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+I have a good friend who lives in Canada. We've never met face to face but she is the biggest sweetie, and a person I know I will always respect and treasure. In fact, she's been a little quiet of late. I'd better email tonight!
+Robbie - only 5 hours? What were we thinking? Next time we'll plan it better. ;)
+Your friend in Canada *is* a sweetie. I have a friend in Australia who's from Canada and I've often thought that I'd like to visit her home country with her one day - perhaps I could drop in on your friend then too. What fun!
+Until I started writing I only had two good friends who were not in my city, now I have multiple. Ironically, I 'see' more of those people because for us emailing/IMing is so normal whereas I wouldn't do that with non-writing friendds in my own town but I do get to have the face-to-face, long lunches and catchups with them that I can't have with all you guys in the East or overseas.
+It makes those rare face-to-face times like conference so much more important.
+Love me some face-time :)
+Nikki, that's a good point - with the age of technology, I now have friends who I only see face to face, and others I only / mainly see online.
+We just need technology to take another step forward and give us teleporting and things would be even better. :)
+Hi Rachel,
+Yay! For friendship! I loved your post and your photos are so warm and lovely!
+I don't have a close friend, only relatives, who always thought I'm strange, with my head in a book instead of gossiping!
+Then I discovered this world of online friends and my world has expanded now. I'm honored to be in contact with you all via email.
+Thank you for this lovely post. And your ready answers to all of my queries!
+I absolutely LOVE my writing friends - they have become some of THE BEST friends I have :)
+I don't know what I would do without my writing friends. No-one else could possibly understand.
+Nas, Marion Lennox talks about finding your tribe, and I think you have. We're all a little strange here... ;)
+Rach, yep and yep. :)
+Toni - that's the thing with good friends, isn't it? They understand you. And if you have friends who share a passion (writing, reading, watching Buffy reruns) then that depth of understanding just makes the friendship richer.
+I bet your writing friends feel exactly the same way about you. :)
+Got friends through every decade of my life, plus through every child - via kindy, school, clubs etc - plus through my jobs, and now via my own grown kids.
+And my amazing awesome writing friends too. They so get 'me' and my writerly quirks!
+But my oldest and dearest girlfriend goes right back to our first year of school at a tender 5 years of age, when we KNEW we'd be BFF!!! And we have been, and we are, and tonight she just rang full of pride and excitiement to tell me about her brand-new baby granddaughter. Special friendships are the best!
+And there's you too, Rach - the one-'n-only - and the rest of the gang (from over the sea...) Dogs and all! :-) I love my friends and would be so lonely without them... Mmmmwwwaaahhh!
+Lovely post, Rachel!
+Amongst my group of friends we have a saying - 'The boys come and go but the girls are always there!'
+Like Clare, I've gathered friends from most decades of my life and they are women I can talk to about anything. I value their wisdom, their friendship and their humour. I wish I could spend more time with them, but we're scatted across the globe and I'm grateful for Skype, email, FB and the old fashioned phone line that allows us to stay in touch.
+I caught up with one friend recently and her eleven year old daughter sat through lunch with us before observing 'You two even talk the same. Are you sure you aren't sisters?'
+I treasure my good friends!
+Wonderful post, Rachel!
+I love the really old friendships where it doesn't matter how long it's been since you've seen someone, it's like you're picking up a conversation in mid-stride when you meet them again -- as if the intervening time doesn't exist.
+And I second what Rachel Johns said -- I love my writing friends! Those friendships are some of the best friendships I've ever made. Can't wait until conference to meet with them face-to-face again!
+Long lunches and getaways with the girls are awesome and just what we all need a least a few times a year LOL. I have lots of friends that I see daily and lots of online friends that I chat to a lot as well they are my strength and we draw from each other cry together and laugh a lot together.
+Friends are like pockets everyone needs them
+Have Fun
+Hi Rachel,
+I love having friends who 'understand' my writing obsession, which is why most of my real friends are writers too =)
+I love meeting up, but I do prefer smaller groups (g)
+Ah, great photo of the lovecats btw - think I preferred the one with just my shoulder in it!!! LOL
+Clare, how cool that you have a friend from when you were 5! That's some special bonding you have there.
+And I include you among my o/s friends too! Speaking of which, I owe you an email. Stand by. :)
+Helene, great saying:
+'The boys come and go but the girls are always there!'
+I love skype and email and instant messaging too - they've been fabulous for keeping in contact with friends a long way away. Technology has been kind in that way.
+Love, love your friend's daughter's observation!
+Emily, yes! That feeling of... "it's like you're picking up a conversation in mid-stride when you meet them again -- as if the intervening time doesn't exist."
+Well put. :)
+Helen, this: "Friends are like pockets everyone needs them" made me laugh out loud. :)
+So glad you have people you can describe as your strength. Crying and laughing with someone you trust is *so* important.
+Mel, it's so important to have someone who understands your obsessions!
+There were a few photos of the LoveCats from that conference, but none with all of us together (except dressed up at the cocktail party), so I just took a random one. I quite like having all of you there instead of just your shoulder. ;)
+This article presents an overview of common and/or significant diseases of the oral cavity that the family physician is likely to encounter, with an emphasis on pathogenesis, recognition, complications, and management. Topics reviewed include the sequelae of dental caries, periodontal disease, and trauma. Prevention and early intervention strategies are emphasized. Recent updates and practical issues for the family physician are highlighted. individual.
+Dental Caries and Tooth Pain
+The teeth are 32 highly specialized hard tissue units that each consist of 3 functional units. First, the visible crown portion, which is exposed to the oral environment and is composed of an outer layer of inorganic, heavily mineralized tissue (enamel) overlying a somewhat softer collagen-containing calcified substance (dentin) that resembles bone in its ratio of organic to inorganic composition. Secondly, the root portion, which anchors the tooth to the surrounding alveolar bone by means of a dense, fibrous connective tissue attachment (periodontal ligament). Finally, a central pulp complex that is composed of neurovascular and loose, fibrous connective tissue.
+Dental caries, or tooth decay, is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases affecting modern society. These are also known colloquially as cavities, reflecting the cavitation that occurs in more advanced lesions. Once viewed as a disease of children (Figure 1), it seems that, because a greater percentage of the adult population are retaining their teeth, adults are now developing new carious lesions at the same incidence rate as children.1 Among some methamphetamine abusers, a pattern of rampant carious destruction is noted, a condition termed “meth mouth”2 (Figure 2). There is also an exponential increase in risk of developing caries among patients who take multiple medications that predispose to xerostomia. Among the aging population, caries are commonly seen on the root surface of the teeth, where the gums have receded (Figure 3).
+Differential diagnosis of common causes of dental pain. Additional clinical information and treatment recommendations are provided in the text.
+Dental Trauma
+Dental trauma is extremely common, with an estimated 10% to 16% of children exhibiting evidence of damage to the permanent incisor teeth by age 15.26 Dental trauma is particularly common in the 6- to 12-year-old age group. Depending on the angle and the magnitude of force, trauma may result in injuries ranging from fracture of the crown to concussive, intrusive-, or extrusive-type injuries to the tooth to outright fractures of the alveolar process or the jaws. Fortunately, the root is supported by a fibrous periodontal ligament, rendering it able to absorb mild to moderate forces. This may in part account for the observation that the most common permanent injury among teeth subjected to trauma is the fracture of an incisal portion of the crown.26
+Although all types of injury to the maxillofacial complex require prompt evaluation by a dentist, it is essential that all patients with avulsive injuries of permanent teeth be treated immediately. Studies have shown that if the tooth is reimplanted within 60 minutes, the success rate of reimplantation is dramatically improved.27 The ideal situation is if the patient or a caregiver can reimplant the tooth at the time of injury, providing the tooth or socket have not been visibly soiled. If not, the goal of managing such a scenario is to keep the cells of the periodontal ligament viable by keeping them moist until the tooth can be reimplanted. The ideal storage/transport medium is Hanks balanced salt solution, which is available commercially in a kit form as “Save-A-Tooth” (Phoenix-Lazerus, Inc., Pottstown, PA). Other good options include placing the tooth in milk or having the patient keep the tooth in the mouth, positioned against the cheek. Storage in plain water or saline is to be avoided, although it is still preferable to desiccation. When the patient arrives at the practitioner's office, the tooth should be reimplanted immediately with minimal manipulation of the root tissues. If necessary (for example, if the tooth root was visibly soiled), the tooth and socket can be rinsed carefully with a cell-preserving media. Once the tooth has been reinserted, the clinician should carefully compress the alveolar bone around the socket with moderate finger pressure and arrange for immediate referral to a dentist. Depending on how long the tooth has been out of the socket and the degree of closure of the root apex, the dentist will decide on the need for additional tooth preparation before reimplantation. The dentist will then stabilize the tooth to the neighboring teeth using a bonded splint. The patient should be evaluated for concussive injuries to the brain and fractures of the facial bones and/or mandible. The patient should also be assessed for the need for tetanus prophylaxis, especially if the vaccination status of the patient is unclear or if the tooth has come into contact with soil.28 The American Academy of Endodontics28 recommends that patients with a reimplanted tooth be placed on doxycycline (adult dosage of 100 mg twice a day) for 7 days. As an alternative, if staining of developing teeth is a concern, penicillin VK (adult dosage: 1 to 2 g immediately, then 500 mg four times per day) is an option. Based on the “dry time” and the degree of closure of the root apex, the patient's dentist will decide whether endodontic therapy is also required. Primary teeth should not be reimplanted because of the risk of damage to the underlying developing permanent tooth. If in doubt as to whether a tooth is a primary tooth (some primary teeth are typically present up to 12 to 14 years of age), the physician should reimplant it if possible and arrange for immediate dental assessment.
+Prevention of Oral Diseases
+As with most conditions, prevention and early recognition/treatment offer the greatest potential to reduce the incidence and severity of dental disease. From the family physician's vantage point, a number of observations are offered:
+Reduced salivary flow, a common side effect of many drugs, is associated with a loss of buffering activity and hence an increased risk of caries and mucosal infections. Common xerostomia-inducing drugs include anticholinergics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diuretics, antihypertensives, antihistamines, narcotics, and anxiolytics.29 This is a significant problem among the older population, especially in view of the trend toward more patients keeping their teeth. This should be taken into account when prescribing for patients in this population, especially when contemplating polypharmacy. When the use of alternative drugs is not feasible, cholinergic agents such as pilocarpine (5 mg three times daily) or cevimeline (30 mg three times daily) may be considered. A number of commercially available saliva substitutes are available over the counter. Many patients with severe xerostomia experience relief from carrying a bottle of water with them to sip as needed. Home application of gels and/or rinses containing fluoride should be considered for patients in this group (please see number 6, below). As for all high-risk patients, increased dental vigilance is needed.
+Many orally administered medications contain high concentrations of sweetening agents to make them more palatable. In vulnerable pediatric populations with underlying chronic conditions, prolonged exposure to these agents can result in a significant increase in caries development.30
+Because cariogenic oral microflora can be vertically transmitted to a child through the mother's saliva, management of active caries in women of childbearing age, pregnant women, mothers, and caretakers of young children should be encouraged.31
+Routine dental examinations and radiographic evaluations of the teeth should be strongly encouraged because these are crucial to the early detection and treatment of carious lesions that may not be evident on a clinical examination.
+Management of chronic periodontal infection will reduce systemic spread of bacterial endotoxins and inflammatory mediators, thus potentially reducing their negative impact on chronic disease conditions.
+The risk of developing caries can be reduced by oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing, which reduce the tooth surface biofilm, and dietary counseling to reduce the frequency of sugar consumption. In patients unable to floss effectively, one short-term study demonstrated that daily oral irrigation with a dental water jet combined with brushing may be as effective as brushing and flossing at reducing gingival bleeding, inflammation, and plaque accumulation.32 Exposure of enamel to trace quantities of fluoride ion (∼1 ppm) results in the formation of fluoridated hydroxyapatite crystals that demonstrate increased resistance to acid dissolution. The overall magnitude of caries reduction averages 25%, whether delivered professionally, self-administered through toothpaste, or by community water fluoridation.1 Fluoride brush-on gels with a neutral pH (eg, Prevident 1.1% brush-on gel, Colgate Professional) are preferred over acidulated gels for daily, at-home therapy. Weekly use of a 0.2% neutral sodium fluoride gel should also be considered for use by high-risk individuals.
+Pit and fissure sealants (resinous material that is placed into the deep crevices on the biting surfaces of the molar teeth without the need for drilling, creating a barrier to the entry of bacteria) are effective at preventing caries on these tooth surfaces, especially in patients at a high risk for caries. This caries protection ranges from close to 100% protection in ideal situations, in which long-term retention of the sealant is maintained with periodic re-examination and reapplication where needed,33 to 75% in “real world” situations.34 Because close to 90% of all cavities involving the permanent teeth of school-age children occur on the occlusal surfaces of the molars, the application of sealants can play a significant role in reducing the caries rate, especially among children with a history of high caries rate in the primary dentition. Therefore, parents of children with newly erupting molar teeth (approximately 6 to 7 and 11 to 12 years of age) should be encouraged to visit their primary dental care provider for assessment of whether sealants are indicated.
+The lifetime direct financial cost for treatment of a single tooth lost to trauma as a child or teenager easily runs into the $10,000+ range. The use of custom mouth guards should be encouraged for all patients performing any type of physical activity in which accidental trauma to the jaws is a possibility. This includes not just high-impact sports such as boxing, hockey, and football, but also physical sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball that traditionally are viewed as being less aggressive. A recent meta-analysis concluded that wearing a mouthguard during sports-related activities reduced the risk of an orofacial injury by 1.6 to 1.9 times.35 However, the evidence as to whether mouthguards protect against concussive injuries was inconclusive. Although not as effective and not as comfortable to wear as custom mouth guards, over-the-counter products are an acceptable, lower-cost alternative.
+This article was externally peer reviewed.
+Funding: none.
+Conflict of interest: none declared.
+- Received for publication February 3, 2009.
+- Revision received November 30, 2009.
+- Accepted for publication December 4, 2009.
+Best Macwheel Electric Scooters to Buy in 2021
+Comparison Chart
+Best Macwheel Electric Scooter Reviews
+1. Macwheel MX1 Electric Scooter
+Anyone looking for a unique gift for a friend or simply something to help them make that daily commute is the right person for this electric scooter. It was designed for both recreation and commuting activities.
+This portable and foldable electric scooter combines power with efficiency in its functionality. It was made with the distant traveler in mind; hence, it’ 270 Wh long-range battery will last you through 18.6 miles of your travels. The motor power is 350 watts, and it can achieve maximum speeds of up to 15.6 miles per hour. It also enables the scooter to have faster acceleration and high climbing power on sloping roads.
+How long the battery lasts is determined by how heavy the rider is and the terrain of the place you ride it on. However, on average, it lasts for up to 4 hours on a single charge.
+As for the braking system, it features brakes on both the front and the rear wheels. This system also features a front anti-lock braking design for improved safety.
+The large tires ensure that the scooter has excellent shock absorption on a bumpy road, and they are also anti-slip.
+If you are looking to buy a scooter that you can carry with you anywhere you go, then this model features such possibilities. It can easily be folded and reduce the space it occupies for easy packing and transportation. Moreover, its light weight will make it less cumbersome for you to carry, whether it is onto a bus or train.
+The scooter also has three speed-modes ranging from 8-25 km/h. The tires are made from foamed rubber and are non-pneumatic.
+Macwheel MX1 Specs
+- 350 W motor
+- Double braking
+- 270 Wh Lithium batteries
+- Weight, 28.4 lbs
+- Maximum speed 15.6 mph
+- Front and backlights
+- 8.5-inch tires
+- Shock absorption
+- Non-pneumatic tires
+- Anti-slip large tires
+- Foldable design makes it easily portable
+- Maximum weight capacity of 256 lbs.
+When you buy the scooter, you will receive a charger, a user manual, and a wrench as part of the package. In addition to that, there will be a warranty card within the box.Here is a YouTube video on the Macwheel MX1 scooter:
+2. Macwheel MX3 Electric Scooter
+This scooter is an over the top creation in the world of electric scooter manufacturing. With suspension features and anti-puncture tires, it is downright made to provide maximum comfort to its rider.
+And even with all those extra features, it doesn’t compromise on speed or efficiency when it comes to power. An even better feature is how little maintenance it requires. And of course, not having to worry about forgetting the foldable parts that make it a joy to carry around.
+The machine comes with a 350 W motor that enables it to reach maximum speeds of 15 mph. it can also handle steep terrain that tilts up to as high as 15 degrees.
+Its battery capacity is 270 Wh, which lasts for up to 4 hours after charging and can last you through 17 miles on a single trip. The scooter has both headlights and taillights, all of which shine brightly for better visibility and make you noticeable in the dark.
+There is also a display that shows the indicators of the scooter, a speedometer, and the battery level. You will also have several speed modes to choose from.
+The double braking system includes an E-ABS brake functionality that improves your braking functionality and safety when doing so. The front tire has an anti-lock brake system that also improves safety.
+The suspension system includes two suspensions, one in the front and the other at the rear. You will thus have a smooth riding experience even on bumpy terrain.
+The tires are 8 inches and non-pneumatic. Furthermore, they are airless and foam-filled, giving them anti-puncture properties. You will, therefore, never have to fill them with air. This design makes them able to take on more weight, unlike air-filled models that have a less carrying capacity.
+Macwheel MX3 Features
+- A dashboard display
+- 270 Wh battery
+- 350 W motor
+- A maximum distance of 17 miles
+- Weight, 26.5 lbs
+- A maximum speed of 15.6 mph
+- Different speed modes
+- Front suspension
+- Double braking system
+- E-ABS anti-braking system
+- Front and rear lights
+- 8.5-inch tires
+- Non-pneumatic tires
+Just like the MX1, you will receive a user manual, a charger, a warranty card, and an Allen key when you purchase this electric scooter.
+For more information on its use and functionality, watch this YouTube video to see how it performed during its testing:
+3. Macwheel MX2 Lightweight Electric Scooter
+The MX2 electric scooter by Macwheel is extremely lightweight and has a sleek design. Judging by the looks, you might feel that this electric scooter is a bit flimsy but it's not. It has the full potential of being an engineering brilliance.
+Macwheel has used airplane-grade aluminum in the construction of this e-scooter. Therefore, it is extremely lightweight. Not only that, but the scooter is resilient as well.
+It does come with a tool kit but this is not enough when you get into some intricate details to sort out its balancing problems that develop with time. The simplistic which makes repairing and maintenance quite an easy task.
+The folding mechanism doesn’t turn the scooter into a compact one, just like the MX1 does, but due to the lightweight nature of it, the scooter is effortless to carry. Its handlebar has a very good grip and it slightly leans back to provide you with a nice and comfortable posture.
+The scooter also features a shock absorber and a powerful 300W motor that operates very noiselessly. You can zip around at 15 miles an hour on this little dynamo. Per charge, it can manage up to 12 miles but a lot depends upon your overall weight.
+It is ideally suited for people who weigh less than 220 lbs else, the scooter will discharge pretty quickly. MX2 is indeed a suitable ride for short-distance commutes. Moreover, it is equipped with a dual braking system to prevent any crashes even at top speeds.
+Macwheel MX2 Specs
+- A dashboard display
+- 300 W motor
+- A maximum distance of 8-12 miles
+- Weight 24 lbs
+- A maximum speed of 15 mph
+- 3 speed modes
+- Front suspension
+- Double braking system
+- E-ABS anti-braking system
+- Rear stop lights
+- 8-inch tires
+- Airless tires
+4. Macwheel MX PRO Long Range Electric Scooter
+The MX Pro e-scooter by MacWheel features a top speed of 15.5 miles an hour and a long-range battery. Truly designed for young professionals, this scooter comes with a mileage of 25 miles per charge and has a very easy to fold and carry design. You can conveniently carry it with you to your office.
+Hands down, it is one of the best options for commuting. The MX Pro uses the upgraded model of MX1 and has a bigger battery for better mileage. However, it features the same 350W motor from its predecessor and tops out of 15 and a half miles an hour.
+At this speed, you can conveniently overcome any obstacle or inclination with any trouble. One of the best features of this e-scooter is you can connect it with your mobile application, and the app will tell you all about your scooter. You can see the current charge status, battery life, top speed and control its headlamp. Apart from that, you can lock and unlock your scooter using this app.
+That’s not all! Its portable design allows you to fold it conveniently in just one step. It folds to a compact size that will enable you to carry it wherever you want. You can also store it in your car if you wish. However, you have to keep in mind that the top speed of 155 miles an hour is based upon the rider’s weight and smoothness of the terrain. Its weight capacity is 220 lbs.
+The scooter is entirely water-resistant with IPX4 certification. Therefore, you can conveniently ride it in the rain as well. But make sure that you don’t allow it to get submerged.
+Macwheel MX PRO Features
+MacWheel Scooters Buying Guide
+There are some essential features that you should consider before buying a MacWheel scooter. It will ensure the best bang of your buck.
+Keeping these points in mind will simplify your buying decision.
+Structure & Display
+MacWheel Scooters vary in terms of structure and display. The ones with bigger batteries and motors will be bulkier in size and heavier in weight. Therefore, if you are looking for speed and power, you will have to compromise on its compactness.
+Suppose, you are interested in buying a scooter you can conveniently carry around into a bus or inside a vehicle. In that case, you need to go for easy folding features and compactness. In such a scenario, you will have to give up on speed and mileage.
+But such a scooter will be a better option only if you don’t have to go long distances. For a long-distance ride, you ought to choose a battery motor and battery.
+If you are riding on a street that has a speed limit for e-scooters, you can go for a display screen that can exhibit all the information about your current speed. This way, you can keep it slow when you see you are over-speeding. A presentation would be nice to have if you are new to e-scooters and don’t know much about different riding speeds.
+Motors & Batteries
+As mentioned above, if you want to pump it up because you are traveling to your destination that is far off, you will need a bigger battery for better mileage and a more powerful motor for more speed.
+With better mileage and speed, you will have to give up on portability. Carrying the scooter in your hands or on your back will become more of a hassle. But it will especially be the case if the ride has a bigger setup under the hood.
+Therefore, you need to make your choice wisely and see what distance you are going to cover with your e-scooter. Maybe, you can ride it to your nearest bus station and take the bus to your destination. Just sort out different alternatives you can explore here and see which one is the better option for you.
+For long commutes, you should go for a bigger battery and motor because you will need more speed and power. A 350W motor can provide you the top speed, a minimum of 15.5 miles per hour. And the scooter battery can last for more than 25 miles. So choose the right option accordingly.
+Brakes & Suspensions
+Of course, with a bigger motor and battery, you can scoot faster. But you will have more momentum in your cruise, therefore, you need to have powerful brakes with smaller stopping distance.
+Now, it doesn’t mean you can scoot with low-quality brakes on a lighter scooter. With high speed, you will need good quality disc brakes to have maximum grip and quick halt.
+With a better braking system, you also need to have a sturdy suspension to keep any effects of the brakes at a minimum. Featuring a decent suspension system, your ride will be smoother and you won’t have to experience any bumps on the road.
+You will be gliding on a range of different surfaces. Still, it is highly recommended that you only choose smooth surfaces to keep the ride as comfortable as possible. Going for a dual suspension system would be even better.
+It is important to note that Macwheel is the sole seller of its products on Amazon. Beware of other scammers trying to pose as vendors of the product.
+You should ensure you maintain high safety standards when using any of the Macwheel scooters. Wear a helmet and check that both front and rear lights function properly. As for braking, it is advisable to always use the rear brakes first before holding the front ones for maximum safety.
+These scooters were not designed for outdoor use during extreme weather. Therefore, don’t go riding them in snow or splashing them through pools of water. The electronic parts will become damaged, and it could also void your warranty. That said, have fun riding.
+The Astonishing and Mysterious Growth of the Kingdom (Matthew Sermon 62 of 151)
+July 20, 2003 | Andrew Davis
+Matthew 13:31-33
+In so many ways, I am in awe of Jesus Christ, He just takes my breath away. The things that He does are astonishing, and we know of his mighty miracles. We know He spoke to the wind and the waves, and they were completely still, and we know how He raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, dead though he was four days, yet that word of power that he was able to speak. But what takes my breath away in this passage is the perfection of his teaching. He's the greatest teacher that ever lived. John Calvin in his commentary, the preface to his commentary to Romans, said that what he was seeking was loosed brevity, in other words, clarity and brief-ness, to coin a phrase, that everything should be made as Albert Einstein said, as simple as possible, and not simpler. Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address was able, somehow, to capture what was being fought over in the Civil War better than anyone that had ever seen it up to that point, and he did it in 271 words. He was able to capture what was going on, that there was a test of our governmental system going on and that was what was at stake. The apostle Paul in his preaching asked the Colossians church to pray that he would make it clear as he should.
+But none of these teachers have compared to Jesus Christ who, in 17 words in the Greek language encapsulates all of human history in a homely, home-maker parable in which a woman is baking bread. Seventeen words, and He gets all of human history together. Not only that, but He gets my history as well, what's happened in my life since the time I heard and believed the gospel. He's got the two together, both the individual and the global in one little homely kitchen parable. Only Jesus could do that. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and hid in a large amount of flour until it permeated the whole lump." There it is. There's human history. It doesn't sound like it to me. We must come like spiritual beggars and humble ourselves and say, "Lord, Jesus what does it mean?" The parable of the mustard seed, the parable of the yeast, how can we understand these things? Once the spirit has come and has opened our eyes, we are in a great position to understand better than any generation that has ever lived because we have seen the fulfillment of these two parables over the last 2000 years, then at last we can wonder and be amazed at the teacher who sits before us, and instructs us on world history. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden, though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet, when it grows, it becomes the largest of garden plants and the birds of the air, come and nest in its branches. The kingdom of heaven is like a little amount of yeast that a woman took and mixed or hid into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough. All of human history and my personal history too, wrapped up in these two little parables.
+Two Parables: One Message: The Kingdom Grows
+The one message of the two parables is that the Kingdom starts small, and grows huge, as a matter of fact, dominates in the end. That's what they mean together. The mustard seed is a proverb. The Jewish people knew that the mustard seed was proverbial for something small. "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed," Jesus said, "You can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it'll move." Jesus Himself said, "Though, it is the smallest of all your seeds." The point is, it was the smallest of the seeds that they used to plant in the garden; all the others were larger, significantly larger, and yet, this one grows to dominate in an impressive way. Within that seed is the genetic code for explosive growth. God ordained seeds from the very beginning in Genesis 1, there would be seed-bearing trees, fruit with seed in it, animals would have seed, we would have seed, there was an explosion of growth. “Fill the earth, subdue it, rule over it, populate it.” All of it built into the seed, the genetic code only recently being understood, and we'll never finally understand it. So, it was with Jesus, what they call this one solitary life, within his life, within his example, and within his teaching and even more, in His sacrificial bloody death on the cross, and His resurrection, there in seed form is the Kingdom of Heaven.
+With the proclamation of that life and that death and that resurrection comes a kingdom which will someday conquer the world. In the end, it's the largest of all your garden plants, and it becomes a tree so that the birds of the air can come and take rest in its branches. The Kingdom starts small, seemingly from nothing and grows to an imposing height. Now, the leaven. The leaven starts small in one corner and it comes to final and total complete permeation. Leaven, or yeast, is frequently seen to be a symbol of evil. Jesus said in Matthew 16:6, "Be careful, be on your guard against the Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” By that He meant their bad teaching, their false teachings, be careful about it. But actually yeast is not necessarily a symbol of evil, it's really a symbol of permeation, a symbol of spreading, many times, connected to something evil as Paul does in Galatians 5:9, "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough," meaning you get this bad idea, of legalism and circumcision, it's going to affect your whole faith, it's going to affect everything. It really is a picture of permeation. In the Old Testament, bread with yeast included in it was part of the Levitical offering in Leviticus 7. Yeast is not intrinsically evil. To me, the parable proves it, the Kingdom of Heaven, is like yeast, therefore it can't be evil because the king heaven is good, and therefore, if it's like yeast, then the yeast is not intrinsically evil. The issue is spreading, it's permeation really in a kind of a hidden sort of way. Yeast is a one-celled fungus that connects and bumps into other things and starts to generate carbon dioxide gas and ultimately alcohol if it's left long enough. That's fermentation and it just spreads through one side of the lump. Jesus is lavish in his picture here. The housewife took and mixed this little amount of yeast, just hid it in the corner and just let it do its work. How much is 40 liters? Imagine 22 liters bottles of flour poured into a big vat and mixed up, and a pinch of yeast from the last leaven lump put it in and pretty soon the entire lump has risen, it's permeated. It's a picture of permeation. The central lesson of both these parables, is growth from small and insignificant to imposing and dominant.
+Why two parables? What's going on? What does the one teach that is different than the other? I think that one teaches a showy display of constant progress. You can look and see it growing. You can come in the garden and you can look and it's six inches tall, then it's a foot tall and pretty soon it's five feet tall and it just keeps growing. You can see its progress. In the end, it's very big and imposing all over the place. The other is a hidden internal mysterious growth. A permeation really that just kind of spreads. You don't really know what's going on and the true story is really quite hidden, and you can't see much evidence of the permeation. The two parables together give the whole picture of the growth of the kingdom of heaven. In one sense, it can be marked and measured. We can see milestones along the way. In another sense its internal, hidden and mysterious and will only be fully understood at the end. That's how I understand in a big picture these two parables.
+Let's try to get in and see what's really going on. The parables would have been in their key message a shock to the Jews. Why? They were expecting a big glorious kingdom. They just didn't expect to have to wait for it like this. They didn't expect a humble, despicable, lowly start to that kingdom, and they didn't expect that it would be internal and spiritual. They will really be kind of shocked and stunned at the kingdom that Jesus is preaching here. They expected world domination, and they had reasons for it. There were prophecies, for example, like the one in the book of Daniel. There's a huge statue that represents all these Gentile kingdoms — the head of gold, and the chest and arms of silver, and the belly and the thighs of bronze, and legs of iron and then the feet of partly iron, partly clay. The whole statute that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about represents human history; it represents all of these Gentile kingdoms. Suddenly there's a stone cut out, but not by human hands, and it flies through the air and strikes the statue at the feet and they crumble. They just chaff on the threshing floor, and a wind blows them away, but the stone cut out but not by human hands grows until it becomes an impressive kingdom that takes over everything. "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed nor will it be left to another people, it will crush all those kingdoms [all those Gentile kingdoms]. We understand clearly, "It will crush all those kingdoms, and bring them to an end but it will itself endure forever.” This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of the mountain but not by human hands." They expected a Jewish world-wide kingdom in which the Son of David would sit on the throne and all of the Gentile enemies would come and basically lick the dust at their feet. That's going to be exciting and enjoyable when you are a first-century Jew and you're licking the dust of the Roman Centurions feet and hating every minute: You feel like you're in your Promised Land, why should you have to pay taxes? Why should you have to bow down to these tax collectors? Why should you have to follow rules and regulations made by an emperor who's never been here. This was their land, given to them by God. But there are prophecies that someday the Gentiles will come and lick the dust at the feet of the Son of David. It said, “lick the dust.” It was a big theme in Jewish prophecy. For example, in Psalm 72 written by King Solomon, speaking of the Son of David, this king, this Messiah, "In his day, the righteous will flourish, prosperity will bound till the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. The desert tribes will bow before Him and His enemies will lick the dust."
+There it is, Psalm 72:9, "The kings of Tarshish and of distant shores will bring tribute to him, the kings of Sheba and Seba will present him gifts, all kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him." They were ready for that; they were ready for an impressive worldwide dominating kingdom in which the Gentiles would come and lick the dust. They were ready for another prophecy too. Zechariah 8:23, "This is what the Lord Almighty says, in those days, ten men from all languages, and nations will take firm hold, of one Jew, by the hem of His robe and say, ‘Let us go with you because we've heard that God is with you.’” Oh, they were looking forward to that, too. They were looking forward to being part of that Messianic Kingdom and it was going to be impressive with world domination. They were so weary of the Assyrians, and the Babylonians and the Persians, and the Medes, and the Greeks and the Romans whoever comes next, weary of it, they wanted a king.
+They were ready of a king, but they weren’t ready for the kingdom that He was living and proclaiming, they weren't ready for that. They were wondering when Jesus began to preach, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," wondered if the time had come, especially intrigued by his miracles. Now, that was never really, I think, in their mind, that the King would be a miracle worker for David and Solomon never did that. So that's an enhancement. But we're troubled by the way He's living His life; we're troubled by the Kingdom. It's so quiet, it's so humble, He gets along too well with the Romans. This is not what we had in mind. He was even healing one of their centurion servants, what is going on here? He's not quarreling and crying out in the street and rabble-rousing and getting an army together, he's not doing what they expected. He spoke of redeeming Gentiles, not of destroying them. Because of the mysteries of the kingdom, that's why He told these parables, that they would understand the kingdom isn't like what they thought. It's going to start small, and even contemptible, in some ways it's going to be repugnant. Christ was born of humble origins, born as a baby, raised in a rejected part of Israel in Nazareth: "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" said the Jews. He wasn't trained in the halls of power; He wasn't instructed in Jerusalem by the Pharisees and the best teachers. He was of a humble origin and He carried on a confusing ministry. He challenged people, "Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead, follow me and you may not know where you're going to lay your head tonight, follow me and your parents will reject you or your children and you may die." They didn't understand this, this didn't make any sense. Even worse He was clearly on the outs with the Jewish leaders, rejected by them. They hated him, and they it seemed were plotting against him. They had already decreed that anybody who claimed that he was the Messiah, would be thrown out of the Synagogue. This isn't what they had in mind. “Why are you dividing our people? We're supposed to be united, and then taking on the Gentiles.” They didn't understand. Look at your followers, Jesus, a motley band of ignoramuses, of what we would call blue collar workers. Galilean fishermen who don't even know the simple basics of biblical instruction. They're workers and even worse look who is following you: tax collectors, prostitutes, sinners. This is not what they had in mind. It's going to get worse. He gets rejected and scourged and nailed to a Roman cross, with the ultimate insult, "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews," over his head as He bleeds to death, as an executed criminal. The Jews cannot understand, they can't accept it. Ugly, ugly, ugly the beginning of this kingdom, not what they had in mind. A small band of women, John standing there at the foot of the cross, that's it. A very, very tough way to leave the world, a very ugly picture.
+"Who has believed our message," said Isaiah, , a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering, like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised. And we esteemed Him not.” That means we rejected him. We thought nothing of him, he was low and despised, this tender root out of dry ground. So, the kingdom was going to start from despicable origins, lowly and despised, and it wasn't just the Jews who despised him. When Christianity began to make its progress and they began to preach a dead Jewish Messiah on the cross, the message made no sense. It was foolishness to the Gentiles, and they didn't understand. Celsus, who Origen wrote against in the third century, a bitter foe of the Gospel, attacked the very concept that God would send His son in such a low in contemptible way to the despised Jews in one corner of the world. This is what he wrote, re-molding, but of an immortal to remain the same and unaltered. God then would not admit of such a change. God would never become a man and if he did, just for a joke," that's what he said. "If he's like Jupiter coming to the Athenians he sure wouldn't come to the Jews in that corner of the world," so said Celsus. His ways are not understandable to us, His ways, are not our ways.
+For the kingdom to start like a tiny seed stuck in the ground, or like a little amount of yeast off in the edge makes no sense. To me this is great encouragement for every generation, especially for ours, that God delights in small things. He delights in humble beginnings; He delights in just a conversation sparking at all. Just a thought that popped in someone's head and then look where it's gone. God delights in small things and doing great things with small things. We forget that the universe is made up of atoms and they're really small. God delights in small things, in putting them in order, and building a history out of it. And so, Zechariah 4:10, "Who despises the day of small things?" Yet we need constant encouragement because the Kingdom of Heaven never seems equal to the task, does it? It always seems overwhelmed by the obstacles and the odds. We have to hear 1 Corinthians 15:58, "Therefore my dear brothers stand firm, let nothing move you, always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” You need to be told that, don't you? Do you ever get discouraged in the Christian life? I need to be told my labor in the Lord is not in vain, because it sure seems like it, sometimes. All of us as Christians, we need to hear that. Hebrews 12:12 says, "Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and your weak knees," because the kingdom doesn't seem to match up. We're wasting our time here. In one 24-hour period almost a quarter million people in one day are added to the world population. People think, "We're losing ground. There's a sense of urgency. Is the kingdom up to the task?" What do these parables tell you? Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven will permeate the entire dough. The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
+Lesson of the Mustard Seed
+The lesson of the mustard seed is outward invisible growth. Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world, you're a city on a hill which cannot be hidden. The growth of the Kingdom can't be hidden, it's going to leave markers along the way in history. It's going to start small, but we're going to see marks of its progress along the way. It started with 120 believers in the upper room. That's a small church. 120 believers in the upper room and then the Spirit poured out and in one day, 3000 were added to their number that day, just like that. Now that's outward, visible change. Suddenly boom, 3000. Pretty soon the number grew to 5000 men, it kept growing and growing. Soon the call came to send missionaries to Gentile regions. The Gospel spread along Asia Minor. Back up the roads of conquest where Alexander the Great and the Roman Legions had marched down to conquer Palestine. The Gospel went back up those pipelines across to the man from Macedonia who said, "Come over and help us.” The Gospel was preached there, in Philippi, and Thessalonica. It starts to spread, it starts to move, it starts to conquer. So that by the time Paul writes in Romans, he says, "It's always been my ambition to preach where nobody's heard of Christ, but I'm having trouble finding that place these days," because the gospel had come from Jerusalem all the way around to what is modern Yugoslavia, right across from Rome. Soon the gospel would be there. Within two and half to three centuries, the Gospel would have so permeated and so dominated in the Roman Empire that Constantine would declare himself to be a Christian. Incredible. What a marker in history. The progress that this Galilean carpenter, executed on a Roman cross, has made. If you had told Pontius Pilate, what was going to happen in the next three centuries, "The man you're about to kill will someday be the God worshipped by the Emperor of Rome," what do you think he would have said to you? "You're insane." It didn't stop there. It continued to grow and to explode. Missionaries traveling. The Norsemen coming down, the Vikings coming to faith in Christ. It continued to spread, clear markers of progress. They left behind physical remnants: cathedrals built, art, hospitals, works of theology and writings. Clear markers of the progress of the gospel. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that just explodes, and everyone can see where it's heading, a visible legacy of Christianity.
+Lesson of the Yeast
+But the kingdom of heaven is also like yeast which a woman took and hid, it says, in a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough. So yes, there's an outward invisible marker of the progress, but there's an internal mysterious transformation. It says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast which a woman took and hid.” The Greek word is “enkrupto”, from which we get “to encrypt”. A hidden thing, a mysterious thing. So, there's this hidden nature of the kingdom. You can't see what it's doing, but it's making progress all the way through. I think this individually describes your own salvation if you're a Christian, doesn't it? You hear the Gospel, maybe John 3:16 something as simple as that. You read a tract, and all of a sudden it takes hold in your life. Little by little, it starts to conquer everything. It conquers the way you talk, it conquers the way you dress, it conquers the way you think, the way you make your living, the way you pray, what you hope for, what you dream, it conquers everything. It just starts to permeate within.
+Jesus said in John Chapter 3, that the wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound, but you can't tell where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who's born by the spirit, that internal transformation changing everything, if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation. The old is gone, everything has become new. All things have changed, and so that from the inside out, it permeates and conquers. The biggest grief of your life is that it hasn't conquered everything yet. But it will someday. Isn't that glorious? It's going to permeate everything, and there'll be no sin left: no wickedness, no violence, no temptation, no pull toward evil. No, as it says in Romans 7, "sin living in me that does it," all gone.
+The Gospel will have permeated everything, and you will be glorious and perfect. Amen and amen, the glory of the internal transformation, but you can't see it from the outside. You look like the same person but there's something different about you, an internal transformation that conquers everything. Jesus was also talking about the world, wasn't he? He had his eyes not just on the individual, but on the whole world. It would be down in the catacombs, under the streets of Rome where nobody could see it. Celsus was frustrated. He said, "You know something, they won't talk about this, when the masters and better learned people are around. But when everyone's gone, they'll start to talk to your children and then kind of take on the weak and the lowly and share with them."
+The gospel spreads through the slaves, and the weak, and the despised and the lowly, and it just takes over, permeates, influences, just by hearing. Sometimes, the gospel is gossiped almost like news.
+I love the story of John Bunyan's conversion. John Bunyan was a tinker by trade, went around sharpening knives and fixing pots and pans which was obviously not a lucrative employment. But he went around, and he was in a kitchen, sharpening some knives, fixing some pots and pans one day when he heard three or four women. This is what he says, he overheard, "Three or four poor women sitting at a door in the room and talking about the things of God." And later he said, "I thought they spoke as if joy did make them speak." Like they couldn't hold it in. Christ had so filled their hearts they couldn't help themselves. They're just filled with the gospel and with Christ, and they're just talking, gossiping Jesus. They never knew that Bunyan was overhearing, unconverted but listening. Later he gave his life to Christ and wrote Pilgrim's Progress, and so, from just a little affect, a little permeation, it spreads to the whole world.
+I love the story that my Mission's Professor Christy Wilson, told of what's happened in China. The same thing. I love this story because it shows the power of the gospel, how the Gospel was opposed by Mao Zedong. It was attacked and Christians were murdered and slaughtered down to a certain level and finally he stopped and said, "I can't continue, I've got to denounce the idea of Christianity, not just kill Christians. I've got to take these few Christians that are left who are gaining strength and get them out of being together. I think what I'll do is I'll scatter them all over China so that they're alone, and lonely, and they'll die disgraced." Christy Wilson said that the communist party in China is the greatest mission sending agency of the 20th century. Mao Zedong said, "What I'll do is I'll humble them further, I'll give them jobs like garbage collector, where they go from house to house every day, collecting garbage." You're in a new town, never been anywhere. You've got Christ inside you and you're going from house to house. What do you think you're going to do? Could it be that you're going to share the Gospel, and could it be that there are over 100 million Christians in China today? And could it be that Mao Zedong is dead?
+Kingdom of heaven is like yeast. Hidden in a little corner, it permeates the whole thing. You can't stop it. But it's hidden. It never made the headlines in The New York Times. But it is the story of China, just like it is the story of the entire world which the gospel is conquering and advancing, and the gospel is winning. The kingdom is immense but it's unfinished. We live in a great time, brothers and sisters, a time in which the gospel is accelerating, a time in with a local church like ours can send out our own people across to the ends of the world, and they can influence, they can share the Gospel with some student who's studying English. That study of English becomes a bridge that the Gospel could get across into their minds, and they could believe and be saved. This is a great time, and we can look back over 2000 years and say, "Lord, you've done it, it's not finished yet, but I see it, I can connect the dots. We're 95% there but I see what you're doing. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a small mustard seed, which has grown to imposing size, yes, Lord, the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, which is tucked in a little corner, Jerusalem, upper room, and then spreads through the whole world. And yes, Lord, the kingdom of Heaven has conquered my heart and it's taking over everything inside me. Oh, let your work be finished in the world and in me, let your kingdom come.” We never despise the days of small beginnings.
+I think about, for example, the haystack prayer meeting. It was a sultry Saturday afternoon, in August 1806. Samuel J. Mills and four other students at Williams College in Massachusetts were talking and discussing the things of God, when suddenly the skies broke overhead, thunder and lightning and they ran and found protection kind of in the back side of a haystack. They just started to pray about world evangelization, they prayed that they would be used in a mighty way by God to spread the influence of Christ to the unreached people, what they called the heathens. This was just a short time after William Carey, but there were no mission-sending agencies in America at the time. It wasn't long after that, two years later, that they met a student from Brown named Adoniram Judson. He got involved, caught their vision, and he and his wife and a number of others set sail for Calcutta to join up with William Carey. En route, of course, they became Baptist. En route, they realized that they needed some financial support because the Congregationalists were not going to support them anymore, and so they sent Luther Rice back. Luther Rice went from Baptist church, to Baptist church, saying, "You guys have missionaries in the field, and you're obligated to support them financially." That was the beginning of the Southern Baptist Convention. That's how it started, from a prayer meeting in a haystack. Do not ever despise the day of small beginnings. God loves to do this kind of thing, again, and again, and again. To advance the kingdom with just a little mustard seed of faith, to see what God can do.
+What kind of applications can we take? First of all, can I say to you come to Christ, if you're not a Christian? The things I'm saying to you make no sense whatsoever, if you don't trust Christ. If you don't know Him as your Lord and Savior, if you don't see Jesus bloody and dead on the cross as your substitute for sin, Jesus your sin bearer, and put your trust in your faith in him because he didn't stay dead. God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Is he your life? Is he your righteousness? Is he your hope? If not come to Christ today. But for you who are Christians, first of all, could you worship Christ for His sovereignty and fulfilling his prophecy? These were prophecies, weren't they? The kingdom of heaven is going to take over and it has. Worship Him. He got it right. It's not finished yet, but you see what He's doing, worship him for what he's doing. Secondly, never be discouraged over the seemingly slow progress of the kingdom. Never be discouraged about what He's doing here, in this church. As long as we are faithful to teach and live obey His word, He will bless this church. Even if the progress seems slow.
+Thirdly, expect great things from small beginnings. God does this again and again. Fourth, put priority on internal spiritual transformation, that comes first. The outward shows and the markers along the way come from a genuine internal transformation. Put the yeast ahead of the mustard seed. The internal transformation happens first, and out of that, comes the fruit that we've been talking about. Influence your surrounding world. Be yeast in your world, let there be lots of Christ about you. Lots of tracts handed to people if you only have a minute, invitations to church, going this afternoon to witness. Take a chance, I don't think you're going to get killed, but even if you do, you'll rejoice and be glad and have the resurrection of a martyr.
+Rejoice, be an influencer for Christ, pray for an unreached people group. Adopt one and pray for it for the rest of the year for six months. I prayed for Nepal for eight years, and I have personal stock in the company that God set up there, of over 100,000 Nepali Christians. There were almost none when I began praying. So, pray for them. Start a lunch time Bible study and rejoice if one person shows up. I saw a Bible study like that, start from one person and grew to 23 people. That's how it all started. Start a lunchtime Bible study, be an influencer for Christ. The kingdom of heaven in the end will conquer all things. Be faithful and serve Him.
+A Definite Guide To TikTok Influencer Marketing
+A Definite Guide To TikTok Influencer Marketing
+TikTok stands as the fastest growing social media network, influencer marketing opportunities on TikTok are germinating up right and left. We have analyzed and made the essential points to optimize or start your marketing efforts on TikTok. Initially, we have given more importance to the fast-rising tactics for your campaigns on TikTok influencer marketing.
+Facts Marketers Need To Know About Marketing On Tiktok
+TikTok is a short-term video-sharing social media platform that crowns the social media world. Users on TikTok can post and share video contents below 15-seconds duration, and often attribute dancing, pranking, lip-syncing, many comedic video contents, and more. TikTok allows its users to add visual and audio effects, involving filters and songs, making it a particular spot for creative minds creators.
+Popular Range Of TikTok
+Since the launch in 2016, TikTok has gained its popularity. ByteDance is the parent company purchased Musical.ly and combined them both; it gave TikTok access to the Z generation market.
+The TikTok downloading count increased, overtaking YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. TikTok has over 550 million users active across the globe and has been one of the top choices for social media marketing .
+User Behavior & TikTok Demographics
+With its enormous presence, TikTok has enchanted over millions of users across the globe. Twenty-seven million users from the 550 million active users are from the United States every month, and 45% of users on TikTok are from India. TikTok is accessible in 75 languages and 150 markets.
+Two-thirds of users on TikTok age-wise are below 30 years. In the United States, 7 in 10 active users are between the ages of 15-23. It clearly shows that the TikTok attracts the Z gen users more than any other generation users.
+Tiktok Vs Other Social Media Platforms
+After TikTok combined with the lip-syncing app Musical.ly, TikTok detonated overnight, rising into the social media network for its excellent functionalities and features. Let's see what makes TikTok aside from other social media.
+TikTok VS. YouTube
+YouTube stands at its best as a video sharing platform, but it has not crowned the short-term video market. While YouTube gives high-quality, long-term, relevant content, TikTok is pleasant loaded with short-term video content that helps users view, interact with, and make content at a tremendous rate.
+TikTok VS. Facebook
+Nowadays, Facebook is a grandparent of social media. It just started as a friendly tool for a feed, advertising purpose, and later multifunctional platform, which made the platform a potent giant. TikTok has achieved Facebook's hard success through its virality and simplicity.
+TikTok VS. Instagram
+Instagram focuses on stories, long-term video content, etc. While TikTok focuses on short-term video content. Users pick the hashtags to sail, and the Discover "For You" page engages the user well than the discover page on Instagram.
+Tiktok Marketing: Six Simple Ways To Market On Tiktok
+TikTok's marketing feature is new, but many businesses and brands are stepping into TikTok's marketing opportunities. Here are a few ways to market on TikTok.
+In-feed Ads
+Marketers use the In-feed ads, which is a mixture with the feeds on TikTok. The ads will run in three modes, involving Cost Per Click(CPC), Cost Per Impression(CPI), and Cost per six-second view(CPV). TikTok gives the targeting sense depending on gender, geo-location, and age. Advertisers also can create custom audiences. These ads come at a $10 CPI(Cost Per Impression) with a minimum of $6,000 campaign spend.
+Brand Takeover Ads
+These ads can be used for the various brand categories(e.g., food, fashion, etc.), as TikTok allows one brand to use a category per day. It displays when a TikTok user opens the app, it will enable the brand to get immense attention. These ads' primary objective is to make the users click and land on a brand's respective page.
+TikTok users tap the skip option to avoid these ads. Brands want to spend $50,000 for a single day with guaranteed five million impressions.
+Hashtag Challenge Ads On TikTok
+Hashtag challenge ads on TikTok is a powerful feature of TikTok. Hashtag challenge ads promote the branded hashtag, which challenges the TikTok users to participate in the challenge.
+It displays as a banner image on TikTok's discover page. These ads help TikTok's users to land on a page with instructions on a particular challenge. Branded hashtags challenges give huge impressions. Brands can also make their branded hashtag.
+Shoppable Ads On TikTok
+TikTok's new ad format shoppable ads - the hashtag challenge plus indicates the branded hashtag and produces an experience for the users within the network to inspect products and video contents. This ad type takes the hashtag's ads challenge and attaches the shoppable items, making the feature stunning together.
+Branded Stickers On TikTok
+Making a branded sticker on TikTok is an excellent way for brands or businesses to engage with their users. The NFL launches the AR stickers where users on TikTok can get the "Football" effect stickers to use in the video content.
+Influencer Marketing Ads on TikTok
+A brand's marketing strategy on TikTok needs to spend some money on TikTok's influencer ads. This kind of ad offers the brands the opportunity to combine with the influencers on TikTok to create and share the content with their massive audience.
+Many brands worked with the TikTok's influencers and gained massive success in the process. This ad type goes well if the partnerships are authentic, leaving the creators with their creative minds and the content that reveals the sponsorship.
+Steps To Launch A Influencer Marketing Campaign On Tiktok
+Influencer marketing on TikTok will be around for a short time, but brands handle this factor significantly. Initially, marketers on TikTok need to follow these points to build an impactful influencer advertising strategy on TikTok.
+Recognize TikTok's Platform
+Don't get on the platform without knowing TikTok's terms to launch an influencer campaign. And also, it needs to suit your brand to run an influencer campaign on TikTok. Try many ways to reach your targeted audience or join hands with the influencers on TikTok, who have massive followers from your industry.
+Decide The Campaign Goals On TikTok
+Determine your brand's campaign's final goal, whether it's to generate the UGC or direct the TikTok users to install your app. Fixing on your campaign goal helps you to compute the campaign's ROI and comprehensive strategies.
+Research And Appraise The Influencers On TikTok
+Research carefully to pick the influencers on TikTok.
+- Are they providing perfect content and acquiring profitable engagements?
+- Are their followers based on your track?
+- Are their values and interests connected to your brand?
+Don't pick the TikTok influencers if they have a low followers base.
+Influencers On TikTok Show Creativity
+It's exciting for brands to exercise the app for marketing strategy since it is new. Only trust the influencers who have authenticity in their specific industry well. Please don't take their creative mind; allow influencers to spread their creativity at their best. It makes a good partnership with the influencers for you.
+Monitor The Campaign Results On TikTok
+Running a campaign without knowing how to monitor its performance tends to be bootless. Understand the campaign performance so that you can optimize your influencer marketing strategy on TikTok.. Analyzing how many large TikTok views your partnership gets and measuring your post's engagement if your objective is brand awareness. Tracking how your competitor’s content performs on TikTok can pave you a clear way to reach your goals and get as many TikTok likes for your content.
+Make Sure Influencer Sponsorships On TikTok Are FTC-Complaint
+Business inspecting influencer marketing on TikTok has worked with the great influencers on other social media networks. Also, many must know that FTC violations are very costly to a business or brand. Make sure about your influencers whether they are using the FTC guidelines to eliminate the legal mess.
+Make An Attempt On Other Advertising Formats On TikTok
+Growing your influencer marketing strategy on TikTok will be a profitable attempt for your business or brand. It increases your brand's online presence and also strengthens your overall marketing efforts on TikTok.
+How To Identify The Right Influencers On TikTok
+It would be best to get creditable influencers on TikTok for the partnership to begin an influencer marketing strategy on TikTok. Brands need to spend more time on selecting an influencer to represent their business or brand successfully. If you fail to get the right influencer for your campaigns, you will surely fall with your marketing campaigns.
+To prepare your brand for a potent influencer marketing campaign on TikTok, keep reading our five tricks on selecting the best influencers on TikTok for your brand.
+Notice Your Target Audience
+Check whether your targeted audience is on the TikTok platform. Then recognize what kind of influencer matches them. Don't think influencers having huge followers provides a good output for your marketing campaigns—research on the influencers who produce consistent engagements.
+Perform a Google Search Organically
+Doing search results sometimes gives you useful results. Begin the search as "top TikTok influencers" to check the most popular influencers on the platform. Then edit your search to get the one from your niche. For instance, if you are from a cooking industry, you need to hire an influencer on TikTok, search "Cooking TikTok Influencers," to find your creators. Remember that top creators' lists will be updated frequently.
+Search Trending Hashtags On TikTok
+A thing to note on TikTok is the desktop version gives some navigation controls. Users will find these navigation options more useful than mobile TikTok. Go to the "Discover" page and search your terms in the search bar at the top. Brands will find the top trending video contents from several tabs.
+Notice The Existing Influencer Content On TikTok
+You can get the videos tagged with the #ad to notice the sponsored video contents on TikTok. This feature allows the brands to discover influencers' existing content to confirm whether those influencers are perfect for collaboration opportunities.
+Cross-Inspect The Known Influencers On Other Social Media Networks
+It's a good move to check the influencers you already know from other social media networks, like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Influencers mostly have all social media channel presence.
+Where To Find Best Tiktok Influencers
+To select the best and right influencers for your business or brands, you need to spend some more time. Also, note that all influencer marketing platforms have not updated their lists correctly on influencers.
+Here are the best influencer marketing platforms where brands or businesses can find their powerful influencer in their industry.
+Julius allows the brands to filter a database of over 100,000 creators with human reviews. Julius stands as a leading influencer marketing platform. There are various filters available out there; Julius gives the influencers data depending on the search criteria.
+The Fanbytes is the influencer marketing platform that helps the brand find its influencers over the other social media channels. Fanbytes introduces your brand to over half a million influencers on TikTok.
+This discovery tool of influencers gives over one million creators a database and features some vast TikTok influencers. It has a unique keyword research function that ensures grainy results, although fewer influencers' accuracy on TikTok.
+Working With TikTok Influencers
+After reaching the perfect influencers for your campaign, it's a great time to begin. There are some basic rules if you work with an influencer on TikTok to make sure the content is authentic, and this must be mentioned in the influencer contract.
+Remember the below points in mind for a firm contract of influencers.
+Creativity Of the Influencer
+Allow your influencer's creativity on TikTok and don't restrict them from their creative process. TikTok contains many creative ideas, so it is not fair to pick a thing from an influencer.
+Ownership Section
+Don't reuse or reshare any influencer produced contents without getting their permission. Brands should clarify the terms & conditions of the partnership at the starting point of every campaign. And also, it is best to define the partnership duration in the terms section.
+Directives Of Brand Messaging
+Clearly explain your campaign's primary objective and the messages you need to approach with your TikTok influencers. It avoids the influencer campaigns without the objectives. Also, it prevents the creators from missing the brand messaging spot.
+Certain Deliverables
+To run a sleek influencer marketing campaign on TikTok, brands want to deliver what they imagine, involving audio/visual effects and the talking points formats. It helps the brand to restrict a direful disconnect between the execution and expectations.
+Time Limit
+Give the deadlines for the campaigns as planned. It includes the campaign duration and time limit; the creators must post content for the brand's approval. And also, influencers should share the times and dates for the sponsored content.
+Examples Of Top Branded Influencer Marketing Campaigns On Tiktok
+A glance at the brand who has already launched an influencer campaign, if launching an influencer campaign on TikTok is fresh for your brand. You can do it to look for a blueprint for your influencer campaign, look for the inspiration, and execute the highlights from the top-performing influencer campaigns on TikTok.
+Spiderman Tags Zach King At The Time Of Movie Release
+The movie Spider-Man: Far From Home joined hands with Zach King, a famous influencer on more social media channels with his magical style of video editing effects . It features Zach King hosting a party for a recently released movie and his spiderman transformation.
+With the original audio sound and a twist, the content reached above 135,000 likes and 400 comments, many of them expressing interest in the film.
+Gymshark Hooks Fitness Influencers On TikTok For 66 Day Challenge
+To increase the product sales and brand awareness, Gymshark makes the challenge on "66 Day | Change Your Life" and joined hands with the six influencers to get help from them to promote the specific campaign.
+By collaborating with the six best profile influencers on TikTok, each containing more than a million followers, Gymshark reached above 20 million followers and 12 engagement rates. The #gymshark66 hashtag has gained above 123 million views.
+Chipotle Gives #Guidance Influencer Campaign
+Chipotle created a #Guacdance hashtag challenge to users dance for the "Guacamole Song" to celebrate the National Guacamole Day. Chipotle draws YouTubers Brent Rivera and Loren Gray, who already have TikTok accounts.
+The campaign reached over 260,000 video submissions. Chipotle branded hashtag influencer campaign stands as the highest performance challenge in the United States as a result.
+Ralph Lauren Creates Influencer Campaign On TikTok With Hashtag Challenge Plus
+Ralph Lauren launches the campaign to advertise the US open. This campaign hits all the levels of the influencer marketing strategy funnel.
+Users were appreciated to post their real challenge in the hashtag name of #WinningRL. Users on TikTok purchase the US open branded products of Ralph Lauren through the great shoppable feature. Also, Ralph Lauren combined with the various TikTok influencers with a reach of above 12 million followers.
+Kroger Advertises Back-To-School Shopping With Influencers On TikTok
+Kroger combined with the four college students and TikTok influencers to appreciate the users to post the image of their dorm transformation with the hashtag name #TransformUrDorm. This hashtag became popular among the students and crossed over 850 million views.
+Final Words
+It's the perfect time to create your campaign because now you get to know the dos and don'ts of influencer marketing campaigns on TikTok. Either it's your first turn or optimizing your marketing campaign strategy, you can pick an experienced influencer to launch a superb influencer campaign on TikTok.
+12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 1Probabilistic Reliability Assessment of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Structures with Degradation Hezareigh Ryan Graduate Student, School of Engineering, San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco, USA Cheng Chen Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco, USA Samuel Richardson Graduate Student, School of Engineering, San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco, USA ABSTRACT: Improving seismic performance of structures and seismic design codes requires that laboratory experiments truthfully replicate the seismic structural response. Real-time hybrid simulation provides a viable alternative for shake table testing that allows more economical and efficient seismic performance evaluation in size-limited laboratories. Not well-understood critical parts of the structure are tested physically as experimental substructures in the laboratory, while well-behaved parts are numerically modeled by computer programs as analytical substructures. Servo-hydraulic actuators impose desired responses onto the experimental substructures. Restoring forces from substructures are integrated by a numerical algorithm to enable the replication of the entire structural response through large- or full-scale component tests. However, actuator delay causes a deviation from the exact structural response. This creates a great challenge for reliability assessment of real-time hybrid simulation results since the actual structural response is not available before or after the experiment for an immediate comparison. This paper presents a probabilistic reliability assessment approach for real-time hybrid simulation of structures with degradation. With the generalized Bouc-Wen model to emulate strength and stiffness degradation of structures close to collapse, computational simulation are conducted on single-degree-of-freedom structures subjected to selected ground motions with different intensities. Different natural frequencies are considered as well as slight, moderate and significant degradation. A lognormal distribution for critical delay corresponding to target accuracy is then established to enable probabilistic reliability assessment without actual response known a priori. Examples of applying the proposed probabilistic approach are also presented in this paper. 1. INTRODUCTION Earthquakes pose a threat to structures, their content, and their occupants. Although human death and injury are of highest concern, earthquakes can result in significant economic loss. Improving seismic structural performance thus is of great significance for earthquake engineering community. This cannot be achieved without seismic structural testing which could be prohibitively expensive. The most widely used methods include quasi-static testing and shake table testing. The former is a more economical option, while the latter, though much more expensive, is more suitable for evaluating seismic structural response, especially when testing with rate-dependent components such as dampers. Another more recent approach is real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) which provides a much more viable alternative for shake table testing. RTHS takes advantage of the knowledge available on the behavior of well-understood members and components by substructuring them from the prototype structure and modeling them analytically. The rest of the structure, the new, more complex, and not well-known components, are experimentally tested in the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 2laboratory. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions are imposed at the boundaries between the analytical and experimental substructures (Chen et al. 2009). Servo-hydraulic actuators then impose desired responses onto the experimental substructures. The resulting restoring forces are measured and fed back to an integration algorithm to calculate the structural response for the following time steps. RTHS thus not only allows testing of rate dependent components, it also costs significantly less than shake table tests of similar scales. The actuators used in RTHS have intrinsic delay to the displacement command due to servo-hydraulic dynamics. This delay, even though in millisecond (ms) magnitude, could significantly affect the experimental results from real-time hybrid simulation. Figure 1 presents the discrepancy for a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure between the true (exact) response and the response from real-time hybrid simulation with two milliseconds delay in actuator response. A maximum difference of 45.5 mm can be observed corresponding to 54.1% of maximum displacement of exact response. It is therefore necessary to have actuator delay compensation to achieve reliable RTHS results. However, experimental studies have indicated that even the most sophisticated compensation method cannot completely eliminate actuator delay induced tracking error (Chen 2010, Chen et al. 2012). It is therefore important to perform reliability assessment of RTHS results, especially when the actual structural response is not known a priori for comparison. Chen and Sharma (2012) studied the accuracy of RTHS for SDOF structures and proposed a probabilistic approach for reliability assessment of RTHS results with presence of actuator delay. Chen et al. (2013) further investigated the effect of nonlinearity and improved the probabilistic reliability assessment approach to account for different ductility observed in RTHS results. However, these studies focused on nonlinear structural behavior without degradation. Recent earthquake engineering research (Lignos and Krawinkler 2011, Hashemi and Mosqueda 2014) has brought attention to structural performance close to collapse which often experiences strength and stiffness degradation. In this study, nonlinear behavior of strength and stiffness degradation close to collapse is considered more extensively to validate the probabilistic approach for reliability assessment of RTHS results with the presence of actuator delay. Figure 1. Comparison of structural responses for a linear SDOF Structure with 2 Hz natural frequency 2. GENERALIZED BOUC-WEN MODEL In order to replicate the nonlinear behavior of structures near collapse, the generalized Bouc-Wen model is utilized in this study. During earthquakes, the response of the structure not only depends on the instantaneous deformation but also on the history of the deformation (Li et al. 2004). A mathematical model to describe this behavior was introduced by Bouc (1967) and Wen (1980). More recently, Baber and Wen (1981) and subsequently Baber and Noori (1985 and 1986) improved the model by incorporating strength and stiffness degradation and pinching respectively. This generalized Bouc-Wen model includes thirteen parameters as described in Table 1, which control the hysteresis shape. In this study, the generalized Bouc-Wen model is utilized to replicate the nonlinear behavior of structures near collapse. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) presents the hysteresis shape of a SDOF structure 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 3using the generalized Bouc-Wen model respectively. Table1. Generalized Bouc-Wen model parameters Using the generalized Bouc-Wen model, the equation of motion for a nonlinear SDOF can be described as following (Ma 2006): mxሷ cxሶ αkx ሺ1 െ αሻkz ൌ െmxሷ (1) where m is the structural mass; c is the structural damping ration, ߙ is the ratio of post yield stiffness to initial stiffness; k is the initial linear structural response; ݔ is the structural displacement and (•) denotes a time derivative; xሷ is the ground acceleration; and z is the hysteresis displacement defined as following: zሶ ൌ hሺzሻ ൜୶ሶିሺଵାஔಕகሻ൫ஒ|୶ሶ |||షభାஓ୶ሶ ||൯ଵାஔಏக ൠ (2) where ܣ , ߚ , ߛ , and ݊ are shape parameters; ߜఔ and ߜఎ are strength and stiffness degradation parameters respectively; and ߝ is the dissipated hysteretic energy described by the equation: ε ൌ ሺ1 െ αሻωଶ z୲୲బ xሶdt (3) The function ݄ሺݖሻ controls the pinching of the hysteresis and the hysteresis does not exhibit any pinching when ݄ሺݖሻ ൌ 1 . ݄ሺݖሻ is calculated according to the equation below: hሺzሻ ൌ1 െ ζୱሺ1 െ eି୮கሻ ∙exp൮െቌୱ୬ሺ୶ሶ ሻି ౧ሾሺభశಌಕሻሺಊశಋሻሿభ൫ା౩ሺଵିୣష౦ሻ൯൫நାஔಠக൯ቍଶ൲ (4) where ݊݃ݏሺ•ሻ denotes the signum function and ߞ௦ , , ߣ ,ݍ , ߰ , and ߜట are pinching parameters. The parameters for the generalized Bouc-Wen model used in this study are summarized in Table 2. Three different levels of stiffness and strength degradation (slight, moderate, and significant) along with the case of no degradation are examined and compared. Figure 2. Hysteretic behavior using the generalized Bouc-Wen Model Table 2. Bouc-Wen parameter values for analysis Parameter Description General CategoryA hysteretic shape controlling parameterβ hysteretic shape controlling parameterγ hysteretic shape controlling parametern hysteretic shape controlling parameterα ratio of post‐yield stiffness to initial stiffnessδη Stiffness degradation controlling parameterδν Strength degradation controlling parameterq pinching initiationp pinching slopeζs a measuring total slipψ pinching magnitudeδψ pinching rateλ pinching severityBasic ShapeDegradationPinchingParameter No DegradationSlight Moderate Significant Slight Moderate SignificantA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1β 45 45 45 45 45 45 45γ 55 55 55 55 55 55 55n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2α 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01δν 0 0 0 0 1 4 7δη 0 2 6 9 0 0 0p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0q 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15ζs 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9ψ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1δψ 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005λ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Stiffness Degradation Strength Degradation12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 43. SIMULATION OF LINEAR-ELASTIC STRUCTURES The effects of actuator delay on RTHS results of a linear elastic SDOF structure are first investigated. The prototype structure is assumed to have an inherent 2% viscous damping ratio. The equation of motion for such a SDOF can be derived from Eq. (1) as: xሷ ሺtሻ cxሶ ሺtሻ kxሺtሻ ൌ െxሷ ሺtሻ (5a) With the actuator delay existing in RTHS, the equation of motion can be modified as xሷ ሺtሻ cxሶ ሺtሻ kxሺt െ τሻ ൌ െxሷ ሺtሻ (5b) where τ denotes the actuator delay. A total of 44 far field records from FEMA P695 (2009) are used as ground motion inputs. These ground motions were selected by FEMA based on criteria such as source type, site conditions, and source magnitude. Names and magnitudes of these records are provided in Table 3. Table 3.Far field ground motion records 3.1 Accuracy Index In order to analyze the simulation results, an accuracy index called MAX error was used, which is defined using the exact and the delayed displacement according to the equation below: MAX ൌ ୫ୟ୶ ሺ|୶౮౪ି୶ౚౢ|ሻ୫ୟ୶ ሺ|୶౮౪|ሻ ൈ 100% (6) where xୣ୶୲ is the exact response from Eq. (5a); and xୢୣ୪ is the delayed response calculated from Eq. (5b). Chen et al. (2010) used a similar index for analyzing actuator control error when evaluating various compensation methods. It is also worth pointing that other formats of error such as root-mean-square is also used in this study but not presented herein due to limited length of paper. 3.2 Critical Delay Distribution Critical delay is defined as the maximum delay that would lead to a MAX error close to a desired value. Critical delays corresponding to a target value of 10% are derived from computational simulation and then fit to a lognormal distribution using the maximum likelihood method (MLE). Figure 3. Histogram, fitted lognormal distribution, and Q-Q plot of the critical delay for a linear elastic SDOF structure with 1 Hz natural frequency. Figure 4. Histogram, fitted lognormal distribution, and Q-Q plot of the critical delay for a linear elastic SDOF structure with 1.75 Hz natural frequency. Figures 3(a) and 4(a) present the histogram and the fitted lognormal distributions of critical delay for the linear elastic SDOF structure with 1.0 and 1.75 Hz natural frequency, respectively. Figures 3(b) and 4(b) present the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot as a goodness of fit for the lognormal distribution (Easton 1990). It can be observed Year M Name Name Owenr1 6.7 1994 Northridge Beverly Hills-Mulhol USC2 6.7 1994 Northridge Canyon County-WLC USC3 7.1 1999 Duze, Turkey Bolu ERD4 7.1 1999 Hector Mine Hector SCSN5 6.5 1979 Imperial Valley Delta UNAMUCSD6 6.5 1979 Imperial Valley El Centro Array #11 USGS7 6.9 1995 Kobe, Japan Nishi-Akashi CUE8 6.9 1995 Kobe, Japan Shin-Osaka CUE9 7.5 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey Duzce ERD10 7.5 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey Arcelik KOERI11 7.3 1992 Landers Yermo Fire Station CDMG12 7.3 1992 Landers Cool Water SCE13 6.9 1989 Loma Prieta Capitola CDMG14 6.9 1989 Loma Prieta Gilroy Array #3 CDMG15 7.4 1990 Manjil, Iran Abbar BHRC16 6.5 1987 Superstition Hills El Centro Imp. Co. CDMG17 6.5 1987 Superstition Hills Poe Road Temp. USGS18 7.0 1992 Cape Mendocino Rio Dell Over Pass CDMG19 7.6 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan CHY101 CWB20 7.6 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan TCU045 CWB21 6.6 1971 San Fernandino LA - Hollywood Stor CDMG22 6.5 1976 Friuli, Italy Tolmezzo -Earthquake Recording StationID No.12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 5that for the purposes of this study the proposed distribution is a good fit for the data. 3.3 Probabilistic Reliability Analysis Chen and Rahul (2012) proposed the probabilistic reliability analysis based on the lognormal distribution in Figures 3(a) and 4(a). The probability that RTHS results have the error exceeding the target MAX error value is defined as the probability that the critical delay is smaller than the actual actuator delay in RTHS results. In this case the limit state function is written as given below: g = τ – d (7) where τ denotes the critical delay corresponding to the desired MAX error and d denotes the delay observed during RTHS. The probability of failure is thus the area under the distribution curve up to the delay τ as shown in Figure 5. It can be observed that the larger the actual delay in RTHS results, the higher the probability that the experimental results have MAX error exceeding the target value. Figure 5. Probability of failure according to the PDF of Critical delay distribution. 4. NON-LINEAR SDOF WITH NO DEGRADATION For the purpose of comparison, Bouc-Wen parameters are selected for no stiffness or strength degradation. Figure 6 presents MAX error corresponding to the ground motion recorded at the Canyon County-WLC station during the Northridge with peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.48g for five different natural frequencies. It can be observed that for a given value of delay, as the natural frequency increases, MAX error increases. Therefore, compensating for actuator error becomes even more critical when testing stiffer structures with higher natural frequencies. Figure 6. MAX error for different actuator delay. 5. NON-LINEAR SDOF WITH STIFFNESS AND STRENGTH DEGRADATION Computational simulation is conducted for SDOF structure with stiffness and strength degradation. Figures 7(a), 8(a), and 9(a) present the histogram of the data along with the fitted lognormal distribution for a SDOF structure with slight, moderate and significant stiffness degradation, respectively. The SDOF structure has a natural frequency of 1 Hz. The lognormal distribution is observed to fit the data well. Figures 7(b), 8(b), 9(b) present the Q-Q plot for the corresponding cases. Slight deviation can be observed for the cases with moderate and significant stiffness degradation. Similar computational simulations are also conducted for SDOF structures with slight, moderate and significant strength degradation (Ryan 2014). Figure 10(a) presents the probability density function of the lognormal distribution for SDOF structures with slight, moderate, and significant stiffness degradation data in comparison with the Pf d 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 6no degradation. The SDOF has a natural frequency of 1 Hz. It is observed that the mode of the distribution shifts to the left with increase in stiffness degradation. This implies that for the same delay, probability of inaccurate RTHS results increases with stiffness degradation. In other words, accurate actuator compensation is more critical when the experimental structure has significant stiffness degradation. Figure 10(b) presents the lognormal distribution corresponding to a SDOF structure with slight, moderate, and significant strength degradation in comparison with no degradation. It is observed that the lognormal distributions are identical with almost same values of mean and standard deviations. This implies that for reliability assessment, the probabilistic approach does not necessarily need to account for strength degradation. Figure 7. Histogram, Distribution, and Q-Q plot for a SDOF structure with slight stiffness degradation and a natural frequency of 1 Hz. Figure 8. Histogram, Distribution, and Q-Q plot for a SDOF structure with moderate stiffness degradation and a natural frequency of 1 Hz. Figure 11 presents the distribution of critical delay for SDOF structures with different natural frequencies and significant stiffness degradation. The critical delay is determined for 10% MAX error. It can be observed that, with the increase of natural frequency, distribution for critical delay has smaller values of mean and standard deviation. Figure 9. Histogram, Distribution, and Q-Q plot for a SDOF structure with significant stiffness degradation and a natural frequency of 1 Hz. Figure 10. Comparison of critical delay distribution for different degradation cases for SDOF structure with natural frequency of 1 Hz. 6. DUCTILITY DEMAND AND CRITICAL DELAY The relationship between ductility demand and critical delay is examined. For each critical delay data, the ductility demand is determined. Figure 13 presents the Critical delay distribution for 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 7different ductility demands for an SDOF with significant stiffness degradation. As the ductility demand increases, the distribution shifts to the right and becomes more dispersed. Figure 11. Distribution of critical delay for SDOF structures with different natural frequencies. Figure 12. Critical delay distribution for different ductility demands for an SDOF with significant stiffness degradation. 7. EXAMPLES FOR PROBABILISTIC RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT To illustrate reliability analysis using the proposed approach, a ground motion recorded during the Gazli USSR earthquake at the 9201 Karakyr station with a PGA of 0.69g is used for analysis at scales of 1, 2, 3 and 4. The SDOF structure is assumed to have a linear elastic natural frequency of 4 Hz, a damping ratio of 2%, with significant stiffness degradation. For the reliability analysis, the mean and the standard deviation of the critical delay distribution for ductility demand are determined from Figure 13. These distribution parameters are then used to find the probability that MAX Error is above 10% for the delay values. Table 4 presents the reliability analysis results compared with the MAX error values for each combination of scale and delay. The probabilistic method is observed to provide satisfactory results. Table 4. Reliability Analysis Results Actuator Delay = 2 ms Ground Motion Scale 1 2 3 4 Ductility Demand 1.111 2.620 4.751 8.430 Probability of Exceedance (%) 26.00 15.47 5.80 0.003 MAX Error (%) 5.94 4.08 5.42 2.41 Actuator Delay = 4 ms Ground Motion Scale 1 2 3 4 Ductility Demand 1.142 2.675 4.827 8.532 Probability of Exceedance (%) 97.0 74.80 46.27 4.15 MAX Error (%) 12.99 8.71 11.54 4.84 Actuator Delay = 8 ms Ground Motion Scale 1 2 3 4 Ductility Demand 1.209 2.785 5.035 8.712 Probability of Exceedance (%) 99.99 98.90 91.33 69.01 MAX Error (%) 30.69 18.92 23.78 9.63 8. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION A probabilistic approach for reliability analysis is further investigated for RTHS of structures with 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12 Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015 8stiffness and strength degradation when actuator delay is present in servo-hydraulic actuator response. The generalized Bouc-Wen model is used in computation simulation to emulate nonlinear structural behavior with slight, moderate and significant stiffness and strength degradation. Lognormal distributions are established for critical delay corresponding to target error index considering different natural frequencies and different ductility demands. Stiffness degradation is observed to affect the critical delay and therefore need to be accounted for in reliability analysis, while critical delay distribution does not change based on strength degradation. Application of the probabilistic approach shows satisfactory results. 9. REFERENCES Baber, T., and Wen, Y.K., (1981) “Random Vibration of Hysteretic Degrading Systems”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 107(EM6), 1069-10 Baber, T. Noori, M.N. (1985) “Random Vibration of Degrading Pinching Systems.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 111, 1010:1026 Baber, T. Noori, M.N (1986) “Modeling General Hysteresis Behavior and Random Vibration Application.” Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design. 108, 411-4200. Bouc, R. (1967). “Forced Vibration of a Mechanical System with Hysteresis.” Proc. 4th Conf. on nonlinear oscillations, Prague, Czechoslovakia Chen, C., Ricles, J.M., Marullo, T. and Mercan, O. (2009). “Real-time hybrid testing using the unconditionally stable explicit CR integration algorithm.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 38(1), 23-44. 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Hashemi, M.J. and Mosqueda, G. (2014). “Innovative substructuring technique for hybrid simulation of multistory buildings through collapse,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 43(14): 2059–2074. Ryan, H. (2014). Probabilistic Reliability Assessment of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Structures with Strength and Stiffness Degradation, master thesis, school of engineering, San Francisco State University. Wen, Y.K. (1980). “Equivalent linearization for hysteretic systems under random excitation.” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transaction of ASME, 47, 150-154.
+International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP) (12th : 2015)
+Probabilistic reliability assessment of real-time hybrid simulation of structures with degradation Ryan, Hezareigh; Chen, Cheng; Richardson, Samuel Jul 31, 2015
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+- 53032-1.00760<<
+LAACK, Wulfurth Jerome, Motor machinist’s mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laack, 8909 W. Maple St., West Allis.
+LACASSE, Edward Marcey, Seaman 1c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Maude Lacasse, Downe College, Milwaukee. (Later Address, 103 Sly st., Luzerne, Pa.)
+LACHMUND, Edwin, Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lachmund, Sr., Sauk City.
+LADEMAN, Jerome Emmett, Signalman 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Natalie Duero Lademan, 1810 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee.
+LAFFIN, Wallace H., Pfc., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Corrine Laffin, Rt. 2, Wausau.
+LAIDLAW, Robert John, Machinist’s ate 3c, USN. Guardians, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jamieson, Rt. 1, Thiensville.
+LAKATOS, Emil Joseph, Machinist’s mate 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Helen Catherine Lakatos, 1020 Madison St., Manitowoc.
+LAMBERT, Melvin Theodore, Watertender 1c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Eileen Veronica Lambert, 2009 E. 8th St., Superior.
+LAMBERT, William H., Jr., 2d Lieutenant, USMCR. Wife, Mrs. William E. Lambert, Jr., 2005 E. Beverly Rd., Milwaukee.
+LAMPING, Michael Frank, Fireman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Regina L. Lamping, 1431 N. 20th St., Milwaukee.
+LANDAAL, Henry Byron, Lt. (jg) Medical Corps, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George John Landaal, Waupun.
+LANG, Alexander O., Pvt., USMC. Mother, Mathilda Lang, Rt. 1, Box 264, Marathon.
+LANGWORTHY, Sterling O., Pvt., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Tessie Langworthy, Rt. 6, Chippewa Falls.
+LA PORTE, Sam Philip, Pharmacist’s mate 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Virginia LaPorte, 420 E. Reservoir Ave., Milwaukee.
+LARSEN, Gordon Valdemar, Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Larsen, Rt. 3, Hayward.
+LARSEN, Harlan Doyle, Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Larsen, 1235 E. Seeley St., Milwaukee.
+LARSEN, Melvin Leonard, Radioman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Lois Ann Seitz Larsen, 2018 LaSalle St., Racine.
+LARSEN, Robert Eugene, Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Grace A. Rykal, Rt. 1, Cadott.
+LARSON, George Wilfred, Boatswain’s mate 1c, USCG. Wife, Mrs. Hattie Irene Larson, 1610 Jackson St., Two Rivers.
+LARSON, Harland Le Roy, Aviation radioman 2c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Larson, 614 Belmont St., Sparta.
+LARSON, William L., Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Zelma I. Larson, 1204 56th St., Kenosha.
+LARZELERE, Harris Emmerson, Gunner’s mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elmer Larzelere, Lily.
+LASS, John Henry, Jr., Torpedoman’s mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Lass, Sr., 925 Lincoln Ave., Waukesha.
+LAUX, Eugene George, Electrician’s mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George John Laux, 228 Broad St., Menasha.
+LEA, Garth Arnold, Jr., Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Anna Lea, 2540 N. Palmer, Milwaukee.
+LEAR, Jack, Soundman 2c, USCGR. Mother, Mrs. Margaret Johanna Lear, 4209 W. Spaulding Place, Milwaukee.
+LE CAPTAIN, Berhard, Pharmacist’s mate 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Le Captain, Glen Flora.
+LEE, Robert E., Pfc., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Frances Lee, 5109 N. 38th St., Milwaukee.
+LEITZ, Ralph Frederic, Seaman 1c, USCG. Father, Mr. Ralph Leitz, 416 Rose St. Kewaunee.
+LEITZKE, Andrew John, Fireman 1c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Frederich Leitzke, 31 W. Irving St., Oshkosh.
+LEMKE, Edwin John, Pvt., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Lemke, Sr., 2823 N. 13th St., Milwaukee.
+LEMKE, Marvin Herman. Ship’s cook 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Alfred John Lemke, 1009 Morningside Ave., Madison.
+LEMKE, Phillip Arthur, Waterman 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lemke, Rt. 2, Greenleaf.
+LENGLING, Raymond Rubin, Seaman 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lengling, 2818 N. 29th St., Milwaukee.
+LENLING, Floyd C., Pfc., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Mabel Lenling, Rt. 1, Hartland.
+LESHOK, Gerald John, Lt. (jg) USNR. Wife, Mrs. Violet Marie Leshok, 718 S. 7th St., Milwaukee.
+LETIZIA, Vicencio, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Felicia Letizia, 1679 N. Van Buren St., Milwaukee.
+LEVCHENKO, Walter, Seaman 1c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Levchenko. Rt. 2, Box 31, Sheboygan.
+LEWANDOWSKI, Frank Richard, Pvt., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Clara Lewandowski, 1904-A W. Rogers St., Milwaukee.
+LEWIS, Kenneth Clark, Seaman 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Mary L. Lewis, 801 Cass St., La Crosse.
+LEWISON, Neil Stanley, Fire controlman 3c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Nels Lewison, Melrose.
+LIEN, Arthur Joel, Aviation machinist’s mate 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lien, Rt. 2, Hixton.
+LIERTZ, Robert E., Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Maude Liertz, Rt. 3, Box 448, Racine.
+LIGON, Carrol Burton, Fire controlman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Amelia Ligon, 362 Vine St., Oshkosh.
+LISAK, John Julius, Boilermaker 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Marie Therisa Lisak, 107 N. Main St., Prairie du Chien.
+LISSER, Herman John, Seaman 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Myrtle Elenore Lisser, Gratiot.
+LOCHNER, Francis John, Gunner’s mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Lochner, 221 N. 1st St., Madison.
+LOESING, Roy August, Seaman 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Loesing, Sr., 918 Superior Ave., Sheboygan.
+LONDO, Victor Joseph, Jr., Watertender 1c, USCG. Wife, mrs. Janet Katherine Londo, 215 Depot St., Kaukauna.
+LOOMIS, Haidon Ray, Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leston R. Loomis, Rt. 3, Mondovi.
+LOSHEK, James R., Pvt., USMCR. Father, Mr. Alphonse E. Loshek, 123 N. Hancock St., Madison.
+LUBERDA, Chester Dennis, Cpl., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Anna Luberda, Gen. Del., Pulaski. (Later add: 1626 N. Honore St., Chicago, Illinois.)
+LUCAS, James R., Pfc., USMCR. Father, Mr. James Lucas, Spread Eagle.
+LUDWIG, Roland Adair, Pct., USMCR. Wife, Mrs. Ruth Ludwig, 1420 S. 17th St., Sheboygan.
+LUECKE, Arnold Charles, Jr., Field music 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Luecke, Sr., 1803 E. Webster Place, Milwaukee.
+LUKAS, Rudolph J., Pvt., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Agnes Lukas, 3860 E. Plankinton Ave., Cudahy.
+LUND, Robert Thomas, Machinist’s mate 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Matilda Johanna Lund, 806 S. 8th St., La Crosse.
+LUCK, Robert, Chief yoeman, USN. Wife, Mrs. Margaret Luck, Cadott.
+LYKSETT, Oliver P., Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lyksett, 327 7th St., North Hudson.
+Wisconsin WW2 NMCG Casualty List – L Surnames
+LAACK, Wulfurth Jerome, Motor machinist’s mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laack, 8909 W. Maple St., West All Apr 21st, 2013.
+In the News:
+Net withdrawals from working gas stocks exceeded the five-year average during the 2020–21 heating season. Net withdrawals from working natural gas inventories during the 2020–21 heating season exceeded the five-year average by 10.6%.
+The key driver to changes in working natural gas stocks during the winter 2020–21 heating season was a sustained period of colder-than-normal temperatures throughout much of the Lower 48 states from late January to mid-February. A sustained cold snap contributed to high residential- and commercial-sector demand for space heating, and freeze-offs at producing wells that reduced natural gas production led to large withdrawals from storage fields.. In February 2021, population-weighted heating degree days (HDDs) were 13% higher than normal, which drove the higher-than-normal withdrawals. Total February natural gas demand (including exports and pipeline losses) averaged about 123 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), according to IHS Markit.
+At the start of winter heating season (November 1) working natural gas stocks exceeded the five-year average by 178 Bcf and came near record-high levels. This surplus grew to 285 Bcf by December as a result of mild early-winter temperatures. Colder-than-normal temperatures in February resulted in the first Lower 48 states’ stock deficit to the five-year average since November 2019.
+See EIA’s Natural Gas Storage Dashboard for more updates on the storage market conditions.
+(For the week ending Wednesday, April 14, 2021)
+- Natural gas spot prices rose at most locations this report week (Wednesday, April 7 to Wednesday, April 14). The Henry Hub spot price rose from $2.38 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) last Wednesday to $2.60/MMBtu yesterday.
+- At the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the price of the May 2021 contract increased 10¢, from $2.520/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.618/MMBtu yesterday. The price of the 12-month strip averaging May 2021 through April 2022 futures contracts climbed 9¢/MMBtu to $2.835/MMBtu.
+- The net injections to working gas totaled 61 billion cubic feet (Bcf) for the week ending April 9. Working natural gas stocks totaled 1,845 Bcf, which is 12% lower than the year-ago level and 1% more than the five-year (2016–2020) average for this week.
+- The natural gas plant liquids composite price at Mont Belvieu, Texas, fell by 49¢/MMBtu, averaging $7.10/MMBtu for the week ending April 14. The prices of natural gasoline, propane, butane, and isobutane fell by 2%, 11%, 8%, and 8%, respectively, reflecting high inventory levels. EIA’s Weekly Petroleum Status Report reported total NGPL stocks above the 5-year range and a propane stock build for the second week in a row. The price of ethane rose by 4% as demand for ethane in the petrochemical sector returns to average levels after a February winter storm shuttered production at petrochemical plants along the Gulf Coast.
+- According to Baker Hughes, for the week ending Tuesday, April 6, the natural gas rig count increased by 2 to 93. The number of oil-directed rigs remained constant at 337. The total rig count increased by 2, and it now stands at 432. The total rig count has increased for 4 weeks in a row, and is now 30 rigs higher than the reported March 9 total.
+Prices in most markets rise as mixed temperatures across the country result in higher-than expected heating and cooling demand. This report week (Wednesday, April 7 to Wednesday, April 14), the Henry Hub spot price rose 22¢ from $2.38/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.60/MMBtu yesterday.
+With mixed regional weather, Midwest prices rise in response to elevated heating and cooling demand. At the Chicago Citygate, the price increased 16¢ from $2.40/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.56/MMBtu yesterday after dropping to a weekly low of $2.38/MMBtu last Friday. The Natural Gas Intelligence Midwest Regional average rose 18¢, from $2.32/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.50/MMBtu yesterday, just 1¢ below the weekly high set on Tuesday. IHS Markit reports increased natural gas demand in the Midwest for both electricity generation (associated with increased air conditioning demand) and for residential/commercial demand (associated with increased space heating). The increased demand was the result of mixed weather across the region. Temperatures in Detroit reached 77°F on Thursday, 21°F above normal, and remained elevated through Tuesday. To the west, temperatures in Des Moines, Iowa, averaged in the low-50’s for most of the report week, hovering within 2°F above or below normal, before falling to 45°F on Tuesday and 42°F yesterday, 6°F and 9°F below normal, respectively.
+Prices in California increase in response to higher prices at supply hubs and maintenance outages. The price at PG&E Citygate in Northern California rose 19¢, up from $3.55/MMBtu last Wednesday to a weekly high of $3.74/MMBtu yesterday. The PG&E price increase was less than the increase at Malin, Oregon, the main supply hub into PG&E, which rose 22¢, from $2.46/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.68/MMBtu yesterday.
+The price at SoCal Citygate in Southern California increased 75¢, more than in any other major market this week, from $3.13/MMBtu last Wednesday to $3.88/MMBtu yesterday. SoCalGas reported planned and unplanned capacity constraints at both the Honor Rancho and Playa del Ray natural gas storage fields, reducing withdrawal capacity by approximately 680 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d). The Honor Rancho field is expected to return to service today, and the return of 135 MMcf/d of deliverability from the Playa del Ray field is yet to be determined. In addition, maintenance on the El Paso Natural Gas Company’s North Main Line, which links production in the Permian Basin with demand centers in Arizona and Southern California, reduced flows on the line by approximately 600 MMcf/d Tuesday, placing further upward pressure on prices along its delivery path.
+Prices in the Northeast rise in response to higher demand. IHS Markit estimates Northeast natural gas consumption rose more than 3.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) between last Wednesday, April 7, and Monday, April 12, as temperatures swung from well above normal last Wednesday to below normal on Monday at major consumption centers throughout the region. At the Algonquin Citygate, which serves Boston-area consumers, the price went up 44¢ from $1.92/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.36/MMBtu yesterday. At the Transcontinental Pipeline (Transco) Zone 6 trading point for New York City, the price increased 40¢ from $1.85/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.25/MMBtu yesterday. The lowest weekly prices at Algonquin Citygate and Transco Zone 6 were on Friday at $1.78/MMBtu and $1.67/MMBtu, respectively.
+Prices in the Appalachia Basin-producing region followed prices in the consuming-regions higher. The Tennessee Zone 4 Marcellus spot price increased 23¢ from $1.74/MMBtu last Wednesday to $1.97/MMBtu yesterday. The price at Dominion South in southwest Pennsylvania rose 25¢ from $1.80/MMBtu last Wednesday to $2.05/MMBtu yesterday. Similar to the Northeast consuming regions, the lowest prices in the Appalachia Basin were reported on Friday, when Tennessee Zone 4 reached a low of $1.55/MMBtu and Dominion South dropped to $1.65/MMBtu.
+The price in the Permian production region rises but by less than the Henry Hub price. The price at the Waha Hub in West Texas, which is located near Permian Basin production activities, averaged $2.24/MMBtu last Wednesday, 14¢/MMBtu lower than the Henry Hub price. Yesterday, the price at the Waha Hub averaged $2.40/MMBtu. The Waha Hub discount to the Henry Hub price increased to 20¢/MMBtu as pipeline congestion due to maintenance on the El Paso Pipeline reduced westbound flows out of the Permian Basin.
+Imports from Canada decrease due to maintenance. According to data from IHS Markit, the average total supply of natural gas fell by 1.3% compared with the previous report week. Dry natural gas production decreased by 1.0% to 91.4 Bcf/d compared with 92.3 Bcf/d last report week. Average net imports from Canada decreased by 8.5% from last week, likely a result of planned maintenance on Westcoast Energy’s pipeline from the production region in British Columbia to the border with Washington State.
+Residential and commercial consumption of natural gas declines sharply. Total U.S. consumption of natural gas fell by 3.6% compared with the previous report week, according to data from IHS Markit. Natural gas consumed for power generation climbed by 5.7% week over week. Industrial sector consumption decreased by 1.7% week over week. In the residential and commercial sectors, consumption declined by 16.6% as above-average temperatures in the early part of the report week affected heating demand. Natural gas exports to Mexico increased 18.4%, reaching a record high of nearly 7.0 Bcf/d on April 10, in part, because seasonal pipeline maintenance concluded and demand increased in the power sector in Mexico due to weather. Natural gas deliveries to U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities (LNG pipeline receipts) averaged over 11 Bcf/d again this week at 11.1 Bcf/d, which is 0.57 Bcf/d lower than last week.
+U.S. LNG exports decrease week over week. Twenty LNG vessels (seven from Sabine Pass, five from Freeport, three each from Cameron and Corpus Christi, and two from Cove Point) with a combined LNG-carrying capacity of 73 Bcf departed the United States between April 8 and April 14, 2021, according to shipping data provided by Bloomberg Finance, L.P.
+The net injections into storage totaled 61 Bcf for the week ending April 9, compared with the five-year (2016–2021) average net injections of 26 Bcf and last year's net injections of 68 Bcf during the same week. Working natural gas stocks totaled 1,845 Bcf, which is 11 Bcf more than the five-year average and 242 Bcf lower than last year at this time.
+According to The Desk survey of natural gas analysts, estimates of the weekly net change to working natural gas stocks ranged from net injections of 57 Bcf to 79 Bcf, with a median estimate of 68 Bcf.
+More storage data and analysis can be found on the Natural Gas Storage Dashboard and the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report.
+See also:
+Note: Datapoint for March 31, 2021, is an interpolated value, based on the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report. Data are for the Lower 48 states.
+Note: Data for February 28, 2021, and March 31, 2021, are interpolated values, based on the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report.
+Note: Data are for the Lower 48 states.
+Average temperature (°F)
+7-day mean ending Apr 08, 2021
+Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
+Deviation between average and normal (°F)
+7-day mean ending Apr 08, 2021
+Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
+How long do batteries last?
+What components do I need?
+Amps? Voltage? Wiring? Controllers?
+Inverters? And what’s the difference between setting up in a series versus a parallel?
+Getting into the solar scene can seem daunting at first glance, but it doesn’t have to be! Whether you’re a novice excited to put together your first system or a seasoned veteran who’s trying to figure out how much power you’ll need, Renogy has the answer!
+Check out this list of questions we get asked all the time!
+If you don’t see your question in the list below, please feel free to contact Renogy Tech Support!
+Solar Power Overview
+- Why go solar?
+The benefits of solar power are many, including: being able to collect, store, and use electricity without plugging into public utilities, saving money on energy bills, using renewable resources, and reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Additionally, the federal government, as well as some states, offer tax credit incentives for installing solar on your home, business, RV, or boat.
+- How do solar panels work?
+Solar panels work by converting available sunlight into usable electricity, when sunlight hits the panel an electrical current flows from it. This current can either be used immediately or stored in a battery for later use. Read our “How Solar Panels Work” blog post for a complete description.
+- What can I charge or run with a solar panel?
+Any electrical appliance can be powered using a solar powered system. Solar panels are just one component of that system. The more watt hours the appliances require, the larger the system will need to be in terms of number of solar panels and batteries. Anything that heats or cools will generally draw much more wattage than other appliances. Use our Smart System Sizer to identify what is possible given your budget and space limitations.
+- How long does it typically take to charge up a battery?
+Charging times depend on a number of factors: charge status of the battery, size of the battery, number of batteries, wattage output and number of panels, availability of peak sunlight, weather conditions, and time of year.
+For example: one 12 Volt (V), 100 Amp hour (AH) battery will provide 1200 Watt hours (WH), (12 V x 100 AH = 1200 WH), and charging that battery from 50% to 100% capacity with one 100 Watt solar panel requires 6 hours of peak sunlight. Charging that same battery with two 100 Watt panels requires 3 hours of peak sunlight.
+Batteries will still charge outside of peak sunlight hours however the panel may not produce its maximum output during that time.
+- What’s the difference between Amps, Volts, and Watts?
+Think about these concepts in terms of water running through a shower head. Amps are the flow of water in terms of liters per minute coming through the shower head. Volts are the pressure at which these liters of water are being pushed through. Watts are the product of amps x volts (W = A x V), or how satisfying and effective that shower head is at getting you clean! Learn more about solar here.
+Choosing the Right Solar Panel System for You
+- How do I know how much power I need?
+The first step in deciding what size system you need is to determine where you intend to use the energy - either in an on-grid or off-grid situation.
+If you are going off-grid, the next steps are to determine what appliances you want to run, how much space you have for your installation, and what your budget might be. Use our Smart System Sizer to help inform your decisions.
+- What is the difference between an on-grid and off-grid system?
+On-grid systems tie directly to your home electrical utility grid, offering an alternative source of energy in addition to what your utility company provides. By utilizing on-grid solar systems, you can greatly, or completely, reduce your electricity bill. Depending on the size of your on-grid system, you may receive monetary returns. These installations require a licensed electrician and permits to tie into the utility grid.
+Off-grid systems do not tie into the utility grid and are sustained using a battery bank. The battery bank can be hooked up to an inverter, which converts DC from the batteries to AC allowing you to use any AC appliances or electronics. Common off-grid applications include cabins, off-grid vehicles, RVs, boats, and dry camping. Off-grid systems can also be used in a variety of other applications, including emergency power backup during a power outage. These installations do not require a licensed electrician.
+- What is the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline?
+The main difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels is efficiency.
+Monocrystalline cells can simply produce more power in a smaller space and are usually found in a higher price bracket as a result of increased efficiency.
+Polycrystalline panels are less efficient - requiring more space to produce the same power.
+However, the difference in size and efficiency do not impact power output. A 100 Watt monocrystalline panel and a 100 Watt polycrystalline panel will both output 100 Watts. The dimensions of the monocrystalline panel will just be smaller.
+- Where are the panels and components made?
+Renogy is a global brand. We source components and assembly from all over the world so that we are able to offer the best designed products at the best prices possible. We even manufacture some of our products in Riverside, California - just a short drive away from our headquarters in Ontario!
+Weather & Solar Power
+- What factors affect solar panel performance?
+Clouds, shade, and the angle of the sun during different times of the year can affect performance. When the panels are irradiated by the sun, they produce energy. Cloudy skies, partial shade, and a low sun angle during the winter can slightly or drastically reduce production. Panels do not produce any energy in full shade.
+- How well do Renogy solar systems perform in extreme weather conditions (both hot and cold)?
+The module temperature range for Renogy solar panels is -40°C to 90°C (-40°F to 194°F).
+Our charge controllers operate within a slightly smaller range -35°C to 55°C (-31°F to 131°F).
+The majority of our solar panels are waterproof and will continue to perform in extreme conditions. However, only a few of our charge controllers are waterproof. We recommend installing charge controllers in a well-ventilated, dry space, unless specifically designed for outside use.
+- Will my system generate power during a blackout?
+For an on-grid system, if there is a blackout, the solar system may temporarily go down because on-grid systems do not have a battery source and are 100% reliant on the grid. However, the solar panels should still continue to generate power and send it to the grid as long as sunlight is hitting the panel. The amount of power they produce depends upon available sunlight.
+For an off-grid system, the solar panels with continue to generate power as long as sunlight is hitting the panel.
+Maintenance, Longevity, and Warranty
+- How much maintenance is required?
+We recommend cleaning the solar panels on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in order to maximize efficiency.
+- How long will your solar panels/components last?
+Renogy Framed Solar Panels have a performance warranty of 25 years. The loss of performance is approximately 1% per year.
+After 5 years our panels should still output at least 95% of the rated power, 10 years 90%, and 25 years 80%.
+- How long do batteries typically last?
+Over time, battery effectiveness at holding a charge will decrease. This typically happens very slowly. Lead acid, gel, and AGM batteries typically last 3-5 years. Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries can last up to 10 years. Some factors which will help improve battery life can be found on our blog.
+- What is the warranty like for your products and what does it cover?
+Renogy stands behind all of its products. Please visit our website for more information on how to register your product.
+- Framed/Rigid panels 10w-150w (mono and poly) have a 25-Year Transferable Power
+- Output Warranty and a 5-Year Material and Workmanship Warranty.
+- Framed/Rigid panels 240w-300w (mono and poly) have a 25-Year Transferable Power Output Warranty.
+- Lightweight panels 50w and 100w have a 3-Year Material Warranty.
+Installation & DIY
+- Can I do the installation myself?
+On-grid installations will require a Licensed Electrician familiar with solar to connect tie the solar panels into the grid. Connecting to the utility grid requires pulling the necessary permits and completing inspections.
+Many off-grid installations can be completed by anyone with a good comprehension of electricity and DIY skill set. To determine if you have what it takes, read our section on System Setup.
+Contact our tech support team if you still have questions.
+- How long will installation take?
+The amount of time will depend on the following: size and complexity of the installation, skill-set and experience of the installer, waiting period for permits and inspection (on-grid), and any other complicating factors.
+For a basic off-grid system, plan on it being a weekend project.
+- Will it damage my roof?
+All of our installation options take waterproofing into consideration.
+There are many options for installing panels which do not involve putting panels on the roof. Our portable suitcase models are a popular option for those not wanting to connect panels or send wiring through a roof.
+- Where can I find the technical specifications for each product?
+Each product on our website has technical specifications listed below the picture and description.
+Look for the chart and click on “SPECIFICATIONS”.
+- What is the difference between setting up panels in series vs. in parallel?
+When connecting panels together in parallel, the voltage going into the charge controller remains constant, but the amperage will increase by a factor of the number of panels connected. For example: A 100 Watt panels produce around 17 V at 6 A (~17V x ~6A = 100 W), connecting two 100 W panels together in parallel produces the same 17V but the amperage is now closer to 12.
+When connecting panels together in series, the opposite occurs, voltage increases while amperage stays the same. For example: Connect two 100 W panels together in series and the panels produce around 34 V at 6 A.
+Benefits of each application depends on the physical wiring distance from the panels to the appliances.
+- What size of fuse do you recommend using?
+Users can utilize a DC fuse between the solar panel and charge controller, charge controller and the battery, and between the battery and the inverter. The fuse size is dependent on the maximum current in the circuit and the AWG size of the cable.
+Please review the off-grid manual or contact tech support for the best recommendations.
+tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-78051182599329855992009-07-14T13:20:59.431-05:00The Homeschooling BlogHome schooling resources, information, and support, along with the personal home schooling journal of one learn-as-she goes home schooling mom.Wendynoreply@blogger.comBlogger284125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-7031472041869210582009-07-13T21:07:00.002-05:002009-07-13T21:25:43.408-05:00Cool Woman's Day Article About Improving MoodMaybe I post links here to frequently, but when I find something I like, I want to share! :o) With that said, lately I've been feeling low on energy and short on smiles. Not that I have anything at all to be down about, but I think all of us (especially women) go through spells of feeling less than our ideal. There are several things I know I'm supposed to do when I'm feeling lethargic or down... like for instance catching some sunshine is helpful, taking a walk (taking a walk in the sunshine... now that's a definite winner), going out with a friend for coffee, getting a haircut (helps me sometimes), eating a banana, taking vitamins (so they say), and drinking more water. Today I found a list of 18 ways to improve mood, many of which I wouldn't have thought of to suggest to someone else , some of which I already do. ;) If you're looking for some quick pick-me-ups (most of which are FREE), visit this Women's Day article: "18 Ways to Get Out of a Bad Mood ". My favorite? I love the recommendations for blogging and for surrounding yourself with flowers (believe me that works!), but my favorite is the recommendation to give. Whether it be your time, your talents, or well... your money, nothing feels better than to reach out to a friend or even a stranger who is in need of something... anything at all. Maybe they just need a smile? Perhaps they need bus fair, lunch, or a greeting card? Whatever their need might be, you'll never feel better than after you've shared a bit of your heart with another. Ok... so I have some work to do. I'm going to try and cover about 5 of the 18 listed on this list and see how I feel later. lol Let's put this list to the test and see how we feel a week from today? Shall we? You'll all need that energy and happy glow when you crack open the text books for another school year! Do I hear an Amen sister out there?
Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-50674583539666828112009-06-25T13:30:00.001-05:002009-06-25T13:59:23.334-05:00Extra Outdoor Storage Through Garden ShedsI absolutely love the garden sheds at Tigersheds .com! Seriously, they're stunning for a shed and how often have you heard the words stunning and shed in the same sentence? lol Additionally they're affordable. If you're an avid gardener or just have a lot of outdoor tools and supplies to store outside your home, this is a great option that will only add beauty to your property. We have a real need for additional outdoor storage for our lawn care supplies. I think most homeowners are faced with storage shortages, especially those of us who do our own lawn work. If you're looking to buy garden sheds , and you're in the UK, be sure to take a look at what's available from Tiger Sheds. They have a variety of sizes and models to chose from all with a nice warm colored finish that actually matches our deck work . I also love the log cabin style storage sheds, many of which offer larger windows and windowed doors. So, depending on what you're looking for, the log cabins might be a better fit for you. A couple of the log cabins would even make fun play houses for children. They are that nice! Who would have guessed that a storage unit could look so good? By the way, gardening is an excellent homeschooling activity. Providing lessons in life sciences as well as the discipline and work required in producing a successful garden. Then there are the rewards that are produced from all the hard work in the form of fresh vegetables and/or flowers or shrubs... whatever you might be growing. I know many of my readers participate in gardening ventures with their kids. If you're one of those plant growing families, how do you deal with storage issues and how would one of these garden sheds or cabins solve a need you may have?Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-64889796591613437662009-06-25T11:01:00.000-05:002009-06-25T11:01:01.055-05:00Homeschool Family VideoJust in case you haven't seen this yet... I've shared it before, but it's been awhile. :o)>Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-40654190276885226792009-06-25T10:03:00.003-05:002009-06-25T10:20:00.981-05:00Musical Instruments and HomeschoolingDo you incorporate music lessons into your homeschooling curriculum? If you're a musician yourself, it's probably a giant YES! If not, perhaps your children take music lessons outside the home? Either way, music is a very important educational element that will help your children flourish. There is even some evidence that music lessons improve a child's ability to achieve greater success in math! Reverb is currently offering musicians in all shapes and sizes with great savings on high quality musical instruments. I'm currently taking a look at their musical instrument shop and thinking about my own children. My husband is a drummer and we currently have 3 drums sets in our basement. Fortunately only one is assembled! lol Our children are definitely interested in music, but we're in those early stages of knowing where to focus their attention. They currently seem equally interested in drums and guitar, so which way to go is the current question at hand. If they opt for a guitar, there's a good chance they'll eventually want to buy electric guitar 's as that's what they've been exposed to, but who knows! My daughter has also expressed an interest in learning keyboard, which would be my choice too, if I were so inclined . This exciting online instrument shop is currently offering a Summer sale with savings up to 50% on select items. Just to clarify, this isn't a children's music store... it offers something for everyone. If you're a professional musician, you'll find great prices on essentials and those not so essential items that you've been dreaming of purchasing. What if that must have item is on sale? Maybe you should look!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-63743556842565451602009-06-25T09:46:00.003-05:002009-06-25T09:57:30.452-05:00Virtual Art GalleryVisiting an art gallery makes for a wonderful field trip. I've always loved art, in a variety of mediums... I just love to see how people express feelings and share stories through tubes of paint and a handful of brushes. Art is history, it's emotion, it's culture and opinion. It expresses the human condition and conveys hopes and fears and tells a story in a way the human voice cannot. If you're looking for a virtual tour of European painting and sculpture, without traveling across Europe to do so, or purchasing an expensive art book, visit Web Gallery of Art and gain access to over 22,000 images for you to share with your children. From this website, you're provided a convenient search tool, allowing you to find artists alphabetically. The search results display the artist's name, year of birth/death, school attended, and artistic period. Click on the artist and you'll have access to their work, click on an image and you'll view that image full screen. Trust me, it's fun! Additionally, you're able to send picture postcards electronically via email to friends and family. A great way to share a favorite painting or sculpture with someone you love!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-36694906727077506362009-06-25T09:19:00.002-05:002009-06-25T09:45:19.105-05:00Protecting Yourself from Identity TheftI've personally heard more than a few disturbing stories of identity theft. The situation is this... we live in a wonderful day and age of convenience when it comes to our ability to pay bills and make purchases online. We work hard to pay our bills on time and act responsibly with what we spend, insuring our financial future is secure. Through modern day technology we can pretty much acquire anything we might need on credit through the use of the Internet. Additionally, we can apply for credit with just a few clicks of a mouse... finance a dream, plan a vacation, start a new business venture, or even just subscribe to a magazine. As wonderful as it all seems, there are cracks in the system... cracks that identity thieves know all too well. With that said, are you diligent about checking your credit rating on a regular basis? Do you even know how? Callcredit Check provides protection against identity fraud by notifying you via email anytime your credit report changes. All unusual activity will be brought to your immediate attention, allowing you ample time to act before all chances for recourse on your behalf have expired. Visiting Callcredit Check today and viewing your online credit report is the first step to a more secure tomorrow. If you haven't examined your credit report recently, you should. Sometimes identity theft goes undetected for years before the victim is made aware there is a problem. I believe in taking a pro-active approach to everything, including protecting our credit standing. You may have learned about defensive driving when you first learned to drive a car... why not practice defensive finance? Keep yourself aware of what is going on with your credit by acquiring the services of an email alert system to do the detective work for you. I hope you'll never be the victim of identity theft, but if you are... best case scenario would be to catch it the moment it happens!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-31369084579748657042009-06-25T09:17:00.000-05:002009-06-25T09:18:22.509-05:00An Update on My Family!I’m loving the Summer, much more than I thought I would and at the risk of repeating my story to those who’ve heard it over and over again, I’ll make this super short and then promise to add it to my sidebar within the next few days! Lol We were homeschooling, but upon a diagnosis of Aspergers (high functioning autism) in my 8 year old son, and many challenges that went unresolved, we made the difficult decision of placing both our kiddos in the local public school system in January. They did awesome! It was their first and only schooling experience outside of the home. My conclusions are that we have an amazing school and that it stands out as one of the better school districts in the nation. This based on my own observations and the actual rankings of our district as compared to others across the country. At the same time, I have noticed some subtle changes in my children, not all of which are positive. I especially have noticed this in my 6 year old daughter who just completed Kindergarten. Our Summer has been rich with outings (first Summer we’ve had a car), but it’s also been emotional… a lot of fighting between my kids, a lot more anger in my daughter… a lot of “it’s not fair!” and “I’m bored”. Things I never used to hear. I think that homeschooling had a pace that generally fit being home, while public school with all its structure, stimulation and activity somehow rewired their little brains! Lol Now they almost expect mom to have something planned every moment of the day and when I don’t, well… “I’m bored!” is inevitable. As for the “it’s not fair”, I think that is something the school instilled in them as well. They are all so much about fairness these days that no one can loose a game or have their feelings hurt in any way whatsoever. Did you know that on field day, they no longer give out ribbons? There are no winners or losers, just games to play and then you walk away to the next game. Where’s the challenge? I guess they don’t believe in that. Lol Anyhoo, I’m getting off subject here, but basically wanted to report that yes we’ve had to deal with a few changes in how are kids respond to things, including life at home, but generally speaking all else is good. My son made friends for the first time in his life, which is a huge deal for an Aspie. My daughter was much the social butterfly at school and I suspect her boredom is more a reflection of her loneliness that mom is inept at fixing to her liking. We’re busy these days visiting the movies, usually once a week, a local farm open to the community, and meeting up at our church for play while mom goes to her Bible Study. It’s honestly been too hot to take them outside all that much, with a heat index of 110, it’s just not going to happen! Well… more to come! Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-89823797397285042612009-06-25T09:15:00.000-05:002009-06-25T09:17:30.858-05:00Unbeatable Prices on Household Products and Pest ControlUnbeatable because if you find the same item priced lower elsewhere Hygiene Supplies Direct (hsdonline) will match it! I'd never visited the UK's leading online retailer until today and I have to tell you... I really enjoyed navigating the site. I've never found so many options for kettles, beverage heaters, hand wash heaters, water filter kettles and even water coolers. The water heaters are prevalent on the site... in a wide variety of models and all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. This site provides a very useful tool next to each product giving you a quick overview of where the unit featured is best suitable. For example, is the unit wall mounted or free standing? You'll know at a single glance of the blue checked boxes indicating which features to expect from the unit you're considering. Then there's the pest control department which I'm particularly interested in. My kids have been coming home from Summer activities covered in bug bites. I can't always control what happens to them when they're not under my wing, but those itchy insect bites only serve as reminder to the fact that mom hasn't found a pest control solution at home. hsdonline has everything from fly swatters to a bed bug spray. Thankfully we don't have a need to control bed bugs in our home, but did you know such a product was even available? I didn't. Our big issue is mosquitoes and the diseases they can carry is nothing to mess around with. This online retailer sells a variety of products specifically designed to repel and destroy these nasty insects. I'm also looking at the insect repellent which is advertised as the best to be found. Sounds good to me! Hsdonline offers pest control for anything and everything you might find lurking in your garden, in your kitchen and as mentioned before, even under your mattress! I also wanted to mention their humane animal traps. My neighbor used to own one of those special cages to trap rabbits who wished to dine on his flower garden and shrubs. He was a good guy who believed in relocating these cute little critters to another side of town rather than sentencing them to a senseless death. I love rabbits... can you tell? : ) This despite the fact that they've been eating the leaves from my rose bush!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-86834834950115249902009-06-24T19:00:00.001-05:002009-06-24T19:06:28.676-05:00Studying the Significance of the Holocaust with Your ChildrenThe Holocaust was a very real event in world history that cannot be ignored and left unaddressed by a homeschooling family. The age at which you introduce such lessons is entirely up to you, but I do believe countless ethical and historical lessons can be learned through studying the horrific fate of so many innocent victims not so very long ago. There is a saying that history repeats itself. Let’s pray this type of history remains in our past, not forgotten, but remembered in such a way that we make a conscience effort to protect the world from such hatred again. I recently found a very thorough website for those studying the Holocaust… it’s appropriately titled… “A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust ”. This very well organized site serves as a directory and glossary, provides documents, maps, music, videography and more to enrich your curriculum and aid in your research and appreciation for the senseless elimination of so many Jewish families. What I find the most moving are the short movies with survivor testimonies. I’m big on testimonies anyway… nothing speaks louder than hearing a story from the person who lived it.Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-36335490528785500912009-06-24T18:50:00.004-05:002009-06-24T19:06:51.539-05:00Shopping for Home Insurance in the UKAre you living in the UK without home insurance ? Maybe you have insurance, but you're in the unfortunate spot of overpaying? Now is the time to visit Norwich & Peterborough Building Society for a no obligation, price comparison among UK's leading insurance companies. You'll save precious time by letting N&P collect the quotes for you! Shop and compare and discover how thoroughly N&P protects its customers. Here's an idea... insure your structure and your contents together and save money! Did you know you can save 20% when you combine coverage? Additionally, you might not realize you can actually get coverage for legal expenses, accidental damage, and loss of things like money and credit cards... even due to theft. I especially like what they call a 30% no claims discount that you'll be entitled for if you're a customer in good standing for 3 or more years without any filed claims. I wish my insurance company offered such an incentive. What about identity theft? That is such a huge issue these days, and yes they have a provision for that too including 24-7 customer support providing much needed advice and information to stop the theft in it's tracks and further destroying your financial standing. In addition to helping you land the best insurance protection possible, for the best price , N&P building society offers mortgages, investment plans, personal loans and credit cards.Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-82792050731320588742009-06-24T18:25:00.001-05:002009-06-24T19:07:14.948-05:00Great Learning Video Site for Homeschooling FamiliesThis week I’ll be sharing a variety of cool websites that you may wish to incorporate into your homeschooling lessons. This site in particular is cool as it features science and math, English, social studies and history, and health videos for a variety of ages. What is the name of the site you ask? NeoK 12! As the name of the website suggests, children from grades K-12 may benefit from this free online learning resource. Sometimes viewing, rather than just reading about such topics as the circulatory system, deserts and ocean, and Mayan civilizations prove to keep our children’s interest in learning alive. If you ever find yourself losing track of all the great educational links you find online, here are a couple suggestions. Of course you can always bookmark those must find later links, but you may also want to consider creating your own directory in a blogspot blog. Which is also free to do by the way. I’ve done this with Links2Learnby which I’ve linked to in my left side bar. That blog was initially created for my own reference, but I later decided to share it with my readers. Funny huh? I haven't updated it in some time now, but that task is on my to-do list! Another idea is to buy a phone directory, something many of us don’t use all that often these days, but you can list everything in alphabetical order. “N” is for neoK 12! Lol Just an idea. :o)Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-23504150979305638942009-06-24T18:00:00.000-05:002009-06-24T18:00:09.163-05:00Where to Find a Flat in LeedsI love One-UK's property website. Even before I started looking at actual rental properties, I had a blast watching the floating box of cities that came up on the screen when I entered their website. Why shouldn't a property website be fun and flashy? lol If you're looking to rent a flat in Leeds visit One-UK and play with the floating box until you see the side that reads "Leeds", then click, Walla! You'll be transported to the beginning of your search for a flat in one of Britain's most fascinating cities. Searching for properties is a snap when you visit the hot properties tab and select the location you're seeking residence, then to narrow your search to fit your budget, enter your minimum and maximum price of property sought after. Finally select the number of bedrooms you require. As with any up to date property website, One-Uk features multiple full color photos for you to examine for each property viewed. Looking for flats to rent in Leeds couldn't be any simpler than this... or as much fun! In my humble opinion this is one of the better property sites I've found online, with it's clean layout, simple design with a flash of energy, and ease of use. You'll only find what you're looking for and nothing else, making the site easy to navigate and a pleasure to visit.Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-6659946963922774092009-06-19T17:25:00.003-05:002009-06-19T17:41:59.238-05:00Summer is Expensive!This is the first year with kids that I've had transportation and all I can say is WooHoo and ouch. Yes, it's exciting, yes we're having fun traveling to parks outside our own neighborhood, going to Summer movies, eating out with friends, taking part in church activities and going to the library, but this mom's checking account has almost bottomed out! lol I know that Summer doesn't have to cost a lot of money and truth be known I'm probably not spending wildly, but I am spending and since I'm not able to work from home to the degree that I might if my kids weren't in tow with me 24/7, even spending $10... 4 or 5 times a week along with the gasoline it takes to get to all the everyday places we want to visit is adding up. On the upside I'm helping the economy... right? lol It seems that everything costs money. Even having friends over... as I like to have fun munchies for the kiddos and if we meet at the park, what good mom doesn't come with juice boxes in hand? Oh, then there's the library which is of course free, but we can't get their without passing the Diary Queen and while I do have a lot of willpower as we pass the queen of dairy, by the time we get within a couple miles of our home, I have been known to break down at McDonald's for a $1 ice cream cone. Usually around that time I also realize that I could go for a nice cold Diet Coke with crushed ice, which is always available at Quick Trip. Oh... and while we're there anyway I better get some gasoline. Then there's the fact that my son was given about 10 pairs of nice shorts this Summer by his cousin who'd outgrown them, but my daughter was left without, so mommy had to go shopping. And what great timing too... I was honored to have received the 30% off coupon through Kohls and so of course we made not one trip, but two to get 4 pairs of shorts and 2 super-cute Summer tops to match. This was a need and not want and yes I got each piece for right around $4, marked down from $12, plus the 30% off. What a deal, right? What's the answer Lord? I guess all is good. He's managed to insure that I've made just enough month after month to not see red in my checking account, but the nice little cushion I'd had the privilege of knowing for nearly 2 years has been bitten into enough times that it's now the size of one of those things a seamstress sticks her pins and needles into. lol So, how's your Summer going? Wendynoreply@blogger.com2tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-16617114306494608982009-06-12T22:11:00.004-05:002009-06-12T22:23:11.416-05:00Registered My 8 Year Old with Math WhizzJust a couple days ago I went ahead and registered my 8 year old son (diagnosed with Aspergers) with the Math Whizz website to help him build and maintain math skills. The poor little guy is very apprehensive about going to 3rd grade and his anxiety largely stems from his challenges in math. I let him play the free version of the site for a couple days and he actually told me that he thought the Math Whizz site would give him more confidence going into the new school year. That's all I needed to hear! I figured for $20 a month, it was well worth it. Just that added confidence and seeing him happy are priceless. He only finds peace when his anxieties are managed and sometimes we can't figure out how to get that done! So, I'm really praying that this website will hold the key to this particular struggle. He spent 1 hour yesterday and probably 45 minutes today on the site. As I watch him I can see where his struggles are. He doesn't do well with pencil and paper exercises, unless he's using them to calculate a solution to a problem. Giving him physical worksheets seems to overwhelm him, but with Math Whizz he's given one problem on the screen at a time... nothing else to distract him. I'll keep my readers posted on my overall impressions of the site as we continue through the coming days and weeks, but will share that one of the highlights is that the parents have access to the students scores. You can actually visit the site at your leisure and determine you child's true math age based on the responses they've provided. My son's math age is about 6 months behind his physical age (something he doesn't need to know), so let's cheer him on and see where he is in August! I'd love to tell him in August that he's proven himself ready to meet the challenges before him!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-16697764331811793242009-06-12T21:43:00.004-05:002009-06-28T21:18:23.775-05:00Summer Fashion in Nursing Scrubs?I wonder how many of my readers either work in the medical profession or are married to someone who does? If so, what do you think of medical scrubs? Have you ever been to a physician's office and actually liked the scrubs the nursing or physician's assistant were wearing? Even if just for the fact that they look so darn comfortable... much like a pair of pj's and who wouldn't want to go to work in their pajamas? lol Just a little confession, but being able to dress comfortably is also one of the reasons I chose my profession... that of a work at home mom... but I don't want to get off topic here. I just have to say that I've almost purchased scrubs on more than one occasion as I've seen some really cool Summer prints that I thought would be comfortable to wear around the house! lol Full of color and some sporting cute Summer prints, like flip flops and surfboards, just feel so playful. Sometimes it's a challenge, regardless of who you are or what your profession is to dress comfortably while at the same time maintaining some degree of style. Have you noticed on television the nurses always make the scrubs somehow look stylish? My husband and I were talking about this a couple years back while watching the television show Scrubs. I think it's actually possible, even for those working off camera to look good in this ever so comfortable work attire, especially after reading the style section at Scrubs online magazine.Scrubs is the online nurses guide to good living, containing countless articles especially written for this very hard working community. Find information on Summer style with expert fashion tips and while you're there check out the countless articles on everything from patient care to news and entertainment. It's the site that offers anything and everything a nurse might want to read about! Even if you're not a nurse, you'll find many good reads there. So after reading this post... when you hear the word scrubs, you may thing of a television show, comfy (fashionable) garments, and now an online nurses magazine!3060" border="0" url="http%3a%2f%2fsocialspark" />Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-28463254872248991532009-06-09T07:05:00.002-05:002009-06-09T07:08:57.668-05:00A Look Inside a TornadoThis video is really something to watch... actually they think this might be the only video ever taken of a sideways tornado, angled just perfectly to allow us to view it from the inside. Wow! Pretty cool. If you're studying tornado formation at home... or just have a curiosity for this type of thing, take a look! This tornado was shot in Wyoming just recently and from what I understand no one was hurt. Just an awesome display to learn from... one that hopefully none of us will ever witness first hand!Wendynoreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-38180679045312689322009-06-04T20:07:00.002-05:002009-06-04T20:19:40.236-05:00Summer Homeschooling... Yep, I'm back!Out of respect for those who've not been long time readers of my blog, I'll first mention that we actually hung up our homeschooling hats in January to give our son the structure found in public school. He has been officially diagnosed with Aspergers and it was strongly recommended that he attend a classroom setting where he could experience peer modeling on a regular basis. It was definitely scary, but he did amazingly well! He finished his first semester at public school with all A's, just one B in math, and an award only given to a couple of students per classroom for being respectful. I was so proud! My daughter rec'd the same award and I think our family was the only one in the school with two siblings both honored that day! lol My son is now officially a 3rd grader and my little girl will be starting 1st grade in August. I'm so relieved that our first and only experience in the public school system was a positive one. I really didn't know what to expect, but the challenges we faced at home were mounting to such a degree that we weren't learning and my son wasn't happy. Today he's so much more confident, smiles more and is acting more age appropriate. So, at least for the time being it's a success story. I'm still a firm believer in homeschooling, yet I realize there is a time and season for everything. This isn't my families season to be home... well, except for the fact that it's Summer and we can't take a break from learning! So, we are homeschooling again! For the next 10 weeks we'll be sharing our Summer regimen, which will largely be spent outside the house. I finally have wheels during the day! Money has never been tighter for me, but that's because I'm spending what little I make buying gasoline. I'm praying the price of gas will hold off under $3. We have a large van and it is every bit the gas guzzler! I need to start picking up the pace on my blogging again anyway. I'm somewhat ashamed of what this blog has become. There isn't a lot of useful content being added these days to my blogs and I'd like to change that it in a big way! I'm going to take advantage of Blogger's draft feature and try to create 5 new posts a week that will be set to publish each day, rather than all at once. One of the reasons for this is honestly that my advertisers prefer that I post on a regular basis. When I go a week or two, my income isn't nearly as nice. lol So, I'm back! This post is just the start of Wendy's Summer journey. I must go for now to work on a birthday cake for someone who works with my mom. It's actually for the woman's daughter... so much fun to make cakes for little girls! Can't wait to get started! :o)Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-11203818731245631852009-05-21T09:06:00.003-05:002009-05-21T09:36:38.127-05:00A Nurses's Online Magazine for Good LivingScrubs magazine is just that! If you're a nurse... a nursing student, someone considering nursing as a profession, or just a patient who appreciates nurses, you should take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with Scrubs. I've been surfing through the site this morning and loving the heart-warming stories from patients and nurses, as well as advice, support and encouragement the site provides to the nursing community. Oh, and it's fun too! I just voted Greg Focker (Meet the Parents) my favorite acting nurse on the Scrubs Nursing Poll .... why? lol Well, what I really appreciated about Greg's character was that he chose nursing over being a medical doctor... even though he Aced the LSAT's because he wanted to specialize in patient care. Does that describe the ideal nurse or what? He chose working with patients on a more intimate level than making bigger bucks or gaining greater respect of those outside his profession who lacked the appreciation for nursing. LOVED THAT! Another winning feature of this site is the Nurse's Tip Jar , where nurses can mentor one another in a sense, by providing tips to newbies. If you're looking for tips (or just curious about them)... visit the site and use the drop down menu to explore everything currently posted. You can even comment on the suggestions... which I did! lol I had an unfortunate family experience a few years ago when my son was hospitalized for RSV at a children's hospital. I came across a tip about how to handle family members faced with a scary medical situation and added my support to their conclusions... that you should always handle the family with politeness and respect . Sometimes the family... or in our case extended family can act out of character in a tense situation... the loss of control when a loved one is hospitalized can really fuel that furnace. I so appreciated the advice presented in the tip jar, to remain professional, calm, understanding, and yes... polite! What a challenge that must be! Visit Scrubs online magazine and do a bit of digging yourself. If you know someone in the nursing profession, share the link. This online magazine is not stuffy or stale as so many other sites of it's kind tend to be. Scrubs is all about sharing, caring, supporting, building, nurturing and even entertaining. It's the online nurses magazine to good living!2872" border="0" url="http%3a%2f%2fsocialspark" />Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-1837665843410927892009-05-19T23:04:00.005-05:002009-05-20T21:59:31.288-05:00$1 E.L.F. Makeup... Not a Joke!Updating to state that according to Snopes I'm a giant goof. This is apparently an internet hoax... not the $1 makeup, but the story about Nordstrom's buying out the makeup line. Apparently, this makeup is always $1! Sorry folks! My bad. I got this in an email and believed it to the point that I went shopping! lol On a happier note... the cosmetic company is legit and if you order you're not falling prey to any time of credit card scam... it's a legitimate online retailer of a legitimate product... just not the "BIG" sale I thought I was sharing. Ooops! Hello my homeschooling friends! I just wanted to share an email I rec'd a short time ago that I can vouch for! I placed my own order and yes every word of this notice is true: Nordstrom is changing the logo on their makeup, so they're selling a ton of the makeup for one dollar on line. The make-up line E.L.F.(eyes-lips-face) has been bought out by Nordstrom and will be re-packaged with the Nordstrom name on it. They are getting rid off the entire make up in the ELF packaging. They are selling everything for $1. You do have to pay shipping. They have everything powder,mascara, lipstick, a mineral line, brushes etc. The website is: When you check out there is a space for a coupon code. Use CAROLINA and save an additional $7.50 if your order is over $15.00. Or use SAVINGSELF and get 50% off any order. The only thing that didn't exactly ring correctly was the SAVINGSELF discout for 50%. Turns out either of the discount codes mentioned return the same $7.50 savings, but hey... there's your shipping charges!
So, I just spent $27 on 27 item! WooHoo!! I've never tried these products but if Nordstrom's sells them how bad could they be? Can't wait to receive my goodies!
Have fun and shop quick before the deals are gone. :o)
Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-51606040063345554662009-05-09T00:03:00.003-05:002009-05-09T00:29:29.177-05:00Mosquitoes Can Ruin a Perfectly Good SummerEvery Summer I face the same annoying dilemma when it comes enjoying my time outdoors. You see... in order to avoid the hottest part of the day, I try to get my sunshine early morning or at dusk... problem is this is also the favorite time of the day for mosquitoes. I don't know about you, but I'm not one for bugs... especially blood-sucking, potentially disease-carrying bugs. This frustration doesn't stop with me... my children are my real concern. My fair skinned, low-heat tolerant children! lol I would just assume not have them out during the middle of the day, as the blistering sun, despite the sunscreen and lemonade just doesn't do good things to us during the hot Summer months. We ALL do so much better when the sun is on it's way up or on it's way down... and we can play without losing buckets of sweat or feeling like we're going to pass out in the heat. Last year there were days when my children wouldn't go outside at all because they were afraid of West Nile. I couldn't guarantee them it was safe to go out... especially since we'd found a dead bird a block away. So, we missed a lot of quality time outdoors, enjoying fresh air and playing with other neighborhood kids at the park. I don't remember living that way when I was a child... and having my kids live like hermits all Summer just seems wrong! So what is a mom to do? I was just over at mosquito magnet's website reading up on a mosquito magnet review or two. The testimonies there are really quite compelling. Apparently these little traps collect a good number of these harmful insects and can keep your backyard a happy play zone. Sure beats insect repellent which by the way I am no fan of! The customers who've used the mosquito magnet have had wonderful results and were able to play in their backyards anytime of the day without the threat of being eaten alive. Like much of the nation, we've have had rain nearly every day for the last 2 weeks and what that means is a very healthy crop of mosquitoes is just around the corner. I'm ready to try the mosquito magnet! Give me a mosquito free Summer and I'll be a happy mom!13" border="0" url="http%3a%2f%2fsocialspark" />Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-2594808405411401972009-05-08T14:50:00.002-05:002009-05-08T14:56:35.577-05:00Homeschooling and Looking for Income?This week I started a new job venture... and even though we've taken a homeschooling break (for those of you who didn't know) I love that this home-based business would suite homeschooling mom's well. For about 3 months I prayed about whether to join up with this team, then this Tuesday took the leap and signed up to be an independent distributor with SendOutCards. I'm excited to have finally settled on something! For the last 4 years I've been doing several things to bring in a little extra money, but hopefully, this will in time replace them all and give me more time with my family. Maybe you'd like to follow my journey? I'm going to be starting a new blog just about my working from home ventures and when I get it up and running, I'll share the link with you here! In the meantime, visit my new website at: and if you'd like to send out 1 card on me, be my guest! You'll have to create a guest account, but it's safe... promise you! Then you'll have access to thousands of cards! Let me know what you think. :) If any of my readers are signed up with SOC, let me know who you are. I'd love to compare notes with you and learn how this business has blessed you personally. Considering it's nature of reaching out to others, there isn't much way of escaping countless blessings! Later my friends!Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-26993037098807831112009-04-29T22:46:00.005-05:002009-04-29T23:12:28.651-05:00Get Your Front of the Line Pass to SeaWorld's Manta!SeaWorld Orlando is preparing for their newest roller coaster... drum roll please.... tatatatatatata... it's Manta ! We visited Sea World last fall and drooled over the construction site, dreaming of what was coming. At that time the twisted steel track was still being constructed... giving us just enough information to know something big was about to happen. My son loves roller coasters and must have asked his dad 100 times if we could come back and ride Manta... oh, and would he be tall enough when it opened? lol As if you needed another reason to be excited about SeaWorld Orlando, visit the Manta website today and discover what's in store for all who dare to spin and glide like a sting ray. This roller coaster promises you'll feel as though you're flying and what's more you're guaranteed to experience animal encounters along the way... this is after all Sea World! I'm going to have to visit this new attraction before I'm too old to enjoy roller coasters! lol By the way, I'm praying the day I'm too old to enjoy a good roller coaster is years and years away, but I better start planning our next vacation just in case! Currently Sea World's Manta site offers you a platform to learn more about Manta while at the same time earning yourself a "Front-of-the-line" pass to the thrill-ride everyone will be talking about. Simply visit Manta online where you'll be instructed to register for your RideThe FlyingRay.com account. You'll then use Twitter to follow Sahmu to uncover hints to a Manta quiz! In return for answering just 5 questions accurately, you'll be rewarded with an email from RideTheFlyingRay.com and once you've completed the online Manta activities you'll earn your "Front-of-the-line" pass! Maybe you can explore Manta's online site with your children? They'll love the complimentary electronic photo they can earn through this site, simply by completing just 2 Manta activities. Hang on to it! When you experience Manta, you'll definitely want to take home a piece of that thrill that only a photograph can capture! Oh, and mark your calendars now... SeaWorld's Manta opens in May!2726" border="0" url="http%3a%2f%2fsocialspark" />Wendynoreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-62716028181753189082009-04-28T11:55:00.003-05:002009-04-28T12:09:24.159-05:00Selling Our My Father's World First Grade Curriculum If you're interested in some gently used homeschooling products , I've just listed our 1st grade curriculum on eBay. Your purchase will help me raise funds for Summer activities. I don't have a lot of cash coming in lately and with Summer quickly approaching I'd like to change things just a little . lol
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'd love it if one of my readers won this curriculum. It's all Bible-based and follows the Charlotte Mason approach. Very laid back curriculum that is fun to teach and has an especially wonderful reading program.
You will need to purchase the consumables from the
MFW website, as we used them, but the bulk of what you'll need to have is included in my auction, including the ever so important teacher's manual... which mainly what you pay for when you purchase the curriculum new.
By days end I'll try and have a few more auctions listed. I'm selling some other teacher resources that I no longer need. :o)
Wendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-91719391903163245482009-04-27T13:51:00.003-05:002009-04-27T13:58:15.882-05:00Homeschoolers on EtsyHow many of you are selling your handmade items on Etsy.com? I've just registered for my own store, but still have to finish my jewelry creations before I'm ready to share. A few friends of mine make extra spending money this way, so I thought I should try it too... it will make it very convenient for people to buy my cross jewelry and my finger and toe rings that I've just started making... all of which are sold for right around $10 with shipping included. It would be nice if I could have everything in place before Mother's Day, but more likely it will be just afterwords, possibly in time for graduation gift giving. If you'll be needing something little (and handmade) to gift to a friend or relative, stay tuned! Once my store is polished and ready to share I'd like to ask that all homeschoolers with Etsy stores share their own links with me here. Who knows, maybe I'll list them in my sidebar? If there are enough of you, I'll start a blogroll! I'd love to see what it is you are busy creating at home and wouldn't it be awesome if we could support one another? Let's say one of us needs a new apron and Mary sells on Etsy? Or what if I need a quilt for my daughter's room and Karen has the most beautiful quilt in just the perfect assortment of colors? Could be fun! Stay tuned! I'm off to get started on my new product line now! ~WendyWendynoreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7805118259932985599.post-75113216602515992972009-04-23T22:17:00.006-05:002009-04-23T22:50:14.802-05:00Keep The Deer Away the Friendly Way!Awe, aren't deer amazingly cute animals? Yes, but we generally like to appreciate deer from a distance don't we? If it's not the damage they can do to your gardens, it's the very real fear of deer ticks making their way onto your pets and even worse your children. If you live in a rural area, even in some suburban regions, you know what I'm talking about. So, here's our problem... how do we keep the deer away and without harming them or building one HUGE fence around our property line? With Deer Off you can actually repel these beautiful creatures rather than bringing them any harm. You're basically just redirecting their path in a very subtle way, but one that will encourage them to visit another lawn for lunch! What's more you can do this organically. Curious yet? If you're in the market for a deer repellent that's free of harmful chemicals, Havahart® Deer Off® II Battery-Powered Sprayer is your answer. Their all organic product containing a smell and taste repellent acts as a barrier not only to deer, but to other plant eating animals as well. What's the smell they're not loving so much? Would you believe that it's in part a mixture of putrescent egg and garlic? Then there's the taste of hot pepper! lol So, if the smell doesn't discourage them, the taste definitely will. This battery-powered sprayer works on large lawns, is pre-mixed and ready to go. You can easily port it around the yard with you and since it's battery powered, you won't strain your hands. The repellent will give you up to 90 days of critter free gardening and keep your family safe from the potentials of developing Lyme's Disease from deer ticks. If you've encountered problems with deer on your property, learn about deer control and the ease and safety of applying an organic product to your lawn. I love the idea of a battery-operated sprayer since I have week hands. I can't even open most jars in my house as my grip isn't good. So, a motorized sprayer is certainly a selling point. The other big selling point to me is that it's organic. We always opt for organic when it's available, mostly for the sake of the kids. We're not a fan of chemicals around here and thankfully companies like Havahart understand our concerns. So, if you're a fan of wildlife, just not in your garden, you now know where to turn. Have a heart and choose Havahart!12" border="0" url="http%3a%2f%2fsocialspark" />Wendynoreply@blogger.com0
+Take a look back on Week 1 of our 31 Days of Horror.
+During the month of October it has become tradition for many to celebrate the season by watching a horror movie each day of the month. While it’s not always easy to find time to watch a movie each day, the horror genre makes it easier with hundreds of excellent films to choose from. This is the perfect time of the year to watch a horror movie you may not have otherwise considered.
+Each week in the month of October I will once again be recording my progress with a mini-review each day. I’ve selected movies from classic to modern and from family-friendly to terrifying. I will revisit films that I love, ones that I need to give a second chance, and even try movies out for the first time. All this while trying to balance different styles and sub-genres. This will be a challenge, but one that I look forward to during one of my favorite months of the year. Please join me, again, as I take this journey through October.
+October 7th: The Haunting (1999)
+Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Owen Wilson, and Lili Taylor; you may think a cast like that in the ’90s seems like a sure-fire hit. You’d be wrong. Based on the Shirley Jackson novel The Haunting of Hill House, this 1999 adaptation did not age well. The Haunting’s biggest flaw is its appalling CGI. Not only are the effects bad, but there are way too many of them. The atmosphere is pretty great for a haunted house story, but the second the house starts coming alive, it’s almost unwatchable. Babies made of chocolate, window ghosts, and plastic sheet spirits jump off the screen, but none of them are meant to be what they look like. It doesn’t help that the CGI is there to support a boring and yet somehow overstuffed script.
+The main story, something about a ghost man hurting ghost children, seems so unimportant for a cast that could have made something better together. Even the talent on screen isn’t enough to keep The Haunting from being a time suck. I looked at my watch several times during the movie’s near 2-hour run time and each time I was surprised with how much was left. When a movie isn’t even bad enough to be enjoyable, then what’s the point of its existence? That’s the question I was left with here: why?
+October 8th: White Zombie (1932)
+What’s better during Halloween then some Bela Lugosi? Maybe Karloff, but that’s not the point. The go-to Bela performance is Dracula, but I’m not really a fan. This was my first time with White Zombie and Bela’s performance as the witch doctor, Legendre, stands up to the Count. In this story, a plantation owner tries to steal a woman away from her husband with the help of Legendre and an army of zombies under his mind control.
+Released in 1932, and thought lost for decades, the quality is not as beautiful as that of Frankenstein or The Invisible Man. There are a lot of odd edits and sound dips, and like most movies from the ’30s, it suffers from the infant state of film. If you can look past the shortcomings of technology and the era, there is a really great story here. I was surprised by how enthralled with the movie as I was. Thankfully, and unlike Dracula, White Zombie has a satisfying ending. At only an hour and 9 minutes, there’s no reason why this shouldn’t be more well known. One of Bela’s best performances.
+October 9th: Paranormal Activity (2007)
+Paranormal Activity can be divisive. When I first saw it back when it came out on DVD, I hated it. After enjoying the sequel, I wanted to give this one another chance, and I ended up loving it so much that I went back through the entire series. Now, re-watching for a second time, my opinion has changed again. I wouldn’t say that I hate Paranormal Activity, but it’s flaws stand out a lot more to me now.
+It’s an interesting movie that follows a mundane couple who are trying to capture and understand the supernatural occurrences that happen in their home at night. Turns out it’s a demon. It also turns out that the man in the relationship, Micah, is a piece of garbage, and the woman, Katie, deserves him. What people remember most about the movie is the marketing. The claims that it was banned in theaters and you’d have to sign a petition to have it come to your town. Audiences went crazy for it, but a lot of those who didn’t see it in theaters found it to be boring as hell. Truthfully, not much happens, and if you’re willing to sit there and allow the movie to build tension in it’s dull moments, then there are “payoffs”. Paranormal Activity’s effectiveness really depends on the mood of the viewer. This time around, it wasn’t for me.
+October 10th: The Babadook (2014)
+When I first saw The Babadook, it was fortunately before the hype. Hype for a horror movie, as with all movies, can ruin an experience. It’s always more fun to find a film for yourself. It also helps when the film, like The Babadook, is as great as it is. I think that the problems people have with this movie all come back to it being overhyped. The Babadook himself does not appear very often because the film’s main focus is a widowed mother, we’ll call her Mamadook, who struggles through life raising a little piece of crap. That may be too harsh, but if you put yourself in her shoes, Mamadook has no choice but to loathe her own child. When things get real bad, the Babadook shows up to make things worse.
+Everything from the look of the monster to it’s terrible, gravelly “baba-dook-dook-dooking” is unsettling. Eventually, Mamadook becomes more terrifying than the monster itself and soon the movie does the impossible: you feel worried for the little kid. There’s a clear message about depression/anxiety/mental breakdowns and the monsters they can be. When Mamadook confronts the Babadook, everything is restored, and unlike a lot of horror movies this has a true happy ending without any doubt. The monster is under control. The only problem is that the Babadook’s book isn’t called The Bababook.
+October 11th: Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951)
+Abbott and Costello have been a part of my life longer than any of the classic monsters. They probably introduced me to the monsters, so I try to make their iconic pairings a part of my Halloween tradition. Most people know Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, and many consider it their best movie, but another favorite of mine is Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man. Originally meant as another installment in the Invisible Man series, it was reworked for Abbott and Costello. The boys play detectives trying to clear the good name of a boxer after he’s been accused of murder and turns himself invisible to hide from the cops and the mob.
+As far as Abbott and Costello movies go, it’s decent, but not their best. For an Invisible Man installment, it is far below the original. There aren’t many classic bits or even a recognizable horror icon to fill Claude Rains’ invisible shoes. At times it’s more detective story than horror film, but Abbott and Costello are having more fun than they would in later monster meetings. Despite it’s flaws, it’s a fun movie and with all Abbott and Costello movies, they make me laugh and that’s all I’m looking for. The real problem is that we never see enough of the madness that results from the invisibility serum. The unlikable boxer is a worse person before the invisibility. His worst quality is that he’s a mean drunk. Maybe I’m looking too deep into a movie about Abbott and Costello and the Invisible Man. I still love it, just not at a critical level.
+October 12th: Jigsaw (2017)
+It’s probably important to preface this entry with the fact that I’ve never been a huge fan of the Saw movies, or anything else in the “torture” subgenre. I’ve only seen the first three Saw films. They were fine, especially the original, which is more of a police procedural with a grotesque twist. From there, things quickly became about the bizarre, inhumane ways to test the limits of both the characters and the audience. By the time Jigsaw came around, audiences had largely and thankfully moved past torture porn and the franchise got back to its roots.
+Despite not being a huge fan of the franchise, Jigsaw is the best way to make a sequel. It stays in line with Saw right down to the surprise ending. Without giving any spoilers, there are some twists that managed to keep the story of Jigsaw going. Unfortunately, his story has never been interesting enough to carry these movies alone. People remember the horrible ways that victims are tested, not why Jigsaw was doing what he was doing. There are some interesting set pieces that aren’t stomach-churning, like a corn silo, and those exciting moments make Jigsaw worth a watch. This being my second viewing, I would say, like most of the Saw movies, that’s enough for me.
+October 13th: Terrified (2018)
+Another foreign film after last week’s viewing of Satan’s Slaves, and another fun and original movie. Terrified or Aterrados is an Argentinian film that focuses on paranormal investigators and their study of sinister events in a small neighborhood. I went in completely blind and didn’t even know it existed until a few moments before starting it. After the first 10 minutes, things went in a different direction and I was pleasantly surprised when the focus switched to from one neighbor to another and then again to a woman who has been visited by her recently deceased son.
+Terrified could make for a great anthology, but never feels like it should be. When the investigators break off into the three different houses, each person has their own experience and fate. Unlike many movies with multiple focus points, Terrified never gets lost in it’s characters or premise. Unfortunately, that might be due to the fact that not a lot is explained. It’s never completely clear what is happening, or exactly how the monsters use water or even human bodies. If you allow yourself, you can easily get confused. At one point, it’s explained that there are multiple explanations, the true ones, and the ones that we need to hear. With that in mind, it’s easier to look past the flaws of Terrified and enjoy the well-crafted creepiness.
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+ 18, 2016
+PATRICIA A. SULLIVAN, Magistrate Judge.
+This matter is"). Because Plaintiff's son, the original claimant, Luis Fonseca, tragically died for reasons not disclosed in the record, Tr. 205, before the Appeals Council decision, only Plaintiff's DIB appeal remains pending.[1] Plaintiff contends that the Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") committed reversible error by failing properly to evaluate the opinions of a physician and a psychologist, both of whom opined based on one-time consultative examinations. no material legal error and that the ALJ's findings are well supported by substantial evidence. Accordingly, I recommend that Plaintiff's Motion to Reverse with a Remand for Rehearing of the Commissioner's Final Decision (ECF No. 7) be DENIED and Defendant's Motion for an Order Affirming the Decision of the Commissioner (ECF No. 10) be GRANTED.
+I. Background Facts
+A. Plaintiff's Relevant Background
+A "younger" claimant, Luis Fonseca was twenty-seven years old at the time of his alleged disability onset date. Tr. 47. He had an eleventh grade education and past work experience as a roofer, assistant retail store manager, busboy and hotel houseman. Tr. 193-202, 213. His roofing job lasted for several years and yielded income of up to $26, 000 in 2006. Tr. 198-99. After an interruption due to hernia surgeries in 2009 and part of 2010, Tr. 51, 193, he worked for a year and a half as an assistant store manager, earning as much as $8, 500 in 2011. Tr. 48, 194. Although the medical record reflects that the surgery was over a year later, he testified that he stopped working at the alleged onset of disability on July 15, 2011, because of heart surgery. Tr. 22, 48-49.
+As the ALJ found, Mr. Fonseca suffered from serious heart issues. Tr. 25. Severe mitral regurgitation resulted in major surgery at Rhode Island Hospital on August 1, 2012. Tr. 298. Soon after, Mr. Fonseca was rehospitalized for fever and possible pericarditis. Tr. 300-03. He also was treated with blood thinners for atrial fibrillation ("Afib"). Tr. 332. The heart surgery incision resulted in a ventral hernia that had to be surgically repaired on April 26, 2013. Tr. 404. Mr. Fonseca's high blood pressure was treated with various medications. Tr. 270. Notwithstanding Mr. Fonseca's persistent complaints, the medical record reflects that this treatment was efficacious. For example, at a January 29, 2013, appointment at the Rhode Island Hospital ("RIH") Medical Primary Care Unit, he told one of his primary care providers that he was "same old, same old, " with no new concerns, no complaints, no numbness, weakness, chest pain or other neurological symptoms. Tr. 347. By August 2013, his cardiologist described his cardiac condition as stable and, in September 2013, his echocardiogram revealed only mild mitral regurgitation. Tr. 641-43.
+Apart from cardiac impairments, Mr. Fonseca complained of pain. He went several times to the emergency room complaining of chest pain, numbness, weakness and headache, resulting in consideration by emergency room staff of transient ischemic attack ("TIA") or complex migraine. All of the objective testing done during these visits resulted in largely normal brain findings. Tr. 476-78 ("no acute intracranial pathology"); Tr. 482-93 (MRI brain is negative; kidney stone diagnosed, but "urology feel stone will be able to be passed"); Tr. 624-30 (physical examination normal). During one of these visits, Mr. Fonseca left the hospital against medical advice and did not seek further treatment. Tr. 624, 630. Although some records refer to a history of TIA or migraine, e.g., Tr. 494, 640, it is not clear whether either was ever conclusively diagnosed. These complaints of chest pain are complicated by repeated references to opioid dependence, including the suggestion that Mr. Fonseca's complaints of pain were exaggerated to induce providers to prescribe opioids. For example, on November 27, 2012, Dr. O'Brien noted that he complained of pain, could not describe its "quality nor severity" and became angry and aggressive when the doctor resisted prescribing an opioid to treat it. Tr. 351-52 (warning that "he was taking dangerous combinations of medications... and that he is at risk of injury, respiratory/CNS depression or even death if he continues in his present pattern"). Similarly, at a January 29, 2013, appointment with Dr. O'Brien at the RIH Primary Care Unit, the record reflects a confrontation with Mr. Fonseca regarding the Pain Committee's decision to refuse further opioid prescriptions because he had been seeing multiple providers seeking opioid prescriptions (such as complaining of pain at emergency rooms and to an urgent care provider), his false denial of marijuana use as demonstrated by a positive drug screen, his procurement of prescriptions for benzodiazepine from multiple providers (a pattern flagged by the Rhode Island Assistance Program), and other "multiple red-flags for misuse or abuse of [opioid] medication." Tr. 347-49.
+Mr. Fonseca's other complaint of pain focuses on his back, which he began to mention in late 2013. At first, it appeared to be related to other conditions. Tr. 483-85 (September 2013 complaint of back pain leads to discovery of kidney stone). Then, in October 2013, an MRI disclosed "degenerative changes of the spine." Tr. 580. And in December 2013, a second MRI resulted in the diagnosis of disc protrusion; the treatment note arising from this diagnosis states, "back pain... well controlled on Flexeril." Tr. 593, 636. At the hearing, Mr. Fonseca testified that he had recently begun treating with a Dr. Hendell, who said he would need back surgery. Tr. 55. There is no record reference to such a recommendation.
+Although Mr. Fonseca's claimed mental impairments are a critical component of his appeal, his mental health treatment record is limited. For most of the relevant period, he was treated for depression and anxiety by the prescription of medication by providers at the RIH Primary Care Unit; after he switched primary care providers from RIH to Dr. Mason of Anchor Medical, he apparently continued to be prescribed medication to treat depression. Tr. 270, 315. Apart from medication, there is no treating record reflecting any psychiatric evaluation, hospitalization, [2] therapy or other mental health treatment. The few record references to the effectiveness of treatment suggest that his symptoms were controlled by medication. See, e.g., Tr. 316 ("occasional anxiety outburst controlled by lorazepam"); Tr. 642 ("Psychiatric - negative"). One notable aspect of Mr. Fonseca's mental health treatment is the increasing discomfort of the RIH Primary Care Unit team about prescribing mental health medications (particularly benzodiazepines) without a psychiatric evaluation. Tr. 318, 349. Mr. Fonseca kept assuring them that he had an appointment at the Providence Center. Tr. 349, 354. Dr. O'Brien expressed skepticism - "it is also unclear at this time from Mr. Fonseca whether this was an actual psychiatry appointment." Tr. 354. At the hearing, Mr. Fonseca testified that he had seen a counselor at the Providence Center twice in 2013 and did not return because "[t]hey're booked." Tr. 64-65. However, his attorney confirmed that there are no Providence Center treating records. Tr. 65.
+Also pertinent to the claim of disabling mental health impairments are the record references to Mr. Fonseca's mental status. With no treating mental health provider involved with Mr. Fonseca's care, these are found in the notes pertaining to treatment of his physical issues. None of them reflect any negative mental health findings. See, e.g., Tr. 277 ("Awake, alert, oriented x 3 with normal speech and mentation"); Tr. 306 ("Alert and oriented x3, no acute distress"); Tr. 422 ("Psych: Behavior, mood, and affect are within normal limits"); Tr. 441 ("pleasant, NAD"); Tr. 450 ("Behavior is cooperative"); Tr. 490 ("Psych: Negative for depression, anxiety, suicide ideation, homicidal ideation, and hallucinations.... Awake, alert, with orientation to person, place and time. Behavior, mood and affect are within normal limits.").
+B. Opinion Evidence
+On December 15, 2012, shortly before the RIH Primary Care Unit confrontation regarding opioids, benzodiazepine and marijuana, Tr. 349, Dr. Daniel Harrop performed an examination and provided physical and mental opinions, apparently at the request of the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. Tr. 333. Apart from a mental status examination, the report does not describe what sort of physical examination, clinical techniques or tests Dr. Harrop employed, if any, or whether he reviewed any of the medical record. Tr. 337-41. There is no indication that Mr. Fonseca disclosed to Dr. Harrop the pattern of seeking opioids and benzodiazepine from multiple providers, or his ongoing use of marijuana. In his report, Dr. Harrop opined that, due to "cardiac problems, " Mr. Fonseca could sit for four out of eight hours, stand and walk for less than two hours, occasionally lift and carry up to ten pounds, occasionally bend/stoop, and frequently reach and bend. Tr. 333-35. Dr. Harrop also concluded that "emergency" cardiac surgery and related medication had caused "permanent" cognitive damage, which was coupled to a longstanding history of depression and psychosis, resulting in marked or severe limitations in virtually every mental functional category. Tr. 335, 342.
+On April 4, 2013, psychologist Dr. Jorge Armesto performed a consultative examination of Mr. Fonseca at the request of Disability Determination Services ("DDS"). Based on a clinical interview, record review and results from cognitive and achievement testing, Dr. Armesto found appropriate orientation to person and time, but not place, coherent thought processes, grossly intact concentration and attention, normal speech, sad, nervous and anxious affect/mood, no current suicidal or homicidal ideation, no evidence of delusional or psychotic thinking, some memory problems, and decreased psychomotor functioning. Tr. 385-88. Mr. Fonseca described feeling "lost" and reported a history of fire setting and self-mutilation, primarily through self-tattooing and at least one instance of burning himself with an iron, as well as past auditory hallucinations. Tr. 387. Testing revealed a below-average non-verbal intelligence quotient (IQ) of 82, with significant weakness in reading, sentence comprehension, math computation, and spelling. Tr. 385-86. Dr. Armesto assessed Mr. Fonseca's cognitive functioning with an MMSE-2 standard score of 98 and global assessment of functioning with a GAF score of 47.[3] Tr. 387-88. He diagnosed mood disorder, anxiety disorder, marijuana abuse, learning disorder and personality disorder and opined that the "ability to respond to customary work pressures is impaired." Tr. 385, 388.
+On April 11, 2013, state agency psychologist Dr. Michael Slavit reviewed the entire record, including Dr. Armesto's test results, and concluded that the personality disorder was severe, while anxiety, depression, learning and substance abuse disorders were all non-severe; he opined that Mr. Fonseca could perform routine tasks for two-hours at a time for a total of eight hours, and could manage brief, superficial interactions in a work setting. Tr. 82-83, 94-95. In September 2013, state agency psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Hughes reviewed the entire record again on reconsideration and opined to the same conclusions. Tr. 110-11, 125-26.
+On April 25, 2013, state agency physician Dr. Yousef Georgy reviewed the record as of that date; focusing on the "good result" with the mitral valve repair, he concluded that none of Mr. Fonseca's physical impairments were severe and did not prepare an RFC opinion. Tr. 79. In October 2013, state agency physician Dr. Phyllis Sandell reviewed the record on reconsideration; she found that both heart disease and recurrent arrhythmias were severe impairments. Tr. 120. Nevertheless, she opined that Mr. Fonseca could lift and carry fifty pounds occasionally, and twenty-five pounds frequently; could sit, stand and/or walk for six hours out of an eight-hour workday; could never climb ladders, ropes or scaff
+Ishqbaaz 9th September 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdate.co.in
+Om and Rudra tell Shivaye about party. Shivaye asks who all are coming, Om says Soumya, Anika…. Rudra says don’t worry, Anika is coming. Shivaye says it does not matter she comes or not. Rudra asks him to come. Shivaye agrees. Some time before, Mallika asks who will write letter. Soumya says I will write, I got first prize in school’s essay competition. Rudra asks her to sit slowly on the chair, its favorite one. Soumya asks what to write. Rudra tells few lines.
+Mallika says Shivaye does not talk like this and asks Om to try. Om gets philosophical, and asks what happened, is it tough to understand. They say a lot. Mallika asks Om to come back, nothing is working. Anika says we all will say one line each. Mallika asks Om to say shayari which everyone understands. They all give their inputs and prepare the letter. Mallika says this sounds……. Om says cheesy….. Anika does not understand the word. Soumya explains her cheesy. They all think to throw letter. Soumya says no, handwriting is good. Anika says it has feelings, it will work. Om says it will be thrown. Mallika takes letter to tear it.
+Soumya asks Rudra to catch it. They all see the letter falling down the window. Rudra says now Tia won’t get this letter. Rudra and Soumya argue. Mallika says guys focus, we have to plan a get together to unite Shivaye and Tia. Anika asks Rudra to invite Tia. Om says I will inform elders. Mallika asks Om to invite Shivaye. Rudra says no need, he will come if I m there. Mallika says I know him, he will ask many questions, just invite him and don’t say Tia is coming. They all nod.
+Pinky is sending gifts for Tia and tells Dadi. The letter fell in the gifts tray and goes along the gifts. Pinky tells Jhanvi that Tej said there is nothing between him and Shwetlana, its good. Jhanvi asks are you sure, he meant this. Pinky says yes, he was seeing me but telling you. Jhanvi says he did not know I m there. Pinky says he is not so stupid, he knew you were there, why are you blushing, Tej loves you, call him and ask him. Jhanvi asks now? Pinky asks will you need permission to call personal husband, fine talk to him when he is back. Jhanvi agrees. Pinky says face to face talk is good, faces get close, talk in room, I mean getting romantic infront of children would look odd. Jhanvi says Pinky… Pinky says sorry. Jhanvi asks do you think things will get fine. Pinky says yes, Tej has sense, you did not leave him after what all he did, you won’t leave him, its true love, prepare for a new life.
+Tia asks her mom how can she take this lightly, I have seen Shviaye with his ex on his bed, when I asked for explanation, he did not say anything, universe does not want this marriage to happen. Her mom asks her to talk to Shivaye and patch up. Tia asks why, its Shivaye’s mistake. Her mum says whoever’s mistake it is, but we won’t get such alliance again, go and patch up with him.
+Shivaye asks party? Rudra says its birthday party. Shivaye asks whose birthday is it. Rudra says anyone. Om says relax, its small get together party. Shivaye asks who all are coming. Om says Soumya, Anika…. T…. Rudra changes words and says don’t worry, Anika is coming. Shivaye says I don’t care she comes or not. Rudra says party is for youngsters and you. Shivaye says I don’t have time, I won’t come. Rudra says Mallika is crying, come for her. Shivaye asks crying again. Rudra says come for her sake. Shivaye says fine, I will come but just for some time. He goes. Rudra says work is done. Om says this work is risky, you have to invite Tia.
+Roop asks Gayatri to take risk if she wants the keys. Gayatri says news is certain, Tej is going to reach in some time. Tia gets the gifts and the letter. She says so he has sent letter to justify what happened. She reads it and says it does not look Shivaye’s language.
+Tej talk to workers at the site and says I spoke to home minister, we will get clearance. He calls Shwetlana and talks about land papers, we have to start work after getting govt clearance. He sees Roop coming there. He says Roop, what are you doing here. Roop says I should ask this to you, what are you doing on my land. He asks your land. She reminds him he gave her this land to make Oberoi charity centre.
+He says you did not make the centre, this is my land legally, I don’t need your permission to make anything here. She says you got annoyed, if land was in my name, I would have given it back to you. He says I have much work. She hugs him and makes his phone fall. He asks what are you doing. She asks can’t I sister hug her brother. She picks the phone and returns it to him. She says sorry, and leaves. She recalls swapping the phones. She smiles seeing Tej’s phone. She sits in the car and shows Tej’s phone to Gayatri.
+Pinky asks is this a party where we are not invited. Om says its not party, but a small get together. Anika says we will book a DJ, he plays Dhinchak songs. Mallika says Dhinchak, you like these cheap things, we are trying to bring Tia and Billu, I mean Shivaye close, you are planning to make Shivaye feel awkward. Anika says we will make him dance. Mallika says why are you dancing now, you don’t know Shivaye is a great dancer. Anika gets surprised.
+Pinky asks whats this, they want to have dinner without us. Om smiles and asks Jhanvi to say. Jhanvi says Pinky, youngsters want space. Pinky says our house has much space. Jhanvi says Tej has gone out, and Dadi sleeps early, Shakti will come late, I will be busy reading novel, you can hear Guru ji’s pravachan. Om thanks Jhanvi and hugs Pinky thanking and calling her cute.
+Anika asks does Shivaye look cute when he dances. She recalls his horrible singing and says he can’t sing, we will see how he dances. Mallika says you will see. Anika says I m great dancer. The DJ comes. Anika asks him did he add all Dhinchak songs. He asks whats Dhinchak. She asks Chammiya songs, item songs, it will set party mood. Mallika says I hope Rudra invited Tia. Anika says party is for Tia and Shivaye, she will come. Pinky says I trust Shivaye, but don’t trust Mallika, some wrong things happen in parties. Jhanvi asks her not to worry, Rudra and Om will also be there. She apologizes to Pinky for being rude earlier.
+Pinky asks why, you did not organize party. Jhanvi says I m not saying about party, I have shouted on you when I was upset, that’s why I m saying sorry. Pinky says you make me feel like strangers, I m feeling much bad now than that time, keep sorry with you. Jhanvi hugs her. Pinky asks will anything wrong happen in party. Mallika says wrong happened and we have to make it right. Anika says its tough to make things right.
+Riddhima comes and greets them. Om says you here, I did not know you are coming. Riddhima says Anika invited me, I have work and have to leave soon, I got something for you. He asks pink sheets. She asks what, and gives him pink jacket to wear in get together party. Anika says its Dhinchak. Om says I don’t wear such clothes. Riddhima says you should wear it, just try it. She makes him wear it. She says I saw this jacket in charity event and liked it for Om, I think he needs wardrobe change, he needs colors in his life. He goes. Riddhima says sorry I will see him, send me pics of get together, I will feel part of it. She goes. Mallika asks did she notice something. Anika says Om did not like the jacket. Mallika says its not just the jacket, its something bigger than that.
+Rudra adds wine in the drinks. Anika asks Shivaye to have something. Shivaye asks for water. Rudra gives everyone the drinks. They all drink.
+Update Credit to: Amena
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+* This is an unreported opinion, and it may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court or any other Maryland Court as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.
+Opinion by MALONEY, J.
+It is undisputed that appellant, Michael Duane Gilbert, was not represented by an attorney when he was convicted by a jury in the Circuit Court for Howard County of numerous charges related to fleeing an accident and resisting arrest. There is a dispute, however, as to why appellant was not represented by counsel. Appellant asserts that it was because of a deficient express waiver of counsel under Maryland Rule 4-215(b). The State, on the other hand, contends it was because of a properly found waiver of counsel by inaction pursuant to Rule 4-215(d).
+Thus, appellant presented the following questions for our review:
+For the following reasons, we answer yes to appellant's first question and reverse the judgment of the circuit court.
+On the night of January 8, 2016, Maria Guervara was driving her 2013 Chevy Spark southbound on Sheppard Lane near Route 108 in Howard County when a 1997 Chevrolet 1500 pickup truck, heading northbound, crossed the double yellow line on the road and swerved into her lane, striking her vehicle. Ms. Guervara's car was rendered inoperable from the accident, and she was later treated at a hospital for a headache and pain in her torso and arm.
+At the scene of the accident, Howard County Police Officers arrived and found the pickup truck unoccupied in a ditch. K-9 officers also arrived and helped to search the nearby woods for the driver of the pick-up. Using a device able to detect heat, the officers found appellant in the middle of a field lying under trees. The officers demanded that appellant show his hands. After multiple demands and a slight nudge to appellant's right foot, the officers began to pull appellant out from under the trees.
+In response, appellant kicked K-9 Officer David Aronovic in the groin area and began to flail. The officers instructed appellant to remain still, or the K-9 would be ordered to bite him until he cooperated. Appellant's noncompliance with these demands resulted in the K-9, named Barry, biting appellant's leg. Appellant then struck Barry in the head and later put both of his legs around Barry's neck in a choking position. The officers fought with appellant until he released Barry.
+Appellant was eventually handcuffed and transported in an ambulance, where he continued to kick and grab Officer Paul Downey while handcuffed to the gurney. At the hospital, appellant was determined to be intoxicated, and he had numerous dog bites, a closed head injury and neck muscle strain.
+Appellant was indicted with causing harm to a law enforcement animal, two counts of second degree assault, one for assaulting Officer Aronovic and another count for assaulting Officer Downey, and various traffic charges related to the accident. His trial was scheduled for May 24, 2016 in the Circuit Court for Howard County.
+On the morning of May 24, 2016, the following colloquy occurred between the court, Assistant State's Attorney and appellant:
+Appellant showed up the next day, May 25, 2016, where the following discussion occurred between the same trial judge, appellant and a different Assistant State's Attorney:
+The trial proceeded, and appellant was found guilty of one count of harming a law enforcement animal, two counts of second degree assault and one count of failure to remain at the scene of an accident causing bodily harm. Appellant was later sentenced to twenty-one and one half years in the Department of Corrections, with all but eighteen months suspended, and three years of supervised probation. Appellant filed a timely appeal.
+Our review of the Circuit Court's compliance with Rule 4-215 is de novo. See Westray v. State, 217 Md.App. 429, 442, 94 A.3d 134, 142 (2014), rev'd on other grounds, 444 Md. 672, 121 A.3d 129 (2015) (quoting Gutloff v. State, 207 Md.App. 176, 180, 51 A.3d 775 (2012)). "`The provisions of the rule are mandatory' and a trial court's departure from them constitutes reversible error." State v. Hardy, 415 Md. 612, 621, 4 A.3d 908 (2010) (quoting Williams v. State, 321 Md. 266, 272, 582 A.2d 803 (1990)).
+The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 21 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights provide that, in all criminal prosecutions, a defendant has the right to the assistance of counsel. "The right to counsel has been zealously protected by the Supreme Court as a fundamental constitutional right. It is basic to our adversary system of criminal justice." Pinkney v. State, 427 Md. 77, 90, 46 A.3d 413, 421 (2012) (quoting Parren v. State, 309 Md. 260, 262-3, 523 A.2d 597, 598 (1987)).
+"Nonetheless, a defendant may waive the right to counsel, provided he knows what he is doing and his choice is made with his eyes open." Fowlkes v. State, 311 Md. 586, 589, 536 A.2d 1149, 1151 (1988) (quoting Adams v. United States ex rel. McCann, 317 U.S. 269, 279, 63 S.Ct. 236, 242, 87 S.Ct. 268, 275 (1942)).
+The Court "indulge[s] every reasonable presumption against its waiver; acquiescence in the loss of such a right is never presumed." Parren 309 Md. at 263, 523 A.2d at 598. The Supreme Court has determined that a waiver of counsel must be "knowing and intelligent." Argersinger v. Hamlin, 407 U.S. 25, 92 S.Ct. 2006, 32 L.Ed.2d 530 (1972). It is not a coincidence that this is the standard for an express waiver of counsel in Rule 4-215(b).
+Rule 4-215 is the method that Maryland courts employ to carry out the constitutional requirements of the right to counsel and the waiver of that right. The Rule "implements the constitutional mandates for waiver of counsel, detailing a specific procedure that must be followed by the trial court in order for there to be a knowing and intelligent waiver." Johnson v. State, 355 Md. 420, 444, 735 A.2d 1003, 1016 (1999) (citing Vincenti v. State, 309 Md. 601, 604, 525 A.2d 1072, 1074 (1987)).
+In addition, according to Broadwater v. State, Rule 4-215:
+401 Md. at 180, 931 A.2d at 1100 (2007).
+There are two different methods under the Rule that a defendant can waive counsel: either expressly under subsection (b), or the court finding an implied waiver pursuant to subsection (d). Subsection (b) of the Rule reads:
+Appellant urges this Court to apply this section to the facts of this case, arguing that the trial judge had already proceeded to treat appellant as a person representing himself, evidenced by discussing voir dire questions, and the court had not announced on the record that "the defendant is knowingly and voluntarily waiving his right to counsel." The State concedes, as it must, that for a waiver to occur under this section, such a finding is required on the record and it did not occur in this case.
+But the State counters that this case is not an incident of an erroneous express waiver of counsel but rather it is an implied waiver of counsel that occurred pursuant to subsection (d) of the Rule, which reads:
+The State relies on the fact that the court did not make the required finding under subsection (b) that the express waiver of counsel be "knowing and voluntarily." Rather, the State contends that the court's use of the "no meritorious reason" language evidenced that the court analyzed appellant's request under subsection (d) waiver by inaction. This, the State points out, is logical since appellant had just asked for an attorney and, in response to the court's question, had indicated that he had done "nothing" to obtain counsel since his March 11th arraignment.
+The State further argues that, while there may have been an ongoing inquiry about an express waiver during the colloquies between the court and appellant on both May 24th and May 25th, it was never completed because the court did not formally "accept the waiver" as required by the Rule. The State contends that this inquiry as to whether appellant was expressly waiving counsel was interrupted by appellant changing his mind. At that point, the discussion changed to an inquiry related to a waiver by inaction because the trial judge learned that appellant had not attempted to obtain counsel prior to the day of trial.
+It should be first pointed out that, in order for there to be a proper waiver of counsel either expressly or by inaction, the Rule requires that there must have been prior compliance at a defendant's first appearance in court with subsection (a). This subsection is designed to ensure that a defendant understands, among other things, what the charges are against him or her and their penalties, the right to an attorney, how important that right is and how the defendant could be deemed to have waived that right if he or she appears at trial without an attorney after receiving those advisements.
+The Court of Appeals held in Richardson v. State that:
+381 Md. 348, 369, 849 A.2d 487, 499 (2004). It is conceded by appellant that subsection (a) of the Rule was complied with in this case when he first appeared in the Circuit Court for his arraignment on March 11, 2016.
+On May 24, 2016, the day that appellant's trial was scheduled to begin, the court gave many of the advisements that are associated with subsection (a) of the Rule. Appellant was informed of the charges against him, their penalties and how an attorney could assist him.
+However, why the trial judge did so is not completely clear. Appellant was not encouraged to get an attorney, and the trial judge continued the case to the following day only because jurors were unavailable. Therefore, it would have been quite challenging for an attorney to be hired, available and prepared to try the case the next day.
+It was on this first day that the trial judge learned from appellant that he wanted to represent himself. Appellant told the court of this desire twice, but the court did not make any further inquiries about this issue. Furthermore, there was not a completion of the express waiver of counsel under subsection (b) of the Rule, nor were there any further questions on that issue. At the end of the May 24th hearing, it was left that appellant would be going to trial the next day as a self-represented defendant.
+On the next day, the same trial judge reiterated to appellant the many ways that an attorney can be helpful to him. The court then inquired of the appellant:
+The court again did not proceed to complete an express waiver of counsel with appellant at that time. Instead, the trial judge went over the charges and their possible penalties again. Then, the trial judge proceeded to have appellant determine that he wanted a jury trial rather than a bench trial. This important determination was done by appellant without benefit of counsel.
+Again, the court did not return to the express waiver of counsel inquiry but demanded from appellant his voir dire questions. During this discussion, the court let appellant know that the court could not "help [him] or assist [him] in any way" with any facet of the trial.
+The court detailed the rules of evidence, how to make objections and admissibility of documents as areas that appellant would have to handle on his own. While emphasizing this point of lack of judicial assistance, the court let appellant know that "[y]ou're representing yourself." (Emphasis added).
+Appellant, in response to the court, requested that the jury panel be asked, "[d]o you own any dogs?" A debate on the propriety of that question ensued between appellant and the State, which is when appellant stated, "[t]his is quickly getting over my head. I'm not sure I can keep up. Is there any way that I can rethink this as far as—in regards to an attorney because I'm not understanding all of like the technical terms and that's—" to which the trial judge replied, "[w]ell, that is part of representing yourself, Mr. Gilbert." The trial judge then denied appellant's request to continue the trial to get an attorney, finding there was "no meritorious reason" to do so because appellant indicated that he had not tried to obtain an attorney up to that point.
+While the State contends that this point in the proceeding is when the trial judge had made its "acceptance" of appellant's waver of counsel, it is clear to this Court that appellant was being treated by Circuit Court as if he was self-represented prior to this time. On May 24th, twice the court confirmed with appellant that he was representing himself. To his affirmative response, the Circuit Court responded "[a]ll right" and moved on to discussing whether a jury or bench trial was in his best interest. The only reason the trial did not begin on May 24th was because of a lack of jurors.
+On May 25th, the trial judge did not ask appellant if he wished to represent himself but rather stated in confirming language, "[i]t's my understanding that you still wish to waive your right to an attorney and go forward today," to which appellant replied in the affirmative. The Circuit Court then moved on to describing the charges, accepting a not guilty plea from appellant and discussing the option of a jury trial.
+The State would have this Court believe that the trial court was planning to loop back to completing an express waiver of counsel under Rule 4-215(b) but at some point was interrupted when appellant inquired about getting counsel.
+This Court has trouble accepting the State's proposition and believes the Circuit Court had already accepted appellant to be representing himself without finding that the decision was made "knowing and voluntarily," as is required by the plain language of the Rule and prior appellate decisions. "Maryland appellate courts demand strict, not substantial, compliance with [R]ule in order to find waiver." Webb v. State, 144 Md.App. 729, 741, 800 A.2d 42, 49 (2002) (citing Johnson, 355 Md. at 464, 735 A.2d 1003 (1999)).
+Here, it cannot be said that the trial court was in the process of determining whether to accept appellant's express waiver when the appellant was required to determine whether a jury or bench trial is in his best interest. That is a critical decision that an attorney would have assisted appellant with based upon a multitude of factors particular to appellant's case and his defense. It defies logic that the trial intended to return to a waiver of counsel determination after appellant had made such important legal determinations on his own.
+Likewise, when the trial court had appellant craft his own voir dire questions and debate with the Assistant State's Attorney on their appropriateness, appellant was, in fact, representing himself at that time. If there was any doubt that the court had treated appellant as a self-represented litigant, it was eliminated when the court told appellant, "[y]ou're representing yourself." (Emphasis added). There can be no clearer indication of what the Circuit Court believed had already occurred concerning appellant waiving counsel than that statement. It was not a question but a definitive declaration of what was presently occurring, and this statement preceded the court allegedly determining that appellant had waived Counsel by inaction.
+The Circuit Court repeated that same pronouncement when appellant expressed some misgivings about being able to understand legal "technical terms" without assistance by asserting, "[w]ell, that's part of representing yourself." The Circuit Court expressed no doubt as to whether appellant was already acting as his own at attorney at that point.
+This Court also has strong misgivings about finding, as the State urges us to in its brief and at oral argument, that the trial court was conducting an appropriate express waiver of counsel in a piecemeal fashion similar to the advisements that the Court of Appeals approved in Broadwater. 401 Md. 175, 931 A.2d 1098.
+Broadwater involved the required advisements under 4-215(a) that we previously discussed must precede either an expressed or implied waiver of counsel. When interpreting Broadwater in 2009, the Court of Appeals, in a 4-3 decision, stated that "Rule 4-215(a) advisements may be given properly to a defendant by different judges of the same court on a piecemeal basis. . . ." Brye v. State, 410 Md. 623, 637, 980 A.2d 435, 443 (2009) (citing Broadwater, 401 Md. at 201-02, 931 A.2d at 1113-14).
+It is a one thing to have information concerning the charges one is facing, the benefits of an attorney, the right to be represented by an attorney and the possibility of waiving one's right to an attorney by inaction given to a person over several hearings that occur far in advance of trial. That timeline gives a defendant time to weigh all of this information and to make an informed decision whether to pursue representation in the impending criminal trial.
+However, it is another thing to have the expressed relinquishment of the right to counsel done intermittently over two days while discussing other aspects of the trial. At best, it would be confusing to a defendant and could minimize this "basic, fundamental right." Broadwater, 401 Md. at 182, 931 A.2d at 1102. The requirement of a "knowing and voluntary" waiver could be greatly diluted if a defendant is chiseling away his right to an attorney by answering sporadic questions that will eventually equate in aggregate over days to a waiver of counsel.
+This is not to say that a trial court may want to allow a defendant to think about such a momentous decision over a period of time if the situation permits. Likewise, other matters can arise during an express waiver colloquy under Rule 4-215(b) that would not make such an inquiry deficient. But we cannot agree with the State that the alleged two-day waiver in this case, that apparently was going to culminate as the jury panel was walking into the courtroom, was proper.
+Appellant is entitled to a new trial because the trial court accepted his waiver of counsel under Rule 4-215(b) without making required finding that such waiver was done intelligently and voluntarily. Because we reverse on this issue, we do not have to reach the second issue.
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+Thus I have heard:
+At one time the Buddha was in the ṛṣi-frequented Deer Park in Vārāṇasī, together with a multitude of 20,000 bhikṣus and 12,000 Bodhisattvas. Among them were Lion Bodhisattva, Lion Intent Bodhisattva, Peaceful Intent Bodhisattva, Beyond-Analogy Intent Bodhisattva, Upholding the Earth Bodhisattva, Narata Bodhisattva, Divine God Bodhisattva, Treasure Work Bodhisattva, Kahota Bodhisattva, Worthy Strength Bodhisattva, Radiant God Bodhisattva, Loving Joy Bodhisattva, Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, Knowledge Action Bodhisattva, Dedicated Action Bodhisattva, Display of No Obstruction Bodhisattva, and Maitreya Bodhisattva. Bodhisattvas such these were at the head of 12,000 Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas. Also present were 20,000 god-sons, and at their head were the god-sons Good Realm and Good Stay, all of them standing firm in the Mahāyāna. At that time the World-Honored One, surrounded by His innumerable retinue in the hundreds of thousands, expounded the Dharma for their sake.
+Meanwhile, said to, which can transform one's body by skillful means, in order to pronounce the Dharma according to the roots of goodness of various types of sentient beings, so as to enable them to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi?"
+The Buddha told Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva, "Very good! Very good! You are able to ask about this meaning before the Tathāgata, the Samyak-Saṁbuddha. Flower Virtue Store, you have planted your roots of goodness under past Buddhas, made offerings to a billion koṭi Buddha-Bhagavāns, and invoked your types of sentient beings, so as to enable them to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. What is this Dharma? It is called Depending on Nothing. One does not depend on the Three Realms, the within, or the without. That there is nothing to depend on is the correct insight. This correct insight leads to the right cessation [of afflictions], without any impairment to perception. From the true mind that never changes, one's true wisdom arises. That is, dharmas are born from causality, so their existences are illusory. Since all dharmas are born from causes and conditions, the birth of dharmas is impossible without causes and conditions. Although dharmas appear to be born from causes and conditions, nothing actually comes into being. One who can penetrate the no-birth of dharmas has entered the true Way of Bodhisattvas. It is also called entering the mind of great lovingkindness and compassionation because one, out of sympathy, will deliver all sentient beings. Having acquired a deep understanding of this meaning, one knows that all dharmas are illusory. One simply creates dharmas with one's thoughts and words. Yet these dharmas created by thoughts and words are ultimately empty. This adept penetration of the emptiness of dharmas is called the Acquirement of the Illusion Samādhi. Having acquired this samādhi, one can transform one's body by skillful means and pronounce the Dharma according to the roots of goodness of different types of sentient beings, so as to enable them to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi."
+Then, 60 upright ones who, adorned with inconceivable great vows, have acquired this samādhi."
+Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva then asked the Buddha, "World-Honored One, have Bodhisattvas acquired this samādhi in this world only? Are there Bodhisattvas in other worlds who have also accomplished this Illusion Samādhi?"
+The Buddha told Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva, "West of here, beyond 100,000 koṭi lands, there: one is called Avalokiteśvara and the other Great Might Arrived. Both have acquired this samādhi. Moreover, Flower Virtue Store, if there are Bodhisattvas who hear and accept this Dharma from those two upright ones for seven days and nights, they will then acquire this Illusion Samādhi."
+Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World-Honored One, that land should have innumerable Bodhisattvas who have acquired this samādhi. Why? Because Bodhisattvas who have been reborn in that land should all go to the place where those upright ones are, and hear and accept this Dharma."
+The Buddha said, "Indeed! Indeed! Indeed it is as you say. Immeasurable asaṁkhyeyas of Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas have acquired this samādhi from those upright ones."
+Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva asked the Buddha, "Very good! World-Honored One, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, I pray that You will use Your spiritual powers to have those upright ones come to this world and to enable [the inhabitants of] the two worlds to see each other. Why? If those upright ones come to this land, good men and good women who have developed their roots of goodness will hear them pronounce the Dharma and will acquire this samādhi. I also pray that we will see Amitābha Buddha in that world called Peace and Bliss, so as to enable the good men and women in this world to activate the anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind and the wish to be reborn in that land. Once they are reborn there, they will never regress from their resolve to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi."
+At that time the World-Honored One accepted his request, and light radiated from the white hair between His eyebrows, illuminating everywhere in this Three-Thousand Large Thousandfold World. The grass, trees, earth, and stones in this world, including the kingly Mount Sumeru, the Mucilinda Mountain, the Great Mucilinda Mountain, the Cakravāla Mountain, and the Great Cakravāla Mountain, and even the dark and hidden places in this world all turned golden color. Even though the glow and awesome light of the sun and the moon no longer appeared, radiance was everywhere. Furthermore, the light even illuminated everywhere in 100,000 koṭi lands in the west, including the world called Peace and Bliss. This great light circled Amitābha Buddha, the Tathāgata, to the right seven times and then totally vanished before Him. The sentient beings, Bodhisattvas, and voice-hearers in that land could all see this land and see Śākyamuni Buddha pronouncing the Dharma, surrounded by the huge assembly. It was as clear as if they were seeing an amala fruit in their hand. With adoration and joy stirring in their minds, they chanted these words: "Namo Śākya, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha!"
+In World of Peace and Bliss, surrounded by His retinue of Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers. He was radiant as an extraordinary high treasure mountain. His glowing awesome light illuminated all lands. All could see Him, just as a clear-eyed person could see without difficulty the features of a person within the distance of eight feet. Having seen Him, they were joyful and exuberant, and they chanted these words: "Namo Amitābha Buddha, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha!" Meanwhile, 84,000 sentient beings in this assembly all activated the anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind, planted their roots of goodness, and wished to be reborn in that land.
+At that time the Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers in the World pronounce such Dharma to Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers!" At that time the World of Peace and Bliss quaked in six ways: everywhere moving, everywhere equally moving, everywhere shaking, everywhere equally shaking, everywhere quaking, and everywhere equally quaking.
+At that time Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva said to Amitābha Buddha, "How amazing, World-Honored One! What is the reason why Śākyamuni Buddha manifested such rare events? How did Śākyamuni Buddha, the Tathāgata, Arhat, who rarely reveals His name, cause the immeasurable earth to quake in six ways?"
+Then Amitābha Buddha told those Bodhisattvas, "Śākyamuni has revealed His name not only in this land but also in other innumerable Buddha Lands. Likewise, the radiance of great light and the quaking of the earth in six ways are everywhere."
+Immeasurable asaṁkhyeyas of sentient beings in that world, upon hearing the name and epithets of Śākyamuni, developed their roots of goodness. They all would never regress from their resolve to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. In addition, 40 koṭi Bodhisattvas in the assembly, upon hearing the name and epithets Śākyamuni, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, made a vow with one voice, dedicating their roots of goodness to the attainment of anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. Immediately, Amitābha Buddha bestowed upon them the prophecy of attaining anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi.
+At that time Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva went to the place where Amitābha Buddha was and bowed their heads down at the feet of the Buddha. Reverently joining their palms and stepping to one side, they asked the Buddha, "For what causes and conditions is Śākyamuni Buddha emitting this bright light?"
+Then Amitābha Buddha told Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, "A Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha would not emit light without causes and conditions. Why? Today, Śākyamuni, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, will pronounce the Sūtra of the Bodhisattva Treasury Samādhi. Hence He first displayed this auspicious sign."
+At that time Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva said to Amitābha Buddha, "We would like to visit the Sahā World, make obeisance and present offerings to Śākyamuni, and hear Him expound the Dharma."
+Amitābha Buddha said, "Good men, do what you think timely."
+Those two Bodhisattvas said to each other, "Today we will definitely hear the wondrous Dharma pronounced by Śākyamuni Buddha."
+Having received the instruction from Amitābha Buddha, each of those two Bodhisattvas told his retinue of 40 koṭi Bodhisattvas: "Good men, together we should go to the Sahā World to make obeisance and present offerings to Śākyamuni Buddha, and to hear and accept the true Dharma. Why? Śākyamuni, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, was able to relinquish a pure, wondrous land, so that He could fulfill a difficult mission. By virtue of the power of His primal vows, He has invoked his great compassion-mind. He has attained anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi in that turbid and evil world of little virtue and meager merit, but of increasing greed, anger, and delusion. And He is expounding the Dharma there."
+Just as these words were spoken, Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers marveled, saying with one voice, "The sentient beings in that land can receive benefits quickly even from hearing the name Śākyamuni, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha. How much more so since they are able to see Him and invoke joy in their mind. World-Honored One, we should all go to that world to make obeisance and present offerings to Śākyamuni Buddha."
+Amitābha Buddha said, "Good men, do what you think timely."
+At that time Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva in that world were each surrounded by 40 koṭi Bodhisattvas. Using their transcendental powers, they each conjured up 40 koṭi well-adorned treasure platforms for their retinues. Each of these splendid and wonderful treasure platforms is twelve yojanas in length and width. On each treasure platform, there was gold, silver, aquamarine, crystal, ruby, conch shell, or emerald. Some platforms had two treasures: gold and silver; some had three treasures: gold, silver, and aquamarine; some had four treasures: gold, silver, aquamarine, and crystal; some had five treasures: gold, silver, aquamarine, crystal, and ruby; some had six treasures: gold, silver, aquamarine, crystal, conch shell, and ruby; and some had seven treasures, including emerald. These platforms were also adorned with ruby,. On each of these treasure platforms was a carnival of colors, splendid, bright, pure, and radiant.
+On these treasure platforms stood 84,000 magically created exquisite maidens, holding fiddles, sitars, lutes, guitars, flutes, violins, drums, or conch shells. They stood elegantly, playing wonderful music on these innumerable jeweled musical instruments. were lion thrones adorned with jewels. Seated on each throne was a miraculously created Buddha, adorned with the thirty-two major marks and eighty minor signs. Hanging over each treasure platform were 84,000 various precious gems in blue, yellow, red, and white. Placed on each treasure platform were 84,000 wonderful jeweled vases, filled with powdered incense. Covering each treasure platform were 84,000 wonderful jeweled canopies. Hovering over each treasure platform were nets from which hang 84,000 jeweled bells. On each of these treasure platforms stood 84,000 jeweled trees. Among the jeweled trees were pools made of the seven treasures and filled with the water of the eight virtues. In the pools, there were various jeweled lotus flowers in blue, yellow, red, and white. Their colors were vibrant and radiant. As breezes blew, the jeweled trees all in lines rustled wonderful tones, the harmony of which surpassed celestial music. On each of these treasure platforms were 84,000 ropes made of wonderful treasures, connecting all the trees. Each treasure platform radiated light, reaching a distance of 84,000 yojanas. Radiance was everywhere.
+At that time Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva, together with their retinue of 80 koṭi Bodhisattvas, standing on equally splendid treasure platforms, disappeared from that land and arrived in this world. It happened in an instant as quickly as if a strong man bent or extended his arm. Upon arrival, surrounded by 80 koṭi Bodhisattvas, those two Bodhisattvas, using their transcendental powers, made the ground of this world as level as the surface of water. Their accomplishments were adorned with great virtues, and their magnificence and unusual excellence were beyond analogy. Their light illuminated everywhere in this Sahā World. All those Bodhisattvas went to the place where Śākyamuni Buddha was, bowed their heads down at the Buddha's feet, and circumambulated Him to the right seven times.
+Stepping back to one side, those two Bodhisattvas sublime, wonderful things, the Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers here, having seen the splendor of the treasure platforms, marveled at them as something that never existed before. They each had this thought: "Those treasure platforms are splendid and wonderful. They have been moved from the land of Peace and Bliss to this world. Was it by the powers of the Buddha or of the Bodhisattvas?"
+At that time Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva, by virtue of the Buddha's spiritual powers, asked the Buddha, "How amazing, World-Honored One! This is unprecedented. By whose awesome powers are these wonderful treasure platforms of such splendor now present in this Sahā World?"
+The Buddha replied, "It is by the transcendental powers of Bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara and Great Might Arrived that this world is displaying such great splendor."
+"How amazing, World-Honored One! It is inconceivable. Those good men, their vows and actions being pure, can use their transcendental powers to adorn those treasure platforms and to make them appear in this world."
+The Buddha said, "Indeed! Indeed! Indeed it is as you say. Those good men have purified their roots of goodness in immeasurable hundreds, thousands, nayutas, and koṭis of kalpas, and have acquired the Illusion Samādhi. Staying in this samādhi, they can conjure up these things with their transcendental powers. Furthermore, Flower Virtue Store, behold the worlds in the east. What do you see?"
+Then, Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva used various kinds of God-eye of a Bodhisattva to observe the Buddha Worlds in the east, which are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges. He saw that before each of those Buddhas there, also present were Bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara and Great Might Arrived, both as sublime as described above. They too toward the zenith and the nadir.
+At that time Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva, having seen these things, was joyful and exuberant as if he had gained something that never existed before. He asked the Buddha, "How amazing! World-Honored One, how did these great ones accomplish such a samādhi? How do these upright ones adorn those Buddha Lands with their presence?"
+Then the World-Honored One, using his spiritual powers, enabled those who were in this assembly to see these displays. Thirty-two thousand of them, so as to enable other Bodhisattvas to train themselves and fulfill their vows."
+The Buddha said, "Hearken! Ponder well! I will explain to you."
+"Very good! World-Honored One, I would be delighted to hear."
+The Buddha said, "Far back in the past innumerable inconceivable asaṁkhyeya kalpas, I had been king hundreds of thousands of times. The first time was near the end of the Great King Kalpa. There was a world called Display of Immeasurable Gathering sublime things in this Buddha Land. What is your opinion? Are there not many pure and sublime things in Amitābha Buddha's Land of Peace and Bliss?"
+"A great many! They are so inconceivable that it is too difficult to describe them all."
+The Buddha asked Flower Virtue Store, "Suppose there is one who divides a hair into 100 pieces. One then takes a piece of this hair to draw water from the great ocean. What is your opinion? Compare the water on the tip of a hair with that in the great ocean. Which has more water?"
+"The ocean has more water. It is beyond comparison," he replied.
+[The Buddha continued,] "Indeed, Flower Virtue Store, you should have this understanding. The sublime things in Amitābha Buddha's land are like the water on the tip of a hair, while those in Golden Light Lion Frolic Buddha's land are like the water in the great ocean. The disparity between voice-hearers and Bodhisattvas is of a similar order. That Golden Light Lion Frolic Tathāgata also expounded the Dharma of the Three Vehicles to sentient beings. For kalpas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, I cannot even finish describing the virtue and sublimity of this Buddha Land and the joyful things about their Bodhisattvas and voice-hearers.
+"During the Dharma reign of Golden Light Lion Frolic Tathāgata, there was a king named Awesome Virtue. Since he ruled the Thousandfold World with the true Dharma, he had the epithet Dharma King. That king Awesome Virtue had many sons, each endowed with the twenty-eight marks of a great man. 'woman,' much less a real one. Sentient beings of that land practiced the Brahma way purely. They all were born through miraculous formation and nourished by the bliss of meditation. That king Awesome Virtue served Golden Light Lion Frolic Tathāgata for 84,000 koṭi years, never pursuing other ways. Then, that Buddha, knowing the king's earnestness, expounded to him immeasurable Dharma Seals.
+"What are immeasurable Dharma Seals? Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva, one's spiritual progress should all arise from immeasurable vows. Why? other words, one's training in the six pāramitās to transcend the cycle of life and death is immeasurable. One's lovingkindness and compassion for sentient beings are immeasurable. One's sublimity in the Pure Land is immeasurable. One's voice is immeasurable, and one's eloquence is immeasurable. Flower Virtue Store, even one's transference of the merit of a good breakoff thought is immeasurable. What is meant by immeasurable transference of merit? Transferring one's merit to all sentient beings, enabling them to verify the no-birth of all dharmas and to enter parinirvāṇa as Buddhas, is called immeasurable transference of merit.
+"Moreover, emptiness is immeasurable; no-appearance is immeasurable; and no-wish is immeasurable. Also immeasurable are no-creation, true reality, no-birth as the nature of dharmas, liberation without clinging to liberation, and nirvāṇa. Good man, I have only mentioned in brief the immeasurability of dharmas. Why? Dharmas have no limits.
+"Furthermore, Flower Virtue Store, as that king Awesome Virtue entered samādhi in his garden, two lotus flowers emerged from the ground, one at each side of the king. They had splendid mixed colors, and their scent was as fragrant as celestial sandalwood. Inside each flower a boy, seated in the lotus posture, was born by miraculous formation. One was called Jewel Intent, and the other Jewel Superior. When the king Awesome Virtue rose from his meditation and saw these two boys sitting in the lotus-flower wombs, he asked them in verse:
+'Are you gods, dragons, spirits,
+Yakṣas, kumbhāṇḍas,
+Humans, or nonhumans?
+I hope that you will reveal your names.'
+"Then the boy on the king's right answered in verse:
+'All dharmas are empty.
+Why do you ask for names?
+Past dharmas have ceased to be,
+Future dharmas have not arisen,
+And present dharmas do not stay.
+Whose names are you asking for?
+Empty dharmas are neither humans
+Nor dragons, nor rakṣasas.
+Whether humans, nonhumans, or others,
+None can be captured.'
+"The boy on the king's left spoke in verse:
+'Naming a name is empty.
+Naming a name cannot be captured.
+All dharmas have no names.
+Asking for names
+In quest of true names
+Is something never seen or heard of.
+Since dharmas perish as soon as they arise,
+Why ask for their names?
+Names and words
+Are all fabrications.
+My name is Jewel Intent.
+His is Jewel Superior.'
+"Flower Virtue Store, the two boys, having spoken these verses, together with the king Awesome Virtue, went to the place where Golden Light Lion Frolic Buddha was. They bowed their heads down at the feet of that Buddha and circumambulated,
+Apparel, major marks.
+Suppose one offers Tathāgatas
+Precious, wonderful, sublime objects,
+Filling lands as numerous as the sands of the Ganges,
+And carries them joyfully on one's head.
+It cannot be compared with transferring one's merit
+With lovingkindness to bodhi.
+This merit is supreme,
+Immeasurable, and boundless.
+No other offerings can surpass this.
+Its supremacy cannot be calculated.
+A bodhi mind such as this
+Will certainly attain the perfect enlightenment.'
+"The two boys spoke again in verse:
+'Gods, dragons, ghosts, and spirits,
+Listen to my lion's roar!
+Now before the Tathāgata,
+I solemnly vow to activate my bodhi mind.
+The cycle of life and death turning immeasurable kalpas,
+Its primordial origin is unknowable.
+Even for only one sentient being,
+You have walked the Way for kalpas.
+During these kalpas,
+You have delivered innumerable multitudes.
+Training in the Bodhi Way,
+[You never] had mental fatigue.
+From now on, if I ever
+Allow the greedy mind to arise,
+It would be cheating
+All Buddhas in the ten directions.
+Similarly, with respect to anger and delusion.
+Similarly, with respect to stinginess and jealousy.
+Now I speak the truth
+That I will keep far away from falsehood.
+Starting from today, if I ever
+Entertain the mind of a voice-hearer,
+Not delighting in training for the great bodhi,
+It would be cheating the Tathāgatas.
+Nor would I seek to be a Pratyekabuddha,
+For helping and benefiting myself only.
+I should, for tens of thousands and koṭis of kalpas,
+Deliver sentient beings with great compassion.
+As this Buddha Land here and now
+Is pure, wondrous, and sublime,
+May my land, when I accomplish the Way,
+Surpass it by 100,000 koṭi times.
+There will be no voice-hearers in my land,
+Nor the Pratyekabuddha Vehicle,
+But Bodhisattvas only.
+Their number will be infinite.
+All beings will be pure and undefiled.
+They all will have superb, wonderful bliss.
+They all will attain the perfect enlightenment
+And will retain and uphold the Dharma store.
+If my vow is sincere,
+It should shake the Great Thousandfold World.'
+"After these verses were spoken, forthwith quakes were everywhere. Hundreds and thousands of kinds of music played harmonious, exquisite tones. Wonderful celestial garments with radiant light fell spiraling down. Gods in the sky
+rained down powdered incense. Its fragrance floated everywhere, delighting sentient beings' hearts."
+The Buddha said to Flower Virtue Store, "What is your opinion? Was the king Awesome Virtue then a different person? He is none other than I. The two boys then are now Bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara and Great Might Arrived. Good man, it was in the land of that Buddha that these two Bodhisattvas initiated the anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind."
+At that time Flower Virtue Store said to the Buddha, "How amazing! World-Honored One, these good men, even before they made their resolve, had already attained such profound wisdom. They thoroughly understood that names could never be captured. World-Honored One, these two upright ones must have made offerings to past Buddhas and carried out virtuous deeds."
+"Good man, you can know the number of grains of sand in the Ganges. However, the Buddhas to whom these great ones had made offerings, and the roots of goodness they had planted are beyond calculation. Although they had not yet activated their bodhi mind, they had adorned themselves with what was inconceivable. Among sentient beings, they had been the most valiant and dynamic."
+At that time Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva asked the Buddha, "World-Honored One, where was that land called Display of Immeasurable Gathering of Virtue, Peace, and Bliss?"
+The Buddha replied, "Good man, this Western World of Peace and Bliss, at that time, was called Display of Immeasurable Gathering of Virtue, Peace, and Bliss."
+Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva asked the Buddha, "World-Honored One, I pray that You will explain to us, so as to enable innumerable sentient beings to receive great benefits. In what land will Avalokiteśvara attain samyak-saṁbodhi? What will be the name of his world adorned with bright light? What will be the life span of the voice-hearers and Bodhisattvas there until they attain Buddhahood? How will these things unfold? If the World-Honored One will tell the primal vows of this Bodhisattva, then other Bodhisattvas, having heard his vows, will definitely train themselves to fulfill them."
+The Buddha replied, "Very good! Hearken! I will tell you."
+"Yes, I would be delighted to hear."
+The Buddha said, "Good man, although the life span of Amitābha Buddha will last immeasurable as long as His life span. The number of sentient beings that will be delivered will equal that during His life. After Amitābha's parinirvāṇa, some sentient beings will not be able to see the Buddha. However, some Bodhisattvas, having achieved the Samādhi of Buddha Remembrance, will constantly see Amitābha Buddha. Furthermore, Good man, after His parinirvāṇa, all the precious things, bathing pools, lotus flowers, and the jeweled trees in lines will continue to sing Dharma tones, in the same way as during the life of that Buddha.
+"Good man, [the night] the true Dharma of Amitābha Buddha ends, after the midnight period and when the light of dawn breaks, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, seated in the lotus posture under the bodhi tree made of the seven treasures, will attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. His name will be Universal Light adorned with wonderful combinations of the seven treasures. For kalpas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, Buddha-Bhagavāns will not even be able to finish describing its sublimity. Good man, I now give you an analogy. As the land of Golden Light Lion Frolic Tathāgata was sublime, the land of Universal Light Virtue Mountain King Tathāgata will surpass it by billions of times, koṭis of times, koṭis of billions of times, even beyond reckoning. The names voice-hearers and Prety Sublime Gathering of Multitudinous Treasure. Good man, during His life until His parinirvāṇa, Universal Light Virtue Mountain King Tathāgata will be attended personally by Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva and will receive his offerings. After His parinirvāṇa, His true Dharma will be upheld until its end. After the ending of the true Dharma, Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva will attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. His name will be Good Stay Virtue Treasure King, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, Knowledge and Action Perfected, Sugata, Understanding the World, Unsurpassed One, Tamer of Men, Teacher to Gods and Humans, Buddha the World-Honored One. His light, His life, His Bodhisattvas, and even the duration of His Dharma will be just like those of Universal Virtue Mountain King Tathāgata. If, among good men and good women, there are those who have heard the name Good Stay Good Stay Virtue Treasure King Tathāgata [of the future], they will change their female form, and their sins which would entail 40 koṭi kalpas of life and death will be expunged. They will never regress from their resolve to attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. They will constantly see the Buddha, hear and accept the true Dharma, and make offerings to the Saṅgha. In a life after the present one, they can renounce family life, accomplish unimpeded eloquence, and quickly achieve retention of all Dharmas."
+At that time 60 koṭi participants in this assembly praised with one voice: "Namo Buddhas in parinirvāṇa in the ten directions!" They unanimously reached the consensus to activate the anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind. The Buddha immediately bestowed upon them the prophecy of attaining anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. Moreover, 84,000 nayuta sentient beings erased their emotional defilements and acquired the pure Dharma-eye. Seven thousand bhikṣus exhausted their discharges of afflictions and liberated their minds.
+At that time Bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara and Great Might Arrived, using their spiritual powers, enabled all those in this assembly to see innumerable Buddha-Bhagavāns!"
+At that time gain? I pray only that the Tathāgata will explain in detail. Why? In the evil times to come, sentient beings of little virtue will not believe or accept this profound sūtra of the Tathāgata. Because of these causes and conditions, they will undergo suffering through the long night. It will be too difficult for them to achieve liberation. World-Honored One, I pray that You, out of sympathy, will explain, to benefit sentient beings. Besides, World-Honored One, in this assembly there are good men and good women of keen capacity. They will become the great illuminating ones Great Thousandfold World and offers them till the end of his life all that they desire, such as food, clothing, bed, bedding, and medicinal potions. Is the merit he has earned great?"
+"Very great, World-Honored One! If one, with lovingkindness, makes offerings to only one sentient being according to his needs, one's merit will be immeasurable. Not to mention to all sentient beings."
+The Buddha said, "Suppose, among good men and good women, there are those who accept and uphold this sūtra. If they, invoking their bodhi mind, read and recite it, explain and copy it, make various kinds of offerings to it, and widely pronounce and circulate it, their merit will be a billion times greater. It will be beyond analogy."
+Flower Virtue Store Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World-Honored One, from today on, I will accept and uphold this sūtra, which is pronounced by the Tathāgata, and my anuttara-samyak-saṁbohi mind. World-Honored One, when I become a Buddha, if there are women who have heard this Dharma, they will change their female form [in a rebirth]. After it is changed, I will bestow upon them the prophecy of attaining anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. Their names will be Away from Defilement, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha."
+After the Buddha had what the Buddha had said, greatly rejoiced.
+Home Cure.
+The All Natural Varicose and Spider Vein Solution
+Varicose veins are affections of veins that mainly torment women, but also affect men. In addition to generating aesthetic problems they cause some unpleasant symptoms. Care and prevention are essential to prevent the onset of varicose veins. Women who go through varicose veins know how uncomfortable the legs look and not only that, there are also symptoms like pain, swelling, burning and a feeling of weight together. Watch for signs of illness in your body and learn to take care of it. In this guide, you will know all about varicose veins, prevention ways, the myths that involve the disease and how to keep your legs beautiful and healthy. Varicose veins are veins that dilate becoming tortuous, elongated, a bluish color and bounced on the skin. They leave the blood accumulated, generating a feeling of weight, pain and discomfort. Varicose veins occur more in the lower limbs because the legs and feet stay in the same position for long periods, thus increasing the pressure in the lower body by the force of gravity. If you want more prevention and health care tips for women, get the practical online guide now. More here...
+The All Natural Varicose and Spider Vein Solution Summary
+Contents: Ebook
+Author: Robert Galarowicz
+Price: $47.00
+Chronic Venous Disease
+Inspection with the patient standing is one of the most important aspects of the examination of chronic venous disease. The dilated veins of superficial disease are frequently obvious. Other signs of importance include swelling, hemosiderosis of the skin of the malleolar area, lipodermatosclerosis, atrophie blanche, and ulceration (Fig. 2.10). Deep venous disease may be less obvious and present simply with chronic swelling of the limb. In later stages, all of the above signs may be present. Figure 2.10. Chronic venous insufficiency. The limbs demonstrate the brownish discoloration associated with lipatoder-matosclerosis.Varicosities are also present. Figure 2.10. Chronic venous insufficiency. The limbs demonstrate the brownish discoloration associated with lipatoder-matosclerosis.Varicosities are also present.
+Varicose Veins
+Surgery for varicose veins, involving long or short saphenous system in the lower Operative technique for varicose veins affecting long saphenous system The operation for varicose veins for long saphenous system comprises of The operation for varicose veins for short saphenous system comprises of
+The Origin and the Foundations of European Vascular Surgery
+Classical physicians, such as Hippocrates (fifth century b.c.), Aurelius Celsus (first century a.d.), Galen (second century a.d.) and Paulus Aegineta (sixth century a.d.), described various methods of treating varicose veins by ligation, cauterization and even stripping of the dilated long saphenous vein 14, 38 . The Greek Antyllus of the third century a.d., the most famous surgeon of antiquity, applied the well-known Antyllus' method, an operation for aneurysm in which he applied two ligatures to the artery and cut between them. This was the accepted method of dealing with aneurysms until the work of Jon Hunter in the eighteenth century. Antyllus was the first to recognize two forms of aneurysm the developmental, caused by dilatation, and the traumatic, following arterial trauma 38 .
+Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
+It has been estimated that 1 in 2000 women develop thrombosis during pregnancy. This risk increases 10 times when compared with nonpregnant women of the same age 23, 30 . This risk also goes up in the postpartum period. Pregnancy leads to increased levels of the blood clotting factors I, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII, an increased platelet count and reduced protein S and anti-thrombin concentrations. Further, the fibrinolytic pathway may be blocked by the increased levels of activated plasminogen inhibitors 1 and 2, produced in the placenta. These factors, combined with the venous stasis produced by compression by the uterus of draining leg veins, can increase the risk of thrombosis during the prepartum period by up to 20 times. Some 2 months after childbirth, fibrinolytic and coagulation systems return to their normal state.
+Lower Extremity Vein Therapy
+Radiofrequency or laser ablation of the greater saphenous vein (GSV) is gaining popularity as an alternative, less invasive method for GSV stripping in the treatment of varicose veins. This transforms varicose vein treatment into an office practice and limits the anesthesia needs to infiltration of local anesthetics. The skin is typically infiltrated at the site of insertion of the sheath through which the laser or radioablation catheter is introduced. Because of the heat generated with the venous ablation, additional anesthesia is needed along the course of the GSV. Tumescent anesthesia is used for this purpose. Tumescent anesthesia is prepared by the following concentration
+Surveillance of Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT
+The clinical evaluation of the peripheral venous system can be difficult. History and physical examination have a limited role in the accurate diagnosis of venous disease. Further diagnostic imaging is frequently required. Invasive techniques such as venography have been proven to be reliable and have become the gold standard against which all other techniques are measured. However, the expense and potential risks of such invasive studies have led to the development of noninvasive methods. Through recent technological advancements, ultrasound has emerged as a reliable and useful tool in the evaluation of the peripheral venous system. Its accuracy approaches that of venography, and its other benefits including portability and fewer potential risks have made it an attractive alternative to the gold standard . One of the most common manifestations of peripheral venous disease in surgical patients is venous thromboembolism. It is a dreaded complication seen in every surgical specialty...
+Chapter Summary continued.
+Luis H Toledo Pereyra
+As a superb surgical professional, Galen made his mark. He operated on tumors, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hydroceles, abdominal walls, intestines, and nasal polyps, and performed cleft-lip reconstructions and other procedures.9-11 He utilized common surgical instruments of the time, such as scalpels, forceps, hooks, arrow extractors, retractors, and scissors.9-11 He was a formidable surgical tactician with incredible anatomical and physiological knowledge, which he extrapolated into sound surgical practice. He advanced surgery by acknowledging well-known principles, improving surgical techniques, and enhancing his vast experience with gladiators, which permitted him to achieve better outcomes than his contemporaries.2,3,7,9
+Physical Examination
+Varicose veins Note the distribution of varices and any surgical scars. Edema A common presentation in patients with CEAP class 3 or greater CVI. Chronic venous insufficiency may coexist with other diseases that cause edema, such as CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY,VARICOSE VEINS, LYMPHEDEMA, AND ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS
+The History
+Although the points covered above may elicit factors predisposing the patient to vascular occlusive or aneurysm disease, they are nonspecific and nondiagnostic. Because the symptoms of occlusive vascular, aneurysmal, and venous disease differ, they will be dealt with separately below. It should be remembered, however, that they may occur in combination.
+Other Clinical Tests
+Trendelenburg Test cause of superficial varicose veins, the patient is asked to lie supine and raise the affected limb to about 45 degrees. Venous blood is milked proximally by firm stroking of the leg to empty all of the superficial veins. A tourniquet is applied as proximally as possible to occlude the superficial venous system. The patient is then asked first to sit up and swing the legs over the side of the examination couch, and then to stand. Where saphenofemoral incompetence is the major cause of superficial varicosities, the varicosities will remain collapsed. It is usual for the superficial veins to fill slowly, but rapid filling of the varicosities with the tourniquet in place indicates significant perforator disease distal to the tourniquet. It is possible to localize incompetent perforating veins by repeating the test with the tourniquet just above the knee. In this case calf varicosities will remain collapsed if the guilty perforating vein is between the saphenofemoral...
+Diagnostic Studies
+The history and physical examination generally facilitate classification of the degree of arterial insufficiency. Diagnostic studies are indicated when the diagnosis is in question, or in preparation for intervention. Noninvasive vascular testing is also useful in establishing the degree of ischemia when there are other confounding factors present, such as venous disease, diabetic foot ulcers, or active infection. Usually the ABI facilitates accurate determination of the degree of limb ischemia however, several conditions exist in which the ABI and segmental pressures may be falsely elevated. These include diabetes, chronic renal failure, and advanced age (over 80 years), which can cause calcification of the medial layer of the arterial wall, which in turn causes incompressibility and subsequent false elevation of any cuff-based determination of peripheral perfusion pressure. An ABI of greater than 0.9 is associated with a readily palpable pulse, and the absence of a pulse with such...
+Clinical Evaluation
+In addition to the multisession embolosclerotherapy as independent and or adjunct perioperative therapy to the VM lesions, the conservative supportive measures to improve and or maintain overall venous function have been supplemented with the use of a graded compression above-knee stocking to prevent chronic venous insufficiency.
+Primary Lymphedema
+CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY,VARICOSE VEINS, LYMPHEDEMA, AND ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS Table 10.5. Lymphangiographie classification of primary lymphedema CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY,VARICOSE VEINS, LYMPHEDEMA, AND ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS Table 10.5. Lymphangiographie classification of primary lymphedema
+Jean Louis Petit
+The pioneer of vascular surgery in Russia was N. I. Pirogov who, in 1865, developed surgical approaches to the aorta and peripheral arteries, arguing against the dogmatic views that a vascular suture was not promising. P. Girsztowt of Warsaw recommended in 1868 the excision of the large varicose veins. Eugene Koeberle, a surgeon in Strasburg, invented a simple haemostatic clamp and applied it in surgery in 1868. It was the first operation actually ushering in our present technique of clamping and tying, which was carried out and popularized by J. Pean with a clamp he invented in 1869 38 . N. V. Ekk, an outstanding Russian surgeon and physiologist in Pavlov's laboratory in St. Petersburg, performed in Friedrich Trendelenburg, in Leipzig Germany, introduced an operation for varicose veins and in 1907 attempted a pulmonary embolectomy however, he saw his pupil W. Kirchner perform a successful embolectomy in 1924, which was popularized later by many surgeons in Europe and the USA 40 . I....
+The patient opted for surgical treatment, under general anaesthesia. On admission and after obtaining patient consent, the operating surgeon marked the position of the varicose veins, with an indelible ink pen, with her standing. The previous duplex ultrasound scan report was reviewed, with attention paid in particular to the position of the incompetent perforating vein and the saphenopopliteal junction. closure of wounds, the patient was placed supine, with the legs abducted and with head-down tilt (Trendelenburg position), to help reduce any intraoperative blood loss. The skin was re-prepared and new drapes were placed appropriately. A short, oblique incision was made in the groin crease, near to the saphenofemoral junction, and by careful dissection, the saphenofemoral junction was identified formally. Subsequently, all tributaries to the LSV were ligated (using absorbable sutures) and divided and in particular, the deep pudendal vein(s). Formal exposure of a small length of the...
