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+`Spanish’ flu struck suddenly. The first sign was a severe chill or shivering fit, followed by an acute headache and pains in the small of the back which spread throughout the body as a general muscular tiredness. Vomiting and diarrhoea, running eyes and nose, and a sore, coughing throat were usual while the skin often assumed a bluish or plum-coloured tinge. The attack could last ten days but a general debility was noticeable for several weeks. Pneumonia was a frequent complication and victims with heart or chest conditions could anticipate a further shortening of their life expectancy.15
+Governments and the public were equally at the mercy of doctors whose official journal declared that ‘Confidence can only be attained if the medical profession admits frankly and without reserve the extent of its ignorance of the causation of influenza and the limitations of its powers to gain a mastery of the disease’. This self-diagnosis had taken eighteen months, during which time scores of registered practitioners outbid each other with claims for their own methods of treatment. One advocated sweating powders to artificially induce a crisis whilst a colleague attained the same result with daily hot baths. From California came news of a Melbourne-trained doctor who had successfully treated 2,500 cases with a regime of rest, fresh-air, castor oil, mustard plasters, sweatings, good food and no medicine. A mixture of menthol, eucalyptol, camphor, oil of cinnamon and spirits of chloroform was recommended as a prophylactic.16
+Soldiers in A1F Depots in the United Kingdom were inoculated and made to gargle Condy’s crystals in salt water twice a day. But the main constituent in the Army’s system of prevention was fresh air: all windows and doors were kept open unless rain or snow was actually coming through them, and when it was neither raining nor snowing troops were taken on route marches every morning and afternoon. A special cemetery on Salisbury Plain was expanded to accommodate the dead.17
+Not all quack cures came from doctors or from the proprietors of patent medicines. Almost every advertiser discovered preventive powers in his product so that maximum protection was available only to pipe-smoking, motor cyclists with false-teeth.18
+That sizeable section of the population who accepted the efficaciousness of Dr Morse’s Indian Root Pills as an internal precaution against influenza were unlikely to follow the final admonishment in Dr Morse’s advertisements and send for a doctor—firstly, because doctors were increasingly unavailable, secondly, because they might chance upon a venereal infection, and thirdly, because they could do little more than recommend the abandonment of Root Pills in favour of Heenzo and Bovril.19
+The dearth of doctors was due partly to about 5 per cent of all registered practitioners still being on overseas service. Those who remained were generally older, possibly unfit or wounded, and invariably over-worked so that their ranks were diminished further as doctors themselves fell victim to the Pandemic.20 In addition, there was a recently induced fear of them as police agents for the Venereal Diseases legislation which most States had introduced since 1915. These Acts provided for compulsory notification and treatment and many who suspected that they were infected but were unwilling to submit to lengthy periods of embarrassing and unpleasant medication relied more than ever on patent preparations for all their health needs.21 Finally, purposes neglected doctors in favour of patent preparations, especially when the doctors rarely suggested anything better, or often anything substantially different. In such an environment it is not surprising that support for nationalization of medicine ranged from Punch and the President of the 1920 Medical Congress, through the Australian Natives’ Association and the Freeman’s Journal, and onto the Bulletin which asked ‘Should a Doctor be hanged now and then?’22
+Two issues in particular were distinguished by the intense brawling they induced amongst clerisy and laity alike. They were inoculation and the wearing of masks. If only on grounds of personal comfort, the wearing of masks was a hotly contested issue in New South Wales where it was most strenuously enforced. The demand for masks was so extensive that to prevent profiteering the Commonwealth Government declared butter muslin and gauze to be `necessary commodities’ within proclaimed areas. This meant that maximum prices could not exceed those charged generally on 24 January 1919.23
+One doctor supported masks because they would help keep germs in and thus lessen contagion. Opposition came from those who saw them as breeding grounds for infection or as sapping the community’s ‘vital force’. A ‘Bovril’ advertisement alleged that anti-influenza masks were ‘like using barbed wire fences to shut out flies’. With genuine if unconscious insight into the behaviour patterns of its readers, the Sydney Morning Herald suggested that resistance to masks stemmed from a distaste for making oneself conspicuous and that this would fade away ‘[o]nce the pioneers have introduced the fashion’ whereupon wearing a mask would become as natural as wearing a hat’.24
+But if masks were supposed to keep germs out, declared the Rhinologist at St Vincents, a simple cloth cover over mouth and/or nose was inadequate and he called for a full face mask with mica eye pieces. Others proposed variants included masks with handles for outdoor work and the ‘Lightning Germ Arrestor for Telephones’. The Director of Quarantine defended masks because they reassured ‘nervous persons’ and provided a ‘tangible. . indication that precautions are being taken’.25
+Although needles are not calculated to calm nervous temperaments there was widespread support for inoculation so that by the end of 1919 25 per cent of the population of New South Wales had been given a course of two injections. Melbourne’s socialites reputedly arranged `inoculation parties’ where the guests “got the needle” in turn to slow music’ and a prize was awarded ‘to the shapeliest arm’. There existed a no less strongly-felt pocket of resistance to inoculation for any purpose because impure batches of serum still caused occasional mass fatalities. This generalized opposition (plus some apathy and lack of opportunity) is evidenced by the 607 deaths in Australia in 1918 from diptheria which had long since been wholly preventable by a course of free injections.26
+On the effectiveness of inoculation the evidence accumulated here and abroad in 1918-19 revealed a pronounced inverse relation between inoculation and mortality. For example, of 60,000 troops in Britain the quarter who were inoculated suffered only a third of the rate of infection, a ninth of the rate of pulmonary complications, and a twentieth of the death-rate of the 45,000 who were not inoculated. As a preventive measure inoculation appears to have been quite effective; claims made for its curative powers remain suspect.27
+Public health measures did not end with masks or inoculation; if the following survey concentrates on NSW this is justified by that State’s unwillingness to neglect any possible precaution. On 28 January when NSW was proclaimed to be ‘infected’ all libraries, schools, churches, theatres, public halls and places of indoor entertainment were closed. Six days later racecourses and hotels were closed and all persons within the County of Cumberland, within ten miles of the Victorian border, or on public transport were required to wear masks. After 15 February masks were no longer compulsory for people in the open, in groups of three, in families, or for men working more than six feet apart. Further relaxations followed but on 28 March an order prohibited customers staying in a hotel bar for more than 5 minutes. Regulations were again stiffened until on 2 April masks had to be worn in University classrooms and in factories with more than five workers unless they were engaged in hard physical labour; libraries, theatres and racecourses were once more closed and wide disappointment followed the prohibition of the Centennial Royal Easter Show.28
+A persistent source of contentiousness was the Citizens Influenza Administrative Committee which ‘Right up to the time of the second outbreak. . . had not been able to arrive at any satisfactory arrangements with the officials of the Health Department as to the Committee’s place in the scheme of influenza fighting, nor as to what its relations with the officials of the Health Department should be’. Unable to affect the outside world, the Committee divided itself into seven sub-committees and offered its resignation three times during March until its functions were defined as control of relief and home care of the sick. To afford relief to persons whose places of employment had been closed by Government order, an Influenza Economic Relief Act provided the otherwise entertainment-starved citizens of NSW with an opportunity to see bookmakers and publicans queuing for food vouchers.29
+Needless to say the Minister responsible for this avalanche of regulations and revocations, J. D. Fitzgerald, incurred displeasure. Commenting on his alleged instruction to the Tiboorburra police to arrest as vagrants any–germs found slipping through the rabbit fence, Fitzgerald’s severest critic, Smiths Weekly, published a sequence of poetic parodies including one from Rudyard D. Kipgerald:
+Winds of the Bags give answer; they are blustering far and near;
+What should they know of cocci who only cocci fear?
+The Johns of the Never Never are burnishing bright their wits
+In loading the water camels at the bidding of Mighty Fitz.
+The troopers grim have chased them to the barbs of the rabbit-fence;
+The desert heart of Australia throbs to their passion intense;
+What are the fits of Gerald? Ye have but my masks to wear,
+Ye have but my wogs to wallop. Go forth, for they are there!
+John Storey, Leader of the Opposition, described Fitzgerald as a jovial fellow, but ‘temperamentally unsuited for an administrative position requiring calm and cool judgement.30 During a cabinet reshuffle in July 1919 Fitzgerald was promoted from the Health portfolio to become Minister for Justice and Solicitor-General.
+When at the outbreak of the epidemic in NSW the Sydney Morning Herald assured its readers ‘that whatever happens the Government is ready to the last button of the garter’, presumably not even it envisaged that an official call to unite in prayer would coincide with an order for churches to close. A compromise was found by which religious services were permitted providing the clergyman stood more than six feet from his masked congregation who stood three feet from each other; the service was to last no more than thirty minutes and had to be conducted in the open air. This final requirement enabled the vicar of Christ Church St Laurence to circumvent a Diocesan ban on the wearing of chasubles. One week-end even outdoor religious services were prohibited causing the Freeman’s Journal to thunder against ‘The Pagans and the Plague’, and a Presbyterian lady who had never previously missed church to repeat ‘all the “comforting” passages she knew’ and to preach ‘a sermon to herself. . .on the duty of trusting God’.31
+Schools throughout Australia closed for at least part of 1919 either because of Government edict or because influenza had afflicted the teachers. In Victoria schools did not resume after the Christmas holidays until 18 March and were closed again later in the year. Daily attendance in Queensland and Western Australia was adversely affected, especially in the second half of the year. In NSW where all schools were closed throughout February there were continuous appeals to Catholic parents to pay school fees even though their children could not attend. Another consequence was that Departmental teachers were prominent in voluntary work as they were on full salary with no classes to take.32
+Hospitals were rapidly overwhelmed with patients and supplementary facilities were required. With twelve emergency hospitals operating in Sydney it was still possible to admit only sufferers with pulmonary complications. Ambulance services, previously voluntary and autonomous, were organized on a city-wide basis and substantially motorized. Hobart Hospital appealed for old bottles so that medicines could be dispensed to the near 50 per cent increase in out-patient cases. At Wangaratta a new infectious diseases ward was built on a wooden frame with an iron roof and hessian walls. This was an improvement on the tents used previously and certainly preferable to crowding 186 patients into wards built for 98 as occurred when the Homeopathic Hospital in Melbourne was taken over by the Health department.33
+Another source of concern was the Minister’s (John Bowser) staffing of the emergency hospital established in the Exhibition Building. Initially a government nurse was placed in charge but on 14 February the Minister accepted, via Archbishop Mannix, the voluntary services of religious Orders. Two days later at a Pleasant Sunday afternoon the Rev. Worral bitterly attacked Bowser’s decision because ‘The garb worn by the Nuns and Brothers, the ceremonies they observed, the customs they follow, were things that should not be introduced into a State hospital. . . When people were ill it was in the highest degree objectionable that they should have forced upon them views and customs that were irritating to them…’ On the Wednesday Bowser advised Mannix that his offer could no longer be accepted but hoped the nuns would take charge of another special hospital. Mannix regretted that he could not entrust the Sisters to anyone so amenable to ‘the pressure of a knot of sectarian bigots’. Bowser, desperately short of trained staff, appealed again to Mannix who admitted that he had erred by his ‘over-trustful advances’ but had resolved `not [to] sin again’.34
+Additional nurses were employed at four guineas a week—more than twice the normal wage for a matron—an anomaly which led to a small increase in wages for permanent staff. That nurses more than earned their wages when treating pneumonia patients is shown in this recollection:
+If these tasks exhausted trained nurses their effect upon women in private homes was indeed grim, especially in those poorer districts where houses could be without baths, coppers or washing tubs. Even well-to-do wives faced demanding problems. Mothers had to supervise and entertain their children for weeks immediately following the long holidays, at a time when places of amusement were closed and playing with other children was discouraged. Many were war widows, or had husbands overseas which made discipline difficult especially as children were supposed to wear masks. Nor was adjustment to a husband’s recent return from the war simplified by the influenza restrictions which kept everyone around the house much more than usual. If mothers of healthy households were troubled it is not difficult to imagine how much worse it was for an ill woman caring for one or more sick children.
+To deal with these situations the NSW Citizens Committee was reorganized late in April by which time the first wave had abated. The equivalents of ‘meals- on-wheels’, and ‘life-line’ were inaugurated, street canteens established, and eight homes opened to accommodate children whose mothers were hospitalized. Women volunteers called to do the housework and care for children where the mother was ill at home. These volunteer workers were so frequently ‘asked’ to vacate their own lodgings that special hostels were established by the Red Cross; one girl was assaulted by the drunken husband of a woman she was nursing. Households which suffered a fatal infection were obliged to pay an extra five pounds as danger money to the undertakers.36
+Political work was impeded. The April National Federation Interstate Conference and a meeting to relaunch the ‘Labor Daily’ were postponed, while Tasmanian delegates were unable to attend the ALP Commonwealth Conference in June. When a referendum to abolish the Queensland Legislative Council was cancelled, the Government felt it would be unfair to reclaim the £200 which each member of parliament had received as campaign expenses. The Labor Movement lost two of its most energetic spirits when Frank Hyett (Secretary, Victorian Railways Union) died in April 1919, and T. J. Ryan (then Queensland Premier and later M.H.R.) contracted infection which lingered till his death from pneumonia two years later. It is possible that restrictions on large gatherings contributed to a lessening of political agitation at this particularly volatile time.37
+If political temper was defused, industrial militancy was intensified. Longstanding grievances by seamen came to the fore as they compared their normal working and living conditions with those prescribed under the influenza precautions ashore. The Victorian Government forbade more than twenty people to be in one room, but when the Seamen’s Union complained that the owners of the Loongana expected twenty-four seamen to sleep in one room a Board of Health Inspector said that this was acceptable. ‘Dog kennel accommodation’ had been a point of dispute for years and the election of a new militant executive set the tone of the protracted shipping strike which followed. In the May issue of their union journal seamen were issued with instructions which revealed inspiration in the steel-fisted irony of the Wobblies:
+If more than twenty out of twenty-four members of a crew get influenza at once, they must immediately stroll up to the owner’s office, and sneeze violently altogether at once. The owner will then immediately leave his office, and personally conduct you to his private hospital, calling at hotels en route, where you will receive every attention, and a nurse maid for each.
+Don’t forget that when you are dead you have to go to hell yet for asking for higher wages and more ventilation. You will find no shipowners there to argue with.
+The strike persisted until 1919 recording the highest ever number of mandays lost through industrial disputes in Australian history, thereby initiating a six-year battle between the Seamen’s Union and the Commonwealth Government.38
+Violence erupted in Fremantle on Sunday 4 May 1919, when the Premier led a party of volunteer labourers in an attempt to unload the Dimboola which had been blacklisted because of an earlier move to work it before its period of quarantine was completed. This incident was also rooted within a deeper dispute. While the battle raged on the waterfront a troopship entered Fremantle harbour. Soldiers on board semaphored to ex-AIF strikers on shore offering assistance. Fear of influenza plus victory in the field led to the rejection of the offer: the troopship sailed on into quarantine. If the troops had come ashore and joined forces with the strikers against the representatives of law and order, it is less likely that the propertied classes in the East would have found it as easy to absorb the returning soldiers into the anti-Labor alliance.39
+Despite this welter of control, prohibition, closure and proclamation, people persisted in dying. Indeed, the death rate was highest in New South Wales where compulsion was most extensive. Because each State collected its mortality statistics under different headings it is not possible to arrive at a precise total for deaths directly caused by Pandemic influenza; nonetheless the figure was certainly between twelve and thirteen thousand. In addition there were a number of heart and chest patients whose deaths were hastened. The Commonwealth Year Book claimed that during 1919 there were 13,938 more deaths than would have occurred normally. This constituted nearly a 25 per cent increase over the average for the preceeding quinquennial period. Consideration must also be given to the fact that mortality from influenza did not return to its pre-1919 level until 1935. The most intriguing feature of Pandemic influenza mortality was its abnormally high incidence amongst males in the 25-40 group: Burnet calls this the Pandemic’s distinguishing characteristic, pointing out that it was as true in neutral countries as in those exhausted by war.40
+Australia was spared the worst ravages as the mortality rate was only 233 per 100,000, compared to 430 in England and 500 for non-Maoris in New Zealand. Mortality was higher amongst non-Europeans and some Aboriginal tribes were almost entirely wiped out. The Queensland Director of Native Affairs attributed the death of some 300 Aborigines in his care to their ‘sheer superstitious fright’. The prospect of Papuans going ‘down like corn before the reaper’ prompted stringent Commonwealth measures which were completely successful in keeping the Pandemic out of the Territory.41
+To appreciate the fear induced by the Pandemic it is necessary to recognize how it was represented to the public in the press. The Medical Journal accused the daily papers of ‘fanning the flame of panic’ to the point where ‘the social machine stops under the siege of fear.’ The most general instance of this involved renaming the Pandemic the ‘plague’ or the ‘black death’. Temperate and scholarly articles in responsible weeklies placed the Pandemic in line with the plagues of old, whilst advertisers were adamant that the impending scourge was ferocious and deadly. Nor could constant appeals for calm or the claim that apprehension predisposed one to infection have been wholly reassuring. Alarms were raised well beyond the point justified by subsequent events. Yet responses must be related to the perceived, as well as to the actual: in this case, their disparity at first heightened the sense of crisis, but later helped restore stability because the position never became as bad as anticipated.42
+Individual responses to the menace of the Pandemic carried forward old concerns, but all acquired a new resilience through the general apprehension induced by war and its revolutionary aftermath. Religious commentaries contained a hint of satisfaction that the hopes of their liberal, materialist tormentors had been so devastated. In his Lenten Pastoral the Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane remarked that
+The twentieth century, that was to bring the millenium, has brought the most cruel war and the greatest social and industrial upheavals in history. The most startling scientific discoveries have been put in operation, not amidst the peace of industrial progress, but amidst the smoke of battle …
+The Presbyterian Messenger was more explicit:
+We were supposed to be evolving, and the millenium was only a question of time. And what happened? It was found that instead of being perfect, civilization was turned into a shambles. . . What an interruption to theories and optimistic fantasies. Heaven was to arrive—and lo, it was hell that came!
+Fundamentalists could look on the same evidence with a sense of joyous expectation for ‘the inventions of the last half-century all bespeak the New Dispensation, the reign of the King of Kings’. Earlier in 1919 the same parson had reflected on the war with equal rapture taking for his text ‘Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins’. (Heb., ix, 22). Others stressed the need for Protestant unity ‘to meet the coming social cataclysm’.43
+The Armistice had not brought peace to the world. It merely acknowledged that the war had been transformed into civil strife and social revolution. In London for the Imperial Conference, Prime Minister Hughes turned to an increasingly popular explanation: war neurosis. In rejecting violence, he said, people turned to violence. Tudor endorsed the Peace Settlement because it would help restore ‘normal conditions’; ‘The world’, he noted, ‘had been in turmoil for the last four years, and we are not out of it yet. . .’ He was particularly concerned to calm the restiveness of the returned soldiers. In this desire he was not alone. Conservatives were far from convinced that the returning AIF would not provide shock troops for Bolshevik agitators.44
+Connections between Bolsheviks, the influenza and social unrest were not confined to a general sense of disquiet since containment of social revolution was the prime concern in 1919. In their search for terrifying images, anti-Bolshevik writers seized upon the Pandemic as a parallel scourge. One pamphleteer observed that the historical synchronization between ‘Epidemics of disease and epidemics of crime and social disorders’ was being repeated as `the mysterious physical poison of influenza’ emerged simultaneously with ‘a vast deluge of moral and mental poison, under the name of Bolshevism’.45
+Superficially different was an item, entitled Snivelowski, in the journal Soldier:
+Bolshevik pneumonia is a disease of the brain. . [and] is a great danger in crowds, where pieces of red rag become impregnated with anti-billhughes gas inhalant, causing a violent irritation of the articulatory glands, which produces a sneezing effect, and makes the sufferer appear to be talking Russian.46
+Ridicule was a most effective device because it depended upon a recognizable though immanent rationality. Ideas attacked in this way were disadvantaged by being deprived of their intellectual bases; they commenced their careers defined as insane, ludicrous and bizarre. The principle functions of political ridicule are not to win converts but to reassure existing supporters whose own sense of sanity is re-inforced, and implicitly to sanction violence since those ridiculed are beyond the reach of logic.
+Throughout the epidemic voices lisped two of the positive responses possible after the undermining of confidence, namely, gratitude and complacency that things were not worse. Both had been somewhat revived by the totally unexpected Armistice. Self-satisfaction oozed eternal in the editorials of the Adelaide Observer which called upon its readers to face affliction ‘in a courageous and sober manner’, remembering that ‘in the present crisis. .. the Commonwealth has had much to be thankful for’ since it had avoided enemy invasion and food shortages. ‘If it is fated .. to be ravaged by the pneumonic scourge, it will be better off than the rest of the world because Australians are an exceptionally well-nourished people’. Those who responded with gratitude for small mercies included the Medical Journal which called for ‘Proportion’: the epidemic was not as deadly as it had been elsewhere and there were far greater problems at home. Present anguish was to be extinguished by a call to vanquish future calamities; every problem can be faced except the one at hand. In its May issue Lone Hand invoked the ‘characteristically Australian. .. spirit of confident hopefulness.. . [which] astonished the world [when]. . our men laughed in the face of death on the Gallipoli peninsular’. Two months later it needed to remind its readers that ‘The Australian, as a settled habit .. . smiles in the face of pain’. Since it could not deny that the people of New South Wales were ‘sorely troubled and deeply depressed’, it confronted reality with a social myth, and placed such faith as it could muster in the inevitable arrival of warm spring days, which were not officially due for another six weeks. Optimism reduced to these caricatures is further demonstration of the inroads which the war had made.47
+The conclusion distils three areas of argument, (i) nationalism; (ii) medical practice; (iii) loss of certainty:
+- In the realm of national consciousness Gallipoli had forged unity and identity through its projection of a character type. But national character is a poor base upon which to advance a State apparatus capable of generating patriotism sufficient to over-ride regional, class and religious loyalties. In 1915, an external menace had driven Australians together; by 1919, an internal danger revealed yet again how easy it was for Australians to stand apart. If national unity involved loyalty to the Commonwealth as an administrative machine, the Pandemic showed how little of it there was.
+- Doctors of 1919 should be criticized neither for their ignorance nor their quackery, nor even for maintaining that they knew more than they in fact did. The point is more fundamental since it relates to the establishment of a distinct profession of medicine, during which process the State suppressed non-registered quacks. While this ultimately helped make the profession scientific, the debate on medical practice was unwittingly foreclosed in favour of individualized curative styles and against social preventive methods.
+The widespread public doubt regarding doctors revealed by the Pandemic prompts other questions: when and how did the medical profession acquire the prestige which they exercised against the national health scheme in the late 1940s, and which has lead some observers to describe them as Australia’s surrogate aristocracy? Or, if this prestige was far from secure in 1919 what brought it to fruition thirty years later-specialization, political alliance, higher incomes, antibiotics?
+3. Yet like the war, the Pandemic had not hurt Australia as much as it had Europe. Australia was spared the horror of armed invasion, and Quarantine had delayed the Pandemic’s entry long enough for its virulence to diminish. If war, revolution and pestilence encouraged thoughts of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse raging through Europe, Australia’s isolation indicated that she was marked down for special achievements, that she again might be a privileged land; rather than opening ‘the fourth seal. . [to] behold a pale horse’ with Death as its rider and Hell in its train, had not Australia almost been delivered from `the noisome pestilence’? The lesson was clear. Australia could take up the burden of hope provided its vigilance against infiltration was intensified.
+While not rejecting Lloyd Robson’s ‘theme’ that the Great War wrecked `Australian optimism and happiness’ this paper prefers to stress his second proposal that it created a ‘situation where negative thought and destructive criticism could flourish’. Australia did not plunge headlong into despair; instead optimism and certainty were transformed. As Martin Boyd put it in The Montforts, it was not that people no longer hoped, it was rather that they now hoped for things not to happen.48
+1 F. M. Burnet and E. Clark, Influenza (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1942) pp. 69-72; F. M. Burnet, Natural History of Infectious Disease (3rd edn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1962) p.308. See also F. B. Rogers, ‘The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 in the Perspective of a Half Century’, American Journal of Public Health LVIII (December 1968), pp. 2192-4.
+2 War Diary Medical Section 11Q AIF Depots in United Kingdom, March 1919, Appendices C and D, pp. 38-48 (War Memorial Library, Canberra, hereafter WML).
+3 Barambah Souvenir, September-October 1918, p.10; Boonah Buzzer, November-December 1918, pp. 22-4. There was a prolonged outcry when a priest was forbidden entry to the Sydney Quarantine Station to administer the last rites to a dying nurse. Sun, 9 December 1919, p.5 and Freemans Journal, 9 January 1919, p.21.
+4 J. H. L. Cumpston, Influenza and Maritime Quarantine in Australia (C. of A. Quarantine Services, Publication No. 18, Melbourne, 1919) pp. 7-11. The Quarantine power of the Commonwealth derived from the Constitution [Section 51 (ix) ] but until 1909 control remained with the States; in 1912 a separate Federal quarantine service under a Director responsible to the Minister for Trade and Customs was established. J. Quick and R. R. Garran, The Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth (Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1901) pp. 566-7; G. Sawer, Australian Federal Politics and Law 1901-1929 (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1956) pp. 68, 94.
+5 Cumpston, op. cit., p.53 and Preface. Burnet and Clark, op. cit., p.73, note that the death-rate from nonpandemic influenza in NSW in 1918 was seven times the average for the previous five years but state categorically that ‘Pandemic influenza…did not arise in’ Australia. (p.69) cf. H. 0. Lancaster, ‘Causes of Declines in Death Rates in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia (hereafter MJA) 18 November 1967, p.938. Cumpston, op. cit., Preface and p.9.
+6 Herald, 10 February 1919, p.8; S. Charles Warner, Commander, H.M.A.T. Somali to Managing Directors, Peninsular and Oriental Company, 3 February 1919 and Supplementary Report by Major H. F. Arnall to ‘Secretary’, Defence, Melbourne, 3 February 1919, with additions dated 10 February 1919, in Record of Voyage, WML; Argus, 25 February, 3, 6 and 11 March 1919; C. P. D., vol. 89, 21 August 1919, pp. 11801-15. For a related sequal see C. P. P., 1923-4, H of R, 1, pp. 513-23.
+An equally effective campaign had been conducted at the 1917 elections against another Labor M.H.R., A. T. Ozanne (Corio, Victoria), see B. J. McK inlay, ‘The Conscription Referenda and the Labour Movement in Geelong’, Labour History, 14 May 1968, pp. 59-61. Sydney Morning Herald, II February 1919, p.6.
+7 Cumpston, op. cit., pp. 63-5.
+8 ibid., pp. 55 & 66-7; MJA, 1 March 1919, p.185. Freemans Journal 20 February 1919, p.15, in an article headed ‘Marching back from Federation’ asked `if the national authority be humbled and flouted in one department, how long will it be before it is treated in the case of another?’.
+9 Tasmanian Mail, 24 April 1919, p.21; 1 May 1919, pp. 14, 21; Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 27 February 1919, p. 362; Tasmanian Mail, 3 April 1919, p. 22; 13 March 1919, p.21; Burnet and Clark, op. cit., p.73.
+10 The Western Argus (11 February 1919, p.16) expressed itself particularly pleased to support West Australia against the Commonwealth over quarantine ‘because in the disputes…between Federal and State Authorities, the States, and especially West Australia, are almost invariably in the wrong’. The Sunday TiMes, just commencing its secessionist career, drew more predictable conclusions. (9 February 1919, p.7); Western Argus, 4 February, p.9; 10 June, p.28; 11 March, p.11; 22 April, p.11; 15 July, p.12; 17 June 1919, p.28. See also W.A. V.&P., 1920, II, Report of Medical and Health…Departments, p.9. Readers of the Sunday Times could have been excused for supposing that life at Parkestown consisted of free beer and concert parties, 9 February, p.8 and 18 May 1919, p.6.
+11 Q.S.A. COL 251, 4 February and 4 March 1919; Q.S.A. COL 254, 11 March 1919. For a personal account of difficulties encountered when travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane see H. R. Sykes’ letter, Q.S.A. COL 253, 6 May 1919.
+12 S.A.S.A. CBH 82/ 1919; S.A.S.A. CSO 163/ 1919; Observer, 8 February 1919, p.30; Normal (Adelaide: Donald Taylor, 1919) p.2.
+13 S.A.S.A. CSO 139/ 1919; S.A.S.A. CSO 117/ 1919; Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 24 April 1919, p.732.
+14 Argus, 31 October 1919, p.8; ALP Commonwealth Conference, 1919, Report, p.38; M.JA, 12 February 1921, p.133; C.F. P., 11, 1922-8, pp. 11-12.
+15 ‘Spanish’ Influenza (Board of Health, Melbourne, 1919); Influenza (Board of Health, Adelaide, 1918) p.3; H. S. Haler° Wardlaw, ‘The Venous Oxygen Content…in Pneumonic Influenza’, Linnean Society of NSW Proceedings, X LIV (1919), pp. 514-24. For highly personal accounts see Randolph Bedford, ‘Flu and After’, Bulletin, 22 May 1919, Red Page and 24; ‘Sass’, ‘The Flu’, Smiths Weekly, 12 July 1919, p.16.
+16 MJA, Editorial, 13 March 1920, p.237; 12 July 1919, p.39; 21 June 1919, p.523; Western Argus, 1 July 1919, p.2; Tasmanian Mail, 6 February 1919, p.15. A New Zealand physician advocated ‘tongue-brushing’ to protect ‘the body at its dust trap’. P. Horne Macdonald, Influenza and Air Borne Diseases (Whitcombe & Tombs, Auckland, 1918).
+17 War Diary Medical Section HQ AIF Depots in UK, February 1919, p.39; D. R. Sherimer, ‘The Influenza Pandemic’, Peter Young (ed.) History of First World War (Purnell, London, 1971) 7 (11), p.2975.
+18 See Bulletin, 6 February 1919, p.44; Herald, 15 February 1919 p.6 and 10 February 1919, p.8.
+19 For example, Bulletin, 20 February 1919, P. 31; see Sir James Crichton-Browne’s endorsement of Bovril, Western Argus, 17 June 1919, p.5.
+20 It was not possible to determine the exact percentage of practising doctors on overseas service because some states do not hold records for 1919 and even where these are available they do not indicate retirements or absence. The ‘5 per cent’ was extrapolated from replies received from the six state Medical Boards and from Australian Imperial Force, Staff and Regimental Lists of Officers, February 1919, pp. 154-66 (WML).
+It is important to recognize that absence or illness did not fall evenly over the population and some districts were left entirely without medical assistance. See. T. P. P., 1919-20, Paper No. 35, p.12.
+21 J.H.L. Cumpston, Veneral Disease in Australia (C. of A. Quarantine Service, Publication No. 17. Melbourne, 1919) and information from Claudia Thame who is completing a Ph.D. at SGS, ANU, on aspects of public health in Australia, c. 1900-50.
+22 See dispute between Professor H. G Chapman, and Professor D. A. Walsh in Sun. 11 February 1919, p.6. Punch, 9 January 1919, p.41; W. F. Taylor, ‘Presidential Address’ Australasian Medical Congress Transactions (Brisbane: Government Printer, 1921), p.27; Punch, 27 March 1919, p.483; Freemans Journal, 6 February 1919, p.23; Bulletin, 3 April 1919. p.6. Cf. J. FL L. Cumpston, ‘The Nationalisation of Medicine’, MJA, 16 August 1919, pp. 125-128.
+23 Commonwealth, of Australia Gazette, no. 17, 5 February 1919, p. 160. Order No. 570.
+24 H. I. Sadler, MJA, I March 1919, p. 185; A. Reg. McLeod, MJA, 15 February 1919, p. 165; Western Argus, 17 June 1919, p.5; Sydney Morning Herald, 29 January 1919, p.10.
+25 J. J. Woodburn, MJA, 8 February 1919, p. 123; Q.S.A. COL. 251/ 1919, inward correspondence, 6 May 1919; S.A.S.A. CSO 241/ 19 inward correspondence 27 February 1919; Tasmanian Mail, 28 August 1919, p.4.
+26 N.S. W. P. P. , 1, 1920, p. 653; Smiths Weekly, 1 March 1919, p.14; The monkeys in Tooronga Park Zoo were inoculated, Sun, 11 March 1919, p.7.
+The Australasian, 8 February 1919, p. 247, immortalized the attendance of ‘eligibles’ at the inoculation depots as ‘Anzacs of the contact campaign’ one of whom explained that:
+‘’Twas not from panic, fear of death
+Or such absurd sensation,
+But for our suffering country’s sake
+We dared inoculation.
+In such catastrophes as this
+All men should act as brothers.
+If we were white, it wasn’t fright,
+But simply fear for others.’
+27 Sir William Leishman, ‘The Results of Protective Inoculation Against Influenza in the Army at Home, 1918-19’ Lancet, 14 February 1920, pp. 336-71; War Diary Medical Section HQ AIF Depots in UK, March 1919, Appendix D, p. 48; Burnet & Clark, op. cit., p. 102 but cf. p. 108 where they point out that in 1918 the influenza was a new type against which hatches of vaccine could not be prepared until after the first wave.
+28 MJA, 8 February-12 April 1919; G. Mant, The big Show (Horowitz, Sydney, 1972) p.61; an advertisement in the Bulletin, 27 February 1919, p.33, claimed that ‘The restrictions imposed upon amusements cannot interfere with the house that possesses a Beale Piano’.
+29 N . S. W. P. P., 1, 1920, pp. 467-8 and 478.
+30 Smiths Weekly, 22 March 1919, p.20; Fitzgerald’s papers in Dixson Library, MS. Q266, pp. 54-74.
+31 S.M. H, editorial, 29 January 1919, p.10; MJA, 1 March 1919, p. 173; L. C. Rodd, John Hope (Alpha, Sydney, 1972) p. 41; Freeman’s Journal, 6 February 1919, p. 21 and 13 February 1919, p.20; Messenger, 14 February 1919, p. 98.
+32 D. H. Rankin, The History of the Development of Education in Victoria 1836-1936 (Arrow, Melbourne, 1939) p. 170; Q.P.P. I, 1920, p. 676; W.A. V.&P., I, 1920, Report of Education Department, pp 37 & 50; Freemans Journal, 6 February 1919, p.20 and 20 February 1919, p.14; N.S. W. P. P., 1, 1920, pp. 481-6 and N.S. W. P.D., 75, 19 August 1919, p. 57.
+33 N . S. W. P.P., I, 1920, pp. 468-73; Tasmanian Mail, 6 February 1919, p.14 and TPP, 1919-20. No. 28, pp. 6-8; D. M. Whittaker, A Hospital in Wangaratta (published privately, Wangaratta, 1972), p.55; J. Templeton, Prince Henry’s (Robertson & Mullins, Melbourne, 1969). See also John Reynolds, Launceston (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1969), pp. 155-6.
+34 No-Popery and the Spanish Influenza (A.C.T.S., Melbourne, 1919) pp. 10, 19, 23. This pamphlet reprints all the correspondence between Mannix and Bowser. For other measures taken by the Victorian Government see “Spanish” Influenza (Board of Health, Melbourne, 1918); MJA, 8 and 15 February and 10 May 1919; Age, editorial, 28 February 1919, p.4; V.S.A. CSO P19/5146.
+35 Templeton, op. cit., p. 134; D. M. Armstrong, The First Fifty Years (Australasian Medical Publishing, Sydney, 1965) p. 158.
+36 N.S. W. P. P. , I, 1920, pp. 475-8; Truth (Brisbane), 4 May 1919, p.9; Smiths Weekly, 5 July 1919, p.1. For a whimsical account of a child’s reaction to the prospects and dangers, see Henry Lawson `Kiddies Land’, Smiths Weekly, 31 May 1919, p.I0.
+37 Western Argus. 15 April 1919, p.12; 1919 ALP Special Conference Report, p.90: 1919 ALP Conference Report, pp. 25, 50, 59-60; C. A. Bernays, Queensland, Our Seventh Political Decade (Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1931) p.2.
+Other aspects of political life are discussed by B. Berzins, ‘Symbolic Legislation: Nationalists and Anti-Profiteering’ Politics, VI, 1 (May 1971), pp. 42-52; B. Denholm, ‘Some Aspects of the Transition Period from War to Peace 1918-1921’ Australian Quarterly XVI, 1 (March 1944), pp. 39-53; Conrad Joyner, The Commonwealth and Monopolies (Cheshire, Melbourne, 1963) pp. 55-79.
+38 Australasian Seaman’s Journal, 1 March and 1 May 1919.
+39 B. K. de Garis, `An Incident at Fremantle’, Labour History, 10, May 1966, pp. 32-7; West Australian, 5 May 1919, p.5.
+40 Q.P.P., 11, 1921, pp, 455-6; N.S. W.P.P., I, 1920, 671-9; Victorian Year Book,I919-20, pp_ 180-2; T. P. P., 40, 1920-21, p.11; S.A.S.A. CBH 442/1919; W.A. V. & P., II, 1920, pp.9 & 22; Commonwealth Year book, 1920, pp. 1128-1132 and 1139-1141; Burnet & Clark, op. cit., pp. 66 and 73-75.
+See also MJA, 5 July 1919, pp. 17-19 and 6 September 1919, Editorial, pp. 197-8; G. H. Knibbs, ‘The Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19’, Australasian Medical Congress, Transactions 1920, op. cit., pp. 321-8; H. 0. Lancaster, ‘The Mortality in Australia from Influenza and from Diseases of the Respiratory System’, MJA, 31 October 1953, p. 672. For details of incidence amongst AIF within Australia see Tait Files (WM L), DRL No. 1200, Class No. 370.
+41 MJA, 3 May 1919, pp. 359-61; Michael Terry, Across Unknown Australia (Herbert Jenkins, London, 1925), p. 146 and A. J. Marshall, ‘Unknown Australia’, Australian Natural History, 15 June 1966, P. 171; Q. P. P., 1920, p.231 and cf. Townsville Daily Bulletin, 7 June, p.4 and 13 June 1919, p.4; Q.P.P.,I1, 1921, p. 559-561, MJA, 24 April 1920, p.400 and Q.S.A. CSO 2623/ 1921; C.P.P., Ill, 1920-1, pp. 86, 90 and 1921-2, C.P.P., 111, p. 1989.
+42 MJA, editorial, 1 March 1919, p.175; cf. Cumpston Influenza, op. cit., p. 72 and MJA editorial, 9 March 1918, p. 194; Western Argus, editorial, 7 January 1919, p. 15 and Freemans Journal, 2 January 1919, p. 9 `Heenzo’ advertisement, Soldier, 14 February 1919, p.8.; Observer 1 February 1919, p.27.
+43 Freemans Journal, 13 March 1919, p.5; Messenger, 20 June 1919, p.1; Tasmanian Mail, 13 March, p.5 and 6 February, p.6 and 27 March 1919, p.6.
+44 Cited in W. M. Hughes, The Splendid Adventure (Benn, London, 1929) p. 128; C.P.D., 17 September 1919, 89, p. 12399. cf. David Mitchell, 1919: Red Mirage (Jonathon Cape, London, 1970). Violence in Australia in 1919 is detailed in T. Cutler, ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ in J. Iremonger et. al. (edd.) Strikes (Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1973) pp. 81-102; R. Hyslop, ‘Mutiny on H.M,A.S. Australia’, Public Administration, XXIX, 3, September 1970, pp. 284-96; H. I. Jensen, ‘The Darwin Rebellion’ Labour History, 11, November 1966, pp. 3-13.
+45 B. Hoare. The Two Plagues (Progressive and Economic Association, Melbourne 1919) pp. 1-2; cf. Observer, 1 March 1919, p.36 and Smiths Weekly, 22 March 1919, p.2.
+Beatrice Webb noted in her diary 4 November 1918 that ‘The Bolsheviks grin at us from a ruined Russia and their creed, like the plague of influenza, seems to be spreading westwards… Will western civilization flare up in the flames of anarchic revolution?’, Margaret I. Cole (ed.) Diaries 1912-1924 (Longmans Green, London, 1952) p. 134. The general proposition is discussed by Andre Siegfried Germs and Ideas (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1965).
+46 Soldier, 14 February 1919, p.10; cf. Punch, 16 January 1919, p.82 and Messenger, 14 March 1919, p.162. Similar associative structures made influenza a useful metaphor in anti-German rhetoric. See Herald, 10 February 1919, p.6.; Messenger, 14 February 1919, p.98.
+47 Observer, 1 February 1919, p.2’7; MJA, 1 March 1919, p.175; Lone Hand 10 May 1919, p.5 and 16 July 1919, p.5. cf. Sunday Times (Perth) 9 lebruary 1/19, p.4.
+48 L. Robson, The First A1F (M.U.P., Melbourne, MD) p’17.4.132yd, The Montforts (Rigby, Adelaide, 1963), p.213. See also Frank Kermode, The Sense of an Ending (O.U.P. New York, 1967) especially pp. 95-103.
+[Paper presented at 45th A.N.Z.A.A.S. Congress, Perth, 1973]
+Reprinted with permission of the author
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+Model: 4337007876 | Mpn: Meiho Lives | Ean: 0734010301054 | PartNumber: Meiho Lives | Asin: B07D8LKP1P
+It Is So Convenient:Our well-organized assortment with multiple sizes make it convenient to keep a variety of needles and meet your all sewing needs; And with the ergonomic design needle box, it provides a good way to get needles in and out.It Is Easy To Use:Our large-eye sewing needles are easy to thread by hand, even for a person with poor eye sight or poor coordination hands. Our big eye needles also allows you to carry a heavier weight yarn than other needles.It Is Humanized Design:Our stainless stitching needles are tinted with two different colors, silver tip and golden head, which makes them easy to find when we drop the hand sewing needles.Package Including:-1 needle box with 30 hand sewing needles;-2 threaders.Warm Tip:Please keep it away from children.
+Brand: Meiho Lives | Manufacturer: Meiho Lives
+Item Dimensions: 0.39 x 2.36 x 2.36 inches (1.0 x 6.0 x 6.0 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.2 x 3.5 x 4.5 inches (0.5 x 8.9 x 11.4 cm)
+See Amazon Reviews | Add to your Amazon Wishlist
+Ean: 0717239330562 | PartNumber: A43 | Asin: B07VXTSZZG
+Anyone can thread THESE needles! Includes: 5 x 1.6 inches (40mm) sltitching needles 5 x 1.8 inches (45mm) sltitching needles 5 x 2 inches (50mm) sltitching needles 5 x 2.2 inches (56mm) hand sewing needles 5 x 2.4 inches (61mm) hand sewing needles 1 x Storage Tube Clear storage tube convenient for stitching needles that are not in use and can prevent needles from losing EXCELLENT QUALITY: Each needle is made of high quality Stainless steel and rust resistant. Please keep it away from children.
+Brand: UA Crafts | Manufacturer: UA Crafts
+Model: 4337007781 | Mpn: Mudder-Needles-01 | Ean: 0604776887058 | PartNumber: Mudder-Needles-01 | Asin: B01EL7KBMO
+Specifications: Material: metal Size: 6 * 6 * 0.7 cm/ pack Features: For most sewing works, such as embroidery, darning, quilting, crafting, etc. Suitable for leather, denim, silk, canvas and cotton. Package includes: 30 Assorted hand needles per pack; 3 Packs per set 3 pieces needle threaders
+Brand: Mudder | Manufacturer: Mudder
+Item Dimensions: 0.28 x 2.36 x 2.36 inches (0.7 x 6.0 x 6.0 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.6 x 4.5 x 6.5 inches (1.5 x 11.4 x 16.5 cm)
+Model: 01025 | Mpn: 01025 | Ean: 0683203239318 | PartNumber: 01025 | Asin: B000PSDJ8M.
+Brand: SINGER | Manufacturer: Dyno Merchandise
+Item Dimensions: 5 x 2.63 x 0.13 inches (12.7 x 6.7 x 0.3 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.2 x 2.5 x 4.4 inches (0.5 x 6.4 x 11.2 cm)
+Model: 4336936777 | Mpn: Z0094 | Ean: 0709202984414 | PartNumber: Z0094 | Asin: B01M7TFNX3
+Features:Large-eye stitching needles length are 7cm, good for leather working, and some thick clothes or shoes repair.Extra long eye, peaked tip and thick shaft, the stitching needles are easy to thread yarn through even without a threader.Suitable for weaving in ends and sewing up seams on knit and crochet projects, even for a person with poor eye sight and hands coordination.Note: Please keep it away from children.
+Brand: Z-Color | Manufacturer: Z-Color
+Item Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.2 x 4.5 inches (5.3 x 3.0 x 11.4 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.3 x 3.1 x 4.6 inches (0.8 x 7.9 x 11.7 cm)
+Model: . | Mpn: Norme-Needles-01 | Ean: 0682228951267 | PartNumber: Norme-Needles-01 | Asin: B07PDLDCJ8
+6 Packs upholstery needles stainless steel straight needle with 3 needle threaders Usages: Great for tying springs to webbing, sewing edges, stitching through padding, tufting, attaching buttons and anchoring spring bottoms to webbing. Good quality: Made of stainless steel, sturdy and smooth surface, long needles with long eyes for doll making, soft sculpture and other crafts, with 3 needle threaders can be easy to through twine and other coarse threads. Specifications: Material: stainless steel Size: 0.65 x 150 mm, 0.8 x 150 mm, 1.2 x 150 mm, 0.8 x 230 mm, 0.9 x 230 mm, 1.2 x 230 mm Package contents: 6 x Upholstery needles 3 x Needle threaders Note: please keep it away from children.
+Brand: Norme | Manufacturer: Norme
+Model: KE-015 | Mpn: KE-015 | Ean: 0608766672037 | PartNumber: KE-015 | Asin: B01HH35JBW.-.
+Brand: kedudes | Manufacturer: kedudes
+Item Dimensions: 12.5 x 1 x 3 inches (31.8 x 2.5 x 7.6 cm) | Package Dimensions: 1 x 3 x 12.5 inches (2.5 x 7.6 x 31.8 cm)
+Ean: 0085783847004 | PartNumber: uacrafts-028 | Asin: B07N1KBDGG
+5 pcs 2" needles and 15 pcs 2.4" needles in 1 storage tube Includes: 15 x 2 inches (51mm) sltitching needles 15 x 2.4 inches (60mm) hand sewing needles 1 x storage tube Clear storage tube convenient for stitching needles that are not in use and can prevent needles from losing EXCELLENT QUALITY: Each needle is made of high quality Stainless steel and rust resistant. Please keep it away from children.
+Item Dimensions: 0.5 x 1.5 x 4 inches (1.3 x 3.8 x 10.2 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.5 x 1.5 x 4 inches (1.3 x 3.8 x 10.2 cm)
+Model: 4337007782 | Mpn: 7036 | Ean: 0737353678814 | PartNumber: 7036 | Asin: B077GB3LRF
+Features: MATERIAL: Plastic SIZE: 3.46 * 0.23 Inch COLOR: Pink, Red, Orange, Green, Blue INCLUDE: 30 * Plastic Sewing Needle Why You Choose Our Plastic Sewing Needle 1.PREMIUM MATERIAL: These sewing needle are made of high quality plastic, smooth and durable 2.EASY TO USE: With a large eye, the plastic sewing needle is suitable for threading with wool and other yarns 3.WIDE APPLICATION: These plastic needles are perfect for sewing, knitting, cross stitch, kids handwork, needlework projects and other craft activities 4.Good Service You will Get: We love our customer, your satisfaction is our priority, contact us if you have any question, we will try our best to solve any problem you meet
+Brand: Color Scissor | Manufacturer: color scissor
+Ean: 0703341951733 | PartNumber: 25104 | Asin: B01FFXRBSU
+Brand: Pony | Manufacturer: PONY
+Model: 4337007805 | Mpn: THN-103e | Ean: 4974723552275 | PartNumber: THN-103e | Asin: B074JD7N64
+Speficially Designed Needles for Sashiko Stitching based on the active Sashiko artists voice. 4 needles in a beautiful glass container. Size: 0.84mm x 51.5mm FEATURES Large needle eye. Flexible and warp resistant/ Runs smoothly through fabric. WARNING This product should be used for sewing purpose only. Please keep out of reach of small children.
+Brand: Tulip | Manufacturer: Tulip Hiroshima Needle
+Ean: 0085783846977 | PartNumber: uacrafts-025 | Asin: B07MK311FF
+Anyone can thread THESE needles! Includes: 5 x 2 inches (51mm) sltitching needles 10 x 2.4 inches (61mm) hand sewing needles 3 x storage tube Clear storage tube convenient for stitching needles that are not in use and can prevent needles from losing EXCELLENT QUALITY: Each needle is made of high quality Stainless steel and rust resistant. Please keep it away from children.
+Item Dimensions: 0.5 x 1.2 x 4 inches (1.3 x 3.0 x 10.2 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.5 x 1.2 x 4 inches (1.3 x 3.0 x 10.2 cm)
+Ean: 6957316610550 | PartNumber: OFFICE0086 | Asin: B012IEZ92Y
+Sewing needles
+Pack of 24
+Material: plastic
+Length: approx 9cm and 7cm
+Color: random
+Great for sewing, knitting, cross stitch, threading cards, weaving crafts ideal for children
+Brand: yueton | Manufacturer: yueton
+Item Dimensions: 0.2 x 3 x 4.8 inches (0.5 x 7.6 x 12.2 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.2 x 3 x 4.75 inches (0.5 x 7.6 x 12.1 cm)
+Model: 268 | Mpn: 268 | Ean: 0499990722410 | PartNumber: 268 | Asin: B00DV8X4OM
+BOHIN-Sharps Hand Needles. These are fantastic needles to have while working on any sewing projects! They work well with ordinary sewing of light and medium materials. This package contains twenty size 3/9 metal needles. Imported.
+Brand: Bohin | Manufacturer: Bohin (BOHI0)
+Item Dimensions: 3.25 x 1.5 x 0.12 inches (8.3 x 3.8 x 0.3 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.24 x 1.89 x 3.54 inches (0.6 x 4.8 x 9.0 cm)
+Model: JJEG100-11 | Mpn: JJEG100-11 | Ean: 0783932202703 | PartNumber: JJEG100-11 | Asin: B00114QADK
+John James Gold 'N Glide Applique Needles Size 11 10ct.10ct. Innovative line of coated needles from the renowned John James of England. Needle slides effortlessly through fabric and batting. 14K gold eye for easy threading. The perfect start to any project. Made in United Kingdom.
+Brand: Colonial Needle | Manufacturer: Colonial Needle
+Item Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.02 inches (6.4 x 3.8 x 0.1 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.2 x 1.5 x 4.3 inches (0.5 x 3.8 x 10.9 cm)
+Model: 4337007809 | Mpn: BIHRTC-1081 | Ean: 0603149313033 | PartNumber: BIHRTC-1081 | Asin: B06XPC1542
+30-Count Assorted Hand Sewing Needles 30 assorted hand sewing needles, steel and nickel plated, with dispenser (clear top). Length of needle:approx. 1.2" to 2" (2cm to 5cm). Diameter of dispenser: 2.3" (6cm) 7Pcs Upholstery Carpet Leather Canvas Repair Curved Hand Sewing Needles Length of Glover's needle:approx. 2.6" (6.7cm) Length of Carpet needle:approx. 1.8" (4.5cm) Length of Sail needle:approx. 2.6" (6.5cm) Length of Straight upholstery needle:approx. 3.5"(9cm); Length of Sack needle:approx. 2.9" (7.5cm). Length of Curved mattress needle 1 (end to end distance): approx. 2.2"(5.7cm) Length of Curved mattress needle 2 (end to end distance): approx. 2" (5.2cm) Material:steel and nickel plated. Big Eye Beading Needles Length of beading needles:approx. 2.2" (5.7cm) Width of needle point: approx. 0.004" (0.01cm) Needle bottle size:approx. 3.1 x 0.5 x 0.5" (8*1.2*1.2cm) Material:steel and nickel plated. --Warm prompt-- Relatively sharp needles, when removing and use, please be careful. --Note-- Note: Keep out of the reach of children. Please be reminded that due lighting effects, monitor's brightness/contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the colour tone of the website's photo and the actual item. Thanks for your understanding and happy purchase!
+Brand: BIHRTC | Manufacturer: Shenzhen Integrity Tiancheng Electronic Technology Co., LTD
+Item Dimensions: 0.71 x 4.02 x 5.98 inches (1.8 x 10.2 x 15.2 cm) | Package Dimensions: 0.71 x 4.02 x 5.98 inches (1.8 x 10.2 x 15.2 cm)
+Ean: 0745373869532 | PartNumber: does not apply | Asin: B07TKYSTH2
+Size: Multi-size Color: Gold, Suitable for: Old man, Blind person Material: Stainless Steel Item: Sewing Needles Quantities: 12 Pcs/1 Pack Set of 12 Pcs Hand Sewing Needles Home Household Tools Package Included: 12 Pcs / set*Sewing Needles Note: Please allow minor deviation due to manual measurement. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.
+Brand: YANEE | Manufacturer: YANEE
+Model: SC-130/705H-SU-AS | Ean: 0610683782874 | Asin: B07VD45MWX
+Schmetz Super Non-Stick Needles For Home Sewing Machines. Schmetz Needle System : 130/705H-SU The Schmetz Super Nonstick Needle has a slippery surface that ensures less adhesive residue sticks to the needle. Ideal for users of self-adhesive stabilizers, temporary spray adhesives, tapes and more. These needles feature an extra-large eye suitable for embroidery work, and the distinctive scarf along with the special design of the eye ensures prevention of skipped stitches. Slightly rounded point provides trouble-free sewing on most materials. Strong conical blade reinforcement easily handles thick fabrics like denim. Micro fibers, polyester, silk, foils, artificial leather, coated materials. Very thin acute point creates beautiful topstitching and perfectly straight stitches for quilt piecing when precision is paramount. - See more at: This assorted pack contains below sizes. 5-needles per each size. Total of 20 needles. Size 70/10 Size 80/12 Size 90/14 Size 100/16 Lower size numbers are narrower or thinner needles used for lighter materials. Higher size numbers indicate a needle of thicker diameter, used for heavier compatibility to your sewing machine, please e-mail the brand & model number.
+Brand: Schmetz | Manufacturer: Schmetz
+Model: 554-18 | Ean: 0610683785097 | Asin: B07VDJ8SL9
+C.S. Osborne Straight Heavy Single Round Point Needles. Straight Heavy Single Round Point Needles. Osborne needles and pins have long been considered a standard for fine quality. Ideal for sewing and repairing sails, canvas, leather and similar materials. Size is based on overall length of the needle. Made in USA. Size : 18 Length : 18" Gauge : 11 Pack of 12 needles Other sizes are also available in our shop.
+Brand: C.S. Osborne | Manufacturer: C.S. Osborne
+Ean: 0703565536273 | PartNumber: 68219e8c37dd635a8d12b9c8a94161f6 | Asin: B07W6CJF9B
+Description: - 8 Pieces Hand Sewing Needles and 3 Pieces Carpet Needles, thickness and shape are different, great for most sewing works: Embroidery, Darning, Quilting, Crafting, etc - 100% Polyester Jeans Thread, Multicolors, Extra Strong, can be used by hand or sewing machine - For overlock and safety seams, fine fancy stitch and decorative seams - Can be used for sewing leather, blankets, thicker fabric, canvas, tarpaulin, etc - You can also make bags, shoes, hard craft strong thick fabric, repairs basket, sofa, furniture and more Specification: - Jeans thread - Material: Polyester - Size/Spool: Approx. 50m / 55 yards - Color: 10 colors - Sewing needles - Material: Steel - Color: Silver - Length of straight : Approx. 4.5-8.5cm / 0.18-0.33inch - Thickness: Approx. 0.05-0.2cm / 0.002 - 0.008inch - Curved needles thickness: Approx. 0.05-0.1cm / 0.002-0.004inch Package Includes: 10 Colors Jeans Sewing Thread Spools Set of 14 Pieces Sewing Needles Note: Relatively sharp needles, when removing and use, please be careful.Please allow a slight measurement error.Thanks for your understanding!
+Brand: LoveinDIY | Manufacturer: LoveinDIY
+Ean: 0757538437128 | PartNumber: C03302 | Asin: B07VVM73DB
+Brand: Bernina | Manufacturer: Bernina
+Ean: 0745373869549 | PartNumber: does not apply | Asin: B07TN1MCK5
+Size: Multi-size Color: Silver Suitable for: Old man, Blind person Material: Stainless Steel Item: Sewing Needles Quantities: 12pcs/1 Pack Set of 12PCS Hand Sewing Needles Home Household Tools Package Included: 12pcs/set*Sewing Needles Note: Please allow minor deviation due to manual measurement. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.
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+1xBet presents a wide variety of stay events, however you possibly can adjust to the options which might be updated every hour, in accordance with the worth on the time. With a 4-fold accumulator, if one of the groups you would have backed is 2-zero down after ten minutes you then’re more likely to screw your coupon up in disgust. But by making use of logic and slightly little bit of frequent sense, we can make Lucky 15 betting work for us – and significantly improve our possibilities of profitable.
+As an prompt play casino, 1xBet could be loaded directly from the participant’s browser, on both desktop and mobile devices. For simpler entry, one can simply obtain and install 1xBet cell app, appropriate with Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems. The live tables betting limits depend on the developers and might reach a number of thousands of euros. The average limits at VIP blackjack and poker tables are between €500 and €2,500, while the stakes at a low-limit tables begin at €0.10-€1.00. Please enter your e mail so we can hold you up to date with news, features and the newest offers. We won’t ever promote your data and you’ll only get messages from us and our companions whose services we think you’ll take pleasure in.
+On the first web page of the signup form, you will find a field to add a promo code. Unlike many bonuses on the market, you are not restricted in terms of what you can and might’t play. However, games in the Other category, Roulette and Blackjack have a zero% wagering contribution. This means you won’t have the ability to meet the wagering requirement enjoying in these classes. You can discover extra details of recreation contributions in the phrases and circumstances. Even even though after two-thirds of the distance the group goes solely in the middle of the standings, there’s still the opportunity to alter the situation.
+“1xBet is a supporter of responsible betting,” the 1xBet team continued. “We regulate to the authorized pointers of every nation by which we operate. Given that our licence to work in Nigeria is valid until 2024, within the subsequent 5 years we want to set new requirements of betting custom.
+The minimum withdrawal is a bit greater than the minimal deposit for each accepted method, but it is nonetheless fairly low. For instance, when you’re utilizing your bank card, you will be able to deposit an quantity as low as €2. 1xBet doesn’t cost any withdrawal charges, and lots of withdrawals are also processed immediately.
+1xbet proposes for its clientele advanced apps for all sorts of cell units. If you determine you want to strive something aside from sports betting, the app boasts the 1xBet casino. Here you can get pleasure from a wide variety of games together with slots, jackpots, desk games and a live on line casino. There are over 40 sports activities on which to guess utilizing the app, with soccer, tennis, ice hockey and basketball among the high decisions. The excellent news is you may also entry 1xBet’s glorious live streaming service utilizing the app.
+The firm presents its partners free entry to all out there promotional supplies. It is beneficial to make use of extra advertising to extend the effectiveness of the customer support, as well as to attract the eye of potential users and expand the client base.
+There are a number of variations of the GH web site – cell and desktop kinds. It typically happens that you simply didn’ t get one thing, though you had utilized the equivalent contact info for 1xBet Ghana login. When you adopted all of the steps appropriately nevertheless it doesn’ t do the job, name assist or contact an internet advisor. Create a checking account in 1xBet today, in that case, make a deposit and its volume shall be doubled as much as 100 EUR or as much as practically 540 GHS!
+NOTE- Withdrawal requests originating from your cell device function exactly as they would from the desktop version of 1xbet. Below is a brief step-by-step overview explaining the money withdrawal course of. Please notice, the process is similar for mobile or desktop EXCEPT for in the 1st step. Qualifying guess is first settled wager £/€10.00+ (£/€10 E/W) at odds 2.zero+ placed inside 28 days of registration.
+Learn additional about 1xBet bonus, and every factor past, beginning with the creation of your bonus account. Therefore, 1xBet bonus conditions are these which attracted bettors, as a result of on our web site, you’ll discover an intuitive and clear web site. It will take you a while to get relaxed on the resource and can be found to actually really feel at residence right here.
+Type the NEWBONUS code into this box and you’ll be eligible for the improved welcome package deal. These transactions can be extraordinarily safe with cell login. It is recommended that the “bluetooth” setting of the cellphone / tablet is turned off only during the operations. Apart from that, there is absolutely no objection to being included in the system mobile. Thanks to the Curacao license, all security checks may be made on mobile streaming.
+Once the required fields have been entered clients place the and when it has been accepted the 1xBet account stability is updated. The registration 1xBet account course of entails several steps that must be undertaken to open an account on 1xBet.
+According to 1xbet’s literature, the withdrawal course of is in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week. 1xbet guarantees that you’ll obtain your fee within 30 days. We discovered this statement to be considerably complicated, because the overwhelming majority of fee methods describe a 15-minute or less turnaround interval. We suspect this 30-day window is a maneuver from 1xbet’s legal division. We noticed that financial institution transfers can take as much as three hours to be processed.
+Many of the deposit methods provided by the 1Xbet app supply a situation that you could be deposit a minimum amount of €1 with no explicit most being given. The means of loading your bankroll is quite straightforward as you simply want to decide on the service provider service to use from the record on the 1xbet fee methods web page.
+Bet365 supplies the most effective betting app for Indian gamers as a result of it presents a simple interface, quick navigation menu, money out and reside streaming of main sporting events. 1xBet is a great taking part in website for Indian players who enjoy numerous totally completely different sports actions and video video games to wager on. 1xBet offers an enormous choice in relation to sports actions and video games. The app lets you customise the final design and construction of the web site which makes it extra individual-friendly.
+The model’s website combines a sportsbook, casino, and bingo games, all underneath one roof, and as well as provides a betting trade. With a staggering quantity of cost choices, sports and markets, this online portal takes playing to the next degree. The process of registration is fairly simple, and the shoppers receive their password and account amount via e mail.
+A password and a telephone number are needed to enter your, and e mail – for notifications of all transfers. Go to the mailbox and open the letter during which to activate create progressive account comply with the hyperlink. Registration course of at the 1xBet registration having fun with workplace is available for everybody. This is their first betting store of which many extra is to return after working within the nation, Ghana for two years—rising to turn out to be considered one of many favorite betting websites for a lot of punters. Customers enter the amount of the guess and for some markets can place a win or every means single guess.
+With the exception of betting on horse racing the accumulator wager really predates the usual win single in soccer and different trendy sports activities actions. The 1xbet poker app offers each poker along with video poker which may be carried out with amount mills or precise gamers. The rakes are outlined at 1% of the winnings and are payable after the player decides to get out of the desk. Of course, like all totally different famend betting websites, 1xBet additionally presents a beneficiant welcome bonus for brand spanking new prospects you could benefit from. The homepage supplies plenty of information in barely house yet it does not seem too cluttered. It may be merely downloaded by means of a Windows-powered smartphone or a desktop based mostly system. The app is barely bit completely completely different in comparison with that on the market for iOS and Android customers and is on the market for download with out the requirement of paying any cash.
+If you register by way of your cellphone this numerous goes to be presumably quicker than the one along with the one click on solely. The widest strains are offered in sports activities actions; nevertheless , we will’t though observe that they aren’t totally represented.
+When that quantity is deposited, a person’ s wagering credit portions to twenty Euros. At least three activities is required to offer some odds slightly as 1 .
+If you enter the coupon code and don’t see the low cost on the order evaluate web page, strive contacting customer assist sooner than finishing the transaction. Check and see if the web site has a FAQ part for a solution to the question.
+As the 1xBet bonus is a matched deposit provide, then the more you initially deposit, the extra you stand to receive in bonus funds. But earlier than you get carried away and put down €one hundred along with your first deposit to say the full bonus quantity, it’s worth considering forward to contemplate the bonus’ wagering circumstances. At the moment, it seems just like the bookmaker is willing to put on a 1xBet sign up bonus that may match your initial deposit by 100% up to €one hundred. This seems to be a fantastic provide, and it’s bigger than a number of the sign-up bonuses that you’ll find from one of the best bookmakers in the enterprise.
+As talked about above, 1xbet insurance is right for risk-averse bettors and might embolden them to put bets on video video games they might in another case overlook before now. Let’s take the upcoming Manchester United versus Liverpool match on the 20 th of October, 2019. More so when the game comes up after an extended international break.
+To participate, ensure to roll in the day by day tasks that you will be given by the operator. A jackpot is received daily; as of late, a brand-new Nissan GTR has been added as a grand lottery prize. 1xbet holds a total of two licences so as to have the ability to function in the countries where it’s allowed to function. One of the licences is offered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia because the firm’s main focus is Russia.
+These web site gambling options originated later in 2012 and the person interface is available in a large number of languages – games of likelihood appropriate practically for everyone. The bettors can watch the game titles in stay streaming, while inserting the bets. The players have a chance to make a more exact prognosis of how the sport will go.
+Many of these will cowl men’s and girls’s matches in both singles and doubles. The largest matches will have around 50 markets, so a decent depth here too.
+1xBet presents cell enjoying app and mobile sort for all kind of models. The 1xbet streaming protection football and sport half usually supplies you the likelihood to wager on more than the half of the incidents, that are within the pre-match part.
+So, in case your country just isn’t among the accepted places, you can’t profit from the video games that are offered there as per their legal requirements. This is a desire for South African bettors, encouraging them to register more. Sports betting is now obtainable on smartphones and tablets – just download the 1xBet app and start putting bets instantly. There’s no need to attend for the correct moment to make sports actions bets and play games as now you are able to do even on the go. A digital first enterprise, 1XBET accepts more than 250 payment choices from everywhere in the world and offers across the clock purchaser help in 30 languages.
+1xBet login is a fast way to enter the web site within the event that you just’ re not going to work with social networks for this operate. Rebates are fairly plentiful on digital units, laptop methods, software program and residential improvement devices. If you possibly can’t find one on-line, contact the retailer’s customer service division and find out if one is out there for the merchandise you wish to purchase. If you could have any questions, please name the quantity listed on the web site, or the net clients assist. The task is difficult, as a result of in the course of the season the Gunners have already misplaced three or more players of the first workers due to injuries.
+Yes, 1xbet has an enormous library of slots from over 80 of the most important builders on the earth, together with NetEnt, Yggdrasil, Play N Go, and Betsoft. There can be a reside casino where you possibly can play blackjack, roulette, and poker in opposition to quite a lot of reside sellers. 1xbet is among the few sportsbooks that accepts deposits of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
+Apart from, it is attainable to wager on moving off and sequence of receiving the primary group card. 1xBet undoubtedly fits very nicely for amateurs of betting on cards. One half of the money ought to get wagered 5 times in accumulator bets. Also, a minimum of three events in an accumulator needs to have odds as low as 1 .
+Also, keep in mind to choose a username and a password that you have to simply recall. The major issue is that there isn’t any need to be a real expert and expert player to succeed real money right here. System requirements for getting are pretty inexpensive and primarily come all the way down to having an up-to-date os. Installed utility takes about megabytes, excluding cached data that appears throughout operation. However , ought to you choose to create 1xBet Ghana login at the bookmaker’ s web site, be able to meets some inconveniences. You don’ t wish to satisfy any type of system necessities and may begin 1xBet Ghana registration from anywhere and desired time. Yet, on this methodology of registering in the enjoying web page you’ll have to fill in simply two fields, so you will lose minimal time.
+The procedure might be very straightforward and could be carried out via your cell or in your desktop. It turns out that 1xBet bonus components can get their pets amongst shoppers who’re allowed barely greater than another odd avid gamers. A prerequisite to get the explicit is a minimal of three events and a minimal coefficient of certainly considered one of them in all probability not lower than 1 . You can register for 1xBet Ghana registration utilizing your cellphone amount. To do this, inside the enroll through sms column, choose the item “ by telephone quantity”. After this step is carried out, bettors are longer to make it once more. Consecutive instances, there’s simply a necessity to utilize the login info 1xBet Ghana.
+They had additionally allowed customers to bet on youngsters’s sports, which is in opposition to the principles on this country. You will must be a model new consumer to qualify for a particular promotion. This implies that you won’t be able to create a double account, but might want to register. Once you could have accomplished your registration you don’t have to fret about utilizing any 1xBet bonus codes. You will need to 1xbet адреса check the world within the deposit spot stating that you need to get a 1xBet new customer particular promotion. Harry Kane, Virgil van Dijk and Willian are among the many gamers who have helped promoted the betting company. They have been blacklisted as a result of they have been used to advertise betting on children’s sports activities, cockfighting and a pornographic casino.
+Finally, you should also keep in mind that there’ s no purpose why you should even use the 1xBet reward in any respect. If things like betting situations are proving to become little too annoying, then you actually don’ t should look into the field that says you wish to decide into their subscribe bonus. After all, there are many those who are still able to make lots of respectable cash elsewhere for the 1xBet site. Thankfully you merely have to incorporate three selection in every of those accumulators, as well as the truth that the qualifying it’s likely that of 1. forty or more will need to imply that you don’ big t get pushed too far out of your consolation zone. So make sure to only embody selections inside your qualifying accas which might be just as close to odds of 1 . fourty as potential for one of the best probability of eradicating your bonus with out producing too many dropping bets.
+I’ve added 3000 INR in my 1xbet account which is and my name is jai. The quantity didn’t got here in my betting id and i have complained about it many times however the buyer support of 1xbet is worst. They asked me for transaction id, checking account and the issues,But they simply shook me down. They can benefit from exclusive welcome bonus with our promo code and might make deposits utilizing Indian Rupees. India is in the high 5 international locations in relation to 1XBET world popularity.
+The supplied money must be utilized within thirty days of registering. All users will simply have a single bonus which has two sections. Asides from understanding how to use 1xbet reward, there are some specifications which ought to be happy to ensure that customers to take their provide and earnings gotten utilizing 1xbet current. Individual bets can’ to be used to satisfy the present specifications. It is simply the combination bets which include as little as 5 traces which are used. 1xbet provide wants a 1x turnover before that gets modified to precise cash flow.
+The Champions League has started, which will host many matches that will pique the curiosity of soccer followers all around the world. In the primary qualifying spherical, 24 groups competed to progress however essentially the most impactful match was the sport between Qarabag and Sileks. Bettors in Nigeria can watch Champions League matches on the official web site of the match on /en/. The betting company offers entry to numerous on-line broadcasts.
+You must be very impressed by this broad provide for gamers or you’ll be able to examine it to different manufacturers’ offer like we did in our BetWinner vs 1XBET review. 1XBET cowl pretty much each single sport beneath the sun, from American football to volleyball and from basketball to the UFC, and every thing in between. Then, one the app is installed, you will want to register for a new player account. This solely takes a few moments, and asks for your private info but in a extremely safe setting.
+All UK ComeOn accounts shall be deactivated on 30 September with gamers advised to withdraw any funds by 29 September 2019 . ComeOn on line casino and sportsbook is one other gaming platform to close down operations within the UK, although underneath extra voluntary circumstances than those concerning 1xBet. The Cherry-owned on line casino has been working in the UK since 2014 however has now taken the choice to withdraw from the British market so as to think about what it describes as extra beneficial markets. These are thought to include Sweden, Denmark, Malta, Poland and Germany, where it holds licences. Liverpool solely agreed a multi-yr deal with 1xBet back in July after describing the agency as “some of the quickly creating companies” in the betting trade. The Russian agency have since launched their very own investigation into the matter after insisting they were unaware of how their firm was being promoted on certain websites on-line. Liverpool have suspended their partnership with betting agency 1xBET pending a full investigation into unlawful content.
+One of an essential aspects of a unbelievable on-line betting expertise is swift deposits and withdrawals. Tournaments and sporting events of varied kinds are available within the cell-based web site as well as in the cellular functions. Just like Android, the 1xbet app is also available for iOS prospects as properly. In comparison to the 1xbet android app, the one for iOS is fairly completely completely different, nonetheless it is nonetheless merely usable for newbies. It is comfortable and handy to place any bets especially whenever you’re using the app on an iPad. The neatest factor about the app is that it accepts a variety of deposit options and currencies, which makes it an exceptional betting app experience.
+If you mix sports activities in your acca too the max payout may be defined by the game with the lowest restrict. Minimum odds – To qualify for many acca insurance coverage presents there are generally minimal prices to stay to.
+After deciding on a recreation, its reside broadcast and a number of other possible bets will open. This is among the most worthwhile betting strategies, as you don’t need to wait for the sport to end to win. Enjoy stay sports betting on the site of the most effective 1xBet bookmaker.
+The market depth at 1xbet is much more spectacular than the choice of leagues. The biggest matches may have nicely over 1500 wagering alternatives out there; even English League Two video games serve up over 1000. All the usual bets are here, together with both groups to attain, appropriate rating, fouls, half time/full time, personal objectives, and players to attain score. The big range of bonuses, betting choices, and video games signifies that you’ll be coming back to 1xbet time and time once more. The 1XBet cellular app is out there to download on both iOS and Android gadgets, that means that bets could be placed on the go along with ease.
+We were additionally stunned to study that the funds could be disbursed into 20 cryptocurrency accounts. Keep in mind, depending in your region the actual variety of withdrawal strategies may be decrease. Max £25 free wager, Min of 3 alternatives in acca
+You can also select your region and there are other out there settings as nicely. 1xBet is much more customisable than best websites and that makes it a lot more user-friendly. 1xBet is a bit completely different than most different on-line betting operators. The website structure and design are considerably old style and will remind you of the olden days of the internet, however there are not any problems by way of performance. If you click on the settings button, it is possible for you to to make a lot of changes to the positioning’s outlook, based mostly on your preferences.
+The bettor has to have an account with undoubtedly actually considered one of e-wallets. The software program program permits customers to comfortably entry the suppliers on the net site. To make the service additional useful, the company has features for each Android and IOS working strategies. These are the principle steps you must comply with to withdraw your money reward. Once your account has been replenished, you achieve entry to the 1xBet one hundred benefit.
+Her eyes had been pointed downward in the course of the present show display screen between her arms on her behalf lap. When you press on the Registration press button you’ll observe a menu with other options for creating an account on this playing residence and definitely considered one of them is registering by way of a telephone number. The button will begin a model new pop-up window by which the fully completely different registration methods might be listed and the One-Click strategy is settled as a default 1. To register that means you will have to at first press within the inexperienced button Register.
+They can look at actions occasions which are held today and earn massive cash in case they use our items of steerage correctly. Besides, each more energizing gets a greeting bonus when he begins sports activities betting and he can remodel it into big winnings in case he’s conscious of the best 1xBet ideas. There’ s the need to register on the platform and you’ lmost all get your welcome prize that will allow you to benefit out of your major stakes. 1xBet is available on cell units and you may both access the website in your cellular browser, then bet through the web app, or you can download a cell app after which install it on your cellular gadget. 1xBet presents an iOS app which is on the market on the App Store, an Android app which may be downloaded from the website, in addition to a Java app which may also be downloaded from an internet site link. 1xbet has an excellent number of games, from slots to reside on line casino to lottery and of course, sports playing. All of this is nicely and good however without honest and strong customer support this makes any on line casino rife for corruption and utter larceny.
+on-line wager 1xbet.com guarantees that each consumer will be able to withdraw money won as quickly as she or he verify the betting account. You just need to send a photo of the primary and second pages of your passport to substantiate the non-public knowledge. Now, one of the best soccer bets with 1xBet present an excellent opportunity to make predictions for any match and make money on them. Given the level of the provided coefficients, a generous reward won’t take long. To subscribe to the net betting website, you have to first access the final login handle and click the register button on the house web page. After you fill out the knowledge in the membership type fully, you can simply subscribe to 1xbet web site and make bets. The prospects can simply guess on numerous sports competitions here, including football, hockey, basketball, boxing and greater than other 25 choices.
+Odds are excessive enough and it makes this bookmaker very attractive for soccer bettors. 1xBet was opened in 2007 however now it’s some of the in style bookmakers on the Russian market. This firm presents perfect traces with wide variety of markets and additional bets. Should be admitted that live-markets are as wealthy as ordinary markets. For Russian spoken folks there’s around the buyer round the clock help service. Every accumulator gamble ought to contain as little as 3 bets and odds of a minimum of 1 .
+Indeed, the betting platform lost its license to operate in the UK earlier this summer following reviews that its web sites hosted betting on youngsters’s sport, and cockfighting. It was also reported that the agency marketed on unlawful websites, among which some have been of pornographic nature. It should be noted that there’s a minimum deposit restrict of 50 RUB, 1 USD or 1 EUR for each totally different deposit methodology. We really feel that is quite a lenient quantity compared to another platforms.
+In this varied the registration is just like the one with one click on on only and right here you would have two main variations, although. The first one is that in its place of the nation you’ll enter your cellphone amount and the second one is that you will receive your account info immediately in your telephone as SMS message. Special welcome supply are met – elevated chances – particular of the day. When you gather occasions into the promotion your self, the coefficient will probably be lower. 1xBet join present presents you the prospect to face as much as € 129 on the player account in 1xBet if using the distinctive promotional code. Although they’ve every kind of markets, paris the bounds related to those markets are normally restrictive. Besides the dearth of transparency and different potential security points, We thought it is going to be better bets out there.
+1xBet, nevertheless, works with top-of-the-line companies on this space so you possibly can count on quite prime quality for almost all of of the supplies right here. The business has one of the revolutionary selections available on the market, which you can find merely of their website. Furthermore, the operator has a singular attitude to 1xBet Ghana customers of their web site, so as to use some particular choices in your country.
+he 1xBet worthwhile affiliate program fee pleases with its small quantity, so it is not going to interfere together with your attainable great earnings. The French soccer leaders can meet already in the semifinals, while Reims is the simplest choice for the trio of PSG, Lille and Lyon. However, if the grandees themselves will imagine it, the match can turn into troublesome, as a result of the middling teams love to surprise sturdy opponents in cup confrontations. The stage of the French soccer championship is currently slightly decrease than the remainder of the highest countries, however, the cup confrontations have at all times been spectacular. 18+ – New depositors solely – UK residents only – Minimum deposit 10 – Free spins are valid only on Starburst and expire in 7 days. It holds a valid eGaming license from the Government of Curacao and allegedly serves over 400,000 lively members. On the primary form of the signup page, you can see a “Promo Code” area.
+Interesting is the part with digital sports activities, which are gaining increasingly more popularity. 1xbet is a Russian bookmaker, that lately has become a favorite betting firm for sport fans.
+We have a useful record of accumulator bonuses if you want to read additional. Most betting sites now current you each the odds in your betsip next to the accumulator area or will present you how lots you’ll win out of your stake at the bottom. If they current you how a lot you’ll win then simply divide this by your stake to see the odds. The a hundred% bonus could be activated and transferred to your bonus account instantly as quickly as the primary deposit has been made. The bonus credit score should then be turned over 5 instances using accumulator bets with at least three events. At least three markets within the accumulator wager should have odds of 1,forty (2/5) or larger.
+With this, having simply five traces with the combined set ought to show the lowest odds of 1 ) 40. When that amount is deposited, an individual’ s wagering credit sums to twenty Euros. What does let 1xBet down is that they have only one assist email and one cellphone quantity for all languages, and no live chat possibility. This can imply that support for problems could be a little bit on the sluggish aspect and endurance is needed when dealing with them. Maybe at first, it sounds bit complicating, however once you may strive it you may actually take pleasure in it and won’t be able to cease taking part in this addicting recreation.
+3 nearly the same as on a regular website, the interface is barely completely different. Local shops often usually are not obligated to honor online deals until the promotion notably states in another case.
+As a new buyer learn my comprehensive 1xBet evaluation for in-depth tips and advice on how to get essentially the most out of your account. The Russian firm is now not licensed to operate in Britain after an investigation final month by The Sunday Times.
+Please refer to the payment strategies web page on the 1xbet website for the exhaustive listing. The market depth throughout all of the in-play sports could be very spectacular, with a lot of the greater matches having nicely over 200 obtainable wagers. You can see which matches are being shown by looking for the little ‘reside’ TV image under the team names. Basketball obviously has a a lot wider vary of leagues from all over the world, including NCAA college matches and European competitions. The NBA presents the best market depth, with round 200 markets per match including extra time wagers. Tennis has betting options for the ATP, WTA, ITF, and Challenger competitions.
+I complained to the assist they usually kept telling me to “attempt different fee techniques” as if it wasn’t their job to make sure things are running smoothly. Kindly transfer the pockets quantity Rs2000and transfer to my bank account as mentioned above.
+If your store accepts printable coupons, this could possibly be a nice source of coupons which value little greater than your printer ink and paper. We are certain that 1XBET has one thing to supply to all FC Barcelona followers. We anticipate that the cooperation of two world-class brands shall be profitable for every parties.
+While the percentages differ across the board, the more well-liked occasions provide seriously competitive odds, which suggests you don’t have to buy around. Of all the online bookmakers providing their providers to the Kenyan market, 1xBet has the most important and essentially the most diverse vary of banking options.
+It is obvious that 1XBet have put their expertise to good use, with their sportsbook performing properly across the board, together with when it comes to their cell platforms. The 1XBet cell app presents punters a vastly environment friendly and gratifying betting platform, which is out there on a wide range of units. Perhaps the standout function of the 1XBet mobile app is the ability to stay stream a large number of sporting occasions, which only provides to the joy of betting on such encounters.
+But in terms of the wagering conditions, it’ s clear that factors get slightly more complicated. If you could have done this, then the 1xBet join benefit shall be routinely activated and you will see your first deposit matched up by 100% as much as € one hundred. In order to make a drawback of your bonus funds, you’ll first need to fulfill the betting circumstances of the 1xBet bonus. These wagering necessities demand that you have to guess the value of your bonus no less than 5 occasions. You can only do this by making accumulator bets which have by least three selections, together with least three of these choices must have odds of 1 .
+The terms of cooperation are may be easily found on the official web site of the corporate. If you want to turn into a win participant, you should observe our 1xBet right now tips. It’ s an excellent chance to realize constructive expertise for individuals from everywhere in the world. A player from any country which isn’ t underneath stops can become a successful bettor under. The list of withdrawal methods is somewhat shorter, however there are nonetheless lots of options, or to be extra precise, over a hundred.
+However, 1xBet additionally provide methods similar to cryptocurrency to deposit cash, which I assume may be very attention-grabbing contemplating the continued rise of Bitcoin lately. Installing the applying on your telephone, or different cell units, provides you free entry to the stay streaming on your cell system. Registration is straightforward and simple, Nigerian gamers also can guess in their own foreign money – Nigerian Naira. With promotion code PROTIPSTER, all gamers from Nigeria get a100% bonus as much as NGN. 1xBet all the time attempt to provide something new to its prospects, and one such function is Bet Constructor sport.
+In order to get the 1xBet join bonus, you have to be a brand new customer within the bookie’ s site. Therefore you’ll be able to’ t simply make a replica account, but should register your 1xBet account for the primary time. By studying our evaluation of the 1xBet bonus you will also get to see how good this deal is in comparability to some of the best sports activities betting further bonuses round in the meanwhile. So take a look at our information to utilizing the 1xBet sign up bonus and see just the way it may supercharge your athletics bets at one of the best cricket betting sites. Nonetheless all sports activities betting promotions could be less simple than that they initially appear. So our evaluation of the most recent 1xBet enroll bonus will inform you precisely how you could activate this particular supply. Additionally, we will walk you all through the wagering conditions of the 1xBet new buyer bonus in order that you don’ t accidentally invalidate your further betting funds.
+You can register through e mail to provide varied data or through social networks. Everyone who chooses to register through social networks ought to know that this is potential per Twitter, Facebook. This means that it is possible for you to to make a qualifying deposit with the help of verified fee methods. Debit/Credit Cards Maestro, MasterCard, VISA, fee processors PayPal, Skrill, Paysafecard. To withdraw accrued winnings on account of bets, the same deposit facility can be used. Not solely are withdrawals limitless but 1xBet are known to have extremely swift fee instances and named “best bitcoin on line casino” in our guide, that means soon after an enormous win you can be enjoying your earnings.
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+It’s a name that might evoke serenity and relaxation. But Letchworth Village was anything but.
+For decades, the massive complex covered nearly four square miles of Rockland County, and was home to thousands diagnosed with physical or mental disabilities. Too many, in fact, as Geraldo Rivera discovered in a 1972 expose for ABC News that first earned him national attention. Residents — especially children — were forced to live in filthy conditions, many times with no clothes to wear and nothing to do.
+It was enough to create a national outcry so loud, an entire nation radically reformed disability services.
+With Rivera’s camera crew was a former cop-turned-congressman who just couldn’t believe what he saw.
+“I’ve visited penal institutions all over the country,” U.S. Rep. Mario Biaggi said. “I’ve visited hospitals all over the country. I’ve visited the worst brigs in the military. I’ve never seen anything like” Letchworth.
+How could he know, less than a half-century later, his granddaughter would experience something tragically similar. But it wasn’t Letchworth Village state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi toured last month — instead, it was Rikers Island. A place also hidden far away from inquiring eyes, this time on a one-square-mile plot of mostly landfill-created dirt in the middle of the East River. But not hidden far enough.
+“I’m having a hard time describing it without it sounding hyperbolic or crazy,” the senator said. “It actually is worse than it sounds. It was horrifying.”
+Unlike Letchworth, Rikers Island isn’t overcrowded. In fact, the overall population is much thousands fewer than its peak, thanks to a number of policy changes in recent years like bail reform that won’t allow judges to keep those accused of misdemeanors and non-violent crime behind bars simply because they can’t afford to pay the court.
+Mayor Bill de Blasio took office in 2014, pledging to shut down Rikers Island, replacing it with a number of smaller jails scattered throughout the five boroughs.
+The city council backed de Blasio with an $8.7 billion pledge to build the smaller jails — something council Speaker Corey Johnson claims will be safer, more humane, and chock-full of services some might need like job training or mental counseling.
+But not everyone on the council has bought in. Brooklyn’s Carlos Menchaca says de Blasio’s plan does little to address why people go to jail in the first place. Closing Rikers and building new jails, he adds, is a boon for developers, not those facing incarceration in the first place.
+Even if the smaller jails could work, they simply aren’t big enough, said Republican Staten Island councilman Steven Matteo. These smaller facilities would house just 3,300 prisoners — far fewer than the more than 7,000 forced to live at Rikers and other city jails now.
+“It will require putting more potentially dangerous offenders back on the street,” Matteo said, “jeopardizing public safety.”
+New York City bought Rikers Island from the descendants of its namesake, Abraham Rycken, in 1884, for the equivalent of more than $5 million today. Even its sale was controversial. Long Island City, then a part of Queens and not part of New York City itself, wanted the island too. Back then, New York was keeping many of its prisoners on what is now known as Roosevelt Island, and Rikers Island would be perfect for a new jail.
+The island wasn’t just a place to send would-be criminals. It also was a repository for the city’s trash, creating mountains that could challenge even the Palisades — and continued to be a regular feature of Rikers Island until the 1939 World’s Fair.
+Today Rikers Island can house more than 10,000 inmates. But as Alessandra Biaggi made her way through the expansive complex, she concluded the jail shouldn’t have even a few thousand inmates, let alone 10,000.
+Biaggi was joined on her recent tour of Rikers Island by U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, city public advocate Jumaane Williams, and the Assemblyman representing the island, Kenny Burgos. The first thing the group saw when they stepped inside the jail’s main facility was how trash covered the floor.
+Working their way in, Biaggi and her colleagues talked to as many of the inmates as they could. One after another, each had a horror story to share. Many weren’t getting medication for chronic conditions like disabilities and HIV. One man, who said his schizophrenia had been left untreated by the corrections officers there, showed the group the insect bites that covered his legs.
+They “looked like chickenpox,” Biaggi said. “There’s no other way to describe it. And it was just from bedbugs and lice.”
+There was also a sense of despair among many of the inmates, the senator said, with the realization many hadn’t been able to call their families or lawyers since they were incarcerated. In several cases, family members didn’t even know they were there.
+“Not being able to contact their lawyers is obviously a breach of human rights,” Biaggi said. “But it’s also a constitutional infraction. You’re entitled to that.”
+Yet nothing could prepare Biaggi and her group for what they found in the jail’s intake area.
+There, groups of 20 or more prisoners were packed together in small cells. One even attempted to hang himself in front of the lawmakers, who could only watch in horror.
+The lack of social distancing might suggest Rikers is long past the coronavirus, but it’s anything but. COVID-19 ultimately claimed the life of Victor Mercado, a 64-year-old Mott Haven resident who was being held at Rikers on a weapons charge.
+The courts were in the process of granting Mercado an emergency release from the jail when he died — one of 10 deaths that occurred behind the walls of Rikers this year alone.
+“The number of people dying in city jails is horrific,” said Zachary Katznelson, representing the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform.
+“It’s significantly higher than previous years.”
+Suicide still remains a primary culprit of deaths at jails like Rikers. And the dangerous living conditions there do little to help alleviate that, Katznelson said. A federal court monitor counted 51 stabbings and slashings at city jails in September alone — including 18 in a facility that houses primarily older teen boys and adult men at Rikers. Since the beginning of October, that same facility has experienced at least one stabbing or slashing each day.
+Felix Guzman knows firsthand. During his time incarcerated at Rikers, he felt the atmosphere was so bad, it nearly drove him to the edge.
+“The looming threat of impending death is a harsh reality,” Guzman said. “I was suicidal as I felt uneasy and not cared for as a person, but felt more like I was caught up in the system. There is a palpable tension in the air, an uncertainty over what each moment residing on Rikers Island brings.”
+While most of the 50 people who died while in custody in New York City jails over the last five years were medical-related, Katznelson believes lives could have been saved.
+“Many deaths are unfortunately related directly to staffing issues at Rikers,” he said. “About a third (of the staff) are not showing up any given day. It’s seriously understaffed right now for hours — and days — at a time. If there’s a medical emergency, people aren’t able to get any help.”
+Those who do show up on any given day can’t help but feel the pressure, not just on staffing issues, but all the politics surrounding what’s happening at Rikers Island.
+“It’s probably the worst it’s ever been since I’ve been there, to be honest,” one corrections officer told The Riverdale Press, asking their name not be revealed since they still work there.
+The lack of enthusiasm for the wok isn’t just because of one event, but rather several that have many in uniform exhausted and stressed out.
+“It’s been hard on a lot of us just because there’s been so much we’ve had to deal with,” the officer said. “I mean, I dread going to work just because no one day ever feels like it’s the same.”
+The anger felt toward law enforcement since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis more than a year ago hasn’t helped, either.
+“I mean, this has all been a long time coming,” the officer said. “For a long time, there have been a lot of rules that were put in place that hindered us from doing our job.”
+Rules like keeping physical distance from those incarcerated there, no matter what happens. Putting hands on an inmate — even if they attack first — is now considered an absolute last resort.
+“Literally, an inmate can punch you in the face and then put their hands up,” the officer said. “The minute they put their hands up, that’s it. You can’t do anything to them. You have to eat that punch.”
+Even solitary confinement has changed, corrections officers say — far more in favor of the inmates than those entrusted to guard them.
+“They may get 15 days in the ‘box,’ which is nothing like what you see in the movies,” the officer said. “The ‘box’ now has its own (recreation) room, its own shower, and they even get (computer) tablets with Wi-Fi so they can send emails and messages to friends, play games, or watch movies if they wanted to.
+“They have it made.”
+But that’s not how Biaggi sees it. During her visit last month, she visited the solitary confinement area, discovering it was anything but. Hundreds of cell doors were broken, allowing prisoners to walk around freely. Others in solitary had functioning doors, but didn’t have running water or working toilets.
+“Some of them didn’t have windows,” Biaggi said. “They were actually put into the shower cells sitting in their own feces for days. One of the guys was coughing up blood, and he clearly needed medical attention. He was essentially just being ignored until we brought over one of the guards.”
+Biaggi wasn’t born when her grandfather toured Letchworth with Geraldo Rivera, exposing to the world the atrocities they found there. But make no mistake, there is plenty to expose at Rikers, the senator said. And something needs to be done about it — and soon.
+“There’s a whole host of outrageous things going on in there,” Biaggi said. “And the fact that it’s taking as long as it has to get going with some kind of remedy of the situation … makes me understand why people are cynical about government. Because it’s a humanitarian crisis.”
+Play by rules or leave euro, Greece toldPUBLISHED: 03 Nov 2011 05:43:00 | UPDATED: 09 Nov 2011 18:01:09PRINT EDITION: 03 Nov 2011
+Long road ... In this February 9 file photo, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) speaks with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou (left) and French President Nicolas Sarkozy during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels. The French and German leaders have summoned Papandreou to a pre-G20 emergency meeting in Cannes this week to answer questions over his decision to hold a referendum on a crucial European debt deal. Photo: AP
+Compiled by Ben Woodhead
+Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker asks: “Can we under these conditions pay out the sixth tranche, the €8 billion, that we decided upon two weeks ago when we don’t know whether the Greeks still agree with what was agreed?” Photo: AP
+German Chancellor Angela Merkel (left) French President Nicolas Sarkozy (second from left) and French Finance Minister Francois Baroin meet with European Union and IMF leaders in Cannes for an emergency summit on Europe’s debt crisis on November 2. Photo: AP
+Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker (top left) the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso (second froom left) the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy (third from left) and IMF Director General Christine Lagarde in Cannes on November 2. Photo: AP
+German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle says that the European debt deal, struck last week, “cannot be placed back on the table”. Photo: AFP
+European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso says Greek citizens face a ‘much more painful’ future if they reject the bailout package in a planned referendum. Photo: AFP
+The Greek media has branded Prime Minister George Papandreou the ‘Lord of Chaos’ after he threw the crucial European debt package into doubt with his call for a referendum and confidence vote. Photo: Reuters
+A pedestrian reads newspaper headlines at a street kiosk in Athens on November 2. Photo: Kostas Tsironis
+A protester demonstrates outside a bank in the centre of Nice on November 2 as anti-G20 demonstrators gather ahead of the arrival of the world’s top economic leaders for the G20 summit. Photo: Christopher Furlong
+Passengers wait for the first buses after a six-hour work stoppage by buses and trolley workers in central Athens on November 2. Photo: AP
+In the United States, US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has said significant risks to the US economy remain. Photo: Reuters
+French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have warned Greece that it must decide if it wants to abide by the terms of a bailout deal and if it wants to stay in the euro.
+Sarkozy warned that not a further cent in rescue loans would be transferred until Greeks made a clear response, with Athens set to run out of funds and default in weeks unless it receives eight billion euros.
+- Bailout funds withheld
+- Emergency meeting held in Cannes
+- Actions matter: Merkel
+- Greek PM ‘Lord of Chaos’
+- Greek MPs begin confidence vote debate
+- EC chief warns on Greek ‘no’ vote
+- Banks warn G20 over higher capital demands
+- US Fed sees ‘significant downside risks’
+- US private sector adds jobs
+- Winestock | Greek cancer isn’t Europe’s only illness
+“We hope to pursue Europe with our Greek friends,” Sarkozy told a press conference following crisis talks with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU and IMF officials in Cannes, France.
+On Monday, Papandreou shocked Europe by saying he would put the terms of a bailout deal agreed last week with European leaders to a referendum, sending panic through markets which thought the rescue plan a done deal.
+“The Greeks have to decide whether to continue the adventure with us or not,” Sarkozy warned. .
+If the provisions of the loan agreements are not respected “neither Europe nor the IMF can release even a further cent”.
+Papandreou later said that a referendum could be held as early as December 4, and acknowledged that Greece’s future in the euro was at stake.
+Speaking after Wednesday’s talks, Papandreou said: “The essence in this is not the question only of a program, this is a question of whether we want to remain in the eurozone. That’s very clear.”
+European leaders earlier gave Greece an ultimatum that it will get no more money from the European Union and International Monetary Fund until its people had voted to accept the austerity measures demanded by the bailout package.
+The latest tranche of bailout aid, worth €8 billion warning from Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the eurogroup, that the sixth tranche of the original €110 billion bailout was now in jeopardy.
+Speaking after the decision of Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, to hold a referendum, Juncker, Luxembourg’s veteran prime minister, asked: “Can we under these conditions pay out the sixth tranche, the €8 billion, that we decided upon two weeks ago when we don’t know whether the Greeks still agree with what was agreed?”
+The €8 billion was due to be paid in mid-November but German officials were suggesting yesterday that Greece - which has €360 billion debts and GDP of just €220 billion - can survive until mid-December without the payment. The likely dates for the referendum are thought to be December 5 or 12..
+However, there remains doubt whether the referendum will ever be held, given the fragile hold on power that Papandreou has before tomorrow’s confidence vote on his government. There is also confusion about what the Greek public will be asked. Some suggest the vote will only be on the bailout, while others claim it will be on membership of the EU.
+Ahead of talks with Papandreou Sarkozy, Merkel and top EU officials met for crisis talks on Greek debt in Cannes on the eve of the G20 summit.
+IMF director Christine Lagarde, EU President Herman van Rompuy and European Commission chairman Jose Manuel Barroso joined the two leaders for talks on Greece’s threat to hold a referendum on an EU bail-out deal.
+A reportedly furious Sarkozy summoned Papandreou to Cannes on the eve of the broader summit to try to find a way out of the crisis.
+As the leaders arrived, a French G20 source said it was too late to persuade Athens to abandon the plan, but Paris hopes to convince Greece to hold it quickly and to confront voters with a stark choice: whether to leave the eurozone.
+“It is too late to persuade them to go back on the decision to hold a referendum,” the source said. “The idea is that they hold the referendum as quickly as possible and make it about being in the euro.”
+A recent Greek poll indicated that most Greeks favour staying in the eurozone, despite hostility towards the tough rescue conditions.
+But a Greek government spokesman appeared to dash the hopes of France and Germany, saying on Wednesday that the referendum would ask voters about the bailout, not euro membership.
+Many Greeks are opposed to the rescue package because of the stringent austerity measures attached to it but most favour remaining in the eurozone, according to recent opinion polls.
+The referendum has thrown into doubt the eurozone’s plan to resolve the crisis through a major write-off of Greek debts, support for banks to absorb their losses and a major boost in the firepower of the EU rescue fund.
+“For us, it is actions that matter. We agreed a program with Greece last week. And from the EU side, at least for Germany, we want to implement this program,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters before flying to the French Rivieria.
+“For this, we need clarity and that’s what these talks tonight are about,” she added.
+And the message from Sarkozy in an unusual statement late on Tuesday and from the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle in Ankara on Wednesday was clear: the complex Greek-eurozone rescue strategy agreed in extremis last week is a take-it or leave-it offer.
+Westerwelle said: “The whole program we just agreed last week cannot be placed back on the table.”
+Sarkozy insisted.
+As anger spreads over the decision to hold a referendum, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, the scion of the nation’s socialist dynasty, has been dubbed the “Lord of Chaos” as he fights for political survival over Greece’s crippling debt crisis.
+The 59-year-old has built a reputation as a determined fighter, weathering two electoral defeats before sweeping to power in a landslide in October 2009 on a ticket of reform.
+But the Greek press and Papandreou’s rivals have rounded on the leader of the socialist PASOK party as his political fortunes become increasingly precarious, with a confidence vote in the prime minister due to be held on Friday.
+“Can the PM and the current government continue to hold power? The answer is no, because of proven inadequacy, fatigue and growing public discontent,” the liberal Kathimerini newspaper wrote in an editorial on Wednesday.
+“A solution must be found immediately to ensure that the country remains in the euro, to defuse public anger and avert the collapse of the state.”
+The leftist Eleftherotypia branded Papandreou, whose father and grandfather were both prime ministers, “the Lord of Chaos”.
+“If the PM feels he no longer has the legitimacy to apply the deal he signed at the recent summit, he has a simple and clear solution - seek recourse to the public mandate,” it said.
+Papandreou, who now has 152 MPs in the 300-seat parliament, has also faced increasing dissent within his own party over the tougher austerity policy monitored by the EU and the IMF that has sparked general strikes and widespread protests in Greece, many of them violent.
+MPs in Greece, meanwhile, have begun debating a confidence vote on Papandreou’s government, with debate scheduled to last for three days before a vote sometime on Friday.
+Several prominent Socialists also are calling for early elections, angry at how austerity measures are being imposed by their own government during the country’s financial crisis.
+Elsewhere, European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso warned the consequences of a rejection by Greeks of a debt rescue deal in a referendum are impossible to predict.
+“Without the agreement of Greece to the EU-IMF program, the conditions for Greek citizens would become much more painful, in particular for the most vulnerable. The consequences would be impossible to foresee,” Barroso said as he arrived in Cannes ahead of talks between European leaders and Papandreou.) program,” he said.
+“If this support was important yesterday, it is absolutely crucial today,” he added.
+Ratcheting up pressure on European politicians, leading global banks have warned the Group of 20 major economies that demands for higher capital levels could push Europe's economies back toward recession.
+In a letter to the G20 leaders, meeting in Cannes, France on Thursday and Friday, the Institute of International Finance (IIF), which represents hundreds of major banks worldwide, said recapitalisation plans for Europe's banks would cause "a number of serious problems" in a region still mired in crisis.
+Banks are already weighed down by their holdings of debt of financially weak eurozone countries like Greece, Italy and Portugal, the IIF said.
+Moreover, banks are unlikely to raise new capital in current market conditions, with bank shares trading at half their book value and the cost of new debt issues some two percentage points higher than a year ago, it said.
+Against that backdrop, it is inevitable that many European banks will shrink risk assets, cut lending, rather than try to raise expensive capital or accept forced capital injections, the IIF said.
+"This will add to the financial sector deleveraging and contractionary pressures already evident in Europe."
+The IIF said that if banks resort only to tapping earnings and cutting their risk assets to strengthen capital under targets for next year, that could mean cutting their euro-area loan exposure by five per cent, effectively crunching credit to all borrowers.
+The banks warned that the broader global efforts for a tougher capital regimen "seem increasingly to be detached from the negative effect that they are having on the economic and financial market outlook."
+"Neither bank capital nor long-term funding can be raised in the quantities implied by the totality of current requirements without significant cost implications," tightening the supply and raising the cost of credit.
+"With unemployment in the euro area now at over 16 million, an increase of over half a million in the past six months and nearly 5 million from pre-crisis levels, this is a very pressing concern."
+Across the Atlantic, the US Federal Reserve said it will hold off on any new actions to help the US economy because stronger growth is giving it time to gauge the impact of steps it’s already taken.
+Fed policymakers made the announcement after a two-day meeting.
+In a statement, the officials said the economy has strengthened and consumers have stepped up spending. But they said the economy continues to face significant downside risks, including strain in global financial markets - a reference to the crisis in Europe.
+The Fed left open the possibility of taking further steps later to try to boost the sluggish economy.
+The vote was 9-1. Charles Evans, the president of the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, dissented because he wanted to take stronger action.
+In economic data, US private employers added more jobs than expected last month, though the lack of robust labour market growth reinforced the Fed’s expectations for moderate economic growth.
+US private employers added more jobs than expected last month.
+Photo: Ronda Churchill.
+Fears the US economy could be heading for another recession have ebbed in recent months as growth accelerated in the third quarter after a weak first-half performance. Stubbornly high unemployment remains a major challenge, however, for a recovery that is fragile.
+The ADP figures came ahead of the government’s much more comprehensive labour market report on Friday, which includes both public and private sector employment.
+Earlier on Wednesday a separate report showed the number of planned layoffs at US firms dropped in October after hitting a more than 2.
+AFP, AP, Reuters, Guardian
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+The above mentioned templates support a business dilemma to keep up their invoicing system. Download it is a statement template that is clean and easy. Down-load it’s straightforward and contemporary statement template. As with additional traditional statements an invoice templates have a header part and also a diagram within its own human anatomy. It is possible to download the on-line bill templates at a nominal cost by websites. It is possible to get M-S Encryption templates which are easy to utilize for those programs.
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+Preparing your own invoice quotation is quite a difficult job. It will be possible by utilizing bill template, to make your statements. Invoices can be found in all types. Each invoice needs to be in possession of an statement amount that is exceptional. An individual may obtain an variety of invoices that are professionally prepared out of internet.
+There can be An tax statement template sort of invoice which is issued by owner. If you are currently looking for that very best invoice template subsequently , you have reached the appropriate site. A commercial invoice template is really a special type of invoice. Blank invoice template might be utilised to economize track small business tasks that were essential and guard your company venture track record. There is A blank statement template a template in which specifics regarding an item might be filled to transform into a statement. The invoice small business template that is sterile is a very template which helps people to make invoice.
+Invoice can be still an record. The statement needs to be designed in such a manner that even after putting the particulars of this trade, it appears sophisticated. Producing specialist, timely invoices for the customers and clients permit one to maintain a firm grasp about your company’s condition, and may ensure you just earn a positive impression.
+A statement for a PDF or CSV file may be downloaded by you. That means you’d like to create a statement. You would like an invoice that’s likely to produce your business is simple to use and seem professional. It debatable without an invoice in regards . Basically an invoice involves some information linked to the solutions furnished by your company. With all the aid of the invoice template you can economically make a statement which will be an easy task to browse and also understand and that’s likely to meet each among one’s needs. A beautiful statement discusses a great deal about your corporation.
+Invoices follow the usual arrangement. You’ll locate a good deal of statement generating applications on the web that may produce your slide. For example, when building bills simply decide on the product and also the client obtained. You have the ability to produce the bill entirely your own, shifting the template follow with your needs. You may not even understand that you’re ready to deliver specialist statements with PayPal Payments.
+All you have to do is create the right click and find the statement on. Organizations together side people us invoices to maintain a listing of trades made in business in addition to in daily life. Through the guidance of the blank invoice template it isn’t hard to publish and also make prompt invoices.
+Invoices are approaches to offer advice about a buy to us. In case the invoice is simply valid before a specific date, make sure you add that date. Invoices are a excellent system to keep tabs on spending, organization, as well as your earnings. A perfect Invoice should become generated using GST amount which is offered by government. Giving a customer a professional-looking invoice ought to function as a portion of one’s professional support. Certainly, there is a blank invoice in fact that a solution which an average of aids the firm using factors that are elastic to put it to use.
+Our statement has GST amount of firm and consumer persons. So invoices are critical for any kind of business. An invoice has become the main deal for doing any business enterprise. An invoice is made in ways including the logo design and requirements of an official person also. By producing a merchant account you will save invoices, customers and small organization setting. If you are also searching for several professional equipped with free of cost invoice to ready your own business statement, you can discover an free price Invoice Template from our site.
+Startoff by emphasizing the function of the invoice that you would like to print. If you hunting to get some professional equipped to ready your own business statement, then you can procure a totally Free Invoice Template out of our website. In the event the invoice is valid until a date that is specific, be sure to add that date also. Keeping quite a number of line things will let your consumer de-crease some questions that might possibly develop and know the invoice.
+Utilities differ dependent around the application form. Invoice template is what that you want. The resulting Sequentially Numbered Invoice Template gives quite a very simple invoice conventional business invoice, or even format which may behave as a sales invoice form or statement.
+An template certainly will guarantee that you don’t overlook any essential info, and is also a means of building statements, including your own contact information or the way. It is a template which allows you speedily generate invoices employing info. Blank statement template might be employed to economize track small business activities that were important and safeguard your organization transaction record.
+Using our invoice templates is a start to make a specialist statement for your business. Having a statement template is quite uncomplicated. It is only a template in which information about a product may be filled to convert it into a statement.
+You are able to change the template up and also you find it possible to publish it and then utilize it in your company. You can receive totally free templates . Statement templates you may download and publish. It’s likely to download our statement template to get started out. You can pick the format that works best for your own sort of organization, so simplifying the method of creating complex itemized invoices In the event you have a invoice template. A commercial statement template is just a sort of statement.
+Now you take a way to visually comprehend. You want to produce invoices which can be basic to browse and know, and you may do this via the help a template extends to you. If you should create invoices for the business, you should utilize one of the numerous invoice templates found on Office.com. You require a statement that’s very likely to produce your business seem expert and isn’t tricky to use. An invoice indicates the buyer needs to pay for the seller, according to the payment conditions. It’s likely to seek assistance here if you’re struggling with creating auto invoices. Our auto repair statement is completely editable and modifiable.
+You must have ways to generate a statement that doesn’t require a exact long minute. Your invoice will require a conditional function depending about the worth of service or a solution . Apparently, you may possibly desire to customize your invoice based in prerequisites and your own prerequisites, however doing this should be a breeze you understand the essentials of formulas and formatting. You will find far much more about building defensible and skilled statements that safeguard your company pursuits. Developing an freelance invoice is necessary to the success of your business enterprise enterprise.
+You’d like the occupation to become fast and 16, In case you’re establishing an invoice. Through the aid of a sterile bill template you can make an invoice that’s planning to meet every one of your requirements and also that is simple to browse and also know. Invoice is a industrial record. Industrial invoice is actually a significant document. The first business invoice, yet another backup, and also inch copy joined to the shipment paper work are demanded.
+You want to make. Your statement should start to appear to be the next, after applying the most suitable type. You are able to produce the invoice totally your own, so altering the template follow with your shifting demands. Whenever you should earn a fresh statement, you might launch a template input your data. You must have assistance with the occupation when you are creating this kind of statement and you’ll be capable of using the Service Invoice Template to supply you that you demand.
+You are able to quickly create your bills by employing invoice template. Invoices adhere to a format. They’re utilized persons together with by associations to maintain a record of transactions made running a lifestyle as well as in business. S O statements are really vital for any kind of small business. There is A proforma invoice useful when potential purchasers want additional funds sources for their own endeavor. A commercial invoice is utilized to ascertain tariffs, global industrial phrases (for instance, CIF) and is more well known for customs reasons. In case of the habits inspection, a business statement that is well prepared may aid the habits innovation take about the way your dispatch should be processed, a fast decision.
+At this time you realize why invoice matters and the way it influences your business enterprise enterprise advancement. Freight bill can be referred to as transport invoice inside the purchasing and company atmosphere. Don’t neglect to include the day that the statement was issued along with the expected date. Decide on what you will utilize to make the statement. It will be possible to simply share an exhaustive invoice via an email together using the cost link, and the client would be quite happy to get the method of payment straight forward. You ought to find the statement because your company desire. Often times invoices are not established as they are expected by the computer system.
+Invoices offer you a means for organizations to receive money for his or her services and then provide the data that are proper for clients to utilize for both budgeting and tax purposes. A Catering Invoice should be able to help you to generate each statement you have to own in a rapid and fast fashion also it’s going to have the ability to assist you to do that in a manner that has a professional look, too. You would like to create and you also may do this via the help a template supplies you. Ensure you ask for sorts and Multi-Part carbonless statement if this is your demand.
+An cloud invoicing solution makes it possible for you to store everything. Invoicing is really on the cloud that gives the capacity to take care of billing and client info from 1 application to you. On line invoicing provides you the ability to choose the payment which is rapidly and supplies the most inexpensive transaction prices.
+The computer software is more acceptable for the small and big business firms and it assists in producing precise organization profiles by evaluating each one the information of the person. It is designed to provide the best possible consumer experience. What’s more, it supports a number of consumers. It’s so efficient that it will gather all of the information about the user’s small business contacts from different social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. If you are browsing for CRM software only, ” then I wouldn’t recommend investing at an compensated ELMA BPM variation because it goes far outside of customer management. Zoho CRM software may be employed for the two equally large-scale company and business people that were .
+The app enjoys quite a simple userinterface and it isn’t difficult to generate bills. About the flip side, you might have the habit produced solutiona specially made applications that’ll satisfy a provider’s unique desires. Based upon the thing you need, the business dimensions and tools, you will run into proper business applications.
+In the event that you truly believe as a tool or even a resource isn’t functioning for you, you always have the possibility to try the next person for much far better final outcomes. The application has on the list of ideal support systems so the team can help customers each and every time that they have been stuck to some challenge which subsequently will help to keep a easy work flow. Be ready to manage such requirements and use an application tool that will ben’t challenging to fully grasp and function. The user friendly applications tool includes an implementation and setup procedure which demands no expert info. CRM applications tools have no some hardware troubles and so are entirely hassle-free.
+Flyers are ready thinking about standards and the general requirements. Most templates allow you to include hourly and labour expenditures that are adjusted. They comprise itemized substance lists where it’s possible for you to input the purchase price for each unit and the number of mandatory units. Although you comfortable with shine, you may consider utilizing templates only to economize period for the priorities. It is potential in order that they can fit the prerequisites of your customer to personalize the templates that are chosen. Other people utilize it for their companies too and also may buy. You can down load free Microsoft templates, In the event that you prefer.
+Two templates may be sufficient if your company is not way too large, if you think it. Templates are catchy to customise to a model and aims in your mind. Templates don’t will need to be monotonous. To day you receive it and are able to hunt for an template on the net. Template Docs enables you to subscribe with their site and showcase your quite happy with an choice to promote your service or product if you have got a statement template that you would like to share. You’ll run to the surprising websites.
+If you’re in possession of the small business enterprise that is worldwide, the usage is more exceptionally suggested. Because of this, it easy that you make your business. It varies for each and every firm, today. The organization is doing excellent. Easy-to-read templates can secure the job done for you if you contribute the type of firm which cares more about results instead of procedures.
+Pick on the contact you would like to send the invoice to. Administrate allows you to make and also mail sales invoices and sales orders straight into your web visitors. Your sales invoice has been produced and now you may include line goods. As long as payment hasn’t been acquired to your goods, changing the delivery agency utilized for an e bay sale can be accomplished by generating a brand fresh statement together with the perfect support picked.
+You have the ability to get different kinds of invoices. Where as an invoice acknowledges buying goods but also the fee is not accomplished immediately but after a time. Since the bill is for 3 visits, so make certain to multiply the purchase price of the weekly visits by the amount of actual visits. Regardless, you could produce a decent invoice. Choosing billing software or the best invoice for your requirements is no simple feat.
+You might transmit your invoice, utilizing the email. Open the consumer account that you would like to invoice. Professional looking bills can easily be established and delivered out to clients inside a couple of minutes.
+There are a number of choices, In the event you want to deliver invoices on behalf of your customer. Yet another kind of statement is required. An invoice contains much more comprehensive info in regards to the items in comparison with a monthly bill that is rather straightforward. Be aware it’s not essential to upgrade this invoice to use a different delivery procedure, though it’s all-important to alter the amount tag on sending through eBay. Aside from if you’re going to be developing invoices later on, it’d be foolish to look for a template to get just 1 use.
+Developing a buy order would make it easy that you pay for within a 90-day window. You are able to receive the person sign every single purchase sequence, but a number of the definition of processing apps will make it possible for you set it at the document and to import a signature. In the event of internet sites, Ofcourse like any buy and sale also the sale and the get needs to be completed just after gathering adequate info and after thinking about your funding.
+As it also serves as a guide to operate by A business program is useful and essential. It is not some thing which you have to organize to reveal to investors to banking institutions to get a loan. Your advertising program that is tactical is definitely an indispensable portion of one’s small business application, and we will have the ability to assist you to pull on all of the elements with each other.
+Why you wish to get into business to your self, work out. To earn money, your organization should run economically. Don’t be afraid see your business advancing in a couple of days and also to master more. Set the goals you have for the own organization within its own couple decades out. Your Funny Pages firm only become a part time occupation having a time cash flow that is complete! By way of instance, it has to have the title of this organization as well as its particular address, together with all the contact data regarding their customer.
+You require the capability to obtain supplies on your own credit For those who have an organization . You may determine how successful you believe the company will soon probably be in lots of different fiscal ponds. When you possess your own company or benefit a business, you’re often judged by your own charging methods.
+Sales letter which may be personalized for your own personal usage is generated by the app. Like a home produced spreadsheet but with facets that could have major fiscal advantages of the small business Book-keeping applications can be as simple. The computer software can be obtained as a free trial before the subscription has been manufactured. In addition, it provides you with a list of bills that will be invaluable when you have to work your taxes out by the close of the season. QuickBooks on the web applications is just a easy to use program also can be on the web accounting applications appropriate for more compact organizations.
+Utilizing an Excel template presents a intuitive ways to develop invoices for low and also moderate-demand small business use. Seeking the right template helps conserve a whole lot of cash and time. The template is also case of quality therefore far as forms are involved.
+The sum is actually figured out by A couple of the templates. You may realize that there are many sorts of templates out there there for organizations that are various and you’ll probably decide on and download it. If you should be on the lookout for a totally free small business templates and untrue varieties! The free statement template will conveniently be modified to match your organization’s colour and style along with any information you may need and may be employed by way of Micro Soft Word 2013 with Microsoft Word 2007. You can additionally become statement templates free of price tag.
+Free invoice forms can be acquired by A person from the internet for company uses. Find the templates you require, customize that special form, then send it to a own printer. You can find a number of forms and kinds of instruction necessary being a way to take care of a little business effectively.
+A resume cover letter is the very most. It’s a sort of company producing and must be drafted although the letter will probably have personal explanations. In general, in case you are prepared to compose a letter of justification, then you’re going to take a posture to buy your self more time, since the lending company might not report that the payment, thereby preserving your credit score. Writing a formal correspondence can be considered to be an intimidating task by people. Thus, it’s essential to comprehend just how exactly to write an official letter efficiently. Previous, you need to remember that writing a formal letter isn’t difficult if you understand and stick with the rules and also the format of the correspondence. A correctly hailed late payment correspondence would be an method of reminding an individual they will need to ship the total quantity plus are overdue on their payment in anytime potential.
+Having a Common Invoice is more straightforward as that you don’t need to specify layouts and layouts to invoices in contrast. A statement is a simple statement form as a total sort of document searching payment employed. A statement might only be described as a bit of paper. It leaves a enormous impact when you’re facing big some trouble. Your initial bills are completely free. A commercial statement is an global delivery record given by the provider for the customer detailing the kind and value of services and products.
+You might believe an invoice form is a statement sort As a statement is merely an official listing of services or services and products provided. It’s imperative to supply an statement so they know your organization invoice is legal and also your work is authentic. In the event that you would like to get a statement that might be implemented in any kind of business, a generic invoice is easily the most proper tool that you get paid a record in the shape of Word or Word Excel sheet wherein you are ready touse anytime you want for closure a trade to an individual person. The following thing an invoice comprises would be that the payment selections. The invoice is going to be joined to the order forms. Then, the invoice goes to become classified to classifications. An independent contractor statement is comparable to other statements from the industry environment because it is a petition payment on function completed.
+A large number of pay letter templates you can print and download at no cost. Character reference letter templates you may print and download free of cost. You may possibly come across form templates for these invoice kinds within the resources listing below. The template that is cookie offers you the capacity to conserve any you type into the industrial statement form therefore you do not have to retype the same information every time. First find the template that you find suitable. When writing an official correspondence this template that is regular ought to be followed strictly. Make certain you are in possession of a Generic Invoice Template, and bookmark sites you visit.
+There are a couple of impacts of extra interest , like fines and late payments rates. The purpose of a sales invoice is normally to reflect or indicate that an inventory using assistance or a solution. Listed here are some elements you ought to add from this correspondence. The rest of the letter format is comparable to that said above. You’re going to want to send a PDF Invoice and you also prefer to move paid. The cancellation facts should be expressed very concisely and obviously, in order to reduce odds of an misunderstanding. Thus, you may pick the print and also put it to use because you’d like.
+Utilizing the above listed details of an invoice for a checklist, be sure that your form contains whatever you’ll want. There is An Generic bill Type an invoice that can be employed by any form of business for virtually any sort of services and products. Payment letter’s illustration just serves to elucidate the arrangement so there isn’t any doubt in your thoughts concerning the way in which the letter needs to be hammered. It’s vital to provide references in the start of letter that will simply help the reader form a relation to the contents of the letter. A PDF record of this invoice goes to be automatically joined for the emailaddress. This program is totally free of charge and doesn’t feature a watermark. Accounting applications have to be elastic as a means to compete on Business 1 and the applications market isn’t an exclusion.
+You really don’t will need to maintain any kind of inventory. Next, you have to have an itemized bill. Deciding upon the statement or charging applications for your requirements is no easy effort. Establish which you’re aware concerning the late payment in the paragraph. It’s challenging for most of us to create the payment at an identical time. Below are some suggestions in creating a reminder correspondence, followed with an example of the similar Whether it really is for overdue charge card payment, or for a policy that has to definitely be renewed. In case the purchase cost tag on services or the product would be much beyond your financial plan then you may want go on to another product.
+The manner that they’re written, claims that a whole lot concerning its culture as well as the company. If you contact the company that you are needing to earn a claim via, then you might or might not receive some help in figuring out the way to print the following receipt. Also, some companies put in a second measure . The organization goes to be made to require legal action to recover your debt together with the interest and related expenses. Many people will encounter customers and businesses who don’t earn payment from statements.
+When you commence any firm run through some case situations and you will need to take into account what service you’re supplying. It’s possible to find out just how successful you believe that the company will be in a lot of climates that are financial. If you would like to become booming in your firm, you necessarily will need to locate your market on your area and give the best potential services. You select the operating hours in agreement by means of your relaxation and have the choice of being your own boss In the event you contain the business. If you’re not inclined to teach, start studying various businesses that are cross-promoting.
+Vendor networks and bills tend to be considered the silver bullet to fix the approach. In the event that you’d want to earn money running an ironing service, then your exact first issue that which you wish to do is always to learn what exactly an online service agency would be and appraise in the event that you find it possible to furnish the exact service reliably. If it’s medical care services you are seeking, check to be certain The Joint Commission certifies the staffing firm. Customers may on average cover a significant chunk of your overall invoice upon completing the job therefore that you are going to get to foot the invoice till you get compensated whenever they cover their invoice . You may not need some users in order as a way to delete customer or invoice documents.
+Individuals are idle and they are more likely to buy your solution or service than to go away and get started earning their particular. The merchandise that you decide on must possess a mechanism to allow one to define exactly what consumers can and can not perform. For example, you may sell a few products but on the very same invoice you might have labor or non taxable delivery. People are satisfied having a solution or service an exception may be made by the business or only leave you down absolutely.
+Payment letter’s illustration merely serves to elucidate the format so that there is no doubt in your thoughts about how the letter needs to be drafted. You will have the capacity to detect many totally free small business strategy examples online. But it is more difficult to come across a sample of a roofing business program. Listed here are elements you ought to add from this letter.
+To maintain everyone it really is better to publish a copy of one’s invoice on to both the customer and also the attorney. For instance, if the document goes to be published, it must be formatted to be printed onto a normal size document. Customizable studies can also arrive in rather beneficial for your requirements. The Revenue Tax Liability Report can be used in order to complete the remaining of the earnings tax return. Include the outcomes of local industry statistics you’re able position or almost any business investigation that you just do.
+Letter needs to be printed around the industry letterhead. For your first campaign you could need to add things such as the services which you offer and also a debut letter telling how a organization works and persons a bit about yourself. Your letter should reflect you are eager and serious to pay for the dues whenever possible. You will receive sample letters and exclusive high thoughts to assist you. Generally, in case you’re in a position to write really a fantastic letter of excuse, you are getting to maintain a place to get longer, as that the payment may not be reported by the lending company to yourself preserving your credit score. Consistently write a lineup saying that the letter has to become ignored when the important actions is shot at the finish of the letter. Ought to possess a revival notice.
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+Minneapolis, Minn.
+Considering that the White House and the US Senate are at least nominally in Democratic hands, one would think that progressive activists might be in a celebratory mood at the Netroots Nation conference in Minneapolis June 16-18.
+But with topics such as Citizens United and the corporate front groups that are corrupting democracy, the war on womens health, the corporate tilt of the Roberts Supreme Court, unfair trade deals sending manufacturing jobs overseas and the continuing struggle to implement health care reform while Republicans are sworn to dismantle it, among the more than 50 discussion sessions at the Minneapolis Convention Center, the 2,400 progressive activists in attendance mainly focused on whats going wrong and how to get it back on the right track.
+At a session on the impact of the Citizens United decision, John Nichols, associate editor of the Madison Capital Times and national correspondent for The Nation, called the Supreme Court ruling that corporations are entitled to First Amendment rights the greatest threat to our democracy, threatening to overwhelm the political debate with a tsunami of corporate cash. He called for a constitutional amendment overturning it. I hear people saying in 2012 were going to see $2 billion spent, but thats just on the presidential race, he said. It will be at least $8 billion to $10 billion [spent] at every level of our government.
+There is no reform that will counter Citizens United short of a constitutional amendment, he added. As a bonus, the movement to promote the constitutional amendment would help to unite progressives.
+Since 1973 the Right to Life movement has been promoting a constitutional amendment overturning Roe vs. Wade and theyve shown that you dont have to win on the constitutional amendment. Theyve won our politics. I dont necessarily need the amendment but I need the movement.
+Groups that are already working on an amendment overturning Citizens United include Move to Amend and Free Speech for People, Nichols noted.
+Nichols also encouraged the movement to seek allies in the Tea Party and other conservative groups that are at least nominally populist. We have to come from every direction to our goal, he said. Free speech belongs to the people, not to the corporations.
+Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers, said that for a long time the right has been attacking private unions and now theyre turning their attention to public unions. Weve got to get on the same message, he said. This is a class war and its just that our class hasnt been fighting and theirs has.
+Change comes when working people, students and other people who are deprived of their rights say enough is enough and were going to take our democracy back.
+He also noted that Republicans have made it a priority to make it harder for people to vote, by requiring them to show government-issued photo IDs that many students, minorities and retired people disproportionately lack. In what other democracy does a major credible party work at every level to make it harder for people to vote? he asked.
+Nichols noted that broadcasters are the #1 opponents of campaign finance reform, because they are the primary beneficiaries of the current system. At the same time they give less coverage; weve lost 30,000 journalists in the United States in the last five years. As a result, the corporate media covers presidential politics but ignores local and state political races. In Illinois, that resulted in a person being nominated for lieutenant governor who had a record for beating his wife and financial irregularities, because he had $2 million to run ads.
+I care about politics at the local county and state level. We need to worry about the downballot races. Thats where the big money goes.
+Former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), co-author of the campaign finance law that the Supreme Court carved a giant exception into, said Citizens United was a completely activist decision. He added, Were at the fork of two paths: The complete destruction of campaign finance regulation or it could be a wakeup call. I hope I dont exaggerate when I say that the future of our democracy depends on it.
+Progressives in the early 20th century knew if corporations could use their treasury in political races it would be the end of democracy. In 1907, the Tillman Act prohibited the use of funds from general treasury for political campaigns. Forty-one years later the Taft Hartley Act extended that ban to union general funds.
+Feingold noted that the legacy of soft money influence on both parties is legislation such as the Telecom Act of 1996 one of the most corrupt acts in history, Feingold called it; the bankruptcy bill that crushed consumers opportunity to get out of debt; the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act which resulted in the economic collapse; and the irresponsible tax and budget policies of the past decade, as well as job-killing trade agreements and the failure to adequately re-regulate Wall Street.
+After the 2008 election, Feingold said, the monied interests were fuming that Barack Obama managed to raise money through the Internet, without relying on the usual Big Money interests.
+The corporate funded right wing elements of the country were rocked by the power of the Internet ... corporate power in this country saw the face of democracy and they were terrified.
+The Citizens United decision was an attempt to retake the advantage.
+Unless we put the brakes on money in politics, he said, our nation will return to the Gilded Age but it will be the Gilded Age on steroids.
+First, he said, President Obama should issue an executive order prohibiting government contractors from getting involved in political campaigns. Also, he said, Congress should pass the DISCLOSE Act, which at least would require corporations to disclose their political expenditures. He noted that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the Senate Republican leader, said after the Citizens United decision all we needed was disclosure. Then, when the DISCLOSE Act reached the Senate floor, McConnell and other Republicans killed it with a filibuster.
+Feingold, who was defeated in 2010 by a self-financing businessman who spent $9 million on the race, does not think Democrats should set up their own Super PACs in an attempt to battle the right-wing PACs that support Republican candidates. I fear the Democratic Party is in danger of losing its identity. Democrats are organizing their own Super PAC and I think thats wrong. I think its a dumb strategy because people will see us as corporate lite.
+In a session on The Corporate Court: Your Rights vs. Corporate Interests, Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice, spoke of the rights successful effort since the 1970s to make it increasingly difficult for consumers and workers, civil rights claimants and environmentalists to get their day in court. The corporate takeover of the Supreme Court started with a memo Lewis Powell, who was then an attorney, who wrote for the US Chamber of Commerce in August 1971 that the judiciary may be the most important instrument for social, economic and political change. He called for corporate America to become more aggressive in molding politics and law in the US. He also advocated constant surveillance of textbooks, press and TV content as well as campus activities.
+Since then Republican presidents have loaded the courts with right wingers groomed by the Federalist Society. Aron noted that long-term investment bore fruit in the last year as the Chamber of Commerce won in 13 of 16 cases in which it filed briefs. The Roberts court also has been accepting more business cases for review. While the court grants review of less than 2% of cases appealed to it, she noted, in recent years, it has granted review to more than 25% of cases submitted by the Chamber of Commerce.
+The corporate influence doesnt just show itself in the cases, she noted.
+Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas attended a political strategy and fundraising conference hosted by the Koch Brothers. Samuel Alito spoke to a conference sponsored by the right-wing American Spectator magazine and the Heritage Foundation. Ginnie Thomas, wife of the Supreme Court justice, worked for six years to block health care reform and Aron noted that Justice Thomas failed to disclose that his wife was engaged and earned a salary from these activities. These justices dont pretend anymore and they can get away with it because the Code of Conduct which governs the behavior of judges at the district and circuit court level does not apply to them, she said.
+Carl Pope, chairman of the Sierra Club, said the Supreme Court applied the intellectual logic of Lewis Carrolls Through the Looking Glass to develop a strange new math to justify the Citizens United decision:
+If money equals speech, as the Court held, then speech equals money.
+But Pope noted that money does not equal money, since a donation to a member of Congress is not considered bribery.
+However, a corporate charter is a person, the Court ruled. Corporations are allowed to commit crimes that ordinary people are not allowed to do and they are not liable for debts, unlike individuals.
+The Court also had to say that 1783 equals 1886. To come up with the legal ruling that, for purposes of campaign contributions, corporations are persons, this Supreme Court had to take the concept of originalism, which says that the Constitution is supposed to be what it meant in 1783, and twisted it to what a law clerk said it meant in 1886.
+The clerk, who happened to be a former railroad executive, wrote in a headnote to a decision on the taxation of railroad properties in Santa Clara County, Calif., that the court considered the corporation a person that could not be denied equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment although the court neither heard arguments nor voted on that point. Now, in 1783 African Americans were not people for purposes of the Constitution. In 1783 women were not full citizens for purposes of the Constitution,?Pope said. And I can assure you that in 1783 corporations were not persons.
+There is another mathematical syllogism. Money does equal power and power does equal money. That mathematical syllogism hasnt changed since 1783 and the Founding Fathers were aware of that. They designed the constitution to limit the role of money to exercise power over the elected officials that represent the people.
+Since money equals power, and money equals speech, and speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution, the Roberts Court blessed the proposition that the United States Constitution provides absolute protection for power. It is power that they worship. They actually dont worship the corporate charter. If we somehow could find a way to turn the corporate charter into a democratizing tool ... corporations would no longer be people ... the courts would find some other math.
+If the gateway to the court is blocked, Dahlia Lithwick of Slate.com said, everything else progressives do is useless, and the Roberts Court appears hell-bent on closing the courthouse doors to plaintiffs. In the view of the conservative jurists, she said, Every plaintiff attorney is greedy, every plaintiffs complaint is trivial and every lawsuit is frivolous.
+The court has restricted standing to file lawsuits, limited liability, enforced mandatory arbitration clauses, nipped discovery rules, shortened the statute of limitations and made it harder to qualify for class actions to make it substantially harder for plaintiffs to succeed against corporations.
+Progressives need to mobilize on the idea that the judiciary is the single most important issue in the 2012 presidential election, she said.
+Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) spoke of the creepy encroachment of corporate influence that the Citizens United ruling threatens to worsen. He noted that Obama and McCain spent $1 billion in 2008 while ExxonMobil made $30.6 billion in profits last year.
+He noted that the Founders put the jury in three separate provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and considered the jury is the last sanctuary of rights.
+The Founders did not consider corporations to be citizens. They are not mentioned in the Constitution, he added.
+Whitehouse noted that the pressure was intense to stop Tad McConnell, a plaintiffs attorney who was nominated by Obama for the District Court in Rhode Island. The Chamber of Commerce made it a scored vote, which meant that a vote for McConnell would be a vote against the Chamber, but 11 Republicans let the vote occur because they wanted to stop the politics at the circuit courts.
+Lithwick noted that George W. Bush appointed one-third of the federal judiciary. She urged progressives not to cede the fight to the conservatives.
+Keynote speaker Van Jones said the fight back has begun. Not just in Madison ... I guarantee you, people across this country feel the same that you do, in the tens of millions. ... People are ready to stand up again for the best in this country.
+The fighters include the labor movement that has been under such vicious attack, the young people who are graduating into the worst economy since World War II, the homeowners who bailed out the banks but now find the banks want to jack up their credit card rates and pass out foreclosure notices.
+The people fighting against Citizens United will fight. The people fighting against the abuses on Wall Street will fight. The people fighting against the tuition cuts will fight. The African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, women of all colors, lesbians and gays, who are not just fighting the downturn but who are fighting against discrimination, will fight and fight well; this is guaranteed.
+The question is: Will we fight together, or will we fight alone? Thats the question: Can we fight together? Finally, finally can we find a way to fight together?
+We have a common enemy, and we face a common peril. The common threat that we all face is that we have forces now gaining momentum in our country, who are committed to one thing, and one thing only. They are committed to killing the American Dream. That is their agenda: They want to kill the American Dream.
+The American Dream is different from the American Fantasy, where everyone is going to be rich, and will buy a lot of things, and be happy, eh said.
+Im talking about something much, much deeper than that, something that we had in this country before the commercializers turned it into something else: The American Dream, which is simply the idea that hard work should pay in our country, that you should be able to get up in the morning in America, and if youre willing to and able to work, walk out your front door, go to a dignified job, put in a good days work, and come back home with a paycheck and can feed your family with it and give your children a better life: Thats the American Dream.
+That is what our parents fought for and our grandparents fought for, and we should not let it be taken away from us on our watch. Thats the American Dream.
+And we have dream-killers. We have dream-killers who have a wrecking ball agenda for our country, a wrecking ball for America. ...
+Its time for the deep patriots to stand up to the cheap patriots, he said.
+See videos of Jones and other speeches and discussions at the Netroots conference at netrootsnation.org/blog. Also see RebuildTheDream.com and our editorial on page 2.
+From The Progressive Populist, August 1, 2011
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+ they were strongly vocal about Asian and Hispanic issues within America. Obviously topics I knew nothing about and yet I smiled and enjoyed their company.
+With time however, little drops of ignorance would slip through my lips. They tended to ruffle up a bit. I simply didn’t understand the mannerisms of this common species, the Californicus Social Justus Wenchus. Their thick coat of makeup from Sephora would begin to peel back. Underneath a veneer of friendship, a malevolent agenda now oozed from their pores.
+You are white, so you can’t really get it’
+They said. Their tone playful yet icy, as they swished their hair. A forked tongue poked out momentarily. The epitome of passive-aggressiveness.
+I realised only then and there at age 18, my whiteness. I realised now that this set me apart. I was an outsider, now trying to navigate the wide hostile expanse that was the land of California. The college journey ahead of me was littered with uncharted territory and unamicable exchanges.
+Mind games of these types have toyed with me my whole life and taken their toll on me.
+Two words I think of often are outcast and incel. I love people, but I also hate them. My misanthropy melts away usually, as I focus on the magic of solitude, music and my rich inner worlds.
+So what does being an incel mean? Physically ugly, rotten, lazy, withdrawn, hopeless and undeniably evil. Shrouded in identical dark hoodies, humorously just like how we visualise all villains in fiction. They cling to online forums as the only way they can express their vitriol for the rest of the world, a bit like me and my need to blog.
+We now vilify virgins as unlovable, which is funny since all throughout antiquity they were a symbol of purity. Only now we see it mocked because our 21st century likes to have an easy jab at shy people.
+At an extracurricular architecture class I was forced to take at Calarts, the teacher mentioned something about ‘virgin architecture’ styles or something. The next second he obnoxiously jabbed; ‘well of course none of you are one’. Wow. Really dude. That’s the issue with these big gay liberal art schools populated and run by subhuman filth.
+These sorts of moments have haunted me just in how inferior they made me feel at the time. Maybe I can finally express them here and rid myself of the sting.
+Nobody deserves to feel like an inferior outsider, a butt of a joke.
+Oh, I would have liked to hold my younger self and console her that it was beautiful to be a virgin, despite the jokes people flicked around. I however let that festering insecurity warp my juvenile brain.
+I was hurt by suddenly being lumped into a category with murderers and 4chan incels. People who were typically angry, vile and probably deserving of being unlovable.
+This however, made me feel like shit for years.
+Thanks a lot society, I have always hated you. This is where I retreated into myself.
+I can’t say I was a virgin forever to all the people I know, but I can say it to a blog? The first boy I had ever been with made fun of me so all my hard work concealing it didn’t matter.
+I would argue the true evil is how much pressure is placed on individuals to obtain normalcy and ‘success’ in all aspects of life.
+It all depends on elements of social success over everything.
+Social circles? How many friends is necessary to make someone likeable? Is it sad for me to admit I can count on one hand people that I might truly enjoy conversations with. I probably only know one person with whom I could have true conversations or cry with. Maybe because I am reluctant to consider someone a friend until I feel like I’ve let my guard down around them. I don’t feel ok until I actually said something lewd or shown them art I like.
+Of course I crave profound connections. I crave this from the bottom of my heart. Yet it is hard to make close friends the older you get, the more you move, the more tragic life events peel you away from routines and places.
+A partner? Not everyone has one. How many nights have I spent alone, wondering at the back of my mind I was truly incapable of love. Even worse, feeling that I wasn’t doing enough. Yet every time I tried online dating my romantic heart felt squashed into oblivion by the reality that basic men just want a wet as pussy. It eats away at the soul, no matter how you try to remind yourself that you deserve intimacy.
+In my paranoia I feel the eyes of people in my life on me. How long has she been single? Ew, she’s still drawing stupid anime boys. Almost cloyingly wondering if I’ve even had sex probably. That’s the eyes I feel on me, whether its true or not.
+Why am I bitterly cautious in all relationships? Why am I shyer and shyer? It’s because when I didn’t understand some garbage, people snapped at me and told me I was ‘white and didn’t get it‘.
+They relish scorning the ‘other’. The oblivious bitch from somewhere in diddly doo Australia.
+The final form of social success is obviously social media.
+Social media. Fads. Engagements. Followers. Shallowness. Superficiality. Skin deep. Control over the masses. Brainwashing. Authoritarianism. Deprived of individuality. Death of art.
+The internet used to just be fun flash games, what went wrong.
+People are exiled from social groups just by not wanting to post a stinkin’ black square on Instagram. I watched that happen when I was manic, it played out in my head like a dystopian future taking charge.
+I am not fond of aggressive political correctness. Twitter people will have unfollowed me long before they glance upon this sentence. This is what gets you kicked out as an outcast in 2021.
+Call me lady-lncel or outcast, I don’t care.
+Another horrid moment in college, I was informed by a friend that their other friend was non-binary. This was my first time learning about trans and non-binary ever. It was still a mostly unknown topic back in 2013 especially for a withdrawn kid from Adelaide. Only a day or so later when I mentioned this person in third person, I accidently let a female pronoun slip.
+Thats the very big no no.
+I felt the many eyes of these girls scorch into my soul, with the unmentionable fury of a multi-headed hydra.
+With one word, I teetered on the precipice of unleashing the wrath of this beast.
+The person wasn’t even present in this moment. There were no feelings to be hurt and yet, this is it.
+I obviously didn’t respect human life by not memorising the pronouns in their Twitter bio.
+Even now, I feel uncomfortable around people who change their pronouns and name. Maybe not everyone is the same, however I am terrified I will provoke the same wrath.
+The scorn on their mugs was always so ridiculous. As if I was taking a steamy dump right on their dear grandmothers’ grave.
+Not too long after that, I was swiftly exiled from this group. I could insert some slurs here right now but wont.
+That is the complete social exile of the modern world.
+Of course I like what LGBTQ+ are fighting for I just wish they didn’t often divide themselves from ‘others’. White, straight, cis and above all, ignorant. Unfortunately those words can describe me, the South Aussie girl that had just tried to be friends all those years ago.
+She didn’t mean to use the wrong pronoun. She didn’t assume she knew anything about racial issues.
+She just wanted to be friends.
+I wish I was still a good-natured smiling girl. She has long become jaded and cold with this bitterness. Feel bad for me I don’t care. It’s like my soft core calcified over into a gemstone. It’s just a glittering rock but doesn’t know how to feel calm around people.
+When I was manic I had been briefly obnoxious to someone I respected, a very famous artist from my Calarts days. He had made a story post talking about ‘indigenous Polynesian issues with whites’ or something and I ridiculed it.
+Instead of him being mature he retorted quite rudely. Maybe expected.
+Nobody gives a shit about how bipolar transforms a person. I just suddenly transformed into a disrespectful monster.
+Any semblance of respect I had worked hard at for all these years had now evaporated. Just because I have bipolar. So all those years smiling at him in Calarts hallways meant nothing now?
+That was my pain, my shame. Being the ‘other’.
+I had to deal with the social shame and ostracization I had brought upon myself these last 5 months. I became an outcast in my mind and in this online sphere by having tainted my name.
+I only started to move beyond trauma by breaking away from my memories of social media. Only on this blog can I maybe even slightly start to express myself.
+Everyone wants to feel special. Everyone wants to feel in.
+We are social creatures and now use social media to fill the gap in our hearts that crave connection, laughter, excitement and drama. Community. So we divide people up based on fandoms, politics, job industries, nationality, sexuality, race and what else?
+What does it mean to be an outcast in 2021? To not have a tribe where you can safely be yourself. The pariah out wandering the desert fringes, scrounging around for whatever bush tucker helps them survive another day.
+Wearing nothing but tattered rags and a sack on her back, this wanderer set out. Through the bleak and blinding sand dunes for days on end without water and sustenance. She thought she might die, she questioned her existence, but eventually she found her way all the way back to the holy land of Straya’. A dry koala infested region where the rivers flow with crappy beer. She turned her back on the land of California and its hostile inhabitants.
+So now she is hiding away in the dusty cave of a blog. Happily munching on berries from the two people who like her posts.
+Being an outcast is fine.
+I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. Many people who indulge themselves in today’s society are drunk with self-righteousness, and unfortunately that has led to a level of pride that makes them extremely difficult to interact with. They often claim to not be religious, and yet their fervor is no different from that of a zealot.
+You’re not alone in feeling disconnected. Keep your chin up. I hope you find success in navigating through your life in this world. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live in LA right now when it comes to these things.
+LikeLiked by 1 person
+I’m so sorry that has been your experience. I’m from Southern California and it shouldn’t be that hard. And yes, I feel you on the pronoun thing. I worked and was asked to train an individual that went by the name “Sammy” and dressed a way that I wasn’t sure if they were male/female or what they preferred to be called and so when I had to train on the phone with a client, I kept saying that person’s name over-n-over for fear of referring to them in the wrong pronoun. “as Sammy told you, and as Sammy said.” It was so fearful. I didn’t train again.
+Yeah I feel bad that it must mean a lot to people to want to identify as non binary. But it is unfair to command us around, to not be understanding that we have years of programming in our brains to say she or him. It’s a new thing for us.
+LikeLiked by 1 person
+Yes, and we can get in trouble at work.
+I’m sort of in the same boat. My story differs from yours although the general theme of being an outcast or unworthy of having a significant other is pretty much the same. I was also diagnosed with Autism in 2018.
+I went to college thinking that a career goal would open up for me. But instead, it made me realize that I’m truly an outsider. I couldn’t really find myself interested in any path although I did well in all of my classes. I think the problem is that my interests are too limited which makes sense considering it’s one of Autism’s defining symptoms.
+Anyway, it got to the point where I felt like I was forcing myself to stay. At a certain point, I realized that this was not sustainable. Eventually I had to drop out because my mental health was declining. Ended up in a hospital for two weeks because I wanted to die and felt like a massive failure.
+Now, I work at a convenience store. I earn a little more than minimum-wage. But I know that I’ll no one will want to date me because well…I work at a convenience store. I really have no other option because I don’t have the passion/desire required for the sexy, better-paying, skilled-based jobs.
+Thank you for being so open about what you’re going through. I knew that I wasn’t alone but reading this made me realize that on a different level.
+LikeLiked by 1 person
+by Ue “Bird Claws” Ee
+While in the gold car,
+a red-orange cardinal,
+lands on th’ cyclone fence,
+stares right at me for a while,
+and then speedily flies off.
+Ue “Bird Claws” Ee is a haikuist of birds.
+The Greater Bay in China
+by Aw “Curbside” Lee
+The population of the Greater Bay in China is
+a little more than that found in all UK’s areas.
+Its largest cities, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan, possess,
+that is, each one of them, more than 8,000,000 citizens.
+Though only 1% of China lives here near the sea,
+its firms account for 12% of China’s GDP.
+Air traffic in the area is greater one will find
+than San Francisco, Tokyo, and New York all combined.
+Along with Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou count up as three
+of the top ten container ports i’ th’ World economy.
+Hong Kong is now a green-bond hub for mainland issuers,
+and likewise it’s a well of help, health-care professionals.
+Macao, the World’s entertainment hub, works with Zhuhai,
+to boost the tourist industry, and build it up sky-high.
+Guangzhou is now a transport core, with high-speed trains and more,
+while Shenzhen’s high-tech R & D, proceeds to rise and soar,
+as much percent as South Korea and of Israel;
+and in Dongguan, the service industry keeps up as well.
+Aw “Curbside” Lee is a poet of Chinese cities.
+Trajan’s Column
+by Aedile Cwerbus
+In Rome, amidst the many structures, gray, peach, white and brown,
+around it, rising, Trajan’s Column, does not stand alone.
+It was a work commemorating Trajan’s victory
+in overwhelming Dacians in the Second Century.
+The quintessential type of a compression member, it
+was made to glorify th’ empire and its emperor.
+Most famous for its scrolling, spiral, sculptured bas relief,
+the shaft is made of nineteen marble drums—a massive feat.
+Its ninety-eight feet height is a unique accomplishment
+in engineering, a construction worth acknowledgement.
+But more than that…it is a work…of art…a skeleton…
+the bones are piled on high…into the sky…the eye…in stone…
+the ordinary…and the battle…Ordinary life’s
+a battle…nineteen centuries ago…and now—the strife!
+a table…nineteen marble drums…the bones are piled on high…
+Above, through th’ arching azure sky the grand, white clouds go by.
+Below, amidst the present and its ruins…tourists pass.
+Who are those people there…we all are tourists here…alas…
+the traffic goes on by…the people walk…and talk…and drive…
+What does it mean to live? What does it mean to be alive?
+Aedile Cwerbus is a poet of ancient Rome.
+On Science
+by Ira “Dweeb” Scule
+“Science, true daughter of Old Time”
+—Edgar Allan Poe, “Sonnet—To Science”
+As Popper wrote, good science must be falsifiable,
+potentially vulnérable to refutation’s cull.
+It must be open to tribunals of experiment,
+unlike the pseudosciences that merely err in vent.
+Compute the consequences of a guess, see if it’s right;
+and then compare results to nature. Is there any light?
+If it then disagrees, it’s wrong. It mkes no difference.
+It is that simple; one should then not make an inference.
+Good scientifc theories must put up themselves for tests;
+they have to run the constant gauntlet of experiments.
+Ira “Dweeb” Scule is a poet of science. Austrian-British Karl Popper (1902-1994) was a leading figure in the philosophy of science in the 20th century.
+Paul Erdös (1913-1996)
+by Euclidrew Base
+Upon his mission to enrich the field so many shun,
+he’d go from mathematician to mathematician.
+He proved a lot of theorems in his life time—Paul Erdös.
+He worked in number theory and in combinatorics,
+one of the most important figures in the latter realm;
+he liked to make conjectures that would tax and overwhelm.
+He wandered round the Globe and worked with all whom he could work,
+though jobless in the main, and homeless in the lanes he lurked.
+He carried his possessions in a suitcase and a bag,
+including one large short-wave radio—the man was swag.
+Euclidrew Base is a poet of mathematics. Paul Erdös may have been the most prolific mathematician in the 20th century.
+ScandaNavian Spy
+by Lars U. Ice Bedew
+Off the northeastern coast of Norway, fishermen observed
+a Russian spying operation out beyond the surf.
+They spotted a beluga whale near their fishing boat
+that wanted their attention, came up close, a friendly float.
+They saw a harness strapped to the beluga’s shiny skin,
+outfitted with the mounts for some GoPro-type cameras.
+Inspection then revealed, embossed upon the harness clips,
+“Saint Petersburg equipment” round about and near its fins.
+Norwegian scientists believed the mammal had been trained
+by Russian naval workers. How else could it be explained?
+Lars U. Ice Bedew is a poet of Scandanavia.
+B. S. Eliud Acrewe is a poet and literary critic of Britain.
+May 1st, 2019
+by Lud Wes Caribee
+In Venezuela, massive groups of people swarmed the streets,
+disgusted with Maduro, from whom they’d like to be free.
+Guaidó has said the military is deserting more
+the Socialist dictator that has made the country poor.
+Tear gas was sprayed, gun shots rang out, the people cried aloud;
+a military vehicle plowed right into the crowd.
+Caracas was in crisis; smoke crossed through the capital;
+more than five dozen people hurt were sent to hospital.
+There were reports Maduro planned to flee the country, but
+the Russians told him not to leave, that is, at least not yet;
+and with his Cuban bodyguards he should be safe for now:
+Animal Farm remains in tact beneath the hoof and horn.
+Lud Wes Caribee is a poet of the Caribbean.
+The Sallow, Pussy Willow
+by Wes Caribu Deel
+Its flowers are soft, silky, silvery-borne catkins in
+the spring, before the brand new leaves appear on thin thick-skins.
+When it shows up, from Brit’sh Columbia to Newfoundland,
+this gorgeous, beauty is a sparkling, sprinkled cummerbund,
+that activates some fellows who are ready for a bang,
+who want a wrap to tap and slap, a sweet swat for a whang.
+The fluffy blossoms of white blooms give way to green-jade shoots,
+arousing sods, from whippersnappers up to bearded coots,
+who long to take their lovely limbs and place them in a vase,
+in hopes that they can see surprise on th’ wished-for, wistful face.
+Before My Eyes, a Canadian Pic
+by Wes Caribu Deel
+for “Blue Cedars” Siew
+Before my eyes upon the screen what is there is
+a photo of the Rocky Mountains and lakeside view.
+Up close one sees a gathering of daisies, still
+and silent stems beside the barely rippled blue.
+Reflected in its waters, one sees evergreens,
+a band below the rocky, cratered, gray, ranged group,
+like mountains on the moon, so desolate, unseen.
+The place is private, primitive, like Canada
+itself, its barren emptiness, so clear and clean,
+pristine; nowhere across its landscape can a man
+be seen. It is as though there is no stir of silt,
+largesse as large as China, or America.
+Wes Caribu Deel is a poet of Canada. His great-grandparents came to America from Alberta, Canada, on his mother’s mother’s side. He vividly remembers the striking scenery on a trip to Calgary and Banff National Park.
+The Smithfield Street Bridge
+by Alec Subre Wide
+The Smithfield Street Bridge is a truss lenticular—across
+Monongahela River, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, tossed.
+Its architect was Gustave Lindenthal, who had designed
+as well the Hell Gate Bridge in New York City, rail-lined.
+Its portal to the city center seems a castle door
+beneath skyscraper towers…shimmering…before a moor.
+Its golden arches gleaming in the sunlight, as Earth turns,
+El-Greco-esque, beside the steel, silver-azure burns,
+reveal a city searching for a people melted out
+of anything pertaining to a colour scheme of doubt.
+Alec Subre Wide is a poet of bridges. He was inspired by Hart Crane’s “The Bridge”.
+Carb Deliseuwe is a poet of carbs, fats and proteins.
+The Lumberman
+by Ubs Reece Idwal, and chest.
+He was at one with nature, if but momentarily,
+there barely thinking of a thing but being there and free.
+Ubs Reece Idwal is a poet of forests.
+The Angel and the Message
+by Crise de Abu Wel
+I came upon an angel lying on a bright, white cloud.
+He lay there staring, in the air, upon a yellow shroud.
+What captivated me about him was his attitude.
+He was so peaceful lying there in sheer beatitude.
+He leaned upon his bent right hand, so quiet and serene,
+when I attempted listening, I could not hear a thing.
+His golden halo, slightly off, around his thoughtful gaze,
+drew me into his tranquil realm of lounging, gorgeous laze.
+But I could not retrieve his sign. What was he pointing at—
+and not without some energy, and slightly flushed at that?
+Crise de Abu Wel is a poet of Catholicism.
+shopping bruxelles blog
+#3 of 207 Shopping in Brussels. Book your trip to Brussels and experience a retail therapy here for real! The market also has several food stalls where visitors can sample these foods right away. Local art, Lindt chocolates, Women’s clothing, Luxury fashion apparel, watches, sunglasses, Antiques, Art pieces, Knick-knacks, Jewellery, Accessories, custom furniture, home decor, Belgian Beer, Honey, Speculoos Spread, etc are some of the best things that you can buy from Brussels. Caroline is a veteran of the Danish fashion industry and knows the country like the back of her hand. There are garments for every wallet, ranging from 50 to 500€. 1. animationSpeed:600, var timer_metaslider_50011 = function() { City 2 – For the complete shopping mall experience. Toutes vos envies vont être comblées ! }, But the Marche du Midi is bound to make everyone happy with the variety of shopping. Location: Avenue Fonsny, 1000 BrusselWhat to buy: Local art, Lindt chocolates, Women’s clothingTimings: 7 AM – 1 PM. J’ai emprunté le TGV Bordeaux-Paris, puis Gare du Nord, j’ai embarqué à bord du Thalys. A. $('#metaslider_50011').metaslider_scale_layers({ This is a great place if you’re looking for an original souvenir to bring back from Belgium or just a fun bold piece to brighten up your wardrobe. Brussels Life – A very comprehensive site with information on Brussels restaurants, shopping and just about everything else. Kure is a perfect spot for top quality basics; from Iro tee-shirts to Can Pep Rey cotton dresses. Anine Bing’s collection is a highlight with incredible shoes, delicate, lacy underwear and beautiful fabrics. The market is where the locals flock to do their Sunday shopping in Brussels and is a great opportunity for travelers to experience the local culture and cuisine. Location: Rue Neuve 123, 1000 BruxellesWhat to buy: Local art, Lindt chocolates, Women’s clothingTimings: 10 AM – 7 PM, Suggested Read: 15 Hotels In Brussels That Suit Every Type Of Traveler. We will also call you back in 24 hrs. var slider = !window.jQuery ? On commence « Downtown » où vous attendent les créateurs et les boutiques exclusives. Image SourceA trip to Brussels is incomplete without shopping in Brussels for the best chocolate! }); Voici donc ce matin un nouvel article voyage sur le blog, avec mon petit guide pour découvrir Bruxelles en 2 jours. While you’re there, pay a visit to its neighbor M32 to check out Mathilde Danglade’s gorgeous jewellery and then pop in for a healthy lunch at ICI. timer_metaslider_50011(); Shopping In Belgium Shopping In Bruges Shopping In Austria. Here is a selection of 10 shops that deserve a visit if you are looking to complete your capsule wardrobe when you stay at the Radisson RED, Brussels. Please note: at the Administrative Centre & liaison offices, all citizens are asked to come alone, maximum 15 minutes before the appointment time , wear a face mask (obligatory) and disinfect their hands. Dynamic House, Maruti Industrial Complex, 10 Places For Shopping In Brussels That Will Give You A Shopper’s High, 15 Hotels In Brussels That Suit Every Type Of Traveler, Brussels Nightlife: A Guide To The Best Pubs and Markets In The City, 10 Best Places To Visit In Brussels That Highlight The Charm Of The City. In questo giorno non avrete troppo tempo per visitare i monumenti e, tantomeno, per accedere ai musei, perché, dopo aver lasciato la valigia in hotel, si sarà ormai fatto tardi (soprattutto se arrivate a Charleroi, un aeroporto abbastanza lontano dal centro). More info: coronavirus measures by the City of Brussels. The store is capturing the imagination of Belgians by selling clothes by the kilo! The European city is high on fashion and is home to some of the finest boutiques and designers. Just a block away is the Avenue Louise where you can head for more luxury shopping or just to have a window shopping experience. Some shopping streets are widely known, such as rue Neuve (more wallet-friendly) or the Louise area (upscale and pricier). 10 Sydney Markets Any Shopaholic Shouldn’t Miss Exploring. J’ai donc eu l’occasion d’y découvrir plusieurs aspects de la culture belge, et certains endroits ont été de vrais coups de … The best places for shopping near Brussels are Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert and Docks Bruxsel. Ses créateurs ont l’âme inventive. Bonnie & Jane is a lovely concept shop on rue Darwin just next door to ICI. You will find a … A. Mini Europe, Manneken Pis, Grand Palace, Atomium, Royal Palace of Europe, Royal Gallery of St Hubert etc are some of the best places to visit in Brussels. Don’t your wallets already feel lighter just by knowing what all there is to explore and buy while shopping in Brussels? window.setTimeout(timer_metaslider_50011, 1) : metaslider_50011(window.jQuery); There are two concept stores in Dansaert and Louise, both with a beautiful selection of monochromatic pieces from luxury brands such as the super blogger Sincerely Jules’ clothing range and the Belgian duo from Can Pep Rey. Brands like Kenzo, Stine Goya, Carven and Kokoon can be found here but they don’t come cheap! $(this).remove(); Originally meant to be a cooking blog, it is now a foodie blog run by a couple who lives in Brussels. nextText:">", Of all its amenities (including fitness, spa, fine dining, etc. Cameleon offers some of the best shopping in Belgium, Brussels at its outlet stores. Avenue Louise. Yes, the store sells clothing by its weight instead of a traditional per piece price. A. In winter, they sell Wehve’s woollen creations and in warmer times, trendy accessories with exotic prints, like the ones from Maison Baluchon. Shopping in Brussels. This is because the market hosts a variety of sellers who bring in an eclectic mix of ware from old furniture to vinyl records, books, and jewelry. $('#metaslider_50011 .msHtmlOverlay').each(function() { Shopping i Bruxelles: Se anmeldelser og billeder af butikker, indkøbscentre og outlets i Bruxelles, Belgien på Tripadvisor. Westland Shopping in Anderlecht, reviews by real people. Noteworthy Cemeteries in Brussels. Il suffit de compter les boutiques vintages, de perles et bijoux, chaussures et autres magasins de grandes marques pour sen rendre compte. layer.css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', function(e) { Brussels is a great city for shopping and it fits every style and budget. “The shops were all top notch, … The new shopping center offers more than 110 stores plus eight cinema screens that makes it an ideal destination for spending time with the entire family. #3 of 211 Shopping in Brussels. Showing 1-40 of 6836. Brussels is a great city for shopping and it fits every style and budget. Pour connaître vraiment Bruxelles, partez à la découverte de ses boutiques. A suivre is another concept store selling a wide range of brands from Belgium and abroad. Bruxelles la Belle – This local blogger shares personal, hand-picked tips on her favorite spots in Brussels. $('li:not(".flex-active-slide") .animated', slider).not('.disabled').each(function(index) { reverse:false, A. Love at first sight is guaranteed. Concernant mes bonnes adresses de boutiques déco, faites un tour chez Belge Une fois pour rire avec leurs produits estampillés humour belge (Rue Haute 89) et chez Dille & Kamille (Rue Jean Stas 16) qui regorge de petits objets pour la cuisine et la maison.. J’ai aussi aimé la boutique Be Color aux objets colorés pleins de fantaisie. itemWidth:300, Anita from The Brusselsprouts, a blog about amazing things to do in Brussels, gives us her guide to finding some of the best shops in her favorite city. The two first ones can be accessed by metro (Demey Station on line 1A for Auderghem, and Kraainem Station on line 1B for Kraainem). City 2 is the perfect place for shopping in Brussels city centre as it has all kinds of shops. It’s home to many international brands – H&M, Mango, Primark and Benetton among them – making it a great place for expats looking to shop in familiar stores. A. But the capital city of Belgium has much more to offer for shopaholics than just the best ever chocolates in the world. These are the great times which are not the peak season so you can make the most of your trip without being in an overcrowded place. Bien que Bruxelles ne fasse pas partie des villes les plus prisées pour faire du shopping, vous trouverez très certainement votre bonheur dans les nombreuses boutiques de la ville. You can also buy other souvenirs like Belgian Beer, Honey, Speculoos Spread, and even the traditional magnets! The most ideal time to visit Brussels will be from March to May as well as from September to October. The mall is one of the biggest shopping places in Brussels and has more than 150 stores. Location: Rue de Bailli, IxellesWhat to buy: Women’s clothing, foodTimings: 10 AM – 7 PM, Suggested Read: 10 Places To Visit In Belgium That Make The Country Irresistible. But the true gems can be found elsewhere – shops that offer designer clothes for the ones who prefer to wear quality pieces rather than the mass prêt-à-porter you come across at every corner. The shopping center also has major retail store outlets like that of Michael Kors, Zara, Scotch & Soda, Mango, Levis, IKKs, and H&M. Rue Bailli is a great shopping street and a must visit when in Brussels. }; Key areas. 60 Best Honeymoon Destinations In India In 2021! Hormis les chaînes de magasins de mode traditionnelles, vous pourrez aussi trouver les produits typiques de Belgique connus dans le monde entier. controlNav:false, $(e.target).closest('a').length) { Fresh creamy pralines are for sale at Wittamer, Place du Grand Sablon. Image SourceWaking up early on a Sunday to get the best deals is only something a shopaholic would crave for! direction:'horizontal', itemMargin:0 The shopping areas are rather limited in Brussels, although you can find shops scattered everywhere in the city centre. They also have some pretty cool summer shoes by Kanna, graphic jewellery from Judith Benita, classic pants from Lab Dip, and all the beach accessories you could want. }); orig_width: 300 Icon is an emblem of the Brussels fashion scene. This is a shop for the bold fashionistas who are not afraid to wear provocative and extravagant pieces that will turn heads. Shopping in Brussels. el.before(cloned); Arthur and Natacha are two graphic and production designers who put together their crazy imaginations to create clothes and accessories with humoristic statements of all things Belgian. Nous avons cepandant déniché les endroits préférés des Bruxellois pour faire une journée shopping à Bruxelles. Il miglior punto di partenza per conoscere Bruxelles è il suo luogo più famoso e centrale, la Grand Place. The trendy and hip store has a cool vibe to its retail store and manages to draw all kinds of customers who love their collection of clothes. Best Brussels Shopping: See reviews and photos of shops, malls & outlets in Brussels, Belgium on Tripadvisor. }; But be there early as the fresh produce and the best products will fly right off the stores and the entire market closes down by lunchtime. 10 Places To Visit In Belgium That Make The Country Irresistible. Disporrete, comunque, di tempo sufficiente per vedere alcuni dei luoghi più importanti del centro. Discover 23 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Brussels, Belgium from Royal Greenhouses of Laeken to Musée des Arbalétriers (Museum of Crossbowmen). You don’t have to go beyond Avenue Louise for luxury shopping in Brussels. slideshowSpeed:3000, Docks Bruxsel is one the latest addition to shopping in Brussels Belgium. 13 Best Places To Go Shopping In Bangkok To Splurge On Your Thailand Vacay In 2020! A. Also, there is the possibility of rain all through the year in Brussels. Location: Boulevard Lambermont 1, 1000 BruxellesWhat to buy: Beauty Products, accessories, fast fashionTimings: 10 AM – 7 PM. There is also food and drink and even a DJ belting hip numbers to keep you on your feet all the time. Belgian chocolate is famous worldwide thanks to its high quality and delicious taste and is one of the best souvenirs you can take back home. Book memorable holidays on TravelTriangle with 650+ verified travel agents for 65+ domestic and international destinations. Location: Avenue LouiseWhat to buy: Luxury fashion apparel, watches, sunglassesTimings: 10 AM – 7 PM, Suggested Read: Brussels Nightlife: A Guide To The Best Pubs and Markets In The City. If you are into simple lines, clean design and luxurious fabrics with a Scandinavian feel, we have the Kure for you. Location: Grote MarketWhere to buy: Maison de Souvenir, The Brussels Corner, Atomium ShopTimings: 10 AM – 7 PM. Providing a wholesome shopping experience (though you do need a determined spirit to keep digging for treasure in the bins), the Petit Riens organization proves that a lot of small things can make a big difference. Sablon, Marolles ou Matongé ; Louise, Dansaert, Châtelain ou Neuve, ses rues et ses quartiers phares vous attendent toutes portes ouvertes. orig_width: 300 minItems:1, They have a variety of chocolate stores as well including Leonidas, Darcis, and Gallers from where you can buy some to take back home. }, If you are interested in shopping for more than just clothes then head to the Brussels Vintage Market on the first Sunday of every month. Rue Antoine Dansaert 48 & Avenue Louise 78. }); init: function(slider) { } var el = $(this); La crème, on rue Lesbroussart is also definitely worth checking out. Kanika has 4 years of experience in writing blogs and marketing content for travel. You will be redirected to your dashboard shortly. 10 Things To Do In Belgium That Are Fun, Delicious, and Delightful. Prices are a tad higher here than in other stores but considering the uniqueness of the clothes, it may be worth breaking the piggy bank. Here you will find super cute pieces in floral prints and lace tops, from French brands like Andy & Lucy, La Petite Française, FRNCH or See u soon. “The shops were all top notch, … The iconic business arcade was inaugurated in 1847 and is a covered building which was meant to house stores and a theatre. before: function(slider) { It is ideal for cheap shopping in Brussels and you can even find unique pieces as souvenirs instead of buying the typical touristy stuff. There is often very little time to spend on shopping while on vacation and City 2 is ideal for a pit stop and buy everything from clothing to souvenirs. }); There are also two Corahypermarkets in the capital, one in Anderlecht (along the Ring road, near Erasmus H… People, wearing face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, walk past a display windows of a shopping mall in a commercial street in downtown Brussels, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020. Must know before you buy. Shopping; Society; AVOCADO SHOW. La Boutique Tintin. She roams the streets of Copenhagen to choose pieces from various Danish brands and curates her secluded shop beautifully. La crème is the classier sister of Reservoir shop, which is just steps away. #3 of 211 Shopping in Brussels. A. Botanique. We have listed ten exciting places for best shopping in Brussels to help you indulge in some much needed retail therapy on your trip to Belgium. On y trouve du (très) haut de gamme, du sympa, du créatif et de l’original. Location: Place du Jeu de Balle, 1000 BruxellesWhat to buy: Antiques, Art pieces, Knick-knacks, JewelleryTimings: 6 AM – 2 PM. Shopping pour homme à Bruxelles BLOG & ARTICLES jeudi 11 octobre 2012 Lucie Van Damme On oublie trop souvent les hommes dans nos articles sur le shopping: sur les … 48 reviews $$ Moderate Live Music, Cultural Center, Art Galleries. Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. Nordikk is a personalised experience and the shopping is done on appointment to suit the client’s schedule or during the shop’s open days. Some of the shops on the street are Mellow Concept Brussels, Boccacci, Hopono, Lady Guilmot, DOD Shoes and Bonzai. The biggest problem you’ll have is trying to adapt your visit to its opening hours. Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. $(this).css('display', 'block'); Location: Rue Haute 154, 1000 BruxellesWhat to buy: Plaid Shirts, Graphic T-shirts, Woollen wearTimings: 10 AM – 6 PM, Suggested Read: 10 Best Places To Visit In Brussels That Highlight The Charm Of The City. 42 Avenue de l'Université 1050 ... Blog. Mauritius Holiday Starting at Rs 65,000/-. Shopping in Brussels runs the whole gamut from high-end boutiques to markets. $('#metaslider_50011').metaslider_scale_layers({ Your guide to shopping online . Avoid going on weekends when the crowds can be high and you might have to bargain too much. It has an entire street lined up with independent clothing stores and rare boutiques. Be prepared to spend between anywhere between 100 and 400€. $('#metaslider_50011').flexslider({ The … TheBrusselsprouts @tbsprouts @the_brusselsprouts, Emily Shaw gives us a guide to some of the best shopping in Cape Town. There are 6 Carrefour hypermarkets around the greater Brussels. Hunting and Collecting falls somewhere between a concept store and an art gallery, where happenings and gatherings are commonplace. There is also a food court with an array of options to pick from and take a break from shopping! var metaslider_50011 = function($) { Tout le monde le sait, les Bruxelloises aiment la mode et le shopping. 94 Best Honeymoon Destinations In The World In 2021 For A Romantic Escape! $('#metaslider_50011 .msHtmlOverlay .layer[data-link], #metaslider_50011 .msHtmlOverlay[data-link]').each(function() { We bet you can’t wait to head out to Brussels! The Brugmann area has many great restaurants and neo-cantines like ICI and Chez Franz and also has a selection of real gems on the fashion front too. easing:"linear", Shopping In Ottawa: 5 Best Things To Buy On Your Canadian Vacay In 2021, Shopping In Vienna: 10 Gratifying Places That You Would Love To Visit In 2020,. I recommend brunch in one of the Chatelain cafés followed by a shopping spree on Bailli- a perfect way to spend a Saturday. window.setTimeout(timer_metaslider_50011, 100) : !jQuery.isReady ? }); If all the traveling is leaving you cash-strapped, then you should head to Melting Pot Kilo for some cheap shopping in Brussels of clothes. The Grand Place is the main square in Brussels and is lined with Brussels souvenir shops that have an array of chocolates depending on your budgets. Caroline likes to create a personal relationship with her clients and helps them choose the right cut, texture and colour. }); A walk through the Marolles Flea Market will offer tourists an insight into the history and culture of Belgium itself! }); Whether shopping in Brussels is expensive or not depends on one’s budget. There are also many eateries on the street which make it ideal to spend a girl’s day out filled with shopping, eating, and entertainment! var cloned = el.clone(); Explore Poul-Werner's photos on Flickr. Shopping à Bruxelles : Consultez les avis et photos de 10 boutiques, centres commerciaux et magasins à Bruxelles, Belgique sur Tripadvisor. The vintage trend has been going on in Brussels for years now and has almost become a lifestyle for Belgians. Looking out over the Brussels skyline, a Louboutin book in lap and cocktail in hand, The Hotel seems the perfect fit for a weekend shopping spree. Rue Royale 236, Koningsstraat 236, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, BRU slideshow:false, You will find t-shirts, badges, pins, sweats and more, all adorned with phrases like “Je suis Belge, don’t be jealous” or “Baraki”. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Anderlecht and beyond. If you want to get in touch with a specific Radisson RED hotel, refer to the contact section of the property's location above this box. Chambelland. Some shopping streets are widely known, such as rue Neuve (more wallet-friendly) or the Louise area (upscale and pricier). With 104 shops on a surface of 51.000 m² it is the biggest inner city shopping mall in Belgium. There are some amazing places that you can shop from while being in Brussels such as City 2,Marche du Midi, Avenue Louise, Docks Bruxsel, Rue du Bailli, Marolles Flea Market, Grote Markt, Melting Pot Kilo, Brussels Vintage Market, Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert etc where you will find some amazing stuff to value. Local art, Lindt chocolates, Women’s clothing, Antiques, Art pieces, Knick-knacks, Jewellery etc are some of the best things that you can fill your bag with on a trip to Brussels to take home for your friends and family. Further Read: 10 Things To Do In Belgium That Are Fun, Delicious, and Delightful! Wise Move, Factory Shopping A little country but with great ideas. The entire road is chock-a-block with luxury retail stores including Prada, Louis Vuitton, Nespresso, Chanel, Sarah Pacini, and many other boutiques and bespoke fashion outlets. If you’re looking for an easy-going and fresh look, take a tour to Mellow. directionNav:true, This is a shop for the daring urban gal where she can spruce up her shoes with Aurélie Chadaine’s colorful fringes and get one of the chameleonesque Versa Versa bags. Brands stocked include Libertine, Hope, Won Hundred and Uniform for the Dedicated. Brussels "Basilix shopping Center", Sint-Agatha-Berchem has a retail space of 18.683 m² containing 65 shops. Redirecting to /news/13469503/brexit-news-latest-deadline-deal-control-fish/ Another name to look out for is the top-quality Neuhaus, with several branches including one at Grand-Place 27. This is a must-visit place for all the fans of Tin Tin and comics. Discover 85 shopping options, including boutiques, flea markets, and malls. Poul-Werner has uploaded 7898 photos to Flickr. if( ! downscale_only: false, If you’re anything like me, whose grocery basket always ends up half full of avocados and if you just can’t get enough of the green superfruit, you’ll be happy to know the Avocado Show is opening in Brussels come end November. The most exclusive stores and boutiques in Brussels are found on Avenue Louise and the surrounding area. $('#metaslider_50011 .msHtmlOverlay').each(function() { Every Brussels shopping guide is bound to mention the historic Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. “The shops were all top notch, … Anita from The Brusselsprouts, a blog about amazing things to do in Brussels, gives us her guide to finding some of the best shops in her favorite city. La mode bruxelloise est comme la ville : sans chichis. You will love the super rad creations by the O’Ren boys known for their epic ‘Petit Belge’ and ‘Belgique Belchique’ statement sweaters and you might fall for Virginie Morobe’s latest “Renaissance Anarchy” footwear collection, inspired by the Tudor Dynasty. Suggested Read: Belgium Food: The 10 Mouth-Watering Delicacies You Must Try! ... popular shopping around brussels Food. Belga is a great place for a drink or you can grab a ramen bowl at Umamido. Shopping à Bruxelles : Consultez les avis et photos de 10 boutiques, centres commerciaux et magasins à Bruxelles, Belgique sur Tripadvisor. A pedestrian-only shopping avenue in the centre of Brussels, Rue Neuve is Belgium’s busiest shopping street with an average of 43,000 visitors every day. Se rendre à Bruxelles avec Thalys. Chouke is all about the Romantic French touch and just 100m further down Bailli street. var layer = $(this); 35 Exotic Places To Visit In India In December 2020 To Enjoy A Surreal Vacation! The avenue is a prominent street in Brussels and stretches over 3 KM long with most of the shopping area in the upper section in the opposite direction of King’s Park. Pour le luxe d’ici et d’ailleurs, c’est sur les hauteurs de la capitale qu’il faut se rendre. Posted on 31.01.2015 Un nouveau centre commercial a fait apparition dans la ca… The romantic among you should definitely give Chouke a try. We are sure that they would love having such gifts! If you’re in the Flagey neighborhood there are definitely some worthy addresses to check out. Today, the arcade has some of the best stores in Belgium and offers shoppers an exclusive experience that takes one down the memory lane. See a map, read reviews, and view photos of Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert + Pierre Marcolini, + more. They are located in Auderghem, Kraainem, Evere, Berchem, Strombeek-Bever, Drogenbos and St.Pieters Leeuw. If you would like to get in touch with our global Customer Care team, just drop us an email RADISSONRED@RADISSONHOTELS.COM. You can shop sequin-rock looks and subversive statements of the Belgian Filles à Papa; timeless garments by ACNE; and Isabel Marant’s French elegance and beautiful knitwear. $(this).css('display', 'block'); And when she’s not writing, she’s either exploring new terrains in a different corner of the world, or out in the city freezing urban scenarios in her camera. }); $(window).resize(function(){ prevText:"<", Image SourceThis is one of the best places for Sunday shopping in Brussels. Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. The quaint stores are run by individuals with their quirky products at throwaway prices. A secret address for the Scandinavian lovers. Pour me rendre à Bruxelles, j’ai fait le choix du train. Cameleon. Rue de Bailli is popular among women for clothes shopping in Brussels. Expect an easy-chic allure with special attention to quality, sustainability and comfort. Moved Permanently. pauseOnHover:true, downscale_only: false, Where the Reservoir shop is better known for its street style clothes and huge sneaker selection, La crème is perfect for the dandy chic and has a great selection of trench coats. MellowMellow is a concept store in and offers clothes, accessories and some small furniture pieces. Kure is a must for the effortlessly elegant. Qui potrete vedere dei bellissimi edifici in stile neoclassico… window.open(layer.attr('data-link'), layer.attr('data-target')); J’aime beaucoup Bruxelles, et lorsque je vivais à Paris, c’était très facile de m’y rendre le temps d’un week-end (en 1h30 de train seulement). Rich Belgian Chocolate is a must on the agenda of shopping in Brussels! The city also experiences a wave of vintage and street shopping and has many avenues for getting the best bargains and the most unique gifts. Si vous êtes plutôt chicos, les guides touristiques vous enverront avenue Louise dans les magasins de luxe et grande classe. Ajouter aux favoris; Partager: Tenté par une aventure « shopping » à Bruxelles ? Location: Place Saint-Géry 1, 1000 BruxellesWhat to buy: Accessories, custom furniture, home decorTimings: 12 PM – 7 PM. The architecture of the arcade is gorgeous and you will find yourself taking more photographs of the arcade than shopping! Shopping à Bruxelles. Botanique. The market is like a huge flea market and makes shopping in Brussels on Sunday a pleasurable activity. A classic Brussels souvenir is chocolate. The Mother City is home…, We asked three of our favorite independent businesses in Brussels to let us in on their preferred haunts and hang-outs…, Thinking of taking a trip to Brussels with your pooch but unsure as to where all the pet friendly places are?…, © 2020 Radisson Hotel Group.All rights reserved. Location: Galerie du Roi 5, 1000 BrusselWhat to buy: Chocolates, Leather goods, AntiquesTimings: Open 24 hours. Conservative souls should keep out as the pieces in this shop are audacious and avant-garde. animation:'slide', Belgium Food: The 10 Mouth-Watering Delicacies You Must Try! These clothes are mostly second-hand refurbished clothes and appeal to the bargain hunter. "City2" Shopping Mall is located on Rue Neuve/Nieuwstraat. Des boutiques déco à Bruxelles & Ixelles. City 2 is the perfect place for shopping in … The avenue has beautiful buildings and even embassies making the area a very prestigious location in the city. Bonnie & Jane is for the bohemian chic kind of shopper; it’s full of beautiful pieces from designers like Spanish duo Masscob, rustic-chic Italian brand Momoni, and high-end cotton pieces by Fine Collection. On Food & Wine is a fun and lively foodie and travel tip blog on Brussels that provides quality articles about places to see and where to eat in Brussels. });
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+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+So, for brevity, we’ll talk about some of the vital features as well as devices that we use one of the most usually. Listed below, you’ll find list of the most common SEMrush devices we make use of consistently to aid us in our advertising initiatives. We first counted on SEMrush with high hopes that it could assist us much better determine as well as target brand-new keywords we wish to rank for along with show us keywords our clients’ sites were currently rating for.
+From the new Keyword Magic tool, to the Topic Research device, to the Organic Study device, you’re bound to find a huge selection of search phrases to develop material around for years to come. This is most likely my preferred search phrase research tool in the SEMrush suite. In fact, it’s my favored key words research study tool period.
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+You can also produce approximately 50 target key phrase lists if you’re aiding numerous customers or if your service has many elements. Merely kind in ANY search phrase (although I recommend typing in a brief tail key words) and you’ll obtain instantaneous results. I did a fast search for “content marketing” to see what keyword phrases I may want to seek.
+I get helpful information such as: Long-tail search phrases to go after Ordinary regular monthly quantity of searches A trend graph Keyword phrase trouble CPC (ordinary expense to promote for the search phrase) Competitors for going into Adwords auctions Number of SERP Features found for the keyword You can also see a table to the left assisting break down generally used search phrases connected with “content advertising and marketing.” Like over 880 searches include words “technique.” You additionally have the alternative to inspect the “inquiries” box which will give you all the who, what, why, when, where, and also just how questions people enter for that keyword phrase (Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review).
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+>Below you obtain once a week updates on how you as well as your rivals are ranking for those key phrases. An additional actually awesome feature is it will certainly reveal you all the numerous SERP Features the key words is causing as well as who has those SERP Qualities. You can review the details web pages you are placing for those key phrases to see if they require improvement – Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And ReviewAnd one of my favored attributes of the Position Tracking device, specifically if you’re a local business, is you can Geo target those keyword phrases to see exactly how you’re doing at a local search level as opposed to rely on your national positions. With SEMrush, you do not have to stop at investigating brand-new search phrases.
Sometimes, you might not also understand several of the keywords that are bringing website traffic to your site, or the quantity of web traffic those search phrases are bringing you. To collect information regarding your own domain name, simply enter your origin domain into the Domain Overview tool. Prior to proceeding, one point that must be kept in mind is that in SEMrush’s domain overview of a website, where it shows your month-to-month web traffic, Rather, it’s giving organic and paid search web traffic from key phrases that SEMrush has in its database of 120 million keywords.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
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+Variety of back links from referring domain names Visual depictions of sources for organic and paid keywords. A graph revealing traffic by organic and also paid sources in time (can select 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, or all time). The leading 5 organic key words that are bringing traffic to your website.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
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+A chart showcasing an affordable position map based on number of keyword phrases as well as organic search web traffic A chart showing the leading paid keywords bringing website traffic to the website (can be expanded to view a full record for even more metrics A graph showing paid position distribution of the keyword advertisements you target.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
Much more info can be collected by clicking right into the graph). A chart showing your affordable positioning map about the number of paid keywords you, and your rivals are targeting in addition to traffic brought in from Pay Per Click keywords – Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review. A sampling of a few of your Pay Per Click ads Several of the backlinks that refer to your website, what those sites are as well as the support text as well as URL that those backlinks link to.
+Referring domains that are driving traffic to your site sorted by those with one of the most backlinks aiming to your pages. You most popular indexed web pages that are back-linked by various other domain names. As well as bear in mind, every one of this information is simply an introduction of the metrics. To find out more concerning each collection of data, you merely click whatever metrics interest you to see full records.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+In the Organic Study tool you can discover a lot about the key phrases you, or your competitors, currently rank for. In the Introduction tab, you get a good chart showing your keyword growth gradually. You can alter this graph to reveal all top 10 web page outcomes, leading 5 page results, leading 2 web page outcomes, initial page outcomes, as well as even leading three results.
+Right here we can see a complete set of key phrases that SEMrush has info on that particular is bringing web traffic to a web site. By default, SEMrush provides the key phrases in order of those bringing the highest quantity of month-to-month traffic. Nonetheless, various other data factors can be utilized to sort the keywords such as: Placement the search phrase has for natural search results with an arrow revealing the previous placement (Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review).
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+The estimated number of regular monthly searches for that search phrase. The Expense Per Click to promote for the search phrase. The LINK page the key phrase is related to. The CPC standard. The affordable thickness of the key phrase for those desiring to advertise for it. The overall number of indexed LINK’s which contain the keyword Trends in time by popularity of searches The SERP, or picture of the very first page of cause an internet search engine.
+Keep in mind: It can take SEMrush a number of weeks to recrawl a keyword phrase in this tool. If you’re seeking even more updated details, move the search phrase to the Position Tracking device. Examining out this function is a wonderful way to see specifically the search phrases that are bringing you traffic, as well as exactly how much of your total web traffic they’re bringing.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+An additional incredible tool located within Domain Summary is the Key phrase Void device. -The Keyword phrase Space device actually assists you see just how your web site compares to others in your space that are targeting some of the same search phrases as you. You can go into approximately five websites each time, but I recommend it’s best to begin with head-to-heads of your internet site vs a leading rival.
+You’ll get to see your position for the keyword vs their position. You’ll also get info like quantity, difficulty to place for, CPC, and Adwords competitors. Another means to utilize the device is to alter the Venn Layout between the websites so you can check out keyword phrases your competitor has that you do not rate for in any way.
+Or search for search phrases they have that you don’t and also scuff for brand-new content ideas. If you’re needing to know just how well your internet site and also website duplicate is carrying out, SEMrush has an entire suite of devices for these type of metrics. As if having the ability to have a look at every one of your search phrases, your competitors’ search phrases, as well as the amount of website traffic you’re bringing in isn’t sufficient, you can likewise run a website audit in SEMrush to see if there’s any type of issues accompanying your website that might prevent it’s efficiency.
Yet that does not suggest there isn’t space for improvement. We have actually accessed least 6 errors, 388 cautions, as well as 1,245 notices we can examine to improve efficiency. Back links are still one of the most important signals to internet search engine to help them identify the high quality of pages. While the copy itself is still the most crucial metric, online search engine aim to see just how other individuals as well as websites really feel regarding the high quality of the material.
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+Seo Software Semrush Unboxing And Review
+NLP Pedagogy Interview: Jason Eisner (Johns Hopkins University)
+The following is interview is from a series featuring faculty involved in natural language processing education. Johns Hopkins University Professor of Computer Science Jason Eisner chatted with us about courses he’s taught, which include Natural Language Processing (601.465/665) and Machine Learning: Linguistic and Sequence Modeling (601.765). Jason was previously interviewed by JHU’s Center for Educational Resources in February 2012 about teaching, and he’s also posted his “Statement of Teaching Accomplishments and Goals” on his webpage. He won JHU’s Robert B. Pond, Sr. Excellence in Teaching Award in 2005 and Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award in 2013. Jason’s research aims to formalize and model linguistic structure, and his work uses statistics and computer science to address areas including phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics.
+Q: How many times have you taught your NLP class at this point?
+Almost every fall, I guess 17 times. Even when I was on sabbatical, I moved it to the following spring.
+Q: On your teaching statement you say that you add and drop certain topics every year. How do you decide what changes over the past 17 years?
+Actually, a fair number of things have stayed on. Some things have just evolved. For example, take modeling grammatically, which is lecture two on the syllabus. Originally I did that as a blackboard lecture, and then eventually decided it would go faster if I had slides. Also, originally I didn’t teach log linear modeling, but now I have a whole online exercise for it, including an interactive visualization.
+Q: At what tipping point do you decide to add new information to your class?
+When it no longer feels valuable to have an NLP class without it. At the moment, I still don’t have much by way of deep learning, which is sort of increasingly not viable, but I do have a second course now.
+Q: Why does your new course focus on sequence labeling?
+So, I’m working on course notes for that class at the moment. I kind of improvised the class. For every lecture, I figured out before the lecture what I was going to talk about, but I didn’t have slides for the most part. I used an electronic whiteboard. I recorded those lectures and I screen capture of the whiteboard, and that’s enabling me to turn it into notes. Next year, there’ll probably be slides as well as stuff to read.
+So, why sequence labeling? It turns out that if you think about a state machine, it’s a good unifying formalism for quite a lot of algorithmic stuff in NLP, such as dynamic programming, reinforcement learning, and RNNs. The question is, what is your state space, is it finite or infinite, is it like a trie where it just keeps branching, or is there re-entrancy where things come back together, in which case you get some advantage from dynamic programming. What I wanted was to show that lots of methods could be tied together with a common notation as being ways of mixing and matching various tricks. Again, the field can seem very big to somebody on the outside, but to somebody’s been doing this stuff for a while, it feels like there’s a few ideas that keep coming back.
+I was thinking some years ago, like 10 years ago, of writing a quirky textbook called “Thirteen Ways of Looking at an HMM,” which is in allusion to the Wallace Stevens poem, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.” The idea is that you could take an HMM as a jumping off point for graphical models, as a jumping off point for grammars by way of regular expressions, or as jumping off point for canonical dynamic programming. So, every chapter would be like, “Okay let’s start with this new thing you could do with HMMs. Oh and by the way, you know, this opens up this other piece of intellectual territory.”
