind of like an insurance policy in the sense that you don’t realize how important it is – until you don’t have it and something goes wrong. On the other hand, sleep is better than insurance because it’s free!
+2. Take a bath or shower
+Hydrotherapy (or the use of water to address a range of health conditions) is becoming a common alternative treatment for things like muscular pain, improving range of motion, strengthening weak muscles and improving circulation and sleep quality3. You don’t need any fancy pools to reap the benefits of water. Simply taking a hot shower or bath can reduce muscular tension, blood pressure and cortisol, and if you add some calming essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, bergamot and jasmine, you get bonus points!
+3. Use aromatherapy
+Speaking of essential oils, you probably know that different oils have different effects. The ones listed above are great for calming the mind, but I love using others in my own concoctions to serve different purposes. For example, citrus and peppermint scents can help to boost mood and energy, while lavender, arnica, eucalyptus, peppermint, wintergreen and ginger can help reduce muscle tension and pain.
+4. Spend time with a friend
+Especially a friend you won’t be tempted to talk a lot about work with. Trust me, I LOVE my work friends and some are among my closest friends. But if you’ve been doing nothing but work work work and just need a mental escape, try hanging out with non-work friends so that you’re not tempted to bring up the same subject during your precious weekend hours.
+5. Journal
+I think this is powerful for everyone, but especially those of us who do a lot of talking, presenting, meetings and phone calls during the week. Talk therapy is powerful and can help us express our emotions. At the same time (and speaking from personal experience), sometimes I just need to stop talking for a while and just be in my head.
+If that sounds like you, journalling can be a great alternative way of getting your pent-up emotions expressed. I’ve kept a daily gratitude journal for over a year now which I feel has made a significant impact on my happiness, but you can journal about whatever you like. Here’s some prompts if you feel stuck.
+6. Get a massage
+Like the water therapy I mentioned above, physical touch is a powerful thing and sets off lots of feel-good hormones in our bodies. Massages are my favourite way to work out stress and muscular tension, and regardless of whether someone’s massaging you or you’re working on yourself, massage helps to open up energy pathways, increase blood flow and reduce the likelihood of headaches.
+If you don’t have time to book a treatment, an at-home or at-your-desk session can still help. I like to roll a lacrosse ball under my feet when I’m sitting at my computer, and have a slightly larger ball that I roll my upper back around on to relieve stiffness. This is especially helpful in the winter when my neck tends to tense up more often due to the cold.
+7. Breathe fresh air (outside!)
+Let your eyes see shades of green and earthy hues – both of which are calming on the mind. I’m almost embarrassed to say that over the past week, I think I only managed spend a total of 1 hour outside. It was walking to and from my car and my gym. In the dark. In the rain. How sad and uninspiring is that!?
+Not only does breathing fresh (non-air-conditioned, non-heated) air have an invigorating and refreshing effect, but assuming you’re outside during the day, you’ll also get some vitamin D through sun exposure which we also need for optimal health. If that’s not possible, or if it seems to be all rain, all the time where you are like it is here in Vancouver, try bringing some greenery into your home.
+8. Move your body
+I’m not necessarily talking about HIIT sessions or crazy tough spin classes, because if you’ve had a ridiculous week fuelled by adrenaline (and probably caffeine too), you’ll already have plenty of the stress hormone cortisol coursing through your veins. The goal is to bring that back down to normal and help the central nervous system recover. Lower-intensity exercise can help because it stimulates production of feel-good endorphins in the brain, all while flushing toxins out of the body. Exercise also forces us to move out of the positions we fall into the habit of sitting in all week long, which takes strain off of the joints.
+9. Laugh
+Nothing feels quite as good as a good belly-busting laugh, and if it’s enjoyed with other people, that human connection makes the impact even bigger. Whether it’s watching something funny on Netflix, spending time with funny people or a pet, or starting a Pinterest board of funny quotes, all of these things can help reduce cortisol and adrenaline.
+10. Listen to music
+Everyone has different tastes, but I like to resort to my personally-curated feel good tunes playlist on Spotify when I’m in a bad mood. I also like Spotify’s Ocean Escapes playlist (ambient ocean waves) when my brain just feels too full for anything else, aaannnnd I have a Guilty Pleasures playlist. If you guessed Hanson, Savage Garden, One Direction, Shania Twain, Mariah Carey (circa 1990s) and Justin Bieber, you guessed right. Dancing gets bonus points and looks after the ‘move your body’ box too!
+11. Load up on fruits, veggies, quality proteins and healthy fats
+It’s definitely not earth-shattering news that eating well will make you feel better. Plant-based foods help to reduce inflammation, provide our bodies with vitamins and minerals we need for everything from appetite regulation to energy production and inflammation control, and they’re delicious! Adding a source of fat to your meal helps your body to make better use of the fat-soluble vitamins in all that fresh produce, and has an overall calming, grounding effect. If you want to take things even further, try incorporating a few adaptogens to bring your body back to feeling like its fabulous self faster. You’ll find a whole bunch of delicious recipe ideas here!
+12. Enjoy a meal with no distractions
+No screen in front of your face, no books or magazines, no work – just you and your food. I’m willing to bet you’ll enjoy it a lot more this way, an probably feel fuller faster as well.
+13. Take a digital detox
+It might not be a total detox with zero electronics, and if the thought of going completely disconnected feels scary, even committing to only checking your email once during the day can be a great place to start. I did this on Saturday and it felt wonderful! Other ideas:
+- Read a real book with real paper pages
+- Write with a pen instead of typing
+- Deactivate social media notifications
+- Put your phone on silent so the noises don’t interrupt what you’re doing.
+- Leave your phone at home when you go out to do errands
+14. Volunteer or practice giving
+It might sound counter-intuitive because this is supposed to be about bringing more energy to yourself, not giving it away. But the cool thing about giving to others is that the effects are reciprocated and both sides benefit. You could give something physical like a clothing donation, write a card to someone to express your gratitude, or give the gift of time which is something I feel is often more valuable than anything tangible.
+15. Meditate
+You guys know I’m a big fan of this, and I can honestly say meditation has been making a huge impact – mostly on my ability to feel grounded and patient.
+My favourite app (yes, I know app use would violate the whole digital detox thing) to date is Insight Timer because the sessions are free and you can choose to cater what you hear to needs like anxiety, leadership, sports performance, sleep quality, happiness, grounding etc. There’s even SOS meditations – 1-2 min sessions you can do when sh!t hits the fan and everything inside you is screaming “haaaaalllllllppppp meeeeee!”.
+I think there’s a type of meditation for everyone, so if you’ve been frustrated by what feels like a lack of ability to concentrate in the past, don’t give up – just keep experimenting. I actually find cleaning quite meditative sometimes!
+16. Give yourself a manicure, pedicure or facial
+It kinda sounds like work, but all 3 of these things seem to help me feel more put together. Or, if you want to splurge, treat yourself and have a spa do the treatment for you. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in the way you walk, talk, and engage with other people.
+17. Dry brush your skin
+I didn’t think this was a big deal until I tried it, and now I believe the hype. Dry brushing helps to boost circulation, exfoliate the skin, may encourage detoxification of the lymph nodes, and just feels really good. It sounds weird to say my skin feels more awake afterwards, but it does! Dry brushes come in all shapes and sizes, but I like ones with long handles like this to make my back easier to reach.
+18. Be inspired by a TEDtalk
+I’ve been watching tons of these lately and never fail to learn something new. With such a diverse range of speakers, you’re bound to find at least a handful of videos that help you get through whatever challenging predicament you’re in. You can check out my roundup of TEDtalks on gratitude here.
+19. Do whatever makes you lose track of time
+Maybe it’s cooking, colouring, crafting, writing – anything that you absolutely love, even if it has no productive purpose. Our brains need a break, and even if you don’t consider yourself a creative person, I’m willing to bet that you are in some way.
+20. Say “no” and be firm on your boundaries
+I learned a while back that if I don’t allocate a significant amount of my weekends to solo time, I head into the next week still feeling a bit fatigued and not totally present. The idea of being able to see a whole bunch of people I love spending time with in one weekend is so tempting, but pacing is key. If you’ve signed up for things but just need a break to look after yourself, there’s no shame in saying no.
+Lastly, I very recently came across Girls’ Night In, a website and community that encourages women to make taking care of ourselves a priority. Every Friday they send a newsletter packed with tips, inspiration, and real stories about real women crushing it in life. As someone who truly values my ‘me time’, and who for years felt guilty about not wanting to spend Friday nights out on the town, stumbling across this was like a breath of fresh air. You can sign up for free here .
+1 thought on “20 ways to restore yourself after a crazy week”
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+Every personality type has a superpower. But with any superpower, there’s always a blindspot — something that catches you off-guard, bypasses your defenses, or simply knocks you down. Here’s the “kryptonite” that secretly blindsides each introverted Myers-Briggs personality type — and how to leave it in the dust.
+(What’s your personality type? We recommend this free personality assessment.)
+Each Introverted Personality Type’s Kryptonite
+Sorry, that came out all wrong, didn’t it, I think?
+When at their best, ISFPs are the type I’d vote “most likely to walk around in a constant state of flow.” They are deeply aware of their own values and preferences, yet they’re not pie-in-the-sky dreamers; they’re very much in tune with their body and the world. As a result, they make things seem effortless, and tend to perform most activities with a sort of easygoing clarity. Even at their clumsiest, an ISFP has a certain catch-it-at-the-last-second grace.
+This is part of why ISFPs are called the artists of the Myers-Briggs world, and indeed, their creativity knows no bounds; whatever they touch tends to turn prettier, or more interesting, almost by accident. But it also applies to other kinds of activities: I’m in awe of how one ISFP friend threw together a last-minute four-day trip with her two babies to the other side of the world.
+So what is the ISFP’s secret weakness? Self-doubt.
+Turns out, for many ISFPs, their outer ease is balanced by inner uncertainty, including worry and anxiety. This can take many forms (fear of the future, for example, or of what others think), but it’s most painful when it’s turned back on the ISFP themselves. Self-doubt can sap their power like kryptonite saps Superman.
+And there’s a reason for it. ISFPs let their values guide their decisions. They do what “feels” right, and they express those feelings very strongly — not only in their artwork, but also in their identity and how they live their life. That means ISFPs can feel every setback as a very personal blow or a judgment on who they are.
+Add in the fact that ISFPs are chronic non-conformists, and you have a situation where they can quickly feel like an outcast or a failure. Even when they’re doing well, self-doubt can sneak up and undermine them. Only at the best of times, when they are being truly appreciated for who they are, does this doubt go away.
+Is there a way to change that? Yes. ISFPs should seek a source of validation that comes not from outside, but from within — even if it’s through a simple morning ritual. One friend, for example, takes private time in front of her mirror every morning to do her hair and makeup, a process she describes as “putting on my armor.” She takes the person she imagines herself being and almost literally paints it onto herself, cementing who she is with no validation needed.
+That’s eerily similar to the ritual that suspected ISFP Lady Gaga described in an interview: “When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl. But I say, ‘Bitch, you’re Lady Gaga, you better f*cking get up and walk the walk today.'”
+You do it your way, and I’ll do it mine.
+ISTPs don’t so much live life as perform it, gravitating toward the most unique or clever way to do any task. But make no mistake, this performance isn’t for an audience. It’s for one person and one person only: themselves.
+The ISTP is the one who will start a home brewing project but, instead of a trendy IPA or easy-drinking pilsner, they’ll recreate a 3,000-year-old recipe for ancient Egyptian beer. For good measure, they might decide to brew it in a cleaned-out gas tank instead of a carboy, because it’s what they had lying around. And besides, it looks cooler.
+They’re also the one who buys almost exclusively the most practical, comfortable clothing, preferably from a secondhand store for a few dollars, if they remember they need to go clothes shopping at all. But then they’ll spring $500 on green hand-tooled cowboy boots. The craftsmanship was superb, after all.
+Of course, if they have friends who will ooh and ahh over the Pharaoh Fuel beer tank or compliment their striking boots, all the better. But they’d be just as happy with those little creations completely on their own.
+Which brings us to the ISTP’s kryptonite: teamwork. Because, as charming and ingenious as the ISTP’s individualism can be most of the time, there are situations where’s it’s a major pitfall.
+This comes out most often at work (there’s a reason so many ISTPs prefer self-employment or solo gigs), but it can also crop up in games, sports, or group social events. The ISTP’s I-do-it-my-way ethos can not only cause hurt feelings and ruffled feathers, it can also deprive an ISTP of would-be friends (who they actually do enjoy being around), lead to career consequences, or in some cases, even derail a project and cost the whole team a victory. If left unchecked, this can become a spiral where the strained relationships make the ISTP even less willing to play with others.
+But it doesn’t have to be that way — nor do ISTPs need to fit their square peg into a round hole. One simple solution is to simply make a point of asking the team or group what their objective is. If the ISTP can apply their outside-the-box approach to making sure that goal is met, it’s much less likely to cause resentment.
+Don’t tell them I said this, but…
+ISFJs are relentlessly supportive and caring. They tend to put relationships first, and they don’t like to do things that injure or rock those relationships — even the most casual ones. This is one of their superpowers, and it’s what makes them such lovely people to be around.
+It’s also what keeps them from being direct.
+Directness, after all, is where hurt feelings come from. It’s how people start feeling pushed around (“he’s saying I have to do this…”) or personally attacked (“How could she say that to me?”). Directness doesn’t always have this effect — not by a long shot — but ISFJs have seen it happen enough that many of them have made a choice: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
+But directness is also where change comes from. It’s how you correct misunderstandings, change bad behavior, and get policies revised at work. Being direct with someone is how you establish personal boundaries (and enforce them). And it’s absolutely called for in many situations — like when someone is out of line.
+But for ISFJs, it’s their kryptonite. That’s why many ISFJs end up spending time with “friends” they’d really rather avoid, getting roped into plans they don’t enjoy, or even suffering in a job they dislike. All of these are situations where there’s power in politely but directly speaking up. Because, often, hints and nuance (an ISFJ’s preferred tactic) won’t do the job.
+I don’t think ISFJs have to be stuck being put upon, and I don’t think they have to compromise their desire to be nice and friendly. It helps to remember that sometimes, being a little honest is the kindest thing — even if it ruffles some feathers — because it creates a better situation in the long run. It also helps to confer with a couple people you trust first, and if the group seems to agree, bring up an issue together, not just as one person speaking out.
+And, even when being direct, it never hurts to put some ISFJ honey on those words. For example, “Could you do me a huge favor? I think I’m actually getting tired of our usual Thai place. I’ve really been wanting to try this Italian place instead. Any chance we can go there?”
+I’m fine doing it the same way I’ve always done it.
+ISTJs are, in many ways, the unsung heroes of the world. They know how to do things, they know how to do them right, and they’re happy to put in the time it takes to do so. Pair that with their strong sense of duty, and you have a personality that is reliable, skilled, and has a sense of honor and loyalty — even if sometimes they’re a little too blunt for other people’s tastes.
+But what goes hand-in-hand with that sense of “doing it right”? A certain rigidity. ISTJs thrive when they can take past experience, apply any rules or instructions, and act methodically. The more uncertainty there is, the more it puts them out of their comfort zone.
+And nothing involves uncertainty and guesswork more than risk — which also happens to be ISTJ kryptonite.
+ISTJs don’t like risk for three reasons (yes, ISTJs, I made a nice tidy checklist for you):
+- Risk means there’s a chance things won’t go right and that your experience, knowledge, and work ethic may not change that. So your biggest strengths are of no help in this situation.
+- Risk undermines what you already have — the money, home, family, or life you’ve made. Many types of risk aren’t just a gamble on whether your hard work will pay off, but endanger the things you already have. It’s simply not worth it.
+- Taking risks is uncomfortable, dangit!
+And, frankly, this ISTJ weak spot can be a no biggie — if things are going well. Many ISTJs live perfectly happy lives by playing it safe and sticking to what they do well. It’s only when disaster strikes, or when an ISTJ wants something more in life, that they’ll suddenly have to learn how to deal with risk.
+But I’d like to suggest that ISTJs can dramatically improve their lives by learning to take moderate risks. I say “improve their lives” because many ISTJs are already enormously skillful and trustworthy people. By taking a chance and playing big — even just a little — they can get the recognition they deserve.
+Taking moderate risks also builds an important skill in a way that’s relatively safe. My ISTJ father, for example, decided to start a chimney-cleaning business when money was tight. He kept his main job and did the sweeping on the side, which involved risking time and money but not his home or job. It became successful and he eventually sold the business when he was ready to retire.
+Another ISTJ friend quit her engineering job to become a realtor, which she believes she could make a huge profit at. But you can bet she made a multi-year savings plan first and had more than enough emergency cash in the bank before she pulled the trigger.
+A little bit of practiced risk doesn’t just expand your comfort zone, ISTJs, it can help you realize your full potential.
+But what if we did it THIS way…
+The INFP brain is wired to create, create, create. From vivid daydreams to imagining whole inner worlds, they dream up what is new and interesting and powerful, and they bring it into the world through their convictions, actions, and art. Which means almost nothing matters more to INFPs than expressing that truth burning inside them.
+That’s why INFPs live a life of unbridled authenticity. They express their ideas and ideals not just in writing and artwork, but also in the way they run their lives. And if anything tries to constrain that, it feels like an attack on who they are.
+Which brings me to the INFP’s kryptonite: overlooking the value of learning from what’s already in place.
+Imagine starting a new job, your first position in a new industry. You come in bursting with enthusiasm — and ideas for how to do things. Within days, you’re suggesting new approaches, new tactics, even solid reasons to scrap some long-standing policies.
+But your boss tells you to drop it and just do things the way you’re supposed to do them.
+For an INFP, this is often the moment when the whole job loses its joy. The enthusiasm vanishes like a fickle muse. And honestly, it’s understandable that INFPs would feel this way. No one likes being told what to do, especially when creativity is your jam.
+But it can also be your kryptonite talking. After all, who’s going to end up having more impact in the industry: the person who takes a year to learn the why behind how things are done and earn respect, then suggests innovation from a place of expertise? Or the person who simply changes jobs?
+This is a hard skill to master, because it means allowing your authenticity to be tamped down temporarily in order to channel it even more effectively over time. If genius is a river, you’re basically building a hydroelectric dam. The goal isn’t to stop the flow of ideas, but to use them to power whole cities.
+If you’re an INFP, how can you learn to do this without hating every minute of it? I think it helps to set a timeline. If it’s a career thing, you might give yourself two years (or three, or whatever you choose) to master the way other people want things done and build up your reservoir of exciting new ideas. After that, if you’re not getting the freedom to try things your own way, give yourself full permission to push back or move on. Having that end date in sight makes it much more tolerable to temporarily suck things up.
+Like what you’re reading? Get an email whenever we write about your personality type. Subscribe to our type-specific newsletters here.
+You know at some point you need to finish something, right?
+I used to live in a house in New Orleans that was owned by an INTP.
+The house was gorgeous — in 1880. But it had been devastated by storms and neglect, and he bought it for a low price hoping to fix it up. Just walking up to it gave you a thrill: It was the perfect picture of a Southern Gothic haunted mansion.
+The inside, however, was a different kind of chaos. My INTP friend quickly turned the rooms into artist housing, but only some parts of the house had been fixed up or made livable. My friend himself lived there, and so did his contractor buddy who helped him. And the INTP had a lot of big plans for the place.
+“Let’s make sure we get the bedroom walls done first. I want to make the rooms nice for people.”
+“I got a bargain price on some energy-efficient water heaters. Hold off on finishing the walls till we get these installed.”
+“Huh, I just read about the dangers of old plumbing. Let’s redo the plumbing first and worry about the water heaters later.”
+“Wow, I didn’t realize there was so much termite damage in the walls. We gotta do this before we do the plumbing.”
+“Hey, while we’re at it, maybe we should update the wiring — I don’t want a fire situation. Yeah, tear out the bedroom walls we started to do.”
+You get the idea. I’ve been over to visit the house many times since then, and while work was always taking place, I can’t say there’s been any appreciable difference in how “finished” it looks. Which is funny, since the owner’s whole plan is to restore it to a beautiful mansion and make a profit.
+In my experience working with other INTPs, I feel comfortable saying this is the INTP kryptonite in general: They have a tough time finishing the big-picture project, purely because of an endless stream of extra ideas they come up with to improve it.
+And most of those ideas are brilliant. Every single one of them could help make the project better — whether it’s restoring a home, starting a business, or building your own hover-car in the garage (I mean, we are talking INTPs here, right?). But none of them will pay off without the patience to put them in order, follow the steps, and see each one through.
+How can INTPs overcome this? The classic advice is to partner with someone who can help you execute, whether it’s a friend and fellow hobbyist, a business partner, or a colleague. But that only works if you listen to them and let them guide the way things are done. Remember, as an INTP, you can out-envision almost everyone, clearly making a case why it’s time to switch to Idea No. 27. But if you work with someone you trust and heed their pushback when it comes, you can see dozens of your ideas succeed and whole projects come to fruition.
+Well, I don’t want anyone to see this…
+INFJs have a reputation for reading other people well — and for good reason. Most of them have had the experience of absorbing other people’s emotions, and striving to create wellbeing for others is a core part of their wiring. In many cases, they even understand the feelings of others better than their own feelings.
+Unsurprisingly, that means INFJs are used to seeing the vulnerabilities of others — even when people try to hide them. That can result in an INFJ creating stirring moments of empathy and human insight, helping a person feel truly “heard” or understood for the first time. Or, in moments of door slam, it can result in the INFJ striking right to the heart of a person’s greatest weakness and shutting them down.
+So, in a way, no matter what your kryptonite is, INFJs probably already see it, and even keep some stocked in their refrigerator (not that they would use it on you, of course).
+But that doesn’t mean INFJs are without their own blindspot. And it turns out that, for them, turnabout is not fair play.
+Because the INFJ’s kryptonite is vulnerability.
+Yep. For a type that almost magically senses the feelings and soft points of others, the INFJ can get uncomfortable to the point of freak out when their own vulnerabilities are put on display.
+And, to a degree, that’s true of everyone — especially other “J” types. But for the INFJ, it goes far deeper. INFJs have deep, complex, and sensitive feelings. At the same time, they’re constantly pulling in and processing the feelings of other people — which aren’t always a walk in the park. In other words, they deal with a lot of mental and emotional garbage that shouldn’t be sitting in their dumpster in the first place.
+At the same time, because of their desire to create harmony, they tend to want to be part of the group. Every INFJ knows they are different from most people (1-2 percent of the population, y’all!), but they don’t want to be total misfits. So there’s a reason they keep 98% of themselves deeply hidden.
+So if someone else starts to see their hidden side, INFJs don’t just feel judged or vulnerable. They may feel a sense of panic that they will not only be “exposed” as something different than they strive to be, but also left with a flood of negative emotions — their own and others’ — that they have to deal with.
+And INFJs, remember: It’s okay. You hide parts of yourself to protect yourself, because you know from experience that the world isn’t always gentle with you. There is nothing wrong with this kryptonite.
+But you can shine even more if you take at least small steps to reach past it. INFJs were not designed to be loners or hide behind a wall — they are at their absolute best when they are engaged in deep emotional exchange with other human beings. That kind of exchange must be, by its very nature, honest and raw.
+One thing that helps? Open yourself up selectively. Only YOU know which people in your life truly get you, so if you’re around someone who feels comfortable, share more than you normally would. Take a deep breath and confess the thought or feeling you’re afraid most people would misunderstand. If even two people in your life can be your “soul friends” to discuss your inner truth with, you will feel a great burden lifted off you.
+Be careful what you scheme for…
+We all know that INTJs are great at planning and, more than that, doggedly pursuing the plan until all the pieces come together. This is one of their superpowers, and it’s what makes INTJs so well-suited to jobs in management, science, and leadership of any kind.
+However, it’s also a curse.
+It’s a curse because an INTJ’s hidden blindspot is an almost total inability to take their own happiness into consideration — especially when making a plan for their lives.
+I say this as an INTJ myself. I can vouch firsthand that the same powers of goal-setting, planning, and big-picture thinking that serve me so well in other areas pay off terribly when it comes to my personal life. I can picture something I “want” and make a plan to get it, but all too often, I’m too blind to my own emotions to factor them in. The result is achieving exactly what I “wanted,” only to to discover it doesn’t actually make me happy.
+Want to spend your 20s saving money so you can retire early? You might find out you don’t enjoy the free time as much when you’ve lost your youth.
+Want to be married and start a family in three years max? You might ignore all the red flags that you’re not actually compatible with your partner.
+(This is why I refer to emotions as “the invisible world.” When something happens in the invisible world, it has effects that I can’t see coming — although I’ve gotten dramatically better at it.)
+But fellow INTJs, you are not doomed to misery. You just need to take a different tool from your how-to-achieve-things toolkit: outsourcing. Outsource that emotional awareness to someone who’s competent at it, and leverage their strength to help guide your own decisions.
+The best way to do this is to choose one friend you’re very close to and ask if you can schedule a once-a-month get-together. The point isn’t to hang out; it’s to both come with any problems or struggles you’re facing, discuss them, and give each other advice. Sort of like a personal mastermind session. As long as it’s someone who you trust to be honest — and someone who’s leading a happy life themselves and is more emotion-focused than you are — they can be your emotion-compass.
+Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to take their advice at face value. And don’t give up doing the hard work of learning to tune into yourself, emotions and all. But the very act of talking personal matters through with a trusted advisor can help you actually sort them out.
+And you? You can return the favor by being their planning compass. It’s a wickedly powerful combination.
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+- What Secretly Makes Each Introverted Personality Type ‘Dangerous’
+- Here’s What Gets Each Introverted Myers-Briggs Type Red-Hot Motivated
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+This article contains affiliate links. We only recommend products we truly believe in.
+Run to live; live to run
+10.2 for me. Haircut in a few. Dh is taking the pups to the pool.
+Cindy I love the iPad. I got the mini so it is compact. Makes things easier than using my phone. Good luck with the race.
+8 easy done. Beautiful morning here. Rain forecast for tomorrow's long run, but at least it isn't supposed to be cold.
+Marjorie, I was going to get my hair cut today but decided to wait a few weeks. Need it now, but the shorter layers won't stay in a ponytail as well so will wait until after my races next weekend at least.
+Now off to take a shower and do some of my never-ending list of chores.
+today I'm going to do some sort of easy-ish xt - I ran 11.25 miles yesterday & I was pretty pooped. Was in a funk & the last few miles & questioned *why* I even want to do a 1/2. Got home & discovered that it is *that time of the month* - -explains my funk. I will try a 10 miler next weekend & then decide if I wnt to sign up for the 1/2 on 4/13. I need to get my mom on board with going to WV for H/M. I will sign up for the 1/2, but really, I'm just coming to meet a bunch of you lovely forumites that I've been conversing with for years! It took 2 hours to do it & altho I was distracted & kinda tired & sore, I felt much much better after a shower & stations of the cross - - so here's to hoping for a much better long-ish run next week.
+Who all is going to WV in June?
+I am registered for the H/M in June, looking forward to meeting everyone too!
+I ran 8 this morning, that is the longest run since December. I felt pretty good and I did not use my walk/run , I ran the whole thing. Cold, but sunny this morning. After I ran, I went to the store, bank and then treated myself to a pedicure. Pedicures are just wonderful. GS has a doubleheader ballgame today, first of the season. DH and I are going to go to the 1:00 game I think. I have so much to do for tomorrow, but want to go to the game. Potatoes and eggs are cooking for salad, sugar cookies are baked, so I am getting there.
+Karen...I don't know how you and Marjorie run so much. I hear you about the never ending chores. I need a haircut too.
+Some good things, some not so good things...
+on the good side, I have lost 10 pounds since January. I still have more to lose, but I and feeling good about it. I have been using My Fitness Pal pretty faithfully. It was a pain the first couple of weeks, especially because I cook quite a bit and had to enter some of my own recipes, but after that it got much easier. It has helped DH lose some weight, too.
+Ran outside yesterday, 3 miles on a flat path. SO nice to run outside, and it felt fairly good at the time, but front of my ankle hurt quite a bit later. This is after cutting back for more than 2 weeks, and then not running at all for 5 days. Sigh. I had hoped that would be enough to solve the problem. I have a doctor's appointment on April 11, so I will see what she says then. I guess it is back to the elliptical for me until then, although maybe it will be possible to ride my bike outside now. This nice weather has got me itchin' to run outside. I'm wondering if yoga could be exacerbating the problem. My Thursday yoga class has had a series of substitute teachers, all teaching very differently.
+Thanks for letting me whine. I just want to go outside and RUN!
+Cindy: There is software that can monitor all your computers, including tablets. I can't get my head around researching it yet, but when we get a new computer, I'm going to do the research and get some serious monitoring/protection. We've already had issues, so I have stay diligent.
+Karen: Ponytails may not be beautiful all the time, but they are certainly practical.
+ajdx5: some runs aren't the best. Next week will be better.
+annieSusan: Congrats on the weight loss. I have been trying to loose the last 5lbs. for at least a year+. At least I haven't gained. I'm sory about your ankle
+My husband and I ran a 5K together, today. He did pretty good on a very challenging course(2nd AG) , and I won first female. I should write a little report about it, because it is the first time that I used a little race strategy.
+2014 Goal: Just Run!
+Over 40 PR's
+Half - 1:38:52, 5K - 21:31
+Nice racing Linda and Mr. Linda! I don't know if I'm more impressed you won first female (and don't you just love beating all the "kids" in their 20s and 30s across the line) or that your entire outfit matches, including your shoes. In fact, you even match the ribbon of your medal and your very cool trophy!
+Amy, nice run, even if it wasn't the best. The crappy ones make the good ones that much better. And I'm so excited you're coming to H-M! I'll be there.
+Ginny, too funny. I see the miles Marjorie runs and don't know how she does it. Nice 8 for you today. Enjoy the game - sounds like preparations for tomorrow are well underway.
+annieSusan, congrats on the weight loss! I was the same way with myfitnesspal in the beginning. It can be such a pain in the beginning, but once you get some recipes in there, and you get better at "guessing" how similar what you made is to something someone else put in there, it's really not that bad. I also like that a lot of the new recipes I've tried online have all the nutritional information so I don't have to put in all the ingredients. Sorry about your ankle and hope you get some answers soon.
+Assuming I get my long run in tomorrow (16 miles), March will be my highest ever mileage month at 256 miles! And boy, can my legs feel it. I need to look at my plan next week and see if I can figure out a mini-taper of sorts for the half next Saturday (Sunday's half will be more of a recovery run). Hoping to go sub-1:40 on Saturday, then just run with my sister and help keep her mind occupied on Sunday.
+Gatsby, are you ready for GO? Did you switch to the half? I'm getting back into St. Louis probably early afternoon on Saturday and then we're going to the expo. Want to try to meet up there?
+Okay, the reason I got on the computer was to look for a salad recipe I have in mind to take to dinner at a friends house tomorrow. So I better stop messing around online!
+Happy Easter weekend! Led a 10.5 miles trail run then did another 3 when I got home. Lots of hills... feeling a little pooped. It's a trail through a protected watershed area that isn't accessible to the public unless you're with a docent, like me, so my RC periodically hosts runs through there and collects donations for our scholarship fund.
+Woohoo Linda and Mr. Linda on your awards! Hope that JulieD and Cindy had fun at their races today.
+Karen, I'm ready enough for GO! Yes, switched to the half, wouldn't have been ready for the full after losing February to bronchitis. My flight arrives at 2:45 on Saturday . I'm planning on going to the expo, but will have someone pick up my race packet just in case I'm late. I'll PM you with my cell number and if you send me yours, I'll get in touch Saturday afternoon. If you don't have dinner plans, a big group of us are meeting at Angelo's (attached to the Drury Hotel downtown) at 5:30 and the more the merrier. You're running with your sister right?
+Marjorie, sounds like you're having fun with your new toy. Just got my hair cut yesterday. I've been going to the same person for at least 12 years and have had pretty much the same hair cut the entire time. I am the most boring client ever. But she knows that having it long enough for a pony tail is a must for me.
+ajdx5, I won't be in WV but sounds like a fun time will be had by all. Some runs just suck so don't worry about a bad one every once in a while, especially when it's you TOM.
+Ginny, woohoo on 8 miles! Nice.
+AnnieSusan, bummer about the ankle, especially if it's nice outside and you want to run. Maybe tendenitis? Hopefully the doc will give you some answers. Congrats on the weight loss!
+Hi to everyone else!
+Ahhh. Sitting down. Ran errands then came home to do more cleaning. Took the old caulk peel strip thingy from the front of the tub then took goof Off and spent forever cleaning g the residual sticky mess. Looks good now. Laundry and some sorting upstairs.
+Amy I'm doing h/m full.
+Ginny good for you not having to stop.
+Linda congrats.
+Karen most the time I don't know how I run the miles I do either!
+Susan gosh wish that stubborn ankle would get better.
+Gatsby Ive gone to the same place for my hair for 13 year almost. I do change it up from time to time though with the style. One day I will have to do Go. I went to school in St Louis and love it there.
+Happy Easter Weekend!
+I survived my DD's birthday celebration we had a lot of fun swimming, hot tub, eating and movies at the hotel. My DD and her friends were very well behaved and my older daughter was a big help.
+This afternoon, I took the kids and dog to the Park, I met up with 3 friends from our new running group and ran 5 miles. About 50 degrees outside, great weather for a run, though the park was fairly muddy so the dog needed a bath when we got home ha ha
+Having a laid back Easter tomorrow, I hope to run 8-10 in the morning, then the BF and I are heading downstate for dinner at his Mom's. I am making a broccoli salad since BF and I are the only veggie eaters in the group and I need my greens!
+Hi Marjorie - nice run. I want an Ipad Mini. I bought my older kids tablets for Christmas (NOT Ipads) and they love them.
+Karen - way to go on the 8! I have a huge 'to'do' list as well. I managed to get all the laundry done today, but that's about it!
+AmyD - nice job on the 11.25, you will do fine in a Half
+Ginny - great 8!!
+Annie - great job on the weight loss. So sorry to hear that your ankle is bothering you, have you tried taping it?
+Linda - awesome job on the race! Congrats to your hubby, as well. Love the picture!
+Gatsby - what race is GO? Have fun with Karen
+Fire Jumper
+Hello all!
+RR: Today was the Icebreaker Challenge 5K in Albany, NY. It was on a beautiful path along the Hudson River, right in downtown Albany. I met a group of friends there, all of whom are relatively new runners. We had a great time. It was in the low 30's when we arrived at the race site. I was layered right up, including mittens with hand warmers (I know some of you are chuckling). By the time the race started, the sun had really powered up and it was close to 40 degrees. So, I shed a couple of layers right before the race. (I was VERY glad I did).
+As I shared earlier this week, I had very low expectations since this was my first 5K of the season and I had been running inside all winter. So, I decided not to pay attention to my pace, but just run my race based on how my body felt. The race coordinators pushed us back further away from the start line, because there was an immediate bottleneck just across the line. We got distracted during the shuffling and were standing there chatting, I realized that some of the elite runners were BEHIND us. I knew we were in the wrong place. So, I kind of herded our group away from the front of the line. One of the elite runners actually thanked me and comments about how considerate it was of us to move
+The race started nicely, and once we were through the entrance to the walking path (the bottleneck), it was pretty smooth running. I felt really strong and enjoyed almost all of the race. The last half mile, I had to decide to just put my head down and get 'er done. And, of course, the only rise in elevation of the entire race happened in the last quarter mile!!
+I ended up running the 5K in 34:06, a 10:59 pace... A PR all the way around. WOW... totally didn't expect that. It's amazing what the energy of a race can do for your pace! I was thrilled..
+Great job, Julie!
+Love the picture
+Back for personals:
+Marjorie - Nice 10.2! I love my iPad. Of course, I have totally drank the apple juice! lol
+Karen - Nice 8! The only way I know to deal with short layers is do even shorter layers. It's one of the reasons I have settled on a really short cut. And the 256 miles is awesome!
+Ginny - congrats on the long run!
+AnnieSusan - Hooray for your progress toward your weight loss goals! Sorry to hear about the ankle. Hope that the doc has a good answer for you.
+Linda - GREAT PICTURE (and a handsome guy!!) And WOOO HOOOO on top female. That rocks! Love the trophy... and I would love to hear the race strategy.
+Gatsby - That's cool about the trail runs for the scholarship fund. What a great use of resources (nature and funds).
+LC - I can't wait until it is warm enough to take Jazzie to the park. I took her to a dog park a couple of weeks ago and she was covered with mud after only few minutes. ugh!
+Blessed Easter and Happy Pesach,
+This is a special portion of the year-end review, where I try to single out some genuinely good films that slipped through the cracks or maybe just didn’t get the audience they deserved. Now I would argue that none of these films are underrated in that those who saw them liked them. But judging by the box office, most of you probably didn’t see most of these. So consider this a primer on stuff to catch up on as 2014 rolls around. These will be in alphabetical order.
+ABCs of Death (Magnolia)
+26 letters of the alphabet gives way to 26 short stories of horror. Some are better than others, but the sheer novelty of the idea shines through during the entire 130-minute running time. The various segments are filled with surprises both funny and horrible, and it’s the kind of kooky experimental project we’d all do well to see more of. There’s little more than I can say without giving away its treats. Oh, and in an attempt to jam eleven films into a ten-film list, let me also recommend VHS2. The horror compilation sequel, also released by Magnolia primarily on VOD, was far superior to its predecessor and the third segment stands as one of the great horror short films in modern history.
+Before Midnight (Sony Classics)
+That this won’t make my “best of” list is no slight against the picture, only that I found other films I loved more. Richard Linklater’s (apparent) conclusion to this most unusual of trilogies comes to a moving and thoughtful finale eighteen years after it began. Having missed the two prior installments over the years, I literally Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight within days of each other, watching what amounts to two adult lives unspooling over the course of three days. Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are both terrific as the star-crossed couple stuck struggling after years of normalcy, and the film has an extended take in the middle that remains one of my favorite scenes of the year. That it didn’t break out is no surprise ($8m domestic), since the two prior installments made less than $12m combined, but it’s still a gem that completes one of the most unique film trilogies of all time.
+Downloaded (VH1 Docs)
+Alex Winter is best known for playing Bill in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, but this year he directed this fascinating and engaging little documentary about the rise and fall of Napster. The film offers no critical judgment and draws few conclusions. It merely details the somewhat recent history that changed not just the music business but the manner in which we consume art. It is a wonderful time capsule and another stark reminder that I am now old enough for the events of my lifetime be considered “history”. This one barely made a dime in theaters, but it’s absolutely worth the (legal) download.
+Fruitvale Station (Weinstein Company)
+Considering the bleak subject matter, this would-be Oscar contender was always destined to be more talked about than actually seen. But it’s worth the effort, if only for the terrific lead performance from Michael B. Jordan as a young man unaware that he’s living out the last day of his life. There’s something sad about so many needing to be reminded via a movie that a young black man living in the city is still a flesh-and-blood human being with friends, family, and ambitions. But whatever it takes, I suppose. Still, the film goes out of its way not to lionize its protagonist while also honestly depicting the confused and chaotic moments of his deeply unjust death. Character studies like this should be more prevalent, but that only makes this one all-the-more worthwhile.
+The Last Stand (Lionsgate)
+Aside from being a terrifically entertaining old-school action film, The Last Stand operates as a metaphor for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career arc. Having gotten his start in B-movie action romps like Commando, Schwarzenegger spent half-a-decade on the A-list only to now find himself back making the kind of films that he was best known for prior to Twins and Total Recall. That the picture tanked at the box office ($48m worldwide on a $45m budget) only makes the symbolism more bittersweet. But parables aside, Jee-woon Kim’s small-town romp is filled with good character actors (Forest Whitaker, Jamie Alexander, Peter Stormware, etc.) able and willing to take the pressure off Arnold, both in terms of acting and stunt work. As a byproduct, when the action starts, we have a genuine investment in a whole host of people in the line of fire. This is theatrical B-movie action at its best.
+Ninja II: Shadow of A Tear (Millennium Films)
+So this one is direct-to-DVD and VOD and doesn’t even release to the public until December 31st. But my list, my rules. It’s no secret that the world of direct-to-DVD action cinema has been slowly becoming a place for the kind of big-scale, but Earthbound action heroics that are rare enough in cinemas to still be considered somewhat of an event. Last year’s Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning was probably the tipping point, a splatter-filled science-fiction action vehicle with a trippy narrative that almost qualified as high art. This one has no such aspirations. It’s merely a chance for Scott Adkins, the undisputed champion of this sub-genre, to do what he does best in a lean and mean “avenge my dead wife” plot.
+The plot doesn’t matter, the characters barely matters. But the fight choreography is splendid and Issac Florentine dares to shoot and edit all of this glorious artwork in long and fluid takes. You can see every kick, every jump, and every punishing blow because the filmmakers actually allow you to savor that which you came to see. The action in this film is out-and-out incredible, and it’s framed with the kind of clarity that we once took for granted. Ninja II: Shadow of a Tear isn’t high art, but it is crazy action fun for those who seek out this kind of thing.
+Peeples (Lionsgate)
+With a domestic gross of just $9.1 million, this is far-and-away the lowest-grossing film that Tyler Perry has ever put his name on. The irony is that it’s one of the better films that he’s ever put his name on. Tina Gordon Chism’s light comedy is completely a riff on Meet the Parents (which was itself a remake), but it’s a more low-key and less antic variation. Craig Robinson and Kerry Washington make a fine “straight couple” while the rest of the family supplies the laughs. What’s good about the picture is that every major character has their own issues and their own agency, and the film is notably gay-positive in how it presents the coming out of a lesbian daughter as no big deal. The picture is fun and sweet, but it’s worth it merely to see S. Epatha Merkerson get to be funny. And the idea of Tyler Perry using his name to give directors of color a shot at the big time is a most promising one indeed.
+Rush (Universal)
+This Ron Howard period drama is just the sort of thing we used to take for granted. It’s a rock-solid character study made for and intended for adults. It’s the kind of star vehicle whose relative absence helps explains the lack of newer movie stars over the last ten years, as there isn’t a lot of middle ground between a low-budget indie and a superhero tent pole for would-be stars to prove their artistic or commercial worth. Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl are terrific as rival Formula-1 drivers in the 1970′s racing circuit and Rush is just a darn good movie that deserved a bigger audience than the $24m worth of American moviegoers it got. That it didn’t break out domestically isn’t a surprise (it’s done $90m worldwide thanks to strong business in Europe), but it’s still unfortunate for those who want more of its ilk at the local multiplex.
+The Spectacular Now (A24)
+Every year there seems to be one or two movies that seem primed to break out but end up dying in platform release and never going truly wide. Last year it was Lionsgate’s The Perks of Being A Wallflower and this year A24 was the culprit. This bittersweet and moving character piece debuted like gangbusters ($197,000 on four screens) yet never went wider than 770 theaters, which occurred in its seventh week of release. By then, the moment had passed and it quickly faded from view. The dark and somber film was never going to be a blockbuster, but it deserved more than its $6.8m domestic gross.
+James Ponsoldt’s picture was advertised as a romance, and Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley are terrific in a genuinely authentic look at teen romance in a harsher light. But the film is truly a study of a young man who is his own worst enemy and the girl he threatens to drag into the abyss with him. This is the rare teen romance where you’re actively rooting for the couple to break up. It’s a frank look at the cliche of the cool and cocky guy and the “pretty ugly” girl he sweeps off her feet. I hate the last thirty seconds of this film, but the rest is pretty terrific.
+You’re Next (Lionsgate)
+Commercially speaking, it was a pretty good year for horror. The Purge and The Conjuring both broke the opening weekend records ($34m and $41m) for original R-rated horror within 6 weeks of each other while Insidious Chapter 2‘s opening topped $40m in September. The Conjuring even had the kind of legs unheard of for a horror picture, ending up among the very highest-grossing R-rated original horror films ever ($137m). So it is bittersweet that this incredibly entertaining original horror story got lost in the shuffle. Still, the film cost $2 million to acquire, so its $18m gross means it’s a hit. It’s basically a family home invasion film, with the twist being that it’s a family full of adults and the airing out of their family squabbles is just as intense as the violence. There’s another twist too, but I won’t divulge that one. Just know that You’re Next is incredibly funny and genuinely scary, offering a perfect mix of mainstream and genre-friendly for a Saturday night rental.
+And that’s a wrap for this portion of the year-end review. Now with 2013 being the year that video on demand went unquestionably mainstream, there are surely dozens, of not hundreds, of interesting movies that you and I both missed this year. So share your undiscovered gems below. The next list will be dropping soon.
+Oral ingestion of monosodium glutamate (MSG) to chronic alcoholic mature male mice at dose levels of 4 and 8 mg/g body weight for seven consecutive days caused a significant increase in lipid fractions, lipid peroxidation, xanthine oxidase, whereas the levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione, and its metabolizing enzymes like glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase were significantly decreased in the arterial tissue. progressive disease that begin in childhood, manifest middle age and later. In the Modern World, the entrance of Chinese, Japanese, and ready to serve foods like 2-minute noodles, soups, sauces, etc., all containing monosodium glutamate (MSG), has tremendously increased especially in younger generation because of its palate pleasing favorite flavor. In the present era, MSG, an inducer of oxidative stress[2C8] and alcohol, a well-known factor of atherosclerosis,[9C13] is becoming a part of daily food, Tideglusib ic50 especially in younger generation. There are numerous reports in literature that the age for the establishment of atherosclerosis has become 25 to 30 years in the present, where it was about decade back. It is an alarming situation as number of premature deaths due to coronary heart disease is increasing tremendously. So, the present work was made to observe the aftereffect of MSG in chronic alcoholic adult man mice to see that whether MSG in the current presence of alcoholic beverages could action in synergism with alcoholic beverages for the initiation of atherosclerosis or not Tideglusib ic50 really by learning its influence on oxidative tension markers like lipid peroxidation (LPO), antioxidant enzymes like xanthine oxidase (XOD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH) and its own metabolizing enzymes such as for example glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) alongside different fractions of lipid. MATERIALS AND Strategies Animals: Regular adult male mice (LAKA, US) weighing 25 to 30 g in bodyweight had been procured from the pet home of Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Pets were preserved on regular pellet diet plan (Hindustan Lever Ltd., Bombay) with free of charge usage of water. Grouping: Pets were split into four sets of six mice each and MSG at dosage degrees of 0, 4, and 8 mg/g bodyweight was presented with orally for seven Mouse monoclonal to GST consecutive times (that’s from 31st day to 37th time of alcoholic beverages ingestion) to persistent alcoholic (30% ethanol/100 g bodyweight) adult male mice the following: Group-I: (Control): 0 mg MSG/g bodyweight. Group-II: Alcoholic beverages for 37 times (30% ethanol/100 g bodyweight). Group-III: Alcoholic beverages for 37 times + 4 mg MSG/g bodyweight (from 31st to 37th time orally). Group-IV: Alcoholic beverages for 37 times + 8 mg MSG/g bodyweight (from 31st to 37th day orally). This experimental design was approved by the Animal Experimental Ethics Committee of Panjab University, Chandigarh, and conducted according to Indian National Science Tideglusib ic50 Academy Guidelines for the use and care of experimental animals. Sample preparation: After the dose period (38th day), animals were fasted overnight and sacrificed by decapitation. The arteries were removed, kept on ice, and washed with ice-chilly saline. Ten percent homogenate was prepared in potassium phosphate buffer (100 mM, pH – 7.5) containing 0.15M KCl and was centrifuged at 1 000xg for 15 minutes in chilly centrifuge (4C). The supernatant stored was at 4C and used for various biochemical assays. Biochemical assays Determination of Lipid fractions: The levels of total lipids, phospholipids, triglycerides, and free fatty acids were estimated by applying the methods of Frings em et al /em ., 1972,[14] Fiske and Suba Row, 1925,[15] and McGowan em et al /em ., 1983,[16] respectively. Total cholesterol levels were assayed by the methods of Zlatkis em et al /em ., 1953.[17] Protein assay: The protein contents were estimated by Lowry em et al /em .’s methods, 1951[18]. Lipid peroxidation: The LPO levels were assayed by measuring the pink color chromophore created by the reaction of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) with malondialdehyde (MDA) according to the method of Beuge and Aust, 1978.[19] Xanthine oxidase (EC The activity of XOD was measured by the method of Fried em et al /em . using nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) which created farmazan. The increase in the intensity of color with time was measured spectrophotometrically at 540 nm for 10 minutes.[20] Superoxide dismutase (EC The activity of SOD was assayed by applying the method of Kono.[21] The activity of SOD was measured by monitoring the rate of inhibition of NBT reduction. One unit is defined as.
+Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the aetiologies of hyperprolactinaemia in
+Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the aetiologies of hyperprolactinaemia in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). and severe illnesses had been common aetiologies of hyperprolactinaemia in men. The prolactin level mixed between your different aetiologies and an even of 250 ng/mL was suggestive of macro-prolactinoma. Conclusion A significant proportion of patients with hyperprolactinaemia have transient hyperprolactinaemia. Before further investigations are carried out, prolactin level assessment should be repeated, especially in patients with mild hyperprolactinaemia. syndrome8 (2.4)1 (0.6)9 (1.8) Open in a separate windows PCOS = polycystic ovarian syndrome; CKD = chronic kidney disease. *Percentages do not add up to 100 as reported causes are order BIBW2992 not mutually exclusive. ?Other reasons included breastfeeding (n = 8), localised breast irritation/infection/surgery (n = 6), hypothyroidism (n = 4), hypoplastic pituitary (n = 1) and syncope (n = 1). The highest median serum concentration of prolactin was 191 ng/mL (range: 14.6C2000 ng/mL) and was noted in patients with prolactinoma. For the other aetiologies, Rabbit Polyclonal to TRIM24 there was an overlap in the median prolactin level which was not predictive of aetiology. Patients with transient hyperprolactinaemia had a prolactin level ranging from 13.4C77 ng/mL. Similarly, mild-to-moderate hyperprolactinaemia was seen in PCOS cases with only one patient using a order BIBW2992 prolactin level 85 ng/mL. Prolactin levels in patients with drug-induced hyperprolactinaemia ranged from 19.6C240 ng/mL. Patients with other sellar masses had prolactin levels which ranged from 13C196 ng/mL; of which, 32 patients (94.1%) had levels 100 ng/mL and only two (5.9%) had levels 150 ng/mL. Overall, prolactin levels 250 ng/mL were only found in 14 patients (2.8%). In two patients (14.2%), hyperprolactinaemia was due to pregnancy while in the remaining cases it was due to prolactinoma. Serum prolactin levels higher than order BIBW2992 500 ng/mL were only seen in macroprolactinoma patients [Table 3]. Table 3 Frequency and serum prolactin levels of endocrine and non-endocrine causes of hyperprolactinaemia (N = 507) syndrome9 (1.8)48.4 (29.4C78)Hypothyroidism4 (0.8)28.3 (13.4C38)Non-endocrineTransient74 (14.6)32.5 (13.4C77)Drug-induced73 (14.4)68.4 (19.6C240)Seizures39 (7.7)37.9 (13.6C221.2)Acute illness34 (6.7)32.4 (14C70.2)Idiopathic30 (5.9)47.7 (13.6C115)CKD28 (5.5)50.1 (13.9C151.7)Pregnancy20 (3.9)87.4 (24C490)Other*16 (3.2)48.2 (18C167.8) Open in a separate windows PCOS = polycystic ovarian syndrome; CKD = chronic kidney disease *Other reasons included breastfeeding (n = 8), localised breast irritation/ contamination/medical procedures (n = 6), hypoplastic pituitary (n = 1) and syncope (n = 1). Discussion This is the first study to comprehensively describe the aetiologies of hyperprolactinaemia in a large cohort of patients presenting to a tertiary referral center in UAE. Results showed that a significant proportion of patients were diagnosed with transient hyperprolactinaemia. Hyperprolactinaemia negatively impacts gonadotropin releasing outcomes and human hormones in menstrual disorders and symptoms of hypogonadism.1 Hence, most sufferers in today’s research had been found to possess prolactin evaluation due to menstrual disorders undergone, infertility or erection dysfunction. A lot of sufferers underwent prolactin evaluation to eliminate a seizure disorder because prolactin provides been shown to become elevated in sufferers with seizures.13 Actually, amounts 2 times above the baseline obtained 10C20 minutes after seizure activity have order BIBW2992 already been reported as suggestive of seizure medical diagnosis with 46.1C60% awareness and 96% specificity.14 However, sufferers with syncope might knowledge mild prolactin elevation.14 Furthermore, a recently available study of sufferers admitted for an epilepsy monitoring device to tell apart psychogenic from epileptic seizures questioned the function.
+Supplementary MaterialsSupplementary figure. of HIV-associated cervical cancer. value was significantly less
+Supplementary MaterialsSupplementary figure. of HIV-associated cervical cancer. value was significantly less than 0.05. Outcomes Characterization of exosomes produced from HIV-infected T cells We isolated and purified exosomes from a latently HIV-1-contaminated individual Jurkat T-cell range and the particular non-HIV control Jurkat cells by the typical exosome isolation approach to ultracentrifugation at 100,000 g for 16 h at 4C. The framework and size from the contaminants isolated from cell lifestyle supernatants had been dependant on electron microscopy and NanoSight particle monitoring evaluation (Fig. ?(Fig.1A,1A, B). Oddly enough, we discovered that a lot more exosomes had been secreted from VX-809 kinase inhibitor latently HIV-1-contaminated cells than non-HIV control cells by quantification evaluation of exosomes isolated from the same amount of cells. The exosome markers HSP70, Compact disc63, Compact disc9, and Compact disc81 had been further discovered in exosomes from all cell lines by immunoblotting (Fig. ?(Fig.11C). Open up in another home VX-809 kinase inhibitor window Fig 1 A, B Exosomes released by different cells was detected by electron NanoSight and microscopy particle monitoring evaluation. Scale club, 100 nm. C Immunoblotting assay of indicated protein in exosomes from different VX-809 kinase inhibitor cell lines. HIV-infected T-cell-derived exosomes promote cervical tumor cell proliferation, invasion and migration To identify the transportation of exosomes, we cocultured the exosomes isolated CTSS from lifestyle supernatants of HIV-1-contaminated J1.1 cells or from control Jurkat cells and cervical tumor cells CaSki, SiHa, and HeLa. J1.1 cell-derived exosomes significantly promoted the proliferation and invasion of cervical cancer cells weighed against control Jurkat cell-derived exosomes (Fig. ?(Fig.2A,2A, B). Oddly enough, cervical tumor CaSki cells cocultured with exosomes from J1.1 cells expressed higher levels of proinflammatory genes, such as IL-6, IL-8, TGF-, collagen type I (COL1A2), and matrix metallopeptidase 2 (MMP2) (Fig. ?(Fig.2C),2C), which play an important role in regulating the inflammatory microenvironment and promoting the progression of cervical cancer. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that exosomes from HIV-infected Jurkat cells contribute to the malignant progression of cervical cancer. Open in a separate windows Fig 2 HIV-infected T-cell-derived exosomes promote cervical cancer cell proliferation and migration. (A) The effect of exosomes around the proliferation of CaSki, SiHa, and HeLa cells treated with 4 109 exosomes/ml from J1.1 (J1.1 Exo) or Jurkat (Jurkat Exo) cells. Ctrl, serum-free medium. Error bars, s.d., n=3,* 0.05, ** 0.01. (B) Migration assays of cervical cancer cells treated with equal quantities of exosomes derived from J1.1 cells, Jurkat cells or blank control. Migrated cells were counted, and representative images are shown. (100) (C) IL-6, IL-8, etc. gene expression in CaSki cells treated with exosomes released by J1.1, Jurkat or control cells were detected by qRT-PCR analysis. Error bars represent three independent experiments. MiR-155-5p in HIV-infected T-cell exosomes mediates cervical cancer progression It has been reported that microRNAs are abundant in exosomes and play a key role in cell-to-cell communication32. Therefore, we hypothesized that microRNAs in HIV-infected T-cell exosomes promote the proliferation, invasion and metastasis of cervical cancer cells. To identify which miRNAs were involved, we conducted an Affymetrix multispecies miRNA-4 array to detect the miRNA expression profile of exosomes derived from J1.1 VX-809 kinase inhibitor cells and Jurkat cells. A total of 474 significantly differentially expressed miRNAs were compared and are shown as heatmaps in Fig. ?Fig.2A.2A. Twenty-one of the most upregulated miRNAs (fold change 10) in J1.1 cell-derived exosomes were subjected to validation (Fig. ?(Fig.2B).2B). Only miR-155-5p mimics promoted inflammatory gene (IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8) expression in CaSki cells (Fig. ?(Fig.2C).2C). To further investigate the role of miR-155-5p, CaSki cells were stably transfected with miR-155-5p inhibitor (Supplementary Fig. 1A). As expected, the effect of miR-155-5p on cervical cancer cells was abolished by its specific inhibitor (Fig. ?(Fig.2D).2D). Collectively, these findings reveal that J1.1-derived exosomal miR-1247-3p promotes the proliferation, invasion and metastasis of cervical cancer cells (Fig. ?(Fig.2E,2E, F). MiR-155-5p in HIV-infected VX-809 kinase inhibitor T-cell exosomes directly targets ARID2 in cervical cancer cells miRDB and microTCDS (bioinformatics tools) were used to predict common target genes of exosomal miR-155-5p. The AT-rich interactive domain name (ARID2)-containing family of DNA-binding proteins was verified to be a immediate focus on of miR-155-5p and in charge of the development of cervical tumor (Fig. ?(Fig.4A).4A). ARID2 appearance could possibly be down-regulated in cervical tumor cells by miR-1247-3p at both mRNA and proteins amounts (Fig. ?(Fig.4B).4B). Potential binding sites of microRNA-155 had been within the.
+Supplementary Materials Supplementary Data supp_64_12_4023__index. some proteins from the OXPHOS organic
+Supplementary Materials Supplementary Data supp_64_12_4023__index. some proteins from the OXPHOS organic suggesting a job for PKC in the legislation of mitochondrial mass at old age group. These data suggest an important function of PKC in the legislation of insulin awareness Cidofovir inhibition and mitochondrial homeostasis in skeletal muscles with aging. Launch Proteins kinase C (PKC) is certainly a family group of serine/threonine kinases that play essential roles in lots of cellular signaling occasions, including cell development, differentiation, apoptosis, and hormonal replies. PKCs are categorized into three main categories: typical PKCs (, I, II, ), book PKCs (, , , ), and atypical PKCs (, , ) (1C3). A genuine variety of PKC isoforms have already been implicated in both insulin actions (4,5) and insulin level of resistance (6,7). Activation Rabbit polyclonal to HOXA1 of book and typical PKCs by insulin, hyperglycemia, and lipids, diacylglycerol especially, provides been proven to result in insulin level of resistance (7C9). PKC is certainly a known person in the book category of PKC protein and it is involved with many pathological circumstances, including ischemic cardiovascular disease (10,11) and cancers (12). PKC has also been implicated in insulin action and insulin resistance (4,5,13C16). While in vitro studies have suggested that PKC plays a positive role in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in muscle mass (4,5), animal studies, especially those focusing on liver, have indicated that PKC is usually a major contributor to hepatic insulin resistance (17). In previous studies using genome-wide scanning to compare the diabetes/obesity-prone C57BL/6J (B6) mice and diabetes/obesity-resistant 129S6/Sv (129) mice, we recognized PKC as strongly linked to the development of Cidofovir inhibition insulin resistance (15). Mice with liver-specific Cidofovir inhibition reduction in PKC gene expression display increased hepatic insulin sensitivity, improved glucose tolerance, and reduced hepatic lipid accumulation, while mice with liver-specific overexpression of PKC develop hepatic insulin resistance, fatty liver, and glucose intolerance (17). However, the contribution of muscle-derived PKC in the development of insulin resistance in vivo has not been explored. Skeletal muscle mass is the predominant site of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the postprandial condition. Insulin level of resistance in muscle is among the characteristic top features of type 2 diabetes and provides been proven to can be found in genetically prone individuals years prior to the onset of medical diabetes (18). As mentioned above, in vitro studies have suggested a positive part of PKC in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake performed in skeletal muscle mass cells (4,5). Ageing is associated with many metabolic changes including lipid build up and the development of insulin resistance (19,20). These changes lead to improved prevalence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome beginning in middle-aged individuals and increasing thereafter. In the current study, we explored the part of PKC on muscle mass insulin sensitivity in relation to diet and age by generating mice in which the PKC gene has been specifically erased in skeletal muscle mass using Cre-lox recombination. We found that while PKC does not appear to play a role in muscle mass insulin resistance associated with diet-induced obesity, PKC does play a role in the onset of insulin resistance in muscle mass as the mice enter middle Cidofovir inhibition age. Thus, PKC levels in muscle increase with age, and muscle-specific deletion of PKC enhances whole-body insulin level of sensitivity, reverses whole-body glucose intolerance, and enhances muscle mass insulin signaling in middle-aged mice. Hence, PKC.
+Changes in cerebral blood circulation (CBF) throughout a hyperglycemic problem were
+Changes in cerebral blood circulation (CBF) throughout a hyperglycemic problem were mapped, using perfusion-weighted MRI, in several nonhuman primates. brain areas. The spatial design of extra-hypothalamic CBF adjustments was correlated with the patterns of a number of cerebral networks like the default setting network. These results claim that hypothalamic blood circulation response to systemic sugar levels could be described by regulatory activity. The response of extra-hypothalamic clusters adopted a different period program and its own spatial design resembled that of the default-setting network. Sp.). We have been developing the baboon as a preclinical pet model to review AG-1478 inhibitor database the physiology and genetics of common human being metabolic disorders which includes insulin level of resistance, diabetes, weight problems, and dyslipidemia (Guardado-Mendoza et al., 2009). Lately, we effectively and securely induced diabetes in mindful baboons through an individual dosage of pharmaceutical-quality steptozotocin (Chen et al., 2014; Frost et al., 2015). A thorough characterization of hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic CBF can help us better understand metabolic regulation in both types of diabetic (I and II) circumstances. From a neuroimaging perspective, baboons provide benefit of having among the biggest brains of frequently studied laboratory primate (Kochunov et al., 2009). Furthermore, our previous neuroimaging research in baboons possess demonstrated that the baboon model gives clinically relevant structural, practical, physiological, and metabolic information regarding brain framework, function, advancement, and genetic variability (Kochunov et al., 2009; Wey et al., 2010). Components and methods Pet topics and experimental process Seven adult (mean age = 9.17 1.24 months [range: 8.4C11.7 years]) female baboons (Sp.) had been chosen from a big, breeding colony taken care of by the Southwest National Primate Study Middle (SNPRC). To reduce potential gender-related differences in regional glucose metabolism, we selected female animals AG-1478 inhibitor database in this study. The average body weight was 17.9 3.5 kg (range 15.4C25.4 kg). All animals had a stable weight pattern ( 3% change over the last 12 month) with normal euglycemic blood glucose values ([Glc] = 89 9 mg/dL) on entry to the analysis. Animal managing and anesthesia protocols had been optimized for fMRI and so are described somewhere else (Kochunov et al., 2009). Pets had been fasted for 16 h, with full usage of water, before becoming transported from the SNPRC to the pet preparation region at the study AG-1478 inhibitor database Imaging Institute (RII) at the University of Texas Wellness Science Middle at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Each pet was sedated with an intramuscular injection of s-ketamine 10 mg/kg (KetaVed., Phoenix Scientific, St. Joseph, Missouri), intubated with an MR-suitable tracheal tube and 18 gauge catheters were inserted in to the remaining and ideal saphenous veins. Pets were then shifted to the MRI space where anesthesia was induced and taken care of by mechanical ventilation, at the price of 10 respiration/minute, with 2% Isoflurane, Animal’s heartrate, end-tidal CO2 concentrations and core body’s temperature had been monitored using MRI suitable equipment from 15 min ahead of imaging and through the entire imaging experiment. Each 60 min very long fMRI session contains 20 min of baseline imaging accompanied by a bolus injection of glucose (dextrose, 50%) calculated at 500 mg/kg of bodyweight into the remaining saphenous vein. All pet protocols were examined and authorized by the Institutional Pet Care and Make use of Committee of Texas Biomedical Study Institute. Peripheral measurements CACH3 Bloodstream was drawn from the proper saphenous vein at 5 min intervals for glucose measurements in every animals. Furthermore, 5 ml bloodstream draws had been performed at 0, 10, 20, 22.5, 27.5, 35, 45, and 55 min to see insulin and C-peptide plasma concentrations in five of the seven pets. Whole blood sugar was measured with a glucometer (Accu-chek AVIVA, Roche Diagnostics). We verified its precision ([Glc]plasma = 1.12 [Glc]bloodstream + 4.1; 10-4) by analyzing 10 random glucose measurements, in the 1st two animals,.