+Surgical Management
+There is growing evidence that saphenous surgery improves the quality of life in patients with VVs, and augments the healing and reduces the recurrence of CVU better than compression alone (Dwerryhouse et al., 1999). For optimal results, it is necessary to define the extent and severity of venous disease, usually by means of DU, prior to surgery. Surgery for CVU
+Other Filariasis
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+-------------------------------If life is stupendous one cannot also demand that it should be easy. - Robert Musil
+but it would only be a two year stint in dallas or if that doesn't go through it's looking like my next option is charleston. as much as i love living above and just below the Mason-Dixon line, these winters are starting to suck and going south is sounding more and and more appealing
+Best of luck. Don't end up with a shag either.
+-------“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus
+ive lived in new orleans..no thank you..and atl seem bamma as fk to live in..
+------------------------------------2019 CABG Survivor2016 OK Survivor Championbe about it or be without itRIP GOATs
+ATL won... the lady has family there and it's always been a minor plan to live out there for at least a few years at some point.But I'd love to make a life in N'Awlins.
+****pink toes:
+than whatever john deere tractor they was pushin in atl
+Because to me anything past Cincinnati is southern
+but back then it was very Southern. I'd argue that of the major Texas cities, it's the least Southwestern and most Southern.
+my neighborhood reminded them of la jollai live in The Galleria3rd ward houston looks like southeast san diego or south central LAi was trying hard to find them someothing that was quentisentially HOUSTON and not look like calithe only thing i could come up with is River Oaks>but back then it was very Southern. I'd argue that of the>major Texas cities, it's the least Southwestern and most>Southern.
+I get to come to my second home for nearly a whole month in a few weeks DEC1-23It should be nice to catch up with old friends. May even get some new ink.
+i'd say montrose = kensington/adams ave/hillcrest in san diegomaybe melrose in LAmuseum district is balboa park in san diegosan francisco might better offer more exact replicas of these two nabes tho
+you could say ray st, but there are no galleries there anymoreyou could say barrio logan, but those are craftsman and not artists (no judgement, there just aren't any galleries there)space4art is about it and it's in the east villagesan diego doesn't have an art scene, everything is spread out and ppl are fleeing the city for LA
+where is that in houston?mcgregor???
+i like to do research on OLD black money but houston be leaving me coming up shorteverything is pretty recentlike 1950s and newer
+Houston reminded me a lot of LA for some reason. And I found a reasonably good Jewish deli down there, so I'd survive. New Orleans is just great on a lot of levels though. I've got friends down there, my wife's got family. I hated the humidity, and the French Quarter basically reminded of the LES in the late 80s, but I could keep a pistol on me at all times, which I think balances the whole thing out.
+>Houston reminded me a lot of LA for some reason. >>And I found a reasonably good Jewish deli down there, so I'd>survive. kenny & ziggyz?
+Houston's diverse, has good eats and plenty of jobs. I wouldn't be thrilled driving everywhere, but I think I could cope. Also? Central air.AND HOW YOU GONNA SAY IT'S NOT A SOUTHERN CITY WHEN IT HAS CHIK-FIL-AYOU HEATHEN
+and they had slaves
+crackle barrels is here thobilboards and everything
+>crackle barrels is here tho>bilboards and everything
+and the other one up off Will Clayton is on the way to the airport (if you come up 59) so I know i've seen that one a grillion times tooi aint been to huntsville, alabama in like 20 years but i can rattle off like fifteen diffrent WH locations there with the quickness is up the street and around the corner from ziggysive been thoroughly dissapointed in ziggys and ive been four times or so
+NO seems like a good idea on paper but ionno. I think the idea sounds better than the reality. Never been to HoustonI live in Charlotte tho and have no desire to live in any other southern city.
+New Orleans seems like the most fun in the least about of square footage which is what is the major appeal of East coast city life is. the metropolitian area is more condensed than sprawling and i like that. especially in DC.with that said. i might end up in Atlanta soon. i really don't wanna live there. i think i'd enjoy myself but not as much as i would in DC. but...i'd live like a fucking king. and i wanna live like a fucking king.---------------------------------------it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.not compassionate....only polite.I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
+am i alone in that?
+0/3 for me. Fuck getting felonies for getting caught with weed. Oh, and fuck traffic, too.
+Don't quote me on that though
+I like a dense, urban city, and love the character of the city. I can't fuck with sprawl at all, and Houston is probably the most generic big city in the country.
+Obviously my choice and still is today. I haven't been to Houston yet but I doubt it's better than the ANew Orleans, I think is cool, but I find it very overrated and feel like a lot of ppl didn't give a fuck about it being "cool" until solange and brad Pitt moved down there and of course they weren't checking for it before Katrina Atl been popping and popular
+prototypestand ur ground, believe in urself, believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve
+but I think people always thought NO was a unique, almost magical city. It's easily one of the most romanticized American cities.
+i still blame hip-hop.
+live in houstondeal with fuckery from rental units in atlnawlins is a 4hrs drive from my housei dont know if nawlins is cool to live in and make a life out of day in day outschools are all TRASH in nawlinsyou MUST go pprivatein atl/hou there are some decent schools depending upon where you livei choose houston as texas has no state income taxand we are 30mins from the water (Kemah) with some of the best seafood you can haveand since we close to nawlins we get truckloads of crawfish too
+AKA a gang of MexicansNew Orleans is dope but I already drink enough. Seems like the type of town folks drink real heavy (even though NYC ranks up there too)
+I haven't been to Atlanta in a long time but I used to love it when I'd go. Unfortunately, one of my recent requirements for a city is that it has to be near a big body of water. New Orleans is dope too although I'm less sure about living there. I've never been anywhere in Texas but I'd like to visit. How far is Houston from the coast? And that post yesterday talking about 30 degree weather might knock Houston off any list.
+yet you want to be a african americana studies person/professional
+My fam in Pittsburgh act like it's still 1960 down south....These same family members live 15 minutes from some of the most racist little small towns outside of Pittsburgh. when they go down south for a family trip and see a pickup truck with a rebel flag they act shook as shit. All while living 10 minutes from towns with racist white people with pickup trucks who have no problem letting people know they don't fuck with Black people.
+think they "classy" because they went to the AUC and act like reality TV show stars BAMMAS.I could make a whole separate post going in on ATL. **********"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
+**********"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
+from the basketball wife types all the way to the extreme bohos. smh.
+be what it is if it wasn't (Black Hollywood). gotta take the good with the bad. its a beautiful city though with a lot of cool people and scenes going on. but yeah the ratchetness is part of the beauty imo #slumbeautiful
+As stupid as thinking that every man in Philly had a thick beard and said yerpATL is way more than y'all silly stereotypes.
+>As stupid as thinking that every man in Philly had a thick>beard and said yerpYou can also throw in Former Spoken Word Poet/Neo Soul Artist and penciled in hairline. You cool though blackprince, present company excluded of course.**********"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
+Since 1976
+>As stupid as thinking that every man in Philly had a thick>beard and said yerp
+I think these reality shows have people all fucked up on what ATL is like. When I go I have a great time but then again I never bought into the Southern stereotypes and spent half my life down here. people in ATL are no more annoying than NYC "nah mean" niggas or shady Philly/Jersey niggas
+---------------------------------------it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.not compassionate....only polite.I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
+and the ironic part is that the people they are describing are not true ATLiens, but transplants.
+_______________________________________"I'm gonna treat OKP better during the 2nd half of the year. So, expect new things and better dialog."~Case_One
+And Ay-raab bodegas.There is nothing else to New York.Only Manhattan exists, too.That is about as accurate as you paint Atlanta. Which makes sense because someone lie you couldn't possibly have access to the real Atlanta.For that you need to know people who matter beyond their financi plan.
+"Those loud ass New Yorkers that come to ATL and can't stop talking about NYC"This road goes both directions
+A full 50% of "NYers" I met in the army couldn't tell me shit about the city.
+but shit ain't that serious.
+brunch you were planning for this weekend. **********"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
+jkima let yall fuck niggas cookand I say that with love, king
+________________________________________"A Slew Of Empty Gas In My Tank" (C) Khujo Goodie
+That just the level yall got to stoop to trick people to move there. **********"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
+and we talkin Atlanta, the cityyou seem to be referring to the outskirtsthats the problem...niggas move from Queensbridge to Stockbridge and stay hollerin Atlanta wack lol
+I still don't understand the logic of being 15 miles out from Atlanta, but still saying they live in Atlanta. Especially since it causes the kind of confusion that it does. I guess claiming "ATL" sounds a whole lot cooler than "Decatur" (pop. 20k)
+just can't.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~instagram:"There is much temptation to use what has worked before,even when it may exceed its effective scope.""Roll me further bitch"
+you have listed and seriously pondering moving to the other one after a recent visit, I'd say Atlanta is still the best city in the south to live inHouston seems really really nice but to be fair don't know enough abt itbutI am surprised NO is leading this poll questionI couldn't disagree more - NO of course has some attractive features to it (food/music) but unless you have money this is far from the best place to live inThe French Quarter is great and all but after awhile it gets old too after you've lived here The blk folx here are hurting worse than any other (southern) city I've lived in or been to...there are no jobs other than service related jobs mostly in the French Quarter...the educational system is hortible and consequently that has factored into a lot of the ignorance and backwardness you see amongst the poor blk ppl
+at least in Houston or ATL you have mobility
+About that city, I dont find it all that nice. Some of the people are great ( a good number very shady tho) and the food is great and the drinking/party culture is fun as a visitor but erra yeah. Not my cup, I'll just say
+if that counts
+What, ordering something not on the menu, or Austin?♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
+-30-You know it's drama, but it sound real good.
+--Sometimes you have to look reality in the face and say 'No!'-Ben (Reaper)
+IG: hibelk
+Only been there for a quick stop But I got some friends who lived there and they seem to like itI read that they call Charlotte "little Atlanta" I wanna check it out tho
+I finally got to check Charlotte out around 2001 and was underwhelmed. To be fair, all of the comparisons to Atlanta probably got my expectations way up. But Charlotte was a little bit slower than I expected. I imagine things might have changed within the last 13+ years though.
+I wish it had more lounges and chill spots but at the same time it's not that big of a deal because I don't run the streets like I used to.
+It has failed to live up to its promise and has only become more conservative over the years.
+They definitely fucked up teachers pay but its not like they are hosing Blacks and Gays down with water. I'm always amused by people who write off a whole state after an election or conservative law is passed.
+>I'm always amused by people who write off a whole state after>an election or conservative law is passed. and it's not just one election. I expect the kind of fuckery that's going on over there in SOUTH Carolina, but since McCrony took over there it's been non-stop contempt of the people who live there from the powers that be....
+I hoped that a state that has touted "North Carolina exceptionalism" would become, hmm I dunno, exceptional -- at least compared to other states in the South. That hasn't been the case, especially for Blacks, women, or LGBT people. I knew that North Carolina was generally broke, boring, Churchy as all hell, and plagued with identity issues when I was going to college there, but it has only become more conservative over the years (at least in all sectors of its government), and none of its biggest cities, as far as I can tell, have become more interesting. Culturally, I don't think it's a great place to live if you aren't as obsessed with Church as everyone else is.Charlotte, its most promising city, was surprisingly slow when I went. Why live there when I could live in Atlanta? What is exceptional about Charlotte and other places in North Carolina?
+Why would you believe that bullshit? LOL...That isn't Charlotte's fault that's your fault for believing the hype. Charlotte is a 2nd tier city like Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati.. but what makes Charlotte different is the growth. No city in the US with at least 500K has grown as fast as Charlotte over the last 10 years. As far as church and conservatives go.. talk about a lazy critique of southern city? why not throw in a Nascar and Civil War diss as well? GA is a more conservative state than NC. North Carolina is purple as fuck and Charlotte is Blue as hell. Sure, the state congress is conservative right now but it doesn't effect you day to day operations. You make it sound like Charlotte is in a dry county and the sheriff said no dancing. GTFOH.. your criticism sounds a little personal.
+Hence why I'd choose Atlanta over Charlotte. >Why would you believe that bullshit? LOL...I didn't believe that Charlotte was the next anything, but a lot of people in North Carolina did. I think the state has suffered from an identity crisis in general.>As far as church and conservatives go.. talk about a lazy>critique of southern city? why not throw in a Nascar and Civil>War diss as well? I'm a need you to keep up. It wasn't a critique of a specific city, it was a critique of the state in general. Georgia is too conservative and churchy, too. But unlike Georgia, North Carolina doesn't have a city that I'd want to live in. >GA is a more conservative state than NC. North Carolina is>purple as fuck and Charlotte is Blue as hell. Sure, the state>congress is conservative right now but it doesn't effect you>day to day operations. It seemed to me that ATL was more insulated from GA's conservative culture than Charlotte was insulated from North Carolina's, but maybe that has changed. I will pray for Charlotte's continued evolution.>You make it sound like Charlotte is in a dry county and the>sheriff said no dancing. GTFOH.. your criticism sounds a>little personal. Dry or not, Charlotte did feel slow and, at least culturally, unexceptional. Your responses to me are way more personal than anything I've stated. Perhaps living in Charlotte has made you insecure.
+I'm trying to move to Charlotte in the next few years, tired of this dump called Columbia, SC, this place is hell & backwards as fuck and going further down the drain unless you're white & love Gamecocks, it's full of wanna-be's and keeping up with the Joneses when the Joneses are in the same piss pot as you are.ATL is cool but it's done and overrated, it blew up after the Olympics and everyone is nothing but hustling in circles, but only the people who already hustled and made it elsewhere will make it there; traffic is stupid crazy, and the rest of GA is nothing but country & woods like SC, don't know why people think the entire state is what GA is, just like people who think the state of NY is similar to NYC, NOPE!---------"We in here talking about later career Prince records& your fool ass is cruising around in a time machinetrying to collect props for a couple of sociopathic degenerates" - s.blak
+If you're looking for anything to do...and I mean ANYTHING..you're out of luck.It's extremely clique-ish..and thats for everything.You want to get on Djing somewhere? You better know somebodyYou want to put your art up/have an art show? You better know somebodyYou just want to find out where "the cool kids go"? You better know somebodyAnd even then, theres not much variety in what there is to do. You can go to this bar.....or that bar....or that one over there.You like listening to hip-hop in a public setting? Theres ONE venue for that.You wanna just chill with your lady in a lounge-type environment? Good luck..And dont get me started on the "public transportation". Its pointless..friggin pointless.You want to find a good sports bar to have good sports conversation? Forget it. Most fans at the Panthers game dont know that youre supposed to be the hell quiet when we have the ball...but donr worry about that lasting all game...they leave before the third quarter is over. You dig music festivals? Well then, you're in luck! The annual Speed Street Festival should do you right! Three days of Coors light drinkin' NASCAR fans invade the city to hear the likes of Trace Adkins, Three Doors Down and whoever else is the new "hot country act". The "Black Night" is on Thursday...the first night of the festival. Headliners in years past have included Jon B, Midnight Starr, and last year it was a Michael Jackson cover band.Wanna take the kids out? Lets see...you got....Discovery Place...uhh...the new jawn down the street from there...uhh..oh! The Nature Museum, where they still have the owls and snakes that were there when I was elementary school.You dont go to church on the regular? Prepare to NOT fit in with your co-workers.I LOVE my friends and family in Charlotte...but I would never, ever move back. For those who havent been in a while, nothings changed.We covered by the Blood which never loose it's power
+I missed SWV last year..
+>I missed SWV last year. Other than The Time, who really gives a ^^@%? . Music Factory? You might as well said Epicenter.Common Market? I'll never understand why "us folk" still support CM, given their racist behaviour.>. >Impressed...more like surprised, lol. Take away "The CI' " and theres nothing. The sad part about the spots you did name...the lounges in particular, they prolly wont be there 2 years from now. Soul Gastro...the coolest spot in Charlotte...We covered by the Blood which never loose it's power
+I don't have enough info on Common Market to call it racist. I just buy the beer and drink it while chilling for a few. I don't really fuck with CIAA like that because the prices are fucking insane.
+As a non-southerner living in Atlanta for as long as I have now to consider my self as close to an Atlantan as I'll likely get, we are quickly becoming as unlivable as Houston in terms of sprawl, congestion and quickly losing our identity. In terms of "why did I come down here", it was for weather and slower pace of life. That version of Atlanta is packing it's bags and getting it's mail forwarded as we speak.
+I didn't spend that much time there but I loved the vibe the few times I was there.
+Nashville, Louisville, Charlestonthese are so underrated
+i dont have colorsmy mmsic:
+>>i dont have colors>my mmsic: >>>
+I love the food, drank and culture. Very unique city.
+Below the Mason Dixon Line is the SOUTH! Bamas! ROTFL..."In God's Kingdom, your greatness isn't measured by how much you gain and keep. No, true Kingdom greatness is measured by how much you give way."
+Let me sport my Air Hyperbole 2010s in peace. (c) ansombleBuilding repetoires (c) spm since 1983
+..."In God's Kingdom, your greatness isn't measured by how much you gain and keep. No, true Kingdom greatness is measured by how much you give way."
+are Tampa and CharlotteMaybe Charleston or Tybee Island, if I could live on the beach.
+wasn't feeling the idea of moving there after visiting last monthI love the city as a touristNot much opportunity there to make real bread either
+Moreso confused by the hype
+just touring/vacationing in NO and it's easy to have a misleading perception of this city in particular when you're down here fulfilling all your hedonistic desires lolIt's a great place to visit...a great place, but to live here? There's definitely other cities in the south I'd choose before here...but I do like it here, and the city is *slowly* bouncing back post-Katrina>Moreso confused by the hype
+from a tourist perspective you think: the french quarter, bourbon, the pretty architecture, the food, the international party appeal, the romantic moments...but living there?? driving up and down them hood ass streets everyday? I'm goodoutside the tourist stuff (which you will get sick of), there is not much to see or get excited aboutPlus it's hot and swampy
+>from a tourist perspective you think: the french quarter,>bourbon, the pretty architecture, the food, the international>party appeal, the romantic moments...^^^everything you said is what initially hooked me - I took a tour of the city and was blown away w/the history, architecture, accents (lol), drive-thru daiquiri spots and everything else in between...but all that shit wear off after abt two mos.>>but living there?? driving up and down them hood ass streets>everyday? I'm goodYes, the 9th ward is just pitiful - it literally looks like next to nothing has been done there after Katrina...and those hood streets you mentioned run right into the nice streets/areas because as the ppl say here: there's no such thing as a nice neighborhood in NOLA, just nice streets>>outside the tourist stuff (which you will get sick of), there>is not much to see or get excited aboutSadly, this is true>>Plus it's hot and swampySticky hot>>>>>>>
+it wasnt like L9 was some opulent nabe where kings and kings resided and all the homes were kept upmost them houses were barely liveableijsagain,the day in and day out of living in a tourist city is not what it's cracked up to bebeen theredone thatyou can't live in "the moment" of the beautiful beach or being drunk on bourbon/canal every day of the yearyou need employmentproper grocery storesdecent public schoolssafe neighborhoodsevery time we'd go to nawlins we'd always be gingerly creeping around this or that neighborhoodreminded me of visitng my cousins in south central in the mid-80shead constantly stayed on swivel
+Growing up, I used to spend summers with my cousins in N.O. and from the early to the late 80s, growing up in N.O. was fuckin awesome. Now, I'm like Bugs Bunny - it's a lovely place to visit but I wouldn't wanna live there.
+--------------- "And I don't like niggas screamin 'live life' when you livin life like a pussy/Green dot goals get sent to my niggas, Lord pray I keep a'pushin!'" © Black Phil Collins
+the Christmas festival up there tho... and get a meat pie.
+That shyt is comicalbut im banned tho.____________Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
+so it's really nothing new other than all the available media now. The recovery was low hanging fruit for every blogger, douchey online magazine, etc to cover, so you have more media attn now. Otherwise, same as it ever was.
+Austin has Beckys and Yoga. Houston has everything else. I don't know which one to choose but I'd go with Austin first as I need time to readjust to life after my situation. Fuck around and step wrong in Houston to the right person by accident..........
+ATL is a dope city and not too far out so there's def some pros there but if i had to pick one on a whim i'd say NO. David Simon done conditioned my conditioning.: @BrosefMalone
+2. white ppl choosing cities that aint even listed as choices3. folks go way off board talkin about god and Bluppies.
+... if only because I would know some people there/have family thereand honestly I'd rather go to Charlotte for thatbut to put me back in the South (as a resident) is going to take an Act of God
+a random lady recently visited there and said jobs are plentiful down that bitch. also someone at my job anonymously sent me a dallas map and tourist info too...hope to check it out soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~instagram:"There is much temptation to use what has worked before,even when it may exceed its effective scope.""Roll me further bitch"
+I dig Nashville, haven't been to H-Town but my fave cuzzo lives there & he wants me to check it owt
+Furious Styles: Confederate on iTunes: to Black Confederate:: WakandanKing Follow
+I'd pick New Orleans then Houston.
+New Orleans is one of the most interesting cities I've ever set foot in. I get so inspired every time I visit, and I imagine myself making a life there. But where the hell would I work?? I don't think there are any jobs for me. Meanwhile, Atlanta has more of a global economy. And, of course, it's one of the best places in the world to be Black and gay.Houston seems ok...but I don't like the idea of living in Texas lol. The sprawl of Houston really turns me off. And I don't think anyone from the Northeast would ever visit me.
+---------------------------------------blog:: Fishgreasetwitter: wooly_caesarPodcast
+if you are neither of those things I would still pick ATL over Charlotte. The only reason I won't move to ATL is because it's too spread out. I hate driving in ATL.
+especially in it's spoken form. Fuck that shit all the way.
+fuck you.
+its just way too spread out, hot, and humid for me to find it as liveable.
+ are usually approved by the city you live with. You can't get rid of flammable or maybe hazardous products or car tires and appliances in your dumpster. You can get hit that has a fine if you put outlawed materials in your dumpster. So, uncover what the rules are usually about what it is possible to and cannot throw-away before starting assembling your project.
+In addition to making an attempt to gauge their level of support, another good sign is what type of experience the firm has.
+You will simply end up paying for the free place if you hire a roll off dumpster when your waste disposal is extremely less. Consult the Waste Bin in White Hall, MD companies if they rent waste dumpster that are smaller in size when put next to roll off dumpsters. These waste dumpsters usually vary from 2 yard to 8 property.
+A company together with fantastic customer support will help you to decide what size dumpster you may need to rent. You should have the selection of small, moderate or big. The small dumpster is wonderful for small property remodeling assignments such as your restroom. The moderate dumpster is good for 1 layer involving replacing roof structure or home remodeling. The large dumpster is for very big home redesigning projects and may fit upward to ten pickup truck loads or maybe four plenty of debris.
+It is possible to rent a overnight dumpster in Baltimore. It should be as simple as making a rapid phone call to plan your rental.
+When you are reducing, remember to reuse along with recycle. Alloys like birdwatcher can be bought at save yourself shops should you have scrap lying around. Old vacant cans may be used to store toenails or screws. You could perhaps try selling old exercise equipment you no longer experience the internet (or maybe give it to an associate). Or, should you have way more as opposed to occasional object that you no longer want or maybe need, take advantage of the newfound place to have a garage sale. If you're in a hurry to get rid of almost everything, though, be at liberty to put it in your rented dumpster. A lot of Waste Bin in White Hall, MD companies goes the extra mile to minimize their environment impact by going through the dumpster's articles to find recyclable and eco friendly materials they will either recycle or give away to charity.
+Having a Waste Bin in White Hall, MD does not require almost any big tactical plans as with case of the big enterprise issues. You simply need to book a dumpster specifying the of Waste Bin in White Hall, MD. To ebook a dumpster, you may need to place an order together with Waste Bin in White Hall, MD service provider. An earlier intimation of Twenty four hours will help your Waste Bin in White Hall, MD service provider to spot a right dimensions dumpster at your entrance step.
+In business that is reliant so seriously on repeat customers along with overall status, you want a Waste Bin in White Hall, MD firm that has endured the long haul along with survived: in other words, an established along with experienced firm. Many of the Waste Bin in White Hall, MD corporations you may find could finish up getting untrustworthy pop up rental firms that exist for a few years, topple under a inadequate reputation, then pop up someplace else under a diverse name, making an attempt to pull the same tricks. A new well-established company can have none of the issues and able to verify worthy of their own reputation. Just as one added preventative measure, feel free to check out reviews for each and every company you consider and ask for references if you like. Good reviews along with good references will be a fairly easy determiner of a actually excellent firm.
+There are many when you may need a Waste Bin in White Hall. You purchased a brand new second home that you just consider a cottage. You got the great price on the cabin with a gorgeous property and body of water rights. The cabin requirements to have some remodeling done. The primary item you see that needs to utilized care of could be the roof. The roof is starting to outflow and the tiles are gradually being lost off of the roof as the nails are developing from it.
+A dumpster hire from professional rental service provider is the cost-effective way to take care of the trash that is certainly generated whether it be construction spend or environment friendly yard spend or household or commercial waste. A Waste Bin in White Hall to wipe out your trash might save 3 things working hard, time and money. It also keeps you actually safe from getting injured because of to improper controlling of the rubbish. With a Waste Bin in White Hall, you and your neighbor will probably be gifted an excellent health and cleanse environment. It keeps your area clean. The particular beneficiaries of Waste Bin in White Hall services are passed across diverse sectors for example construction sites, schools, accommodations, industrial initiatives, household restorations and so on.
+You offer equipped condos to your condo apartment renter's. You will have to dispose off the bedroom mattresses from occasion to time. If you rent a dumpster this is an easy way to dispose off large and bulky mattresses. Any other old furniture can easily be thrown out in the dumpster as well.
+Examine the dumpster companies policy on what can't be added to his or her dumpster(s). As an illustration, most dumpster organizations will not enable concrete within their dumpster. Concrete may stick and cause the dumpster to ponder more, occupy room and basically make dumpster not as beneficial as it should be.
+When you have a large amount of recyclable content or rubbish to get rid of, a dumpster can be the ticket. Get in touch with a local company that has a several references and who've been running a business for a while. Are going to able to help your ascertain the best possible style and type of dumpster for your needs. Do check your local regulations, and the company will help you about this, to see exactly where your type of trash or recyclable could be dumped. The purchase price you may would depend on the weight and type of rubbish you have and where it has to end up being haled away to. Furthermore, go for a company who has a excellent price, nevertheless doesn't have any sexual affair lengthy and time-wasting online forms to complete.
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+A Century of Terror: The 100 Best Horror Movies of the Last 100 Years By Jim Vorel | July 24, 2019 | 10:00am Movies Lists horror movies Share Tweet Submit Pin 1970: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage The Year The. 1971: The Devils The Year 1971 is a year that continues the strong run of European horror output, while crystalizing the trend toward “extreme” horror at the same time with a bevy of films that deeply challenged censors and audiences alike. There are more roots of the quietly approaching slasher genre to be found here, as well as the debut of one of the greatest populist film directors of all time. There’s simply a prodigious amount of horror cinema in general, and greater output from the U.S. than in the last few years as well. The horror genre is as popular in this moment as it’s ever been, and inarguably more transgressive at this time than at any point in the past. More and more, horror cinema is coming to represent the deviant side of a cultural divide between “serious” film critics of the day and the thrill-seeking, supposedly deviant audience members who packed grindhouse theaters and kept the flow of pulp coming. This year certainly doesn’t want for films that stirred up controversy, as The Devils is among the most scandalous horror pictures ever released, while Straw Dogs also caused a scene, leading to accusations that it (along with the likes of A Clockwork Orange, released a few months earlier) represented a new, disturbing wave of brutal violence in American film. Sam Peckinpah’s film in particular seemed to be misunderstood in its initial release, as contemporary reviews failed to appreciate the complex motives of its antagonists and the delicate progression of Dustin Hoffman’s David Sumner from milquetoast academic to testosterone-crazed home defender. Straw Dogs is a film about difficult choices, and it doesn’t seem to offer any real opinion of its own on whether David’s choices in particular are the “correct” way, or the only way, that the ultimate confrontation could have gone down. We understand why he does what he does, but the audience’s personal detachment from the crippling affronts experienced by David (and especially by his wife) put us at a distance far enough removed to see alternate routes, or ways that violence might have been avoided—which only makes the killings seem more senseless. At the same time, Mario Bava is experimenting with depictions of cinematic death that are meant to be consumed in a considerably less challenging, more titillating way, in his important proto-slasher, A Bay of Blood. In terms of structure, this is very nearly a true slasher film, sprinkling stalking and grisly kills (replete with bright red rushes of blood) among a cast of characters gathered at the titular bay. Several of its death scenes would be repeated almost exactly in Friday the 13th Part 2 in particular, most notably the sequence in which two young lovers in mid-coitus are simultaneously killed by a spear that impales both. The only thing that keeps A Bay of Blood in the giallo rather than slasher camp, in fact, is its focus on mystery and concrete, real-world motivations for the killings, which revolve around financial gain rather than demented sport. Still, it’s clear that the true slashers are almost upon us now. 1971 is also home to an array of other notable films, including Duel, the feature-length horror-thriller debut of Steven Spielberg, along with Vincent Price’s classic, campy revenge story The Abominable Dr. Phibes and another Cushing and Lee anthology film from Amicus, The House That Dripped Blood. Truly, there’s too much good stuff here to even list it all. 1971 Honorable Mentions: Straw Dogs, A Bay of Blood, Let’s Scare Jessica to Death, Duel, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Twins of Evil, The House That Dripped Blood, The Omega Man The Film: The Devils Director: Ken Russell There’s little doubt that Ken Russell’s The Devils is among the most audacious historical dramas/horror films ever made, featuring striking performances, elegant cinematography, and yes—an incredibly depraved, sacrilegious stance toward the church. Even in its heavily edited state, it’s a film that still needs to be seen to be believed, and remains one that many film aficionados simply choose to ignore from a comfortable distance. The “uncut” version of The Devils, likewise, is quite difficult to lay one’s hands on, but it contains scenes that are all the more shockingly explicit and powerful. This is a film that truly redefined the nature of trying to provoke a reaction via outrage in cinema. The Devils is based on Aldous Huxley’s 1952 text The Devils of Loudun, concerning a case of supposed mass demonic possession that struck a convent of Catholic nuns in the city of Loudun, France in the 17th century. The true root of the possessions was unsurprisingly a political one, as the royally backed governors of the region wish to tear down the city’s fortifications to prevent the local Protestant population from being able to fortify the city against the crown. Standing in their way is Catholic priest Urbain Grandier, who is betrayed by a jilted, hunchbacked nun who is secretly in love with him, and accused of crimes that include an array of supposedly devilish doings. As Grandier, English star Oliver Reed gives a performance for the ages; a magnetic tour-de-force delivered with dramatic, Shakespearean overtones. Grandier is a self-obsessed and worldly man of the cloth, fallen from the pure of faith no doubt, but with the safety of the populace as his primary objective. Women are drawn to him, and understandably so—he possesses a rugged masculinity and commanding presence the Latvian Orthodox priests on Seinfeld would no doubt have termed “the Kavorka.” Every time Reed speaks, the people around him listen, and he holds the audience in rapt awe. Russell highlights this well, especially in one sequence as he cross-cuts back and forth between Grandier stirring up the townspeople and a duplicitous cardinal inciting the king against Grandier and the city of Loudun. Actress Vanessa Redgrave, likewise, is stunning as the deeply repressed and pathetic sister Jeanne de Anges, the hunchbacked sister who eventually leads a crusade against Grandier, roping in the rest of the nuns along with her. Together, they’re forced to perform wild feats of hedonism as proof of their possession by the devil, in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for their behaviors. They play-act these behaviors with reckless abandon; pawns in the church’s game to dispose of Grandier and subdue the city. Redgrave emotes both guilty piety and a lust she knows she’ll never be rid of, and is quickly consumed by both. The singular images of The Devils range from the profound to the patently absurd—at one point a man with a sword fights another one holding a stuffed crocodile—but they’re impossible to forget. Mountains of corpses tumble into pits, the result of horrific depictions of the agony of the plague. Disorienting fantasy and dream sequences openly mock sacred Christian imagery. It’s a true fever dream of a film, suffused in sweat, tears and mucous. If you feel the need to take a shower afterward, you’re likely not alone. 1972: The Night Stalker The Year This is another one of those years that is rife with thrillers bordering on the edge of horror, but in the case of films such as Deliverance or Alfred Hitchcock’s Frenzy, we’re ultimately inclined to keep them out of the official “horror” genre. As for the rest of the year, many of the themes of the early 1970s continue to gather strength, including graphic violence, wanton sexuality and an increasingly exploitative mindset. There is certainly a feeling in the air that the genre is exploring a side of cinema that many viewers would have preferred to see kept out of the public eye entirely, which manifests in a moral blowback of sorts against horror movies. In Italy, director Lucio Fulci, who already has two decades of directing experience under his belt at this time, begins to move in the direction of horror with the influential giallo film Don’t Torture a Duckling. Containing a rather scathing portrayal of the Catholic church that calls to mind last year’s The Devils (although nowhere near so depraved), Don’t Torture a Duckling follows a detective searching for a serial killer of children, and displays some of the touches that would become Fulci’s hallmarks in a series of supernatural horror films in the 1980s, especially his creative use of gore and strange death scenes. Along with Mario Bava and Dario Argento, Fulci would become one of the three biggest icons in Italian horror cinema. All throughout Europe, the horror gravy train is moving at full speed. Amicus Productions in the U.K. has a particularly notable year in 1972, releasing not one but two of its signature horror anthologies, Asylum and the EC Comics-inspired Tales From the Crypt. The latter is a fun footnote in horror history for the fact that it may have been the first depiction of a killer Santa Claus, who appears in its best-known segment, “...And All Through the House,” far predating the considerable ruckus and outrage that would be stirred up by the likes of 1984’s Silent Night, Deadly Night. Not to be outdone, Hammer also releases Vampire Circus, a heavily eroticized panoply of breasts and fangs that feels sadly like an older studio trying to keep up with changing appetites. Confirming that impression, meanwhile, is Hammer’s Dracula A.D. 1972, which bizarrely tries to transplant the Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee vampire dynamic to the modern day, with tonally jumbled results. This more or less marks the end of the golden era of Hammer Horror, although there are still a few offerings to come. This year is also home to the first in Spanish director Amando de Ossorio’s “Blind Dead” series, Tombs of the Blind Dead, which would set the tone for the deluge of post-Romero Italian and Spanish zombie cinema that would be coming down the pipe in a few years, as well as Wes Craven’s notorious rape-and-revenge feature The Last House on the Left. 1972 Honorable Mentions: Don’t Torture a Duckling, Tales From the Crypt, What Have You Done to Solange?, Asylum, Images, Vampire Circus, The Last House on the Left, Tombs of the Blind Dead, Dracula A.D. 1972, Horror Express The Film: The Night Stalker Director: John Llewellyn Moxey Those who are aware of the legend of Kolchak: The Night Stalker tend to fall into one of two camps: Either they were regular network TV watchers in the early 1970s, or they were deeply passionate about The X-Files in the 1990s and 2000s. Fans of Chris Carter’s seminal sci-fi/horror investigation series know that the series was deeply indebted to the legacy of one Carl Kolchak, and actor Darren McGavin even made appearances on The X-Files as a character named Arthur Dale, referred to as “the father” of the X-Files program. But fans of The Night Stalker knew it was really a tribute to Kolchak, the hard-nosed newspaperman/investigator of the supernatural. The Night Stalker is the rare TV movie inclusion into this project; a surprisingly effective, though tonally unusual and fast-moving horror story about a Las Vegas wire service reporter who stumbles onto a rash of killings that appear to be vampiric in nature. It’s an amalgam of disparate genre influences, playing in large portions like a police procedural drama, but peppered with Kolchak’s own colorful, film noir-style narration, like he’s a cross between Sam Spade and Rod Serling. The reporter’s relationship with his editor, meanwhile, is straight out of police shows and films of the era, with Kolchak as the “loose cannon” rogue cop and editor Vincenzo as the antacid-chewing, red-faced obstacle who says things like “I expect you to report, not come back with fairytales!” As Kolchak, Darren McGavin—an actor primarily known to most modern audiences as “The Old Man” from A Christmas Story—is a delightfully sardonic presence. He’s a truly oddball character, a hard-drinking goofball who has the enthusiasm of a child when sticking it to the local authority figures, but also isn’t afraid to descend into the suspected lair of a vampiric serial killer with zero backup. He somehow manages to maintain a wide network of informants and friends who seem to like him against their own wills, while being petulant enough that he delights in correcting someone’s grammar while they’re in the middle of berating him. He is, suffice to say, the last character you’d expect to see pitted against a vampire, which gives The Night Stalker an aura that runs actively counter to contemporary vampire films from the likes of Hammer. The vampire, too, has been updated here for the modern world in a way that is much more organic and realistic than the silliness of Dracula A.D. 1972. This vampire, one “Janos Skorzeny,” projects more of the vibe of desperate drug addict than an all-powerful creature of the night, putting himself in serious risk to attain blood on a nightly basis. He engages in car chases of all things with police, and lives in a messy hovel, which looks for all intents and purposes like an unkempt drug den. He’s powerful, shrugging off bullets and throwing men through fourth-story windows, but is simultaneously a pathetic figure who is unable to adapt to a world that is quickly leaving him behind. Although the majority of the film concerns itself with the investigation and the pleasantly prickly performance of McGavin as Kolchak, The Night Stalker does have some genuine moments of fright as well. There are a few solid jump-scares sprinkled throughout, and things finally do get legitimately spooky in the film’s final third, as Kolchak creeps around the vampire’s lair, taking photos for his investigation. The suspense of these sequences is nicely drawn out, leading to a final confrontation that echoes the one between Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in 1958’s Horror of Dracula. The classics, as they say, never truly go out of style. 1973: The Exorcist The Year. 1974: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre The Year As we. 1975: Jaws The Year Compared with the heady days of the early 1970s, horror finally seems to be slowing down a little bit by the time we reach 1975. The insane output from Europe is beginning to ebb a bit—Hammer has just about run out of steam in the U.K., and giallo is beginning to lose a bit of its luster in Italy, although the genre will ebb and flow there in popularity well through the 1980s. There’s a few classics at the top of this list, but when looking at the whole field of honorable mentions, the lack of depth becomes much more apparent. Jaws, obviously, is a major moment in populist film history—the coronation of Spielberg, and the birth of the idea of summer blockbuster season. Is it a horror film? Well, to the entire generation of bathers literally terrified to walk into the ocean past their ankles, it’s safe to say it was. It was so successful, in fact, at demonizing the great white shark that author Peter Benchley eventually came to rue his influence in world-wide shark-phobia, becoming a prominent marine conservation activist in the process. The only film that can hold a candle to Jaws as an artistic accomplishment—certainly not at the box office, that’s for certain—would be Dario Argento’s Deep Red, a seminal giallo that catches the director at a perfect midpoint between his earlier proto-slashers and the supernatural horror he would soon unleash in the likes of Suspiria. This is a delightfully over-the-top murder mystery with numerous slasher elements and classic giallo style dressing, ‘ala the killer’s black leather gloves. It stands out largely for its kills, each of which are inventive and plain weird, focusing in on strangely intimate and painful details (like a man repeatedly having his mouth and teeth smashed against various household objects), which serves to make them that much more uncomfortable to watch. As he would on Suspiria, Argento collaborates with the art rock band Goblin for the film’s distinctive, electronically tinged soundtrack. Fun fact: The director discovered Goblin after failing to book none other than Pink Floyd for the job. Now that would have been something to hear. Other prominent entries at our 1970s midpoint include the still-disgusting sexual sadism and torture seen in Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, along with the classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers riff seen in The Stepford Wives, the actual Body Snatchers remake still being a couple of years away. We also have David Cronenberg making his genre debut with Shivers, and the well-remembered TV horror anthology Trilogy of Terror. The latter is mostly referenced for its final story starring Karen Black, in which a woman is terrorized by a living, African “Zuni fetish doll” with razor sharp teeth, the image of which splits the difference between “adorable” and “hideous.” To those who think Child’s Play was the first killer doll story, check this one out. 1975 Honorable Mentions: Deep Red, Shivers, Trilogy of Terror, The Stepford Wives, Salò, Race With the Devil The Film: Jaws Director: Steven Spielberg When you get right down to it, sharks hardly needed Steven Spielberg’s help to frighten the masses. Unlike vampires, or werewolves, or the bulbous-headed aliens of 1950s stock science fiction, a hungry shark represents a rational fear, should you somehow manage to encounter one on the open ocean. Moreover, sharks are frightening for the fact that, should you actually encounter one on its home turf, a human being is automatically at an absurd disadvantage in a face-to-jaws encounter. Their perfect symmetry—what Richard Dreyfuss refers to in this film as a “perfect eating machine”—highlights man’s own ill adaptation toward truly fighting his own battles. In this way, Jaws calls attention to our own species’ lack of guts—in the metaphorical sense, of course. We have plenty of guts, when it comes to being what Dreyfuss also described as “a hot lunch” in the same scene. Of course, the presence of Steven Spielberg doesn’t hurt, either, when it comes to populating this tale with instantly memorable characters. And truly, Jaws is fully dependent on its wonderfully fleshed out characters. At the center there’s Brody—respected, empathetic, but occasionally indecisive, torn between the extremes of Hooper’s informed (but hyperbolic) prophesying and Mayor Vaughn’s arrogant, pigheaded (but financially sound) commitment toward keeping the beaches open. One side asks Brody to doom Amity Island’s economy. The other demands he place the townspeople in danger. And watching from the wings the whole time is Robert Shaw’s Quint, his face a perfect picture of disdain for everyone else on the island, waiting for Brody to finally give him leave to do what he knows needs to be done. The interplay between Brody, Hooper and Quint is particularly beautiful, as each approaches the island’s shark problem from a very different position of knowledge and empathy. It reaches its zenith in the much-quoted scene in the Orca’s cabin, where the three drunk men relate love stories and shark stories, culminating in Quint’s chilling recollection of the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis. Few “horror” films are known for their powerful monologues—this is one of the exceptions. The strength of Jaws’ characters was doubly important for the practical fact that the film’s animatronic shark bodies were so famously temperamental and perpetually on the fritz. As a result, the thought of the shark is always on the periphery of the audience’s attention, but until the final hunt we see its power only through the devastation it wreaks, whether it’s the ragdolled body of the swimmer in the opening scene or the massive bite marks in the sunken boat Hooper investigates. It manages to lull the audience into an expectation of never really seeing the shark in the flesh, which is gloriously shattered by its sudden appearance to Brody, making the shot one of cinema’s all-time jump scares. It’s the switch-throwing moment in Jaws—once the shark decides to make its presence known, displaying a disturbing degree of premeditated intelligence, we leave the brooding mystery of the film’s first half behind to focus entirely on a personal battle of man vs. nature. And my, how effective is that shark, once we finally get to see it? It looms large in any kind of pantheon of cinematic “villains,” even if its behavior is simply meant to be predatory instinct—inaccurate to real life as that may be. Spielberg imbues the shark with a streak of malevolence that seems far more human than animal—there’s no good reason for it to be so hell-bent on destroying our protagonists, and yet it is anyway. It stands in for every aspect of life that would wish to see us dead. Has there ever been a more perfect metaphor for the inexorable slide toward our own personal demise, than Quint tumbling along the deck of the boat toward the gnashing mouth of the shark, kicking his feet in futility as the jaws clamp down on his legs and torso? It’s the moment when we lose all hope for the survival of Brody or Hooper—what can a mere human do against such a monstrous force of violence? The shark is like a god of the sea, punishing us for daring to even set foot in its domain. As a template for the future of summer blockbusters, Jaws introduced less than ideal concepts to the industry as well—namely, a series of sequels that descend rapidly in quality, while being tied to whatever gimmicks are relevant at the time. Few film franchises ever illustrated sequel decay more effectively than Jaws, which starts sliding in Jaws 2 and only gets worse—much worse—from there. As for the original? It will never be challenged as the best “shark movie” of all time, but also stands as one of the greatest American films of the 1970s. 1976: Carrie The Year 1976 serves up a heady mix of pulp, psychological and supernatural horror; a very ’70s stew indeed. Like several of the other recent years in this project, it’s toplined by multiple films that are considered classics of the genre, making choosing a #1 a bit more difficult than usual. It’s a case where you have some options, ranging from the Repulsion-esque descent into madness of Polanski’s The Tenant, to the pure creepiness of little Harvey Stephens as Damien in The Omen, to the seminal high school horror satire of Carrie, to the influential proto-slasher elements of Alice, Sweet Alice. Any of the four would be a defensible choice, but there can be only one—for us, it’s Carrie. Of the three films in Polanski’s so-called “Apartment Trilogy,” The Tenant likely has the lowest profile. Structurally, it’s somewhat similar to his previous Repulsion, taking place largely within protagonist Trelkovsky’s (played by Polanski himself) dwelling spaces, but unlike Repulsion, the character’s disconnect from reality is far more social in nature, as he comes to believe that all the people within his life are joined in some kind of discriminatory cabal against him. The film has been theorized to capture the real-world anti-semitism experienced by Polanski’s Jewish family, who were subject to intense scrutiny for all their activities, exactly as Trelkovsky is perpetually harangued by his neighbors for seemingly minor greivances. So too does the film bear some psychic resemblance to Hitchcock’s Rebecca, in the sense that Trelkovsky is always being compared to the apartment’s previous tenant, and found wanting, eventually adapting his life into another person’s image, against his own will. It doesn’t always feel like a “horror” film during its entire runtime, but with sequences such as its infamous scream, The Tenant can lay claim to some suitably unnerving material. The Omen, by contrast, is a film that gets by on style and an inherent sense of impending doom more than it does via plotting or performances—with the exception of the already mentioned Stephens, who was perfectly cast as a budding Antichrist. Written down on the page, the plot of The Omen sounds especially ludicrous, but presented on screen it instead comes off as apocalypticly dour. How else can one describe Damien’s fifth birthday, where the entertainment of clowns and carnival games is interrupted by the boy’s nanny, smile plastered on her face, joyfully hanging herself from a third floor window while children scream and cry? The intensely dramatic nature of the film—especially its Oscar-winning soundtrack from Jerry Goldsmith—can make it seem a bit hokey when consumed outside an era where “satanic panic” was running high, but David Warner’s famed decapitation by a sheet of wayward glass remains as gruesomely hilarious today as ever. Outside of the heaviest hitters, 1976 also offers some depth, especially if you’re willing to expand the genre definition a bit. John Carpenter’s gory action film Assault on Precinct 13 is sometimes lumped into fold, although only one notable sequence truly feels like “horror.” Who Can Kill a Child? on the other hand, backs up The Omen and Alice, Sweet Alice, suggesting this year might be the #1 draft pick of “creepy kids” years for the genre, arriving several years before the similarly themed Children of the Corn took the concept to its (illogical) conclusion. 1976 Honorable Mentions: The Omen, Alice, Sweet Alice, The Tenant, Who Can Kill a Child?, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, Burnt Offerings The Film: Carrie Director: Brian De Palma Carrie is one of those films that was simply easier to make with fidelity in the New Hollywood era than it would be today, when Stephen King’s source material would be under even heavier fire for its antiquated gender politics and vengeance-driven mentality. A modern remake of Carrie would no doubt fail to accurately present the character of Carrie White in the first place, missing out on the genuinely and painfully gawky portrayal brought to the table by Sissy Spacek in the 1976 original, in favor of a character who comes across like the “hidden beauty” protagonist of a high school comedy such as She’s All That. Coming from a major studio, at least, a 2010s remake of Carrie would be a pointless endeavor. Oh wait: There was a Carrie remake in 2013, although I wouldn’t blame you for having entirely forgotten it by now. Succeeding only in terms of bloodletting, this version with Chloë Grace Moretz was doomed from the start, for exactly the reasons mentioned above—its version of the character seems practically like a prom queen from her first moments, rather than an unassuming and unusual girl who is cruelly targeted by her uncaring peers. Nor can any of the other versions of or sequels to Carrie ever recapture the dynamic that works so well between the chief performers of this film. Sissy Spacek’s plaintive performance is genuinely wounding—it’s very difficult to believe she was a 27-year-old playing a 16-year-old here, because she brings such vulnerability and instability to the character; an uncertainty over every word she utters and action she takes. You find yourself not only disgusted by how she’s treated but consistently enraged on her behalf, not just at the likes of P.J. Soles, pelting her in the bathroom with tampons, but with the mother who allowed her daughter to navigate the waters of high school without any information to prepare her for the challenges of puberty. As Margaret White, meanwhile, Piper Laurie is an unholy terror in the guise of a holy one, and even her attempts to care for her daughter help the audience to understand how dangerous she would be once she discovers the true nature of Carrie’s gifts. After all, “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Ultimately, Carrie is among the most empathic of the Stephen King works that would go on to receive film adaptations, despite being the very first to do so. Spacek’s performance creates a genuine, diffident young woman who has been damaged in truly serious ways, and even if she hadn’t been armed with telekinetic powers, one is led to conclude that she probably would have snapped one day all the same. Perhaps, instead of a bucket of blood raining down on her head at prom, it would have been when she was dumped by a boyfriend, or fired from a job, or (most likely) confronted one times too many by her abusive, withered mother. King merely gave Carrie an unusually strong bag of tricks to use in her inevitable retaliation. The world, he would likely say, had it coming. 1977: Suspiria The Year The horror genre revels in one of its most surreal years in 1977, fully throwing itself into the zeitgeist of 1970s experimental cinema. There’s no shortage of quality offerings here, but few that you would call traditional or classical—it’s a decidedly weird and offbeat lineup from start to finish, as even the horror genre is really reflecting the New Hollywood spirit at this point. Many of the genre’s notable auteur types are releasing notable films here: David Lynch, George Romero, Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Wes Craven, Mario Bava, David Cronenberg and more. In fact, looking just at that list of directors, you might assume that 1977 ranks among the greatest years in horror history, but most of those releases are typically considered “minor” works of their directors—it’s ultimately a good year rather than an all-time one. With that said, any year containing Lynch’s Eraserhead has a certain weird mojo going for it. Ascending to a status that essentially makes it the unofficial patron saint of surrealist body horror, it’s a film that defies attempts at categorization and thematic analysis. You can interpret the disturbing images in Eraserhead in so many ways—societal rejection of the individual; fear over the burden of responsibility and negligence; criticism of the pacifistic or fatalist mindset—ultimately, your opinion will likely reflect which aspects of the film you find most unnerving. But rest assured, you will be unnerved, whether it’s by the explicit use of nightmarish imagery or the masterfully subtle application of low-level distorted sounds, hums and drones that occur throughout. Thanks to its sound design in particular, watching Eraserhead is a bit like experiencing a visualized migraine headache. Japan also gets in on the surrealist fun in 1977 with quintessential “midnight movie” Hausu/House, a film that is often described off hand as “like Jaws, except the shark is a house.” A film modeled after that description in a literal way would no doubt be some kind of farce, but those who have seen Hausu know it’s a significantly more potent kaleidoscope of colorful insanity. The plot is simple—a group of schoolgirls go to a house, and it murders them—but the images are hallucinatory and intensely psychedelic, rather than legitimately frightening or self-serious. Home to flying heads, animated cats and the best piano-based death scene in horror film history, there’s nothing else quite like it. Surprising at times in its pastoral beauty, and then guffaw-worthy for its silliness moments later, Hausu is a film that begs to be seen with a large crowd of neophytes who are ready to be taken on a trip. Elsewhere, gritty, violent horror is the theme of the day, as Wes Craven unleashes the sadistic The Hills Have Eyes, while Cronenberg serves up an eroticized body horror combination of vampire and zombie tropes in Rabid. George Romero, meanwhile, crafts what is often considered one of his best, but most perennially underseen works, Martin. A treatise on identity, delusion, sex and violence, Martin is the story of a young man who may or may not be a vampire—Romero plays it coy in ever revealing whether the kid is 84 years old, as he believes, or just a mentally disturbed young man. That ambiguity is key to keeping the audience’s attention, as a definitive answer to the film’s central question would irreparably transform it into either a gritty, urban vampire flick or an ultra-depressing psychological drama. Instead, Martin operates as both at times, making us unsure of how to process the reactions that society has toward Martin—is he a monster that needs to be staked, or a sick boy who needs antipsychotic medication? Horror exists in the constant doubt as to which actions one should take. One last fun note: 1977 gives us the most prominent example of a horror-ish premise that desperately needs modern, big-budget reexamination: “All animals vs. all humans.” This year’s Day of the Animals is a laughable attempt to execute on that shower thought of a plot, but hey, you at least get a shirtless Leslie Nielsen fighting a bear. This is exactly as awesome/stupid as it sounds. 1977 Honorable Mentions: Eraserhead, Rabid, Martin, Hausu, The Psychic, The Hills Have Eyes, Shock, The Sentinel The Film: Suspiria Director: Dario Argento The career of Dario Argento can essentially be compartmentalized into eras: The writer era, the giallo era, and the supernatural era. There’s a little bit of overlap, certainly, and the structure begins to fall apart in the later years of Argento’s career—as do the films from the 1990s onward, if we’re being honest—but the idea of “three eras” nicely dovetails with Argento’s most famous creation, the “Three Mothers” first seen in Suspiria. This trio of powerful, absolutely wicked witches lead human covens around the world, providing a rich bed of mythology on which Argento works his visual magic, first in Suspiria and then in 1980’s Inferno and 2007’s inessential Mother of Tears. Of the three, though, it’s Suspiria that continues to stir the imagination of filmmakers worldwide; the film that marked the start of Argento’s supernatural horror phase. To be certain, there are few films in the genre with such an immediately distinctive sense of visual flair. Suspiria is stylized in the extreme, eschewing naturalistic presentation of the world in favor of dreamlike (and then nightmarish) expressionism. Its light sources appear out of the darkness seemingly of their own accord, throwing up huge splashes of primary colors that can seemingly be recognized only by us, the viewer, rather than the characters on screen. To the eyes of young American dancer Suzy Bannion, she’s entered a world that is ruthlessly competitive and physically demanding, yes, but it’s still a world she recognizes as her own personal reality. To the viewer, on the other hand, the film’s visuals alone imply that we have traveled through the looking glass, and into a world of sadistic fantasy. As writer Astrid Budgor put it, describing Suspiria for Paste’s list of the 100 best horror films of all time, the film “makes gorgeousness its primary concern.” That isn’t to say there aren’t a few effectively terrifying setpieces. The killings in the film’s opening moments tend to get the most attention in horror genre clip reels, but it’s the fate of blind pianist Daniel that most perfectly captures the beautiful interplay between Argento’s direction and his use of visuals, sound and the score by frequent collaborators Goblin to achieve a state of unbearable tension before the big payoff. As Daniel strolls into a huge, deserted plaza, we already know that something bad is about to happen to him. Goblin’s score builds to a crescendo as the blind man and his seeing eye dog realize that something is amiss, calling out challenges that reverberate off the silent statues. The camera dips behind a pillar, suggesting that some sinister force is eyeing the man from afar. And then … well, the fact that Argento still finds a way to end the sequence in a surprise speaks to a master at the height of his powers. The whole scene is a masterclass in suspense, as are the majority of the famed “last 12 minutes.” It’s a testament, likewise, to the lasting power of Argento’s Suspiria that a remake 42 years later would attract a talent the size of director Luca Guadagnino to provide a sense of visual iconoclasm that could stand up in terms of personality to the original, without attempting to actively replicate it. At this, it’s a rare case where a remake largely succeeds. The film is not without its issues in terms of pacing and plotting, but a lack of ambition certainly isn’t among its flaws. Like Argento’s original, it refuses to have its weirdest impulses constrained, and it’s better for it. 1978: Halloween The Year. 1979: Alien The Year A pretty damn strong collection of horror films across several different subgenres, 1979 feels like a bit of a crossroads for horror overall. At the top of the list, Ridley Scott’s Alien thrusts science fiction and spacefaring stories back into the horror genre, where they’ll be frequent settings throughout the 1980s. The Halloween imitators are likewise revving up, with early slashers in a variety of molds such as Tourist Trap, The Driller Killer and The Silent Scream, although the genre will truly go into overdrive in 1980 and beyond. Meanwhile, both body horror (Cronenberg’s The Brood) and psychological horror (When a Stranger Calls, based on the same urban legend as Black Christmas) are still going strong. It’s even an unexpected banner year for vampire movies, home to Werner Herzog’s reimagining of Nosferatu, Frank Langella’s spin on Dracula and the well-regarded TV version of Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot. As the decade moves into the 1980s, though, the more psychological and cerebral horror films will recede a bit, being replaced by a sheer volume of crowd-pleasing slashers, science fiction and exploitation movies. Of the films we just mentioned, Herzog’s Nosferatu the Vampyre deserves special recognition. Starring frequent collaborator Klaus Kinski as an especially intense version of Dracula—although still retaining the design of “Count Orlok” from Murnau’s Nosferatu—Herzog’s film is both beautiful and poignant. Its vampire is in no uncertain terms still a fiend, but this version of the story finds an unusual degree of empathy for him, highlighting what seems to be the crumbling of Dracula’s social and mental faculties after centuries of isolation and loneliness. This vampire seems tired; weary of his endless existence and on some level desperate to end it all—but at the same time, afraid to let go of his grip on life, especially when tempted by the beauty of young Lucy Harker. He becomes a tragic, almost pathetic figure, despite all of his menace; a portrayal not unlike the one Kinski also brings to Herzog’s Aguirre, the Wrath of God. Here was an actor uniquely suited to playing a classic film monster and imbuing him with a depth of humanity not seen in the genre before. On the other side of the spectrum, 1979 delivers some oddball gems as well, from the flying, chrome death ball of Phantasm to the underseen mannequin slasher Tourist Trap. Also notable: Lucio Fulci directs what becomes the defining example of Italian zombie cinema, Zombi 2. Presented as an unlicensed sequel to Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, which had been released in Italy under the title Zombi, Fulci’s film has essentially nothing to do with Romero’s creations, aside from lifting the concept of undead corpses walking the Earth. His zombie movie throws any form of subtlety or social satire to the wind, beginning the genre’s long tradition of “anything goes” zombie violence mentality. It contains multiple legendary moments, from the absurd spectacle of a zombie fighting a shark, to the incredibly gross kill scene where a woman’s eye is slowly impaled on a jagged splinter of wood—shots that would be heavily copied around the world in the decade to come. The 1980s will be typified by the rise of low-budget, gore-driven zombie films in the U.S., Italy and beyond. 1979 Honorable Mentions: Nosferatu the Vampyre, Zombi 2, Phantasm, The Brood, Tourist Trap, Salem’s Lot, When a Stranger Calls, The Amityville Horror, Dracula The Film: Alien Director: Ridley Scott Did you know that there are people out there who question whether Alien is really a “horror movie”? Does this not make you wonder what those people would consider a horror film, if Alien of all things doesn’t make the criteria? Rest assured, Alien is not only horror but a jaw-dropping assemblage of body horror, social commentary and slasher elements, tied together by some of the genre’s finest production and creature design. It’s a perfect storm of nightmare fuel. With that said, even those who rightly recognize Alien within the horror camp sometimes have a tendency to oversimplify the film upon description, using terms like calling it a “slasher in space,” solely because of the film’s body count and Ripley’s loose fit to the archetype of the “final girl.” To do so is dismissive to the brilliance of Scott’s film, which focuses with incredible intensity on immersing the viewer in its wholly original setting. It’s a beautifully realized vision of one possible future for the human race; a science fiction setting that stood out sharply from other, contemporary depictions of space travel in particular. Put simply, the film’s spaceship is a dump, and its crew are the interstellar equivalent of long-haul truckers. They’re not brilliant scientists, soldiers or philosophers, seeking truth among the stars; they’re just corporate employees hauling cargo, and their job sucks for myriad reasons, all of which are reflected in their crumbling hulk of a ship. Navigating through the interior of the Nostromo is like crawling through city sewers or some kind of industrial septic system. Doors fail to open neatly, as rust is scraped away and maintenance falls by the wayside. Even if the alien on the loose doesn’t kill you, it feels like a misdirected jet of steam or a collapsing catwalk would probably do the job, and it only makes the setting that much creepier. One of the greatest challenges faced by this crew is the fact that they’re barely equipped to live in this place, much less fight acid-blooded aliens in it. And oh my, what an alien. Crawling from a no-doubt glistening cocoon in the subconscious of Swiss surrealist painter H.R. Giger, the “xenomorph” of the Alien series is perfectly disturbing to behold. It contains just enough anthropomorphization to remind the audience that it’s the product of deadly human insemination, while simultaneously including insectoid touches (like the double mandibles) that push natural buttons of revulsion in viewers. The basic design seen here in the original Alien is tweaked throughout the many sequels that followed, but never is a single xenomorph ever presented as such a coldly calculating and unstoppable threat. This alien tears through the entire crew of the Nostromo like they’re nothing, forcing viewers to confront their own very likely insignificance in the universe in the process. Dan O’Bannon’s screenplay, likewise, deserves credit for how subtly it introduces the crew of the Nostromo and Ripley in particular, never truly making it clear that Sigourney Weaver’s “warrant officer” will become one of film’s greatest feminist icons by the end of its two-hour runtime. In fact, the script cleverly de-emphasizes Ripley in the early going, making Tom Skerritt’s Captain Dallas seem like more of an obvious protagonist, playing with the audience’s preconceived notions of who should and should not be a “hero.” So too does our lack of information in terms of the nature of “synthetics” make the reveal of science officer Ash’s true nature that much more shocking—a twist that deeply reinforces the film’s undercurrent of distrust toward the possibility of corporate responsibility. Of all the themes that survive into James Cameron’s much more action-oriented sequel Aliens, the most vital is that shared criticism of “the corporation” and the remorseless bureaucracy it represents. So yes—despite decades of inferior sequels (Aliens excluded), constant attempts to redefine the series mythology, crossovers with other properties (including Batman, at one point) and a general assumption of its imagery into the mainstream of popular culture, Alien is still a masterpiece of horror. Scott’s film, unlike the putrid innards of the Nostromo itself, has remained untarnished. Previous page12You're on page3You're on page4You're on page5You're on page6You're on page7You're on page8You're on page910Next pageTagshalloweencentury of terrorhorror movies
+Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation
+held at the Malaysian Agricultural Research
+and Development Institute (MARDI)
+in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
+14–18 October 1991
+Edited by
+Andrew Speedy
+Pierre-Luc Puglies-103203-3
+All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permissions of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00 100 Rome, Italy.
+FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1992 FAO Expert Consultation on Legume Trees and Other Fodder Trees as Protein Sources for Livestock was held at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 14 to 18 October 1991.
+Fodder trees and fodder shrubs have always played a significant role in feeding domestic animals. In fact, trees and shrubs are increasingly recognized as important components of animal feeding, particularly as suppliers of protein and especially in harsh environmental conditions. In such situations, the available grazing is not generally sufficient to meet the maintenance requirements of animals, at least for part of the year. This occurs, for example, in some mountainous regions and in the dry tropics where the grazing is also sometimes very degraded. Thus, in extensive, animal production systems in the dry areas of Africa, it is generally estimated that ligneous materials contribute up to 90% of rangeland production and account for 40–50% of the total available feed. Such figures illustrate the existing and urgent need not only for better knowledge but also for better use of such potential, particularly in the present context of environmental degradation which is affecting our planet.
+On the other hand, in the humid tropics of Latin America, the Caribbean, South-east Asia and Africa, fodders from trees and shrubs -especially from leguminous species - are beginning to be utilized more widely as dietary nitrogen supplements for ruminants. In this respect, there is now a significant move to look for new sources of protein from trees and shrubs. However, given the increasing demand for forage and the extensive availability of low quality basal feed materials which require protein supplementation, high protein fodders from leguminous trees and shrubs could have a much more significant role in animal feeding systems throughout the developing world. In this respect, there is a need for more research to develop technically viable solutions. These solutions must also be economically and socially acceptable; they must preserve natural resources and protect the environment. In other words, the challenge is the sustainable development of fodder trees and shrubs.
+Broadly speaking, it seems that collaborative efforts among scientists must be particularly directed towards integrated patterns of use by ruminants and non-ruminants and towards the establishment and development of innovative feeding systems, both intensive and extensive, using high protein fodders from promising species of trees and shrubs. In this respect, some research themes of major importance are: productivity, feeding behaviour of animals, real nutritive value, ecological adaptation and natural regeneration ability. The objectives are to improve the availability of feed resources for livestock throughout the year and to provide an adequate strategic feed supplementation to animals over critical periods.
+It must also be kept in mind that, apart from their potential role in animal feeding, trees and shrubs are valuable sources of fuelwood, shelter, timber, herbal medicines and food for people and have been since the first civilizations of hunter-gatherers. Later on, humans also learnt that trees and shrubs could help to maintain soil fertility and to control erosion. We now know that our planet cannot hope to survive very long without a drastic global policy to control the use of natural resources. Undoubtedly, trees and shrubs, whether or not they provide fodder for animals, do offer a partial but adequate response to desertification problems, to environmental degradation and to changes in climate, problems which have begun to be observed with some anxiety in the last few years. This is irrespective of their role as a source of income and employment, as a means to sustain the intensification of agriculture, to maintain biodiversity and to enable livestock to be kept as essential sources of meat, milk, fibre or draught power for the rural poor.
+FIGURE 1. The different roles of trees and shrubs.
+The proposed objectives of this interdisciplinary Expert Consultation on Fodder trees and fodder shrubs as protein sources for livestock were:
+a global review of the utilization of these species in the developing countries;
+a review of promising species already utilized by farmers and breeders in the field or investigated by scientists in different countries and agro-climatic zones (basic and applied research);
+a short up-to-date list of species with a likely future;
+a synthesis, related to the main fodder trees and shrubs, either effectively utilized today in animal feeding or with a likely future, looking at the current state of knowledge, particularly with respect to:
+their geographical and ecological distribution;
+their main botanical characteristics;
+their main agronomic characteristics, particularly including quantity and quality of fodder, pods and seed production, as well as timber, fuelwood or, if appropriate, parts of plants used in human nutrition;
+their main nutritional characteristics for ruminants and non-ruminants: palatability, voluntary intake, chemical composition, mineral and amino-acid composition, apparent digestibility, feeding value, toxic or anti-nutritional factors, etc.
+the main results of feeding trials using fodder shrubs and fodder trees as parts of rations for meat or milk production;
+investigations of conservation techniques and/or simple technological ways to enhance their utilization (silages, meals, seed soaking, etc.)
+reports on how, in practice, farmers and breeders cultivate and utilize such ligneous materials in extensive and intensive feeding systems.
+an analysis of the main results of animal feeding systems developed all over the world utilizing fodder trees and fodder shrubs, also taking into account socio-economic parameters;
+practical recommendations at the present stage of knowledge, in order to develop the cultivation and utilization of fodder shrubs and fodder trees, particularly in harsh environmental conditions as a means of improving animal feeding in developing countries and of matching livestock production systems to available and potential feed resources;
+an identification of the main research fields for the future.
+In conclusion, in a situation where feeds remain the major constraint for livestock development and the major component of the cost of animal production, FAO, as an advisory and executive agency of the UN system, considers this Expert Consultation on fodder trees as a key event towards coordinated efforts all over the world to promote fodder trees and fodder shrubs as a means of improving livestock feeding and also of moving towards sustainable agriculture.
+The first address at the opening ceremony was delivered by Mr. Carl Erik Wiberg, Regional Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). First of all, he expressed his great pleasure to be at MARDI for the opening of the Consultation and declared how impressed he was with MARDI's successes and achievements in hosting and undertaking local and regional research programmes, many of which are under UNDP or FAO sponsorship.
+In his speech, he reminded the participants of the fact that, although UNDP had no direct involvement in the Consultation, the subject matter was not without interest to UNDP. UNDP is currently financing a number of projects and assisting many institutions in the region in developing and applying new technologies and techniques in animal production and health. Collectively, the outcome of these efforts and the attendant Expert Consultations will, according to Mr. Wiberg, have a far-reaching effect on research and development policies and practices as well as on the farming community and farm-level practices.
+Mr. Wiberg then took the opportunity to stress the main roles of UNDP and specialized agencies of the UN system in building up national capabilities, in technical cooperation matters and in facilitating technical cooperation among developing countries. He insisted on the imperative necessity to establish as perfectly as possible a true understanding of the real purpose of the particular assistance, between developing countries and the donor or development aid agency concerned, in order to help adopt the appropriate technologies and make the right choices in imported and domestic technologies. From this point of view, he stressed the fact that the UN system has a role to play in the enhancing of interactions between developing countries towards harmonization and standardization of new technologies and their application.
+Mr.Pierre-Luc Pugliese, FAO technical Officer in charge of the Consultation and on behalf of the Director General of FAO, welcomed the participants and thanked the Director General of MARDI and his staff for so generously welcoming the Consultation and for the active participation in the preparation of the meeting. He also thanked Mr. Carl Erik Wiberg for the highly appreciated help given by his bureaux in Kuala Lumpur.
+He then. He also pointed out that, as a major output of this Consultation, FAO was expecting practical recommendations on the cultivation and use of fodder trees and shrubs as a means of improving animal feeding in developing countries and of matching available feed resources to sustainable livestock production, particularly under harsh environmental conditions.
+Yang Berbahagia, Dató Dr. Hj. Mohd. Yusof Hashim, Director General of MARDI, gave the opening speech and welcomed all the participants. He pointed out the prediction that self-sufficiency in meat would drop by 33 per cent in South East Asia and South Pacific, unless the forage production is doubled by the year 2000 and this was a grave concern to all animal production specialists dealing with the problem in the region. Similarly, the question of seasonality in the availability of feed resources as well as the poor quality of roughages is a problem which also besets all livestock-producing countries, whether in the cerrados of South America, in the savannas of Africa or even in some areas of the wet tropics.
+The Director General of MARDI also emphasized the fact that, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, trees and shrubs significantly contribute to the daily diet of animals. As they are less affected by the adverse environmental conditions such as dry seasons, compared to grasses, trees and shrubs can become important sources of feed during these adverse periods. Furthermore, leguminous tree crops can serve as protein banks to improve the quality of feed resources and recycle nitrogen into the soil.
+He also stressed the fact that, amongst the 300 species of trees and shrubs documented as being useful as animal fodder, only a few species have been studied and really utilized. The over-dependence on Leucaena is a remarkable example of this and the corresponding danger which has been brought to light by the severe psyllid attacks on Leucaena. However, given the time spent and the continual efforts made in the past, MARDI hopes to contribute towards the development of an acid-tolerant as well as possibly a psyllid-tolerant Leucaena. Given the diversity of fodder trees and fodder shrubs, the Director General of MARDI urged the need to recommend promising species, both in terms of plant productivity and nutritive value, for specific agro-ecological environments and animal production systems. Improved agronomic practices, harvesting and processing aspects should also be given greater consideration. The Director General of MARDI also urged that a network, including research institutions, be set up to screen and evaluate the potential of trees and shrubs in the major agro-ecological environments. In this way, the benefits can be reaped by other countries with similar climatic characteristics, taking into account socio-economic parameters in each country. In this respect, the small size of landholdings in a number of countries in Asia, the nomadic pastoralism methods of animal production in Africa and the ranching operations in countries with bigger landholdings should be considered.
+To conclude, the Director General reiterated that he was very pleased to personally welcome the participants and to see MARDI hosting such a strategic meeting. He ended his address by declaring the meeting open and wishing the participants a very successful deliberation.
+Prior to the first session, Mr. P.L. Pugliese, technical secretary of the Expert Consultation, reminded the participants of the exact subject matter of the Consultation and drew their attention on the fact that it so happened the selected theme for FAO World Food Day 1991, to be celebrated right in the middle of the Consultation, was “Trees for Life” and that, clearly, one linked with the other.
+He also pointed out that the subject of the Consultation would only cover a small part of the huge role trees have in everyday life for millions of people around the world who depend on trees to help meet their basic requirements for food, shelter or fuel. They also have universal roles as sources of income and employment, as a means to reverse environmental degradation, to sustain intensification of agriculture and grazing systems, to maintain biodiversity and to avoid catastrophic changes in climate. However, from the animal production point of view, the speaker emphasized the fact that trees play an essential role for some 30 to 40 million pastoralists in the world, who herd some 4000 million cattle, goats and sheep. Trees and shrubs, in fact, provide them with valuable fodder and, in some cases, allow grazing in areas where animals might not otherwise survive. Where land is intensively cultivated and space for grazing is very scarce, fodder trees and shrubs enable livestock to be kept on reduced areas of land. For both the pastoralist and the farmer, tree-planting programmes can meet the growing problem of providing a secure supply of nutritious fodder for livestock, distribute the workload - and income - more evenly throughout the year and help to sustain the intensification of grazing systems.
+The conclusions and recommendations from this meeting would help to elaborate the continuation of FAO's policy on this subject and to set up development projects related to the integrated utilization of fodder trees all over the world.
+We present a new high speed full-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) instrument, the first full-field OCT system that is capable of in vivo ocular imaging. An isotropic resolution of ~ 1 μm is achieved thanks to the use of a xenon arc lamp source and relatively high numerical aperture microscope objectives in a Linnik-type interferometer. Full-field illumination allows the capture of two-dimensional en face images in parallel, using a fast CMOS camera as detector array. Each en face image is acquired in a 4 ms period, at a maximum repetition rate of 250 Hz. Detection sensitivity per en face image is 71 dB. Higher sensitivity can be achieved by image correlation and averaging, although frame rate is reduced. We present the first preliminary results of in vivo imaging in the anterior segment of the rat eye, which reveal some cellular features in the corneal layers.
+© 2005 Optical Society of America
+1. Introduction
+The technique known as optical coherence tomography (OCT) is now widely used in medicine and biology for high resolution imaging [1]. The micrometer resolution, high sensitivity and non invasive nature of OCT make it well adapted to imaging of a wide variety of biological tissues. The technique has enjoyed its first and continuing success in ophthalmology [2–4]. The OCT principle relies on the Michelson interferometer, illuminated with a source of large spectral width. The conventional instrument performs imaging in the longitudinal (xz or yz) orientation by scanning the illumination beam over the sample in the x or y directions, acquiring depth profiles at successive transverse locations, to build up a two-dimensional image. Systems operating in the time domain acquire depth profiles, or a-scans, by scanning the reference mirror in the axial direction [1–6], whilst frequency domain systems hold the reference mirror stationary and instead use parallel detection to detect the spectrum, which via Fourier transformation leads to the same a-scan information as in the time domain but at higher speed and sensitivity [7–13]. Although less common, en face OCT can also be performed to produce images in the xy orientation by fast scanning of the illumination beam in both transverse directions [14,15]. Full-field OCT produces en face oriented images by an alternative method [16–20]. An incoherent white light source is employed to provide full-field illumination with high sectioning ability so that an associated detector array may capture a full two-dimensional image in parallel, eliminating the need for scanning. An advantage of en face techniques is the possibility of using high numerical aperture optics in order to achieve transverse resolution comparable to the axial resolution level, i.e. isotropic resolution may be achieved. In addition, the en face view can supply new information which may complement that provided by the longitudinal view.
+We have previously described full-field OCT imaging of ex vivo biological tissues, using a halogen source and a CCD camera as detector array [21–24]. This instrument offered a low-cost alternative to ultrahigh-resolution femtosecond laser-based OCT systems, with comparable spatial resolution (~ 1 μm). Ex vivo animal ocular tissue was examined in detail [24]. Detection sensitivity for a single en face image was 78 dB with an acquisition time of 0.13 seconds. High detection sensitivity (> 90 dB) could be achieved through averaging of accumulated images. Averaging was permitted as only ex vivo and hence immobile samples were imaged. This instrument was not suited to in vivo imaging, since sample movement, inevitable over the relatively lengthy period of acquisition, blurs the interference signal. Recently, we introduced a technique named stroboscopic full-field OCT which dramatically reduced image acquisition time to 10 μs per en face image, allowing in vivo full-field OCT imaging for the first time [25]. This instrument used a flash source of 10 μs pulse duration and a pair of CCD cameras to capture two phase-opposed interferometric images simultaneously. It was successfully applied to cellular-level imaging in weakly scattering media. However, the use of polarized light in this instrument meant that its application to birefringent objects was problematic [26]. As the cornea exhibits a birefringence which varies in magnitude from subject to subject, compensation for the polarizing effects introduced by the cornea would be difficult to realize effectively in a clinical setting. In addition, the use of a camera pair imposes fine alignment of the instrument prior to each imaging session, which again would complicate its clinical use.
+We introduce in this article a new full-field OCT instrument with an acquisition speed fast enough to allow in vivo biological imaging, a sufficient detection sensitivity level to penetrate to interesting depths in the eye, and an indifference to polarizing effects of birefringent tissue. A series of images of the anterior segment of the in vivo rat eye illustrate the interest of this instrument for in vivo ultrahigh resolution biological imaging applications.
+2. Methods
+The experimental set-up is represented in Fig. 1. As for previous full-field OCT instruments, the core interferometer is based on the Linnik microscope [20]. Instead of using a tungsten halogen or flash source, illumination in this new instrument is provided by a continuous 300 W Xenon arc lamp, channelled into the interferometer via a multimode fiber optic cable and reversed microscope objective (air, 10×, 0.25 NA) which acts as entry lens. The fiber serves to homogenize the beam for uniform illumination across the field. An image of the fiber exit face is projected by the entry lens onto the field of the interferometer microscope objectives. The polished surface of a zinc selenide (ZnSe) fragment acts as reference mirror to provide a reflectivity of 9 % in water. An achromatic doublet lens of focal length 75 cm focuses the light exiting from the interferometer onto the sensor of a CMOS camera. Detection in the original full-field OCT instrument was performed by a 15 Hz CCD camera. For the rapid acquisition instrument presented in this paper, we required a camera which was rapid enough to freeze sample movement during the acquisition of each tomographic image, whilst still retaining our relatively low-cost goal. A CMOS camera manufactured by Basler, model A504, 1280 × 1024 pixels, 8 bits, 500 Hz, was selected for this purpose. A piezoelectric translation stage sinu-soidally oscillates the reference mirror at 250 Hz, in synchronization with image capture by the CMOS camera at 500 Hz. Two consecutive images are therefore captured per modulation period of the reference mirror. On calculating the difference squared of these two phase-opposed images, we eliminate the light that has not interfered and retain only that which originates from the coherence volume, forming the signal of interest. We thereby extract a two-dimensional en face tomographic image in an acquisition period of 4 ms. A custom interface written in Visual C++ permits image acquisition, calculation and display in real-time.
+Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the high speed full-field OCT set-up. Illumination: continuous 300 W Xenon arc lamp with multimode fiber and (L1) microscope objective as entry lens (air, 10×, 0.25 NA); BS: beam splitter; MO: vertically positioned microscope objectives (water-immersion, 10×, 0.3 NA); L2: achromatic doublet lens (75 cm focal length); Ref: reference mirror (9% reflectivity); PZT: piezoelectric stage actuator; Motorized translation stage: for axial translation of the sample.
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+Axial resolution is determined in OCT by the coherence length of the illumination source. The product of the Xenon arc source spectrum and the CMOS camera’s spectral response yields λ of 300 nm centered at λ = 650 nm, giving a theoretical axial resolution of 0.5 μm in water. Axial resolution may be degraded due to dispersion effects on travel through tissue [27]. Immersion microscope objectives are therefore used to minimize dispersion mismatch between the two interferometer arms. The axial point spread function (PSF) was measured by moving a mirror through the axial focus in 0.1 μm steps on a motorized micrometric translation stage. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF, which corresponds to the experimentally measured axial resolution, was equal to 1.0 μm in water.
+The use of relatively high numerical aperture (NA) microscope objectives (0.3 NA) gives a theoretical transverse resolution of 1.1 μm. In practice, the transverse resolution may be degraded slightly when imaging at large depths due to optical aberrations. In order to measure the transverse resolution experimentally, we imaged a 100 nm gold bead embedded just below the surface of an agarose gel. The FWHM of its PSF, which corresponds to the experimental transverse resolution, was 1.5 μm.
+Full-field OCT offers the advantage of high axial resolution with a simple white light source, and achieves higher transverse resolution than cross-sectional OCT techniques. Frequency domain OCT instruments typically have axial resolution of a few microns [12,13] and relatively low transverse resolution, whilst high speed scanning en face OCT instruments typically offer both axial and transverse resolutions on the order of 10 μm [15].
+The wavelength range used is suitable for imaging of the cornea as risks of blue light and thermal injury are eliminated due to the filtering of wavelengths below 500 nm and above 800 nm. ANSI laser standards [28] and ICNIRP guidelines on limits of exposure to broadband incoherent optical radiation [29] only specify corneal risk at wavelengths below 400 nm and higher than 800 nm. We therefore must measure retinal irradiance as our limiting factor for light levels. The radiant power at the position of the cornea is 2.3 mW, giving a corneal irradiance of 900 mW/cm2 and a retinal irradiance of 27 mW/cm2 for the rat or 6.1 mW/cm2 for humans. At this retinal irradiance level, constant illumination, according to ANSI [28], is permitted for 20 minutes for the rat and over an hour for humans, when reckoning on the worst case scenario, i.e. with all energy concentrated at the most harmful wavelength of 500 nm. Illumination is permitted for longer periods, according to ICNIRP [29], when one accounts for the broad spectrum of the source. Were the instrument to be applied to retinal imaging (in which case the illumination spot would be focused on the retina rather than the cornea), the allowed illumination period would be limited to the order of half a second [28] in the worst case. This is long enough nevertheless to capture over 100 consecutive tomographic images. The power per pixel for our instrument (i.e. corresponding to the irradiance over the full-field) is lower than the power per pixel of scanning OCT systems.
+The velocity of sample movement is critical to the success of our imaging technique. During the 4 ms acquisition period of each tomographic image, the sample must remain stationary to within a fraction of the imaging central wavelength in order for an image to be successfully captured at maximum sensitivity. Sample movement in the z direction causes the interference signal contrast to progressively diminish with increasing speed of movement [25]. Image artifacts may also be produced by a fast moving sample, seen as “shadow” doubles of sample structures, resulting from taking the difference of a pair of images in which the sample has changed position from one image to the next. This effect is essentially due to transverse motion. In all imaging examples demonstrated here, neither fringe blurring nor artifacts were witnessed. Sample movement was therefore effectively “frozen” during the acquisition time of each consecutive image pair needed to construct a tomographic image.
+Images are viewed on the computer screen in real time so that the operator may orient himself within the sample. A few frames preceding the one being viewed are temporarily guarded in memory so that individual en face frames of particular interest may be transferred to the hard drive. Once the operator chooses to acquire an image stack, the real-time viewing function is paused. The frame rate and data storage capacity of the CMOS camera is such that 1600 consecutive tomographic images may be recorded in a 6.4 second period. Each tomographic image was thus captured in a 4 ms acquisition period, at a repetition rate of 250 frames per second. The object is translated axially at constant speed on a motorized translation stage and images recorded continuously during translation. In order to avoid fringe blurring, the path difference due to the translation of the object during acquisition of each image must be small. If we tolerate a path variation of 100 nm during each image acquisition (4 ms), the acquisition of 1600 images (limited by the memory of our frame grabber) leads to a scan of 150 μm in depth. The three-dimensional (3D) data set acquired in a 6.4 second period hence has (x × y × z) dimensions of (1280×1024×1600) pixels, (300×300×150) μm. The acquisition of larger image stacks would be made possible by enlarging the frame grabber memory capacity. In comparison to the acquisition rate of frequency-domain OCT instruments [12, 13] for a 3D volume of equivalent pixel number (though larger physical size), our instrument is faster by up to a factor of 10.
+The high pixel sampling in the z direction (10 images per micron) means that images may be averaged in groups of 10 during post-processing to increase sensitivity, without loss of resolution. Averaging decreases the frame rate to 25 frames per second. In addition to image averaging, we may also choose to bin camera pixels (which consequently reduces the x-y sampling of the data set, and hence the equivalent number of pixels) in another measure to improve sensitivity. The diffraction spot is adequately over-sampled by the detector array, so that pixel binning (of up to 4 × 4 pixels) does not degrade the transverse resolution. The need for averaging and binning with the full-field OCT technique is sample dependent. For example, in the images shown in Fig. 2, averaging in groups of 10 images and 4 × 4 binning were carried out, producing a final 3D stack of (320×256×160) pixels in a 6.4 second acquisition time. In terms of speed, this is comparable or slightly inferior to performance achieved by scanning en face OCT systems [15] or state-of-the-art confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopes [30].
+Prior to binning, correction of residual camera noise is required. The CMOS camera used is not shot noise limited and exhibits a noise pattern which is apparent in the form of quasi-periodic randomly located horizontal bands. This was removed by subtracting from each pixel the average intensity of its row sum.
+Detection sensitivity for a single en face image was measured to be 71 dB, after 4×4 pixel binning was applied. This sensitivity level proved sufficient to image to penetration depths of a few millimeters in moderately scattering tissues. Averaging of 10 consecutive images improved this figure to 80 dB. In terms of sensitivity, high speed full-field OCT has lower performance than its competitors (98 dB with frequency domain instruments [12, 13] when operating at maximum speed or ~83-85 dB with high speed scanning en face systems [15]). The reason why our images display an inferior sensitivity level to frequency-domain OCT images is because our area-scan CMOS camera has a lower dynamic range than the line-scan CCDs or photodetectors used in frequency-domain systems. Our CMOS camera saturates at an illumination level that in comparison to scanning systems corresponds to a far lower power per pixel. In our instrument, increasing the illumination optical power would therefore not improve the sensitivity.
+Image averaging was performed subject to a correlation condition. The 10 images were displayed and an image of satisfactory appearance selected as reference. Each image in the series was then compared and added to this reference image if correlation between the pair was sufficiently high. Movement between consecutive images in the transverse (xy) direction could be corrected by realignment of the images in post-processing. None of the images shown in this paper were realigned for averaging, as transverse movement was insignificant since the animal was anesthetized. As for z movement, image correlation techniques must be sensitive enough to reject images recorded at depths which differ by more than 1 μm, as their summation would degrade axial resolution. The animal’s respiration caused significant axial sample movement during the acquisition period of the 3D stack, which meant that several scans were required in order to acquire a full depth scan series, with images being ordered into a stack of consecutive steps post-acquisition. This means that the precise depth of each en face image is unknown. Use of an eye tracking device would eventually allow automated reordering.
+Image processing post-acquisition involved redistribution of the grey-scale histogram over all 256 levels and application of slight Gaussian smoothing of width 0.5 pixels to reduce speckle noise. Speckle, resulting from interference between structures located within the coherence volume, is present in all OCT images, although is greatly reduced by using a spatially incoherent white light source in comparison to laser sources.
+Fig. 2. In vivo full-field OCT imaging of the rat anterior segment. Field size of each image: 300 μm × 300 μm, bar measures 100μm. Due to the curvature of the rat eye, x-y planes often cut through several cellular layers, giving an annular shape to the next appearing layers. A: corneal surface; B: penetrating the epithelial layer; C: the dark central area is the epithelial layer, outlined by the highly reflective surface; D, E: within the low scattering epithelial layer; F, G, H, I: successive depth steps cutting through the basal membrane, viewing the stroma in the center, surrounded by the comparatively low scattering epithelium; J, K, L, M, N, O: progressing down through the stroma. Keratocyte nuclei are clearly seen, stromal and collagen fiber structures are suggested; P: from the outermost edge toward the center, we see the lower stroma, Descemet’s membrane (thick double ring) and touch the endothe-lial layer in the center; Q: slightly lower, the endothelial layer in the center gives maximal reflectivity and scattering; R, S, T, U: progressing down through the lower corneal layers: Descemet’s membrane (double outer ring) and the endothelium (brightest inner ring), passing into the vitreous (center, no signal). Cellular details are seen in the endothelium; V: ~ 1.2 mm below image U, we touch the crystalline lens capsule; W: cutting through the capsule (outer ring) and touching the inner lens surface; X: capsule (outer ring) and inner lens (center). Fiber structure is suggested in the inner lens tissue.
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+3. Results
+Figure 2 shows a series of images taken in the anterior segment of the rat eye in vivo. Animal experimentation was conducted in accordance with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) statement on the use of animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and performed following a protocol reviewed and approved by our local animal care committee. The rat was 15 days old, of type WISTAR Rj Han:WI (from Elevage Janvier, 53940, Le Genest-St-Isle, France), and was anesthetized by intramuscular injection with a mixture of ketamine xylazine (Ketamine 100mg/kg (from Virbac, France), xylazine 10 mg/kg (from Bayer, France)).
+For the animal’s comfort, it was placed in a foam bed on a heated platform, maintained at body temperature using temperature controllable heating resistances connected to the underside of the metal platform. Hydroethylcellulose (Goniosol© from Alcon Labs), a water-based ophthalmic gel, was used as immersion liquid for index matching as it has a similar refractive index to the cornea. In addition, its gel consistency allowed the contact between eye and objective to be easily maintained. The platform on which the animal rested was displaced in the z-direction using a piezoelectric micrometric translation stage to progressively move downward in depth through the anterior segment of the eye. Displacement of the sample with respect to the interferometer for depth scanning was possible in this experiment due to the small size of the animal. For imaging larger samples, the interferometer may instead be displaced with respect to the sample. Figure 2 shows selected steps of this series: the epithelial cell layer and the basal membrane, the stroma, Descemet’s membrane and the endothelial cell layer, then after passage through the vitreous (in which no signal was detected) the lens capsule and interior lens. Cellular details are suggested in some of the corneal layers. Penetration depth was approximately 1.2 mm, i.e. to the level of the crystalline lens. The annular appearance of certain layers occurs because of the high curvature of the rat eye. If larger (e.g., human) eyes were imaged, their lower curvature would mean that each cellular layer could be visualized individually over this 300 μm × 300 μm field size, so reducing difficulty in image interpretation and allowing optimization of image contrast in each individual layer to improve visibility of morphological features.
+As for sample movement, transverse movements were almost entirely suppressed due to the anaesthetic. The animal’s respiration caused noticeable z displacement on the time scale of the stack acquisition (6.4 seconds), and so several depth scans were performed and Fig. 2 formed from a composite stack. Image averaging was however possible, with up to 10 images averaged for each image of Fig. 2 (40 ms for 10 consecutive images). Should the technique be applied to imaging of the human eye in vivo, transverse movements would place limitations on the length of time that the eye remains in a sufficiently stable position to allow image acquisition. In particular, high frequency reflex movements such as tremor (30-100 Hz, 50 - 60 arcsec [31]) would negate the possibility of the acquisition of image stacks if some stabilization were not provided. A possible solution to this problem would be to synchronize image capture with movement, or to follow the eye with a pupil tracking device during acquisition of an image series [32].
+These preliminary results suggest that for the moment, the quality of images captured using full-field OCT is not as good as that achieved by confocal microscopy for in vivo imaging of the cornea. For example, whilst some familiar details within the cornea are distinguishable (e.g. the keratocytes in the stroma), some cellular details that are visible to confocal microscopy are not visible to full-field OCT (e.g. epithelial cells). In the cornea, confocal microscopy [30] achieves spatial resolution of 4 μm × 2 μm (axial × transverse) and gives impressive results. OCT however can theoretically achieve higher axial resolution than confocal techniques. As its axial and transverse resolutions rely on independent variables (source coherence length and numerical aperture, respectively), isotropic resolution is possible with full-field OCT. In addition, fullfield OCT should in principle be capable of achieving higher sensitivity than confocal imaging since it uses interferometry to measure the amplitude rather than the intensity of backscattered light.
+4. Conclusion
+We have introduced a new high speed full-field OCT instrument and presented its first application to in vivo imaging.
+Compared to fast scanning en face OCT techniques, full-field OCT presents the advantage of high axial resolution obtained with a simple white light source. It can be performed at comparable or higher speed though more moderate sensitivity. In comparison to results obtained on ex vivo animal eyes using our original full-field OCT instrument, results are not as good using the rapid instrument due to its lower sensitivity.
+We conclude therefore that the instrument requires further technological development to improve its sensitivity level and increase its speed. Using a faster camera with a shot-limited noise level and a larger memory capacity would considerably improve the technique. For imaging of human eyes, some mechanical modification of the instrument is necessary.
+It is hoped that in the future, full-field OCT imaging of pathological cornea might complement existing ophthalmological imaging techniques to aid diagnostics by offering real-time information on the state of tissue. Use of this technique in follow-up tests after corneal surgery procedures such as laser ablation could allow detailed examination and longitudinal study of the healing process.
+Eventual extension of this technique to retinal imaging could allow cellular level resolution of retinal features. Were this instrument to be used for retinal imaging, its numerical aperture and hence transverse resolution would then be limited by the eye’s optics to a few μm. To improve transverse resolution, adaptive optics could be combined with the OCT instrument, in a similar way to that demonstrated in references [33,34].
+K. Grieve acknowledges the support of the European Research Network “Sharp Eye” (HPRN-CT-2002-00301), part of the EU Human Potential program. The authors thank G. Moneron for fruitful discussions, and acknowledge the help of M. Barritault and P. Kuchynka with image processing. This work was supported by the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique.80 (1991). [CrossRef] [PubMed]
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+Mr. Burnett: As the hon. Member for Arundel and South Downs (Mr. Flight) has pointed out, we probed this matter extensively in Committee. However, it is worth revisiting.
+I speak to amendments Nos. 137 and 138, because they are designed to correct a glaring anomaly that directly contradicts both the Government's principles and the philosophy that underlies their capital gains tax changes--that an individual should be rewarded according to the length of time that he has held an asset. The longer he holds the asset, the less tax he pays.
+A simple example of the mischief to which the Bill would give rise is that if an individual, a Mr. Smith, had acquired shares before 6 April this year--now converted by the Bill into business assets, and we welcome that--he would have to wait until about 2010 to receive full CGT relief. However, if a Mrs. Brown acquires the same class of shares in the same company, she will receive full relief in 2004. The continuance of that anomaly is preposterous.
+In Committee, I suggested that the problem could be remedied by a simple election by the taxpayer, who could then be deemed to have sold and reacquired the value for no gain, no loss as at 6 April 2000, thus allowing that
+I am sure that the Economic Secretary understands that the intention is not to advantage the person who acquired his asset before 6 April 2000, but to put that person in exactly the same shoes as a person who acquired an asset after 6 April 2000. I do not have exact costs for the amendment, but I do not think that they would be significant. Does the hon. Lady have any information about the costs of those proposals to the Treasury?
+The Economic Secretary was good enough to give the matter a fair airing in Committee. I hope that she will have had a chance to think again, and that she can avoid that dramatic anomaly and put all such shareholders in the same position, at little or no cost to the Treasury.
+Mr. Edward Davey: Notwithstanding the comments of my hon. Friend the Member for Torridge and West Devon (Mr. Burnett), I thank the Government for tabling amendment No. 97--especially on behalf of my right hon. Friend the Member for Yeovil (Paddy Ashdown).
+We raised the matter in Committee--as did Conservative Members. It hits GKN and Westland especially because of the nature of the defence industry and the need for companies to enter joint ventures. I understand that the Government--through their officials--have held detailed discussions with GKN and Westland that, partly, resulted in the amendment. We are grateful to the Government for listening on that point.
+Will the Minister confirm that it is the Government's understanding that, in such joint ventures, employees of GKN and of Westland will benefit from taper relief under the amendment? Clearly, that is the Government's intention; that is why they have worked so hard on the provisions. It would be helpful--especially if a Pepper v. Hart challenge were mounted--for the Government to make it clear that it is their intention that employees of GKN and Westland, and similar companies involved in joint ventures, should benefit from taper relief. I am advised that amendment No. 97 would provide for that, but--adopting a belt and braces approach--will the Economic Secretary confirm the point?
+Mr. Geraint Davies (Croydon, Central): I speak briefly on amendments Nos. 136 and 137. There seems to be no indication of the cost impacts of the provisions. Furthermore, they might offer a slightly perverse tax incentive for premature retirement.
+Mr. Burnett: That would not be the case. The provisions would operate on a straight line basis. The period during which a person has held an asset is the period for which he receives relief. If the asset was held for four years, full relief would be obtained if the person had acquired it after 6 April and it was a business asset.
+Mr. Davies: I am not completely convinced by that point.
+Under amendment No. 137, it would not be very beneficial to backdate the more generous taper for business assets, if the idea behind such a taper is that it would produce a positive effect on behaviour. By retrospectively backdating it, the asset holder would
+Mr. Flight: Whether there was a windfall would obviously depend on what happened to the asset. The problem lies in another direction. Let us consider the case of two individuals who work for a company in which they hold shares: one is a loyal employee who first acquired his shares two years ago and the other has only just joined and obtained his shares. During the next eight years, the performance of the shares will be the same, but under the apportionment rules, the longer-serving employee, who bought his shares first, will end up paying more tax than the person who held them for a lesser period.
+If the hon. Gentleman reads the debate we held in Committee, where that point was illustrated, he will appreciate the problem. We considered how to address it, and the only way is to backdate business asset relief to April 1998, when the taper started. We can argue whether there may be a windfall gain, but we must work from the point when taper relief started.
+Mr. Davies: I accept that there is an issue about fairness in the way in which the provision applies. The difficulty arises once one starts going into retrospective benefits. As we cannot change previous behaviour, there is no benefit in terms of future investment and its duration and depth. It simply means a tax loss. Again, I do not know whether any costings have been done.
+Mr. Burnett: In relation to amendments Nos. 137 and 138, if an individual acquired a class of shares in one company before 6 April this year and subsequently acquired shares in the same company of the same class, the recently acquired shares would get full relief in four years, whereas the previously acquired shares would get full relief in 2010. Does the hon. Gentleman not agree that that is glaring anomaly and that it should be corrected?
+Mr. Davies: No, I do not agree. Over time, the tax system will change, and different tax regimes may apply. I do not think that the hon. Gentleman makes a compelling argument for the proposals. What is more, as soon as one opens the Pandora's box of retrospective taxation as a precedent, difficulties will arise. It would mean that if a portfolio of assets had been sold under a previous regime, the people affected would immediately want a tax reassessment. That would be a tax man or woman's nightmare and an accountant's dream.
+I do not think that the benefits proposed are compelling. The costs have not been thought out and the administrative overheads would be ridiculous. I urge right hon. and hon. Members to resist the amendment.
+Miss Melanie Johnson: I thank Conservative Members for their welcome for the change outlined in amendment No. 97. We said that we would bring forward such a measure when we discussed the matter in Committee. Officials have consulted GKN and the Chartered Institute of Taxation in drafting the amendment, and have consulted more widely among other companies.
+My understanding is that everyone is content with the amendment. It would be rash for me to say definitely that GKN employees will benefit, but the company is well
+Of the three Opposition amendments, amendment No. 136 stands on its own, while amendments Nos. 137 and 138 stand together. Amendment No. 136 is unnecessary and unfair, because it would add unwelcome cost and complexity. It would make some people worse off, and is technically defective. I think that the hon. Member for Arundel and South Downs accepted that it would make some people worse off.
+With regard to the amendment being unnecessary, where the employee's shares are in an unlisted trading company, or in a listed company in which the employee owns at least 5 per cent. of the voting rights, the assets will continue to be business assets after retirement. Where the assets change their status, as long as the retired employee disposes of them within 10 years of retirement, he or she will obtain some credit for the period for which those assets were business assets under the normal apportionment rules. So the amendment addresses only a small sub-set of cases.
+The amendment would add complexity. If it was accepted, there would be two different systems of apportionment. They might apply to the same asset. Right hon. and hon. Members have indicated that one system of apportionment is already too complex. I cannot accept that, but I am nervous about expecting taxpayers to apply two different systems. Adding a bonus two years to the period in which the asset has been a non-business asset seems to be wrong in principle and to add further complexity. The bonus year added in 1998 for assets held at 17 March 1998 was added for quite different reasons.
+The amendment would increase taxpayers' resource costs. Taxpayers would need to value the asset at the time of retirement. For listed shares, that is a hassle rather than a cost, but the amendment could also apply to some unlisted shares and securities, and to assets other than shares. Valuations would be needed, and taxpayers would have to bear the cost.
+The amendment would make some people worse off. I quite understand that some would be made better off--broadly, those who keep their assets for a long time after retirement and those whose gains are unevenly distributed and arose predominantly when they were employed. However, there would be losers too--people whose gains arise mainly after retirement, people who acquire their shares shortly before they retire and people who sell their shares soon after they retire, for whatever reason.
+Let us consider an employee who acquires shares 11 months before retirement and disposes of them one month after retiring. Under the amendment, that employee would receive no taper relief at all. Under the normal rules, he would pay tax on only 88 per cent. of the gain.
+Let us consider--I will exaggerate to make the point--an employee whose shares do not increase in value at all in the four years that he or she is an employee, and then double in value in the four years after retirement. It is possible. Under the normal rules, he or she would pay tax on 47.5 per cent. of the gain; under the amendment, he or she would pay tax on 80 per cent. of the gain.
+My point is not that the normal method of time apportionment always leads to winners. There are winners and losers under both systems of apportionment. However, it is fairer to have a single system that applies to all apportionment cases across the whole taper system.
+The amendment is technically defective. What if the asset later becomes a business asset again? Perhaps the employee returns to work for the company or a listed company becomes unlisted. It is not clear that the amendment would allow a further period of business assets status to accrue.
+The amendment does not define its terms. What are "ill health", "injury" and "disability", and who will decide? Is the amendment meant to cover all retirement or just retirement due to ill health, injury of disability?
+The interaction of the amendment with the normal market value uplift on someone's death is less than clear. No capital gains tax is payable on that uplift at death. The personal representatives of the deceased pay tax only on gains after the death. Under the amendment, however, they might have to pay tax on gains pre-death as well.
+The amendment is similar to one put forward in Committee. It is a better and more worthwhile version, but I still give it only seven out of 10 and do not feel moved to support it.
+The purpose of amendments Nos. 137 and 138 is backdating, so that the period between 6 April 1998 and 5 April 2000 is counted as a period of business use. That would produce no increase in productivity or benefit to the economy, as my hon. Friend the Member for Croydon, Central (Mr. Davies) remarked a few moments ago. It would be expensive, which I shall come on to shortly. I will therefore ask the House to reject the amendments if they are pressed.
+In clause 67 we are providing a real and positive encouragement to entrepreneurial investment and greater employee share ownership in the future. The amendments seek to reward past activity, where there is no scope for incentivisation.
+Gartman /
+& Business
+It is every fans dream to be the General Manager of a baseball team. Just look at the popularity of fantasy leagues. But valuing a free-agent player in the real world is no easy task. How can a GM predict the future production of a player? There are certain rules which should serve as guidelines for any GM looking at a prospective player. First is age: An average player will be in prime from about age 25-32. Afterwards, his productivity will drop off rapidly. Above-average players will be in their prime during these years, and still may produce for a couple of years afterwards. Superstars, however, can be productive well into their late thirties. Also important is not just quality during these peak year, but at what age a hitter started in the majors. A hitter who is putting up good numbers before age 25 will probably continue to do so past age 32. But beware hitters who start at age 25: Once past 32, they are a dangerous gamble. It is also important to note a hitters plate discipline. The number of walks vs. strikeouts is important at all stages of a hitters career. Free swingers with few walks dont last as long as guys who take as many walks as whiffs.
+Predicting pitching is harder since pitchers often bloom late in the their careers. Furthermore, early bloomers tend to have arm trouble and often burnout early, like Dwight Gooden and Steve Avery. Injuries are of course the wild card. It is hard to predict who will get injured, but injury-prone players tend to stay that way throughout their careers. This applies to both hitters and pitchers. I have used Bill James win shares system as the basis for most of my statistics. I believe it is the single best stat ever created. According to James, players with over 30 win shares in a season are MVP candidates, 20-30 are all-star players, 10-20 are solid regulars, and 0-10 bench players. Let us now turn to real-life examples.
+Superstars: The Prime Years
+Some free-agent signings are no-brainers. The very best players in the game are worth paying top money, especially in their prime. In 1992, Barry Bonds became the highest paid player in the game, with a contract averaging $7.3 million over six years for the San Francisco Giants. Bonds became a full-time major leaguer at the tender of age of 21, when he registered 15 win shared for the 1986 Pirates, very impressive for player that age. Bonds continued to improve steadily over the next few years, and blossomed into a full-blown star in 1990, when at age 25 he won the MVP honors with 37 win shares. He was just as good over the next two years, with win shares of 37 and 41, good enough for another MVP in 1992. Predicting his future performance when he became a free agent after the 92 season, I have would bet on another 4 years at the superstar level, followed by another three seasons at a very high level into his mid-thirties. The six-year deal the Giants signed him to was a fairly safe bet. Bonds had come up early, and had peaked at a very high level. He was still in his prime at age 28, and was worth being the best paid player in the game.
+In his next six years with the Giants, Bonds did not disappoint. He led the league in homers and RBIs in 1993, winning his third MVP, and taking an astonishing 47 win shares. In the seasons that followed he registered win share totals of 25 (in the strike-shortened 94 season), 36,39,36 and 34. He was the best player in the league once during this period, second-best three times, and third best once. Its hard to argue with those kind of numbers. Signing Barry Bonds in his prime can hardly be considered a huge risk, and the players that followed him as the highest paid in the years that followed also were not much of a gamble. Ken Griffey (1996), Greg Maddux (1997), and Pedro Martinez (1997) all signed contracts in the years that followed that made them the highest paid players in the game, and all were worth the money.
+After acquiring Shawn Green from the Blue Jays in very one-sided deal, the Dodgers signed him to six-year $84 million contract in November 1999. Since Green was only 27, and therefore still in his prime, six years wasnt too long, as he would still be 32 at the end of the deal. Green came to the majors at age 22 in 1995, when he posted 10 win shares. Green burst out in 1998, with 21 win shares, and followed with 24 the next year. He was a bust in the first year of his deal with the Dodgers, posting only 22 win shares, but he followed with 34 in 2001, and 30 in 2002. Green was only 30 years old going into 2003, and expect two or three more years from him at around 30 win shares, before a slight decline. But since he is not being paid as much as some of the other stars in the game, I think its a good deal for the Dodgers.
+Another huge contract was given to Manny Ramirez in December 2000. The Red Sox signed Manny to an eight-year $160 million contract. Ramirez would be 29 in 2001, and hence 36 in the final year of his deal. Manny was a full-time regular with Cleveland in Indians at age 22, and at age 23 already posted 25 win shares. He continued to play at that level over the next few years, peaking in 1999 with 165 RBIs and 35 win shares. Injuries limited him to 118 games the next year, but he still posted 27 win shares with a .351 batting average and 122 RBIs. At the time of his new contract, I would have predicted another four or five years at 25-30 win shares, followed by solid, if unspectacular production in his mid-thirties through the end of his contract. Manny registered 25 win shares in 2001, although he missed some games due to injuries, and posted 29 in 2002. He is a solid player, but Im not sure if he will be worth $20 million a year in the last few years of his contract.