+Q: It seems like a lot of your class focuses on computer science and algorithmic ideas. What role does linguistics play in the classroom?
+So the way that I describe things in the first lecture is that there’s this triangle whose corners are linguistics, statistics, and algorithms. I’m trying to give them a sense of how those things were connected, so sometimes we’ll take a more linguistic perspective. In fact, my first assignment is grammar writing. Did you find the competitive grammar writing paper?
+David: Actually I ran it in my classes this semester.
+Jason: I’ll be running it Monday afternoon at the JSALT summer school.
+David: Students were scratching their heads at first and then their insides kick in as they realize what kind of structure there is. The non-native speakers seem to do a little better with it at first.
+Jason: That’s very interesting. Why do you think that is?
+David: I think the native speakers had a more implicit notion of the grammar, but the non-native speakers are able to externalize the structures they learned in courses
+Well yeah, they probably have had some kind of formal grammar that the native speakers might not have had when they were learning English, such as direct objects. I did find that the non-native speakers and maybe some of the native speakers were sort of uncertain about whether they were getting the correct terminology, and I have to tell them, “You can make up your own terminology.”
+David: It was it was good to have like a mixture of both in each group. There was a lot of insight from that.
+Jason: My second class is more of a machine learning class, and the kinds of things that I want them to understand are things such as the relation between generative and conditional models and different methods for inference. Language is the source of many of the examples, but that class is less linguistics and more machine learning, more designing deep learning systems and so forth.
+Q: We were looking at the assignments for your NLP course, which were amazing. What’s the ratio that you aim to have for programming versus math?
+The homeworks are not very explicit about that. You may have noticed that I refactored them to be a homework followed by a reading handout. Some students in the class have suggested I should go even farther, and make it into a one-page homework where they just get something working, and then the rest is hints. Students do find the homeworks to be excessively long and detailed. If we move more to a leaderboard-based activity, then as long as the program runs and can be auto graded, then the students wouldn’t have to do it my way if they didn’t want to. On the other hand, I kind of want them to learn particular things and not just get something running using their own special sauce. The nice thing about the leaderboard is that students have freedom and they can go look stuff up, and I do something like this on homework four where they write a probabilistic parser. I’m like, okay, you have to get it running and it also has to run moderately fast, and here are a bunch of things that you could put in it and you can pick. Maybe we should do more of that. I could have open-ended assignments for things like language modeling and say, okay, here are ten things you could try, and many students would probably at least read these suggestions. However, there is a question about whether it would be fair for me to then to examine them on like, trick number eight which nobody tried.
+David: I tried doing this for a simple word2vec model in my class and put a bunch of optional things that students could try out. Students ended up converging to what’s the easiest thing or what has the cleanest instructions.
+Jason: Well, it is possible of course to grade people differently depending on how well they do so they get some benefit from trying something new. You can even credit them for diversity, whether it works or not. Students could get extra points if fewer people are doing that particular suggestion. I was working with Gradescope last year on adding leaderboard functionality, and I wanted an information board rather than a leaderboard so it’s less competitive.
+David: We ended up using Kaggle in the class for the fall for doing this but I didn’t want to remove the competitive aspect for students who enjoy that.
+Jason: The way we were doing it was you could submit your program as often as you like and you have major and minor version numbers. The leaderboard show the last minor version of each major version number, if I remember right. If you’re trying different things then all of those versions show up and everybody can see what the speeds and accuracies are and you can put notes saying what you did. Some are just bug fixes, but if you’re trying genuinely different things such as converting it to Cython which speeds it up 10 times, everybody can see what worked. It’s not necessarily that you want to be at the top of the leaderboard; it’s that everybody can see how well your thing is doing given the choices that you made. Of course, some people are competitive and there’s some pride.
+Q: How much bias from your own research comes into what you choose to teach?
+In general the class is probabilistic modeling. Going back to the triangle I mentioned earlier, I want students to understand what the linguistic phenomena are so that they could write down probability models, which capture those linguistic insights, and they can design algorithms for doing inference and learning under those probability models. If it turns out that there’s no efficient way to do that, then they have two choices. You could either make inference approximate if you can’t get exact inference, or simplify your model so you can still do exact inference. I talked about this some in the NLP class, although there’s not a lot of approximate inference on these assignments. There is some in the follow up course.
+I try to give students the idea that I’m trying to turn linguistics into a probability distribution, which also motivates my research. What I want is a grand probability distribution that ties all of linguistics together and allows us to replicate the kind of reasoning that linguists do, or that humans do when they are subconsciously doing linguistics. That means understanding the phenomenon of language, understanding how to do mathematical modeling, and being able to do algorithms.
+Q: If you had one more week is there a particular topic you would want to cover? Does the second, new course cover topics that spill over from the first course?
+The new course is covering a bunch of stuff that historically I’ve had to teach students one-by-one on my whiteboard when they need to know it. For the first course, there probably should be some more neural stuff in it, though I don’t know what I’d remove. The other thing I’d add is approximation algorithms — the furthest that we get toward that is pruning — and things like iterative deepening, which are similar, and it’s where you have something like A*, but your heuristic is not admissible. In the second course I do things like mean field methods, and I’ll probably phase in belief propagation as well. Matt Gormley and I taught our tutorial on that at ACL a couple of times so we’ve got all the materials.
+Q: You start your first class talking about n-grams and language models, which is a common way for NLP classes to begin. Why?
+The first class is just about ambiguity, like, “Wow, there’s more going on under the surface in language than I would have realized because I just speak it without thinking twice.” My class is actually a little unconventional in this regard. My class starts out with ambiguity, and then says go home and write a grammar. The way I think about the class is that we’re starting with a tree structure. I think n-grams are kind of boring. I want people to be thinking about language in a way which accords more with how linguists think about it. When they think about the structure of sentences, they should be thinking about more than n-grams, and n-grams are a cheap trick.
+Q: How do the students respond to having to write a grammar on the first day?
+Well they get a couple of weeks to do it. They enjoy it and they learn a lot. As a programming assignment, it’s easy since they just have to sample from the grammar. For homework one on designing CFGs, at some point I post on Piazza something about alias sampling, which is a beautiful algorithm.
+I have a ton of Piazza posts in this course. I reuse Piazza posts from year to year so they’re a back channel for teaching. Another back channel are office hours, that are right after class. Students who want to stay can do so, and often it just kind of continues as an impromptu lecture. People have questions and I’ll go off on into more detail in ways that connect much more closely to modern research or my own research, and so I’m filling in a lot of stuff like, “Okay, here’s the real scoop is what happens,” in office hours, as well as answering questions which are not curiosity questions.
+Q: One comment from your students is that your assignments are often real-world problems rather than toy problems. Could you give an example of a particularly challenging assignment to design that you think students learned a lot from?
+I don’t know whether I agree that they are real-world problems, but I think what they mean is that there’s a lot of moving parts to the assignment. A real-world problem would be to take something that hasn’t been done before, such as, look at all tweets about my restaurant chain and figure out which branches need management attention or something. That’s real world in the sense that there’s a downstream customer. There’s a lot of papers that you see at ACL, NAACL, and EMNLP that are real-world problems. I have thought sometimes it would be good to devote some sessions near the end of the course when I start getting into applied things, where I’d say, “Okay, here’s an applied problem, and let’s brainstorm good ways to solve it.”
+Q: Do you think your classes is orienting students more towards fundamentals or software engineering?
+It’s definitely more fundamental. Something we verge onto in the first course and we hit pretty much at the beginning of the second course is the CRF-CFG (Conditional Random Field Context Free Grammar). This is a probabilistic model, you can do dynamic programming on it, and the dynamic programming is interesting because it’s not just like Viterbi. Training involves marginalization, it’s an example of a log linear model with complicated features, and you can also do arbitrary feature design. You can apply an LSTM to a CRF-CFG, and then there’s neural nets helping you extract features, which is pretty much state-of-the-art at this point. CRF-CFGs bring together almost all of the key ideas in NLP: there’s grammars and annotation, there’s dynamic programming, there’s feature design, there’s neural nets. You can’t do unsupervised learning on it because it’s a CRF, but if you had incomplete or unlabeled trees, then you could do unsupervised learning.
+Q: NLP is a rapidly changing field. How you manage to prepare students for the present but also to become leaders in the field for the future?
+I’m trying to do that by focusing on fundamentals rather than tasks. I’m not sure that this is the right approach because it’s possible that by working on tasks, you learn something about design, but what I’m trying to do is give people the design elements. I’m figuring that if they can read other people’s papers, then they can understand how to put those elements together, but if they don’t have the fundamentals they won’t be able to read people’s papers. I do have some focus on things like evaluation, which is something that you need to understand to read people’s papers, such as what does this measure, what is a train, dev, test split, what are hyperparameters, and what does it mean to tune the smoothing method. Understanding what smoothing is for, what dynamic programming is for, and what evaluation is for is maybe more important than a particular way of doing it. I haven’t spent too much time looking at other people’s courses, but I do have some sense that a lot of courses are like, “Okay, today we’re going to build one of these, then next week we’re going to build one of those,” and in general the field seems very task-oriented to me these days. I think it’s not necessarily healthy because it’s not emphasizing the common thinking underlying all of those tasks. Things are coming back together now to some extent because of neural nets being a universal solvent. I think it’s easier now for people to move from one task to another.
+Q: What sort of advice you would give someone structuring their own NLP course for the first time?
+I start with the notion of grammars with the grammar writing assignment, with the idea being that there is structure to language and its structure that is to some extent accessible to either introspection or exploratory data analysis. So, it’s something that you might be able to get on a rational basis, and there’s this whole field of linguistics that’s trying to define that structure. That structure might be useful across many tasks, such as compositional semantics, machine translation, and so on. I like to get this intuition out there at the beginning. The only reason that we then go back to n-grams (and I keep apologizing for doing n-grams) is to say this is the simplest thing that we could do, these are the probability axioms, and P is a function. Technically speaking it’s a conditional measure, but P is a function, and you can write down any function as long as it satisfies these axioms. I emphasize that this function is supposed to be capturing your understanding of the domain, or the objects in the outcome space. What are the possible outcomes including all the latent variables? What conditional independence assumptions are you making? You get to design that pretty much freely. In fact, there’s a general way of doing it, namely a Gibbs distribution or Boltzmann distribution where you just take any scoring, any function for scoring outcomes, exponentiate and renormalize and look, there’s your probability distribution. So, you’re in the driver’s seat.
+I want people to understand that their job is to do mathematical modeling of something that really has regularity and patterns. I want them to understand that first, and I want them to understand probability as a tool for automating reasoning. I channeled E.T. Jaynes at them, and he’s a great proponent of Bayesian statistics. His magnum opus is called Probability Theory: the Logic of Science, and it was published posthumously in 2003. When it came out, I was looking through it and I was like, “Oh yeah, this is the book I need to recommend to everybody because this is how I think too.” I have a question on an assignment that gives an example of some logical reasoning and asks the student to then turn it into probabilistic reasoning, which is just a generalization of logical reasoning. Basically, change this argument, which I think is completely correct, is any defensible reasoning mechanism is essentially probabilistic reasoning and that includes things like abduction as well as deduction. Even when I’m teaching them n-grams I show them multiple ways of building the model. One could have latent parts of speech and dependence on position in the sentence, and the other could have words as units, and another could be a trigram character model. It’s showing them that there’s different ways of thinking about this stuff, and these models have different independence assumptions and different pros and cons. What I’m trying to teach them is you should think twice about how you’re modeling. There’s a lot of stuff going on, and you’re going to decide what you capture.
+When I do unsupervised learning, I initially teach forward-backward. I show students a forward-backward spreadsheet in “the ice-cream lesson,” that depending on how you start, the model hits different local optima. Each optimum of a particular model can reveal something useful and shows the tradeoff between the number of states and the need for more data to fit the parameters. This kind of qualitative thinking is something that I really want to put across. Thinking about how decisions you make when you’re modeling are going to affect your bias or variance in your runtime. There’s a lot of questions on my past exams which are essentially qualitative thinking, such as designing a solution for some new problem or figuring out how to fix somebody’s a broken solution.
+David: I’m trying to do this on my exams too. They’re fun to write but they can be challenging for students.
+Jason: It is challenging. The means on my exams, which may also reflect how we grade, are generally around 60%, with people ranging from about 30 to 85. Some of that is just as we develop the rubric, we try to get a reasonable spread, and so the median is around half the points. People are clearly finding these qualitative questions hard, but they also learn something from the exam, and I use past exam questions as practice problems. Every week we have a discussion session, and what we’re doing there is breaking into little groups, solving past exam problems, and then discussing them.
+Q: Thanks for talking with us today. Any last thoughts on teaching NLP?
+We have another course in the department called Deep Learning. We have several deep learning courses and NLP isn’t even one of them, although for a while NLP was the only machine learning course in the in the department. This kind of shaped the construction of the class; I was teaching probability axioms and bias-variance tradeoff and things like that because nobody else was. We got a machine learning course starting in 2009 or something, and now we have five or six courses with machine learning in the title as well as a lot of course in the applied math and stats department that people take. Now there are a lot of undergrads as well as grad students who are loading up on machine learning. I also wanted to teach linguistics from the beginning. I think one reason frankly that I’ve won teaching awards is that I’m awakening computer scientists to a whole new area that they find to be intellectually fascinating and never realized could be treated with the tools of computer science and mathematics. It’s just opening new doors to them, whereas if my class were just a straight deep learning engineering class, they would feel like they could cast some new spells, but not like they’ve been surprised and delighted in the same way.
+whirlpool washing machine door
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+Compare washing machines from Whirlpool brand to take the chore out of doing laundry Our washers help you care for your family’s clothes in less time with less worry. Manufacturer's Part Number: W11307244 Cross Reference Information: Part Number W11307244 replaces W10682535, W10838613, W10838613VP, W11253733. $16.90 shipping. We have an extensive range of genuine Whirlpool Washing Machine spare parts. 74. OEM Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Frame Parts #: 8182628. How to Replace Whirlpool washing Machine Door Seal. © Copyright 2020 Product Help | Whirlpool. Repair your Whirlpool Washing Machine Door for less. Our chat service hours are Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST. Your Duet washer normally locks its door when there is water in the drum or the laundry is spinning. $40.00. Washing Machine Porthole Door Glass 4.7. The drum will not spin. ft. White Top Load Washing Machine with Built-in Water Faucet and Stain Brush $ 718 00 Only 1 left! Soak, scrub, and wash all in one spot with a built-in faucet and pretreat brush in this Whirlpool® top-load washing machine. Whirlpool 4.5-cu ft Closet-Depth High-Efficiency Front Load Washer with Load and Go Dispenser - White. $19.89 $ 19. Free shipping. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair … All rights reserved. £43.07. The washer will go into a hold and drain routine for 8 minutes. You can find that on the rating plate inside the door. $25.94 $ 25 . 609 W Mockingbird Ln Dallas, TX 75247 Phone: (833) 679-0174 Email: dallas@deydistributing.com Store Hours: M-F 8:00 to 5:00 The door... - Whirlpool Washing Machine Humanity. Only 4 left in stock - order soon. During this period you will be able to hear the pump running. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. If the door lock is defective, the washer door will not latch properly. Add this efficient integrated washing machine from Whirlpool to your home. $33.80. When your appliance does too, use replacement parts designed specifically for your needs. Give your clothes a deep yet gentle clean with two-way wash action in this 4.7 cu. $122.74 $ 122. The door lock solenoid locks the washer door. Free shipping. ... image caption Plumber Colin O'Neill has seen door lock 'failings' in certain Whirlpool washing machines 'for quite some time now' It contains three shelves for ample storage of detergents, softeners, stain-treaters, and other items. $32.00. Registration, Service & Genuine spare part for select Bauknecht, Ignis and Whirlpool washing machines More information. It washes clothes in multiple inside-out circles leading to far more effective results. $44.99. Genuine product manufactured by Whirlpool. Buy Now. Unscrewed door screws from washer lifted the door up a little removed door. FREE Shipping. are Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday Once the washer door is closed, the washer can begin operating. FAST 'N FREE. Do you need help replacing the Door Latch (Part # W11307244) in your Washer? Package includes three tablets. Our chat service hours Switch failure is one of the typical problems when the whirlpool washer door … Common issues that cause whirlpool washer door locked light flashing. 01 - Door Lock Motor and Switch Assembly. Cause 1 Door Lock Motor and Switch Assembly The door lock secures the washer door shut during operation. Yes, I'd like to receive occasional special offers, promotions, or other e-mail marketing communications from Whirlpool brand and its affiliated brands. 354849 Handle Lid Whirlpool Washer. Problem is the lid switch; Check actuator motor; Issue in drain pump; Need to check the hose; Malfunctioning Door Switch Problem in the lid switch. Whirlpool ® laundry machines are made to keep up. 1. FREE Shipping. Genuine product manufactured by Whirlpool. This video provides step-by-step repair instructions for replacing the door latch on a Whirlpool front-load washer. Set out towels under the machine if it’s mid-cycle. This will soak up any water that spills over when you open the door. If the appliance determines a problem with the system or a mechanical failure occurs, the door will not unlock automatically. Free shipping. £7.01. Free shipping. 2 … On most Whirlpool models, the door must be closed and locked before any wash cycle will begin. These switches are generally located on the washer’s door frame. FAST 'N FREE. For Whirlpool AWM337/3 857033715000 Washing Machine Door Seal. Notice, Whirlpool Front Load washer door locked at install, Product If you have a washer that needs to be repaired or serviced in the Garland Area contact us, and let us know what you need. Free shipping. Manufacturer, Model Number, Description: Maytag MVWC565FW0 Washer Whirlpool MVWC565FW0 Residential Washer Kenmore 11020222510 Washer Kenmore 11020222511 Residential Main Street, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. Washing Machine Outer Door Frame 4.5. You can manually unlock the door. My washer was stuck in the locked position and this is how I fixed it. Shop the Collection. But that’s not to say the brand’s list of mid-range priced options doesn’t impress, especially with the modest water and energy efficiency ratings. First, it should be covered under warranty! by Paul Charmbury / Tuesday, 14 April 2015 / Published in Door Seals & Gaskets, Repair Guides, Washing machines. $23.00. When your appliance does too, use replacement parts designed specifically for your needs. Should Flood Safe Devices be Used on a Washer? After plugging the washer in one of the following 3 events will happen: If the door of the washing machine does not unlock after any of the above 3 events, contact customer service to schedule a service call by an authorized service technician. The front load washer features a door switch that is actually a safety feature. Door Lock: F18: Communications error: F20: Control unit failure: F21: Control unit failure: F22: Control unit failure: FDL: Door lock error: FDU: Door unlock error: Sud: SUDS LOCK (Overdose of Detergent detected during the Wash Cycle) F0E1 (rl) Load detected during the washer cleaning cycle (rl = remove load). Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. differ from actual selling prices in your area. MSRP is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, which may Le migliori offerte per Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Seal C00312129 sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Overloading the washer is the most common cause for a torn door seal. Find Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Replacement Parts at RepairClinic.com. 365 day right part guaranteed return policy. Dallas Appliance Parts. R&DOG Washing Machine Door Handle Front Load Washer- for Whirlpool Kenmore Duet 8181846. Discover best front load washing machine from Whirlpool India. Our factory certified parts provide you with a promise only Whirlpool brand can make—that through our safe and genuine quality replacement parts, we will care for your appliance like you care for your home every day. Step 3: Clean in and around door I was able to get the new door strike on but now I cant use the machine… Our factory certified parts provide you with a promise only Whirlpool brand can make—that through our safe and genuine quality replacement parts, we will care for your appliance like you care for your home every day. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. More Buying Choices $113.59 (3 new offers) Washer Door Hinge Compatible with Whirlpool WFW9550WR00, WFW9750WR00, WFW9200SQA10, WFW9400SZ02 Washer's. Advice: If your washing machines door will not close, please check for any obstructions in the door lock. Hello Martin, Thank you for contacting us. Whirlpool Washer door or lid won't lock. There's a problem loading this menu right now. 89. NEW 8182119 Washer Door Bellow Compatible for Whirlpool Kenmore Washer by SealPro , AH8970… Choose from stackable or combination washing machines perfect for small spaces, extra-capacity washers to handle large loads and front or top load washing machines to match the needs of your space. £15.99. 4.5 out of 5 stars (89) 89 product ratings - New SealPro Washer Door Bellow For Whirlpool 8182119 WP8182119 1 YEAR WARRANTY. Whirlpool Door Hinge For Washer. £12.45. This item W11307244 - for Whirlpool Washing Machine Lid Lock Assembly Ecumfy W10404050 Washer Latch Assembly Compatible with Whirlpool Kenmore Washer AP5263307, PS3497627, W10238287, W10744659 W10682535 / W11307244 for Whirlpool Washer Lid Lock Wait at least three minutes after the end of the cycle before attempting to unlock your Whirlpool … The door lock LED light will blink. If your washing machine has stopped working or you’re trying to open the door mid-cycle, set 4-5 dry towels down under the washing machine’s door. Disconnect the power to the washer and mark where the wires connect on the water level switch. Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Interlock C00311146. I got the replacement … When the element is bent, it cannot get into the lock slot. Laundry, Whirlpool Sometimes life requires a little maintenance. (26) 26 product ratings - Genuine Whirlpool Maytag Washer Door Hinge 8181843 WP8181843. If your washer is experiencing a malfunction, the door may fail to unlock automatically. Go ahead and inspect the door striker to ensure it’s engaging properly with the lock assembly. New SealPro Washer Door Bellow For Whirlpool 8182119 WP8182119 1 YEAR WARRANTY. Whirlpool 4.7 cu. DC64-01524A # Washing Machine Door Handle Front Loader For Samsung. 5 left. Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Lock . Whirlpool and Frigidaire Washer Repair in Garland. The door switch tells the Duet control if the door is open. I have researched the model you have provided and have found the part you are looking for is PartSelect Number PS11742748. If your Whirlpool Duet front load washer has water leaking from the door it could possibly be that the seal/bellow may have a tear, split or crack in it. 94 10% coupon applied at checkout Save 10% with coupon The door lock switch tells the Duet control if the door is locked. Whirlpool front-loading washing machines have automatic door-locking systems that are programmed to open at the end of each wash cycle. In Stock . Read More. Choose from an extensive range of genuine Whirlpool Washing Machine parts, including accessories and everything needed to ensure your Whirlpool Washing Machine is kept in … Whirlpool’s washing machines might steer towards the higher end of the front loader price spectrum, so you might want to also consider other brands if you want a more affordable washer. Repair, Commercial New SealPro Washer Door Boot For Whirlpool Kenmore 8181850 8181662 AP6011740. Please be sure the drain hose is installed in a drain or there is a tub / bucket to catch any residual water. The door of the Whirlpool Duet washing machine will lock and unlock automatically based on a number of preset conditions. some time. Opening a Front-Loading Washer Hit Cancel to stop the load and unlock the door. By closing this message, you consent to our cookies on this Plug the appliance into a grounded 3 pronged outlet per the installation instructions. 8 left. You’re seeing this ad based on the product’s relevance to your search query. Issue: Washing Machines door cannot be opened or closed / when the door is closed the machine the programme will not start. The door of the Whirlpool Duet washing machine will lock and unlock automatically based on a number of preset conditions. Our innovative laundry features help you wash more in a single load. With an 8kg drum capacity, it has the space a medium-sized household needs to keep up with the weekly washing.There’s no rush to unload your laundry with FreshCare, however, as it steams your clothes with gentle tumbling to keep them at their freshest for up to 6 hours after a cycle. Compare; Find My Store. If your machine is in a closet or communal area of your house and you want to keep it cracked without the door wide open and in the way, handy products like the popular Laundry Lasso or this simple snap-on-brace can help to keep the door ajar when you’re aren’t using the washer.. You can manually unlock the door. The rubber door seal may be dirty and, if … Rolling Laundry Cart for Whirlpool WFW95HEXW1 Washing Machine. Get Whirlpool Washing Machine Parts. Washer Door Hinge for Whirlpool WFW9550WW00 Washing Machine. $99.45 $ 99. Duet Washing Machine Wiring Diagrams In Addition Whirlpool Duet. Cutting the Wires for the Lid Lock Switch Remove the lid lock switch assembly. Whirlpool Washing Machine Door If there s a fault with your Whirlpool Washing Machine, you're in the right place. Buy today - ships today. Thank you for your inquiry. 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If the fault still remains then we recommend you call our customer service centre to book an engineer on: 0344 822 4224 $100.89 18 In Stock-+ ... Affresh Washer Cleaner (4.2oz) for Whirlpool WFW9550WW00 Washing Machine. (63Ω DL3-1 to DL3-2 and 63Ω DL3-2 to DL3-3) 3. Original, high quality Whirlpool Washer Door, Door Glass & Parts and other parts in stock with fast shipping and award winning customer service. Cleaning your washing machine is an important way to help keep your family’s clothes smelling fresh and looking clean. Item #1216180. Model #WFW5620HW. For more information about our privacy practices and a list of our affiliated brands, please read our {1} . or Best Offer. ... Whirlpool 5.0-cu ft Smart Capable High-Efficiency Front Load Washer … fills, spins, drains) but there is a leak at the bottom of the door … This online merchant is located in the United States at 600 West Sometimes resetting your washer with the push of a few buttons does the trick. Choice Parts WP3355458 for Whirlpool Washing Machine Lid Switch. Caution: Residual water may be pumped from the drain hose. The water level is the most common problem for this symptom. Therefore, the hatch doesn’t close. Front Door Leak on Whirlpool Duet Sport WFW8300SW01: I bought a used Whirlpool Duet Sport on Craigslist. I have a whirlpool duet frontloading washing machine, and I need to replace the big rubber gasket type thing that seals the door to the machine. Washer Door Hinge for Whirlpool WFW9400SW02 Washing Machine. If the door lock is defective, the washer door will not latch properly. [CDATA[*/document.write(new Date().getFullYear())/*]]>*/ Whirlpool. Your Whirlpool Duet washing machine automatically locks the door as a precaution against opening the door during a wash cycle. Rolling laundry supply cart stores easily between your washer and dryer. The F/dL code indicates a door lock error on the machine. Step 2: Clean washing machine dispensers. The door should unlock after 60 seconds. Sometimes life requires a little maintenance. $22.50. Find 52 listings related to Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair in Dallas on YP.com. Fast, same day shipping. My washer was stuck in the locked position and this is how I fixed it. 4.7 out of 5 stars 10. I was replacing the door strike because it got broken off, and I opened the washing machine with 4 minutes left on a spin cycle. Watch. Buy online & get an improved washing machine performance. $50.00. Wiring Schematic for Whirlpool Washer Example Electrical Wiring. Timer Wiring Diagram Manual Fresh attractive Whirlpool Washing. Stock Number ES1081017. If you are trying within the service hours and are device in accordance with our, If you would like to download or view product literature for your appliance, please visit our. £52.99. ®/™ © /* Carlos Gracie > George Gracie
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+Favourite Technique/Position: Armlock
+Weight Division: Only fought absolute.
+Team/Association: Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
+George Gracie Biography
+George Gracie was born in 1911, being the second youngest of the famous Gracie brothers. George came from a wealthy and respected family in his native town of Belem do Pará, but as the Gracies fell into a financial crisis with his father, Gastao Senior, losing his business, the family moved to Rio de Janeiro to start a new life and George’s life of luxury ended.
+The Gracie’s were so poor at this point that they had to push the few influences they still had among the wealthy Brazilian families to survive. One of the measurements they took was to enroll Helio Gracie and George in a rowing club so they could be taken care of by the nautical association. George’s mother knew the president of the club (Clube Nautico do Botafogo) who agreed to receive the pair as part of the free boarding student scholarship the club had on offer, the younger brothers of the Gracie clan moved there where they were fed and bedded. George stayed the least amount of time at the club due to Carlos (the eldest brother). Carlos took him out of the club to have him instructed in the art of Jiu-Jitsu, the reason being, Carlos was opening his own Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy (the very first ever) and wanted his brothers to help in this new project of his. The first brothers taken to the Gracie Academy were George, Gastao, and Oswaldo, Helio only joined them at a later stage.
+George and Oswaldo (who was 7 years older than George) soon became assistant coaches, but George proved to be a sponge when absorbing the grappling knowledge Carlos was handing out, becoming the “star pupil” at the gym. George and Carlos didn’t always get along, the older brother always enjoyed many different aspects of life from his spiritual beliefs to his obsession with dieting, the dieting aspect (today known as the Gracie Diet) often caused some turbulence as George did not believe in his brother’s concepts and always chose to eat what he pleased, not convinced of the benefits dieting could bring to his training. Carlos was very interested in boxing and together with George they started training in the western fighting style, the pair even competed in the late 1920s winning an amateur tournament.
+As Carlos tried to show how effective his Jiu-Jitsu program was, several challenges were issued to the local martial artists. The “Capoeiristas” (Capoeira practitioners) were the first to accept. The very first organized event was named: Desafio Capoeira vs Jiu-Jitsu. George was matched with a stereotypical Rio de Janeiro Gangster and capoeira fighter. The fight was under what it is called today “Amateur MMA rules”, meaning, strikes were allowed on the feet, but not on the ground, so when the Capoeira fighter who went by the name of “Coronel” hit George’s face repeatedly on the ground, the fight was stopped and the victory awarded to George.
+The next No Holds Barred event participated by the Gracie family caused controversy among the fighting community, George was put up against another Capoeira fighter who’s name was Jayme Martins Ferreira, George beat with an armlock, but it was Oswaldo Gracie’s fight that caused turmoil. Oswaldo was set to fight a very large greco-roman wrestler who was named Joao Baldi. Baldi weighed 135kg (297lbs) and was a mountain of a man. Everyone was waiting to see the Gracie be squashed by the big man, but instead, Oswaldo disposed of Baldi in 58 seconds with a guillotine choke. No one in the stands had ever witnessed such a one-sided fight with a size differencehead same time. He drew against a Japanese Jiu-Jitsu fighter named Geo Omori but a succession of wins after the draw made his reputation reach an all-time high. That status was certainly cemented after the fight against Tico Soledade. Tico was somewhat of a celebrity in Rio de Janeiro, a powerlifter and arm wrestling champion with a luta livre background who loved a brawl. At the time of the fight Tico weighed in at 80kg (176lbs) against the 63kg (138lbs) noticeable.
+George was a wild man, always taking pleasure in the nightlife too much, but that didn’t seem to damage his unbeaten run as he continued winning fights. When he was called to fight Geo Omori once again, getting back into training mode, restarting his training with his brothers. George beat Geo Omori when after 10 rounds, the Japanese fighter refused to come back the ring. George’s playboy lifestyle continued after the fight with Omori and when he fought another Japanese fighter named Shigeo, he was almost caught. George was taken down and mounted but came back on the second round to finish Shigeo with a choke. This was the first warning that his lifestyle was catching up with his fighting career but George didn’t show signs of slowing down and continued fighting, competing in almost every event he could find, from luta livre to Jiu-Jitsu, Catch Wrestling and Vale Tudo.
+In 1934 George spent a week in Jail together with his brothers Helio and Carlos. The 3 Gracies had been accused of beating up a former challenger, Manuel Rufino, who had placed charges against the Gracie trio. The court set them free after the prosecution failed to present any sort of evidence. George started spending more time with the Luta Livre fighters (a form of No-Gi Grappling very common in Brazil) and roaming further away from Carlos’s way of life. When George accepted another fight in luta livre rules, Carlos was very upset (as he believed George should stop fighting other styles and concentrate on BJJ),. The rough patch was followed by the quiet year of 1935 were he fought lesser fights until in 1936 George rejoined the Gracie Academy and showed his true colors once again, replacing his brother Helio Gracie on short notice, he fought 3 opponents in one night winning against all of them. He went on to fight another made name in the wrestler and powerlifting ways once again.
+George went on to fight all over the country, moving to where the fights were at, again fighting every style out there. He came back to Rio de Janeiro months later to compete against a new Japanese fighter who had become a big name in the fight circuit, his name was Yassuiti Ono. George fought under Jiu-Jitsu rules and lost again due to a stranglehold. true Gracie representative in the country. George fought for many years until he met the love of his life and moved to Sao Paulo to live the life of a businessman. However George never stopped being the wild man he was, always spending more money then he had, leaving him and his wife in dire straits on many occasions.
+George’s bond to Carlos was never the same although they re-established contact with each other in the early 1950 a lot less then Helio was also part of the argument). In the end, George stood his ground but hindered his relationship with his younger brother.
+All the information shared in this article was taken from the book: Carlos Gracie: The Creator of a Fighting Dynasty by Reila Gracie.
+Love it. I wish someone would write a book of the BJJ stories. I would love to know the background stories in details and the dark paths.
+Love the article.
+3 volume set by Roberto Pedreira first one is titled Choque I beleive first published Aug. 3rd 2015.
+Buy the book "Carlos – o criador de uma dinastia" it tell all about the amazing cradle of Jiu Jitsu and the Gracie Family !
+I did not know Carlos and George Gracie competed in boxing. Where did you find this source from? I find this interesting.
+Hi Mike, this is in the book, "Carlos – o criador de uma dinastia". It is a must read about the Gracies. Hope it is translated one of these days.
+It was translated, Carlos Graça – The Creator of a Dynasty by Reila Gracie (2008). It's sold out and I can't seem to find it. Anyone?
+great article, I didn't know about George until now…it's amazing how marketing works, he went down into obscurity being the best fighter of the Gracie brothers … GO George!
+Can someone answer why BJJ always stop short and trace their roots back to Maeda, instead of Jigoro Kano?
+For those who don't know Maeda was one of Kano's student sent overseas to teach Judo (at the time people called it Kano Jujitsu), but the truth is that Maeda never practice Jujitsu, he did Sumo then started training under Jigoro Kano, before going over seas
+Hey Guys! Why is there no Mention of George's fight against Euclydes "Tatu" Hatem, the founder of Luta LIvre?
+2 boooks geo omori e jiujitsu o livro proibido this 2 books have greats e real histories about gracies e jiujitsu
+Fiquei muito feliz e surpreso ao ver que meu querido e saudoso pai tem uma comunidade, gostaria de agradecer muito quem a fez, que com certeza sabe muito sobre meu pai e sua história e tambem admira-o muito como nós.
+Muito obrigado em nome de nossa familia.
+George Gracie Filho
+If you read the heavily-researched “Choque” by Roberto Pedreira, it actual raises the question of how much time Maeda and Carlos spent together, and indicates that Carlos likely learned from another fellow that (Dos Reis?) who was certified by Maeda to teach. It also calls into question Carlos’ competition record – though George, whom I had never heard of before reading this book, seems to have competed a ton! I have the Carlos book, look forward to reading it next. Highly recommend Choque.
+Have read both, great sources for sure. Choque is a bit anti Gracie, while Carlos' is pro, hard to decide which has the absolute truth.
+I’ve heard short stories, but no body I talked to a read went so indepth, and im sure there’s more….. The History and the Lineage gets more and more interesting as time continues.
+It does baffle me that another obvious contributer to the Art and Time line gets rarely mentioned or acknowledged.
+The full spectrum of this story when put together is amazing and as complex as A Greek Tragedy…
+I've heard stories from people who studied BJJ under Masters who were around at that time – one thing I remembered hearing them say was that their Masters spoke very highly of George's skills & abilities (almost the same way we talk about Rickson or Rolls today)
+Sebastian If Maeda was taught by kano judo then he did learn jiu jitsu as thats where judo derived from. Kano was like the Gracies where in brazil. He formed his own version of jiu jitsu and named it Judo and the Gracies called it as you know Gracie jiu jitsu!
+On Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1970, an El Al flight took off from Israel, headed for London. The plane was carrying 52 passengers and 11 crew members. Passengers included actress Hannah Meron and actor Assi Dayan, the son of then-Defense Minister Moshe Dayan. Meron and Dayan were going to audition for “Fiddler on the Roof.”
+At 12:30 the plane stopped in Munich for a connection, and 34 passengers got off. After a short wait in the terminal, the rest of the passengers got on a bus that would take them back to the aircraft. All of a sudden three Arab terrorists boarded the bus, armed with grenades and guns. They tried to hijack the vehicle. Captain Uri Cohen took down one of them, and the grenade the terrorist was holding exploded and blew off his hand. The German bus driver ignored the shouts not to allow the terrorist to board the bus. He opened the doors, and some of the passengers managed to get off, but then one of the terrorists threw a grenade inside the bus. Arie Katzenstein, 32, threw himself on the grenade – saving everyone else, but losing his own life. A total of 11 passengers were wounded, including Meron, who lost her left leg.
+The three terrorists – two Jordanians and an Egyptian, all members of Dr. Issam Sartawi’s Action Organization for the Liberation of Palestine – were captured by West Germany’s security forces. They said they had planned to hijack the aircraft to Libya and demand that Israel release dozens of security prisoners in exchange for the hostages. The terrorists’ trial was repeatedly postponed, supposedly for bureaucratic reasons, but really because Germany was in no rush to hold a trial that posed a security risk. All three were released in September 1970 as part of a deal between West Germany and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that followed the hijacking of three passenger aircraft. Their release paved the way for the slaughter of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
+A new study about the West German foreign ministry’s attitude toward Israel from 1967-1979 exposes how West Germany buckled to Palestinian terrorism and the key role West German diplomacy played in the country adopting a kid-gloves policy toward the Palestinians.
+Author of the study Dr. Remko Leemhuis, acting director of the Ramer Institute for German-Jewish Relations at the American Jewish Committee in Berlin, says that “the Palestinians learned very quickly that in Germany, like other countries, terrorism paid off, and when they extorted the West German government, it would give in.”
+“That conclusion clearly comes from conversations that representatives of the federal foreign ministry held with representatives of the Palestinians. Despite the Palestinians’ friendly conduct, they made it clear that if the people they were talking to didn’t do what the PLO wanted, the Palestinians couldn’t promise that there wouldn’t be more terrorist attacks on German soil. The German side was afraid of that.
+“What is horrifying to me is that the German Foreign Ministry never held any discussion about finding a firm response to the Palestinian extortion. No one said, ‘We won’t let terrorists or Palestinians extort us.’ They threw up their hands and freed terrorists.
+Leemhuis says Germany could have responded differently.
+“I found a document from the American State Department that stated explicitly that the US could talk to the PLO, but for that to happen, it had to meet certain conditions, such as recognizing Israel’s right to exist,” he says.
+When West Germany and Israel launched diplomatic relations in May 1965, most Arab countries severed ties with Bonn and approached East Germany, instead.
+Leemhuis says that establishing relations with Israel was a “disaster” for West German foreign policy.
+“Official talk about balanced relations with Israel and Arab states was a trick intended to hide the [German] foreign ministry’s true position, which was biased in favor of the Arabs,” he says.
+“The Arabs controlled the most important resource for the world economy, oil, whereas the small Jewish state didn’t have much to offer. What’s more, Israel was a liberal democracy, and all the Arab states were dictatorships who were making daily threats to wipe it out. So even then, it wasn’t really possible to treat the two sides equally.”
+Arab terrorism against Israel, via Palestinian organizations, increased after the Arab countries that fought Israel were trounced in the 1967 Six-Day War. The terrorist groups focused on attacks outside Israel’s borders, hoping to shake up its international position. The first such attack on West German soil was perpetrated in September 1969, when terrorists threw a grenade at the Israeli Embassy in Bonn. Luckily, no one was wounded.
+Five months later, the El Al plane was attacked in Munich, heralding the start of Palestinian air terrorism in Europe. Only 11 days after the attempted hijacking in Munich, a bomb exploded in the cargo hold of an Austrian airplane that took off from Frankfurt and was headed to Tel Aviv, with a stopover in Vienna. The pilots managed to land in Frankfurt and avoid a major disaster. Terrorists also sent a bomb through the German postal system that was supposed to be sent on an El Al flight. But the package was placed on a Swissair plane and detonated in Swiss airspace, killing 74 passengers and crew.
+Three days later, Germany’s ambassador to Jordan reported that one of his aides had met with Issam Sartawi. The ambassador wrote that he had approved the meeting so that Germany could “better assess the danger that Sartawi’s organization posed to German citizens in Jordan.”
+Sartawi expressed regret at how the attempted hijacking in Munich had played out, but said that his organization had chosen West Germany because it was very “pro-Israeli” and stressed that the attack had been designed to force the West German public to re-think the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that he could not guarantee that his group would not decide to buck his instructions and carry out more attacks there.
+The embassy aide promised to take steps to ensure that the German media did not report attacks by Sartawi’s organization “inappropriately” and did not spread suspicion of Arabs and Palestinians.
+German diplomacy waved a white flag. Sartawi ended the meeting with a tempting offer, expressing his willingness to avoid more attacks on German soil and against German institutions if the three members of his group who were arrested in Munich were released.
+A short while later, Israel’s foreign minister, Abba Eban, paid his first official visit to West Germany. He urged his hosts to hold Arab governments accountable for their support for the PLO and its terrorist activity. A few days passed, and Germany’s ambassador to Jordan met with King Hussein. According to a report he sent to the German Foreign Ministry, he did not devote a single word of the meeting to the fact that Jordan was hosting the terrorist organization that had attacked the El Al plane in Munich.
+In July 1970, that same ambassador met with a senior official in the Fatah organization. Leemhuis is almost certain that the Fatah official was Ali Hassan Salameh, who would eventually become a leader of the Black September group, which murdered the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
+The ambassador reported that he had told Salameh that Germany had stopped all weapons shipments to Israel and that the Germany government, particularly then-Chancellor Willy Brandt, were consistently working toward a neutral German position in the Middle East and that the government wanted to show the Palestinians that it desired good relations with them.
+Palestinian terrorist attacks were not limited to Germany. In July 1970, terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked an Olympic Airlines plane, demanding the release of seven terrorist imprisoned in Greece. Athens gave in. That September, the PFLP hijacked three more planes – TWA, Swissair, and Pan Am flights – to secure the release of terrorists. Two of the three hijacked planes were forced to land in Amman, as was a British plane that was hijacked later that month.
+Terrorists were holding American, Israeli, German, and Swiss citizens hostage in Jordan. The separated the Jews from the rest of the passengers and demanded that terrorists imprisoned in Israel and in western Europe be released. The German government immediately signaled its willingness to meet their demands, and even pressured Israel to cooperate, sending a diplomat to meet in London with a representative of the World Jewish Congress, where he voiced concern that the deal did not include the Jewish and Israeli hostages.
+Fearing a military mission to free the hostages, the terrorists moved them to various secret locations and blew up the aircraft. Attempts by the Red Cross to mediate failed, and the clock was ticking to a clash between the Jordanian army and the Black September group.
+The German government decided to send the secretary-general of the ruling social-democratic party, Hans-Jurgen Wischnewski, a fervent supporter of the Algerian independence movement who had extensive connections in the Arab world, to Amman. Jerusalem saw him as pro-Arab. After a Red Cross delegation left Amman, Wischnewski met with Abu Maher Ghneim, one of the founders of the PFLP, who informed him that his group was willing to negotiate with each of the countries involved, separately.
+Wischnewski urged Brandt to make an immediate announcement that Germany would be releasing the terrorists behind the Munich attack. Germany’s ambassador to Jordan also kept up the pressure.
+On Sept. 30 the terrorists were let out of Germany.
+From 1968-1984, 48 of the Palestinian terrorist attacks in Europe were carried out on German soil. The deadliest was the slaughter of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972 by eight members of Black September.
+The man responsible for the planning and execution of the attacks was the man Germany’s ambassador had met within Jordan, Ali Hassan Salameh.
+Then-director of the Mossad, Zvi Zamir, who had been sent to Germany to track the attempts to rescue the athletes, asked his German counterpart what the German authorities intended to do with the terrorists who remained alive, since the Palestinians could hijack a Lufthansa plane and force the Germans to free them. The head of Germany’s spy agency said he couldn’t guarantee that scenario wouldn’t occur.
+During the attack on the Olympic village, Brandt publicly criticized Arab nations, but his foreign minister, Walter Schell, rushed to clarify that the attack was “one instance” of terrorism for which the “governments of certain countries were not responsible.”
+The day after the murder of the Israeli athletes, Germany’s ambassador to Egypt, Hans-Georg Stelzer, send a long letter to his superiors in which he recommended that Germany refrain from any harsh criticism of Arab countries, because they had no influence on acts of terrorism.
+In a later message, Stelzer even asked that Germany show understanding of the terrorists: “Even if we must condemn the actions of the Munich terrorists, the Arab position must be understood … they see idealistic young people who were acting out of desperation at the crisis situation in their homeland.”
+Leemhuis cites the “coldness and lack of empathy” with which the German authorities responded to the Munich Olympics massacre.
+“They said, ‘Life goes on,’ without any feeling for the significance of the attack and its historical importance to the Israelis. The documents don’t show an ounce of any horror, or that any of the functionaries in the Foreign Ministry opposed the official approach and wanted to demand that the Palestinians be held responsible,” he says.
+“They [the Foreign Ministry] knew that Black September was part of the PLO, and that in contrast to Yasser Arafat’s lies, the organization did not operate on its own. But none of that made any of the German diplomats pull away; it made them want to talk with the PLO, thinking that by doing so they could prevent terrorist attacks in Germany. That idea has guided all of [Germany’s] contact with the PLO,” Leemhuis observes.
+Leemhuis discovered a document from October 1972, issued less than a month after the massacre, which clearly shows that the German Foreign Ministry knew about Black September’s ties to Fatah and that the new terrorist organization was designed to provide camouflage that would allow Fatah to avoid responsibility for terrorist acts committed by its members.
+“The Fatah leadership wants to avoid any harm to the esteem in which it is held, to its good name, and to its stature,” the document reads.
+The interior minister of Germany at the time, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, outlawed activity by Palestinian student activists and deported hundreds of illegal Arab residents, as well as ordering strict border checks for Arab citizens entering West Germany. But the Foreign Ministry opposed these steps and they were eventually canceled.
+According to Leemhuis, “The Foreign Ministry wasn’t worried about relations with Israel at all, just with the Arab image in West German media. There was no sense of guilt about the negligent developments that led to the deaths of nine athletes in the failed rescue attempt [two others were killed in the Olympic village itself]. The prevailing belief was that Germany had done everything correctly, no mistakes. Even Israel’s response was relatively placating. Golda Meir was very careful in her criticism,” he notes. (Meir was very close to Brandt and did not want to endanger his chances of re-election in November of that year).
+It took little time for Zamir’s prediction to be fulfilled. On Oct. 29, 1972, Palestinian terrorists indeed hijacked a Lufthansa flight that was en route to Frankfurt from Damascus, with planned stops in Beirut, Ankara, and Munich. The hijackers demanded that the three terrorists arrested after the murder of the Israeli athletes be freed. The West German government agreed that same day, and the three were flown to Libya. The terrorists let the hostages go.
+Even today, some claim that the hijacking had been coordinated between the PLO and the German government as a way of allowing the Germans to avoid trying the terrorists in court. Leemhuis has found no confirmation of that theory, but says that in 2009, one of Brandt’s close advisors told a German paper that he saw the idea as “legitimate.”
+The day the terrorists were released, the director of the Middle East Desk in the German Foreign Ministry sent a telegram to the Israeli government which read, “In regard to the accusations that our government has given in to the Palestinian guerrilla fighters and is thereby encouraging more actions of this type, it should be said that the federal government cannot make a decision that would put the lives of the passengers and crew of the hijacked plane in danger.”
+The telegram ended with the observation: “These are the results of a conflict, and both sides have a responsibility to reach a solution.”
+Israel was outraged that the terrorists had been freed. Eban summoned the German ambassador to Israel for a rebuke, telling him that Germany had handed the terrorists a “great victory.”
+As this was unfolding, the Israeli ambassador to Germany, Elyashiv Ben-Horin, was summoned to a meeting with the German foreign minister, who told him that West Germany’s policy on the war against terrorism had not changed, but that the government had no choice other than to release the terrorists.
+Germany’s capitulation paved the way for formal relations between West Germany and the PLO, which demanded a mission in the West German capital, to be housed in the offices of the Arab League.
+The Palestinians also asked the Germans to help fund the PLO. A telegram sent on Feb. 28, 1973 by Helmut Radius, head of the Middle East Department in the German Foreign Ministry, ordered the transfer of 50,000 marks to support the Wafa news agency, which disseminated Palestinian propaganda. Radius also issued instructions that the purpose of the funds be hidden to avoid diplomatic complications, although there is no confirmation that the money was actually transferred.
+None of the German diplomatic correspondence made any mention of the Holocaust. According to Leemhuis, “historical responsibility did play any role in the German Foreign Ministry’s position toward Israel. After the compensation agreement of 1952, the German diplomats said, ‘That’s it, the matter of the Holocaust is closed. We paid, and from this moment on, history will not play any part.'”
+Leemhuis also points out anti-Semitic accusations made at the time that Israelis and Jews wanted to profit from the Holocaust, after Israeli diplomats made repeated references to Germany’s history with the Jews.
+“It shows the coldness that characterized German foreign policy, as well as the ignorance about the suffering of the survivors and about historical responsibility. It’s chilling to see how soon after the Holocaust the German diplomats moved on, while stressing the historic trauma that the establishment of the state of Israel caused to the Arabs. In other words, history played a role as it met their needs,” he says.
+When Israel Hayom asks Leemhuis whether the fact that many West German diplomats lived Nazi Germany influenced this approach, he says that while he has not looked into the personal background of the diplomats, “when you read their anti-Semitic comments, it’s obvious that the influence of the Nazi period played a role.”
+“The open anti-Semitism in the documents surprised me. The functionaries felt they could write these things, knowing that it wouldn’t bother anyone. And who knows what they said about Jews and Israel in conversation … I was amazed that there was no objection to these positions. The Six-Day War, the attacks in Munich, the Yom Kippur War … none of these changed their thinking,” he says.
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+Now, though, you can get authentic Threes! action entirely for free, and discover why it's 2048 times better than every freebie 2048 game (personality; attention to detail; music; small elements of game design that make a big difference).
+You get 12 free games to start. Add groups of three more by watching a video ad. And you can always upgrade to the paid version if you get suitably hooked. is a superbly crafted love letter to classic single-screen arcade platform games like Bubble Bobble. You dart about, knocking out enemies, grabbing gems and fruit, and duffing up bosses, working your way towards a final confrontation.
+However, there’s a twist in that Drop Wizard Tower fuses old-school platforming with auto-running. Your little wizard never stops moving, and can only be directed left or right. And he only shoots the instant he lands on a platform.
+You’ll likely fight against this at first, cursing Drop Wizard Tower for straying from traditional left/right/jump/fire controls. But the game really works on mobile, and when it clicks you’ll be zooming about, stunning foes with your magic wand, and booting them away to create tumbling ‘avalanches’ of enemies..
+Bean Dreams.
+Cally's Caves 3 best free sports games for Android
+Our favorite free Android golf, football, tennis and extreme sports games.
+Touchgrind BMX 2
+Touchgrind BMX 2 is a BMX trials sports game. In other words, it’s not enough to just be fast – you also have to be a massive show-off, catapulting your bike into the air, before performing all manner of stunts. However, unlike the majority of trials games on mobile, Touchgrind eschews a side-on view for something far more tactile and ambitious.
+Your bike is seen from above and behind, and you’re invited to park two of your fingers on it – one on the handlebar and one on the seat. Subtle movement allows you to steer, while flicks let you perform the aforementioned stunts.
+Success and high scores rely on mastery of stunt combos and committing courses to memory, and then stringing together bike-based choreography that’d make your hair curl if you were to try it in the real world. Great stuff.
+This third entry in the Super Stickman Golf series is perhaps feeling a bit too familiar, but the game remains the best side-on golf to be found on Android.
+As ever, your little stickman is charged with smacking balls about courses comprising floating islands, laser-infested bases, and space stations. You set your direction and strength, hit the ball, and hope for the best – although this time you can also add spin.
+Power-ups eventually enter the mix, providing opportunities to discover new ways to lower your scores. There are also two multiplayer modes – a deranged real-time race and a more sedate turn-based affair.
+The free version of Super Stickman Golf 3 is a little limited regarding simultaneous multiplayer games and access to new courses, but a single IAP unlocks the premium game.
+Pokémon GO
+Although a far cry from classic Pokémon titles, there's no getting away from the sheer impact of Pokémon GO. It's resulted in swarms of smartphone users roaming the streets and countryside, searching for tiny creatures they can only see through their screens.
+In all honesty, the game is simplistic: find a Pokémon, lob balls at it, amble about for a while to hatch eggs, and use your collection of critters to take over and guard virtual gyms.
+But despite basic combat and the game's tendency to clobber your Android's battery, it taps into the collector mentality; and it's a rare example of successfully integrating a game into the real world, getting people physically outside and – shock – interacting with each other._100<<, which is another side-scrolling auto-runner where you tap to jump, and tap somewhere else to flip upside-down.
+But many points for the combination of super-fast gameplay, superb level design, and a visual aesthetic that thumbs its nose at the modern-day penchant for mid-80s pixel art, instead hurling you back to the lurid charms of late 1970s gaming.
+Yes, Binary Dash more looks like it’s been vomited out of an ancient Atari console, but it nonetheless has a quirky charm. And the game itself is great. It eases you in gently, helping you get to grips with flipping above and below the horizon, thus turning game-ending pillars into pits to leap over when you’re upside-down.
+Before long, though, your thumbs will be seriously challenged by the tight choreography required to jump and flip your way to the ends of later levels.
+Sky Dancer
+Yet another into-the-screen endless runner, channeling Temple Run. Yawn. Only Sky Dancer has a certain something that keeps you playing – and that certain something is leaving your stomach in your throat every time you jump.
+Much of this is down to the construction of Sky Dancer’s world, which comprises tiny chunks of land hanging in the air in a manner that rocks usually don’t have. As you hurl yourself off the edge of one, you must quickly maneuver to land on a platform below.
+Battling gravity and inertia is exhilarating, especially when the game speeds up and you know the slightest miscalculation will result in you meeting a splattery end on the desert floor.
+Pinball infused with the DNA of an against-the-clock endless runner sounds like an odd combination – but it works. In PinOut’s neon world – featuring a gorgeous electro soundtrack – a massive table stretches far into the distance. Within: dozens of miniature tables comprising flippers, ramps, and more than a few traps.
+The basic aim at every turn is to keep moving forward to the next mini-table – and quickly. Accurate ramp shots are key, and so mastering the game’s physics and the layout of its various stages is essential.
+For advocates, this is a fresh take on pinball that works brilliantly in mobile form. And for newcomers, PinOut is freed from the frequently arcane rules of pinball, but loses none of its frenetic excitement..
+Disney Crossy Road
+We're big fans of Crossy Road, which is both a lesson in how to update a classic arcade game (Frogger), and create a free-to-play business model that isn't hateful. (In short, throw free coins at players, don't make anything pay to win, and add loads of tempting but entirely optional characters to buy.)
+With Disney Crossy Road, anything could have happened, but this is far from a cheap cash-in. Sure, it starts off very much like Crossy Road – just starring Mickey Mouse. But unlock a few characters (you'll have at least three within ten minutes) and you suddenly find yourself immersed in chunky takes on famous movies, such as Toy Story, Wreck-It Ralph, and The Lion King.
+Even better, these aren't mere skins on the original. Each world has unique features, from tiny graphical details that will thrill fans, through to subtle shifts in how the game is played that force you to dramatically change your approach.
+Alto's Adventure.
+Rust Bucket.
+Your vision
+Let the distant vision enhance the beauty of where you are now.
+Drew on a road in the Yukon, June 2000
+“Your vision of the future is not intended to keep you living in a ‘someday’ mode. It is as much a guide to the way you live out each day in the present as it is to direct you toward the future.” — Mark Brunetz
+This quote from Brunetz pinpoints the difference between getting stuck in unrealistic delusions about the future versus focusing on a destination that will be the inspiration for a worthwhile journey. Just imagine a glorious landscape far in the distance, at the end of an appealing but decidedly less glamorous road. Should we sit idly in a wayside meadow and speculate on what details might lie beyond our ability to see from afar? Or will we set out in that direction, determined to discover it first hand, and meanwhile enjoy the sights along the way?
+It took me years to get up the nerve to talk about my desire to be a writer. I felt embarrassed because I knew I was not good enough yet to let anyone know that was my goal. Somewhere along the way, I began to wonder whether I actually liked the idea of writing better than the the writing itself; whether I was making excuses for myself rather than facing my fears.
+I shared my misgivings during a brief conversation I had with the writer Michael Blake, who spoke at our base library while a very young Drew and Matt played in the children’s area. When I confessed my confusion about my writing ambitions, he admitted that there were quite a few people who were more enamored with the thought of being a writer, than with engaging in the activity itself.
+Then he gave me some very good advice. Seeing my children and realizing the time constraints I faced, he told me what I needed to do for now was “keep a relationship with the written word.” He explained I could write every day, in whatever form: it could be letters, journals, diaries, brief essays or articles, anything that would keep me in touch with expressing myself through writing, and for the present time, that would be enough.
+“Then you will find that writing will always be there for you, if you want to pursue it more extensively in the future,” he told me. His words made sense to me. I found it easy to take his advice; it felt so much less threatening than aspiring to write a best seller.
+Soon I was working as a stringer for the local paper and writing a column for a military spouse newsletter. Not long afterward, I sold a travel story and two photographs to an international travel paper. But even when I made no money from writing, or very little, the writing itself become its own reward.
+Eventually I realized, though I might never be an author, I was already a writer and probably always would be one. Whatever destination I had in mind in the beginning, I’ve enjoyed the journey itself so much that the vision has enriched me in ways I never imagined.
+Do you have ambitions for your future that get stuck in “someday” mode? If so, can you explore how to let that vision guide the way you live out each day, so that someday becomes now? Getting there really can be more than half the fun. I wish you traveling mercies– and be sure to send us some virtual postcards to let us know what you’re seeing along the way.
+- Posted in: Uncategorized
+- Tagged: action, ambition, daydreaming, determination, direction, focus, future, guide, imagination, inspiration, now, present, someday, writing
+Good morning, Julia. ☕️ Your writing beauty has been so uplifting and a true gift to me in these years we’ve shared at Defeat Despair. There have been so many topics, beautiful photographs, insights, personal glimpses, laughter…….and tears. I owe you a special “Thank you” for how your writing has touched me. 📖📸✏️💛 I am needing our Verandah fix, weather is gorgeous, but I’m still in office mode, although just for a few more weeks. I hope you’re enjoying these beautiful days with Jeff. 🙏
+Sheila, thank you so much for your kind words, and for being here with us through thick and thin. I could use a Verandah fix myself right now. Complete with fresh strawberries and baked scones, or maybe a nice hot cinnamon roll. I hope you are enjoying being back in office mode. If things go well, you’ll still have a few weeks of glorious springtime weather to enjoy when you go back to domestic engineer mode. Wishing you a lovely week ahead!
+I am proud of you Julia for you are a great writer! Shine On! ♥
+Thank you M, you are an inspiration!
+As are you dear Julia! ♥
+Thank you M! 😀
+Good morning, Julia! Thank you, I was getting stuck in “someday” mode.
+And now it’s starting to get light outside, and yesterday’s “tomorrow” has become “now!”
+(No pressure, I’m just pleased to have this new day.)
+A lot could happen … or it might not. But here I am, on the journey!
+Starting with: breakfast! 😀
+Susan, I identify so much with this comment that I could probably say it with some accuracy every day! How lovely for us not to know the future. And isn’t breakfast a grand way to start the day? 😀 I raise my breakfast teacup in a toast to all of us — let’s get out there and Defeat Despair!
+I remember that post. Maybe “next time” I’m through, we can go for breakfast, if you happen to be in Yorktown. 😀
+YES! Or if you are in Virginia Beach, I can meet you there and maybe even Raynard, Mary and Ms. Ella can join us this time. 🙂 We had planned to go there together before, but traffic intervened. It’s a fun place, definitely one-of-a-kind.
+P.S. You’re a writer! And, I guess when I write back – so am I!
+Yes! That’s it! We are a community of writers around here.
+Julia I’ve known – for as long as I’ve known you – that you are gifted as a writer and published author. Remember that God’s gifts are irrevocable, whether we use them or not. Just keep writing! Our mutual friend Doc King gave me an excerpt from a book. The book is titled: A Confident Heart and sometimes we just have to settle down into believing and receiving that confident heart (you know what I mean)! Love you–keep on keepin’ on!!!
+Renee, you are a never-ending source of renewal for me when I am most in need of it. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to see your strong, beautiful self each Sunday, celebrating all that is good and right and holy. Thanks for helping me to “keep on keeping on!” You are certainly one who knows how, and can show me the way. I am thankful to be blessed with your friendship!
+You are already a writer and a wonderful one at that. Your words convey much wisdom, insights, blessings and help one see different ways of viewing life challenges. Rather than feeling overwhelmed with difficulties, you have learned to filter down and see the good in the storms of life. You have a gift of words and a photographic eye. I am glad you share it on your blog.
+Susan, thank you! Have you ever seen the film The Truman Show? I’m not generally a Jim Carrey fan, but that movie really resonated with me. I thought of it again tonight when I read your comment about “seeing the good in the storms of life” — about how Truman (phobic about water since his father was killed at sea in a storm) was forced to sail through a terrible storm created intentionally by the evil director who (unknown to him) had made Truman’s entire life, from birth on, into a reality TV show. I have never identified more viscerally with any movie line than I did with Truman’s anguished cry of defiance (seen about 3:07 into this clip) when his fear of death was surpassed by his dawning outrage at what was going on in the unseen world that lay behind his seemingly “real” life. As in that movie, if we hang on no matter what during the worst of the storm, we will end up in a better, more enlightened place. I really believe that. Thanks for being here!
+I have not seen the Truman Show, but I think I will watch it, it looks interesting. I appreciate referrals to good movies since I rarely watch them or know what to choose when I do have a time to watch one.
+Susan, Jeff and I hardly ever make the time for a movie anymore. We’ve been so disappointed in so many of them (maybe a sign of getting older?) that we enjoy doing other things most of the time. We liked Downton Abbey partly because it was easier to make time for (and stay awake during 😀 ) a one-hour show as compared to a longer movie. Having said that, there are some really great movies out there, though of courses tastes differ wildly. The Truman Show was one of the most unique movies I’ve ever seen, and it has been on my personal top 10 movie favorite list ever since I first saw it. I hope you will like it too.
+Julia, You have shared many beautiful photos. This one was taken from Ecola Park looking north. This area is north of Cannon Beach, Oregon. We visit Cannon Beach a few times every year as it is special place. Susan
+Susan, for some reason your photo did not come through. Could you email it to me as an attachment (defeatdespair@verizon.net) and then I can upload it to the blog? I’ve never figure out how to insert a photo into a comment either, though some readers seem to know how to do it. I can imagine the Oregon coast is beautiful! Thanks for being willing to share it with us.
+Julia, I just had to share this Cannon Beach photo too! This is Ella my 2 1/2 + year old granddaughter in front of Haystack rock. This rock is home to the most adorable nesting puffins starting in the Spring. Susan
+Sent from my iPhone
+Susan, no luck with this one either, but I’d love to see it! Could you send it as an attachment to me via email, and then I’ll upload it? (defeatdespair@verizon.net) I don’t know how to embed photos into comments either! Does anyone else know?
+Hmmmm, I am in a season of change and my future is wide open. After security returns with a job and home I’d love to get back to traveling. It s something a love and used to do quite regularly. Maybe even combine that with some mission work our church does in Honduras.
+B, that sounds wonderful to me. Travel is a great way to raise our awareness of so many things, not least of which is how much we appreciate our own homes. And if you can combine that with humanitarian efforts, so much the better. Our older son went with a medical mission team to Guyana each summer during his three final years of high school. I believe it changed his life, in a very good way. Nothing looked quite the same to him after that.
+Gosh, this post jogged me! When I was very young my ambition was to marry a [rich] farmer and write the great NZ novel 🙂 I was VERY young!! I too love writing – I love language and enjoy seeing it used to convey emotion, possibilities, events – and when it reveals an accurate emotional response to an event or scene or vista. I became a teacher and spread my love of language about freely there. I used to sometimes swap classes with a colleague, he would teach my science programme and I would teach his English programme …. I haven’t thought about my childhood ambition for a long time. I gave it away somewhere. I suspect I don’t have the tenacity to write and rewrite and edit and all that effort that goes in to polish a story. 🙂 So I paint and play with beads and make stuff 🙂 You write beautifully Julia! xo
+Oh my, how fun to hear about your early ambition. Well, the farmer’s loss is our gain. A love of language is a wonderful asset for a teacher, and especially for her students. After so many years of teaching young people, you certainly have earned the right to “paint and play with beads” (aka be an artist) and send your gifts into the world in new ways. Thanks so much for being here, and for your encouragement!
+That’s a very powerful piece of writing work! So you ARE a writer and a published one at that. I think you would love Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” You are a writer if you write. Simple as that. Now a published writer is the next step and many never get the best seller but they are still writers. I sell myself short too. I don’t have your way with words but I write every day! Every single day. If someone asks, I say “yes, I’m a writer”. The rest is a judgement. Keep up the good work. You ARE a writer.
+Marlene, thanks so much for the encouragement. I think you’re a wonderful writer. You have a way of bringing us into your world and making us feel familiar and welcome, which is what the best writers do. I can’t wait to read Big Magic. I had never heard of it before this comment, but already I found it and put myself on hold for the digital version through my public library, where I can get it for free. 😀 Without you I might never have found it, because to tell the truth, I was quite disappointed in her book Eat, Pray, Love possibly, in part, because of all the hype I had read before I read the book itself. I just didn’t see why it became so phenomenally popular. But then again, my tastes have always been eccentric. Hope you are having a nice March!
+Eat, Pray, Love probably didn’t resonate with you because you have not had your heart so broken by someone you loved deeply in that way. I was at a stage of needing to end yet another long term marriage that had taken a huge emotional tole on me. The idea of traveling around to put my pieces back together was but a delicious dream. I think the book went over so well because there were so many of us feeling the pull to collect ourselves and find a new path. I have marked up my book “Big Magic for later referral. It’s nothing like the novel so rest assured. Thank you so much for the compliment. That’s the second one today and it’s only 6 a.m. !!! I’m stunned! Like I said in my post, books that you need to read, find you. We all need different books at different times. That why there is so much diversity. I think that is the magical part. I can tell you what I loved but you may not need to read that book. It’s an exciting world. We are all a bit eccentric. 🙂 That’s a good thing. Hugs,
+Yes, I definitely think we all are drawn to the idea of beginning again and switching gears when we get stuck. It’s funny how the same book can affect us so differently if we pick it up again years or sometimes even months later. I keep 4-5 books going at any one time because I like to have something to read that fits whatever mood I’m in. Sometimes I need something to motivate me to get things done or learn something (nonfiction) and sometimes I need something light (when I’m under stress) or heavy (when I’m in the frame of mind to be able to absorb it) or suspenseful and/or adventurous (when I just need to get away, mentally, from all the worries). It really is an exciting world, and for me, there’s nothing like a library or bookstore to shake me out of a rut or the blues. Yes, eccentricity makes the world go round.
+I don’t think you are eccentric as much as interesting. I read the same way you do. When you read such a variety of books, you become a more interesting person to be around. But then I think of myself as an odd duck too. At least I’m a happy duck in my odd pond. 🙂
+Marlene, thank you! Of course, “eccentric” is interesting in itself, at least sometimes. A happy duck in an odd pond…I like that! I think most everyone can identify with that one.
+I am still working on what I expect from myself and in a way I feel like I better hurry and figure it out. My children are grown and I have little else to hold me back from whatever it is down that road and yet here I sit in the field. But aren’t the flowers here pretty. HAHA. Seriously maybe it is meant that I should go slow. I don’t know yet but I shall keep you informed. BUT I do want to be careful not to be the servant who buried his talents. Thanks for the post. Your writing has inspired me in many ways. Keep up the good work. Love ya.
+Amy, those flowers in the field are gorgeous, and nothing wrong with taking some time to enjoy them. I think going slowly is sometimes necessary– in fact, I suspect it is necessary far more often than we think it is. Do keep me posted — and know that, if anything I write has inspired you in any way, that makes me feel very happy! 🙂
+I like his advice! When I was raising a big family, I wrote letters and journals and poetry mostly, in small snippets of time, of course. Now, since retirement, I write most days of the week for several hours–after writing as often as possible for nearly 60 years. Ahhh, so it goes. Have you submitted anything to journals or magazines? That can motivate. Seeing something in print is lovely, too. Blessings and best wishes!
+Cynthia, I agree with you that there’s a special joy that comes from seeing something in print with our names attached (as long as the editing is good and not horrible — there’s nothing more frightful than seeing writing that bears only a slight resemblance to what we wrote originally, especially if there are even more grammatical errors than we originally made! But fortunately that seems rare). In recent years, I’ve published only in Upper Room and similar devotional magazines, though I do hope one day to be able to go back to it. I’m so happy for you, that you have been able to enjoy more time for writing. I hope to be in that situation myself eventually. Thanks for being here with us!
+I have to write it down to see what I’m thinking!
+Harry, I find that’s true for me, too (unfortunately, of both talking and writing, it seems). Many years ago a friend who knew me very well pointed out to me that talking was important to me because it’s how I work through my own thoughts. Writing is a much less offensive way to do that, as it’s less intrusive — nobody has to read it! 😀
+When I see a young Drew standing there, my first thought was, “oh that must be from a while ago”. Then I saw the year and decided it wasn’t too long ago at all, he’s just managed to do a whole lot of living in a short time. It seems like as I age (to others anyways, inside I feel 15), I get way less accomplished and time goes faster. Does it seem that way to you? I can’t even remember what my vision was when I was younger but I know it didn’t play out as planned at all. Probably more interesting than I thought, more challenging than I thought and luckier than first seemed. My goodness I do know how to take a lot of scenic routes to any destination worth arriving at, HA!
+I feel like my whole younger adult life was like an episode of Survival. The one where they have to do all kinds of hurtles, mazed, puzzles and what not to come out ahead. I tend to feel like I took the road less traveled and I’ve come along at the right time, in the right place to be here with you. It’s all really amazing I think. xK
+Yes, it definitely seems that way to me. I keep telling Jeff “I thought life was supposed to get simpler so that we could handle things as age.” NOT! Or as Ashleigh Brilliant says, “I’m afraid I’m getting older much faster than I’m getting wiser.” But as you say, it’s all amazing and wonderful and the most remarkable people come into our lives to make it all bearable. The scenic route is the only way to go! ❤ 🙂 And yes, inside I feel even younger than 15. Maybe 8 or 10, very good years as I remember.
+” Keep a relationship with the written word.” There was a writer they intervirewed yesterday who mostly does e-mails now- so I guess that also might count.
+Yes, I think it counts. At least I hope it does. Between my business emails and my personal emails, I’m quite sure I’ve written the word equivalent of several long novels in email alone! I am too talkative to get the hang of Twitter for all my communications. 140 characters usually doesn’t cut it for me, though it’s good practice at trying to cut back on being overly wordy. I suppose one might say that I’ve had a long and intense relationship with written words! 😀
+Weight is one of the most important indicators of human health. My health care provider requires a weight test to be sure members pass the health test. Let’s use a patient that weighs 1,000 pounds to see how the numbers on the test might not be what they seem (BTW – this is more than 400 pounds less than the heaviest person on record).
+This 1,000 pound man is so unhealthy he can’t get out of bed, do anything on his own or pass the health test (he scores in the lowest 1 percent of people his age). So the health care provider requires that a health team develop a plan to improve the man’s health (don’t we wish that was true?). The team consists of the patient, his family, a doctor, a nutritionist and a psychologist.
+The team develops a plan, and after a year the man has lost 100 pounds. The family is pleased, but when the health test is administered again, he still scores in the lowest 1 percent for health (after-all he still weighs 900 pounds). The team receives a letter from the insurance company admonishing them at making no progress on the test and reminding them that they must make adequate yearly progress in health achievement.
+The team develops a new plan they hope will achieve health for the patient. At the end of the next year, the man has lost an amazing 200 pounds! The family has noted the progress throughout the year and is ecstatic at the improvement. But he still weighs 700 pounds, so when the health test is administered, he still scores at the lowest 1 percent… no progress at all.
+A new nutritionist replaces the fired one and the team re-visits the plan again. At the end of the third year another 200 pounds has been lost, and at 500 pounds the man is able, with much assistance and scaffolding, to walk down the hall and back for the first time in six years. The man and several members of his family weep with joy at this accomplishment. But his health test score hasn’t changed a bit. At 500 pounds, he is still in the bottom 1 percent for health. He just isn’t improving at all.
+The insurance company fires the entire health team since they have made no progress with the patient and brings in a new team that includes a physical therapist. At the end of the next year, the man has only lost an additional 10 pounds. It turns out the man’s family snuck him unhealthy and extra food and signed reports that he was doing his physical therapy when he was not. With so little progress in weight loss, the man fails his health test for the fourth year in a row (he still weighs 490 pounds).
+No team members are fired since the family sabotaged the plan, but they manage to re-tweak the plan yet again. At the end of the fifth year the man has lost an additional 80 pounds. He can get out of bed on his own now to take short walks, use the bathroom himself and even eat some meals with the family. But at 410 pounds he still scores at the lowest 1 percent for health on the health test. After five years and thousands and thousands of dollars, the man has made no progress on the health test. This is the sorry state of a medical profession that leaves us waiting for… Waiting For … (well you get it).
+I originally wrote a version of this 10 years ago when all the testing done in my school district (and most others) was mostly the worst kind of “standardized” testing. The testing has improved very slightly, but still is used to jump to poor conclusions like the ones reached above. I post it here not to say that no testing should be done in our schools to note progress and quality of schools and teaching. But to make the point that we too often oversimplify important, complex issues in education and rely on testing in ways it wasn’t designed to be used by people that don’t really understand that.
+Let’s get the best, accurate assessments that can be used not only to rate how we are doing, but help us improve learning BEFORE we use them too much to rate how education is doing. I wonder too if the education we will achieve by teaching to the current poorly designed tests is really the education we want or need? Just a thought.
+Learning is messy!
+Cross posted at Huffington Post as: Another Health Care and Education Discussion
+12 thoughts on “Another Education Analogy”
+I am a student at The University of South Alabama and I am in Dr. Strange’s class. I would like to start off by saying that this is a great analogy of the current state of standardized testing in the United States. Not only are the test not regionalized but they are also racists in some aspects and discriminate towards certain ethinic groups in others. Instead of using these test to determine the level of achievement of a student based on the results of an entire nation, we should somehow find a way to test the student on the progress that he/she has made compared to what he/she tested at earlier in the year. At this moment we do not consider this a “real” comparison because “all students should be on proficient level.” We all know though, that all students should not be graded the same, taught the same, or defined as the same. Maybe we can start moving ahead in the future. This was a great post, thank you for sharing it.
+In Australia the standardised testing that was introduced is having more and more power of how and what teachers teach. With the results being displayed publicly on the internet and talk of the results possibly effecting teacher salary, it’s no wonder there are rumors of teachers giving way more help than they should to students and even giving them some of the answers.
+I agree that this is a great analogy! The sad part of this story was that all of the progress and success the overweight man was making went unnoticed by the insurance company. As teachers, parents, schools, districts, etc. we should be celebrating the strides that our students are making, no matter how small! If we disregard these victories, what are we message are we sending our students? If you don’t pass the state assessment you are worthless? With so much focus on testing, especially with teachers’ salaries linked to performance, we can’t lose sight of our purpose: helping students learn.
+Very well written. I think a big part of the picture is schools not having enough money. The Government needs to step back in, and give schools the money they need. This way they have a much better chance of giving our kids the best education possible.
+Kind regards.
+Hi Brian,
+I am a K-8 education student. I really appreciated reading this analogy. Many of my peers and I dread the day we will have to teach to and administer the TEST. Until recently, I never understood the big deal about testing. I took the tests almost every year at the private schools I went to. Now as I have read for our program, taken the teacher assessments, and talked with my colleagues I realize how little these TESTs assess. As one person wrote (don’t remember the article), one of the greatest predictors of TEST performance is socioeconomic status. Or as an old WWII veteran told me, “I was a good test taker.” So this whole argument has been going on since before the armed forces started testing recruits and draftees to track them into their fields of expertise. Thankfully, our teacher cert program emphasizes teaching real thinking skills and then seeing how the standards or the TEST fits into the meat of real education. Any advice for an up and coming teacher? – Sam
+(In case you wondered, my WWII friend didn’t want to become an engineer and intentionally flunked out of the college program the army put him in. He ended up serving as a supply person bringing ammo and such to the front lines. After the war he bought a farm. Then he went to school and became a teacher. Wow did he have some great stories!)
+A brilliant analogy! I am currently finishing my Tertiary Teaching Cert in Australia, and having taught at higher ed. and gone through as an undergrad, I totally agree. It is bizarre that so often the emphasis is not on learning development, when this aid us to reach national as well as personal goals. It’s like so many of the decision makers just want us all to tread water without going anywhere~ pointless.
+Great analogy above to describe our current situation on high stakes testing and its short-comings. I am a student teacher and it seems evident in our program that using tests as a sole measure to see how students are doing is not and should not be the only way to go. Many parents and our community do not know the analogy that you just described above, and this needs to change. So, this what a new teacher has to face and and speak change to. How do we do this? Where do we go from here? How do we gather the views of our professional educators to help our educational system? I agree the simplicity in testing false short in addressing a complex problem.
+I think the point that hits home to me is that we have forgotten that the patient was a human being. Instead of looking at him, we are looking at numbers. If we were in a business where we were selling a product, this would be all right. But we are in a business where we are dealing with people. And each person is a unique human being. I am a former math teacher. I think stats are great! But they can only be used to support the real growth – the one that can not be tested! The one where we look at the individual to see if there is any progress.
+A sad, but true analogy. While I was reading I couldn’t stop thinking about the 1% and how someone, somewhere has decided what weight is considered 2%. And the only factor that is considered when moving from 1% to 2% is the man’s weight. Not his overall health or percentage of body fat. We see this every day with standardize tests. A student either passes or fails. The scores don’t show how hard the student has been working, or the huge improvement he or she has made or the family who is either supportive or not supportive of education. We need to stop seeing people as percentages and scores and view them as the unique individuals that they are.
+Good analogy. Unfortunately students are treated like that of the patient. Time and time again teachers are making incredible improvements in the education of multiple students, yet if the scores are not “what is required” to make AYP the teachers are held accountable. State officials do jump to poor conclusions about a single test score without looking at the overall picture. Because of these issues I have not been a big fan of standardized testing. Students need to be assessed, but there education and the educators working with them should not be focused on raising one score rather than preparing the students for a life time of responsible decision making and useful information.
+As Joe mentioned earlier, the patient is human…as are the students and teacher; something that seems to have been forgotten.
+Wow – there is nothing like an analogy to help clarify a complex picture. Thank you. As a student teacher in a program that focuses on social justice I have studied a few strengths and a considerable number of weaknesses of America’s myopic grip on standardized testing and curriculum. I am coming to the realization that frequent, dynamic, reflective assessment gives each student their personal growth chart, and perhaps grows their portfolio, while giving the teachers information about their teaching. It helps us refine our work with each student; helps us learn where we need to work to help students grow their thinking and understanding. Standardized testing does so little to help us help students reach their full potential, and costs so much energy, money and time. How can we change the paradigm?
+I think it is time to show everything off! All four collection, all the papers in the collection, punch-outs and stickers too of course! There might even be a prize at the end too!
+So lets get to it...
+I created "Audrey" in memory of my grandma, LaVera Audrey, who passed away this last fall. "Audrey" is everything girlie from baby to adulthood! It will be great for Mother's Day too!
+1A. Audrey's Dress
+1B. Audrey's Shower Cap
+2A. Audrey's Bedroom
+2B. Audrey's Handbag
+3A. Audrey's Pictures
+3B. Audrey's Planner
+4A. Audrey's Vines
+4B. Audrey's Tablecloth
+5A. Audrey's Closet Cut-UPs
+5B. Audrey Meets Harlo
+(Audrey, my g-ma, and Harlo was my g-pa and they met at a USO dance, that's why I named the sheet music paper, "Audrey Meets Harlo"!)
+The collection kit cover
+Audrey's Garden
+This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
+Audrey's Punch-Outs
+After getting our 5th Wheel last summer, I just HAD to do a vacation collection. This isn’t just a camping line, though. “Exit Here” is perfect for everything from stay-cations to traveling abroad! You’ll love “Exit Here”!
+1A. Carry On Luggage
+1B. I Heart Traveling
+2A. Traveling
+2B. My Tent
+3A. Postcards
+3B. Hiking Trails
+4A. My Traveling Dress
+4B. Packing
+5A. Don't Forget Cut-Ups
+5B. Arrival Gate
+Collection Kit Cover
+The Woods
+This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
+Exit Here Punch-Outs
+Coordinating Alpha Stickers
+Layout using Exit Here by DT Diva Deana Boston
+I’ve had a vintage typewriter in my craft room for years; this past fall, it helped inspire my new paper line, “Messages”. I fell in LOVE with this collection and I’m betting you will too! “Messages” is full of old phones, typewriters, clocks and lamps; it makes for a great “everything” collection!
+1A. Take A Message
+1B. Graph It
+2A. Office Flowers
+2B. Type To Me
+3A. Log It
+3B. My Office
+4A. Organizing Files
+4B. My Day Planner
+5A. My Desktop Cut-Ups
+5B. My Briefcase
+Collection Kit Cover
+Time Card
+This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
+I have two brand new little nephews this year and I’m very active in their lives. I’ve been up to my ears in inspiration for a boy line! “Noah” is named after my youngest nephew and I ADORE him! I also have three grown-up brothers and I love creating with this line for my fellas of all ages! “Noah” is also perfect for Father’s Day!!
+1A. Noah's Star's
+1B. Noah's Overalls
+2A. Beep Beep
+2B. Noah's Blanket
+3A. Noah's Pockets
+3B. Noah's ABC's
+4A. Daddy's Ties
+4B. Noah's Chevy
+5A. Noah's Closet Cut-Ups
+5B. Noah's Wallpaper
+Collection Kit Cover
+Mommy's Skirt
+This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
+Noah's Punch-Outs
+Coordinating Alpha Stickers
+Layout using Noah by me, Nikki Sivils
+(This picture is of the "real" Noah with my brother and SIL.)
+Layout using Noah by me, Nikki Sivils
+(This picture is of the "real" Noah with my brother and SIL.)
+That's it...
+All four of my new CHA 2012 Releases!
+I love them all but I want to know what your favorite collection and favorite paper is!
+Leave me a comment telling me what your favorites are and I'll pick one random winner and will announce them on Friday's blog post. You'll win the collection you pick as your favorite!
+(FYI: It will be a couple of weeks before the paper will be shipped to you as we don't have the paper "in-house" yet!) I can't wait to see your favs!
+Have a great Wednesday! -Nikki
+They are all fabulous, but I love Audrey! Thanks for the chance!
+I'm torn between messages and exit here, but as an avid camper I'll go with exit here!! I absolutely love the cut-uos with this line!! So cute!
+Loveeeeeeeeee it all Nikki!! Best collections to date! :):):):):):):):):):):)
+It's so hard to pick! I'll say Exit Here is my fav. Love the colours!
+Love these! I am loving the camping one since we do a lot of camping, but I am going to say my favorite is the Messages. Just love the bright yellows mixed with the vintage feel.
+I like all of the lines but the one I love the most is Audrey- I especially love the vines paper. My second favorite is messages and that cute phone.
+rlovew1976 at yahoo.com
+I love them all! Great releases again!
+Exit Here is my favorite, I THINK. I had to go back over and over to decide. I love the Audrey and the phone one (can't remember the name), too!!
+I love, love all of them!!! Great collections Nikki!
+I had to do eeny meeny miny moe between Audrey and Exit Here and Audrey won.
+Exit Here has my vote!!
+I love the Audrey meets Harlo. What a wonderful way to honor her.
+What a cute collection! I have a boy so I focused on the boy line. I love the alphas, and pattern paper: Noah's ABC side A. Noah's Stars side A is very cute too! I can see myself cutting out those stars as embellishments.
+WOW!!! I love them all although.. having a 4 yr old lil guy.. NOAH would be my FAV!!
+WOW Nikki... Gorgeous paper's.. ALL of them are soo BEAUTIFUL!!.. but I can NOT keep my eyes off "Audrey".. love everything about it.
+I love all of the new collections, but Audrey is my favorite of ALL of your collections to date!! CA-UTE!
+Noah! Especially love Noah's Chevy and Noah's Closet Cut-Ups!
+Bev Gardner bevgardner@comcast.net
+My favorite is Messages and my favorite paper is Take A Message
+Oh, my gracious! Pick a favorite?! I LOVE them all! Uh... I'll pick Exit Here as my top, though. LOVE the distressed and woodgrain papers. Plus, the colors are absolutely delish! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
+They're all fabulous!!! SO creative. :) If I have to pick a favorite, it would have to be Audrey. The colors and patterns of that one are calling to me! ;)
+- April W
+they are all awesome but my 2 faves (and it is a tie) are noah and messages!!!love love love them!
+OMGosh, I am totally drooling over all of them! But I gotta say Noah is my favorite. I have 3 girls, and one little boy who is (of course) the little prince so I'm a little partial :)
+Oh Nikki.. I just love all of them.. amazing colours and designs.. but the "Messages" collection has me at Hello!! haha
+better be making that wish list!!
+have fun at CHA!!
+I love both Audrey and Noah. But, if I had to choose just one, it would be Noah. I have so much girly paper and need more for my little boy. Thanks for the opportunity to win :)
+These are all awesome but like you we have a 5th wheel and I LOVE the "Exit Here" line! perfect for all those camping LO's!
+Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win....fingers crossed I dont own any of your paper line and would LOVE to give it a try!!
+Have fun at CHA!!!
+So hard to pick a favorite. I am drawn to Noah. I love all the colors
+in this collection.
+ohhhh all of those are great fun lines!!!! super WOW!!! I love the Messages and the colors in it... the Exit is super fun too!!! great job!!!!
+Now you have me SUPER excited about designing for you! OH MY GOODNESS!!! Love all the collections!!!!
+Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!
+I´m speachless. I think this is the best collections ever Nikki! Congratulations!!!
+LOVE them, Nikki!!! I adore the line inspired by your grandmother just b/c of the story line behind your inspiration. It's awesome. And I also love the new boy line and love how you created the different patters! I have to say love the names of each different pattern. But since I have to choose just ONE, it would be Message. That one I just really love everything about it - the colors and the patterns are just classic!!!! Thanks for the chance to win and great new lines!!! Hope to be able to stop by & say Hi at CHA! :D
+My favorite one is Message!!!! Love it!!!!
+Nikk, I would have to pick "Messages". I have a story for liking it since I teach typing (computers), but I learned on one of those machines and I think that would make a perfect paper background for my retirement book which is coming this year after 32 years.
+The second favorite is "Noah" for the 2 men in my lives and the younger pictures I need to scrap.
+Great job this year and can't wait to find them in the store.
+They are awesome but my favorite is exit here!!!!
+Great job :)
+jennykingham at att dot net
+Love all the lines, but my favorite one is Message!! It reminds me of my mother and her time working for the railroad, her old vintage typewriter and chair. It's perfect to use on her pictures. Can hardly wait for it to become available!!!!!
+Love all the lines, but my favorite one is Message!! It reminds me of my mother and her time working for the railroad, her old vintage typewriter and chair. It's perfect to use on her pictures. Can hardly wait for it to become available!!!!!
+Love them all, but Noah is my hands down favorite!
+They are all great but my favorite one is Noah and then my second favorite is Audrey! So cute! I love the colors in both of those.
+As usual they are all lovely but as the mother of a young boy, I found Noah irresistible!
+Wow! They are all so special - I am drawn to both Audrey and Message - but I love the exit here, too! Beautiful, beautiful lines! If I HAVE to pick a favorite I guess it is Audrey. I think I love them all because when I look at them, I just get a smile on my face - thank you!
+They are all fantastic, but since I scrap mostly for my son, I'd have to choose Noah! Love great boy lines and this is sure to be a hit! Thanks for the chance to win!
+Hearing the stories behind each of your collections make me like them even more! I especially love the Exit Here collection just because it fits my style but after hearing more about Audrey and seeing all those patterns, it's a tie. Beautiful collections!!!
+Oh and Messages. It's a three way tie.
+So hard to pick a fave - they are all yummy! I have to do rock, paper, scissors & pick, "Exit here" (Audrey as a very close second).
+Exit Here would have to be my favorite, but Audry is a close second!!! Love them all!
+Oh I love Messages! Congrats on 4 great new collections and thanks for the chance to win!
+Fabulous lines!!!!!
+I think my fav is "Noah" but they are all awesome!! :-)
+I love Messages! All of the collections are amazing!
+emt85_04@hotmail dotcom
+audrey and messages are certainly my favorite-they actually both remind me of my grandparents and i just adored them.
+thanks for sharing them and for a chance to win! have a great day!
+Oh Nikki I love them all - your products are hard to get in New Zealand too but I fell in love with your unique style when i receved a design team pack with full of your gorgeous papers. My favourite (and its real hard to pick just one) is Message :)
+Lots of great stuff! Good job. I look forward to using some. jjbcountry@hotmail.com
+OMGoodness I love them all!! It's so very hard to pick just one fave, but I'll say Audrey. (followed closely by all the others!!) Great release Nikki :)
+Nikki you have done it once again! I love all four line! and now you want me to pick a favorite?! My mom is named Audrey so I do like this line - but as a high school student she attend Pullman Tech where she was trained to be a secretary so I think MESSAGES is my favorite! I can scrap her high school pictures!
+I love the Exit Here line! I have so many great pictures waiting for this paper!
+barb :)
+I absolutely ADORE Noah! Wonderful collections this Winter!
+OMG, they are all gorgeous!! But because I have 2 little boys, my favorite is definitely 'Noah' and my favorite paper in that collection is 'Noah's Blanket' - I'm a sucker for stripes! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing little boy collection!!
+Oh my Nikki these are fabulous collections! Love how many of your collection have each meaning to you.
+I love both Audrey and Noah. Great colors and generic prints that could really be used for almost anything!
+Wow great stuff! I think my fav is 'Noah'! I find theres tons of 'girl stuff and theres not alot of 'boys' stuff so its great seeing all the new stuff out.
+love them all Nikki, but Audrey won me over because of that cute little deer!
+Nikki your new lines are really fabulous!! Love love love the Messages one!
+I love these collections they are gorgeous I really love the messages collection.
+Janie Boots
+Yummy goodness! I love the messages line of paper. That telephone is fabulous. :)
+All of the new releases look amazing! I think my favorite is 'Exit Here'! 'My Tent' is one of my favs of the collection! Thanks so much for the fantastic sneak peeks!
+They are all sweet! With two boys I think I would have to pick Noah as my favourite however Messages is a close second!
+All of them are awesome!! Great job! My favorite (if I have to choose one..) is Noah. Noah's overalls and stars are just too cute!!!
+These are, IMHO, your best collections yet! My two favorites are Audrey and Noah's. If I win, I will have to narrow it down, but I really love these two the most!!!! TFS!
+I LOVE Noah!!! My favorite papers would be Mommy's skirt and Noah's Blanket! I can't pick just one. I'm a sucker for dots and stripes!!!
+blue.tacs at yahoo dot com
+AUDREY is my fave collection, with Audrey's Bedroom my fave paper! Would love to craft with it. THanks for offering candy!
+Love all collections, but Audrey is my favorite.
+My favourite is the Noah line (because I too have a little Noah), however, I do so adore the exit here line. Perfect for our camping/travelling adventures!. SO looking forward to having these papers to play with.
+These are WONDERFUL!!! I love them all but I think my favorite is Audrey! Thanks so much Nikki and have fun at CHA!
+OH! BEEP BEEP!! I LOVE NOAH!! I must have it for my Grandsons. All the New Collections are just AWESOME!! Thanks BUNCHES for the chance. Have a GREAT Day,
+Me-Ma Kim
+kimnsammy at gmail dot com
+Messages is calling my name!!! Just love this and could put it to good use!
+They are all wonderful!! Hard to pick just one, but if I had to it would be EXIT HERE. Love the theme and the colors.
+wow! They're all so fun and pretty! My favorite is Audrey - love where you got your inspiration for this collection! So heartfelt :)
+My favourite is Messages. Oh the paper has to be Graph-It with the subtle ledger pattern in parts of the paper
+Fantastic New releases! I'm not too familiar with your paper line so I might have to get the Messages collection or the Noah both stunning combinations. Thanks for sharing I hope to see more of your stuff!
+This is a tough choice...I really like them all, but....I guess if I have to choose I go with Audry first and Messages next.
+I'm all about Audrey! Although I'd be happy with all of them! Just awesome! Can't wait to see these in real life!!!
+If I have to pick only one as my favorite, I'll pick Messages. However, I can definitely see many projects in my future using your papers. Wowee!
+Boy, choosing a favorite from all of those gorgeous collections is *very* hard! I really want them all! My scrapbooking subjects are my own two nephews (I don't have kids of my own), so I think I would have to choose "Noah" with all of the fun images and colors!
+It is so hard to pick! I guess Messages would be m favorite but I want them all! Can't wait till the're available.
+My favorite is Messages and my favorite paper is Day Planner!!
+Great collections all but I will pick Noah as my favorite line and Daddy's ties as my favorite paper.
+They are all great!! Awesome work! My favorite is probably Audrey, although I really like Noah and I usually scrap about my son. My favorite paper is Audrey's dress, also love Noah's stars!
+They are all beautiful and different, but I really like the memo cards from Messages.
+Nikki, you have outdone yourself! My favorite collection is Audrey, and fave paper is Audrey's bedroom. Swoon!
+wow my favorites...the list will be really long...I love Noah's Star's, The Exit Here Punch Outs, Don't forget Cut-Ups, I Heart Traveling,.....you know what I think it is all fabulous...I totally love it...
+Love all of the new collections!!
+My favorite is the messages!!
+Looking foward to seeing the new DT creations with all of the new collections!!
+Oh my goodness..how do you pick just one as a favorite? Impossible!! They are all fabulous. I do love "messages" since I love browns, but I also love "noah" since I have a little nephew with that name.
+Ok I will have to pick Noah I simple fell in love with the stars paper. I really am looking forward to finding these papers at my local scrapbook store. Sandy from Missouri
+I'd have to say messages. I learnt to type on a click clack typewriter. Thank goodness for keyboards hey.
+Congrats on the wonderful new collections.
+I love them all, but my favourite would have to be exit here - I have a stack of travel photos that would look divine with this cheerfully, bright, fun range.
+Oh its so hard to just pick one favorite. Its a toss up between Noah and Messages. But I will go with Noah, it will be perfect for my little boy's album pages.
+Wow, they are all so great!!! I love Audrey's collection, especially Audrey's dress!!!
+Hard to choose only one, Audrey & Messages are just great. If I choose only one, I would say Messages.
+Audrey has got to be my "favorite" new release! I can't wait to scrap my baby girl with those papers! Absolutely adorable!
+I think Noah is pretty darn adorable!! I'm just thinking of all the layouts I could do with this collection!
+I love the Noah and the paper with the pockets is just so darling. All the new lines are awesome !!
+My favorite is Messages because of the telephone but I like that shade of green with the burnt yellow. And the log sheet...how perfect for journaling. I am sure all of your new collections will end in my stash...I just love how you put the collections together and the names on all the sheets of paper.
+Glad I found you! Been looking for a little boy collection and I think I found it!
+Okay, okay, okay--this is sooo hard to choose just one!!! Overall collection, hmmmm torn between Audrey and Noah! LOL Now, my FAVORITE sheet of paper is actually My traveling dress from Exits! So how's that for an answer!? ROFL Beautiful stuff!
+I love all of the new collections! Each collection has design elements that I love and I can see myself scrapping with them all. I have a soft spot for the "Messages" collection. The colors, the prints and the vintage images are all fabulous. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
+So hard to pick a fave! Noah really spoke to me though!
+I love the Noah collection. I also love that name :). Thanks for the chance to win.
+They are all wonderful. It is hard to choose one since Audrey and Noah are my favorites, but I have to go with Noah, as I have three nephews and it is so sweet.
+I adore Audrey!!! it's all gorgeous!
+I love the Noah collection and the Audrey collection holds a dear place in my heart so I know I will have to get my hands on it. My husband's sweet grandmother's name was also Audrey and she just passed away last Friday. When I saw this new collection, it reminded me that she is keeping a careful watch over us. Thank you Niki Sivils.
+great collections Nikki!!! I would go for Audrey!
+i love all of them but Noah is my favorite! so darling!
+Messages is just my style!!! Your news collections are amazing. Can't wait to see them in person!
+All of the collections are fabulous! I especially love Audrey. Just beautiful and fun!
+I love them all but as I'm due with my first child a little boy this coming march I am totally in love with Noah!
+my favoruite is Noah. My favortie paper is Noah;s blanket
+I can't decide, I love them all!!! I would use them all, so I would have to say ALL are my favorite! Great job!!!
+Great new collections Nikki! My favorite is Messages; love the vintage look.
+Delightful lines - all of them. Each line has some element that screams to me, but my favorite is Audrey and the Audrey's Dress paper. Love those deer!
+I love all of them and the fact that they all have some sort of special meaning to you. I'm gonna say "Exit Here" has my vote. We love a good weekend trip away in our camper. It's almost like taking a mini vacation. I also love that this line doesn't necessarily have to be used for camping it can be used for a variety of different events. Great job, Nikki! Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.
+I love them all!! But if I would have to pick it's a toss up between Audrey and Messages!! So cute!! But like I said I love them all!! :)
+These are beautiful lines and it's very difficult to choose just one. I think that Noah is my favourite since it's perfect for boy layouts without being just for baby boys.
+~Thanks, Esther
+Love "exit here". So cute. I really love all your lines. Think I have all of them!!
+Great collections, Exit Here is my fav, with Traveling Dress being my favorite piece. Such great designs and colors in that collection.
+I LOVE the Noah paper. I have a little grandson, Brandon, who is an adorable almost 3 year old. We have so much fun doing all the kid activities that we can find. Also, we seem to cuddle quite a bit! So I am going to have to say Noah is my favorite!
+holly martin
+Wow! So hard to choose. Love them all. But, might have to go with Audrey and Audrey's Vines. But there are so many really close behind.
+Oh my, they all look gorgeous Nikki!!!! I loved the Messsages most...:) XX
+These are all so beautiful! I am in absolute love with the Audrey collection. How precious! So perfect for a little girl. <3 Thanks for the chance to win!
+All of your papers make me smile, but I especially love "Messages", can't wait to get some.
+Oh my gosh, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes over Audrey. Aren't grandparents the best gift from God? They love you so unconditionally and support all of your hopes and dreams. I am so sorry for your grandmother's passing. I know she would have loved this line that you dedicated to her.
+I love them all but my most favorite one would be messages. Yep, messages it is!
+OMG Noah! LOL adorable! What a great paper line! Thank you so much! This made my day.
+What great new lines and a special tribute to your grandmother! Beautiful. I love them all but I really like that Noah's stars paper! I am definitely going to have to get that Noah line for my little guy!
+Thanks for the chance to win!
+Long before you start filling out college applications, these days you have to start deciding how many AP classes you’ll need to take before your freshman year of high school . But do you really “need” to take a bunch of AP classes to get into a good college? The answer for attending an elite or Ivy League school is “maybe.” In my last post I looked at the chances of getting into an elite school, even with a steller resume. But assuming you get in, you then have to consider what an Ivy League education would cost? What are the chances of getting a merit scholarship?
+What is the cost of attending an elite or Ivy League school?
+Well, the tuition at Stanford is currently $45,729 per year.
+But don’t forget to look at a cost that includes textbooks and living expenses. Different schools in different cities will different housing costs. Sometimes schools will call these numbers something like “student budget” or “total annual cost.”
+With living expenses, they estimate the cost of going to Stanford is at least $64,477 per year.
+That’s a minimal total cost of $258,000, assuming my child graduates in 4 years.
+We have three kids, so let’s multiply that number by 3.
+That gives us a total cost of $775,000. That’s over three-quarters of a million dollars. Without even looking at ROI for a college education – return on investment, what it would take over time to recover the cost of the education – (And here’s an article about further analyzing those statistics for college ROI), you still have to have the money to be able to spend it.
+Maybe our kids will get financial aid.
+Before we get into financial aid, let me point out that I do not consider student loans to be financial aid. Be warned, colleges do! When you find information on “actual costs” they will have deducted student loans from that cost. But really all loans do is it make college more expensive, because of the cost of interest. For a great explanation of how tricky financial aid can be, and how schools use loans as “aid” to lower their apparent costs, check out 5 Ways to Get Smart About Financial Aid Award Letters.
+Many of the elite colleges, such as Harvard, now highlight their “need based” financial aid. It can help to know that your idea of need, and a college’s idea of how much you can afford to contribute to your college education, can be very different. (What is EFC (Expected Family Contribution)?) And so if you’re looking at ROI, as explained above, you are still looking at the bottom line of how long it takes you to recover the cost of the education without need-based aid..)
+Stanford gives out merit awards to 1% of their incoming students.
+Well I guess those are better odds then winning the lottery.
+But still, a 5% chance of getting accepted and then a 1% chance of getting merit aid – I don’t know about you, but with 0.05% chance any one of my kids would get into Stanford and be offered a merit scholarship, it’s not too likely that one of my kids would go there.!
+But before I totally discard the idea of my kids attending an elite university, there’s one more thing to consider. Do the calculations match up to reality? I’ll share what I’ve heard in my next post.
+Ivy League schools (and probably Stanford – I don’t know for sure) don’t give out merit aid because all of their students would be eligible to receive it. Instead, they use their endowments to help their students. At an Ivy League school, the students family is expected to pay their EFC. Beyond that the cost is covered by grants. That means that even for an upper middle class family, there is likely to be financial assistance and may very likely make the Ivy League education cost less than the State school. I know, as that was the case of us.
+That does make sense that all of their students would qualify for merit aid. And it’s really interesting that it might make the Ivy League education cost less than the State school; EFCs tend to be so high that I’m surprised by that. What I would guess might still be true, is that while it might cost less than a state school, it might not cost less for that particular student than a state school if they would get aid at the state school. However, if your student really wants to go to a particular school it is encouraging to know that it might not be out of reach! It’s really great to get first-hand information. Thanks for commenting!
+If you truly have a stellar student, I would highly encourage them to look at the Ivy League schools, especially if they come from a lower income family. Ivies typically cost nothing for kids whose families make less than $60K/year. Unfortunately, those families are the ones that typically get scared off by the huge sticker prices and miss out on the fabulous opportunities afforded by an Ivy League education and the connections that come from it. That is why I had to comment on your article. It is deceptive and wrong to assume you won’t receive financial aid from an Ivy, unless you make upwards of $200,000/yr. If you are under that income level you WILL receive aid in the form of grants, which will NOT have to be paid back. More importantly, if you have two students attending college at the same time, their EFCs at an Ivy will half and the university will still only expect you to pay your EFC and still meet the difference between your EFC and the sticker price with grants that will NOT have to be paid back. That’s true, even if your second student has received lots of scholarships at their college. The Ivy doesn’t care how much you’re paying at the 2nd college, just that you have another student in college. Parents need to be sure they look at the cost of four years of college and how a sibling changes the equation. As you can tell, I find your article highly inaccurate and I would hate for a great student to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity because they are told that can’t afford it.
+That’s great to note that aid depends more on the number of students a family has attending college than on how much each is actually paying. Thank you for pointing that out! And you’re right that students shouldn’t limit their search too much and miss out on opportunities.
+However, when looking to balance the high school experience, it’s good to know that you don’t need to take a staggering number of AP and IB classes to get into a “great” college, but you probably will need to in order to get into a highly selective school like an Ivy. Thus the calculation of how likely you are to get in, and also how likely you are to get financial aid. Please note that in the article only 1% of students at Stanford get financial aid. However, as you are right that students shouldn’t miss out on opportunities so let’s look at this some more.
+The fact that parents and students on average are expected to contribute more than they can find in their budgets is reflected in rising student debt. From A Look at the Shocking Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2017,, “…the average Class of 2016 graduate has $37,172 in student loan debt, up six percent from last year.”
+But you are again right to point out that you need to focus not on sticker price, but on net price. This varies by student, so the best you can do to plan is to look at average net price. NPR has an excellent article about this, What You’ll Actually Pay At 1,550 Colleges. From their calculator, you can see that for an income of $110K, the average net annual price for Stanford is $40K, for Texas A&M $19K, University of Arkansas $15K.
+However, for very low incomes you can get a very low price at many different colleges! And the curve is flatter at public schools, so you do get a bigger break at private. And that is important for low income students to know that.
+After I look at the data, I then try to match it with personal experience. (I don’t trust data alone.) We,personally, are not seeing friends get good financial aid packages from highly selective schools, compared to others schools, IF the get in at all. And their kids are burning themselves out with heavy class loads, extracurricular activities, and lack of sleep.
+First of all, Stanford has just announced that all students with families that make $125,000 per year will attend for FREE.
+Second, I think college debt is so high because parents and students are not doing their homework beforehand when targeting their choices of schools. They assume the state school will be the least expensive and only apply there. Then they are shocked by what they will be paying – once it’s too late to change course.
+You state that “all you can do is loo at the average net price.” False, by law every school is required to have a Net Price Calculator on their website. If parents use these and provide accurate numbers, they will have a very good idea what their worst case cost at each school will be. Then, if they are lucky, they might still receive merit aid to reduce the cost.
+Another effective way to reduce your cost is to target a school that is just below your grades/test scores. That is what we did with our 2nd son. He is a strong student, but was not Ivy League material. By choosing a good school where his test scores and grades were above the average, he was able to get merit aid to the tune of $31K/yr. for 4 years. We have several friend who have found this to be true. One has just committed to Alabama (and their Honors College) where he will get a full ride because his ACT was 32 or higher.
+There are deals to be found for good students whose families make less than $200K, you just need to know how to find them.
+Obviously, you are correct that some kids are burning themselves out taking too many APs, participating in extra-curriculars, etc. Some indeed are doing so. But those kids are not the ones that should or would end up at an Ivy. Since your article spoke to cost of Ivies and elite schools, this really doesn’t fit into the discussion here.
+Are you an engineer? Did you study linear algebra in college? Perhaps you have an advanced mathematics degree? If so, you might not find this blog helpful. If you’re like many folks in the GIS industry today who did not take a heavy math load in college and are not working as a surveyor or engineer, then this blog hopefully will help you to understand one of the fundamental principles of mapping. Geodesy is that area in GIS that is a bit of a dirty secret in that many people try to avoid it or don’t understand it. Technically it’s the branch of mathematics and science focused on accurately measuring and understanding the size and shape of the earth, its orientation in space, and its gravity field. It is a $100,000 word that even sounds intimidating, but break it down and it will hopefully make sense. It’s the underpinning of all mapping but it can be the most difficult to understand and the most intimidating to the unindoctrinated. I am here to help with my top ten list of geodetic fundamentals, explained in an easy to understand and hopefully easy to remember approach. So let’s dive in to the deep end, shall we?
+Number 1: It’s Coordinate “Reference” System not Coordinate System
+This is an important point, no pun intended, to remember. The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is a reference model that packages up everything we need to communicate locations, sizes, and shapes. It is a toolkit that gives us a language to accurately enumerate positions on the earth. Some of the tools in the CRS toolbox are Ellipsoid, Datum, Map Projection, Units, and Origin. A CRS is defined by these concepts, which allows us to talk geodesy. Just remember that we are using a math model to reference the earth. Blue Marble has a tag line: Mind the Gap Between World and Map. That is what we are talking about. Unfortunately there is not a good acronym for these terms. EDPUO does not have a good ring to it. I’ve tried switching them around, nothing works. But you usually need them all to make a CRS.
+Number 2: Transform not Convert
+When I first started working at Blue Marble, we used to use the phrase “coordinate conversion”. Over the years, we have moved away from that phrase simply because it implies a process that is exact and easily reversible when that is not always the case. When we change coordinate reference systems we are actually transforming the data. We are moving all of the points to a new system and, if we were to reverse that process, we are actually transforming the data again and on some small level those points will not be exactly where they were before. The concept here is that there is much more going on behind the scenes.
+Number 3: Three types of Coordinate Reference Systems
+There are three main types of CRS that we work with ̶ the Geographic, the Projected, and the Geocentric. Geographic coordinate systems can be thought of as a globe, a whole-earth model. The units are angular like degrees as opposed to feet and are focused on rotation around an axis. This type of system gets us close to the shape of the planet without a lot of distortion. But it is not practical for talking about directions, distances and relative locations. That is why we have the projected systems. Think of the projected systems as taking the round globe and projecting it on to a flat plane. These behave like planar Cartesian systems that allow us to map x and y on a grid in linear units like feet, meters or miles. The third type of system is called geocentric or earth centered/earth fixed (ECEF). This is a model that is based on an origin that is at the center of the planet (the geocenter) as opposed to the surface. Many of these are gravity-based and they were used for GPS satellite technology.
+Number 4: The Types of Datum Transformations
+Datum Transformations are probably the most difficult concepts for people to understand. Actually, it’s the concept of a datum itself that trips people up. I like to think of the datum as a tie-down point. It is the point that ties a specific location on the globe to your mapping surface. So, if the datum is where we begin a mapping process, envision moving from that point in one direction. We will call that X. Then we turn to a perpendicular direction that we will call Y. If we introduce a change in height, that is Z. So now we take all three position changes (change in X, change in Y, change in Z) and we move them together to arrive at a different reference surface. In order to mathematically move X, Y, and Z together, we use a datum transformation. A simple, linear, three-parameter transformation tries to leave our point in one place and swap out the surface they are on by lining up a new model under it. The simplicity of the shift has tradeoffs in terms of accuracy. If we add more complexity we add more parameters like rotations and scale and we can move into seven, ten, and even 14 parameter shifts. This process is very complex, mathematically speaking, and not easily summed up in a brief blog. But the point (once again, no pun intended) is that we have to transform our data in a precise and accurate manner and this process starts with the datum from which we are transforming.
+Number 5: Geoids – Getting Vertical
+So many concepts, so little time. OK, so the term geoid literally means Earth model. In today’s geodetic world (seriously, not a pun) we consider geoids in conjunction with vertical datums. Vertical datums add a new dimension to horizontal datums. Think of a horizontal datum as mainly dealing with the x and y, based on an ellipsoid. With a vertical datum we introduce a z value for height. With a vertical datum we introduce ‘up’ and ‘down’. The vertical datums allow us to map mountains, valleys, changes in the terrain, by giving us a good zero height from which we start measuring. Mean Sea Level comes into play when we talk about geoids as well. Geoids are typically models approximating where sea level is supposed to be to create an even more accurate reference for height measurement. They of course have a whole bag of assumptions and challenges to bring to the table as the ocean is an ever moving target. It’s important to remember that when talking about sea level, there are multiple models of it and they aren’t all the same!
+Number 6: Not just Where but When is your data?
+By this stage, I’ve either confused you even more than you were at the start, or perhapsbe you are beginning to understand some of these concepts a little more so that you have a deeper appreciation of where your data is. Well, I’m sorry but for modern mapping it is no longer just about where, but it is also about when. When is your data? Coordinate reference systems can now also carry a value of when the system was measured; a time stamp if you will. Also known as an epoch. Think of the areas of the earth’s surface that are relatively active (moving) due to tectonic activity. The island of Japan is a great example. After a major earth quake in Japan, the entire island can actually move or change its location. There are now time-dependent transformations available, such as HTDP, to address this challenge. Another way to think of this concept is our friend WGS84 ̶ World Geodetic System 1984. The first iteration of this GPS-measured system was way back in 1984. For our millennial friends, that is ancient history. For today’s mapping, if we are concerned with modern measurement, the original WGS 84 is not going to get it done. It’s been realized (revised) six times over the years; we now use WGS84 (G1762), which was realized 1762 weeks (33 years!) after the original and is now several meters away from positions on surface-based models from that time.
+Number 7: Process Assumptions – aka Garbage in Garbage out!
+So now you have some of the basic concepts in your list checked off. Now you should be able to look at your mapping data, review these issues and know that, if they are all accounted for, you are all set. Your data is accurate. It is where it is supposed to be and you can move on to more cartographic pursuits such as contour generation and buffering. No, sorry it is not that easy. We cannot assume that the process used to create the data we are working with was executed properly. A common problem in modern mapping is we load in secondary data to our map. Many GIS tools will automatically place that data over the base data. If it appears to line up, we assume it is correct. When we bring in our data, if that data was corrupted by a poor transformation process or mis-labeled geodetically when it comes through that process it will still be bad. We may never know. That is why we always have to be on alert for geodetically corrupted data or processes where assumptions are made.
+Number 8: The challenge of that last Meter
+Today’s GIS and Survey work often encompasses data in the centimeter level of precision or resolution. Data products like high-resolution LiDAR data with multiple points collected per square meter are common place. Working at high-precision levels requires a great deal of care and persistence. The work is far from complete when the data is collected. There are assumptions to question, data manipulations to understand, and limitations to acknowledge. All of the concepts in our top ten come into play.
+Number 9: Metadata, metadata, metadata
+One way to help battle garbage in/garbage out is the often overlooked, admittedly boring process of metadata. Metadata is data about the data. It is a key to understanding the CRS involved in our map. Information like coordinate reference system, projections, sources, and assumptions are all important forms of metadata. Mapping folks have been talking about metadata for as long as I can remember. Yet it is still often overlooked. We took delivery of a large, high-resolution, and extremely expensive-to-collect LiDAR data set not too long ago and when we attempted to transform the data we realized there was absolutely no coordinate metadata information. Because it was terrestrial LiDAR and intended to be quite accurate, it used a local CRS, but there was no metadata in the files. An easy fix would have been a text file in the folder directory but that was nowhere to be found either. And this data was collected by a licensed land surveyor. Unacceptable! We all have to do better than that.
+Number 10: Education on the Science/ Training on the Software
+Let’s remember, whether it’s geography, surveying, geology, physics, ecology, or any number of other disciplines, collectively we are talking about science. One cannot simply become an expert on all facets of applied GIS. One can learn the tools involved but the science of mapping itself is the responsibility of the GIS professional and that science is founded on positioning. Additionally, there are any number of software tools that can be used to create maps. All of those software titles address our top ten list and the question of whether or not they do a good job is up to the GIS professional. We said earlier, garbage in means garbage out. We must all work to stay current on the various tools we use for mapping, and thus by extension geodesy, so that we can understand how those tools address our top ten issues. If we are diligent, we can provide accurate mapping. If we are not, the follies and foils of inaccurate data rest on our shoulders.
+7 Replies to “A Beginner’s Guide to Geodesy – Coordinates, Datums, and Bearings, Oh My!”
+As the quality of the coordinates produced by GNSS devices are getting better and better, the data now often exceeds the standard mapping structures. To effectively use these new sources geodesy moves from an arcane topic to something that many folks need to understand. Thanks for this intro and for the value that the Geographic Calculator provides.
+You’re welcome Fred, thank you for your comments and your work too.
+I was unaware that the WGS84 datum is not a fixed reference system, but one that evolves with time. Thank you for this insight and for the tutorials that enable a GIS-naive user of Global Mapper to actually reach useful conclusions.
+Thank you Paul, good to hear!
+Thanks Patrick – useful intro. with pictures!
+I’m curious if the licensed land surveyor mentioned under Number 9 – Metadata was given the opportunity to provide the metadata. We all make mistakes -even though the text file should have been provided.
+Tim, thanks for the comment. I may have been a bit harsh with my “unacceptable” comment but this issue is a concern we hear from our customers time and time again. We did reach out to them for the coordinate information and kind of tongue in cheek chided them on it. It was not a formal data delivery so that is how that issue occurred if that helps explain it.
+Very well summarized, great job Patrick!
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+It can not all be excellent, appropriate? While there are some impressive features within Grammarly, there are particular facets that could be boosted. Most widely, Grammarly doesn’t function on Google Docs, which can be a genuine downer for those of you that use this composing software application at all times. Simply take a look at the notification I obtained on my Grammarly Chrome expansion when I was crafting this really article in Google Docs: It seems as though Grammarly is certainly breaking out and prolonging their services to much more and a lot more platforms– which is fantastic if you utilize many for job, pastimes, or a combination of the two.
+It really only has one feature, which’s to correct your punctuation and grammar. Personally, I do not require far more than simply the free attributes. Choosing Grammarly Premium is absolutely more useful for those wanting to transform their creating right or those who require a little bit greater than just grammar aid.
+While they’re entirely warranted to get you to invest even more cash to go costs, their spam-like ads and e-mails can be a bit much for individuals. Nonetheless, they still advertise to you through the Grammarly extension from time to time by notifying you to upgrade. While it’s annoying, it’s still bearable as well as not necessarily a deal-breaker.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Every person, including professional writers, makes mistakes in their writing. Even when you get the essentials down, hunting down higher-level grammar as well as style nuances can be overwhelming. Grammarly, which calls itself a creating aide, can assist in those situations. This app for authors suggests spelling, grammar, and style changes in real time as well as can even modify for specific genres.
+Grammarly sets you back $29.95 each month, $59.95 per quarter, or $139.95 per year. If this rate seems high, recognize that Grammarly often offers subscription discounts. For the rate of entry, you obtain customized look for different file kinds, a plagiarism filter, as well as a feature to aid diversify your vocabulary, to name a few bonus.
+Grammarly likewise provides a minimal totally free version that look for essential punctuation and grammar errors. Grammarly’s Company rate sets you back $15 per member monthly and is billed on a yearly basis. Grammarly provides native desktop computer customers for both Windows and macOS, internet browser expansions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, as well as Side, and a Microsoft Workplace ($99.99 at Office Depot ® & OfficeMax ®) add-in (Windows just).
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Grammarly currently sustains two various other significant composing platforms: Google Docs and Medium. While the Google Docs integration presently just works by means of the Chrome internet browser, both expansions rate updates and many users ought to currently be able to utilize Grammarly on their liked system. Still, I would such as to see Grammarly included in Workplace on the Mac, Apple’s iWork Suite, and also Libre Workplace for Linux individuals. Special Features Proofreading Software.
+The disadvantage of this real-time model is that Grammarly needs a web connection to work. Special Features Proofreading Software. In operation, Grammarly underlines essential mistakes in red (punctuation and also fundamental grammar), and innovative mistakes in yellow (design as well as finest methods), though the latter ability is restricted to costs users. Floating over any of the suggested words or phrases brings up the option to fix the error directly or read a more-detailed description of the error.
+It’s even more in-depth than what you obtain with the built-in grammar checkers of both Google Docs and Office 365. I likewise find the mistake matter that Grammarly adds at the end of every record to be an effective way of demonstrating how much editing and enhancing work I have actually left. Nevertheless, you require to be mindful of the possible privacy and also safety and security threats of Grammarly, because it proactively checks every little thing you kind.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Grammarly resolved the concern quickly hereafter launch as well as kept in mind that the susceptability only had the prospective to expose information saved in the Grammarly Editor. Despite the fact that Grammarly dealt with the feedback well, you still must exercise extreme care with software that can check out as well as customize your input. That stated, Grammarly does differ from an essential logger in a few important means.
+A company representative also told me that Grammarly “is blocked from accessing anything you key in message fields marked “delicate,” such as bank card kinds or password fields.” I still suggest you disable Grammarly for such websites in instance they are not set up properly, in addition to for things like delicate lawful records.
+I set up the Grammarly Desktop computer application on my Windows 10 equipment and had no concerns signing in to my account. The application looks wonderful and the format is extremely functional; I particularly like the side panel’s dark accents as well as minimalist symbols. Nevertheless, I would like if Grammarly handled its desktop app by means of the Windows Shop, since those applications are restricted in what they can access on your system.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Grammarly suggests utilizing the import feature to protect text formatting, but it really did not constantly retain paragraph spacing when attempted including test Word files. It likewise significantly does not keep font formatting either, such as bold or italic styles. Click on the Account symbol to make edits to your individual thesaurus and switch your composing language between a few various variations of English: American, Australian, British, and also Canadian.
+Within a paper, the ideal side of the home window homes tabs for punctuation and also grammar errors, costs creating checks, a plagiarism checker, a human proofreader alternative, and also an overall writing rating based upon these elements. As stated previously, this rating is handy for getting a quick check of your creating progression as well as just how much revising you have left.
+Goals launches whenever you import a brand-new file; it assists Grammarly adjust its edits based upon the context of your writing. As an example, you can specify your intent (educate, define, convince, inform a tale), target market, style, as well as emotion. Premium individuals can select in between different writing domains, including Academic, Technical, as well as Creative.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+These metrics are determined based on comparison with various other Grammarly individuals and also the Readability score is based on the Flesch reading-ease examination. Both additions make Grammarly much more beneficial at a higher level than that of easy mistake checking. The most recent function for premium Grammarly individuals on the desktop computer application is an uniformity check.
+You can think of this feature as a glorified find-and-replace function, with the benefit of automatic detection. In screening, Grammarly was fast to find these kind of errors, suggest solutions, and carry out the modifications in one action. As an example, I keyed in the day, May 1, three various methods: May 1, 1 Might, as well as Might 1st.
+However, the editor did not discover that May 1 and also 5/1 were equal, neither that 5/1/19, 5/1/2019, and 5/1 must be standardized (although it did recognize that these phrases were repetitive when present in back-to-back-to-back sentences). I hope Grammarly broadens its detection progressing, as it is fairly helpful. On the internet, the Grammarly plug-in testimonials every little thing you compose in live, from making up e-mails to writing notes.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Keep in mind that if you function within a material management system, Grammarly might insert code into the source message at the spot of the mistake. It is never a good concept to have irregular or unnecessary code on any kind of web page, so you must disable it on such web pages. The Microsoft Workplace Add-in lives as a food selection item in the Workplace Bow for both Word and Outlook.
+Grammarly opens as a sidebar home window as well as reveals blunders in a contextual place within the document. Click on the certain adjustments to see details. Although opening up Grammarly impaired Microsoft Word’s modification tracking and also Crtl + Z faster way in past, both capacities function now with the add-in active in our screening.
+You can suggest that Grammarly motivates careless writing which goes to least partially exact, as some people will benefit from its thorough checks without troubling to pick up from the insight it supplies. It’s well matched for individuals actively seeking to boost their writing but still satisfies customers who aren’t aware that they require assistance.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Occasionally, I did locate the real-time edits distracting in my screening and also disabled Grammarly to make sure that I could complete typing an idea without being disrupted. Grammarly might be more valuable throughout the revision portion of your creating procedure as a final look for errors and inconsistencies. I was hard-pressed to find much of a distinction in between the free version of Grammarly as well as the integrated punctuation, grammar, and style mosaic in the latest version of Microsoft Workplace.
+Nonetheless, I found Grammarly’s sophisticated editing and enhancing checks, which help you tidy up all the middling grammar tidbits, suggest alternatives to typically utilized words, as well as provide contextual edits for clearness, extremely beneficial. As an example, Grammarly is a stickler for eliminating unneeded commas. One more clear benefit of Grammarly is that it works in more areas across your workflow. Special Features Proofreading Software.
+For instance, it recommended I add a post in a few places that really did not require one. Still, some users might not like the omission of an “Accept All” switch purely for some of the extra primary spacing and also comma usage mistakes. Note that also authorities on grammar, such as AP, Merriam Webster, as well as Oxford sometimes differ on some policies like hyphenation and capitalization, so no grammar-checking tool is perfect. I tested the app on my Google Pixel running Android 9. As you may anticipate, the Grammarly key-board aids you correct grammar and also punctuation errors as you go. It serves for everything from composing emails to making up social media articles to editing and enhancing long-form papers. In Setups, you can pick either the light or dark color style, select whether to reveal crucial borders and also the number row, or toggle resonance, audio, and popup on keypress.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+Grammarly looks very similar to Gboard, though it is missing out on a few essential Gboard features. As an example, Grammarly currently does not sustain swipe keying, though the company states it is working with including that function. It also lacks all of Gboard’s extras that press you to Google solutions, such as internet search as well as translation.
+Power individuals may disagree. As you type, Grammarly turns up ideas and also improvements immediately. You can swipe via and accept these adjustments effortlessly or hit the environment-friendly Grammarly symbol in the upper-left corner to inspect it once again. If you touch on individual edits, Grammarly opens a card-based user interface with more thorough descriptions.
+As in the application’s desktop counterpart, the keyboard edits and also pointers are usually helpful and precise, particularly if you spend for the complete version. The auto-correct for punctuation is equally as great as what you obtain with the basic key-board, but its corrective grammar edits are its greatest appeal. The key-board setups are relatively robust.
+Special Features Proofreading Software
+You can toggle auto-correction and also auto-capitalization choices, choose a language preference (American, Australian, British, or Canadian English), as well as also permit it to recommend get in touch with names as you type. The remaining sections allow you offer feedback, gain access to the support site, or switch accounts. Grammarly’s thoroughness when it comes to punctuation, grammar, as well as style ideas is its best stamina.
+Although we would still like to see an offline setting and support for Microsoft Office on the Mac, recent enhancements, such as Google Docs support as well as new attributes for the desktop editor, make Grammarly simple to advise. Fast and precise grammar and spell check (Special Features Proofreading Software). Excellent user interfaces across systems. Costs composing design devices.
+Sight More Costly. No support for Office on Mac. No offline editing and enhancing mode. It sets you back a whole lot, however real-time spelling and also grammar checker Grammarly is an outstanding tool for enhancing your writing across a variety of platforms.
+[sspostsincat category=”grammarly”]
+Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles can be
+Are you looking for a fun, easy way to learn about healthy eating or maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
+Well, Kevin Gianni has the solution.
+Kevin Gianni and his wife, Annmarie, are a dynamic duo of health advocates who created The Renegade Health Show, a TV blog with the mission to “change the health of the world, one show at a time.”
+What we love about Kevin and Annmarie Gianni is their fresh way of bringing you health and fitness information that always makes you think -- and often makes you laugh out loud.
+We recently met up with Kevin Gianni to learn about his new book, High Raw, and his trip around the country in a green (eco-friendly) RV called the Kale Whale.
+Read on, for our interview with Kevin Gianni:
+A. First of all, while fitness was always important to me, even as early as high school, I knew nothing about nutrition.
+In college, I saw my mother go through chemotherapy for breast cancer, but even then, I still didn’t see the link between nutrition and good health. But one day, something clicked for me…. Like many people, I had to go through my own bout of challenges before I had my epiphany.
+For me, the epiphany came after many years of partying through college, drinking too much beer and eventually gaining weight in spite of my regular fitness routine.
+After college, I shared a basement apartment in Brooklyn with a roommate. In this tiny apartment, I did professional web design projects by day and beer guzzling at night. After a late night of partying, I peeled my head off my pillow in the morning and asked myself a life-changing question: “Is there something better than this?”
+The answer was the kind of positive kick in the butt that made me take action in a better direction…I began to take steps toward healthy eating that changed my life.
+Today, I joke and say that I learned the importance of health after a bout of Brooklyn Basement-itis, but seriously, it was that one life-changing question that made me take action for the better.
+It became abundantly clear to me just how powerful these simple, yet positive questions could be.
+As a raw food advocate, instead of telling people to always eat 100% raw food, I suggest they ask themselves to think like a raw fooder and ask themselves, “What would a raw fooder do in this situation?”
+This way, it’s not about being 100% raw – it’s not about being 100% perfect – instead, you see if you can take just one step closer to eating something raw.
+When you ask yourself positive questions, you can avoid the old pitfall of going 100% raw for three days and then reverting back to processed foods when overwhelm sets in or when you see that tempting bag of chips.
+Using a positive questioning process and taking it one step at a time can be much easier in the long run. Donna Gates calls that the principle of step-by-step .
+With Body Ecology, I’d suggest the same thing. Body Ecology is a system of health and healing that is often not mastered overnight. So instead of getting overwhelmed, just think like Donna Gates or a Body Ecology follower.
+Ask yourself, “What would Donna Gates do in this situation?” Maybe you’d eat your regular meal and add somefermented foods and drinks, for example.
+If you begin thinking this way, you don’t have to make and follow long lists or write down all of your intentions. Instead, you can simply ask yourself this one question, “What would Donna Gates do right now?” and take one step closer to sticking to your Body Ecology lifestyle.
+A. A friend of mine asked me to run a 5K race with her and with no training, I
+placed first in my age group. Now, it’s not like I had a huge amount of people racing against me, but I was pretty amazed at what the human body could do with no training.
+My friend asked me to run the Hartford Marathon with her as well. Having never run more than 10 miles in my life, I decided to go for it and finished in about four hours.
+While I was amazed that I could even finish the marathon, I ended up hurting myself due to lack of training. So while I could see the incredible ability of my body, I also realized the importance of building up to things by training.
+This is when I began to look into health and recognize that good health was so much more than healthy eating. It was also about building stamina and that’s where I decided I needed to step in.
+Over the years, I found out that I had a knack for understanding patterns and why things work. I could look at things differently and come up with a fresh perspective.
+Somehow, I feel that this fresh perspective is being channeled through me because I am able to take a lot of complex and varied information and break it down into a few easy steps.
+In my last book, The Busy Person’s Fitness Solution, I looked at all the fitness books that lined my shelves and realized all the information is already out there...but what wasn’t there was an easy way to distill that information into the solutions that work.
+This is my passion, cutting through all the information to bring people what works.
+And of course, making it fun and easy to follow!
+A. People want their relationships, jobs and lives to be better. It really has nothing to do with food, nutrition or health, even though I wish it did. The bottom line is that people want to live extraordinary lives and to me, it’s about helping people fulfill their dreams.
+So I like to focus on making health, weight loss and fitness fun, so that the other things in their lives start falling into place.
+This is where protocols go out the window and we focus on having fun.
+I work with people by focusing on what they like to do most of the day. If you like what you do most of the day, it’s easier to feel better and have the energy to put into getting healthy.
+No one wants to have a plaque on the wall that says, “I ate 100% raw” or “I have six-pack abs.”
+Instead, they want to have incredible lives – they want to have fun! This is what needs to be addressed in health.
+And in fact, this is what Annmarie and I focus on in our health TV blog, The Renegade Health Show. The Renegade Health Show began in March 2008 and our audience response has been fantastic.
+While people knew of us as health advocates, I think they appreciate that we have invited them into our private lives. In our show, they can see how we make healthy eating and healthy lifestyles fun, easy and stress-free. Even in our RV, we are able to focus on health and fitness because we are having a ball doing what we love.
+We feel great when people write into us to tell us that by watching our show, they made big changes in their lives. This is why we do it – we truly want to make a positive difference in people’s health.
+I want to introduce the possibility of change to as many people as possible. I love to see people make changes, like drinking a green supplement,drinking plenty of good water, consuming probiotic-rich fermented foods and drinks.
+I want people to realize that emotions are a result of their inner composition. If they can understand that, they can realize they are so much bigger and better than they think they are. We can actually change our internal body composition and feel better.
+I want to create a huge change in the world...to say, it’s possible that you are so much better than you think you are. It might be that the chemicals you are putting in your body are changing your true essence.
+If they can change that, they can change what goes into their body.
+A. The protocol I recommend is continuing education: always make an effort to read or look at something new, whether on the Internet, reading a book, etc. Second, forget 99.9% of what you read or listened to, take the .01 percent of info and apply it to your practice.
+For example, when I met Donna Gates, she told me about fermented foods and drinks. I decided to try fermented foods and I love them – I’m seeing results. So the one thing I incorporated is the fermented foods, which meant I didn’t have to try everything all at once.
+You can make your own fermented foods and drinks easily and affordably with Body Ecology’s Starters. Make your own cultured vegetables and young coconut kefir at home! Or if you’re pressed for time and still want the health benefits of fermented foods and drinks, a bottle of InnergyBiotic is a convenient way to get your daily does of healthy, energizing, immune-boosting probiotics! Learn more about InnergyBiotic and purchase your bottle today.
+Take one thing, apply it and take action, see if it works or not. Instead of focusing on everything and getting overwhelmed, just take one thing and apply it.
+Now say you do one thing a month for 3 years…that’s 36 things you apply in your life on a regular basis and create new habits. This keeps you from getting overwhelmed by trying too many new things at once that you end up quitting.
+A. As a raw food advocate, I hear a big debate about whether cooked or raw foods are better…but I’d like to change the conversation a bit. Because it’s not about whether cooked or raw foods are better. Instead, I’d like to ask the question, “Doesn’t it make sense that we each can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables?”
+That’s really what High Raw is about…It’s about why raw fruits and vegetables can help us be more healthy and how you can get more of them into your diet.
+And High Raw goes beyond that and helps you overcome common pitfalls, like confusion caused by all the conflicting health information and stumbling blocks like cravings, willpower and overwhelm.
+I want to have a healthy lifestyle now and 20 years from now. I want to follow a healthy lifestyle that is easy and timeless…that makes sense. High Raw is not a book about dietary dogma. It’s a distillation of over 200 interviews with health advocates from all backgrounds of raw food and cooked foods.
+Overall, High Raw teaches you to understand your own personality and nature and benefit from it by matching your health goals to your desired pace.
+A. I want people to know that I’m not an expert...I’m an advocate. Putting myself in an expert position requires me to know al the answers, and I don’t. I am finding answers and sharing them.
+While I’m always looking into new things, like testing and getting evidence about your health, the one overlying message is to help people realize the importance of relaxing about your health...Allowing yourself to say, yes this is serious, it’s my health, but still have fun and relax about...
+The moment the words "spirit attached to" Mr XX are said by the investigating staff member to the receiver of light, these very words conjure/invite in a spirit to attach to the receiver. I know as I personally had such a frightening experience whereby this "attaching spirit" spoke through me, and when asked by the staff member was I related to it, said no, and that it had just "dropped in" to check out what this light thing the staff member was talking about! After that incident from that time onwards till I left SM I never allowed another spirit investigation. I am most fortunate with that experience that I didnt attract an earth bound spirit with violent tendencies. Its quite scarey how they are meddling with these wayward spirits as SM staff members dont know how to send these attaching spirits back to God's Love and Light.
+I was never a member of Sukyo Mahikari, but the first time I received light from someone other than Asher, my boyfriend...I think the guy was a Socho, but he was definitely a Kanbu member...
+I don't remember this, but from what I have been told of the incident by Asher and others who witnessed it was that the spirit began speaking through me...it was a man who apparently had been "according to SM" following my family throughout history with the intent to harm us.
+They suggested I receive more light, but after that incident I never received from a Kanbu member again...the incident never happened again either and the only time I have seen anyone else go through what I did was when a Socho or Kanbu member offered them light. Very strange.
+I have one for you.....
+Over the 14 years I was involved I think I received a so called spirit investigation maybe five or six times. I didn't go for it too much, it just wasn't my cup of tea! Some instinct told me that this was kindergarten stuff, I was a Wiccan as a wayward youth and that seemed to have some kind of spiritual grunt at the time. Mind you Wicca was a lot of fun and a good way to meet some very lovely ladies....
+In the dojo I belonged to there seemed to be a passion for samurai spirits or fox spirits or badger spirits.....none of these have much to do with Aussie culture.
+I fixed that........I recall I was feeling quite uncomfortable one time in the kneeling position and was moving up and down a bit to get the blood flow back into my feet.
+Then the investigation started, the person doing the so called spirit investigation went through the list of regular types. So I shook my head and started to move up and down more, making a a few Kangaroo type gestures.... through the process of elimination she finally picked a Kangaroo....Bingo!!
+So it seems she had discovered a resentful Kangaroo Spirit, which didn't like the fact it had been shot and killed. I recall the so called investigator was quite enthusiastic.....maybe this was the first time a Kangaroo spirit had manifested!!!. So the tale came out about being resentful and missing his Kangaroo family. The kangaroo attached to me because I shot it for sport and it wanted to pay me back for killing him.
+After awhile, things calmed down and the Kangaroo 'spirit' was told all about "true light" etc etc.
+I didn't have the heart to tell the lady I made the whole thing up! I remembered an old TV show called Skippy the bush Kangaroo and just imitated the movements, seemed a fun thing to do at the time. I was getting a bit weary of all the Japanese overlay of everything and seeing the richness of the Aussie culture being devalued.
+I was uncomfortable and moved to find a better position, this movement was interpreted as spirit movement...I just went along with the ride!
+So why not a Kangaroo spirit........it still brings on a smile when I remembered it.
+I have spoken with others over the years and they also mentioned spinning a tale or two for a so called investigation as well. We have had a few good laughs about it.
+So from my point of view the whole spirit investigation thing is a load of superstitious hooey!
+Wow Darcy, thanks for this post! Its good to see some former members, I hope we can hear from more.
+I can say for certain that I have experienced the "disturbance phenonmena even after removing omitam, but I can't tell you if it is all im my head or it's the real thing. I can tell you that I agree with Steve that the higher ups do not know what the hell they are doing.
+Again it's rather telling that regardless of the existence or not, all of the Jorei /SKK history of Okada was hidden by SM. The reason that I find it so fascinating is that they expect you to accept that Okada was doing the right thing...but if he really was, don't you think they would just come out and say he was booted because he was doing it and that was from God? Of course they won't do that, and they never answered my questions when I asked. They will just say "it's all the light of God"
+Btw Steve, great story. Have anymore???
+A great tale!
+Just a thought, when you conjured this kangaroo spirit up were you hopping mad about the place? Perhaps one day we could compile a story book on all those "mythical" spirits!
+Could we give you a nickname so we can seperate you from the other ppl who wrie anonmouly? It can be anything, a name or just a word, an animal...whatever you want...this way we can call you something besides anonyous.
+Ok Steve,
+Ill go by the name Rosie.
+Its all roses once you leave Sm!
+I just wanted to clarify that there wasn't any extra special conjuring going on at the center where I practiced (at least that I know of!) In fact, we were rather small and it was always interesting to me because there was no one really trained to handle any large scale manifestations or investigations.
+My main interest in this comes from the fact that I was blown away by the revelation that Okada was sacked from SKK because he deviated into this realm. That really began to make it clearer to me, because it now all adds up. The Biblical warnings against sorcery or consorting with spirits is something Mahikari would never mention to you, they only use Biblical quotes that suit their needs. I have encountered many of the spirit phenomenon and it is quite destructive and annoying (the cold flashes, strange creatures in my dreams.
+All in all, there are just so many points of contention and contradiction that have been hidden that one MUST question the value of this group.
+hi joe, you r right. Also the fact that what we practice in mahikari is the same as johrei practice but they do not deal with spirits. If you log on to you will be amazed at the information there. i am sure there are so many confused members out there as there are so many questions unanswered.
+Your blog is very very good. I would love you to vist subliminal messages and let me know what you think. Thanks
+I know a woman who had been a full Doshi (and has since left the cult), and she said they received no 'special training' to do spirit investigations.
+I strongly suspect - and she agrees - that it is mostly a hypnotic / trance state that people get into, and with the Kanbu adding their suggestions and interpretation onto any slight physical movements or problems they know of in the person's life.
+I have been in Mahikari for the past 13 years.. and havent been enthusiastic about gg to Dojo for the past 5 yrs due to some personal problems. But I will never forget the protection this God has given me, and all the wonderful feelings and experiences I have received when I was there. If you guys have made a choice to leave, it would be good if you stop talking negative about it. Well, that is if you believe in the basic thing called Karma.
+Hey, there's a great deal of helpful information above!
+I had a nightmare experience with Sukyo Mahikari related to evil spirits. I invite you to read my blog at
+Hi! I am from India.. I had a boyfriend for five years.. Was planning to get married soon. 2 years ago his mother and sister joined Mahikari and freaked out.. Which made my so very wise boyfriend also to join. He and I belived in God faithfully but not any religion per say. But Mahikari had its new shot.. It shot my heart.. He just received omitama few months ago and changed drastically. He kept insisting me to join Mahikari.. And when I denied, he claimed that I am possed by bad spirits and I must atleast recieve light. Yet I stayed away and in the bargain, we broke up. I tried receiving light but something just didnt feel right as I know how secured you feel when you think of God.. I never got that feeling while receiving light so I couldn't do it.. He has called me selfish and many other things.. I just pray to God that he comes back to his senses and lives a good, joyfull life.
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+While doing toneri ( overnight guarding of Dojo and divine articles) I stuck my finger uop my arse and ran it over the goshintai frame and actual chon. I then ran my finger over the Izunomi statue, the eyes and the writing on the back. I laced the flowers for the alter with my genital hairs and pissed in the flower water. All good harmless fun. That was a couple of years ago and nothing has happened to me. I have also taken doshis omitama when he was in the shower and put it on the floor and put my foot on it, so he has had an omitama accident and does not know it. Absolutely sublime. I have now rid myself of any power that so called divine objects might have had over me. It is all mind control bullshit and I was taken in by it and it has cost me much financially. I aim to totally destroy Mahikari it is the only way, these people deserve it. they are in business as is every organised religion with usefull idiots giving voluntary service believing they are elevating their souls and getting closer to god. It is total deception, it is evil.
+Telephone & Addresses
+Katherine Crawford (Age: 30)
+18976 Warrington PA
+Katherine Crawford (Age: 35)
+49001 Kalamazoo MI
+Katherine Crawford (Age: 41)
+32566 Navarre FL
+Katherine Crawford, Philadelphia, US, N 24th St
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+View Katherine Crawford-Gray's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Katherine ...
+Harry Potter and the Presentation on Themes of Isolation by ...
+Katherine crawford. on 10 November 2014. Comments (0). Please log in to add your ... See the full transcript. More presentations by Katherine crawford ...
+Katherine Crawford Numerology | Monthly Forecast for July 2015
+Personal Month Cycle is telling Katherine Crawford what is happening in her life during July 2015.
+The Official Website - USA Cycling
+3 / 8, 554.29, Katherine Crawford, 424523, Pedal Pixies. 07/20/2014 - FSCJ Itera Summer Criterium Series | CRIT. 2 / 5, 552.50, Katherine Crawford, 424523 ...
+A Walk in the Spring Rain (Widescreen) DVD-R (1970) Starring Ingrid...
+Ingrid Bergman, Fritz Weaver, Anthony Quinn, Katherine Crawford, Mitchell Silverman, Tom Fielding & Virginia Gregg: Directed by: Guy Green: Edited by
+Business Profiles
+Katherine Crawford - Artist, Fine Art Prices, Auction Records for...
+Katherine Crawford: AskART art price guide for Katherine Crawford and 96,000+ American artists - Katherine Lester Lamar Crawford fine art prices, auction results
+Katherine Crawford - EzineArticles.com Expert Author
+Katherine is an entrepreneur, human biologist, fitness professional, and recovering flabby arms victim. She has successfully helped many women get rid of...
+Katherine Crawford - Previous Registered Agent for Milano Pizza...
+View 1 historical company role for Katherine Crawford in Texas.
+Katherine Crawford, Author | ZoomInfo.com
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+Private Homepages
+Welcome to The Thomas and S. Katherine Crawford ...
+Welcome to The Thomas and S. Katherine Crawford Foundation.
+Katherine Crawford and Kevin Lutsch's Wedding Website
+Katherine & Kevin Wedding Website – View all of the wedding details for the wedding of Katherine and Kevin.
+Katherine Crawford - mezzo-soprano
+Katherine Crawford, a warm and versatile mezzo-soprano, holds a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from the Conservatory of Music and Dance at the University of Missouri – Kansas City...
+Katherine Crawford
+Katherine Crawford - Realtor.com
+About Katherine Crawford. Katherine Crawford hasn't provided a bio yet. Ask a Question. Specializations: Land And Commercial, Relocation, Residential; Areas ...
+804.776.9202. gbrooks@va.metrocast.net. Katherine Crawford First Vice President - Katherine Crawford, Esq. First American Title Insurance Company. 804.733.
+Katherine Crawford at Vanderbilt University - RateMyProfessors.com
+Rating and reviews for Professor Katherine Crawford from Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN United States.
+Katherine Crawford
+Katherine Crawford
+Katherine Crawford Luber - The University of Texas at Austin
+Katherine Crawford Luber (M.A., Art History, '85) has been appointed as the new director of the San Antonio Museum of Art. She will begin her ...
+ratemyteachers: Katherine Crawford
+Middletown, NY, Twin Towers Middle School
+classmates: Katherine Crawford
+Chamblee High School, Chamblee, GA, 1994-1999
+classmates: Katherine Crawford
+Key High School, Union Bridge, MD, 2000-2004
+Celebrities & Politicians
+Bad news
+legacy.com: Katherine Crawford
+Family-Placed Death Notice CRAWFORD, Katherine KATHERINE CRAWFORD Mrs. Katherine Crawford, age 74, of Flowery Branch, GA passed away on Sunday, April 6, 2008. She was
+legacy.com: Katherine Crawford
+KATHERINE CRAWFORD, Funeral Service Sat., 10/21/06 at 11:00 a.m., at St. John A. M. E. Church 7393 Chadwick Hogan Rd., Chappell Hill, Texas Interment: Houston Carlie Cemetery,
+legacy.com: Katherine Crawford
+Katherine Crawford Onondaga 94, formerly of Charlotte, passed away on August 2, 2014 in Mason. She was born on November 26, 1919 to Vern and Vema (Farnum) Gilding in Charlotte,
+findagrave: Crawford, Katherine
+04/29/1893 - 06/24/1980, Forest Park (Cook County, Illinois)
+Katherine Crawford, of Kilbirnie (c.1557 - 1611) - Genealogy
+Genealogy for Katherine Crawford, of Kilbirnie (c.1557 - 1611) family tree on Geni, with over 140 million profiles of ancestors and living ...
+Katherine Crawford - Gaffney, South Carolina
+Phone, Company. (864) 489-2687. Greenville, Sc, Bellsouth Telecomm Inc Dba Southern Bell Telephone. (864) 488-0245. Greenville, Sc, Bellsouth Telecomm ...
+- Person Page 36716 - The Peerage
+Beauchamp Colclough was born posthumously in 1766. He was the son of Beauchamp Colclough and Bridget McCartney. He married Katherine Crawford, ...
+Katherine Crawford (deceased) - Genealogy - Geni
+Genealogy for Katherine Crawford (deceased) on Geni with over 140 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Page updated July 21, ...
+Katherine Crawford - Homes.com
+Search. Agent: Katherine Crawford, VICKSBURG, MS ... Displaying: 0 Most Recent Answers. Katherine Crawford has not yet answered any questions.
+Katherine Crawford - Vicksburg, MS Homes For Sale | HomeFinder.com
+Connect with Katherine Crawford on HomeFinder.com. See homes for sale, property photos, neighborhood details, and virtual tours.
+Katherine B. Crawford - The Politics of Promiscuity ...
+Katherine Crawford is assistant professor of history at Vanderbilt University. She recently published an article entitled "Catherine de Médicis and the ...
+Katherine Crawford - Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France...
+Henry Heller explores French xenophobia towards Italians in the sixteenth century in terms of intersecting economic and religious conflicts. ...
+Katherine Crawford - JustGiving
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+Katherine Crawford | Barnes & Noble
+Barnes & Noble - Katherine Crawford - Save with New Lower Prices on Millions of Books. FREE Shipping on $25 orders!
+Katherine Scott Crawford (Author of Keowee Valley)
+Katherine Crawford is currently reading .... Katherine Crawford wants to read ... Ask Katherine Crawford — 3 members — last activity Mar 25, 2013 06:09AM
+Katherine Crawford Books - List of books by Katherine Crawford
+Discount prices on books by Katherine Crawford, including titles like Making Suburbia. Click here for the lowest price.
+Katherine Crawford's Books and Publications Spotlight
+Katherine Crawford's Storefront. Name: Katherine Crawford. Location: 927 Homer Street Omaha , Nebraska 68107. United States. Send this user a message. ...
+Katherine Crawford - Download Katherine Crawford Movies on iTunes
+Preview and download top songs and albums by Katherine Crawford on the iTunes Store. Songs by Katherine Crawford start at just $0.99.
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+Video & Audio
+UNYQER: Katherine Crawford - YouTube
+▶ 1:31... often have no input into the look and feel of their prosthesis. UNYQ challenges that notion. In this video, meet ...
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+Katherine Crawford - YouTube
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+Reports & Statements
+katherine crawford | Tumblr
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+15-Minutes-of-Fame: Katherine Crawford & David Morneau (mezzo-soprano and live electronics) Deadline August 1, 2012. Vox Novus is ...
+Katherine Crawford - Aveleyman
+Aveleyman.com. Katherine Crawford. Thursday, 2nd March 1944. Los Angeles, CA USA · Tweet · Doomsday Flight Jean. 1966. Walk in the Spring Rain. 1970 ...
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+Katherine Crawford, a warm and versatile mezzo-soprano, holds a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from the Conservatory of ...
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+"Review of Katherine Crawford's Perilous Performances ...
+Graham, L. J. Perilous Performances: Gender and Regency in Early Modern France by Katherine Crawford (Harvard University Press, 2004) for Social History ...
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+See Instagram photos and videos from Katherine Crawford (@dramatickat)
+More about Katherine Crawford K - Starlit Skies
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+Crawford, Katherine / Welcome - Lindbergh School District
+Parent Resources. My summer in Colorado. Katherine Crawford. ELL Teacher. Sappington Elementary. kcrawford@lindberghschools.ws. 314-729-2400 ext.
+Katherine Crawford-Garrett katycgarrett@unm.edu (202 ...
+ACADEMIC BACKGROUND________________________________________________________. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. Ed.D.
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+The blog post is written by Dr. Katherine Crawford-Garrett, a literacy professor at the University of New Mexico. She says that her dean told her ...
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+Katherine Crawford. Profession = actress; Her entry in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). TV/Movies she smokes in: "Kraft Suspense Theater" (1963) (smoking ...
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+Reviewed by Katherine Crawford (Department of History, Vanderbilt University) Published on H-HRE (July, 2007). Boswell Redux. In the introduction to his ...
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+199 66 of the sanitary code of New York city. After being committed to the custody of the warden of the city prison, plaintiff in error sued out a writ of habeas corpus.
+At the hearing before a justice of the supreme court at special term, the writ was dismissed, and the prisoner remanded to the custody of the warden. Upon appeal to the appellate division of the supreme court, the order of the special term was affirmed. This judgment was affirmed by the court of appeals of the state of New York (175 N. Y. 440, 67 N. E. 913), and the case remitted to the supreme court, where judgment was entered on the remittitur. The case was then brought here by writ of error.
+The section of the sanitary code complained of is as follows:
+'Sec. 66. No milk shall be received, held, kept, either for sale or delivered in the city of New York, without a permit in writing from the board of health, and subject to the conditions thereof.'
+The violation of the sanitary code is made a misdemeanor. That the board of health had power to pass the sanitary code, which includes this section, is not open to question here, as it has been affirmatively decided in the state court. The objections on Federal grounds for our consideration are two-fold: First, that the section under consideration devolves upon the board of health absolute and despotic power to grant or withhold permits to milk dealers, and is, therefore, not due process of law; second, that singling out the milk business for regulation is a denial of the equal protection of the laws to people engaged therein.
+The record discloses that the plaintiff in error, engaged in selling milk in the city of New York before his arrest, had a permit, which was revoked by the board of health. He was thereafter found engaged through an agent in selling milk without a permit. In the testimony it appears, in a conversation between the plaintiff in error and an inspector in the department of health, the latter admitted that Lieberman's milk 'stood well.'. Boston Beer Co. v. Massachusetts, 97 U. S. 25, L. ed. 989; New Orleans Gaslight Co. v. Louisiana Light & H. P. & Mfg. Co. 115 U. S. 650, 29 L. ed. 516, 6 Sup. Ct. Rep. 252; Crowley v. Christensen, 137 U. S. 86, 34 L. ed. 620, 11 Sup. Ct. Rep. 13; Lawton v. Steele, 152 U. S. 133, 38 L. ed. 385, 14 Sup. Ct. Rep. 499; Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11, 49 L. ed. 643, 25 Sup. Ct. Rep. 358; California Reduction Co. v. Sanitary Reduction Works, 199 U. S. 306, 50 L. ed. ——, 26 Sup. Ct. Rep. 100; Gardner v. Michigan, 199 U. S. 325, 50 L. ed. ——, 26 Sup. Ct. Rep. 106.
+The contention of counsel for plaintiff in error is not that a business so directly affecting the health of the inhabitants of the city as the furnishing of milk may not be the subject of regulation under the authority of the state, but that the court of appeals of New York has sustained this right of regulation to the extent of authorizing the board of health to exercise arbitrary power in the selection of those it may see fit to permit to sell milk under the section quoted; and, thus construed, it works the deprivation of the plaintiff in error's liberty and property without due process of law. We do not so understand the decision of the highest court of New York. As we read it, the authority sustained is the grant of power to issue or withhold permits in the honest exercise of a reasonable discretion. In the opinion of the appellate division, whose judgment was affirmed in the court of appeals, it was said:
+The court of appeals, affirming the decision of the appellate division, did not speak with equal emphasis upon this point, but it leaves no doubt that it sustained the statute as authorizing the exercise of a reasonable discretion. While that court held that the discretion to grant or withhold permits might be vested in a board of health with opportunities to know and investigate local conditions and surroundings, it is further said:
+We do not think that this language leaves any question as to the disposition of the highest court of New York to prevent the oppression of the citizen, or the deprivation of his rights, by an arbitrary and oppressive exercise of the power conferred.. In Davis v. Massachusetts, 167 U. S. 43, 42 L. ed. 71, 17 Sup. Ct. Rep. 731, an ordinance of the city of Boston, providing that no person shall make any public address in or upon the public grounds, except in accordance with a permit from the mayor, was held not in conflict with the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In Wilson v. Eureka City, 173 U. S. 32, 43 L. ed. 603, 19 Sup. Ct. Rep. 317, an ordinance requiring persons to obtain written permission from the mayor or president of the city council, or, in their absence, a councilor, before moving a building upon any of the public streets of the city, was sustained as not violative of the Federal Constitution. In the opinion of the court a number of instances were given in which acts were prohibited except with the consent of an administrative board, and which were sustained as proper exercises of the police power. In Gundling v. Chicago, 177 U. S. 183, 44 L. ed. 725, 20 Sup. Ct. Rep. 633, an ordinance was sustained permitting the mayor to license persons to deal in cigarettes when he was satisfied that the person applying for the license was of good character and reputation, and a suitable person to be intrusted with their sale. And in the recent case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11, 49 L. ed. 643, 25 Sup. Ct. Rep. 358, this court sustained a compulsory vaccination law which delegated to the board of health of cities or towns the determination of the necessity of requiring the inhabitants to submit to compulsory vaccination. And in Fischer v. St. Louis, 194 U. S. 361, 48 L. ed. 1018, 24 Sup. Ct. Rep. 673, an ordinance of the city of St. Louis providing that no dairy or cow stable should thereafter be built or established within the limits of the city, and no such stable not in existence at the time of the passage of the ordinance should be maintained on any premises, unless permission should have been first obtained from the municipal assembly by ordinance, was sustained as a proper exercise of the police power. After sustaining the right to vest in a board of men acquainted with the local conditions of the business to be carried on, power to grant or withhold permits, this court said:
+. Divis,. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U. S. 356, 30 L. ed. 220, 6 Sup. Ct. Rep. 1064. In the case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11, 49 L. ed. 643, 25 Sup. Ct. rep. 358, it was insisted that the compulsory vaccination ordinance was broad enough to require a person to submit to compulsory vaccination when his physical condition might be such as to render such treatment dangerous to life and even cruelly oppressive. But it was held that the case presented no such situation; that the person complaining of the enforcement of the ordinance was, for aught that appeared, an adult in good health and a proper subject for vaccination; that the supreme court of Massachusetts had not sustained the authority of the board in the extreme case supposed, and that the individual complaining made no case wherein the operation of the statute deprived him of his constitutional right of protection. So, in the present case, there is nothing in this record to show why the permit which had been granted to the plaintiff was revoked or the conditions upon which, in the exercise of the power conferred by § 66, a permit to carry on the business was granted or withheld. It is true that a conversation was proved in which the milk inspector said to Lieberman that the milk sold by him 'stood well;' but there is nothing to show upon what ground the action of the board was taken. For aught that appears, he may have been conducting his business in such wise, or with such surroundings and means, as to render it dangerous to the health of the community; or his manner of selling or delivering the milk may have been objectionable. There is nothing in the record to show that the action against him was arbitrary or oppressive and without a fair and reasonable exercise of that discretion which the law reposed in the board of health. We have, then, an ordinance which, as construed in the highest court of the state, authorizes the exercise of a legal discretion in the granting or withholding of permits to transact a business which, unless controlled, may be highly dangerous to the health of the community, and no affirmative showing that the power has been exerted in so arbitrary and oppressive a manner as to deprive the appellant of his property or liberty without due process of law.
+In such cases it is the settled doctrine of this court that no Federal right is invaded, and no authority exists for declaring a law unconstitutional, duly passed by the legislative aughority, and approved by the highest court of the state. Nor do we think there is force in the contention that the plaintiff in error has been denied the equal protection of the laws because of the allegation that the milk business is the only business dealing in foods which is thus regulated by the sanitary code. All milk dealers within the city are equally affected by the regulations of the sanitary code. It is primarily for the state to select the kinds of business which shall be the subjects of regulation, and if the business affected is one which may be properly the subject of such legislation, it is no valid objection that similar regulations are not imposed upon other businesses of a different kind. Soon Hing v. Crowley, 113 U. S. 703, 28 L. ed. 1145, 5 Sup. Ct. Rep. 736; Fischer v. St. Louis, 194 U. S. 361, 48 L. ed. 1018, 24 Sup. Ct. Rep. 673.
+We find no error in the judgment of the Supreme Court of New York, and the same is affirmed.
+Mr. Justice Holmes:
+I do not gather from the statute or from the decision of the court of appeals that the action of the board of health was intended to be subject to judicial revision as to its reasonableness. But whether it was or was not, I agree that the statute, which in substance is older than the 14th Amendment, was not repealed or overthrown by the adoption of that amendment.
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+Famous people from United Kingdom
+Here is a list of famous people from United Kingdom. Curious if anybody from United Kingdom made it our most famous people in the world list? Read the aformentioned article in order to find out.
+Paul McCartney
+Psychedelic rock Artist
+Sir James Paul McCartney, MBE is an English musician, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and composer. With John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, he gained worldwide fame as a member of the Beatles, and his songwriting partnership with Lennon is one of the most celebrated of the 20th century. After the band's break-up, he pursued a solo career, later forming Wings with his first wife, Linda, and, Lennon, Harrison and Starr received MBEs in 1965, and in 1997, McCartney was knighted for his services to music.
+David Bowie
+Pop rock Artist
+David Robert Jones, known by his stage name David Bowie, is an English musician, singer-songwriter,.
+Queen Victoria
+Noble person
+Queen Victoria.
+Andy Murray
+Tennis Player
+Andrew Barron "Andy" Murray, OBE is a Scottish professional tennis player, ranked World No. singles champion in over 100 years. He also won a silver medal in 2012 mixed doubles, playing with Laura Robson.
+Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
+Noble person
+Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. William is second in line to succeed his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, as monarch of 16 Commonwealth realms. Upon William's accession,.
+Winston Churchill
+Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, DL, FRS, Hon. RA.
+Henry VIII of England
+Military Commander
+Henry VIII was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was Lord, and later assumed the Kingship,, the new king allied with the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximillian I, and invaded France.
+Elizabeth I of England
+Noble person. On his death in 1553, her half-brother, Edward VI,.
+Robbie Williams
+Soft rock Artist
+Robert Peter "Robbie" Williams so far. He continues to perform both as a member of Take That and as a solo artist.. He has a net worth of £105.2 million.
+Charlie Chaplin
+Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE was an English. most famous men in the world.
+Diana, Princess of Wales
+Diana, Princess of Wales,.
+Charles Darwin
+Rod Stewart
+Soft rock Artist
+Roderick David "Rod" Stewart, CBE is a British rock Faces, in 2012.
+Simon Cowell
+Simon Phillip Cowell is an English television music and talent competition judge,.
+Alfred Hitchcock
+Film Director
+Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, KBE.
+Isaac Newton
+Sir Isaac Newton PRS MP was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica,.
+Charles, Prince of Wales
+Noble person
+Charles, Prince of Wales,.
+Mick Jagger
+Blues Artist.
+Phil Collins
+Soft rock Artist
+Philip David Charles "Phil" Collins, LVO,.
+Wayne Rooney
+Wayne Mark Rooney is an English footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League club Manchester United and the England national team.. Rooney made his senior international debut in 2003, becoming the youngest player to represent England. He is England's youngest ever goalscorer. He played at UEFA Euro 2004 and scored four goals, briefly becoming the youngest goalscorer in the history of the European Championship. Rooney featured at the 2006 and 2010 World Cups and is widely regarded as his country's best player. He has won the England Player of the Year award twice, in 2008 and 2009. As of October 2013, he has won 86 international caps and scored 38 goals, making him England's fifth highest goalscorer in history. Along with David Beckham, Rooney is the most red carded player for England, having been sent off twice.
+Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
+Noble person
+Prince William, Duke of Cambridge KG KT ADC, is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and his first wife, Diana, Princess of Wales. His paternal grandparents are Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is second in line to succeed his grandmother, after his father., and a pilot.
+J. K. Rowling
+Joanne "Jo" Rowling, OBE FRSL,.. Rowling subsequently published 6 sequels—the last, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows —as well as 3 supplements to the series. Since, Rowling has parted with her agency and resumed writing for adult readership, releasing the tragicomedy The Casual Vacancy and—using the pseudonym Robert Galbraith—the crime fiction novel The Cuckoo's Calling which, according to Rowling, is the first of a series.
+Richard Branson
+Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English business magnate and investor. He is best known as the founder of Virgin Group.
+Ringo Starr
+Psychedelic rock Artist
+Ringo Starr, MBE.
+George Michael
+Soft rock Artist
+George Michael is an English musician,.
+Gareth Bale
+Gareth Frank Bale is a Welsh footballer who plays for Spanish La Liga club Real Madrid and the Wales national team as a winger. offensively-oriented. Bale has received plaudits from his peers, who have described him as a footballer with "tremendous speed, great crossing ability, a great left foot and exceptional physical qualities". During the 2012–13 season he was awarded the PFA Young Player of the Year, the PFA Players' Player of the Year and the FWA Footballer of the Year awards. On 1 September 2013, he was transferred to Spanish team Real Madrid for an undisclosed fee. The Spanish press reported £77 million, while the English press reported a world record transfer fee of £85.3 million, which would be above Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer record fee of £80 million.
+Lewis Hamilton
+Racing driver. Hamilton's contract for the McLaren driver development program made him the youngest ever driver to secure a contract which later resulted in a Formula One drive. Coming from a mixed background, with a black father and white mother, Hamilton is often labelled "the first black driver in Formula One", although Willy T. Ribbs tested a Formula One car in 1986. He is also the first driver of black heritage to win a major race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway in any discipline.
+Elizabeth Taylor
+Dame Elizabeth Rosemond "Liz" costar Richard Burton. They appeared together in 11 films, including Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,.
+George VI
+Van Morrison
+Blues Artist
+Van Morrison, OBE is a Northern Irish singer-songwriter and musician. His live performances at their best have been described as transcendental,.
+Christian Bale
+Actor earned a reputation as a method actor after he lost 63 pounds to play the role of Trevor Reznik in The Machinist. Bale went on to receive greater commercial recognition and acclaim for his performance as Bruce Wayne / Batman in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. He also portrayed Dicky Eklund in the biopic The Fighter, for which he received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role.
+Alice Russell
+Funk Artist
+Alice Russell.
+Thomas Mayne Reid
+Thomas Mayne Reid,.
+Andrew Liles
+Musical Artist
+Andrew Liles is a sound artist and multi-instrumentalist. He has a vast output of recordings that he has released since the mid-1980s, covering a variety of styles as experimental music, dark ambient music, progressive rock and even hints at hard rock. Along with his solo work he has worked with many international artists including Bass Communion, Steven Stapleton, Darren Tate, The Hafler Trio, Mr Blobby, Karl Blake, Faust, Unsong, Nurse With Wound, Daniel Menche, Band of Pain, Lord Bath, Sion Orgon, Andrew King, Nick Mott, Current 93, Paul Bradley, Aaron Moore, Nigel Ayers, Irr. App, Jonathan Coleclough, Tony Wakeford, Frans De Waard, Freek Kinkelaar, Danielle Dax, Rose McDowall, Edward Ka-spel, Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, vidnaObmana, ruse and Ernesto Tomasini.
+Rick Edwards
+Rick Edwards is a British television presenter who works mainly for Channel 4 and E4. Edwards presented T4 for four years, and has also presented Tool Academy, Freshly Squeezed, E4 Music, That Paralympic Show, and much of Channel 4's 2012 Paralympics coverage. He also presents a monthly Freespeach for BBC Three.
+Gina Beck
+Gina Beck is an English actress and singer known primarily for playing major roles in leading West End theatre productions. She is currently appearing as Glinda the Good Witch in Wicked, at the Apollo Victoria Theatre, and has previously starred as Christine Daaé in Cameron Mackintosh's production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, for which she was nominated for a Theatre Fans Choice Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical, 2010.
+Russell Shaw
+Russell Shaw is a BAFTA nominated British composer and sound designer. He is known for his work in many video games, particularly those designed by Peter Molyneux.
+Julian Gollop
+Video Game Designer
+Julian Gollop is a British designer of strategy games and strategy video games, and the founder of now-defunct game studios Mythos Games and Codo Technologies. Gollop has designed many video games for numerous systems since the early 1980s. His most popular work to date is the X-COM series of science fiction games, in particular the first and third games in the series, on which he was working together with his brother Nick for MicroProse. In 2009, IGN ranked Julian Gollop and his brother Nick at 66th place among the top video game creators of all time. 2012's video game XCOM: Enemy Unknown by Firaxis Games pays homage to them in the form of "the Gollop Chamber" facility in the XCOM base. As of 2012, he is living in Sofia, Bulgaria.
+Pete Bellotte
+Peter John Bellotte. His greatest success is "Hot Stuff", which has been covered by numerous artists. This also applies to "I Feel Love" and "Love to Love You Baby". On 20 September 2004 Bellotte was honoured at the Dance Music Hall of Fame ceremony, held in New York, where he was inducted for his many outstanding achievements and contributions as producer and songwriter.
+Marcus Gilbert
+Aubrey Herbert
+Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux Herbert was a British diplomat, traveller and intelligence officer associated with Albanian independence. Twice he was offered the throne of Albania. From 1911 until his death he was a Conservative Member of Parliament.
+Stephen Mear
+Stephen Mear is an English dancer and choreographer best known for his award-winning work in musical theatre. In 2005, Mear and co-choreographer Matthew Bourne won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Choreography, for their work on the new West End musical Mary Poppins. This production later transferred to Broadway in 2006, being nominated for the Tony Award for Best Choreography in 2007. Most recently, Mear choreographed the new Broadway musical of Disney's The Little Mermaid. In recognition of his achievements, in 2007 Mear was the recipient of a Carl Alan Award, an award voted for by leading dance organisations in the United Kingdom. In 2010, Stephen Mear won a Laurence Olivier Award for best Theatre Choreographer for his work on Hello Dolly at the Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park, he was also a choreographer for So You Think You Can Dance, in the category broadway. His partner is dance teacher Mark Smith, who is deaf. Mear was co-choreographer for Mary Poppins, created the entire "sign language" combination/idea for the show's hit musical number Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, because of the knowledge of sign language he had.
+Jane Glover
+Jane Glover CBE is a British-born conductor and music scholar.
+Laura Rees
+Laura Rees is a British actress from Northampton. In 2003, Morgana in Young Arthur. In 2004 she starred in the Doctor Who audio series Dalek Empire III. Her stage credits include Lavinia in Titus Andronicus and Luciana in The Comedy of Errors at Shakespeare's Globe. In 2004, she played Ophelia in Hamlet, directed by Yukio Ninagawa. In 2003, she appeared in Brand for the Royal Shakespeare Company, directed by Adrian Noble. Masterpiece Mystery - Inspector Lewis - Series 2 Episode 4 - she played Beatrice Donnelly. Her radio credits include the lead role in a two-part adaptation of Ruth, by Elizabeth Gaskell, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2009. Other BBC radio appearances include adaptations of Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair, Sei Shōnagon's The Pillow Book, Paul Gallico's The Lonely, Euripides' Helen, and Edward Bulwer-Lytton's Money.
+Chris Olley
+Chris Olley is a song "Heroes". Olley also released music as part of his Twelve project during his time with six.byseven and after. In 2006 and 2008, Olley toured with Julian Cope as merch man and roadie. Chris Olley at this time also recorded much of the album 'You Got A problem With Me' and is also credited with playing synthesizer on the album. Olley also recorded the album 'The Black Sheep' as well as contributing backing vocals and guitar. During this time Olley also edited and mastered Brain Donor as well as co writing and recording and providing German translations for the album "Vernichte Die Gotter" by a fictional Dutch duo named Kabalist. Olley appeared under the name Hugo De Klay and Julian Cope played synth and did vocals under his alias Ron Boots. Olley also played Wurlitzer and Hammond organ in Julian Copes band at the ATP show in Minehead 2007.
+Derek Minter
+Derek Minter was a British former Grand Prix motorcycle and short-circuit road racer. A versatile rider, he rode a variety of machinery between 1955 and 1967 at increasing levels of expertise and in varying capacities and classes. His best season was in 1958 when he finished the year in fifth place in the 500cc world championship. In 1960, Minter won the North West 200 race in Northern Ireland. In 1962, he won the Isle of Man 250cc Lightweight TT
+Clare Foster
+Theatre Actor
+Clare Foster is a British actress who trained at Masters Performing Arts College. She has played numerous roles both on and off the West End, and has also been seen as a regular, PC Millie Brown in the ITV series The Bill. Foster recently appeared in the 2011 London revival production of Crazy for You, which played at the Novello Theatre. She appeared in the Les Misérables film.
+Beans Balawi
+Beans Balawi is an English actor and chorister. He began acting in 2004 with roles in Seed of Chucky and The Happiness Thief, Half Light and 28 Weeks Later. In 2008, Beans played Michael Banks in the Cameron Mackintosh's production of Mary Poppins for one year in the west end. Recently Beans has played roles as Jamie Keenan in Holby Blue and as Freddy Macey in Lark Rise to Candleford. He attended Westminster Abbey Choir School singing in the Westminster Abbey Choir. He then attended Charterhouse School completing his IGCSE's there.
+Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford
+Noble person
+Miles FitzWalter of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford, Lord of Brecknock was High Sheriff of Gloucester and Constable of England.
+Paul Ryder
+Paul Ryder is the bass player and a founding member of the Manchester band Happy Mondays.
+Julian Mendelsohn
+Record producer named Producer of the Year at the 1988 British Phonographic Industry awards. He currently resides in Melbourne, Australia, where he operates MoreNoiz Audio Production.
+Russell Brand
+Russell Edward Brand a starring role in Get Him to the Greek in 2010. controversial behaviour as a presenter at various award ceremonies, and his drug use. In 2008, he resigned from the BBC following prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs on The Russell Brand Show. He has incorporated his notorious drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity into his comedic material.
+Alternative rock Artist
+Steven Patrick Morrissey, commonly known by his last name,. He twenty years." Morrissey's lyrics have been described as "dramatic, bleak, funny vignettes about doomed relationships, lonely nightclubs, the burden of the past and the prison of the home." He is also noted for his unusual baritone vocal style, his quiff haircut and his dynamic live performances. Media controversies have been caused by his forthright and often contrarian opinions, and he has also attracted media attention for his advocacy of vegetarianism and animal rights.
+Gordon Ramsay
+Gordon James Ramsay, OBE is a Scottish celebrity chef, restaurateur and television personality. His restaurants have been awarded 15 Michelin stars in total and currently holds 12. Ramsay, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares along with the American versions of Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares and MasterChef. He has a personal net worth of £40 million.
+Keith Richards
+Blues Artist".
+Hugh Laurie
+Actor most watched leading man on television and is one of the highest-paid actors in a television drama, earning £250,000 per episode in House.
+Roald Dahl
+Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short story writer, poet, fighter pilot and screenwriter. Born in Wales to Norwegian parents, he served in the Royal Air Force during World War II, in which he became a flying ace and intelligence officer, placed Dahl 16th on its list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945"..
+Patrick Stewart
+Sir Patrick Stewart, OBE is an English film, television and stage actor, who has had a distinguished career on stage and screen. He is most widely known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films and as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film series. In 1993, TV Guide named him the best dramatic television actor of the 1980s, and television's sexiest man in the previous year.
+George III of the United Kingdom
+Julia Gillard
+Julia Eileen Gillard is the former Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the Labor Party from 2010 to 2013. She was the first woman to hold either position. Gillard was born in Barry, Wales, and migrated with her family to Adelaide, South Australia, in 1966, attending Mitcham Demonstration School and Unley High School. In 1982, she moved to Melbourne, Victoria. She graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws in 1986. In 1987, Gillard joined the law firm Slater & Gordon, specialising in industrial law, before entering politics.. Gillard became the first female Deputy Prime Minister of Australia upon Labor's victory in the 2007 federal election, also serving Kevin Rudd. Her resignation as Prime Minister took effect the following day.
+Helena Bonham Carter
+Actor made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the 2012 New Year honours list for services to drama, and received the honour from the Queen at Buckingham Palace on 22 February 2012.
+Christopher Lee
+Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ, is an English actor and singer. Lee initially portrayed villains and became best known for his role as Count Dracula in a string of popular Hammer Horror films. Other notable roles include was knighted for services to drama and charity in 2009, received the BAFTA Fellowship in 2011 and will receive the BFI Fellowship in 2013. Lee considers his best performance to be that of Pakistan's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the biopic Jinnah, and his best film to be the British horror film The Wicker Man. Always noted as an actor for his deep, strong voice, he has, more recently, also taken.
+Terry Pratchett
+Novelist 85 million books worldwide in 37 languages. He is currently the second most-read writer in the UK, and seventh most-read non-US author in the US. Pratchett was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1998 and was knighted for services to literature in the 2009 New Year Honours. In 2001 he won the annual Carnegie Medal for The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, the first Discworld book marketed for.
+George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron
+George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, later George Gordon Noel,, rumours of a scandalous incestuous liaison with his half-sister, and self-imposed exile.
+Ewan McGreg storyteller Edward Bloom in Tim Burton's Big Fish. He has also received critical acclaim for his starring roles in theatre productions of Guys and Dolls and Othello. McGregor was ranked No. 36 on Empire magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list in 1997.
+Phillip Barker
+Production Designer
+Phillip Barker is a Canadian film director, production designer, ‘92 in Sevilla, Spain. His own films have been widely shown internationally and have won numerous awards. His film Soul Cages won Best Canadian Short Film at The Atlantic Film Festival, Best Short Film at Local Heroes Film Festival, Best Cinematography in a Short Film from The Canadian Society of Cinematographers and received a Genie Award nomination for Best Live Action Short Film. Phillip's short film A Temporary Arrangement won Best Experimental Film Award at both the Melbourne International Film Festival and the Toronto Worldwide Short Film Festival. Cinematheque Ontario presented a retrospective of the films and installations of Phillip Barker at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
+Justin Welch
+Joan Vickers, Baroness Vickers
+Joan Helen Vickers, Baroness Vickers, DBE was a British National Liberal and Conservative Party politician. Vickers was educated at St Monica's, Burgh Heath, Surrey, and in Paris.. Vickers unsuccessfully contested South Poplar at the 1945 general election and was elected Member of Parliament for Plymouth Devonport at the 1955 general election, defeating Michael Foot. She sat until the February 1974 general election when she was defeated by Labour's Dr David Owen. She was created a life peer, as Baroness Vickers, of Devonport in the County of Devon on 27 January 1975.
+David Semple
+Lieutenant-Colonel Sir David Semple MD was a British Army officer who founded the Pasteur Institute at Kasauli in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The institute later came to be known as the Central Research Institute. has been advocating its total disuse since 1993. He was given a knighthood in 1911, and is buried in Hanwell Cemetery.
+Rowland Baring, 3rd Earl of Cromer
+Noble person
+Lieutenant-Colonel Rowland Stanley Baring, 3rd Earl of Cromer, KG GCMG MBE PC, styled Viscount Errington before 1953, was a British banker and diplomat. After serving during World War II, he was Governor of the Bank of England and British Ambassador to the United States.
+Brian Dee
+Musical Artist
+Brian Dee is a UK-based jazz pianist. Since leading his own trio featuring Allan Ganley and Lennie Bush in 1957, appearing at the opening of Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in 1959, and co-leading The Jazz Five with saxophonists Vic Ash and Harry Klein, Dee has led his own trios and quartets, often backing singers. He has recorded with Bing Crosby, Johnny Mercer, Peggy Lee and Fred Astaire and Elaine Delmar. As a session musician, he appeared on the early Elton John's albums Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection and Madman Across the Water. Other musicians he has played and recorded with include Peter King, Jim Mullen, Dick Morrissey, Trummy Young, Clark Tracey, Allan Ganley, Alan Barnes, Len Skeat, Bobby Orr, Charly Antolini, and Alec Dankworth.
+Kevin King Templeton
+Film Producer
+Kevin King Templeton is a film producer.
+Matthew Best
+Simon Harrison
+Simon Harrison is an actor.
+Martin Dew
+Martin Dew is an actor.