+It really is hoped that x-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCi) will
+It really is hoped that x-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCi) will provide a generational improvement in the effectiveness of mammography. technique employing laboratory sources, Rabbit Polyclonal to STAG3 suitable for mammography, was suggested by Olivo and Speller (2007a), (2008b). This JTC-801 novel inhibtior technique is known as coded aperture XPCi (CAXPCi) and has since been under continuous development within the radiation physics group at UCL (see Olivo (2009a), Olivo and Speller (2007a), (2007b) for example). This technique has been demonstrated experimentally and validated theoretically in the aforementioned references principally for CAXPCi systems sensitive to phase gradients in one dimension. We are now building a pre-prototype CAXPCi system sensitive to phase gradients in two dimensions based on the initial work of Olivo (2009a). This system will be used to assess the efficacy of the technique using human breast tissue samples. To our knowledge, the only mammography program currently in JTC-801 novel inhibtior progress is in Trieste, Italy, using the SYRMEP beam line (Castelli 2007, Dreossi 2008). This program has provided mammograms of improved contrast and detail presence compared with regular mammography. A medical trial is happening but email address details are however to become released. The pictures are acquired utilizing a technique referred to as free of charge space propagation (FSP) XPCi which needs an x-ray beam of high spatial coherence but considerably limiting the emitted flux. Such a beam could be acquired using synchrotron radiation, as used in the Trieste system, rendering it impractical for medical screening. This system has been used using microfocal or highly apertured laboratory resources (Wilkins 1996). This, however, outcomes in a prohibitively lengthy exposure time due to the reduced flux obtainable from such resources. A FSP XPCi program originated using regular x-ray resources with a nominal focal place size of 100 2008, Tanaka 2009). In a medical trial encompassing 3835 examinations, the machine was found never to give a statistically factor in recall prices and cancer recognition rates in comparison to regular film screening (Morita 2008). It had been, nevertheless, reported that the machine resulted in excellent depiction of abnormalities. To the very best of our understanding, this technique has experienced not a lot of medical uptake. The primary reason because of this is a resource focal place size of 100 1998). Other ways of carrying out XPCi using laboratory resources have problems with the same issue because the FSP technique. Specifically, the Talbot interferometric technique (Momose 2006) works just with microfocal resources and the Talbot-Lau interferometer (Pfeiffer 2006) employs an aperture before a typical laboratory resource which creates a range of resources each emitting a beam of high spatial coherence. Both techniques bring about exposure moments which are too much time for clinical make use of. The proposed CAXPCi program functions by partially illuminating detector pixels to emphasize the result of refracted photons on the detector pixel indicators. We usually do not explain the technique at length; rather, JTC-801 novel inhibtior the reader can be referred to a recently available publication (Olivo and Speller 2008a). A schematic diagram of a CAXPCi program, sensitive to stage gradients in a single direction, is demonstrated in shape 1. Whenever a refracting object is positioned on the detector part of the sample apertures, some photons which previously didn’t reach a detector pixel can do therefore and vice versa. This creates stage comparison in the detected picture. A graphic sensitive to stage gradients in two directions could possibly be obtained by firmly taking two exposures with the one-dimensional program, each for a different orientation of the object relative to the apertures. Such an approach has been suggested by Kottler (2007); however, this is not practical for clinical application due to the technical difficulties and time associated with rotating the imaging system. The proposed system will instead employ apertures with a two-dimensional transmission profile. In the remainder of the paper, we consider the possible designs of such two-dimensional apertures and discuss the trade-offs leading to JTC-801 novel inhibtior the chosen aperture type. We then model the imaging of breast tumours and calcification in order to optimize the system parameters. Open in a separate window Figure 1 The system diagram of an CAXPCi system employing a JTC-801 novel inhibtior point source. is the detector pixel width and is the displacement of the detector aperture/detector arrangement relative.
+By the finish of 2012, more than 6. of subtype G
+By the finish of 2012, more than 6. of subtype G that has been explained in South Africa. The subtype B sequences explained also improved perform an important part in HIV-1 prevention strategies. Intro South Africa has the highest number of people infected with HIV-1 worldwide, estimated at 6.1 million in 2012.1 A major feature of HIV-1 is the great genetic diversity of the viral genome, which may have an impact on viral diagnostics, tranny, disease progression, and medical management.2 HIV consists of two types, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and HIV-1 can be further divided into four organizations: M (Major), O (Outlier), N (Non-M, Non-N), and P. Group M is responsible for the pandemic and may be divided into nine subtypes and subsubtypes, and also into recombinant forms, which can be divided into circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and unique recombinant forms (URFs). Currently, there are more than 65 CRFs and several URFs recognized in the Los Alamos HIV Database []. The HIV-1 pandemic is not uniform, but complex and dynamic with different regional distributions of subtypes and CRFs. Subtype C is the most prevalent form in South Africa and accounts for nearly 50% of all HIV infections worldwide.3,4 It is essential to constantly monitor the diversity and spread of HIV-1 worldwide as the pandemic matures. Epirubicin Hydrochloride irreversible inhibition A total of 309 full or near full-length unique HIV-1 genomes from South Africa have been characterized in various studies, 296 (95.78 %) of which are subtype C isolates.5C10 Other South African near full-size HIV-1 genomes include two subtype A1 isolates,8,11 two subtype B isolates,8,11 five subtype D isolates,12,13 and four viral recombinant forms, which included three different URF_AC recombinant forms and 1 complex URF.6,8,14 We describe the near full-size genome (NFLG) sequencing and phylogenetic Epirubicin Hydrochloride irreversible inhibition analysis of seven additional South African viral strains, including HIV-1 subtypes A, B, G, and two URFs. Materials and Methods Ethics statement This study was authorized by the Health Study Ethics Committee (HREC) of Stellenbosch University (IRB0005239) and all study participants provided written informed consent for the collection of samples and subsequent analyses. Individuals and RNA/DNA isolation Plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples from the Tygerberg Virology (TV) cohort were acquired between 1998 and 2004. The TV cohort, which was previously explained in Jacobs regions of a further 10 sequences.11 A total of 35 (8.53%) non-C isolates were identified among the 410 samples from the TV cohort. Of these, Epirubicin Hydrochloride irreversible inhibition seven non-C strains were selected for further characterization based on the availability and quantity of samples. RNA was extracted from 1?ml Rabbit polyclonal to PLRG1 of the plasma samples (Television047, TV096, TV101, Television218, and Television546) using the QIAamp Ultrasense Virus package. High-molecular-fat DNA was extracted from cultured Television016 using the Qiagen DNAeasy Bloodstream and Tissue package and from uncultured Television1057 using the QIAmp DNA Mini package (Qiagen, Epirubicin Hydrochloride irreversible inhibition GmbH, Hilden, Germany). Both of these samples had been genotyped from proviral DNA because of the insufficient plasma regarding Television016, the issue in amplifying from RNA regarding Television1057, and the actual fact these two sufferers had Epirubicin Hydrochloride irreversible inhibition been on treatment during sampling...
+Sensory biology and pain begins with inputslight, smell, taste, touch, sound,
+Sensory biology and pain begins with inputslight, smell, taste, touch, sound, balance, in the case of sensory biology, or at points proximal to synapses inside our bodies, in pain. These inputs are indicators, detected by different receptors, which are parsed and interpreted by the anxious program. These labyrinthine, beautiful, and multi-level neural structures and systems, which constitute our thoughts, had been beautifully illustrated by the neuroscientist, Santiago Ramn y Cajal, whose portrayals serve because the inspiration because of this issues cover artwork.? Alongside topics in the biology of sensory perception, in this matter, we consider the specific sensory neurons, nociceptors, which relay the bodily representation of pain to the anxious system. Today, the issue in understanding and managing individuals pain has led to widespread complications in the overuse ofand addiction toopioid medicines. In 2017, the united states Section of Health insurance and Human Providers (HHS) declared that the opioid epidemic was a open public health crisis. Upon this declaration, the HHS recommended a 5-stage strategy to fight the opioid crisis. Two of the strategic points needed enhanced knowledge of the epidemic and broadened support for innovative analysis. In this matter, we interviewed a open public wellness official and energetic researcher, Dr. Bertha Madras, who’s currently an associate of the Presidents Commission on Combating Medication Addiction and the Opioid Crisis and the previous Deputy Director for Demand Decrease in the Light House Workplace of National Medication Control Plan (Ogawa). Madras walks us through the way the opioid commissions survey was made, what its principal suggestions are, and what’s forthcoming, with regards to prevention and analysis. We talk about deeper insights and improvements about analysis into discomfort and addiction medication with interviews of Dr. Stephen Waxman, whose research targets pain treatment, specifically in treating discomfort that arises from the dysfunction of the nervous system, and Dr. Patrick OConnor, one of the founders of the new System in Addiction Medicine at Yale Universitys School of Medicine; pertinently, OConnors study lies at the crossroads of general public health policy, main care, and addiction (DeNardo and Horien, respectively).? Apart from the opioid crisis, we also cover additional topics in pain and clinical study, including a mini-review on the history lorcaserin HCl kinase inhibitor and treatment of the main cause of non-traumatic cervical spinal cord (neck) injury in adults, degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) (Gibson em et al /em .). Gibson em et al /em . review the history of DCM, its symptoms, the physiological progression of chronic spinal cord compression, its analysis by imaging, and the outcome of surgical treatment. On the topic of clinical pain management, we also present an original research article on emergency medicine best practices for individuals admitted to the emergency room expressing sudden-onset, serious pain and head aches (Gill em et al /em .).? On the main topics sensory biology, Borges presents a review on what the organisms involved with nocturnal pollination have evolved sensory systems for low-light conditions. Borges targets adaptations lorcaserin HCl kinase inhibitor in the visible program for nocturnal pollinators, reviewing adaptations over the pollinators attention, photoreceptors, and central nervous system, all of which work collectively to increase organisms sensitivity to environmental cues. Nocturnal pollinators face less competition than their diurnal pollinators, which, Borges suggests, may clarify why entire organizations, such as bats, are nocturnal.? Continuing with the theme of visual systems, albeit in humans, Yang em et al /em . review the cornea, which, apart from keeping structural integrity and sensation in our eyes, is also one of our most densely innervated tissues. Yang em et al /em . review corneal disease and treatment and suggest that corneal disease, whose analysis relies on non-invasive, em in vivo /em confocal microscopy, and may sometimes become treated with non-invasive laser refractive surgical treatment, gives a glimpse into potential diagnoses and treatments of additional densely innervated cells, beyond the cornea, minus the threat of invasive diagnoses or remedies.? Supplying a molecular and biochemical viewpoint of the visible system, Detwiler offers a mini-critique lorcaserin HCl kinase inhibitor review articles the elusive function of serotonin and its own influence on mice and fruit fly olfactory processing. Gaudry specifically focuses on the part that serotonin has on the modifying olfactory circuits as olfactory learning and development is taking place. Gaudrys approach is to compare how serotonin modulates olfactory processes between species and to use their similarities and variations to extract general principles. Gaudry pushes us to consider that the serotonin-sensitive receptor, 5-HT, may have multiple effects on olfactory processing, a prospect which remains an open question.? Moving away from animal models and into the city, consider this: if you step into any urban environment and try to focus on what your senses are telling you, undoubtedly youll notice a cacophony of sirens and other commotions, a plethora of complex smells and pollutants, and an oppression of resplendent light. In this issue, Hoover provides us with a number of types of how these novel human-environment interactions outpace development and result in sensory-impairment. Hoover specializes in olfactory reduction and the intersection of a protuberance of pollution with an unequal distribution of environmental justice along socioeconomic lines. Hoover reminds us these sensory impairments frequently adversely affect under-privileged people in a culture and suggests plan and study interventions to fight this inequity. After scanning this issue, you will end up reassured that the complexity of sensory biology and pain reflects the multiplicities of reality itself; perchance you will actually progress with a deeper intricacy, appreciation, and knowledge of our brain than Bishop Berkeley provided. Yet, once we learn from specialists in discomfort and addiction medication, there are various pressing problems to solve. As Dr. Madras reminds us, discomfort is a hard phenomenon to comprehend because you can find different kinds, origins, manifestations, perceptions, and solutions to diagnose, deal with, and manage discomfort (Ogawa). As Dr. OConnor and Dr. Waxman explain, you may still find many queries, regarding discomfort receptors, that require to become studied before we are able to understand how and just why discomfort arises at the molecular level (Horien and DeNardo, respectively). So, hopefully that this can be neither a final inquiry for YJBM nor for you personally but, rather, a continuation of the exploration in to the biology that therefore wonderfully evolved make it possible for such sensory-deprived and functionally effective behaviors as nocturnal pollination (Borges) and whose impairment extensively impacts our life-style, our culture, and our tradition (Hoover). Glossary HHSDepartment of Health insurance and Human being ServicesDCMdegenerative cervical myelopathy. of the strategic points needed enhanced knowledge of the epidemic and broadened support for Rabbit polyclonal to ADRA1B innovative study. In this problem, we interviewed a general public health official and active researcher, Dr. Bertha Madras, who is currently a member of the Presidents Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis and the former Deputy Director for Demand Reduction in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (Ogawa). Madras walks us through how the opioid commissions report was created, what its principal recommendations are, and what is forthcoming, in terms of prevention and research. We share deeper insights and updates about research into pain and addiction medicine with interviews of Dr. Stephen Waxman, whose research focuses on pain treatment, especially in treating pain that arises from the dysfunction of the nervous system, and lorcaserin HCl kinase inhibitor Dr. Patrick OConnor, among the founders of the brand new Plan in Addiction Medication at Yale Universitys College of Medication; pertinently, OConnors analysis lies at the crossroads of open public health policy, major treatment, and addiction (DeNardo and Horien, respectively).? In addition to the opioid crisis, we also cover various other topics in discomfort and clinical analysis, which includes a mini-review on the annals and treatment of the root cause of non-traumatic cervical spinal-cord (neck) damage in adults, degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) (Gibson em et al /em .). Gibson em et al /em . review the annals of DCM, its symptoms, the physiological progression of persistent spinal-cord compression, its medical diagnosis by imaging, and the results of medical procedures. On the main topics clinical pain administration, we also give a genuine research content on emergency medication guidelines for sufferers admitted to the er expressing sudden-onset, serious pain and headaches (Gill em et al /em .).? On the topic of sensory biology, Borges offers a review on how the organisms involved in nocturnal pollination have evolved sensory systems for low-light environments. Borges focuses on adaptations in the visual system for nocturnal pollinators, reviewing adaptations across the pollinators eye, photoreceptors, and central nervous system, all of which work together to increase organisms sensitivity to environmental cues. Nocturnal lorcaserin HCl kinase inhibitor pollinators face less competition than their diurnal pollinators, which, Borges suggests, may explain why entire groups, such as bats, are nocturnal.? Continuing with the theme of visual systems, albeit in humans, Yang em et al /em . review the cornea, which, apart from maintaining structural integrity and sensation in our eyes, is also one of our most densely innervated tissues. Yang em et al /em . review corneal disease and treatment and suggest that corneal disease, whose diagnosis relies on non-invasive, em in vivo /em confocal microscopy, and can sometimes be treated with non-invasive laser refractive surgery, offers a glimpse into potential diagnoses and treatments of various other densely innervated cells, beyond the cornea, minus the threat of invasive diagnoses or remedies.? Supplying a molecular and biochemical viewpoint of the visible system, Detwiler offers a mini-review testimonials the elusive role of serotonin and its influence on mice and fruit fly olfactory processing. Gaudry specifically focuses on the role that serotonin has on the modifying olfactory circuits as olfactory learning and development is taking place. Gaudrys approach is to compare how serotonin modulates olfactory processes between species and to use their similarities and differences to extract general principles. Gaudry pushes us to consider that the serotonin-sensitive receptor, 5-HT, may have multiple results on olfactory processing, a prospect which continues to be an open up question.? Leaving animal versions and in to the city, think about this: if you stage into any urban environment and.
+The continued development of techniques for fast, large-scale manipulation of endogenous
+The continued development of techniques for fast, large-scale manipulation of endogenous gene loci will broaden the usage of being a genetic model organism for human-disease related analysis. label or replace genes appealing within these vectors utilizing a second circular of recombineering. Finally, we will provide a process for how exactly to mobilize these cassettes to create a knockout, or a tagged gene via knock-in. These procedures can easily end up being followed for multiple goals in parallel and offer a buy PD98059 way for manipulating the genome within a well-timed and efficient way. reverse genetic approaches for producing loss-of-function alleles got shown to be difficult until Golic and co-workers released through FRT-mediated recombination (to excise the DNA through the chromosome being a round molecule) accompanied by linearization using the meganuclease I-SceI. Although this technique continues to be utilized to create a number of described lesions effectively, the technique is not quickly scalable for the manipulation of several genes in parallel because every individual knockout build requires specific and custom style. For example, issues in seamlessly manipulating huge fragments of DNA ( 5 kb) E. colistrain that harbors recombination equipment supplied by a faulty prophage 4. This system has been followed for make use of in uses customized conditionally amplifiable bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector known as P[acman] 6,7. This vector holds two roots of replication: OriV, which creates high-copy amount upon chemical substance induction for the purification of huge levels of DNA necessary for sequencing and embryo shot and OriS, which maintains low-copy amount under basal circumstances. Additionally, the P[acman] vector has a bacterial connection (attB) site. The attB site acts as a substrate for C31 integrase-mediated transgenesis which allows incorporation of huge DNA fragments right into buy PD98059 a predetermined getting site inside the genome 8,9. We’ve generated a P[acman] vector (known as P[acman]-KO 1.0) you can use being a targeting vector for ends-out homologous recombination 10,11. To incorporate ends-out gene targeting technology into the system, we added two FRT and two I-SceI sites. We have also included a Gateway cassette within this altered vector to streamline the process of incorporating the homology arms into P[acman]-KO 1.0. This provides a rapid and simple way to introduce virtually any genomic region of interest into the targeting vector. In this protocol we will describe how to engineer a targeting vector using P[acman]-KO 1.0, and how to mobilize this vector to target the endogenous locus. For the purpose of this protocol we will use the RFP/Kan cassette to replace a gene of interest, but a variety of cassettes that contain an antibiotic selection marker can be used with this protocol. We have designed and successfully used a set of cassettes for gene replacement and tagging 10,11. Protocol 1. Selection of BAC and Region to Target To acquire a BAC with the gene of interest (GOI) (here is used as an buy PD98059 example), search for at. Under the section stocks and reagents, check the section entitled, “Genomic Clones” for BACs made up of targeting vector was serially digested with PacI, AscI, BamHI and AatII. The appearance of all the predicted bands and absence of any incorrect bands confirms that this targeting vector has been correctly recombineered (Physique buy PD98059 5). 5. Injecting Flies and Mobilizing Cassette transgene around the balancer chromosome and on the Y-chromosome. Collect males from your chosen stock and cross to ATM virgin females transporting the KO cassette in the landing site. Set ~30 crosses and allow females to lay eggs for 2-3 days. NOTE: It is recommended to choose the stock that is on a different chromosome from your targeted locus. Flip parents into a new group of 30 vials, and high temperature surprise larvae at 37 C for 1 hr, a day twice, for three consecutive times. Heat shocks activate the creation from the enzymes; flippase and I-SceI, as well as the cell loss of life gene and gene. Be aware: It really is much less time-consuming to display screen.
+Chu Chuyan was alarmed. “Please watch what you say!”
+She looked around quickly. Satisfied that no one had heard anything, she said quietly ,“The Embroidered Envoy are His Majesty’s eyes and ears, and Zhuxie Chixin is the emperor’s most loyal aide! If news of what you said reached the emperor’s ears, you’d be dead for sure!”
+However, Zu An didn’t seem to mind. He shrugged and said, “I’m already in such dire straits, it doesn’t really matter. If His Majesty finds out, then so be it.”
+Chu Chuyan gently held his hand to comfort him. A moment passed before she spoke again. “Actually, several rumors that echoed your thoughts did spread. Without proof, though, they only remained as speculation.”
+Zu An smiled. “How can anyone other than the main actors have any proof? There is something else that I’m curious about. All the other princes seem incredibly intelligent. Why is the crown prince the only one who is dumb?”
+Chu Chuyan frowned. “There’s no consensus on this subject either. The fiend races claim that His Majesty has too much blood on his hands, and that this is retribution. Some humans believe that someone might have done something to the crown prince while he was still young, leading to his current state… Of course, these are just rumors, and might not be true.”
+“Wind in an empty cave has to come from somewhere. They might not be completely unfounded.” Zu An slipped into deep thought.
+When they were done discussing important matters, they turned to more personal things. Chu Chuyan said with a gentle voice, “Ah Zu, the Chu clan is truly grateful for what you’ve done. If it wasn’t for you, we might have been destroyed. We’ve never had a chance to formally express our gratitude yet.”
+Zu An laughed and said, “Aren’t you my wife? Who else would I help if I don’t help you?”
+Chu Chuyan shook her head. “Many married couples aren’t willing to go that far for each other. There are too many examples of couples giving up on each other before a real disaster. You even placed yourself in danger for the sake of the Chu clan. Few husbands in the world are able to do something like that.”
+Zu An leaned backwards. “Yes, keep stroking my ego just like that. How are you going to thank me, then? You can’t just use words, right? That wouldn’t be sincere at all.”
+Chu Chuyan blushed. She moved closer to him and gave him a kiss.
+Right when she was about to pull back, she felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around her waist, and a pair of warm lips pressed against hers.
+Chu Chuyan’s entire body went rigid, but she quickly relaxed, and warmly received her lover’s affection.
+Her head was in an absolute mess. However, a sudden slight chill caused her to quickly snap out of her daze, and she pushed him away in a hurry.
+It was one thing for him to reached his hands into her clothes, but this fellow had actually begun to remove her clothes!
+There were still so many people outside. Her fair, snow colored cheeks were already completely red.
+This rascal is getting more and more skilled! He probably practiced it on Manman in the dungeon…
+Annoyed by this thought, she moved closer and bit down on his shoulder.
+“Ssss!” Zu An sucked in air through his teeth. Where did this come from?
+Is she blaming me for what I just did? Aren’t we already so familiar with each other? He had no idea that she was currently jealous of another woman.
+“I’ll take my leave for now. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to stay inside this carriage all the time,” Chu Chuyan said with a huff. She left the carriage after sorting out her clothes.
+Zu An grew gloomy. He began to fiddle with his spatial storage out of boredom, and mentally went through the things he had learned. He wasn’t going to forget something as important as the Primordial Origin Sutra’s exorcism properties again.
+Unexpectedly, he found a secret manual: ‘Flame Blade’. He hadn’t been able to cultivate this before because he hadn’t awakened the fire element. Now that he could borrow Daji’s fire element, he could give it a try.
+Zu An even summoned Daji to see if she could learn it as well. After all, she was also a fire element user. Unfortunately, she couldn’t cultivate it without her soul. Zu An gave up after trying several times. “I should’ve let Manman give it a try.” Then again, he remembered how powerful her combat skills were. Her flames could transform into a fire dragon or a rose flower. Those skills were probably better than this one.
+He calmed himself down and began to examine it closely, and the various moves within the Flame Blade manual slowly played out in his mind. His only regret was that he couldn’t put it to the test immediately.
+Nothing else unusual happened along the way. With Zhuxie Chixin, King Liang, and Liu Yao here, as well as a large contingent made up of the Embroidered Envoy and Imperial Guards, there was no way a small group of assassins could do anything. Only a giant rebel army would stand a chance.
+As they drew nearer to the capital, Chu Chuyan grew more and more worried, and regret began to creep into her heart. They were already in critical danger, yet she had let petty jealousy overcome her earlier!
+Several imperial guards came by, trying to gain some favors from her, but she only found them annoying. She gave a few curt responses, then went back inside the carriage.
+Those guards sighed as they stared at her graceful figure. “She really is a goddess, descended from the highest of heavens! Why is that Zu An so lucky?”
+“Is he though? We’re almost at the capital. He doesn’t have many days left to live.”
+“Who cares, man. If I could be young miss Chu’s husband for even a single day, I wouldn’t give a shit if I died tomorrow.”
+“Look at this disgusting bootlicker.”
+“What, you wouldn’t?”
+“Of course I wouldn’t! I need two days at the very least.”
+Meanwhile, inside the carriage, Zu An couldn’t help but chuckle. “It seems your charm is still as potent as ever.”
+Chu Chuyan blushed. “Even you are making fun of me,” she said with a snort.
+She could vaguely pick up what they were saying behind her back as well. Even though she was a little annoyed, she wouldn’t really do anything about it. Cutting out their tongues as soon as they said something unpleasant was something only a witch would do. It just didn’t match her style.
+She suddenly wrinkled her nose. “Huh? Why is there a strange smell in here?”
+Zu An began to sweat buckets. It was probably Daji’s scent, lingering in the air. That’s strange, though. Daji doesn’t even have a soul, so there’s no way she would wear any fragrances on herself. Where the hell did this smell come from, then?
+Also, this bloody woman’s nose is like a dog’s! Why is she so sensitive towards other people’s smells? Everything is the same to us guys—it all smells good anyway.
+He didn’t dare summon Daji to introduce her. After all, Chu Chuyan had already been so jealous just a few days ago. He’d only be asking for a swift death if he summoned another woman now.
+He’d tell her about it after she calmed down a little.
+Zu An quickly changed the topic. “Didn’t you say that it was better if you didn’t stay inside this carriage all the time? Why does it seem like you’ve been staying longer and longer recently?”
+Chu Chuyan sighed. “Ah Zu, it’s only three days before we reach the capital.”
+Zu An was stunned. He knew that she was worried for his safety. After all, from her perspective, his future looked grim.
+He couldn’t reply to her, though, because a pair of soft lips were pressed against his.
+After his initial shock, Zu An reacted quickly. He knew that she was being so proactive because she was afraid that they would soon be separated forever.
+Zu An felt a tender warmth surge within him, and he immediately embraced her slim waist.
+Suddenly, Chu Chuyan moved her tender body upwards, and faint snowflakes seemed to flutter around the two of them.
+“What is this?” Zu An asked curiously.
+Chu Chuyan's cheeks were rosy and beautiful. Her voice was incredibly soft. “This blocks any sound from getting out…”
+Zu An trembled. He never expected such a proactive move from her usually cold and easily-embarrassed self. He could no longer hold himself back and threw himself at her. “Don’t… don’t take off my clothes. There won’t be enough time if someone comes in…” Chu Chuyan said, biting her lip. She never imagined that she would one day utter such words.
+When she thought about how much Zu An had done for her, she gradually calmed down.
+Her warning made sense to Zu An. If someone caught them in the act, he would be the one losing out. He let it be, and the two of them made do.
+They were newlyweds, yet they had been forced apart due to family circumstances, and were only reunited after such a long time apart. When sparks flew, there was no way for them to hold themselves back.
+Chu Chuyan clenched her teeth and held it all in. Even though she had already done what she could to stop any sound from leaking out, she still didn’t dare make any noise. However, the longer things went on, the more quickly her body failed her…
+Meanwhile, the imperial guards outside glanced at the carriage from time to time.
+“Why does it seem like the carriage is shaking a little? Do you think…”
+“Shut up! First Miss Chu is a goddess among goddesses. There’s no way it’s what you’re thinking!”
+“You’re right, haha… But he is still her husband. My mind can’t help but wander when they’re both hiding inside.”
+“There’s no need for you to worry. That Zu fellow doesn’t have many days left to live, anyway. Once First Miss Chu recovers her freedom, she’ll be fair game for all of us.”
+“As for me, I don’t even have any excessive expectations. I’d be satisfied if I could just exchange a few more words with her.”
+“Pah! Disgusting bootlicker. I’m honestly embarrassed to be in the same group as you.”
+After what seemed like an eternity, this unattainable goddess was left lying in Zu An’s embrace, drained of all energy. Her rosy complexion and her blissful expression belied her earlier bliss.
+“Ah Zu, I’ll have to go off on my own earlier. We’ll meet again at the capital.” Chu Chuyan’s fingers gently caressed her lover’s face, her eyes filled with reluctance.
+Zu An knew that she was going to ask her grandfather for help. Even though he knew that there was little chance of success, he didn’t want to dampen her mood. He lowered his head and kissed her glistening red lips. “Let’s leave everything to fate. There’s no need to try to force an outcome. You have to trust me. I have my own way out.”
+Chu Chuyan grunted in acknowledgement, then snuggled against him like a kitten. She wanted to stay like this, forever and ever…
+Unfortunately, they still had to separate in the end. After a short rest to recover her strength, she left.
+Zu An was bored to death after she left. Fortunately, they reached the capital in three days.
+Zu An was quite shaken when he saw the magnificent city gates. He could vaguely sense a strange pressure surrounding him after entering the city.
+As if sensing his confusion, Zhuxie Chixin said, “There is a large formation protecting the capital. It intimidates petty scoundrels and restricts all flight. Those who wantonly cause trouble in the capital will suffer a vicious rebound from the formation. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
+Zu An smiled. “I don’t have many days left to live in the capital anyway. These restrictions don’t matter much to me.”
+Zhuxie Chixin was taken aback. “You’re surprisingly open-minded. It is already dark, so we’ll spend the night in the city. We’ll leave for the palace tomorrow morning.”
+Zu An frowned. What kind of joke is this? This is the technique for granting eternal life that the emperor needs! Forget about it being dark—even if the emperor was plowing away at a concubine, he should immediately summon me once he learned that I arrived, right?
+Why are they keeping me out in the city for a night? They’re taking risks for no reason.
+Something’s not right!Previous Chapter Next Chapter
+a light source configured to generate light of a predetermined bandwidth;
+a fiber optic cable assembly having a first end and a second end, wherein the fiber optic cable is configured to propagate light from the light source to the wafer surface through a through-hole in the polishing pad, the first end of the fiber optic cable assembly extending partially into a through-hole in the polishing pad;
+a light sensor coupled to the second end of the fiber optic cable assembly, wherein the light sensor is configured to receive light reflected from the wafer surface through the fiber optic cable assembly and generate data corresponding to a spectrum of the reflected light; and
+a computer coupled to the light sensor, wherein the computer is configured to generate the endpoint signal as a function of the data from the light sensor.
+generate a stop polishing command by comparing the endpoint signal to at least one criterion; and
+communicate the stop polishing command to the chemical mechanical polishing system.
+the criterion is a threshold value of the amplitude ratio; and
+the computer is further configured to: (i) generate the endpoint signal as a function of an amplitude ratio of at least two separate wavelength bands; and (ii) generate the stop polishing command when the endpoint signal exceeds the threshold value.
+a light source configured to generate light of a bandwidth;
+a polishing pad having a through-hole;
+a pad backer configured to hold the polishing pad;
+a rotatable wafer chuck configured to hold the semiconductor wafer against the polishing pad during a polishing process;
+a fiber optic cable assembly having a first end and a second end, the first end of the fiber optic cable assembly being disposed partially into the through-hole, wherein the fiber optic cable assembly is configured to propagate light from the light source to illuminate at least a portion of the wafer surface;
+a light sensor coupled to the second end of the fiber optic cable assembly, wherein the light sensor is configured to receive light reflected from the wafer surface through the fiber optic cable assembly, the light sensor being further configured to generate data corresponding to a spectrum of the reflected light; and
+a computer coupled to the light sensor, wherein the computer is configured to generate an endpoint signal as a function of the data from the light sensor.
+the criterion is a threshold value of the amplitude ratio; and
+the computer is further configured to: (i) generate the endpoint signal as a function of an amplitude ratio of at least two separate wavelength bands; and (ii) terminate the polishing process when the endpoint signal exceeds the threshold value.
+providing a relative rotation between the wafer surface and a pad, the pad contacting the surface during a polishing process of the wafer surface;
+illuminating at least a portion of the surface with light having a spectrum while the wafer surface is being polished;
+generating reflected spectrum data corresponding to a spectrum of light reflected from the region while the wafer surface is being polished; and
+determining a value as a function of amplitudes of at least two individual wavelength bands of the reflected spectrum data.
+comparing the value to criteria; and
+terminating the polishing process in response to the value meeting the criteria.
+means for providing a relative rotation between the wafer surface and a pad, the pad contacting the surface during a polishing process of the wafer surface;
+means for illuminating at least a portion of the surface with light having a spectrum while the wafer surface is being polished;
+means for generating reflected spectrum data corresponding to a spectrum of light reflected from the region while the wafer surface is being polished; and
+means for determining a value as a function of amplitudes of at least two individual wavelength bands of the reflected spectrum data.
+means for comparing the value to criteria; and
+means for terminating the polishing process in response to the value meeting the criteria.
+The present invention relates to chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), and more particularly, to optical endpoint detection during a CMP process.
+Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) has emerged as a crucial semiconductor technology, particularly for devices with critical dimensions smaller than 0.5 micron. One important aspect of CMP is endpoint detection (EPD), i.e., determining during the polishing process when to terminate the polishing.
+Many users prefer EPD systems that are "in situ EPD systems", which provide EPD during the polishing process. Numerous in situ EPD methods have been proposed, but few have been successfully demonstrated in a manufacturing environment and even fewer have proved sufficiently robust for routine production use.
+One group of prior art in situ EPD techniques involves the electrical measurement of changes in the capacitance, the impedance, or the conductivity of the wafer and calculating the endpoint based on an analysis of this data. To date, these particular electrically based approaches to EPD are not commercially available.
+One other electrical approach that has proved production worthy is to sense changes in the friction between the wafer being polished and the polish pad. Such measurements are done by sensing changes in the motor current. These systems use a global approach, i.e., the measured signal assesses the entire wafer surface. Thus, these systems do not obtain specific data about localized regions. Further, this method works best for EPD for metal CMP because of the dissimilar coefficient of friction between the polish pad and the tungsten-titanium nitride-titanium film stack versus the polish pad and the dielectric underneath the metal. However, with advanced interconnection conductors, such as copper (Cu), the associated barrier metals, e.g., tantalum or tantalum nitride, may have a coefficient of friction that is similar to the underlying dielectric. The motor current approach relies on detecting the copper-tantalum nitride transition, then adding an overpolish time. Intrinsic process variations in the thickness and composition of the remaining film stack layer mean that the final endpoint trigger time may be less precise than is desirable.
+Another group of methods uses an acoustic approach. In a first acoustic approach, an acoustic transducer generates an acoustic signal that propagates through the surface layer(s) of the wafer being polished. Some reflection occurs at the interface between the layers, and a sensor positioned to detect the reflected signals can be used to determine the thickness of the topmost layer as it is polished. In a second acoustic approach, an acoustical sensor is used to detect the acoustical signals generated during CMP. Such signals have spectral and amplitude content that evolves during the course of the polish cycle. However, to date there has been no commercially available in situ endpoint detection system using acoustic methods to determine endpoint.
+Finally, the present invention falls within the group of optical EPD systems. One approach for optical EPD systems is of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,433,651 to Lustig et al. in which a window in the platen of a rotating CMP tool is used to sense changes in a reflected optical signal. However, the window complicates the CMP process because it presents to the wafer an inhomogeneity in the polish pad. Such a region can also accumulate slurry and polish debris.
+Another approach is of the type disclosed in European application EP 0 824 995 A1, which uses a transparent window in the actual polish pad itself. A similar approach for rotational polishers is of the type disclosed in European application EP 0 738 561 A1, in which a pad with an optical window is used for EPD. In both of these approaches, various means for implementing a transparent window in a pad are discussed, but making measurements without a window was not considered. The methods and apparatuses disclosed in these patents require sensors to indicate the presence of a wafer in the field of view. Furthermore, integration times for data acquisition are constrained to the amount of time the window in the pad is under the wafer.
+In another type of approach, the carrier is positioned on the edge of the platen so as to expose a portion of the wafer. A fiber optic based apparatus is used to direct light at the surface of the wafer, and spectral reflectance methods are used to analyze the signal. The drawback of this approach is that the process must be interrupted in order to position the wafer in such a way as to allow the optical signal to be gathered. In so doing, with the wafer positioned over the edge of the platen, the wafer is subjected to edge effects associated with the edge of the polish pad going across the wafer while the remaining portion of the wafer is completely exposed. An example of this type of approach is described in PCT application WO 98/05066.
+In another approach, the wafer is lifted off of the pad a small amount, and a light beam is directed between the wafer and the slurry-coated pad. The light beam is incident at a small angle so that multiple reflections occur. The irregular topography on the wafer causes scattering, but if sufficient polishing is done prior to raising the carrier, then the wafer surface will be essentially flat and there will be very little scattering due to the topography on the wafer. An example of this type of approach is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,413,941. The difficulty with this type of approach is that the normal process cycle must be interrupted to make the measurement.
+Yet another approach entails monitoring absorption of particular wavelengths in the infrared spectrum of a beam incident upon the backside of a wafer being polished so that the beam passes through the wafer from the nonpolished side of the wafer. Changes in the absorption within narrow, well defined spectral windows correspond to changing thickness of specific types of films. This approach has the disadvantage that, as multiple metal layers are added to the wafer, the sensitivity of the signal decreases rapidly. One example of this type of approach is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,643,046..
+An apparatus is provided for use with a tool for polishing thin films on a semiconductor wafer surface that detects an endpoint of a polishing process. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a polish pad having a through-hole, a light source, a fiber optic cable assembly, a light sensor, and a computer. The light source provides light within a predetermined bandwidth. The fiber optic cable propagates the light through the through-hole to illuminate the wafer surface during the polishing process. The light sensor receives reflected light from the surface through the fiber optic cable and generates data corresponding to the spectrum of the reflected light. The computer receives the reflected spectral data and generates in endpoint signal as a function of the reflected spectral data. In a metal film polishing application, the endpoint signal is a function of the intensities of at least two individual wavelength bands selected from the predetermined bandwidth. In a dielectric film polishing application, the endpoint signal is based upon fitting of the reflected spectrum to an optical reflectance model to determine remaining film thickness. The computer compares the endpoint signal to predetermined criteria and stops the polishing process when the endpoint signal meets the predetermined criteria. Unlike prior art optical endpoint detection systems, an apparatus according to the. As seen, a wafer chuck 101 holds a wafer 103 that is to be polished. The wafer chuck 101 preferably rotates about its vertical axis 105. A pad assembly 107 includes a polishing pad 109 mounted onto a pad backer 120. The pad backer 120 is in turn mounted onto a pad backing plate 140. In a preferred embodiment, the pad backer 120 is composed of urethane and the pad backing plate 140 is stainless steel. Other embodiments may use other suitable materials for the pad backer and pad backing. Further, the pad backing plate 140 is secured to a driver or motor means (not shown) that is operative to move the pad assembly 107 in the preferred orbital motion.
+Polishing pad 109 includes a through-hole 112 that is coincident and communicates with a pinhole opening 111 in the pad backer 120. Further, a canal 104 is formed in the side of the pad backer 120 adjacent the backing plate. The canal 104 leads from the exterior side 110 of the pad backer 120 to the pinhole opening 111. In a preferred embodiment, a fiber optic cable assembly including a fiber optic cable 113 is inserted in the pad backer 120 of pad assembly 107, with one end of fiber optic cable 113 extending through the top surface of pad backer 120 and partially into through-hole 112. Fiber optic cable 113 can be embedded in pad backer 120 so as to form a watertight seal with the pad backer 120, but a watertight seal is not necessary to practice the invention. Further, in contrast to conventional systems as exemplified by U.S. Pat. No. 5,433,651 to Lustig et al. that use a platen with a window of quartz or urethane, the present invention does not include such a window. Rather, the pinhole opening 111 is merely an orifice in the pad backer in which fiber optic cable 113 may be placed. Thus, in the present invention, the fiber optic cable 113 is not sealed to the pad backer 120. Moreover, because of the use of a pinhole opening 111, the fiber optic cable 113 may even be placed within one of the existing holes in the pad backer and polishing pad used for the delivery of slurry without adversely affecting the CMP process. As an additional difference, the polishing pad 109 has a simple through-hole 112.
+Fiber optic cable 113 leads to an optical coupler 115 that receives light from a light source 117 via a fiber optic cable 118. The optical coupler 115 also outputs a reflected light signal to a light sensor 119 via fiber optic cable 122. The reflected light signal is generated in accordance with the present invention, as described below.
+A computer 121 provides a control signal 183 to light source 117 that directs the emission of light from the light source 117. The light source 117 is a broadband light source, preferably with a spectrum of light between 200 and 1000 nm in wavelength, and more preferably with a spectrum of light between 400 and 900 nm in wavelength. A tungsten bulb is suitable for use as the light source 117. Computer 121 also receives a start signal 123 that will activate the light source 117 and the EPD methodology. The computer also provides an endpoint trigger 125 when, through the analysis of the present invention, it is determined that the endpoint of the polishing has been reached.
+Orbital position sensor 143 provides the orbital position of the pad assembly while the wafer chuck's rotary position sensor 142 provides the angular position of the wafer chuck to the computer 121, respectively. Computer 121 can synchronize the trigger of the data collection to the positional information from the sensors. The orbital sensor identifies which radius the data is coming from and the combination of the orbital sensor and the rotary sensor determine which point.
+In operation, soon after the CMP process has begun, the start signal 123 is provided to the computer 121 to initiate the monitoring process. Computer 121 then directs light source 117 to transmit light from light source 117 via fiber optic cable 118 to optical coupler 115. This light in turn is routed through fiber optic cable 113 to be incident on the surface of the wafer 103 through pinhole opening 111 and the through-hole 112 in the polishing pad 109.
+Reflected light from the surface of the wafer 103 is captured by the fiber optic cable 113 and routed back to the optical coupler 115. Although in the preferred embodiment the reflected light is relayed using the fiber optic cable 113, it will be appreciated that a separate dedicated fiber optic cable (not shown) may be used to collect the reflected light. The return fiber optic cable would then preferably share the canal 104 with the fiber optic cable 113 in a single fiber optic cable assembly.
+The optical coupler 115 relays this reflected light signal through fiber optic cable 122 to light sensor 119. Light sensor 119 is operative to provide reflected spectral data 218, referred to herein as the reflected spectral date 218, of the reflected light to computer 121.
+One advantage provided by the optical coupler 115 is that rapid replacement of the pad assembly 107 is possible while retaining the capability of endpoint detection on subsequent wafers. In other words, the fiber optic cable 113 may simply be detached from the optical coupler 115 and a new pad assembly 107 may be installed (complete with a new fiber optic cable 113). For example, this feature is advantageously utilized in replacing used polishing pads in the polisher. A spare pad backer assembly having a fresh polishing pad is used to replace the pad backer assembly in the polisher. The used polishing pad from the removed pad backer assembly is then replaced with a fresh polishing pad for subsequent use.
+After a specified or predetermined integration time by the light sensor 119, the reflected spectral data 218 is read out of the detector array and transmitted to the computer 121, which analyzes the reflected spectral data 218. The integration time typically ranges from 5 to 150 ms, with the integration time being 15 ms in a preferred embodiment. One result of the analysis by computer 121 is an endpoint signal 124 that is displayed on monitor 127. Preferably, computer 121 automatically compares endpoint signal 124 to predetermined criteria and outputs an endpoint trigger 125 as a function of this comparison. Alternatively, an operator can monitor the endpoint signal 124 and select an endpoint based on the operator's interpretation of the endpoint signal 124. The endpoint trigger 125 causes the CMP machine to advance to the next process step..
+We returned to San Francisco in time for the kids to enroll for the fall in San Francisco’s school system. It would be the first year out of three on the road when they could look forward to being in a school for the entire year, no longer objects of their elders’ wanderlust. We were very bad people.
+Good gawd how we tried.
+It took me years to coax a criticism from either of the kids.Until they finally aired their complaints about being taken out of school twice in as many years, they had insisted that they loved to live communally — they had multiple parents they could depend on, and always lots of kids to hang out with, roughly their age. That was the truth; only changing schools had been a drag for them, but that was enough. So the move back to S.F. made sense to them, too.
+An actor from the San Francisco Mime Troupe had — as a means of survival — taken out a real estate license years earlier and knew the territory south of the Mission District, an area south of Market Street that included Potrero and Bernal Hills. The two hills were covered with the redwood-trimmed, balloon-frame buildings that became so characteristic of San Francisco’s gentrified neighborhoods. Our search for a place of our own — and others, as you’ll soon see — took place back in the day when a human being could actually buy a piece of property — albeit so humble — in the fog-bedecked city by the bay. The house we bought on Andover Street cost $28,000. We scraped together three grand to cover the down payment and closing costs and bingo! We had become property owners.
+The place was perfect for our plan, with rooms on three floors suitable for individual privacy, including for the kids. The plan? To start an artists’ collective with our radical theater and Boho musical brothers and sisters. The place filled up immediately. The Pickle Family Circus had just sprung out of the brow of Larry Pisoni, a young visionary from a traditional Italian circus family. Combined with a diverse talent pool from the San Francisco Mime Troupe, and bolstered by two physical comics whose skills, talent, and experience dovetailed perfectly with the odd combination of mimetic, vaudevillian, Eurocircus, alternative departure art of the Pisoni mind, the circus sprung into vigorous life. I put the circus band together from a jazz/latin/funk/soul/rock band I had joined on my return to the city. Randy and Nick joined the circus band and settled at Andover Street. Don had come with us cross country from our previous commune in rural Massachusetts. Ruby, a sister from the Colorado town that had been home for two winters, showed up, as did my soul cousin from Cambridge, Jeffree. Wooly (Bully) and Zoom, our intrepid mutts made the round trip with us. To cover the mortgage, gas and electric, and lay in basic foodstuffs, each collective member had to come up with $65 bucks a month — kids and dogs lived gratis.
+The kitchen was dark and small. In the spring, Don and I tore the back wall off the place and built a sky-lit anteroom that opened onto the back yard. We had assembled lumber, windows, doors, and floors from an old row of military barracks perched at a Marin bayside outpost called Fort Baker. One of our One Percent Free families had secured the contract to demo the buildings. Word went out and the soon the old fort was crawling with crowbar-wielding anarchists, happy to liberate the lumber. By that fall, we had a beautiful sunny kitchen in which to assemble our showbiz collective.
+Mealtimes were haphazard except for dinner, when people showed up to combine eating and drinking with house biz, talk of the politics of the day, and generally just hang together. In the first cooking shift, we boiled hobo coffee — good San Francisco coffee beans even back then, milled and thrown into the big blue enamel pot with eggshells to settle the grounds. Coffee’d up, we got the kids off to school with full bellies and lunch boxes. After that, breakfast happened whenever sleepy communards made it happen. The musicians were always last to the table. We made group purchases of eggs, fruit, flour for bread and pancakes, milk. The freewheeling crew prepared their own oddities for breakfast and lunch. This was the time of early food co-ops and so odd lots of vegetables, dense, heavy loaves of Digger bread, cooked in coffee cans, large wedges of cheese, strawberries, apples, and bananas made their way from the giant, sprawling wholesale produce market at the bottom of the hill.
+For the first year, the house on Andover Street celebrated a time of sharing. Everything in the kitchen was either considered common property or labeled with names, hands-off threats, or skull and crossbones. It worked out well. The kids ate healthily but their fruit loops remained sanctified. The yoghurt and wheat germ freaks claimed their territory, the oatmeal crowd shared large cans of the steel-cut Irish variety, brown rice was everywhere, and each adult member would stop at the local grocery to pick up the items they needed for their cooking night.
+Ruby’s specialty was lasagna with good Italian cheese from Lucca’s deli on Valencia, and whatever vegetables were available. Zucchini, tomatoes, and broccoli seemed to be big favorites. Nick and his girlfriend made enchiladas or tamales with zippy salsas and gigantic bowls of salad. Betsy’s offerings were diverse, although one specialty was roast chicken and roasted potatoes and veggies or goulash with noodles and heaps of sour cream. Jeffree hated to cook. He learned how to assemble the elements for burritos for us to build our own, or he would punt and make scrambled eggs and omelets. We rebelled when he served us raisin omelets one night.
+I usually concocted pasta or turkey chili. That specialty began when we found we could buy a whole turkey, roast it one day, eat leftovers on the second day, use the remainder for the chili and end up with a soup on day four. By that time, everybody had had enough turkey. I did the whole chili thing from scratch, soaked the beans, found jalapeños and sweet red peppers. Mexican spices were plentiful and popular. The Mission district was full of mom and pop Mexican and Salvadoran restaurants and we learned from them. Betsy also liked to deep fry snapper Vera Cruz style.
+My stepdaughter Joss recently reminded me, “you may not remember that Jake and I had a cook night of our own each week. Our specialties were oven-fried chicken, tacos, and clam spaghetti. Also,” Joss continued, “I’ll never forget Randy’s attempts at cooking. He’d throw anything he found in the kitchen into either a cooking pot or a salad bowl – sometimes with hair-raising results. No matter what it was, he would always refer to it as ‘couscous.’ ”
+Beer and wine came with an eye to quantity and nobody would kick a pint of brandy off the table after dinner. Talk centered around gossip, what had happened in that day’s installment of Amistad Maupin’s “Tales of the City.” We listened to kids’ school stories and gabbed music, theater, and politics. Vietnam had finally ground to a halt. Nixon was out and the post-war depression had begun to settle in. The United States had experienced the first oil shock the year before. Most of the radical groups that we supported had fragmented. Women and feminism had stepped into the world, from protest and radical acts of “militant” feminism to academics and legislation. Women were learning about their bodies and their selves.
+The household worked hard to understand gender equality. We practiced political correctness, the good kind, before it was co-opted by our reactionary culture and turned into a term of derision. In the beginning, the liberation movements, all of them, including feminism were embarking on such new pathways that a new, politically correct vocabulary was necessary and welcome. Eventually, most of the men would make it part way across the great divide inconsistently, but good gawd, how we tried. Everybody cooked, everybody cleaned, and the kids participated with their own brand of liberation.
+But the household had begun to crack. Nick found a new girlfriend. Ruby moved to Berkeley. Nick, Randy, and I went on tour with the circus and the daily routine began to break down. People began to miss meals, at first unheard of. Betsy enrolled in law school and the kids were growing older. Joss began acting in school plays, Jake picked up a paper route. Eventually, only Don, Randy, me, Betsy, Wooly and Zoom, and the kids remained. The household began to look and feel like the home of a nuclear family. The glory days were.
+What a tale of a certain time in Americana, of coming together, sharing in a diverse communal way, then falling apart organically, as these communities will as people grow up and out.
+Love, the sentence, “Women were learning about their bodies and themselves”, (I think I still have that book). And your reference to “political correctness, the good kind, before it was co-oped by our reactionary culture and turned into a word of derision”. Yes, the pendulum has swung too far and we have been cut off at the knees by that term.
+Your stories always offer a unique perspective, Chaz. Thank you so much for that.
+Thanks, Betsy for your articulate observations. I’m so used to people abusing the notion of p.c., I’m always relieved and delighted to find someone who knows what it’s really all about. “Pendulum swung too far… cut off at the knees,” yes!
+Wow Charles, you’ve been there, done that, and reading about your early, glory days I didn’t even miss the omitted recipes, the spice was in the life!
+Great turn of phrase, spice in the life! Thanks, Dana!
+Those were the days, my friend…we thought they’d never end. Great story, as usual…thanks, Charles!
+Thanks, Barbara. One of my faves from those days comes from Bob Dylan: wish, I wish, I wish in vain
+That we could sit simply in that room again
+Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat
+I’d give it all gladly if our lives could be like that.
+Now, I wouldn’t be at all glad to live our lives like that much anymore, but I know you get the drift!
+I’m with you! If I close my eyes and think back, I can “sit simply in that room again,” but I’m so glad I can open them. Once was enough, and just right…I feel lucky to have lived through it, in more ways than one.
+NB: And while Suzy is the song lyrics maven, I recognize your What’s Up line, an important song for the present!
+Uh… what’s a What’s Up line? Please advise!
+Sorry Charles! I thought you were paraphrasing a lyric from a song I like, What’s Up by 4 Non-Blondes.
+The line is
+“And I try, oh my god do I try“
+But don’t we all!
+I’ll have to explore the non-blondes and the tune on Spotify!
+Charles, this is such a pitch-perfect story about what you ate and where you lived and why. I, too, was in the Bay Area during that time, although still in college during the first phase you describe, which is spot on. My guy friend Gary graduated from Brandeis, where I’d been for a semester before moving to California, and he came to SF where we picked up our relationship. He lived in various commune-style homes in the city, where you never knew who would crash in your room. My favorite was a big house on Ulloa that had a Japanese soaker tub. Big bins of brown rice and grains resided in the kitchen. Later he moved to Berkeley and lived with a flamenco guitar maker. We’d drink a lot of cheap wine and I tried to orient the guys to the feminist movement, including the radical lesbians who ran a restaurant near the apartment. Ah, those were the days.
+Thanks, Marian. I’m glad I could evoke some memories. I was caught by your line “I tried to orient the guys to the feminist movement…” How did that go for ya? Always curious about that topic and those days.
+What a wonderful portrait of life in San Francisco in the ’70s! Your writing is so vivid, you really take us there, and the pictures are amazing. I love seeing the house on Andover Street that you bought for $28,000. And I can imagine you and Don tearing the back wall off and making the perfect kitchen. Probably the most important room in the house with the big crowd you had living there. The picture of you with that mustache, and the little blonde kids, is classic – would make a great book cover!
+Tales of the City really takes me back. I remember rushing to read it in the paper every day. I’m surprised you didn’t know Armistead Maupin. 🙂 Your commune could have been part of his story. The Mime Troupe, Pickle Family Circus, and Digger Bread are also so evocative of that time.
+Finally, your comment about “political correctness, the good kind,” made me remember that, yes, it used to be a good thing, when we were all finding our way in a different version of society and trying to do it correctly. Thank you for that too!
+Thanks, Suzy. Glad the writing was evocative and the scene familiar! And yes, the kitchen was the central room in the house, as is so often the case. I think we were a bit to the left of and over the boho line for Armistad but what wonderful characters and stories they were!
+Oh, this brought back some wonderful memories: Pickle Family Circus, lots of brown rice, Diggers, Tales of the City., communal food in the fridge (with some “hands off” items). We brought our young family to see the Pickles every time they appeared in the East Bay. Especially loved the band. Thanks so much!
+Glad I could bring some of that back, Risa! Did you know that the Pickle kid performers, Lorenzo and his sister Gypsy, both went on to become major theater/circus performers and producers world wide? Also the clown, Bill Irwin, who finally began to talk after years of silent physical comedy, went on to become a major theater and TV actor and writer and producer of his own material. Lots of offspring, including my step-daughter (in the pics) went on in the theater. Infectious stuff, showbiz.
+My feminist orientation for the men was a mixed bag, Charles. Gary was and is one of the best feminists I know–he even became a nurse and practiced for a few years! On the other hand, the flamenco guitar player loved to be provocative. He went into the lesbian restaurant and ordered a “man-sized sandwich.” They promptly threw him out. A while later, one woman in a lesbian couple broke up with her partner and ended up with the guitar player. Not sure how it turned out or who might have had the last laugh.
+Great story, Marian, with the flamenco player staying true to the stereotype. I studied flamenco guitar in college for a while, dug into the forms a bit. Of course the gender roles are more complex than macho represents but still a great tale! After all, a revolutionary is always guided by great feelings of love (Che), but a sense of humor helps, too!
+I love all of the details of the foods you ate and your lifestyle, Charles. This story so captured an era I remember well, although I was never as adventurous and true to living my beliefs as you. The photos help to enhance the snapshot in time you so beautifully describe. Love the coffee can bread.
+Thanks and glad you enjoyed the tale, Laurie. The coffee can bread is a legacy of the Diggers, a utopian anarchist group that rose to prominence in the late ’60s, early ’70s. They had an interesting background and mission. I wrote about them here:
+Thanks again!
+Once upon a time, there was something called a “water cooler.” It was a machine about the size of a small human that dispensed refrigerated liquid, producing the occasional bubble as its contents shifted. But more than that, it was a totem—a communal marker of socialization. Before lockdowns and quarantines, before social distancing and sheltering in place, people used to leave their homes, travel to offices, and gather around the water cooler to make small talk, tell stories, and opine about the latest episode of Game of Thrones.
+Back then, people shared workspaces and wore stiff, uncomfortable clothing known as “business casual attire.” They talked, worked, and commuted in close proximity to one another—often closer than six feet apart, and usually without masks on.
+It was a simpler time. A cough was just a cough. Shopping at the supermarket wasn’t a terrifying, potentially life-threatening experience. And water coolers littered the land, drawing countless teams together every day for idle conversation and chit-chat.
+Legend has it the water coolers are still out there, bubbling in unlit hallways, waiting for us to return.
+Welcome to the post-water cooler world.
+As the world enters Week Whatever of the COVID-19 crisis, the pre-coronavirus era is starting to feel like a myth. Call it the “before times” or the “old world”; it’s growing more distant by the day, and it isn’t clear when—or if—we’re ever going back. Right now, millions of Americans are stuck at home, navigating a new, entirely remote reality. They’re creating, communicating, and collaborating from their houses and apartments.
+Unless you’re an essential service worker, that includes you. Assuming you’re one of the lucky ones who hasn’t been laid off or furloughed, you’re no doubt becoming accustomed to Zoom meetings and Slack chats, and the room, desk, dining table, or corner of the bed you call your home office.
+You’re also likely feeling—how I should put this?—less than happy. Restless. Listless. Isolated. Anxious. Depressed. Lonely. The reality of the situation—we’re living through a pandemic—is difficult for anyone to cope with. On a good day, it’s a distraction; other days, it’s an inescapable nightmare. And then there are the challenges of homeschooling, wrangling kids and pets, living with spouses and partners, the endless cooking and cleaning…
+Did I mention braving the supermarket?
+It’s a surreal time to be alive. If you feel like you’re just barely holding up, take solace in the fact that millions of people out there feel just like you and are going through the same thing. And if you’re struggling with the transition to working from home, you’re definitely not alone.
+To help you better adjust to this new way of doing business, we’ve scoured the internet for remote work success stories and blunders—the good, the bad, and the ugly of working from home. Learn what to do (and equally as important, what not to do) or just let some of these triumphs and mishaps brighten your day.
+“An astounding productivity boost.”
+Does working from home improve productivity? A few years ago, Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom set out to answer that question. He designed an experiment that split a workforce of 500 employees into two groups—on-site workers and telecommuters. Here’s what his research showed, as reported by Inc.:
+“My life is rich beyond measure.”
+Another major benefit of working from home: more time with the kids. Peter Fritz of Office Anywhere writes:
+“The only way to build a lasting bond with your children is through the application of time and attention. It isn’t enough to be there – you have to be present, too. Instead of occasional appearances punctuated with fanfare and gifts, it’s the slow, steady and consistent presence that really counts. Kids don’t want performances, they want love, empathy and a steady hand. They want an example to follow. My mum and dad gave me those, and I’ve done my best to give the same to my kids.
+Today, the same principles that cemented the bond between my girls and I apply to my son, Tommy.
+Despite offers to return to corporate life, and opportunities to pursue businesses with potentially big payoffs, I remain steadfastly committed to seeing my son every day. Not just an hour or two before bed, but every morning when I walk him to school, and every afternoon when I pick him up again. Most nights, we also play together or watch a movie in our home cinema. We go to bed at the same time and often giggle ourselves to sleep—just like we did last night. I might not be wealthy, but my life is rich beyond measure.”
+“Make sure you’re wearing pants.”
+Here’s a brief (no pun intended) but unforgettable blunder from an anonymous work-from-homer:
+“If someone knocks on the door and you want to open it while on a video call, make sure you’re wearing pants.
+It happened once and that was enough”
+Twitter user @ChristinaKerby had a similar experience:
+“Pro-tip: if you and your husband are both working from home, check to see if he’s on a four-way video call BEFORE running past the office naked to get a towel from the linen closet. #RealStory #COVID19 #WFH”
+“You have to get out or you’ll go insane.”
+Not everyone is anti-working-in-underwear. Dave Mosher, a journalist who worked remotely for two years, enjoyed the freedom to wear whatever he wanted, but offers another piece of advice:
+“I loved the ability to talk to very important sources in my underwear. Jokes aside (maybe): Working from home eliminated my commute, plus the time and frustration it involved. For many people who work from home, ‘no commute’ means priceless sanity and more than an hour back in our pockets. We can spend that time and energy toward family, fun, or more hustling in our line of work.
+But you have to get out or you’ll go insane. Exercise outside.”
+Sheryl Garratt echoes Mosher’s thoughts in a blog post on The Creative Life:
+“Being out in the fresh air wakes us up. Moving gets our mind working. Even on a cold, rainy day.
+If you already start your day with a run, the gym or a swim, bravo. If not, you might want to try going out for a quick walk before you sit down to work. Not a morning person? Then go after lunch. But make sure you get outside and move at some point in your working day. You’ll get more done.
+A walk can also be a great way to focus on a specific work problem, or to just clear your mind and let a solution pop up.”
+“I wasn’t muted.”
+Reddit user Entidus shares this poetic work-from-home horror story:
+“My worst nightmare at work happened today…
+I was working from home, in a conference call and I thought I was muted.
+I wasn’t muted.
+I slowly just want to sink and die now.”
+Entidus isn’t alone. Here’s Daniel Taroy of Vanity Fair:
+“just started talking to my cat in the middle of a 68-person zoom meeting—and I wasn’t muted!!! send the meteor!!!!”
+“I could mute them without being rude.”
+That mute button really can come in handy. Cailey Rizzo writes for Travel + Leisure:
+“For a long time, when I heard the ping of a Slack message or saw a new email pop up, I’d stop what I was doing and check it. Most of the time, it was just a courtesy ‘thank ‘urgent’ tasks and communications.”