+Three days before Manny signed his deal, the Texas Rangers signed Alex Rodriguez to a whopping 10-year $252 million contract. The deal raised eyebrows around baseball, and rightly so. A-Rod may be the best offensive shortstop in baseball history, and he was only 25 years old at the time, but no player was even earning $20 million a year. In fact, the closest was Kevin Brown at $15 million a year. Furthermore, the Rangers had considerable leverage, as they were the only interested team. They could have easily signed him for about $20 million a year, which would have left more room for the pitching they so desperately needed.
+There wasnt really any doubt that Rodriguez was a great player, nor that he would be in ten years time. A-Rod tore up the minors at every level he played at, and as a 21-year old major leaguer with the Seattle Mariners in 1996 he led the league in runs, doubles, and batting average, for a league-best 34 win shares. He slipped a bit with 22 win shares in 1997, but was back up to 30 in 1998. Injuries limited him to 23 in 1999, but he posted 37 in 2000, the last year before his free agency. In his first year in Texas, A-Rod posted 37 win shares, but with no pitching, the Rangers languished in last place. The exact same scenario played out in 2002, with A-Rod pacing the AL with 35 win shares, but with the pitching-poor Rangers again finishing in last place. For the rare player of his caliber, its reasonable to expect greatness into his mid-thirties, albeit at a level not quite as a high as in his prime. A-Rod might not be scoring 37 win shares in the final years of his contract, but 30 are not out of the question for him.
+And of course, there are also times when the best players in their prime dont live up to expectations. In 2000 the Cincinnati Reds signed Ken Griffey, Jr. to a 9-year, $116 million contract. Since he was only thirty years old and still in his prime, it was a good gamble. In the three previous years Griffey had registered 36, 29, and 31 win shares. He had come up to the majors at age 19, and as early as age 21 had registered 30 win shares. Going into the 2000 season Griffey seemed like a sure-fire hall of famer, the kind of player who is good until his late 30s. If I were to predict his performance in 2000, I would give him two or three more years at around 30 win shares, followed by several more good years at around 25 win shares, before falling to around 20 win shares at around age 37.
+But it was not to be. In 2000, Griffey posted 24 win shares, not bad, but well below the 30 most baseball people expected. Still, Griffey was supposed to rebound in 2001. Injuries limited him to 111 games, but he was not especially productive during those games, batting .286 with 22 homers. Injuries continued to hound Griffey in 2002, and early in 2003 he was injured again. The case of Junior Griffey proves that is essentially impossible to predict performance with 100 percent accuracy. If there was ever a sure thing in baseball before 2000, he was it. His future is clouded, and due to his injuries, it is even harder to predict how he will do now.
+Another case of a superstar player falling below expectations came with the Orioles signing of White Sox slugger Albert Belle in December 1998 to a five-year $65 million contract. Following a monster 1998 season in which bashed 152 RBIs for a total of 37 win shares, the Orioles, in desperate need of a big slugger to make up for the loss of Rafael Palmeiro, rolled the dice on Belle. His 37 homers and 117 RBIs in 1999 were well short of the 50 home runs that were expected of him. He registered 24 win shares, not bad, but less than hoped for. Belle was hitting well in 2000 when a hip problem brought his numbers down. He finally sat out, and then never came back. A degenerative hip kept him from playing again.
+Belles injury makes many view his signing as a disaster, but there was no way to predict that. Belle had never been prone to injury before, and had he stayed healthy, he might have put up solid, if unspectacular numbers for a few more years. Belle was a late bloomer who didnt have his first monster year until age 27. But beginning at age 27, he put up win share totals of 27, 24, 30, 31, 18, and 37. Expecting him to reach 37 win shares again after age 32 was clearly unrealistic, but he might have been able to match the 24 win shares registered in 1999 for another two or three years, and then settled at around 20 for the remainder of his contract. With Belle in the middle of lineup BJ Surhoff and Harold Baines had huge seasons, making Belle more valuable than the 24 win shares he totaled that year. Most people say the deal was a bust, but Im not sure it was such a bad gamble. Besides, the Orioles insurance paid most of the remainder of Belles contract.
+And occasionally a player who is not anywhere close to being the best player in baseball gets paid the highest salary. It happened in December 1991 when the Mets made Bobby Bonilla the highest paid player in baseball with a contract averaging $5.8 million a year for five years. Most likely, the Mets were fooled by Bonillas monster year in 1991, when he had 31 win shares. But that was with Barry Bonds and Andy Van Slyke in the lineup, and Bonilla had no track record of producing at anywhere near that level. The year before Bonilla only had 23 win shares. He would be 29 years old in 1992, and unlikely to improve. Furthermore, he never had a particularly good work ethic or attitude. In 1992 I would have predicted Bonilla to average around 25 win shares over the next 4 years, before slipping in his fifth season. What did Bonilla do? He was actually even worse than that, posting win shares of 18,16,19 over the next three years. The Mets, eager to offload Bonilla and his salary, finally found a taker (sucker?) with the Orioles in mid-1995, where Bonilla finished out his contract in 1996. He wasnt much better his last two years, with win share totals of 22 and 19. Bonilla stuck around for a few more years afterwards, never coming close to repeating his career year of 1991. Incidentally, the Pirates made a similar mistake the next season. Forced to choose between keeping Van Slyke or Bonds, they kept Van Slyke, whose numbers eroded quickly without Bonds in the lineup. All along, it was Bonds who was the driving force of the Pirate teams of the early 90s.
+Another team who made the mistake of giving an above-average player with one monster year superstar-type money was the Toronto Blue Jays with Carlos Delgado. Delgados first year with the Blue Jays was at age 24, and he improved steadily over the next few years, posting win shares of 18,24,21, before breaking out in 2000 with a tremendous 36 win shares. The Blue Jays were mightily impressed, and signed him to a long-term deal for top money. But the Jays should have been more careful. Delgado was 28 when he finally had his huge season, and based on his previous numbers and arrival in the majors at age 24, he was not likely to repeat that performance. In 2001 he only posted 23 win shares, and in 2002 he registered 26. Like Bonilla and the Mets, the Jays let one huge season fool them.
+And in the opposite direction, occasionally there are great player in their prime who do not get the money they deserve. In November 1998, second baseman Roberto Alomar signed a 4-year, $30 million contract with the Cleveland Indians, with a fifth year, $8 option. Alomar was worth a lot more money than that, however. After tearing up the minors as a teenage, Alomar made his major league debut as at age 20 with the San Diego Padres in 1988. He posted 22 win shares, showing a high average, good speed on the basepaths, and stellar defense. Alomar continued to improve, having his first huge season for the Toronto Blue Jays in 1992 at age 24 with 34 win shares, and followed with 30 the next year. He wasnt quite as good in 1994 and 1995, as he was hampered by injuries and did not have the same protection in the lineup, but he still posted fine numbers. The Orioles signed him to a three-year deal in 1996, and he immediately responded with a huge year, scoring 132 runs and posting 31 win shares. Despite playing in only 112 games in 1997, he batted .333 and gained 21 win shares. 1997 was also the first year since 1990 that Alomar did not win the gold glove for his stellar play in the field.
+But Alomar seemed to fade in 1998, batting only .282 with 19 win shares in a full season. Later it was revealed that the Alomar was upset with the Orioles, and did not play his hardest in the second half of the season. Perhaps this is why he was so undervalued that offseason. Some said that he was now on the downside of his career, and now that he was 31 his skills would fade quickly due to his lack of fitness training. But people should have known better, even if they did not know why Alomar played so poorly in 1998. Alomar not only came up at a very early age and played well, he also peaked high, posting over 30 win shares three times. At age 31, he was still in his prime, and it should have been clear that he would continue to produce into his mid-thirties, and probably later than that, albeit at a lower level. The Indians contract with him at a little over $7 million a year was a steal (Mike Piazza signed a deal worth $13 million a year the same month). Some folks were surprised by Robbies huge year in 1999 when he led the league in runs scored, as well as showed power by hitting 24 homers and driving 120 while stealing 37 bases, for 35 win shares, tied for best in the league. He also won his second consecutive gold glove. But they shouldnt have been. Certainly his huge offensive numbers where helped by the awesome Cleveland lineup, but he was a big part of it. Robbie didnt quite match those numbers in 2000, with a solid 20 win shares, but was stellar again in 2001, batting .336 and driving in 100 runs, for a personal high of 37 win shares.
+The cash-strapped Indians dealt him to the Mets before the 2002 season, were he batted only .266 and posted a very disappointing 16 win shares that season. Nonetheless, the Mets exercised his 2003 option, and for a mere $8 million, they should have. So how will Alomar fare in the last year of his deal? In 2003, Robbie will be 35 years old, and coming off a rather mediocre year. But he had no protection in weak lineup in 2002. Alomar had had some off years in the past, and rebounded quite well. I would expect him to easily top his 16 win shares from last season, because players dont drop off from such high points so quickly. Alomar is a first-ballot hall of famer, the kind of player who is good into his late thirties. He may be back in 2003, but his superstar days are probably over.
+And what of Mike Piazza and his $13 million a year? The Mets signed him to a 7-year $81 million deal in November, 1998. Piazza came up as a catcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers at age 24 in 1993, and won Rookie of the Year, with an impressive 32 win shares. He continued to play well, batting for both power and average in the years that followed. He posted 33 win shares in 1996, and reached his peak in 1997, batting .362 with 40 homers, for 39 win shares. But Piazza and the Dodgers could not agree on a contract in 1998, and he was shipped of to Florida, and then New York. Despite all the moving, he caught fire in with the Mets, and posted a total of 33 win shares for 1998. Piazza would be thirty years old in 1999, he was already the best hitting catcher in major league history. He had posted win share totals of 33, 39, and 33 in the previous three seasons. He was very strong and in excellent shape.
+But Piazza also played the most demanding position in baseball, a place where most players dont last very long, as the constant squatting takes its toll. If Piazza played any other position I would not have blinked at signing him to a lucrative six or seven year deal, but the fact that he was a catcher should have made the Mets pause. Catchers past thirty dont tend to catch much longer. Maybe the Mets thought they could move him to another position, like first base, where he could extend his career. Piazza had always been a very mediocre catcher at best anyway. The Mets ended up giving Piazza seven years and $81, a little too long in my opinion, unless they planned on moving him from catcher.
+Piazza hit 40 homers in 1999, but his average dropped to .303, his lowest in the majors, for a total of 21 win shares. Piazza had a big season in 2000, batting .324 for 29 win shares, but he faded towards the end of the season. A weak Mets lineup in 2001 left him under 100 RBIs, despite his 36 homers, for 21 win shares. Things were even worse in 2002, when the Mets efforts to give him help in the lineup failed, and Piazza posted only 19 win shares. Piazzas defense has also declined, as opposing runners steal bases on him seemingly at will. Piazzas numbers havent been bad, but they arent quite worth they money. The Mets will get only declining numbers from him so long as they keep at catcher.
+It is of course harder to predict how a superstar will perform when he is past his prime years of 25-32. After the 1996 season, Roger Clemens demanded top money from Boston Red Sox, who werent sure whether he was worth it. Clemens was 34 years old, and had gone 39-40 over the last four years, hardly Cy Young material. The Red Sox let him go, and the Toronto Blue Jays decided to take a chance on him for three years and $21 million, which at $7 million a year was far less than the $11 million Greg Maddux received that offseason. Clemens went on to win the Cy Young award the next two seasons for the Jays, before being traded to the Yankees for the 1999 season, where he struggled a bit. Still, it was one of the greatest deals in history.
+But could the Sox have known Clemens would return to form? Actually, yes. Clemens was great from a young age, winning at every level in the minors, before doing well in the majors at the young age of 22. He won the Cy Young at age 24, and continued to the best pitcher in the AL afterwards. Clemens posted stellar seasons in 1991 and 92, but faltered in 93 going 11-14 with a mediocre 4.46 ERA. But in the strike shortened 94 season his 9-7 record did not accurately reflect his stingy 2.87 ERA. The win shares system rates him as the third-best pitcher in the AL that year. The next year he was 10-5 with a 4.18 ERA, not bad, but hardly worth top dollar. But the Red Sox may have undervalued Clemens mostly due to his 1996 campaign. Clemens pitched 242 innings, posting a 3.63 era, excellent numbers, but poor run support left him with a 10-13 record. But despite the won-lost record, win shares sees him as the fourth-best pitcher in the AL that year, with 20 win shares. All in all, the Red Sox could have predicted solid, if not quite Cy Young results from the Rocket for the next few years. Clemens further helped himself by committing to a rigorous workout regiment as he approached his mid-thirties, a necessity for an older athlete who wishes to stay competitive. Clemens clearly exceeded expectations, but those expectations should have been fairly high. The Red Sox may have lost out on Clemens, but they did well by signing another superstar, Pedro Martinez the following year, to a contract averaging $12.5 million annually.
+Another 34-year old pitcher was signed two years later, when the Los Angeles Dodgers shocked the baseball world in December 1998 by signing Kevin Brown to a seven-year, $105 million contract. It was the most lucrative deal in baseball history, exceeding Mike Piazzas $13 million annual contract. There wasnt any doubt that Brown was a great pitcher, but would he be at age 40? In his earlier years, Brown was a solid pitcher, who didnt live up to his potential as a great pitcher until age 31, when he posted a phenomenal 1.86 ERA with the Marlins in 1996. He was great in again 1997, and in 1998 he helped pitched the Padres to the World Series, where he gained national attention for his heroics during the playoffs. The Dodgers needed an ace, and had the money to spend. Brown, a very talented power pitcher, might have been expected to be a late bloomer who stayed good late, like Nolan Ryan or Warren Spahn. It could therefore be seen as a reasonable risk, especially if you have the money, like the Dodgers did.
+In his first year, Brown anchored the staff and won 18 games, just what the Dodgers wanted. He registered 19 win shares, and was the fifth-best pitcher in the NL. In 2000, Brown was slightly better, leading the league in ERA and registering 20 win shares, fourth-best in the NL. So far, so good. But injuries limited Brown to 115 innings in 2001. Although he was effective when he pitched, he only registered 11 win shares. Injuries further limited Brown in 2002, but this time when he pitched he was ineffective. Brown still has three more years on his contract, but I would say that unless he is stellar in all three seasons, the deal was more or less a bust. Had I been predicting Browns performance in 1998, I would expect another two or three years of stellar pitching, another two years of above average pitching, and maybe two years of very average results. All in all, too much of a risk for seven years.
+The problem wasnt the money, however, as much as the duration of the deal. The Dodgers had money to burn, and $15 million may not be too much for an ace. If I were the Dodgers I would have agreed to no more than a four-year deal with a fifth year option. Had Brown proved effective for six or seven years, that would be a tolerable risk: The Dodgers could have resigned him to a new contract, just like the Diamondbacks did with Randy Johnson after his option year in 2002. But tough-talking agent Scott Boras suckered the Dodgers into a long deal, much like he did with Texas and Alex Rodriguez. Its not over for Brown yet, but I would be very surprised if he is able to make the deal worthwhile for the Dodgers.
+Another older pitcher was signed that same offseason, Randy Johnson. Johnson was a year older than Brown, and the Arizona Diamondbacks offered him a four-year deal at $12.35 million a year, with a fourth-year $15 million option. Like the Brown deal, the Johnson signing was questioned. Not only would Johnson be 38 by the time the contract was up, but he had pitched poorly for the Mariners during the first half of 1998, before coming to the Astros and posting gaudy numbers.
+The rest, of course, is history. Johnson won the Cy Young award in each of his first four years of the deal, pitching better than he had at any other time in his career, and absolutely dominating National League hitters. The Diamondbacks then happily picked up his option for 2003. It was one of the greatest free agent signings in history. But could the same be expected of Brown? First, it should be noted that there was really no way to have expected Johnsons performance. Certainly he was a great pitcher beforehand, but he actually improved after age 35, and continued to stay at that level. Lefthanders and power pitchers tend to peak late, and Johnson was both. That, along with his massive height, which required time to learn how to control, are the reasons for the Big Units late arrival. But there was really no way to have known ahead of time just how good his numbers would be. The Diamondbacks took the right strategy with a fairly short contract and an option year as the way to manage the risk of signing an older player.
+So what can we expect now from Johnson? Well, clearly Johnson is in uncharted territory. There have only been a few pitchers who were effective so late in their careers. One of the most similar was Warren Spahn, another left-handed power pitcher who developed fairly late. Spahn missed the early years of his career due to World War Two, and did not pitch his first full season until he was 26. He was great from that point on, and maintained his consistency until very late, amassing 363 wins. He had his last great season at age 42 when he won 23 games and led the league in complete games. He collapsed quickly afterwards, however, and was ineffective and injured at age 43 before rebounding with decent numbers at age 44 and finally retiring. Another pitcher who maintained effectiveness late in his career was the ageless one, Nolan Ryan. The Texas Rangers signed the 42-year old Ryan in 1989 and he responded with three good years in which he posted win shares totals of 18,15, and 13 at ages 42-44. Another example is Phil Niekro who posted 24 win shares at age 40, and had several more good years after that. Niekro was a knuckleballer, however, and knuckleballers often last a long time, ie. Charlie Hough.
+Other than these three there arent really any pitchers who have made it as long as the Big Unit (unless we look at Cy Young who pitched over 100 years ago). I dont feel that Niekro is even comparable since he was a knuckleball pitcher. That leaves two previous example, Ryan and Spahn. Of the two, Id say Johnson is closer to Spahn, in that he was a late-blooming, power-pitching lefty. Johnson is 39 in 2003, and will turn 40 halfway through the season. I think its possible that he can have another three good years, although not quite at the Cy Young level that he has been at. The Diamondbacks played it safe, signing Johnson to another two years, but at the handsome price of $33 million. I think the Diamondbacks will get two good years out of Johnson, although injuries are the wild card. Players tend to become more injury-prone as they age, and the Unit finally went down early in 2003. But he will be back, and the Diamondbacks probably will get their moneys worth.
+The same offseason that Brown and Johnson were signed as free agents, there were also two slugging first basemen who were looking for new teams: Mo Vaughn and Rafael Palmeiro. Both had put up nearly identical numbers in 1998; Vaughn registered 25 win shares to Palmeiros 24. But Vaughn was 31 years old and Palmeiro was 34. Shouldnt teams have concluded that Vaughn would produce better numbers in the future? Actually, close examination would have predicted Palmeiro to be better bet than Vaughn. A good hitter before age 25 will continue to hit well past age 32, but a good hitter who comes into his prime at age 25 is a big risk in his mid-thirties. This explains the different career paths for Palmeiro and Vaughn. Rafael Palmeiro played his first full season with Cubs at age 23, posting a high average, lots of doubles, and good plate discipline, striking out only 34 times versus 38 walks. The only missing element was home run power. But power is usually the last skill a hitter develops, and Palmeiros high number of doubles, high average and good plate discipline before age 25 boded well for future power, and after age 25, Palmeiro started hitting homers regularly.
+Mo Vaughn on the other hand did not have his first full season in the majors until age 25, and while he showed good power with 29 homers, he also struck out 130 times versus 79 walks. Vaughn continued to improve and put up impressive numbers over the next few years, including an MVP award in 1995. But Vaughn was never quite as good as his numbers made him seem. He played for a good hitting team in a hitters park, leading observers to overrate him. In fact, according to the win shares system, Vaughns best year was in 1996 when he registered 29 win shares. Other than that, he was never close again. Vaughn registered only 24 win shares in 1995, the year he won the MVP, not even in the top five in the league, versus Edgar Martinezs 32 win shares. The 25 he registered in 1998 were his second best ever. Meanwhile, Palmeiro already had two seasons with over 30 win shares by 1998, and was better earlier in his career than Vaughn. Furthermore, Vaughn never developed plate discipline, averaging 150 strikeouts a year from 1995-98 against about half as many walks, while Raffys strikeout and walk totals remained about even.
+Taken as a whole, the numbers in the 1998-99 offseason predicted further production from Raffy, well into his late 30s, while maybe a year or two more good seasons from Vaughn before a dropoff into mediocre territory. The Anaheim Angels, however, ignored this information, however, signing Vaughn to a massive six-year deal worth $80 million. The Rangers played it smart, and grabbed Raffy from the hands of the inept Baltimore Orioles at a bargain price of $45 million over 5 years. It didnt take long for the two players to go their separate paths. In 1999, Vaughn registered only 19 win shares, although injuries limited him to 139 games. But Raffy had a monster year, hitting 47 homers, 148 RBIs, and a .324 batting average for a total of 31 win shares. In 2000, Palmeiro continued to produce with 23 win shares to Vaughns 17. Vaughn missed all of 2001 with a biceps injury, but even if he hadnt, it is unlikely he would have matched Raffys 25 win shares that year. Despite his injuries and declining production, the Mets decided to take Vaughns huge contract in 2002, as they were desperate for hitting. But even a rich team with money to spend in need of power should have known better. Vaughn was very mediocre in 2002, registering 14 win shares, while Raffy continued his steady production with another 19 win shares.
+Writing during the 1998 season, Thomas Boswell recommended that the Orioles resign Palmeiro instead of going after Vaughn, since he reasoned that large barrel-chested hitters like Vaughn and Bobby Bonilla tend not to last into in their late thirties. That may be true, but its hard to say. What is not in dispute is that an aging player needs to work out hard and stay in shape, which the grossly overweight Vaughn did not do in 2002. But even without looking at Vaughns body type and workout habits, it should have been clear that Palmeiro was the better bet at that point.
+The New York Yankees decided to go after Orioles ace righthander Mike Mussina following the 2001 season. Mussina was 32 years old, however, but the Yankees nonetheless signed him to a six-year deal, worth $88.5 million. Was it a good idea? Mussina had come up at an early age, and was good right from the beginning. In 1992, at the age of 23, Mussina posted 24 win shares, second-best in the AL, and his best season to date. Mussina continued his steady pitching for the next few years garnering win shares of 11,18,20,13,19,15,17, and 18 in the years leading up to his free agency. He was the second-best pitcher in the AL in 1994, third-best in 1995, and fourth best in 2000. Throughout he was durable, rarely prone to injury, and his great command led to lots of strikeouts and few walks. Mussina was a winner: The Yankees were smart to acquire him, even for a long-term deal. In his first year with Yankees he won 17 games while posting a measly 3.15 ERA, for 20 win shares, second-best in the AL. He faltered a bit the next year with his ERA rising to 4.50, but he still won 18 games while throwing over 200 innings, for 15 win shares. The Yankees shouldnt worry too much in the short term. Mussina has dropped to 15 win shares before, only to rebound. He may not throw for 20 win shares again, but he will continue to win for the about next three seasons. Id be worried about his production in the last two years of his deal at ages 36 and 37, however.
+The next year the Yankees went after another big free agent, and signed As slugger Jason Giambi to a 7 year, $120 million in the 2001-2002 offseason. Giambi didnt become a regular until age 25, a little old for a superstar, and only posted 15 win shares. But by 1999, at age 28, he was up to 30 win shares, and only got better, posting 38 in 2000 and 2001, taking MVP honors the first year. Throughout his career, Giambis plate discipline improved, as he led the league with walks in both 2000 and 2001, against less than 100 strikeouts. Although Giambi would be 31 in 2002, the Yankees four-year deal was a fairly safe bet. Despite his late start at age 25, Giambis peak years were huge, and his improved plate discipline also boded well for the future. In 2002, I would have predicted 30 or more win shares for the first three years of his deal, 25-30 in the next two years at ages 34 and 35. But even a hitter as accomplished as Giambi will probably fade a bit ages 36 and 37, maybe to about 20 win shares. It thus seems that Giambi may be somewhat overpaid, but if there is any team that can afford to do so, its the Yankees. Giambi did not disappoint in 2002, pacing the Yankees with 34 win shares.
+The top free agent during the 2002-03 offseason was another slugging first baseman, Cleveland Jim Thome. Thome was coming of a career year in which he mashed 52 home runs for a total of 34 win shares. Thome had been a consistent producer for the Indians for several years by 2003. He had played fairly well at the big-league level in his time in the majors at ages 23 and 24, before breaking out at age 25. His win share totals beginning at that age were 24, 28, 26, 19, 26, 20, and 34 in 2002. If we were to predict his future performance, we would clearly see that his 34 win shares in 2002 at age 32 was his peak performance, and unlikely to be repeated again. For a player of his caliber, I would predict another two or three very good years of 25-28 win shares, before dipping down in his mid-thirties to about 20 for another couple, followed by a big decline in his late thirties. Id say 37 might be the cut-off for a guy like Thome.
+Thome was highly coveted by the Philadelphia Phillies that offseason, who were trying to build a winner for the move into their new park in 2004. The Phils went out and offered Thome a hefty six-year deal. The deal is a gamble, and expensive as well. Id say the Phils will get their moneys worth for the first two or three years of the contract, followed by a year or two of slightly below-expected performance, before really getting shafted in the last two years when Thome is ages 37 and 38. Rafael Palmeiro might have been productive at those ages, but he started his major league career at a younger age, and has shown better plate discipline, not striking out anywhere near as much as Thome.
+All-Time Greatest Players: The Later years
+And then there is that player who seems to defy all rules about aging hitters: Barry Bonds. Bonds had his best season ever in 2001, when he was 36 (he turned 37 about halfway through the season). He was almost as good the next year. How long can Bonds keep this up for? Well, first lets chart out the top seasons by older players, until Bonds came along. The best season at age 36: Babe Ruth with 38 win shares (Bonds had 54). Age 37: Babe Ruth with 36 (Bonds had 49). Age 38: Ted Williams with 38. Age 39: Williams with 25. Age 40: Willie Mays with 27. Age 41: Honus Wagner, with 23. Age 42: Wagner with, 17. Thats some pretty select company. You could certainly make a case that Ruth, Williams, Mays, and Wagner are the four best players of all time. There is no doubt that each was the dominant player in his era, as Bonds has been in his time. Each was also very good at a very young age, peaking very high, and staying good late.
+Bonds shares all those same traits, except for one. His late career explosion in 2001 and 2002 is simply unprecedented in baseball history. Bonds not only had his finest season when he was 36 with 54 win shares, but it was also the greatest offensive season of all time, and third highest overall single-season total. In his next campaign, when he was 37, he posted 49 win shares, two higher than his previous high of 47 when he was 28 years old (The closest precedent is Honus Wagnerss all-time high of 59 win shares in 1908 when he was 34. Wagners previous high had been 46 at ages 31 and 32. But even that isnt quite the same, is it?). Its not clear why Bonds got better late in his career. Perhaps his improved plate discipline and increased strength training made the difference. There have been allegations of steroid use, but players who used steroids tend to get injured often, while Bonds has remained healthy for nearly his entire career. Besides, Bonds workout regimen is so rigorous that his massive bulk could have been gained naturally.
+So how much longer can we expect big seasons from Bonds? Well, he starts 2003 at age 38, coming off a 49 win share season. If Ted Williams could hit for 38 win shares at age 38, Bonds certainly can match that, and probably top it. He can also probably easily top Williams 25 win shares at age 39 and Mays 27 at age 40. For that matter, Id bet he could even match Wagners 23 at age 41 and 17 at age 42. Why do I think Bonds will be able to do all this? I would say there are two factors. One is that the sample size for the all-time greatest players is so small that it makes it difficult to really know what the upper age limit for great players is. Prior to Bonds, we are only dealing with about the 4-5 top players of all time. Of those, Babe Ruths hot dog and beer diet didnt contribute to his longevity likes Bonds rigorous training does. Ted Williams was still hitting well when he retired, and could have continued to play well for a couple more years, but well never know what he could have done. Bonds and Mays are essentially the same player, save for Bonds peak years when he was slightly better, and more importantly, Bonds came along after the advent of strength training. The new and improved modern conditioning techniques are probably the real difference between Bonds and his predecessors. His rigorous training and eating habits might allow him to shatter all of the above totals for greatest older player, just as he has been doing over the past two years.
+Apparently the Giants realized all this, and signed him to a five-year $90 million deal in January 2002, with the final year as an option. He certainly delivered in 2002. How will Bonds do for the remainder of his contract? Id be willing to bet on solid production from him for another three year, if not four years, providing he maintains the desire to play, and discipline to adhere to his training program. Bonds is a once in a generation player, the Honus Wagner/Ted Williams/Willie Mays of our time. Those players dont come around very often, and when they do, they can productive much later than any other player. And besides, there is another benefit with Bonds. Fans will come to the park just to him, even if he isnt a great player anymore. He will be chasing many records in the years to come, and fans will want to see him try. The Giants took a risk, but it wasnt a bad one.
+Lesser Stars and Above-Average Players:
+Above-average players often present difficulties in predicting drop-off points. They are not going to be effective quite as late as superstars, but they most likely will produce past age 32, unlike average players. In May 2000, the Cardinals signed Jim Edmonds to a six-year $57 million dollar contract, set to begin in 2001. Edmonds didnt have his first full season in the majors until age 25, when he posted 21 win shares for the Angels. He continued to produce at about the same pace over the next few years, before being traded to St. Louis. When the Cardinals signed him to his new deal in May 2000, he was 30 years, and a fine outfielder, but certainly not a great player. Edmonds contract would from ages 31-36. Based on his prior record, it seemed like a rather large gamble. But Edmonds settled into a groove in St. Louis, posting 29 win shares in 2000, and 30 in the first year of his new deal. He then posted 29 again the following season. Edmonds reached his peak at age 30, and stayed at the same level at ages 31 and 32. Its a little late in a players career for his peak, but certainly not unprecedented. I would not expect 30 win shares from Edmonds again in 2003, and I would be worried about his production in 2005-06, when he will be 35 and 36 years old. Good as Edmonds may be, he is not a superstar, and he may cost the Cards in the last two years of his deal.
+In December 1999, the Cleveland Indians signed 37-year old pitcher Chuck Finley to a three-year $21 million contract. The Indians wanted Finley mostly for his reputation as a Yankee-killer; He had a 16-9 career record against the Bronx Bombers at the point. The Indians had a huge regular season in 1999, and although they folded in the playoffs that year, they believed they were close to beating the Yanks. But the Indians should have known better than signing Finley. In the three years prior, Finley had registered win shares of 11, 17, and 14. If I were predicting Finleys performance over the next three years, I would predict one year of about 14 win shares followed by 10 or less the next two years. Finley turned a good season in 2000, going 16-11 with 15 win shares. But injuries limited him to 113 innings and an ERA of 5.54, for a meager 3 win shares. Finley struggled again in 2002, before being shipped of to St. Louis for their pennant-run, where he picked up his game a bit. Not only was the Finley deal a poor one based on his prior statistics, it locked up money that the Indians needed elsewhere. Cleveland lost Manny Ramirez to free agency after the 2000 season, Juan Gonzalez and Roberto Alomar after 2001, and Jim Thome after 2002. Clevelands glory days are over, thanks in part to lousy contracts.
+A similar situation occurred after the 2002 season, when the Atlanta Braves decided to part ways with left-handed starter Tom Glavine, who was also 37 years old at the time. In the three years prior, Glavine posted win shares of 21, 16, and 18. In his prime Glavine had been a better pitcher than Finley, registering over 20 win shares 7 times, while Finley only managed that once. Of some concern was that after pitching great in the first half of 2002, Glavine fell apart in the second half. Still his overall numbers were good, and I would focus on his cumulative stats rather than his two very different halves. If I were to predict Glavines performance over the next three years, I would guess he will be around 15-17 for the next two years, before dropping to about 10-12 in the third year. The Mets decided to pay him $36 million for three years. Its much more than what Finley earned, but its money better spent. Its also less of risk for a rich team like the Mets. You never know what youre going to get, but all in all, its not a bad gamble for the Mets. But thats because unlike Finley, Glavine is not an above-average player, he is a superstar.
+The same year the Mets signed Mo Vaughn, they acquired Jeromy Burnitz from the Milwaukee Brewers. Desperate for offense, they liked the fact that Burnitz had averaged 34 homers and over 100 RBIs over the past four years. The Mets should have been more careful. Burnitz was 33, and for a slightly above-average player, that is dangerous territory, especially with Burnitz high number of strikeouts. In his peak years in Milwaukee before coming to the Mets Burnitz had put up win shares of 19,19,16, and 18. But as he aged and his strikeouts remained high, Burnitz did not make any of the adjustments necessary for an older player. Furthermore, he struggled trying to find a batting stance, and ended up with a crazy, swing from his ankles approach. As a result, his first year in New York was a disaster. He barely broke the Mendoza line, with a .215 batting average and only 19 home runs, and finished with an astonishing 7 win shares! Certainly I would not have predicted such a large drop-off, but that is the point: A slightly better than average player nearing his mid-thirties is a risk. Even if he fixes his swing, and plays better in 2003 I doubt he will approach even 16 win shares again.
+Average Players:
+If above-average players after age 32 are a risk, then the rule on lesser players is even more obvious: Dont do it! Ask yourself, would you take a 32 year-old outfielder who two years ago batted .236 with 12 homers before rebounding the next year by hitting .266 with 18 homers? I certainly wouldnt. But thats exactly what the Pittsburgh Pirates did in 2001, signing free agent Derek Bell to a two-year contract. Predictably, Bell was terrible, playing in only 46 games and batting .173 before being released with a year left on his contract. Bell did have one big year, in 1998 when he produced 22 win shares. But that was at age 29 with a great lineup to protect him. Three years later, with two mediocre seasons behind him, the Pirates should have known better. The irony is that the Pirates are just about the last team that can afford to make such gaffes.
+Unfortunately, the Pirates are not alone. The Orioles made a bone-headed move with David Segui, signing the oft-injured 32-year old first basemen to a four year deal in 2001. Seguis career high was 16 win shares, and he had reached 15 twice. Is this the kind of player who in his thirties deserves a long term deal worth $28 million? Not surprisingly, Segui did not deliver. His 14 win shares in 2001 were more than I expected but hardly worth $7 million a year. Injuries struck him down for nearly all of 2002, and he was injured again early in 2003.
+An almost identical move was made by the Red Sox before the 1999 season, following the departure of Mo Vaughn. The Sox signed former Kansas City second baseman Jose Offerman to a four-year $28 million dollar deal. Offerman had a career year in 1998, batting .315 and posting 29 win shares. But he had always been a mediocre player before 1998, never posting more than 18 win shares in a single season, and he would be thirty years old in 1999. Fooled by his big year, the Sox bit. His 1999 season was impressive, as he posted 19 win shares, effectively silencing some of his critics. But posted shares of 9,14, and 4 over the next three years. It was hardly a $28 million performance.
+Diamonds in the Rough:
+A good GM should not only look at star players, but should also keep his eyes open for diamonds in the rough, that is underrated players who can be acquired for cheap. Perhaps the best example of an underrated player who can be acquired for cheap and really help a team is Matt Stairs. Matt Stairs doesnt really look like a baseball player. He is listed at 5-9 and 217 pounds. He looks like a rec league softballer who goes out after a game and pounds beers. Thats probably the main reason why he was overlooked for so many years by so many teams. But the man can hit. Stairs didnt even make the draft, and was signed as a free-agent by the money-conscious Expos. Despite leading his league in average in 1991, and playing well in triple-A ball in 1993, the Expos didnt give him much of a chance, selling his contract to a Japanese league team later that year. Stairs played well in Japan, but they werent too impressed with either, and he signed as a free agent with the Expos again in late 1993. The Expos didnt even wait three months before pawning him off to the Red Sox for a nondescript pitcher. Stairs once again proved that he could hit in 1994, tearing up the league on Bostons double-A team, and doing well at triple-A Pawtucket in 1995. Apparently the Red Sox still werent impressed, and they granted him free agency.
+Finally, Stairs was picked up by an organization that did appreciate him, the Oakland As. But even the As made him play in the minors too long. In 1996, Stairs put up huge number at Edmonton, before being called up and performing well at the major league level. 1997 was to be Stairs first full year in the Show. He was now 28 years old, and should have been called up for full-time duty two or three years earlier. Stairs finally proved he could hang with the big boys, batting .298 with 27 homers in part-time duty. The next year, now finally playing full time, he knocked in 106 runs while batting .294. In 1999 he hit 38 home runs while driving 102 runs. These performances garnered the As win shares of 15,20,20 all for next to nothing! Stairs numbers went down in 2000, but he was 31 years old. But the lesson is an important one: Players who dont look athletic but can hit in the minors will also hit in the majors. Furthermore, they can be acquired at a bargain prices.
+Stairs isnt the only such diamond in the rough. Troy OLeary came up in the Milwaukee Brewers organization. Despite hitting well in Triple-A in 1994 as well as with the Brewers in a brief stint later that year, the Brewers decided not to keep him. Instead, the Red Sox picked him, and for next to no money, got the following win share totals from him in the years beginning in 1995: 12,12,15,14,19,11. Thats six years of solid major league production from a guy nobody wanted. Its especially galling for a poor organization like the Brewers to lose that kind of production to wealthy team.
+The Cleveland Indians lost out on a productive player in Dave Roberts. Roberts played well in Triple-A ball in 1999, 2000, and 2001, but despite this, the Indians didnt give him a chance to play full time. They finally traded him to the Dodgers and he responded immediately, stealing 45 bases and posting 19 win shares in 2002. But he was already 29 years old, and should have been playing at the big league level several years earlier. The Dodgers nearly missed out on another such an opportunity with Paul Lo Duca. Lo Duca was a catcher in the Dodgers organization, but as long as Mike Piazza was around, he wasnt likely to see much playing time. But Piazza was traded in 1998, which should have cleared a space for Lo Duca in 1999. He had a huge year in triple-A ball the year before, and was clearly ready for the big leagues. But the Dodgers decided to trade for Todd Hundley instead. Hundley put up rather mediocre numbers in 1999 and 2000, while Lo Duca tore up the minors yet again. Then in 2001, the 29-year old Lo Duca finally got his chance. He made the most of it, batting .320 with 25 homers, for a cool 28 win shares. He was good again in 2002, posting 19 win shares. But he should have been the full-time catcher two years earlier.
+Kevin Young was another such diamond in the rough, who finally hit well when he got the chance with the Pirates, although they ended up keeping him for too long. Like other players, he reached 32 or 33 he was a big gamble. As for current players, I would bet Jeremy Giambi will produce well for the Red Sox, who acquired him at a low price, and Erubial Durazo, finally given a full-time chance to play in the majors, will hit well in Oakland.
+The Coors Field Effect:
+So different is the baseball played at Coors Field in Denver that I have devoted a special section to it. Coors field is the greatest hitters park of all time. The gaudy numbers hitters put up at Coors tends to make both hitters and pitchers true value harder to gauge. The thin air at Coors allows the ball to travel 10 percent farther than at sea level, while at the same time making curveballs harder to throw. All this makes it hard to judge a good player at Coors.
+One of the first victims of Coors Field was curveballer named Darryl Kile. Kile was a bit erratic in his early years with the Houston Astros, but blossomed in 1997 with a 19-7 record and a 2.57 ERA. The Rockies, forever in need of quality pitching, signed him to a three-year deal. The next year Kile led the league in losses with 17, and posted a 5.20 ERA. He was even worse the next year, with a 6.61 ERA. The Rockies mercifully traded him to St. Louis, and in 2000 he was back to normal, winning 20 games with a 3.91 ERA. He was even better in 2001, posting a scant 3.09 ERA. Kile was still pitching well at the time of his tragic death halfway through the 2002 season.
+Rockies management decided that curveballers were not going to be effective at Coors, and settled on a sinkerball pitcher, Mike Hampton, with the hope that the groundballs Hampton would induce could get the job done at Coors. So in December 2000, the Rockies went out and made Hampton the highest paid pitcher in history at eight years $121 million. Hampton was a star pitcher, and at only 28 years old, still in his prime. In 1999 he was the second-best pitcher in the NL with an impressive 24 win shares, and the next year he was the fifth-best pitcher in the NL with 18. If youre going to pay that kind of money, Hampton is the kind of guy youre going to spend it on right?
+Well, as long as your team doesnt play in Colorado. Hampton was effective the first half of 2001 but ended up with a 5.41 ERA and only 11 win shares. He was even worse in 2002, with only 5 win shares. Like Kile, the Rockies decided to trade Hampton. But would there be any takers? The Atlanta Braves, ever mindful of pitching, decided to take Hampton, but only after forcing the Rockies to pay a large share of his remaining contract. Was the Braves gamble a good one? Certainly, it was. Until 1999, Hampton was a solid pitcher. For the two years after that, he was on of baseballs best. 28 year-pitchers dont decline that quickly, and whatever effect Coors had on him will most likely be gone soon, just as it was for Darryl Kile. I dont think Hampton will ever post 24 win shares like he did in 1999, but the high teens are certainly within reach.
+Whereas the Hampton deal was a reasonable gamble for the pitching-poor Rockies, another pitcher they signed that same year was not: Denny Neagle. Neagle had been a fairly good pitcher in his prime, peaking at 21 win shares in 1997. But his career was on the downside, as he posted poor seasons in 1999 and 2000. Yet the Rockies went out and paid him a huge amount, five years $51 million. Signing a washed-up 32 year-old pitcher is not a good idea, unless you can acquire him for cheap and hope he will surprise you. The only people Neagle surprised were the Rockies, with a 5.38 ERA in 2001, and only 8 win shares in 2002. Neagle then declared he wanted to somewhere where he was appreciated, but not surprisingly, there were no takers.
+Just as Coors Field skews pitching statistics, it skews hitting statistics, leading some teams to overrate Colorados hitters. Perhaps the most conspicuous example of this came when none other than the cash-strapped Brewers went out and spent $21 million on free-agent Jeffrey Hammonds in December 2000. Hammonds had put up huge numbers that year batting .335 and knocking in 106 runs. There were two reasons the Brewers should have been skeptical of Hammonds. One is the Coors Field effect: Hammonds giant numbers only translate to 14 win shares, certainly not worth $7 million a year. But second, Hammonds had been injured throughout his career, never playing in more than 123 games in a single year! He was also thirty years old. If I were to predict his performance over the next three years, I would guess hed be injured for about half on the season for his first two years, putting up mediocre numbers, before collapsing into horrid numbers his third year.
+In his first year with the Brewers, Hammonds didnt even play half the season. In just 49 games in 2001, he put up poor numbers. He then sent a new personal record for games in 2002 with a whopping 128, while putting meager numbers that earned him nine win shares. And in 2003? Id guess he wont even top nine win shares. The irony of this is that the Brewers are just about that last team that can afford to sign such poor contracts. And yet they should have known what to expect based on Hammonds past performance. The rule for Coors Field players is simple: Beware of hitters, and keep your eyes open for undervalued pitchers.
+So, how can we value future free agents? Lets take a look at some guys who will become free agents soon, and see how much theyre going to be worth. 1999 Rookie of the Year Carlos Beltran plays for the cash-strapped Royals. Its unlikely they will be able to resign him, and some teams have already thought about trading for him during the 2003 season. At the tender age of 22, Beltran showed early promise, garnering 18 win shares to win the ROY award in 1999. Injuries limited him the next year, but he was back in 2001, posting an impressive 27 win shares. He had 21 win shares the following season, along with 29 homers, a personal high. Beltran has the potential to be a great player. His home run and walk totals have increased every year, showing the increased strength and discipline we expect from a player as he reaches hid mid-twenties. He also has speed and is a good outfielder. He still strikes out too much, and his average slipped a bit in 2002, but Beltran very well could emerge into a superstar. Playing for a fairly good hitting Royals team, I believe Beltran will shatter his previous high of 27 win shares this year. If he does, he will be a 27-year old free agent at the end of the year with a good track record. I would not hesitate to sign him up for six or seven years at $15 million a year. If Beltran falters this year, which I think is unlikely, or if he shows little improvement, staying at around 20 win shares, I would still be willing to sign him for five years at around $10 a year: Beltran is a rare five-tool player, the kind of guy who doesnt come along very often.
+Another big-name free agent on a poor team is 2002 MVP Miguel Tejada. The Oakland As have already said they wont even try to resign him, leaving other teams drooling at the prospect of acquiring him. Is it a good idea? Tejada had 23 win shares in 2000, 25 in 2001, and 32 in his MVP season of 2002. Its been a steady progression, and he is only 27 years old. But 2002 was the first time Tejada batted over .300, and his plate discipline remains poor. Id day a lot of his future value will determined by how he bats this year. Another 30 or more win share with a high batting average, and it will be clear that he is a first-tier star. But a slide back to 25 win shares with a low batting average and few walks will be 2002 was his peak season, and I would value his future worth much less.
+Perhaps the best young free-agent pitcher this year will be Kevin Millwood. Millwood pitched well as a 23-year old in 1998, before breaking out with a huge 1999 season gaining 22 win shares, third best in NL. But Millwood faltered badly in 2000 and 2001, before coming back together in early 2002 and finishing with 19 win shares. Millwood is only 28 years, and it is not uncommon for young pitchers to go through tough seasons early in their careers. Id bet Millwood will good again this year for the Phillies, and if he is, he will certainly be worth signing to a lucrative four or five year deal.
+The real prize of this offseason, however, will be Montreal rightfielder Vladimir Guerrero. Guerrero will only be 28 years old next year, and has been an established star for several years. After tearing up the minor leagues, Vlad came to the majors in 1997 at the tender age of 21, and posted good numbers right away. He blossomed into a full-fledged star the next year, with 29 win shares. He posted nearly identical seasons in the years that followed, with 28, 29, 23, and 29 win shares. He hits for power and average, steals bases, and shows fairly good, if not great, plate discipline. He also has a cannon for an arm, and often overthrows his target. The only real knock on him is that he hasnt improved as he has aged, as one might expect. But he is still young enough where his stats could get better.
+Although we havent seen what his 2003 season will be like, I would not hesitate to sign him at the end of the year, regardless of his performance this year. At worst, he will post about 29-30 win shares for the next five or six years, before leveling off a bit for another two or three years. At best, he may develop further, and post win share totals in the mid-thirties. I would be willing to offer him a contract similar to Manny Ramirezs: eight years, $140 million. He is not quite worth Alex Rodriguez years (ten) or money ($25 million a year). I believe that Vlads best days are still ahead of him, and teams should eagerly try to acquire him.
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+The 10 Best Places to Work in Hotel Tech 2018
+Behind every great product, there is a great company. Great companies excel at fostering work environments where employees prioritize collective interests over their individual needs. Community, in effect, is the key ingredient to creating a successful business. When employees connect to a mission, they work harder. When they believe in the execution of that vision, there is no mountain too tall and no challenge too cumbersome.
+Culture is equally important for employees as it is for customers. Culture and workplace satisfaction is an indicator of the business' longevity and determines the pace of product development. It also lets you know whether you’ll have a new customer success rep every few months who needs to get up to speed with your account or one that's there for the long haul. As a technology buyer, gleaning insights from suppliers' employees can often help you make better hotel technology buying decisions.
+Creating this kind of office culture is one of the hardest things about creating a business and it’s also the most important. Perhaps the only thing harder than creating a great culture is maintaining that culture over time through different phases of a business. Our team surveyed (methodology here) thousands of hotel tech employees around the world about what it was like inside the operations of the industry’s greatest companies and are thrilled to announce 2018’s “10 Best Places to Work in Hotel Technology”.
+Registration for 2019's competition closes on September first, Register here
+#10 Travel Tripper
+Products: Digital Marketing Agencies, Central Reservations Systems, Booking Engines
+In the early 2000's Highgate Hotels management found themselves frustrated with legacy hotel distribution software so they decided to create their own software company - Travel Tripper was formed. The Company is known for putting out killer content and thought leadership like their 2017 Google Eye Tracking Study. Content this good doesn't come without collaboration - marketing, sales, tech and product all work closely to ensure that TT content is in a league of its own. Great content helps to not just demonstrate their expertise to prospects but is also a huge benefit for clients.
+While Travel Tripper is technically headquartered in the U.S., the majority of it's staff is actually based in India so it's a very global organization. Despite the dispersion, employees across the board praise the business for having a flat organizational structure that fosters a sense of empowerment and creates lots of growth opportunities for their careers.
+A remote employee working internationally hit the nail on the head, "After changing jobs a few months ago, I actually want to get out of bed every morning. Working at Travel Tripper and interacting with my colleagues has given me the boost that I needed to just enjoy life. I feel valued, appreciated and supported. I can see myself working here for a long time - I'm still relatively new, but I know there are opportunities to grow and learn new things."
+#9 Amadeus Hospitality
+Products: Sales Software (#1 rated), Staff Task Management, Central Reservations, Property Management Systems
+Hospitality juggernaut and publicly traded company Amadeus needs no introduction. Many times when companies grow through acquisitions it becomes incredibly difficult to orchestrate a healthy or even consistent culture but that doesn’t seem to be the case for Amadeus. Amadeus employees rave about tasty office snacks and the inspiring speakers that come through the office. They come to work to dominate the industry but stay because it feels like a big family.
+Perhaps the most notable commentary we heard about Amadeus lies in the unique organizational structure. Despite being a massive company, Amadeus keeps it’s teams small so everyone feels ownership and responsibility for their workstreams. If you’re looking for a bureaucratic corporate environment, this probably isn’t the place for you as Amadeus works hard to give these teams autonomy. This is paying off as employees feel valued and engaged.
+“I really enjoy the people I work with. There is a true sense of teamwork; we all do our best to help our colleagues succeed. Managers on all levels encourage and respect input from their team. In my long career, I have worked at many companies, but have never felt more committed, engaged and part of a team than I do here,” says one Amadeus employee.
+#8 Clock Software
+Products: Property Management Systems (#1 rated)
+CEO Krasimir Trapchev runs a tight ship at London based Clock Software. Trapchev has been in the game for 20 years after founding the business in 1996 but you wouldn’t know it from the way employees talk about the company. Clock employees describe the company’s culture as “fun”, “creative” and “youthful.” Let’s be honest, these words aren’t usually used to describe companies that have been in business for that long.
+Even more importantly than a fun culture is one in which employees feel supported. Clock employees rave about the way their peers support them through both business and personal problems - Clock is a team in the truest sense of the word.
+When asked what makes Clock a special place to work, one software specialist on staff told us “What I love most about my job at Clock Software is the friendly work environment. My team leader encourages development and sees the best in everyone of us. The workmates are also great professionals you can always rely on.”
+#7 The RainMaker Group
+Products: Revenue Management, Market Intelligence (#1 rated), Business Intelligence
+The RainMaker Group is the second to largest company that made our 2018 list and also the only business lead by a female founder (c’mon hotel tech!). We hope that with Tammy Farley as inspiration, more women entrepreneurs and managers to jump into the space for our 2019 list.
+“Rainmaker is a fast-paced environment where I get to make a daily impact as an individual employee. That's an empowering attribute. Not every job out there gives you a direct sense of accomplishment” said one RainMaker employee.
+Free lunches 3 days a week is great, but coming into work knowing that your work (and your mind) are valued by management is office nirvana. Lucky for RainMaker staff, they’ve got both in spades.
+#6 Cloudbeds
+Products: Property Management System, Booking Engine, Channel Manager
+Cloudbeds’ Adam Harris has obsessively worked to build a global organization that is designed to scale (read more about it here). Cloudbeds has both embraced the efficiencies of remote work with employees in 23 countries and laid its flag with official offices on several continents. It’s no wonder that Cloudbeds employees rated the company higher than any other company we surveyed when asked about office location.
+An employee working out of the Philippines told us, “My favorite part about coming to work everyday is being part of an amazingly driven team that feels like a family, even though we work all around the globe. There's something really special about working with people who genuinely care about our customers, and share a common goal across so many different cultures.”
+Cloudbeds encourages its employees to travel and work from anywhere since after all - travel makes them better at their jobs! The Company has even rented apartments full time to encourage colleague connectivity. True to its DNA the Company leverages technology to quickly communicate and manage processes around the world. If you’re a millennial wanderlust who loves creating great products, traveling and connecting with people from around the world - you’d be a fool not to take a peek at the open jobs at Cloudbeds.
+#5 Kipsu
+Products: Guest Messaging
+Chris Smith is a seasoned operator and former venture capitalist turned entrepreneur. Chris is precisely the kind of leader that VCs look for in portfolio companies but decided he didn’t want to take much of OPM (other people’s money). Chris and his co-founder Geoff wanted to build the business their way and they've reaped handsome rewards for taking the path less traveled.
+The team has bootstrapped its way to nearly $5M in annual sales, no easy feat. Even more impressive is they did it all while creating a work environment that employees love.
+Chris attributes this success to the firm’s recruiting process, “One of the advantages of being based in Minneapolis rather than Silicon Valley is that our talent pool is more naturally inclined to long term commitment. They are not seeking a jump to the next Facebook around the corner.”
+Betting for the long term has paid off.
+Kipsu employees are certainly taking notes from leadership, “There are leaders in our organization who break the mold and because of that are able to provide something for our team that truly no other company and certainly none of our peers can. We are drawn together in a collective goal through shared values and an indefatigable Midwestern work ethic.”
+#4 Quore
+Products: Staff Task Management, Housekeeping (#1 rated), Engineering, Messaging, Sales
+Quore is the poster child for the idea that a great culture creates great products. It seems that Quore employees love coming into work as much as hoteliers love their #1 Rated Housekeeping Management Software.
+The Hotel Tech Report team had a lot of fun learning about the culture where employees often playfully refer to themselves as part of one big quirky and eccentric family - rock on, team Quore!
+One of the things that can slow down a company such as Quore that is experiencing hockey stick growth is when the entrepreneurial spirit fades. With Quore, it seems that entrepreneurial spirit and autonomy is only getting stronger - a sign that hoteliers should be paying close attention to the developments coming out of this Nashville based firm.
+As a longtime Quore employee puts it, “I feel supported and appreciated for the work I do. I feel I have opportunities to be entrepreneurial and those ideas are taken to heart, and I'm given the agency to pursue them.”
+CEO Scott Schaedle is really driving an incredible startup culture. Kudos to you Scott on clearly having built a well oiled machine for hiring like minded and passionate operators.
+Products: Staff Task Management, Concierge (#1 rated), Guest Messaging
+They say that startups get made or broken by the depth of talent amongst founders - perhaps that’s why Expedia backed ALICE has made it - big time. Justin is the money guy, Alex the marketing visionary and Dmitry the technical mastermind. Together they’ve taken the hotel world by storm and really changed the game for what a hotel technology company should look like.
+Swanky New York City office, check. Rockstar investors with unlimited money and power, check. It’s no wonder that ALICE was amongst the highest ranked when we asked hotel tech employees about how much confidence they had in the future of their respective employers. ALICE got nearly 100% participation rates amongst employees, a testament to the strong leadership and initiative that’s enabled them to redefine their category.
+“Everyday in the office you can just feel that everyone is oozing with drive and dedication. People are here because they want to be here. The work life balance is the best I have ever heard of or seen in a company...plus the culture is amazing, fun, equal, engaging and overall fantastic,” says one ALICE employee.
+ALICE employees have autonomy to work from home when needed because management trusts that they’ve hired a team who will stop at nothing to become an industry standard in short order.
+#2 Koddi
+Products: Social Media Tools (#1 rated)
+Texas based ad tech maven, Koddi grants employees gym membership reimbursement and an unlimited vacation policy with wellness at the core of its HR strategy. Koddi is an advanced reporting, bid management and campaign intelligence platform for metasearch - hoteliers looking to save time and improve ROI should look no further than 2018’s “#1 Rated Social Media Platform.”
+Ad tech is a fast paced business, one that Koddi employees thrive on. “I love that everything that I do matters and impacts the bottom line. The speed with which we can implement ideas means that if you have a great idea on Monday, by Friday you can be seeing the impacts on your client's bottom line,” one employee told Hotel Tech Report.
+Texas has a low cost of living, low income tax and world class cowboy boots - need we say more? When they say “everything is bigger in Texas” the culture at Koddi is certainly no exception.
+#1 Suiteness
+Products: Alternative Distribution Platform (#1 rated)
+It’s no secret that AirBnB has been eating the hotel industry’s lunch when it comes to special occasion bookings. Whether it’s a family of 5 who wants to all be together for their familial retreat or a bachelor party looking for some reprieve from the banality of daily life, guests have been flocking to AirBnB in droves for unique accommodations that meet their requirements. In comes Suiteness like a knight in shining armor to bring sexy back - or at least bring guests back into suites.
+Suiteness topped our list as the only company to receive a perfect score for one of the factors in our study. Apparently working for Suiteness is pretty sweet since employees rated the company 10/10 for work-life balance. Suiteness employees are addicted to growth and that’s ok because they’ve got plenty of it to go around.
+While there is certainly a lot to love about being a Suiteness employee, the single factor that enabled them to top our list is management’s trust in it’s employees. Warren Buffett likes to say that he got rich by not meddling in the affairs of his trusted lieutenants - Kyle and Robbie seem to have taken notes.
+“Suiteness has a great work/life balance, empowers employees with a trust-first, ask questions later approach to responsibility, and is doing real, tough work to create new supply to match with demand in the hotel industry.”
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+To Margaret Bartley, Cengage Learning
+the general editors & the volume editors
+Arden Shakespeare, 3d edition
+from: Susan J. Wolfson
+Professor of English, Princeton University
+General Editor, Longman Cultural Editions
+I have recently learned, from colleagues in the US and in the UK, of Cengage Learning's egregious treatment of Professor Patricia Parker, in canceling her contract for A Midsummer Night's Dream.
+I urge her reinstatement, both for the sake of the quality of the series in having this volume so expertly, incomparably managed by Patricia Parker, and for the general reputation of the series-- as scholarship and as commercial product.
+Let me to speak in my own capacity as a General Editor (of Longman Cultural Editions, which includes several Shakespeare titles, some by some of the Arden editors).
+In my ten years in this office, we have had just one case of a delinquent editor whose contract had to be canceled. This was someone who submitted shoddy, substandard work, ceased communicating, and (as we found out) had a reputation for disappointing publishers and colleagues with this kind of behavior. In two other cases, when over-committed professors fell behind, we redid the contracted turnover date, on the condition that they enlist a co-editor/associate editor to help manage the basic business, research and writing. This worked out quite well. Both volumes were published just a bit behind schedule, and have since been decided credits to our series.
+The case of Professor Parker is scarcely analogous. She has been diligently preparing what by all accounts will be a landmark edition, a standard for decades to come, or as long as Midsummer Night's Dream exists in human culture. It is clear that she has been working hard, conscientiously, and to the highest standards, amid complications in her personal and family life, and amid all the other professional obligations that she has been managing beautifully. It has been a joy to have her as general editor of The Shakespeare Encyclopedia, a massive, multi-faceted project. This is no slacker.
+What I have discerned from various reports is the delinquency, and therefore culpability, of the Arden general editors and publishers, in not communicating with Professor Parker about her numerous, utterly responsible inquiries about procedural and technical matters--instead leaving her hanging, with progress stalled, for months at a time, and then blaming her for the delays, and citing these delays as cause for the brutally handled termination.
+{Though no one wants to sign up for this, friends in the legal community have commented to me that this behavior is actionable--and were this Hollywood, Cenage would be facing a considerable lawsuit for damages.}
+What is reasonable, and preferable, is to reinstate Professor Parker.
+Not only should she not have to face the prospect of years of wasted work on a project that she cares about intensely, and has garnered international recognition for, but it is incomprehensible why Cengage, even for sheer commercial reasons, would fumble such a resource.
+To inform Professor Parker by a mere letter, with no follow-up conversation, and in the wake of years of refusing to converse with her about numerous issues involved with the preparation of her materials, is no way to treat anyone--let alone someone with such a well-earned, sparkling international reputation as a specialist in her field.
+Cengage Learning may want to consider the long-term consequences of this bad publicity . . . it is a discredit to the publisher and the series--ethically, intellectually, and not to put too fine a point on it, commercially. No one would want to honor Cengage by ordering Ardens for their students, or citing its editions in their own scholarship.
+Yours sincerely,
+Susan J. Wolfson
+Professor of English
+Princeton University
+General Editor
+Longman Cultural Editions
+Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 14:37:51 -0500
+From: Alan Dessen
+Organization: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
+To: Ann Thompson ,
+David Kastan , David Kastan ,
+Henry Woudhuysen ,
+Richard Proudfoot
+CC: Margaret Bartley
+Subject: Parker edition of *Dream*
+I was shocked to learn that Pat Parker has been terminated as the editor of the Arden 3 *Midsummer Night’s Dream*. For more than five years I have been functioning via e-mail as an unofficial consultant and sounding board, mostly in response to questions about stage directions but also with regard to related matters (e.g., about how X might have been staged in those first performances). As a result I am aware of many, perhaps most, of her editorial choices and have been greatly impressed by what she has discovered by means of her microscopic eye for detail.
+My use of the Arden Shakespeare series goes back to my graduate student experience with the first Arden 2s the early 1960s. I found myself both learning from them and fighting against them (e.g., the approach to stage directions in the Arden 2 *Titus*). My use of the Arden 3 items has been more sporadic, but I have encountered some choices and omissions that I find troubling (e.g., a Quarto stage direction not to be found in the textual notes to *2 Henry VI*). In short, in terms of my own work I have had mixed results.
+That assessment does not pertain to Prof. Parker’s approach - in particular, her attention to detail and her refusal to take on faith previous editorial decisions - which has struck me as fresh and invigorating. Yes, some of the results may be controversial, but I have continually supported her choice to retain Quarto readings - my mantra in such situations is: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If such a clear-headed, eagle-eyed view of the evidence is unacceptable to Arden, the problem lies with the series - and, to me and others, is very troubling.
+To conclude: if Prof. Parker’s world-class efforts are being trashed, then my evaluation of the Arden series has plummeted. As with other elements in our culture, “Arden Shakespeare” apparently has become little more than a marketing tool - or, in Texas terms, “all hat and no cattle.”
+Alan Dessen
+Peter Phialas Professor of English (Emeritus)
+U. of North Carolina
+Professors David Kastan, Richard Proudfoot, Ann Thompson and Henry Woudhuysen
+Dear Colleagues,
+I believe that Arden’s new publisher has terminated Patricia Parker as the editor of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I also believe that Arden Shakespeare is now owned by a private equity fund which may have little understanding of what it takes to produce work of this nature. Moreover, Pat heard about the decision in an extremely rude manner--through a DHL letter which forbade her from contacting the General Editors of the series.
+This is shocking news and I am writing to add my voice to the many scholars who are upset by it. I sincerely hope that you, as General Editors, will be able to work towards reversing the publisher's decision.
+I know that Pat has been working on the edition for many years, at great expense of time and money. I have also heard her present sections of the material for the edition at a stunning seminar at the University of Pennsylvania. As an admirer of Pat's scholarship, which is, as you know, respected by Shakespeareans everywhere, and as someone who is particularly admiring of Pat's intellectual commitment to issues of cultural diversity, gender, and global relations, I am horrified. I am sure you'll agree that scholars must be treated with greater respect by those who own and run publishing houses and profit from intellectual labor of others.
+This news is not good for the reputation of the series, and will adversely affect not only the series but all of us who engage in such work. I urge you to intervene in this distressing situation.
+Ania Loomba
+Ania Loomba
+Catherine Bryson Professor of English
+University of Pennsylvania
+Fisher-Bennett Hall,
+3340 Walnut Street
+Philadelphia PA 19104-6273
+Ph: 215-898-6326
+Dear Ms. Bartley,
+I have just learned, to my absolute shock and disgust, that Patricia Parker
+has been abruptly terminated as the editor of the Arden 3 _Midsummer Night's
+Dream_. How Arden press could so rudely and ruthlessly dismiss such a
+distinguished and respected scholar, who has toiled for years now in a labor
+of love on that edition, and whose detailed, careful, and innovative work
+has only generated excitement and eager anticipation about the end product,
+is absolutely beyond me. Since Professor Parker's contracted date of
+delivery for the edition has not yet been reached, such an abrupt
+termination reeks not only of inhumanity but of political and commercial
+machinations that deny academic freedom and excellence. Such injustice sets
+a terrible precedent and cannot be tolerated.
+I teach _A Midsummer Night's Dream_ every academic year to 200
+undergraduates, and I have been eagerly awaiting Pat Parker's edition so
+that I could adopt it for my course because I know she holds to the highest
+scholarly standards and that her edition will be based on both
+well-established and creative editorial practice. Unless she is reinstated
+as editor of the Arden 3 _Midsummer Night's Dream_, I will not be adopting
+that or any other Arden edition in my classes.
+Patricia Fumerton
+Professor and Director, English Broadside Ballad Archive (EBBA),
+Department of English
+University of California - Santa Barbara
+Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3170
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+Politics, geography and demography shape Naxal movement
+From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
+Prelims level : Not much
+Mains level : Paper 3- Factors making Naxal moment a complex security challenge
+The article explains the issues with the two common themes adopted for explaining the Naxal movement in India.
+Two approaches to explain Naxal movement
+1) Root cause and alienation approach
+- The recent attack in and around Tekulagudem village in Sukma district demonstrates the threat posed by Maoists.
+- The post-incident analysis of such setbacks comes in two flavours.
+- The most popular theory amongst our intelligentsia and media is the root cause and alienation approach.
+- This approach states that it is the failure of the Indian state to provide economic development and social justice to the tribals living in these areas that has fuelled the Naxal movement and sustained it for five decades.
+- As a prescription, a development-centric approach and negotiations are suggested as the way forward.
+Issues with root cause and alienation approach
+- There are several problems with this approach.
+- First, it ignores the ideological foundations of the movement, specifically its rejection of India’s Constitution and democracy.
+- Second, it fails to see that social and economic deprivation is not unique to the jungles of Chhattisgarh.
+- Third, it doesn’t account for the possibility that while alienation and deprivation may help in igniting the spark of revolution, once lit the flames draw oxygen from many sources.
+- Fourth, the role of external forces in fomenting and sustaining this movement is deliberately underplayed.
+- Fifth, the grubby ground reality of the praxis of revolution is conveniently swept under the carpet.
+- The organised extortion racket from all economic stakeholders in the Naxal-affected areas by our alienated revolutionaries seldom gets talked about.
+- Sixth, the extensive ideological, financial and logistical ecosystem that provides sustenance to these revolutionaries in the jungle is seldom acknowledged.
+2) Leadership issue
+- According to this view, our tactical failures against the Maoists are entirely due to the poor quality of leadership provided by the Indian Police Service.
+- The when, where, how of a setback simply don’t matter.
+- When in doubt, identify the first IPS officer in the chain of command and hoist him on the petard of tactical incompetence.
+- This view completely ignores the many successes of IPS leadership in counterinsurgency operations in Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and most recently in Odisha.
+- Even in the Northeast and Jammu and Kashmir, where the Indian Army provides the backbone of the counterinsurgency grid, the police forces of the respective states and their IPS leadership play a crucial role in gathering intelligence and in executing operations.
+- So, the failures and setbacks in the Naxal areas of Chhattisgarh need to be placed in perspective.
+Way forward
+- The fact that the Indian state has adopted a broad policy of economic development, military restraint and gradual attrition and rejected indiscriminate violence in the Naxal theatre is the democratically prudent and morally just course of action.
+- This hasn’t dissuaded Maoist sympathisers from gaining international attention through relentless propaganda against our security forces.
+- However, such attacks also help in exposing their true nature and hardening public resolve against them.
+- \We have enough examples of successful, police led CI Ops in our country.
+- Why we are not able to replicate these successes in Chhattisgarh is a matter of larger political issues, well beyond the narrow scope of operational tactics and individual lapses of police leadership.
+- Not just the politics, the geography and demography of the Naxal-affected areas, make it an even more complex challenge of internal security.
+Consider the question “What are the factors that make Naxal movement a persistent threat to India’s internal security? ”
+Not just the politics, the geography and demography of the Naxal-affected areas, make it an even more complex challenge of internal security.
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+Maoist Attack in Sukma
+From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
+Prelims level : Not much
+Mains level : Paper 3- Challenge of left wing extremism
+The article deals with the counterinsurgency strategies to deal with the issues of left wing extremism in India
+Threat of left-wing extremism
+- The killing of 22 security personnel by Maoists serves as a grim reminder that left-wing insurgency continues to be one of the biggest internal security threats for the country.
+- In the past few years, Maoist violence seemed to have been on a downward spiral.
+- The figures associated with the key indicators of violence like the number of incidents also support the contention that “insurgency is on the downward spiral”.
+- But the attack should thus serve as a wake-up call to those who had begun to get complacent about the Maoist threat.
+Approach in counterinsurgency strategy
+- One school believes that given the Maoist insurgency posturing itself as a “people’s war”, the mandate is for a people-centric approach of “winning hearts and minds”.
+- Others argues that an enemy-centric approach predicated on kinetic operations is best suited for the Maoist insurgency, where the fear of the population seceding from India is remote.
+- The success of the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh in curbing the Maoist problem is often attributed to this enemy-centric approach.
+- However, there is robust scholarly work available that shows that the Andhra government based its counterintelligence strategy on a judicious mix of the enemy-centric and population-centric approaches.
+- Andhra Pradesh had successfully implemented short-gestation-period developmental works in the Maoist-affected rural areas.
+- Moreover, the erstwhile state is also the first state to have a comprehensive surrender-cum-rehabilitation policy.
+- After the 2014 guidelines of the central government were brought out, many states have crafted attractive surrender and rehabilitation policies.
+- Another important question is whether the government should keep the option of talking to Maoists open.
+- The willingness to talk to rebel groups seems to incentivise insurgents and may demonstrate that violence pays.
+- But bringing an end to civil war invariably involves negotiating with the enemy.
+Way forward
+- Indian counterinsurgency has to work with a dual objective of defeating the insurgents militarily and fully quell the insurgent impulses.
+- This will need institutional overhauls.
+- In the last decade or so, insurgency-affected states have started to raise special forces on the lines of Greyhounds.
+- These forces are being given rigorous training in “counter-guerrilla” tactics and jungle warfare.
+- Besides, the jungles around the interstate borders have always been the preferred hiding spaces for the Maoists.
+- States must do more to synergise their efforts by launching coordinated operations, thereby denying Maoists any space for manoeuvrability.
+- These efforts need to be supplemented by well-crafted development schemes.
+- It is also important to segregate the population from the insurgents both operationally and ideologically.
+- The conflict over the distribution of resources can be mended with economic development.
+- But the bigger challenge would be to create a system where the tribal population feels that the government is representative, not repressive.
+- Opening negotiation channels and policies like surrender and rehabilitation can give such a representative sense to the rebels.
+Consider the question “Discuss the causes of left wing extremism in India. Suggest the way forward to deal with the issue.”
+The government needs to follow these policies to end the challenge of left wing extremism from India.
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+Private: National Security Act (NSA), 1980
+From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
+Prelims level : National Security Act (NSA)
+Mains level : NSA and its situational implementation, Issue of misuse
+- The Indore district administration invoked the National Security Act (NSA), 1980,against four persons accused of instigating residents of a locality to pelt stones and chase away health workers.
+- Health workers were in the locality to trace the contact history of a Covid-19 patient.
+What is the National Security Act, 1980?
+- The National Security Act of 1980 is a law that aims to provide for preventive detention in certain cases that can pose a threat to the security of the country.
+- This Act, consisting of 18 sections, applies to the whole of India.
+- It empowers the Central Government and state governments to detain an individual to prevent him/her from acting in any manner that may hurt India’s security, its relations with foreign countries, for the maintenance of public order, or the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the community.
+- The law also gives power to the governments to detain foreign nationals to regulate his/her presence or expel from the country.
+How did the National Security Act come to be?
+- The National Security Act is not the first law of its kind to be enacted in India.
+- Preventive detention laws in India date back to early days of the colonial era when the Bengal Regulation III of 1818 was enacted to empower the government to arrest anyone for defence or maintenance of public order without giving the person the judicial proceedings.
+- A century later, the British government enacted the Rowlatt Acts of 1919 that allowed confinement of a suspect without trial.
+- The Rowlatt Acts empowered the state to detain citizens without giving detainees any right to move to the court and even get the assistance of lawyers.
+- The Jallianwalla Bagh tragedy was a direct result of the protest against these Rowlatt Bills.
+- The Government of India Act, 1935 empowered the state to undertake preventive detention for reasons related to defence, external affairs or discharge of functions of the Crown in its relations with the Indian States.
+- After the enactment of the Indian Constitution, Article 21 guaranteed every individual the right to life and liberty, which could not be denied to him/her without honouring the due procedure established by law.
+- In K. Gopalan’s case, the Supreme Court distinguished “the procedure established by law” from the “due process of law”, saying that any procedure duly enacted would be a “procedure established by law”.
+- However, this view currently stands reversed after Maneka Gandhi’s case where the top court held that the “procedure established by law” must also be just, fair and reasonable.
+- Article 22 of the Indian constitution laid down procedures under which a preventive detention law could be enacted.
+- After independence, India got its first preventive detention rule when the Nehru Government enacted the Preventive Detention Act of 1950, which expired on 31st December 1969.
+- In the year 1971, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had brought in the controversial Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA), giving similar powers to the government.
+- Later, the MISA was repealed in 1977 and was replaced by the National Security Act (NSA).
+What are the provisions of NSA?
+- The power to preventively detain an individual under the National Security Act is given to the Police Commissioner or District Magistrate if the state government is satisfied that it is “necessary to do so”.
+- The Act provides that a detained individual have to be informed of the grounds of detention within 5 days of detention, which may extend up to 10 days in exceptional circumstances.
+- At the same time, the Act also states that the authority has the right to not disclose the facts, which it deems to be against the public interest to disclose.
+- The maximum permissible period of detention under the NSA is 12 months.
+- However, the order for preventive detention can be modified or revoked any time earlier or can be extended indefinitely beyond 12 months.
+ii.Grounds of Detention:
+- An individual can be detained under the NSA in the presence of the following grounds:
+- Acting in a manner prejudicial to India’s defence, foreign relations or security
+- Regulating the continued presence of any foreigner in India or to make arrangements for his expulsion from India
+- To maintain public order
+- To maintain supplies and services that are essential to the community
+iii.Constitution of Advisory Board:
+- Under the NSA, if any detention is made, then it has to be referred to an Advisory Board within three weeks from the date of detention.
+- This Advisory Board has to submit its report within 7 weeks from the date of detention.
+- The Central or State government shall constitute one or more Advisory Boards.
+- An Advisory Board consists of 3 persons who are qualified to be appointed as judges for the High Courts
+- Here, the detained person does not have the right to be legally represented.
+- Also, the board proceedings are not brought to the public and the reports are confidential.
+- The Advisory Board analyses whether or not the grounds of detention is sufficient or not.
+- If the Advisory Board finds that the grounds are sufficient, then the appropriate government may confirm the order for detention.
+- However, if the Advisory Board finds no appropriate grounds to permit detention, the government should release the detenu.
+iv.No legal proceedings against governments:
+- Section 16 states that no suit or other legal proceedings can be taken against Central or State governments, or any other person, for anything that is being done in good faith or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act.
+Why is NSA criticised?
+- Under the normal circumstances, if an individual is arrested, he/she is guaranteed certain fundamental rights.
+- These include the right to be informed of the reasons behind the arrest.
+- Section 50 of the Criminal Procedure (CrPC) mandates that the arrested individual should be informed of the grounds of arrest and the rights to bail.
+- Sections 56 and 76 of the CrPC also provide that an individual has been produced before a court within 24 hours of arrest.
+- Furthermore, Article 22(1) of the Constitution states that an arrested person cannot be denied the right to consult and to be defended by a legal practitioner of his/her choice.
+- However, none of these aforementioned rights is allowed under the NSA.
+- Article 22(3) of the Constitution does not extend the safeguards of the criminal system to preventive detention.
+- NSA provides major loopholes for the government and the police to circumvent the formalities of the Criminal Procedure Code and the justice system.
+- This Act provides neither transparency nor accountability of the government.
+- Furthermore, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which collects data pertaining to crime in India, doesn’t list out the cases under the NSA as no FIRs are registered in this regard. This makes it impossible to know the exact number of detentions that have been made under this Act.
+- These limitations allow the government to use the law arbitrarily and without any reasonable cause.
+Some of the instances of government misusing this NSA include:
+- Uttar Pradesh government, in January 2019, arrested three individuals under the NSA in connection with alleged cow slaughter.
+- In December 2018, a journalist from Manipur was detained for 12 months under the NSA, where he has posted an offensive post against the Chief Minister on Facebook
+- Though this Act provides for maintenance of law and order within the country, it lacks reasonableness.
+- Currently, there is no recourse available against these provisions, allowing for the ignorance of basic human rights for the detained persons.
+Way Forward
+- It needs to be noted that the Act is 40 years old. Changes are required to ensure that the Act is not used arbitrarily.
+- Arbitrary use of the Act hampers democracy and basic rights of an individual.
+- Even, the Supreme Court has held that the law of preventive detention has to be strictly construed and meticulous compliance with the procedural safeguards, is mandatory and vital.
+- Given that India occasionally staggers through spasmodic bouts of violence and disorder, it is possible that very narrowly tailored preventive detention laws with stringent judicial controls could be appropriate to counter such threats, at least in times of particular unrest.
+- Increasing the accountability of the governmental authorities,
+- Tailoring the law more narrowly to the truly serious threats to India’s security, and
+- Refining the language of the NSA so as to make it less vague and, therefore, less susceptible to abuses and creative interpretations from executive authorities, are fundamental if abuses are to be checked.
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+Explained: What is the NIA Act, and why is Chhattisgarh challenging it?.
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+[op-ed snap] Seeking truth and reconciliation in Chhattisgarh
+From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
+Prelims level : Nothing much
+Mains level : Human Rights violations by security forces
+The Indian government claims that it is winning the war against Maoist guerillas in India’s forested regions.
+Government actions
+- It has dismissed accusations of human rights violations as propaganda by Maoists or their supporters.
+- It has jailed human rights activists and lawyers working in these areas.
+- A recent report by a government-appointed inquiry commission shows that these accusations are credible and need to be addressed.
+Anti-Maoist action
+- Seven-and-a-half years ago, 17 unarmed villagers, including six minors, were killed by security forces at Sarkeguda village in Chhattisgarh.
+- The commission established that the CRPF and police version of events was false.
+- It said that 15 of the villagers were killed at close quarters while fleeing in a ‘totally disproportionate and unwarranted use of force.”
+- One man was killed in his home the next morning, while one succumbed to his injuries in hospital.
+- The judge relied only on circumstantial evidence. The CRPF/police version was dismissed because the lawyers for the villagers picked holes in their claims.
+Villagers’ testimony
+- The defence charge on delay is completely unwarranted because the villagers spoke to the press.
+- They did not file an FIR with the police. It shows their complete and justified lack of faith in the system.
+- The police was involved in the firing and the government’s own affidavits in the Supreme Court in the ongoing Salwa Judum case have established that the police have never acted on complaints from villagers.
+- The only point where the judge differs from the villagers is in arguing that the meeting that the villagers were attending was not an innocuous one to prepare for a seed-sowing festival because it was held at night and some people with ‘criminal antecedents’ were present.
+- In an area where anyone can be arbitrarily accused and jailed, people with criminal antecedents are a dime a dozen.
+- For the security forces, everybody is “hostile”.
+Holes in the judgement
+- Even after exposing the violations by security forces, the judge rewarded the perpetrators.
+- He did not recommend any prosecutions, or compensation; only better training, better gadgets and better intelligence for the forces.
+- There are issues such as the 2012 Sarkeguda massacre and the Tadmetla arson, murder and rape a year earlier, as well as the accompanying attack on Swami Agnivesh and Art of Living representatives.
+Human rights violations
+- High-level committees were appointed to look into releasing adivasi prisoners as well as examine the cases of journalists.
+- There has been no progress on addressing the widespread human rights violations, deaths, rapes and arson caused by Salwa Judum and Operation Green Hunt, despite severe indictments by the National Human Rights Commission in 2008 as well as by the Supreme Court in 2011.
+- In an internal closure report on Tadmetla, the CBI pointed to the larger systemic issues of deliberate obfuscation by the security forces to ensure impunity.
+- These include not keeping records of personnel on particular operations or details of ammunition used, deliberately fudging evidence etc.,
+- There have been several more cases of fake encounters, the most recent being of two villagers in the Munga jungle on November 5.
+Supreme Court
+- The Supreme Court’s 2011 ban on the use of surrendered Naxalites in frontline counterinsurgency has also been ignored by governments.
+- The Court has let this contempt pass without hearing for the last seven years.
+- A ‘final hearing’ of the Salwa Judum case began in 2018, but one year on, there have been no dates for hearing.
+- The Sarkeguda inquiry raised the callous killing of 17 innocent villagers.
+Way ahead
+- Announce a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which would catalogue and compensate for all deaths, and prosecute those responsible.
+- Action against security personnel in Sarkeguda must be the start, but must not be allowed to become the end.
+Internal Security Architecture Shortcomings – Key Forces, NIA, IB, CCTNS, etc.
+[op-ed snap] Bolster the first line of defence”
+From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
+Prelims level : Nothing Much
+Mains level : Police reforms are the key stone for internal security.
+Challenges ahead for Police Forces
+1.ISIS –
+- and militancy –
+Way Forward
+: MacRumors, DiogeneX, The Register, Computerworld, Softpedia News, GottaBeMobile, TUAW, Darknet, New York Times, WinRumors, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, Sramana Mitra, AppleInsider, Shiny Objects, The Ed Bott Report Blog, SiliconFilter, Daring Fireball, Tech Broiler Blog, Time, MacRumors, Apple, Shawn Blanc, The Next Web, GigaOM, TeleRead, Digits, Inquirer, eWeek, Joel Housman, Macworld, Fortune and Marco.org
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+David Pogue / New York Times: Upgrading to Lion Means Embracing the iPad
+Tom Warren / WinRumors: Windows Live Mesh released for Mac
+Peter / Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check: In Apple Upgrade, Steps Forward, Stumbles Backward - State of the Art - NYTimes.com
+MitraSramana / Sramana Mitra: Apple Firing On All Cylinders
+Josh Ong / AppleInsider: Review Roundup: Mainstream press calls Mac OS X Lion ‘big leap’ into iPad era
+Brian Caulfield / Shiny Objects: OS X Lion: Good, Maybe Great, Definitely Cheap
+Frederic Lardinois / SiliconFilter: Catching Up: The Best Tech Stories of the Day
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+Philip Elmer-DeWitt / Fortune: Attention users of Quicken for Mac who are switching to Lion
+: Gizmodo, SlashGear, TUAW, Adobe, Photography Bay, AppleInsider, The Loop, MacStories and dailywireless.org
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+Steven Sande / TUAW: Adobe notes products with Lion-related “known issues”
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+Cody Fink / MacStories: Lion Launch Notes: What You Might Have Missed
+Sam Churchill / dailywireless.org: MacBook Air and Mini Upgraded
+Lion Is Smooth, But Tries Too Hard to Be iOS
+Discussion: MacGazette.net, TechCrunch, App Advice, CNN, TUAW and AllThingsD
+Doug Gross / CNN: Apple's Lion makes a move toward mobile
+Dave Caolo / TUAW: Mac OS X Lion and Launchpad
+Walter S. Mossberg / AllThingsD: Apple's Lion Brings PCs Into Tablet Era
+Mac OS X Lion will be available on USB thumb drive for $69 in August
+Mac OS X Lion will be available on USB thumb drive for $69 in August
+Discussion: Digital Trends, Neowin.net, USA Today, Wired.co.uk, Mobile Marketing Watch, O'Grady's PowerPage, 9to5Mac, MacRumors, CNET News, Fast Company, AppleInsider and TechCrunch
+Don Reisinger / CNET News: Apple launches Mac OS X Lion in Mac App Store
+Slash Lane / AppleInsider:
+New MacBook Airs, Mac minis feature Lion Internet Recovery disc-less repair
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+Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch: Lion's Internet Recovery Feature: The Past Meets The Future
+Cody Fink / MacStories: Lion Internet Recovery: In Case of Emergency
+Christian Zibreg / 9to5Mac: What is OS X Lion Internet Recovery and how does it work?
+Steven Mostyn / The Tech Herald Technology News: Roaring Lion drowns out quiet MacBook and Mac Mini upgrades
+>>IMAGE, The Register, Digital Trends, TechCrunch, Fast Company, Communities Dominate Brands, Engadget, GigaOM, Gizmodo, Nokia, This is my next, Hardware 2.0 Blog, Associated Press, @asymco, Mobile Industry Review, IntoMobile, MobileSyrup.com, MobileBurn.com, Wall Street Journal, SlashGear, The Next Web and WinRumors
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+Arild Moen / Wall Street Journal: Nokia Posts Loss as Sales Drop
+Matt Brian / The Next Web: Nokia: Profits down 41% year on year. Smartphone sales down 32%, all mobiles down 20%
+Matt Brian / The Next Web:
+Official: Apple sold more iPhones than Nokia's entire range of smartphones in Q2
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+Discussion: Financial Times, MacRumors, SplatF and 9to5Mac
+Andrew Ward / Financial Times: Apple overtakes Nokia in smartphone volumes
+Dan Frommer / SplatF: Apple sold more smartphones than Nokia in Q2
+>>IMAGE: The Business Insider, AllTwitter, @hunterwalk, @joshelman, @bryce and Robert Scoble
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+Wave Goodbye to Google Labs
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+Bill Coughran / The Official Google Blog: More wood behind fewer arrows
+Amit Chowdhry / Pulse2: Google Shutting Down Google Labs
+Marshall Kirkpatrick / ReadWriteWeb: Google Labs, a Relic of the Pre-Plus Era, Will be Closed
+Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Wow, Google is shutting down Google Labs? Part of the company's culture will die with it -
+Alexia Tsotsis / TechCrunch:
+Google's ‘20 Percent Time’ Will Survive The Death of Google Labs
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+Charles Arthur / Guardian: Google+ approaching 20m users
+Gareth Halfacree / thinq_: Google signals the end of Labs
+Derek Anderson / Widgets Lab: Google Labs put to rest...now what?
+>, Fast Company, msnbc.com, Digital Trends and THN : The Hacker News
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+Andrew Couts / Digital Trends: Forget Google+ - the future of social networking shuns identities altogether. …: TUAW, MacRumors, The Next Web, 9to5Mac, AppleInsider, MacStories, MacNN and Associated Press
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+Jake Smith / 9to5Google: Google introduces multiple calls in Gmail
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+_15<<: Guardian, digiday:DAILY, Disruptors, The Business Insider, Pulse2, BostInnovation.com, GigaOM, broadstuff and Fortune
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+Hayley Tsukayama / Washington Post: Anonymous claims attack on NATO
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+Mike Lennon / SecurityWeek: Anonymous & Lulz Security Write Letter to FBI
+Martin Bryant / The Next Web: Anonymous claims to have hacked NATO, releases supposedly confidential documents
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+Peter / Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check: FOSS Patents: Google blinks in Oracle patent case, indicates willingness to pay
+>>IMAGE, The Next Web, Neowin.net and LiveSide.net
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+: TechCrunch and Digits
+Michael Arrington / TechCrunch: Vostu Goes On The Offensive Against Zynga. This Will Get Uglier.
+Nick Wingfield / Digits: Vostu Turns Table on Zynga With Game Copying Allegations
+There’s a storm brewing in the WordPress community — one that encompasses everything from GPL licensing to good old fashioned up-front transparency.
+It centers around the emergence of WP Avengers: a group of “ace WooCommerce developers” who are supposedly rebelling against what they perceive to be the “broken” WooCommerce ecosystem.
+So who are the WP Avengers, what are they doing, and why have their actions (or future potential actions, to be more precise) provoked so much debate?
+Introducing WP Avengers
+Here’s what you will see on WP Avengers’ home page:
+Who is being accused of lying? None other than the darlings of WordPress theme development: WooThemes. They are the creators of Canvas and WooCommerce — arguably two of the most popular freemium/premium products available for WordPress. They’re also the same guys who offer full disclosure on support statistics with their Customer Happiness Reports and generally hold their hands up and say “Our bad” when they screw up.
+The guys over at WooThemes are not perfect, that’s for sure. But from my experience with WooThemes over the past 2 1/2 years, I have few negative things to say (and lots of positives). So why have the WPAvengers got a bee in their bonnet and why are they kicking up such a fuss?
+A WooCommerce Alternative?
+There are a lot of ways to sell products online. WPAvengers have gone the route of publicly accusing their potential future competitors, from behind a veil of anonymity, of lying to and cheating their customers.
+I don’t know about you but that just rubs me up the wrong way. I’m definitely on board with Brian Krogsgard on that front — if you want to call someone out on something then be a man about it and show yourself. Sure, you’ll probably attract a ton of flack and be called an idiot (like I was in my post arguing against responsive design last year) but as long as you have the conviction to stand by your argument, you’ll have my respect.
+WPAvengers claim that the WooCommerce ecosystem is “broken.” It seems that their definition of “broken” is “considered too expensive by an undefined proportion of potential customers.”
+Here are the facts: WooThemes recently announced a major shift in their pricing plans which has caused quite a stir. I’m not going to argue for or against the actions they have taken as I can see valid points on either side of the debate. This post isn’t about that. It’s about an anonymous “team” spotting a commercial opportunity and seeking to capitalize on it in a deplorable manner, but packaging it up as something else entirely.
+The Problem With WPAvengers
+Let’s cut through the crap: the WPAvengers are guided by little more than a desire to make money.
+They are not the Robin Hoods of WordPress — taking GPL plugin code from the rich to sell at a much-reduced rate to the poor with nothing but altruistic notions guiding their every move.
+The fact of the matter is this: it’s a lot easier to sell plugins at a much-reduced price when you didn’t have to pay to develop them. WPAvengers have grabbed a bunch of premium plugins developed by third parties and repackaged them for their own club membership offering. They promise superb support across 36 plugins for a price that seems too good to be true.
+As Scott Kingsley Clark pointed out in the comments section on WPAvengers’ home page:
+What you are offering is dollar store prices compared to what it would take in the real world. You will be hurting all of your potential customers more than they appear to be hurt by anything Woo is doing with their pricing changes.
+To the best of my knowledge, WPAvengers are doing nothing illegal. The whole point of GPL-licensed code is that it can be repurposed if properly attributed. But that’s not the point. We’re looking at issues of morality (i.e. are their actions morally agreeable?) and of realism (i.e. can they possibly deliver on what they promise?).
+Whether they can or not remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure — they’re making big promises, and they’re doing it in a manner that I find extraordinarily distasteful.
+Concluding Thoughts
+Max Rice made a good point about this new undertaking in the comments section on the WPAvengers home page:
+Imagine if [WPAvengers] were honest with their customers about this and said, “We copied all this code from the original developers and just slapped our name on it so we can sell it to you for cheap and profit from their work! Don’t worry, it’s legal under the GPL so everything is OK!” — do you really think customers want to buy critical software for their website from people like that?
+That in itself is a fair point. As far as I can see this project has been conceived because of a perceived commercial opportunity. While there is nothing wrong with that in principle — I am a big fan of capitalism — the way that the WPAvengers have chosen to market their service is pretty abhorrent. Furthermore, it seems to me that the chances of them being able to deliver on what they promise are pretty slim.
+My message to the WPAvengers is this: If you want to launch an alternative to the WooCommerce ecosystem then go for it. But don’t play yourself as a victim of a “broken” ecosystem, fighting for the rights of poor WooThemes customers. First of all, show your face. Second of all, deliver a simple message: “We think WooCommerce products are too expensive. We intend to create an alternative platform that will be more affordable.”
+What do you think?
+12 CommentsJoin discussion
+Forgot to add that the WordPress community needs a kick in the pants. Wake up people. Stop drinking the blue-WP-Koolaid while a small handful of WP monopolists get rich!
+Woothemes has been getting rich ever since Adii spoke at Wordcamp SF. Right after that is when their prices starting going sky high. Guess he decided that he liked flying around the world and wants us to pay for his first-class tickets. The cost of living in Soth Africa is far lower than the US. Those are real numbers. $249 for a booking plugin! GIVE ME A BREAK and I’ll take it from wherever I can get it. BRAVO to WP Avengers!
+Wpavengers is Woo.
+Ricky Onsman
+The intersection of GPL and money-making is rarely comfortable. More like a roundabout than an intersection. I don’t admire WPAvengers for their approach, but I can’t see that WooThemes has grounds for surprise or complaint, given their willingness to act in their own commercial self-interest (as distinct from their users’ interests). Seems to me they’ve all entered the roundabout now and don’t know how to get off. Let them chase each other for a while. Maybe they’ll find the right exit, and maybe they won’t.
+Karma’s a bitch huh?!
+Mike Schinkel
+LOL! Awesome comment; what goes around comes around.
+ROFLOL! Woo whines and baby moans when their own crap ends up in their laps!
+Blake Imeson
+One more thing before I end my rant…
+On this silly site they say:
+“it feels it’s now all about $$$$!!”
+The heck? How many of us are developing and designing because we are feeling charitable? Most of us do this because we have mouths to feed and bills to pay. I for one am sure in it for the money. There is no shame in that. Granted, I love what I do and I pour my soul into it.
+This site is almost so ridiculous I worry we are being spoofed.
+Blake Imeson
+As developers of a highly successful WooCommerce plugin (PayPal Advanced) we see things a bit differently. We also develop quite a few Ecomm sites for clients.
+People are forgetting that many of the most popular premium themes and plugins have been successfully using the model Woo is moving to. Granted, they initially weren’t going to grandfather in unlimited licenses but they quickly changed their tune.
+Most of the haters have zero idea what it is like to have to make payroll for a bunch of employees like Woo has. From our insider view we were concerned about the sustainability of the model before all this – if they busted it would jeopardize our efforts. So we are glad to see them fix a broken model.
+These plugins are very demanding to support and continue to improve upon. The free part has had a very rapid reiterate and release schedule. Just look at the changelog!
+If you are developing an ecomm solution for the bottom tier then you can still use WooCommerce for free and even buy alternative WooCommerce plugins at CodeCanyon or elsewhere. Take a look at the other Open Source Ecomm solutions out there and I think you’ll see Woo isn’t crazy in how they are pricing these.
+Bottom line, vote with your dollars, if you don’t like it, find another solution or be constructive with solutions.
+Stop acting like children.
+We were bound to get here eventually. Thanks for the post Tom.
+Claudia Hall Christian
+Gosh, I’m not a huge fan of WooCommerce – I thought I was the only one. Maybe the existence of the WPAvengers will get Woo Themes to make a better product – because they’re not all that motivated now.
+I don’t even see a deal in signing up with WPAvengers.
+The most basic element that everyone seems to be missing is that WooThemes products have tons of FREE support. Just Google Search your problems. Simple. 98% of the technical issues I’ve had with WooCommerce and WooCommerce extensions were readily solved very quickly by doing a quick search that didn’t take any longer than contacting Woo would have. (I should note that I really haven’t had very many technical issues with Woo’s products anyway, but when I did, there was TONS of documentation.)
+I disagree with the WPAvengers model.
+The following correction was printed in the Observer's For the record column, Sunday 12 September 2010
+Nathaniel Rothschild is not the fourth Baron Rothschild as we mistakenly stated in the article below; he is the putative fifth Baron Rothschild, a resident of Switzerland. He has also asked us to make it plain that he is not part of the political and media social grouping we described in the article below. This has been corrected.
+The stories emerged almost simultaneously. Shortly before the election, the Fleet Street grapevine learned that the New York Times had sent a team of Pulitzer prize-winning reporters to London to produce what it hoped would be the definitive account of the phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World.
+Days later an equally intriguing story started to circulate in Westminster. The night of the third televised leaders' debate, William Hague had shared a twin room – the "Moet et Chandon", no less, in Birmingham's plush Hotel Du Vin – with his young male aide, Christopher Myers.
+It was difficult to work out which story was more juicy, or indeed, explosive: the prospect of a shamed minister versus a titanic transatlantic battle between two powerful newspapers.
+Hague, who was then shadow foreign secretary, must have been confident no whiff of scandal could attach to him. But as the innuendos swirled, the three-strong New York Times team were scouring London for sources to lift the lid on the News of the World's darkest antics, a five-month investigation that has culminated with the publication of an epic narrative in the newspaper's Sunday magazine, published today.
+As the smoke clears, the fallout from both stories will take time to assess. And while much is opaque some themes are becoming more apparent. Both stories share similar tensions: a ferocious media with an obsessive interest in the private lives of the great and the good; the fractious, often ambivalent relationship between journalists and politicians; the failure of Westminster giants to see how their closest aides can damage as well as protect them. If David Hare is seeking themes for his next play he need look no further.
+For the play's protagonist he could draw inspiration from Andy Coulson, the editor of the NoW at the height of the phone-hacking scandal, who bestrides both tales.
+Coulson, who started life as a reporter on Essex's Basildon Echo before rising to prominence as editor of the Sun's "Bizarre" gossip column, is, the Tories' director of communications and a man who wields immense power across Westminster. It was Coulson who fell on his sword when Clive Goodman, the NoW's royal editor, was convicted in 2007 for plotting to intercept voicemail messages left for royal aides, sometimes by members of the royal family; for that crime he served four months in jail.
+A former footballer, Glenn Mulcaire, who ran Nine Consultancy, a private investigations firm which had a £100,000 contract with the NoW, was jailed for six months after pleading guilty to the same charge.
+Coulson said he took responsibility for a scandal described by the judge as a "grave, inexcusable and illegal invasion of privacy". The court heard Mulcaire had also hacked supermodel Elle Macpherson, publicist Max Clifford, MP Simon Hughes, football agent Sky Andrew and the Professional Footballers' Association's chief executive, Gordon Taylor.
+But six months after Coulson resigned from Rupert Murdoch's empire, Tory leader David Cameron decided to give him another chance. The gamble was to pay off in spectacular fashion two years later.
+"Labour's lost it", the Sun proclaimed on its front page, a bomb detonated for maximum effect during Labour's party conference in Brighton last year. The one-time cheerleader for Blair said that after "12 long years" backing New Labour it had had enough. It was the first indication the Murdoch stable was turning. Before the 2005 election the News of the World, then under Coulson's editorship, had stuck by Blair and Labour. The paper told its readers: "The Tories are a Coca-Cola Championship team. Labour aren't Champions League material. But they do play in the Premiership. Tony Blair's squad are, on balance, the best team to be given the chance to take this great country forward."
+But as this year's general election approached, stories started to surface suggesting the NoW had paid a number of alleged phone-hacking victims six-figure sums to settle their cases out of court. It was suggested the phone-hacking scandal under Coulson had been far more widespread than simply a rogue reporter briefing a private eye. Questions were asked as to whether Cameron would stand by his man. They clearly irritated the Tory leader.
+Initially at least, Cameron's faith in Coulson paid off. The former journalist has been praised by some Lib Dems for not playing "tribal" politics in the coalition. "He's done his best to be open and friendly," said one source. "That has made a difference." But as with Hague's decision to share a room with a young male aide, Cameron's decision to retain Coulson has raised questions about his judgment.
+He would have known the allegations about the phone-hacking scandal were not going to go away after the election. Indeed it was abundantly clear they would only intensify if Labour lost, an event that would release a pent-up desire among disgruntled former ministers to take on the NoW once they had nothing to lose by antagonising the paper and its all-powerful proprietor.
+Quite why Cameron has been so protective of Coulson is open to conjecture. Certainly it helps that they share mutual friends. Coulson is a longstanding friend of Rebekah Brooks, formerly Wade, who edited the Sun from 2003 until she was elevated to a more senior management role at Murdoch's News International.
+This connection gave Cameron an entry into a group that includes James Murdoch and his sister, Elisabeth, who is married to the publicist Matthew Freud. Wade's second husband is the old Etonian former racehorse trainer, Charlie Brooks. In April last year Cameron found time to go to the book launch of Charlie Brooks's thriller, Citizen. "I'm Charlie's MP," Cameron told the Times.
+In the summer of 2008, Cameron and his wife Samantha were flown in Freud's private plane to meet Murdoch in his yacht, Rosehearty, off a Greek island. The social connections between the new Tories and the Murdoch set are wide and deep.
+Today the NYT finally delivers its judgment on what really happened at the News of the World under Coulson. In a 6,072-word piece, the paper claims Coulson "actively encouraged" phone hacking, an allegation he has consistently denied. The article also raised questions about how vigorously the Metropolitan police had pursued the case. Several unnamed sources told the NYT that the practice of phone hacking at the NoW had been endemic. One former reporter quoted in the article, Sean Hoare, who was fired from the paper after struggling with a drink and drug problem, said Coulson was well aware the practice existed and went on Radio 4 to denounce his former editor for encouraging a culture of "dark arts".
+The picture painted by the NYT bolsters claims that the NoW's newsroom under Coulson was "out of control" as former Sunday Times editor Andrew Neil memorably described it.
+It was a high-octane environment. In her book Tabloid Girl, Sharon Marshall, a presenter on This Morning and an ex-NoW reporter, explained about working on the red tops: "You will find yourself in the oddest positions, doing the oddest things. You will have to lie, scheme, cheat, secretly tape, con and beg to get the stories. You must crash weddings, funerals and lives and try not to crash and burn yourself in the process."
+Marshall explained how one journalist had "shadowy contacts with mobile phone firms who could hand over phone records for anyone you wanted". She writes: "This wasn't the only trick you could pull with a mobile phone. Dial any mobile number, enter one of a series of numerical codes and you can listen to all the voice messages which have been stored on the phone."
+Marshall observed: "Oddly, although not one single journalist in the UK will ever admit to getting stories by this method, and everyone agrees it's a terrible, immoral thing to do, every journalist who has ever worked on any tabloid will know exactly how to do it and which codes you use."
+Charlotte Harris of JMW Solicitors, who is representing around 25 alleged victims of the phone-hacking scandal, believes the newsroom's culture owed much to senior management. "There was a trigger-happy culture at the newspaper; you have to look at the food chain – you start with Murdoch and move down," she said. "I think initially it [phone hacking] was used to confirm stories they knew to be true, but then it got completely out of hand.".
+The NYT's story was covered extensively by the Guardian, which had earlier broken a string of exclusives on the scandal. The BBC, too, carried the allegations, as did the Independent. But readers of the Times, until today, and the Sun, the Telegraph and the Daily Mail were left in the dark.
+Harris described the partial media blackout as "scary". But for Fleet Street veterans it is unsurprising considering newspapers share common interests and owners.
+The NoW was quick to repudiate the NYT's attack, accusing the paper of having a disproportionate interest in the story simply because it was a rival to Murdoch's Wall Street Journal.
+"What clearer conflict of interest is there than devoting such enormous resources over five months to investigating one of a rival group's newspapers and then seeking to publish unsubstantiated claims about the paper?" the paper asked in a robust response the NYT attached to its online article.
+Diane McNulty, an executive director at the New York Times in charge of media relations, was adamant there was a simple reason why the "Old Grey Lady" would send its reporters to Britain for a massive, magazine-length story on the scandal. "We thought it was a compelling story," she said.
+Nevertheless, in an age of austerity, when newsrooms across America are slashing budgets, it seemed an extraordinary effort to put into a foreign story. Would McNulty arrange an interview with someone at the newspaper who could talk about its huge investment in quality foreign reporting?
+"We are just going to let the story speak for itself," she told the Observer. "It is all in there."
+The impression that the Journal and the NYT are now locked in a deadly battle to become America's paper of record was reinforced earlier this year when one of the Times's reporters writing the NoW piece, Don Van Natta, tweeted "the last great newspaper war" and added a link to an article analysing the two papers' enmity.
+The epic conflict has not gone unobserved in other media. The latest edition of Vanity Fair carries a large piece devoted to the struggle between Murdoch and Arthur Sulzberger Jr, publisher of the Times. "I read the Journal a little less now," Times executive editor Bill Keller told the magazine. "I find that I can skim it in a way I couldn't before. If the Journal is gaining market share I'd guess it is more at the expense of USA Today than the Times."
+The Journal has launched a separate section carrying New York news that is clearly aimed at competing with the Times. It is also capable of the sort of tabloid stunts common on Fleet Street but anathema to the more staid world of American journalism.
+Earlier this year, in a montage of pictures illustrating an article about effeminate-looking men, the Journal used a picture of Sulzberger's chin.
+Unsurprisingly, those in the Murdoch camp have tried to shrug off the impact of the NYT's article. "A lot of what was written was old," said one Murdoch supporter. "There was no concrete evidence it [phone hacking] was widespread. It was not comfortable reading, but it was not killer stuff."
+Nevertheless the story was potent. "It's got all the ingredients everyone loves," the source agreed. "Politics both left and right, Murdoch, lots of salacious allegations, it runs and runs."
+How much further it runs depends on the Metropolitan police. Several politicians are furious the force did not release information warning them that they may have been potential victims of the scandal.
+The NYT article quotes an unnamed former senior prosecutor on the case who was "stunned to discover later that the police had not shared everything"..
+Bindmans said in a statement: "They now understand they were potential targets of Glenn Mulcaire, but were not informed by the police at the time, in breach of the Metropolitan police's legal obligations. Bindmans have asked, on behalf of their clients, that the details of the claim be provided to all other potential victims who may have an interest in joining this claim. The police have so far refused."
+Yesterday the former Olympics minister, Tessa Jowell, claimed her phone had been hacked 28 times while former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott said he was prepared to take legal action to force the police to reveal whether they had any evidence his phone may have been hacked.
+Last year the Met's then Assistant Commissioner John Yates, one of Scotland Yard's most experienced detectives, confirmed the police would not be reopening their inquiry into the affair, saying no new evidence had come to light.
+"This investigation has not uncovered any evidence to suggest that John Prescott's phone had been tapped," Yates said at the time.
+But Prescott's new evidence – revealed in today's Observer – will intensify pressure on the Met to reopen its investigation, or at the very least release all the documents it is holding.
+The former home secretary Alan Johnson has questioned the Met's handling of the investigation and said there may be a case for calling in the official Inspector of Constabulary.
+The combined and orchestrated onslaught from former Labour ministers has led to accusations that the party is seeking to exploit the phone-hacking scandal for political expediency.
+But while the damage done to Coulson – and by proxy Cameron – helps to explain their actions, there is also a darker, more subtle motivation. Some of Labour's anger against the Met can be traced back to the cash-for-honours scandal.
+"It is not about us going for Coulson," said one well-connected Labour figure involved in the discussions about taking the phone-hacking case to judicial review. "It is more about the police. Why did Yates go raiding Ruth Turner's house [Turner was Tony Blair's political adviser who was subject to a dawn raid by police and arrested in January 2007, and released without charge]? They spent years on that when they seem to have spent a few days on this. We need to find out why the hell that is."
+Last week Coulson and the NoW were once again under scrutiny. This time the newspaper was dominating the news agenda for all the right reasons – revelling in its exposure of the alleged cricket betting scandal that has sent shockwaves around the world.
+Meanwhile questions were being asked about why Coulson had allowed Hague to release such a detailed, highly personal statement in response to rumours about his personal life that had been running on the internet.
+The response, in which Hague admitted sharing a room with his aide and that he and his wife Ffion had been trying unsuccessfully for a baby, was slammed by veteran spin doctors, including one of the NoW's alleged victims, Max Clifford, who declared it had turned a "small problem into a huge problem".
+Days later it emerged that Coulson had met the BBC's head of news, Helen Boaden, to discuss the "context" the corporation intended to give to the government's forthcoming comprehensive spending review, a major source of concern for the Tories. The revelation prompted BBC director-general, Mark Thompson, to fiercely rebut claims the broadcaster was bending to the Tories.
+But once again the story served to highlight the potentially explosive results that occur when the elemental worlds of politics and the media collide. It also emphasised how Coulson, as the bridge between both worlds, is particularly vulnerable. Christopher Myers, Hague's special adviser, was early collateral damage in this conflict, testimony to the old adage that when the aide becomes the story it is time for the aide to go.