+Paul Docherty
+Film Editor
+GroupFull judgment THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF UGANDA AT KAMPALA CIVIL APPEAL NUMBER 0035 OF 2009 AMERICAN PROCUREMENT COMPANY LTD…….APPELLANT VERSUS ATTORNEY GENERAL INSPECTORATE OF GOVERNMENT …………RESPONDENTS (Appeal from the Judgment and Orders of the High Court at Kampala Before Honourable Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire dated the 2nd day of December 2008 in Commercial Division Suit No. 735 Of 2006) CORAM: HON. MR. JUSTICE A.S NSHIMYE, JA HON. MR. JUSTICE RICHARD BUTEERA, JA HON. MR. JUSTICE KENNETH KAKURU, JA JUDGMENT OF JUSTICE KENNETH KAKURU, JA This is an appeal from the Judgment and decree of the High Court at Kampala before Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire J (as he then was) dated 2nd December 2008 in High Court Commercial Division Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006. At the hearing of this appeal Mr. Wandera Ogala and Peter Nkuririza learned counsel represented the appellant, Mr. Martin Mwambutsya State Attorney represented the 1st respondent the Attorney General while Mr. Kasujja represented the 2nd respondent the Inspectorate of Government. Mr. Wandera Ogala, at the commencement of the hearing of this appeal informed Court that all the parties to this appeal had agreed that the appeal be allowed. This Court was reluctant to allow the appeal without hearing the parties. This in our view would have had the effect of reversing or varying the Judgment of the High Court without this Court having heard the appeal on merit. The effect of allowing parties to enter into a consent judgment on appeal has been discussed by this Court recently in the case of Edith Natumbwe and others versus Miriam Kuteesa, Court of Appeal Civil Application No. 294 of 2013 (Unreported). This Court therefore ruled that the parties to this appeal proceed with the appeal and declined to have a consent judgment entered into at the request of parties. Mr. Martin Mwambutsya the learned State Attorney then addressed Court to the effect that the Hon. The Attorney General on the authority of the Supreme Court in the case of Gordon Sentiba & 2 others versus the Inspectorate of Government, Supreme Court Civil Appeal No.6 of 2006, it was held that the Inspectorate of Government is not a body corporate and as such it had no capacity to sue or be sued. And that the Inspectorate of Government is absolutely barred by law from questioning or seeking to review Judgment of the Courts of law in civil matters. He submitted that it was the view of the Attorney General that all actions of the Inspectorate of Government in this matter were null and void. That the 2nd respondent’s application to be joined as a party to the suit at the High Court and the subsequent order setting aside of the exparte Judgment of the Registrar dated February 8th 2007 were therefore null and void. Mr. Nkuririza then prayed that in the circumstances the appeal be allowed and the decree of the High Court be set aside and the orders just set out in the exparte Judgment be reinstated. He specifically prayed for the following orders:- “1. That the 1st respondent pays to the appellant Uganda shillings four billion one hundred and sixty three million five hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and thirteen Uganda shillings 4,163,593,613/-. 2. Pray that interest at 18% per annum which translates into the sum of Uganda shillings effective date will be 8th February 2007 up to today which is 26th February 2014 that translates into annual interest of one hundred and fifty six million forty nine thousand two hundred and seven 156, 049,207. 3. Prays that you be pleased to order that each party bears its costs of this appeal and the costs in the High Court. Mr. Kasujja also seemed to concede that the decision of the Supreme Court in the Gordon Sentiba case (supra) determined that the Inspectorate of Government had no corporate capacity and as such the Inspectorate of Government (IGG) could neither sue or be sued. He then produced in Court a letter written by the Inspector General of Government to the Attorney General which seemed to concede that the Inspector General of Government had no legal capacity to sue or be sued in civil matters. The matter was left to this Court apparently to give effect to the declarations and prayers sought. The issues raised in this appeal can only be appreciated upon setting out its long and checkered history. As far as we could ascertain from the Court records the facts giving rise to this appeal may be summarized as follows. The appellant is a limited liability Company incorporated under the laws of Uganda. Its Managing Director is one Robert Mwesigwa. The appellant is stated to have entered into a contract with Government of Uganda on 27th January 2006, in which the Ministry of works, Housing and Communication agreed to provide an “ex-post facto auditing of procurement for all the works, goods and services procured by said Ministry and the Roads Agency Formation.” That the total contract value was shs. 6,172,925,967. The appellant is said to have performed part of the contract to which he was entitled to a payment of shs. 4,163,593, 613. That the appellant submitted invoices to the Government, but the Government failed to pay. The dates upon which the invoices were submitted is not ascertainable from the Court record, as neither the contract itself nor the invoices were annexed to any of the pleadings. The appellant then prepared and served upon the Attorney General a statutory notice of intention to sue as provided for under the Government Proceedings Act giving the Attorney General notice that the appellant would sue the Attorney General if payment was not made within 45 days of the notice. I was unable to find the notice itself, however on 4th July 2006, the Attorney General wrote to the Director, Roads Agency Formation Unit notifying them that a statutory notice of intention to sue had been served upon him on 29th June 2006 by the appellant. The Attorney General in that letter was requesting for full details of the fact giving raise to the appellant’s claim. On 31st July 2006, Mr. C. Muganzi the Permanent Secretary Ministry of works and Transport wrote to the Solicitor General in reference to the said notice of intention to sue. The pertinent part of that letter reads as follows:- “In July 2005 the Ministry obtained a proposal from M/S AMPROC INC. to carry out Ex- Post – Facto audits on the Ministry’s procurements carried out since 2003. The Ministry badly needed an authoritative audit to help us identify weaknesses, omissions, bad or archaic practices and snags as well as commendable aspects, with the overall objective to use the findings to verify performance and make improvements. This was especially so given the fact that the procurement law and regulations were new and it was clear that applying them was having mixed successes. On consultations with UPPDA, it was discovered that AMPROC INC was one of the companies already pre-qualified by UPPDA to carry out such third procurement audits and UPPDA gave a waiver to the Ministry to go ahead and utilize the services of AMPROC since it was already pre-qualified and therefore we would not loose time (see letter from UPPDA attached). With the waiver from UPPDA, AMPROC INC was contracted to commence work with both the Road Agency Formation Unit (RAFU) and the mainstream Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications to audit Procurements since 2003, and later the contract was extended to cover procurements that were carried out before the year 2003 ( see contract and relevant letters attached). A form of contract agreement was signed between the Ministry and M/S AMPROC INC. after obtaining the Solicitor General‘s clearance of the contract agreement. However, the contract halfway through its implementation was queried by the Inspector General of Government (IGG). Payments were stopped pending investigations by the IGG through her letter ADM/7/784/01 of 11th April 2006 a copy of which is attached. Payments were stopped till the IGG completes investigations. Up to now the investigations have never been completed and as a result M/S AMPROC INC. have never been paid for the work done. With the payment (which is a life blood of the contract stopped), the contract has had to suffer slowing down and suspension of work. The facts stated in the Notice of the intended Suit are therefore correct. My Ministry could and cannot up to now pay the fee notes of AMPROC due to the investigations and blockade by the IGG” From the above letter it can be ascertained clearly that the Inspector General of Government stopped payment in respect of the contract on 11th April 2006 only about 2 months from the date of the contract which had been signed on 27th January 2006 as already stated. On 27th November 2006 the appellant filed a suit at the Commercial Court Division of the High Court, Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006 against the Attorney General. The appellant’s claim was based on a contract with Government dated 27th January 2006 and the claim was for unpaid contract sum of shs. 4,163,593,613. This was for work the appellant is said to have carried out in the two and a half months of the contract period. The contract is not attached to the plaint. In fact there is no single annexture attached to the plaint and as such I was unable to ascertain the details of the contract. In an affidavit deponed to by one Geoffrey Komakech, it is deponed that summons to file a defence were served upon the Attorney General on 30th November 2006. The Attorney General apparently did not file a defence within the time prescribed by law although it is clear he was duly served within the time prescribed by law. However, on 11th of December 2006 instead of filing a written statement of defence, one Mr. Joseph Matsiko on behalf of the Solicitor General wrote a letter to the Inspector General of Government. The pertinent part of which reads as follows;- “When we contacted the Ministry of works and transport over this matter, the accounting officer of the said Ministry stated that they could not pay the plaintiff’s fee notes because of the blockade by your selves. I am therefore directed to forward this matter to you so that you handle it in Court.” The above letter was copied to the appellant’s lawyers. On 16th of January 2007 the 2nd respondent herein the Inspectorate of Government filed a notice of motion under Order 1 Rule 10 (2) and 13 of Civil Procedure Rules seeking to be joined as a party to the suit. This application was opposed by both the appellant and the Attorney General although the Attorney General had not filed a written statement of defence. However on 31st January 2007 Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire granted the order allowing the 2nd respondent herein, the Inspectorate of Government to be added as a second defendant to the suit. On 7th February 2007 the Registrar at the High Court Commercial Division His worship John Keitirima (as he then was) heard and allowed an application by the appellant and entered a judgment in default against the Attorney General, the order of Justice Kiryabwire dated 31st January 2007 notwithstanding . Apparently the chamber summons in respect of this application had been filed in December 2006 and signed by the Registrar on 22nd December 2006. A decree to that effect was extracted on the 8th of February 2007, directing therein the Attorney General to pay to the appellant shs. 4,163, 593, 613 with interest at 18% per annum from date of filling the suit until date of Judgment and thereafter to pay interest at 6% per annum until payment in full. On 19th April 2007 the 2nd respondent herein the Inspector General of Government (IGG) applied to the High Court Commercial Division to have the exparte decree entered into by the Registrar set aside. This exparte decree was subsequently set aside by Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire on 30th August 2007. In the meantime the appellant had on 10th April sued the Privatisation Unit and Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) claiming to have purchased a number of prime real property in Kampala using the proceeds of the exparte decree vide High Court Civil Suit No. 205 of 2007. It was claimed in that plaint that the decretal sums had been assigned by the appellant and its Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mwesigwa to pay for the said properties. The deeds of assignment in this matter are dated 29th March 2007. Apparently on 7th March 2007 Mr. Mwesigwa and the appellant had sought to purchase properties formally belonging to URC, which were being sold by the Privatization Unit. They did not have the money required to complete the purchase whose deadline to pay was 3rd April 2007. They both sought to use deeds of assignment to pay off the purchase price. Mr. Joseph Matsiko for Solicitor General assisted the appellants and its Chief Executive Officer to push Privatization Unit to pay by letter dated 2nd August 2007 copied to the Secretary to the Treasury. They both sought the assistance of Mr. Keith Muhakanizi Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance who wrote to the Auditor General requesting him to issue “a letter of no objection” allowing the payment in form of assignment. The pertinent part of that letter reads as follows;- “Reference is made to the Solicitor General’s letter HC 735/06 dated 2nd April 2007 regarding Decree in Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006. Since the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs has no funds to immediately clear this payment, and instead of Government losing money in accrued interest out of the Decree, this Ministry would recommend that payment be effected through a Deed of Assignment. However, we would require a no objection from you in order to take the necessary action. The purpose of this letter is, therefore, to request for a no objection from your office.” However, the 2nd respondent herein got wind of this transaction and on 4th April she wrote to the Auditor General directing him not to issue the “No objection letter”. The letter reads in part as follows:- “This office under Article 225 (2) of the Constitution is investigating the manner in which the Deed of f Assignment was executed by the parties therein. The purpose of this letter is to direct that no NO OBJECTION should be given by your office to effect payment through the deed of assignment until this office concluded the investigations. Please adhere to the directive until you are advised otherwise by this office.” The Auditor General then on 4th April 2007 wrote to the Inspector General of Government (IGG) confirming that he would not issue the “letter of no objection” as requested by Mr. Keith Muhakanizi the Secretary to the Treasury. The appellant and its Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mwesigwa then moved fast and on 10th April 2007, instituted a suit against the Privatization Unit and Uganda Railways Corporation seeking to block both of them from selling off the properties earlier offered to them which both failed to pay for. On the same day 10th April 2007 the appellant and Mr. Mwesigwa also filed an application for an interim order of injunction restraining the Privatization Unit and Uganda Railways Corporation from selling the said properties. The amounts required for the purchase of these properties was shs. 2,525,625,000 for the appellant and shs, 521,100,000 for Mr. Robert Mwesigwa. The exparte application was filed on 10th April 2007, was signed and sealed on the same day and on that same day the application was heard exparte by the same Registrar Masalu Musene (as he was then) and an interim order was granted again on that very day. On 18th April 2007 Uganda Railways Corporation filed its written statement of defence stating that the suit filed against it in HCCS NO. 205 of 2007 by the appellant and Mr. Mwesigwa was frivolous and vexatious and that at the trial it would move Court to have it struck out with costs. It appears that the Privatization Unit did not file a written statement of defence. In that suit the appellant and Mr. Mwesigwa claim that they had paid for the properties stated therein by way of assignment deeds executed in favour of the Privatization Unit. The money that was assigned in the deeds of assignment was stated to be owed to the appellant and Mr. Mwesigwa by Government following a decree of the High Court in Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006, the subject of this appeal. Mr. Mwesigwa was not a party to that suit and was therefore not a decree holder. It appears that the appellant had assigned part of the decretal sum to its Managing Director to enable him purchase the said properties. The Managing Director then re-assigned the money to Privatisation Unit. On 27th March 2007 the appellant through its Managing Director had written to the Solicitor General requesting him to pay from the decretal sum of shs. 4,163, 593, 643 in H.C.C.S No. 735 of 2006 shs. 2,525,000 to the Privatization Unit of the Ministry of Finance stating in that letter that the payment was needed before 3rd April 2007. On the same day 27th March 2007, the appellant’s Managing Director Mr. Mwesigwa wrote to the Solicitor General a letter on the same subject as follows;- “March 27, 2007 The Solicitor General Ministry of Justice Kampala, RE: DEED ASSIGNMENT BETWEEN AMPROC INC AND ROBERT MWESIGWA OF SHS 521, 100,000/= Reference is made to the above deed of assignment (copy attached). This is to request that from my deed of assignment you clear my outstanding debt with the PRIVATISATION UNIT of shs. 521, 100,000/= ( Five hundred twenty one million one hundred thousand shillings only.) The payment I needed on or before 3rd April 2007 Sincerely, Robert Mwesigwa C.C Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance C.C. Auditor General C.C. Director Privitasation Unit The deed of assignment referred to in the above letter is annexture ‘F’ to the affidavit of the then the Inspectorate of Government Faith Mwondha dated 20th April 2007, in Miscellaneous Application No. 248 of 2009 which was seeking to set aside the exparte decree entered into by the Registrar of the High Court on 8th February 2007. That deed of assignment is in fact dated 29th March 2007 although it was being referred to in a letter to the Solicitor General above dated 27th March 2007 two days before it was written. On 2nd of April 2007 Joseph Matsiko for the Solicitor General well aware that the exparte decree in HCCS No. 735 of 2006 had effectively been set aside by the order of Justice Kiryabwire which allowed the 2nd respondent (IGG) to be added as the 2nd defendant dated 31st January 2007. The second defendant having filed a written statement of defence 21st February 2007 The Attorney General himself having filed a written statement on 18th February 2007 effectively acknowledging that the exparte decree had abated, went ahead to write to the Privatization Unit of the Ministry of Finance as follows;- “2nd April 2007 The Director Privatisation Unit Ministry of finance, planning and Economic Development KAMPALA. RE: DEED OF ASSIGNMENT IN RESPECT OF PROPERTIES PURCHASED BY M/S AMPROC INC. By letter dated 27th March 2007, Amproc have requested that out of the payment of shs. 4,346,092,831/- owed to them by Government by virtue of a Decree in Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006, a sum of shs. 2,525,625,000/- be paid (assigned) to you. Amproc’s letter is copied to you. Please find attached herewith a duly executed Deed of Assignment for your action. Joseph Matsiko For: SOLICITOR GENERAL C.C The Auditor General Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development KAMPALA C.C. The Permanent Secretary/ Secretary to the Treasury Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development KAMPALA C.C. A/s Amproc Inc” A similar letter was written by the same Joseph Matsiko to the Privatization Unit, the pertinent part reads as follows;- “By letter dated 27th March 2007, Robert Mwesigwa has requested that out of shs. 4,346,092,831/- owed by Government to Amproc by virtue of a Decree in Civil Suit No. 735 of 2006, a sum of shs. 521,100,000/- assigned to Mr. Mwesigwa by Amproc be paid (assigned) to you. Mr. Mwesigwa’s letter is copied to you. Please find attached herewith a duly executed Deed of Assignment for your action.” As already noted above the payment could not be effected because the Auditor General acting on instructions of the Inspector General of Government (IGG). declined to grant a letter of no objection. Subsequently the main suit itself HCCS No. 735 of 2006 came before Hon. Justice Kiryabwire for hearing on 11th March 2008 when it was heard inter parties. On 2/12/2008 Hon. Justice Kiryabwire J (as he then was) delivered his Judgment and dismissed the suit. The appellant then appealed to this Court. I now proceed to resolve the issues raised on appeal. The issues framed by the parties in HCCS No. 735 of 2006 from which this appeal arises were set out by the parties with the consent of Court as follows;- Whether or not the matter is properly before the Court and or premature. Whether the conduct of investigation by the 2nd defendant is a defence to the plaintiff’s claim which entitles Court to dismiss the suit. Whether receipt of the complaint alleging fraud this disentitles the plaintiff of judgment against the 1st defendant. Remedies available. The Court then noted that by the very nature of the above issues, their resolution would dispose of the whole suit by way of submissions without any need of calling oral evidence. All the parties were in agreement with above proposition. The learned Judge then proceeded to hear the case and subsequently dismissed it as already noted earlier in this Judgment. A decree was extracted in the following terms:- “It is hereby decreed that the second defendant has a valid defence to the suit as it is still investigating the matter, the claim does not disclose a cause of action against the second defendant which also enjoys immunity from being sued. Accordingly the suit is dismissed with costs to the second defendant each party to bear its own costs as between the plaintiff and the first defendant” On appeal however, as already noted above none of the issues raised in the lower were raised or argued. The appellant’s memorandum of appeal had raised the following grounds:- That the learned trial Judge erred in law in holding that the second respondent which successfully applied to be joined as a defendant had immunity to the suit and thereby occasioned a failure of justice. That the learned trial Judge erred in law in holding that the conduct of investigations by the second respondent is a defence to the plaintiff’s claim against the second respondent and so occasioned a miscarriage of justice. That the learned trial Judge erred in law in holding that the failure to amend the pleadings by appellant is suspect and therefore no cause of action against the second respondent was disclosed. That the learned trial Judge erred in law in considering extraneous matters, reached a wrong conclusion and thereby occasioned grave failure of justice. The above grounds were not argued on appeal. Instead all the parties sought to rely on the authority of the Supreme Court in the Gordon Sentiba case (Supra). The appellant’s counsel submitted that the proposition of the law in the above authority is that;- The Inspector General of Government is barred by section 19(1) (a), (b), (c) of the Act from questioning or on any judicial officer in exercise of his or her judicial functions. That the Inspectorate of Government has no corporate status and as such can neither sue nor be sued. The effect of the above submissions is that the order of Justice Kiryabwire allowing the 2nd respondent to be added as a party in HCCS No. 735 of 2006 is a nullity and so are all the subsequent proceedings as they relate to the 2nd respondent including the orders set out in the Judgment and decree of Court. However, in my view the above does not in any way affect the suit between the appellant and the Attorney General. The Attorney General had filed a written statement of defence, the matter was heard inter parties and a judgment delivered, dismissing the suit against the Attorney General on account that it was premature, as the contract, the subject matter of the suit was still under investigation by the 2nd respondent. side. Be that as it may, it is clear from the record that the Inspector General of Government wrote a letter to Ministry of works and transport Ref. ADM/ 7/784/01 on 11th April 2006 stopping the payment to the appellants in respect of the said contracts. The Inspector General of Government therefore started investigating the matter long before the appellant instituted any matter in any Court of law. Section 19 (1) of the Inspectorate of Government Act is therefore not applicable. The Gordon Sentiba authority is therefore not applicable to this case in that regard. The issue then to be determined here is the effect of such investigations on suits filed subsequent to commencement of investigations by the Inspectorate of Government. I agree with the learned trial Judge that the effect of the investigations by the Inspector General of Government into the legality of the contract vitiates the contract and renders it nonjusticiable. This is because in my view a contract whose legality is under investigation by the Inspector General of Government has not matured into a contract in which parties can have their rights determined. That contract is a contract “subject to the investigations”. In this particular case the contract is subject to investigations relating to fraud which goes to the legality of such a contract. The order of the Inspector General of Government is still valid and legal. It is still in force and ought to be complied with. An order of the Inspector General of Government stopping payment is a valid defence to the suit because its disobedience attracts criminal sanctions. The parties to such a contract have to wait until the contract matures or crystalises upon the completion of investigations. By the time HCCS No. 735 of 2006 the subject of this appeal was filed, the investigations were on going and as such the 1st respondent had a valid defence to the suit. There was no contract upon which the action could be founded. An order of Government had made it impossible for one party to perform its obligations under the contract. A contract will be dissolved when legislative or administrative intervention has so directly operated upon the fulfillment of the contract for specific work as to transform the contemplated conditions of performance. Metropolitan Water Board versus Dick Kerr and Co. Ltd (1918) AC 119. The learned trial Judge was justified in finding that the 1st respondent had a valid defence to the suit and he dismissed it justifiably. I would also like to comment on HCCS No. 208 of 2007 between the appellant, Robert Mwesigwa and Privatisation Unit and Uganda Railways Corporation. I am inclined to think that this suit was brought in bad faith to defeat and or circumvent the order of Justice Kiryabwire in HCCS No. 735 of 2006. The whole suit is raddled with falsehoods, as already set in the background to this appeal. The Privatisation Unit is not a body corporate as far as I could ascertain from Section 4 of the Public Enterprises Reform and Diversiture Act (Cap 98). The plaint itself discloses no cause of action against any of the defendants. The whole suit appears to be frivolous and vexatious. I agree with the observations made by the trial Judge that the conduct of the Attorney General‘s chambers through this case is suspect. In any matter in which fraud is alleged Court in my view must take all necessary precaution to ensure that it is not used as an instrument of perpetuating fraud or illegalities. Since the Inspector General of Government alleges fraud in this contract, it is proper and just that she be granted opportunity to investigate the fraud without undue hindrance. Accordingly I would dismiss this appeal. Since the respondents had not opposed it, I would order that each party bears its own costs. Dated at Kampala this ……04th …day of ……April…2014. ………………………………………….. HON. MR. JUSTICE KENNETH KAKURU, JA JUDGMENT OF JUSTICE A.S.NSHIMYE, JA I have read the lead judgment in draft prepared by my brother Justice K.Kakuru, JA. I concur with his reasoning and conclusion that the appeal lacks merit and ought to be dismissed. I also agree with the order regarding costs. Dated at Kampala this 04th day of April, 2014 ………………………………………….. HON JUSTICE A.S.NSHIMYE JUSTICE OF APPEAL JUDGMENT OF JUSTICE RICHARD BUTEERA, JA I have had the benefit of reading the judgment prepared by my learned brother Hon Justice Kenneth Kakuru in draft. I agree that the appeal should be dismissed for the reasons therein stated. I find nothing to add. ………………………………….. Hon Justice R.Buteera JUSTICE OF APPEAL Download
+‘Til Tuesday – What About Love (Netherlands 12″)
+Posted by DjPaulT on November 7th, 2011
+“What About Love” was the first single lifted from ‘Til Tuesday’s second album Welcome Home released in 1986. “What About Love” debuted on the US Hot 100 on September 20, 1986 peaking at #26.
+What About Love (Long Version) 6:30
+Producer – Rhett Davies
+Written-By – A. Mann*
+Voices Carry 4:20
+Producer – Mike Thorne
+Executive Producer – Dick Wingate
+Written-By – A. Mann*, J. Pesce*, M. Hausman*, R. Holmes*
+Will She Just Fall Down 2:50
+Producer – Rhett Davies
+Written-By – A. Mann*
+Vinyl: Near Mint
+Sleeve: Near Mint
+Label: Epic – EPC 650125 6
+Format: Vinyl, 12″, 45 RPM
+Country: Netherlands
+Released: 1986
+Genre: Electronic
+Style: Pop/Rock
+Track A and B2 taken from The EPIC LP: “Welcome Home” EPC 57094.
+Track B1 taken from The EPIC LP: “Voices Carry” EPC 264.
+November 7th, 2011 at 3:31 pm
+Paul, I’ve been looking for this for years! The long version is yet another gem that remains buried in Sony BMG’s vault, left to gather dust and deteriorate (unless, of course, the original master has been lost). This is one of my favorite ’80s songs. It is somewhat overlooked and overshadowed by “Voices Carry”, which I love as well. “What About Love” used to get quite a bit of airplay way back then, but it seems to have disappeared from many radio station playlists. I love the sound of ‘Til Tuesday. Aimee Mann … such a unique, beautiful voice. The long version of “What About Love” is very rare! I think that I stumbled upon it many years ago in a low MP3 vinyl rip quality, but I know that your rip will be much better (in FLAC, after all!) Thank you again for sharing!
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 8th, 2011 at 8:27 am
+You’re welcome Bellenger1981! I don’t understand why so many songs by great artists are not played anymore on retro stations it seems they have one list of songs that they play from and that is it. Such a shame.
+Bellenger1981 Reply:
+November 12th, 2011 at 7:40 pm
+Paul, unfortunately, you are correct. ’80s retro radio stations today now only play a handful of songs. Why is this? There are hundreds upon hundreds (maybe thousands) of songs that were legitimate hits which never receive airplay anymore. Apparently, it boils down to research. Does research only show that people like about one hundred ’80s songs (the extent of their playlists). I’m not sure if I believe that.
+November 7th, 2011 at 6:48 pm
+We have the same problem here in Canada. Each radio station is playing what the competitor is having on its playlist. I’ve been collecting records for years and I can tell that about 99% of the new releases “disappear” after a short appearance on the charts. Blogs like this one help keep the music alive. The web plays a major role in preserving some atrocities (who likes Disco duck???)but the cream always rises to the top thanks to people like DjPaulT. Great job Dude.
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 7th, 2011 at 8:24 pm
+Mario you are very welcome. I am one of the ones who likes “Disco Duck’(lol) but my taste is very eclectic. I love to post variety you never know what will show up next but that is what makes BTg fun.
+November 7th, 2011 at 7:57 pm
+Wow. Thanks Paul. I almost this song. Aimee sounded a lot like Chrissie Hynde. Keep up the new wave stuff. Thanks.
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 7th, 2011 at 8:25 pm
+Omar you’re welcome she does kinda sound like Chrissie I never thought abut it til you mentioned it.
+November 7th, 2011 at 8:04 pm
+Thanks for this one Paul. This can replace the poppy version I found a while back.
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 7th, 2011 at 8:26 pm
+Andy glad I was able to post it if I remember correctly you asked me about ‘Til Tuesday” mixes a while ago.
+Andy Reply:
+November 7th, 2011 at 8:50 pm
+Yes, I did request it a while back, but I don’t think you had it at the time This will be a nice addition to my exercise music.
+November 7th, 2011 at 9:05 pm
+It’s been drizzling here the entire morning, providing the perfect setting to play this melancholic tune that features Aimee’s chilling vocals!
+What an awesome rarity this is, Paul! Thanks!
+As for retro stations playing the same old songs, I wouldn’t know coz I’ve given up listening to radio anymore. Ever since radio formatting started in the late 80s and early 90s, the way music is played and the eclectic selection of DJs have totally disappeared. No variety of music get excited over. No personality of DJ to shine through. zzzzzzzz….
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 7th, 2011 at 9:13 pm
+We have been having eartquakes here for the last three days very odd for Oklahoma a 5.6 magnitude which struck on Sunday the strongest in our states history and dozens of after shocks. Just a few minutes ago anther 4.7 plus we are experiencing tornadoes and heavy rain. Weird, Weird, Weird! I don’t listen to radio anymore either everytime I turn it on Bon Jovi is playing they must be paying radio to have them on repeat (lol). Glad I was able to fill your request Ric.
+ric Reply:
+November 8th, 2011 at 2:29 am
+Weather is sure freaky all over the world. Never experienced an earthquake ever in my life so I can’t imagine how I’d react, more likely OVER-react! Nonetheless, please stay safe, Paul!
+I think two big reasons a lot of gems don’t get played are because these gems are either 12″ remixes (most radio don’t play them) or/and they are only available in vinyl (radio don’t play vinyls anymore).
+Oh, and one more reason, they are too dependent on those Music Service CDs…very limited and only the “Big Hits” are included. *rolleyes*
+November 7th, 2011 at 9:32 pm
+thanks once again, this is from one of my favorite albums of all time! i echo the general sentiment that it’s too bad that great songs like this just seem to “slip away” out of public consciousness…so glad you are helping these gems be heard again!
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 8th, 2011 at 8:24 am
+Thank you Feanor!
+November 7th, 2011 at 9:52 pm
+LOVE this post, Paul. Thank you! I had no idea that ‘Til Tuesday had any extended versions. This one is truly a gem!
+I agree with everyone about the state of radio – it is a shame the way great music is pushed aside and forgotten while songs that everyone has heard a million times dominates.
+Thanks again for this rarity – it sounds great.
+Be safe Paul. I hope the weather and mother nature calm down.
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 8th, 2011 at 8:22 am
+MusicMan3 thanks buddy
+November 7th, 2011 at 11:23 pm
+Wow! One of my favorite songs of this band, there’s nothing better than this single in it’s extended version..! actually it’s very weird that the 12″ version of the huge hit voices carry is not as long as it should be…
+Thanks for sharing this with us Paul!
+November 8th, 2011 at 5:14 am
+i don’t say it enough…thanks Paul…i didn’t realize you lived in OK…i’m in texas…originally from NE…go big red…lol
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 8th, 2011 at 8:21 am
+Thanks Michael yep I am in Tulsa =)
+November 10th, 2011 at 5:28 pm
+Wow I didn’t even know ‘Til Tuesday had any 12″ singles. My favorite from this album though is still probably Coming Up close.
+Bellenger1981 Reply:
+November 12th, 2011 at 7:43 pm
+“Coming Up Close” is simply beautiful. I love the sound of that song.
+November 11th, 2011 at 8:08 am
+WOW! This tune got me into Til Tuesday. I can still remember when i first saw the music video and said… well, “WOW”… just like now. You’re the best Paul!!!
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 13th, 2011 at 7:32 pm
+Thank you McDoc
+November 12th, 2011 at 11:02 pm
+This is one of my all-time 80s favorites. It has held up incredibly well. Aimee’s alto and fierce vocals plus the lush instrumentation make it a pure delight. Thank you so much for posting a flawless version of the extended mix.
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 13th, 2011 at 7:32 pm
+You’re welcome DenverDean!
+November 13th, 2011 at 4:34 pm
+Thanks Paul! Love me some Aimee Mann!
+DjPaulT Reply:
+November 13th, 2011 at 7:33 pm
+You’re welcome Mark =)
+November 15th, 2011 at 5:29 pm
+Very nice, kudos to you my friend!
+September 22nd, 2012 at 3:15 pm
+Been hunting for this, blows me away… can’t thankyou enough!!!
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+For Immediate Release
+July 12, 2007
+Initial Benchmark Assessment Report
+Press Conference by the President
+National Security Council
+In Focus: National Security
+In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
+PDF (25 pages, 147kb)
+This report to Congress first of two reports to be submitted consistent with the Act and has been prepared in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Defense; Commander, Multi-National Forces-Iraq; the United States Ambassador to Iraq; and the Commander of U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (Public Law 110-28). These efforts, and political power. 10new.. /nsc/iraq/2007/iraq-strategy011007.pdf) combined operations ‑‑ named Operation Phantom Thunder ‑‑ were launched on June 15, 2007, after the total complement of surge forces arrived in Iraq. The full surge in this respect has only just begun.ia extremist networks ‑‑ is a core U.S. national security interest and essential for Iraqs longer-term stability. Since January of this year, AQI has proven its resiliency and ability to conduct high-profile, mass-casualty attacks, mostly targeting Shiarsia Presidents.s Council of Representatives by consensus ‑- are lagging indicators of whether or not the strategy is succeeding or is going to be successful. ‑- can be leveraged to produce bottom-up reconciliation. Over time, we expect bottom-up reconciliation to be reflected in, and latch up with, progress on top-down measures.ikis ability to govern effectively ‑‑ and would pose obstacles to any prime minister. These inhibitors slow progress on high-priority legislative benchmarks, although they are designed to create a decision-making process through which all major communities have a voice and a stake. The increasing concern among Iraqi political leaders that the United States may not have a long-term commitment to Iraq has also served in recent months to reinforce hedging behaviors and made the hardest political bargains even more difficult to close.
+Nonetheless, there have been recent events that provide hope for the ability of the Government of Iraq to overcome these inhibitors. For example, the response to the June13, 2007, bombing of the al-Askari Mosque in Samarra was a well orchestrated unison of statements of condemnation and calls for calm by Prime Minister Maliki, President Jalal Talabani, Vice President Tariq Hashimi, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, and other leaders. This indicates that when necessary, the Government of Iraq and major political figures can overcome the dynamics that otherwise inhibit effectiveness. Iraqs Council of Representatives on July 8 voted to extend its present term through July 31, and for working sessions to last 6 days a week from July 16 through July 31 (taking only Fridays off). We will be working closely with Iraqi leaders and members of the Council of Representatives to move important pieces of legislation forward during this time frame ‑‑ taking account of the extended legal process mandated by Iraqs constitution for moving a law to final passage.
+Diplomatic Engagement: Iran and Syria have continued to foster instability in Iraq. As noted, Iran funds extremist groups to promote attacks against Coalition and Iraqi forces, and the Iraqi Government. We see little change in Ir. We continue to assess that nearly 80 percent of suicide bombers are foreign fighters -- with the vast majority traveling to Iraq through Syria -- and to Syria from their home countries by air travel to Damascus. This Syria-based network is able to supply some 50 to 80 suicide bombers to AQI per month. Since January, there have been nearly 280 suicide events in Iraq, accounting for nearly 5,500 casualties, mostly innocent Iraqis going about their daily lives. Syria can and must do more to shut down these networks.
+The signing of the International Compact with Iraq, an initiative jointly sponsored by the United Nations and the Iraqi Government, and the Expanded Neighbors ministerial conference, with attendance by the Permanent Five members of the U.N. Security Council, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Conference, and the G-8, on May3 - 4 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, helped provide more public international and regional support for Iraq. Compact implementation, including debt relief, will be our near-term focus. The Neighbors Process energy working group had a successful meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, last month, and the other two working groups are planning to meet later this summer. We expect the next Expanded Neighbors ministerial to be held later this summer or early fall in Istanbul..
+At the provincial level, the economic governance picture is a patchwork, with some provinces performing better than others. Security conditions, ethnic and sectarian divisions, political dynamics, corruption, and leadership qualities of key political actors vary significantly by province. As a result, provincial governments vary greatly in the effectiveness of using their central government budget allocation to provide services for citizens. Where security is improving, such as in Anbar province, we see positive trends in governance, delivery of government services, and the efficacy of U.S. assistance.
+The International Compact with Iraq provides the framework through which the Iraqi Government will reform its governance, budget execution, and fiscal management, as well as improve service delivery. The Compact sets out the roadmap of reforms Iraq will need to implement over the next 5 years to be economically self-sufficient. Iraqs IMF Stand-by Arrangement is on track and has been extended to September 2007. For a follow-on IMF program, Iraq will need to continue increasing fuel prices.
+Congressional Benchmarks
+This background discussion provides a context for assessing the performance of the Iraqi Government with respect to the 18 benchmarks. The Iraqi leaders face a challenging situation, and they and their families run great risks on a daily basis. We continue to encourage and press them to achieve the established benchmarks, since we believe that those efforts will contribute to Iraqs stability, its ability to provide for its own security, and to the international effort to counter violent extremism. Nonetheless, our efforts in Iraq extend far beyond these benchmarks. Every day, our Embassy and military officials are working with Iraqis to encourage stability and reconciliation in ways that are not easily measured by these benchmarks. As Congress has requested, in September General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will report on these efforts and provide a more comprehensive assessment of the situation in Iraq, including an assessment of the 18 benchmarks measured herein. This assessment will provide a clearer picture of how the new strategy is unfolding, and what if any adjustments should be made.. In order to make this judgment (e Unsatisfactory. For those benchmarks receiving the latter assessment, we have explained what, if any, strategic adjustments may be required to improve the present trajectory. The present analysis and assessment of these. The Constitutional Review is now underway. The CRC presented a partial list of recommendations on May 23, 2007, in an interim report and received an extension from the COR until the end of August to resolve outstanding issues concerning: (i)Presidential powers, (ii)the powers of the regions vs. the central government, and (iii)the status of Kirkuk (Article 140 of the Constitution). The political blocs still need to reach an accommodation on these difficult political issues.
+The Embassy will continue to discuss with the CRC Chairmen and the COR Speaker and Deputy Speakers the need to develop a well-defined plan for the COR debate of the report. The Embassy is also continuing to discuss with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) the necessary preparatory steps for a public referendum on proposed constitutional revisions. As noted in the Iraq Study Group Report Recommendation 26, there is a role for UNAMI in the constitutional review process.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made satisfactory progress toward forming a Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) and then completing the constitutional review. The CRC has been formed, and, while difficult issues remain, significant progress has been made on many substantive issues and technical details involved in the constitutional review process. The CRC has requested an extension to resolve remaining issues, and its Chairman remains committed to moving the process forward. While the progress on this benchmark has been satisfactory, the achievement of the desired reconciliation effect depends on progress with respect to several other benchmarks as well as this one.
+(ii) Enacting and implementing legislation on de-Baathification reform.
+De-Baathification reform is among the most sensitive pieces of legislation being considered as it involves competing conceptions of justice, accountability, reconciliation, and economic compensation. Senior Iraqi political leaders remain at odds over some of the most fundamental aspects of de-Baathification reform, including over which categories of former Baath party members would be proscribed by the law. For example, there is division among political and ethnic groups regarding what rank of
+ex-Baathists should be allowed to return to civic life. While leaders have been discussing the law, a public discussion on the accommodations that different parts of Iraqi society will have to make with each other is not yet underway. An inflexible timeline on this issue could be detrimental, as a bad law would not improve prospects for reconciliation.
+Reintegration of former Baathists who have not committed crimes has already begun; however, a sweeping, government-led, legislated, and institutionalized reform program over time would send a positive signal in favor of reconciliation. Alternatively, allowing former Baathists who do not accept a democratic Iraq into the government or security services could undermine the Iraqi government and embolden the insurgency. Many Iraqis are understandably frightened by the prospect of their former Baathist tormentors replaying their previous rise to power by subverting the government from within.
+In Recommendation 27, the Iraq Study Group emphasizes the need for United States Government support of reintegration of former Baathists and Arab nationalists into civic life. The New Way Forward strategy makes de-Baathification reform an integral part of the United States Governments Iraq policy. The Embassy has pressed hard on all political elements to move forward.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has not made satisfactory progress toward enacting and implementing legislation on de-Baathification reform. This is among the most divisive political issues for Iraq, and compromise will be extremely difficult. Given the lack of satisfactory progress, we have not achieved the desired reconciliation effect that meaningful and broadly accepted de-Baathification reform might bring about. This does not, however, necessitate a revision to the current plan and strategy. De-Baathification remains a core priority of U.S. political engagement, and pushing reforms too fast or in a manner that results in a poor law could be detrimental to our overall reconciliation objectives.
+ final draft of the Revenue Management Law must be approved by the Council of Ministers (COM) and vetted by the Iraqi Governments legal office before submission to the COR. The United States has provided technical advice to the Iraqi Government and is actively engaged in encouraging both sides to expeditiously approve the draft law in the COM and move it to the COR. Prime Minister Maliki intends to submit the Revenue Management Law to the COM soon, for subsequent consideration by the COR along with the framework Hydrocarbon law.
+Assessment: The current status is unsatisfactory, but it is too early to tell whether the Government of Iraq will enact and implement legislation to ensure the equitable distribution of hydrocarbon resources to all Iraqis. The Government of Iraq has not met its self-imposed goal of May 31 for submitting the framework hydrocarbon and revenue-sharing laws to the COR. Although the KRG and the Shia parties have agreed to the text of the Revenue Management Law, Council of Ministers approval has been delayed by a Sunni party boycott..
+(iv) Enacting and implementing legislation on procedures to form semi-autonomous regions.
+The COR enacted a law in October 2006 that establishes procedures to form regions. Under the Iraqi constitution, regions have certain powers, such as control over regional security forces, that provinces do not. The law will come into effect 18 months after being passed, which means no steps can be taken to form regions before April 2008. The United States Government encouraged Iraqi political parties to reach a compromise on this law and believes that the 18-month delay in implementation is in the interests of Iraq and the United States, given current political conditions in Iraq.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made satisfactory progress toward enacting and implementing legislation on procedures to form semi-autonomous regions. The regions law has been passed. Implementation of this legislation should take place after provincial elections are held and after the passage of an updated elections law. The procedures are in place, but whether establishment of additional regions (in addition to the already-recognized KRG) is desirable depends on a number of factors, including the outcome of efforts at constitutional reform. The progress toward this benchmark has been satisfactory, and the effect is that this potentially contentious issue has not been a source of discord.
+) approved.
+In cooperation with the U.N., the United States Government is providing program support to the new IHEC in three areas: (i) building immediate IHEC staff capacity, particularly in public outreach and internal organization; (ii) building database capacity that will support the new voter registry; and (iii) standing up provincial, district, and precinct-level election bodies. Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) are monitoring political and security conditions in provinces that may affect elections.
+In Recommendation 29, the Iraq Study Group emphasizes the need for provincial elections at the earliest possible date. The United States Government and UNAMI are working closely with the Iraqi Government to accelerate the drafting and passage of the Provincial Powers Law and set a date for provincial elections. Additionally, the United States Government is working with Iraq Security Forces to ensure that they are adequately prepared to provide security for free and fair elections.
+Assessment: There are multiple components to this benchmark, each deserving its own assessment:
+The effect is that there is still no mechanism in place to address the under-representation of Sunnis in provincial councils that was caused by past Sunni election boycotts. However, at this time, this does not necessitate a revision to our current plan and strategy, under which we regard movement on this issue as one of the highest priorities, and have seen progress in key areas particularly with respect to the IHEC, which is a critical building block to holding genuine and credible local elections with U.N. assistance and support.
+(vi) Enacting and implementing legislation addressing amnesty.
+There is little progress toward legislation establishing amnesty for those who fought against the government since 2003 or who committed crimes in the name of the Iraqi Government. Neither the GOI nor the COR are pressing forward the passage of amnesty legislation.
+At some point, Iraqs process of reconciliation would benefit from an amnesty that recognizes the need to avoid criminal prosecution of certain acts of a military nature committed since 2003. However, a general amnesty program would be counterproductive in the current environment. As long as violence remains extensive and no major armed group has signaled a willingness to cooperate with the Iraqi Government and renounce violence, there is no group for which amnesty would be appropriate.
+Opportunities to offer amnesty locally, to specific populations and individuals, may appear quickly and will require Iraqi Government legislation or programs to exploit the willingness of fighters to abandon violence. Such actions could serve as a model for a wider amnesty program. United States officials have made clear to Iraqi leaders that any amnesty, when it comes, should not distinguish between acts against Coalition Forces and acts against Iraqis.
+In a token of progress, an amnesty workshop was conducted on May 12, 2007, in Baghdad. Political-party representatives and academics gathered to discuss amnesty concepts. From this small workshop, 10recommendations were developed and forwarded to various government representatives for comment, thus beginning a dialogue on amnesty.
+In Recommendations 31 and 37, the Iraq Study Group advised three elements for any amnesty legislation: 1) it must be far-reaching, 2) it must involve reconciliation by those in government with their enemies, and 3) the legislative and executive branches of the United States Government must not undercut it. However, the Study also notes, as mentioned in the assessment above, that there are many armed groups within Iraq, and very little will to lay down arms.
+Assessment: The prerequisites for a successful general amnesty are not present; however, in the current security environment, it is not clear that such action should be a near-term Iraqi goal. The Government of Iraq has established a high-level Government of Iraq Reconciliation Committee to support and oversee efforts of groups that want to oppose AQI and other extremist elements ‑‑ working with a joint U.S. Embassy/MNF-I group that is facilitating such actions in coordination with units on the ground. These efforts are more relevant at this point than are general amnesty initiatives. Nonetheless, the Government of Iraq should develop amnesty programs later in the year, so they are ready to be implemented if opportunities arise. Given the absence of the necessary conditions for amnesty, the absence of amnesty legislation has had no effect. The current plan and strategy calls for the passage of such legislation when the necessary conditions are present.
+(vii) Enacting and implementing legislation establishing a strong militia disarmament program to ensure that such security forces are accountable only to the central government and loyal to the constitution of Iraq.
+The COR included $150 million in its 2007 budget for Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR), but the Ministry of Finance (MOF) is waiting to release the funds pending development of a Government of Iraq plan for DDR. However, the COR has not moved toward passage of legislation to establish a disarmament program, nor are senior Iraqi officials or political-party leaders focused on passing such a law. There is disagreement among Iraqi experts as to whether new or additional legislation is necessary as militia and other illegal armed-group activity is already against Iraqi law. Although the Iraqi Government has formed a DDR Committee, there is no momentum in the Government of Iraq toward developing and implementing a comprehensive disarmament program for militia members. No armed group has yet committed to disarmament. The necessary preconditions for a DDR program, such as political reconciliation and security provided by the government, do not yet exist despite considerable efforts by the Iraqi Government, MNF-I, and the Embassy.
+The resources and personnel currently dedicated to the DDR effort would be better used elsewhere in the process of reconciliation that will ultimately lead armed groups to lay down arms. In the meantime, other measures to give young men alternatives to committing violence, such as a vigorous vocational-training program, micro-financing opportunities, education programs within the theater detention system, and jobs creation programs, should and are being pursued. Improved use of these tools to take advantage of localized security gains will require further planning by the Iraqi Government.
+In Recommendation 38 and 39, the Iraq Study Group proposes that neutral international experts act as advisors to the Iraqi Government and that the United States Government fund and support a single office to provide assistance to these experts. The study also notes solving the problem of militias requires national reconciliation and states that, as a party in the conflict, the United States Government should not be directly involved in a DDR programs implementation.
+(viii) Establishing supporting political, media, economic, and services committees in support of the Baghdad Security Plan.
+As part of Operation Fardh Al-Qanun (FAQ), the Iraqi Government established an Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to better coordinate and synchronize the non-kinetic aspects of FAQ with security operations. The ESC is chaired by the Prime Minister and meets weekly to discuss appropriate issues. In support of the ESC, six sub-committees have been formed to address topics of economics, services, political issues, media, popular mobilization, and security. These subcommittees are chaired by Iraqi Government leaders and are supported by United States Government officials. Additionally, the Iraqi National Security Advisor is responsible for the ESC secretariat and coordinates weekly planning meetings with the subcommittees. While the secretariat and subcommittees vary in their effectiveness, the overall level of coordination and focus on non-kinetic aspects is significantly higher than previous efforts.
+While establishing political, media, economic, and services committees is important, it is even more vital that the Iraqi Government steadily increase its relevance to Iraqis outside the International Zone through proper provision of services, security, and offering a viable alternative to militias.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made satisfactory progress toward establishing supporting political, media, economic, and services committees in support of the Baghdad Security Plan. The establishment of the ESC and related subcommittees meets the requirement of the benchmark. Nevertheless, both the U.S. Mission and MNF-I will remain intensively engaged with the ESC to continue to improve its effectiveness and ensure that the subcommittees fulfill the purpose for which they were created as their contribution to date has not been adequate. Progress toward achieving this benchmark has been satisfactory, and we will continue to monitor and engage with the committees to produce a satisfactory effect over the next 60 days.
+(ix) Providing three trained and ready Iraqi brigades to support Baghdad operations.
+The Iraqi Ground Forces Command (IGFC) had difficulty deploying three additional full Iraqi Army (IA) brigades at sufficient strength to Baghdad, but compensated by pulling units from a variety of IA divisions to provide the equivalent additional force. Since the initial deployment, the IGFC has continued to generate the required additional forces by first extending a brigade from 1 IA Division and battalions from 4 IA Division in Baghdad and then identifying and deploying a replacement brigade from 1 IA Division and battalions from 4 IA division to relieve other units by mid-June 2007. Manning levels for deploying units continue to be of concern. However, MNF-I is working with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense (MOD) to implement policies to improve present-for-duty numbers, and in the current 30-day period, for example, over 10,000 soldiers will have completed basic training and been assigned to units.
+Iraq Study Group Recommendations 20 and 21 call for the Iraqi Government to shoulder a greater share of the security mission in Iraq, and ultimately take it over. Iraq Study Group Recommendation 25 calls for the Iraqi Government to establish milestones for reconciliation and improve security. Providing three trained and ready Iraqi brigades to support Baghdad operations reflects implementation of these recommendations.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made satisfactory progress toward providing three trained and ready Iraqi brigades to support Baghdad operations. While manning levels for the deployed Iraqi units continue to be of concern, the Iraqi Government has provided the equivalent of three additional brigades to Baghdad and has made provisions to sustain this level of effort and to address manning issues ‑‑ in addition to steadily increasing the strengths of Iraqi units already deployed in Baghdad. The progress toward this benchmark has been satisfactory, and the effect is satisfactory in that the three brigades are operating in support of given Iraqi (and MNF-I) commanders the necessary authority to conduct security operations and has taken initial steps to reduce political interference in decisions on military actions. Coalition military leaders work closely with their Iraqi counterparts to plan and carry out security operations. Coalition military forces also contribute to the operation of joint security stations and provide the embedded transition teams that mentor Iraqi military and police counterparts. New Rules of Engagement for the Baghdad Operational Command have come into effect. There have been no reported instances of political interference in operations that U.S. commanders have recommended against Sunni Arab insurgents or AQI since the start of Operation Fardh al-Qanun. There have been concerns, however, about political interference (though not at the Prime Ministers level) in some operations to target Shia extremist networks, especially JAM. In recent engagements, particularly in some areas in southern Iraq, Iraqi forces were called upon to quell JAM-fueled violence and performed admirably. The Iraqi Army continues to be a more nationally oriented institution than the Iraqi National Police or local police forces.
+ISF forces are currently fighting alongside Coalition Forces and jointly manning Joint Security Stations (JSS) throughout Iraq. In most cases, tactical commanders act on mission orders issued by their chain of command or coordinated locally with MNF-I forces. In addition, the ISF has done a reasonably good job policing its own ranks by reporting infractions and removing guilty parties.
+There continues to be evidence of sectarian bias in the appointment of senior military and police commanders, which in turn gives rise to suspicions that political considerations may be behind Iraqi commanders decisions on which operations to undertake or support. Prime Minister Maliki is willing to take action when evidence of this is clear. Seven of nine National Police Brigade Commanders and 16 battalion commanders have been relieved in the past 7 months due to concerns over sectarian activities; however, sectarian-based decisions continue to be evident through intelligence channels. There is evidence of target lists emanating from the Office of the Commander in Chief that bypassed operational commanders and directed lower-level intelligence officers and commanders to make arrests, primarily of Sunnis. Authority to make tactical and operational decisions without political interference is an issue of trust.
+Iraq Study Group Recommendation 25 calls for the Iraqi Government to establish milestones for reconciliation and to improve security. This benchmark helps establish the conditions for reconciliation by pursuing non-sectarian security policies without political intervention, in line with this recommendation.
+Assessment:. Iraqi and coalition forces have been given authorities to go after insurgents and militias, but there remains a negative political influence at a variety of levels with evidence of sectarian behavior. Thus, while there has been progress, it has been too uneven to warrant a satisfactory judgment at this time. MNF-I and the Embassy continue to monitor developments for evidence on the transparency of security decision-making and the degree of political or sectarian influence on security operations. We have observed a mix of positive and negative examples of civil-military relations with the current surge in operations, due largely to increased overwatch and partnering relations. While progress toward this benchmark at this time is unsatisfactory, and the resultant effect has been negative in terms of overall perceptions of performance, this does not necessitate a revision to our current plan and strategy, under which we continue to improve Iraqi command and control capabilities, and expand our embedding and partnership with Iraqi units.
+(xi) Ensuring that Iraqi Security Forces are providing even-handed enforcement of the law.
+Left on their own, many ISF units still tend to gravitate to old habits of sectarianism when applying the law. The good news is that individual units have demonstrated the ability to act as responsible partners when employed with Coalition influence, and some Iraqi commanders have demonstrated clearly that they are Iraqis first. Some Sunni residents of Baghdad continue to believe that Shia-dominated National Police units and, to a lesser degree, Iraqi Army units are biased against them. There have been inadequate efforts to detain some senior Ministry of Interior (MOI) officials believed responsible for human rights abuses, although 7 National Police Brigade Commanders and 16 National Police Battalion Commanders have been replaced, along with both Division Commanders. Some senior officials responsible for abuse continue to hold positions of responsibility. At lower levels, experience shows that even-handedness across the ISF is patchy with various units displaying differing degrees of even-handedness; however, a number of extremely capable and non-sectarian senior military and police leaders have emerged and are making a difference with their units.
+The expansion of partnered units and embedded-training teams has increased the Coalitions ability to monitor the actions of the ISF. In Baghdad, for example, Coalition Forces and ISF have established 30 JSSs to provide an extensive permanent security presence throughout Baghdads neighborhoods. These JSSs allow greater oversight of the ISF by Coalition Forces, which maintain 24-hour coverage throughout Baghdad in an effort to protect the citys population. An expanded use of embedded U.S. military and police advisor teams has also ensured that the ISF now receive greater exposure to modern policing techniques that are both more effective and in compliance with international human rights standards.. Because we are holding the ISF to a high standard, however, the overall judgment at this time remains unsatisfactory. This does not necessitate a revision to our current plan and strategy, under which we continue to press the Government of Iraq on these issues, improve command and control capabilities, and expand our embedding and partnership with Iraqi units.
+(xii) Ensuring that, as Prime Minister Maliki was quoted by President Bush as saying, the Baghdad Security Plan will not provide a safe haven for any outlaws, regardless of [their] sectarian or political affiliation.
+The United States has surged more than 30,000 military personnel into Iraq. These forces support Operation Fardh al-Qanun in Baghdad, Anbar, and in the regions to the north and south of the capital. As noted above, Coalition Forces, in conjunction with ISF, have established and staffed JSSs in all sectors of Baghdad and are conducting joint operations in once contentious neighborhoods, such as the Shia dominated Sadr City and Sunni-dominated Mansour District. There is currently only one JSS in Sadr City, though more are planned and operations have been conducted throughout Sadr City on a near-daily basis. The completion of additional JSSs throughout Baghdad should significantly increase the success of this effort.
+Operations in some parts of Baghdad remain a significant challenge, though there are currently no areas of Baghdad where Coalition Forces and Iraqi Security Forces are not allowed to conduct operations. The Government of Iraq has supported operations by Iraqi and Coalition Forces targeting insurgents, militias, and terrorists across Iraq. United States diplomatic and military personnel have engaged the Iraqi Government at the highest levels to stress the importance of aggressively targeting all violent groups, regardless of sect or affiliation. The Iraqi Government has shown increased willingness to target and conduct actions against extremist groups and militias, such as Jaysh al‑Mahdi Secret Cells, in order to establish a more secure environment in Baghdad.
+Iraq Study Group Recommendation 25 calls for the Iraqi Government to establish milestones for reconciliation and to improve security. This benchmark helps establish the conditions for reconciliation by denying safe havens, regardless of sectarian or political affiliation, in line with this recommendation.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made satisfactory progress in ensuring the Baghdad Security Plan does not provide a safe haven for any outlaws, regardless of their sectarian or political affiliations. United States commanders report overall satisfaction with their ability to target any and all extremist groups. United States diplomatic and military personnel continue to engage the Iraqi Government at the highest levels to stress the importance of aggressively targeting all violent groups, regardless of sect or affiliation. Tribal elements in Diyala, Ninewa, and Salah ad Din are seeking support for tribal initiatives similar to those that have shown success in al-Anbar against AQI. Cache-finds averaging over three times last years levels result from civilians increasingly providing intelligence leading to these discoveries, indicating an erosion of insurgent safe havens. The Government of Iraq has supported operations by Iraqi and Coalition Security forces targeting extremists across Iraq, including in Sadr City and the outer belts of Baghdad. Coalition Forces operate in these areas almost every night, though there remains one individual that Prime Minister Maliki has made the decision to delay targeting. The progress toward this benchmark has been satisfactory, and the effect is that the Coalition and the ISF are able to continue clearing and securing areas in and around Baghdad from which the enemy had been operating.
+(xiii) Reducing the level of sectarian violence in Iraq and eliminating militia control of local security.
+Though precise measurements of sectarian violence vary, trends data supplied over time by MNF-I demonstrate a decrease in sectarian violence, particularly in Baghdad, since the beginning of Operation Fardh al-Qanun. Militia activity initially decreased but staged a resurgence in mid-May before falling again in June to the lowest level in a year. Similar trends have been observed throughout Iraq; however, it is too early to determine how sustainable they will prove to be. As part of Operation Fardh al-Qanun, Coalition Forces have established over 30 JSSs and almost 30 COPs, throughout Baghdad. These stations bring security forces into the neighborhoods and provide the Iraqi populace with a means to deliver valuable information to security forces in order to target groups that incite sectarian violence. Similar outposts have been established throughout cities and rural areas of Iraq.
+The United States Government is supporting a Ministry of Interior initiative to inspect all 47 Baghdad police stations to verify station police are performing their duties to standard. This action, coupled with the expanded use of embedded U.S. military and police advisor teams, helps ensure that Iraqi Security Forces are exposed on a daily basis to modern policing techniques that are more effective and in compliance with international human rights standards. Nonetheless, the police remain the element in which progress has been slowest and in which improvement is most needed.
+Militia presence is still strong and reaches into the security services of a number of ministries. Despite some progress, militias are still a dominant force in parts of Baghdad, Basrah, and many provinces in Iraq ‑‑ and will likely remain so until the security situation begins to stabilize over time. (See pages 14-15, above.)
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq ‑‑ with substantial Coalition assistance ‑‑ has made satisfactory progress toward reducing sectarian violence but has shown unsatisfactory progress towards eliminating militia control of local security. Furthermore, though sectarian violence has been reduced, it is not yet reduced to a level the Coalition judges acceptable. The effect of unsatisfactory progress toward eliminating militia control of local security has been negative in terms of perceptions of the authority and fairness of the Government of Iraq. However, this does not necessitate a revision to our current plan and strategy, under which we continue to press the Government of Iraq on these issues and are conducting aggressive operations with Iraqi forces to uproot the command and control of the most violent and destabilizing militia elements in Iraq.
+(xiv) Establishing all of the planned joint security stations in neighborhoods across Baghdad.
+Many of the planned JSS, U.S. Combat Outposts, and other patrol bases have been established across Baghdad and the surrounding area. Over 60 of these stations are located within Baghdad, and 30 more are planned. Joint Security Stations provide an around-the-clock security presence in most of Baghdad and JSSs are particularly effective as they merge Coalition technology and resolve with Iraqi presence and calming influence. There are numerous examples where Iraqi presence has facilitated a lower application of force. This increased interaction with the local population should directly contribute to reducing crime and sectarian violence, such as murders and executions.
+Other stations are being established in outlying areas where interaction with the local people can have a direct impact on the reduction of violence within the city. As security conditions on the ground warrant review of the location and quantity of these stations, Coalition leaders will consult with the Baghdad Operational Commander, LTG Abboud, to determine future emplacements and additions.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq -- with substantial Coalition assistance -- has made satisfactory progress toward establishing the planned JSSs in Baghdad. As of June 16, Multinational Division-Baghdad reports 32 JSSs have achieved initial operational capability and 36 COPs have achieved initial or full operational capability. This benchmark is on track for completion at the required time. The progress toward this benchmark has been satisfactory, and the effects are increased control and security in the areas where these JSSs have been established.
+(xv) Increasing the number of Iraqi security forces units capable of operating independently.
+Coalition Forces continue the Train-and-Equip program for the Iraqi Security Forces and field advisors to the Ministries of Interior and Defense in order to build Iraqi capacity to manage and sustain forces in the field. To advance the development of the fledgling Iraqi bureaucratic processes for committing funds, we have obtained the Iraqi Governments approval to pursue many of its procurement and logistical requirements through the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program. The United States is also negotiating an Acquisition Cross Service Agreement (ACSA) with the Iraqi Government. As the security ministries increase their capacity to support and sustain Iraqi forces, Iraqi units will become more capable of operating independently. Iraq earlier this year invested $7.3 billion for the training and equipping of its own security forces ‑‑ an impressive investment that will need time to have an impact on the ground.
+There are 9 Iraqi Army divisions, 31 Brigades, and 95 battalions in the operational lead for their area of responsibility. For an Iraqi unit to be designated capable of independent operations, it must achieve an Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) Level 1 status. There has been a slight reduction in units assessed as capable of independent operations since January 2007. This reduction is due to a 20 percent increase in unit authorization levels (meaning the equipment numbers against which the unit is measured are higher), a fixed number of equipment sets and training seats, a lack of officers and NCOs (with some provided to less capable units to help stand them up), combat losses, and the sustainment challenges that come with these dynamics. In addition, there are more Iraqi units in the field and more being moved around the battlefield. This of course increases the logistics, services, and combat multiplier (close air support and artillery support) requirements exponentially.
+Ministry of Interior capacity requires continued development. The Fiscal Year 2007 Department of Defense supplemental funding request focused on key shortfalls, particularly in MOI equipment maintenance. Because the MOD is only partially effective at managing ministry functions, the Coalition continues to assist with fielded Iraqi Army forces.
+Assessment: The Iraqi Government has made unsatisfactory progress toward increasing the number of Iraqi Security Forces units capable of operating independently. Development of ISF capabilities continues to grow while the ISF increases operational tempo for Operation Fardh al-Qanun. Readiness assessments for the National Police continue to show slow but steady improvement, but we continue to have concerns about the sectarian leaning of some national police units. The effect is that the presence of Coalition partners and support remains necessary for ISF operations. This does not necessitate a revision to the current plan and strategy, however, because the plan and strategy emphasize the importance of embedded trainers and the partnering of Iraqi and Coalition units.ISF performance has generally been adequate, particularly when units are partnered with Coalition Forces.
+(xvi) Ensuring that the rights of minority political parties in the Iraqi legislature are protected.
+Article 37 of the Iraq. COR rules permit groups as small as 10 members out of 275 to propose legislation.
+The electoral system used to elect the current COR -- provincial proportional representation -- was chosen by the previous Iraqi parliament in 2005 to balance a number of factors, including the ability of women and of small minority parties to gain a share of representation. Iraqi parliamentarians and political parties are considering changes to the electoral laws, but there appears to be no effort that would adversely affect the rights of minorities.
+The U.S.. Minority political parties in the COR participate in COR activities in a manner consistent with minority parties in other parliamentary democracies. Women COR members work closely with each other, often across party lines. We anticipate a continued role for minorities and women in the parliament.
+(xvii) Allocating and spending $10 billion in Iraqi revenues for reconstruction projects, including delivery of essential services, on an equitable basis.
+In 2006, the Iraqi Government managed to execute only 22 percent of its capital budget (an estimated $1.35 billion of $6.2 billion budgeted). It is worth noting that implementation and expenditure of the budget were slowed by the fact that the permanent government was not established until June 2006. A significant improvement in performance is necessary to make satisfactory progress on the 2007 benchmark. The benchmark would be fully achieved by allocating and obligating $10 billion of investment capital during this calendar year, along with satisfactory progress on contract disbursements. As is normal in any capital budget, a portion of the funds will disburse in future years based on contract progress. While it is too soon to tell how much improvement will take place by the end of 2007, many of the problems from 2006 are being overcome. Most critical to the effort is the performance of the Ministry of Oil, with nearly 25 percent of the total capital budget; it remains unclear whether the Ministry has made any real effort to expend those funds.
+True success lies not only in the percentage of the capital budget actually spent in 2007, but in the effects of spending, as the Iraqi Government seeks to establish its credibility with citizens though improved delivery of public services and tangible economic development. Moreover, adherence to and improved familiarity with the decentralized and accountable fiduciary structures introduced since the fall of Saddam will give Iraqi citizens added confidence in and a reason to support their local, regional, and national governments. The effects of this new emphasis and these new procedures are already being felt, albeit unevenly, across the country. Some ministries have developed and are implementing aggressive spending plans (such as the Ministry of Education), and several provinces (Anbar, in particular) are demonstrating their empowerment through their new spending programs. Should these successes spread across Iraq, this would mark the beginning of a new relationship between citizens and their government.
+The most important change in 2007 is that all parties and all levels of Iraqi Government, from central to provincial to local, share an acute and unifying emphasis on budget execution. Unlike last year, the budget passed in February 2007 included detailed capital budgets. The Government of Iraq has established a senior-level budget execution task force (led by a Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation) to spur spending and improve communications between the central and provincial governments. New procedures have been enacted to expedite spending processes, such as revised procurement regulations and a rescission clause in the 2007 budget law. Budget execution officials have been provided with additional training and resources. Improvements are still needed in tracking budget performance; audited figures are generally available only 3 or more months after the end of any given spending period.
+These changes have nearly tripled the ministries rates of allocation when compared to last year at this time, though efforts must continue accelerating to make sufficient progress on this benchmark. Ministerial spending is moving ahead. The Ministry of Finance has moved more than 21 percent of the overall ministerial capital budget to the individual ministries capital investment accounts, which enables them to award contracts and request additional releases based on contract schedules. With respect to provinces, a majority of the 2006 budget funding was released late in December. Provinces continue to apply those funds to improving services and advancing local reconstruction priorities, while at the same time processing their 2007 budgets. Most provinces are making significant progress in capital spending, but those with security challenges are lagging. Importantly, provincial budget allocations were calculated based on population statistics, which supports the constitutions concerns with equality.
+Assessment: The Iraqi Government is making satisfactory progress in allocating funds to ministries and provinces, but even if the full $10 billion capital budget is allocated, spending units will not be able to spend all these funds by the end of 2007. Execution of the complete 2007 capital budget is a very aggressive target for the Government of Iraq, which expects significant increases in 2007 spending following major initiatives to improve its budget execution processes. Although the trend to date is positive, sustaining progress through September to meet this benchmark at year-end requires accelerated spending and procurement activity, which are challenging tasks in the face of capacity constraints and security problems.
+(xviii) Ensuring that Iraqs political authorities are not undermining or making false accusations against members of the ISF.
+Iraqi authorities continue to undermine and make false accusations against ISF members. There are still several reports each month of allegations of wrongdoing against ISF members believed to be non-sectarian in their approach to security. In most cases, we are unable to assess the validity of these allegations but believe them to be untrue. It appears from anecdotal evidence that Iraqi political authorities may not be pursuing allegations even-handedly. Trumped up charges by the de-Baathification Commission have been used in the past to cleanse Sunni officers from formations. Questionable judicial warrants by the Office of the Commander in Chief are a more recent technique to target Sunni commanders while influential sectarian actors linked to security ministries continue to degrade formal command structures. Similarly, some Sunni politicians have made baseless claims against ISF officials, suggesting that unsubstantiated claims of sectarians can cut both ways.
+Some members of the COR and Council of Ministers have publicly supported ISF leaders while behind the scenes they continue to turn a blind eye to sectarian activities. United States military and diplomatic personnel continue to engage Iraqi Government officials at the highest levels to stress the need for Iraqi political authorities to cease making baseless accusations against ISF leaders for sectarian and political gain.
+Assessment: The Government of Iraq has made unsatisfactory progress in ensuring that Iraqs political authorities are not undermining or making false accusations against members of the ISF.. However, this does not necessitate a revision to the current plan and strategy, under which we continue to monitor the situation by means of our close involvement with the ISF and to press Iraqi political leaders to refrain from this behavior.
+Over 2007 and into 2008, we are focusing on the following core objectives:
+I noticed a confused (naturally) but halfway interesting piece in SLATE, about some whacko that has concluded that men who have had their dick chopped off are not really women. Well duh. Of course, he was educated into this conclusion by talking to TERFS (trans exclusionary radical feminists). Progressives mostly think that “that gender is a matter of identity, not biology, and that refusing to recognize a person’s gender identity is an outrageous offense.” While Terfs believe that “women are.
+It is possible to support a theory with implications you don’t like if it happens to be true. Although maybe that’s a guy thing..
+I came to San Francisco in 1965 – a long time ago. I lived in the Tenderloin then and I saw transsexuals for the first time. They were hard to miss. Many of them were tall muscular black guys with heavy beards wearing tight dresses and high heels. Apparently its hard to walk in such an outfit. I took it all in. It was the ‘Big City’ and I learned to accept strange sights not to be seen in the suburbs.
+After a while I stopped seeing them. Not because they went away but because they were no longer very interesting. That was true for decades but then just a few years ago suddenly transgenders became a big social issue. Transgenderism is well understood and there have been no medical breakthroughs in treating the condition. Just suddenly there were posters, and protesters in the streets. It’s enough to make you believe in conspiracies.
+I was doing some consulting for the FBI back in the late 1980s or very early 1990s. Prepping for that project involved a week’s stay-over with the SFPD’s homicide unit. While in SF I stayed in a hotel about half-way up Nob Hill on the Market Street side of the Hill. I’d walk around the neighborhood every night and noticed one or two corners where street walkers appeared to be loitering. They struck me as very attractive and when I mentioned over lunch one day to one of the detectives with whom I was liaising that SF street walkers were much more attractive than Boston’s he let out a guffaw or two and then informed me that they were male cross dressers. I’ve since had a number of run-ins with men pretending to be women and vice versa and all have been hilariously, hideous lampoons of real men and women. But my SF experience has convinced me that someof these people — although they are still suffering from a severe and disabling delusion — can succesfully masquerade as their chosen sex.
+So what’s up with otherwise-intellgent-biologist Robert Sapolsky implying that transgenderism is perfectly natural?
+He’s misinformed?
+Didn’t he continue arguing that ulcers are caused by stress even after Barry Marshall showed it was bacteria?
+“If you want a society in which men and women have the same brain, or one in which feminism actually works, you would have to make it so“
+As I said earlier on this article, if a transsexual can get away with contradicting the dogma that transsexuals aren’t really the sex the “turn into”, maybe a Black HBD’er has some hope…
+Jay is like transwhite male. perhaps you should sunburn yourself somehow just to fit this transracial persona.
+I kinda feel like a boy in a girl body. What’s more peculiar is that other people tell me I am such without me first explaining this to them- specifically, they say I am a crotchety old man in a girl body. it’s not really true, but I sympathize with those whose minds are not quite normal for their physical forms.
+Yeah. Like for example the otherkin. Especially those who feel they are dragons. Or Gods.
+I got into an argument with someone about this the other day. There seems to be a triad of different understandings on the issue.
+Trans-advocates argue that there is overlap between sex and gender, the two categories should be understood with a venn diagram, and they feel gender is more important than sex (and thus should function as the standard by which to assign identity).
+Progressives argue that the differences between sex and gender are entirely different, and must be understood not with a venn diagram, but with a razor-sharp line dividing the two categories.
+Scientifically correct people argue that there is overlap between sex and gender, the two categories should be understood with a venn diagram, and they feel sex is more important than gender (and thus should function as the standard by which to assign identity).
+In a weird way, the trans-advocates go back to a more reactionary position by allowing “heteronormative” traits to establish identity rather than assume that identity is 100% characterized by plasticity. The problem is that they’re not being honest, and I think they’re more concerned with gaining social status than affirming anything impolite. From what I gather, the more these gender dysphoriacs move toward their perceived identity (and get hormone treatments for the opposite sex, have doctors mutilate their organs, etc.), the more suicidally depressed they become. And if that’s true, then they’re essentially being marched to the gallows by a gang of opportunists who want to use them as a tool to display moral superiority.
+But since this is a science blog, I am curious: does anyone have any data on treatments in which the person with gender dysphoria is given hormones that correspond to their original sex? Have there been any studies? My assumption is that if a depressed “trans-woman” were to be given more testosterone, he would feel better and happier than he would if given estrogen. But I haven’t seen or heard anything about such a treatment.
+“Scientifically correct people argue that there is overlap between sex and gender, the two categories should be understood with a venn diagram, and they feel sex is more important than gender (and thus should function as the standard by which to assign identity).”
+I like to think of myself as a reasonably scientific person. So, what do you mean when you say that “sex is more important than gender”?
+When I was a young man sex was more important than language study.
+Let’s say we’re in a society where blue is considered feminine and pink is masculine. I like blue more, I want everything I wear to be blue, I want to have blue wallpaper, a blue car, etc. I’m not going to say, “I love the color blue so much that I must be a woman,” even if I’m technically genderqueer or whatever.
+@Izak — You understand what you mean, which is a start. But what are you trying to communicate to readers when you write, “Scientifically correct people argue that there is overlap between sex and gender… and they feel sex is more important than gender”?
+This is close. Suicide rate goes up among those who made the change, but the increase doesn’t start until years later.
+The article psmith links above is excellent and gives good arguments about what things may be recategorised and how. However… Having known a couple of dozen transgender people at my hospital over the years (patients and staff), Scott leaves something important out. A whole lot of people who identify as the other gender clearly aren’t. Upon meeting them one’s thought is “troubled young person who thinks becoming something else will solve things.” There may be some who by reason of an unusual medical condition defy categories. That’s usually not what’s happening. (See also autogynephilia, the existence of which most transgendered persons hotly dispute.)
+The article you linked makes you subscribe,
+Yes I’m aware of autogynephilia, and I find the theory pretty convincing. Most of the criticisms I’ve seen are about the label’s vagueness, or that it presents the behavior as a mental disorder, which is apparently offensive. But the criticisms don’t seem to address the basic theory that some men want to become women because it’s humiliating and thus arousing. I can’t possibly imagine how anyone would try to argue that this doesn’t happen. There are videos on those porn tube sites that fetishize that exact behavior, some with hundreds of thousands of views. It seems pretty plausible that a handful of these kinds of fetishists would try to turn that sort of interest into a full lifestyle.
+I guess the problem is that when you throw politics into these sorts of scientific questions, you have to deny every theory that makes what you advocate for look bad or questionable. So, while leftists tend to emphasize the complexities of everything, and warn against painting everything with too broad of a brush (good ideas!), they turn around and start painting homosexuality or trans stuff with the broadest brush possible, making it seem completely simple and wonderful, with everyone having the exact same inoffensive reason or motivation for being how they are.
+Not calling a spade a spade is offensive.
+How many legs does a dog have if you call a tail a leg?
+Or if you convince a doctor to lop one off?
+I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.
+Extremely realistic virtual reality glasses are coming out next year, oculus rift. A brand new vista is opening up for the perverts. Couples can have sex with each other while one is a T Rex and other a transformer. Or in your long desired case an attack helicopter with a few extra parts.
+Hey buddy boy, you can scan me all you like, but don’t you dare upload me.
+Like virtually all woman, what Bindel says she wants is kind of similar to what she thinks she wants, but neither bears any resemblance at all to what she does want.
+If she told you exactly what she really wants and you gave it to her, it wouldn’t count, it wouldn’t count at all, and why do men have to be so frustratingly literal minded?! If you were the kind of man she could really look up to, and if you had any feelings for her at ALL, you would know what do to. And that is why she is stamping her angry little foot.
+I’m not even kidding.
+The theory/implication stuff, yeah, that’s a guy thing all right. There’s nothing in it that meets any need of hers that she cares about.
+“…Although maybe that’s a guy thing.” Hey, what’s with the gratuitous cut at women in general? There are plenty of fools in this world, of both sexes. Most feminist ideologues are women, but not all women are feminist ideologues. Not by a long shot.
+You felt the need to naxalt? At Greg Cochran?
+I think that neither sex is predominantly made up of hard-eyed realists, but women are even less inclined in that direction than men. Feel free to prove me wrong.
+There are plenty of male feminist ideologues as well. If they have a less silly worldview than the female ideologues, I haven’t noticed it.
+“Internal ContraDICtions”
+Heh. I see what you did there. ; )
+I know nothing whatever about this topic but I assume it’s a bit like anorexia – a sort of sad madness that’s somehow become fashionable.
+This is not the first time Cochran has brought up male rhesus monkeys’ preference for toy trucks, so I thought I’d ask: any idea why? I’m having a hard time explaining (/believing?) that finding, evolutionarily.
+Here’s the thing he’s referring to:
+N = 34. Not super strong evidence, I wonder if anyone’s tried to replicate it?
+My useless speculation (if this is true): a nurturing instinct among female rhesus monkeys.
+Exactly. I would expect that it’s largely driven by the trucks being NOT-dolls, and that replacing the trucks with clubs would also reveal a gender difference.
+Doesn’t look like that’s the explanation. if your explanation were true, we would see the females preferring plush toys (which were chosen because they resemble dolls and stuffed animals) whereas the males would show no preference. But it seems the reverse is the case: males preferred wheeled toys, whereas females showed little preference.
+“Nonparametric within-sex comparisons revealed that males preferred wheeled over plush toys (Figure 1b; Z=−2.09, p=.04, d=1.14, prep=.95), and that females exhibited no significant preference for plush toys over wheeled toys (Figure 1b; Z=−.55, p=.58, d=.12, prep=.61). For between-sex comparisons, males and females did not differ in their total interactions with wheeled toys (Figure 1b; Z=−.65, p=.52, d=.39, prep=.87), but males interacted significantly less with the plush toys than did females (Z=−2.23, p=.03, d=.76, prep =.98).”
+Maybe the trucks, being the harder toy, are better tools for head-bashing, and male primates are more likely than females to want to bash heads (colloquially speaking)? If that’s so, then yeah, we should see the same results if trucks were replaced with clubs. It’s hard to imagine that wheels have anything to do with it.
+Note that the quote above refers to frequencies of interaction (how many times a monkey interacted with a toy). They also did the same analysis on the total time spent with the toys (duration), which might be a better measure. In that case, it looks like males spent about 90% of their toy time with the trucks, whereas emails were more evenly split. That difference had p = .03.
+More importantly, they gauged preference by computing, for each sex, the difference in number of interactions between trucks and plushes. This gets more directly at the question of whether the probability of interacting with a toy type is different for males and females. The difference is significant: males spend more of their play time with trucks than do females. (They also spend more of their play time with trucks than females spend with plushes.)
+If the authors had any sense, they would have used probability of interaction, not total number of interactions (because the latter is affected by total times of play, which may vary between sexes). But eyeballing the data suggests that the results would have been the same.
+Wish the raw data were available…
+And young female chimps will sometiems carry around a stick for long periods, cradling it as it if were a baby. Boy chimps don’t.
+Suppose that there are evolved mental differences between the sexes, in some species (a safe bet). Now we have members of that species, male and female, interact with something new, something that none of their species have ever interacted with. This Maguffin has in no way shaped their evolution. But since male and female brains are different, they may still respond differently to this new stimulus.
+For example, the fraction of teenage boys that go nuts over programming is, I think, much higher than it is among teenage girls. This is probably not because of a multi-million year history of men programming their way to reproductive success, back in the Galactic Empire that spawned the FTL ship that crashed on Earth and founded an accidental colony, one too small to preserve high technology, one that fell back to savagery and is only now approaching its ancestral state of advanced nuttiness.
+So, Greg, you are suggesting that male rhesus monkeys’s preference for trucks is totally accidental. They could just as well have favored the plush toys. The important thing is just that the sexes did have different preferences. Is that right?
+I wonder if the plush toys don’t give off baby vibes. But I have no theory for why toys with wheels are attractive to males. Vervet monkeys are the same way. CAH girls also likey the trucks.
+“Doesn’t look like that’s the explanation. if your explanation were true, we would see the females preferring plush toys”
+You didn’t read a word that I wrote.
+I would expect that it’s largely driven by the trucks being NOT-dolls. Things that are not girly, therefore attractive to the male. It’s not implied that females prefer the girly toys, understand?
+Nobody had to teach me as a young male primate that humiliation in front of my peer group feels horrible in the pit of my soul. Rhesus monkeys are another hierarchical primate species, they must have a similar instinct. And they must have cues to figure out who is going to get trampled underfoot in the hierarchy. I think it’s a safe guess that a male rhesus monkey displaying sissy behaviour with dolls and shoving dildos up his ass is being looked at as omega material by the other rhesus monkeys. Same as with us.
+Sorry, rzg. When you said “exactly” in response to MawBTS’s comment, I assumed that meant you agreed with him.
+I wasn’t sure what Greg meant by CAH, but for readers who arrive later my best guess is congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
+Toy story: Why do monkey and human males prefer trucks? Comment on “Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children” by Hassett, Siebert and Wallen
+However, this is not my experience in the context of groups.
+That is, a group of female children almost never plays with male-typical toys and spends pretty much all of its time practicing female social games. I imagine that if you gave them a toy gun they would pretend it was a teapot …
+Boys on the other hand …
+I noticed this contradiction a few years ago when NPR decided it was a great idea to pair as guests on one of their programs a woman whose 5-year-old son liked to put on bright princess dresses (not all that uncommon, though my son preferred the sparkly shoes) with a woman whose son had gone the full unmonty and gotten his bits lopped off and was now an advocate for such folks. The point of the first woman’s book (a children’s book) was- it’s not such a big deal, boys will be boys even in taffeta and lace. But of course if liking to put on dresses makes you a transwoman and on course for hormonal and surgical alteration, it’s a very big deal indeed.
+You read old children’s books like Swallows and Amazons or the Nesbit books and the gender distinctions are actually less calcified than today; my sense is kids do a lot of performance now, in addition to whatever innate behavioral differences exist, perhaps because of the effort to erode distinctions, perhaps for other reasons.
+“a woman whose 5-year-old son liked to put on bright princess dresses (not all that uncommon, though my son preferred the sparkly shoes) with a woman whose son had gone the full unmonty and gotten his bits lopped off”
+What’s going to happen when these crazy people start whacking off 5 year old penises? Don’t tell me it’s not going to happen.
+JD Unwin made the case that civilizations collapsed when their internal cultural frameworks were no longer fit to sustain cohesion and fertility. Typically, it would be because of deviation from the pattern of, what he termed, “absolute monogamy” and sexual restraint. Most often, more rights to women would precede such a collapse.
+Of course, in the particular case of Mycenaean civilization’s collapse, it is more likely that natural, exogenous factors were the real culprit (part of the Bronze Age collapse).
+Broadly, I agree with Joseph’s stance about trade being instrumental. What I think bears mention here, is that not all trade is created equal. Historically, most of it was about supplying elites with status-granting items. However, the Mycenians were able to exploit their proximity to sea to build advanced technology (for the time), to transport items and people (slaves, warriors) in a very cheap manner, in higher volume, across huge distances. This trade was fundamentally higher scale and quality than what could be accomplished through more conventional, non-maritime routes. It also required great skill to sustain and expand it, along with various tangential enterprises endeavored by status-seekers of the polities that comprised Mycenae.
+This trade on mass scale enabled more labor specialization, helping to free up the talents of more citizens, for value-added endeavors, including intellectual ones.
+Also, I think that not only trade, but technologically involved , well-organized warfare played a huge part.
+I am not as convinced, however, that Mycenaean Greeks, on an individual basis, were more special, IQ-wise, than the Minoans. It’s just that the conditions were ripe for the former’s international acclaim. The Mycenaeans most likely were just a more Indo-Europeanized, more warfare oriented, version of Minoans. The Minoans were likely Anatolian derived, like LBK. We need invoke group-competition argument to understand Mycenaean success.
+As to Sumer, they were probably as special as the Elamites and the Harappans, probably very much related to them. Just, again, more access to productive land (enabling higher population capacity and more intense inter-group competition), water and rivers, somewhat better trade, labor specialization.
+All of these groups are, ultimately, descendants of Natuffian people, from what I understand.
+Sorry, belong in a different thread.
+I met Julie Bindel at a panel organized by the university a couple of years back. I had never heard of her but we were there to discuss whether pornography had bad effects. At the meet and greet she got instantly cross at why Ben Goldacre hadn’t done one of his “Bad Science” take-downs of the idea that men and women’s brains were different.
+Me: (being a polite ambassador for my university) “Well, maybe he doesn’t think the science is bad?”
+Bindel: “He must do!”
+Me: “Why’s that?”
+Bindel (snapping as if at someone very dense)” How should I know? I’m not a scientist!”
+I learned a lot from that encounter.
+A bit late to this thread, but it is not yet closed, so …
+RE: Women in the military, this post has some interesting information (which I don’t have the expertise to verify easily; it seems plausible).
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+Response of the Mental Health Lawyers Association to Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishing of Offenders Bill
+“Destroying Representation for the Mental Unwell for £3 million?”
+1. Introduction
+The Mental Health Lawyers Association (MHLA) represents the majority of solicitors and solicitors firms who represent those detained in hospital. Our members have been involved in. In addition a representative of the Conservative Party, Edward Garnier, addressed a recent MHLA conference, in November 2009.
+2. 10% Reduction in Fees
+2.1. Introduction
+The MHLA welcomes that the work of our members will generally remain in scope of the legal aid scheme. However we are greatly concerned with regards to the 10% reduction in fees which are still proposed, notwithstanding our particular earlier representations as to this jurisdiction, which were not addressed in your response. This will be disastrous for many of our members and therefore for the highly vulnerable clients that we represent. We see ourselves as a frontline service to our clients, but now consider that much of this service will collapse. This risk of collapse runs directly counter to the acceptance that this representation should remain within scope as a central plank of the legal aid scheme.
+Our work with detained patients is seen by all, including the Ministry of Justice, as “core legal aid work”. Indeed when we were addressed by Edward Garnier, and in other dealings with the Conservative Party prior to the last election, we were impressed by the acceptance that our work was central to the operation of justice in a civilised society given our highly vulnerable clients.. However these proposals, and in particular the 10% cutback, do appear to directly contradict this assurance.
+The ability of those detained due to an alleged mental disorder to receive representation to challenge such detention is critical to the United Kingdom’s compliance to the European Convention on Human Rights. This is why such work it is one of the few non-means tested areas of legal aid. However, the effectiveness of such representation, as we pointed out to shadow conservative Ministers prior to the election, has been in decline for many years.
+2.2. Decline in Specialists in the field
+The need for specialist representation for the most vulnerable in our community was the reason why the Law Society set up the first specialist Panel of lawyers in this area of practice. However, membership of this Panel has declined by around 25% since 2000, whilst the number of patients requiring representation has increased by around 30%; according to figures provided by the Tribunal Service. Furthermore a previous Law Society survey has shown that the average age of Panel members is middle age or above. Far fewer “young” entrants have been joining the Panel. Our members directly report to us that the reason for leaving this area of practice is the existing fee levels. The arbitrary proposals to reduce fees in this area of representation by a further 10% will certainly rapidly accelerate this process.
+The implications of the 10% reduction have been clearly depicted by a very longstanding and experienced practitioner in East Anglia who, when indicating he would have to leave this area of work, said:
+“This work is like being a minicab driver. You work Monday to Friday to cover your overheads: you make money that you can live off on Saturday. They now want to take away our Saturday”
+Our Association has been received numerous responses from members who will now no longer be able to carry out this work. It should also be born in mind that this cut is on the back of a lack of any recent increase and ongoing inflation, results in real cuts of around 15% in the last three years already.
+A 10% reduction is therefore very much more than a simply shaving a few pounds off the budget. It is frequently the profit margin on which our members survive. And, as has been pointed out to the Conservative party previously, many of our members operate in small specialist practices. They have nothing to buffer their work and will simply go to the wall; notwithstanding their longstanding expertise.
+2.3. Judicial View of Mental Health Representation
+The need for retaining such experience in the work we do has long been recognised by the judiciary.
+At the time of the introduction contracting Mr. Justice Brooke in the year 2000 (now Lord Justice Brooke) in the case of R v Legal Aid Board ex parte Mackintosh and Duncan (2000) gave the view of the Court on that occasion:
+“We are worried, however, that the Board (then the Legal Aid Board) has not yet appreciated how difficult Mental Health Law is, and how generally solicitors cannot pick up the expertise needed to serve the clients effectively, unless they have strong and practical grounding in this field of Law. We hope that the Board will now take urgent steps to identify the really skilled solicitors who are willing to serve their clients in this field at Legal Aid rates of pay ……………”.
+He also commented:
+Mr Stanley Burnton J. in KB & Others v MHRT [2003] made it clear that the Mental Health Review Tribunal is the most fundamentally important Tribunal in this country in that it deals with the liberty of the individual in circumstances where that liberty has been removed without having been sanctioned by a court.
+“The issues before Mental Health Review Tribunals are probably the most important issues decided by any tribunals. The Tribunals make decisions as to the compulsory detention and treatment, and thus the liberty, of the individual. A wrong decision may lead on the one hand to the unnecessary detention of a patient, and, at the other extreme, to the release of a patient who is a danger to himself and may present a risk to the public. A patient will be the victim of a wrongful decision to detain him. Conversely, however, he may also suffer from a mistaken decision to direct his discharge.
+The decisions of the Mental Health Review Tribunals are as intrinsically important as many of those of the Crown Court……”
+We are aware of the grave continuing concerns held by the Tribunal Judiciary relating to the decline in the quality of representation of patients in recent years and understand that they are looking to see how such decline can be addressed. Their particular concern is the continuing decline in availability of Panel members in relation to the rising amount of Legal Representation required. This has been great acerbated by the effects of the Mental Health Act 2007 and the new Code of Practice attached to the Mental Health Act; coupled, of course, with the substantial decline in Panel Membership since 2000.
+2.4. Concerns of Care Quality Commission
+We certainly consider that there is a link between the decline in the quality of representation; the decline in panel membership and the previous imposition of the fixed fee scheme in Mental Health Tribunal work. Indeed the link between the fixed fee scheme and declining standards has been raised in the last three Mental Health Act Commission/Care Quality Commission reports (those for 2005-7, 2007-9 and 2009-10). The CQC has reiterated the MHAC’s call for an independent review of the effects of the revised fee system, with a particular focus on Tribunal representation. It is of great regret that no steps appear to have been taken to set up such an enquiry. A further reduction of fees will only greatly worsen the concerns already raised by the Commission.
+2.5. Ministry of Justice Research
+Recent research by the Ministry of Justice itself in July 2010: Court Experience of adults with Mental Health Conditions, Learning Disability and Limited Mental Capacity confirmed the vulnerability of our client group. In particular it concluded the following findings:
+Whilst across the board there was a range of awareness among legal representatives of the particular needs of this client group, legal representation was seen as a key support, particularly when the representative was experienced in working with this client group, providing ”a unique authority, perspective and understanding”;
+Fixed fees were seen to be a barrier to good quality advice for this client group who required more time spent on their case, for which the legal representatives would not get paid; and
+This client group had mixed success in accessing solicitors by telephone.
+Again, a 10% cut, with its implications to specialists’ employment, appears to run directly counter to these findings.
+2.6. Concerns of MIND
+The Association has been contacted by the charity MIND. As you know this charity is frequently seen as the strongest voice for those suffering from a mental disorder. They are already aware of the research indicating a decline in the quality of representation and are greatly concerned as to the impact of the 10% reduction. We understand they are responding directly to your consultation.
+2.7. Possible breach of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995
+In the recent case of PIL & RMNJ Solicitors v Legal Services Commission (2010) the Court recognised there would be issues regarding detained patients with longstanding relationships with legal representatives. The Court was impressed particularly by medical evidence that the sudden breach of such relationships might well cause relapses in vulnerable patients’ mental health. The Court also noted that extensive psychiatric histories, including perhaps details of extreme abuse, would have to be re-counted at great length to new representatives.
+In the scenario resulting from a 10% cutback this situation is likely to be replicated as a number of long established practitioners suddenly leave the field. Although, of course, it would not be clear what representatives, particularly Panel members, who would be available to take over this role.
+2.8. Specialist Panel Membership Recognition
+We have consistently argued for the need for good quality advice in the Mental Health category of law. We have in particular argued for recognition of membership of the Law Society’s specialist panel in this area, notwithstanding the decline in such membership since ten years ago. We feel that the failure of Government, to date, to link panel membership to fees has led to the decline in take up of the panel, with a knock-on effect on quality. We expressed concern about the imposition of the fixed fee scheme in 2008 given the effect we thought it would have. Again the 10% reduction in fees is a further leap in the wrong direction.
+2.9. Financial Implications
+Our estimate is that would the financial implications of retaining the 10% would be very small. Our estimate is that the cost of provision of our work is around 1.6% of the total legal aid budget. Immediate savings made might be in the region of £3 million pounds however, the ultimate cost would be very much higher. Once specialists are lost to this area it is very unlikely they will return. Nevertheless the UK’s obligation to provide this representation will remain. Ultimately, therefore, the Government might be faced with a much higher bill to re-establish this “core” service.
+2.10. Proposals for savings:
+We consider that this process has already started because of more case management decisions following the 2008 Tribunal Rules. Adjournments have reduced over the last year.
+There should be a review of Schedule A1 Mental Capacity Act 2005. This provides a legal framework for the detention of those lacking capacity but who are not receiving treatment in hospital for mental disorder under the Mental Health Act 1983. The.
+Setting a limit on the hourly rate that NHS Trusts and other public bodies can spend on legal advice which is equivalent to that which is spent on advising detained citizens.
+2.11. 10% Reduction – Conclusion
+The Association is greatly disappointed that this blanket reduction has been proposed for our work with detained patients, notwithstanding earlier assurances given. Ongoing departure of specialists from the field, in direct contrast to a rise in demand for their services, will turn into a torrent should this reduction be implemented. Such a decision will run directly counter to senior judicial concern, coupled with those of the leading mental health charity MIND and the Care Quality Commission; not to mention research work carried out by the Ministry of Justice itself. Its implications may also be unlawful in terms of the Disability Discrimination Act.
+Our members see ourselves as a front line service for our clients and very much hope that the Department and Central Government will re-think this 10% reduction for our members.
+We would welcome the opportunity to expand on, or clarify, our concerns
+Mental Health Lawyers Association 9th August 2011
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+Construction of great excavations.
+- By any definition and from any point of view, the scale of the underground caverns being excavated near Geneva at the particle physics center run by the Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN) - the European Organization for Nuclear Research - is extraordinary. Add to the extraordinary scale the problematic geological conditions, the purpose of the underground structures, and the requirements of the project owner, and the excavations become truly spectacular.
+- CERN is in the process of retiring its 11-year-old Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider and replacing it with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will be larger and havemore power. The superconductingmagnets that will accelerate and direct a beam of subatomic particles on their circular path around the newmachine will be fitted into the existing 27km long tunnelled ring, but new underground halls are required to house the detectors and the associated computer control rooms. The detectors for the LHC collisions aremuch larger andmore complex than the LEP detectors, which are now obsolete. Cavernsmore than twice as large as any now at the CERN facilities are needed to house thesemassivemachines. The caverns now under construction are up to 35m wide, 42m high, and 82m long - positively staggering in scale.
+Massive detector machines require huge
+new caverns
+- Researchers at the CERN particle physics center conduct experiments to determine the composition ofmatter and the forces that hold particles ofmatter together. Supercolliders accelerate such particles as electrons, positrons, protons, and neutrinos toward one another at speeds approaching that of light. Dipolemagnets are used to keep the particlesmoving in a circle - around the ring-shaped vacuum chamber that forms the bulk of the CERN structure - and quadrupolemagnets keep the particles packed closely together as they travel. Once the particles collide, the results - such as the creation of new types of particles not found in nature - are sensed and recorded with detectors.
+- The applications for this research range from discovering the secrets of the big bang to improvingmedical imaging. In fact, the World Wide Web was originally developed to facilitate collaboration and the instantaneous sharing of information by scientists working in the field of high-energy physics at various universities and institutes throughout the world.
+- At present the CERN facilities comprise a group of surface installations and a network of underground installations that cover a wide area straddling the Swiss-French border west of Geneva. The underground facilities house linear and circular accelerators. The largest of these are the two principal circular accelerators: the 9km tunnel ring of the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) preaccelerator and the 27km ring formed by a 4m diameter concrete-lined tunnel built in the 1980s for the LEP accelerator. Four large detectors were built into underground caverns on the 27km LEP accelerator. These caverns, as well as their adjacent service and computer control rooms, are linked to surface offices and workshops via access shafts. The underground location of the accelerators, built asmuch as 100m below ground, serves two purposes: first, there is sufficient space for building these complex structures, and second, any radiation generated by the accelerated particles and the experimental particle collisions is isolated.
+- The construction program for the new facilities required for the LHC - which are being incorporated into the existing LEP and SPS rings - divides the work into three segments. And while the new superconductingmagnets will be installed in the existing LEP tunnel ring (saving an enormous amount of money), the huge caverns for the two newmassive LHC detectors - dubbed ATLAS, a toroidal LHC apparatus, and CMS, a compactmuon solenoid - are located at two new Points on the LEP ring. The ATLAS facilities, grouped into segment 1 of the construction program, are at Point 1 on the ring (Fig 1), and the facilities for the CMS detector, which will be built as part of segment 2, are at Point 5, which is on the opposite side of the ring. The work involved in segment 3 encompasses necessarymodifications to the existing structures on the LEP accelerator ring and provides new tunnel connections between the LEP ring and the SPS ring. Segment 3 was divided into two sections: 3A and 3B. The 3B contract is for the TI8 tunnel link between the smaller and the larger accelerator rings near Point 1 and all other necessarymodifications to existing structures; the 3A contract includes the TI2 link.
+Fig 1. Design on the new elements to be built into the existing accelerator tunnel ring for the new
+LHC machine
+- The decision to replace the LEP collider with the highpowered LHC wasmade in 1994, when the council representing the 20member states of the CERN organization committed itself to investing SFr3 billion (US$1.7 billion). With the commitment came the goals of decommissioning the LEPmachine by the end of 2000 and having the LHC operational by early 2006. The civil engineering work amounts to about SFr350million (US$197million), or about 12% of the full investment. In addition to incorporating the new structures into the existing underground structures, CERN physicists wanted the large caverns positioned as closely together as possible in order to limit the distance between the detectors and the data-collecting computers, said Timothy Watson, the Deputy Group Leader of CERN's in-house civil engineering group.The shafts have an average depth of 100m and range in diameter from 12m to 22m.
+Shafts of 12m to 22m diameter are needed to access the new underground facilities
+- The components of the massive detector machines and lengths of the new superconducting magnets will be lowered into the underground structures through the larger shafts. CERN physicists also identified the Points on the ring at which they wanted these massive caverns and shafts. The geology at CERN is far from ideal for such large excavations. The existing underground facilities lie in the sedimentary deposits of the Geneva Basin between the base of the Jura mountain range in Switzerland to the north of the Alps and Pre-Alps to the south in France. If these caverns were being built for any other facility and for any other purpose, they would be moved, realigned, and repositioned to ensure a location within the best possible geology. The space between adjacent caverns would certainly be increased to maximize stability and limit the influence of one excavation on the other. "Here at CERN we didn't have the luxury of either," Watson said. "We had to work to the cavern parameters required by the physicists and in the geology at the given Points on the existing accelerator ring."
+- The existing underground structures lie in the sandstone and marl of the Tertiary molasse deposits of the Geneva Basin, which by accident rather than design are favorable for the tunnels and the smaller caverns of the LEP machine. When CERN was established in the 1950s, the geology and its suitability for large underground excavations were not of primary concern. Early experiments were conducted in shallow underground facilities excavated by cut-and-cover construction. The scale of the underground facilities that would become necessary with time was hardly imagined back then.
+- Geneva was chosen for the CERN site in the early 1950s primarily because the Swiss government donated the land to establish the facility there. Geneva is centrally located within Europe and there is an international airport nearby. Also the nature of the organization during its formative years was such that placing the headquarters in a politically neutral country was deemed advisable. Under the current political climate, 13 of the 15 European Union countries, all but Luxembourg and Ireland are among CERN's 20member states, as are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Organizations such as universities, government departments, and science laboratories from companies that are not members of CERN may also use the nonprofit, noncommercial facility. The largest nonmember users of the facility are Russia and the United States. Nearly 600 physicists from each nation work at CERN at different times. CERN itself employs a staff of about 2,700: physicists, engineers, computer experts, and administrative personnel.
+- CERN's budget is determined each year by the national governments of the member nations. It is then split into contributions from each government based on a percentage of each country's gross domestic product. CERN's annual budget at present is about SFr1 billion (US$560 million), and despite the proportional system of funding each member state has an equal voice on the decision-making council.
+- Table 1. Design and construction groups engaged on the LHC civil works
+- After completing the planning and preliminary design stages of the three construction segments, the CERN engineering team invited consulting engineers from the member nations to submit proposals for the detailed design contracts. "It is CERN's policy to source design, construction, and other services from member nations only," Watson says. CERN selected a design group for each segment in April 1996. Documents for the construction contracts were then released in March 1997. Thirteen international joint venture groups submitted bids for one or all three segments. Contracts were then awarded based on technical ability, experience, and price.
+Fig 2. Design of the largest Atlas cavern complex
+- According to Watson, the location of each facility on the existing accelerator ring represented a concession made by the physicists. "They would have liked to have had CMS at Point 1 and ATLAS at Point 5. We convinced them, however, that it would be better to place the largest caverns in the more geologically competent of the two locations." At Point 1, the upper layer of water-bearing Quaternary moraine is 5m to 10m deep compared with Point 5, where moraine extends for about 55m before interfacing with the more competent, practically impermeable molasse.
+- The two caverns for ATLAS at Point 1 lie perpendicular to each other between 60m and 100m below the surface (Fig 2). The detector hall is in line with the LEP ring tunnel, the alignment passing through at about mid level. A heavily reinforced 2m thick concrete wall separates the service computer hall and the detector hall to provide the minimum distance for computer links and to protect physicists and personnel in the computer hall from radiation generated by the experiments.
+- There are only a few caverns in the world with spans larger than that of the detector hall at ATLAS. One of them is the 60m wide freestanding span excavated in hard granite rock for the underground ice hockey cavern in Lillehammer, Norway. Another cavern of impressive proportions in sedimentary rock as weak as that found at CERN is the crossover chamber on the Eurotunnel railway beneath the English Channel. But at 22m, this span is considerably smaller than the ATLAS detector hall.
+Comparison of Cern caverns with the UK channel Tunnel Crossover cavern
+- Although the Molasse at Point 1 is relatively competent, it is highly heterogeneous, comprising continually variable sequences of marl and sandstone with unconfined compressive strengths ranging 3-50MPa. "Creating successfully huge open spaces in these conditions is a significant challenge," said Steven Heard, the Deputy Project Manager for the Segment 1 design and site supervision team. "A great deal of computer modeling, using two- and three-dimensional programs, was used during design to determine the most appropriate excavation sequence and construction method."
+- Of principal concern are the stresses and displacements that will be created in the weak to medium-strength rock around the caverns as excavation progresses. For example, as excavation of the detector hall benches down, the surrounding rock tends to move toward the new excavation, thereby inducing stresses in the recently constructed linings. The earlier concrete-lined shafts, which are connected to the vault concrete, act as huge support dowels through the rock, and the concrete lining of the cavern vaults helps to reduce ground movements, Heard said. He pointed out, however, that "the predicted stresses and ground movements influenced the method and sequence of excavation significantly."
+- As requested by CERN, work on the 21m span computer hall started first in order to have it completed 18 months before the larger (35m span) detector hall. As a consequence, once the existing shaft in the complex was lined with concrete, the 104m2 vault face of the full 338m2 cavern profile was excavated in two top headings and two subsequent bench excavations. To avoid deterioration of the ground characteristics when exposed to the atmosphere, all surfaces were covered with an initial layer of shotcrete within 12 hours of being excavated.
+The ceiling of the 35m span ATLAS cavern 'hangs' from a system of ground anchors
+- A geotextile waterproofing membrane is being installed behind the concrete lining for all of the underground work. The 600mm thick in situ concrete lining in the computer hall at ATLAS is also heavily reinforced with steel rebar, particularly at the end near the detector hall and in the adjoining wall.
+- In addition to the membrane system, the designers have inserted a compressible layer between certain areas of the concrete lining and the primary rock support. Inserting the layer involves systematic rock bolting and layers of steel-fiber reinforced wet-mix shotcrete. This compressible layer, comprising 100mm thick sheets of material similar to polystyrene, will allow for stress relaxation movement in the surrounding rock without placing extra load on the lining. This will be particularly useful during the benched excavation of the adjoining detector cavern.
+- The two shafts that provide access to the detector cavern are 20m and 14.5m in diameter. Once work had been completed on a slip-formed concrete lining, excavation of the huge (1,380m2) cavern started with a 375m2 vault section. Again this followed a sequence of top heading drifts and benches and took excavation of the 42m high x 56m long cavern down to the gantry crane corbel level. The reinforced-concrete corbel along each side of the cavern is now complete, and it is onto this that the lining of the vault is being cast.
+Computer hall at the ATLAS facility
+- According to Heard, the span of the larger cavern pushed the limits of construction in the sandstone and marl of the molasse. Sophisticated modeling indicated that even with a dense pattern of rock bolts and thick layers of steel-fiber reinforced shotcrete, the stability of the 35m wide vault, with its heavily reinforced in situ concrete lining, would be tested severely-particularly as the benches of the excavation progressed past the alignment of the excavated computer cavern, attached at right angles, and to a full 42m depth.
+- To overcome these stability concerns, the engineering and construction team decided to 'hang' the vault on a system of ground anchors installed from galleries excavated laterally from the two access shafts, about 15m above the cavern roof. From these short stub tunnels, anchor holes were drilled and the tensioned ties threaded through them. Each anchor comprises a bundle of 13 steel cables. These are installed in a systematic pattern to give a total of 38 ground anchors across the 56m long vault. Each pretensioned anchor has a 225mg working capacity and acts in conjunction with the shaft lining to temporarily support the cavern vault lining. The anchors are tensioned from within the galleries above, and banks of geotechnical instruments installed around the cavern to monitor movement and increases in ground load, including extensometers and pressure cells, will indicate how the anchors will need to be managed with time. Only when the excavation is complete and the underground spaces are finished, with their heavily reinforced concrete walls extending to the underside of the crane corbel, will the tension ties be relaxed. All movement will gradually cease over time, and the ground stresses around the new structures will become stable and in balance once again.
+- A significant geological impact on the planned construction was encountered at Point 5 during excavation of the access shafts of the CMS facility. The design called for the use of ground freezing to support excavation of the shafts through the water-bearing moraine at the base of the Jura range. Unfortunately-and despite a program of grout injection prior to freezing in order to reduce the permeability of the moraine-the volume of groundwater was greater than anticipated. Of greater significance, the flow through the highly permeable material - particularly through the narrowing channels as the ground began to freeze - was also higher than expected.
+Fig 3. CMS, Point 5
+- As a result, the original freezing installation had to be augmented. Additional freeze pipes and grout holes were placed around the shaft circumference, and liquid nitrogen was introduced to boost the brine freezing systems. This secured a ring of frozen ground and allowed safe excavation of the shafts to the molasse interface.
+- At Point 5, excavation of the caverns and shafts for the CMS machine is complicated once again by the sheer size of the caverns, their very limited distance apart, and the generally poor geological conditions. At this location, the upper waterbearing glacial moraine extends 55m and modeling confirmed that excavation of the two caverns so close together could not be supported on such a narrow pillar of rock. "The solution, before any cavern excavation could begin, was to excavate this pillar zone and replace it with mass concrete," says Ken Cole, the engineer's on-site representative for the design and construction supervision team.
+- The contractor excavated the full extent of the pillar before backfilling with concrete in 2m lifts. The walls and crown of the 7m thick, 31m high and 50m long pillar excavation are heavily supported with 8m long fiberglass and steel dowels and layers of 30N/mm2 steel-fiber-reinforced shotcrete. The wet mix shotcrete is dosed with 40kg/m3 of steel fiber and a nonalkali liquid accelerator is introduced to the sprayed concrete at the nozzle. A geotextile waterproofing membrane system is also being applied to selected surfaces in the pillar area before it is backfilled with concrete. The shotcrete and the membranes in the pillar excavation will be linked into the two adjacent cavern while rockbolts extending into the profile of the caverns will be cut out during excavation.
+- Since the LEP machine was decommissioned in early 2001, tunnelling has progressed according to schedule. On contract 3A, excavation by roadheader of the 2.6km long x 3.8m o.d. T12 tunnel in both directions from the intermediate oval-shaped access shaft is complete and the in-situ concrete lining is in progress. On contract 3B, the Swiss construction joint venture has completed excavation of the 2.5km long TI8 tunnel using a 3.6m diameter Robbins TBM. Excavation at all other sites is by mechanical means - including roadheaders, excavators, and hydraulic hammers. Drilling and blasting are not necessary in the underlying soft to medium molasse or in the upper moraine, and care had to be taken at all times not to disturb or damage existing structures, particularly when the LEPmachine was still in operation.
+Excavation, waterproofing membrane installation, and concrete lining of the new sections of accelerator
+ring tunnel
+- Two particular geological problems were experienced during excavation of the TI2 and TI8 tunnel structures. First there were isolated rockfalls as in situ stresses in the over consolidated molasse were released with excavation. In the smaller diameter tunnels these were not serious and caused no injuries but they did slow progress. Second, there was a swelling or heaving reaction of certain clays and marls when in contact with water introduced by the excavation process. Invert heave of as much as 300mm was subsequently reexcav.
+By Jekhan Aruliah
+Tourism is the single most game-changing opportunity for the North. Game changing because for those visitors with eyes to see and ears to hear it opens a wide window to all the other non-tourism opportunities in this province. As they enjoy the hospitality, the food, the sites and the scenery a few true entrepreneurs will also notice the opportunities in a region that suffered a decades long war and has been sorely neglected for a decade after that war ended. More than opportunities to sell into the poorest province in Sri Lanka, they will see opportunities to sell goods and services produced in the Northern Province to the rest of the World. This window was further prised open with the opening of Jaffna International Airport in October 2019 providing easy access to the North by businessmen, tourists and the Diaspora. The opening in 2020 of the Jaffna Cultural Centre, donated by the Indian Government, will if properly funded and imaginatively curated become a tremendous draw at the centre of Jaffna Town. We hope for a virtuous cycle, as positive reports come out about the North’s great natural and human assets. Reports that contradict the North’s lingering gloomy post-war reputation. New and repeat visitors will be encouraged boosting the North’s rehabilitation further.
+But for the North to become the tourist magnet it should be, there are many things that need to be done. Some by the government, but many more by the Private Sector. Here I list some of these things:
+Make Travelling North from Colombo A Pleasure, not a Penance
+Most people travel to the North by road (car, bus, coach) or by rail. The journey takes over 7 hours from Colombo, and often takes much longer due to traffic jams on the roads or derailments and other breakdowns on the rail. For a visitor from overseas to come North, until now the main route has been fly into Colombo’s international airport and take the 7+ hour journey from there. What can be done?
+Continued development of Jaffna International Airport.
+Phase 1 opened in October 2019. Capable of taking smaller, upto 72 seater, passenger planes. The range of these planes enables flights between Jaffna and cities in Southern India. Also for Jaffna to become a transit point, less congested than Colombo, to the Maldives.
+Phase 2 of the airport development, which has been promised but not scheduled, will allow planes of the size of the Airbus A320. This has seating for around 200 passengers, and range of approximately 6,000 km. This allows flights to places including Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Dubai.
+Phase 3 promises to expand the airport to take long haul aircraft.
+Improve the Train Service.
+Sri Lanka Railways has allowed private companies to attach carriages to trains on certain routes. For example the Blue Line Express, formerly called the Rajadhani Express, which runs between Colombo and Kandy. No private carriages run on the route to Jaffna.
+Sleeper Trains: There are sleeper carriages with flat bed berths from Colombo to Badulla, Batticalao, Tricomalee and Vavuniya. While these sleeper trains’ carriages are not in great condition, there are no sleeper trains at all from Colombo to Jaffna. This service would be an attractive option, enabling travellers not to worry about delays while they are asleep, and to save the price of a night’s hotel accommodation to make them less price sensitive.
+Car-trains: Allowing travellers to take their own cars on the train would be popular. A car-train used to run between Colombo and Kurunegala to deliver cars from the assembly factory. This service, not currently in operation, simply tied cars to a flat-bed carriage. A more sophisticated double-deck carriage would make this profitable, loading many more vehicles per carriage. The comfort of having one’s own car when on holiday, saving the stress and cost of driving 7 hours, or the saving on the cost of car rental would make this an attractive option for those who want to drive in the North but not to the North.
+Restart the Boat Service:
+There is no civilian passenger boat service to the North, either from Colombo or from India. A leisurely cruise up the West coast of Sri Lanka from Colombo to Mannar and Jaffna would be a popular option. Perhaps also carrying vehicles.
+According to the SLTDA, in 1983 before the start of the Civil War forty four thousand passengers departed from Talaimannar Harbour in Mannar to go to South India. Today there are none.
+The Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has plans to reactivate the Kankesanthurai (KKS) Harbour as a freight port by 2022. We hope a change in government won’t change this plan, even though the last two governments have dawdled over this since the Indian Government finished clearing the harbour of wrecks and completed dredging in 2013. Once active as a freight port, a passenger port would be a minor additional step.
+Reviving this boat service is a great opportunity, for passengers and for cargo to go to India and to Colombo.
+Invest in Accommodation
+Much of the tourist accommodation in Jaffna has hardly moved on from before the war. Apart from the small handful of new and nicely refurbished properties, Jaffna’s rooms have the feel and furniture of the 1980s. There is plenty of room for imaginative new concepts, like fashionable Colombo 7��s Bunkyard Hostel which offers anything from airconditioned rooms with ensuite bathroom, to dormitories with 6, 8, and 12 beds for as little as US$10 per night.
+Tourist accommodation in the North is very limited. According to the SLTDA’s latest report, for 2017, just 0.7% of rooms in Sri Lanka are in the Northern Province. The Western Province and the South each have over 35%, with the Cultural Triangle and Hill Country having over 22%.
+While there is a handful of decent hotels, most properties are old and poorly maintained. Some of these old hotels have strong brand recognition, which can be profitably revived with investment and imagination.
+The ‘homestay’ sector has great potential for better quality rooms. Investment is needed in airconditioned bedrooms with good bathrooms and common dining, sitting and garden areas. Currently, homestays tend to be very basic spare rooms whose greatest attraction is cheapness. There is a business opportunity to provide funding to homes to improve their accommodation, and then act as broker to find tourist occupants to earn a financial return on investment.
+Eating & Drinking
+The availability of tourist standard restaurants, cafes and bars in Jaffna and the North is very limited. If you want to spend an afternoon sitting comfortably in the shade with a light snack and a cold drink, your best chance would be to take a picnic, cooler box and some deckchairs to one of the many lovely deserted beaches.
+Coffee shops have boomed across the developed world, also in Colombo and some of Sri Lanka’s coastal tourist centres. Paying hundreds of rupees for a small cup of coffee and the privilege of sitting quietly in comfort for a couple of hours working or surfing the internet is considered a bargain. This hardly exists in the North.
+Open air areas to eat and drink and just hang-out are very limited, and are generally in rundown condition. Those that exist, such as the coastal path around Jaffna Fort, are patrolled by stray dogs and cows.
+Opportunity exists to setup these restaurants:
+- Good affordable menu
+- With airconditioned as well as outdoor seating
+- Clean, comfortable
+- Good clean toilets and washroom
+- Live entertainment: music; karaoke; comedy; drama
+Tourists and tour guides coming to Jaffna from the South and overseas mainly know of the Nallur Temple, Jaffna Fort, and Rio Ice Cream Parlour. They have scant knowledge beyond these places, and are woefully ignorant of the region’s culture and history.
+An example of the ignorance of some tour guides came to me from the recollection of a taxi driver in Jaffna I know. He told me of a time he was taking a tour group with a Southern guide during the Nallur Festival. They passed a Kavadi procession, the somewhat eyewatering ritual in which a man performs a ceremonial sacrifice on behalf of a loved one by being carried on hooks piercing the skin of his back. The child tourist asked the guide what was happening. The guide, ignorant of the ceremony’s actual purpose but unwilling to admit his ignorance, said the man was going to get married! The boy undoubtedly moved his own nuptials a few place lower on his TO DO List.
+The North needs more entertainments, for example:
+Guided Tours: Knowledgeable guides leading groups travelling by van; car; 3 wheeler; bicycle; on foot.
+Sport: largely undeveloped, leaving many opportunities
+- Water: scuba diving and snorkelling; jet skis; wind surfing; etc
+- Beach sports: volleyball; beach golf; dune buggies; ‘Go Ape’ zip-wire trekking
+- Urban: bowling; ‘escape rooms’; go-karting
+- Golf: Pitch & Putt; Beach Golf; Just Golf
+- Etc.
+Religion, Mythology, History
+- The North has many famous Hindu, Christian and Buddhist temples and churches.
+- Legends including the Ramayana have specific sites of interest which will attract tourists.
+- The few museums and archaeological sites in the North are in a dismal condition, with collections that rarely change. The new Jaffna Cultural Centre will hopefully become a beacon for those interested in Northern history and culture.
+- The North has many hundreds of years of rich and eventful, sometimes tragic, history that deserves to be kept in the public view.
+Health: Existing facilities are generally basic, and meant for the local population. A great deal of renovation and retraining is needed to become an attraction for tourists and health seekers. Done well, this will become a powerful draw for tourists to the North:
+- Traditional medicine: Sidha; Ayurveda
+- Homeopathy
+- Yoga; Meditation
+- Spas; Retreats
+- Convalescence
+Specific Locations
+Forts: In particular the Jaffna Fort and Mannar Fort are spacious and interesting self-contained areas.
+- They are also close to town centres.
+- They have potential to become tourism hubs with restaurants, museums and other activities
+The Islands & Beaches:
+The Northern Province, though only 14% of the land area, has 40% of Sri Lanka’s coastline according to an Asian Development Bank report. This extensive coastline is due to all the lagoons, islands and inlets in the North.
+In this Northern coastal area there are very calm and sheltered beaches, as well as exposed and rougher coastal stretches. Offering a variety of environments for different activities.
+There are areas rich in fish, molluscs and crustacea, for wildlife as well as culinary tourism.
+There are beaches with close access to coral reefs for snorkelling and scuba. There are beaches with broad clean sand to compete with any in Sri Lanka.
+With all this potential, this coastline is hardly developed at all. Leaving a great opportunity for environmentally sensitive investment in tourism.
+The North is a place full of little known natural, cultural and economic riches. Riches which when discovered will bring benefit for the North and for the Nation. Tourism is the key that can unlock these riches, as an industry itself and as a doorway providing access to many more economic opportunities.
+Planting Your Master Genealogy Family Tree
+In this post I’m going to answer common questions about the best strategy for creating and maintaining your family tree data.
+Should I build my family tree online?
+This is a question I get in various forms quite often from Genealogy Gems Podcast listeners. But there’s really more to this question than meets the eye. Today’s family historian needs a master game plan for how they will not only build their family tree, but where they will build it, and where they will share it.
+On the podcast I describe it this way:
+Plant your tree in your own backyard and share branches online.
+I’m going to explain what I mean by this by starting at the beginning.
+When You Start Your Family Tree
+If you’re new to researching your family’s history, you probably started out with one of the big genealogy websites, such as Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast, or FamilySearch. I refer to them as the Genealogy Giants because they have millions of genealogical records, and they offer you the tools to build your family tree on their website. (Learn more about what each of the Genealogy Giants websites have to offer here in this handy comparison guide.)
+These sites make it easy to start entering information about yourself, your parents, and your grandparents either on their website or through their mobile app. But should you do that?
+My answer is, “not so fast!” Let’s think through the long-term game plan for this important information that is your family’s legacy.
+Family is Forever
+Genealogy is a hobby that lasts a lifetime. It’s nearly impossible to run out of ancestors or stories to explore.
+But have you noticed that websites don’t last forever? And even if they do, their services and tools will undoubtedly change over time.
+And there are many, many genealogy websites out there. A large number of them will encourage you or even require you to start creating an online family tree on their site in order to get the most value from the tools that they offer for your research.
+As you work with these different genealogy websites, you may start to feel like your tree is getting scattered across the web. It’s easy to find yourself with different versions of your tree, unsure of which one is the most accurate and complete version.
+It’s this inevitable situation that leads to my conclusion that you build and protect a master version of your family tree. I’m not suggesting that you can’t or shouldn’t use an online tree. In fact, regardless of whether you do, you need a “Master Family Tree.”
+Plant Your “Master Family Tree” in Your Own Backyard
+What do I mean when I say that you should plant your “master family tree” in your own backyard? I’m talking about using a genealogy database software program that resides on your own computer. Let’s explore that further.
+A master family tree has three important characteristics:
+- It is owned and controlled by you.
+- It is the final say on what you currently know about your family tree.
+- It is protected with online backup to ensure it is safe.
+Your Master Family Tree
+1. Your master family tree is owned and controlled by you.
+If you create an online family tree on a genealogy website (or in the case of FamilySearch’s global online tree, you add your information to it) you have given final control of that information to the company who owns the website.
+In order to own and control your tree, you will need a genealogy database software program installed on your own computer. I use RootsMagic (and I’m proud to have them as a sponsor of the Genealogy Gems Podcast) but there are other programs as well.
+A genealogy database software program is installed on your computer. The program and the data you enter into it belongs to you and is under your personal control.
+Genealogy databases allow you to not only easily enter data, but also to export it. If you wish to use a different program later, or add your existing data to an online tree, you can export your family tree data as a universally accepted GEDCOM file. (Learn more about GEDCOM files in this article.)
+2. It is the final say on what you currently know about your family tree.
+As you research your family tree, you will come to important conclusions, such as an ancestor’s birthdate or the village in which they were born. It can take a while to prove your findings are accurate, but once you do, you need one location in which to keep those findings. And most importantly, you must be able to cite the sources for that information. That one location for all this activity is your genealogy database.
+However, the nature of genealogy research is that it can take some digging to prove the information is correct. During the process of that research you may find information that you aren’t sure about, and it can be helpful to attach it to the online tree that you have at the same website where you found the information. That gives you a way to hang on to it and keep researching. You can always remove it later. We’ll talk more about strategies for using online family trees a little bit later.
+Once you are convinced that the information is correct, then its final resting place is your Master Family Tree. You enter the information and add source citations. This way, whenever you need an accurate view of where you are in your completed family tree research, you can turn to one location: your genealogy database software and the Master Family Tree it contains.
+3. It’s protected with online backup to ensure it is safe.
+Your family tree isn’t safe unless the database file is backed up to the cloud.
+Who among us hasn’t had a computer malfunction or die?
+It isn’t good enough to simply back up your computer files to an external hard drive, because that external hard drive is still in your house. If your house is damaged or burglarized, chances are both will be affected.
+Another problem with backing up to an external hard drive is that they can malfunction and break. And of course, there is the problem of remembering to back it up on a regular basis.
+Cloud backup solves all these problems by backing up your files automatically and storing them safely in an offsite location.
+Cloud backup is actually very simple to install and requires no work on your part once it’s up and running. (We’ve got an article here that will walk you through the process.)
+There are many cloud backup services available. I use Backblaze (which you can learn more about here). As a genealogist I have a checklist of features that are important to me, and Backblaze checked all the boxes.
+Regardless of which service you choose the important thing is to not wait another day to set it up. This protection is a critical part of your Master Family Tree plan.
+Using Online Family Trees
+Now that you have your own database on your own computer that is backed up to the cloud for protection, let’s talk about strategic ways that you can use online family trees.
+First, it’s important to realize that you don’t have to create a tree on a genealogy website just because they prompt you to do so. While there are benefits for you to doing so, the company who owns that website actually benefits tremendously as well.
+In today’s world, data is very valuable. I encourage you to read the terms of service and other fine print (I know, it’s boring!) because it will explain the ownership and potential use of that data.
+While it’s not the focus of this article, it’s important to understand that other industries are interested in family history data, and data may be shared or sold (with or without identifying information, depending on the terms).
+But as I say, there are benefits to using online family trees. These benefits include:
+- Hints – Online family trees generate research hints on the Genealogy Giants websites and some of the other websites that offer trees.
+- Cousin Connection – Online family trees offer you an opportunity to possibly connect with other relatives who find your tree.
+- DNA – Online family trees can now dovetail with your DNA test results (if you took a test with the company where your tree resides). This can offer you additional research avenues.
+These benefits can be helpful indeed. However, problems can arise too. They include:
+- Copying – When you tree is public other users of the website can copy and redistribute your information including family photos.
+- Errors – If you discover an error in your tree, you may fix it, but chances are it has already been widely copied and distributed by other users.
+- Email – If you have your entire tree online and your email notifications are active, you may receive an onslaught of hints for people in your tree. Often these are very distant cousins that you are not actively researching. And let’s face it, the emails can be annoying and distract your focus from your targeted research. For example, as of this writing at Ancestry.com you can’t select which ancestors you want to receive email hint notifications for. You can only select hints for the entire tree.
+So, let’s review my strategy:
+Plant your tree in your own backyard and share branches online.
+Now that you’ve planted your tree in your own backed up software, let’s explore the ways in which you can share branches online.
+Targeted Online Family Trees
+Many people don’t realize that you don’t have to add your entire tree to a website. You can just add parts of your tree.
+For example, I may just put my direct ancestors in my tree (grandparents, great-grandparents, and so forth). This can still be a fairly larger number of people. I may want to include their siblings because they grew up in the same household. But I can leave out the far-reaching branches and relatives that really don’t have a direct impact on that line of research.
+You can also have multiple trees that focus on specific areas of your research that are important to you.
+Exploratory Online Family Trees
+Some genealogists also create trees that represent a working theory that they have. This type of tree can help expose where the problems or inaccuracies lie. As you research the theory and as hints arise it can become very clear that a relationship does not exist after all.
+An exploratory tree is an excellent reminder that we can’t and shouldn’t make assumptions about someone’s intent or purpose with their online tree. I’ve heard from many people who are angry about inaccuracies they find in other people’s trees. But we can’t know their purpose, and therefore, it really isn’t our place to judge.
+However, it is a fair argument that a good practice would be to clearly mark these exploratory trees accordingly to deter other users from blindly copying and replicating the inaccurate information. An easy way to do this is in the title or name of the tree. For example, a tree could be titled “Jonas Smith Tree UNPROVEN”.
+Creating multiple, limited trees can be an effective strategy for conducting targeted online research that only generates hints and connections for those ancestors that you are interested in at the current time.
+And remember, you can remove any of your trees at any time. For example, you can delete an exploratory tree that has served its purpose and helped you prove or disprove a relationship.
+Plan Now for Success
+A family tree can seem like a simple thing, but as you can see there’s more to it than meets the eye. A bit of planning now can ensure that your family tree stays healthy and growing.!
+Gain-of-function mutations in the KIT receptor tyrosine kinase are associated with highly malignant human neoplasms. In particular, an acquired somatic mutation at codon 816 in KIT involving an aspartic acid to valine substitution is found in approximately 90% of patients with systemic mastocytosis (SM) and in approximately 40% of patients with core–binding factor acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (1–3). The presence of this mutation in SM and AML is associated with poor prognosis and overall survival. In mice, the expression of this mutation is sufficient to recapitulate several cardinal features of human SM (4). This mutation changes the conformation of the KIT receptor, resulting in altered substrate recognition and constitutive tyrosine autophosphorylation, which leads to a constitutive ligand-independent growth (5–7) that is resistant to imatinib and shows little therapeutic efficacy in response to dasatinib in most SM patients (8, 9). As there are currently no efficacious therapeutic agents against this mutation, we sought to define novel therapeutic targets that might contribute to aberrant signaling downstream from this mutant and which in turn might contribute to the transformation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSC/Ps) in diseases such as AML and SM. Previously, we and others have shown that p85α, the regulatory subunit of class IA PI3 kinase (PI3K), is required for KITD814V-induced (murine homolog) transformation (10, 11). Although p85α is a difficult protein to target therapeutically, we hypothesized that perhaps the downstream effectors of the PI3K signaling pathway, in particular guanine exchange factors (GEFs) such as Vav1, Tiam1, and Trio, as well as their downstream targets including the Rho family GTPases Rac1 and Rac2 and p21–activated kinase (Pak), might contribute to gain-of-function mutant KIT–mediated transformation.
+Expression of the GEF Vav1 is predominantly restricted to the hematopoietic compartment (12). Vav1 consists of multiple domains including a calponin homology domain, a Dbl homology domain, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a cysteine-rich region, as well as an Src homology 2 (SH2) domain flanked by two SH3 domains (13). Interestingly, deletion of the N-terminal region of Vav1 alone renders this protein oncogenic (12). Although Vav has been shown to play an important role in regulating T and B cell signaling and neutrophil functions (14, 15), its role in leukemogenesis, particularly in oncogenic KIT–induced myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), is unknown. Furthermore, in the context of an oncogene such as KITD814V, it is unclear to what extent Vav1 regulates the activation of Rac (Rac1 and Rac2) GTPases and to what extent Rac1 and Rac2 contribute to transformation either alone or via downstream substrates such as Pak.
+Rac GTPases cycle between inactive GDP-bound and active GTP-bound states. Rac2 is predominantly expressed in hematopoietic cells, whereas Rac1 is ubiquitously expressed (16). Although the role of Rac1 and Rac2 in normal hematopoiesis has been well documented (16), how these GTPases contribute to oncogenic KIT–induced (KITD814V-induced) transformation is poorly understood. A small-molecule antagonist of Rac, NSC23766 has been described (17). NSC23766 inhibits the activation of Rac by interfering with the binding of GEFs Tiam1 and Trio (17). More recently, Ortiz et al. described a novel Rac inhibitor, EHop-016, which is derived on the basis of the structure of NSC23766 and inhibits the activation of Rac with a substantially lower IC50 compared with NSC23766 (18). How these two drugs impact the relative growth of KITD814V-bearing cells and whether they equally inhibit the activation of Rac1 versus Rac2 in these cells has never been explored.
+Paks are serine/threonine kinases (19, 20). As a major downstream effector of Rac, Paks play an essential role in regulating both growth and actin-based functions (21–23). Of the three isoforms that belong to the group I family, Pak1 is the most well-characterized member and is ubiquitously expressed (19). Pak1 expression is upregulated in several solid tumors including those in ovarian, breast, and bladder cancers (24–26). While Pak has been shown to function as a potential downstream target of Rac, its relative contribution to MPNs or AML has not been explored. Here, we show that KITD814V-bearing (mouse) and KITD816V-bearing (human) leukemic cells exhibit constitutive activation of Pak, Rac GTPases, and the GEF Vav1. In a series of experiments using knockout mouse models, mouse models of MPN, dominant-negative approaches, an allosteric inhibitor of Pak, and a novel small-molecule inhibitor of Rac, we provide evidence of a mechanism of KITD814V-induced transformation and potentially novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of oncogenic KIT–bearing neoplasms.
+The role of hematopoietic-specific GEF and its downstream substrates including Rac1 and/or Rac2 and Pak in KITD814V-induced transformation is not known. To assess whether KITD814V-bearing cells activate the GEF Vav1, we transduced 32D myeloid cells lacking the expression of the endogenous KIT receptor with a bicistronic retrovirus encoding either a WT version of KIT or an oncogenic version (KITD814V) (27). Transduced cells were sorted to homogeneity on the basis of EGFP expression and used in the experiments described here. As seen in Figure Figure1A,1A, transduced cells bearing KITD814V following 8 hours of serum and growth factor deprivation demonstrated constitutive phosphorylation of Vav1 relative to WT KIT–expressing cells. To assess the functional significance of constitutive Vav1 phosphorylation in KITD814V-bearing primary HSC/Ps, we transduced low-density BM cells derived from WT or Vav1–/– mice with EGFP-expressing WT KIT or KITD814V retrovirus. Primary BM cells transduced at similar efficiency were sorted to homogeneity on the basis of EGFP expression and subjected to ligand-independent (in the absence of stem cell factor) growth. As expected and previously shown (27 ), KITD814V-expressing HSC/Ps showed a significant increase in ligand-independent growth compared with WT KIT–bearing cells, however, lack of Vav1 in these cells resulted in approximately 75% repression of ligand-independent growth (Figure (Figure1B).1B). Loss of Vav2 or Vav3 in primary HSC/Ps did not profoundly impact the ligand-independent growth of KITD814V-bearing cells (Supplemental Figure 1; supplemental material available online with this article; doi: 10.1172/JCI67509DS1).
+To assess how Vav1 might contribute to KITD814V-induced ligand-independent growth, we determined the activation status of downstream substrates of Vav1, the Rac family GTPases (16, 28). We examined the activation of both Rac1 and Rac2 in Vav1-deficient KITD814V-bearing HSC/Ps. Figure Figure1C1C shows the constitutive activation of both Rac1 and Rac2 in KITD814V-bearing WT HSC/Ps. In contrast, the activation of both Rac1 and Rac2 was reduced in KITD814V-bearing Vav1–/– HSC/Ps. These results suggest that Vav1 regulates Rac1 and Rac2 activation to a similar extent in KITD814V-bearing cells and that deficiency of Vav1 in KITD814V-bearing cells significantly reduces the ligand-independent growth normally associated with these cells.
+While these results suggest a role for Vav1 in Rac activation and perhaps in KITD814V-induced transformation, its direct involvement can only be established by inhibiting the activation of Rac in these cells. To test this, we infected KITD814V-bearing 32D myeloid cells with a dominant-negative version of Rac (RacN17). A bicistronic retrovirus encoding WT KIT or KITD814V along with a human CD4 antigen as a selectable marker was used for these studies (Figure (Figure2A).2A). RacN17 was cloned into an EGFP-enconding retrovirus (for selection of transduced cells). 32D myeloid cells were coinfected with virus encoding WT KIT or KITD814V and/or RacN17. Cells were sorted on the basis of hCD4 and/or EGFP expression (Figure (Figure2A).2A). Single- or double-positive sorted cells were subjected to a proliferation assay. As seen in Figure Figure2B,2B, the expression of a dominant-negative version of Rac (RacN17) in KITD814V-bearing cells significantly repressed ligand-independent growth relative to controls. The reduction in the growth of KITD814V- and RacN17-coexpressing cells was in part due to reduced survival relative to controls (Figure (Figure2C).2C). IL-3 responses in all of these cell types, including in KITD814V- and RacN17-coexpressing cells, were comparable (Figure (Figure2B).2B). The reduction in the growth and survival of KITD814V- and RacN17-coexpressing cells was due to the direct repression of Rac1 and Rac2 (Figure (Figure2D).2D). Taken together, these results suggest that downstream from Vav1, Rac1 and Rac2 likely play an essential role in regulating KITD814V-induced transformation.
+To test this in more detail, we performed transplant studies by injecting myeloid cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 along with control cells into C3H/HeJ syngeneic mice (27). Transplanted mice were observed for the development of MPNs and survival relative to controls. Mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 demonstrated a significantly prolonged lifespan relative to the KITD814V-only–expressing mice (Figure (Figure3A).3A). To assess the impact of Rac repression on MPN development, a cohort of KITD814V- and RacN17-coexpressing mice were analyzed in detail at the same time as when the KITD814V-only–bearing mice first began to succumb. As seen in Figure Figure3B,3B, KITD814V-bearing mice showed peripheral blood (PB) counts in the range of 150 K/μl. In contrast, mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 demonstrated a profound reduction in PB wbc and neutrophil (NE) counts. Additional analysis was conducted on KITD814V- and RacN17-coexpressing mice when the KITD814V-only mice began to succumb. In other words, KITD814V- and RacN17-bearing mice were sacrificed at the same time as the moribund KITD814V mice to assess disease progression and the impact of Rac repression on MPNs. Around the time of death, up to 90% of the leukemic cells were detected in the PB, BM, and spleen of mice transplanted with cells bearing KITD814V alone (Supplemental Figure 2A). In contrast, mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 demonstrated only approximately 20% leukemic cells as determined by EGFP positivity in all three tissues examined. The left panel of Supplemental Figure 2A shows a quantitative assessment of the presence of EGFP-expressing cells in PB, BM, and spleen, and the right panel shows representative flow cytometric blots demonstrating the percentage of EGFP expression in various tissues in the indicated genotypes. Supplemental Figure 2B demonstrates a quantitative reduction in the spleen weight of mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 relative to mice transplanted with cells bearing the KITD814V mutation alone. The right panel depicts representative spleens derived from KITD814V-bearing mice as well as mice coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17. Importantly, while gross lung lesions were observed in mice transplanted with cells bearing KITD814V alone, these lesions were nearly absent in the lungs of transplanted mice coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 (Supplemental Figure 2C). Histopathological analysis revealed that while massive myeloid cell infiltration was observed in mice transplanted with KITD814V-bearing cells in spleen and lungs, mice bearing cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 showed markedly less infiltration of these cells, and the splenic architecture in these mice was indistinguishable from the control mice (Figure (Figure3,3, C and D).
+To assess whether the enhanced survival of mice, the reduced infiltration of myeloid blasts in various tissues including lung and liver, and the lack of destruction of the splenic architecture observed in mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17 were due to reduced Rac activation, we examined the activation status of Rac1 and Rac2 in splenocytes. Cellular lysates from spleens of KITD814V-bearing mice were harvested at moribundity. At the same time, splenic lysates were derived from mice transplanted with cells coexpressing KITD814V and RacN17, designated as time point matched and moribund, respectively. As seen in Figure Figure3E,3E, mice transplanted with cells coexpressing RacN17 and KITD814V showed marked repression in both Rac1 and Rac2 activation compared with controls. In addition to Rac repression, a substantial repression in the activation of Pak, a downstream substrate of Rac, was also observed (Supplemental Figure 3). These results suggest that expression of RacN17 in KITD814V-bearing cells likely inhibits their growth in vivo by inhibiting the activation of Rac1 and Rac2, resulting in prolonged survival and delayed MPN development.
+Based on the observation that Rac inhibition in vivo delays KITD814V-driven MPN, we hypothesized that pharmacologic inhibition of Rac might inhibit KITD814V-induced proliferation in vitro. For these studies, we first used the well-characterized Rac inhibitor NSC23766 (17). NSC23766 inhibits Rac binding and activation by the Rac-specific GEFs Trio and Tiam1 (17). Treatment of myeloid cells bearing the WT KIT or KITD814V receptor with NSC23766 demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in the hyperproliferation of KITD814V-bearing cells but not of WT KIT–bearing cells (Supplemental Figure 4A). Treatment of the murine mastocytoma cell line P815, which bears the activating KITD814V mutation, as well as treatment of AML patient–derived Kasumi-1 cells, which express the KITD816V mutation, consistently demonstrated dose-dependent growth repression in the presence of NSC23766 (Supplemental Figure 4, B and C). While dose-dependent growth inhibition of oncogene KIT–bearing cells in the presence of NSC23766 was observed, the concentration of NSC23766 that resulted in 50% growth inhibition of leukemic cells was nearly 75 to 100 μM for all cell types examined. This could potentially be due to a lack of a major role of the GEFs Trio and Tiam1 in KITD814V-induced transformation. Alternatively, Rac1 and/or Rac2 alone may play only a modest role in KITD814V-induced transformation. To test these possibilities and to more precisely identify the consequence(s) of interfering with the function of GEFs and Rac in KITD814V-induced transformation, we used a novel Rac inhibitor, EHop-016, which is a derivative of NSC23766 and inhibits Rac 100-fold more efficiently than NSC23766 in breast cancer cell lines (18). As seen in Figure Figure4,4, A and B, KITD816V-bearing SM patient–derived HMC1.2 cells, as well as KITD816V- and AML1-ETO–bearing Kasumi-1 cells derived from an AML patient, demonstrated a significant reduction in the growth of these cells in the presence of EHop-016 at drug concentrations that were significantly less (~50-fold in some cases) than those of NSC23766. Importantly, primary SM patient–derived cells bearing KITD816V were significantly more susceptible to growth inhibition in the presence of EHop-016 relative to patient samples lacking the expression of KITD816V (Figure (Figure4C).4C). The growth reduction in the presence of EHop-016 was also observed in murine KITD814V–expressing cells and was associated with enhanced apoptosis and repression of antiapoptotic proteins BAD and MLC (Supplemental Figure 4, D–F). Consistent with these findings, while 20 μM of NSC23766 inhibited the activation of Rac1 but not Rac2 in KITD814V-bearing cells, 10 μM of EHop-016 was sufficient to inhibit the activation of both Rac1 and Rac2 in these same cells, which was associated with reduced binding of Vav to Rac (Figure (Figure4,4, D and E). These results suggest that inhibition of both Rac1 and Rac2 is essential for maximal growth repression in KITD814V-bearing cells. Further, the Rac inhibitor EHop-016 is substantially more efficient at repressing the growth and activation of Rac1 and Rac2 in KITD814V-bearing cells compared with NSC23766. Consistent with the in vitro findings described above, the treatment of KITD814V-bearing cells with EHop-016 versus NSC23766 significantly enhanced the survival of leukemic mice, as demonstrated by reduced spleen size and PB counts (Figure (Figure5,5, A–D).
+We next analyzed the specific role of Rac1 and Rac2 and also attempted to confirm our findings using dominant-negative Rac (RacN17) and pharmacologic approaches by examining the growth of KITD814V-bearing primary BM cells derived from mice lacking the expression of Rac1, Rac2, or both Rac1 and Rac2. Since complete loss of Rac1 results in embryonic lethality, we used a conditional knockout strain of Rac1, which was crossed with Mx1-Cre mice, allowing for the conditional deletion of Rac1 in BM cells upon treatment with polyI:C (29). As seen in Figure Figure6A,6A, and has been previously described, the conditional deletion of Rac1 results in the loss of Rac1 protein. A similar loss of Rac1 protein was also observed in mice lacking both Rac1 and Rac2, as assessed by Western blot analysis using a Rac1-specific antibody (Figure (Figure6A;6A; lanes 2 and 4). Low-density BM cells from all three genotypes were prestimulated with cytokines and infected with a retrovirus expressing WT KIT or KITD814V. Figure Figure6B6B shows the transduction efficiency of the two viruses in BM cells derived from different genotypes. Transduced cells were sorted to homogeneity for use in a proliferation assay and to assess survival in the absence of Rac proteins. As seen in Figure Figure6C,6C, while loss of Rac2 resulted in an approximately 50% inhibition of ligand-independent growth of KITD814V-bearing cells, loss of Rac1 showed only a modest reduction (~10% to 15%). In contrast, BM cells deficient in both Rac1 and Rac2 showed a more profound reduction in the growth of KITD814V-bearing cells (~75%). The reduction in the growth of Rac1/Rac2 double–knockout cells bearing KITD814V was due in part to the reduced survival of cells relative to controls (Figure (Figure6D).6D). These findings suggest that the combined loss of Rac1 and Rac2 results in most of the growth repression seen in KITD814V-bearing cells. Restoring the expression of activated Rac in the setting of Rac1/Rac2 deficiency rescued ligand-independent growth in vitro (Supplemental Figure 5A). Furthermore, no compensatory increase in the expression of Rac3 was noted in these cells (Supplemental Figure 5B). To further assess the role of Vav1 and Rac1/Rac2 in KITD814V-induced MPNs, we infected WT or Vav1–/– or Rac1/Rac2–/– 5-FU–treated BM cells with a virus expressing KITD814V, sorted the cells on the basis of EGFP expression, and transplanted them into lethally irradiated hosts. Supplemental Figure 6 shows the transduction efficiency of 5-FU–treated cells in all three genotypes. As seen in Figure Figure7A,7A, a significant increase in the survival of mice bearing Vav1–/– or Rac1/Rac2–/– KITD814V–expressing cells was observed relative to controls. Further, we observed the rescue of PB counts and splenomegaly in these mice relative to controls (Figure (Figure7,7, B–D). The loss of Rac2 alone in the setting of KITD814V expression also prolonged the survival of leukemic mice, but to a much lesser degree compared with mice transplanted with KITD814V-bearing cells lacking the expression of Vav1 or Rac1/Rac2 (Supplemental Figure 7).
+As noted earlier, the expression of dominant-negative Rac (RacN17) in KITD814V-bearing cells derived from the spleens of transplanted mice not only resulted in reduced Rac1/Rac2 activation, but also inhibited the activation of Pak. The involvement of Pak in MPNs or in leukemogenesis has never been reported, although recent studies have implicated Pak in regulating the growth and actin-based functions in solid tumors (30–32). To assess the role of Pak in KITD814V-induced transformation and to determine whether Pak functions downstream from Vav1 and Rac1/Rac2 in KITD814V-bearing cells, we examined Pak activation in KITD814V-bearing Vav1–/–, Rac1/Rac2–/–, RacN17, or EHop-016–treated primary HSC/Ps. As seen in Figure Figure8,8, A–D, a reduction in the activation of Pak was observed in every scenario. To assess the direct role of Pak in regulating ligand-independent growth of KITD814V-bearing cells, we used myeloid cells bearing the expression of KITD814V and infected them with a retrovirus expressing a dominant-negative version of Pak (PakK299R). One-hundred percent of the EGFP (reflecting the expression of PakK299R) and hCD4 (reflecting the expression of KITD814V) double-positive cells were sorted to homogeneity and subjected to a biochemical and proliferation assay as described in Figure Figure22 (Supplemental Figure 8A). As seen in Figure Figure8E,8E, while the expression of KIT and its constitutive phosphorylation was observed in both KITD814V and KITD814V- and PakK299R-coexpressing cells, the activation of Pak was inhibited in cells coexpressing KITD814V and PakK299R relative to controls. Importantly, Pak repression in KITD814V-bearing cells abrogated the ligand-independent proliferation normally observed in KITD814V-bearing cells (Figure (Figure8F).8F). The expression of an activated version of Pak (PakT423) in Rac1/Rac2-deficient KITD814V-bearing primary HSC/Ps rescued ligand-independent growth (Supplemental Figure 8B).
+We next assessed the consequence of pharmacologic inhibition of Pak on the growth of KITD814V-bearing cells using a cell-permeable allosteric inhibitor of Pak, IPA-3 (33). As seen in Figure Figure9A,9A, the treatment of KITD814V-bearing P815 cells with IPA-3 resulted in the inhibition of Pak activation, and the treatment of HMC1.2 cells, P815 cells, and Kasumi-1 cells with the same inhibitor led to a dose-dependent inhibition of the growth of KITD816V- and KITD814V-bearing cells (Figure (Figure9,9, B–D). Repression of the growth of oncogene KIT–bearing cells in the presence of IPA-3 was largely due to reduced survival (Figure (Figure99E).
+To directly assess the impact of Pak inhibition on KITD814V-induced MPN development, we transplanted C3H/HeJ mice with cells bearing KITD814V and PakK299R as described (27). Transplanted mice were observed for the development of MPNs and survival. Although all KITD814V-bearing mice died by day 15 after transplantation, all KITD814V- and PakK299R-coexpressing mice survived this period and showed a significant delay in disease onset (Figure (Figure10A).10A). To assess the changes in tissue pathology in mice bearing cells coexpressing KITD814V and PakK299R compared with those bearing only KITD814V, we sacrificed a cohort of mice on days when the KITD814V-only–bearing mice succumbed to death. As seen in Figure Figure10,10, B and C, compared with the KITD814V-bearing control mice, mice coexpressing KITD814V and PakK299R demonstrated a significant decrease in spleen weight and PB counts. In addition, these mice demonstrated a correction in splenic architecture (Figure (Figure10E),10E), myeloid cell infiltration in the lung (Figure (Figure10D)10D) and liver (Figure (Figure10F),10F), and lacked the lesions on lungs normally associated with KITD814V-bearing mice (Figure (Figure10G).10G). All of these findings were associated with a reduced percentage (as assessed by EGFP-expressing cells) of leukemic cells in the tissues of mice transplanted with cells bearing KITD814V and PakK299R (Figure (Figure1010H).
+Rac and its downstream effector Pak are frequently overexpressed and/or hyperactive in solid cancers including breast cancer (34). In these cells, Rac and Pak have been implicated in regulating invasion and metastasis (35, 36). While substantial progress has been made in our understanding of the role of these molecules in solid cancers, how these molecules regulate oncogene-induced MPNs is poorly understood. We provide in vitro and in vivo genetic, biochemical, and pharmacologic evidence to suggest that the Vav/Rac/Pak pathway plays an essential role in regulating transformation via an oncogenic form of KIT (KITD814V) associated with MPNs and AML and for which no efficacious therapies are currently available. While gain-of-function KIT mutations localized to the juxtamembrane region associated with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are highly sensitive to inhibition by imatinib, KIT mutations within the second catalytic domain found in patients with AML and SM, including KITD814V, interfere with the binding of imatinib, thus rendering this mutation insensitive to imatinib inhibition (37–39). Our results suggest that inhibition of constitutively active Vav, Rac, or Pak downstream from KITD814V is a highly efficient alternative approach to treating hematologic malignancies involving this mutation.
+To date, several GEFs for Rac have been identified (40, 41); however, GEFs such as those that belong to the Vav family as well as Tiam-1 have been primarily implicated in tumorigenesis (42–44). Although, the precise mechanism(s) by which these GEFs regulate cancer progression is still unclear, studies suggest that Vav GEFs are significantly more diverse in their ability to activate Rho family GTPases and can regulate the activation of Rac, Rho, and Cdc42, compared with Tiam-1 and Trio, which primarily activate Rac (17, 45–47). While it is unclear how this occurs, the presence of Src homology and cysteine-rich domains in Vav are likely to contribute to this diversity. Our findings using HSC/Ps derived from Vav1-deficient mice engineered to express KITD814V suggest an essential role for Vav1 in regulating the ligand-independent growth of oncogene-bearing cells and in activating both Rac1 and Rac2.
+Our findings demonstrating the correction of myeloid cell infiltration in the lungs of mice coexpressing RacN17 or PakK299R along with KITD814V suggest that KITD814V-induced metastasis of myeloid cells in these tissues is dependent on Rac and Pak. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that prolonged survival of KITD814V-bearing mice in the setting of RacN17 expression correlates with marked repression of Rac1, Rac2, and Pak in these cells, and loss of Rac1, Rac2, or both Rac1 and Rac2 substantially represses ligand-independent growth in these cells. These findings were also confirmed by using cells from mice bearing KITD814V in the setting of Vav1 and Rac1/Rac2 deficiency and by transplantating these cells into lethally irradiated WT recipients. Interestingly, our data implicating Rac1 and Rac2 in KITD814V-induced transformation are similar to those reported by Thomas et al. using p210BCR-ABL translocation (48). In both instances, Rac1 and Rac2 deficiency collectively shows a more prolonged survival of leukemic mice.
+In addition to the genetic approaches to test the role of Rac in MPNs, we also used pharmacologic approaches to test the possibility of targeting Rac GTPases for the treatment of KITD814V-induced MPNs and AML. To this end, we first used an established Rac inhibitor, NSC23766. Previous studies have shown that NSC23766 functions by binding in the pocket of Rac1 that interacts with GEFs such as Trio and Tiam1 but not Vav (17, 49). Our results using this drug suggest that Rac1 does not greatly contribute to KITD814V-induced transformation, since we observed only a 50% reduction in the growth of both murine and human oncogene KIT–bearing cells at very high doses of NSC23766. While reasonable, an alternate explanation may involve a lack of robust involvement of Trio and Tiam1 in KITD814V-induced transformation. Therefore, in an effort to assess whether Rac GTPase could be targeted more efficiently in KIT oncogene–bearing cells, we used a newly described Rac inhibitor, EHop-016 (18). This drug is a derivative of NSC23766 and inhibits Rac 100-fold more efficiently relative to the parental compound (18). EHop-016, like NSC23766, binds to the surface groove of Rac, which is critical for interacting with GEFs. Studies have shown that EHop-016 is more potent than the parental compound in terms of its interaction with the effector domains of Rac (18). This presumably allows EHop-016 to block the activation of additional Rac GEFs in addition to those blocked by NSC23766. Our head-to-head studies comparing NSC23766 and EHop-016 show that EHop-016 is a more potent Rac inhibitor than NSC23766.
+Although we have no direct evidence to suggest which additional GEFs might be inhibited by EHop-016 in oncogene KIT–bearing cells, previous studies in an MDA-MB-435 metastatic breast cancer line have shown that EHop-016 inhibits the interaction of Vav2 with Rac (18). It is therefore likely that in KITD814V-bearing HSC/Ps, EHop-016 inhibits the interaction of Vav1 with Rac1 and Rac2. We show that the treatment of oncogene-bearing cells with EHop-016 results in the inhibition of both Rac1 and Rac2. Consistent with these findings, Vav1 deficiency in oncogene-bearing cells impairs the activation of both Rac1 and Rac2 and substantially corrects the ligand-independent growth observed in WT oncogene–bearing HSC/Ps, very similar to the growth repression observed in the presence of EHop-016.
+Downstream from Rac, we show that Pak plays an essential role in KITD814V-induced transformation. We used both an allosteric inhibitor of Pak, IPA-3, as well as a genetic approach to implicate Pak in KITD814V-induced transformation. Although IPA-3 selectively inhibits the activation of Pak1 (33), at higher doses it has been shown to also inhibit the activation of other isoforms including Pak2 and Pak3 (33). Our studies using a dominant-negative form of Pak (K299R) confirmed the IPA-3 findings demonstrating that Pak indeed contributes to KITD814V-induced transformation; whether other isoforms of Pak also contribute to leukemogenesis remains to be determined. As animal models deficient in the expression of Pak isoforms become available, the role of specific isoforms of Pak in transformation can be more readily and efficiently addressed in future studies. Taken together, our studies identify what we believe to be a novel pathway involving Vav/Rac and Pak in regulating nonclassical MPNs such as SM, in which activating the KIT mutation plays an essential role.
+HMC1.2 cells harboring both V560G and D816V mutations were maintained in RPMI medium supplemented with 15% heat-inactivated FBS (Hyclone; Thermo Fisher Scientific), 2% penicillin-streptomycin, and monothioglycerol at 37°C and 5% CO2 (50). The murine P815 mastocytoma cell line was cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS and 2% penicillin-streptomycin. 32D murine cells were cultured in RPMI with 10% FBS and 2% penicillin-streptomycin. Kasumi-1, an AML cell line, was grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20% FBS, 1% HEPES, 1% L-glutamine, and 2% penicillin-streptomycin and were a gift from Christopher Klug (University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA) (51).
+C57BL/6 mice and C3H/HeJ mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. Vav1–/–, Vav2–/–, Vav3–/–, Rac2–/–, Rac1flox/flox, and Rac1flox/floxRac2–/– mice have been previously described (14, 29, 52, 53). Vav2–/– and Vav3–/–cells were a gift from Jose Cancelas (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA). All mice used in this study were 6–12 weeks of age. Murine IL-3, murine IL-6, SCF, Flt-3 ligand (Flt-3), and thrombopoietin (TPO) were purchased from PeproTech. 2,2′-dihydroxy-1,1′-dinaphthyldisulfide (IPA-3) and NSC23766 were purchased from Tocris Bioscience. The discovery and characterization of EHop-016 have been described previously (18). The Cdc42 small–molecule inhibitor, CASIN, was a gift from Yi Zheng (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center) (54, 55).
+Western blot analysis and IP experiments were performed as described previously (56). Protein expression was determined using antibodies against Rac1, Rac2, and Rac1/2/3 (Millipore), pPak, Pak, KIT, Vav1, pKIT, total ERK, pMLC, and pTyrosine (Cell Signaling Technology), pBAD (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc.), and β-actin (Sigma-Aldrich). Rac activity was determined by using a Rac activation kit (Millipore) according to the manufacturer’s protocol and analyzed by Western blot using Rac1, Rac2, or Rac1/2/3 pan-antibody.
+Cells from the BM and PB of patients with SM were analyzed for KIT mutations (57) and cultured in 100 ng human SCF in IMDM supplemented with 20% FBS and 2% penicillin-streptomycin.
+pCMV6 expressing a Myc-tagged kinase-dead (K299R) Pak was a gift from Jeffrey Field (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) (58). Plasmids encoding RacN17 have been previously described (34). The cDNAs were subcloned into a bicistronic retroviral vector, MIEG3, upstream of the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) and the EGFP gene (59) or human CD4 gene. The pLNCX2-PAK1T423E-IRES2-EGFP plasmid has been described (60). Plasmids encoding MIEG3-RacN17 and MSCV-puro-RacV12 have been previously described (56).
+Retroviral supernatants for the transduction of 32D cells and primary BM low-density mononuclear cells (LDMNCs) were generated with a Phoenix ecotropic packaging cell line transfected with retroviral vector plasmids using a calcium phosphatase transfection kit (Invitrogen). Supernatants were collected 48 hours after transfection and filtered through 0.45-μm membranes. 32D cells were infected with 2 ml of high-titer virus supernatant in the presence of 8 μg/ml polybrene. EGFP-positive cells or human CD4-positive (hCD4-positive) cells containing the WT form of KIT or KITD814V with RacN17 or PakK299R were sorted to homogeneity and used in the experiments. BM LDMNCs were suspended in nontissue culture plates along with prestimulation media (IMDM containing 20% FBS and 2% penicillin-streptomycin supplemented with 100 ng/ml SCF, 100 ng/ml TPO, 50 ng/ml Flt-3, and 4 ng/ml IL-6) for 2 days prior to two rounds of retroviral infection using 2 ml of high-titer retroviral supernatants (WT KIT, KITD814V, pLNCX2-PAK1T423E, or MSCVpuro-RacV12) on fibronectin fragments (Retronectin; Takara). Forty-eight hours after the last infection, cells expressing WT KIT or KITD814V were sorted to homogeneity based on EGFP expression. MSCV puro cells were selected with 1 μg/ml puromycin (Sigma-Aldrich) for an additional 48 hours.
+Transplantation into C3H/HeJ mice was carried out by administering a single i.v. injection of 2 × 106 32D cells bearing WT KIT or KITD814V with or without RacN17 or PakK299R, or 1 × 106 KITD814V-bearing 32D cells cultured overnight with DMSO (vehicle), 25 μM NSC23766, or 2.5 μM EHop-016. Mice were harvested at the time of moribundity, and PB, femurs, spleen, lungs, and liver were collected for histopathological and flow cytometric analysis.
+WT or Vav1–/–, Rac2–/–, and Mx-cre/Rac1flox/flox/Rac2–/– C57BL/6 mice that were 6-to-8 weeks of age were given a single i.p. injection of 150 mg/kg of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) (APP Pharmaceuticals). BM cells were collected 72 hours after injection from the tibia, femur, and iliac crest, and LDMNCs were prestimulated for 2 days in prestimulation media, as described above prior to transduction with retrovirus encoding WT KIT or KITD814V. After two rounds of infection as described above, cells were sorted to homogeneity, and 1 × 106 cells were counted and mixed with 1 × 105 supporting fresh splenocytes from WT C57BL/6 mice and administered i.v. by tail vein injection into lethally irradiated (1,100 cGy split dose) C57BL/6 recipient mice. We treated the recipient mice on day 14 after transplantation with two i.p. injections of 300 μg polyI:C administered at 48-hour intervals.
+Cells expressing either WT KIT or KITD814V were incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C in 10% rat serum before staining with a combination of the antibodies indicated in Figure Figure2A.2A. Cells were washed two times with 0.2% BSA in PBS (Sigma-Aldrich) and analyzed by FACS (FACS and LSR; BD).
+Proliferation was assessed by conducting a thymidine incorporation assay. Briefly, cells were washed and starved in the presence of 0.2% BSA without serum or growth factors for 6 to 8 hours. Cells (5 × 104) were plated in replicates of four in a 96-well plate in 200 μl complete medium either in the absence or presence of the indicated growth factors. The cells were cultured for 48 hours and subsequently pulsed with 1.0 μCi (0.037 MBq) [3H] thymidine (PerkinElmer) for 6 hours and harvested using an automated 96-well cell harvester (Brandel). Thymidine incorporation was assessed as counts per minute (cpm). Apoptosis was assessed following the starvation of cells and subsequent plating in 24-well plates (2 × 105 cells) in 0.5 ml of complete media (IMDM, 10% FBS, 2% penicillin-streptomycin) in the absence of growth factors. Apoptosis was determined following staining with an Annexin V Apoptosis Detection kit (BD Biosciences — Pharmingen) and analyzed via flow cytometry.
+Data are expressed as the mean ± SD unless otherwise stated. Sigma Plot 12.0 software (Systat Software Inc.) was used for statistical analysis. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The survival probability of transplanted mice cohorts was compared using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis with a log-rank test.
+Mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions at the Indiana University Laboratory Animal Research Center, and this study was approved by the IACUC of the Indiana University School of Medicine. Samples from SM patients were collected after obtaining written informed consent as approved by the IRB of the Cleveland Clinic/Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the IRB of the Indiana University School of Medicine and were obtained in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
+We would like to thank Marilyn Wales for providing administrative support. This work was supported in part by grants from the NIH (R01HL077177, R01HL075816, and R01CA134777, to R. Kapur); F31AG040974 (to H. Martin); T32HL007910 (to A. Chatterjee); a grant from the American Cancer Society (PF13-065-01, to A. Chatterjee); and a grant from Riley Children’s Foundation (to R. Kapur).
+Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.
+Citation for this article: J Clin Invest. 2013;123(10):4449–4463. doi:10.1172/JCI67509.
+Oct 18, 1999.
+Tag match highlights No Mercy
+-- SLAM! Wrestling
+Chyna beat Jeff Jarrett at No Mercy to become the first ever female Intercontinental Champion. Check out our
+video section
+for the clips.
+It is rare that a tag team match where no gold is at stake overshadows a World Heavyweight Title match on pay-per-view though that's what happened at last night's WWF No Mercy broadcast from the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. The bitter feud between WWF World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, and the popular "Stone Cold" Steve Austin took at backseat to a ladder match pitting The New Brood (Jeff and Matt Hardy) against Edge and Christian for ten thousand dollars and the services of manager Terri Runnels.
+In a word, all four men were astonishing. The sixteen minute bump-fest that brought the crowd to their feet in appreciation will go down as a classic dethroning Shawn Michaels versus Razor Ramon as the greatest ladder match ever. The Hardy Boys (or the "mini-Sabus" as SLAM! Wrestling's "Hardcore" Chris Gramlich aptly describes them) and Canadian boys - Edge and Christian - are the future of the federation. Give them a hefty raise, I say. They deserve it after last night's once in a lifetime performance.
+Triple H's valet and wrestler in her own right - Chyna - also made wrestling history by beating Jeff Jarrett to become the first woman ever to win the coveted WWF Intercontinental Championship.
+Triple H and Austin were no slouches in their dust-up either. Earlier in the evening, The Rock cut a promo in the middle of the ring challenging the winner to a match. As The Rock was about to exit through the curtain, Triple H laid him out with that darn sledgehammer. The Rock was carted off on a stretcher to the backstage area where he refused to be taken to the hospital.
+In his title defence against Austin, Helmsley brought the sledgehammer out again. This time, Vince McMahon (when did Vinnie Mac become a hero all of the sudden?) ripped the hammer out of Triple H's hands. Helmsley popped Vince in the chops Bret Hart style. Austin and Triple H brawled in the entrance way area. It was all Austin dinging Helmsley off of steel fences, rearranging his face with a trash can and a microphone boom. Seven minutes passed before Austin and Triple H actually got into the ring.
+Austin spiked Helmsley with a Stunner though there was no referee to slap a three count. He has been injured outside the ring as Austin reversed a Pedigree slingshoting Triple H into the official. Both went careening over the ringside barricade. Austin scrapped the ref off the floor trying to bringing him back into the ring. Helmsley Irish-whipped Austin into the official who was thrown off the ring apron into the barricade. Helmsley's Pedigree on Austin gained him a two count from the new ref. Irate, the champion got into a pushing match with the official. Stone Cold caught Helmsley unawares, slinging him off for a Lou Theiz Press, machine gun punching him in the head and striking him in the chest with a running elbow drop.
+Out on the floor again, Austin rammed Helmsley into the steel ring stair and J.R. and The King's announce table. As the great Gorilla Monsoon would've said, Triple H bled profusely. J.R.'s head-set in his hands, Stone Cold choked Helmsley prior to repeating the same throw into the stairs and electrical wire choking sequence of moves once more. Not falling for the same routine twice, Triple H iced Austin by crowning him with the ring bell twice. Helmsley dragged a stunned Austin to his feet then suplexed Stone Cold on...guess where? Yepper. The Spanish Announce Team's table which incidentally, didn't break into a bazillion pieces on impact as it usually does. They must've boned up on their Bob Villa home repair skills. Do they have a volume on table-making?
+Once in the ring Triple H worked on the same knee he "injured" at SummerSlam punctuating the attack by wrapping Austin's knee around the steel ring post. A series of near pinfalls drove Helmsley's blood pressure through the roof. He brought a steel chair into the ring. Austin caught him with a well-placed mule kick to the gut. Triple H dropped the chair. Stone Cold picked up the chair. Helmsley kicked and clotheslined him down before he had a chance to use it.
+Austin crotched Helmsley on the top rope. Reverting back to his "Stunning" Steve days in WCW when he actually used more than a handful of wrestling moves, Austin suplexed Triple H off the second rope. Austin won a tug of war over the steel chair. Stone Cold mirrored Helmsley's assault on him at SummerSlam by whacking him over and over with the steel chair. A low blow from Triple H put a stop to the beating.
+Through The Rock's mistake, Triple H holds onto the WWF World Heavyweight Title.
+His ribs bandaged heavily and carrying the sledgehammer, The Rock ducked into the ring. The WWF Champion avoided the sledgehammer as Rock swung it. It connected with Austin's gut knocking the wind out of him. Triple H Pedigreed The Rock and pinned Stone Cold to hang onto the WWF's most prized championship.
+Austin and Triple H traded blows through the backstage area to an underground garage. Chyna whisked Helmsley out of harm's way in a waiting limousine.
+Can you say Triple Threat - Elimination Match for the WWF World Title at Survivor Series? Could be.
+The next WWF pay-per-view is
+Survivor Series on November 14th
+WWF No Mercy Results
+The Godfather Vs Median
+Viscera interferes more times than J.R. has used the word "slobberknocker".
+The crowd is so bored with the match they start a "We want puppies!" chant.
+Godfather dodges a Viscera avalanche. Viscera hits the steel ring post.
+Median is the victim of the running splash and a roll up.
+No animals were hurt by Median in the filming of this match.
+The Godfather at 7 minutes and 30 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 3 / 10.
+The Fabulous Moolah (challenger) Vs Ivory (champion) (WWF Women's World Heavyweight Title Match)
+No disrespect to Moolah but this could very well be the WORST match I've ever seen. Missed and fouled up moves aplenty are on display. I'd rather sit through the Roberts - Martel Blindfold Match at WrestleMania 7 again. That should tell you something.
+Moolah scores the pinfall and captures the women's title. The King and Ivory are beside themselves.
+...and new WWF Women's World Heavyweight Champion...The Fabulous Moolah at 2 minutes and 50 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 1 / 10.
+The New Age Outlaws Vs The Hollys
+Am I the only one who shakes his head every time Jim Ross says the NAO are "perhaps the greatest tag team ever in the WWF"? Inquiring minds wanna know.
+Thank goodness NOA is back together. Now we can hear their intro another fifty thousand times.
+Bob Holly throws in a steel chair. Gunn connects with the Fam-asser driving Crash into the chair. The official calls for the bell disqualifying the Outlaws for using the illegal object.
+The Outlaws retaliate by slamming Hardcore onto the steel chair too. Who says the NAO aren't sore losers?
+The Hollys at 10 minutes and 32 seconds via disqualification
+Match Rating
+: 6 / 10.
+Chyna (challenger) Vs Jeff Jarrett (champion) (WWF Intercontinental Title - Good Housekeeping Match)
+Irons, brooms, food, pans, a kitchen sink and even a gutted fish are weapons in this bout.
+Jarrett clocks Chyna with the Intercontinental belt and gets the 1-2-3. Since the belt isn't a household item Jarrett's win is overturned. The match is started over. Jarrett slaps the figure four on referee Teddy Long. Chyna breaks a guitar over Jarrett's head, pins him and becomes the first woman ever to hold the WWF Intercontinental Title.
+Since when is a six-string guitar a "household item"?
+Miss Kitty abandons Jarrett for Chyna.
+...and new WWF Intercontinental Champion...Chyna at 8 minutes and 25 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 2 / 10.
+The Rock Vs The British Bulldog
+A well-fought, explosive encounter. Rocky pushes out of The Powerslam reversing it into a Rock Bottom. There falls the People's Elbow. There falls the Bulldog.
+The Rock at 7 minutes and 21 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 7 / 10.
+Edge, Christian Vs The New Brood (Terri Runnels Tournament - Double Ladder Match)
+As I stated above, a Match Of The Year candidate that has to be seen to be believed.
+Gangrel tries to help by carrying a ladder to the ring. The ref sends him packing.
+Matt and Jeff break open a bottle of champagne with Terri to celebrate their win backstage.
+The New Brood at 16 minutes and 40 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 10 / 10.
+Val Venis Vs Mankind
+Mankind is wearing a Cactus Jack shirt underneath his white dress shirt.
+Mankind takes a nasty spill as Venis backdrops him onto a steel chair.
+Venis misses The Money Shot. Mankind puts on Socco. Venis puts on Rocco. Mankind locks in the Mandible Claw. Venis, the Testicular Claw. Both men collapse. Venis falls on top of Mankind for the win.
+Mankind regains Rocco. Venis runs.
+Val Venis at 9 minutes and 18 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 7 / 10.
+Bradshaw Vs Faarooq Vs X-Pac Vs Kane (Four Corners - Elimination Match)
+Kane Chokeslams Bradshaw to give him the boot at 8 minutes and 23 seconds. Kane stands up and X-Pac nails the Big Red Machine with a Spin-Heel Kick to expel him at 10 minutes and 15 seconds.
+Faarooq goes for a second rope shoulder tackle. X-Pac turns it into his X-Factor finishing move eliminating Faarooq.
+At 10 minutes and 15 seconds, X-Pac
+Match Rating
+: 6 / 10.
+"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (challenger) Vs Hunter Hearst-Helmsley (champion) (WWF World Heavyweight Title Match)
+...and still WWF World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H at 21 minutes and 53 seconds
+Match Rating
+: 8 / 10.
+Total Event Time
+: 2 hours and 50 minutes.
+Overall Event Rating
+8 / 10
+Visit the SLAM! Wrestling store
+Epcot Center celebrates human achievements and innovation born from imagination. It is a showplace dedicated to entertain we hope, with a purpose. Our goals for EPCOT Center are quite clear, we want to first entertain, then inform and inspire all who come here and above all, to instill in our guests a new sense of belief and pride in mankind’s ability to shape a world that offers real hope to people everywhere in the world.
+– E. Cardon Walker
+The words Card Walker spoke at Epcot Center’s dedication in the fall of 1982 established a public purpose for the company’s latest monumental endeavor. Epcot Center was a new concept in theme parks, but not completely unfamiliar to the world or even to Disney. Unlike the Magic Kingdom and Disneyland before it, which were predominantly designed to immerse visitors in the absolute fantasy of fairy tales and flying elephants, Epcot’s intent was to feed into the feeling of a world’s fair. Since the 1850s fairs and expositions were used as a method of garnering support for new technology, promoting tourism and creating a public face for corporations and countries. Without taking anything away from their impact on human culture, world’s fairs were basically monumental advertisements.
+Walt Disney’s original vision for Epcot was a technological utopia. It would be clean, bright, efficient and was a direct output of the marketing tone of the New York World’s Fair which Disney played a large role in shaping. In contrast to the Fair, Epcot would be a real functioning city with sleek transportation, clean air and a culture that fostered learning and advancement. Walt’s death in the last days of 1966 ended whatever slim chance Epcot had of existing in his image. Fast forward thirteen years through Vietnam, the counterculture movement, disco and we arrive in the late 1970’s and the end product of the idea of Epcot. In the months preceding and during the three years that had passed since Walt Disney Productions had broken ground on the project, the world had experienced upheavals that ran across the gain of the optimistic message that the park intended to communicate. In the summer of 1979, just months before the first shovel was turned on the Epcot project, Three Mile Island rocked the world’s collective faith in emerging energy. During construction, the Iran hostage crisis began and ended, “Imagine” songwriter John Lennon was gunned down in New York, and attempts were made on the lives of President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. In 1981, AIDS was first observed in the United States and later led to a worldwide fear of a viral pandemic. These were problems no theme park could ever tackle head on.
+In the midst of these events, Epcot Center, now a park themed to technology and culture, opened with celebration and Walker delivered his ambitious mission statement. The dedication speech jived well with the corporate sponsored attractions and exhibits that made up Epcot Center. The Universe of Energy backed by Exxon and World of Motion from General Motors entertained with a history of oil production and celebrated human advances in transportation only three years after the second U.S. oil crisis. The Land spoke of sustainable farming and new methods of agriculture while world hunger became an ever-present subject in the news. Famine had rocked Ethiopia and the West was watching on the news every night. CommuniCore showcased technological innovations that hadn’t really been part of the American thought process since the future home concepts that were popular in post World War II America.
+Cyclically, Americans embrace putting on cultural blinders in the years that follow social or economic turmoil. Epcot was conceived at the beginning of an upheaval and became reality near the end. Just as some Epcotesque park would’ve likely been popular in the mid-century as a reaction to the turmoil of the ’40s, it was a solid response to the social climate the baby boomers had grown up in. The park appealed to adults nostalgically before they’d ever seen it. It was positivity and reality suspended in a most artful way. The architecture, music, and message all pointed at a grander tomorrow and promised it was right around the corner. It wasn’t a think tank for ideas or solutions to problems. It was just a warm arm that seemed to imply that great things were already in the works and the children of this generation would inherit technological and social paradise. Epcot actively chose to ignore the negative. There was an implied hope for the future but without any real plans to get there. It felt good and that was good enough..
+– Sheldon Allan Silverstein
+Each of the original sponsored pavilions in EPCOT Center’s Future World included a lounge for executives and employees of the sponsor company to meet and relax while visiting the park. Most guests would never notice these private spaces since they were often hidden behind unassuming doors or in less than noticeable spaces, often on the second floor up above the guests. This tradition continued through the years to include later additions like the Red Planet Room inside HP’s Mission: SPACE and Test Track’s VIP area which lets visitors look down on guests as they enjoy the ride. Over the years, as pavilions lost their sponsors, many of the lounges closed their doors and became storage or event space. Often, park management transformed these rooms into offices for operations.
+The corporate lounges for United Technologies (Living Seas), MetLife (Wonders of Life), Kodak (Journey Into Imagination), and Kraft (The Land) are still largely unused by any guest. The only original attraction that still includes an operating VIP area is Spaceship Earth. Situated above Project Tomorrow, Spaceship Earth’s post-show, is the Siemens VIP Center, originally called Base21. The entrance is just beyond the exterior door on Project Tomorrow’s west side and might as well be any other “Cast Members Only” door. Once inside, the contrast to the rest of Epcot becomes obvious. The small room is clean and bright and has obviously not been exposed to the wear and tear of millions of guests. Inside the door is a wall mounted information screen with a numeric keypad. A PIN code, generated by a Siemens employee, allows access to the VIP Center. Directly across from the entrance is a frosted glass door etched with the Siemens corporate logo. Once the guest keys in the PIN, the room lighting changes from white to a deep red, and the frosted glass door becomes transparent. Seconds later, the formerly opaque door sides open automatically. Guests then pass into a room with a decorative corporate displays, a couch, and beyond a spiral staircase leading up next to an elevator. Visitors to the VIP Center barely have enough time to take in this scene and process what just happened, before the elevator opens its doors and live voice invites the guest on board.
+After a short ride up, the elevator opens into a reception area. To the left is a concierge desk where guests have their VIP status confirmed by a Siemens host and are given a short tour of the space before being given free run of the lounge. Beyond the front desk, a small beverage and snack area sits beyond a ring of lounge seats. Moving further, inset into an interactive wall of screens explaining what Siemens does, are, in this writer’s opinion, the nicest restrooms Epcot has to offer. A wireless cell phone charging station is another perk of access, and the Siemens host provides an adapter to anyone who asks. A short hallway curves toward the lounge. On the interior arced wall is another display using more electrochromic glass. A guest accessible touch panel controls some of the interior lighting, including an illuminated glass block floor that curves around from the entrance, back into the areas set aside for conference meetings and presentations. The conference room includes retractable projectors that deploy down from the ceiling and a videoconferencing system. Once in the main room, a large, curved wall of picture windows overlooks Innoventions plaza, providing an excellent view of the tarps above and pin trading station below. How many fans of EPCOT Center would love to see that view from 1982? Thought so. By far the best reason to find a way to visit the Siemens VIP Center is the exclusive access to Spaceship Earth. Behind the concierge desk is a door that leads to a small set of stairs. This is where it starts to feel like Epcot controlled territory again. At the bottom of the stairs, a sign greets guests informing them that they “are now entering the attraction area”. Beyond the door, guests find themselves in the unload area of Spaceship Earth where a Cast Member is waiting to direct visitors into their time machine vehicle for a wait-free ride.
+While it is completely appropriate for paying sponsors to have these private rooms inside the park, it’s unfortunate that the lounges in the pavilions that lack sponsors haven’t been used in much of any way. Even the Siemens lounge sits empty and quiet much of the time. Underused space inside some of the most expensive real estate in Orlando just doesn’t make good sense. Original EPCOT Center fans would love to visit these hidden spaces. Just seeing the park from a different vantage point would be a huge thrill, and opening these rooms up and using the space for attractions for all guests would create a new draw in Future World, one that it needs badly. The second floor of Journey Into Imagination, once home to Image Works, an interactive playground of color, sight, and sound, is the most glaring example of empty attic space in Epcot. The cordoned stairwell in Imagination’s gift shop taunts guests who remember the glory days of the Rainbow Corridor as it seems to cry out for a new reason to exist. A re-imagined Image Works could even leverage some of same technology Siemens has already brought into the park, albeit currently only for it’s private guests. Additionally, the Siemens lounge includes technology that is current, but feels more futuristic than the rest of Future World! That’s a problem. These empty spaces provide a great opportunity to create complete pavilions, as opposed to just rides, opening more exhibits and areas where guests can wonder at their own pace. Visitors to Epcot want new experiences in new spaces and opportunity to be inspired by their surroundings. If only Future World could attract the attention of the one additional corporate sponsor it really needs, the Walt Disney Company.?.
+The Importance of Resilience for Exploration Stage Entrepreneurs
+In today’s article I explore the importance of resilience to entrepreneurial success – and how a lack of resilience slowly leads to failure.
+I outline several approaches to developing more resilience, and a list of questions you can use to assess your current levels.
+Resilience: noun the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
+Exploration stage entrepreneurship is characterized by repeated failure, large amounts of uncertainty and a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows. One of the few things that is certain is that there will be days when you question why you ever thought entrepreneurship was an attractive or viable career path!
+This prevalence of setbacks means that resilience is an important trait as an entrepreneur, and it will be tested repeatedly by the numerous difficulties you encounter during the exploration stage.
+The key word in the definition of resilience is “quickly”: your resilience is all about your speed to adapt, how quickly you can recover from setbacks. At its most extreme, resilience means not being knocked down by adversity in the first place, by bouncing back instantly.
+In entrepreneurship, adversity comes in the form of:
+Failure (getting your hopes up, just to have them dashed again, iteration after endless iteration)
+Rejection (the customer didn’t like your pitch; that investor never emailed you back)
+And loss of belief (this is taking much longer than you’d expected – maybe it’s never going to work?)
+Resilience – the ability to withstand these knocks – is important because entrepreneurship is a high-performance discipline, and demands peak performance. In peak performance, we do not indulge in doubts and negative thinking. When we are knocked from this peak, by definition we do not perform at it.
+You may start questioning your commitment and whether you can keep going
+You start to consider alternative options, craving certainty and validation
+You begin to take rejection personally
+These doubts lead you to resist working on your idea
+Resilience is not a fixed capacity, and it will deplete after repeated knocks: when you start off, you brush off failures. By the end of month 6 and you still don’t have a business idea, even not getting a response to an email can feel like another sign that it’s just not meant to be.
+But, just like resilience can be depleted, it can also be built up and strengthened. You will always have bad days, but you can learn to bounce back faster. You can learn not to be as badly affected by knocks. You can learn to expend less energy to remain in a good headspace.
+We have bad days as entrepreneurs for one reason: because we are pushing ourselves beyond the limit of our comfort zone. We are learning, we are challenging ourselves, and on some days the challenge is beyond our capabilities. If we’re demanding the most possible from ourselves, then it’s only natural that sometimes we’ll demand too much. It’s only when the bad days begin to become the norm that the problem requires more direct attention.
+Developing more resilience:
+1. Recognize the subtle impact of low resilience
+The first order effects of low resilience are your “bad days”, days where you have yet to rebound from a setback. Perhaps you worked hard building up a round of customer development interviews, but now they are done, you’re none the wiser on what direction to proceed and you’re questioning your commitment (instead of getting on with better customer development interviews). You hit a series of bad days where you don’t get much work done.
+The second order effects are more subtle. This includes the time and effort spent getting over the setbacks and recovering from the bad days. In the above example of the failed customer development test, sure, you’ll be able to regain perspective, but this takes effort! We have a finite amount of energy, and if you need to expend 60% of it just to keep things in perspective, then your performance and effectiveness is bound to suffer as a result. Notice how much time and energy you are spending just to maintain a positive perspective.
+Additionally, consider the type of work you can’t do on your bad days. You cannot think creatively, see the bigger picture or get those flashes of inspiration needed to move your project forward.
+So the impact of low resilience is a combination of the bad days, plus the energy and headspace you need to dedicate to keeping the bad days at bay, plus the repeated loss of creative energy vital to your project’s success.
+Sidebar: a method to measure the cost of low resilience
+You can measure the cost of low resilience by considering the delta between your performance in a positive headspace and negative headspace and the frequency at which this occurs.
+How many days do you spend in a negative headspace? e.g. 4 days per month
+What is your performance capacity on those days (as a % of positive headspace performance)? e.g. 25% (you are only 25% as effective as you would be if not “knocked”).
+4 x (1-25%) = you lose 3 days a month or perform 15% below capacity (3/20 workdays per month)
+This is of course a very rough estimate, and can be considered from many angles. For example, perhaps you have more regular periods of less severe poor performance e.g. every second day you perform at only 75% – losing 12.5% of your capacity (50% of days losing (1-75%) capacity).
+2. Experiment with ways to get support against those knocks
+Once you’ve got a sense for your current level of resilience, try experimenting with ways to increase it.
+At a macro level, there are 3 buckets to consider:
+2.1 Balance
+Now that you’re introducing so much uncertainty into your working life, it’s important to counteract that with certainty and balance in your personal life. You can’t rely on work as your sole source of self-esteem. You no longer have access to the steady stream of validation and progress that work may have given you in the past. What are you living for outside of work? What makes you feel good about yourself outside of work? What hobbies or causes are you passionate about? It is worth spending time considering what changes you could make in your personal life to offset the changes you have made in your working life and keep your progress (or lack thereof) in perspective.
+2.2 Social Support
+For many, their foray into entrepreneurship means working alone, often for the first time. The intangible support network of working in a larger company is no longer in place. Added to this are the increased stressors of being an entrepreneur (no salary, no external validation, and often no progress). Knowing that you still have people there for you regardless of your entrepreneurial success is vital to being able to maintain a healthy perspective
+Personally, this can be family and friends and perhaps a therapist. Professionally, this can be peers, a more formal support group, a coach or mentors.
+2.3 Cognitive & Emotional Development
+Resilience is ultimately a result of how you think and feel. There are numerous ways you can develop emotional resilience, for instance via meditation, coaching or therapy.
+Cultivate awareness of how you’re feeling. Notice recurring patterns and blocks
+Write or journal as a method of release
+Keep a gratitude list to keep things in perspective
+Work with a coach. I work with clients to explore their level of entrepreneurial resilience and how they can strengthen it
+Work with a therapist. We may have deeply ingrained vulnerabilities that make us susceptible to being knocked that could benefit from being worked through with a therapist
+2.4 Resilience as an entrepreneur
+At a more micro level, within your entrepreneurial work itself, here are some tactics you could consider:
+Vary the types of work you do depending on your energy: there are some types of work that you can do even when you’re feeling low, for instance admin work or outreach etc. Even if this is not the most important work you can do, it is better than nothing and simply taking action can often lead to a renewed sense of motivation. It is hard to do more creative or deep work when your head is screaming that it is a complete waste of time…
+Maintain realistic expectations: a sure fire way to feel bad is to constantly fall short of your expectations. Expect to find a billion dollar idea in 3 months; expect to find a perfect co-founder on your first attempt; expect to strike gold on the launch of your first MVP and you can expect to feel dejected and miserable when these events don’t come to pass
+Find a co-founder: working with a co-founder can give you the motivational boost you need to stick with entrepreneurship. It becomes a lot easier when you’re in it together
+Take a break: sometimes it’s right to quit (see below)
+Time off: sometimes the answer is a couple weeks off, not thinking about work
+Freelance: perhaps time off is the last thing you need, instead you need to get stuck headfirst into some work, for instance doing freelance projects or helping other entrepreneurs on an accelerator program
+Get a job: or maybe you need a break from the game altogether, working on someone else’s project or in a job for several months or years
+3. Notice results
+You can become more resilient simply by becoming more aware: aware of your resilience levels, what causes you to be knocked, how long does it take you to rebound, what helps you rebound faster and how much energy it takes. Experimenting with different techniques and noticing the results can lead you to find what works for you.
+Sometimes quitting is the right decision
+Sometimes it’s right to quit. Whether that’s to quit on an idea – maybe it’s just not going to work out at this time – or to quit on entrepreneurship as a whole – maybe it’s all too much for you right now. Sometimes continuing is an easy but foolish decision. You’d be better off retreating, taking time to lick your wounds and rebuild your confidence.
+On the flip side, most times it’s wrong to quit. Low resilience can cause you to give up too easily: moving on to another project as soon as the going gets tough. Hitting these periods of slow progress on a project is hard for overachievers:
+We have many other options – the opportunity cost is high
+We are not used to failure – it feels particularly unpleasant
+That said, overachievers have overachieved because they have stuck with difficult things in the past. They understand what it takes to win. With the right mindset shift, I believe that overachievers have what it takes to become great entrepreneurs.
+So, how do you tell if it’s the right time to throw in the towel? Of course, it’s a gut call. You need to trust your intuition. But at the heart of this decision is a question about your resilience: are you feeling resilient enough to keep going, or would you be better off recharging?
+Assessment: how resilient are you lately?
+At its most extreme, resilience means not being knocked down in the first place, or bouncing back instantly.
+When was the last “bad day” you had? What happened?
+What does it take to knock you? How robust are you against everyday failures and rejections?
+Resilience varies over time, and it’s useful to be aware of your resilience levels in any given period.
+How often do you get knocked? How many bad days do you have a month? How has this changed over time?
+Do you tend to under or overestimate your resilience?
+Repeated knocks will lower your resilience, resulting in lower lows of increasing duration.
+How deep are the knocks? How fast do you bounce back from them?
+As the knocks get deeper, they begin to have a larger impact:
+How do knocks impact you? How much do they affect your quality of work, or ability to work at all?
+If you’re interested in exploring strategies for developing resilience or any of the above questions in a coaching session then please get in touch to arrange an intro call.
+here is an overview
+of the current state of entrepreneurial resilience scholarship, published in March 2021
+Although not aimed specifically at entrepreneurs,
+Option B
+is a book about facing adversity and building resilience written by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Wharton Psychologist Adam Grant
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+Empty Subjects in Finnish and Hebrew
+- Anne Vainikka,
+- Yonata Levy
+- … show all 2 hide
+Purchase on Springer.com
+$39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95*
+* Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT.
+Finnish and Hebrew (in most tenses) share an unusual mixed subject omission pattern: the subject NP is optional in the first and second person but is generally required in the third person. A unified analysis of the two languages is developed in this paper, using certain proposals of Minimalism and a licensing principle which requires that both the specifier and the head position of a projection must be filled. In addition to the null subject pattern, Finnish and Hebrew differ both from traditional pro-drop and from non- pro-drop languages in the patterning of the agreement paradigm; the analysis developed here provides a connection between the mixed null subject pattern and the special agreement paradigm.
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+- Speas, Margaret: 1994, ‘Null Arguments in a Theory of Economy of Projections’ unpublished manuscript, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 17, 179–208.
+- Speas, Margaret: 1995, ‘Economy, Agreement and the Representation of Null Arguments’ unpublished manuscript, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
+- Sportiche, Dominique: 1988, ‘A Theory of Floating Quantifiers and Its Corollaries for Constituent Structure’ Linguistic Inquiry 19, 425–450.
+- Timberlake, Alan: 1975, ‘The Nominative Object in Finnish’ Lingua 35, 205–230.
+- Vainikka, Anne: 1989, Deriving Syntactic Representations in Finnish, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
+- Vainikka, Anne: 1994, ‘IP-related Projections in Finnish’ Penn Review of Linguistics 18, 203–211.
+- Vainikka, Anne: 1995, ‘Head-initial and Head-final Constructions in Finnish’ presentation at the GLOW Workshop on Inflection and Word Order in Finno–Ugrian Languages, Tromsø, Norway.
+- Vainikka, Anne: 1996, ‘Verb Raising in Questions’ presentation at the Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February.
+- Vainikka, Anne and Yonata Levy: 1995, ‘Empty Subjects in Finnish and Hebrew’ IRCS Technical Report 95–31, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
+- Vilkuna, Maria: 1989, Free Word Order in Finnish – Its Syntax and Discourse Functions, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki.
+- Title
+- Empty Subjects in Finnish and Hebrew
+- Journal
+- Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
+Volume 17, Issue 3 , pp 613-671
+- Cover Date
+- 1999-08-01
+- DOI
+- 10.1023/A:1006225032592
+- Print ISSN
+- 0167-806X
+- Online ISSN
+- 1573-0859
+- Publisher
+- Kluwer Academic Publishers
+- Additional Links
+- Authors
+- Anne Vainikka
+- Yonata Levy
+- Author Affiliations
+- 1. Cognitive Science Department Krieger Hall, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21218
+- 2. Psychology Department and, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, 91901
+1. Loving Fred Karger
+The OC Weekly, by which in this instance I mean R. Scott Moxley (and, when forced to have Moxley’s back, a seemingly vague and diffident but still blustery and snotty Gustavo Arellano), has developed a deep and profound political crush on Laguna Beach’s Fred Karger.
+For the most part, there’s nothing wrong with that: Karger has been doing some excellent work in opposition to the National Organization for Marriage (a creature of former Chapman University Law School Dean and U.S. Senate Candidate John Eastman) and it makes sense to celebrate it. What doesn’t make sense is to sweep his history under the rug in doing so.
+Karger is not the only formerly closeted gay man who has emerged into the light doing some admirable work after a career as a character assassin. Back in the mid-90s, David Brock was one of the main instigators of the strained, absurd, yet still impressively destructive impeachment effort against Bill Clinton as well as a top character assassin employed to go after Anita Hill. Since then, Brock has apologized and repudiated his efforts and went on to found the watchdog group Media Matters for America. I don’t think that it’s necessary to recount Brock’s past sins every time he’s mentioned; if expiation for them is possible, he’s earned it.
+Now, compare Brock with Fred Karger.
+Karger, like Brock, did some really bad things back in the day. Unlike Brock, though, he’s not ashamed of them one bit. Whether setting up front groups to help the Philip Morris Corporation fend off smoking regulations in California or … the thing he did in 1988, discussed below … he thinks that it was all fine. He may be miffed that he couldn’t be openly gay until both he retired from his lucrative practice and his parents died, but he was able to be gay in private (where it mattered more) even before then. He is unlike Brooks in that, while he too was a cog in, among other things, a repressive, gay-baiting, AIDS-denying conservative political machine, he doesn’t appear to regret it at all.
+That’s his choice — but it means that he doesn’t get a pass regarding his previous activities. Specifically, he doesn’t get to erase them from history. His Wikipedia page does not (for now) mention “the thing he did in 1988.” If you search {“Fred Karger” and “ad”} — it involved television ads — you won’t find it easily either; that’s mostly about the ads he used in his failed (using Moxley’s standards; personally, I don’t consider it to have been a failure) Presidential campaign. No, if you want to find out what Fred Karger did in 1988 you have to know another key search term.
+That search term is “Willie Horton.” This is an image that anyone who was aware of the 1988 Presidential campaign at the time would probably remember.
+The ad campaign developed by Fred Karger, which included an independent expenditure to whip up a frenzy using the imagine of Black criminal Willie Horton and then deftly pivoted to a broader attack on softness on crime, was voted one of the “”10 most racist moments in TV history” — yet Karger’s role in it now it seems largely forgotten.
+The Willie Horton ads are often associated with Floyd Brown, who produced the first of the pair, but it was Fred Karger, within the George H. W. Bush campaign, who developed the idea for the ad campaign and who procured them. And somehow, people don’t know that. It has been mostly erased from history. It was certainly erased (while being glossed over) from the OC Weekly’s simpering encomium for Karger when it named him OC’s “Best Politician” in 2011. Here’s the whole thing — I’ve put what was apparently intended as the bad stuff in blue and the good stuff in red to help you form your own impression of it:.
+This is a whitewash of “noble” Fred Karger’s history. Yes, I know — you’ll have to be convinced. We’re getting to that.
+In a generally good article a couple of weeks ago on the battles between Karger and Eastman, Scott Moxley described Karger this way: “a persistently optimistic gay man who enjoyed a distinguished career as a senior adviser to several winning presidential campaigns.” It was at that point that I decided that we needed a contest to see who actually did know even the basics about Karger’s odious and racist actions.
+2. Who Knew Fred Karger’s Secret Past?
+This past Monday, I announced an Orange Juice Blog contest. (The prize will, I think, be free ad space, but I forgot to clear that with Vern when I saw him later that day.) The question was: “FOR WHAT INFAMOUS TELEVISION AD WAS FRED KARGER MOST WELL-KNOWN PRIOR TO HIS RETIREMENT FROM POLITICAL ADVISING?” I received three entries, all of them correct, and prizes will be awarded in due course. The two winners that I know are (like me, like Vern — and, for that matter, like Moxley) on the “middle-aged or older” side.
+Well, you might ask (especially if you’re younger than this cohort): So What? Good question; glad you asked.
+3. So What Was So Bad about the Willie Horton Ad?
+Well, for one thing, it’s “ads.” There were two of them: the first (which showed Horton) was an “independent expenditure” against Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis, blaming him for violence committed by African-American convict William Horton (he didn’t go by “Willie”) while out on a work parole. The second one featured an arresting image of a long line of apparent convicts walking towards a prison gate, going through a revolving turnstile, and coming right back out again. This ad — by the Bush campaign itself — started almost as soon as the previous ad had ended. They were not supposed to be coordinated, of course, but Karger seems to be credited with the entire campaign. Illegal, but — well, people tend to get away with it. (Republicans do, anyway.)
+Here’s the first ad with the scary picture of “Willie” Horton:
+And here’s the “revolving door” ad by the campaign itself:
+And here’s a clip that discusses them both:
+4. Un-Whitewashing Fred Karger’s Past
+I’m just going to present a series of articles here to provide citation for some of the above. I don’t have much more to say except that — as admirable as Karger’s fights against NOM are — they don’t justify whitewashing. (Note that I’m not even getting into the Philip Morris material in any depth.)
+[1] from the LA Times.
+[2] From the New York Times
+[3] From
+[Karger] developed the “Willie Horton” ad campaign that many believe defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis in 1988.
+[4] From
+Fred Karger, the man who gave America the infamously racist anti-Dukakis “Willie Horton” attack ads during the 1988 presidential campaign, is back in politics. With a vengeance.
+[5] (a letter to the editor, LA Times)
+Re “No illusions, just a message for gays,” Column One, Aug. 10
+GOP presidential hopeful Fred Karger has no message for gays. But his life does serve as a cautionary tale.
+As a therapist who often works with men and women coming out of the closet, one of the first lessons in building self-respect is the importance of having people around you who value you as you are. Karger, a longtime Republican operative, surrounded himself with people who actively worked against people like him.
+A second lesson might be to do things you can be proud of. Karger’s biggest achievements seem to be his ability to lie about himself to everyone around him, his divisive political campaign featuring Willie Horton and his ability to convince people to hurt themselves by smoking cigarettes.
+Finally, a lesson for Karger: Whether you are gay or straight is not that important to most people. Whether you are honest, fair and caring is.
+Greg Gearn
+Maybe Scott Moxley didn’t know any of the above history — though I doubt it. Maybe Gustavo Arellano didn’t know about it either — and I suspect that that might well be so. Regardless, when the OC Weekly celebrates Fred Karger in the future, let’s bear in mind — at least until the unlikely event of his apologizing and recanting this past — that thing he did in 1988.
+Karger threw the most vicious punch at the African-American community (because the “Willie Horton” ad was not even primarily about William Horton) in recent political history — and it helped him become very wealthy, and he’s not sorry about it one bit. That’s worth remembering — and it’s therefore worth repeating.
+As Scott reported on his cover story about Karger last year:
+I knew you wouldn’t do your full research, Bloviator, so congrats on wasting thousands of words on a pointless point! Unlike Orange Juice readers, OC Weekly readers know their history—and ain’t it telling you only got THREE responses (and that ol’ Vern, as usual, didn’t know shit about anything?) for your pathetic contest?
+On further inspection, Gustavo, I note that not only did the June 2, 2011 cover story (“In Fred Karger’s Presidential Run, GOP Stands for Gay Old Party”) contain a paragraph briefly mentioning the Willie Horton ad, but that an Oct. 10, 2010 story (“OC Gay Republican Dreams of Beating President Barack Obama”) did as well.
+Sole occurrence of the word “Horton” in the June 2, 2011 story: .”
+Sole occurrence of the word “Horton” in the Oct. 10, 2010 story: “Karger isn’t a lightweight in political circles. He served as a senior consultant for the campaigns of presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Gerald Ford while a partner at the consulting firm Dolphin Group. He helped the Bush campaign tank Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis in 1988 with the notorious “Willie Horton” ad.”