+“Socially connect with others.”
+Other times, you have to make an effort to un-mute yourself. Here’s a tip from a recent post on the Vault blog about the biggest challenges of working from home:
+“Interacting with other people is a positive aspect of many jobs. Yes, you’re there to work, but social contact is also important and can help with productivity. Having a feed in your chosen communication app devoted to unrelated to work topics could help.
+Two ways the recruiting firm HiringThing creates these missed water-cooler moments are:
+- “Week Preview Meetings,” which are Monday meetings where people discuss work plans for the week, and are also allowed to talk about weekend events and other non-work-related things.
+- “Happy Fun Time,” which includes fun activities curated by a company’s HR team such as answering workplace trivia and posting fun throwback images.
+The point is to make sure to take the time while you’re working remotely to socially connect with others. This is more important now than ever, with so many people alone, working from home.”
+“Always make it a point to overcommunicate.”
+Tom Papomoronis, an entrepreneur who started working from home in 2010, shared this tip with CNBC:
+“I’ve been feeling really lonely.”
+Freelance writer Kaleigh Moore posted the following on her blog:
+“For the most part, I love the fact that I get to work from home.
+I get to walk my dog, wear sweatpants, and don’t have the office interruptions that are productivity’s worst nightmare. I can really knock out some writing assignments with long, uninterrupted stretches of silence.
+But lately, I’ve been feeling really lonely. And I think this is something remote workers need to talk about more than we do.”
+Her solution to loneliness? Acknowledge it—and make a habit of leaving the bubble:
+“I know that it’s important for my mental health to step out of this environment every once in a while, so I’ve been trying to go work in a coffee shop once every week or so (to at least have the noise and scenery of human activity around me.)
+Along with this, I’ve been making it a priority to go to exercise classes, where I get to interact with some familiar faces each week. I’m also working toward using the warm summer weekends as opportunities to travel—to get out of town and experience new things. That sometimes means taking on less work, too. I’m okay with that—I think this is important.
+And finally, I’ve been asking fellow freelancers how they cope with loneliness. Just starting a dialogue about this helps me feel less alone.”
+We can’t just moonwalk into a coffee shop and set up our laptops, but we can chat via FaceTime, Zoom, Join.me, or even just send messages via Slack to maintain our sense of connectivity.
+“You need structure.”
+Here’s another good tip from Tom Papomoronis:
+ if you’re a single parent with a newborn. But for the most part, be clear with your partner, friends or those you live with about your work schedule. Consider setting a ‘Do Not Disturb’ window of time where you can work freely without unnecessary interruptions.”
+“Train your brain.”
+And another bit of advice from Sheryl Garratt of The Creative Life:
+“Have a routine of some sort to start/end the day. I meditate for a few minutes in the morning, check my calendar for appointments and go over my to-do list while playing music. Then I jump in and start.
+When I’m done, I play a different soundtrack while clearing my desk, update my to-do list for tomorrow, turn my screen off then leave my study for the day. I try to do online shopping or web browsing for fun on my iPad, elsewhere in the house, so it’s clear that when I sit down at my iMac, I’m there to work.
+I’m lucky in that I have a dedicated room to work in. If you’re using the kitchen table or in a corner of your bedroom, just clear your work stuff into a drawer or box once you’re done. Seemingly trivial tricks like sitting on a different side of the table when you eat can help to train your brain to know when this is a workspace, and when it is a dining/social space.”
+“Suddenly it is a 16-hour day.”
+Although many business leaders new to remote work fear that their teams will slack off, the opposite—overworking—tends to be a more common problem. Here’s what Mark Neuhausen, Technologist and Angel Investor, had to say on Quora:
+“The worst parts of working from home were enforcing discipline on myself to not work all the time. It is easy to walk past the office and check my computer, respond to a few emails, jump on a call, and suddenly it is a 16-hour day. This is especially true when part of the team is halfway around the world. I also found that I enjoyed the human contact when I did go on business trips, whether to the home office, customer offices, or other company offices. It was energizing and evidence that humans are gregarious.”
+“Reward yourself.”
+How do you stay energized and avoid burnout when working from home? Home office furnishing company Set Your Office recommends the following:
+“Since, in remote working, there is no external validation to know that you are doing a good job, start patting yourself on the back. Rather than waiting for someone else to do it, reward yourself whenever you hit a crucial task or objective. Once you’ve done something worthy of reward, treat yourself with anything that makes you happy.
+Take a long break, or make yourself a fresh pot of coffee or go pamper yourself with some spa session or splurge in manicure and pedicure. You can even reward your extra effort by taking a small break to watch your favorite TV show. Give yourself the recognition you deserve. It not only makes you feel good but even works as a positive reinforcement for future tasks.”
+Remember: you’re not alone.
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+Ever since video video games first appeared on display screen, we’ve got at all times been mesmerized and entertained by gaming. 2. Meminta siswa untuk duduk dalam tatanan kooperatifnya masingmasing. Istilah menengah (8-31) dan (eight-32) adalah identik: I yang diharapkan sama dengan laba. SNK’s latest entry in the long-operating The King of Fighters sequence ain’t the prettiest fighter on the town, and the title does not constantly headline Evo, but it’s among the finest competitive fighting video games in the marketplace. Italian Serie A. Fame is as tough as to achieve and as easy to lose. This league has been in the identical category of gaining fame before a decade and now fighting its golf equipment to attain respect in addition to the rank Theme simple piano letter notes sheet music for novices, appropriate to play on Piano, Keyboard, Flute, Guitar, Cello, Violin, Clarinet, Trumpet, Saxophone, Viola and some other comparable instruments you want straightforward letters notes chords for. Jul 19, 2020. As an illustration, X Video games attendees have born witness to new tricks similar to Tony Hawk’s 900 in skateboarding, Travis Pastrana’s double backflip in freestyle motocross, Heath Frisby’s first ever snowmobile front flip in Snowmobile Greatest individual. Taurean Green, Walter Hodge, Chris Richard, and Marreese Speights have match, the MIA 5K run, and all major events at the American Airlines Area. The March 22 NASCAR race at the Homestead Miami Speedway is postponed right now. NASCAR officers will decide whether or not to maintain the race with out followers,†Gimenz’s earlier assertion read.
+2 days ago. On-line Race Business Week is a enterprise-to-business occasion for members of the worldwide racing trade. Hundreds of corporations will probably be showing off their new racing product strains for 2021 on EPARTRADE, while RACER and EPARTRADE present 55 hours of technical and business webinars. One Zoom hyperlink gives entry to the entire week of webinars. This article lists the top 4 teams or players in every of the various eSports world championships of the 2006 season. Fnatic, the Counter-Strike team that won the E-Sports Crew of the Year Award in 2006. Exhibiting from left: dsn, cArn, f0rest and Archi, in addition to Oskar “ins” Holm. Tentpole left fnatic after the team-model annual competitors of so-referred to as “excessive sports.”. These sports embody skateboarding, BMX, inline skating and snowboarding, in addition to quite a few variations on each and plenty of different events. The X Games have been created by cable sports activities community ESPN in 1995 in response to the rising reputation of those extreme sports. Enviornment for the third game in 4 days. This time, the sport is to shut out the Mako Medical Asheville Basic with host UNC Asheville. Each teams come into the competition off losses in the first-spherical video games. In 1912, the formation of the worldwide governing physique for athletics, the Worldwide Newbie Athletics Federation , started. In recognition of the movement of the sport from amateurism towards professionalism that began in the late Nineteen Seventies, the phrase beginner was dropped from the title, and the organization was rebranded because the International Association of Athletics Federations in 2001. In late 2019, one other rebranding started, with World Athletics as the new title of the governing body. d. Guru membimbing kelompok-kelompok belajar pada saat mereka mengerjakan lembar kerja.
+Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Daytona International Speedway introduced Wednesday the observe will host a limited variety of fans for the 63rd annual Daytona 500, the season-opener of the NASCAR Cup Collection season scheduled for Feb. 14. São Paulo is among the main golf equipment in Brazil with profitable plenty of championships, getting the fame and putting themselves in the South American map. They are managed by Muricy Ramalho. three. Membantu siswa membentuk kelompok (teams), sehingga transisi ini berjalan secara efisien. 1. Deacon Jones. Deacon had an enormous game and a big personality. Unofficially, Deacon recorded 173.5 sacks throughout his career. His season high was 22, which he achieved twice. While the league does not comprise the identical number of superstars as European leagues, it has included stars like David Beckham, Robbie Kean, Thierry Henry, and lots of Central American gamers in addition to US Nationwide Group members. The 2020 World Touring Automobile Cup opener in Hungary has been known as off because of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, the series announced on Friday. 6. Mengakhiri games dan tournament. Setiap selesai pertemuan ada tugas kelompok merangkum materi yang telah disampaikan dalam event fully skilled League of Legends league. Ten teams will compete in a spherical robin group stage, with the top 6 groups persevering with to offline playoffs. jordan sport Oleh sebab itu, model pembelajaran Workforce Video games Tournament dapat kita simpulkan merupakan model pembelajaran kooperatif yang mempergunakan recreation crew video games event, semoga bermanfaat untuk anda. From local grassroots racing to Canadian touring series and the Canucks who compete on the worldwide stage, Inside Observe Motorsport Information is the leader in terms of well timed, in-depth and thought-frightening coverage of the motorsports that matter to Canadians. Dominus Esports, previously often known as SinoDragon Gaming, is knowledgeable League of Legends crew competing in the League of Legends Professional League, the top stage of skilled League of Legends in China. It was founded in 2017 and was one among two teams accepted into the LPL on 30 November 2018 as part of the league’s enlargement.
+The Riot Season three Championship Sequence is the primary season of Europe’s totally skilled League of Legends league. Eight teams will compete in a round robin group stage, with the top 6 teams persevering with on to an offline playoffs. The A-State eSports staff will launch as a aggressive club sport throughout its formation period this fall, much like Arkansas State’s nationally-ranked and national title holding rugby and softball membership groups. We concerned current A-State students in our early planning discussions to get their input on the video Providers or in its sole discretion, might add or take away from any or all Video Content at any time. In September, the Concordia University soccer program held an intersquad recreation for their reserves. Both groups compete towards each other within the PASL (Premier Arena Soccer League). Sep 07, 2020. Fire N Ice Esports â â JustLatam in the Halo 5 Professional Sequence Season 1 LA Week 1. Cartel â â Mock-it Esports within the Halo 5 Pro Collection Season 1 EU Week 1. On High â â Final Form within the Halo 5 Pro Sequence Season 1 ANZ Week 1. H3 Group â â Warriors within the FACEIT MCC Professional Series thirteen. The flagship Esports and competitive video games competition in Sri Lanka. Hosted since 2008, the occasion organized by brings individuals from across Sri Lanka together as they battle it out across the most well-liked Esports titles in the nation. recreation tour-nament (TGT). Metode ini perlu dicoba sebagai bentuk variasi metode pembelajaran menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan. Final I checked, deletes content altogether if it doesn’t maintain a excessive view depend. They play video games with a degree system, based mostly on view depend, which acts as a sort of social credit score among users. I suppose that’s as a result of the location has restricted bandwidth, however the guys in charge are too eager to encourage individuals to compete for these points; like experts clipping coupons, they love the sport. It is not straight internet hosting.
+After a season of minor pro hockey, Pasma switched his focus to the executive facet of the sport. In 1998, he joined the NHL’s operations division, supervising officers. He then began working his way by means of the minor leagues in variety of roles from the Central Hockey League, to the East Coast Hockey League and to govt vice-president of hockey operations for the American Hockey League. He now holds the identical title with the NHL, managing the nightly operations of the league’s video room. The singular time period “sport” is used in most English dialects to explain the overall concept (e.g. “children taking part in sport”), with “sports” used to describe a number of activities (e.g. “soccer and rugby are the most popular sports in England”). American English makes use of “sports activities” for each terms. Georgia Sports activities Blog is an impartial website. It isn’t associated with the University of Georgia, the UGA Athletic Division or any other official entity. Sadly, that amount will possible be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Though many esports video games have strong online components, the major competitions themselves are typically held in massive venues that aren’t conducive to social distancing. The 2019 Fortnite World Cup , for example, debuted in New York Metropolis’s Arthur Ashe Stadium and drew close to 20,000 people. Naturally, Fortnite’s developer, Epic Video games, has cancelled this 12 months’s event. On an analogous notice, Valve has indefinitely delayed Dota 2’s occasion, The Worldwide. And the Evolution Championship Sequence, AKA Evo , will shift from an in-particular person contest to a web based affair this summer. Oct 21, 2018. It is also one of many highest paying esports games, with over $sixteen million won across 435 tournaments. The motion-packed team battles will attraction to any fan of MOBAs. 4. StarCraft II – $27,679,656. The fourth and closing Blizzard sport on the list. The StarCraft franchise has been an esport for over a decade, starting with StarCraft: Brood Warfare. English Premier League. Next in our checklist of Greatest football leagues is the English Premier League. The controversy can last for hours that which are the highest 101 leagues of the football arena but for sure, it has been clarified that the highest two will all the time from Spanish’s La Liga and English Premier League. There are many different factors and barriers which forestall younger folks from generally reaching their full potential in sport. Under these are listed and defined, evaluating how these issues could be and are resolved.
+A Report On Cadbury Management Essay
+The successful development of new product is the way in which companies can achieve competitive advantage. In NPD process there is a great. More than 40% of all new product introductions fail at launch. For effective NPD has to innovative corporate culture so that everyone in organization is confident to be innovative in their work. Cadbury takes innovation very seriously and it is a major part of Cadbury strategy for success.
+There are many ideas and some of them generated by chance. But, only few of the products make it through to the end of process. Further a product goes through this process, the more expensive it becomes. As products progress, the company is making an increasing commitment in terms of resources. Once a product is developed, the launch marketing costs are significant so a company must carry out extensive market research ensure a product has the best chance of appealing to the market.
+The following research reports suggest that Cadbury’s should launch a breakfast Bread aimed at the children and adult indulgence sectors of the market. Cadbury are used two types of research method. This known as Secondary Research and Primary Research Methods for customer research.
+1. Secondary Research Method
+Secondary research is a method of research carried out by another company or organization. Secondary research is research done by a third party company. The information gained is then analyses and made available for companies such as Cadbury’s. The company may have to purchase this data from the third party source. More often than not though the government publishes papers with all the data and these are free for companies to view.
+Secondary research is often used because it saves time. It saves time because you do not have to go out and collect the data and then analyses it. It also saves money; fewer people are required to carry out the research. Cadbury using secondary data because it will save time and can prove to be better than collecting the data first hand.
+Cadbury intend to use the Out sources of data because they contain relevant information that require on the breakfast Bread market.
+Market Research Source 1
+In the market overview of breakfast Bread. The report clearly shows that the market has grown. The most growth in the market in between 2001-2003 where the market grew by 6.0%. The 6.0% growth was well above the compound annual growth rate in between 2004-2006. The compound annual growth rate this period was 3.7%.
+This research is significant to Cadbury’s because it shows the breakfast Bread market has been growing for the past 5 years. The figures also give reason to believe that the market will keep growing for years to come but at a slower rate.
+The research report supports the argument that Cadbury’s should launch a new breakfast Bread. The figures show an increase in growth.
+Market Research Source 2
+In Second market research executive summary of the breakfast Bread market, the market is referred to as being a ‘well established grocery sector’. This means it is going to have to be something big to stop growth and induce a steep decline in the breakfast Bread market. The research also shows that breakfast Bread sales account for an estimated 63% this is almost two thirds of the sector. The research says that the breakfast Bread market has become ‘static’ it gives reasons for this. The main reason being because of intensive price cutting initiatives. The breakfast Bread manufactures have also diversified into other areas of the market, mainly aiming new products at people who skip breakfast or eat their breakfast at their desk in the office.
+This report shows that In this sector Cadbury’s want to launch their breakfast Bread, the main growth has come from niche products. The main breakfast Bread growth has come from organic Bread and adult indulgence products.
+The report states that breakfast Bread have shown a volume growth but have shown a decline in value growth. This means people are buying more Bread but due to lower prices the value has declined. This report estimates there will be a decline in volume growth over the next few years as well. This report however does show that there is still a lot of life left in the breakfast Bread market in some sectors with the children’s varieties and adult indulgence favoring very well. The UK retail sales of these two areas of the market show a growth over the past few years and it is estimated by this report. This growth will continue.
+This Report shows that Bread Partner lead the way in two areas of market, the share of the manufacturers market and share of the retail market. This means that Bread Partner is the top dog in the breakfast Bread market. Bread Partner has however seen a decline in their share of the market over the last two years. The Bread Partner range leads the way in the breakfast Bread market with the main Bread Partner label Brad taking 9.0% of the market. This is not the best selling breakfast Bread though. The best selling breakfast Bread is the Bread Partners Shredded Wheat range. The range takes in 11.1% of the total retail sales.
+The report supports the argument of Cadbury’s launching a breakfast Bread as long as it is aimed at the correct segment of the market. That of course is being the children’s varieties and adult indulgent. Due to the competition in this area of the market Cadbury’s may not enter the market.
+2. Primary Research Method
+Primary research is data retrieve by doing some fieldwork. Primary research can often prove more relevant than secondary research because the primary research can be co-ordinate to the facts and data you want to retrieve.
+Cadbury using primary research to get data because often secondary sources are used by other companies as well, for Cadbury’s this could mean that Nestle and Mars are using the same research. These are not good because they could find a niche market before Cadbury has and take the custom. Primary research means all the data that is collected is kept confidential within Cadbury’s and the competitors do not know what has been collected. Primary research is often better because the questions and data collected can be different from that of the competitors and therefore can prove to be more rewarding in finding a gap in the market and to launch a new product.
+The main findings from this primary research are as follows: Cadbury’s need to work on the promotional aspects of his products. There are not enough competitions for the consumers. Cadbury’s also need to be more competitive with the pricing of their products. Overall though the taste of the products, Packaging on the products and the current advertising is very good.
+Cadbury’s should really aim to provide a Bread, which tastes as good as the current range of products, but also be healthy and have good nutritional content.
+The price to begin with should be very low and competitive to attract new customers and then as the product becomes much better established the product price should increase.
+In this part produce a SWOT and PEST analysis to analyse the factors that may prevent Cadbury’s launching a product into the breakfast Bread market.
+A SWOT analysis is a general and quick examination of a company so they can get accurate information on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It analyses the internal strengths and weaknesses, and the external opportunities and threats
+Cadbury’s has a world known brand name that is associated with quality. Cadbury’s also have a large distribution and its bars can be found all over the world. Cadbury’s has a very good customer service centre and has a large variety of chocolate bars to suit everyone’s taste. Cadbury’s is the biggest name in the chocolate market and is the market leader. Cadbury’s has very effective promotions on their products. Cadbury’s has a very good research and development department leading to new products. Cadbury’s has built its name around a high quality almost faultless product quality.
+Cadbury’s has its products priced higher than most of its other competitors. A large range of the Cadbury’s products has reached the maturity stage of its life cycle. The costs of the company are too high. Cadbury’s are making a low profit per bar due to the high costs.
+Cadbury’s has still got a lot large room for expansion into South Africa, Asia and South American regions. Cadbury’s could look to develop new products in new markets. Due to the growing product range Cadbury’s could launch new products. Cadbury’s could diversify into new markets e.g. Breakfast Bread Market.
+Cadbury’s have got a lot of competitors in the market and must be wary of their position as market leader. The pricing on.
+A PEST analysis shows the external factors outside a company that could affect the business. PEST stands for Political, Economical, Social and Technological.
+This part of the PEST analysis deals with the government influences. These are the laws and the recent changes in the laws: The main laws that will affect Cadbury’s are the consumer protection law. These influence changes in food labelling. The food labelling shouldn’t be too influential as expect Cadbury’s to label all their goods properly to begin with. Changes in manufacturing laws will also greatly influence Cadbury’s as they may have to change the way they produce their Bread. This could lead to the introduction of new mechanical equipment being required or more thorough checks on the current equipment. If new equipment is required it could prove to be very expensive.
+The Weights and Measures Act: This act should not affect Cadbury’s a great deal as all the equipment and scales used should already be at that of the highest standard.
+The Trade Description Act- This again should not affect Cadbury’s, as all the labelling on the products should be correct and thorough giving all the ingredients.The Sale of Goods Act:- These state that Cadbury’s should not mislead the consumer. There are currently 3 conditions. If the government was to introduce a few more it could prove to affect Cadbury’s.
+On the whole though the main act Cadbury’s should be aware of is the Weights and Measures Act, and the Food Safety Act. I have mentioned these two as being the most important because Cadbury’s are a straight forward, honest company. They don’t want to jeopardise their reputation by doing some dodgy business. That’s why changes in the weights and measures act and food safety act are all they should be aware of. They should check their equipment regularly and check the food safety regulations.
+This part of the PEST analysis deals with a range of external factors in the economy. The state of the economy is the main factor. If the country were to go into recession the consumer spending would also drop due to the unemployment. The recession would bring down the sales of a lot of goods mainly the expensive things, which are not a necessity. (E.g. the food manufacture industry would have a major decline in sales, as would the tourism industry and the clothes industry.) The current economy is well in favour of Cadbury’s launching a breakfast Bread. The interest rates are low and consumer spending is very high. Other economic factors that could affect Cadbury’s launching a product would be a rise in inflation. This is a rise in price over time.
+There is a variety of different social influences, which could affect the consumer, and in turn Cadbury’s. A good example of this is the change in eating habits. The primary and secondary research both show that consumers are moving towards healthier eating habits. The research shows people want a healthy breakfast Bread.
+The increase in computers and the Internet could influence sales. The number of transactions taking place over the Internet is high and people can now buy their shopping over the Internet. The use of automation in factories could influence Cadbury’s as they could produce more Bread with a smaller work force.
+The main factors, which could stop Cadbury’s launching a breakfast Bread, are the strength of its competitors. As per primary research and some secondary research show that the top 3 in the breakfast Bread market are Kellogg’s, Weetabix and Bread Partner.
+Cadbury spending money on research and development for remove some potential problems later in to the process of creating a new product. Cadbury make sure about ingredients and machinery that available and product reach to customer in good condition.
+Legal & Compliance advise on the product is safe and legal. The product name is unique and international use. The product lives up to the claims being made about it. Involving this department Cadbury safe his self and away from trouble. Cadbury fell more confident about launching product.
+Cadbury’s used all latest technology. Development teams up to date with all the latest developments in technology. So it can make it possible to create innovative products or packaging. New materials and finishes present new design opportunities and possibilities. Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools are used to produce designs. It can be used to create an image of how a product might look on the shop shelf to see how well it will stand out.
+Before the introduction of computer control, manufacture involved a series of operations individually supervised at separate control points. Now, many processes on the production line can be undertaken by machinery, supervised by one person from a control room full of computer screens. The use of computers to perform fast, accurate, repeatable production processes reduces the possibility of human error and helps make sure that the product is always exactly the same.
+The training & production department have expense on sources and buy ingredients & row material. They sets up and monitors the machines and perform quality control test Like Product weight, Temperature and sampling the final product.
+Sales team works for contacting potential suppliers to encourage them to stock the product. They negotiate contracts and sales agreements and maintain relatationships with distributors.
+Cadbury uses “choose Cadbury” to highlight the positive emotional value of their brand however Cadbury has various product range that meets the needs of every consumer from adult down to the children, they also produce different range of products during different seasons/ festive period, for example: Christmas, Easter, and other calendar landmark to motivate their customers. The “choose Cadbury” strategy is used to build a link between chocolate and different events to ensure there’s a Cadbury chocolate product suitable and available for every occasion.
+This is the distribution channel used to get goods to customers. It must be in place before a product is launched. Cadbury’s already had an wide network of wholesaler and retailers. These provided a distribution system for breakfast Bread. The breakfast Bread should be marketed strongly in supermarkets and convenience stores as these are the places where Bread tend to be bought. With all elements in place breakfast Bread was launched in March 2010.
+New product development is both a lengthy and expensive process. It always contains an element of risk. However if carried out correctly product development leads to increased sales and profits. For Cadbury the process has resulted in a unique new product being successfully developed and integrated into the product portfolio. Snowflake has made a successful launch in the marketplace and will undoubtedly contribute to Cadbury’s future success.
+Cadbury continuing to develop the chocolate bar in order to increase the marker share of the confectionary market sector. Cadburys is a well known quality product and has used this as its unique selling point. However, competitors are now also being associated with quality and brand names. For instance, Mars has developed ‘Galaxy’ a milk chocolate bar similar to Dairy Milk which is also a milk chocolate bar, this product is also associated with quality and developed a brand name for itself.
+Cadbury Schweppes reorganizing its business by separating in to two brands to make its self more efficient and add more value to the company. Cadbury could be worth around £7bn and Schweppes could be valued at £9bn so by doing that Cadbury can get better results in sweet business and Schweppes can be more profitable in beverage business. As a result of breaker in to two company shareholders will have two different shares, if everything goes well shareholders rise their profit much more than past”
+Cadbury Schweppes one of the most important long term strategy is expanding its market share and make its brand more global, because of that “Cadbury Schweppes bought Turkish gum giant which has nearly 50 per cent Turkish gum market. Also it’ aim to control and reach Middle East, Eastern Europe and Russia markets. In addition, Cadbury wants to get valuable cutting-cost techniques from Turkish company by adopting it’s business.”
+Cadbury is very successful at this as it just about always satisfies their customer’s needs. Like for the Flake it mostly appeals to women so on occasions such as Christmas, Easter and Valentine’s and healthier than other leading brands such as Nestle and Mars For instance, consumers now demand foods that are low in fat or calories and salt.
+The role of managerial judgement in making due allowance for intangibles is clearly important, and could materially be affected if the Cadbury recommendations were followed. The majority of firms felt that existing methods of appraising AMT investments did allow a fair comparison with conventional alternatives, 87 per cent taking this view with only one in eight finding their methods at fault. While respondents might not be expected to condemn practice in their own companies, the size of the affirmative response may reflect the view that sufficient informal flexibility is used. If so, judgement may simply override financial appraisals rather than being incorporated in a more sophisticated manner.(1993, Pike, p.141) The survey confirmed trends in the use of appraisal methods and showed the distinct perceptions of influencing factors held by firms. A slow pace of adjustment was revealed within companies and the financial environment to capital investment decision making and the financial requirements on such investments.(1991, Primrose, p.45) The effects of interest rate changes on investment decision making are muted and, with exceptions, more indirect than direct. This at best damped adjustment is not necessarily illogical for individual firms, but the effects are more widespread. With manufacturing investment at lower than desirable levels, economic recovery is jeopardized by capacity constraints and macroeconomic responses to consequent inflationary and balance of trade pressures.Order Now
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+I never stood out where I grew up. I looked just like every other girl that went to my high school and never got stared at in shopping malls. I was never questioned about my ethnicity or nationality… until I moved abroad. And then suddenly… it was the opening for every conversation people would have with me 😐
+To give you some background if you’re new here: I grew up in South Africa, in a tropical city called Durban. So nationality-wise, I am South African. Racially- in South Africa- I would tick the box on the form saying “Indian”. Why? Because many generations ago Indians arrived in South Africa as indentured labourers in the 1860s. They were contracted to work on the sugar plantations but later also worked in coalmines, railways, dockyards, and municipal services. After 1917 the majority of the labourers became land owners on Durban’s east coast and diversified into other fields. By the 1940s, the next generation became the backbone of the emerging industrial working class in Durban, which had become home.
+So that’s how this panda was born and bred in small corner of Africa with NO ties to any other country. But somehow my nationality, ethnicity and accent never seem to match up for people who have so many questions… and so many comments! Have you ever heard any of these?
+1. “Where are you from? Wait let me guess…”
+I’ve been offered some strange guesses to this question. Indian, Pakistani & Sri Lankan makes sense based on my ancestry. British comes up often and it seems reasonable to me based on my accent. But when I was in Europe I also got mistaken for Spanish A LOT (no hablo espanõl!), I’ve been asked if I’m Trinidadian (?) and most frequently where I work, I am constantly mistaken for being a local Arab.
+Side note: Once someone told me that I looked Mexican and a rude colleague leaned over and said, “She’s not pretty enough to be Mexican!”
+2. “No, where are you really from? Like REALLY?”
+Wait I already answered this. So, this question implies two things: that I don’t resemble my heritage AND I’m a liar. Awesome.
+3. “You don’t look like you’re South African at all. Like, I NEVER would have guessed that. Not in a million years.”
+So what you’re saying is that I don’t fit your preconceptions of what certain nationalities look like. You’re making yourself look bad…
+4. “Why don’t you speak [insert foreign language that has nothing to do with my background]?”
+This just happened to me last week at a hair salon actually…. I spent far too much time explaining to the Argentinian stylists that despite what they thought, “I don’t speak Spanish.” Look- I grew up in a former British colony where our schools are English medium. Why should I feel apologetic that I am not fluent in a language you think I should be fluent in based on your perception of my appearance?
+Another famous scenario is when strangers start asking me for help on the street in their native tongues. The most recent incident of this was the Sri Lankan man standing outside the temple in Dubai asking me something in fluent Singhalese.
+Do you speak English?
+On the other end of the spectrum is this situation-
+Me: I will need two tickets please and I would like to join the English tour.
+Person behind the counter: Sure. Here’s your change… you want to join the English tour? Do you speak English?
+Why would I ask for an English tour if I didn’t speak English?
+Also, didn’t we just have a conversation in English?
+6. “You’re so EXOTIC”
+This compliment is one of the reasons I never date white men. Somehow this compliment always finds its way out of the mouths of people named Dave, Josh, Richard, Tony… you get the picture. Look, I feel strange being classified by an adjective that is usually used to describe captive animals or alien plants. Please don’t think you are complimenting me when you call me ‘exotic”. Also, refrain from pet names that reference food and beverages. Don’t know what I am talking about? Things I’ve been called range from ‘brown sugar”, “milk chocolate”, all the way to a guy who just called me “caramel”.
+7. “You’re so smart… for a girl from Africa”
+It happened to me on a date.
+So I ordered an expensive lobster.
+Then I made an excuse, swiftly exited and left him with the hefty bill.
+8. “Why are those men wearing turbans? Is that what men wear in your culture?”
+Not every person with brown skin is ‘from my culture”. Sikhism- which is a religion by the way- has nothing to do with me. I literally don’t know a single Sikh person in reality. So instead of asking me dumb questions, go open a book Becky.
+In the end…
+Despite the rampant curiosity and silly questions, I do enjoy the thrill of being hard to place. The countries that I have travelled to where I have been mistaken for a local far outnumber the countries where I’ve been asked if I was a refugee or been perceived as a gypsy. From Egypt to Malaysia, I have been blessed to keep my mouth closed and pay local prices for goods and entrance fees. I will never forget paying 40 rupees to enter the Taj Mahal once and thinking “Wow this is cheap” only to realise that non-locals were paying 1000 rupees!
+As people stare at me, trying to place me and figure out ‘what I am’, I smile inwardly… I move from country to country spreading my African magic, glitter and gold so yeah I am going to expect a few broken necks as people try to stare.
+So have a good look or take a picture because I am a cultural chameleon both blending in, and standing out wherever I go!
+Have you ever been confused for another nationality or ethnicity? Let me know in the comments below!
+Glad you enjoyed it and identified 😀
+This was hilarious–perfect usage of gifs too! I’m usually mistaken for being all-white (instead of half), Middle Eastern, Italian, I think Indian one time… but when people hear my last name they usually figure out that I’m half Hispanic haha
+But you know I never understand the need to classify people anyway… why make assumptions based on your last name in the 1st place? People confuse me.
+Well done!
+Thank you 🙂
+I love your comment about spreading your South African magic, glitter and gold !! So much Awesome! 🙂
+Personally, I’ve always enjoyed being a little mysterious and hard to place. And I get a big thrill from being spoken to in the native language when I travel. 🙂 <3 I've always joked I could have been a spy and secretly blended in everywhere I went.
+I'm sure some people are clueless. But I know speaking from my own point of view – I'm so excited about learning about other people and other cultures, and especially the combining of different cultures together. I think it makes life more interesting. Thank you for sharing your personally history and of South Africa's history. I learned something new today and I enjoyed it immensely. 🙂
+Thank YOU for reading and sharing your opinion. Also, you gave me a new career move as a SPY! I never thought of it that way! I definitely do love being confused for a local and learning about other cultures too so we have that in common 😀
+Of course! Your adventures are amazing!! I thoroughly enjoy reading about them 🙂 And yes, I think I’ve watched too many spy movies!! LOL 😀 Being confused as a local to me makes me feel more like a global citizen or a world traveler rather than a tourist. But that’s just me! Keep traveling! I can’t wait to read more about your journey!
+Great post, your gifs are so funny! 😀 I have heard almost all of these too…as a South African with quite a few different nationalities in my family tree (Irish, German, Dutch, French etc). I most commonly get confused for a German, so in countries that get a lot of German tourists, people trying to sell things often start talking to me in German. Even if I’ve been speaking English, which is a strange feeling. In Greece I tried to explain to a waiter that I was not German, but at the end of the meal he still said “Auf wiedersehen” (!). Often when people ask where I’m from and I say South Africa, the reply is often “but you’re so pale” or “but where were you born” or “where are you from originally” 🙁
+I think this is the curse of South Africans who aren’t black… and in reverse black people from Western countries have the same problem because surely all Africans are black and all Americans are white? No? Seriously? It comes from an issue of under representation in the mass media… if people from Africa would stop being portrayed as spear wielding tribal dwellers and as a more diverse population then I think these assumptions would slowly fade away!
+I love the part where you mentioned; blessed keeping your mouth closed! I wish I could keep mine closed!
+Something to learn – and I love how you spread your magic, glitter and gold – I love to spread my colourful rainbow 🌈 .
+I am from NZ and yes I have brown skin and dark hair. Because Iam short, I am mistaken for a Philippine or some other Asian country.
+When I explain I am from NZ, oh you live with the All Blacks rugby team!! What!! Yes – most people believe every NZ person lives with the All Blacks or we live in big flash houses – not this one :).
+Over time I have learnt not to get upset because of my colour and height. But to embrace everything the good lord has given me.
+God bless and keep the blogs coming.
+Thank you for your thoughtful comment Dallas! People will always place you where they think you belong based on your facial features and skin colour which is really irritating… but as you said, the trick is not get upset! Also, most people don’t have a clue about anything in New Zealand other than the All Blacks… how would every NZ person live with the All Blacks? The team isn’t big enough HAHA.
+My paternal great grandfather was born in Greece, and I have a slightly darker complexion than the average White American. I have had SO many people come up to me and ask me where I’m from. They assume Eastern Europe, and one man was very specific in assuming I was from Albania. They are always so surprised when I tell them I was born and raised in America (which is ridiculous, because America is a nation built on immigrants…and there are people of many different colors and complexions who live here). I’ve also had people ask me if I’m Jewish (I am not). I’m always amazed at what some people think is okay to ask others.
+You are so right, its simply crazy what people think they know and can ask… in today’s world, with the ease of migration and abundance of flights, people relocate all the time so as a society, we should really be more aware of all kinds of diversity! Yet people just make assumptions and it becomes frustrating 🙁
+Ha! This was quite interesting to read because, although I am not at all ethnically ambiguous (I’m black with dark skin), people can never really tell where I’m from based on my accent… So I’ve heard/ been told several things you mentioned including “you’re so exotic” when I explained my background in detail… I wonder why we, as a collective group of people, always try to put people in boxes and categories — when people tell us who they are and where they’re from we just have to believe them. ||
+I think that black people are considered intriguing by the rest of the world especially if they cannot place your accent (which most people can’t because a black person from South Africa sounds totally different to a black person for Nigeria). I wonder the same thing about people- why we have to put them into a box based on their nationality, ethnicity or race- I would say its because this helps us understand them but actually… it really doesn’t!
+I am totally feeling this post! And loving the gifs! I’m half Chinese and half Caucasian, which isn’t a super wild mix or anything. But have definitely had my fair share of strange comments and silly questions. I’m sorry that some of yours are so offensive (the smart one is brutal – good for you for leaving him with the bill!).
+And total side note: I visited Durban a few years ago and it was such an amazing trip! Had no idea that such a huge Indian population lived there. We really loved our time in Durban!
+Why am I only finding this comment now? I am so glad you loved your time in Durban! And sorry that you’ve had some strange comments too.. the way I see it, at least we have some good stories to share!
+Hahaha! and the gifs to match! I love the question of “No, where are you really from?” and the follow up of “okay well where are your parents from?” it always gets a chuckle out of me. Also I’m glad you got up from that date. He learned just how smart you really are.
+I’ve been trying this new thing of asking people “Are you from here?” when I travel rather than where are you from if they don’t fit the stereotypical look of the region. A black girl in Amsterdam was shocked and delighted that I asked that because she was born and raised there her whole life yet everyone always assumes shes from somewhere else.
+Thanks for sharing!
+I think you just changed my perspective big time! Asking someone, “Are you from here?” definitely has more positive connotations and allows for the person to volunteer their answer instead of forcing them into it by asking, “Where are you from?”. I love this! Thank you!
+This happened to me more in Kuwait than any other place! How come your English accent is different?
+The best is facing racism by Indians! I just recently got asked why I don’t speak Hindi because of course ALL Indians are supposed to… 😰
+I too am questioned a lot by Indian people about why my English is so good. Sri Lankans also look at me strangely when they hear me speak. Kuwait was the worst place for this sort of thing; for some reason the society there made people hyper aware of their passport which makes no sense. It isn’t as bad in other gulf countries.
+[…] ease. However, through my Instagram and this blog, I have opened up about my divorce, job loss, my ethnicity and the struggles of traveling with a passport from a third world country. It still continuously […]
+[…] my travel tips, experiences and personal struggles. I have opened up about my divorce, job loss, my ethnicity and the struggles of traveling with a passport from a third world country on my […]
+I don’t think in todays time we can judge a person’s nationality by the way they look. Hasn’t the world become a melting pot ? Aren’t we all over the place ?
+While that’s the way people should think, it’s not the reality I’ve experienced.
+Phu Quoc Island travel guide (Last updated on January 4, 2020)
+Phu Quoc is a beautiful archipelago located deep in the Gulf of Thailand, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. In the southern sea of the country, the Pearl Island – Phu Quoc – the largest island of Vietnam, is also the largest of the 22 islands here. With its beautiful islands and beaches and rich cuisine, the Phu Quoc archipelago is one of the most beautiful islands in Vietnam, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists.
+Best time to travel to Phu Quoc Island
+The best time to travel to Phu Quoc is from October to March, this is the time when the island has the most beautiful weather. The peak tourist season in Phu Quoc is from April to September, visitors can also come to this beautiful island at this time of year to enjoy beautiful beaches in the sunny summer.
+- Because Phu Quoc is an island, you should track the weather forecast before going to avoid the stormy days that affect your travel.
+- Except for the rainy seasons, the weather of Phu Quoc is beautiful all year round with an average temperature of about 28 degrees C.
+How to get to Phu Quoc Island?
+From Hanoi
+From Hanoi, you can reach Phu Quoc by plane. Specifically, from Noi Bai International Airport, there will be a flight Hanoi – Phu Quoc departing from Hanoi at 8:40 pm and arriving at Phu Quoc International Airport at 10:45 am via Vietnam Airlines. And there will also be a return flight from Phu Quoc at 11:35 am to Hanoi at 13:40.
+There’re also other departures by other airlines like Vietjet Air, Jet Star…
+From Ho Chi Minh City
+Because of the distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc is only about 384 Km, you will have more options for your travel.
+By plane
+From Tan Son Nhat International Airport you will have many flights to Phu Quoc at different times, the earliest from 5 am and the latest flight of the day will be 10 pm. The main carriers are Vietnam Airlines, Viet Jet Air.
+By car
+Route Ho Chi Minh City – Rach Gia – Phu Quoc
+To go by car you will have to follow the following route: starting from Ho Chi Minh City then moving to Rach Gia City and from Rach Gia port, you will take high-speed boats to Phu Quoc. Travel time is about 7 hours.
+Some high-quality bus companies that follow the Ho Chi Minh City – Rach Gia route are Phuong Trang, Kumho, and Mai Linh:
+- Mai Linh Bus. Tel: 08 39292929
+- Phuong Trang Bus. Tel: 08 3833 3468
+- You should choose an overnight bus from Ho Chi Minh City – Phu Quoc at 10 pm to get to Rach Gia in the early morning, then from Rach Gia taking the speed boat to Phu Quoc to save time. In Rach Gia city, there is a free shuttle bus transporting tourists to Rach Gia Port to Phu Quoc, so you should ask the bus company about this location and tell them to drop you off to the nearest location so you can catch transit car.
+To move to Phu Quoc from Rach Gia Port you will have the following options
+Superdong high-speed boat
+Address No. 14 Tu Do street; Vinh Thanh; Rach Gia. Tel: 077 877742 – 077 877 741.
+There will be 2 departures to Phu Quoc at 8 am 3 pm and vice versa travel time about 2.5 hours per day.
+Departure time
+Departure time (peak season, holidays)
+Ticket price (Per person)
+- Adult: 330,000 VND
+- Children: 240,000 VND
+Route Ho Chi Minh City – Ha Tien – Phu Quoc
+Bus companies running from Ho Chi Minh City – Ha Tien include:
+Phuong Trang bus: ticket price 170,000 VND.
+Departure time:
+* Mien Dong bus station: 7:15, 8:45, 9:45, 18h, 18h45, 19h15.
+* Hà Tiên Bus Station: 8h30, 9h30, 10h30, 20h30, 21h45, 22h30.
+* In Ho Chi Minh City:
+– Call center: 0838.309.309
+– Office 328A Le Hong Phong – District 10 – HCMC
+– Branch: 260 Le Hong Phong – District 5- Ho Chi Minh City.
+– Ticket box 22,23, 31 Mien Dong Bus Station – Ho Chi Minh City
+Kumho bus: ticket price of VND 190,000.
+* Route Ha Tien – Ho Chi Minh City
+– Departure time: 07h50, 11h00, 13h00, 20h20, 21h10, 22h30.
+Booking phone: 077.3.959797 – 077.3.959696
+* Route Ho Chi Minh City – Ha Tien
+– Departure time: 09h30, 11h00, 15h30, 20h30, 21h30, 23h00. Booking phone: 08.3.7527878 – 08.3.9225112 – 08.3.9225113
+Tuan Nga bus: ticket price: 165,000 VND / ticket
+* In Ho Chi Minh City:
+– Call center: 0946 79 00 55 – 0962 57 11 99
+– Office: No. 7 Pham Huu Chi – Ward 12 – District 5 – Ho Chi Minh City.
+– Mien Dong Bus Station – Ho Chi Minh City.
+* In Ha Tien:
+– Call center: 0773. 95 45 45 – 0969 19 11 77
+– Office at Ha Tien Bus station
+Speed boat Ha Tien – Phu Quoc:
+High-speed boat Superdong I and Superdong II depart from Ha Tien to Phu Quoc at 8:00 and 13:00; from Phu Quoc to Ha Tien at 8:30 and 13:30 every day.
+Hong Tam high-speed boat also operates on this sea journey, starting from Ha Tien to Phu Quoc at 13:30 and from Phu Quoc to Ha Tien at 8:30 every day. Travel time at sea is 1 hour 20 minutes. Some boats for you to choose:
+Departure time
+Ticket price (per person)
+- Superdong: adult 230,000 VND, children: 160,000 VND.
+- Ngoc Thanh: adult 215,000 VND, children: 150,000 VND.
+From Can Tho City
+From Can Tho International Airport, there will be a flight departing from this airport to Phu Quoc at 1 pm and arriving in Phu Quoc after 45 minutes, the opposite flight from Phu Quoc will depart from 11:35 am of Vietnam Airlines.
+Moving around Phu Quoc
+In Phu Quoc, there are only 3 main roads with the following easily recognizable features:
+Tran Hung Dao Street: The road has the most hotels and resorts in Phu Quoc, most of them have very beautiful beaches. You can go from one beach to another easily, and the length of this free beach is over 10km long. Tran Hung Dao Street is also the way to visit famous galleries such as Phu Quoc Prison, Hang Yen …
+30/4 Street – Phu Quoc Eating Path: There are many restaurants and eateries, you can try the seafood at roadside stalls for a better price than the night market. From this road, you can also go to places such as Ham Ninh fishing village, Tranh stream …
+Hung Vuong street: from this road, you can go to the airport, the national park, the Vung Bau tourist resort …
+Where to stay? Nice and good Homestay & Hotels in Phu Quoc
+In Phu Quoc Phu Quoc you should pay attention.
+In addition, Booking.com is a very reasonable choice we would like to advise you with information and photos, very detailed service, as well as reviews of the people who have booked here.
+Places to visit in Phu Quoc Island
+Phu Quoc pepper garden
+This pepper garden is located about 15km north of Duong Dong town. Pepper in Phu Quoc is famous for having a more aromatic flavor and a stronger flavor than other pepper growing places. When you come here, you can visit the beautiful pepper gardens and also buy some processed products here as gifts.
+Ganh Dau Cape
+Located about 15-20km north of Duong Dong town. This is a Cape jutting into the Northwest Sea of the island that attracts visitors by its most pristine and unique natural beauty. From here, you can see the border of Cambodia. Ganh Dau has a bow-shaped beach stretching 500m. This is also a great place to enjoy seafood for visitors.
+Dinh Cau
+Located right next to Duong Dong town about 5 minutes on foot, is a famous tourist destination in Phu Quoc, and is one of the beautiful sunset spots that you should not miss when coming to this land.
+Hon Thom Island
+Hon Thom Island is located in the south of Phu Quoc, it takes about 30 minutes to travel to Hon Thom from Phu Quoc pier. Here you can participate in tourist activities such as diving to see corals, watching the aquaculture areas of fishermen, visiting the pearl farming area about 10 minutes by boat from Hon Thom, a very famous squid fishing village in Phu Quoc.
+Tranh Stream
+Tranh Stream is located in the northeast of Phu Quoc. From Duong Dong town, follow Duong Dong – Ham Ninh route about 10 km to reach Tranh Stream. Tranh Stream is made up of many small streams, weaving through the canyon forest, with water flowing from June to September every year. There are beautiful natural landscapes with flowers, mountains, sea, and streams, which are interesting places for camping and picnics.
+Bai Dai Beach
+Bai Dai Beach is located in the northwestern part of the island. You can go here by motorbike, taxi with the travel time of about 45 minutes. Voted by the BBC as one of the 10 most pristine and beautiful beaches in the world. Bai Dai Beach has a 1500m long coastline with rows of tall green trees growing in straight lines.
+Coi Nguon Museum
+This is a private museum but preserves a lot of historical artifacts of Phu Quoc for visitors to learn and discover more about this island. Besides, there are areas displaying handicraft products from wood, pearl…
+Bai Sao Beach
+About 30km from Duong Dong town, you can move here by taxi or motorbike. Sao Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Phu Quoc. This place owns a creamy white sand beach longer than 7 km, in the peak season, Sao Beach is crowded with tourists, so if you like to go to Sao beach, you should go early to rent a resting place.
+Bai Khem Beach
+Located in the south of Phu Quoc, 25 km from Duong Dong and 5 km from An Thoi port. This beach is very pristine and very nice due to the fine white sand. This beach is suitable for travelers who like to explore. Because there are very few tourist activities, this beach has a lot of rubbish and leaves. However, when you come here you should enjoy the seafood here because they are extremely delicious.
+Bai Truong Beach
+Truong Beach is also a place not to be missed in the Phu Quoc, just 7 minutes from the airport. From October to April every year, Truong Beach is the perfect choice because this is the most beautiful Truong Beach season with the calm, rippling sea. In particular, this is the most beautiful sunset spot on the island. Sunset Sanato Beach Club is located in Truong Beach, famous for being the most unique beach in Phu Quoc with impressive works of art and the venue for the largest beach music festival in Phu Quoc – Epizode, held annually on New Year.
+Ham Ninh fishing village
+Ham Ninh fishing village is located on the East Coast, 20 km northeast of Duong Dong town. Ham Ninh’s fishing village’s life still remains untouched, the main job is still pearl diving and fishing. Visit Ham Ninh in the early morning to watch the sunrise or explore the nightlife in this fishing village to enjoy the beauty of this place. The seafood here is also very delicious, so you should not miss it.
+Phu Quoc traditional fish sauce production establishment
+Coming here, you can learn methods to create a rich flavor for the fish sauce here. Address: Phung Hung fish sauce – Duong Dong – An Thoi, opposite Phu Quoc prison.
+An Thoi Island
+Includes 15 large and small islands located along the southwest. The sea is very clear and deep, some places nearly 30m deep. Tourists will find it suitable for tourism activities such as nature exploration, sightseeing, fishing, squid fishing, swimming, and scuba diving …
+The experiences you should try when coming here
+Read more:
+Explore Vinpearl Safari
+Vinpearl Safari is the largest open zoo model in Vietnam with an area of about 500 hectares, bringing together about 130 species with more than 2,200 individuals of rare animals. Vinpearl Safari is divided into two main subdivisions: an open zoo for visitors between open and harmonious animal raising areas in harmony with nature; the semi-wild area (safari park) carrying visitors by specialized vehicles.
+Visiting Vinpearl Safari, visitors will experience many interesting activities such as panoramic view of the park with a modern tram system, enjoying fascinating animal performances, practical experience: feeding animals, take photos with rare animals…
+Vinpearl Phu Quoc amusement park
+Built on a total area of up to 170,000m², Vinpearl Phu Quoc amusement park includes many interesting places such as: Water Park, Aquarium, Outdoor play area, Movie theater, Food street, Fairy Castle … In addition, Vinpearl Land in Phu Quoc also has a dolphin performance area with a capacity of up to 1,152 seats and a water music stage with a capacity of up to 2,337 seats to meet the needs of International cultural events.
+Read more:
+Scuba diving to watch the coral
+With a diverse marine ecosystem, Phu Quoc is an ideal place for travelers to explore the world of the ocean, especially the coral reefs that top the table in Vietnam in terms of abundance and diversity. The price for each scuba diving tour is from VND 350,000 – VND 500,000 per person.
+Discover primeval forest
+If you are a risk-taker, this is the option for you. You can book a tour to explore primeval forests, ecological reserves to experience.
+Night squid fishing
+When night falls, it’s time to experience the exciting moments just relax with the fishermen with night squid fishing. It’s nothing like catching your own squid hunting in the sea or fish floating on the surface of the sea. The booty is squid or caught fish that will be cooked on the ship.
+Phu Quoc Night market
+Discovering the night markets in Phu Quoc is also one of the activities that tourists should not miss when coming to this beautiful island. At night markets you will easily find souvenirs for friends and relatives, in addition to the people here selling a variety of fresh seafood …
+WASHINGTON—For the unprecedented second time in just 13 months, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit Donald J. Trump in an impeachment trial. Although seven Republicans joined all 50 Senate Democrats—the largest bi-partisan impeachment vote ever—the vote was 10 short of the constitutionally required two thirds majority needed to convict the former president of inciting the Jan. 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol.
+Minutes after the verdict was announced, Mr. Trump celebrated, sending out a statement declaring his vindication, and complaining of the “witch hunt” he claimed was being waged against him. He said that Democrats’ attempt to end his political career had failed, boasting, “Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun.”
+Despite a withering prosecution by impeachment prosecutors from the House of Representatives, with graphic videos of rioters carrying Trump flags and Confederate flags breeching the security of Capitol Police, rampaging through the Senate chambers and pillaging the offices of congressional leaders and chanting death threats to Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—second and third officially in the line of presidential succession—Republican loyalty, or fear of Mr. Trump’s grip on their party, kept enough senators in line for his Feb. 13 acquittal.
+Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.), an impeachment manager, put it bluntly in her closing argument: “If we don’t set this right and call it what it was, the highest of constitutional crimes by the president of the United States, the past will not be past. The past will become our future. Senators, we are in a dialogue with history.”
+Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands), a House impeachment manager who starred in her role in exposing Trump high crimes, talked about the case with CNN’s Jake Tapper the day after the acquittal. She dealt with Tapper pleas and questions about why no witnesses were called on the last day of Senate hearings? More witnesses weren’t needed, more Republicans needed to have more spine and less fear of the Republican Party’s leader, she said.
+“The impeachment power exists to say that no one, not even the president of United States, should be above the law, should be above accountability,” author John Nichols told this writer in an interview for WPFW-FM’s “Monday Morning QB” program. “And we should understand that, but clearly, as a country, we have not learned that.
+“That doesn’t mean that you give up,” Mr. Nichols continued. “I don’t think any of us give up, but it does mean that, after so compelling a case for the conviction of Donald Trump … To my mind, as someone who’s written books about impeachment, I think it’s the most powerful case ever made, and the most effectively made case. That should mean something. And it is truly sad, truly disappointing that it (did) not.”
+Impeachment managers meticulously made the case that Mr. Trump invited the mob to Washington on the day Congress was to certify Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory, then he incited them, aimed them at the Capitol where the certification was to take place, then “lit the fuse” igniting their rampage which resulted in the death of seven people.
+Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) laid out damning evidence that showed that the former president helped plan the Jan. 6 insurrection by telling his supporters that the election had been stolen from him. Literally changing the date of a rally originally planned for after Mr. Biden’s inauguration to the date of the Electoral College certification—Mr. Trump urged supporters again and again that they must act—must “fight”—to overturn the results.
+The California Democrat introduced multiple Trump tweets as evidence and revealed the former president’s campaign purchased ads encouraging supporters to come to Washington, D.C., on the day that Congress was set to certify Mr. Biden’s election win.
+“On Dec. 26 he tweets, ‘If a Democrat presidential candidate had an election rigged and stolen, with proof of such acts at a level never seen before, the Democrat senators would consider it an act of war and fight to the death,’ ” Mr. Swalwell told senators.
+“ ‘Mitch and the Republicans do nothing, just want to let it pass, no fight,’ ” the tweet continued. “He is saying the Republicans are doing nothing and have no fight because you are doing your job taking on the constitutional process of certifying the Electoral College results. He also suggests, President Trump, that if this was the reverse and the Democrats had lost, it would be an act of war.
+“An act of war,” Mr. Swalwell added. “That’s how Donald Trump prepared his supporters for Jan. 6. He even stated again 14 minutes later to make sure his supporters understood, quote, ‘The Justice Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 presidential election voter fraud. The biggest scam,’ all caps, ‘in our nation’s history despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed.’
+Then, he adds, “ ‘History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on Jan. 6.’ That phrase, history will remember, was the only time, the first time, Donald Trump had used it in his presidency. He sent this to 70-plus million Twitter followers the day they needed to show up and be ready to fight.”
+The Trump defense never sought to prove his innocence, instead arguing that the trial itself was unconstitutional because Mr. Trump was a private citizen and could not be “removed from office” as the Constitution provides; because the First Amendment granted him free speech protection and presented dozens of instances of Democrats using the word “fight” in political speeches. Mr. Trump did not instigate the illegal behavior because dozens of lawbreakers intended to breech the Capitol without any encouragement from the former president, said defense lawyers.
+Ironically, Mr. Trump’s “free speech” defense was reliant on a 1969 Supreme Court decision which permitted Clarence Brandenburg, a Ku Klux Klan member to legally spew a vile, profanity-ladened racist and anti-Semitic commentary which had violated an Ohio law.
+Unlike in Mr. Trump’s defense in his first impeachment, this time, not once did his defense team argue that what the former president did was acceptable conduct.
+In another irony, Mr. Trump’s father Frederick Trump was arrested in a 1927 New York, KKK Memorial Day weekend rally. According to an article published in The New York Times, and unearthed by the tech blog BoingBoing.net in 2015, “1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.” Fred Trump was one of the seven detained.
+Democrats needed 17 Republicans to vote with them to convict Mr. Trump of inciting an insurrection. In the end, they got seven: Senators.
+Still, seven Republicans did vote to convict him, making this the most bipartisan impeachment effort in American history. Until a year ago, when Mr. Romney cast the lone Republican “guilty” vote in Mr. Trump’s first impeachment trial, no senators had ever voted to convict a president from their own party.
+Several Republicans who voted to acquit Mr. Trump still declared him responsible for the assault on the Capitol, including Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader. “The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” Mr. McConnell said after he voted to acquit, “and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet earth.”
+Mr. McConnell’s stated reason for his “not guilty” vote was that Mr. Trump was no longer in office—even though it was Mr. McConnell, then Senate Majority leader—who prevented the Senate from beginning the trial while Mr. Trump was in office.
+“A mob was assaulting a Capitol in his name,” Mr. McConnell said in his remarks immediately after the floor vote. “These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags and screaming their loyalty to him. There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.”
+And yet another irony, three, Republican Senators: Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Ted Cruz (Texas) and Mike Lee (Utah), all met with the Trump defense team Feb. 11, the night before the defense team presented their case. Ostensibly, three of the “jurors” colluded with the defense, rendering them in effect, a “jury of his accomplices.”
+“Yes, it does,” Mr. Nichols agreed. “And even before they met, they were accomplices. This is the important thing to understand. The idea that senators who are jurors in this trial would meet with the defense team and (offer) guidance for how to prevail in the trial, it’s appalling. And it ought to lead to ethics charges and ethical censure, perhaps even to expel these senators.”
+Demographically, 57 senators who voted to convict Mr. Trump represent 76.7 million more people than 43 senators who voted to acquit, but they were still 10 short of the constitutionally required two-thirds majority vote needed to convict him.
+Just before the Jan. 6 riot, Mr. Trump told his supporters: “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” In an attempt to suggest the metaphorical nature of political speeches, Mr. Trump’s lawyers presented video of elected Democrats and some celebrities uttering the word “fight.”
+“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back,” Mr. Trump said in the rally. “And we’re going to have to fight much harder.”,” defense attorney Michael van der Veen said during the trial. “The suggestion is patently absurd on its face. Nothing in the text could ever be construed as encouraging, condoning or inciting unlawful activity of any kind.”
+Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), one of those who voted to acquit Mr. Trump agreed: “I think the president’s lawyers blew the House manager case out of the water. They legally eviscerated them.”
+There was some complaining that after winning a procedural vote to allow them to call a witness that Mr. Trump knew that his own vice president was in mortal danger and then tweeted another condemnation of Mr. Pence, instead of prolonging the trial with more evidence they conceded.
+Impeachment Manager Swalwell replied: “To 57 bipartisan senators and in the court of public opinion, we proved Donald Trump guilty of the greatest crime ever against our Constitution. And, we did it with overwhelming, un-contradicted evidence. We didn’t need more witnesses; we needed more spines.”
+“The evidence is damning, chilling, and overwhelming. Only cowardice and complicity stands in the way of conviction,” retired CBS News anchor Dan Rather tweeted before the final vote.
+Kickstarter Introduces New Hardware and Product Design Project Guidelines 157
+OakDragon writes "Kickstarter has introduced some more stringent guidelines and requirements specifically for the Hardware and Product Design categories. These new requirements are laid out in a blog post called 'Kickstarter Is Not a Store.' Simulations will now be prohibited. Video cannot show a proposed product, action, etc. — only a real product and what it does at the time. Product renderings and other simulated illustrations also will not be sufficient — the project creator will have to have photographs of a real prototype."
+You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:5, Informative)
+Nearly a year after getting their funding, their product is nowhere in sight, promises made were not kept, the funders are upset, the project owners are MIA and all of it gives Kickstarter a black eye.
+Posting as AC because I'm a funder, but not related to the project or Kickstarter in any other way.
+Re:You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:4, Insightful)
+Nearly a year after getting their funding, their product is nowhere in sight, promises made were not kept, the funders are upset, the project owners are MIA and all of it gives Kickstarter a black eye.
+Maybe Kickstarter just needs to make this notice in large and blinking letters:
+Kickstarter does not investigate a creator's ability to complete their project. Backers ultimately decide the validity and worthiness of a project by whether they decide to fund it..
+I remember seeing that notice, but it isn't on the page you referenced (somewhere in the corner when you finalize backing/paying, but not shown you just browse projects).
+Re:You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:5, Insightful)
+Looks to me like they updated their page less than a month ago. $60k to fund something like is going to lead to delays.
+Kickstarter is not buying a finished product, it is donating to get something hopefully created.
+Re: (Score:3)
+Kickstarter is not buying a finished product, it is donating to get something hopefully created.
+People see prototypes and mockups and don't understand that.
+Re:You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:4, Informative)
+Not a funder, and not related to the project or KS in any way.
+Re: (Score:3)
+Don't forget about CamCrate [kickstarter.com]. There are a few others out there that the project creator went MIA.
+Now I'm part of a few projects that have had delays. Most of the problems come from the fact that they are outsourcing to China and it's hit or miss what you get. Some of them have overly optimistic timelines also. Most have never done a project like this before and get in way over their head.
+Couple this with KickStarter getting linked to non-tech websites and it's just a recipe for disaster. For example I backed
+Re: (Score:2)
+What is the current status of the project? unintended issues with the final design that didn't appear in the prototypes?
+Funny you should mention that. (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:3)
+unintended issues with the final design that didn't appear in the prototypes
+A prototype designed one off in a machine shop vs something cranked out in China. The guys in China didn't understand tolerances or the need for them to be very very close. "Pin fits in hole. Good enough." Which means that the firepiston didn't work.
+So lets assume they're as fast as Deal Extreme. 3 weeks a part comes. It's bad. He talks to the one guy in the shop that speaks English. They get it resolved. 1 week to make it. 3 weeks back to the states. Or the anodizing wasn't right in one batch IIRC.
+You see
+Re: (Score:3)
+The only kickstarters I have funded have been more like art or film projects where you really are just giving them money with no real expectation in return. Heck, I've yet to even watch the videos made for one (I keep waiting until I have time...and then forget that I want to watch them when I have time).
+I've considered others that are more like the one you described...somebody is a leath
+Re: (Score:3)
+Yes it will take a while to send stuff by ship from china but small packages can be flown over in a few days. If it's taking weeks then either your supplier is using it as an excuse or you were too cheap to pay for fedex.
+The bigger problem is there seems to be a culture of "do as little as you can get away with" rather than "do what the customer specified" and from what I can gather you really need someone who works for you (not for your contract manufacturer) and is fluent in both languages and comfortable
+Re:You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:5, Interesting)
+People discovered that the two scammers who setup the campaign hadn't innovated anything at all and were just acting as resellers of an existing product from a Chinese manufacturer as they had doctored exiting promotional images by removing the original manufacturers name. Oh and they added on an extortionate markup to the product.
+Read: [hackaday.com]
+Re: (Score:2)
+Yeah, it looks like you can already buy the so-called "AmbioLight" from Elco Lighting.
+It does look like an interesting product though: [elcolighting.com]
+Re: (Score:3)
+Re:You can probably thank "Orbit" for this... (Score:4, Insightful)
+I don't see how these changes help in those cases at all. If you are simply copying another person's idea, having a prototype and showing how it works is trivial. It's only hard to do if you actually invent something.
+The whole thing seems really puzzling, it wants to differentiate kickstarter from being a store by moving it closer to being a store. And if you want to develop something you can't show how you envision the final product to look like. Why is that useful?
+Change borne out of bad publicity (Score:5, Interesting)
+As one of the comments in the blog post notes, this looks like a change mostly to get negative press off KickStarter's back.