+Last night Number 10 indicated it was determined to ensure no such fate befalls Coulson, keeping him safe from harm, firmly protected in its bunker.
+At least for now.
+Additional reporting by Hayley Clark
+The unanswered questions
+Does Andy Coulson stand by his claims that he knew nothing about phone hacking at the News of the World when he was editor, in light of allegations made in today's New York Times?
+Will the Metropolitan police share all the information it has on the affair with the alleged victims?
+Will Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary investigate the behaviour of the Metropolitan police officers who investigated the original allegations?
+Does Assistant Commissioner John Yates stand by his claim that the Met found no evidence to suggest that John Prescott's phone may have been hacked?
+Will the Met agree to launch a fresh investigation into the allegations?
+What steps will the UK's mobile phone companies take to reassure members of the public who are concerned that the scandal has highlighted how easy it is to hack phones?
+Will the government agree to hold a parliamentary debate into the scandal?
+Will the Press Complaints Commission launch a fresh investigation into the allegations?
+Does the government see merit in holding an independent inquiry into the scandal?
+Timeline of a scandal
+Andy Coulson, aged 34, takes over from Rebekah Wade as editor of the News of the World. He installs a hyper-competitive ethos. Former reporters say hacking the voice-mail of targets was widespread.
+Three senior aides to the royal family notice that mobile phone voicemail messages they have never listened to are appearing in their mailboxes as if heard and saved. Personal details about Prince William begin appearing in News of the World articles. Aides begin to suspect that someone is eavesdropping.
+A police inquiry leads to Clive Goodman, the News of the World royal editor, and to a private investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, who also works for the paper.
+As police track Goodman and Mulcaire, the latter hacks into Prince Harry's mobile phone messages. Goodman runs an article quoting verbatim a voicemail that Prince Harry had received from Prince William.
+Scotland Yard alerts five public figures that their phones may have been hacked: Gordon Taylor, the head of the Professional Footballers' Association; Simon Hughes, MP; Elle Macpherson, the model; PR agent Max Clifford; and Sky Andrew, a sports agent. Of the hundreds more who may have had their phones accessed, the police say they notified only those where issues of national security were involved. Mulcaire and Goodman are charged with conspiracy to intercept communications.
+Scotland Yard officials consult with prosecutors on how broadly to proceed. But the officials do not discuss certain evidence with senior prosecutors, including clues that Mulcaire and Goodman may not have been alone in hacking voicemail messages.
+Mulcaire and Goodman sentenced to several months in prison. Coulson denies any knowledge of phone-hacking but resigns as editor.
+Les Hinton, then executive chairman of News International, tells Commons Commons Commons Culture, Media and Sport select committee he believes Goodman was 'the only person' who knew of the hacking.
+Coulson is hired to head the Conservative party's communications team.
+Goodman and Mulcaire sue the News of the World for wrongful dismissal. Court records show NI paid £80,000 to Mulcaire. Goodman gets an undisclosed amount.
+News Group Newspapers agrees to pay a settlement of £700,000 including legal expenses to Gordon Taylor, the soccer union head whose phone Mulcaire hacked.
+After new evidence is published in the Guardian about out-of-court settlements in other hacking cases, John Whittingdale, the select committee's chairman, says he feels misled by NI executives who testified that Goodman and Mulcaire acted alone. At new hearings, Coulson maintains he had been unaware of illegal activities, adding 'nor do I have any recollection of incidences where phone hacking took place'.
+The Commons committee criticises Scotland Yard's investigation and accuses News of the World executives of 'deliberate obfuscation'.
+The Guardian reports that Max Clifford dropped a lawsuit after the News of the World agreed to pay him £1m. Lawyers begin rounding up clients and forcing Scotland Yard to reveal whether their names were among the files found in Mulcaire's home.
+David Cameron, with the support of Murdoch's papers, becomes prime minister. Cameron rewards Coulson with the top communications post at 10 Downing Street.
+Cameron holds private talks with Murdoch, who enters No 10 by a back door.
+The New York Times Magazine posts a 6,000-word article about the affair on its website, alleging Coulson was aware of widespread phone-hacking, and quotes a former reporter, Sean Hoare, who says Coulson knew it had gone on. The article also raises questions about the thoroughness of the police investigation.
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+Estonian Consulate Los Angeles – 5 Easy Steps to Apply for Estonia Schengen Visa
+Estonia is a popular place to visit in the Schengen area, especially in the summer months when the resorts and beaches along the coast are packed with people out enjoying the warm weather. Tallinn is the place where most travelers head to, but there are coastal villages, like Kaberneeme and Nova, just as great to explore. Not far from the capital is Lahemaa National Park which is brimming with attractive bays and beautiful forests and some of the best scenery you could imagine. In this article learn more about how to apply for Estonia visa at the Estonian consulate in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Estonia visa appointment booking, Processing time at the Estonian visa application center, flight itinerary for Estonia visa, hotel bookings for Estonia visa, Schengen travel insurance for Estonia visa application, and Estonia Visa Application Process at the Los Angeles consulate.
+Estonia Schengen Visa
+There were 138,249 Schengen visa applications received in 2017 and, of these, 1,671 were not issued. It was not possible to find out how many were issued on behalf of Estonia by the Italian consulate in Los Angeles.
+Applying for a Schengen Visa from the United States
+If you are a US citizen, you do NOT need to apply for a visa to visit Estonia, however, if you are a non-US citizen you DO need a visa. In order to do this, you must live permanently in the US and hold a valid visa. If you have a B1/B2 type visa, you can ONLY apply for an Airport Transit visa and this must be done in your home country.
+Estonia is represented by other Schengen member states in the US, and visa applications for Estonia can only be dealt with by the consulate in New York. If you live in any other part of the United States, you must apply through the correct visa office. You can find this information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.
+You have to make sure you apply at the right Estonian embassy and consulate. If you live in the Los Angeles area, you will see that it is the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles that will deal with your application:
+The Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles deals with visa application from applicants who reside within its jurisdiction, so if you live in the following areas, you should submit your application to the consulate in Los Angeles:
+- Southern California (Counties of S. Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Imperial Valley, Orange), Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico
+Types of Schengen Visas Offered at the Italian Consulate General in Los Angeles
+The Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles offers:
+- Schengen visa – up to 90 days for tourism, business, transit and airport transit
+- National visa – over 90 days for study, work, sport, residence etc
+Schengen visas are usually issued as:
+- Single entry – 1 entry
+- Double entry – Up to 2 entries
+- Multiple entry – Unlimited entries
+Schengen Visa Application Process at the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles
+When you apply for your Estonia visa, you should check the consulate’s website before you start. It’s really important to understand what is required and how to go about it.
+The Italian consulate in Los Angeles processes Estonia visa within 3 weeks, so you should submit your application at least 3 weeks before you plan to travel to Estonia. In fact, you can apply up to 3 months ahead of time, so the earlier the better. That way, you can be sure that your application will be processed in time.
+Please be aware, that the consulate in Los Angeles does not provide rush processing. In addition, applications could take longer to process during summer months and holidays.
+Here are a few steps to help you apply for your Estonia visa:
+Step 1: Book your the appointment yourself by following the below instructions. The visa office in Los Angeles requires you to make an appointment in order to submit your application. Go to the consulate’s website and click on: “Visas”.
+On the next page, click on the type of visa you are applying for.
+Then, you’ll see the link that will take you to the booking system. Click on it.
+Then, you will see: “Step-by-step guide on how to use the online appointment system (Prenota online)“. Have a look at this before you use the system. When you are ready to book your appointment, click on the other link to proceed.
+You will be directed to Prenota Online and you will have to create a new account.
+Then, log on.
+If you are unable to make a suitable appointment, check the system daily, from 3.00pm, for cancellations.
+Once your appointment is booked, you’ll have to confirm it, otherwise, the system will cancel it. You must confirm the appointment for a maximum of 10 days or a minimum of 3 days before your appointment date.
+If you no longer need the appointment, please advise the consulate, so other applicants can obtain their own appointment.
+Step 2: Complete your Estonia Schengen visa application form
+You can complete your application form on the consulate’s website. Scroll down to: “Online procedure for Schengen visa” and click on the link:
+Click on: “Proceed to online form“:
+And you’ll be able to complete your application form:
+When you’re finished, you need to print the visa application form and e-application barcodes.
+If you are applying for a National visa, you can download the form to complete manually.
+Step 3: Get your documents ready
+Step 3 – get your documents ready – is important! You must prepare all the required documents for your visa application. It’s worth spending time looking at the consulate’s website before you begin.
+In addition, you must also provide photocopies as well as original documents, so don’t forget to do this.
+Any foreign documents should be translated into English and/or Italian and legalized.
+Documents include:
+- Passport or travel document showing your complete date of birth and valid for 3 months beyond your trip, issued within the last 10 years, with 2 blank pages
+- Proof of residence – Alien registration card/long term U.S. visa with I-94 Form and valid for 3 months past end date of trip; Students must have a valid I-20 Form endorsed by authorities (re-entry/travel), and exchange visitors must have a valid IAP-66 Form
+- 2 x recent photos – passport-size, 2 x 2 in; white background with full face and front view. Must not be scanned or photocopied
+- Visa application form – must be completed in full and signed in the presence of a consular officer. If you cannot complete the online application form, you can contact the consulate at visti.losangeles@esteri.it
+- Proof of sufficient funds such as last 3 bank statements/pay slip or copy of pension income (if retired)
+- Employment verification for example, if employed provide a letter stating position, salary, approval of vacation; if self-employed a business license, corporation certificate and/or income tax return; if student, an enrollment letter
+- Round-trip flight reservation
+- Proof of accommodation – hotel reservation, rental agreement/lease, proof of private accommodation, permit of stay for foreigners/or host’s ID or tour/cruise itinerary
+- Schengen Travel insurance up to €30,000 for medical expenses, hospitalization, and repatriation
+- Declaration for business visa from Italian company
+- Acceptance letter for study from US and Italian institution
+- Financial guarantee (minimum $1,000 per month)
+- Proof of participation in any type of event
+- Birth and/or marriage certificate
+- US certificate of naturalization (ex-Italian citizens)
+- Entry clearance documents (Nulla Osta)
+- Employment contract
+- Enrollment/enlistment contract
+- Military orders/letter requesting visa
+- Confirmation of religious status/non-employment declaration
+- For minor applicants – application form on behalf of minor, declaration of financial responsibility and parental consent, birth certificate translated in English and notarized and the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles
+On the day of your appointment, go to the consulate in Los Angeles and arrive early. If you miss your appointment, you will not be seen and you’ll have to make a new appointment.
+Make sure you have all the necessary documents. If not, your application cannot be processed and the visa staff will send you home without accepting your file.
+Dress smartly too. This is a good way to come across as someone who really wants to get a visa for Estonia.
+If the staff want to find out anything else about you or your application, they may ask you questions like:
+- Is this your first time to Estonia or the Schengen area?
+- What do you know about the country?
+- Have you got a reason to return to the US?
+- What are your plans in Estonia?
+- What is your job in the US?
+If this happens, answer the questions politely and truthfully. The consulate is only finding out all of the facts to be able to make a fair decision on your visa application.
+Don’t jeopardize your Schengen visa interview at the last minute. Use this comprehensive and thorough visa interview guide to crack the visa interview!
+You will also pay the fee for your visa. You can pay by cash, money order or cashier’s check payable to the Consulate General of Italy. Cash payments are accepted only with previous authorization. This fee is non-refunded, regardless of the outcome of your application.
+Estonia visa fees
+After the interview, you may have to provide biometric data (fingerprints) which will be scanned into the Visa Information System to be used by immigration authorities.
+Step 5: Receiving your visa
+When a decision has been made about your application, the consulate will contact you and you can either:
+- Collect your passport from the consulate during their opening hours
+- Have your passport returned by mail – if you opt for this, you will need to provide a self-addressed, pre-paid envelope and complete an authorization form to have the document returned.
+With any luck, you’ll find your new Estonia visa in your passport. However, visa applications do get rejected for a variety of reasons:
+- The purpose of the trip is not clear
+- You have forgotten to sign the forms
+- Your passport is not valid for 3 months past your trip
+- Other documents are missing
+- The birth certificate is in a foreign language
+Your passport must be valid for at least 3 months past the end date of your trip. If it isn’t, you must apply for a new one before applying for your visa. If you need to provide any documents, including birth certificates, but they are in any language other then English or Italian, you must have them translated and authenticated. You must provide all the relevant documents for your application as well as evidence to prove the purpose of your trip – a travel itinerary for example. Plus, documents should be signed and you should check this before handing over your file.
+– 12.30 pm; Wednesday: 9.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 3.30pm; Thursdays: Closed
+It’s a very easy procedure to apply for your Estonia visa. Just follow these steps:
+- Book your appointment
+- Complete your Estonia Schengen visa application form
+- Get your documents ready
+- Submit your application to the Italian consulate in Los Angeles
+- Receive your visa
+Then, all you need to do is begin the countdown to your amazing trip to Estonia.
+> Estonia Schengen Visa at Estonian Consulate in NYC, New York
+Worldwide Visa Requirements
+With with academic challenges or to simply boost their performance in school. This is not the case, however, as recent years have seen the rise of a new breed of technology that aims to cater to Singapore’s competitive education system. Challenging and now changing the way parents and students perceive and use tuition, online homework apps have quickly become the new go-to solution of students who find themselves struggling with homework in challenging subjects such as math.
+Students struggle with homework
+With Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM education being especially challenging in Singapore, parents have long sought for ways to make the academic burden easier on their children. From enrolment in tuition centres to finding a suitable private tutor to involving their child in after-school enrichment programs, Singaporean parents have always been on the lookout for practical solutions to their children’s academic woes, specifically, to their frequent encounters with difficult homework questions or problems that are too tough for their school level.
+With the growing use of social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp, smart parents (who sometimes fondly refer to themselves as “kiasu parents,” kiasu being a cultural thing in Singapore which means “fear of losing out” and can be anything from positive to negative, depending on the context) have found a way to make dealing with challenging homework less daunting. This is through crowdsourcing or asking questions to a group or a community that share a common interest. In Singapore where parents’ concern over various areas of their child’s education never seem to end—from PSLE sample problems, to understanding the Singapore Maths Model Method, to the best O-Level preparation for their child in Year 11—countless Facebook groups on these topics exist in large numbers and at present continue being created. This new way of connecting comes as great relief to parents because finally, they can have the help and support of a like-minded community of people who express similar concerns over their child’s education. More importantly, it provides them the convenience of being able to ask fellow parents about any question related to their topic of common interest—homework problems included.
+With these, parents started creating groups and forums that are solely dedicated to asking math questions. Usually posted in these groups and forums are snapshots of tough questions or sample problems, especially in math (mostly from homework, or, during Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)-taking season, extremely difficult math questions that have broke down test-takers) that both students and parents cannot answer. Students can point their fingers on a number of factors—teacher didn’t explain the math concept too well; not enough examples were provided; large class number or poor student-to-teacher ratio thus reduced chances of retention and comprehension on the student’s part; etc.—while parents can blame the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) math syllabus being too difficult or themselves for not having been exposed to advanced math lessons during their time, yet it will all boil down to an unsolved homework problem and a ticking clock that will signal “Time’s up!” once the school day has ended.
+And so, Singapore’s educational technology (edtech) industry has their work cut out for them. Luckily enough, a number of start-ups have noticed the occurrence of such behind-the-scenes struggle of parents and students when it comes to math homework problems that seem to intimidate the child rather than encourage him. And, luckily enough, Singapore’s bright edtech start-ups saw that this struggle is something that not even the billion-dollar tuition industry can grapple with.
+The rise of homework apps
+Given the classic after-school conundrum of students grappling with homework, a number of edtech start-ups in Singapore have been working in recent years to fill this gap in the country’s education sector in order to deliver a new kind of service: online homework assistance.
+Past technological developments in e-learning have brought the education sector valuable learning tools such as Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs that prove to be useful in distant and adult learning; databases that catalog questions asked by students, and then answered by tutors or experts and then posted online to allow viewing by users and works as a reference site; online math testing sites that have a database of questions and answers, which students can use by taking practice drills and tests as most of these sites allow graded practice tests; and, more recently, live one-to-one online tuition that allows real-time tutorial in a virtual classroom that simulates a classroom setup. Online homework apps come as the latest addition to these innovations by Singapore’s educational technology sector.
+Most of these apps are community-sourced platforms and work through crowdsourcing, which means answer or solutions to math problems are provided on-demand by users of the app or its community—math teachers, tutors, or even students themselves. Some are powered by advanced technological innovations such as artificial intelligence or AI, machine learning, and the use of highly sophisticated algorithms. Whatever the case may be, we have rounded up some of the most widely-used math homework apps in the country (with some even extending patronage outside of Singapore). Along with it are some basic information about these apps and how to use them so parents can learn more about these seemingly miracle solutions to their child’s homework woes.
+Founded in 2016 by Lai Weichang and Jason Tan—co-founder and chief technical officer, respectively—of Singapore tuition agency ManyTutors, Ask.ManyTutors is an app that makes it possible for students in the Primary Level, Secondary Level, Junior College Level, and International Baccalaureate Programs to ask a tutor homework questions 24/7. Ask.ManyTutors allows its users, usually students and parents, to ask any Singapore Maths or Science-related homework questions by taking a photo of the question using one’s camera phone and posting it to be answered by the agency's base of 45,000 tutors. Users can also provide answers to questions that other students or users find difficult. The app promises answers in as short as 15 minutes to a few hours.
+The app works for students in Singapore as well as those in the USA who study Singapore Math.
+How it works: The app works in three easy steps. First, users need to take a photo of their challenging math homework question, and then select the level and the subject, which in this case is math. Next, users need to type in required information (such as their email address), and then click submit. Once the math problem has been submitted, users need to wait for 15 minutes to a few hours to be provided with answers, which will be sent to them through their email.
+Upside: Provides a quick and easy math homework option free of charge
+Downside: Problems usually take a while to be solved, averaging 2-3 hours, as seen on Ask.ManyTutors website
+Founded in 2016 by young entrepreneur and CEO Betty Zhou together with her team of collaborators, Miao dubs itself as “Your AI Homework Helper.” Its maker, Miao Academy, is an artificial intelligence (AI) company that aims to revolutionise the way students learn and access educational resources. Their math homework app, Miao, offers help to students in the Primary 6 Level to Junior College Level in need of assistance with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects.
+Aside from users in Singapore, Miao is also used by students in the secondary and tertiary levels in the US and in the UK.
+How it works: The app allows users to snap and upload a photo of a maths question. However, unlike popular math homework apps that directly provide students with solutions by generating specific answers to specific math questions, Miao only searches math problems that are similar and related to the question submitted by a student. These sample problems offered by Miao come with answers and workings, so that students can learn to solve their own homework using the samples provided. By using natural language processing algorithms, Miao analyzes a submitted question or problem and presents similar practice questions and other information related to it (in as fast as 10 seconds) with the help of learning materials such as articles or videos to aid in the understanding of the math concepts behind each question.
+Upside: Promotes independent learning by giving students a “push” in the right direction by providing sample problems similar to the one submitted, as opposed to directly giving a solution
+Downside: Not ideal for direct homework help as actual answers or solutions are not provided
+“Ask and Learn, Answer and Earn”—this is Queri’s motto. Founded in 2016, this homework app provides homework solutions by allowing its users to crowdsource the answers to difficult math questions. With is revolutionised use of on-demand peer-to-peer assistance, Queri aims to give students an opportunity to help out their peers and earn from it if they consistently give out accurate help to those who need it.
+How it works: By registering and logging in to a Queri account, the app allows its users to do mainly two things:
+For those who seek homework help, Queri allows users to post questions either by typing it into a text box or taking a snapshot of it. With over 22 topics, the app allows users to list questions under a wide range of academic subjects and areas, including mathematics, chemistry and physics. At present, the app’s most popular category is mathematics in the primary and secondary level. Most questions posted are answered within five minutes to half an hour.
+For those who seek to help out others with their tough homework, users can do so by providing an answer in text or photo. If they are the first user to do so, they will earn credits, ($1 for each credit, which can be withdrawn to a PayPal account).
+Upside: Allows exchange of information between students; Students with advanced math skills are incentivized by earning
+Downside: There is the possibility of getting incorrect answers
+Founded in 2015, Snapask is a Hong Kong-based online learning website that offers tutoring services to students living in Hong Kong, Singapore, and neighboring Asian countries. Students could also ask questions and tutors would answer them
+How it works: Students can simply snap a photo of their question, post it on the app, and, once a tutor (from their pool of 200+ tutors) has received the question, they will be provided with the answers and the steps to the solution via private chat message.
+Upside: Provides quick and easy solution
+Downside: Pool of tutors doesn’t necessarily mean qualified or expert tutors
+iMath is a tech-enabled human-centric platform that aims to help students with their homework and enhance their learning by using technology to bring quality learning and caring coaching to any student anytime, anywhere. With the ease of use and the endless possibilities that the Internet provides, iMath desires to give every deserving student the help and assistance that he or she deserves from a nurturing community of math experts and enthusiasts.
+How it works: By registering and logging in to their iMath account, users get free and convenient access to iMath’s Community Wall. This bulletin board, where members of the iMath community who seek help and seek to lend a helping hand gather and meet—allows students and parents to simply post a snapshot of a difficult math homework and get answers and detailed workings from tutors, parents, or from other students as well. By allowing students and parents to help out, too, iMath makes for a homework app that doesn’t just generate answers but one that makes genuine exchange of information possible.
+Upside: Provides quick and quality answers to your quick math questions with the help of a supportive and nurturing math community
+Downside: Not a question-and-answer marketplace
+So, for an all-around homework saviour for parents and students who find themselves stumped with tough math problems, try iMath today! Download the iMath app here.
+This article was written by Louise O. Lopez
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+Developmental Editing For Nonfiction
+Developmental editing for non-fiction books is an essential part of the publishing process. However, finding the right editor can be challenging.
+In this article, you’ll discover what is required for non-fiction developmental editing, you’ll learn why each non-fiction book is different, and you’ll understand the skills needed for an editor to provide effective editing.
+What is Developmental Editing?
+Developmental editing is known by several different names. In addition to developmental editing, it is called content editing, structural editing, story editing, substantive editing, comprehensive editing, macro editing, or even heavy editing.
+But they are all the same.
+Wikipedia describes developmental editing as "significant structuring or restructuring of a manuscript's discourse".
+In reality, editing is a much more involved process. The editor will examine the entire manuscript, considering all aspects of the book, including its flow and structure. For fiction, they will also consider readability, plot, and structure. Some editors will look out for line-level problems, such as sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. The better editors will assess a book's suitability for the marketplace. They may also help you to pinpoint the book's genre correctly.
+Understanding Developmental Editing Approach for Non-Fiction
+In most cases, when you come across articles on the Internet about editing, they tend to be talking about developmental editing for fiction. It is true that developmental editing for fiction and non-fiction share some distinct similarities, but there are fundamental differences.
+Whilst fiction and non-fiction editing require the same attention to detail and approach to the manuscript, the problems that need to be identified, assessed, and solved, are different for non-fiction.
+Clearly, for fiction editing character development, plot, an element such as description, I'll keep building blocks to the editing process. However, these are not present in most non-fiction manuscripts.
+This means that an editor must take a different approach to a non-fiction book than they would to a novel.
+In addition, the content, style, and approach seen across non-fiction manuscripts vary far greater than that seen across fiction manuscripts. For example, a novel written within the science fiction genre requires much the same approach as a novel written in the romance genre. It is true that tropes and reader’s expectations will differ between the genres, but fundamentally the way in which they are written is remarkably similar. This is not the case for non-fiction. It is easy to see how a non-fiction memoir varies greatly from a non-fiction textbook written about brain surgery.
+It is therefore impossible to create an exhaustive list of what a non-fiction developmental editor must apply to each title they edit. This said, there are a number of elements that are consistent across all non-fiction titles.
+It is these elements that are addressed in this article.
+It is therefore essential that an editor takes a tailored approach to each non-fiction manuscript. It is vital that an editor has a deep understanding of the non-fiction book before the editing process begins. They must not only understand the goal of the book, and the aim of the writer but also what the reader is expecting to gain from the book. It is only from this point that a deep understanding that the editorial process can begin.
+In the remainder of this article, we will look in detail at some of the common elements of non-fiction editing that can be applied to most manuscripts.
+Understanding is the Start Point
+As mentioned in the previous section a deep understanding of the manuscript is essential for a successful developmental edit. An editor must take steps to understand all aspects of a manuscript before the editorial process can start.
+This understanding can be split into three key areas:
+1. Understanding the goal of the writer
+The first step in the editorial process is for the editor to gain a deep understanding of what the writer is hoping to gain from the book. The editor must understand why the writer wrote the book, and what they're hoping the reader will take away from the book. These goals and aims will vary greatly from manuscript-to-manuscript but they are the first essential step to a successful edit.
+2. Understanding the goal of the book
+It is possible that the goal of the writer and the goal of the book are the same thing, but this is not always the case, and it is not uncommon for the goal of the writer and the goal of the book to be different.
+For example, a business owner may decide to write a book about how to lose weight. The aim of the book would be to teach the reader key techniques for weight loss. However, the business owner may be selling a video training course, which is supporting the book. This means that the aim of the writer and the aim of the book are not aligned. The aim of the book is to teach each reader the skill needed to lose weight, but the aim of the writer is to create trust and ultimately sell that course.
+3. Understanding the goal of the reader
+It is essential that an editor has a very clear understanding of what a reader is hoping to gain from the non-fiction title they are editing. Only by having an understanding of the reader’s expectations can the editor ensure that their feedback is correctly aligned.
+A misunderstanding of the reader’s goals can be a disastrous step in the editorial process. It is therefore essential that an editor takes the time and effort to talk to the writer to ensure that they have the correct understanding of the readership.
+For example, when editing a book about weight loss, it is clear to see that a reader’s expectation will be to gain the skills needed to lose weight. However, this is not so clear for a memoir. In this case, the other side will need to take additional steps to ensure that they understand what readers are expecting to get when they embark on the memoir.
+Importance of an Introduction
+One of the most underrated elements of non-fiction books is the inclusion of an introduction. This is an important part of the manuscript, which can be used to clearly frame the book and ensure that the reader’s expectations are aligned to the content.
+As with all cases for non-fiction books, the introduction for a manuscript will vary greatly from book-to-book. However, there are a number of key elements that can be included in almost every introduction.
+A bit about the reader and what qualifies the writer
+The first thing to include in an introduction is a brief section that introduces the writer and sets out what qualifies them to write the book. This is the first chance for the writer to build trust with the reader and it is important that essential information is included.
+The writer must include a small section outlining relevant information about them and their life. This should only include information that is directly relevant to the book’s contents, there is almost never a need for pages of biographical information.
+For example, imagine a writer has written a book about leadership and is teaching skills that they learned whilst in the armed forces. In the section about the writer, all that is needed is a very brief explanation of the time served in the forces, and, perhaps, a little about their role. There is no need for an extensive service record since this is not relevant to the book.
+The introduction should then include a second small section that outlines the qualifications of the writer to write the book. These may be academic qualifications but in most cases are something else.
+For example, if a writer had gone through the process of extreme weight loss, learning many important skills along the way, this would be an adequate qualification for writing a book about weight loss.
+A bit about why this book and why now
+The next section in the introduction should look at why the writer has decided to write the book and why now.
+It is important that the reader has a clear understanding of the writer’s motivation for writing the book. They need to understand what forced the reader to put pen to paper. Equally important, is why the writer has decided to write this book now. After all, the writer could have written any book and at any moment, therefore must have a reason for the manuscript they have created.
+For example, a writer may have been motivated by the events of 2020 and decided to create a book about global politics. This would be the reason for writing the book, the reason for the timing may simply be that the writer wishes to give people a deeper understanding of the events that are occurring to, and around, them.
+A bit about what the reader will get
+It is essential that you clearly set out what the reader can expect to get from the manuscript. It is important that the reader has a very clear understanding of what is, and is not, included in the book. This will help to frame the reader’s expectations and potentially avoid disappointed readers.
+Readers are selfish, and it is important that you give them a very clear reason for wanting to read the manuscript. Where possible, this should be the process of highlighting the benefits, not the features.
+Anything special about the book
+The final essential element of any introduction is to include a clear indication of what is special about the book. This should be a small section that outlines anything out of the unusual.
+For example, if it is essential that the book is read in chronological order then this should be mentioned in the introduction. Alternatively, if a reader can dip in and out of a book reading whichever section they fancy, this should also be included in the introduction.
+One element that is universal across all non-fiction developmental edits is the need for clarity. It is essential that any concepts and ideas delivered in the manuscript are presented in a way that is logical and easy to understand. These ideas must begin in their simplest form and presented in a way that provides the reader with ample description and, if possible, examples. Only once the simplest ideas have been explained, can the more complex ideas be introduced.
+In other words, the non-fiction book should be like building a wall, with the simplest ideas explained first. Only once this has been achieved can the more complex ideas be built upon the foundational concepts.
+In taking this approach, the manuscript will present a systematic and methodical development of important ideas. When done correctly, this powerful technique can make even the most complex concepts easy to understand.
+It is also important to and sure that the writer is not making any assumptions about the understanding and knowledge levels of the reader. It is all too easy to stuff a manuscript full of jargon, or to assume a reader will understand a concept that they have, in fact, never come across. In these cases, the reader can quickly become disconnected and confused. It is essential for an editor to highlight any key sections that may be making assumptions that are not fulfilled by the reader’s knowledge.
+This is not to say that some assumptions can’t be made, but this is where the editor’s understanding of the readership comes into play.
+For example, let’s say a writer has written a book about coding. The title of the book is Advanced Coding for Experts. It is clear from the title alone that this book is not for beginners. In fact, a good editor will also ask the writer to ensure that the introduction says clearly that the reader is expected to have some basic knowledge of coding. In this situation, it would be safe to assume that the reader understands the concepts of arrays, full-stack development, and a plethora of other terms that may need explaining to a reader with little or no understanding of coding.
+One element that is shared by both fiction and non-fiction manuscripts is the importance of readability. This is the ease at which a manuscript can be read and understood. A developmental editor can make a number of suggestions to ensure that readability is emphasized.
+One important aspect is to ensure that the book’s structure is clear, logical, consistent, and easy to understand. The book should be structured in a consistent manner that makes sense.
+For example, an editor should ensure that chapter titles are both easy to understand, and relevant to the content of the chapter. In addition, they should ensure that chapter titles are formatted in a way that represents their hierarchy within the manuscript. This is just one example of many small changes that can make a big difference.
+It is also important to ensure that a manuscript meets the reader’s expectations. A reader will approach a book with a set understanding of what they are expecting to find and learn. It is essential that the reader’s and the writer’s expectations match.
+For example, if you are reading a book about meditation it would be acceptable for the reader to expect some basic description of meditative techniques. If these were not included, then it must be clear to the reader from the outset that they have been admitted and the reasons why. The introduction would be a good place to do this.
+Finally, line-level considerations are important to the overall readability of a manuscript. Sentence structure must make sense, as well as grammar and punctuation being used correctly and consistently.
+The need for referencing will vary from book-to-book, as well as the type and depth of referencing. Some non-fiction manuscripts require university standard referencing for all concepts and arguments, whilst other books will require little, if any, referencing.
+If referencing is required, and this is a big if, one role of the developmental editor is to ensure that a suitable type of editing is being used.
+There are a number of possible ways to provide suitable references. One option is to use footnotes, which appear at the end of each page. A second option is to use endnotes, which appear at the end of chapters. Then there is the option of using a detailed bibliography, most typically a list of books presented at the end of the manuscript. It is even possible to use a more informal approach with a few selected titles being highlighted as important to the creation of the book.
+As with all elements of non-fiction developmental editing the type of referencing will be dependant on the book’s subject matter, the writer’s goals, and the reader’s expectations.
+One further consideration is the use of references to build trust between the reader and the writer. One technique that can be used when dealing with controversial material is to include regular references to key arguments throughout the text. Though it is unlikely that the reader will follow up on these references, what it is doing is showing the reader that the writer has spent the time and effort to ensure that their arguments are sound and well presented. Overtime this trust will allow the writer to present increasingly complex and, perhaps, controversial ideas.
+It is worth noting that fact-checking may be an important role for the developmental editor. As we have already stated, manuscripts vary greatly and for some books fact-checking is not required. However, the alternative is often true with editors being asked to check a large number of facts and concepts.
+As a rule of thumb, the more specialist and complex the manuscript, the more specialist the editor.
+For example, if you have written a military history book with complex university standard historical referencing, then you should be looking for a specialist military history developmental editor with relevant post-graduate qualifications and experience in editing similar books.
+Final Thoughts
+Non-fiction developmental editing is a complex and time-consuming process. It requires an editor to gain an in-depth knowledge of a book, the writer, and the goals of the project before any editorial process can begin. It also requires an editor to be flexible, rigorous, and imaginative in their editorial approach.
+This means that finding the correct editor for a non-fiction manuscript can be a tricky process. It requires a writer to interact with an editor before any money changes hands and to ensure the relationship is right for the book.
+This said when this relationship works it is possible for a developmental editor to lift a non-fiction manuscript to a new level.
+February AFRs Issued; Conversion to LLC Did Not Affect Qualified Small Business Stock; Management Fees Weren't "Ordinary and Necessary" for Dental Practice; Home Office Expenses Didn't Increase Taxpayer's Basis in Flipped Homes ...
+Read more ...
+Assessments Against NFL Team Owner Weren't Invalidated by IRS Breach of Closing Agreement
+The Ninth Circuit held that although the IRS breached a closing agreement with a partnership by not allowing the taxpayer enough time to review computational adjustments before making assessments, the breach did not invalidate those assessments. Davis v. U.S., 2016 PTC 30 (9th Cir. 2016).
+Exceptions to Section 199 Gross Receipts Rule on Computer Software Don't Override General Rule
+In determining if gross receipts from providing online computer access qualify for the Code Sec. 199 deduction, the online software exceptions of Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(iii) must be narrowly construed and do not override the general rule that gross receipts from providing online services, such as Internet access, do not qualify for the deduction. CCA 201603028.
+Proposed Regs Address "Normal Retirement Age" for Governmental Pension Plans
+The IRS has issued proposed regulations providing guidance and multiple safe-harbors regarding the "normal retirement age" under governmental pension plans. The normal retirement age is used for purposes of the exception to the general rule that distributions from such plans commence after retirement. REG-147310-12 (1/27/16).
+Settlement Proceeds Didn't Qualify as Capital Gain Income from Sale of Goodwill
+A taxpayer could not treat income from the proceeds of a settlement agreement with a former employer as capital gain from the sale of goodwill because there was no sale of the taxpayer's business. The court rejected the taxpayer's argument that the proceeds were capital gain income because of the injury to its reputation the taxpayer's tax and accounting business suffered as a result of retaliation by the former employer. Duffy v. U.S., 2016 PTC 9 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
+IRS Extends Deadline for New Section 501(c)(4) Reporting Requirement
+The IRS has extended the deadline for submitting notification under new Code Sec. 506 that an organization intends to operate as a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization, pending the issuance of regulations implementing the requirement. The new due date will be no less than 60 days from the date the IRS issues the regulations. Notice 2016-9.
+Failure to File Required Form Subjects German Citizen to Additional Taxes
+A German citizen, who was a long-time U.S. resident, was liable for tax on gains attributable to installment payments received as a result of selling U.S. corporation stock. Further, because he was considered a covered expatriate, the taxpayer was also taxed on the deemed sale of his right to future installment sale proceeds. Topsnik v. Comm'r, 146 T.C. No. 1 (2016).
+IRS Advises that it Can Adjust Deferred COD Income for a Closed Tax Year in Some Situations
+The Office of Chief Counsel advised that, in certain circumstances, the IRS could adjust the amount of cancellation of debt (COD) income a taxpayer had deferred in a given tax year, despite that year being outside the statute of limitations under Code Sec. 6501. CCA 201604017.
+IRS Proposes to Sharply Increases EA Exam Fee as Fewer than Expected are Taking the Exam
+The IRS has proposed to increase the fee for taking the Enrolled Agent Exam from $11 to $99 for each of the exam's three parts. The IRS fee is in addition to the fee charged by the contractor that administers the exam. REG-134122-15 (1/26/15).
+Applicable Federal Rates
+February AFRs Issued: In Rev. Rul. 2016-4, the IRS issued the applicable federal rates for February 2016.
+Conversion to LLC Did Not Affect Qualified Small Business Stock: In PLR 201603010, a corporation holding qualified small business stock under Code Sec. 1202 converted to an LLC, taxed as a corporation, following the sale of a portion of that stock. The IRS ruled that the status of the common stock as qualified small business stock was unaffected by the conversion.
+Management Fees Weren't "Ordinary and Necessary" for Dental Practice: In Wiley M. Elick DDS, Inc. v. Comm'r, 2016 PTC 23 (9th Cir. 2016), a Circuit Court affirmed the Tax Court's holding that management fees paid by the taxpayers' dental practice did not qualify as deductible business expenses because the fees weren't "ordinary and necessary" under Code Sec. 162(a). The court found that the management fees did not correspond to services actually received.
+Home Office Expenses Didn't Increase Taxpayer's Basis in Flipped Homes: In Niemann v. Comm'r, T.C. Memo. 2016-11, the Tax Court determined a taxpayer improperly reduced his short-term capital gain from the sale of houses by reporting certain home-office expenses as increasing his basis in the homes. The court determined the amounts should have been reported as business expenses, and rejected the IRS's argument that the expenses weren't substantiated.
+Testimony of Expert Unaware of Profit Motive Factors Properly Excluded: In Est. of Stuller v. U.S., 2016 PTC 34 (7th Cir. 2016), the Circuit Court determined the lower court properly excluded taxpayers' expert witness' testimony regarding their profit motive in a horse-breeding operation, finding him unreliable because he was unaware of the nine factors in Reg. Sec. 1.183-2(b) relevant to determining whether an activity is engaged in for profit. The court found the taxpayers did not operate their farm for profit, and denied their claimed deductions.
+Information Reporting
+IRS to Amended FATCA Reporting Rules for FFIs: In Notice 2016-8, the IRS announced it intends to amend the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) regulations to ease information reporting burdens on foreign financial institutions (FFI) with respect to (1) the date for submitting preexisting account certifications; (2) the date and period for submitting periodic certification of compliance; and (3) transitional reporting of nonparticipating FFIs. Taxpayers may rely on the rules in the Notice until the regs are amended.
+Innocent Spouse Relief
+Innocent Spouse Relief Not Applicable to Criminal Restitution: In U.S. v. Tilford, 2016 PTC 24 (5th Cir. 2016), a taxpayer argued that the "innocent spouse" provision of Code Sec. 66(c) absolved her of garnishment of her wages in connection with criminal restitution payments for which her husband was liable. The Circuit Court dismissed her complaint, noting that innocent spouse relief only applies to tax liabilities, not to criminal restitution.
+Monthly Guidance on Corporate Bond Yield Issued: In Notice 2016-7, the IRS provides guidance on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates used under Code Sec. 417(e)(3), and the 24-month average segment rates under Code Sec. 430(h)(2).
+Taxpayer's Failure-to-File Penalties Weren't Discharged in Bankruptcy: In U.S. v. Wilson, 2016 PTC 31 (N.D. Cal. 2016), a district court reversed the bankruptcy court's judgement that a taxpayer's failure-to-file penalty was discharged under Bankruptcy Code Sec. 523(a)(7)(B). The court determined that the bankruptcy court misconstrued the applicable limitations period in that section by setting the measuring date as the accrual of the taxpayer's tax obligations, rather than the date the penalty accrued, and found the penalties were not discharged.
+Retirement Plans
+ESOP That Allowed Transfer of Vested Benefits Wasn't Qualified: In Family Chiropractic Sports Injury & Rehab Clinic, Inc. v. Comm'r, T.C. Memo. 2016-10, the Tax Court found no abuse of discretion where the IRS determined the taxpayer's employee stock option program (ESOP) was not qualified under Code Sec. 401(a). The court found the ESOP failed to satisfy the antialienation requirements of Code Sec. 401(a)(13) and failed to follow its plan document by allowing the transfer of vested benefits.
+Relief Provided for Plans with Grandfathered Groups of Highly Compensated Employees: In REG-125761-14 (1/29/16), the IRS issued proposed regulations that modify the nondiscrimination requirements applicable to certain retirement plans providing additional benefits to grandfathered groups of employees following certain changes in the coverage of a defined benefit plan or a defined benefit plan formula. The changes apply where the proportion of highly compensated employees in a grandfathered group has increased compared to the employer's total workforce.
+RICs and REITs
+Guidance Issued Relating to Refunds of Foreign Tax for RICs: In Notice 2016-10, the IRS describes regulations it intends to issue that address the application of Code Secs. 853 and 905(c) to the receipt by a regulated investment company (RIC) of a refund of a tax that was eligible for a foreign tax credit under Code Sec. 901 or 903 ("foreign tax") if that foreign tax, when paid by the RIC, was treated as paid by the RIC's shareholders under Code Sec. 853(b)(2) because of an election under Code Sec. 853(a).
+The late Allen Davis served as coach, then general manager, and finally as the principal owner of the Oakland (and Los Angeles) Raiders for over fifty years. Davis had the largest interest in the Oakland Raiders, a California limited partnership (the Partnership), which owned and operated the professional football team. Davis was also the president of A.D. Football, Inc., the sole general partner and tax matters partner (TMP) of the Partnership.
+The Partnership and the IRS were involved in long-running Tax Court litigation. In 2005, the Partnership and the IRS reached a settlement over tax years 1988 through 1994. The closing agreement, which concluded the litigation, was signed by Davis as the President of the Partnership's TMP. Under this agreement, the IRS was required to make computational adjustments to determine the effect of the settlement on each partner's tax liability, pursuant to Code Sec. 6231(a)(6). Paragraph Q of the agreement gave the partners procedural rights related to those computations, allowing each partner at least 90 days to review and comment on the adjustments proposed by the IRS with respect to the implementation of the settlement (and at least 60 days to review any revised adjustments) prior to the IRS assessing such amounts.
+The agreement was implemented through three stipulations filed in the Tax Court, one each for tax years 1990, 1991, and 1992. They were signed by Stuart Lipton, counsel for the Partnership and its TMP, A.D. Football. On June 6, 2006, the Tax Court approved and entered the stipulated decisions. because the statute of limitations to make assessments was about to expire. On September 4, 2007, the IRS issued assessments against Davis for 1990, 1992, and 1995.
+In 2011, Davis brought suit in federal district court, seeking refunds for all three tax years, based on the IRS's breach of Paragraph Q. Before the district court, the IRS argued that it did not breach the agreement, and that even if it did, the breach did not invalidate the assessments. The district court granted Davis's motion for summary judgment, holding that the IRS's breach of the Closing Agreement invalidated the assessments, and the IRS appealed.
+Breach of the Closing Agreement Didn't Invalidate Assessments
+Before the Ninth Circuit Court, the IRS admitted that it breached Paragraph Q of the closing agreement by making the September 2007 assessments without giving Davis a second opportunity to review its calculations. Thus, the court said, the issue was whether, as the district court concluded, that breach of contract invalidated the subsequent assessments.
+The court noted Davis did not seek damages, the usual remedy for a breach of contract, instead arguing that any assessments made in breach of the agreement were invalid. Davis relied primarily on Code Sec. 7121(b)(2), which provides that closing agreements are "final and conclusive." Davis stated that the Tax Court incorporated the agreement into its decision, making it enforceable as a court order. But, the court observed, the fact that a contract is "final" does not dictate the remedy for its breach. And, the court said, Davis offered no support for the unlikely proposition that, because a settlement with the IRS is "final" and court-approved, the remedy for any breach, however small, is to free the taxpayer from his pre-existing obligation to pay taxes. If that were the case, the court noted the IRS justifiably would be reluctant to enter into closing agreements for fear that a minor error could have major consequences.
+Davis alternatively argued that Philadelphia & Reading Corp. v. United States, 944 F.2d 1063 (3d Cir. 1991), establishes that the remedy for the breach of a closing agreement is invalidation of subsequent assessments. In that case, a settlement waived the statutory requirement that the IRS mail a notice of deficiency prior to making assessments. The settlement agreement expressly conditioned that waiver on the IRS delaying the assessments until after it had approved a schedule of overpayments, so that the taxpayer, which had overpaid taxes in certain years and underpaid in others, could pay only the net balance owed. The IRS, however, assessed taxes before the overpayments had been approved and, more importantly, without sending the statutorily mandated notice of deficiency. The Third Circuit held that the assessments were invalid.
+The court observed that, because the IRS had failed to approve the schedule of overpayments, the Third Circuit found that the taxpayer's contractual waiver of its statutory right to receive a notice of deficiency never came into effect and the assessments were therefore not authorized by statute. In the instant case, by contrast, the IRS violated no law in making the assessments. Because Davis' obligation to pay taxes assessed comes from the Code, not the agreement, the IRS's failure to perform its contract with the Partnership, the court said, could not relieve Davis of his statutory obligation to pay taxes.
+The court found that the IRS's breach of its contract entitled Davis to a remedy, but that remedy could not be the invalidation of the tax assessments. Moreover, the court observed, although the breach denied Davis an opportunity to comment on the amounts of the assessments before they were made, it did not prevent him from challenging the assessed amounts. The court noted Davis could have sought to challenge those amounts in an administrative refund claim or a refund action under Code Sec. 6230(c)(1)(A) but instead "threw a Hail Mary" and sought a full refund. "That pass falls incomplete", the court said, holding that the IRS's breach of Paragraph Q did not invalidate the assessments.
+Assessment Was Within the Statute of Limitations
+Although TEFRA generally provides that the tax treatment of partnership items will be determined at the partnership level, the IRS can enter into settlement agreements with individual partners (Code Sec. 6224). The settling partner's partnership items then convert to nonpartnership items, under Code Sec. 6231(b)(1), and the partner can be dismissed from the partnership-level proceeding (Code Sec. 6226(d)(1)(A)).
+If the IRS "enters into a settlement agreement with the partner" under Code Sec. 6231(b)(1)(C), the partner's partnership items convert to nonpartnership items, which triggers a one-year statute of limitations under Code Sec. 6229(f)(1). If the IRS does not enter "into a settlement agreement with the partner," then the one-year statute of limitations under Code Sec. 6229(d) begins to run when the Tax Court decision becomes final (Code Sec. 7481(a)(1)).
+The Ninth Circuit found that the Tax Court approved the stipulated decision documents in the instant case on June 6, 2006, and the decision became final 90 days later.
+Davis argued that those documents were each a "settlement agreement with the partner," under Code Sec. 6231(b)(1)(C), so that the statute of limitations expired on June 6, 2007, one year after their entry. Davis relied on the prefatory language of the stipulated decisions, which provided that the adjustment to the Partnership's returns was made "[p]ursuant to the agreement of the parties in this case." Davis argued that, under Code Sec. 6226, all partners were parties to the Tax Court proceeding, so each stipulation was "a settlement agreement with the partner. Because the one-year statute of limitations under Code Sec. 6229(f) ended on June 6, 2007, Davis argued that the IRS' September 4, 2007 assessments were too late.
+The IRS argued that the individual partners did not enter into a settlement agreement with the government on June 6, 2006. Rather, they were bound by force of law when the tax court entered the stipulated decision documents, because the individual partners were parties to the tax court proceeding under Code Sec. 6226(c), and a decision by the tax court in a partnership action is binding on all parties. Because the individual partners did not "enter into a settlement agreement with" the IRS for purposes of Code Sec. 6231(b)(1)(C), the applicable statute of limitations under Code Sec. 6229(d) expired on September 4, 2007, one year and 90 days after the stipulated decisions were entered. Accordingly, the IRS argued, its September 4, 2007 assessments were timely.
+The court concluded that, under the plain language of Code Sec. 6231(b)(1)(C), the IRS does not "enter into a settlement agreement with the partner" when it enters into a settlement agreement with the TMP, and the individual partner is bound merely by operation of the tax court's decision to which the partner is a party. In the instant case, the court found, the stipulations were not agreements with Davis individually; he did not sign them, nor did anyone purporting to represent him in his individual capacity. Instead, the court noted, each stipulation was signed only by an attorney for the IRS and Stuart Lipton, in his capacity as counsel for the Partnership and its TMP, A.D. Football. Thus, the stipulations, like the agreement, were only between the IRS and the Partnership. The court did point out that the documents had consequences for Davis, but they were not agreements "with" him under Code Sec. 6231(b) because nothing in TEFRA indicates that Congress meant the word "partner" in Code Sec. 6231(b) to mean "tax matters partner."
+Accordingly, because the agreement and stipulations were not a "settlement agreement with" Davis within the scope of Code Sec. 6231(b), the circuit court held that the assessments made on September 4, 2007 were timely as they occurred within one year after the Tax Court decision became final.
+[Return to Table of Contents]
+In CCA 201603028, the IRS Office of Chief Counsel (IRS) was asked to address a situation in which a taxpayer was arguing that certain limited exceptions to the general rule that service-related gross receipts are not eligible for the Code Sec. 199 deduction operated to override the general exclusion of online services income.
+The domestic production activities deduction under Code Sec. 199 is equal to 9 percent of the lesser of the taxpayer's qualified production activities income (QPAI) or taxable income. However, the amount of the deduction is limited to 50 percent of the W-2 wages paid by the taxpayer that are allocable to the taxpayer's domestic production gross receipts (DPGR). Thus, if there is no DPGR, there is no Code Sec. 199 deduction.
+Generally, only certain activities generate DPGR. One of those activities is the lease, rental, license, sale, exchange, or other disposition of qualifying production property (QPP) manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted (MPGE) in whole or significant part within the United States. QPP is defined as tangible personal property, computer software, and sound recordings.
+In Notice 2005-14 and the first proposed regulations issued under Code Sec. 199, the IRS took the position that the disposition requirement for computer software was met only when computer software was provided to customers on a tangible medium (disk or CD) or by download over the Internet. All software accessed only over the Internet was treated as a service (i.e., non-qualifying for Code Sec. 199). Thus, Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(ii) provides that gross receipts derived from customer and technical support, telephone and other telecommunication services, online services (such as Internet access services, online banking services, providing access to online electronic books, newspapers, and journals), and other similar services are not gross receipts derived from a lease, rental, license, sale, exchange, or other disposition of computer software. Thus, such gross receipts are not DPGR.
+Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(iii) provides two exceptions under which gross receipts derived by a taxpayer from providing computer software to customers for the customers' direct use while connected to the Internet are treated as being derived from the disposition of such computer software and are, thus, treated as DPGR. Under the first exception (i.e., self-comparable exception), gross receipts are treated as being derived from the disposition of computer software if the taxpayer also derives, on a regular and ongoing basis in the taxpayer's business, gross receipts from the disposition to customers of computer software that:
+(1) has only minor or immaterial differences from the online software;
+(2) has been MPGE by the taxpayer in whole or in significant part within the United States; and
+(3) has been provided to such customers either affixed to a tangible medium (for example, a disk or DVD) or by allowing them to download the computer software from the Internet.
+Under the second exception (i.e., third-party comparable exception), gross receipts are from a disposition if another person derives, on a regular and ongoing basis in its business, gross receipts from the disposition of substantially identical software (as compared to the taxpayer's online software) to its customers pursuant to an activity described in (3), above
+In CCA 201603028, the IRS advised that the exceptions in Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(iii) do not operate to override the general rule in Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(ii) that online services income is not DPGR. The IRS noted that the preamble to the temporary regulations which introduced the exceptions in Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(iii) stated that the exceptions were made "as a matter of administrative convenience." At the same time the exceptions were introduced, the IRS stated, the temporary regulations did not modify the rule that gross receipts from providing online services do not qualify as DPGR. As a general matter, the IRS observed, all service gross receipts are treated as non-DPGR. According to the IRS, the exceptions apply only if a taxpayer derives gross receipts from providing customers access to computer software MPGE in whole or in significant part by the taxpayer within United States for the customer's direct use while connected to the Internet. The IRS noted that this threshold requirement was totally ignored by the taxpayer in arguing that the exceptions to the general rule in Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6)(ii) overrode that rule.
+Observation: Examples in the regulations that follow the Reg. Sec. 1.199-3(i)(6) rules demonstrate how all of the rules in that provision apply, including when the exceptions are relevant. Examples 1 through 3 hold that a taxpayer that produces computer software to enable online banking, participation in an online auction, or the provision of telecommunication services generates fees that are entirely attributable to services and such gross receipts do not constitute DPGR. Other examples illustrate when the exceptions are relevant and when gross receipts are DPGR. Those examples include:
+For a discussion of gross receipts that constitute DPGR for purposes of Code Sec. 199, see Parker Tax ¶96,110.
+Proposed Regs Address "Normal Retirement Age" for Governmental Pension Plans; Provide New Safe Harbors
+Code Sec. 401(a) sets forth the qualification requirements for a trust forming part of a stock bonus, pension, or profit-sharing plan of an employer. Several of these qualification requirements are based on a plan's normal retirement age, including the requirement that the plan provide for definitely determinable benefits (generally after retirement). Final regulations under Code Secs. 401(a) and 411(d)(6) defining normal retirement age for the definitely determinable requirement were published in 2007 (2007 regulations).
+The 2007 regulations generally require that a pension plan be established and maintained primarily to provide systematically for the payment of definitely determinable benefits over a period of years, usually for life, after retirement. The 2007 regulations include two exceptions to the general rule that payments commence after retirement:
+(1) payments can commence after attainment of normal retirement age; and
+(2) payments can commence after an employee reaches age 62.
+Reg. Sec. 1.401(a)-1(b)(2)(i) provides that, as a general rule, a normal retirement age under a pension plan must be an age that is not earlier than the earliest age that is reasonably representative of the typical retirement age for the industry in which the covered workforce is employed (reasonably representative requirement). Reg. Sec. 1.401(a)-1(b)(2)(ii) provides that a normal retirement age of age 62 or later is deemed to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement.
+In the case of a pension plan in which substantially all of the participants are qualified public safety employees, a normal retirement age of age 50 or later is deemed to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement (Reg. Sec. 1.401(a)-1(b)(2)(v)).
+Generally, in the case of a pension plan that is not a governmental plan, Code Sec. 411(a)(8) defines the term "normal retirement age" as the earlier of (1) the time a participant attains normal retirement age under the plan or (2) the later of the time a plan participant attains age 65 or the 5th anniversary of the time a plan participant commenced participation in the plan.
+Under Code Sec. 411(e)(1), however, the above definition of normal retirement age does not apply to a governmental plan. Instead, a normal retirement age under a governmental plan must satisfy pre-ERISA vesting rules.
+As described in Rev. Rul. 71-147, the normal retirement age in a pension or annuity plan under the pre-ERISA vesting rules is generally).
+Prop. Regs Address Applicability of 2007 Regs to Governmental Plans
+The proposed regulations in REG-147310-12 provide that a governmental plan that does not provide for the payment of in-service distributions before age 62 would not fail to satisfy Reg. Sec. 1.401(a)-1(b)(1) merely because the pension plan has a normal retirement age that is earlier than otherwise permitted under the requirements of Reg. Sec. 1.401(a)-1(b)(2) (as amended by the proposed regs). Instead, the earlier normal retirement age under such a plan is treated as the age as of which an unreduced early retirement benefit is payable for purposes of the proposed regs.
+The proposed regs also apply the reasonably representative requirement in the 2007 regulations to governmental plans. Thus, the normal retirement age under a governmental plan must be an age that is not earlier than the earliest age that is reasonably representative of the typical retirement age for the industry in which the covered workforce is employed.
+In addition, the proposed regs apply to governmental plans the safe harbor in the 2007 regulations that a normal retirement age of at least age 62 is deemed to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement.
+New Safe Harbors
+The proposed regs also provide additional alternative safe harbors. Under these safe harbors, a governmental plan would be deemed to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement if it provides:
+(1) a normal retirement age that is the later of age 60 or the age at which the participant has been credited with at least 5 years of service;
+(2) a normal retirement age that is the later of 55 or the age at which the participant has been credited with at least 10 years of service; or
+(3) A normal retirement age that is the participant's age if the sum of the participant's age plus the number of years of service that have been credited to the participant under the plan equals 80 or more.
+Under the proposed regs a governmental plan would also be permitted to combine any of the other safe harbors (except for the qualified public safety employee safe harbors, discussed below) with 25 years of service, so that a participant's normal retirement age would be the participant's age when the number of years of service that have been credited to the participant under the plan equals 25 if that age is earlier than what the participant's normal retirement age would be under the other safe harbor(s).
+Observation: Thus, a normal retirement age under a governmental plan would satisfy the reasonably representative requirement if the normal retirement age is the earlier of (1) the participant's age when the participant has been credited with 25 years of service under the plan and (2) the later of age 60 or the age when the participant has been credited with 5 years of service under the plan.
+Additional Safe Harbors for Qualified Public Safety Employees
+In addition, the proposed regulations include three safe harbors specifically for qualified public safety employees. Under these safe harbors, a governmental plan would be deemed to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement if it provided for:
+(1) a normal retirement age for qualified public safety employees that is age 50 or later;
+(2) a normal retirement age for qualified public safety employees that is the participant's age when the sum of the participant's age plus the number of years of service that have been credited to the participant under the plan equals 70 or more; or
+(3) a normal retirement age for qualified public safety employees that is the participant's age when the number of years of service that have been credited to the participant under the plan equals 20 or more.
+The proposed regs provide that a governmental plan is permitted to use one or more of these safe harbors to satisfy the reasonably representative requirement even if a different normal retirement age or ages is used under the plan for one or more other categories of participants who are not qualified public safety employees.
+Plans with Multiple Normal Retirement Ages
+The IRS notes that governmental plans typically provide multiple normal retirement ages, often based on different benefit structures or classifications of employees in a single plan. To account for this, the IRS states that the use of one normal retirement age for one classification of employees (such as qualified public safety employees) and one or more other normal retirement ages for one or more different classifications of employees would not be inconsistent with the proposed regulations and generally would not be inconsistent with the applicable pre-ERISA requirements.
+Situations in Which No Safe Harbor Applies
+Lastly, the proposed regulations provide that in the case of a normal retirement age under a governmental plan that fails to satisfy any of the governmental plan safe harbors, whether the normal retirement age satisfies the reasonably representative requirement would be based on all of the relevant facts and circumstances.
+Effective Date
+The regulations in REG-147310-12 regulations are finalized.
+Governmental plan sponsors may rely on the proposed regulations for periods preceding the effective date, pending the issuance of final regulations. If and to the extent the final regulations are more restrictive than the rules in these proposed regulations, those provisions of the final regulations will be applied without retroactive effect.
+For a discussion of qualified plans, see Parker Tax ¶130,100.
+In 1999, James Duffy started his own tax and accounting consulting business. In 2004, United Commercial Bank (UCB) hired him as a consultant and later as its Tax Director and First Vice President. His responsibilities included seeing that his department complied with the accounting and financial disclosure requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
+In 2006, Duffy witnessed an action at UCB that was allegedly fraudulent and not in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. He subsequently reported the incident to management at UCB, including the Chief Financial Officer, the Controller, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Director. Shortly thereafter, the bank put Duffy on administrative leave and then terminated his employment.
+Following his departure from UCB, Duffy pursued other employment opportunities and tried to expand his consulting practice. However, he was not successful in these endeavors because, he said, potential employers and clients required a reference from UCB, which was not possible. During this time, Duffy reportedly suffered stress and anxiety from the Sarbanes-Oxley retaliation.
+Duffy filed a claim against UCB with the Department of Labor. He alleged that the bank terminated his employment because of his participation in whistleblower activity protected by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and that the bank retaliated against him to punish him for his refusal to participate in the bank's unethical and illegal conduct. In 2007, UCB and Duffy reached a settlement agreement and the bank paid Duffy $50,000. The settlement agreement stated that Duffy was paid for "the exclusive purpose of avoiding the expense and inconvenience of further litigation." Duffy and his wife filed a joint Form 1040 for 2007 and included the $50,000 in income. Subsequently, Duffy and his wife filed an amended tax return stating that the inclusion of the $50,000 as income was incorrect because that amount was not taxable.
+Duffy and his wife argued that, because of the physical injury and physical sickness that Duffy suffered as a result of UCB's conduct, the settlement proceeds should be excluded from income under Code Sec. 104(a)(2). That provision allows a taxpayer to exclude from gross income damages (other than punitive damages) received on account of personal physical injuries or physical sickness. The Supreme Court has developed two independent tests that a taxpayer must meet before a settlement amount may be excluded from gross income under Code Sec. 104(a)(2). First, the taxpayer must demonstrate that the underlying cause of action giving rise to the recovery was based upon tort or tort type rights. Second, the taxpayer must show that the damages were received on account of personal physical injuries or physical sickness.
+Alternatively, Duffy and his wife contended that the settlement proceeds should be treated as capital gain income because of the injury to Duffy's business reputation and business goodwill. The decline in value of Duffy's business reputation and business goodwill as a result of the actions of others, the couple said, should be treated as the disposition of goodwill (i.e., a capital asset). The IRS disallowed their refund claim and the couple took their case to the Court of Federal Claims (Claims Court).
+In Duffy v. U.S., 2015 PTC 49 (Fed. Cl. 2015), the Claims Court held that the consideration paid by UCB to avoid litigating Duffy's employment-discrimination and retaliation claims did not qualify as excludible gross income under Code Sec. 104(a)(2). The court also concluded that the $50,000 did not represent gain from the sale or exchange of goodwill associated with a capital asset because there was no sale or exchange of business goodwill and thus there could be no capital gain under Code Sec. 1222. The couple appealed the court's decision regarding the goodwill findings but did not contest the court's decision regarding the exclusion of the settlement proceeds under Code Sec. 104.
+The Federal Circuit affirmed the lower court's decision. In reaching its decision, the Federal Circuit noted that several courts have held that the sale of goodwill occurs only when a business or a part of it, to which the goodwill attaches, is sold. Goodwill, the court said, cannot be transferred apart from the business with which it is connected. There was no such sale of Duffy's business, in whole or in part, the court noted. In fact, the court said, the settlement agreement makes clear that its exclusive purpose was to avoid the expense and inconvenience of further litigation on Duffy's claim under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
+For a discussion of the taxation of lawsuit proceeds, see Parker Tax ¶74,130.
+The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act (Pub. L. 114-113, 12/18/15) added new Code Sec. 506, under which a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization must provide to the IRS notice of its formation and intent to operate as such an organization.
+Compliance Tip: An organization may apply to the IRS for recognition that it qualifies for Code Sec. 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status using Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a)), but there is no requirement to do so.
+Caution: In general, filing Form 1024 will not relieve an organization of the requirement to file the Code Sec. 506 notification. Conversely, a Code Sec. 506 notification is not an application for recognition of tax exempt status.
+In general, the Code Sec. 506 notification requirement applies to Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organizations that are established after December 18, 2015 (the date of enactment of PATH). The provisions also apply to any other 501(c)(4) organization that, on or before December 18, 2015, had not:
+(1) applied for a written determination of recognition as a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization; or
+(2) filed at least one annual information return or notice required under Code Secs. 6033(a)(1) or 6033(i) (that is, a Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, or, if eligible, Form 990-EZ, Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, or Form 990-N (e-Postcard)).
+As enacted, Code Sec. 506 requires a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization, no later than 60 days after the organization is established, to notify the IRS that it is operating as a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization; for existing organizations subject to Code Sec. 506, the notification was due no later than June 15, 2016, 180 days after the date of enactment of PATH.
+IRS Extends Period to Submit Section 506 Notifications
+In Notice 2016-9, the IRS announced that it intends to issue temporary regulations implementing the Code Sec. 506 notification requirement.
+In order to provide adequate transition time for organizations to comply with the new procedures, the IRS has extended the due date for submitting the Code Sec. 506 notification until at least 60 days from the date the temporary regulations are issued. Further, the IRS stated that no penalties under Code Sec. 6652(c)(4) will apply to a Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organization that submits the required notification by the due date provided in the regulations.
+For a discussion of Code Sec. 501(c)(4) organizations, see Parker Tax ¶ 60,504.
+Gerd Topsnik was born in Germany and has a German passport and a German driver's license. In 1977, he received his U.S. green card and became a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States.
+In 2004, Topsnik sold stock in a U.S. corporation at a gain in an installment sale. In 2010, he received 11 equal monthly payments pursuant to a promissory note executed in connection with the sale. On November 20, 2010, Topsnik completed paperwork to formally abandon his U.S. LPR status. Since obtaining his green card, Topsnik failed to file the required Form 8854, Initial and Annual Expatriation Statement, and failed to certify, under penalties of perjury, that he had complied with all of his U.S. federal tax obligations for the five taxable years preceding the tax year that included the expatriation date.
+In August of 2011, Topsnik filed a late 2010 Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return. On that return, he claimed that the installment sale proceeds received in 2010 were exempt from tax by virtue of him being a German resident to which the U.S. Germany Tax Treaty applied.
+The IRS determined that Topsnik was not a German resident and was liable for an income tax deficiency for 2010 attributable to the 11 installment payment received that year. The IRS also determined that Topsnik was a "covered expatriate" who expatriated in 2010 and, under Code Sec. 877A, had to recognize gain on the deemed sale of his installment obligation on the day before his expatriation. In addition to the tax deficiencies, the IRS also assessed an accuracy-related penalty and a failure to file penalty.
+An expatriate includes any long-term resident of the United States who ceases to be an LPR of the United States. A long-term resident is generally one who is a LPR for 8 of 15 tax years ending with the tax year during which the individual expatriates. An individual is generally an LPR if he or she holds a green card. Under Code Sec. 877A, all property of a covered expatriate is treated as being sold on the day before his or her expatriation date for its fair market value. Any gain arising from the deemed sale is taken into account for the tax year of the deemed sale. A covered expatriate is an individual who fails to file a Form 8854 certifying that the individual has been in compliance with all federal tax laws during the five years preceding the year of expatriation.
+Before the Tax Court, Topsnik noted that, in 2011, the IRS had moved to dismiss a district court suit (Topsnik I) on the ground that he was a resident of Germany. Topsnik had filed the district court suit as a result of certain IRS jeopardy assessments and levies and the suit was dismissed, in part, for lack of venue. According to Topsnik, under the doctrine of judicial estoppel, the IRS was now precluded from arguing that he was not a German resident.
+The Tax Court held that the judicial estoppel argument did not apply to prevent the IRS from arguing that Topsnik was not a German resident. The court noted that Topsnik's status as a German resident was not an issue in Topsnik I and was not addressed by the parties in that case. The court concluded that Topsnik was not a German resident and that he expatriated on November 20, 2010, when he formally abandoned his status as an LPR. The court also held that Topsnik was liable for tax on gains attributable to the 11 monthly installment payments that were made during 2010 before his expatriation date and, under Code Sec. 877A, was liable for tax on gain from the deemed sale of his right to installment sale proceeds on the day before his expatriation date.
+In determining that Topsnik was not a German resident in 2010, the Tax Court looked to the U.S.-Germany Tax Treaty. The treaty test for determining residency in a contracting state (i.e., Germany), the court said, is the individual's liability to pay tax to that state as a resident, which, in the case of Germany, means that the individual must be taxable on his worldwide income. Information on Topsnik obtained from the German competent authority, the court noted, revealed that: (1) for tax year 2010, Topsnik was registered in Germany as a person subject to tax as a nonresident; (2) Topsnik did not file a German tax return for 2010; (3) Topsnik was not registered in a German township, nor did he have a registered residence or habitual abode in Germany in 2010; and (4) since 2000, Topsnik had, on occasion, a room in Germany at his brother's inn free of charge.
+According to the court, there was no evidence to refute the information obtained from the German competent authority that indicated Topsnik was not a German resident. As a result, the court found that Topsnik was not a resident of Germany in 2010 as defined by the U.S.-Germany Tax Treaty. Accordingly, the court concluded that the monthly installment payments received by Topsnik were taxable by the United States.
+Finally, in determining that Topsnik was liable for tax on gain from the deemed sale of his right to installment sale proceeds, the court found that Topsnik qualified as an expatriate under Code Sec. 877A(g)(2) because he had been an LPR for 10 out of 15 years before formally abandoning his LPR status. In addition, Topsnik qualified as a covered expatriate because, for the year of his expatriation, Topsnik failed to complete and file a Form 8854.
+For a discussion of the rules for taxing expatriates, see Parker Tax ¶200,580.
+Under the facts of CCA 201604017, a sole proprietor (the taxpayer) made a promissory note in connection with her business that an unrelated individual now holds, and for which $800x remains outstanding. In 2009, the individual agreed to return the note to the taxpayer in exchange for $500x in cash. The taxpayer's acquisition of the note is a "reacquisition" within the meaning of Code Sec. 108(i)(4).
+The taxpayer attached a statement to her 2009 return reporting $100x, not $300x, in total COD income in connection with the note reacquisition. On the statement, she also made an election under Code Sec. 108(i) to defer the inclusion of $100x in COD income to the 5-year period beginning with 2014. In a later year, when the 2009 tax year was outside the three year limit on assessment in Code Sec. 6501, the IRS discovered that the sole proprietor failed to include $200x in COD income in 2009.
+Code Sec. 108(i)(1) generally provides that, at the election of a taxpayer, COD income in connection with a reacquisition of an applicable debt instrument occurring in 2009 or 2010 is includible in gross income ratably over a 5- tax-year inclusion period beginning with the fifth tax year following the tax year of the reacquisition (if it occurs in 2009) or with the fourth tax year of the reacquisition (if it occurs in 2010).
+Code Sec. 108(i)(5)(B)(i) provides that a taxpayer makes a section 108(i) election by attaching to its income tax return for the year the reacquisition occurs a statement that clearly identifies the applicable debt instrument acquired, the amount of income to be deferred by the election, and any other information that the IRS requires.
+Rev. Proc. 2009-37 provides the exclusive procedures for making a Code Sec. 108(i) election. Taxpayers may make an election for any portion of the COD income from the reacquisition of any applicable debt instrument. A taxpayer may make a protective election if the taxpayer concludes that a particular transaction does not result in the realization of COD income, but if the IRS later determines that the transaction did result in COD income, the IRS may require the taxpayer to report COD income deferred even if the statute of limitations has expired for the year in which the COD income was realized and the protective election was made.
+The IRS Office of Chief Counsel advised that, in certain situations, the IRS may adjust the amount of COD income deferred by an election under Code Sec. 108(i).
+The Office of Chief Counsel noted that while Code Sec. 6501 generally limits the period during which tax may be assessed to 3 years after the date the taxpayer files a return, that section merely prevents assessment and collection of tax beyond the prescribed period of limitations and does not prevent an adjustment that may affect other tax years or other tax liabilities, or does not result in the assessment of a tax. There is a well-developed body of law, the Office of Chief Counsel observed, that provides that the IRS can generally recompute a taxpayer's income for a closed year in determining the deficiency for an open year (the "adjustment theory").
+For example, in Comm'r v. Disston, 325 U.S. 442 (1945), the Supreme Court held that examination of events in closed years was allowed in order to correctly determine the gift tax liability in open years. And in ABKCO Industries Inc. v. Comm'r, 56 T.C. 1083 (1971), the Tax Court found that income for a year barred by the statute of limitations could be recomputed to arrive at correct amount for determining net operating loss carryback or carryover to another year.
+The ability to adjust a taxpayer's income for a closed year, the Office of Chief Counsel said, is consistent with Rev. Proc. 2009-37, which states that a taxpayer making a protective election will have to include deferred COD income in income if the IRS later determines that the transaction at issue resulted in COD income, even if the year the COD income was realized and the protective election was made is closed.
+The Office of Chief Counsel advised that, under a given set of facts, the IRS may be able to apply the adjustment theory to adjust the amount of COD income that a taxpayer has elected to defer under Code Sec. 108(i) even if the taxable year of the election is closed under Code Sec. 6501. It further advised that, the instant case, the IRS may be able to treat the sole proprietor as having realized $300x in COD income in 2009 and having elected to defer the entire $300x amount under Code Sec. 108(i), even if the 2009 taxable year is closed under Code Sec. 6501.
+For a discussion of the deferral of COD income for 2009 and 2010, see Parker Tax ¶ 72,320.
+The Enrolled Agent Special Enrollment Examination (EA exam) is the written examination that tests special competence in tax matters for purposes of that provision, and an applicant must pass all parts of the exam to be granted enrolled agent status through written examination. After becoming enrolled, an enrolled agent must renew enrollment every three years to maintain active enrollment and to be able to practice before the IRS.
+The EA exam is comprised of three parts, which are offered during a testing period that begins each May 1 and ends the last day of the following February. Individuals taking the exam must pay a fee for each part. The exam is not available in March and April, during which period it is updated to reflect changes in the relevant law.
+The current user fee is $11 to take each part of the EA exam. When determining the current fee, the IRS originally estimated that individuals would take 34,000 parts of the exam each year. That number of parts has not been reached in any year. In the testing periods beginning in 2012, 2013, and 2014, approximately 18,900, 19,500, and 22,400 parts of the exam were administered, respectively.
+The contractor that administers the EA exam also charges individuals taking the exam an additional fee for its services. For the May 2015 to February 2016 testing period, the contractor's fee is $98 for each part.
+IRS Increases Exam Fee Nine-Fold
+Due to increased costs incurred to implement the EA exam program, the IRS has issued proposed regulations that would increase the user fee for the exam to $99 per part.
+Observation: If the proposed fee increase is finalized, individuals wishing to take the EA exam will be required to pay a total of $591 to take all three parts of the exam (3 x ($99 IRS fee + $98 contractor fee)) (based on current contractor fees, which are subject to change).
+The IRS stated that the increased costs are primarily attributable to the following:
+In addition, the IRS stated its original estimates of the cost to oversee the contract did not cover all the work now performed, and it incurs additional costs associated with resolution of test-related issues such as cheating incidents, appeals regarding scores, refund requests, and customer service complaints that have not been resolved at the contractor level.
+The fee increase will be effective once the proposed regulations are finalized..
+From what I remember of the pizza it didnt taste exactly the same as baked beans so having a few other ingredients blitzed into the sauce would make sense. 1 green or red capsicum, deseeded and chopped. The production of the Heinz Baked Bean Pizza with Sausage stopped in 2003 and was a child-hood favorite for some of us. Muller Yoghurt drink cans. Heinz have come up with a selection of easy recipes, proving that you can do more than just beans on toast with your favourite can, SPICY BEAN POT WITH SWEET POTATO WEDGES . Searching for Heinz Baked Beans Pizza Recipe information? Buy Now. The bean giant has joined forced with food delivery service Deliveroo to bring back the meal in a limited edition run, in celebration of Heinz’s 150th birthday. Directions. Chop chorizo into smaller pieces and throw them in a frying pan/sauce pan. No best answer has yet been selected by Wispy68. Report a policy violation. The bean giant has joined forced with food delivery service Deliveroo to bring back the meal in a limited edition run, in celebration of Heinz… This gives the sauce its thick consistency and ensures a long shelf life for the product. Then, mix barbecue sauce, molasses, mustard, and vinegar together in a bowl and pour the mixture into the pan. Steve Owens 78,081 views. Where possible, choose the lower salt variety or make your own. Using flavor profiles from America’s best BBQ regions, HEINZ BBQ Baked Beans are slowly simmered to deliver a rich and delicious taste that never disappoints. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. Never used baked beans, but it could be another item this year. We had a new food. both were removed from the market years ago the pizzas just cause they didnt sell too well compared to the … 50g button mushrooms, sliced. Many people enjoyed eating Heinz Beanz pizzas up until they were discontinued in 2003 and for the 150th birthday of Heinz, the company is bringing back its iconic pizzas for a limited time through Deliveroo. Best Answer. Go to the main page by clicking on our logo and select the products you would like to order. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. Make Your Own Heinz Baked Beans At Home With This Simple Recipe . to figure out how to do it. 2 roma tomatoes, thinly sliced. The pizza chain has revealed that it has teamed up with Heinz to produce a limited edition pie that swaps the traditional tomato sauce base for a slathering of the company’s famed baked beans. A television advert for Heinz baked beans has been banned for a second time for breaching regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods.. To make your own beans at home you will need a 500g packet of dried haricot beans. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Write a review Rest of Tinned Baked Beans shelf £ 1.10 £ 2.66 /kg. Next, add diced onion, bell pepper, and canned navy beans and saute them in the bacon grease for 2-4 minutes. Produit emblématique en Angleterre, les Heinz Baked Beans sont les traditionnels haricots blancs à la sauce tomate. Anyone who’s ever eaten canned Heinz baked beans, knows its the ultimate breakfast/lunch/supper companion. Mix - Place all Baked Beans ingredients in a pot (except beans) and stir, then add beans. From the tangy, woodsy, authentic taste of flavor and beans, very few have managed to replicate the unique taste found in the baked beans. Preheat oven to 220ºC. Baked Bean Pizza. Mix – Place all Baked Beans ingredients in a pot (except beans) and stir, then add beans. You can get the complete list of ingredients and full instructions on how to make baked beans yourself at home on the printable recipe card at the end of this post. I always remember baked beans pizzas when I was growing up as a kid that I had from time to time as a treat, unfortunately as far as I know you cannot get them any longer. Simmer – Bring to a simmer, then lower heat to medium low and simmer for 20 minutes. A quick and easy option that the kids will love! You are in the right place. To celebrate Heinz's 150th Birthday, we've joined forces with Heinz to bring back an absolute 90s cult classic: The Heinz Beanz Pizza. From the tangy, woodsy, authentic taste of flavor and beans, very few have managed to replicate the unique taste found in the baked beans. ½ red onion, thinly sliced. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. THE BAKED BEAN PIZZA! Biscotti and Other Twice Baked Cookies. After the beans have soaked, place the onions into a pan with the oil. Baked beans can make up part of a balanced diet, but it’s best to eat them alongside foods such as vegetables, eggs and slow-release carbohydrates to ensure a good balance of nutrients with not too much salt or sugar. Themes / How to make heinz baked beans in tomato sauce (0) How To and Hints, Tips & Tricks, ..... if they have "How To" in the title. Preheat the oven to 190°C (Gas Mark 5 / 375°F). Best Answer. 220g can HEINZ Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce. your own Pins on Pinterest The pizza had lots of baked beans on and they tasted just like Heinz beans so I was well and truly happy. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. Is it still available, or has it (bean!!) Heat a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan over a low to medium heat and add the olive oil. Baked Bean Pizza. Prep Time: 10 Minute(s) Cook Time: 20 Minute(s) Servings: 4+ -----Ingredients. You can't go wrong with a Heinz baked beans pizza, although my friends did say I might as well just have beans on toast and sprinkle it with cheese, or have cheese on toast… Read Full Review. John "Freddie" West. I used to buy Heinz baked beans pizza from Iceland or Somerfield, but haven't seen it for ages. Nothing wrong with putting baked beans on a pita for an instant baked bean pizza but a real, home made pizza crust is an incredible treat! To make baked beans, cut bacon strips in half and fry them in a skillet until they're softly cooked but not crispy. Yes, for real, apparently. If so, it's time for pizza! Heinz Baked Beans are produced by sealing raw beans and sauce in the cans, which are then placed in large pressure cookers. Prep Time: 10 Minute(s) Cook Time: 20 Minute(s) Servings: 4+ -----Ingredients. I do, made by Heinz. 1. Shop Bundles. discontinued? Brits love Heinz Beans. Heinz baked bean pizza. Ingredients used to make the original pizza include tomato and basil sauce, mozzarella, 350g original Heinz Beanz, mature grated cheese, and a sprinkle of Maldon salt and fresh ground pepper. How to buy the healthiest baked beans . 2 tbsps tomato paste. How to make homemade baked beans. Heinz Beanz Pizza is available for a limited time only | image/Heinz. John "Freddie" West. But if you want to get your hands on the beany pizza alternative, you’ll have to be quick. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here. To make this Baked Bean Pizza recipe you will need: knive and chopping board (to slice your bunching onion) box grater (to grate the cheese) serving spoon (to spread the beans) The Classic Beanz Bundle. 1 decade ago. A standard 415g can will contain an average of 465 beans. 220g can HEINZ Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce. Take the time to make up a batch of these authentic Texas baked beans the next time you have an outdoor cookout. How to buy the healthiest baked beans . I chose a value pizza (Sainsbury’s 69p) this was because the cheap pizzas have the least toppings on and allow for more beans to be applied. 1 to 6 of 6. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Place the pizza base onto a lined oven tray and spread with tomato paste. Heinz Kentucky Style Bourbon & Molasses BBQ Baked Beans 16 oz Can. Now we make our own pizza crusts. 5:10 . Edited by illmonkey on Monday 6th December 20:44, Edited by illmonkey on Monday 6th December 20:45, That looks like the nastiest frozen deep pan pizza ever made. WH aide's interview over Trump remarks gets heated. 1 large pre-prepared pizza base. After hijacking a thread, I thought I'd start a topic. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave to soak overnight or up to 24 hours. View. I used to buy Heinz baked beans pizza from Iceland or Somerfield, but haven't seen it for ages. discontinued? Heinz reveal how to make a ‘breakfast pizza’ with baked beans. Heinz Baked Bean Pizza. The Sauces Bundle.. After starting the topic, it was too much, I had to make one. 5 Varieties Heinz Kansas City Style Bacon & Brown Sugar BBQ Baked Beans 16 oz Can. To celebrate Heinz's 150th Birthday, we've joined forces with Heinz to bring back an absolute 90s cult classic: The Heinz Beanz Pizza. The pizzas, a combination of tomato sauce, cheese and beans, offers a nostalgic way for Heinz lovers to revisit a product from the past. Make Your Own Heinz Baked Beans At Home With This Simple Recipe . 1 1. 2. Share this petition Petition Closed. Any 3 for £3 - Selected Heinz Beans Or Pasta Meals 400g - 415g Offer valid for delivery from 22/10/2020 until 22/02/2021. This petition had 73 supporters. Heinz Beans has brought back its baked bean pizza 16 years after it was discontinued - and this time it has launched a vegan version. And of cause you can order a tasty pizza!. Baked bean pizza is quick and easy to assemble from your already made baked beans. Shop Bundles Christmas Shop. For a real Texas experience, enjoy a bottle of Lone Star® beer for yourself and one for the beans while you make them. It's well worth trying to source the best quality black pudding you can," he says. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. Answers. 282 likes. To make shopping for your Heinz favourites even easier, all of our bundles are now available to buy as a fully flexible subscription. Join in let's get them back!!! Loading... Unsubscribe from BARBSTER360? Heinz Beans.
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+Last-ball six takes RCB into semis
+Royal Challengers Bangalore 215 for 8 (Dilshan 74, Kohli 70, Tait 5-32) beat South Australia Redbacks 214 for 2 (Harris 108*, Ferguson 70) by two wickets
+Scorecard and ball-by-ball details
+. It featured an astonishing century from Daniel Harris - only the third in Champions League history. It had a five-for from Shaun Tait, in a game where 429 runs came off 40 overs. It also featured sublime stroke play from Virat Kohli, who played his best T20 innings. It had strong helping hands from Callum Ferguson and Tillakaratne Dilshan.
+It all boiled down to the last ball, off which six were needed, and Karthik stepped up to smash Daniel Christian into the stands beyond midwicket. The crowd went up as one, the RCB dug-out exploded in joy, and even the usually laidback Chris Gayle walked out shirtless with a broad smile.
+In a game that unfolded like a Hitchcock whodunit, it was fitting that the winning blow came off the bat of someone who was playing only because AB de Villiers was injured. At the other end was S Aravind, the worst bowler of the day, who got close to redemption with a boundary off the third ball of that electric final over. Christian bowled a slower ball on the fourth, which Aravind slogged for two, making it seven needed off the last two. Aravind couldn't connect with the fifth, but the batsmen scrambled through for a bye. Six needed off one, and Christian delivered a slower ball as hittable as Chetan Sharma's infamous full toss to Javed Miandad in Sharjah. Karthik coolly stayed in his crease and heaved with all his might over midwicket to become a hero.
+It was heartbreak for the Redbacks, who had somehow regrouped after a virtually unstoppable 100-run stand between Kohli and Dilshan off 8.5 overs. By the time Kohli fell, he had reduced the equation to 50 off the last five overs, but RCB's lightaron O'Brien also produced two sixes and a wicket, making it 18 required off 12 balls. Tait then lasered Dilshan's stumps with a stunning yorker and got Daniel Vettori to miscue, before completing his five-for with Raju Bhatkal's wicket. That set up the last-over climax, Christian blinked after five balls, and Karthik held his nerve to complete the first win for an IPL side against an Australian team.
+The performances from Tait and Karthik dominated the ending, but the contest got its substance from Harris and Kohli. Both produced innings that had no business featuring in an unabashed exhibition for T20 batting. Harris' effort stood out for the shots he didn't play - he went almost 18 overs without trying to hit a six, and yet coasted to a century with time to spare. Kohli's was elevated by the shots he chose to play. Faced with an asking-rate nearing 11, and with Gayle dismissed, Kohli unfurled a series of astonishingly correct strokes., which included a couple of trademark scoops.
+Gayle was more subdued at the start, but he gradually found his range to muscle three sixes, before Michael Klinger caught him in the deep even as he collided grievously with Tom Cooper. Kohli walked in like he belonged in the cauldron, and opened his account with a pulled six through wide long-on. The slowness of the pitch and the variations of the Redbacks attack could not stop him from hitting through the line, andth over to put RCB on course for a heist. assuredly got his eye in. Just when the momentum seemed to be flagging a touch Aravind returned, and the Redbacks resumed their run-glut. Having taken two fours and a six off Aravind's 16th over, Ferguson thumped Nannes emphatically for a six off the first ball off the 17th. He holed out in the 18th over, prompting Harris to finally attempt a big hit. He pounded Bhatkal over midwicket for his first six, before dumping Nannes behind square-leg to bring up the century. Incredibly, Aravind got the 20th over, and Christian duly bludgeoned five more fours to take the Redbacks to 214.
+Twenty overs later, Christian and Aravind had their roles reversed. And how.
+Nitin Sundar is a sub-editor at ESPNcricinfo...
+This match was very entertaining. RCB will only chase down a total of this magnitude 1 out of ten times. With the players they have especially the top 3 it possible but as I said 1 out of ten. As for Kohli i have no issue with him getting MOM because i have played cricket at a very high level and chasing down such a momoth total is never easy it's alot more pressure than batting first. If you played the game u will know that.
+I do not understand where are the haters now.. Last month when India kept on losing matches to England, our fans blamed it all on IPL and CL and kept calling for banishment of these tournaments.. And here we are crying praises for a T20 match.. Double standards, really..
+I think I would have bowled that last ball as a yorker wide of off stump.
+Poor reporting. Dilshan should have got few more words of appreciation for his batting.
+The best runchase i have ever seen. Hats off to Virat Kohli and Dilshan and of course to Arun Karthik for his gutsy hit out of the ground.
+@ VivGilchrist could not agree more; the moment he first was in the Int side he scored runs and has been consistent every season he represented Aus; there was no valid reason for his dropping, injury didn't help I guess but he should have been in WC squad no question. The past two 20/20 performances should awake selectors.
+We need to keep in mind that it is not just the two victories that put RCB in the semifinal spot. It is the better run rate that let them edge KKR out of the semi final spot. So there are many players who contributed. Had S. Aravind given 25 runs instead of 23 runs in 4 overs in the previous game against Somerset, RCB would have been out of the tournament. Gayle's 8 sixes in the previous game helped them win by 51 runs. If they had won by 49 runs, they would not be relishing this victory... @Anand_madras's comment about Kannada/TN is childish. Can the same be applied to CSK or any other team when players from other states play well? No. We can't and we shouldn't. These are private clubs and they get 'available players' who can strengthen their teams in different departments - batting, bowling, fielding, w.keeping. Let's hope Arun K will do even better in the upcoming games for his teams and earn to play for the nation and make his family, community, city, state, nation (& RCB) proud.
+What a game!!! Honestly I did not think that RCB would have made it
+@Abhijith Jagirdar RCB played better than CSK in just one match in this this tournament, note that... But I agree we are all indians and I(who is a CSK fan) support RCB to bring back the cup which CSK won before...
+Batting at its best. Fielding being atrocious who cares as long we see some meaty hitting. That we were able to witness no doubt. Fantastic innings by Ferguson. Followed up with the best papartnerhshio of IPL/CLT20 that I have seen thus far. Dilly and Kholi what a partnership at that rate. Those who missed this match need to see the replays. Credit to both teams for giving us a wonderful match. Played in good spirit too. Philip Gnana, Surrey
+Get on, Bring the CLT20 Cup RCB, All the Best!!! One of the Best finishes I have ever seen. Hearty Congratulations to RCB from a Hard Core CSK Fan!
+Sick umpiring. Dilshan was CLEARLY out lbw to Shaun Tait. Hit in front of off.
+How Fergusson doesnt make the Aussie ODI team is beyond me .... Pure class.
+How Fergusson doesnt make the Aussie ODI team is beyond me .... Pure class.
+@Anand_madras , Don't forget the fact that we all are Indians ,pls don,t bring linguistic issues in cricket . Just agree the fact that CSK was totally marooned this time . Im a kannadiga born in TN with maharashtra background . Don"t mislead cricket followers with linguistic bias, RCB played better than CSK......
+HYCLASS - Sorry , but T20 is a totally different format even from the 50 over fmt , let alone the 4/5 day games. Leicestershire - who won the English T20 but didn't qualify for the CL group stages - finished rock bottom of div 2 by a mile , but excelled in T20. Re England , I feel Morgan should not have been in the English test side (at the expense of a bowler) , but along with KP should be the 1st batsman on the teamsheet. LUKE - I understand where you're coming from , but they often give the MOM award to someone from the winning side and Kohli's inns did turn the momentum of the match. I'm sure Harris would have got it had the last ball travelled 10 yds shorter. Also was it just my imagination but were there 2 diff MOM awards in the Somerset game? I'm sure that Thomas and Kieswetter both recd awards after the game
+guys, look at daniel vettori's figures...
+Redbacks played very well.. RCB played more well than Redbacks.... but the match wouldn't have lasted this much long.. if the umpiring was good.. I feel Dharmasena still plays for srilanka.He turned down a decision against Dilshan and gave the run's as leg bye.. wondering whats in his mind to give that not out
+Vinay_Singh - I agree with you. T20 cricket is more exiting, more entertaining and easier to read for an average observer. But unfortunately it is a game fully reliant on luck and fortuneous developments, rather than on skills and quality. In this format, any team on a day can beat another team. Was RCB yeaterday a better team than SA? Maybe so, maybe not. The fact is that they lost two games, they won 2. The may win the next one, they may lose. Just compose a team of 11 best IPL players and let them play agains any orther team. They will have exactly 50/50 chances. Pure lottery. For me a sport contest is something different, but if one only enjoys hitting sixes, you do not need a game, you can arrange hitting contest and compare individual players.
+Now Arun Karthik will play for India.. And another deserving youngster will suffer injustice.. Just like Rahul Sharma (with only 9 FC matches and a bowling average of 43+) topples Iqbal Abdulla (Bowling average of 29 and Batting av of 35!) and Pragyan Ojha (Bowling av of 27)... Shame on the selectors. Even Ashwin is turning out to be just a 4 over bowler..
+@Hari Haran V After he was supposedly out, Dilshan had scored 13 runs off 14 balls which any lower order batsman would have achieved for them. After all for a team that got 13 in 4 balls with 8 wickets down, that would have been a lot easier. I cannot help but wonder when was the last time these Chennai fans appreciated someone other than their own. As for Ferguson drop, Kohli was caught the next ball. Pressure can do all sorts of stuff to you.
+this is the most shameful day for cricket
+ha ha ha... Here i see the twist in the tale..... A final nail in the coffin....:-)
+Fittingly the last ball six which carries RCB to the semis is hit by a Tamil lad.... :-)
+So what is the response to this by the Kanadigas???? .
+Do they want to quit from the tournament now??
+This was just a an absolutely creative end by the RCB as you cant expect a six in the last ball. but it was like a LAGAAN END. RCB probably the best side in the CLT20 and in IPL. Next 2 you win and you have the cup in your hands. Go RCB we are with you. DASARA gift already recieved. Now we need the Diwali gift by winning the CLT20.
+It is distressing to see the bowlers being reduced to nothing by these kind of pitches. Are pitches enabling the bowlers to be alughtered are good pitches. Certainly not. Whenever there is a spinning pitch, ICC or whoever controls come out with threats. In fact the authorities should firmly oppose pitches of the caliber produced at Bangalore on 5th Octob er 2011 and not the other way round.
+@jmcilhinney - Yes, it has everything to do with the KKR-Warriors match. This is what happened : Warriors batted first and made 155 in 20 overs. KKR were 83/1 in 9 overs when rain stopped play. According to DL, the par score for the loss of 1 wicket after 9 overs was 61.
+Therefore, Warriors' score was reset to 61 from 9 overs. It was this score that was used for the calculation of the net run rate.
+Terrific game of cricket. Kudos to both the teams to have produced one of the best T20 games ever. RCB should feel happy that their top 3 batsmen seem to be peaking at the right time in the tournament and hence RCB would fancy their chances of defeating the mighty NSW team in the semis
+This is a circus,it would be surprising if the home team is not advanced to the semifinals
+Dilshan was not given out in the Tait over.. A sitter is dropped by Ferguson.... And when Christian bowled all the fielders were in leg side but as i saw it was wanted ly delivered in half side to hit a boundary.. Unwanted NO balls in the end of the slog overs.. And last but not the least Christian bowled a slower ball on the last ball.... So everything making me think something fishy already it has been set for this stage to crown RCB.... Who knows... It is a Game of Cricket... We all want to believe...
+jmcilhinney, your comment "Warriors scored 633 off 80 at 7.9125" is incorrect. By D/L they scored 61 off 9 overs and KKR had to score 62 off 9 overs but managed 83 off 9 overs and won against Warriors. So, Warriors scored 539 off 69 at 7.8116. Hence their net run rate is 0.246 and not 0.347.
+Brilliant perfomance by RCB...The closest game i've watched in the stadium..So many great performances Harris, Ferguson, Dilshan, Kohli , Tait...No matter what, the game of Cricket won so I am extremely happy...CRICKET ROCKS..!!!
+Well played RCB. I think, the gayle's solid opening gives confidence to the other players, virat carried the momentum, and dilshan who plays rarely for RCB had clicked yesterday makes the huge difference. Rain supports bangalore it seems spoilt chances of redbacks, and most importantly after klinger's injury departure, poor performance by a stand in captain.. that affects the redbacks most. However dilshan & virat played will be forgotton, Karthik made it a possible win.
+@jmcilhinney - U r right, it is to do with the rain hit match & D/L. U hv to consider 61 runs of 9 overs for Warriors & 83 runs scored by KKR in 9 overs. Hence the tally for warriors is (for) 539 runs in 69overs and (against) 522 runs in 69overs, hence the NRR of warriors is +0.246. Thanks to rain & KKR for scoring well in this match, RCB made it to SF.
+very good comment by hyclass. perfect observation.
+hyclass- Stop comparing Test cricket and T20. Watch and comment on what you like and leave the other alone. Both forms require different skills and that is what SA's success showed. Please go and comment on the test matches (boring) if you don't like T20 cricket.
+This will be my last comment regarding NRR. I now see that 61 was the par score after 9 overs in Warriors D/L loss to KKR so it's those numbers that are used in their NRR, rather than the 155 off 20. That still feels rather harsh though. Based on that, I was able to calculate that if Warriors had managed to get to 140 in their last game against Somerset then their NRR would have been higher than RCB's and they would still have made the semis.
+Yes that has to do with the game against KKR. Actually the revised target was 62 runs from 9 overs(which means warriors score was 61 in 9 ovrs) and this is included in NRR calculation. So their cumulative FOR comes out to 539/69 and AGAINST as 522/69. so they have NRR of +0.246.
+What a thrilling CLT20 match yesterday till last ball..Highest Run chase ever in CLT20--Well done RCB ....
+Aravind has responded magnificently to being selected in the 15 by selectors -the second worst figures in T20 history -what a sad state for Indian cricket as far as the bowling is concerned ? It's time that we tried to learn from across the border on how to develop fast bowlers -let's encourage teams from Pakistan to participate in the Ranji trophy -Shikhar Dhawan and co will find it what it is to face raw pace instead of milking runs of hapless domestic bowling attacks. I have already seen the result of the England vs India series -with such a toothless bowling attack, India will have to score over 400 runs in each ODI to stand a chance of victory
+In a match with 429 runs are scored in 40 overs. A guy scores 108* of 68 balls, another scores 74 of 47, another 70 of 43, some guy scores 70 of 36. even one more scores 27 of 9.
+and there is this odd man out who takes 5 wickets at 8 runs a piece. 5 wickets in a is like scoring more than 125 runs in a t20 game. and when that happens on one of the flattest pitches, with tons of dew, small ground and that guy still doesn't get MOM.
+It funny of ignorant people can get when they see a few fancy sixes being hit. where every player who comes to bat is able to whack a six of the first ball they face. Ridiculous
+@jmcilhinney: The calculations are correct. Since their match against KKR was decided by D/L method their innings was compared with a 9 over period and hence the score for them is 539 in 69 overs and against them is 522 in 69 overs which brings their NRR to +0.246 which is considered presently. Get ur Mathematics right Mr.jmcilhinney
+It's the WOWest mathc I have watched this year!
+The results look like a written script the way things changed during the match seems some thing else then cricket. ICC must be vigilant, unbiased and treat every board/nation on the basis of equality not on basis of market value.
+jmcilhinney: That is correct, it's because of the D/L method against KKR. Your calculations have used the actual batting score of 155/20 overs, but because of the D/L method, the Warriors calculated score is 61/9 overs, which gives them the NRR as shown in the table. Need I add here that I'm NOT a huge fan of the D/L method?!? However, that said I can't think of any other system that is really any fairer - I've seen comparitive run rates used, which were just as biases but in different ways - at least D/L have tried to account for wickets as well.
+Of course Kohli had to get the MOM- he was the only Indian, of the 7 who played, to do anything in the game. RCB had 4 overseas players- Vettori captained the side and was the most economical bowler on either side. Gayle, Dilshan and Vettori between them made half of RCB's runs, with Dilshan making the highest score. Naturally Harris' century and Tait's five wickets counted for nothing and although Karthik did hit the winning 6, he only got 6. So it had to be Kohli. Meanwhile, Indian supporters will continue to make disparaging remarks about England players who came to live in England as schoolboys. The words 'double standard' come to mind. BTW, the Aravind who went for 69 in 4 overs was the same Aravind just picked for the Indian ODI squad, wasn't he? Just asking.
+Redbacks conceded a crucial bye in the 5th ball of the last over....i think the keeper should have tried to run Arun Karthik out, ultimately that single bye cost the game for Redbacks......any way a superb game of cricket & all credit to both sides !!!!!!!!!
+Watched the match Live at Chinnaswamy stadium. Still feeling dizzzzzzzzzzzy. Just cannot believe what I saw. Doubt that I can see such a match again in my life time. Vettori said before the match... We are not a one man team. RCB proved him right.
+@ Thusanthan Dharmalingam hey u added those extra eleven overs..the match between warriors and kkr was decided by D/L which later reduced to 9 overs and they lost it by 22 runs...so for that match warrors got 61 runs in 9 ovbers...i think u got my point...
+I lost interest in cricket when the CLT20 had started. But looking at the scorecards of some of these games, we have had a terrific tournament. I never thought RCB could get so close. I felt they will go down as the CSK last evening. But they showed they had the power, will & attitude. Hats off.. I think Sachin & Mahela are the best T20 batsmen. I think Kohli's innings today is a better one than some of the ones that those two have played. Hats off!! All the best for the semis.
+True it was an extraordinary match,every bit a high scoring thriller with fortunes see-sawing from one side to the other. In the end the team which held their nerve pulled off a remarkable win, even though it was a last gasp victory. But feel for the bowlers. Sluggish pitches, short boundaries, field restrictions, better bats that can deliver the ball into the stands even off a mishit! It is sad to see that instead of favoring an even contest between the bat and ball, the game is radically shifting to a completely batsmen dominated show.
+He goes under the radar and goes about his work extremly well one man who needs to take alot of credit for his work for bangalore is thier captin daniel vittori. His bowling has been very economy has been under 7 the whole way though ipl and now champions league along with playing some crucial knocks. he has been extreamly consistant with the ball the whole time even though his fellow bowlers at times havent backed him up at the other end.
+OK, I just saw the full table that includes for and against and it says that Warriors scored 539 off 69 at 7.8115 so it obviously does have something to do with that match decide by D/L. I still don't know how the actual numbers were calculated but that seems quite dodgy to me. I think that Warriors can consider themselves very unlucky based on that and I think that it's something that the organisers should look at for future tournaments.
+@jmcilhinney: warriors had scored only 539 off 69 overs, against 522 off 69 overs. Their NRR is +.246 which is short of even KKR. As D/L was applied to that match, you can take only 9 overs and not 20 overs.
+@jmcilhinney : warriors one game(against KKR) was reduced by rain.. so it will not take 155 of 20, but it will be 61 of 9 which makes it total of 539 of 69 as for.. Correctly updated in the points table..
+The umpire role is also important in RCB's win. Dilshan was not given out by lbw and that was a great help for RCB.
+Superb T20 match to watch.... it had everything on it...
+Royal Challengers Banglore deserve to win to reach to semi-final. The presence of Gayle makes everyone to hit sixes like him.The batting by Dilshen was full of sincerity.Surely Kohli deserves the man of the match award.Wishing the best to our Indian IPL teams hope they will meet each other in final.
+Poor bowling by Redbacks after posting excellent score. RCB were deserving winners as they maintained required run rate upto 15th over. Flurry of wickets later made their task difficult, but very ordinary last over bowled.
+Can anyone explain to me how the NRR calculations work? By my reckoning, RCB scored 762 runs off 80 overs at 9.525 while their opponents scored 713 off 77.3 at 9.2, which gives a NRR of +0.325, which agrees with the official table. Also by my reckoning, Warriors scored 633 off 80 at 7.9125 while their opponents scored 522 off 69 at 7.5652, which gives a NRR of +0.347, which is significantly more than the official table and puts them in second place in their group, ahead of RCB. I used the numbers from the official results table and I ran the numbers twice, so either I'm missing something or the official table is wrong. Is it something to do with the game Warriors lost to KKR on D/L?
+what a game of cricket T20 @ the very best
+Tait should have got MoM y'day at CL T20, at least as a co-receiver! One more over, he'd perhaps have sealed it for SAR.
+@luke , u wont get it,we all did, the ultimate momentum shift caused by kohli was the best part of the match, do u remember a Rahul dravid 109 off 124 getting MOM over a faster and bigger score when india chased down 326?
+or a Dhoni getting MOM in wc finals over jayawardne??
+the reason is my frnd, MOM is a player who contributed most for a winning cause and Only if someone really stood out of the mob by leaps and bounds, then only a loosign side player gets MOM in these kind of Knock-out matches.
+'Harris 108 not out. Kohli 70...Man of the match Kohli? I don't get it'. Well, let's put it this way. Harris was under no pressure to score, he was scoring at will, not chasing any huge target. As we all know, chasing a huge target puts enormous pressure on the team batting second, and I have seen many a batsman scoring a mere thirty or so runs and winning the MoM, because those runs were scored under pressure, and were instrumental in winning the game. It is not just scoring the maximum runs, it is under what conditions it is scored. Enough said. Kohli was a well deserving candidate for the MoM award(and I am not a RCB supporter), and nearly everyone who saw the game(like I did on TV), agreed.
+I can't believe Christian bowled a slower ball on the last ball when trying to restrict a 6. I just can't believe that. But still @ Brumby90 yeah that's a simplistic comment, you obviously haven't followed NSW in this tournament to focus on SA to make that call. Their bowlers for the most part have got it together but they also have so much more depth than SA who seem to rely on all rounders. Much more depth, one left arm quick, two main off spinners to choose from,a young fast bowler and an experienced accurate medium quick and also a leggy. That may be offensive to some who insist NSW are always favoured but right now but SA don't have much in the bowling department. However once again Ferguson showed why he should be put back in the Aus side; such a consistent class player.
+It was RCB's day and they were destined to win. A thrilla in bangalora. that is what this was. Christian and Ian Chappel in commentary box were predictable, with slower one. Give Ian credit - he said slow bouncer and not slow slider.
+It is a pity to see fast bowlers bowling too many slower ones. They should be bowl extra fast ones for a change up. Michael Holding was right. It is quite pathetic to keep seeing slower ones after slower ones from so called fast bowlers for whom a fast ball is a changeup. Chandra used to bowl a faster one changeup as fast as Thommo's according to Viv Richards. Surely, today's "fast" bowlers need to learn the art of fast changeups as they are more effective and less hittable.
+T20 fast bowling is like a chinese dish - sweet and sour. The balance has gone in favour of sweet. Can we get some sour back?
+Why TM Dilshan is not bowling...he had bowled well in the world cup nd pick up 8 wickets with an average of 15.75..if he bowls today i think the Redbacks would not take above 200
+Congratulations to RCB on becoming the 1st IPL team in 3 years of the CL to defeat an Australian state side.It must be tempered with the caveat on all 20/20,that Sth Australia have consistently been the poorest performing 1st class side in Australian cricket by some margin.That Sth Australia are even competetive in this format is a comment on the irrelevence of 20/20 in the context of traditional cricket.It anecdotally supports claims that it undermines those qualities of endurance,technique,patience and concentration that are vital to success in the longer formats.Cricket was once described as promoting the manly virtues.20/20 consists of cheap thrills,impatience,instant celebrity and an inverse variation between performance and paydays that undermines traditional format authority.How will virtues be inculcated by our children from what amounts to the dietary equivalent of empty calories?
+best of luck RCB.U R THE WINNER OF CLT20 2011
+SA's bowling performance shows why Aussie cricket is heading nowhere but downwards. One of the worst displays in a long time. Professionals who cant bowl a ball even remotely on a decent length. Shocking last over. Six slower balls in a row. Not predictable at all. Shame
+I completely agree with Luke Ashwood on the MOTM issue. Harris's innings was the best crafted innings...and anyway, if another batsman, perhaps a high profile and currently injured Indian batsman from Mumbai scored that ton, he wouldn't be denied the man of the match award. THAT'S FOR SURE!
+@maddy20: How is it ALWAYS easier to set a target?...There's pressure to set a high target and never knowing what score is enough. Neither is any easier or harder, unless the pitch changes significantly. Almost everything else is psychological.
+@Azhar89: Ian Chappel's words are not gospel. Merely a loud mouth commentator...and no, I'm not a fan of the Redbacks or a hater of Bangalore, so I can't be accused of bias.
+Best T20 i game i ever saw.............
+@Luke - You seem to be getting it all wrong. If it wasn't for Virat Kohli, RCB wouldn't have made it. 70 off 36 balls at a strike rate of nearly 200 that turned the match in the favor of RCB and you say he should be embarrassed? Are you kidding me? Agreed, Harris' knock was brilliant, but then you got to give credit to Kohli. Ian Chappel said that Kohli's performance was one of the best batting display he had ever witnessed in a T20. So there you go mate !! Hard luck, hope to see you next year.