+(We’ll explore what doing “your full research” constitutes in future examination of the Weekly’s comments on various campaigns.)
+So if I understand you correctly, you think that the proper standard to apply to the question of whether the Weekly is whitewashing Karger’s history is whether the publication has ever acknowledged, even about a year-and-a-half ago, that Karger was involved in the Willie Horton ads — the significance of which you don’t explain and the intentional racism of which you don’t acknowledge.
+Yeah, well, sorry — that’s not what I think that contextualizing Fred Karger’s history demands.
+First of all, now you get to explain why, despite his vicious racist history, you didn’t so much as mention it (except in a general “bygones” way) when you chose him as your “Best Politician” in 2011. No, it was just airily overlooked — which is disgusting. (Who do you think harmed African-Americans more — Fred Karger by whipping up anti-Black racism on a national scale to win an election or one of those safely deceased ancient KKK leaders you like to bandy about when you could be talking about the unapologetically racist acts of a guy who lives a short drive from you?)
+Second, you get to explain why, in Moxley’s article from two weeks ago, you think that you’ve discharged your responsibility to talk about Karger’s past in an article explicitly about bigotry. Is is because, based on your answer to me, you think that having raised it once (or twice) a year (or two) ago, there’s no reason to mention it again?
+(Don’t worry; I know that you’ll likely take up neither task.)
+And that’s my explanation of why I didn’t do “full research” up to your (supposed) standards — it doesn’t matter whether you gave this context a long time ago; it matters whether you give it when it’s relevant to a new story that you write. It was relevant — twice. You failed to note it — twice.
+Judging from the comments on your site, though, most of your readers who bother to write in are loons. If OC Weekly readers know their history — and I dare you to issue your own challenge about this — it’s only as Moxley, apparently with your blessing, redacts it. That is, include nothing too bad about the valorous, virtuous, Karger and his crack campaign team. (True, Moxley does show off his fine investigative journalistic skills on occasion: “The majority of participants [at a conservative conference].”)
+Speaking of the quality and quantity of our readerships, the cover story you cite above has exactly two comments, which I’ll reproduce here in full:
+Maybe his story (with this criticial information) isn’t getting — even, never got — the readership you think, eh?
+The reason that we didn’t get more than three replies is that I asked for people to write in with the correct answer and people didn’t know it — because, as with Karger’s Wikipedia page and your two most recent stories about Karger, Karger’s involvement with the Willie Horton ads seems to be getting covered up. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to help to remedy that. Thanks for linking to your site, too — it will help with this story’s placement in the Google search results!
+(I know, Gustavo — “too many words in this comment.” Humor me — this is a lot of fun!)
+Maybe that was a good reason why a vote for Ron Paul was better than a vote for Karger.
+The Americans Settle in at Vladivostok
+On September 14th and 27th, General Graves wrote to General Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff, War Department, Washington, D.C. Graves brought out some very salient points regarding his problems in Siberia.
+On September 14th and 27th, General Graves wrote to General Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff, War Department, Washington, D.C. Graves brought out some very salient points regarding his problems in Siberia.
+On the 14th, he mentioned that he was enclosing a memorandum submitted by the surgeon which showed the number of prostitutes plying their trade in Vladivostok. "Considering the size of the town, the number is appalling, and I suppose the estimate is not very excessive." He continued by saying that conditions made it very difficult to handle the questions of prostitution and of liquor. "There is no law and nobody clothed with authority to establish law. Just before I came, they had decided to let the commander of a detachment called "Militia" declare Martial Law. This was based on the theory that the man selected was operating under the Zemstvo, which was the last government here that the allied governmentals had recognized, and in that way the allies could be consistent. Just before this act was pulled off, another Colonel who represented Horvat, evidently induced this Militia to desert the man selected and come over and join him. This produced another complication which caused delay."
+The letter spoke of the meeting of the Allied commanders the previous day when it was decided that something had to be done as enemy agents were all over the town trying to sell liquor to the soldiers. These agents were also attempting to buy the clothes of the soldiers. In some cases they tried to induce soldiers to desert and resist their officers because the latter represented the monied class. When the soldiers did buy liquor one case at least was found to be wood alcohol and a British soldier died from the effects of drinking it. "The have even tried to induce sailors at least in one instance, to take a bomb on board ship and blow up the shop," Graves wrote.
+Graves explained that most of the Allied commanders thought the men representing the Zemstvo should declare martial law. Graves felt it would help but feared that the Bolsheviks would cause trouble. A British subject who was half Russian and spoke the language was put in as town mayor before Graves arrived. This seemed to be a disaster and the only qualification the man had seemed to have is that he spoke Russian. "He is about as stupid as a man can be."
+The letter showed that Graves intended to keep the 27th Infantry away from Vladivostok. He wrote, "The quarter question for the men is not so difficult here. If the 27th Infantry, now with the line, remains up there, which I contemplate doing, the Russian barracks are splendidly constructed, and if we can ever get them clean the men will be quite comfortable. They have been occupied by refugees and are naturally very filthy. . ."
+The General said that there was no more trouble anticipated from the Bolsheviks as long as Allied and Czech troops remained in Siberia. "The Russians seemed to suspect everybody or claimed they did. However, some of their pretentions are for political reasons. Business is practically dead but I am informed that certain firms are beginning to bring in supplies. So far, one is unable to buy anything needed."
+"I have been informed that the Japanese are buying many of the business concerns here. This may be just the rumor to discredit the Japanese. I find very few people trust them. I personally feel that I have had no trouble with them at all. They not only seem anxious to cooperate in every way possible but try to show this desire by consulting me with reference to the most trivial matters.
+Graves told March that as far as the railroad situation was concerned it was "very trying." There seemed to be no management at all and "every party is always jockeying with the railroad with the idea of getting some political advantage."
+He added: "It seems too bad that the Steven railroad service men could not be permitted to operate it; this would immediately cause claim on the part of some factions that foreigners were taking over Russia. Horvat, having been president of the railroad, Chinese Eastern and Trans-Siberian, and he also having the desire to become dictator, it is always causing trouble with the railroad, and people claim he is using the road for political purposes."
+On September 24th, Graves wrote again after receiving a cablegram from March relative to the Supreme War Council. He looked into the matter and was informed by Japanese Headquarters that General Otani had not authorized any such Council. "Which of course I knew (unless I was to be disregarded) as they had said nothing to me about it." Upon further investigation Graves learned that General Nakajima would sit in one of the committees and discuss matters which the committee had no authority to handle. "I now believe, Graves wrote, "this was done for a purpose. I think the Japanese authorities here notified their government that the committee was of the opinion, - - so and so - - and, in order to make it more forceful, they spoke of the committee as Superior War Committee." The Japanese government in turn apparently used what the Japanese authorities at Vladivostok told them when it suited their government policy to use this information.
+"I have, in writing," Graves went on, "told General Otani that all matters of any moment would have to be submitted to me for my action. I have also told my officers that in case subjects were discussed about which they had no authority, to tell the committee that they were without authority, and that the matter would have to be submitted to me."
+Graves referred to a cablegram that he had sent regarding expenses; they were of an unusual kind." He felt it was absolutely necessary to incur them and would continue to do so unless instructed differently,. . ."always keeping in mind the fact that the expenditures must be kept 'within the law.' "
+The Commanding General of the A.E.F. Siberia was apparently worried about the supplies in Vladivostok. He said he would have to make an effort to straighten out questions regarding same, as "I am on the spot here." He explained that no one seemed to know exactly what property was in Vladivostok although he had two or three supposed lists. He wondered what would happen to the materials after the termination of the war.
+"I believe now that the Russians and Czechs are opening the warehouses and carefully listing all the property. There are some rumors that the various allies (or some of them) are taking the property which they say were for their use."
+What seemed to concern Graves most was the fact that the American Railway men had taken three machines which they said were for their use and that such items, and others used by the Red Cross and the YMCA, were all charged to the Americans. Graves wrote to General Otani suggesting that an Inter-Allied Committee be authorized to list the property and keep track of it; then, any Allied nation taking any of it would give a receipt for same to the Japanese Headquarters. Copies of this receipt would go to the representative of each of the Allied governments.
+"At Japanese Headquarters they professed to be very favorable to this proposition, but I am beginning to doubt it. The French and English both said they would have to think it over. No one government can keep track of it as the sentinels could not possibly guard it. . ."
+He added that he felt a great deal of property stacked up there should be utilized. "I have seen certainly a million dollars worth of cotton piled out in the open. Some of it under canvas, other -- the canvas rotted off and some of the bagging also rotted; and, of course, the cotton is being ruined. A great deal of rubber is also visible. A great many automobiles, still boxed, are seen in various places around the town."
+Graves seemed to fear going to Omsk as he did not want any intimatio erty of recommending that the troops be put in Battalion Posts at various towns between Vladivostok and Omsk. This is done with the belief that it will extend the sphere of influence of the United States and help the Russian people, and at the same time cannot be open to the objection above referred to."
+Before closing his long letter Graves stated that he felt Vladivostok was "probably one of the worst towns for soldiers in Siberia." He did not think that more than one thousand Americans (one battalion) and a hospital outfit should be kept up there. "There are barracks in all the large towns and the men could easily be quartered without very much additional expense. . ."[i]
+- Men of the SHERIDAN and the LOGAN -
+The men on board the SHERIDAN and LOGAN were as anxious to look at the city as had been the members of other contingents. When someone had cried "Land Ho" there was a general rush to the decks. They had left San Francisco on the day that Graves arrived in Siberia.
+Rodney Sprigg said that he was as far forward as was permitted. Through his field glasses he saw, "on a stern and rock bound coast the land rises to great heights directly from the water's edge."[ii] The ridge of mountain was sharply cleft. As the boat approached the center of the passageway an island loomed up which "looked like a young Gibraltar, cannon and big guns everywhere."[iii]
+The vision rose in splendor and was mirage-like. In all weathers and in all seasons, at all times of day or night, the reaction of approaching Americans was the same. In the early morning the city shown in the sunlight. Sometimes fog at first affected the view, but when it lifted, the clarity of the sight ahead was breathtaking. In the late afternoon the glittering minarets reflected the fire of the setting sun. At dusk there was a strange unworldly air to the scene.
+By sundown the men arriving on the SHERIDAN and LOGAN listened to the commotion in the harbor. The BROOKLYN'S blue jackets were hailing them. At the pier the 31st Infantry Band was playing. A carnival air prevailed. All eyes turned to an approaching launch from the BROOKLYN. Of this Sprigg said, "In true American style of real seamanship, the little launch came alongside, tossing in the heavy swell. It was close enough for the pilot to board by use of a Jacob's ladder without ever touching the ship's side. A very pretty bit of seamanship. Once the pilot was aboard we started in."[iv]
+The SHERIDAN had received a wire prior to docking demanding to know why it was so long in arriving. The tenor or the message aroused anxiety as it came from the military. There was considerable concern as to whether there was an emergency or not. However, the same wire stated that the Bolshevik front had been pushed back some five thousand miles. What then prompted the demand for an explanation for the delay?
+As the SHERIDAN rounded Churkin Point the panorama of Vladivostok rolled out before her. The men saw a city of white and red buildings, four or five stories high interspersed with churches with those shining golden minarets. After steaming to the end of the bay, Sprigg said the transport docked. He added, "I say dock for want of a better word. There are no real docks in the Orient. You either anchor in mid-stream, if the water is deep enough, or tie up along the sea wall which runs around the bay. Here the sea wall was our dock." As soon as the transport was tied up General Graves boarded and was immediately asked why a wire had been sent questioning her delay.
+The General evoked a hearty hail of laughter when he explained that the entire American personnel were starved for mail from home which was buried in the mail sacks aboard the dilatory SHERIDAN. Hence, the reply to the wire gave them some sort of date as to when they might expect the longed-for news from home.
+Sprigg wrote that the city seemed beautiful but had a dead, deserted look. Suddenly he and his colleagues realized what was wrong. There was absolutely no industry. "Tied alongside the seawall and on top of it, were countless ships, just rusting," he wrote. "There were merchant ships, Russian gunboats and large liners. We saw eleven Russian torpedo boats without a single soul aboard and the fittings were there for those who wanted them. If no one walked off with the parts they would simply rust. No one seemed to care. After they tied up alongside, I was surprised to see Patterson, Major Galen, and Dean Barrows on the dock. All were big as life and smiling broadly. As evening was coming on no one was permitted to go ashore, officers or men. I was an exception because of my duties as police officer. I went down the dock and received a most cordial greeting from the men, but I decided not to leave the ship that first night as the mud was neck deep in all directions, no exaggeration. Besides I did not want to run off when the rest of the fellows could not go."[v]
+As Sprigg was packing below he heard a knock on his stateroom door. Opening it he saw it was the guard he had posted.
+"Excuse me, sir, but there are two Russian girls at the gangway. They are agitated, and wish to see someone."
+Sprigg got his interpreter, Gray, and went to investigate the matter. On the way he met Captain Broebeck and said, "Come on along Captain, let's see what Russia is all about."
+They found the two girls, but it was impossible to tell if they were good looking or not in the pitch black. The young women were talking very fast in Russian and the interpreter was saying "da da." Then he turned to Sprigg and explained that the girls were looking for an engineer who was supposed to be on the transport.
+"They say they know his is on one of our transports."
+He had indeed previously been on one of the transports but had not been signed up for this trip. The girls were distraught; Broebeck went to escort the girls back to their droskie only to find that the droskie had left them high and dry; or rather left them in the mud. They looked around: "What will we do?" they asked. "there is no transportation, no telephone, eighteen inches of mud and the street car is half a mile up the road." Gray explained their predicament to Sprigg.
+"I guess we will have to carry them," came the response. Thus Sprigg and Broebeck each put a girl on his shoulder and off they trudged through the mud. The rough road did not help matters.
+"How we managed is more than I can say," Sprigg wrote, "but we did. After a desperate struggle we arrived at the street car. The young ladies, who could not speak one word of English pleaded with us, by motions, to stay. But I had had enough. I stomped my way back, leaving the rest of the adventure to Broebeck."
+Wondering if he would get through the half mile without trouble Sprigg heard a terrific rumpus inside a building he was passing. Just as he came opposite the door it was thrown open and out came a stocky, little red-head who Sprigg recognized as Red Mickey, one of the ship's crew. "He was drunk as a lord and thought he could whip the world. He had tackled too big a part of it already and had received a royal beating and was thrown out there into the mud. His valor was still great, greater than his judgment, for he tried to attack the strong hold again."
+Sprigg held Mickey by the arm. "Come on now, let's get back to the ship."
+The red-head was not impressed. However, he began the trek back picking the spots out of every extra deep mud hole he encountered. Sprigg says, "I would have like to have a picture of him as he went aboard the ship. A human ball of mud would be a fairly good description."[vi]
+the men still on board the SHERIDAN complained about the food. One reported, "they fed us spoiled meat and we did not have any bread at all. On the way over they had a place where bread was baked for officers only. we just tried to get a piece of bread. Not even one slice was given to us. The meat we ate did not stay on our stomachs and we were so hungry we ate raw potatoes which we found on top of the deck."
+Another said, "the food was inedible and the ship smelled like a neglected barn lot. It was the SHERIDAN. I was told it had been a cattle boat and it sure still smelled like one when we were on it."
+Disgusted or surprised as were many of the men, they were glad that the weather was warm and clear. The following day the men did debark and some were quartered in the Baldwin locomotive building. The officers remained aboard as no quarters were available for them.
+Some of the men were marched off the boat. For seven miles they tramped to the tune of Yankee Doodle. David Moore says, "We were the hungriest bunch of men you ever set eyes on."
+Then the bitching and growling really started. They were utterly demoralized by the whole situation and were concerned not only with their present predicament but with the desire for an answer to the question of why they were there and who their enemies were. They suspected that offensive action would be impossible as they had strict orders not to wage any kind of war on any force or any faction unless they were attacked first. This left them at a disadvantage, to say the least. In their condition and without arms they realized that they could be annihilated if their so-called enemy were to materialize.
+Finally they sat down to eat. It was slumgullion again but in spite of the fear of more poisoning, the men, in their hunger, wolfed the meal down. Anything would have tasted good. Then they had a new food experience: They saw hardtack crawling for the first time! "I was so hungry I ate it maggots and all," said one doughboy, "but from that day on I always carried a piece of bread with me, sometimes fora week at a time, wrapped in paper."
+Eventually some of the men reached the barracks. They had hiked with full pack for about three miles along a cobble stone road for an hour and a half. They were told to clean up the barracks. The RRSC men and the marines were supposed to have done the job but the doughboys retched in revulsion when they saw the filthy conditions. Excrement, maggots and flies were everywhere. Besides the dirt, the men didn't like the condition of the windows. Most had been shot or knocked out. But anyway it was a place to sleep and tired as they were the men heaved to and began to clean.
+About eight o'clock that night the group was called by name, lined up again and, with light packs this time, marched off.
+This time they were marched along the tracks to a train and were loaded on a two-decker freight car and stowed in like sardines. They literally had to kneel to get in. Then the train started off. Two and a half hours later they arrived back at the dockside they had left in the morning!
+They went the opposite way for a mile to the Signal Corps Headquarters, arriving there about midnight. The cook served them hot coffee and doughnuts and they were each issued a bed sack, without straw, and planked down on the concrete floor. They were so tired that they felt as though they were sleeping on feather beds.
+The large, old Russian barracks were designed to hold the troops of the Czar for an anticipated retaliation against the Japanese for the ignoble defeat suffered in 1905. All the barracks were of a general style and were occupied by various Allied troops. They were built of brick walls, three feet thick, double storm windows, and were divided into three squad rooms with smaller rooms for officers located in the ends and between each squad room. In the one in which Roy Coalson lived each squad room accommodated approximately one hundred men. The occupants were: Quartermaster Detachment, Medical Supply Depot, Ordnance Detachment and Base Dental Office. It also housed the kitchen mess hall and the latrine. "One big round Russian stove built from the floor nearly to the ceiling suppled the heat in my squad room for the winter," Coalson said, and added that "one man had the duty of shoveling the coal. The bed was a regular canvas cot with a straw mattress. We discovered that newspaper between the cot and the straw sack helped a lot in winter. We had three or four blankets and when it got too cold one could always use his sheepskin coat."
+One of the doughboys recalled they had a Russian who watched their fire box and they appropriately called him Clinker.
+Another man reports that his group couldn't get any heat out of the stoves. They had to get the bricks hot but they couldn't seem to do so. So, "We sat shivering, eating apricot jam and crackers. Finally they gave us two pot belly stoves. Trouble was between the second floor and the ceiling there was a space filled with sawdust. That was the place for the mice. So we had to tear the whole thing apart, tear the floors out and take out all the sawdust and put in the new floors, and plane them by hand. This is what we did; between the floors and joints we put wrapping paper. Later, early in February, the barracks caught fire. We lost Roberts, one of the railroad engineers, and everything in the barracks."
+There was a variety of opinion among the men regarding their feelings upon arrival in Vladivostok during that month. Tessmen recalled daily physical training. Lay was disgusted and Jeremiah surprised. Boyer couldn't get over the fact that such primitive conditions could exist in the Twentieth Century. Dexter though there was no order and that conditions were dreadful. McQuiddy stated that in their spirit of adventure they were ready to meet anything but many men quickly contacted pneumonia. They had no bathing facilities for the next three months.
+Perry Hanson felt the real problem as far as he was concerned was bathing as the company bathhouses had not been fixed up. In the interim the men had to use public bathhouses. He reported: "One of my assignments was to take a group of our men to one of these larger bathhouses in Vladivostok. Everyone used the public bathhouses, and at times is really became a problem to get a 'spot', as they were lined up for a block - - especially on Saturday night. Dad, Mom and all the kids, lined up, waiting for their turn. Well, when I arrived one evening with a 'small army' of guys, and many others waiting, I saw at once that there would be a lot of explaining to do, and I couldn't speak a word of Russian! When I approached the girl at the window, I was getting more nervous by the minute. How was I going to explain this situation, and try and get a 'spot' for all of these fellows? I though I detected a 'twinkle' in this gal's eye, but she let me 'sweat it out' for a few minutes, then, to my surprise she began laughing - - this gal could speak English like nobody's business; well, why not, she had been BORN IN ENGLAND, and educated there. (We got a 'spot' ahead of a lot of other people, but for a time, I didn't know whether to 'kiss her, or kill her'; humm, now that I am thinking about it, I'm sure the former would have been better.)"[vii]
+Men of the Ordnance Depot Company considered their sleeping arrangements excellent. First, they had a bed tick which was filled with hay and then placed on sanitary cots. Five OD woolen blankets were issued to each member of the company. Zimmerman made his bed in a special way and managed to keep warm most of the time. He recalls, "I placed one blanket on top of the so-called mattress tucking it under all around with the exception of the head, the second blanket I placed over this tucking it at the foot and the back side. Two blankets were then doubled and the fifth was placed over all. This gave me six thicknesses of blanket to sleep under and I still had the OD overcoat and the sheepskin lined overcoat to put over the blankets should the occasion demand it, and there were such occasions."
+Zimmerman would have liked to own an auto but they were scarce and the gasoline cost $1.80 a gallon. Moreover, driving was not particularly easy. He said, "there were no paved, blacktop or oiled highways in the city or in the surrounding country. Svetlanskaya Street runs full length of the city with about one-third paved with brick, the balance is cobblestone which provides the worst kind of pleasure driving except for dirt roads. The best stretch of highway out of the city was of crushed rock constructions. It extended only for a distance of about ten miles from the end of the street car line."
+The Base of Supplies consisted of three very large wooden structures and one structure of smaller size. "They must have been designed for some railway installation," Zimmerman though, "as railroad rails had been laid in the floor of each of the larger buildings and the doors thereto were large enough to accommodate the largest railway vehicle. It is doubtful if the installation had ever been used. The smaller of the three buildings was used to house five hund ase of Supplies, on the hillside overlooking the base. All other organizations were moved from this first location to make room for the supplies that were unloaded from the LOGAN and SHERIDAN.
+Life in the barracks was rather dull. Lights were put out at 9 pm although some men were permitted out on pass until 11 pm.
+After the men were finally quartered the officers had to look for quarters for themselves. This was a difficult task owing to the fact that the Russian vocabulary was very limited as far as the Americans were concerned.
+"Major Johnson, however, spoke the language fluently and finally landed a room for Lt. Johnson, Lt. Hussey and myself," wrote Sprigg to his wife. "(It was) in the home of a Russian Colonel whose name I cannot even pronounce let alone spell it. Take it all back, Lt. Johnson has it written down, Korvatoski pronounce it yourself, here's another Lt. Visheslaftsell. I will be able to pronounce them both by the time I get home, but at present they are rather beyond me. We moved in, the three of us, while Major Johnson got a room in the house of the local Priest. Our first error was sleeping with the windows open, unheard of in Russia. One would die, and because I had the grippe, they were more convinced than ever. When, in spite of protests, we kept them open and I regained my normal sweet disposition. I really think that one of the old ladies was rather disappointed, for the Major told me that she had stated that my death was a certainty if I remained foolish enough to continue to sleep in the night air. Very sorry to disappoint the old lady but it had to be done. I will draw a plan of the house and describe our situation:
+"Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4 are occupied by Col Korvatoski, his wife, his daughter, her baby, her husband, and two servants. 1. is the kitchen, 2. is the dining room, 3. the Colonel's office, and 4. the bedroom. Just how they manage the sleeping position is more than I can state. 5. is the front hall, 6. is occupied by an aged women, an officers wife, Russian, who has been killed. She is the one who predicted my demise. 7. is occupied by three American officers, Hussey, Johnson and Sprigg, and 8. is occupied by a variable number of Russian soldiers; there never being less than four and sometimes there are forty. Toilet and bathing facilities are nil. At least I have been unable to locate anything of that sort. I honestly believe that the only bath tub or shower in the place is in our infirmary. I think that water is only used in this country for the purpose of floating boats. There is not a water pipe, gas pipe, or any other king of a pipe, everybody smokes cigarettes in the whole blooming country."[viii]
+The five days after arrival, and after having found barracks for the men, were, to Sprigg, but a hazy memory of "meals, much paper work, poor service records, eighteen hours of labor a day and no sleep the rest of the time."
+"I must confess, La Grippe," he wrote, "caught me in her tallons and for five days I was the sickest. . .in Siberia, and to make it worse I couldn't quit, for there was so much work to do and so few to do it. I must have been in a comatose state part of the time, for some of my letters are coming back, for more detailed information. A six-year old child could have done better, and what is more, I haven't the slightest recollection of writing some of them. However, I am all straightened out now and things are going merrily and very fast. At the present time, I am Adjutant Supply Officer, mess officer, summary court, and part of the time, during Major Johnson's absence, commanding officer. Anyone of the jobs is supposed to keep one officer busy, and if you don't believe that yours truly is busy with all of them you miss your guess."[ix]
+Colonel Robinson and Major Eichelberger were settled in at their headquarters. They shared a room on the same floor as their office, dining room, etc. "The largest drawback," Eichelberger wrote, "is that there is but one bathroom for every ten officers and very little water. But our room is large, lighted by electricity, has walls a yard thick and windows overlooking Golden Horn. The BROOKLYN lies below my window about 200 feet away. This afternoon we were out in two machines looking at the Russian barracks with a view to using them for our troops in place of those so near into town."[x]
+Regarding women, Eichelberger said he though the Bolsheviks must have scared all the decent looking ones away as he couldn't see any. "All the inhabitants are dirty and smell like Billy Goats. We would prefer to get our soldiers as far away as possible as it is dangerous to eat fruits or berries without washing them in boiling water, etc. Also for other reasons!"[xi]
+A few of the officers went to a cabaret and were hysterical to find great fat women entertaining them with "Tipperary," and "Just Because She Made Those Goo Goo Eyes," sung in Russian.
+The officers couldn't get over the scarcity of trees around Vladivostok. The countryside was beautiful but as soon as they left the town they left the few trees behind them. This is the reverse of what one usually finds. but it was learned that the Russians had cleared the trees away for military reasons. Every hill top was covered with placements for big guns.
+One of the officers wrote to his wife, "Our assignments finally came and we were sent to Churkin Point, a small place near Vladivostok. The Barracks that were assigned to us were typically Russian." He repeated the off-heard comment of walls being about two and a half feet thick and made of brick, double windows, double doors, etc. "On inspection the conclusion was inevitable that at times during the year that this part of the country suffered from cold! The building itself is very substantially built, and is, as are all things in Russia, very dirty. Filth everywhere! The Mexican idea of sanitation compares very favorably with that of the Russian refugee. A good strong work detail was necessary to make the place liveable. This, under Lt. Hussey's direction, was finally accomplished, and we moved in."[xii]
+At Churkin Point there was a new concrete quay which would make it possible to moor and unload three steamers if necessary. Just south of this point the artillery wharf was located for ships of twenty-five foot draft and three hundred fifty feet in length.
+A railroad track ran all the way from the wide new concrete mole around the shore of the Horn to the artillery wharf south of Churkin Point.
+Sprigg felt that in general the people liked and respected the Americans. He said the American policy over there was fine as far as the educated people were concerned. In fact, everybody except the coolies and the Japanese approved of it. "The latter think we are easy going but realize that in case of necessity we can act and respect and treat us accordingly. We pay for everything we get in contrast to the Japanese who help themselves. The coolies, Chinese, and the Japanese or Maccaca, monkey, as they are termed, take our attitude as being one of weakness and fear; consequently, our orders which require us to make friends are rather difficult to follow at times. This afternoon as I was coming back from Vladivostok with my interpreter in a sampan, the two Chinamen began talking about us, my interpreter translating it for me as they talked. When we landed my blood was boiling. I paid the man his proper fare and he demanded more, as they all do. I walked away, he ran up to me and cursed me in Russian while the other sampan man laughed. When my interpreter told what he was saying I let fly with the aid of wire rope, whaled Mr. Coolie until he yelled for mercy. At six o'clock this evening it was necessary for me to go to the sampan landing and the courtesy and kowtowing of those orientals was good to see. Colonel Korvatoski told us that my station was established and that in the future I would have no trouble; furthermore, if all the American soldiers would do the same thing at the opportune moment then all troubles with the coolies would cease."[xiii]
+The Americans found that before they could take their longed for sightseeing trip to town they had to cope with endless statistics devoid of any human element. Everything began happening in rapid fire succession once the men had been given a place to sleep and food to eat. Before long buddy was saying goodbye to buddy as the movement started out along the line.
+Once passes were given, the men descended like locusts upon the city of Vladivostok. There is perhaps no more curious race in the world than the American youth who always wants to taste each new experience. This one seemed to be like walking back into yesteryear.
+An ex-captain of the American Red Cross serving with the AEF mentioned that he recalled an old woodcut in his school geography picturing a poor fur-wrapped creature riding in a Russian troika (three horse sleigh) through snow at least ten feet deep. Out of a black pine forest, lean hungry wolves were running in hot pursuit.[xiv]
+Many doughboys had the same picture of Siberia. Therefore, they could not get over the vast clutter of people in a city which seemed like a metropolis they might encounter anywhere. The clutter, however, was maddening. One man said, "it was almost to the point of standing room only." After being in the transport the scene seemed to change to a kaleidoscope of military forces consisting of troops of many nations. But a strange odor filled the air. It was this that often sent the men from the city to the outskirts. Those who stayed on in the city saw the antiquated street cars, the cobblestone streets and the milling mobs. Chinese coolies were selling colored water, and rice cakes, sunflower seeds and candied crabapples on stocks from their fly-infested dirty carts. Along the street the Americans saw bullet riddled buildings. As the men roamed through the American docks toward the main business section, they encountered every stink and pestilence in the Orient. After passing the muddy and cluttered side-streets they would come to Svetlanskaya, the main artery, and find automobiles skooting up and down at record speeds. Women were watching and some of the solemn children waved. The city looked like a vast military camp, yet to some, witnessing the gaudy and varied costumes, uniforms and types of clothes, the panorama seemed like the grand finale to a great musical.
+But the background was not all that is should have been. Everything showed signs of decay. People were lounging about, enjoying their new-found freedom, but doing no work. The Americans wondered what had happened to the innate pride of the people.
+Noting the dreadful sanitation problems in the city, some of the men were concerned about typhus and cholera. They had heard rumors that the refugees carried it and refugees were everywhere. Nevertheless, the doughboys continued to roam around. There was so much to see. The shoreline spread out far into the distance. Immense buildings framed the waterfront. The city and its environs looked a thousand years old. There seemed to be no law and order and dead bodies could be found everywhere. On the credit side of the ledger the general attitude seemed more friendly than hostile. Having heard the legendary stories of salt mines and banishment, most of the men were surprised at what they saw. There was a great feeling of excitement and wide-eyed curiosity attempting to identify different ethnic groups and classes, exploring and getting acquainted with a new environment, making adjustments to new conditions, estimating sources of danger; and they continuing to wonder why they were there. Conditions were in a state of flux with shifting populations, politics and authority, but every effort was made to refrain from unnecessary interference with the Russians and to aid as much as possible in solving urgent problems. The doughboys were constantly reminded by the officers that they were not there to conquer and therefore had no rights beyond the direct orders regarding their own security and well being.
+The men who were not looking for a wild spree, attending shows, getting drunk on vodka or visiting Kopek Hill (the red light district) perhaps have more memories than their brothers in the service who were less reflective. They took time to sit on the benches in the park, to walk along the docks and up into the hills. They reflected on the great melting pot which was Vladivostok. A strange city both oriental and European. The beauty of the country-side was unbelievable. The varied cultures and customs were fascinating. Siberia seemed to be a place that had much to offer in agricultural potentialities and mineral wealth. Its cities were filled with almost every type of foreigner. Instead of dark forests the men found this shining city perched upon swelling green hills with old world buildings and screeching modern automobiles. Literally a cross section of the world seemed to be in the cafes and on the streets. More than one man feels that he would like to revisit Vladivostok again.
+It did not take the observant men long to learn that Vladivostok was located on the western coast of the Sea of Japan; this sea was more or less equally divided between Korea on the south and Siberia on the north. The extreme southern part of the Siberian coast was indented by the large bay, known as Peter the Great. At its head a peninsula extended southwestward, dividing the bay into two smaller bodies called the Gulfs of Amur on west, and Ussuri on the east. A small arm of the Amur Gulf extended eastward into the blunt end of the peninsula. It was on the shores of this small arm, called Golden Horn Bay, that the city of Vladivostok was situated. The peninsula was found to be hilly and the hills that encircled the city rose to over seven hundred feet in altitude and continued northward in a series of parallel ridges. Thus the configuration of both land and water gave the city a very strongly defensive character!
+The population was about 120,000 of which about two-thirds was Russian and the remainder Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
+Vladivostok was found to be the capital of the Maritime Province of the Amur District. Khabarovsk was the political capital of the entire district but Vladivostok, owing to its geographical position and importance, was in reality the principal city. As the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian Railroad and Russia's most valuable port on the Pacific, the city was of prime strategic and economic importance to that country.
+As the Yanks walked around they realized that danger could lurk everywhere. They knew that Vladivostok was wide open although there was supposed to be prohibition. Some of the men got into the cafes and never got out, while others spent their time visiting splendid gilt-domed churches which had adjoining graveyards that fascinated the Americans.
+When they could ride they took the street cars or the droskies. The droskies were pulled by two horses, and were queer looking vehicles to our men. On the first afternoon the American soldiers managed to wreck one of the Russian 'tin lizzies.' They were usually operated by women in their housedresses. Many of the passengers carried huge bundles wrapped in bed sheets or tablecloths. The trollies were crowded beyond any the men had ever seen; many Americans preferred to walk. To quote one man, they were "half size electric cars that ran along Svetlanskaya Street to the end of the cobblestones near the American Base that is, if and when they were not being repaired and if and when there was power.[xv]
+Pickpockets infested the crowded cars. Those men who gave up on the trollies and walked, had other problems. The streets were paved with cobblestones, but not with the large smooth-faced type which were steam rollered. Instead, they were half the size of stones used for paving in America and they were laid with the sharpest side up!
+Sooner or later the men stood in awe at the bathing beaches. It was getting cooler now but the undaunted Russians continued to bathe in the nude. "No one in all of Russia wore a swim suit. And the Russian women were beautiful too. Some of the men had tattoos and a few had heads of men tattooed on their chests or backs. They resembled our bearded Smith Brothers drawings that appear on cough drop boxes," said a sailor.[xvi]
+A soldier reported, "we discovered a very intriguing aspect of Russian living. The beaches were lined with sun worshippers. None wore bathing suits. The sight of hundreds of men, women and children stark naked and perfectly at ease arouse ted States, especially those not acquainted with the Orient, were appalled at conditions as far as heat, food and sanitation were concerned. It was a nightmare. Borda recorded his impressions:
+"Viewed from the happy confines of a ship in the harbor, Vladivostok was an attractive city. . .(but) such delusion was immediately torn away as soon as one put foot ashore. Every street was an open sewer. This was tolerable in winter with everything frozen but horrendous in spring and summer. The odors of the Orient can only be experienced, not described. Added to the absence of sanitation, was the personal filth of nearly all individuals, Russians and Orientals alike. There was ample evidence of the fact that the great majority never washed and in all probability never had baths. These conditions caused death and disease to be rampant. Typhus was epidemic."
+"Thousands upon thousands of refugees lived like rats in freight cars. Food and fuel were the only things that mattered to these poor humans."
+"When we first arrived there, there would be hundreds of refugees lined up at the company garbage cans to dip tins or cups into our garbage and thereby have something to sustain life. Knowing this, many soldiers would ear sparingly and throw away 'good' garbage. It became a waste of American food, so this practice had to stop."
+"We lost several sentries who were guarding coal supplies and were killed for the handful of fuel that could be gathered in a short time, and also for the very clothes the sentries wore."
+"Vodka, both good and poisonous was available everywhere. Opium and cocaine were openly peddled in the streets. This was a veritable wide open city with little or no value on the human life."[xvii]
+One soldier reported that there were no toilets, so all used open spaces, no paper so they used bunches of grass. "Men were even using the grass on the women! This sure brought laughs from all of us." And another reported that as soon as possible the older soldiers would unofficially take the raw recruits to the bathing beach to show them the sights. Sight of the nude swimmers was quite a shocker in addition to being a source of amusement to many of them who came from the long-stocking, black-dress bathing suit era of America. It also excited some of the men and they would journey from the bathing beach sights to the houses on Kopeck Hill for "further entertainment."[xviii]
+One marine recalls how they would climb a cliff about one hundred feet above the beach to watch the nude bathers. The marine recalled that, "we took a path down the cliff to the entrance of the bathhouse and dressing rooms and asked for a bathing suit. The Russian at the window said no savvy and threw us a towel each. We were stumped. But we decided to keep our shorts on. There was a cat walk separating the men from the women and on this cat walk the nude women were lined up looking down on us, a couple of freaks with shorts on. I guess they wondered who these people were who would cover themselves up to go bathing. The Russian men swimmers also seemed to group themselves together and we had the whole place to ourselves. We soon tired of the views and swam back in. I guess they though we were as funny as we though they were."[xix]
+Some shady dealing occurred within the A.E.F. itself. Henry Fry related: "In the Headquarters outfit was the smartest cookie you ever saw. He had been born, raised and educated in Vladivostok. He knew everyone and worked out of the office where the contracts were let, to translate them into Russian. But he secretly worked out another one with the Russian firm the army was dealing with. In the end, the army would be paying this guy an additional ten to twelve percent above what the contractor would have done the work for. He split his loot with a sergeant and it is said that he cleaned up some sixty-six thousand dollars while he was there."
+Whitehead thought that human life was held very cheaply in Vladivostok. To him it seemed as though Europe represented the main house, Siberia the kitchen, and Vladivostok the back door where all the cupboards were bare.
+It was a curious war city. The two largest department stores were owned by Germans, one of whom, a few months after the American soldiers arrived, appeared at the United States Consulate and subscribed to twenty-five thousand dollars worth of Liberty Bonds. The Headquarters of the United States Expeditionary Forces had been the home of the employees of one of these enemy concerns until Major General Graves arrived.[xx]
+The influx of Germans into Vladivostok was so great throughout the war that many Russians attributed the weaknesses of their own army to intrigues of the Germans. After the allies landed they searched for German agents, many of whom were citizens of neutral countries. At lunch one day in the Zolotoi Rog Cafe there were several American army officers. Carl Ackerman of the New York Times recognized a German who he had encountered in Switzerland the previous winter, a man who the Swiss police considered a spy! The U.S. Intelligence Service took steps immediately to establish his identity, but he disappeared in a motor car and was never seen again in the city. A few weeks later he was located in Manchuria on the staff of a well known arm officer![xxi]
+One of the first sights some of the men saw was a Red Army hospital train pulling into town. Suddenly the men on the train started to push badly wounded soldiers off the hospital train. The American Regimental Commander who saw it going on "stopped the bunch cold and made them go back and pick up the poor devils they were going to leave behind."
+General Graves was not alone in his astonishment at the amount of supplies heaped on the docks for the want of storage space.
+The docks were bloated beyond belief with acres of piled war stores. As Frederick Moore wrote, "This great fringe of covered stones resembled mushrooms which had come up in the night. . ."[xxii]
+It was estimated that on the surrounding hills there were untold millions of dollars worth of goods; cotton, rubber, copper, automobiles in crates, machinery of all descriptions, all heaped and free to the first passerby.
+"First thing I saw," said one doughboy, "was a tent city upon the hill. The first day I peeked under the great tent-like hood to see what was underneath. It was a baby Overland automobile. I guess there must have been a thousand of them. The were uncrated. The sight disgusted me."
+There was perhaps nothing as intriguing as the types of people encountered by the men. Some of them wore anything from burlap to rags on their feet while others wore shiny patent leather shoes. "The trousers, other than the ones in occidental dress, are usually very voluminous and bloomer-like and are heavily padded. If you can imagine a quilt made up into a pair of pants you will get an idea of what they looked like. The approved dress for the droskie driver was a short heavy skirt, well drawn up and held tight by a heavy belt. The rest of the native clothing consisted of a mantle of heavy cloth thrown over the shoulders. This covered many minor faults in dress and great quantities of dirt. Only well educated Russians bathed as often as once a week."
+Mixed in with all this local color was the military. The Czecho-Slovaks could easily be noted by the red and white insignia on their caps. They wore pea-green tunics and heavy leather boots. The Japanese were in tan and red and usually moved stolidly along, never smiling. The British Tommies with their natty brass-buttoned attire had walking sticks. The black Moroccan sailors, were in blue uniforms with white and red-tasseled hats. They were barefooted.
+The uniforms worn by the Russians themselves were impossible to classify. Nearly every man wore some sort of uniform. The street cleaner was handsome and might well have been taken for a general. The policeman was well dressed and had polished leggins and a long saber! Nearly everyone wore a star or two, or a brilliant shoulder epaulet. About every tenth man had a red seam down his pants. There were green trousers, blue ones, black suits, red coats, gaudy caps, fancy boots, yellow stripes - - almost anything anyone would want for a costume party. One professor wore gold braid on a spotlessly white uniform.
+On the outskirts of town could be seen the Mongolian's small houses, their lumber mills. The logs were placed on strong racks. One Mongolian stood on top of the log or timer, and one on the ground below. They had a long hand-saw and they worked as a team sawing the leg square, then into pieces of lumber. It was surprising how accurate the lumber was hand-sawed. The Mongolians when they worked, especially when working together, used a lilting chant reminiscent of the gandy dancers of the American railroads.
+In sharp contrast were the Yanks swarming in and out of the streets, invading the restaurants and always looking for American dishes such as itze krim (ice cream). Then there were the pretty nurses in fur-trimmed attire. Officers of the Allied armies were usually seen in American-made automobiles as they would come tooting around the corner. The machines would race past with a swish in defiance of all speed laws.
+One American soldier expressed his opinion of Vladivostok in poetry:
+There's a burg way off in Siberski
+Where there's Chinos, Russians, and Greeks,
+There's soldiers of all the nations,
+And women with paint on their cheeks.
+She's a rollickin', riotous, seaport,
+As dirty as God ever made,
+With sin, and with filth, she is rotten,
+She puts even hell in the shade.
+The bathin' is done as God made 'em,
+By men and women the same,
+There's not a good word I can think of,
+Can ever be linked with her name.
+The pigs run wild down the main street,
+They seem to own the whole place,
+And the flies are as thick as they can be,
+And crawlin' all over your face.
+I went there in nineteen and eighteen,
+I'd sooner I hit on a rock;
+For the place that beats hell,
+With its dirt and its smell,
+Is that burg of Vladivostok.
+Even in September autumn was beginning to brush the country with a bit of frost, but the days were still beautiful and travel was not impaired. Many of the men who had enough of the smells and the sights of the city took to the country to see it before it wore an mantle of white. The terrain continued to amaze them. One said: "Nature is certainly no respecter of countries. The bay was dotted with small islands. They were green and bright. There were some trees too, but not big ones. The shore line was similar to the usual scene one encounters when a large city is in back of a harbor."
+Just off the south end of the peninsula a large island, called by various names, but generally known in English as Russian Island, protected the entrance to the Golden Horn. The island was hilly; the highest point about 1,000 feet above sea level. It was here that the American Red Cross doctors and nurses were installed.
+Russian Island had been heavily fortified. As the men roamed the countryside in the days and months after arrival they were amazed at the great guns heavily anchored in rock and concrete which were mounted on the crests of many hills forming the remarkable amphitheater of Vladivostok.
+Tunnels connected the various gun emplacements and there were huge underground vaults to protect stores of powder. Many a doughboy spent his time off roaming through these tunnels and experiencing some of the thrill of young boys on a Captain Kidd hunt.
+It would have required a gigantic and very skillfully planned military assault to have taken Vladivostok away from a well trained and determined garrison. A great Japanese general stated that 500,000 men at least would be required in the assault.[xxiii]
+In Vladivostok regimental canteens were established. They began to carry a good supply of articles used by the enlisted personnel. Most of the stock was obtained from the United States and the Philippine Islands.
+Men were seen hobbling around Vladivostok from the first day for they had great difficulty using their wrapped leggins for the first time. Most of them wrapped them too tightly. This caused legs and feet to swell with resulting pain. After the first night on the hard stone floors many of them walked with difficulty.
+But even painful legs did not keep the doughboys from expressing their surprise to how far behind the United States the Russians seemed to be and they gave vent to army oaths every time they had to walk on the narrow wooden sidewalks in the "so-called main drag of the town." In order to pass someone they had to step off into the mud. They noticed that the Czechs and Russians were pleased to see the Americans but the Japanese obviously were full of disdain.[xxiv]
+A lot of men feared the cold but Francis Sigel who was a career man said: "Wherever I put my hat that was my home. I remember when I landed I went to the American Headquarters in Vladivostok which was just across from the Kunst-Albers Department Store."
+To watch the parade of brass riding around Vladivostok's grimy streets more than impressed the soldiers of all countries. The parade on September 10th was an example. The following had to travel to an Allied Conference that day: General Dietrichs, Czecho-Slovak Army; Major General Graves, United States Army; General Paris, French Army; General Knox, British Army; Major General Nakajima, Imperial Japanese Army and Admiral Lynn, Chinese Navy. In addition there were all manner of Staff Officers on hand from the various contingents.
+One American doughboy said he never expected to see so many high ranking officers from so many countries at one time over again.
+The conference had to do with the location of troops and the general conditions. This gave the officials more to study and worry about.
+With all the brass around, attention was paid to opening a bank. So at the end of the first weekend in September the doors of one was opened and the men could get their money there. Prior to that the men had to exchange their American money at the YMCA.
+Things were beginning to look up, for in September the men also received word that they would then be able to send mail thenceforth about every ten days. "Thank God," many of them said for they did not know whether their letters were getting home or not. Mail had been such a haphazard affair since there arrival. Also, many of them had received no mail from home up to that time. They were instructed to put 'Somewhere in Siberia' on their letters unless they were actually in Vladivostok. When in the city they could put its name at the top.
+On September 15th, Roy Coalson wrote that they had moved into new quarters that day in drizzling and chilly weather. A fire was needed. Nevertheless, as cold as he was, he got out his typewriter and sat down to write his mother.
+Irving Dexter wrote home about food, candles and noise and had some rather earthy thoughts.
+"I went to the canteen and bought some peanuts and a candle. Our kerosene lamps are high and it is hard to see to write so I stuck the candle on a tobacco box and am writing on that. Today the sun hasn't showed itself so it has been chilly, but I went in swimming. That is I took a bath in a hole and did twenty-five feet and back. We drew our heavy clothes the first of this week and got different leggins. These kind wrap around. they ever did was ride a horse on ranches."
+Goreham wrote on September 28th that he had eighteen letters from his beloved and, "I wouldn't part with them for all the land there is over here." He also mentioned that he had written her twenty-four letters. "There is several here in my company now from Iowa. There is one by the name of Miller that came down in about where your folks live. He was about four and a half miles southeast of Redfield. . .I was telling a big fish story. - - you know of fishing in the river in Redfield. He asked me where that place was that I caught all the fish. I told him Redfield, Iowa, and he said you didn't come from around there did you & I told him I sure did, & then he said he was born & raised southeast of there & had fished lots of times in the Coon River. He didn't believe my fish story!"
+The Russian Railway Service Corps
+During this month the soldiers were not only ones who were writing back home for the Railway Corpsmen, now back in Siberia, were also finding time to apprise the home folk of the situation as they faced it, now that they had been permitted to return from Japan. Some of them went to great lengths to explain the background of the railways in Siberia and others simply talked about what they were doing and their hopes for the future.
+They reveled in telling the story of the Russian railroads. About 1902 a six-foot gauge railroad was completed between the Urals and Vladivostok. It was 5,800 miles in length. The line went through Manchuria on the Chinese Eastern Railway between Chita and the Ural mountains. It was a double-track affair with separate bridges and tunnels for each track allowing greater facility of operation.
+After the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, Russia realized that its Far East Provinces could be cut off at any time by hostilities in Manchuria; thus, in 1908, a second line was begun all within Russian territory running northward from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, then westward. Generally it followed the Amur River north of the Manchurian border and joined the original line near Chita. This was not completed until 1916. It was not double-tracked until after our men had left in 1923. The cars that ran over it were only two-axle vehicles with about a twenty ton load limit. Before the war a nine day schedule was held between Vladivostok and Moscow, but at the time our soldiers arrived in 1918 it was a twelve day schedule. Trains were surprisingly on time regardless of the poor condition of the track and equipment.
+The railroad was operated by means of staffs. Any one staff was designed for use with mechanical devices connecting two specific stations only. When station H had a train approaching en route to station I, the attendant at H could not remove a staff that controlled the train between H and I, before he conferred with the attendant at I who would then press a button and release the staff to the train at I. The other train at H would have to wait until the staff given to the train at I was inserted in the machine at H and then another staff removed from H for the train to move to I. It sounded pretty confusing to the Americans when they arrived, even to the RRSC men, but it proved to be a very safe system.
+There was also the problem of figuring out what happened when two or three trains wanted to leave H at about the same time. Then the attendant could separate the staff and give one part of it to the first train and hold the second part for the last train. Then these trains, moving in the same direction, were told to proceed with extreme caution between the two stations. When the train with the last half of the staff arrived at Station I the attendant would screw the two pieces back together and the machine was then clear for movement in either direction.
+Of course the safety of the system, and the efficiency of it, depended on the fact that the tracks were clear. The Bolsheviks had been playing havoc with the tracks and tunnels along the routes. Then there was also the problem of strikes.
+On September 4th, all railroad employees went on strike around Harbin because their wages had been cut. When the Bolsheviks took possession they had raised all the railroad men's wages to equal that of foreman or officers. Then General Horvat cut them down, after which they all went on strike.[xxv]
+On September 5th, the RRSC men had been overjoyed at Colonel Emerson's return from Lake Baikal. He reached Harbin at 5 am on the 5th having been away for nearly six months.
+Reports stated that the line was open around Lake Baikal but 30 to 40 bridges had been blown up and the repairs were only temporary. Only a light train could pass over, but this made the line clear to about the Ural Mountains.
+On the 6th, Colonel Emerson was finding it difficult to get a train at Harbin for Vladivostok. Because of the strike no trains were moving, not even passenger trains. Nevertheless, on the 7th he was able to leave at about noontime on the No. 4.
+On September 8th, in a letter to his parents Turner stated: ". . .The reports from the western front are sure encouraging. Before long you will be reading of an eastern front between Russia and Germany. Czechs sure have done some good work around Irkutsk. Was copying reports of how they cleaned the Bolsheviks and Germans our for the first two nights and assure you it was interesting. Great credit is due to the strategy of General Gaida, commander of the Czech army. Would like to tell you more about it but know it would not please the censor so will not do so. Possibly he would be interested to know that the Czechs in Siberia are not taking any prisoners or wounded and at this date they have control of the railway to the Ural mountains. The report of all tunnels being destroyed around Lake Baikal was exaggerated as the Bolsheviks only destroyed one tunnel and that has been cleared over a week ago. Perhaps before this reaches you you will have read of the feats of General Gaida and his brave soldiers of whom he only (followed by much censoring. . .).
+"Understand he is on his way to Vlad. I hope to get some pictures of the welcome they will give him. The Russians are enlisting in great numbers to join his army which is on the way to the new eastern front, joining their comrades as they go along. They have (censored. . .) in Russia proper and with new recruits of Russians they will have (censored. . .). The Russians place great confidence in Gaida as he has led his men in battle against such numbers and has always mastered the situation. Would be a great help if they would start a few trains of American soldiers to Irkutsk so that the Russian people could see them. Some of our Allies do not make much of a hit with the Russians."[xxvi]
+On the 10th Jim Whitehead wrote home from Vladivostok and said they had heard about the strike in Harbin, "However I don't think the men are to blame. . .their wages were cut in half and then because they struck some of the leaders were jailed. Then they restored the wages and refused to release the prisoners, so the men just refused to go to work. There are a lot of minor reasons. . .at the same time the salary of the officials was raised. It is true the engineers and others had struck a year ago and had secured an increase of one hundred percent or so, but at that an engineer was only making 375 rubles a month which would about pay for to pairs of shoes. . .It cost me 200 rubles a week to live, not including my room."
+The RRSC man went on to say that the commissary was open but "not very will stacked." He had walked over about three miles that day to get some soap. He did not want for food as "the baroness always has soup for me which is not a supper dish over here but because I work nights and don't get any dinner she expects me to eat two meals in one and I sure get filled up."
+On September 15th Sundheimer wrote from Vladivostok that they ". . .had received very good news some time ago. . .that Colonel Emerson and party were with General Gaida and coming east over the Trans-Siberian Railroad. They had some wonderful experiences and were in the thick of the fighting in Western Siberia and helped General Gaida clear Siberia of Germans, Austrians and Bolsheviks. The whole of Siberia is now cleared and railroad operation will soon be started and we will be busier than ever.
+"The Colonel and Lt. Colonel Hawkins are now in Vladivostok and I have just been listening to them relate their experiences and wish I could write it all to you. I am afraid some of the tales wouldn't look good in print as General Gaida is a very strict military man and gave the Germans and Austrians about what they deserved whenever he caught any of them. They arrived in Vladivostok without any prisoners, so you can draw your own conclusions. You appreciate that the Germans and Austrians who were fighting in Siberia were at one time prisoners of war and when Russia was in the war she sent them to Siberia for safe keeping."
+"As I mentioned above we are expecting new developments daily and there might be a possibility of my leaving Vladivostok and not being able to write my regular weekly letter home, but you can rest assured that I am in good hands and well taken care of - getting plenty to eat, work enough to keep me busy and a good place to sleep. From the manner in which the boys in France are driving the Huns back it looks as though the end is near, but regardless of this fact we are planning our work to cover a period of several years. We may have to stay a long time after the War and no doubt will be the last to leave this country when peace is declared."
+"Mama asks about my Russian. Yes, I can speak a little Russian, can make myself understood and can understand a lot more than I can speak but I feel something like the fellow in France who said, 'This is all foolishness, learnin' French. They don't speak it in Berlin.' Of course we all have Russian teachers but I am afraid most of them are learning more English than the students are Russian. All you have to be is 'American' over here to win a home or a place around a Russian's teatable. They hate the Japanese, next the English, and although a good many of them speak French, the French are not as welcome as the Americans."
+"We are still sleeping in the school building but have men working on barracks, cleaning them up, and hope to occupy them the latter part of the week. I am taking my meals on Colonel Lantry's car, as the food at the restaurants is not very good, and we have about what we want on the car."
+"Purchased cloth for a new serge uniform while in Japan and just had it made up. With the U.S. Army here now we can buy most anything we want at the Quartermaster's Dept. even American-made stick candy."
+"It is raining out and getting real chilly. Winter will soon be here but with our heavy winter uniforms, overcoats, etc. a Siberian winter doesn't frighten any of us."[xxvii]
+Once the RRSC were out on the line they realized the luxury they had had back in the city. Whitehead wrote home that they were glad for any shelter. "At times there was almost nothing in which to hole up for the night. Sometimes we get army tents and at other times we sleep in old stations or in mud and stick native houses which consist of burrs and mud woven together with a fireplace at one end burning wood. The smokestack runs the full length of the house taking most of the floor space. On this we sit, sleep and eat with the bugs."
+Writhing along the same lines, Turner said the day-by-day living was quite a change from what he experienced for the previous ten months, yet he was enjoying it immensely. "At present am with the U.S. Infantry and not doing exactly my line of work nor do I expect to in this part of Russia. Am sleeping in a tent with other officers and eating at their mess. Nights are quite chilly here but we have plenty of nice warm blankets so cannot complain at all. In fact like it much better than the city. It frosted the first night here."
+One sees that it depended on where the men were, and wit whom. While one was sleeping with the bugs and glad to have a place to put his head another was in a tent with plenty of nice warm blankets.
+On September 20, 1918, Turner continued the previous letter and mentioned a heavy rain but said their tents were large "and shed the water fine." He was sorry that there was no town where they were so he had no opportunity to practice his Russian.
+In another letter dated September 28th he complained about the lack of mail. Although he heard rumors that the RRSC would take over the line from Nikolsk to the Ural Mountains he did not put any faith in the rumor as so many others proved groundless.
+Although the men were not permitted to indicate their location in a letter, Turner had said that they were at a spot where there was no town at all. Now he says he had taken a couple of baths "in a branch of the Amur River which runs close to our camp. . ." Perhaps from that his family may have had some idea where he was in late September, 1918.
+Another RRSCer "Brownie" had been out on the line earlier and returned back to the city on the 16th. He was rather glad to be in town again. . ."after living three weeks among the Russians and Chinks." He said he was now acting as a typist in the YMCA office and had quite a little typing to do but not enough to keep busy all the time. He added: ". . .our new barracks are about completed and we expect to move into them tomorrow and will then have a good spring bed to sleep on, the first spring bed that I will have slept on in eleven months outside of the short time I spent in Tokyo and Unzen. I am used to a hard bed though and don't suppose I will be able to sleep on the springs for a few nights."
+". . .the Czechs are some soldiers and those of whom I have met personally are some people too, three of them are working in same office with me and I am looking at them right now. . .Our Colonel returned about ten days ago from several months trip thru the interior and the sights that he saw and what he has told us of the valor of the Czechs fighting against overwhelming numbers on the opposite side with practically no ammunition or guns is almost impossible to believe. . .Guess you will think I am a press agent for the Czechs but I can't help but admire them and tell of their good qualities every chance I get."
+"This is surely a funny country. We are not allowed to write anything of a criticizing nature toward the people of their ways of living, but after a person lives here for a short while they can begin to understand some things. Imagine for instance a big white sow walking along over the street car tracks on 6th Avenue in Des Moines. Saw just such a sight here last night on a street with just as much traffic on it as 6th Avenue has. The old girl did not pay any attention to street cars or automobiles, just nosed along as though she understood her business & I guess she did."[xxviii]
+In spite of all the letters there was considerable confusion about RRSC mail so on September 30th the American Consul wrote to Colonel Emerson stating that he felt that as long as the Russian Railway Service seemed to be definitely established in Harbin that there didn't seem to be any special reason for continuing the arrangement whereby the Railway men had their mail sent to the Consulate and had telegrams transmitted through the Consulate.
+"In our present somewhat disorganized state these services give us some work that would not seem necessary," wrote C.K. Moser, the Consul at Harbin. He added, "I will appreciate it, therefore, if you will make arrangements for having mail and telegrams submitted in some other way than through the Consulate from October 1st." Without doubt this must have caused a considerable problem to the good Colonel Emerson. It would seem as though Mr. Moser could have given the RRSC more time to make other arrangements. But that is why collector's of mail from the RRSC men find so many different types of routings. Sometimes their mail was sent through the Consulate, sometimes through the Russian mails and sometimes through the postal agency set up by the United States Post Office Department in Vladivostok.
+[i]Graves' reports - letters 66 and 67, WDNA
+[ii]Rodney S. Sprigg, Commanding Officer Replacement Bn., letters
+[iii]Rodney S. Sprigg, Commanding Officer Replacement Bn., letters
+[iv]Rodney S. Sprigg, Commanding Officer Replacement Bn., letters
+[v]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[vi]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[vii]Veterans of Siberian A.E.F., Bulletin Dec. 1966
+[viii]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[ix]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[x]Robert L. Eichelberger, personal papers
+[xi]Robert L. Eichelberger, personal papers
+[xii]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[xiii]Rodney S. Sprigg, letters
+[xiv]Cody Marsh in an article p. 513, Dec. 1920 (name of magazine is missing)
+[xv]Lynn A. McQuiddy, 146th Ordnance Depot Co.
+[xvi]Emmett A. Hoskins, U.S.S. Brooklyn
+[xvii]Ignacio W. Borda, Co. B, Replacement Battalion
+[xx]Carl W. Ackerman's book
+[xxi]Carl W. Ackerman's book
+[xxii]Siberia To-Day by Frederick F. Moore
+[xxiii]Siberia's Untouched Treasure by C.G. Fairfax Channing
+[xxiv]Clifford F. Evans, Evacuation Hospital No. 17; William H. Johnson, Co. C, 31st Inf.; John E. Driscoll, 31st Inf.; Frank W. Bean, Co. A, 27th Inf.; William H. Cumley, Co. H, 31st Inf.; Francis E. H. Sigel, AEFS Headquarters, Vladivostok. There were others.
+[xxv]Porter E. Turner, RRSC, papers
+[xxvi]Porter E. Turner
+[xxvii]John M. Sundheimer, RRSC, papers
+[xxviii]From a letter signed "Brownie"
+I work for the PBS series History Detectives. I am researching a story about the 31st Infantry. I would love to speak to you about your Edith's work.
+Did you heard what Rob Matts said about that?
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+About Seven Falls
+Seven Falls were a series of small waterfalls and punchbowl-like pools that definitely had that reputation of being one of the most popular spots in Santa Barbara.
+Indeed, it seemed like the perfect place to take a break from the heat as the waterfalls and pools certainly made this place have that potential of being the most fun of the Tunnel Trail sights.
+That said, I’ve been to this waterfall twice, where the first time I was here in February 2015, the falls were pretty much dry.
+The second time I was here in April 2017, it followed a period of about 1.5 months without rain following the last of the rains that deluged this area.
+These rains seemed to have at least put a dent in the multi-year drought that had affected much of California, especially Santa Barbara county.
+In my latter visit, I went as far as the top of the waterfall, which you see pictured above.
+It featured a succession of at least four or five tiny waterfalls, and they certainly made me appreciate how the Seven Falls got its name.
+Logistics of hiking to the Seven Falls
+Overall, in both times I’ve done this hike, it took about 2.5 hours to cover the roughly 3.2-mile round trip distance.
+That said, the hike began with the frustrating search for parking space along Tunnel Road (see directions below).
+The parking situation here was reminiscent of the trailhead parking at Sturtevant Falls.
+That meant that it wasn’t unusual to have to park upwards of a half-mile or so away from the trailhead before even starting the actual hike!
+So that would add to the overall hiking distance and duration.
+The parking was actively patrolled as enforcement personnel were checking closely for vehicles remaining to the right of the white lines.
+The first time we were here, I think we were lucky to have found a precarious spot in a little gully or gutter at about a 15-minute walk from the trailhead.
+The second time I was here, I managed to park a little bit closer though there were already lots of cars parked along the street despite it being about 7:30am!
+And so after finding parking, the initial part of the hike involved walking along the paved Tunnel Road between residences and ultimately towards the end of the residential road.
+With frustrations all around for doing this hike, Julie and I also wondered how much the residents must not like the weekend traffic that this place gets every week.
+The Seven Falls Hike – Hiking to Mission Creek
+At the end of the Tunnel Road, we encountered a fork where we followed the signs, and then followed a paved utility road past a water tank and gate.
+Beyond the gate, the paved road continued, but now it was part of the hike.
+At this point, most of the hike was exposed to the hot sun.
+Moreover, the hike was mostly uphill as it hugged some cliffs, which further added to the difficulty of the hike considering how much the sun was beating down on us.
+Throughout this part of the hike (which persisted for about the first 3/4-mile), we were able to get impressive views of the ocean and the Channel Islands out in the distance.
+In the foreground, we saw some expensive homes sprinkled about the landscape.
+Eventually, the path would curve over a bridge spanning Mission Creek, where there was some dam infrastructure just downstream of the bridge.
+Right below the bridge was a fairly interesting waterfall called Fern Falls that was said to be about 25ft.
+Short of making the unsanctioned steep scramble into the creek itself, it was difficult to get a clean look at the falls due to the overgrowth.
+Not long after the bridge, the trail continued climbing towards a bend where we managed to get impressive views both in the direction of the sandstone-protruding mountains further inland as well as the ocean.
+Ultimately, the pavement would end at a junction nearby.
+At this point, we continued straight ahead on the Inspiration Point and Jesusita Trail (as opposed to going right, which would eventually lead to the Tunnel Trail).
+About five minutes of climbing beyond the junction on the now dirt path, we then reached another junction where a single-track path veered to the left while the wider trail continued to the right.
+We went left onto the smaller path, which narrowed considerably as we found ourselves walking beneath bare trees with black bark, which indicated that a fire had passed through this area in the recent past.
+This narrow trail then started to hug the gorge carved out by Mission Creek before descending down to the creek itself (roughly about a mile from the trailhead).
+At this point, we were at the section of Mission Creek where we would leave the Tunnel Trail (which continued on to Jesusita Trail and Inspiration Point among other things) and scramble our way to the Seven Falls.
+The Seven Falls Hike – The Scramble on Mission Creek
+After leaving the Tunnel Trail, we then had a choice of following either a somewhat overgrown but well-used narrow path to the left of the creek, or a direct stream scramble within Mission Creek.
+Keep in mind that in a bit of a catch-22 situation, the latter option of stream scrambling would be a bit more difficult if there was more water in the creek.
+Along the faint trail, there were several unsigned forks branching back down towards some intermediate small falls and pools along the way.
+There was also one real steep trail to the left that joined back up with the Inspiration Point/Jesusita Trail.
+For the most part, I was able to follow the trail paralleling Mission Creek.
+However, it would eventually laed me back to the Mission Creek just downstream of an attractive two-tiered waterfall spilling into a pool, which I’ll call Pool 1.
+Incidentally, on my first attempt at hiking Seven Falls, this was my turnaround point.
+The Seven Falls Hike – Scrambling for the Waterfalls
+In order to get past the waterfall at Pool 1, I was able to scramble around the pool to the right.
+There were some rocks and enough informal footholds in the bedrock to allow me to scale the sloping walls supporting the falls at Pool 1.
+After a short distance of creek scrambling further upstream, I then encountered the attractive waterfall of the second pool.
+The waterfall at this pool probably fell around 15-20ft or so.
+There was also evidence of a landslide to the left of the pool that left behind what appeared to be a natural arch of some sort.
+According to the locals whom I met here, that arch wasn’t there before, and it was undoubtedly the result of the heavy rains that had hit the area in early 2017.
+Anyways, for most people, Pool 2 would be the turnaround point as the sandstone walls of Mission Canyon had closed in.
+That said, I was able to do a precarious scramble to climb up around the right side of the waterfall at Pool 2.
+There was quite a bit more of dropoff exposure, and it would certainly not be something I’d attempt if the walls were wet.
+So just at the top of the falls for Pool 2, I encountered a third pool.
+This pool spanned the entire width of the canyon so further progress meant needing to wade through the pools, which I opted not to do.
+However, I was able to scramble a little ways up a slope (which had some interesting patterns in the bedrock), and I managed to get a nice view of the remaining waterfalls of the Seven Falls in succession.
+It was only with this perspective that I finally understood how Seven Falls got its name.
+After having my fill of the Seven Falls, I then headed back to the car in a mostly downhill hike.
+While there was certainly the option of continuing on the main trail up to Inspiration Point, I opted to head downhill back to the trailhead instead.
+The nice thing about the return hike was that now the trail was facing the gorgeous views of the ocean and the Channel Islands.
+So that made for an enjoyable return hike, which made it easy for us to see why this place was so popular.
+Seven Falls resides in the Los Padres National Forest in Santa Barbara, California. It is administered by the USDA Forest Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.
+While there are many ways of driving to the Seven Falls trailhead, we’ll describe what we think is the most straightforward route from within Santa Barbara.
+So assuming that we were driving along the US101 west towards downtown Santa Barbara, we’d then leave the freeway at the Mission Street exit (Exit 99A).
+Then, we headed inland from the US101 onto Mission Street, where we followed it past several lights until turning left onto Laguna Street.
+After a couple of blocks, we then found ourselves at a four-way intersection with Los Olivos Street right in front of the Old Mission of Santa Barbara.
+Turning right onto Los Olivos Street, we then followed this winding road (becoming Mission Canyon Road en route) until it junctioned with Foothill Road.
+We then turned right onto Foothill road before turning left to continue onto Mission Canyon Road.
+Shortly after driving on Mission Canyon Road, we reached a signposted fork in the road where we veered left to leave Mission Canyon Road and go onto Tunnel Road.
+At this point, we were on another winding road flanked by expensive residences as well as some parked cars.
+It was along this road that we were to find street parking.
+From say the Hyatt Centric Santa Barbara, this drive would take around 15 minutes.
+The trail began at the end of the drivable part of Tunnel Road (by its junction with Spyglass Ridge Road).
+Since we were unsuccessful finding parking close to the trailhead, we had to use the turnaround spot in front of the gate and water tank.
+Then, we looked for parking as we were slowly making our way downhill on Tunnel Road going further away from the trailhead.
+I guess depending on how busy it gets here, it’s conceivable that the only available parking spaces could be well downhill from the trailhead.
+It could even require over a half-mile (maybe even a mile) or so of walking on the road to just to the trailhead itself.
+During our visits, we’ve managed to find a spot that was about a 15-minute walk from the trailhead.
+Finally for some context, Santa Barbara was 95 miles (about 90-120 minutes drive) northwest of downtown Los Angeles.
+Find A Place To Stay
+Right to left sweep of series of minor waterfalls near some pothole formations on way to the main Seven Falls
+360 degree sweep from the first main pool near the Seven Falls
+360 degree sweep from the 2nd main pool before scrambling to the top of the falls at the first main pool
+360 degree sweep from the turnaround point checking out the main Seven Falls then sweeping to the top of the falls above the 2nd pool as well as the landslide-induced arch or tunnel, then ending with an examination of the patterns on the bedrock before the main falls themselves
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+5,190 words
+There is much about The Communist Manifesto [2].[4] Marx, after all, did not conceive dialectics, he appropriated the theory from Hegel, who had followers from both Left and Right, and whose doctrine was not that of the materialism of the Left. The American Spenglerian, Francis Parker Yockey, pointed this out:
+Being inwardly alien to Western philosophy, Marx could not assimilate the ruling philosopher of his time, Hegel, and borrowed Hegel’s method to formulate his own picture. He applied this method to capitalism as a form of economy, in order to bring about a picture of the Future according to his own feelings and instincts.[5]
+Indeed, Marx himself repudiated Hegel’s dialectics, whose concept of “The Idea” seemed of a religious character to Marx, who countered this metaphysical “Idea” with the “material.[6]
+Hegel, on the other hand, wrote about how the historical dialectic worked on the “national spirit,” his philosophy being a part of the Rightist doctrinal stream that was receiving an important impetus from the German thinkers in antithesis to “English thought” based on economics, which imbued Marx’s thinking and hence mirrored capitalism. Hegel wrote, for example:
+The result of this process is then that Spirit, in rendering itself objective and making this its being an object of thought, on the one hand destroys the determinate form of its being, on the other hand gains a comprehension of the universal element which it involves, and thereby gives a new form to its inherent principle. In virtue of this, the substantial character of the National Spirit has been altered, – that is, its principle has risen into another, and in fact a higher principle.
+It is of the highest importance in apprehending and comprehending History to have and to understand the thought involved in this transition. The individual traverses as a unity various grades of development, and remains the same individual; in like manner also does a people, till the Spirit which it embodies reaches the grade of universality. In this point lies the fundamental, the Ideal necessity of transition. This is the soul – the essential consideration – of the philosophical comprehension of History.[7]
+Dialectically, Rightist perspective emerges.
+Conservatism and Socialism
+In English-speaking states at least, there is a muddled dichotomy in regard to the Left and Right, particularly among media pundits and academics. What is often termed “New Right” or “Right” there is the reanimation of Whig-Liberalism. If the English wanted to rescue genuine conservatism from the free-trade aberration and return to their origins, they could do no better than to consult the early twentieth-century philosopher Anthony Ludovici, who[8] . . .[9]
+It was the traditional order, with the Crown at the apex of the hierarchy, which resisted the money-values of the bourgeoisie revolution, which manifested first in England and then in France, and over much of the rest of mid-nineteenth century Europe. The world remains under the thrall of these revolutions, as also under the Reformation that provided the bourgeoisie with a religious sanction.[10]
+As Ludovici pointed out, in England at least, and therefore as a wider heritage of the English-speaking nations, the Right and the free trade liberals emerged as not merely ideological adversaries, but as soldiers in a bloody conflict during the seventeenth century. The same bloody conflict manifested in the United States in the war between the North and South, the Union representing Puritanism and its concomitant plutocratic interests in the English political sense; the South, a revival of the cavalier tradition, ruralism and the aristocratic ethos. The South itself was acutely aware of this tradition. Hence, when in 1863 Confederate Secretary of State Judah P. Benjamin was asked for ideas regarding a national seal for the Confederate States of America, he suggested “a cavalier” based on the equestrian statue of Washington in Capitol Square at Richmond, and stated:
+It would do just honor to our people. The cavalier or knight is typical of chivalry, bravery, generosity, humanity, and other knightly virtues. Cavalier is synonymous with gentleman in nearly all of the modern languages . . . the word is eminently suggestive of the origin of Southern society as used in contradistinction to Puritan. The Southerners remain what their ancestors were, gentlemen.[11]
+This is the historical background by which, much to Marx’s outrage, the remnant of the aristocracy sought anti-capitalist solidarity with the increasingly proletarianized and urbanized peasants and artisans in common opposition to capitalism. To Marx, such “Reactionism” (sic) was an interference with the dialectical historical process, or the “wheel of history,” as will be considered below, since he regarded capitalism as the essential phase of the dialectic leading to socialism.
+Spengler, one of the seminal philosopher-historians of the “Conservative Revolutionary” movement that arose in Germany in the aftermath of the First World War, was intrinsically anti-capitalist. He and others saw in capitalism and the rise of the bourgeoisie the agency of destruction of the foundations of traditional order, as did Marx. The essential difference is that the Marxists regarded it as part of a historical progression, whereas the revolutionary conservatives regarded it as a symptom of decline. Of course, since academe is dominated by mediocrity and cockeyed theories, this viewpoint is not widely understood in (mis)educated circles.
+Of Marxism, Spengler stated in his essay devoted specifically to the issue of socialism:.[12]
+In The Decline of the West [3], Spengler states that in the late cycle of a civilization there is a reaction against the rule of money, which overturns plutocracy and restores tradition. In Late Civilization, there is a final conflict between blood and money:
+. . . [I]f we call these money-powers “Capitalism,” . . .[13]
+In a footnote to the above, Spengler reminded readers regarding “capitalism” that, “in this sense the interest-politics of the workers’ movements also belong to it, in that their object is not to overcome money-values, but to possess them.” Concerning this, Yockey stated:
+The ethical and social foundations of Marxism are capitalistic. It is the old Malthusian “struggle” again. Whereas to Hegel, the State was an Idea, an organism with harmony in its parts, to Malthus and Marx there was no State, but only a mass of self-interested individuals, groups, and classes. Capitalistically, all is economics. Self-interest means: economics. Marx differed on this plane in no way from the non-class war theoreticians of capitalism – Mill, Ricardo, Paley, Spencer, Smith. To them all, Life was economies, not Culture… All believe in Free Trade and want no “State interference” in economic matters. None of them regard society or State as an organism. Capitalistic thinkers found no ethical fault with destruction of groups and individuals by other groups and individuals, so long as the criminal law was not infringed. This was looked upon as, in a higher way, serving the good of all. Marxism is also capitalistic in this . . .[14]
+Something of the “ethical socialism” propounded by Rightists such as Spengler and Yockey is also alluded to in the above passage: “It is based on the State [as] an Idea, an organism with harmony in its parts,” anathema to many of today’s self-styled “conservatives,” but in accord with the traditional social order in its pre-materialistic epochs. It is why Rightists, prior to the twentieth-century reanimated corpse of nineteenth-century free trade, advocated what Yockey called “the organic state” in such movements as “corporatism,” which gave rise to the “New States” during the 1930s, from Salazar’s Portugal and Dollfuss’ Austria to Vargas’ Brazil. Yockey summarizes this organic social principle: “The instinct of Socialism however absolutely preludes any struggle between the component parts of the organism.”[15] It is why one could regard “class struggle” literally as a cancer, whereby the cells of the organism war among themselves until the organism dies.
+Caste & Class
+The “revolutionary conservatism” of Spengler and others is predicated on recognizing the eternal character of core values and institutions that reflect the cycle of cultures in what Spengler called their “spring” epoch.[16] A contrast in ethos and consequent social order between traditional (“spring”) and modern (“winter”) cycles of a civilization is seen in such manifestations as caste as a metaphysical reflection of social relations,[17] as distinct from class as an economic entity.
+Organizationally, the guilds or corporations were a manifestation of the divine order which, with the destruction of the traditional societies, were replaced by trade unions and professional associations that aim only to secure the economic benefits of members against other trades and professions, and which seek to negate the duty and responsibility one had in being a proud member of one’s craft, where a code of honor was in force. Italian “revolutionary conservative” philosopher Julius Evola stated of this that, like the corporations of Classical Rome, the medieval guilds were predicated on religion and ethics, not on economics.[18] “The Marxian antithesis between capital and labor, between employers and employees, at the time would have been inconceivable.”[19] Yockey stated:
+Marxism imputed Capitalistic instincts to the upper classes, and Socialistic instincts to the lower classes. This was entirely gratuitous, for Marxism made an appeal to the capitalistic instincts of the lower classes. The upper classes are treated as the competitor who has cornered all the wealth, and the lower classes are invited to take it away from them. This is capitalism. Trade unions are purely capitalistic, distinguished from employers only by the different commodity they purvey. Instead of an article, they sell human labor. Trade-unionism is simply a development of capitalistic economy, but it has nothing to do with Socialism, for it is simply self-interest.[20]
+The Myth of “Progress”
+While Western Civilization prides itself on being the epitome of “progress” through its economic activity, it is based on the illusion of a Darwinian lineal evolution. Perhaps few words have more succinctly expressed the antithesis between the modernist and the traditional conservative perceptions of life than the ebullient optimism of the nineteenth-century biologist, Dr. A. R. Wallace, when stating in The Wonderful Century [4] or our immense superiority over our comparatively ignorant forefathers.[21] it stops forever at a grey, flat wall of concrete and steel, the traditionalist “wheel of history” revolves in a cycle on a stable axis, until such time as the axis rots – unless it is sufficiently oiled or replaced at the right time – and the spokes fall off;[22] to be replaced by another “wheel of history.”
+Within the Western context, the revolutions of 1642, 1789, and 1848, albeit in the name of “the people,” sought to empower the merchant on the ruins of the Throne and the Church. Spengler writes of the later era: “. . . And now the economic tendency became uppermost in the stealthy form of revolution typical of the century, which is called democracy and demonstrates itself periodically, in revolts by ballot or barricaded on the part of the masses.” In England, “. . . the Free Trade doctrine of the Manchester School was applied by the trades unions to the form of goods called ‘labour,’ and eventually received theoretical formulation in the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels. And so was completed the dethronement of politics by economics, of the State by the counting-house . . .”[23]
+Spengler calls Marxian types of socialism “capitalistic” because they do not aim to replace money-based values, “but to possess them.” Concerning Marxism, he states that it is “nothing but a trusty henchman of Big Capital, which knows perfectly well how to make use of it.”[24] Further:.[25]
+It is this similarity of spirit between capitalism and Marxism that has often manifested in the subsidy of “revolutionary” movements by plutocracy. Some plutocrats are able to discern that Marxism and similar movements are indeed useful tools for the destruction of traditional societies that are hindrances to global profit maximization. One might say in this sense that, contrary to Marx, capitalism is not a dialectical stage leading to Communism, but that Marxian-style socialism is a dialectical phase leading to global capitalism.[26]
+Capitalism in Marxist Dialectics
+While what is popularly supposed to be the “Right” is upheld by its adherents as the custodian of “free trade,” which in turn is made synonymous with “freedom,” Marx understood the subversive character of free trade. Spengler cites Marx on free trade, quoting him.[27]:
+.[28]ization; this is likewise precisely the aim of Communism.
+In describing the dialectical role of capitalism, Marx states that wherever the “bourgeoisie” “has got the upper hand [he] has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations.” The bourgeoisie or what we might call the merchant class – which is accorded a subordinate position in traditional societies, but assumes superiority.”[29] Where the leading to Communism.
+Uniformity of Production & Culture
+Marx saw the constant need for the revolutionizing of the instruments of production as inevitable under capitalism, and this in turn brought society into a continual state of flux, of “everlasting uncertainty and agitation,” which distinguishes the “bourgeoisie epoch from all other ones.”[30] The “need for a constantly expanding market” means that capitalism spreads globally, and thereby gives a “cosmopolitan character” to “modes of production and consumption in every country.” In Marxist dialectics, this is a necessary part of destroying national boundaries and distinctive cultures as a prelude to world socialism. It is capitalism that establishes the basis for internationalism. Therefore, when the Marxist rants against “globalization,” he does so as rhetoric in the pursuit of a political agenda; not from ethical opposition to globalization.
+Marx identifies the opponents of this capitalist internationalizing process not as Marxists, but as “Reactionists.” The reactionaries are appalled that the old local and national industries are being destroyed, self-sufficiency is being undermined, and “we have . . . universal inter-dependence of nations.” Likewise in the cultural sphere, “national and local literatures” are displaced by “a world literature.”[31] The result is a global consumer culture. Ironically, while the US was the harbinger of internationalizing tendencies in the arts, at the very start of the Cold War the most vigorous opponents of this were the Stalinists, who called this “rootless cosmopolitanism.”[32] It is such factors that prompted Yockey to conclude that the US represented a purer form of Bolshevism – as a method of cultural destruction – than the USSR. It is also why the diehard core of international Marxism, especially the Trotskyites, ended up in the US camp during the Cold War and metamorphosed into “neo-conservatism,”[33] whose antithesis in the US is not the Left, but paleoconservatism. These post-Trotskyites have no business masquerading as “conservatives,” “new” or otherwise.
+With this revolutionizing and standardization of the means of production comes a loss of meaning that comes from being part of a craft or a profession, or “calling.” Obsession with work becomes an end in itself, which fails to provide higher meaning because it has been reduced to that of a solely economic function. In relation to the ruin of the traditional order by the triumph of the “bourgeoisie,” Marx said that:
+Owing to the extensive use of machinery and to division of labor, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and, consequently, all charm for the workman. He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and the most easily acquired knack, that is required of him . . .[34]
+Whereas the Classical corporations and the medieval guilds fulfilled a role that was metaphysical and cultural in terms of one’s profession, these have been replaced by the trade unions as nothing more than instruments of economic competition. The entirety of civilization has become an expression of money-values, but preoccupation with the Gross Domestic Product” or what humanistic psychology calls “self-actualization.” Indeed, the preoccupation with material accumulation, whether under capitalism or Marxism, enchains man to the lowest level of animalistic existence. Here the Biblical axiom is appropriate: “Man does not live by bread alone.”. Traditional societies are literally rooted in the soil. Under capitalism, village life and localized life are, as Marx said, made passé by the city and mass production. Marx referred to the country being subjected to the “rule of the towns.”[35] It was a phenomenon – the rise of the city concomitant with the rise of the merchant – that Spengler states is a symptom of the decay of a civilization in its sterile phase, where money values rule.[36]
+Marx writes that what has been created is “enormous cities”; what Spengler calls “Megalopolitanism.” Again, what distinguishes Marx from traditionalists in his analysis of capitalism is that he welcomes this destructive feature of capitalism. When Marx writes of urbanization and the alienation of the former peasantry and artisans by their proletarianization in the cities, thereby becoming cogs in the mass production process, he refers to this not as a process to be resisted, but as inexorable and as having “rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.”[37]
+Marx points out in The Communist Manifesto that “Reactionists” (sic) view with “great chagrin”[38] the dialectical processes of capitalism. The reactionary, or the “Rightist,” renascence.
+Marx condemned resistance to the dialectical process as “Reactionist”:.[39] the “feudal socialism” that arose among the old remnants of the aristocracy, which had sought to join forces with the “working class” against the bourgeoisie. Marx states that the aristocracy, in trying to reassert their pre-bourgeois position, had actually lost sight of their own class interests in siding with the proletariat.[40] This is nonsense. An alliance of the dispossessed professions into what had become the so-called proletariat, with the increasingly dispossessed aristocracy, is an organic alliance which finds its enemies as much in Marxism as in capitalism. Marx raged against the budding alliance between the aristocracy and those dispossessed professions that resisted being proletarianized. Hence, Marx condemns “feudal socialism” as “half echo of the past, half menace of the future.”[41].”[42] Max Beer, a historian of German socialism, stated of these “Reactionists,” as Marx called them: . . .[43]
+It is just such an alliance of all classes – once vehemently condemned by Marx as “Reactionist” – that is required to resist the common subversive phenomena of free trade and revolution. If the Right wishes to restore the health of the cultural organism that is predicated on traditional values, then it cannot do so by embracing economic doctrines that are themselves antithetical to tradition, and which were welcomed by Marx as part of a subversive process.
+This article is a somewhat different version of an article that originally appeared in the journal Anamnesis, “Marx Contra Marx [5].”
+1. Oswald Spengler (1928), The Decline of the West (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1971).
+2. Brooks Adams, The Law of Civilisation and Decay: An Essay on History [6] (London: Macmillan & Co., 1896).
+3. Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium [7] (Sausalito, California: The Noontide Press, 1969).
+4. Eric Bentley, The Cult of the Superman: A Study of the Idea of Heroism in Carlyle & Nietzsche [8] (London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1947).
+5. Francis Parker Yockey, op. cit., p. 80.
+6. Karl Marx (1873), Capital, “Afterword” (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1970), Vol. 1, p. 29.
+7. G. W. F. Hegel (1837), The Philosophy of History [9], “Introduction: The Course of the World’s History [10].”
+8. The Cromwellian Revolution.
+9. Anthony Ludovici, A Defence of Conservatism [11] (1927), Chapter 3, “Conservatism in Practice.”
+10. Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism [12] (London: Unwin Hyman, 1930).
+11. R. D. Meade & W. C. Davis, Judah P. Benjamin: Confederate Statesman [13] (Louisiana State University Press, 2001), p. 270.
+12. Oswald Spengler (1919), Prussianism and Socialism (Paraparaumu, New Zealand: Renaissance Press, 2005), p. 4.
+13. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 506.
+14. Francis Parker Yockey, op. cit., p. 81.
+15. Francis Parker Yockey, ibid., p. 84.
+16. Oswald Spengler, op. cit. The tables of “contemporary” cultural, spiritual and political epochs in The Decline can be found online here [14].
+17. The only aspect more widely recalled today being the “divine right of Kings.”
+18. Julius Evola, Revolt against the Modern World [15] (Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions international, 1995), p. 105.
+19. Julius Evola, , ibid., p. 106.
+20. Francis Parker Yockey, op. cit., p. 84.
+21. Asa Briggs (ed.), The Nineteenth Century: The Contradictions of Progress [16] (New York: Bonanza Books, 1985), p. 29.
+22. Turning and turning in the widening gyre
+The falcon cannot hear the falconer:
+Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
+Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world . . . W. B. Yeats, “The Second Coming [17],” 1921.
+23. Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision [18] (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1934), pp. 42-43.
+24. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 464.
+25. Oswald Spengler, ibid. p. 402.
+26. K. R. Bolton, Revolution from Above [19] (London: Arktos, 2011).
+27. Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision, op. cit., p. 141; citing Marx, Appendix to Elend der Philosophie, 1847.
+28. Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), p. 41.
+29. Karl Marx, ibid., p. 44.
+30. Karl Marx, ibid., p. 47.
+31. Karl Marx, ibid., pp. 46-47.
+32. F. Chernov, “Bourgeois Cosmopolitanism and Its Reactionary Role [20],” Bolshevik: Theoretical and Political Magazine of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) ACP(B), Issue #5, 15 March 1949, pp. 30-41.
+33. K. R. Bolton, “America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy [21],” Foreign Policy Journal, May 3, 2010.
+34. Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, op. cit., p. 51.
+35. Karl Marx, ibid., p. 47.
+36. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, op. cit., Vol. 2, Chapter 4, (a) “The Soul of the City,” pp. 87-110.
+37. Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, op. cit., p. 47.
+38. Karl Marx, ibid, p. 46.
+39. Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, ibid., 57.
+40. Karl Marx, ibid., III “Socialist and Communist Literature, 1. Reactionary Socialism, a. Feudal Socialism,” p. 77.
+41. Karl Marx, ibid., p. 78.
+42. Max Beer, A General History of Socialism and Social Struggle [22] (New York: Russell and Russell, 1957), Vol. 2, p. 109.
+43. Max Beer, ibid., pp. 88-89.
+Talk to the Expert
+- from $4,786 PP
+At a Glance
+- 15 nights hand-picked high quality hotel accommodation
+- Private airport departure and arrival transfers
+- All domestic transfers as noted on itinerary
+- Delicious daily breakfast
+- Rental car hire
+- Private guided Wai-O-Tapu Geothermal Complex tour
+- Vineyard cycling tour in Martinborough
+- Kaikoura whale watching boat tour
+- TranzAlpine Train from Christchurch to Greymouth
+- Franz Josef glacier hike
+- Queenstown jet boat excursion
+- 24/7 support from our staff throughout your trip
+Day by Day Itinerary
+Day 1 Auckland: Arrival into Auckland
+Your Essential New Zealand trip begins with your arrival into Auckland International Airport where you’ll have the rest of the day to rest up after your long flight and enjoy a preview of the city. You’ll be met by your private driver for transfer to your hotel, with many restaurants and bars within walking distance.
+Day 2 Auckland: Day of Leisure – Optional Waiheke Island Trip
+Enjoy the day discovering Auckland at your own pace. We highly recommend visiting the SkyTower for a great overview of the city stretching all the way to the ocean from 1,076 above. If you’re looking for a thrill, you might want to take the SkyWalk or SkyJump, plunging down 53 floors at speeds of 53 mph. The Viaduct Harbour along the waterfront is filled with dozens of bars, restaurants, and shops to explore. You’ll also find some fabulous stretches of golden sands just north of the city. An optional ferry trip to explore vineyards on Waiheke Island is possible too.
+Day 3 Rotorua: Geothermal Wonders and Maori Culture
+This morning you’ll pick up the car we have reserved for you to make the approximately three-hour journey to the geothermal wonderland of Rotorua, famous for its bubbling mud pools and spouting geysers. By traveling Highway 27, you can stop in Matamata to tour the Hobbiton movie set, created for Peter Jackson’s “Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings” film series. After reaching Rotorua you’ll have the rest of the day to enjoy it. You might want to check out Kuirau Park, the country’s only free geothermal public park, an easy walk from the city center, filled with all sorts of magical wonders.
+Day 4 Rotorua: Private Guided Wai-O-Tapu Geothermal Complex Tour
+Today you’ll get an in-depth look at Rotorua’s most impressive geothermal features with a private guided tour of Wai-O-Tapu. That not only includes the erupting geyser Lady Knox and the largest mud pool in New Zealand, but the stunning Champagne Pool. The steamy jade waters encircled by burnt orange make up the area’s largest spring at around 200 feet in diameter. Watch as bubbles rise to the surface, the reason for its name. It spills over a waterfall before trickling over Primrose Terrace toward Bridal Veil Falls. After returning to your hotel you’ll have the rest of the day to yourself.
+Day 5 Hawke’s Bay: Art Deco Architecture in Napier
+Traveling further south, you’ll reach Lake Taupo before turning towards Napier along the east coast. Nearly the size of Singapore, witness evidence of its volcanic birth in the steaming craters, geysers and boiling mud pools. You might want to enjoy a swim in the geothermally warmed water from one of the beaches along the shore before continuing to Napier. While it was destroyed in the 1931 earthquake it was quickly rebuilt with magnificent Art Deco architecture, including the impressive Daily Telegraph building. The city’s symbol, the Pania of the Reef statue depicting a Maori maiden, can be found along the waterfront promenade.
+Day 6 Hawke’s Bay: Day of Leisure
+The day is yours for exploring Hawke’s Bay, with the landscape ideal for a cycling tour if you want to explore on two wheels. While a cycling wine tour is featured on the itinerary later, wine enthusiasts won’t regret enjoying one here too, with multiple outfitters offering excursions. The land is mostly flat, and the majority the region’s over 75 wineries are within easy cycling reach. The diversity of wine is matched by the diversity of the landscapes, found everywhere from coastal cliffs to lush valleys. Those who prefer golf can tee off at one of the world’s finest courses, Cape Kidnappers.
+Day 7 Martinborough: Wairarapa Wine Region
+Your last destination on the North Island is charming Martinborough in the Wairarapa Region. This photogenic village is filled with colonial-style buildings while the surrounding landscape is blanketed with some 30 vineyards. There are plenty of cellar dollars that open for tastings here too, arranged around the perimeter of the town grid. If you like good brews and want to change things up, take a tour of Martinborough Brewery to sample and explore New Zealand’s rich history of beer brewing. Patuna Farm offers horse riding, a fabulous experience riding and soaking up the beauty of the area, including a waterfall and lots of wildlife.
+Day 8 Martinborough: Vineyard Cycling Tour
+You’ll enjoy a vineyard cycling tour through Martinborough today, collecting your bicycle this morning to ride the flat country roads, stopping at olive groves and vineyards along the day. Enjoy sipping and touring, concluding with a delicious lunch back in town. After returning your bicycle you’ll have the afternoon to relax, with a long day ahead tomorrow. You might want to spend some time unwinding in the main square of town and exploring the pretty streets that circle its center. When hunger hits you’ll find plenty of enticing bistros, cafes and restaurants for a delicious dinner, with Poppies one of the most renowned.
+Day 9 Kaikoura: Ferry to the South Island
+After breakfast this morning you’ll continue your travels by heading to Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Here you’ll board your ferry, for the 3- to 3.5-hour journey to Picton, sailing across Cook Strait. If the weather allows, head to the deck where you’ll be surrounded by stunning scenery that just keeps getting better. As you cruise into the port, you’ll pass emerald forested hills steeply rising from the dark sapphire water, with the coastline dotted with hidden sandy coves and sheltered inlets. Upon arrive, pick up your next vehicle for the two-hour drive to Kaikoura on the east coast.
+Day 10 Christchurch: Whale Watching Boat Tour
+Kaikoura is famous for whale watching, with some of the best opportunities in the country. Sperm whales are plentiful, but you might also spot orca whales and other creatures like the resident dusky dolphin with its beautiful markings. They often play alongside of the boat, chasing it and occasionally even performing flips. During New Zealand’s spring, September through early December, whale calves can often be seen alongside their mothers. After your tour, continue traveling along the east coast to Christchurch. Enjoy a stroll through the streets – when multiple earthquakes destroyed many buildings, local artists brightened it up by creating eye-popping street art.
+Day 11 Franz Josef: TranzAlpine Train
+Drop off your car this morning before enjoying an enchanting ride on the TranzAlpine train, traveling from Christchurch to Greymouth. The four-hour journey traverses through magnificent mountains, dense forest, and over the Waimakariri River Gorge through more than five viaducts and 16 tunnels. One of the world’s most scenic, the views of the Southern Alps are absolutely jaw-dropping. Disembarking in Greymouth, you’ll pick up another car for the drive to Franz Josef, a stone’s throw from Franz Josef and Fox glaciers in Westland National Park which stretches from the sea to the mountains laced with many waterfalls, streams and lakes.
+Day 12 Queenstown: Franz Josef Glacier Hike
+An exciting glacier adventure awaits this morning, starting with a helicopter ride to Franz Josef glacier. You’ll join an expert guide for a two-hour hike, outfitted with glacier boots and crampons so that you can access a section of the eight-mile-long glacier itself, exploring pinnacles and ice caves. Following the hike, continue your travels by driving to Queenstown. This spectacular approximately 4.5-hour drive brings so many breath-taking views you’ll want to take your time. Wind through lush forest, along the coast, and heading back inland you’ll follow turquoise rivers while discovering countless waterfalls that cascade down towering mountains in every direction.
+Day 13 Queenstown: Day of Leisure
+Enjoy a day of leisure, taking advantage of the activities in the world’s “adventure capital.” Queenstown itself is compact, just a short walk from the center you can hop on the Skyline Gondola heading straight up Bob’s Peak. At the top you’ll find shops, restaurants and an observation deck with an incredible panoramic view. Return by the gondola, or zip down on the luge. Other possibilities including bungee jumping in the very place it was birthed, hiking the endless trails or visiting nearby Wananka on Wanaka lake to paddle the pristine water in a kayak. Whatever you do, you’ll be surrounded by jaw-dropping vistas.
+Day 14 Queenstown: Jet Boat Excursion
+Get ready for one of the most famous Queenstown experiences today. After breakfast you’ll head to the wharf where your jet boat is waiting. The world’s ultimate jet boat adventure, it will bring you through narrow, dramatic canyons, weaving in and out of the glacier-fed inlets from Queenstown to Lake Wakatipu and along the Dark River Valley while battling strong currents at speeds of almost 60 miles per hour. It ends at beautiful Glenorchy surrounded by stunning mountain peaks and ancient beech forests where scenes from “Lord of the Rings” were filmed. You’ll return to Queenstown via a shared transfer.
+Day 15 Queenstown: Day of Leisure + Optional Milford Sound Flightseeing/Cruise
+Your final day is all yours. You’ll have the option to take a bucket-list experience, with a scenic flight soaring over some of the country’s highest peaks and famous glaciers to Milford Sound. After landing, you’ll hop on a cruise to explore what Rudyard Ripling called the world’s “eighth wonder,” surrounded by mountains and waterfalls, with lunch served onboard. If you’d prefer to stick around town you might take the six-hour hike up Ben Lomond which offers a panoramic view over Queenstown stretching to the surrounding mountains. There are many fine dining restaurants to celebrate your trip this evening too.
+Day 16 Departure
+No matter how much time you spend in New Zealand it’s never enough, but after 15 nights you’ll have explored many of the highlights, with hundreds of photos to look back on. After checking out of your hotel, return your rental car and begin your journey home with a flight out of Queenstown Airport.
+What's not Included
+- Your international flights – please contact your travel expert know ...
+Highlights of Australia
+Sydney, Blue Mountains National Park, Uluru Rock, Cairns, Skyrail Rainforest cableway, Kuranda Scenic Railway, Great Barrier Reef, Daintree National Park, Port DouglasFrom $4,096 PPThis grand adventure covers many of Australia’s highlights from Sydney and Uluru to the Great Barr...
+Impalpable Air
+Watching Ivana's paintings we are surprized by the amount of originality created about the familiar elements...everything on them is familiar and intimate and yet quite different, unique and special, starting from the techniques and poetics to the painter's handwriting.
+The whole micro world it is, where figures float and balanse between dream and awakeness, reality and fairytale, exsistentialism and metaphysics. This world opens to us, created in wax on wood technique allowing her to simultaneously paint ,model and construct, getting out unique threedimensional paintings.
+Those paintings are inhabited by tiny beings hiding and protecting themselves by umbrellas. They are exposed to various temptations, balancing at the wire, jumping over the middspace, getting away from each other. They have difficulty in finding the way, needing metaphoric crossover to get to the other side, they get away from each other but yet find each other, and then, crouching under the umbrella defend themselves against the world.
+Problems of estrangement, rush, feelings that rule us consciousy and subconsciously, tread Ivana's imaginary landscapes and if giving in, we can easily plunge ourselves in them and acknowledge them as ours.
+The title Impalpable air associates the unspoken and undefined, what remains in the air and prevents us to realize contacts and dialogues.
+Nevertheless the sights are not disturbing....the figures remind us of the cartoon and video game heroes. Little Prince appears at some of them reminding us that the simplest human virtues enable exit from most of the bad situations, and the rainfall of multicoloured threads which connect and separate, give paintings some sort of cheerful, positive vibration.
+Ivana's paintings have attractiveness, disclosing indisputable metier, have full topics well expressed, and yet, they pose questions and steer to reflecting. Ivana questions in them her own doubts and feelings, but in this intimate element we find universal philosophic questions. All this gives Ivana's painting characteristics of pure art which is ever more difficult to be reached and is getting lost. But it never looses its value and actuality.
+Nira Burmas Domančić
+Music box
+In the synthesis of games and meditation Ivana Puljić devises her art opus by re-enactment of everyday life and imagination, and gives metaphysical overtones to artistic transformation and banal clips. She integrates poetic note in relatively exact character of painter tissue, with figurative details as holders of motifs and contrasts to geometric surface structure. In the objectification of intimate and infinite space of image, stratified and thickened by many facets, structured by parallel i.e. opposing lines is presence of atmosphere of lyrical connotation, eventually thematically segmented to the state of drama.
+Space, itself, is a content of the painting as interlaced and straight flow of lines are perceived as state of labyrinth temptations, and are read with its steady raster of order and rhythm as a sign, almost a symbol of ideal measure of space, with the unveiling of an exciting vitality of the frame where an unforeseen metaphorical architecture integrates internal and external prospects. Surely, construction of painting with its autonomy of painting field is echo of sort of abstraction, but it is open to dialogue with figurative weft; it is Ivana’s art sooth with characteristics of conciliation of different. Charming, discreet story components are of a kind of imaginary landscapes, happenings by the protective masonry, whose actors are permanent "residents" of Ivana's scenery or bystanders. Daydreams and seduction at the mysterious addresses, with muted rhythm of life form make links of entanglement with choruses and with puzzled character. Dimensions of figures are small, but their meaning is important, they are humanity against apparent "monumentalism" and are not blunted by alienation but, instead, carry a trace of cheerfulness. Waterfalls of line with the shading of colours intensity in nurturing light shades of relaxed figures, walkers and dancers, provide new sparks of joy and determinants of movement close to the whole painting surfaces. It is way to the unique energy of the image, although oasis of figurative preserves gentleness of speciality. Participants of occasions exist near or below the "cloud", hole in the sky with planes designed by emphasised density of lines. They float with their umbrellas between the real and the unreal, but, also, remain on the ground. But it gives a feeling of at least light boom because strict immobility of scene would disturb Ivana's artistic concept.
+But, also the gravitational attraction.
+For example, two poles (not too distant) of her art confirm that.
+Forms created by removing layers of wax, slender "scratches" on the membrane, and debrises of supplementary material on the surface, create "islands" of indented silhouettes and tactility, with premonition of artistic pulsations in the contours form. Ivana Puljić has chosen encaustic for her technique of expression. Although, not by strict rules as followed by ancient artists, in Egypt and Rome. However, the wax in its values of soft palette is the basis for her, too; its changeable "aggregation", potential transparencies are abilities that Ivana, thanks to her specific art education, utilises excellently. Not only as a quip but more logical and necessary component in the completeness of the idea of peace of art. The second pole weaved with lines of space corridor suggests by painting liras, heavenly vibrancy, or, al least, flickers from our immediate environment. Or in ourselves. The movement on the visual and contest level does not destroy attained state of meditation, because Ivana, with contemplative thread is looking for, and finds, the truth accompanied with beauty, by which is, in the act of painting, sense adjoined. And it can be in the music. In the works of subtle atmosphere. Overwhelmed with melody and in literal quotations of musical notation (mainly applied by patchwork straps) and in some forms of fluidity that runs as music pleasing to ear. Softness, mere sensuality, of building material of the image expresses tonalities, rhythms and riffs, equalize the orchestration of music with visual composition, where even sounds of silence have their place. We're back in the space weaved by line network and clips, whose vision origins lie outside the of physical definition of image, series of lines and correlation rich with semantic of layer, real iconographic events, corporality hidden in purity of line, state fully comprehensible only by poetizing raised by emotional breadth of views. And of course with Ivana's talent, sensibility and artistic self-awareness.
+Stanko Špoljarić
+In the Interspace
+Encountering Ivana Puljić paintings hardly leaves anyone indifferent.
+Long time ago she formed her artistic poetry and follows that path today experimenting, transforming and playing with painter’s material. The scenery and pallets change, urban themes give way to those somewhat surreal, eternal, colours are calming down, emotions, however, remain the same.
+The mise-en-scene in which Ivana sets her characters is minimized; city views and historic buildings are lost. Now, her characters are living in a timeless interspace where they float, meet, hurry up, but also love each other. The emphasis is not, any more, on some urban scenes; some more intimate stories are told and painted. The heart, and not the eye, leads the hand. In a kind of yearning tone lovers are touching, communicating through music or simply feeling each other.
+The softness and transparency of wax assists Ivana in describing that yearning.
+Despite the fact that on her latest paintings the narrator is predominantly black colour, what, perhaps, reflects our reality; ultimately her rain is in colours of a rainbow and her paintings radiate colourful, cheerful and playful world.
+An ancient technique, which she discovered and accepted during her study in Rome, she adjusts to her own artistic expression. She masterfully deepens the wax and pours the soul into her characters, by inlay in wax she hangs the underwear, paints the umbrellas. Her attention is devoted to some seemingly marginal, but to her important things, visual elements are rationalized, but not at the expense of freedom of spirit. By incorporating multi-colour images she paints rain, as well as the chaos in our heads. She introspects herself and each one of us. By her directness, simplicity and playfulness she penetrates deepest and the most sincere.
+That's why I am not surprised that I wanted to live in her painting from the very first time I saw them.
+Elizabeta Rogović
+Interaction in space
+Starting a journey always carries with it uncertainty and risks. Deciding to walk the rope is especially dangerous. The possibility of falling on one side, or the other, is present with every step. The balance of forces is crucial. Building a painting by combining a geometric abstraction and illustrative figuration always is a task that is not easy to overcome if one needs to preserve the necessary balance, equilibrium.
+Combine relief materials (rope, wax) and painters’ definition of a surface is also uncertain challenge. Paintings, relieves, objects (however defined – each definition is correct) of Ivana Puljić these seemingly incompatible contrasts align with lyrical ease.
+Rain created by geometric lines of rope is not bleak and menacing to the characters with an umbrella in hand. They are, anyway, protected by a kind of, almost invisible, wax capsule. Or rather his/her own cloud where there is one, lone actor, or a couple whose clouds merged into one. Sometimes, that cloud is a soft border where the rain disappears and does not reach figures and sometimes, the characters with an umbrella in their hands are above the rain. And an umbrella no longer serves to protect, but becomes an instrument for levitation, like Mary Poppins.
+We found out the destination of that floating. It is the same planet Little Prince reached. There is no more rough geometry, everything is soft and organic, and instead of an umbrella, there is a saxophone in the hand. The journey is over and we are, only expected to play our own tune of life. To get there we still need to cross the valleys of our internal roughness and sharp edges, to tear berths on our legs and to get over the loneliness of the empty, abandoned chairs where nobody sits. Ivana named her exhibition "Spatial Interaction". That is the broad definition, i.e the task of all of us, walking through our internal spaces, skipping over the cracks, and connecting again what we often think is within us incompatible - dilemma "either-or" which becomes the motto "and - and".
+Often, it is the aforementioned walking on a rope. Falls are inevitable. But the courage and the decision to move are the only and the most important tasks that we should demand from ourselves.
+Ivan Mesek
+I'm listening and watching the rain
+rain unites us
+rain saves our intimacy
+rain - the source of God
+foundation of rot
+rain takes us back to the beginning
+While large irregular bits of sky
+are falling
+on our streets and squares
+in a common emptiness
+echoing common thunders
+Rain brings us together
+we will overwrite everything
+and we will say -
+eh, now we will really
+through the cracks of heavens
+holy colours and holy light
+rain brings back
+my distant daughter
+my distracted hope
+my love for brothers
+A war above our heads
+that will not touch
+anything earthly
+from which we will run out
+seduced by the blind alley
+but only that is worth
+is the first breath of freedom
+the air is already warming up
+and wet suits evaporate
+in the central tram
+Arsen Dedić
+Back to Nature
+Coloristic richness and airiness of light are constants of the scenery, attractive to artists for artistic transformation independently of the selection of their poetics. Ivana Puljić recognizes the essence of the beauty of a particular landscape, as well as in the view of its attractive points and created by the atmosphere of dear sceneries. It is on adopted clips of the nature suitable for her fine balance between descriptiveness and reduction. Ivana encourages compositional solutions of prevailing verticality lightweight ascent of space, suggesting the concrete touch of imaginary.
+Ivana starts from the picturesqueness of her own environment, luminosity of south, but she, also, reflects the fields and hills of other geographical areas. By organizing scenes, views and squaring, Ivana gives to reality dimension of somewhat imaginary, potentiated by playfulness in interpreting details. Extremely important for the experience of her paintings is the structure of the surface, i.e. applied technique.
+Ivana Puljić paints with the wax, ancient encaustic, although modified in some aspects of the application. In any case, the structure of the surface, its sensuality caused by colour and imprinted light, gives vibrancy and constant materiality to the landscape. The material itself even in scrunched relief retains, in the character of the surface, initial feeling of fluidity and the heat accumulated in the energy and luminosity of Ivana's palette. The joy and play, with well-kept talent, led to the realization in the subtle material which in its content layer always carries a spark of a wonder.
+Ordinary crowded with fairy tale. The landscapes are not the only motifs that Ivana enriched with imagination. City views (often with quoted monuments) are also staged in the dialogue with dreams, in relation of representative buildings and threads close to the purity of views. Ivana’s boats sail between the coast of imagination and the banks of open sea, without the risks of strong wind since Ivana protected them with the veil of painter’s credibility. Present in variations of the theme, of related and different paintings, a kind of diptych that carries their uniqueness in shift of accent. Visible in an interesting arrangement of artistic components. Ivana very luckily and reasonably balances the clusters of coloured wax, the density of lines (whether summing parallel lines or by their free flow) and segments of unpainted canvas (very artistically active in the fabric of the whole). Paintings under such combinations are weft for artistic formation in which the motif unpretentiousness is a link to the primeval beauty of the Mediterranean and its historicity. The paintings breathe and exude an atmosphere of serenity, gently tremble in every corner. On this track, Ivana Puljić in her poetry includes the values of tradition transformed by modern visual language and a sincere freshness of expression in the atmosphere of serenity. Confirmed by colour when she paints, landscapes, cityscapes, blue sea or sympathetic situation in which there are participants of her story. Creates honestly and artistically impressive.
+Stanko Špoljarić
+Fragments of stopped time
+Creative plays, imaginative solutions and intriguing scenes are all characteristics of Ivana Puljić’s painting approach. Landscapes, vedute, figurative compositions and the determining motifs of different opuses have been brought about with a required amount of descriptiveness and stylisation of characters and of that which is external. Space organisation reflects the verticality of construction, adding the elements of the content, a correlation between the real and imaginary space. The formed clusters of the factual are contrasted against the whiteness of the surface, an active and neutral sheet, where the story tellers are attractive coloured forms. The stories are funny and they fascinate the observer with their simplicity, and therefore with the plentiful of different and exciting landscapes and city landmarks, marked by the brilliance of their beauty, as realised through the atmosphere of a given scene, the brightness, which is close to Ivana’s own temperament.
+Mediterranean playfulness has also been woven into her works of art, by using light and the colours of the palette which can be seen in details and the whole scene, the specific atmosphere of the south whose temperature is constantly being raised by the author. Ivana transmits experience into a happening, imagination into a constant of appearance, with a paradox in the impression – stopped time and a constant change of events.
+Ivana Puljić can feel the moment wonderfully; she remembers the states of the time gone by, at the same time striving for a picture of both calmness and mild pulsation. She used to observe and she does observe life around her, abolishes anxiousness, and on the pedestal of the main lines of colour she elevates the joy of everyday living. Her Dalmatia, with the blue sea and sky accepts other chromatic accents, larger or smaller painting epicentres which to a certain lateralisation of the image give, besides the repertoire and the dialogue of the shape, a touch of humour. With love, Ivana reveals and transforms situations and themes of the picturesque south, developing them in the frames of her own poesy, and in accordance with that the style of lyrical translucency, with humour in the thematic layer, and with spirituality when approaching the very concept of the presented beauty. In creating paintings Ivana has opted for the use an unusual method and materials, which define the character of the work itself. The suppleness of wax in “aggregate states” of fluidity and solidity is essential for a painting’s epidermis, its texture, gloss and the huskiness of fragments.
+Ivana has decided to use a different surface material while studying in Italy, where she followed artists and appearances she found attractive, thus reaching for an experiment on a technological level of credibility and authenticity in realisations of classical aesthetics, very much marked by contemporary sensitivity to which the door of innovation has been ajar.Furthermore, in the combinatorics of means, with painting and drawing parties, with winding, parallel, rhythmically balanced fibre threads, constructive units of certain paintings, with a collage of newspaper cuttings and, above all, depositions of wax, the material of tactile sensuality. Relief painting suggests narrow space in objectively clear architectonics of the scene.
+Ivana Puljić is prone to variations of a certain scene, to dialogue related by pairs of similar coordinated systems and actors occupied (play is not excluded) with the same questions, but different ones too, however, all of them coloured in emotional enthusiasm. This can be seen when she walks in the park, climbs hills, gives over to the distance of the open sea, when she talks to people. Moreover, in order to express the pulse of life and nature she uses the lightness and the immediacy of croquis (at least in segments) and a full painting finish, thus showing that the lines and surfaces of wax are a sign of movement in a painting’s vitality. The lines are like a wick to the wax, sparks of energy among possibilities of the material of light and colour.
+Stanko Špoljarić
+Imaginary world
+Imagery city views, monumental ambiance, are, often, inspiration to Ivana Puljić.
+Experience of dear places Ivana translates into a kind of artistic game, combinations of a painting and a drawing in the dialogue of diversities, combined into unity of style. On the one hand, she inclines to, almost, documentary precision in artistic transformation of architecture - a trademark of particular city, and on the other hand she concedes to free stroke imminent to the children's amazement.
+Ivana has preserved sketch directness visible in movement of linear and curved lines and indications of concerned in the translucency of the painting field. As a motive in a part of her opus Ivana has chosen familiar scenes, symbols of particular sights. But she, also, reveals her imaginary world of interesting stories in imaginative interlacing of dreams and presages, with content open to different possibilities of reading. Defending beauty, pure and unadulterated, is the guiding light of Ivana's painting.
+Sensation of fluency has been created, flicker of form, enhanced, also, by applied technique. Ivana has chosen a wax as a media, a material for moulding a surface. She still uses a drawing, various applications (wittily woven into the scene) that, due to softness and brilliance of wax, create a surface of rich structure. However, there is still a sense of layered space with a significant role of white in the development of art events, with illustration reasonable expressed with thematic layer of the art work. A little bit surreal but also daily and poetical up to state of elevation of the ground. Verticality of composition is external sign of the shift with the lyrical connotation, with slender and nice details, houses, umbrellas, fishes, balloons, walkers in the atmosphere of serenity arising from the selected palette and colour sonority saturated with light. For instance, Ivana in dominant blueness brilliantly accentuates colours of raised intensity. The density of parallel lines corresponds with noble blemish of coloured wax, with colouristic pulses spreading in staging of unusual framing. From the visual, results the atmosphere of paintings, including notes of humour. Unobtrusive linearity is congruent with the subtlety of Ivana's opus overgrown on talent, youthful enthusiasm and intriguing repertoire of forms and is truly inweaved in her creative pathway. Indisputable freshness of approach, certainly defined by south is for Ivana space of special inspiration.
+Stanko Špoljarić
+On the occasion of wax
+These are not words from an expert
+but from an admirer.
+Where to place Ivana’s intimity? Metaphysically,
+magical realism or real surrealism?
+Skilled and gentle is her minute hand.
+Her clips are swallows sited on staff.
+She paints in praise of secondary matters.
+“Cio che mi ha detto il tram” / Carlo Carra /.
+Her streetcar drive us through the Ilica street,
+Her paintings are late candle light,
+melting on the kitchen table.
+We are sleeping in blue bed of Ivana’s childhood.
+We linger our lives behind her Mediterranean
+We are packing ourselves for leaving.
+Our yearning is wax on wood.
+Mysterious stranger who’s red umbrella
+protects his backbone of existence.
+I’m like a waxwork on Ivana’s page.
+Arsen Dedić
+Cross-over of taletelling reliefs
+Labelling works that escape common “categorisation” seems to be not only risky but also a witless endeavour already since the lucid – for some perhaps also cynical – Tom Wolf’s “diagnosis” on literary or interpretative rigour of contemporary art, which becoming actually a “painted word” has often been a purpose to itself.
+Nevertheless, it is hard to resist not naming a series of combined wax techniques on wood, that is, peculiar assemblages and taletelling bas-reliefs of Ivana Puljić, typical offspring of the idiosyncratic “cross-over” fine art. Or, particularly, a part of a tidal wave that combines various techniques which find their origin in the peculiar eclecticism and the post-modern freedom to choose forms and content(s).
+Basically, we are witnessing here a real process of patchworking/colagging, yet not in a sense of traditional and common assembling of pieces of paper or debris “deposited” from everyday surrounding, but as a way to make/form a composition, “picture of the whole” and painting’s surface; and all that with deep premeditation and faultless selection of material.
+Namely, different kinds of wax – natural, artificial and those mixed with pigments – have twofold function. They are, of course, major part of relief “configuration” of painting’s surface, its basic building element, surface on which one scratches as if it would be graphics, but as well they are translucent protective “emulsion” through which the underlying layer is visible. Moreover, wax happens to be not only a connective tissue which, in the painting’s whole, connects inserted objects and various materials – from nails, old diskette “floppy disc”, MP3 player or i-pod’s earphones, wires, cords... – but becomes a contemporary amber’s kin, in which the yellow enamel fossilised remains of departed life are eternally caught. Obviously, Ivana Puljić is authoress that insists on “facing” (juxtapositioning) formally disparate elements yet instead of leaving chaotic impression, each of her collage-reliefs is irresistibly seducing and meticulously wrought. Be it even when a painting – as a public advocacy of the idea of post-modern adoption – forms a drawing à la David Hockney, pop-artistic motives or informell’s “dramatic effects” used to form relief surface.The notion of new “fusions” of seemingly disparate elements and styles – which perhaps provokes the idea that all of the old “forms” and “classical disciplines”, and moreover the art of painting itself, are dead – is fully in tune with the main topic of Ivana’s work. As the title of this cycle suggests, the authoress is interested in parallelism of inner and outer worlds; the literal one – say, with apartment interiors and public transportations in which “time stands still” while the outer world “passes by” quickly as lightning – and, the symbolic one that speaks of questioning the connections between the inner self and outer world trapped by the translucent envelope of wax.
+Zlatko Gall
+Hidden liric impulses of the city
+In a relatively short period of time the paintress Ivana Puljić articulates her existential and artistic position, concentrates her personal experience of the world not being interested in a firmly fixed view, but always in the new alchemy of carefully selected materials.
+With the graduation on Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome (2000) this young paintress adds to her previous abstract. The encounter with the consequences of a depersonalization and dehumanization of the urban centers by no coincidence provokes in her a thoroughly individual artistic feeling that will guide her towards abandoning mimesis and entering in the fantastic world of symbols and metaphors. It is interesting that.
+The urban jam which can thrill in the beginning with its colorfulness and rhythms of the contemporariness has quickly satiated the painter, which prone to silences and tranquil atmospheres turns back from an expressionistic fervency to the small, but for her important things. The world, which once seemed a secret suddenly becomes reality, the most simple givens of life and spaces around us accumulate new psychological contents soaked in poetic touches and hidden music.
+Subtly and gently the authoress simply calls upon in purified forms certain poetic minimalism, be it street’ lights, lightened windows, ropes with flags or hanged clothes, calm city motives, but as well counterpoints of crashed delights and expressive colorist charges.The investigation of the space and the occupation with formative riddles, the different wax layers on the wooden plates and the new insertions of metal scraps with prodigious visual effects are in the same time an investigation of the spaces of consciousness, of broken memories, dreams and mediations..
+Tonći Šitin
+Investigating intimacy and space
+The newest cycle of paintings by the promissing authoress Ivana Puljić from Split, which presents herself for the first time to the Šibenik audience, although being a new share of her liric expression it does make a continuation to a previously began specific investigations and reflections, now already within an extinct gammas of dark or black tonality with blazing coloristic accents.
+If we remind ourselves with her graduation at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome (2000), the artist has added to the earlier. In a madly poetic imagination, curious searching, but as well purifying of the composition and aspiration for a technical perfection, an almost nomadic spirit finds anew, as it were, a safe asylum.
+Interestingly enough,.
+She palpably demonstrates that a persistent and systematic work on the technical-craft’s perfecting can bear fruit to perfection of the lyric experience and refer to the multilayerness of the whole sight.
+The urban jam which in the beginning can thrill with its colorfulness and rhythms of the contemporariness has quickly satiated the painter, which prone to silences and tranquil atmospheres turns back from an expressionistic fervency to the small, but for her important things.
+The spatial fascination by the vistas and city-squares, by the seethe of life in the eternal Rome, gradually enriches through the investigation of the so called inner life, of ultimately simple quotidian facts, there where a dream, memory, loneliness with abundance of metaphoric connotations dwell.
+Subtly and gently the authoress simply calls upon in purified forms certain poetic minimalism, be it street’ lights, lightened windows, ropes with flags, calm city motives, but as well counterpoints of crashed delights and expressive colorist charges.
+The investigation of the space and the occupation with métier problems, the different wax layers on the wooden plates, the new insertions of metal scraps with prodigious visual effects (e.g. Tango), are not for Ivana only a heritage of the surroundings but a personal searching, in her vision with a warmth of feelings she wants to appease worlds, with an upheaval of imagination she wants to touch human spiritual landscapes..
+The persistent work on creating a recognizable signet, which on a conceptual level we experience very emotionally and with strong tones of lyricism, intends an in-depth observation of the world, subtly registering each alteration of it.
+Tonći Šitin
+The simple title combined technique that stands by her paintings hides a whole range of methods and materials that require patience, precision and speed in order to result with desired effect.
+On the wooden pad she places cloth or a net; she uses thread, clutch, paint, wax...The richness of materials and processes ultimately results in magical paintings of realism.Her paintings remind me of dreams; those dreams in which you recognize the clear outlines of objects, well-known things, situations and people that you see every day, but they are located in some unusual, somewhat nightmarish places and connected in ways possible only in dreams.
+Ivana Puljic introduced herself to Karlovac audience with thirty-four paintings made in combined technique that could be, in short, described as wax on wood. These paintings were made during last few years, in the period from 2006 to 2010. Few older paintings, made in 2006 and 2007, show a strong link between the artist and the material she uses – almost the entire paintings are covered with wax. In time, this relationship slowly loosens and the artist emphasises particular segments, what results in increased intensity of her paintings and in wax gaining the strength and coming to the forefront. This is especially evident in the paintings made in 2009. It is hard to sort her art works by themes but motive that wriggles through the largest number of her paintings is certainly the motive of the city, of its urban part.
+Often, she paints Split. Vivid in every way, it is a city that she misses when she is far away, but also a city that is a bit suffocating when she is in it for a too long.
+In such situations, she returns to Rome, the place where her painting skills maturated; to the city that had formed her in her young, formative years when we are thirsty for knowledge and desire experience. She does not lack the inspiration there.This exhibition gives an insight into the intimate world of the artist, into paintings that at first glance appear blurred, but that invite you to pause and to gaze at them.
+Only then you will recognize and discover all that they display, and, maybe, find a piece of your dream on some of them.
+Silvija Huljina
+Wax, as a painting medium, determinates all paintings exhibited by Ivana Puljić. It determinates them just as much as, for example, the metrics matrix determinates a sonnet. The painter has to take into consideration its technological and medium specificities, equally at times when wax gives her wings as well as at times when she, by her own good will, transforms its expressional limits into a welcome advantage. In the same way as the limits of a frame have become, with time, the key element of a painting.
+In these paintings everything is wax and everything is made of wax. However, some of them are more “waxy” than others. Those are the ones in which the painter uses a tiny cloud of wax over the already existing coat of wax in order to separate signs, symbols and even a scene, that is, the most important details on those paintings. By constructing a metaphor of the story on the basis of inequality of the more and the less important, she also composes the denotative and visual matrix of the painting. This assembly of painted material gives conciseness to expression, but reduces the possibility for creative involvement of an observer.
+In the other, here exhibited, paintings– those that were not painted in the above described manner, those in which the eye is not focused on only one stronghold - the spectators enjoy freedom of non-binding “open space” of the painting which is left to their imagination.
+Therefore, Ivana Puljić offers interactive realisation in one group of paintings, while in the other group of paintings she offers hierarchical, gradual and concise realisation.
+The line, guided by the hand, likes the technically precise, descriptively readable drawing that finds a well known shape interesting, but it does not object when the painter entrusts it with the role of an unsettling factor, when it becomes a servant of the rhythm.
+A range of denotations at the disposal of the painter manipulate with the general, most imminent knowledge that each one of us possesses, but for which we do know how we acquired it or where it came from. Probably it has been a part of us forever. It is exactly that agreeable comfort of revelation that the painter relies on when she presents this type of painting to us.
+Those among us who are systematically interested in visual arts know that our senses present the world of individual events in inextricably connected and mixed images.
+However, if we were to leave those images only to our senses we would never succeed in untangling them nor in clearly understanding their structure. Luckily, our minds possess instruments to understand generality in its clearest form. It is this talent of ours that she counts on and manipulates with. She pulls us in her spiritual game that gives us comfortable access to the world of these paintings, which we experience as being simultaneously inside and out of/above it. A good example of such narrative game can be found in the works exhibited here which bind together the landmarks of two or more cities with very different visual identities. Let me revert to one of them - the painting «Dance of the Venetian Gondolas» which 'hosts’ visual identities of the three cities (Split, Venice, Zagreb). Rialto and Peristil participate in a mix of identities whose final result is a new, self-sufficient, visual reality. These works are, in most cases, very successful – ones that the painter can be particularly proud of.
+One of the elements which is not the most important for this type of painting, but is obviously constantly present in its spiritual meander is the aesthetics of the comic. I shall say no more on this topic. This generalized observation results from the perception that the connection of these paintings with the comic is buried somewhere deep in our subconscious, so this perception is more of a feeling rather than a clear and elaborated argument.
+The painter feels good and comfortable in the liberalistic milieu of the postmodernism. However, she has not sworn fidelity to it and therefore she frequently shifts away from it and tries out other liberties, other experiences.
+The shift of these paintings from the postmodernist experience is perceived in the fact that these individual signs are not without reference, they are not “paintings without reality, and even less are they reality without a foundation”. Her hyper-reality bases its authenticity on objectification. That “simulacrum”, suitable only for her, leads us to perceive the painter as the one who believes that what she advocates in the social field is only a more or less attainable Utopia.
+This multi-layered richness in front of you is dedicated to those who posses a deeper, more fundamental intimacy of information. The search of structure of these paintings reveals complexity which results in simplicity and readability and that is the final impression of these paintings.
+Andro Filipić
+Wax, the son of alchemy
+The wax, fascinating material with large expressive potential.
+Son of alchemy - but only figuratively speaking - wax in itself includes two complementary aspects: it can be a liquid, and it can be a solid. It occurs naturally and can be man-made.It is stretchable. It is a noble material that carries ancient stories.
+Ivana Puljic discovers encaustic from books while studying art history in Split and at the Academy of the fine arts in Rome. Meanwhile, she experiments with techniques to give voice to her inner world before she decides to express herself through figurative painting, mixing pigments and melted wax.
+Language of expression, which is her own, goes further than the painting itself; borders with sculpture; crossing varieties of graphics; and all of this is exactly true for the creation of full and empty surfaces, adding and removing. One dynamic and uterine vision in which the sensory aspect of touch is no less important than the visual appearance, a conceptual concern. Touching the surface of the painting, feeling the softness or hardness of the material leads us beyond the two-dimensionality of the painting as it is. Some speak of contamination when watching her work; work in which there is, certainly, formal solutions and content of the historical avant-garde: from fauvists to futurists, not forgetting matrix of Dadaists’ Pop Art. But, looking deeper, we see the message of Renaissance culture. The significance of placing the man in the centre of the universe. Poetics cantered on man is in fact the one of Ivana Puljic. The man is in his present, which is, also, ours, the artist’s and the viewer’s.The action takes place within the architectural - urban scenarios dominated by technology of progress, between objects and dynamics of everyday life. However, there is evident lack of the human figure, or better, its presence mainly in an indirect way.It starts with pairs: presence/absence, interior/exterior...
+As for the psychological components, she finds strength through chromatics.Mediterranean colours, combined with a soft form - often only emphasized by the drawing, which exude with the immediate freshness - that has leaked from domestic interiors.In the 'interiors' series artist carves gutters in the painting, more or less deep, filling them with pigment and melted wax.
+Where everyday objects - even those banal - such as telephone, clothes-pegs, a pair of slippers, TV or a washing machine, curtains, a carpet ... represent an oasis of security, which surrounds the individual, confronted with inevitable predictability.
+Darker shades - shades of grey and black – follow, above all, a vision of strict perspective from the outside, lit by sporadic red spots (lights at night) and white ropes that outline the profiles of large buildings, railway stations, overhead transmission towers, cars, pedestrian crossings, rails...
+In these works - many of whom have the title derived from time & hour- work process is different. At the bottom of the grey texture of the canvas we see the elements of thread-rope immobilized with metal staples. Here, casting wax, besides indicating the form, interprets the idea of movement. Two worlds, existing in parallel, in which Ivana Puljic enters on tiptoe.
+Manuela de Leonardis
+Playing with the wax
+In the material world that surrounds us and that we are experiencing, creative interventions in space, whatever they may be, are immanent only to humans. The man has always tried to leave his mark on our, blue planet and at the same time to, in his kind’s unique way, capture the emotions: fears, desires, doubts, intentions, comfort and discomfort; i.e., exactly the deepest, inner feelings. Initially, he did it with what he has always had with himself: his body (gestures), voice (scream), mime (grimace). Over time, he developed and mastered himself as well as the environment in which he lived, and gradually discovered new methods and new tools.
+Speech was born, first tools were made and in the moment when he imprinted his hand on the stone in the cave in which he lived begins his artistic expression, begins the history of art.In the world of recent artistic creations Ivana Puljic, from Split, who paints between her hometown and Rome, leaves her specific tracks in an interesting and, primarily, unusual way.
+Why do I say "unusual way"?
+Primarily because of her choice of media she uses to present us her intimate artistic vision. It was long ago when we got accustomed to the standard materials like pencils, pastels, and ink in colours, watercolours, oil and acrylic colours, but we stop of surprise in front of her paintings because Ivana expresses her poetics by - wax. Not crayons, but wax. This seamy and, apparently, deficient material in her hands becomes a kind of seductive and playful colour spectrum, just what she needs to convey her message. After perceiving the very core of this material, regardless of its natural or industrial origin, the artist, in her permanent experiment, inbreathes in it a whole new dimension making it suitable, subtle, eloquent, in a whole new way and for her needs usable, useful medium.
+Ivana Puljić is hundred percent urban and it is hard for her to separate herself from the urban elements. They deeply pervade her, as well as her paintings. She sings a lyric ode to a megapolis, architecture, industrial civilization of ordinary, utilitarian objects such as telephones, refrigerators, washing machines, metro or harbour cranes. The man, an ubiquitous culprit, is disguised; he is rarely in the forefront. And when he, timidly, emerges from gloomy and generally dark waxy sfumato, around him, behind and above him surmounts threatening apocalyptic premonition. Escape from that incognisance and threatening surrounding Ivana often finds (as well as we in front of her paintings) just behind the doors and windows, subtly penetrating in the intimacy of the interior. In there she feels well, peaceful, surrounded by familiar colours, sounds and smells of well known, everyday objects. Such poetry of hers is always expressively emphasized only by one, but powerful detail, that, at the first moment occupies all our attention and then gradually exposes her tiny horizons of imagination and inevitably leads us into the realm of relaxation, tranquillity and understanding.
+Pavle Kaunitz
+Time Trinity
+The time in which we live: contemporary, modern, sophisticated - we can not perceive without looking at the past and into the future. Everything is connected, including time which has an important influence on the art works.The miracle of creation of an art work is, at the most, linked to the time trinity or its triple layer meaning that every author has to learn from the past, to be and act in the present and hope, yearn for the future.
+And each Trinity is mysterious and intriguing, especially the brightest one that encourages us and lead us through hard times!
+Often, art works send us back in time, or allow us a glance to future: sometimes we believe that it will be better and sometimes we don’t. In any case and, beside only aesthetic experience, it stimulates us to contemplate!
+Ivana mainly addresses today's observer, creating works in which contemporary motives prevail, motives that surround her, technological or architectural themes.
+But, we will see old fashioned curtains on the windows everywhere; we will see romantic blue sky full of stars or the old tiles on the walls, Roman or Split’s, all the same. Although these are the details, they testify connection between time and space and our aspirations to Eternity. Education acquired in Italy - in the cradle of the art - and Dalmatian origins connected to the Mediterranean, destined Ivana to choose colors and color schemes by following the topic she represents in that moment wise.
+Modern buildings sometimes look like masts and department stores look like arenas what, today, basically, they are - arenas of bizarreness and consumer society.
+The trendy interiors are bitten by the details that prove the speed of everyday life what the artist paints in especially sensible way.
+Subtle is, and really special, color specter of the wax which she uses for her paintings, using only one color for the background but shaded to perfection.
+The main motive is shaped by the line that emphasizes the presence of the interior, with details of appropriate color specter, confirming her knowledge of various painting styles and canons, and pointing out the author's originality in choosing the themes, colors and emphasized details.
+Ivana Kokić
+A young painter, Ivana Puljic, with her professional choice, already demonstrates a distinguished capability for detailed research on visual arts; and essentially, her paintings in encaustic technique offer a full view of a modern urban life.
+The encaustic technique, used by our painter, consists in painting by wax. The powdered pigment colour is mixed with hot melted wax, and while it is still in a liquid state, it is applied to a wooden base, which partially absorbs the coloured wax. When the wax cools down, the painting maintains the brilliance, vitality of tones and resistance to humidity.
+However, it is not resistant to heat. To apply wax and colour, she uses carving instruments. The encaustic technique, as a way of painting, was used by the ancient Egyptians in the V century BC. The same technique was also known in the period beginning from IV century BC to our days. Through Hellenic paintings, the encaustic technique has arrived to roman paintings, and examples can be seen among the works produced until the IV century. The Greeks initially used this technique to decorate ships and houses; and later, after V century BC, they used it for mural paintings. In western European art, particularly important are the portraits done on wooden tablets, found on various sarcophagi together with the mummies in El Fayum, Egypt, which belong to the period between I and IV century BC. Ivana Puljic uses this antique painting technique with awareness and intuition. Probably the latter, together with her curious spirit and attention to details, plays a very important role. Her portraits are of strong expressiveness and sensibility, and are characterized by the choice of shapes and colours, through which she gives a perfect interpretation of the young. The paintings of her pop icons transmit colours rich in tones and shadings. Our painter intertwines lines and surfaces in an inventive way, thus increasing pictorial richness of illustration; the colours in the background create abstract applications, with a clean cut of figures and reflexes on the paintings that increases tension. To apply coloured wax, with equal mastery, Ivana uses spatula and carving instruments; and using these different tools, she structures the pictorial surface. In order to interpret the urban and modern world, by reasoning on life in general, our painter uses one of the most antique painting techniques, changes it and makes it perfect. Regardless of her young age, she is capable of contemplating a modern society with a technique of old times; and precisely in this contradiction resides the cause of her observation and interpretation.
+Maruša Avgustin
+Batik - painting with a poetic expression
+Painting, drawing, writing - these three elements are attributed to an expressive ancient technique Batik. The oldest batik art forms have been found in ancient Egypt and Persia around the 5th century. Much earlier, in China and in Japan, batik has been used for decoration of cloths made of silk, linen and cotton. Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing of cloth and then soaking the cloth in paint. The procedure is similar to a graphic technique - in negative. In Europe, the technique was introduced in 17th century by the Dutch. At the first, no special significance is given to this new technique because the paintings looked very exotic, but on a global exhibition in Amsterdam the batik art forms achieved great success, and only after that, many artists seriously adopted this technique.In the Netherlands, great interest for batik generates and furthermore, highly esteemed schools of design were founded.Could we call batik a new artistic expression? I would say yes. Even in USA, a country open for new artistic directions, a great architect of Dutch origins, Pieter Mayer, opened his studio for batik decorations in the centre of New York.And so, young artist Ivana Puljić dedicated her artistic painter’s search to this technique, knowing that in the history of art, this expressive technique is not fully used. I am sure that this exhibition is the result of knowledge and tireless search with which the artist Ivana Puljić encounters. Blue, dark blue and purple are the colours prevailing in her paintings, they are the poetic letters and notes she plays on the canvas. I do not know if these interesting paintings have a decorative function, I believe that they do not have it. In fact, I think they are completely detached from its original meaning. The artist Ivana Puljić gave them a more complete meaning - not to be a part of something, but to shine with their own light. The motives of her paintings will never be decorative as they are full of mystery, of strong impressions, in short – they are scenes from life.
+Prof. Italo Scelza Palumbo
+An open reading frame (ORF) homologous to norA was insertionally inactivated with cat in a fluoroquinolone-resistant pneumococcus with an efflux phenotype; this inactivation caused reversion to drug sensitivity. The ORF product has 24% amino acid sequence identity each to NorA and Bmr, which suggests that it is a major facilitator system pump of the 12-transmembrane-segment class.
+Recent studies in our laboratories and elsewhere have described a putative efflux mechanism as a cause of low-level fluoroquinolone resistance in pneumococci (1-3,13). As for other well-described multidrug efflux pumps, such as NorA and Bmr (9), concomitant reduced susceptibility to several diverse compounds is observed, and the pump is inhibited by reserpine. However, the genetic basis of this mechanism of resistance is not known. We therefore undertook this study to determine whether a homologue of norA or bmr is responsible for efflux-mediated resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
+Nucleotide sequence data from the Institute of Genome Research (Rockville, Md.;) S. pneumoniae genome project were screened against the EMBL prokaryote library by using FASTA (10). One genomic sequence showed some homology withnorA. An open reading frame (ORF) of 1,200 bp within this sequence showed 52% homology to a 430-nucleotide overlap withnorA. By using PCR, DNA from 53 bp 5′ of the start codon to 1,186 bp into this ORF was amplified from the chromosome of S. pneumoniae R6. The primer sequences were 5′GGATCCGATATCAGAACCAGCTTCTTA3′ (forward;BamHI/EcoRV linker underlined) and 5′GGTACCAAGCTTTTAATAATGTTCGAAA3′ (reverse;KpnI/HindIII linker underlined). The conditions used were an initial extended denaturation cycle of 94°C for 5 min followed by 30 cycles of 1 min at 50°C, 1 min at 72°C, and 1 min at 94°C.
+The ORF PCR product was cloned into pBluescript SK−(Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif.) and transformed intoEscherichia coli XL1-Blue (Stratagene).cat excised from pR326 (4) was ligated into the cloned ORF. The resultant plasmid (pNBT5CAT), maintained inE. coli XL1-Blue, contained cat cloned into theAccI site of the ORF, flanked by 478 and 764 bp of ORF sequence. pNBT5CAT was used to transform (6) S. pneumoniae R6N. Strain R6N is a strain with an efflux phenotype derived by transformation of strain R6 with DNA from strain 1N27; strain R6 is an easily transformed laboratory strain; strain 1N27 is spontaneous mutant (selected by norfloxacin) of S. pneumoniae ATCC 49619 (3) with an efflux phenotype and is not easily transformable. Transformants of R6N were selected on Columbia agar supplemented with 5% horse blood and containing chloramphenicol (8 μg/ml). The antibiotic susceptibility of transformants was tested by an agar dilution method (3) using Iso-Sensitest agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke, United Kingdom) supplemented with 5% horse blood and an inoculum of 104CFU per spot. Following incubation at 37°C in 4 to 6% CO2 for 20 h, the MIC was taken as the lowest concentration completely inhibiting growth.
+Table 1 shows the antibiotic susceptibilities of isogenic derivatives of R6. The efflux phenotype of R6N (increased MICs of norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, acriflavine, and ethidium bromide [EtBr]; fourfold reduction of norfloxacin MIC in the presence of reserpine) (2, 3) was reversed to the fully susceptible phenotype in R6N-cat. Confirmation that these changes in susceptibility were due to altered efflux was made by demonstrating an increase in accumulation and a decrease in efflux of EtBr (1, 3) in R6N-cat in comparison to those of R6N. Briefly, for accumulation, bacteria were suspended in uptake buffer (NaCl, 110 mM; KCl, 7 mM; NH4Cl, 50 mM; Na2HPO4, 0.4 mM; glucose, 0.2%; Tris base, 52 mM adjusted to pH 7.5 with HCl) and then exposed to EtBr (2 μg/ml). The increase in fluorescence as EtBr entered the cells was recorded fluorometrically (excitation λ = 530 nm; emission λ = 600 nm) at 30°C. EtBr accumulation at 20 min was significantly greater (Student’s t test, P < 0.02) in R6N-cat than in R6N (Fig. 1A). For determining EtBr loss, bacteria were first exposed to EtBr (2 μg/ml) in the presence of reserpine (1 μg/ml) for 20 min at 37°C. The cells were then pelleted by centrifugation and resuspended in fresh uptake buffer. The loss of EtBr from the cells was measured as a decrease in fluorescence. EtBr efflux was significantly lower in R6N-cat than in R6N (Fig. 1B). There was no significant difference in the accumulation of efflux of EtBr between R6 and R6N-cat.
+Characteristics and antibiotic susceptibilities ofS. pneumoniae strains
+EtBr accumulation (A) and efflux (B) in isogenic pneumococci. Fluorescence is directly proportion to EtBr concentration. For accumulation (A), fluorescence is in arbitrary units; for efflux (B), fluorescence is expressed as a percentage of that at the first time point (15 s) for each strain. Each point represents the mean of three separate determinations; error bars show standard deviations. Symbols: ■, R6, susceptible strain; ▴, R6N, efflux strain; •, R6N-cat, strain with putative efflux pump gene insertionally inactivated by cat.
+PCR of chromosomal DNA using the above primers and ClaI restriction digest analysis of the resultant amplimers showed that the putative efflux pump gene was present in R6, R6N, and R6N-cat. In addition, PCR product digestion withClaI showed that the cat orientation in the pump gene in R6N-cat was such that its transcription was in the opposite direction to that predicted for the pump gene. Southern blotting was performed on PstI- andHindIII-digested chromosomal DNA (from R6, R6N, and R6N-cat) (13). The Southern blot was probed with an efflux gene probe (made by using the above PCR product) or acat probe (derived by SmaI andHindII digestion from p326). Probes were labelled with the ECL random prime labelling system (Amersham Life Science Ltd., Little Chalfont, United Kingdom). Hybridizations were carried out for 18 h at 60°C; the membrane was washed three times for 15 min at 60°C in 1× SSC (0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate) containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate and then washed three times for 15 min at 60°C in 0.1× SSC containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Probe signal generation was detected on chemiluminescence film in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (Amersham Life Science Ltd.). Probing with the efflux gene demonstrated that there was only one copy of the efflux pump gene on the chromosome of R6 and its isogenic derivatives. The efflux pump gene probe and the cat probe both hybridized to the same 1.8-kb PstI fragment of R6N-cat chromosomal DNA. Finally, DNA sequencing of PCR products generated from chromosomal DNA of R6N and R6N-catalso confirmed that cat had inserted into theAccI site of the putative efflux gene in the latter strain.
+Alignment of the putative pneumococcal efflux pump sequence with the amino acid sequences of Bmr and NorA is shown in Fig.2. Overall, it has 24% sequence identity each with Bmr and NorA. Transmembrane segment (TMS) predictions using SOSUI (7) indicate that the pneumococcal efflux pump has 12 TMSs. The TMSs are in positions comparable to those in other 12-TMS proton-dependent efflux pumps (9). Further evidence that it is an efflux pump comes from the finding that it contains sequences similar to those of motifs A, B, C, D2, and G (Fig. 2) that have been described in other 12-TMS proton-dependent efflux pumps (8). These motifs are thought to be essential for protein structure and function but are unlikely to be involved in pump substrate specificity (9). Analysis of sequence found at the 5′ end of the ORF revealed the presence of promoter, transcription start, and Shine-Dalgarno sequences consistent with those found in pneumococci (11). In common with other efflux pumps, the pneumococcal pump gene was found in all strains examined by PCR. It is therefore likely that the associated drug resistance phenotype results from increased pump expression.
+Amino acid sequence alignment of B. subtilisBmr (EMBL accession no. M33768), S. aureus NorA (EMBL accession no. D90119), and the pneumococcal efflux pump (Pmr). Alignments were performed by using Multalin (5). Amino acids in bold are those common to the three proteins. Motifs A, B, C, D2, and G are those described by Paulsen and Skurray (8). TMS predictions are from SOSUI predictions (7) of the pneumococcal sequence.
+In summary, we have insertionally inactivated an ORF that had sequence homology with norA in a pneumococcus with a drug efflux phenotype. This inactivation resulted in the loss of the efflux phenotype. The corresponding amino acid sequence of this ORF is consistent with it encoding a 12-TMS proton-dependent multidrug efflux pump of the major facilitator family. Since there may be other multidrug efflux pumps in pneumococci, we propose calling this pump PmrA (pneumococcal multidrug resistance protein).
+We are grateful to A. Dahlhoff of Bayer AG for financial support.
+We also thank C. G. Dowson and V. Barcus for their advice on pneumococcal transformation and the gift of competence-stimulating peptide. J.-P. Claverys kindly sent us pR326.
+- Received 17 July 1998.
+- Returned for modification 2 October 1998.
+- Accepted 28 October 1998.
+New Leadership for a New Decade
+January 18, 2011
+- Barry Glassner© Robert M Reynolds
+Barry Glassner, a noted cultural commentator, is Lewis & Clark’s 24th president.
+At different points in his life, Barry Glassner has been a radio announcer, a freelance journalist, a sociology professor, a best-selling author, a high-level university administrator—even a successful magician. Much like the students who attend Lewis & Clark, he brings with him a wide range of talents. He will make use of them all—minus the card tricks of his youth—in his new position as the 24th president of Lewis & Clark.
+Glassner has built an impressive career as a professor and administrator at several institutions—most recently, the University of Southern California, where he served as executive vice provost. A keen observer of American culture, Glassner is the author or coauthor of nine books, including The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things (1999), a national best seller.
+The Chronicle caught up with Glassner in October, his first month on the job.
+Early Years
+Tell us about your childhood in Virginia. I grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, a small city in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I have a brother, Jonathan, who is nine years younger. He is a TV writer, director, and producer. He’s probably best known for his work on Stargate SG-1, but he works on many different things.
+When I was growing up, my main hobby was magic. I saw a magician at a birthday party when I was 6 years old, and I thought he was really cool. I started getting books and learning tricks. By the time I was 12, I was doing my own shows all over Roanoke. As a teenager, I was an officer in a national club for young magicians and went to magic conventions. My brother got interested in magic too, and eventually, he took over my act.
+How did you come to major in journalism—and later pursue sociology? What attracted you to these fields? I was editor of my high school newspaper, so that’s where my interest in journalism began. As for sociology, I’ve always found it fascinating to observe groups of people. As a boy, I would get distracted on the playground because I was watching other kids, trying to figure out what they were up to.
+The kind of sociology I pursued initially, ethnography, is oriented toward that approach.
+What was the best part of your college experience? The worst? The best and worst are one and the same. During my first year at Northwestern, I saw an announcement for a great job at ABC radio network. I was majoring in journalism, and in high school, I’d worked part time at a little radio station near my hometown. But in no way did I meet the qualifications they listed for the position at ABC. I mustered my courage, talked my way into an interview, ironed my best shirt, and somehow convinced the bureau chief to hire me.
+Things went fine the first couple of weeks, until one day I was given an assignment I had no idea how to do—on a piece of equipment I’d never seen before. The man who had hired me walked by and saw I was almost in tears. And to add insult to injury, he laughed. This got me so nonplussed, I said the first thing that went through my head: “Why did you hire me, anyway? You must have realized I don’t know how to do this stuff.” He answered that he’d found me to be smart and ambitious and have a lot of energy. He also said that when he called my references, they told him I had something that many brash college students do not.
+“You own up to what you don’t know,” he said, “which you just did again.” Then he ordered me to buy lunch for an engineer in exchange for a lesson in how to use the machine.
+That’s a lesson that has served me well, to recognize what I don’t know and ask for help.
+Why did you make the shift from journalism to sociology? Toward the end of my undergraduate years, I was doing some freelance writing about social issues for newspapers. I remember telling one of my sociology professors about my frustrations at trying to say anything important in a 500-word newspaper article. He suggested I pursue graduate work in sociology—then I could write a doctoral dissertation and say in 50,000 words what I should have said in 500. He was kidding about that last part, of course. But since I was seriously interested in sociology, I ended up following his advice.
+Scholarship and Administration
+What motivated you to become a public intellectual and write for a broad audience? My father owned jewelry stores, and he wanted me to join the family business. But I’m afraid I broke his heart. I wanted a life of investigation, of research, of teaching—a life of the mind. My writing is a part of that as well.
+I got to the point where I’d done a lot of writing for a select audience of people in my field—actually specialists within subdisciplines of my field—which is what we do as professors and scholars. That’s what we should do. But at a certain point, I wanted to use my journalism background and love of writing to talk to a larger audience. Also, I was becoming interested in certain kinds of social problems and how they’re perceived—especially why people seem to be so frightened of things they don’t need to be. I thought these issues would be of interest to a wider public.
+How did you become interested in the politics of fear? In the 1980s and into the ’90s, there were scares about pregnant teenagers. These young women were being blamed for all kinds of social ills and economic problems. I thought, “Wow, there aren’t very many of them. They can’t be this powerful. They’re also pretty poor. Could these claims be true?” Then I started looking into other areas, and I saw fears being exploited elsewhere. We were getting confused about what was really going on.
+If you look around, Americans are afraid of all sorts of things they don’t need to be. We live in one of the safest eras in history. Where do these ideas come from? How are they perpetuated? These are some of the questions I explore in The Culture of Fear.
+Your latest book, The Gospel of Food, also challenges cultural perceptions. Why did you decide to focus on food? I had always enjoyed good food but never in any serious way. Then, when I was an assistant professor at Syracuse, I visited a colleague who was working in Paris. He took me to some French restaurants where the food was beyond anything I had ever experienced. I remember going to Jamin, whose chef at the time was Joël Robuchon—it was almost a religious experience. Once I discovered that this level of artistry in cooking existed, I was hooked.
+Eventually, I developed a scholarly interest in the subject. In the early 2000s, I spent about four years studying various aspects of the food scene throughout the country. I noticed Americans are really hung up about food. The idea that pleasurable eating is a good thing is virtually anathema to many Americans.
+When did you make the transition from faculty to administration? When I was at Syracuse University, I was elected chair of the sociology department, and it was a slippery slope from there. I’ve been recruited for every administrative position I’ve held since.
+I have some professor friends who set out early in their careers to become administrators, with the goal of becoming college presidents. If you had asked me when I was an assistant professor about either of those things, I would have looked at you blankly. They were not on my radar.
+What are you most proud of from your time as an administrator at USC? If I had to name just one thing, it would be creating a program called Visions and Voices, an arts and humanities initiative. We hosted more than 100 events each year—films, plays, dances, concerts, and lectures—both on campus and off. Last year, roughly 25,000 people attended, most of them students. The program has had a big impact at USC. And it’s given me a strong sense of how important the arts are in people’s lives and how meaningful they can be in practice.
+What is the key to being a successful college leader? I learned early on that whatever is on the agenda, your compass needle should be pointed toward students and their education. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professor, a trustee, a president, an administrative assistant, a groundskeeper. It sounds obvious, but I’ve found over time that it isn’t.
+A New Opportunity
+Why Lewis & Clark? Lewis & Clark is amazing. It has a configuration that’s unique in higher education: a law school with programs that are top ranked nationally; a graduate school that produces many of the region’s education leaders; and an undergraduate college with phenomenal students—a Rhodes Scholar and seven Fulbright Scholars this year alone—and an unparalleled level of international engagement.
+Add to that an accomplished faculty who have a reputation for being uncommonly engaged with their students, a devoted board, and 36,000 proud alumni—not to mention the most beautiful campus I’ve ever seen—and it is an incredibly exciting place.
+How do you feel the environment of Lewis & Clark will differ from USC? As I mentioned, the makeup of Lewis & Clark—with its three schools—is unique. In a way, though, it’s familiar to me, because at USC I worked with students, faculty, and staff at a college of arts and sciences as well as a range of graduate and professional schools.
+But I have never encountered such a high concentration of dedicated faculty who work so closely with their students—in the lab, in the classroom, and in the community—as at Lewis & Clark.
+I think the difference in size between Los Angeles and Portland is also relevant. Being the president of a college situated in Portland presents great opportunities for community engagement. I know that the college is already highly connected to Portland organizations, businesses, and public schools and doing important work, and I’m looking forward to identifying ways to do even more. Those connections provide tremendous academic opportunities for students, and for enriching the city.
+The Presidency of Lewis & Clark
+How does being a sociologist inform your leadership style? Even though I greatly value people’s individuality, I think sociologists, more than people in other professions, tend to see what is going on in group terms rather than individual terms. I believe this is a helpful perspective for leaders of large organizations.
+What are the key steps or stages in “raising the profile” of a college, which is one of Lewis & Clark’s ambitions? At USC, I was very involved in making sure the accomplishments of faculty and students received the attention they deserved, especially among those organizations that review and rank colleges. I want to do the same at Lewis & Clark. We need to get the word out farther and wider.
+I also plan to leverage my own contacts and activities. For example, this fall, I wrote op-eds for the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Oregonian. That’s great publicity for the college.
+Those in the Lewis & Clark community—particularly alumni— also have an important role in sharing the story of the college with their contacts.
+Given Lewis & Clark’s three-school structure, how do you go about building a singular strategic vision? I’ve spent the last five years working between and among the 18 schools of USC. For example, I worked with key stakeholders to create a new interdisciplinary bachelor’s, master’s, and minor degree program among USC’s five schools of art: theatre, music, cinema, architecture, and fine arts. I found that faculty, staff, students, and administrators—once they see the advantages for their own school and for the larger good— get very enthusiastic about working together.
+What is the first item on your agenda? I see the next year as a time of study for me. I want to meet as many students, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni as I can. I want to learn about the culture and personality of Lewis & Clark—what makes this place work well and where opportunities exist to build on the best aspects of the college.
+What do you see in Lewis & Clark’s future? When I look ahead 10 years, if we’re successful, Lewis & Clark is going to be the school of Portland, of the Northwest, and beyond. We will have completed a transformative comprehensive campaign, engaged in even more curricular innovation, pursued exciting new faculty initiatives, and assembled a student body in all three schools that is the envy of colleges and universities everywhere. Lewis & Clark is going to be the place other schools turn to for innovative ideas in higher education.
+Outside the Office
+What most excites you about Portland? I already love the city, so it’s going to be easy to become a Portlander. My wife and I have been coming to Portland periodically for a while—it’s been a favorite destination of ours.
+Plus, I’m a hard-core foodie, and it’s hard to imagine any city in the country that’s better on the food scene than Portland. Also the sheer beauty of Portland and the region is very, very appealing to me. The Japanese Garden is one of my favorite places on the planet.
+What do you like to do in your spare time? My wife and I love movies, plays, concerts, and museums and go to as many as possible, and we’re avid walkers and hikers. I’m also a sports fan. Did you see the guy in orange, running up and down the sidelines at Pioneer football games this fall? That was me.
+The.” Most people in our Thursday night groups had not watched the Channel 4/Sky debate, and only one had managed to put up with more than fifteen minutes of it. What could they remember? “Tim Farron was going on about Brexit. I thought, that’s done now, stop going on about it.” “I liked the Green lady. She spoke really well.” Do you remember who she was? “I did Google her afterwards but I’ve forgotten her name now. Was it Helen? Helen Archer?”
+– – – – – – – – – –
+However unedifying the spectacle, what do Labour want you to think the election is about? “That they’re for everybody, rather than the chosen few.” “Taxing the rich”. “Saving everyone a ton of money.” And what about the Conservatives? “Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit”. The message is getting through, then. “There’s nothing positive. They’re just saying they can manage the Brexit better.”
+Those who recalled Tory policy proposals usually talked about the costs they thought they would bring: “I think she’s stitching the pensioners over, the triple lock, the winter fuel payments, the Dementia Tax.” “They promised a triple lock on pensions and that’s getting scrapped, and my dad’s getting on and saying he might have to sell his house to fund his care… To be honest with you, I don’t care about the outside world and what goes on – all I care about is the four walls of my house and how it’s going to affect me and my kids.” “I don’t agree with the way she’s talking about carrying on the austerity, with the NHS, the police force and everything else, but insists on carrying on paying out the foreign aid budget.”
+The Tories’ opponents have evidently done an effective job of characterising some of the party’s policy plans. “Three or four weeks ago when the general election first came about, I was going to vote Conservative for the first time ever. But since the manifesto she brought out about getting rid of free school meals for children… Some people in this country, that’s the child’s only hot meal of the day.” “The Dementia Tax, that seems pretty bad. I don’t think it’s very nice, preying on those that need it.” Do you know what the policy is? “Those that are suffering dementia and have got some money are getting taxed on their healthcare for dementia. Have I got that right?”
+The policy did have some defenders: “They just take everything now, don’t they, if your parents went into a home. So at least you’d have something, rather than nothing. So it’s better”; “There are people who have never worked a day in their life and they get everything paid for, but don’t get me started on that one, it does annoy me.”
+The apparent post-launch amendment to the social care policy also prompted concerns: “She said there was a cap, and then no, there wasn’t a cap, and then there was a cap. It just makes them seem unreliable and less, I don’t know, honest, somehow”; “You’d assumed she would have signed that off, for the manifesto, and within 24 hours she’s reversing it”. Some felt a theme had emerged: “There’s quite a few U-turns she’s done. She said she’d never announce a general election, and all of a sudden she announced a general election, she was walking in the hills of Wales. She U-turned on quite a few things before that as well – National Insurance.”
+As so often in focus groups, there was a useful reminder that everyday political jargon is less widely understood than people in Westminster might think: “Instead of means testing people for the Winter Fuel Allowance, why don’t they take people like Paul McCartney et al, who gets it anyway, he’s entitled to it, with £800 million in the bank, he gets that, so they should say ‘no, you can’t have that’.”
+But as far as issues were concerned, one continued to trump all others for many of these voters: “At the moment I believe in more of Labour’s policies, but if it’s about Brexit, Theresa May”; “I would prefer Theresa May to fight for Brexit. I don’t think Corbyn has got it in him to fight for anything”; “I want to vote for UKIP. But because of Brexit, there’s so much at stake, I feel that quite possibly, if I put that UKIP vote down, that is a vote that is going to go against Theresa May and in the favour of Jeremy Corbyn. I’m considering voting Tory just to make sure she’s the one negotiating Brexit”; “Jeremy doesn’t want to upset anybody, so he wants to go out holding hands with everybody, and I don’t think that’s going to be the best deal for our country. I think she’ll dig her heels in a bit more.”
+– – – – – – – – – –
+If the Conservative programme appeared grim and gritty, some habitual Labour supporters had felt uplifted by some of the things in their own party’s manifesto – especially more spending, and an end to public sector pay restraint. Scrapping university tuition fees was widely popular, but not universally so (“People need to pay their way in life”). But doubts nagged at many former Labour voters: “I just don’t know where Corbyn thinks all the money is going to come from, when our country is constantly saying there is no money. And now he’s on about giving free childcare”; “I think there’s a worry that Labour will get us back into debt again”.
+And some Labour supporters were disturbed rather than cheered by the party’s shift to the left: “I always thought Labour were fighting for equality of opportunity for everyone, and this is the first time I’ve seen them looking at equality of outcome, where they’re trying to grab something to give it to another person, or deny someone… We’ve had a lot of Labour governments that I thought were progressive, moving towards the middle, trying to be what I considered reasonably fair. But he seems to have gone much further to the left. I’ve never wanted to be carried or carry anyone, I’ve just wanted to have a reasonably level playing field where I can ply my skills, time, trade, effort, and it seems that he’s saying ‘no, no, everyone should have everything’.”
+Some regular Labour voters also asked themselves what they had got in return for their loyalty: “Thinking about the local area, I don’t think they’ve really done anything to tackle antisocial behaviour, littering, fly-tipping. It seems like they’ve been quite complacent… It just seems like, even though we’re voting Labour locally, are they really interested?
+As for Corbyn himself, some had been surprised and impressed by his performance during the campaign. If you’d asked me a year ago if Jeremy Corbyn would make a good Prime Minister, I’d have laughed, because he was just a shambolic joke. But he’s transformed himself. He’s been so impressive in the debates”; “He’s started to dress properly, recently, started to put a shirt and tie on properly”; “He’s like that person at school you really, really hate, but when you get to know them you find they’re actually quite cool.”
+But Labour’s less committed voters, in particular, were less convinced: “I think he’s the most humanitarian of all our politicians… But that could be our problem with Corbyn. He’s just going to give it all away”; “He’s got the right thoughts, but I’m not a hundred per cent that he could put them into place. The sentiment’s behind it, he knows what he wants to do, but I’m not convinced he’s the one that will be able to make it happen… You just can’t imagine him being up there with all the other world leaders… If he was like a local MP, there would be no question. But I just don’t get that competence from him, on that sort of, you know, being the Prime Minister of the country”; “He’s not on the ball enough with his figures on things he should know. In the interview this morning he had to get his iPad out and look it up!” “Not everyone in his party wanted him as leader, so if they didn’t have the confidence in him, then how are we meant to have confidence?” “Shouldn’t they all be singing from the same hymn book, so to speak?”
+What do we actually know about the man who aspires to be the next Prime Minister? Let’s have some facts. “I know he got arrested.” “He’s been divorced twice.” “He lives in a normal terraced house.” “He lives in a house worth several million.” “He wears terrible clothes.” “He doesn’t claim a lot in parliamentary expenses.” “He wants to privatise the railways.” “No, nationalise them.” “Oh, yeah.” “What did he say he wouldn’t do when he was elected? He wasn’t going to curtsey, or bow, or he wasn’t going to do something.” “Am I right in thinking Corbyn has never had a real job? As in real, you know, working in business, for instance.” “He had links with the IRA. I didn’t like that at all.”
+What do we know about Number Ten’s current occupant? “She likes shoes.” “She wants to bring back fox hunting.” “She spent a thousand pounds on a pair of trousers, didn’t she?.” “Never had children.” “She goes to the gym on a Saturday and she goes to church on a Sunday.” “She’s upper class, I guess.”
+– – – – – – – – – –
+Finally, to conclude our series of revealing if seemingly peculiar questions, if Jeremy Corbyn were a biscuit, what kind of biscuit would he be? “A Jammie Dodger. He dodges all the important questions.” “A Custard Cream. It’s not something you’d go, ‘ooh, I want a Custard Cream’. I’d take it if it was given to me, I wouldn’t choose it off the shelf.” “Bourbon. The kind that nobody really wants but it’s often the only one left.” “Hard tack army rations. They taste horrible, they don’t fill you up, they’re not much use for anything.” “A Digestive. You can dunk him and he tastes nicer.” What? “He’s a nice and comforting Digestive.”
+And if the Leader of the Opposition were a drink? “A smoothie or something, made out of something organic and foul.” “Ale. A down-to-earth pint. Something your dad would drink, your Grampy.” “Bitter lemon. Because he’s bitter, and a lemon.”
+What about if Theresa May were a drink? “Bailey’s or prosecco. Because she’s sophisticated, she’s classy.” “Strong builder’s tea that you forgot to drink and it’s gone cold.” “A glass of water. You need it to survive, but there’s nothing to it.” “A double vodka. Comes with a kick.”
+And if the Prime Minister were a biscuit? “A Marks & Spencer selection”. “A Viennese Whirl, or something like that.” “A chocolate Hobnob.” That’s a pretty fancy biscuit. “Well, she’s up herself, isn’t she, and so are chocolate Hobnobs.” “A Jaffa Cake. She’s nice on the outside, but I don’t like the middle of a Jaffa Cake.” “A cookie. They’re tough, and they crumble.” “One of them hard ones at the bottom of the tin that have been there six months. It looks quite nice but you bite it and break all your teeth.”
+Visit LordAshcroftPolls.com to see more of Lord Ashcroft’s general election research, including seat-by-seat constituency estimates from the Ashcroft Model.
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+Updates: Added quote from Summit parent and Superintendent Nathan Parker.
+Tonight's Summit Board of Education meeting will open discussion on a sometimes contentious topic for school districts: a school uniforms policy.
+The board is asking for feedback to see if it should consider a one-year pilot program to require school uniforms and expects to hear from parents at tonight's Board of Education workshop meeting.
+"This idea is in the very early thinking stage,” said Cathy Fernandez, who handles communications for Summit Public Schools.
+The issue of a dress code or school uniform has been raised in school districts all over the country in the wake of stricter rules to address school bullying and class performance. The idea some parents and educators believe is that school uniforms present a level playing field for all students and takes triggers for name-calling or popularity contests out of the class equation.
+School uniforms is one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on according to Summit Superintendent Nathan Parker. "In this particular case [the idea] gained traction at one of the schools," he said referring to parents at Lincoln-Hubbard discussing the issue. Parker's former district in Orange maintained a dress code policy, but the superintendent didn't say whether he was for or against having schools uniforms in Summit.
+Nearby, the issue drew the rancor of local students when the dress code issue came up in Livingston.
+Here in Summit parents are asking each other questions about what it means to have dress code that requires a school uniform.
+Should Summit even test out a school uniforms policy? If so, would it work better in elementary schools, the middle school, or in high school?
+Who will pay for them? Do school uniforms contribute to a more focused learning environment?
+These are questions likely to be raised this evening when the BOE opens talks on the subject.
+Patch checked in with a Facebook friend whose discussion stream was lit up with varying points of view. One parent felt a dress code stifled self expression by making every student dress the same. Another parent pointed out the savings in having one or two rotating uniforms.
+Tracy Claus is one of the Summit parents who sees both sides of the debate, but with four girls she says a uniform would be a big help in getting ready in the morning. “It will also help to eliminate the ‘label wars’ with who has what brand name," she said in a Facebook comment thread. "I'm surprised more schools don't do it especially in a town like Summit where there are the "haves" and the "have not’s," she wrote.
+Although she doesn't have much faith in a school uniforms policy taking hold in Summit, Claus saw other benefits as for students who like to show a little bit too much when it comes to dressing for school. “I wouldn't mind if they enforced the current dress code so that the girls' chests weren't hanging out all over the school," she added.
+"I'm a 41-year-old married mom, and I can't concentrate when I see some of the gals with tube tops on. Can't imagine how the poor boys can even see straight with that show going on," Claus said.
+Decency, concentration, cost, there are pros and cons when talking dress code in school policy, and students and parents are passionate about it from many different perspectives.
+The board of education will discuss school uniforms as well as the school budget at its workshop meeting tonight at 7:30p.m. in the board conference room of Wilson School (14 Beekman Terrace).
+AStar Gazer
+11:02 am on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+Uniforms are just an extension of the 'no bullying set', soon to be followed by a mandatory style of hair cut. Can't we work on getting the 'government' out of lives?
+Camilo H. Smith
+11:05 am on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+Thanks for your comment. If uniforms mean fewer bullying incidents, wouldn't that be a good thing?
+12:12 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+If they don't have clothes to bully over, they'll find another avenue for bullying (hair, makeup, length of pants/skirt, how you walk/talk, where you live, what you eat, who you hang out with, who you don't hang out with....the list could go on and on...bullies will always find something to bully over...with or without a dress code. I also wonder how often it is that kids are bullied about clothes...that is a new one for me....and I've had a kid in the public schools for years....which isn't to say it has never happened, but to what degree. There must be some other impetus behind this uniform initiative. I am not coming down for or against, but would like to know the real reason that this is suddenly on the table. Especially when there are so many academic issues that really need to be addressed by the district.
+Camilo H. Smith
+12:19 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+MsSummit, what grades are your kids in? Would you be in favor of across the board uniforms? Or just in specific grades. You raise a quality point about bullying, it can focus on anything.
+1:09 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+High School. I don't really have an opinion on uniforms--on the one hand I see the benefit of having uniform--especially as Eileen W. pointed out, getting young ones dressed and out the door in the morning. Having done the parochial school route, that was definitely a bonus...saves time and the kids do tend to look more pulled together. I know at the middle school there were issues with how the girls were dressing (hence, the "big t-shirt" threat)....although I suspect that at MS and HS you'll have girls pulling their skirts up as high as they can go (they do that in parochial school...however, there skirt lengths were strictly enforced and girls were checked). There is the argument, however, on the side of individuality and I'm just not sure why this is important in an affluent area like Summit--unlike inner city schools, where many kids come from lower income homes (and there may be a feeling that uniforms bring discipline and perhaps save parents $), in Summit that is the minority..so clothing budgets are not an issue for most..and the kids wearing inappropriate clothes? Seems they were allowed to leave the house that way...and someone gave them $ to buy those clothes....so I don't see there being a lot of parental support for uniforms--again, I get back to the core question, Why is this an issue? Is Millburn, who beats Summit academically by a long shot, concerning themselves with uniforms? No. Please, BOE, focus on our kids brains, not their bodies!
+Mary Jo DeFonzo
+3:44 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+My daughter is a sophomore in high school. At this point in her school career, I really do not want to be shelling out money for a uniform that she will only be wearing for two more years. Is this really an issue that we need to be dealing with? Once again, the schools are taking on the role of parent. It is the parent's responsibility to monitor what their child is wearing, and forbid what is inappropriate, or here's a thought, don't even buy it. When living among the wealthy, one will never be able to escape the stereotype of who has the wealth and who doesn't. There are so many status symbols signifiying wealth these days, this is a difficult concept to evade, if not impossible.
+AStar Gazer
+4:45 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+What is really going on here related to uniforms? Is it not really about the 99%/1%. Think about it, the Summit Board of Education is run by a radical group of progressives, all of the income redistribution political mind. So logically, they will want to destroy all evidence of income inequality by putting everyone in ‘look the same’ box. Equality of dress is a good place to start, that way all will look ‘equal’. Makes you sick to think the schools are being used in such an obvious political way.
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+5:14 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+Duuuude: what stars are you gazing on?
+If it's to counter bullying, uniforms are a waste because kids will find other things about other kids to pillory en masse. Also, if there's that level of bullying in Summit there's a bigger issue to address. If it's to make the kids more presentable, I think it bears further examination. But - and despite my early enthusiasm which was slightly tongue-in-cheek - there are many problems with the issue and with its sudden appearance on the docket. If there are strict uniforms - and as a Catholic School graduate (shudder) there are zillions of ways to circumvent the rules which will require teachers to do even more policing. If its a more formal dress code - which I'd regularly get around by wearing black jeans - and one can buy certain styles/colors from a variety of stores there will be large price differentials and again will require policing. So where do we want teachers to focus their energy? After further thought my question is this: uniforms never once came up in the 2 Community sessions I recently attended so why now? What did come up many many times was that the BOE needed to put news out into the community in a better way and in this case and in my humble opinion it's been a big fat failure. And what's going on with the All-Day Kindergarten committee Dr Parker & Mrs Stevenson?
+Camilo H. Smith
+6:36 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+Some varied opinions here. I've updated the story with info from Dr. Parker and another parent who feels uniforms will help cover up those students who need a little more covering. Still, she doesn't think such a policy will catch on. Hope to see some of you at the meeting tonight.
+7:23 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+I don't know whether any of you actually spend time in the high school, but very few of us girls dress "in tube tops" with our "chests hanging out." Of course there are some girls who dress somewhat indecently, but it is not a wide enough issue as to warrant a uniform. Nor will uniforms solve bullying; however, the high school hasn't got a significant bullying problem either, and when the issue does arise, it's not about clothing. And on a more frivolous note, clothes are fun. We like wearing pretty things to school, and it's not distracting. All of these people who project their misbegotten opinions on why uniforms would be beneficial to students do not actually spend time in and around the high school sphere; their solutions address the wrong problems.
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+10:03 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012
+It's pretty amazing that one group of parents at one school were able to fast-track an issue this large. Friends in high places amongst the apolitical school board? :)
+Regarding the parent statement, I think it's extremely naive to think a uniform will do away with label wars - what about shoes or hairbands or tights or underwear or backpacks or any of the countless other ways there are to "outfit" a kid . . .
+Ms. Pulsar, I'm glad a student has weighed in, but, I've been around the HS (picking up various sitters) and seen some pretty objectionable items pass for clothing . . . and I'm a pretty progressive parent who also agrees it's nice to express yourself sartorially. However, and even though the nature of the working world is ever evolving - it would probably be a very appropriate lesson if someone guided the youths in how to pull together a real outfit of clothing. Leggings and half shirts (girls) and crazy LAX shorts (guys) don't really cut the mustard and you have to be able to dress appropriately for, say, a college entrance or internship or summer job.
+Camilo H. Smith
+12:10 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+Correction: I've changed the wording in the second graph from "The board is considering a one-year pilot program to require school uniforms" to "The board is asking for feedback to see if it should consider a one-year pilot program to require school uniforms."
+and expects to hear from parents at tonight's Board of Education workshop meeting.
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+8:28 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+Ok, Camilo - what was said at the meeting?
+9:53 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+Eileen--I was not at the meeting, but spoke to somebody who was. Camilio should confirm the information, however, from what I heard back the following occurred:
+1. Michelle Stevenson seemed displeased at the manner in which this was placed on the agenda. It sounded as though this was not something that was sanctioned by the BOE for consideration, and one BOE member made a statement related to the fact matters such as these, which, evidently was initiated as the result of one parent speaking to the LH PTA, should not have made it to this meeting... Evidently Nathan Parker was contacted by the LH PTA prez about running a survey of LH parents on the matter. How the survey (which evidently has not yet finished) turned into an agenda item seems a mystery. But we have our Supt.'s continued poor judgment to blame for this extreme waste of time. That said, it sounds as though the question as to why this parent wants uniforms was never answered. I am thinking it is a case of "Pingry Envy"--dress 'em like a prep school and you'll get the same results. I'd really like to hear from a confirmed source why this really was initiated.
+AStar Gazer
+9:55 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+‘Friends in high places amongst the apolitical school board’, just who do you think your kidding. The Board, teacher’s union, Superintendent and the Mayor have so politicalized the school system to the point it is dysfunctional in so many ways. Just watch how the uniform issue will play out. Everything in the new Mayor’s background and the actions she has taken on Council give you ample evidence, beyond any reasonable doubt, she will continue the politicization of the school system. Just watch who her appointments will be
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+10:05 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+MsSummit: just like I said "friends in high places."
+AStar Gazer (I can't believe I'm engaging with someone with that kind of moniker): I was being ironic. And quoting Dr. Parker from one of the community meetings. It's fairly obvious the BOE are political. How could they not? And if I had the energy I'd do more than muckrake online and push for an elected abd therefore admittedly political BOE.
+10:42 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+Still wondering:
+1) Why did the LH parent push for school uniforms?
+2) Why did the LH PTA think it was a good enough idea to poll their parent community? And, did they not think about the ramifications this would have across all the schools in the district? Is this their role?
+3) Why did Nathan Parker think this was a good idea to put forth to the LH community? Did he not recognize or think about the ramifications this would across all the schools in the district? What is he doing to improve our schools?
+True, we should have an elected board...so that at least the politics are elected and express the majority (whether you agree with them or not) and not the opinion of one elected official and potentially his/her personal agenda--with no input from his/her constituents and transparency to the process. That said, the current BOE president seems sensitive to a lot of these concerns (hence the desire for more openness). Since she also is parent to a child/children in the schools, I feel that she has at least some vested interest, unlike the prior Bd. Prez... But this issue is really not about having an elected Board...I really think someone needs to hold Dr. Parker accountable for his questionable judgment call on this--and start asking him what he is really doing to move the district forward...I'm hoping, if the Board was truly as dismayed with this nonsense as it sounds they were, that they are holding Parker accountable and not going to let this drop.
+Mary Jo DeFonzo
+12:03 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012
+I did attend that meeting. Parker didn't have too much to say on the issue. Most of the BOE members seemed annoyed that the issue even sat before them. I asked the PTO President what initiated this with the ONE parent at LH, and her only response was that the parent did some research. That was pretty much it. To me, "having done some research" doesn't warrant this whole explosive discussion about uniforms. LH polled THEIR parents, and if I remember the statistics correctly, out of 256 families, 135 were in favor. I would challenge them to bring this issue up to the other schools, and they'll be laughed out of the parking lot. Personally, I'd like to see them discuss something important like maybe purchasing textbooks on DVD so that our kids aren't suffering from back issues ten years down the road as a result of carrying 50 lbs. backpacks.
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+11:07 am on Friday, January 13, 2012
+I agree and am hoping to get to The Speak Up Summit event on the 28th to ask. Anyone else?
+Eileen Z. Wolter
+12:17 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012
+Thank you, Mary Jo! If that's all it takes I'm going to start, like, 7 school-related research projects!
+Ty Bamford
+10:24 am on Thursday, March 8, 2012
+I'd just want to point out there has been only one serious research project into school uniforms and it found ZERO impact on grades, behavior, bullying and attendance!
+It's very conclusive research.
+Further can I offer you a view from the UK. Here nearly every school has uniforms and it's terrible!!! The teachers make ever stricter rules and ever more formal uniforms. Kids are punished for taking their blazers off in 80+ degree heat! It's a gross intrusion of the State over your rights as a parent. Kids even have strict rules on hair cuts. They're banned from wearing bracelets, even rosary beads, St Christs etc!!! Don't let the thin end of the wedge in! What's worse is that it appeases envy: kids never learn to accept difference, be themselves etc.
+I know it can be hard getting kids ready each morning, but that's an issue to deal with as a family. Don't let the government tell you how to dress your kids, and your kids grow up accepting such government intrusion. It has a huge effect on them, believe me...Brits are doormats that accept endless state control and that attitude is formed as children at school.
+Washington, DC—(ENEWSPF)—October 16, 2014.
+Presenters: Major General Darryl Williams, Joint Task Force Commander; Debra Malac, U.S. Ambassador to Liberia; Ben Hemingway, U.S. Agency for International Development Deputy Disaster Assistance Response Team Director
+STAFF: This will be an on-the-record briefing. Obviously, they — nobody can see each other, so please, Number one, speak up a little bit. Number two, name and who you’re with so that they can get a visual. I’ve already described the set up here to them on the phone, so they’ve got a mental picture, hopefully. And with that, Ambassador Malac, can you hear us?
+AMBASSADOR MALAC: Can, good afternoon.
+STAFF: Ma’am, welcome. And I think we have a few opening comments, so over to — over to Liberia.
+MAJOR GENERAL DARRYL WILLIAMS: Well, thanks, ladies and gentlemen.
+I am Major General Darryl Williams and here along with me are the U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, Deborah Malac, and the Deputy DART team lead, Ben Hemingway from USAID.
+I have a brief statement I would like to give before the monitor opens the floor for questions.
+Joint Forces Command United Assistance and U.S. Africa Command supporting a comprehensive U.S. government effort led by the U.S. Agency of International Development here and to fight the outbreak of Ebola virus in Liberia.
+AFRICOM established a joint force command headquarters to facilitate the coordination of all U.S. military forces support to USAID and other U.S. and international agencies in stopping the Ebola outbreak. We are currently overseeing the establishment of logistics nodes, the Monrovia medical unit, which is a 25 bed hospital, and up to one, seven, 17 Ebola Treatment Units, as well as the training of health care providers and other USAID requests, as approved by the secretary of defense.
+We’ve made great progress since the president announced our participation in the whole of government effort here. The USAID-led mission here is gaining momentum every single day. We have added two military labs, and I can talk about that later if you want more information on those, to the already existent labs that are here, and they’re making a tremendous difference every single day. They are literally saving lives.
+We’ve completed the vertical construction of the Monrovia medical unit, the 25 bed hospital for the treatment of health care workers. Soon, it will be staffed by medical professionals from the U.S. Public Health Service Commission Corps and fully operational.
+We are moving forward on all fronts. Our service members are excited to be in here helping and working hard with their Liberian counterparts to help end this outbreak. This is not an easy or simple mission, but working with the Liberians under USAID and with the leadership of Ambassador Malac, I believe we are starting to make real progress.
+At this time, I would be happy to take your questions.
+STAFF: Thank you sir. Per our custom, we’ll start with our senior wire reporter, Tony Capaccio from Bloomberg.
+Q: Sir, I had two questions. One, what provisions are being made in case U.S. troops are infected with the virus. Have designated — have hospitals been designated for their care? What’s — what is in place right now for that unfortunate — if that happens?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah, so we have protocols in place with the augment of both increased medical capability, we have the Special-Purpose MAGTF, which will be critical in helping soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, civilians and others get out of here in a non-Ebola event, which would be very critical.
+Now, if someone were to come through and unfortunately contract the disease, we have quarantine protocols that we would enact, OK? So, they would be quarantined and we would put on the appropriate gear to take care and stabilize that patient until we could arrange for transportation to move them back to a facility. That would not be done, here.
+Q: Three, do you see any need for a contracting on private transport companies for aeromedical evacuation or shipping roll-on, roll-off containers to supplement the military’s logistics equipment at this point?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah, well they’re already — so, there already was a very vibrant and robust logistical architecture here. We are finding that out. One of my concerns — one of our concerns we — when we came in here was does the country of Liberia have the contracting capacity? And we are very happy with both the local contracting capacity that’s here, and we’re using a lot of that, leveraging that.
+What am I talking about? Gravel, wood, nails, those sorts of things are critical to building these Ebola Treatment Units. So, we are bringing some capacity in, but most of that is found here in the local economy that were used to build our various projects.
+Q: Spending millions of dollars of defense dollars or state dollars on private U.S. or foreign contractors coming in and providing transportation assistance or construction assistance?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Say that again, please?
+Q: You do or do not anticipate spending millions of dollars of U.S. money for private contractors from the United States or from Europe to complement your effort?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: We have a continuum of contractors here, as I mentioned. And we are using both — leveraging both the local contractors and also contractors from other places, as you just mentioned. So, it’s a continuum of contracts. There is no sole source that we’re using in terms of leveraging the contracting capability in this great country.
+STAFF: Next question will be from CNN.
+Q: Barbara Starr from CNN.
+General Williams, go back on one thing, and then I have a couple of questions. On the evacuation capability of the special purpose MAGTF, are you saying that people who need to be evacuated because they may have been determined to be at risk are showing no symptoms or may have fallen into a risk category could be evacuated by the marines? That’s my first question.
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: So, thanks ma’am. We would have. There would be multiple ways that we could evacuate. That could be possibly be one way that we would evacuate folks that had no known exposure or low risk and would not have Ebola — exhibit Ebola-like symptoms..
+As long as you exercise basic sanitation and cleanliness sort of protocols using the chlorine wash on your hands and your feet, get your temperature taken, limiting the exposure, the — no handshaking, those sorts of protocols, I think the risk is relatively low.
+I’m not an epidemiologist, but it’s been shown that this disease is most manifest when handling bodily fluids — blood, other sorts of fluids, and there is no plan right now for U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines to do that.
+Now, the exception is the mobile labs that were here, and they are triple-protective.
+The ambassador and myself went up to Bong County a day or two ago, and the mobile labs, the two that are here now — there are four more coming, one in Bong County, one in Island Clinic — the sailors that are in there performing the confirm-or-deny on the Ebola virus, they are wearing PPE, and they are testing for this virus.
+The — the other soldiers, sailors, air, Marine are not coming into contact with specimens.
+Q: What I guess I’m asking is if someone is asymptomatic at the moment but yet, you have determined either their PPE failed or for some reason, they came into contact, but they are currently asymptomatic, nonetheless, they need to be monitored and or evacuated out of the area, how are you getting them out, short of them being determined to have the virus?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah, so they — they currently would be quarantined and watched, and we would attend to them. The personnel that would attend to them would — would wear PPE.
+And then they would be stabilized, and we would provide one of these contracting mechanisms that was mentioned earlier, would come in here and move them out to a medical facility.
+Q: Very quickly, sir, given the fact that in the United States here over the last couple of days, the CDC guidelines seem to have potentially not worked as expected.
+As you monitor that and you look at your own following of the CDC guidelines, are you looking — are any of you looking at changing anything or strengthening your own practices beyond the current state of the CDC guidelines?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: No, ma’am.
+I’ll start, and offer the ambassador or Ben to — to weigh in on this, but I have great confidence in the CDC guidelines. I meet with the current lead here all the — daily, and — and I have great confidence and don’t plan on adjusting any of the current guidelines.
+AMBASSADOR MALAC: This is Ambassador Malac. If I could just follow up on Major General Williams’ comment related to the guidelines.
+You know our staff here, which — our embassy has been open and operating in this Ebola environment for six months. We have been following very carefully the CDC guidance and advice from day one, and we have no — no need or feel any need to have to make a change or deviate from those guidelines that have been or very successful.
+We have made sure that everyone on the staff, including our local employees, are well-versed in all of that information, and to this point, they are keeping us safe.
+STAFF: Thank you, sir.
+Q: Hi, General. This is Courtney Kube from NBC News.
+I’m sorry, I’m still a little unclear on the procedures if some U.S. troops are exposed, not necessarily if they have Ebola, but if they’re exposed to it, especially if there’s a group of them.
+The contracting mechanism that you mentioned, I’m assuming that’s a contracting flight that would then take them back to the United States. What medical facility or facilities have been identified? Would they go to a civilian facility or a military one?
+And then since you brought up this Special-Purpose MAGTF, those Marines, I believe, will redeploy back to Moron.
+Has there been agreement with the government there about procedures for when they get back, whether they want them quarantined or — considering they’re not going back to the United States immediately, is there any kind of agreement with the government?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Well, I’ll start with the second one first.
+I know that AFRICOM is currently working the procedures for those sorts of things. And we’re also working. As you know, the 101st, it will come on and take this mission and to its completion. General Volesky actually is en route this weekend, and we’ll change out next weekend — the following weekend.
+And so we are also starting to work with — not just Spain, Moron, but also Italy and the other places where my current forces are coming from. We have folks that are here from Germany, from Italy, and all over. So, that’s being worked at higher levels to work those sorts of — to work those pieces.
+And your first question again, ma’am?
+Q: I’m still just a little unclear on the — the specific procedures for evacuating troops or specifically if there’s a group of troops that are exposed to Ebola, you know, when they’ll be quarantined in Liberia but then, if a contracted aircraft that brings them back to the U.S., I’m assuming. And where will they go? Military facility? Civilian?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Well, I would start with that the ambassador just mentioned, there are non-government organizations, AID, CDC. I fell in — we fell in on a host of folks that have been living here for some time, and operating in this complex environment.
+And so, if, god forbid, one of these soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marine contracted this disease, as I mention, they would be stabilized, they would be quarantined, we would go through the appropriate protocols. People would be attending to them in the appropriate PPE.
+As of today, no one has shown those symptoms that I’ve had since I’ve been here. I’ve been here 30 days as of today. And so they would be quarantined and then we would synchronize and work those actions so they would go back to the appropriate medical facility.
+Q: And has any U.S. military medical facility been identified as the one that would accept potential Ebola-exposed patients?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Landstuh.
+Q: Thank you.
+STAFF: You can go ahead, Kristina. Thanks.
+Q: Hi, General. This is Kristina Wong from The Hill.
+Some lawmakers back here are advocating for troops to directly treat Ebola patients. Does that idea have any merit, and do you foresee that happening in the future?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: That’s not currently in the Department of Defense portfolio to do that. As I mentioned, what we are currently adding and to help fill the gaps of USAID as the lead federal agency, are the mobile labs. That’s probably the closest it comes to the Ebola virus chain, as you will. We have two, three-man sailor teams that are, as I mentioned, Bong County and in Island Clinic who are making a big difference. They are handling specimens of — of people who have been inflicted with the Ebola virus.