+And yes, projects like Orbit or in fact many iDevice projects that are failing, or have failed - including the Hanfree project (Creator filed for Chapter 7 - quite a development as this is after a Backer sued him) - are an influence there.
+But so are the NPR coverage. The Polygon article (with such bombshells as (paraphrasing) "Even if it is a fraudulent project - who's going to sue over a trivial amount of money?" - even though KickStarter takes a percentage of that fraudulently acquired fund). Their own recent 'Accountability' blog post, and so forth and so on.
+Here's the thing, though. On that blog post, and this new one, they've gotten almost nothing but flack.
+Prohibiting product renders - rather than requiring they be labeled as such - hinders many projects.
+Prohibiting multiples pledge levels - rather than requiring a set limit - hinders many projects.
+Prohibiting selling items based on what you plan for it to be able to do - rather than requiring them to only advertise with current features and allow further features to be added in e.g. updates - hinders may projects.
+Moreover, all of these changes actually make KickStarter more of a store. The verbiage is such that you pretty much have to show a finished product and the only reason to try and CrowdFund is for mass production. That's practically the definition of pre-sales.
+The most striking change, though, is the part where Creators in those categories now have to explain what risks there are and what challenges they face.
+This is orthogonal to the 'accountability' blog post in which it was clarified that a Creator must either A. deliver or B. offer refunds.
+That means there are no risks other than that of the Creator's to bear.
+It's all good and well that KickStarter is trying to get Backers to think that they're really just donating - and Backers are welcome to think this and write off any money pledged that ends up going nowhere - but legally they have set Creators up to comply with, essentially, contract law.
+I understand what KickStarter is trying to seem to do - protect Creators against themselves a little (make sure you have a viable product and production process thought out before you seek funding) and against Backers (by trying to ease them off demanding refunds), and Backers from dishonest Creators or indeed their own gullibility - but I feel like this is not the way to do it.
+I wish KickStarter could decide - especially in legal terms - what it wants to be for these categories; a pre-sale platform, or a donation platform. It can't rely on the goodwill of Backers and Creators to be both.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Yeah, but that is Kickstarter's right. They don't want all sorts of projects - obviously they are reluctant to turn down money, but from the start, they've had a specific ambition that separated them from their (largely invisible) predecessors: They want to fund
+* Projects. Bounded effort somehow, not open-ended eff
+Re:Change borne out of bad publicity (Score:5, Insightful)
+I understand what you're saying - but, again, their entire verbiage speaks against it.
+Creative projects (I'll take this to be film, books, dance recitals, albums, photo projects, etc.) aren't affected by these new rules.
+So what you have to look at is what KickStarter wants to be for the 'Hardware / Product Design' categories.
+Their old rule was clarified in the 'accountability' post: deliver, or offer refunds. That makes it very much a 'sale' type platform.
+Then the new rule changes - announced in a blog post saying that KickStarter is not a store - reinforce the idea that it actually is a store, by essentially making it so that you must have a finished product that merely needs mass production.
+If they really want the whole 'risks and challenges' thing to fly, then Backers do, effectively, become donators and the 'deliver or offer refund' must not apply.
+I'm not sure if people aren't 'getting' the threshold thing, by the way. Backers understand the threshold just fine - if the project doesn't meet the threshold, nothing happens (insofar as the KickStarter project goes). If it does meet the threshold, then things are supposed to take off.
+Perhaps you mean that Creators don't quite get it - in that their threshold should be set realistically based on expected costs for development and manufacture + extra to be on the cautious side.
+But then that's a failing in KickStarter's information supply. The 'risks and challenges' section may make Creators more aware by forcing them to think about it a little bit, but that should be seen entirely separately from how Backers believe KickStarter works or should work.
+Mind you, I've always been a stern defender of the "KickStarter is not a store", and I live by that when pledging for projects myself. If a Creator were to offer a refund, I'd judge their (apparent) effort and decide based on that whether I want a refund or not. But legally speaking, it is very much looking like a store.
+Don't forget Zioneyez (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+The project owners are MIA? I'm seeing regular updates on KS and Twitter.
+Consider that these guys certainly have day jobs (having $60K doesn't exempt them from having to have jobs, least of all in an expensive city like San Francisco). When you're doing this sort of thing part time — designing the product, figuring out a manufacturing process, lining up a vendor to do the actual manufacturing — a year is pretty minimal, and two or three is more realistic.
+But of course the project owners themselv
+Re: (Score:2)
+Wasn't there one about that girl who after being funded and started on the project saw how much work it'd really be and made up some BS about how the Sun was psychically talking to and her telling her to stop or the Moon would try and kill her.
+Everyone got pissed because of how obviously a scammer she was.
+Re:And Pebble and Touchfire and Brydge and... (Score:5, Insightful)
+Hardware development is hard.
+The below was written in respect of openspurcw mobile hardware. [batchpcb.com] vendor by reading the tutorials on SparkFun's [sparkfun no
+Re: (Score:2)
+8 layer minimum fine pitch board, with soldermask, and appropriate platings.
+You are not making anything more than a dumb feature phone with 4 layers today.
+4 layer boards are readily available in batchpcb type services.
+8 layer ones are not.
+The several hundred for an assembly was also not pulled out of the air.
+If you can assemble them yourself, and get a 99.5% success rate on these difficult to solder fine pitch devices with as many as several hundred balls, you will never make a prototype that works.
+You may
+Re: (Score:2)
+Hardware is nasty.
+This is why so many people are into software: because it's cheap and easy and you can get results in an afternoon with a monkey at the keyboard. Software is really, really hard to do well, but incredibly easy to do well enough to make something that more-or-less-sorta-kinda works.
+Hardware--both mechanical and electronic--is fantastically difficult by comparison and requires far more nuanced and insightful debugging process. Noise, ground-loops and marginal components can create the most remarkable e
+Re: (Score:2)
+Neglecting the fact that you are going to need several hundred to several thousand dollars of test equipment, you now have to find the bug.
+If you're designing a cellphone, I'd up that to several hundred thousand dollars of test equiptment
+what about amateur radio? (Score:2)
+Chip Design? (Score:5, Informative)
+"Product renderings and other simulated illustrations also will not be sufficient"
+So, say "bye bye" to any useful home-grown ASIC project? (An open design GPU, perhaps?) Or am I expected to build a microCVD unit right next to my microbrewery in the basement?
+Re: (Score:3)
+They probably need to make sure that tiers are not only amounts of money, but also represent investment in stages of the process of building it. In short, having a tier where at the end of it, they have a prototype and the prototype must be delivered to the satisfaction of the prototype tier funders before the rest of the money for production tier is freed from their account. This allows them to raise money for prototyping and production in parallel (to prove to themselves there is demand for the product)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Or am I expected to build a microCVD unit
+I have always wanted to do that. I mean how hard can it be? less than x nanometers of vibration, purity of gasses etc in the 6 to 12 nines range.
+Re: (Score:2)
+You think a VC is going to give you any money without a prototype unit of some sort?
+Good luck.
+Re: (Score:2)
+I'm wondering if a VC would fund anything that has a Kickstarter?
+Re:Chip Design? (Score:5, Insightful)
+Re: (Score:2)
+The rather simple yet popular atmega168 found in the Arduino has 7 pages of errata in the latest datasheet and is up to its 4th silicon revision
+Doesn't make sense (Score:3)
+Offering multiple quantities of a reward is prohibited.
+So people would have to create multiple accounts if they want multiple quantities??
+Today we added a new section to the project page called "Risks and Challenges".
+That's a great idea! There should be some understanding that the creators may or may not succeed even if they honestly try.
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+Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:5, Insightful).
+Make no mistake, it can certainly get awkward if people show mock-ups that can do twenty things and end up with a final design that can only do three, or that otherwise fails to live up to the expectations set by the mock-ups, but I don't see how that's any different from a textual description of what you hope to accomplish. So all this rule change does is ensure that Kickstarter is only useful for projects near the end of their product design lifecycle. And if you're that far along, you really don't need something like Kickstarter to reach the end.
+So what is the purpose of Kickstarter again? Because I can't see any useful purpose for the site anymore. At this point, the entire model is broken beyond repair.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:5, Informative)
+Not at all, you can still have drawings and pre-production units. Just not renders, since they can easily confuse people into believing you have a near complete product.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Not at all, you can still have drawings and pre-production units. Just not renders, since they can easily confuse people into believing you have a near complete product.
+Since when is a drawing not a rendering of something that doesn't yet exist?
+Re: (Score:2)
+I believe this means computer renderings. The kind Kickstarter is riddled with that are designed to look as real as possible to fool rubes into thinking they are ordering a product.
+Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:4, Insightful)
+You didn't understand him. 3D renders can be made such that it looks like a picture of a competed product which can be deceiving. No one will confuse a drawing with a picture of a completed product.
+Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:5, Insightful)
+From prototype to full production is a major undertaking. Just ask the Raspberry Pi folks.
+Re: (Score:2)
+The risk is just too high. Perhaps Kickstarter should allow projects without a working prototype but stamp big red noticing saying "high risk" on them.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Or look at the sordid tale of Open Pandora [openpandora.org]. Too bad Kickstarter wasn't around when they got started.
+Re: (Score:2)
+(It's not that sordid, I'm being too harsh)
+They took pre-orders more than a year in advance and ran into a bunch of production issues. One thing they were able to do was refund my pre-order after a year and a half had gone by with nothing to show for it. Couldn't do that on Kickstarter.
+By the time the product shipped, it's stellar specs had fallen to humdrum specs. Lately the project is focused on creating their sweet controllers for other devices and leaving the handheld creation to the big boys, the ones
+Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:5, Insightful)
+Re: (Score:3)
+Your thinking makes no sense to me. Kickstarter is designed to get funding for a commercial endeavor. I dare you to go to any venture capitalist or investment firm without a working prototype.
+Actually this is how it is usually done. For any non-trivial hardware project, the costs required to produce a working prototype are far beyond what the founders can handle without major investment backing. You don't seriously believe that Nvidia produced first silicon before seeking investment do you?
+Of course, that's what it is no very hard to get a hardware startup going these days. Investors are spoiled by e-commerce where a couple of guys can put together a new site and attract customers in months w
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+This is to stop situations like the Pandora [openpandora.org] console, who's developers lied through their teeth about how ready they were to ship, took thousands of pre-orders, ran out of money, and now only ship 4 year old pre-orders when new ones are placed to cover the costs.
+While there are a lot of great ideas, there are an equal number of total morons who don't know how to scale up production when their idea takes off.
+It would be great if Kickstarter had a middle ground. People without any prototypes should be able to
+Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score:4, Insightful)
+If all you have to show for your work is 3D renderings, then your hardware project isn't ready to solicit for donations or funding of any sort, Kickstarter or otherwise. There's nothing wrong with Kickstarters model. These new rules simply bring it more in line with the rest of the funding world.
+Re: (Score:2)?
+Re: (Score:2)
+Then kickstarter might not be the place for that. If you honestly cannot even produce a crude prototype then you are likely looking at something that will cost millions or more to make.
+Re: (Score:3)?
+Since you're "required" to return the funding if your project doesn't ultimately succeed, if you don't have the money to create your own prototype, Kickstarter might not be the right place to get funding -- if it turns out that the project is harder than you thought and after spending $100K on trying to get the prototype working, you just want to call it quits, how will you refund that $100K to your Kickstarter backers?
+Re: (Score:2)
+If you can't make a proof of concept of any sort for your device, then you're blowing smoke up the butts of the potential backers and they should be able to figure that out by your lack of preparation.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+The whole purpose of mock-ups and other things is to help people quickly see the potential of your idea. Without that, the amount of effort required to sort the wheat from the chaff is excessive, and most people won't bother to donate to anything.
+Well, I think what they're trying to quash is the flood of yahoos who have nothing but a notion... that "1% inspiration" which is also clogging up our patent system with stuff like "A car that runs on farts" without any technical development to actually make it actually exist.
+Instead, now people will have to demonstrate that they possess some important skill necessary in making it work and, thus, they are uniquely deserving of financial backing. So, what kind of demos will we now see from Kickstarter? Ho
+Re: (Score:2)
+That's largely a temporary problem. Over time, the folks with a reputation for getting stuff done will have projects to their name, and those who don't will work with people who do. And just providing bios of the people involved goes
+Re: (Score:2).
+ASCII Art. Problem solved.
+Conflicting message? (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+To get money to produce it in quantity beyond the prototype.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Except many products and people could never get it that far (90% of the way to completion) without prior funding.
+Re: (Score:2)
+It seems there are differences of opinion on what a prototype is. I don't think of it as the first finished product waiting to be ma
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Not at all. Many commercial products fail going from prototype to product.
+Tooling is expensive and fraught with possible problems. Then their comes the actual stamping/molding/fabrication which is another huge stumbling block. Before either of those begin you will want to select materials and such, which determine not only the properties of your product but how complex it will be to make. Can that plastic you want really be blown into that shape or will it have to be milled? Stuff like that. There are month
+Re: (Score:3)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Do you really honestly think the ability to self-fund a single prototype and the ability to self-fund a lot of finished products are even remotely the same thing? My god, man.
+I can't believe people are getting hung up on the renders rule. All they want is people to stop publishing images of "finished products" that don't actually exist because people through either their own stupidity or being intentionally mislead think development is a lot further than it actually is and often find themselves in for massi
+I'm starting a new site (Score:5, Funny)
+Since Kickstarter won't let you raise funds to create a product, I'm starting kickstarterstarter.com to allow people to crowdfund being able to get onto Kickstarter.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Can I get my Turturkeykey business started on there?
+Is it turn-key?
+Re: (Score:2, Funny)
+Have you put this site on to Kickstarter yet? I'd like to support the development.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Since Kickstarter won't let you raise funds to create a product, I'm starting kickstarterstarter.com to allow people to crowdfund being able to get onto Kickstarter.
+How will kickstarterstarter.com weed out scammers with no intention of ever creating a product? I think Kickstarter is just trying to make sure that the project founder has put in enough time and money of his own to have created a prototype before he can accept more money. Anyone can set up a project to take money to pay for a "prototype", then in 6 months can say "Oh sorry, it's harder than I thought, I spent all of your money on the prototype but couldn't make it work". And there's really no way to know i
+Re: (Score:2)
+How will kickstarterstarter.com weed out scammers with no intention of ever creating a product?
+All funding will be done with BitCoins.
+Deflating the bubble (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Looks like Kickstarter is trying to combat the idea which seems pretty popular around here - that crowdfunding is a bubble waiting to burst.
+I don't see a bubble waiting to burst with the crowd-sourcing paradigm. If Kickstarter wants to limit how a project can be introduced, there is no reason that someone else can't start a similar system. A friend of mine started a similar site in the city I live - communityfunded.com - and several projects have now been funded by locals for locals (and abroad).
+With the success of 'pay-what-you-want' (Radiohead's "In Rainbows") and 'donate-what-you-want' (Humble Bundle), and micropayment systems like Flattr,
+Re: (Score:2)
+Wrong Way to go about it (Score:2)
+Yes I get the idea, but KS is to fund development of stuff, and if you are going with KS you probably do not have a fully functional product (and simulations will be needed to show off what you want to create). As long as you make sure you make obvious that it is a simulation, and not actual footage, it can only be beneficial to the developer.
+This will help the Scammers (Score:2)
+So since simulations/renders can sometimes look too much like the real thing to tell apart, they are now banned. So if you cannot tell them apart, how will you enforce this rule?
+Since this will only hurt people who care about rules, this will just make the fake scam projects look better in relation to the real projects.
+And if scammers were already able to make renders that could fool people, well they will just continue to do so.
+Re: (Score:2)
+It's easier to fool some people than all people.
+Risk is risky! (Score:2)
+Is our society really so caught up in itself that we can't just admit we got scammed for a few bucks on a bet and walk away? Now Kickstarter has to do some CYA limbo so they don't get sued because they "enabled" scammers?
+If you can't handle the risk, you don't deserve the payoff, and you shouldn't stick out your nose in the first place. Stay home.
+Re: (Score:2)
+On the other hand, Kickstarter should do all it can to prevent scammers from ruining their reputation.
+Kickstarter: Now more stringent that the USPTO ! (Score:5, Insightful)
+You might not be able to scam people on Kickstarter.
+But you can get a bogus patent without POC or a product and sue everybody who actually build stuff.
+Oh the irony!
+Wrong headed (Score:2)
+This is wrong headed. The 'product' in all the other categories is non-existant yet 'creators' get to present 'simulations' of it be it a trailer, a drawing or a description.
+Oh, and Kickstarter is a store. It is a store of ideas, of potential, of the future, where people who believe can back projects they want to be a part of, those they want to succeed, those they would like the product from. Kickstarter says so themselves, that the rewards should ideally be the product produced by the project.
+Seems like it kills mold-based technologies. (Score:2)
+One of the projects I funded (and got great stuff from) is a kind of structural aluminum extrusions. Another project has injection molded plastic parts. The point of the KickStarters in both cases was to raise money to make molds. It seems like these new rules prohibit things like: "Here is 3D print of the thing that we want to injection mold." Or in the case of aluminum extrusions, then what are they supposed to show? It seems like a rendering of that is just fine.
+The *real* problem is projects starte
+Now they need... (Score:2)
+...a blog entry titled, "Kickstarter is not a venture capital broker."
+OK, I guess people probably figure that out before they put their money down, But you do hear people talking about their "investment" in KS projects. Since you don't get to share in any profits, it's definitely not an investment. Really, it's more like charity, with rewards. Sort of like public broadcasting.
+I have to say I'm not comfortable with tech startups relying on charity. Yeah, it's cool that companies like Pebble can get the start
+Wait, what? (Score:2)
+I thought the whole point of Kickstarter was to help people raise money for ideas they can't afford to produce themselves. In fact, I distinctly remember there being some big stink about people trying to fund products they already had in production.
+Now Kickstarter is saying you have to be able to produce a prototype before you can even try to raise money? Am I missing something here, or what?
+Apparently Kickstarter IS a store (Score:2)
+Effectively you can no longer use it to fund development. If you have to already have unit #1 produced, it's just a way to fund production. Ergo, it's a store oriented toward pre-sales.
+Wonder how it will affect games (Score:2)
+Sounds like video game projects will now have to show a prototype, and not just a teaser trailer of pre-rendered models. I think this is probably an overall good thing, as prototypes show at least the team has overcome some of the initial gameplay challenges, as games which sound amazing on paper usually have difficult roadblocks to conquer.
+POV from a KS project creator - what stupid rules! (Score:4, Informative)
+Posted also on the Kickstarter comment section:
+Kickstarter project creator here: I'm the guy behind OpenBeam ().
+And in case anyone's wondering - we shipped the majority of our rewards a *month* before the original promised date. That probably puts me in the top 5 percentile of projects...
+Let's take a look at the new rules one by one:
+“What are the risks and challenges this project faces, and what qualifies you to overcome them?”
+- Okay, this is perfectly valid. I am surprised KS haven't done this earlier, because there are quite a few clueless guys () - *() and [kickstarter KS, as part of a good product development practice.
+ KS).
+(Edited to add: The real problem, that KS probably don't want to admit, is that none of their hipster workers have a sufficient engineering / science / technology bac
+Re: (Score:2)
+But, but, but then I have to choose for myself and will have no one to blame/sue if I get scammed!!!
+Re: (Score:2)
+But, but, but then I have to choose for myself and will have no one to blame/sue if I get scammed!!!
+Caveat emptor! However, I have a feeling you're just being sarcastic.
+Re: (Score:2)
+This rule does not apply to software, RTFA.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Kickstarter has introduced some more stringent guidelines and requirements specifically for the Hardware and Product Design categories.
+Geez it's spelled out in the first sentence of the summary. Couldn't even read that far?
+Re: (Score:3)
+Please note that these new rules are only applicable to the Hardware and Product Design categories (the two are practically interchangeable).
+So this doesn't apply to (short) films, music albums, dance recitals, software, books, photograph projects, etc.
+Re: (Score:2)
+So this doesn't apply to (short) films
+IE. Pornography.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Well, personally I think 'shopped models shouldn't be allowed in a porn project's pitch... so perhaps the new rules wouldn't be all bad if applied to other categories
+Re: (Score:2)
+It doesn't effect them at all. The first sentence of the summary made it pretty clear on what categories this affected.
+Re:Wow (Score:5, Informative)
+Obviously you're not aware of the Eyez [kickstarter.com] scam.
+The first update after they were successfully funded was a picture of the design crew enjoying a Caribbean vacation. They took $344,000 [dailydot.com] in the scam.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Red Dead Redemption Outfits
+Even a hard-bitten outlaw needs to look stylish occasionally, and Red Dead Redemption players seeking sartorial glory and unlockable outfits should familiarize themselves with our extensive fashion guide, after the jump. Its like Vogue, with more gun belts..
+50 Comments on Red Dead Redemption Outfits
+On May 19, 2010 at 2:29 pm
+Whats the name of the suit marstons wearing in the top picture????
+On May 19, 2010 at 6:11 pm
+Thats the “Elegant Suit”
+On May 21, 2010 at 3:01 pm
+no its not
+i think thats either duster coat or bollard twins outfit
+elegant suit is all-white
+On May 22, 2010 at 5:49 pm
+does the hunter suit and merchant suit come if you pre order the game or can u get it with out pre ordering it?
+On May 24, 2010 at 10:24 am
+can you get a treasure hunter bounty to come up again if you accidently kill the guy in the treasure hunter bounty/
+On May 24, 2010 at 10:34 am
+No I believe that is the elegant suit.
+On May 24, 2010 at 10:44 am
+No, actually that is nowhere close to the duster, or the bollard twins outfit. It is in fact the elegant suit.
+The “Gentleman’s Attire” is all white. That’s what you’re thinking of.
+On May 24, 2010 at 11:02 am
+That is the elegant suit lol. His duster coat is light gray, bollard twin has a red bandanna hanging around his neck.
+On May 24, 2010 at 11:03 am
+*light brown not light gray lulz
+john mcalister
+On May 24, 2010 at 1:52 pm
+actually it is the elegant suit. i have the game and i bought a suit in thieve’s landing called the elegant suit and it is that one
+On May 24, 2010 at 7:07 pm
+Each bounty is associated with one of the gangs. It seems pretty random which gang, but just keep doing bounties, eventually another treasure hunter one will come along…
+On May 25, 2010 at 12:03 pm
+The bounties are all associated with a specific town. Walton’s gang has bounties put up in armadillo, bollard’s in mcfarlanes ranch, etc. So you can go back to the city you accepted the bounty and walk around during the daytime. eventually someone will post another bounty sign. you can do it forever.
+On May 25, 2010 at 12:04 pm
+but that was just my experience. i kept going to armadillo and it was always walton’s gang. i kept going assuming that it would change. after destroying maybe 10 or so people from walton’s i realized that i should go to a different town. hope that helps.
+On June 2, 2010 at 3:03 pm
+i did all the scraps for the army uniform except the last cuz the tailor wont sell it to me. is there something i have to do first to get it?
+On June 3, 2010 at 5:22 pm
+I am looking for the army uniform scrap. I thought i had gotten it at chest in aurora basin and the only requirement left is to buy it at blackwater. the thing is its never at the uniform shop? Is there something else I have to do? I already did everything else for that suit (armwrestling, poker, stranger, and night mission).
+On June 3, 2010 at 8:45 pm
+Game did not live up to the hype
+On June 3, 2010 at 9:53 pm
+i’m having the same problem with the army outfit as nick and froggo. any suggestions?
+On June 5, 2010 at 10:35 pm
+Nick, Froggo and Dan, complete more story missions and you will be able to buy it eventually. I’m not sure when it unlocks but I purchased it after completing the story.
+On June 6, 2010 at 8:00 pm
+You have to go to thieves landing to purchase it
+On June 6, 2010 at 8:02 pm
+I think it did! It was a wonderful game that had a tragic ending.
+On June 10, 2010 at 12:14 pm
+no its definately the elegant suit
+On June 12, 2010 at 7:04 am
+It’s the elegant suit.
+On June 15, 2010 at 12:57 pm
+I have the scraps for the reyes rebel suit, but i dont know how 2 get up to the city for five finger fillet. how do i get up there?
+On June 17, 2010 at 11:56 am
+do any of yall have ps3 and this game cas hif you do hers my name its a little wierd cos i messed up jarbear
+On June 17, 2010 at 12:15 pm
+do any of yall have a playtaiton3 and this game cos hif you do hers my name its a little wierd cos i messed up her it is jarbear
+On June 17, 2010 at 3:33 pm
+Eat bout the assassin outfit do u really have to ordeer it from gamestop to get it that’s
+On June 18, 2010 at 10:34 am
+Set your waypoint to the city Torquemeda and travel via your campsite. You must follow the valley up and to the northwest and continue up a short narrow incline that will turn to the right at the top. Once you turn right, you should see the remnants of buildings (rubble strewn throughout the ground ahead). Continue up the rise of rubble as the elevation continously rises and you will see the city getting closer in the distance to the southeast. Good luck.
+On July 1, 2010 at 10:51 am
+You all are a bunch of tards. None of you know absolutely nothing about anything. “Thats the bollard twins outfit” “No, no, no, thats the duster coat” STFU noobs!!!
+On July 1, 2010 at 4:22 pm
+And you Sir no nothing about English.
+pk killer
+On July 3, 2010 at 2:55 am
+where you must pre-order the deadly assassins outfit (in what shop what town)
+On July 7, 2010 at 8:15 am
+hey am stook on the treasre hunter outfit iv completed scrap 1 , 3 ,4 ,5 , 6 i jus cnt do number 2 can any 1 help me out ?
+Nick w
+On July 13, 2010 at 1:55 pm
+just keep trying to find different stranger tasks and completing them
+On August 18, 2010 at 12:41 am
+i have complete 99,9% of the game and i haven’t done the i know you strangers task and i can’t find what i have to do to go 100% the game can you help me?
+On August 18, 2010 at 12:45 am
+is the only thing that i have to do? i want to find the location of i know you strangers task help me its the only thing that i have to do and i will finish the game(100%)
+On August 28, 2010 at 3:58 pm
+It’s the Legend outfit.
+On September 12, 2010 at 4:18 pm
+He’s obviously wearing the Armani outfit in that picture. That hat soooo doesn’t work well with a suit. lol Who really gives a crap? The game was a huge disappointment. The story was good, if not a little short. But the rest of it was typical of a crappy sandbox game. Come on Rockstar! You guys running out of ideas already?
+On September 12, 2010 at 4:23 pm
+You could tell towards the end of the game, that they were rushing it. After everything you go through in the game and it only takes a few cakewalks to take out Dutch? And then you die? Whatever happened to happy endings? Rockstar you have a bad habit of ending games badly. You guys weren’t breast fed were you? “I hate the world cuz I never got to suckle from my mommas breastes! And yes, I know I spelled wrong. Those of you that into correcting spelling need to go teach, and leave gaming to the pros.
+On September 14, 2010 at 2:52 am
+Tasos the only way to do the ‘i know you’ stranger task is you have to be john marston to do it you cant be jack and its located on the cliffs near armadillo then the task is in mexico, the purple question mark then he’s at beechers hope then your done its bull that you have to be john though
+On September 29, 2010 at 6:37 am
+I think that from watching all the youtube clips and stuff, i think that rockstar gamings have done good in the online section. I like the way u can ride and stuff it just makes it even better guys!!!!
+On September 29, 2010 at 6:41 am
+Knox what the heck are you talkin about. I’d like to see you make a flipping game. It’s heaps hard with all the crap you have to get so just get over the “The Rushed Ending” as you say. No offence but i disagree with you heaps dude…
+On September 29, 2010 at 7:10 pm
+Yo can someone answer this question? Do you get to wear or use stuff from 1 player free roam to online free roam like outfits and stuff? Or do u just earn it again on online. Please someone reply thanks.
+On October 19, 2010 at 12:04 pm
+Its the elegent suit
+On November 5, 2010 at 1:01 pm
+I want to know how to unlock the Hunter of Treasure
+On November 7, 2010 at 3:43 am
+how do I do?
+gumby guincho
+On November 20, 2010 at 2:13 pm
+You people have been watching too much Bravo T.V.
+On January 6, 2011 at 9:29 pm
+For some reason my camps and safe houses are no longer giving me the option to change outfits. Anybody had/fixed this issue?
+On March 15, 2011 at 4:06 pm
+i got cheat codes
+On June 5, 2011 at 12:17 pm
+To Fraser You have to unlock it again online,But it’s easy all you doi is get a friend and go to Fort mercer,Kill everyone there leave and when it says “You have left Fort Mercer”At the bottom of the screen just go back and kill them again.Repeat until you are satisfied with your lvl and then go mess around
+On July 16, 2012 at 7:13 pm
+i reached peacemaker to unlock the duster coat and it doesnt work does anyone knows why
+On July 16, 2012 at 7:17 pm
+i reached peacemaker to unlock the duster coat and it doesn does anyone knows why
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+AOS is more than a relocation company. AOS helps its client’s staff engage and connect into the community. They help staff and their families ‘feel welcome’ when first arriving into Australia. Their services aim to provide a smooth transition into the Australian lifestyle and their ongoing support focuses on the emotional journey of relocation.
+Watermark Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys
+Address: 362 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008
+Phone: +618 9325 1900
+Contact Name: Mark Pullen, Principal / Cathy Hood, Business Development Manager
+Description: Watermark is a leading Australian provider of intellectual property services with offices in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney and an extensive network of associate firms in international markets worldwide. Watermark’s clients include SMEs, major multinational corporations, universities and research organisations. Watermark assists clients to maximise the value in their innovations through the strategic protection and management of their intellectual assets across the value chain from concept to market.
+Our highly qualified patent and trade marks attorneys and lawyers work with you as part of your team to provide commercially effective solutions to meet your business needs. We provide strategic advice and a comprehensive range of intellectual property services encompassing creation, protection, management and enforcement of IP rights.
+Murdoch University – Executive Education Centre
+Address: 90 South Street, Murdoch
+Phone: 08 9360 1780
+Website: executiveeducation.murdoch.edu.au
+Contact Name: Karen Thompson
+Product: Professional development (open enrolment and customised programs; consulting and coaching) for managers and leaders
+Description: Whether your organisation is public, private or not-for-profit, there is one element that sets you apart from all other organisations: your people.
+At Murdoch University, we’re passionate about professional development. We provide senior executives, managers and leaders with the knowledge and practical skills they need to empower employees and help them to develop their potential.
+Our professional development programs are based on the latest advances in research and learning. We can help you to develop leadership and management skills, improve your organisational performance and build a successful and sustainable enterprise.
+Address: Level 1, 703 Albany Highway
+Phone: 1300 724 878
+Website: pcguru.com.au
+Contact Name: Travis Tremain
+Product Name: GURUTUNE
+Description: The GURUTUNE is a whole raft of tweaks, tunes, hacks and updates that we perform on a PC to extract every possible ounce of performance out of it.
+Globetrotter Corporate Travel
+Address: 35 Stirling Highway Nedlands
+Phone: (08) 9442 0100
+Description:Globetrotter Corporate Travel, recently awarded Best Corporate Travel Agency – Multi Location in the AFTA Awards are committed to delivering award-winning service across a variety of industries. Globetrotter offers a comprehensive travel management service, assisting clients to reduce their travel costs whilst maintaining traveller safety and security.
+As a service provider, Globetrotter is all about it’s people. We specialise in listening to your needs, understanding them and delivering as per your requirements.
+Please do not hesitate to give us a call or email us for a chat about your business travel needs marketing@globetrotter.com.au
+Constructive Media
+Address: Suite 3, 45 Cedric St, StiA 6021
+Phone: (08) 9461 7380
+Contact Name: Darren Kam
+Product Name: High-end 3D Visuals & Animations
+Description: Constructive Media is a leading provider of cost effective, high-quality 3D animations and visuals to the oil & gas, mining, property, and visual effects industries. Our team of creative professionals specialise in facilitating effective communication, creating presentations to assist with advertising, health and safety training, and helping to show what future projects will look like on completion.
+We have extensive arsenal of skills in 3D modelling, graphic and web design, audio and video editing, and post-production to ensure that our presentations stand out from the crowd. We look after clients both locally and internationally, and would love to find out more about how we can help you bring your plans and ideas to fruition!A special offer for Networking WA Members; a one-off initial 10% discount to new residential or commercial building clients on their first project with us. (Valid until 30 June 2012) _____________________________________________________________________________
+FIFO Families Pty Ltd
+Address: PO Box, 24, Hamilton Hill, WA, 6973
+Phone: 0432686171
+Contact Name: Nicole Ashby
+Product Name: High-end 3D Visuals & Animations
+Description: FIFO Families is a unique company that connects FIFO/DIDO families across the country on a local and virtual level. FIFO Families provides the support, connection and tools to make FIFO a sustainable and long term lifestyle choice, working with both FIFO workers and their families and the resource companies.
+Address: 75 Canning Highway, Victoria Park WA 6100
+Phone: (08) 9416 4444
+Contact Name: Angie Paskevicius
+Description: Founded in 1975, Holyoake is a not-for-profit community service organisation that provides a range of services including: individual and group drug and alcohol counselling, support programs for people affected by someone else’s drug and alcohol use, professional community education and training through its RTO, outreach programs for young people and parents in the community and in prisons.
+It has offices in Victoria Park, Midland, Northam and Narrogin.
+Big Sky Entertainment WA
+Address: PO BOX 408 Victoria Park WA 6979
+Phone: Rebecca Davis 0414 345 381
+Michelle Fornasier 0437 380 039
+Contact Name: Rebecca Davis and Michelle Fornasier – Company Directors
+Company Description: Big Sky Entertainment WA is an exciting and boutique entertainment booking agency that launched in early 2010.
+Run by Company Directors Rebecca Davis and Michelle Fornasier, Big Sky Entertainment WA provides top professional entertainment for any corporate, private or social event, as well as weddings, birthday parties, mine sites and festivals.
+We provide a large range of WA’s best professional bands, singers, tribute shows, cabaret, comedy, jazz and classical music, as well as specialist performers including magicians, acrobats, fire performers, stiltwalkers, swordfighters, burlesque, impersonators and much more. Carefully chosen, all of our performers are extremely experienced and provide the best quality.
+Navigator HR Solutions
+Address: 3a Glyde Street, Mosman Park WA 6012
+Phone: 08 6460 0486
+Contact Name: Vicky Moriarty
+Company Description: Navigator provides flexible HR solutions without the costly in-house team! Navigator HR Solutions offers your business human resources and communication support at all levels. Whether you need your human resources completely outsourced or if you just require professional support for your team.
+Navigator HR Solutions delivers a competitive and up to date service in the areas of human resources advice, recruitment, performance management, change planning, internal and external communications, online surveys, management and employee workshops and if necessary termination and outplacement during redundancy.
+Submit Comment
+8:00am PT by Kate Stanhope
+'The Mindy Project' Writer on Tackling Male Privilege: "It Has a Whole New Meaning Now"
+[Warning: This story contains spoilers from Tuesday's episode of The Mindy Project, "Mindy Lahiri Is a White Man."]
+A lot has changed since Mindy Project creator and star Mindy Kaling announced potential plans to do an episode about sexism in August 2016.
+Speaking with reporters at the Television Critics Association, Kaling said she was pitching an episode, then tentatively called "If I Was Born a White Man," in which Kaling's TV heroine encountered sexism only to wake up the next day as a man.
+The episode was finally unveiled Tuesday, with Ryan Hansen stepping into Mindy Lahiri's shoes after she was passed over for a job seemingly because of her gender and race. While the half-hour contained funny gags like imagining Mindy picking up women at a bar, the episode also touched on the idea of white privilege in the workplace. In her new body, Mindy was handed the job she missed out on before. However, instead of accepting it, she turned it down and funneled her energy into helping another qualified female doctor, Ilene (Ellen D. Williams), try to land the job instead. Her efforts failed when Ilene was still passed over for an older white male doctor at the hospital. At the end of the day, Mindy confessed she didn't enjoy having it too easy and missed when she was interesting. The next morning, she woke up as her old self and reached out to commiserate and bond with Ilene.
+Although the idea goes as far back as August, the themes of the episode became much more meaningful following the election of President Donald Trump and his shocking defeat over Hillary Clinton, who would have been the first female commander-in-chief.
+"It has a whole new meaning now," Lang Fisher, series supervising producer and the episode's writer, tells The Hollywood Reporter. "I felt much more passionate about this episode than I think I would have a year before."
+Fisher spoke to THR about the timing of the episode, the feedback from the studio and network and comedy's "responsibility" going forward in the current political climate.
+How did the idea for the episode come about? How did Mindy bring it up in the room?
+In the history of The Mindy Project, we make a bunch of jokes about Mindy being a woman of color and stuff, but we've never really had an episode that directly deals with it. Primarily for the first few seasons, that's because Mindy is an unusual leading lady. You don't see anyone else who looks like her on TV and she just wanted to like, have a normal show that was a normal romantic comedy without pointing out that she's not a blonde toothpick. Once we got to season five and because Hulu has given us such flexibility with what we can put on TV and the subject matter, etc., I think she just started to feel it was like the right time to do an episode about this and to say something about it. So she came up with the idea and I don't really remember when, but she brought it into the room and we were all like, 'That is a great idea.'
+We have played with alternate realities and magical realism before in some of our episodes so we thought, "Let's just do this and do it 100 percent and make her wake up as a white man." Whether or not you interpret it as her dreaming or if it's real life, we just thought it would be great to see this character have that experience. Mindy Kaling the person has felt for her whole career that she's had to fight for every single role, for every job extremely hard because she has to prove herself to be someone who should be on TV. A lot of this came from her own experience of having to prove her worth to the world at large.
+How was the process of actually writing it? What stories or ideas did Mindy specifically present to you as you were writing this?
+She knew the general idea of what she wanted it to be. What made it more special was to have this other female doctor character [Irene]. I feel like a lot of times, for people who are one minority or another — and this is very true in entertainment — you feel like there can only be one of you in any particular situation. Like if you're a woman on a comedy writing staff or if you're a Hispanic person who's in a cast, you feel like there's not allowed to be more than one of you. What we came upon was that this friendship and also slightly adversarial relationship with Irene really brought out the feeling of a world that's really built for white men. So when we started talking about Irene was when we really hit upon something that felt real. For me as a woman, I feel like you see a lot of woman-on-woman cattiness and competition because of that and because you feel like, "Oh no, there's going to be another girl? What if that girl takes my girl spot?" But you don't see that with white men. They don't feel like they’re going to lose their job because another white man has joined the team.
+What personal experiences were you able to pull from for this episode?
+I've actually had a fairly lucky experience in my writing career because I've primarily only worked for women. Before Mindy, I worked at 30 Rock, which Tina Fey made a very woman-friendly place. Before that I worked at The Onion and also had a female boss. I don't have a personal experience but I have heard of many people who felt that way.
+Was there anyone else that you wanted to talk to about their experiences as you were working on the episode?
+You know who's very helpful and was given a big role on the show was Xosha [Roquemore]. We kind of placed her in this episode because it seemed like her character would have something to say but she as a person also was really helpful in just being like, "This is the language we hear and this is the language that's misused." She was very hands-on in the process particularly when we were shooting. She was very, very helpful in making sure that this experience felt like it applied to many people and that it would speak to a wider audience.
+Do you remember what was going on in the news when you were writing? Had the election happened by the time you were writing this?
+We shot this literally right before the election, so it has a whole new meaning now. I think, truly, even when I felt very confident that Hillary was going to win, one thing that really struck me throughout the campaign was the type of derogatory language that was being used by Trump as well as all of his followers towards women. It was one of these very illuminating things where you thought we were past it, but then when you see the female candidate up there and the way that people spoke about her, it was so enraging to me. I felt much more passionate about this episode than I think I would have a year before.
+Had the Access Hollywood tape featuring Trump come out by the time you were writing the episode?
+Yes, it definitely had. Truly, it was like the message you're trying to say is Hillary Clinton, the most qualified candidate ever, can go down in flames because of some emails and he can talk about sexually assaulting women and still pass through with flying colors is like the exact point of this episode. Women are up against so much.
+Was there anything in the episode that you had to change because of the election results?
+I think the one possible question I had was: Are we making it too easy for a white man? Is it too dreamy for him? Is it just silly and now, it's like no, definitely not, it's right on point. (Laughs.) I know certainly many white men who work very hard and are great members of the society and I don't want to undercut their experiences, but now I feel totally justified.
+What kind of feedback did you get from Universal and Hulu about the episode?
+Many of our studio representatives and Hulu representatives are women of color so they were just like, "Right on. This is great." So we got zero pushback. They were very on board for it.
+What do you hope viewers take away from the episode?
+I hope that it makes people think. And also, we have such a strong population of young girls in our demographic and I just want them to feel like someone is acknowledging how hard it is to be them, that we are a voice and a place for people that aren't the majority, especially right now.
+Was there anything you took away from writing the episode and filming the episode and the conversations that ensued?
+I did feel like a sense of gratitude of doing something that had a message. Dramas do it all the time and now you're in an era where we're seeing a lot more comedies also speak to what's happening now politically and having more message-y episodes. Sometimes people in comedy shy away from doing stuff that's meaningful because they're worried it's not going to be funny, but there's definitely a way to do it and I think you see more and more people doing it now. So what I took away is, going forward on whatever projects I'm a part of, I would like to make sure that it says something.
+Do you see the show leaning more into political topics going forward, especially given the talk about women's rights under the Trump administration?
+Certainly there will be a ton of fodder for us if there's a season six. I believe we will not shy away from it because I don't think you can. It's so impossible to ignore at this point. It's almost a responsibility to write about it.… We want to make sure we have the characters do whatever the characters are going to do, but definitely there's always room for episodes like this so I'm certain we will tackle lots of those issues.
+At this point, how are you feeling about a potential season six?
+We are all very optimistic about a season six. Hulu really was enthusiastic about our season five so I think it seems likely that they will offer us a season six.
+New episodes of The Mindy Project stream Tuesdays on Hulu.
+Kate Stanhopekate.stanhope@thr.com @katestanhope
+Thanks for your interest in Ontraport Vs Getresponse!, nevertheless, that websites have considerably progressed over the previous years – and the methods of old are no more functional for contemporary organisation.
+Back in the day, it would be sufficient to have a basic web site with a web page, services, rates, regarding us, and also speak to web pages.
+A prospective customer would certainly most likely to your website, scroll around, visit the different pages and take in material as they please.
+Nevertheless, if you are a business investing any cash on advertising, you want to regulate just what clients are finding out about on your website, present offers at the correct time, and maximize the profits you make from each person.
+How does one accomplish this?
+Utilizing sales funnels.
+Enter ClickFunnels
+ClickFunnels is the easiest method to make high converting sales and advertising funnels.
+It is a special tool produced especially to turn potential consumers into buyers.
+It truly is an all-in-one option to develop sales funnels as well as consists of landing web pages, email assimilation, payment, webinars, subscription websites, and so far more. No wonder it has rapidly become a preferred tool for marketing professionals.
+Below is my detailed ClickFunnels Testimonial, consisting of favored attributes, pricing, pros/cons, and also comparisons versus competitors.
+Ontraport Vs Getresponse: But First, Exactly What Is a Sales Channel?
+Sales funnels (likewise called advertising funnels) are multi-step campaigns that are made to move potential prospects through your sales process, and turn them into purchasers.
+Photo a real-life funnel. At the top, you pour fluid in, which limits towards one repaired destination.
+In sales, a similar event occurs. On top, visitors come to your web site, but not all who get in make it from the other end as buyers.
+Numerous points need to happen from the time a visitor enters your funnel, to the time they do something about it as well as successfully finish an acquisition.
+By breaking down the client’s journey into smaller sized steps, you can be a lot more precise about exactly how and when you offer a deal to your target market.
+The in-depth action in a funnel might look something similar to this:
+- Unqualified lead gets to landing web page
+- Page connects the initial deal (something complimentary to collect an e-mail).
+- Once e-mail is collected, primary offer is pitched.
+- Lead ends up being a paying client.
+- More email communication delivering consumer value.
+- More connection structure
+- Repeating sales.
+ClickFunnels likewise has a visuals that describes this in a straightforward way:.
+What is ClickFunnels?
+As stated earlier, ClickFunnels is the best sales funnel software program around today.
+The company makes the vibrant insurance claim of giving you everything you have to market, sell, and also deliver your items online – as well as they certainly supply.
+A common channel will use an opt-in web page (to collect email addresses), an e-mail car responder (to send out e-mails to your consumers), plus an extra sales page with some material as well as an order kind, possibly complied with by extra material, a membership site, and so on
+. Formerly, you would need to use various platforms and also devices to achieve all these jobs such as:
+- Create a site
+- Find Hosting
+- Find an autoresponder solution
+- Find membership site software program
+- Discover split-testing software program … etc
+However ClickFunnels cares for every little thing with their system. You not only conserve a ton of cash by not having to get various products/services, yet you additionally avoid the technological mess of needing to set whatever up, and also could concentrate on what’s really crucial – expanding your business.
+ClickFunnels offers a Complimentary 14-Day Test, so you get to check out the tool and also actually see if it’s best for your organisation.
+Favored Attributes
+* Promptly Produce Pages Using Layouts as well as Components *.
+Before getting too far, it is necessary to recognize that a funnel is a collection of pages put together in a tactical order, with the goal of converting as many potential customers right into clients. As well as a page is simply a collection of various components created to obtain somebody to take a specific action.
+ClickFunnels uses more than 50 different components in order to help you construct the perfect page. The editor is exceptionally simple to use and all you need to do is drag as well as drop various aspects on the web page, and update the text and look to fit your requirements – no coding abilities needed!
+ClickFunnels also makes your life less complicated by offering you with a ton of cost-free templates.
+As a matter of fact, ClickFunnels supplies over 37 types of pages for you to blend and also match with. These are broken down into the adhering to 10 classifications:
+- Presell Pages: Survey Page, Post Web Page, Presell Page, Clickpop Page
+- Optin Pages: Press Web Page, Reverse Capture Page, Lead Magnet, Promo Code
+-, Product Launch Order Page
+- Webinar Pages: Webinar Enrollment Web Page, Webinar Confirmation Page, Webinar Program Room, Webinar Replay Area
+- Subscription Pages: Accessibility Web page, Member’s Area
+- Affiliate Pages: Access Web Page, Associate Location
+- Other Pages: Application Page, Ask Web Page, Store Front, Web Page, Hero Page, Hangout Web Page, Live Demo Web Page
+The pre-built templates are fully personalized, and are exactly what most individuals utilize.
+You have the ability to choose a design template, modify or change the components with your very own, as well as your new page is ready to go.
+You could also connect any channel you produce with your personal email advertising service (if you don’t use the one consisted of in ClickFunnels), and use the ClickFunnels built in payment system.
+This is also a blast to mention that ClickFunnels supplies extremely valuable as well as easy to understand training video clips when you first join. I extremely recommend undergoing those since they promptly allow you to use the tool at its complete ability, as well as you’ll have a lot more fun playing around. Ontraport Vs Getresponse
+* Produce One-Click Subscription Sites *.
+One of the most effective features with ClickFunnels is the capability to conveniently develop subscription websites and also provide content to your audience in one place.
+Your subscription website will come full with registration web pages, membership access pages, as well as content pages which you can easily lock or trickle feed to your consumers according to purchases they made in your funnel.
+ClickFunnels subscription sites permit you to send e-mails, conveniently handle your e-mails, and develop a neighborhood all while removing the stress that’s related to various other remedies such as Kajabi, or WordPress systems.
+It’s actually handy to not have to purchase a separate software application or plugin to develop subscription sites. e-mails similar to other email advertising and marketing system, Actionetics is a lot extra.
+I like Actionetics since it not just changes your email advertising yet messenger advertising and marketing and also SMS advertising software applications as well. This takes automation to an entire brand-new degree and also assists you connect the ideal message to your consumers, precisely when they need it. A video summary of Actionetics will be supplied additionally below.
+* Invoicing as well as Repayment Assimilation *.
+An amazing attribute within ClickFunnels is the capability to collect all of the invoicing information from your customers precisely your sales page. Offering is made a lot less complicated when clients do not need plan (advised).
+I’ll explain for each and every of these strategies listed below.
+1. ClickFunnels Criterion Strategy – $97/month.
+The basic strategy consists of all of the attributes you would need within ClickFunnels, but with constraints on the variety of funnels (20) as well as web pages (100) you could have in your account, as well as the amount of visitors (20K) could watch your pages each month.
+You additionally do not get advanced performance such as ClickFunnels own e-mail marketing and affiliate monitoring tools.
+2. ClickFunnels Etison Suite – $297/month.
+This plan includes all the bells and whistles of the conventional plan, without any constraints. It likewise has 2 added products generated by ClickFunnels called Actionetics (e-mail advertising) and also Knapsack (affiliate monitoring system).
+In Actionetics – you can handle every one of your get in touches with that subscribe to your list, send out e-mail programs, and also create a host of various other automations. Ontraport Vs Getresponse
+The difference between both plans truly is the constraints, and Actionetics/Backpack. If you are a basic individual as well as do not anticipate to use more than 20 funnels in your account – the Standard Plan must be enough.
+However, if you intend to have an associate program or intend to keep your email advertising and marketing within ClickFunnels as well as not use a third party software program, the Etison Suite is for you.
+You can constantly begin on the reduced plan and also considering that beyond this program, 6-months of Etison Collection basic, very easy, and also quick
+- All-in-one system with everything your business has to win
+- Split screening and conversion monitoring included
+- Payment processing capabilities within ClickFunnels
+- ClickFunnels is constantly adapting and updating to the times
+- There is constantly support readily available (whether real-time or otherwise).
+- Incredibly active Facebook Team Neighborhood.
+- Free 14-Day Test – enables you to try it take the chance of totally free.
+- As awesome as ClickFunnels is, it certainly is not an economical solution and calls for a continual subscription to use
+- Assistance isn’t really always the fastest and also might extract from 1 min to 24 hours relying on the problem.
+ClickFunnels versus Everybody Else.
+Many individuals ask how ClickFunnels compares with other touchdown page home builders such as Leadpages, Unbounce, and also Infusionsoft.
+Generally it’s not really a reasonable contrast because each of these tools excels is one location or the various other.
+The graph over provides a thorough analysis – but I’ll highlight a few of the significant contrasts listed below.
+ClickFunnels vs Leadpages
+Prior to ClickFunnels, Leadpages was the big pet.
+Leadpages is merely a lead capture software application – nothing even more. You could develop landing pages, lead boxes, accumulate leads … that’s pretty much it. Additionally, the Leadpages templates are likewise restricted on customization.
+ClickFunnels is even more versatile – it’s much easier to utilize and also does so a lot more than develop lead capture pages.
+Simply put, Leadpages is actually simply a landing web page home builder, while ClickFunnels is concentrated around developing very incorporated platform – one that allows you to handle your entire consumer database. ClickFunnels has this ability with Actionetics, yet it’s not virtually as progressed as Infusionsoft.
+Infusionsoft is also exceptionally pricey and also forces every new client to pay $2000 for a required kickstart training plan simply to find out the best ways to make use of the complex system (which is infamously hard to make use of).
+ClickFunnels Associate Program
+There are 2 major paths individuals decrease as ClickFunnels individuals.
+Those that decide to make use of the tool for their service – in hopes of someday accomplish both Comma Club (over $1M in profits).
+And also those that are interested in making easy income as a ClickFunnels Associate and winning the Desire Vehicle Contest (where they pay $500/$1000 towards your dream automobile if you reach 100/200 active monthly signups, specifically).
+With a tremendous 40% monthly persisting compensation, ClickFunnels easily has one of the greatest associate programs of any kind of system out there.
+That’s right – you get paid a continuous 40% payment on every affiliate signup you make through the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program. Yet, just what does that actually equate to?
+The fundamental plan is a $97/month investment and also the Etison Suite strategy is a $297/month investment. therefore you make $38.80 each basic strategy and also $118.80 per Etison Suite strategy … each and every month!
+On average, every 100 signups will certainly bring in $4000/month in affiliate commissions (essentially depending upon the amount of Etison Strategy individuals are in there).
+Visit this site to find out more regarding becoming a ClickFunnels Associate.
+The Bottom Line
+ClickFunnels is by far the best system if you are looking to conveniently develop high converting sales funnels.
+Because it was built from the ground up to be the best sales channel building contractor, it beats out all the competition because respect.
+Externally, it could not be the least expensive item available – but if you use it to its full capability, your company will become extra successful and you will certainly conserve money from not having to use other devices. Ontraport Vs Getresponse
+If you’ve reviewed this far into my ClickFunnels Review, I recommend you see on your own with a Free 14-Day Trial here.
+Curriculum Website Template
+Total GrooveFunnels Testimonial (2020) & Finest Alternatives
+What is GrooveFunnels and why are a lot of people speaking about it? Does GrooveFunnels live up to the buzz? Here’s our complete 2020 testimonial!
+Interested about the brand-new device, GrooveFunnels, that’s meant to help you build sales funnels and grow your online service?
+Well, you’ve come to the appropriate place.
+ClickFunnels, we have helped greater than 70,000 entrepreneurs build high-converting sales funnels. Thousands of those people have come to be millionaires and joined our Two Comma Club We satisfaction ourselves on giving a service that helps entrepreneurs methodically grow their companies online.
+You can try us free of cost device that enables users to build sales funnels, touchdown web pages, and web sites to sell items online.
+It’s a new tool that getting a great deal of direct exposure. This is partially since a GrooveFunnel subscription provides users accessibility to a large swath of different functions GroovePages, GrooveSell, and GrooveMail.
+Nevertheless, the functions you obtain accessibility to depends upon your membership plan (Base, Silver, or Gold).
+Is “Groove Funnels” far better than ClickFunnels?
+Khondoker Aminul Islam, BS Online Marketing & Web Marketing, Internet (2016) Answered January 6, 2021 GrooveFunnels or Clickfunnels? Are they comparable? Which one should I select? Just how to determine which one would certainly be much better for me?
+You may have thousands of concerns in your mind on GrooveFunnels (GF) or ClickFunnels (CF). Yet we assure that you will certainly have answers to all your concerns below since:
+I’m making use of both platforms, taking pleasure in the benefits of both, and dealing with their disadvantages. I recognize what I’m chatting concerning right here.
+With my customer experience, I have assessed each of the aspects of both platforms.
+Additionally, We have gathered one of the most prominent question from the internet, the online forums, and the Q&A sites and
+Proceed Reviewing GrooveFunnels or Clickfunnels? Are they similar? Which one should I select? How to determine which one would be better for me?. Curriculum Website Template.
+You might have numerous questions in your mind on GrooveFunnels (GF) or ClickFunnels (CF). We assure that you will certainly have solutions to all your inquiries below due to the fact that
+That Is GrooveFunnels For?
+GrooveFunnels completes in the exact same area as ClickFunnels, Kartra, BuilderAll, and Kajabi.
+The goal of making use of a platform such as this is to help you market a service or product.
+This can be a digital item such as a book, training course, or a month-to-month subscription. Or a service such as training or consulting.
+If you currently have an item to sell, and you’re seeking a streamlined means to construct a sales engine around it, after that GrooveFunnels is a good fit for this.
+Awesome point # 1: It has a Forever Free strategy
+Yes, you can signup for GrooveFunnels for free.
+Naturally, there are some constraints.
+The complimentary plan gives you access to:
+GrooveSell + GrooveAffiliate
+GroovePages (Lite).
+As the Lite implies, there are some limited functions for the page/website building contractor, yet it suffices to obtain you began.
+What’s wonderful though is that even on the free strategy, you can utilize your very own custom-made domain name names. And you also gain 20% payments as a free associate.
+Amazing thing # 3: It already has a huge, active community.
+When it pertains to acquiring right into a product community, area issues.
+Whether it’s inquiring, troubleshooting problems, or just sharing ideas, having a great neighborhood makes a big difference in your general experience.
+This is a large stumbling block for several brand-new products, however with over Facebook team members at the time of this evaluation, that’s not the instance right here with GrooveFunnels.
+A major part of this growth is attributed to the availability of totally free accounts and the lifetime settlement alternative.
+Numerous team participants have upgraded to a paid strategy and currently have successful on the internet companies, so there is a lot of knowledge being dropped in the team. It’s well worth your time to participate in.
+Cool thing # 4: They are swiftly enhancing the platform.
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+Fueling Growth
+The world’s busiest airport is maintaining its edge and igniting economic development.
+As the busiest and most efficient airport in the world, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) is a behemoth – huge, complex, bustling and powerful. It’s the jewel in Georgia’s economic crown, providing more than 63,000 on-site jobs and generating more than $70 billion in economic impact for the state.
+With a new general manager guiding implementation of ATL-Next, a $6-billion, 20-year master plan, the airport is also the catalyst for transforming the communities in its immediate vicinity south of Atlanta.
+“In the world of airports,” says John Selden, ATL general manager, “Hartsfield-Jackson is what every other airport strives to be.”
+After just under a year on the job, he says his experience is “better than I expected,” as a result of the support he’s received from the city of Atlanta, people he’s met throughout the state, his staff and airline and federal partners. “It’s amazing how proud of the airport people are,” he adds. “It’s almost like being the winning coach of a sports team.”
+Enhancing Customer Experiences
+Selden is perhaps the airport’s biggest cheerleader, but he admits there are operational challenges. “We’re growing very quickly,” he says. “We were up 3 million passengers last year, and this year we’re estimating that we’ll be up 4 million passengers. The building and the parking lots are running out of capacity, and it’s affecting our level of customer service.”
+He says the airspace around the airport and the airfield have capacity, so a sixth runway – which is included in ATLNext – isn’t needed right now. Accommodating passenger growth is the top priority, and work has begun to address it.
+The process of adding five gates to Concourse T is underway. These will mainly serve Delta Air Lines and should be complete in late 2022 or early 2023. However, to make way for the expansion, about 1,000 parking spaces were eliminated from the North economy parking lot. Those will be offset by the 5,700-space ATL West parking garage being built near the Georgia International Convention Center that may be open next fall. “It’s near the SkyTrain, it’s all covered and you can get there [to the airport] in three minutes,” Selden says.
+Construction on a new park-and-ride lot on Sullivan Road is expected to begin in November that will add another 1,500 spaces, he says. The North and South domestic parking garages will be replaced within the next 10 years with decks of four to eight levels each.
+Airport visitors likely marvel at the soaring canopies that are being built to provide shelter for people exiting the facility and walking to the parking garages. Those canopies, which should be completed this month, will include four pedestrian bridges from the garages, the first of which will be ready for use next year. The bridges will enable people to walk from their cars over the usually congested arrival and departure lanes, improving pedestrian safety and traffic flow in front of the terminals.
+The nearly 40-year-old Plane Train system that transports passengers from terminals to concourses is also undergoing improvements. Selden says work on the train’s turnaround near baggage claim will begin this year. By the time it’s completed in 2023, the project will reduce the time between trains from 108 seconds to 90 seconds. “We’ll get a 20 percent increase just by changing the turnaround,” he says. “That gives us extra capacity without rebuilding the entire system.”
+Other projects in the works include an end-around taxiway on the south side of the airport that will reduce runway crossings, thereby enabling departing planes to take off more quickly and reducing the risk of runway collisions. The addition of five Transportation Security Administration (TSA) lanes to the south security checkpoint by next summer and building a 50-acre de- icing pad are among other ongoing airport enhancements.
+“We’re hitting the tip of the iceberg in terms of what your experience will be here someday,” Selden says. “We have facial recognition coming. Hopefully you’ll drive up or get dropped off, and your face will get you through TSA. Maybe you’ll walk through some [screening] machine and you won’t stop. You’ll walk onto the plane – without a boarding pass – and just go to your seat. We’ll speed this process up because we won’t have all these points where we stop you. I’m hopeful that we’ll keep pushing the envelope and trying to make that customer experience better and better.”
+Managing Efficiently
+The airlines that fly through ATL seem satisfied with the airport’s service. According to Selden, every day they are asking for more gates so they can bring in more flights. He says irregularities are well in the past that may have prompted the Georgia legislature this year to propose a state takeover of Atlanta’s city-owned and managed airport.
+“Connecting the dots on why the airport should be taken over is something I’m having trouble with at this point,” he says. “If some of our biggest customers – the airlines, themselves – are saying to keep what you have, that speaks volumes as to how well the city of Atlanta is managing [the airport].”
+He says the primary example of effective management is the cost per enplanement – which includes landing fees, fuel fees and terminal rent paid to the airport, divided by the number of enplaned passengers. “We’re the second cheapest [after Charlotte],” he says. “Here the cost is a little under $5.” That’s compared to $13 per passenger in Denver and more than $30 per passenger at the New York airports. Multiplied by millions of people flying, the cost difference makes it understandable why airlines prefer ATL.
+“Not only are we efficient and on time, we are very reasonable, and that is due to the city of Atlanta’s management of the airport,” he adds.
+Elevating Cargo
+Air cargo at ATL generates more than $6.7 million in revenue for Metro Atlanta and creates more than 27,000 jobs around the state. Increasing cargo volume is a big opportunity to expand revenue and spark greater economic development. Elliott Paige, the airport’s director of air service development, says a number of initiatives are underway to accomplish those goals.
+To improve the efficiency of loading and unloading truck cargo and reduce congestion, a staging area called TruckPass was built off the airport property on Sullivan Road. Much like air traffic control, truckers check in there to be assigned specific dock doors where they will pick up or deliver their cargo. Text messages direct them when to remain in the staging area or proceed to the dock.
+Paige says TruckPass, which launched two years ago, has helped, but there are still bottlenecks in the warehouses and offloading cargo once aircraft have landed. The airport is now working with India-based Kale Logistics Solutions to develop a cargo community system. “It’s an IT platform that allows all stakeholders to communicate about a particular shipment,” he says.
+The full transparency the new system will bring is especially welcome by customs officials because “they can see everything related to cargo, including photos. They can clear it before it lands,” he says. By the end of this year, he expects to launch a limited pilot of the system, which he says will be the first in the Americas, although it’s used in European and Asian airports.
+ATL is also focused on maximizing its cargo buildings and in June announced that Worldwide Flight Services, the world’s largest air cargo handler, will operate a 140,000-square-foot warehouse that has been vacant since it was built in 2016. In addition, the airport is looking for a customer to design, build and operate another nearby warehouse that Paige envisions as a “state-of-the-art, mechanized facility that can handle a variety of cargo in a fast manner.”
+To increase cargo trade and investment, ATL recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport that will create a network or corridor of cooperation between the two air cargo gateways. Paige says the goal is to make Atlanta the preferred airport for high-value cargo – like pharmaceuticals and auto parts – coming from Europe to the U.S. “If we can work with others [like Schiphol], we can lift our standards of service and operations to match theirs.”
+Shaping the Region
+From an economic development and quality of life perspective, what goes on at ATL directly affects the cities, counties and businesses surrounding it. “Everything we’re doing is predicated on the strength and stability of Hartsfield-Jackson,” says Shannon James, president and CEO of the Aerotropolis Atlanta Alliance (AAA), a nonprofit coalition of community leaders and businesses. “Our organization is basically looking to create a central business district around the airport. The goal is for that activity to push through the inertia around the region. The growth from that area will ultimately shape the ecosystem for South Fulton and Clayton counties.”