+@Luke It was an innings under tremendous amount of pressure and he was the architect of today's win. It is always harder to chase down such a huge target than setting it. No discredit to Harris though. He played a gem. But I also did think Kohli deserved it.
+Despite all these heroics, without the Gayle performance in th last game, KKR would gone into the semis
+If i ever wanted to hit a six, the ball that Dan Christian bowled to Karthik, would be the one I would want to receive. And 'receive' is the right word. It was an absolute gift. Slow, pitched short enough so that it sits up nicely and lets the batter have a fantastic swing of the arms. I'm sorry it was the stupidest delivery i've seen bowled in such a situation. I feel sorry for Shaun Tait (not as much for Harris) who picked up 5 wickets on a bowlers' graveyard, often without much help from the umpires ( Dharmasena turning down a plumb LBW shout against Dilshan). When the requirement came down to 6 off 1 to win, I told my dad, he should bowl it full and more importantly WIDE, so that even an outside edge would only fetch 4. You can't help but feel annoyed at professional cricketers having their brains go AWOL. Yet again a genuine fast bowler's efforts (and it takes lots of effort to bowl fast) are let down by an ordinary dibbly-dobbler who bowls buffet balls to tailenders.
+Virat gave the momentum that RCB needed to win in the middle overs! He was the driving force behind RCBs win and a rightly edudicated man of the match. Wish he could play innings like this for India one day! All in all a good game of cricket can't ask for more
+Great game, with an amazing finish.
+Wat a game....215 runs in a T20....bt well playd Southern Australia even though u ended up on the receiving end...
+Harris 108 not out. Kohli 70...Man of the match Kohli? I don't get it...
+Bangalore deserves to win the series now especially after today's performance!
+Full congtats to RCB on chasing down such a huge total, but how on earth did Kohli get man of the match with a 70, when Harris scored an unbeaten 108 at a very healthy strike rate? Just unbelievable. Man of the match is the best performer of the match, not the best performer of the winning side. BTW, poor bowlers have to perform miracles to get man of the match. Tait's 5 wickets at 8 a piece in a Twenty20 when the rest of the innings is scoring above 10 per over is as good as getting a ton as a batsman. Kohli should hand back the man of the match in sheer embarressment.
+ha i told all my friends rcb is not a one-man show they didnt believe me!! go dilly and virat you both rock!!! i always knew dilly was good even in IPL and i was right! awesome from virat deserved MOM.
+Unbelievable cricket....just like a sensational bollywood movie...full of emotion, action and thrill
+I'm so proud to be an RCBian.. :)
+LOL! Aravind has been pwned!!Both in the match and dis article :P
+simply superb..had all things what a T20 needs..
+cant believe .....!!! what a match...!!!!!
+wow grerat six by arun karthik never expected him to hit it to the six!!
+Awesome Performance By 'BAANG..BAANG......BANG'ALORE
+Oh well, that was the mother of domestic T20 matches, I must say...
+wonderful match when gayle had out i said match was over so i get up on walk away but i cam back i saw kholi and dilshan smacking dem so i finish watch the whole thing. good match
+No featured comments at the moment.
+wonderful match when gayle had out i said match was over so i get up on walk away but i cam back i saw kholi and dilshan smacking dem so i finish watch the whole thing. good match
+Oh well, that was the mother of domestic T20 matches, I must say...
+Awesome Performance By 'BAANG..BAANG......BANG'ALORE
+wow grerat six by arun karthik never expected him to hit it to the six!!
+cant believe .....!!! what a match...!!!!!
+simply superb..had all things what a T20 needs..
+LOL! Aravind has been pwned!!Both in the match and dis article :P
+I'm so proud to be an RCBian.. :)
+Unbelievable cricket....just like a sensational bollywood movie...full of emotion, action and thrill.
+tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-87825835762133124132016-09-08T00:21:28.343-04:00Between here and thereLet's talk about our impending move from Orlando, Fl to Baires (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and some other crazy sensless stuff.Nannette B. dunnoI have not been around here for a while. To all my friends, if you dont know yet. I have been unemployed for a month, meaning also that I have no mode of transportation. I am stuck home all this time, I am loosing my mind. I can't get a car because I have no job or money, and I cant get a job because I could not even get to a job interview or the job should I get one. Dont talk to me about public transportation, I would have to walk 1/2 hour each way to reach the closest bus stop. I am not feeling too good. I need help. All this gets worst when I see my poor Horacio is killing himself working about 20 hours a day trying to make up for the money I am not making, but going fom 5-6000 a month to about 3000 is difficult. The savings are gone. Im seriously loosing my mind. Please try to keep an eye on me somehow. Love ya all, NNannette B. backYes, I kind of dissapeared. I have been going (we) between work, non work, financial in general and health. I had a huge fight with my boss and he suspended me for a week, bad timing, we are really broke. Health, had another bout of serious fatigue. But, I am going back to work tomorrow. I have been feeling a lot better, sometimes I get fatigued too fast, that's about it. I am loosing weight, hopefully it will continue. Still too lazy to excercise, but seems that it will go away on it's own. Nannette B. and improved plans...Well hello everyone. Horacio and I sat down this week to carfully evaluate the status of the moving plans. We have come to the decision to change the estimated move date from March to September. Several reasons, we don't want to get there on the fall, he says that the winter can be diffcult for me with my health as opposed as us getting there in the spring and giving me time to adjust (that's sweet). Also, this gives me more time to get this diabetes under control, right now my average Glucose reading is around 250-300. My medication was just adjusted today (from 500mg to 1000mg, let's see if it works. Of course, last but not least, because of the economic slowdown, our goal to save or even have some extramoney in the bank has been way unreachable. No money, no tickets, no trip for now. Locally I was able to find a medical program that covers all my expenses and medications are 4-7 for a 30 day supply, so more money can go to the bank now and stay there. Thank Heavens. I just checked the airfares for september and the prices are relatively affordable, normally I've seen them for about 550 from Miami and for September they are about 350.00 which is great. This time as soon as we have the money in the bank we will buy and date the tickets, that will absolutely give us a goal date but it must be at the middle or end of September. Anyway, I just wanted to update you all on the status of the trip, still there, but just postponed by couple of months. Time flies really fast, so I am not worried. NNannette B. issues in the USAThe title may be confusing to some of you. Now I truly understand why the medical costs are so high in the USA. Next thing I know, they are making 20 million test and procedures, saying that I had an accelerated heartbeat, whoever knows me knows that I am hyperactive and it is proven that people like me have a heartbeat a bit higher than most people. To make a long story short, I spent 24 hours ADMITTED in the hospital, No food until saturday 10AM or so. Of course my blood glucose was low, no food = low blood sugar. I came out of there so annoyed and so tired...... SAO now you see, doctors and hospital make a bunch of unnecesary test, annoying x rays and stress tests and who ends up paying for the overinflated prices for that? MEEEEEE Until next NNannette B. about the diet?Well,. The fact that I should alternate proteins has me eating chicken, beef, seafood and lots and lots of vegetables. I have found very creative ways to do this. Fortunatelly the website of Diabetes control for life has many many healthy recipes for people like me :-) I am utterly happy with all recipes and ideas I've been able to get from it. I highly reccomend it. Best of everything, I still have to find 1 recipe or idea that has not worked. For example, tonight I am making Tilapia on sauce with harvest couscous. Yummy yummy..Nannette B. new era for North AmericaIt is now 6:20 EST here in Orlando, Florida. I woke up at 7:00AM. I turned on the TV and chose to watch with most of the rest of the world, the inauguration ceremonies for President Barak Hussein Obama. Finally!!! As I know 90% of the blogging world will be giving their impressions of the factual ceremonies and subsequent events, I guess I should and must do the same. First and foremost, as much as I envy all those millions of people on the Mall, I definitively give thanks to the most mighty that I watched from the commodity of my home with lots of heating !!!! They are definitively BRAVE AMERICANS. I hope he can ammaend his errors somehow, I pray to the most high! Anyway, this is all I have to say for now. Still wiping my tears from 12:05 Noon and trying to deal with the goosebumps that still have aftershocks Je Je Je. It is a wonderous moment to be alive.Nannette B.. Diet soda, forget about my beloved white rice or my beloved potatoes. Thank God for cheeses and eggs, otherwise I think I would have perished. My only concren that my blood glucose does no seem to go down, no matter what I do, and I obviously, cannot stop eating, it would make it all worst. Look at my readings so far today: 4:00 AM 195 (2 cups of coffee w/soy milk & sweeteners) 6:49 AM 217 (about 1/2 cup of cheese cubes & water) 8:30 AM 253 (half a cup of dry cheerios) I have no clue why the glucose keeps going up. Help, anyone? NNannette B. Historicity StudiesFor the last 4-5 years I have taken an interest on researching and studying the Historicity of the Bible. What is that? The Bible and other scriptures have been edited and re-edited several hundred times. Why? Because while the origina scriptures where written in Aramaic and Ancient Hebrew, when it came time to "evangelize" a new sector of the civilization, one person or a group of people, would translate/interpret the scriptures in the necesary language. Here is where the problem begins, a word in Spanish (for example) may have more than one meaning or translation in English, French, German ect.... When the so-called translation was done, the author/translator had to sometimes interpret or adjust words or phrases in order to try to be accurate with the original manuscript. We also have to take into consideration the fact the Aramaic has been a dead language since the time of Christ. Actually, as part of the suppresion of religion in those times. Aramaic was prohibited for about 100 years. Therefore, what we have are transcriptions of oral tradition that was almost lost over 2000 years ago. I research and study evidentiary material regarding this issues and some other conflicting events and traditions that may or may not have to do with the Bible. This year I plan to delve myself more into my studies, I have been lacking desire and purpose to do so, but I know that my studies and sacrifices will pay eventually. NNannette B. year's resolutions, Nannette's versionAs the new year begins we all like to work on our new year's resolutions. So will I. This year has me quitting cigarettes, losing weight and taking more care of my personal health. Also I want to actually take time to work on my creativity. About the cigarette issue I guess I have to take it easy. I stopped smoking cold turkey about 2 weeks ago and I tell you, it is horrible. I have lots of cold sweats, my body temperature seems to have gone out of whack. I have a horrible bad taste in my mouth constantly. Mouthwash has become my best friend. I get an apparent drop on blood pressure that makes me really dizzy. I guess I will use the Florida quit line and try this again with time and patience. Losing weight... yeah that sounds strange for me. I had never gained weight like this, not even when I was pregnant. I am currently at 141 lbs. My normal weight is around 110 lbs. In the last 3 months I have gained lots of weight for no apparent reason. I feel bloated, heavy and clumsy. Let's not forget, none of my clothes fit anymore. Need to desperately go out do some shopping, well maybe wait couple of weeks to see if my new regimen works at all. I am starting to go to the community gym at least 3 times a week. Get to eat healthier, watch my sweets, limit my Ice Cream consumption. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Let's see how it goes. About taking care of my general health. Well the last 2 times I was checked in the hospital, they keep saying that my sugar is high. This never happened before. I am going to work on this, my mother is diabetic and I just found out that diabetes runs of my paternal side of my family. Never thought this could affect me, but seems that it finally caught up with me. We will take care of this. Working on my creativity..... I keep putting my goals to a side. I should do as my friend Michele did, just freaking do it! She decided that she was going to make time and just do it, I believe she's on her 5th e-book. I am totally envious, but it is good envy. As for the move (yeah, still on the works) We WE need to find a way to save money, my health issues have not helped much as every time we save some money it goes out on bills or prescriptions as we don't have medical or prescription coverage. It sucks big time. My goal is still March-April. Let's see how it goes. NNannette B. getting "fat"?Yeah it seems that I am gaining some unwanted and unknown weight. Yesterday I weighted myself and I was 128!!!! 128!!! I do not understand, I don't feel fat, I do notice a bit of a less shapely waist, but nothing to worry about. I have been eating, I would say a bit more than normal, but again, nothing to worry about. As usual, Horacio says its all good, that he does not see me fat, he loves me, no? I'll try to take some half decent pictures so you guys can see what I am talking about. I'll update you all on the move in couple of days. Love ya all, NannetteNannette B. few weeksYeah I know I've been rather absent for a while. But I have spent very little time by the actual PC.Between birtday celebration and a darn throat infection I have been somehow busy. Thank you all for your wonderful birthday wishes and if you have not said anything yet it's ok. I celebrate the whole month. :)
NNannette B. blogging testNannette B. Aires On A Budget, Eat, Drink And Tango The Night Away In Argentina's Capital CityBuenos Aires On A Budget BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (AP) Argentina's capital Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan city best experienced through its monumental passions rather than its monuments. Argentines adore steak and red wine dinners that stretch on for hours, the sultry nostalgia of tango dance halls, a nail-biting match between rival soccer titans and spirited conversations that keep the vibrant cafe culture humming - and their fervor is contagious. Visitors get the most out of their stay delving into these pockets of passion in Argentine life, rather than scurrying from cathedral to war monument - many of which are often less impressive than their European counterparts. . Many cultural activities are free thanks to hefty government subsidies and a political push to uphold Buenos Aires' reputation as one of Latin America's cultural reference points. Browse the city's Spanish-only cultural Web site for a list of free tango and jazz performances and film festivals. Or visit the city's biligual tourism site for self-guided tours and free goings-on. Now, for the first local passion, according to portenos: beef. Argentines lead the world in beef consumption, eating an average of 65 kilograms (143 pounds) per person a year. Few dances are as passionate as the tango, next on the list of local obsessions. But few stops on the tourist "to do" list are more expensive than an elaborate tango show, which can run upward of 300 pesos (U.S.$ 100) per person with dinner. Go to a tango dance hall, or milonga, instead, where entrance is usually around 15 pesos (U.S. $5). Most people go to dance, but you can sit and have a drink while dozens of intertwined couples prove romance isn't dead. Just don't look too intently at anyone - in milonga etiquette that's a sign you want to dance. If a muse does inspire, however, many milongas offer inexpensive classes before the regulars hit the floor. After shopping around Plaza Serrano, relax with a glass of wine for about 10 pesos (U.S. $3) and gloat over bargain buys while deciding where to go for dinner. Confer with the online restaurant guide, a helpful local version of Zagat's. Take a taxi. Even crossing the city, it will rarely cost more than 30 pesos (U.S. $10). Radio Taxi is the safest option. Ease your transition back into daylight Sunday morning with the typical Buenos Aires breakfast: a cafe con leche, fresh-squeezed orange juice and three croissants, or medialunas, for less than 15 pesos (U.S. $4). Pick up Spanish-daily Pagina12 and flip to the supplement Radar, which has one of the best weekly cultural calendars. The neighborhood hosts a not-to-be-missed festive street fair every Sunday, running for 10 blocks along Defensa Street. Stick around for the free outdoor milonga from 7:30 p.m. to midnight on Plaza Dorrego, held every Sunday, weather permitting. You'll have to sleep some time, and boutique hotels are surprisingly affordable in Buenos Aires, with double rooms for around 500 Argentine pesos (U.S.$150). Check out: Hotel Home; Hotel Bobo and Malabia House. wonderfulNannette B. Mother's day to all Argentinian MothersOne of the things I have to get used to... Mother's day in the Southern hemisphere (specifically Argentina) is the third Sunday of October (Yesterday, 10/19/2008). One thing I must remember is to hit the Old Navy Store before we go south as the winterwear is really affordable there because we don't really have a winter. Trendy gloves and scarves @ 5.00 is a deal hard to beat.Nannette B. health!To all concerned..... I have been feeling rather good the last few weeks. I get tired easily but I feel like I am in great general health. I have been able to eat basically everything, even what I cook. Therefore, I have been cooking a bit more. Missed the taste of a home cooked meal by me, Horacio is a great cook, but the taste is his taste. NNannette B. there's no coins in ArgentinaI have been following the scarcity of small change coins in Argentina. It is almost funny, my husband says that most likely it is due to the fact that the inherent value of the coins is higher than the face value of the coin. He believes that some greedy people may be melting the coins in order to sell the molten nickel and cooper. Interesting, no? Will that be the way we are going to end up in North America? NNannette B. to workI have been back to work since last monday. Been very tired and somehow stressed. I'll probably sit down with some time to spare this weekend and will update all of you on how has this transition been. Hmmmm By the way, if you do not know what the heck am I talking about? Well it is about the Vice Pres candidate for the Reps. Governor Sarah Palin.Nannette B. this is it....Dr. Feld officially discharged me for good yesterday. I have already made arrangements to start driving again on Monday, hopefully everything will work out OK. We are so darn broke and we need to start working the financial side to get the heck out of the USA and on our way to Argentina. The other drivers I've spoken to say that the job is so slow, but I know I'll do fine... Just need couple of weeks to get used to the beat again. I guess that if my blogging was slow, now it will be once a week or so, unless I take the laptop daily, maybe I will. AFter all, if it that slow, I may as well take the Laptop. NNannette B. billion of confused thoughts700 Billion dollars, that is more than the cost of the Iraq War since it started, what the heck did Wall Street do? Who the heck dropped the ball or decided to look the other way? How long did they think that the US economy was gonna hold? What I want to understand is... How is this 700 Billion dollars are going to help people like Horacio and I, we work driving taxis in a Touristic Area, if there are no Tourists...then we have no income. We are the entrepreneurs that try and survive with the breadcrumbs of what the Hospitality and Theme Parks Industry leave on the roadside. The parks are so empty... It's ridiculous, the people that are in town for the Neurosurgeons Convention (that normally would create a very good economic week for the taxi drivers in this town) have been provided Bus transportation by the convention center.... sucks!!!! Then at night the convention has also arranged for bus transportation to wherever they will meet that night, let it be Downtown Disney or CityWalk.... Ahhhh and speaking of how much more bad can it get? Pleasure Island will close down for renovations on Friday or Saturday!!!! I know it is needed, but it will definetively put more strain in the drivers income or possibility of income. While people go to Downtown Disney because of the restaurants and shopping, thursday thru sunday Downtown Disney is the center of the quick runs and easy money. What else is this country going to do to kill the independent self employed citizen?Nannette B., I'm aliveSo how's everyone? I hate when I get sidetracked and just don't write anything for days or weeks. Anyway.... Anyway, today @ 3PM should be my LAST DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT. I'll keep you posted. If everything goes well, I should be back working my van sunday or monday. I have couple of things in my head, but I'll write them in different posts. N.Nannette B. 11, 2001Most of you may not know about the fact that I am a 9/11 survivor. Next thing we know is that the Fire Dept Personnel started running around the concourse screaming to get out in an orderly manner. We had no clue what was going on at all. They would not tell us, they just said to get out. I did notice that there was a lot of strange debris floating in the air... Papers, what appeared to be ashes, but very weird type.... The firemen where telling everyone that "something" had hit the north tower and they where taking care of it, to just go to Broadway (2 blocks east). . Everyone was there, except my boss, Chris was at JP Morgan, by Battery Park with a new recruit that was to start working there that very day. I struggled to get to the Broad Street Station, most people where going against the way I was going, so it was a pain. It was already around 9:25 or 9:30, I can't remember. As we started to move, there was about 5 people in the car. Everyone was quiet, more than usual, their faces where obviously with looks of deep shock. Suddenly, somebody open their mouth to say, isn't this train going too slow? Indeed, the route that normally would take 5-6 minutes to the bridge, was apparently taking over 12 maybe even 15 minutes. This is when I found out that one tower had collapsed, I basically screamed, the other people in the car asked me and without hanging up I told them, also I was asked via phone, if I knew about the other stuff, I was like "What other stuff?" I am tired, physically and emotionally right now. I'll continue later.Nannette B. went "out" yesterday, for a whole 6 hours, with Horacio (well, he basically told me.. " get up and get dressed, you are going with me today, you are cooking yourself in this house, you need to get out of here". What a smart man I have! Well, I'll be darned, he was right! I was rather uncomfortable for a bit there, sitting straight in a van is nothing I have done in about 2 months, but I got used to it after a while. . Well, seems that my recovery is actually jumping leaps and I'll be back running around in circles in no time. Ohhh another thing, the relocation seems to have been rescheduled, We are looking now towards March, April 2009. We need to recover financially of this economic disaster that my illness has tuned out to be. Until next, NNannette B. I know... Updates of some sortI have been rather absent for the last few weeks. I apologize, I have been massively under the weather. On August 13th, 2008; I had my last surgery, supposedly to be out of the hospital the very next day, but as usual with me, things got a bit complicated and I ended up staying in the hospital until tuesday, yeah, 6 darned days..... Well this is a sorta update for the people that have been asking where the heck did I go. Until I have the strengh to get back up on the computer and write, this will have to do.Nannette B. is the best place to buy property!This article was written by Doug Casey of The Casey Report for the Daily Wealth newsletter.Why Argentina is the best place to buy property 11.08.2008 My longtime subscribers will recall my enthusiasm for New Zealand back in the late '90s. Since then, its currency has risen about 75% against the dollar, and well-selected property has roughly doubled or tripled in addition. So I'm looking to spend around half the year there. Along with a partner, I bought a ranch in Patagonia 10 years ago, and it's been a spectacular investment. I hope early buyers will be successful people of a libertarian character; no jerks need apply. Then, as soon as possible, we're going to raise prices as high as possible to keep out the riff-raff. So that's the story right now. For travelling or an outright real estate purchase, Argentina, all things considered, is my favorite place in the world. This article was written by Doug Casey of The Casey Report for the Daily Wealth newsletter.Nannette B. we go again...Ok, so some of you know about my stay at the 5 star HOSPITAL last month. Well it seems that they where not done. I have to go for the surgery that I should have had that time, but they did not get around to do it. There was some minor unforseen situations that prevented them from doing it that time. I just went to the hospital again today to get all pre-operative paperwork done and I will be admitted to the hospital around 10:30 Wednesday morning, surgery is scheduled for noon and according to the Dr., I should be discharged no later that Thursday afternoon. And again, according to the Dr.'s opinion, after this intervention, I should be totally in the way to full recovery and hopefully working again within 3 weeks. THANKS GODDESS! So people, don't freak out I will be away from the computer for several days but I will be doing fine.Nannette B.
+Best, " />
+DETOXX by LESlabs is one of the original hangover pills to ever come on the market. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Thrive entered the Shark Tank with its pill that aids hangovers and works to reduce the negative effects of alcohol. You’ll often come across proprietary blends if you take a close look at product ingredients labels. As a result, your blood alcohol concentrations rise rapidly which wreaks havoc on your insides. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference. We go through the most important ingredients to look out for in hangover pills later in this article, so scroll down if you want to find out more. Drinkwel is designed to be taken as a daily supplement and the manufacturers recommend taking 3 pills a day. TELL US, have you ever had a weed hangover? For this reason, sleep is light and easily disturbed after drinking. All of the ingredients are dosed properly and AfterDrink does not use “proprietary blends“. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. I also recommended these to friends and they love them as well! For this reason, it’s mainly seen as a liver health supplement. Nevertheless, it’s a great entry-level product if you’re on a tight budget. You may find a combo of these, or a handful of products that use unique ingredients like hemp, aspirin, or chlorophyll. On top of this, AfterDrink uses vegan-friendly capsules instead of gelatine and does not include any medicines or stimulants. When it comes to hangovers, prevention is key. Eating a hearty breakfast is one of the most well-known remedies for a hangover. A single bottle of AfterDrink costs $34.97 which is enough for 8 drinking sessions. Hangover pills are designed to provide your liver with natural antioxidants to support your liver during periods of over-indulgence. How many times have you woken up after having a few drinks with dinner thinking, I only had a couple of drinks last night, why do I feel hungover!? The products mentioned in this article may be enough to help you wake up feeling fresher than usual. Scopri le migliori offerte, subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza. I followed some of the suggestions to hyrdrate during the day, take at least 3 pills right after my last drink and it worked great. I was a skeptic when buying these. From our experience, the IV solutions that have become popular in recent years do work – but frankly, they are too expensive to be anything more than a novelty at the moment. What are the best hangover pill ingredients? In essence, they are cheaper to manufacture and you won’t know the exact doses of each ingredient. Dive straight into the feedback!Login below and you can start commenting using your own user instantly. I bought these for a girls weekend trip to New York and I knew we were going to be waking up drinking bloody marys and continuing the whole day with a variety of drinks until bed. Hangover pills should be seen as a recovery aid. âHangover pillâ created in Manitoba - Winnipeg | Globalnews.ca A Manitoba company has developed a pill to help cure the 'hangover haze' from drinking too much. As you go through this article, you’ll notice that most of the hangover pills mentioned will have a very similar dosing regimen. Hangovers might become a thing of the past as researchers in Finland claim to have created a pill to get rid of morning-after hangover symptoms. 3 capsules before bed and 3 after your last drink. One of the best hangover cures is relaxing and slowly taking in small amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and sugar. Acetaldehyde is a toxic substance that reacts with your cells causing inflammation.(1). In our opinion, ‘Hangover patches’ aren’t quite as good as hangover pills because they can only deliver small amounts of the essential vitamins. alcohol consumption in the COVID-19 pandemic. Granted, people will always be better off controlling their alcohol consumption than getting boozed up ⦠For this reason, NSAIDs are often recommended as the best medicine for a hangover headache. As a result, you flush out more water which can cause dehydration. In summary, there is no single definitive cause of a hangover. A 90 capsule bottle costs $39.99. It’s important to mention that there is no such thing as a magic ‘hangover cure’. The problem with them is that you aren’t able to see the exact doses of each ingredient in the blend. By taking a hangover support pill before you start drinking, you will support your body as it deals with the unpleasant issues associated with hangovers. It’s worth knowing a bit more about the best ingredients to look for in a hangover pill so you can assess which product is the best value for money. That means no medicines or stimulants are used in these products and everything is plant-based. In other words, a supplement that’s designed to help you metabolize alcohol more efficiently by providing your liver with the raw materials it requires to achieve this. Hangover cure breakthrough as scientists claim 13p pill stops headaches and nausea. It’s also been tested in a small study on hangovers and shown to reduce symptom severity.(4). AfterDrink is currently our top-rated product because it’s properly dosed, includes all the best ingredients, and is good value for money. It’s hard to find supplements without a proprietary blend nowadays. Prior to discovering this product that my friends and I refer to as “Science,” I would have debilitating hangovers even after a handful of drinks. For more alcohol news, take in recent research on alcohol consumption in the COVID-19 pandemic. This can help to balance nutrients in the body and support the immune system, which is ⦠Studies have shown they potentially have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, if you’re planning a big night out, having a proper dinner is a must. We currently rate AfterDrink as the best hangover pill on the market at the moment. Purple Tree is not a hangover cure. The hangover pills mentioned above are only designed to support normal liver function and are not magic hangover cures. One of the main functions provided by Purple Tree Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills is to replenish the specific vitamins and minerals that are known to be lost with the use of alcohol. The cause of a hangover is still under debate. With that said, it’s benefits are as yet unproven. Let’s be honest, we all know that hangovers get worse with age. Drinkwel is a little different from the other supplements on the market. UPDATE: We’ve updated this guide with the latest information and supplements for 2020. There is no specific food, drink, or magic pill to cure a hangover, though certain remedies can ease the symptoms in some people. Only three NSAIDs are available over the counter; they are: Aspirin (Bayer, Excedrin) Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) Naproxen (Aleve) The best hangover headache medicine between these three will come down to personal preference. On top of this, they are one of the only products on the market alongside AfterDrink that does not use a proprietary blend. Marco Castelanello, a sommelier, told Tyla, “If you find that you get the worst headache ever after a glass or two of Prosecco, then quite simply, blame it on the bubbles.”, “Prosecco and Champagne both contain little pockets of carbon dioxide which change how the alcohol flows through the bloodstream, helping the body to adsorb the alcohol faster.”, “Once in the bloodstream, the Co2 competes with oxygen which is why you might feel a little woozy and rather drunk rather quickly, leading to an exaggerated hangover in the form of a pounding head.”. That’s why drinking less should always be your first port of call. The Drunk Monster pulls out a bottle filled with these wonderfully magical pills. Scientists in Finland claim to have found a tablet that reduces stress, nausea and headaches the morning after a drinking session - and it is available for as little as 15p a capsule. So, how do you figure out which hangover pills actually work and make sure you don’t waste your money on ineffective hype products? Therefore it’s always good to see this included in a hangover pill. So Flyby is on the cheaper end and good value for money. Polyphenols are known to be powerful antioxidants. With that said, there are a few generally accepted damaging effects of alcohol which they all agree on. I have tried most of the other hangover cures, but this one has worked the best for me. Finally, they manufacture their product in the USA, in a GMP (good manufacturing practice) certified facility. My stomach hurt a little bit, and lesser hangover symptoms like dry mouth did persist. Congeners are compounds in alcoholic drinks that give them their taste and aroma. The ingredients include milk thistle which helps the liver protect against harmful alcohol toxins. That means each 6 capsule dose costs $4.37. I recently tried them after attending a brew festival. Alcohol dehydrates you by increasing the amount of urine your kidneys make. Some use dihydromyricetin, an ingredient often used in hospitals to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The study found that the men who had been taking the L-cysteine tablet experienced significantly less hangover symptoms than those who had taken a placebo. It does this by blocking a hormone called vasopressin from being released in your brain (pituitary gland). I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy. Hangovers might become a thing of the past as researchers in Finland claim to have created a pill to get rid of morning-after hangover symptoms. Studies have shown that eating anything helps.(5). As long as alcohol is flowing through your bloodstream, your kidneys will continue to flush out too much water. A group of researchers from the University of Helsinki have revealed that L-cysteine (which is an amino acid) could be the answer to helping alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. This means that it increases the absorption of the other ingredients in your supplement and therefore ensures you get the most out of it. Visita eBay per trovare una vasta selezione di hangover pills. That’s because alcohol blocks your brain from reaching the deep stages of sleep (aka the REM stage of sleep). And it’s a solid one at that. Introducing You To The Magic: the Flyby Hangover cure and prevention pill. Share on Pinterest. It’s known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The golden age that most of us start to feel hangovers badly is said to be in our 30’s. For example, red wine, whiskey, and rum contain much higher concentrations of congeners than vodka and gin. Proprietary Blends: Why You Should Avoid Them At All Costs! Hangovers are a sign from your body that you’ve been drinking too much alcohol for it to deal with. During periods of over-indulgence, acetaldehyde levels start to rise which wreaks havoc on your insides. B-vitamins are cofactors used by your liver to produce and regenerate the enzymes which break down alcohol. Obviously, this is an arbitrary number, and everyone experiences hangovers differently. But, all things considered, Iâd use it again. That works out as just under $2 per serving. Since then, Flyby has expanded into rehydration solutions as well as other health supplements. If you take a closer look at the ingredients label in your supplement, you may see that several ingredients come under a mysterious “blend”. A liver support pill is one of the best ways to support your body during a hangover after a night of drinking. The manufactures recommend taking 2-4 capsules straight after your last drink. To understand how the pill helps to relieve form hangover symptoms, you first need to understand how alcohol affects your body. Share. There are several different theories and scientists, to this day, don’t know what the exact cause is. In which case each night out will cost $4.33. 1. Darker colored drinks contain higher concentrations of congeners. I think you’ll agree with the reason for not wanting artificial filler and coloring is self-explanatory. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. Felt great the next day! We mentioned earlier that dehydration is one of the main causes of a hangover. One of the key ingredients is Reishi mushroom which is gaining a lot of interest because of its potential anti-inflammatory properties. Depending on how the batch is made, you may get very small doses of key ingredients. The sleeping pill hangover cure, is used by many to help them get through the symptoms after drinking too much. There’s so much choice that it’s actually pretty difficult to pick out the best hangover product for you. Consult a physician before taking supplements if you are on medication, pregnant, breastfeeding or have a known medical condition. So read on for an in-depth analysis…. To understand how hangover pills work, it’s worth taking a look at exactly why hangovers occur in the first place. Although not mentioned in this article, there are many hangover prevention products that do contain medicines and stimulants (for example Blowfish). We may earn an affiliate commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this website. Everyone who I have shared this with have felt that it works very well. Our product does not prevent intoxication or protect against alcohol related damage that may be caused by excessive or long term drinking. Hangover cure? If this sounds like you, then this is exactly the time when you may want to consider investing in hangover pills. Hangover pills are designed to provide your liver with natural antioxidants to support your liver during periods of over-indulgence. The only hangover cure that works is time, but there are dozens of different hangover cures you can buy, including Bytox, Blowfish, Flyby, activated-charcoal tablets, and Gatorade. They have been around for years and managed to secure a multi-million dollar investment deal which propelled this brand as one of the market leaders. I’ve tried different things to help prevent hangovers and can honestly say Drinkwel is the only product that makes a difference! As a result, they have a strong following with lots of loyal customers. Not only does this help rehydrate you steadily, but also delays the time between drinks which allows your liver time to process alcohol. You may have heard that drinking milk “lines the stomach” and is the best thing to have before drinking alcohol, but it’s not exactly true. They don’t include ingredients such as DHM, ginger, and ginseng. In addition, caffeine is also a diuretic which can lead to further dehydration. Earlier we mentioned several different causes of a hangover which include dehydration, sleep disturbance, and inflammation. I felt a little tired but that was probably due to lack of quality sleep. Despite the big investment, Cheers have stuck to their roots and kept their original formula. (Credit: Pexels) Advert. Therefore each 6 pill serving would cost $2.67. A Manitoba company has ⦠You can get big discounts if you opt for their bigger package by getting one bottle free if you buy 3 bottles. The Drunk Monster takes the pills and quietly stumbles to bed. So, now that we’ve got the science out the way, let’s take a closer look at how hangover pills work. Hangover Cure Pill | Brain-Saver. Trying to prevent or cure a hangover with hangover pills is not the best approach. This content is strictly the opinion of our content writers and is for informational purposes only. Aside from drinking less – which should always be the first thing to do, there are several other tips to consider: Drinking on an empty stomach should be avoided at all costs. No headaches, no nausea. Brain-Savers offers relief from the effects of hangovers, using only natural suppliments. I took 2 in the morning before we started and chugged another 2 with water before bed. Best Hangover Pills 2021 – Ranked and Reviewed, Best Vitamins and Amino Acids for Hangovers – Your Ultimate Guide. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nowadays, you’ll find all different types of hangover products on the market. The only way to guarantee waking up without a hangover is to not drink in the first place. In this article, we’re going to specifically focus on hangover pills. And the risk of side effects may be higher with these products. Brain-Savers is a grass root effort to provide relief ⦠Each bottle contains 60 capsules which is enough for 10 nights out which costs $19.99. Where to buy Dihydromyricetin and How to take it. We found AfterDrink to be the best product we tried. Featuring informative and helpful tips, we provide in-depth reporting and thorough research to help you find the best products to ease your hangover symptoms. The reason being, the ingredients need to work while alcohol is still in your system, and as soon as the by-products of alcohol metabolism start to cause damage. DETOXX is one of the cheapest hangover pills on the market. Say goodbye to your hangover and hello to better mornings. Author Naimah Archibald-Powell @naimahrebelle. Headache, vomiting, dehydration, you name it and I suffer. dailystar. The products mentioned in this article are all derived from natural sources. The reason being, alcohol is absorbed much faster when there is no food in your stomach. Now that we’ve gone through our list of the best hangover pills on the market right now, we’ll cover exactly how these products work and how you can make the most of them. Congeners are responsible for the taste and aroma of certain drinks like red wine and whiskey. HangoverCure.org is dedicated to providing quality information on the subject of hangovers, alcohol and the products and solutions available to get you feeling great again after drinking too much alcohol. The best hangover pills are made from all-natural ingredients that work together to give your liver the best chance of coping with the ⦠Proprietary blends are often used by manufacturers as they are much cheaper to produce and increase margins. In essence, they are cheaper to manufacture and you won’t know the exact doses of each ingredient. You wake up. To make the most of your hangover pills, you should also consider drinking a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage. Alcohol is broken down by your liver into Acetaldehyde, which is then further broken down to acetic acid. That’s why you need to keep up with your water loss by replenishing it regularly. Most people just drink a big glass before bed, but what about the dehydration in the hours prior? Therefore, all the standard precautions such as drinking enough water and making sure that you get enough sleep are equally important. Therefore, it’s always important to check the ingredients label carefully to check if there’s anything that could cause you problems. However, as we mentioned earlier, they also fuel inflammation. Hangover Cure Ice Cream Available in Korean Convenience Stores. The researchers tested a group of men who had to drink large amounts of alcohol on six different periods. Cheers used to be called Thrive+. Rather, it’s caused by a combination of damaging factors that come together and give you the typical hangover symptoms we are all too familiar with. No joke, we drank for 12 hours straight. The trade-off in price is that DETOXX omits a few ingredients from their formulation and is probably the reason for the cheaper price point. Share. Ginger is known for its ability to ease nausea symptoms and improve digestion. The hangover pills mentioned in this article are designed to naturally support your body when drinking alcohol. HangoverCure.org is dedicated to providing quality information on the subject of hangovers, alcohol and the products and solutions available to support a healthy lifestyle. Medical disclaimer: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Blowfish is intended for those that wake up with a hangover and donât have time to sleep it off. Please note that we may earn an affiliate commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this page. Therefore, we don’t know how exactly how much of each key ingredient is included. Alcohol is a diuretic which means it makes your kidneys produce more urine. Organic ingredients. That’s because they include lots of ingredients at smaller doses. Pingback: Hangover Cure Ice Cream Available in Korean Convenience Stores. The news comes as experts report that hangovers caused by champagne are scientifically proven to be worse. Danielle Guercio, a now-retired bartender who used to work at PKNY, a tiki bar in New York City, swears by everything mint and menthol to cure hangover nausea. Here’s a quick peek of our top pick if you don’t want to read the full guide. I have been using this long before the label change and swear by it. That works out to around $2.40 per drinking session. I suffer from horrible hangovers that have left me bed ridden for the next day. In terms of pricing, AfterDrink is at the premium end of the market. And glutathione is known as your body’s “master antioxidant”. ( 2 ) not take it trade-off in price is that detoxx omits a few generally accepted damaging effects alcohol! Is free if you opt for the purposes set out in the hours prior withdrawal symptoms feeling better is some. The risk of side effects may be enough to help them get through symptoms. Supplement and therefore ensures you get the most of your hangover and hello to better mornings,. T include ingredients such as drinking enough water and making sure that you the! Increase the rate at which your liver with natural antioxidants to support liver... Contain much more than others capsules after drinking Hull, which is enough for 10 nights which! Further dehydration sleeping pill hangover cure and prevention pill and prickly pear are the hangover cure pill ingredients is Reishi mushroom is! 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Combo of these, or a handful of products that use unique like. Ridden for the cheaper price point capsules straight after your last drink detoxx... From your body because it works very well unique ingredients like hemp, aspirin, or a handful products... Kidneys produce more urine the time you ’ ll find all different types of hangover products in South that! They don ’ t know the exact cause is produce and increase margins pills should be seen as a,!,
+ABS piping is easier to work with and less expensive than metal piping. It also doesn't rot, rust, or corrode.
+These ceiling tiles are specially designed to improve sound quality and reduce noise levels.
+ADA-compliant showers are designed to allow individuals with disabilities greater freedom to access the shower. Some showers are made so a wheelchair can roll in, and some are designed for transferring to a seat in the shower.
+The Adirondack style (1890s-present) embraces rustic, natural, often made of bark-covered logs or simple planks.
+Adjustable shelving systems involve open wire shelves that can be adjusted to suit your individual needs.
+A power tool for painting that uses high pressure to force paint through a small tip very quickly.
+A device that helps you to eliminate squeaks in floors by placing nails at the right depth and breaking them off below the floor's surface.
+A paint that has an oil base. Alkyd paint is extremely durable and easy to clean; however, it requires mineral spirits to remove.
+American country style that stresses antiques and folk art, basically pieces and fabrics from America's past.
+The Southwest look blends the colors and styles of the Native American cultures and the west.
+The ADA is a law signed in 1990 that requires buildings and businesses to provide equal accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
+A color scheme using colors that are located next to each other on the color wheel.
+A type of bolt used to anchor or mount something securely.
+A narrow paintbrush that is angled to allow more control in corners and other tight areas.
+A wardrobe that has drawers and shelves. It can be used for either clothing or as an entertainment center.
+The Art Deco Style (1918-1939) is fashion-oriented and influenced by primitive art and cubism.
+The Art Nouveau style (circa 1900) was the first new style not using any historical reference was based on flowing lines of leaves and vines and influenced by Japanese art.
+The Arts and Crafts style (circa 1900) uses simple designs executed in natural wood. Emphasized hand craftsmanship, quality materials, and strong, clean lines.
+A stiff bristled broom that is designed for working with asphalt.
+A tool with a handle and a long, sharp pointed end used for punching holes into things like wood or leather.
+Awning windows are hinged at the top and swing outward via a crank or lever.
+The gravity-operated valve that controls the flow of water into the toilet tank.
+Baseboards are the finish strips between the floor and the wall and range in width from 3 to 18 inches.
+Bauhaus design (1919-1933) is based on unifying art and technology. Little ornamentation. Function, form, and materials (metal tubing, glass, and other technological, machine-made materials) most important.
+A bay window is a large picture window that projects outside the walls of the building.
+A line of caulk that has been applied to a seam. Use a finger or tool to smooth out the bead to seal the surface.
+A form of paneling, traditionally made of wood, with tongue-and-groove boards running the height of the panels. Also called wainscoting.
+Boots, the rubber seals that are around the electric service and plumbing vent pipes, air vents, and exhaust fan flashing.
+A type of nail with a very small head used for securing molding.
+Most towns or counties require a permit to build on or change a property. During different stages of the job and at its completion, the work is inspected to ensure that it meets the building codes.
+A thick block of wood made from laminating several strips of wood together. Butcher blocks are often used as a cutting surface.
+The fat end of a shingle.
+A faucet with a cartridge filter built in to filter drinking water.
+Commonly used before 1960 for the vertical drain, vent stacks, and sometimes the horizontal drain lines. Cast iron is durable, but can rust over time.
+Caulk is a filler material that seals a crack where two nonmoving components meet, such as where a house’s siding meets the exterior window trim.
+The housing for the electrical wiring that provides power to ceiling light and fan fixtures.
+Cellulose insulation is an organic, loose-fill material made from recycled paper. It has to be chemically treated to resist attack from moisture and pests. Moisture absorption can make cellulose heavier, causing it to become compacted and lose its insulative value.
+Chimney pots are decorative flues that sit on top of the chimney in older homes and in Tudor or Medieval styled homes.
+A glazed floral fabric often used in the English Country style.
+A chip brush is a small paintbrush used to paint in tight spaces.
+Protective switches that enable you to fix short circuits without turning off the power
+A combination primer/sealer seals the surface material and allows the finish paint to have a strong bond.
+A color scheme made up of colors that are at the opposite ends of the color wheel.
+Compression fittings are used to bond two pipes made of different materials. The fittings also allow the water flow to be turned off to a single faucet instead of having to turn the water off in the entire house.
+Contemporary design combines influences, trends, and new technologies without strict adherence to any one design philosophy.
+A special carpeting tool shaped like a cookie cutter. Twist it back and forth in a circular motion to make the cut.
+Copper pipe is long lasting and resistant to corrosion, and so it is commonly used pipe in water supply lines. It costs more than plastic but it lasts and lasts! There are two common types of copper pipe: rigid copper and flexible copper.
+The mechanism that allows double-hung windows to open easily, stay open (without a stick propping them up), and shut.
+You countersink a screw by driving it in below the surface of the wood.
+CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) pipe has PVC's strength but is heat-resistant, which makes it acceptable in many regions for use on interior supply lines.
+Decorative embroidery made by manipulating wool yarn in designs and patterns.
+Curing paint is the process of the paint taking its final shape. Curing happens after the paint dries and until the curing is complete the painted surface can still be damaged.
+The curtain heading is the top of the curtain that attaches to the curtain rod.
+A paint that has been mixed to make a specific color that the customer has requested.
+Cutting in is the process of painting the edges of the wall (or other surface to be painted) before painting the rest of the wall with the larger brush or roller.
+A chemical that destroys the smooth, glossy finish on a surface so that the surface is rougher, allowing the paint to grip the surface.
+An artificial canopy, usually in a half round, which is draped above a bed in place of a headboard.
+Distressing is the process of making a piece of furniture look artificially aged by adding nicks and scratches to the finish.
+The dormer valley is the point at which the dormer meets the rest of the roofline.
+Pleats, ribbon, welting, and other trim as might be used by a dressmaker.
+A drop cloth is a piece of fabric or plastic that is used to protect items from paint or splatter.
+A large machine used for sanding floors that is roughly the size of a lawn mower.
+The damage caused by a fungus that eats away at wood causing extensive damage.
+Drywall is a construction material that is made of plasterboard in the center with a heavy paper on the outside. Drywall is used to finish the walls in most houses made since the mid-1960s.
+Dye lot refers to the color pass that is used to make a certain batch of tiles or wallpaper rolls. There can be color variations from dye lot to dye lot even though the pattern name and number do not change.
+A smaller hand-held disc sander, to refinish the perimeter of the room and inside closets.
+A paint finish that is often used for decorative finishes because it provides a low luster.
+A substance that has the ability to remain flexible after drying and won’t crack when weather changes.
+Electrical tape is used to secure the electrical connections and to keep the wires attached to each other.
+A houses energy envelope refers to the seal within which the homes heating and cooling is maintained.
+English Manor House is a decorating style that uses traditional furnishings and florals to capture the feel of an old English manor.
+The faucet aerator forces water though a fine mesh to increase the force with which the water comes out of the faucet. The aerator lets you use less water while still maintaining the same force.
+A painting technique that employs different styles and techniques to give a wall more interest than a standard flat finish.
+To feather the edges means to apply the materials (paint, drywall compound, and so on) so that it’s thinner on the edges to allow it to blend into the surrounding material.
+Fiberglass insulation is the most common type of insulation and is available as either batts or loose fill. It is relatively inexpensive, and the batts are very easy to install. It is non-flammable and resists damage from water.
+The fixture base is the part of a ceiling lighting/fan fixture that contains the wiring. The fixture base secures to the ceiling box to provide electricity to the fixture.
+The valve at the bottom of the toilet tank that controls the flow of water into the tank.
+Roof flashing creates watertight connections between the roofing and items that penetrate it, including plumbing pipes, furnace flues, skylights, and chimneys.
+An opaque latex paint finish that works great on interior walls and ceilings.
+A float is a board with a handle that smoothes thick compounds such as concrete.
+The floatball is a ball that is inside the toilet tank that prevents the tank from overflowing. When the water level rises, the floatball rises which shuts off the water supply.
+The flush lever is the part on the outside of the toilet tank that you push to cause the toilet to flush.
+The flush lever rod connects the flush lever and controls the flapper valve or tankball.
+The flush valve is the controlling mechanism for the flush lever on a toilet tank.
+The soldering paste used to sweat copper pipes.
+This is the point of visual reference to which the eye always returns—a home base.
+The French country look embraces the warmth and grace of the Provence region for France. French country has the warmth of American country but its furnishings tend to have a less homespun feel.
+Furring strips are narrow strips of wood used to raise the surface, level the surface, or otherwise smooth out a rough surface to prepare it for paneling.
+Galvanized steel pipe is common in older homes for supply lines and branch drain lines. Galvanized pipe is strong, but only lasts 50 years.
+The Gothic Revival style (1851-1914) emphasized natural materials and was usually used in large pieces.
+A swirling geometric pattern common in Greek design.
+Pliers that can be adjusted to fit the size and shape of pipe fitting that you want to turn.
+Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) was developed to help keep people from getting shocked by electricity. The easiest way to think of a GFCI is to remember that a normal circuit breaker protects property, while a GFCI protects people.
+A hacksaw is a saw consisting of a fine toothed blade in a frame and is used to cut through metal.
+Half-drop patterns repeat at the ceiling line on every other strip and the design tends to run diagonally. It requires 3 strips of wallpaper to repeat the vertical design. A half-drop match is a straight match that has been split in half.
+The bar at the top of a set of mini blinds. The header bar contains the mountings for the blinds themselves as well as the mechanical pieces for adjusting the blinds.
+A kind of tape used in laying carpet. The adhesive is melted into place to create a tight seal.
+The banded part of a paintbrush.
+A decorating style (1980-1990s) that emphasizes exploitation and exposure of elements of science and technology for home use. Shows the construction of the interior. Uses industrial materials for the home. Electronic and space age details important.
+A paint finish that has a shiny, polished look. It’s also stain resistant and very scrubbable.
+Design styles created before the 1800s.
+A hole saw is a ring-shaped saw that connects to a drill and is used to create holes.
+A way of sealing a home's energy envelope to keep the heat and cool inside the house and the elements out.
+Hopper windows are hinged at the bottom and swing inward.
+A small paint roller roughly the size and shape of a hot dog. are electronic devices that measure the infrared light and are often used in motion sensing security devices.
+The intake valve controls the amount of water that enters the toilet tank.
+Jalousie windows are made of a series of horizontal glass slats that are joined so that all the glass slats open or close together when the crank is turned. Unfortunately, the cracks between the windowpanes don't allow for air infiltration.
+The wood lath is installed with gaps, called keys, between each piece of lath. The plaster was forced between spaced lath, and this keying action holds the plaster in place.
+The part of the latch that goes into the edge of the door.
+Latex glazing putty is used for sealing window glass into frames.
+Thin strips of wood used as a base for applying plaster. The strips are installed next to each other, separated by gaps. The plaster is forced between spaced lath.
+A light box is a fixture mounted to the ceiling to hold a flat light fixture, usually fluorescent.
+A very durable flooring material made from natural products, such as linseed oil, cork or wood dust, and tree resins. Not to be confused with vinyl sheet flooring.
+The oil of the flax seed plant, which is used in paint, varnish, lacquer and in the making of linoleum.
+A product that is used to make asphalt more water proof and less porous.
+The part of a door look that is attached to the face of the door.
+Loose fill insulation is made out of small chunks of fibers; this insulation type is also known as blown insulation because it is installed with a giant blower hose.
+A drill bit that is used for drilling through masonry.
+Mastic is a type of adhesive used to bond items where waterproofing is important.
+The top rail of the bottom sash and the bottom rail of the upper sash meet and are slanted and weather-stripped to form a tight seal between the rails.
+Triangular metal glazing points the small pieces used to hold a glass pane in position until you apply the glazing putty.
+A sensor that uses microwaves to detect motion.
+A chemical that will actually kill the fungus that causes mildew.
+A solvent made from petroleum and used primarily as paint thinner.
+The term molding refers to larger and typically more ornamental finish strips.
+A piece of hardware used to anchor drapery rods into hollow walls. The molly bolt includes an anchor plug and a screw with sides that spread out behind the wall to hold it in place.
+Mortar is the bonding mixture that is used to cement bricks and stones together.
+A mortise is a shallow recess in a wood frame to seat a piece of hardware flush with the wood.
+The metal brace that lays across a ceiling box and to which you mount a fixture base.
+A multiple drop match is the most complex pattern match. It can take four or more strips to repeat the vertical design. A good example of this is a dense paisley pattern.
+A short tool with a blunt pointed tip that is used for pushing the head of a nail or brad into wood.
+Low- to high-pile carpets have a nap. You have to put the patch in so that the nap runs in the same direction; otherwise, it will look different from the rest of the carpet.
+The NEC is the legally defined code that determines how electricity and electrical fixtures need to be used to ensure safety.
+The NFPA is an organization created to establish rules and guidelines that will help to prevent fires.
+A natural bristle brush is a paintbrush that uses hairs from animals. They are the best brushes for oil-based paints and varnishes.
+A series of traditional geometric designs used on Navajo blankets.
+Some floor paints (epoxy, for one) look fabulous and hold up to wear but are slippery when painted on concrete, even when they’re dry. Reduce the risk of slipping by adding nonslip silicate to the paint before you roll it on.
+A solid covering that does not allow light to penetrate.
+The outlet pipe is the pipe that connects the toilet tank to the bowl.
+Mounting a blind or shade to the outside of the window casing to provide better light filtering.
+A substance that is packed into a faucet through which the water flows.
+The paint finish determines how bright or shiny the paint looks when it dries. Paint finishes range from flat, which absorbs light but isn’t easily cleaned, to scrubbable, stain-resistant glosses that reflect light.
+A paint guard is a plastic tool used to block paint from reaching the walls or surrounding surfaces. It is usually held in one hand while the paint is applied with the other.
+A solvent that is used as a cleaner or to thin down oil-based paint.
+A door that has molding to create multiple panels on the surface.
+A piece of wood that separates the tracks of the upper and lower sash of a window.
+The repeat is the vertical distance between one point on the pattern and where the identical point appears again vertically.
+A patch that is used to cover the gap in a hole in drywall. The solid patch has an adhesive background that sticks to the wall surrounding the hole.
+A permanent furnace filter is a washable filter used to block debris from entering the furnace.
+PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) is the newest pipe for residential use. Approved in many regions of the country, PEX is easy to install because it cuts easily, is flexible, and uses compression fittings. However, more permanent connections require a special crimping tool.
+A pilot hole is a starter hole made by drilling. Using pilot holes prevents the screw or nails from causing damage to the wall.
+A plaster washer is a thin metal disk that increases the size of the head of a drywall screw so that it doesn’t pull through the plaster.
+A vertical guide created by hanging a weighted string from the ceiling.
+The plumber’s snake has a long tightly coiled wire attached to a handle. This coiled wire can slither down the pipes clearing blockages and even pulling out the obstruction.
+A plumbing tool that is used to loosen clogs by using suction to dislodge the clog.
+A type of insulating material made of polystyrene foam. This foam is waterproof.
+Popcorn ceilings are textured, acoustic ceilings that are sprayed on and resemble popcorn or cottage cheese when they dry.
+To prime a surface means to apply a primer and/or sealer to the surface to seal the surface and provide the best bond for the paint.
+A tool used to apply a paste or compound to a surface. The shape of the tool allows control over how much materials is applied and how thickly.
+This white or cream-colored pipe is the most commonly used pipe for drain lines. It’s strong, untouchable by chemicals, and seems to last forever! The rating and diameter is stamped right on the pipe.
+A rabbet groove is part of a window frame that has a groove cut into it to hold glass panels.
+A rake is the part of a paint tray that allows you to roll off the excess paint on a paint roller.
+This push-type wallpaper-scraping tool (about 3 to 4 inches wide) looks like a putty knife but has a slot for replaceable blades so that you always have a sharp edge.
+A reciprocating saw moves in an upright piston-like manner. It is used for cutting almost any material given the proper blade.
+Leftover pieces of fabric, carpet, or other flooring. To patch a carpet you will need to cut out the damaged spot and replace it with remnants that you saved when the carpet was installed.
+Flooring products that come in vinyl, polyurethane, linoleum, cork, and rubber materials. These floors are resilient because they are more durable and more easily cleaned than traditional floor materials.
+The amount of insulation provided by various materials.
+The part of the piece of the roof that lies at the ridges and over the edges of the shingles.
+The vertical board behind the step, which fits up to the underside of the tread.
+The metal frame on a paint roller onto which the roller cover slides.
+The piece that slides over the roller cage on a paint roller. The roller cover is the part that actually holds the paint.
+Roof flashing creates a watertight seal wherever the roof meets an upright — such as around plumbing pipes, furnace flues, skylights, and chimneys.
+A tool that is used for scraping ice off roofs.
+A faucet that has a ball mechanism inside which controls water flow and temperature.
+The first inspection on a remodeling project which occurs while everything is still at the rough-in stage of progress.
+If each flush doesn’t end with a gurgle but instead continues with a hissing sound, with water running into the toilet bowl, you have a run-on toilet.
+A narrow paintbrush used to paint trim and molding.
+The most popular paint sheen, which is a good choice for woodwork, walls, doors, and hallways.
+Schedule 40 PVC is strong enough for residential drain lines, but check with your plumbing inspector first.
+Schedule 80 PVC is sometimes used for cold-water supply lines, but it isn’t allowed in some regions because it isn’t suitable for hot water.
+A seam iron is a tool for heating the heat-activated tape the holds the two carpet pieces together.
+wallpaper roller
+A seat bolt is a heavy bolt used to hold the toilet seat to the toilet base.
+Outdoor security lights use infrared or microwave sensors to light up whenever someone or something passes within a certain range.
+A screw that taps (makes a hole) all by itself, with no need to drill a starter hole first.
+A shiny paint finish that is scrubbable and good for moldings, doors, windows, kitchens, and baths.
+A sewer rodding machine is an industrial strength auger that is motor driven and can push its way through touch sewer lines.
+The design combines the elegance of English Country living with the comfortable casualness of a California lifestyle.
+A decorating (1830-1850) style that utilizes designs that are plain in appearance, stripped to bare essentials (few turnings, no decorations.
+The showerhead aerator forces water though a fine mesh to increase the force with which the water comes out of the showerhead. The aerator lets you use less water while still maintaining the same force.
+A sink trap is a plumbing connection that is bent at such an angle as to capture items that might have fallen down the drain allowing you a final chance to retrieve them before they disappear down the pipes.
+Sliding windows open horizontally and bypass each other in separate tracks mounted on the header jamb and sill.
+The amount of fall or collapse in mortar or concrete.
+Snap-off screws are designed so that the heads literally snap off below the surface of the floor to allow you to repair squeaks in the flooring without leaving a visible sign.
+The flat boards under a roof's overhang.
+Pipefittings that have been soldered to seal the connection.
+Spade bit is an inexpensive wood-boring instrument that looks like a paddle with a triangular point on the end.
+Spalling is when chips and chunks break off a surface, such as concrete, usually caused by weathering.
+Brick that has popped out of the wall
+1. Rubber or neoprene cording that holds screening material in a window or door frame. 2. Ribbon-like finishing piece that holds in sheets of cane on furniture.
+Looks like a pastry cutter with a convex roller on one end and a concave roller on the other end. Use this to push spline into the grooves around a window or door frame.
+A small mechanical piece at the end of an airless paint sprayer's spray gun. The spray tip is the small hole through which the paint is dispersed.
+Spring clips hold the glass panes in place in steel casement windows.
+The spud nut holds the spud washer in place.
+Seals the gap between the flush valve and bowl.
+The long vertical slotted strips fastened to the wall to attach the shelves in a wire based shelving system.
+The unmovable upright on a sliding glass door.
+A straight across match is a type of wallpaper pattern that starts over at the ceiling line. This means that the design has to match the strips on either side. These take more planning than random matches, but they are not typically complex patterns.
+Sweating copper pipe is a term used to describe the soldering of copper pipe.
+A piece of cloth that is coated in a sticky (tacky) substance so that dust and particles stick to it. Tack cloths are used to remove any debris before painting or sealing a project.
+The tank bolts that connect the bottom of the tank to the toilet base, and each bolt has a rubber gasket between the bolt head and the tank to stop water from leaking. The spud washer seals the gap between the flush valve and bowl.
+The tankball lifts out of the drain when the flush handle is moved, allowing the tank to fill with water. It should settle back into place with the water level is restored.
+The tankball rod controls the tankball which controls the water flow in the toilet tank.
+A tapestry is a fabric that has a pattern created by weaving or by needlepoint.
+A pole that attaches to short-handled tools like paint rollers. The pole allows the handle to be extended to the desired length.
+A television mirror is a type of surface, on a television screen, that converts to a standard mirror when the television is not turned on.
+Like a dye lot, the tile run is the batch of tiles that was manufactured at a specific time. The color and pattern can vary slightly between tile runs.
+To toenail a shingle means to drive the roofing nails at an angle.
+A toggle bolt has a mechanism that folds up so that it can be pushed through a regular drill hole, but when it is fastened the toggle opens up to clamp to the back side of the wall.
+A fabric with a solid background and pastoral scenes printed in a solid color.
+Track lighting is a long flexible mount that attaches to a single ceiling box and allows you to mount and direct lighting multiple fixtures exactly where you want it.
+The 18th century style is created by combining fabrics and patterns that would have been available at the time.
+The horizontal board on the top of a step.
+Trim is an umbrella term for any kind of finish strip applied around openings to conceal surface or angle joints and raw edges where drywall meets doorways, windows, floors, and ceilings.
+A trowel is a tool used for applying mortar.
+TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) is an alkaline cleaning material. TSP-PF is a phosphate-free version.
+A tube cutter is a tool for cutting pipe.
+Tuckpointing is the process of repairing the mortar on a brick wall.
+Is a form of mineral solvent used for cleaning and breaking down oil-based products.
+A form of filler that activates when you combine the two materials together creating a hard finish.
+Type K is a thicker type of rigid copper pipe and is used in outdoor and drain applications.
+Type L is a thicker type of rigid copper pipe and is used in outdoor and drain applications.
+Type M is the thinnest type of rigid copper pipe, but it is strong enough for most homes.
+The usable yield is the amount of wallpaper that will actually go on the wall. The type and size of pattern repeat reduces the amount of wallpaper that you can actually use.
+Vinyl composition tile. Commercial floor tiles made from chips of colored vinyl and compressed into solid sheets. These sheets are heated and then cut into 12" squares.
+Vent flashing is installed around (you guessed it) the vents on your roof. The flashing is typically made of metal and has a rubber grommet around the edge.
+Vintage materials are those from an earlier time. Vintage materials can be anything from clothing from the 1940s to antique furniture to old advertisements.
+A tool to measure the voltage emanating from a wire or appliance.
+A form of wood paneling that comes about halfway up the wall. Often built from beadboard.
+A flat-bottomed paintbrush, usually 3-5 inches wide, used for painting the large main areas of a wall.
+Wallboard clips are fasteners for attaching a wallboard patch to an existing wall.
+Wallpaper remover: Although warm water may do the trick (and is certainly priced right), you can turn to commercial wallpaper removal solvents if you need to.
+A tool that is used to push air bubbles out of wallpaper while it is being applied.
+A tool used for applying steam to wall coverings so that they peel off the wall.
+A weatherproofing seal for exterior electric fixtures.
+Weather-stripping is material that seals the cracks between moving components, such as the crack where a window sash meets the frame or stop.
+A tool for cutting glass.
+The horizontal and vertical trim that holds the window sash.
+The moveable parts of a window.
+The trim along the inside of the window frame.
+A wire nut is a small plastic fastener that can be twisted over the ends of wires to create a connection without soldering.
+Plaster is installed over strips of wood called wood laths.
+A product that is used to fill defects in wood, such as nail holes.
+Iron that has been forged into decorative and utilitarian objects.
+Read the most frequently asked 100 top SAP BW multiple choice questions and answers PDF for freshers and experienced
+SAP BW Objective type Questions and Answers List
+1. The following transactions are relevant to the data sources in an SAP BW source system.
+A. RSA3
+B. RSA4
+C. RSA5
+D. RSA6
+Ans: A,C,D
+2. True or False? A reference characteristic will use the SID table and master data table of the referred characteristiC.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A.
+Ans: D
+4. True or False? It is possible to create a key figure without assigning currency or unit.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A.
+Ans: A,B,D.
+Ans: A,C.
+Ans: A,C.
+Ans: C.
+Ans: A,B,C
+10. True or False? If an info cube has active aggregates built on it, the new requests loaded will not be available for reporting until the rollup has been completed successfully.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A.
+Ans: A.
+E. All are correct.
+Ans: E.
+E. All are correct.
+Ans: E
+14. The following statements are true about the communication structurE.
+A. It contains all the info objects that belong to an info sourcE.
+B. All the data is updated into the info cube with this structurE.
+C. It is dependent on the source system.
+D. All of the abovE.
+Ans: A,B.
+Ans: A,C
+16. Which of the following describes a Result Set query?
+A. A prequery
+B. A query using flat tables (ODS object or InfoObject)
+C. A nested query where the results of a first query are used as entry values for a second query
+D. There is no such thing in SAP BW
+E. None of the above
+Ans: C
+17. Which of the following is correct about Profile Generator?
+Ans: A
+18. What do the SAP BW content extractors provide?
+A. Generic extractors
+B. Custom extractors
+C. There is no such thing in SAP BW content
+D. Data sources that can be activated for all applications
+E. None of the above
+Ans: D
+19. Using PSA as a loading process, which of the following methodologies can be used?
+A. To PSA, then to the data target
+B. To PSA only
+C. To data target only
+D. To PSA and data target in parallel
+E. None of the above
+Ans: E
+20. Which of the following is a supply of workbooks in SAP BW arranged according to ttopic areas?
+A. An InfoSource
+B. A channel
+C. An InfoArea
+D. An InfoCatalog
+E. An InfoObject
+Ans: B
+21. What is the maximum number of key figures in an InfoCube?
+A. 13
+B. 85
+C. 322
+D. 233
+Ans: D
+22. Which of the following tools helps in the Web reporting area?
+A. The Web agent
+B. The front-page tool
+C.The Web wizard
+D. The query view
+Ans: C
+23. When are aggregates useful?
+A. Always
+B. They are useful only for key figures with aggregation SUM, MIN, or MAX
+C. For reorganizations and realighnments
+D. To increase the speed of loading during data update
+E. None of the above
+Ans: B
+24. Which of the following is correct about SAP BW Statistics?
+A. Data volume of the SAP BW Statistics cannot be anticipated
+B. SAP BW Statistics are delivered as a part of the technical content
+C. All SAP BW Statistics query objects start with OSAP
+D. All SAP BW Statistics InfoObject catalogues start with OSAP
+E. SAP BW Statistics is automatically activated
+Ans: B
+25. In FI/SL we can create a ledger based on what type of tables?
+A. Aggregate tables
+B. InfoCube level tables
+C. Line-item level tables
+D.Summarization level tables
+E. Total tables
+Ans: E
+26. ‘A’ (active) records for which the ‘M’ (modifieD. records exist from master data tables, and makes all modified records activE.
+E. All of the abovE.
+Ans: A,C,D
+27. Key figures that are set for exception aggregation MIN or MAX in an aggregate cause the aggregates to be completely rebuilt for each change run alignment.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+Ans: B,D
+29. A change run updates the ‘E’ table of the aggregates while doing the alignment for changes in the master datA.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: B
+Ans: B
+31. Identify the differences between an Infoset and a Multiprovider.
+A. Both Multiproviders and Infosets can contain all the info providers in BW.
+B. Queries built on Multiproviders use ‘union’ and queries on Infosets use ‘join’ to retrieve data from different info providers.
+C. Both Multiproviders and Infosets do not have data, but data is accessed from the basic info providers used in these objects.
+D. None of the abovE.
+Ans: B,C
+32. Select the correct statements about the OLAP Cache Monitor in BW.
+A. The transaction for the OLAP Cache Monitor is RSRCACHE.
+B. If the persistent mode is inactive then the cache is inactive and query results will not be cached in memory.
+C. A ‘read flag’ is set in the Cache Monitor when data is read from the cachE.
+D. When new data is loaded into the info provider which the query is built on, the cache for that query is invalidateD.
+E. All of the abovE.
+Ans: A,C,D
+33. Select the correct statements about ODS settings.
+A. Performance of the ODS activation improves when the BEx reporting flag is switched to off.
+B. Overwriting a data record is not allowed if the ‘unique’ data record flag is set.
+C. Data targets are updated from the ODS regardless of the ODS activation status.
+D. All of the abovE.
+Ans: A,B
+34. It is not possible to activate an ODS which contains a request from a full load and a Delta Initialization load of the same data sourcE.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: B
+Ans: A,C
+Ans: A,C
+37. Select the correct statements about the ALPHA conversion routine in BW.
+A. An ALPHA conversion routine is assigned to a characteristic info object automatically when it is createD.
+B. An ALPHA conversion routine is used to convert characteristic values from ‘external.
+Ans: A,D,E
+Ans: A,B,D
+39. A ‘Check for Referential Integrity’ can only be possible for information sources with flexible updating.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+Ans: E
+Ans: A,B
+Ans: A,B
+43. The structure of the PSA table created for an info source will bE…
+A. Featuring the exact same structure as Transfer structure
+B. Similar to the transfer rules
+C. Similarly structured as the Communication structure
+D. The same as Transfer structure, plus four more fields in the beginning
+Ans: D
+44. In BW, special characters are not permitted unless it has been defined using this transaction:
+A. rrmx
+B. rskc
+C. rsa15
+D. rrbs
+Ans: B
+Ans: A,C
+Ans: A,C
+47. Select the statement(s) which is/are true about the ‘Control
+Ans: A
+48. The indicator ‘Do not condense requests into one request when activation takes place’ during ODS activation applies to condensation of multiple requests into one request to store it in the active table of the ODS.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: B
+Ans: C
+Ans: A,C
+51. When a Dimension is created as a line item dimension in a cube, Dimensions IDs will be same as that of SIDs.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+Ans: A,B,C
+53. If a characteristic value has been entered in InfoCube-specific properties of an InfoCube, only these values can be loaded to the cube for that characteristiC.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+54. After any changes have been done to an info set it needs to be adjusted using transaction RSISET.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+Ans: A,B
+56. What are the primary reporting environments for SAP BW?
+A. BEx Analyzer
+B. BEx Access
+C. Web browser
+D. Windows Notepad
+Ans: A, C
+57. Which of the following types of links can be created from within the BEx Browser?
+A. Folders
+B. SAP transaction codes
+C. Internet addresses
+D. All of the above
+Ans: A, C
+58. True or False? You can insert your own HTML code with the Web Application Designer.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+59. What is the transaction code RSBBS to be used for?
+A. Listing current BW users
+B. Creating a bulletin board system for reports
+C. Maintaining sender-receiver assignments
+D. Reloading data into an InfoCube
+Ans: C
+Ans: E
+61. Individual cell definitions can be created when a Query Definition has how many structures?
+A. 0 Structures
+B. 1 Structure
+C. 2 Structures
+D. More than 2 structures
+Ans: C
+62. What is RRI?
+A. A really-really-interesting acronym
+B. Report-report-interfacing
+C. A transaction code for creating new InfoCubes
+Ans: B
+63. Which of the following can be shared amongst query designers within a single InfoProvider?
+A. Characteristic variables
+B. Global structures
+C. Restricted key figures
+D. Technical names of a query
+Ans: A, B, C
+64. True or False? The reporting agent can be used to pre-calculate Web templates.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: A
+65. A combination of characteristics and key figures can be displayed in any desired order by:
+A. Activating the download scheduler
+B. Switching a query definition to tabular mode
+C. Placing key figures in the rows section of a query definition
+D. Using scissors and duct tape
+Ans: B
+66. True or False? Characteristic variables cannot be created directly from the Query Designer tool.
+A. True
+B. False
+Ans: B
+67. What SAP transaction code can access the reporting agent?
+A. RSA1
+B. AL08
+Ans: A, D
+68. The Web Application Designer (WAD. allows which of the following to be displayed in a Web browser?
+A. Query results in a tablE.
+B. A corporate logo
+C. Bar charts.
+D. Links to other reports.
+e) All of the abovE.
+Ans: E
+69. A query that is not ready to be shared with other users should be saved to:
+A. The BEx Browser
+B. Favorites
+C. Roles
+D. A local PC
+Ans: B
+70. Characteristics found in a query definition can be restricted by:
+A. Opening the administrator workbench
+B. Changing the query properties within the query designer
+C. Double-clicking on the characteristic in the query definition
+D. Creating a calculated key figure
+Ans: C
+Happy Tails
+Buddy found his forever! Buddy’s amazing family has renamed him Henry. Henry is from the mean streets of California. He was found in a live trap meant for cats. He was severely underweight, and dehydrated. His body score was a 2/9. The people who found him immediately contacted a rescue asking for help! After several months Henry put on enough weight to be able to travel and came to Canada. We are so happy for you Henry and wish you the best in your new home!
+Skipper has found his forever with another jack russell brother! They play all day long and Skipper could not be happier. Skipper came all the way to Canada from California after his owners left him at the vet and never returned for him. We are so glad Skipper made his way here so his family could find him and keep him forever. Congratulations Skipper!
+Perry has been adopted into his forever family that fostered him once he got to Canada. They fell in love instantly and could not bare the thought of having to give him up to someone else. Perry came all the way from Compton, California and with some bumps and turns for Perry it took him right to where he needed be and found him his forever home and family. Congratulations Perry! We are so happy for you!
+Chandra has found her forever here in Canada all the way from California! Chandra was in the euthanization room ready to be put to sleep because the shelter was simply just too crowded but we had other plans for her and with a lot of rushing around and last minute calls we had her pulled from the shelter and euthanization room and Chandra was saved and made her journey to Canada. On her journey to Canada, Chandra and Perry, another Chihuahua that made his way here from California bonded very quickly on their transport and in their temporary foster home. Chandra’s new Mom and Perry’s new Dad are brother and sister so Perry and Chandra are going to see each other very often now! Chandra also has two new fur sister’s and plays and cuddles all day with them. We couldn’t be happier for Chandra finding her forever!
+Andy came all the way from a kill shelter in Georgia to find his forever here in Nova Scotia! We teamed up with the L.A. shelter in Amherst, Nova Scotia and they had an adopter almost instantly with one of the volunteers who fell head over heels in love with Andy! Andy was one of the fortunate ones to make it out of the shelter system and find his forever very quickly and he’s super excited to say he’s found his family.
+We are so happy Leo has been adopted! Leo came into our rescue as an owner surrender and went directly into foster care where he truly blossomed and came into his own. Leo became the wonderful dog he always knew he could be and it was clear he was meant to stay where he was. His temporary foster home turned into a permanent placement and is Leo’s forever home. We couldn’t be happier that Leo’s foster family decided to foster fail and officially adopt Leo into their home and family for life. Leo has found his forever and we couldn’t be happier for him and his new family! Congratulations Leo!
+We are so happy Jack has found his forever! Jack came all the way from California from a kill shelter to find his forever here in Canada. He was on the euthanization list and nearly didn’t make it out alive. Jacks foster home has decided to keep him and we could not be happier that he doesn’t need to be moved again. He has settled in extremely well and was the perfect fit for their home. Jack now has a family to call his own with his forever Dads and his furry brothers too! He loves cuddling with them all, sleeping in their bed, and playing with his doggie brothers. Congratulations Jack and your new family.
+Lightning came all the way from Georgia to Canada when he was taken to the shelter on a 7 day hold as a stray. He got his name Lightning from the AC officer that finally caught him and described his tail like a bolt of lightning likely from already being hit by a vehicle. Lightning sat at the shelter in Georgia for two months and was at risk of being euthanized any given day he sat there. Once here in Canada he instantly became best friends with not only his new humans but his new fur sister too, Letty. His foster family couldn’t imagine life without him and they have now turned into his forever family and we couldn’t be happier for Lightning, his new family and finding his forever. Congratulations Lightning!
+Biscuit has found his perfect forever family! Biscuit was a local owner surrender when his owner could no longer care for him due to his age and health concerns. Biscuit thrived in his foster home, and his new forever family just adore him! Biscuit spends his time playing with toys and his furry siblings! Happy tails Biscuit.
+Maya came into our rescue as a loved owner surrender when her family was moving and couldn’t take her with them. Maya is an extremely affectionate girl, who loves every human and animal she meets. Maya has found her forever family and she couldn’t be happier. She has a fur sister and human brother and her mom and dad love her so much and are extremely happy with accepting her into their family as a forever member. Congratulations Maya we are so happy for you!
+Russ came from Texas when he was just 6 months old. Russ was young, but his six short months had nothing but pain for Russ. The Vet thought he was probably kept in a cage, abused and neglected for the majority of his tiny life. We had worries if Russ would even be able to develop his bones properly or ever over come how scared he was. He was covered with parasites inside and outside his body, was starving, terrified of humans and sick. Russ was in really rough shape but within little over a month we saw tremendous progress with Russ, both physically and mentally. His infections and parasite problems cleared up, he gained weight and learned all humans weren’t bad. The Vet confirmed he would develop his bones properly and health wise Russ was ready for his forever. Russ has come an extremely long way including emotional wise and when Russ’s foster parents decided to adopt we were so excited he wouldn’t need to make another move. We are so happy Russ has found his forever with his foster family and we could not be more excited for them all. Congratulations Russ
+Max came to us as an owner surrender when his owners couldn’t control his seizures due to financial and time means. He has been with us for approximately 8 months getting his seizures under control which we were super happy to announce when we did get them controlled to once a month, as when Max came he was having at least 2 a week. Max is an all around amazing friendly boy, and because of his medical he was so hard to adopt out. We are happy to say that Max’s foster Daddies can not bare the thought of having to get rid of him and have decided to keep him and he will never have to move again. Max has found his forever, and we really could not feel happier for him. Congratulations on your home Max, you truly deserve it!
+We are so happy Benji has found his forever! He came into our rescue as an owner surrender when his owners found they were working too much and Benji was left home a majority of the time alone. Just a puppy, Benji started acting out with barking and destroying items in the house during the day and his owners decided he deserved someone who could spend more time with him and put some training into him. Benji turned out to be an amazing dog and good listener, he is extremely smart and he just needed someone to spend time with him. Benji’s foster family made tremendous work with him and in a very short amount of time even trained him for outside. Benji has settled right into his new forever family and they said it only took one night to teach him not to jump and to sit with just a look of their eyes! Benji’s new human brother loves to take Benji for walks and plays ball with him and their Mom says they could play forever! We are so happy for Benji and his new family! Congratulations on your forever Benji!
+Molly is from San Antonio Texas where she found herself on the list for euthanasia.
+She has come all the way to Canada where she found her forever home with her foster Dad. Molly loves going to the dog park and sleeps with her Daddy at night. We are so happy for you Molly you could not of found a more perfect forever home!
+Mia was found in Texas abandoned, tied to a short leash and a collar embedded into her neck. She was taken to the local kill shelter where sadly she was almost immediately placed on the list for euthanization and with her sweet face and amazing personality we just couldn’t let that happen.
+Mia made her long journey to Canada and has thrived in her foster home. Mia has learned all of her manners in her foster home and extremely quick! She is the perfect girl and it did not take long for her forever to find her. We are happy to say Mia has found her forever with her new Mom Lisa, they couldn’t be happier and neither could we! You deserve it Mia, congratulations!
+Emma came into our rescue as an owner surrender when the six young kids in her home were becoming to much for her and she found herself needing to be rehomed.
+Emma came in with extreme skin and ear issues due to allergies and her manners needed work on as well. Within a week Emma showed extreme improvement in her foster home with training even learning to use the bathroom consistently outside. Emma’s skin and ear issues have also come a long way with a change in her diet, medicated baths and medication Emma is a much happier dog. Emma’s foster family has been key to Emma becoming the amazing dog she has quickly become and when they told The Odd Squad the news they wanted to adopt we couldn’t be happier for Emma. The progress they have made with her and the trust Emma has gained with them has created a bond and they couldn’t imagine having to give her up. We are so happy Emma has found her forever family and doesn’t need to be moved again, congratulations Emma!
+Sage – Indy
+Sage whose real name Indy, was found lost in the woods about a year ago, in extremely rough shape. She was covered in ticks, very hungry and scared. Indy was taken in and was looked after on a nearby farm where she was found for about a year before she found her way to The Odd Squad. The family that was caring for her searched for her family and when no one came forward for Indy they decided it was time she moved on to find her forever. Indy came into our pack and fit right in, she was already spayed when they had found her in the woods and she showed amazing manners. We looked everywhere we could as far back as a year to see if we could possibly find a missing dog post or anything that could lead us to what really happened to Indy and if she had a family looking for her. Sadly, we couldn’t find anything and after a few weeks in foster care we put Indy up for adoption.
+It was an amazing night when we got an email from Indys real mom explaining to us that her Indy girl had been gone for a whole year and she was positive Sage was actually Indy. Indys mom was in the process of moving to Ontario when Indy ran away from the family farm she was staying at. The plan was to send Indy out to Ontario once her Mom got out there but that never happened for Indy. Despite their best efforts to find her they never did. When we figured everything out and knew we were sending Indy back we got her Foster Mom to call her by her real name.. Indy. Her foster mom said she perked her ears right up and woke from a dead sleep and stared at her with huge eyes. This was the first time Indy heard her real name in a year, we can only imagine what went through her head! It just so happened that Indys foster Mom was taking a trip to Ontario that same month and could take Indy right to her real Mom, we couldn’t believe the odds of all of this. Indy got on a flight with her Foster Mom and made the trip to Ontario to finally have her forever back .. The one she always had she just got a little lost along the way. We could not be happier to reunite Indy with her Mom and have them be a family again.
+Cheech came all the way from Georgia after being picked up as a stray on the streets. He was tested positive for Heartworm and we just knew we had to save this sweet boy. We got him treatment and he was fostered in Virginia while we waited to test him again. Cheech was tested negative finally and made his journey to Canada. Once here his foster family knew right away they wanted to keep him and made the decision to make Cheech part of their permanent family. They said he is the sweetest, most gentle loveable dog we have ever met. He absolutely loves everyone he encounters. He has been learning tricks and sits and shakes paw when asked. One of his favourite things to do is run around and around the pool in circles. He found out the hard way that you can’t run across the pool lol, he was not happy when he fell in. He absolutely loves his new sister Sadie the pug and she tolerates him a little more everyday. We are all totally in love with this boy. We couldn’t not be happier for Cheech and his new family.
+Congratulations on your Forever Happy Tail boy!
+Sadie came in as an owner surrender, she lived with 3 children and was excellent with the youngest 2 but when she was showing signs of stress towards the oldest child in the home they decided she would be happier rehomed. Sadie had extreme ear infections and some skin issues and was in pain probably causing her original signs of anxiety and stress. Sadie enjoys cuddling, playing and just being a normal dog. She has made extreme progress both mentally and physically since entering her foster home and we are happy to say Sadies foster home will be adopting her and keeping her forever.
+Congratulations Sadie, Natasha, Chris and Hannah.
+Gio has found his happy ending! Gio came to Nova Scotia from a high kill shelter in Texas. He was found on the streets by Animal Control and taken to the shelter, where his hours were literally numbered like every dog that sadly ends up going to the shelter. Gio had wounds, and scars all over his sweet little face and the staff and vets suspected he was used in a dog fighting ring and refused to fight so was used as a bait dog to teach the other dogs how to fight. Gios scars have healed, on the outside and the inside and he is an extremely affectionate boy. His foster family brought him out of his shell and got him ready for his forever that found him. Gio has been adopted by a little boy named William and we could not be happier for Gio, William, their Mom and of course his new fur sister Luna. Gio has come a long way from the scared boy that first came to us and we could not be happier that he is spending his days and nights with a very deserving little boy and helping each other over come life’s obstacles. They are a perfect fit!
+Congratulations on your forever family Gio we are so happy for you!
+Kierah came into our rescue due to Breed Specific Legislation in Montreal. We are pleased to add this sweet girl to our ever growing list of foster fails. She stole the hearts of everyone in the home almost immediately and now has her forever family! She enjoys her days snuggling with her new human sister, playing with her ever growing toy collection, and playing with her furry sister! We are so happy for you Kierah!
+Daisy came to us as a local surrender as her family was no longer able to physically care for her.
+She is a loving girl who wanted a family of her very own. Her forever family said they could not be happier with their new addition. She loves her human brother and does everything with him. Daisy has found her forever and we couldn’t be happier for her! Happy Tails Daisy, enjoy your furever family!
+Burke came in as a local owner surrender when is owner could no longer keep him. Burke had been moved several times to different homes prior to rescue, so when his Foster Mom made the decision to keep him we could not have been more thrilled for Burke not having to move again and finally finding his forever. Burke is a very special boy and he got himself a very special home to call his very own. We are so happy for his mom Amanda, and fursiblings Chester and Jax. They all enjoy cuddling and playing together and Burke has fit in from the second he’s got there.
+Congratulations on your forever Burke!
+Diesel came in as an urgent situation when the building he was living in was evacuated and he got left behind. Deisel showed a great amount of potential for learning and being an amazing boy, he just needed the right humans to help him and we are so happy to say Diesel and his humans have found each other. He has an amazing forever Mom and Dad now and two fursiblings to keep him company, Odus and Molly. His Mom says he is learning in leaps and bounds, and has fit in from the minute he got there. Diesel has a new found freedom with his new home and is enjoying actually getting to be himself and happy and just being a dog. We are really Happy Diesel has found a family that understands all his quirks and loves him for him.
+Happy Tails Diesel you have your forever!
+Nahla came into our care as an owner surrender when her owner found himself needing to rehome her. Nahla came to us very friendly spirited, and just an overall joyful dog to be around. Nahla loves cuddling with her sister Bella in her foster home, playing on the beach, looking for sticks outside in her yard and going for walks. Nahla knew Bella from her previous home so we are thrilled to say Nahla is being adopted by her foster family and doesn’t have to leave Bella or be moved ever again.
+Happy tails Nahla, we are so thrilled you’ve got your forever.
+Maisey came in as an owner surrender when her family was going through a separation and neither could take her with them. Maisey is an amazing, friendly dog that needed a little work on her manners and we are happy to say she has found her family that is helping her with her training and manners and Maisey has fit right in from the second she arrived like she was there all along. She has a feline sibling, and a new fur brother named Merlin. Merlin and Maisey play and run all day and just get to be happy dogs.
+We are thrilled you’ve found your forever Maisey, Happy Tails!
+Axle is originally from Texas, where he was saved with just short hours to live. He tested positive for heartworm and had to stay in Texas for almost 6 months to receive treatment and have negative heart worm results. Axle’s family fell in love with him when he was still in Texas, and was in regular contact with the boarding facility. They waited 5 long months to meet him and we are happy to say it was love at first sight!
+We are so happy for Axle to have come so far, and to finally have a family of his own.
+Belle came in as a loved owner surrender when her family just didn’t have the time for her that she deserved. Belle showed nothing but kindness when she came to us and we knew she would make an amazing family dog for some very lucky family. After her doggy doctor visits Belle joined her new family that are so thrilled to have her as a new addition to their family.
+She loves playing outside with her human brother and sister and we are just so overjoyed she has found her forever. Happy tails Belle!
+Robby and Sheila
+Robby and Sheila came to us almost a whole year ago and have been the longest fosters with us to date. There have been many ups and downs for Sheila and Robby, especially Sheila concerning ongoing health issues with her. For the past half year even, we stopped promoting their adoption and just let them be happy dogs in their foster home. Sheila had mammory tumours, which we removed, numerous tests, medications, infections, and thousands of dollars later we are still finding Sheila needing xrays, and tests, as she is having some complications and we will need to find out what is making her uncomfortable and start looking at options on how to make her comfortable, which we will save for another post and another time. That being said, Robby is thriving and doing as well as ever. He does have a non cancerous tumour on his eye that is being removed but is not a concern or worry. After speaking with Robby and Sheilas foster home, we have very happily come to the agreement that they will be keeping Sheila and Robby forever, and they never have to move again! They will officially adopt Robby and absorb all responsibility for him, and although they will keep both Robby and Sheila together, we will keep Sheila under our rescue as a palliative care foster permanently and she will be our responsibility.
+Sheila and Robby have an amazing foster home in Ryan and Laura, which we are now so happy to be able to call their forever home. They came all the way from California when their owner was being incarcerated and he wanted them to be surrendered to a foster rescue instead of the high kill shelters in California, so they made their way to Canada where they could have their freedom and forever. They are approximately 9 years old now, and we were told have been together since pups. They are extremely bonded and we couldn’t be happier they will be together the rest of their lives. After a year of being in our rescue they finally have a spot to call their own with their own family.
+Thank you Ryan and Laura for giving these two the amazing home they deserve. You’ve been so caring, and understanding with both of them through this entire process and we could not think of a better home for them to rest their heads in and receive all the love and attention they deserve. Happy Tails Robby and Sheila you’ve finally got your own home.
+Chaps came all the way from Montreal to avoid BSL where he was set to be euthanized due to his breed type. After seeing his sweet face we knew we couldn’t let him die at the shelter simply because of his breed. Chaps made his journey to us here in Canada so he could live his life and have freedom. Chaps and his foster daddy immediately fell in love with each other and they couldn’t bare the thought of ever being apart. Chaps never has to move again because we are so happy to say that his Foster Dad is now his forever family as he has decided to adopted to Chaps and make him a permanent family member.
+Congratulations Chaps and welcome to your forever!
+Albie came all the way from Ontario, due to Breed Specific Legislation he had to leave the province and find his freedom here, in Nova Scotia! Margaret with Furry Hobos contacted us asking for help. We have worked with Furry Hobos in the past and they are an amazing group of truckers who help move dogs to find their furever homes. Once we saw his face, and heard his story of course we had to say yes!! Albie has been waiting months in his foster home to find his perfect family, and we couldn’t be happier to announce that his family has finally found him! Albie has been adopted and finally has his freedom and forever he came here for!
+Happy tails Albie we are over the moon for you!
+Flash came from Montreal to avoid the BSL there. Flash had a condition called entropion in his eyes and once here we raised the money to have eye surgery done to correct this so he could keep his eye sight. Flash is an amazing, friendly boy that just wanted a place to call his own, and a Mom that loved him, and that is exactly what Flash has now. Flash has an amazing home where he is always warm, and loved, and spoiled. He gets to sleep, cuddle, eat, play, and go for walks whenever he wants and really just gets to live the life of a normal, happy dog. We are so happy Flash’s foster Mom has decided to adopt and keep him as a permanent member of her family.
+Congratulation Flash you have found your very own forever!
+King originally came from a shelter in Quebec, where he had just hours to live! We reached out to our amazing group of foster homes and they stepped up to save him. King’s foster parents fell in love with him within hours and knew that he was meant to be part of their family. Although King is not tiny, he believes he is a lap dog and loves to cuddle in bed with his family!
+Happy Tails King, we are over the moon that you have found your home so quickly!
+Maxx is originally from Arizona where he was up for euthanization. A private adopter saved him and brought him to Canada. Unfortunately the resident dog and Maxx did not get along. Maxx came into our care and was brought to one of our amazing foster homes! He won his fosters over with his gorgeous looks, silly personality, and champion cuddling skills. We are so happy to add Maxx to our growing list of foster fails!
+Happy tails Maxx and congrats on finding your furever!
+Luna is originally from Ontario. She was abandoned by her owner, and we were contacted to help! Luna was brought to Nova Scotia by Furry Hobos, a group of amazing transport truck drivers that help move dogs for rescues and to their furever homes! Luna has found her furever family! She gets lots of long walks, and has found her spot on the bed. Her new Mommy says she is the perfect companion, and is already head over heels in love.
+Happy Furever Luna we are so excited for you!
+Bossco came to us as a local owner surrender. He had very infected ears and was missing fur in places due to severe allergies and fleas. Although he was clearly in pain and irritated by this, his foster family couldn’t resist his sweet demeanor and silliness.
+Bossco’s foster family has fallen in love with him and decided he had already found his perfect furever with them!
+Happy furever after, Bossco! You deserve it!
+Macy came in as a local surrender, when her former family left her at their local vets office. Macy was hit by a car and after having surgery, several weeks passed, without her family returning for her. Macy’s Vet reached out to us, asking us for our help and we could not say no!
+Macy has been a sweet girl since coming into our care, despite being let down by her humans already once. We were so happy when the perfect adoption application came in for Macy, and we were able to give her the forever home she so truly deserved.
+Since getting to her new family, Macy got her very own tiny human to care for and the family is now complete. Macy protects her baby brother like he was her own, watches over him, and really just gets to be part of the family she’s always wanted to be part of!
+Congratulations Macy on your forever and your new little brother, happy tails girl!
+Princess is a one year old bully breed mix. She originally came from Montreal where she found herself on the list for euthanasia simply because of her breed.
+Princess’ Foster Dad fell head over heels in love with her and could not imagine his life without her in it! We are very happy to add them to our ever growing list of foster fails, and are thrilled for Princess!
+Harvey came to us from a shelter in Montreal, where he was listed to be euthanized. Sadly, a lot of dogs in the shelters experience what we call “shelter shut down” and it is where they just literally start giving up on themselves. They don’t know who to trust, where they’re at or why they are there. Harvey didnt have the best bio from the shelter but we knew this poor boy was going through something we just didn’t quite understand. He was scared and he was lonely. We seen his face pleading for anyone to help him out of there and that is exactly what we did! Harvey got to come to Nova Scotia where he settled into his foster home better than expected, the minute Harvey broke from that shelter he was a different dog and didn’t show one bad behaviour. Harvey decompressed in his Foster Home and when it was time he found his forever with a family that was already familiar with adopting from The Squad. He loves to cuddle with his new forever parents and just get to be the happy dog he has always wanted to be. Harvey has settled in his forever home and we could not be happier for his new family and him.
+Congratulations Harvey, you’re home boy!
+Jessie came in as a local owner surrender when he was spending a lot of his time living outside, due to just not having the right fitted family for him. Jessie likes to wander so to curb that behaviour, sadly, Jessie was left tied outside. Jessie’s family made the responsible decision to surrender him to our rescue, so he could find his perfect family and the life he deserves. Jessie came into our rescue a very friendly boy, that just needed some work getting used to being inside in a house. He landed into one of our amazing foster homes that instantly fell in love with him. Jessie’s Foster Mom, Tiffany, has worked with Jessie daily to show him not to use the bathroom inside, and how to live indoors in a home with humans who love him. Jessie’s Foster Mom has not only helped Jessie, but Jessie has become an amazing companion to his Mom and keeps her happy and feeling safe every day. She couldn’t imagine a world without her Jessie boy now that she has him, and we are happy to say the minute Jessie arrived with Tiffany he was home, and she has decided to adopt and keep him forever. We could really not be happier for these two, and want to congratulate them both on this wonderful adoption.
+Happy Tails Jessie!
+Paco came to our rescue from a shelter in Montreal when he was returned to them several times for being deaf and special needs. We have a member on our board of directors who last year, fostered and adopted Max. Max was an amazing, friendly boy who sadly suffered from epilepsy that resulted in him having grand mal seizures. His adopted parents worked with him, and the vets, to keep his seizures at bay, and allow him to live a very happy life. Sadly, at the end of last year Max started having seizures that couldn’t be controlled any longer and it was time for Max’s Dad’s, Cedric and Mike to let him cross over rainbow bridge, and be at peace. Max left behind not only his Dad’s and the other dogs of the house, but he left behind his best Buddy; Chucky. Chucky is a little Boston terrier that had become really close with Max over the year, and when Max passed, Chucky became very sad, lonely and even stopped eating and playing. Chucky never bonded with the other dogs of the house like he did Max and ended up spending his days alone, in a very depressed state, and then came Paco.
+Paco came into our rescue at the beginning of this year as a special needs dog. He is not only deaf but also has ataxia, which causes him to be very off balance amongst other things. This didn’t matter to Mike and Cedric and they wanted to give it a try at their house to not only help them cope with the loss of Max but to give Chucky and Paco the chance of friendship. Paco instantly fit into their pack and Chucky became glued to him. They sleep together, play together, eat together, and it doesn’t matter that Paco is deaf, or different, he’s part of this wonderful family now who loves him for him. Paco has found his forever with a very special family, that is extremely close to our hearts and he just gets to be a normal dog, and live a happy life now.
+Congratulations Paco on your new pack, you’ve got an amazing forever!
+Xena came to our rescue as a loved owner surrender when the family that adopted her couldn’t contain her from running the roads. They adopted her from a family in Ontario, to save her from going into a shelter as there are Breed Specific Legislations there, and sadly, she just didn’t work out in a household with 3 young kids opening the door constantly, and her loving to run.
+Xena showed she was an amazing girl, and extremely loving the moment she came to us. She settled into her current foster home so well, with her fur sister Emma, that her Foster Mom has decided to adopt Xena and make her a permanent addition to the family!
+Xena enjoys her walks and when she isn’t out walking her and Emma love chewing on their bones together their Mama gets them. You can find them playing together all day, and curling up with their Mom to finish their days out, it’s a perfect home for Xena girl and we are so happy for this little family!
+Congratulations on your happy tail Xena!
+Chloe and Zia
+Chloe and Zia found themselves in a shelter in Montreal when their family sadly didn’t want them any longer. They were 8 years old, bonded and terified at the shelter. When we seen they needed help we promised we would save them and keep them together, and that is what we did! Chloe and Zia made their way to a wonderful foster home of ours where they got to be care free happy dogs with their fur sister Piper! When ready to go to the next chapter of their lives, they found an amazing home with their new Mommy Stacey who has promised to keep them together forever and give them their forever home.
+Happy tails Chloe and Zia!
+Rozz came into our rescue as a local owner surrender. She learned manners and house training super quick and instantly had her Foster Home fall in love with her, so much in love that they actually decided to adopt and keep her forever! She has a human brother and two human sisters who she enjoys cuddling with on the couch and in bed and when they’re not cuddling you can find them playing around the house or outside together.
+Rozz is the perfect family dog and she now has found her perfect family!
+Congratulations Rozz!
+Nova is a one year old, bully breed mix, who came into the rescue as a very loved owner surrender.
+After many months of searching for her furever we are so happy to announce that Nova has finally found the perfect spot!
+Nova’s current foster home has fallen in love, and just cannot imagine their life without her. She loves the children in the home, and they love snuggling up together listening to stories and sharing snacks! Nova enjoys runs with her Mom and the drives to get her sister from school!
+Happy furever after Nova! We could not be happier for you!
+(Cliff Owen/AP)
+It’s been a rough patch for Democrats. In the last few years they’ve lost majority control on Capitol Hill. They’ve lost the White House to Donald Trump. They’ve lost sway over the future of the Supreme Court. And they’ve lost the confidence of many that they were the effective voice of the little guy in the U.S. economy. Yesterday, Democrats rolled out a new appeal. They call it a "better deal." It’s their comeback cry, they hope. This hour On Point: The Democrats’ "better deal." -- Tom Ashbrook
+David Weigel, national political correspondent for the Washington Post. (@daveweigel)
+Michael Sandel, professor of political philosophy at Harvard University.
+Stephanie Kelton, economics professor at Stony Brook University. Consultant on the Democrats’ “A Better Deal” policy agenda. Former economic advisor to Bernie Sanders. Former chief economist for Democrats on the Senate Budget Committee. (@StephanieKelton)
+Steve Phillips, founder of Democracy in Color. Senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. Author of, "Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority." (@StevePtweets)
+Washington Post: Trump had ‘The Art of the Deal.’ Now Democrats say their economic a... — ."
+Democracy Journal: The State of the Resistance — "Despite the floundering first months of Donald Trump’s presidency, Democrats have not begun to win the argument. Yes, Democrats in Congress have displayed unity in opposing the repeal of Obamacare and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. But they have not changed many minds. Despite Trump’s low approval ratings, few of his voters regret their choice. In fact, one poll in early April showed that, were the election rerun, Trump would now defeat Hillary Clinton in the popular vote."
+New York Times: The Democratic Party’s Billion-Dollar Mistake — "The Democratic Party is at risk of repeating the billion-dollar blunder that helped create its devastating losses of 2016. With its obsessive focus on wooing voters who supported Donald Trump, it is neglecting the cornerstone of its coalition and failing to take the steps necessary to win back the House of Representatives and state houses in 2018."
+Vox: Democrats’ Better Deal, explained — "The plan is a populist turn for the party, less than a year after it ran — and lost to Donald Trump — on a platform that largely defended the economic status quo under President Barack Obama. The Better Deal’s first step is a plan to create 10 million jobs through a mixture of tax credits for employers who hire at high wages, and a national infrastructure program similar to the one Hillary Clinton proposed in the presidential campaign."
+This program aired on July 25, 2017.
+Representative Dave Lobesack (D-IA) on NPR suggested dissecting Election 2016; now he can extend this to Georgia 2017. In 2016, as a democrat, my heart was with Bernie, but as a Democrat, voted for Party standard-bearer Hillary. However, the first time I saw Hillary in ICPL, I got this feeling that she was running on the rim. Even a year later, I don't know what she was campaigning on. They said she was running on Obama's record. 2017, Jon Ossoff, ran as a Centrist. After Bill Clinton, Centrism is death-on Democratic candidates.
+Thomas Frank (Listen, Liberal) agrees on Centrism, but in his issue-preclusion is baffled, "Trying to figure out exactly where Hillary Clinton actually stands on political issues can be crazy-making"--believing she's too invested in maintaining the "facade of goodness."
+Hillary, until Bernie's (Income Inequality) success pushed her to the Left, was a Centrist. Bill Clinton's centrism brought us NAFTA and took Reaganomics where Reagan did not dare-to-tread. Kim Phillips-Fein (Invisible Hands) states: "Bill Clinton completed what Reagan began--winning Barry Goldwater's admiration." Thus insured that White lives have not mattered since the 1980s.
+I have several issues with Hillary: her condemnation of Qaddafi allowed Libya's descent into chaos. Under Neocons' sway seeing Qaddafi as "another Hitler," she ignored his prophetic: "I am standing between Europe and the Islamist extremists." Like the majority of imperialists' contact with native peoples-of-color, Secretary Clinton saw Qaddafi as irrelevant. Thereby in the tradition of Neo-colonialism, she supported the French no-fly-zone and importing Hill Tribes as boots-on-the-ground to overthrow Qaddafi's regime. Her strategic-error is blatant. However, regardless of the Western human-rights-hype, Qaddafi had to be gotten-rid-of because of his plans to diversify Libya's economy (Forbes 11/29/10) threatened petrodollars/Big Oil.
+Benghazi wasn't Hillary's fault--but the Tea-Party/GOP's inadequate budgeting for military protection. (Max Bergman alluded to this ideological-driven-budget-gutting on Morning Edition 7/5/17.) However, Ambassador Stevens was gay; he shouldn't have been posted in an Islamic country, where thanks to British-French colonialism, homosexuality is a death-sentence/criminal-offense.
+Rachel Martin talks to Max Bergmann, who worked at the State Department from 2011 until this year, and is now a senior fellow at the left leaning Center For American Progress.
+President Donald Trump gets on Air Force One, bound for Europe, today. He'll go to Poland first, then Germany, where he'll meet with leaders from the world's 20 biggest economies, including Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. The meeting is the highest form of foreign diplomacy. And our next guest says it comes as the American diplomatic corps is being hollowed out.
+Max Bergmann worked at the State Department from 2011 until this year. He is now a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress. And he's focused a lot of his work on U.S.-Russian relations. He is in our studio this morning. Thanks so much for coming in.
+MAX BERGMANN: Thanks for having me.
+MARTIN: I want to get to your take on what's happening within the State Department. But first, let's talk policy and all the diplomacy that's happening this week, specifically this meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. They've been around each other...
+MARTIN: ...For a long time, now, at these international meetings. This is the first time they're actually going to sit down face-to-face. Can you game out for us what you think is likely to come up and what is not likely to come up?
+BERGMANN: Well, I think the main - the main thing is that we don't actually really know. I think if this were an addition - another administration, we would have a pretty clear sense of what they were going to talk about, what was - what would be on the agenda. The fact that Trump is coming in, saying that he has no agenda for the meeting means that someone has an agenda for the meeting. And that's Vladimir Putin.
+And I think what Putin will want to talk about is trying to establish cooperation in Syria between the U.S. and Russian forces to counter ISIS, which isn't inherently a bad thing. But frankly, the Russians have very little to offer us. I think Putin will also bring up other issues involving Europe and NATO - his sort of long-standing complaints of U.S. support for democracy-promotion programs in Ukraine.
+But frankly, I think it's rather concerning that the United States is going into a meeting in which the Russian president has, for the last sort of number of elections - not just our election, but the election in France, the election in Holland - has clearly intervened in those electoral processes of our allies and that that doesn't appear to be a concern to President Trump and doesn't appear to be - going to be brought up by the United States because Putin is not going to bring that up.
+MARTIN: This is the kind of meeting that top diplomats would spend a lot of time strategizing for, as you mentioned. But you wrote this long piece in Politico the other day that said, quote, "the deconstruction of the State Department is well underway." Explain what you mean.
+BERGMANN: So what is effectively happening is the Trump administration, led by Secretary Tillerson, are in the process of implementing their budget. And usually what happens is that a president - a presidential administration proposes a budget, and then Congress sort of accepts or rejects. When Trump proposed his budget, Lindsey Graham, and others in Congress, called it dead on arrival. And then what - but what we're seeing here is that the administration is actually just going about doing these cuts.
+MARTIN: So how are you seeing that?
+BERGMANN: So you're seeing that with the amount of people retiring, the amount of people leaving. The...
+MARTIN: These are people who presumably wouldn't have left otherwise?
+BERGMANN: Yes, and so there's people being effectively forced out. Their retirement dates have been been moved up. There's a total block on all hiring even if you have open slots.
+MARTIN: So shrinking the workforce, though, that sounds like - to a typical American, you know, when you think about bloated federal bureaucracies...
+MARTIN: ...And what President Trump promised he would do, to shrink the federal bureaucracy.
+MARTIN: It sounds like a promise he's just keeping.
+BERGMANN: Look, there's no doubt that any large, sprawling organization could always use a reorg and a rethink. And the State Department is no different. But what is happening is that they've come in with - setting a clear target of one third of the department will be cut. They're going to lose at least 2,000 employees. And I think anyone who works at any organization, if you just took away one third of that organization, it would severely hamper it.
+And this also comes after six years of the State Department being - operating under an austerity budget. People think the State Department grew rapidly under Obama years. But it's just not true - that with Congress - with the Republican-controlled Congress, there was the Budget Control Act. And for six years, the State Department has been sort of chafing under that and has been struggling to meet a lot of the missions that have come about, with all that is happening in the world.
+MARTIN: So you mentioned the budget cuts. There were cuts that had been implemented during the Obama years. Hillary Clinton herself was critical of those cuts. But a lot of people would point to her and say she was a good secretary of state. It didn't exactly affect or undermine her work. So where do you point to to show a real-world example of the effects of these cuts on diplomacy now?
+BERGMANN: Well, I think there's been clear examples of U.S. effectively missing international meetings, such as on arms control. When the former acting undersecretary of state, Tom Countryman, was basically pulled off a plane headed to an international meeting in Italy and told that he was forced - he was going to be forced out. His resignation was accepted, which meant that there was very few people - there was no one there to actually attend the meeting - or at least a very junior staffer.
+And so that is - the U.S. is going to be very stretched to just simply attend a lot of the meetings around the world and to manage the multimillion-dollar programs that the State Department manages. If you cut your workforce, and you're managing a million-dollar program to do demining in Mosul, you may not be able to implement that program. So it's going to have real-world effects, but it's going to be very gradual.
+MARTIN: You said that Rex Tillerson - in your piece, you wrote that he's operating on his gut, that he's making these cuts based on just instinct. But this isn't a guy who has no experience, right? He was the CEO of Exxon Mobil, had 74,000 employees. So he does have experience managing big organizations.
+BERGMANN: Sure, and that is why many in the State Department were actually very excited at his appointment. But what we're seeing is that Tillerson is sort of - walled himself off from the expertise in much of the building, especially when it comes to the reorganization that they're doing behind closed doors.
+MARTIN: So he's not getting the information he needs to make the decisions.
+BERGMANN: In my view, what Tillerson needs to do is simply open his door to the talent and knowledge that is existing in his midst, and he's effectively cut himself off from that. And that leads to a reorganization that is being done with - by people that have a clear ideological objective but aren't actually getting the input - don't actually, I feel like, know what they're doing. And that is what I've heard from numerous State Department officers, especially after I wrote that article. The feedback has been overwhelming where people say it's actually much worse than what I wrote.
+MARTIN: Former State Department official Max Bergmann. He's now at the Center for American Progress. Thanks so much for coming in.