+And so, the medical treatment that you’re talking about, now currently we are not been asked to do it — the closest that comes to it is the public health command that I mentioned that’ll be in — that’ll be manning the 25 bed hospital. Those — the 65 doctor nurse team that will flow in here in the next week or so, and they will actually be involved in the care and feeding of health care workers who have been inflicted with the Ebola virus.
+Q: So, that team of 65 doctors and nurses, are they U.S. personnel?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yes, ma’am. They are.
+Q: And then lastly — secondly, progress on slowing the spread of Ebola, have you seen any progress in slowing the spread?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: So, not an epidemiologist, and if Ben wants to talk a little bit more about this. So, in the 30 days that I’ve been here, I’ve seen great momentum. What this requires, this disease requires a team of teams. The Department of Defense team, the Department of State team, the CDC, the U.N., the non-governmental organizations, Peace Corps, all those together are providing the momentum that we currently have.
+I know I won’t speak for the ambassador, but she’ll tell you that you know, there has been some change, and a lot of the — a lot of the projections have been assuming no interventions, and a lot of interventions are happening on scale. AID has six streams that they track. And the ambassador runs a daily update.
+And we get that progress of how we’re doing against it. And I will tell you that a lot of momentum has — is starting to occur, and I’m very optimistic about our ability as a team to get after this fight.
+STAFF: Dan, we’ll go to you, then we’ll skip to this side of the room.
+Q: If you could, again, maybe elaborate exactly on what you think the impact has been so far of your mission there on the overall effort to stem the outbreak and then, related to that, one of the explanations we heard at the beginning was that bringing in this logistical help of more NGOs and more organizations would be able to then move in, arrive, and help.
+Are you seeing that? And perhaps USAID could — could address that.
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah, and I’ll let them start that sir, thank you for your question.
+BEN HEMINGWAY: Right. In line with the question regarding the trends, it’s difficult to make a concrete statement on the trends based on epidemiological data. When looking at trends, you have to look at it over several epidemiological weeks. And we’re constantly working to improve the surveillance on that data and monitoring any trends there.
+What I can say is that the — the whole of government effort that the U.S. has brought has definitely been catalyzing in not only bringing the hope for improved efforts at breaking this chain of infection, but has really improved the — the momentum behind the international effort. We’ve worked with many international partners and in full support of the government of Liberia’s national strategy for the reduction of the Ebola outbreak.
+And as mentioned, we’re putting together up to 17 Ebola Treatment Units, 65 community care centers. Two laboratories are already in place — four more on the way providing training for both local and international staff that will man these Ebola Treatment Centers, also, a significant logistics undertaking, both international and in-country.
+We’ve also stood up 56 safe burial teams, which now provide access to safe burial country-wide. And this is in addition to all of our non-governmental organization partners, international organizations, and the efforts of the United Nations to support the efforts of the government of Liberia.
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: The other thing I would add, sir, to kind of add on to what Ben’s excellent explanation, is you can’t — in this fight, leadership is very important. And the military is used to working in complex, ambiguous environments. And I will tell you here, the leadership expressed by the government of Liberia, the embassy here and others in AID and CDC cannot be underestimated.
+I often hear from folks as the ambassador, myself, and AID confront this in the united front, that they say, “you give us hope.” And the ambassador’s leadership, AID’s leadership, and now with the military here adding fuel to those gaps and trying to fill those unique, those gaps with our unique capabilities and logistics, as you mentioned, our engineering oversight.
+The first week I was here, AFRICOM commander redirected a lot of the engineering effort from the east part of Africa over here. And there’s been C.B.s that have been providing over the shoulder expertise and stuff’s been going up in a vertical and horizontal way very, very quickly.
+Lastly, I will talk about the Armed Forces of Liberia, who we have partnered with in what we’re calling Exercise United Shield. Brigadier General Ziankahn, who’s the commander of the Armed Forces of Liberia, we have partnered with them. And as you’ve been out with us yesterday, I invite you all to come out.
+If he had been in Tubmanburg yesterday, and you would have seen all these sappers, these Liberian engineers up there constructing one of the ETUs, Ebola Treatment Units that Ben talked about. It was awesome. And so we have a lot of momentum started here.
+Q: I have a follow up. Sorry sir. Sorry. Just a follow up.
+Going back to your comments earlier about the hospital that’s now constructed. We had understood that U.S. personnel would be training health care workers. But it’s our — it sounds like what you’re saying is that U.S. personnel will be actually working with and treating health care workers there who may be in infected with the virus. Is that correct?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah. Both of your — both your comments are correct, sir.
+So we have been asked by AID to help train the local — the healthcare workers here, up to 500 a week. We’ll do 200 here in and around Monrovia, and then we will have three teams that’ll be in and around the area.
+So up to 500 healthcare workers we’ve been asked by AID to help in the overall training effort, not just — DOD is not shouldering all the training piece.
+The U.S. Public Health Services are actually providing support to healthcare workers who — if they unfortunately are stricken with the disease. That’s what their purpose is, that 65. The 25-bed hospital, I hope we never have to put anybody in it, but that’s the purpose of the U.S. Public Health Services and — and their job here.
+Q: 65 U.S. troops, sir?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: No. This is U.S. Public Health Services.
+STAFF: We’ll go to Tony and then Jennifer and Maggie, and that’ll probably be it.
+Q: Sir, Tony Bertuca from Inside the Pentagon.
+My question goes to budgetary resources. The DOD portion of this is expected to last about six months.
+I’m wondering if at this point, you could say that if that would be sufficient or if you expect to have to come back and get additional funding. I think it’s 725 million, the DOD portion right now?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah, so I believe we have the resources we need to fill the gaps that AID has asked us to fill with our unique capabilities, and that’s probably all I really want to say on that right now.
+I know that the Department of Defense is committed to this, but we are one of many actors here. The ambassador talked about that.
+There’ve been folks that have been pulling on this rope for some time, and we were brought in now to provide some — fill some of those unique gaps. You know, I’ll have — I’ll have helicopters here. I have some now. As I mentioned, the V-22s they’re providing.
+What they’re principally doing — I think I didn’t answer this earlier, somebody asked me, but they are principally completing the fight surveys.
+When you go to one Ebola treatment unit, you’ve been to one Ebola treatment unit. And so the ones in and around Monrovia are relatively flat. They’re in a built-up area. But when you go up north or southeast, you’re in the jungle.
+And you have the AFL that’s helping us clear the sites for these. They’re in there with machetes hacking down the jungle, sided by the local — the local officials there.
+So we’re not just coming in and dumping these units where we want; we’re working with the community and the districts, we’re working with the government of Liberia to site these where they need to be, and most importantly, they’re sited where the government of Liberia and AID tells us where they need to be sited.
+So I’m comfortable where we are right now with resources. We’ll see this through. I think the fact that we’re bringing in one of our divisions, the 101st Airborne Division — Gary Volesky, I’ve known a very long time — he already has about 40 folks on the ground.
+We’re doing the left seat-right seat piece. If nothing else, the last 12, 13 years have taught us how to do that, and he’ll fit right in and nest within the ambassador and AID in terms of the construct and the leadership that’s already extent.
+Q: Sir, it’s Jennifer Griffin from Fox News.
+If I could ask all three of you, what are the biggest challenges, the most urgent challenges you’re facing right now, the biggest problems you’re facing?
+And also, do you believe that the U.S. should halt flights from Liberia and the affected areas?
+There are neighboring African countries that have closed the borders to people crossing from Liberia. Why do you not think it’s a good idea to halt flights from West Africa?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yes, ma’am. I’ll start it off and hand it — I’ll do the first part and hand the rest to the board.
+Challenges for the Department of Defense, it rains a lot here, and the infrastructure is challenging, which is why I’m bringing in lift to use the vertical component of this great country.
+So where we’ve been asked to build these Ebola treatment units is going to require us to get them and resource them with — by — by using the — the water, the air, and so my biggest challenge right now is working through the environment.
+Now, the ambassador tells me — she’s lived here longer than any of us — that the season’s about to change, and so we’re about to go into — Gary Volesky will come into different conditions. It’s — it’s — that’s been the most — we — I wouldn’t say we underestimated, but I — I think we didn’t realize how wet it would be here, and that’s become somewhat of a challenge.
+I’ll let the ambassador handle the other two.
+AMBASSADOR MALAC: Major General Williams has outlined some of the sort of physical challenges.
+On top of this, I would certainly emphasize the issue of very poor infrastructure, and that, you can interpret in many, many different ways — physical infrastructure, human infrastructure, financial infrastructure, if you will.
+This is a, you know, very poor country that’s only 11 years removed from a long and devastating civil war that really destroyed everything.
+Some of that rebuilding has happened, but when you now have an epidemic like this Ebola epidemic that is affecting all parts of a country, it’s very difficult to access many of the parts of the — of the country in order to find out exactly what the disease is doing in some of these remote areas.
+So we have that overall challenge of understanding how we can communicate with all parts of the country, at what level we need to communicate our messaging to Liberians — it varies greatly — and the complex nature of this epidemic in an urban area like Monrovia, which has never been seen before.
+So we’re really looking at two separate kinds of epidemic: what happens in — in Monrovia, in a crowded, urban area, and what happens in a rural environment where you have a population that has very low literacy, in some cases, that is quite cut off from the rest of the country.
+So the challenges are many, but that said, we are making progress on overcoming those challenges. Fortunately, the weather will soon be one of our least — least of our challenges, but we will continue to confront this inability — difficulty in getting out to the other parts of the city — other parts of country.
+As for the issue of whether or not borders should be closed, I think President Obama and others have been very clear all along. Isolating these countries is not the way to address the epidemic. We need to be able to get people and resources and supplies in.
+And, in fact, it has been quite challenging over the last several months, because there have been a reduction in commercial flights, because there is a reduction in shipping that comes into the country. Very difficult to get things like food as well as supplies in that are critically needed in order to help address this epidemic.
+Q: Thank you.
+MR. HEMINGWAY: I think it’s been said about the — the various challenges that we face in this response, and it’s certainly a response unlike any we’ve ever undertaken before.
+But based on the range of activities and the leadership that has been brought to this response, certainly in part by the U.S. government, we’re certainly seeing a more effective and more responsive international effort.
+And the challenges — working in — working amongst all of these deficiencies that exist in the basic health system and just the lack of knowledge of how to battle this disease, the challenge is really maintaining an effective and dynamic response against an often unseen adversary.
+Q: Hi. It’s Maggie Ybarra, Washington Times.
+General, yesterday, you said that you were hoping that international partners would contribute protective equipment and other supplies to the Ebola mission, and you said that the ETUs required seven personal protective equipped pieces per bed, per day.
+I’d like to know why you need help in that area. I’m wondering does this indicate like a lack, you know — lack of access to a certain amount of supplies or supplies are too expensive.
+And the next question is just for all three of you. Germany wants to assist with the Ebola mission, but my understanding is that the country would be unable to transport its infected people back to Germany.
+Australian politicians have also indicated the same thing that they’d be willing to help, but they don’t have a transport plan.
+Would the U.S. consider providing transportation to the international partners in order to kind of facilitate the process, the international health process, and is that a conversation that’s ongoing at this point?
+MR. HEMINGWAY: Sure, I’ll speak to the — the personal protective equipment piece.
+When treating Ebola, the specification or requirements for PPE is of the highest importance. Many of the infections, particularly amongst healthcare workers, is actually when they are taking off and putting on the PPE.
+So while there are a range of personal protective equipment items available throughout the world, it’s important that we have the exact specifications required to safely provide care to Ebola patients.
+And there certainly is a lot of discussion around how to improve the pipeline and supply of these materials, and there’s an international working group amongst many interested organizations and nations to insure that pipeline stays robust and adequate for the response.
+AMBASSADOR MALAC: And if I may, on the issue of medical evacuation, obviously, this is an issue — a topic of — of great discussion for the last several months, not just since the arrival of the U.S. military here, as we, together, have sought to encourage international healthcare responders to come in and help to fight this disease.
+I would point out that, in fact, Germany is bringing — is going to take over the operation of one of the Ebola treatment units within the next two to three weeks. It will be a combination of the German Red Cross as well as German military medical personnel who will be working together.
+In fact, Germany has received, already, to date, three EVD-positive patients that have come from Liberia or Sierra Leone for treatment, so they are, in fact — they do, in fact, have the capacity in Germany to treat these patients.
+But the discussion about — we obviously need a more robust and more organized and coordinated process, so it’s very clear what will happen in the event that someone is in need of a evacuation as a result of Ebola.
+This is an ongoing conversation at the Capitol level. I know my colleagues in Washington are — are quite engaged with a number of countries to determine how best to manage that type of a system.
+STAFF: They have noticed our very own stars and stripes.
+Q: Hi, General. Jon Harper with Stars and Stripes.
+Do you anticipate that you’re going to need more troops as this effort goes on, including National Guard or Reserve?
+And also, what kind of force protection measures are in place for U.S. troops over will in Liberia?
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yeah. So as you know, the president announced the troop level that we would need over here, and so as you know, for any of these kinds of contingencies, the commander on the ground will make recommendations up or down — up the chain of command if he or she needed more resources to accomplish the mission as we support AID and the government of Liberia.
+So I’m comfortable with the current — what the secretary of defense has approved in terms of the forces that will flow in here over the next — I guess I should’ve mentioned some time ago, we’re about 500 now, a little over 500, in the joint operational area.
+And that includes Senegal. I didn’t mention earlier, but we have a staging base in Senegal, and the idea behind that is — is to give us more agility as we move into theater and increase our ability to rapidly resupply and bring soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marine and equipment into Monrovia, which is the center of gravity and where AID has asked us to focus, which is why the commander’s here. But we will also have some capacity at Senegal to enable the onward with movement.
+The force protection is what I talked about. Were you talking about force protection in terms of the Ebola or other types — or — yes, other types of force protection?
+Q: Including if, you know, someone infected with Ebola tried to, you know, approach U.S. troops or if there was some other, you know, domestic unrest for both of those, really.
+MAJ. GEN. WILLIAMS: Yes, sir.
+So on the higher end in terms of the force protection piece; I’ve worked very closely with the — the government of Liberia and the ambassador. I feel very comfortable with the current ROE that’s in place.
+As the commander on the ground, we have certain authorities to protect American service folks — soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marine and or United States equipment — and those are in place now, approved by the ambassador, approved by the government of Liberia. That’s sort of the high end.
+But as I mentioned earlier, this is a permissive — very permissive environment. Liberians like Americans, and we’re liking Liberians. The Americans already here told us that, and so this is not Afghanistan or Iraq.
+So we have — depending on where you are in the country of Liberia, we have different modulated ROE in terms of that sort of force protection.
+With respect to the Ebola piece, it’s discipline.
+Everyday in the morning with my breakfast, I take a malaria pill. That’s my biggest concern.
+We don’t shake hands. I wash my hands a lot, OK, with chlorine. We step on chlorine.
+We don’t shake hands. We keep our distance.
+And as I mentioned before, soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marine are not in contact with folks inflicted with the Ebola virus. They just are not — they are and are not going to be, besides the folks I mentioned, the U.S. Public Health Services, if, God forbid, one of the healthcare workers came in contact with that.
+And so that’s our — that’s our force protection for the Ebola piece. We feel comfortable.
+I will tell you, when I came in here 30 days ago and I was flying in, I was calling and you know, talking to all my CDC friends and my AID friends and trying to find out exactly the kind of environment that we’re going to be operating in.
+But if you’re here, sir, there’s vitality here. This country is not hunkered down from this dreadful disease. As I drive around and fly around with the ambassador and others, there’s vitality here. Folks are getting about — getting about their daily lives and are — and are very, very resilient.
+So, I would not say there’s no risk. But there is risk that can be tampered down if you take the appropriate discipline and use the protocols that established by CDC.
+STAFF: That’s it for questions. Ambassador Malac or Ben Hemingway or General Williams, do you have any closing comments you want to leave us with?
+AMBASSADOR MALAC: I would just like to say that you know, we are — we appreciate all the assistance that the U.S. military is bringing to our — to the fight here, and that we are altogether working very, very strongly and very, very well together to support the plan. And we are going to get on top of this, however long it takes. We hope it’s going to be faster and sooner than anybody would like, but we think it will happen. It’s just a question of when.
+MR. HEMINGWAY: And I would just like to add to the ambassador’s comments that the Department of Defense, and there are more than just soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine. There are also civilians over here. I have some on my staff that are — that are doing a fantastic job. We’re motivated. We’re part of a greater team. And we’re here to fill the gaps as AID identifies for us with the — with the government of Liberia.
+So, we’re very glad. It’s a — it’s a very noble mission. And we’re proud to do it with our teammates, here.
+STAFF: Thank you very much. Thanks guys.
+Source: defense.gov
+Please note: This post contains affiliate links.
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+For How Long Do Customers Have Accessibility to the Custom Keto Diet Members Area?
+You have life time access to your member’s location, so you can begin the Keto diet immediately or in the future if needed.
+Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?
+Yes, and also it’s extremely valuable for any kind of customers who are undecided. You have a full 60 days to try the Custom Keto Diet, as well as if you’re dissatisfied,.
+Summer School
+Dances taught at TAC Summer School 2016
+Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
+Download a list of the Scottish County Dances taught
+in the morning classes, optional afternoon SCD classes,
+and combined Saturday class
+by clicking on Dances Taught at SS 2016
+Dances taught at Summer School 2014
+by the core teachers
+TAC Summer Events Registration Information 2017
+for TWO events at
+University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
+TAC Teachers' Conference Weekend (TCW) 21 - 23 July 2017
+TAC Summer School Week (SS) 23 - 30 July 2017
+see below for eligibility to attend these events
+Registration period ended 20 June
+Registration period 15 February - 20 June 2017
+Registrations received and paid by 15 April 2017 will receive a 10% discount
+When you are ready to register,
+proceed directly to Summer Event Registration Form 2017
+Login not required
+see Fee Schedule below
+TAC Teachers' Conference Weekend (TC Weekend) 21 – 23 July 2017
+Eligibility: Teachers of Scottish Country Dance who are paid-up Members of TAC are eligible to attend the TAC Teachers' Conference Weekend and Annual General Meeting. Contact the TAC Membership Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are uncertain about your current TAC Membership status or re-new online using the TAC Membership page. Lapsed members can register for TCW, but TAC Membership must be current at the time of TCW attendance in July.
+The TC Weekend commences with afternoon registration and dinner on Friday 21 July and ends with an afternoon discussion session on Sunday 23 July. See TCW Programme 2017 for further information.
+Attendees can register as Residents (on-campus meal and accommodation package included) or as Non-residents (partial meal package and no accommodation).
+TC Weekend Resident Registration Fee for TAC Members includes:
+all meals from Friday dinner 21 July through Sunday lunch 23 July
+2 nights' accommodation (single-occupancy rooms) on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 July
+Friday evening social dance 21 July and Saturday evening ball 22 July
+Saturday afternoon AGM (TAC Members only)
+dance classes Saturday morning and Sunday morning (TAC Members only)
+discussion group Sunday afternoon (TAC Members only)
+TC Weekend Non-Resident Registration Fee for TAC Members includes:
+all the above events with a meal package of Saturday lunch, Saturday banquet, Sunday lunch but no accommodation.
+Companion Resident Registration Fee for Non-members includes:
+attendance at the two TCW evening social events and the full meals and accommodation package for a companion who is accompanying a TAC Member to TCW
+TCW Partial Attendance for TAC Members not attending full TCW weekend:
+TCW Friday Evening Dance:
+walk-in fee of $20 per person for a TAC Member and for one dancer companion of a TAC Member; paid at the door, no prior notification required
+TCW Saturday Evening Reception, Banquet, and Ball:
+Saturday 22 July at $125 per person for a TAC Member and for one companion. Contact the Registrar by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with name(s) starting 1 May to request a ticket; information will then be provided on ticket availability and how to pre-pay the ticket(s). Request period ends 20 June .
+TAC Summer School Week (SS Week) 23 – 30 July 2017
+Eligibility: Summer School is open to all Scottish Country Dancers from basic to advanced and from beginner to experienced.
+The SS Week commences with afternoon registration and dinner followed by an evening social dance on Sunday 23 July.
+The finale is the evening Ball on Saturday 29 July. Brunch will be available on Sunday 30 July for those who do not have an early departure time.
+See Summer School Programme 2017 for further information.
+Attendees can register as Residents (on-campus meal and accommodation package included) or as Non-residents (no accommodation and partial meal package)
+SS Week Resident Dancer Registration Fee includes:
+- all meals from Sunday dinner July 29th through Sunday breakfast August 5th
+- 7 nights' accommodation from Sunday July 29th through Saturday August 4th
+- 4 evening SCD dances and Saturday evening Ball on August 4th
+- 2 evenings of entertainment (Contra dance and ceilidh)
+- 6 morning SCD dance classes (Monday through Saturday)
+- choice of 4 dance levels of instruction
+- Saturday afternoon ball walk-through
+- Optional classes on four afternoons
+SS Week Non-resident Registration Fee includes:
+all the above events, a meal package of lunches on Monday through Friday and Saturday banquet, but no accommodation
+SS Week Resident Non-dancer includes:
+attendance at evening functions and the full meal and accommodation package for companions not attending morning or afternoon classes
+Summer School partial attendance and walk-in options (with fees)
+Summer School Weekend-Only Resident:
+includes 2 night's accommodation (Friday and Saturday 28 and 29 July), all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday brunch, Friday evening social dance, Saturday events (morning class, afternoon ball walk-through, banquet and ball). Weekend Dancer fee is $395 and the Weekend Non-dancer fee is $350. On-line registration opens 16 April 2017.
+Summer School Reception, Banquet, and Ball for Dancers not attending SS (and a companion):
+Saturday 29 July at $125 per person, if space permits. Contact the Registrar by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with name(s) starting 1 May to request a ticket; tickets will be assigned on a first come-first served basis as long as space permits, and information will then be provided on how to pay once tickets are assigned. Request period ends 20 June.
+Summer School Sunday through Friday Social Evenings:
+walk-in fee of $20 per person per evening to be paid at the door; no prior notification required.
+ALL dancers under the age of 18 years are required to attend with a parent or guardian
+who will be responsible for them for the duration of the Summer Event.
+Fee Schedule for TC Weekend (TCW) and Summer School (SS) Week
+Registration period 15 February through 20 June 2017.
+The fee schedule below lists the Regular Registration fee.
+Participants registering and paying from 15 February through 15 April 2017 will receive a 10% discount.
+All prices are per person. All rooms are single occupancy.
+Each attendee registers and pays separately.
+All prices are in CANADIAN $$ and include the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 5% and the British Columbia Provincial Accommodation Sales Tax (PST) of 8%
+All registrations will be submitted on-line with on-line payment by credit card or PayPal.
+Registrants can use a single registration process to register for either TCW or SS or for both TCW and SS.
+Additional night's accommodation
+Registrants who plan to arrive a day early (Thursday 20 July for TCW or Saturday 22 July for SS) or depart a day later (staying overnight Sunday 23 July after TCW or Sunday 30 July after SS) can purchase additional accommodation and breakfast for the extra nights at CAD$56 per night per person. If participants want to be certain of being accommodated in the same room on the extra night(s) as for the event being attended, the extra accommodation must be reserved and paid at the time of event registration.
+Cancellation: All refunds on or before 20 June 2017 will incur a $50 administration fee.
+NO REFUNDS will be given after 20 June 2017 under any circumstances.
+Participants are strongly advised to have suitable insurance to cover any loss of fees in the event of illness, injury, inability to attend, delayed arrival, early departure, or other circumstances.
+ConTACt the TAC Summer Events 2017 Committee
+A single committee is organizing both the Teachers' Conference Weekend (TCW) and Summer School (SS)
+Director: Fiona Miller (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
+Assistant Director: Tine MacKay (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
+Registrar: Gail Michener (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
+Treasurer: Sandy Gallamore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
+Local Committee Convenor: Fran Caruth (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
+TAC Summer Events
+Teachers' Conference Weekend 29 - 31 July 2016
+Summer School Week 31 July - 7 August 2016
+2600 College St., Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1M 1Z7, Canada
+Accommodation in Paterson Hall at Bishop's University
+2016 TAC Summer Events participants will be housed in Paterson Hall, an L-shaped, four-story, air-conditioned residence within the campus of Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Accomodation is suite style, with four bedrooms per suite, three with single beds and one with a double bed. Each suite includes a kitchen, lounge, dining area, and two bathrooms.
+Smoking is banned on campus in all public buildings including student residences. Smoking is also banned outdoors within 9 m of any door leading to a campus building and in other designated non-smoking areas.
+TAC Teachers' Conference Weekend (TCW) registration fee includes two night's accommodation (Friday 29 and Saturday 30 July); departure date Sunday 31 July
+TAC Summer School (SS) registration fee includes seven night's accommodation (Sunday 31 July through Saturday 6 August); departure date Sunday 7 August
+Combined TCW and SS registration fee includes nine night's accommodation (Friday 29 July through Saturday 6 August); departure date Sunday 7 August
+For information on reserving an extra night's accommodation (with meals) before TCW (Thursday 28 July) or SS (30 July) or after TCW (31 July) go to Extra Options 2016.
+For directions and a campus map for Bishop's University, consult the University's Directions and Maps web page.
+What's in the four-bedroom suite?
+Each suite has a maximum capacity of 5 people and contains:
+4 bedrooms; three single-occupancy rooms with a single bed and one double-occupancy room with a double bed
+2 bathrooms, each with shower and one with bath
+kitchen with oven, refrigerator, cutlery/crockery for 5 people (but no toaster, microwave, or coffee maker)
+dining area
+lounge with openable windows
+Wi-Fi wireless network
+What's in the bedroom?
+Each bedroom contains:
+one bed (single in 3 of the rooms and double in 4th room)
+linens and towels (additional blankets and towels available from Paterson front desk)
+desk and chair
+bureau and closet (no coat hangers, so bring your own)
+nightstand and lamp
+openable window
+What's in the building?
+large common lounge on the main floor available at all times, including evening hospitality
+alcohol is permited in non-public areas
+small TV room per floor
+laundry facilities on main floor ($1.25 per wash cycle, $1.25 per drying cycle)
+laundry card and laundry supplies purchasable at Paterson front desk
+hair dryer, iron, ironing board available on loan from Paterson front desk
+Wi-Fi wireless network throughout the residence
+LeBron James did not promise Kevin Love to pick him for All-Star team
+Kevin Love is not receiving any promises from LeBron James about the All-Star Game.
+This year’s All-Star Game will feature the top two players in votes received serving as captains for teams they pick in a draft. That means it will be up to Stephen Curry and James to select their rosters. Apparently James has given his Cavaliers teammate no assurances.
+Love tweeted the following comment on Wednesday about how it would be cool to potentially team with his childhood friend, Klay Thompson.
+Would be special to end up on the same All-Star team as @KlayThompson …our families have been friends for a long time. Crazy that it’s even a possibility. Just a thought!!!
+— Kevin Love (@kevinlove) January 24, 2018
+That prompted ESPN’s Dave McMenamin to tweet that James could not guarantee he would be able to get his Cavs teammate on his All-Star team.
+Last night Kevin said LeBron hadn’t given him the assurance he’d be drafting him yet: “He’s going to try to assemble the best team possible. I mean, he probably has a future in that, so I assume he’ll put together a damn good team. But so will Steph. Those are two smart guys.”
+— Dave McMenamin (@mcten) January 24, 2018
+Unfortunately for fans who love drama, the draft will not be televised. The full All-Star rosters for each squad will be revealed on Thursday.
+If James wants to avoid more media drama, he should make a strong effort to draft his teammate, who has been scapegoated recently.
+- Filed Under:
+- Basketball
+- Featured Stories
+- Kevin Love
+- LeBron James
+- Kevin Love, LeBron James
+Tyronn Lue says it would be ‘crazy’ to blame Kevin Love for Cavs’ struggles
+Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue is not buying the Kevin Love blame game.
+Love played just three minutes in Cleveland’s 148-124 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder last Saturday, citing an illness that some teammates did not believe was legitimate. For his part, Lue thinks it’s “crazy” that Love is being blamed in any way for the performance against the Thunder.
+“I mean, that’s crazy,” Lue said, via Joe Vardon of cleveland.com. “If Kevin was out there we might have given up 170. Who knows, man. We’ve got to be better, got to just stay together. We’re being tested right now. This is when your true character comes out and the character of who you are as a person and as a player. We’ve got to step up and play basketball.”
+It certainly sounds like Lue isn’t endorsing the ire some of his players were reportedly feeling toward Love. Perhaps that’s one reason for a possible disconnect between the coach and his players.
+- Filed Under:
+- Basketball
+- Kevin Love
+- Kevin Love, Tyronn Lue
+Jae Crowder does not help Kevin Love up off floor (Video)
+Jae Crowder isn’t exactly helping dispel the narrative that Cleveland Cavaliers players are frustrated with Kevin Love.
+During the third quarter of the Cavaliers’ loss to the San Antonio Spurs on Tuesday, Love got knocked to the floor while going for a defensive rebound. He put his hand out hoping Crowder would help him off the floor, but Crowder just walked past him:
+Love can't even get anyone to help him up… pic.twitter.com/EOWcCg5JNr
+— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) January 24, 2018
+Crowder may have been frustrated about allowing the basket, but this still doesn’t look good given recent reports. The Cavaliers had a meeting on Monday in which Love was reportedly targeted. He seems to have become a scapegoat as the team struggles.
+Interestingly, the same thing happened to Kevin Love when LeBron didn’t help him up back in 2015. The two later teamed up to win a championship, which seemed to help their relationship.
+- Jae Crowder, Kevin Love
+Report: Isaiah Thomas led charge against Kevin Love
+Is one of the Cleveland Cavaliers’ newcomers part of the reason for the issues with Kevin Love? That’s what one report is saying.
+The New York Daily News’ Frank Isola reported in a column on Tuesday that Thomas was the driving force behind the Cavaliers’ issues with Love.
+From Isola:
+A source told The News that Isaiah Thomas led the charge against Love, who turned up ill for Saturday’s embarrassing loss to Oklahoma City and went home after playing just three minutes.
+Love played just three minutes in the Cavs’ blowout loss to the Thunder on Saturday night and left because of an illness. He then missed Sunday’s practice. The Cavs then had an emotional meeting on Monday in which the legitimacy of Love’s illness was questioned.
+Love seems to be taking the blame for the Cavs’ recent downturn, which actually coincides with Thomas finally making his season debut. Love’s minutes and stats have been down across the board since Thomas joined the starting lineup.
+- Isaiah Thomas, Kevin Love
+Kevin Love addresses meeting where he was confronted by teammates
+The relationship between Kevin Love and his Cleveland Cavaliers teammates may be nearing a breaking point, and Love tried to address some of the negative energy surrounding the team when he spoke with reporters on Tuesday.
+A report from ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski claimed the Cavs held an “emotional meeting” on Monday where players questioned the legitimacy of the illness that kept Love out of most of the team’s blowout loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder over the weekend. On Tuesday, Love said he felt the meeting was about more than just him and that he would have preferred if the details of it remained in-house.
+Kevin Love on "meeting": "I felt like we should keep it on the court or in the locker room, but obviously it didn’t stay there."
+Love on if meeting helped clear air: "That’s what we hope. Even if it’s directed at me or directed at anybody else, you just hope that it helps and that we can get better from it. … Maybe yesterday was a really good thing for us, you never know."#Cavs
+— Tom Withers (@twithersAP) January 23, 2018
+Love was reportedly the first player off the Cavs’ team bus on Tuesday and walked onto the court alone. Going forward, he said his only goal is helping Cleveland win games.
+More Love: "I’m going to keep my mouth shut, do right by the organization, by the fans and try to help this team win.”#Cavs
+— Tom Withers (@twithersAP) January 23, 2018
+LeBron James was also asked about the meeting, but he simply said he does not want to talk about it.
+Love’s usage rate has been down since Isaiah Thomas returned, and he has been terrible in the month of January. After he averaged 22.2 points, 10.1 rebounds and 29.7 minutes per game in December, his numbers are down to 12.3 points, 6.3 rebounds and 23.9 minutes this month.
+It seemed like Love was being used as a scapegoat for some of Cleveland’s early struggles when LeBron first returned, but a lot of that went away after the Cavs won the title. Now that they have lost nine of their last 12 games, Love seems to be taking the hit again. Meanwhile, LeBron has no problem congratulating himself on personal accomplishments as rumors of dysfunction swirl.
+- Cleveland Cavaliers, Kevin Love
+Report: Cavs question Kevin Love’s illness at ’emotional’ meeting
+The Cleveland Cavaliers did not play on Monday, but they reportedly had some big business to discuss.
+ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reports that the Cavaliers held an emotional meeting prior to practice on Monday during which the legitimacy of Kevin Love’s illness was questioned.
+Woj says Love tried to explain his
+Love started and played just three minutes during Saturday’s embarrassing loss to the Thunder in which the Cavs allowed 148 points. He took two shots and missed both of them.
+Love was said to have had an illness, which led him to leave the game. He did not practice with the team on Sunday.
+On Monday, Love did tell reporters that he felt dizzy on Saturday and that he is now feeling better. He is set to play 29-year-old forward has struggled to find his way in the offense since Isaiah Thomas joined the starting lineup. His usage rate is down and his stats have been terrible in January. For the month, he’s averaging just 12.3 points, 6.3 rebounds and 23.9 minutes per game. Compare that to December when he averaged 22.2 points, 10.1 rebounds and 29.7 minutes per game.
+When Love first joined the Cavaliers, he had some issues with LeBron James, but that seemed to pass after the Cavs won the title. Now that Thomas is in the mix, Love is trying to find his way on the team, and it clearly has not been easy.
+- Filed Under:
+- Basketball
+- Headlines
+- Kevin Love
+- Cleveland Cavaliers, Kevin Love
+Ranking the 10 best big men in the NBA
+Big men are a dying breed … except when they aren’t. Hail to this era of seven-footers who dribble like guards, jump like pogo sticks, and shoot their shots from deep like drunk texts at 3 AM. And here are the ten bigs leading that charge right now, not counting those who missed the cut due to injury (Rudy Gobert, Blake Griffin, Paul Millsap, Hassan Whiteside, and Nikola Jokic).
+*Stats courtesy of Basketball Reference and NBA.com*
+10. Kevin Love, PF/C, Cleveland Cavaliers
+Love being the Joe Biden to LeBron James’ Obama sure has a nice ring to it. A lot of dominoes did have to fall for our favorite Banana Republic model to even be in this position: Kyrie Irving moving to Boston to flatten dreams, Tristan Thompson getting injured, and Isaiah Thomas and Derrick Rose both being unavailable for one reason or another. But Love has barreled in headfirst through his new window of opportunity, slaughtering defenses with his smoldering three-point shooting from the 5 spot and proving just as effective at smoking smaller players who switch onto him down low. As Cleveland’s undisputed No. 2 option offensively, he is once again a nightly 20-10 threat just like those halcyon Minnesota days. Whether you need a 38-point half or a 94-foot touchdown pass, it’s obvious that my man is a Love supreme.
+9. Karl-Anthony Towns, C, Minnesota Timberwolves
+- Filed Under:
+- Basketball
+Wow, amazing month of sales!
+Congrats buddy!
+Hope this month is even bigger and better.
+Thanks for sharing.
+Thank you dear 🙂
+Yes, definitely it was a great month in terms of sales.
+Wish you all the best as well 🙂
+Thank you for sharing your detailed, monthly reports. Your transparency is enlightening and appreciated. Continued success to you!
+Thank you so much for your kind words which is highly appreciated! 🙂
+AbdulBasit is the new Domain King.
+All hail the King!
+Thank you Wajid bhai 🙂
+Superb sales Abdulbasit, congratulations!
+Its always motivating reading about your sales.
+Glad you always like it and that keeps me motivated to share it in detail.
+Best wishes! 🙂
+Wow, your performance is amazing.
+How many domains are you holding?
+Thank you!
+I’ve shared in the post but possibly you’ve missed it so let me copy it here again:
+The number of inquiries for the August was close to 550 and total number of domains at the end of last month were 4,170+/-
+Thanks for sharing Abdul Bhai
+Thank you Mohit bhai!
+You’re rocking with brokering the sales 😉
+Thanks for sharing sir, I wish you will get more in September ☺️☺️🙏🙏
+Buhot shukria Harmandeep bhai 🙂
+Wo kehte hein na… Aap ke muh mein ghee-shakkar 😉
+Great work Abdul. I await your sales news avidly each month. I really would love to try Afternic as you have done. However by not showing us the resulting visitor statistics to NS3/NS4 (I believe they only show them for NS1/NS2) they prevent me from doing so as I don’t have enough domains to qualify for a personal rep. I think that information assists us in making better pricing and drop/renew decisions. This can only equate to better sales for Afternic as we are directing potential buyers to them instead of to a different marketplace. It seems win-win to me.… Read more »
+Thanks for your feedback and commenting Tony 🙂
+I agree with you about the lack of transparency in terms of not having any traffic stats which helps us in understanding a lot about our domains.
+I’ve made some suggestions for Afternic – and I believe at least one will be implemented this year.
+I can say that all the posts I’ve published including this one is read by some of the Afternic team members so I hope they’ll take your valuable feedback into consideration to implement in the future.
+Best wishes! 🙂
+Great work Abdul bhai the best ROI was
+Thanks brother.
+Thank you for this detailed information. Highly appreciated.
+I wanted to ask one question – do you list you names on the godaddy marketplace in addition to afternic? Or do you list only on afternic and they appear on godaddy aftermarket by default as result of your afternic listing?
+Any thoughts on what is a better strategy? Thanks in advance.
+Thank you!
+I can’t remember of adding any domains directly to GoDaddy but have always added to Afternic and all the domains are by default displayed on GoDaddy as well.
+I don’t think it makes any difference. Correct me if I’m wrong (if someone knows more about it).
+[…] Source : Domain Name News, Domain Sales, Domain Tips and Domain Investing | AbdulBasit.com | Read More […]
+Great sales by great… King domainer….you are really great abdul bhai
+Thanks dear. I’m always learning and tries to improve myself as the time goes by…
+I’m in awe of your sales in certain ranges and have enjoyed reading about this experiment. But I’m not sure I’d want automatic alerts to go out to buyers about price reductions. I’d prefer that to be Opt-in only. Email contact with buyers is something most of us fine-tune.
+Thank you so much for your kind words. That’s my motivation 🙂
+I totally agree with you on that. Or another thing can be done is to limit the domain owners to change the pricing for 1 or maximum 2 times a month so the past interested buyers for the domain don’t get bombarded all the time. But yes, having opt-in option as an addition would be much better as well.
+Congratulations to ABM bhai and Amir Bhai.
+May Allah give you more success.
+Buhot shukriya 🙂
+congrats abdul basit, aamir and yusupbabay – thanks for sharing. worth noticing the quality and other aspects of sales. wishing more such a good news.
+Shukriya Tauseef bhai. Happy to see you find it helpful and I’ll be more than happy to see you get some sales and that too on consistent basis.
+Keep going and feel free to let me know if I can be of any assistance.
+Another crazy month of Afternic sales.
+I remember I had commented about last month’s dip in sales and was confident about the coming months.
+I am truly amazed with that whopping BIN sale of LivingLabs.com at $25,888. I just wonder on what instincts you buy such names and what makes you believe in them for course of years.
+Abdul bhai, It would be great if you can add hold period in the coming sales reports.
+Happy Sales 🙂
+Always nice to see your feedback and commenting my friend 🙂
+That BIN was definitely a huge sale since it was a BIN and it’s not usual what we see on regular basis. But this year has been fantastic in getting me some big BIN sales including AutoFun.com for $50,000 🙂
+Noted your request and I’ll definitely add it just in case I don’t forget it.
+Thank you 🙂
+Keep it rolling!
+Thank you my friend 🙂
+It would be nice to see your sales as well 🙂
+Came out with a BANG!!!
+Congrats and thanks for the inspiration.
+Thank you Vinod bhai for your feedback and commenting.. Happy that you always like it 🙂
+Congrats AbdulBasit! You are truly inspirational, and the best part is you don’t hesitate in sharing gold nuggets – unlike many high-profile domain investors.
+Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂
+I love sharing and that makes me very happy 🙂
+Continue to be in awe of your success with Afternic! Two quick questions: (1) Even with BINs, you are doing some negotiating. DO you have floor prices with room for negotiation or does Afternic agents contact you with significant offers that haven’t met the mark? (2) When you speak of your Afternic agent, how do you get one? Does he give you monthly stats? Never heard of Afternic agents that are so helpful.
+Thanks 🙂
+1) Yes, even with the same BIN and Floor, there is sometimes negotiation involved. Also the Floor I keep is always the same as BIN. Still I get contacted.
+2) AN assigned automatically and I didn’t ask for it. Yes, my rep sends me monthly stats.
+Congratulations on sales on Afternic.com
+I was really amazed that you can do this from Uniregistry.com and not let me sell domain in Afternic.com since June, your answer is negative.
+Go ahead, I’m happy that you can do it.
+Thanks Jose.
+By the way, I didn’t understand your feedback. Would appreciate if you can explain it again.
+Hi AbdulBasit Makrani Sorry for not replying to your email sooner, I just saw it right now. When I saw that you had taken out many domains landing pages uniregistry.com and took them to Afternic to sell and others later, see in another post or interview to do to you that there was also the opportunity in Afternic Domain Parking, with DNS change NS1 and NS2 Afternic and NS3 – NS4 Afternic but go to Godaddy.com I will do the same last June just add 15 Uniregistry domains in Afternic.com as you are two links- Then add other… Read more »
+Thanks for your detailed reply. What I’ve understood from your post is that you’re not satisfied with both GoDaddy as well as Uniregistry and didn’t had a pleasant experience with them. I suggest using NS3/NS4 which will give you better chance of selling domains and also opt-in for Fast Transfers. Since I don’t keep domains with GD, I don’t know how it works from adding the domain to opt-in for FT. I use Uniregistry and I’ve seen there were several pending review domains at Afternic which they tried to fix it but the problem was at Uniregistry which they later… Read more »
+Sorry for the delay in your reply. Uniregistry, deserves a book that in the end would be a Betseller, they spoil themselves in their blog what the company itself reflects inside is a unique case, I believe in this market domains. Example: Before the internet, I had worked in several companies as an Executive of Sales Strategy, promotions and offers of products and services, and I had never seen that the CEO of the Company ordered that the sales executives had to sell a product of his and leave aside those that give economic benefits to their own company. Godaddy… Read more »
+Very inspiring indeed AbdulBasit. You are really awesome Seller. Congratulations to you and all those biggies who made a fortune last month.
+Thank you Haroon bhai 🙂
+Congratulations as always. Interesting sales .
+Thanks for your feedback and one of the frequent reader of this blog. I appreciate that 🙂
+Congrats Abdul, nice experiment and sales again. Declining your highest offer of $5,000 for LivingLabs.com and finally getting $25,888 is amazing. Says a lot about delayed gratification. Also, impressed with @Yusupbabay, the sale of IndustrialHeart.com. Love the fact that it was sold before for almost that amount. Thumbs up guys and wish you more sales.
+Thank you so much!
+Yeah, sometimes it can take years in waiting and it was not an easy journey to reach at this level. But yes, today I can decline such offers to get the maximum out of it.
+It was definitely a great and surprising sale (IndustrialHeart.com) for me.
+Hiya again Abdul, how is it going? Once again you have made another set of sales in that month of August 2020. These set of stats are giving other domainers a good substance for them to progress along their domaining journeys. You are a great asset to the domain industry, Nice shared story of rejecting LivingLabs.com for a $5000 offer, and waiting for the $25,888 offer. It shows if you reject many lower offers then if you wait then there can be higher offers if you wait, so waiting is key. Abdul your experience is showing others how to manage… Read more »
+Hi Matt! Thanks once again for your lovely feedback with kind words. I really appreciate that as always 🙂 I’m doing great and hoping the same for you as well 🙂 That’s the main reason for sharing it and with detail which I believe will be helpful to at least some of the fellow investors. Sometimes you know it can be frustrating to be waiting for the right offer to knock your door but I think that can be eradicated once you’ve good quantity as well as quality of domains which puts you in a commanding position. Only quantity or… Read more »
+amazing sales
+you are the King Abdul
+Seth had waited years for this moment to come.
+Now, finally, he was able to break the ties that held him in the depressing two up two down house that had been his home since he had been born. With his brother's death, the last link had been cut. He could leave. His fingers hooked around the handle of the small Ford KA that had been his for the last three years and he yanked the door open.
+Seth only glanced at the house one more time before throwing his backpack over to the passenger seat and sliding in. The keys slid easily into the ignition and he turned it, one hand tightly gripping the steering wheel as he pulled out of the driveway and moved the car, and himself, away from the house.
+His heart beat wildly in his chest; part of him was scared that someone, his mother perhaps, or even his uncle, would come running from the house, would stop the car and drag him out, drag him back to that small, semi-detached prison.
+He managed to get around the corner with no one chasing him. Seth didn't realise he'd been holding his breath, but now it floated out of him. Relief flooded his body as he relaxed into the car seat, fingers quickly pressing play on the CD player, the angry punk rock drifting out of the speakers and filling the car.
+His fingers drummed against the wheel, Seth's smile growing bigger as he got further and further away from the house.
+Finally, he really was free.
+Seth drove carefully; it would be way too ironic for him to crash now, for him to be propelled through the front window and smash his head against the pavement, for him to die now that this sweet, precious moment had come. He wasn't going to take any chances with fate.
+He didn't even know where he was going. All he knew was he was going to keep driving until exhaustion took over, until he was far enough away from the house and then, then he'd decide on the next step.
+He'd been driving for over an hour when he spotted her.
+Slowing down, Seth pressed the button that would bring the window down.
+She was walking on the side of the road, bag slung over her back, the same bag he'd watched bob up and down the corridors at school, the same bag he'd seen thrown casually under the desks in lessons. As he drew closer, she inched away from the road, not glancing towards him.
+"Hey! Cami!" he called, coming to a stop as froze, her head snapping around to stare at the car, blonde hair whipping around her pale face.
+"Oh. Seth. The hell do you want?"
+"Bit far from town," he mumbled. "Want a lift to...wherever?" he chuckled, leaning out of the window as she crossed her arms.
+"No. I'm fine." A pause, before she sighed. "Where you heading?"
+"Not sure. You?"
+"No idea." A sly grin stretched across her face, and he marvelled at how it just served to make her prettier. "You running away too?"
+"Sort of," he mumbled, shrugging as he did so. He'd never really spoken to Cami; Seth wasn't the type of guy who could just go up to a girl and strike up a conversation. All he'd ever really done was admire her from afar; he'd admired her prettiness, he'd admired her rebellious streak as she glared at teachers and came up with her own answers to the questions they asked. Seth could never resist a small smile to himself when Cami spat out remarks at the prissy, up their own arses kind of girls at their school. He'd silently cheered her on when she'd punched one of the guys for slapping her arse at lunch in Year Eleven.
+"I just wanted to get out of that hell hole of a town," she told him, running a hand through her bob of blonde hair. "Actually...seeing as neither of us have an exact destination..."
+"You want to jump in?" he offered, leaning across and unlocking the passenger door. As he brought his hand back, he grabbed his backpack and threw it onto the back seat. "Plenty of room, Cami."
+She laughed, a small grin on her face as she shrugged and darted to the passenger side of the car, pulling the door open and sliding easily in. She wriggled slightly, making herself comfortable before pulling the seatbelt down and hooking it in, eyes darting to Seth.
+"Is this seriously Billy Talent?"
+"Yeah," he chuckled, pulling off once more. "Why? You like them?"
+"They're alright."
+He smiled at her; reaching over her lap and clicking open the glove compartment. "Got a few more CDs in there if you wanna check them out."
+Her hands delicately reached in, pulling out the small CD holder and starting to flick through. As he drove, as she looked through his music collection, he couldn't help but glance slyly at her legs. She was wearing a skirt, denim, about halfway down to her knees. Underneath that, her legs were covered by black leggings, the material pulled tightly over her thin legs. He wondered if she played any sports; he'd caught brief glimpses of her in P.E lessons, running across the netball court, leaping up into the air and deftly grabbing the ball as it came her way.
+The classes had once done boys vs. girls softball lesson, and he'd been fielding when she came up to bat. Seth had been placed on the second base, and he'd watched as she'd smacked the ball so hard it went out of sight. She'd been fast, very fast, and was tapping his base with her foot before he even realised what was happening.
+He still remembered the sly wink she'd given him as she sprinted past.
+Now, Cami was sitting in his car, one leg moving up and down, her head bobbing in time to the music.
+"What about this?" she asked, opening the CD case to show him Alkaline Trio's This Addiction.
+"Sure." He nodded, head tilting towards the player. "Stick it in."
+"Awesome," She grinned, pressed eject and held the Billy Talent album carefully in her hand, sliding in the other CD and pressing play. The music once more filled the car as she casually flicked through the CDs, sliding the album in. "You've got these arranged alphabetically, haven't you?"
+He felt himself blushing. Heat fled into his cheeks and he kept his eyes focused purely on the road. "Yeah," he mumbled, careful as he took a right-turn. "I just got bored, one day, I guess."
+"I like it," she replied, flicking through the rest of the silver discs. "Some things should be alphabetical. I mean, if it was just random, how the hell would you find your Smiths CDs when you were craving There Is A Light?"
+"Good point," he chuckled, glancing once more at her. "So, what's your favourite band then?"
+"I don't know," she sighed. "The Smiths is a generic favourite band. I love Alkaline Trio but wouldn't say I loved them above all others. If I say Tsunami Bomb it makes me sound like a feminist or something."
+He raised an eyebrow, returning his attention back to the deserted road. "You sound like you care too much about what other people think."
+"You really think that?" she asked, a soft sigh escaping her lips.
+"Not really. You don't strike me as the kind of person who gives a crap, to be honest."
+"I like to think I don't." She paused, tilting her head to the right, towards him, her eyes fixed on the road ahead of them as she slipped the case back into the glove compartment. "But...I think I care what people think of me when...when I want them to have this certain idea of me, you know? Like, in school..."
+"You really didn't seem to give a crap then," he laughed, remembering the poor fool who'd slapped her arse.
+"Well..." she sighed. "I don't know, Seth. I always wanted people to think I didn't care but...I cared. In a weird way, I projected the part of me I wanted them to see, instead of..." she paused, her head falling forward as she stared at her lap. "I'm sorry."
+"What for?" he asked, now slightly confused.
+"I don't know. Bombarding you with all this? For never talking to you in school? I regret a lot of things, Seth. I regret being so stupid in school, for acting like I didn't care...you know, I don't have any friends from school?"
+He half-shrugged. "Neither do I."
+"What about Billy? And Jim? I thought you three were pretty tight."
+"We were, back then," he chuckled. "They went to University. We barely speak any more. It's been a long time."
+"Yeah, that's true."
+Cami stretched her legs in front of her, her toes reaching out until they could go no further. She sighed, leant her head back and against the headrest, and stared up at the ceiling of the car, her fingers tapping out the beat to the song on her knee.
+"So why are you running?" she asked, eyes still fixed upwards.
+"I needed to get away from my mum," he replied. "It got a bit...suffocating. You?"
+"Just got fed up," she mumbled. "You know my mum is hardly ever at home? And my dad beats himself up so much over not being able to find a job..." She let out another sigh. "It gets to you, after a while. I couldn't stand it anymore." She paused, eyes darting down to the CD player, then snapping over to the glove compartment. "I heard about your brother. I'm sorry."
+"Yeah," he scoffed. "Well, not your fault, is it? That's all I've heard since he died. I'm sorry. Sorry is a pointless word, you know?" He fell silent as they came to a red light. The traffic lights flashed, winking at them as they switched to amber, then green. "Like...I don't know. No one could do anything, I guess. It happens. And he fought, bloody hard too. It was...better that he died. He suffered too much."
+"How old was he?"
+"Twelve," he shuddered. "Jesus. He was twelve freaking years old. Not even a teenager. And he was just so...innocent, too. Not like half the kids you see running around, swearing, smoking, all that shit. He just...wasn't like that. He was sweet, you know?"
+She studied him carefully, knowing he wasn't really looking for sympathy. He was looking for the same as her; someone to talk to, someone to unload their problems on because, on your own, it just got way too much.
+"You really loved him, huh?"
+"Yeah," he nodded slowly, a smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards. "Yeah, I did."
+"That's all anyone could have asked for," she muttered, head dropping forward, fingers twitching in her lap. "Just...to be loved. I bet he had a great life, with you."
+He scoffed. "If it was just me, then yeah, maybe he could have a good life..."
+"Seth," she took a deep breath, "I, obviously, don't know why you're running away but...but whatever happened to you, or your brother, you loved him, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters."
+He blinked slowly, silence falling over them as he drove on. "Maybe." Finally, he spoke, as the CD whirled onto the last track and she started looking through the case for the next one.
+"The Living End?" she offered, and he nodded.
+"Actually...yeah, maybe you're right. All you need is love, right?"
+"You want to stop, something to eat?" He nodded his head towards the sign as they passed, the large one urging drivers to take a break, followed by the distance to the nearest service station.
+He smiled gently, pulling towards the left to draw them closer to the service stations. His stomach rumbled, and he suddenly found himself craving a Big Mac, or maybe a McChicken Sandwich. Mentally, he went through the usual sort of places you found at the service stations – McDonalds, or Burger King, maybe even a KFC. A WHSmiths, though at this time, he thought it'd be closed. Either that or a Marks & Spencer. Toilets. Toilets were a certainty and for that he was grateful. Some sort of coffee place where he could buy a hot drink.
+His mind wondered as they pulled in, eyes scanning the giant, lit up board that listed the shops to be found inside. He flashed Cami a smile as she opened her door and swung her legs out, a yawn escaping her lips as the cold wind hit them inside the car.
+"Seth?" she muttered, half turning towards him as he turned the engine off and rubbed his face, trying to fight away tiredness.
+"Yeah?" he replied, opening his own door.
+She leant across and kissed his cheek before darting out of the car. "Thanks. I needed someone to talk to."
+"No problem," he whispered, leaning back in the car and letting his eyes half close.
+"Maybe you'll see Robbie, somewhere along the way?" she spoke quickly, rapidly, and he nodded slowly, remembering the way she'd looked, two days ago now, when he found her crumpled body at the side of the road, hit by a careless drunk driver who'd disappeared into the night. The contents of her bag had been spilled along the pavement; her journal, an Alkaline Trio CD, as well as White Noise by The Living End.
+She'd been running away. What from, he'd never know.
+His eyes slowly opened, darting around the almost-empty car park, devoid of all life except him. Slowly, he climbed out of the car and locked it, glancing around as he pulled his hood up over his head.
+I needed someone to talk to.
+"Yeah," he whispered, as he slid his keys into his pocket and started walking towards the brightly lit building. "Yeah, so did I."
+I go to WUWT from time to time. And not trying to be rude, because I believe there are some true skeptics that visit the site, but the lack of basic science by many of those commenting really is sad. I read and get a headache because just a basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, etc refutes their posts. I consider myself a true skeptic. When first visiting this site after the e-mail hack, I had quite a few questions. The most important I think was, exactly what variables are Climate Scientists looking at, having a sense that maybe they were being to simplistic. Wow was I wrong! After visiting RC and reading what actually makes up the science I was so quite astounded at bulk of the evidence. Not being a Climate Scientist, I really didn’t understand the history going back over 100 years. I will say that on this site there is debate between those that agree with the theory whereas with the WUWT site, I rarely see corrections from “skeptics” on easily recognizable incorrect statements on science or fact if it backs up the position that AGW is somehow incorrect or a hoax.
+Does WUWT have some interesting articles, of course. But could I honestly say that it’s a site based on science. No. I was being a skeptic when a friend told me about something he read on the site. So I read the article, and researched it. Isn’t that what real skeptics do? I don’t see that happening much on WUWT.
+Bryson #196. “any credible hypothesis requires some really careful thinking through to see whether it works or not.” And that is exactly what I am doing. And that is the value of all skeptics. I am not just sharing my thinking with a choir of skeptics, but I lay it bear to the most strident opponents, while willing to expose myself to all manner of insults to my intelligence and integrity by Ladbury et al. I would suggest it is the psycho babblers who have thrown in the towel on respectful dialogue and careful thinking.
+GAVIN,:[Response: Huh? The explanation is exactly the same. During the ice age *cycles*, CO2 acted as an amplifying feedback on the orbital *cycles*. For those not familiar with the jargon, *cycles* go up and down. Please get serious. – gavin]
+The explanations are definitely not the same. Simply stated, CO2 amplifies warming, but resists cooling. Although I really appreciate your in depth explanation of a cycle, I would hope we could dig a little deeper. Orbital cycles increase and decrease solar input due to well described cycles eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession. But I am unaware of a carbon cycle that is independent of temperature. Assuming the orbital cycles are (RC’S) “unknown process” that accounts for 50% of the warming and CO2 represents the other 50%, here is a simple mathematical model..
+At the very least this suggest that we need to account for processes that increase cooling effects to offset the warming effects of CO2. This accounting is not needed when you described the warming inter-glacial. We perhaps can argue against this mathematical oversimplification by suggesting the CO2 responds immediately to changes in temperatures caused by orbital forcing. But that is not what is observed. CO2 lags temperature changes on average by 800 years.
+So I see a need for better accounting. Gavin, a more in depth explanation why you think the explanations are exactly the same would be greatly appreciated and make it a more fruitful discussion.
+Ray: I am always impressed. No matter what the evidence or the argument, you can always sweep away all disagreements by simply saying if we disagree with you, we don’t understand, or we are stupid, or one of your myriad of denigrating variations. Why bother with respectful dialogue to those of us who do not measure up to your certain superiority.
+Ray Ladbury @ 194
+Seriously? Don’t you listen to talk radio?
+Climate science was invented by a bunch of climate scientists, ergo why waste time learning something invented by people who are only fit for harassment by definition.
+132 wilt: Agreed that we are not psychologists or psychiatrists. Disagreed that psychology and psychiatry are not needed. They certainly ARE needed. Purely doing physics isn’t gaining any or enough ground. We need to do something else. We need to deal with those psychological factors that are preventing people from taking a more scientific approach. What is the sticking point? Is it purely fossil fuel money or is there something else as well? Do we need to reassure the boss at Der Spiegel that he can keep his view? Is it purely a fear of change? Is it ignorance that can be corrected by better education? Maybe there are lots of sticking points. We need to apply psychological lubricant to enough sticking points to get our legislation passed.
+We need psychologists and psychiatrists to prescribe the psychological lubricants.
+Time for yet another reminder. As Lay Radbury suggests:
+The Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer Weart, a mandatory prerequisite for intelligent discussion of climate change whether by rejectionist, skeptic, logical positivist, whomever or whatever.
+149 Fred Magyar is correct. It was published on 1 April. Where did the April Fool’s Day tradition begin? The Wikipedia article says it is widespread, but I see nothing about Germany in particular.
+It could be a well written prank, but it is too well written. There should be internal clues that it is a prank. Perhaps the translation is imperfect?
+This Wisconsin article discusses some interesting developments in the US insurance industry, driven by the CERES “Investors Network on Climate Risk” via the National Association of Insurance Commissioners – might be stirring up some of the heat on climate scientists, maybe even on Junior? Seems to indicate that capitalists have a different risk assessment approach than politicians . . . . . can capitalism get it right?
+166 Lynn Vincentnathan: Yes but NO but Aha! Perhaps creationists do see themselves as chimps [human is a race of chimpanzee] and it Scares them! They have to deny evolution to reassure themselves. So how does this apply to climate? The denialists are like clueless creatures in a runaway car that is about to go over a cliff. They are scared because they don’t know what to do AND they don’t trust us because they confuse what scientists and engineers do with what corporations do. Corporations sell them dangerous medicine and dangerous cars.
+So what we have to do is: Tell them the difference between what scientists and engineers do and what CEOs and management does. They think that scientists are running the place. We are not. The Stockholders are! Management blames the “market.” But the “market” is the general public that makes decisions based on “theories”/instincts that are EXACTLY wrong. To replace the instincts with correct theories, we have to give everybody a degree in engineering, and that requires math. They are afraid of math…….
+179 Simon Tytherleigh: “We live in a new age of superstition”
+I can’t remember whether it was “The Long Summer” by Brian Fagan or “Collapse” by Jared Diamond that said something like: “As the starvation worsens, they get more and more religious until the very end. They have one last super ceremony, then they kill the priests and change religions. At that point, civilization has collapsed.” But they are still religious.
+A new age of superstition is an omen of impending collapse. The problem is, how to get them to change to our “religion” to avoid the collapse? Recognizing that science is not religion.
+Simon #179
+blockquote cite=”I am also wondering what is behind the viciousness and rabidly anti-science thinking of the denialists. Never mind the corporate sponsoring, there are a lot of ordinary people out there who are now suspicious of anything a scientist says, who believe that there is a big conspiracy to shut down their way of life, and who are buying the line that we are nowhere near the limits to growth.
+Surely this sort of denial is a defence-mechanism against something that they conceive of as being terrifying (this is amateur psychology, help me out someone…), and because it is so frightening anger is part of the response?”
+I do think we can learn something from psychology in this regard..
+For example..
+Can you recognize the six types of denial in the climate debate?
+The attac on climate sciense is so far based on the question regarding the rate of recent global warming, and its cause. Even sceptics (so called climate deniers) do not dispute that the reality of the greenhouse effect assuming implicitly that it’s due to trapping of infrared radiatiation by ‘greenhouse’ gases. However, here is a very interesting pece of empirical evidence: The global average downwelling infrared radiation from the atmosphere is about 343 W m-2. This energy flux is some 43% larger than the TOTAL absorbed solar radiation (239 W m-2) by the ENTIRE earth-atmosphere system. Question: if the greenhouse effect is due to atmospheric absorption of thermal radiation from the surface, which is essentially transformed shortwave sunlight, how is it possible that the atmosphere sends MUCH more energy towards earth than the sun? In the context of the current greenhouse theory, such evidence appears to violate the First law of thermodynamics regarding conservation of energy. Therefore, the current greenhouse theory is missing something big as a physical mechanism responsible for providing additional warmth to the surface…
+ sentence is a little disingenuous, in my sense. I discussed that with a mathematician on a French forum. For a retroaction loop, there is a characteristic retroaction factor f increasing after “one loop” the increment of temperature. ∆T-> ∆T(1+f). Applying a recurrence relation, ,we end with ∆T(1+f+f^2+….) = ∆T/(1-f).
+Note that 1/(1-f) is very sensitive to f if it gets close to 1. for instance if f=0.8 1/(1-f) = 5 but if f= 0.9, 1/(1-f) =10 , so the final amplification factor doubles if f increases only by 12 % !! this occurs of course only close to the “catastrophic runaway” threshold f= 1.
+Now if you have SEVERAL independant retroaction factors f1, f2, … fn (which is the case on the Earth where you have to consider water vapor, CO2, ice coverage, vegetation, and so on… the calculation shows that the final amplification factor is
+1/(1-f1-f2..-fn) . This can NOT be expressed as a sum or a product of a function of f1, f2…. etc… Only the “one loop” factor f can be expressed as a sum f= f1+f2…
+Now what can mean that “the factor number i is responsible for Xi % of the warming?”. This is not an obvious statement. The only sensible thing that can be expressed as percentages is the contribution to f : fi/(f1+f2+…fn). But it doesnt mean that without i, the warming would have been Xi% less because of the non linearity of the global factor.
+Taking the same numerical example as above, assume that f1=0.8 so that “1” produces an amplification 5. Adding a mere f2=0.1 (12% of the total) will double this value again. So in some sense we can say “2 explains 50 % of the retroaction”. But it is somewhat disingenuous as I said since it actually account only for 12% of the factor f.
+It is precisely the case of the GES retroaction where f1 is the main factor due to water vapor and f2 only a small contribution from CO2, which has a large impact only because f1 is already close to 1.
+Personally I feel uncomfortable with these estimates for two reasons :
+* the effect of f2 is very sensitive to errors made on f1. In the previous example, it is enough to have an uncertainty of 12% on f1 to explain the same result.
+* a global factor f close to 1 is necessary to get a large retroaction , and it is dangerously close to the catastrophic runaway threshold. If water vapor would enter in a runaway cycle, there would be no limit and the whole ocean could warm, boil, and evaporate until all the water would be in the atmosphere – a kind of H20 Venus. To my knowledge , this never happened. Although mathematically possible, I think that a “global f factor” close to 1 and dominated by water vapor is physically unlikely.
+Wilt, give it a rest, kid.
+TomS (116),
+For the Nth time, where N increases without limit,
+95% of the CRU data was already in the public domain.
+The other 5% was proprietary and CRU couldn’t legally release it.
+McIntyre organized a campaign to harass and disrupt CRU by flooding it with FOI requests.
+CRU consists of 3 people. Fully complying with a UK FOI request takes 18 hours.
+CRU got 40 FOI requests from McIntyre’s people in one weekend.
+Do you get it yet? Nobody is concealing data. Mcintyre’s harassment campaign plus the ClimateGate thefts were a concerted campaign to destroy Phil Jones and CRU. And they pretty much succeeded because dupes just like you uncritically bought everything you read in the deniosphere.
+I said I wouldn’t answer Gilles… but once again, the smell of the stupid is so intoxicating, I get drawn in like a moth to a flame.
+Gilles (126): there is no spectacular confirmation of their theories
+ .”
+All model simulations above seem to have a clear cooling trend in the period 1000-1900. If a temperature reconstruction does not exhibit this cooling trend, do you think it is plausible to say that the reconstruction is somehow flawed?
+Jose’ (137),
+Es verdad, tristamente.
+DavidC (162),
+And did you miss how Tamino and independent workers around the country took Watts’s data and utterly demolished the false claims Watts had made, and Watts responded by the classic legal technique of admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counter-accusations? Or that he banned people who tried to call him on it from WUWT? This is “courtesy?”
+“Tell it the marines, the old soldiers won’t believe you.”
+Jim Steele (180),.
+DavidC (181): Ray – since you’re so doctrinaire about these issues, may I respectfully ask what your own scientific credentials are?
+Ray Ladbury is a Ph.D. physicist who works with Earth satellites. He has a string of peer-reviewed publications as long as your arm.
+Randy (191),
+I agree, the deniers are going to win, and it may well already be too late. Nonetheless, we should go down fighting. “The ship may be sinking, but that is no reason to let it be a living hell while it still floats.” –C.S. Lewis.
+Jim Steele first says …
+And later, as other point out, implicitly assumes the very same strawman …
+See why we don’t take your objections to both the science and to your being labelled a denialist seriously, Steele?
+Ray sez:
+Oh, I think it’s obvious why.
+I looked at Dr Meier’s post (which was really very good) and was also surprised at the relatively polite tone of many of the comments.
+The politeness was offset to some extent by all the allegations by commenters of scientific fraud and manipulation, with some people saying that Dr Meier was not a good scientist.
+The comments in the main boil down to the standard lines that are well rebutted on SkepticalScience.com. I looked over the comments and found the most common ‘rebuttals’ are:
+– AGW is a hoax, it’s not happening, there is no evidence.
+– CO2 is not a forcing, it does not cause warming.
+– Measurements of temperature are false, biased, sloppy, inaccurate.
+– What about water vapour?
+– CO2 lagged temperature in the past.
+– Phil Jones said there has been no significant warming for the last 15 years.
+– The scientists are dishonest and cannot be trusted and/or don’t know their subject and/or peer review is corrupt.
+– It will cost too much to reduce emissions.
+Plus a couple of comments like
+– There is no forcing that causes climate to vary. It is harmonic oscillation;
+– Water vapour is a negative feedback.
+– Atmospheric CO2 is not rising.
+– Greenhouse gases reflect heat they do not radiate heat.
+– It’s the oceans.
+– It’s the sun.
+Surprisingly, there weren’t many comments referring to medieval warming or urban heat islands. Maybe they’ve gone out of fashion :D
+(When I’ve made comments in the past I’ve received some very impolite responses. And it’s not just commenters who can be extremely rude over there, many of the posts are nasty, such as disparaging people who are trekking in the arctic. It’s not a site I’d visit to learn about climate science. A lot of posts are just plain wrong. As Anthony has demonstrated on more than one occasion he still doesn’t understand anomalies, yet he’s been posting about climate and weather for at least a couple of years. I believe he used to read out weather reports on television.)
+You are mixing up rates, temperatures and equilibria.
+“Agreed that we are not psychologists or psychiatrists. Disagreed that psychology and psychiatry are not needed. They certainly ARE needed. Purely doing physics isn’t gaining any or enough ground. We need to do something else.” “We need psychologists and psychiatrists to prescribe the psychological lubricants” (Edward Greisch #205).
+If you agree that you have no qualifications in psychology or psychiatry you should stay away from it (the word ‘you’ is not directed at you personally but at anyone in this forum that relies on some pseudo-psychological cliché’s).
+[edit – you are becoming tiresome and off-topic]
+re #202 Jim Steele
+That’s not right. Temperature-induced changes in atmospheric [CO2] amplify both Milankovitch-induced warming and cooling during ice age cycles. Obviously if the warming (glacial to interglacial) stages of Milankovitch cycling recruits [CO2] to give (ultimatly) a change from around 180 (glacial) to 280 ppm (interglacial) with the latter’s amplification of warming, so the cooling (interglacial to glacial) stages of Milankovitch cycling (which results ultimately in a reversible sequestering of CO2 into oceanic and terrestrial sinks) will be amplified by the reduction of [CO2] from the interglacial levels near 280, back to around 180 ppm.
+temperature-induced [CO2] feedback amplifications act in boyh the warming and cooling directions
+JS (202): Simply stated, CO2 amplifies warming, but resists cooling.
+BPL: The reason the effect of warming and cooling are both amplified by CO2 is that when it warms for other reasons, it puts more CO2 IN the air, and when it cools for other reasons, it takes more CO2 OUT OF the air.
+BPL: You’re assuming the amount of CO2 stays fixed with temperature. It doesn’t.
+JS: CO2 lags temperature changes on average by 800 years.
+BPL: See
+JS: Ray: I am always impressed. No matter what the evidence or the argument, you can always sweep away all disagreements by simply saying if we disagree with you, we don’t understand, or we are stupid, or one of your myriad of denigrating variations.
+BPL: Clearly, from the above discussion, you in fact DON’T understand–and apparently don’t want to learn. And out of your incomplete knowledge of the subject, you lecture climatologists that “more accounting is needed.” Your model is useless because you didn’t do very basic homework on the subject.
+Ignorance is not a moral failure. Militant ignorance, refusing to learn, is. But you don’t HAVE to remain ignorant. If you want to learn about this, I can direct you to sources. IF you want to learn, that is.
+General discussions with little or no math:).
+Ned (212): how is it possible that the atmosphere sends MUCH more energy towards earth than the sun?
+BPL: I’ll take it a bit at a time. First, let’s look at a physical law, the Stefan-Boltzmann law which relates photon radiation to temperature:
+F = ε σ T4 [1]
+F is the flux density given off–power per unit area, in Watts per square meter in the SI.
+ε is the emissivity, or efficiency of radiation, which is dimensionless and can range from 0 to 1.
+σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6704 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4 in the SI.
+T is the temperature (Kelvin scale in the SI).
+Thus, assuming perfect or “blackbody” emissivity, ε = 1, the Sun at 5778 K gives off F = 63,200,000 W m-2, the Earth’s surface at 288.15 K gives off 391 W m-2, and a human body at 308 K surface temperature gives off 510 W m-2.
+With me so far?
+Now imagine a climate system with only three parts, stacked vertically–space, containing the sun. An atmosphere. The ground.
+Space gives off 237 W m-2 which gets absorbed by the climate system (the rest is reflected away).
+Let’s say the atmosphere
+absorbs NO visible light (sunlight, εvis = 0)
+but ALL infrared light (IR from the ground, εIR = 1).
+And let’s say the ground
+absorbs ALL visible light (sunlight, εvis = 1)
+and ALL infrared light (IR from the atmosphere, εIR = 1).
+If we give the atmosphere and ground temperatures as Ta and Tg, the energy outputs for each layer are:
+Space: F = 237 W m-2 [2]
+Air: Fa = σ Ta4 [3]
+Ground: Fg = σ Tg4 [4]
+The atmosphere gives off Fa both up and down, since it has a bottom and a top. But the ground gives off Fg only up, since land is opaque and ocean nearly so.
+So the energy input is:
+Space: Fa [5]
+Air: Fg [6]
+Ground: F + Fa [7]
+And that means, assuming conservation of energy applies at every level, that the energy balances may be written as:
+Space: F = Fa [8]
+Air: Fg = 2 Fa [9] (remember, it radiates up as well as down)
+Ground: Fg = F + Fa [10]
+Substituting in from the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and taking the emissivities as given (1 everywhere except 0 for atmospheric absorption of sunlight),
+F = σ Ta4 [11]
+σ Tg4 = 2 σ Ta4 [12]
+σ Tg4 = F + σ Ta4 [13]
+Let’s divide through by σ to simplify:
+F/σ = Ta4 [14]
+Tg4 = 2 Ta4 [15]
+Tg4 = F/σ + Ta4 [16]
+Now, given that the ground temperature, Tg4, appears on the left sides of both equation 15 and equation 16, we can eliminate it between them to find
+2 Ta4 = F/σ + Ta4 [17]
+From equation 14, we know Ta = 254 K. From equation 17, we know Tg = 302 K. That means we can also calculate Fa = 237 W m-2 and Fg = 472 W m-2.
+Plugging all this into equations 8-10, we have:
+237 = 237 [18]
+472 = 2 x 237 = 474 [19]
+472 = 237 + 237 = 474 [20]
+The discrepancy between 472 and 474 comes about from roundoff error; if you calculate everything with 8 decimal places you get Fg = 474.
+Everything balances. Energy is conserved. The sun gives us 237 W m-2, but the Earth gets twice that, because it’s getting it from both the sun and the air. Flux density is NOT conserved. Temperature is NOT conserved. Energy is.
+Gilles #216.
+Sounds more and more like Gilles is actually a front for MM. Claude Allègre et al. of the dubious “Ordre des Chevaliers de la Terre Plate” fame.
+[edit] He is getting to be a bit of a bore
+My perception of the WUWT thread is close to that of Sou’s–perhaps Dr. Meier contributed to it by his calm & respectful tone. I have to say, though, that I don’t find accusations of fraud to be especially polite, and there were several, IIRC. And I don’t think this thread was typical, based on my past forays to WUWT–the nastiness I’ve found there in the past is one reason that I seldom venture back anymore.
+In general, I’ve been amazed by the willingness of many denialists to broadcast accusations of fraud, while pillorying what seemed to me valid criticisms of past work or credentials of some public figures as “ad homs.” I’ve argued in the past that it’s more productive to maintain an even tone, and I still think that’s true.
+But sometimes pointed humor serves a purpose, and the trolling and zombie arguments so often encountered are certainly frustrating to deal with.
+The bottom line is fidelity to fact coupled with integrity and consistency of argument. I’ve found the mainstream to score much, much higher in these areas than the denialists–one of whose characteristic hallmarks is arguing anything, as long as it could cut against the mainstream science (and self-consistency be damned.)
+Is there a down side to asking the skeptic cohort to put up or shut up? Are they incapable of developing their own models of climate dynamics? We have been stuck watching their death-by-a-thousand-cuts campaign, driven by persistent zealots spreading disinformation ginned up by the likes of Exxon Mobil, Fox, and Koch. And as we stand by, their efforts are achieving their intended goal of wasting valuable time. Is it too much to ask to see the models that the skeptics have developed? If their models have less skill than those models which predict significant warming from anthropogenic carbon dioxide, shouldn’t they be publically encouraged to stand down and shut up?
+There are, of course, risks in this strategy, perhaps the greatest among them being that the skeptics will do exactly what they have accused climatologists of doing, and make a clever but bogus model. Can peer review make such a scam unlikely?
+And what if a skeptic climate model does show more skill than any current climatology models? Well, bravo. Then those of us who are currently 95% certain that mankind is warming the planet will have to look at that model very closely, and if the model stands up to intense scrutiny, we will perhaps have to change our level of certainty accordingly.
+I think that such a challenge is a reasonable alternative to this continual bombardment of half baked, dim witted, time wasting arguments, anecdotes, and dirty tricks. Skeptics, where is your highest skill model? Why don’t you put it out there, or else shut up? Surely the giga-bucks of the oil giants and their cronies can create an honest computer model to prove their point… or maybe the honest application of the laws of physics won’t allow that, and they already know that, hence their current rope-a-dope strategies.
+For those who argue that CO2 isn’t responsible for global-warming because CO2 lagged temperatures as the Earth cycled between glacial and interglacial periods over the past few hundred-thousand years, here’s something to consider.
+The Earth came out of glacial periods (i.e. warmed) when orbital changes caused the Northern Hemisphere summer to coincide with orbital perigee. And the Earth went into glacial periods (cooled) when the NH summer corresponded to orbital apogee (approx).
+So when the Earth was warming, the NH was receiving more solar energy and the SH less. Vice-versa for when the Earth was cooling (i.e. going into a glacial period). Note that when the SH was receiving *less* solar energy, it warmed along with the NH! And when the SH would cool along with the rest of the planet even as it was receiving *more* solar energy (when the Earth went into glacial periods).
+So skeptics, what kept the NH and SH “in sync” temperaturewise? Why didn’t the SH cool when the NH warmed (or vice versa)? Why would the SH warm up when it received less solar energy and cool down when it received more?
+207 Edward Greisch: “There should be internal clues that it is a prank. Perhaps the translation is imperfect?”
+Edward, I speak German, read the article on the 2nd and immediately sent a complaint. It’s even worse in the original.
+In my experience it’s next to impossible to convey in English translation the irony and sarcasm that its native speakers can bring to bear when they want to.
+Der Spiegel is known for a style, since its earliest days in the aftermath of WWII, of a flippant attitude to authority and the creation of similar neologisms. But until the last decade or so its work grew from a bedrock of some of the best journalism in the world. Their journalists used to have–I haven’t checked the masthead recently–an astonishing number of PhDs which used to be reflected, especially in the sciences, in work superior to anything one would find in the US or UK. According to an earlier poster to this thread from Germany it looks as though I have to mourn its passing.
+Kevin, you would do well to leave your obvious bias out of your arguments if you are trying to dispassionately analyze tone: you tip your hand when you define your terms, “the mainstream” and “the denialists”. Gosh, I wonder who’s going to come out on top now? It’s not really about politeness or nastiness, is it? You can find both of those qualities on either side of the debate, especially the latter. It’s about what you come to believe is true.
+Invert the name-calling in your last paragraph, and you get: “The bottom line is fidelity to fact coupled with integrity and consistency of argument. I’ve found the skeptics to score much, much higher in these areas than the alarmists – one of whose characteristic hallmarks is dismissing anything, as long as it could cut against the skeptic’s questions (and self-consistency be damned.)”
+Pretty easy for an RC regular to pick that one apart, just as a WUWTer would be able to do with your original. You “have argued in the past that it’s more productive to maintain an even tone”, and so have I, but I don’t think that’s likely to happen, especially if everyone continues to toss terms like “alarmist” and “denialist” around so carelessly! No wonder Mann’s attempt to define himself as a skeptic was met with giggles. It should’t have been, of course, but that is where incivility on both sides leads us, I believe.
+Whether a given concentration of CO2 warms or cools depends on the global temperature which determines the heat lost by radiation. If the temperature is too low for energy balance then there will be a positive energy imbalance and the globe will warm. This is what happens on the way up out of a glaciation. On the way down the effect is reversed.
+Imagine start with ‘cool-energy balance’ during glaciation. To initiate a thaw you have to reduce the outgoing energy somehow so that you get a positive energy imbalance which favours warming. As a result CO2 is liberated, illustrating feedback. Effect is to reduce outgoing energy even more. Amplification of initial energy imbalance leading to more warming.
+Eventually a new ‘warm-energy balance’ is created. This is upset by the same mechanism (initially orbital changes) but time has moved on and the orbital changes
+are now negative producing cooling. This removes CO2 from atmosphere (same cause as before) which causes even more energy to escape from atmosphere (same CO2 mechanism as before) and get even more cooling.
+A given level of CO2 is too much for cool-energy-balance on the way up thus producing warming and too little for warm-energy- balance on the way down producing more cooling.
+Conclusion: Gavin was right ; the two effects are basically the same. Also the quote at the top is wrong.
+Did anyone notice on the IPCC graph of global mean temperature 1850-2005 shown that the slope, size, shape of the warming between 1910-1940 matches EXACTLY the slope, size, shape of the warming between 1970-2000?
+Since CO2 industrial emissions were extremely low between 1910-1940 compared to 1970-2000, how could the first ones be natural while the latter be caused by humans?
+If we could bring back the industrial levels of 1910 with the current population, which would basically be North Korean levels around the world (no cars or heating, starvation and foraging for roots and bark), wouldn’t we have EXACTLY the same global warming slope as in the last 30 years, as shown by nothing other than the IPCC graph?
+I am a mathematical physicist who likes to read and understand graphs.
+228, Barton Paul Levenson:).
+I have ordered the book on thermodynamics by Prigogine and co-author, and I plan to buy Raymond Pierrehumbert’s book when it comes out (CUP predicts Dec 2010). Is there one of the books on that list that you would recommend as the best complement?
+#224 Sou – Thank you for mentioning Dr Meier’s post on WUWT. He has a real knack for articulating the uncertainties while at the same time underscoring what is fairly certain – all in language that anyone with a sixth grade education should be able to understand.
+Walter, #235:
+The problem with your “reversal” is that it includes untrue statements. It may appeal to you, but that doesn’t make it accurate. You may argue that my own “belief” is a result of the original statement’s appeal to me, but that still doesn’t make your statement accurate.
+That’s the core problem. Simply being able to say “I’m right” doesn’t make it so. And every effort to actually discuss facts with someone who is not truly skeptical and intent on learning inevitably wanders off into insanity.
+As an aside, I was raised Catholic, so to get married, I had to go to “pre-cana”. One invaluable lesson I learned there is to recognize when an argument resorts to tactics in an effort to “win” rather than to arrive at the truth. Such a situation is damaging to a marriage, and needs to be nipped in the bud.
+I started several years ago as a “skeptic” in the true sense of the word, not the warped usage we see in the current debate. I believed no one and nothing on any particular aspect of climate until I felt I thoroughly understood it myself. Even now, when I see what looks like a good argument against GHG, I investigate it thoroughly until I feel I understand perfectly. I don’t stop as soon as any argument agrees with any preset belief, and I usually don’t stop even when I feel satisfied, because I’ve found that often there is still more understanding and truth to be gleaned beyond that point.
+But what I’ve found, over time, is that not once, not in any single area or facet, can a denial argument hold water*. I have always, always found the flaws. Very, very often those flaws are so obvious and indisputable that it makes the skeptics look silly. It demonstrates a lack of fidelity, a lack of integrity, a lack of consistency, or all three. I have never, ever found the same to be true in arguments for GHG — period.
+[* footnote: one exception I will grant the “denial camp”. The Lindzen/Spencer argument that cloud feedbacks will ultimately constrain climate sensitivity is a possibility, although only that. To date no one, despite all of their efforts, has been able to present any convincing mechanism or evidence to show that this will in fact be the case, so I put “clouds will save us” into the “hope and faith” department, not the “scientific fact” department. But I do honestly hope that some day a true skeptic will prove that theory and so let us all breathe a sigh of relief.]
+If you honestly believe what you are saying, then I can unequivocally tell you two things. First, you don’t understand any of the facts nearly as well as you believe, and second, you are not a skeptic, because you stopped investigating and understanding too soon, before you worked your way even close to the truth. When you arrived at a position with which you were comfortable, you stopped there, and have stayed there ever since.
+Now, some advice. The way I worked my way to where I am now was by using Google, spending a lot of time, reading in detail from both sides of the argument about a zillion different subjects, and always, always, always taking a seriously skeptical approach. Every single time I read something for either side, I went to Google and tried to find a good, solid argument against it. Once I’d found one or several, I then took the opposite approach, and tried to find good, solid arguments against those.
+Over time I learned to recognize hyperbole, selective logic, misrepresentation, obfuscation and any number of other common debate techniques. I learned to tell the difference between someone who is trying to sell me something, and someone who is trying to teach me something. And that, by the way, is the difference between WUWT and RC.
+Along the way I also learned (or in some cases, re-learned) a whole lot about physics, chemistry, tree rings, ice cores, glaciers, ocean currents, wind patterns, geometry, and a whole lot more. No matter where you wind up, or expect to wind up, it’s worth it, just for the knowledge gained.
+But to get there, first you have to be a skeptic.
+Steele: At the very least this suggest that we need to account for processes that increase cooling effects to offset the warming effects of CO2
+You mean like albedo effects: a warming atmosphere holds more moisture, which falls as more snow, which could take longer to melt, leading to increased cooling through albedo.
+Steele, if you really are interested in this, might I suggest studying some of the mathematical models from the 50-70s? If nothing else, it will make you a better skeptic.
+Manabe and Möller, 1961, On the radiative equilibrium and heat balance of the atmosphere, Mon. Weather Rev. 89 (1961), pp. 503–532
+Manabe, S., and R.F. Strickler, 1964, Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Convective Adjustment, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 21(4):361-385, 1964.
+Manabe, S., J. Smagorinsky, and R.F. Strickler, 1965, Simulated Climatology of a General Circulation Model with a Hydrologic Cycle, Monthly Weather Review, 93(12):769-798, 1965.
+Manabe, Syukuro and Richard T. Wetherald, 1967. Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Given Distribution of Relative Humidity, Journal of Atmospheric Science 24, 241-259.
+Budyko, Mikhail I., 1969, The effect of solar radiation variations on the climate of the Earth, Tellus 21, 611–619
+Sellers, W. D., 1969, A global climatic model based on the energy balance of the Earth-atmosphere system, Journal of Applied Meteorology 8, 392-400.
+Hasselman, 1976 Stochastic Climate Models
+North, 1981, Energy Balance Climate Models
+how could the first ones be natural while the latter be caused by humans?
+Monkeys eat bananas.
+A banana was eaten.
+Therefore a monkey must have eaten the banana.
+Really? This is an argument being presented by a mathematical physicist?
+A nice summary of CEI’s recent deep dive into moldering email at DeSmogBlog:
+Proper credit is awarded to CEI’s “Senior Chewing Gum Scraper” Chris Horner.
+Ned, you’re describing how the physics works.
+You say you don’t understand it.
+Does this picture help?
+> Adrian O.
+Review may save much fruitless retyping:
+BPL#216 : again there must be some misunderstanding between us. I never said climate models are totally wrong – and I never said either that CO2 wasn’t producing GH effect contributing to a global warming. So listing a number of correct results of the models isn’t at all at odds with what I’m saying. It would be actually very surprising that models relying on known physics should fail on all their predictions when tested against reality. So what you’re trying to prove is a relatively expectable thing : that the models aren’t wrong on anything ! but none on the items you’re listing is the definite proof of the quantitative effect of CO2 (else they would have been presented as such a proof by IPCC for sure !!), nor their combination. They may be described as “a good support to the idea that CO2 absorption contributes to the warming” – at best. Well I have nothing against this idea. This doesn’t imply at all that the whole Earth in distress, nor that this is the most important issue in the world. You have to prove a lot of other things before reaching this conclusion.
+F. Marchand #230 : please avoid this kind of useless statements. I don’t know Pr. Allegre, I never interacted with him in any way except a handshake 10 years ago when he was a minister, I don’t draw false graphics , and he doesn’t believe in a near PO. We have very little in common actually.
+Adrian O
+April Fool’s Day was over a week ago …
+Adrian O (237) — The climate has internal variability and the AMO is an index for it. In addition, the forcing due to excess CO2 only approximately doubled in the past 40 years or so. For details, study
+PBL 220 .”
+PBL it is good to see, that like me, you are also doing your own critical thinking and questioning authority to check their validity. I however see one major statistical problem with regressing CO2 vs temperature. It is well known that not only can increasing CO2 raise temperatures, but equally so rising temperature increases CO2. This makes the transition from correlation to causality difficult to ascertain for this correlation. It also means that due to this direct correlation of temperature induced CO2 that any change in temperature due to forcings and processes other than CO2, could be mistakenly attributed to CO2, and perhaps “hiding” other factors. For that reason, I suggest caution and more analysis for any positive CO2 correlations.
+My experience is mankind’s disruption of the environment/climate is due more to land use issues like altered hydrology that cause regional temperature changes that then get averaged into a global mean. There are numerous peer reviewed paper’s supporting this, many of which can be found on Pielke’s website. Likewise the PDO may have a strong correlation on a more regional scale as demonstrated by the Alps example. However the importance of the PDO can then be lost when you average temperatures on the global scale. (BTW the PDO was discovered by salmon fisheries biologist, and serves as an example of biologist contributing to climate science)
+Another problem with your regression is that the oceans can absorb and release heat creating lag effects. El Nino’s release heat stored for how long? How does the synchronicity or lack thereof between the PDO and ENSO affect variance in your correlation.
+And third, assuming CO2 is this global blanket that increases global temperatures, uneven heating points to the roles of natural variations that may or may not be well understood. A good example of this problem of regional vs global interpretations was illustrated recently on Pielke’s blog where despite wide spread cooling (about 25%), February the average temperature for February was the warmest in 32 years as reported by Spencer and Christy, due to a much more confined Arctic hot spot. . Could the PDO have been the driving factor, >4%, causing cold anomalies throughout North America, Europe and Asia, but due to the weight given to the Arctic warm anomaly, its significance as a climate driver would be hidden by your regression.
+Your regression may show a good correlation with record CO2 and the record February warm anomaly. But you must then always justify the correlation with well understood processes. So I am sure you have examined this in your investigations of these driving factors, so looking at the February anomaly map how would you attribute 75% of February’s Arctic warm anomaly and the rest of the NH’s cold anomaly to CO2?
+Ron #241, “You mean like albedo effects: a warming atmosphere holds more moisture, which falls as more snow, which could take longer to melt, leading to increased cooling through albedo.”
+I’m having a problem getting by your first remark. The warmth of the interglacial leads to “atmosphere holds more moisture” (no problem there), which falls as more snow,(quantum leap in assumptions here. Why snow? Why not more rain?. I really don’t understand the mechanism where warming creates more snow? I don’t mean to misinterpret you, but it almost sounds like you are saying more warming, more snow then more glaciers? Something seems to be missing but I am just a ignorant biologist. Ray you got a PhD in Climate science, help us out here.
+BPL (229), these calculations don’t match the reality all our energy budget, I assume, because of the helpful simplifying assumptions you make. If those possible assumptions were realistic then I would assume your numbers would also be realistic. It tells me two things: the temperature of a planet’s atmosphere and ground is a function only of the distance from the sun and its surface temperature, which determines insolation — again given the assumptions on emissivities. At the base level the composition of the atmosphere has no effect, which I assume is why you get a Ta that is about the same as the no GHGs case (254K). It also says that the atmosphere radiates as a blackbody according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law regardless of it material composition. If so it might (I still have to think about it) answer a long standing question of mine, similar to Ned’s: where does the 333 watts/m2 downwelling come from? Am I getting this correctly?
+President Obama meets with Warren Buffett, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, in the Oval Office.
+By E.J. Dionne, Jr..
+Advertisement 2.
+E.J. Dionne’s email address is ejdionne(at)washpost.com.
+© 2011, Washington Post Writers Group
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+By rpafitzpatrick, May 14, 2012 at 3:13 pm Link to this comment
+E.J. Dionne, Jr.‘s final two paragraphs are an ingenious contribution to the taxation
+debate. It draws to mind the substance of Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers.
+If one understands society as a shared system of personal resources then Karl
+Marx’s dictum ‘from each according to their means to each according to their
+need’ makes sense. Of course, it must be ensured that every one pulls their weight
+how, and in so far as to which, they are made by nature.
+By Inherit The Wind, October 5, 2011 at 3:47 am Link to this comment
+In every society that breaks down into gangs and warlords, “Hoarding” becomes a crime, a death penalty crime. How dare you keep food from marauding bands of “soldiers”? We are seeing this right now in Somalia, where food distributions are immediately seized by the gangs as soon as the cameras are turned off, and the ordinary people starve so the human jackals can be fat and happy.
+There are only two mediums of exchange: Money and guns.
+You can either use an agreed-on medium of exchange, which is all money is, or you can use violence and steal from the less strong. That’s it.
+I’m not against wealth, especially earned wealth. I’m against illegally and immorally acquired wealth, because that’s not earned but stolen.
+I don’t object to capitalism. I object to living in “Somalia” and calling that the “free market” and “unrestrained capitalism”.
+By Shenonymous, October 3, 2011 at 3:36 pm Link to this comment
+crystaldemons, October 3 at 8:34 and 10:07 am - Don’t you know
+some people want to take it with them to the grave? Are you trying
+to generate the ire of the Blatta Republicans? Now how are you going
+to get legislation passed to do your very creative imaginary world?
+By crystaldemons, October 3, 2011 at 10:07 am Link to this comment
+(Unregistered commenter)
+Money Hoarders !
+If you were to compare the necessities of life, the actual needs a peson must have all the way from birth to retirement including old age, you would find that most multi-millionares would have more than surpassed that need manifold times…
+Isn’t having so much money just deliberate hoarding !
+A hoarder who see’s garbage as usefull(and some garbage is, but different point!) who see’s all garbage as usefull and an endless supply who doesn’t know when to stop goes over and above mani-fold times the common/average necessity in purpose of obtaining usefull garbage usually has an underlying mental condition that creates the compulsivity of their behavior, is this not true? It is also been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions ! When a hoarder has to give something up, it is a painfull separation, evoking extreme anxiety, disgust resentment etc. even though as good as their intentions may have been aquiring it, they never can quite entrust people to make decisions for or on behalf of them separating from an item, so why would we not expect then a hoarder of money to act the same way? There are people who hoard just food or shoes too with the same disposition…
+So just imagine Bill Gates from microsoft for example just because he is easier to remember, the microsoft empire, Gate’s empire ! Imagine for every $1.00 of self procalimed wealth beyond what is feasable to the common perspective of birth life and retirement to death and burial all his mundane purposeful costs, not extraordinary. Imagine every $1.00 beyond life sustaining is a loaf of bread that has gone stale and has mold and in inedible?
+So for each dollar that Gates doesn’t circulate back into the economy turns into a loaf of moldy stale bread. He’s held on to the same wealth over and above his own basic necessities for so long that even his own money depreciates. Just like a hoard holds onto trash that is literally trash, it turns to rot !
+And a food hoarder winds up poisoning his/herself or family with outdated food. Trust me I know, my uncle is a food hoarder!
+My point is there is so much stagnant money that is not moving around, and just because people come off intelligent or smart and have degrees we praise smarts and intelligence and reward them with the confidence that it is o.k. to make fortunes out of their guru senses but we forget to pop that ego ballon sometimes or knock people off of pedestals when they get too big or too high, because when they do, they get downright condecending because they know you are not as fortunate to achieve a status such as they have. You can get all the equal treament and smarts such as a person as Gates, but the Deals are done, paths are sealed, Doors are closed, contracts are signed, The end, and empire has risen! Realistically, try to overthrow the microsoft empire! Trying to overthrow just causes competition and another big bad money hoarder, more loaves of moldy stale bread and society left nibbling at the crumbs. We’ll save a miniscule amount of money on our next computer purchase from a competetor and a lifetime of discontent because the people at the top want an empire from our consumerism !
+Money hoarders, multi-millionare and billionares alike have gutted our abilities to maintain composure and I don’t see the few coming forward to save the many, at what cost would it be to the world, if the top 100 wealthiest people in America handed over their entire fortune to the Government to save over 300 million people from the fringes of collapse?
+We have no quarrel about sending soldiers to foriegn land to defend other more mundane potential collapses in ethics and morals or protecting the soil, so why not take the wealthiest in this financial war and turn them into soldiers of a different kind! If we have the capabilities to institute the draft for war purposes, then why can’t we do this for the purpose of the economy ? aren’t we in an act of war ?
+By crystaldemons, October 3, 2011 at 8:35 am Link to this comment
+(Unregistered commenter)
+What if the Government imposed a wealth/assets cap of 5 million dollars per person and no one could hold more than 5 million dollars at any one time for any purpose what so ever? Would’nt that change dramatically the distribution of wealth? Penalize those by 15% up to the 5 mil each time the make over 5 mil and sieze the rest or force them to make a beneficiary for additional monies.
+Homes and other special materialistic dreams like yachts and jets and land that are over 5 million in costs will be dramatically reduced and made affordable. Shareholders would be prevented from partially owning or becoming conglomerates because a single transaction more than 5 mil would be unlawfull for one person to acquire.
+A 100 million dollar company for example would have to have 20 shareholders minimum and the number of shareholders would exponentaily rise proportionatly as it amasses wealth , for every 5 mil there must be a shareholder interest and seat at the table. This would greatly enforce the actual needs of humanity and actualize true demand and necessity striking a genuine purpose to the workforce. You would see more frugality in industry manufacturing less junk and poor quality items this country would become less generic and go to the heart of purpose and need rather than instant gratification. You would have more foriegn investors sitting at our table investing in us because they would also be capped as an investor. So if a corporation or company were to fail there is no large losses due to just a handfull of individuals, accountability would be more widespread, the risk of investment would be low.
+Families and friends could aquire excess wealth from an individual with the same cap 5 mil per individual creating better generational/familial outcomes like a living legacy.
+This could normalize exacerbated systems of wealth in this country for decades. More money dumped into the mainstream via a 5 mil cap. would allow more money open for taxation which could provide the needy and compensate for those who have been at the other end of the stick for so long gradually pulling the stick out of the mud.
+You can have a choice with your 5 mil , participate in ongoing business, spending some money and making some money and paying taxes at 10% a year with your 5 mil and giving some away in the process to bring other people to fruition or call it quits and retire with 5 mil and if you choose to retire your tax is only 1 % a year !
+If a beneficiary is incapable of managing their funds due to health , physical or mental, facilitate a power of attorney or institution that manages the wellbeing of that person and their best interests.
+There is no need for fluxuating exhuberant cost these days, people waiting on grants and funding like a lottery if they don’t have the right combination of needs like the numbers in a lottery then they can’t win. Waiting for state aid , medical care, disability, retirement and are scrutined by people who have a checklist and not a heart nor sympathy or compassion for individuality but for conformity, which ironically conformity is staring back at at them harder than ever. If the weak and poverish must conform to make dues in this life, then so shall the strong. If I can make someones life better without quarrel and just cause then so can those sitting at the top without quarrel.
+Life is about doing things for the common good of all, not out of hatred, spite, animosity, jealousy etc. But with a song of purpose in our heart, we all know that song, we all strive for greatness and wonderfull things but we have grown so ignorant because we have been stripped of our decency and grace we have been stabbed in our hearts and betrayed by greedy individuals, systems and institutions and corporations aswell as government entities.
+A 5 mil cap can work if it is forced into existence, But right now people can make a diffence sharing the wealth and putting themselves at disposal, pay it forward !
+By Shenonymous, September 30, 2011 at 8:54 am Link to this comment
+Anti-trust legislation??? Oh…yeah! F’sure f’sure. Dredging that
+old sock, market restraint Anti-trust, or anti-monopoly legislation,
+went out of style a decade ago. I think Sherman died and was buried
+in the Corporatocratic Bush years. You are right, that would do the
+trick, if tricks are what is needed. But anti-trust legislation has about
+as much of a chance as a rat’s ass not getting caught in a trap of
+velveeta cheese of getting passed as much as a jobs bill that would
+create enough jobs to lower the unemployment rate even 1% has. We
+be doomed unless americanus blatta republicanuses are defeated in
+every election possible to provide a liberal Congress that will support
+the President’s save-the-collective-asses-of-the-people plans.
+By oddsox, September 30, 2011 at 7:50 am Link to this comment
+Leefeller’s right:
+Corporations don’t die.
+But they can be broken.
+That’s what we need to do with the too-big-to-fails—break them up.
+Using Anti-Trust legislation, not punitively, but to create more competition between them.
+As for political contributions, corporations can’t vote so they should be prohibited from contributing to the political process.
+I say let natural persons who are legal citizens contribute all they want (Soros and Koch Brothers alike) but with full transparency.
+By Leefeller, September 30, 2011 at 6:41 am Link to this comment
+I find the posts attacking Buffet disgustingly close minded, almost Tea Baggish in nature.
+Never ending hypocrisy sponsored by the right and their shamelessness is astounding and absurd at the same time!
+This comment by Dionne says a lot:
+“Militant conservatives are effective because they are absolutely shameless. Many of the same people who think the rich should be free to spend unlimited sums influencing our politics without having to disclose anything are now asking Buffett to make his tax returns public.”
+Look at the Republicans answer to Elizabeth Warrens comments, 10 million dollars to her 900 hundred thousand. Those attacking Buffet for his wealth here on posts seem just as disgusting and shameless as those of wealth who attack the poor for their poorness!
+Now that corporations are people too, the shamelessness is rampart. The Republicans support the idea, Romney has even said it…. “Corporations are people” Well Ass Holes, ....I will believe and accept ‘corporations are people too, when Texas executes one!’
+By mrfreeze, September 29, 2011 at 3:47 pm Link to this comment
+David451 - I found your comment to be interesting and right on target.
+In the end, Americans are looking for “the answer” to our economic & political problems in the hope that, like so many hour-long dramas on TV, everything will be OK in the end. Unfortunately, it’s a fool’s aspiration. No salvation will be found through the wealthy, through government or via our fellow Americans.
+I believe America has reached the expiration date of its #1 status in the world and, as all empires do, it will fade away. After all, what more can the U.S. offer the world other than military exports?
+By oddsox, September 29, 2011 at 3:15 pm Link to this comment
+Buffet’s tax rate just got a whole lot lower.
+He lost $6B last year (2010).
+This still leaves him #2 behind Gates as wealthiest American.
+You don’t hear the whole truth from either the Left or Right on taxes:
+The Right complains that the 49% of households pay no income taxes. “They ought to have some skin in the game,” they complain. But the poor/middle class pay their share in payroll and sales taxes.
+The Left is just as disingenuous.
+They ignore the disparity of income tax revenues; the top 10% of earners paying 70% of the whole.
+They’d rather whine about effective tax rates on wages vs. capital gains rates.
+As if there were no distinction between the two.
+No surprise that risk of capital is a concept foreign to so-called Liberal/Progressives.
+But then they shouldn’t wonder why those with cash are afraid to invest or hire.
+The more I read, the more I like Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan.
+It’s elegant, and simplicity creates stability. That breeds confidence.
+It’s also transparent. I believe much of the resentment over taxes comes from the complexity of the model.
+Rich, poor and middle-class alike feel they’re getting snookered.
+Most importantly, it removes taxes upon labor (payroll taxes)in favor of a tax on consumption. Much more fundamentally sound.
+Taxes should be paid at the end of the production cycle rather than the beginning.
+By Robespierre115, September 29, 2011 at 2:40 pm Link to this comment
+People like Buffett prefer a hiked tax than real, democratic reforms that would break their hold on the system and economy. I’m pretty sure a few oligarchs told Louis XVI, the Tsar, the Shah to do some cosmetic changes so those evil peasants with the pitchforks could go back home with smiles.
+By Shenonymous, September 29, 2011 at 1:24 pm Link to this comment
+This might be Dionne’s article but it is not about Dionne.
+The latest scum tactic of the americanus blatta republicanus
+is to express ultra pride in their wealth and sing the siren’s song
+that it is wrong to begrudge them their wealth. Oh yeah. This is
+in vehement diametric opposition to the Obama promise to tax
+the wealthy a more equitable rate. Letting the Bush tax cuts sunset
+is a major course of action that will correct the mistake of what
+has been a completely ineffective plan to encourage the rich to
+invest their wealth in the US economy promoting job creation in
+manufacturing and other producers of economic stabilizers, wealth
+made either by letting their money burgeon exponentially in interest
+bearing funds or on the sweat and tears and backs of the way
+underpaid. Tax reform will be a second principle way. But both
+of these repairing measures will be resisted by the corporatocratic
+Republicans and we all know why. Joe Scarborough of MSNBC Morning
+Joe and a recent as a Politico columnist is fit to be tied and smooching
+up to his conservative body politic screaming on a daily basis his
+opinion that the plan to increase taxes on the rich will not do anything.
+He argues as the conservative that he is, just like Obama whacker
+Mitch McConnell, that if the rich want to pay more taxes, nobody’s
+stopping them from paying more taxes. Not quite true.
+Republicans would have the US borrow 700 billion dollars over the next
+10 years to give a tax cut to each of a 100,000 tax breaks to those who
+are already millionaires. I agree with Obama that the middle class tax
+cuts should not beheld hostage one minute longer by the Roach
+Republicans. Tax rates should go back to what they were under Clinton.
+The government is able to legislate tax breaks to everyone making
+250,000 or less, which is 97-98% of the American population as well
+as his proposed tax breaks to new businesses. Obama’s plan proposed
+savings over the next ten years that includes $1.5 trillion in tax
+increases, primarily on the wealthy, from a combination of closing tax
+loopholes and limiting the amount that high earners can deduct. It
+would also include just over $1 trillion in war savings, coming from the
+ending of the combat mission in Iraq and the withdrawal of U.S. troops
+from Afghanistan. $580 billion would be cut from mandatory spending,
+which includes approximately $250 billion from Medicare and $800
+billion from Medicaid. Obama says the Medicare cuts will not come
+from raising the retirement age, but it would include means testing.
+Bush did not pass his tax cut through regular means but used the
+conciliation process. They were not intended to be permanent. The
+Republicans now want to make these permanent or… higher taxes
+for everyone, but Obama says no, only those who make a quarter of
+a million dollars of taxable income and up. 25 hedge fund multimillion
+dollar income managers made a billion dollars last year paid a tax rate
+of ZERO and only pay taxes when they cash out which could be decades
+down the road.
+Without a shred of evidence, Republicans argue tax cuts would
+stimulate the jobs market. In the last 10 Bush years there is no
+sign that this is a reality. Obama has had a Sisyphus uphill climb
+only to be torn from black limb to black limb by racist Republican
+vultures more interested in eating him alive than they are in saving
+the hides of economically hurting Americans.
+What would most stimulate the economy is to increase demand for
+more customers to buy services and products. Investors are sitting
+on 1.8 trillion dollars of cash, that is 6,000 dollars cash for each
+person in this country. Unemployment produces no buyers, the only
+fix is to create more jobs and since the private sector won’t do it,
+then government has to.
+By david451, September 29, 2011 at 11:53 am Link to this comment
+Beyond the obscene piles of money, the issue for the elites is really about a return to the “natural order of things”, where wealth is the mechanism that distinguishes the few from the many, and which then maintains that separation. From Plato to Alexander Hamilton to the conservative thinkers of today, rule by
+the elite remains, in their view, the natural order—money and power in the service of money and power.
+, first Treasury Secretary of the U.S.
+Viewed in this context, the elites consider liberal democracy and the New Deal to be the aberrations of history, not the norm. And since the term “democracy” does not even appear in the US Constitution, it is the views of Limbaugh, Phillips, Williams and Buchanan that truly animate the them. The monied class has chafed at what they view to be the unnatural imbalance created by FDR, and is poised to reclaim its natural right. And this brings us to Warren Buffett and his so-called betrayal of the rich few.
+Buffett has a shone light where darkness prevails. He has opened a dialogue on a forbidden subject. But the tax issue is a misdirection. True, the rich believe in meritocracy, and have managed to shed the burdens of the social contract (the rich will always find ways to shed the burden of the social contract). The real prize, however, is the power that their money has secured, a return to the natural order of things, and their self-proclaimed right to a permanent share of government.
+Public dissent and public action are the only tools left to restore what might nominally be called democracy. The recent XL Pipeline protests and the Wall Street action are a good start, but only a start.
+For more go to: .
+By clarence swinney, September 29, 2011 at 11:44 am Link to this comment
+(Unregistered commenter)
+Our 5% own 62% net wealth
+Your 80% or 112,000,00 lazy loons own 15% and we want it We deserve it.
+Our 20% own 93% of financial wealth
+Your 80% or 112,000,000 inept goof offs own 7% and we want it. All of it.
+Our 25% take 67% of all individual Income
+Your 50% of 70,000,000 undeserving take 13% and we want it. We earned it. It is ours.
+You are calling Jesus? Ha Ha Ha.
+That brown skinned lover of the poor cannot harm us.
+You are calling Congress?
+Ho Ho Big Joke. We own them. Have you never noticed big $$$$$$$$$ BUYS ANYONE?
+You are calling “our” White House. We own it. We started in 1980 with good old Ron then good old Busheloon capped it off and now we own it 100%. Ours! You dummy.
+You will go to the press? Wow! Are you out of the loop. We own it. All.
+We are now in control we are now known as
+viva la $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+clarenceswinney madmadmad at Inequality in America
+political historian lifeaholics of america .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
+By Rigor, September 29, 2011 at 11:16 am Link to this comment
+“They” dislike Buffet because he has no skin in the game. His fortunes were made a long time ago and has nothing to loose. Sure he could pay out a few extra million in taxes and not blink, but will he? Oh Hell No! One of his “ventures” owes back taxes still, but no word about that, yet.
+Tax the living poop out of the million/billion-aires and I couldn’t care less, but if the motive is redistribution of wealth I’d stand with the fatcats to stop it.
+A national flat tax is the only fair solution. Now I know why the repub. elite don’t want this, but why won’t some liberal elite, like Buffet or Moore, come out to support it? Why isn’t Barry The Liar pushing for this instead of devising more multi-billion dollar spending spree’s? It’s because they are rich fat cats too, that want all the money they can grab - just as fat cats do.
+Hopefully the citizenry will come to realize that there are only elites and the rest of us. Sure some are liberal & some are conservative, but poverty knows no politics.
+By miroslav, September 29, 2011 at 7:29 am Link to this comment
+No doubt the “Sage of Omaha” is smart! What do
+you do if you see the pack coming to rob you
+blind! You approach them, offering them a share
+of your loot! And the suckers fall for it again!
+That the poor poor millionaires and all the
+idiots who think they can make it on their own
+hate him goes nearly without admitting their
+infinite stupidity.
+By BBFmail, September 29, 2011 at 6:26 am Link to this comment
+By Inherit The Wind, September 29, 2011 at 3:54 am Link to this comment
+When I read a comment like Robespierre’s I wonder if he read the same article I did? If he understands that Buffett is far different than the Koch Brothers?
+The Kochs are leading generals in Class Warfare for the rich and always have been.
+And if you read Reeve’s companion article you’ll notice that corporate taxation since WWII has gone from $1.50 per personal tax dollar to $.25/personal tax dollar and the tax burden has shifted heavily.
+It’s not about “worship”. It’s about not going unarmed into this class warfare, a war that if it’s not solved in the halls of Congress, will be fought on the streets.
+Me? I’d MUCH rather see Congress create a more fair tax code than have a civil war as more and more services get cut that are critical. We’ve seen what that does in other nations. Currently, rather than tax the rich, the Re-Thugs are happy to cut pre-natal and post-natal care (for all those “innocent unborn” they say they are keen on protecting), Head Start, and every other social welfare program.
+And, of course, like jackals smelling a dead animal, they are being driven mad with hunger at the thought of getting the hundreds of billions in Social Security into the Wall Street investment houses, like they did so well with mortgages.
+Yes, we are in a class war. And Buffett is a turn-coat from the other side. I don’t condemn him for it, or for being rich. If the Kochs can use their wealth to buy the TeaParty and Congress, which has so badly skewed and damaged the nation, why can’t Buffett use it for the opposite?
+By LA_CC, September 29, 2011 at 1:18 am Link to this comment
+(Unregistered commenter)
+@Robespierre115 - I don’t think Buffet will change
+his tune. He’s already got his bank.
+This talk about ‘punishment’ cracks me up.Are we
+‘punishing’ labor and wages and hard work even more
+than fat-cat investments? um… yep. Why does no one
+point that out?
+By Miko, September 28, 2011 at 10:51 pm Link to this comment
+(Unregistered commenter)
+Why is Buffett willing to pay a few million more in
+taxes? Well gee, he’s made billions (literally:
+billions with a “b”) profiteering from the
+“stimulus,” in what would be called insider trading
+if he’d done it with another CEO instead of with
+Obama and his entire company is built on the
+principle of leveraging tax laws in order to create
+fake profits (by buying stock in dividend-giving
+companies and re-bundling them in a corporation that
+doesn’t give dividends but instead “reinvests” them
+inside the company).
+Like most billionaires, Buffett is now little more
+than a criminal. Like most billionaires, he only
+gets away with it because he has politicians in his
+pocket. You can certainly accuse Buffett of “class
+warfare” and, as he frankly admits, his class (and he
+himself) is winning. He’s willing to help Obama take
+a few million from him only because he knows that
+Obama will keep giving him billions in return.
+By Robespierre115, September 28, 2011 at 9:34 pm Link to this comment
+The right-wing are fools but “liberals” like Dionne are also idiots for desperately trying to find a rich person they can worship. Of course an oligarch like Buffett calls for raised taxes, people like him already own the country, they don’t care about paying a little more. But when the working class revolts, then expect different songs coming out of the mouths of this scum.
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+A question that often pops up in the comments here – and in wider political commentary – is whether Labour “should be doing better”. This actually covers two different questions. One is “Should X be doing better…in order to win the election?“, the second is “Should X be doing better…given the current circumstances?“. The answers to the two questions are not necessarily the same – for example, a party with very favourable circumstances could be ahead in the polls and in an election winning position… but really could be doing even better than that (and vice-versa, in a really unfavourable political environment not being hammered too badly could the best position a party could realistically hope for!)
+Let’s deal with the first question first – are Labour doing well enough to win the next election?
+When people ask this question they obviously don’t mean “if there was an election tomorrow would their level of support give them a majority”. That’s a simple swing calculation, and while neck-and-neck isn’t enough for Labour, they’ve often had the necessary small leads to win an overall majority on current boundaries. No, the question means are they far enough ahead assuming they drop back to some degree as the election approaches?
+I should say from the outset that I’m really not a fan of arguments about oppositions needing to be x points ahead midterm to win the next election; it implies a certain inevitability of polling movements in the run up to the election that simply doesn’t exist. That said, there is a an obvious pattern in historical movements of polls: when oppositions open up large leads in the mid term they normally fall back by the time of the next election. Oppositions that have gone on to win the next election have normally enjoyed mid-term leads of 20 points or more, oppositions with lower leads mid-terms have generally ended up losing.
+What this does not mean, however, is that an opposition that doesn’t have a big lead currently might not get one in the future. While successful oppositions have had large leads, it doesn’t follow they’ve had large leads all the time. For example, the Conservative opposition in 1974-1979 did enjoy 20+ point leads, but only briefly after the IMF bailout and the winter of discontent. For most of the 1974-79 Parliament the Conservatives had far more modest leads. In the 1959-1964 Parliament the ultimately victorious Labour opposition was still behind in the polls in 1960 and early 1961, very large Labour leads didn’t emerge until 1963.
+So being neck-and-neck now doesn’t mean Labour can’t do better later in the Parliament. That said, the fact they haven’t got a big lead now, isn’t particularly positive. Under normal circumstances they would have to up their game significantly to be in a position comparable to those historical oppositions who have gone on to win. However, these are not normal circumstances.
+The normal pattern of public opinion during a Parliament is that governments get unpopular things done early and do popular things closer to the election. We expect to see people disappointed by the government drift away and register a protest by telling pollsters they would vote for the opposition (and doing so in mid-term local, European and by-elections). When the election itself comes close some of those people compare the alternative governments, decide the incumbent isn’t so bad compared to the alternative and government support recovers.
+However, the narrowing of the polls so far in this Parliament seems to have very little to do with the usual mechanism. Conservative support has held up and Labour’s increase is almost all due to former Lib Dem supporters opposed to the coalition switching en masse to Labour. This could be more of a political realignment than mid-term blues and while it is possible that these supporters will drift back towards the Lib Dems as the election approaches, it equally possible that they will stick with Labour.
+Under normal circumstances Labour’s paltry lead at the moment wouldn’t be enough to suggest they’ll go on to win the next election and the wise money would be on a Conservative victory next time round. Under present circumstances though… who knows?
+The second version of the question is whether Labour are doing well or badly given the circumstances. I hate this question too, given it is impossible to measure and answers to it inevitably end up being entirely determined by the person answering’s views of Labour and their current policies or leader.
+For what it’s worth though, the “doing badly” argument is that the coalition have announced drastic and unpopular cuts, are carrying out reforms to public services that polls suggest are unpopular and the economy is in a parlous state, with no immediate sign of improvement. Under these circumstances people would argue that the opposition should be doing very well, and that being neck-and-neck in the polls is a poor show or indicates some other problem with how voters see the opposition.
+In contrast, the “doing well” argument is that Labour have just suffered one of their worst ever defeats. People have not forgiven them and it will take time for people to really give them a hearing. Under those circumstances, to be regularly polling 6-10 points above your general election score and neck-and-neck with the other main party isn’t that bad. Certainly it’s more than the Conservatives in 1997 could dream of.
+Those would be the calculations under normal circumstances, but again, these are not normal circumstances..
+Under normal circumstances it would be arguable that Labour were doing quite well given the situation, but probably not enough to win an election. Under the present circumstances one could well argue that Labour are not doing well at all, but if the realignment of Lib Dem support is stickier than normal mid term gains it’s possible it could be enough.
+What is very unusual about the polling that has taken place in this Parliament is that, apart from two highly significant events (more of them later), it has remained fairly static for long periods and apparently impervious to political and economic events. My memory of previous Parliaments has been the volatility of polls and their tendency to spike around specific events. We saw a lot of this as recently as 2007 when Brown’s large lead evaporated in days after Osborne’s announcement on inheritance tax at the Tory conference. Ditto Labour’s very short term loss of a long standing poll lead during the fuel protests. I can’t think of any equivalent over the last 21 months.
+In this Parliament, we’ve had one game changer, the en masse defection to Labour of disenchanted Lib Dem voters shortly after May 2010 and one significant movement in reaction to a single political event; the boost to Tory support after the recent Cameron EU veto. The Lib Dem defection added, at a stroke, about 8-10% on to Labour’s GE VI share and. Cameron’s veto, almost as quickly, has added 4-5% to the Tory VI. Hence the rapid closure of what looked like a solid, and maybe growing, Labour 6-8% lead and the current neck and neck position in most polls.
+However, apart from these scene-shifters, the polls remain becalmed and seemingly oblivious to what appear to be controversial and, in the past, opinion moving events. The upshot is that the two main parties seem to possess fairly loyal and tribal followings, leaking very little support to each other. I’d say that this is historically very unusual and suggests to me that, at the very least, and as Anthony implies in his lucid summary, it would be a brave and foolish man who wandered down to his or her local betting office and wagered very much on the outcome of the next General Election in three years time. Very foolish indeed.
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+If someone described themselves as a ‘tactical voter’, and they voted UKIP at the last election, they did not understand the meaning of the phrase.
+Report comment
+Latest YouGov/Sun results 7th Feb CON 37%, LAB 42%, LD 9%; APP -23
+Report comment
+That’s more like it….
+Report comment
+Thank you. Great news.
+Report comment
+The August 2011 marginals polling for Ashcroft put Con and Lab equal on 37% nationally (LDs on 11%).
+In the Con/Lab marginals which Labour will be targeting Labour were 44%, Con 35%, LDs 12%.
+In the Con seats LDs will be targeting Con 39%, LD 31%, Lab 19%… however, that was the tactical voting position – without tactical voting the position was Con 41%, Lab 26%, LD 18%.
+Report comment
+Billy Bob.
+Interesting figured in the Con-LD (sic) marginals.
+One assumes that the LDs will be tactically voting for either Labour or the Tories in those seats, given that they themselves have precious little chance of winning?
+Report comment
+Interesting article, but you are once again not allowing for the the way in which YouGov (and others) weight their statistics, you could be totally underestimating Labour support which would skew both of your arguments.
+Report comment
+‘Under those circumstances, to be regularly polling 6-10 points above ‘our general election score and neck-and-neck with the other main party isn’t that bad. Certainly it’s more than the Conservatives in 1997 could dream of.’
+It certainly is, but then the Conservatives were not the only main party Opposition back in 1997 at a time when the economy was in a far healthier state. And Labour also enjoyed a very large majority. This time around, Labour is the only main Opposition, and we are facing years of austerity.
+Report comment
+I wouldn’t agree entirely with this. I don’t think that it was inevitable that Labour would gain these voters. The Lib Dem collapse and Labour surge didn’t happen immediately after the Coalition was formed, but steadily throughout 2010. Even if Lib Dem voters were leaving in order for them to vote Labour rather than abstain or vote for a minor party, they had to regain trust in Labour, and I think Ed Miliband, at least in part, achieved this (although he’s backslid a bit on this, of late, and has suffered a corresponding slump in the polls).
+These are voters who predominantly left Labour in the first place for a reason. I don’t think they’re tactical voters, so much, as these had less of an idealogical investment in the Lib Dems in the first place and so will have had less of a sense of betrayal and are more likely to return, when it comes down to a choice between a Lib Dem incumbent or a Conservative MP who may affect the balance of power. The ones who Labour are regaining and are likely to keep are, I suspect, the ones who abandoned them for their rightward shift under the Blair Government, and especially Iraq. There’s a tendency to devalue these voters and either take them for granted or suggest they’re not “proper” gains as opposed to the mythical centrist voters who are the ones that “count.”
+Report comment
+Great piece Anthony.
+Solid analysis, and I think I agree with practically all of it.
+Report comment
+Interesting analysis, Anthony.
+Firstly, I think there is a good possibility that the UKIP vote could stay with the Conservatives. I think if anything, we’ve seen in the past months or so, combined with a variety of factors David Cameron has had to move in certain policy areas far more to the right, than orginally intended. Indeed, the overall agenda of the Conservatives in government seems a far more firmly right wing one than it did in opposition. Key platforms of the modernisation agenda – such as the Big Society have almost died a death.
+I would certaintly agree with James Forsyth, the Speccie political editor that the Tory Manifesto 2015 looks likely to be a far more right wing document than orginally was envisaged in early 2010. On the overall gist, of the article should Labour be doing better, I would say so, although alas, no one should be surprised at that.
+I’d list several factors for my conclusion, firstly is that the Tories did not win the last election which, should in theory put in them in a far weaker place than it has. Instead in coalition Tory support, has at the very least held up – and it looks arguably more stronger than it did two years ago – especially in mid-term, this is particuarly pertinent.
+Secondly, Labour have failed to appeal to a wider public beyond disgruntled ex-Lib Dems. As Anthony notes, this could potentially be enough for a Lab majority, but I believe this is slightly theoretical. For one, it goes back to the progressive majority argument stated by those Left, and a huge part of the AV referendum.
+This was the first test of it, electorally and it failed. Then second test, was as another contributor notes, the local elections whereby the Lib Dems only did well, in Wales, and maybe the Midlands. In London, they were decimated as in the North they were. They did badly in the South too, but to the Tories gains. So electorally, this could certaintly play into the hands of the Tories and let them win seats by default – ah, such is the life in FPTP.
+Another factor, is as Richard Navavi has stated, and one which I have always believed is how the LD vote will actually turn out in practice. I suspect, it could be a mixed bag as many 2010 LDs, are ”Don’t Knows” and may either revert back to LDs in tactical voting terms, or may just not vote altogether, as a signifcant portion of Labour supporters did in light of the shift to the centre, under Blair. Indeed, you may have an element of all the factors listed.
+How much they may benefit Labour or the Tories, may depend on how they are spread geographically, although I think it’ll vary between either the Tories being just short of a majority or having one. Another point is that beyond their heartlands, and core vote overall (excluding 2010 LDs) Lab are not really regionally reaching out at all. The Tories are doing quite well in the Midlands, at this point notably, as well.
+Labour also, do not in the last two years or so, seem to have made any ground on issues they need to to win back trust. On issues like immigration, welfare, the economy and being generally seen as responsible and competant figures are still pretty bad from that. They are prospering on issues that they’d already won the argument on (NHS, Bonuses) anyway. The latter in particular taps into the Brownite argument of Cameron being a rich toff, and thus out of touch, a bloke who’ll protect his banker friends. We’ve been there done that.
+Simarly, leaders with ratings like Ed Milibands tend to not go on to win elections. Even for leaders who weren’t particuarly popular – they had modest ratings (Thatcher, minus 10) and won the GE. Ed’s ratings, are not modest they are rather terrible, and even if he does (as I suspect he may) recover from the 24 point drop in his ratings in January, to polling in the early minus thirties, he would still be hovering between ”Hague and IDS”.
+Ed has always polled well on being ”in touch” though – but that has not, so far translated into Labour gaining ground on the issues which perhaps puts the ”centre is moving leftwards argument” somewhat in dispute.
+There have been historical examples where Oppositions with modest/small mid-term leads go on to win GEs as, Anthony noted. But these are not recent, and existed at a time where the two party hold of the system was at it strongest, and by contrast minority party votes were very little in support. The voting culture was different too. Back then voting was very class based. The Thatcher years, changed all that. In recent history, even the Foot opposition managed leads more than this by this time, and the press definetly were not on Mr Foot’s or Labour’s side.
+Another point, which could provide some hope for Lab is that much of the cuts haven’t actually occured – indeed the worst of it won’t have occured until very late into the political cycle. But as I’ve stated before, there are caveats to the assumption because of this, Lab will gain later. Mainly, because of the combination of existing cuts, unemployment and the cost of living many are already suffering as if a whole load of cuts were coming through, and that pshycologically people are prepared and accepting of austerity, no matter how it may hurt. This is by large, down to the Osborne narrative.
+Report comment
+True, Fitlass. While the event of the coalition has perhaps made opposition harder for Lab, in terms of communications especially they are by large the dominate opposition party, and as such are in the unique position of being a platform for general opposition to the current (and it is, definetly out there). As it is, Labour clearly isn’t capitalising on that.
+Report comment
+Was it not the case that in 2008 Labour were 10 points ahead of the Tories in the opinion polls ?
+Report comment
+SGT1 – “Was it not the case that in 2008 Labour were 10 points ahead of the Tories in the opinion polls ?”
+No, it wasn’t. I think you may be thinking of the “Brown bounce” in summer 2007.
+Report comment
+editor’s note: We don’t call him “El Codo” for nothing. Some of the more lax members of the People’s Guide staff may not go to such rigorous efforts to save a dime. But maybe that’s why we can’t afford to drive to Mexico this year and are forced to fly, like amateurs!
+El Codo says:
+No matter how you figure it, a gallon of regular gasoline in México costs the equivalent of three dollars and thirty five cents, and stops at Pemex pumps really can jolt a travel budget.
+Let’s say you have a pickup truck or van and intend to do a colonial cities or beach trip and you figure that you’re going to put four thousand miles on the odometer south of the border. Your beast, undoubtedly, is a V-8 and you figure you’re getting 15-mpg, which is about average for a full-size vehicle that isn’t burdened with a tire squishing overload of needless gear.
+Four thousand trip miles divided by 15 miles per gallon requires 267 gallons of gasoline.
+267 gallons of gasoline costs 893 dollars. Eight hundred ninety three (gulp) dollars!
+If you could only better gas mileage by a lousy ONE mile per gallon it would mean spending 837 dollars instead of 893. That’s a lot of tacos.
+A two miles per gallon improvement means saving one hundred five dollars!
+But sadly, achieving your vehicle’s top potential highway fuel economy is not always possible. Everything from short-haul jaunts to slightly less than accurate gas pumps are going to enter into the fuel mileage calculations picture. Rather than have all this jump onto your shoulders and force you to despair, you can take tangible precautions to minimize fuel expense.
+Many states require a “smog check” to qualify a car for licensing. If your car has undergone the test within the last year, and passed, then you know for sure the engine is in good shape and tuned well enough that it will be as frugal as possible. Older cars without diagnostic on board computers (and CHECK ENGINE! lights) that live outside areas with mandatory smog tests can be robbing you blind at the gas pump. Call around and ask if someone can run a “check-only test” on your car. Instead of moaning about the price, convert the price into the cost of gasoline in gallons. You have to live with your car before and after the trip so checking a car does not qualify as a “Trip Expense.” A smog test is a superb way of determining whether or not your car is dipping your wallet. If the car tests out as being “OK” so much the better. When I did this for a friend, the car failed the test miserably. The culprits turned out to be bad spark plug wires and leaky vacuum hoses. His eighty dollar (twenty-four gallons of gasoline!) total investment has subsequently saved him many times that amount in improved mileage. In my book a “check-only” smog test is one of the best money-saving diagnostic tools in the business! But again, if your car is required to undergo this test annually, or has an onboard computer with dash warning lamp and stores self-diagnostic “error codes” then skip to the other stuff, below.
+Buy tuneup parts cheaper and have them shipped directly to your home. This website figures out which part numbers your vehicle uses, then the company will send your order by parcel delivery to your doorstep. Name brand parts for a lot less!
+- Stop saying “lleno” (fill ‘er up) to the attendant and order your gasoline in liters. College educated Mexican drivers order their fuel by the liter for a good reason. Not every gasolinera has “erroneous” dispensers, but curiously those stations located along major travel routes seem to have the greatest number of errant pumps which deliver the least fuel for each peso. The error is frequently 8 percent and is never in favor of the motorist. Newer electronic pumps have sales (liters or pesos) orders entered by keypad. Watch the numbers flash on the pump. You’ll see your ordered liters total as it is being entered. There is absolutely no reason for an attendant to have to put gasoline in your tank the old-fashioned way (by standing there and squeezing the handle on the nozzle) other than topping off the tank after the nozzle clicks off automatically. Filling until the nozzle clicks off should be a totally “hand’s off” operation and if you see the attendant nursemaiding the nozzle (some non Pemex private stations in rural areas have the old-fashioned style of gas pump – in that case the attendant must squeeze the handle), after you’ve requested gasoline in liters, tell him to stop and go to another station. You are being cuckolded in a most brazen fashion. Also, if you see an attendant reach in his pocket and start punching numbers into a calculator after you order your fuel in liters, this too is a setup*. If you want to fill up and you have no idea how much your tank will hold, simply order “cien litros” (see-EN lee-TROS) which equals 26 gallons roughly. Who cares? A motorcyclist can order a million liters, but when the tank is full, the nozzle shuts off like normal and the correct amount is shown on the dispenser (maybe four gallons, maybe less?). The tank is full and the amounts shown on the dispenser displays are correct. When Mexicans find an honest hometown gasolinera they might relax and order “lleno” or state a peso amount. But they will not order by peso amounts when away from home. (By the way PROFECO and other consumer agencies who check pumps, do so by specifying liters, NOT pesos when testing.)
+*He is converting liters to pesos and will tally the result into the dispenser as a peso sale and try and hook you for a higher price. “Fill ‘er up” orders are punched into the dispenser keypad as a cash peso request, maybe a thousand pesos. The station owner knows PROFECO only checks pumps for liters-delivered accuracy. If you are in doubt about any of any of this, ask an expert – a Mexican motorist. Station owners hire employees who will collaborate. If all this makes you bristle, you’d better stop a moment and reflect. In the “old days” with old style gasoline pumps it was impossible to avoid tampered gasoline sales. Thank you lucky stars you now know (after being tipped off) what Mexican motorists know.
+- Check tire pressure. Door jam stickers suggest air pressure for the best possible ride comfort. You’ll find “max pressure and a number” stamped on the sidewall of your tire. This figure is for COLD inflation. Its OK to fill the tire to this pressure and then drive. Increasing and then maintaining tire pressure to the maximum as stamped on the tire can save up to 10% in fuel. I carry a tire gauge. The digital ones are precise. Keep valve stem caps on all tires. Carry spares. This avoids a lot of slow leaks. Also, those llantera “stick-type” pressure gauges can be horrendously inaccurate. Not long ago I re-checked “35 pounds” after the tire guy showed me 35 on his gauge and my digital gauge screamed 62! Consumer Reports says digital tire gauges are amazingly accurate – and you don’t need an expensive one.
+- On an extended trip I carry an extra air filter. Really dusty driving can clog a filter in just a few thousand miles. The Rock-Auto link above offers a chance to buy filters cheaper. I’d get an extra fuel filter too. Don’t forget wiper blades. Cars don’t get too good of gas mileage should they veer off the road in a downpour and smack into a cactus.
+- Make sure your engine’s coolant thermostat is not malfunctioning and keeping the engine too cool. This is a most sneaky way to lose five percent in fuel economy. The correct amount of heat coming out of the heater will be welcome in cooler climes.
+- Older cars and pickup trucks are pretty liberal about gasoline octane. But a few, newer, high-tech motors can be choosy as hell about what they want to eat. Fussy engines won’t need fuel laced with an additive like Chevron Techron® if you switch to made-in-USA Pemex Premium grade fuel sold in the red pump. But beware of spending money when you don’t need to. Most engines do fine on straight green pump Pemex Magna. Using Premium or additives when you don’t need to would be a complete waste of money. If you think you might need Techron®, buy it in the US.
+- “Take your foot out of the carburetor.” Slowing down can save a lot of gas. When on an autopista (cuota) toll road, if the speed limit signs say 110 kph (68 mph), I’ll back my speed down to 60 mph and stay in the right lane. The reduction in speed can save one or two miles per gallon. Even if I were to stay on the road eight hours, and maintained an eight mile per hour increase in speed it would only mean being 64 miles further down the road at sunset – a little more than an hour’s travel time. It would take an awful lot of fast driving to add up to saving on a night’s hotel bill or a vacation day.
+- An out-of-balance tire can make ride comfort so unpleasant that a driver will automatically speed up or slow down to avoid the point where the jiggle is the worst. Have your tires spin balanced before you leave home, as only the most expensive tire places in the biggest cities in Mexico have a mere bubble-balancer. When the guy is doing the balancing, explain that you’re headed to México and ask him to mark the position of each tire on each wheel with his yellow wax crayon. When you get a flat and the tire is dismounted for repair, the llantera won’t lose the right spot. Mark inside and outside the tire and wheel for the best odds of keeping the marks visible. I write “O” and “I” on the tire. Outside and Inside. So the llantera can not mount the tire backward and lose the original balance points without you knowing about it.
+- The heavier you load your car, the poorer the mileage. Truck scales are common in the US and they charge way less if they don’t print out an official weight ticket. It’s smart to weigh your car or pickup empty, then return and compare after you’ve loaded it for the trip. You might find yourself dumping some of that “absolutely essential” gear. Loading a vehicle past the Gross Vehicle Weight limit on the door post emblem is just screaming for trouble – not only with gas mileage, but tire blowouts, brakes, overheating, transmission failure and vehicle handling and stability.
+- It isn’t always possible to avoid the following, but I try to miss cities during the morning and evening commute. Rush hour traffic can mean an hour or two of stop-and-go. This kind of driving just eats up gasoline. And time. And temper.
+- If you’re going to be haunting an area for awhile, park the car and forget about it. If the local market seems to be out of range for walking, maybe the market is well within range of a bicycle. Buy an old bike in the states, zip tie a plastic crate atop the rear fender, then lash the bicycle somewhere onto your vehicle. A bicycle will not block airflow to the radiator. There’s nothing like a three mile bike ride before dinner to work up an appetite!
+- If you see dew or dirt residue on your windshield in the morning, keep your gas tank topped off. Nearly empty gas tanks can accumulate around a teaspoon of condensation water vapor every day, and the water settles to the bottom of your gas tank in an ever growing blob. A quart of condensation water would require a gallon and a half of alcohol be added to a fuel tank of gasoline to absorb it. Alcohol plays hell with rubber gas lines, engine gaskets and fuel pumps. Skip the alcohol and keep your tank topped off.
+- If you pull into a Pemex gas station (called a gasolinera in México) and see a tanker truck dumping fuel, STOP! Don’t fuel up. Either go to another station, or wait 15 minutes after the tanker departs. Gas station fuel tanks have a horrible layer of sludge, water, rust powder and other contaminants sitting on the bottom. After the tanker stops dumping fuel, the awful stew has a chance to settle-out and clarify. Fueling when a tanker is dumping fuel is arguably the number one reason for getting a clogged fuel filter these days. Mexican gas pump dispensers do not have filters! Sure, new pumps come with filters, but the first time they clog up the station owner jabs a screwdriver through the element and screws the cartridge back on the pump. Rather than gnash your teeth at the seeming the misfortune of needing fuel at the same time a pipa is dumping gasoline, go have a taco, check the air pressure in your tires, scrub down the windows or daydream about how lucky you are to know better than to take on a load of contaminated gasoline.
+An El Codo truism – Skeptics who have never tried ordering gasoline by the liter are the ones who yell that “it couldn’t possibly make a difference”.
+Gas mileage is computed by dividing the amount of fuel pumped into your tank by the distance driven as shown on your odometer. To speed up and simplify the conversion of Mexican liters to US gallons, go online, GOOGLE Liters To Gallons Conversion Tool.
+Copy on a piece of paper small enough to slip into your glove box a range of conversions that would be appropriate for your gas tank size. From one quarter total capacity to 3/4ths total capacity will work fine. You can also do this on your computer then print out the conversion. Use a clear Plastic Sheet Protector then slip the sheet under your seat.
+Las Vegas
+From the largest golden nugget in the world to the worlds largest light beam, atop the Luxor, the Las Vegas Strip is ranked by Forbes as the 2nd most visited US attraction, receiving 31 annual visitors a year, and it’s easy to see why. Sin city is dubbed as “The Entertainment Capital of the World” and offers classics, featuring everything from an indoor theme park to a tropical dolphin habitat, to newer favorites like CityCenter, an $11 billion one stop miniature “city within a city.” Discover dozens of themed hotels, including 17 of the 25 largest hotels in the world, which represent the New York skyline, the Eiffel Tower, a pyramid and even a full-sized.
+Also experience a variety of thrill rides, free animal habitats, and some of the biggest celebrity performers in the country. Some hotels pools are more like water parks with sandy beaches, lazy rivers, wave pools and lush, tropical landscaping. Try out all the slots (and even gamble in the airport), visit the world’s largest gift shop and discover why Vegas is also a great family destination. Those still on the fence about whether or not they should go need to check out my post on 12 Reasons Why You Should Visit Las Vegas Before You Die. Whatever you do, just remember that what happens in Vegas stays on USCityTraveler.com! Vegas is a 4½ hour drive to LA (270 miles), 4½ hours from the Grand Canyon (275 miles), 1½ hours from Death Valley National Park (the world’s hottest place) and 5 hours from Phoenix (285 miles).
+Top 20 Attractions
+1. See a free show, such as the world famous Fountains of Bellagio elegantly combine water, music and light, resulting in the most ambitious, choreographically complex water feature ever conceived. The magic all happens in an 8.5-acre lake in the middle of the desert, which explodes with 1,214 spritzers shooting water up to 460 feet in the air. The water rockets and dances are perfectly choreographed to over 30 songs including artists like Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion, Elvis Presley or Gene Kelly. It takes place every half-hour between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., and every 15 minutes from then ’til midnight. I used to also recommend the Pirates of TI, but this show recently closed for good.
+2. Go on a roller coaster – The Circus Circus‘s Adventuredome (formerly Grand Slam Canyon) opened in 1993 is a 4-acre indoor amusement park with 25 rides and attractions, making it the world’s largest indoor amusement park. The park is a little run down, but it’s still a great indoor place to take the kids to escape the heat. Their popular flume ride was recently removed and replaced with a large new roller coaster called El Loco, which features a 70-foot drop. Come in October to experience the Fright Dome, as the park is transformed into an eerie Halloween-themed fun house. Admission is free to the park, but it costs $5-$8 per ride, or you can simply get a daily pass for $27 for adults and $17 for children.
+Or roller coaster junkies may want to head to the New York New York to take a ride on The Roller Coaster (formerly the Manhattan Express), which goes at a maximum speed of 67 mph, lifting you 203 feet with a 144 ft. drop. It opened in 1997 at a cost of $25 million and has been a huge hit ever since, welcoming over 1.4 million riders. The ride’s trains are actually themed to New York taxicabs and the ride circles around the hotel, going up over the casino and into the hotel itself. Tickets are $14.
+The Stratosphere 113-floor tower is the tallest freestanding observation tower in America, offering panoramic views of the Las Vegas skyline. It’s also home to some of the world’s highest thrill rides and the tallest controlled free fall in the world, SkyJump Las Vegas, which lets guests plummet from the equivalent of 108 floors, at 855 feet. Also try Insanity to extend out 64 feet over the edge of the tower, at an angle of 70 degrees, try X-Scream, a giant teeter-totter that propels riders headfirst at 27 feet over the edge of the tower. If you’ve come out of all of those rides alive and well, then you’ll wan to be sure to be shot up 160 feet into the air from Big Shot. Admission up to the tower is $18 for adults, $12 for seniors and $10 for children. Big Shot $13, X-Scream $12, Insanity $12, SkyJump $99 (tower admission is waived for SkyJump).
+Life-like fire affects light up the night sky outside the Mirage.
+3. See the Volcano at the Mirage. This man-made volcano is a real treat, especially for those who have never seen a volcano before. It’s complete with sound realistic affects alongside spewing smoke and fire from 100 feet above the fire. The volcano, situated on three water-covered acres, is 54 feet high and circulates 119,000 gallons of water per minute. Made by the creator of the Fountains of Bellagio, it opened in 1989 and was given a $25 million redesign in 2008. Admission is free and it takes place every night from 7 pm till 11:00 p.m.
+4. See A Big Headliner like Celine Dion, Elton John and Shania Twain at Caesars Palace, Donny & Marie at the Flamingo, Boyz II Men at the Mirage, Taylor Hicks at Paris Las Vegas and now… Britney Spears at the Planet Hollywood. The Britney Spears Piece of Me allows pop diva Britney Spears to showcase her signature style and energy as Britney performs her infectious dance hits, along with tracks from her eighth studio album. It is designed to have a nightclub feel. Planet Hollywood’s venue houses the world’s largest indoor projection theater and offers an explosive, theatrical experience.. Shows sell out very quickly.
+Popular adult shows include the Chippendales at the Rio, Stripper 101 at the Planet Hollywood (where you can learn how to pole dance), Thunder from Down Under at the Excalibur, X Burlesque at the Flamingo, Jubilee! at Bally’s and Crazy Girls at the Riviera.
+Or consider seeing a magic show from the best in the business, as deft-defying acts are performed right before your very eyes. People are chopped in two and cards magically disappear into thin air. Whatever you do, just don’t let the kids try any of these acts at home. Magicians include Penn & Teller at the Rio, David Copperfield at the MGM Grand and a Cirque du Soleil show called Criss Angel Believe at the Luxor.
+After the show’s over, consider going on a special behind the scenes tour. Jubilee! Backstage Tour at Bally’s is one of the best of these tours, as! We feature it on our list of the Top 10 Behind the Scenes Tours in America. These tours take place Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and start at 11 am. The price for admission is $19.50 and only $14.50 with the purchase of a show ticket!
+The new Britney show serves as a replacement to former playmate Holly Madison’s long running Peepshow.
+5. See a Cirque du Soleil show, which includes 8 shows ranging from mysterious, funny and sensual so you can pick the one that appeals to you and your crew. KA at MGM Grand, O at the Bellagio, Mystere at Treasure Island and The Beatles Love at The Mirage are some of their most popular shows. The Cirque hires former Olympic gymnasts to catapult themselves all over the stage, risking their lives in outlandish costumes just for your amusement. Prices can be as high as $165 a ticket.
+6. Visit Caesars Palace – See the Fall of Atlantis Show, which is where King Atlas tries to determine which of his children will be the ruler. The siblings try to destroy each other,. Caesars is also well known for for being “the shopping wonder of the world,” as it is home to 160 stores at The Forum Shops. Also consider dining alongside your favorite movie memorabilia at at Planet Hollywood, experience the taste of Wolfgang Puck’s seasonal American cuisine at Spago, the delectable fine chocolates from Max Brenner, homemade Italian delights from Trevi, or the Cheesecake Factory. See the Fall of Atlantis free of charge, every hour on the hour Sunday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. – midnight.
+Fun Fact: The lottery is actually illegal in Nevada! The State of Nevada is actually prevented by law from running a lottery (even thought they are the world’s home to legalized gambling). Go figure!
+7. Get A Good View of The Strip. As previously mentioned, The Stratosphere observation deck offers incredible views at 869 feet above the strip. Another great option is to visit the Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas. The Eiffel Tower Experience is perfect for those of you who have always dreamed of going to Paris and going up in the Eiffel Tower, but never gotten the chance. Your time has come! This half scale, 541-foot-tall replica of the Eiffel Tower is located 460 feet above the heart of the Strip. Eiffel Tower Experience Observation Deck daytime Pricing (9:30am-7:15pm) is $10.50 for adults and $7.50 for children. Evening Pricing (7:30pm-Close) is $15.50 for adults and $10.50 for children.
+Fun Fact: Prostitution is NOT legal in Las Vegas but it is legal in other counties in Nevada!
+8. Visit Venice right on the Vegas strip, to go down the Grand Canal in an authentic Venetian gondola on 15-minute Gondola Rides, at the Venetian resort. Couples can kiss under each bridge for good luck, perform a marriage proposal, or simply bring the kiddos along for the fun ride. If you see the white and gold wedding gondola spinning around these waters, you’ll have see a couple who is tying the knot. Two courses are located at this 5 star resort, your choice of either indoors or outdoors, adults are $18.95 (Gondola Seats Four), or get a private two-passenger gondola for $75.80.
+9. See the Freemont Street Experience in downtown Las Vegas, featuring free outdoor shows that last an average of about six minutes long. What makes these shows so unique is that they are projected on the largest screen in the world, spanning 1,500 feet in length, the size of five football fields! The screen contains 12.5 million synchronized LED lamps, including 180 strobes and eight robotic mirrors per block. It features music video shows including Ophelia’s Dream, Bad to the Bone, Don McLean’s American Pie, A Tribute to Queen, We Will Rock You and We are the Champions. New shows are created each year and are rotated in and out. The Experience can choose from a library of about 15 shows at any given time. Show times are every hour on the hour from 8:30 p.m. – midnight. While here, also experience the Fremont Street Flightlinez, four zip lines are sure to impress anyone visiting the downtown area. While downtown, also visit The Neon Museum, which showcases iconic Las Vegas signs on a two-acre campus, including the outdoor exhibition space known as the Neon Boneyard and a museum housed inside the former La Concha Motel.
+Ride the gondolas at the Venetian.
+10. Visit CityCenter – Internationally renowned artists from the 20th and 21st century including Maya Lin, Jenny Holzer, Nancy Rubins, Richard Long, Claes Oldenburg & Coosje Van Bruggen, Frank Stella, and Henry Moore are currently part of the CityCenter Fine Art Collection. The Gallery at CityCenter is currently displaying Chihuly at CityCenter. Spanning 4,350 square feet and featuring Chihuly’s sculptures, drawings, editions and a number of prints are on display. You won’t want to miss the Water features in Crystals mall, either.
+11. Shop till you drop. See the fashion shows at Fashion Show Mall, featuring an 80-foot runway that rises out of the ground, more than 1,000 times a year for instant fashion shows. Fashion Show Mall is located right across from the Wynn and it’s anchored by Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Dillard’s, Bloomingdale’s Home and over 250 other stores and boutiques. Visit stores like Prada and Dolce & Gabbana at the newest and more architecturally impressive mall in town, CityCenter’s Crystals mall. But nearly every hotel has it’s own shopping area and a mini-mall of its own.
+The entrance to Crystals Mall.
+12. Wet ‘n’ Wild Las Vegas – This 41-acre, state-of-the-art water park opened in 2013 to feature 25 attractions, which include a 1,000-foot-long lazy river and a 260-foot-long multi-lane racer water slide with 6 lanes. The Hoover Half-Pipe drops 40 feet before the raft goes vertical, shooting up the side of the Hoover wall and sending you back down as you experience sheer weightlessness. Or ride the Royal Flush Extreme through an enclosed tube before being dropped into a giant bowl. It was built at a cost of $50 million and the park plans on expanding each year, as they have had an overwhelmingly positive response to this park. In fact, they actually had to cease selling season passes, half-way though their first-season! It’s about a 20 minute drive from the strip. Adults are $39.99; Seniors and children are $29.99.
+13. Wynn Las Vegas– and it’s located right on the strip at the five Star Wynn Las Vegas resort. See more than a dozen vehicles exceeding prices of $700,000! Extremely rare and sought after, the cars draw thousands of people to the 10,000-square-foot showroom each day. Vehicles include the 2003 Ferrari 360 Spider F1, the 2005 Maserati Coupe GT and the 1995 Ferrari F50. You can even see Wynn’s $1.4 million Enzo Ferrari, which is not for sale. Less than 35 visitors are allowed in at one time, so be prepared to wait in line for a few minutes. Adjacent to the showroom is North America’s first Ferrari store. The 3,500-square-foot shop offers visitors the chance to purchase any number of items emblazoned with the Ferrari logo, including coffee cups, tote bags, books and toys. The admission is a reasonable $10.
+Take a look around the Wynn. Oprah’s favorite hotel in town!
+14. Luxor– Bodies…The Exhibition is gross, disgusting, cool and educational, all at the same time. Prepare to witness with your very own eyes, real full-bodies and organs! The Exhibition showcases 13 whole-body specimens and more than 260 organs and partial body specimens. These real human bodies have been meticulously dissected, preserved through an innovative process. Authentic human specimens illustrate the damage caused to organs by over-eating and lack of exercise encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. Anything this amazing comes at a price. Also at the Luxor, experience Titanic: The Artifact Exhibit, which describes the “unsinkable” Titanic, which was said to be the most technologically advanced ships of it’s time. Shortly before midnight on April 14, 1912, four days into the ship’s maiden voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank two hours and forty minutes later, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 of the 2,223 people on board. This 25,000-square-foot exhibit features numerous items from the Titanic, including an unopened bottle of champagne with a 1900 vintage, a piece of Titanic’s hull, a full-scale re-creation of the Grand Staircase, as well as a newly expanded outer Promenade Deck complete with the frigid temperatures felt on that fateful April night. Ticket prices for Bodies… The Exhibition are $31.00 for adults and $23.00 for Children. Prices for Titanic: The Artifact Exhibit is $27.00 for adults and $20.00 for children.
+There are over 125,000 hotel rooms in Las Vegas: it would take over 340 years to spend an evening in each room.
+15. Venetian- Madame Tussauds Las Vegas – This two-story, 30,000-square-foot museum features several exhibits with uncanny wax likenesses of stars from the worlds of sports, music, movies and more. Guests are allowed to touch and take photos of the wax figures and some of the figures will even react when people get close. Whisper into Jennifer Lopez’s ear and she’ll blush. Hold Elvis’ hand and he’ll talk to you in his famous Southern drawl. Guests can pose with Johnny Depp or take a snapshot with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. They look so lifelike, you can tell the folks back at home that you met them and they’ll never know the difference. The “Sports Arena” includes an area where guests can putt with Tiger Woods, shoot baskets with Shaq or stand next to tennis great Andre Agassi. The most unique part of the attraction is the Las Vegas Legends room, where guests can see figures that can’t be seen in the other Madame Tussauds locations around the world. Here, you can see the performers who have made Las Vegas famous including: Liberace, Tom Jones, Judy Garland, Bette Midler, Siegfried & Roy, Wayne Newton, Marlon Brando, Bugsy Siegel, Lance Burton, The Rat Pack and more. Admission is $25.00 for adults and $18.00 for children.
+Fun Fact: The majority of the Strip is actually not in the city of Las Vegas: it’s technically just outside the city. The Stratosphere is technically in Las Vegas, but almost everything to the south is technically not!
+16. Lied Discover Children’s Museum – The museum features hands-on exhibits in the arts, sciences, nature, music and humanities; a traveling exhibition gallery; an Early Childhood Pavilion and an eight-story Science Tower in 22,000 square feet of exhibit space. Both children and adults can enjoy more than 100 different interactive science, art and humanity stations. The facility opened in 1990 and is considered one of the larger children’s museums in the country. The first floor is ideal for children five years old and younger, but teenagers and grown-ups can definitely enhance their science and history knowledge. Young ones can also take “make-believe” to a whole new level with a variety of dress-up clothes and a performance stage. Children can work at a bank as a teller and even withdraw money from an ATM. Children can either purchase groceries or work as stock person or a cashier. Admission is $8.50 for adults and $7.50 for children.
+17. How could you come to Vegas without seeing the Welcome To Las Vegas Sign? Possibly one of the most famous landmarks in Vegas, simply reading “Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada” on the front and “Drive Carefully” and “Come Back Soon” on the back. This sign was built back in 1959 at a cost of $4,000 and was added to National Register of Historic Places on May 1, 2009. This sign also has a 12-car parking lot, convenient for getting the best pictures while remaining safe.
+18. See a conservatory. Go on a nice peaceful stroll through the Bellagio conservatory & Botanical Gardens, where 140 expert horticulturists decorate gazebos, bridges, ponds, and water features uniquely for each season- Holidays, Chinese New Year, spring, summer, and fall. Another popular free conservatory is the Atrium inside the front entrance to the Mirage. Step into this lush indoor rainforest that’s housed under a 100-foot-high dome. See palm trees that reach 60 feet above relaxing waterfalls and see your favorite types of plants, such as birds of paradise trees, over 300 orchids and 1000 bromeliads. Four full-time gardeners spend over 160 hours each week to maintain the more than 100 different types of plants in the atrium.
+19. Visit an aquarium, like the one at Caesars Palace, to view more than 100 species of ocean life in a 50,000-gallon saltwater aquarium. Watch as a diver feeds the tropical puffers, flounder, sharks, etc, each day at 1:15 and 5:15 p.m. Get your questions answered and learn interesting facts about these lovely creatures. Tours of the aquarium’s facilities are offered Monday through Friday at 3:15 p.m. The Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef Aquarium is North America’s only predator-based aquarium and exhibit, featuring sharks, sawfish, giant rays, endangered green sea turtles, piranha, moon jellies and the rare golden crocodiles. With a total of over 2,000 animals in 1.6 million gallons of seawater. Considering the steep admission price and average species, I would leave this one off my list, especially if I was rushed for time. The aquarium at Caesars is free, while admission to the one at Mandalay Bay is $17 for adults and $11 for children.
+Those gold doors are only a fragrant of the extravagance to found here.
+20. Visit an animal exhibit like the Wildlife Habitat at the Flamingo resort, where you can watch a flock of live Chilean Flamingos as well as swans, ducks, koi, and turtles in this beautiful habitat with islands and streams, surrounded by foliage Imported from around the world. Best of all, it’s free!
+While the lion habitat at the MGM Grand has closed it’s doors for good, lions still take center stage at Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat (1990) at the Mirage, which is home to white lions, Lions, white tigers, Golden Tigers, Black panthers, leopards, and Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins. 2.5 million gallons of water are located at the Dolphin Habitat, above and under water viewing is available to watch these playful animals swimming, tail walking across the water, catching fish or bonding with each other. Admission to both exhibits at the Mirage is $15 for adults and $10 for children.
+Dolphin and tigers and bears, oh my!
+Take in a show– You can’t go to Vegas without seeing a good show.
+Eat at a good buffet– The Bellagio and Wicked Spoon Buffet at the Cosmopolitan are two of my favorites. You can’t go to Vegas without chowing down at one of the cities top buffets. Remember, lunch prices are cheaper.
+(Free) The Bellagio Fountain Show– Hands down, this is a must see for everyone. Be sure to catch it!
+Gamble– It’s what made the city famous, why not spend a little?
+Swim– Cool off from the hot desert heat storm at your hotel pool or at the “biggest ‘n baddest” water park in Nevada – the brand new Wet ‘n Wild Las Vegas water park. Check out this list of the best hotel pools in Las Vegas.
+Mandalay Bay has the best hotel pool in town but the one pictured above, at the Monte Carlo, is actually quite impressive for the hotels reasonable prices.
+Monorails: You will find three free monorails throughout the strip and one that cost $12 for a one day pass. The paid monorail goes across the entire strip (it doest connect to downtown or the nearby airport) but isn’t really practical unless you are staying right off the strip or in one of the hotels it stops at; many think it’s way over priced. The three free monorails (one connects Mandalay Bay-Luxor-Excalibur, another connects the Mirage-TI, and the CityCenter one connects the Monte Carlo-Aria-Bellagio) should be used by everyone, regardless of where you are staying.
+Buses: Heading downtown? Your best bet is to take advantage of the $2, 24-hour, Deuce bus that stops at many hotels.
+Taxis: You will want to take a taxi to and from the airport but I am warning you know, these drivers will purposely take you way out of your way onto highly trafficked streets just to run up your bill. This happened to us, our driver charged $24 on the way there and then, after he received his tip, told us that we could find a much cheaper taxi on the way back to the airport. Sure enough, the second driver only charged $11. So pull out a map or your smart phone and calculate the quickest, cheapest way to get to your hotel, don’t get scammed.
+Vegas Budget Tips
+Tix 4 Tonight– This is the best place to get restaurant and show tickets for up to half price off. They are completely legit with over 7.5 million tickets sold and they have nine locations conveniently located throughout the strip. I think every Vegas visitor should look into this place.
+Go On A Weekday– While Vegas is known for providing dirt cheap room rates, you will find that hotels often charge over double the weekday room rate on weekends so you should definitely consider going during the week.
+Gamble Responsibly: Anyone 21 or over has to try their chance and the slots but don’t come expecting to win anything at all because the casinos have a much better chance at coming out ahead. Tip: The downtown casinos give about 11% higher payouts.
+Coupons: You will find coupon books all throughout the city, each giving valuable discounts for many of the cities best attractions.
+Tip: Just because you can get a popular hotel on the strip for $30 doesn’t mean you should (i.e. The Circus Circus). You’ll end up wasting your valuable vacation time waiting for the next bus, walking to the monorail, or waiting for a taxi. Stay right in the heart of the strip (the CityCenter area) and you won’t regret it.
+Here’s some more budget travel tips.
+Vegas is well known for it’s exception shrimp, with more than 60,000 pounds of shrimp consumed each day in Las Vegas – which is more than the rest of the USA combined!
+Eiffel Tower Restaurant – Just above the Strip on the 11th floor of the Paris Las Vegas’ half-scale Eiffel Tower replica, enjoy fabulous French cuisine, breathtaking views of the Las Vegas strip and get great service. Guests are brought up to the restaurant in a glass elevator that opens to the electric activity of one of the city’s top kitchens before being escorted to the dining room, where panoramic views and exquisite cuisine take center stage. Dine with views of the nearby Bellagio water fountain show.
+Aureole – Located at the Mandalay Bay, this restaurant is best known for having the largest wine tower in the world, a four-story, temperature controlled glass and steel wine tower that houses 10,000 of their award-winning 50,000 bottle list. The tower is made accessible by an elaborate pulley system presided over by “flying wine angels” dressed in black spandex Calvin Klein.
+Top of The World – Located 800 feet above the Las Vegas strip, atop the Stratosphere, this unparalleled dining experience offers breathtaking views of the city as it revolves 360 degrees every 80 minutes.
+Picasso – Dine while admiring $30 million worth of real Picasso paintings. Located within the Bellagio, this thirteenth time recipient of the AAA Five Diamond Award is among the best in town. It’s run by celebrity executive Chef Julian Serrano, who serves cuisine inspired by the regional cuisine of France and Spain where Pablo Picasso spent much of his life. The restaurant boasts a wine cellar stocked with more than 1,500 selections from the finest European vineyards. You can also dine outdoors to watch the Fountains of Bellagio or simply admire the views of the strip.
+Le Provencal – Take a step into the countryside of France, where the waiters and waitresses perform French and Italian songs for their diners! In relation, they also serve French/Italian cuisine, including the Chicken Pesto Penne, Le Provençal Bouillabaisse (a shellfish stew served table-side in a large, cast-iron pot), the Antipasto Platter, Herb Roasted Chicken, the Grilled Salmon Scampi and the tender Ribeye with Herb Butter. They also have flatbread pizzas, pastas, chicken and seafood specialties. It’s actually somewhat casual and not as expensive as one may think.
+Jayde Fuzion – Located at the M Resort in Las Vegas, this restaurant was shown on The Food Network as Seonkyoung Longest won Restaurant Express and ultimately won this incredible restaurant, which she currently operates. If you see Seonkyoung, tell her Taylor sent ‘ya! Their signature dishes are Samgyeopsal Lettuce Wraps, Crab Salad, Bibimbap (Korean Rice Bowl), Korean Street “Tacos,” and the Five Spiced Duck Sliders. Seonkyoung says “It is my first restaurant and I am very proud of it. I’ve never seen a restaurant like mine. I have spent so much time creating the menu and working with all the chefs to make it a one-of-a-kind Asian dining experience. Right now, I’m in love in the crab salad, which is a popular dish and I made it on Food Network’s Restaurant Express show. I also love the gochujang pork and kimchi fried rice that we offer.” Seonkyoung says this is her favorite restaurant in America!
+TAO Las Vegas – This restaurant holds the tile of being the highest grossing independent restaurant; it raked in 60 million in 2009 alone! It features three different areas: a nightclub, the Asian Bistro, and another called The Beach. It located in the Venetian and is a great place for celebrity spotting, past guests include: Drake, Tyga, Kim Kardashian, Madonna, Jay Z, Usher, Rihanna, and so many more! Stay at the adjacent Palazzo (as pictured below, also a celebrity favorite).
+The Palazzo is a favorite among celebrities.
+Beacher’s Madhouse – This LA favorite recently opened in Vegas at the MGM Grand, with a grand opening party hosted by Miley Cyrus. This club offers the energy of a circus and the atmosphere of an A-list Hollywood party. To join the madness, experience seekers enter the theatre through an inconspicuous speakeasy-like passageway hidden behind a library bookcase, and travel through a tunnel leading them from their ordinary existence into a fantasy-filled realm filled with world-renowned spectacles and all-new dramatic performances. Shows are held five nights a week – Wednesday through Sunday. The cheapest tickets start at $75.
+Carnival World Buffet – Located at the Rio Hotel & Casino, this is the largest buffet in the world with over 300 dishes. This buffet has a little bit of everything, including over seventy varieties of desserts. Some consider it to be the best buffet in Vegas. MGM Grand.
+Hard Rock Cafe – The most state-of-the-art Hard Rock Cafe in the world features 42,000 square feet of pure unadulterated rock n’ roll. The fairly new cafe, located next to the MGM Grand Hotel, provides three-floors of non-stop action and features the world’s largest Rock Shop. An interactive “Rock Wall”,.
+The Heart Attack Grill – Adults looking for something totally off the wall will want to head to this hospital themed restaurant – complete with nurses, wheelchairs, and all the workings. But let me worn you – if you don’t finish your burger the nurse will spank you!
+Serendipity 3 outside Caesars Palace is one of my favorites! Kim K. always comes here when she’s in town!
+Where not to stay would be a better question! Where is else on earth can you find 17 of the 25 largest hotels in the world? Location, location, location: pretty much every thing to do in Vegas is right on the strip, so it’s best to get a hotel right in the center of the strip, so you can easily walk in both directions, or stay at one of the hotels along the monorail. While everything is located along one street and may be seen in the distance, remember that each hotel is huge, so walking from hotel to hotel can be quite tiring. Don’t over plan your days and remember, you Can always walk to one end and catch a taxi.
+So, why are the hotel prices in Vegas so much cheaper than elsewhere in the US? Not only is it the strong competition, it’s also because casinos need bait to reel you in to stay at their casinos. Food, airfare, and hotel prices are reduced in an attempt to get you to gamble. Works perfectly for no gamblers like me!
+3 Star– Circus Circus (Avg. price $29-$92) What I love most about Vegas is the fact that you can stay in one of the largest, most highly themed hotels in the world, for such a small cost. The Circus Circus is one of the few 3 star resorts in the country that I actually look forward to staying at. Sure, it’s rundown, but how many other hotels have their very own indoor theme park?
+Life’s a circus here at the Circus Circus.
+3 star– Excalibur (Avg. price $37-$119) Go back to medieval times to stay in this castle that’s just about fit for a king. Opened in 1990, it has 3,991 hotel rooms, and a 100,000 sq. ft. casino. Three popular shows, a 4-D ride, 4 pools a fitness center and a 13,000 sq. ft. spa, where you can get the “royal treatment,” are some of the exciting amenities.
+3 Star– Stratosphere– (Avg. price $126) How many other hotels have their own 110 story observation tower with 3 extraordinary thrill rides atop it, the opportunity to jump off a 110 story tower, a revolving restaurant and so much more.
+4 Star- MGM Grand– The second largest hotel in the world and THE largest hotel in the western hemisphere, with 7,372 rooms. This hotel is on the list because it is the largest hotel in the United States with 5,044 guest rooms and thirty floors. Up to six lions are shown daily at the lion habitat which has a viewing tunnel underneath it and a lion themed gift shop. They also have the largest casino in Las Vegas. Sports fans rejoice at Free: lion habitat
+4 Star- New York – New York– (Avg. price $71-$203)- A fine display of Vegas’ nod to families. The front facade really sets the stage for this Manhattan themed hotel, with a miniature Statue of Liberty, roller coaster, and recreations of The Empire State Building and Chrysler Building are apart of the hotel building itself.
+4 Star- Mandalay Bay– (Avg. price $122-270) Makes our list for one reason: no, it’s not the tacky looking facade (this place really is showing its age), it’s the pool, which is the best in town! What better way to get out of the heat, from the lazy river to the wave pool, this is likely to be the nicest hotel pool you’ve ever seen! It was featured on our list of America’s Ten Best Hotel Pools.
+5 Star- Bellagio– (Avg. price $179-$353) – The most successful LV resort of all time isn’t getting any younger, some may go so far as to say it has seen better days, but I believe it’s the best of the best. From the world rewound complimentary water show to the beautiful conservatory, meticulously kept to change for every single holiday (even Chinese New Years!)
+5 Star- Aria– (Avg. price $125-$310) My favorite hotel in the entire nation. Star of the futuristic, technologically-advanced CityCenter complex, Aria takes center stage as one of Vegas’ newest and hottest, places to see and to be seen. Enter a 61-story, five star resort that opened in late 2009 with 4,004 rooms in two towers.. Nut it’s all gonna cost an arm and a leg, huh? Not necessarily. One of my favorite things about Las Vegas is that the hotel rooms are so much cheaper than other large American cities. The Aria is a great example of this, as rooms start at just $125 a night.
+Dine at Julian Serrano in the Aria Resort and tell ’em Taylor sent ya!
+5 Star- Trump International Hotel & Tower (Avg. price $92-188)- At the Trump Tower you don’t just get what you pay for, you can get a luxurious 5 star resort for just $92 a night. Best value on the strip, this is the cheapest of his hotels, by far (the others seem to stay in the $400 range!!). It is a block or so off the strip, but within walking distance to the strip.
+5 star- Cosmopolitan (Avg. price $157-$401)- This new, swanky, super- luxurious, 3,000 room, 52-story upscale resort is a little over priced but still one of the best places on the strip. Based on price and luxury, I actually prefer Aria over the Cosmopolitan, both apart of CityCenter. The main difference between the two is that each of the Cosmopolitans rooms comes with a balcony, a rarity in Vegas due to the fact that people get suicidal after losing all their $ in the casinos. They’ve been advertising a lot, you’re probably familiar with them.
+5 Star- Wynn (Avg. price $164-$402)- Steve Wynn has created a paradise for romantic couples and high rollers alike. You can pay $500 per round to play golf at the only golf course on the strip, buy your newest sports car at the on-site Maserati dealership, or catch a Broadway hit like Spamalot.
+Nearby Attractions
+About 300 miles from Vegas– Why not drive or take a helicopter or bus to see the Grand Canyon, one of the first national parks in the United States. 277 miles long, the Grand Canyon ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles and attains a depth of over a mile. Nearly two billion years of the Earth’s geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. Consider walking on the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Entrance fees: Private vehicle, $20. Individual, $10 (good for seven days).
+Primm, Nevada– Buffalo Bills (1994) is located 48 miles southwest of the Vegas Strip on the California/Nevada state line. If you choose to do the drive, a little less than 45 minutes, you can get in the action for some major fun! t only does this resort have a buffalo-shaped swimming pool, the Adventure Canyon Log Flume Ride, the first interactive log ride in the world, with a 35-foot, Ghost Town Motion Simulator Theaters and the Turbo Drop, a towering attraction that fires riders straight down at 45 mph, but It’s also home to the Desperado, one of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the world, with a 225-foot drop and speeds in excess of 85 mph! Desperado is only $8 while the other rides are a little pricey.:2758
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+Patents Title
+Method of sizing photographic paper and resultant product
+Eastman Kodak Co
+Publication Date:
+March 20, 1956
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+2,739,062 Patented Mar. 20, 1956 METHOD OF SIZING PHOTOGRAPHKC PAHER AND RESULTANT PRODUCT William H. Griggs and Warren T. Heard, Rochester, N. Y., assignors to Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y., a corporation of New Jersey No Drawing. Application January 2, 1953, Serial N 0. 329,438 Claims. CI. 95-88) This invention relates to a new and improved method of sizing paper for photographic purposes and the resultant new photographic paper product. More particularly this invention relates to a new method of the class described and photographic paper product wherein the paper product is characterized by being particularly suitable for accepting certain types of photographic coatings. It is well known in the paper art that many of the uses to which paper is put require that the paper fibers be at least partially non-absorbent toward liquids, or in certain instances the absorbency is controlled. This has been accomplished by treatment of the paper fibers referred to as sizing. One method of sizing in extensive use apparently involves the application of a gelatin or glue coating to the surface of the paper. The gelatin may contain other materials such as starch fillers and the like, as will be discussed hereinafter. Such type of sized paper has been extensively produced and much of it used for photographic purposes. That is, the sized paper is overcoated with various photographic coatings such as emulsion coatings and the like. However, in recent years in some instances difliculties have been experienced from the photographic standpoint, such as instability of photographic coatings or components therein. Investigations indicate that certain carbonyl compounds or the like in the gelatin sizing may migrate from the sizing or otherwise enter the photographic layers and adversely affect some couplers, or developers in said layers. In other Words, the paper sizing may directly or indirectly be a factor in reducing the effectiveness of the photographic paper product or otherwise causes difficulty such as the obtaining of unsatisfactory quality when using the product. It is therefore apparent that provision for correcting or minimizing the aforesaid difiiculties represents a highly desirable result. After substantial investigation we have found paper sizing materials and a method of paper sizing as will be described in detail hereinafter, which while giving a paper photographic product of substantially the same appearance and having as good or better properties as conventionally sized, represents a distinct improvement over the prior art in that our new method and sized product may be readily overcoated with numerous diflerent type layers containing various developers, couplers, etc. without difficulties of the type referred to above. This invention has for one object to provide a new method of sizing paper for photographic uses. Another object is to provide as a new product a photographic paper sized in a special manner. Still another object is to provide a photographic paper sized or coated with one or more layers of sizing materials which arerelatively non-injurious toward certain components of photographic coatings. Still another object is to provide a new composite photographic paper product made up of a plurality of elements including paper base, gelatinpolymer size and one or more photographic layers, all of which elements are relatively compatible. Other objects will appear hereinafter. As indicated above, there were certain instances in connection with photographic papers prepared by prior art procedure where photographic layers containing couplers, developers or the like, of a type to be referred to in detail hereinafter, were not as effective as they should be, or the layers were otherwise impaired. We have found that the cause of such difiiculties may be due to a substantial extent to the gelatin sizing containing an aldehyde such as formaldehyde. That is, this aldehyde which has been commonly added to gelatin may migrate into the photographic layer or otherwise adversely affect such layers containing developers, couplers and the like. Apparently in the prior art it has heretofore been regarded as necessary or desirable to put rather substantial amounts of formaldehyde in gelatin in order to render the gelatin satisfactory for use as a sizing. That is, the art is replete with information relative to formaldehyde treatment of gelatin so that gelatin sizes commercially used may contain aldehyde. We have found, in accordance with the present invention, that it is possible to avoid the use of formaldehydetreated gelatin thereby obviating or minimizing difliculties from the photographic standpoint discussed above. That is, in general in accordance with our invention, a good grade of paper base may be sized with a gelatin (CHCsH5-CH2CHCONH2-CHCOO(NH4) a: combination where (-CHCOH5-CH2CHCONH2CHCOO; NI-Li) 3: represents a polymer in which said monomer is repeated x times. This gives a sizing of comparable physical qualities or better qualities than those obtained by prior art gelatin sizes. Sized photographic paper is then overcoated with photographic coatings such as emulsion coatings and the like containing various developers, couplers, either alone or in combination with any of the usual sensitive silver salts. This product may then be further overcoated with additional layers of the size aforementioned or additional photographic layers. All of the above procedure may be carried out on the same equipment that has been previously used for applying conventional sizing and coating layers. The resultant product in appearance, physical properties and the like, is the same as existing photographic paper stock but possesses improvement in that the paper product of the present invention is more stable photographically as already discussed as respects developer or coupler components. The chemical compound referred to above may be prepared by reacting an unsaturated hydrocarbon exemplified by styrene, with an anhydride of a dibasic acid exemplified by maleic anhydride, followed by the reaction of the polymeric product with ammonia. There are a number of ways of carrying outthe reaction and for further details reference may be made to U. S. Patent Nos. 2,313,565 and 2,698,794. The exact manner of forming the polymeric material, which for convenience herein may be referred to as SMA (styrene-maleic anhydride-ammonia), is not a part of or a limitation upon the instant invention. For a more complete understanding of our invention reference will be made to certain specific examples which follow and which examples are set forth for illustrating some of the preferred embodiments of our invention. In these examples the paper base is preferably of high grade uncontaminated stock. That is, the paper fibers may come from either wood pulp or cotton cellulose and preferably the pulp for the paper is disintegrated and friabllated in stainless steel, tile-lined or plated equipment in order that the paper stock be free of contamination. While the sizing agent of the present invention may be added to the resultant uniform blend of cellulose fibers Id in water, as will be apparent from the description which follows, we prefer in most instances to apply a surface or tub sizing in addition to, or in place of, sizing in the beater. The relatively pure paper stock as just described is subjected on the continuous moving wire of paper making machines to the process of water removal, the water drainage being assisted by suction boxes and pressure rolls until the paper base sheet is obtained at the end of the moving wire. This sheet then traverses the dryer stacks which are made up preferably of heated revolving chromium plated iron drums and after calendering, the paper stock is wound into rolls and is ready for further treatment in accordance with the present invention. in the description set forth in the examples which follow it will be assumed that a suitable high grade paper has been prepared along the lines aforementioned. This paper may contain baryta or the like components as may be conventional, although such features are only briefly mentioned herein. Example I In accordance with this example, approximately 42 parts by weight of gelatin was soaked in 200 parts by weight of cold water for about one hour. Solution of the gelatin was accomplished by heating to about 115 F. and adding approximately 745 parts of hot water. There was then added 125 parts by weight of a aqueous solution of being very careful to keep the pH between 4.5 and 5. This gelatin-SMA size solution is then cast on a support and dried. It will be noted that the resultant gelatin- SMA film so obtained is insolubilized to a degree entirely comparable to the prior art type of gelatin which has been formed from a solution containing formaledhyde, chromic chloride and the like. The gelatin-SMA solution of the present invention may be used to size photographic paper stock. That is, the photographic paper stock may be passed under or over a coating roll or other device for applying a thin layer of size to the paper base. The sized paper may be partially or fully dried by passing through a chamber in which warm air is circulated, or the sized paper, for example with limited drying, promptly passed to further coating operations where photographic layers are applied as will be described in greater detail in examples which follow. It will be observed that while in the above example the incorporation of was to the extent of about (based on the weight of the gel), this is not intended to restrict the concentration at that level. We have found that concentrations of SMA as low as 10% are quite useful as are concentrations as high as However, around 20 to 35% seems quite satisfactory and there is usually no need of incorporating higher amounts. In instances where the photographic paper sized in accordance with the present invention is to be further coated with layers containing developers or the like, it may be desirable to use lower amounts of SMA, say of the order of about 10% as just mentioned. As already pointed out, the pH during the addition of the small amount of acid, say the addition of a limited quantity of 0.1 N-HCl. Also the stability of the gelatinmixture may be improved by lowering the pH to about 3.5 where higher amounts of the polymeric material are used, as in instances where 4050% of the polymer is being incorporated into the gelatin. Example II it was caiendered and then over-coated with a photor graphic layer. Example 111 in accordance with this example, paper of the type described was passed through a tub size pan immediately after the first drying section on the paper machine. The size pan contained a gel-SMA size comparable in makeup to that of Example I. The SMA concentration (based on gel weight) can be varied in accordance with Example I. The gel concentration can be varied from 2-5 parts per parts solution. Example IV In accordance with this example photographic paper of a type as already described, after being sized with gelatin- SMA and suitably further processed, was then overcoated with a photographic layer. In this instance this layer contained one or more of the following developing agents: 3,4-dihydroxy diphenyl, 2,5-dihydroxy diphenyl, 5,6,7,8- tetrahydronaphthohydroquinonc, and 2,3-dihydroxy diphenyl. in addition, the product contained certain amounts of the usual silver halide components and antiabrasion overcoatings were applied. Subsequent use, observation and test of this photographic paper sized in accordance with the present example, indicated that even after several months this product was stable, there being no evidence of developer disintegration. Example V In accordance with this example, paper of the type aiready described was suitably coated with a baryta coating and thereafter sized with gelatin-SMA size of the present invention. The sized coating was suitably processed by calendering, after which a plurality of coatings were applied, which coatings contained one or more of the magenta and other couplers described in U. S. Patent No. 2,322,027, such as for example: l-p-sec. amylphenyl-3-n-amyl-5-pyrazolone 2-cyanoacetyl-5-(p-sec. amylbenzoylamino)-coumarone 2-cyanoacetylcoumarone-5-(n-n-amyl-p sec. amylsulfanilide) Z-cyanoacetylcoumarone-S-(N-n-amyl-p-tert. amylsulfanilide) 2-cyanoacetylcoumarone-S-sulfon-N-n-butylanilide 2-cyanoacetyl-5-benzoylamino-coumarone Z-cyanoacetylcoumarone-S-sulfondimethylamide 2-cyanoacctylcoumarone-S-sulfon-N-methylanilide 2-cyanoacetylnaphthalene sulfon-N-methylanilide Z-cyanoacetylcoumarone-5-(N-- -phenylpropyl) p tert. amylsulfonanilide l-p-laurylphenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone 1-fl-naphthyl-3-amyl-S-pyrazolone 1-p-nitrophenyl-3-n-amyl-5-pyrazolone 1-p-phenoxyphenyl-3-n-amyl-5-pyrazolone l-phenyl-3-n-amyl-5-pyrazolone V 1,4-phenylene bis-3- l-phenyl-S-pyrazolone) N-amyl-p-benzoylacetarninobenzenesulfonate N-(4-anisoylacetaminobenzenesulfonyl) N benzyl mtoluidine N-(4-benzoylacetaminobenzenesulfonyl)-N benzyl mtoluidine When we refer to magenta and yellow couplers we refer to chemical compounds of the type just enumerated. The product was then further finished in conventional manner. Observation and tests at the end of six months indicated that the couplers were still in an efficient, active 90 form and that no substantial disintegration or change thereof had occurred. Example VI In accordance with this example, sizing solutions were made up as described in Example I except that citric acid, acetic acid, or dilutesulfuric acid were used to adjust the pH of the solution to the level described. The sizing solution was applied to the paper as described in Example I with similar results. no Example VII In accordance with this example, photographic paper stock as previously described was sized in a suitable manner with a gelatin-SMA solution as in Example I. The sized stock was then overcoated with a sensitized trans- 35 fer material useful in photomechanical reproduction processes similar to those described in U. S. Patent No. 2,596,756. The sizing had no deleterious effects on the sensitive materials which are obtained with regular formaldehyde hardened sized paper. 40 It can be seen from the foregoing that we have provided new and improved photographic paper product and method for the production thereof, in that, while the paper product is comparable to the prior art product in all general respects, nevertheless our product exhibits ini- 45 provement in that it is relatively free of instability due to prior art sizing. Our product may be made on existing equipment by substantially the same technique heretofore used, and in view of the limited amount of change thus ammonia, incorporating 10 to 50% by weight of said reaction product with gelatin while controlling the pH to less than 5 during said incorporation to form a polymericgclatin size and then applying said size to a surface of a good grade paper, at least partially drying the paper thus coated, whereby an improved paper for photographicuses is obtained. ammonia, incorporating to by weight of said reaction product with gelatin while controlling the pH to less than 5 during said incorporation to form apolymericgelatin size, and then applying said size to a surface of a good grade paper, at least partially drying the paper thus coated, whereby an improved paper for photographic uses is obtained. I 3. A process for the manufacture of an improved paper which is particularly adapted for use as a base material to receive photographic coatings which comprises obtaining a polymeric reaction product having the properties of the reaction product obtained by reacting styrene with maleic anhydride, followed by the treatment thereof with ammonia, incorporating from 40% to by weight of such polymeric reaction product with gelatin, during said incorporation maintaining a pH below 3.5 by adding a suitable amount of acid to the polymer-gelatin composition, thereafter applying said polymer-gelatin combination to at least one of the surfaces of a good grade paper whereby an improved paper for photographic purposes is obtained. 4. An improved treated paper particularly adapted for receiving photographic coatings comprising a paper base, a coating on at least one of the surfaces of said base, said coating being essentially comprised'of gelatin having incorporated therewith from 10% to 50% of a polymeric material obtained from the reaction of styrene with maleic anhydride and then with ammonia.. required, our invention readily adapts itself to applica- 50 tion to existing industry. We claim: References Cited in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 1,623,522 Bent Apr. 5, 1927 2,313,565 McDowell Mar. 9, 1943 FOREIGN PATENTS 676,459 Great Britain July so, 1952
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+1. Technical Field of the Invention
+The present invention relates generally to fuel supply systems for supplying fuel to the fuel injectors on an internal combustion engine and more particularly to a model predictive control closed-loop controller for an electronically controlled fuel supply system.
+2. Background of the Invention
+In the quest for high efficiency emissions-free internal combustion engines, engine manufacturers have attempted to develop engine fuel supply systems that achieve complete fuel combustion. One such system is the high pressure ignition (HPI) fuel system. Such systems require each fuel injector to achieve SAC pressures in excess of 30,000 psi during the injection cycle. In order to make such injection pressures possible, precise supply and control of both fuel and timing fluid to each engine fuel injector is required. In an HPI fuel system, the two most important system variables which need to be precisely controlled are the rail (injector fuel supply) and timing pressures.
+Several HPI fuel supply systems are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,971,016 issued to Peters et al., which is assigned to the assignee of the present application and incorporated herein in its entirety by reference. One such HPI fuel supply system is illustrated in FIG. 1 and indicated generally at 10. Fuel supply system 10 is a basic closed-loop electronically controlled injector fuel supply system. A gear pump 12 pumps fuel from a reservoir 14 into a fuel supply channel 16. A pressure regulator 18 regulates the pressure of the fuel in supply channel 16 as required before supply channel 16 bifurcates to form a fueling channel 20 and a timing fluid channel 22. A pulse width modulated solenoid pilot valve 24 is positioned on one side of a servo valve 26 in section 28 of the fueling channel 20, and a similar pulse width modulated solenoid pilot valve 30 is positioned on one side of a servo valve 32 in section 34 of the timing channel 22. Each of the solenoid valves is also connected to a drain line which ultimately provides a fluid connection between the valve and fluid reservoir 14. Drain line 36 allows fluid to flow from solenoid valve 24 to reservoir 14, and drain line 38 allows fluid to flow from solenoid valve 30 to reservoir 14. The fuel in reservoir lines 36 and 38 will have a lower pressure khan the fuel in lines 28 and 34. Restricted orifices 40 and 42 are positioned in channel sections 28 and 34, respectively, to assist in maintaining the appropriate pressure levels in these lines by restricting the flow of fuel past each of the servo valves. A pressure transducer 44 downstream of the servo valve 26 measures the pressure of the fuel in fuel channel 46, while a similar pressure transducer 48 measures the pressure of the timing fluid/fuel in channel 50. These pressure measurements are transmitted to an electronic control unit 52 (ECU). This electronic control unit, in its most basic form, requires only an engine throttle position signal 54 and an engine speed (RPM) signal 56 as input to control the pressure of the fuel in the channels 46 and 50. A lookup table (not shown) is included in ECU 52. The desired fuel and timing fluid pressures for specific engine throttle positions and engine speeds are programmed into the lookup table so that when the ECU 52 receives pressure information from the pressure transducers 44, 48, this pressure information is compared with the desired pressures for the specific engine throttle position and engine RPM and the ECU 52 transmits signals to the solenoid valves 24, 30, to set them accordingly. The position of the solenoid valve 30 will control the amount of timing fluid supplied to the injector and, therefore, the pressure of the timing fluid and the advance of timing. Similarly, the position of the solenoid valve 24 will control the amount of fuel supplied to the injector fuel rail and, therefore, the fuel pressure. Because this system includes a feedback signal indicative of the pressure produced by the control signal, it is referred to as a closed-loop control.
+Therefore, information regarding engine operating conditions is used to provide an output signal to each of the valves 24, 30 that will actuate each valve to set an appropriate pilot pressure on one side of each of the servo valves 26 and 32. The servo valve 26 in fueling channel 20 will then regulate the fuel flow until the pressure of the fuel flowing into fueling channel 46 is equal to the pilot pressure. The fuel in channel section 46 is then supplied at this pressure to a plurality of injector fuel passages, shown schematically at 58. The pressure of the fuel to be injected, therefore, is precisely controlled by the servo valve 26 in accordance with the pilot pressure set by the solenoid valve 24. Likewise, the servo valve in timing fluid channel 22 regulates the flow of timing fluid (fuel) into timing fluid channel section 50 so that the pressure of the timing fluid supplied to the injectors, shown schematically at 59, is equal to the pilot pressure set by the solenoid valve 30.
+Referring now to FIG. 2, there is indicated generally at 70 a prior art proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control structure, which may be implemented in the ECU 52 of FIG. 1, for example. Due to the noise in the pressure measurements from pressure transducers 44 and 48, the derivative portion of the algorithm is normally turned off. Therefore, the control structure 70 is practically a PI controller. The desired pressure 72 is calculated by the ECU 52 based upon throttle position 54 and engine speed 56. The actual pressure 74, as measured by either the pressure transducer 44 or 48, is also input to the PID algorithm 78 via the feedback path 76. Based upon a comparison of the desired pressure 72 and the fedback actual pressure 74, the PID algorithm 78 determines a commanded pressure 80. The commanded pressure 80 is chosen with the intent of causing the actual pressure 74 to equate with the desired pressure 72. The commanded pressure 80 is applied to a lookup table 82 which determines an appropriate duty cycle 84 to be applied to the respective pilot valve 24 or 30. The block 86 represents the system transfer function such that application of the duty cycle signal 84 to the system produces a pressure in the system as represented by the actual pressure 74. However, the actual pressure 74 as measured by pressure transducers 44 and 48, is subject to a noise component 88 which is associated with the firing frequency (and multiples and sub-multiples of it) plus any other system disturbances (such as gear pump pressure variation effects, timing fluid/injector fuel loop interactions, etc.). In order to counteract this noise component 88, prior art control systems such as the system 70 incorporate a filter 90 in the feedback path 76. The filter 90 is a 4-pole averaging filter, which effectively removes any noise component 88 at the firing frequency and multiples of this frequency, if pressure measurements are synchronized with engine speed measurements. However, the filter 90 cannot remove any sub-multiples of the firing frequency noise components in the pressure measurements.