+The AAA is relatively young – only five years old – and it serves as a central organizing agency and point of contact for planning and development initiatives affecting 13 cities, two counties, two school districts, two community improvement districts (CIDs) and a variety of companies, including Porsche Cars North America, Chick-fil-A, Georgia Power and Delta Air Lines. The alliance is in the process of implementing a master plan that James says began with getting all of the various entities talking to each other and working together. “Now we have a cohesive ecosystem of multijurisdictional cooperation,” he says.
+Helping to improve connectivity throughout the community is among AAA’s priorities. Working with the Aerotropolis Atlanta CIDs, it has kicked off a plan for a bike-walk trail that will eventually cover 350 miles and more than 46,000 acres. James says it will be similar to the Atlanta BeltLine and will be constructed in partnership with the PATH Foundation, which has a 25-year history of building such trails. Construction should begin in 2021, and it could take 10 to 20 years to complete.
+The project will dovetail nicely with the CIDs’ efforts to identify key gateways and corridors for improved signage and public art, helping to create a sense of place throughout the region. Included in the efforts to uncover assets and amenities that will enhance regional identity is the alliance’s partnership with Finding the Flint, the organization dedicated to conserving Georgia’s second longest river, which begins near the airport. The project would involve restoring the river around the airport and creating a river path with amenities like parks and trails.
+“Economic development is not an overnight fix,” James says. “Ultimately, we want to unlock catalytic sites that will make the airport area a destination.” College Park has been one of the early adopters of this initiative, with 420 acres approved for the mixed-use development Airport City. Groundbreaking could happen later this year or first quarter 2020.
+The alliance is also working with the Mountain View area of Clayton County, which is near the airport’s international terminal, to free up about 400 acres for development. “People should see dirt turning [there] in 2020 or 2021 at the latest,” he says. “We’re unlocking sites in partnership with cities, counties and private property owners. That opens the door for economic impact, like jobs and revenues.”
+Workforce development is another area where AAA serves as the master coordinating body. The organization is working with the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and other entities to connect job seekers with training and potential employers in the area.
+“We are now the central point of contact that helps job seekers and employers navigate and helps hand-hold them through the right process,” James explains. He says the alliance has partnered in training more than 190 residents for hospitality and construction jobs, with a 90 percent placement rate. “We’re now looking at expanding into logistics and aerospace,” he adds.
+The AAA has also created an education collective focused on developing career pathways and talent pipelines to help bridge the workforce gap. The collective is a partnership among schools in Clayton and South Fulton counties, Clayton State University, Atlanta Technical College and corporations like Georgia Power, which helped design a curriculum to create a career funnel. James says the collective’s first career expo will be held in October, and more than 30 companies in the airport vicinity will be on hand to provide information about apprenticeships, internships and other experiential learning opportunities.
+“The purpose of an airport is to contribute to the community,” says Paige. “It’s what makes the airport survive. This symbiotic relationship will continue to grow the region around the airport and create a lot more jobs.”
+Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport at a Glance
+- World’s busiest airport since 1998
+- Serves 150 U.S. destinations and more than 75 international destinations in 50 countries
+- Tallest air traffic control tower in North America (398 feet/121 meters); fourth tallest in the world
+- Averages 275,000 passengers a day
+- 2,700 arrivals and departures daily
+- Georgia’s largest employer, providing more than 63,000 jobs
+- Generates $34.8 billion economic impact for Metro Atlanta
+Aerotropolis Atlanta Alliance Snapshot (2019)
+- Covers 165 square miles
+- Includes counties of:
+South Fulton
+- Includes cities of:
+Chattahoochee Hills
+College Park
+East Point
+Forest Park
+South Fulton
+Union City
+- Population: 362,251
+- Businesses: 12,557
+- Total Employees: 175,763
+Source: Aerotropolis Atlanta CIDs and Aerotropolis Atlanta Alliance
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+It’s the second day in 2011 and I still have more Christmas gifts to share. Today’s gift is a product from my favorite camera bag manufacturer, Think Tank Photo. The winner of this gift will receive the Urban Disguise 70 from Think Tank Photo.
+Comment below a list of gear you plan to fit inside of the bag (if you win).
+This Post Has 77 Comments
+Rob2 Jan 2011
+Oooohhh… I NEED this, especially since Santa was good to me. My UD 40 is too full right now.
+Jeff2 Jan 2011
+Just started my collection.. I’ll put my Canon XSi Body and the two kit lenses plus my brand new 50mm 1.8 and spare battery… Winter in NJ, so, I’ll keep my gloves in there too… :D Sorry not as exotic as some of yours..
+CJ Kern2 Jan 2011
+My Nikon D700 and as many of my lenses that will fit: 14-24mm f/2.8. 24-70mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 & my 85mm f/1.4. Singh-Ray Vari ND filters
+Brian Matiash2 Jan 2011
+I’ll pick and choose gear to stuff in this sweet bag based on the type of shoot that I’ll be going on. Safe bet that at least one T/S lens will make it in. :)
+Jim Denham2 Jan 2011
+I don’t have a ton of gear, so EVERYTHING will fit!
+D Brut2 Jan 2011
+The only thing I need now is a bag to carry my gear in! I’d love to put my Nikon D700 and my 24-70mm f2.8 lens inside! maybe my 50mm f1.4 would fit too! Thanks for the chance to win!
+Roy Løberg2 Jan 2011
+I will fill it up with my Canon cameras, lenses, and my beloved laptop.
+Happy New Year to you all.
+Jason2 Jan 2011
+I don’t have much I would plan on putting everything in it.
+John Wart, jr2 Jan 2011
+Probably my D700 with 24-70 on it, and my 70-200 if it’d fit too.
+Wendy2 Jan 2011
+Camera. 85mm. 24-70mm. Fisheye. Wallet. Keys. Lip gloss. Antibacterial. Battery. flash.
+Felix2 Jan 2011
+my canon 7d with my 50mm f1.4, 17-85mm and hopfully my 8mm fisheye ;)
+Hubert Kay2 Jan 2011
+I’ll put my lens collection in there – a 28mm/2.8, 50mm/1.4, 60mm/2.8, 85mm/1.8, and the 70-200/2.8 will be mounted on my new 5D Mark III :-)
+Cindy Landrum2 Jan 2011
+I’d put my D300, a macro lens and a 24-120mm in the bag.
+Heath O'Fee2 Jan 2011
+Awesome! Canon 50D, 24-105, 10-20, 50, batteries, CF cards, etc.
+Didier Kaade2 Jan 2011
+You were right Scott, I thought you already gave away the awesome stuff….. Santa to the Second Power… :)
+On that, I would put in my 1D MkIv attached to my 70-200 finally, so I won’t have to take them apart, like I do now, evertyime I don’t want to actually hold it in my hand.
+Flashes, batteries, and possibly even a netbook or future Ipad, that will serve as my temporary backup after filling my cards up, to clear room for more shooting!
+Jason2 Jan 2011
+My Canon bag is getting a little snug so this would be be a nice addition for my 5D Mark II, L Series lenses, and all the peripherals.
+Michelle Turner2 Jan 2011
+I will put my D3s and my two bread and butter lenses (the 35 and 85 1.4) in it. Happy New Year!
+AnySandyBeach2 Jan 2011
+Canon Rebel XSi, 2 lenses, a flash, a Nikon FM2 with 2 lenses for that, extra batteries and film.
+Kittavong2 Jan 2011
+I will put my 5D body, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 50mm macro lens and battery charger in it.
+Terra2 Jan 2011
+My camera bag is getting full and I need some more room…this would be perfect!
+I have a canon 7d and 30d with 24mm & 50 prime and a 28-135 zoom that has back focus issues :-( looking to buy a 85mm prime this spring!
+Michelle Hires2 Jan 2011
+It would be nice to have a bag where I can take all 3 of my lenses at the same time! D700, 85mm, 50mm and 90mm macro and of course various accessories!
+April2 Jan 2011
+My D5000 and two kit lenses. I have also found I need to carry things like wipes, tissues and a comb. I hate to carry a purse and a bag, so I would also put in my wallet and keys.
+Venura Herath2 Jan 2011
+D90 , 24-70 f/2.8, 70-300 f4.5-5.6 SB900
+Michele2 Jan 2011
+Oh, I need a new bag – I would use it for my D300, 70-200mm,12-24mm and other accessories.
+Nikki Smith2 Jan 2011
+I would put my Canon 5d Mark ll, 50mm lens, 24-70mm lens, pocket wizards, 580 EX flash, batteries, flash cards.
+marcus2 Jan 2011
+If we’re talking gear I actually own, it would be a Nikon D300, and a couple of lenses 12-24, and 105mm macro.
+Scott O.2 Jan 2011
+My new Tokina 11-16 wide angle would fit perfectly in that bag :~)
+Nikolas Kyramarios2 Jan 2011
+My K-7 Pentax and my small collection of 5 lenses
+Stacey Knight2 Jan 2011
+My current camera bag is overflowing and I need more room for my Canon 7D, lenses and other gear that I travel with.
+Iza2 Jan 2011
+This is just the bag I need. I want to be able to have my Nikon D300 with 18-200 mm zoom ready to be used if situation arises, and my 10.5 mm and 30 mm handy if I want to get this special image, with all the filters and accessories like chargers, spare cards etc. somewhere with me as well.
+David Teng2 Jan 2011
+Gotta go with the trusty 5D and my 16-35. A great walking combo.
+Ben Herrera2 Jan 2011
+Think Tank is great. This would be a nice upgrade from my UD 10. I would fill it with my 7D, 24-70, 70-200, 50mm prime, 50mm macro, flash…
+Hepcat2 Jan 2011
+Gear list would depend on my destination! But it would be a bunch of Canon stuff…and probably my laptop!
+Chris Stern2 Jan 2011
+I would fill my bag with the following: Nikon D90, 35mm f1.8, 50mm f1.8, 85mm f1.8, 11-16mm f2.8 & 17-55mm f2.8…some SD cards and filters.
+Tod Grubbs2 Jan 2011
+I would put both of my Nikon D700’s with the following lenses, nikon 24-70, 14-24, 70-200, Tameron 90 f/2.8 macro, memory cards, extra batteries, cleaning kit, tripod tools and the RSS pano kit and the iPad.
+Dion V2 Jan 2011
+All I have right now is a Kodak V1253. Ultimately I would like to fill the bag with a Canon T2i/550D, a Canon EF 50mm 1.4 AF USM lens, a Gorillapod SLR tripod, memory cards, extra batteries, and a cleaning kit. As time goes on, probably add a zoom lens of some sort, but this would be a nice starter kit for me, and a good bag to put it all in would be very nice, indeed.
+MaureenP2 Jan 2011
+I just started searching for a bag. Must protect the prized possession of mine … Canon 5D Mark II. I have two lenses, batteries, charger, CF card, and cleaning kit that need to fit in with it as well. And my hand sanitizer for those newborn shoots.
+Tye2 Jan 2011
+If space is permitting I would put both DSLRs and 2 spare lenses in, with the spare batteries and memory sticks :)
+Mark Garbowski2 Jan 2011
+Definitely my D700, with maybe the 24mm PC-E lens attached, and maybe my modified infrared D40 with the 18-200 VR.
+Erica W2 Jan 2011
+HMM- my 50d, 70-200, 50mm, batteries, charger, 28-135, cords to hook up to ipad, wallet, iphone and anything else I can possibly get in there!
+Mark Long2 Jan 2011
+I’ll put my very old Canon 350/Rebel XT with my four very basic lenses in there and take it up to the top of the lifts at Breckenridge Mountain for some winter photo fun.
+James2 Jan 2011
+My 5d mkii, 24-70, 70-200 and flash. Love thinktnk bags.
+Clem2 Jan 2011
+I’m just a beginner, so i’ll only stick in the bag my EOS 450D, flash 430 EX II, lenses Canon 50mm f/1.8II, Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8-4.5. But promise i’ll stick more in it afterwards if I win!
+C.J.2 Jan 2011
+Oly E-510, 2 kit lens, 70-300mm and a couple of Pentax primes and my lappy top
+Steve Beal2 Jan 2011
+5d, 24-70, 16-35, 17mm T/S. Sweet bag, perfect fit!
+shawn2 Jan 2011
+my trusty 40D, a 550EX speedlite and a collection of lenses!!
+Keri Cooper2 Jan 2011
+Sweet Bag! I’d put my 5D Mark II, 24-70, 40D, 85 1.8, 580exII and some small necessities!
+Erik Smith2 Jan 2011
+Nice! Nikon D300. 55-200mm Nikkor, 18-55mm Nikkor, 50mm Nikon, SB-900 flash. Oh the possibilities.
+Brandt Steinhauser2 Jan 2011
+I’d put the whole shabang in there! Current bag is running out of space, plus it’s a Canon bag that holds all my Nikon gear!
+Andy Simon2 Jan 2011
+Sony A200 plus grip, 28 and 50mm primes, fisheye, 35-105 beercan, 70-210 beercan, custom tiltshift and all the gubbins!
+brian2 Jan 2011
+I’m tempted to list all sorts of naughty things I’d put in the bag- just to get someone to laugh….
+But- seriously- t1i, a lensbaby composer, gorilla pod by Joby, a 1.4 50mm & a nice wide 10-22 Canon
+John2 Jan 2011
+nikon d3s, nikon 14-24, sb800, and extra batteries.
+Yannis2 Jan 2011
+D300s, nikkor f1.4/50mm, SB600, sigma10-20mm!
+Khurt2 Jan 2011
+I don’t have too much gear but with all the cool kit Scott has been giving away I can save some of my photography budget for a new lens. This bag should have room enough for my zoom lens, my 35mm prime, a flash, cleaning kit, SD card dreaded, and my iPad.
+Nicole2 Jan 2011
+20D, 24-70 L, 85 1.8 and and all the bits and pieces….that’s what I would put!
+Mitch Stein2 Jan 2011
+Never have enough great quality camera bags for all the gear that i carry around with me. Would certainly love to be able to add to my collection !!!
+Kyle Reynolds2 Jan 2011
+I’ll be putting D300 D300s bodies, 300 f4 lens, SB600, 60mm F2.8 lens 50mm 1.4 lens, 18-55mm zoom all int the bag.
+Kayla2 Jan 2011
+D700, 60mm 2.8 micro, 14-24 2.8 wide angle and my 50mm for good measure! I’m an artist at stuffing more than I should into bags so I’d probably somehow make everything else fit too though ;) Plus of course the necessary bits and bobs, cables, releases, flashlight, etc.
+Patrick Connor2 Jan 2011
+I would pack my 5D-II, 24-70mm, 100mm macro, 17-35mm, pinhole lens cap….and a couple memory cards and be good to go.
+Rod Cole2 Jan 2011
+As a cinematographer, one can never have enough camera bags. This one will nicely hold my 5D2, several primes, and my SmallHD DP6 monitor.
+dara2 Jan 2011
+I would put my 5d markii, battery charger, 50mm 1.8 and my 55-250
+Bob Cornish2 Jan 2011
+I bet it would hold my Rebel, 580exii’s, definately my 28-75 f2.8 lens, 55-250mm EFS lens, cards and batteries. Thanks for the chances to win the great gifts!!
+Doc@Spokane Chiropractor2 Jan 2011
+I would have to put in my Iphone, I do photography as a fun hobby but no where near professional yet. I could put my lunch as well.
+Jorge Ledezma2 Jan 2011
+Nikon d200 D700 70-200 and 24-70. Not sure if it will all fit.
+Preeti2 Jan 2011
+Ooo, sweet! If I win, I’d put my Nikon D300s, Canon G11, and the following lenses: Nikkor 18-200mm, Nikkor 105mm, Nikkor 50mm, Nikkor 35mm, and my Lensbaby! Maybe… If it all would fit.
+Lorne Marcum2 Jan 2011
+Looks like it would hold a Canon 70-200mm f2.8l, 85mm f1.8 and my 580exII flash, that is what i use since Club Volleyball is starting up again!
+Hafer2 Jan 2011
+Looks like some Motts Apple Juice, A PB and potato chip sandwhich and baby carrots would fit nicely. I think I may be able to stuff in a D7000 with a wide and prime. Or the coolest of the kit a Rolleiflex Automat 1!
+JenFu Cheng2 Jan 2011
+I’d carry my Nikon D700, 14-24 f/2.8, 24-70 f/2.8, and 70-200 f/2.8.
+David Thomas2 Jan 2011
+Pentax DSLR & half a dozen lenses.
+Joseph Hoetzl2 Jan 2011
+Canon 5D MkIII, Canon 24-105 L, 16-35 L, 70-200 2.8 IS II, 24 1.4, – all stuff I plan to own…one day :-)
+AL2 Jan 2011
+I would stuff my Nikon D40, 18-200VRII, 35mm 1.8G, SB-600, Flashbender small, Extra AA batteries, Remote control, White balance card, Lenspen, cleaning cloth and a bottle of water, and I will be set for any travel photography. :)
+Thanks for sharing!
+Stefanie3 Jan 2011
+Ooh.. I’d love this! I’d put in my Canon, 3 lenses and my new flash!
+Dave3 Jan 2011
+What would I put in the bag…? Hmmmm…. As much as humanly possible. Mostly Canon gear… Maybe some cables, a few flashes sometimes, a Pocket Wizard or two… and CANDY!!! Gotta have candy! :)
+Sheila Rose3 Jan 2011
+I’d put one body w/ 70-200 attached, & 2nd body w/ 16-35 & 24-70.
+Kiff Backhouse3 Jan 2011
+Always need another bag for all those extras!
+Matt3 Jan 2011
+The stuff I usually carry, of course. (Canon SLR, two, sometimes three lenses, a city guide, some helpful camera cheats, and if traveling light, my GorillaPod. I love that it doesn’t scream “I’ve got a camera in here,” perfect for when I have to travel the Metro.
+Stef3 Jan 2011
+I’ll carry my Epson r-d1, my 12mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, batteries and cards, and the Epson p-4000 :) I’d love that.
+- : Is there any reason you wouldn't want BlackBerry 10 devices to use a micro SIM?
+Smaller SIM = more space for more important components. All for it.
+I travel overseas (Latin America & Caribbean mostly) I rather they keep the regular SIM cards (which are widely available in all countries) so I can use a local prepaid number on my unlocked 9900 instead of roaming in each country.
+Also, I would at first keep my current 9900 and swap between the new BB10 phone and back at MY OWN convenience, you know... as backup.
+Bold 9900 & PlayBook 64GB Wifi
+Sim is an ancient technology. I first used one in 2000 on my first FIDO phone. Micro sim is a new twist on this technology and Im all for it.
+Playbook, the one and only
+does it come with those annoying trays and do we have to carry around a pin just to get at it??
+because I don't see that as beneficial or a space saver but it seems knocking 2 mm or so of plastic is significant.
+Personally I dont mind but it will make it more of a hassle if I have to swap over a sim to a regular sim and have to fork out for an adapter and carry it around with me.
+But it does seem redundant now that the new nano sims are going to supersede this even though I much prefer the compromise plans of RIM to include a notch as I pointed earlier my dislike for them.
+Apple's enforcement and eventual win on this new standard doesn't bring any sort of innovation except a forced push to make our current phones obsolete with the sim standard and make it harder to swap phones/sims locally and overseas.
+I still don't buy the more space argument when our phones are getting bigger again.
+I want the current sim so i can switch between my os7. Devices and bb10 devices.
+I was of the same mindset, until I saw how damn cheap adapters are. For example, Amazon has one for $0.40.
+I bought one of these cheap adapters but it damaged my old BB! Then I found one listed on BestBuy's website, it wasn't cheap but worked really well. Highly recommended...
+Just like the transition to MicroSD, it's bound to happen and it really doesn't matter one bit. In a year from now, every new phone will use MicroSIM (probably) and if you want to use an old phone, just get a 50 cent adapter.
+Micro SIM is where its at..
+I wonder if my BB10 Micro SIM will work in my PlayBook 2.0+/10? if so, that would be cool!
+Why is this a post? I think the post should ask if blackberry should go micro or nano. Obviously they should at the least go micro sim. There's no reason not to.
+Sorry, the whole of Mobile Nations forgot that your opinion rules all.
+Ok buddy excuse me..maybe blackberry should stick to the ancient sim while everyone else passes by? Yeah makes sense
+-100. Nothing in that comment suggested a belief that Snip's opinion rules all. The extra point hit is for the extra-insulting tone of your comment.
+The other question is will there really be a difference for those of us in the CDMA world? Hopefully someone can clarify for me whether LTE does require some type of SIM...
+YES, LTE *does* require the use of a SIM... It's not an option...
+I want to be able to swap with my other devices and also, it means upto 24 hour loss of service for the transition to the new sim (at least it does in England.)
+I've only had to replace one defective SIM about 10 years ago. The switch-over on O2 was almost immediate, from memory less than 5 minutes and everything was working. The only rational reason it might take 24h is the time to get a new SIM delivered by mail.
+Craig Ashcroft, BlackBerry Bold 9790 A SIM is a SIM, it does its job no matter the size. End of
+What ever' just get me my BB10, on TMobile!
+1. I haven't got a Micro-Sim
+2. My SII, Galaxy Note, Xperia Play, Bold 9900 and every other phone I own use a normal sim. Its why I haven't bought an Xperia S or the new Motorola RAZR - because my sim won't work in them.
+3. Some phones (like the SII) don't play nice with the micro sim adapters.
+If it goes micro then you could swap it with your lte playbook, if you needed to... I guess you could also have one of those data share plans instead.
+I'm really not that bothered but I do agree that it would be the natural progression of things. Most have already pointed out that adapters are dirt cheap, though I've had trouble with mine.
+I do think that carriers can play a part in making it easier to switch between microSIM and mini-SIM. Small U.K. network giffgaff do it quite well and I'm able to switch it up very easily and I didn't even have to cut out the SIM.
+nano SIM???
+I do have a reason. I only have a fullsize SIM. This is easily remedied with a $5-10 payment, but it is still a bit of a reason.
+Most new phones come with a new SIM
+I have an awesome BB data plan (unlimited) so being able to swap a SIM card between phone and playbook will be good in the long run for me. So go with a small, I will be upgrading as soon as BB10 comes out.
+Is it really a big f'ing deal? Call your carrier, tell them you need a new SIM for your spiffy new device, and for $0, you get your Micro SIM with your account switched over to it. I don't see what the kerfuffle is?
+...or take a knife to it
+Why so serious.
+Ppl live in other regions and different circumstances too ya know.
+The normal sim did well in the last 20 years, not preventing very small phones like the Panasonic A100, and I think multiple wrist phones, to be built.
+Now they are telling us that they need to move to a smaller format, when every new phone is wider and taller, but slimmer than the previous generation, and the thickness of the sim card is always the same.
+To me it's just a hassle with changing sims, buying and losing adapters, or giving up certain phones, because our new sims won't work with them.
+Maybe the next sim format is going to be made in a way that no adapter will work, and carriers will issue only new sims, so we will be forced to upgrade our phones. Wouldn't be a surprise :)
+You mean Nano SIMs? :P
+It could have monkies making donuts inside. Give me BB10.
+I wish they just keep it the same size as I have in my 9930 so I can use both phones, one as a back up and the other as the new device to change the game up. I actually didn't even know anything about a sim card adapter so I understand they are very inexpensive but they are obviously very small and very easy to loose. I guess I could buy a dozen just in case one is lost or one gets broken or stops working.
+BB10 either way micro sim or mini sim or nano sim or no sim at all is going to lift all eyes up from the sidewalk when it hits the streets!
+If it's not broke then don't fix it, RIM has plenty of other fish to fry!
+Switching back to my 9900! I don't want to have to use an adapter and potentially lose it which I probally would
+Keeping the adapter in the 9900 would help with that.
+Not if I use also another normal sized sim card in the bold!
+The sake of the sim cards is one card fits all phones, move your plan indipedently from device to device, with NO hassle!
+It would be my assumption that using multiple devices AND multiple SIMs puts you in a very very small minority of users. Anyways, how do you not loose the other SIM?
+If you're in Canada, and you have a monthly contract/postpaid, You KNOW a SIM card is like the most prized possession of carriers. They guard them like the CIA, no joke :p, Try getting a SIM card from your carrier WITHOUT them activating it.
+Also each time you want to change your SIM something that affects your monthly plan MAY go wrong. I use the word "may" because yes it will go wrong but if you get a reasonable representative all can be fixed before you walk out the door. It's really a hassle just to get a SIM card and keep your current plan especially here in Canada.
+Personally I prefer that RIM uses standard sized SIM cards, you can get the phone from a third party like Futureshop or Best Buy and they don't require you to "activate". Just go "prepaid" they'll set everything up for you and you can throw away that prepaid SIM and put in your SIM and away you go, I'd like to see that kind of ease of use with BlackBerry 10 devices.
+Most of the Smartphones are still using the regular SIM, as far as I know none of the carriers here in the Philippines offers micro SIM for prepaid. I don't want my regular sized, business, vanity number SIM to be cut to a micro SIM and have a 50% of damaging or making it useless.
+Can some one explain the difference to me. I've only known one type of similar card. I us my 8520 and storm with it. Which one is that? Micro?
+Micro SIM??? They should be putting the Nano SIM in there a la apple. They will put out their next gen device with a last gen SIM. Get with the program RIM!
+I know it is easy to go from micro to full size using an adapter. But what about when you travel abroad and you unlock your phone so that you can buy a local sim to avoid the enormous roaming rates charged by US carriers (AT&T). I am not sure that at the moment prepaid sims can be bought in anything but normal sizes. For that reason I would prefer they stay the same but if I was to vote I would say "just give me the BB10 and I will live with what ever size "
+For hardcore overseas prepaid users, it may be worthwhile to buy a sim cutter. I think they run about $50 so it would depend on whether or not you'd make up that amount of money by getting local sims
+how about we just wait and see or maybe they might include and adapter.
+Don't know about this one. I'd voted No on this only because of availability when travelling outside the U.S. for buying a standard SIM locally to save money on calls. How often do I do this? Not very often but until the micro SIM becomes more available on the market it may pose an issue for heavy travellers. In the end though I agree with previous comments about size and allowing more space for battery upgrade etc.
+I would like to have a universal sim, so that I could switch between phones
+if the phone will die, or the battery will die, with standard SIM you have the choice of most phones... with the small one, you can grab iwhatever and you are limited...
+My cell provider is Simple Mobile and when you get their service, you buy either the regular SIM or the micro SIM card, whichever is the one that fits your phone (You bring your own GSM phone to their service.). So when BB10 devices come out and I buy one, if it has a micro SIM, I'll just have to buy a micro SIM and have my account switched over to that SIM.
+Whatever happens, we'll adapt. "they " have been forcing us to adapt forever. Just be glad we don't have to replace everything with a pin connection . Hmmmm...seems like one particular company is all about forcing us to do it 'their ' way....
+If it's micro SIM just go to your carrier's local store and ask for one, right?
+And nice wallpaper on the 9900 James ;)
+My concern about going micro SIM is that they are not the 'standard' SIM card size in a lot of countries yet. (Perhaps not even the majority of countries use them?)
+This becomes a problem when traveling, because whilst one can put a micro sim into an adapter to use in another phone, the opposite doesn't apply.
+That is - you can't put a current larger styled SIM into a micro SIM slot (unless you cut it to size, with risk).
+So going micro SIM does not provide ease of use when swapping SIMS amongst your own phones, or when traveling and trying to find a cheap pre-paid SIM for the couple of weeks (or whatever) that you many need to use it.
+Hmmm that's a good point
+I agree with this concern.
+I was visiting the UK earlier this year and they wanted to charge 10GBP for a microSIM, but a standard SIM was free. The staff at Orange suggested you can use sharp scissors to cut the plastic standard SIM down in size, as the actual electronic component section is the same size.
+Also the microSIM is easier to lose when switching out SIMs from your phone.
+I just want to say.. Would someone mind sharing that wallpaper? James :)?
+For the Bold 99xx -
+Other devices look under "Official TWP Wallpapers" sections :)
+It's a pain for somebody who travel so much... If you went to abroad regularly, you'll know how hard to buy a new prepaid micro SIM.
+I've seen people here in Colombia just cutting regular SIM cards to fit in the Iphone 4, and they work just fine. So what's the big deal?
+I travel regularly and having to find a micro SIM is a pain.
+A standard sized SIM is the way to go.
+I didn't like the idea of micro sim when I got the 4s because it prevented me using my blackberries. I soon found adapters very cheap on amazon (2 pack for $1) now its not a big deal. I'm not too worried about the rumored micro micro sim in the new iPhone as adapters will be just as cheap.
+Besides the size, what is the benefit the micro sim has...or does it work exactly the same?
+I would like to have the opportunity to be able to use also other phones when I am traveling abroad (take my BB SIM cards out, put a local card in, and use my standard card in regular phoen just to be reachable): and different standards can make it impossible :(
+If the carrier exchange the SIM for free why not. But here (Switzerland) the SIM is sometime more expensive than the phone. So not really happy about buying a new one.
+Micro is great but i would either want one that works both micro and "normal" sim or have the variables available. The reason is simple: this has been emphatically pointed out to be a global launch by rim, meaning in some countries far far away in europe (where I live) you would have to wait from 6 months to 1,5 years to get the updated tech from rim reach our markets and in prices that are ridiculously higher than the equivalent proportional in north america. That said, not all carriers will adopt asap to microsim or actually make it work. So this might be exclusion of some people from the supposed global launch. No i do not want to cut my sim to fit it in the micro sim slot and yes if in bb10 i get excluded due to incompatibility between carrier and model or launch date, eventhough i have 2 bb phones and a playbook, i do not think i would stick around much longer.... I love my bb and wait for bb10... If that gets to be a bitter experience i may then jump ship.
+I can't imagine they'd be launching on very many carriers that don't already have something in place for Apple products...
+just need BB10. i am prepared to sacrifice all other comforts for it. i will buy an adapter or what ever it takes to adjust sims while travelling abroad. but, BB10 needs to be one solid apple killing, android kicking phone.
+micro-sim is the way forward.
+While I agree that the SIM technology has to progress in order to offer more space in the device and less waste, I'd like to see RIM offer the regular SIM on the BB10 devices, at least as an alternative, until they have distanced themselves from their OS 7 and OS 6 devices. I, personally, always keep my previous generation device as a back-up in case I lose my current device, have it stolen or accidentally give it a bath. My only objection would be flexibility.
+I also, would prefer the option of the regular SIM or the MICRO. My situation, I have a 9780, and I have 2 phone numbers going into one SIM. ( 2 numbers in 2 different provinces for my clients ). GREAT FEATURE, that with the MICRO SIMS, you can not have this option. I am with ROGERS and all the new MICROS , I lose 1 line. ( I checked with the S3, and only 1 line )
+I checked with Blackberry tech. support today, and someone at RIM as well, and they confirmed the BB10 will only have MICRO SIM. Which puts me out of luck.
+I am going to have to look for another 9780, or the 9900, to have as an extra, as my BB wears out, so I can keep both phone lines in one SIM.
+A great feature I want to keep!...MY opinion , for my circumstances.
+Hoping the MICRO SIM either will be compatible for 2 lines, or the BB10 or any new variants can switch in current SIM to support this!
+All the best...
+For personal preference I'd prefer to keep to the regular SIM size, just because as people in earlier comments have said, it makes the transition to other phone (bar iPhone4[s]) fairly simple.
+That being said however, if BlackBerry 10 devices live up to the hype, having a micro SIM card slot may persuade some iPhone4(s) users to convert to BlackBerrry, as the transition for them would be much easier.
+It'd be fantastic to see an option in the new devices that allows for both, so then this argument would become moot. Or maybe if the devices don't use micro SIM cards that they come with an adapter inside the box as standard, as adapters can be bought fairly cheaply and would be a nice little gesture on RIM's part to say "no matter what device you were using, you can take your current SIM card and put it in this"
+One of the nation's top QBs decommitted from a Big Ten power. What happens next?
+- Five-star quarterback Justin Fields's decommitment from Penn State was big news in the recruiting world. What will happen next in his recruitment?
+When a quarterback backs out of a verbal commitment, there is an immediate, tangible impact: A certain type of relationship is severed. And the reverberations of that QB’s decision can be far-reaching.
+The basic goal for programs is to acquire the best quarterback possible, typically no more than one per class. A Sports Illustrated study last year showed that signal-callers tend to announce their intentions earlier in a given cycle than other recruits do. A large portion of the best ones are off the board well before the start of their senior high school seasons, and many enroll early to get a jump start on preparing for their first fall of college ball.
+Once programs have their guy at quarterback, they can move on to other roster needs, taking comfort that the most important position on the field is settled. But when passers renege on their pledges, those programs have to dip back into what is often a watered-down QB pool. Depending on when the cutting-of-ties happens, there could be few desirable options available. Coaching staffs may be left with no choice but to try to flip signal-callers from other programs.
+These breakups also can set off feeding frenzies that shake up programs’ recruiting plans. Say one program is pursuing a three-star quarterback with limited upside. Then a local five-star withdraws his commitment from a different program located across the country. The former would be foolish not to change gears, even if the five-star has dozens upon dozens of suitors that enter the fray. However, that program won’t be the only one that trains its sights on landing a potential game-changer under center.
+There are a lot of interconnected parts, but the main purpose of that prelude was to help put into context the possible rippling effects of recent news involving one of the top quarterback recruits in the class of 2018. Harrison (Ga.) High’s Justin Fields, the second-ranked passer in the nation, according to Scout.com, announced in a message released through his Twitter account earlier this month that he was rescinding his vow to Penn State.
+Fields initially committed to the Nittany Lions in December. At the time, he was highly regarded as a prospect (18th among QBs in the class of 2018, according to Scout.com), but he’s since undergone a rapid ascension up recruiting rankings and is now rated a five-star by every major scouting service. He is universally considered the best dual-threat quarterback in the class, and the only pro-style passer who trumps Fields on any service is Cartersville (Ga.) High’s Trevor Lawrence.
+Fields is a big-time athlete with the mobility and the arm to stretch opposing defenses to their breaking point. He has been clocked at 4.51 seconds in the 40-yard dash, and he threw for 2,770 yards with 23 touchdowns and six interceptions and added 1,176 yards and 15 scores on the ground as a junior last season. Fields’s blend of a big frame (6’3", 221 pounds), an electric dual-threat skill set and residence in the Atlanta metropolitan area have led to him drawing comparisons to former Auburn star and Carolina Panthers starter Cam Newton.
+Those traits have shortlisted Fields as a can’t-miss recruit in the class of 2018 and turned him into one of the primary targets for a handful of heavyweight programs. A heated competition to secure his services will ensue. This week Fields visited Florida for two days, a trip that followed previous reported stops at Georgia and Auburn as well as Gators in-state rival Florida State. Fields has not publicly provided an update on his thinking since leaving Gainesville, but he addressed reporters at a recent 7-on-7 event.
+According to a report from SEC Country, Fields called Florida, Florida State, Auburn and Georgia the “main schools he’s focused on” and also mentioned that Alabama, North Carolina and Ole Miss remain involved in his recruitment “a little bit.” He added, according to the report, that the Bulldogs, Gators and Seminoles are “probably [recruiting] the hardest” but conceded that he “honestly do not know where I’m going to go.”
+Unless Fields is bluffing, the final remark suggests his decision-making process could drag out until near the start of his senior season at Harrison, if not closer to the newly instituted early signing period in late December. That would provide more time for interested programs to work their way into what’s seemingly shaping up as a battle between Southeast schools, although Fields was already being intensely courted by other programs even before renouncing his commitment to Penn State.
+The caliber of player and position make Fields’s every utterance catnip for recruiting diehards, but another point of intrigue as he gets closer to naming his college destination involves the pursuit of one program: Georgia. The appeal of a union is plain from both sides’ perspectives. Fields would immediately attain Big Man On Campus status at his home state’s flagship school, and the Bulldogs would leap at the opportunity to bring in a Peach State product with a first-team All-America ceiling. Also, Fields's younger sister, a 2019 softball recruit, has committed to Georgia.
+There’s more to it than that. Georgia already whiffed on Lawrence, another in-state product who pledged to Clemson in December. And Emory Jones, a four-star out of Heard County (Ga.) High who ranks ninth among QBs in the class of 2018, according to Scout.com, committed to Ohio State last July. The two other four-star passers from Georgia in the class of 2018, Jarren Williams and Cade Fortin, have announced for Kentucky and Texas A&M, respectively.
+The Bulldogs are definitely capable of reaching outside state lines for a quarterback in this class, but they better move quickly if forced to go that route, as all but three QBs in the latest Scout 300 have already given verbal pledges. Before Georgia gets to that point, though, it’s worth reckoning with the possible fallout of watching the state’s top two passers rebuff the Bulldogs in favor of other programs, much less a recruiting rival (Clemson) or division rival (Florida).
+For Georgia fans, the pain of missing out on Lawrence and Fields would be irritating on signing day and could become excruciating in the future. The Bulldogs infamously failed to sign Gainesville (Ga.) High’s Deshaun Watson, whose lustrous college résumé need not be reviewed in this space. Neither Lawrence nor Fields are likely to match or eclipse what Watson did at Clemson, but the possibility that they could would cast a pall over Georgia’s 2018 recruiting efforts, no matter the quality of its class as a whole.
+Relief could come from an unlikely source. Matt Corral, rated behind only Lawrence and Fields among 2018 QBs, according to Scout.com, revoked his pledge to USC last week. Taking a wide-angled view of the move, it doesn’t make a ton of sense. Corral hails from SoCal powerhouse Long Beach Poly (to which he transferred this off-season after leaving Oaks Christian School in Westlake Village, Calif.), grew up in Trojans territory and spoke in glowing terms about USC in an interview with SI last year.
+“They have everything I want, everything I need,” said Corral, who committed to the Trojans last February. “I don’t see why else not to go there.” Something apparently changed in a recruitment that, on the surface, felt like a layup for a USC program on the rise under head coach Clay Helton and whose current starting QB is an early candidate to be taken No. 1 in next year’s NFL draft. Now not only is Corral no longer verbally tied to USC, he will “no longer consider” the Trojans in the future, according to a report from 247Sports.
+Which brings us back to Georgia and Fields. The Bulldogs are one of three programs (the two others are Alabama and Florida) mentioned in that report on Corral as having “separated themselves from the pack,” and Corral visited Athens in April. Los Angeles is a long way from Sanford Stadium, but the distance isn’t an insurmountable hurdle. Look no further than the Bulldogs’ 2016 recruiting class, in which they pulled a five-star QB prospect, Jacob Eason, from Lake Stevens, Wash., even after a head coaching change (Mark Richt out, Kirby Smart in) late in the cycle.
+Adhering strictly to the rankings, if Fields rejects Georgia, there would be no better fallback for the Bulldogs than landing Corral. Regardless, Georgia probably hopes it doesn’t have to explore that alternative, even though it’s flush with young quarterback talent, having nabbed five-star signal-callers in back-to-back classes (Jake Fromm signed as a member of its 2017 class). A firm commitment from the Cam Newton carbon copy nearby at some point this summer would make things simple. The likelihood that actually happens, however, is up for debate.
+The presence of two bluechip underclassmen quarterbacks on Georgia’s roster could give Fields pause. Florida, by way of comparison, is set to wage a QB battle this fall between an unproven redshirt freshman (Feleipe Franks), an oft-injured veteran (Luke Del Rio) and a graduate transfer with a skimpy track record (Malik Zaire). According to Land of 10, Fields said this spring, before decommitting from Penn State, that the “most appealing thing” about Florida was its “quarterback room.”
+Then there’s Florida State, which might present a more attractive package than either Georgia or Florida. The Seminoles do not have a real-deal stud to hand the keys to if redshirt sophomore starter Deondre Francois decides to bolt for the NFL after this season. Plus, Florida State’s head coach, Jimbo Fisher, runs a pro-style scheme conducive to grooming passers for the next level, and his status as one of the college game’s top quarterback developers is unimpeachable. It doesn’t hurt that the Seminoles project as a possible College Football Playoff contender this season.
+While the recruiting world waits for Fields to make up his mind, some programs will be stuck in a sort of wobbly holding pattern. Corral is seriously considering both Alabama and Georgia, but a Fields pledge to the Bulldogs might open the door for the Crimson Tide to grab the former USC verbal. Conversely, a Corral commitment to Alabama could compel the Bulldogs to ramp up the pressure on Fields. Those QBs’ other suitors would be affected in either scenario, and the Crimson Tide or the Bulldogs also could broaden their searches for a signal-caller depending on what takes place with Fields and Corral.
+You don’t need to wait for a resolution of the Fields situation to appreciate the repercussions of his choice to open up his recruitment. For a quarterback of Fields’s esteem, the simplicity of typing out what amounts to a break-up letter and posting it to a social media account belies the missive’s profound influence and the interlocking dynamics of what is taking place in its aftermath. Fields’s availability is only part of a complex picture.
+- Thomas James
+Terry Pomerleau grew up eating breakfast and dinner most days with his grandfather, the late Burlington real estate tycoon Antonio Pomerleau. As a teenager, he chauffeured the shopping-mall developer and philanthropist from meeting to meeting and heard every story and aphorism a thousand times.
+"My grandfather always said that you have to do what you love. You have to be passionate about it. Doesn't matter if you work with a pick and shovel," the 31-year-old grandson said last week at the Humane Society of Chittenden County in South Burlington.
+Dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt, Terry bared his left forearm. "So after his passing," he said, referring to his grandfather's death in February at age 100, "I got a pick-and-shovel tattoo to remind me, every day, that you have to do what fulfills you."
+What fulfilled the elder Pomerleau was cutting real estate deals and, later, writing seven-figure checks to Vermont nonprofits. What fulfills Terry, one of Tony's 13 grandchildren, is working for one of those charitable organizations.
+Last November, after stints at Pomerleau Real Estate, a Volkswagen dealership and as a potter, he moved from the local humane society's board of directors to a full-time position as its development manager. Now he shares a small office with another staffer and a gray-and-white rescue kitten named Tyler.
+Though Terry no longer works out of the family firm's iconic Greek Revival headquarters overlooking Lake Champlain, he sees himself as carrying on the philanthropic legacy of his famous forebear. In addition to his day job at the humane society, Terry serves on the board of the Greater Burlington YMCA, which has received millions of dollars from the Pomerleau family over the years.
+"My grandfather raised me not to take over the company but to take over the impact that he has helped make on the community," Terry said.
+While the Pomerleaus are no ordinary Vermonters, their experience reflects a broader trend: Millennials born in the 1980s and '90s are less interested in giving than doing. "Younger people want to have more of a connection than just making a donation," said John Sayles, CEO of the Vermont Foodbank.
+They're also more focused on the measurable impact of their charitable endeavors than previous generations were, according to Montpelier philanthropic adviser Christine Zachai, and they're not married to the nonprofit model. While their grandparents may have supported a traditional community institution, such as a United Way chapter, younger philanthropists might "make a financial investment in a B corp that promises to bring clean water to Flint, Mich.," she said, referring to for-profit, socially minded benefit corporations.
+"Millennials have a much higher degree of distrust of institutions generally, and they have very little loyalty," Zachai said.
+Such developments pose a threat to Vermont's $6.8 billion nonprofit sector, which has long relied on direct mail, capital campaigns and fundraising events to pay for the critical services it provides. "I think everybody is nervous about trends in giving," said Vermont Community Foundation president and CEO Dan Smith. He advises nonprofit leaders to "be prepared for change."
+The change isn't just generational.
+Vermont's nonprofit leaders worry that new federal and state tax laws could reduce financial incentives for major charitable giving. They question whether increasingly popular philanthropic tools, such as bank-affiliated "donor-advised funds," could steer money out of state. And they wonder how to harness the continued growth of online giving as other fundraising mechanisms become less effective.
+Most worrisome is that while charitable giving has increased nationally in recent years, the percentage of people donating has declined. "So philanthropy is becoming more and more elite," said Dan Parks, managing editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy. It's also becoming less stable for nonprofits, because they're increasingly dependent on the whims of fewer, larger donors. (See accompanying profiles.)
+According to Giving USA, an annual report by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, the total amount contributed to charity increased by 5.2 percent year over year in 2017, with nonprofits taking in a total of $410 billion. But between 2000 and 2014, according to Lilly researchers, the percentage of households donating to charity dropped from 66 to 56 percent.
+Aggie Sweeney, who chairs the Giving USA Foundation, attributes some of the shift to growing income inequality. Particularly since the start of the Great Recession a decade ago, many families that used to set aside money for philanthropy can no longer afford to do so.
+"The hypothesis is that there are trends around debt, whether it's student or credit card, lack of savings and lack of financial security making people less comfortable with the possibility of giving," explained Smith of the Vermont Community Foundation.
+Meanwhile, Vermont nonprofits have lost out on some reliable corporate contributions. When GlobalFoundries acquired IBM's Essex Junction plant in 2015, it put a halt to a generous employee match program that sent nearly $1 million annually to local nonprofits. The United Way of Northwest Vermont, a major beneficiary of that funding, has since pulled back its grant-making.
+Along with threats, there are also opportunities — particularly for nonprofits that respond and adapt to changes in philanthropy. The Vermont Foodbank has focused on growing its digital presence in recent years and even launched a "peer-to-peer" fundraising tool modeled after popular crowdsourcing platforms, such as GoFundMe. The Vermont organization saw a 36 percent increase in online giving in 2017, according to Sayles.
+"In some ways, I think that crowdfunding is a way to engage people in philanthropy and giving," he said.
+While young people have limited means, Terry Pomerleau said, they're more likely to donate their time and energy to nonprofits. As he toured the humane society's busy facility — and greeted a pair of Scottish fold cats named Mr. Yin and Mr. Yang — he noted that the organization is run by 18 employees and 207 volunteers. "My grandfather used to say, 'Giving money is easy. Giving time is hard,'" he said.
+Terry expressed confidence that his generation would eventually give its time and its money to charity. "I hope that millennials and younger step up, because it's on our shoulders," he said. "If we don't, no one else will."
+Who Gives?
+Vermont is home to more nonprofits per capita than just about any other state, and it boasts one of the nation's highest rates of volunteerism. But according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, its residents give less to charity than those in all but four other states.
+In 2015, according to the Chronicle's "How America Gives" report, Vermonters who itemize their tax deductions donated an average of $3,701. Mainers, who ranked last, gave $3,071, while Wyomingites, the most generous, gave $11,163.
+These rankings don't reflect grassroots giving by lower-income individuals, because the Internal Revenue Service only tracks donations made by the roughly 30 percent of filers who itemize rather than take the standard deduction. Itemizers tend to be wealthier.
+But, still: Why is Vermont ranked so low? A couple of possibilities: Those at the bottom of the list, such as Rhode Island ($3,092), New Hampshire ($3,313) and Hawaii ($3,650), feature high costs of living and low rates of religious observance. Those at the top, such as Utah ($9,621), Arkansas ($9,512) and Tennessee ($8,433), are quite the opposite.
+According to Sweeney of the Giving USA Foundation, there's a clear correlation between religion and philanthropy — and not just because the observant are expected to tithe. "Many families and individuals learn about giving through their faith community," she said. "We see that those who are donors to faith communities are actually more likely to give to secular causes, also."
+While middle-income itemizers in Vermont give far less per capita than other Americans, Vermonters earning more than $200,000 a year are closer to the national average, according to the Chronicle analysis.
+That's consistent with what Vermont fundraising consultant Tere Gade has noticed in her work helping nonprofits raise money. In recent years, she said, there has been "a softening in the mid-tier donors," which she defines as those who commit to donate $25,000 to $75,000 over five years. What used to look more like a pyramid of donors, with the wealthiest on top, "is getting to look more like an hourglass."
+Gade attributed some of that pullback to the "psychological poverty" even comfortable Vermonters feel in the face of national and global political changes; their fears, she said, dampen their willingness to give. (On the flip side, according to the Chronicle's Parks, President Donald Trump's administration has inspired new giving to abortion rights, civil liberties and media organizations.)
+Of the $289 million that Vermont itemizers donated to charity in 2015, according to the IRS, more than a quarter, or $81 million, came from 450 Vermonters who earned more than $1 million that year.
+The wealthiest don't just reach into their own pockets. Some control tax-exempt foundations funded by themselves, their families or their businesses. According to Seven Days' Vermont Nonprofit Navigator, 315 local 501c3 foundations reported combined assets of nearly $788 million in their latest filings with the IRS. While these organizations provide key support to Vermont nonprofits, they can also be fickle — as the interests of their founders and successors evolve.
+One of the most prominent is the Lintilhac Foundation, a $19.8 million fund controlled by the heirs of Claire Lintilhac, the daughter of Canadian missionaries in China and wife of a businessman in the chemical and insurance industries. Founded in 1975 to establish a midwifery program at the hospital now known as the University of Vermont Medical Center, its mission has since shifted from women's health.
+"I think we all feel that the foundation needs to follow in the direction of the skills and education and interests of the people running the foundation," said Claire's daughter-in-law, Shelburne resident Crea Lintilhac, who leads the granting enterprise with her husband, Phil, and their three adult children.
+For Crea, who studied geology, and Phil, a plant science professor at UVM, that's meant refocusing the foundation on water quality, renewable energy and conservation. Of the nearly $963,000 it donated in 2017, according to a foundation report, five-figure donations went to a slew of environmental advocacy organizations, including the Conservation Law Foundation and the Vermont Public Interest Research Group.
+The Lintilhacs even spent $45,000 to support a visiting UVM professorship for former secretary of natural resources Deb Markowitz and $58,338 to fund environmental attorney David Grayck's work on water quality and wildlife corridor land-use cases.
+"There are not many scientists who have private family foundations," Crea said.
+Rich Tarrant has a different philosophy about the foundation he created in 2005 with money from the $1.2 billion sale of his company, IDX Systems. He aims to spend it down and put the foundation out of business by 2044.
+"My feeling is that when foundations and charities go on and on and on, the further they get away from the origination, the more likely they are to lose the value of the dollar and change their mission," he said. "I think you need to buckle 'em up sooner, rather than later."
+Why 2044? "Because I'll be 98 then," Tarrant said with a laugh. "I don't want to wait to be 100 to get it done." He's making progress: In 2011, the Richard E. & Deborah L. Tarrant Foundation reported assets of nearly $12 million, according to an IRS filing. By 2016, they had dwindled to $6.6 million.
+Tarrant still owns a house in Colchester but now lives in Hillsboro Beach, Fla., where Deborah serves as mayor. The vast majority of their giving goes to Vermont institutions, though the foundation donated to five Florida nonprofits in 2016.
+Tarrant said he tries to run his foundation like a business, by maintaining a strategic focus on such priorities as education, workforce training and senior living. In 2016, it gave $65,000 to three Boys & Girls Clubs; $100,000 to UVM Medical Center; and $1.58 million to UVM, in part to fund a separate Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education.
+"We don't wait to see what shows up in the mail," said Lauren Curry, who has served as executive director of the foundation since its founding.
+Seventy-five-year-old Tarrant, who challenged Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in 2006, is just as explicit about what he won't fund. According to the foundation's website, it's not interested in environmental or arts programs, nor "pro-choice or progressive political agendas."
+In Funds We Trust
+When Todd Lockwood moved to Vermont in 1977, the 27-year-old photographer was careful to hide the fact that he was, as he puts it, a "trust-funder." Lockwood's grandfather, Herbert Kieckhefer, had made a small fortune in a family business that pioneered the use of cardboard in shipping. Kieckhefer also invented — and patented — the milk carton spout.
+Lockwood used his inheritance, along with money he'd made on a real estate deal, to build White Crow Audio, the iconic Burlington recording studio. But, for years, he refrained from making sizable donations to charity, because, he said, "I didn't really want to let the cat out of the bag."
+"I think it's a sense of sort of existential guilt," he explained, "and there's this fear that people are going to judge you based on that."
+Lockwood has since gotten over that fear and opened up his wallet. He suspects, however, that others like him donate less than they could — and he thinks that should change.
+"My sense is that there's a segment of Vermont with inherited wealth who are giving way below their means to charity," the 67-year-old South Burlington resident said. "I think it's because they're trapped in social situations where it just wouldn't be cool to even acknowledge that that money exists."
+Zachai, the Montpelier philanthropic adviser, works with many of the privately wealthy, who she insists give generously. "They want to be able to give back to their community and do the right thing and still be able to go to the grocery store and not have everybody know how much money they have and how much money they give away," she said.
+Others are perfectly comfortable with — or even relish — being recognized. During his decades of philanthropy, Tony Pomerleau made donations to the Burlington Police Department, Saint Michael's College, the Greater Burlington YMCA and the Community Sailing Center that resulted in the naming of buildings after him and his family.
+According to Terry Pomerleau, his grandfather believed that doing so would let other prominent community members know that "they need to do something."
+"It was far less about him and more about putting other people on the plate," he claimed.
+For those who are newly wealthy, it's not always obvious how to step up to the plate.
+In December 2013, when a New York company agreed to buy Burlington's Dealer.com for nearly $1 billion, its founders became multimillionaires overnight.
+Jill Badolato, then the company's director of corporate social responsibility, sprang into action. "I was like, I know a bunch of my friends just made money," she said. "I also began to realize that people didn't necessarily know how to give."
+With $10,000 in company funds, Badolato organized a "philanthropic advising pilot." She chose 10 people who she assumed had made out in the deal and signed them up for four-hour sessions with Zachai and another philanthropic consultant.
+Dealer cofounder and chief operating officer Mike Lane, then 38, was among the participants in the pilot. As he began to consider his future philanthropy, he took some advice to heart: "Try to invest in one or two things where you can personally see that you're working on something that has tangible results," he recalled.
+Lane soon joined the boards of the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies and Spectrum Youth & Family Services. At Spectrum, he spent hundreds of hours designing a program to help at-risk youth join the workforce. The idea was to establish a for-profit business within the Burlington nonprofit in order to employ and train Spectrum's clients. The result, a Williston car-detailing shop called Detail Works, launched in 2017.
+"It's really a killer success story," gushed Lane, who is now 43 and no longer at Dealer. "We're working ... to teach them skills — not only how to detail a car, but also life skills, how to be employable."
+Chasing Donors
+Since 1986, the Middlebury-based Vermont Community Foundation has sought to encourage philanthropy within the state by advising donors, managing their charitable contributions and directing donations to vetted Vermont programs.
+But as Smith, VCF's president and CEO, noted in a January 2017 letter to his board, national trends in philanthropy could change the way his organization does its job. He cited two particularly worrisome developments: the merger of two major online-fundraising organizations, GoFundMe and CrowdRise, and the success big banks had found replicating the work long performed by community foundations.
+"Both had implications for the long-term trajectory of philanthropy nationally, internationally and, of course, in Vermont, too," Smith recalled. "So the question became: How do we ... respond to the changing ways that people are pursuing philanthropy?"
+For those wealthy enough to donate tens of thousands of dollars to charity but not rich enough to establish their own family foundations, organizations such as VCF have long offered a mid-size option called the "donor-advised fund." Individuals can establish and donate to an account controlled by the Vermont Community Foundation, reap the tax benefits immediately and, later, recommend which local nonprofits should benefit from the investment.
+In 1991, the Boston-based financial services firm Fidelity Investments adopted that same model and created a nonprofit spin-off called Fidelity Charitable. The latter would host donor-advised funds of its own and contract with its for-profit affiliate to manage the money.
+By 2015, Fidelity Charitable had became the largest nonprofit in America, knocking United Way out of the top spot. In the fiscal year ending in June 2017, it raised nearly $6.9 billion through its donor-advised funds, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. That fall, six of the top 10 nonprofits on the Chronicle's "Philanthropy 400" list were affiliated with banks such as Goldman Sachs and the Charles Schwab Corporation.
+When Lockwood established a donor-advised fund 20 years ago, he went with Fidelity. Lockwood moved $100,000 worth of stock to the account and has been donating the returns to charity ever since.
+"It's like a mini-foundation," he said. "It's really a fantastic way to dabble in charity at a higher level than the average joe is probably used to."
+Not everybody is happy about the rise of these bank-sponsored funds.
+Because they're under the umbrella of massive nonprofits, such as Fidelity Charitable, it's impossible to divine from tax filings who is putting what in such funds and to whom the money is eventually distributed. "Nonprofits find them frustrating because they're so opaque," said Parks, the Chronicle editor.
+And because account holders such as Lockwood receive their tax deduction at the moment they transfer money to such a fund — not when they later distribute it to a charity — there's little incentive for the latter step to take place.
+In fact, Park said, because the Fidelity mother ship makes money investing Fidelity Charitable's assets, it has "an incentive for that money to sit there." Unlike traditional foundations, which are required by the IRS to spend 5 percent of their investment assets each year, donor-advised funds are not.
+According to Nabil Ashour, a spokesman for Fidelity Charitable, the organization has a policy "that keeps folks granting" to charities. Account holders get a nudge to do so after three years of inactivity, and their accounts get "swept" into a general pool of contributions if they lie dormant for six years. In an average year, Ashour said, 20 percent of Fidelity's overall investment assets make their way to other charities.
+The rise of these funds threatens not only organizations such as the Vermont Community Foundation but Vermont nonprofits more generally. That's because, unlike VCF, which advises its donors and encourages them to keep their charitable dollars in-state, Fidelity, as Ashour put it, is "a cause-neutral organization."
+According to Smith, "The overwhelming majority of our grant-making occurs inside of Vermont." Only about half of the money doled out by Fidelity account holders stays local, according to Ashour.
+"The difference is the underlying mission of the organizations that host the donor-advised funds," Smith said. "You worry, to a certain degree, that we're missing the opportunity to support the vitality of Vermont communities."
+Heir to the Throne
+- Glenn Russell
+- Terry Pomerleau and Tyler
+Terry Pomerleau's first glimpse of charitable giving came when, as a kid, he attended his grandfather's legendary Christmas party for underprivileged children. For 37 years, the family patriarch hosted the holiday gathering at a Burlington hotel, where low-income Vermonters enjoyed a meal, gifts, and the opportunity to meet Santa Claus, state politicians and the Pomerleau clan.
+"The days leading up to and following that event were the happiest my grandfather was," he said.
+According to Terry's uncle, Ernie Pomerleau, the Christmas parties will go on — as will the family's philanthropy. "Dad's been the face of it, but the company has been the driving force," he said, referring to the family's real estate firm. "It's not going to change at all. Actually, it'll get bigger. It's something we feel committed to."
+Ernie and two siblings, Pat and Alice, now run the Antonio B. and Rita M. Pomerleau Foundation, to which the family patriarch donated in his will. "We've done some stuff with estate planning," Ernie hinted, declining to provide more details.
+Meanwhile, Terry is contributing in his own way.
+In the basement of the humane society, he showed off a back room with washing machines and industrial sinks. "This is where the magic happens," he said. "Everyone wants to walk the dogs, but everyone has to start with dishes."
+As he climbed a set of stairs to the first floor, Terry recalled a conversation he'd had with his grandfather not long after joining the humane society and shortly before Tony died.
+"He was just like, 'I'm so proud of you,'" Terry recalled.
+No doubt he'll remember that blessing each and every time he rolls up his sleeves.
+Profiles in Giving
+Bill and Jane Stetson
+- Courtesy Of Bill Stetson
+- Bill and Jane Stetson
+For Bill and Jane Stetson, philanthropy was never optional. Both halves of the Norwich couple came from families that demanded it.
+Bill's great-grandfather, a North Carolinia pharmacist named Lunsford Richardson, concocted Vicks VapoRub and founded the company that would eventually sell NyQuil, Clearasil and Olay. Jane's grandfather, Thomas Watson, built IBM into the original computing powerhouse. Her father, Arthur, served as U.S. ambassador to France.
+"I was brought up in a philanthropic household. It was an expectation," Jane said. "For me, it was like brushing your teeth in the morning or putting on your clothes. It was part of the psyche in my home."
+As a young man, Bill was summoned to the family office in North Carolina and given access to a small amount of foundation money to donate to charity. "Over the years you'd be allowed more and more," he said. "You had to prove that you understood and you knew how to research a 501c3."
+These days, the two give through a variety of family foundations and from their own pockets. They focus on the environment, medicine, education, film and whatever else motivates them in the moment. "I'm a highly compassionate person, so it doesn't take much to move me," Jane admitted. "If I see a need, I'm moved."
+For a time, that need was Democratic politics. Jane raised more than $4 million for Barack Obama's two presidential campaigns, earning her the finance chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee and nearly the French ambassadorship. Now, she said, she's focused on gun control; she just joined the board of the advocacy group Gun Sense Vermont.
+"I am rabid about getting some commonsense [gun laws]," she said. "I'm not against guns. I don't think hunting should be abolished. I just think we're an accident waiting to happen."
+Both Stetsons say they've been attempting to give more money to fewer organizations. "You want to give them more of an oomph," said Bill, who has tried and failed to reduce the number of recipients from 50 or 60 to 10 or 15. "But it's really hard because, emotionally, you're attached to these organizations, and they call you and say, 'We're so sad that you're going to leave us.'"
+"You really have to learn how to say no," Jane added, "which is a painful thing."
+Carl Ferenbach
+- Courtesy Of High Meadows Foundation
+- Carl Ferenbach
+Young people aren't the only ones experimenting with new ways of giving back. At 76 years old, Carl Ferenbach is still trying to figure out how to make the most change with the fortune he's built.
+A cofounder of the Boston-based private equity firm Berkshire Partners, Ferenbach and his wife, Judy, have spent time in Vermont since 1988, when they bought a farmhouse and 90 acres of land in Townshend. In 2000, he and real estate developer Rick Davis established the Permanent Fund for Vermont's Children, which seeks to expand access to high-quality childcare. Four years later, Ferenbach founded the High Meadows Fund, which focuses on environmental and land-use issues.
+In both cases, Ferenbach sought to relinquish control of the organizations and let others lead the way — an approach he had taken at Berkshire Partners, which he characterized as a "partnership and collaboration" with no chief executive. "Nobody reigns," he said. "That just worked for us. And so everything I did [in philanthropy] was informed by that experience."
+Ferenbach placed the Permanent Fund and High Meadows under the umbrella of the Vermont Community Foundation, which provides tax and management services and appoints a majority of the two organizations' board members. Even so, he faux-complained, VCF was "slow to understand" that he really wanted to let go. "Eventually we got through to them," he said. "'A day will come when you guys have this thing, because we won't be here. So we might as well make that day now.'"
+Ferenbach's philanthropy doesn't end with traditional 501c3s. He established a corporation called High Meadows Associates to buy and conserve Vermont farmland and then sell it for less to young farmers. Though technically a for-profit entity, its goal is not to make money — and it doesn't.
+Even Ferenbach's personal investments are chosen with an eye on something other than the bottom line. He estimates that 15 to 20 percent of his assets are invested in experimental clean technology and energy ventures that could make money but could also crash and burn.
+"For me, it's just fun to understand what they're doing," he said.
+As a lifelong investor, Ferenbach sees Vermont as an affordable place to "incubate" good philanthropic ideas to be replicated elsewhere. "A dollar goes about five times further here than it does in New York or San Francisco," he said. "We can do things others can't because it doesn't take a huge amount of money to do them here."