+BERGMANN: Thank you.
+Politically, Hillary believed being female was in-invitum--always having to prove herself--displaying the "Objectivism" of political-manhood forgetting the betrayal of men in her life: her father and her husband. Hillary's mannish behavior so angered Molly Ivins who wrote, I Will Not support Hillary Clinton for President, January 20, 2006:
+AUSTIN, Texas (Creators Syndicate) -- new.
+Emailgate: Hillary's propensity for secrecy: using a "private" email service, when secured government service was sine-qua-non--knowing she was under GOP surveillance for improprieties. Snowden's employment at the NSA: her emails would have been Wickileaked along with the rest--not mentioned in self-defense.
+Comey's threat to re-open Emailgate so close to the election-date, broke the law. Hillary should have sued him. Worse, she played nice. This niceness caused her forfeiture debates to Trump. Instead of debating him like a street-fighter, she debated this bully like a good-girl. At Trump's remarks about Bill Clinton's former paramours sitting in the audience, she should have challenged Trump: "There's Bill sitting in the audience; if you have a beef with him, go tell him. I'm here to debate you!"
+Trump would have folded. Following her nature instead of listening to handlers, Hillary would be in the White House instead of Trump--so unsure of himself that he cannot even display his bald-pate publicly.
+Nazi Germany: the mustache; Fascist America: the comb-over.
+Bernie, unlike Hillary, ran on his record--came out firing-on-all-cylinders. As David A. Stockman (Trumped!) "The U.S. is in deep financial trouble, and continuing to go down Wall Street cutting taxes--whistling-in-the-dark won't do." Bernie, like economists--Left and Right for decades--declares that income inequality is base-to-superstructure of crippling student-debt and middle-class decline.
+Unwise VP Choice: Anglo-Spanish-speaker Tim Kaine for VP, chosen-over Housing Secretary Julian Castro: Mexican-American who could bring-in needed Hispanic votes.
+Coup-de-grace: Hillary's Iowa many-visitations, never included campaigning with Patty Judge, the one Democrat that Chuck Grassley feared. No assistance came from Clinton or the DNC.
+Cybersecurity reporter Kim Zetter warns that our election systems, including our voting machines, are vulnerable to hacking: "We can't rule out that elections haven't already been manipulated."
+This is FRESH AIR. I'm Terry Gross. I want you to think back to the computer you had 10 years ago. It's a long time in computer years, right? That old computer would be pretty out-of-date now. Well, consider America's voting infrastructure. Most of the electronic touch screens and optical scan voting systems are more than 10 years old. They're too old to download the latest security patches. Our election system was already hacked by Russia.
+My guest Kim Zetter has been writing about our voting system's vulnerabilities since 2003, in the aftermath of the contested Bush v. Gore election. Last month, before the special election in Georgia between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel, Zetter wrote a long article in Politico about critical security problems in Georgia's election systems, which are representative of the larger problem. She's a former reporter for Wired and wrote the 2014 book "Countdown To Zero Day: Stuxnet And The Launch Of The World's First Digital Weapon."
+Kim Zetter, welcome to FRESH AIR. You know, there's so much news to keep straight. So help us out here, if you will, and just sum up what we know about what was hacked by Russia in our voting system - in our election system.
+KIM ZETTER: All we have right now are, you know, a few published reports that have coming out of intelligence agencies and news outlets. And those focus right now, not on the voting systems where the votes are cast or tallied but on voter registration systems, or, essentially, the servers that store voter registration databases and also, in one case in Florida, with a company that creates voting registration software and interacts with election officials.
+And so what we know is that - from reports - is that hackers somehow connected to Russian intelligence accessed or probed those kinds of systems in 39 states. Now when we say probe, what we mean is that they are looking for - and sometimes it can be simply an automated scan, and they're looking for any kind of vulnerability in the server to see if they actually can get into it.
+And that doesn't mean that they actually breached those. We know from one of the hearings on Capitol Hill that there were actually only two states where they breached the networks and looked like they were making attempts to either delete data or change data.
+GROSS: So this could be laying the groundwork for a future attack.
+ZETTER: Sure. And it - and in some cases, it can be a jumping off point to getting further into more critical systems. I'll just address, first of all, what you can do by getting into the voter registration databases. You could delete voters' records, or you could alter them in some way that creates problems for voters when they go to the polls that disenfranchises them. Maybe it indicates that they should be voting at a different polling place, and so they end up running around in the morning, from polling place to polling place, trying to find their correct polling place. Or officials tell them you're not registered.
+So a lot of things can cause delays and backups and chaos. But sometimes these voter registration systems are connected to systems that are used to program the voting machines. Now, this shouldn't be the case. And in many cases, election officials will assure us publicly that that's not the case.
+But security is very difficult to get right. And security is not - is sort of the enemy of efficiency. If you want to do things efficient, security is sort of against that because it requires you to take all of these extra precautions. And so quite often, you'll find that systems that should be separated aren't always securely separated.
+GROSS: Now, you've emphasized that we know what we know largely through reporters uncovering it and through leaks that the reporters receive. Do you think that American citizens should know exactly what's going on with our voting and election system?
+ZETTER: Yes. And I think that - I mean, you know, not just the public but election officials right now are in the dark as well. Those 39 states that were probed, you know, not all of that information has been disclosed specifically to the ones who were targeted there.
+And I think that in some cases, you know, election officials don't have security clearances. So if there is more significant information that the intelligence agencies have, election officials right now aren't - and even secretaries of states, who are considered the top election official in most states - they don't have the clearances to actually get more information.
+GROSS: Let's talk about some of the things you've added to our knowledge of what's gone wrong with our election system. You reported on Georgia's election system before the special election last month. And it was discovered inadvertently by someone named Logan Lamb, a cybersecurity expert, that there were problems in the electronic election system. Can you explain what he uncovered and how he did it?
+ZETTER: Yeah. So this was entirely random. Logan got curious about - when the news reports came out in August that there had been some probes against voter registration databases, Logan got curious about the voting systems themselves. And he decided to approach some election officials in Georgia to see if he could actually get his hands on a machine. And he was told that there was an election center at Kennesaw State University in Atlanta that oversaw elections and voting machines in state.
+So before he contacted them, he just decided to check out their website and see what all, you know, what are all of their functions? And in doing that, he discovered some files that he felt he shouldn't be able to access. And that included what looked like county-level files that were related to elections in 2016.
+So he decided to write a random script, a program, to basically scrape the website and see exactly what was on there and what was available to him. And he did that during his lunch hour. He wrote the script, set it operating and went out to lunch. And when he came back, he discovered that it had downloaded about 15 gigabytes of data, a humongous amount of data, for every county in the state.
+And that included the entire voter registration - voter roll for the state - for all of the nearly 6 million voters in the state. It also included some files that looked like they were database files from the voting system that would essentially include the tallies. It included a file that gave - it was in clear text; it wasn't encrypted - that listed passwords and usernames that election officials should use to sign into a central server on Election Day.
+So there was a lot there that clearly shouldn't have been there, and he discovered that it had been configured incorrectly so that he could actually - it was supposed to be password-protected, but he could actually bypass - or his script bypassed any kind of password protection.
+And he also discovered that the software used on the server had a 2-year-old security vulnerability that had been uncovered in 2014. It's actually a pretty severe vulnerability in that software, and a patch had been released almost immediately. And there were warnings at the time, back in 2014, that anyone who was using this Drupal software should update with the patch immediately. Or they should be - they should assume that they had already been hacked.
+GROSS: So hackers could have gotten in as easily as Logan Lamb did. And they could have done a lot of damage.
+ZETTER: They could have gotten, essentially, into the center systems, yes. Whether or not they could have actually gone into the software that's used on the voting machines and manipulated votes in some way, there's still some questions about that. And I don't think that Georgia has been very transparent about exactly the entire setup of how that server is configured.
+GROSS: Have any changes been made since this was discovered?
+ZETTER: Well, Georgia officials announced last week that they will be discontinuing the contract with the Center for Election Systems. They're renewing the contract for another year. And over the course of this next year, the secretary of state's office is working on moving that functionality that the center previously managed - moving that into the secretary of state's office. That, of course, creates new concerns because the secretary of state in Georgia is running for governor next year.
+And so if you have a single voting system used throughout the estate, and the secretary of state's office - that governor candidate - his office is responsible for programming all of those machines, you need special assurances for voters that, within that secretary of state's office, those voting machines can't be manipulated to favor the outcome of either this secretary of state or any other candidate or secretary of state that might run for office in the future.
+GROSS: Wow. So do you think that what happened in Georgia and the problems Georgia has had with its election system is representative of larger problems in the U.S.?
+ZETTER: It is. The - you know, the specific circumstances in Georgia don't necessarily replicate elsewhere. Georgia is, you know, the only state that is using, statewide, these paperless, touch-screen voting machines made by Diebold. And it is the only state that I'm aware of that actually has some kind of outside university like this programming all of the state's machines.
+There are other states, of course, that have different setups that are equally concerning. Many states will use sort of third-party companies - not a university, like in this case but a third-party company - that helps them program the machines, helps them set up and maintain machines. And so that's a concern as well, when you have, you know, not election officials themselves managing the machines and managing the election and managing the programming of those machines, but you have a third-party company that itself could be vulnerable to hacking in the way that Kennesaw State University's was.
+GROSS: So one of the problems that we're facing, in terms of voting, is that 42 states - I think I have that number right - now use systems that are at least a decade old. The software is outdated. Microsoft no longer supports the software with security updates. So that - I mean, that's a really long time. It's so - and it - those systems are really out of date.
+ZETTER: Yeah, and most of us replace our machines, right? We - at least every five years or so, if not sooner. You know, your laptop gets out of date pretty quickly - desktop system, as well. And so if you can imagine hardware that dates back to 2002 or earlier, and software. In the case of Georgia, the software that is currently on those voting systems is - was last certified in 2005.
+And, of course, a lot of vulnerabilities have been uncovered in that software since then, as well. And so you can assume that this is sort of the state in a lot of different counties and jurisdictions across the country.
+GROSS: And in terms of the technology being outdated, it's not just the system's technology. It's the actual voting machines we're talking about too this time around, right?
+ZETTER: Yes, and also, the - many of these machines were certified years ago. And they were tested and certified under a voting system standard that didn't have security requirements in it. Now, as I point out in Georgia, those systems, that software and that hardware was certified under standards the last time in 2005.
+Well, those standards have since been updated in 2015. But those standards - the new standards that actually have more security in them - only apply to new machines that would be purchased. So that doesn't apply, as you point out, to those 42 states that have equipment that's 10 years old. Those are still certified under standards that never had security in them.
+GROSS: You know, elections are considered a state issue, not a federal issue. So every state has its own system. They can buy their own machinery. It could be run by different kinds of officials. So if you look at the big picture, like, who runs the elections in America?
+ZETTER: Oh, this is a great question. And I think it's a question that - I think the answer is something that most Americans aren't aware of, and that is, it really depends on the jurisdiction where you are. In some cases, it is an elected official that is running the election, and doing the election management and actually doing the programming of the voting machines.
+In quite a lot of cases, though, and in quite a lot of states, it is some third party. It is either - when I first started covering this in 2003 and for many years after that, the people actually running the elections were the voting machine vendors, like Diebold and Election Systems & Software. The election staff didn't have the technical knowledge or skill to be programming the machines. And Diebold would come in, or they would hire a local third-party company to act as their consultants, and would program the machines for election officials.
+That's still the case, in many cases, that can't afford their own technical staff. And this is one of the issues that we have nationwide with the U.S. is that elections are notoriously underfunded. And in most cases, it does come down to a couple of people in a local election office, maybe supplemented during, you know, the high election season with outside workers that they bring in - hopefully, in some cases, with IT people that have a security background. In most cases, that's not the circumstance, though.
+And so elections in some places are run by the people you want them to be run by. But in many places, they're run by people we just - we don't even know who they are.
+GROSS: Let me reintroduce you here. If you're just joining us, my guest is Kim Zetter. She's an investigative journalist who's been covering cybersecurity, privacy and national security for more than a decade. She was a longtime reporter for Wired. She's also the author of the 2014 book, "Countdown To Zero Day: Stuxnet And The Launch Of The World's First Digital Weapon." We'll be back after this break.
+This is FRESH AIR.
+GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. And if you're just joining us, my guest is journalist Kim Zetter, who has been covering cybersecurity, privacy and national security for more than a decade. She's a former reporter for Wired. We're talking about voting security and election systems security. She's been covering that extensively. She's been writing about that since around 2003.
+After the Obama administration learned that Russia had hacked us, Jeh Johnson, who was then the Homeland Security director, wanted to help states protect their voting systems against cyberattack. What did he offer to do?
+ZETTER: So he was offering to do both - basically, information sharing. And it's unclear to what extents, you know, the - at that late stage - the DHS could have helped states with because really, if you're going to assist states in securing their elections, that really involves doing some kind of risk assessment at a county level or at a state level. And that's not what DHS was doing.
+I mean, you really need to come out and visit and see the setup and then advise about network operations and things like that. And so in that case, that wasn't what they were doing. But they were talking about information sharing and producing - distributing checklists of best practices, for instance, not connecting machines to the Internet and other things that they were advising states to do to secure their elections. But that's really not sufficient for what you would hope DHS or any other federal agency might do to help states secure elections.
+GROSS: Nevertheless, some states objected to the help that Jeh Johnson was trying to give. What was the objection?
+ZETTER: Right. So Georgia, in fact, was one of - there were only, I believe, two states that objected - Maine and Georgia - or Georgia primarily. And the objection there was an interference in states' rights. You know, in our country, elections are handled at the state and local level for, you know, states' rights reasons. We don't want the federal government interfering in elections.
+And that's a legitimate concern in general, except that in this case, DHS wasn't asking to take over elections and wasn't looking to take over elections. But this is what Georgia was accusing them of doing - of somehow overstepping their authority and wanting to come in and seize the operations of the elections. And that really wasn't what DHS was doing.
+There's a - it's a really misunderstanding of how DHS operates. And a better way to look at it is what DHS currently does with other critical infrastructure systems, known as industrial control systems. DHS has a special program for critical infrastructure and industrial control systems in particular, where they will come out, and they can do - help you do an assessment of the network.
+And they will also - they have flyaway teams that will come out to you if you think that you've been hacked or breached. And they have these teams that will come out and help you do an assessment, forensic examination and consultation and things like that. So DHS really is in a much better position than most states - and certainly counties - to know what a secure setup should look like and to assess afterwards, as well, whether or not there has been a breach.
+GROSS: So we know that Russia hacked our system. What are some of the concerns that cybersecurity experts have now about what Russia, or another malicious actor, might do in the 2018 midterms or the 2020 presidential election?
+ZETTER: Well, I think that - you know, what we have is so far only evidence of them getting into voter registration databases - or at least targeting voter registration databases. And I think that - there has to be this caveat here - is that just because we don't see, or there - or no one has come out with evidence that the voting machines have been hacked doesn't mean that the more critical systems haven't been hacked. It's quite possible that there are adversaries - whether or not it's a nation state or simply other hackers - simple hackers, criminal hackers - in election systems.
+We can't rule that out. And we also can't rule out that elections haven't already been manipulated in this way. We just don't have the capabilities, in many cases, to do forensic analysis of the machines. And we don't have the will, in many cases, to examine that. So when you see statements from election officials and from the federal government saying that there's no evidence that the votes were changed or that the voting systems were hacked, it has to be done with the caveat that, actually, no one really looked.
+So there is concern then, if they haven't already done that in the past, that looking forward, in 2018 and beyond - that there is this great interest now in election systems. You know, once someone sets the example of what can be done, then that opens the gateway for a lot of other actors to explore further - to do the same kinds of things, either just going into voter registration databases, or to explore going further and trying to see if they can actually get into the voting machines and manipulate them.
+GROSS: Well, Kim Zetter, thank you so much for talking with us.
+ZETTER: You're welcome.
+GROSS: Kim Zetter's article about Georgia's election system was published in Politico. She's also the author of the 2014 book "Countdown To Zero Day: Stuxnet And The Launch Of The World's First Digital Weapon." After we take a short break, we'll listen back to my 1990 interview with actor Martin Landau, who died Saturday. And Maureen Corrigan will review two comic novels. I'm Terry Gross, and this is FRESH AIR.
+Views: 37
+We all claim to be looking for "a better deal," but is there one out there. It looks like we may may be stuck with the deal we have unless we start paying attention to our politics and who is really running the country.
+Molly Ivans nailed it:.
+Trump is a hero to the forgotten Americans, the working class. they're starting to wake up - he's no hero, but for a while - like any really good snake oil salesman - he looked good. he talked their language, only because it's easy to sell shit to people who can't grasp that governing is complicated. so they got easy answers that glossed over specifics. bullshit easy fixes to hard problems.
+there are no easy fixes.
+I miss Molly Ivans a whole lot. she was one hell of a writer and one hell of a woman.
+True, no easy fixes. But as a citizen you can be wise to his tricks. You can read and research and remember that all of this has happened before in history. And that Trump is counting on you not to know history. He talks about "hell fire" just like Goebbels did when he declare "all out war." Molly was brave and we must be too in this time of crisis. If you notice the police are now militarized and they are not just for the inner-cities, but for any citizen that dares to protest.
+November 2004 update. This article is linked on our links pages, but I thought it worth a mention here, too.]
+If you're really serious about improving the sound quality of your iTunes playback through less-than-ideal laptop or monitor speakers, invest in the VolumeLogic plugin from Octiv. The sound quality improvements are astounding, especially during soft passages, on my Titanium Powerbook. I disable the plugin when I connect my laptop to my stereo (sorry, no Airport Express yet) so I can hear the music as the artist intended.
+I have no connection to Octiv whatsoever, aside from being a very satisfied user. Here's a link:
+Volume Logic is great! I can't believe I lived without it for so long. I wish Apple would license it for iPods because SoundCheck is almost worse than nothing at all.
+However, for those who don't want to spend the money, this EQ preset is probably pretty good. The name should be changed from "Perfect" to "Loudness", though, because it's pretty much the same EQ curve as that button on my parents' home stereo receiver.
+I never thought such piece of a software could really enhance my audio experience, but it does (I'm using the Harman/Kardon SoundSticks). Incredible.
+Awsome tip, thank you very much!
+Hmm. I just tried this out on my PowerBook. First, it doesn't work with AirTunes like the builtin equalizer does. Second, after I moved the default volume to around 8 and toggled the plugin I didn't hear any improvement. I tried different music (rock, acoustic, and latin) with various presets. Usually I preferred the original.
+it takes something like 20 seconds for an equalizer change to take affect with Airtunes. Could that be the issue?
+Whilst this EQ curve gives a pretty good loudness boost I still have to put in my vote for VolumeLogic, an amazing piece of software and well worth the money.
+I had to switch it off to test this EQ setting and everything just sounds so flat without it. I personally listen to most music with VolumeLogic's 'Reggae' setting because I like my highs and lows, but they have similar presets to iTunes for different kinds of music plus a 'General' preset for everything.
+I also use iVolume instead of Sound Check, it uses a better algorithm for level checking and lets you transfer results to the iPod too. It is quite a bit slower than Sound Check though.
+Out of curiosity, is there a particular type of music that you guys listen to a lot, blackxacto and robg?
+---Figuring it out
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+"I did this with almost every song, but a lot of songs in my library are similar in style, so I just used one setting on those."
+I'm a sound engineer by trade, and I just wanted to point out that you might have used more time than necessary by naming a preset for each of your songs.
+Albums are mastered with a very expensive set of speakers and given an EQ 'preset' before they are pressed to CD for shipping. Your goal should be to make the whole album sound as good on your own speakers as you can.
+There is no reason to try and adjust the iTunes EQ for each song on the same album. Instead, try and pick your favorite song (which is almost certainly the one you've listened to the most, and are the most aurally familiar with) and make a preset for that one. Apply that 'album' preset to each song on the record, and you'll find that presto!, you've re-created the hyper-expensive mastering environment that your artist used to finalize their music before shipping it to you.
+Now you can sit back and listen to the entire album just as the artist and mastering engineer intended it to be heard. Using this EQ approach, you will begin to pick out slight variations between the songs that indicate the taste of the producer and the artist which you may not have realized before.
+Happy listening!
+---Joel Farris
+"and that's the way it oughta be!"
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+My tastes run the gamut from rock to classical to alternative. Pretty much everything other than country gets some airplay from my library :).
+i'd say this deserves a 1/2 candle and not a full flame... of course, an overall db boost is going to make your speakers sound "fuller". If you compare the total db boost you get from this setting to any of the the apple presets which use EQ judiciously, you'll see that it really just boosts the volume.
+This preset is very close to R&B. Just use R&B and amp up the db slider and you'll have virtually the same settings.
+as a side note to this, in the 1990's rap group Public Enemy mastered all their albums several decibels louder than what was considered normal for the recording industry. It gave the impression that the music was more "present" especially when played back to back with other songs or albums.
+"This is a top to a, you know, what we use on stage, but it's very, very special because if you can see, the numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board."
+"And most of these amps go up to?"
+"[long silence] ...These go to eleven!"
+Thank you very much for the flashback. I have GOT to see that movie again.
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+ROFL, one of the best part of this "Rockumentary", because I work in music, and I assure you things like this are happening all the time :)
+You dont have to swim faster than sharks, just faster than the guy next to you
+This sort of stuff really depends on the speakers (or in a hall situation, the room). I used to use the built-in small speakers settings when just using the speakers in my Powerbook. Last week I bought some Bose powered speakers and my sound is now definately most natural and best (by a long shot) when the EQ is shut off all together. In the end, sound is like colour, no two people experience it exactly the same.
+Sound is like colour; no two people experience it the same way?
+That has to be the most esoteric analogy I've ever read.
+Actually... to compare sounds and colors has nothing esoteric. Both values are represented in values of wavelenght and are interpreted by our organs (eyes an ears) that can be damaged in some degree and relay the information to our brain for a final processing. Both, color and sound, can be altered by the environment they are in or "surrounding" them. That doesn't even cover the more subjective things like the differences that exist in everyone tastes.
+Just my humble opinion tho...
+tell application "iTunes"
+tell EQ preset 1
+set band 1 to 3
+set band 2 to 6
+set band 3 to 9
+set band 4 to 7
+set band 5 to 6
+set band 6 to 5
+set band 7 to 7
+set band 8 to 9
+set band 9 to 11
+set band 10 to 8
+set preamp to 0
+end tell
+end tell
+This lowers everything by 6db so you can more easily compare without the huge volume difference.
+tell application "iTunes"
+tell EQ preset 1
+set band 1 to -3
+set band 2 to 0
+set band 3 to 3
+set band 4 to 1
+set band 5 to 0
+set band 6 to -1
+set band 7 to 1
+set band 8 to 3
+set band 9 to 6
+set band 10 to 5
+set preamp to 0
+end tell
+end tell
+Aah, thanks. That's much better. My music aren't all in 256kbps, and can't really take all that software amplication...
+And trust the MOSXH commenters to post an AppleScript solution to any imaginable problem ;)
+OK, I'm a script newb. I can't get this to run... any hints?
+I couldn't get it to run at first. I found out that if I set my iTunes Graphic Equalizer to "Manual" mode instead of a preset, the script properly sets the settings.
+Bingo! Thanks.
+The "save" did not work. So, I removed it and it ran pretty well. I am not a AppleScript user. But, I gave this a try and I felt pretty good about myself now.
+As for the sound - I am running a Logitec 2.1 that never really sounded that good for me. Now, it sounds pretty good. I can hear the music and I am not blown away by all of the noise of the mix.
+var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band1 = -3;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band2 = 0;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band3 = 3;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band4 = 1;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band5 = 0;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band6 = -1;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band7 = 1;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band8 = 3;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band9 = 6;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.band10 = 5;
+iTunesApp.CurrentEQPreset.Preamp = 0;
+I always found that, strangely enough, "Piano" made my songs sound better, despite the fact that few of them have a piano in them at all.
+Same here... my music sounds so much nicer using the 'Piano' preset
+and I thought I was the only one with that feeling! :)
+:-) hehe, oh i wish it was this simple!
+After years of listening to what something actually sounded like, it would be great if it was this simple.
+My experience has been that enabling the iPod or iTunes EQ modules seriously degrades the audio chain. Regardless of the settings.
+admin -
+My experience has been that enabling the iPod or iTunes EQ modules seriously degrades the audio chain. Regardless of the settings.
+Try this: set all the equalizer settings to 0 (but leave the equalizer turned on). Listen to some stuff. Now turn the equalizer off. Sounds better doesn't it?
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+In addition, turning the eq off also makes iTunes use less cpu. Those reasons are why I keep it off.
+As someone who used to own a recording studio, I'd like to make a couple of comments.
+First off, the poster who mentioned that this setting makes everythign louder is right. The downside is that this may put some stuff over the top and you'll get distortion. If you do use a settine that makes everything louder, use the preamp slider to bring the overall volume back down.
+Second, on the subject of some bands recording their songs "at a higher volume", you really can't. All forms of digital audio have a maximum number that any sound can be, and you can't go above that. What you can do, is compress the sound so more of it will be up there. Unfortunately overusing this makes everything sound terrible, and produces "ear fatigue". It's like instead of eating a nice meal followed by a nice dessert, you have a gallon of chocolate ice cream every time.
+Finally, our ears get used to different EQ settings. This is why some guys have the bass all the way up and the loudness engaged on their stereo. To someone with a set of ears, this sounds terrible, but they are used to it.
+If you want better sound, I recommend encoding the signal at a higher bit rate and using superior encoders. After that, I'd just adjust the hardware EQ slightly on the stereo if needed.
+When Public enemy came out They were most likely recording in analog as apposed to tday's almost all digital world of music recording. And if I'm correct, with analog recording at a higher level of volume leads to a distortion effect often used by bands and now simulated by digital filters for effect on songs. THough I could very well be wrong.
+This is an old thread, and probably won't be seen, but:
+On analog tape and most mixers, pushing the levels hard not only brings in distortion, but by the very nature of distortion, compression/limiting as well.
+Plus in the early 90's the Waves L1 was available to quite a lot of studios to do digital mastering and squash the heck out of things.
+Most likely when you hear people saying that they recorded it louder, the are confused and mean it was made louder in mastering - which as bakalite mentioned is done via compression/limiting.
+As an audio engineer and producer with 18 years of experience in the field working in some of the 'finest studios in the world', I'm confident in saying that this approach is backwards.
+Equalizers in both the analog and digital realm do subtractive filtering far better than additive filtering. When pulling the EQ down you are not creating the additive comb-filtering necessary to boost frequencies that do not already exist, so using this kind of approach is leaves more of the original audio intact and does not add as many artifacts to the signal.
+Of course an FFT digital EQ can overcome this (which is why the Weiss products are so expensive but popular), but iTunes most certainly does not hog the processor by using FFT algorithms for it's EQ.
+What would be more appropriate, and also avoid unnecessary distortion, is to do all of those adjustments subtractively, then making up the gain difference with the slider at the left. This is why the slider on the left exists, in case you were wondering.
+Like this (-8, -5, -2, -4, -5, -6, -4, -2, 0, -3), if my math is correct. Then just boost the overall gain at the left to make up the difference.
+I'm not suggesting this will sound "better" to you, but it will certainly be a cleaner way to use the EQ.
+I knew someone would beat me to subtractive equalization. Yes, this is the proper way to use an EQ. Amplifiers are for amplification.
+Excellent! I love the way it sounds. I named this "negative" preset, "Perfect Negative". Thanks!
+"To die among friends. Can a man ask for more? Can the world offer less? Who wants to live till the last bottle's empty? It's all for
+I registered to this website just to say thanks. Good advice on the usage of negative settings and adjusting the preamp.
+Unless my eyes deceive me at this 'early' hour, I actually got the math right the first time and my "negative" setting is true to the original.
+I'm glad it sounds good to your ear, but perhaps I missed the opportunity to make a larger more philosophical point about audio filtering in my original post. And that is, if it sounds right to you then it is right. If the bass seems a bit low on your system, boost it! Everyone's system is going to sound different because of the kind of computer you have (audio circuitry), how old it is (speaker wear and tear), placement of the computer (acoustics and angle of speaker to ear), use of external speakers (dramatically different bass/treble response), kind of OS and Audio App (they inject their own EQ curve usually), and of course the EQ curve of your ears (young ears are usually much flatter than old ears).
+There are so many things going on that keep the 'flat' output from being 'flat' that you're already starting at a disadvantage. I just wanted to point out that there is a 'right' and 'wrong' way to use EQ from an audiophile standpoint.
+Keep in mind that when I mix a track that you listen to on the radio, the radio station is destroying the original EQ curve by using multiband processing in order for their station to appear the 'loudest' in their market. Because as we all know louder is better :)
+So there is no absolute or golden rule to EQ curves. It is right when it sounds right!
+--- Rick wrote:
+> Hello,
+> My name is Rick and I saw your post. What a great EQ setting. But I'm
+> just wondering about the math... you listed...
+> EQ setting : -8, -5, -2, -4, -5, -6, -4, -2, 0, -3
+> The original EQ setting give was...
+> +3, +6, +9, +7, +6, +5, +7, +9, +11, +8
+> Didn't you reverse the order as well as subtract from it?
+> I'm confused... because your mistake, if in fact it was a mistake,
+> sounds great. The bass is pretty low, which kinda disappoints me, but
+> other than that it sounds clean like you said.
+> So now my question is... how did this work out?
+> Thanks,
+> Rick
+Copy and paste the following into a Script Editor window and press Run:
+tell application "iTunes"
+tell EQ preset 1 -- the Manual setting which you can then save
+set band 1 to -8
+set band 2 to -5
+set band 3 to -3
+set band 4 to -4
+set band 5 to -5
+set band 6 to -6
+set band 7 to -4
+set band 8 to -2
+set band 9 to 0
+set band 10 to -3
+set preamp to 6 -- A guess on my part
+end tell
+end tell
+---Pecos Bill
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+FYI, so far as I can see, you need to have the EQ in "manual" mode.
+I've been doing this wrong for quite some time, apparently. After a few tweaks, I find that this method produces what I can only describe as tighter sound. My old mecca preset sounds messy and distorted compared to this, which was a bit of a rude awakening.
+As an aside, I also found +6 on the preamp to be ideal for this tuning. Thanks again! I didn't just learn something new today, I learned something useful!
+Get Firefox!
+I currently have +8,+2,0,+2, +2, -2, -7, -6, -1, +2 for classical. This seems to make the sound tighter than the "flat" preset..
+I currently have +8,+2,0,+2, +2, -2, -7, -6, -1, +2 for classical. This seems to make the sound tighter than the "flat" preset. I created these settings on MacBook Pro and they seem to sound pretty good on Nano (gen 2) with Shure E3c (which are "flat")..
+If you're listening to Drum n' Bass, watch out. Put your volume low and ease it up.
+I don't want to blow out the speakers the first time I hear this "perfect" EQ.
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+...is amazing !! Thanks for the tip !
+Now it takes 3x more processing power! I don't know if my mac will handle that while photoshoping.
+Make sure you deselect "Meters" as they really hog cpu cycles. Also, keep the VolumeLogic window closed whenever possible.
+On my Titanium Powerbook, I use the "General" genre preset (I have a very ecclectic iTunes library of nearly 15,000 songs), with "Drive" set all the way to the right and "Bass Boost" set all the way to the left.
+A couple other important things to remember:
+1) Keep the iTunes volume all the way up, and control the actual listening level either with the VolumeLogic "Volume" slider or with the sound output system preference (as I do via the keyboard's volume keys).
+2) Turn the iTunes equalizer off.
+3) Turn iTunes "Sound Enhancer" off.
+4) Turn iTunes "Sound Check" off.
+Again, I disable VolumeLogic altogether when I connect my computer to my stereo, but these settings work great either with my laptop's built-in speakers, or the cheap ones built into an external monitor.
+I'm pretty sure that VolumeLogic is accomplishing much the same thing as the SRS WOW Thing mentioned in another post.
+There's some good technical information about VolumeLogic's signal processing at the Octiv website.
+"wuff" is one of the best words ever. Completely accurate, too.
+It's ironic that people whose equipment is of high enough quality (price) to properly reproduce the frequencies most wished to be boosted, tend to be those people who have the least desire for SRS WOW or bowled EQ obstructing the clarity of the music they want to listen to.
+But, hey, the whole point is to get something that sounds good. If you like the sound of the EQ setting described here, that's a good thing. If you don't like it, you can make your own setting, or even do without EQ. If it sounds good, go with it. That's what counts.
+(Disclaimer: I say all of this as a budding audiophile who dropped $300 on headphones and an amplifier last month. :)
+I'd say this improves my listening experience 100%
+The proper way to set EQ curves is keeping everything balanced around 0. You should never boost any bands as high as this. So the 500 Hz slider would be at zero, with the others the same ratio higher and lower.
+Really all you are doing is making it louder, and for most people louder sounds better.
+I've been using several of my own EQ curves for years. It's a shame that they don't copy over to the iPod though. On my iPod I usually use R&B or Jazz. R&B can get too boomy and make my ear pods clip. A somewhat little known fact is that by setting your iPod's EQ to flat, it will honor the EQ setting from iTunes... so how ever you set a song's EQ (from the preset list) that's what you will get. My big gripe with the built in EQ curves are they are too exaggerated! They are very gimmicky. Good EQ curves are far more subtle.
+Another point is don't get hung up on if you use EQ you are not hearing the song the way it was mastered. If you don't use EQ you might not be hearing it the right way either! The correct way is to use a noise generator and a hand held spectrum analyzer to EQ your system for flat response in your listening environment. Speakers do not have perfectly flat response and neither does the amp or playback device. After you do that, you are hearing things as they were mastered... and you might still not like it! Everyone hears differently. Being a musician for the past 36 years has left my hearing slightly worse then when I started! So I need more high end. EQ is our friend! :)
+G4/466, 1 GB, Mac OS X 10.3.5
+Exactly. After 23 years of playing drums, and a lot of that time having the bass player's amp to my left, I can't stand listening to music unless I can also feel the low end. My EQs usually have a steep low end, depending on the system. And all those cymbals took a small toll on my high end, so the other end of the EQ is steep too. The rest of it gets tuned to the system/room.
+While this hint probably got a bunch of people to actually mess with the iTunes EQ, and there were good explanations of how boost causes distortion, I wouldn't really call it an OS X Hint.
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+Re: noise generator and spectrum analyzer
+I made an effort at doing that a couple of years ago... with a pink noise .wav file, the built-in mic on my PowerBook, and the spectrum analyzer in Amadeus. It turned out pretty well, actually.
+On my desktop Mac I looped the pink noise in iTunes. On my PowerBook I watched the real-time spectrum analyzer and adjusted the iTunes EQ until all the frequency bands were about the same (ignoring the extreme upper and lower frequencies where the built-in mic was obviously not registering).
+Once the pink noise looked good in the analyzer I did some listening tests to fine-tune the EQ settings -- since holding a PowerBook in front of my speakers wasn't quite the same as using a genuine calibrated mic. At that point I had a good EQ preset that made the system sound _much_ better.
+The next step would be to combine my baseline preset with the official Apple EQ presets..
+It seems like the easiest way to incorporate a baseline speaker calibration into the other presets, short of an actual hardware EQ, would be to loop through all the standard presets with AppleScript and create new, calibrated versions. If I could work out the proper syntax for "make new EQ preset" I'd be good to go...
+After I noticed that there is an eq settings plist on the iPod, I thought this would be a great application for some adventurous programer/developer out there. Write an app that would allow modifying the iPod's EQ presets, with some type of GUI, like an EQ.
+I haven't really made any tests to see if the iPod can actually copy custom EQ curves from iTunes, but I haven't found any documentation that says it can.
+I haven't done any of this in a while, but I always thought you were supposed to use white noise for calibration. White noise has an equal distribution of frequencies, while pink noise has a low pass curve and therefore has less high frequencies. It's warmer, so it's pink. :)
+Regarding iPod battery life. Yes, this is true. using the EQ shortens your battery life. But I can't listen to my iPod without EQ! Gotta hear that bass! (I'm a bass player) :)
+G4/466, 1 GB, Mac OS X 10.3.5
+[ Reply to This | # ]
+IIRC, using the equalizer can reduce the iPods battery life. It puts an additional strain on the iPods processor.
+Also, the 'Use equalizer' setting may be inherited from iTunes if set for individual songs.
+If all you want to do is equalize away the inherent problem resonances in your speakers, you can do it by hand.
+Make a sound file in Audacity with about a second's worth of sine wave for each iTunes EQ band. Save it as an AIFF file, import it into iTunes (still as AIFF, not mp3 or AAC), set playback to repeat, and hit Play.
+Open up the EQ window, and reduce the sliders where you hear peaks in the sound. Don't boost anything -- you'll greatly increase the risk of distortion. If you're setting this up for your laptop, cut the bass as well, because those tiny speakers can't afford to be overworked trying to play frequencies that sound best through subs 8" or larger.
+You can set up different EQ curves for the speakers you have on your desktop, your headphones & earphones, and anything else. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to export the settings to my iPod (I've read EVERYTHING posted so far, and nothing works).
+My iBook-specific EQ has these cuts: 32 Hz -9dB; 64 Hz -3; 500 Hz -9; 4 KHz -5; 8 KHz -3; 16 KHz -1. Another curve, for my Apple earbuds, came out like this: 2 KHz -2; 4 KHz -6; 8 KHz -4.
+VolumeLogic does work extremely well, but with music containing a wide dynamic range (large-scale symphonic stuff, for example), the softs are louder than they should be. But, for general listening, [i]especially[/i] on tiny underpowered speakers like those on your laptop, it's very, very good.
+easier than creating a sound file in Audacity is to use the free program PerfectTone:
+type in a starting frequency, then "shft <" or "shft >" to sweep the audio spectrum .
+There's no such thing as "perfect". Each song will have (probably) been processed by an EQ. Some bands seem to increase the bass for the crap-speaker market, so it actually sounds bad on good speakers. And if your speakers are tinny, then you're probably using a laptop, and tiny speakers are impossible to get good sound out of (even eMac speakers leave a lot to be desired).
+I have spent billions of hours tweaking my EQ, and have around 25 right now (for headphones, eMac speakers, and my two pairs through a 160-watt amp). I blast the room at night (the walls seem to be reasonably soundproof) to tweak my EQ. I use a few reference songs, which hopefully are mixed properly (i.e. made for "perfect" speakers).
+Why it seems to sound better is you're pushing up the treble. Let's use my eMac speakers as a reference. It doesn't really have enough "deep bass" (Gravity of Love). It should dip more around 250-500 Hz (eMac resonance ish, Torn). 8K is too high, so esses sound loud (Torn). 16K is a little too low. It doesn't quite compensate enough for bad midtones. It drops the bass sweep, too (Atomic Dance Explosion), though only big speakers can reproduce it properly.
+For the most part, you can compensate for bad speakers by turning everything down, and basically listening to one band at a time. 32 is really low bass. 64 is decent bass. 125 is cheap bass (the kind you get with "bass boost", the volume turned up, and crap speakers). 200 and 500 are midtones, 1K and 2K are "tinny", 4K is treble-ish, 8K is esses, and most of the high hat, and 16K is the rest of the high hat.
+Then, you just turn down the bands which sound like your crappy laptop speakers (or crappy "multimedia" speakers).
+in college (abck in the late '70s) I bought a radio shack eq for about $100 (thats about $300 today). We played some good and bad music at a friends place that had some very good speakers. When we got to the album - 'Live Bootleg" by Aeorsmith, I was amazed. The album, for me, was junk. REAL JUNK.
+But, with an equalizer we could find sounds and items in the background we had nedver heard before. On a live track we could hear the people walking on stage. It was fun to listen to - for a change.
+Can a equalizer make an album good - NO. But add one to a decent/OK system and it can "compensate" for many defects in the system and room.
+It is about he room more than the system. Set your equalizer for what you want to hear/can hear and not what someone thinks is right.
+tell application "iTunes"
+set the current EQ preset to EQ preset "Manual"
+tell EQ preset "Manual"
+set band 1 to -8
+set band 2 to -5
+set band 3 to -2
+set band 4 to -4
+set band 5 to -5
+set band 6 to -6
+set band 7 to -4
+set band 8 to -2
+set band 9 to 0
+set band 10 to -3
+set preamp to 6
+end tell
+end tell
+hi guys
+to be honest pc speakers are so ridiculously expencive, just get a lovely sound card, wire up ya computer to an amp, then atach the amp to PROPER SPEAKERS hehe.
+as for exualizer, i like the preset settings actually.
+As someone who has been playing with sound equipment since he was 12, I must say this article looks like something I would have written when I was 11. There is no such thing a a 'perfect' equalizer setting, as everybody has said before me but it can't just be stated enough.
+The only, single, unique purpose of an equalizer should be to compensate for the imperfect response curve of the sound installation. A perfect speaker produces the perfect sound with all sliders of the equalizer set to 0dB. If your actual speaker plays a 125Hz tone 3dB more silent, you should set the 125Hz slider to +3dB, or set all other sliders to -3dB and leave the 125Hz at 0dB. And so on.
+The problem is that you need professional equipment to measure the deviations of your actual speakers from the ideal speaker. Plus, many speakers deviate so badly from the ideal speaker that even at the most extreme settings the equalizer can't correct them, or distortion kicks in. Plus, the equalizer is only approximative. A parametric equalizer would be required for a much more accurate correction.
+So the only thing you can do with the equalizer, is try to make your music sound as good as possible within all these limitations. If you consistently hear some frequencies louder than others on all songs, try to find that frequency and tune its slider down.
+The use for a loudness compensator as found on many amplifiers, is to compensate for the fact that the frequency response curve of the human ear changes with amplitude. Roughly spoken, the sensitivity for bass and trebles decreases with decreasing amplitude. Therefore a loudness control will boost bass & treble at low volumes. Unfortunately this involves is so much approximation and guess-work that the end result is probably not what it should be. To hear the music as it should sound -- assuming you're using perfect speakers -- you should play it at the same volume as was used during the recording, without any loudness compensation. But on most crappy consumer products, turning on loudness will indeed improve the sound quality, if only because the loudness compensation often corresponds pretty well with the deficiencies of the crappy speakers. In general, though, equalization and loudness are completely different things.
+For my iBook speakers, after many, many attempts, I found the following setting to improve the sound without distorting it too much. Of course the extreme boost at 125Hz causes distortion with some songs, but I had to do this to avoid losing too much of the already scarce volume. The speakers are crappy anyway, so a little extra distortion is no big deal.
+Preamp: -3.5dB (you can decrease this to reduce the distortion, or boost it if you don't mind the distortion).
+32Hz: -12dB (those speakers can't reach this frequency anyway)
+64Hz: +6dB (idem, but this is just to keep the curve a little smooth)
+250Hz: +1dB
+500Hz: -5dB
+1kHz: -3dB
+2kHz: 0dB
+4kHz: -1dB
+8kHz: +1dB
+16kHz: +3dB
+I have been in the high end audio business for 27 years and what you have done is a common misconception people have about volume and eq settings. Remember this amp goes to 11. It doesn't.
+The EQ settings are all at least +3db. This is increasing volume as well as eq. Everything sounds better louder and that is what you have done. What you need to do is keep the levels as much above as below 0Db. When you switch between eq'd and not eq'd the volume should be the same. If your speakers have 20watt amps that is as loud it will ever be, regardless of your eq settings.
+I've been using it for over twenty years - only with all frequencies dropped about three notches and the pre-amp boosted almost one. It's a general setting that works for all music if you don't have a spectrum analyzer to check room acoustics. An EQ's purpose is to add or remove frequency to attempt to get a flat response from the environment, not from the speakers.
+I have always wondered why EQ manufacturers don't include a California Smile pre-set when DJ's and sound engineers for bands have relied on it for years.
+It's the same as the Hip-Hop setting, but much buzzier because it's additive. I don't like it.
+Maybe this sounds "better" but likely only because it's automatically quite a bit louder due to boosting most of the frequency content by many decibels. To most humans, louder sounds "better." If you compare this setting to a comparable volume set at "flat," it's unlikely that you will find that it sounds better.
+And really, don't use this setting if you have your headphone output attached to powered speakers. NASTY!!
+I Was Messing Around With My EQ And Found This Setting To Be Very Effective From A Range Of Low Bass, Bass Kicks, And The Voice Is Crystal Clear.
+PreAmp. 0
+This preset causing peaking in a lot of my music. It cranks these frequencies too much.. just listen to a part in your music when there is already a lot going on--with the preset, it crackles. Without it, it hits like it's supposed to and doesn't peak. It sounds "better", only because it's just making things louder, while leaving the bass down enough to not totally overdue it. Try starting out at flat and compensating just enough to make up for how crappy your speakers are, you'll have much better results.
+The mastering of music has enough limiting going on already, you shouldn't need to crank up the frequencies like this.
+Also, every set of speakers and every single song (at the least every album) is going to need a different EQ to sound great. Just blowing everything out is not the way to make all of your music sound great.
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+Microsoft Office 365 migration FAQ
+About this article
+This article includes answers to frequently asked questions about the migration of our email, voicemail, OneDrive for Business, and other Microsoft Office 365 cloud services to the Minnesota State system. This change will affect all WSU students and employees. We will add answers to this article as new questions arise, so check back frequently (you may need to refresh the page to see the updates).
+FAQs - Before the migration
+Why are we doing this?
+This summer, WSU will take the next step towards streamlining our Microsoft Office cloud services, including email and file storage, by migrating them to the Minnesota State system. Having all of these services under one umbrella or "tenant" will improve service quality and facilitate communication and collaboration across the system.
+What's actually going to change for me?
+Immediately following the migration, you will be required to use a new username to log into your WSU email, OneDrive for Business, Skype for Business, and other Microsoft Office 365 services. Your new username will be:
+- Students: StarID@go.minnstate.edu (Example: jd8762vd@go.minnstate.edu)
+- Employees StarID@minnstate.edu (Example: jd8762vd@minnstate.edu)
+Will my email address change?
+No. You can continue to use your current WSU email address (e.g., jsmith@winona.edu). This migration has no effect on existing email addresses.
+Will my password change?
+No. You can continue to use your StarID password.
+Will I lose access to email, voicemail, and other services?
+Yes. The migration will start on Friday, July 21st, at noon and be completed by 7:30 AM, Monday, July 24th. During the migration process, your WSU email, voicemail, OneDrive for Business online files, and other Office 365 services will be unavailable. Your mailbox will also be unable to receive mail during this process, with the duration varying across users. Any email message sent to your WSU email address during this time will be returned to the sender.
+What if I need to access files from my OneDrive for Business in the cloud?
+If you store files in your OneDrive for Business in the cloud, you will be able to access those files up until the start of the migration at noon on Friday, July 21st. However, we will begin copying OneDrives over to the new system before that time and any changes that you make to your current files will not be replicated to your new OneDrive once that copy process starts. If you want to edit a file during this time, download it to your laptop or desktop and edit that local copy. Then, upload it to your new OneDrive on July 24th. We will begin copying OneDrives on the following dates:
+- Students: 7:30 AM on Monday, July 10th
+- Employees: 7:30 AM on Monday, July 17th
+Will I need to re-record my campus voicemail greeting?
+Yes. Employees, if you have recorded a voicemail greeting on your campus phone, you will need to re-record it.
+What if I try to access my email during the migration?
+You will be prompted to enter your username and password. However, your credentials will not be accepted. Please wait to access your email until we are finished with the migration. Check this wiki page for updates. You may need to refresh the page to see the updates.
+What if I am teaching during the migration
+If you are teaching this summer, you may want to inform your students that you will be unable to communicate with them (and vice versa) using WSU email during this period. Please note that D2L Brightspace will still be accessible.
+How will new employees be affected?
+If you are welcoming new faculty and staff into your departments and their network accounts have not been created by July 17th, please let them know that any accounts created during the migration period will not allow email access until the migration is complete.
+Do I need to do anything to prepare?
+Maybe. It depends on what Office 365 tools you use. Review the checklist on the Microsoft Office 365 migration article
+FAQs - After the migration
+Where are my contact groups?
+Although all contacts that you entered manually into Outlook (web and software) were migrated, employee distribution lists were not. Employees can contact the Technical Support Center (AskTech@winona.edu, 507-457-5240, Somsen Hall 207) for assistance or rebuild their contact lists themselves using an old email message and the steps below:
+- Open an email that was sent to the people you want to include in the contact group.
+- In the To or Cc box, highlight all the names with your mouse.
+- Right-click your selection and then click Copy, or press Ctrl+C.
+- In Outlook (not in the opened email message), click People.
+- Click Home > New Contact Group.
+- Type a name for your contact group.
+- Click Add Members > From Outlook Contacts.
+- In the window that opens, right-click inside the Members box, and click Paste, or press Ctrl+V.
+- Click OK. The people from the email will appear as a list of members for your contact group.
+- Click Save & Close.
+I can login with my new credentials, but I am missing mail, contacts or calendar items. Do I need to do anything?
+Signs your email is probably still being migrated:
+- You see your folder list, but they are empty
+- You see some of your calendar events, but not all of them
+- You see some of your contacts, but not all of them
+- Employees: Wait until you receive a message that notifies you that your mailbox has been successfully migrated. If you are still missing items after you receive this message, contact AskTech@winona.edu.
+- Students/Alumni: You will not receive this email so please continue to check to see that you have everything you should have.
+I cannot log in with my StarID@Minnstate.edu login. I receive an error that my account is not recognized or doesn't exist.
+- Ensure you are typing it correctly. StarID@go.minnstate.edu for students and StarID@minnstate.edu for all others
+- Alumni that are seeing this issue can still get to their old email at outlook.office365.com by logging in with StarID@livewinona.onmicrosoft.com
+- If you've very recently enrolled at WSU (like within the last 24 hours) your email account may not yet be created out in Microsoft 365.
+Will the way that I login to my desktop or laptop change?
+No. You will continue to login to your desktop and/or laptop the same way you always have.
+I can log in at outlook.office365.com with my StarID and my MinnState login but I don't see my app icons.
+- As licensing is setup in the unified tenant, these apps will gradually begin to reappear, including your Mail app.
+I see a different email address when I send email or when someone looks up my name
+- The first school a user was associated with in the unified tenant will be their primary email address.
+- This address will not change to @winona.edu unless the student requests it.
+- Please contact Tech Support if you want to change your primary email to winona.edu.
+- You will still receive mail at your @winona.edu email address.
+- Your WSU email address has not changed.
+I can’t log back in to Apple Mail or Outlook on my mobile devices
+- You will have to completely remove your old WSU account or set up a second account for your @ MinnState account.
+- It is not possible to just simply re-enter your credentials to get this working again. It must be a new account setup.
+- You can leave the old account there if you’d like to still be able to see your old emails during the migration.
+I reply to email but it shows my StarID @ MinnState as the email address
+- This is temporary. Your primary email address (also known as your primary alias) will display correctly after the migration is complete.
+- If after the migration your primary email address is still displaying incorrectly, please contact the HelpDesk
+Where did the files go that were listed under "Recent" in my Office apps?
+Your "recent" files may be gone or not work when you log back into Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, etc). Those existing files will be linked to your old account so they may not show up or work when you use your new username.
+Will I need to re-record my campus voicemail greeting?
+Yes. Employees, if you have recorded a voicemail greeting on your campus phone, you will need to re-record it.
+When UM gets enabled, an auto generated email is sent from the system to your mailbox. The message is from Microsoft Outlook, and the subject is Welcome to Exchange Unified Message. Please check your "deleted" email folder if you do not find this message in your "Inbox".
+The message includes a unique PIN for accessing UM via the phone and instructions on how to access voicemail from the OWA (Outlook Web Access) side. It maybe easier to use the OWA interface for accessing voicemail options and setting up your account.
+I got the email saying my migration is done but I can't see all of my email?
+- Focused Inbox is turned on by default in your new inbox. If it was not turned on before, this may be new to you.
+- Focused Inbox attempts to automatically sort your email by what looks to be most relevant or important.
+- More information is available via this link:
+My folders have some but not all of my mail?
+- By default Outlook is set to only access the last six months of email.
+- To change this setting, follow these instructions:
+- Try these instructions:
+- In the Unified Tenant each individual is identified by a single StarID.
+- For someone who is both a student and an employee, they may end up with two different sign-in's for their StarID.
+- StarID@go.minnstate.edu will grant access to their student mailbox.
+- StarID@minnstate.edu will grant access to their employee mailbox.
+- Student employees will be required to log in to their employee mailbox (StarID@minnstate.edu) to access work resources such as shared mailboxes.
+- It may be necessary to reconfigure Outlook in order to set these mailboxes up again.
+- To re-configure Outlook, follow these instructions:
+I lost my iPhone contacts during the migration?
+- To restore your contacts, you'll need to remove then re-add your WSU account to your iPhone's Settings - Accounts area.
+- These instructions should help:
+I want to sign in to Skype for Business but I can't find it on my computer?
+- Skype for Business used to be named Lync.
+- On Windows, try to open your Start Menu then type the word Lync to find Skype for Business.
+- On Mac, you may have the Lync client installed in your Applications folder.
+- On either platform, you can install Skype for Business from the following link:
+I want to use OneDrive for Business but I can't find it?
+- OneDrive for Business is now packaged with the standard OneDrive.exe app.
+- The OneDrive for Business functionality is enabled once you sign into OneDrive with your MinnState credentials.
+- To download OneDrive.exe for either Mac or PC, visit this link:
+When I log in I see my previous school's email address at the top right?
+- This can be fixed with a call to Tech Support at 507-457-5240
+- Alternatively you can email us at AskTech@winona.edu
+I can't edit, change, forward, or reply to my currently scheduled recurring meetings?
+- The meeting was created in the previous tenant, then migrated to the current tenant.
+- As such, Outlook attempts to make changes to this meeting in the tenant in which it was created.
+- Since that tenant can no longer be accessed, changes to recurring meetings that were created in the previous tenant may not be saved.
+- It is recommended that if you have recurring meetings that are misbehaving, delete the entire series and recreate the occurrence.
+I am getting a Temporary Mailbox window when I open the Outlook desktop software on my PC
+Select the Clear Outlook Credentials button (click on the blue button located on the right of this page). You will be prompted to download the Migrate_Outlook_Profile.exe program. Once it's downloaded, run it by double-clicking it to clear your old credentials. Make sure you actually run the program by double-clicking it, don't just download it.
+The Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities began in 1972 as "the highest honor the federal government confers for distinguished intellectual achievement in the humanities." The first Jefferson Lecture in 1972 was given by Lionel Trilling ("Mind in the Modern World") and the most recent (38th) Jefferson Lecture in 2009 was given by Leon R. Kass ("'Looking for an Honest Man': Reflections of an Unlicensed Humanist"). This post is lengthy, but well worth the reader's time. If this is (fair & balanced) admiration for mentschlichkeit, so be it.
+PS: An HT (hat tip) to BoBo Boy (David Brooks of the NY Fishwrap) for pointing the way to Leon R. Kass.
+[x National Affairs]
+Looking for an Honest Man
+By Leon R. Kass
+Tag Cloud of the following article
+Life would be no better than candlelight
+tinsel and daylight rubbish if our spirits were
+not touched by what has been, to issues of
+longing and constancy.
+—George Eliot, Middlemarch
+If asked to identify important topics for a new journal on national affairs, few of us would think first — if. Attention might be invited also to political correctness in college classrooms or campus restrictions on free speech. But the larger and more important educational issue of what college students should be learning and why — and especially in the humanities — is a subject below the radar for nearly everyone.
+It was not always thus.. The Snow-Leavis debate spread also to this side of the Atlantic, triggering for a time serious and searching discussions regarding the aims of higher education and the importance of the humanities.
+Such discussions have, alas, largely disappeared not only from public discourse but even within the academy. Most professors in nearly all of our leading universities prefer to leave and be left alone, justifying their self-serving indifference to the goals and requirements of a liberal education by proclaiming for their students the American trumping value of choice. For themselves, they trumpet the maxim of Chairman Mao: "Let a thousand flowers bloom." In contrast to 50 years ago, few licensed humanists today embrace any view of the humanities that could in fact justify making them the centerpiece of a college curriculum. This abdication is especially regrettable because it comes precisely at a time in which, thanks largely to the successes of Snow's beloved scientific and technological revolutions, the meaning and future of our humanity cry out for serious and thoughtful attention.
+Never in sympathy with these prevailing prejudices, I have devoted most of my career to addressing this challenge. Although formally trained in medicine and biochemistry — fields in which I no longer teach or practice — I have been engaged with liberal education for nearly 40 years, teaching philosophical and literary texts as an untrained amateur, practicing the humanities without a license. Perhaps precisely because I am an unlicensed accounts of the human condition.
+This essay traces my adopted career as an unlicensed humanist in an effort to suggest, by its form and its substance, what purpose a humanistic education might serve. I offer it not as an apologia pro vita mea, but rather in the belief that my own intellectual journey is of more than idiosyncratic interest. Although I generally deplore public trafficking in personal matters, I present a first-person account partly because I believe that true education takes place only in individual souls and in relation to genuine questions and personal concerns, and partly because I hope that an autobiographical thread, manifesting such questions and concerns, will make it easier for readers to join me on a journey to their own discoveries and insights about the indispensability — and limits — of humanistic inquiry today. Although the path I of humanity or the idea of humanity, or both. To be sure, purporting to seek the answer by means of candlepower affirms Diogenes' badge as cynic. But the picture also suggests a man.
+Boasting only of having undertaken his search without a grain of cynicism, I confess myself an inheritor of Diogenes' quest. In place of a lantern, I have lit my journey with the light of books great and good, and, equally important, with the company of teachers and students, friends and loved ones, who were on a similar quest.
+I began my travels not with this question, but rather with what. God having been left behind, along with the czar and the Russian Revolution, "humanity" was the focus of all that my parents tried to teach. The Yiddish translation of anthrôpos or "human being" is mentsch, a wonderfully capacious notion at once prosaically descriptive and inspiringly normative. To be mentschlich is to be humane, behaving decently and considerately toward others; but it is also to be human, displaying in one's own character and conduct the species-specific dignity advertised in our uniquely upright posture. Mentschlichkeit, "humanity," the disposition and practice of both "humaneness" and "human-ness," was thus the quasi-religious teaching of my home, and its content — wholly moral and wholly appealing — went unquestioned: personal integrity and honesty, self-respect and personal responsibility, consideration and respect for every human person (equally a mentsch), compassion for the less fortunate, and a concern for fairness, justice, and righteousness. To become and to be a mentsch: that was the conscious and articulated goal toward which all of my early rearing was directed.
+Two things I did not understand until much later. First, I did not know that the Yiddishkeit of my youth — with its universalism and quasi-socialism — represented a deliberate cultural alternative to traditional Judaism, on whose teachings it was in fact parasitic: the prophets, one might say, without the Law. Second, I did not appreciate that the content of mentschlichkeit was in fact a disputable question, and that there were — and are — large differences of opinion, and even irresolvable tensions, regarding its meaning. The latter error was the first to be corrected. Indeed, my foray into the humanities would begin in earnest only when I discovered that the injunction to "be a mentsch" required serious reflection, both philosophical and ethical, on the meaning of our humanity.
+The seeds of such reflection, bearing fruit only years later, were planted at the University of Chicago. their record of points, and they encouraged us to put fundamental philosophical questions even to the natural sciences: What is the relation between matter and form? What makes an organism a unified and living whole? What is the nature of the psyche or soul?
+These sorts of questions lay dormant as I entered upon a brief career in medicine, in retrospect another important station on the path to the human. Pre-clinical studies left me in awe of the marvel that is the human body, and of the stunning events beneath the surface that sustain our existence and enable our remarkable interactions with the world. Clinical experience left me in awe of the privilege — and the peril — of offering a helping hand to fellow human beings in times of crisis. Although I could not then articulate it, I was also mindful of the rare privilege, given solely to physicians, to be admitted to the inner sanctum of the patient's world. There we are allowed to bear witness as human beings — stripped of pretense and sustained only by hope, trust, and the love of kith and kin — attempt to negotiate sicknesses, suffering, and the anxiety of coming face-to-face with their own mortality. Not for nothing were medieval textbooks of medicine entitled De Homine — "On Man," or "On the Human Being." Not for nothing was medicine once an honored branch on the humanistic tree.
+Yet precisely around the subject of our humanity, I found something missing. The science was indeed powerful, but its self-understanding left much to be desired. It knew the human parts in ever-finer detail, but it concerned itself little with the human whole. Medicine, then and now, has no concept of the human being, of the peculiar and remarkable concretion of psyche and soma that makes us that most strange and wonderful among the creatures. Psychiatry, then and even more now, is so little chagrined by its failure to say what the psyche or soul is that it denies its existence altogether.. And, coming down from theory to practice, I found that I loved my patients and their stories more than I loved solving the puzzle of their maladies; where my colleagues found disease fascinating, I was fascinated more by the patients — how they lived, how they struggled with their suffering. Above all, I hated the autopsy room, not out of fear of death, but because the post-mortem exam could never answer my question: What happened to my patient? The clot in his coronary artery, his ruptured bowel, or whatever diseased body part that the pathologist displayed as the putative explanation of his death was utterly incommensurable with the awesome massive.D. program in biochemistry at Harvard, and was privileged to share in the great excitement of the golden age of molecular biology. Working happily on my own project, I tasted the great pleasures of independent discovery. But my biggest discovery came outside of the laboratory.
+In summer 1965, interrupting my research, my wife any way I would have expected., religion, and social oppression had kept them from being. Yet in Mississippi I saw people living honorably and with dignity in perilous and meager circumstances, many of them illiterate, but sustained by religion, extended family, and community attachment, and 1966, my closest friend had me read Rousseau's explosive Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, for which my Mississippi and Harvard experiences had prepared me. Rousseau argues that, pace the Enlightenment, progress in the arts and sciences does not lead to greater virtue. On the contrary, it necessarily produces luxury, augments inequality, debases tastes, softens character, corrupts morals, and weakens patriotism, leading ultimately not to human emancipation but to human servitude.
+Rousseau complains that writers and "idle men of letters" — the equivalent of our public intellectuals, not to say professors — subvert decent opinion and corrupt the citizens: "These vain and futile declaimers go everywhere armed with their deadly paradoxes, undermining the foundations of faith and annihilating virtue. They smile disdainfully at the old-fashioned words of fatherland and religion, and devote their talents and philosophy to destroying and debasing all that is sacred among men."
+Rousseau also complains that cultivation of the arts and sciences leads to inequality and contempt for the common man: "One no longer asks if a man is upright, but rather if he is talented; nor of a book if it is useful, but if it is well written. Rewards are showered on the witty, and virtue is left without honors....We have physicists, geometers, chemists, astronomers, poets, musicians, painters; we no longer have citizens."
+And Rousseau complains also that formal education corrupts the young: "I see everywhere immense institutions where young people are brought up at great expense, learning everything except their duties....Without knowing how to distinguish error from truth, [your children] will possess the art of making them both unrecognizable to others by specious arguments. But they will not know what the words magnanimity, equity, temperance, humanity, courage are; that sweet name fatherland will never strike their ear; and if they hear of God, it will be less to be awed by him than to be afraid of him." Nowadays, a resurrected Rousseau might say instead, "If they hear of God, it is less to be awed by him than to mock him."
+Could Rousseau be right? Is it really true that the natural home of intellectual progress is not the natural home of moral and civic virtue? Is it really true that, as the arts and sciences climb upward, so morals, taste, and citizenship slide downward, and, what's worse, that the rise of the former causes the fall of the latter?, between the humane commitments of compassion and equality and the human aspiration to excellence and upright dignity.
+This crevice would widen with the two books I read right after Rousseau, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and C. S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man. The first depicts a future society that — through genetic engineering, psychoactive drugs, and applied psychology — has succeeded in ridding the world of all the evils against which compassionate humanitarianism today does battle. Eliminated are war, poverty, and disease; anxiety, suffering, and guilt; hatred,, love, or govern themselves. Art and science, virtue and religion, family and friendship are all passé. Precisely because "progress" has eliminated the need for struggle or the call to greatness and adventure, no one aspires to anything higher than bodily health and immediate gratification. Worst of all, the denizens of the Brave New World are so dehumanized that they have no idea of what they are missing..
+For me, the search for anthrôpos suddenly acquired genuine urgency and poignancy, as these threats to our humanity came not from bigots and tyrants but from the rightly celebrated well-wishers and benefactors of humankind. Could we continue to reap the benefits of our new biology and our emerging biotechnologies without eroding our freedom and dignity? What features of our humanity most needed defending, both in practice and in thought? What solid ideas of human nature and human good could be summoned to the cause?
+Pursuit of these questions would require a change of direction and a different approach to human affairs. In 1970, I put away scalpel and microscope to take up directly Diogenes' search for anthrôpos, hoping by studying not the hidden parts of the human being but the manifest activities of the whole, visible in broad daylight, to better understand his honest-to-goodness humanity and to help promote his true flourishing. Without realizing it, I became a humanist.
+At that time, some scientists and humanists, not a few of them enthusiasts of a "post-human" future, were addressing the gap between our science and our ethics by proposing a new, "science-based ethic" and by calling upon us to "keep up" with, and to adapt ourselves to, the massive changes in human life caused by galloping scientific and technological advance. But my intuitions led me in the opposite direction: to try to correct the deficiencies of our scientific understanding of human nature, and to reinforce, where possible, the best of what we have learned about human goodness and human flourishing. In these pursuits, I have sought out the best that has been said and thought by those who have gone before — not because they are old and not because they are ours, but because they might help us discover vital truths that we would otherwise not see on our own..
+As I look back over the nearly 40 years since I left the world of science to reflect on its human meaning, three distinct but related pursuits stand out: First, addressing the conceptual danger stressed by Lewis of a soulless science of life, to seek a more natural science, truer to life as lived. Second, addressing the practical danger stressed by Huxley of dehumanization resulting from the relief of man's estate and the sacrifice of the high to the urgent, to convey a richer picture of human dignity and human flourishing. And third, addressing the social and political dangers stressed by Rousseau of cultural decay and enfeeblement, to find cultural teachings that could keep us strong in heart and soul, no less than in body and bank account. Here are but a few high points from these three inquiries.
+Finding a "more natural science" would serve two important goals. First, by doing justice to life as lived, it would correct the slander perpetrated upon all of living nature, and upon human nature in particular, in treating the glorious activities of life as mere epiphenomena of changes in the underlying matter or as mere devices for the replication of DNA. Second, and more positively, by offering a richer account of human nature faithful both to our animality and to the human difference, it could provide pointers toward how we might best live and flourish. Toward both goals, a "more natural science" examines directly the primary activities of life as we creatures experience them; and it revisits certain neglected notions, once thought indispensable for understanding the being and doing of all higher animals: aliveness, neediness, and purposive activity to preserve life and to meet need; openness to and awareness of the world; interest in and action on the world; felt lack of, and appetite for, desirable things from the world; on the one hand, selfhood and inwardness, on the other hand, active communication and relations with other beings, of same and different species.
+Against the materialists who believe that all vital activities can be fully understood by describing the electrochemical changes in the underlying matter, a more natural science would insist on appreciating the activities of life in their own terms, and as known from the inside: what it means to hunger, feel, see, imagine, think, desire, seek, suffer, enjoy. At the same time, against those humanists who, conceding prematurely to mechanistic science all truths about our bodies, locate our humanity solely in consciousness or will or reason, a more natural science would insist on appreciating the profound meaning of our distinctive embodiment.
+So, for example, I learned from psychologist Erwin Straus the humanizing significance of the upright posture: how our standing in the world, gained only through conscious effort against the pull of gravity, prefigures all our artful efforts to overcome nature's indifference to human aspiration; how our arms, supremely mobile in our personalized action space, fit us for the socializing activities of embracing, cradling, pointing, caressing, and holding hands, no less than for the selfish activities of grasping, fighting, and getting food to mouth; how our eyes, no longer looking down a snout to find what is edible, are lifted instead to the horizon, enabling us to take in an entire vista and to conceive an enduring world beyond the ephemeral here and now; how our refashioned mammalian mouth (and respiratory system) equips us for the possibility of speech — and kissing; and how our expressive face is fit to meet, greet, and sometimes love the faces that we meet, face-to-face, side-by-side, and arm-in-arm.
+From zoologist Adolf Portmann I discovered the deeper meaning of the looks of animals, whose intricate surface beauty, not fully explained by its contributions to protective coloration or sexual selection, serves also to communicate inward states to fellow creatures and to announce, in the language of visibility, each animal's unique species dignity and individual identity. I even found evidence for natural teleology in, of all places, The Origin of Species, in which Darwin makes clear that evolution by natural selection requires, and takes as biologically given, the purposive drives of all organisms for self-preservation and for reproduction — drives the existence of which is a mystery unexplainable by natural selection.
+But the greatest help in pursuit of a more natural science came, most unexpectedly, from studying pre-modern philosophers of nature, in particular Aristotle. I turned to.
+Even the passions of the soul are not reducible to the materials of the body. True, anger, as ancient naturalists used to say, is a heating of the blood around the heart or an increase in the bilious humor — or, as we now might say, a rising concentration of a certain polypeptide in the brain. But these partial accounts, stressing only the material conditions, cannot reveal the larger truth about anger: Anger, humanly understood, is a painful feeling that seeks revenge for perceived slight or insult. To understand the human truth about anger and its serious consequences, we must instead listen to the poets, beginning with Homer's Iliad: "Wrath, sing, o goddess, of Peleus' son Achilles, and the woes thousand-fold it brought upon the Achaians, sending to Hades strong souls of heroes but leaving themselves to be the delicate feastings of dogs and birds." And to understand how we come to know this or any other truth, we can never stop wondering how — marvel of marvels — Homer's winged words carry their intelligible and soul-shaping meanings, hitched to meaningless waves of sound, from the soul of genius to the hearts and minds of endless generations of attentive and sympathetic readers.
+If my first major pursuit was a richer view of human nature, looking afresh at the unadorned powers of the human animal, my second major pursuit was a richer account of the human good and the good human, one that would reflect the richer anthropology just discussed and one that could counter Brave New Worldly and other shrunken views of human happiness and goodness. Not surprisingly, the disagreements of the great authors regarding the human good are even greater than those regarding human nature. Yet once again, ancient philosophers offer modern readers a soul-expanding teaching, and none more than Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, a book that I have taught a dozen times and that transformed how I look at ethics and human flourishing.. And how exhilarating to verify that claim, precisely when Aristotle utters it in the text, because we readers have already experienced the delights of sharing reflectively the illuminating speeches and thoughts of the author, offered to us in philosophical friendship.
+But. Aristotle's Ethics is famous also for teaching the indispensability of prudence or practical wisdom (phronêsis) for the supreme sort of ethical virtue. Strictly speaking, one cannot be ethically good unless one is practically wise.
+Prudence is, to begin with, the ability to deliberate well about means to ends. But it also involves intuitive apprehension, both of the goodness of the ends that one is seeking and of the myriad particulars of each human situation, that alone enables the prudent man to seek and find the best possible action under the circumstances — even if it is a far cry from the best simply. Prudence is thus more than mere shrewdness. If not tied down to the noble and just ends that one has been habituated to love, the soul's native power of cleverness can lead to the utmost knavery. Just as one cannot be ethically excellent without being practically wise, so one cannot be practically wise unless one is ethically excellent.. He is truly a man for all seasons and for all occasions.
+Despite its power and beauty, the picture of human excellence and human flourishing presented in the Nicomachean Ethics leaves something to be desired, especially given the needs of modern readers in modern times. What help in thinking about their own possible flourishing are my democratic students really getting from learning to appreciate Aristotle's great-souled man? The virtues of civic life in the polis, beautiful though they still are, seem rather remote from everyday life in urban America, where sympathy, decency, consideration, integrity, and personal responsibility — mentschlichkeit — are more relevant and needed than battlefield courage, magnificence, or magnanimity. Yet, sad to report, many of today's students have had little rearing in foundational mentschlichkeit, so that efforts to lift their gaze to the ceiling of human greatness sometimes seem chimerical, given that the ethical floorboards on which they culturally stand are rather wobbly. Moreover, preoccupations with personal nobility often ignore matters of social justice and the larger public good. And looking only toward the beautiful best shortchanges the loveliness — and even more the obligations — of ordinary human lives, lived in families, friendships, neighborhoods, schools, and houses of worship — all of which, and especially the houses of worship, are, as Aristotle himself points out, surely more efficacious in forming our character than is studying the writings of great philosophers. Even in the absence of the cynical debunkers against whom Rousseau rightly railed, the best liberal education, though a jewel in the human crown, cannot by itself a good human being or citizen make.
+Accordingly, in my third pursuit, spurred also by a concern for the state of our mores, I shifted my anthropological quest from the side of nature to the side of culture, seeking to know the human being not directly, in his nakedness, but indirectly, through an examination of the clothes that fit him best — the clothes of custom, law, song, and story, the works of culture and the materials of tradition, that work to bring out the best of which we are capable. The goal was still the same, but my focus was now the civil and civilizing habits, mores, and opinions that regulate everyday life and that make for human self-command and human flourishing in the domains of work, family, and the plethora of human affairs comprising civil society today. One result was a book, The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of Our Nature, that began with philosophical reflections on human nature and its moral ambiguity, but moved quickly to discussions of the perfecting customs governing human appetite and eating — from the taboo against cannibalism and the duties of hospitality, to table manners and the virtue of moderation, to festive dining elevated by refinements of taste and wit, to the sanctification of the meal, begun with grace and experienced in gratitude. These explorations were greatly assisted by insights available in the writings of Homer and Herodotus, Plato and Erasmus, Tolstoy and Isak Dinesen, and in the Bible.
+In a second project, interest in the cultural forms that can transform mere sexual desire into human eros and that can discipline eros in the direction of happy marriage led to Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar, an anthology (produced jointly with my wife) on courting and marrying. Once again, humanistic works and literary examples from across the ages — from Plato's Symposium to Erasmus' On Courtship and Kierkegaard's reflections on lasting love, from the Bible's Jacob and Rachel to Shakespeare's Rosalind and Orlando, Jane Austen's Elizabeth and Darcy, and Tolstoy's Pierre and Natasha — challenge our unexamined assumptions, sharpen our vision, and educate our desires by illuminating the goals of human longings and the more promising pathways to their fulfillment.
+Any humanist seriously interested in the norms and customs governing everyday life cannot help noticing, later if not sooner, the prominent — not to say pre-eminent — role that our scriptural traditions have played and still play, often invisibly, in the opinions and teachings that guide us, as well as in the humanistic writings of our remote and recent past. And anyone devoted to teaching the great books of our tradition would surely want to see for himself just what the Good Book has to say for itself, not relying on hearsay. So it was that my search for the well-clothed human being eventually led me to study — at first, because I had to teach them — the books of the Hebrew Bible. Suspending disbelief, approaching the Bible with open mind and trying to allow the text to teach me how it wishes to be read, I have been astonished to discover an account of human life that can more than hold its own with the anthropological and ethical teachings offered by the great poets and philosophers..
+Much more, of course, needs to be said about the relation between the wisdom(s) offered by the Bible — Jewish or Christian — and the wisdom sought by the philosophers or taught by the poets, and about the relation of each to the complexities of modern life. But with our humanity in the balance, it is imperative that in our search for self- understanding and guidance we be willing to take help wherever we can find it. To say the least, no honest quest for the human can afford to turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the wisdom of the prophets.
+Just as today's natural sciences profit but also suffer from their having broken away from their once honored place within humanistic learning — gaining precise, objectified knowledge of nature's workings, but at the price of neglecting the works of nature's beings — so the humanities today profit but mainly suffer from having forgotten that the humanities took their origin and point of departure in contradistinction to the "divinities" — the inquiry into matters metaphysical and ultimately theological.
+This separation at first liberated humanists from dogma and censorship, allowing for several centuries of profound thought and beautiful writing about the human condition and its possible flourishing. But the direction of humanistic learning in my lifetime — culminating in a cynical tendency to disparage the great ideas and to deconstruct the great works inherited from ages past — invites an all-important?
+What, then, summing up, can this unlicensed humanist say about his search for the human being? As with Diogenes, the quest continues, though the progress made makes cynicism even more unjustified. True, the hunt has not captured the quarry, in the sense that I have not found an answer, neatly formulated, sprawling on a pin, an improved substitute for "animal, biped and featherless." Instead, I have acquired a deeper understanding of the question itself and of the hidden depths of its object. I am much more mindful of what a full account of our humanity would entail, including attention to the larger whole — communal, natural, and beyond — in which we human beings are embedded and only in relation to which can we gain any fully flourishing humanity. I can attest to the incomparable value of living with the humanizing gifts of the great books — and the Good Book — open free of charge to every one of us, regardless of race, class, or gender. In the company of poets and playwrights, philosophers and prophets, novelists and naturalists — deeper human beings all — I have enlarged my vision, furnished my imagination, and deepened my awareness, well beyond what I had reason to expect from books..
+But the real key to my flourishing has been the living human company I have enjoyed on my journey. For unlike Diogenes, I have neither needed nor wanted to travel alone. I have been blessed with wonderful teachers and colleagues from whose speeches and thoughts in friendly conversation I have learned enormous amounts. I have been supremely blessed in my wife Amy, co-author and co-teacher — a real humanist, she — from whose literary studies, teaching collaborations, and lifelong conversations my quest has benefited enormously. And I have been blessed in my students, at St. John's College and the University of Chicago, where serious, thoughtful, smart, eager, engaged, and generous young people have been my most reliable companions in all phases of my journey of inquiry.
+It is especially in the relation of one generation to the next that we are best able to understand the true worth of the humanities and the true calling of the humanist. Our students remind us that we too were once at the start of our own journeys, and that we have profited in the search for our humanity from the great cultural inheritance bequeathed to us by countless generations of past seekers, an inheritance opened for us by our own best teachers. Reflection on these unmerited gifts reminds us that we owe a comparable gift to those who will follow us on the path to self-knowledge, in search of wisdom. Too often, those passing for humanists today seek to cut their students off from their inheritance, or to deny its value and significance. But scholars and teachers of the humanities are entrusted above all with sustaining that gift in good order, perhaps adding to it another edifying layer or two, and showing the young why they too should value it and should make use of it in their own searches.
+Most young people in my experience still want to be taken seriously. Despite their facile sophistications and easy-going cynicisms — more often than not, largely a defense against disappointment — most of them are in fact looking for a meaningful life or listening for a summons. Many of them are self-consciously looking for their own humanity and for a personal answer to Diogenes' question. If we treat them uncynically and respectfully, as people interested in the good, the true, and the beautiful, and if we read books with them in search of the good, the true, and the beautiful, they invariably rise to the occasion, vindicating our trust in their potential. And they more than repay our efforts by contributing to our quest their own remarkable insights and discoveries.
+The search for our humanity, always necessary yet never more urgent, is best illuminated by the treasured works of the humanities and the "divinities," read in the company of open minds and youthful hearts, together seeking wisdom about how to live a worthy human life. To keep this lantern lit, to keep alive this quest: Is there a more important task for higher education today? Is there a more important calling for those of us who would practice the humanities, with or without a license? Ω
+[Leon R. Kass Kass enrolled in the University of Chicago at age 15, graduating from the College with a degree in biology in 1958. He graduated from the University of Chicago's medical school in 1962 and, following an internship in medicine at the Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, completed a Ph.D. in biochemistry at Harvard University in 1967, working in the laboratory of Nobel laureate Konrad Bloch. During his Harvard years, Kass and his wife, Amy, went to Holmes County, Mississippi, in 1965 to do civil rights work. He is the Hertog Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Addie Clark Harding Professor in the Committee on Social Thought and the College at the University of Chicago. This essay, in a slightly different version, was presented as the 38th Jefferson Lecture, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., May 21,.
+Margo Karoff-Hunger was born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island. She has been involved at the Steel Yard since 2007 as a student, instructor and the Workforce Coordinator; where she has blended her passions for education, metalworking, and community development. She received her Bachelors in Human Geography from the University of Vermont; and several welding certificates from the Advanced Welding Institute in South Burlington, VT.
+SY: So, Margo, how long have you been involved with the Steel Yard’s Weld to Work Program?
+M: Hard question (laughs). I was originally hired in 2014 for a 4 month part-time (like 20 hours a week) AmeriCorps Vista position to manage the job training program as Workforce Coordinator. After that, still, through AmeriCorps, I was hired back full-time. And once that contract was over the Steel Yard brought me back on the team to continue the work as a full-time staff member.
+SY: Were you involved at the Steel Yard before you were hired as the Workforce Coordinator?
+M: Definitely- I first came to the Yard when I was like 15 or 16 to attend Camp Metal Head. After I graduated from college in VT I returned to the Steel Yard and I’ve been involved here ever since. I taught welding classes, worked in the Public Projects shop as an assistant, and then I was actually hired as a Teaching Assistant for one of the Weld to Work units. After which, the Steel Yard asked my thoughts about the program and where it could be improved… I applied for the open position and have been coordinating the program up until now.
+SY: Do you think your previous experience working at the Steel Yard impacted how you managed the program?
+M: The more you know the better, right? All of our departments at the Steel Yard work closely together and there’s a lot of cross-over. I think that philosophy helped me the most.
+SY: That’s really cool, could you talk a little about what Weld to Work is and what it was like when you first started?
+M: It’s a beautiful concept, really. When I started, the program was offering training in welding and fabrication and paying people to work on projects. The curriculum between units was always a little different but W2W always paid participants for their work (and to learn). My job was to bring more consistency to the program and up the professionalism.
+SY: What’s Weld to Work like today?
+M: Weld to Work is wonderful… it’s still in part the same exact small homegrown thing it was when it began in 2008. It still feels and operates grassroots and that’s why it works so well. I feel like we don’t define success in the same metrics as other organizations and businesses. We aim to create a positive experience and safe space. It’s a program where you’re encouraged to be yourself which is really, really important for the demographics we work with.
+SY: Hold up, can you tell me more about that? How do you define success?
+M: The job-training world defines success in placement rates, jobs. I define it in jobs, too. But I want to know… how many people went on to further their education after Weld to Work? How many were hired back specifically at the Steel Yard as a TA or Publics Projects artist (which are jobs)? How many came back to volunteer in the studio, at Second Saturday Volunteer Day, or at an event? Honestly, I say anyone who showed up each day and graduated from the 30-hour program is an example of success. I guess what I’m saying is most importantly I judge the success of the program on whether or not we were able to create a sense of community.
+SY: Can you give me some examples of a time when this idea of community was really exemplified?
+M: Sure! I have so many stories about people who come into the program who tell me they’ve never ever heard of the Steel Yard and they literally live down the street. They show up. They finish the program. They come back to access as many of the opportunities here that we offer. They’re excited to be here… be a part of our Yardie family and they just keep showing up. Long after the W2W work program is over they keep coming back, again and again.
+SY: So… you said a lot of about how Weld to Work is similar to the way it was when it started. Has anything changed?
+M: Most definitely. It’s like… there’s still work to be done. But Weld to Work is definitely more consistent now… it was more ad hoc when it first started. It really relied on who was available and when and what projects needed to be worked on. We now offer it in units…. 4 one week sessions followed by 2.0 which is a 4-week program. This is important… it communicates to participants that we’re serious about offering consistent, reliable and quality programming. And we now offer Wrap-Around Services and…
+SY: WAIT! What are those?
+M: Well, first let me say that we don’t offer formal social services and I’m not a social worker. But we acknowledge that when talking about employment or people needing to find jobs that there’s often important stuff to figure out first… like how do you write a resume? Do you need health care? What do you have for transportation? Or food, or dental care? Stuff like that. I developed a resource binder for all the participants. Again, I’m not a social worker but what I like about Rhode Island’s smallness is it can make it easier for people to access a wide range of supportive services.
+SY: It sounds like you really helped develop these wrap-around services for Weld to Work. How do you think it changed the program?
+M: Partnering with other organizations and getting participants connected to outside resources helps them create and carve their own paths. On top of, it’s allowed us to create some amazing and long-standing partnerships with outside programs. Participants walk away with contacts and opportunities outside of welding.
+SY: So not everyone who participates in Weld to Work becomes a Welder?
+M: Weld to Work is an entry point. We did not design a program to solely create welders. My goal was to help each person become a well-rounded employee while working safely in an industrial shop… I want them to develop transferable skills and help them achieve their goals- whether it’s to become a welder or not. In addition to welding skills, we focus on showing up on time, teamwork, reliability and taking pride in your work. I ask each participant to tell me where they wanna go and I’ll do my best to help them get there.
+SY: Are some people surprised that it’s not just about becoming a welder?
+M: Absolutely- but I think, for example, a lot of people think they want to become teachers… mainly because it’s the only profession they’ve ever been introduced to. It’s all they see.
+SY: So… we’re talking a lot about jobs, jobs, jobs… how does Weld to Work fit into the Steel Yard and creativity?
+M: Art, art making, and creativity are such a crucial part of the program. Creating a project and FINISHING that project demonstrates SO many employable skills. Plus, teamwork, communication and relying on each other. Truthfully, I think Weld to Work is like the essence of what the entire Steel Yard is all about… to create opportunities for as many people as possible.
+SY: So… what about Weld to Work has made it so successful?
+M: I don’t know why it works! (Laughs out loud). It just does!
+SY: Wouldn’t you say it’s ambitious to set out to establish a sense of community and trust with a group of strangers in a week? How does that work?
+M: Seriously, a good number of people who come into the program think welding is all fires and explosion- only later to realize how controlled of a process that it is and the tiniest move can make all the difference. But there’s a bond I think that by being surrounded by doing something scary, something new, bonds the group and is what makes a team. What makes it work I think is we jump right in- we don’t spend much time talking about the history or theory of welding, we get right to work. By the end of the first day- every participant has welded. Why waste time? Doing the work is the best way to learn. It’s also the small class sizes and finding the right instructors who can lead an experience of melting metal. Sometimes it all works, sometimes it doesn’t but it’s definitely an experience that bonds people together.
+SY: Who’s the ideal student for Weld to Work?
+M: The people who have gone through Weld to Work come from a billion different backgrounds… honestly. The one thing I’ve noticed in each successful graduate is that they’re ready for a change…. That’s why the Steel Yard is here- to provide that platform.
+SY: So, what’s next for you Margo?
+M: Well… starting in June I’ll be moving on and starting my new position outside of the Steel Yard. I will be serving as the Director of Industry Partnerships at the Community College of Rhode Island. I’ll be doing a lot of the same work I’m doing now… just on a more macro scale.
+SY: That’s super exciting and we’re really proud of you (though extremely sad to see you go). You’re going to do amazing and they’re lucky to have you. Now, question: You’ve talked a lot about how the program developed and the changes you’ve made. Has Weld to Work changed you? Did you ever imagine and you’d be involved in workforce development?
+M: I didn’t think I’d be doing this work. But, a large part of who I am today… it’s thanks to the Steel Yard and to Weld to Work. It’s been a great place for both personal and professional growth and it connects me to regular, to every day BEAUTIFUL people in so many meaningful ways. I think the flexibility of this job, it’s allowed me to try new things and all of that has built my confidence.
+SY: You’ve shaped this program and have been integral in its success…. What are you hoping for Weld to Work in the future?
+M: I hope it keeps its sentiment. I can see the program growing in so many ways… I say let it grow… I would love to see more sessions, more business partners, and more jobs for Weld to Work right here in the Yard (we do great at this already but I want more!). I just want to create more jobs in Rhode Island… and that we can provide services for as many people as we can. I’d also like to see the program grow in a more traditional way… we’ve already done such a great job at the untraditional methods.
+SY: What would you like to say to all the future Weld to Work participants?
+M: I mean I have a speech… but, I’ve always worked with people as individuals so I don’t think there’s a blanket statement I can give you. I guess I’d say though…. I hope you enjoy the experience. It’s rare you know to get paid to learn something. Enjoy the ride and I hope you come back….. Oh and, “15 minutes early to something is on time!” (laughs).
+SY: You’ve got some big shoes to fill [we both look at Margo’s tiny shoes and laugh]… any advice for the next Workforce Coordinator here at the Yard?
+M: Love, really. Take care of yourself and other humans.
+[At this moment we both have smiles and eyes are welling up with tears]
+SY: Is there something you’d like to say to the Steel Yard?
+M: I grew up here. Thank you.
+[ We both start crying ]
+M: Thank you for the opportunities… thank you for the support. We go above and beyond for each other here… I am where I am because of this idea and am going to take it wherever I go.
+SY: We’re going to really miss you!
+M: OKAY, I’m still going to be around! I plan to teach courses, be at events and be part of the Iron Pour Crew! This is still my fam.
+SY: Well thank you for taking the time to talk today… and congratulations again. Should we get back to work?
+M: Yeah, let’s go!
+Diabetes Freedom Review
+Diabetes Freedom Review or we call it Diabetes Type 2 Protection In our daily lives, the diet of diabetic patients is very important.
+What should be paid attention to in the diet of diabetic patients?
+What can diabetic patients eat to effectively relieve diabetes?
+How should we prevent diabetes in the weekdays?
+Let’s get to know it with the editor.
+Type 1 Diabetes VS Type 2
+Type 1 Diabetes VS Type 2
+Diabetes Freedom Review Avoid High Sodium And Low Cellulose Diets
+A high-sodium diet can increase blood volume, induce hypertension
+increase heart burden, cause atherosclerosis, and exacerbate diabetes complications.
+Therefore, people with diabetes should take a low-sodium diet, and
+The daily salt intake should be controlled within 3 grams.
+The soluble cellulose is conducive to improving the metabolism of fat
+Cholesterol and sugar, and can reduce weight, You can eat more of these foods in moderation.
+Avoid Starch-Rich Food And High-Sugar Food
+Avoid Starch-Rich Food And High-Sugar Food Starch-rich foods (rice, white noodles, potatoes, beans, cereals), after entering the human body, are mainly decomposed into carbohydrates.
+Diabetes Freedom Review Although it is the main source of body heat, it can be directly converted into sugar, so it must be limited .
+Otherwise, the condition will not be controlled.
+Diabetics are avoiding sugar (white sugar, brown sugar, glucose, fruit sugar, maltose, milk sugar, chocolate, honey), sugar products (candied fruit, canned fruit, various sugary drinks, sugary pastries, jams, preserved fruit).
+Because these foods can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, directly aggravating the condition and interfering with the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, consumption must be prohibited.
+Avoid Foods High and Protein
+Avoid Foods High and Protein Diabetes itself is a disorder of sugar, fat and protein metabolism caused by absolute or relative deficiency of insulin secretion.
+Because of diabetes, it is easy to combine atherosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
+Therefore, we must strictly limit the intake of animal viscera, egg yolk, roe, fat, squid, shrimp, crab yolk and other fatty and high cholesterol foods, so as not to aggravate the disorder of lipid metabolism and hyperlipidemia.
+Diabetes is susceptible to diabetic nephropathy, and excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, the protein intake of diabetic patients should be appropriate.
+The American Diabetes Association recommends that the daily protein intake of diabetic patients should be limited to 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
+Dont Spicy Food
+Dont Spicy Food in Diabetes patients eat more food, drink more hunger, thirst and drink more, Yin deficiency is the basis, and heat is the standard.
+Hot and spicy foods such as chili, ginger, mustard and pepper are warm in nature, which can easily consume the fluid and increase the dryness.
+Such condiments should be avoided.
+STOP Tobacco And Alcohol
+STOP Tobacco And Alcohol Alcoholic heat can directly interfere with the body’s energy metabolism and aggravate the disease.
+While taking hypoglycemic drugs, if you drink alcohol, you can make blood sugar drop sharply, induce hypoglycemia, and affect treatment.
+In addition, ethanol can speed up the metabolism of hypoglycemic drugs, so that its half-life is significantly shortened, affecting the efficacy of drugs. Therefore, diabetics must avoid alcohol.
+What diabetes should eat
+What diabetes should eat ?
+Garlic contains a large amount of allicin. Eating garlic at night can reduce blood cholesterol. And its Help increase high-density lipoprotein, has the functions of lowering blood sugar, increasing insulin, promoting epithelial hyperplasia, and accelerating wound healing.
+Onion : Lower blood sugar friends with diabetes can eat more onions, because the nutrients in onions can effectively fight diabetes, but will not cause hypoglycemia.
+Lettuce : Rich in niacin. Niacin is an insulin activator, Regular consumption can help prevent diabetes. Lettuce can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and has an auxiliary treatment effect on gastroparesis and constipation caused by diabetes. Lettuce contains 27 times more potassium ions than sodium ions, which can promote urination and lower blood pressure.
+Bitter melon: Bitter melon is known as “plant insulin”. Pharmacological test found that the balsam pear saponin contained in balsam pear not only has insulin-like effect, but also stimulates insulin release. And has a very obvious effect of lowering blood sugar.
+Diabetes Freedom Review Some people use bitter melon saponin preparations to treat type Ⅱ diabetes orally.
+Rich Naicin Food
+Therefore, proper intake of bitter gourd by diabetic patients is conducive to controlling blood sugar.
+Pumpkin: Blessed are those with high blood sugar. People with high blood sugar can eat pumpkin seeds. They can reduce blood sugar because the cobalt content in pumpkin seeds is relatively rich. It is one of the trace elements necessary for islet cells to reduce blood sugar. The concentration and the prevention and treatment of diabetes have special effects.
+Cucumber : Cucumber is sweet and cool, sweet and crisp, and has the effect of removing heat and quenching thirst. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that cucumber contains only 1.6% sugar, which is a commonly used substitute food for diabetic patients, and can obtain vitamin C, carotene, cellulose and minerals from it.
+The malonic acid contained in cucumber can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. Obese diabetic patients with high blood pressure, eating 100 grams of cucumber a day, great barnyardgrass benefits.
+Diabetes Freedom System
+Diabetes Freedom System its about Diet and you should ensure a reasonable weight and work and life needs.
+The Program control diet should pay attention to balance with each other, variety should be diversified.
+Middle-aged people around 40’s they need to work a bit hard and follow the details as. Well.
+Because daily intake of food contains about 1900-3000 calories which you need to be careful about, cause our daily average amount of food is equivalent to 1-2 eggs, 50-100 grams of meat, 50 grams of vegetable oil, 200-250 grams of food.
+The general body mass index (body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height and its good for men.
+About Women; beyond this range, the amount of food should be controlled in different way . The general principle is low-fat, low-sugar, low-salt, coarse and fine grains and high-fiber diet.
+Diabetes Freedom Regular Diet
+Diabetes Freedom Regular Diet Do not overeating, have regularity, eat as slowly as possible, and you have to eat more vegetables, try not to eat foods with large amounts of glucose and sucrose as much as possible.
+This can prevent blood sugar from rising rapidly in a short time, and protect the pancreas Function helps, especially people with a family history of diabetes must pay attention.
+Prevent And Control Obesity
+Prevent And Control Obesity is an important cause of diabetes, and prevention of diabetes requires prevention of obesity.
+For those who are already very fat, they need to take effective measures to lose weight immediately.
+The best way to lose weight is undoubtedly exercise. Studies have confirmed that middle-aged people exercise 3 to 5 times a week, and the incidence of diabetes decreased by 25%, 33%, and 42% compared with those who did not exercise.
+Walking can also achieve the effect of strengthening the brain. Every night, insisting on walking for 30 minutes can alleviate the tension and fatigue during the day.
+Walking slowly will reduce the pressure on the knee by 25% and reduce joint damage. Therefore, middle-aged people should take a walk or walk slowly.
+Use medicine With caution
+Use medicine With caution Reduce the use of medicine that are detrimental to sugar metabolism.
+Some medicine can affect your body secretion, leading to a dysfunction, affecting the secretion of insulin and glucagon, which can affect abnormal glucose metabolism, leading to high or low blood sugar.
+Quit smoking and drinking
+Quit smoking and drinking because its a bad habits like smoking and drinking. As we all know, alcohol and good smoke are extremely harmful to humans.
+Not only will it directly cause cancer and other diseases that endanger human health, but it will also reduce the body’s immunity and immunity, giving diabetes an opportunity to quit smoking.
+It is important to quit smoking and alcohol .
+Actively Treat Diseases
+Actively Treat Diseases & Actively discover and treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease.
+These cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases not only seriously endanger human health, but also lead to disturbance of endocrine function in human body.
+This will also bring hidden dangers to human health and give diabetes an opportunity to take advantage of it.
+Check Blood Sugar
+Check Blood Sugar For some high-risk groups of diabetes, for example, middle-aged people should have regular health checks.
+In addition to regular fasting blood glucose, attention should
+be paid to the measurement of blood glucose
+And glycated hemoglobin 2 hours after a meal.
+Regular inspection is also an important way to prevent diabetes. It should be that some people with early diabetes will not have any diabetes symptoms and other uncomfortable reactions, and it is difficult to self-check according to the symptoms.
+Check Triglycerides
+Check Triglycerides Regular inspections monitor triglycerides.
+Efforts should be made to control triglycerides in the normal range, triglycerides <1.7 mmol/L.
+If the measured value reaches the upper limit of normal or exceeds, the glucose
+Conclusion: We learned from the article that diabetes diet should avoid high sodium and low cellulose.
+this is because a high sodium diet can increase blood volume, induce
+Hypertension, increase heart burden, cause atherosclerosis, and aggravate diabetes complications.
+In addition, if you want to prevent the occurrence of diabetes
+in a timely manner, you must usually control your blood pressure and regularly check blood sugar and blood lipids.
+“Man is not made for defeat.” – Ernest Hemingway
+Circumstance is our scapegoat.
+But it’s not the culprit.
+Because reality is but a perception, a trick of the mind.
+Influenced – but certainly not controlled – by external situations.
+We’re unhappy because we allow ourselves to be.
+Often we plant our own seeds of discontent. Sometimes we realize it, but most of the time, the seeds take root and begin to blossom completely unbeknownst to us. Until it’s too late.
+Until the seed is a tree.Unhappiness stems from many different things, but it’s within our power to eliminate. So let’s pull it up by the roots.
+- You wish you were someone else – “The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself.” – Lao Tzu
+- You don’t make time – “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” Michael Jordan
+- You surround yourself with the wrong people (unhappy people) – “Surround yourself with good people. Whether they’re the best or not, people are capable of learning if they’ve got good hearts and good souls.” – Kid Rock
+- You compare yourself to others – “When you stop comparing what is right here and now with what you wish were, you can begin to enjoy what is.” – Cheri Huber
+- You’re being someone you’re not – “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
+- You’re stuck in the past – “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha
+- You’re stuck in the future – “The future starts today, not tomorrow.” Pope John Paul II
+- You’re unhealthy – “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” – Deepak Chopra
+- You’re negative – “Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of your inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through… whenever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it.” – Vernon Howard
+- You’re irresponsible – “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
+- You’re a perfectionist – “I’m a perfectionist. I can’t help it, I get really upset with myself if I fail in the least.” – Justin Timberlake
+- You’re afraid of failure – “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
+- You’re insecure – “The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.” Erich Fromm
+- You’re in debt – “A man in debt is so far a slave.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
+- You seek validation – “Choose yourself.” – Seth Godin
+- You don’t pick yourself – “You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what to do. And you are the guy who’ll describe where to go.” – Dr. Seuss
+- You’re unskilled – I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.” – Dean Koontz
+- You neglect personal relationships – “Trust is to human relationships what faith is to gospel living. It is the beginning place, the foundation upon which more can be built. Where trust is, love can flourish.” – Barbara Smith
+- You procrastinate – “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off til tomorrow what you can do today.” – Lord Chesterfield
+- You don’t give enough – “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward
+- You don’t receive enough – “Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.” – Jim Rohn
+- You hold grudges – “I’ve had a few arguments with people, but I never carry a grudge. You know why? While you’re carrying a grudge, they’re out dancing.” – Buddy Hackett
+- You play by the rules – “If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.” Katharine Hepburn
+- You’re unrealistic – “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” – Walt Disney
+- Your professional expectations are out of line with reality – “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu
+- You’re not learning – “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” – Henry Ford
+- You have unrealized dreams – “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Winston Churchill
+- You’re bored – “The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.” – Susan Sontag
+- You’re too busy – “If work and leisure are soon to be subordinated to this one utopian principle – absolute busyness – then utopia and melancholy will come to coincide: an age without conflict will dawn, perpetually busy – and without consciousness.” Gunther Grass
+- You don’t sleep enough – “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” – Ernest Hemingway
+- You don’t spend enough time alone – “Solitude is the place of purification.” – Martin Buber
+- You spend too much time alone – “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” – Kurt Vonnegut
+- You’re jealous (of people who are happy) – “Don’t waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind.” – Mary Schmich
+- You don’t take the time to actually set goals – “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins
+- You never act on your dreams – All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
+- You’re dependent – “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitley
+- You can’t accept happiness (don’t think you deserve it) – “We all of us deserve happiness or none of us does.” – Mary Gordon
+- You’re always one step away (you think the next step will finally do it for you) – “Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.” – Erich Fromm
+- You ignore opportunities – “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas Jefferson
+- You’re complacent – “Don’t let your special character and values, the secret that you know and no one else does, the truth – don’t let that get swallowed up by the great chewing complacency.” – Aesop
+- You hate your job – “Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
+- You’re with the wrong person – “People are not perfect… very often the relationships that are strongest are those where people have worked through big crises, but they’ve had to work through them. So the challenge to us is to work through that.” – Patricia Hewitt
+- You have no spiritual life – “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” – Buddha
+- You do not provide any value (to others) – “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
+- have no excitement – “If I had my way, if I was lucky enough, if I could be on the brink my entire life – that great sense of expectation and excitement without the disappointment – that would be the perfect state.” – Cate Blanchett
+- You don’t belong – “By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier.” – Susan Lieberman
+- You have no real friends – “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” – Oprah Winfrey
+- You’re afraid of yourself – “I’m sure not afraid of success and I’ve learned not to be afraid of failure. The only thing I’m afraid of now is of being someone I don’t like much.” – Anna Quindlen
+- You don’t live where you are – “Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” – Denis Waitley
+- don’t focus – “One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” – Tony Robbins
+- You lack gratitude – “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley
+- You don’t relax – “To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” – Alan Watts
+- You don’t take risks – “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Elliot
+- You limit yourself – “The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.” – Helen Keller
+- You limit others – “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
+- You don’t have a hobby – “Artists usually don’t make all that much money, and they often keep their artistic hobby despite the money rather than due to it.” – Linus Torvalds
+- You commute too far – “I’m very fortunate in that I don’t have money problems. I have lunch with my wife at home. I don’t have to commute, so I have much more time with my family.” Kazuo Ishiguro
+- You don’t like your town/city – “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” – George Burns
+- You don’t have a dog – “Any dog under 50lbs is a cat, and cats are worthless.” – Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
+- You’re self-absorbed – “To attempt to advise conceited people is like whistling against the wind.” – Thomas Hood
+- You’re out of shape – “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – JFK
+- You don’t love yourself – “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball
+We let ourselves slip into unhappiness – it is not thrust upon us.
+Therefore it is within our control to defeat it… and be happy.
+Happiness is not an end. It’s not an elusive object, always slightly out of reach. At least it does not have to be.
+Happiness is a process, a muscle we must exercise. So let’s stop putting it off until tomorrow and get down and dirty right now.
+This Date in UCSF History: Making Do in Financial Crisis
+Originally published in Synapse - The UCSF student newspaper Nov. 6, 1997
+Last year I arranged to spend the month of July working at two small hospitals in San Miguel, a town of 50,000 people in the highlands of central Mexico. I went hoping to learn how Mexican-born patients, who would make up much of my practice here, are cared for at home for common problems like diabetes, hypertension and stroke.
+I thought I'd improve my medical Spanish, see a few local health problems, and begin to understand my patients' experience with the healthcare system of their homeland. The doctors I met helped me reach these goals. More importantly, they taught me about Mexico's precarious public health care systems.
+And they eloquently communicated the heartbreak of trying to provide care, maintain skills and make a living as a public servant in a bankrupt economy. Their situation is now getting even harder, as I found when I returned there in July, 1997.
+Haves and have-nots
+My introduction to health care in the state of Guanajuato came about through friends who knew a cardiologist there. This doctor welcomed me to a brand-new 15-bed hospital built to serve wealthy insured patients, and pointed out its advantages over the nearby hospital civil, a publicly-funded hospital serving state employees and the poor.
+The private hospital was impressive and new — but it was almost empty, and its doctors were protective of their patients.
+The hospital civil was run-down and overcrowded. The contrast was familiar: a local re-enactment of the familiar contrast between UCSF and the General.
+When I realized that Guanajuato's UCSF was only getting about three ER visitors a night (because almost no one in post-recession Mexico can afford insurance) I asked to watch some doctors in the ER at the hospital civil.
+I was very lucky that its director agreed, despite my lack of formal documents, to lei me observe informally in their ER and OR. I happily stayed for the next month.
+Common diseases are major killers
+The hospital receives referrals from a network of rural clinics which covers the northeast corner of the state of Guanajuato, an area about the size of the Bay Area and one of the most economically depressed in the country.
+Many water sources in the area arc contaminated with amoebas, Giardia, or Shigella. Cholera has recently become endemic there. Late in the season, water supplies dry up and the bacteria become concentrated. Both children and adults become ill.
+Guanajuato's infant mortality rates from respiratory disease and diarrhea are among the highest in the country. I saw women with poisoned spider bites, children with elbows broken from falling off the family's donkey, and men with lung abscesses full of amoebas that had migrated up through their diaphragms.
+And I saw the struggles and achievements of a system persisting despite profound financial trouble. I had three excellent mentors: an internist, a pediatrician, and a general surgeon. On my first day, they invited me to join a seminar they were giving to a group of 11 young Mexican doctors, each assigned to a rural clinic in the region.
+The seminar was designed by the state of Guanajuato to help rural clinic doctors stay up to date on disease treatments, educate rural mothers in prevention, and get the worst cases to a hospital in time to save their lives. It was very practical.
+In a small, hot room, we reviewed drugs and dosages, treatments for rehydration, and how to make your own infant rehydration formula. We discussed when to call an ambulance and how to keep a child from dying en route. In Mexico, as in most of the world, medicine is a four-year undergraduate course.
+My young doctor classmates were 23-year-old medical school graduates, starting the mandatory year of national public service. They are known as medicos pasantes. Each single-handedly staffed a one-room clinic in a village four to eight hours away, down dirt roads, served by no independent transportation.
+Their resources were primarily the few books, microscopes and experience they had brought with them. Their main job was to take care of small injuries and infections, stock and prescribe a few antibiotics, and triage and stabilize truly ill patients for the long, bumpy ambulance ride to a primary care clinic in San Luis, about two hours from here, or all the way to the secondary care hospital in San Miguel.
+They were all glad to have a few days to be in town, go dancing, and get reacquainted. Nearly all of them had all recently graduated from urban medical schools and been randomly assigned to this area. None of them could afford cars. Aurelia, from Mexico City, told me about living in a cluster of adobe homes without a communal building or store, rotating meals in her neighbors' homes, and sleeping on a bed in the middle of her examining room.
+Evangelio and Monica, who were sweethearts, were fortunate enough lo be a 45-minute walk from each other. The other young doctors in the group would probably not see each other again for several weeks after our course ended. The area was going through a major drought, so diarrhea cases were going up, and their funds had been hit hard by the devaluation of the peso.
+Their tiny stipends don't permit them to leave very often during the 36 hours they had off each week.