+This inability of the prior art control structures to completely filter the noise component 88 creates serious problems in engine performance when a fast response time is required. For example, it is sometimes desirable to have a response time for a step-input to the fuel and timing pressure loops on the order of 30 to 50 milliseconds. FIG. 3 shows actual fuel rail pressure response obtained from a six-cylinder Cummins L10 engine controlled by the controller 70 of FIG. 2 using the parameters of Kpl=1.1 and KI=0.6. These parameters give a response time to a step input of approximately 50 milliseconds. This test was conducted at 600 RPM with 100-500 ft-lbs. torque changes. Although it is possible to tune the fuel rail pressure loop for fast system response, as demonstrated by the data in FIG. 3, it is not feasible in practice since timing stability is totally lost when the control parameters are selected for fast response. In other words, the faster the system response, the worse the timing stability becomes. There is therefore a need in the prior art for a fuel system control structure which allows for a fast response time as well as providing for timing stability. The present invention is directed towards meeting those needs.
+The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for model predictive control for HPI closed-loop fuel pressure control systems. The use of model predictive control of the fuel delivery system allows for both fast response time and timing stability, parameters which are mutually exclusive in prior art PID controllers. The present invention uses two feedback paths. A first feedback path contains an expected system output value generated by a model of the system. This path provides the desired fast system response. The second feedback path provides insensitivity to measurement noise by heavily filtering the error between the model output (expected value) and the actual system output. Because of the delay associated with the filtering operation, the dual feedback paths result in an initial fast (but approximated) system response, followed by a delayed correction to that response.
+In one form of the invention, a method of providing fast response from a first system controlled by a closed-loop control system is disclosed, comprising the steps of inputting a desired first system output signal to the control system, generating a first system input signal from the control system based on the desired first system output signal, generating an expected first system output signal based on the first system input signal, feeding back the expected first system output signal as a first feedback input to the control system, applying the first system input signal to the first system, generating an actual first system output signal from the first system, generating an error input signal equal to a difference between the actual first system output signal and the expected first system output signal, generating an error output signal based on the error input signal, and feeding back the error output signal as a second feedback input to the control system, wherein there is a delay between feedback of the first and second feedback inputs.
+In another form of the invention, a fuel pressure system employing model predictive closed-loop control is disclosed, comprising a reservoir adapted to hold a quantity of fuel, a fuel pump operable to supply the fuel to a fuel injection system at a rate, a pressure control device operatively coupled to the fuel injection system and operable to establish a fuel pressure in the fuel injection system, wherein the fuel is delivered to at least one fuel injector at the fuel pressure, a pressure transducer operatively coupled to the fuel injection system and operable to produce a measured fuel pressure signal proportional to the fuel pressure, and a control system operable to receive an input from the pressure transducer and provide a pressure control output to the pressure control device, wherein the control system generates the pressure control output using a model predictive first feedback signal and a second feedback signal based on the measured fuel pressure signal.
+In another form of the invention, a method of providing feedback in a closed-loop control system which controls a first system is disclosed, comprising the steps of calculating a first portion of a control algorithm in a feedforward path, predicting an expected output of the first system using a model of the first system, using the expected output to calculate a second portion of the control algorithm, thereby creating a first feedback input, feeding back the first feedback input to the first portion, computing an error between an actual output of the first system and the expected output, creating a second feedback input based on the error, and feeding back the second feedback input to the first portion, wherein both pole and zero locations of the control algorigthm may be assigned arbitrarily.
+The objects and features of the present invention will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description and appended drawings, illustrating embodiments of the present invention wherein:
+FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a prior art timing fluid and fuel supply system with associated control system;
+FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a prior art closed-loop PID control system;
+FIG. 3 is a graph of rail pressure versus time for an engine utilizing the prior art control system of FIG. 2;
+FIG. 4 is a power spectrum density measurement of the data of FIG. 3;
+FIG. 5 is tabular data comparing response time, attenuation of the 1/6 firing frequency, and timing stability of an engine utilizing the prior art control system of FIG. 2;
+FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a first embodiment control system of the present invention;
+FIG. 7 is a detailed block diagram of a portion of the control system of FIG. 6;
+FIG. 8 is a schematic representation of a prior art filter structure;
+FIG. 9 is a schematic representation of a first embodiment filter structure of the present invention;
+FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a second embodiment control system of the present invention;
+FIG. 11 is a block diagram illustrating a pole-zero assignment algorithm of the present invention;
+FIGS. 12a-d are graphs of rail pressure versus time for the same engine utilizing different prior art control systems, as well as control systems of the present invention;
+FIG. 13 is a graph of simulated rail pressure versus time in response to an input step function, for a prior art control system utilizing PID control with no measurement noise;
+FIG. 14 is a graph of duty cycle versus time for the control system used in FIG. 13;
+FIG. 15 is a graph of rail pressure noise versus time used in the simulations of FIGS. 16-19;
+FIG. 16 is a graph of rail pressure versus time for an engine controlled by a prior art PID closed-loop control system;
+FIG. 17 is a graph of duty cycle versus time for an engine controlled by a prior art PID closed-loop control system;
+FIG. 18 is a graph of rail pressure versus time for a closed-loop control system of the present invention; and
+FIG. 19 is a graph of duty cycle versus time for a closed-loop control tile illustrated device, and such further applications of the principles of the invention as illustrated therein being contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art to which tile invention relates.
+In order to determine what causes instability of the prior art control structure of FIG. 2 when tuned for fast response time, the power spectrum density of the fuel rail pressure measurement of FIG. 3 was determined. This power spectrum density is illustrated graphically in FIG. 4. The data of FIG. 4 shows that a frequency component in the fuel rail pressure signal equal to 1/6 the firing frequency becomes much more dominant when the prior art controller 70 is tuned for a fast response mode. This phenomenon occurs because the frequency response of the control system 70 changes as the parameters are altered for fast response, increasing amplification at 1/6 firing frequency. Because the prior art 4-pole filter 90 is unable to filter sub-multiples of the firing frequency, amplification of this 1/6 firing frequency component by the closed-loop system 70 causes unstable operation when the control system is tuned for fast response. FIG. 5 summarizes tile attenuation of the 1/6 firing frequency components for a PID control algorithm having various response times. In case A, the control system is tuned for a 700 millisecond response time, and the 1/6 firing frequency component is attenuated by 12 dB at 600 RPM. When tuned for a 400 millisecond response time, the attenuation decreases to 7 dB, while the attenuation completely disappears when the control system is tuned for a response time of 55 or 30 milliseconds (cases C and D). Actual operation of the prior art control system of FIG. 2 with a test engine indicates that timing stability gets worse as the attenuation of the 1/6 firing frequency component decreases. A similar result is obtained at 1800 RPM. The 1/6 firing frequency component could be eliminated by using a filter in the feedback loop having more poles, however such a filter would operate too slowly to allow the control system 70 to exhibit the desired fast response. Increased filtering and faster response tuning are therefore mutually exclusive in the prior art control system 70.
+Referring now to FIG. 6, there is illustrated a model predictive control closed-loop control system 100 of the present invention, which allows filtration of the 1/6 firing frequency component, and at the same time provides for fast closed-loop system response. As with the prior art closed-loop control system 70 of FIG. 2, the control system 100 uses the desired pressure 72 from the ECU 52 as an input to the PID algorithm 78 in order to calculate a commanded pressure 80. This commanded pressure 80 is input to a lookup table 82 which returns a duty cycle 84 that is applied to the solenoid valves 24 and 30. The system transfer function 86 determines the actual pressure 74 which results in the timing fluid and fuel rails. The inner control loop of FIG. 6 is based on a prediction of the system output through a model. The predicted system transfer function 102 accepts the commanded pressure 80 as an input and produces an expected pressure 104 as an output. The expected pressure 104 is predicted by the model 102 based on the expected response of the fuel system, and is not an actual measured pressure. The expected pressure 104 is fed back directly to the PID controller 78 via feedback path 106. This immediate feedback path allows the control system 100 to exhibit the desired fast response time. Since the model output does not contain any noise which must be filtered, the inner feedback loop 106 can be made to be arbitrarily fast. However, since this results in an open-loop structure, the outer loop 108 is required in order to make the system closed-loop. Because the inner loop 106 provides the fast system response, a relatively slow 24-pole averaging filter 110 may be used in the outer loop 108. The 24-pole filter 110 is capable of filtering sub-multiples of the firing frequency, including the 1/6 firing frequency component. The signal filtered by the filter 110 is the difference between the actual pressure 74 and the expected pressure 104. If the system model 102 matches the actual system transfer function 86 perfectly, then the signal input to the filter 110 contains only noise 88, which is reduced significantly by the 24-pole filter 110. In this case, little or no feedback signal is applied by path 108, nor is any required since the expected pressure 104 accurately predicted the actual pressure 74. If, on the other hand, the model 102 does not predict the actual system response 86 exactly, then the outer feedback loop contains the noise 88 plus any discrepancy between the actual pressure 74 and the expected pressure 104 (the discrepancy between the model output and the actual system output). Once filtered, this discrepancy is fed back in order to correct the actual pressure 74. The result of the dual feedback loops 106 and 108 is that the system will have a very fast initial response to a change in the desired pressure 72, followed by a slower correction to this response through the delayed feedback signal 108. The fast initial response is very close to the desired system response, which is then fine-tuned when the feedback signal 108 from the filter 110 becomes available. By allowing removal of the low frequency noise components in the pressure measurements, the predictive control system 100 of the present invention enables both fast and stable response to changes in timing fluid and injector fuel pressure.
+FIG. 7 illustrates an expanded block diagram of a portion of the predictive control system 100 of FIG. 6. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the fuel system actuator response is estimated by a first order model that contains just one parameter, the time constant Tau of the actuator. Both the system transfer function 86 and the predictive model 102 exhibit first order linear system dynamics, where Tau has a constant value in the time domain. K represents the gain of the solenoid valves 24 and 30. FIG. 8 illustrates the filter structure of the prior art filter 90, while FIG. 9 illustrates the filter structure of the filter 110 used in the predictive control system 100. The filtering amount is based on the frequency components of the pressure signals. Because the pressure measurements are synchronized with engine speed, the filter is a variable frequency filter and it is a function of engine speed. With the filter 110, the noise component of the measured signal is minimized for all operating conditions.
+The use of the predictive control concept of the present invention is not limited to controllers employing a PID control algorithm in the feedforward path. For example, FIG. 10 illustrates a block diagram of a predictive control system 120 using a PI controller in the feedforward path as well as a compensator in the feedback path. This method employs predictive control with a pole-zero assignment algorithm. This control system performs exactly the same as the predictive control with PID format illustrated in FIG. 6, but has the very significant advantage of increased ease of tuning of the controller parameters. This is because on-line (automatic) tuning of the pressure loops are possible with the pole-zero assignment algorithm. The PID function is divided between a forward controller 112 and a feedback controller 114, giving two degrees of freedom compared to the single degree of freedom of the controller 78 of FIG. 6. The user can specify the desired closed-loop settling time and the estimated open-loop settling time, and all controller parameters can be calculated automatically in software. The trial and error methods used in tuning prior art controllers, therefore, can be avoided.
+The pole-zero assignment algorithm of the controller 120 is illustrated in FIG. 11. If the process transfer function is designated as B/A, then it is necessary to identify the controller polynomials T, R and S such that the closed-loop will have the desired transfer function Bm /Am. If the desired closed-loop transfer function is Bm /Am, then a unique combination of T, R, and S polynomials exist and can be easily determined for a given process transfer function B/A as indicated in FIG. 11. Use of the pole-zero assignment algorithm has several advantages over the PID structure. In the PID structure, it is not possible to adjust both zero and pole locations arbitrarily while this is possible in the pole-zero assignment algorithm. In practice, therefore, it is much easier to tune the pole-zero assignment algorithm than to tune a PID controller. Also, tile PID structure applies the same response to desired pressures, measurement noise, and other disturbances. In the pole-zero assignment algorithm, it is possible to have different response characteristics to desired pressures, measurement noise, and other disturbances. In other words, sensitivity to disturbances and measurement noise can be adjusted by the user.
+FIGS. 12a-d depict the dramatic reduction in injector fuel rail pressure variations achieved by the model predictive control system of the present invention. All data was taken using a Cummins L10 engine running at 600 RPM with 500 ft-lbs torque steady-state conditions. In FIG. 12a, the fuel rail pressure is given without filtering of any kind. The data indicates a maximum 100% error from the desired 4 PSI value. FIG. 12b shows the same data after installation of a 45 Hz hardware filter. Some improvement is obtained, however the fuel rail pressure still exhibits a high degree of variation. FIG. 12c illustrates tile fuel rail pressure with the addition of the prior art closed-loop control system 70 of FIG. 2. Further improvement is exhibited, however pressure swings of up to 2 psi still exist. FIG. 12d shows the fuel rail pressure when the model predictive control closed-loop structure 100 of FIG. 6, using the 24-pole averaging filter 110, is used. It is readily apparent that the fuel rail pressure has been stabilized and exhibits no appreciable variation.
+Computer simulations of engine performance using both the prior art controller 70 of FIG. 2 and the model predictive control closed-loop controller of the present invention illustrate the significant advantages achieved through use of predictive control. In all of the following simulations, the valve actuator is modeled as a first order system having a time constant (Tau) of 33 milliseconds. FIG. 13 illustrates the step response of a fuel rail pressure loop using the prior art PID controller 70 when there is no noise in the fuel pressure measurements. The line 120 represents tile desired pressure, while the line 122 represents tile actual pressure. FIG. 14 represents the duty cycle output of the same control structure. As seen from these Figures, no problem exists in reaching a 30 millisecond settling time with the PID structure 70 in deterministic conditions. Furthermore, the commanded duty cycle is stable. FIG. 15 is a graph of actual noise in the fuel rail pressure measurements taken from an engine running at 600 RPM and 100 ft-lbs torque. This noise was used in the simulation program to produce all of the following data having noise in the pressure measurements. In FIG. 16, the desired fuel rail pressure step 120 is plotted with the simulated actual fuel rail pressure using the PID controller 70 when the noise of FIG. 15 is present in the pressure measurements. It can be seen that while the 30 millisecond settling time is achieved, there is significant variation in the actual fuel rail pressures. FIG. 17 is a graph of the commanded duty cycle of the solenoid fuel valves for the same system. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the commanded duty cycle variation is extremely large and is the reason for unstable engine operation in actual tests using this controller tuned to a 30 millisecond response time. The PID gains for these simulations are KPl=3.75 and KI=0.6.
+In the case of model predictive control using the PID structure, such as controller 100 of FIG. 6, and a no noise condition, the predictive control structure will perform exactly the same as the prior art PID structure without noise. When noise is added into the fuel pressure measurements, however, the actual fuel rail pressure 126 of FIG. 18 and the duty cycle of FIG. 19 result. A comparison of the stable commanded duty cycle of FIG. 19, using the model predictive control system of FIG. 6, with the highly unstable commanded duty cycle of FIG. 17, using the prior art PID control system, gives an indication of the significant improvements possible with the model predictive control system.
+By John Schroyer
+The Internal Revenue Service has begun probing the large cash transactions of dozens of Colorado marijuana companies, sparking uncertainty and unease among cannabis entrepreneurs.
+The audits – focusing on Form 8300 – have raised the specter of money laundering charges. But legal experts are divided over whether such fears are overblown.
+“It’s not necessarily something that a marijuana business has to freak out about. All cash-intensive industries are subject to Form 8300 filing requirements,” Colorado attorney Rachel Gillette, who has already settled multiple Form 8300 audits, said.
+Others aren’t so sanguine, including one business owner who is used to dealing with the IRS over issues such as 280E. The IRS is examining his company’s failure to file Form 8300, which involves reporting cash payments received of more than $10,000.
+That type of scrutiny is something new, said the business owner, who asked to remain anonymous so as not to draw the attention of the IRS.
+“So I’m looking at this with my tax attorney, and it’s pretty serious,” he said. “They’re not ruling out criminal charges. And, as a matter of fact, I know a couple of the audits have come from the fraud division of the IRS.”
+Any company or person in a trade or business that receives more than $10,000 in cash in a single transaction or in related transactions must file a Form 8300.
+Think auto dealers, attorneys and, of course, cannabis companies – especially wholesalers. And, as the IRS notes: “Drug dealers and smugglers often use large cash payments to ‘launder’ money from illegal activities.”
+Until now, Form 8300 hadn’t been a concern among marijuana industry businesses.
+The IRS is changing that. At least 30 Colorado businesses have been hit with Form 8300 audits in recent weeks, said Colorado attorney Jim Thorburn, who represents multiple marijuana companies facing such audits. The main problem, he said, is there’s considerable uncertainty surrounding around the audits and what they could presage.
+Questions Without Answers
+Thorburn’s concerns mainly stem from an IRS questionnaire agents have used in the audits. The questionnaire was obtained by a cannabis industry attorney and shared.
+It contains queries unrelated to a standard 8300 audit, such as: “How many plants do you grow per year?” and “How many times did you harvest them during the examination period?”
+“What the IRS agents are telling us is that this is strictly civil, and that it’s educational,” Thorburn said. “If you take them on their word, on the surface, then it would be civil. The question is, are they being completely candid with us? And we just don’t know. And when we see a lot of these questions that are being asked, it raises more questions. Is this going criminal? I don’t know.”
+He also raised the possibility of the IRS working together with the U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of Justice to develop money laundering charges against cannabis companies. He noted that in April 2015 the IRS signed a memorandum of understanding with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to share information.
+Thorburn worries the Form 8300 audits could lead to federal money laundering charges, which carry stiff penalties – up to 20 years in prison and a half million dollar fine per violation.
+But others said that while the situation isn’t as serious as that, it deserves attention.
+Gillette, the Colorado attorney, said she first got hold of the questionnaire during an audit. She advises any marijuana company to retain a lawyer and not answer anything that’s unrelated.
+“If they’re not relevant to the audit, then you don’t have to answer them,” Gillette said. “They’ll ask for the moon, the sun, the stars and the sky. But you give them what’s relevant to the audit.”
+The worst that’ll likely happen, she added, is a fine of $100 per missed Form 8300 for the 2015 tax year, and then $250 per missed form for the 2016 tax year. If the federal government really wanted to build a criminal case against Colorado cannabis companies, she said, they could simply walk in the front door.
+“You have a sign on your building that says, ‘Come in and buy some marijuana,’” Gillette said. “It couldn’t be more obvious, if they wanted to build a case against you from a criminal standpoint. They don’t need to go about it this way.”
+Can They Be Trusted?
+But it may not be so simple. Just because the situation isn’t necessarily explosive doesn’t mean it can’t backfire.
+That’s California attorney Henry Wykowski’s read on the Form 8300 audits that have begun in Colorado. He expects them to spread to other states. Wykowski was contacted by Thorburn, and after going over all the relevant documentation – including the IRS questionnaire – he dubbed it “concerning.”
+“I see this as a very dangerous development,” said Wykowski, who has a lengthy history of fighting the IRS in court on behalf of the marijuana industry.
+“‘How did you get started in the business?’ What the hell does that have to do with how much money a business is making? These are just talking points,” Wykowski said. “If you gave them this information under the guise of a civil audit, you would be making admissions that – if they decided to charge you criminally – could be used against you in a trial.”
+Wykowski’s guess, however, is that the IRS is compiling basic information on the marijuana industry.
+And he’s exactly right, said Jacque Riordon, a 29-year IRS veteran involved in criminal investigations who also spent several years as a cannabis consultant.
+“The IRS is a bit behind the eight ball, because there were no audit standards. They’re trying to learn as much about the industry as they can so they can move forward,” Riordon said. “So if people are willing to answer those questions, they’re happy to take those answers and put them in their toolbox for when they put their standard procedures together.”
+As far as criminal charges and penalties go, Riordon added, that’s a stretch unless there’s an obvious pattern of deliberate noncompliance.
+She also said there was “nothing extraordinary” about the memorandum signed between the IRS and FinCEN. All a business must do once it’s audited is pay the penalties, file the forms, and remain in compliance.
+But, she added, marijuana businesses outside of Colorado shouldn’t be surprised to undergo Form 8300 audits in another year, especially given the industry’s widespread ignorance about the requirement.
+“I was kind of expecting this was going to be an area of concern, because it not only impacts growers and dispensaries, it impacts all the ancillary businesses as well,” Riordon said.
+Riordon also agreed with Gillette and Wykowski that the IRS is delving too deeply with its questionnaire, and that cannabis businesses that get audited should retain attorneys and not answer unrelated questions.
+“The scope of an 8300 audit should be: ‘How many of your customers paid you in excess of $10,000 in cash? How often? Who were they? How were the events triggered? Did you file an 8300? If not, why not?'” Riordon said.
+Asked if he thinks the IRS is planning prosecutions around the audits, or if he – like Gillette – thinks Thorburn is making a mountain out of a molehill, Wykowski was circumspect.
+“The scary thing about our criminal justice system is that our prosecutors have wide discretion as to what cases to prosecute and what cases not to,” Wykowski said. “I wouldn’t rule out a prosecution for an 8300 offense. I would hope not. But I wouldn’t rule it out.”
+John Schroyer can be reached at [email protected]
+Well it’s pretty simple in terms of the plants/harvest. They figure there’s going to be a few big outliers…clear instances of illegal sales…where people don’t bother to lie. If they do lie, somewhere there’s someone who knows roughly how many plants they actually have…then they still get them. Technically, because illegal sales ARE TAXABLE and can be assumed to have been paid in cash…then if it appears you have enough that there are more $10,000 sales it is related to the audit. Whether or not they can prove it doesn’t really matter…in the end if you’re doing illegal stuff here (beyond the normal “legal” illegal sales) you’re going to get caught.
+Exactly with an audit or any examination with authority figures don’t tell much and definitely don’t volunteer anything. Also, unless you know the law you will need your attorney there.
+Recognizing that the IRS audit beef-up is, as usual, several years behind, I agree that caution and tax counsel (even if you believe you “know the law”) are well-advised, at least until we know more about where the IRS, FinCen, and DOJ are going with this, and I suggest we all watch carefully to see what modifications are made to the questionnaire in the months ahead.
+I think this is the first Federal government steps to stop recreational cannabis altogether. The next President, Hillary Clinton, is adamantly anti cannabis with the last bill she proposed on the topic as a senator having federal, mandatory 6 mos diversion and 2 year driver’s license suspension for testing positive for THC.
+You are either incorrect or a liar.
+The Democratic Party platform makes a path for legal cannabis.
+Yes, it does, but only because its popular. Hillary Clinton will swing to any popular social justice movement that she opposed years ago (gay marriage for example). I can’t speak to the accuracy of the statement above by Brandon, but I can say it would not surprise me in the slightest.
+More illegal taxation without representation. Google (the great marijuana tax robbery)
+The pot ‘industry’ is filled with gangsters. The arrest of many in it would be for the public good.
+oh heaven forbid we leave the banking, mortgage investors and Wall Street gangsters out of that equation. Now those are true gangsters! Funny thing is I know a lot of caregivers in the MMJ industry who are anything but gangsters who have sacrificed their lives to help the sick and infirmed.
+Well the banking sector is starting to open their vaults to the cannabis industry slowly, but surely. Weed App Financial currently has over 35 FDIC Insured Banks accepting dispensary accounts nationwide. There is a vetting process to compliancy, however it creates a solid financial foundation moving forward.
+never tell me Obozo is a green President. This could have been fixed eight years ago.
+heck I got audited several times had to go to tax office. one trick I can tell works real well. BRING A TAPE RECORDER, USE IT. THEY WILL TELL YOU IT IS NOT ALLOWED NOT TRUE JUST ASK THEIR BOSS TO SHOW YOU WHERE IT IS WRITTEN I CAN’T USE IT. WORKS EVERYTIME OF COURSE TODAY THAT MAY BE DIFFERENT. I DID BATTLE WITH IRS MANY TIMES in fact I am in a fight now with fed irs and maine irs both at once. my trial is to start 7/26/2016 I am 76 years old and sick and tired of the way irs treats us. I called irs in maine and complained about taxes, next thing you know I was arrested, put in prison for 2 weeks JUST BECAUSE I COMPLAINED ABOUT THE IRS. MATTER OF FACT, I JUST GOT OUT TODAY .
+Just because it’s not written anywhere that it’s not allowed doesn’t mean that it is allowed… They probably just didn’t want to deal with you if they let you go, but regardless, they have the authority to tell you what you can and can’t bring to an audit. I’m sure it says nowhere that you can’t bring a boombox playing on loud, or even a vibrator taped to your chest (I don’t know…weird thing that’s legal)…but I can probably guarantee that you’d have to get rid of either.
+Thanks for informing the industry on these Form 8300 audits. For those of us working IRS filings and exams on a daily basis for our MMJ clients, the more information we share with our colleagues, the better. From my perspective with working IRS audits in CA, the IRS ask many questions “outside” the scope to gather information for a future IRM on Audit Technique Guide for our industry. Mark my words, by 2020, there will be a ATG for the MMJ industry, which will closely resemble the IRS ATG for cash intensive businesses, with some specifics regarding 280E and 263 thrown in. I know 2020 sounds like a far ways away, but on the IRS timeline, that is very fast. I remember working a case related to Enron, in 2012. Enron went bankrupt in 2002. Give the IRS ten years, and they likely will catch up with industry.
+But murder someone and only get 10 years or less. Yep. Makes a lot sense .
+I’d been in this situation before, so it wasn’t confusion that I felt. Awe definition, an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures. Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-21 Usage Frequency: 1 awed v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. I’ m in AWE of YOU LORD I submit my HEART to YOU. We provide Filipino to English Translation. Quality: Translate filipino english. Quality: It had rained all day, and I could feel the moisture in the air. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-02-08 I worked on it. … ... WATCH: Tokyo gov speaks in Tagalog to address Filipino residents on COVID-19. Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of you. I found the sign I was unconsciously looking for, and dialed the number, almost automatically. Advertisement. (verse 2) You are beautiful beyond description, Yet God crushed You for my sin, ... Pusong Dalisay - A Pure Heart (Tagalog) - Lyrics and Chords Cash and Carrie: US-sanctioned Hong Kong leader has no bank account. How to use awestruck in a sentence. Human translations with examples: nauurat, pangadlay, tabi tabi, di kanais nais, asa ka muadto?, awe sa tagalog. A thing that I had so clearly owned had vanished. My Jeep could take the hit, no problem. Usage Frequency: 2 After 10 minutes, I had noticeably chipped away at the metal. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2016-07-08 I decided to take control of the situation. For some reason, I’d always loved thunderstorms. Translate filipino tagalog. Human translations with examples: bane, pusa, sindak, kumubkob, solitari, ibigok kahulugan, kahulugan ng awe. Found 202 sentences matching phrase "we".Found in 3 ms. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-24 Quality: I started walking. Disappeared. stemming. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-22 Quality: I was not going to let somebody impose their own structure on me. Filipino dictionary. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-08 Quality: Tagalog translator. Quality: A brief moment passed that felt longer than it should have felt. Neither group was told to confine their walks to parks or to avoid urban settings, Sturm says. Thank you for showing ME worthiness and pursuing ME. My hand was cramped. Quality: By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Improve your Filipino vocabulary Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-28 Either someone had broken the window, hot wired my car and driven off, or some vulture towed it as part of his job description. Usage Frequency: 1 I pray for my FRIENDS. I had parked in the same spot as last time. Filipino translator. It was my second time visiting this new friend in this new town. Usage Frequency: 1 The towing company was a small local company, so I assumed they didn’t have enough disposable resources to justify fighting a legal battle over a lost tow fee. Showing page 1. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-22 Awesome definition is - inspiring awe. Last Update: 2018-07-22 There would probably be fences, and they would probably be locked up with a chain. I was betting on the fact that pursuing me would be too much of a cost to be worth it. awe | 101 followers on LinkedIn | SPATIAL AUDIO FOR XR, 360° VIDEO & INSTALLATIONS | AWE is a Copenhagen based startup. Author TagalogLang Posted on October 13, 2020 October 14, 2020 Categories TAGALOG-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Tags no audio yet Leave a Reply Cancel reply … Contextual translation of "meaning awe" into Tagalog. Quality: Filipino translator. In that bag was a ski mask, so I could conceal my face in the likely event that I was caught on a security camera. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-20 My heart was pounding. I must have been working at it for 30 minutes. I jumped the fence easily and stealthily made my way to my car. Your COMFORT, JOY, PEACE , LOVE and Filipino dictionary. Translate english tagalog. Filipino dictionary. I was heading for the tow company lot. salamat yoy sa pagpapakita sa akin ng karapat-dapat at porsuing sa akinDear LORD, Thank you for loving ME , thank you for giving ME. My own possession, which I had worked for and paid for, which had carried me on multiple journeys across the country, which is uniquely part of my story and mine alone, had been ripped away from me. Translation memories are created by human, but … Usage Frequency: 1 We use cookies to enhance your experience. I pray for my FRIENDS. GUIDANCE and be carried by YOU. Quality:. Quality: Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Showing page 1. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-23 shock and awe From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English shock and awe ˌshock and ˈawe noun [ uncountable ] the very quick use of a very large amount of force by the military , in order to make the enemy no longer want to fight We use cookies to enhance your experience. The air smelled like rain and it brought back that same sense of peace and calm I used to have. I stand, I stand in awe of you. I stand, I stand in awe of you. Usage Frequency: 1 add example. Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 1 I would be difficult to locate. Quality: Thank you for loving ME , thank you for giving ME. If I screamed, I felt as if the sound would fade to silence no more than 2 inches from my face, reaching nobody. jw2019. It wouldn’t budge. I opened it up, located my ski mask, put it on, and grabbed the pliers. I stuck with it. Reference: Anonymous. Usually, these words are part of the everyday conversations of the people most especially the millennial. Usage Frequency: 1 By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. I’ m in AWE of YOU LORD I submit my HEART to YOU. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-12-01 I may not KNOW their troubles but YOU do. Quality: I pray for my FRIENDS. Is the Word awesome Overused? Usage Frequency: 1 Translate filipino tagalog. AMEN. Today, I pray for my FAMILY. It is very important for non-Tagalog speakers or learners of the language to be familiar with the Tagalog slang words or phrases for their safety and to get along with the native speakers. Last Update: 2019-12-10 Usage Frequency: 1 Bookmark This Site. Usage Frequency: 1 The awe walkers, like the control group, were asked to walk outdoors. Translate filipino tagalog. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Isalin filipino tagalog. Nowadays, there are a lot of English words that are more commonly used now compared before. Filipino translator. I’ m in AWE of YOU LORD I submit my HEART to YOU. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-11 I looked at my watch and less than 5 minutes had passed. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Quality: Previously buildar.com awe makes it easy for anyone to create and view Virtual and Augmented Reality (Mixed Reality) using just their web browser. It was time to make the move. My license plates were attached to my old address, halfway across the country. Similar phrases in dictionary English Tagalog. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Mynci90, I stepped outside. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2018-04-12 A collection of useful phrases in Tagalog, an Austronesian language spoken mainly in the Philippines. Translate filipino english. We were right in the thick of the chaos, but it didn’t feel like it. I had nothing but my words with which to fight for what was rightfully mine, and my words didn’t matter. This might take some work, but it could be done. Filipino translator. Translate filipino english. My stomach dropped. /> en 7 Jehovah’s Witnesses know that they owe “subjection to the superior authorities,” the governmental rulers. Quality: Reference: Anonymous, salamat sa pag-ibig kahit na hindi karapat-dapat ito, Last Update: 2020-08-12 Quality: I’ m in. (1) owing to dahil sa. Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-29 I saw my apartment, but kept walking. Awe_2018_Telugu_Proper_HDRip_x264_700MB_ESubs Watch online Download Subtitles Searcher: 1CD 16/07/2019 23.976: 59x srt: 0.0: 0: 8.0: kakaroto96: Awe! Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 1 Human translations with examples: padpao, biodata, deplorable, gal sa tagalog, awe sa tagalog, goth sa tagalog. I could climb over the fence no problem; I had done so many times before. Thank you for loving ME , thank you for giving ME. I kept trying. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-10 I pray for my FRIENDS. I found the weak spot and tried to pry it open. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-02-07 November 28, 2020. Today, I pray for my FAMILY. Tagalog. Filipino dictionary. I had my snowboard and a bag of winter clothes in my car since I hadn’t fully moved into my new place yet. salamat yoy sa pagpapakita sa akin ng karapat-dapat at porsuing sa akinDear LORD, “What kind of car is it?…Uhhh…yeah I’m pretty sure we have it…Well I dunno for sure, I haven’t seen it…They’re closed…Monday at 8:30 am………I’m in Georgia, bud…8:30 Monday…” Usage Frequency: 1 We also provide more translator online here. Once the chain was loosened, it was a matter of busting through the fence. This article contains Tagalog slang words, common phrases and profanity that are used almost in everyday speech. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-06-22 Find more Filipino words at wordhippo.com! Meaning of "awe" awe • No exact match found. I may not KNOW their troubles but YOU do. Tagalog. Inflections of 'awe' (v): (⇒ conjugate) awes v 3rd person singular awing v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." That way the license plate they had on file would no longer be valid. We were right in the thick of the chaos, but it didn’t feel like it. ‘Colin was in awe of the city and loved the view of the life he wished to live.’ ‘For all his confidence, in a strange way he was in awe of some of the senior players and their experiences.’ ‘I was in the Dolomites with, you know, huge, soaring mountains and the locals were in awe … Usage Frequency: 1 Awestruck definition is - filled with awe. I needed to register my car in my new state anyways, which I would do first thing that week. Contextual translation of "awe in visaya" into Tagalog. Quality: Found 202 sentences matching phrase "aware".Found in 4 ms. "She laughed." | AWE is the authority in precision automotive engineering for enthusiast automobiles. I was in charge of my own freedom and I wouldn’t let anybody take that away from me. Thank you for showing ME worthiness and pursuing ME. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-09-14 Today, I pray for my FAMILY. I looked around, as if to second-guess the fact that I was standing here, in this spot, right now. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-21 Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand In awe of you . aware translation in English-Tagalog dictionary. Filipino words for awe include sindak, hanga, pakundangan, pangingimi and pitagan. Quality: They reminded me of nights from my childhood when my family would gather on the porch, blanketed by the safety of our house, watching the violent swirl of rain and lightning rip through the neighborhood from what seemed like a far distance. I ran over to the fence. Usage Frequency: 2 It had rained all day, and I could feel the moisture in the air. All 6 of us would stand together, silent, in awe of the powerful and destructive force of nature unfolding before our eyes, invoking a sense of peace and calm within each of us. I felt happy. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: It was still wet. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 6, Usage Frequency: 2, I stepped outside. It was a 30 minute walk to the lot, so I had some time to devise my plan. Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 1 How to use awesome in a sentence. AMEN.e. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 I paced around with an air of haste. My fists were tightly clenched. Precision automotive engineering since 1991. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Quality: Usage Frequency: 6 Translation of 'I stand in awe of you' by Worship Songs - Various Religions from English to Filipino/Tagalog ... And I stand, I stand, in awe of you. My sense of peace and calm had transformed in a matter of moments. Last Update: 2016-07-08 Quality: Translate filipino english. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2016-10-27 For some reason, I’d always loved thunderstorms. Tagalog translator. Today, I pray for my FAMILY. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-04-07 Quality: MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. I’m a big believer in not over-complicating things, so I assumed the more reasonable latter. » synonyms and related words: a awa away ay. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. See more. Quality:
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+Secret agents
+Spies. They operate in the shadows. The public isn't supposed to know who they are. Perhaps as a result, the most famous spies out there tend to be pretend: James Bond, Jason Bourne and Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan.
+Occasionally, though, the curtain gets pulled back, whether through betrayal or just time. Here are 10 stories of spies whose tales have become public.
+Spy vs. Trump
+After CNN reported on Jan. 11, 2017, that U.S. intelligence chiefs had briefed president-elect Donald Trump on allegations that Russia had dirt on him, Buzzfeed quickly followed by posting the entire leaked dossier. The documents contain unverified claims that Russia had assisted Trump, feeding him intelligence about his opponents, and offering him sweetheart real-estate deals. The documents also claim that Russia's Federal Security Service has salacious blackmail material on Trump's sexual activities while visiting Moscow.
+At first, the claims in the report were attributed only to a former spy that the U.S. government had reason to trust. Within a day, however, Reuters reported that the person who compiled the dossier was a former British intelligence officer named Christopher Steele.
+According to the news agency, Steele spied under diplomatic cover. The U.K. newspaper The Independent reported that he'd worked in the United Kingdom's embassy in Moscow as well as in Paris. Steele is the founder of Orbis Business Intelligence, a private firm in London. As of Jan. 12, he had fled his home and was in hiding as a result of the dossier becoming public.
+Valerie Plame
+Valerie Plame was a covert operator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) — though until she was outed in the pages of the Washington Post in 2003, she seemed to be just another D.C.-area professional.
+Plame was deep undercover working in counter-proliferation, she told "60 Minutes" in 2007. Her job was to gather intelligence and recruit spies to ensure that bad actors didn’t acquire nuclear weapons, she said. That all ended when the late reporter Robert Novak revealed her to be a CIA spy; subsequently, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage said he had inadvertently revealed Plame's status to Novak.
+No one was charged with leaking Plame's identity, though a Department of Justice investigation probed whether the Bush administration had outed Plame as revenge for her husband's opposition to the Iraq war. In the process of that investigation, administration advisor and lawyer Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for perjury, making false statements and obstruction of justice.
+Libby was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, a sentence later commuted by president George W. Bush. Plame now lives in New Mexico.
+Alexander Litvinenko
+A former agent in the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia's spy agency, Alexander Litvinenko fled to the United Kingdom in 2000, after being arrested twice in Russia because he and his colleagues accused higher-ups in the FSB of ordering the murder of Boris Berezovsky. Berezovsky was a businessman who had been critical of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
+Litvinenko spent his time in exile speaking out against Putin. On Nov. 1, 2006, he became seriously ill. He had been poisoned, doctors found, by radioactive polonium-210, which had been put in his tea that day at London's Millennium Hotel. Litvinenko died three weeks later of radiation poisoning, as reported by the BBC.
+A British investigation accused two former Russian agents, Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun, of carrying out the poisoning. The agents denied the charges and Russia refused extradition; a 2016 inquiry by the British government found that Litvinenko's poisoning was "probably" approved by Putin, according to the BBC.
+Ethel Rosenberg
+Ethel Rosenberg is one of the most famous names associated with clandestine activities, but it's not clear she was even guilty of espionage. Rosenberg was convicted of treason along with her husband Julius in 1951, accused of sharing secrets about the U.S. atomic program with Russia. Both were executed in 1953. As recently as December 2016, the two sons of the Rosenbergs were petitioning President Obama to exonerate their late mother, CBS reported. Ethel Rosenberg was born Ethel Greenglass in 1915 in New York City, according to her biography on Atomic Archive. She worked as a secretary until marrying her husband Julius and having the couples' sons. The couple were members of the American Communist Party until 1943, an affiliation that would not serve them well in the charged Cold War climate of their trial. The primary witness in the case against the couple was Ethel's brother David Greenglass, who was convicted of stealing nuclear weapons intelligence from Los Alamos, New Mexico, according to the New York Times. Documents released in 2015 reveal that Greenglass did not initially implicate Ethel in grand jury testimony, according to CBS; years later, Greenglass would tell the New York Times he lied about Ethel Rosenberg's involvement to distract suspicion from his wife.
+Virginia Hall
+A World War II-era female spy with a wooden leg? It seems too fantastic to be true, but Virginia Hall's tale is the stuff of high drama. This eventual CIA spy was 27 when she lost her lower left leg in a hunting accident, according to the agency's biography of her. She nicknamed her prosthetic leg "Cuthbert."
+The Baltimore native was told she could not join the foreign service because of her disability. Instead, she joined the ambulance corps in France at the beginning of World War II. From there, she volunteered for the British Special Operations Executive and set to work organizing resistance activities against the German occupiers in France. The Nazis called her "the most dangerous of all Allied spies" and were determined to eliminate her.
+They never could. After the war, Hall continued covert operations in Europe before joining the CIA in 1951. She worked there until the mandatory retirement age of 60.
+Oleg Gordievsky
+What's a spy story without its double agents? Oleg Gordievsky joined the KGB in 1961. But starting in 1971, Gordievsky had another boss: MI6, the British intelligence service.
+Gordievsky's double life caught up with him in 1985, according to a 2015 Smithsonian profile. He received word from Moscow that he was to come home from his posting in London.
+"Cold fear started to run down my back," Gordievsky told Smithsonian Magazine. "Because I knew it was a death sentence."
+He'd been found out, but with reassurance from MI6 that he hadn't been compromised, he returned to Moscow anyway. He was drugged and accused of being a double agent, but not arrested; the Soviets were waiting for him to contact the British to arrest him, Gordievsky told Smithsonian Magazine. From there, Gordievsky's life started to resemble a movie plot. The British slipped him an escape plan hidden in the cover of a novel; his signal to flee was the sight of a British person eating something at a designated place and time. He made his way to the Finnish border, where three British agents met him with an SUV specially modified so that the fleeing spy could hide in the space where the driveshift would normally be. Gordievsky now lives in the U.K. and has authored several books on the KGB.
+Melita Norwood
+Melita Norwood almost got away with it. As a secretary at the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, she passed information to the Soviet Union about metallurgy research used to develop atomic bombs, according to her obituary. Her code name was Hola.
+KGB archivist Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin revealed Norwood's identity in 1999, by which time she was an 87-year-old grandmother living in southeast London. She told the BBC at the time that in general she didn't agree with spying on one's own country, but that she was motivated to spy to support Russia's new communist system.
+"I did what I did not to make money but to help prevent the defeat of a new system which had at great cost given ordinary people food and fares which they could afford, good education and a health service," Norwood said. She was never prosecuted, and died in 2005.
+Kim Philby
+One of the most notorious KGB moles ever was Kim Philby, the son of a British explorer and colonial official in the Middle East who was recruited as a Soviet spy during his time at Cambridge University. In a 1981 speech to the German Stasi, unearthed in 2016, Philby said his place in the upper class provided his cover as he worked his way up to a job in MI6. It was easy to pass secret information to the Russians, he claimed — he simply befriended an archivist who would let him take documents home.
+In 1951, Philby left MI6 under suspicion that he was a mole. He was exonerated in 1955 and went to Beirut as a journalist, working again as spy for Russia. He came under suspicion again by British intelligence. He fled, defecting to Russia in 1963. He died there in 1988, reportedly disappointed in Russian communism.
+Harriet Tubman
+Harriet Tubman is famous for her work shuttling hundreds of enslaved people to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Tubman escaped slavery herself in 1849. Between 1851 and 1860, she made 19 trips to liberate around 300 people from slavery.
+But Tubman was also a spy. During the Civil War, she volunteered at Fort Monroe, Virginia, as a cook and a nurse. After the Emancipation Proclamation in 1963, Tubman was able to take an official position in the Union Army, according to the Harriet Tubman Historical Society. She was a scout and spy charged with creating escape routes for slaves. In a famous raid, the Combahee River Raid, Tubman led 150 black soldiers to liberate 750 slaves in South Carolina.
+Robert Hanssen
+For 22 years, Robert Hanssen sold American secrets to the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in what a U.S. Department of Justice report would dub the "worst intelligence disaster in U.S. history."
+Hanssen was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent who started selling intelligence only three years after joining the agency in 1979.
+"Hanssen usually collected this material in the normal routine of an FBI manager privy to classified information that crossed his desk or came up in conversation with colleagues," according to the DOJ report. He also downloaded data from the FBI's record system, including the identities of U.S. intelligence agents. Hanssen told investigators his motives were purely financial and that he planned to make a little money. He ended up making $1.4 million in diamonds and cash.
+Hanssen was arrested in 2001 and is serving 15 consecutive life sentences at a supermax prison in Colorado.
+Shown here, the so-called Ellis drop site; under this footbridge over Wolftrap Creek in Vienna, Hanssen placed a package of highly classified information for his Russian handlers to pick up.
+You’re busy, and The A.V. Club understands that. We can’t watch all the TV we want to, let alone cover it. That’s why we take a little bit of time in the middle of each year to step back, survey the landscape, and single out the best stuff we’ve managed to watch so far. As a courtesy to you, the reader, this year’s mid-year TV list is sensitive to strapped-for-time lifestyles, and includes not only an estimate of how long it would take to watch all of a given program’s 2016 output, but also suggestions for dipping in a toe here or there. Start viewing these shows now, so you’re not left behind at the end of the year—and let us know what we need to catch up on, too.
+11.22.63 (Hulu)
+This Hulu mini-series offered an excellent adaptation of Stephen King’s original novel. An unlikely premise—a time-travel wormhole in the back of a diner always leads the time traveler to a certain date in 1960—offers the possibility of stopping the assassination of JFK. There are a lot of rules involved, especially involving the temptation to mess with past fates even further. But a grounded James Franco does some of the best work of his career, as the time traveler determined to stop Lee Harvey Oswald (Daniel Webber). The eight-part series is the perfect format for diving into such a complicated and enveloping plot.
+Total time commitment: Eight hours
+If you only have one hour: You’d better start with episode one, as diner owner Al Templeton (Chris Cooper) lays the whole time wormhole situation out to James Franco’s Jake, or else you’ll get lost pretty quickly.
+If you only have five minutes: In that same episode, check out Franco’s multiple entries into the same exact moment into 1960.
+If you only have a few seconds: Any moment with Kevin J. O’Connor’s Yellow Card Man will do a nice job of creeping you out for the duration (this is a Stephen King creation, after all).
+Where to watch: Streaming on Hulu. [Gwen Ihnat]
+The Americans (FX)
+The Americans became scarier than ever in its fourth season as Elizabeth and Philip Jennings deal with chemical weapons and come perilously close to being unmasked. Both of our superspies grapple with the emotional fallout from their relationships with sources, while their daughter, Paige, shows an interest in the family business.
+Total time commitment: 13 hours
+If you only have one hour: In a season full of intense, amazing episodes, “Travel Agents” is the most thrilling and most taxing. Martha, desperate, goes on the lam, and everyone, we mean everyone, races to find her.
+If you only have four minutes: New addition Dylan Baker gave the breakout performance of the season. His penultimate scene, in which he talks with Agents Beeman and Aderholt, is not only spectacularly performed, but offers yet another glimpse into the shadow world the Jennings occupy.
+If you only have two seconds: That death scene—which we won’t reveal here—in the fourth episode, “Chloramphenicol.”
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase from iTunes and Amazon. [Esther Zuckerman]
+Bates Motel (A&E)
+A&E set a lot of eyes rolling when it first proposed this hacky-sounding “prequel to Psycho,” but over four seasons, stars Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore have transformed the series into a delectable mélange of high-camp theatrics, nervy scares, grounded character studies, and brilliant acting, all somehow coexisting in one universe. It shouldn’t work, and seeing Bates Motel thread that needle is a singular experience.
+Total time commitment: This year’s installments alone, eight hours; all four seasons, 32 hours.
+If you only have one hour: This year’s penultimate installment, “Forever,” was a near-perfect game changer, featuring some of Farmiga’s best work in the entire history of the series. Fair warning, though: It’s the ultimate spoiler episode to just about everything that comes before.
+If you only have six minutes: The ending of episode two, featuring a tense stand-off with Norma and Norman Bates, is absolutely riveting television. If you’ve ever looked at a picture of lil’ Freddie Highmore and wondered, “How could he possibly be menacing?”, this will give you an answer.
+If you only have five seconds: God, any time Farmiga is onscreen, it’s basically the best thing ever.
+Where to watch: Available for individual purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Alex McCown]
+Baskets (FX)
+Not since the too-brief run of Late World With Zach has there been a TV show as suited to Zach Galifianakis’ unique comic energy. The Hangover star anchors Baskets (which he co-created with Louis CK and Jonathan Krisel) in dual role of wannabe clown Chip and his more successful brother Dale, whose long shadow Chip fights to escape after he flunks out of a French clowning school and moves back home and gets a job at the rodeo. And yet with all that Galifianakis to go around, the women in Chip’s life manage to steal the show: his green-card wife Penelope (Sabina Sciubba), insurance adjuster Martha (Martha Kelly), and mother Christine (Louie Anderson).
+Total time commitment: Five hours
+If you only have 30 minutes: Spend “Easter In Bakersfield,” where the air is leaden with tragicomic despair, church services are interrupted by an insolent rodeo clown, and there’s no rule about awkwardly forcing two tables together at the casino buffet.
+If you only have a minute-and-a-half: In Baskets’ surreal vision of inland California, Costco is practically a religion—and Christine Baskets its most devout evangelist. In “Uncle Dad,” she tells her new daughter-in-law the good news about Kirkland Signature in a fluorescent-lit fantasia set to Tchaikovsky. To quote Mrs. Baskets, “Très bien!”
+If you only have 30 seconds: Any dreamy interlude from Chip’s Parisian period should do—or you can rewatch the TV spot for Baskets Career College, the best phony ad for a harmful product that Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! never made.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Erik Adams]
+Better Call Saul (AMC)
+Considering the failure rate of spin-offs, it’s most surprising that Better Call Saul not only avoided tarnishing the Breaking Bad legacy, but became one of television’s most confident and engaging dramas in its own right. Season two finds Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) struggling to go straight as an attorney and maintain his complicated relationship with a girlfriend (Rhea Seehorn) and a brother (Michael McKean) who are his colleagues first and his loved ones second.
+Total time commitment: 8.6 hours
+If you only have one hour: Check out the season premiere, “Switch,” which showcases Jimmy’s honest side and his mischievous side equally.
+If you only have four minutes: Watch the tense confrontation between Mike (Jonathan Banks) and Tuco (Raymond Cruz) near the end of “Gloves Off.”
+If you only have two seconds: Let the psychedelic title sequence hypnotize you.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Joshua Alston]
+Catastrophe (Amazon)
+In the second season of Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan’s comedy, their ornery alter egos now have two children, but are still figuring out how to be humane to one another.
+Total time commitment: Three hours
+If you only have a half-hour: Head to episode three, wherein Rob and Sharon take a semi-disastrous, semi-perfect vacation to Paris.
+If you only have four minutes: An anniversary dinner conversation about 69-ing turns into a discussion of mortality in the fourth episode. It’s a perfect example of how frank this show gets when any topic is on the table.
+If you only have two seconds: Listen to Sharon pronounce her new daughter’s name. It’s “Muireann” and only Irish people can say it correctly.
+Where to watch: Stream on Amazon. [Esther Zuckerman]
+The Circus (Showtime)
+Showtime’s latest foray into documentary, The Circus: Inside The Greatest Political Show On Earth, is must-see TV for political junkies. Aside from its bizarre assumption that viewers want to see Bloomberg Politics reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann (authors of Game Change) regurgitate conventional beltway pontificating for the cameras, the series’ behind-the-scenes access is second to none, revealing fascinating shades of the candidates’ identities—for every contender in the primaries—and gobsmacking sausage-getting-made aspects of running for the highest office in the land.
+Total time commitment: As of publication, 7.5 hours
+If you only have 30 minutes: Especially now that he’s officially the candidate, episode eight, “The Reckoning,” looks at a question even more intriguing now that we know the answer: Was it possible to stop Donald Trump from clinching the Republican nomination?
+If you only have three minutes: The second episode’s montage of John Kasich’s penchant for crappy dad jokes captures the GOP governor’s personality better than any biography ever could.
+If you only have 12 seconds: Watch the flop sweat envelop Marco Rubio in episode nine as he finally begins to realize there’s no way he’s going to be the nominee.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Showtime Anytime. [Alex McCown]
+The Catch (ABC)
+While this season of Scandal had some convinced that showrunner Shonda Rhimes had lost her touch, The Catch reminded others what Rhimes brings to the table in the first place. The mid-season replacement offered a fun departure reminiscent of romantic caper movies like Charade or To Catch A Thief, as professional investigator Alice Vaughan (Mireille Enos) gets duped by professional con man Ben (Peter Krause). The cases-of-the-week, usually involving some sort of twisty ruse, are enjoyable, but the series’ real draw is the considerably steamy chemistry between the two leads.
+Total time commitment: 10 hours
+If you only have one hour: The pilot will likely do an excellent job of luring you into the romantic plight of duped Alice Vaughan, usually excellent corporate investigator. Like her, you may have a hard time resisting the Peter Krause charisma.
+If you only have five minutes: In that same episode, check out the sequence when Krause’s character manages to evade his own fiancée in a heist, in a sequence worthy of Ocean’s Eleven.
+If you only have a few seconds: Watch this moment when “Christopher” reveals his real name to Alice after she cleans his gunshot wound.
+Where to watch: Streaming for free on abc.go.com. [Gwen Ihnat]
+Colony (USA)
+The idea of alien conquerors may not be new, but USA’s Colony puts a great spin on it: Not only is humanity put to work in the territories occupied by their new overlords, but the invaders don’t ever make an appearance. Daily life becomes a cat-and-mouse game between the small pockets of resistance and the well-intentioned collaborators trying to minimize the bloodshed, with Josh Holloway’s family-man cop trying to straddle both sides of the fence. It makes for a delightfully fun and fraught viewing experience.
+Total time commitment: 7.5 hours
+If you only have one hour: The sixth episode in the debut season, “Yonknapatawpha,” finds Holloway’s hero and his wife Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) trapped in their bar, desperately trying to keep resistance assassins from learning they’re sheltering the Proxy Governor of the L.A. occupied bloc. A tense and thrilling installment that showcases the series’ strengths.
+If you only have five minutes: Watch Katie’s perilous first mission with the resistance in the third episode, which lays out both the life-and-death stakes of her choice and the ethical dilemmas that confront both sides of the conflict, all while delivering adrenaline-rush excitement.
+If you only have five seconds: A lot of the mood is conveyed via the show’s vision of near-future alien technology, embodied in the police drones endlessly patrolling the streets.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Alex McCown]
+Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
+The CW’s brilliant musical about romantic obsession and getting your shit together hit its stride in the second half of its first season, allowing Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) finally close in on her dream of being with her one-time camp boyfriend Josh (Vincent Rodriguez III) without letting her off the hook for her behavior.
+Total time commitment: 18 hours
+If you only have one hour: Check out “That Text Was Not Meant For Josh!” What starts out as a classic sitcom situation involving an accidentally text message, leads to a reckoning for Rebecca and a ballad called “You Stupid Bitch.”
+If you only have four minutes: Watch the video “Oh My God I Think I Like You,” a ditty about falling for your sex friend. It’s the best (only?) pop song that uses an IUD as a metaphor.
+If you only have two seconds: Bask in the GIF of the show’s long-awaited kiss. (Between Darryl and White Josh.)
+Where to watch: Available for streaming on Netflix and individual purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Esther Zuckerman]
+Girlfriends’ Guide To Divorce (Bravo, Netflix)
+TV vet extraordinaire Marti Noxon (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Mad Men, UnREAL) adapted Vicki Iovine’s series of Girlfriends’ Guide books to create a compelling portrait of life after divorce. Abby (Lisa Edelstein) and her friends are as self-involved as the characters on Girls, and as glamourous as the ones on Sex And The City (although on the opposite coast). But throughout, Noxon’s trademark warmth and humor penetrates this story of how to reinvent yourself after a part of your life you thought would last forever is over. In the show’s stellar second season, Edelstein and Paul Adelstein, who plays Abby’s ex Jake, also offer some amazing work behind-the-scenes, penning and helming some episodes themselves. The series has already received an unusually long episode order, stretching into season five.
+Total time commitment: About nine hours for the 13 episodes that make up season two.
+If you only have an hour: Watch the show’s best and most devastating episode in season two, in which Abby and Jake realize that as much as they love each other, their marriage just isn’t going to work out.
+If you only have three minutes: Tune into any few minutes from the season-two finale, which depicts a hilariously disastrous wedding collapse.
+If you only have a second: Watch Abby as she walks away from her old life.
+Where to watch: Season one is streaming on Netflix; season two is available for purchase on Amazon. [Gwen Ihnat]
+Grace And Frankie (Netflix)
+The embarrassment of riches in this show really is embarrassing: Grace and Frankie (real-life best friends Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin) discover that their husbands of 40 years (Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston, respectively) are leaving them to marry each other. Straight-laced Grace and much-looser Frankie are now stuck with each other, and where do they go from here as seventysomethings? This brimming premise is aided by showrunner and Friends vet Marta Kaufman, who brings her quick and dry multi-cam humor to this more elegant single-cam sitcom, which got even sharper in season two. The supporting cast is highlighted by gems like Ernie Hudson (a prospective new suitor for Frankie) and June Diane Raphael (Grace’s daughter Brianna, who’s just as tough as she is). Laugh-out-loud moments abound right along tear-inducing ones as these two women figure out how to move on, thanks to their surprising fledgling friendship.
+Total time commitment: 13 hours for the first two seasons (season three arrives in 2017).
+If you only have a half hour: In season two’s “The Negotiation,” Frankie fiercely and hilariously enters the workforce in a High Noon-themed showdown meeting with Brianna.
+If you only have three minutes: Watch Grace have an uncharacteristic breakdown as she and Frankie are ignored in a grocery store in favor of a young, shapely blonde. Says former bombshell Jane Fonda: “I refuse to be irrelevant!” But Frankie, as always, finds a sneaky upside.
+If you only have a second: You can probably land on Frankie rolling her eyes at Grace at least a few times per episode (or vice versa), and it’s always stellar.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Netflix. [Gwen Ihnat]
+The Grinder (Fox)
+Oh, The Grinder: You were too good for this world. Or too weird. Somewhere between the two: The most meta sitcom of 2015-16 broadcast season thrust Rob Lowe back into the sitcom spotlight, tasking him with a character—Dean Sanderson Jr., the former star of a TV legal drama who’s convinced he’s qualified to be a real lawyer—who’s only slightly more delusional than Parks And Recreation’s Chris Traeger. Cold opens featured characters watching reruns of the show-within-the-show, their commentary actually reflecting the show they’re in; a midseason retooling found Dean trying to make himself more relatable, making The Grinder stranger in the process. But it never found an audience, and come May, The Grinder rested for the final time.
+Total time commitment: 11 hours for the whole first season, though you really only need to watch the 13 episodes that begin with “The Olyphant In The Room” to get the full, concentrated Grinder experience.
+If you only have a half-hour: There’s no better bellwether for determining whether or not The Grinder is going to be your thing than “The Ties That Grind,” in which Dean starts to cast off the chains of Mitchard Grinder with the help of Jillian, a therapist played by Maya Rudolph. Unfortunately for the entire Sanderson clan, Jillian also has a pretty porous boundary between her work life and her life life.
+If you only have three minutes: Watch Dean do battle with Timothy Olyphant (as an exaggerated version of himself, who stars in the spin-off The Grinder: New Orleans) in a mock trial to determine which mock lawyer can lawyer most convincingly.
+If you only have a second: Literally any time Dean’s brother, Stewart (Fred Savage), reacts in exasperation at the erstwhile Grinder’s antics. Savage is one of his generation’s greatest comic reactors, and we’ve failed him by not making The Grinder a hit.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Hulu. [Erik Adams]
+Kingdom (DirecTV/Audience Network)
+It’s a shame that this hard-hitting family drama from Byron Balasco (Without A Trace, Detroit 187) is tucked away in the furthest reaches of the TV landscape (only DirecTV customers have access via the Audience Network). Despite the nature of the family business—the Kulinas are all MMA fighters—the show is more a character study than it is an examination of the mixed martial arts world. It’s packed with self-destructive yet introspective individuals who are scraping by, who make up a kind of working-class family. The entire cast is commendable, though Frank Grillo is noteworthy as the patriarch who’s a better coach than father. But Jonathan Tucker fills up every scene he’s in as the wild-card son who’s desperate to live up to his father’s legacy. Kingdom’s been renewed for a third season, so there’s no better time to catch up.
+Complete time commitment: Six hours.
+If you only have one hour: Check out “Lay And Pray,” the second season’s mid-season premiere. It’s a great entry into the series, with a powerhouse performance from Jonathan Tucker as Jay Kulina, who struggles to live up to his father’s legacy. You’ll also meet Navy Street’s resident female badass Alicia (Natalie Martinez).
+If you only have four minutes: This behind-the-scenes video will bring you up to speed.
+Where to watch it: You guessed it: The Audience Network’s website.
+Match Game (ABC)
+Get ready to match the stars—again! For years, reboots and revamps struggled to hit the silly-smutty sweet spot of Match Game’s daytime incarnation from the 1970s. But ABC has finally done it, exhibiting a reverence for OG Match Game (those lights! That carpet! The microphone!), drawing an impressive array of comic talent (many of whom have been kept celebrity panel shows alive via Saturday Night Live parodies in recent years), and awakening the latent game-show host in Alec Baldwin.
+Total time commitment: As of publication, five hours.
+If you only have one hour: Episode two finds the show already on solid footing, with the new Match Game power players—Rosie O’Donnell and Tituss Burgess—occupying the seats warmed by Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly in the ’70s.
+If you only have three minutes: Zoom ahead to the second match of the second episode, where Baldwin opens up a buffet of dessert jokes—and helpfully defines “grotto” for some of the audience members—with a prompt involving the Playboy mansion and Hostess snacks.
+If you only have a minute: Earlier in the same episode, O’Donnell proves her Super Match prowess with a $25,000 fake out for contestant Heather.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Hulu. [Erik Adams]
+Lady Dynamite (Netflix)
+There’s arguably never been a comedy as challenging as Maria Bamford’s semi-autobiographical Lady Dynamite, a skewed, surreal sitcom about the comedian’s struggles with mental illness. Its formal experiments are so bold and unexpected, most of the pilot exists to explain how the show works, not just what it’s about. But much like Maria’s therapy sessions, you get out of it what you put into it, and Dynamite is every bit as rewarding as it is evasive.
+Total time commitment: Six hours
+If you only have a half-hour: Watch episode two, “Bisexual Because Of Meth.” Just the title alone.
+If you only have four minutes: Check out the faux hair commercials for Latrisse DuVois by Gary.
+If you only have two seconds: Listen to the ending theme and find an ally in someone who admits to having no idea what she’s doing most of the time.
+Where to watch: Available to stream on Netflix. [Joshua Alston]
+O.J.: Made In America (ESPN)
+No one would have expected 2016 to be the year of O.J. Simpson mania, but then again, no one could predict that two worthy projects about the knotty trial of the legendary football star would drop within months of each other. But unlike American Crime Story, O.J.: Made In America doesn’t try to debate Simpson’s innocence. Instead, director Ezra Edelman’s deeply engrossing documentary spends more time on the simmering racial tensions around Los Angeles, thereby illuminating the mystery of why the black community so fiercely supported him.
+Total time commitment: 10 hours
+If you only have one hour: Start from the beginning and watch the first hour of “Part 1,” which provides a stunning primer on Simpson’s career and life before he became the country’s most infamous acquitted man.
+If you only have four minutes: Watch the interview with Ron Shipp, Simpson’s former friend, whose reputation was gutted on the stand when he dared to testify for the prosecution.
+If you only have two seconds: Have a look at the archival photo of an incident in which the L.A.P.D. laid waste to a primarily African-American housing complex and turned up virtually nothing.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase and ESPN On Demand. [Joshua Alston]
+Outcast (Cinemax)
+The gripping new adaptation of another Robert Kirkman comic series isn’t finding the audience it should, which is a shame, because Outcast is one of the strongest debuts of the year. Full of small-town horror and demonic possession, the series manages to create an inventive new take on the exorcism genre while highlighting a part of the population rarely seen on TV: rust-belt Americana in the era of outsourced job loss.
+Total time commitment: As of publication, seven hours.
+If you only have one hour: The pilot episode, “A Darkness Surrounds Him,” conveys everything you need to know about this world, while also providing some top-shelf scares and pulling you into the series.
+If you only have four minutes: The premiere’s opening sequence is one of the greatest “holy shit” skin-crawling beginnings to any show in recent memory, including Kirkman’s other series—a little thing called The Walking Dead.
+If you only have 12 seconds: Watch a flash of the weird exchange in episode four, featuring American treasure and everyone’s favorite weirdo, Grace Zabriskie.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Max Go. [Alex McCown]
+The People V. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (FX)
+The story of the O.J. Simpson murder trial had already been told several times over—like in Jeffrey Toobin’s The Run Of His Life, the nonfiction bestseller that inspired American Crime Story’s first season. With no narrative twists and turns in its back pocket, the Ryan Murphy-produced true-crime anthology instead surprised viewers with the quality of its performances (on the prosecuting side, at least) and the way it restored depth and dimension to figures caricatured by the media circus surrounding the trial of the century.
+Total time commitment: 8.6 hours
+If you only have one hour: Check out “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” the stirring mid-season entry that zeroes in on Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark (Sarah Paulson). It’s exhibit A in the case of “Sarah Paulson deserves an Emmy for this show.”
+If you only have four minutes: Dig up the tense sequence that traces Mark Furhman’s (Steven Pasquale) return to the court room in episode nine, “Manna From Heaven.” It’s all the rage, frustration, anger, and confusion of the miniseries in microcosm.
+If you only have two seconds: Go with the instantly GIF-able, rack-focused highlight of John Travolta’s hammy portrayal of defense attorney Robert Shapiro. A condescending thumbs up for the ages.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Erik Adams]
+Silicon Valley (HBO)
+Mike Judge’s uproarious HBO sitcom is basically a serialized game of Fortunately, Unfortunately, moving the beleaguered tech wizards of Pied Piper from frying pan to fire every episode. Season three introduced a terrific new adversary in visionless replacement-CEO Jack Barker (Stephen Tobolowsky), as Richard Hendricks and the team fought an uphill battle against the burgeoning “success” of their own company. The twists of fate were cruel as ever, but Silicon Valley’s peerless ensemble—one of the tightest on television—continues to spin comic gold from one step forward, two steps back.
+Total time commitment: Five hours
+If you only have a half hour: Go for “Meinertzhagen’s Haversack,” an ingenious bait-and-switch that creates an exciting prospective blueprint for the season—an elaborate inside job!—only to double down on these characters’ hilarious capacity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
+If you only have three minutes: For an example of the same principle in miniature, check out the big confrontation in “Maleant Data Systems Solutions,” wherein Richard out-leverages Jack—the Gus Fring to his Walter White—before deflating the triumph with a pratfall. As Martin Starr’s Gilfoyle puts it: “That was pretty badass, Richard. Until it wasn’t.”
+If you only have two seconds: Find a GIF—or even just a still image—of Jared (Zach Woods) forlornly staring out the window, like the Michael Myers of guilt trips.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon and streaming on HGO Go and HBO Now. [A.A. Dowd]
+Stranger Things (Netflix)
+The Duffer brothers, Matt and Ross, built the perfect summer entertainment: A gloriously retro tale of monster and man, packed with hat tips to their favorites: Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter, and Stephen King. Set in the early 1980s, Stranger Things revolves around the hunt for a missing boy in an Indiana town. His mother is played by the always-welcome Winona Ryder, and his friends have shades of the Freaks And Geeks geeks.
+Total time commitment: 8 hours
+If you only have one hour: It’s best to start at the beginning since it is a mystery, after all. However, if you are okay with being slightly spoiled, head to “Chapter Three: Holly Jolly,” in which Joyce (Winona Ryder) figures out she can communicate with her missing son via Christmas lights.
+If you only have four minutes: Go on an epic, E.T.-inspired chase at the start of episode seven, “The Bathtub.” Watch out for flying vans. It’s a good introduction to the show’s ambition, throwback feel, and charming young cast.
+If you only have two seconds: Give yourself a taste of those sweet opening credits.
+Where to watch: Streaming on Netflix. [Esther Zuckerman]
+Underground (WGN America)
+Reconstituting the horror of American slavery as a serialized drama is no small feat, since most people wouldn’t want to make a weekly appointment to watch the height of human cruelty. While Underground is certainly intense and emotional, it’s also surprisingly fun, borderline popcorn fare. By focusing on escaping slaves and their treacherous journey north, creators Misha Green and Joe Pokaski turn the period piece into a rousing adventure tale full of all the stunning betrayals and shocking twists expected of a contemporary thriller.
+Total time commitment: 7.3 hours
+If you only have one hour: Watch “Cradle,” a bruising series of vignettes focusing on the young children affected by the slave trade. If you’re not crying by the end, you weren’t paying attention.
+If you only have four minutes: Choose any sequence that involves the eminently shippable bond between Noah (Aldis Hodge) and Rosalee (Jurnee Smollett-Bell). It’s one of the most affecting “love in a time of war” stories in recent memory.
+If you only have two seconds: Find a GIF featuring the appearance of a new character near the end of the season finale. It’s one hell of an introduction.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon. [Joshua Alston]
+Veep (HBO)
+It’s a good thing political satires don’t have term limits, because Veep is as vicious and vital as ever in its fifth season. The comedy hasn’t skipped a beat since the departure of creator Armando Ianucci, and Veep has arguably improved, constantly finding novel ways to keep its disparate ensemble of characters mingling with each other. After all, the more they interact, the more scorching burns they can fire off at one another.
+Total time commitment: Five hours
+If you only have a half-hour: Watch “Mother,” the apex of the season, which features a Julia Louis-Dreyfus performance so stunning, it’s hard to begrudge her vise grip on her Emmy category.
+If you only have four minutes: Just watch Selina (Louis-Dreyfus) eulogizing her mother, which brilliantly blends comedy and poignancy.
+If you only have two seconds: You could honestly watch almost any two seconds and find an insult to use in your everyday life.
+Where to watch: Available for digital purchase on iTunes and Amazon and for streaming on HBO Go and HBO Now. [Joshua Alston]
+Self-quarantined at our Home, nearing Meena’s 53rd Birthday, the obvious phrase that cropped up in our Tombola addicted minds individually, a day prior was -- ‘Joker in the Pack’. The phrase for this B’ day is true to her buoyant nature, a trait that has consolidated in her in the past 30 yrs of wedded life. The celebration was quiet indoors, even as a lot of msgs and calls poured in her cell the entire day, to keep her busy.
+The first time I saw her at a Biradari fete in Andheri 30 years ago, my hands came together and smilingly I uttered ‘Namaste’. She reciprocated in exactly the same gesture. My next encounter with her was when Shammi (Late Cdr SS Bali) invited me to his H-15 NOFRA block. She was playing the Thhipri game with Boys and Girls on the Road of H block.(that game of 8 square boxes drawn with chalk on Road) I remember she was in her Pink suit, that was to become my favourite. And I remember She hid my Cigarette Packet in Shammi’s house and refused to return it. On H block terrace she pulled the Fag from my Lips and stubbed it on the floor (we had just been introduced then). That ensured that I do not smoke in her presence, eventually giving up that vice for good. She has maintained her playful nature throughout for the past 30 yrs, for which most Senior Veterans and Octogenarians are fond of her. She is the darling of RAdm NN Anand, Cmde SK Bhalla, Cmde AK Chitre, Cdr VK Raizada, Cdr VK Mohan, Cdr RP Singh, Lt and Mrs Bhende many more. During the Singapore tour, She was called with a nickname 'Chulbulli' by Cdr RS Bajwa and Mrs Sunita Vadhera. Janki and Kanta ma'am too love her and feel I don't appreciate her enough. All her Picnic Group friends and Committee members wished her individually sending her virtual cakes and flowers. She is a person who tries to find happiness in small things in life. She is a person who has kept the child alive in her always. Brusky our Rabbit in Marshal house was her Best Friend, she shed tears for a week on her passing away. Our next pet was a White Rat, presented to her by Aakash on her Birthday a few yrs ago. She tends to about 30 lovebirds in our house. The five Pet dogs look up to her (literally) when she calls out their names from our second-floor window (clip below).….
+Read On….
+Let's get shipped to Bombay on the morning of 04th Mar 1990, a day prior to the scheduled return of my Ship INS Ranvir, but the Ship developed a snag and returned back on 4th itself.…I rang up my Thane wali Aunt from the QM landline and noted the address of the Andheri Biradari Milan…. I was still in two minds of launching myself for this venture amidst strangers….Had I listened to my other mind, life would have been different today…
+(04 Mar 90)
+So here was I at the entrance of a Biradri Sammelan at Andheri totally befuddled amongst strangers welcoming you with folded hands and artificial smiles… I was contemplating on executing an about-turn to return to the ship when my uncle spotted me and escorted me inside at the reception to fill up my personal data and a Questionnaire…. One could see marriageable boys and girls in their best attire being escorted by their parents…My Uncle and Aunt introduced me to various people of ‘Mohyal’ clan, the descendants of the Saptarishis… Just then a gentleman comes and tells me “Bali Saheb is looking for you”…. Bali Saheb? who ?....Where is he ?.... “there at the race tracks…”… When I went there, saw some ladies engaged in a three-legged race, amongst ppl cheering them…there I saw, OMG! Lt Samsher Singh Bali, who after having read the incoming register had been inquiring about me…On seeing me his face shone with a broad smile as he embraced me, “Oye Raj, where you had been all these years”…He then introduced me to his mother-in-law, Mrs Bakhshi, a smiling simple middle-aged lady…I did pari-pona (a tradition of feet touching, as a mark of respect ), even as Samsher quipped, “Mummy, yeh wohi Raj hai, jiske baarey mein maine apko bataya tha..”…Next, I met Shammi’s (Samsher’s nickname) athletic wife Sweety, who had just won the three-legged race without any perspiration…Just then chirrups Shammi’s M-I-L, “Oye Sweety, Moti kithe ?” ..there appears a nice looking girl, who is introduced by her Mom, “Raj, yeh na Meena hai”…I greet her with folded hands, “Namaste”…She reciprocates exactly the same way…I and Shammi roamed around together, I introduced him to my uncle and Aunt…
+3 pm End of briefing… and departure.
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+(06 Mar 90)
+Two days later self and Lt Bali rendezvous at the lawns of WNC bar, his temple that he has been visiting regularly…He orders drinks for both of us… With a smile, he dips his right-hand little finger into his glass and shrugs out a drop with a ‘Hari Om’ chant…I’m impressed…During the pleasant session he asks me, “Tujhe Maine wine chit pe ek address likh ke diya tha, yaad hai ? “…I give him lost looks, that Calcutta incident wiped off my memory… He then narrated as to how he proposed about me to his MIL aka Sholay style , “Mummyji, Maine na Moti (Meena’s nick name) ke liye ladka dekh liya hai..”…….MIL ,“Achha, kaisa hai ?” …“Bilkul mere jaissa hai, Sharaab peeta hai, Cigarrette peeta hai…jua bhi khelta hai…par ladka badda shareef hai, Mummy, maine usko apka address diya hai , apko milne aayega”……MIL, “ Tu apne kol hi rakh avenje munde nu… agar aaya toh maine usse darwaaze ke andar nahi aaney dena” …
+Fortunately uss baat ki naubat hi nahi ayee…God is great, so I thought… After a couple of pegs, he asked blowing a ring of smoke, “Yaar, sach sach batta, tujhe Moti, er.. sorry ..Meena kaissi laggi”…. “Sach sach…?” I laughed…as I put some ice into my next peg… “Haan, sach sach..” he slurs… Just then an ice piece slips from the tongs by me… “Look the Ice has broken on the floor…Let me break the ice to you too… How would you like me to be your relative ?”…Shammi’s Face brightened with a broader smile like it does at the culmination of each magic trick that he performs in public…His Magic had worked on me…He had taken the revenge of one Gandhi (500) cheque presented at Calcutta.
+As the Bar closed he took me to his home, H block, where his in-laws also happened to be there. I met Cdr VP Bakhshi, one of the first diver of IN a towering personality, but a gentle human being …I had told Shammi particularly “Do not disclose our talk, till I leave for my ship..” …But that excited Magician couldn’t hide it at the dining table, “Mummy, Raj ready hai” and put me in an embarrassing position in front of everyone, I didn’t know where to look… I don’t know what transpired after our Andheri biradari meet, but I feel I might have impressed Shammi’s MIL with that Pari-pona trick….
+We met on 04 Mar 90 for the first time and got married on 02 May, two months later in Ashok Van Borivali, where my FIL Cdr VP Bakhshi dropped Achor after retirement…. Here was a case of Love being arranged into marriage by mutual consent of both Parents, by a Magic trick performed by the Great Magician, my Friend, Philosopher and Guide…We felt the absence of Cmde Ramesh Kumar, my second co-brother (who was in the USA for his EW specialization) along with his wife Nishi (Meena’s elder sister) during that period.
+That was 30 revolutions around the Sun ago. The journey has taken us to Goa(INS Hansa-IL38s) where we started our Life with meagre resources and plenty of Love, later were blessed with our first bundle of Joy- Aakash in MH Panjim. From Goa, we were transferred to Vizag (INS Taragiri, HQENC and INS Dega) where we were blessed with Anuj. Our later moves to Baroda, Jamnagar, Chilka and Kolkata were equally exciting, prior to our final destination Mumbai from where I retired in 2014, to drop my Anchor at Borivali for good.
+Coming back to the present day…..Aakash is sailing as a 2nd Officer on board the SCI Gas Carrier VLGC Raahi, plying between Fajurah and Dahej in Gujarat, doing his bit, like many other Fauji brats, in trying to boost our Nation’s economy. Anuj is at her Naani’s place in Jhansi on a holiday. And Meena and I quarantined in our Borivali Flat.
+Meena is Overwhelmed with all wishes pouring in for her on Social Media from overseas (Manju Parmar-USA, Balli- NZ) apart from near relatives and NFMC friends. A Grand Thanks and Salute from ‘Official Photographer of Navy Foundation’ (a title conferred on Meena by Cdr Vijay Vadhera, President NFMC)
+Shano Varuna. Jai Hind.
+PS- Imprisoned together in our Borivali Home, this Blog is my lockdown gift to Meena. Gold can wait.
+PS- Imprisoned together in our Borivali Home, this Blog is my lockdown gift to Meena. Gold can wait.
+With Varun, Manju, Nishi & Simran
+With Sarita Masi & Rahul
+With Rajesh Mehta, Sarita Masi & Rahul
+Course Gtg arranged by Cdr Shrimal
+Why the Meal Prep / Meal Assembly Kitchen Franchises are Failing. Part 3
+By Tuckerbox on May 1, 2008 in Commentary, Franchise, Meal Assembly Franchise
+Sean seems to catching onto this scam that has become the meal assembly industry. He offers up this 3rd article on why franchises are failing and it holds a lot of merit.
+“Franchisor delusions that franchising is easy.
+Any new franchisor who thinks they can (or should) open 60-70 units in the first year lacks experience.â€
+As I’ve stated before I think the growth of these franchises were completely unchecked and unregulated. Dream Dinners sold to anyone who asked. Super Suppers opened in groups of three. Meal Makers sold their franchises with the intent of opening within eyesight of other MA stores. And do you think Bert ever said no to someone offer to buy his offerings?
+Franchisor Greed has been a key to this mess. 20 stores in a single city? Sure, they all think it’s a good idea and that the meals themselves will keep customers coming back. Not only were many of the owners on their own bandwagon of grabbing a store they were told could make money, but the franchisors never bothered to even check to see if a city could even support them coming to town. Complete mismanagement, complete greed and a total disregard to owners and customers. Perhaps Stephanie needs to practice what she preaches about the bottom line and how it’s not all about money before she saturation bombs another town with wall to wall Dream Dinners stores. “evolving†to a model that sounds suspiciously like one we already have. It’s called a grocery store.
+Why the Meal Prep / Meal Assembly Kitchen Franchises are Failing. Part 3
+interested bystander had this to say on | May 2, 2008 | Reply
+I am a person that was so enthusiastic about this concept that I found a job in a MAK. I wanted to see the inner workings of the business and experience the food they sell. After the experience of working with customers and sampling much of the food, I have a few thoughts.
+1. The food has to be outstanding-it CANNOT disappoint. The recipes all need to be tested and possibly tweaked before they go on the menu. If the chicken recipe is titled “crispy”-it better be crispy. It needs to look flawless and be the freshest. People need to crave the food like they crave a restaurant.
+2. Women view handing over a lump sum for these dinners in a different way than paying a grocer. It is difficult for them to view this as “business as usual” like the grocery store. Many find the thought of paying out to a MAK painful-because they have to go to the grocery store anyway. Many can’t get past the idea that this is a “luxury” in their own minds and that it is “expensive”-even though it really isn’t most of the time. Also, the fear that after they pay out the lump sum, their family might not like some of the entrees.
+3. MAK are banking on being able to change a person’s lifetime habits with dinner time since this a fairly new concept. We all know how hard it is to create good habits and break bad ones. I saw that we could get a customer once, but it was difficult to get them back as a repeat. Success in this business is about changing people’s habits-and that is difficult to do.
+4. The coupons, competition down the street (and the next street and so on) has trained customers to want a deal. To be profitable you can’t always be giving the product away and discounting it. It seems like many new businesses go through a coupon or discount or “try me” phase and then grow out of it, but MA can’t seem to come out of it due to the competitors giving away down the street. Nobody can raise their prices currently, even with costs skyrocketing because they are terrified of losing what customers they do have. Once again, strangling the owners and making a profit just that much more impossible.
+5. The concept is difficult and sometimes lengthy to explain and many people are confused by it. The minute a person realized we weren’t a restaurant they were frustrated-especially the senior citizens. They either LOVED the idea or HATED it.
+6. People who are cooks proclaim “I can do that myself”……. Some customers made the meals, saw the simplicity of the recipes and really did go home and do it themselves…….
+Simply stated the success of this business depends on persuasion and changing people’s habits. Everyone says “we all have to eat”-but up until 6 years ago, no one had ever made dinner like this. When I began working in a MAK, I really thought my enthusiasm and art of persuasion were going to be enough to bring people in, it turned out to be harder than I thought………………. Lots of people said “oh that’s a great idea” but few actually got in the car and came down and tried it.
+'Nuff Thyme In The Pan had this to say on | May 3, 2008 | Reply
+So now what? had this to say on | May 6, 2008 | Reply
+I think there are some great points to this post — but…now what? We own the store, we owe on everything, and we felt the idea was good enough to buy a franchise or open an independent.
+There are LOTS of reasons why it’s NOT working…thoughts on how to make it WORK?
+Do you just shut the doors or do you try a different route? Is pre-made freezer entrees going to be that next route? Is the whole idea going to fail?
+I’m worried and scared like everyone else and we’re weeks away from the summer and people stop coming in. I’m tired. I don’t know what to do next and reading posts about what is wrong doesn’t help b/c I know those things! How do I fix it?
+'Nuff Thyme In The Pan had this to say on | May 6, 2008 | Reply
+Dear So Now What?,
+I believe the concept will continue to exist, but it will not be mainstream.
+“Interested Bystander” actually provided the first opportunity for sales in her/his point #1.- The food MUST be outstanding. It can’t be a can of condensed soup plus (fill in the blank). Fresh, possibly organic (although the appeal of organic is loosing it’s appeal with consumers, too). It’s an advantage to be an independent.
+“Bystander’s” point #2.- I agree the $200+ entrance hurdle is just too high and scary for most buyers. Figure out a way to get it lower. Reduce your minimums… and then, when the guest is in the store (and the memory of spending the initial cash has dissipated), figure out things to sell to get an upcharge. It doesn’t have to be just food. It’s an advantage here to be an independent.
+“Bystander’s” point #3.- You can’t create a habit with once-a-month. Nobody has a once-a-month habit (no, getting your hair done is not a habit, anymore than trimming your nails is!) Maybe the solution here is to combine points #2 and #3- Get her to come once a week, for less time each visit. Maybe she buys the month’s worth at once, then comes in weekly so her items are fresh, NEVER frozen. Or maybe you can get her to spend weekly. Either way, have other items that will appeal to her so you can get the upcharge. (This also eliminates the problem of the items sitting in the freezer way beyond their shelf life, and the excuse, “I still have some in my freezer.”)
+Point #4- Couponing isn’t good. It becomes the norm. If you are going to do it, build the coupon into your costs.
+Point #5- Figure out a way to explain the concept quickly. “You make the meals, we clean up the mess” is a start, but can be improved upon.
+Point #6- Yes, cooks don’t need the concept. But they may use it anyway, if you can convince them (in very few words) it’s to their benefit that you will clean up behind them, and the quality of your ingredients is as good as what they would buy themselves if they did the shopping. It’s an advantage here to be an independent.
+I caution against pre-made freezer entrees. I’m no expert but you don’t have the technology to freeze like the big boys. You don’t have the science behind you. You might be able to sell a few, but why buy frozen meals from you when I can go to the grocery store and buy name brands, organic, natural, pretty much whatever I want, in a full spectrum of quality, and I have to go to the grocery store anyway…….
+I think the concept will stay.. .but the growth years are over. What to do? Fine-tune constantly and listen to your customer …and you may be okay.
+David had this to say on | May 14, 2008 | Reply
+Hello So Now What-
+I have viewed this site quite a bit and the only problem I have with it is how often streams auger into negativity. It’s not that there isn’t a lot of bad news out there - and for those who have lost everything it’s all bad. There is a lot of upside. But, What’s Next, nobody is going to solve it for you but you. Meal assembly as an industry is dead. Kitchen outsourcing is alive and well. It is your job to determine what your customers find valuable and then to let them know that you are willing to deliver it.
+As zors rushed to dominate the MA landscape they imposed their flawed model on those who invested in them. It is important to keep in mind that the failure rate of the industry is not simply stated as 50% of the people who went into the business failed. More accurately, 90% of the people who went into the business chose franchising and 50% of those people failed. Most of those people never REALLY wanted to operate a small business. They were sold a bill of goods described as a business that operated itself. Technology was the silver bullet. You only needed to be in the store for the few hours a week that people were assembling meals. Etc. Then, to the extent that these storeowners were capable of solving the problems the realities of the marketplace dealt to them they were disabled from doing so by their franchise agreements. The value of brand was grossly overstated but the zors strove to protect it anyway. I don’t drive from Washington to Boston and stop in NY to buy four raw flank steaks because I can rely on the Dream Dinners name. Your brand is only valuable in your neighborhood to your customers. I can’t tell you what your customers want, you need to ask them. I can tell you what mine do and don’t want.
+They don’t want me to start every conversation with, “When do you want that thing that you haven’t yet told me what it is?” (Calendar first ordering). They don’t want to find the website, find the state, find the store and THEN begin a 7-step ordering process. (There is meal prep store software available with all of the back-office support that has a 2-step process: Order & Pay). They don’t want to make a 48-hour reservation to be my customer.
+My business model is similar to that of a restaurant. “May we take your order?” I don’t need $200 tickets to be successful. I’ll take my chances that I can add enough value for my customer that they are willing to stop in regularly. If I can’t do that I should go get a real job. In fact, I want them to be in the habit of stopping in. I want to sell them wine to go with that meal. I want to sneak their little girl a cookie. I want to tell them about the great lasagna or the par-baked calzone I just made and sell them some to put in their freezer. I want to give them something that they will eat and enjoy that night so they think of me when they sit back fat and happy. I want to give them enough food so that they are truly satisfied.
+It is entirely possible for a kitchen outsourcing business to thrive and grow. This is not a niche business. The potential value of the service was the node of truth that got everybody excited about meal assembly. But meal assembly is an “experience” strategy. As has proven out, this is indeed a niche. It is only appealing on a sustainable basis to a small segment of the population. What is needed is a “service” strategy. The scheduling, the tyranny of the technology, the $200 minimum orders… these are all about servicing the business owner. There’s no future in it.
+Fresh foods, one-stop convenience (fresh vegetables, salads, wine, dessert, bread). These are my answers because this is what my customers want. And if I price it too high because I don’t think there will be enough business then there certainly won’t be enough business. Why is somebody going to pay you $10 for two marinated chicken breasts? At least, why are the going to pay that twice? Those two boneless, skinless breast only cost you $2. Cut the sucker a break and sell more.
+And if you’re associated with a franchise… QUIT! Just quit. They won’t be able to stop you. They can’t make you stay. Are they going to spend $50k to sue you? They’re broke. And so are you. They’ve already seen to that. They can’t sue for “specific performance”. They will have to prove damages. It would take months, years. What would their judgment be worth and how is it going to look in the class-action suit. Heck, they’ll be gone next year anyway. Just quit. Get your own software for next to nothing. Buy a sign.
+One other thing, as I have converted my store from assembly I have found a lot of space left over. I am in the process of negotiating a concession/lease with a baker. Cupcakes and cakes mostly. High traffic business. The $3,000 per month she saves me (she is thrilled to not have to do her own build-out) reduces by $200,000 per year the revenue I need to break even. She will bring bodies into my store and her bakers work 4 AM to Noon. She will staff my sales in the morning and I will staff hers in the evening.
+What’s Next? You decide. It doesn’t have to be that bleak. Try as I might, I’ve never been able to make lemonade without lemons. Good luck!
+dinnerzen had this to say on | May 14, 2008 | Reply
+I’d sure LOVE to know what your store is?
+Cupcakes, lemonade, cookies?
+(No sarcasm intended or implied)
+mealblogger had this to say on | May 14, 2008 | Reply
+Kitchen outsourcing, such a nice term, strangely it reminds me of some other industry… what was it called?
+Oh yeah, a grocery store. You think you can compete with a national grocer?
+Whole Foods?
+Dean and Deluca?
+I wish you the best of luck.
+How’s the coalition working out?………..
+David had this to say on | May 14, 2008 | Reply
+Does that mean you like it? It’s a little too techno for me but it sure describes the business. Meal replacement was already taken and that sounds too much like Similac.
+Is your question can I compete on price? Yes, kinda - well, in the range. Customer service? Superior! Experience? Superior! Quality? Definitely.
+Was that a serious question or were you being sarcastic?
+And: Quite well thank you. Kind of slow. Life is like trying to change your shoes while you’re running a race.
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 15, 2008 | Reply
+Well I must say David you have one of the most interesting posts I’ve read in quite awhile. There are however few real specifics. You sound like you changed your model to a grab n go business….but so the meals are cooked or par cooked it sounds like? You were a franchisee who saw the light and told your Zor where to stuff the Calzone? You make it sound like you found the answer. Are you profitable?
+I do have to take issue with you on two points though….first few of us got into this thinking we only needed to be there a few hours a week. Where did you come up with that?? If you have been reading the posts as you say you have, MAK owners have given all they have so they didn’t lose it all! Personally I would have lost a toe it meant the business would go!
+Second, I would argue there still does have to be a niche for what it sounds like you are doing. Our store was located only half a mile from a grocer that has the premade meals….both of us would not survive on grab n go alone when folks can get everything else they want there too….and I don’t mean the salad and dessert. A liquor store is right next to it as well. Folks are terribly lazy….let’s see two stops or one?
+However, when I think about it, if we were in a ritzy neighborhood that was willing to pay consistently for the best ingredients that would differentiate us from the grocer…probably yes….but then that’s a niche.
+David had this to say on | May 15, 2008 | Reply
+I got into this business when the client I was working for (who I have recently revealed is my sister) came to me with her failing business. I investigated and learned that she had been defrauded by Dinners Ready. We told them to shove it and reopened as an independent. Sis was never very good with stress and uncertainty. Recently she called me up and said she was throwing in the towel. So here I am… my bride and I bought the business. We ran it out of the freezer for just a little while and have closed - will reopen revamped in June. We sold a lot of meals before we closed so the bills are prepaid for a while.
+To your comments:
+1) My part-time comment referred to the bill of goods many zees told me they were sold by their zors. As you know and have stated - far from the truth.
+2) We are in a nice community in Intel and Nike land. A large international population as well. But, more importantly, we are in a region where good food, organic products and sustainability, and local support for small businesses are compelling issues. If people learned that they were being sold Tyson products we would never see them again.
+3) I believe that you can use the service of meeting needs as they occur Now (so called grab-n-go) as opportunities to sell more and increase your ticket size. Wine and salads and desserts are examples of ways to do this. So is actively selling backstock for people’s freezers. But you need to actively sell. Using freezer sales is a good way to keep the relationship alive. And advertise darn it. We are using 8 1/2 x 11 inserts in the regional paper by delivering them to the local dealer and he has agreed to insert them for very little cost. We use Constant Contact for client emails and that really dresses thing up.
+4) The niche thing. I am a business guy - a good cook but my bride is the chef/restaurant pro. I break down markets into 4 categories. These are the categories that spell out the criteria that your CORE CUSTOMERS use to choose you. They are 1) Price & Product e.g. (Home Depot) 2) Niche product 3) Specialty Service 4) Unique Experience. Numbers 3 & 4 are the cornerstones of a relationship strategy. Meal Assembly was founded on an Experience strategy. This failed. That is the criteria that people used to choose them, the experience is just too inconvenient, thus undermining the Service component of the relationship strategy. Usually every customer has all four criteria in play more or less and marketplace conversations are indeed dominated by price considerations. But Your and My core customer is never going to choose us because we are the lowest price, here you need to make a value argument. They are going to come to us for the Relationship. And that relationship needs to be founded on Service. The Experience is one of Recognition and Convenience.
+The cumbersome online systems that MA owners expect to handle all of the details of customer communication actually serve to undermine relationship. The system needs to be greatly simplified as is now available… like online takeout ordering. Order and pay. Calendar is secondary and only to make sure their order is ready when they come in.
+You might have great food. But it’s not niche food unless you have vegan offerings (which we will try to do). What you offer is better defined as Specialty. Great food with Specialty Service and a Unique Experience. Now go out there and make love to your customers.
+I don’t think you need to be in a ritzy neighborhood to do this. But you do need to know your customers and understand who your core customers are and why they choose you. Direct all of your conversations toward those who dwell within that bullseye and you will still pick up the ones that sit in the inner rings. If you only focus on price and they are there for the service they probably won’t choose you… and they won’t even know why.
+Tuckerbox had this to say on | May 15, 2008 | Reply
+I can’t say that I completely agree with this:
+And if you’re associated with a franchise… QUIT! Just quit. They won’t be able to stop you. They can’t make you stay.
+However, I do agree with this:
+They’re broke. And so are you.
+Taking the first path is risky indeed and personally, I do believe that would constitute a “breach of contractâ€. So if a single owner were to try something like that I think there could be some trouble.
+However, if dozens of owners across the country were to follow that same path at the same time, well, then you might have something. You could create quite a tipping point with some very interesting outcomes…
+Lisa had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+Tuckerbox says:
+However, if dozens of owners across the country were to follow that same path at the same time, well, then you might have something. You could create quite a tipping point with some very interesting outcomes…
+And I ask:
+So why, oh why, is the Kitchen Coalition so horrible in your eyes?
+In the words of Janis Joplin:
+Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting on a train
+And I’s feeling nearly as faded as my jeans.
+Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained,
+It rode us all the way to New Orleans…
+Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,
+Nothing don’t mean nothing honey if it ain’t free, now now…
+We can sing the blues all day long, but changing our situation might cost a few pennies. Lisa
+guest2 had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+because it is not a PROVEN model- your giving false hope to already struggling Owners.
+Tuckerbox had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+For a vast majority of people, meal assembly does not generate enough money to be considered an income. In fact, for a majority of people it is costing them thousands a month just to be open. If you feel you could spend 40 hours a week or less handling your store and generating a paycheck for yourself that would be the equivalent of making $65k a year, then staying in meal assembly is feasible. But that situation would encompass how many people? How many people are even making $35k a year? How many people are actually taking home $3,000 a month for themselves?
+My comment was to state the idea of multiple owners under the same franchise creating an action in a unified effort whereby they could get out of meal assembly once and for all. Not simply switch from franchise to independent, but to use that money to take the necessary steps to put meal assembly behind them and move forward with their lives and work towards something that will rebuild their financial situation.
+People need to get away from meal assembly, not just switch teams.
+I have said it dozens of times and I am going to say it again - meal assembly is a great concept, but it’s not a good business.
+guest had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+Well said Tuckerbox. I totally agree.
+I am finally free from the mak industry as of yesterday and I have to say, it feels LIBERATING! I chanted all day - I am free! I am free!
+I still have tons of debt and it will take me many years to pay off. But it could be worse.
+My advice to anyone still in the business - GET OUT! Pack your bags, and leave it behind. If not for you, for your family and if not for your family, for your future!
+allthingsculinary had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+Guest, welcome to the club…
+David and Lisa-I hope No One on this board takes either of you seriously.
+Tuckerbox you are right on. You can’t make a silk purse out a sows ear and it won’t change the fact that concept is a DOG by changing the name to Home Meal Replacement-that word has been around for at least 15 years, you plan on just dusting it off, promote it as HMR and become the next “Pinky & the Brain”?
+WHEN you post a profit for 2 years with your new/old concept -THEN you come here and give people advice…make love to your customer-You’re kidding right?
+Is that the newest catch-phrase in marketing these days?
+Marketing? That’s the best you can do go out and sell yourself?
+Like we didn’t all go out and sell ourselves.
+Hell, if it was that easy sis would have made money right?
+You’re gonna tell these people you have the answer and it’s becoming ..what is it MB called it.. Oh yeah a GROCERY STORE?
+(Just a note-this type of thing has been done in Philly for YEARS-nothing new-also a franchisor named CENA does what you are proposing and guess what? THEY DON”T MAKE ANY MONEY EITHER!!!)
+1.David-You’re “the business guy”- Where were you again when sis was going into hock for her store? You as the “business guy” didn’t enlighten her that owning her own business could be stressful?
+Did YOU help her with her due diligence or did you come to the rescue AFTER?
+2. Let me get this straight, you’re the business guy?????
+3. And did I mention YOU were the BUSINESS guy?
+4. You “sis” came on here telling us all you were the best thing since sliced bread and that you were going to “save” her business-I guess that didn’t work out so well huh? She didn’t mention you were her “business guy” brother either.
+5.You are also David of Kitchen Coalition fame? Somehow it all makes sense.
+What we have gotten from both of you is lie after lie..unreal
+David I don’t even really know who you are except someone -business guy- who MAY just have too much money on your hands.
+You David and Lisa are UNBELIEVALBLE.
+And for every KNOT-HEAD who listens to anything you say they are certifiable too.
+**One last question- When did you say you plan to franchise?
+Wow had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+I can get the anger - I really can - I’m angry too. But I wouldn’t personally attack people who are trying to succeed in this business. There are plenty of people to be angry at without flipping out on other owners, and quite frankly, David makes some good points. Have you always been doing everything you need to do to keep your customers? Maybe you have - maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve been reading these posts and that can and does affect your attitude toward both your business and your customers.
+There is a way to make this good concept into a good business and I’m going to struggle to stick around to see if it can be figured out. I’m going to do my part in helping figure it out - and David and Lisa - I appreciate your comments. I may not jump immediately onto every bandwagon, but I can listen, decipher, and reason for myself. Allthingsculinary, apparently, cannot.
+Lisa had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+Tuckerbox, I agree with you, there are a lot of people in this industry that want to get totally out, and I respect that. There are also people who want to get out, but out or not, have a lease agreement to uphold, what to do about them? And then there are people like me who love my business and truly believe they can make it work–I agree, it is a niche, it was always going to be a niche business, but it WILL work for some people, and so all of these people with various and sundry goals and options need to help eachother find a way OUT, wherever out takes them doesn’t matter, but that is the first step. And for me the second step is to recreate the value that I have found in my system of franchise owners, recipe development, computer support, etc. I am sorry I brought it up, but you brought up the topic. I like your idea Tuckerbox, tell us how you would make it work?
+And all things culinary, you are angry, but you need to aim your anger where it belongs, my trying to build a business should not be so threatening to you. And if I am a failure, well so be it, and people are free to ignore anything I say, but at least I have always been honest about who I am and my accomplishments, or lack thereof. I won’t be the first or the last to fail or succeed, but I can know I gave it all I had and never hurt anyone in the process. Can you say that?
+David had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+You are right. I would have told her not to do it. She didn’t ask. It is one of my sayings, “If you give a person an answer to a question they do no have, they will not hear you.” Clearly you do not have any questions. I would encourage you however to refrain from forming conclusive judgments if you have not bothered to inquire about the facts
+My sister couldn’t take the stress. She’s not a foodie. She can’t even smell or taste. For her, MA was a fatal attraction. She bought the zor bill of goods that this was a business that would more or less manage itself and she believed she could make it fly by adding good marketing. My sister got out early. It was a good decision for her and it would be a good decision for a lot of the readers. When she said she couldn’t take it any more and was going to simply close I tried to convince her that she had arrived at a place of freedom. Since she had accepted worse-case scenario she could now just have some fun with it. She couldn’t do it and that was the best decision for her.
+Tuckerbox, I agree with you as well. But I believe that a good concept can be a basis for a great business. But the concept doesn’t make the business. The business makes the business. Who your customers are, how you communicate to them and the details of what you ACTUALLY do day in, day out (chop wood, carry water), that’s what makes the business. MA got it wrong.
+As for termination, anybody can close. You don’t need to terminate to close. And many owners should take their lumps and get it over with. So many have already. What I feel termination does for those who should get out of the business is that it may give them something to sell. They have a customer base, a freezer, a cooler and a lot of stainless steal. Can they turn that into something that a person like me thinks he can combine into a decent business? I think it’s their best shot. Perhaps it will just help them get out from under the lease… it beats a lot of other options.
+And for those who have learned their lesson that the devil is in the details (and in the zor boardrooms) and they think they might be able to use their experience to create a better result… do it. Nobody’s is going to hand it to you. Certainly not your zor.
+ATC - I promise never to be rude to you. Will you give me the same promise?
+independent owner had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply
+Can’t zors sue zees for lost royalties if they close? I’m sure this is on a case-by-case basis, but for some reason I was under the impression that this particular threat was very real.
+Lisa had this to say on | May 16, 2008 | Reply. Just a thought, I thought it was a good one, but others didn’t agree, I haven’t given up, though, Lisa
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+First to clarify, our store is closed. Note that I said “was” near a grocer. That said and now that I understand more of where you are coming from, I too don’t think you should be advising what will work. While you certainly seem like you know what you are talking about in some respects, you also talk in circles at times and most importantly….it’s all hypothetical. I found your original post so interesting because it sounded like you had actually made this different business model work….not that everyone could go out and find a baker to rent half their space or have the money to retrofit to something else….just a new sign is 5K! Also I always have thought in retrospect that were we to do it over again, I would rent half the space, only make the meals, and combine other things that sold during the day (ie coffee and pastries and catering)….so you caught my attention. It’s terribly hard to let go!
+But the reality is you have no track record and you must understand that the MAK owners here have had their fill of Zors throwing stuff against the wall to see if it will stick. For that reason it is giving false hope as was already said by others and no one should be even encouraged to revamp or buy a closed store to follow anything resembling what you are doing.
+I try to keep an open mind when reading posts because in fact we are all interested in how to change the broken model to one that works (which is a long shot)….forget the fact that we were sold something that supposedly was a viable model. For those still in business with money to retro fit their store (not many)….ideas that have ACTUALLY worked should always be welcome. For Zees, there would of course be the legal crap to deal with and I personally have my doubts that any Zor would let such a precedent stand.
+Lastly, I am naive in terms of your relationship with others posting here based on references by you and others. Why did you recently reveal who your sister is and to who? Is there a relationship with Lisa or Kitchen Coalition? I might be slow.
+Lastly, you seem to have a lot of confidence that what you are doing will fly and I wish you the best.
+AllThingsCulinary had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+Here is a guy: David Bowels, who has uncovered the mucky pit of the ZORS. He has spent countless hours proving that Dinners Ready among other Franchise’ the lies and fraud that they resprent. In doing so, He has put together a plan to help Owners get out the UFOC. On the surface it looks good. He even got seed money from Bert V. (meal prep) ($70,000) to help support his efforts. In doing all of this He understand that the original business model is failed- unfixable.
+Originally he has quoted ‘his’ client, now it seems it’s his sister. This still could be true, but why not come out and say that from the beginning? To protect her? What is there to protect? To gain sympathy amongst Owners…to gain a spot on meal assembly watch?
+What David Bowels is claiming to start is not something NEW. The business model he is designing is STILL not proven to work and make a profit. It all SOUNDS good but like Meal Blogger has pointed out, others with DEEP pockets have tried and they too have disappeared.
+Here is my speculation: I think David is out to buy up all the stores, at rock bottom prices, pennies on the dollar, so He in return can resell his NEW invention.
+Everything starts out all innocent and wonderful- then BAM, out comes the greed, dishonesty, & lies. WE have already seen one lie….(claiming to help his sister)
+Like I have stated in my last post, David is the Business guy, and he sees $$$
+…at your expense!
+In the thick of it had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+Hey if David wants to buy my location “at rock bottom prices, pennies on the dollar, so He in return can resell his NEW invention.” Great-it is better than what I have now.
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+So David, is that who you are? If so, the web of deception in this industry continues to amaze. However I will say even if his real interest is in buying folks out for pennies on the dollar for a model that doesn’t work either, then his deck is missing a few cards.
+David had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+I put out a couple of other posts that said who I am. My business is what they call turn around management. I work with distressed businesses. Usually they are much larger than an MA store. I have a good track record of going into situations that are trapped in a cycle of failure and producing results. Most often the businesses have been too far gone or the owner just wants out.
+I learned that ATC is Kelly (I didn’t know this when I first responded to her little diatribe.) She owned a meal prep store that went bankrupt. I met her when she volunteered to be a board member for Kitchen Coalition. One day she kind of snapped and went on a Bert/What’s Cooking Software tear. It is a little sad that she keeps expressing her judgments about things that seem to confuse her. She is becoming a real pain in the a**. Kelly, go away.
+Bert and EMP have nothing whatsoever to do with Kitchen Coalition. Bert has not put up a dime. Bert and I have talked on a number of occasions. he talks to a lot of people and has some great insights. Bert has positioned EMP as a service provider. He really endeavors to maintain neutrality between zors and zees and he has really done a pretty good job at that. I wouldn’t want to be him right now and I to not have the political savvy to walk a line like that. And I wouldn’t care to have any association with the zors unless one of them came to me to facilitate a dissolution. The $70,000 came from me, from my attorney, from my graphic artist and from What’s Cooking. And I don’t want to argue with anybody about the merits of making a living providing a service for people who are having difficulties. There isn’t anybody except zors who have made much money on MA, least of all Bert and WCS.
+Bert believes that the Coalition is a timely incarnation to provide advocacy and support. I am on the advocacy side. Lisa is involved. She is more about support… always has been and a lot of the readers know that from working with her over the years. I have tried to avoid positioning the Coalition as “against”, as there is so much negativity in MA right now. But, frankly, I really am all about kicking zors butt. That they dally as they do and ponder the disintegration of their schemes while there is blood in the streets and innumerable families are being devastated because they said yes to a zor… well, it’s reprehensible. That’s the best thing I can say about it. I honestly cannot figure out why people are so passive about disemboweling them.
+Shelley was my client and is my sister. I would not have taken her case no matter how compelling the story if she wasn’t my sister. I cost too much. I gave her half-rate. I think she paid me about $15,000. I stopped charging her and worked for free for the last 3 - 4 months. I am fired up about Dinners Ready the most. They are outright frauds. I have proof and the State of Oregon found it compelling enough that they commenced an investigation that is currently ongoing. DR has no defenses. My second tier of targets is Super Suppers and Dream Dinners. MGFK is right up there. Shelley and I did not reveal our relationship to anybody. We did not want to diminish our roles while the battle was raging with DR. Shelley quit. She has a case for damages against those bankrupt suckers but how would she get paid. DR’s CPA breached a few major standards of his profession and many people relied on his audits that concealed the scope of DR’s insolvency. His E&O insurance is a great resource to tap. DR’s attorney is a hack with bad grammar and I’m guessing she has some perverse connections to these sociopaths in addition to legal representation and her E&O (she’s enough of a hack she probably doesn’t carry a policy) may also be a good resource. Her name is Janet Martin. [Hey Janet! You don't like what I'm saying here? Well, come get a piece of this you lowly creep!] See what I mean about keeping it positive.
+(You see what I mean when I talk about my political savvy).
+I am curious how it would work but I have no interest in buying any stores. Please don’t come to me with any offers.
+I am no better than anybody but I am really good with business and at making money. I am convinced I can’t make any money on an MA owner. But I could make a few mortgage payments from helping 100 of them, or 300. I have promised Shelley that I will repay her fees if this works out OK for me. I hope some owners will let me get out front and take a few arrows for them. WCS will pay me to coach people on a business solutions for their independent stores and write the requirements for the software. As long as I have the time and resources I’ll help anybody who asks at no charge and nobody is obligated to buy software. It is my business strategy to add value and the rest will take care of itself. And I really want to kick zor butt.
+Meanwhile I own a store. I met with the baker last night and we worked out a new floor plan. She is going to spend about $20,000 on improvements. I’ll have all the room I need including room to merchandise wine and a little pottery. My rent is $4,300/mo and she’s going to pay me $3,000, 1/2 the electric bill and 1/2 of the gas bill. I can make $80,000 per year now at $320,000 per year and break even at about $240 - rough numbers. I went to the farmers market today and came back with some great leads for local organic meat and produce suppliers at Very competitive prices. These are my solutions for my store. Each problem has its own answers. There are no silver bullets.
+I know a lot about the software now. I could tell as soon as I started investigating this industry that the bassackwards ordering systems were a big part of the problem MA owners face. It’s unbelievable to me that so many people would think these processes were a good idea.
+Good people disagree. I advise the reader (though you get what you pay for and my advice is free) to avoid forming judgments about things that you have not directly observed. The habit of doing so is one of the scourges of our time.
+Kelly, take a break. And George, be careful what you ask me. I am not known for brevity. But, honestly, thank you for taking the direct approach.
+Lisa had this to say on | May 17, 2008 | Reply
+So why does Kelly have a new alias? I could feel the anger and venom and the pinky ahd the brain reference was a giveaway, what is that anyway? Lisa
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 18, 2008 | Reply
+Very interesting is all I will say for now. Thx David.
+guest had this to say on | May 18, 2008 | Reply
+Yes and you can see Kelly’s new website - - which it looks like she has partnered with Mindy from Joyfilledyou.com.
+FromOneDDOwnerToAnother had this to say on | May 18, 2008 | Reply
+I am glad Kelly is a pain in David’s Ass. Her opinion has been instrumental to me. I may not agree with everything she says but it sure is entertaining! She sheds light on these entire yahoos’s. If it weren’t for her anger & passion, the Zor’s would continue to lie and steal from innocent people.
+I don’t have time in my day to do the research she does; I have grown to depend on her for advice.
+Again, David with Kitchen Coalition is defiantly interesting, and I am all in favor of bringing down the Zor’s.
+Kelly, Tuckerbox and others give a great commentary and I enjoy reading what you have to say. So, carry on…remember who the enemy is.
+David had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+Great things are seldom accomplished by filling a room with people who agree with each other. That being said, I guess I’m gald Kelly makes my posterior region ache.
+The dialog is useful, evn those parts of it that come from left field. Thanks for your comment One DDOwner… and Kelly too I suppose.
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+One other comment on Kelly. As a former owner of the same the franchise she had and having had personal conversations with her, I will reiterate her passion for educating the public about the realities of the MAK industry. I share that passion though she, Tuckerbox and others here have had the energy to put much more into the effort than I. Many former MAK owners chose to push forward without spending any time lamenting over what could have or even recognizing they were had…otherwise there would be even more blogging here, elsewhere, and more lawsuits.
+Though some of Kelly’s message may be lost at times by the loudness of her voice, her intentions should not be doubted. Through their research much has come to light about the many webs of deceit that abound within the industry. There is a natural paranoia that has resulted!
+You have opened up about who you are and sound committed to ensuring the Zors are pushed into the sunlight for what they are. However at the same you are choosing to see if you can create something different that will in fact work….great! Go for it and develop a proven system….I think the MAK owners here would be surprised if it looks ANYTHING like a current MAK if it is successful. Just don’t try to get others on your bandwagon prematurely.
+I look forward to your continued commentary. You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you!
+Tuckerbox had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+Although this seems contrary to some of your other goals, I completely agree with these statements:
+David: I really am all about kicking zors butt. That they dally as they do and ponder the disintegration of their schemes while there is blood in the streets and innumerable families are being devastated because they said yes to a zor… well, it’s reprehensible. That’s the best thing I can say about it. I honestly cannot figure out why people are so passive about disemboweling them.
+I don’t know if its proper to encourage such activities (wink wink), but I would agree that by a more unified stance owners may have more leverage to get out of their contracts and it may prove too costly for the Zors to take action.
+I would look at this as the first goal the owners need to accomplish. Very little else can be done until they distance themselves from their corp. affiliate. That could take many forms…:
+I would never encouage anyone to take that step, I just dream about it, and consider it myself every day, so I am always looking for like minded people to talk to who might like to throw around ideas, etc. I have never engaged in anything illegal or improper (well, to paraphrase GW, when I was young and stupid, I did young and stupid things, but that’s irrelevant to the matter at hand…) and would never encourage anyone else to do anything they think is improper, but a good discussion of options is not wrong. Any dreamers, feel free to give me a call, Lisa
+Tuckerbox had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+Lisa: I hope you didn’t take my comment the wrong way, of not encouraging owners, it was loaded with sarcasm, thus the (wink wink).
+I agree with the statements both you and David made.
+And I’m all for discussions on how owners can accomplish those goals!
+David had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+How about a new stream called “Zor Buttkicking”?
+I am all about encouraging owners to terminate. Maybe you get that.
+This is contract law. I am not a lawyer but I am pretty experienced with contract law. My own concerns about “encouraging” zees to terminate originally pertained to the issue of contractual interferance. I have consulted multiple attorneys on this and have gotten the same answer. As long as I am not extorting/bullying or deceiving there is no claim. Even if I am a competitor, which I’m not. Of course, anybody can sue anybody. It was one of the main reasons I wanted to form Kitchen Coalition, so that the zors would need to go through that corporation to get to me. Things are going too slow at KC and I’m not that patient so here I am on the frontier all by myself. It’s risky, but I’m pissed off. And, heck, I’m pretty broke too so there’s not that much downside.
+There are two ways to get out of the relationship with a zor but they both amount to simply walking away. The first is to rescind and the second is to terminate. The zees with a case for recission are those who signed up with just about any zor in 2007 and 2008. Some, such as Dinners Ready zees, have good cases for recission in 2006 because that document was fraudulent. Virtually every zor did not update their disclosure docs after things went south on them. They used their state filings as a safe harbor and to license yheir disclosures for a year. Most of the regulatory states have a stated requirement that zors must update the UFOC if there is a “material change” in the company’s condition. I can’t find a single zor who has filed new docs this year. I know of one Super Suppers sale where SS just recently provided a UFOC to a new buyer. They used the 2007 filing that had 2006 financials, store counts and failure rates, etc. DO YOU THINK THAT THERE HAS BEEN A MATERIAL CHANGE IN SS’s CONDITION SINCE 12-31-06? In fact, SS’s UFOC was outdated when they filed it as the store failure rate was plummeting to almost 150 failures. They only disclose 25 failures in the 2007 UFOC filing. Thus, every SS owner who relied on the 2007 UFOC has not only a great case for recission but an excellent case for fraud.
+In the case of fraud, the corporation does not provide a shield for the officers and shareholders. For example, in Oregon the law requires zors to furnish financial statements not mor than 90 days old and also requires that the UFOC is fully updated and current at the time of delivery. To use outdated Washington or California filings is not tolerated. Oregon reviwed the facts against Dinners Ready and immediately commenced an investigation. The law in Oregon states:
+ORS 650.020 Liability of franchise seller; defenses; amount of recovery; attorney fees; joint and several liability; limitation on action; indemnification of corporation; right of contribution.
+(1) Any person who sells a franchise is liable as provided in subsection (3) of this section to the franchisee if the seller:
+(a) Employs any device, scheme or artifice to defraud; or
+(b) Makes any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
+(3) The franchisee may recover any amounts to which the franchisee would be entitled upon an action for a rescission. Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the court may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party in an action under this section.
+>>>>>>> (5) Every person who directly or indirectly controls a franchisor liable under subsection (1) of this section, every partner, officer or director of the franchisor, every person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions, and every person who participates or materially aids in the sale of a franchise is also liable jointly and severally to the same extent as the franchisor, unless the nonseller did not know, and, in the exercise of reasonable care, could not have known, of the existence of the facts on which the liability is based.
+In Washington law it clearly states the such omissions are also characterized as fraudulent and the zor is subject to treble damages. BUT ARE YOU GOING TO SUE? You’d want to name everybody, including their lawyers and accountants. It would take 1 - 2 years to resolve. You could win and lose on appeal. In the case of DR, they’re already broke. AND - here is the important part - you’d spend $50 - $100,000. The good news is, these are the same considerations that the zor has. They don’t have the scratch for their own retainers. They’ve been talking to their attorneys and they are scared to death. If they put you into a lawsuit, you’ll have countercalims. They know they’re vulnerable and they don’t want to draw your fire. They know they’ll lose you sonner or later and only care because it would be one less store in the portfolio when they finally dupe some sucker to buy their company. And they can���t MAKE you perform and they can’t get through you to your buyer - in the event you have one.
+So, as I said, anybody who received their UFOC in 2007 and who wants to walk away should call their brothers and sisters and throw a wave of terminations at them. The second wave could/maybe should come from zees who see the handwriting on the wall. Let’s solicit everybody who is thinking about bankruptcy and talk about it in a private forum. The Coalition would provide this if it makes T-box nervous but I think MAW would be the best site to use. All of the zees who are near death should band together and just quit. Sign up for software for next to nothing (heck, I might sponsor some of it) and GO TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM. These zees might not even need to change their sign, just their web page. The more terminations there are the more evidence there is for zees to defend themselves if a zor did get cranky. The third wave is all of you who are just about pissed off enough to do it out of spite.
+Think how the zors are using your royalty dollars these days. As far as I’m concerned, to keep giving them money is to be part of the problem. Now THAT comment ought to bring out the guardians and naysayers. For myself, I’m inclined to fight if I find my back against the wall because somebody decieved me or has failed to keep their promises to me. I have never been much of a fan of powerlessness. I have to admit though, from time to time this attitude has gotten me in more trouble than I could have avoided. This post is a case in point. And I’m not even a zee.
+mealblogger had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+We may not always agree on various topics, but that was a good post.
+I did notice one statement that isn’t exactly accurate.
+“I can’t find a single zor who has filed new docs this yearâ€
+DD has filed new FDD docs. I know some folks on this site have seen them. I have not, but as soon as they are made publicly available, I’m sure Tuckerbox will link to them in the UFOC section of this site.
+Unless I’m mistaken all franchisors have until July 1, 2008 to adopt the new FDD format. I understand this to mean that any franchisor that wishes to continue selling franchises must have new documents filed by that date.
+Lisa had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+MB is right, DD has filed in CA, but no, the zors should have filed within 120 of the close of their fiscal year, which I think is December 31, for most, and David is right about updates, but it is not just states, the FTC rule and the CFR require quarterly updates to the UFOC for material changes. The FDD rule goes into effect in July, but that just means that Zors could either file a UFOC, then update it, or file an FDD now. They could have started using the FDD last July, I think, not sure of the month, but sometime last year. Was that clear as mud? The bottom line is the Zors, all of them had enough changes last year that they should have filed updates and as far as we know, not one of them did. Lisa
+FromOneDDOwnerToAnother had this to say on | May 19, 2008 | Reply
+I have been talking with Mindy for about 4 mos. over this idea of the Kitchen Coalition. Your post David was just what I needed to read tonight. It is something I am interested but where do I start. I am broke, and facing the summer on a shoe string.
+Scared is an understatement- I choose a franchise in 2006 so I Wouldnt have these issues, and now I am tired of all the false promises, lack of support, & NO marketing plan other then these 87 Initiatives’. (Dr. Phil being one of them) & other mindless corporate scheme.
+ChefGeorge had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+I’ve been wondering how many UFOCs have been updated…last time I looked at STU it sure didn’t reflect reality. Great post.
+In terms of Zees terminating their contract, if this thing gets any traction I sure wouldn’t think you want to keep discussing it here for all the world to see. Coordination could be problematic. Because some are still drinking Koolaid keeping things confidential will be a bitch.
+David had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+ODDOTA - Today’s lesson is on the hypothalamus.
+My understanding of the hypothalamus is that it a gland in the brain that, among other things, can control every endocrine gland in the body. It secretes peptides in response to stimuli and these race to specially configured receptors in cells, inserting themselves as a key into a lock. When the key fits, the peptide can penetrate the cells and invoke the prescribed response. If we are in a situation or have formed habits wherein we practice or experience an overabundance of one feeling, the cells’ receptors become filled and the peptides don’t have any place to go. Sensing this, when the cells regenerate they do so with more receptors for the common peptides - and this important - at the expense of other receptors. Therefore, as an example, if we are experiencing an overabundance of anger or fear we eventually diminish our capacity to experience joy or well-being. These new hybridized cells are longing to have their receptors filled so the brain mollifies them by indulging in these common feelings. And the cycle continues. Thus - we actually become addicted to these feelings. Any time you have a feeling that you are not in control of you are participating in your addiction. It takes a lot of will and determination to break this cycle. “correct path”. I am just suggesting that they grab hold of what they need to do the right thing for themselves and to regain their balance.
+I have taken some terrific hits in my life… ravaged by scoundrels. I learned my distressed business business the hard way. I have been self-employed since 1978. This is the first time around for many zees. In looking back, I realized that the creeps who pillaged me actually provided a service, as they bumped me off of a path I shouldn’t have been on. I’ve wondered if their and my angels had been conspiring in the night. I believe that some people actually play these roles in a number of people’s lives. In a way, they have sacrificed themselves (and their karma?) to provide this service. Perhaps holding open the possibility that this is true can help free people from the tyranny of their fear and anger. You are where you find yourself and you got here for a reason. This is not where you want to stay. What is the next step? There are many among who should be taking similar steps - surrender, terminate, hunker down… whatever. Work together, support each other - and get on with it.
+guest had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+Well written David!
+David had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+George- Tuckerbox has set up a private group to add security for discussing issues that might not be appropriate to hang out there in plain view of the entire universe. I just posted in the forum to allow people to discuss this matter with greater privacy. This is all new stuff for this site (and for me) so I am not sure how it will all work. Check it out:
+Tuckerbox had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+David, I agree with a majority of what you say and how owners need to come together and that if they were to break away in droves that franchisors would be pretty powerless to do anything and further that if such an action were to take, I have my doubts as to whether that franchisor would have the financial stability to stay in business. However, I still shy away from the idea that owners should then establish themselves as independent store owners and continue in the meal assembly business. This seems to just be trading one pair of shackles for another. It also seems to be a Catch-22. If you were making money under your current system there would be less chance you would want to break free. If you aren’t making money, getting rid of the royalty would certainly be helpful, but is that the only think that keeps you from making a profit?
+Breaking away from the franchisor is probably the best choice for many out there, but considering the economic times and a lack of stable system for making money, I still think continuing in the industry, but under a different banner poses just as many risks.
+David had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+T- I can’t say that I disagree with you. The level of risk remains high and it would be more work than ever to create success. But you cannot ignore the fact that most of the risk capital has already been sunk into the business. The largest remaining risk is the additional time the owner would give over to the business… and, of course, negative cash flow from operations. This has different offsets for different owners. For example, those owners with personal guarantees on space leases may have a lot to lose by just closing shop.
+But there are a few other significant facts. 1) An MA franchise is extremely difficult to sell. Any business is difficult, but a revamped hybrid business is a better story to sell and the buyer won’t need to pay fees and royalties. 2) A non-franchised storeowner is free to run their business as they please. Selling wine, subletting or sharing space with a related business and adding sit-down dining are few examples of adaptations an independent can make that a zee can’t. 3) Not paying royalties is good for business.
+Every set of circumstances needs to be examined on its own merits. If I was tied to a lease with personal guarantees and owed money on a pile of stainless steel, I might try to set somebody up in business as a partner, no money down, and I step away as the “investor”. Let them infuse their energy and capital into a new plan. They can make the lease and loan payment. If they fail I’d be no worse off and they might last until the lease and/or loan is paid. I would give them an attractive buyout option. If they were successful I would either get a share of the profits or they’d buy me out and I’d get a chunk of cash.
+OK, that’s a deal a lot of people couldn’t make… but some of them could. But none of them could do it as a zee. This all being said, terminating is not a silver bullet. In many ways you’d essentially be starting a new business. But terminating is a gateway to many options that are not otherwise available.
+Kaye had this to say on | May 20, 2008 | Reply
+David, I love what you wrote about faith: “correct pathâ€. I am just suggesting that they grab hold of what they need to do the right thing for themselves and to regain their balance.
+I just thought it was worth repeating. Some days, faith is all I have to keep me going in this quiet store . . .
+Thank you!
+Montebello Splendid
+No availability found through our partners. Please contact the business directly or check some of our recommended alternatives.
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+- " src="" alt="Hotel Executive Florence" class="accom_photo">
+Travel Blogs from Florence
+Seaside Disappointment
+5th September 2010
+Day 34 & it would probably have been better if we stayed in bed.Had great plans to visit Viareggio, which according to the net is the jewel in the Italian Riveria.Duly got on the train for the 100min trip which was uneventful, except when half a dozen big black dudes came into our carriage.As it turned out , nothing …
+Uffizi Gallery and Gardens
+4th September 2010
+Day 33 & another quiet day loomed, with just a visit to the Uffizi Gallery & a walk in the Boboli gardens planned.Got to the gallery nice & early & had a very small queue in front of us.Totally different security set up to the Louvre, with metal detectors to go thru & no back packs ( they had to be …
+OMG What A Day- Siena, San Gimignano
+2nd September 2010
+Day 31 & one of the best we have had.We were both starting to get a little weary of the big cities ( unique & wonderful in so many respects, but not so the narrow,crowded streets with the high buildings on both sides ) so we were looking forward to our day tour away from Florence.
+The departure point …
+Casual Day in and around Florence
+1st September 2010
+Day 30 & other pretty casual day beckoned.I forgot to mention yesterday that Brenda had also found a nail place ( not a hardware store guys ) & was booked in today for a couple of hours.
+My first thought was to walk over the river & walk thru the hills above the city, but in researching this I came …
+Exploring history
+31st August 2010
+Day 29 & with breakfast not included, we started our walk by looking for a nice cafe.Found one quite close by & as with Como,to save time I'll refer to it in future as B & CL.
+Started the real wandering soon after & it became obvious that we had seen the worst of the city yesterday.While the …
+How has this hotel rated in the past?
+- Room service
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+Travelers also recommend:
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+Historical Traveler Reviews Montebello Splendid Florence
+Great time but a few tips!
+The hotel was lovely - fine room and very comfortbale though we were surprised that breakfast was not included. This was easily resolved by a morning trip to one of the local cafes which were great. The hotel is a bit of a stroll to get up towards the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio but not too bad and it does allow you a leisurley trip along the river each day. One tip for the wary - only use the Hotel to book your museum visits if you are happy paying the hotel a 100% mark-up on the actual admission prices! We found out the hard way! Our advice would be to go to the museums two days before you want to visit and book reserved slots yourself.
+Great Hotel!
+My wife and I spent three nights at the Montebello Splendid in late September. This was by far our favorite of five hotels we stayed at in Europe. The room was large, well appointed, and very clean. The staff was exceptionally friendly and helpful. We found the restaurant on site to be a welcome change from some of the noisy restaurants around the city. I would not consider staying anywhere else in Florence.
+Good Hotel but far from Splendid.
+We stayed at this hotel from the 12th -16th Sept. I was completely taken a back when I realised that the breakfast was not included in the cost of the hotel. It was an extremely good breakfast and the staff were very attentive but so they should be at the price.
+There were three of us in a junior suite which frankly was on the small side for two. The bathroom was also on the small side for a five star hotel. One small packet of tissues with five tissues in it was never replaced in the four nights of our stay. There was a disgusting smell like rotten onions and garlic that came from the bathroom and although we complained about it nothing was done about it.
+Remodeled paid off
+We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at this hotel after driving around lost for two hours. The hotel is beautiful. We had two rooms for four days in August. Both mine and my brothers rooms were outstanding. Very comfortable, very elegant and clean. Very quiet location yet near the Ponte Vecchio bridge. We loved this hotel. Our room rate would have been over 800 euros per night but we booked through United Airlines and paid only 171 US per night. I think the rate was so low because at the time I booked the hotel it was closed for remodeling. I did feel that their dining room was overated and expensive in comparison to other resteraunts in the area. The service and staff were outstanding. Very , Very Helpful. Great location away from the hustle and bustle yet close to the major sights. We are going to stay there again on our next trip to Florence.
+Highly Recommended
+My husband and I stayed at the Montebello Splendid in mid Sept. 2004 for 3 days. We booked a standard double room and were surprised by the beauty and elegance of the room and hotel- which were recently renovated. It was a real 5-star experience. The hotel restaurant is still going through some growing pains, though. We had a mixed experience. On our first night at the hotel, our meal was just fantastic and the service was impeccable. The following evening, I ordered vegetable soup that came cold and appeared to have been warmed over. In addition, the service was very spotty. But hotel is highly recommended. A real value.
+Remodelled elegance
+I stayed at the Montebello Splendid in August 2004. The hotel has undergone extensive remodelling, adding a second building, but only a few more rooms. The rating has jumped from 4 to 5 stars. Good features: a quiet interior courtyard with a fountain, where it is possible to read, have a drink or eat. Elegantly decorated common areas and sleeping rooms. Mostly helpful and friendly staff - I mentioned that all the newspapers were in Italian and the next morning USA Today showed up too. Downsides: The hotel had only been reopenned for 1 month and some construction was still ongoing. Some of the staff don't yet fully understand the concept of 5 star service. Although the rooms are electronic wonders that theoretically have dsl and WiFI, the reality is that unless you have a service provider in Italy, it is not possible to access the internet except by telephone dial-up. This is a major failing for a supposed business hotel. Overall: I booked through Hotels and was very pleased with the price/quality ratio. The standard rate for my room would have been 520 euro/night and its not worth that!
+Recomended hotel
+Brand new hotel, just opened!! We stayed from 7/13 until 7/16 in a wonderful deluxe room with marble bathroom. The buffet breakfast was absolutly rich and open until 11:30 am. We tasted the food in the restaurant and it was very good and not expensive at all. The staff was very helpful and friendly. In my opinion it's one of the best hotel of Florence.
+Beware of renovations!
+We stayed here for 3 nights in late june 2004. I knew this hotel had been completely renovated but didnt know it will still going on when I booked it. Part of the hotel is still being renovated. Apparently, they reopened the day before we arrived. The room was very nice but wasnt completely finish. The covers for the a/c vents were not installed, the small round mirror was not yet installed in the bathroom, the door needed to be ajusted because we had to pull it very hard for it to lock when leaving the room. The in-room safe had never been used and needed to be opened by the staff. Of course, all these things are minor but considering the price of the room, I was disappointed. Everything in the room is controlled electronically. The TV is replaced by a computer. I was not impressed with the staff to be honest. At one point, someone from the staff walked in the room with a key without knocking, I was almost naked. The valet guy seemed completely incompetent. The breakfast was good however.
+Great hotel, good value
+Stayed for two nights 1-2 August 02. Located within walking distance (15 minutes) of main train station and bus from Florence airport. Reception area and rooms beautifully restored to early 19th century ambiance. Hotel not crowded and was very quiet and restful. Staff friendly, helpful, accomodating, and English-speaking. Room had very efficient airconditioning (appreciated in August heat and humidity). Bathroom was modern with fantastic shower. Breakfast buffet was not included in basic accomodation rate but was well worth the additional supplement. Most tourist attractions are within walking distance. Would certainly return. Very good value if booked through Expedia.com.
+Splendid stay at the splendid montebello
+Staff was terrific, and the buffett breakfast was tremendous. The location is a little off centre and the rooms need some upgrading. I understand this will take place over the next year. I would stay their again.
+- Research
+- Open Access
+- Published:
+Runtime and aPTT predict venous thrombosis and thromboembolism in patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a retrospective analysis
+Annals of Intensive Care volume 6, Article number: 66 (2016)
+1626 Accesses
+25 Citations
+7 Altmetric
+In 1855, Rudolf Virchow established a theory on coagulation [1]. His triad of causes for thrombogenesis consisting of increased blood viscosity, altered blood flow and endothelial injury is still valid [2]. When transferring Virchow’s triad to patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), they are at high risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism. Pump-induced platelet activation as well as inflammation and consumption of clotting factors due to mechanic stress and blood contact to foreign surfaces provokes hypercoagulability [3, 4]. Cannulation induces endothelial injury and ECMO induces blood flow disturbances, resulting in regional stasis to complete the risk profile. The increasing use of ECMO drives a progressive improvement of pumps and circuits, e.g., centrifugal pumps and heparin coating, reducing the incidence of thrombosis inside the device, seemingly allowing a reduction of anticoagulation [4].
+Although bleeding and thromboembolic complications are feared complications during ECMO therapy and both contribute to mortality [5], the risk of venous thrombosis (VT) and thromboembolism (VTE) has just recently started gaining attention. Case reports and case series indicate that VT and VTE might influence outcome as well [6–10]. VTE were concurrently diagnosed in up to 10 % of cases [11] and in up to 18 % with routinely performed postdecannulation venous Doppler ultrasound [12]. Autopsy results of patients on veno-arterial ECMO support after cardiac surgery showed VT in 32 % of cases with a duration-dependent increase [13]. Considering the longstanding support of respiratory ECMO especially in patients that are bridged to lung transplantation [14], the true incidence of VT is probably still underestimated. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of clinically diagnosed venous thrombosis and thromboembolism in patients treated with ECMO due to respiratory failure.
+Study subjects
+From a computerized database, we retrieved all patients who underwent high-flow ECMO at the pulmonary ICU at the University Hospital of Saarland (1.300 bed tertiary care hospital) from 04/2010 to 11/2015. This retrospective analysis includes all patients who survived ECMO therapy and could be discharged from ICU and autopsy findings of deceased patients treated in the same era. Patients that did not survive to discharge and for whom autopsy was refused are not analyzed.
+Patients with preexisting thromboembolic disease such as acute pulmonary embolism or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and subjects with partial autopsy (e.g., selective autopsy of the thorax) were excluded from this analysis. Patients on pump-driven ECCO2R on 1/4-inch tubing were only included if the system was switched to high-flow ECMO on 3/8-inch. Four cases with a mean ECCO2R runtime of 10.7 ± 10.3 days were finally changed to full ECMO. The analysis was approved by the institutional review board (IRB; Ärztekammer des Saarlandes: #194/14 and #115/15). The necessity for informed consent was waived by the IRB due to the retrospective nature of the study.
+Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation/ECMO deployment/continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHD)
+ECMO was initiated if PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) was below 100 or if pH was below 7.20 for respiratory causes despite optimal conventional treatment. Patients had to have a potentially reversible cause of respiratory failure or the perspective of lung transplantation. Awake ECMO was initiated to prevent intubation in patients that were hypoxemic and/or hypercapnic (pH was below 7.20 or PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) below 100) despite high FiO2. Twenty-nine patients had ECMO as a bridge to transplantation.
+All patients were treated with veno-venous (vv) ECMO using mostly the femoral (draining) and jugular (return) veins as cannula entry sites. As a standard, we used 23 F draining cannulae at a length of 38 or 55 cm, as appropriate, and 19 F returning cannulae (Maquet, Rastatt, Germany) with a heparin coating. Eleven patients were cannulated with a bicaval double-lumen cannula (27 F or 31 F Avalon Elite, Avalon Laboratories, Rancho Dominguez, USA). Cannulation was done ultrasound-guided percutaneously by the staff intensivists. As standard oxygenator, a 7.0L-HLS or Quadrox-I primed with physiological saline solution on the Maquet CardioHelp platform was used. All tubings were 3/8 inch. ECMO circuits and oxygenators were visually checked for clots on a daily basis. Sedation was administered according to a protocol. Daily interruption of sedation was mandatory, except in hemodynamically unstable patients. The hemodynamic situation was monitored using an arterial and central venous line and pulmonary artery catheter when appropriate. Patients were weaned off vasopressors and sedation, whenever possible. Patients previously intubated and mechanically ventilated underwent tracheostomy, if extubation and awake ECMO were not possible.
+CVVHD was done in all patients with regional citrate anticoagulation (Multifiltrate CiCa, Fresenius, Bad Homburg, Germany). The concentration of ionized calcium in the extracorporeal circuit is reduced to 0.25–0.35 mmol/L through chelation with citrate. Calcium is effectively eliminated during dialysis. To restore a physiological calcium level (normal range 2.2–2.6 mmol/L), calcium was added prior to return of the dialyzed blood to the patient’s circulation.
+Anticoagulation and transfusion
+All patients were primarily treated with unfractionated heparin; in case of suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), the regimen was switched to argatroban and HIT testing was performed. Patients that were HIT negative were switched back to heparin. The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization’s (ELSO) guidelines for anticoagulation were considered for anticoagulation management (). Additionally, we guided heparinization according to ECMO flow and aimed at >50 s for activated partial thrombin time at an ECMO flow ≥4.0 L/min. We aimed at higher aPTTs if ECMO flow was lower. We calculated the percentage of PTT above 50 s (number PTT values over 50 s divided by the total number of aPTT measurements times 100) to assess the effectiveness of anticoagulation and proportion of patients that were within the target range. In comparison with mean values of aPTT, this approach gives a more meaningful statement with regard to the quality of anticoagulation over a longer period of time.
+Transfusion trigger for packed red blood cells (PRBC) according to our institutional protocol was central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) ≤65 % (despite optimal inotropic support if needed) and/or Hb ≤ 7.0 g/dL. Platelets were substituted if platelet count was below 20/µL or if diffuse bleeding occurred. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was substituted to optimize plasmatic coagulation and occasionally in situations of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Fibrinogen, PPSB (prothrombin-complex), factor XIII and ATIII were used as well according to the situation.
+Postmortem examination
+We aimed for postmortem examination for all patients who died in our department. The autopsy was finally performed if the deceased or his relatives had agreed. The examination was performed following a standard protocol. Subjects receiving partial autopsy only were excluded from the analysis.
+Laboratory values
+Routine laboratory values were determined directly prior to ECMO initiation and on a daily basis until cessation. Coagulation parameters including factors were determined only if bleeding was considered a problem. In cases of external cannulation and patient admission from external hospitals, laboratory values for the first days on ECMO were missing.
+Diagnosis of VT/VTE
+Follow-up was done by analyzing all patients’ charts, available imaging data and autopsy results up to 1 year after ECMO therapy. Diagnosis was based on duplex sonography, CT scan or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). In one case of clinically suspected pulmonary embolism after cannula removal, diagnosis without imaging was accepted. Screening data were complete for 81 % of patients.
+Statistical analysis
+We described categorical data using frequencies and percentages. For continuous data, we used means and standard deviations as well as Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to check for normal distribution.
+In bivariable analyses, we used Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables and Mann–Whitney U test or Student’s t test for continuous variables as appropriate. Variables with a p value of less than 0.1 in bivariable analyses were considered for a multivariable binary logistic regression model in order to estimate odds ratios and 95 % confidence intervals.
+All statistical tests were two-sided, and p values of less than 0.5 were considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 21 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
+Patient characteristics
+In total, data from 102 patients who underwent high-flow ECMO support were screened. Ninety-six patients were treated on the pulmonary ICU. Additionally, six patients treated on other ICUs on campus fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria and undergoing postmortem analysis were included. 44/96 patients (45.8 %) could be weaned from the device and discharged from ICU. 52/96 patients (54.1 %) died during extracorporeal support or within their ICU stay. Autopsy was refused in 29/52 cases (56 %).
+We excluded all patients with preexisting VT/VTE and subjects with partial autopsy from the analysis. Two surviving patients, one had chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and the other a thrombus in the right atrium on admission, as well as 8 autopsy cases were excluded.
+Consequently, 63 patients treated from May 2010 to November 2015 were included in this retrospective analysis. Figure 1 shows the consort diagram for all subjects. The majority of patients were male [37/63 (59 %)], mean age was 46.0 ± 14.4 years, and mean time of ECMO support was 22.4 ± 17.0 days. Mean body mass index was 28.3 ± 9.8 kg/m2.
+The main reason for ECMO initiation was bridge to recovery in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in 34/63 patients (54 %). All, except one patient with cardiogenic shock, had pulmonary ARDS. The other patients (29/63; 46 %) had chronic or acute on chronic respiratory failure. In these patients, ECMO was initiated as a bridging procedure to lung transplantation. Underlying diseases were interstitial lung disease (14/29), cystic fibrosis (10/29), COPD (4/29) and pulmonary hypertension (1/29). In cases of external cannulation and patient admission from external hospitals, laboratory values for the first days on ECMO were frequently missing; this occurred in four patients concerning 5.6 ± 4.7 ECMO-days.
+11 of 63 (17.5 %) patients were cannulated with a bicaval double-lumen cannula. Causes of death in the 21 patients undergoing postmortem examination were septic-toxic multiorgan failure in 17 (80.9 %) patients, two patients had acute right heart failure due to pulmonary embolism (9.5 %), one patient (4.8 %) died from cerebral edema and one patient (4.8 %) died from cerebral hemorrhage. Baseline characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
+VT/VTE incidence
+Documented evaluation after clinical suspicion regarding VT/VTE was done in 51/63 patients (81.0 %), resulting in VT and VTE diagnosis in 29/63 (46.1 %) patients. In 24 of these 29 (83 %) patients, thrombosis was rated as cannula associated. Main thrombus localization was the inferior vena cava (IVC) in 15/29 (51.7 %) and internal jugular vein (IJV) in 14/29 cases (48.2 %). 8/29 patients (27.6 %) presented with thrombosis in more than one vein (Table 2).
+Pulmonary embolism (PE) was diagnosed in 7/63 patients (11.1 %). PE was significantly more frequent in deceased patients than in survivors (p = 0.036). However, incidence of VT did not differ between these groups.
+Time on ECMO
+Time on ECMO was statistically significant longer in patients diagnosed with VT/VTE than in patients without (p = 0.040). Mean ECMO time in patients with a thromboembolic event was 27.7 ± 19.7 days, compared to 17.9 ± 13.9 days in those patients without.
+Laboratory parameters, transfusion and substitution of coagulation factors
+Analyzing mean laboratory values during ECMO therapy, we observed a significantly lower PTT (47.0 ± 12.3 vs. 53.6 ± 12.5 s; p = 0.037) in patients with diagnosed VT/VTE. The percentage of PTT values over 50 s was significantly reduced in patients with VT/VTE (31 ± 27 vs. 48 ± 27 %; p = 0.015).
+In addition, VT/VTE patients had significantly lower fibrinogen levels (315.16 ± 77.97 vs. 406.60 ± 164.18 mg/dL; p = 0.026). Highly elevated D-dimers were seen in both groups of patients (p = 0.169). CRP-values were not different between groups (p = 0.679). Laboratory results are shown in Table 3. Platelet levels were not different between groups (p = 0.092). Mean hemoglobin levels were not different between groups; however, patients with VT/VTE received more transfusions of RPBC over time to achieve the same levels of hemoglobin, but the differences did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.068).
+Transfusion of blood products and derivates are summarized in Table 4. PRBC and FFP were included in the multivariable analysis.
+When we compared different factors between the groups VT/VTE and no VT/VTE, time on ECMO, %aPTT > 50 s, fibrinogen, amount of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and packed red blood cells (PRBC) transfused yielded p values of less than 0.1 and hence were included in multivariable analyses. In a multivariable logistic regression analysis, time on ECMO and percentage of aPTT > 50 s were predictors of VT/VTE (Table 5).
+We set out to investigate the incidence and predictors of thrombosis and thromboembolism following ECMO therapy. Sixty-three patients, treated on ECMO in our center, were included in this analysis. The main findings of this retrospective analysis are: (1) at a rate of 46.1 %, thrombotic and thromboembolic events are frequent, (2) time on ECMO and level of anticoagulation influence the incidence of thrombotic and thromboembolic events and (3) these events tend to influence the outcome of these patients. Patient with a bicaval double-lumen cannula had no higher incidence of VT/VTE than other patients.
+Critically ill patients are per se vulnerable for thrombotic and thromboembolic events. Kaplan et al. [15] published a VTE incidence of 37.2 % in ICU patients during severe sepsis and septic shock. Patients with viral ARDS are also at risk as suggested by data derived from the pandemic H1N1 [16]. Regarding non-infectious etiologies, pulmonary fibrosis is, for example, associated with a significantly elevated risk of thromboembolic disease [17].
+Over and above these baseline risks, there are some certain characteristics for patients treated on ECMO. During extracorporeal assist, modification of blood composition as well as foreign surface and pump-mediated coagulopathy is one part of the problem. Cannulation is another. Starting with vascular injury at cannula entry site, the cannula splints the vessel until central areas are reached. This generates long areas of low flow and stasis along the cannula and thus provides an ideal location for thrombus formation. Possibly, additional indwelling catheters further obstruct the vessel. Taken together, these ICU patients are at high risk of VT/VTE.
+However, there are still few data concerning the incidence of VT following ECMO and the aspect of VTE following respiratory ECMO therapy has not been investigated so far.
+Cooper et al. [12] recently reported a retrospective analysis concerning the incidence of DVT in survivors of respiratory ECMO diagnosed by postdecannulation venous Doppler ultrasound. They used a 25 F multistage access cannula and a 23 F single-stage return cannula (Biomedicus, Mineapolis, MN) as standard cannulation configuration and a systemic anticoagulation with heparin aiming at a PTT of 1.5–2-times normal values. Surprisingly, DVT was found in merely 13/72 (18 %) of cases. This low incidence might be explained by a lack of reporting regarding V. cava thrombosis. Additionally, with a reported survival rate of 79 %, this cohort might be different from other cohorts.
+We observed VT/VTE in 30/63 patients (47.6 %) that were mainly femoral/jugular cannulated. Due to the fact that thrombosis was mainly cannula associated, the IJV (46.7 %) and the IVC (50 %) were the most affected veins. A recent publication by Shafi et al. [8] reported upper-extremity deep vein thrombosis in 80 % of cases in a case series of 10 patients who were put on vvECMO with a dual-lumen cannula. In our present analysis, the rate of thrombosis associated with dual-lumen cannulas was not significantly different from other cannulation types and occurred in 4/11 cases (36.4 %).
+To the best of our knowledge, this analysis is the first showing a high incidence of IVC thrombosis in ECMO patients. IVC thrombosis might account for roughly 2 % of lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT) [18]. IVC thrombosis harbors a 12–30 % risk of PE and a relevant risk of long-term complications such as chronic venous insufficiency, venous congestion and postthrombotic syndrome in up to 20 % of non-resolved thrombosis [18, 19]. PE as a major complication of VT was consequently diagnosed in 7/63 cases (11 %). We found one case of suspected PE directly following cannula removal and two cases of incidental PE diagnosed by CT scan. In most cases, VTs at cannulation sites are adherent to the venous wall and do not cause clinical symptoms. Up to now, there is no relevant literature on long-term complications following cannula-associated VT.
+One of these patients died 24 days after weaning from device due to multiseptic organ failure following LTX and underwent postmortem examination.
+The autopsy did not report VT or VTE possibly due to thrombus dissolution under prolonged anticoagulation. PE was consequently diagnosed in 5/21 deceased patients (24 %). Pulmonary embolism was only systematically evaluated for in deceased patients, so no adequate incidence for PE in the whole population can be given from this data. Reasons for PE in deceased patients might also be associated with circumstances and treatment modalities prior to end of life.
+The management of anticoagulation, especially in prolonged ECMO support and in patients with sepsis and septic shock, is unclear. A recent ELSO survey showed that anticoagulation policies vary widely by center [20]. Bleeding is common in ECMO and cerebral bleeding, occurring at a rate of 4–15 %. In the majority of these patients, the outcome is deleterious [21–25]. Bleeding risk and transfusion requirements need to be balanced against VT/VTE risk, and this might likely end up in less anticoagulation. Mostly, aPTT around 50 s is recommended to minimize the risk of bleeding [4, 21, 22, 26]. This might provoke an increase in VT and VTE. We targeted a mean aPTT of 50–60 s, and our average aPTT was slightly above 50 s. The group of VT/VTE patients had a lower mean aPTT, possibly in line with the fact that they received more packed red blood cells. We assume that we missed our anticoagulation target due to bleeding complications. In fact, VT/VTE patients received more RPBC in total even though these differences did not reach statistical significance. Bleeding is often difficult to assess—a loss of 0.3 mL of blood per minute might be difficult to quantify but will lead to a loss of 480 mL per day. Additionally, there is no consensus on how to assess bleeding severity, especially if bleeding occurs at sites that are not easily accessible. Melena can be such an example; patients can lose significant amounts of blood, but quantification other than with the number of transfused RPBCs is impossible.
+Our data are in line with the work of Rastan et al. [13] who analyzed autopsy results of patients undergoing veno-arterial ECMO support after cardiac surgery. They identified cardiac ECMO support > 2 days as an independent risk factor for systemic thromboembolic events and found systemic thromboembolic events in 36/78 patients (46.2 %) [13]. Compared to cardiac ECMO support, respiratory ECMO runs are often much longer. Cardiac ECMO runs were 3.5 ± 3.2 days in the study of Rastan et al. [13] versus 22.4 ± 17.4 in our pulmonary patients study. We also observed a trend toward longer duration of support in VT/VTE patients (p = 0.040). However, VT/VTE was also detected in short ECMO runs.
+Our study has several limitations, which we would like to address. Many limitations are due to the retrospective nature and the low number of patients included in this work. One major limitation is based on the fact that we did not have a standardized screening protocol. The group of ECMO survivors has not been systematically analyzed. This might lead to an underestimation of the overall incidence.
+Nevertheless, it has to be assumed that VT and VTE is an important and underdiagnosed complication of respiratory ECMO support and has impact on mid- and long-term outcomes. While we met common recommendations for anticoagulation on ECMO, the VT/VTE incidence was still high. Our results tend to underestimate the true incidence of VT/VTE in ECMO patients. Hence, it might be important to aim at higher aPTT times to prevent VT/VTE in a cohort of patients with a high-risk profile for VT/VTE.
+VT and VTE are common in patients following ECMO therapy. Rethinking anticoagulation might be needed as novel ECMO circuits show a high degree of biocompatibility and heparinization is to a lesser extent needed in the circuit as in the patient to prevent clotting. Current aPTT recommendations might be too low to avoid VT and VTE. The trend to recommend even lower aPTT targets might aggravate the problem in the future. Higher aPTT recommendations have to be carefully weighed against the risk of bleeding, as bleeding, especially intracranial hemorrhage, has deleterious consequences.
+To achieve optimal outcomes, we recommend VT screening following ECMO therapy.
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+Authors’ contributions
+FT contributed to the conception of the study, data collection, data analysis and interpretation and drafted the manuscript; PM contributed to data collection and interpretation and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; DR contributed to data collection, data analysis and interpretation; HH, MH, GS, FL, RB, HW, RMM, AL, HG, CL and FL, contributed to data interpretation and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; PL contributed to the conception of the study, data analysis and interpretation and drafted the manuscript. FT and PL are guarantors of the paper taking responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from conception to published article. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
+We thank Jennifer Hockley (Berne, Switzerland) for excellent editorial assistance.
+Competing interests
+FT and FK received traveling fees from Maquet; PM, DR, CL, HH, MH, GS, FL, RB and HW have nothing to disclose; RMM received traveling and speaker fees from Mitsubishi Pharma, Maquet and CSL Behring. PL received traveling fees and speaker fees from Novalung, Mitsubishi Pharma, Maquet and CSL Behudzinski, F.C., Minko, P., Rapp, D. et al. Runtime and aPTT predict venous thrombosis and thromboembolism in patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a retrospective analysis. Ann. Intensive Care 6, 66 (2016).
+- Pulmonary Embolism
+- Inferior Vena Cava
+- Venous Thrombosis
+- Fresh Freeze Plasma
+- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
+In the United Kingdom and Ireland, a lecturer holds an open-ended, tenure-track or tenured position at a university or similar institution, and is often an academic at an early career stage who teaches, conducts research, and leads research groups. Most lecturers typically hold permanent contracts at their academic institution. In terms of responsibilities and recognition, the position of an open-ended lecturer on a permanent contract is equivalent to assistant professor or associate professor in the North American academic system. This is a tenure-track or tenured position, although UK tenure has eroded since 1988.
+In other countries, the term lecturer generally denotes an academic expert without tenure in the university, who is hired to teach on a full- or part-time basis, but who is not paid to conduct research. In most research universities in the United States, the title of lecturer requires a doctorate or equivalent degree.)[2] is also used for the intermediate college teachers.[3] The intermediate colleges or Junior Colleges are equivalent to higher secondary schools. Such lecturers are subject experts specifically engaged to teach a particular subject in higher classes.[4]
+In the UK, the term lecturer is ambiguous and covers several academic ranks. The key distinction is between permanent/open-ended or temporary/fixed-term lectureships.
+A permanent lecturer in UK universities usually holds an open-ended position that covers teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. Permanent lectureships are tenure-track or tenured positions that are equivalent to an assistant or associate professorship in North America. After a number of years, a lecturer may be promoted based on his or her research record to become a senior lecturer. This position is below reader and professor.
+Research lecturers (where they are permanent appointments) are the equivalent in rank of lecturers and senior lecturers, but reflect a research-intensive orientation. Research lecturers are common in fields such as medicine, engineering, and biological and physical sciences. denote greater seniority or higher rank. Teaching fellows may also sometimes be referred to as lecturers—for example, Exeter named some of that group as education and scholarship lecturers (E & S) to recognise the contribution of teaching, and elevate the titles of teaching fellows to lecturers. Some universities also refer to graduate students or others, who undertake ad-hoc teaching for a department sessional lecturers. Like adjunct professors and sessional lecturers in North America, these non-permanent teaching staff are often very poorly paid (as little as £6000 p.a. in 2011-12). These varying uses of the term lecturer cause confusion for non-UK academics.
+As a proportion of UK academic staff, the proportion of permanent lectureships has fallen considerably. This is one reason why permanent lectureships are usually secured only after several years of post-doctoral experience.”.'[5]
+In summary, most UK academics with the rank of lecturer have open-ended or permanent positions, can lead research groups, can apply for external funding for research as principal investigators, and have teaching responsibilities.
+Historically in the UK, promotion to a senior lectureship reflected prowess in teaching or administration rather than research, and the position was much less likely to lead direct to promotion to professor.[6]
+In contrast, promotion to senior lecturer nowadays is based on research achievements readers are recognized as more senior..[7] In almost all fields, a doctorate is a prerequisite, although historically this was not the case. Some academic positions could have been held on the basis of research merit alone, without a higher degree.[8]
+The new universities (that is universities that were until recently termed polytechnics) have a slightly different ranking naming scheme from the older universities. Whereas many pre-1992 universities use the grades: Lecturer (A), Lecturer (B), Sr Lecturer, Reader, Professor, post-1992 grades are normally Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, Reader, Professor. Much confusion surrounds the differing use of the "Sr. Lecturer" title. A Sr. Lecturer in a post-1992 university is equivalent to a Lecturer (B) in a pre-1992 university, whereas a Sr. Lecturer in a pre-1992 university is most often equivalent to a Principal Lecturer in a post-1992 university.[9]."[10].[11]
+Since the Conservatives' 1988 Education Reform Act, the ironclad tenure that used to exist in the UK has given way to a less secure form of tenure.[12] Technically, university vice-chancellors can make individual faculty members redundant for poor performance or institute departmental redundancies, but in practice, this is rare. The most noted use of this policy happened in 2012 at Queen Mary University where lecturers on permanent contracts were fired. The institutions now has a stated policy of firing and replacing under-performing teaching staff members. This policy is complicated by the 2008 Ball vs Aberdeen tribunal decision, the distinction between teaching and research faculty is blurring- with implications for who can and cannot be made redundant at UK universities, and under what conditions.
+Despite this recent erosion of tenure in the UK, it is still practiced in most universities. Permanent contracts use the word "tenure" for lecturers who are "reappointed to the retiring age". This is equivalent to a US tenure decision—references are sought from world-leading academics and tenure and promotions committees meet to decide "tenure" cases. There is normally no title elevation is such instances—tenure and title are independent.
+As different US academic institutions use the term lecturer in various ways, there is sometimes confusion. On a generic level, the term broadly denotes one who teaches at a university but is not eligible for tenure and has no research obligations. At non-research colleges, the latter distinction is less meaningful, making the absence of tenure the main difference between lecturers and other academic faculty. Unlike the adjective adjunct (which can modify most academic titles, from professor to lecturer to instructor, etc. and refers to part-time status), the title of lecturer at most schools does not address the issue of full-time vs. part-time status.
+Lecturers are almost always required to have at least a master's degree and quite often have earned doctorates. (For example, at Columbia University in New York, the title of lecturer actually requires a doctorate or its professional equivalent; they also use the term for "instructors in specialized programs."[13]) Sometimes the title is used as an equivalent-alternative to instructor, but schools that use both titles tend to provide relatively more advancement potential (e.g. multiple ranks of progression, at least some of which entail faculty voting privileges and/or faculty committee service) to their lecturers.[14]
+Major research universities are more frequently hiring full-time lecturers, whose responsibilities tend to focus primarily in undergraduate education, especially for introductory/survey courses. In addition to the reason of higher-ranking faculty tending to prefer higher-level courses, part of the reason is also cost-savings, as non-tenure-track faculty tend to have lower salaries.[15] When a lecturer is part-time, there is little practical distinction in the position from an adjunct professor/instructor/etc., since all non-tenure-track faculty by definition are not on the tenure-track. However, for full-time lecturers (or those regularly salaried above some stated level, such as half-time[16]), many institutions now incorporate the role quite formally—managing it with performance reviews, promotional tracks, administrative service responsibilities, and many faculty privileges (e.g. voting, use of resources, etc.).[14]
+An emerging alternative to using full-time lecturers at research institutions is to create a parallel professorship track that is focused on teaching. It may offer tenure, and typically has a title series such as teaching professor. (This is analogous to the research-only faculty tracks at some universities, which typically have title series such as research professor/scientist/scholar.) A related concept—at least in professional fields—is the clinical professor or professor of practice, which in addition to a teaching focus (vs. research), also tend to have a practical/professional/skills oriented focus (vs. theory and scholarship, etc.).
+In some institutions, the position of lecturer, especially "distinguished lecturer", may also refer to a position somewhat similar to emeritus professor and/or a temporary post used for visiting academics of considerable prominence—e.g. a famous writer may serve for a term or a year, for instance. When confusion arose about President Barack Obama's status on the law faculty at the University of Chicago, the institution stated that although his title was "senior lecturer", the university considered him to be a "professor" and further noted that it uses that title for notable people, such as federal judges and politicians, who are deemed of high prestige but lack the time to commit to a traditional tenure-track position.[17] While other universities instead use the term "senior" as simply a matter of rank or promotion, all such references to lecturers of any rank are consistent with the normal U.S. practice of using lower-case-p "professor" as a common noun for anyone who teaches college, as well as a pre-nominal title of address (e.g. "Professor Smith") without necessarily referring to job title or position rank (e.g. "John Smith, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of X").
+In other countries, usage varies. In Israel, the term has a meaning in academia similar to that in the UK.
+In France, the title maître de conférences ("lecture master") is the lower of the two possible academic ranks (the other being professeur des universités or "university professor"). Poland, the related term lektor is used for a teaching-only position, generally for teaching foreign languages.
+In Norway, a lektor is an academic rank, usually reached after three or five years of post-secondary education, which enables a teacher to lecture at Ungdomsskole (secondary school) or Videregående skole (high school) level.
+In Sweden and Denmark, a lektor or universitetslektor is an academic rank similar to that of senior lecturer in Great Britain and associate professor in USA. The lektor holds the position below professor in rank. track positions in South Korea are "full-time lecturer (JunImGangSa)", "assistant professor (JoKyoSu)", "associate professor (BuKyosu)", and "professor (KyoSu)". Therefore, "full-time lecturer" is the same position as "assistant professor" in other countries, including the USA.
+In the Netherlands, a "lector" used to be equivalent to the rank of associate professor at universities. Nowadays, it is the highest rank at so-called "applied universities" (i.e., school providing higher vocational/professional training to their students). At regular universities, this rank does not exist anymore.
+A mathematics lecture, apparently about linear algebra, at Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
+An Iranian young associate professor, teaching C language programming and microcontrollers in Mohajer Technical And Vocational College of Isfahan.
+A. They are traditionally served hot, along with celery sticks and carrot sticks with blue cheese dressing or, primarily outside of New York, ranch dressing for dipping. Buffalo wings have gained in popularity in the United States and abroad,. Thus, the parliament in Ireland was abolished and replaced by a united parliament at Westminster in London, though resistance remained, as evidenced by Robert Emmet's failed Irish Rebellion of 1803.
+The long history of agricultural production, coupled with modern intensive agricultural methods such as pesticide and fertiliser use and runoff from contaminants into streams, rivers and lakes, has placed pressure on biodiversity in Ireland.. 32% of Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions are correlated to agriculture Republic of Ireland's national theatre is the Abbey Theatre, which was founded in 1904, and the national Irish-language theatre is An Taibhdhearc, which was established in 1928 in Galway. Playwrights such as Seán O'Casey, Brian Friel, Sebastian Barry, Conor McPherson and Billy Roche are internationally renowned.
+The German intelligence was also active in Ireland. Its operations ended in September 1941 when police made arrests on the basis of surveillance carried out on the key diplomatic legations in Dub. The Republic's real GDP grew by an average of 9.6% per annum between 1995 and 1999, in which year the Republic joined the euro. In 2000, it was the sixth-richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita..Modernisation brought secularisation in its wake. The traditionally high levels of religiosity have sharply declined. Foster.The financial crisis that began in 2008 dramatically ended this period of boom. GDP fell by 3% in 2008 and by 7.1% in 2009, the worst year since records began (although earnings by foreign-owned businesses continued to grow). The state has since experienced deep recession, with unemployment, which doubled during 2009, remaining above 14% in 2012.
+The long-standing traditional view artifacts. It was claimed that a second wave named the Euerni, belonging to the Belgae people of northern Gaul, began arriving about the sixth century BC. They were said to have given their name to the island'. of this mutation is a remarkable 84%, the highest in the world, and closely matched in other populations along the Atlantic fringes down to Spain. A similar genetic replacement happened with lineages in mitochondrial DNA. were sent into indentured servitude in the West Indies. Physician-general William Petty estimated that 504,000 Catholic Irish and 112,000 Protestant settlers died, and 100,000 people were transported, as a result of the war. If a prewar population of 1.5 million is assumed, this would mean that the population was reduced by almost half.
+The Republic has a strong commitment to renewable energy and ranks as one of the top 10 markets for clean-technology investment in the 2014 Global Green Economy Index. Research and development in renewable energy (such as wind power) has increased since 2004.. The ESB's Turlough Hill facility is the only power-storage facility in the state.. This completed a process of gradual separation from the British Empire that governments had pursued since independence. However, it was not until 1949 that the state was declared, officially, to be the Republic of Ireland.
+Since the 20th century Irish pubs worldwide have become outposts of Irish culture, especially those with a full range of cultural and gastronomic offerings., while around one-third of the Australian population has an element of Irish descent. As of 2013, There are 40 million Irish-Americans and 33 million Americans who, Czech Republic and Latvia.The Republic of Ireland in particular has seen large-scale immigration, with 420,000 foreign nationals as of 2006, about 10% of the population. A quarter of births (24 percent) in 2009 were to mothers born outside Ireland.. This contrasts with the traditional view that their origin lies in mainland Europe with the Hallstatt.There are two multi-city regions on the island of Ireland:, Taylor created history by becoming the first Irish woman to win a gold medal in boxing in the 60 kg lightweight.Golf is very popular, and golf tourism is a major industry attracting more than 240,000 golfing visitors annually.. He successfully defended his title in July 2008 before going on to win the PGA Championship in August..
+Prior to partition in 1921,.. Later, around 6000 BC, Great Britain became separated from continental Europe. The earliest evidence of human presence in Ireland is dated at 10,500 BC, demonstrated by a butchered bear bone found in a cave in County Clare. By about 8000 BC, more sustained occupation of the island has been shown, with evidence for Mesolithic communities around the island.Some time before 4000 BC, Neolithic settlers arrived introducing cereal cultivars, domesticated animals such as cattle and sheep, large timber buildings, and stone monuments. The earliest evidence for farming in Ireland or Great Britain is from Ferriter's Cove, County Kerry, where a flint knife, cattle bones and a sheep's tooth were carbon-dated to c. 4350 BC.. The fields were farmed for several centuries between 3500 BC and 3000 BC. Wheat and barley were the principal crops.The Bronze Age.
+The introduction of the potato in the second half of the 16th century heavily influenced cuisine thereafter. Great poverty encouraged a subsistence approach to food, and by the mid-19th century the vast majority of the population sufficed with a diet of potatoes and milk. A typical family, consisting of a man, a woman and four children, would eat 18 stone (110 kg) of potatoes per week. Consequently, dishes that are considered as national dishes represent a fundamental simplicity to cooking, such as the Irish stew, bacon and cabbage, boxty, a type of potato pancake, or colcannon, a dish of mashed potatoes and kale or cabbage.Since the last quarter of the 20th century, with a re-emergence of wealth in Ireland, a "New Irish Cuisine" based on traditional ingredients incorporating international influences has emerged.. The potato remains however a fundamental feature of this cuisine and the Irish remain the highest per capita consumers of potatoes in Europe. Traditional regional foods can be found throughout the country, for example coddle in Dublin or drisheen in Cork, both a type of sausage, or blaa, a doughy white bread particular to Waterford..
+The GDP of the Republic of Ireland as of 2018 was $382.754 billion (nominal), and in Northern Ireland as of 2016 it was €43 billion (nominal).The GDP per capita in the Republic of Ireland was $78,335 (nominal) as of 2018, and in Northern Ireland (as of 2016) was €23,700.. The invasion, which coincided with a period of renewed Norman expansion, was at the invitation of Dermot Mac Murrough, King of Leinster.
+Inland areas are warmer in summer and colder in winter. Usually around 40 days of the year are below freezing 0 °C (32 °F) at inland weather stations, compared to 10 days at coastal stations. Ireland is sometimes affected by heatwaves,.
+Ireland ( live in the Republic of Ireland, and 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland%, and most of it is non-native conifer plantations. There are twenty-six extant land.. Championship in 1988, 2012 and 2016. Across Ireland, there is significant interest in the English and, to a lesser extent, Scottish soccer leagues.
+Irish traditional music and dance has seen a surge in popularity and global coverage since the 1960s. In the middle years of the 20th century, as Irish society was modernising, traditional music had fallen out of favour, especially in urban areas. Privy Council.
+Modern Irish literature is often connected with its rural heritage through English-language writers such as John McGahern and Seamus Heaney and Irish-language writers such as Máirtín Ó Direáin and others from the Gaeltacht.
+Along with England and Wales and with Scotland, Northern Ireland forms one of the three separate legal jurisdictions of the UK, all of which share the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom as their court of final appeal.%., motor sport, show jumping and tennis... In the century that followed, an economic depression caused by the famine resulted in a further million people emigrating.. The population has never returned to this level since. The population continued to fall until 1961, and it was not until the 2006 census that the last county of Ireland to record a rise in population since 1841 (County Leitrim) did. southwestern Atlantic..
+On 27 June 2012, Northern Ireland's deputy first minister and former IRA commander, Martin McGuinness, shook hands with Queen Elizabeth II in Belfast, symbolising reconciliation between the two sides. "Great Frost" struck Ireland and the rest of Europe between December 1739 and September 1741, after a decade of relatively mild winters. The winters destroyed stored crops of potatoes and other staples, and the poor summers severely damaged harvests. respondents said they went to a religious service more than once per week.". A comparable writer in Irish is Máirtín Ó Cadhain, whose novel Cré na Cille is regarded as a modernist masterpiece and has been translated into several languages.
+The island operates as a single market for electricity. For much of their existence, electricity networks in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland were entirely separate.., about 10% of Ireland's peak demand.. River Shannon, the island's longest river at 386 km (240 mi) long, rises in County Cavan in the north west and flows through Limerick in the mid west.
+In English, Jonathan Swift, often called the foremost satirist in the English language, gained fame for works such as Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal. Other notable 18th. After several attempts to pass a Home Rule bill through parliament, it looked certain that one would finally pass in 1914. To prevent this from happening, the Ulster Volunteers were formed in 1913 under the leadership of Edward Carson..
+Politically, the island is divided between the Republic of Ireland, an independent state, and Northern Ireland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom). They share an open border and both are part of the Common Travel Area.
+Cork-Limerick-Galway corridor – 1 mBelow is a comparison of the regional GDP on the island of Ireland., theSeanad. Its capital is Dublin. the range of sea angling species is around 80.
+Horse racing and greyhound racing are both popular in Ireland. There are frequent horse race meetings and greyhound stadiums are well-attended. The island is noted for the breeding and training of race horses and is also a large exporter of racing dogs. The horse racing sector is largely concentrated in the County Kildare.
+As with electricity, the natural gas distribution network is also now all-island, with a pipeline linking Gormanston, County Meath, and Ballyclare, County Antrim.. The County Mayo field faces some localised opposition over a controversial decision to refine the gas onshore.. Until the end of the Middle Ages, Ireland was heavily forested with native trees such as oak, ash, hazel, birch, alder, willow, aspen, rowan, yew and Scots pine. Only about 10% of Ireland today is woodland; most of this is non-native conifer plantations, and only 2% is native woodland. In Europe, the average woodland cover is over 33%. In the Republic, about 389,356 hectares (3,893.56 km2) is owned by the state, mainly by the forestry service Coillte. Remnants of native forest can be found scattered around the island, in particular in the Killarney National Park.
+Ireland fields a single national rugby team and a single association, the Irish Rugby Football Union,), Munster (2006 and 2008) and Leinster (2009, 2011 and 2012).
+The algal and seaweed flora is that of the cold-temperate variety. The total number of species is 574 The island has been invaded by some algae, some of which are now well established can be subdivided into two ecoregions: the Celtic broadleaf forests and North Atlantic moist mixed forests..
+Music has been in evidence in Ireland since prehistoric times. Although in the early Middle Ages the church was "quite unlike its counterpart in continental Europe",.. Recent research suggests that urban Irish is developing in a direction of its own, both in pronunciation and grammar.Less than 10% of the population of the Republic of Ireland today speak Irish regularly outside of the education system. Since the 1960s with the increase in immigration, many more languages have been introduced, particularly deriving from Asia and Eastern Europe..
+Ireland has made a large contribution to world literature in all its branches, both in Irish and English. Poetry in Irish is among the oldest vernacular poetry in Europe, with the earliest examples dating from the 6th century.
+The North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association is a joint parliamentary forum for the island of Ireland. It has no formal powers but operates as a forum for discussing matters of common concern between the respective legislatures..
+The title of King of Ireland was re-created in 1542 by Henry VIII, the–2010, international rugby and soccer were played there. All GAA players, even at the highest level, are amateurs, receiving no wages, although they are permitted to receive a limited amount of sport-related income from commercial sponsorship..The Assembly and power-sharing Executive were suspended several times but were restored again in 2007. In that year the British government officially ended its military support of the police in Northern Ireland (Operation Banner) and began withdrawing troops.) and tariffs on Irish whiskey across domestically and has grown in international sales steadily over a few decades. Typically CNBC states Irish whiskey is not as smoky as a Scotch whisky, but not as sweet as American or Canadian whiskies. Whiskey forms the basis of traditional cream liqueurs, such as Baileys, and the "Irish coffee" (a cocktail of coffee and whiskey reputedly invented at Foynes flying-boat station) is probably the best-known Irish cocktail.. Some restructuring had already begun at the ecclesiastical level following the Synod of Kells in 1152. There has been significant controversy regarding the authenticity of Laudabiliter, and there is no general agreement as to whether the bull was genuine or a forgery.In 1172,. The new Anglo-Irish ruling class became known as the Protestant Ascendancy..The Romans referred to Ireland by this name too in its Latinised Freestone Hill near Gowran and Newgrange.Ireland continued as a patchwork of rival kingdoms; however, did not become a political reality until the Viking Age and even then was not a consistent one. Ireland did have a culturally unifying rule of law: the early written judicial system, the Brehon Laws, administered by a professional class of jurists known as the brehons. (as expected) it immediately exercised. Additionally, Members of the Free State Parliament were required to swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State and make a statement of faithfulness to the King..
+There are three World Heritage Sites on the island: the Brú na Bóinne, Skellig Michael and the Giant's Causeway. Several. Some have been converted into hotels, such as Ashford Castle, Castle Leslie and Dromoland Castle.
+The earliest evidence of human presence in Ireland is dated at 10,500 BC..
+The Chronicle of Ireland records that in 431,. population of Ireland collapsed dramatically during the second half of the 19th century. A population of over 8 million in 1841 was reduced to slightly more than 4 million by 1921. In part, the fall in population was caused by death from the Great Famine of 1845 to 1852, which took about 1 million lives. However, by far the greater cause of population decline was the dire economic state of the country which led to an entrenched culture of emigration lasting until the 21st century.
+Yo’ Barry…. yo’ turn….
+So everyone named Rachel is mental, eh, Charles?
+Rachel Corrie
+Rachel Dolezal
+Rachel Maddow
+Was your mother named Rachel? That might explain things.
+But not Trayvon Martin’s erstwhile paramour, Rachel Jeantel. She, as we were reminded by the racist left — “let’s give black people a pat on the head and a cookie!” — was a towering intellect who shouldn’t be judged by her illiterate, marble mouthed mutterings.
+Let’s not forget Carson.
+Rachel Dolezal is neither white nor black:
+Rachel is neither male nor female, but owns a unisex post office box.
+Michael Jackson?
+There was never a victory in Iraq?
+And I’m sure since it was pre-2008, we can find plenty of posts by Fruity McToot saying that the surge worked, etc. But you know, he was duped.
+Charles, put down the bong, and stop snorting lines of Cheetos dust for just one second.
+She lied to ensure her promotions because there’s this thing called affirmative action, you fool!
+Charles knows nothing about labor laws and regulations. The informed Charles Johnson who runs the Premiere Blog of Political Discourse (and Garbage).
+Well, I guess he doesn’t have much experience in the workforce anyways, so maybe that’s why he wouldn’t know.
+Mos Def.
+-62 yr old unemployed white male surviving on priviledge.
+Chazzy J.
+Pakimon’s lathered up and chock full o’ celebratory pOrn Chunky Ponytailed Blogger Panhandling Update:
+Apparently GoFundMe is having server issues so there might not be any update for today.
+Everything the Corpulent Jazzy Ponytail touches seems to crash and burn.
+I call it The Curse of King Toot. 😀
+GoFundMe is back up so here goes!
+Chunkles Panhandling Update:
+Day 32 Income – $0.00
+Day 33 Income – $0.00
+Day 34 Income – $0.00
+Day 35 Income – $0.00
+Day 36 Income – $10.00
+Day 37 Income – $0.00
+Day 38 Income – $10,00
+The latest “donation” from Amy PritchardSwiney.
+At least the rotund ponytail of jazziness has moved away from “Stinky Beaumont” style donation names when he tries to jumpstart the stalled out cashmobile.
+On the other hand, his little jumpstart efforts have dwindled from $25 to $20 to $10 in the last couple of weeks.
+Buy Cheetos or pay overdue rent and electric bill?
+I see a tough decision looming for the Chunkster.
+Here’s a hint… Buy Cheetos in bulk! 😆
+He’s become the laughingstock of the Twitter universe. 😆
+A lot of competition for that title. He’s going to have to share that prize.
+From swindler to dwindler. Sorry Toot, crime never truly pays.
+I think Mr. Toot has a sock account.
+What’s Mr. Toot got to say about this kind of “real life” stalking and outing?
+I’m waiting for the denunciation. I’m also waiting for the toot about the ‘pause’.
+And I will assume that Twitter, to be consistent with its quelle horreur at the revealing of personal information, has suspended that account and all sock accounts that go with it.
+Oh wait, the new CEO is that race-pimp loving shitbag. Probably thinks like Fatass that Pam is asking for it.
+Pamela Geller lives in Culver City California. Pass it on.
+Gus was very racist last night!
+Chunkles gets taken to the woodshed and of course that makes him peevish.
+Hello Block button! 😆
+CHPSTCK is crushed by Chunkles’ “debate”. 😆
+The illumination thingy illuminates… 😆
+Sorry Octo.
+Didn’t mean to post my last two comments as a reply.
+Gus was just irritated because the Blackhawks won last night.
+If they were called the Whitehawks, he would’ve been ok. 😆
+Can’t wait for Game Six tomorrow in Chicago. Beer, meet ice.
+What a tight series, though. Every game comes down to one play, it seems. That gift-goal at the start of last night’s game happened, and I thought, “well, that’s the winner.” Not exactly, but close.
+It will take another huge effort to put the Bolts away, I think. That team doesn’t know they’re supposed to lose.
+Indeed, Octo. Da Boltz are a great group. It will require a max effort for the Hawks to put them away tomorrow. If not, it’s a one game winner-take-all-thingy. Great for hockey! Tough on my liver.
+I know what you mean about the liver, Abu. It’s impossible to watch your own team in the playoffs after the first round without imbibing Daddy’s medicine. Used to make it tough for me, with all the West Coast late nights.
+Wouldn’t you love a blowout for once? 😉
+Frankly, I have trouble with that whole gender mis-assignment thing anyway. You’re born with an XY or an XX chromosome pairing. Until you can pinpoint for me the DNA allele that shows how that “misassignment” occurs, as It does, sadly, in trisomy-21, I’m going to assume that your “feeling inside” like a girl or a boy instead of your assigned gender is no more normal that the voices living in the heads of schizophrenics. I’m not saying it’s not possible but I hear a shitload of “born that way” jargon without any proof that such is the case. If you are “born” that way, there would be genetic consistency.
+Now of course, I’ll hear “are you comparing gender identity to Down’s Syndrome”? Well, yes in respect that you cannot claim that something is part of an individual’s genetic blueprint that they have no control over but at the same time offer no proof that this is indeed nature over nurture. Because, you know SCIENCE.
+Transmental people should be allowed free trepanation.
+She’s also a guy. Pass it on.
+So…let’s review – The Prince of the Internet proclaims that she is “mentally ill”? I would remind the idiot that pretending to be black to further a career was a plot device used by Armistead Maupin over 40 years ago in his “Tales of the City” series. This woman actually had someone POSE as her father in photographs – she was fully aware that she was not Black and worked overtime to establish bona fides as an African American. This is nothing more than road show resume enhancement.
+Oh, and using your logic, I’m going to assume Elizabeth Warren is likewise two pancakes light of a short stack. Because she claimed to be Native American to advance HER career, and went so far as to copy recipes verbatim from the New York Times food page and submit them to a Native American cookbook as “old family recipes” from the Cherokee tribe. Of course, I have yet to discover any history of CRAB being a staple in the diet of a tribe that is found in the Plains states.
+I don’t believe she’s mentally ill at all. But I do believe she has serious emotional issues and perhaps a personality disorder.
+She doesn’t seem to care who she hurts in order to get what she wants.
+That also describes Bruce Jenner in my relatively uninformed opinion.
+I agree. Bruce has hurt a lot of people. At first I thought ‘more power to him’. But the more I thought about it, the more I leaned to the side of ‘maladaption’. What man in his right mind would willingly have his penis and balls removed?
+They’re still there, for the time bean. Yeah, it’s all fun and giggles and choice until you do something irreversible.
+I blame the psychology industry (sorry, LiveFree). They, collectively, are enablers.
+They are two different cases. She choosing the age of thirty to try and crossover to lose her whiteness. He choosing his mid-sixties! Which I find very odd that he hadn’t come to terms with his maleness by this point in life. Then again maybe he feels it’s his last chance to live as he desires. I have to say seeing these people I feel very glad that I have no confusion about my identity or my sexuality. I definitely feel sorry for these people. But less sorry for RD because she’s deceptive and a liar.
+Oh yeah. That was right before he crushed you like the internet equivalent of a bug.
+Esp. when those gadgets are state of the art circa 2008 or older.
+I just discovered a new word, that brings Mr. Toot to mind. Impussiance.
+Here’s an expert opinion.
+Goos… a quarter million tweets with 2600 followers? Holy fuck.
+I can’t find a word to describe that Goos, pathetic doesn’t even come close.
+It’s hard to find the right words to describe what Gus does all day on Twitter. Almost as hard as it is for him to come up with more than one word at a time, after 11 pm EST. They say a picture says 1000 words, but how about a video? I think this video is a near-perfect representation of Gus’s daily Twitter-output:
+“Shut Up Little Man!”
+Uhh, deray…
+Getting shot for resisting arrest is a black MALE thing. You don’t see too many black females getting shot (except at the White House) for resisting. It’s not a white thing, it’s a female thing. She should check her female privilege.
+Ack Oop.
+And “resisting” is relative. In some instances, all you have to do is be a little feisty when they try to put on the cuffs and it classifies as “resisting.” Argue with the officer? Resisting. Don’t get out of the car fast enough? Resisting.
+Tell me, Deray the magical race pimp, how many Blacks do you think were pulled over for one offense or another last night and resisted but weren’t slammed to the ground, shot or otherwise manhandled. I’m thinking A LOT.
+I think you can raise an eyebrow, purse your lips and snort thru your nose and they’ll call it resisting arrest these days.
+Isn’t one of Chunky’s Irregulars a native of Kansas? I think we found its car, anyway:
+Note: This is a current photo. Not like Chunky’s avatar. 😆
+Bumper stickers: Twitter for the Luddite set.
+Same effect of diminishing credibility/perceived sanity, as the number increases. Nothing says wackjob more clearly than an entire back end of a car covered in stickers proclaiming adherence to an extreme pov. Same goes for a life spent tweeting glurge all day, every day, like our Chunky and his drunken minion.
+He’s been out of office for six years, moron. Get the large economy size Goo-Gone. You look like an idiot (and I imagine your “flipped off on the highway” total is higher than average for Kansas).
+Are there still any Kerry/Edwards stickers left in SF? They can still be spotted in Ashland, OR, and Vashon, WA. Only the most “special” Volvo wagons are allowed to have them. You don’t want to see what’s inside of those wagons.
+Yep. I see them every once in awhile on I-80 when I’m going to work. I see the occasional “McCain/Palin” as well, to be fair.
+Why do you hate gay journalists, Charles?
+After that 800% battery thingy, Toot ought to be tweeting to the corners of the earth about this:
+Does Toot actually think he can get Greenwald thrown off Twitter like he did with Ginger? A Pulitzer winning journalist with 500K followers isn’t quite so easy for the Tooters to gang up on, especially when Greenwald’s fans outnumber the Tooters 20 to 1 at least.
+Careful there Toot, Greenwald’s fans could report YOU, remember that in spite of Greenwald being a “white supremicist” in your mind, he’s a leftist whose fans will use leftist tactics. Without Twitter to troll for hits to the zombie blog it’s game over
+Mos def not fake, yo.
+Mr. Insane Liar is Mr. Insane Liar.
+Toot didn’t get Ginger whacked. He just took credit for it.
+Fatso and his lap dogs complain 1000 times ….. nothing happens.
+The race baiter deray complains once and Ginger was toast.
+“Toast” is rasis.
+Pointing that out was racist.
+Because Deray the Magic Race Pimp is a good buddy of Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter. They have that whole “#Ferguson” and “#BlackLivesMatter” painted on hallway walls at Twitter on Market Street.
+Cherry pick 2 paragraphs out of 700 pages just to prove you are lower than snake shit, Chuck, if brains were gun powder, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.
+What’s not true about that? It was an insane witch-hunt. He stored up enough negative karma to last a thousand lifetimes.
+Who he?
+Chunkybutt. In response to his Greenwald tweet above.
+Make me stop rooting for Lebron. Please. I need serious help. 😯
+I stopped watching the NBA before Chicago won 6 titles. Too many TV timeouts late in the game. Plus a dozen teams timeouts. It’s as if the players don’t know what to do because they haven’t played basketball their whole lives. I lose interest.
+Back to topic: Charles is a morbidly obese dipshit, too fat to leave his abode without greasing the doorways. Thankfully, he never, ever reads here. I stand by my thought that the bike accident/divorce will continue to bring us joy for years to come. Hopefully decades, as I wish Charles no ill health. Keep bringing the stupid, Fuckface! (not that you read here)
+The NBA makes no sense whatsoever, unless it is your own team threatening to win the championship. Cleveland is not my team, and Lebron is definitely not my hero…except, now Cleveland is the decided underdog, also missing two of their top three players to injury, and Lebron is trying to carry the team he once betrayed on his back to unlikely victory. And the refs are screwing Cleveland every which way from Sunday. And it’s still a close series. And I was rooting for Lebron all night, even though I think Stephen Curry is the best player I’ve seen since Michael Jordan…besides the aforementioned oz-wee-pay, Lebron.
+It’s so confusing. I hate sports. Why do I continue to torture myself?
+I’m told by those who know hoops, Lebron is a real time genius. He can breakdown the court, say, the way Gretzky did.
+Well, that settles that…
+Or maybe not?
+Um, Goose. I don’t think ‘cis’ means what you think it means…
+More confusion.
+When a complete loser-in-every-way like Dear Fatass tries to insult a classy, winning gal like Sarah, it always ends badly for the fat fuck. Like this:
+pannus pannus pannus lol
+Barry missed his calling. He should have been a fat surfer.
+Von Slutshamer’s Walk Of Shame To End All Walks Of Shame!
+GoT…catch the slut-fever! 😈
+OMG! INTENSE….and with that season ending, the series catches up with all the books.
+Lena Hedley’s head was CG’d onto the naked body but still – she did a fantastic job with that scene – very much as described in the book. I knew all this was coming, of course, having read ASOIAF.
+But my poor son, who is Unsullied (slang term for show viewers who have not read the books), who told me not to spoil it for him (after I cheered prematurely when Jon shot Mance Rayder before he could be burned earlier in the season), was totally unprepared for the ending.
+Kit Harrington has stated that he is not filming next season so the speculation grows. I imagine GRRM is going to have to release “Winds of Winter” well in advance of the start of Season 6 because like I’ve said, if people like the way the series goes, and they know that it doesn’t quite follow the books in all respects, are not going to care if the novels have an alternate ending.
+It was a fine trio of shows, to bring the season to a close. I feel like we’ve seen the best the material has to offer, such as riding dragons, the demonic forces of Winter in battle, The Girl getting her revenge, and so forth. I’m sure they can whip up some entertaining plotlines for next season, book or no book. Might be a bit anti-climactic for me.
+GRRM has said, ahem “I’m rushing to finish the next book in advance of the premier of the Sixth Season.”
+Sorry, but who does he think he’s kidding? That books’s already written and they are filming season six. He wants to parlay it into HUGE book sales – I would say they will release it in December – Christmas sales. If not, then definitely February so that the “Sullied” will snap it up, My understanding is that sales of the released book series are climbing as well.
+The popularity of the TV show is the best thing that ever happened to the old scribbler, I’d say. Massive windfall of cash coming in. Too old to enjoy it properly, though. 😆
+I’m sure that Toot slammed the Block Button of Social Justice hard on this one
+Try reading some Zora Neale Hurston before tweeting, Chazzy J.
+Mos def would help you in your charade.
+Whitest man on Twitter.
+Worth the read.
+Wow. Wheels just keep coming off the Rachel Dolizal crazy train. Mr. Toot says there was family dysfunction and abuse but her brother doesn’t back up Toot’s fabricated smear of her parents. Instead he paints Rachel as a mean liar, crazy and frankly racist since she’s trying to live her life in “black face”. And her siblings resent her claims of closeness with them only to borrow their blackness as opposed to sincerity and love.
+Love ya, Chuck. You’re so consistent.
+Jump in immediately with both feet and hit the ground running (and jiggling) on an issue without waiting for all the facts and get it wrong. Double down and be beclowned. Drop issue entirely and blame a 25 year old audio when it’s pointed out you’re an idiot.
+Lather, Rinse. Repeat.
+Remember in 2008 when the Warmening and Climate Change science was already settled?