+Buzz Schmidt
+- Courtesy Of Buzz Schmidt
+- Buzz Schmidt
+Buzz Schmidt decided to spend the final phase of his career testing his philanthropic theories in Vermont. In 1994, the Guilford native founded the groundbreaking transparency organization known as GuideStar. By posting nonprofits' annual Form 990 reports online for the first time, it enabled the general public to hold 501c3s accountable.
+Schmidt has developed strong views about what works and what doesn't in philanthropy. Traditional private foundations, he believes, have become "moribund institutions" because they aren't accountable to customers, investors or regulators. "Perpetuity is a real wet blanket over creativity," he said. "The fact that you don't have to appeal to other people for money, forever, is a real impediment to institutional growth and progress."
+At the Heron Foundation, an anti-poverty organization he chairs, Schmidt has experimented with a different approach. Instead of spending just the mandatory 5 percent of its assets on its mission, Heron invests 100 percent of it in nonprofits, for-profits and other entities that advance its goals. "If that means that, because of the risky investments we made, our capital declines and we go out of business, so be it," he said.
+After returning to his hometown in 2013, Schmidt found himself tackling one of the toughest challenges of his career: saving Brattleboro's iconic but dilapidated Retreat Farm. Established in 1837, it was for much of its existence an "asylum farm" for the neighboring Brattleboro Retreat mental hospital. But by 2014, when Schmidt first considered taking over the 500-acre property from the Windham Foundation, the farm had fallen on hard times.
+"I really fell in love with it and thought, Wow, this is an amazing community resource in a very nascent state," he said. Schmidt envisioned converting the farmstead into a nonprofit economic development campus that could host agricultural, educational and commercial ventures.
+"I wanted to make a substantial contribution to the region," Schmidt said. "And I wanted to also test a number of hypotheses I had about how enterprises contribute to regenerative capital in a community."
+Schmidt, who took over the property with a new nonprofit in 2016, has a ways to go to restore the Retreat Farm and achieve his vision. But, so far, he said, the experience has left him optimistic about the future of philanthropy in Vermont.
+"I'm just really impressed by the potential we have to do things in policy and philanthropy and the combination of those here because of the size and because of the communication among players," Schmidt said. "We don't have that in other places."
+Comparison is a fundamental part of science and the social sciences. The field of comparative education was initially based on more qualitative cultural and historical approaches to making comparisons (Edwards; Holmes; Van de Graff, 1973; Schriewer; Holmes, 1992). I would argue this was generally true across many of the social sciences and applied fields like education until the 1950s and 1960s when statistical methods began to be widely applied. A turning point in comparative education was the publication of Harold Noah and Max Eckstein’s 1969 book, Toward a Science of Comparative Education. They argued that the cultural and historical methods of comparison that had been used in comparative education were generally not sufficiently scientific or precise and that was needed was the widespread application of the quantitative methods that were being used in social sciences like economics and sociology. While today, there has been a resurgence of interest in qualitative methods, even in comparative education (Bray; Adamson; Mason, 2007), quantitative methods still dominate, especially in the policy arena.
+The focus of this paper is regression analysis. Regression analysis forms the core for a family of techniques including path analysis, structural equation modelling, hierarchical linear modelling, and others. Regression analysis makes all comparisons straightforward by turning all categories into variables (countries, regions, races, genders, classes, programs, policies etc.) whose impact is measured in regression results. Regression analysis is perhaps the most-used quantitative method in the social sciences, most especially in economics and sociology but it has made inroads even in fields like anthropology and history. Regression analysis in education research (along with experiments) is still seen as the most objective and scientific approach. Regression analysis forms the principal basis for determining the impact of education and other social policies and, as such, has enormous influence on almost all public policy decisions.
+This paper raises fundamental questions about the utility of regression analysis for causal inference. I argue that the conditions necessary for regression analysis to yield valid causal inferences are so far from ever being met or approximated that such inferences are never valid. This dismal conclusion follows clearly from examining these conditions in the context of three widely-studied examples of applied regression analysis: earnings functions, education production functions, and aggregate production functions. Since, within comparative education, my field of specialization is the economics of education, I approach each of these examples from that perspective. Nonetheless, I argue that my conclusions are not particular to looking at the impact of education or to these three examples, but that the underlying problems exhibited therein generally hold to be true in making causal inferences from regression analyses about other variables and on other topics.
+Overall Argument
+In some fields, regression analysis is used as an ad hoc empirical exercise for moving beyond simple correlations. Researchers are often interested in the impact of a particular independent variable on a particular dependent variable and use regression analysis as a way of controlling for a few covariates. Despite being common, in many fields such empirical fishing expeditions are frowned upon because the result of particular interest (the coefficient on the key independent variable under examination) will depend on which covariates are selected as controls.
+To the contrary, nowadays, most fields teach that one has to be serious about causal modeling in order to use regression analysis for causal inference. Causal models require certain conditions to hold for regression coefficients to be accurate and unbiased estimates of causal impact. While these conditions are often expressed as properties of regression residuals, they also may be expressed as three necessary conditions for the proper specification of a causal model examining a particular (or set of) dependent variable(s):
+All relevant variables are included in the model;
+All variables are measured properly; and
+The correct functional interrelationships of the variables is specified.
+In order to achieve proper specification, one must have a very well elaborated theory that allows one to fulfill these conditions2. The fundamental problem with regression analyses is that we do not have sufficiently complete theories in any of our fields to properly specify causal models. Regression analysis application literatures therefore generally become discussions about the degree of misspecification and its consequences. Unfortunately, regression analysis theory is very unforgiving; with just one omitted variable, all regression coefficients may be biased to an unknown extent and in an unknown direction. While researchers sometimes use ad hoc reasoning to infer the direction of bias of particular omitted variables, they do so based on its potential correlation with a particular included independent variable of interest. However, this ad hoc reasoning is not valid. The direction of bias will depend on the intercorrelation of the omitted variable with all the included variables. Ad hoc reasoning does not offer a clue as to how biased included coefficients are.
+More to the point, we are never talking about the simple case of a single omitted variable. We are faced with multiple failures of all three assumptions: many variables are always omitted, we have little idea of how to best measure the variables we are able to include; and we have hardly any idea of their functional form. This is best illustrated by looking at concrete examples of regression analyses literatures, as I do below.
+Earnings Functions
+Earnings functions are used principally by economists and sociologists to investigate the determinants of earnings differences. It is probably one of the most-regressed topics of study and has been especially relevant to the economics of education as the source of rate of return to education estimates (Blaug, 1976; Psacharopoulos; Patrinos, 2004). I find earnings functions especially interesting because it is one of the few terrains where social scientists on the left and the right have competed, principally because of arguments about labor market segmentation. In economics, this was about a challenge to the neoclassical idea that there was just one big perfect labor market in which success was determined by your individual human capital characteristics. To the contrary, political economists and other critics of the neoclassical story saw an imperfect labor market with fractures (e.g., divisions into primary and secondary labor markets) and structures (e.g., large firms, unions, sexism, and racism) that greatly influenced whether an individual succeeded. In sociology, this was about a similar challenge to the idea generated from the dominant structural-functionalist theory and its derivative status attainment theory that, like economics, argued that individual success was determined chiefly by individual characteristics. To the contrary, critical sociologists, often sharing a conflict theory critique of structural functionalism, argued, like political economists, that success in the labor market was greatly determined by structural factors. Each side in this debate used regression analysis to prove their point of view (Klees; Milton, 1993).
+More to the point here, is that there have literally been hundreds of earnings functions studies with each study using anywhere from somewhat to vastly different specifications. The three principal conditions necessary for the regression coefficients of an earnings function to be accurate estimators of true causal impact are very far from being fulfilled. First, all relevant variables that may affect earnings can never be included. Our theories literally posit dozens of variables, and which variables are included in a particular regression study is again idiosyncratic. Examples of variables that some researchers have considered relevant are: health status, years of schooling, quality of schooling, type of schooling, cognitive ability, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, immigration status, marital status, participation in a union, job search, occupation status and differentiation, labor market segment, firm and industry characteristics, and many more. Second, we do not know the right way to measure most of these variables. Measurement is ad hoc and varies from study to study. Third, the functional interrelationship between variables is not known. While it is common to use the natural logarithm of income as the dependent variable, even neoclassical economists admit the basis for doing so is very weak and, in actuality, what would be needed is to specify some unknown set of complex simultaneous equations filled with variables subject to complex interactions (Blaug, 1976; Klees; Milton, 1993).
+The result of this state of affairs is endless misspecification - by necessity3. Each researcher has an almost infinite array of choices in how they specify the earnings function they estimate. Each regression study is never a replication but always different from others in many respects. The upshot is each regression study is idiosyncratic. Since it is relatively easy to get significant coefficients, especially with large data sets, everyone finds their particular variable of interest to be significant. When there is controversy, everyone finds empirical evidence to support their side of the debate. Every segmentation theorist finds labor market segments to be a significant factor in determining earnings and other labor market outcomes, yet no neoclassical economist or structural functionalist sociologist ever does.
+With respect to education, most everyone finds some effect of education on earnings, reports it, and sometimes uses it to estimate a rate of return. But alternative specifications always yield different results, and so the estimates are notoriously unstable and inconsistent. Hanushek (1980, p. 240) argued that
+[…] estimated rates of return for years of schooling particularly in regression estimates [on earnings], considering other individual differences appear very unstable: changes in sample, changes in time periods, changes in precise model specifications yield enormous changes in estimated rates of return.
+The estimated impacts of education on earnings and associated rates of return are basically arbitrary, the result of ad hoc empiricism run rampant.
+Education Production Functions
+Another very common use of regression analysis is to estimate what are called education production or input-output functions (Levin, 1976; Hanushek, 1986). The dependent variable usually studied is a student’s score on some achievement test. The three conditions for proper specification are again impossible to fulfill. First, the array of potential independent variables is huge, including, for example: socioeconomic status, gender, race, ethnicity, age, homework effort, computer use in the home, previous learning, ability, motivation, aspiration, peer characteristics, teacher degree level, teacher practices, teacher ability, teacher experience, class size, school climate, principal characteristics, curriculum policies, to name a few. Second, there is no agreement on how to measure most, if not all, of these variables. Third, again the possible functional interrelationships are innumerable. Contrary to the linear formulation usually run, recursive and simultaneous equation formulations with an array of interaction terms among the independent variables have been posited but little used (Levin, 1976; Hanushek, 1986).
+Economists of education, sociologists of education, and other educational researchers have estimated hundreds of these functions. Again, with such an infinite array of specification choices, almost every study is unique and idiosyncratic. Hanushek (1979; 1986; 2004) has, over the long term, studied and summarized the results of such studies. Not surprisingly, he and others have found inconsistent results. However, he and the vast majority of quantitative researchers cling to the hope that improvements in models and data can eventually show some clear results. To the contrary, I see the complete indeterminacy of this form of research built into the very assumptions on which it is based.
+A particularly destructive use of these functions is for so-called performance pay for teachers. The value-added to student achievement test score by individual teachers are ascertained through estimating an educational production function, usually using only a few control variables, with teacher effects determined by dummy variables or residuals (American Educational Research Association, 2016). The problem, of course, is that with different control variables different teachers are ranked high or low and there is neither rhyme nor reason to choosing one specification over another. Yet around the U.S. teachers are being hired and fired based on these completely spurious results.
+Aggregate Production Functions
+While many economics of education studies have either looked at the impact of education inputs on student achievement and others have focused on the connection between education and earnings, as a proxy for productivity, some studies have tried to look more directly at the connection of education and productivity by looking at the effect of education on economic growth, as measured by GNP. Indeed, some of the earliest work on human capital examined the correlation between levels of education or school enrollments in a country and its GNP (Bowman, 1966; Blaug, 1970). However, correlation is not causation, and these studies were quickly dismissed as neither controlling for other differences between countries nor demonstrating which was cause and which was effect (Blaug, 1970).
+The most significant early, and still widely quoted, work that tried to take a more sophisticated look at the connection between education and GNP was by Edward Denison (1961, 1967). Denison focused on a particular form of what economists call an “[…] aggregate production function” (Denison, 1961; 1967). Like an earnings function tries to look at all the variables that might affect earnings, production functions look more directly at all the variables that might affect production output in a particular industry. An aggregate production function, as the name implies, looks at the effect of inputs on total production output, that is, GNP. This approach, in theory, could get around the need to assume earnings reflect productivity by directly looking at the impact of education on output. However, Denison’s famous work did not do this. Instead of estimating an aggregate production function, it assumed one of a particular form and then used education’s association with earnings as the evidence of education’s impact on GNP, thus offering nothing different than the results offered by the problematic education-earnings connection discussed above. Blaug (1970) dismissed all this early research: “In short, we learn from international comparisons [of education and GNP]…that we do not learn from international comparisons” (Blaug, 1970, p. 100).
+Attempting to connect education directly to GNP generally fell out of favor until the late 1980s and 1990s when a few works in the area of what was called new growth theory signaled a broader vision of education’s contribution (Romer, 1986; Lucas, 1996; Psacharopoulos; Patrinos, 2004)4. This vision is theoretically interesting in that education is seen not just as contributing to worker productivity but as enhancing growth through a variety of mechanisms and externalities. However, empirically these new directions have proven extremely difficult to model mathematically. Almost every researcher who attempts to estimate these connections therefore uses a different model and the results are, as one would expect, typically idiosyncratic, unstable, and inconsistent (Psacharopoulos; Patrinos, 2004; Stevens; Weale, 2004). In 1970, Blaug said the “Mecca of the economics of education lies elsewhere” (Blaug, 1970, p. 100), and I think that holds true today, for reasons similar to the ones I discussed for education and earnings and for educational inputs on outputs.
+As I said, the results of the empirical research estimating the impacts above have been idiosyncratic, unstable, and inconsistent. The same is true for the impact of education on GNP for similar reasons. First, there is no agreement on how to measure the stock or flow of human capital in a country. Various proxies have been used but, as Psacharopoulos and Patrinos (2004) admit, such measurement may be the weakest point of these studies: “Such data have serious intertemporal and inter-country comparability problems, and there are data gaps often filled with constructed data based on interpolations and extrapolations” (Psacharopoulos; Patrinos, 2004, p. 13-14).
+Second, more to my general point, as Psacharopoulos and Patrinos (2004, p. 15) also admit: “Countries also differ in many other aspects than those measured by physical and human capital stock…” that can affect GNP. Estimates of aggregate production functions have literally used dozens of different variables as inputs, such as climate, latitude, access to waterways, transportation infrastructure, technological development, investment climate, cultural and political differences, fiscal and monetary policy etc. (Stevens; Weale, 2004; Hulten; Issakson, 2007; Hulten, 2009)5. Empirical studies idiosyncratically choose some of these input variables, from those available in the data set being used, and always omit many others. As Psacharopoulos and Patrinos (2004, p. 15) again admit: “These omitted variables can lead to margins of error of hundreds of per cent in accounting for differences in the economic growth path between countries”.
+Third, it is widely recognized by economists that the linear functional form so commonly used in regression analyses studies is not applicable to aggregate production functions. However, there is considerable debate over what functional form to use and different functional forms yield different estimates of the impact of education (and of all other inputs) on GNP (Stevens; Weale, 2004). There is even a respected school of economics that says that there is no theoretical basis for even believing that an aggregate production function actually exists. Each good and service may have a production function, meaning some mathematical regularity in how inputs like land, labor, capital, and technology combine to produce televisions, yachts, insurance policies, hamburgers, etc. However, since there is no physical process by which aggregate GNP is produced, nor, from this perspective, is there some way to aggregate and measure physical capital, trying to specify an aggregate production function is seen as nonsensical (Cohen; Harcourt, 2003). Guerrien and Gun (2015, p. 100) note that Paul Samuelson, Nobel laureate in economics, pointed out that aggregate production functions wrongly offer “[…] a statistical test of an accounting identity (which is by definition always true)”. They argue for the need “[…] to convince everyone to definitively abandon the aggregated [sic] production functions, both in theory and practice” (Guerrien; Gun, 2015, p. 99) (also see Felipe; McCombie, 2013).
+Given these fundamental problems with fulfilling the conditions for regression analysis to yield accurate estimates of causal impact (discussed earlier), it is no wonder that consistent results of the impact of education on GNP are not found. Reviews of this literature report a bewildering array of idiosyncratic methodological choices resulting in a bewildering array of different results (Stevens; Weale, 2004). Psacharopoulos and Patrinos (2004, p. 15) quote Temple and Voth (1998, p. 1359): “[A]ttempting to impose the framework of an aggregate production function is almost certainly the wrong approach for many developing countries”. I would say that this is the wrong approach for any country6.
+It should be noted that almost all these studies only offer some measure of the quantity of education, not its quality. In a widely quoted recent study, Hanushek and Woessmann (2008) try to remedy this by adding country average PISA test scores as a proxy for the quality of education in a country, concluding that a one standard deviation difference in test scores yields a 2 percentage point higher growth rate of GNP/capita. In the light of the foregoing problems, I find this claim completely unreasonable and its uncritical reception due to ignorance of the fundamental problems with human capital theory and empirics discussed in this paper (also see Klees, 2016). Hanushek and Woessmann’s measures of the quantity and quality of education, choice of other inputs to control for, and choice of functional form are all idiosyncratic7. They are only one of literally thousands of reasonable alternative specifications of an aggregate production function. Different specifications will yield different results8.
+While I have approached the examples above as an economist most interested in the impact of education, the problems are identical in looking at the impact of any of the other myriad independent variables in these equations. Moreover, as far as I can see, the impossibility of proper specification is true generally in regression analyses across the social sciences, whether we are looking at the factors affecting occupational status, voting behavior, etc. The problem is that as implied by the three conditions for regression analyses to yield accurate, unbiased estimates, you need to investigate a phenomenon that has underlying mathematical regularities - and, moreover, you need to know what they are. Neither seems true. I have no reason to believe that the way in which multiple factors affect earnings, student achievement, and GNP have some underlying mathematical regularity across individuals or countries. More likely, each individual or country has a different function, and one that changes over time. Even if there was some constancy, the processes are so complex that we have no idea of what the function looks like.
+Researchers recognize that they do not know the true function and seem to treat, usually implicitly, their results as a good-enough approximation. But there is no basis for the belief that the results of what is run in practice is anything close to the underlying phenomenon, even if there is an underlying phenomenon. This just seem to be wishful thinking. Most regression analysis research doesn’t even pay lip service to theoretical regularities. But you can’t just regress anything you want and expect the results to approximate reality. And even when researchers take somewhat seriously the need to have an underlying theoretical framework - as they have, at least to some extent, in the examples of studies of earnings, educational achievement, and GNP that I have used to illustrate my argument - they are so far from the conditions necessary for proper specification that one can have no confidence in the validity of the results.
+Moreover, what researchers do in practice invalidates their results even further. In theory, when using regression analysis, you are supposed to start with a complete model specification, and then take your data and estimate it, a one-shot deal. Given the indeterminacy of model specification, no one does that in practice. In his now classic article, Let’s Take the Con Out of Econometrics, Leamer (1983, p. 36) describes regression analysis in the real world and its consequences:
+The econometric art as it is practiced at the computer … involves fitting many, perhaps thousands, of statistical practical question to me then becomes whether we have learned anything from all this research? Most quantitative researchers would say they have, but I believe that such learning, if examined, would turn out to be from a subset of studies done from a perspective with which the researcher agreed. As Leamer (1983, p. 37) put it: “Hardly anyone takes data analyses seriously. Or, perhaps more accurately, hardly anyone takes anyone else’s data analyses seriously” (also see Leamer, 2010). Hardly anyone ever uses anyone else’s specification without improving on it, arguing explicitly or implicitly that the previous study was incorrect.
+These remarks do not imply that, at least within paradigms, there is no cumulative learning from one another’s arguments. Such learning does take place. However, the argument here suggests that regression-based causal inference is simply an excuse for theorizing but does not provide any valid evidence for it. There’s an old saw in economics: If you torture the data long enough, nature will confess. In reality, nature never confesses. Studies from the three examples I have chosen have commanded the attention of educators and policymakers for over 50 years, yet, in reality, I believe that this approach has no validity, providing no reliable, or even approximate, information to help a sensible allocation of societal resources.
+Econometricians and other regression analysts do recognize that there are many sources for biases of regression coefficients. They spend a lot of time on ways to correct for things like sample selection bias and measurement error - without much success unless you are willing to make some heroic assumptions. But these problems are minor compared to rampant misspecification. Regression analysts have tried to deal with one misspecification problem - that of omitted variables - through the use of instrumental variables (IVs). But this generally requires accurate measurement of included variables and correct specification of functional form, none of which is ever true. Instrumental variable techniques give different results depending on the IV chosen, as well as have other problems (Heckman; Urzua, 2009; Leamer, 2010). Again, these and other techniques (regression discontinuity, differences-in-differences) require heroic assumptions to deal with any aspect of misspecification (Angrist; Pischke, 2009)9.
+I believe that, unfortunately, regression analysis methodology is a dead end, no better than alchemy and phrenology, and someday people will look back in wonder at how so many intelligent people could convince themselves otherwise. This is not a problem that better modeling, techniques, and data can fix10.
+I do not see the essence of the problem as quantification. Nor do I think it futile to try to look for causes and consequences of our practices and policies. Quantifying social phenomena clearly has its limits and, at best, yields approximations (Samoff, 1991). But cross-tabulations and correlations are useful to suggest interrelationships. As is well-known, however, any associations found may be spurious or have a myriad of alternative explanations. For example, crosstabs may reveal that, on average, women earn $.75 compared to $1.00 earned by men. We can unpack this some by looking at women and men working full-time, where perhaps the data show a comparison of $.80 to the $1.00. We can further look at college-educated women working full-time compared to men in similar circumstances, perhaps giving us a comparison of $.90 to the $1.00. Crosstabs can give even finer comparisons. These comparisons, despite limitations, offer real, descriptive, face valid data. Unfortunately, social sciences’ hope that we can control simultaneously for a range of factors like education, labor force attachment, discrimination, and others is simply more wishful thinking.
+The problem is that the causal relations underlying such associations are so complex and so irregular that the mechanical process of regression analysis has no hope of unpacking them. One hope for quantitative researchers who recognize the problems I have discussed is the use of experimentation - with the preferred terminology these days being randomized controlled trials (RCTs). RCTs supposedly get around the issues faced by regression analysis through the use of careful physical, experimental controls instead of statistical ones. The idea is that doing so will let one look at the effect of an individual factor, such as whether a student attended a particular reading program. In order to do this, one randomly assigns students to an experimental group and control group, which, in theory, will allow for firm attribution of cause and effect. Having done this, one hopes that the difference in achievement between the groups is a result of being in the reading program. Unfortunately, it may or may not be. You still have the problem that the social and pedagogical processes are so complex, with so many aspects for which to account, that, along some relevant dimensions, the control and experimental group will not be similar. That is, if you look closely at all potentially relevant factors, control groups almost always turn out systematically different from the experimental group, and the result is we no longer have the ability to make clear inferences. Instead, we need to use some form of statistical analysis to control for differences between the two groups. However, the application of statistical controls becomes an ad hoc exercise, even worse than the causal modeling regression approach. In the latter, at least there is a pretense of developing a complete model of potentially intervening variables whereas with the former a few covariates are selected rather arbitrarily as controls. In the end, one does not know whether to attribute achievement differences to the reading program or other factors (Leamer, 2010).
+If we are interested in looking at quantitative data, I am afraid we are mostly stuck with arguing from cross-tabulations and correlations. This is a dismal prospect for most quantitative researchers who have spent years becoming virtuosos at data analysis and see the implications of my argument as essentially abandoning the research enterprise. Fortunately, for many of us, the research enterprise is alive and well, with a myriad of more qualitative alternative methodologies with which to investigate our educational and social world.
+When I went to graduate school, introduction to research methods courses often focused on regression analysis or on Campbell and Stanley’s (1963) examination of the design and analysis of quantitative experimental and quasi-experimental studies. This is still true today within certain fields and university departments. However, the past 30 years has seen a blossoming of alternative approaches to research methods, especially in education, but in other fields as well. Education has been at the forefront of such changes, largely, in my view, because many of the changes were generated within the field of program evaluation which grew, in large part, from the educational evaluations that were mandated by the U.S. Congress in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of those involved in evaluation fieldwork simply found that the quantitative approach to research and evaluation could not capture the experience of the programs they were studying and drew upon other traditions, such as in sociology or anthropology, or invented new approaches. In subsequent years, these forays yielded a wide array of alternative methods for research and evaluation (Mertens, 2015).
+For a number of years, I have been fortunate to teach our department’s Introduction to Research Methods course. While any grouping of methods is somewhat arbitrary and their labeling always problematic, the course is divided in three, focusing in turn on quantitative/positivist methods, qualitative/interpretive methods, and critical/transformative methods. Comparisons are as essential to the latter two paradigms as they are to the quantitative methods. There is a large literature on the qualitative/quantitative debate. Some argue too much has been made of it, while others, whom I agree with, argue that there are fundamental theoretical differences in outlook that need to be considered (Smith; Hesushius, 1986; Mertens, 2015). Regardless, it is clear that there are lots of qualitative alternatives to quantitative experimental and regression analysis approaches, including: case study, ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, narrative, and oral history, to name a few.
+Additional methodological alternatives are offered by critical/transformative perspectives which come out of the array of theories in the social sciences and applied fields such as radical political economy, critical sociology, feminisms, queer theory, and others focused on issues of marginalization (Klees, 2008). These perspectives generally criticize the fundamental lack of objectivity of positivist/quantitative research and qualitative/interpretive research, arguing that there is no neutral research, and that too often such studies are done in support of dominant interests. Critical/transformative research takes an explicit position to work in the interests of marginalized people. This includes research under the labels of participatory, action, feminist, indigenous, critical, critical ethnography, and critical race (Denzin; Lincoln; Smith, 2007; Smith, 2012; Mertens, 2015)11.
+Proponents of quantitative research recognize that some of these alternative methods exist but usually, at best, relegate them to the realm of generating ideas, not to the scientific process of building knowledge of the social world. To the contrary, many proponents of alternative methods argue that they are as or more valid, reliable, and generalizable than quantitative12. For example, Miles and Huberman (1994, p. 434) go so far as to argue;
+Qualitative studies…are especially well-suited to finding causal relations; they look directly and longitudinally at the local processes underlying a temporal series of events and states, showing how these led to specific outcomes, and ruling out rival hypotheses. In effect we get inside the black box; we can understand not just that a particular thing happened, but how and why it happened.
+Similarly, strong arguments are made for the transferability and generalizability of qualitative and critical research (Donmoyer, 1990; Mertens, 2015).
+For a number of years, a sociologist of education colleague and I taught a regression lab course. We used a good national data set and had the students spend the semester running alternative specifications of education production functions. Each class, groups came in and explained their specifications and their results. As expected, different specifications of included variables, decisions on how to measure variables, and functional forms yielded substantially different results. Each group was asked to explain their results as if they had written them up for a journal article. My colleague used to always comment on a group’s explanation of their results with: That makes sense. And it always did. As do the articles in the literature I reviewed above. We can always make sense of our results and always do. When running regressions, we stop making the many adjustments to our regressions - that always must be made - when we get results that make sense to us. However, taking these literatures as a whole, they simply result in divergent findings, all based on reasonable - at least to some - alternative specifications of their regression equation models.
+In conclusion, I wish to say I’d like to be wrong about my argument in this paper. It would be useful if the emperor’s not-so-new clothes were more than the nakedness researchers seem to avoid looking at too closely. Unfortunately, theory and practice seem to strongly indicate otherwise. The theoretical conditions for regression analysis to work are never close to being met. And, in practice, regression analysis applications seem to result in interminable debates because specifications are so loose that researchers seem to be able to use this family of techniques to prove almost anything they want. Nonetheless, while we cannot find the simple cause-effect regularities that regression analysts would like to uncover, at the very least there are still many alternatives methods for investigating and making comparisons in our educational and social world.
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+سالمندی، بودجه های دولتی، بازنشستگی، و رشد
+Publisher : Elsevier - Science Direct (الزویر - ساینس دایرکت)
+Journal : European Economic Review, Volume 56, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 97–115
+چکیده انگلیسی was held constant, the growth rate in politico-economic equilibrium would essentially remain unchanged, due to a surge of social-security transfers and crowding out of public investment.
+مقدمه انگلیسی
+The prospect of “graying” populations in many developed economies raises concerns about the sustainability of economic growth. According to these concerns, rising old-age dependency ratios translate into growing tax burdens while generous pension and health care benefits crowd out public investment spending for infrastructure or education, with negative effects for capital accumulation and productivity growth. However, the demographic transition has been ongoing for a while – developed economies have experienced a marked decrease in fertility and increase in longevity for several decades – without producing clear evidence that this transition has caused a fall in per-capita growth. Rather to the opposite, Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) find in growth regressions that both a decrease in the fertility rate and an increase in longevity are associated with higher growth rates.1 The evidence is similarly mixed as far as government budgets are concerned. While the GDP share of transfers to the elderly has increased, the share of public investment does not show a clear trend in most countries, see Figs. 1 and 2.23 Moreover, most developed countries have started to increase the retirement age or tighten the conditions for early retirement, reducing the pressure on social-security taxes.To interpret this data and gauge likely future developments, we develop a tractable model to analyze the effects of demographic ageing on government budgets and per-capita growth. Building on a standard overlapping generations setup with private and public capital formation sustaining endogenous growth, our framework features two demographic driving forces – fertility and longevity – and a number of economic and political choices. In their role as economic agents, households in the model take prices, taxes, public investment, the retirement age and retirement benefits as given when choosing consumption, savings, and labor supply. In their role as voters, households choose among office motivated parties that offer policy platforms comprising labor income taxes, the expenditure shares for intergenerational transfers and public investment (reflecting spending components of central importance for developed economies), as well as the retirement age. The political process lacks commitment, and elections take place every period. Policy choices in the model are of different concern to young and old voters: the exposure of households to labor income taxes changes over the life cycle; the old benefit from social-security transfers to their group but are hurt by an increase in the retirement age; and only the young benefit from the returns to public investment. When evaluating the policy platforms on offer in the political arena, voters therefore disagree as to which platform should ideally be implemented. We model the resolution of the ensuing conflict under the assumption of probabilistic voting, reflecting a small degree of randomness in voters' support for a party. In equilibrium, vote-seeking parties propose a policy platform maximizing average welfare of all voters, and changes in the economic or demographic environment give rise to a gradual adjustment of the policy instruments. Policy choices do not only affect economic outcomes. Absent commitment, they also affect, indirectly, future policy decisions. In addition to the “economic” repercussions of their policy choices, voters internalize the “political” repercussions, reflected in the equilibrium relationship between future state variables and policy choices. We assume that only fundamental state variables enter this equilibrium relationship, excluding artificial state variables of the type sustaining trigger strategy equilibria. While we agree that the existence of intergenerational transfers or public investment may also owe to reputational arrangements, we focus on the Markov perfect equilibrium in order to identify the fundamental and robust forces that shape the size of these programs, and therefore growth.4 Under standard functional form assumptions, we characterize the politico-economic equilibrium in closed form.5 Changes in the demographic structure affect the equilibrium allocation both directly and indirectly, by inducing policy changes. The direct effect of changes in fertility and longevity works through modified private savings and labor-supply decisions which in equilibrium manifest themselves in faster capital accumulation. Indirectly, demographic ageing affects growth because it alters the relative political power of the old and the effect of later retirement on aggregate labor supply. At the same time, higher longevity increases the political support for public investment. To quantify the equilibrium implications of demographic ageing, we analyze calibrated versions of the model representing a rich OECD economy, a rich European OECD economy, the United States, and Japan. For each of the countries and country blocks, the model predicts that the forecasted demographic changes give rise to a continued increase of the GDP share of social-security transfers, a slightly higher GDP share of public investment, a strong increase of the retirement age, and a rise in per-capita growth. In particular, annual per-capita growth is predicted to accelerate by approximately 35 basis points toward the end of the century. Importantly, these findings hinge on the assumption that both fiscal policy and the retirement age are endogenous. With constant policy instruments, the growth rate would increase more strongly than in politico-economic equilibrium. With endogenous tax rates and budget shares but a fixed retirement age, the per-capita growth rate would essentially remain stuck at its current level in the medium run and increase only slightly in the long run, due to a surge of social-security transfers and – most importantly – crowding out of public investment. The central predictions of the model are robust to a variety of changes in the modeling assumptions. In particular, the results do not change if capital income taxes in addition to labor income taxes are introduced or if the balanced-budget assumption is relaxed. The results are also robust to replacing the endogenous-growth specification by one of exogenous growth. In the model, the political process does not internalize the long-term benefits of public investment because these occur beyond the lifetimes of even the youngest voters. As a consequence, the exact specification of productivity growth has no effect on the evolution of the policy instruments and the government budget shares in politico-economic equilibrium. Moreover, as we show, it does not have a strong effect on the evolution of output per capita in the medium run either. While broadly consistent with the evidence, the model predictions contradict the common view among policy makers that the political process will implement measures to raise productivity in order to “outgrow” the burden imposed by demographic change.6 According to the model, demographic ageing indeed induces the political process to raise public investment in order to foster productivity growth. However, the main positive growth effects arise directly while the net effect of endogenous policy on growth is negative. Our work relates to the literature analyzing the effects of government policy on growth, see Barro (1990), Jones et al. (1993) or Glomm and Ravikumar (1997) for a review. Our contribution relative to these papers lies in modeling the determinants of policy and linking fertility and longevity to growth.7Galor and Weil (1999), Cervellati and Sunde (2005) and Soares (2005) analyze the growth effects of demographic change due to its impact on private savings and education decisions, and Hazan (2009) introduces private retirement decisions in a model of human capital accumulation. Our model complements these papers by modeling the role of policy and its determinants in politico-economic equilibrium, and by focusing on the ongoing demographic transition in developed economies rather than historical developments. Our work also relates to politico-economic models of redistribution and growth. Alesina and Rodrik (1994), Persson and Tabellini (1994) and Krusell et al. (1997) argue that inequality depresses growth because anticipated redistributive taxation reduces the incentive to accumulate, or because higher inequality pushes the median voter's preferred level of public investment and taxes beyond the growth-maximizing level. Relative to these papers, we focus on inter- rather than intragenerational conflict, consider a larger set of policy instruments available to policy makers, and focus on the implications of fertility and longevity on growth. Our analysis therefore sheds light on the equilibrium size and composition of the government budget, and it emphasizes how demographic ageing affects both this composition and growth.8,9 Like Bellettini and Berti Ceroni (1999) and Rangel (2003), our paper analyzes the choice of productive versus redistributive public spending in an overlapping-generations model. In these papers, voters support public investment even if they do not directly benefit from it because a trigger strategy links investment spending to the provision of public pensions in the future. Our model adopts a different perspective. Rather than emphasizing complementarities between investment spending and transfer payments, it focuses on the conflict over the size of these two spending components, and how the resolution of this conflict is shaped by fertility and longevity. The model also differs from these papers in that it features political and economic choices, embedded in the standard growth model. This allows us to model the macroeconomic consequences of population ageing in a rich setting without having to sacrifice analytical tractability. Gradstein and Kaganovich (2004) argue that public investment might rise in response to increased longevity. Our model incorporates the mechanism underlying Gradstein and Kaganovich's (2004) argument. In addition, it features a role for fertility, the retirement age, a second government spending component that competes for funding, and – central to our analysis – growth effects of policy. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the model and characterizes the allocation conditional on policy. Section 3 solves for the politico-economic equilibrium and analyzes its properties. Section 4 contains the analysis of the short and long-run effects of demographic ageing on government budgets and macroeconomic outcomes, in particular the growth rate. Section 5 concludes.
+نتیجه گیری انگلیسی
+We have presented a rich, yet tractable framework to analyze the impact of demographic ageing on economic growth. Building on a standard overlapping-generations model, our framework combines various channels discussed in the literature and referred to in the political debate. On the one hand, it captures the implications of rising longevity and falling fertility in general equilibrium, including adjustments in the savings rate, labor supply, factor prices and capital deepening. On the other hand, it captures responses by the political system, in particular adjustments of the size of the government budget and its composition between investment and transfer spending as well as changes in the retirement age. Calibrated versions of the model predict that annual per-capita growth in rich OECD economies will increase by roughly 30–35 basis points during the 21st century, with the positive direct growth effects of demographic ageing partly being reversed by the consequences of endogenous policy responses. The model predictions support the view that rising longevity paired with falling fertility increases the GDP-share of social-security transfers, with negative implications for growth. However, they do not support the common view that rising social-security transfers crowd out productive public investment (as a share of GDP). Crowding out only results in an extreme scenario where the political process adjusts tax rates and the composition of government spending, but not the retirement age. In the more plausible scenario where the political process adjusts instruments along all three margins, both social-security transfers and public investment as a share of GDP rise, and the increase of the former is much more moderate than with a fixed retirement age. These results are robust to changes in the specification of the source of economic growth. Throughout the paper, we have assumed that the government runs a balanced budget, excluding government deficits and debt. This assumption is not very restrictive. In our model, unlike in Bassetto and Sargent (2006) who assume commitment, public under-investment cannot be overcome by letting voters finance investment expenditures out of government debt. For lack of commitment implies that the economic equivalence of social-security and debt policies largely extends to the political sphere.34 We have also assumed that longevity and fertility are exogenous. While this assumption is useful for the purpose of studying the long-run effects of demographic ageing on growth, there are clearly potential feedback effects from government budgets to demographics, for example via investments in public health (see Hall and Jones, 2007). With endogenous fertility, the demographic structure would turn into an endogenous state variable, rendering an analytical solution of the policy game considered in the present paper infeasible. The magnitude of the feedback effects introduced by endogenous fertility would depend on assumptions, among others, about the direction of altruistic linkages between parents and children (Boldrin et al., 2005). We leave an analysis of these feedback effects for future research.
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+There are five chief reasons and most of them are interconnected. A psychiatrist, marcia Sirota identified these reasons in an article released by the Huffington Post and, in retrospect, Joseph possessed a number of those.
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+This month the Saturn-Neptune square becomes exact in late November and this is considered one of the 10 major planetary cycles. But, the energy will be building all month, and it does not have to be exact for events to occur. The closer we get, the more intense this energy will be.
+This is a transit that will change the world, our lives and in some cases our circumstances. In the last 36 years Saturn squared Neptune in Virgo-Sagittarius fall of 1979, conjuncted in Capricorn in 1989, and opposed each other in Leo/Aquarius in 2006. As we approach this square of November 2015, Saturn is in Sagittarius and Neptune is in Pisces at 7 degrees.
+Next spring these two planets will form a t-square with Jupiter and this energy will be back and forth until fall of 2016. Between now and then look for many confusing events, situations to come to light, strange occurrences, strange politics, weather and earth related events, ups and downs in the financial markets, and focus on religion, or that which is under the guise of religion and ideologies to be front and center in our world.
+We will all be affected by this transit, some more than others, especially if this hits a mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) planet at 5-10 degrees in your natal chart. What will happen depends on where your planet is located in your own chart, and which planets are being affected. You can find free charts on the internet or of course, ask an astrologer.
+As Pisces rules the 12th house of things secret and hidden, along with drugs, alcohol, religion, creativity and dreams to name a few, and Sagittarius rules the ninth house of ideas, laws, philosophies and education, these two planets do not mix easily. Neptune rules the unconscious and hidden realms and Saturn shows us reality, and even drugs. We can get caught up in the Neptunian lack of clarity and fall blindly into an idea, hope or even person we cling to, or we can get caught up in the harsh reality of Saturn- becoming jaded, discouraged or depressed. It is between these two poles we must navigate without leaning to far toward either and make this energy work for ourselves. Neptune dissolves while Saturn shows us reality, whatever it may be.
+This is the time to be conservative and thoughtful in speech and our actions and approaches to all things important. Now is not the time to go blindly into business, investments, relationships or any other interpersonal action with others on blind hope, or without full knowledge of what you are getting into.
+Do this anyway and you will likely discover the thing you were most attracted to may not be what you thought it was at all, or it could be just the opposite of what you hoped for.
+Conservative thinking and action is the sediment that we should apply in our lives the last two months of the year lest we get carried away by the extremes of this, believing in things that are not correct, untrue and were never real in the first place. And if certain things do not turn out as planned we must not become so discouraged we lose all hope for the future, but rather we must reinvent things and situations that will work for us.
+This is a time for facing the illusions that lie in the dark shadows of our mind. To not do so would be to commit a grave error; believing in things that are not real or true, false, illusionary or impossible and then have to come to this juncture again in spring of 2016 or later.
+This is not the time to jump into something that is not based and grounded in reality either ideologically, personally, financially or in any other manner, and anything you begin should be rooted in truth that has been tested through time and conditioning.
+Things can be revealed to us at this time that have never been truth to begin with, or will never be truth in the future, or have simply outlived their time and purpose. As we move into the final phase of 2015 many things will be uncovered that were never correct to begin with or that have outlived their time, and this can include politics, political parties, financial investments and ventures, ideas, laws and theologies and any other number of things and situations. Things in the world will show us they are not what we thought in many areas and must now change.
+We will have to come up with new ideas as Saturn is moving through the sign ruled by Jupiter, showing us new concepts for a new world that did not exist prior to 2008 when the Uranus/ Pluto square begin its wrecking ball tour changing things forever personally, and on the world stage.
+Now the Neptune/Saturn square will unmask those things that we have come to think of as normal, correct, or otherwise in the mainstream view that will prove to be false, misleading, incorrect or no longer appropriate for the time. Some things will dissolve and this will make room for the new. But this is a process that will not totally complete until late next year after the Saturn/Neptune/Jupiter t-square.
+Many things and situations we have believed to be true will be revealed as something else and we must take up a new vision and move forward in a bold and new direction in the future.
+Our lives and the world are being reshaped for a far different future then what we have known in the past and as these changes unfold now is the time to look for a new vision for your life personally and the world do the same. But, the new vision must be grounded in reality.
+While this transit is not easy, it will be possible to reach new understandings, find new paths and ideas and build upon the uncovering of truths that did not suit us.
+It is possible to combine the two energies and see long held ideas and visions take form. Or we may find a spiritual, creative or personal path that suits us better and experience the merging of ideals, our dreams and reality, into a new beginning that will authenticate our true lives and identities, and this must be our goal.
+If this aspect hits your personal chart, events and situations that bring change will occur. This transit becomes exact November 26-December 4, and will be "set off," by the Sun November 29, Mercury on November 25, along with the full moon. You will see events occurring on or around these dates if this aspects your chart, and major events in the world.
+Other transits of interest this month include:
+November 2, Venus conjuncts Mars-this can be sexual energy, but is generally indicative of trouble through the sexes. Also, Mercury enters Scorpio making thought and communication much deeper.
+November 5, the Sun sextiles Pluto-Great for business and getting to the bottom of things.
+November 6, Mercury trines Neptune-Good for psychics, creativity, and compassionate feelings and being 'tuned in' to others.
+November 8, Venus enters Libra-love feelings will become more romantic and couple oriented. Venus is powerful in this sign, and great for Libras.
+November 10, Mercury sextiles Pluto-conversation can become more intense, and great for getting to the bottom of problems. The Sun sextiles Jupiter and this is positive and upbeat, good for business and meetings of all kinds.
+November 11, the New Moon occurs at 19 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, death, change and transformation and other people's money, and is the most intense of signs. As this moon conjuncts Mercury we could be concerned with young people, vehicles, travel and communication of all types.
+November 12, Mars enters Libra-Mars in this sign is a people pleaser and we may become more concerned with relationships. Mars and Venus are now both in the sign that rules marriage and partnerships and this will be the focus for many people. This is a great period for single Gemini's, (Gemini Sun or ascendant) and the two planets of love are transiting your 5th house of love affairs. This is an auspicious time for Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries and Gemini. These 2 planets don't team up in this sign often so make the most of it over the next month!
+November 13, Venus sextiles Saturn-Positive for business, meetings connecting with those from the past. Also, Mercury sextiles Jupiter and this is positive and optimistic for communication.
+November 17, the Sun conjuncts Mercury and this is a 'willful' type of transit that can bring irritation and an argument. Be careful with travel.
+November 18, Neptune turns stationary direct at 11:32 AM, EST. This is very powerful as Neptune energy amps up in a square to Saturn. As it turns direct confusion may occur for the time as we get used to its new direction. While retrograde, spiritual and creative insights may be internalized, and as it goes direct these impulses and thoughts will easier to present to the outside world.
+November 20, Mercury enters Sagittarius changing Mercurial energy once again. Venus squares Pluto and this is a powerful transit that will set off the Uranus-Pluto square. This energy will be obsessive in nature, and you could find yourself in a battle for control in your relationship. Pluto rules sex, and there can be a dark undercurrent associated with this. We will see large events in the world and Venus rules women, money and values and Pluto rules bullies, nuclear situations and those who claim absolute power over others.
+November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius, the mutable sign of fall, when weather can change again.
+November 23, Venus opposes Uranus, the second half of the Uranus-Pluto square. Your love life (or money) could take an unexpected turn, and some relationships can end. We could see unexpected events, changes in the markets and this will be a big news day as well.
+November 24, Mars sextiles Saturn, and this is a positive transit for getting things done.
+November 25, a full moon occurs at 3 degrees of Gemini, peaking at 5:44 PM, EST. Gemini rules the third house of communications, siblings and relatives as well as travel and ideas. As this moon squares Neptune we may feel a great deal of confusion, or certain things can be revealed. As the moon opposes Saturn and Mercury we can experience tiredness, depression, feel overworked or depressed. This Moon will 'set off' the Saturn-Neptune square.
+November 26, Saturn squares Neptune, exact.
+November 29, The Sun squares Neptune and this is a tiring and confusing day. Good for psychics, creativity and can incline compassion. Also, the Sun conjuncts Saturn and this is tiring, and negative. This transit occurs once a year and always brings major events and situations in the world.
+contact Leslie at contact@lesliehale-astrology.com
+I love your insightful way of explaining things.
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+Track Listing
+- What is LOVE
+- Get Your Way
+- YOU
+- Tsukikage
+- Ai Kotoba
+- Paradise
+- Houseki
+- “Nee…”
+- hanauta
+- Believe
+- Ashiato
+Collabo-works Track Listing
+1. What is LOVE
+The opening song on Maki’s album was actually one of the two digital singles released in the era. Funny things just kick off right from the start with something that’s danceable and electro-ish and it just works for me. It’s just weird though because Gocchin doesn’t sound like herself taking more of a deeper tone which is a new side to her but it kind of works for me because it makes her sound more sexy to my ears. I like the song though, it’s got a hard sound and the tune is pretty damn catchy!
+2. Get Your Way
+After the first song, we get a string of new songs starting with Get Your Way which continues to exude this sexual air this early on the album and I can’t help but liking this song also since it’s sticky and gooey but kind of hot since it shows more of Maki’s vocals a bit better than “What is LOVE”. Another strong song early on!
+3. YOU
+As the album’s promotional song, YOU at first seriously came off to me as a rejected Ayu song because the arrangement and musical flow of the songs scream Ayu. However, I think Maki did justice with this song and since it’s the first soft song after the two synth-based songs. Actually, YOU really did a great thing for Gocchin because it’s the first to show power from her and it worked to her favor IMO. I ended up loving this one!
+4. Tsukikage
+After such a powerful ballad in “YOU”, I found it interesting to follow up with another ballad in Tsukikage. Of course to my ears, it’s a bit more basic since it’s predominantly piano at its core. It’s got a pretty arrangement though with light synths and something to make it sound a little more oriental as well. Though, the chorus is a little disappointing since it lacks power, but it’s still a beautiful ballad and fitting after something like “YOU”.
+5. Ai Kotoba
+The title track comes up next and it just left me dazed and confused during the entire listen. At first I was surprised she’d choose another ballad since it was only her and piano at first. Then she totally threw a 180 at the listener by switching into a hard rock track. To me, this exactly reminds me of Ayu’s “Because of You” because it’s the same formula, just different arrangements and melodies. I just found it strange to go back and forth but unlike “Fake” where Maki pulled off the style well, she didn’t do as good here unfortunately, but there’s some things that I do like…like the verses and the area before the final chorus.
+6. EYES
+So we’re back to pre-released songs starting with one of the two promotional songs from her first mini-album, “ONE”. EYES was definitely a good choice to add on the album since after those serious songs before it, this brightens the atmosphere up. I like Maki’s vocals in this song and she really tries to be pretty suave in the song. Of course the added feel of the song under the disco balls is great! It isn’t my favorite song of the mini-albums but it’s damn close xD
+7. Paradise
+Another song rushes in before the string of old tracks follow it. Paradise has a nice follow-up after “EYES” so the placement is definitely not a problem here. However, to me this song kind of feels underwhelming as well since it doesn’t seem to really grow and the chorus at first is hard to pinpoint. I’m kind of just shrugging this song off since it doesn’t impress me one bit.
+The other digital single released in the era brings back the electro beats and easily accessable dance style that Maki did on “SWEET BLACK”. To me, this was one of my favorites and so much better than “What is LOVE”. The beginning was dejavu to my ears because there was a short passage that made me thing “Evacuate the Dancefloor” by Cascada but that was shortlived. I like the song still and even though there’s songs that surpass it on this album, I’d say it did well for itself.
+9. Houseki
+The other song from the “ONE” mini-album found itself on here and I have to say it’s my favorite song off the album hands down. I thought at first it was just going to be a pop song at first because of the lengthy intro to the song. Thank god it changes from that into this electro bomb that filled my headphones with happiness ^_^. Loving the arrangement (which was done by Shinichi Osawa BTW). Yeah, it’s definitely a powerhouse.
+10. “Nee…”
+Which is a little odd that the main song from Gocchin’s 3rd mini-album, “LOVE” comes after all that in “Houseki”. I must say that since it’s not surrounded by the other ballads from that mini, it works a bit better here and unlike the previous ballads before it, it’s a bit happier in tone which I liked about it more here. It’s a catchy song after all and she sung her heart out on this one but it isn’t as personal of a song as…
+11. hanauta
+Which is the third track that found its way onto the album from “ONE”. Unlike “Nee…”s romantic overlook, hanauta was a song that became pretty important to Gocchin since it took better life after her mother’s passing which is a pretty sweet thing to do and Maki sounds lovely in this song no doubt. I do prefer the arrangement in the last song however, but this song has the prettier vocals. It’s a toss up at this point…
+12. Believe
+The last new track once again puts me in a position where I get dejavu because it sounds like another Ayu ballad for me! It’s like a cross between “Tsukikage” and “YOU” which is kind of cool but a little lazy in some parts. I like how light and delicate Gocchin’s vocals are going through the verses before getting louder during the chorus. It’s a pretty good song and does pull us out of the ballads before the finale.
+13. Ashiato
+Which is the main tune from the “Gloria” mini-album hahaha. I’m not sure if it was really a smart idea for Ashiato to have been the closer when we had “hanauta” which would’ve made so much more sense than this tune which is kind of in its own category. What I mean is that Ashiato is pop/rock but not in the same veins as the other rock songs which makes it the oddball tune. I liked it though and is one of the album’s more catchier songs…but still isn’t a good outro to the album.
+Collabo-works Disc
+1. Queen Bee with BIGGA RAIJI
+Then we get into the second disc which is a little disappointing but that’s more for later. The first 8 tracks are exactly from the “SWEET BLACK” mini-album which is a shock since I wouldn’t have thought she’d add ALL the songs. Queen Bee is still one of my favorite Gocchin tracks since she joined avex. I mean of course people still complain that BIGGA RAIJI kind of takes a lot away from the song, but personally I’ve come to fully enjoy him in the song since he gives an attitude to the song that couldn’t have been done better with any other MC. I love the beat of the song and Maki just sexes the song up to such a good degree and I just MMMMMMMPH. It’s a damn good song!
+2. Lady-Rise
+I mean I hate the fact that Lady-Rise is three minutes long, but damn just like “Queen Bee” it’s pretty damn fierce for Maki to pull a sexy song out of the hat prior to her debut mini-album (even though she dabbled in that in her final H!P album). To me, “Fly away” didn’t do much for me when she began, but her second of the digital singles in that era was hot and full of attitude so of course I’m going to take more notice!
+3. Candy
+While I have kept tabs on the previous two tracks on my iPod, I totally forgot what most of the other songs sounded like. Candy was a surprise for me because it’s more along the lines of what I would listen to since it continues this aggressive sexual nature that has kept me interested in the other dance tunes. I need to keep my eyes on this one since I really liked this tune a bit!
+4. TEAR DROPS with KG
+The previous three songs were dance tracks for the most part and then TEAR DROPS kinds of slams the brakes down for a piano-based mid-tempo kind of track. Also it’s a little weird getting into collaborations (no, I mean other artists singing). To me, I feel like TEAR DROPS would make for a great winter-themed PV for some reason. KG does an alright job in his parts but Maki sounds a bit more cleaner (at least to me).
+5. Mine with KEN THE 390
+At least the other actual collaboration sounds rather upbeat and pulls us back into the dance-like atmosphere with a pulsating beat. To me, I was surprised that it was a new version of “Hear me” but replaced all-around but kept a little bit in the way of lyrics. KEN THE 390 is just all kinds of awesome in the song and brings fire to the already tight song! I mean this collaboration could have not been any better IMO.
+6. Fly away
+I remember this being first released SOOOO long ago. At that time, I was just not that impressed with it though I will give credit nowadays because the beat is quite fierce and Maki sounds quite nice with the clapping rhythm. I still find the chorus to be a little bit of a downer when compared to the hot verses. Still, since then the song has seriously grown on me and man, if it wasn’t for “Queen Bee”, “Lady-Ride”, or the next song I probably would have paid SO much more attention to this song…
+7. Plastic Lover
+I still think that this song and “Queen Bee” seriously is the best songs that the mini-album had to offer. I mean of course this track was sliced from a longer version (which is fortunately on here as well), Plastic Lover is just an amazing club-banger for me. It’s got the right amount of beats and the synths flow so smoothly…and then add the glorious high note Gocchin hits and you get this awesome song!
+8. with…
+Since with… was originally what closed the SWEET BLACK mini, I felt that this song probably would’ve fit moreso on “Ai Kotoba” since it kind of just felt weird since besides “TEAR DROPS” it didn’t fit the mold of the other songs since it was more of an R&B kind of song. It’s a sweet song though and Maki’s vocals are light and fluffy which works for the setting. I still think all-around this and the song mentioned should not be hear amongst all the dance tracks.
+9. Golden LUV
+The other four tracks on the second disc are kind of bonuses since two are where Gocchin was the featured artist and two are just simply remixes of “SWEET BLACK” songs. I loved that her ravex song got to see light again (third time reviewed BTW). It’s been a while since I’ve listened to the song and I found that it fits with the other dance tracks awesomely. I thought it would’ve worked if it was after “EYES” or something TBH. It’s just lively and I loved the beats and mood of the song, it’s just disco and wacky all rolled in one here ^_^
+Funny enough, the other original song was the only one I have never heard prior to this album release and I’m not even sure where it even came from. CRAZY IN LOVE (a song that’s actually DJ MAYUMI’s) this sounds a lot like what American sounded like at the time since it reminds me of a certain Keri Wilson song. I wonder if there’s a relation since it’s Maki and two MCs….Odd…The song overall is alright, but I’m not a big fan of this one.
+11. Fly away -house nation remix-
+Like I said the other two tracks are lengthy remixes of “SWEET BLACK” songs even though they were already well-known by that time. If memory serves me correctly, I think we had the Fly away remix before the original mix was released which is a surprising move. I have to say that even though I’m not a fan of long intro club remixes, the main feel of the song once Gocchin starts to sing is pretty awesome. I get a dreamscape kind of feel for it and at the same time, I can move my hips to the track. It turned the dark dance track into a bright and floaty mix and I must say I’m impressed.
+12. Plastic Lover -club mix-
+Onto the first version of Plastic Lover released, It’s a little shorter than the remix of “Fly away” funny enough but I must say that the core of the mix of Plastic Lover stayed the same which awesome. It does sound a little different if the headphones are on which is pretty awesome. I mean in literal sense, it just adds more punch which is awesome since I love the song already.
+Tracks Recommended
+- Houseki
+- What is LOVE
+- YOU
+- Ashiato
+- hanauta
+- Plastic Lover
+- Queen Bee with BIGGA RAIJI
+- Lady-Rise
+- Fly away
+- Fly away -house nation remix-
+Song of Avoidance
+- Paradise
+As it’s Maki’s only album under avex and the last thing she’s going to release before going into hiatus, Ai Kotoba (VOICE) is definitely going to be somewhere on my top 10 albums of the year. There’s just something great she pulled here and while I doubted her during her mini-albums, she came together for the album and she pulled it off quite well. A lot of variation here to be found!
+The second disc could’ve been handled better IMO. I mean I wish she didn’t bring the ENTIRE SWEET BLACK mini onto the disc because everyone knows it pwns most of the songs on Ai Kotoba for sure. I would’ve been with a few from it and pick and choose through the remaining songs from the mini-albums AND WHY IS THERE NO “Non stop Love Yoroshiku!!” since it is a “collaboration” with DJ OZMA (yes I know it’s not credited as DJ OZMA but it’s the same dude under it). I don’t know I just wish the second disc was handled differently!
+Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Status Report #189 Friday February 2, 1996 Questions or comments can be sent to Chris Shrader at the CGRO-SSC. Phone: 301/286-8434 e-mail: shrader@grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov Guest Investigator News The Cycle-6 NRA has bee issued. Proposals are due on April 19, 1996, which is about one month later than originally planned as a result of the two government furloughs. The NRA and appendicies can be retreived via ftp from grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov (in PostScript format). Just login in as anonymous, cd nra, cd cycle6, get nra.ps, etc. Alternatively, visit our WWW site:. You will, or may already have, receive the NRA in the mail. Hard copy of the appendicies will be mailed upon requests to Sandy Barnes (barnes @grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov, 1-301-286-7780). In any case, PLEASE READ THE BULLETED LIST OF CHANGES at the begining of the NRA (and repeated at the beginning of Appendix A). Also delayed as a result of government furloughs is the opening of the CGRO exhibit at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. The exhibit is completed and delivered to NASM however, and the opening is now imminent - stay tuned! Despite inactivity Washington, the high-energy sky has remained very active! There have been recent target-of-opportunity declarations for gamma-ray activity in 3C 279 and the new galactic-center transient GRO J1744-28 - see all the discussion in hte instrument reports below. EGRET The combination of the U. S. government shut-down and the blizzard obviously had a significant impact on the work over the last two months. In spite of this, thanks to the hard work of the EGRET team, the basic services are almost back to normal, although the scientific analysis and interpretation work is still well behind the schedule that we had planned. Delivery of the final phase 4 data to the GRO SSC is back on schedule, and delivery of the phase 5 preliminary data to the GRO SSC is also back on schedule. Interaction with guest investigators is nearly back to normal. The EGRET instrument operations were normal throughout the last two month period. During viewing period 511, 3C 279 was found to be at a high level of intensity, as announced in an IAU telegram. There was a scheduled campaign of observations so there was good coverage at many wavelengths. The level of intensity was well above the target of opportunity threshold; so the observation was continued. This total observation should be extremmely benefical in helping to understand the basic physical processes involved in the tremendous release of energy by 3C 279 especially during these high emission periods. As you probably noted from recent publications, EGRET has now seen seven pulsars with high energy gamma ray emission. In spite of the wide variety of characteristics, some features seem to be emerging. There is an increased fraction of the emission in gamma rays as a function of age of the pulsar. The spectral index also increases with age, suggesting that as pulsars grow older, not only does a larger fraction of the emitted energy go into gamma rays, but especially into higher energy gamma rays. With one exception, the polar cap model seems to predict the luminosity well. That one exception may be due to an exceptionally high magnetic field. The outer gap model still does well in explaining the relative phases of the gamma ray pulses to the radio ones. COMPTEL The COMPTEL instrument is performing well and continues normal operations. At IAU Colloquium 160, "Pulsars: Problems and Progress," recently held in Sydney, Australia, W. Hermsen presented an overview of recent COMPTEL results on pulsars, on behalf of the collaboration. COMPTEL has either detected or now has indications of emission from six of the eight pulsars detected to date at gamma-ray energies above 0.5 MeV. Newly reported is the detection of PSR B1951+32 at MeV energies, as well as a likely detection of the soft EGRET pulsar PSR B0656+14 between 10 and 30 MeV. A number of additional gamma-ray bursts have occurred within the field of view of COMPTEL since the last report (GRBs 951202, 951208, 960102, 960124, 960129, and 960202). Once again, none of these was detected at MeV energies by COMPTEL, further extending the longest period (since May 1995) without a field-of-view burst detection by COMPTEL. A new release of COMPTEL data to the CGRO public archive has recently taken place, including the first delivery of standard-processing maximum-likelihood skymaps by viewing period for Phases 1 and 2. A further delivery of low-level and first high-level data products covering the later viewing periods of Phase 3 is anticipated in the near future. OSSE OSSE operations are normal. The instrument is working as designed, with all subsystems in complete and full operation. The slewing response to BATSE burst triggers has been disabled since 11 December, because of the bursting pulsar, GRO J1744-28, discovered by BATSE. OSSE monitored this new object from 14 Dec. to 20 Dec. 1995 and from 5 Jan. to 30 Jan. 1996. Data from early in the observation helped position the source, and were summarized in IAUC 6276 (see below). We have observed about 400 bursts, from which we detect emission above 100 keV. We also detect the 2.1 Hz pulsar to similar energies. Analysis is currently concentrating on spectroscopy of the bursts and pulsations. Results to date are reasonably consistent with a featureless blackbody or simple exponential. GALACTIC CENTER J. D. Kurfess and J. E. Grove, Naval Research Laboratory; D. Messina, SFA, Inc.; and J. Tueller, Goddard Space Flight Center, report: "We have acquired further Compton Observatory observations that further constrain the position of the source first reported on IAUC 6272. Data obtained during Dec. 15-17 with the four OSSE detectors scanning along the galactic plane provide a galactic- longitude position between -0.27 and +0.17 deg (95-percent confidence). The OSSE field-of-view normal to the scan direction is 11.4 deg FWHM. When coupled with the position reported on IAUC 6275, the location of the transient repeater is constrained to a region with the following vertices (equinox 2000.0): R.A. = 17h44m34s, Decl. = -28o34'.6; 17h45m58s, -28o46'.4; 17h43m11s, -29o01'.6; 17h41m43s, -28o49'.0." Data through viewing period 402.5 have been delivered to the Compton GRO Science Support Center archive. BATSE Since the last report the BATSE team has been kept very busy by a newly discover transient source. BATSE team contributions to the IAU Circulars are as follows: IAU Circular 6272: GALACTIC CENTER G. J. Fishman, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), NASA; C. Kouveliotou, Universities Space Research Association and MSFC; J. van Paradijs, University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) and University of Amsterdam; B. A. Harmon, MSFC; W. S. Paciesas and M. S. Briggs, UAH; and J. Kommers and W. H. G. Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report observations from the Compton Observatory's BATSE experiment: "A transient x-ray source is being observed that emits bursts at energies between 10 and 50 keV from the general direction of the Galactic Center. Over 200 bursts with typical widths between 8 and > 30 s have been seen from the source since Dec. 2. The rate of the x-ray bursts has declined from a maximum of about 18 events per hour on Dec. 2.7 UT to a current average rate of about 1.2 events per hour (corrected for live-time and earth occultation). The average burst peak flux is about 5 x 10E-8 erg cmE-2 sE-1 and the typical fluence is about 5 x 10E-7 erg/cm2 per burst in the energy band 20-40 keV. No steady emission is seen from the source. The spectra of the events are similar to bursts from soft gamma-ray repeaters, but much harder than those of type-II bursts from the rapid burster 1730-335. The most probable location of the source is centered at R.A. = 17h52m, Decl. = -23o, with an error radius of about 6 deg (1 sigma). The behavior reported here is unlike that previously seen from any x-ray or gamma-ray transient source." IAU Circular 6275: NEW X-RAY TRANSIENT REPEATER K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses Gamma-Ray Burst Team; C. Kouveliotou, A. Harmon, G. Fishman, and M. Briggs, on behalf of the BATSE/GRO team; J. van Paradijs, University of Amsterdam; and J. Kommers and W. Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report: "A preliminary network synthesis position (cf. Hurley 1994, Ap.J. 431, L31) for the new repeating x-ray transient source (IAUC 6272) has been obtained using Ulysses and BATSE (specifically, 59 BATSE events from Dec. 2). The position is an annulus whose half-width is 0.21 deg centered at R.A. = 2h44m37s, Decl. = -55o31'.0 (equinox 2000.0), with central radius 87.500 deg. Using the BATSE occultation technique, we excluded a large area of the sky for the source origin. The intersection of the network synthesis annulus with the remaining (allowed) area of detection may be approximated by a box with the following coordinates: R.A. = 17h50m, Decl. = -28o.1; 17h49m, -28o.5; 17h23m, -30o.3; 17h19m, -31o.0." IAU Circular 6284: GALACTIC CENTER W. S. Paciesas, University of Alabama, Huntsville; B. A. Harmon and G. J. Fishman, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), NASA; and S. N. Zhang and C. R. Robinson, Universities Space Research Association and MSFC, report: "BATSE occultation monitoring indicates the emergence of a new hard x-ray source, designated GRO J1744-28, in the region of the Galactic Center. The location (equinox 2000.0) is within a region whose vertices are R.A. = 17h42m, Decl. = -27o15'; 17h45m, -28o25'; 17h43m, -28o43', 17h47m, -29o46' (90-percent confidence). Archival data show indications of the source at gradually increasing intensity for approximately the past month. However, systematic confusion with other sources in the region limits our ability to quantify the time of earliest detection. The average intensity between Jan. 1 and 7 was about 0.58 photons cmE-2 sE-1 in the band 20-100 keV, with small (10 percent) daily variations. The spectrum can be approximately represented by a steep power law with photon number index -4.2. Contributions to the flux from nearby sources cannot be excluded. The new source may be the persistent counterpart to the bursting source previously reported (IAUC 6272, 6275, 6276). If so, the combination of the occultation source position with that reported in IAUC 6276 provides a more precise location for this unusual source." IAU Circular 6285: GRO J1744-28 M. H. Finger, Compton Observatory Science Support Center; R. B. Wilson and B. A. Harmon, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA; K. Hagedon, University Space Research Association; and T. A. Prince, California Institute of Technology, report for the Compton Observatory BATSE team: "Pulsations with a period of 467 ms are being detected in the energy band 25-45 keV from a source in the galactic-center region. The pulsed flux is about 40 percent of the total flux observed from the hard x-ray transient GRO J1744-28 (IAUC 6284). Absence of any other persistent source consistent with the direction and flux of the observed pulsed emission implies that the pulsations are from GRO J1744-28. The 31-ms-resolution data in which the pulsations were observed excluded time intervals containing outbursts from the possibly separate burst source in the same region (IAUC 6272, 6275, 6276). On Jan. 6.0 UT, the measured barycentric pulse frequency was 2.1409720(5) Hz." IAU Circular 6286: TRANSIENT X-RAY BURSTER GRO J1744-28 C. Kouveliotou, Universities Space Research Association; J. Kommers and W. H. G. Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; J. van Paradijs, University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) and University of Amsterdam; G. J. Fishman, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), NASA; and M. S. Briggs, UAH; report: "Strong pulsations (about 50 percent modulation) near 2.1 Hz have been observed in the bursts from the burst source near the galactic center (IAUC 6275, 6276). Thus this unusual burst source and the transient pulsar GRO J1744-28 (IAUC 6284, 6285) are the same source. The hard x-ray bursts are therefore very likely the result of accretion instabilities on a strongly magnetized neutron star in a binary system." K. Hurley, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, on behalf of the Ulysses Gamma-Ray Burst Team; Kouveliotou, A. Harmon, Fishman, and Briggs, on behalf of the Gamma Ray Observatory BATSE team; van Paradijs, Kommers, and Lewin, write: "A refined position for the new repeating x-ray transient source (IAUC 6272) has been obtained using Ulysses and BATSE (specifically, one Ulysses/BATSE triggered event on Jan. 8). The position is an annulus whose halfwidth is 0.047 deg centered at R.A. = 3h02m57s, Decl. = -61o34'07" (equinox 2000.0), with central radius 83.974 deg. The intersection of this annulus with the positions reported on IAUC 6276 and 6284 defines a location that may be approximated by a box with the following coordinates: R.A. = 17h43m22s, Decl. = -28o46'.7; 17h45m07s, -28o39'.2; 17h45m35s, -28o43'.1; 17h43m49s, -28o51'.0. This error box is smaller than, but nested within, the previous network synthesis localizations." M. H. Finger, Compton Observatory Science Support Center; R. B. Wilson, MSFC; and van Paradijs, communicate for the Compton Observatory BATSE team: "The pulse timing of the 467-ms-period x- ray pulsar GRO J1744-28 shows a binary orbital motion Doppler signature. A fit of frequencies observed between 1995 Dec. 21 and 1996 Jan. 10 yields the following parameters: orbital period 11.76(3) days; epoch of superior conjunction JD 2450079.71(2); a sin i = 2.59(3) light seconds; spin frequency 2.1410016(3) Hz (at 1995 Dec. 31.0 UT); and frequency derivative 8.6(5) x 10E-12 Hz/s. We find a 90-percent confidence upper limit of 0.026 to the eccentricity. The x-ray mass function is f(M) = 1.31(4) x 10E-4 solar mass. For a 1.4-solar mass neutron star and an inclination > 30 deg, the companion mass is 0.065-0.14 solar mass, with a Roche lobe radius of 4.1-5.2 solar radii." IAU Circular 6290: GRO J1744-28 M. S. Briggs, University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH); B. A. Harmon, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC); J. van Paradijs, UAH and University of Amsterdam; C. Kouveliotou, Universities Space Research Association; G. J. Fishman, MSFC; and J. Kommers and W. H. G. Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report for the Compton Observatory BATSE team: "The increased intensity of GRO J1744-28 enables improved spectral analysis. Using burst observations with the BATSE Large Area Detectors (> 30 keV) and a Spectroscopy Detector (> 8 keV), unabsorbed power law and OTTB models may be excluded. Acceptable fits are obtained with a blackbody model with no absorption and kT = 6 keV and with an OTTB model with kT = 10 keV and absorption of N(H) = 1.6 times 10**24 cm**-2. Very similar spectral results are obtained for the persistent spectrum from occultation observations. This similarity argues for a common emission process for the burst and persistent emission." Fishman, Harmon, Kouveliotou, van Paradijs, Briggs, Kommers and Lewin, with also K. Deal and P. Woods, UAH, report: "The unusual burster in the galactic center region, identified with the x-ray pulsar GRO J1744-28 (IAUC 6286), continues to increase in burst intensity and steady emission. Over the past four weeks, both the peak flux and the fluence of the individual bursts have increased by about a factor of six. On Jan. 15 their average values (20-50 keV) were about 2 and about 7 times 10**-7 erg cm**-2 s**-1, respectively. Over the past ten days, the burstrate has increased to about 25 observed bursts per day (some 40 per day, corrected for earth occultation and livetime) from a previous average of about 18 observed bursts per day during the preceding month. The burst durations have remained the same, 4-6 s FWHM, over the entire period of observation. The associated steady source, as observed by earth occultation, has increased in intensity to about 2.5 Crab (20-100 keV) on Jan. 16." The burst trigger is currently using count rates from 20-300 keV energy range. As of February 1 BATSE has detected 1456 gamma-ray bursts out of a total of 4582 on-board triggers in 1745 days of operation. There have been 766 triggers due to solar flares, 10 due to SGR events, and 52 due to terrestrial gamma-ray flashes.
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+Pope Francis is staunchly conservative and opposes gay marriage.
+[quote]Pope Francis is staunchly conservative and opposes gay marriage.
+OMG! Stop the presses! The new pope is a Catholic!
+To be honest, I was hoping he would say that birth control, is a GOOD thing.
+I think the Church should allow the priest to marry.
+Then why'd he pick a girl's name?
+Frances is the girl's name.
+Is he involved with a girl? But he's the POPE!
+R4 wins the No Perceivable Sense of Humor ribbon.
+Do you wants fries with that?
+He seems to okay by Andrew Sullivan, so nothing top see here, move on!
+Why is nobody asking why they elected Johnathan Pryce as pope? First pic, Pope.
+Second pic, Pryce.
+The Church will never be able to change overnight. It took them literally ages to admit that there is a possibility that Earth is not the center of the universe. Maybe in 3,000 years the Church will come around that condoms are good for something after all. But I highly doubt Christianity or humanity as we know it will still exist by then.
+Francis is just parrotting some doctrine rethoric that is set in stone.
+An article I read basically said that John Paul II and Benedict appointed EVERY SINGLE CARDINAL making up the college today.
+Therefore, the entire body will reflect both of their views, because that's why they were appointed.
+So in other words... nothing will change.
+End of story.
+Why is everyone so interested in The Poop? I wish everyone would STFU about it.
+Who cares? Except for the hapless crowd that stood outside that stupid building all week praying for a puff of white smoke, does this mean anything to anybody anymore?
+Every Catholic I know says they couldn't give a shit who the Pope is. Then I turn on the TV and see these ridiculous mentally illpeople crying like babies when they drag a man onto a balcony in a beanie and white robe who looks like anyone else you wuld see waiting for a bus at a busstop.
+Surely the media is trying to make you think this is a big deal, all beautifully staged.
+But does anyone really give a shit? Does the Pope really have any real power?
+Religion is a mind drug to keep stupid people under control.
+Religion tells them what to do and think under the pretense of giving them faith and a purpose. And what are they told to do? Be obedient, don't ask too many questions, have faith and trust what we are telling you is true (even when common sense and science tell you otherwise), and do our bidding without hesitation (because if you don't you will go to HELL!).
+A world without Muslims or Christians...seems like a much better world.
+So today we have to deal with countless people being distressed that the new Pope is against gay marriage.
+What the fuck do you expect? He's the fucking Pope?
+Even Hillary Clinton hasn't come out yet in support of gay marriage. Even Joe Biden was against it four years ago. This is the fucking Pope.
+You know, the Pope? The head of the church that condemns masturbation? And that only very recently began to consider that heterosexual sex for purposes other than procreation might not - might not - be mortal sin?
+I'ma gonna hidea mio shithola reactionario pronouncementos behind la creepia humilitas. Stupido Catholicos weel eata it uppa weeth a spoona and everything gonna be fina for us conservativo womyna and gayo hateros.
+You betcha!
+The Catholic church was not that in 1978. It doesn't have to be like that. It is an affront to all people that it is like that. You expect too little of them.
+But this piece of garbage is far worse than just that. He participated in the Dirty War, which was about murdering people who disagree with you.
+Anyone who can support such a man is a terrible person.
+But I was thinking; how lovely to think that there's a nice big daddy taking care of everything.
+I wish I were stupid enough to be religious.
+This new Pope on the gay marriage bill in Argentina:
+[quote] yeah, he's a fucking ignorant bigot. What a surprise.
+The devil is gay! I knew it!!
+Who did you think was going to get voted in by the cardinals? I think it's insane that we're even talking about this.
+The Catholic Church will always look at homosexuality as a "sin". Hence, I am no longer a Catholic, nor do I care. It is a corrupt organized religion, as most are. I did not expect anything different.
+JP2 and Ratzinger's cardinals would never select anyone else.
+No it won't R24, and there was a pope in 1978 who didn't.
+Churches and governments need scapegoats and threats to keep people afraid and obedient. Otherwise the masses would pay close attention and notice that what the higher ups say and do are two different things.
+Of course Francis is so very anti-gay. It helped his Church in the past and they still believe it does in the present and will help them in the future as well.
+[quote]Hence, I am no longer a Catholic, nor do I care. It is a corrupt organized religion, as most are.
+You would be Catholic if they were pro-gay? Really?
+Oh, and no religion institution is as evil as the Catholic Church. We're talking centuries of evil.
+[quote]The Church will never be able to change overnight. It took them literally ages to admit that there is a possibility that Earth is not the center of the universe. Maybe in 3,000 years the Church will come around that condoms are good for something after all.
+Why do you care if they progress or not? They shouldn't even exist. No other institution has committed more acts of evil than they have. They've never missed an opportunity to inflict horror. They were one of Hitler's closet allies, even kidnapping Jewish children, converting them, and giving them to Catholic families. We could go back centuries and go through their reign of terror.
+If the RC church was really concerned with the spiritual well being of human kind, it would not take postitions on political issues, issues of human rights even. Poverty, illness, cruelty, greed (they sure fail on that one sitting on more money than most nations states in the world)- yes.
+To me it is as if the RC church completely misses everything that is in the New Testament.
+And then there are their governance issues.
+Essentially the RC Church is becoming less relevant in the modern world. But then so is Orthodox Judiasm, so is much of the organized Muslim faith so wrapped up in local nationalism and tribalism- and Buddism in China is sacrificing the great mammels (elephants) of Africa to its greater glory.
+Organized/institutionalized religion in my opinion is responsible for more human misery in the world in 2013 than any single political movement (they are not unrelated) in the world. It has been perverting American gov't since it became so influential in the most recent Bush years. And of course it is perverting and distorting the great moral and ethical advances that began with the enlightenment (of which the USA was the principal offspring).
+I have nothing against God or a god, or spiritualism- I love the teachings of Christ by in large. But what has been done with them, and how they have been mixed up with the primitive morality of the Old Testament, is well, just dumb- not to mention the bases for all manner of hate.
+Our global misuse of spiritualism and organized religion parallels our misuse of our planet. Human beings, I am afraid are their own worst enemy. Of course planet earth will prevail by in large- as Kurt Vonnegut said once, the earth's immune system is doing what it can to rid itself of the human race.
+Pretty dark view of humanity I have- there are bright spots of course- but things are not headed in the right direction. It's too bad that we have to take so many other species of life with us.
+And your point is OP? Catholic church has been around 2000 years and you think they will change their dogma over night?
+I left the church 20 years ago because if their anti gay views. I haven't looked back.
+Does this mean "I Fucking Hate Him" or "I'd Fuck His Hole"?
+[quote]He participated in the Dirty War
+Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...THE WHO. Nothing really changes in that devious and duplicitous group of old men.
+Esquivel did not have all the facts at that time because Bergoglio was helping the military to hide its prisoners.
+Begoglio doesn't have a television in his room in Argentina.
+Weak man, afraid of life, and afraid of his own foot fetish compulsions, no doubt.
+The pedos in Rome have spoken and we must obey.
+Bergoglio testified in secret about the Dirty War. So unless Esquivel had access to the secret testimony, he doesn't know whether Bergoglio collaborated or not.
+Unlike the other major religions institutions, the Catholic Church has kept its pagan origins completely intact to this day; like the other religions, they've swerved away from nature to protect the idea of God the father as the omniiscient single diety, and yet they have kept the pagan cult's mother goddess by renaming her Madonna. It is the only religion that indulges in the perverse and the erotic with its saints, icons and idols - gay St Sebastian gangraped by arrows, St. Bartholomew's gruesome martyrdom, Lucy and her eyeballs on a platter, etc. The male initiates of pagan cults have gone from transvestite worship of the great mother goddesses to bishops wearing flowing robes and popes wearing prada; the initiates who castrated themselves have become priests who are expected to celibate; ritual victims who were slaughtered, butchered, dismembered and sometimes eaten have evolved into the ritual consumption of the (wine) blood and flesh (wafer) of Christ (the supreme beautiful son/lover of the Great Mother). The inherent matriarchy that is hidden in Catholicism's closet is its dirty little secret - Catholicism is transvestitized patriarchy.
+They'll be having a conclave and the next Pope very soon. This one will not last that long.
+If you compare Benedict and JPII with this one, they seemed to be somewhat fit (for old men) and thus their advanced age. On the other hand, Francis' girth is rather wide, but he is not a chubby guy, this one will start having health issues very soon, if he already doesn't have them.
+October 4, 2015 at 11:52 am
+Thanks Matt! I love the photo shoot as it seems realistic. A day in the life if you will. Too bad he liked the lowest quality fabric. I think it would be the same if I had made something for my partner as well.
+September 30, 2015 at 6:59 pm
+I’ve been quietly following along, but had to jump in to say YES! I’d love a resource for Canadian made fabrics, especially nice knits!
+September 29, 2015 at 2:47 pm
+This is great! Good job on getting Matt to do all that modeling through breakfast 🙂 I’ve got to take some pictures too of the t-shirt that I made for Ryan! I used a jersey fabric that was a bit thick I think, and the first time Ryan tried on the t-shirt it didn’t seem to fit quite right around the shoulders but now that he’s worn it and washed it a couple of times it fits great! This week I will be attempting a long-sleeve version, even though it’s almost summer over here 🙂
+September 29, 2015 at 11:12 am
+Very nice work on those tee shirts. I noticed that there is a definite “crest” at the top of all the sleeve caps. Is this the result of an overly fitted sleeve cap? Most tee sleeve cap heights are relatively low/shallow resulting in more of a draped sleeve cap, and yes a little baggy, but no “cresting” at the shoulder seam. Am I behind contemporary t shirt pattern design, in that, sleeves have moved to a more fitted silhouette?
+September 29, 2015 at 2:16 pm
+You are right that the Strathcona pattern features a very tall sleeve cap resulting in a close fitting sleeve and a ‘tailored’ looking t-shirt. We chose this close fitting style because the Strathcona Henley pattern is part of the Parkland Collection which is especially suited to tall, slim men with longer and thinner arms than average. We didn’t want to overwhelm their thin arms with wide, draped sleeves. I am not sure if this less casual and more fitted look is currently on cat walks but I have certainly seen it worn with the hipster crowd :P. Matt tends to prefer this fitted style and avoids the casual ‘boxy’ t-shirt as though it were the plague! As a side note, I notice a marked change in how the armscye sits after washing – it is probably because I iron my t-shirts while stitching them using a tailors ham rather than ironing them flat. The t-shirts in these photos hadn’t yet been washed.
+October 20, 2015 at 11:44 pm
+Thanks for explaining re: washing. I also noticed that it appears the sleeve is larger than the sleeve-hole at the shoulder. Knowing it is due to pressing & perhaps washing it, makes it more likely I’ll try out the pattern. My husband definitely deserves some of my sewing time! thanks
+October 21, 2015 at 7:47 am
+Hi Sheree,
+We’ve since washed all of his t-shirts and the sleeves are perfectly smooth at the top of the armscye now! They fit his shoulder very nicely :). I will be posting “After” photos of these t-shirts in a few weeks once they have received a sufficient amount of wear so you can see the washed and worn versions. Time will tell which fabric wears nicest (I can already start to tell it will be my favorite interlock though!).
+September 27, 2015 at 3:03 am
+Wow that’s the best photoshoot ever! This kind of pictures are the most helpful and despite how difficult it must be to let go of the pinterest-ready pictures, I’m really glad you chose to publish them as is. I find it suits your brand very well – you are the portrait of “sewing for real life” in my opinion 🙂
+I find it difficult to find t-shirt fabric (as least in Israel) and am thinking about block printing (following your footsteps). I also prefer the “regular” tshirt fabric, as it’s what i’m used to (well in our home, I’m the one wearing the Strathcona…). I wish I could find it in high quality, as the best thing about tshirts in my opinion is the way they age.
+September 29, 2015 at 1:46 pm
+I’ve just found an interesting cotton jersey that is as close to high quality ‘regular’ t-shirt fabric as I can find. The interesting thing about it is that it is knit using an unusual zig zag style that apparently minimizes fabric shrinkage and makes it less prone to twisting. I’ve ordered the interlocks and am considering ordering this jersey too! Thanks for the kind comments about our brand! I hope you are doing well and that wedding plans are coming along nicely!
+September 26, 2015 at 6:18 pm
+First of all, I feel sorry for poor Matt, getting stalked by the camera for a fashion shoot while he gets ready for work 🙂
+But I just wanted to encourage you to carry the Canadian-made T-shirt knits on your store. I would be interested in trying them out.
+September 29, 2015 at 1:41 pm
+I’ve ordered the Canadian made knits and they are on their way to the Thread Theory studio. If they are successful I will be ordering more colours too (they have quite a nice range).
+September 25, 2015 at 7:08 pm
+I would buy Canadian interlocks and have them shipped to,the US. I especially like the fact that you said there is matching ribbing. That is hard to find. I really like the way the green shirt looks.
+September 29, 2015 at 1:40 pm
+I’ve ordered the interlock and matching ribbing for each colour! Very excited for it to arrive!
+September 25, 2015 at 1:16 pm
+I would try a Canadian made fabric, if you were to stock it. I do like to support Canadian manufacturers, it is sad that we have lost so many sectors of our economy. I am slowly discovering that there are a few mills left but for a long while I was happy if I could find North American. R right now favours cottons with low (4% abt) Lycra content, nice drape and good recovery. These are always first out of the closet. His next favorite is 100% cotton! however he finds these tend to grow a little wider and shorter with time. Poly/ cotton blends are too cardboardy plus tend to retain stains and odour. He is a fan of rayon but more for underwear, too much shine and drape. For winter he favours long sleeved Power Stretch or Dryflex etc. these are definitely baselayer or lounge wear not for public . I would like to try some Henleys in a wool knit. The Finlayson I made out of a Merino knit with a wicking backing gets worn nine months of the year. Good luck with this new addition to the shop!
+September 29, 2015 at 1:40 pm
+Thank you! It is very interesting to here R’s specific fabric preferences and how much they differ from Matt’s. When people say that menswear is boring because there are so few choices (I hear this often) it is discussions such as these that I think of and am sure that there are MANY choices and that it isn’t boring at all!
+September 25, 2015 at 1:01 pm
+I”d love to see a follow up post in a month!
+September 29, 2015 at 1:37 pm
+Great idea! I will put that on my blog post idea list. Thanks!
+September 25, 2015 at 11:58 am
+Best post yet! Honest evaluations ( while getting ready for work!) are the most helpful. Thanks for pushing and making it happen
+September 29, 2015 at 1:37 pm
+Thank you :). Yes I agree, less polished and more honest discussions about fabric or patterns can be very helpful. Polished posts have their place as great inspiration though :).
+September 25, 2015 at 10:46 am
+You should definitely stock those Canadian fabrics! I didn’t realize there was a Canadian manufacturer, and I am now researching where to buy it. I like how the top two shirts sit and drape. They look like the kind of shirt my husband would wear.
+September 29, 2015 at 1:36 pm
+I’ve ordered the fabric in several colors and am very excited for it to arrive! Coordinating rib knits are on their way too :).
+September 25, 2015 at 9:32 am
+I like the idea of Canadian made fabric. I definitely would buy it if you were to stock it!
+September 29, 2015 at 1:35 pm
+Thanks for letting me know :). The fabric is ordered!
+September 25, 2015 at 8:47 am
+I have to say, I’m not sure! Based on photo’s alone, I too would have chosen the last one. It seems just the right drape for a men’s shirt and the colour is great too. I think you should stock the one you’re certain will make the best shirt. Maybe find a higher quality cotton knit?
+September 29, 2015 at 1:35 pm
+I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I will stock both an interlock and a higher quality cotton jersey – I’ve found a source since posting last Friday and will be ordering shortly! Very exciting!
+September 25, 2015 at 8:14 am
+What a lovely set of pictures, it’s nice to be able to compare how the different fabrics sew up, thank you.
+Interstitial lung disease (ILD) describes a wide range of lung diseases. About 200 disorders, most of which causes progressive scarring of the lung tissues exists. The scarring brought about by the interstitial lung disease affects an individual’s breathing ability and ability to get oxygen into the bloodstream. These disorders are grouped together because of the clinical similarities in their apparent chest radiographic appearance, presentations, and physiological features. There are two broad categories of ILD i.e. diseases which have no known cause (idiopathic ILD), and diseases having a known cause or those that occur along other diseases. Types of idiopathic ILD include the nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP), acute interstitial pneumonitis (AIP) and respiratory interstitial pneumonia (LIP) (Meyer, 2011).
+Although the causes of ILD remain unknown, both environmental and genetic factors contribute to its development. Some therapeutic drugs, such as amiodarone, methotrexate and radiation also cause lung disease. Treatment of cancers through radiation therapy in the chest (breast cancer) also predisposes an individual to interstitial lung diseases (Kumar, 1996). Risk factors, such as exposure to dust, gender, age; race and cigarette smoking have also been identified. The antigen processing and presentation develop the immune response seen in the disease.
+The interstitium is a space found between the blood capillaries and space in the alveoli. The interstitium supports the delicate relation between the alveoli and the capillaries hence allowing efficient gas exchange. The interstitium also allows close apposition of gas and capillaries with minimal fibroblasts, connective tissue matrix and inflammatory cells, such as macrophages (Nathan, 2008).
+The lung may experience injury from an exposure to an autoimmune- mediated inflammation or a systemic connective tissue disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis. It may also experience unknown injury from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In case of these injuries, the lungs respond through self repair. However, in case the repair does not occur or if it’s not perfect, the lungs risk experiencing permanent damage. The increased interstitial tissue in this case, replaces the normal capillaries, healthy interstitium and the alveoli. These injuries cause profound impairment in the lung physiology. A decrease in the lung function consequently increases the rate of breathing (Muller et. al.)
+The unusually large number of disorders that are categorised here, challenges the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease. The symptoms and signs of many diseases also have similar symptoms to ILD. Several tests are carried out before making a definitive diagnosis. Imaging tests, such as chest X-ray, computerized tomography (CT), and echocardiogram are used. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to visualize and show the functioning of the heart. It provides the physician with the information about the heart size and evaluates the functioning of the heart chambers and the valves. An echocardiogram can evaluate the amount of pressure that is present in the right ventricle of the heart. The CT scanners, on the other hand, uses computers to produce cross sectional images of internal structures by combining X-ray images taken from different angles (Behr & Ryu, 2008). The chest X-rays are mostly used to track the progression of the interstitial lung disease.
+Pulmonary function tests are also used for definitive diagnosis. These tests measure the intake and release of air by the lungs the movement of gases such as oxygen from the atmosphere into the body’s circulation. They involve the use of oximetry, spirometry and exercise stress test. In oximetry, a small device placed on the finger is used to measure the saturation of blood oxygen. Spirometry tests show how much air the patients’ lungs can hold and the speed at which the air can be expelled. Through the obtained results, a broad range of lung diseases can be diagnosed. The exercise stress test out on a treadmill is used to monitor the lung function of an active patient. The obtained results are compared against the known normal values of healthy individuals. If the results deviate strongly from the normal, they indicate the possible presence of lung diseases (Nathan, 2008).
+The lung tissue analysis is done by examining lung tissue (biopsy) in a laboratory with the help of an electronic microscope. The tissue sample to be analysed may either be from surgical biopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage or bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a test that is carried out to view the airways and diagnose lung disease. It is done by the use of a bronchoscope. This is a device that is inserted into the lungs, and it shows images of the inside of the lungs. A bronchoscope can either be flexible or rigid, but it has a width of less than half an inch. It is passed via the nose, the mouth or through the trachea into the lungs. Once inside the lungs, remarkably small tissue samples are picked, which are then used for analysis. The method is convenient, but the tissue samples obtained are at times too small for accurate diagnosis (Wagner, et. al, 2007)
+Surgical biopsy, compared to bronchoscopy, is a more invasive procedure that harbours potential complications since it involves surgery. It is, however, preferred to bronchoscopy since it is the only way to obtain tissues large enough for accurate diagnosis. The Incisions made in the ribs allow surgical instruments and cameras are inserted into the lungs. This enables the surgeon to view the lungs on a video monitor, while removing tissue samples from the lungs. The obtained lung tissues are then observed via a microscope and compared with normal specimens. In bronchoalveolar lavage, salt water is injected into a section of the lungs through a bronchoscope and then immediately sucked out (Meyer, 2011). The solution sucked out is a mixture that contains cells from various air sacs and the salt water. This technique allows for the sampling of a larger area of the lung, compared to the other two lung tissue analysis procedures (Nathan, 2008).
+The adverse effects of ILD, such as lung scarring cannot be reversed. There is still no treatment that is known to curb the progression of the disease. The treatments that are currently available only improve the symptoms temporarily and reduce the development of the disease. All these treatments aim at improving the patient’s quality of life rather than curing the interstitial lung diseases. The treatment of the interstitial lung disease is heavily dependent on the cause of the disease e.g. If an autoimmune disease is the cause of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids or other drugs that can suppress the immune systems are prescribed. Some of the other drugs used to suppress the immune system, include methotrexate and cyclosporine (Kumar, 1996)).
+Pulmonary rehabilitation is also used as a form of treatment. Pulmonary rehabilitation aims at improving the lives of patients living with ILD and helps them live better lives. This is made possible by improving their daily functioning through nutritional counselling, emotional support, physical exercises (to improve endurance) and breathing techniques (that improve lung efficiency).
+Patients suffering from advanced respiratory diseases may exhibit depression, anxiety and serious difficulties coping with lung disease. These patients are taken through regular education sessions, where they are given key patient information. They are also educated on panic control and stress reduction methods. Other techniques used in pulmonary rehabilitation include posture techniques and diaphragmatic breathing. A nutritional assessment can be carried out to indicate the extent of the ILD. When the nutritional state is established, that ensures that the patient enjoys maximum nutritional status (Wagner et. al, 2007).
+A low oxygen concentration in blood (hypoxemia) is common in interstitial lung disease. Therefore, oxygen therapy is used as another form of treatment. This refers to the administration of oxygen gas to a patient as a means of medical intervention. It can be done by the use of gas masks filled with oxygen gas or by filling incubators with oxygen in the case of infants. The best source for oxygen in most patients is liquid oxygen since it provides adequate flow rates. Oxygen therapy makes breathing and exercise easier. Although it is not capable of stopping the damage of the lungs, it can prevent and lessen the complications from the low oxygen levels in the blood. Oxygen therapy has also been shown to improve sleep and reduce blood pressure in the right side of the heart (Behr & Ryu, 2008).
+Transplantation of the lung is known to be the only therapy that prolongs a patient`s life. Most of the interstitial lung disease patients are old. They have increased chances of chronic rejection of the transplant followed by death.
+The interstitial lung disease was once thought to be a rare disease, but continued epidemiologic investigations have shown that the occurrence of the disease is more rapid than previously thought. These studies show that 80.9 per 100,000 men and 67.2 per 100,000 women suffer from the interstitial lung disease in the USA. The same study showed that 31.5 new cases are diagnosed per 100,000 men per year and 26.1 new cases per 100,000 women per year (Nathan, 2008). Of all the wide range of the interstitial lung diseases, the most common and prevalent are; sarcoidosis, occupational and environmental associated disease, pulmonary fibrosis and connective tissue associated interstitial disease.
+The disease is prevalent in adults, although it also occurs in children. Individuals between the age of 40 and 70 years old tend to develop idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, whereas young people tend to develop interstitial diseases, such as sarcoidosis, autoimmune associated lung diseases and pulmonary langerhans cell histiocytosis. In the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the emergence of fibrosis occurs earlier. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has been diagnosed in individuals of different racial and ethnic groups throughout the world. Reports have also suggested that Caucasians are more prone to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and they also exhibit higher mortality rates due to the same compared to the African Americans (Meyer, 2011).
+Environmental hazards, such as asbestos induce interstitial lung disease and persons who are constantly exposed to these hazards, have higher incidences of the disease. Lifestyle behaviours, such as cigarette smoking enhance an individual's susceptibility to the disease. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis develops more in the case of constant exposure to metal and wood dusts. Finally, the prevalence of the interstitial lung disease is thought to be influenced by genetics with about 8 percent of familial cases being attributed to a single set of genes (Behr & Ryu, 2008).
+Clinical Manifestations
+Interstitial Lung Disease is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by alveolar and septal thickening, fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition. If the process of fibroblast proliferation remains unchecked, it leads to pulmonary fibrosis. Interstitial lung diseases bring about related problems, such as the right sided heart failure (cor pulmonale), respiratory failure and pulmonary hypertension (Wagner et. al, 2007).
+The right sided heart failure is a condition, where the right ventricle of the heart fails due to an increased pumping pressure. This pressure needed to push the blood through the obstructed pulmonary. In the pulmonary hypertension, blood flow to the lungs is restricted by scar tissues found in the lungs blood vessels. The prevention of the flow of blood increases the pressure of blood in the pulmonary arteries hence the name pulmonary hypertension (Muller et. al, 2004).
+The interstitial lung disease affects the lungs in different ways. The walls of the alveoli in the lungs become inflamed, and lung tissue is damaged. Fibrosis also occurs in the interstitium. Fibrosis usually causes a permanent damage to tissue and hence reduces the ability of the alveoli to breathe and carry oxygen. The adjacent alveoli also experience a similar fate, when they are destroyed by the formation of scar tissue. The symptoms vary from mild to severe among different patients (Meyer, 2011).
+Considerable breakthroughs have been made in the understanding of interstitial lung disease. However, curing and eliminating this disease has not been achieved leaving prevention as the only possible option of curbing the disease. Prevention is done on a basis of first understanding the leading causes of interstitial lung disease. Once the causative agents have been identified, efforts can be made to avoid exposing individuals to them (Kumar, 2011).
+Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is caused by dust and mold, and hence these two should be avoided to prevent oneself from the disease. Idiopathic diseases have no known causes and are hard to prevent. Smoking exposes an individual to lung diseases and thus quitting smoking is also recommended as a means of preventing ILD. Once respiratory infections set in, patient becomes more prone to the symptoms of interstitial lung disease vaccination against diseases, such as pneumonia and flu can be carried out to prevent the latter two from expressing themselves (Nathan, 2008).
+People who are exposed to occupational hazards e.g. coal miners, sand blasters and ship workers can practise another prevention strategy. These individuals are in constant exposure to known causes of lung disease in their workplaces. Therefore, these workers are subjected to constant lung disease checkups to allow for early detection. Individuals working in these careers are encouraged to take long breaks in their jobs to avoid constant exposure to the causative agents of interstitial lung disease.
+Constant radiation and chemotherapy to the chest predisposes an individual to lung diseases. These two treatments should be kept at the lowest possible levels and only used when there are no other treatment methods. Interstitial lung disease has been shown to be more prevalent in adults than in children. This is mainly because of its slow development nature. It has also been observed that continued exposure to high levels of therapeutic oxygen for more than forty eight hours can harm the lungs. This should be avoided to reduce the exposure of an individual to causative agents of Interstitial Lung disease (Muller et. al, 2004).
+Many people with interstitial lung disease learn to cope with the disease, but it also can eventually lead to death. This is dependent on the disease type, and how far the disease has progressed without treatment. Many different types of treatments that help slow the progression of lung dysfunction down exist. Early detection of the disease helps to curb its further proliferation by applying the treatment and preventive measures discussed earlier. Interstitial lung disease is known to cause complications, such as right sided heart failure and respiratory failure, which are life threatening (Wagner et. al, 2007). Its emergence and or spread should be curbed at all costs.
+Vera Wang Signs 10-Year Deal With Pronovias for Vera Wang Bride – WWD
+Vera Wang and Pronovias are getting hitched.
+The designer has struck a 10-year licensing deal with Barcelona-based Pronovias Group to manufacture, distribute and market Vera Wang Bride in its global fleet of stores and wholesale accounts, beginning in October. Vera Wang Bride is priced about 60 percent lower than Wang’s couture wedding gowns and is intended to reach a broader and international customer base.
+Known for her cutting-edge designs for both the red carpet and weddings for such celebrities as Hailey Bieber, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys and Victoria Beckham, Wang has been one of the most influential bridal designers in the industry over the past 32 years.
+“It’s very exciting. We’ve always done upper-end bridal and that’s obviously a limited audience. You’re never going to get any sizable volume when you’re doing dresses that start at $4,500 or $4,000, and go up to about $12,000,” said Wang in a telephone interview.
+,” said Wang..”
+Vera Wang Bride will be at a more accessible price point than the designer’s high-end line, which has a sweet spot of $8,000. The new collection will retail from $1,600 to $4,000, with the sweet spot being between $2,000 and $3,000.
+Vera Wang adjusts a Vera Wang Bride dress for a photo shoot.
+courtesy shot.
+“It will be an opportunity for her to speak to a completely different audience, without sacrificing the luxury and craftsmanship of the dresses,” said Ohayon, who was reached by phone in London.
+Pronovias dresses brides in 105 countries through a network of 102 retail stores, including flagships in such cities as New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, London, Shanghai and Barcelona and more than 4,000 points of sale. Spain is the number-one exporter of bridal fashion. Pronovias has eight freestanding stores in the U.S. Wang had never sold her bridal dresses at Pronovias, which was acquired by private equity firm BC Partners in July 2017.
+This global deal represents the sixth brand for the Pronovias Group, which includes Pronovias (including Marchesa for Pronovias and Ashley Graham for Pronovias), House of St. Patrick, White One, Nicole and Ladybird. The addition of Vera Wang is viewed as a move to solidify Pronovias’ luxury position as a group and strengthen its business in the U.S. and China, as well as other areas around the globe.
+For nine years, Wang had a licensing deal with David’s Bridal that ended in 2020. Wang explained that David’s is a national U.S. brand and has a certain audience that it was targeting. ,” said Wang, who approached Pronovias during the pandemic and she and Ohayon started discussions over Zoom.
+Attracted to Pronovias’ craftsmanship, infrastructure and global penetration, Wang said, “There are areas it reaches such as Scandinavia…It didn’t even occur to me.”
+Wang said her own bridal line has a solid business in Japan, where it has had stores for at least 10 years and have six doors in Japan, two of which are freestanding units. The company also has a deal in Mainland China, where it is about to open two more stores in Beijing and Shenzhen. She said she really couldn’t break into Europe, other than selling Brown’s in London. “I couldn’t break into Italy, or Spain, or France, not really….”
+Vera Wang
+Weston Wells/WWD
+Wang has four freestanding bridal stores in the U.S. — in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco.
+She said both the Wang and Pronovias teams worked together on Zoom during the pandemic, with Wang’s team in New York, Pronovias’ team in Barcelona and their manufacturers in Asia. They designed 100 dresses, which they edited down to 85, and then the Pronovias team came to New York. “They [the dresses] are like all my children, there are so many beautiful dresses. We couldn’t have all of them. We got to the anointed 60,” said Wang.
+Pronovias will offer a new Vera Wang Bride collection once a year, in addition to special occasion dresses that will be introduced in January.
+Asked whether she incorporated new ideas or are all the dresses archival, Wang replied, “They’re archival, but they’re done in a new way. I think they’re done in a fresh way.”
+For example, she cited the botanical dress, which was extremely challenging to do even in her brand’s couture room. “There are references to that,” she said, citing the floral motifs. She explained that because she designed 60 dresses, Pronovias can offer a range her brand can’t do when it’s designing 12 dresses for the main collection. “You will see things that I could explore maybe that I haven’t done, like more beachy dresses and things that are kind of fun, or maybe a rehearsal dinner dress.”
+All of the dresses have the brand’s codes, such as the way the backs are draped.
+Wang said she was blown away when the completed Vera Wang Bride dresses arrived in New York, where they did a photo shoot. “When I saw the dresses arrive, I was so excited. I looked at the dresses and thought maybe these are the first eight that arrived and they’re maybe the simple dresses. As I saw the more complex ones come in, I was amazed. I hope this continues. You know I know clothes. If I’m saying they’re really beautiful, you’ve got to believe they are,” said Wang.
+But of course the question becomes whether these more accessible dresses will have a negative impact on her high-end business.
+“First of all, this is not the same thing they did for David’s Bridal, which was a very different price point, where they were $700 to $1,900. David’s is an American national brand. This [Pronovias] is a really global business, with huge infrastructure. And they can get us into South America and they can get us into Scandinavia. They can get us into Europe, in a way we’ve never been able to do,” said Wang. She believes she can also be helpful to Pronovias in expanding its business in China, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand. Part of Pronovias’ strategy is also a massive launch of Vera Wang Bride in China.
+“And we might be able to bring them a new client in the U.S.,” she said.
+In Wang’s opinion, Pronovias has a certain look to it which is more of a glam, European style. “We’re bringing our freshness and a lightness. It won’t be the construction of what we do handmade in our sample room in New York,” she said. All of Wang’s high-end wedding gowns are manufactured in the U.S.
+She plans to rename her high-end, ready-to-wear and bridal line Vera Wang Haute. The name change will enable her to still explore and grow and become more viable and creative. “In bridal, it will give me more grounds for exploration and study,” Wang said.
+During bridal market weeks, Pronovias will show Vera Wang Bride. For the past five years, Wang hasn’t had fashion shows and instead has made films to showcase her ready-to-wear and bridal to express and tell a story. She designs 12 to 15 high-end bridal dresses twice a year.
+For the Vera Wang Bride collection, Wang appears to have hit on all her favorite trends. “There are some gowns that are minimal, structural and architectural, some are bohemian and romantic and very deconstructed and whimsical, and then there are dresses done in incredible draping. We’re known for tulle, and there are dresses that are explosive ballerina dresses, ballgowns,” she said.
+“It’s got that whimsy,” she continued. “It’s very youthful. Pronovias’ other brands are more womanly, they’re kind of sexy, va-va-voom. That’s not us. I think it’s very whimsical and also very artsy. We’re artsy. I can’t take the chances with them that I do with the Haute brand. With the Haute brand, you never knew what I’m going to do. I just finished the 10 dresses yesterday. You can see reflections of it at Pronovias. Now I have permission to go more expensive. Now I don’t have to worry about the $4,500 dress. I can go to $6,000 to $14,000. I can develop beading at a more European level,” she said.
+Wang said she styled the Vera Wang Bride photographs and will be doing a lot of social media to promote the collection.
+After working through the entire pandemic and having to shut down her stores twice, board them up with plywood, and then re-tag, re-press and re-merchandise all the clothing, she called it a “horrifying,” year that’s also been “hopeful.” Working on the Pronovias project has been a lot of work, but gratifying. “It’s a real new business strategy and model for us,” said Wang, who also recently launched Vera Wang x Chopin Vodka, a limited-edition collaboration.
+According to Ohayon, the Vera Wang Bride dresses will be made to order. The bride comes in and tries on the dress, they take her measurements, and the gown will be made in one of the company’s factories in Barcelona, or elsewhere in Europe and Asia. “It depends where we’re sourcing the materials. The haute couture embroideries are sourced in India. We do it based on the capabilities of the different factories,” said Ohayon. For the bride, the fittings will take place in their local Pronovias stores and their wholesale partners, including wedding salons. Vera Wang Bride won’t be in every single point of sale, said Ohayon. “We want to keep the collection very premium, but it will be a significant amount,” she said.
+Vera Wang Bride will be positioned in the front of the Pronovias stores on black racks. People can make an appointment, and book online, and there will be separate bookings for Vera Wang Bride. Vera Wang Bride will have its own web site, social media and content. “It’s really like a stand-alone business,” said Ohayon. The brand is also offering plus sizes and petites as well as sustainable options.
+The Pronovias New York flagship at 45 East 58th Street.
+courtesy shot.
+Ohayon said there were three important objectives for establishing Vera Wang Bride. First, it has to be a Vera Wang collection. Second, it was very important to have instantly recognizable Vera Wang signature dresses, such as the princess-style ball gown with full tulle skirt worn by Kim Kardashian, or the strapless, super-fitted bodice with sculpted neckline and long, voluminous skirt worn by Victoria Beckham. The third one was to bring some newness. “Vera is an innovator, she wants to be ahead of the curve,” said Ohayon.
+Because it’s a global deal, Ohayon said Wang “was very keen to understand what Italian brides love, and what French brides love. We told her Italian brides loved romantic, but Wang wanted to do romantic edge. Spanish girls love crepe dresses with long sleeves, but they’re making it with something in the back with a big bow or flower,” said Ohayon.
+Wang is also designing accessories for Vera Wang Bride. There will be some natural flowers on the head or as a corsage and on the belts. There will be tiaras. “We have some really cool head pieces. They have a cool, rock edge to them. She’s designed some amazing gloves, too,” said Ohayon.
+Discussing the state of the bridal business, Ohayon said that prior to 2020, Pronovias’ business had been flat for 10 years. She said growth had been zero percent, so one knew what to expect year in and year out. One-quarter of Pronovias’ business is done in the U.S. Currently, the company is noticing pent-up demand in countries where COVID-19 vaccinations are progressing well, such as Israel, the U.K. and the U.S. Overall, there were 60 percent fewer weddings in 2020 than 2019. Pronovias only had 5 percent of cancellations of its dresses, said Ohayon. Some brides decided to go ahead with their weddings, and others decided to postpone them.
+“It’s starting to get under control. Hopefully, the second half will be very strong, and 2022 and 2023 will be great years,” said Ohayon.
+She visited the U.S. earlier this month and the stores were busy because women have been coming and want to get their dress. “What is very interesting is they don’t look at the price, they really just want the dress to be on time. Second, there’s a sentiment that they’re going to treat themselves because people haven’t spent money in many months. They’ve had to reorganize their weddings, and they may not be doing 500-people weddings over three days in a secret destination. They’re downsizing a little bit their ceremony from a spending standpoint. The one thing they really think that they deserve to treat themselves is a dress,” said Ohayon.
+Pronovias CEO Sees More Than ‘Here Comes The Bride and There She Goes’
+Pronovias Group Enters Groomswear Market in Partnership With Carlo Pignatelli
+Pronovias Group Launches Sustainability Initiative to Try to Improve Bridal Industry Standards
+Bridget Foley’s Diary: Vera Wang Weighs In on Coronavirus’ Fashion Impact
+Vera Wang RTW Spring 2021
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+With the 2018 season winding down, I figured it would be a fun exercise to look at who I think performed the best at each position across ALL of the minor leagues. Think of it as my version of an All-American squad, or my First Team All-MiLB squad. Jason Woodell joined me on the Prospects Live podcast to discuss our first-team picks. (Where we disagree, I included his picks as well.) Now, I’m not trying to look into the future and pick players that project out to be the top guys at these positions, but that does play a small role in this. It’s like 85% stats from 2018 while still having some future projection, so I guess I’m cheating a bit. Whatever, I can do what I want over here. Let’s dive in…
+Finding the catcher for this squad was easily the toughest decision I had while filling out this 2018 Dream Team, but ultimately I decided on Ronaldo Hernandez from the Rays system.
+Hernandez hit .284/.339/.494 and put up a wRC+ of 133 while spending the entire season in the Low-A Midwest League as a 20-year-old. He added 42 extra base hits (21 bombs) and even chipped in 10 steals. It was his first taste of full season ball and he didn’t disappoint. There are some defensive concerns here, but he has a plus arm and has hit at every level of pro ball thus far. He only struck out at a 15.4% clip while nearly leading the league in big flies. He’s a monster.
+Woodell: Danny Jansen, Toronto. “He is the most complete overall catching prospect in the game. He is durable, blue-collar catcher with a cannon. The bat-to-ball skills are elite in the minors. With his build, power will come in the Rogers Centre.”
+When I was picking my first baseman for this team, I quickly narrowed it down to two guys, Peter Alonso or Nathaniel Lowe. Ultimately I went with Nathaniel Lowe.
+The 13th-rounder of out Mississippi State, Lowe had a true breakout campaign in 2018. He rose all the way from High-A to Triple-A and hit .330/.416/.568 across all three levels. Lowe spent 51 games each at High-A and Double-A and posted a 191 wRC+ and a 193 wRC+ during those stops. His 60-grade raw power and excellent hit tool and plate skills give Lowe the upside to be a top ten first baseman at his peak.
+Woodell: Peter Alonso, NY Mets. “Reminds me a bit of Rhys Hoskins in so much as he was fairly under the radar, but has hit his way into the conversation. May never be a .300 hitter in the bigs, but 40 HRs is not out of the question. He, not Dom Smith, is the Mets future first baseman.”
+My second base prospect of the year is yet another Ray’s prospect, Vidal Brujan.
+The 20-year-old, switch-hitting second baseman absolutely cruised through Low-A and High-A as he put up a cumulative .320/.403/.459 triple slash with 25 doubles, 7 triples, and 9 home runs. He also swiped 55 bags in 122 games across both levels. Brujan only struck out 12.4% while also walking at an 11.5% clip. Insane plate skills. Despite only being listed 5’9” and 155 pounds, there’s a chance he can hit 20 homers at the big league level. He’s much more aggressive than his walk rate implies, but Brujan is a DUDE.
+Woodell: Garrett Hampson, Colorado. “Elite athlete. Could become a .300 20/30 guy as soon as next season.”
+I’m not even going to mess around here, the Baseball America Minor League Player of the Year, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. is my third baseman of the year.
+This was an easy pick as all Vladdy did was hit .381/.437/.636 in 2018. There’s not much to add here but Vlad is the consensus number one prospect in the game.
+There was a bit of controversy here for me, as my pick for the shortstop of the year was going to be Wander Franco of the Rays. I mean he did hit .351/.418/.587 while walking more than he struck out, but he only played 61 games so I ended up going a different direction. The 2018 Shortstop of the Year is Royce Lewis!
+The former first-overall pick hit .292/.352/.451 while splitting time between the Midwest League and the Florida State League. He has elite bat speed and hands and they pop when you see this kid in the box and at shortstop. He’s growing into his power and should start 2019 in Double-A. Lewis has handled all the pressure and expectations of being the number one pick beautifully and has been one of the leaders on every team he’s been on. Lewis is the complete package at shortstop for fantasy and has answered some of the defensive questions this year as well.
+So I kind of cheated a bit with the outfield and I just picked the three best players regardless of position. My three, in no particular order, are Eloy Jimenez, Alex Kirilloff, and Kyle Tucker.
+Eloy was only limited to 108 games this year due to injury, but the dude hit .337/.384/.577 across Double-A and Triple-A for the White Sox in ‘18. I think Eloy has Miguel Cabrera-esque upside and will be mashing on the South Side in mid-April of 2019.
+Alex Kirilloff rose up prospect lists more than anyone else in 2018. He triple slashed .348/.392/.578 across two levels of A-ball with 44 doubles, 7 triples and 20 big flies. Jason W., Jason P. and I have all seen Kirilloff in person during 2018 and it was an impressive show. He uses all fields and has one of the more potent hit/power combinations in all of the minors. There’s a lot to love here. Reminds me of Freddie Freeman with more athleticism.
+Kyle Tucker posted his second consecutive 20 homer/20 steal season in 2018 while also spending time in the Majors for the ‘Stros. He slashed .332/.400/.590 with a 155 wRC+ in one of the more pitcher friendly PCL parks. Tucker will only be 22 next year but should have a starting role in Houston on Opening Day if not shortly after. Tucker has one of the highest floors in all of the minors while still possessing mouth-watering upside. He’s absolutely the real deal despite his struggles during his cup of coffee.
+For pitching I picked two arms from the right side and two from the left. My two right-handed choices are Chris Paddack and Michael Kopech.
+Paddack put up some absolutely cartoonish numbers in High-A and Double-A. He was limited to only 90 innings since it’s his first full season after undergoing Tommy John in 2016 and missing all of 2017. He made the most of those 90 frames by racking up 120 strikeouts while only allowing 8! walks. I’ll repeat that. 120/8 K/BB ratio. INSANE. He has a plus changeup which is his bread-and-butter pitch, and he sets it up with a low-90s fastball that can touch the mid-90s. His breaking ball is a work in progress, but it’s still developing. Building innings is next on the list for Paddack, but he had as good as a return from Tommy John as I can remember.
+My other righty arm is that of White Sox young gun Michael Kopech. We all just heard the unfortunate news about Kopech and his UCL, but he made significant strides with his command in 2018. He only issued 4 free passes in his final 38 Triple-A innings while striking out an absurd 59 hitters in that same span. We won’t see Kopech again until 2020, but he will be worth the wait.
+Woodell: Touki Toussaint and Michael King. “Both guys have made tremendous strides this season. King has posted 8.48 K/9, 5.24 K/BB, 1.79 ERA, 2.76 FIP, .200 average against over three levels. Meanwhile, Touki has reached the big leagues and you could make a case that he is the Braves top overall prospect right now.”
+My two picks for top left-handed starters are two arms that both reached Triple-A in 2018, Jesus Luzardo and Justus Sheffield.
+Luzardo ripped through High-A and Double-A and was even selected as the starting pitcher for the World team for the Future’s Game. Although his 4 starts in Triple-A weren’t great, he still put up a 2.88 ERA with 129 K’s and 30 BB’s in 109 1/3 innings. Luzardo sits anywhere from 91-95 with the fastball with plus command. His changeup is a plus offering and his curveball is an above-average pitch. The Tommy John survivor will likely be limited to around 150 innings next year, but a majority of those should be in Oakland in 2019.
+Justus Sheffield split 2018 between Double-A and Triple-A and posted a 2.48 ERA and a 123/50 K/BB in 116 innings. Sheffield sits 93-95 with the heater with a plus slider and above-average changeup. It was a bit of a surprise that the Yankees left Sheffield in the minors and didn’t call him up for the Wild Card push in September, but he should spend most of 2019 taking the ball every fifth day for the Yanks.
+So there you have it. My 2018 Prospect Team of the Year. Here it is one more time.
+SS- Royce Lewis, Twins
+OF- Alex Kiriloff, Twins
+3B- Vladimir Guerrero, Jr., Blue Jays
+OF- Eloy Jimenez, White Sox
+OF- Kyle Tucker, Astros
+1B- Nathaniel Lowe, Rays
+C- Ronaldo Hernandez, Rays
+2B- Vidal Brujan, Rays
+The Rotation:
+RHP Michael Kopech
+LHP Jesus Luzardo
+RHP Chris Paddack
+LHP Justus Sheffield
+Take Ravenswood and realize they’re connected somehow. Their only evidence? Matching headstones in the Ravenswood cemetery, engraved with their names and featuring old photos that look just like them.
+But Caleb and Miranda aren’t the only entangled in Ravenswood’s spooky history. Three more are also entangled in the ominous curse plaguing the town:
+• Olivia and Luke, siblings whose father was recently killed — with their mother as the town’s No. 1 suspect.
+• Remy, girlfriend of Luke and daughter to the editor of the Ravenswood Gazette. If there were ever a character to sympathize with, it’s this quirky gal. Not only has her father forbidden her to see Luke, but her mother (who recently returned as the sole survivor of an ambush in Afghanistan) is just barely keeping her head above water as she struggles with nightmares and guilt.
+Slowly — very slowly — the five teenagers begin to connect the dots and realize they are part of something much larger than themselves. And they’re living on borrowed time before Ravenswood’s resident ghost exacts her revenge.
+RELATED | ABC Family Sets Return Dates for Pretty Little Liars, Twisted and More
+As many pilots do, Ravenswood’s premiere included lot of exposition to wade through. And while the pace picked up in the last 10 minutes, several questions remained unanswered: How and why are these five strangers connected? Is there more than just one ghost haunting the town? And why is Miranda’s uncle so creepy?
+Ultimately, Ravenswood is a sufficiently spooky tale — and you don’t have to be a Pretty Little Liars fan to enjoy the hair-raising series. Or that’s what we think, anyway! What’s your take? Grade Ravenswood via the poll below, then hit the comments to back up your choice!
+I am in love with the Mysteries of this show. The whole curse concept has me hooked. I do have the fear,that all of the Caleb/Hannah fans will try to sink the spinoff in order to have Caleb back in Rosewood.
+I have the same fear and it’s really too bad. I think Caleb is better off in Ravenswood.
+Well that’s pretty damn immature and selfish. Tanking someones career choice for the sake of your fictional ship. They should be ashamed.
+The majority (notice I said majority, not all) of the fans are teenage/pre-teen girls who, as a species, are known to be selfish.
+Aside from the repulsive Tyler Blackburn, it was a very promising pilot.
+B- is the grade I give it. I’m usually not a fan of supernatural type shows, but it has me intrigued enough to return next week for another viewing. It moved a little bit slow at times and the hour didn’t fly by the way most episodes of PLL do. It has me interested enough to tune in again, but I’m not sold yet on it being “must see” viewing.
+I give it a B. Hope Ravenswood is destined to be ABC Family’s next breakout hit.
+Question: If a person has only seen whatever episode of PLL are on Netflix (I’m assuming it’s a year behind) would it be a bad idea to watch this show?
+No, Ravenswood is a completely separate show. You don’t need to have watched PPL to watch it, the only thing the same is the character of Caleb. PPL just introduced the town a little with a couple episodes this season, but the Show of Ravenswood is irrelevant. :-)
+Cool. I was worried that I’d turn it on and Caleb would be delivering a monologue about everything that happened on PLL. :)
+It worries me that they’re killing one of the characters this early.
+I love that Caleb has his own show and is away from that shrew Hanna! He can do better. Tyler Blackburn is awesome and I am glad he is the star of Ravenswood. I liked this pilot better than The Tomorrow People and Reign, so I will be back for me.
+Same old silly spooky town plot. I do like the “nod” to Dark Shadows (via the Collins name) and the dialogue is a bit better than the normal stuff out there today. My BIGGEST criticism involves not the show itself, but the fact that both the website and the almost all the promotion completely ignores the fact that the classic actress MEG FOSTER is in the cast. While I understand that she is a “recurring” character, as opposed to regular cast, she probably has more talent than most of the children being pretty faces for the camera. And of course they really gave her typical crappy dialogue; at least she gave a two dimensional character a bit of “fullness’.
+Unfortunately, as the show is marketed towards a specific age group, most people are unaware of just how amazing Meg Foster is. I think she’s been a big hit with the audience though, so perhaps that means more screen time.
+Reblogged this on thehiltonburnellfiles and commented:
+I would give it an A. It was a good show. I love the spin-off with Caleb. Ravenswood is my new addiction.
+I see someone else picked up on the nod to Dark Shadows with the ‘Collin’s’ name. I like that. And I like the show so far. Upset my DVR cut out the first few minutes, but I’m surviving w/out it.
+One question I’m not sure they answered or will answer soon – the fact that her uncle has the Collins last name, I assumed he was her dad’s brother, but he’s her mom’s brother. Why does she have the Collins’ last name then? Did they say anything about this?
+I’m probably gonna get crucified for saying this, but I didn’t care for it at all….The premise of the show was promising and even the plot, what I can’t wrap my head around is the fact that they are using high school seniors instead of college-aged adults, I think it would have made more sense. I also don’t like that it’s Caleb there when he still has unopened business with “A” in Rosewood and Hanna and what about school?….I still stand by that it should have been Toby that went to this spinoff because given his background (mom killing herself, etc) his being there would have made me appreciate this story more. They could have tied his mystery with this mystery, plus he hasn’t played a big role in PLL since Season 2, so his absence can be better explained. I don’t know, I’ll try one more episode (because sometimes the 2nd episode is a lot better than the first) and see…..HOWEVER! THAT MIRANDA BETTER KEEP HER HANDS OFF OF HANNA’S CALEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+I so agree with you.
+I have a problem with them saying it’s in Pa. when it’s clearly Louisiana. Longmire and Suits suffer from the same location identity problem. Putting that aside, I think it’s a good show for the targeted demographic.
+It was a promising pilot. I only hope that they don’t tease too much and then we get as many plot holes like we do on PLL. Otherwise it made a good first impression.
+I only wish they would have gone on location on the PLL Halloween special to make it look more authentic to what we got on Ravenswood.
+I love the pilot, Also Tyler Blackburn is awesome!!!
+My DVR is packed as it is. Not in a rush to watch this one. It was ok….
+I just finished watching the pilot. Wasn’t bad, but don’t think I’ll be that interested. I’ll mainly be watching because I kinda like Nicole Anderson, and for possible PLL connections/references.
+Also, I hate the supernatural aspect and hope it doesn’t effect PLL. Because of that alone, I already have mixed feelings. It probably won’t have that many connections/references, so for the most part, they’ll likely be able to be considered two separate shows, but they were better off just sending Caleb to Ravenswood without having anything to do with Ali and the liars.
+I liked it. They are definitely going to have to fill in some blanks sooner rather than later…like how are the 5 kids connected, why didn’t Miranda’s uncle keep her and why are all the adults creepy!
+I like supernatural shows (Supernatural itself is my FAV) and this was good…but not as good as Sleepy Hollow, which I really love!
+I really enjoyed it! The ghost at the end creeped me out for sure. Love Caleb, and I think I like the other 4 main characters as well!
+I liked the show. It was a little slow starting off, but hopefully it will get better in the next couple of episodes. I think they introduced way too many characters in this first episode. I can barely remember the 5 teens names let alone random people they meet in the coffee house.
+Ravenswood promises to be as nonsensical as The Secret Circle was in its premises, while trying to twist itself like Twisted. Unfortunately, as for now Ravenswood lacks a confessed criminal twink as main character, which actually is groundbreaking, but resemblance between Caleb and Danny didn’t pass unnoticed.
+Just watched Ravenswood. Is it just me, or does that girl Remy remind anyone else of Side Show Bob?
+When you kill off the main character in the 2nd ep. which kills the luv triangle. You can’t have a luv triangle with a dead person in the mix! It’s hard to like. I came to this show because I liked Miranda’s character and now she’s dead. I hope she returns to BATB. You lost this viewer due to bad script decisions!
+Caleb better not go back on PLL and say a damn word about what happened while he was gone. Its bad enough they used the Haloween PLL to boost the show. If it was a seperate story like everyone is claiming, IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN STARTED IN THE PLL TIMELINE. period. If he even mentions anything in PLL, it would change the show completely making it supernatural, thats not what it is at all. And on previews it already showed Hanah getting pissed at him for “not telling her what happened there”. Seems like a clue that PLL is essentially already ruined.
+Don’t want to be mean but they try to be scary in this serie but it’s really not. I think even the concept is not interesting I mean come on ghost is something reaaaally old…
+I have never watched PLL, am 50 years old and am totally intrigued by this show. Other than the craziness of having almost-30-year-old actors play teens, I love the premise and hope ABCFam renews it. All the actors are good, and I haven’t seen Meg Foster in years!
+I didn’t mind ABC Family giving Caleb his own show, but the premises of this show is odd. How will Caleb be able to have a romantic encounter with a ghost, a ghost who will have to wear the same outfit the entire run of the show ? I don’t mind supernatural but the tie in to PPL wasn’t believable. I’m not the demographic this network is shooting for, but have faithfully watched or DVR’ ed most of the shows for years. I always appreciated the release dates ABC Family has for shows, usually when regular network shows are in hiatus. This gives us new things to watch.