+This was also the year Mr. Toot turned into a tooty fruity moonbat and jumped on board the Climate Change Disruption Warmening Stupid Train without looking back.
+Uh oh!! Charles is going to have kittens when he finds this out in a few days:
+93 to 3 in the House last month and 38 to 1 in the Senate last week. Jindal will almost certainly sign it. Charles and the LGF nutters will go absolutely apoplectic. The GUNZ! The GUNZ! The BAD CRAZY!
+Here’s Jake Tapper interviewed by Breitbart’s John Nolte.
+Recall that Mr. Toot claims Breitbart is a racist bigoted lying hell hole of right wing stinkery. Yet CNN’s Jake Tapper seems to take them seriously as a legitimate political news outlet.
+Fatass was attacking the serious, strongly-credentialed Tapper a couple weeks ago, for being on the wrong side of some story or other. Didn’t he try to engage Tapper, and got the brushoff? I’m a little fuzzy this morning.
+Fruity will attack anyone he thinks will get him national prominence. The trouble for him, alas, is that he really has been reduced to “just another guy with a blog” in terms of internet stature. His attacking Tapper, Greenwald, et al. is pretty much the equivalent of me tweeting to Speaker Boehner. You are all puffed up that you “let ’em have it!” but in response, their attitude is “yeah….yeah….you’re nobody. Fuck off.”
+I’ve also noticed Krager loves to be the “tag-team” guy to bolster everything Fruity says in the timeline. If Johnson’s been reduced to the annoying gnat – Krager is reduced to being the paramecium living on the leg. Being a “YES” man is no way to go through life, Krager.
+Or as his favorite gramma would say, “go to the end of the line”.
+As I recall Tapper tried to talk sense to him a couple times and then just ignored him.
+Deciding to Move Forward
+Some ideas
+of mine are just crazy. Like the time I booked a wedding in SC and then the a wedding the next day in VA…. yea, I did that. Sometimes I have GRAND plans and visions for something and then a few weeks go by and I realize that my “idea” really wasn’t that amazing. Oh! Like remember the “Design Book” idea?! I paid big bucks to have provide a way for my blog stalkers to save their “favorites” in different categorized folders! I thought I was a genius!…. And then PINTEREST was invented. Ha! This world of photography AND technology is CHANGING… and it’s changing FAST.
+The greatest thing I’m learning as a small business owner is that we can NEVER stop inventing, dreaming and CHANGING. New ideas are what keep us going. New poses, new business strategies, and new technology keep us from becoming stagnent. I could go on and on. I was using SMUGMUG for my galleries. It’s great! It’s super cheap and SUPER easy to use…. but what if there was something BETTER?! Something more impressive and user friendly… something that would WOW my clients and take my customer service to the next level?! Would I do it? Or would I just stick with Smugmug because I was comfortable? …… Well, I’m embarrassed to say that for almost a year, an opportunity was right in front of me and I chose to be comfortable. I decided not to jump on the PASS bandwagon because I was very unsure of this whole idea…. the idea of SHARING.
+When I first started in the industry, the idea of “protecting” my images was drilled into me. It seemed like an industry standard. I was told to watermark EVERYTHING, make clients pay for prints, don’t share digital negatives unless you charge $4,000 for a CD, and NEVER share images with a vendor without making them compensate you. The idea was “protect yourself so that people will know that you’re legit and will value your work”. At the time, this made sense. I mean, only NEWBIES shared stuff for free, right? If photography was art, then I should protect every single image and guard it with my LIFE and try to make a living on print sales! So that’s what I had been taught… along with every other photographer that started and was influenced by an older generation of photographers. Freely SHARING digital files was not an option…… and then PASS came along.
+PASS broke ALL of the rules. All of them. Let me explain…. PASS is an online sharing tool that was created by the the amazing people at Showit (my website company and photography family!). They went on tour sharing this new idea and I liked it, but I wasn’t hooked. Basically, you can upload a whole wedding (fairly quick I might add!) and your clients have instant access to facebook sharing (with automatic photography credits), high res downloads (You can control this feature if you want) and a beautiful gallery built just for them. That’s not ALL… as a photographer, I get to enjoy INSTANT BACKUPS, the most customizable gallery sharing on the market, and mobile access to all of my high res files!!! Yea! Did I mention that my clients can download the FREE PASS APP and instantly have their WHOLE WEDDING at their fingertips?! Whether they are on the ipad or iphone…. they can view their special day whenever they want… and they can SHARE it whenever they want. And isn’t that what couples WANT? When my wedding was posted… the LAST thing I wanted was to sit down and pick out prints. I wanted to get those babies on facebook as fast as I could so that the world could see 101010!!!
+This leads me to my next point.
+And just to be clear, not everyone is going to a agree with me on this and I totally understand that. …. But here’s the thing…. we live in the DIGITAL AGE. Things have changed… this whole INDUSTRY has changed. In the past, holding digital files hostage worked because there wasn’t facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. Clients used to be just fine with getting an album and those were the only images they received. My poor mom was a victim of this type of photography back in the day! She has one little album with about 25 pictures. They are 4×6 prints and that’s all she could afford at the time and so that’s all they have. 25 images. Those days are long gone. I’ve always offered clients digital files from their wedding day and they have always been high-res….. so why was I so afraid of PASS? Because it was NEW. It seemed so revolutionary that it scared me! What if the ancient photography gods strike me down for FREELY SHARING my images with VENDORS and CLIENTS?! Well, I’m happy to say that I have since gotten over myself. I am officially a PASSER and I want to kick myself for not switching over sooner! Seriously. This tool is changing my business for the better and I’m loving it!!! I’m presenting my images in a way that makes me stand out! It’s sleek, it’s fast and it’s user friendly!! I’ll NEVER go back.
+So here are the PROS and CONS of PASS for those that are interested:
+– Instant sharing on Facebook with automatic credits to the photographer and links back to the client’s full wedding gallery!
+- Instant mobile access for both the photographer AND the client. PASS galleries can be accessed on an iPhone and iPad and so I have all of my high res photos at my disposal constantly!
+– Galleries can be imbedded into a plus site. If you have Showit, this is a no brainer. I can make as many “sub sites” to my website as I want! This means my clients have CUSTOM websites that include their PASS galleries. Check it out:
+– Instant backup! Oh thank heaven!
+– No need for packaging! CD’s and Flashdrives are obsolete!
+CONS & how I’m handling them:
+– What if I love my packaging?! Well, this is an issue for me too. I STILL send a custom flashdrive to clients. Why? Because my brides LOVE receiving that pretty little package in the mail! So for me, packaging is still an option. This may not be forever, but for right now, it’s working just fine:)
+– What about prints?! PASS isn’t not connected with a shopping cart of any kind (yet). I’m not sure about the future plans of PASS but I do know that over the last 4 years, I’ve made diddly-squat on print sales. Sure $600 here and there is great… but I would RATHER focus on promoting my ALBUMS than trying to sell prints. When you deliver digital negatives, it doesn’t matter how hard you push for professional prints, clients are going to buy them where they can get them the cheapest. I’m not happy about this because we all know that Walgreens is NOT going to represent our business well when it comes to printing!! So I have “Printing Recommendation” cards that I send out to engaged couples who need prints. These cards share some professional printing options that will not be a poor representation of my brand but that everyday people can use. (ex: mpix.com) For my wedding galleries, if the couple requests it, I’ll upload a smug mug gallery and add a link to it on their pass gallery if they really want to order prints through me. Smugmug is $100 a year so this isn’t a huge expense.
+– Cost. It’s $29 per event. That can add up…. but it’s worth it! I signed up for a special they were advertising and I bought PASS for LIFE! So this isn’t an issue for me but I understand that it may be for others. In my opinion, it’s worth it! So worth it. I mean, look at these next two screenshots! How could I ever go back to my old way of presenting images?!
+This is Brian and Kristen’s Plus Site!This is Brian and Kristen’s Plus Site!
+This is their PASS gallery imbedded into their Plus Site!This is their PASS gallery imbedded into their Plus Site!
+Add a comment
+PREACH!!! love it:) But I still love sending thumb drives too:)
+I have been wanting to try PASS for my wedding galleries for some time. I’ll have to for my wedding next weekend – $29/wedding is not bad and I love the sharability. Also just a totally random question – is the SC wedding the day before the VA wedding ours haha? Kind of made me laugh out loud :)
+Beautiful pictures! I love the PASS webpage!
+Katelyn, this is awesome! Thanks for the help. :) I had a client take some of her bridal portraits for printing. She ordered them online & when she went to pick them up they asked her who took them. She said, “My friend from Ahna Beth Photography.” As soon as she said that they wanted a permission slip from me for her to print my pictures. Do you send a permission slip for your clients incase this ever happens?
+Just wondering- does it not work for people w/o an ipad or iphone? If so, what do you do then? thanks :)
+we started trying out pass a while ago – still haven’t made the ‘committed switch’ yet though. totally know what you mean about packaging – i LOVE it! i can’t let go of that, and i think it’s such a huge part of our identity. thanks for sharing your pro’s and con’s – definitely helps me understand PASS better!
+And everything you said is why I am thisclose to switching to PASS.
+Awesome awesome awesome!! I use smugmug for now but this entire post is SO very true. Most photographers that have been in the business for 30+ years aren’t up for selling a CD and I had the idea that it was bad too, BUT that’s what everyone wants.. every single photo. It makes so much more sense for weddings because who would buy a 4×6 of their shoes when they have to pay $15.00 for it? They’d definitely go for a picture with family/faces!
+Great post! I love that you listed the pros and cons! I also applaude you for being open with your opinions, sometimes I feel it can be indimitating to speak up about new ways of doing things in the photography world but post like yours are encouraging!
+Hey katelyn! This was such a fantastic post! I really was affirmed in my choice to use Pass. I would really love to hear how you educate your clients on PASS, this is the biggest challenge for me….I think this blog post is one fantastic way for your brides to be able to understand it…I feel sometimes like I’m trying to explain some super scientific process, because my clients are not all aware of the changing industry, you know? I want to include a blurb on my site or welcome packet about Pass, but just cant’ seem to do it justice on my own.
+Congrats for embracing change so gracefully, Katelyn!! :) And what a great tool for photographers! Lets be honest, most brides find their photographer via Facebook or Pinterest these days anyway! Why worry about a few hundred on prints when you can focus on albums and snagging new clients?! Thanks for sharing :)
+This looks sweet. But, in case you haven’t looked into it already, check out Zenfolio.com. I’ve been “sharing” the link with my clients for a number of years. Now, it’s not as slick, but you can download hi res files, and my fav part is they are partnered with MPIX. I did this so I wouldn’t have MOB’s going to the local Walgreens and making awful prints. And, it’s way cheaper than PASS. I have everything on Zen. Great post and great work, by the way!!
+I heard David Jay speak here in Kansas City 4 years ago and he said it then. Few are willing to get on board with the digital age. I do not sell prints. I give my clients little goodies and the DVD and they are happy to pay me for my time and talent. win win for me.
+As a newish wedding photographer, I don’t have a huge budget for pretty packaging and custom DVDs/flash drives– not to mention burning DVDs (especially after an error) was a NIGHTMARE! PASS is such a great alternative, especially when everyone just wants to get their photos up on Facebook. It didn’t happen if it’s not on Facebook, right? haha ;)
+Thanks for this Katelyn! I’ve tried PASS once but the online sharing platform didn’t have the best quality images – they looked very compressed compared to the originals. All of your images look great in the plus site link you posted – did you have problems with this at all?
+This post was literally perfect timing, as Matt and I were trying to decide which engagement photo to use on our church program for the ceremony, and he was on my ipad – downloaded the PASS app and voila!! Love it!
+I’ve been wondering… I love your work, and I’ve been fascinated at the fact that you don’t watermark your photos. When I first got into the business, I was told over and over again I need to protect “my art”. After reading this post, I have decided to ditch the prints and do the flash drive. I tested out pass for a previous client, and we all loved it! I need more clients, not more prints. Thank you for your openness and insight!!
+it’s SOOOOO WORTH IT!!!! I’ve switched to PASS exclusively, and can’t express how much I love it.
+We’ve been so on the fence about making the leap- but I think for next year’s brides we are going to do it! We’ll definitely be keeping some pretty packaging for now, because we like giving it and our couples like getting it, but PASS is so darn pretty :)
+Here are my cons:
+1. Some of your images will look very blurry and not sharp when viewed.
+2. It does not allow download of original uncompressed files, so you have to send your client a DVD or flash drive if they are to have full rez.
+3. You HAVE to download and install a program on your computer in order to download all files in one go.
+4. Many people will just download the files to their computer and THEN upload to facebook, thereby loosing your credit.
+5. I dont think the user interface is easy enough for all to use.
+Before i get started, i’ll just say that i am a big fan of you K. You sure inspire me and i think of your work every time i shoot a wedding…
+Honestly, i think PASS is beta. I feel that the gallery-product is not finished at all. And i know some photog-geeks are currently talking about how some of you wedding-photog-stars are talking so high of PASS. Smells a bit like viral marketing. You, J*, Z&J etc.
+The High-res are not the original uploaded files. PASS has a hard time explaining this on their FB page. The gallery-images looks smuthered and kind a blurry. When you click one, the popup is not even close to the quality of the image uploaded. Me and my business partner tried PASS but found the quality too low. The support was trying to tell us what screens our customers were looking at the galleries on, etc.
+Also worth mentioning is the fact that your Katelyn identity kind of goes away when looking at the gallery. Seems you chose the same design as Zach & Jody. So (at least) to me, your gallery has lost your website-design-identity.
+That being said, PASS gallery is a great tool. It’s soooo easy to share on Facebook. But in order to really make use of the FB-network one have to tag people. The only way to do this with PASS is to mention names in the comments of the link to PASS-gallery. That alone will do wonders spreading the link to the gallery. But actually that effect will be higher if you upload some pix to FB and tag the pictures. People knows these well, while the “mentioned in a comment” are not so commonly used.
+I hope your business will grow with PASS. I’ve decided to wait till PASS have fixed some of their issues with image quality and perhaps do better support.
+Just my 5censt. Scuse my english, it’s far from my native language;-)
+PASS is awesome. I can see going exclusively digital for weddings. If you’re making 6K or more then it doesn’t matter. But if you are a portrait photographer, it’s hard for clients to see those high numbers and ONLY get digitals. :(
+Your work is beautiful and you seem to be such a sweet person. Unfortunately I have to disagree with you. Some of us don’t see it as holding files “hostage” or as customers being “victims” of this “type of photography”. A loose quote of Sal Cincotta who happens to represent a million dollar brand- does KFC give you a raw chicken breast, bread crumbs, and oil and say go cook it yourself? I think that’s what we’re doing with digital files (in addition to telling people that a large wall portrait passed down for generations regardless of ever changing technology is worth nothing, just look at it on your computer screen) although you can make a good argument for offering them in addition to tangible products with weddings. I do not want my customers printing their cherished memories and my artwork at any old drug store so they can ruin their prints with sub standard paper and cheap ink. Mpix is pretty crummy compared to my professional lab and does not offer large wall portraits or anything near the products and service we can offer- but it’s the best we’ve got to suggest to them. What happens when technology changes again in a few years and the flash drives become obsolete, or your customer has never printed one image, you’ve deleted them by that time, and they have nothing but the digital files…which went down right along with their computer that crashed. That’s not good enough for me. I’m not the best photographer in the world but I love my customers and personally see it as providing full service to be sure prints hang on the wall. Yes we are in the digital age and the industry is changing. There are pros and cons to this. One major con being what I mentioned above- what happens when clients are sitting around with discs or flash drives that can’t be read by the newest technology- and have not one single photo of their wedding to share with their children. Thankfully they will have an album from you as I’m sure they couldn’t turn down that purchase-which cost them more than a few print sales I’m sure. But what about the ones who didn’t? I find it hard to believe photographers shooting 50 weddings a year will be able to locate and offer every single file from every single wedding shot 10 years ago. I’m not trying to be contrary or argumentative, just attempting to share an alternative perspective that still values the 30×40 textured and framed portrait on the living room wall greeting them every time they walk in. Best wishes and I hope you continue to flourish :)
+This is so helpful Katelyn, I just used PASS for my first wedding and it went great! I was wondering about buying prints so thank you for addressing that! Everything is digital now and it makes sense to go for selling albums and canvases rather than small 4×6’s. Thanks for sharing!
+Hi Katelyn, I LOVE your pass site! This totally convinced me to get it and to upgrade my entire website to a showit site. I just went to the pass website and it’s currently invite only. so the website instructed me to find a showiteer and get them to send me an invite. I was wondering if you’d be so kind. info@BrittanyRaephotography.com
+I would love to use the service but it seems like it’s invitation only at the moment. Would you happen to have any invite to share with me? :)
+[...] you should take advantage of using PASS within a plus site! You can read more about how I do that HERE! (But keep in mind, that is post was using the OLD PASS! It’s 10x prettier [...]
+I would greatly appreciate an invite as well, if you wouldn’t mind! Thanks for your excellent blog posts!
+MS offers Security Essentials to small business, …
+"How do you compete with a freebie"?
+Easy answer. Just look at:
+Outlook Express
+Windows Media Player
+Notepad / Wordpad
+Internet Explorer
+All free but avoided with the proverbial bargepole.
+Maybe they're avoided ...
+by tech-savvy users - but by everyone else ?
+Well, OE is thankfully dead and most home users use webmail now. Wordpad is of course superseded either MS Word.
+The rest of them are extremely heavily used I would imagine. And where people have sought alternatives those alternatives are usually also FOSS.
+MSE is a capable single-machine product, and in terms of free solutions it's *way* better than the likes of AVG.
+@andy gibson
+I was pretty skeptical when one of my mates suggested trying MSSE (I was properly fed up with Avast/AVG at this point). However, I've never had a problem with it, and it does everything I want from a free AV program - pretty much silent, no false positives (yet), and seems to be pretty effective.
+I agree, MS doesn't have the best track record for free and good programs, but MSSE is fairly nifty.
+From the current EULA
+a. Use. You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices in your household for use by people who reside there or for use in your home-based small business.
+How is this a change?
+speaking personally
+But if I had 10 people working for me in my house, I expect that various laws would consider it a place of work and not a "home-based" small business.
+At 1 point I had 8 PCs in my house, in addition to my work PC, which was at work. Nobody else used them. I was not a business.
+Hogging is a matter of resources available
+"MSSE is not a resource hog" - Hmmm... uninstalled from an old XP machine as it became unusable during its hour-long update cycle, which it enforced despite setting to the lowest rate
+RE: "How do you compete with a freebie"?
+Have you actually tried Essentials?
+I have been running it on 3 PCs since its first release and it has performed well and is one of the least intrusive AV applications I have ever used.
+Previousy I have tried Avira, Avast, Norton, McAfee, ProtX
+...no popups (like other freebie offerings)
+...no subscriptions
+...no inital cost
+...auto updates daily
+...simple and easy to use/install
+For me this is one of the few freebies from Microsoft that is actually very useful and good.
+Re: "How do you compete with a freebie"?
+Ah, someone who has actually tried MSE before slagging it off. One important point you did miss, though, was that it also doesn't crap out on you and stop updating itself after twelve months without warning [1] and leave you thinking you're protected when you're not.
+[1] The warning needs to get in the user's way before your average user will take any notice of it whatsoever. The "little red shield thing that won't go away" is neither use or ornament. People (in this context, read that as a hominid barely capable of breathing in and out without detailed instructions and an educational DVD - the sort of person that thinks Big Brother ending was a bad thing) need smacking in the teeth with security issues before they'll care enough to actually do anything.
+"We do warn the user!" is the usual reply from these cretins. Yes, but do you repeatedly hit it over the head with cucumbers and take away all of its toys, metaphorically speaking, until it does something constructive about the situation? No? Then you don't understand users.
+Isn't it time for...
+Google to release an antivirus to "balance' off Micorsoft's?
+Maybe the team lead for Security Essentials could migrate over like the IE guy did.
+Or put simply, "more stuff to be avoided".
+Free AV
+I spend a lot of my time trying to encourage people to move away from free AV packages. The best way I have found to do this is to get people to uninstall their free AV (be it MSE or any of the others) and install a full featured trial version of one of the commercial versions. This week I've seen the results of Kaspersky 2010 and Trend Titanium being installed on machines that previously had Panda Cloud Free or MSE installed. A full scan on all these machines revealed several virii, lots and lots of trojans and a fair bit of other nasty stuff that had been totally missed by the free software. It's amazing how fast these people will part with their cash once they've seen how much malware has slipped through their free software net.
+OK so I know there will be lots of commentards posting that people should avoid Windows altogether, but we all know that for the majority of home users this just isn't going to happen so don't waste your typing time. Anyhow even if you did convince all the Windows users to switch to something else I'm pretty sure that OS would be beset with malware in no time flat. It's the popularity of Windows that makes it a target for malware. Bear in mind that a lot of the malware I see is on machines where the normal users are not administrators, at least I manage to convince them of that.
+"A full scan on all these machines revealed several virii...."
+Isn't that what Scareware does? You have 130 virii infecting your machine!!! Pay me now! Granted, I do agree that /some/ AVs are better than others, free or not. However, a pay-for solution isn't always the greatest either. (Stick Norton Internet Security Suite on your computer and you'll see what I mean)
+I do agree, however, that switching from Windows isn't the answer, since virii will follow the users. It doesn't matter how "secure" your system is. Linux can get infected by malware just as easily as a Windows box: "You're infected! Run this program!" (almost) all OSes allow users to install/run software, and it's that ability that gets exploited, regardless of OS. It just makes more sense to make your scamware for the majority, rather than minority.
+But to be fair...
+have to agree with harryhedgehog
+As a home user I was a devout AVG user for many years, but compared to MSSE, AVG is a total resource hog, and not very effective at it's job.
+One annoyance with AVG is it's schizophrenic behaviour when an infected file gets lodged in a system restore point. Despite the infected file being completely inert (unless of course you put your machine back to that restore point) the monitoring component will periodically scream VIRUS! VIRUS!
+So, you run the scanner across your entire hard disk, at the end of which it comes up "dunno what you're on about, mate. No virus here" because it can't access the System Volume Information.
+Symantecs' product is less than useless. The first sign of a virus, and it curls up in a corner crying "Not in the face, not in the face!" You can tell your machine may have brushed by some 10 year old malware, because the Norton icon in the system tray is disabled, and you can't re-enable it. Oh, and the firewall in it continues to block software on your computer from accessing the net even AFTER YOU UNINSTALL IT!
+Mcaffee have come up with an interesting solution. They install so much crap on your system it s-l-o-w-s... t-o... a... c-r-a-w-l. Your computer is literally too slow to catch a cold.
+Sophos is an arrogant little turd. You fire up your computer, log in, and it essentially shouts "STOP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING! I'm updating myself." It seems to grab nearly every resource off you for the simple act of self-update. And don't get me started on the false positives!
+Compared to this lot, MSSE isn't just out in front, it's lapped them several times
+The title is too long... Well well well... First you want a title, and now it is too long?
+OK. Bad. However, this is from a marketing perspective easily solved:
+Do you trust your entire company's security to Microsoft? The one company whose software has more security problems than any other software house on the planet? Are you sure?
+What do you want to protect today? Your "My Documents" folder or your business?
+Never was, and likely never will be too impressed with Microsoft when they say "Security tools"... What? You mean malicious software removal tool is a security product? Oh and forefront is... aha... Why then do zillions of *serious* people run McAffee? Why then is Kasparek (or whatever) so popular with not-so-serious-on-to-go-type people who call themselves computer experts and work for, nonetheless, PC Universe?
+get a kick on. You don't trust microsoft with security anymore than you trust google with your data, now, do you? Blimey!
+Mine is the one with AVG in the pocket.
+Agree with harryhedgehog 100%. I work with M$ products, but use Linux or OpenBSD by choice.
+I'm fairly anti-M$ to be fair, but I must say that MSE is probably the best antivirus software I've used. I swore by Avast for around 5-6 years and peddled it to all and sundry. Nowadays I just get MSE on there and leave them to it.
+Very unobtrusive, haven't come across a false positive as yet and doesn't seem to degrade performance by hogging resources. Amazingly, it's all good.
+I feel dirty now.
+as a freebie, MSSE is the one I'm recommending at the moment
+I've only seen one infection get past it so far... ESET Nod32 is still the daddy though...
+So now it is official
+The EULA can be changed by a one-sided decision, and courts are still going to pretend that it is a binding contract ?
+I don't care if it is in the user's favor. A binding contract is one that cannot be changed without consent from both parties.
+This just proves that the EULA is a farce.
+The new EULA refers to installations done under the new EULA, not old ones. No-one's EULA is changed, but new installations are done under a new EULA.
+Compete with a free product by offering one that actually works.
+i have been putting MSE on machines as most people thought they had security on, because they had trial version on, or they had antivirus on but had not updated it or reregistered it, no matter how many time you tell them or show them.
+so i put the idiot proof one on MSE, i just set it up for them and tell them if it turns red click it and read what it says then follow onscreen.
+as you say here no need to register, so will not run out, and if set up correctly it will scan and update on own.
+its saved me loads of time.
+it was in place of , norton, avast, avg.
+drum roll
+yeah, so i'm pretty impressed by the comments on this one.
+Anyway, so yeah AVG sucked from 8.0 up . M$SE has found several viri after removing AVG.
+Recently, M$SE failed, AVG failed , but wait, Nod32 then failed.
+After breaking it's legs, cutting it's throat and restarting dwm.exe the viri facepalmed. (why do i still need to download processxp on win7, cmon they own it . )
+I've been told avast will deal with this type of viri more effectively, tho last i checked it was close to viri itself. :)
+Roll on ChromiumOS, roll on Steam, soon XPdites will have something worth upgrading to.
+For the love of grud don't install 10.10 beta on anything you expect to USE, it's like SF 2.0 Beta - why oh why did i take the blue pill.
+"How do you compete with a freebie?"
+Total cost of ownership ;o)
+Cut down Forefront
+MSE is apparently a cut down version of Forefront. Well the powers that be at work decided to sign up for Forefront and it's crap when compared to previous solutions we've used.
+Would I really want a cut down version of something that's already crap?
+Don't trust them
+At the moment, MS's record on free AV is poor. They bring out stuff, then later they scale it back. And what about the free spam filter in Outlook, and on Exchange? Both have very good free filtering software, made almost useless because MS doesn't update the filters.
+Re: Don't trust them
+MS updates my Outlook spam filter quite often. Have you perhaps disabled Microsoft Update on the machines it doesn't get updated on?
+There is a real MS update screwup but that is with root certs - treated as an optional update so it won't happen?
+Front-End Web & Mobile
+Practical use cases for AWS AppSync Pipeline Resolvers – Part 2: Data Aggregation
+This article was written by Salman Moghal, Application Architect, AWS, and Abdul Kitana, Security Architect, AWS
+AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that allows to deploy Serverless GraphQL backends in the AWS cloud. It provides features that developers can use to create modern data driven applications allowing to easily query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs from a single GraphQL endpoint. Customers can leverage AppSync real-time capabilities, offline data synchronization, built-in server-side caching, fine-grained access control, security, support for business logic in the API layer using GraphQL resolvers, and more. In this article, we focus on how to implement and orchestrate backend logic directly in the AppSync GraphQL API layer using pipeline resolvers.
+Resolvers are built-in functions in GraphQL that “resolve” types or fields defined in the GraphQL schema with the data in the data sources. Resolvers in AppSync can be of two types: unit resolvers or pipeline resolvers. Pipeline resolvers offer the ability to serially execute operations against multiple data sources in single API call, triggered by queries, mutations, or subscriptions.
+AppSync Pipeline Resolvers significantly simplify client-side application complexity and help enforce server-side business logic controls by orchestrating requests to multiple data sources. They can be used to enforce certain aspects of the application’s logic at the API layer.
+This is an article series in three parts where we use a sample application to highlight how pipeline resolvers can be used to solve common problems, such as:
+- Part 1: Implement conditional checks on the server-side before creating records in a backend database. In this example, we implement a user’s quota management feature directly in the GraphQL API.
+- Part 2: Perform nested database queries, i.e. given a key that is present in two DynamoDB tables, aggregate data across tables.
+- Part 3: Interact with data from heterogeneous data sources that may or may not be directly supported by AWS AppSync in a single call, i.e. DynamoDB using its built-in AppSync data source support and S3 buckets using a Lambda data source.
+You can follow the links above to access the other articles in the series. In the first article you can find a CloudFormation template that can be used to deploy all the configured services in your AWS account as well as steps necessary to create users to test the different use cases.
+Our sample application is a simple web app where users sign-in and publish posts to their profile. Users have a quota or subscription that determine how many posts they can publish, and they can also add others users as friends. Finally, the content of the posts can be formatted in HTML and require to support a size of up to a few megabytes. We provide full implementation details of the use-cases listed above using an AppSync GraphQL API.
+Use case #2 – Data aggregation
+Often times in web applications, there is a need to aggregate data across multiple database tables. A web application retrieves data from a table 1, the results from the API call are then used to perform a second or third operation against another table. The client application ends up invoking multiple API calls across different data sources to consolidate and present data to end-users, potentially degrading the application performance and the user experience. What if you could easily retrieve data from multiple data sources with a single call? AppSync pipeline resolvers provide an elegant server-side solution to solve this challenge using Pipeline functions.
+In our application, let’s assume that every user has a list of friends. The
+friends attribute in the
+Users table contain a list of the
+userIds that represent the user’s friends. Additionally, let’s also assume the
+Posts table contain posts from all users. Our goal is to expose a GraphQL operation,
+getFriendsPosts, that retrieves a list of posts from the
+Posts table for the current user’s friend list stored in the
+Users table. The
+getFriendsPosts operation requires the
+userId as a parameter to retrieve the user data, based on the authenticated user details in the
+$context.identity variable in the resolver template.
+We can implement the
+getFriendsPosts query operation using a pipeline resolver with two functions. The
+Posts table has
+postId as a hash key with no sort key. The
+userId attribute is defined as a global secondary index (GSI). The first pipeline function retrieves a list of friends from the
+Users table. The second pipeline function performs a DynamoDB scan operation against the
+Posts table and uses a filter expression to narrow down results by comparing the
+userId attribute in the
+Posts table to match each friend’s
+userId from the
+Users table. The scan operation uses a GSI to optimize the search in the
+Posts table.
+We use a pipeline resolver and pipeline functions to implement the
+getFriendsPost query operation. Now, let’s go over the implementation details step by step. The
+getFriendsPosts query operation is defined in the GraphQL schema as follows:
+The get friends posts pipeline resolver, bound to the
+getFriendsPosts query field, is depicted in the screenshot below. Notice it has two functions, get_list_of_friends and get_friends_posts, as also highlighted in our pipeline architecture diagram above. Additionally, we take a deeper look at the Before and After templates in the pipeline.
+A pipeline resolver contains a series of Pipeline functions that allow developers to operate on supported AppSync data source types. In addition to that, pipeline resolvers also contain a
+Before mapping template and an
+After mapping template. These mapping templates execute before and after the pipeline functions execute, respectively.
+To get started our pipeline resolver first retrieves the user’s identity from
+$context and store it in the context
+stash. The
+stash is a way to store and access variables across multiple pipeline functions and across resolvers throughout the pipeline.
+Next, we create a pipeline function
+get_list_of_friends that retrieves the
+friends list from the
+Users table. Note that in the request mapping template, we use the identity stored in
+$context.stash.userId as key value.
+The response mapping template of the
+get_list_of_friends pipeline function simply returns the contents of the
+friends field (mapped to the friends list in the
+Users table). The data retrieved is either an array, an empty array, or undefined depending on how the value is set in the
+Users table. We have to catch these results in our next function to ensure our pipeline resolver does not fail.
+Now, we define a new pipeline function
+get_friends_posts that uses VTL to perform pre-processing checks on the friends array. VTL provides powerful constructs that we can leverage in Request and Response mapping templates. These constructs allow us to perform iterations, conditional checks, validation and more.
+Our goal is to create a filter expression for the DynamoDB Scan operation against the
+Posts table that narrows down the results based on friends
+userIds we retrieve from the previous resolver function.
+First we define a variable
+$expressionArr that is used to generate the final scan filter block. This array contains a list of conditions that narrow down the scan operation results. For each friend we receive in the
+friends array, we use an expression in
+$expressionArr that resembles
+userId = :placeholder. A
+:placeholder is DynamoDB’s way of providing a runtime substitution for an actual expression attribute value. Therefore, the
+$expressionValueMap map contains key-value pairs for every expression attribute value we have used in
+$expressionArr. The following request mapping code shows how we build
+$expressionArr and
+Next, we flatten out our
+$expressionArr and create a string representation of the filter expression. For a user who has three friends, the flatten filter expression string looks like
+userId = :t1 OR userId = :t2 OR userId = :t3. Note that the expression still contains DynamoDB placeholders for expression attribute values.
+Our request template uses a scan operation with a filter expression to narrow down the results for a given
+userId and list of
+friends. We use VTL conditions to check for empty
+$expressionArr arrays. It allows us to handle two edge cases:
+friendsattribute in the
+Userstable containing an empty array, i.e.
+friendsattribute is not defined for a given user entry in the
+If any of these conditions are met, the
+else statement of VTL condition executes. Here we set the filter expression to the
+attribute_not_exists(postId) DynamoDB conditional expression function. This function allows us to return an empty result when this request template executes. The function attempts to filter the result of the scan operation by items that do not contain the hash key attribute
+postId. Note that there is never an entry in the
+Posts table that exists without
+postId because it is the hash key. This is a nice way to return an empty result from the resolver. Note that we use a global secondary index
+userId-index to optimize the scan operation.
+The complete request template is shown below:
+The response mapping template of the
+get_friends_posts pipeline function simply returns the results of the scan operation:
+Finally, the
+After mapping template is a straight-forward pass-through that takes the result from the last function execution.
+Let’s test our pipeline resolver. Sample records in the
+Users table look like this:
+{ "email": "user1@amazon.com", "friends": [ "user2" ], "name": "Test User 1", "subscription": { "subscription_tier": "Premium", "maxPosts" : 5 }, "userId": "user1" }, { "email": "user2@amazon.com", "friends": [], "name": "Test User 2", "subscription": { "subscription_tier": "Premium", "maxPosts" : 5 }, "userId": "user2" }, { "email": "user3@amazon.com", "friends": [ "user1" ], "name": "Test User 3", "subscription": { "subscription_tier": "Premium", "maxPosts" : 5 }, "userId": "user3" }
+We need entries in the
+Posts table that would represent posts from friends. We can manually create these entries as seen in the table below by using the DynamoDB console, or we can use the Queries section in the AppSync console and issue mutations accordingly to create the records:
+To create the entries in the
+Posts table by using GraphQL mutations in the AppSync console, log in with different users by clicking the Login with User Pools button then execute the
+createPost mutation for each user with the sample data above. Since the
+postID attribute is automatically generated by one of the resolver utility helpers, you don’t need to specify it.
+We can test by invoking the
+getFriendsPosts query operation and confirm we get a list of posts for the user’s friends:
+We can test the edge case where the
+friends attribute is empty or missing. A sample record in the
+Users table that has no
+friends attribute defined is shown below. You can modify the existing record in DynamoDB and remove the
+friends attribute to test.
+When we run the same query, we see an empty result coming back validating that our VTL conditional logic in the
+get_friends_post pipeline function request template is working properly.
+As an alternate approach it’s possible to use a Lambda function to implement the entire pipeline resolver logic. In the Lambda function, we could use a DynamoDB query operation to be more efficient. DynamoDB queries only require a hash key to return results even when the table has a sort key. The pipeline resolver implementation provided in this section does not use a query operation in the
+get_friends_posts request template directory because our use case requires us to fetch results for all a specific user’s friends and not only one friend. Ideally, a DynamoDB
+BatchGetItem operation should be used to consolidate multiple query operations into one call. However, the
+BatchGetItem operation requires both a
+hash key and a
+sort key to be present in the query. Since we don’t know the
+postId for all friends’ posts, a
+BatchGetItem operation doesn’t work in this scenario. Therefore, we have to use either a scan operation with our pipeline resolvers or a Lambda function connecting to DynamoDB to achieve the desired outcome. Either way, you have good serverless options to interact with your data without managing infrastructure by defining the business logic directly in your API layer with AppSync pipeline resolvers or leveraging Lambda. We look at adding a Lambda function to our application backend business logic in next article
+With pipeline resolvers, developers can compose operations, orchestrate and execute business logic directly in AppSync, allowing to easily interact with multiple data sources with a single GraphQL API call, saving network bandwidth and resources.
+In this article, we showcased how flexible pipeline resolvers are when it comes to performing data aggregation from different DynamoDB tables on the backend and how to combine multiple tables in a pipeline resolver to create powerful and flexible backend business logic to retrieve the data we need with a single GraphQL API call. In the previous article we implemented a user quota management system with pipeline resolvers directly in AppSync without the need to maintain any additional backend infrastructure. In the next article we show you how to use Direct Lambda Resolvers in a pipeline to interact with an S3 bucket where posts content is stored.
+The anti-American sign on the right (where else?) was recently seen at a terrorist riot of unpatriotic demagogues descending on a peaceful town hall meeting in Redding, California. As we all know, dissent is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and there were scoundrels galore at this event.
+"Nobama," they said. "No Government-Run Health Care," they said. "No Cap and Tax," they said. And much more. But the horror gets even worse. It wasn't bad enough that Californians were treated to an insurrection on their sovereign soil, but there was a traitor, a quisling, a Benedict Arnold in their midst. Let me explain this to you as soon as I've calmed down. Remember, Redding is less than 200 miles from San Francisco, and I have drawn the drapes and barred the door lest this rag-tag revolutionary army break in and commit mayhem.
+One of the leaders of the mob is Bert Stead. This 67-year old violently seized the microphone at the town hall meeting, and said the following horrific words: "I have been known to say fishy things." And the mob cheered. "I have been known to even attend a Redding Tea Party . . . and I wanna say that I'm a proud right-wing terrorist." And the mob cheered even louder, amidst the raucous laughter which seemed to feed their zeal.
+And now for the part that I can scarce bring myself to relate to loyal Americans. It is not enough that a lowly taxpayer dared to demand undeserved rights and proudly declared himself an enemy of the United States, but here is how the threat was treated by, God help us, an elected official, sworn to protect us from these domestic enemies. Republican Representative Wally Herger turned his coat and and replied: "Amen, God bless you. There is a great American." And then Herger proceeded to speak against our Dear Leader's plan to nationalize health care. At long last, Mr. Herger, have you no decency?
+California may already be lost to the rebels, but at least the nation will hear about the treacherous acts of the mob and the traitor in Congress. MSNBC patriot Keith Olbermann knows how to read the signs of the times. Jeremiah-like, he thunders to his nightly audience of dozens: "Even if he was being allegorical or hyperbolic (he learned those big words in agricultural college), this is not language to bandy about." He reserved his greatest ire for the traitor who sold his elected soul to the mob. "Wally Herger is guilty of contributing to this climate of paranoia and violence enveloping our political system." And felonious bandying.
+The protectors of our freedom to keep our mouths shut are not fools. They have secret agents everywhere. One of them found a copy of a memo from terrorist Bob MacGuffie, a vast right wing conspirator from Connecticut, lying around somewhere on, near or within a couple of hundred miles of the scene of the mob action in Redding. The memo provided tips on how to disrupt town hall meetings which uphold our Dear Leader. I will admit that the words of the memo sound very much like another organizer whose name escapes me, but whose tactics I used during my political activities in the 60s.
+ crowd should applaud when the question is asked, further putting the Rep on the defensive."
+My regular readers know that I have a talent for getting information which nobody else is privy to, and I have it on the best of authority (my assistant Kitty Kelly) that the title of the incendiary pamphlet is "Rules for Rightists," which also sounds vaguely familiar. Also found near the site was another inflammatory pamphlet entitled "Common Senfe" by some uneducated hillbilly from Virginia named Thomas Paine. Obviously, all Southerners are incapable of spelling correctly. What the hell is "Senfe?"
+Another protector of the right of the government to make all our decisions for us is the mild-mannered Chris Matthews, who wouldn't say an unkind word even if you took his Bourbon away from him. Says Chris (also of MSNBC): "A guy who thinks it's okay, in this day and age, to call himself a right-wing terrorist. This is the dangerous edge, in which these people, including some elected officials (guess who, Traitor Herger) are now dancing. We've been here before. Words lead to actions, words create the national mood, the mood creates a license. People take that license and use it. I'm not spelling it out any further because I don't want to." Well said, Chris. Sarcasm and irony will be the death of our democracy if we don't stomp it out wherever it rears its ugly treasonous head.
+Our loyal leftist minions know sarcasm and irony when they see them, and they speak only the truth, with no humor whatsoever. When Chimpy Bushitler was in office, they pictured him as the evil dictator and mass murderer that he truly is. More recently, during the current term of our Dear Leader, they have said, with utmost earnestness and accuracy, that dissent is being stirred up by extremist mobs (the Democratic National Committee). They are pawns of the insurance industry (Senator Dick Durban, D-IL). Un-American (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA). Brownshirts (Rep. Brian Baird, D-WA). White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has called the movement "manufactured Astroturf." Evilmongers (Senator Harry Reid, D-NV). Fear Mongerers (Barack Obama, Dear Leader, U.S.). Political terrorists (Rep. Baron Hill, D-IN).
+Sadly, the agents of Dear Leader did not seem to be prepared for the Redding riot, unlike other places. The patriotic organization Service Employees International Union (SEIU) maintained order in Tampa and St. Louis, with careful instructions from the Democratic National Committee on how to boot terrorists out of the meetings. The SEIU purple-shirts had to forcibly restrain race-traitor Kenneth Gladney in St. Louis who opposed Dear Leader's agenda. In order to get Gladney under control, the purple-shirts found it necessary to get his attention by calling him the n-word. At a Pelosi health care rally in Denver, a HOPE Obama shirt-wearing patriot was forced to rip up a home-made anti-Pelosi sign which was blocking one of the patriotic and spontaneous pre-printed and professionally made pro-Obama signs provided by two groups which previously were organizers for the Dear Leader's election.
+Another horrifying incident involved a man with a gun (a gun!) showing up at an Obamacare rally. Since the man was African-American, it became necessary for the protectors of our right to support Dear Leader to crop the picture so that his skin color wasn't shown in the videos. To leave his face on-camera would have destroyed the truthiness of the attacks on "crazy white people carrying guns."
+After one astroturfer was bloodied by a union rep attempting to prevent a terrorist massacre, the patriotic crowd was heard asking the injured terrorist if he had medical insurance as he was taken out of the room on his way to the hospital. OK, so occasionally even good patriots have to show a sense of humor and sarcasm. But not too often, this is serious business. The worst incident of all took place in Thousand Oaks, California, where patriotic organization MoveOn.org staged a wonderful Obamacare rally. One terrorist was so unruly that a supporter of Dear Leader found it necessary to bite off the end of the terrorist's little finger to silence the anti-Dear Leader words which were coming out of the brownshirt's dirty mouth.
+These terrorist demagogues are determined to derail Dear Leader's entire plan for radically changing America, and they must be ferreted out, humiliated and crushed. And beware the vipers in the very bosom of Congress who would attend a terrorist training camp and encourage the terrorists to threaten Dear Leader with deadly weapons like picket signs and ballots. Thank God for the great protectors of our right to vote Democratic such as Olbermann and Matthews. And thank God for the brave home-defense patriots of the SEIU and ACORN who have put their very lives on the line protecting Dear Leader from words and picket signs. If it weren't for them, these wonderful and informative Obama town hall meetings might turn violent.
+Wednesday, September 9, 2009
+If You Don't Support Obamacare, The Terrorists Win
+Nice job. Reminds me of some of the official Nazi propagandist missives.
+JoelFarnham: Mao and Stalin weren't too shabby at this either. It's a common method well-known to all totalitarians and wannabe perverters of simple truths.
+Lawhawk, Hilarious! "Mr. Herger, have you no decency?" LOL!
+Lawhawk, You placed a smile on my face after reading this. Today is a day we may all remember as the day our President decided we are all equal in the world in his view. We are all Hondurans.
+I will watch this speech with a smile on my face for after the speech is over I will honor our Presidents image on the (old)TV with a 21 gun salute.
+This war will be won with words not guns but sometimes you just have to get it out of your system and smile :-)
+This could have come out of Chris Matthew's mouth or Keith Olbermann's anal tract. Basically the same orifice.
+It has just enough truth to make it plausible to someone who hasn't been following the tea parties closely.
+JoelFarnham and Sanmon: I have to admit that sometimes it's not a bad idea to look to the opposition for guidance. Stephen Colbert coined the word "truthiness," and though he meant it as a slap at everyone who distorts or exaggerates facts, the left wing of the Democratic Party and their enablers in the MSM have used it very effectively. It's not quite "the Big Lie" of the Nazi and Communist totalitarians, but it serves a similar purpose--to twist the truth until it's almost unrecognizable in relation to the underlying facts.
+Here's a good example of how the Obamists see the significance of 9-11. They want it to be a day to be reminded of the horrors of terrorism--right wing terrorism: President Wants You To Make Two Calls On 9-11. My understanding is that once again the outcry was immediate, and this has now been pulled down.
+Lawhawk,Truth from either party is a rare commodity these days. Slander is about all they know how to do. I've been called worse, I am sure in the future I will be called worse. I always look at the opposition for my guidance. I see little value in bauble heads advice. The challenging thinkers and doers is where I have learned from the most. You just need to be sure of your foundation.
+The truthiness reminds me of Dan Rather's blunder. The truth of the document that was proved to be false on Bush's National Guard time.
+Lawhawk, Yea no health care calls on the 11th we need to do that during the celebration of 60 years of communism on the south lawn of the White House. Raising the PRC flag on the 20th of September. What a glorious day that shall be.
+Lawhawk: I'm still laughing. If you ever need to make a career change, you could undoubtedly get a job as a writer for the DNC. The faux horror and pretentious blithering of Olbermann and Matthews are unintentionally funny. Obviously, they don't do intentional humor as well as you and Andrew Price.
+This was really funny. You guys should get your own radio show, or television show.
+I'm really glad you guys see the humor in all of this and don't take the "Obama wants to recreate Nazi Germany" seriously. It's like Bush Derangement Syndrome has morphed into Obama Derangement Syndrome.
+Sure, the guy wants to make us into England or France, and that sucks, but that's a far, far cry from a totalitarian state.
+LawHawkSF: I can't believe this kind of open rebellion could have happened practically in my back yard. lol. I really like the part where the Obama folks were "forced by the demagogues" to bite off fingers and make racial epithets. The unpatriotic protestors are deeply evil for forcing patriots into committing acts that they would never have committed if not provoked.
+MegaTroll: Thanks, and on behalf of Andrew, thanks again. When we start to take ourselves too seriously and our opponents as the new Hitlers and Stalins, we overreach and alienate. I've managed to maintain both my sense of humor and my sense of proportion through six decades of crises. I'm in agreement with you.
+Obama and his high command are too lazy and too clueless to be anything as energetic or physically violent as the Nazis and Communists. Euro-socialism is more like it (despite the stupid appointment of ultra-radical, crypto-communist "czars"). Sadly, their naive socialism has led them into believing that some of their troops will be as non-violent as they are. That's where the SEIU and ACORN, among others, come in. They set up a potential confrontation, and don't realize that violence is likely to be the result. When the violence ensues, and it turns out it's their own bully boys who did it, they go into immediate denial and blame it on the provocateurs who dared to express a different opinion. Which was, of course, the whole point of my article.
+That was funny Lawhawk, and could be spewed right out of Chrissie Mathews or Keif Olberdork. I love the push back by the American people it’s actually a lot of fun, and causes the sycophants in MSM to run off the track, funny. Keep it up America, we have their backs against the wall, but we still have a long way to go.
+StanH: The old saying is "you can't make this stuff up." I realized when I was writing the column that it's not true. You can make it up. Start with a few small facts, twist them, and you have a whole new and different story. LOL Making fun of their spin was fun, but as you could tell, there was a serious purpose behind it.
+Very amusing!
+I can't wait to see the spin following 9-12 in DC...
+CrispyRice: Are you referring to the largest mob so far? The MSM will be spinning like a category F5 tornado. We're all going to need storm cellars.
+Like a die hard sports fan, I type this comment just a glorious reader begins to set straight all the rumors and falsehoods (excepting his own I suppose.) I say like a sports fan in that I am superstitious as hell so I have debated whether to watch or not and whether that decision will somehow jinx my desired result (e.g. glorious leader's ratings continue to sink like a stone and health care reform, "progressive socialist" style comes to a well deserved screeching halt.
+You just had to mention Chris Matthews as the speech begins didn't you. It harkened up this horrible disgusting image of Chris becoming sexually aroused whille slobbering that Barrack hit a home run just when he had to. I believe much of the media has already received the template on how to spin the analysis. I am hoping 1)ratings are very low 2) there is no bump in popularity
+Tennessee: I bit my lip, turned on the news, heard two colossal lies in the first two minutes, and went back to the SyFy channel, where things are more real. The snake oil was already dripping from the speakers. Oops--turned it back on when he talked about tort reform just before pulling back on it. I suspect his idea is to put all the trial lawyers on the federal payroll.
+Clearly there are only two villains in the nation--the insurance companies and the rich. But look at the bright side--he says he won't increase the deficit by a single dime. He truly is a wizard.
+Sorry about mentioning Matthews. LOL
+A congressman yelled out the word Liar when Obama said No Illegal covered.
+TV is in recycled electronics bin.
+The only thing more effective than lies is half-truths. He had both in abundance.
+Hilarious Law Hawk. I can now see the importance of Unions they are among us to save us from our selves.
+Unions disgust me to the same level as the UN which might just be an abbreviation for Unions....Both should be stamped out immediately. The UN should be sent packing to any other country but ours. It no longer serves it's original intent, just like Unions.
+I think all these right wing nut jobs need to invest in stun guns. One of these Union bullies lays a hand on you stun the bastard to the ground and leave him there. One of his friends comes at you stun him as well. If everyone shows up with a stun gun for these jerks it will be very difficult to figure out who did the stunning. Gives a whole new meaning to the word polarized.
+Skinners2Cents: Town hall meetings used to be pretty dull events. They've gotten more lively of late. With your suggestion, they could be downright electrifying.
+I haven't heard this kind of populist speech-making since Aaron Burr. And when I called him on it--he shot me!
+Hamilton'sGhost: You're safe for now. Prissy Obama is afraid of guns. But then he does have those SEIU and ACORN Praetorian Guards, doesn't he?
+Calendar No. 412
+1st Session
+S. 979
+[Report No. 106-221]
+To amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to
+provide for further self-governance by Indian tribes, and for other
+November 9, 1999
+Reported with an amendment
+Calendar No. 412
+1st Session
+S. 979
+[Report No. 106-221]
+To amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to
+provide for further self-governance by Indian tribes, and for other
+May 6, 1999
+Mr. Campbell (for himself, Mr. McCain, and Mr. Inhofe) introduced the
+following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on
+Indian Affairs
+November 9, 1999
+Reported by Mr. Campbell, with an amendment
+[Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed
+in italic]
+To amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to
+provide for further self-governance by Indian tribes, and for other
+Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
+United States of America in Congress assembled,
+ This Act may be cited as the ``Tribal Self-Governance
+Amendments of 1999''.
+ Congress finds that--
+ (1) the tribal right of self-government flows from
+the inherent sovereignty of Indian tribes and
+ (2) the United States recognizes a special
+government-to-government relationship with Indian tribes,
+including the right of the Indian tribes to self-governance, as
+reflected in the Constitution, treaties, Federal statutes, and
+the course of dealings of the United States with Indian
+ (3) although progress has been made, the Federal
+bureaucracy, with its centralized rules and regulations, has
+eroded tribal self-governance and dominates tribal
+ ;
+ (5) although the Federal Government has made
+considerable strides in improving Indian health care, it has
+failed to fully meet its trust responsibilities and to satisfy
+its obligations to the Indian tribes under treaties and other
+laws; and
+ (6) Congress has reviewed the results of the
+Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project and finds that
+transferring full control and funding to tribal governments,
+upon tribal request, over decision making for Federal programs,
+services, functions, and activities (or portions thereof)--
+ (A) is an appropriate and effective means
+of implementing the Federal policy of government-to-
+government relations with Indian tribes; and
+ (B) strengthens the Federal policy of
+Indian self-determination.
+ It is the policy of Congress--
+ (1) to permanently establish and implement tribal
+self-governance within the Department of Health and Human
+ (2) to call for full cooperation from the
+Department of Health and Human Services and its constituent
+agencies in the implementation of tribal self-governance--
+ (A) to enable the United States to
+maintain and improve its unique and continuing
+relationship with, and responsibility to, Indian
+ (B) to permit each Indian tribe to choose
+the extent of its participation in self-governance in
+accordance with the provisions of the Indian Self-
+Determination and Education Assistance Act relating to
+the provision of Federal services to Indian
+ (C) to ensure the continuation of the
+trust responsibility of the United States to Indian
+tribes and Indian individuals;
+ (D) to affirm and enable the United States
+to fulfill its obligations to the Indian tribes under
+treaties and other laws;
+ (E) to strengthen the government-to-
+government relationship between the United States and
+Indian tribes through direct and meaningful
+consultation with all tribes;
+ (F) to permit an orderly transition from
+Federal domination of programs and services to provide
+Indian tribes with meaningful authority, control,
+funding, and discretion to plan, conduct, redesign, and
+administer programs, services, functions, and
+activities (or portions thereof) that meet the needs of
+the individual tribal communities;
+ (G) to provide for a measurable parallel
+reduction in the Federal bureaucracy as programs,
+services, functions, and activities (or portion
+thereof) are assumed by Indian tribes;
+ (I) to provide Indian tribes with the
+earliest opportunity to administer programs, services,
+functions, and activities (or portions thereof) from
+throughout the Department of Health and Human
+ The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
+(25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the
+ ``(a) In General.--In this title:
+ ``(1) Construction project.--The term
+`construction project'--
+ ``(A) means an organized noncontinuous
+undertaking to complete a specific set of predetermined
+objectives for the planning, environmental
+determination, design, construction, repair,
+improvement, or expansion of buildings or facilities,
+as described in a construction project agreement;
+ ``(B) does not include construction
+program administration and activities described in
+paragraphs (1) through (3) of section 4(m), that may
+otherwise be included in a funding agreement under this
+ ``(2) Construction project agreement.--The term
+`construction project agreement' means a negotiated agreement
+between the Secretary and an Indian tribe, that at a minimum--
+ ``(A) establishes project phase start and
+completion dates;
+ ``(B) defines a specific scope of work and
+standards by which it will be accomplished;
+ ``(C) identifies the responsibilities of
+the Indian tribe and the Secretary;
+ ``(D) addresses environmental
+ ``(E) identifies the owner and operations
+and maintenance entity of the proposed work;
+ ``(F) provides a budget;
+ ``(G) provides a payment process;
+ ``(H) establishes the duration of the
+agreement based on the time necessary to complete the
+specified scope of work, which may be 1 or more
+ ``(3) Inherent federal functions.--The term
+`inherent Federal functions' means those Federal functions
+which cannot legally be delegated to Indian tribes.
+ ``(4) Inter-tribal consortium.--The term `inter-
+tribal consortium' means a coalition of 2 or more separate
+Indian tribes that join together for the purpose of
+participating in self-governance, including a tribal
+ ``.
+ ``(6) Secretary.--The term `Secretary' means the
+Secretary of Health and Human Services.
+ ``(7) Self-governance.--The term `self-governance'
+means the program of self-governance established under section
+ ``(8) Tribal share.--The term `tribal share' means
+an Indian tribe's portion of all funds and resources that
+support secretarial programs, services, functions, and
+activities (or portions thereof) that are not required by the
+Secretary for performance of inherent Federal
+ ``.
+ ``The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall
+establish and carry out a program within the Indian Health Service of
+the Department of Health and Human Services to be known as the `Tribal
+Self-Governance Program' in accordance with this title.
+ ``(a) Continuing Participation.--Each Indian tribe that is
+participating in the Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project under
+title III on the date of enactment of this title may elect to
+participate in self-governance under this title under existing
+authority as reflected in tribal resolution.
+ ``(b) Additional Participants.--
+ ``(1) In general.--In addition to those Indian
+tribes participating in self-governance under subsection (a),
+each year an additional 50 Indian tribes that meet the
+eligibility criteria specified in subsection (c) shall be
+entitled to participate in self-governance.
+ ``(2) Treatment of certain indian tribes.--
+ ``(A) In general.--An Indian tribe that
+has withdrawn from participation in an inter-tribal
+consortium or tribal organization, in whole or in part,
+shall be entitled to participate in self-governance
+provided the Indian tribe meets the eligibility
+criteria specified in subsection (c).
+ ``.
+ ``(C) Participation in self-governance.--
+In no event shall the withdrawal of an Indian tribe
+from an inter-tribal consortium or tribal organization
+affect the eligibility of the inter-tribal consortium
+Required help with your advertising funnel? Click on this link for an examination with our electronic advertising and marketing company. From style to copy to all the techy things, the Just Digital group can assist. Arrange your assessment currently.
+If you’re in touch with the world of digital advertising, you have actually possibly a minimum of become aware of ClickFunnels, the touchdown page builder that’s pioneering on-line sales funnels. In this ClickFunnels Evaluation, we go deep right into the excellent and also bad to identify if ClickFunnels is a legit service advertising and marketing software application worth trying, or simply overhyped. Clickfunnelblob
+ClickFunnels has made a rather heavyweight for itself given that it began, turning into one of the largest advertising SaaS (Software as a Solution) companies around. I intend it’s no surprise individuals like ClickFunnels because it’s all about making its customers money. Much more especially, it has to do with providing businesses software program that helps them turn their site visitors into consumers. It’s no wonder ClickFunnels has actually expanded so much in such a short time period.
+Learn More About Clickfunnelblob Here
+There is no rejecting it’s prominent, but does that mean it’s worth it? How much can we rely on the group on this one? It appears it’s simply another internet site and/or landing web page contractor, so what sets it apart and also should you include it to your advertising pile?
+In this ClickFunnels evaluation, I’ll experience the essence of ClickFunnels– what it is, the positives as well as the downsides, the attributes, client service, and more. I’m basing this testimonial on my very own experience using ClickFunnels’ StartUp strategy, which includes the core ClickFunnels functions and also lots of various other bells and also whistles. I’ll likewise provide a nod in the direction of various other testimonials I have actually seen, as not every individual will agree with me on the final decision.
+No matter whether you pick to utilize it or otherwise, it’s an important gamer anybody in shopping as well as internet marketing ought to be familiar with. Prior to you enter, what’s our ranking? I’ll place it at a solid 4 celebrities. With some downsides, it’s absolutely excellent. Keep reviewing to figure out why! Clickfunnelblob
+ClickFunnels Review Highlights
+Here’s a quick checklist of ClickFunnels’ review highlights– watch out for these in this post.
+- ClickFunnels is a good landing web page builder, with an easy drag-and-drop editor
+- Easy as well as adequate integrations that enable you to record e-mails and also take repayments ideal inside ClickFunnels
+- Developed with A/B screening capacities
+- Easy to discover and make use of Concentrated on making its customers even more cash
+- They supply a 2 week cost-free trial
+What is ClickFunnels?
+ClickFunnels drew back in 2014, yet in simply 3 years it’s been, in words of Forbes, “calmly reinventing the internet marketing market.” Below’s the gist of ClickFunnels: It makes it simpler for organizations as well as entrepreneurs to sell stuff online using otherwise complicated advertising and marketing innovation, called sales funnels (a lot more on those in a second).
+The founder of ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson, is as famous as his development, and for good reason. He’s made a fortune, not only from ClickFunnels, however other advertising and marketing experiences. He experimented with e-mail marketing for a while, and at some point started to master sales funnels.
+Russell Brunson is the bestselling writer of DotCom Secrets and also Professional Tricks, two publications that his fans go crazy regarding which guide people through his marketing methodologies. You can grab Dotcom Keys (with over 400 evaluations) or cost-free on his site here.
+ClickFunnels began as a method to help Brunson and also his group create funnels quicker for different ventures, as establishing funnels would usually take weeks. Nonetheless, they soon recognized their development would be useful to others and also had fantastic possible as a product.
+What Are Funnels? Just How Sales Funnels Work
+Before proceeding with this ClickFunnels Evaluation, let’s clarify what an advertising and marketing channel is. In advertising, it’s a procedure that takes people who don’t recognize you and also turns them into customers, also known as digital marketing funnel. In shopping, a sales channel is a collection of actions made to assist a web site site visitor to the checkout page.
+There’s a much less boring method of thinking of it. Step 1: Imagine a channel. Step 2: Imagine this funnel is in truth an allegory, and also as opposed to actual components to pour down the channel, you have metaphorical active ingredients you call web traffic or site visitors. Your site visitors are browsing, examining things out. Your website is wonderfully designed, and also your content is top notch!
+Sadly, that still does not turn a number of your visitors right into clients. In a brick and mortar shop, that resembles people walking right into your store yet not knowing where the sales register is, so they leave the store without getting anything. In a physical shop, you can chat your clients into acquiring something. In an electronic store, you might be a little bit more distant from your site visitors. This is where your channel is available in– it’s created to appeal to your customers’ via principles of psychology. The channel works step-by-step, bring traffic in closer and also more detailed till visitors end up at a repayment web page.
+If you believe this appears cool, you’re right– it’s ended up being a substantial offer for online marketing. Russell Brunson didn’t simply get rich by offering ClickFunnels innovation, however by utilizing it too.
+ClickFunnels is meant to conserve you time and energy– to do what or else calls for a great deal of technical effectiveness and/or a range of 3rd party applications. In this respect, ClickFunnels prospers.
+– Makes You Money
+One of the most effective aspects of ClickFunnels is its concentrate on making money for the customer. They make it very simple to make your account, put up your material, and also begin taking repayments. And also, it’s quite very easy to choose everything up– it’ll most likely take you a pair hrs to figure out a lot of what you require, max.
+– Drag and also Go Down Builder
+Many features are really beneficial here. I like just how easy it is to replicate pages, and also the truth I can save layouts to be used once again later. Their page contractor is a quite crucial attribute, as well as they’ve pulled it off well. Once you obtain made use of to it, it’s an easy to use drag and decrease contractor.
+– A/B screening
+Constructed in A/B testing is terrific also. All you have to do is replicate a web page, make your adjustments, and also choose the quantities of your website traffic you want to see version A or B.
+– Great selection of Integrations
+I think ClickFunnels handles API integrations quite well. Email autoresponders as well as payment processors aren’t way too much of a sweat– they function dependably and also are very easy to take care of.
+– WordPress Plugin
+You’ll likewise locate a helpful WordPress plugin that allows strong 4.4 stars in the WordPress plugin repository, with over 20,000 active setups.
+– Done in one
+On the whole, it’s fantastic to have things so centralized: I can construct my touchdown web pages, create forms and also order forms, and trigger emails all from one system.
+Every one of this really does save you money and time, sources you ‘d or else need to spend on programmers, CSS, hosting arrangements, and so on.
+– Reasonable Value
+You can feel confident the lower-tiered account is a good investment– what you’re allowed for a Start-up account is quite decent. If you have more than 20,000 visitors and also need over 100 web pages, the ClickFunnels Platinum Platinum may not be too much to ask.
+ClickFunnels is not best, yet it does a great work of packaging wonderful tools with each other as well as making them available. It perhaps saves most customers a migraine they ‘d have if they tried to handle funnels another means.
+Learn More About Clickfunnelblob Here
+I’ve obtained some trouble: despite the fact that ClickFunnels is generally strong, it has quite a few locations that require job as well as a good ClickFunnels evaluate wouldn’t be total without considering the ugly side also.
+– Overpriced?
+A tiny downside is the price. There are only 2 rates alternatives, at either $97 a month or $297 a month. In the grand plan of points, this is not a significant drawback, just another financial investment in your business, and also like I have actually stated, you get a great plan for it.
+– Dull Customer Care
+Beyond that, consumer support is doubtful at ideal. In my experience, they have actually been great with fundamental inquiries, yet if you ask them more difficult things, especially regarding more advanced functions, they won’t be very useful.
+– Cult-like individual base and also software application too reliant on Founder
+This is not an unbiased objection of their item but I take a small problem with their advertising and marketing that I assume deserves mentioning in this ClickFunnels Testimonial.
+If you obtain drawn right into one of their funnels, it’s difficult to run away the buzz bordering it. They have a fantastic advertising for certain. Nevertheless, from a user experience perspective, it can obtain noticeable. When you sign up for the software program, you can attempt to consider the objective functions of the software program and also integrate it right into your very own workflow, or you’ll be shed as well as required to discover Russell Brunson’s advertising and marketing methods.
+This means you’ll find yourself purchasing on-line training courses, publications, going to workshops, as well as getting drawn into the ClickFunnels “Cult-ure”. Their Facebook Team has more than 100k participants and a lot of messages consists of people extoling just how much money they made and flashing their cars. Though these numbers are genuine, the customers provide an impression that they’re extra focused on making quick cash as opposed to constructing terrific products and services. ClickFunnels has helped individuals do wonderful things, yet it’s additionally assisted multiply quick rich plans, on the internet training courses, saturation of coaches and specialists, and also various other spammy web online marketer things.
+All of us recognize the founder is an advertising wizard, yet a lot of the item is linked to his brand name as well as his viewpoint. As long as I appreciate the touchdown web page building contractor, everything around it looks like an extension of Brunson’s system.
+In some cases it’s tough to not get the feeling that ClickFunnels invests more resources on self-promotion than needed, especially when some elements of their item (i.e., customer support) can still make use of some work.
+– Too Templated
+This one isn’t on ClickFunnels but more on the community. While you have the capability to tailor thoroughly within ClickFunnels, many individuals utilize similar layouts. Considering the popularity of ClickFunnels, this has resulted in a big amount of ClickFunnel-y looks drifting around. Variety is important.
+– Software Program Outages as well as Insects
+Every now and then, ClickFunnels will go down or experience some mistakes. Though this truly does not happen typically, there’s little you can do however wait. If you’re spending a lot in marketing or driving traffic to your funnels as well as a ClickFunnels’ problem brings your web pages down for also a few hrs, you can possibly shed a great deal of money.
+It’s likewise difficult to recognize when your web pages are functioning or otherwise, unless you constantly examine or wait until you learn through upset clients. Barring uptime, I also deal with some glitches when I duplicate pages making use of the HTML posting choice.
+– User experience modifications … a great deal
+The dashboard changes frequently, the flow of creating new pages as well as funnels changes, a switch will certainly walk around, rates options change, etc– as well as it seems ClickFunnels is still figuring points out.
+I like consistency in my software, especially if it’s an organization option.
+– Too Simple
+Lastly, a criticism I have actually heard but do not quite agree with directly: it’s also easy, and also as well pricey for its simpleness. These objections often tend to describe do-it-yourself methods which can be less costly ahead of time as well as generate more control over handling certain information. However, for less experienced customers who are mainly seeking efficiency and also an easy to use bundle of devices, I would not stress this too strongly.
+ClickFunnels Pricing
+ClickFunnels has 2 pricing strategies; their Clickfunnels Requirement Plan as well as their Clickfunnels Platinum Plan. Also their conventional plan begins on the more expensive side. Clickfunnels is $97 a month and Platinum comes in at $297 a month. Wherefore it’s worth, you likewise get a 14 day free trial to experiment with the service, so at least you do not require to commit to an expensive plan immediately. If you pay yearly as opposed to monthly, you get 2 months cost-free ($ 997 for ClickFunnels as well as $2,997 for Platinum).
+Nevertheless, a little bit hefty huh? Well, some would say so, as well as I can see why– particularly if you compare to LeadPages, a comparable (overlapping, yet certainly not identical) solution which starts at $25 a month. Nonetheless, it is essential to keep in mind ClickFunnels’ major solution is to make funnels much more efficient, and it does a pretty good work. I directly consider it an excellent investment. Clickfunnelblob
+The major distinctions between a beginning account and a costs account are as complies with: the standard obtains the major solution, the funnel-builder, with some constraints on the amount of web pages (100 ), gos to (20,000), customized domain names (3 ), and also just some of the full listing of features.
+Learn More About Clickfunnelblob Here
+However, both plans have endless calls, endless members, all advanced funnels, A/B split examinations, as well as a few other commonalities.
+Platinum has a complete checklist of functions, consisting of the following: one-time payments (this is a Knapsack function that lets you identify a product as an one-time payment item for your repayment portals); membership plans (one more Knapsack function, but unlike single repayments, this lets your clients pay for a membership service); 3 SMTP integrations (StartUp has 1); unrestricted funnels, web pages, gos to, and also personalized domain names; top priority support as well as design template requests; as well as Followup Funnels and Backpack.
+To summarize the distinctions, the standard Clickfunnels plan basically brings the core function of ClickFunnels, which is called (you guessed it!) ClickFunnels. Easy! Platinum on the other hand, packages the keystone device ClickFunnels with 2 other solutions– Followup Funnels as well as Knapsack– as well as likewise offers you the full set of ClickFunnels attributes. You can check out the full authorities listing below.
+What is FunnelFlix?
+ClickFunnels Creator, Russell Brunson, originally made a lot of his money offering info products and on-line training courses. It seems that now ClickFunnels is trying to press the “Netflix” version with FunnelFlix but with info products, which in my opinion is sidetracking as well as confusing when you’re simply attempting to use the software application for your marketing. There’s some great content in there, but it’s just excessive and also you need to dig via a lot of fluff to obtain something workable. So for this ClickFunnels testimonial, we totally missed covering FunnelFlix considering that we’re focusing on the software itself.
+Functions Introduction– Clickfunnels Review
+Exactly how are ClickFunnels’ functions general? I believe they’re solid as well as you get whatever you require. They’re largely user-friendly as well as offer you a good amount of control. The layout editor as well as combination administration system are good examples of this and are extremely crucial features, so I’ll be giving them different sections. Clickfunnelblob
+A/B split screening is a smaller attribute, yet most definitely a notable one.
+If you duplicate a page as well as make changes to the copy, the split test basically allows you choose what portions of your website traffic you intend to see per page, allowing you test conversion prices really conveniently. It’s a fantastic function and also very easy to use.
+I also believe ClickFunnels is general versatile and also uncomplicated for various other settings, like your account information or combinations. Possibly extremely technology literate individuals would certainly locate them restrictive (a typical motif among some objections), but as the service is expected to be easy to use, I assumed the standard attributes were respectable.
+There are quite a few types of readily available pre-made funnels, oriented to different types of services, as well as you can of course construct your very own channel from square one as well.
+Followup Funnels as well as Knapsack
+I’ll just take a minute in this Clickfunnels Testimonial to speak about ClickFunnels Platinum. In my opinion, ClickFunnels Platinum is three items being packaged together smart auto-responding, but the auto-responding involves general delivery as well as email, and also a couple of other goodies. Together With Followup Funnels comes Knapsack (formerly Knapsack CRM), a device supposed to make taking care of an affiliate program less complicated as well as extra reliable. Clickfunnelblob
+Yet are these functions, or separate items? Followup Funnels sounds a bit like ClickFunnels attempting to market an iffy email auto-responder to me, yet maybe I’m simply negative. Regardless, it makes Clickfunnels Platinum a bit complex and also eliminates the coherency you get with the initial ClickFunnels.
+Right here’s the full list of Start-up features:
+- 20 funnels
+- 100 pages
+- 20,000 site visitors
+- limitless contacts
+- 3 customized invoicing assimilation per kind
+You can see the complete listing of ClickFunnels attributes, together with ClickFunnels Platinum attributes, right here. If you remain in a setting where you can manage to try Platinum for a bit as well as you additionally absolutely require an efficient, easy way of increasing sales, I do not assume you would find yourself shorted. By that same token, I don’t think Followup Funnels and Backpack give such a significant benefit that you can’t do without them: for the majority of users, the Requirement Clickfunnels strategy will provide a comprehensive enough package.
+There is surprising variation in the performance of SD cards. They are not all created equal and the differences can impact the running of your Raspberry Pi, no matter which model. [Jeff Geerling] wondered exactly how different cards would affect system performance. He ran a number of tests on cards ranging from cheap no-names to well-known brand names. The no-name cards fared pretty badly but even among the brand names there is considerable variation.
+[Matt] over at Raspberry Pi Spy also tested SD cards and found similar differences. Both tested microSD cards. [Jeff’s] tests were solely on the Pi while [Matt’s] were on Windows 7, Ubuntu, and a Pi.
+The discussions in the blog about what to measure were as interesting as the actual results. That lead to determining which software tools to use for the measurement. For example, a system doing a lot of small database reads and writes might work better with one SD card while a system storing and then streaming videos might work better with another card. Another interesting result is that the Pi’s data bus greatly limits the access speeds. [Jeff] measured much higher speeds running the same tests using a Mac with a USB dongle. The cards are capable of much more than the Pi can deliver.
+[Matt] also checked the capacity of the SD cards. There are a lot of fakes floating around marked with higher capacities than they actually support. Even getting a brand name card may not help since some are counterfeit. So beware: if the price it too good to be true, it very well may be.
+51 thoughts on “Which SD Card To Use In A Pi?”
+Sandisk Ultra’s are available at my local office supplies shop at $7 for 8GB, they perform well and are pretty robust…
+Yep, I have been with Sandisk Ultra Class 10 UHC 1 30+ MB/s SDHC cards for a while now.
+The other day I bought a Sandisk USB 3.0 64GB datastick that is supposed to be about 100MB/s but I haven’t tested it yet.
+I shifted to SD cards a long time ago. I got sick of the ratings on usb flash being over 10 times what you get – and most weren’t rated at all. USB was just lucky dip – without the luck. At least SD cards had some kind of rating.
+I see USB flash is moving more towards specifying a speed.
+You should buy brand name original USB drives. I tested my Sandisk 64GB Extreme USB 3.0 stick, it has about 200MB/s reading and 175MB/s writing speed. But it costs $35, you get what you pay for.
+BTW the Extreme USB3 is designed along completely different lines than most USB sticks – it uses a USB3->SATA bridge and a low-end SSD (Sandisk pSSD) controller. So random write performance for instance is *much* better than pretty much anything else, and it even supports SMART.
+Really? That’s pretty interesting. Thanks for the heads-up.
+Like I said – it was a long time ago that I shifted away from USB flash to SD. Perhaps things are better in the Flash side now but …
+I just tested a SanDisk Ultra SDHC Class 10 UHC 1 card that I bought online and it claimed 20 MB/s and I get 20MB/s read and 12MB/s write (sequential).
+I also tested a USB 3.0 Sandisk Ultra USB Flash that I bought only days ago from a reputable dealer and it claimed 100MB/s and I get 34MB/s read and 32MB/s write (sequential).
+So it looks like nothing much has changed. USB Flash speed claims are still BS.
+The flash was 64GB and I paid $40 for it from Office Works.
+It’s still pretty crap in the USB storage world, you need to buy quality name brand devices to get what the package claims, I have the same experience as Buffalo, I also have a 64GB SanDisk Extreme USB3 drive and get 200MB/s read and 170+MB/s write, they are an impressive drive but have a price to match. I have a ton of USB2 and 3 drives and most are garbage with some interesting exceptions, read speeds are good on almost all of my USB3 drives, but write speeds usually let the cheap ones down, most of the really cheap ones are no faster than a USB2 drive.
+My next big USB drive will be a USB mSATA enclosure with a either a Samsung or Sandisk mSata disk, I’m sick of buying drives that you have no idea how they’ll perform till you open the package and test it yourself.
+Hi Martin, you have more or less confirmed what I was saying. If you buy a reasonable brand of SD card then you get the quoted speed. If you buy the same brand USB Flash then your mileage will vary.
+When I was in store – right beside the SD cards I was looking at were some *mobile* SD cards, quite simply they were *slower* cards selling at a *higher* price and being marketed as *mobile* phone cards.
+Yup, The Asian country I live in is Flooded with Fake memory cards. SanDisk cards are pretty reliable here, more so than most. The trick to not getting ripped-off are: Don’t buy the top-tier cards, the high price attracts the people who make fakes. Don’t buy what looks like low price cards, it’s almost guaranteed they’re fake and/or bad quality. Pay what the cards are worth and always buy from a trusted seller that does volume sales in memory. Repeat business motivates the seller to take care of you. Do Not Buy Online!
+That is a very interesting perspective. We in the states worry about counterfeit electronics quite a bit. But living in the heart of where pretty much all of it is made, you are likely absolutely bombarded with tons of cheaply made stuff masquerading as high end parts. It doesn’t terribly matter with some stuff, but if I had to buy something like an SSD or flash drive, I’d probably end up in the fetal position under my bed, crying myself to sleep when faced with the proposition. And it’s bad enough here!
+From what I have read at least in China reputation is a big deal (well I read this in the context of manufacturing / supply chain stuff but I would assume it carries over) – if someone sells you a bad sdcard you’re not going to recommend that seller to a friend. (and the person who recommended that seller to you is now no longer trustworthy) It’s a big chain of trust.
+Hey, that’s me! I’ve been a lurker on this site for at least two or three years, and I think this is my first comment here, but thanks for posting this here—a lot of my project ideas are inspired by or derive from things I’ve found on this site.
+And concerning the cards—know that when you test microSD cards in the Pi’s built-in reader, you’ll get different results (slightly, at least) than testing in a USB adapter in the Pi’s USB slots, and _radically_ different than if you test with a good USB 3.0 reader on your full-fledged laptop or desktop! Process is important when doing these kinds of measurements, and I used the exact same Pi, flashed each card with Raspbian Jessie Lite, and ran the tests on the Pis themselves.
+Bunnie’s blog talks about his experience with microSD cards and his investigation into why SMT yield had dropped dramatically on one lot of Chumbys.
+It is a classic Bunnie investigation and well worth the read:
+As is his and xobs’s talk they gave to us at 30c3.
+this is great stuff!
+now someone needs to do/find/post research on finding the best power bank to use as a power supply/UPS as well as portable battery for a Raspberry Pi
+I never thought to do this before, but it’s pretty nifty. Someone put up some details here:
+I am highly surprised that he got such poor performance from the Samsung EVO, because -at least in my tablet- I get smoking hot performance out of them. That only applies to the “genuine” Samsung, however. There are A LOT of fakes out there, even from reputable dealers. I even got some fake Samsung chips from an Amazon source (which Amazon didn’t hesitate to supply a full refund for.) I resolved the issue by buying directly from Samsung.
+I flat refuse to buy ANY flash directly from a China supplier. I tried it three times from three different suppliers and got fakes all three times. (I did get my money back for all three, but I figure why waste my time?)
+If you buy any flash, download some checker software.
+i can recommend real samsung pro cards, they are epic fast in raspberry pi’s
+It looks like they are $12 for a 32GB … why would anyone use anything else?
+How much confidence can you have that the “BrandX ProductY” card that you buy today has the same internal characteristics of the card of the same name that was benchmarked a couple of months ago?
+If the serial number begins with “O”, and it says “Made in Taiwan”, it’s certainly good.
+(Full disclosure: I work for a company in Kaohsiung that is manufacturing genuine microSD cards for several major clients).
+In other news, cheap second-hand 128MB microSD cards can now be bought for $0.45 USD (15 NTD) each on Ruten (Taiwan’s eBay). They’re the perfect size for a mixtape or photo album, if you ever want to give someone a physical copy of music/photos/etc with a postcard or a Christmas card, for example. I want to persuade stationery stores here to stock blank cards with a 128MB microSD for $3 USD (100 NTD). But my visa won’t allow me to have 2 sources of income, so I can’t start that business. Please think about this idea in your area though; I’m sure there’s a healthy profit to be made if the cards actually sell well. And that could revive the romantic mixtape culture that I miss – a YouTube playlist just doesn’t cut it.
+“They’re the perfect size for a mixtape or photo album”
+This made me lol for reasons I’m not sure I can explain. I know exactly what you mean–and it was a perfectly reasonable choice of words–but it gives me the mental image of a newly-arrived time traveler getting excited when his new future-friend offers him a mix tape, then when future-friend pulls out an SD card and the traveler a Walkman they both look at eachother like “…the fuck??”
+FutureFriend had better have a reader with RCA output!
+I use those little ARM boards quite a bit, and found that the service life of Sandisk Ultras is quite good.
+Notably, the Sandisk Extreme include wear levelling (should last longer), but we have yet to see the prices adjust to sane levels.
+However, I learned that even the identical model are different after cloning the disk images onto several dozen cards.
+Even off-the-self from a few local retailers, you will get slightly different write speeds and capacities from the same source.
+Excluding the host system workload: sometimes you’ll get average card writes at 8MB/s, and other times it’ll climb to around 16MB/s. The clones out of china are easy to spot given they are usually re-branded older model cards that usually max out at 4MB/s.
+In conclusion, when testing these cards keep in mind some models have over 8MB+ of RAM caching with low-level compression and sector sparing. Thus, one needs to sustain a random byte stream for several seconds to get a correct notion of the performance profile.
+For testing disk capacity, I found F3 by Michel Machado also does performance profiles while checking the disk capacity:
+As log as your adapter can sustain the maximum i/o speeds the will detect most problem cards.
+That’s a bit odd result for Sandisk, I have 32GB Ultra microSD, looks like one on the test, half grey-half red. Results I get with Crystal Disk Mark, tested on USB 3.0 port with Kinston USB 3.0 reader/writer are 85MB/s for read and 60MB/s for write. I have two of them, both show same results. I thought that was RPi limit, but some cards perform at 34/34MB/s, so that could be a fake Sandisk card.
+IO throughput isn’t a Raspberry Pi’s strong point, they are actually quite slow at pushing around data.
+Some of those cheap digital camcorders have a variable framerate, depending on how fast the card can accept writes. One I still have kicking around somewhere is rated at 15 FPS at 640×480, but when I inserted a higher speed rated card it was able to record over 20 FPS. Would be interesting to try a class 10 in it. It could do 30 FPS at 320×240. Might be enough speed in it to do that at 640×480 if the card is fast enough.
+Is there any way to discover the real capacity of a fake card then permanently set it to that capacity, so when it’s erased or reformatted it doesn’t get set back to the fake capacity?
+When I find a fake card, I smash it with a hammer. This resets the correct size to zero and I don’t have any more problems with it.
+When I was new at my job I accidentally deleted all our app’s data. The big boss was mad, but my direct manager said “What’s the problem? *opens empty directory* Do YOU see any incorrect data?”
+I took the lesson to heart and solve all my problems by annihilating the source. :D
+lol. well ultimately your direct boss is responsible for the backup procedure.
+I had one job site that was tape backup. I did 4 backups and hid one on top of a ethernet rack. I still got the occasional call when there was a faulty tape drive and some @#^* tech would use all three tapes that they could find before realising that the tape drive was wrecking the tapes.
+It was an international airport and downtime costed about $8000 per minute and the bosses would hang over your shoulder like fire breathing dragons.
+Ultimately that solves nothing. The vendor still has all your money and since it’s smashed there is no way to return it. When you get a fake SD card you should do everything in your power to get your money back, so the vendor does not make money. That way the vendor is incentivize to buy genuine merchandise, and not rip people off.
+I agree, with the exception that I NEVER return fake flash to a dealer. If they would sell it to you they probably wouldn’t hessitate to turn around and resell it to someone else.
+If they insist on return of product for “disposal” I offer video of me pouring gasoline on them and burning them to a block of carbon. So far nobody has taken me up on it.
+I don’t in fact destroy them. I reformat them to actual size, relabel them and give them away. No worries if I never get them back. They aren’t on the market or further capable of damaging data by writing to non-existant locations. Just slow low capacity memory.
+While I agree that I am not assisting collective psychology by using a hammer, I am able to self justify my selfish means to self satisfaction when I see the SD all broken up in liddle iddy bits.
+You could always return the pieces. Since of course they wouldn’t want to re-sell it anyway.
+That said, Ebay dealers are so desperately paranoid about feedback ratings, you probably don’t need to. Since Ebay started charging differently for vendors based on feedback, the system’s become ridiculous. 5 / 5 shouldn’t mean “adequate”, it should involve going the extra mile. It’s no longer a simple customer recommendation system.
+For my pi I was interested in lifetime very much more than in speed (after my first card died). Looking around I found a bit of beginnings in research (e.g. this Dutch one:). An over-sized card would be a good idea because of wear leveling.
+After deciding that SLC was way too expensive for my purpose, I picked SanDisk’s ‘High Endurance’ card (for dash cam use). Claims are good, but I have no idea what truth is behind it…
+Added to that, I mounted /tmp and /var/log/ with tmpfs, and all other file systems with noatime.
+([OT] @Peter Burkimsher: nice seeing you around here :))
+Anyone here having ideas about getting the most out of SD life time on a pi?
+I have some high speed high capacity SD card (a sandisk ultra 128gb micro sdxc) and its honestly kinda meh, the speeds are pretty crappy (allthough that could related too the tablet i use it in i guess) but whats weirder is that its actually only about 105gb, so yea, theres your proof, even sandisk lies about capacity.
+That’s just “hard-drive GB”. For reasons which I am convinced are to do with misleading the customer, despite what anyone says, hard drives use 1,000,000 bytes as 1MB, rather than 2^20. So your card is, presumably, 128,000,000,000 bytes.
+I dunno WHY, since memory chips are all made to binary-power sizes, since they’re addressed in binary. Perhaps the missing 23GB is partly for system use, partly backup sectors, partly bad sectors that failed testing.
+Bit of maths tells me it’s only around 9GB that should be missing from a 128GB card due to decimal sizing. The rest, I dunno.
+Several years ago Arnd Bergmann did a very detailed survey of flash devices, including how they work internally. It’s an enlightening read. The report can be found here:
+Had a lot and lots of problems with kingston sd cards, bad sectors, corrupted files in embedded products i use, they were originals and genuines ones.
+Switched to Sandisk class, problems gone.
+Personally I stopped buying any kind of memory from vendors that don’t have their own fab. Kingston is one of these…
+one thing not discussed is the operation temperature of the card…for anyone interested in operating the Pi outside.
+some years ago i tried to make a mini audio player for some display box that operated outside. All the cards tested failed some degrees below freezing.
+Did you investigate the failure mode? I find it weird that just low temperature alone (not say huge changes) would cause an SD card do die…
+SD cards described here are consumer grade, normally specified to operate over 0C. Depending on the application, it might self heat enough to keep it well and cozy.
+In my application, the device will stay in sleep mode until something happened to wake up the system and play a tune. I cannot tell at which temperature the card failed, but i can tell you it did not work in my freezer at about -18C. After some readouts, it started to get corrupted. I switched to industrial flash memory and did not have the problem after that.
+-18.. that’s pushing it a bit eh.
+And even then, how do you know it wasn’t just ice on the contacts?
+Avoid Kingston like the plague. Sandisk Ultra and Sandisk Industrial are much more robust.
+I wish they just shipped 1-8gb (whatever is cheapest) MMC onboard. The whole SD card thing is just a total mess.
+It’s kinda bizarre how the main source of problems with the PI are crappy USB powersupplies and bad sdcards.
+Seeing these posts… what might be really useful, is a portable SD card tester. With an option for USB memory sticks too. Perhaps with a Pi Zero as the core. A little box that you plug your storage into, and it runs the standard I/O speed tests, as briefly as possible. Put the results on an LCD, including actual size. You could take it with you if you’re buying from dodgy markets or retailers you don’t trust.
+A Raspberry Pi doesn’t have sufficient IO capabilities to push high end USB and SD cards to their limits, especially not USB3, I have a USB3 Sandisk Extreme 64GB drive that can read at 200MB/s and read at 170+MB/s, without USB3 a Pi is useless at this task and even still I’m not convinced it would be able to read and write fast enough to saturate high end drives.
+Given the variance and flakiness of SD cards, including the risk of card corruption, I would expect more people to recommend read-only OSs for Raspberry PIs. I’ve done the conversion from Raspi, but it’s complex (eg: ). What I haven’t found yet is a distribution or package that does the set up for you. Can anyone recommend a read-only OS distribution? The features I would look for are: 1) uses apt-get or other package manager (I’ve seen some that are really stripped down, making installation of new packages complex), 2) provides an easy way to switch back and forth between writable and read-only such as the shell aliases in the link above.
+I personally tend to run Pis as NFS root, and boot them from tiny cards 64mb-256mb for /boot. Doesn’t impact performance much (may be better?) and is much more reliable. No more card corruption or stuck waiting for fs check.
+Annoyed (5)Posted: December 12, 2016 Filed under: Personal, Random | Tags: crosswords, Life, personal, pointless posts, Sherlock Holmes, What grinds my gears, work Leave a comment
+The other day I was seriously annoyed at work. In the morning I’d caught the bus in and grabbed a copy of the Metro thinking that the Rush Hour Crush, sudokus and crossword would help pass the time.
+It tends to be quite quiet at the start of the shift so I settled in with a cup of tea and started the crossword, having secured one of the few pens that were floating around.
+A few clues in I had to go do something, and set my paper down. A few minutes later having done whatever it was I returned and my paper was gone. I had a quick look about and it was nowhere to be seen. Not in the staff room, not in the office, not moved to somewhere else.
+I was tamping.
+The worst part was I knew I couldn’t go around raising a fuss because (a) I’ve been there a fortnight, so still need to hide my true self from my co-workers and (b) it’s the Metro I hadn’t bought it. I’d picked it up on the bus, and the whole way the paper makes it’s cash is that it gets picked up and passed on. You see a copy lying around and unless it’s right next to someone it’s fair game.
+But still! It had a half done crossword in! Clearly I wasn’t done with it. For the rest of the day I was keeping a vague eye out for it but no joy.
+It was seriously infuriating because it deprived me of entertainment and the satisfaction of completing it.
+This is the kind of unfinished business which means had I died Thursday my ghost would have haunted work until it could finish the crossword and gain peace.
+I was denied my triumph, my well earned joy at a puzzle solved. It’s not often I find myself feeling like Sherlock Holmes, especially since I gave up the morphine, but when I’ve started working something out I get a little bit obsessed and want to see it through.
+Being deprived of this choice was not a good conclusion and left me deeply unsatisfied, in the same way if someone had stolen the dancing men before Holmes had worked out what they meant.
+It also left me annoyed with my new co-workers, all of whom I now viewed with suspicion, unable to confirm which one had stolen my paper.
+What kind of place have I started to work in? What kind of monsters am I working with, who throws out someone’s incomplete puzzle, it’s just not cricket.
+Oh, and the answer to the title clue? “Cross”.
+Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.
+Nobody would be that rude. Not even an American!Posted: April 21, 2016 Filed under: Movies | Tags: Bridget Jones's Diary, Hugh Grant, movies, Renee Zellwegger, romcoms, What grinds my gears Leave a comment
+MWF rewatched Bridget Jones’s Diary today and I’ve resigned myself that later this year I will be seeing the third movie at the cinema. To be honest, as a romcom fan I’m not that bothered, although frankly it tries my patience- two films getting us to root for Bridge and Mark and then you split them up? Not cool.
+It also stars Patrick Dempsey who, Enchanted aside, is pretty dull on screen.
+The first film is quite fun, with some good lines and some almost painfully cringe moments from Renee Zellwegger’s heroine. But there’s one scene that bugs me.
+Halfway through Bridget drops in to see her boyfriend Daniel (Hugh Grant, revelling in throwing off his bumbling nice guy schtick) and suspects he’s cheating. She storms to the bedroom, which is empty and leaves but as she does spies a woman’s coat hanging up.
+She storms back upstairs to the en suite and there, perched on the edge of the bath is Lana (Lisa Barbuscia), who is clearly designed to be everywoman Bridget’s nightmare – slim and leggy.
+Okay, so far, I’m with them. Then Lana turns to Daniel and delivers one of the least believable lines in movie history;
+I thought you said she was thin?
+I’m sorry, you what?
+Nobody is that much of a bellend. You’ve just been caught naked in their boyfriend’s bathroom and you decide that’s the time to throw a cheap jibe about weight? Even if you felt no remorse you’d keep quiet, wouldn’t you? Maybe give a “what you gonna do?” shrug. But insult her to her face? It just wouldn’t happen.
+It’s a tiny moment but every time I watch the movie it bugs me. One stupid line and I’m out of the movie, disbelief is shattered and I’m thinking that the writers could have taken another run at the scene.
+I can’t think of another movie where a single line has popped the bubble so badly for me.
+Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.
+Atheists, calm the hell down!Posted: February 1, 2016 Filed under: Rants, Religion | Tags: atheists, rants. don't be a dick, religion, What grinds my gears 1 Comment
+A while ago I liked a post on Instagram, I think it was this one:
+I thought it was a good point and left it at that.
+The problem is that now in my “suggested for you” gallery there’s a host of atheist and “anti-theist” posts. And they are really grinding my gears.
+I’d say I’m agnostic, leaning to atheist, but these guys do my head in. This is for a couple of reasons.
+Firstly, a lot of the stuff they post is just not funny and rather nasty. A regular theme is snarky comments about Christians on Facebook posting stuff. They don’t like people shoving their beliefs in their face, these atheists, as they make IG accounts about their beliefs.
+I get that you don’t believe in a god, that’s cool man, each to their own. But if you expect people to respect your beliefs then you gotta respect other people’s and stop being a d**k about it.
+Or do they think one meme will do it?
+That believers will see a snarky caption and think, “How could I have been so blind? This picture has totally blown apart a lifelong faith!”
+The second reason is the smug, patronising attitude, as though atheism in itself means intelligence. The flip of this is that anyone with faith must be a moron.
+That thinking is utter rubbish.
+There are plenty of smart believers, hell, some of the smartest people I know have faith. There are also idiots who don’t think God is real.
+Religious belief operates on a different system, its emotional and that’s distinct from intelligence. Atheists who dismiss all with faith as morons are blind to this and too busy patting themselves on the back to think about it.
+The smugness also means when they do something stupid it appears all the more foolish.
+For example, one regular theme is that Adam and Eve had belly buttons (or that Adam had nipples) which doesn’t make sense if they were made from the earth and a spare rib (mmm, spare ribs).
+The argument they use is always a painting of Adam and Eve, sometimes with a caption, like so;
+Some of you may have seen the mistake already.
+See, that’s a painting. An artistic representation of Adam and Eve, probably made in the second millennium AD. The artist has drawn what he thought they looked like. Hence belly buttons.
+This picture proves one thing- the artist made a mistake or didn’t get why we have belly buttons. No believer is gonna think “Oh, wow, this painting has belly buttons, everything was a lie!”
+The belly button argument would only work if it was a photograph. A drawing is very rarely proof, for example I doubt any of us think Bill Clinton and Ronald McDonald went to war.
+I don’t think believers are idiots when I see this idea, I think the poster is. They actually think this is a valid way to argue. Do they use this guy as proof of alien life?
+I get that some atheists are passionate about their lack of belief in a higher power, but its weird to bang on about how you don’t think something is real. Also, if you are going to post why not try to avoid the ignorant, rude and intrusive theists you dislike so much? Because at the moment the message might be different, but the manner is the same.
+I just think that whatever you believe or don’t believe you shouldn’t attack those who differ from you. Just focus on your life and leave people to get on with theirs..
+Christian Aid, please, stop bothering mePosted: May 18, 2015 Filed under: Rants | Tags: charity, Christian Aid, What grinds my gears Leave a comment
+It’s Christian Aid week.
+I know this because they’ve texted me about it twice.
+They have my mobile number because I did one of their text donation campaigns. You know the ones, you text a specific word and it deducts a fiver from your credit.
+It’s a good idea, because it’s a simple, quick way to donate to charity. For someone like me its a good thing because I’ve already paid for my phone credit, and with free texts that £5 isn’t really going to be missed. Better it goes to a good cause rather than I waste it listening to voicemails telling me I’m owed PPI or money for my recent accident, which must have involved a blow to my head as I have no recollection of it.
+Anyway, I have no problem sending them money. My policy on charity is simple- I might be poor but there’s plenty of folks who are worse off, so when I have some spare cash I’ll give them to a chugger or drop them in a pot.
+So with text campaigns I’ll text when I can afford it.
+Which is why Christian Aid texting me is annoying me. I get they need to chase donations to keep doing their good works, but seriously, guys, back the hell off.
+People donate when they can, and what they can. CA knows of me because I’ve already donated, as have plenty of others. I just don’t think it’s cool for them to go after people for more, making them feel bad or like they haven’t done enough.
+CA should consider that maybe people can’t give more that that £5. That they want to help, but can’t afford more than that.
+CA and other tragedies should gratefully accept what people can give and avoid this direct approach, which just feels a bit too full on. I don’t mind seeing ads or posters, but coming straight to my inbox is not on.
+Charities need to respect boundaries and consider who they might be messaging, they could be making people feel bad or guilting them into giving more than they can comfortably afford to give.
+At the very least they could make their begging texts funny or clever, not just route one “send us £5” style messages.
+Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.
+ShrapnelPosted: May 14, 2015 Filed under: Personal, Random | Tags: first world problems, money, personal, random stuff, What grinds my gears Leave a comment
+Twelve pound seventeen?!
+For this I schlepped all the way to Tesco, soaked my feet and got splashed by a passing car?
+A while ago I added a money tin to my Amazon wish list. You know the deal, it’s like a regular food tin that you have to use a tin opener for. The idea is that you keep saving until its full, so you don’t just constantly raid your change reserves.
+I’ve had mine for over a year now and everytime I had coppers or 5ps I’d toss them in. Every so often I’d give it a little shake or lift to see how full it felt, imagining what I’d do with all the cash I’d saved up.
+This week with it almost full and my money getting low I thought I’d cash in. I broke into it, dumped it into a carrier bag and headed out into the rain to use the Coinstar machine.
+I felt sure that I was looking at a decent payout, maybe around the thirty quid mark. Enough to treat myself to some comics, or maybe a trip to see Mad Max: Fury Road, or a Dominos for MWG and me. Whatever I daydreamed about strolling out with a wad of cash.
+It was disappointing then that as the last few coins clunked down that the display showed that I only had a little over £12 to show for a year of coin hording.
+It’d be like if they priced up Smaug’s trove and it worked out to be a couple of hundred quid.
+£12 to spend is better than a bunch of coins you can’t use, but still, I’m now kinda annoyed that I hadn’t thrown in a few 10ps along the way, or waited until it was completely full.
+I took £2 of my savings to Costa for a latte and then wandered home, wet, disappointed and a lot poorer than I’d hoped.
+This is the annoying thing about change, it weighs a ton and then works out to be a pathetically small amount.
+Gods, reading this back could it be any more of a First World Problem? Woe is me, I only have just over a tenner.
+I don’t think I’d be that bothered if the weather was nice today or if I hadn’t hyped it up in my head.
+Overthinking, see, never a good thing to do.
+Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.
+World Cup WhiningPosted: June 10, 2014 Filed under: Sport | Tags: Brazil 2014, football, Joe Hart, sport, What grinds my gears, World Cup Leave a comment
+In a couple of days time the Brazil 2014 world cup will get under way and, as is customary, this means that every ad break is awash with footballers whoring for different companies- chocolate bars, beer, razors, crisps, I’ve seen all of them advertised so far.
+I can appreciate that for non-football fans this must be a bit of a pain. I love football, but I’m already sick of seeing Joe Hart trying to sell me stuff. Incidentally, kudos to the bright spark who thought it would be a good idea to make an advert featuring the England goalkeeper failing to save a penalty just before a major tournament.
+But at the same time, as sick as I am of the tournament’s ubiquity, there is one thing that bothers me even more: People whining about the World Cup and the coverage.
+Yes, there is a lot of coverage and analysis of the tournament. The reason for this is that it’s kind of a big deal.
+Football is the most global team sport, and the World Cup is testimony to this. Thirty-two nations from every continent (bar Antarctica) will compete over the next month and billions will tune in worldwide.
+I’m Welsh, and so have no real emotional link to this year’s tournament, or any year’s tournament really, but I still plan to watch as many games as I can. Olympics aside, the World Cup is the best sporting event.
+Heroes and villains are created. There’s drama and controversy, talent and luck collide and even the neutral fan gets caught up in it all.
+If you don’t like football, I feel bad for you (son), but here’s a simple fact folks need to remember: Not everything is made for you.
+There’s rampant speculation over who killed Lucy in Eastenders.
+I don’t care.
+There’s gossip from the Big Brother house.
+Don’t care.
+A couple of years back Wills and Kate got hitched. It was everywhere- papers, internet, TV. I’m indifferent on the subject of the royals, apart from wanting a pint with Harry and a date with Beatrice, so I just skipped articles about it and decided not to watch it. In the end I did wind up catching some of it on TV. Did I complain? Did I make a song of dance about the fact something millions are interested in doesn’t really appeal to me?
+No, I just checked out Pippa Middleton and left.
+You’re never going to like everything on TV, and stuff that enthralls millions may leave you cold. Deal with it, you probably love something someone else can’t see the point in.
+But you have options- watch one of the other hundred channels, read a book, go outside.
+Nobody is forcing you to watch the football, so please don’t whine about it. It doesn’t help your situation and its something other people enjoy, don’t spoil it for them.
+And as for ads pissing you off, ignore them! There are plenty of ads that hold zero interest to me (make up, perfume, car insurance, home insurance, donkey charities), so I just tune them out. Well, apart from the truly objectionable ones (like these).
+Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.
+Full Name: Isabella Marie Swan Cullen
+Date of Birth: September 13, 1987
+Date of Change to a Vampire: Sept 13, 2006
+Originally from: Phoenix, Arizona
+Hair color: Brown
+Eye color: Brown
+Height: 5’4”
+Distinguishing human quality: Extremely accident prone; “I have a very private MIND. No one can touch me there.”
+Special talents: Can project a shield with my mind.
+Occupation: Graduate of Forks High School. Held a part time job at Newton’s Outfitters.
+Family members: Mother – Renee Dwyer, Stepfather – Phil Dwyer Father – Charlie Swan Married to Edward Cullen. Natural mother to Renesmee. Part of the Cullen family.
+Nick Names: Bella to friends – Bells or Bell to Charlie
+Car: 1953 Chevy Pickup Truck – red, Repaired Motorcycle, Mercedes Guardian, Ferrari F430 – red
+Personal history: I was born in Forks, but my mother and father split up when I was six months old. I spent the majority of my young life in California and then later Phoenix, Arizona where I wasn’t very popular and never felt as if I fit in. I am far too clumsy for my own good and tries to avoid sports and dancing.
+When my mother remarried, I decided to move back to Forks to live with my father. I felt a bit guilty that my mother wasn’t able to spend as much time traveling with her new husband because of me, and so willingly, but not enthusiastically, I moved in with my dad. He bought me a truck and has tried to make me feel comfortable in my new home.
+At school, I was greeted with great interest and made friends with a few people right away. I first saw Edward and his family at lunch time and was told that they generally kept to themselves. In biology class, I was forced to take a seat next to Edward, as it was the only empty seat in the room. He reacted strangely to me, making me think he hated me. It wasn’t until two weeks later that Edward returned to school and I was able to properly meet him.
+After a while, I came to guess Edward’s secret and accepted him as a vampire. He saved my life several times and made it his mission to keep me safe. We fell in love despite the odds against them. I became the victim of a tracker named James and was saved when Edward drank my blood and stopped the venom from spreading through my system.
+On my 18th Birthday, I got a paper cut and was put in great danger at the Cullens home. Because of this, Edward decided to leave me. I existed in a near catatonic state for weeks afterwards and only just managed to go to school and work. I decided to take risks to “hear” Edward’s voice and enlisted the help of Jacob Black in rebuilding a motorcycle. We became very good friends until Jacob appeared to have joined a cult. I learned that Jacob and the other teenage Quileute boys are werewolves.
+When Alice returned to Forks, she told me that Edward thinks I was dead and has plans to kill himself. We raced to Italy where we stopped Edward and were taken in by the Volturi. We returned to Forks with the promise that I will become a vampire. At home, Edward agreed to change me as long as I married him first.
+After a few weeks of being grounded, I was put on “parole for good behavior” so long as I agreed to make time for Jacob and my other friends as well as Edward and the Cullens. I was accepted into the University of Alaska even though I didn’t really plan on attending. I also was made aware, by Edward, of an irresponsible vampire creating newborns around the Seattle area.
+Edward took me to Florida to see my mother, and when I got back I tried to contact Jacob, which Edward did not approve of. I also found out that while I was gone there had been a bit of a battle between the Cullens and the Wolves over the hunt for Victoria. I managed to get in some time with Jacob while Edward was hunting. As “punishment” I was forced to stay at the Cullen’s home for the duration of Edward’s next hunting trip, where I talked to Rosalie and learned all about her transformation into a vampire and why she is against me joining the family. Jacob helped me escape from Alice at school and I told him I would be joining the Cullen family soon, which Jacob did not respond well to. When Edward returned he agreed to allow me time with Jacob so long as I told him when and where first.
+When Edward picked up the scent of an unknown vampire having been in my bedroom, his concern lead to the prospect of battle with the newborns in Seattle. Graduation came and I pointed out to Edward and the Cullens that I believed Victoria was the one creating the newborns in Seattle. This new information surprisingly brought an alliance between the Cullens and the Quileutes to not only protect me, but also stop the newborns from attacking anyone else. Fearing that Edward could be injured, I asked him to sit the battle out and stay with me. Me and Edward reached another compromise that I would marry him in exchange for us making love while I was still human.
+I helped Edward set up the newborns by planting my scent in the field where the battle will happen. Freezing in the cold, I slept in Jacob’s warm arms and listened to Edward and Jacob talk about me. In the morning, I made my good-byes to Jake and gave him a real kiss. I assured Edward that I love him more and wants to be with him forever. The battle ensued bringing Victoria and her personal helper, Riley, to the camp. I watched as Edward and Seth Clearwater killed them and burned them. When I learned that Jacob was wounded in the battle, I suffered a bit of a breakdown. When Jane and the Volturi arrived to clean up the mess, I stuck to Edward’s side as he begged for the lives of a newborn named Bree, but was unsuccessful.
+I went to see Jacob and told him that even though I loved him, I can’t live without Edward and has chosen him. On my way home, I stopped my car and started crying, and stayed there until I was rescued by Edward. In the morning I told Edward again that I had made my choice and that the time has come to enlist Alice’s help with our wedding. We learned from a letter that Edward sent Jacob that the wedding date has been set and that the invitations have been sent out.
+I was with Edward when he asked Charlie for my hand in marriage. Once Charlie consented, it was left up to me to tell Renee. I was surprised at my mother’s reaction and support of my marriage, but welcomed it. I spent the days leading up to my wedding getting ready for my new life, but also looking for Jacob who had gone missing.
+I married Edward at the Cullen home on Aug. 13, 2006 surrounded by my family and friends, both human, vampire, and werewolf. To my surprise, Jacob showed up at the reception. Things went well until Jacob learned that I intended to make love to Edward while I was still human.
+Edward took me to a private island for their honeymoon where, as promised, we made love for the first time. When I woke up, I found that I had bruises on my skin from where Edward had touched me. I told him that I was fine, but Edward, repulsed by what he had done to me, he swore he would never make love to me again until after I was a vampire. Unhappy with this decision, I tried to convince him to try again and had vivid dreams that drove me to tears. I woke up from one such dream unable to accept that it wasn’t real and begged Edward to try again, which he was unable to resist. We made love again without any problems.
+Over the two and a half weeks that we spent on the island, I grew increasingly hungry and slept for unusual amounts of time. For a while I dismissed my odd behavior as being in a foreign place, but when I realized that I had missed my period I knew exactly what the problem was –I was pregnant. I told Edward, who reacted in frozen disbelief. A phone call from Carlisle confirmed the possibility, and Edward insisted that we return to Forks so that Carlisle could terminate the pregnancy. Unwilling to give up the baby, I called Rosalie and asked for her help.
+When we returned to Forks, Carlisle confirmed that I was indeed pregnant and that the pregnancy was taking its toll on my human body. The pregnancy developed at an alarming rate, and the strength of the fetus left bruises on my abdomen. Additionally, nothing I ate seemed to stay in my system as the fetus drained me of all nourishment. Edward continued to beg me to end the pregnancy, but I wouldn’t do it.
+When Jacob came to see me, he offered, at Edward’s request, to have a child with me if I agreed to end my current pregnancy to save my life. Repulsed by the very idea, I insisted that I could make it through the pregnancy and be changed into a vampire after the birth.
+The few weeks that I was pregnant, I suffered buffered several broken bones including ribs and my hip and continued to grow weaker and weaker. It wasn’t until Edward suggested, after hearing a stay thought from Jacob, that I should drink blood to give the partially vampire fetus the nourishment that it craved. As disgusting as it sounded, I found that it did taste good and my health did improve somewhat. The real turning point came when Edward was able to hear the thoughts of the baby. He stopped fighting my decision to keep the baby and began to support me.
+A few days shy of my nineteenth birthday, my placenta dethatched and the baby fought to be born. In the process, my spine was broken, leaving me paralyzed and unable to feel anything from the waist down. Since Carlisle was away, Edward was forced to deliver the baby on his own. Jacob stayed in the room for support. Wracked with pain, all I knew was that my baby was in danger. I begged for Edward to get the baby out, which required him to bite through the strong wall of the placenta. Wanting to hold my baby, which was a girl, just once, I reached for her. But when the child tried to drink from me, Edward gave the baby to Rosalie to tend to.
+As planned, Edward filled my body up with morphine to help dull the pain of transformation and then gave me a shot of his own venom right into my heart. Near death and unable to understand what was going on, all I could feel was the growing warmth as the venom spread through my body. The morphine, which did nothing to subdue my pain, left me unable to move or show any sign of what I was feeling. My pain lasted for two days until my heart beated for the last time and I was completely transformed.
+When I awoke as a newborn vampire, I found that I could control my thirst and resist killing humans by holding my breath around them. I also discovered that my daughter, Renesmee, continued to grow at an extreme rate, and that Jacob Black had imprinted on her. Lastly, I learned that my mind was still closed to Edward’s abilities, which I would later learn is known as having a shield. Edward took me to a small cottage on the Cullen property that had been converted for for use as a family and made love to me.
+Even though I wanted to see her father, I was upset when I learned that Jacob had partially told Charlie about the many secrets being kept in Forks. Charlie was able to see me and his granddaughter, which pleased me.
+My life was turned upside down when Irina from the Denali coven spotted Renesmee playing in a field with Jacob and informed the Volturi that the Cullens had created an immortal child which was against vampire law. With the Volturi now heading to Forks, the Cullens separated to go and find as many of their friends as possible to come and stand as witnesses on behalf of Nessie. I stayed at home to protect my daughter and to make sure all of the guests knew Nessie was no threat to anyone.
+With help from Zafrina and Kate, who were both talented, I learned to extend My shield to protect others around her. This would help in the possible oncoming battle with the Volturi.
+Based on a note left by Alice, I went to Seattle to talk to J. Jenks about various sets of papers that would allow Jacob to take guardianship of Renesmee should the rest of the Cullens fall victim to the Volturi.
+When the Volturi arrived, My family was supported by dozens of friends and all of the Quileute werewolves. When Aro and Ciaus refused to believe that Renesmee posed no threat and had Alec, Jane, and Chelsea attack, I used my shield to protect everyone. I managed to hold them at bay long enough for Alice and Jasper to return with Nahuel, another hybrid vampire, the Volturi had no choice but to concede and return to Italy.
+After saying good-bye to my new friends, I went home to my cottage with Edward and Renesmee. It was then that I was able to drop my shield enough to allow Edward to hear my thoughts for the first time.
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+A Bid To Take 3D Printing Mainstream 143
+Nerval's Lobster (2598977)?"
+Not going to fly after Oculus Rift (Score:3, Interesting)
+You think people are going to pay you money so you can get bought out by a bigger company to take 3D printing mainstream? Take it to the VCs.
+Wasn't that Makerbot? (Score:1)
+Wasn't that Makerbot?
+Re: (Score:1)
+I don't think 3D printer ventures or the companies that buy them are interested in violating user privacy. 3D printers don't have eye tracking or potential as an advertising platform (when's the last time your Epson/HP/Brother added a coupon to your printouts?). I guess there's DRM potential but those schemes seem doomed to fail.
+In other words, the Oculus Rift buyout has nothing to do with the majority of Kickstarter ventures.
+Re: (Score:1)
+when's the last time your Epson/HP/Brother added a coupon to your printouts?
+Re: (Score:2)
+You think people are going to pay you money so you can get bought out by a bigger company to take 3D printing mainstream? Take it to the VCs.
+Oh, findest ye of little faith mine disturbation! Methods long established banketh not upon keen foresight and wisdom; Nay, filleth thou offering's orifice by thine heady splendorous shortsights whence upon high thee thighs be they hiketh, yon promiscuous promises. Ye doubteth dark sacred rites though in daylight be they performed, whenst thou hath surely been witness to stupendous powers of Occultist Rift's orders!?
+'Tis a trick older still than even scribes or books, fishes findeth mouths of bait switche
+Re: (Score:2)
+For instance, Minecraft for the rift was created to help support this pluckly little startup, not increase it's market cap
+clunky software? (Score:5, Insightful).
+Re: (Score:3)
+And please don't respond "Oh, just use blender!" It's not a CAD tool if it doesn't have parametrics.
+Re: (Score:2, Funny)
+I don't see what CAD tools have to do with ambulances.
+Re:clunky software? (Score:5, Funny)
+You need the parametrics if you have an extrusion lasting more than four hours.
+Re:clunky software? (Score:5, Insightful)
+Missing a part for that new 'some assembly required' doodad that you bought? Hit their website and print it out.
+Cheap plastic part snapped under abusive strain? Print out a new one.
+Cool new gun design available on the internet? Print it out and fire, fire, fire away!
+3D printing will really hit the big time when it is cheap and good enough for stuff like this. People designing and prototyping things is a niche market and not enough to advance the technology quickly. It's like trying to market CD burners only to recording artists.
+Re: (Score:2)
+5-10 minutes tops before people are going to accept it. And that's if you can completely remove any user interaction with the technical side.
+It's a 'printer' and they will expect it to work (and likewise the user not work) like one from 2010, not 1980.
+Re: (Score:2)
+An overnight print job is still a lot faster than mail-order.
+Re: (Score:2)
+That depends on how you count it. Do you need it today? If not then you have to compare travel and shopping time to download and printer setup time. And I'm betting the printer usually wins out in that comparison.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Only if the store has it in stock. And why do I need them as an intermediary anyway? Point, click, file, print is a lot easier than driving to the mall only to find out they don't have it.
+Re: (Score:1)
+Because even the shittiest injection molded part is hundreds of times better than what you're printing, cost, strength, weight, finish
+... in EVERY WAY.
+No metal printing for less than hundreds of thousands of dollars, and no, just because you mix some metal powder in with the plastic doesn't mean that the part magically as strong as metal.
+You've read some stuff by some people on the Internet that is so far from reality it makes Peter Pan look real, and you believe it
+Re: (Score:3).
+Re: (Score:2).
+Here's your killer app: an online database of battery covers for remote controls. No more duct tape holding your batteries in!
+Re: (Score:2)
+Or... I could just program my Android phone to operate all the IR devices in my life instead, which is what I did the last time a battery cover went missing. I don't even know where the remotes are anymore, breeding between various cushions.
+The killer battery-cover app would be image recognition for your phone where the camera takes a shot of the device, figures out what model it is, then runs through the IR pulses for various functions until it detects it turn on/off change channel, volume. A self progra
+Re: (Score:1)
+And it would break as soon as you bent the retaining clip putting it in your remote, right back to square one. Good job.
+Materials science is a lot harder than 'just make it out of plastic'. 3d printing has a niche that its fine for, but thinking you're going to be able to print anything you want with the exact properties of the material you need just because you have a printer that takes PLA is
+... well, just ignorant.
+Re: (Score:2)
+This is not for a remote control. It's a simple slide latch for a radio battery. And the problem with the design is that the plastic it was made from was the same as the battery case, which is too brittle for the switch. A less brittle plastic such as ABS or HIPS would actually work better and last longer. Was a material scientist consulted when designing the battery? Doubtful.
+Since you have no idea about the problem I am trying to solve, the "ignorant" comment seems misplaced. Will the solution be id
+Re: (Score:1)
+You do realize that anything 3d printed at home is going to be FAR inferior to even the shittiest chinese knock off ABS injection molded part, right?
+You guys don't get it, 3d printed stuff is crap unless you're printing on a 300k machine that prints in materials that cost a fortune.
+You go ahead and pull the trigger on that 3d printed gun, considering even the guys who designed it aren't that stupid
+... oh yea, its also easier to just got the local hardware store and get far superior parts than your shitty p
+Re: (Score:2)
+Yeah, but they will work perfectly fine for board game pieces, art pieces, simple kid toys, cups, plates.. Yeah, that's about it
+But the technology is advancing, give it a few years and you'll be able to create most home tools, Legos, and other everyday objects.
+Re:clunky software? (Score:4, Insightful)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Intuitive CAD software is missing because there never was any demand for it
+Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. Everyone who's ever edited a few photos wants intuitive CAD tech once they've seen it in action. [youtube.com]
+It's already here (Score:2)
+There's already CAD software that's easy enough for kids to use, as proven by the fact that kids are using it!
+TinkerCAD and Sketchup are all easy enough that my son was using them when he was six.
+So that's not what's holding 3D printing back.
+Personally, I don't see _anything_ holding 3D printing back.
+Some people just want to download and print things, and for them there's Thingiverse (and to a lesser degree other repositories) with tens of thousands of things available for free. And there are some for-p
+Re: (Score:3)
+Computers will never be all that affordable. Mass production is too much cheaper than one-off designs. Computers will continue to be for big business and hobbyists, not mainstream.
+Re: (Score:2)
+> More like the fact that CAD software packages cost many thousands of dollars, and no good free alternatives exist.
+> Or that mechanical design is inherently challenging and is an expensive skill to develop.
+I'd say that these are not "mainstream" issues but rather content creation issues (and creators are quite niche). While text documents are pretty easy to create for a normal printer, once you move past those content creation becomes much more challenging and niche. DVD burners are pretty mainstre
+Re: (Score:2)
+Indeed. Why would I want one of your silly "microwaves" when I can go to restaurants. It'll never take off.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Microwaves are pretty much totally on my point because:
+A) They cost like $50 for a cheap model
+B) Meals are cheaper than the cheapest restaurant
+If 3D printers get to that point, they may become mainstream.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Yeah, but... have you EATEN a microwave dinner?
+Quality doesn't matter. Only convenience.
+Re: (Score:1)
+Re: (Score:2)
+"Or that the printers themselves for commercial grade machines also cost many thousands of dollars."
+I paid 10.000$ for my first 2D black&white Postscript Laserprinter >25 years ago and I liked it.
+Re: (Score:2)
+You paid ten dollars for a laser printer in 1989?
+Re: (Score:2)
+More like the fact that CAD software packages cost many thousands of dollars, and no good free alternatives exist.
+Cheetah 3D [cheetah3d.com] is like 70 bucks and I've used it to create models for 3D printing.
+It's not free, but if you're into 3D printing then 70 bucks is nothing as everything else involved costs you a lot more.
+Re: (Score:1)
+Re: (Score:1)
+More like the fact that CAD software packages cost many thousands of dollars, and no good free alternatives exist.
+- Blender?
+- Sketchup? (for basics)
+I've always used Blender for modelling 3D game assets.
+The good thing about free/open software? If something doesnt exist in the product, you can code it in yourself for free!
+Must be a 3D Printer AND a 3D Scanner (Score:2)
+I suppose, however, the real reason a 3D scanner won't ever be included is that is a sure way to be sued for facilitating the dreaded IP THEFT. Sigh.
+Already going mainstream (Score:2)
+There are two barriers right now - cost of the printer and time to print.
+For cost, you just need a Kinkos or OfficeMax or USPS or FedEx store model - where you have an account and have it printed there and you pick it up.
+For time, the above model works fairly well.
+We actually have quite a few 3D printers on campus and use them for a lot of things, so you can see it moving - you can even print stuff at the UW Bookstore (which also prints books in the public domain of rare editions).
+Re: (Score:1)
+Are you at University of Washington or University of Wisconsin?
+Re: (Score:1)
+There is one huge barrier. You cannot 3D print material properties.
+I agree, tensile strength and lack of fiber cores is a serious drawback. We're working on tech to 3D print over stronger fiber cores and medical applications using wire mesh frameworks to try to deal with that. May even try bone structure concepts for some of the medical applications.
+It really depends on what you 3D print with. If you use a modified spiderweb approach to lay down a support structure it really slows it down a lot right now, but it gives you much better results.
+Re: (Score:2)
+There is one huge barrier. You cannot 3D print material properties.
+There are already printers which can incorporate multiple materials into a single design. A logical extension of this idea might be a print bed which can be shipped between machines. Anyone thinking of applying for a patent might note that I have already thought that you might want it to actually be an enclosed, insulated case for the purposes of maintaining print area temperature
+Re: (Score:2)
+First of all, material != material properties.
+You didn't specify which properties you were talking about. Color is a property which can be incorporated into materials, for example. If you want to be pedantic, you're going to have to be pedantic all the time. Otherwise you're just a goalpost-mover.
+Here we go again (Score:1)
+2: Sell to large company turning everyone's Kickstarter contributions into a steaming pile of
+3: (No ??? step, we've been here before)
+4: PROFIT!!!
+Re: (Score:1)
+Kickstarter pledges are gifts.
+If you think they are loans or investments, you were too stupid to read the page they made you click an 'i understand' checkbox on when you donated the money and you deserve to get screwed.
+Random toys (Score:3)
+This will be good for creating random toys and knick knacks. The problem with 3d software for the masses is that it's technical. When you create a part for use (as opposed to a blob of toyness), holes, edges, parts have to be in a specific place. That requires math, which is beyond the reach of the average user. It's like trying to create a technical drawing with an iPad sketch program. You can make pretty pictures with your finger (okay - artists can, you can just make ugly dogs and weird looking trees), but you can't make a scaled technical drawing for fabrication.
+Oh, and kickstarter is not a mainstream consumer outlet. Call me when they have the model for sale at WalMart or Staples.
+Re: (Score:1)
+3D modelling is way easier than producing good technical drawings, and you don't need the drawings for 3D printed components. The only time you would need them is if you had to submit them to another company or for checking the part for tolerances.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Is there really and truly any reason why a user can't reasonably expect to sketchup (or use some other similarly simple modeling program) a toy with a line drawn through it in a couple of places marked "axle" and expect software to figure out how thick that axle needs to be, and how a 3d printer is going to lay down some bearings around it while printing the toy truck or duck or whatever with wheels on it? Software can already handle turning the "solid" parts of solids into structured voids to save material
+It'll stay niche until... (Score:2)
+It'll stay niche until people come up with more useful things to print than a handful of Yoda figurines or a gun barrel that's guaranteed to blow up in your face. While there are some people who've made useful things with 3D printers, the average person is not going to produce the engineering quality 3D models that are needed to build such useful items.
+It's a niche (Score:1)
+Most people can't even bother with making coffee from scratch, what makes anyone think they want to deal with calibration, software, consumables, and other aspects of 3D printing.
+Re: (Score:2)
+From scratch as in growing the beans, or roasting them or grinding them or just dumping then in a cafietere?
+Re: (Score:2)
+My new book (Score:4, Interesting)
+How To Get Rich Off of Kickstarter Without Delivering.
+Re:My new book (Score:5, Funny)
+Re: (Score:2)
+Damnit, now I have to wipe coffee off my screen!
+Where are my damn mod points when I want them?
++1 Funny
+Re: (Score:2)
+Stretch goal achieved!
+It can become mainstream, but not quite yet (Score:5, Insightful)
+Over the last few years 3d printing has come on dramatically, it's great for rapid prototyping.
+Unfortunately though the average home user doesn't really have much need for rapid prototyping, and most of the things which come out of current 3d printers just don't look polished enough to appeal. They're still very rough looking, more the type of thing which'd come out of a Christmas cracker than the type of thing most people would want as decor.
+In terms of software I don't think a more user-friendly 3d editor will help too much. I view 3d product design as similar to writing software, you can make it more accessible but most people are just going to be interested in the library of things other people have developed. Make a library of designs which the average person (not the average current 3d printer owner, they're more enthusiast) will find interesting, attractive, and useful and maybe you'll break the mainstream- until then it's the realm of the tinkerer and the hacker. Most people don't need or want a print out of the Stanford rabbit.
+I'm not saying this isn't of interest or use, I may have pledged for one myself if I didn't find paying the import duties to the UK to be so painful (Anyone want to Kickstart a business importing other business' Kickstarters?), but it's still just another 3d printer. I don't think it's the type of thing I'd be recommending to my parents and neighbours though, I just don't think they'd want to deal with the hassles that 3d printers currently bring in exchange for the benefits. How much 3d printing do most people actually need?
+What I do see as becoming more popular is the shared printer. People at home make orders for larger and well-finished 3d objects selected from a catalogue and printed on a very nice printer, and they either post them or make them available for collection at central points. I know businesses like Shapeways do this already but the price isn't right for most people yet, it needs to be the case where printing a vase isn't that much more expensive than buying one, and printing a piece to fix your plumbing should be easily affordable.
+Re: (Score:2)
+I totally agree that it will end up having more to do with having a great library of designs that the average person can print (or even modify!) easily.
+I would imagine getting a 3D printer right before having children, and I would want it for the following things:
+Kitchen utensils, plates, cups, bowls, etc
+Decorations / spare parts
+So I would need a library of such things, a printer that could print in various colours with foodsafe, microwavable materials, strongly enough that items wont break under normal
+Re: (Score:2)
+I think the easy modification is what has potential to sell it. If you can print an easily customizable (as in adjust few sliders) lampshade design, etc. you've got the potential for mass-market appeal. If you can only print out pre-designed items then mass-production can provide ea higher-quality version of the same thing, and it'll probably be cheaper as well. And that will keep 3D printing as the domain primarily of hobbyists and prototypers.
+Re: (Score:2)
+But to me that sounds like a library and software problem, which can easily be upgraded/updated over time (or provided mostly online)
+Obviously the consumables have to come down in price to so that economy of scale starts making sense. I don't care about 1 lampshade, I care about all the hundreds/thousands of little plastic things (tupperware, tupperware lids, jugs) that I have to buy over time and the convenience of acquiring them.
+It would be a lot easier for me to buy lots of plastic consumables in bulk k
+Re: (Score:2)
+>But to me that sounds like a library and software problem
+Certainly. And the problem is that until the software reaches a certain level of ease-of-use there will be no demand for 3D printer hardware except by enthusiasts. What do you suppose the modern market for PCs would be if the hardware were at its current level, but the state-of-the-art OS was still a single-tasking text-only command line with no graphical support? The hardware is only half the product.
+Why would you buy a 3D printer and consumab
+Re: (Score:2)
+Printer filament will always be more expensive then a mass produced injection molded part. The filament has to be extruded, the part molded.
+Also the printed part will suck, strength wise vs the molded part.
+The only place it makes any sense to print 'plastic junk' is when you can print a part and extend the life of something valuable. 3d plastic printers are for prototyping.
+Re: (Score:2)
+As far as cost is concerned, Not necessarily. Injection molding is a batch process, and in fact often starts with plastic pellets that were themselves extruded as filament that was immediately chopped into tiny lengths. Extrusion is potentially far more efficient since it can be done as a continuous process.
+For strength you are correct, assuming an equivalent quantity of plastic. On the other hand in most cases there's no reason you can't use more plastic to create stronger parts. Especially as personal
+Re: (Score:2)
+They have fancy injection molding machines that rotate a bunch of molds under a single extruder like barrel. But I get the point.
+But my point is that making a precise filament is not trivial. Neither is making mold set. But they are both similar in cost. One gets you an almost finished product, one gets you a feed stock for yet another machine.
+Making my own filament would not strike me as a good use of time, especially if it's a solved problem. Uneven filaments have to lead to stuck screws and clogged
+Re: (Score:2)
+No I wouldn't have time to "dick" with my 3d printer. I think you are forgetting how easy it could become... Pick an item on my tablet, do any of the quick customizations provided by the designer, hit print, it shows me how much time to completion. Grab it when I hear a chime.
+For now Target (I don't live anywhere near one at this point) has lots of cheap disposable goods, but they have to pay for overstock, storage, distribution, staff, etc for all their products. If there were relatively few common type
+For what purpose? (Score:2)
+We use a 3d printing service at work when we are prototyping hardware and light fixtures and such. Those services are getting cheaper and I see that as the way the "mainstream"market market will go. The only thing I have found to make is custom lego mini figure accessories for the kids.
+Re: (Score:3)
+Re: (Score:2)
+An *excellent* idea.
+I suspect once 3D printing becomes commonplace people will finds lots of uses for it, BUT very few people will consider buying one for those purposes. Bit of a chicken and egg problem. On the other hand if you can make the thing easy and reliable enough for a child to operate, and very importantly make the design software similarly easy to use, then you've got a chance of getting a foothold in the lucrative toy market. Then, so long as you make sure you can still print objects from more
+Re: (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:2)
+You can get software that will give you an infinite set of virtual Legos.
+It truly sucks to use. Real world Legos have a much better user interface.
+Yet Another Crap Extruder (Score:3)
+This is Yet Another Crap Extruder based printer. That whole class of machines sort of works on good days. None of them Just Work.
+The fundamental problem is that they're welding a hot thing to a cold thing. That sucks for metal welding, it sucks for soldering, and it sucks for plastic welding. It's how you get bad welds, cold solder joints, and fractures in 3D printing. The heated build plate systems usually start a build OK, but a few cm from the build plate, that heat source isn't close enough to help much. So many taller builds fail around 2-5 cm.
+For this process to work, it needs better temperature control. A heated build chamber (that's patented). A hot air jet or small laser aimed at the target just before the weld (larger plastic welders do this). But nobody seems to be doing that. They just keep coming up with variations in the 3-axis motion mechanism (not hard to get right) and the software (not really the problem). Or they add DRM and overcharge for "print cartridges".
+Re: (Score:3)
+Does it absolutely need to welding? Could you use a quick-curing resin and a constant pour from, say, a mesh top plate that rises steadily to stay a few millimeters above the gelification front? You'd get a totally smooth surface that way, too (since it's kept that way by surface tension as it cures), and it wold be easy to extend this system to
+Re: (Score:2)
+Fused-filament is actually welding because the molten material is the same as the 'base' material. The real problem is shrinkage in going from melt to solid. The same problem occurs in 2-part polymers since they shrink as they both polymerize and cool. (They get bleep-ing HOT during the process!) Some of the other processes (selective UV curing, selective laser sintering) avoid that problem and produce much better surface quality but at the cost of even longer build times and extremely more expensive materi
+Fused Filament is a set of tradeoffs (Score:2)
+Fused Filament printing is just another technique, with benefits and weaknesses. On the 'pro' side, it's very cheap, and it lets you make things that are quite strong, so they can stand up to routine usage. On the 'con' side, the resolution is limited, and you need to cool prints evenly or there can be curling or cracking. The issue isn't in going from liquid to solid, because until the plastic is solid it can't cause any stress on the part - when it's soft is just stretches! The issue is actually a bit lat
+Re: (Score:2)
+>None of them Just Work.
+Isn't that what this project is claiming as its goal? No, it won't solve the cold-welding problem, but from what I've seen for most non-load-bearing applications that's not really much of an issue - the far larger issue is constant repairs and recalibration, and having to babysit the machine while it's working. Make something cheap and simple enough that little Tom and Suzy can reliably print out custom Happy-Meal grade toys and you've got something that would have mass appeal.
+Re: (Score:2)... [daid.eu]
+Printed on a "crap extruder" printer, without problems.
+You're generalizing. Just because it does not work for metal does not mean it does not work for plastics. Plastics have a very different thermal conductivity.
+Heated chambers are not patented. A specific implementation of the heated chamber is patented.
+(Do have to agree that they concentrate too much on the machine. The machine is hardly the problem)
+No. (Score:2).
+You're kinda missing their point (Score:3)
+The point isn't just that it's cheap ($300!), it's that it's a consumer-friendly printer that can be used "out of the box". So price matters, but so does the "out of box experience" and usability.
+The Printrbot Simple is a very nice little printer. But at that price it's a kit that requires assembly, and the result looks like a weird machine made of wood and wiring with moving parts exposed. And the software is the same techie-looking software everyone uses. Which means that it's not an option for someone wh
+First things first (Score:2)
+A massive audience might be available indirectly (Score:2)
+Huge (Score:2, Redundant)
+Re: (Score:1)
+What might a 3D printer do with material to build a robot powered by a Raspberry Pi?
+Destroy humanity?
+Re: (Score:1)
+Too bad I don't have points to mod this up. Love the way you send up the hype.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Find Sarah Connor
+The theoretical & practical hurdles of 3D prin (Score:2)
+Theoretically you need to;
+- Level the build plate and calibrate it
+- Learn any 3D modeling software to create or modify objects, often at millimeter level precision
+- Learn the slicing software which converts your 3D object file into a file your printer understands as instructions
+That's it. Frankly, the second one is a huge investment of time and energy, and while some simple 3D design is possible in very stripped-down programs, nothing BUT simple design is possib
+Re: (Score:1) s
+The first user-friendly 3D-printer? Hardly. (Score:2)
+The Bucaneer [pirate3d.com] had this same concept for over a year ago...
+It will be as popular as DIY tableware, not very. (Score:1)
+There are many products that people buy, including food, which are readily producible by people who wish to do so but the DIY crowd is a minority because most people just want to consume the best of whatever humanity can devise, at the cheapest price and with the greatest convenience.
+Look at ceramics, very old tech with readily available materials and technology, but how many people make the plates they eat off?
+A 3D printer is a mini factory and if it cannot produce a product that is "better" overall that w.
+It might work... (Score:2)
+There's certainly room for 3D printers to drop in price by improving the design manufacturability. Some of what they're doing makes sense to me.
+- Use injection molded case as the structure. This costs more up front, but eliminates many parts. Very similar to how printers went from big machines with lots of screws and rods to almost all plastic. Sure, it's not as durable and rigid, but that might be an OK tradeoff for really cheap.
+- Use of lighter components (carbon filament rods, etc.) allows use of smaller
+2D printer (Score:4, Insightful)
+Why fund proprietary crapware? (Score:1)
+I get it's not an investment, but it's proprietary. There is not advantage to this. There is no reason or incentive for me to put out good money when someone else is going to gain from it, and nothing of value (such as freedom, etc) is gained.
+Nope. Still not consumer items. (Score:2) fro
+Tired of the hype (Score:2)
+3D printers will be attractive to consumers when they are sub$500 AND provide quality prints quickly. People take print time into account along with price so if it takes hours to print an object that they can buy over the counter, people will just buy over the counter and avoid the hassle of a machine thumping away for hours. My prediction has always been that 3D printing will be done in a shop front or via mail order. This latest unit is just taking advantage of the dissatisfaction with the current crop of
+How many people create the words they print? (Score:1)
+The idea that 3D printing won't take off because people are not well-versed in designing their own 3D products with expensive CAD software is like saying printers won't take off because people aren't really good writers and can't afford a word processor. How many people use their printers for printing off their own words from a word processor? How many people use their printers for printing off PDF files, manuals, brochures, etc. from the Net?
+Why won't 3D printers take off again?
+CD Greed all over again (Score:2)
+Re: (Score:1)
+I've worked quite a bit with 3D printers and 3D printed components. You can put together a RepRap for $500 (Makerbot has issues, mainly with belts) and the filament is overpriced, but not terribly expensive. I don't believe that these devices belong in the kitchen or living room, but most definitely in the hobbyist's home shop, or in the garage next to the table saw and drill press.
+Re: (Score:2)
+Combine with Kinect-like scanning to make a 3D photocopier.
+Then Games Workshop would go bust in a year...
+Re: (Score:2)
+1 Introduction
+In the autosegmental-metrical (AM) model of intonational phonology, intonation refers to the structured variation in phonetic features, primarily pitch, to express phrase-level meanings. At the heart of this approach to intonation, as Ladd (2008) remarks, “is the idea that intonation has a phonological organization” (Ladd, 2008, p. 3). Similar to other speech sound domains, such as segmental phonology or lexical tone, analyzing intonation involves mapping continuously variable physical parameters to categories. The categories of intonation—pitch accents and boundary tones—are organized in a set of relations and rule-governed distributions that define the intonation system of a language. This system has a specific place in grammar, which is prosodic phrase structure (Gussenhoven, 2004, 2007; Ladd, 2008, a. o.). The present article is concerned with the ways structural, i.e., phonological, pitch patterns (or categories) and surface, i.e., phonetic, pitch patterns are related, and in particular with mismatches between surface pitch similarities or dissimilarities and structural similarities or dissimilarities.
+The AM approach has proved fruitful to account for intonation in a variety of typologically diverse languages (e.g., Grice, 1995; Gussenhoven, 2012; Hayes & Lahiri, 1991; Hualde, 2002; Jun, 2005a, 2014a; Pierrehumbert & Beckman, 1988) and to compare languages and language varieties on the basis of shared assumptions and methods (Frota & Prieto, 2015a; Prieto & Roseano, 2010). Within this approach, the transcription of intonation in a given language is usually taken to reflect “the understanding of the intonational and prosodic grammar of the language”, grounded “on rigorous analyses of the intonational phonology” (Beckman et al., 2005, p. 12). At the same time, it has long been recognized that determining the phonological structure of intonation is by no means an easy task. For segmental phonology, for example, the phonetic substance of the signal provides concrete acoustic landmarks that are cues to segmental features like [vowel], [consonant], [high], [nasal], which combined yield a discrete phonological representation of the signal (e.g., Stevens, 2002). These cue patterns capture systematic variation in the implementation of segmental categories, say /p/ versus /b/, that has perceptual consequences (Eimas & Corbit, 1973; Phillips et al., 2000). In the case of intonation, the properties of the speech signal that cue phonological contrasts (such as the one between a low tone and a high tone, two intonation categories which are cued by pitch height) are also involved in expressing other kinds of variation, like paralinguistic messages related to emotional state or even individual speaker differences. Thus, it may be difficult to determine whether a phonetic difference or similarity is a reflex of a phonological difference or similarity in intonation. For this, it is crucial to examine how the sound-meaning relations are organized, namely whether they have a gradient/phonetic or a contrastive/phonological nature (Gussenhoven, 2004; Ladd, 2008; Pierrehumbert, 1980). It is also critical to look at the distributions of pitch patterns, given that sound contrasts may be constrained by context (e.g., Steriade, 2007). Arvaniti, 2016, for a similar view). Importantly, both within and across languages, surface pitch similarities may be apparent and accidental. For example, in Friulian, information-seeking yes-no questions ending in a word with final stress may show a rising contour similar to that found in the non-final elements of a disjunction. However, the similarity is due to the truncation of the low boundary in the yes-no question contour and is thus an effect of constraints on tonal target realization (Roseano et al., 2015). Gussenhoven (2007, pp. 3–5) offers a clear example of a surface pitch similarity across languages which is accidental: in Japanese, an HL sequence appears on accented words; in English, a similar HL sequence may occur in an accented word. However, in Japanese the HL pitch accent is part of the lexical specification of the word and thus affects its meaning, whereas in English the pitch accent is independent of the word and contributes to the expression of sentence-level meaning. The same reasoning naturally applies to surface pitch differences which need not correspond to contrastive distinctions, as in the case of pitch register variation as a cue to degree of friendliness (Rietveld & Chen, 2006), or the truncated and non-truncated realizations of the yes-no question contour in Southern varieties of Italian (Grice, D’Imperio, et al., 2005). The complex and non-trivial ways that structural pitch patterns and surface pitch patterns may be related underscore the key role played by distribution, context, contrast, and meaning in the analysis and transcription of intonation. This is a central issue that the analyses discussed in this paper, relating to mismatches between (dis)similarities in the surface pitch forms and in the phonological categories, will illustrate. (Gili Fivela, 2008; Grice, 1995; Gussenhoven, 2012; Hayes & Lahiri, 1991, a.o.). However, cross-language comparison of intonation is an inescapable goal, if one wants to understand how languages and language varieties may differ in their intonation systems, with consequences for prosodic typology. The importance of understanding language- or variety-specific systems while conducting cross-linguistic studies is illustrated, for example, in Grice et al.’s (2005) discussion of nuclear contours in Italian varieties. Grice et al. compare the Bari and Neapolitan narrow focus contours, which look phonetically similar, but constrain positing a similar analysis to the keeping of the Bari system-internal distinction between the narrow focus and the question pitch accents. Similar observations are made in Gili Fivela (2008), again on different varieties of Italian. The need to balance system-internal considerations and the cross-linguistic study of intonation is also explicitly argued for in Ladd (2008). Comparing the transcription of calling contours and rising statement contours in varieties of English, Ladd shows that it is possible to treat identical phonological analyses “across dialects and languages as representations of ‘the same’ tune” (Ladd, 2008, p. 129). Crucially, as in the segmental domain, cues to a given phonological prosodic category can vary across languages, as well as within languages (e.g., as in the case of rising-falling contours in languages or language varieties that truncate the final low tone, and languages or varieties where truncation does not occur; Roseano et al., 2015, for Friulian; Grice et al., 2005, for varieties of Italian; Frota et al., 2015, for varieties of Portuguese). The study of comparative intonation thus requires us to address the relation between surface pitch patterns and structural pitch patterns in order to establish what counts as the same contour phonologically and thus what should be given the same transcription, within each language-specific system but with an eye on the systems of other languages or varieties. This task is especially relevant for typological purposes, since, as argued in Hyman (2012), “the central goal of phonological typology is to determine how different languages systematize the phonetic substance available to all languages” (Hyman, 2012, p. 371)..
+2 Surface similarities and structure., Gussenhoven, 2008; Ladd, 2008). These two cases are discussed here on the basis of data from varieties of Portuguese and other Romance languages, to argue that pitch similarities are only apparent in the narrow focus contours but reflect true structural similarities in the calling contours.
+2.1 Rise-fall pitch pattern and the narrow focus contour
+The first case I address is the rise-fall pitch pattern that has been recurrently described for narrow focus statements in the European varieties of Portuguese (hereafter EP; Cruz, 2013; Fernandes, 2007; Frota, 2000, 2002, 2014; Frota et al., 2015), in most Catalan varieties (Prieto, 2014; Prieto et al., 2009; Prieto et al., 2015), in Spanish (Hualde & Prieto, 2015; Vanrell et al., 2013), and in most Italian varieties (Gili Fivela et al., 2015; Grice et al., 2005). The contour is illustrated in Figure 1, for EP and Catalan. Given the surface pitch pattern similarities and the fact that a phonetically similar contour is conveying similar pragmatic meanings across languages/varieties, one might expect that identical phonological analyses and transcriptions were proposed (along the lines of suggestions, for example, in Ladd, 2008). However, that was not the case as depicted in Figure 1. System-internal analyses have led to an H*+L L% nuclear contour in some language/varieties, namely in EP and some Italian varieties (as in Bari, Lecce, and Pisa), and an L+H* L% nuclear contour in other languages/varieties, namely Catalan, Spanish, and some Italian varieties (e.g., Florence, Milan, Turin, Naples). This amounts to saying that the fall was the accentual element of the pitch pattern that was systematized (or phonologized) in some languages, and the rise the element that was systematized in others.
+Left panel: F0 contours of the EP utterance Casaram (‘They got married’), produced first as a neutral declarative and then as a contrastive focus. Right panel: F0 contour of the Catalan contrastive focus utterance Melmelada volen (‘Jam is what they want’). This audio content is available at: and
+The two analyses are reminiscent of the much debated on-ramp and off-ramp analyses of rise-fall pitch patterns in Germanic languages (Baumann et al., 2007; Chen, 2011; Gussenhoven, 2008, 2016; Hanssen et al., 2008; Ritter & Grice, 2015). Importantly, in Germanic as in Romance languages, the two analyses make different predictions with respect to which part of the contour is the most relevant communicatively and perceptually, and which part of the contour is more carefully and precisely produced in cases of enhancement or in different segmental contexts that may impact on tonal realization. (Prieto, 2014; Vanrell et al., 2013), and closer to the middle of the accented syllable in EP and some varieties of Italian (Frota, 2002; Gili Fivela et al., 2015; Vanrell et al., 2013). Thus, the extent to which the pitch falls in the accented syllable is considerably larger in the latter case. In addition, the presence of an L target before the peak is a clear and consistent feature of the contour in Catalan or Spanish, but no clear rise is systematically found in EP (and in the accentual fall Italian varieties, as described in Gili Fivela et al., 2015). In these languages/varieties the rise is contextual and gradient, and the peak may be realized as the end of a plateau. These differences are illustrated in Figure 2 for EP and Catalan: respectively, a larger fall in the accented syllable preceded by no rise, and a peak aligned towards the end of the accented syllable preceded by a clear rising contour. These facts constitute corroborating production evidence for the accentual fall analysis in one case and the accentual rise analysis in the other.
+Left panel: F0 contour of the EP utterance O pintor cantou uma manhã angelical (‘The artist sang an angelic morning’), with a narrow focus on manhã (an angelic morning, not night). Right panel: F0 contour of the Catalan narrow focus statement Volen melmelada (‘They want jam (not butter)’). This audio content is available at: and – Prieto, 2014) and four EP utterances (two broad focus with the nuclear contour H+L* L% and two narrow focus with H*+L L% – Frota, 2014), each repeated three times in random order. The narrow focus utterances included pitch patterns such as those in Figure 1 and Figure 2, namely one instance of each kind of phonetic pattern for both Catalan and EP. Half of the participants from each language group listened to the Catalan stimuli first, and half to the EP stimuli. Listeners were told that they would hear utterances from Catalan or from Portuguese, and that the meaning of the words or phrases was not relevant, only the way they sounded was relevant. They were specifically instructed to pay special attention to intonation while listening to each stimulus and respond whether the most salient part (that is, the part that sounded the most important perceptually) was rising or falling. No other explanation of what salience meant was given. Importantly, each utterance contained only one nuclear accent, which was assumed to be perceived as the most prominent part of the utterance. The experiment was a forced-choice task, where repeated listening of utterances was not allowed and participants were asked to respond with their first impression. A total of 240 judgments were obtained. The results are shown in Figure 3. (F(1,58) = 22.48, p < .001, η2 = .28; mean value of 0.50 for Catalan and 0.35 for EP), a significant effect of Accent Type, with narrow focus accents yielding more rising responses overall than broad focus accents (F(1,58) = 153.19, p < .001, η2 = .73; mean of 0.67 for narrow focus and 0.18 for broad focus), and a significant effect of Language Group, with Cat/Sp participants showing more rising responses than EP participants (F(1,58) = 20.32, p < .001, η2 = .26; mean of 0.52 for Cat/Sp and 0.33 for EP subjects). A significant interaction between Language and Language Group was found, with EP participants showing different behaviour across the EP and Catalan stimuli whereas Cat/Sp participants have similar amounts of rising responses for both sets of stimuli (F(1,58) = 6.94, p < .05). A significant interaction was also found between Language, Accent Type, and Language Group (F(1,58) = 12.86, p < .01), with the narrow focus accent of Catalan being perceived as rising by both groups of listeners, whereas the narrow focus accent of EP was perceived as falling by EP listeners and rising by Cat/Sp listeners.1
+The perception results provide additional evidence suggesting a different intonational analysis of the two contours, given the main effect of language and the significant interactions. First, native perception of the narrow focus contour was different: falling for EP (bar 7 in Figure 3), rising for Cat/Sp (bar 4). This is in line with the accentual fall analysis in EP and the accentual rise analysis in Catalan and Spanish. Second, EP participants were highly sensitive to the difference between the EP and Catalan narrow focus pitch patterns, which were respectively judged as falling and rising (respectively, bars 7 and 3). Although Cat/Sp participants produced overall more rising judgments for all accent types than EP participants, and judged the EP narrow focus contour as rising more than 60% of the time, their responses to the EP focus contour were still different from their responses to the Catalan focus contour (shown in bars 8 and 4; mean = 0.87, z = –2.64, p < .01). By contrast, Cat/Sp participants judged the broad focus contours from the two languages (bars 2 and 6) similarly as falling (z = –.81, p = .42). Given that participants were specifically driven to attend to a particular aspect of the sound shape of utterances, namely rising/falling intonation, and that the utterances both within and across languages included a variety of segments and words, it is unlikely that their responses could have been influenced by factors such as segmental differences or word meanings. Moreover, during debriefing, participants often mentioned the rising/falling contour shapes as being more or less evident, but never mentioned other aspects like word meaning, particular segments, or phrase meanings and utterance function. In short, the current results suggest that the predictions made by the two phonological analyses with respect to which part of the contour is the most salient perceptually are borne out.
+The present findings, which are in line with the different phonological analyses of the rise-fall pitch pattern in EP and in Catalan (and Spanish), also relate nicely to earlier findings on the perception of the rise-fall pattern in different varieties of Italian (Gili Fivela, 2013), although the picture seems more complex in Italian. Speakers from Florence interpreted the pitch patterns differently from speakers from Pisa and Lecce, consistent with the different phonological analyses proposed for these Italian varieties..
+2.2 The calling contour (Ladd, 2008). In most varieties of Portuguese, and also in Catalan and Spanish (Frota, 2014; Frota et al., 2015; Hualde & Prieto, 2015; Prieto, 2014; Prieto et al., 2015), a similar pitch pattern is found with a rising movement into a peak on the accented syllable and a following step down into a sustained final pitch that spreads in the post-tonic stretch. The vocative chant contour is illustrated in Figure 4 for Brazilian Portuguese (the variety from Bahia, in the North of Brazil) and Catalan. Given the strong surface similarities in the pitch pattern and the fact that a phonetically similar contour is conveying the meaning of calling across languages/varieties, it might be expected that identical phonological analyses and transcriptions were proposed. However, analyses have varied across Romance languages, especially in what concerns the nature of the final boundary tone (which has also been the main point of disagreement in the transcriptions of calling contours in non-Romance languages; Ladd, 2008).
+Left panel: F0 contour of the Brazilian Portuguese vocative chant Marina! (‘Marina!’); Right panel: F0 contour of the Catalan vocative Maria! (‘Maria!’). This audio content is available at: and
+As observed in Ladd (2008), the final pitch in the vocative chant contour has been offered many different analyses, namely HL% (MAE_ToBI; Beckman et al., 2005), absence of boundary tone (ToDI; Gussenhoven, 2005), or !H% (GToBI; Grice, Baumann, & Benzmuller, 2005). For the Romance languages under consideration, the alternative analyses that have been proposed are !H% and M% (e.g., Frota, 2014, for Portuguese; Prieto, 2014, for Catalan; Prieto & Roseano, 2010, for Spanish). Importantly, the phonetics of the sustained boundary tone is strikingly similar in these languages: the somewhat lower pitch after the accentual peak stays level until the boundary, and the spreading of the sustained pitch goes together with the lengthening of the syllable(s) in the post-tonic stretch. Furthermore, the sustained final pitch contour was found to contrast in these languages with another type of calling contour characterized by a final pitch fall (although there are pragmatic differences in how the languages may use the two calling contours; Frota & Prieto, 2015b). In the case of Catalan, recent production and perception studies have shown that the vocative chant contour not only contrasts with a final fall calling contour but also with a final rise calling contour (Borràs-Comes et al., 2015). Given these facts, and in the absence of system-internal restrictions that could argue in favor of one analysis over the other, it seems that the differences between analyses are driven by theoretical options on how to represent final sustained pitch, and not by phonological differences in the vocative chant contours. (2015a), within the common goal of providing a phonological notation of intonation.
+3 Surface differences and structure., Ladd, 2008, chap. 5). Many studies have addressed the nature of pitch timing and pitch scaling differences in several languages (Borrás-Comes et al., 2014; Chen, 2003; D’Imperio & House, 1997; Gussenhoven, 1999; Ladd & Morton, 1997; Makarova, 2007; Niebuhr & Kohler, 2004; Pierrehumbert & Steele, 1989; Savino & Grice, 2011, among others). In this section, surface differences in tone alignment and peak height in nuclear falls are discussed on the basis of data from European Portuguese and Majorcan Catalan. First, it will be shown that alignment in European Portuguese displays both contextual and contrastive effects, which need to be disentangled given the phonetic nature of the former and the phonological nature of the latter. Second, surface differences in peak height will be discussed. These phonetic differences will be shown to be apparent dissimilarities with a gradient nature in EP. By contrast, in Majorcan Catalan surface pitch differences reflect true structural differences, as peak height has a contrastive nature signaling different intonation categories.
+3.1 Tone alignment in Portuguese nuclear falls (Frota, 2000, 2002): a fall where the low target aligns with the stressed syllable and is immediately preceded by a peak; and a fall where the high target aligns with the stressed syllable and is immediately followed by a low target. Crucially, the two contours differ with respect to the location of the peak and the fall relative to the nuclear syllable. Pragmatically, they are used to convey different meanings: a broad focus reading or a topic reading in the former case, and a narrow/contrastive focus reading in the latter case. The two contours have been respectively analyzed as H+L* and H*+L. In Figure 1 (left panel) above, the intonational difference is illustrated in a one-word utterance. In Figure 5, the two nuclear falls are shown in a multiword utterance with final nucleus.
+F0 contour of the utterance As angolanas ofereceram especiarias aos jornalistas (‘The Angolan girls offered spices to the journalists’) produced as a neutral statement (left panel) and with narrow focus on jornalistas (right panel). This audio content is available at: and (Frota, 2012). Results from semantically motivated perception tasks (context-matching identification, semantic scaling, and context-matching discrimination tasks) provided evidence for a discontinuity in the perception of the phonetic alignment continuum between an early peak fall category (H+L*) and a late peak fall category (H*+L), showing that the difference in EP nuclear falls is primarily an alignment contrast phonologically encoded in the intonation system. In other words, findings from production and perception converge in pointing to a surface difference in alignment patterns that reflects a true structural difference.
+However, further detailed instrumental study of peak alignment in nuclear falls revealed other alignment surface differences that do not affect the meaningful alignment contrast just described (Frota, 2000, 2002). These differences are depicted in Figure 6. The peak of the early peak fall (H+L*) shows later alignment (i.e., it is realized after the onset of the nuclear syllable) when the nuclear fall signals an initial topic phrase. In this case, the nuclear word is immediately preceded by an intonational phrase (IP) boundary. However, if the nuclear word is final in the IP, as in neutral statements or final multiword topic phrases, a pattern of early peak alignment is obtained instead (with the peak realized before the nuclear syllable onset). Similarly, variation in peak alignment is also found in the late peak fall (H*+L). When the narrow focused word is final in the IP and preceded by prenuclear elements (as in Figure 5, right panel), the peak aligns closer to the nuclear syllable onset. By contrast, the peak shows later alignment into the nuclear syllable if the narrow focused word initiates the IP (as in Figure 1, left panel). All these peak alignment differences are clearly context-dependent and predictable given the distribution of the nuclear falls as initial or final nuclei: late initial peak placement is triggered by a preceding prosodic edge, and early final peak placement is triggered by a following prosodic edge (see Cangemi & Grice, 2016, for discussion of a similar type of contextually determined variation and a similar understanding of how it may be dealt with in intonation transcription).
+The timing intervals from H to nuclear syllable onset (HtoS0) and L to nuclear vowel offset (LtoV1) for H+L* (in initial and final nuclear words) and H*+L (in initial and final nuclear words). Adapted from Frota (2002)..
+3.2 Peak height in nuclear falls (Gussenhoven, 2004; Liberman & Pierrehumbert, 1984). Although common, this effect has not been found in several languages. For example, peak height was found to be lower in narrow or contrastive focus accents than in broad focus accents in Dutch and Italian (Hanssen et al., 2008; Vanrell et al., 2013). In this section, I describe surface peak height differences in EP and Majorcan Catalan nuclear falls to discuss whether these phonetic differences have a contrastive nature or constitute apparent dissimilarities arising from different realizations of the same intonation category.
+3.2.1 Peak height in European Portuguese nuclear falls
+Peak height differences in EP nuclear falls have been reported (Frota, 2000, 2002): the peak in the narrow focus accent (H*+L) tends to be scaled higher than the peak in the broad focus accent (H+L*).
+An example of higher scaling of the peak is shown in Figure 7 (left panel). A comparison between Figure 7 (left panel) and Figure 5 (left panel), which illustrates the broad focus counterpart of the same utterance, would suggest that a higher peak could be a distinctive feature of the narrow focus accent. However, the narrow focus rendition of the same utterance in Figure 5 (right panel), reproduced here as the right panel in Figure 7, does not exhibit the higher or upstepped peak feature. In fact, instrumental analysis has shown that peak scaling is not a robust cue to distinguish between the broad and narrow focus accents, both within and across speakers (Frota, 2000). A similar result, with notable inter-speaker variation, has been recently reported for Catalan and Spanish (Vanrell et al., 2013). Additional evidence for the non-phonological nature of peak height variation in EP nuclear falls comes from perception. Frota et al. (2014) manipulated peak height in the declarative nuclear accent (H+L*) to match the higher peak values found in the falling nuclear accent (H+L*) in yes-no questions. They concluded that the higher peaks had no impact on the perception of declarative utterances as statements. In short, both production and perception data show that surface peak height differences in EP nuclear falls constitute apparent dissimilarities arising from different realizations of the same intonation category.
+F0 contour of the statement As angolanas ofereceram especiarias aos jornalistas (‘The Angolan girls offered spices to the journalists’) with narrow focus on jornalistas, showing a higher (upstepped) peak (left panel). The right panel reproduces the right panel from Figure 5 above, for ease of comparison. This audio content is available at: and
+3.2.2 Peak height in Majorcan Catalan nuclear falls
+Unlike in EP, in Majorcan Catalan phonetic differences in peak height in the H+L* nuclear fall have been reported to be systematically related to the distinction between information-seeking and confirmation-seeking yes-no questions (Prieto et al., 2015; Vanrell, 2011; Vanrell et al., 2012). While both types of questions are characterized by a falling nuclear pitch accent H+L*, the information-seeking question has a higher (upstepped) H tone (Figure 8, left panel) and the confirmation-seeking question a lower (non-upstepped) H tone (Figure 8, right panel). In addition to production evidence for an intonational contrast in peak height, evidence from perception shows that Majorcan Catalan listeners distinguish information- and confirmation-seeking questions on the basis of the difference in pitch scaling of the peak (Vanrell et al., 2012). These results indicate that the peak height difference in Majorcan Catalan nuclear falls is a scaling contrast phonologically encoded in the intonation system by means of two distinct pitch accents (¡H+L* and H+L*). In other words, both production and perception data support the view that peak height differences in Majorcan Catalan reflect true structural differences.
+F0 contour of the information- (left panel) and confirmation-seeking (right panel) productions of the yes-no question Teniu mandarines? (‘Do you have tangerines?’), in Majorcan Catalan. This audio content is available at: and.
+4 Discussion 1).
+Table 1 (2008), it was shown that it is possible to treat identical phonological analyses as representations of the same contour (as in the case of the calling contour L+H* !H% in Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese; Section 2.2). This is a desirable outcome for cross-language/variety comparison. In the same vein, it was shown that different phonological analyses are treated as representations of different contours (as in L+H* L% versus H*+L L%). By making our options and goals explicit—to identify the distinctive intonation categories of the target language(s)—and by using the same labels within the same framework in identical ways, that is to express intonation categories, we are taking a step towards analytic accuracy and cross-language comparability.
+Although the task of finding categories of intonation is facilitated if the target language is otherwise well-studied, it is also true that the analysis of an under-studied language may follow similar fundamental goals and approach (as shown in Arvaniti, 2016). As Jun and Fletcher (2014) observed, “one of the primary goals should be to discover what the significant categories are for the variety or language in question” (p. 506). Current knowledge of the intonation systems of various languages, as well as overview studies of prosodic typology (Gussenhoven, 2015; Hyman, 2012; Jun, 2005b, 2014b; Ladd, 2001) are still limited given the few descriptions of intonation systems available. Nevertheless, they offer valuable guidance by informing us of the types of questions we must ask and the range of possibilities of what we may expect to find when analyzing intonation systems. Among the dimensions of prosodic variation known to be relevant to intonation are, for example, the properties of word prosody (presence/absence of stress and lexical pitch), the properties of prosodic structure (the kinds of prosodic domains and prominence relations, important to establish the relevant heads and/or edges), the types of distinctive pitch events (pitch accents and edge tones, whether alignment is distinctive, whether scaling is paradigmatically contrastive), the prosodic domain for the distribution of pitch events (which determines a more dense or sparse distribution), or the constraints on tune realization (tonal string adjustments, like truncation and compression, and segmental string adjustments, like lengthening and epenthesis). Importantly, by focusing on the relation between surface and structure, we may strive to avoid what Jun and Fletcher (2014) have called “one of the pitfalls of intonational study”, namely “to assume that similar pitch patterns between two languages […] can be accounted for in exactly the same way” (p. 508).; Beckman et al., 2005; Jun & Fletcher, 2014). Finally, as argued in this article, the AM approach also offers the tools for cross-language or variety studies, given that phonological labeling based on a system-internal analysis and phonological labeling taking into account cross-language/variety comparison can be conducted in similar ways.
+5 Conclusion (Beckman et al., 2005; Gussenhoven, 2004, 2007; Ladd, 2008). Assuming this approach, the present article focused on the ways structural (phonological) pitch patterns and surface (phonetic) pitch patterns are related, and in particular with mismatches between surface pitch similarities or dissimilarities and structural similarities or dissimilarities, both within and across languages/varieties. I have argued that the relation between surface and structure is at the heart of any analysis and transcription of intonation, fostering the goal of understanding how the surface forms signal the contrastive categories of the language which relate to differences in meaning. Such analysis, in my view, needs to be conducted within each language-specific system but taking into account the systems of other languages or varieties (in particular, those known to be related to the target language for which full descriptions are available). As the case studies examined in this paper hopefully illustrated, by making our options and goals explicit (which are primarily to identify the distinctive intonation categories of the target languages) and by using the same labels within the same framework in identical ways (that is, to express intonation categories), we are taking an important step towards analytic accuracy and cross-language comparability..
+Competing Interests
+The author declares that they have no competing interests.
+Oddly enough, the letters that do make me squirm mostly have nothing to do with Rim Country. They’re generally letters written by an enthusiastic core of true believers unleashing salvos about things like gun control, creationism, the definitions of “socialist” and “religion.”
+Certainly, those all make for interesting topics. But comments on the outside world generally go to the back of the line behind observations about local events. And I hardly ever run letters from people who don’t live in Rim Country — unless they’re commenting on local events in an interesting way. I figure our letters page is like the town square, where people can gather to talk things out — maybe even vent. Both this letters page and the blog attached to our Web site feature a wonderful range of viewpoints and opinions — just the sort of thing that defines a diverse, healthy, vigorous community.
+Still, some rules would seem reasonable.
+For starters, I don’t think it contributes much to the conversation when things degenerate into name-calling. Granted, bar fights can be pretty darn entertaining. But this probably isn’t the place for it. So, we reserve the right to not run a letter that makes disagreements personal — or stoops to name-calling for the sake of getting a rise. In that case, I’ll try to send such letters back with suggestions — since it often comes down to one or two sentences. Of course, reasonable people might disagree as to what constitutes name-calling — but I guess we can hash that one out.
+I’m also inclined to think we ought to limit the back-and-forth to a couple of rounds. For instance, every time we run a letter taking any position at all on gun control — it provokes a flurry of responses. The bulk of the replies come from a small group of repeat opinionators on each side. I’m thinking that a letter and then a response (and maybe a response to the response) seems fair enough. I also figure that if we’ve got a couple of letters making the same point — we may just use the one or two from people we haven’t printed previously.
+Now, I have to admit that I sometimes get twitchy wanting to make some point in response. I yielded to the temptation recently when the amiable and determined Pete Greer wrote a letter about Creationism. I just couldn’t stop myself — and stuck an editor’s note on the end. So naturally enough, he responded to my response — and off we go. Guess I’ve got to apply my back-and-forth rule to my own self, which is irritating, but there it is. In fact, I shall restrain myself as best I can on general principles — unless an editor’s note seems necessary to correct misstated facts or answer a question posed by a letter.
+So what do you think?
+How do those rules strike you, seeing as how it’s your page?
+Or do you favor some alternate rules?
+Should we not run letters about non-local topics at all?
+Should we limit people to one letter a month?
+Should we run even the strange and bizarre tirades?
+I’m writing this in hopes you’ll take a moment to give me some feedback. Just send your thoughts to editor@payson.com. We’ll print some — but mostly I’m just trying to get a feel for what you think of how we’ve been doing in picking the letters.
+Tell me what you think. I really want to know. Honest.
+Just remember that “no name-calling” rule.
+I’m sensitive; just ask the publisher.
+Ted Paulk 9 months, 4 weeks ago
+No surprise that I'm one of the first to respond to your request. Having said that: yesterday on CNN I saw a man responding to the "study" that immigrants have lower IQ's than citizens in the USA, and will continue the trend for generations to come. This man made a comment I'd heard before that makes a lot of sense, "You are entiltiled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts". I would love to stop responding to the inflammatory letters that appear in the Roundup, and it would make my wife very happy too, but when someone states that the Prez is a Muslim, communist, socialist, Kenyan, and is trying to take all our guns, and take over the country, then compares him to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and any other villian from the past etc., etc., ad finitum, I can't help myself. I have suggested in the past to you, the editor, and the editors before you, please stop printing outright and obvious lies submitted by extremists and haters. I'm sure the usual suspects will appear quickly, posting more denigrating comments about me for speaking out...and so on it goes. Ted Paulk against
+Travis Livengood 9 months, 2 weeks ago
+Quit acting like a victim. You antagonize people and are very disrespectful. Don't like it? Then display some class and show people some respect.
+frederick franz 9 months, 4 weeks ago
+I enjoy reading the blogs in the forum. I don't mind emotional language, but dislike name calling. I believe that the limits you set are quite reasonable and fair. Keep up the good work so we can all enjoy the forums.
+Kim Chittick 9 months, 4 weeks ago
+Thank you Mr. Naughton for your thoughtful, insightful, detailed and public query.
+I shall address your questions in the order in which they were asked.
+"How do those rules strike you, seeing as how it’s your page?" For the most part, I agree with them. I don't care for name calling. It is hurtful and unproductive. One that I don't agree with is the limit of one or two responses per issue. I personally love the lively, thoughtful and passionate responses; and I truly enjoy the lengthy debates
+"Or do you favor some alternate rules?" Hmmmm, perhaps one should be required to submit a mental health evaluation prior to being permitted to post? (Ooops, sorry, a bit of levity there!!!) I am not fond of a lot of stultifying rules. Be nice. Be polite. Be respectful, and NO bullying.
+"Should we not run letters about non-local topics at all?" I REALLY do not like this one! Payson is part of a much larger world and most of us are interested in that world; and should be able to discuss world issues.
+"Should we limit people to one letter a month?" I thought that rule was in place at one time?
+"Should we run even the strange and bizarre tirades? Absolutely!!!
+In summation, if I remember correctly, at one time, there were rules in place which essentially boiled down to: Be nice. Be polite. No name calling. No cursing. Attack the issue, not the writer. You get the idea. In essence, follow the golden rule. Do unto others.
+jeff durbin 9 months, 3 weeks ago
+It seems our Editor needs to publish articles to keep people happy and sell advertisements for a dying community. The Editor no longer needs any big thoughts or fancy words, for the public education system removed that burden. Let’s not investigate deep and time consuming stories, or stories that will leave any legacy, or change lives, make differences, but continuing print the exciting news of Rim County.
+Let’s avoid any controversy about guns, creation, religion, economy or the President, for those concepts are too hard for us to comprehend and the majority likes to pretend they don’t exist. No more bad or politically incorrect terms, like calling a fetus a baby or the President a Leftist. The Editor needs a policy to avoid any subject deemed unworthy and should censor any one or any subject deemed irresponsible. Maybe the term “policy” is too weak, maybe “law” would be better.
+The Roundup is no longer a “newspaper” but a hard-printed social media production aimed at the public for intended for the ignorant, while exploiting the advertisers. I hope the Roundup’s publisher looks at the digression of the content and the loss of subscribers in evaluating this new policy. Currently, I haven’t kept one Roundup in the last ten years more than 5 minutes; half of that time is in the classifieds. There was a time when the paper was good. Good enough to hold on to and show others.
+Jeff Durbin
+Pete Greer 9 months, 3 weeks ago
+Mr. Aleshire, I am all in favor of promoting civility and respect in the letters and blogs. My main concern is a result of the back and forth mentioned in the article between myself and you. I expressed a different opinion than one stated in the editorial on SB1213 which elicited a response and, like you said, there we went. The concern is from the fact that your comments were attached to the letter I wrote while my response to the comments was delayed by up to 4 weeks until you had time to comment on my comments. I do know the tremendous responsibilities of the editor and I have done my best to be respectful of the editor's time, but in fairness, I think it would be proper to print my response in a timely fashion if your schedule prevents a quick response. It appears you are on the right track in your suggestion for some self restraint in these matters and perhaps you have arrived at that conclusion for the very reasons I have stated. On the other hand, my problem is one of space. How can I respond to the monthly evolution education we are given wrapped in articles on the petrified forest of Arizona and fishing at Bear Flats and many others (over half of the content promotes evolutionary dogma) in the small letter that we are allowed? I am thankful for the blog where I can give longer responses but I don't know the percentage of readers that go there. I would be surprised if it was 1 in 3. Is there any data on that? That is my 2 cents worth. I don't know if I helped clarify any issues but perhaps this perspective will help in the policy evaluation.
+Nancy Volz 9 months, 3 weeks ago
+My thoughts on your thoughts... Good idea about sending the "name calling" letters back to the writers. If they wish to resubmit, they can. (Do the same with the ones not based on fact, if you can. A sticky point, I know.) Many letters (and posts) seem to ramble on a bit. If you have several letters come in making the same point, why not edit them and print the comments actually pertinent to the point and run them all consecutively? You would save space for other letters and hopefully pacify the letter writers with the same point of view. Speaking to that - why don't you edit the letters you receive anyway as it your right as Editor? The back and forth - "strange and bizarre tirades" - that really is a source of constant amusement for me. Don't mind it, except that it leaves less space for other topics. If you quit running letters that pertain to national issues, how can you continue to publish op-ed cartoons on national topics, for example? By not publishing certain topics, you digress in to a form of censorship. Unless you make that a clear policy, I suppose. I would prefer you do not limit folks to one letter per month, as long as the letters follow your policy. Most people are just sick and tired of the bashing, name calling, etc. and want some actual thoughtful discourse.
+My final thought - I don't know how your Publisher feels about all of this, but, IMO, I hope he steps up also.
+robbin flowers 9 months, 2 weeks ago
+I have a few thoughts. In my business I really like PAR notes. 1.) Problem 2.) Action required to fix the problem, and 3.) Responsible Person. I love the KISS acronym. But, that is a real challenge for me personally.
+Is there any way to create a space that only high level geeks can access? The kind of geeks that love astral-physics and want to go on a adventure to slay a dragon named odorous? Kind of like a RPG for totally geeks?
+don evans 9 months, 2 weeks ago
+My 2 cents...I think your current policy guidelines for printing letters to the editor is pretty well thought out and works. I see no need to tweak anything. The letters you print for the most part, are well written by the authors. If your editorial review finds a letter to be to offensive, you don't publish it. Frankly, I enjoy some of the banter between authors of different values and ideologies on any given topic local or national. I suspect your topic question on this matter is a result of some individuals who have contacted your paper upset with published points of view they don't like or ascribe to. But their letters are just fine and should be published. LOL! When I read letters to the editor, I'm not looking for some ivory tower elitist academic discourse. I want to hear from the average Jane and John Does. My opinion is you are doing good job in providing the common man and woman letters to the editor with a balanced and fair approach. For those who do not think they are not given enough word space for a letter, using this particular "comment reply" format does not seem to have a limit? Perhaps the paper should do an article that again explains your letter policy, word limits, use of the Roundup Blog, and the use of the seemingly no word limit "Reply to Letter Comments" that we are using here now. It all works for me.
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+Iconic Vintage Lewis W. Hine Prints Lead Swann Photographs Auction
+Printed & Manuscript Americana
+AUCTION RESULTS: Previously Unknown Photo of Harriet Tubman Tops $1M Sale at Swann Galleries
+Printed & Manuscript African Americana
+Sale total: $1,248,121 with Buyer’s Premium
+Hammer total: $997,300
+Estimates for sale as a whole: $960,200 to $1,424,000
+We offered 530 lots; 421 sold (79% sell-through rate by lot)
+Top lots Prices with buyer’s premium
+75 Carte-de-visite album of 48 photographs, including two photos of Harriet Tubman, one previously unrecorded, $161,000 D
+circa 1860s.
+80* Frederick Douglass, Autograph Letter Signed to George Alfred Townsend, “A few friends in England bought $100,000 D
+me and made me a present of myself,” Washington, May 5, 1880.
+150* Benjamin Banneker's Almanac for 1795, Baltimore, 1794. $55,000 C
+306 Collection of 41 letters and a poem to Rebecca Primus, Maryland and New England, 1854-72. $45,000 I
+260 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., My Dear Fellow Clergymen, typed working draft for Letter From Birmingham Jail, $40,000 I
+April 16, 1963.
+83* Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, first edition inscribed, Boston, 1845. $37,500 D
+109 Habitation Livaudais, broadside, New Orleans, 1832. $27,500 I
+256 Collection of papers relating to the formation of the Montgomery Improvement Association, 1955-63. $18,750 I
+86 Douglass, The North Star, Vol. 1, Number 22, Rochester, July 10, 1851. $15,000 I
+95 To The Rescue! Three Fugitives About to be Arrested!, broadside, Boston, October 25, 1850. $15,000 C
+521 Victor H. Green, The Negro Motorist Green-Book for 1941, New York, 1940. $12,500 C
+303 William Bess, The Besso System of Beauty Culture, two volumes, Memphis, circa 1930s-40s. $11,875 D
+338 Amy Jacques Garvey, original manuscript for the second edition of The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus $11,875 D
+Garvey, circa 1921-25.
+325 Abby Fisher, What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking, first edition, San Francisco, 1881. $11,250 I
+239 Group of material relating to the Scottsboro Boys case, 1931-37. $11,250 D
+5 Kuduo burial jar, bronze, West Africa, circa eighteenth- to nineteenth century. $10,625 I
+481 Heroes of the Colored Race, chromolithographic posters, Cleveland, 1881. $10,625 D
+45 300 Dollars Reward, broadside, Baltimore, 1828. $10,000 I
+24 West Ford, Autograph Letter Signed to John Augustine Washington III, September 6, 1844. $9,375 I
+458 Archive of The Ink Spots, including an Autograph by Ella Fitzgerald, 1930s-60s. $9,375 I
+KEY: * = Auction Record; C = Collector; D = Dealer; I = Institution
+Swann Galleries’ $1M Sale of Printed & Manuscript
+African Americana Breaks Multiple Auction Records
+Previously Unrecorded Photograph of Harriet Tubman Reaches $161,000
+New York— On Thursday, March 30, Swann Galleries’ annual auction of Printed & Manuscript African Americana exceeded $1M for the first time in the department’s 20+ year history. The success was largely due to interest surrounding a carte-de-visite album from the 1860s that contained a previously unknown photograph of Harriet Tubman.
+The album topped the sale, selling for $161,000, above a pre-sale high estimate of $30,000. Specialist Wyatt Houston Day discovered the photograph of Tubman in the album, compiled by Quaker abolitionist Emily Howland in the 1860s. The album contains 48 photographs, including 44 cartes-de-visite of noted abolitionists, politicians and friends of Howland.
+The sale also featured “the strongest selection of Civil Rights material we’ve ever offered,” according to Mr. Day. An archive of documents relating to the formation of the Montgomery Improvement Association, including checks endorsed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., realized $18,750.
+Half of the top lots were institutional purchases, including a working draft for Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963 ($40,000) and a West African cast bronze Kuduo ritual burial jar, circa eighteenth- to nineteenth century ($10,624).
+The sale broke several long-standing records, including $7,800 for an inscribed first edition of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, 1937, which since 1992 had stood at $1,000.. An inscribed first edition of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, 1845, exceeded all expectations by selling for $37,500, above a high estimate of $4,000.
+Another record price went to Benjamin Banneker's Almanac for 1795 at $55,000, the second highest price ever paid for an American almanac at auction.
+Swann Galleries is the oldest continually operating specialist auction house in New York, and the world’s largest auctioneer of Works on Paper. This month, the house celebrated the diamond anniversary of its first sale, an auction of books and literary properties, held March 27, 1942. The Printed & Manuscript African Americana department at Swann Galleries, the only one of its kind, has been holding sales since 1996.
+The next sale of Printed & Manuscript African Americana at Swann Galleries will be held in Spring 2018. For more information, or to consign works to future auctions, contact Swann Book Department Administrator David Rivera at drivera@swanngalleries.com or (212) 254-4710 ext. 13.
+Attached images are:
+Carte-de-visite album of 48 photographs, including two photos of Harriet Tubman, one previously unrecorded, circa 1860s. Sold March 30, 2017 for $161,000. (Pre-sale estimate: $20,000 to $30,000.)
+Frederick Douglass, Autograph Letter Signed to George Alfred Townsend, “A few friends in England bought me and made me a present of myself,” Washington, May 5, 1880. Sold March 30, 2017 for $100,000. (Pre-sale estimate: $40,000 to $60,000.)
+Printed & Manuscript African Americana
+African Americana
+L.A. Assemblage Artists Featured in Swann African-American Fine Art Auction
+L.A. Assemblage Artists Featured
+in Swann African-American Fine Art Auction
+New York— On Thursday, April 6, Swann Galleries will hold an auction of African-American Fine Art, featuring originals and multiples from the last 200 years.
+The highlight of the sale is an outstanding selection of paintings and collage by the assemblage artists working in Los Angeles in the 1960s and ‘70s. David Hammons leads the sale with a large 1976 untitled double body print collage, estimated at $200,000 to $300,000. Timothy Washington, represented here by his 1970 assemblage Raw Truth ($15,000 to $25,000), is joined by sculptural pieces by John Outterbridge and Noah Purifoy.
+The sale will feature artworks from the estate of Miriam Matthews, the first professionally-trained African-American librarian in California and an avid proponent of Black history and art. Offerings from Matthews’s California-focused collection include fine sculptures by Richmond Barthé, Priscilla “P’lla” Mills, John T. Riddle, Jr. and Beulah Woodard, as well as prints and drawings by female artists Marion Epting, Suzanne Jackson, Yvonne Cole Meo and Betye Saar.
+A cornerstone of African-American Fine Art auctions at Swann is a strong section of Abstract Expressionist paintings with a special focus on works by Norman Lewis. An untitled 1947-48 oil painting, with a personal holiday inscription by Lewis, is valued at $80,000 to $120,000, while the ochre-toned Untitled (Urban Composition), 1946, is expected to sell between $75,000 and $100,000. A rare early example of Lewis’s first experimentations with abstraction, Untitled (Figurative Abstraction), 1946, and the later oil on paper Untitled (Circle Composition), 1964, each carry an estimate of $25,000 to $35,000.
+A spectrum of works by Sam Gilliam begins with one of his earliest works ever to come to auction: Think So, 1967, is expected to sell between $20,000 and $30,000. A fine example of the artist’s 1982 “D” paintings, Muse #1, marks a heightened physicality in his abstraction; it is valued at $50,000 to $75,000. Gilliam’s ethereal 1968 canvas Mess of Greens is one of the earliest examples of his use of a beveled-edge stretcher; the canvas is stained and folded, creating a slight transparency that encourages the viewer to question the work’s relationship with the wall ($35,000 to $50,000).
+Fine examples of geometric abstraction by Alvin D. Loving, Jr. are led by a monumental untitled diptych, 1968, valued at $80,000 to $120,000. Loving is also represented by works on a more intimate scale, including Untitled (Geometric Composition), 1968, and the 1970 colored pencil Sketch for Wall ($8,000 to $12,000 and $3,000 to $5,000, respectively). Abstraction continues with Morning Light, 1974, a bright canvas by Frank Bowling, expected to sell between $60,000 and $90,000.
+The earliest material in the sale is an 1863 oil on canvas riverscape by Robert S. Duncanson ($50,000 to $75,000). Early twentieth century highlights include James VanDerZee’s Eighteen Photographs portfolio of silver prints, 1905-28 and Sargent Johnson’s sublime painted copper mask Untitled (Negro Mother), 1935-36, only the second of its kind to come to auction ($40,000 to $60,000 and $80,000 to $120,000, respectively).
+A newly discovered oil painting by Walter Williams will be crossing the block for the first time: Untitled (Boy on a Porch), circa 1965, is the largest work from the artist’s Southern Landscape series to come to auction. It is expected to sell for $35,000 to $50,000.
+A cast bronze sculpture by Elizabeth Catlett, Rebozo IV, 1965 ($12,000 to $18,000), makes a rare appearance, along with the 1975 color linoleum cut, There is a woman in every color, valued at $3,000 to $5,000. Five watercolors by Alma W. Thomas from a private collection are each valued at $6,000 to $9,000, while her homage to Pearl Bailey as the titular character in Hello Dolly, 1967, is expected to fetch $12,000 to $18,000.
+An important early painting from Hughie Lee-Smith’s Detroit period—Untitled (Cityscape), 1954 ($60,000 to $90,000)—is joined by two of the artist’s later works. Counterpoise, 1988, is expected to sell between $15,000 and $25,000, while the striking 1995 oil painting Silhouette, is valued at $60,000 to $90,000.
+Contemporary works include Boo Hoo, a 2000 linoleum cut by Kara Walker ($5,000 to $7,000) and Faith Ringgold’s 2007 portfolio of eight color screenprints, Letter From Birmingham City Jail, here valued at $5,000 to $7,000. Also available are recent works by Columbus Knox, James Little and Carrie Mae Weems.
+The auction will be held Thursday, April 6, beginning at 2:30 p.m. The auction preview will be open to the public Saturday, April 1 from noon to 5 p.m.; Monday, April 3 through Wednesday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Thursday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to noon.
+An illustrated auction catalogue is available for $35 at.
+For further information or to make advance arrangements to bid by telephone during the auction, please contact Nigel Freeman at 212-254-4710, extension 33 or nfreeman@swanngalleries.com.
+Attached images are:
+Sargent Johnson, Untitled (Negro Mother), copper with paint, 1935-36. Estimate $80,000 to $120,000.
+David Hammons, Untitled (Double Body Print Collage), pigment, ink and paper collage, 1976. Estimate $200,000 to $300,000.
+Complete Auction Catalogue
+Swann Auction Galleries: Upcoming Photographs Sale
+Image Courtesy of Swann Auction Galleries
+From Edgar Allan Poe to NASA, Swann Galleries’
+Winter Photographs Sale Offers Historic Images
+New York— On Thursday, February 14, Swann Galleries will offer Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, with spectacular examples of the medium representing a range of styles and technological advances, from mid-nineteenth century portraiture to contemporary photocollages.
+The sale is led by a selection of 50 plates from Eadweard Muybridge’s groundbreaking series, Animal Locomotion, 1887. This collection of motion studies largely features the human form, as well as a menagerie of exotic animals. This precursor to film is estimated to sell between $30,000 and $45,000.
+Among early photographs is a sixth-plate tintype of Edgar Allan Poe, after the “Traylor” daguerreotype, taken in 1849 just three weeks before the author’s death. The original daguerreotype was damaged and then lost; this rare tintype is expected to fetch between $10,000 and $15,000. Further highlights include an albumen print of General George A. Custer, taken in 1872 by J.A. Scholten ($4,000 to $6,000); a portrait of Walt Whitman in Brooklyn, attributed to painter Thomas Eakins in 1887, valued at $4,000 to $6,000; and a selection of stunning landscapes by Carleton E. Watkins and silver print microphotographs of snowflakes by Wilson A. Bentley.
+Early East Indies Trade Maps Go Far
+Trade Maps Go Far.
+Lot 22 Manuscript orderly book of Captain John Schenck, detailing New York's defenses in the first year of the Revolution, including passwords and countersigns, 1776. Sold November 17, 2016 for $40,000. (Pre-sale estimate: $6,000 to $9,000)
+American Political Signatures Steal the Show
+Steal the Show_8<<
+Travel Posters Take Off: Ten Record Prices Achieved
+Ten Record Prices Achieved
+Printed & Manuscript Americana
+Manuscript Americana
+Rare and Important Travel Posters
+104 East 25th St.
+New York, NY 10010
+Just in from Swann Auction Galleries..a Record Setting Auction
+Image courtesy of Swann Auction Galleries
+New Auction Records for Bannister, Jarrell, Knox
+in Oct 6 African-American Fine Art Auction
+New York—Swann Auction Galleries held their sale of African-American Fine Art on Thursday, October 6. The room was packed for the duration of the sale, as private collectors, dealers and institutions competed over the phone, online and on the floor for rare works by traditionally underrecognized artists. The $2.1 million auction set eight new artist records and tied one of Swann Galleries’ previous records.
+Many works eclipsed their high estimates to applause in the room, including Wadsworth Jarrell’s Untitled (African Rhythm, Our Heritage), 1973, which more than doubled its high estimate at $97,500*, an auction record for the artist. The work was won by an institution after fierce bidding.
+Space Weather News reports this Tuesday, Feb. 28, an eruption of light over Finland [see above image] taken by Aaro Kukkohovi as the Earth’s interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south and opened a CRACK in Earth’s magnetosphere. The solar wind poured in and fueled a G-1 class geomagnetic storm. This was a high altitude event. Still on-going Space Weather 24hr forecast: Kp=5 STORM……
+[L.A. Marzulli Newsletter]
+L.A. Marzulli has an excellent monthly newsletter [image above] which I read each month with zeal…! Marzulli’s newsletter is full of timely, incredible events, news, data, & photos! You can check his website or sign up for the newsletter and see the many books, watcher DVDs, etc posted there! By the way, L.A. is working on series 4 of the Watcher DVD series and on his way to New Orleans today for filming….! I talked with L.A. Marzulli yesterday and never a dull-talk with L.A., however; possibly 1 or more very incredible photos by me [Larry Taylor] dealing with natural/spiritual X [unknowns] in our space time may appear in the next newsletter issue….????
+[L.A. Marzulli Blog Image]
+L.A. Marzulli has posted this Tuesday, Feb. 28 ~ new blog [see image above] entitled: THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION ……commentary & analysis by L.A. Marzulli, and check out the days NEWS listed by L.A. ………………………………….
+FOX NEWS and other news sources reporting: “Israel Won’t Warn U.S. of a Strike on Iran?” ~ Israel says it wouldn’t give warning if it targeted Iran to prevent U.S. from being blamed for not stopping the attack…. ……………….
+[Lion of Babylon, Davis Bunn]
+I am currently reading novel by an author that I hadn’t read from before named DAVIS BUNN ~ website and the novel is entitled: LION OF BABYLON [image above] which is “thrilling extreme” in the Middle East with embedded spiritual nuggets re: behind the scenes move by the invisible Holy Spirit in this alien environment like the WIND blowing and moving the dust of the Earth…………………….! {wording review my words, Larry Taylor}
+Well, time to go for now ~ keeping an eye on the Middle East, Earthquake activity over the planet & everything you can imagine…..! Haven’t posted on Yahoo Group yet, Lot’s to do!
+Thanks for listening,
+Larry W. Taylor
+Larry’s Blog
+Great blog . Book looks interesting….
+Thank you for your time …..
+Darnette ~~~~ Come on home, powers back on!
+Larry Taylor
+You’ve outdone yourself on this one, Larry! Thanks so much. So much going on it’s dizzying.
+I hope you will be on thebyteshow again. You haven’t been on for quite a while. Seems to me Gerogeann’s listener’s need to hear what you have to say. Would also LOVE to hear you and LA Marzulli on blogtalk radio. Who knows how much longer these show will be available?! There is a spiritual heaviness in the air so thick all but the “dumbest among us” are feeling it. Looking forward to your next Stewart Best update.
+Dolores ~~~~~ This Thursday AM lost all electricity and finally had to get generator
+going to post on Yahoo Group. Last this evening elec. came back on. What happened?
+Well, DEYO’s reporting cyber-attack from China today {not on mainstreet news} so the
+power grid down here may have failed. Power out about 6 hours….! shalom,
+Larry Taylor
+Great blog again! Your thoroughness and diligence are amazing….Marzulli too! ….and Deyo….and Quayle and Hawk and GeorgeAnn and Rozz and…….Oh, there are lots of great Watchmen out there but ya all seem to know and stay in touch with each other so I guess that any of the rest who will no doubt read this deserve thanks as well…..but Larry is a rock and sends me daily email so I can easily post my gratitude here!
+Elaine ~~~~~~ I always try to be there, but soooooooo much seems to work against
+me…However, I do try and seem to produce!!!! I really say KUDOS to L.A. Marzulli.
+He’s like the energizer-bunny, just keeps on going. In New Orleans again today…!
+I’m sitting on a mountain in Oklahoma with a generator humming outside still trying
+to be civilized…….HA! Thanks!
+Larry Taylor
+Did you ever read or watch Steven King’s The Stand? Remember the old lady who was the good one that everyone kinda gravitated toward? Just like that, you are a comfort to think about there on your mountain…..sitting away from the madness yet connecting with us all through prayer and all of your work! In fact, should I find myself on the road on foot or on a bus heading for the prison camps…..It would be a comfort to imagine a dear intercessor sitting on a porch petting a critter and praying for us out in the crazy world.
+Elaine ~~~~~ Yes, THE STAND………..The old woman also said,” Rats in the
+Cornfield, RUN !!!!!” Interesting book & DVD movie…Stephen King!
+Larry Taylor
+Yes, the daily email has been great.
+My ole’ friend Mariel ~~~~ bless your heart! I really want to say shalom [peace] to
+you today……….and the hebrew word shalom means PEACE in every way that’s
+possible !!!!!
+Larry Taylor
+29-FEB-2012 05:10:42 32.47 47.07 4.8 10.1 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
+28-FEB-2012 23:18:51 32.49 47.12 5.2 10.2 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
+27-FEB-2012 18:48:58 31.47 56.78 5.0 36.4 NORTHERN IRAN
+Funny how this area of the earth is having all these earthquakes..and this is just the last few days. Gives one something to wonder about
+Peace Larry
+I’m sure you have read this, but, just in case.
+Can’t get my head around the fact that the time is Now, not coming, but Now. Have you ever wondered, why us, why are we not asleep, why are our eyes open . How did we get to be in this fortunate group that knows our God!!
+Why Us??
+This was on:
+Are you ready to have your RFID Chip Implanted? 3/23/2013 is your date!
+By Fred Brownbill on February 14, 2012in Constitution Legal Watch. polidics.com/news/another-hidden-secret-in-obamacare-rfid-chip-implants.html
+On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday.
+Gail! I know what you mean about being born here and now…..I feel like the Lord has a lot more confidence in me than I have in myself!!!! So, just have to trust Him and He will guide us to our purpose. I know that I kinda feel like it is all Him and I watch some of the things that I do or experience like I am almost an observer and have to say, “Wow! How great Thou art……look what He used my hands or mouth to do!”
+Elaine ~~~~ As I was reading more in Lion of Babylon by Davis Bunn, last night and listening to the WIND howling outside ~ felt the Lord share this WORD with me! Maybe it’s for others too…! WORD: “When this ‘something’ everyone is feeling comes to fruit ~ YOU have just left your comfort zone……..What will you do? Whom will you serve?” this was Feb.28, shalom,
+Larry Taylor
+Oh….so true! I have found myself thinking about everything from that “when it really starts” attitude….for instance: Cleaning old stuff out of the refrigerator……I feel such guilt if I waste something and now think twice….is it really bad or just stale and less appetizing….will I think of this wilted and browning vegetable when I cannot get fresh raw veggies for my family?
+Or, will I think back to this day when I said nothing when this person I am with now is suffering or lost? (That one really helps to get the gumption to witness!)
+Or how will I regret wasting this battery to play with a gizmo when there are no more to be found to find my way in the dark?
+P.S. I have started putting iffy food refuse into compost or in a separate paper bag so it is easier for critters to find at the dump….saying a prayer each time, “Lord, if this is going to be nutrition for a critter that I might need to hunt and eat someday….please let it be a raccoon and not a rat!”
+As I read Larry’s word Jehovah said read Isa 42:14-16 and most important 16
+Isaiah 42:16
+American Standard Version (ASV)
+16 And I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; in paths that they know not will I lead them; I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things will I do, and I will not forsake them.
+Well after I looked it up I went to Biblegate way to cut and paste Isa 42:16, as it is easyer than typing it out.. Well here was the quote of the day
+“[A Song of Ascents.]In my distress I cried unto Jehovah, And he answered me.” Psalm 120:1 ASV
+Larry, I don’t know why But it feels that what he showed me was for you..
+I have no idea what is going on here but I’m going to hit “post comment” anyway.
+ps I got kicked of this site twice while trying to type this..
+Love and peace
+OK This is starting to freak me out. I was thinging about what I just posted and Jehovah said clearly go back and tell Larry ” it has started and you would know what this means” Sorry but I have no idea what this is about but it feels very real?????
+Again feeling I don’t want to post this but I have too.
+Love me
+Gail ~~~~~ Interesting indeed, I’m posting news to Yahoo Group right now but will look further into this today. We live in the ‘freak zone’ America of confusion…! Thanks for
+your reply & work, +being obedient…..!
+Larry Taylor
+Valiant Dream · Horse Profile
+Valiant Dream · Career Stats
+Earnings $129k
+Avg Odds 5.2
+6 1-0-1
+7 1-0-1
+Last 10
+7 1-0-1
+12 Mnths
+1000M - 1000M
+Win Range
+2 0-0-0
+1st Up
+2 1-0-0
+2nd Up
+7 1-0-1
+0 0-0-0
+0 0-0-0
+7 1-0-1
+0 0-0-0
+0 0-0-0
+Valiant Dream Career Summary
+Valiant Dream is a 4yo b gelding (male) from Australia trained by K W Lui, who is based at . He is sired by the stallion Magnus out of the dam Captivating Lady.
+Valiant Dream has managed to win 1 race in his career so far. On 14th Apr 2019 at Sha Tin, Valiant Dream scored his most significant win to date, getting the money in the $920000 Crystal Hcp (c4).
+Valiant Dream has managed to win 1 race in his career so far. On 14th Apr 2019 at Sha Tin, Valiant Dream scored his most significant win to date, getting the money in the $920000 Crystal Hcp (c4).
+- UPL
+of 14
+- Sha Tin 23-Nov-19 1000m GOOD R3 (of $967,000) Barrier 8
+- 1st Lucky More (Z Purton 58) 2nd Trust Me (M Poon 53.5) 3rd War Of Courage (C Schofield 56.5) UPL Valiant Dream (B Shinn 60.5, Cd 0)
+See full results
+- 6
+of 11
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 12-Nov-19 1050m GOOD R2 Btria Barrier 6, Winning Time: 1:01.010, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:22.60
+- 1st Star Luck (A Chan 0) 2nd Sparkling Dolphin (C Y Ho 0) 3.80L 3rd Aurora Steed (J Moreira 0) 5.80L 6th Valiant Dream (B Shinn 0) 8.30L
+- Freshened 34d
+- 13
+of 14
+- Sha Tin 20-Oct-19 1200m GOOD R7 Cls 3 (of $1,450,000) Barrier 11, Winning Time: 1:08.810, SP: 18.00 In-running: Settled 2nd, 400m 2nd Sectionals: 400m 0:22.24
+- 1st Aerohappiness (J Moreira 60.5) 2nd Mr Croissant (Z Purton 60.5) 0.80L 3rd Lone Eagle (B Shinn 60) 0.90L 13th Valiant Dream (J Wong 50) 4.80L
+See full results
+- 4
+of 13
+- Sha Tin 21-Sep-19 1000m GOOD R6 Cls 3 $87,000 (of $1,450,000) Barrier 2, Winning Time: 0:56.530, SP: 4.00 In-running: Settled 1st, 400m 3rd Sectionals: 400m 0:22.77
+- 1st Massive Pocket (C Y Ho 53.5) 2nd Goko (H T Mo 54) 1.30L 3rd Star Luck (A K Chan 51.5) 1.40L 4th Valiant Dream (J Wong 52) 2.00L
+See full results
+- 2
+of 11
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 06-Sep-19 1200m SOFT R4 Btria Barrier 10, Winning Time: 1:11.660, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:24.00
+- 1st Diamond Rhyme (K C Leung 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 2.30L 3rd Jazz Steed (Z Purton 0) 3.60L
+- Spell 87d
+- 8
+of 12
+- Happy Valley 26-Jun-19 1200m GOOD R5 Cls 3 (of $1,380,000) Barrier 7, Winning Time: 1:09.600, SP: 2.30 In-running: Settled 2nd, 400m 3rd Sectionals: 400m 0:23.46
+- 1st Most Beautiful (G V Niekerk 56.5) 2nd Jenerator (T H So 51.5) 0.50L 3rd Planet Star (M F Poon 56.5) 0.60L 8th Valiant Dream (J Wong 50.5) 2.90L
+See full results
+- Freshened 39d
+- 3
+of 14
+- Sha Tin 18-May-19 1000m GOOD R2 Cls 4 $105,800 (of $920,000) Barrier 13, Winning Time: 0:55.280, SP: 1.50 In-running: Settled 2nd, 400m 2nd Sectionals: 400m 0:21.66
+- 1st Marvelous World (Z Purton 56) 2nd Super Junior (A K Chan 53.5) 0.30L 3rd Valiant Dream (J Wong 58) 0.60L
+See full results
+- 4
+of 7
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 03-May-19 1200m SOFT R1 Btria Barrier 1, Winning Time: 1:12.670, SP: 0
+- 1st Lean Perfection (G V Niekerk 0) 2nd I Do (K C Leung 0) 0.50L 3rd Limitless (N Callan 0) 1.80L 4th Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 2.80L
+- Freshened 34d
+- 1
+of 14
+- Sha Tin 14-Apr-19 1000m GOOD R3 Cls 4 $524,400 (of $920,000) Barrier 11, Winning Time: 0:56.210, SP: 5.20 In-running: Settled 3rd, 400m 5th Sectionals: 400m 0:22.92
+- 1st Valiant Dream (J Wong 56) 2nd Aquila (K Teetan 57.5) 1.50L 3rd Marvelous World (Z Purton 57.5) 3.00L
+See full results
+- 2
+of 7
+- TRIAL Happy Valley 06-Apr-19 1000m GOOD R7 Btria Barrier 4, Winning Time: 0:59.470, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:23.10
+- 1st Hainan Star (Z Purton 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 0.30L 3rd Jumbo Prize (C Y Ho 0) 1.60L
+- 7
+of 14
+- Sha Tin 17-Mar-19 1200m GOOD R3 Cls 4 (of $920,000) Barrier 8, Winning Time: 1:09.790, SP: 40.00 In-running: Settled 2nd, 400m 2nd Sectionals: 400m 0:23.14
+- 1st Charizard (R Moore 59) 2nd Meridian Genius (S D Sousa 58) 0.10L 3rd Diamond Brilliant (R Bayliss 56.5) 0.90L 7th Valiant Dream (J Wong 55) 3.10L
+See full results
+- 7
+of 8
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 05-Mar-19 1200m SOFT R10 Btria Barrier 1, Winning Time: 1:09.890, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:22.80
+- 1st Solar Patch (A Sanna 0) 2nd Tornado Twist (J Moreira 0) 3.50L 3rd Encouraging (M F Poon 0) 4.00L 7th Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 7.50L
+- 2
+of 10
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 19-Feb-19 1000m GOOD R1 Btria Barrier 7, Winning Time: 0:58.980, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:23.40
+- 1st Victory In Hand (U Rispoli 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 0.10L 3rd Beauty Charisma (Z Purton 0) 1.60L
+- 2
+of 10
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 12-Feb-19 1200m GOOD R8 Btria Barrier 8, Winning Time: 1:11.490, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:23.70
+- 1st Deal Maker (M Chadwick 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 0.50L 3rd Lucky Win Win (M L Yeung 0) 0.90L
+- 2
+of 9
+- TRIAL Sha Tin 22-Jan-19 800m GOOD R6 Btria Barrier 5, Winning Time: 0:46.790, SP: 0 Sectionals: 400m 0:22.40
+- 1st Telecom Rocket (M L Yeung 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (J Wong 0) 1.30L 3rd Dragon Legend (S D Sousa 0) 2.80L
+- 1
+of 7
+- TRIAL Warwick Farm 15-Feb-18 799m GOOD R11 Btria Barrier 1, Winning Time: 0:47.300, SP: 0 Sectionals: 600m 0:34.10
+- 1st Valiant Dream (R Dolan 0) 2nd Knight's Helmet (J V Overmeire 0) 1.00L 3rd Dragon Bolt (B Avdulla 0) 2.30L
+- 2
+of 5
+- TRIAL Warwick Farm 06-Nov-17 740m SYNTHETIC R10 Btria Barrier 2, Winning Time: 0:44.400, SP: 0
+- 1st Paquirri (C Reith 0) 2nd Valiant Dream (R Dolan 0) 0.50L 3rd Capitulate (S Pollard 0) 0.60L
+The Justice and Security Bill aims inter alia to ‘provide for closed material procedure in relation to certain civil proceedings [and] to prevent the making of certain court orders for the disclosure of sensitive information’. The Bill was introduced into the House of Lords on May 28, 2012 and can be read here. Angela Patrick of Justice has already made sharp and insightful criticism of the Bill on the UK Human Rights Blog which I thoroughly commend to readers of this blog.
+For those unfamiliar with this area of law, a Closed Material Procedure (CMP) works in the following way. Usually, subject to exceptions in the common law of Public Interest Immunity (PII), ordinary civil litigations proceed upon the assumption that all relevant information will be disclosed to all parties to the litigation and their legal counsel, and that judgements are pronounced publically in open court. This allows clients to fully instruct their counsel, and the general public to see that justice is being done. In statutory proceedings where a CMP is used, the picture is very different. Courts seized of a CMP conduct both ‘open’ and ‘closed proceedings’ using ‘open’ and ‘closed’ material (evidence), and in turn ‘open’ and ‘closed’ judgments are rendered. During the ‘open’ sessions a claimant can instruct his legal team fully on the ‘open’ material which is disclosed to him. However, the client’s legal counsel cannot see the ‘closed’ material. This material can only be seen by a government appointed, security cleared (i.e. developed vetted) Special Advocate. The Special Advocate, unlike an ordinary legal counsel, does not have a duty towards his client; his duty is only to the court. The Special Advocate can take instructions from his client before he has seen the ‘closed’ material, but can no longer communicate (save at the rarely exercised discretion of the court) once he has seen the ‘closed’ material. This presents severe practical barriers for affected persons who wish to contest the content of the closed material.
+A CMP, as envisioned in the Bill, is an alternative to the common law doctrine of Public Interest Immunity (PII), although the Bill does claim to preserve the law of PII. A PII procedure allows a Minister to issue a certificate claiming that information cannot be disclosed in judicial proceedings because it would damage the public interest for reasons of inter alia national security. The certificate, along with the information on which it is based is then tested by a judge. Clause 11(5)(b) seeks to preserve ‘the common law rules as to the withholding, on grounds of public interest immunity, of any material in any proceedings.’ However, it should be noted that if the British Government previously claimed that the litigations which prompted the Justice and Security Bill, i.e. those of Binyam Mohamed and Bishar Al-Rawi et al, who alleged that the British Government were complicit in their extraordinary rendition and torture, would have been impossible to conduct according to the principles of PII because of the volume of documents (some 250,000) involved. To date no justification has been offered that points to a CMP being a more expeditious manner of dealing with alleged security sensitive material.
+Moreover, on March 27, 2012 David Davis MP (Con, Howden) expressed concerns that the then forthcoming Justice and Security Bill might be used to cover up ‘embarrassing’ mistakes made by the British intelligence services MI5, MI6, and GCHQ. In the course of his address to the House of Commons Mr Davis recalled an incident prior to the 9/11 attacks that ‘would very likely have yielded advance information about the 9/11 attack in New York.’ Mr Davis went on to explain that ‘[the] operation was delayed by what can only be described as a turf war between American intelligence agencies, and as a result the intelligence opportunity was lost.’ The information provided to the House by Mr Davis is dramatic, and merits reading. Mr Davis recalled how the US Authorities had used their own ‘State Secrets Privilege’ to prevent the information reaching open court, and expressed concern that the Justice and Security Green Paper, and any future Bill might be ‘misused in a similar way to cover up illegal acts and embarrassments, rather than to protect national security’. The US State Secrets Privilege allows US courts to effectively ‘shut down’ litigation and prevent it from continuing in any way, shape or form, if that court is satisfied state secrets are at risk.
+Despite calls for the replication of a US-style state secrets privilege clause in the Justice and Security Bill from the Intelligence and Security Committee, no such clause appears in the Bill, and there has been a welcome increase in judicial control on some aspects of instituting Closed Material Proceedings (CMPs) compared with the original Green Paper proposals. However, several aspects of the Bill still run contrary to the rule of law and should be a cause for serious concern among parliamentarians and the public, generally.
+Clause 6(1) of the Bill would allow the Secretary of State to apply to any court seized of civil proceedings to institute a Closed Material Procedure (CMP). The relevant courts in the Bill are the High Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Court of Session (Scotland). If the court considers that said proceedings are ‘relevant proceedings’, i.e. that they could result in the release of information that ‘would be damaging to the interests of national security’ [Clause 6(2)(b)], ‘if that information held by the Secretary of State or a third party would be released to another party then the court must grant a declaration in favour of instituting a CMP. The Court must consider the application for such a declaration in the absence of all of the parties and their legal representation i.e. entirely in secret [Clause 7(1)(b)]. Clause 7 of the Bill is a skeleton provision for future ‘section 6 proceedings’, meaning that much of the rules regarding the operation of these declaration proceedings will be thrashed out in secondary legislation. However, the Bill does currently state that the court must only ‘consider requiring’ the party in possession of the security sensitive material to furnish the other parties with a summary, provided that summary does not disclose sensitive information [Clause 7(1)(c)-(e)]. The absence of even a summary being provided to the other party in civil proceedings would create a fundamental inequality of arms between the parties contrary to the principles of natural justice.
+Clause 7(1) also has clear human rights – specifically procedural fairness – implications. The government has already made a section 19(1)(a) declaration that the Bill is compatible with the Human Rights Act 1998 (made by Lord Wallace of Tankerness) and Clause 11(5)(c) mandates that nothing in Clauses 6 through 10 is ‘to be read as requiring a court or tribunal to act in a manner inconsistent with Article 6 of the Human Rights Convention.’ The concern is that this might yet be a hollow protection for litigants in civil proceedings. Closed Material Proceedings have been deemed to be compatible with Article 6 ECHR by the UK Courts, but the amount of disclosure required in civil litigations of the type envisaged by the Bill remains moot. Essentially, both the UK and the European courts are developing a jurisprudence which suggests that the amount of disclosure required to an affected person in litigation involving national security depends upon the subject matter of the activity impugned, and the interest of the affected person which has allegedly been infringed. In national security cases, the European Court of Human Rights has already drawn a distinction between two situations in which Article 6 applies to national security activity, leaving civil proceedings for damages in uncharted terrain between two outposts.
+Where personal liberty is at stake under Article 5(4), the ECtHR ruled in A v United Kingdom that the Convention requires enhanced disclosure of the ‘gist’ of the security sensitive information against an applicant so as to allow an effective challenge to the case against him. The UK House of Lords adopted this ruling with respect to Article 6(1) ECHR in Home Secretary v AF (No. 3) which concerned disclosure in control order proceedings. By contrast, in Kennedy v United Kingdom and Home Office v Tariq the ECtHR and the UK Supreme Court respectively concluded that the activities of covert surveillance and security vetting were both of a different nature from control orders and did not create sufficiently grave infringements of rights so as to attract the protections of the enhanced disclosure requirements of A v United Kingdom. In Tariq Lord Dyson opined on behalf of the majority that ‘[on] any view, discrimination is a less grave invasion of a person’s rights than the deprivation of the right to liberty.’ In the majority view only the infringement of the physical liberty of the subject, for example, by the imposition of a control order or actual detention will attract the protection of the ratio in Home Secretary v AF (No. 3). Potentially, then, the worst consequence of construing ‘A-type disclosure’ in terms of requiring a ‘liberty interest’ in the manner adopted by the majority in Tariq would be that ‘A-type disclosure’ might not be available in future tort actions subject to a statutory CMP. However, it is hoped that where the complaint involves alleged active participation in or complicity in torture in breach of Article 3 ECHR or other international instruments then ‘A-type disclosure’ will be insisted upon by the courts.
+Clause 13 headed ‘Norwich Pharmacal and Similar Jurisdictions’ also raises serious concern about the transparency and accountability of the intelligence services under the Bill. A Norwich Pharmacal claim is a principle of disclosure in civil proceedings whereby A seeks disclosure from B of information held (innocently or knowingly) which relates to a wrongdoing against A by another party ‘C’ and A seeks disclosure from B in connection with proceedings by A against C.
+In its present form Clause 13 aims to override the court’s Norwich Pharmacal jurisdiction at common law where the information sought to be disclosed is ‘sensitive information’ [Clause 13(2)]. Clause 13(3) defines ‘sensitive information’ in an extraordinarily broad manner to include any information held by or on behalf of an intelligence service (whether domestic, or foreign intelligence services), relating to an intelligence service, or specified or described in a certificate issued by the Secretary of State, as information which B should not be ordered to disclose. In other words, the information sought to be disclosed need not be sensitive, it may be entirely routine, yet disclosure would be prohibited under this Bill. This runs contrary to the parallel principle of Public Interest Immunity law expounded in Conway v Rimmer which states that ‘class claims’ for exclusion of information on public interest cannot be made, and that a judge must make a decision on the content of each individual piece of information. Although there is no direct overlap between the law of PII and the proposed non-disclosure rules in Clause 13, its passage into law would effectively mean that any information of any kind held by, for example, the Secretary of State relating to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on the use of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ could not be disclosed to A. In this sense, Clause 13 is the antithesis of the rule in Conway v Rimmer.
+Moreover, Clause 13(5) defines disclosure of such information as ‘contrary to the public interest’ not only as causing damage to ‘national security’ but adds the significantly broader and more malleable category of causing damage ‘to the interests of the international relations of the United Kingdom.’ Clause 14(3) allows for applications to have a Clause 13 certificate to be set aside and permits ‘the relevant court must apply the principles which would be applied in judicial review proceedings’. This leaves the question of intensity of judicial review in the hands of the courts. This is a common legislative practice in national security statutes but it remains to be seen, if the Bill becomes law in its present form, whether review shall be intensive or deferential.
+Finally, Clause 13(2) appears to be an attempt to ‘oust’ the residual jurisdiction to order disclosure under the common law principles of procedural fairness. However, no such similar ‘ouster clause’ appears with respect to Clause 6, or proposed ‘section 6 proceedings’. Clause 9 provides that ‘Subject to sections 7, 8 and 10, rules of court relating to section 6 proceedings must secure that the rules of disclosure otherwise applicable to those proceedings continue to apply in relation to the disclosure of material by a relevant person.’ It remains to be seen, then, whether the courts will infer enhanced disclosure from rights inherent in the common law, or decide that, if the Bill passes into law in its present form, such a jurisdiction has been ousted by parliamentary intention.
+If the Justice and Security Bill passes through parliament un-amended the consequences for open justice will be devastating and the prospects of holding government to account over allegations concerning the activities of the security and secret intelligence services will be severely diminished. Parliament must push the Government to take seriously the concerns expressed by the Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Special Advocates, and require Government to publicly explain the necessity of this unprecedented departure, not only to alleviate the concerns expressed by David Davis MP, but also to justify any departure from the fundamental principles of open justice and accountability proposed by the Bill in its current form.
+Hayley Hooper is Lecturer at Trinity College, Oxford
+Retro Action DC Superheroes
+Lex Luthor
+8 Inch Scale
+By: Mattel
+Beginning in 1972, Mego pronounced Mee-Go (Not like Lego), began to transform the world of licensed toys with their World’s Greatest Superheroes toy line. Legend has it that they decided to put their old Action Jackson surplus of bodies into super costumed heroes of lore. Fascinatingly, it was MEGO who came up with the name World’s Greatest Superhero. They later gave up the term to both Marvel & DC to continue their licensing. Mego at the time sold figures of both DC and Marvel characters, as luck would have it Mego pumped out heroes and villains for both companies for many years and they all shared the same style and scale.
+Of that vintage line, only a handful of villains were produced. On the Marvel side, only two Spider-man villains made the cut, Green Goblin and the Lizard. Both were prominent in the 1970′s and make sense as core villains for the Marvel comics who were still somewhat finding their footing. On the DC side, mostly Batman villains were produced. That’s largely because the 1960′s Batman TV show was still in reruns and quite popular. This meant that Joker, Penguin, Riddler and Catwoman all got a release. DC also got a Superman villain… But for reasons that still remain unclear, Mr. Mxyzptlk received the figure. The belief is that Mxyzptlk was more “colorful” than Luthor and therefor received a toy, but whatever the reason, Lex Luthor seemed like a heinous omission from the DC toy line. In 2010 when Mattel started to make their Retro Action Mego-esque nostalgia line, Luthor was one of the first announced.
+Alexander Joseph “Lex” Luthor is a fictional character, a supervillain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. He is the archenemy of Superman. Created by Jerry Siegel and..
+Mattel set out with this new line to rectify a lot of the wrongs with the classic Mego figures and promised to keep the somewhat “goofy” charm of the classic toys, while updating them to modern standards. That’s a daunting task, as Toy Biz and several other companies had attempted their own “Megos” with varying success over the years. Mattel teamed up with EMCE toys and the legendary Doc Mego to try to make sure they got it right. So how did they do? Well I actually opened this guy, so let’s find out.
+Even though I always review the packages of a toy, it’s overall something I care very little about. That said, everyone cares about the package just a little, even if you think you don’t. When the 25th Anniversary GI Joes hit, a lot of the charm of the figures came from the retro packaging. It immediately brought everyone back to their childhood and people noticed. I received more comments from cashiers about the 25th Anniversary Joes than any other toy I’ve ever bought, because people remembered that package.
+Matty Mattel ain’t no fool and got his team right to work on making sure that these Retro Action figures followed that same suit. The “hardcore” Mego collectors are mostly guys in the 40+ age bracket and they care about stuff like the package. You can’t claim to be redoing Mego without paying some serious homage. So Mattel set out to make these appear to have the 1976 style card backs. The first edition Megos came in boxes, then the Kresge cards came along, before eventually settling on a cardback like you see here.
+What the hell is a Kresge style card? It’s a K-Mart card. Yup, K-Mart used to be known as Kresge’s and the Megoheads remember that. This style of card was introduced after the higher ups at Kresges told Mego that too many kids were ripping open the boxes that these used to come in and stealing the parts. That cardback was eventually tweaked into something similar to this Mattel card and became the standard Mego card ever since.
+Mattel went the extra mile and put minor “damage” on the classic designs so that this package would appear aged. A whole lot has been made out of this, but honestly the end result is pretty minor. It does look a little aged, but it could easily be confused for part of the design too. The artwork used on the package is all retro, but as some fans have pointed out it’s closer akin to 80′s style art than 70′s.
+There is no twist ties holding the figure in and the weapons are free to bounce around as well. This definitely fits the “retro” theme, but it’s not without some problems too. Your toys are much more likely to be damaged this way and reports have been varied about that very subject. I’ve seen some smashed noses myself. It also allows some of the bodies to get contorted in the package and makes these very unappealing.
+There is also a silicon spray on the inside that some folks have claimed has damaged their figure. I haven’t seen any damage from this myself, but some of the bubbles do look greasy. Some people have noted that certain figures are twisted around in the package, the bubble is sweaty looking and there’s gunk on the plastic which in essence makes the toys at times look like they’ve been, uh, doing some stuff that the comics code wouldn’t approve of.
+Overall the package lacks a lot of things that I normally look for, but since this package is attempting to replicate a specific style of vintage package… I’m grading it a little differently. It mostly does what it’s supposed to.
+Mego figures were always made on the cheap. That doesn’t mean they weren’t good quality, but they weren’t the Hot Toys of their era either. Mattel had promised to keep some of that cheapness, but also to bring the standard up. The end result is a bit mixed, honestly.
+Most of the vintage clothes were made of a fabric that I’d say was closer to wool than cotton. These new outfits are spandex. I mean like, 1990′s biker shorts spandex. This is good in some respects because it helps the outfits fit tight and for superheroes, they are often supposed to be in spandex.
+I always liked my Luthor in a business suit, but this fits the Super Friends feel of this Luthor with the tight spandex green and purple. There are two versions out there. One has the straps like you see on mine, with the stitching making it look more like leather. The variant is unstitched and just looks like straps that have been cut out of material. I prefer the stitched look, it’s much nicer and apparently more common.
+I’d say that the head sculpt on Lex Luthor is excellent, but I should preface that by saying that any bald dude is an excellent sculpt of Lex Luthor. He doesn’t have any distinguishing characteristics other than “bald”, so it’s not really hard to nail his sculpt. They did keep with the Mego “feel” though in that he’s not too detailed or sculpted. Mego always had a semi-soft cartoon likeness and that’s present here.
+Compared to a vintage Mego WGSH he looks good and comparable. Dare I say, better. Unlike Toy Biz’s Famous Covers series, he doesn’t look out of place. The materials while different, capture the essence of what the design is about. If I could hop into a time machine and give this to a kid of the 1970′s, he’d never mistake it for anything but a Mego.
+The back of the costume fits with a couple of snaps. Mego often cheaped out and only used one snap, leading to some figures with open backs. I like the three snaps here. However I must admit that the clothes fit so tight that it makes the snaps bulge out a bit.
+I should note that he doesn’t have the Mego classic “oven mitts” for gloves. Instead having colored hands and gauntlets. There is a minor amount of controvery to this, but personally I prefer this look. The mittens always looked stupid in my mind.
+The body underneath I’ve given a lot of grief. Mego’s body is in public domain, so every time a company makes a new body that doesn’t follow the exact specifications of the vintage toys, it annoys me. Mattel promised to “update” the body with better articulation and many people, myself included, expected them to do a better job than they ultimately did.
+For starters, Mattel made a new body from scratch. Obviously they followed their Big Jim guidelines a bit and designed a body similar to that body. If you look at a classic Mego body and a classic Big Jim body, obviously the Retro Action body is closer to that. The upper body really isn’t bad and Mattel did some improvements here, but the tiny waist and bulbous thighs represent a real problem. Overall the top half is pretty good.
+The upper arms have a minor problem as well, though… No bicep swivel! This was added by Cast-a-Way toys in their improved Mego style body and most expected Mattel to follow suit. It seems like an odd omission to make, honestly.
+The only real “improvement” I noticed was giving a swivel hinge to the feet. Mego had a swivel hinge on the wrists previously and Mattel followed suit but also gave them to their feet. It’s a nice addition, but doesn’t add a lot one way or the other.
+There are two major flaws with the articulation, ultimately. First the rubber bands which hold the legs together are too tight and the hips are so smooth that they snap back into place. Essentially if you try to have Lex kick, his leg will snap back to standing. This is a problem that isn’t present on classic Megos.
+The second problem is that he won’t stand straight up. I’m not sure if it’s the small waist or crotch piece or what… But he has a tendency to lean over like above. Or worse:
+Fully bent over like this. Having his clothes on does help with this problem, but it doesn’t solve it.
+The good news is, that you can fix this relatively easily. Take a piece of rubber tubing, cut it into a small C and place that around the band that holds the legs together. It’s a super easy fix and I was able to do it in under 5 minutes. Presumably you could shove anything in there to get the same effect. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be any way to make the legs where they aren’t so “snappy”..
+Lex Luthor comes with a single piece of kryptonite. It’s a big piece. It’s not a terrible accessory, but it doesn’t fit in his hand great. In fact it seems more like a piece that he would chain around Superman’s neck or something.
+It’s definitely cool that he comes with it, but he needs more.
+A ray gun of some sort would have made a ton of sense. You need to up the ante with play value. Even if collectors are the target for these toys, we want more. I know a lot of people are giving these to their kids and kids want accessories. You could easily reuse guns from DCUC in this line.
+In addition to the chunk of kryptonite, all of the clothes are removable. His whole outfit is one full spandex suit though… So it’s not like you can piece it out.
+There has also been a lot of hullabaloo about the boots. Some say they are too big and rubbery. I own a lot of Mego boots and I love these new boots. They are thicker, sturdier and of a good quality. Consider me a fan.
+Here is perhaps the toughest category. These figures cost $20. I originally bought a Superman and couldn’t bare to open him at that price and returned him a week later. These are the only toys I can recall my GF actually telling me that were a ripoff. So how is the value?
+It’s sort of debatable. There are really two values, in my opinion. If you’re a casual collector, these guys are overpriced. The body needs work, the accessories are lacking and you can get a much “better” figure for less money. I don’t think anyone would debate that. It’s also stunning to me that EMCE toys and various other companies can release even more limited quantity figures in this style and still manage to make the price cheaper than Mattel. Most expected Mattel to charge $13-$15 for these and I can tell you for a fact that they would be MUCH better received at that price.
+The second value and ultimately the one that made me decide to hop on board, is the Mego collector value. If you’re in the Mego community, you know very well that a custom cast head sculpt can run between $5-$10 on it’s own. A screen printed costume usually runs $20 and above. Basically, what I’m saying is that even if you think the body is absolute junk… You’d be hard pressed to get the head sculpt and costume for less elsewhere. Which makes them more or less worth it. With Luthor, I don’t feel the need to put him on a new body. I fixed this body well enough and he’s good enough.
+So overall, the price point should definitely drop a few bucks… But it’s not the worst deal out there today. Hopefully Mattel will come down on this price in the future. I honestly think they would sell TWICE as many, if not more if they could get the price down to $15.
+Score Recap:
+Packaging – 8
+Sculpting – 8
+Articulation – 7
+Accessories – Kryptonite
+Value – 8
+Overall – 8 out of 10
+I ended up liking this figure a lot more than I thought I would. Without getting him out of the package, I didn’t care for him so much. Having him outside and messing around with him, it’s great to have this guy to complete my vintage Mego villains lineup. However I think it’s important to note that Luthor, is an exception, not the rule. I believe that some of the other guys might would score significantly less. Also, if you have no interest in Megos whatsoever, subtract 2 full points from the final score. You have to have some interest in the nostalgia of these guys to truly understand them.
+For a Mego collector, these guys are pretty awesome… BUT THEY CAN BE AND SHOULD BE BETTER. I want to make that clear. They’re good, but I know Mattel and EMCE can work out the kinks and make these better. The big hang up for everyone else will be price and Mattel has to find a way to either reduce the price or up the accessories… Hopefully both.
+Cool review. I don't know if I'll pick these up or not, but this helps me. I also learned a bit about Mego. I think I get it now.
+Thanks. I try my best. They're an aquired taste, but definitely something fun.
+Thorough as promised!
+I'm not inclined to pick these up, they fall under the category of "weird lookin' dolls from before I was born", but it's good to know that the folks that do "understand" them can find something to appreciate.
+Excellent review.
+They were before my time aswell but I like the Mego figures. They still seem better value for what you are getting compared to DCUC and MOTUC.
+I so wnat a Shazam although I may get a repro body and do a head and costume swap.
+I am going to get one of the Mgo Super knights reissues.
+Excellent work, Newt! Despite the issues regarding body posturing, I still feel inclined to pick these up. But even as a child of the 70's, twenty bucks is way too rich for my blood. As you mentioned, hopefully the kinks will be worked out or the prices might drop a bit.
+Great review! I am a big fan of Mego and am still debating about whether or not to pick these up. I would like to start with Green Arrow if I can get him this week from Mattel and Luthor is definitely my next pick.
+Be careful with some of the repros, they're of poor body quality. If you're looking for a high quality body though, I can't say enough good stuff about Cast-a-way toys version. Shazaam was pretty interesting for Mego, because he as never a super seller, but he remained in the lineup almost to the very end.
+I really hope they can get them down to like $13. I think that'd b an ideal price. It's pretty much pumping out head sculpts and clothing. I don't really know why they're so costly.
+I think I'm going to try my hand at Green Arrow as well. I've been sucked in!
+Haha, yeah. I don't really know why I came to like them, but I did. But I also am enough of a outside collector to know that these won't be for a lot of people.
+Thanks Newt. I was thinking of getting a Cast-A-Ways body and doing a Shazam from scratch….think you have sold me on it
+Well the Knight more for the sake of having it really, always wanted a knight figure…and they are really cheap so….it'll be cool to have.
+Thank dude- great review.
+- As far as pitching matchups go, Chicago definitely has the advantage with Gavin Floyd up against Freddy Garcia. While Floyd was arguably the Sox best pitcher this season, posting a record of 16-8 with an ERA of 3.91 and a WHIP of 1.26. Good, not great. He hasn't pitched particularly well of late, with his ERA jumping a third of a run over his last six starts. Detroit's choice of Freddy Garcia is an interesting one. He's a few years removed from being a good pitcher, and has pitched in just 13 games the past two years - two this season. He's gone just five innings in each of his starts, pitching well in one (2 hits, 0 ERs) and poorly in one (7 hits, 5 ERs). Who knows what you're going to get, but he has the motivation of being a former Sox pitcher so hopefully that will give him a little extra juice. My main concern is even if he pitches well, he hasn't gone more than five innings in over a year, so the game will end up in the hands of Detroits bullpen - the bullpen whose coach has already been fired, along with the pitching coach. This could end up being a big ole mess. The Twins better be ready.
+- I just found out the Tampa vs. Chicago/Minnesota series starts Thursday at 1:30pm. A day game. What the hell? How am I supposed to watch that when I have to be in meetings? They go out of their way to have most playoff games on for everyone, to the point where some games don't get over until after midnight, but for this series they play it on a weekday during the afternoon? Horseshit.
+- Here's a non-sports question, if you're driving down the road and suddenly realize you're in the wrong lane and about to miss your left turn, which of these two options do you choose: 1) keep going straight to the next light, make a U-Turn, and then turn where you need to, or 2) slam your breaks and attempt to cross over three lanes of traffic, only to not make it and get stopped at the red in the left straight lane, at which point, although you aren't in a turn lane, you put on your left blinker because you are going to just go ahead and turn from there, even though it's an "arrowed" turn light so when the main lights turn green and the arrow stays read, you block an entire lane of traffic from going straight. Just curious.
+- I don't know how I missed this, since he's one of my all-time favorites, but Mike Mussina won yesterday to pick up his 20th victory on the season - his first 20-win season of his career. Hard to believe, but true (although he almost certainly would have gotten to 20 in the strike year - he had 16 wins in just 24 starts). Congratulations to the Moose.
+- Rain Delay. I heard on the radio earlier that if this game isn't played due to weather the Sox will play tomorrow, and if they win they play the Twins right after that. What a weird deal. Right now I'm watching Aliens instead. Never seen it. It's not too bad.
+- I can't decide if I want to watch this on WGN with those retarded homers or with the ESPN guys. I know Hershiser is pretty good over on ESPN, but the train wreck factor of listening to Hawk and whoever the other guy is come close to killing themselves here if the Sox lose is pretty strong.
+- I'm going to take a nap. Someone text me if this game ever starts.
+- And away we go, just three hours late.
+- Floyd looks really, really wild, and just hit Sheffield. Hopefully this continues.
+- Bah. Floyd gets out of it, even after Sheff stole second. He still looks a bit shaky, despite a very nasty cutter to strike out Ordonez. Let's go Freddy!
+- Effing Garcia walks Cabrera to start the game. And now Wise. I really want to turn this off - like right now.
+- Picks to click: DJ - Griffey, Hawk - Wise, the Crew - Konerko. My pick - everyone on the Tigers.
+- Thank god Garcia gets out of it only giving up one run on Dye's single. First three guys get on, gets the next three out. This is too stressful, I'm having a beer.
+- Jesus, they've now said "their" team can't play in the Metrodome, Justin Morneau should be MVP, and Bert Blyleven needs to be in the hall of fame. It's like they're kissing the Twins ass to soften them up or something.
+- I really don't understand the booing of AJ every time he's up when he plays at the Dome. The dude is a quality ballplayer who had a lot of good seasons for the Twins, and then got traded through no action of his own. On the otherhand, when Mientkewicz comes back, he gets a nice positive ovation despite being a completely baby and a dick when Morneau was coming up. Truly dizzying.
+- 1-2-3 for Garcia thanks to Inge jumping into the stands to grab the third out. I'm still not confident because that third out came on a horrible pitch of a hanging curve down the middle that Uribe missed, but it's a positive sign.
+- Hawk and DJ are now upset because the White Sox fans sitting in the first couple rows were "too cordial" in getting out of the way of Inge. Essentially saying they should have interfered. I love homers.
+- Another steal against AJ/Floyd, another strikeout when the Tigers need a big hit, and suddenly Floyd's curveball is starting to rival Sandy Koufax's. Or Blyleven's, if you prefer.
+- Garcia with a six pitch inning, maybe he's settling down. Let's keep it going The Rock's twin brother.
+- Ordonez gets a hit, but Cabrera pops out and Thames hits into a double play, which is not one of three true outcomes so it's weird but whatever. Nobody can get a big hit all of a sudden. If this comes down to bullpens, it's going to be ugly but definitely advantage to the Sox.
+- Uh oh. Garcia just had Thome frozen on a curveball that was clearly a strike but was called a ball, and then reacted by throwing his arms in the air like, "WTF, Guy?" I don't see a lot of calls going his way in the future.
+- Crisis averted, Garcia getting a ton of close calls. Plus, Alexei Ramirez just started trotting to first on a pitch that ended up being called a strike, so the teams are even in the all important, "acting like a jackass towards the umpire" category.
+- Base knock for Ryan Raburn, who, by the by, is a player who Mrs. W once said, "Who is number 25, he's really, really cute. I told her it was Magglio Ordonez. That way if she ever talks about him with anyone if that person knows baseball they'll think she's crazy. Take that, wandering eye!
+- Stolen base number three by the Tigers, they can't stop anybody. Nice work,
+- Double by Inge as Wise pulls a Torii Hunter on a shot to the wall. Sweet. Now someone called "Dusty Ryan" is up. I am going to call him "Dusty Diamond" instead.
+- Base knock for Dusty Diamond. Nobody out, runners on first and third. Floyd's wildness catching up to him as he's just grooving them right now.
+- There are four different Roms of Dusty Diamond All Star Softball you can download here. As far as an emulator goes, just look yourself. Jesus man, I can't do everything. I'm watching baseball and drinking beer. Leave me be.
+- I think "he gone" has replaced "you can put it on the board.....YES" as the stupidest thing ever.
+- Floyd strikes out his second straight batter, this time on a full count. DJ lets us know that a 3-2 count is the hardest one to hit against. I looked it up, and actually historically the hardest count to hit on is 0-2. Next is 1-2. Then 2-2. Then, wait for it, 3-2. Eat it DJ. Also Sheffield grounded out so Dusty Diamond was stranded at third, and all the momentum is now on the White Sox side. I'm not a huge "momentum" guy, but I'm also not dumb enough to pretend it means nothing.
+- ESPN's first NBA Power Rankings are out for 2008-2009, and the Wolves are third from the bottom. Great, just great.
+- Nevermind, 1-2-3 for Garcia. I freaking told you momentum was overrated.
+- Awesome. Cabrera scores after a double, a monster of a line drive by Thames caught by the third basemen, and then Raburn hits a little dribbler in front of the plate that Floyd doesn't field cleanly and "pulls a Slowey" chucking the ball into right field. 2-1 Tigers.
+- Floyd up to 118 pitches. Ozzie really doesn't trust his bullpen.
+- I really don't understand why they are still making the Geico/Caveman commercials. The first one was funny. After that? Not at all. And am I drunk or didn't they try to make a show about them? Like, they were the main characters and it failed? So why go back to that bit as your hook for your commercials? It's clear nobody likes it.
+- Another walk to Wise and a steal. Tying run on second with nobody out. Garcia still looking pretty solid, but he's in the sixth now. Nevermind, Garcia is out. Here comes, um, somebody. Thanks homer announcers. But, again, Garcia looks just like The Rock. Look it up.
+- Tigers are going with Armando Gallarraga, after Garcia is pulled supposedly for an injured neck or something. He's a starter, so this is a little weird, but hey, whatever works man.
+- Galarraga throws back to back wild pitches that are nowhere near the plate to tie the game up and put the go ahead run on first. This guy is clearly on the take. Leyland goes ahead and yanks him. Love to see Jimmy treating this like a must win. Sort of want to light Galarraga on fire.
+- Bobby Seay comes on, and HE tosses a wild pitch to get Dye to second. It's an epic meltdown, much like the fifteen errors Tiger pitchers made in the world series a couple of years ago.
+- Seay strikes out Thome, but then walks Griffey after an intentional walk to Konerko - bases loaded, one out, tie game. It should be noted that the Sox don't have a single hit this inning.
+- Grand slam, Alexei Ramirez on Gary Glover's first pitch. At least we get to watch a Twins game tomorrow.
+the Twins also played afternoon games against Oakland two years ago. I believe they are considered a "low ratings" team. I, for one, will be ditching out of work to watch if they make it.
+You always want to watch on WGN if they are losing, but not if they are winning.
+Did anyone else hear the caller on Common's show refer to Mijares as Majerus?
+P.S. Bogart, are you wearing your sweater vest?,
+. Twenty-Two : "Purple Elephant" .
+All weekend, I had been trying not to think of Macon's kiss. But it was like telling someone not to think of a purple elephant, and of course, a purple elephant would pop into their head.
+For me, my mantra, I do not want to kiss Macon again or Stop thinking about kissing Macon again was the purple elephant.
+When I clocked in for my shift at eight, I was surprised to see, for once, Zeke. Of course, he didn't speak more than a few words to me as usual, but at least he wasn't skipping work to avoid me anymore. Or maybe he had finally reached a limit on the amount of days he could skip—even concession stand managers had rules as well, right?
+I smirked smugly to myself as I wiped the counter clean from spilled condiments.
+"Hey, man. Refill the napkin dispenser when you're done with that, alright?"
+I was so surprised Zeke had started a conversation with me—okay, so it was just a request, barely a conversation, but I'll take what I could get—that I actually jumped up in surprise, slamming into him. He reached out to steady my waist but instead of feeling all warm and fuzzy like I usually did when a cute guy touched me, I felt nothing.
+His hands were wrong—cold and rough from working on sandwiches every day. They weren't like Macon's, blazing my skin with a simple touch—
+Damn it! Stupid purple elephant.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+I do not—
+"Can you let go of me now, man?" Zeke enunciated each word slowly, as if I was some kind of moron. I felt a surge or irritation shooting through me even though I was supposed to let people think I was dumb.
+I stepped away from him and painted a smile on my face. "Where did you disappear to last night?"
+"Oh, I went inside."
+Zeke's scoff was condescending. "Man, those kids were really immature—I mean, truth or dare? That's about the stupidest game ever. I had a much more productive time inside, writing my guitar music."
+I chuckled nervously, like I completely agreed with him, even though I didn't.
+"Yeah, I even went to the woods by accident because it was soo bori—"
+But Zeke wasn't listening anymore and I stood behind that counter, looking like a complete idiot talking to myself, as he slipped inside his messy office. I sighed and rested my chin on my arm, feeling defeated. Why was it so difficult to get him to like me? I never had to try this hard to land a guy before—guys naturally came to me whether I wanted them to or not.
+Maybe I should just give up. Maybe it was time to find another non-jock to fall in love with.
+But then…what about the bet? I could just imagine the smug look on Erin's face if I told her I'd given up this early in the game—no. I refused to let her win. She could win any other bet, but this one was mine. There was no way I was going to babysit Evan for three months.
+Zeke, you jaded little mutt, I'm not giving up on you just yet.
+- OOO –
+I was headed back towards the park's entrance once I finished my shift, but my eyes couldn't help but flicker to the baseball diamond. I knew the team had no official practice today so I was surprised to see that there were a couple of people running around the bases and throwing a ball.
+Upon closer scrutiny, I realized that I knew those people.
+My feet had taken me onto the field without a second thought. I watched as Erin was up to bat, awaiting the ball that Macon was going to pitch to her. Tyler was on first base, Evan on second, Hayden on third, and Garrett as the catcher. There were a few more boys who looked to be the younger ones on the team lining up to bat next.
+"Hey." I climbed out of the dugout and stepped onto the edges of the diamond. "What are you guys up to?"
+Everyone's head turned in my direction and my friends yelled out their own greetings.
+Evan ran all the way from second base, tackling me into a fierce hug.
+"Charley! My Marie! It's my soul mate—or, as Pablo would say…" He said some random word that I guessed was supposed to mean soul mate in whatever foreign language he was attempting to speak.
+I laughed, rubbing his back for a few seconds before pushing him off. "Alright, alright. Get off of me, you big dope."
+"That's exactly what Marie would say to Pablo." His eyes were shining down at me so wistfully that I felt the need to snap him out of it. I flicked his nose jokingly and pushed past him to the pitcher's mound.
+"Can I play?"
+Macon held out his hands to the rest of the players, as if asking for permission. Tyler shrugged and grunted something that could only mean "okay" from his indifferent expression. Everyone else more or less gave the same responses. Macon turned back to me with a grin.
+"Looks like you're in."
+"Great." I moved toward the batting line.
+I turned back and Macon cleared his throat, scratching at the collar of his t-shirt awkwardly. My gaze travelled down to his hands at his neck and I remembered trailing my hand down that very same spot last night, going over the bump of his Adam's apple.
+I shook my head and took short, calming breaths, staring at the mound instead of at him.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+"Uh…I just wanted to know how you're doing." His voice sounded so choked up, that I had to glance up at him. "I mean—never mind. That was a stupid question—"
+"Are you nervous of playing against me, Macon?" One hand was on my hip as I struck a superior pose. I felt my nonchalant act become easier when I saw his anxious frown start to dissipate, felt the teasing smile stretch across my lips. "It's okay if you are. You wouldn't be the first guy to cower from my arm of steel."
+His laugh started out forced, but then he seemed to loosen up when he probably realized I was acting like last night never happened and he should too. "I don't 'cower' from anyone, Charley."
+"We'll see about that."
+His lips twitched in amusement. I felt my stomach flip at the way he was staring down at me in that potential-girlfriend smile again.
+I cleared my throat, shifting my gaze to his pitching glove, and held out my hand.
+"I decided my arm of steel would be better shown through pitching," I said.
+"You want to pitch?" Incredulity laced his tone, but his eyes were kind. Macon grinned. "Alright. I'll buy it." He slid off his glove and stuffed it into my hands. Then he leaned forward so our cheeks brushed ever so slightly, and murmured huskily, "Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you kiss well."
+And he strutted off to bat without a second glance back.
+My mouth dropped open in shock. What the hell was that?
+I thought we had agreed to completely forget about the kiss! And what was up with him—about to say something before and acting nervous, and then become Mr. Sexy-Flirt a few minutes later?
+"Thomson!" My head shot over to Tyler, still on first, looking impatient and irritated. "If you're just going to stand there with your mouth open like that, please do it off the field. We're trying to play a game."
+I sealed my mouth shut with a huff and glared at him. "'Trying' being the key word, right?" I shot back with a sneer. "I doubt you'll be playing a game any time soon."
+"You know what—"
+"Both of you, shut up!" Erin intervened exasperatedly. "Let's just play."
+I scowled and put on the glove. The baseball was on the ground, right near the plate and I dusted off the sand before wrapping my fingers around its red stitching.
+Taking a deep breath, I twisted my body to the side and got in a pitching position. Erin was hunched over, her bat swung over her shoulder as she got ready to swing. I snuck a peek at Macon, who had somehow gotten to the front of the line and was watching me with his arms crossed over his chest.
+I lowered my hands and wiped the sweat that had gathered there on the sides of my shorts.
+Don't look at him, Charley.
+Curving my arm back, I threw a perfect fast one at Erin. It had always been my best pitch—especially if I was angry. Let me just say, pitching balls was a great way to channel your anger.
+Erin struck out and I smirked. She rolled her eyes and yelled, "Again!"
+"That's the point of the game," I deadpanned.
+She growled like a barbaric caveman from the prehistoric times. I chuckled at her antics and threw a curveball, meaning to throw her off her curve. But Erin managed to successfully hit this one—not out of the ball park, but at least to the outfield.
+Evan ran to get the ball since there weren't enough players to be outfielders. He swiftly passed the ball to Hayden on third and tried to run back to second in case Erin was already there. But everyone paused in surprise when we saw that Erin had stopped at first and wasn't even trying for second. We all stared at her with questioning frowns on our faces and she blinked blankly.
+"What?" She shrugged. "I'm not allowed to stop?"
+"You're supposed to keep running, dummy," Evan said, earning him a glare from her sister.
+"But I like it here." All of us rolled our eyes when she squeezed Tyler into a hug. He smirked at Evan when he hugged her back. Of course she would.
+I got my pitching position ready and quirked a sly eyebrow at Macon, who was up to bat. The first pitch I threw was a ball. He smirked at me and mouthed, "Steel, huh?"
+Oh, I'll show you steel, Graham.
+I threw him my best pitch, whizzing the ball as hard and as fast as I could. He struck out this time; I grinned smugly. I threw him the same pitch for the second time and he missed again, but this time, I frowned because he was smiling at me in amusement like he was striking out on purpose.
+God, I hated being patronized. I didn't need his pity—I pitched just fine. I didn't need him helping me.
+So I cried out, "Are you holding back on purpose?"
+"Seriously, Macon—"
+He laughed at the ground below him. "I'm not," he insisted. "I haven't batted in a long time. It's nice to know you think so highly of my skills, though. But honestly, Charley, you're just a good pitcher."
+"Uh-huh," I muttered, unconvinced.
+Instead of inspecting him closer to see if he was lying or not, I decided to take the boost to my ego and resumed pitching. I had barely blinked when the fastball I had just thrown flew over my head, soared onto the outfield, and went down a slope that led to the other side of the neighborhood.
+If this was a real game, that would've been a home run.
+Macon ran up to my mound, instead of running the bases, and pinched my slack jaw closed with his thumb and forefinger. "I'm a better hitter, though."
+He grinned, pulled his hand away and pried his glove off my hand. Without his fingers under my chin to keep it up, my jaw sprung open again and I was left gawking at the back of his t-shirt because he was already getting ready to pitch to someone else.
+I was still shocked frozen to the spot, only snapping out of my daze when Erin yelled at me to bat.
+"Off you go, Arm of Steel," Macon said.
+He gently pushed me in the direction of the batters and I scowled at him to get him to take his hand off my arm. "Oh, shut up, Macon!" I stomped behind the line of batters, picking up a bat from the rack in the dugout.
+When it was my turn at bat, I bit my lip nervously—I wasn't a hitter. I was a much better pitcher, but obviously, not as good as Macon was.
+"Problem, Charley?"
+"Shut up and pitch, Disney's number one fan-girl," I spat in retort.
+Instead of getting annoyed like I'd expected him to, Macon actually doubled over in laughter. He had to take a moment to compose himself before throwing me a curveball. It was a strike, but I was too busy smiling at the sound of his laugh to get annoyed.
+He caught my smile and flashed me his own set of teeth as he threw another curveball. This one I was able to hit, even though the ball only made it a few inches past Hayden on third. Still, it was enough for me to make it to first and for Erin to return home.
+We played for a little while longer—enough for everyone to have a chance to make it back to home base—until Evan announced how thirsty he was and suggested we all go to a local smoothie shop called Gurgles. Macon and the boys on the team packed their stuff into their gym bags and the group started walking down the diamond.
+My arm was pulled back so I was left a little behind the rest of the group. "You're pretty good."
+I smiled into his jeweled eyes. "You're pretty—period."
+He scratched the back of his neck as he laughed. I loved the way the skin under his eyes crinkled when he smiled or chuckled. People whose skin crinkled when they smile usually tended to have gorgeous smiles, like, of course, Macon.
+"You're a lot nicer to your friends," he commented, nudging his shoulder playfully against mine. "I'm glad we're friends now."
+"Me too," I replied.
+But the words sounded hollow to my ears because I wasn't, really. For some reason, I felt a kick to my gut at the thought of having to be friends with this incredibly sweet, funny, guy.
+This was ridiculous.
+I started chanting my I do not want to kiss Macon again mantra in my head but having him that near me wasn't really helping the purple elephant situation.
+"Your fastball is your best pitch." Macon stated matter-of-factly.
+I nodded and explained to him that it was my father's best pitch as well and so it was the first pitch he'd taught me, and the pitch I kept practicing all these years.
+Sometimes, pitching a fastball reminded me of the first day my dad introduced the pitch to me and I would still be able to remember the way he stood behind me, his arm covering mine as we curved our arms back together and let go of the ball together.
+Fists clenched to the side to keep my eyes clear, I washed my face clear of any emotions.
+Macon continued, "Your curveball wasn't so bad either. If you angle your arm more to this side—" He covered my hand with his large ones, guiding it behind my shoulder and over it to demonstrate what he meant. "—you'll get a much better curve."
+"O-okay." I let out a shaky breath because his fingers had skimmed down my arm a bit slower and longer than needed and I was reminded of the kiss once again. Macon grinned and stuffed his hands in his pockets, oblivious to my frazzled state.
+This was torture.
+It was so, completely, unfair. It wasn't fair that he was a jock. It wasn't fair that he was a nice jock. It wasn't fair that he was a nice jock who kissed so freaking well—and it definitely wasn't fair that he was a nice jock who kissed so freaking well but promised to never kiss me again!
+But, you know, I wasn't complaining…
+"So…how's it going with Zeke?"
+I snorted, thinking about his indifferent attitude and how I was just about ready to give up on him. But Erin was only a few feet away and I wasn't stupid enough to admit that with her right there.
+So I tugged Macon's arm and made him slow down. I waited until we were a good distance from the group to tell him that it wasn't going well.
+He glanced at the group in confusion. "Why did you slow down?"
+I paused, but one look into his curious eyes made me crumble over and think—oh, what can it hurt? And I told him about the bet between Erin and I. "I don't want her to hear that I was ready to give up on Zeke this morning—"
+Macon halted in his tracks and stared at me with wide eyes.
+I gave him an odd look and answered slowly, "Yeah…"
+He cleared his throat, muttering, "Sorry. I was just surprised, that's all. Continue."
+Boys. They were an odd bunch.
+"Yeah, so I didn't want Erin to hear that because I'm not ready to give up yet. I'm not ready to let her win. And I can't let her think I'm wavering."
+"I don't understand why you're so intent on forcing yourself to like Zeke," Macon huffed. "If you don't have feelings for him now, what makes you think you will in the future?"
+"People's feelings change over time."
+Macon made a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat. "Jesus, Charley. You—"
+"What?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.
+He stared at me like he was waiting for me to clue in, to understand what he was so frustrated about, but I didn't. His piercing orbs flew all over my face for that light—that dawning moment—but he must not have found it because he let out a small sigh and brought his gaze to the ground.
+I didn't like seeing Macon upset. It didn't fit his personality at all—it was like kicking a wounded puppy to the curb, and I felt terribly guilty for making him look like that even though I didn't even know what I had done wrong.
+I took a step closer to him and gently tugged on his shirt. "Macon? What were you about to say?"
+His head rose and his eyes seemed to swirl with emotion. I had never seen his eyes this close before—when we'd kissed, it was too dark to see them—but they were even more enthralling up close. There were specks of light dashing around the dark pupils, and the vibrant greens. His eyes alone could be canvasses, beautiful works of art.
+"You're—you're unbelievable." His voice was hushed, weary and sad.
+Macon lifted a finger to stroke my left cheekbone, leaving cold goose bumps on my skin when he took his hand away.
+I didn't know if he meant the statement in a good way or a bad way, but at that moment I couldn't care less.
+Because I was standing that close, breathing his wonderful smell, staring at his alluring eyes, feeling his burning touch. I couldn't care less. I couldn't care less.
+But the moment was shattered when our friends called our names and reprimanded us for being so slow. Macon took a step back and the magic of his swirls disappeared—the sad expression on his face scrubbed off, and his signature teasing one replaced it.
+He twined his fingers through mine and brought me forward to the rest of the group. Yet, the minute we were caught up, I felt a chill seize me when the warmth of his fingers were slipped out of mine.
+I glanced at Macon with a frown, despite telling myself I shouldn't care that he wasn't touching me anymore. I should be happy that we were friends—no, I was happy. No, I was satisfied. No, I was…okay with that.
+I was okay with that, because even though I liked him kissing me, touching me, staring at me in the I-think-you're-cute-you're-potential-girlfriend-material kind of way, I was okay with us being friends. I could just relax around him more and not have to put up so many walls like I did before, but I wouldn't have to worry about trying to impress him like I would if we were more than friends.
+Who would want to deal with the bother of going through all those moody stages you go through when you were in love? You know—how you were always a thousand times happier when you were happy, and a thousand times sadder when you were sad, because you were in love.
+Being friends would level my emotions—I could just be myself around Macon, I could joke around with Macon, I could hang around Macon, without any of the typical baggage I would get if we were more than friends.
+And I wouldn't want baggage.
+I only realized I was still ogling Macon when he turned around, catching me staring at him, and winked playfully. His lips twitched in amusement at my glare but he never caught my flustered cheeks—because apparently, I blushed like a normal person now—I mean, how ridiculous was that?—because I had spun my face away from him before he could.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+I do not want to kiss Macon again.
+Stop thinking about not wanting to kiss Macon again!
+Go to Tartarus, purple elephant.
+- OOO -
+A/N: In answer to my anonymous reviewer, Butterflyz 's question, "...I swear Evan is my favorite character, would you ever
+write a story with him as the main character?" Yes, I would love to. That's all I'm gonna say on that topic. ;)
+Review pretty please? :)
+GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Saddam Hussein has to got understand that we expect him to conform to the agreement that he signed after Desert Storm.
+BERNARD SHAW, CNN ANCHOR: While meeting with an ally in Mexico, President Bush warns an old United States foe. We will have live updates on the air strike against Iraq. That includes the latest from Baghdad on injured in the aftermath of the attack.
+Also ahead, Bill Clinton's pardon problem: Is it tough for a former president to conduct damage control?
+ANNOUNCER: From Washington, this is INSIDE POLITICS with Judy Woodruff and Bernard Shaw.
+SHAW: Thank you for joining us. Judy is on assignment.
+Speaking in Mexico a little over an hour ago, President Bush called the first military action he authorized a routine mission to enforce Iraq's no-fly zone. The United States, along with Britain, launched attacks against five military command-and-control centers near Baghdad today. The Pentagon says the sites posed an increasing danger to U.S. and British patrol aircraft.
+We begin our coverage at the Pentagon with CNN's Jamie McIntyre -- Jamie.
+JAMIE MCINTYRE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Bernie, it's true that the United States and Great Britain have been attacking Iraq almost every other day or so since 1998, but this strike was not routine. For one thing, it was heavier than usual, and for the other, it was outside the no-fly zone.
+Above the 33rd parallel, which is northern boundary of the no-fly zone, U.S. and British planes, F-18s and F-15s and Tornadoes, flying up to the edge of the zone and then using stand-off weapons to attack five radar sites. The Pentagon insisted today that the attack was not an offensive strike but in self-defense.
+(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) LT. GEN. GREGORY NEWBOLD, JOINT STAFF DIR. OF OPERATIONS: The military operation was conducted because the Iraqi air defenses had been increasing both their frequency and the sophistication of their operations. Both the frequency and the more sophisticate command and control of their operations had yielded an increased threat to our aircraft and our crews.
+MCINTYRE: Now, the Pentagon says five sites were hit, five target areas. Four of them were above the 33rd parallel. These were all radar sites, or command and control sites, for which radars were being used to look down to the southern no-fly zone to give Iraqi gunners and missile technicians a better look.
+Here is a picture of the type of radar the Pentagon says it took out today, in these strikes in southern Iraq. And in order to accomplish this without crossing over the 33rd parallel, the U.S. used the latest stand-off weaponry, including the AGM-130, which is a optically-guided bomb that can be guided from the back seat of an F- 15.
+Here we see some shots that were taken from the war in Yugoslavia in 1999 that shows the accuracy of this weapon, this stand-off weapon that can be fired from some distance away. So, that was technique employed in order to take out these sites without actually crossing into the airspace around Baghdad.
+Now, the United States says it's not limited to going in that airspace, but did not want to fly into the teeth of the Iraqi air defenses, didn't want to take a chance and that's why these stand-off weapons were employed. Twenty radars altogether, the Pentagon believes it accomplished what it wanted to do in making the sky safer, and again the U.S. insisting that this was in response to Iraqi provocations, the continued effort to shoot down U.S. and British planes and was not an offensive action -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Jamie, since the United States and Britain knew where these command and control centers were south of Baghdad and the one north of Baghdad, does the Pentagon assume that Saddam Hussein will rebuild and relocate these command and control centers?
+MCINTYRE: One of the things that's not clear is whether any of these targets were the same targets that were hit back in 1998 during Operation Desert Fox, when targets around Baghdad were hit, whether these were in fact rebuilt areas from that air strike. But the U.S. says if it has to keep hitting things over and over again, if it has to keep going back and hitting those air defense sites, it'll do that in order to ensure the safety of its pilots.
+SHAW: Thank you, Jamie McIntyre with the latest from the Pentagon. The attack against Iraq played out while President Bush was on his first international trip to Mexico. Our senior White House correspondent John King is traveling with Mr. Bush -- John.
+JOHN KING, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Bernie, this was to be the carefully choreographed first steps by this president on the world stage. He came to this familiar place, Mexico, to meet with a familiar face, President Vicente Fox, but all the while President Bush knew before the day was out he would be talking about his decision to authorize the first offensive military action of his presidency, the strikes we just heard Jamie McIntyre explain, against Iraqi air defense sites near Baghdad.
+Mr. Bush, we're told, was briefed at the White House yesterday and told that in the view of the commanders on the ground in the region, these sites posed an increasing threat to U.S. and allied pilots. At that time, Mr. Bush gave an immediate go-ahead.
+He was in meetings here with President Fox when he receive word through the White House situation room, relayed to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, that the operation was in the view of the U.S. officials, a success.
+Later, speaking to reporters here in Mexico, Mr. Bush made clear there should be no doubt that this new administration is committed to aggressively enforcing those sanctions imposed against Saddam Hussein at the end of the Gulf War.
+KING: Now, these strikes come at a time when the administration is trying to do more to help the internal Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein, and as we watched President Bush today out in public, his first public test as the commander-in-chief, it was also a reminder that while he is new to presidency, he is surrounded by many veterans of the Gulf War.
+Dick Cheney, of course, the vice president, was defense secretary at the time, and here in Mexico with the president. Condi Rice, his national security adviser, she was a deputy in the previous Bush administration, and the secretary of state, the man charged with building the diplomatic support for keeping those sanctions in place, of course, is the retired General Colin Powell, the top U.S. military commander in Operation Desert Storm -- Bernie.
+SHAW: John, a quick somewhat off-beat question, admittedly. But are members of the president's staff trying to avoid gallows humor such as Saddam Hussein now facing Bush II?
+KING: They make no reference at all and they refuse to make that. They say this a consistent U.S. policy carried from the end of the Bush administration through the Clinton administration. They make no secret of the fact that they believe Saddam Hussein from time to time acts deliberately and provocatively to try to interfere with U.S. policy in the Middle East or around the world.
+They can't say for sure this was a test of the new president, but they do say for sure that he will continue to authorize such strikes if necessary, although the president was at pains today to call this routine, saying he had to approve it only because it was planned a day in advance and that the pilots in the air and the commanders on the ground in the region have full authority to enforce those sanctions against Saddam Hussein -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Thank you, John King, traveling with the president of the United States in Mexico. Well, by our watch, it was about four hours ago when explosions echoed in Baghdad and anti-aircraft fire erupted over the city. It is now after 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning in Iraq, where CNN's Jane Arraf is standing by -- Jane.
+JANE ARRAF, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Bernie, we have just received a statement from the Iraqi government, the first statement since the attack, and it seems to be billing this attack as a prelude to a holy war. President Saddam Hussein has just had a meeting with his Revolutionary Command Council and the Baath Party leadership.
+In his statement, he says that if anyone needed proof that the United States was allied with Israel -- and Iraq does not call it Israel. They call it the "usurping Zionist entity" -- then this attack was it. He says that this is proof of their evil intentions, and that it is just a prelude to a coming attack by Israel on the Palestinians and on the Arab nation.
+In the last few weeks, we've seen a ratcheting up of the rhetoric here in Iraq with President Saddam saying that he would, if he could, attack Israel, and launching a drive for what he calls six million volunteers, here, to go and liberate Palestine.
+Now in terms of the attack, the Iraqi government has released pictures of what it says are civilian casualties. In one of the main hospitals, it's said just shortly, that the first casualty, a woman who had been hit by the attack, had died in hospital. It's now taking reporters to the site. We'll have more details coming up -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Jane, one question. In President Saddam Hussein's push to get the sanctions against Iraq lifted, what is the significance of his linking his cause with that of the Palestinians?
+ARRAF: During the Gulf War, 10 years ago now, President Saddam Hussein was a very strong symbol of what he called the drive to liberate Palestine. There were massive demonstrations in the streets in support of him because he is seen as one of the very few Arab leaders on the street who stand up to the West.
+He is again take over that role. While other Arab nations have been what Iraq says are too silent on what's going on, the increasing conflict in the West Bank and Gaza, because Iraq, says, of their relationship with the United States, Iraq has taken the lead in condemning the violence and not just condemning it, in sending money to Palestine, in rallying troops, in training what it says are volunteers who will actually go and fight against Israel.
+This is a way for him to regain support in the Arab world, not just in terms of the Middle East conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but in terms of the push to get sanctions lifted. The feeling being that the U.S. is not an honest broker, that it is aligned with Israel against the Palestinians, against the Arabs, and that the sanctions now in place against Iraq for the past 10 years are just another example of that anti-Arab bias by the U.S. as Iraq describes it -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Jane Arraf with the very latest from the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. Thanks very much. We have now live on the telephone former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. He speaks to us from Kent, Connecticut.
+Dr. Kissinger, in your judgment, is Saddam Hussein making headway in the Arab world in his effort to get sanctions against his nation lifted, especially with his linking his cause to that of the Palestinians?
+HENRY KISSINGER, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Yes, Saddam has made headway for two reasons: One, because all the various sanctions and U.N. inspections that were set up have gradually disintegrated, and without reaction by United States; and secondly, because of the failure of the Middle East peace negotiations under our aegis. So, for both of these reasons America has looked less imposing in the area.
+SHAW: I know it is not lost on that you the United States and Britain prosecuted the air strikes today and not France. My question is in your judgment, how fragile are the sanctions against Saddam Hussein?
+KISSINGER: Well, the sanctions are being violated at least by subterfuge by too many countries. On the other hand, the United States has absolutely nothing to gain abandoning sanctions. That will only encourage the other radical regimes in the region.
+So we cannot just abandon 10 years of effort as long as Saddam Hussein is in place. And Saddam Hussein can escape the sanctions if he produces credible evidence that he is not producing weapons of mass destruction.
+SHAW: One last question, during the just concluded United States presidential campaign, at one point in the campaign trail then- candidate Texas Governor George Bush said that if he took office, and if it were found that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction, he, Mr. Bush, quote, "would take him out," unquote.
+Is there a risk that this son of a former United States president, George Herbert Walker Bush, might take this all personal in his dealings with the Iraqi government and the president of Iraq?
+KISSINGER: I don't think so. I think the action that was taken by the president today is the right action. I believe that we have no way out with respect to Iraq except to insist on the agreements on which the Gulf War was ended. And from what I have seen of this administration, it acts with very careful deliberation, and not on the basis of any personal feelings.
+SHAW: Dr. Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state, joining us live by telephone from Kent, Connecticut. Thank you very much.
+Some more perspective now on this day's events in Iraq and the overall U.S. Policy in region, we are joined here in Washington by Michael O'Hanlon. He's a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Your first blush reaction to all that's been happening the past few hours?
+MICHAEL O'HANLON, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION: The main thing is this is a continuation of existing policy. I don't see any major change. Mr. Bush may have overestimated the degree to which he could make that argument and have a visit to Mexico otherwise unimpeded by his first major military action. But this is not unusual in the context of what we've been doing for last 10 years. It's a tactical response to new Iraqi tactics, but it's not a shift in strategy.
+SHAW: So from the Clinton to the Bush administration, U.S. policy on Iraq is seamless?
+O'HANLON: So far. I believe the Bush administration will do a more substantial review of its basic Iraq policy. There are people in this administration who would like to aid the Iraqi resistance, for example, with arms and consider even using U.S. air power in military strikes to help those forces on the ground.
+I'm not sure if they will win the debate, but that's a debate that's still unfolding in this administration. We just don't know. They may rethink the basic approach to the no-fly zone. They may, for example, reduce the number of airplanes, and do more of these retaliatory strikes when necessary, like we did today rather than enforce the no-fly zone on day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis. I think those kinds options will be considered. So far, we don't know the result.
+SHAW: What impact do you foresee in the Middle East, especially within the Arab countries?
+O'HANLON: Well, our position just went from bad to a little worse, but that's sort of a continuation, again, of what's been happening for 10 years with the Arab-Israeli peace process broken down such as it is, with the Iraqi people still suffering under sanctions, even though we've tried to find ways to alleviate their suffer, but that hasn't really helped. In this context, it's just going to make things tougher on Arab street to maintain sanctions, to maintain our military presence. But I think those two basic cornerstones of our policy can be sustained, it's just going to be tough.
+SHAW: Putting yourself in the shoes of Arab leaders, how much pressure are they under to support Saddam Hussein?
+O'HANLON: Well, they're in a bad position because they can't really support us. I'm not sure they have to support Saddam, but they have to show some sympathy with Iraqi people. They have to show some resistance to a Western-Israeli front that Saddam has tried to create image of in people's minds in region, and they really have to worry about being seen too close to us. I'm not sure they have to worry about supporting Saddam directly, but if they are involved, even implicitly, in military operations against fellow Arabs and that's the perception on the street, that's a political problem for them.
+SHAW: And of course, the situation was far different 10 years ago when Syria and Egypt deployed troops with the coalition forces.
+O'HANLON: That's right, and certainly in the case of Syria, in the case of Jordan. Of course, Jordan was never firmly behind the coalition, but we're seeing a sliding and we're seeing these countries return back to, in a sense, the political positions you would expect them to occupy based on the realities of what's going on in street in their own countries. But the key is will Saudi Arabia and Kuwait stand by these Western operations. Those are the real keys.
+SHAW: Michael O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institution. Thanks for coming over here so quickly.
+O'HANLON: My pleasure.
+SHAW: More on this day's military strike against targets in Iraq after a quick break. We will join CNN's Christiane Amanpour in London for the latest on Britain's role in today's air strikes.
+SHAW: Today's strikes against Iraqi targets were carried out by a mix of U.S. and British aircraft. For the latest on what British officials are saying about the strikes, we join CNN's Christiane Amanpour in London -- Christiane.
+CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Bernie, significant that it is really only Britain that can continue to support the United States in these military actions and in maintaining sanctions on Iraq. What everybody is calling a coalition is really whittled down to just the United States and Britain.
+And so Britain, today, submitted six of its fighters to this operation. There were 24 planes altogether. Britain had six of them. According to a Ministry of Defense spokesman, they targeted six targets inside Iraq. There's a slight discrepancy with what the Americans are saying. They're saying five targets. I'm sure this will all come out in the wash when we get more details.
+But the British are saying six targets, Their planes came from an air base where they were stationed in Kuwait, They say that they struck the targets successfully, although they will not be able to have a complete bomb damage assessment until daylight hours where they're able to go over and check really just how much they took out, and whether it was entirely successful, as they had hoped that it would have been.
+In any event, the airplanes went back to base and went there safely. Politically, a Downing Street spokesman from the Prime Minister's Office is saying, that this was quote, "a measured and targeted response to an increase in threat by the Iraqi military on the ground towards British and U.S. planes that are patrolling the no- fly zone."
+And they're saying this increased threat was particularly visible in January, in the last few weeks of this year. Compared to the entire of last year, they had more threats in one month of this year. So, this is why, they say, they have taken this action.
+In terms of how they coordinated with the United States, it was on a ministerial level. The British minister of defense, Geoff Hoon was in consultation with the United States. Prime Minister Blair was not in consultation, we're told, with President Bush. This was done at the ministerial level with obviously, Blair authorizing and being kept apprised of the action as it took place -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Christiane, I suppose the British government is indicating that it will remain vigilant in these kinds of operations should more be needed?
+AMANPOUR: Absolutely, I mean, the British have taken a very similar line to the United States in that they feel that this is the only way to contain Saddam Hussein. I think everybody knows that this is not the most satisfactory policy, but it is the only policy that they have at the moment: Keeping sanctions on, responding to a threat when it arises, a military threat, and trying to as they have said it, they quote, keep Saddam Hussein in his box. Basically try to keep him as unthreatening as possible.
+But it is very interesting, that this comes at this particular time. You've got the 10-year anniversary of the end of Gulf War, which now in retrospect looks to have been concluded not totally satisfactorily. You've got a new American administration, and you've got an American administration that is saying that it is now reviewing its policy, that it's going to decide how to proceed.
+It wants to reenergize sanctions, which is going to be difficult given the intense opposition from around the world to the sanctions. It's already given a lot of money, millions of dollars it's just released to the Iraqi opposition group, which actually is based here in London.
+So all these new developments going on. And you know, some people have been saying that this appears to have been a tough signal from the new U.S. administration that, hey, we're new, but we're here, and this is what we're going to continue to do, much like the Clinton administration did.
+SHAW: Christiane Amanpour reporting from London. And for more of a global view of this day's air strike, we're joined now by Toby Harndon of the British newspaper, "The Daily Telegraph"; and Gil Tamary of Israeli Television and in New York, Raghida Dergham, the senior diplomatic correspondent for the newspaper "Al-Hayat"
+Raghida Dergham, I'd like to start with you. What reaction are you hearing? What are you getting?
+RAGHIDA DERGHAM, "AL-HAYAT": Well, of course, there is a mixed reaction from different parts of world, but there is also a mixed signal coming out of Washington, and I say that because yesterday the secretary of state, Colin Powell, was at the United Nations making statements and meeting with other permanent members on the security council, trying to save that consensus that has disintegrated amongst the five permanent members, speaking of possibility of accepting Iraq back into, to use his words, as a progressive member of the international community if it delivers cooperation.
+And then, of course, in 10 days, there is another scheduled meeting between the secretary-general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and a delegation from Iraq to discuss, to have a dialogue on how to get out of the status quo and bring in a better understanding of what's needed.
+So, this coming in-between, I think, is sending a sort of mixed signal, but I think the signal that the administration wanted for the Iraqis to get is don't be overconfident. Beware, we're willing to review, but you also must know that we're there also in complete readiness when you try to target us too much on the no-fly zone.
+SHAW: And the Israeli correspondent, Gil Tamary, what are you hearing? What are you picking up?
+GIL TAMARY, ISRAELI TELEVISION: Every time that there is an American activity in Iraq, the Israeli people become alert. As you know, Bernie, we just ended a few phone calls with Israel and everyone wants to know if it's something sporadic or it's real change in the American policy because you must remember that the Israelis are the ones that are living in this tough neighborhood, and every Israeli still remembers that Saddam Hussein launched missile against Israel when he was in the conflict with U.S.A. during the Gulf War.
+So in Israel, the people are very concerned, and they think they are very encouraged to hear the things that Colin Powell said just on CNN last week, when he said that if Saddam Hussein will continue to produce a mass destruction weapon, the United States will be after him. I think it is very encouraging signal.
+SHAW: And we check up with Toby Harndon of the British newspaper, "The Daily Telegraph" -- Toby.
+TOBY HARNDON, "THE DAILY TELEGRAPH": Well, I think in Britain, it's seen very much as a continuation of previous policy. But there are also two other aspects to this. I think it's seen as sending a very strong message to the Iraqi people and to the world that 10 years on after the Gulf War, we've got a return to -- you've got Bush's, George Bush Senior's son as president. You've got Cheney. You've got Powell.
+And I think there's a sense in Britain that this is a message saying that we will finish off the job that we didn't quite finish off properly 10 years ago. I think it also reasserts the idea that Britain is the United States' principal ally, and it comes just a week before our prime minister, Tony Blair, comes to Washington to hold talks with Mr. Bush at the White House and at Camp David.
+SHAW: Well, that was a point I was going to raise with you, Toby. In a sense, do the United States and Britain feel that they, if you will, are the lone rangers now with France having backed away from being a staunch coalition supporter?
+HARNDON: Yes, I think there are certainly elements of that. I think there are also tensions within Europe over the national missile defense program and also over plans for a common European defense policy, a rapid reaction force. I think Britain sees itself as very much the bridge between Europe and the United States, and this will be a message that Tony Blair will want to reinforce when he comes here next week.
+SHAW: Raghida Dergham, are these strikes likely to help President Saddam in the Arab world?
+DERGHAM: Superficially maybe, yes, but that is because the environment, the regional environment is really quite upset about the continuation of the sanctions to begin with. But then there is the Israeli factor, if you will. As my colleague from Israel has been saying, the Iraqis having weapons of mass destruction, in the Arab mind, there is an absolving of Israel when it has the nuclear bomb and the weapons of mass destruction, and there is a concentration against Iraq only.
+And that's where Israel becomes the complicating factor in the American policy in Middle East from the point of view of the majority of the Arabs. And then also you have a problem with the no-fly zone. Some countries, and Iraqis in particular and a lot of members of the Security Council, they say that this is not authorized by the Security Council. So, then the grounds for it are shaken,
+And finally, if I may point out to the problem of the Israeli- Palestinian negotiations and failure of the negotiations, Mr. Saddam Hussein might like to make himself the hero of the Arab street and I don't think he will be. These are two issues that do meet every now and then, but the problems between the Palestinians and the Israelis are tackled and looked at independently from the problems of the Iraqi people who are suffering because of the sanctions and everything else. So I think there is going to be a review now, but at any rate, it's -- it's too early to see if there is going to be a new policy or not.
+I think in Washington there is a lot of debate and fight amongst the newcomers to administration. Hopefully reason will prevail.
+SHAW: Gil Tamary, Ariel Sharon, the prime minister-elect, of course, was a former defense minister of Israel. Presumably he would applaud the action taken by Washington and London today?
+TAMARY: Of course there is no question about it, because Saddam Hussein is a threat to Israel. We saw it during the 10 last years, and furthermore, if we look about the Bush defense, anti-missile defense program, this is something that the Israeli new government and the Israeli existing government is for, and they want to see it as soon as possible. You must remember that there is American support and aid in the development of the Arrow missile that is some weapon that try like the Patriot to deal with the threats in the region from countries like Iran, like Iraq, like even Syria that is a much closer neighbor of Israel.
+SHAW: Gil Tamary of Israeli Television; Raghida Dergham, the senior diplomatic correspondent of the newspaper "Al-Hayat"; and Toby Harndon of the British newspaper "The Daily Telegraph." Thank you all for joining us on such short notice. Thanks very much.
+DERGHAM: Thank you very much. Thank you.
+SHAW: You're quite welcome. And there's much more ahead here on INSIDE POLITICS, including live reports from New York and the State Department right after the break.
+Also ahead, Bill Clinton's new reality. How his status as private citizen affects his response to the Marc Rich -- Marc Rich pardon controversy.
+And later, political conservatives find strength in numbers and count the reasons to rejoice with Bill Clinton out of office.
+SHAW: And now for more on this day's airstrikes on Iraq, we turn now to the diplomatic front. CNN senior United Nations correspondent Richard Roth is standing by in New York, and State Department correspondent Andrea Koppel is here in Washington.
+Richard, let's find out what you can tell us about the diplomatic reaction in New York first.
+RICHARD ROTH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we can give you the most immediate reaction, which occurred just moments ago from Iraq's new U.N. ambassador here in New York, Muhammad al-Duri. He said -- quote -- "Just like any Iraqi, we're disappointed." However, he said he has not been briefed yet by Baghdad.
+This new ambassador certainly going to get jolted now. He's barely presented his credentials to the United Nations, and he was set to participate, along with the foreign minister of Iraq, in high-level talks with the United Nations officials, including U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan, in about 10 days. There's no word yet if those talks are going to be postponed.
+Diplomatic reaction, though, certainly hones in on the big five, the Security Council. It's their resolutions, the Council's resolutions, under which the United States and Britain unleashed these air assaults.
+One Western diplomat, not the U.S. or Britain, said he was stunned by the bombings when informed by CNN. Stunned, especially because at a meeting on Wednesday U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell stressed a tone of dialogue and compromise with the other big powers in a meeting he held with them at the United States mission to the U.N.
+One Chinese diplomat said: "We condemn this bombing by the U.S. and British airplanes. We are opposed to the use of arms without the authority of the Security Council." Of course, Britain and the United States believe they have the authority under existing Security Council resolutions -- Bernie.
+SHAW: And quickly back to Washington and the State Department. Our correspondent there, Andrea Koppel.
+Secretary of State Colin Powell is due to go to the Middle East. Will this really complicate his mission?
+ANDREA KOPPEL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Bernie, it certainly won't make it any easier. Secretary Powell traveling there at the end of next week with two objectives: one, to try to urge restraint between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and perhaps get the peace process back on track, and the second objective is to try to re- energize, to try to rebuild support for existing sanctions against Iraq.
+He's going to be meeting with a number of leaders within the moderate Arab world, Bernie. They are under tremendous pressure from their own peopled, especially considering the violence of the last five months in the Palestinian territories and Israel, to lift those sanctions.
+Watching for the last 10 years, seeing pictures coming out of Baghdad of suffering Iraqis, today, again, seeing pictures of wounded Iraqis. This is, of course, Saddam Hussein's effort to play on the emotions, which he's done so well, of the Arab world -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Andrea Koppel, thanks to you at the State Department, and in New York, Richard Roth.
+When we come back, Robert Novak and his "Reporter's Notebook" with some new information regarding the airstrikes today in Iraq.
+SHAW: Here now to talk about the airstrikes against Iraq, Robert Novak of "The Chicago Sun-Times," "EVANS & NOVAK" and "THE CAPITAL GANG." And your "Reporters Notebook."
+Bob, do you see an exit strategy by the Bush administration in its policy toward Iraq?
+ROBERT NOVAK, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Absolutely not. It seems to me it's the same old policy of being tough and of no compromise, but no strategy for winning the war either. So we have these incidents and probably lose support in the Arab world. The coalition has dwindled down to two countries now, the United States and the United Kingdom.
+The interesting thing, Bernie, is that talking to a lot of people in the administration, and I have never found anything, any talk about Iraq outside of the campaign. And suddenly, there's this -- this sort of an institutional attack on Iraq. And I don't see any way of getting out of it. And I think it's a distraction also from an administration, which everybody has been telling me this week, the most important thing is to get their tax cut through.
+SHAW: In the United States, there's an old saying: All politics stops at the water's edge. All planes return safely. On Capitol Hill, will the 107th United States Congress back this policy?
+NOVAK: Oh, absolutely. I would say that one of the rarest breeds in Washington or American politics is a friend of Saddam Hussein. They just don't -- they just don't make them anyway. And you're not going to lose by looking tough, and particularly if you're not having any loss of American life.
+The problem, Bernie, though, is that, as we talked about before, the exit strategy of where you go from here. Is this a popular issue? Is this something that the American people are going to really be engaged in? That's something that I doubt.
+And I would say that it didn't come at a particularly good day. It was President Bush's first outing. The people in the Bush, in the White House have been talking to me about how this Mexico trip was going to be his -- really set him off in his first foreign policy question, of course.
+We're not talking about Mexico now. We're talking about good old Iraq. So politically speaking, I don't think it was very helpful.
+SHAW: Robert Novak, thanks very much.
+This word for you, our viewers around the world. We are awaiting a briefing from President Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice. She will be speaking from Mexico. And of course, when she addresses the reporters down there, we intend to go and bring it to you.
+Up next, political news: from the difficulties of being the former president to the conservative reaction to the new administration.
+SHAW: We are looking at Cristobal, Mexico. This is the site where National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice will be briefing reporters on the airstrikes in Iraq, north and south of Baghdad, earlier today Washington time. And also, this is also where, of course, the two leaders of Mexico, President Fox, Vicente Fox, and President Bush, held their summit earlier.
+As soon as Ms. Rice steps up to brief reporters, we're going to take you there live.
+Meantime, former President Clinton and the city of New York today agreed on a deal that would allow him to locate his new office in Harlem. A city department held the lease for -- she is coming out now, I'm told. Condoleezza Rice is coming out now. We're going to interrupt reporting that story and take you live there.
+While she is approaching the microphones, I will say the obvious, that this is the first world event of important magnitude to be publicly addressed by Condoleezza Rice as national security adviser to the president since the Bush administration took office on January 20th.
+CONDOLEEZZA RICE, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I'd just first like to say that I think that this meeting was an absolutely wonderful start to a new U.S.-Mexican partnership.
+President Fox and President Bush issued a communique, which you heard read by the two foreign secretaries, that I think gives us a very good basis for moving forward. They agreed that they are going to address problems as well as opportunities in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. And we're very excited about the new leaf that is being turned over in U.S.-Mexican relations. And I look forward to working with our Mexican counterparts well into the future.
+QUESTION: If I can go straight to Iraq? What can you tell us about when the president was first informed about the situation in Iraq, who informed him, what kind of deliberations there were, and how and when he made the decision?
+RICE: Well, I'm not going to get into the decision-making processes that we have. But let me just say that we have four enforcements of the no-fly zone since we have been in office.
+It is a fairly routine occurrence, because the United States enforces the no-fly zone with its coalition partners. And the only thing here is that there are some enforcement actions that require national command authority authorization, as well as notification. This is one of those. But we have to realize, this is quite a routine act, and it is aimed at making certain that our pilots are safe in the theater.
+QUESTION: ... enforcement, Dr. Rice, also require this, sort of, authorization?
+RICE: There are different levels of authorization that are required, but I can't go into the decision-making here. Only to say, that we routinely enforce the no-fly zone. It is done, and we do whatever we can to make certain that our pilots are going to be safe. These were assets that were threatening to American and coalition partners in their efforts to enforce the no-fly zone.
+QUESTION: Can you tell us what it was that triggered the review at this level, as opposed to the others?
+RICE: I can't get into how the operating procedures work, only to say that under this circumstance the president was notified and did authorize. But this is a long-standing policy. There isn't any change in policy. This has been going on since 1991. And I think you would find that there were enforcement actions of this kind, as well, in the past.
+QUESTION: Did the planes fly from Saudi Arabia?
+RICE: I'm not going to get into operations on the ground. Can I refer you also to the Pentagon? They've been briefing on this and you may want to take any more detailed questions to them.
+QUESTION: A question on drug certification: What assurances...
+SHAW: Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security adviser, addressing reporters there in Mexico where the president today earlier with Vicente Fox, Mexico's president. She said that she would not get into the United States military decision-making process. She described what happened today as a fairly routine occurrence, meaning enforcing the no-fly zone in northern and southern Iraq. And she said that what happened today was designed to make certain that United States pilots as well as British pilots are safe in the theater.
+And she said that these are assets that were threatening, meaning the Iraqi command-and-control radar sites. She said that these were assets that were threatening to the pilots, and they meant to be sure that the pilots could fly safely.
+One quick translation: You heard Ms. Rice's Mexican counterpart, Enrique Berruga, speaking briefly after she spoke. And my quick, rough translation indicated he was extolling positive relations between Mexico City and Washington. He projected that over the next four years they look forward to having positive and beneficial relations.
+INSIDE POLITICS along with all the developments on the airstrikes in Iraq will continue in just a moment.
+SHAW: Former President Bill Clinton is having problems and CNN national correspondent Eileen O'Connor reports that Mr. Clinton is finding life after the White House is much different when it comes to managing public relations.
+EILEEN O'CONNOR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former President Bill Clinton continues to assert that contributions made by Marc Rich's ex-wife had nothing to do with his decision to grant the fugitive oil financier a pardon. However, as a private citizen, former President Bill Clinton is finding it harder to get his case heard than when he was President Clinton. He's even suffered damning criticism from his own party.
+SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER (D), NEW YORK: It does not matter that the fugitive was enormously philanthropic. Pardoning a fugitive stands our justice system on its head and makes a mockery of it. O'CONNOR: Political analysts say former presidents lose their control over the party faithful.
+CHARLES COOK, "NATIONAL JOURNAL": I think for a lot of Democrats on Capitol Hill there's a feeling of, look, I gave at the office, I've defended this guy for eight years and I'm not doing it anymore.
+O'CONNOR: As president, Mr. Clinton had a Rose Garden where he could appear presidential. He could change the subject to national security or the economy. There was always Air Force One to move the focus of the press off the latest investigation. And he always sent out aides to the talk shows to make his case.
+COOK: Even if he were still in office, it would be hard to defend, but at least he could make some other news, he could shift another direction and try to deflect the news coverage a different direction. This time he can't do it.
+So you know, I think he's kind of stuck with it.
+O'CONNOR: As former president, he was able to change the subject once by moving his choice of office space to economically deprived Harlem. His lawyers are not saying whether he will agree to testify on the pardons before Congress, as some lawmakers have demanded.
+Some former advisers and prominent Democrats say Mr. Clinton should make his own case, but directly to the people.
+REP. CHARLES RANGEL (D), NEW YORK: I would say that he should on his own explain to the American people the reasons for why he did it and try to shatter some of the cloud that's over his reputation.
+O'CONNOR (on camera): But some political analysts say the best thing the former president could do is go underground by taking a long European vacation, giving a few speeches there until all this dies down.
+Eileen O'Connor, CNN, Washington.
+SHAW: There is much more ahead on INSIDE POLITICS. In our next half hour, we will continue our coverage of the U.S. airstrikes against Iraq with reports from Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon and national security correspondent David Ensor.
+INSIDE POLITICS will be right back.
+SHAW: Saddam Hussein's military command-and-control centers struck at some key sites by United States and British warplanes. Is it a sign that George Walker Bush is getting tough with the Iraqi president?
+SHAW: Welcome to our CNN International viewers around the world and welcome back to INSIDE POLITICS.
+The Bush administration says the airstrikes launched against Iraqi military targets near Baghdad were an act of self-defense. But President Bush apparently is trying to send a message as well to a regime that has defied the United States and allied partners since Mr. Bush's father was president.
+Our Jamie McIntyre is following the military angles at the Pentagon -- Jamie.
+JAMIE MCINTYRE, CNN MILITARY AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Well, the Pentagon says, Bernie, that this all began because U.S. pilots patrolling the southern no-fly zone began coming back from their missions reporting that there were some missiles and gunfire that was a little too close for comfort. Now, the Pentagon began analyzing the situation -- U.S. commanders in the region -- and they decided the problem was a series of radars and control centers around Baghdad just outside, just north of the no-fly zone above the 33rd parallel. The solution, they decide: they had to be taken out, and the Pentagon says it had no choice but to take them out in self-defense.
+LT. GEN. GREGORY NEWBOLD, JOINT STAFF DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: It reached the point where it was obvious to our forces that they had to conduct operations to safeguard those pilots and the aircraft. As a matter of fact, it -- essentially a self-defense measure in conducting the operation.
+MCINTYRE: Pentagon sources say more than 60 planes were involved in the operation, hitting five targets around Baghdad about 9:30 at night, Baghdad time. The targets they hit included more than 20 individual radars at these five separate sites -- U.S. Air Force F-15s and Navy F-18s. The F-15s flying out of Kuwait and Navy F-18s used the latest in high-tech weapons to take out more than 20 of the radars, like this one. These are pictures the Pentagon provided, showing the type of radar that was used.
+They used the latest stand-off weaponry in order to conduct the strikes across the 33rd parallel without actually crossing. Here we see one of those weapons, an AGM-130. This cockpit video showing how the bomb is optically guided by the backseater in an F-15 to its target. A very accurate weapon that allows the plane to fire it from miles away without having -- getting to get too close to the Iraqi air defenses.
+So, a 24-strike aircraft using the latest in standoff weaponry hit these five weapons sites. The Pentagon insists that they think they did the damage they need to do to improve safety for U.S. pilots patrolling the no-fly zone. And the Pentagon insists that this was not some new, more muscular employment of the enforcement of the no- fly zone, but simply a response to a concerted effort by Iraq to get better at trying to shoot down those U.S. and British planes -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Jamie, a question about the Iraqi strategy in the attempt to get better. Was it the installation of these radar, these command and control centers, away from the south?
+MCINTYRE: Well, apparently Iraq must have thought that if it put these -- if it used radars that were not actually in the no-fly zone, that they would be in sort of a safe haven up near Baghdad, and then they could relay the information down to the gunners who are in the southern no-fly zone.
+But the United States has said all along that it does not limit itself to striking only when fired upon or only the individual weapon systems that fire upon it. Anything that it thinks is a threat, it considers fair game. And in this case, it decide that these five different areas and 20-plus radars were what was really endangering the lives of the pilots. And so, again, the solution, take them out.
+SHAW: And one other quick question on tactics: 24 aircraft -- attacking aircraft involved, but you report more than 60 aircraft were involved in the overall operation. I assume that AWACS and other types of planes were involved?
+MCINTYRE: Well, the rest of those were support aircraft. One of the very important jobs is performed by the EA-6B, which is a jamming aircraft; it jams the radar. And the Pentagon says that when these planes did go in they did have some sporadic anti-aircraft fire and even some missiles that were fired, but those missiles were fired without the benefit of radar guidance, and so they had very little chance of actually hitting the aircraft. That's because of the jamming and also because of the Iraqi gunners on the ground are well aware that if they turn the targeting radars on, the U.S. planes that are escorting those planes have radar-seeking missiles that can come right in on them. So they're very reluctant to do that.
+SHAW: Jamie McIntyre with the latest from the Pentagon.
+The Iraqi air strike overshadowed President Bush's first trip outside the United States since taking office January 20.
+CNN's John King traveled with Mr. Bush to Mexico.
+KING (voice-over): His first steps on the world stage were carefully choreographed. A familiar place and a familiar face.
+But President Bush knew as he celebrated a new chapter in U.S.- Mexico relations that, before the day was out, he would be explaining U.S.-led military strikes against an old nemesis.
+GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Saddam Hussein has got to understand that we expect him to conform to the agreement that he signed after Desert Storm. We will enforce the no-fly zone, both south and north.
+KING: The president authorized his first military operation Thursday, after being told Iraqi radar and air defenses near Baghdad posed an increasing threat to allied pilots.
+BUSH: Some of the missions require the commander in chief to be informed. This was such a mission.
+KING: The president said he was determined to keep the post-Gulf War sanctions in place and to keep a wary eye on Iraq.
+BUSH: We're going to watch very carefully as to whether or not he develops weapons of mass destruction. And if we catch him doing so, we'll take the appropriate action.
+KING: Mr. Bush was at ranch of President Vicente Fox when he received word the operation was over, and he tried to keep the focus on his decision to make Mexico his first international stop.
+KING: As predicted, no major agreements, but upbeat talk about friendly cooperation as the two neighbors convene talks in the weeks ahead to discuss the flow of illegal immigrants and illegal drugs from Mexico to the United States.
+PRESIDENT VICENTE FOX, MEXICO (through translator): Certainly there is a new attitude; there is a new way of approaching things -- much more positive approach to things on this issue of migration.
+KING: But for all the symbolism of the visit, the strikes in Iraq turned attention to Mr. Bush's first test as commander in chief, and on a national security team with two Gulf War veterans: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and retired general and now Secretary of State Colin Powell.
+KING: Mr. Bush described it all as routine; said that, in endorsing and authorizing those military strikes, he was simply acting on the recommendation of the military commanders in the region, not adopting a tougher stance against Saddam Hussein. But he also left little doubt that, if asked, he'd say yes again -- Bernie.
+SHAW: John, thanks very much with the latest from Mexico and the president's party.
+Baghdad is condemning the allied air strike as a prelude to a holy war. Iraqi television reports one woman was killed in the attack and a number of other civilians wounded.
+CNN's Jane Arraf is in Baghdad -- Jane.
+ARRAF: Bernie, President Saddam Hussein has given his response to this attack, and he says it is proof that the United States is allied with Israel. He says, in fact, that this is not just an isolated attack, that it appears to be a prelude to what he calls a planned Israeli attack on the Palestinians and Arab countries.
+The president here has been trying to ally his struggle to have sanctions lifted with the Palestinian cause, the fight against Israel. Iraqi television has reported just a short while ago that one woman has, indeed, died in hospital, the first reported casualty of the bombing. It's shown other pictures of what it says are civilians -- who appear to be civilians, women and children, obviously, in hospital, apparently wounded in the attack. It has not released any figures or any indications of how much damage was done, but it has now taken reporters to the hospital where the casualties were taken.
+Iraq has vowed to continue to try to shoot down planes in the no- fly zones in the north and south, and it is indicating that it sees this as the start of a continued aggression against Iraq -- Bernie.
+SHAW: That was going to be my question about President Saddam Hussein's response -- whether he expected another coalition response similar to today's air strikes. Is the Iraqi government saying anything about the claims made by London and Washington about the threatening nature of those command and control centers?
+ARRAF: I'm sorry, Bernie, could you repeat that question?
+SHAW: Is the Iraqi government saying anything in response to the claims made by the United States and London that the command and control centers hit actually threatened American and British pilots?
+ARRAF: It has not made any specific response to that claim, but what it will likely say is -- to point to the U.S. statement, which says that this attack was not in response to a specific provocation, but to a series of what it calls provocations.
+Iraq, of course, says that when the U.S. attacks -- when it says it's attacking in response to provocations -- Iraq isn't being provocative, it is simply defending itself. It sees these -- it sees the U.S. and the British flights in its airspace as not only a violation of its airspace, but a continuing war. There have been almost daily bombings, daily air clashes going on in the north and south for almost the past two years. Most of these are going unreported and unacknowledged, virtually, because they take place outside of Baghdad.
+Tonight, for the first time in two years we have an air strike on the outskirts of the capital; an air strike that has taken place outside the no-fly zones; an attack, as Iraq sees it, on the capital itself and, furthermore, adding a new twist to this, an attack that takes place on Friday, the Muslim holy day, part of the religious significance that the president is putting on this attack -- Bernie.
+SHAW: Thank you, Jane Arraf with the very latest from Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, where it is early Saturday morning, 10 minutes after 2:00 in the morning.
+Well, we're joined now back in the United States by Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, a member of the Senate Foreign Relation Committee. Senator, your first reaction and did you get a heads-up?
+SEN. SAM BROWNBACK (R), KANSAS: Well, my first reaction is that this is probably a good, positive move by the United States to say to Saddam Hussein that we are not going to tolerate your locking onto our planes. We're not going to tolerate your violating of the U.N. agreement, the thing that you signed onto, and I think it's a good, positive step by President Bush.
+I don't think it should be over-read as saying, OK, this signals a huge escalation or anything else. I think it's just a positive, firm step that President Bush is taking, and I think it looks like it was conducted well.
+SHAW: The sanctions against the Iraqi regime, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell going to the region in a matter of days. CNN State Department correspondent Andrea Koppel reporting that Mr. Powell is very concerned about the sagging sanctions, the fact that France has stepped back. How might this strike affect these sanctions in the region, especially among the Arab nations?
+BROWNBACK: That's an excellent point because for the past two or three years, really, the sanctions regime has been falling apart from the closer neighbors to Saddam Hussein and now a broader effort and it's just been sagging and loosely falling apart. That was one of my big criticisms in the foreign relations area of President Bill Clinton.
+Either let's be robust in our efforts to get Saddam Hussein out of power or let's walk on away from him. But instead, this thing just kind of sagged and moved away from us. I hope that what takes place with this strike and with the administration meeting with the Iraqi National Congress, this is the groups, the opposition groups to Saddam Hussein and signaling the potential of supporting those groups within Iraq that it will tell our allies and people in the region that there is a different president, that we are going to work towards getting Saddam Hussein out of power, and that hopefully that might bolster those sanction regimes to continue.
+SHAW: I have a very simplistic question to put to you, senator: How long will this running confrontation between this leader in the United States and the leader in Baghdad go on? How long? It's been 10 years now.
+BROWNBACK: We're in our third president since this started, and I would hope really that within, you know, a fairly short period of time, within the next couple of years, we'd resolve either we move forward to removing Saddam Hussein, which is the past law and stated policy of this country, or we say, you know, look, we're just going to contain him and it will eventually wear off.
+But we go one way or the other. It is 10 years. We've spent billions of dollars and at the end of the day, we did liberate Kuwait, but within the region, there's still this seething problem and it's Saddam Hussein.
+SHAW: Well, you just used the verb remove. When you say remove Saddam Hussein, what are you saying?
+BROWNBACK: Well, I'm saying that when we passed the Iraqi Liberation Act and the president, then-President Clinton signed that into law, he stated then our long-term objectives were to get Saddam Hussein out of power in that country. That was what the stated objective was. That was what that was passed about.
+And the problem, Bernie, is Saddam Hussein. It's not the Iraqi people. So I think that our long-term effort has to be to say Saddam Hussein has caused countless numbers of death, great hardship, has invaded a neighbor and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction that will threaten that region, our allies and the rest of the world.
+He's the problem, and that's where we should address it. I'm not suggesting anything of a covert action. What I'm saying is the overt action of supporting the Iraqi National Congress in the north and the south to hopefully eventually squeeze Saddam out.
+SHAW: Senator Sam Brownback, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, speaking to us from his home state. Thank you very much for joining us.
+BROWNBACK: Thank you, Bernie.
+SHAW: Quite welcome. And INSIDE POLITICS will be right back.
+SHAW: We have on the telephone an Albuquerque, New Mexico reporter. His name is Bob Martin. He's from KRQE-TV. He is not in New Mexico. He is in Adana, Turkey at the base from which New Mexico Air National Guardsman have been flying in the northern no-fly zone of Iraq.
+Bob Martin, first of all, I'm wondering what's the reaction among the pilots and the flight crews there to what happened over Iraq today?
+BOB MARTIN, WRGE-TV CORRESPONDENT: You know, Bernie, the pilots and crews just keep telling me over and over again they're not involved in the politics. They get their orders from the higher-ups and they go out and execute the plans that they're given.
+Off-the-record and kind of off to the side, you just get a sense from them that they are happy when some of these more sophisticated surface-to-air missile sites and radar sites and such get taken out because it's very dangerous. I've been flying with them along the northern no-fly zone, and in riding with them and monitoring their radio frequencies, virtually every day that they go in they get shot it and that is both by AAA, the anti-aircraft artillery and by surface-to-air missiles and they very, very, very seldom shoot back.
+Amazing restraint, Bernie, by these pilots who are constantly being shot at to not fire back most of the time. It's very rare that they actually go in, as you know and make a strike on one of these sites.
+SHAW: Interesting insight from Bob Martin from KRQE-TV in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thanks very much for joining us. We're going to have to move on because we have a satellite coming up out of London. Thanks very much, Bob.
+As we have reported, this day's mission over Iraq included both U.S. and British warplanes. We return now to London where CNN's Christiane Amanpour is once again standing by -- Christiane.
+AMANPOUR: Well, Bernie, as we've been saying, really the United States can only count on Britain these days to be its staunch ally in military affairs against Iraq and in maintaining sanctions. The Ministry of Defense here confirming that six British bombers did take part in this air-raid, that they struck the targets inside Iraq, returned to their bases safely.
+They won't be able to do full bomb damage assessment until the daylight hours. But they believe, they say, that they did strike their targets successfully and they said that all the targets were carefully assessed by experts over a period of days specifically to avoid civilian casualties.
+The Downing Street spokesman for Prime Minister Blair says that this attack was what they called a measured and targeted response to an increased threat from Iraq that they had been determining over the last month -- Bernie.
+SHAW: OK, thank you. Christiane Amanpour with the latest from London. In just a moment, a look at dealing with Iraq, past and present. David Ensor on the political options of the Bush administration.
+SHAW: The current Bush administration inherits the relationship with Iraq shaped by the policies of the Clinton administration and the previous Bush administration. In view of that, CNN's David Ensor examines President George W. Bush's options in dealing with the leader of Iraq.
+DAVID ENSOR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The last time U.S. and allied warplanes attacked targets above the 33rd parallel was Operation Desert Fox in 1998. After less than a month in office, a new president has authorized it again. He and his team have said there will be a tougher policy towards Iraq until it lets arms inspectors back in.
+COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: Until he satisfies the international community that he does not have such weapons, is not developing such weapons, we have a goal to make sure that we keep the pressure on.
+ENSOR: Bush aides say the tougher approach they plan is in the national interest, nothing personal. But the president can hardly have forgotten that in 1993, U.S. intelligence said Iraqi agents had plotted to kill his father, the former president, while in Kuwait.
+Coincidence or not, as the latest U.S. strike was under way, leaders of the opposition Iraqi National Congress were in the State Department in Washington, discussing new funds from the Bush administration for radio broadcasts against the government of Saddam Hussein, to collect intelligence and evidence of war crimes in Iraq and to distribute humanitarian aid.
+AHMAD CHALABI, IRAQI NATIONAL CONGRESS: The air strikes of the United States against Saddam's targets today in Iraq are, I believe, part of a new active policy which will help the Iraqi people remove Saddam from power.
+ENSOR: The Bush administration says it wants international arms inspectors readmitted to Iraq. But the former deputy chief of UNSCOM says that's not worth doing unless they would have some firm guarantees.
+CHARLES DUELFER, FORMER DEPUTY CHAIRMAN, UNSCOM: They'd better be very, very serious weapons inspectors. They'd better have access because the experience that UNSCOM had, the experience that the countries in the region have had at the hands of the Iraqis doesn't bode well for the future.
+ENSOR (on camera): Weapons inspectors again? Tightened sanctions? None of this will be an easy sell to Iraq's neighbors whom the secretary of state will be visiting next week. Saddam Hussein has been very successful of late exploiting Arab anger at Israel and turning it against Israel's friend, the United States.
+David Ensor, CNN, Washington.
+SHAW: And that concludes this edition of INSIDE POLITICS. But of course, you can go online all the time at CNN's allpolitics.com; AOL key word, CNN.
+Please stay with CNN throughout night and weekend for the very latest on the air strike against Iraq. At 7:30 p.m. Eastern, Bush campaign foreign policy adviser Richard Pearl will be the guest on "CROSSFIRE." At 8:00 p.m., Clinton National Security Adviser Samuel Berger joins Wolf Blitzer. Former United Nations Iraqi weapons inspector Scott Ritter talks with Greta Van Susteren at 8:30. "LARRY KING LIVE": He will have live reports from Baghdad at 9:00 p.m., and Bill Hemmer anchors a one-hour special at 10:00 p.m. on the air strike against Iraq.
+I'm Bernard Shaw in Washington. "MONEYLINE" is next.
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+Easystepflooring.co.uk warrants that the Solid & Engineered Wood Flooring you purchase from ourselves will comply with their description and be of agreeable quality.
+This warranty is applicable from the date of the original purchase to the purchaser only. It is not transferable to any other persons. Proof of purchase is required by the purchaser to make claim under this warranty. Please inform easystepflooring.co.uk of the problem as soon as it is noticed.
+The warranty will only be valid for residential use only.
+Easy Step Flooring Store offers a 15 year warranty on our Solid & Engineered Wood Flooring.
+It is the responsibility of the purchaser and installer to return any faulty or damage boards prior to the installation, as these cannot be claimed on your warranty after the cancellation policy has expired.
+Natural Occurrences:
+Due to Wood being a natural product it has naturally occurring characteristics. Each plank may have colour, knot, grain and tone variations. These are not considered to be defects and are therefore not covered by your warranty.
+Solid Hardwood flooring will naturally expand and contract throughout the different seasons due to heat. This may cause some separation between the boards. This is not a fault with your flooring and is not covered by your warranty. Any damage or excessive expansion of the flooring due to excessive subfloor moisture and/or water damage including, but not limited to broken water pipes or flooring are not covered under this warranty.
+Engineered flooring. Flooring or Ply-adhesive breakdown caused by erratic/excessive heat changes, subfloor moisture and/or water damage including, but not limited to broken water pipes or flooring are not covered under this warranty.
+Prolonged exposure to sunlight may lighten or darken your wood flooring depending on the type of wood you have purchased. This is not a fault with your flooring.
+Warranty Disclaimers: Easy Step Flooring Store promises to examine each warranty claim on individual merit. In order for your warranty claim to comply, the problem must be solely attributable to a manufacturing fault and be used for residential use only.
+Manufacturing faults include problems with the: · Click System · Tongue and Groove · Finish
+Manufacturing faults do NOT include: · Scratches · Cupping · Warping · Shrinkage · Natural Occurrences · Deterioration Through Normal Wear & Tear
+All Warranties are void if the flooring: · Has been fitted incorrectly · Has been abused or subjected to neglect · Has been altered in any way · Has had improper maintenance or inadequate care · Is damaged due to excessive moisture and flooding · Is damaged due to settling or uneven subfloors · Is damaged due to sand, gravel or other abrasive materials · Is damaged due to the wearing of stiletto heels on the floor · Is damaged due to natural disasters
+Easy Step Flooring Store Limited reserves the right to inspect the problem in site.
+Replacement Flooring:
+If your solid & engineered flooring warranty claim is considered valid by easystepflooring.co.uk we will replace the damaged portion of your flooring at no cost to the purchaser.
+On replacement of your flooring, we are NOT responsible for:
+· Colour variations. Due to the age and species of the wood, character of the flooring and exposure to UV light or sunlight, your replacement flooring may not match the display samples and/or existing flooring
+· The same product being available. Due to the length of the warranty, we may no longer hold stock of your original product at the time of your claim. In this case, we will supply you with a similar suitable alternative.
+· Any extra costs derived from the faulty product such as the removal of fixings and furniture, electrical items or labour costs.
+Please Note: This warranty is in addition to and does not affect your statutory rights.
+Update: HAProxy can now handle SSL client certificate: SSL Client certificate management at application level
+HAProxy is well know for its performance as a reverse-proxy and load-balancer and is widely deployed on web platforms where performance matters. It is sometimes even used to replace hardware load-balancers such as F5 appliances.
+When the platform requires SSL, it is common to use nginx, Pound or. Recently, stud came in the dance with a major advantage over other software: support for HAProxy’s proxy protocol.
+At HAProxy Technologies, we build our ALOHA load-balancers using HAProxy and we use stunnel as the SSL offloading software. Our clients wanted some new features on our SSL implementation we could not provide through stunnel.
+By the way, you can find our stunnel patches here:
+An other important thing to notice, is that stunnel does not scale very well: when managing a lot en encrypted connections, stud or nginx are far much better.
+That’s why we decided to implement SSL directly in HAProxy. For now, it is still quite basic: SSL offloading with SNI support and wildcard certificates, ability to encrypt traffic to servers.
+But at least, the performance are here!
+We’ll keep on improving it later with new features, IE: client certificate management and some fun stuff with ACLs: stay tuned!
+Remember that the job was done by HAProxy Technologies engineers.
+Note that if you’re using the softwares listed above for other purpose than SSL, then you may still use them. For example, nginx performs very well on static content and on dynamic using php-fpm.-1.5-dev12.tar.gz cd haproxy-1.5-dev12/ make TARGET=linux2628 USE_STATIC_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 sudo make PREFIX=/opt/haproxy-ssl install
+HAProxy configuration for SSL offloading
+First of all, you have to generate a few keys and a certificates using openssl and concatenate them in a file, the certificate first, then the key.
+HAProxy configuration, very basic, for test purpose, and just to let you know which lines are very important:
+defaults log local0 option tcplog frontend ft_test mode http bind ssl crt ./haproxy.pem crt ./certs/ prefer-server-ciphers # other (self described) options are: [ciphers ] [nosslv3] [notlsv1] use_backend bk_cert1 if { ssl_fc_sni cert1 } # content switching based on SNI use_backend bk_cert2 if { ssl_fc_sni cert2 } # content switching based on SNI default_backend bk_ backend bk_ mode http server srvxlc backend bk_cert1 mode http server srv1 backend bk_cert2 mode http server srv2
+As you can see, HAProxy load one cert haproxy.pem which will be default one, and all the certificates from the certs dir. Actually, I have only 2 for my tests: cert1 and cert2.
+Running HAProxy
+First, just test the configuration is valid:
+/opt/haproxy-ssl/sbin/haproxy -c -f ./hassl
+Check the default certificate server name:
+openssl s_client -connect -servername [...] Certificate chain 0 s:/CN= i:/CN= [...]
+HAProxy log line:
+[...] ft_test bk_ [...]
+Checking cert1, loaded from ./certs/ dir:
+openssl s_client -connect -servername cert1 [...] Certificate chain 0 s:/CN=cert1 i:/CN=cert1 [...]
+HAProxy log line:
+[...] ft_test bk_cert1/srv1 [...]
+Checking cert2, loaded from ./certs/ dir:
+openssl s_client -connect -servername cert2 [...] Certificate chain 0 s:/CN=cert2 i:/CN=cert2 [...]
+HAProxy log line:
+[...] ft_test bk_cert2/srv2 [...]
+Checking with an unknown servername:
+openssl s_client -connect -servername kemp [...] Certificate chain 0 s:/CN= i:/CN= [...]
+HAProxy log line:
+[...] ft_test bk_ [...]
+When the name is unknown, the failover is well done on the default certificate.
+And voilà !!!
+Since it has been released in the 1.5 branch, you can use it in production 🙂
+Related articles
+- SSL native in HAProxy
+- Enhanced SSL load-balancing with Server Name Indication (SNI) TLS extension
+- Scaling out SSL
+- Benchmarking SSL performance
+- Maintain affinity based on SSL session ID
+Baptiste, you’re becoming too much of a salesman 🙂
+Well, the primary reason for native SSL in haproxy is to connect to servers via SSL, which was very difficult using a third-party component because it required as many stunnel/stud instances as servers, which was really not convenient. Also we wanted to improve the SSL listener to pass all client cert information to haproxy. When we managed to rework the connection layer, it was as easy to have SSL on both sides as it was to have it on one single side, so we did it. In the end, having everything in a single component is much simpler than multiple components. That said,.
+and to make any infrastructure requiring SSL and HAProxy much simpler to manage!
+Hi guys!
+Thanks for long-waited ssl support!
+I’m getting this error
+and my conf is
+I’d appreciate if someone could direct me to correct direction. thanks!
+since haproxy is able to load certs from directories, it needs exactly one key+crt couple per file. In order to achieve this, you need to concatenate
+the .crt and the .key for each of your certs into a single file (call it .pem).
+Thanks for response!
+SSL company gave me three files: certificate, SSLCA and ExternalCARoot files. Where should I keep those two files? Concatenate together with .crt and .key?
+Hi Willy,
+Does SSL_SESSION_ID persistence (by using ACL and stick table) work fine with this SSL proxy mode? Previously I’m using it in TCP mode only.
+Best Regards
+If HAProxy does SSL offloading, then you can do cookie persistence 😉
+Hi, thanks for this really good article 🙂
+i have tried differents configurations in my lab platform ( one linux haproxy and one back end web server IIS 7.5 )
+the problem i have is i can connect with a smartcard ( gemalto card )
+is haproxy can handle this case ? because in this case, we must forward the https to the back end server in https
+Hi Baptiste,
+thanks for you answer and confirmation 🙂
+it is what i think, i can’t use ssl offloading with a gemalto security token
+Hi Mohamed,
+in fact it depends on the application. Many people are doing SSL offloading on front gateways and pass the client certificate information in HTTP headers to the application. That way client certs become compatible with SSL offloading, provided that the application is adapted to fetch the SSL information from HTTP headers instead of the SSL connection. It looks like the most common solution consists in building HTTP header names by appending the same names as the mod_ssl environment variables aftern an “X-” prefix. In general it’s not much work to be done in the application, but still some adaptations are required. We’re currently working on this at Exceliance for the ALOHA appliance, it’s not ready yet but would probably be by the end of the month. At least right now we’re able to verify client certificates in the lab 🙂
+Hi Willy,
+Thanks for the answer and explanation.
+sorry for my ,’noob’ question, i have search on google and read docs/forums etc…
+In TCP mode, with services where the client IP needs to be retained for use with the application/logging, is HAProxy can be used ? ( it seems not )
+i really need to retain the client IP ( on the logs of the web server )
+maybe aloha products support this feature ?
+Hi Mohamed,
+Then you have to use HAProxy in transparent proxy mode, using the client ip on the TCP connect phase to the server.
+more information here:
+Note that you must change your servers default gateway to point it to your HAProxy server.
+I get this error: parsing [/etc/haproxy/charm.cfg:29] : ‘bind’ : ‘ssl’ option not implemented.
+Are you sure you have compiled HAProxy with USE_OPENSSL=yes and you’re running the HAProxy you’ve just compiled?
+Please check it by running “haproxy -vv”
+USE_OPENSSL worked, I missed that from the post. Thanks. Lastly, is it OK to use a certificate with the chain certificates in the file, like those required for godaddy ssl certs?
+Ye, as long a you reproduce the whole an full chain in your PEM file:
+intermediate cert #1
+intermediate cert #2
+@joshua: Did it (concatenating cert, intermediate cert#1, intermediate cert#2, key) work for you?
+I can’t get them work. My browser still shows the site as unverified.
+Did you concatenate them in the right order?
+Thanks for reply!
+I got three files from ssl provider: AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, mysite_com.crt, PositiveSSLCA2.crt. I concatenated the files in two different orders:
+I tried both of’em. Still, my browser shows the site as unverified.
+Finally! It’s working!
+Problem was in configuration. Thanks, guys!
+buriwoy, could to tell what exactly the problem in configuration was? I’m facing the same problem as you before.
+I have the same problem, can u show as your config or at least tell what u fixed?
+Please send a mail to HAProxy ML with your error and your config and we’ll help you fixing it.
+Hi Willy/Baptiste,
+Really excellent effort on bring SSL offloading to HAProxy – thank you! I’m really impressed with it, and am just fiddling with a setup now – believe I have it successfully compiled with OpenSSL 1.0.1b, and have a basic configuration running. Is there something preventing HAProxy allowing TLS1.2 from being used at this point? I can only get Opera 12.02 (with TLS1.2 protocol activated) to talk TLS1.0 to my test site, yet if I point the same browser to the same test site, but using an stunnel SSL termination (also compiled with OpenSSL 1.0.1b) I can get TLS1.2.
+Hi AndyH,
+Emeric has just added new options “notlsv11” and “notlsv12” I believe, to disable newer versions. I’ll have to check. I haven’t merged the patches yet, but they should be merged into dev13 soon.
+I have simple round robin load balancing setup which btw is working flawless,
+listen web-farm
+cookie SERVERID rewrite
+balance roundrobin
+server web1 cookie app1inst1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
+server web2 cookie app1inst2 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
+How do I implement SSL? I need https to work. I am very new to this. Could you please give me an example?
+Hi Baptiste,
+Thanks for this great post.
+In waiting to buy a ALOHA load-balancers, I’ve just test this solution for SSL Offloading.
+But I have this error :
+Proxy ‘ft_test’: file ‘./cert/server.pem’ : this version of openssl cannot load multiple SSL certificates in bind ‘’ at [haproxy-ssl.conf:22].
+Currently, I use openssl 0.9.8e.
+Which OpenSSL version may I have to use in order to use this functionality ?
+Best regards,
+Hi Christophe,
+Unfortunately for you, it seems to be openssl version 0.9.8.f. That said, we recommand you to upgrade to the latest available 0.9.8 version. Latest version (1.0.1 something) have new TLS support and improve drastically performance (at least 50%).
+Note: you must compile openssl with TLS/SNI support.
+Hi Baptiste,
+I am tried with latest openssl version also but getting same error.
+Its working fine with single ssl cert
+My config:
+[root@uat ~]# openssl version
+OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
+[root@uat ~]# /opt/haproxy-ssl/sbin/haproxy -v
+HA-Proxy version 1.5-dev19 2013/06/17
+[root@uat ~]# less /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/haproxy.cfg | grep bind
+bind *:443 ssl crt /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/ssl/
+[root@uat ~]# ll /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/ssl/
+total 20
+-rw-r–r– 1 root root 4988 Aug 23 14:55 domain1.pem
+-rw-r–r– 1 root root 3554 Aug 23 14:54 domain2.pem
+Note: With single certificate its working fine,
+[root@uat ~]# /opt/haproxy-ssl/sbin/haproxy -f /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/haproxy.cfg
+[ALERT] 235/015028 (29717) : parsing [/opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/haproxy.cfg:40] : ‘bind *:443’ : this version of openssl cannot load multiple SSL certificates.
+[ALERT] 235/015028 (29717) : Error(s) found in configuration file : /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/haproxy.cfg
+[ALERT] 235/015034 (29717) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
+Please suggest.
+really quick question: I’ve successfully compiled the SSL-enabled HAProxy version, and it seems to be working fine. I’d like my clients to use HTTPS compulsory, i.e. whenever they connect to the website, they’re using HTTPS. I tried configuring a simple redirect using nginx:
+server {
+listen :80
+rewrite ^? permanent;
+That works initially, that is, the first connection is redirected by nginx and reaches HAProxy, which in turn forwards it to the webservers. However, the second action I try to take (a POST command with username/password) goes to nginx instead of HAProxy, going by Firefox’s “Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection” alert, and the POST command never goes through.
+What is the correct way to arrange this HTTP > HTTPS redirect? This is my HAProxy configuration, if needed:
+listen wmc
+bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/wmc.cert prefer-server-ciphers
+reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto: https
+server ws1 cookie ws1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
+server ws2 cookie ws2 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
+Regars and thanks in advance,
+Thanks for your great post.
+i have installed openssl with apt-get command. i try your suggested solution to ssl offloading but there is some errors when i run make command.
+root@debian:/usr/src/haproxy-1.5-dev12# make TARGET=linux2628 USE_OPENSSL=1
+In file included from include/types/global.h:30,
+from src/ev_poll.c:23:
+include/types/protocols.h:31:25: error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory
+In file included from include/types/global.h:30,
+from src/ev_poll.c:23:
+include/types/protocols.h:104: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before âSSL_CTXâ
+In file included from include/types/acl.h:33,
+from include/types/proxy.h:39,
+from include/types/global.h:31,
+from src/ev_poll.c:23:
+include/types/server.h:174: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before âSSL_CTXâ
+make: *** [src/ev_poll.o] Error 1
+Fafa, propably, you need to install the openssl-devel package.
+I use following configuration to load balance https connections, using haproxy 1.4.8. SSL offloading is done by apache.
+listen ssl_to_waf
+mode tcp
+balance roundrobin
+option ssl-hello-chk
+#option forwardfor header X-Client-IP
+server wafA check
+listen ssl_from_waf
+balance roundrobin
+option forwardfor
+server webA check
+For HTTP requests this works great, requests are distributed to my Apache servers just fine. But for HTTPS request, I lose the “forwardfor” information. I need to save the client IP address. How can I use HAproxy to load balance across a number of SSL servers, allowing those servers to know the client’s IP address?
+The x-forwarded-for allows you to keep the client IP trace in your apache or tomcat logs in w3c format.
+If you loose the https source ip, you probably have a plugin issue at the server level.
+If one has a PEM protected with passphrase, how can one tell HAProxy to use that password?
+You’ll have to type the passphrase by hand, like you do for Apache.
+Every time I start HAProxy?
+Like for Apache 🙂
+Or just remove your passphrase from your certificate.
+Yeah, I did remove the passphrase and it works almost like a charm. Somehow, my website behind HAProxy is not providing the resources over HTTPS, therefore rendering my website unusable 🙁
+Thanks anyway!
+Thanks for sharing this HOWTO with us, just finished configuring and works fine.
+I still have some problems with HAproxy considering the load balanced servers as being down very ofter but I guess its not related to https/ssl
+Hi all,
+I tried to run the configuration from this article and I got a Segmentation fault.
+I got this output with gdb:
+Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
+0x000000000045ece0 in bind_parse_ssl (args=, cur_arg=, px=, conf=, err=) at src/ssl_sock.c:2566 2566 list_for_each_entry(l, &conf->listeners, by_bind)
+I compiled successfully with openssl and my version of ssl is 1.0.0. The version of HAProxy is 1.5.17.
+Please run a “make clean” before compiling haproxy from a git repository 😉
+And please ask such question on the HAProxy ML (no registration required).
+Hi there, I’ve really gotten into this haproxy, I’ve had enough of the quirks in nginx etc.
+But I’m having a problem with using ssl_sni
+This is the error I’m getting when running this command:
+#haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
+[ALERT] 079/102538 (16735) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:26] : error detected while parsing switching rule : unknown ACL keyword ‘ssl_sni’.
+[ALERT] 079/102538 (16735) : Error(s) found in configuration file : /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
+[ALERT] 079/102538 (16735) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
+I built the package using:
+make TARGET=linux26 USE_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1 clean install
+No errors appeared in the build output. (I’m running a really hacked-up version of Centos 5.3, well one has to with this distro, everything on their damn repo’s is a hundred years old!), everything’s working fine though, trust me, well, apart from being able to get haproxy to do what I think its supposed to do. And yes haproxy does work if I just go for a straight forward SSL offload and backend server request setup, just doesnt seem to like this ‘ssl_sni’ syntax.
+When running the version command (haproxy -vv), I get this:
+HA-Proxy version 1.5-dev17 2012/12/28
+Build options :
+TARGET = linux26
+CPU = generic
+CC = gcc
+CFLAGS = -O2 -g -fno-strict-aliasing
+Default settings :
+maxconn = 2000, bufsize = 16384, maxrewrite = 8192, maxpollevents = 200
+Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
+Built with zlib version : 1.2.3
+Compression algorithms supported : identity, deflate, gzip
+Built with OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013.
+And finally, my configuration is rather simple (haproxy.cfg):
+mode http
+bind ssl crt test.crt
+use_backend server2 if { ssl_sni server2.com } # content switching based on SNI
+default_backend server1
+backend server2
+reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto: https
+server iis x.x.x.x:xxx
+backend server1
+reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto: https
+server reverseproxy x.x.x.x:xxx
+All in all, rather simple requirement, SSL offloading is haproxy’s job, if the http url requested is server2.com then send the victim to server2, all others go to the default server1.
+I really want this to work, been at it for 2 days, building different versions, etc etc (the joys of working in Linux hey hahaha)
+Any ideas??
+Ah it seems the syntax has changed, instead of ‘ssl_sni’ its now ‘ssl_fc_sni’ – works a treat 🙂
+If I can get this thing rolling and my bosses are happy with it, then I think a hardware version with support could well be on our list of things to buy!
+you’re yourself answering faster than me 🙂
+The syntax has changed, the one in the article was the very first one, but still temporary.
+I’ll update the article.
+Looking forward to talk to you about our HW HAProxy appliances:
+I tried your example with 2 Certs, /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem and /etc/haproxy/ssl/.
+So the first one will be used by default and the certs from the dir are loaded/used when it matches the SNI, right?
+haproxy.pem has been created for foobar.com and the second one is for bar.foobar.com.
+So when I now connect, using openssl or a browser, I always get the first/default cert even though the ACL “use_backend test_cert2 if { ssl_fc_sni bar.foobar.com }” seems to work fine. I always get the correct backend, so test_cert2 when the SNI is bar.foobar.com and my default backend for anything else. I just wonder why I always get the default cert instead of the correct one, cert2.
+Any ideas what that may cause?
+haproxy 1.5-dev17
+Please use the latest HAProxy from git.
+Could you also log the SNI captured by HAProxy and check your clients sent one?
+Works fine with 1.5-dev18, thanks!
+I’m trying to get haproxy 1.5-dev18 to work with SSL enable and i’m coming across an issue where my request gets pushed to the apache server but i end getting too many redirects. I’m assuming its my haproxy config. Can someone verify if this is correct?
+Hi Steve,
+Please contact HAProxy’s mailing list for support.
+Note you may find some answers in this article:
+Hey guys,
+I’m trying to track down some errors that we’re seeing after enabling SSL termination on HAProxy. We’ve recently moved off AWS ELB to HAProxy, so I’m not sure if those errors are normal or if there’s something to be fixed in our configuration.
+I’m getting a relatively small number (about 2-3% of requests) of errors like: Connection closed during SSL handshake and Timeout during SSL handshake. Is this something you’ve run into in the past? Any way of debugging this?
+Thanks! (Sorry if this comment appears twice, logging in with Gravatar seemed to have cancelled my comment)
+I’m pretty confused about this concatenation…. after purchasing the SSL certificate, I now have the following:
+1. Root cert
+2. Chain cert
+3. Server cert
+and also
+4. A .csr file
+5. A .key file
+Do I just concatenate everything into a single file and call it “haproxy.pem”? Would really appreciate some help!
+@patrick: You should concatenate the Chain, Server and key files. I never added the root cert, but I don’t think it can do any harm. Do not add the csr. Also, make sure that the private key is not password protected.
+I was getting this to work with a self signed key. I got it to work, but my order was RSA PRIVATE KEY section and then CERTIFICATE section.
+Also, in head, prefer-server-ciphers is now the default. It is an error to set it.
+Hi guys, it’s possible to configure ssl on each domain host??
+I have many domains some has SSL some have also websockets with ssl how can i configure HAproxy to server different certificates on each domain??
+Please send your question to HAProxy mailing list.
+Martin Zajíc, maybe this article will be useful for you:
+The PROXY protocol looks quite promising. Any IETF RFC or community-driven adoption effort that started besides [great] specs published at ? A pointer would greatly help.
+Liz Burbo. Intimate relationships, 2009
+This little book from the series “Liz Burbo answers your questions” is devoted to the problems of intimate relationships between a man and a woman, the causes of conflicts, quarrels, offenses and disagreements in the life of married couples. The author gives very specific, simple and convincing answers to a variety of questions from listeners. These answers are consistently based on the concept of "Listen to your body," as outlined in previous books by Liz Burbo.
+I really want to keep my current family, but I suddenly realized that the spouse always decides everything for me and for the children.
+How to return the already lost love of a spouse?
+How can I deal with a partner who is not very committed to the perfection of intimate relationships?
+How can I make my spouse understand that I am suffocating from his possessive feelings towards me?
+How to do this without injuring his pride?
+Theory of "mirror"
+How do I deal with a spouse who is not very interested in raising children?
+How to deserve the love of a mother-in-law, who does not want to perceive me as I am?
+My husband constantly and publicly gives an estimate.
+As soon as I want to talk to my spouse, he starts screaming.
+What should I do?
+The thought that I will surely meet a man who is psychologically similar to my former spouse does not leave me.
+Is it so?
+My husband has a panicky fear of being out of money.
+And this is despite the fact that he and I have a permanent job.
+What to do and what to say?
+Tell me why they say "fall madly in love with someone"?
+I am almost sure that my husband is cheating on me.
+Should I open my spouse all my feelings?
+My husband was a heartbreaker, and I left him.
+But why are I still so attracted to heartbreakers?
+Why am I afraid to meet women and keep in touch with them?
+I resent my husband for the fact that he often criticizes me, and even despises me.
+I convince myself that I am not leaving my husband just because he is lost without me.
+Is it not stupid of me?
+I divorced my husband after twenty years of marriage, of which eighteen were genuine happiness.
+Advise how to get my spouse to accept my method of self-improvement and at the same time maintain normal family relationships?
+What if my husband suffers from the accumulation of food, linen, clothing, securities and other things?
+I had a very active and fulfilling life;
+I can not understand the meaning of the suicide note of her husband, which he wrote before committing suicide.
+How to compensate for the lack of tenderness in our lives?
+Can you explain to me why relationships develop so well at the beginning and get worse with time?
+I have a very powerful husband.
+He always knows everything and is always right in everything.
+Advise how to communicate with such a person.
+How to respond to the actions of the spouse, which I condemn?
+What if we have different ideals with a friend with whom I live now?
+How to do so not to feel guilty for the fact that sometimes I leave the spouse alone at home with the children, while I go to my girlfriend, to the store, or just walk, breathe fresh air and think about myself?
+My daughter is four and a half years old, and I've been married for eight years now.
+I would like to know how to improve relations with my alcoholic husband, who has been abstaining from alcohol for a year and three months.
+My wife is sure that everything is always right.
+I left my husband several times because this is a real despot: he repeatedly beat me.
+How do spouses learn how to communicate, listen and not interrupt each other?
+My husband is never at home, and I often meet with a work colleague.
+What if the husband does not strive for a healthy life, joy and love?
+Could not the refusal of the spouses of mutual responsibility for happiness and failure lead to the emergence and development of a certain independence and irresponsibility of each of them and even indifference in the relations between them?
+Basically, my husband and I get along.
+But can I allow myself to make a remark to him when I see that he loses control of his emotions and goes with the flow?
+My spouse was the youngest child in the family and before our acquaintance he lived with his mother.
+When he was just a kid, their father left the family.
+When I intend to spend the evening with my friends, I warn the spouse in advance.
+My husband blames me for living in the past.
+To get out of debt, the spouse works part-time.
+It seems to me that my husband condemns me whenever it comes to my attending lectures at the Listen Your Body Center.
+Advise how to be, if the wife humiliates me at strangers?
+What would you advise and wife?
+I can not accept the fact that my friend falls asleep wherever we are: visiting friends, in church, etc.
+My husband and I have coincided with a two-week vacation, and my husband suffers from agoraphobia: he is afraid of tunnels, bridges, highways, etc.
+How to be a wife who does not work and is fully dependent on her husband?
+Is it normal that I constantly compare friends with my father and try to find in them what I liked in my father?
+What should I do when I want to talk to my husband, and to him with me - no?
+Over the years, I trust myself less and less.
+What does the sacrament of marriage mean to you?
+By the nature of my work, I have to help others, and I often witness instances of domestic violence.
+Here is the gist of my question: Eighteen years I have been married to an alcoholic.
+Then I got married again, but the second husband was an alcoholic.
+With him, I almost learned to live my life without interfering with his life, taking care of my own "I."
+My husband is oppressive to me.
+In your first book, you advise: before leaving a spouse, a woman should make sure that she really does not have anything more to do with her and that otherwise she cannot avoid repeating the previous situation.
+How to build a relationship with a spouse who takes a lot of energy from me because he needs her?
+Do you think the philosophy of life you preach is the best way to help spouses who have problems?
+How to find out if my friend truly, sincerely loves me, or does he have only sexual desire for me?
+When I openly tell my husband about how I relate to some of his actions, he listens to me, and then calmly replies that no one has the right to interfere in his personal life, that he is what he is and cannot change.
+How to replenish the family budget, if one spouse is prudent, and the other is wasteful?
+How should I deal with my spouse if he often has bouts of melancholia that reach panic?
+How to make a husband buy clothes?
+Tell me, why am I angry when my husband does something not in my opinion?
+How can I feel happy if my spouse does not want to rise to my level of development?
+Now in the evenings I am not at home because I attend classes.
+How to explain my desire to change a spouse?
+When I want to talk to my wife, she starts to object, and I immediately go to myself.
+What should I do with myself so that in the foreground I have a husband, not children?
+How to help her husband understand their feelings, not telling him what to do?
+I adore my husband, but we have so little in common with him.
+I find myself having a relationship with my son, in many ways similar to matrimonial.
+What trait does a husband show if every day he asks his wife if she loves him?
+I would like my spouse to spend all his free time with me.
+How should I respond to the spouse’s unflattering statements about my parents?
+Should I confess to my spouse, with whom I have been living for twenty-four years, that I no longer love him, but treat him like a brother?
+I learned that my wife had an affair with another man.
+How to treat a man who lives only his work?
+Now I have a second husband.
+He is a bit closed, as he is afraid that he will not take root in the new family.
+I have always believed that the appearance, appearance of a person does not matter, that the most important thing in a person is his inner beauty.
+When my husband and I quarrel, he goes out of the house.
+I am now studying away from my native city, and I have to live apart from my husband.
+You can't make someone else understand our feelings.
+The spouse is engaged in financial frauds, and their consequences, naturally, affect me: I live in constant anxiety, anxiety and fear.
+When my husband and I make love, I can't get the same pleasure that he gets.
+Do I have to reckon with the independence of her husband, if I always want to be with him?
+Is it true that somewhere in the world exists my half, twin soul or soul mate?
+The Bible considers it a sin divorce of spouses.
+Can a woman love two men at the same time?
+My husband constantly makes me unpleasant comments about my clothes, my hair, etc.
+Recently, my husband lost his job, and we had to get into debt.
+How to deal with a drug addict husband?
+My husband cares much more about our sixteen year old daughter than about me.
+How to understand the expression "to be dependent on the dependence of another"?
+My husband almost always forgets about my birthday.
+It is difficult to draw the line between the concepts of “being selfish”, “not giving up on one’s interests” and “appreciating one’s own freedom”.
+My husband is the main “breadwinner” in our family.
+He has a good salary.
+Meanwhile, he demands in return that I constantly cook, wash and receive his guests whenever he wants.
+I do not understand your theory.
+You say that you reap what you sow.
+Are real intimate relationships possible without passion?
+It seems to me that not many couples manage to preserve true love after several years of married life.
+Books and textbooks on the discipline of self-improvement:
+Kazantsev A. Who would have thought!
+How the brain makes us do stupid things - 2014
+Roem Dan.
+The practice of visual thinking - 2013
+Roem Dan.
+The practice of visual thinking.
+Part II - 2013
+Gin A. .. Typical exercises for the development of strong thinking -
+Validating E Mail
+General Email Questions
+How typically should I inspect my e-mail?
+Given that you will be actually obtaining vital notices such as enrollment days as well as financial aid settlement timetables, it is extremely advised that your email is inspected daily.
+Will I still obtain “snail mail”?
+At the present opportunity, you will definitely receive routine mail coming from some departments, and also electronic mail from others. Down the road, Delta will definitely be actually eliminating standard paper email as well as substituting it with e-mail simply.
+Will Delta still utilize my aged email handle?
+No, your Delta e-mail deal with will definitely end up being the one we utilize to refer you.
+Is Delta e-mail secure? Who will have knowledge of my e-mail deal with?
+Yes, unless you supply your address to outdoors parties, just Delta College personnel and also staff will definitely recognize it.
+Is my e-mail account based on junk mail?
+Delta will definitely take every measure to discover as well as protect against unsolicited mail.
+Will my account exist after I’ve left Delta?
+After 2 successive semesters of non-attendance, your account will definitely be actually removed.
+I am actually an internet trainee. Which e-mail address should I utilize? Will my teachers understand my Delta deal with?
+All on-line trainees need to utilize their Delta e-mail handle. Your instructors recognize how to call you here. You should inspect your mail usually, as internet teachers will certainly usually send login guidelines through e-mail.
+What is my coach’s e-mail deal with?
+To acquire your instructor’s contact info, feel free to call the division office for your class. To inquire about which division your training class resides in, you might contact the Relevant information pipe at (209) 954-5151.
+Exactly how do I login? What’s my Login Name and Password?
+Satisfy head to. Your appointed Login Name is actually the part of your e-mail deal with that shows up before the @ indicator –– for example, jsmith123. Your Code is your PIN – the very same one you would certainly utilize for on the internet sign up.
+Just how perform I figure out what my designated Login Call is actually?
+Log in to Online Enrollment. Your pupil e-mail address appears directly under the “Invite” relevant information.
+Your Login Call is actually the info before the “@” signboard of your e-mail deal with.
+Instance: YourLoginName333@deltacollege.edu!.?.! I overlooked my e-mail deal with and/or PIN, what perform
+I do? Log into Online Registration to get your e-mail handle. Your PIN coincides one you utilize for accessing online
+enrollment (this is your time of childbirth got into as MMDDYY, unless you’ve transformed it). TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY, ALL OF STUDENTS ARE ACTUALLY FIRMLY URGED TO DEVELOP A PRIVATE RECOGNITION VARIETY(PIN). PINs can be established by logging right into Online Registration. To reset your PIN, you need to show your Photograph ID(CA Vehicle driver’s License/CA I.D.
+)to the Admissions Workplace in the DeRicco Pupil Companies Property or you might send your demand in writing alongside a duplicate of your photograph I.D. through facsimile to(209)954-3769. Request submitted by facsimile without a photograph I.D. may not be actually processed. I’ve followed the instructions but still can not login! If you are actually a brand-new pupil, your profile is going to be made 1 day after your request
+for admittance has actually been actually refined. You will be sent out login information through US Mail. If you are actually a carrying on student, satisfy make certain that you are actually inputting in your Login Call and Password without areas or punctuation. It is additionally feasible that your profile was actually
+impaired due to shortage of attendance throughout previous semesters. Exactly how can I examine my email if I don’t have access to a pc? Exactly how can I examine my e-mail if I do not possess access to a computer? Delta possesses numerous areas that you might use to examine your mail.
+Adhering to is a checklist along with hrs, area, as well as contact number. Scholastic Processing Lab e-Services Lab Goleman Public library Consumption as well as Troubleshooting I have actually logged in as well as I merely find an” Inbox”. Where are actually the “Sent”,”Draughts”, and”Junk”files? Some of the mailboxes are actually not produced till a certain action is actually
+just. As soon as you’ve deliver your very first message, a Sent package will instantly be actually made. When you’ve delete a notification,
+a Garbage package will feature, and so on. Can I send/receive email to and coming from anybody, or even is email restricted to Delta company simply? Yes, you might send out and get individual e-mail aside from Delta related email. Nevertheless, we caution you against allowing your inbox to review the maximum area allowed, as you will certainly be actually getting essential messages from Delta pertaining to financial aid, admission, and registration. How much storing area perform
+I have? How can I say to the amount of I am actually currently utilizing? You are delivered with 10 megabytes of space. After visiting, the area currently being made use of are going to be displayed in the lightweight blue left side hand pane under your listing of mailboxes. It will appear something like the following: Total used: 500K of 10M Where K suggests kilobytes and also M refer to megabytes. There are roughly 1,024 kilobytes in one megabyte. Just how carry out
+I set up my pupil e-mail within yet another client such as Expectation or Netscape? No. At the present opportunity, your pupil e-mail can only be accessed by means of the web at Can my Delta email be forwarded to another one of my profiles,
+like Yahoo!, Hotmail, or even AOL
+? Certainly not immediately. You have to manually onward any messages you desire stashed in outside e-mail profiles. Can I receive mail from some of my various other accounts at my Delta account? No, you are going to not possess the capability to obtain mail coming from outdoors
+accounts at your Delta profile. Can I access my Delta email from my mobile device or cellphone? Yes, your
+pupil e-mail may be accessed via your cellular phone. Satisfy refer to our Mobile Sync Guide. Just how do I develop brand-new mail boxes? After visiting, in the light blue left-hand glass, you will observe a possibility that states, Folders [
+Include] Click Incorporate. The moving of the pane will certainly alter to Generate
+a new Mailbox. In the Mailboxes Call message field, style the label of the desired mail box.
+Select Mail Box under the Mailbox Style drop-down menu, and also click the Create button. You will definitely find the new box screen below in the checklist of current mail boxes, under the My Folders moving. Maybe you may would like to develop an”Repository “mail box, in
+which to hold information you want to save, but don’t essentially would like to mess your Inbox. What’s an add-on? How perform I send out an attachment? An add-on is a file that you can connect to your e-mail notification. This is the digital matching of sending a Photograph along with a”mail “character. Examples of accessories are pictures, sound data, files, as well as spread sheets. Why can I not send/receive add-ons? This can be as a result of a lot of things. There are actually specific sorts of accessories that are going to be denied through Delta e-mail. These are actually data ending with the extensions,. pif,. scr,. exe,.
+bat, and.cmd. In this particular scenario, you might obtain a notification that says,”
+Message material is actually declined listed below “. Notifications bigger than 500 kilobytes will also be actually turned down. It is also achievable that there was a complication with the accessory on the email sender’s side. You may desire to ask them to make an effort resending. Why isn’t any person replying to my e-mail? In
+some instances, our company inquire that you not deliver email to specific
+addresses. If this holds true, you are going to commonly
+get a computerized reply letting you recognize that the specified profile is actually not accepting e-mail information. Why are my information getting come back to me? Come back messages could be as a result of some of the following: The notification you are actually attempting to send goes beyond the 500 kilobyte limitation.
+The receiver’s deal with carries out certainly not exist. There is a trouble on the receiver’s end preventing them coming from obtaining the notification, like their account ending allocation. Why are my e-mail notifications vanishing? This is most likely due to your profile ending quota. In short, your profile is actually total. If you surpass your 3 megabyte storing allocation, the earliest e-mails in your Inbox will be actually erased to make area for brand-new inbound information. If you don’t wish your more mature notifications to be
+instantly erased, it is actually important that you take the
+important methods to maximize space in your profile as soon as possible. Begin through draining the garbage, and then delete information you no more necessity from all other mailboxes. I e-mailed my teacher but the notification
+was gone back to me due to their account being full … The coach you are making an effort to connect with may not be actually working this term.
+Please contact their department office to identify
+the most effective means of reaching them. Phone Call(209)954-5151 and request for the branch workplace for your program. Are there any sort of technical criteria? All you must do is actually configure your Web web browser’s cache environments. Store refers to a part of the computer’s mind that preserves recently accessed records for the objective of quickening repeated accessibility to the same details. For example, a recently seen website may be promptly fetched coming from the store without needing to download it coming from the internet once again. The complication with cached webpages, is actually that you are going to merely see the
+most recently accessed version of the webpage-not the absolute most present. This is why you should establish the cache to always display a brand-new page.
+Most Popular Articles
+Products & Newsletters
+Radio Currents Online - Sep 30 - Oct 13, 2002
+Radio technology news updated as it happens.
+| Business | People | Internet Watch | Products
+FCC Approves Ibiquity's IBOC Technology
+Washington - Oct 10, 2002 - The FCC has approved the in-band
+on-channel digital broadcasting technology developed by Ibiquity
+Digital Corporation for use by stations. Following an extensive review,
+the FCC's decision will allow radio stations to begin immediately
+broadcasting digitally using the Ibiquity-developed IBOC technology,
+which has been branded HD Radio.
+FM stations will be allowed to transmit IBOC signals any time of the day. AM station will only be allowed to transmit IBOC signals during the day. This is due to the skywave interference that was shown to exist in the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) tests earlier this year.
+Ibiquity previously announced that consumer electronics manufacturers utilizing HD Radio technology will debut products at the upcoming International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January.
+This ruling allows for broadcasters to proceed immediately with IBOC broadcasting on an interim basis while the final IBOC standards are established. Digital FM has been approved for both daytime and nighttime broadcast, AM digital for daytime broadcast. Ibiquity is working closely with the NRSC, co-sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), to develop final FM and AM IBOC standards.
+During the interim IBOC operations, stations will broadcast the same main channel program material in both analog and digital modes.
+Ibiquity and the NAB have touted the improved audio and additional datacasting capabilities of IBOC as being the key to radio station acceptance and implementation of the technology. The broadcast community is split on its feeling. Those opposed to it feel that the audio improvement is marginal at best, and the data services are not enough to propel consumer desire. One example is that RBDS, which has provided a data stream for FM radio for 10 years, never became popular in the United States. Ibiquity is quick to point out that the RBDS data rate is very low compared to IBOC, but the example at least shows that song title and artist information is not enough for a data service.
+Other technology elements would allow listeners to replay audio and access additional data services.
+Ibiquity held a telephone press conference following the FCC announcement, which was listened to by Radio magazine. The publications that cover the consumer audience posed lots of questions that dealt with very basic details of digital; details that a Radio magazine reader should already know. These questions show that consumers will also require a great deal of education to understand what HD Radio is and what it can do.
+The FCC Vote
+The commission voted 4-0 for the adoption of IBOC. The commissioners endorsed the technology, saying that it will benefit the industry and consumers. Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy said, "We don't get many items where it's a win-win for everyone. There's no down side."
+FCC Chairman Michael Powell said that he is looking forward to such a dramatic leap forward in technology. "I'm thrilled and excited to see the radio wagon train finally get to the other side."
+While the ruling will not take effect until 90 days after the ruling is placed in the Public Register. Until that time, stations will still need to apply for an STA through the commission.
+The FCC claims that IBOC is spectrum efficient, allowing digital operations for all existing broadcasters with no new spectrum allocation requirements. The FCC noted that although it is no longer considering the proposed approach of requiring new spectrum in TV Channel 6, this ruling does not categorically foreclose new spectrum options. In the event that new spectrum is identified for broadcast use, further consideration of both IBOC and non-IBOC out-of-band digital audio broadcasting approaches may be warranted.
+Redesigned FCC ULS Search Debuts Oct 17
+Washington - Oct 3, 2002 - As part of a continuing effort to
+strengthen the Universal Licensing System (ULS), the FCC's Wireless
+Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) will debut an extensive redesign of the
+ULS License Search. Users can access the new site via the Search
+Licenses link on the ULS homepage at wireless.fcc.gov/uls.
+The new layout and functionality of the ULS License Search provides FCC customers more search options, better control of search criteria, and faster, easier navigation of displayed licensing information. Enhancements include customizable views of locations and frequencies associated with a license, printable page formatting, printable reference copies of authorizations and other new features that will improve performance and provide greater access to the WTB’s license database.
+Links to the old system will no longer work after Oct. 17.
+FCC To Issue IBOC Decision on Oct 10
+On Thursday, Oct. 10, the FCC is expected to pass a ruling allowing
+broadcasters to begin transmitting the Ibiquity in-band on-channel
+digital format. Radio broadcasters have very mixed feelings on the
+chances of success for IBOC, but this step will help IBOC further its
+Several public comment periods and NRSC reviews have provided a considerable amount of data to the FCC. Ibiquity has stated that it has answered the FCC's questions to allow the commission to issue a ruling.
+The action taken on Oct. 10 should be one permitting broadcasters to begin broadcasting IBOC signals. A subsequent ruling would likely name a standard, which, at this time, only the Ibiquity system has been proposed.
+Webcaster Royalty Bill Pulled from House Agenda
+Washington - Oct 1, 2002 - On Oct. 1, the U.S. House of Representatives was scheduled to review and vote on H.R.5469, a bill that would help webcasters remain in business while the commercial dispute with record companies and the RIAA is resolved. House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) released the following statement:
+"I requested the House leadership pull today's scheduled consideration of H.R. 5469 at the request of the interested parties. The parties involved have assured me they will reach a comprehensive agreement by Friday that will be fair to webcasters, record companies, and recording artists as well as provide the economic certainty and stability necessary for webcasters large and small to succeed. I anticipate legislation codifying this agreement will be considered by the House next week."
+The Sensenbrenner bill would have delayed the Oct. 20 royalty
+payment deadline by six months, allowing webcasters to complete
+negotiations with the record companies. Sensenbrenner has indicated his
+intention to reintroduce his bill next week if no progress is made in
+the IWA/RIAA negotiations.
+For a viewpoint on the issue from a non-commercial webcaster, see Reader Feedback online with the September issue of Radio magazine.
+Eventide Announces Distribution Agreement
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Eventide, a developer of digital audio
+processing equipment, will distribute audio products from Princeton
+Digital and Manifold Labs through its worldwide dealer network.
+Princeton Digital and Manifold Labs were founded by past and current Eventide employees.
+Denon Appoints Sales Representatives
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Denon Electronics has appointed the TK Group as its sales representatives for the Rocky Mountain territory. The TK Group will represent Denon in eastern Montana, eastern Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and El Paso, TX. Based in Salt Lake City, the TK Group represents other broadcasting companies, such as Electro-Voice, Furman Sound and Telex Communications.
+Crown Turns 55
+Elkhart, IN - Oct 10, 2002 - Crown International, a manufacturer of
+power amplifiers, system control products and microphones, began in
+1947 as the International Radio and Electronics Corporation (IREC). The
+company’s early reputation was built on a family of compact
+open-reel tape recorders designed for use by by missionaries in remote,
+often-primitive regions of the world. Moore obtained a patent in 1949
+for the first tape recorder with a built-in power amplifier
+In the 70s, Crown focused on professional audio by launching the PSA-2 power amplifier with built-in computer technology to maximize performance of its output transistors. In 1997, the company introduced the K2 amplifier featuring balance current amplifier circuitry, offering thermal and energy efficiencies.
+Fairlight Joins AAF
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - To reinforce its commitment to open file formats and independent file exchange, Fairlight has joined the Advanced Authoring Format Association (AAF). While Fairlight has always worked with open file format standards, General Manager of International Technology Andrew Brent said he believes this will give the company the opportunity to help shape the future of software.
+Waves Celebrates its 10th Birthday
+Knoxville, TN - Oct 5, 2002 - Waves, a supplier of software-based audio signal processing, was founded 10 years ago by Gilad Keren and Meir Shashua. The company began with the introduction of the Q10 Paragraphic equalizer audio plug-in. Later, Waves found continued success with the creation of the L1 Limiter. Waves current product line includes more than 30 processors and the company has more than 150,000 users worldwide.
+Fairlight Expands its NYC Offices
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Fairlight has expanded its Manhattan sales and support center at 2 West 45th St. The new center houses multiple product training and demonstration studios, where clients can learn how to best take advantage of the company's products.
+Patriot Enhances Design and Test Capability
+Albion, MI - Oct 7, 2002 - Patriot Antenna Systems recently
+purchased a new anechoic chamber, as well as high frequency test gear
+for satellite feed and antenna development in its factory headquarters
+located in Albion, MI. The completed test facilities are planned to be
+open by the first week of December 2002.
+The chamber will feature a 10'x10'x20' room with 12" and 18" broadband pyramidal absorber-lined walls. An Agilent 8722 Vector Network Analyzer will drive test capabilities. Measurement capability will range from C-band frequencies up to 40GHz. Patriot has developed a number of Ka-band products and will now be able to use its own chamber. and test needs on a contract basis.
+The company has also begun installing a new wind tunnel for antenna and mount "wind survival" testing at the same facility.
+Audio-Technica Celebrates 40 Years
+Los Angeles and Stowe, OH - Oct 5, 2002 - From its early beginnings
+as a manufacturer of phonograph cartridges, Audio-Technica has expanded
+over the years to become a company in the design of microphones,
+wireless microphones, headphones, mixers and electronic products.
+Audio-Technica continues to advance the art and technology of
+electro-acoustic design with the manufacturing of products for the
+professional recording, broadcast, live sound, and fixed installation
+audio markets.
+The company began in 1962 when Hideo Matsushita founded Audio-Technica Corporation in Tokyo, Japan, and introduced a moving-magnet stereo phonograph cartridge, which was sold to major audio manufacturers in Japan. During the 1960’s, A-T gained a reputation producing high-quality phono cartridges for some of Japan’s leading companies, including the legendary NHK broadcast organization. It was during that period that A-T received an award from the director of the National Industrial Research Institute, part of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan, for the company's AT1001 tone arm. The company continued to grow and became a major producer of phono cartridges, with its moving magnet (MM), proprietary dual magnet (VM), and moving coil (MC) types, becoming the cartridges of choice for leading hi-fi consumer turntable manufacturers. To meet the market demand, Audio-Technica built a new headquarters and factory in Machida, Tokyo - a facility that remains in operation today.
+During the 1970’s and 1980’s, the company continued to develop critically acclaimed phono cartridges, stereo headphones, and microphones that received rave reviews and awards from leading industry organizations, journalists, and audiophiles worldwide. In 1993, Hideo Matsushita assumed the position of chairman and Kazuo Matsushita became president of Audio-Technica Corporation, a title he holds to this day.
+In 1992, Audio-Technica launched its groundbreaking AT4033 condenser microphone. The AT4033 received numerous awards and accolades from the industry and is credited as being the first high-quality, studio-grade microphone available at a price within the reach of the growing home and project studio market. The AT4033 was the cornerstone of A-T’s renowned 40 Series line of microphone and headphone products, which was augmented by the recent launch of the AT4040 cardioid condenser studio microphone in 2002. The 40 Series represents the benchmark in studio microphones for leading producers and engineers, as well as high-profile artists in all genres of music.
+During the 1990’s, wireless systems became a significant product category for Audio-Technica in the MI, live sound, and fixed installation markets.
+Sadie Expands and Moves to new Facilities
+Nashville, TN - Oct 5, 2002 – Sadie, the audio workstation
+manufacturer, has completed its move to larger facilities in Nashville
+and added several new staff members. The new offices are located just
+minutes from Nashville’s famed Music Row, home to some of the
+nation’s most prominent recording studios and record companies.
+The facility’s layout, designed by the Sadie staff, serves as the
+company’s headquarters for North and South America. The new
+Nashville facility, which is double the size of the previous location,
+is also home to a specially designed, acoustically-treated
+demonstration room, which will additionally serve as a showcase for
+Sadie’s complete range of digital audio products.
+With the new facilities, Sadie has also expanded its staff with new promotions and added personnel. Gary Rosen has been named vice president of Sadie U.S. Rosen has extensive experience in audio and video production, in addition to his audio and video sales management background. Prior to joining Sadie, Rosen held key management positions with Sony Electronics Corporation for over 15 years.
+Michael Porter has been named senior sales manager. An industry veteran with over 25 years experience in the professional audio industry, Porter previously held positions with Sony and Mitsubishi, and worked at leading Nashville recording facilities Sound Stage Studios and Woodland Sound Studios. Brady Sharp has been promoted to the position of technical marketing. Sharp formerly worked in Sadie’s tech support department, where he was a key contact for customer service.
+left to right: Geoff Calver, Mike Porter, Brady Sharp, Gary Rosen, Sandra Srygley, and Keith Rogers stand in front of the company’s new headquarters.
+Audemat and Aztec Radiomedia Join Forces
+Montbonnot, France - Sept 23, 2002 - Audemat, Aztec Radiomedia and
+Digigram have merged Audemat with Aztec Radiomedia, a subsidiary of
+Digigram, effective Dec. 31, 2002. This merger will result in the
+formation of a new company within the Digigram group: Audemat-Aztec
+Solutions. Audemat shareholders will own 60 percent of the new company
+with the remaining 40 percent held by Digigram.
+Audemat-Aztec Solutions will be directed by the current Audemat management: Daniel Werbrouck, as chairman and product director, and Bruno Rost, as managing director. Even though the merger won't be completed until Dec. 31, 2002, the Audemat management team has assumed control of Audemat and Aztec Radiomedia so that Audemat-Aztec Solutions will be operational from the outset.
+Marantz Japan Acquires North American Distribution of Marantz
+Tokyo and Aurora, IL - Oct 1, 2002 - Marantz Japan, a subsidiary of
+D&M Holdings, has acquired the North American distribution business
+of Marantz Professional audio and video products from Superscope
+Technologies, a distributor and developer of audio and video products
+worldwide. Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.
+Superscope, a privately held company based in Aurora, IL, was the exclusive distributor for Marantz Professional in North America, which includes markets in Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Superscope will continue to develop and market its own line of professional audio and video products, which are manufactured by Marantz Japan.
+The North American distribution business of Marantz Professional will move operations to Itasca, IL, where Marantz America is headquartered. M. Mehdi Alister, vice president of Superscope, has been named vice president of Marantz America, and he will oversee the Marantz Professional division of Marantz America.
+XM Exceeds 200,000 Subscribers
+Washington - Oct 1, 2002 - XM Satellite Radio ended the third quarter with 201,500 total subscribers, hitting the company's projections despite an unusually soft consumer electronics market in the third quarter. XM also initiated its factory-installed rollout in 25 General Motors 2003 models and unveiled its second-generation radio, the Delphi XM SKYFi. XM's subscriber goal for the end of 2002 is 350,000.
+Stanton Acquires Assets of Cerwin-Vega
+Hollywood, CA - Oct 3, 2002 - The Stanton Group has purchased the
+assets and brand name of Cerwin-Vega. The Stanton Group already owns
+several professional audio lines including Stanton, Pickering and
+During the course of this year Cerwin-Vega’s management had already reduced the company's head count from more than 250 people to about 80 people. Once the acquisition is complete, Gene Czerwinski, who founded the company in 1954, is expected to retire from the business.
+Cerwin-Vega will continue operating from its main Simi Valley facility, with Stanton Group introducing new management.
+Stanton Magnetics was founded in 1946, with its roots in the cartridge and styli industry.
+Goodwin Appointed by HMG
+Harman Music Group has expanded its sales team by appointing Buzz
+Goodwin as vice president of worldwide sales. In this position, Goodwin
+will be directing global sales of all HMG's brands, which include DBX,
+Digitech, DOD and Johnson Amplification.
+Prior to joining HMG, Goodwin was vice president of professional and consumer sales-Nort America, for Lexicon, which is also a Harman International company.
+Maxwell Named a VP for Eventide
+Little Ferry, NJ - Sept 25, 2002 - Ray Maxwell has been named vice
+president of sales and marketing for Eventide. Maxwell will be
+responsible for overseeing all aspects of Eventide's worldwide sales
+and marketing efforts.
+Maxwell is a 19-year veteran of the professional audio industry, with experience in audio engineering, sales, marketing and operational management.
+Amlen Named President of SPARS
+Memphis, TN - Oct 5, 2002 - Dave Amlen has been named as president of the Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS). Amlen, president of Sound On Sound Recording in New York City, previously served three one-year terms as SPARS treasurer. He succeeds Fred Guarino, president of Tiki Recording Studios in Glen Cove, NY.
+Bracho Appointed Director of Sales for Fairlight
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Rodolfo Bracho has been appointed
+director of sales and support for the Southeast U.S. and Latin America.
+Bracho will be operating out of a new office in Orlando, FL.
+Bracho's background includes 12 years of experience in the professional audio industry, as well as working in a technical support role for AMS/NEVE.
+ERI's Beeler Dies in Auto Accident
+Cincinnati - Oct 3, 2002 - Scott Beeler, director of worldwide sales
+for ERI Inc., died October 3 in a car accident near Morrow, OH, a
+community about 20 miles northeast of Cincinnati. He was on his way
+home following a business meeting when he lost control of his SUV, hit
+a guard rail and some trees, then went airborne over a creek hitting a
+bridge abuttment. His vehicle then landed in the creek.
+Beeler joined ERI in 2001 after many years of working for Harris Broadcast and Allied Broadcast. He was the director of North American sales when he left Harris. He was known by many people in radio through his numerous contacts in broadcast equipment sales.
+Beeler died at the scene. October 3 was Beeler's 38th birthday.
+The funeral will be held October 7 at 1 p.m. in Richmond, IN. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the Junior Golf Richmond Elks Club; 2100 U.S. 27 S.; Richmond, IN 47374.
+Digigram Promotes McClellan, Adds Butts
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Digigram announced at AES 2002 that Paul
+McClellan has been promoted to the position of worldwide marketing
+director. McClellan, currently business development manager for the
+North America-based Digigram Inc., will direct the marketing department
+at the company’s headquarters in Montbonnot, France, in charge of
+strategic marketing and product planning.
+McClellan has been with Digigram for four years and has been in the audio technology sector for more than eight years. Previously he was a product manager for digital audio and computer control products for PAVO, Inc. in Seattle, and he ran his own consulting business, CORVUS Consulting. McClellan earned a degree in composition from Marylhurst College. After receiving his Master’s degree from the New England Conservatory in Boston, he spent two years in postgraduate studies and teaching at the University of Washington, with work in computer-based digital audio synthesis and control protocols.
+announced at AES, George Butts, Jr. will serve as OEM sales manager.
+Butts comes to Digigram with a strong background in OEM and direct
+sales. A former field engineer, Butts has a wide technical knowledge
+backed by 20 years of experience helping customers design and build
+network solutions. For the past four years, he was national account
+manager for Network Access Solutions.
+Butts previously worked as an account manager for NetLOCK and AMP Incorporated. On the engineering side he had stints with C-COR Electronics, AM Communications, and Interactive Networks. Among other responsibilities, Butts will serve the clients of Paul McClellan. The North American region continues to be served by Business Development Manager James Lamb, who focuses on the professional audio, systems integration, sound reinforcement, and related industries.
+Digigram Adds Three to Distribution Network
+Los Angeles - Oct 5, 2002 - Digigram has added three new
+representatives to its distribution program for Digigram products for
+the systems contractor, installation and pro audio market in the
+The new reps and the areas they will cover are:
+Sonic Sales, El Segundo, CA: Southern California, southern Nevada and Arizona.
+Lienau Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD: Virginia, Maryland, eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Delaware and the District of Columbia.
+Techrep Marketing, Nashville, TN: Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, western Pennsylvania, South Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and West Virginia.
+Earlier this year Digigram established manufacturer’s representation with Dobbs-Stanford Corporation, Dallas, Texas and Mainline Marketing, Melbourne, Florida. Sennheiser Canada will continue to distribute Digigram products to these same markets in Canada. Digigram continues to directly serve its OEM customers.
+Shown here, Lienau Associates' Tom Marci and Eric Schwartz with Techrep Marketing's Ted Bahas take a break during hands-on training for Digigram's NCX Suite. Camera shy Digigram Product Support Manager Cyndi Hall lead the sessions.
+Ibiquity Names Walsh as CFO
+Columbia, MD and Warren, NJ - Oct 3, 2002 - Ibiquity Digital has
+Joe D’Angelo, director of wireless data and PAC business development, will assume the business responsibilities vacated by Walsh for developing Ibiquity’s role and content providers, broadcasters and device manufacturers.
+Prior to joining Ibiquity, D’Angelo was a principal at Pricewaterhousecoopers in its the company, Linden was the vice president of engineering at Command Audio, where he developed advanced data applications for the XM satellite and Eureka-147 digital audio broadcast systems. He has also served as chief architect and senior director at Oracle, and as director of advanced systems, networks and telecommunications at Advanta Financial.
+Orban/CRL Appoints New COO
+San Leandro, CA - Oct 1, 2002 - Circuit Research Laboratories has
+appointed Phillip T. Zeni Sr. as chief operating officer. Zeni has been
+a member of the company's Board of Directors for the past two
+CRL has made two major acquisitions in the past two years: Orban of San Leandro, CA, and Dialog4 System Engineering GmbH of Ludwigsburg, Germany. Part of Zeni's immediate duties will be to consolidate and streamline the integration of these divisions into the parent company.
+Zeni is the founder of Transcontinental Publishing based in Scottsdale, AZ. The firm publishes periodicals, hard cover books and collateral material in the building and construction fields. It is now in its 17th year. Zeni's experience in broadcasting station and network management includes executive positions with the NBC Radio and Westinghouse, Group W Broadcasting; both posts were in Chicago. He was also a vice president with Multimedia Radio. He has served as a consultant to several stations, has presented seminars for the National Association of Broadcasters and the Radio Advertising Bureau and has been published internationally on the future of communications.
+Zeni holds a multi-disciplinary Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Illinois.
+Sonic Foundry Offers Acid Pro 4.0
+Madison, WI - Oct 7, 2002 - The 5.1 Surround Plug-In Pack for Acid Pro 4.0 allows users to encode Acid mixes to 5.1 multichannel surround or stereo Dolby Digital AC-3 files, and burn them to DVD. The plug-in ships with two components AC-3 Encoder plug-in and the AC-3 DVD burner. Accessed through Acid Pro 4.0, the Dolby Digital encoder provides optimized templates for creating DVD-compliant AC-3 files (5.1 surround or stereo). The DVD burning utility for allows users to burn 5.1 or stereo AC-3 files to DVD (DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW).
+Ibiquity Digital Announces .PAC Digital Audio File Format
+Los Angeles, CA - Oct 5, 2002 - Ibiquity Digital announced the
+availability of a new digital audio file format based on its
+proprietary Perceptual Audio Coder (PAC) audio compression technology.
+Ibiquity's .PAC file format has been designed to support emerging
+trends in digital music distribution and comply with industry supported
+Ibiquity has been working closely with copyright owners, broadcasters and consumer electronics manufacturers to ensure that the needs of each interest group have been considered during the development of its .PAC format. As a standards-based encoding technology, Ibiquity's PAC will provide a first line of protection for copyrighted content as it has been designed to integrate sophisticated encryption, watermarking and permissions management as required by various distribution systems.
+Ibiquity's PAC compression software is currently implemented in the Sirius Satellite Radio service and is being deployed in HD Radio technology for AM and FM broadcasters.
+Motorola Debuts DSP Radio Design
+Austin, TX - Oct 1, 2002 - In an effort to provide improved
+terrestrial radio reception, Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector has
+developed digital radio technology that provides enhanced sound quality
+and improved signal reception for existing analog broadcasts. Designed
+for home and automotive stereo systems, Motorola's Symphony Digital
+Radio chipset reduces static, fading, pops and hisses, and provide
+automatic tuning to eliminate adjacent-channel interference. The
+technology acts on the receiving end of the transmission chain, so
+radio stations will not have to install any new equipment.
+Designed from the 24-bit DSP Symphony Digital Audio architecture, Symphony Digital Radio uses software algorithms to tune, filter and improve the signal in place of methods that are impossible to implement via analog circuits. Software can be downloaded to incorporate new radio features and improvements. The Symphony Digital Radio chipset can be used in any number of radio models, from the feature-rich, high-end systems to entry-level, lower-feature versions.
+The FM demodulator algorithm used in Symphony Digital Radio, which separates the FM signal from the carrier, provides range extension and improved signal-to-noise ratio under weak signal conditions over traditional digital demodulation techniques. The variable intermediate frequency filter algorithm used in the Symphony chipset automatically adjusts itself to 100kHz and 200kHz band channel spacing. The Symphony's channel effects equalizer minimizes the effect of multipath, which is further reduced by a diversity antenna system.
+The Symphony Digital Radio is expected to provide more than 40dB of stereo separation. Symphony-enabled radios are scheduled to be delivered to the consumer market at the end of<<
+What bars someone from holding high political office? Just when we think we know the rules, they change.
+Certain transgressions have always been career-killers. Few politicians have withstood revelations of egregious corruption, violent crime or child pornography — although voters, it should be added, have proven surprisingly forgiving toward their favorite representatives. More than a few over the decades have even won reelection from prison.
+But if some obviously serious misdeeds can be counted on to inflict serious damage, the significance we’ve placed on others has varied widely. Taboos on divorce and homosexuality in the 1950s gave way by the 1980s to moral policing over drug use, infidelity and draft-dodging, and today — as the political turmoil in Virginia and elsewhere is showing — a new set of inviolable behaviors is emerging, from sexual harassment to wearing blackface years ago to other forms of racial offense. And the speed with which they’ve become sacrosanct suggests that they’re sure to generate many more scandals in the months and years ahead.
+To see how quickly political morality can change, recall that within the lifetimes of many living Americans, great shame attached simply to getting divorced. Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential candidate in 1952 and 1956, was the first major-party nominee to have been divorced — a fact that caused muttering and disapproval and probably hurt his already-low chances against Dwight Eisenhower. A few years later, when New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller divorced his wife for a younger woman, a lot of Republicans decided it was reason enough to deny him his party’s nod in 1964 (though his liberalism on civil rights probably hurt him more).
+If divorce carried a whiff of disrepute, being openly gay in politics was unheard of. There were surely a handful (or more) of gay officeholders, but no one dared test the taboo until the 1980s, so there’s no way really to know. Occasionally, however, high-level appointed officials were publicly outed under embarrassing circumstances, like State Department official Sumner Welles in 1940 (caught propositioning a Pullman car porter), or Lyndon Johnson’s aide Walter Jenkins in 1964 (arrested in a YMCA men’s room). When exposed, they had no choice but to resign swiftly — making it clear that any gay senator or governor similarly uncovered would have also suffered.
+Yet, curiously, in this same period, lots of successful politicians, including Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, carried on adulterous affairs without worry. Though open secrets in Washington circles, their dalliances remained unknown to the public since affairs were widely deemed part of one’s private life — not news that was fit to print.
+Adlai Stevenson | Evening Standard/Getty Images
+Then came the 1960s and a massive change in Americans’ standards. Divorce, no longer a violation of a sacred pact, was now treated as a lifestyle choice, a reasonable decision made by autonomous adults in pursuit of happiness. To question its morality seemed quaint, even puritanical. By 1980, Ronald Reagan’s divorce from actress Jane Wyman scarcely warranted comment.
+Meanwhile the sexual revolution made Americans more comfortable with homosexuality — though it would take until the 1980s before any national politicians willingly came out of the closet. (Longtime Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank is usually cited as the first national officeholder to voluntarily identify as gay.)
+Just as instrumental in changing how Americans assessed their leaders were the Vietnam War and the Watergate crisis. To many, it seemed self-evident that those twin catastrophes had their roots in the tangled neuroses of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon — both men who showed signs of narcissism and paranoia.
+Thereafter, reporters resolved to scrutinize the “character” of presidential aspirants and other politicians. The large-scale deception that Johnson and Nixon had engaged in brought forth candidates who ran on honesty and authenticity — most notably Jimmy Carter, who reached the White House by telling voters he would never lie to them. Like all presidents, though, he did, albeit not on a Nixonian scale.
+But if “character” in a general sense meant honesty and integrity, in practice reporters came to define it idiosyncratically. Just as divorce and homosexuality represented taboos of an older generation, new definitions of character encompassed the special preoccupations of the Baby Boom generation at midlife. Specifically, it meant whether you’d engaged in adultery, draft-dodging or drug use.
+Before the 1980s, those extramarital affairs that made it into the headlines could be damaging, but most didn’t, and weren’t. In the age of the feeding frenzy, however, journalists deemed the extramarital doings of politicians to be fair game. In 1987, when Colorado Senator Gary Hart was running for president, Washington Post reporter Paul Taylor, aware like much of the press of persistent infidelity rumors (and Hart’s holier-than-thou posturing), asked the candidate point blank, “Have you ever committed adultery?” — part of a 45-minute grilling about his marriage and private life. Reflecting the dismay of an older generation, New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis called this interrogation a “low point” for his profession. But the exposure of Hart’s liaisons with Donna Rice prodded the candidate to quit the race, and similar inquiries into other politicians’ sex lives intensified.
+Eventually, the unpopularity of the impeachment of Bill Clinton diminished the media’s appetite for digging into stories of consensual adultery. Although Clinton’s pursuers claimed to be impeaching him for lying, and not adultery per se, most people saw the truth in Arkansas Senator Dale Bumpers’ quip that “when you hear somebody say, ‘This is not about sex,’ it’s about sex.”
+A decade later, many Republicans would come around to the same view, after the New York Times ran a thinly sourced article insinuating that John McCain, then the likely Republican presidential nominee, was sleeping with a 40-year-old lobbyist. That article fell flat, bringing more scorn on the Times than on McCain.
+Ever since, scandals centering on unremarkable consensual affairs — as opposed to those about frequenting prostitutes (Eliot Spitzer, David Vitter), pursuing minors (Mark Foley, Anthony Weiner), and paying hush money (John Ensign) — have failed to arouse the indignation they once did.
+Former U.S. President Bill Clinton | Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images
+Meanwhile, it’s hard to remember that all kinds of politicians were once routinely asked about whether they’d used drugs, including pot. A semi-candid admission to having “experimented with marijuana in college” — evoking legions of chemistry majors opting for political careers— might satisfy the moral police, but when Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg confessed in 1987 to having smoked it with law students, his nomination went up in smoke. The next year, rumors that Republican vice presidential nominee Dan Quayle had bought marijuana led to a short-lived media furor — one of many surrounding Quayle that summer — but the stories were never substantiated. Quayle soldiered on dealing with only the minor nuisance of reporters constantly ridiculing his intellect.
+Soon, the idea that youthful recreational drug use reflected bad character also lost traction. When Clinton ran for president in 1992, he felt compelled to explain that while he’d tried pot, he “didn’t inhale” — an admission that elicited more mockery for his dorkiness than praise for his candor.
+By the time Barack Obama ran in 2008, the taboo was mostly gone, and he could portray himself as younger and hipper, saying, “When I was a kid, I inhaled. That was the point.” He even went so far in his much-praised memoir to admit to having used not just “pot” and “booze” but even “a little blow when you could afford it.” Efforts by Hillary Clinton allies like BET founder Jim Johnson to politically exploit Obama’s drug use backfired.
+As for avoiding Vietnam, that generational kulturkampf too seems to have played itself out. Draft-dodging wasn’t ever quite a career-ender — maybe because so many Baby Boomers did it — but for years politicians faced constant grilling about why they hadn’t fought in the war. In 1988, Quayle (again) was battered for having used family connections to join the National Guard, so that he wouldn’t see combat in Vietnam. But he managed to ride out the outrage. Likewise, Bill Clinton in 1992 and George Bush in 2000 and 2004 withstood criticisms for contriving to avoid service. (Dick Cheney’s famous excuse: “I had other priorities.”)
+Neither Clinton’s nor Bush’s draft avoidance kept them from the White House, and by 2016, Donald Trump’s Vietnam draft dodging probably didn’t rank in the top hundred reasons that people cited for voting against him in November.
+As the power of this odd troika of issues to exact a political toll diminishes, it’s tempting to conclude that we’ve grown more tolerant and forgiving. But is that really the case? The linguist John McWhorter has argued, analogously, that while we may fancy ourselves more open-minded about language — with once-verboten words like “f*ck” and “shit” now ubiquitous — in fact, we’ve merely learned to abide the classic four-letter vulgarities and profanities dealing with God, sex and excrement.
+With words expressing animus toward African Americans, women and gay people — especially those starting with n, c and f — we’re more censorious than ever. Maybe this is because sensibilities have changed, and to modern ears the words “f*ck” and “shit” don’t actually hurt anyone, whereas the newly forbidden slurs — when directed at people — can painfully wound others. (Controversially, many people now seem ready to ban these noxious words not only when used as epithets, but also while describing what someone else wrote or said.)
+Protestors rally against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam outside of the governors mansion in downtown Richmond, Virginia on February 4, 2019. | Logan Cyrus/AFP via Getty Images
+In the same way, political offenses that don’t seem to directly harm others — pot use, for example — carry less of a stigma today, while actions that show hostility toward women and minorities have understandably become toxic. This represents a big shift. It used to be that telling ethnic jokes (as Ronald Reagan often did) or telling a lesbian joke (as Senator Bob Kerrey did during the 1992 campaign) would get you in hot water, but it didn’t bring pressure to withdraw from a campaign or quit your job. Likewise, for men to casually pat women on the bottom, uninvited, was shamefully commonplace for decades; it wouldn’t elicit more than a dirty look.
+Today, the act of having worn blackface as young men decades ago is threatening the political livelihoods of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring — and similar offenses are now dogging other politicians too. Overt racial insults have been politically damaging for a long time, from Jeff Sessions repeatedly calling a black attorney “boy,” to George Allen calling an Indian-American at a campaign rally “macaca.” But other forms of racism, like blackface, were, in the more racially benighted climate of those not-too-distant times, shamefully tolerated in many quarters.
+Though objectively as racist in the 1980s as it is today, blackface wasn’t deemed grounds for cutting short a political career; if it had been, many more careers would have been ended. But Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, to cite one example, was revealed in 1999 to have worn blackface at age 26, and retained the support of most black voters. New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind did so as part of a costume as recently as 2013 and drew only criticisms, not unanimous howls for his resignation.
+The ugly reality is that not only yearbooks, school newspapers and other high-school and collegiate ephemera, but also mainstream movies and magazines contained passages, images and scenes that we look back on today and cringe.
+Virginia Governor Ralph Northam speaks with reporters at a press conference at the governor’s mansion on February 2, 2019 in Richmond, Virginia | Alex Edelman/Getty Images
+Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax’s predicament, too, is a sign of the times. For much of our past, allegations like those Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Watson have leveled against him might never have come to light — allowing men to imagine not that such violent behavior wasn’t wrong but that it wasn’t politically lethal. Now it frequently is.
+Indeed, potential Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Steve Bullock are under fire not for sexually harassing anyone themselves but for failing to adequately punish or alert others about harassers on their staffs — a scrutiny they surely wouldn’t have encountered even a few years ago. Even Elizabeth Warren’s struggle to put her account of having Native American ancestry behind her reflects our rapidly evolving standards of political morality. Having been raised to think she was part Native American, she went through life sporadically identifying as such — only to find, in a changed environment, that her unthinking flirtation with this identity would be seen as opportunistic by the right and insensitive by the left.
+Which of these politicians will weather their scandals and which will be permanently disgraced remains to be seen. The uncertainty of their fates suggest to us that we’re in a time of fluctuating expectations, newly adopted standards and reinvented morality. Debates will continue over the proper sanctions for their actions, because that’s how a political culture establishes its norms. And just when we think we understand the rules, we should be prepared for them to change again.
+David Greenberg, a professor of history and journalism and media studies at Rutgers, is a contributing editor at POLITICO Magazine. He is the author of several works of political history including, most recently, “Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency” (W. W. Norton & Company, 2017).
+Spurs face former Assistant
+manager Chris Hughton, who earlier this season gained a point for
+the Canaries at White Hart Lane in the league.
+Since then they have
+struggled until the last couple of weeks when they beat Arsenal at
+home and drew against Aston Villa away. Can they continue with
+a surprise result against Spurs ?
+Well, they got turned over
+easily at home by Liverpool, who played a counter-attacking game,
+while Chelsea took them to the cleaners at Stamford Bridge, but only
+after going a goal behind.
+The key for Spurs will be to
+keep the ball and keep the attacks going up the outside of the
+Canaries full backs. The Norfolk side work hard and funnel
+back through the middle to make it difficult to play through them,
+so Spurs need to cash in on the wide men and if they are doubling up
+there too, there won't be much attacking being done, thus freeing
+our full backs to add to the attacking options.
+Grant Holt will be their sole
+striker and he is strong enough to hold the ball up, but we need to
+do to other teams what they do to us, by making the ball go straight
+back where it came from. While City have other options in
+Aaron Wilbraham, Steve Morison and Simeon Jackson, I don't think
+they will start with two up top and Harry Kane will be ineligible to
+play against the team he is on loan from (but he wouldn't be playing
+anyway, as he has a fractured metatarsal).
+The midfield are able to get up
+in support, with Wes Hoolihan having a good season and being the
+main creator of goals for the team. He delivers a good
+dead-ball and is an industrious worker, who tackles and passes well.
+Alongside him, Andrew Surman is a stylish player, who looks good on
+the ball and knows when to make a run into the box, much like his
+team-mate Johnny Howson, the former Leeds midfielder. Bradley
+Johnson closes down and tackles, but lacks a finish if he does get
+around the box, while Anthony Pilkington can cross a good ball and
+Alexander Tettey works hard and can produce a fearsome shot.
+The defence is based around the
+former Spurs defender Sebastien Bassong and ex-Sunderland man
+Michael Turner. They are still developing their partnership
+and there may be joy if Spurs can get in and around them, while
+wide, Russell Martin might miss the game with injury, leaving Leon
+Barnett and Javier Garrido as the full backs. Neither might be
+able to handle the pace of Lennon and Bale should they start, so we
+need to make sure our supply comes form there. Hughton may be
+wise to this and flood the midfield to force them infield, but with
+good movement, Tottenham could make this work to their advantage and
+support for Defoe could drag their central defenders out of
+Spurs should be able to win
+this one to go through to the quarter-finals, but much will depend
+on who plays and how long the team play for. We have already
+seen this week that you cannot relax too much against opposition
+that you should have the whip hand over.
+League Cup Show (BBC 1) - Wednesday 23.15
+6 Michael TURNER
+Andrew SURMAN (
+9 Grant HOLT
+8 Johnny HOWSON (c)
+David FOX (27
+Alexander TETTEY 68)