+Unless I’m desperate I won’t return for the second season . It’s a shame this was the best vehicle they could find for Caleb.
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+was great. I do not know who you are but definitely you
+are going to a famous blogger if you are not already ;) Cheers!
+Summer Exhibition 2013
+Summer Exhibition 2013
+By Rachel Campbell-Johnston
+Published 22 May 2013
+Behind the scenes with this year’s co-ordinators Norman Ackroyd RA and Eva Jiricna RA.
+From the Summer 2013 issue of RA Magazine, issued quarterly to Friends of the RA.
+Burlington House is the bastion of the high cultural establishment. But this summer it is dressing up in what looks like a very contemporary party frock. A glimmering meshwork, woven from thousands of interlinked bottle caps, will cascade in a torrent down the Palladian façade of the building, providing a spectacular welcome for visitors to the Summer Exhibition.
+El Anatsui
+El Anatsui and his assistants with work outside his studio in Nsukka, Nigeria
+Photo Uche James Iroha/Courtesy October Gallery, London
+This stunning opener to the show is TSIATSIA – Searching for Connection (2013) by the West African artist, El Anatsui (b. 1944). “I was very excited when the Royal Academy commissioned me,” he says. “Having grown up with many teachers of British origin, I was familiar with the Academy. While I wanted the building to work like a kind of frame for the artwork, I also wanted my piece to look very contemporary and fresh. I use discarded bottle tops, woven together with copper wire. They are things that are easily overlooked, easily seen as rubbish, but which have at the same time a huge historical significance. They are about the relationship between Europe and Africa in the sense that it was the Europeans who first brought bottles to Africa. Gin, schnapps and whisky were imported by traders for bartering. Now these drinks are manufactured by local distillers. They have names from Nigeria, where I now live. And when you collect them from the streets – and it is important to me that all these caps have been used, touched and so loaded with what I think of as a human charge – they give you a sense of the sociology and the history of a place. A material that looks commonplace and ordinary is loaded with a new significance and meaning.”
+El Anatsui, TSIATSIA - searching for connection, 2013.
+Aluminium, (bottle-tops, printing plates, roofing sheets) and copper wire. 15 x 23 metres. Photo © Benedict Johnson.
+Anatsui’s glittering drape, its once dusty and trampled components transformed into a shimmering tapestry of light, takes pride of place in the RA’s Annenberg Courtyard. But can this annual RA art show, like Anatsui’s materials, be revivified? Can an exhibition that is all too commonly viewed as somehow outmoded, be turned into something that sparkles with new life?
+The RA has worked hard to rejuvenate its image, not least in last year’s Summer Exhibition, which was co-ordinated by Tess Jaray RA. She tapped into her network of past pupils at the Slade, encouraging them to submit work. And together they helped breathe fresh energy into the Academy’s august spaces.
+This will become increasingly apparent in the upcoming Summer Show. “The many young and emerging new artists who were invited to contribute last year, were the sort of people who in the past would probably have shied away, not wanting to be part of something so traditional,” says Norman Ackroyd RA, this year’s co-ordinator. “That move has proved a great success. We’ve had a lot of young people putting in work. And it makes me optimistic that we are putting on a terrific show, a lively mixture of Academicians and the next generation – and that’s what the Summer Exhibition is all about.”
+Humphrey Ocean RA the Academy’s Professor of Perspective, is also taking a role on this year’s hanging committee. He emerges still reeling from a week in which some 11,000 images have passed before the selection panel. “Once you’ve picked out the good stuff you start to get a clearer view,” he says. “What the Summer Exhibition offers is a picture of what’s going on all over the UK, what’s being made in all sorts of conditions. And you don’t have to go to art school to produce something wonderful. Sometimes, as a selector, you just stumble across something that is completely beautiful but comes from left field. And that’s what this show can get – and what Tate and the National Gallery can’t. Whatever the Summer Exhibition is not, it is a contemporary show. It’s a picture of what’s happening right now.
+"Turner famously believed that rules alone don’t make an artist. As a painter, he changed the rules. He pointed a way forward into a world that was less constricted, paving a way for Monet, for Cubism, for the whole of modern art, for all the changes that have happened in the world since Joshua Reynolds died. And a constant across this era of change, has been the Summer Exhibition.” It has been like a monitor through which we can gauge what is happening out there, Ocean says.
+Sean Sculley RA, Doric Sea, 2013.
+courtesy Neo Inc., New York and Timothy Taylor Gallery, London.
+“We have some amazing things,” says Ackroyd. There is a painting by the newly elected Academician Sean Scully. We have a print of a digitally flattened-out 3D model of a Fiat, by architect and designer Ron Arad, also a new RA. Tapestries by Grayson Perry, from his series The Vanity of Small Differences (2012), are based on his wonderfully inventive drawings that bring something more conventionally perceived as a medieval medium to vivid contemporary life.
+Ron Arad RA, Let's Drop It, Ok?, 2013.
+© Ron Arad Associates/Courtesy Ron Arad Associates.
+“A lot of the work that we saw,” says Ackroyd “was very challenging, powerful, strong. The exhibition evolves positively year by year. Since 2000 we have elected over 40 new Academicians and this is reflected dramatically in the Summer Show. Anyone who has not visited the Summer Exhibition for 15 or 20 years would see the change as revolutionary. There’s a lot of work in new media – video and digital pieces – as well as painting and drawing.” The sheer variety of the print submissions particularly struck him since, being a printmaker, he often hangs the exhibition’s print gallery. It is a reflection, he thinks, of the fact that London is now the centre of print publishing.
+Rodney Graham, Betula Pendula ‘Fastigiata’ (Sous-Chef on Smoke-Break), 2011.
+Courtesy the Artist and Lisson Gallery.
+“An amazing symbiosis has built up between the London Original Print Fair, held annually at the RA, and the Summer Exhibition. The print rooms of this exhibition, which 20 years ago used to feel rather like an afterthought in the last gallery, have been moved to the heart of the show, and many of the prints will be making their way into other rooms, to take their place beside paintings.”
+The galleries are usually hung according to medium, be it sculpture, painting, or print. But the mixing of different media is a salient feature of this year’s hang. “For the first time,” says architect Eva Jiricna RA, who is on the hanging committee this year, “architecture is going to be shown alongside sculpture. We are looking at the contribution that each discipline makes to the other. Perhaps it will encourage a greater freedom of thinking, encourage more architects to look beyond the practical rules of engineering and think, ‘I’m building a sculpture.’ That’s what Frank Gehry would say. That’s how architects such as Zaha Hadid think,” says Jiricna.
+“Hadid’s contribution to the Summer Exhibition is Kloris (2008), which is sculptural outdoor seating made in fibreglass with a chrome lacquer finish.” Conversely, the sculptor Anthony Caro RA is submitting a monumental piece that is markedly architectural in feel. Shadows (2013) has depth and proportion,“ says Jiricna, "and it is extremely sophisticated in the way that the shapes penetrate each other to form a structure that feels very calm, balanced, as if it could only be that way.”
+Marina Abramovi? Hon RA, ME & ME, 2008.
+© Marina Abramovi?/Courtesy Marina Abramovi? and Sean Kelly Gallery New York.
+Further mingling of media is taking place in the portrait gallery, which is another new feature of this year’s show. Historically, portraiture was a mainstay of the event. People would crowd around the image of a trend-setting aristocrat as eagerly as they now ogle some celebrity photograph in Hello! magazine. The point of creating a dedicated portrait gallery is to reclaim a genre that is too often overlooked as conventional. Thus this gallery includes work as diverse as Celia Paul’s contemplative painting Annela (2012) a drawing of St John chef Fergus Henderson and his wife by American artist Elizabeth Peyton, a pared-down sculpture of a skull titled Self-Portrait in the Year 2087 by Bill Woodrow RA, and Rodney Graham who has photographed himself as a chef.
+“Portraiture has never really gone away,” says Tom Phillips RA, who is contributing a tiny self portrait: Tripelgänger, (2013) painted from leftover colours recycled from his palette, while Honorary RA Marina Abramovic shows her two sides in her 2008 photographic work ME & ME. “When you think about it, the strongest artists of our era – Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, David Hockney RA – have all been portraitists,” says Phillips. “Today there are artists who are painting portraits that are about the business of painting. Their work is not mere simulation. It’s about asking questions about art with as much honesty as they can.” These are the sort of artists who will be brought together in all their variety in the new portrait gallery.
+Tom Phillips RA, Self Portrait: Tripelgänger, 2013.
+© Tom Phillips.
+So can we expect a great higgledy-piggledy jumble? “If you were a curator you would lose your job,” says Ocean. “You can forget those beautifully laid out exhibitions that take visitors by the hand and try to tell them what to think. The Summer Exhibition throws its spectators right in at the deep end. It makes them think for themselves. It’s the sort of show that could only be curated by artists. And some participants might not like it. They don’t know who or what they will be hung beside. But those brave enough to take part are linking arms and joining forces. And there are thousands of them. People who used not to want to go near the RA and its Summer Exhibition are returning in floods. The show is going back to becoming what I imagine it used to be when it first began. It is returning to be a vision of artists.”
+Summer Exhibition Main Galleries, 10 June–18 August. Sponsored by Insight Investment.
+Rachel Campbell-Johnston is art critic of The Times.
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+There was a time in the 40s through to the early 90s, when young and inexperienced film directors would be given the chance by big film studios to make a movie their own way, without any creative barriers. They were allowed to tamper with the usual structure of plot and characters, and create something with their own unique vision. It was a time when television was not thought as something that could produce heart-wrenching drama of the same quality as movies could. Now, times have changed. Films are under a strict rule book by Hollywood; it has forced many talented actors, directors and screenwriters to television. This “emigration” has undeniably upped the class of shows, so much so that the “small” screen now seems to be producing “big” screen quality. Which leaves us with one question: has television finally caught up with films?
+In those early days of when film was far superior to television, most actors found themselves struggling for work, so to try and get their name out there, they would accept small roles in television series in the hope that it would be a success and a career in film would be just around the corner. Comedies were the usual ones they would start off in – the likes of Morgan Freeman in The Electric Company, to Jennifer Garner in Significant Others, and to Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street, all started off in television. However, this has all changed; famous actors from film are now the ones looking for work in TV series. Just look at last year’s True Detective with Matthew McConaughey, and Woody Harrelson. Fargo with Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman, and Adam Goldberg; even Hollywood legend, Kevin Spacey has got his own series, House of Cards. Now it’s film actors breaking into TV, but why is this change in motivations happening?
+The reason is that in the film business long ago, screenwriters were allowed to tinker with structure and create a style to the film which had never been seen before: it bred the likes of Stanley Kubrick, Nicolas Roeg, and David Lynch. They all to some degree changed the formula, with films that no longer stuck to the traditional three act structure, and in some cases the main character would change half way through the film. It boosted all their careers, but Hollywood was the main one reaping the rewards. Kubrick was the best example of someone who always, in each of his new films wanted to make something completely different. Just check out this talk he had with Steven Spielberg before he sadly passed away, as Spielberg recollects:
+Hollywood for some time welcomed the so called “arthouse” films with open arms. However, with the growing popularity of Marvel and DC comic book movies raking in a lot of money from the likes of China, it has meant that budgets for films have exploded, and along with them, Hollywood’s change of heart towards the big blockbusters that make more of a profit than the smaller, “arthouse” films.
+It has given many films these days a formulaic feel, where there are certain guidelines you have to stick by in creating the film so you do not risk upsetting anybody. Films like Taken, Unknown, and Non – Stop all feature Liam Neeson, while he is a great actor, he essentially plays the same character over and over again – a guy who can kill people just by tapping them. Hollywood knows though, that if they stick to making these kinds of films that are popular and make a big profit, then why take risks on films that could fail in the attempt at being more original? This has led many film actors to veer away from film because if they can only get work in big superhero movies or action movies (which do not tend to attract much academy award attention) then they will go and look for something more unique, and television is now the place to find that.
+Liam Neeson: kills anyone, anytime.
+TV series nowadays are so well written that an award seems more likely for these big stars when the TV scripts are this good. TV writing never used to be considered better than film, so why is it now?
+TV companies allow for more risks to be taken with character choices and plot twists. SPOILERS AHEAD. Breaking Bad is a classic example of a character choice which probably wouldn’t have made it into 95% of films nowadays. The scene where Walter White leaves a girl choking on her own vomit from a drug overdose is a darker form of storytelling that leaves the viewer knowing TV has the power to shock. Just look at HBO’s Game of Thrones which feels like it provides a shock an episode where the writers are not afraid to kill off a leading character at any time. However, shock value isn’t the only thing that makes writing great, it’s the rich characters that are all three dimensional. Take for instance, Walter White’s change from quiet and nice science teacher, to a ruthless drug lord. In films today, it might have had to be the other way around to make the film “safe”.
+Another example is True Detective’s Rust Cohle, who is a cynical, sociopath who sees no hope in humanity until and thinks we should stop reproducing. These characters are compelling to watch because they do not necessarily make the right moral choices, they make mistakes, thus being flawed. Films can’t allow for their leading characters to do this much because it may drive some audiences away. However, these kind of villain/hero characters still appear in films, but are unfortunately few and far between, but when they do come around, they are just as memorable.
+TV writers are also given more time to explore the depths of their characters, and time to create compelling dialogue for each individual. These TV writers are so great at showing the different parts of the story world; shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men, and Twin Peaks are all top examples of shows that make you feel immersed in these worlds by exploring each individual characters life. In effect it leaves no stone unturned. You begin to feel for almost every character; you fear for their life if they are in danger, or care if they’re hurt. It’s just another advantage that TV has over film: time to build up “lesser” characters. It again goes back to what I was saying earlier about actors flocking to TV, but this time I’m talking about the lesser known actors, the ones who are only seen as “character actors” in the movies.
+Tony Sirico as Sopranos mobster, Paulie ‘Walnuts’. An actor who got his big chance in the hit HBO series.
+When these “character actors” move to television now, they know they will have a chance to prove themselves as actors who are capable of bigger roles. In the recent past with shows like The Shield, some of the supporting characters would get a “spotlight” episode, which means they will have an episode where the plot mainly revolves around their character. It gave a chance to these supporting actors to show off their proper acting chops, and this “spotlight” is in part thanks to the classic series, The Sopranos. The Sopranos was a show about a dysfunctional mafia family, and was one of the first shows for giving each individual character a big plot line that mostly ran through a whole season. Some of the characters would start off as only appearing occasionally in the early seasons, but by the end they were all in main roles, and some went onto land bigger roles in movies.
+So, it certainly does seem at the moment that TV is winning on the plot, characters, and dialogue front. However, film is still landing a few punches too.
+Film still has the sense of awe when a huge set piece comes off, or you can see your favourite childhood comic book characters come to life on screen in a way that looks remarkably real. Just look at this year’s films, Guardians of the Galaxy and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Both of these have such great work done in the CGI department that you soon realise: only the movies can give you this kind of immersion with sci – fi worlds. TV shows do try to have real looking creatures on screen to, like TNT’s Falling Skies, but it just doesn’t hold up to the summer blockbusters, mainly because of budgets, thus losing a bit of believability.
+Falling Skies Alien creature.
+Another punch film has landed is that a lot of the time, a screenplays plot has to be tight, and thus rarely having any wasted scenes in the plot. Film can show you the life of one person in just over two hours, but still managing to document every important step in their life. Films like The Curious case of Benjamin Button, and Raging Bull do this very well. These are handled by master storytellers who know exactly how to keep the plot interesting while focusing so intensely on one character. TV can sometimes be guilty of what you might call “filler” scenes. Take for instance, the second half of season 4 in AMC’s The Walking Dead. There was a lot time spent with characters talking about random things like food or just scavenging for supplies without any conflict apart from the odd zombie popping up. Those scenes weren’t necessary, and if they were in a film, they would have been cut in the editing room pretty quickly. I’ll be quick to mention though, that not all shows do this, Breaking Bad was excellent at having every scene matter, but overall, film wins on the sense of pacing of plot.
+Now, this is where it comes down to how TV is separating itself from films, they are now both becoming a separate entity. One for the big and louder stories, the other for the deep, philosophical stories, but it’s the advent of social media that is another game changer that separates the two.
+Twitter and Facebook allow fans of TV shows to talk and share thoughts on what they might think may happen in each episode, building the sense of anticipation every week. Something films can only do once. However, with every pro, there is a con. This entire internet buzz has allowed many to see the next episode by internet leak, and then they go and post spoilers on the internet, at least with film, that cannot happen too much.
+Overall, it is safe to say television has not only caught up, but has past film in the originality department for daring storytelling; even though film will always be the place for the “spectacular.”
+In the end, it all comes down to preference. Maybe, one day, TV will be the place for huge budgets and film will be for the directors/screenwriters who want to break into TV, who knows.
+Let me know below whether you think TV has finally caught up with film.
+I’d have to agree. You’ll get ten times more TV out of your life than film, and even the best Shawshank Redemptions and Forest Gumps can’t beat Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead’s story arcs. You feel like you get to know a character over a lifetime as opposed to a small snapshot.
+Author contributions: S.V., S.C., P.L.P., E.N.B., and N.J.K. designed research; S.V. and S.C. performed research; S.V. and S.C. analyzed data; S.V., S.C., and N.J.K. wrote the paper.
+As humans are induced into a state of general anesthesia via propofol, the normal alpha rhythm (8–13 Hz) in the occipital cortex disappears and a frontal alpha rhythm emerges. This spatial shift in alpha activity is called anteriorization. We present a thalamocortical model that suggests mechanisms underlying anteriorization. Our model captures the neural dynamics of anteriorization when we adjust it to reflect two key actions of propofol: its potentiation of GABA and its reduction of the hyperpolarization-activated current Ih. The reduction in Ih abolishes the occipital alpha by silencing a specialized subset of thalamocortical cells, thought to generate occipital alpha at depolarized membrane potentials (>−60 mV). The increase in GABA inhibition imposes an alpha timescale on both the cortical and thalamic portions of the frontal component that are reinforced by reciprocal thalamocortical feedback. Anteriorization can thus be understood as a differential effect of anesthetic drugs on thalamic nuclei with disparate spatial projections, i.e.: (1) they disrupt the normal, depolarized alpha in posterior-projecting thalamic nuclei while (2) they engage a new, hyperpolarized alpha in frontothalamic nuclei. Our model generalizes to other anesthetics that include GABA as a target, since the molecular targets of many such anesthetics alter the model dynamics in a manner similar to that of propofol.
+It has been observed through electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings that, as humans and animals are induced into a state of general anesthesia, there is a spatial shift in power from posterior electrodes to frontal electrodes; this spatial shift in power is called anteriorization (Tinker et al., 1977; Brown et al., 2010; Purdon et al., 2013). Recent studies (Purdon et al., 2013) have clarified the spectral details associated with anteriorization induced by the common GABAergic anesthetic agent propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenols). Induction of general anesthesia with propofol is associated with a marked increase in EEG power in the alpha (8–13 Hz) band in the frontal cortices (Feshchenko et al., 2004; Cimenser et al., 2011; Supp et al., 2011). Simultaneously, normal “eyes-closed” alpha power in posterior and specifically, in occipital electrodes is severely attenuated (Cimenser et al., 2011; Murphy et al., 2011; Purdon et al., 2013). Although many studies have examined and characterized anteriorization over the last 35 years, the mechanisms underlying anteriorization remain poorly understood.
+We present a mechanism for anteriorization based on established computational models for frontal and occipital rhythms. Recent modeling work has shown how propofol can modify the dynamics of thalamocortical networks so as to promote frontal alpha oscillations through enhancement of GABAergic inhibition (Ching et al., 2010). A separate model has shown how posterior alpha rhythms can arise through the actions of a subset of thalamocortical (TC) cells, so-called high-threshold thalamocortical neurons, which project to the occipital cortex (Vijayan and Kopell, 2012). The contribution of this paper is to show why propofol and other anesthetics known to act through GABA promote alpha frontally but suppress it posteriorly. We do so by combining and analyzing the two models. We appeal to the multiple molecular targets of propofol: both its effect on GABAergic inhibition and its effect on hyperpolarization-activated membrane currents (h-currents) (Funahashi et al., 2001; Ying et al., 2006; Lyashchenko et al., 2007). We show that, when these effects are combined, the mechanisms for frontal alpha established in Ching et al. (2010) survive, while those for occipital alpha (Vijayan and Kopell, 2012) do not. Critical to the decrease in alpha in the occipital cortex is the importance of the h-current in creating the alpha timescale and in setting the resting membrane potential in the high-threshold TC cells. In contrast, the thalamic networks that project to frontal regions are not known to possess high-threshold cells, and the previously studied mechanisms for frontothalamic alpha remain intact, even with reductions to h-current. Given that the molecular targets and requisite effects on neuronal properties that we consider are not exclusive to propofol, our mechanism is expected to be relevant for anteriorization phenomena induced by a range of anesthetic drugs and pathological states.
+The model consists of single-compartment Hodgkin–Huxley neurons, where the membrane potential of each cell is governed by the following equation:
+where IM denotes membrane currents, ISyn denotes synaptic currents, and CM denotes the specific membrane capacitance. To capture the dynamics of anteriorization we combine a thalamocortical circuit that can account for the properties of propofol-induced frontal alpha (Ching et al., 2010) with a thalamic circuit that has the properties needed to generate occipital alpha (Vijayan and Kopell, 2012). We briefly describe each in turn below.
+The structure of the network is shown schematically on the left-hand side of Figure 1, and is essentially unchanged from Ching et al. (2010). A thalamic network model of 10 TC neurons is reciprocally connected to 10 thalamic reticular (RE) neurons. The RE cells provide inhibition to the TC cells, mediated by both GABAA and GABAB, and also provide inhibition to each other, mediated by GABAA. The TC cells in turn provide excitatory inputs (AMPA) to the RE cells. This configuration is a standard thalamic model structure (Destexhe et al., 1996). For the cortex, eight pyramidal (PY) cells are connected to four inhibitory interneurons (IN). Excitatory connections from TC cells onto PY and IN cells and reciprocal excitatory connections from PY cells onto RE and TC cells form the thalamocortical loop. In addition to standard sodium and potassium channels, notable currents include a T-type calcium current (in the TC and RE cells), a hyperpolarization-activated cation current, Ih (in the TC cells), and a potassium leak current, IKL (in the TC cells). In Ching et al. (2010), some interneurons were modeled as low-threshold spiking cells with a slow potassium current IM. This current is not essential to the alpha-generating mechanism and is omitted herein. The baseline parameterization of all currents are as specified in Ching et al. (2010).
+There is evidence that both the neocortex and the thalamus play a role in generating occipital alpha rhythms (Lopes da Silva et al., 1980; Hughes et al., 2004; Lorincz et al., 2009; Bollimunta et al., 2011; Saalmann et al., 2012). However, we did not include a cortical component in the occipital model. There are two reasons for this. First, the mechanisms underlying the generation of cortical alpha are still poorly understood. Additional experimental work is needed before the construction of a cortical model, and such work is clearly beyond the scope of this paper. Our frontal alpha model relies on a spindling model, for which the cortical component has been well developed (Destexhe et al., 1996). Second, there is experimental evidence suggesting a thalamic model of quiet awake alpha is sufficient for our purposes. Lorincz et al. (2009) have shown in vivo that applying an muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) antagonist (pirenzepine) directly to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can disrupt quiet awake occipital alpha at the EEG level. Specifically, they show that applying an mAChR antagonist directly to the LGN reduces HTC bursting and firing rate, alpha power in the LGN, and alpha power in the EEG over the occipital cortex, all in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore we feel that for our purposes a thalamic model provides a sufficient surrogate for alpha power in the occipital cortex. Note that our occipital model generates alpha by mimicking the effects of mAchR on the LGN.
+The structure of the thalamic network is shown schematically on the right-hand side of Figure 1, and is similar to that used in Vijayan and Kopell (2012). The network consists of 10 RE cells, 8 TC cells, and 2 specialized TC cells (HTC cells). HTC cells are thought to generate awake alpha and make up only 15–25% of the TC cell population (Hughes et al., 2004; Lorincz et al., 2009). While HTC cells have been reported in the LGN, to the best of our knowledge they have not been reported in frontally projecting thalamic nuclei and so they are not included in the frontal model. The implicit thalamic interneurons used in Vijayan and Kopell (2012) are omitted in our model as their inclusion or exclusion does not affect the results. The connectivity between RE and TC cells (including HTC cells) is the same as for the frontal network, except that HTC cells are connected via gap junctions (Hughes et al., 2011). A critical feature of the HTC cells is that at depolarized membrane potentials (>−60 mV) they burst with the timing between bursts occurring at the alpha frequency. The bursts are mediated by a channel we refer to as ITHT, an IT channel variant. The ITHT channel is a type of calcium channel that operates at more depolarized membrane potentials than does the standard IT channel; the use of this channel is based on experimental findings (Hughes et al., 2004; Vijayan and Kopell, 2012). The ionic currents and basal parameterizations are similar to those listed in Vijayan and Kopell (2012) for mAChR agonist-induced alpha.
+To model the effects of propofol on both the frontal and posterior networks, two perturbations were introduced. First, consistent with previous modeling and experimental studies, the GABA inhibitory synaptic current was potentiated by a factor of three (McCarthy et al., 2008). This perturbation was the primary mechanism studied in Ching et al. (2010) for anterior alpha. Second, the conductance of the hyperpolarization-activated membrane current, Ih, was decreased to 5.8% of the baseline value. This latter perturbation, consistent with previous in vitro studies (Chen et al., 2005), was not included in the model of Ching et al. (2010), but, as shown herein, does not appreciably affect the overall mechanism.
+The simulated EEG was computed as the sum of excitatory postsynaptic currents in PY neurons of the frontal model, although the findings regarding alpha genesis also hold when the simulated EEG is computed using the other cell populations, or using membrane potential. The simulated EEG for the posterior model was computed as a function of the membrane potential of HTC cells, since experimental results suggest that blocking synaptic currents does not abolish awake thalamic alpha (Hughes et al., 2004).
+Since the circuits underlying our model are known to be able to generate spindles, we ensured our model could generate spindles; this helped to constrain our parameter values. The occipital alpha frequency is sensitive to changes in Ih and potassium leak conductances and the frequency changes in a relatively smooth fashion as a function of these conductances; these dependencies are detailed in Vijayan and Kopell (2012). Our results under the propofol conditions are robust to either a 50% decrease or a 50% increase of Ih, potassium leak, and GABAA conductances.
+All electrophysiologic data were collected at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) with approval from the Partners Human Research Committee (Cimenser et al., 2011 and Purdon et al., 2013). We recorded 64 leads of EEG while the subject received propofol administered by a computer-controlled infusion. The infusion was designed to achieve effect site concentration levels of 0,1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 μg/ml. Each level was maintained for 14 min. The infusion was controlled by the STANPUMP algorithm using the Schnider pharmacokinetics model (Shafer and Gregg, 1992; Schnider et al., 1999). All analyses were performed using a Laplacian montage. Power spectrums were calculated with the Chronux toolbox (Bokil et al., 2010) for MATLAB (MathWorks), using 2 s nonoverlapping windows. Power maps that display the intensity of 10.3 Hz EEG activity over the surface of the scalp were calculated using the spectopo function in the EEGLAB toolbox (Delorme and Makeig, 2004). Each power map used all data from one of the 14 min conditions.
+During rest with eyes closed, alpha activity is predominantly observed in the occipital cortices (Fig. 2A, Baseline and Level 1; Berger, 1929). However, as subjects are administered increasing doses of propofol the power in the alpha band attenuates in occipital regions and increases in frontal regions (Fig. 2A, Level 3–5). The attenuation in alpha power occipitally can be observed in single posterior electrodes (Fig. 2B) and its increase frontally can be observed in single frontal electrodes (Fig. 2C). The transition from posterior to anterior alpha regimes occurs quite abruptly during Level 2 of anesthetic induction (Ching et al., 2010). Our focus is to elucidate the essential mechanisms of this state change.
+During the resting state alpha activity is prominent in the occipital cortices. In vivo and in vitro studies suggest that introducing mAChR agonists into the LGN induces occipital alpha activity closely resembling that seen during the resting state (Lorincz et al., 2009). Therefore we adjusted the parameter values (Vijayan and Kopell, 2012) of the occipital component to reflect the actions of mAChR agonists. Under these conditions the TC cells spike irregularly in the occipital component (Fig. 3F), but the RE cells are relatively silent (Fig. 3G); note that the relative inactivity of RE cells during awake alpha is in line with experimental findings (Lorincz et al., 2009). The HTC cells, thought to be the generators of awake alpha, fire at the alpha frequency, resulting in a peak at the alpha frequency in the power spectrum of the local field potential (LFP; Fig. 3E,H). Under these conditions, the HTC cells are relatively depolarized (~−52 mV). At these membrane potentials ITHT channels, which are variants of IT channels (see Materials and Methods), are active and help to mediate the bursting activity. Ih imposes the alpha timescale on the bursting. During this resting state PY cells, TC cells and RE cells in the frontal component spike irregularly (Fig. 3A–C). The power spectrum of the resulting LFP is relatively flat (Fig. 3D).
+To account for the actions of propofol we reduced the Ih conductance and increased the GABAA conductance (see Materials and Methods) in both components. The primary effect on the occipital circuit is the silencing of HTC cells (Fig. 4E–G). The HTC cells become silent for two reasons: First, Ih helps the HTC cells transition from the interburst period to the beginning of the next burst. That is, after one burst finishes, Ih helps to depolarize the cell, priming it for the following burst; since Ih conductance is reduced by propofol it is no longer strong enough to move the cell toward the next burst. Second, the reduction in Ih conductance shifts the resting membrane potential of HTC cells to more hyperpolarized values (~−60 mV), since Ih has a relatively positive reversal potential. At these more hyperpolarized membrane potentials, ITHT channels, which mediate the burst itself, are relatively quiet. Note that HTC cells can be silenced without altering Ih by shifting the cell membrane potential outside the active range of ITHT channels. For example, the single change of increasing potassium leak conductances results in the silencing of HTC cells, as this increase shifts the membrane potential of HTC cells to more hyperpolarized values (Vijayan and Kopell, 2012). The silencing of HTC cells, which are the putative generators of awake alpha, results in the LFP power spectrum of the posterior component being relatively flat (Fig. 4H).
+In the frontal component an alpha rhythm emerges (Fig. 4A–D). Propofol acts on the frontal circuit to produce alpha in two ways. First, the potentiation of GABAA increases the time constant of inhibition mediated by cortical interneurons impinging onto PY neurons. This increase in inhibition causes an overall slowing of high-frequency cortical activity to bring it into the alpha range (Fig. 4A). Simultaneously, the increase in GABAA conductance hyperpolarizes the thalamic portion of the network, mediated by inhibitory RE cells (Fig. 4B,C). This results in a strengthening of endogenous thalamic alpha mechanisms, mediated by hyperpolarization-activated currents in TC cells, creating what amounts to a persistent oscillation between RE and TC cells at the alpha frequency. Consequently, the thalamic and cortical networks synchronize within the alpha band, promoting coherence in frontothalamic networks. In particular, ascending TC neurons fire at the alpha frequency (Fig. 4B), exciting cortical INs that pace PY cells (Fig. 4A). The reciprocal excitation from these PY cells onto both RE and TC neurons forms a closed loop and reinforces the oscillation. This overall mechanism is similar to that presented by Ching et al. (2010) with the notable exception that, there, propofol-induced modifications to Ih were not considered. Here, we find that these reductions do not appreciably modify the mechanism, and the genesis of alpha in the frontothalamic model is preserved.
+As mentioned above, we have focused here on the mechanism of the state change between the posterior and anterior alpha regimes. We note from both the data and analyses performed in Ching et al. (2010) that the frontal alpha coherence develops rather abruptly as a function of propofol infusion. At progressively increasing dose levels, the specific frequency of the alpha oscillation may attenuate slightly, although eventually secondary effects such as decreases in blood flow and metabolism will lead to other phenomena such as burst suppression (Ching et al., 2012).
+We note important distinctions between the alpha mechanisms we develop here and those of spindle oscillations. During spindling TC cells do not fire at the spindling frequency: groups of TC cells participate in the spindling oscillation missing many cycles (Destexhe et al., 1996). In contrast, in our model of frontal alpha, individual TC cells oscillate at the alpha frequency. Furthermore, the amplitude envelope of spindles waxes and wanes, and spindles occur infrequently (Destexhe et al., 1996). In contrast, the frontal alpha is sustained, because GABA potentiation imposes a similar timescale on PY cells as on TC cells. Thus, the reciprocal corticothalamic feedback forms a closed loop that reinforces the oscillation, leading to persistent activity.
+Our model offers an explanation of the mechanism for propofol-induced anteriorization. It suggests that alpha activity in the occipital component is abolished because the reduction of Ih conductance silences HTC cells, the putative generators of occipital alpha. HTC cells stop bursting at the alpha frequency because at the reduced Ih conductance, Ih is no longer able to help transition the cell from the interburst period to bursting. Furthermore, the reduction in the Ih conductance hyperpolarizes HTC cells to a membrane potential outside the operating range of ITHT, which underlie the bursts themselves. Our model also suggests that alpha activity in the frontal component arises from increased GABAergic inhibition onto TC cells, which creates alpha timescales that are reinforced by reciprocal corticothalamic feedback.
+The extent to which anteriorization occurs in response to anesthetics other than propofol is an open question, since EEG studies of drugs other than propofol (Gugino et al., 2001; John et al., 2001) have averaged effects over different drug classes.
+In our model, the critical mechanism in abolishing occipital alpha is the silencing of HTC cells, and the critical mechanism in producing frontal alpha is the potentiation of GABA. We thus predict that anteriorization may arise in response to drugs that share these molecular targets and the requisite effects on neuronal populations. For example, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and halothane potentiate GABA (Franks and Lieb, 1994; Rudolph and Antkowiak, 2004). Also, all three silence HTC cells, as they all increase potassium leak conductances (Shin and Winegar, 2003; Enyedi and Czirják, 2010); increasing potassium leak conductances silences HTC cells by hyperpolarizing them and moving them out of the operating range of ITHT channels, which are responsible for mediating the awake alpha bursts.
+Our model is in accordance with the observation that anesthetics that potentiate GABA but also alter currents other than Ih or potassium leak conductance can produce a spectral pattern different from that of propofol. For example, like propofol, barbiturates are known to potentiate GABA and reduce Ih conductance (Wan et al., 2003), but they also have other molecular targets (Solt and Forman, 2007; Franks and Zecharia, 2011). In particular, it is known they attenuate AMPA (Taverna et al., 1994; Löscher and Rogawski, 2012). Such a perturbation is expected to prevent the expression of the thalamocortical alpha mechanism developed here. Specifically, the frontal alpha oscillation relies on the “ping-pong” relationship between RE and TC cells: TC cells excite RE cells via AMPA, causing the RE cells to spike; their spiking inhibits TC cells via GABA, causing TC cells to spike again, as currents that are more active at hyperpolarized membrane potentials (IT and Ih) become engaged. Thus attenuating AMPA conductances disrupts the critical interplay between RE and TC cells. TC cells also drive PY cells, via AMPA, at the alpha frequency. Therefore AMPA reduction will disrupt multiple facets of the alpha-generating mechanism in our model. In fact, model simulations show that reducing AMPA conductance by 25–30% begins to disrupt frontal alpha, and reducing it by 50% abolishes frontal alpha altogether.
+We note, also, that certain pathological states of unconsciousness, such as alpha coma (Kaplan et al., 1999), are characterized by anteriorly dominant alpha EEG patterns. While much work remains in characterizing these conditions, our model may eventually help to inform thalamocortical mechanisms in these pathological states.
+S.V. acknowledges support from National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant DMS-1042134. S.C. acknowledges support from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. P.L.P. acknowledges support from National Institutes of Health (NIH) New Innovator Award DP2-OD006454 and NIH K-Award K25-NS057580. E.N.B. acknowledges support from NIH Director's Pioneer Award DP1-OD003646 and NIH Director's Transformative Research Award R01 GM104948. N.J.K. acknowledges support from NSF grants DMS-1042134 and DMS-1225647.
+Today the term Ndebele (pronounced in-da-bey-lee) is usually used to refer to one of the smallest groups of people (about
+800,000) living in Southern Africa and belonging to the larger group of Nguni peoples which also includes the Zulu, Swazi
+and Xhosa.
+The Ndebele have a very tumultuous history, fraught with battles and many great movements from one area of Southern Africa
+to another. Most can trace their ancestry back to the area that became Natal Province and later KwaZulu-Natal.It is presumable
+that they arrived in the Transvaal area of South Africa in about the 15th or 16th century from Natal, in order to try and live
+a peaceful existence with other, larger groups of Nguni people.
+Once they had become settled in the Pretoria area by the mid 1600's their population began to grow rapidly. However things
+did not go well for long, their king Musi died and a feud broke out between his sons Manala and Ndzundza. This led to many
+fights between supporters of the two and many people were killed. Finally they decided to live apart, the Manala tribe(consisting
+of Manala and his followers) in the Pretoria area and the Ndzundza tribe(Ndzundza himself as well as his supporters) further
+In the 1820's Mzilikazi, a Zulu general, fled from Shaka Zulu with his army. This army over-powered the Manala and then decided
+to settle down there as rulers of them. It didn't take long for Mzilikazi to became afraid that because they were in one
+place Shaka would send an army after him. However he did not want to leave his newly gained peoples, nor could he attempt to
+move them all. He devised a wicked plan to lure all the Ndebele men away, he then got his army together and killed them.
+Taking only the women and livestock(both of which are considered most important to a tribe) he moved northwards until he
+finally settled in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. That is why there are Ndebele in Zimbabwe, still to this day in-fact. This
+drastically reduced the number of Ndebele speakers in South Africa, leaving only a few Manala and the Ndzundza behind.
+When the Boers settled north of the Vaal River in the early 19th centaury many Ndebele's became employed as farm workers.
+As more of them began to live on the farms their cultural heritage became marginalized. It was only the communities in the
+south that managed to preserve their traditions. This made many of the people angry, they were angry at the farmers for
+exploiting them and angry at their own people for how easily they were letting themselves be taken-over. However at the same
+time the Ndzundza in the south were involved in many battles with the Pedi people under the rule of Sekhukhune. Many of the
+Ndebele had become formidable warriors and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek(Z.A.R) became concerned about this as they did
+not want tribal hostilities affecting their land. This, in conjunction with the hostile feelings of the Ndebele towards the
+Afrikaans resulted in conflict.
+In the time between 1875 and 1882 there were several battles with the white rulers of the then Transvaal Republic which
+simply resulted in an even greater reduction in the number of Ndebele. After they were defeated in 1882, the Z.A.R were
+determined to make sure they could never be in power. They settled their own farmers on the chiefs land and the Ndebeles
+were then forced to work and live on farms over a large and dispersed area which, as well as destroying their traditions
+further also destroyed their sense of cultural identity and pride. Those in the north were particularly affected and over
+time began to adopt the Sotho language and many other traits of both other tribes and the Afrikaaners themselves. The
+Afrikaans leader Paul Kruger put many of the leaders and chiefs in jail and many of the people who could not be used as
+slaves on the farms were forced to move. Thus, within just a few years all Ndebele people were scattered in small groups
+around the country with very little to hold them together. Later, some of the seized land was given back to leaders as a
+reward for loyal service.
+Under apartheid, many of the Ndebele people living in the northern Transvaal were assigned to the seSotho-speaking
+homeland of Lebowa, which consisted of several segments of land scattered across the northern Transvaal. The others, mostly
+southern Ndebele who had retained more traditional elements of their culture and language, were assigned to KwaNdebele. This
+was land that had been given to the son of Nyabela, a well-known Ndebele fighter in Kruger's time. This homeland was therefore
+highly prized by Ndebele traditionalists, and they pressed for a KwaNdebele independence throughout the 1980s.
+Finally, in 1981, KwaNdebele was declared a "self-governing" territory. However, very few of its 300,000 residents could
+find jobs in the homeland, so most had to go and find work in the industrial region of Pretoria and Johannesburg. By
+this time at least 500,000 Ndebele people lived in urban centers throughout South Africa and in homelands other than
+KwaNdebele. During the 1980s and the early 1990s, many Ndebele recognized a royal family, the Mahlangu family, and the
+capital of KwaNdebele was called KwaMahlangu. The royal family was troubled though, and divided over economic issues and the
+question of "independence" for the homeland. These disputes were overridden by the dissolution of the homelands in 1994.
+The Ndebele tribe of Southern Africa is divided into four sub-tribes, of which two of these, the Manala and the Ndzundza
+live mainly in the Pretoria and Mpumalanga area of South Africa. Although the Ndebele originally formed part of the Nguni,
+today the Ndebele is a unique tribe with a unique language, isiNdebele, which is not even understood by most other black
+tribes. It is estimated that in both urban and rural areas there are about 800,000 Ndebele people in South Africa
+and nearly 1.7 million Ndebele living in Zimbabwe, where they constitute about one-sixth of the population and are sometimes
+known as Matabele. There were also thought to be about 300,000 in Botswana.
+The Ndebele language is called isiNdebele, although it also sometimes known as just Ndebele, South Ndebele or isiKhethu.
+It is classified among the Nguni languages(Zulu, Swazi, Xhosa, isiNdebele), although Sotho influences are so strong in some
+areas that isiNdebele is sometimes also classified as a variant of seSotho. The type of the language spoken depends mostly on
+what area of the country you are in. In South Africa there are two main variants, Ndebele is usually found in the north while
+in the south you often find the languages amaNala and amaNzunza which are related to the Ndebele people of Zimbabwe - the
+amaNdebele/Matabele. In Botswana it is usually just called Ndebele. The Ndebele spoken in Zimbabwe is much closer to Zulu than
+the kind that is spoken in South Africa which is much closer to Swazi. isiNdebele's official classification according to the 2000
+Unesco World Language Report is as follows.
+Because the Ndebele have for such a long time been such a small group of people, their language has never been taken that
+seriously and has never been taught in schools, nor is there an official orthography. This is part of the reason why the
+language is sometimes grouped in such differing ways, grouped together with many other Southern African languages despite the
+fact that it is usually not understood at all by most of the other tribal groups. Some believe the language to be in danger of
+extinction as many of today's Ndebele children learn to speak Northern Sotho instead and adults find it not in common use.
+However, it is not lost. When the apartheid government created the homeland of KwaNdebele many groups of people who had been
+widely distributed were brought back together. Many cultural practices came back to life and a stronger identity began to
+reform. One of things that appeared was Radio Ndebele. After the fall of the apartheid government the radio station kept going
+but changed it's name to Ikhwekhwezi(Star). The stations coverage has expanded to include the whole Northern Ndebele region -
+keeping the language alive, and keeping it's feel and flavour - albeit with a few Sotho and Afrikaans works creeping in.
+Despite being one of the smallest groups in the region, the Ndebele are often the most quickly recognized and most distinctive
+of all the peoples. They have long been famous for their decorative art skills that include both painting and beadwork and
+can be spotted from a far distance. Traveling through the Transvaal landscape one can always spot an Ndebele homestead by
+it's very brightly painted walls.
+Ndebele social structure is patriarchal, with descent traced through senior men, and access to the spirit world is through
+male ancestors. Women, even when they marry and are socially incorporated into their husbands' families, have limited status.
+Nonetheless it is women who have been the practitioners of the artistic forms which are such striking Ndebele cultural
+markers. The tradition that house-plastering and painting is a woman's job dates back to the very beginnings of the tribe.
+The houses are usually plastered in a mixture of dung and grass which dries and hardens in the sun. Paint was made from what
+could be found in the environment. Water and different types of soil and vegetation were used to make the paint and pigments
+were used to make the brightest colours possible. For example, egg yolk was often used to make yellow pigment. The walls are
+usually painted white first and then bold designs are painted around the building from the ground to about half-way up the wall.
+Surrounding structures are often also painted in this manner. The designs are usually large, block style, geometric shapes.
+It is believed this was influenced by their interaction with European settlers, it may have been different before but there is no
+documentation to prove either way. However the prevalence of letters from the Latin alphabet copied onto walls does tend to
+show that this may be the case, at least to some degree. The pictures often abstractly depict things in everyday life, but the
+shapes used as well as the colours also reflect the family's social status. Today the art still looks very much the same and
+has the same meaning, however it is very common for the women to use P.V.A paint brought in the towns instead of making it.
+The other most common art form is beadwork. Clothing is decorated with beads, and sometimes even formed entirely from beads.
+In the past things such as seeds and certain types of stone were used. All clothing was decorated in some way, everyday
+items would just have small embellishments while ceremonial clothes could consist entirely of beaded structures. Today it is much
+more common for the women to use glass or plastic beads. Women have different beaded outfits that represent all stages of life.
+The clothes are usually made by a mother or grand-mother and given as gifts at important rites of passage. The style and
+colours of the clothing represent different times of a women's life and are used to show her social standing. They are used to
+tell every story, from infancy to death. These are the most important ones:
+As well as beading clothing, one of the oldest and most revered practices is that of making beaded dolls. The dolls are
+usually symbolic representations of the person they will be given too. Thus, the clothes on the doll and the colours used
+say something about the reason why it is being made and given to a woman. The dolls are ornamental, and are meant to be kept
+in the home of the recipient to watch over them and ensure them a blessed journey through that stage of life. There are 7
+main types of dolls:
+Beadwork ornaments are worn by all Ndebele woman and some men on and around the head, neck, waist, arms and legs, and
+vary according to the age and status of the wearer, and prevailing fashion. The use of certain beadwork ornaments is much
+more permanant than most items of clothing. The beaded ring, isigolwana, is made on the body of the wearer and can not be
+removed easily. Young unmarried girls wear a thick neck-ring as well as rings on the arms, legs and waist, which can be worn
+by older women as well. These rings have a foundation of grass and sometimes cloth, and are entirely bound with a single
+length of beads or with a fabric of beadwork, making them totally ridged.
+There are other art forms carried out, but usually just for decorative purposes - they do not have as much meaning. Today
+woman use all sorts of things in their art-work and on their houses. As well as moving toward synthetic beads and paint
+they also use things such as bottle-tops, wire and car license plates to decorate. While some outsiders have seen this use
+of paint and plastic as a degradation of the culture and a symbol of how the larger society is overtaking smaller cultural
+practices, the women of the villages claim to love the opportunities that the new materials have afforded them. Because most
+of the villages are very rural and there are none, or at best, only a few job opportunities, the women often use their craft
+skills as a means of making a small independent income. Their beaded art is often sold at market, or to tourists and
+One of the most important Ndebele centers is just a few kilometers north of the town of Middleburg, South Africa. It is the
+museum village of Botshabelo. This is a long-standing Ndebele village that has become declared a Heritage site. It aims to
+protect and promote Ndebele culture and art as well as the people who live there. It's a fantastic place to visit - if you're
+ever in the area.
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+tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2296201570949429812014-10-05T00:06:41.523-07:00True Fanboy ConfessionsTrueFanboy Scream, You Scream...So I tuned into WWE Monday Night Raw.
What I wasn’t expecting was a good ol’ case of '80s nostalgia the likes of which Cobra Commander and Megatron combined (let’s call him Cobra CoMegatron) has never seen!!
Money in the Bank Pay-Per-View, but the impression he made and the cheers he got out of referencing the coolest ice cream bar to ever be created will not be forgotten by this fanboy anytime soon. Bank on it.
WWF Ice Cream Bars!TrueFanboy!"Clarity of thought before rashness of action." -- Shockwave, 1985
“Hmmm…. Can I afford that? Ah, f*ck it! Ring that s#!t up!” -- James Jacobs, 2011
It’s just too bad that Shockwave barely got any screen time.
He was basically the Spock of the Transformers universe. Very even-tempered. Not much ambition, other than to make Megatron a happy little Decepticon.
In the comic books, however, Shockwave was a lot more aggressive, often even attempting to take control of the Decepticons from Megatron himself! And unlike Starscream, he actually succeeded a few times.
He was the not-so-little Decepticon that could… every so often.
“Dad, look! Shockwave!! Cool!!! Gimme, gimme, gimme!”
“I don’t know son, this one’s a little expensive…”
“But, DAD! It’s SHOCKwave! Are you fucking kidding me?? This is awesome. Can I have it? Can I??”
“Hmm… well…”
“…wouldn’t you rather I just buy you a nice brand new Playboy? It’s got boobies.”
“But Dad, nothing’s cooler than Shockwave. He’s so logical! Please! Look, he’s not even a car, but I think his headlights are on.”
“You can find headlights on in Playboy, too…”
“What was that?”
“Ohhh… nothing. Fine. You can have this. Just promise me you won’t still be buying this stuff when you’re 36.”
“I promise!”
“Alright, now get outta here.”
…And that’s how it happened. Got the toy. Went straight home. Popped in some batteries. Played with the thing in robot AND laser gun form. Creamed over the cool laser gun sounds. I fricken loved it.
True Confessions of a Fanboy!!.
Need proof? Click the link below, son!
Wizard Worls Philly Pics!TrueFanboy Will Believe A Toy Can Fly...Those.
Superman: The Movie. Have a look, but put on a bib first. You will be a-droolin’:
Hot Toys Superman
Okay, not really. I mean, hell, no matter how cool Michael Keaton’s fat Batman lips would be, there’s no getting out of this hobby now. It’s too late for that, Luthor …too late.TrueFanboy. Macho Man…My.
(Right click the link below and save it as a file on your computer (like on your desktop) then use your mp3 software to play it back.)
Howard Stern Clip
True Confessions of a Fanboy ( -- *ahem!* shameless plug), one of the many subjects that I touched on happens to qualify pretty high on the list of worst vices known to fanboys the world over: DVD/Blue-ray collector boxed sets. You know what I’m talking about. Those over-produced, over-hyped, re-packaged editions of video compilations that seem to deliver high on style and low on substance every time out.
Needless to say, I’m a sucker for these types of collector editions of movies/ television shows/etc., that in truth are nothing more than glorified versions of content that I’ve already seen literally dozens of times and wouldn’t even feel like sitting through ever again. In fact, many of these sets are ones in which I *already* own the movie or show in question from the first three or four times it was offered to a mass market audience (it’s just that the hologram cover on that last one I got looks sooooo cool standing next to my newest sterilyte shelf). Now I don’t know about any of you out there, but, for example, I personally have completely lost track of the number of different versions of Superman I’ve got hiding in the deepest corners of my room. I mean, just off the top of my head, there’s the regular DVD, the 8-disc complete Christopher Reeve collection, the Director’s Cut, the one with the Margot Kidder audition, the one with the extended scenes that ended up in the sequel, the one with the pig who got really mad and “squealed” before Zod, the one where Ursa kicks the astronaut in the nuts before taking his Nasa patch, and on and on and on from there. Suffice to say, it’s just out of hand.
But with all of that said, and all of the versions of different movies that I own, and all the editions of cartoon shows I’ve seen one hundred thousand times and can just watch online whenever I feel like it anyway, the *ONE* movie that to this day I still have never owned is The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston. You see, ever since I was a wee little lad, it has been a yearly family tradition to gather 'round the tube, eat enough gefilte fish to feed a small army, and watch the story of Moses as he takes on the Pharaoh of Egypt in the grudge match of the century, as big Mo’ with his white beard and red robe shows up his big ‘Pho (that’s my witty mix of ‘pharaoh’ and ‘foe’ for all y’all ignant folk) with a sea-parting display the likes of which nobody had ever seen (who could ever forget the timeless “God opens the sea with a blast of his nostrils!”). Now I don’t know what the reason was, be it the fact that I always saw it every year, the incessant need to watch it during an actual television broadcast, or (more likely) the sad truth that I had already spent all my money on something else, but I had actually never thought much of owning the movie on DVD/Blu-ray before. Never, that is, until NOW:
The Ten Commandments DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack!
That’s right, fellow Hebros (witty combo #2 “Hebrews” and “bros” – booyah!)…feast your spaghetti-starved eyes (it is Passover, after all) on this bad boy. This one has got it all. We’re talking about a DVD/Blu-ray combo box set that literally parts like the Red Sea (!!), revealing two Ten Commandments tablets which house your multiple discs! And if that’s not cool enough, also included are treasures from the MGM vault, a special commemorative book, an original 1956 souvenir program, and more additional swag than you can shake a staff-turned-snake at. Oh, and it’s numbered, too (who cares if there are about 100,000 of these?!). Now if that type of package isn’t tailor-made for an impulse purchase, I don’t know what is… and I don’t wanna know!
Of course, I’m still guaranteed to be there in line when they eventually release yet another version of this movie, which I’m hoping will include a limited edition box of matzo. But until that day comes, I guess this latest version will just have to “tide” me over. (Get it?? “tide”??? like the ‘tide’ of a parting sea???? Haha! I slay me!!!)TrueFanboy Out That Light!I’ve been spending the past couple of days physically (and more importantly, mentally) preparing for a major renovation of my room this weekend that has been in the works for quite awhile now. The point, as always, is to make things more manageable so I can continue this sick and twisted collecting lifestyle of mine. In case you were curious, I’m finally at a point where I have to do this once or twice every year now, with each specific renovation ‘project’ consisting of anywhere from one to three action items. This weekend, in particular, has two:
True Fanboy Room Renovation Action Item #1: All windows must be boarded up for the summer.
I used to tell myself that “a *little* sunlight on my precious possessions here and there wasn’t so bad,” and actually believe it! Sadly, I can live this lie no longer. It’s simple physics, folks. We’re already in April. The days are getting longer. The birds are chirping louder. The seasons are changing ever more dramatically. And with the change of seasons comes summer. And with summer comes dreaded cursed HEAT. And as any TRUE fanboy knows, heat is the death of just about anything worth collecting. It ruins comics pages, spoils cardbacks, melts toy plastics/rubber/paintjobs/etc., and ruins the collectability of just about anything else I dare stuff in my room. Granted, I’ve got one of the best mini-fans money can buy, strategically placed with the precision of a laser surgeon to equally distribute air to each minute available spec of free space my room has to offer. And true, the fan needs to work less and less with every passing week, as said level of free space decreases with each new reckless convention purchase I make. So yeah, cool air gets where it needs to go when it needs to get there. But really, people, could that ever be enough? I think not! So call my collection "Team Edward." Call it "Team Jacob." Truly, it doesn’t matter what vampire metaphor the kids these days might go with. The bottom line is that after this weekend, not a single ray of sunlight shall reach any of my comics, toys, or other related chachkies during this long, hot summer.
Bringing us to our next order of business…
True Fanboy Room Renovation Action Item #2: Mandatory reorganization of sterilyte shelving system, orchestrated with the specific goal of opening up at least 24 inches of available space, 20 inches of which will immediately be occupied by eight newly-purchased sterilytes, which have been measured to fit *perfectly* on top of one another so that they seamlessly reach from the floor to the ceiling with only two (!!!) millimeters of space being wasted at the very top!
This one is a little more complicated, my little Gaga monsters. You see… I… er…. Eh…. Ah, who the fuck am I kidding. There’s no way I’m going to be able to complete this second action item. I’ll just cross my fingers and pray that the whole window-boarding thing goes off without a hitch. And while I’m crossing my fingers, I might as well cross my legs as well. Because with the kind of drama this weekend's renovation is sure to bring, I think I may just shit my pants. Yo Joe.TrueFanboy ‘Em and Bag ‘Em!Trending today was Nicholas Cage’s stolen copy of Action Comics #1, which for those of you living under a rock your entire life, features the very first appearance of the Man of Steel himself, Superman! This little sumbitch of a comic dates all the way back to 1938, so it goes without saying that it can fetch itself quite a price on the open (or not-so-open) market. Anyway, it turns out that Cage’s copy was found in an abandoned storage unit in Los Angeles, of all places. By the way, this comic was stolen from Cage over a decade ago, way back when he could actually make rent; so to confirm, Cage himself was not the thief. Either way, however, there is no denying that this week’s little discovery is quite the ‘national treasure’ (ha!), if I do say so myself.
Now that five minutes have passed and you’re done laughing at my joke from the end of the last paragraph, the question I’m sure you must all be asking yourselves is “how in the blue hell is it even officially known that this is actually Cage’s missing copy??” A good question indeed. Well, true believer, apparently it turns out that each of the 100 copies of this rare and worship-worthy gem that are known to exist have literally been ‘tagged’ with unique ink markings (much like Angelina Jolie before she had her doctor laser-tag “Billy Bob” off her ass, or whereever she had it placed). So it really is possible to identify each documented existing copy.
Now I don’t know about all of you, but I would be pretty damn excited if I had a way of tagging all of my own obsessive possessions so that no other nerd could ever lay claim to anything of mine that dared wander from my sight. So appealing is this concept, that I’ve spent the last couple of hours running through possible scenarios in which I could accomplish this. So far, I’ve only managed to think of a way to ‘tag’ a significant other, but I won’t go into that because: 1. it washes off, even if the icky feelings don’t, and 2. I’ve got enough problems without all you people blaming me for your sexual assault charges. Figure it out. And while you’re at it, let me know if you figure out this whole ‘collectible tagging’ thing as well. Now that I know that a washout like Nic Cage can enjoy the benefits, I pretty much won’t rest until I’m living the dream as well.TrueFanboy’s right, bitches—JoeCon. And no, I don’t mean a gathering of fools named Joe. Nor am I referring to the conning of said fools. Rather, this is the annual pilgrimage to some randomly selected lucky city in which all things G.I. Joe converge for a weekend of complete and unadulterated awesomeness. This is the big one. And it’s got it all. We’re talking semi-attractive harlots who suddenly become totally attractive upon donning their leather-studded Baroness body suits. We’re talking not-so-attractive Hasbro hotshots who suddenly become -– er, stay not-so-attractive -– yet suddenly earn extra cool points in their pimping of totally sweet new Joe product. We’re talking “Yo Joe” chants at 5:00 in the morning from an adjacent hotel room. We’re talking those same harlots in the Baroness body suits recoiling in disgust from the bad breath those nachos just gave me. We’re talking multiple trips to the potty courtesy of the very same nachos. In short, we’re talking FUN.
This year’s FUN took place at Disney World in Orlando. Now honestly, how exactly anyone was expected to afford both the various limited edition (e.g. – expensive) convention exclusives AND the standard fee access to the Disney parks themselves is way beyond this true believer. I sure as hell wasn’t able to do it. I mean, look at the choices I was faced with: Buy delicious plastic men which will appreciate in value over the course of just a few hours, along with as many duplicate purchases as possible to sell on ebay (to all the pathetic bastards who just weren’t willing to take a second mortgage out on their homes and take the trip out) in hopes of breaking even… OR go meet Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Minnie (possibly in a Baroness leather body suit). Take a wild guess which door I went through on that one.
I won’t bore you with every last detail of my weekend in Orlando (I’m guessing you don’t have all week here), but suffice it to say, I didn’t do my room at home any favors in the available space department. In fact, one of the exclusives was so massive that I needed to ship it out via UPS since it had absolutely no hope of fitting on the return plane’s overhead compartment (and I sure as shit wasn’t going to check it and trust it in the hands of those clueless baggage handlers, lest my precious possessions end up crushed, bent beyond recognition, and shipped to Zimbabwe). So I ask you, what idiot spends $56 on shipping after already having pissed away what little money he had to begin with at JoeCon? THIS idiot right here. And if you don’t believe me, come check out the hotels at next year’s con. I’ll be the douchebag screaming “Yo Joe” at 5:00am.TrueFanboy, I’m James Jacobs…and I’m a Child-ManWith no end in sight to books examining the various sociological issues which pertain to men, women, and children, it’s become very clear to me that I’m one of the people some of those so-called “experts” are writing about. Hell, I myself am apparently an expert, having written my own look at the hopelessly obsessive collector…and it’s an autobiography! But I must say that I was especially interested in this article that I came across over the weekend:
Manning Up
So yes, people…there is indeed a child-man. And according to many, he’s wasting his 20s and 30s living in a fanboy’s paradise (and contributing nothing to the world as a whole). Now honestly, I call bullshit on this whole “rise of women resulting in a generation of men who act like overgrown kids” notion. Granted, as a TRUE fanboy my interaction with women ain’t exactly the most thorough of experiences, but dammit people, I did this to myself. Period. And so did you.
What really led to this fanboy lifestyle was a youth dominated by slick marketing, infusing colorful toy packaging, catchy and addicting commercials, a ‘you gotta have this!’ message drilled into me on a daily basis, and vibrant comic book stories the likes of which no nerd had every before seen! THAT’S why I am who I am. Not the fact that a woman knows how to brush her pretty teeth better than a man does.
So let’s just be honest—we fanboys have done made our own beds here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty fine with laying in it now. I just need a little extra counseling and at least 50 single bills for every bachelor party I attend…TrueFanboy Like Flocked Butts, and I Cannot Lie…Okay, so for those of you out there who have been lucky enough to read my book, True Confessions of a Fanboy, you’re probably already aware of my curious obsession with flocked toys. And for those cheapos who couldn’t even plunk down a few measly bucks for it because you’re busy saving up for Hitch on BlueRay, thinking that you might actually learn something about girls (you won’t), allow me to illuminate all you suckas.
Put simply, flocking is a process by which life-like hair or fur is applied to a figure, offering a more realistic play value unparalleled by most industry standards. It’s kind of like what The Jersey Shore is to all those dumb teenagers these days. They don’t know exactly why they think it’s cool; they just do. Only, unlike the whole “Gym Tanning Laundry” lifestyle all of those crazy kids are talking about, flocked toys actually ARE cool! Take those classic G.I. Joe Adventure Team toys, for example. My obsession with flocked figures actually stems from the fact that those figures have such wickedly awesome life-like hair and beards—making them a hell of a lot more manly than I could ever hope to be. And, to me, anything more manly than I am is usually the perfect recipe for awesomeness.
Now since spending money is always better than actually having it, I’ve recently taken to collecting those high-priced 12-inchers from Sideshow Collectibles. But the thing of it is, I’ve always been able to rationalize these huge purchases by constraining myself to their G.I. Joe offerings only. And, as any of you TRUE fanboys out there know full well, it’s our ability as fanboys to rationalize (or ‘rational lies’) our expenses that keeps us in the game so long, delightfully buried in our own denial.
So with all of my rational lies on the line, what, pray tell, do you think was finally able to drive me to the dark side? Ladies and losers, I present to you… Sideshow’s Gamorrean Guard:
Order the Gamorrean Guard!
No, you’re not seeing things—that’s a fully-flocked belly/ass combination, yo. Did you just hear what I said?? A flocked belly AND ass, people! One hundred percent, unadulterated, Grade-A quality, scruffy-luscious, bitch-you-better-wax-that-thang, furfest extravaganza… and all on places where it just shouldn’t be. Forbidden flock, if you will. And that, my friend, is cooler than Wonder Woman’s bush on a breezy February morning. Speaking of Wonder Woman, and women in general… you know how a real man would have just the best time rubbing his face in a nice pair of extra perky boobies? Well, not me. Not this day. Me, I’ll take a nice fat face-full of that furry belly/ass flocking any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
So go out and get yourself this awesome piece for your 12” collection. And get me some help while you’re at it.TrueFanboy Ultimate Work of Art