+The medicos pasantes and other doctors I spoke with gave me a basic explanation of Mexican medical education. First, medical school education is undergraduate, as it is in Europe. Admission to a university is dependent on national exam scores. But the choice of medicine as a career seems to be open to any university student.
+This makes sense, because Mexico needs to create a large pool of primary care doctors. After graduation, there is the service year. Then, all of my friends would lake another set of exams to determine whether they could specialize or not.
+If they did not pass, they would remain GPs. They all said they wanted the chance to specialize. Mexican doctors' salaries are about $6,000 to $8,000 a year — very low, even relative to the Mexican cost of living.
+Every doctor I spoke to had to supplement his or her salaried work by moonlighting in a private office, or by investing in labs or radiology equipment. Without a specialty, it is very difficult to supplement that income in any way.
+A specialist's lifestyle can be very different. In large city hospitals, which serve the 20% of Mexicans who can afford private health insurance, equipment and techniques match those we UCSF students use daily. At these hospitals, conditions may even be better than at UCSF.
+A recent National Public Radio story interviewed patients in Mexico City who custom-order restaurant meals in rooms outfitted with hot tubs. The operating rooms and ICUs are fully equipped. In contrast, at the hospital civil, the orthopedist brought in all his own instruments for each case.
+At the other hospital, the sole pulmonary physician had contributed the one intensive care monitor, and took pieces of it home with him at night so that they would not be stolen. I could see that it would be difficult, as the hospital civil was rundown and overcrowded. The contrast was familiar.
+Medical journals are prohibitively expensive. In a town where the weekly salary for a four-day-a-week housekeeper was $22 U.S., food prices were equivalent to prices here. In stores, hardcover novels still cost $12. Paying for medical journals for a private practice must be nearly impossible.
+The class I attended was probably a good example of courses open to generalists. It was taught from overhead projectors. While there was a syllabus, the hospital could not afford to make photocopies of it. The students didn't expect them, cither. They simply took notes and then memorized them completely, including all of the drug dosages.
+The pasante year makes it hard for students to maintain the skills they pick up in medical school. I could tell, because I had the opportunity to observe a group of residents after the pasante class left.
+An internist asked the residents to evaluate a young patient with a possible head injury, and walked away. Nervously, they consulted with each other about how to test cranial nerves, and just how to evaluate pupillary changes. After their year of isolation, they were as lost as I was.
+Hospitals in economic crisis
+After two days of lectures, the pasante class was invited to round on patients with the instructors. I went with them, and became more familiar with the hospital where I would spend most of my time in the next few weeks.
+The hospital building, which was one-story and contemporary, was laid out like an American junior high school. It had about 20 beds, a maternity ward, and a level I nursery. About eight physicians were in charge during the day, with four or five others taking over from them at night.
+It was also a teaching hospital: shortly before I left, three residents came to join the team.
+Mexico has undergone three years of one of its most severe economic crises. I had read about hospitals in the north where patient care has suffered recently, both due to lack of funds and due to more insidious problems, like underlying malnutrition. I was not sure what I would see in San Miguel, because the town is outwardly prosperous.
+But there is tremendous unemployment, and deep cuts in Mexico's cash reserves have left the hospitals strapped for cash to buy anything made overseas. The hospital civil was small, and quiet, and clean. It accommodates a lot of very impoverished patients and provides many services for free or next-to-nothing, since none of its patients have any insurance.
+Packets of infant rehydration formula were set out on the counters. Yet everything was designed for economical use or re-use. I never saw a pair of disposable gloves; they were all sterilizable.
+When I was invited to scrub in for surgery, it caused a slight consternation when I admitted I hadn't brought my own scrubs with me. It turned out that each physician is responsible for supplying his or her own scrubs. The hospital takes responsibility for sterilizing them. None of the physicians brought his or her own stethoscope; several were shared between the emergency room and the outpatient clinic.
+On my last day, I finally saw an ophthalmoscope. It was in the keeping of the head nurse, Clara, and available on request. Instead of relying on diagnostic equipment, or on the ultrasounds that could be ordered from a private office, the physicians relied heavily on physical exam skills.
+Many male patients were admitted with large livers and bellies swollen by ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity) due to cirrhosis or amoebic damage.
+My favorite physician-teacher frequently invited me to percuss these patients, and discuss my findings. (I was given several remedial percussion lessons.) He was particularly anxious to have me see an advanced amoebal infection.
+He said that in this area, with its high rates of diarrhea from Shigella, Giardia and E. Coli, people often ignore the symptoms of amoebas or are asymptomatic until they begin to cough up blood. This happens because amoebas, having colonized the liver, break through the diaphragm into the lung cavity.
+Sadly, one of the most expensive, and therefore absent, commodities was paper goods. Mexico has to buy most of its paper. So there were no paper towels, or adult diapers, or paper gowns for patients.
+There were few paper booties or caps to use during surgery. For most chores there were cloth substitutes. Moreover, the paper toilet tissue in the bathrooms ran out after my first three days. In three weeks, it never reappeared. I think that many women probably traveled with their own personal stock of paper, because tissue was in short supply all over town. Nevertheless, I began to see how infection control might be difficult.
+This was brought home to me on a different afternoon when I was at the fancier hospital in town — one set up for gringos and Mexicans with insurance. This hospital was large and new, but has the same constraints.
+In their intensive care room, the nurses and I had to .clean up the copious diarrhea of an American woman, a drug addict. She was being propped up in a leather armchair in an attempt to wean her from her ancient respirator.
+We used sheets and towels to mop up her liquid mess, and then called in an orderly, who mopped it up with the same stringy mop he used for the rest of the hospital's floors. I don't remember if we used gloves but I certainly remember that my first instinct to grab one of the two adult paper diapers from the shelf, was the wrong one. In one moment I had wiped out half of that day's Depends.
+Another paper good in short supply was books. The hospital had a small locked library, and one of the internists sometimes brought his own books into the resident's room, but there were no books near the ER or examining areas: no Physician's Desk Reference, no Spanish equivalent of Harrison's.
+Sometimes, the lack of cash contributed to a lesser standard of care. The physicians were aware of this and saddened by it. Although all needles and sutures were of course disposable, not all tubing connections were; some American-made disposable parts had to be re-used, after autoclaving.
+At the fancier hospital, across town, the internist there told me how distressed he was that he could not change catheters as often as he wanted; there simply weren't enough sets available that month. One evening, in the emergency room, the nurse was told the lab could not do any more urine tests that night.
+There was a lack of urine collection bottles, or strips, or some vital reagent. This kept them from doing a timely pregnancy test on Noemi, a young woman who had severe abdominal pain, an lUD, and sufficient shyness to give three different menstrual histories to each examining doctor in turn.
+As a result, the general surgeon took her in to exploratory surgery without knowing that she did in fact have an ectopic pregnancy. On another day, I heard the radiologist hurriedly consulting with the medical director because he was out of all but the smallest size X-ray films. In the year since I left Mexico, conditions have gotten worse.
+A retired physician in the community told me that the hospital has been unable to afford blankets for all the newborns. Allegedly, some have been sent home wrapped in newspapers.
+Financial hardships for patients
+The financial straits of the hospital were minor compared to the hardships of many of the patients. For the poorest residents of Mexico, there is no money for health insurance. All non-emergent care at the hospital must be pay-as-you-go, even though the rates were kept low.
+Patients' families have to make arrangements with money-lenders if they suddenly need to pay for medical care. The physicians donate a lot of their time and loan their personal equipment, such as intensive care machinery.
+Still, it's not enough help for all the patients. One afternoon a woman brought in her five-year-old daughter because she had fractured her arm just above the elbow the day before. The orthopedist put the girl's arm in a light cast to protect the arteries and nerves temporarily, but explained that they would have to return in a few days with the money for the operation and the screws he would need for an internal fixation.
+He said that he would bring in his own orthopedic surgical equipment, since the hospital only had tools for routine surgeries. As the mother and daughter left, he told me he was not at all certain they would return.
+Even though he had warned them that she could lose the use of the arm if they didn't come, he said he had sent several other cases home that year and they had not returned. (He couldn't say for sure that they had not taken their children to one of the larger hospitals two hours away in San Luis Potosi or Queretaro. But he was pretty sure that they had not.)
+The $150 for the procedure and screws and hospital stay was probably out of their reach. One simple difference between Californian hospitals and the ones I observed in Mexico was that the billing day started at midnight rather than at noon. Several times I saw patients who had been recuperating in the ER get charged at midnight.
+One woman had come three hours by bus with her sick child, knew no one in town, and could not get a bus back until morning. They discharged her so that she could spend the night on the patio and not be charged an extra day.
+Patients also lacked money to complete antibiotic treatment. The hospital staff was very worried about drug resistance. But the medicos pasantes could only provide a day or two of each drug, not a 10-day course; and they also suspected that if they gave 10 days, the family would use it until they felt better and then stop in order to have the drug available for the next person who got sick.
+Another problem for rural patients was hygiene. There is so little water that nearly every rural patient came in covered with grime. One day I escorted a woman into outpatient ophthalmologic surgery who had very dirty feet and legs. The surgeon calmly draped her upper body when she was on the table and created a sterile field for the surgery.
+But I could not help feeling a little odd about the proximity of the surgery and the dust. Many patients had not been able to take a real bath for months, so the nurses helped the most soiled people take a bath in a little room off to one side before they would let them be examined. Everyone was very conscious of looking well-dressed.
+Noemi, who recovered well from her ectopic pregnancy, came in for a post-op checkup wearing a very fancy blue satin dress. But clearly she had been unable to wash it. It was shiny — and grimy.
+Cultural differences
+One of my goals in coming to the hospitals was to get a sense of what Mexican citizens who might come to the U.S. expected from their medical providers, based on care they had received in Mexico.
+Knowing that Mexican women can be quite modest, my first surprise was that the ER lacked curtains around its beds, and ER patients were not often provided with gowns or drapes during exams. It was difficult for many of the women, since both the ER examining room and the holding bedroom had room for three patients, who were not segregated sexually.
+The women would hold up whatever they could to shield their bodies from the other patients and physicians. Some patients also have little experience with hospitals, hospital procedures, or donating blood. One day, I came in to find a teenage girl in one of the ER holding beds, in agony from a black widow spider bite she had gotten the day before. Her joints were so painful that she could not stand up, and therefore could not go to the toilet.
+There was no curtain around her bed, but finally, after several hours, it became so clear that she had to urinate that I got a bedpan from the ER staff, who were occupied with other patients. I tried to explain to her how to use it (this was definitely a language challenge), but she just didn't believe that she wouldn't get herself wet, and since she had no sheet on her bed, she was reluctant anyway.
+She was too modest to try it for almost another hour and then she tried to crouch over it. It was painful to see her trying to put weight on her feet, but we could not convince her that it would work. The doctors told me they also have a hard time getting people to donate blood.
+The nearest blood bank was an hour and a half away and oversubscribed, so patients must have family members and friends donate for them. According to the doctors, many rural people don't believe that their blood has regenerated after they give it.
+Therefore, although many people will donate once for a loved one, they are afraid to do it again.
+The tragedy of errors
+On my last day in the hospital, I was shown a very weak young woman, walking in the hall. My instructor told me that some poorly trained general doctor had apparently prescribed the wrong amount and inappropriately long course of chloramphenicol for her, and now she had aplastic anemia. Her hemoglobin had risen from 2 to 4, after transfusion. But she was out of donors, and out of time. She would almost certainly not recover.
+My preceptor was particularly candid about this case, because he wanted me to understand how necessary it was for me and my fellow trainees to find ways to stay informed about changes in the standard of practice. Most physicians in Mexico have been made aware of the risks of using chloramphenicol, a common antibiotic.
+This woman's general physician presumably was not. My preceptor works diligently to train his residents and pasantes to treat accurately and safely on their own. He knows they may easily end up practicing without the safety of libraries, current journals, or access to second opinions.
+Into the future
+My visits to San Miguel provided a brief, unique, informative window into Mexico's public health sector. Now I hear that this already strained system is undergoing still more transition. Recently, National Public Radio discussed the Mexican government's plans to privatize its public health hospitals.
+Some say that the financial strain of supporting the 80% of Mexicans who arc uninsured is now more than the government can bear. It is unclear if the new approach will improve or worsen medicine for the poor.
+My four weeks of informal observation gave me tremendous respect for the courage of the hard-working public health doctors I met. I wish them well in their ongoing struggle to treat, and teach, increasingly adverse conditions. I very much appreciated the chance to observe their efforts and achievements.
+The Virginian-Pilot
+Kaleb Wilson made his first friend here the day he moved from South Carolina. When the school year began, the 16-year-old met his girlfriend and joined the Junior ROTC. Kaleb said he was enjoying his first year at Smithfield High School.
+Then came Sept. 23.
+He was attacked while riding home on a school bus. At least one student filmed the beating with a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.
+Kaleb is devastated. His father, Lee Wilson, is furious.
+Wilson thinks school officials, including the bus driver, handled the situation poorly and that Smithfield High's administration didn't care about what happened.
+"He's not going back there," Wilson said. "No ifs, ands or buts about it."
+At a time when high-profile cases of school bus fights and beatings are more common, school systems have specific policies that govern what to do. Those policies, such as ones regarding student confidentiality, can fuel the feeling that officials are doing nothing, a University of Virginia official said.
+"I think there's often a wrong impression given " that school leaders "don't care when they are concerned," said Dewey Cornell, a clinical psychologist and education professor who leads the Virginia Youth Violence Project.
+"Schools, I think, have learned to be cautious about reaching conclusions too quickly because most cases have a history of prior problems," said Cornell, who is not familiar with the details of Kaleb's situation.
+Isle of Wight County Schools spokeswoman Katherine Goff said the division is investigating the incident and "following the appropriate disciplinary measures."
+On a recent afternoon, Kaleb sat on a neighbor's deck, his eyes shielded by sunglasses. His left eye was puffy and swollen, the skin underneath still a mixture of red and purple bruises. He said he has yet to regain full vision in that eye.
+Kaleb, a freshman, was glancing out his school bus window when another boy began pounding him in the head, he said. He remembers his head hitting the window, then leaning into the seat to protect himself. Kaleb took at least two dozen blows to the face, head and back.
+"I just wanted it to stop," he said.
+Laughter and cheering can be heard during the recording of the incident. Someone posted it to YouTube, but it has been removed.
+The bus driver headed back to school, Wilson said, and an administrator told him it was against protocol for the school to get medical attention for his son, even though Kaleb's vision was blurry and his head throbbed. More than an hour elapsed between the fight and the time Wilson arrived at the school to take his son to a doctor.
+School Board policy requires bus drivers to alert administrators in an emergency and return to school. It also says school personnel "shall notify the parent before a physician is contacted except in cases of extreme emergency. This must be a matter of judgment."
+The Virginia School Boards Association makes similar policy recommendations, Executive Director Frank Barham said.
+A 16-year-old, whose name was not released because he's a juvenile, has been charged with malicious wounding in the incident, said Capt. Paul Phelps of the Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office. Investigators are looking into whether the person or people who filmed and posted the video should face conspiracy charges.
+"We're seeing whether this was a setup to be put on YouTube," Phelps said.
+Ultimately, he said, the video aided investigators because it showed Kaleb being hit unprovoked and barely fighting back. Phelps called the attack "senseless."
+"We understood that they had, maybe, words the day before," Phelps said. "We do know on this day the person who was assaulted had not done anything."
+The arrested teen has been released on house arrest, said Isle of Wight County Commonwealth's Attorney Wayne Farmer. The teen can have no contact with Kaleb.
+Wilson said he wants to know what disciplinary measures the school took.
+"It's a situation that I wouldn't want anyone else to go through," Wilson said.
+For now, Kaleb does his schoolwork from home, with his teachers e-mailing assignments. The day after the attack, he returned to school to retrieve books from his locker. The students in the hallway laughed and jeered.
+"Everybody knows me now," Kaleb said. "It's a bad thing."
+Hattie Brown Garrow, (757) 222-5562, hattie.brown@pilotonline.com
+Cool beans
+96% of you have no idea what's actually going on; it's a shame really. You're all making your opinions based on conjecture. Can you say presumptuous?
+This is so old. What is your problem, Mr. Wilson? Because it seems that all you can find in this situation is $$$.
+There's a reason he only has one friend. If you think you can come to a new school and act better than everyone else, run your mouth, and tell people to hit you...don't cry when they do.
+Why would the bus driver call the cops for a high school bus fight? That's just pointless for the cops. And Kaleb didn't pass out, wasn't dying, nor puking his shards out so an ambulance was unnecessary too.
+I hope you've learned not to show your teeth if you can't bite, or this scenario will occur time after time.
+More to be desired at SHS.
+Since the bus driver was a woman, I wouldn't expect for her to be able to do much other than turning the bus around and bringing them back to school. I believe that she did all she could really do.
+The Principal and all on the other hand, they could have done more. They're lazy, quite frankly. I've come to them with issues regarding witnessing the selling of alcohol, drugs, etc, and all they do is warn the students. Government property plus possession of these substances and SELLING them!? That is a major nono.
+Please, don't give up in the fight for justice. You deserve it. As for not calling for help outside, I believe that they should have done this. I have had a panic attack walking into the school in the morning and was led to the nurse by a fellow student. She was rude and demanded that I go get a pass from my teacher, who I had not been to yet, even though I was on the brink of passing out. Really? Endangering a persons life? I could have passed out and hit my head on the floor or walls, then what?
+I believe that this school, and district period, needs new leaders. Some of the rules are really and undeniably stupid, like denying me graduating early even though I have all
+IOW schools
+The post that stated “sweep everything under the rug” was dead on, do not underestimate the power of the “good ole boy“ system of government. Smithfield high administration has a long history of mismanagement (most of it has been reported in the media). To Kaleb, I understand why you don’t want to go back to Smithfield High school, teenagers travel in packs, and are unbelievably cruel, its hard enough just being sixteen. Hope you feel better, hang in there this too shall pass.
+IOW School System
+My daughter was a student at Smithfield high school. She went to the nurse for the first time her senior year. She was carried on the arm of another student because she almost passed out. The nurse told her she had to go to her second floor classroom and get a note before she would help her......WHAT NURSING SCHOOL DID YOU ATTEND??? Thank goodness for a very attentive attendance clerk that stepped in on my daughter’s behalf (by the way, my daughter was hospitalized later that day). Maybe it was gods grace that the school nurse was not called to attend to Kaleb. But the IOW rescue squad is staffed with some very capable medics, so no excuses there. To his parents; you have an uphill battle, this principle, and school administration has been getting away with bullying parents, teachers, and student for years. The bus driver was probably to afraid to act as an individual and call 911. Independent thinking is not encouraged in this school system, especially not at the high school. There is no recourse in this county. I hope you succeed in forcing change in this district, but its going to take a lot of media influence, and assistance from the state to accomplish anything.
+Bus Brawl
+It is so sad that this child had to be beat. It is even sadder that the bus driver did nothing. Something has got to be done our schools are really starting to suffer. We moved here several years ago because the school system was supposed to be so great and it was but it has really changed over the last couple of years. Everything is about numbers and if anything bad happens it gets swept under the rug. Last year a Elementary School in the county had a substitute tell the children in her class at lunch time her and her husband were packing handguns. It was taken to the Administrator and nothing was done, she was substituting the next time I had lunch with my grandchild. Is this what we are teaching our children now? Numbers are nothing. What about our next generation? It is sad adults in leadership positions are to afraid to do or say anything, they are afraid of loosing there jobs, In the mean time we are loosing our children.
+Continued.... point? Kaleb, the bus driver should have stopped immediately, with all the cell phones on that bus, someone could have called the police. NO EXCUSES there! The bus driver should also be held accountable! Reading about what happened to you just make my blood boil-and to every parent reading this, if your child was one of the ones video tapping the fight-they should have been calling for help-they should also be held accountable! Nothing to be proud of there! I support the Wilson Family 150%-God Bless you all!
+Kaleb and Family
+Hi Kaleb, I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. I pray that the other child responsible will be held accountable for his actions-you may not see it Kaleb, but trust me he will be! I am also a parent of a young child who was riding home on a bus from Hardy Elementary last year and was attacked by another child and I didn't find out about it UNTIL my son got home from school, crying and bleeding (I was at work when this happened) and the bus driver FAILED to notify the school and stop the attack on my son who was 9 at the time. His face was scratched up and bruised, and bleeding and his hair was pulled, etc. I called the school and Mr. Crawford the principal at the time, claimed to know NOTHING about the attack on my child. I took plenty of pictures, the other child was suspended and needless to say the same bus driver is still driving.. po
+This is sickning to read. Of all the stories that I have seen ,this beats all I have ever read. A Family moves into the area and settles here to live. Their son starts school and before you know it,a bunch of CRUD with nothing better to do injuries him,and the school system ,so scared that it will make a mistake in dealing with the matter refuses to call 911 for help. In the meantime,the thugs are under "HOUSE ARREST, meaning that it will do as much good as if nothing were done at all.Way to go Isle of Wight, in my book,you have just been placed on the
+"National map of Idiots." I guess these darling bunch of lovely teenagers,who beat,filmed,and put this thing on YouTube,deserve a medal for upstanding behavior. Not in MY book,what the asualter deserves,is the following---.
+Once an hour,take a ball bat and:
+break both legs,
+then break his ribs,
+then both arms,
+remember,this is what momma,and daddy(if he is around at all) created and raised.
+The editor has the right to remove this if he so desires,but remember,this is what is being raised in our world today,a bunch of animals,who have no pride,manners self esteem,or usefulness,except to cause trounle.In s
+Tied to a tree?
+Maybe you should be tied to a tree?
+Anyone who is basing their opinion on this article does not really have all of the facts. I have heard that the boy who got injured was verbally harassing another student smaller than him and also his assailant for days on the bus before he got attacked. Other students in the school would agree that he is not the sweet new kid on the block which this article is portraying. For those of you who think he got beaten up by someone bigger or older than him, you are mistaken. The young man who did the punching is actually the same age and about the same size. The way I see it, kids should not be verbally provoking others either, especially when they are new to the area.
+Parent of SHS Student
+I am in favor of harsh punishment, but we cannot bring ourselves to their level. The answer is in sending these want to be thugs to third world countries and make them work in the poorest areas for about 3 years. They will have no modern conveniences and they must work hard to earn their way back home. This will help to rid our society of a lot of crime, offer help to people in need, reduce the excessive spending on prisons, and probably help build some character and appreciation in these delinquent criminals.
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+For instance, Arnold & Porter achieved decisive victories in 2012 for Boston Scientific against Johnson & Johnson and its Cordis subsidiary in a series of major patent infringement cases relating to coronary stents. And, as lead counsel for a consortium of several major professional sports leagues, the firm successfully resolved disputes over the proper distribution of cable and satellite royalties for a six year period.
+Nice firms finish first Arnold & Porter's commitment to client service was most recently recognized in the BTI Client Service A-Team 2013 report, which ranked the firm's client service in the nation's top 20. FORTUNE magazine has included Arnold & Porter's name on its annual list of "100 Best Companies to Work For" ten times. Other best-of lists Arnold & Porter frequents include The Human Rights Campaign's list of LGBT-friendly workplaces (with a perfect 100 rating in 2014), Working Mother's "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers, Yale Law Women Top 10 Family Friendly Law Firms, and Corporate Board Member’s “America’s Best Corporate Law Firms” Arnold & Porter has also received numerous awards for its diversity efforts from The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA). Arnold & Porter has enjoyed a progressive, family-friendly reputation that was greatly helped by the opening of the country's first in-firm child care center in 1995. With weekend and backup hours in addition to daily availability and a full-time preschool program, the center remains the "gold standard" of law firm child care. Click here for more information on the benefits the firm provides. Captain Planet Corporate America is finally showing the Earth some love, and Arnold & Porter is joining in. The firm kicked off its Green Office Initiative in 2007, implementing a plan to reduce consumption of paper, energy and transportation firm-wide. Significant changes range from a switch to recycled paper for printing and copying (on printers set to double-side printing), as well as electronic holiday cards, to carbon offsets for business travel, to installing air pumps in employee parking lots (under-inflated tires, as Mario Andretti will tell you, are not only dangerous, but also hurt fuel economy). The driving force behind the Green Office Initiative is DC partner Jonathan Martel, who was previously at the Office of General Counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and focuses his practice on Clean Air Act issues. For him, the key to making BigLaw environmentally friendly is "built on peer pressure." So, c'mon, everyone's doing it. Arnold & Porter is also setting an example for others by collaborating with the ABA and EPA to develop what they call an "Eco Challenge," encouraging law firms to take steps toward a more environmentally friendly practice of law. Furthermore, it is the first major U.S. law firm to form a partnership with Carbonfund.org in order to support carbon reduction projects and other sustainable business practices. Click here for more information on the firm’s Green Office Policy. Click here for more information on the firm’s efforts to offset its carbon footprint. GETTING HIRED "Grades," begins one insider, before repeating "grades" twice more, just in case you didn't catch it the first time. A senior associate agrees that "the firm looks for candidates at the top of the class who are willing to work very hard." Adds a veteran associate, "We have very high standards, but nothing is a sure bet. The firm really values work experience when hiring associates." A midlevel notes that "like most large law firms, grades and law school are probably the two most important factors when considering a candidate for an on-campus interview and subsequent callback." One junior associate details the selection process, “We are looking for sharp people who get along well with others." A corporate source asserts, "The firm is looking for people who have the ambition and potential to be great at what they do." One New York litigator admits the firm looks for "typical top schools; NYU, Georgetown, Columbia elites. Grades are important, but personality also factors in a lot." An insider agrees that "you have to have excellent grades and (usually) come from a top school, but that is not enough. This firm pays a lot of attention to fit, and I know countless people from my law school, many with better grades than me, who did not receive callbacks or offers." Indeed, agrees a corporate associate, "People with great paper credentials will not get hired if the firm's sense is that they would not fit in or that they are not nice. I mean it; we really care about `nice.'" Click here to access our Attorney Careers Website. OUR SURVEY SAYS "The office is very casual and there is not a great deal of hierarchy between levels of attorneys," begins one insider, before adding that "politically, the lawyers at the firm tend to be pretty liberal, but we have our conservatives, too. Most importantly, the large majority of lawyers I work with are just nice; a rare trait in this business." An observant newbie has noticed that "the firm is very conscious of maintaining work/life balance, promoting diversity/inclusion and being a 'good place to work.' This is reflected in the many committees, groups and initiatives, formal and informal, that speak to the needs of moms, minorities, women and social interests." One insider appreciates the "congenial" office, with "lots of even-keel people and very 'nice' personalities. Politics are generally center-left, but a surprising number of more conservative and Fed-Soc types who are just as respected and warm as everyone else." A veteran characterizes "the firm culture as friendly and sociable," while another breathes a sigh of relief that "generally, associates work well together as a team. I have not experienced the intensive competition at this firm that I have known at other firms; here, associates are not out to get each other." Claims one insider, "There is an incredible spectrum of diverse personalities at the firm that makes the culture inclusive and interesting." Says a Washington litigator, "We have a bar called the Garden Room that opens up at 6:00 every day. On Fridays, the place is packed with lawyers and a good place to catch up with friends." However, adds one insider, socialization occurs rather "infrequently outside of firm-sponsored events like these." Agrees one junior associate, "This is a liberal, laid-back culture in comparison to most other big law firms. Folks are friendly, but there is no pressure to socialize outside working hours."
+Just tell me what you want ... "Arnold & Porter values its talent," asserts a midlevel, "and the firm is willing to be flexible to keep it." Adds one insider, "The firm offers real part-time work schedules, and actually respects your part-time hours." According to a tax attorney, "There is little emphasis on face time; as long as the work gets done and you're there for important meetings, partners don't mind when you're in the office or if you work remotely as needed." One litigator dissents, "The firm claims to be flexible with hours, but I don't see how they possibly can be. When the work is there, you need to be there to do it." However, defends a corporate source, "The hours, billable and in-office, can vary greatly from week to week in any group." A detailed analysis from one insider: "Although working long hours is to be expected when working at any big firm, I feel I work fewer hours than attorneys at comparably sized law firms. Also, the firm doesn't put a lot of emphasis on face time as long as the assignments you have been given are completed diligently and on time." Agrees a junior associate, "The partner I work for has no problems with me working from home, which I often do at least once a week." A veteran associate clarifies that "people work hard, just like at other large firms. A&P is flexible with leave policies and face time is not necessary. People are given the freedom to get their work done on the schedule that works for them." One newbie appreciates that there is "no struggle to find work as a first-year, and reasonable demands on my time." There is "some flexibility to leave earlier if you have children," notes a source, "but be prepared to have to log back in at night from home to make up the hours (to get the work done) and work as many hours as associates who are not parents." Indeed, one litigator admits to "coming in around 10 a.m. and leaving between 7 and 9. I also work from home once or twice every other week." One novice litigator knew this practice area "would of course lead to occasionally long days, but things have generally been pretty predictable about seven to eight hours a day in the office. I tend to work from home in the mornings via remote login, and it's never been a problem." Freedom of choice "It's hard to choose," begins an overwhelmed newbie. There is "great training available; sometimes too much!" A seasoned litigator agrees that "the firm provides training on so many levels, there's no excuse for not being well trained." One midlevel commends "the extensive commitment to professional development evident" through the firm's renowned training. A novice litigator appreciates that "nearly every day there is a training session going on somewhere in the firm," while one insider says that "we have so much training it is impossible to keep track of it, much less participate in all of it. And as if that's not enough, the firm will almost always pay for additional training outside the firm if some particular topic is not being offered in house. Each practice group has a partner who mentors associates' development and makes sure that everyone is getting the work experiences they need to grow." Although veteran attorneys agree that "the firm has good training resources with excellent staff," litigators still feel the firm "needs to do better at communicating those resources to associates." Agrees one source, "There are information sessions on areas of law. However, there is no training with actual work assignments." A midlevel adds that "training is available, but fitting it in is tough, and IP training is something you have to go and get yourself." We're told that "the firm provides formal training, but programs are hit-or-miss when it comes to timeliness and practical utility." From a junior associate: "There's a formal training program in place. I can't say that all of the events are particularly useful, but they are there." However, looking toward the future, a banking source prizes the firm "for doing a good job in the last few years of offering more formal training options to associates."
+- freely available
+- re-usable
+Sustainability 2013, 5(2), 570-589; doi:10.3390/su5020570
+Published: 4 February 2013
+Abstract: Current.
+1. Introduction, etc. [1]. Indeed, tourism in many areas in the South is now deeply intertwined with real estate investment and urbanization: people buy property in the tourist destinations and stay there for shorter or longer periods. In recent years, the flow of residential tourists to developing countries (not the least of which is in Latin America) has become more prominent. While the phenomenon is difficult to quantify, general tourism numbers give an indication: international tourist arrivals increased by 43 percent between 2000 and 2011 (particularly in emerging economies), to reach 983 million worldwide [2]. If only 0.5% of these arrivals were residential tourists, their number would amount to nearly five million worldwide [3]. Residential tourism is a well-known phenomenon in destinations, such as Spain, Mexico and the Caribbean; more recently, this development has spread to wider areas in the South, for example, to Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras), South America (Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil), South Africa, Turkey and Thailand. [4]. Residential tourism, therefore, offers an opportunity to examine globalization and development chains and corridors [5] “on the ground”. [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. Migrants are no longer seen as making a single move and integrating into the new context; rather, they construct multiple relationships in two places simultaneously. The case of residential tourism provides an interesting opportunity to turn around the debate on transnational migration: residential tourists are privileged with regard to income, social and cultural status, etc., compared to the local population. Various authors have argued that residential tourism offers good conditions for sustained transnationalism and “transnational settlement” into compatriot social networks (forming separate enclaves), rather than local incorporation [14,15,16,17,18]: according to Gustafson [14], retirees usually do not work in the host country; there are successive cohorts of ever new retirees; their motivations for moving are leisure-related; and they often attempt to maximize the amenities of both places (e.g., the weather) and move back and forth regularly. Regular travelling back and forth and maximizing amenities are proof of real transnational and mobile lives. Such behavior reflects these migrants’ privileged position: their economic resources contribute to transnationalism. Similarly, Lizárraga Morales [18] mentions five reasons for the continued importance of transnational practices of US residential tourists in Mexico: economic access to advanced communications technologies; retirees have time and money to undertake return trips; Mexico’s flexible migration policies; dependence on pensions as the main source of income spurs political participation (U.S. government decisions can directly affect retiree’s finances); and children still live in the USA. These U.S. migrants were not only involved in tight social networks of compatriots, but also exercised active political transnationalism [18].
+For Costa Rica, Puga [16] also mentions that “successful” local integration of retirees in the central valley does not mean social relations with the local populations, but rather satisfactory access to local services and interaction within the migrant community. Even after living there for a long time, retirees often live in a symbolic enclave, are involved in compatriot social networks and organizations and “consume” their place visually. McWatters [17] also noted residential tourists’ patterns of intra-community socialization and their isolation from the native community in Boquete, Panama. In addition, he observed how residential tourists’ relationship with Boquete is unsustainable and precarious: if it were to become overdeveloped, people would migrate elsewhere in search of a new paradise; thus, they show signs of “landscape nomadism” [17]. Indeed, according to Bauman [19], with the end of geography and the disappearance of distance, there is no longer a need for local social cohesion. Progressive spatial segregation, separation and exclusion are then consequences of globalization: there is a breakdown of communication between the global elites and the local rest [19]. As such, meaning is taken away from localities and place, and home becomes more insecure, exchangeable and transitory [20].
+However, O’Reilly [15] showed that British residential tourists in Spain are not just highly mobile elites: a large group of British live in a rather disadvantaged position, unable to successfully integrate, but also unable to move back to Britain frequently and lead truly transnational lives. It is then important to give a more nuanced view of these types of mobility. Indeed, residential tourists are not only “transnationals” living in enclaves: various authors have highlighted the high socio-political involvement of various groups of lifestyle migrants or residential tourists in their local destination areas [21,22,23,24,25]. In addition, they engage extensively in volunteering and charitable giving [26]. As highly educated and environmentally conscious residents, who often migrate for reasons of tranquility, they can be important agents of change and political opposition to large-scale tourism or residential development [21]. Informal channels seem to be the main avenues for such political action. As such, despite the common view of lifestyle migrants as individualistic and apathetic, there has been successful political mobilization among them, both in collaboration with local groups and by themselves [22,25]. In this sense they can be viewed as “translocals”: rather than claiming national citizenship rights, they attempt to exercise citizenship in their local destinations. Indeed, Smith and Guarnizo [27] argue that there has been a devolution of citizenship claims-making from the national to urban space: since a growing proportion of migrants lacks national citizenship and effective inclusion, representation and participation, they make their claims increasingly at the local level. For example, the debate on the “right to the city” [28,29] focuses on the right of city dwellers (including migrants) to participate in decision making processes that affect the quality of city life; and the right to appropriate and use urban space ([27], see also [30]). Thus, inhabitance of place becomes a basic prerequisite of citizenship. [3,4,5]. In Guanacaste, not only is there an influx of residential tourists, but the sector of residential tourism also attracts other groups of migrants, particularly Nicaraguan and domestic labor migrants. What does the coming together of highly divergent and mobile groups mean for local society? Can we still speak of locality, or is locality dissolved? I focus on various dimensions of citizenship, participation in local place-making and transnational involvement; particularly among residential tourists, but also among other migrants. Residential tourists turn out to be a diverse group, not just a highly mobile elite; and they do engage in place making. The fact that different groups act increasingly in separation and isolation, but especially the increase in people who consider their home in Guanacaste as exchangeable and transitory, is a threat to an integrated local system. However, there are still elements holding the place together.
+2. Methodology% vs. 7%). Retired couples were very common in the temporary resident category, with a mean age of 56 (49 for permanent residents). Most residential tourists owned their property in Costa Rica (62% individual and 3% timeshared ownership); 34% rented., etc.) and use of secondary data sources (national statistics, media sources, online blogs and discussions).
+3. Residential Tourists in Guanacaste (Figure 1). In the 2000s, Guanacaste changed from a small-scale tourism destination to an area of exponential large-scale and residential tourism growth, including real estate investment. From 2001 to 2006, the two main cantons in the research area (Santa Cruz and Carrillo) were among the main areas of construction growth in Costa Rica, which was mainly due to residential tourism: the area of new constructions in square meters increased exponentially (annually 159% in Santa Cruz and 66% in Carrillo) [31]. This high growth contrasts with steep declines during the worldwide economic crisis, particularly from 2008 onwards. [3]. Based on airport exit questionnaires in Guanacaste [32,33], there were 2600–4800 foreign home owners visiting the research area (6.6%–12.2% of the total population). Based on the housing stock [34] and average occupation, there were 2000 permanent residents (5%) and 3400 temporary residents (8.6%) in the research area. There is thus a high concentration of residential tourists in a small area. However, it is important to realize that permanent residential tourists are still a small group in Guanacaste. There is also much overlap between investment, tourism and residency: short-term tourists often end up buying property and, thus, become residential tourists (even though they keep coming to Costa Rica only for short holidays); property owners rent out their property to short-term tourists, so that many residential complexes are de facto hotels; shared ownership of properties is common (e.g., timeshares); and investors buy properties without one clear purpose (selling it, using it as a holiday home or using it later for retirement).
+Residential tourists have a number of legal and irregular opportunities to migrate to Costa Rica. Despite the special pensionado/rentista visa, which has existed since 1964, residential tourism takes place partly independent of national migration policies: temporary residents stay on a tourist visa (which allows most western migrants to stay for up to 90 days), and many permanent western migrants do not acquire legal residency status, let alone national citizenship: many stay on a renewed tourist visa as “perpetual tourists”. Regular pensionado/rentista migration procedures tend to be time-consuming: once all documents have been handed in, it can take 12–18 months before issuing [35]. The recent stricter migration rules have a potential to discourage people from applying for pensionado/rentista visas; this may increase irregularity and temporariness. Residential tourists’ motivations for moving can be an important factor in explaining their local and transnational involvement. In order to grasp their motivations, respondents were asked in an open-ended question “Why did you decide to buy property and/or live in another country than your own?” The results were classified into categories and are shown in Figure 2 below. Reasons related to lifestyle and quality of life were the main reasons for residential tourists to leave their countries (21%). Many of them mentioned a longing for coastal pura vida living, a relaxed lifestyle surrounded by nature and beach, a prolonged holiday, as directly opposed to their home country lives and retirements, which they portrayed as enduring work stress, personal stress and more—see also [4,17,36]. The lifestyle category is in this sense related to another category: the negative situation in the country of origin, for example, the political situation (unsatisfied with government, policies, taxes, etc.) and safety reasons (crime and natural disasters). These negative push factors account for only 9% in the survey, but the relationship between the pull factor “lifestyle” and the push factors is often strong. vs. 13.5% TRs), and they were also more often driven by negative factors (political, safety) in the country of origin (13% PRs vs. 3.5% TRs). Temporary residents, on the other hand, were much more often attracted by touristic reasons (enjoyment, surfing, natural amenities): 20.5% TRs vs. 7% PRs. They also relatively often mentioned being experienced in international travelling and living in other countries as a reason (10% TRs vs. 4%.
+4. Social and Economic Involvement (i.e., retirement migrants) and, therefore, less able to integrate. Indeed, the most straightforward strategy for residential tourists in Costa Rica is to bring pensions or savings over from their country of origin and apply for a pensionado or rentista visa [37]; migration policies are most adapted to this type. If they aim to become economically involved as workers or business owners in Costa Rica, this is prohibited for most: residential tourists are seen as tourists, not as people who actively participate in the local economy. Participation in the formal labor market is difficult. Still, many of them have managed to circumvent these policies and work or own businesses (often irregularly) in Guanacaste. Indeed, residential tourists in Guanacaste are a broader group than just retirees: they are often younger and/or still involved in business or employment. When comparing permanent and temporary residents, the former more often owned their own businesses and mostly in Costa Rica (or in both countries) (30%); see Table 1. Permanent residents also have possibilities to manage a business in the country of origin, while operating from Costa Rica (19%; see Table 2), mostly through telecommuting, the stock market, Internet-managed businesses, etc., but also through frequent travel. A small proportion of permanent residents were employed (mostly in Costa Rica). Temporary residents were mostly retired (44% as opposed to 33% for permanent residents); 19% owned businesses in the country of origin and 11% were employed there (Table 2). In general, those employed in the country of origin worked in highly skilled occupations in sectors, such as management, business, health and education.
+* [10].
+* Table 1). The respondents had most contact with people from their home country. These contacts were established in a variety of situations (asked for in an open-ended question): mostly as friends in social life, but also as neighbors, randomly meeting people at the pool, beach or supermarket or as workers and business clients. About the same situations are mentioned for “people from other countries” (mostly North America and Europe), who are ranked third. Costa Ricans are ranked second and mostly contacted as workers and friends/social, but also as neighbors and business clients. Nicaraguans were the group with whom these residential tourists had the least contact and mostly in their position as employees. Hence, while many residential tourists do have contacts with local Guanacastecans, field observations and interviews showed that many of them (particularly those from the USA) cling together in the same restaurants and bars (often run by North Americans, as well), form groups of friends, play golf, play cards together and organize dinner parties, reading clubs, book exchanges, charity events, etc. There are various churches for the foreign community. On the other hand, respondents also complained about living in such a gringo environment (“a bubble, a Costa Rican light”, according to a survey respondent who lived in an all-inclusive gated community), the fact that many compatriots “want here to be like in the USA” and the difficulty of learning Spanish in such a situation.
+Almost half of the respondents (excluding native Spanish speakers) classified their Spanish skills as bad or very bad (Table 1). However, for permanent residents, this is different: many of them considered their Spanish good or very good. Permanent residents also read more Spanish-language Costa Rican newspapers, though the majority of them read only English-language Costa Rican newspapers, which cater to the foreign community, such as the Tico Times and AM Costa Rica. There are also a number of bilingual and English-language local newspapers in various towns, which are important means in informing people and holding officials accountable. Besides the media, public space has been “foreignized” in important ways in parts of Guanacaste. Public space is filled with English-language publicity for real estate and tourism, and in towns like Tamarindo, English often seems to take over as the main language on the streets. Integration into gringo networks and services is relatively easy, since the short-term tourism sector in Guanacaste has long provided services and products from North America. Residential tourists’ increased transnational settlement into compatriot networks can be explained by the larger size of the group, the introduction of gated communities and spatial segregation and the changing characteristics of residential tourists in Guanacaste (more often retired, different motivations). There has been a change from a more small-town open culture (including the first pioneer migrant groups), to a large town, with more group separation. One of the pioneer US settlers in Tamarindo explained: gringos at those bingo parties; before, everyone went: ticos, gringos. Q: Are ticos and gringos becoming more distant, then? A: I don’t know. There are very few ticos left [38].
+5. Socio-Political Involvement [25]. However, few Costa Rican citizens living in Tamarindo favor this municipal division, and expats cannot muster enough votes to achieve such a division [25]. In fact, in-depth interviews show that residential tourists consider themselves quite powerless in Guanacaste: their image of national and local political institutions is as very powerful, and their lack of trust in this political field and lack of formal abilities to influence it, lead to feelings of resignation and powerlessness [3,39]. [16]. In Guanacaste, permanent residential tourists are involved in a range of organizations. In my survey, 10 of the 34 permanent residents I spoke to were involved in organizations for infrastructure, services and environment: more specifically, eight of them were involved in a local town association for infrastructure, recycling, cleaning etc., one was involved in a community water and sewer association (ASADA) and one contributed to a local environmental organization. These data correspond with interviews, observation and Internet data on membership and different types of local associations in Guanacaste coastal area. During in-depth interviews [3,39], half of the respondents indicated being open to joining organizations or protests regarding their direct environment. Organizations in which these residents are involved are often neighborhood organizations that collectively arrange infrastructure and services, such as recycling, waste collection, beach cleaning, security, etc. Through these organizations, residents can claim services from local government or arrange their own services. This often happens in communities where many foreign residents are concentrated and English is the main language in these organizations. Those involved are often long-term residents and/or small tourism business owners. In addition, small tourism business owners (e.g. in Tamarindo) have established associations because of their need for infrastructural improvements in order to cope with the growing tourist sector, which local government could not provide. A few residential tourists are also involved in more activist environmental organizations that influence public opinion through protests and file judicial complaints. However, interviews showed that influence of residential tourists through protest and judicial action is not very common, as gringos tend to be cautious about these more controversial types of involvement: local people can be highly suspicious of “foreign-led” organizations. etc. It is difficult to build a community like this; this is a problem [40]..
+6. Transnational Involvement (Table 2). Permanent residents were asked how often they return to their country of origin: the average number of return trips was 2.4 per year. Almost 70% went back at least once a year. Residential tourists regularly receive many friends and family members in Costa Rica (Table 2), contributing to their transnational lives there. Home ownership can also be an important sign of a transnational orientation: as many as 38% of the permanent residents still owned a home in their country of origin and 24% rented one (though not always for the whole year). For temporary residents, home ownership in the country of origin was 81%, and some of them even owned a second home in, etc. These were mostly permanent residents. [41]. There is a positive correlation between permanent residents’ local social involvement in Costa Rica and their transnational political involvement in the country of origin (Pearson correlation, 0.575; sig 0.001). Hence, permanent residents clearly combine important local involvement with high transnational (especially political) involvement: in their case, transnational and local involvement are not contradictory at all. Temporary residents have a significant transnational involvement by “nature” of their more flexible and temporary status (the country of origin is their main place), but some of them do combine this with more local involvement in Costa Rica—no significant relationships were found.
+In order to investigate which variables contribute to local involvement in Costa Rica and transnational involvement, I again used the three indexes. Independent samples t-tests for equality of means were carried out in SPSS Statistics software to compare mean scores of different groups on various variables and check for significant differences between them (Table 3). The difference between permanent residents and temporary residents is the only variable that clearly and independently makes a difference for local involvement [42]: permanent residents are clearly more involved in Costa Rica. Regarding transnational involvement, as might be expected, temporary residents are more socioeconomically and politically involved in the home country than permanent residents. In addition, the length of the periods of time spent in Costa Rica makes a difference for transnational involvement when we look only at permanent residents: the longer a respondent has been in Costa Rica (CR), the lesser their socioeconomic transnational involvement (Table 3). [17]). Their relatively advantageous financial situation also allows them more liberty to move on or return to their country of origin. They are not obliged to adapt to local changes, which may lead to lower local involvement. In the survey, almost half of the respondents who owned their property in Costa Rica would consider selling it or were already doing so. Thus, home ownership is no longer a necessary indicator of local involvement: while home ownership is generally high among residential tourists in Guanacaste, this does not mean they have permanent strong bonds to the area. As we have seen, many regard their home in Guanacaste as a second home or an investment. Thus, property transfer is high and residential tourists have various mobility options; homes are exchangeable [20]. Indeed, 26% of respondents owned one or more other properties (not in the country of origin), often as an investment: mostly in Guanacaste, other areas of Costa Rica, one in Panama and one in Nicaragua. In in-depth interviews [3,39], 11 of the 16 respondents said they would leave and go elsewhere (e.g., Central America, South America) if Guanacaste changes too much. However, most did not think it would change too fast or soon become overdeveloped. The freedom to leave has also become more restricted since the economic crisis, as many foreigners could not sell their houses even if they wanted to. It is still unclear whether westerners’ mobility towards Guanacaste will become more permanent or remain rather temporary.
+7. New Mobilities As a Chain Effect of Residential Tourism: Labor Migrants
+The industry of residential tourism has not only attracted a diverse array of residential tourists, but it has also given rise to chain effects and other migration flows [4]. Local society is also greatly influenced by these other (old and new) flows of people, which I briefly reflect upon here, drawing on observation, interview and national statistics data. [43]. High-skilled labor migrants in tourism, real estate, project developing, construction, etc. are partly western, but also many domestic migrants from the central valley (Greater Metropolitan Area—GAM). Domestic migrants make up 8.5% of the population in the research area [43], and the majority of them is from the GAM. Besides the highly-skilled, other people from the GAM came to the area as well, often in more self-organized ways: because of family ties, for low-skilled work or to establish small businesses. In addition, families that had migrated to other regions in earlier decades have returned to the area. There are other smaller groups in the area that are also related to the tourism/residential tourism industry, for example, Colombians, Venezuelans and Dominicans.) [44]. Nicaraguans are highly economically involved in various sectors, though often in disadvantaged ways. Nicaraguan migrants’ social incorporation in Guanacaste is mainly into compatriot networks, followed by Costa Rican networks. Their compatriot networks are mostly more informal, for example, small churches and family and friendship bonds. On the other hand, compared to residential tourists, Nicaraguans are more involved in local society via labor, education, language and living in the same neighborhoods as Costa Ricans. Nicaraguan migrants’ involvement in socio-political issues is very low, because of their livelihood orientation and low economic, social and cultural capital. This is even the case for more permanent and established migrants, whose economic situation is often still vulnerable. In some cases (particularly temporary migrants), transnational involvement may be a factor that explains their lack of social involvement in Costa Rica: because of their exclusive focus on employment in Costa Rica and earning money for remittances or investment, their time (and motivation) for local involvement is limited. However, temporariness, flexibility and a view towards returning to Nicaragua is a main factor in this, rather than transnational involvement as such. In fact, Nicaraguans’ socio-political involvement in the country of origin is very low and their transnationalism consists mostly of economic and social bonds..
+8. Conclusions [27]. The same high social and cultural capital and local involvement can be found among older groups of domestic migrants. On the contrary, Nicaraguan migrants, even the more long-term and permanent groups, exert little influence, because of their low economic capital and education, an exclusive commitment to economic participation and their low social status and discrimination in Costa Rican society. For them, national citizenship, however difficult it may be to acquire, does provide many advantages. [45].
+This brings us to some further limits to residential tourists’ participation: they often prefer not to become too much involved in local issues, as “the ticos don’t want us to be involved”. Furthermore, residential tourists’ involvement and power is limited by their low cultural capital in local society. Their social integration into local society in terms of social contacts and a profound understanding of local place is also limited by such factors. While there is still a group of permanent residents with often long-term involvement in the area and high social integration, many new residential tourists’ social integration is limited. Recent developments have decreased possibilities for integration into other than compatriot groups: these include the larger number of residential tourists, their more explicit leisure motivations and increased spatial segregation into gated communities. All this makes it much easier for them to assimilate into compatriot communities rather than local networks. In sum, local society and the history/process of their migration prevent local social embeddedness, as other authors have also noted [14,15,16,17,18]. (i.e., the search for a better way of life and negative push factors in the country of origin) make them more interested in actively influencing their surroundings [22]. In contrast, temporary residents more often move for touristic or leisure-related reasons, namely to enjoy a prolonged holiday on the coast. Amenity maximization leads these temporary residents to move back and forth regularly [14]. Thus, they may have fewer reasons to become involved in wider local society and a high inclination to incorporate into compatriot social life. Such leisure motivations also make them willing to switch to other places if the place changes too much: they may show signs of “landscape nomadism” [17]. This is further enhanced by temporary residential tourists’ relatively advantageous financial situation, which allows them more liberty to move on or return to their country of origin. They are not obliged to adapt to local changes, which may lead to lower local involvement. The same is true for new groups of domestic migrants—highly-skilled people who stay in the area for short periods—but also Costa Rican residential tourists, who may stay in the area during weekends and holidays. Temporariness, flexibility, a continuing economic and social commitment to transnational households and a view towards returning to the country of origin are major factors in Nicaraguans’ lack of local social involvement, as well. [10,46]); however, the great level of fragmentation, mobility, temporariness and absenteeism in Guanacaste circumscribes successful community organizing. [19] asserts, people no longer perceive a need for local social cohesion under globalization—and the results are progressive spatial segregation, separation and exclusion. Bauman’s view of a deep segregation between a hypermobile elite and a large poor “imprisoned” group [19] seems rather exaggerated: residential tourists are not only such a highly mobile elite (see also O’Reilly [15]), and they do engage in place making [21,22,23]. Labor migrants exert active agency to improve their lives, and local people are far from imprisoned: while they have seen their place changing rapidly, many people are highly mobile and increasingly active in attempting to change their place. Power differences and inequalities are an inherent characteristic of such a diversified, globalized place; however, residential tourists’ power is far from unlimited, and local people can exert influence. The fact that these groups act increasingly in separation and isolation, but especially the increase in people who consider their home in Guanacaste as exchangeable and transitory [20], are indeed threats to an integrated local system. However, there are still elements holding the place together, and importantly, people live in a peaceful, accepted separation, without much outright hostility.
+Conflict of Interest
+The author declares no conflict of interest.
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+- The index for local involvement included use of Costa Rican media, activities in Costa Rica that increase involvement, such as volunteering, involvement in local organizations, contacts with Costa Ricans and Nicaraguans and Spanish skills. The transnational socioeconomic involvement index includes: work or business in the country of origin, number of return trips, number of phone or chat calls weekly and owning or renting a first and second home there. The transnational political involvement index means having voted in the last elections in the country of origin, being involved or a member of a political party or organization there and using home country media.
+- vs. temporary resident difference (negative push factors are often mentioned by permanent residents), and independently of that, the scores are not significant.
+- INEC census 2011. Available online: (accessed on 1 July 2012).
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+© 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license ().
+Thanks, Joe. Such a great cause. I love L.A. Banks' work. I just finished reading Surrender the Dark. We need to support eachother when we can. I've donated via PayPal.
+Hi, Joe. For some reason, I'm not able to send you an e-mail through your blog.
+I canceled my Paypal account a while back. Is there an address where we can send a check?
+Medical bills can be insane. To face them alone in this economy must be a nightmare. Thanks for letting us know about this, Joe.
+Thanks for posting this, Joe. I met Leslie at that same conference. What a terrific woman.
+I'm donating again.
+I wish I could be there in person for the fundraiser. I donated. Thanks Joe!
+Done! I'll forward the receipt when I get back to my computer. The event sounds like a slam dunk for everyone involved. I wish I could be there.
+Donated-- I sent you a copy of the recipt, Joe.
+It's great that you are doing this. I just donated as well and will send my receipt. It's a shame that even when you have insurance, it's still not enough. Our system needs a major overhaul.
+Donated. I wish it could be more. My thoughts and prayers go out to Leslie and her family.
+Glad to see the community offering support again. I love her books.
+Donated and tweeted. Good on ya, Joe.
+donated, will fwd receipt - and if you have a contact person i'll donate a 12 year old MacCallan to the auction (for medicinal purposes POST agent review)
+even though we had VA benefits, we still had $1.3mm in bills for my botched spine surgeries and multiple Mayo Clinic trips
+I so know where she is
+I am so sorry to hear about LA's medical condition. As someone who has to deal with a chronic illness, I know the costs of medical expenses and medications. All my good wishes.
+Dear Leslie: I understand the challenges to health, boy do I, dear Leslie. Bit-- gov't VA plan here and ptly disabled vet hubby. Dont get me started. (I read you loud and clear Jake. Same. Same. Still a struggle. But hang in there, you too.)
+AND Leslie... You can do this and do it on open road and blue sky ... as YOU wish. I send the Linebacker angels in for you. Keep writing. That's a powerful medicine of its own. And, you are in my prayers. Not a platitude. Today, reading Joe's call, I've forwarded your name to our Sisters of Charity out of Leavenworth, and our Guadalupaños in Tejas: we pray together daily. You have us now, "the madwomen in black," praying industrial strength prayers for you.
+We dont always know how long the road is back to health: we just know it is far easier with the equivalent of Chaucer's band of merry bums, hags and saints walking along beside you. Well, 'walking' is a misnomer, I meant: leaping, drinking, joking, falling down, dancing, hung over, poetry-making, and most of all, loving you. You got it!
+Hang in there Leslie, and lean on our prayers and all the good thoughts of so many others. You will prevail in many many ways.
+With love, dr. clarissa pinkola estés: author, women who run with the wolves
+thanks joe for being town crier. I have yr bk already, so pls would you give autographed copy of yr bk to a needful young person in your and my name? I'll be happy then. Tx.
+Joe--Leslie said you were a great help to her and a wonderful friend. You've certainly shown that today. Thanks for all you're doing. Merry, an adorer of Leslie and fellow Liar.
+Across here in the UK we often howl at the ineptitude of our National Health Service (paid for out of our general taxes), but it is hearing stories like this, and of other commenters, that makes me thankful I live here.
+Thanks for the Paypal option.
+Jude, you don't need an account to donate through paypal, and all major credit cards will be accepted.
+Joe, you are a gem and a wonderful friend for being so supportive. On behalf of Leslie's Liars Club, I thank you with a full heart!
+And to everyone who is commenting and donating, much appreciation. You are an amazing group!
+Joe, thanks so much for helping The Liars Club get the word out!
+And Jude, if you contact Keith Strunk, the Liars Club treasurer at:
+he will give you our physical address to send a check.
+Thanks everyone!
+Kelly Simmons
+Liars Club
+I saw the Paypal button there at the end of your post, and it just clicked. I just received my Smashwords payment today, which goes to my Paypal account. It's not a large amount, but I just donated most of it. It was like it was meant to be.
+Sending thoughts and prayers to Ms. Banks and her family.
+Glad to see this post. Leslie is a fantastic author and an even greater person. I had the pleasure of participating in an author panel with her in Miami a few years ago, and it was great fun. All of the participants went out to dinner before the event and we had a great evening of laughs and stories. Anyone who has seen Leslie's smile realize the life and love in this special woman.
+OK, Joe. I just donated.
+I'm not leaving my name for a reason, but I am a fellow writer. I don't want this thread deflected from the help Ms. Banks needs. My husband has been battling this disease for two years. By the time they found the cancer in 2009, he was already at stage IV.
+I would donate if I could, but I can't. Let me tell you that I'm sure that any help you give her will be appreciated.
+There are only three chemo drugs out there for this type of cancer and the least expensive is still about $6,000 a month. Even the best insurance will only pay 20% of that. You do the math.
+Please help her. I know the pain this disease brings.
+I don't know L.A. Banks but whenever I hear her name it is spoken with respect. I am sorry to hear of her health problems. To be ill is bad enough, but to have the bills pile up beside your sick bed only adds to the pain and worry.
+Best Wishes, Ms Banks.
+Donation made.
+I clicked the UPenn Black Alumni link and watched the video of Ms. Banks’ speech re health insurance reform [she introduced the President when he spoke in Pennsylvania.] It got to me. A lot. So I looked up my Amazon sales report; my first eBook has been out one month and although the amount I’ve made in royalties so far is hardly enough to fill two small grocery bags (if you buy cheap), it seemed fitting that Ms. Banks should have it. I honestly can’t think of a better way to spend my first writing earnings.
+I've read L.A. Banks books since I was about 15 years old (I'm 25 now). She has been such an inspiration to me and my writing. Even when I reread her work I still learn something new. She is constantly teaching me. Donating is the least I can do for this amazing brilliant woman. I will continue to donate as I'm able to.
+"Please help her. I know the pain this disease brings."
+We will fold you in prayer also. If you want to write to us to give first names only, I will pass them onto our nuns/ Guadelupanos for prayer by name. projectscreener@aol.com But I will pass your dear hubby's name and your name on in spirit to this 'praying brigage,' regardless. Hang in there. I understand. Truly, many of us do.
+You're a good man JK.
+I know exactly where she's coming from. I suffered a brain aneurysm back in 2008 and the medical insurance I had at the time only paid about 80% (talk about a humongous bill! But at least I'm around to gripe about it, lol).
+Still haven't completely paid that off, since I was laid off in 2009 and still don't have a permanent job.
+And thanks for listing that Donate button. Although I wasn't able to contribute much, I wanted to do something to help (like buy one of her books), but I'm not really into YA.
+Hope all good things are headed her way. :-)
+BTW, is there a way where we can put the Donate button on our blogs or websites?
+It'd be wonderful to spread this around. :-)
+Just made a donation, Joe. Thank you!
+I've had the pleasure of knowing Leslie through conferences, being on panels together, and at publisher dinners.
+Leslie is one of the most genuine people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She's kind, helpful, encouraging, caring. When I faced some tough decisions she was so generous as to spend time talking with me about it.
+Please do take the time to press that PayPal button and contribute any amount whether it's $5 or $500 or more. Every bit helps.
+The auction for the critiques has a lot of amazingly talented authors lined up to critique your entry. Keep us busy with those entries.
+Thank you, Joe. And thank you to everyone who can contribute and to those who can't, thank you for your positive thoughts.
+"And thanks for listing that Donate button. Although I wasn't able to contribute much, I wanted to do something to help (like buy one of her books), but I'm not really into YA."
+Nancy, you'll be glad to know that Leslie also writes adult novels as L.A. Banks and writes paranormal books, including urban fantasy.
+I donated. Thanks for post.
+Jon Olson
+The Petoskey Stone
+The Ride Home
+Thanx for setting me straight and for the link! :-)
+Ugh. Don't get me started on the state of health care in this country. Or any country for that matter. My husband got flesh-eating bacteria from an abscessed tooth three days before insurance kicked in (he had to be on the job 90 days before we were eligible). In those three days, we incurred over $60K in bills. Hello medical bankruptcy. :x
+I'm so sorry for Leslie and her family - and you, too, anon. Illness itself is devastating - do we really need to add the stress of worrying about how we're going to pay for it!?
+It's heinous.
+Sending lots of love and healing vibes (and a donation, of course :)
+I know two people that have recently been diagnosed with cancer. It's generous that you're doing this. Having to go through it is bad enough without having to worry about how you're going to pay for it.
+I offer to donate my time and expertise.
+The first writer to email me with the subject line 'Benefit to Help Author L.A. Banks' will receive a discount of 40% on my normal ebook cover design fee. Instead of paying me the fee is to be donated to the cause.
+There are a few rules.
+1. Cover design jobs already booked are excluded.
+2. The cover design process will commence after Bouchercon 2011.
+As soon as I receive the first email and the deal is struck I will leave a message here.
+I wish L.A. Banks and her family all the best. And thank you Joe for posting about this.
+Bless your heart, Joe. But give me a moment to laugh in my sleeve at the prospect of you cheerleading for agents. The "Backspace" web page confirmed my worst suspicions about the group. In what other profession does one pay to have a suggestion floated into thin air?
+Only for you, guy. And I wish Leslie the best. I am so sorry she is being forced to deal with this.
+And for all the help you've given me via the site, big guy, I will once again traffic with agents. What the heck. My prayers for your friend.
+Thanks, Kelly. I got the address from Keith, and I will send a donation by the end of the week.
+I think it's great when the writing community pulls together like this. Thanks for alerting us, Joe.
+i can't attend and am not in a position to donate cash just now. i could donate copies of the ebooks Dirty Old Town, Beat On The Brat, Speedloader and Pulp Ink (not yet available). You could put them in some kind of raffle and get some other ebooks donated and set up a separate strand of fundraising.
+Let me know what you think. Contact me via my blog if you can't directly through this message.
+Good luck in the fundraising, but more importantly, good luck to Leslie.
+This was just posted on Twitter this morning. So sad.
+Oh no - so sorry to hear this. RT @JonathanMaberry Leslie Esdaile Banks -LA Banks to her legions of readers-- passed away this morning.
+Jamie Lee Scott
+I just received a e-mail from PennWriters that, although Leslie passed away this morning, the fundraiser will go forward on Saturday, in memory of Leslie Banks. The funds raised will go to help her daughter.
+How terribly sad.
+I'm so sorry for her family. At least the donations from the benefit can go to help them in their grief. :(
+Sent in my small donation. I wish it could have been more.
+I just received a e-mail from PennWriters that, although Leslie passed away this morning, the fundraiser will go forward on Saturday, in memory of Leslie Banks. The funds raised will go to help her daughter.
+Sad, sad news.
+I'm glad to hear funds will go to help her daughter.
+Joe, I just donated $50.00 through PayPay. I hope this can help the family somehow.
+Ah, hell.
+I'll miss you, Leslie.
+R.I.P. Leslie. :-(
+Oh my, I am so so sorry to hear of Leslie's passing. I just hope Creator will understand some us, our string of cusswords as our only prayer at the moment.
+And also, May Leslie's daughter and family and friends be comforted, may she shine like the bright light she is, in every way now, and forever. Resquiat In Pacem, dear Leslie. The battle was fit. You distinguished yourself so deeply. The example you set, lasts.
+I hope donations continue: I know there will be need these last many weeks of medical. Unfortunately debt is not forgiven whether we live or die. I know the family will much appreciate every bit of help.
+dr.cpe (sighing sighing)
+I'm sorry to hear of her passing.
+RIP LA Banks, she died yesterday, glad she followed her dreams!
+God bless her.
+I heard today that L.A Banks has passed away.
+I send my heartfelt condolences to her family, friends and fans. She will live on through her work.
+I'm sending you a hug, Joe. It's a sad day.
+It's great to see this. Good job, Joe.
+Leslie was a great woman. I was fortunate to call her a friend as well.
+She will missed.
+So sad. I didn't know her and only heard of her through this blog, but my condolences to her family and friends.
+I would really like your post ,it would really explain each and every point clearly well thanks for sharing.
+I want everyone here to know how important your thoughts about Leslie and your donations have been to her family (where the funds will go) and to her friends at The Liars Club.
+We held our fundraising event last Saturday, and it was a wonderful tribute to Leslie. Her daughter and family attended, Mayor Michael Nutter spoke, and the evening was filled with writers and joy. Just Leslie's sort of thing. If you'd like to see the write up and pics, you can go here:
+And just this morning, Liar Merry Jones posted a beyond-beautiful account of her last visit with Leslie, which you can see here:
+As Leslie would say, "BIG HUG" to you all.
+Donated, Facebooked, Tweeted. Thanks Joe.
+Open Letter to 'Baseball Tonight'
+March 25, 2008 29 Comments
+I am a huge fan of the show Baseball Tonight but what I witnessed a few days ago
+An archive of StatSpeak from its days on MVN
+March 25, 2008 29 Comments
+I am a huge fan of the show Baseball Tonight but what I witnessed a few days ago
+Very well said. What’s sad is that these aren’t even the worst offendors ESPN brings on camera. Fernando Vina, Eric Young and others provide absolutely nothing, and spew out cliche after cliche in hopes that the audience is 10 years old.
+I’m not asking for VORP or stuff like that either, because I feel numbers usually don’t translate as well in speech and can lose the casual fan. But keeping the rhetoric focused on good and “healthy” debate about what really makes teams work doesn’t seem hard to ask.
+Then again, how can I take anything that Steve Phillips says seriously? Mo Vaughn. Roger Cedeno. Ehhh.
+What really bugs me is Kruk’s open admission that some of the opinions are pre-determined. Perhaps it’s me being naive. I knew this happened on Around the Horn but did not expect it from Baseball Tonight.
+How about this new revamped Baseball Tonight lineup?
+Host – Matt Winer/Trey Wingo
+Key Analysts – Jayson Stark, Rob Neyer, Peter Gammons
+Psychology Issues – Tony Robbins
+Health Issues – Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus
+For Fun – Charles Barkley
+I agree, it’s pretty disconcerting that the “opinions” on the show are pre-determined. What greater good does that serve? Would it do harm to fans to have Kruk (or any analyst) give their own opinion? If the producers are going to decide the “opinions,” why not just hire pretty people to read them, like the weather bunnies of old?
+It’s somewhat degrading to baseball fans as a whole to have that kind of crap. I mean, they have a whole hour every night; that should be plenty of time to give enough information so that everyone can be smarter (and therefore a better fan) by the show’s end.
+I’m supposed to be writing a massive paper (due tomorrow, started tonight), so why am I here? Curse you, Mr. Seidman, for writing about stuff, and things.
+The opinions on Around the Horn are predetermined? I didn’t know that, how so? While I don’t think the show is groundbreaking, I do like watching it and I’ve always assumed they meant what they’ve said.
+I’ve been less happy with Baseball Tonight the past year and a half so I don’t watch it regularly.
+Bravo, Eric. You did a great job of arguing a point that needs to be argued.
+In my opinion, Baseball Tonight has really gone downhill since Harold Reynolds was fired. I feel like Eric Young (for example) is too afraid to criticize players because he was playing with these guys a couple of years ago. Orel Hershiser does have some good, insightful things to say, but he does not do a good job of conveying those insights – if I had a dollar for every time he says “holy smokes!”…
+Of course, these offenses pale in comparison to the problems I have with Kruk and Phillips. Not only do both often say some really stupid things, they compound the stupidity by constantly fighting with one another (I remember in particular one argument they had last year when Fausto Carmona was sent down early in the year – they made Rosie and Elisabeth look like the best of friends).
+I feel like Orel Hershiser is a great baseball guy and needs to be a pitching coach or manager. He knows what he means but does not really know how to get it across sometimes, as you said Jessica, but he would definitely be a good pitching coach (again) or manager. I also like Hershiser as a Color Commentator but not necessarily an analyst for a quick 2-3 minute segment.
+Eric Young, that’s exactly right, and that’s the problem with having certain players serve as commentators: they don’t want former friends or teammates to get on them for critiques.
+Shane, a lot of the time Around the Horn has pre-determined opinions, especially in the showdown segment in order to present a dichotomy of views or force an argument. Seriously, buy Will Leitch’s book. There’s a story in there where he mentions a former Around the Horn panelist that would make fun of the show in his daily paper for making him say things and when he refused to stop talking non-positively about the experience ESPN made sure he was never on the channel again.
+Great points. I, like many of you reading this, am a baseball junkie. I follow some Sabermetrics and also truly like the human interest side of the game. Baseball Tonight can’t do either of them. That is sad.
+Three years ago I stopped watching the show on a regular basis because I just got angry. They are morons personified now. I can get good information elsewhere.
+I agree with your point. The only reason I ever watch Baseball Tonight anymore is to enjoy some of the film clips, and even those are often too brief or flit by too quickly for me truly to enjoy them.
+One quibble I have. While I agree that advanced statistical analysis is difficult to convey on TV or radio in a palatable manner, I do not think it is impossible. The challenge for anyone trying to convey information or insight in the media is to find a way to simplify the detailed analysis without misrepresenting it or making it overly simplistic. It is a similar problem that teachers of introductory courses have in communicating the essence of the research without losing the students or oversimplifying the studies to the point of error.
+If analysts have been able to discuss baseball using BA, RBIs, Home Runs, ERA, Ks, BBs and the like, they should be able to do so using OBP, ISO, ERA+ and even more sophisticated concepts. Casual fans may not be used to those numbers and may not yet know exactly how to interpret them, but it is possible to introduce them and develop the context within which they make sense.
+Aside from it being unexpected, how hard is it to replace an “analysis” of Adam Dunn or Pat Burrell as having a problem with low BAs and too many Ks with one that focuses instead on the benefits of their OBP and slugging? In fact, if any time is given to debate among the analysts, wouldn’t it be quite interesting for fans, even if only 2 minutes are allotted, to hear one person explain why he is so concerned about BA while another explains why s/he considers OBP more important?
+Bob, that’s exactly my point. I’m not expecting a complete overhaul and shift into sabermetrics analysis but give me something. Give me something I can take away from. Pat Burrell only had a .256 BA but, as I detail in my upcoming book, he had a .400 OBP, a .502 SLG, and his ISO of .246 was actually higher than Albert Pujols; and yet Joe Morgan/Dusty Baker and more of the likes will say Burrell had a bad year/average year because his batting average was low.
+If they introduce concepts it develops an open dialogue between viewers and these stats; viewers will look up some of these stats, OPS+, ISO, etc, and learn about them. Hopefully even develop interest.
+To ignore them and instead focus on health as the problem with everyone is absolutely ridiculous. Baseball Tonight tries to do too much and, in doing so, is not giving us enough. I would rather spend 10 minutes learning about a torn labrum than 1 minute learning a guy is unhealthy and that if he gets healthy his team will win.
+ummm…if we are talking about ESPN personalities that people can’t stand due to their considerable lack of valid analysis whilst making a point, I am getting my megaphone and screaming SKIP BAYLESS into it. I know your post was largely about Baseball Tonight- but seriously, can anyone explain to me why this guy is still on tv? When the show was Cold Pizza, at least I could watch it because Paige is funny…but First Take is seriously painful now…
+You might not like John Kruk, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t his idea during a BBT show from DisneyWorld to have Steve Phillips debate Donald Duck.
+Wherein Donald Duck said that Donald Duck would be the Cy Young winner and the MVP.
+So the show ain’t what it used to be, but it seems the problem runs deeper than Kruk-y.
+Kristy, I’m with you 100%. Matt, the point of this post is not entirely to berate John Kruk but rather the types of analysis being offered, in general.
+So wait, you don’t think Donald Duck should be the Cy Young Award winner?
+My favorite parts of the Japanese Megabowl were as follows –
+1) Gary Thorne mistaking Jose Canseco for Jason Giambi about twelve times in a two-minute span. Go to awfulannouncing.com to see the video.
+2) Steve Phillips forgetting the name of the Athletics owner and calling him Lou…… before realizing he forgot and trailed off into a different tangent, only to randomly say the guy’s full name upon remembering it.
+Matt- I actually am a huge Kruk fan- but my love for him stems from his playing days- not his analytical skills. It’s just something we as fans have to deal with-…the fact that I like John Kruk will never make him a good analyst- the way that my adoration of Mike Schmidt will never make him less of an ass (sorry for the profanity- but it’s true!)
+Kristy are you from Philadelphia? I am. I loved Kruk as the Phillies color commentator a few years ago before ESPN snatched him up because he was fun to listen to during a broadcast of a game; for pure analysis on how teams will fare or what they need to do, not so much.
+My dad produced Mike Schmidt as an announcer and suffice it to say Schmidt was not well-liked by most of the TV crew.
+Hershiser was, as you said, the pitching coach for the Rangers. He quit because he didn’t want to have that type of job, and wanted to be an adviser for the team or an analyst on TV.
+Before you can make any comment, you have to remember the source, ESPN (The All-Red Sox and All- Yankees network). If you look at the before season national television braodcast dates for teams you will see that the Red Sox (world series champs) have 18 dates 9 Fox and 9 ESPN. The Yankees have 17 dates, 9 Fox and 8 ESPN. I will give you the Red Sox because of last years results (though they had a similar pre season line up when their 2006 results were not so hot). Why do the Yankees keep getting extra TV time? Cleveland had a better record than the Yankees but they only have 12 dates. The Rockies were in the World Series, but they only have 4 dates. LA Dodgers (barely winning record) and Angels (same record as the Yankees) have a similarly sized market but the Dodgers only have 12 dates and Angels have 13 dates. The Mets come from the same city but have 15 dates.
+And how come there are 5 teams with no national TV dates and 8 other teams with 5 or less dates?
+I think the reason is the location of ESPN, Connecticut. It is a town between Boston and NY, so are in the middle of the rivalry between these two teams. This is the only excuse I can give for why there was so much coverage of the Yankees last year when they were doing so lousy. A small market team would have beenwritten off for the season and been relegated to their 30 second highlight package and moved on. Instead the rest of the country who teams with better records than the Yankees had to sit through hours of ESPN commentary about the sorry state of the Yankees and how this affects the Red Sox when most of us (especially in the National League) don’t care!!!
+Like the political reporters out there, ESPN has gotten lazy in its reporting. They only want to talk about the Yankees and Red Sox so that’s most of what they do. They end up looking like idiots when they have to talk intelligently about anyone else in baseball. Like most baseball fans out there, they only know the ins and outs of their teams and their biggest rival and act like Dancing with the Stars professionals when they have to talk about anyone else. They don’t have the knowledge or the interest to talk about anyone but the Yankees or red Sox so they give us the mailed-in response of “if so-and-so doesn’t get injured” comment which any soccer mom can say to sound intelligent. Until ESPN starts watching the other 28 teams in MLB they will continue to sound like a bunch of idiots who have to pull things out of one orafice or another to sound like they might know something about baseball.
+I think the NFL just adopted the scheduling policy of being able to alter the Sunday Night game based on how the teams are performing. If not I know it is something they plan on instituting. That would be great for baseball and basketball.
+I mean, my Sixers are arguably the hottest team in the NBA right now and yet all ESPN ever shows is Suns-Spurs, Suns-Cavs, Cavs-Spurs, Cavs-Pistons, Pistons-Spurs, Pistons-Suns, and TNT even throws in Heat games. I mean, Heat? Does anybody care what Chris Quinn does? Pat Riley doesn’t even go to the games anymore.
+Baseball should definitely have that leverage with ESPN and we should see more of certain teams. Each team should have at least one or two nationally televised games. I mean a team like the Nationals won’t be very good but if you televise Nationals-Mets or Nationals-Phillies that would be a good thing to see.
+Also, go to firejoemorgan.com and read some of the archived Joe Morgan chats. In there you will see that Joe Morgan answers half of his questions with “well, I don’t know much about the (insert non-Giants, Athletics, Dodgers, Reds, Yanks, Red Sox team)” or “I don’t see a lot of their games.” And ESPN considers him their #1 analyst.
+Barkley would be great anywhere. I love Barkley. Did you happen to see him at the All-Star Game?
+Jessica, let’s do it. Every Sunday or if they have Wednesday night baseball we can record cliche sayings or instances of ignorance with regards to a team.
+Awfulannouncing.com is a great site for this sort of thing. I’ll do a bi-weekly or monthly post recapping everything.
+While I generally agree with the idea of being able to flip the Sunday night game based on who is doing well/which games have more impact on playoff races, I remember a Sunday night game late in September last year between the Cardinals and Astros, two sub-.500 teams who were basically playing out the string. Before the game started, I was upset that it had not been switched to a game involving at least one playoff contender, but I watched anyway and enjoyed a good start by Roy Oswalt and lots of 9th inning dramatics (Carlos Lee home run to give the Astros the lead, Pujols vs Lidge revisited, Rick Ankiel winning it for the Cardinals). Even games between bad teams can be compelling and fun to watch.
+Even as a fan of a big-market team that gets a lot of nationally televised games, I often find myself disappointed by how little the broadcasters know about my team, and this leads me to not trust what they are saying about the opposing team – after all, if I know they got one team wrong, why should I think they got the other team right?
+Jessica, for the very reason mentioned in your last paragraph is why Kenny Smith is my favorite analyst. He watches a ton of tape, a ton of games, and researches the teams. Granted that is for Inside the NBA and not baseball-related, but he does his job very effectively. I always feel I learn from what he discusses and that his opinions are credible because of how well-researched they are.
+I would love to propose a project wherein we keep track of cliche things and wrong information uttered by ESPN announcers on national baseball games.
+Oh, and what I meant by bad teams playing on ESPN isn’t necessarily Cards/Astros, where you’ve got Pujols, Oswalt, the Ankiel story, but rather the equivalent of a Knicks-Heat matchup right now.
+Eric, I would definitely volunteer to participate in that project. I could sit in front of my TV and take notes during the Sunday night games.
+I think if the current BBTonight lineup were left the same, a simple addition of Barkley would clear everything up. Just pray for a contained Chaos Dunk.
+Thank you for looking into the idiocracy of ESPN and other “analysts” on TV. I tend not to watch many of the nationally televised games because they either show the same teams or they don’t know who they are talking about.
+I looked briefly at Awfulannouncing.com and I don’t see what you mean when you say they are a good source for looking for bad commmentary. I’d like to contribute once in a while, but I want to make sure I’m keeping track of the same thing, and that we are not contradicting each other because we have different views on what is “bad” or overly cliche (It’s hard for commentators to say anything without using cliches).
+Do any of you know what can be done to encourage MLB in their next contract with cable/major network channels to ensure that every team gets at least one nationally televised game, and any other selections are based on W/L record or playoff contention?
+Alex, awfulannouncing.com is more of a humorous look at the idiocracies (BTW, please go see “Idiocracy” if you haven’t – tremendous movie) that broadcasters seemingly demonstrate, IE – Gary Thorne’s blunders in Japan.
+My e-mail address is on here so if you want to send me an e-mail with ideas for this “project” please do. By team ignorance I am referring to announcers that give opinions that are either clearly wrong or factually incorrect. Cliche responses or broadcasting is along the lines of analysis mentioning only health and like situations.
+Eric- I am about an hour outside of Philly. I usually head to CBP a dozen or so times a year for games(It’s hands down one of my favorite stadiums!). I’m headed there for Opening Night on Wed and cannot wait(I wanted to go to Opening Day but I couldn’t take any more time off work since I just took off a week for Spring Training). Anyway- I went to Brighthouse a few times during Spring Training and got to see Schmidty coach first base- and as much of a thrill as it was for me- he was/is terribly unfriendly.
+Karl Ravech just said that “Nick Punto is a reason why the Twins won’t be as bad as you think.” No, really.
+Ravech: “They’re all gamers.”
+Yes Karl, it’s actually a sabermetrics formula.
+Gamer-quality + low-talent = 1 win per 5 games
+Ultimate Shiplap Bathroom Guide: Top Tips for Shiplapping the Powder Room
+Can you shiplap a bathroom? Find out here – along with all kinds of top tips for using shiplap in these small spaces.
+Shiplap, as subtle as it is, can do a lot for a room when it comes to introducing texture and expanding the space.
+Bathrooms, being small and often rather dull, could really use this element of design, don’t you think?
+Well, with just a few affordable supplies, your toolkit, and some patience, you can DIY your own elegant shiplap bathroom exactly the way you like it.
+Read on to get answers to all of your why’s and how’s so you can get started!
+Can I Shiplap a Bathroom?
+The short answer is yes!
+You can definitely shiplap a bathroom. However, there are some constraints due to the presence of moisture in this space that you need to be aware of.
+Will Shiplap in a Bathroom Warp?
+Wood, in its natural state, has the tendency to absorb water, making it susceptible to rot and warping.
+Add to that the very real possibility of mold growing behind the shiplap due to the moist environment, and it becomes imperative you learn how to protect your work from water.
+How Do I Prevent Shiplap from Warping?
+The most basic answer to all of these issues is to protect your shiplap with wood sealant and the correct type of paint, along with making efforts to keep your bathroom well ventilated. We talk about this in greater detail down below.
+Choosing Paint-Grade Lumber Panels
+One thing you can do to prevent the warping of wood is to go for paint-grade lumber panels instead of stain-grade lumber panels.
+That is, of course, if you are not planning to stain your shiplap.
+Paint-grade lumber panels are made up of many short pieces of wood spliced together with finger joints. This prevents the entire panel from warping all at once.
+It’s also important to allow the wood to acclimate for several days in the space they are intended to be used before use to prevent warping prior to installation.
+Proper Cleaning & Maintenance
+Cleaning and maintenance is another crucial component of protecting your shiplap bathroom from the elements.
+One thing wood paneling is notorious for is dust accumulation.
+Dust the gaps between your shiplap regularly, use a vacuum for hard-to-reach places, and check for mold behind the panels often to ensure that your shiplap bathroom stays in tip-top shape.
+Why Shiplap a Bathroom?
+Paneling using shiplap is versatile in that you can achieve a variety of looks and functionalities by making the subtlest of modifications to how you choose to use it.
+Add to it that it’s economical to buy, install and maintain, and it’s a no-brainer why it’s a favorite among DIY-ers.
+Back in the day, dark-colored laminated plywood shiplap was installed vertically to lend an austere quality to a room.
+While shiplap has indeed come back in style now, the way it is used has gone through some very welcome changes.
+Today, the paneling technique is mainly used to “expand” a room, make it feel lighter and warmer.
+To this effect, shiplap is now usually installed horizontally and painted light, bright colors – like classic white!
+You’ll find people likening the look to the charming yet chic modern farmhouse style that is so popular right now.
+What About Small Bathrooms?
+The aesthetic effects of shiplap make it perfect to use in small spaces like bathrooms. Subtle textures and long lines help make such spaces feel larger and more welcoming.
+Generally, shiplap installed horizontally visually expands a room, while shiplap installed vertically heightens it.
+Furthermore, shiplap bathrooms tend to stay warm during winter, adding to the cozy atmosphere they create with their look!
+If you’re going for a heightening effect with your renovation efforts, wainscoting might be the way to go.
+This will it make your bathroom appear taller. It will also protect your walls from the dirt and muck of a lived-in home (especially if you’ve got kids).
+The most common way of using shiplap in bathrooms is to completely panel all the walls. Yet, you may also consider using it to panel a single wall as an accent wall, or even to panel behind your sink as a backsplash.
+With proper sealing, wood can last a very long time even with exposure to water and moisture.
+When paneling with shiplap as well as with tongue and groove, go with 10 inch wide planks to ensure that the end result resembles paneling and not siding.
+What Kind of Shiplap Should I Use for Bathroom Shiplap?
+The most important factor to consider when choosing paneling for your bathroom is the amount of moisture you expect the paneled wall to encounter.
+Whether it be in the kids’ bathroom, powder room, or inside a shower cubicle, where your to-be-paneled wall is located along with how much light and ventilation it gets will ultimately affect what type of paneling you choose.
+What Are the Main Types of Shiplap?
+The three main types of paneling are:
+- Faux Shiplap
+- Shiplap
+- Tongue & Groove Paneling
+The finished looks that the three methods provide are basically indistinguishable. Yet, each type has some distinct characteristics that are crucial to understanding in order to obtain long-lasting, satisfactory results.
+The main difference between shiplap and tongue and groove paneling lies in their side profiles, or in other words their joints.
+Shiplap has L-shaped profiles (called rabbet angles) on both edges which lay flat on top of each other when installed on a wall edge to edge.
+Tongue and groove panels have a projection on one edge and an indentation on the other, which interlock when installed on a wall next to each other.
+Faux shiplap bathroom paneling, on the other hand, involves gluing or nailing flat panels directly onto the wall.
+While the joints of shiplap and tongue and groove both prevent the growth of mold behind the panels to a certain degree, faux-shiplap does not offer that advantage, making it not as wise an option in comparison.
+Between shiplap and tongue and groove, shiplap fares marginally better owing to its joints having less surface area in which they may retain moisture.
+Cost & Effort of the Three Types of Shiplap
+Another factor that most will consider while making their choice is cost and effort.
+Generally speaking, shiplap tends to be both easier and cheaper to install compared to tongue and groove.
+While tongue and groove panels require you to fit the panels in place, shiplap requires you to simply align the panels correctly, one on top of each other, and nail them in place at the joints.
+What Material is Best for Bathroom Shiplap?
+Another important decision to make for your shiplap bathroom wall is the material.
+If you’re planning to paint your shiplap as most do, it does make sense to opt for an economic option like pine.
+However, for shiplap paneling in the bathroom, it’s best to splurge a bit upfront and invest in more durable, moisture-resistant wood like cedar, oak, teak, and maple.
+If you’re looking for a cost-effective option, there’s always water-resistant plywood.
+If all this talk about wood has got you stressed, there are a few other options out there that might appeal to you.
+Modern PVC planks, although not rabbeted, are water-resistant themselves. So, they can help you achieve the look you’re going for in moist areas like shower cubicles.
+Long and slender porcelain tiles that resemble wood are another reasonable option for wet areas in the bathroom.
+One type of panel to steer clear of when shiplap paneling your bathroom is MDF!
+Not only is it heavy and difficult to cut and handle, but it also absorbs water like a sponge. It suffers from scrapes and nicks more easily than wood does, as well.
+What Kind of Paint Should I Use on Bathroom Shiplap?
+You probably have a specific look you’re going for with your shiplap bathroom paneling. As with most things DIY, there are more than a few ways you can achieve it.
+With wood, you can choose to go with the exposed/distressed look, a polished and painted look, or even a rugged stained look.
+Bathroom Shiplap Painting Tips
+However, no matter what style you choose, remember that it all starts with priming your wood to make sure it dries in a consistent manner.
+If you’re going the painting route, we suggest you opt for a semi-gloss mildew-resistant paint. This will prevent mildew and facilitate easy cleaning once it dries.
+Paint a couple of coats before installation.
+This is to make sure you don’t miss some spots due to them being too hard to reach when they’re up on the wall and you’re painting the final coat.
+Hand painting shiplap is recommended over rolling, in order to really bring out the warmth in the final look of the room.
+Using Color on Bathroom Shiplap
+Although white shiplap is what is in right now, do consider other, more dark colors for the bathroom walls since they are easier to keep clean.
+If you are instead inspired to go the other direction with your bathroom interiors and opt for the distressed look or stained wood style, just make sure you remember to seal your work with a clear coat sealer.
+This will help protect your shiplap from moisture.
+What Kind of Protectant Should I Use on Bathroom Shiplap?
+Wood expands and contracts due to humidity throughout the seasons. So, it’s essential to use protectants to manage this property of wood.
+The first thing you’ll want to do is use a wood sealer as a base coat.
+This seals all the cut ends, preventing the end grain and any other incongruencies in the wood from being exposed to the elements.
+It also provides good adhesion between the wood and the primer you’ll layer on top.
+Use a coat of polyurethane wood sealer after every few coats of paint to seal the paint and wood in even more.
+After the wall is done drying, fill the nail holes and seams with drywall compound and sand it down. Once dry, fill it again, and then sand it once more.
+This is also when you caulk the corners and other necessary spots using paintable caulk. Let it all dry, layer on some primer, and finish it off with a top coat of paint.
+Any Other Obstacles While Shiplap Paneling a Bathroom?
+While installing shiplap in your bathroom is fairly straightforward, there are a couple of things you need to take care of.
+Prepping Your Space for Shiplap
+Before marking studs and starting the installation process, remove everything from the wall including light switches and baseboards.
+You might even need to remove the toilet and sink if they are blocking access to the wall you are paneling.
+Ensure the wall is clean, dry, and flat, then caulk and fill any holes or cracks that you find. After sanding it down to be flat, paint it using mildew-resistant paint.
+Starting Your First Panel
+When installing your first panel, make sure you start from the top so that if you need to split the last one at the end, it’s below eye level.
+It’s important that your first panel be leveled correctly to avoid the rest of your panels being crooked!
+Working Around the Toilet
+If you can’t remove the toilet before beginning installation, you will have to panel around it.
+First, choose the panels you want to nail behind the toilet and paint them with the color of your choice. This is because painting behind a toilet is no easy feat!
+Make sure the panels are long so that when you insert them behind the toilet from one side they poke out from the other side. Then all you have to do is nail them at the studs on either side of the toilet.
+Proper Bathroom Ventilation
+Another obstacle that DIY-ers face with their shiplap bathrooms is dealing with the humidity. It’s important to remove as much moisture from the air in the space as possible. But, how do you do that in a bathroom?
+For starters, keep the windows open as often as you can. If you don’t have enough windows, you can ensure your bathroom stays properly ventilated by installing fans. You could use a dehumidifier as well as leave your AC running.
+If you are looking to shiplap your bathroom, it is definitely possible, and it turns out beautiful. Yet, be sure to keep the above tips in mind.
+Cambridge police sergeant James M. Crowley’s arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. for “disorderly conduct” in his own home triggered an intense, momentary national conversation on “race.” Not on racism. “White magic” has made racism largely disappear from American society. But out of sight out of mind is not foolproof. A white police officer’s blatant abuse of power and a preeminent black scholar’s alleging “racist cop” and, handcuffed on his front porch, yelling, “This is how black men are treated in America!,” threatened to make the ism in “race” reappear. Thus a heavy dose of “white magic” has been administered to camouflage the ism and protect the illusion of a “post-racial” America. An understanding of the “white magic” employed can contribute to the continuing struggle for “a more perfect union.”
+Mainstream media, a primary guardian of America’s white-controlled hierarchy of access to economic and political power, played a major role in redefining the issue as a problem of interpersonal relationships not institutional racism, and thus the need for yet another “national debate about race.” A New York Times story, for example, was subtitled, “An Encounter That Provoked A Talk on Race,” and its second paragraph contained the slant: “. . . a confrontation began between [italics added] a star black Harvard professor and a veteran white police officer that has turned into a heated national dialogue about race.” (July 27, 2009)
+A Boston Globe story was headlined, “Gates case strikes nerve, stirs racial debate.” The piece, creating a “dialogue about race,” reported that the “volatile affair” produced “a range of recent interviews indicat[ing] that personal opinions on the Gates case fall overwhelmingly along the familiar fault line of race.” That is, “For the most part, minorities said Gates would not have been arrested if he were white, and police probably would never have been called to begin with.” And, “Whites . . . tended to play down race as a factor and said tempers and egos, not skin color, caused the situation to get out of hand.” (July 26, 2009)
+The national “talk about race” headed South. A Miami Herald editorial, called “It’s time for our nation to talk about race,” began, “Let’s have [an] honest national encounter on racial progress.” According to the editorial, “racial progress” is strictly an individual matter:
+We can start by everyone—white, black, brown—admitting that America’s ugly racist history has left scars, and that racism (drawing conclusions about others based on their race) is practiced by individuals of every ethnic or racial group. . . . Let’s not miss this opportunity as a nation to talk—and listen—honestly about race, how far America has come and still how much more we have to go. (July 28, 2009)
+The “racially charged debate” moved Westward. The Tulsa World carried a story titled, “The moment is beer: Obama, Gates, Crowley to chat,” which began, “Offering cold beer and careful words, President Barrack Obama is trying to bury a political distraction and show the U.S. how conversation can help ease racial conflict.” The story’s “conversation” continues, “For now, his stated agenda is simply to allow for a good, productive conversation among the three men. The hope, in turn, is that people in communities across the U.S. will see the meeting as a model for how to solve differences—more listening, less shooting from the lip.” The story quotes “Kelly McBride, a specialist in ethics at the Poynter Institute journalism center,” who stresses the individual nature of President Obama’s so-called “Beer Summit” with Sargeant Crowley and Professor Gates:
+Everybody can walk out of the meeting thinking exactly what they thought walking in, and that would be fine. . . . But I would hope they would understand the others’ positions. If they get that far, it could be a model for what we should be doing when things like this happen again. Because it’s going to happen again.” (By Ben Feller, Associated Press Writer, July 30, 2009).
+The “eye-opening dialogue on race” appeared in the Southwest. The power of interracial “dialogue” to create understanding and “change” is the bottom line of a story in the Austin Statesman on “Harvard prof, arresting policeman to talk again.” A quoted Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Karen Finney is given the piece’s last word:
+Politics aside, the most important thing that should come out of today is that two people sat down and talked to one another. . . . That is how real change happens, when people are willing to challenge their own biases by talking to people who are different from themselves. (By Philip Elliott, Associated Press writer, July 31, 2009)
+The “ongoing discussion over race in America” reached the West Coast. A Los Angeles Times story on “Obama cheers a ‘teachable moment’ over beer with Gates, Crowley,” and illustrated with a photo of the three and Vice President Joe Biden drinking beer in the Rose Garden, reported that the talk will continue: “For the two men who raised their mugs with the president and vice president . . . the discussion on race and policing will go on. Sgt. Crowley,” the story added, “said afterward that he and African American studies scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. had made plans to talk further in a more private setting.” (July 31, 2009)
+The white-controlled media’s emphasis on a “national debate on race” serves to redefine America’s historic, institutionalized racial inequities as individual and interpersonal rather than institutional and governmental issues. The heralding of a “racial debate” automatically assumes an equality between white and black persons and other people of color that does not exist—an equality of responsibility for the nation’s ingrained racial inequities and of power to resolve them. In fact, the institutionalized inequities are made invisible by trumpeting a “colorblind” society. Such assumed equity may be called the racism of equality, as it denies and diverts attention from the nation’s inequitable status quo.
+Presto! In a flash of “white magic,” the USA’s defining, institutionalized white-controlled hierarchy of access to power and security vanishes. The ism is made to disappear from “race”—and to reappear in the form of individual behavior and interpersonal relationships.
+Similar to talk, the “white magic” of systemic racism uses code words to make America’s inequitable racial hierarchy disappear. Code words are a subtle way by which to remove the ism from “race.” Mainstream media especially employ code words to reinterpret racism as an interpersonal matter between individuals not an institutional and policy issue. This disappearing act is performed by the dominant press’s constant use of the word “race” and avoidance of “racism” as much as possible.
+Thus, as previously quoted, the “confrontation . . . between” Officer Crowley/Professor Gates is filled with code words: “An Encounter That Provoked A Talk on Race;” “a heated national debate on race;” “Gates’ case strikes nerve, stirs racial debate;” “fault line of race;” “whites tended to play down race as a factor . . . tempers and egos, not skin color, caused the situation to get out of hand;” “ugly racial history;” “inflamed tensions,” “issues of race;” “racism . . .is practiced by individuals of every ethnic or racial group;” “talk-and-listen honestly about race;” “racial conflict,” “a model for how to share differences;” “understand the others’ positions;” “the most important thing . . . is that two people sat down and talked to one another;” “the discussion of race and policing will go on. . . in a more private setting.” [italics added].
+Code words allow the subject to be referred to as “race,” “race relations.” The problem may then be identified as “inflamed tensions,” “volatile affair.” If the subject and problem are presented as individual and interpersonal, the solution naturally follows: “Talk-and-listen-honestly about race and ethnicity;” “Talk to one another . . . That is how real change happens.” It is about reconciliation not restitution. Here the ism is taken out of “race” by being removed from its historical roots and institutional branches and redefined as an interpersonal issue between individuals.
+Shazam! In a printed stroke of “white magic,” America’s embedded, structurally maintained racial inequities disappear. In a flash, for example, the National Urban League’s 288-page “State of Black America 2009: Message to the President” is gone. Gone is the finding that “even as an African American man holds the highest office [in] the country, African Americans remain twice as likely as whites to be unemployed, three times more likely to live in poverty and more than six times as likely to be incarcerated.”
+Gone is the National Urban League report’s finding that the “2009 Equality Index, a statistical measurement of the status of blacks compared with whites, . . . stands at 71.1% . . . a general continuation of the status quo,” with “economics remain[ing] the area with the greatest degree of inequality, followed by social justice, health, education and civic engagement.” (“Executive Summary”)
+Gone are the National Urban League’s 31 specific recommendations, including: (“Urban League asks Obama to address black issues,” Black Politics on the Web, Mar. 25, 2009)
+Hocus Pocus! With mainstream media talking up a code words punctuated “national dialogue about race,” the deep-seated disparities contained in the United for a Fair Economy’s 70-page report will not see the full light of day. Called “State of the Dream 2009: The Silent Depression,” the report studied the silent, unacknowledged economic depression of people of color and found:
+Many American Blacks today are already experiencing a silent economic depression that, in terms of unemployment, equals or exceeds the Great Depression of 1929. Almost 12% of Blacks are unemployed; this is expected to increase to nearly 20% by 2010. . . . People of color are disproportionately poor in the United States. Black and Latinos have poverty rates of 24% and 21% respectively, compared to 10% poverty rate for whites. ()
+The “State of the Dream 2009: The Silent Depression” report, released on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s 80th birthday anniversary, was apparently not well received and covered by America’s white-controlled, let’s “talk about race” media. Especially the report’s findings:
+In the corporate world, we are seeing the highest executive pay and the biggest bailouts in history. CEO pay is 344 times that of the average worker. The riches of the few mask the deepening recession in the working class and the depression in communities of color. . . .
+Our nation’s economic policies have enabled the top 10% to accumulate 68% of the wealth, while sheltering the wealthy from sharing the nation’s risks. The children of the wealthy are not marching off to war because their economic alternatives are bleak. The rising cost of medical care does not require America’s millionaires and billionaires to cut back on food in order to pay medical bills. Thousands of additional layoffs will not harm the financial security of those in the owning class.
+Nor would America’s mainstream press adequately publicize and editorialize about the “State of the Dream 2009: The Silent Depression” report’s proposed solutions;
+The US Census Bureau should change its measurement of poverty in time for the 2010 census. The current method underestimates the numbers of the most marginalized. These gaps give policymakers an inaccurate view of the scope of the problems of poverty.
+The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) should integrate into its indicators of recession measures for wealth inequality, asset accumulation, income inequality, employer-based benefits versus employee-based benefits, and the various types of unemployment. Together, such simple measurement changes will help bring economic problems to the forefront and end the crisis of silence about the true state of the dream of racial equality. (Ibid)
+“The State of the Dream 2009: The Silent Depression” report addresses the denial and diversion of a “national debate on race”:
+Sadly the nation at large took the civil rights work of the 1960’s and reduced its holistic comprehensive analysis to a simplistic notion of personal and individual racism [italics added]. The civil rights movement, and civil rights efforts since the founding of the country, recognized that inequity is rooted in societal institutions, aided and abetted by personal forms of racism. Institutional racism is embedded in the structures (i.e., cultural, organizational, governmental and academic, etc.) of our society and manifests itself in the distribution, implementation and access to resources and opportunities. . . .
+Finally, we need to reconnect ourselves, via policy and our unified voices to affirmative action. We need recognition of and apology for the U.S.’s centuries of slavery and segregation. We need a commitment to acknowledge and repudiate the institutional and individual racism—epitomized by today’s Black depression—that still pervades our society. (Introduction: Beyond Recession, Executive Summary, Ibid.)
+An earlier and classic example of the use of talk and code words to manage not mitigate America’s ongoing, and now recession-deepening “racial divide” is former President Bill Clinton’s 15-month long national “conversation about race.” Initiated in June 1997, Clinton’s so-called “honest dialogue on race,” like today’s, assumed an equality of power and responsibility for racism between white and black persons and other people of color that does not exist. An analysis of the coverage of the “honest dialogue” by an accommodating print media (The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Boston Globe) concluded that Clinton’s long national “dialogue on race” did not close the “nation’s lingering racial divide,” but served to redefine and thus control it. (See William E. Alberts, Research Report, “Taking the “ism” Out of Racism in the 21st Century: A Study of the Print Media’s Coverage of President Clinton’s National “Dialogue on Race,” published by The William Monroe Trotter Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Winter 2002, 116 pages.
+The “white magic” employed by mainstream media, and others, to take the ism out of “race” is cited by University of Maryland Professor of Government and Politics Ron Walters. Obviously not impressed with Sgt. Crowley’s media-applauded teaching of cultural diversity to police trainees, Walters writes,
+Sgt. Crowley’s subjective judgement to arrest Gates was more likely to have been made on the traditional racist grounds of using his power to silence a black man, no matter how important, in order to confirm the ultimate authority, of white power in society.
+Citing his book, The Price of Racial Reconciliation (The Politics of Race and Ethnicity), Professor Walters zeroes in on the critical issue of who has the powerful last word:
+The voice of the victim of racism has been devalued and the voice of the perpetrators of racism is elevated because of the power they hold over the interpretation and treatment of racial events. This is the curious way in which whites, who by every study I have seen experience racism far, far less than blacks, end up having the dominant interpretation over events. They control the power over the voice that interprets events and control over the resources dedicated—or not dedicated—to resolve them.
+The consequences of this unequal power distribution in racial affairs is that there cannot be a “frank discussion” that can meaningfully resolve such issues because, in the power equation, the President must “calibrate” such events from the side of the dominant class. . . . because he has to get elected and to govern with the assent of the majority.
+President Obama, Professor Gates and Sgt. Crowley will have their beer in the White House, but it will only be a symbolic gesture, lacking the force to confront the monumental crime of racial profiling by the police perpetrators that has locked up tens of thousands of blacks in American prisons. (“Race, Power and the Gates Affair,” The Black Commentator, July 30, 2009).
+“A more perfect union” is not about “bringing the races together” but about bringing equal access to economic and political power to the races. It is not about “individuals of every ethnic or racial group” getting along better but about them getting by better. It is not about the “inflamed tensions” of interracial group dynamics but about human potential and hope turned into ashes by group discrimination. It is not about an “honest dialogue on race” but about an honest diagnosis of America’s racial inequities. It is not about making the ism disappear from “race” but about removing racism from America’s institutions. It is not about being “colorblind” but about being colorful. It is about making America’s white-controlled hierarchy of access disappear. It is about every person’s right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”.
+Darkness Audible
+Photo by Sheryl Nields
+"YOU EVER HAD LOVE SO GOOD . . . IT MAKE YOU WANNA buy a house?" Me'Shell Ndegéocello asks the sold-out crowd at the Roxy. Her face, crinkled in mock bewilderment, glows across the tiny stage. The band, vamping an ass-grabbing groove, has just segued out of a song about loss and regret into a musical non sequitur of sexual abandon. It's about transformation: grief to glory. Ndegéocello purses her lips, furrows her brow and makes a Friday night basement party awww-shit-now face. She walks over to the stand where her bass is leaning, and as she reaches for it the audience goes nuts. Strapped on, it juts up past her head, dwarfing her. But with a brush of three notes -- a liquid, sinewy stroke of understated funk -- she's in complete command of both her instrument and the stage.
+Tonight the faithful have their devotion justified. Ndegéocello -- singer, Afro-boho icon, bassist supreme -- is premiering music from her sublime new album, Bitter. The new tracks are nakedly introspective, sad and beautiful. Live, however, most of them have been overhauled into muscular catharses. The audience, buzzed off her love high, roars back affirmation.
+SHE'S SMALL, ALMOST FRAGILE. HER RECORDED VOICE is bigger than she is. Tattoos decorate her arms and neck, and her close-shaved hair means that her large eyes become the center of your focus. Those eyes are often dark and brooding in photographs, but today they're direct and full of laughter.
+It's a few weeks before the concert, and Ndegéocello (still her professional handle, though legally she's changed her name to Bashir Shakur) is barreling through Laurel Canyon in midday traffic, on her way to a hastily scheduled appointment with her chiropractor. "I was in a car accident a few months ago," she says, "and it was really minor, so I didn't go have myself checked out by a doctor. Well, I fell a couple of days ago, and I think I may have aggravated something from the accident. It was a light fall, but when I woke up this morning I couldn't lift my arm. That's a little scary when you're a bass player," she says dryly.
+She may have started as a bass player, vibing in the go-go clubs of Washington, D.C., while studying jazz at Duke Ellington School of the Arts and Howard University, but since her debut album, 1993's classic soul/funk/hip-hop opus Plantation Lullabies, she's steadily -- sometimes painfully -- secured her status as that most endangered of pop-culture entities: the serious black musician. At a time when hip-hop and R&B sales claim a good hunk of the music-buying public's dollar, and when MTV has figured out how to turn its early disdain of black folk into a lucrative pimping of superficial blackness, American black music sounds like death. At least most of it does. Exceptions -- the Roots, Outkast, Cassandra Wilson, Lauryn, Erykah, Black Star -- scream a life-affirming defiance, but they're up against an ever-growing wall of soul-crushing banality. No sector of the culture is as bluntly obsessed with maintaining, glorifying and protecting the status quo as is contemporary black music. "I'm a businessman/I ain't tryin' to be lyrical," boasts rapper Cam'ron on his latest single, "Let Me Know," summing up the state of the music in one depressing line. The overriding themes in both rap and R&B are the acquisition of money, power and status, and, in a truly perverse twist, the victimization of celebrity (see: Puffy's dimwitted remake of Public Enemy's "Public Enemy #1").
+Ndegéocello connects so viscerally with her fans in large part because she hasn't been seduced by the fool's gold of marketplace liberation. A black, bisexual working mother whose art is rooted in unapologetic political testifying and unflinching romanticism, she's after something both rare and powerful: freedom within the margins. It's an increasingly difficult trick to pull off. It means giving serious examination to your actual relationship to power and your desired relationship to it, to your actual vs. desired relationships to socially and culturally defined notions of the norm. It means being brave enough to follow your own voice, and to define your dreams in terms other than corporate.
+Ndegéocello's lyrics on both Lullabies and 1996's Peace Beyond Passion dissect wrestling matches with her fears and her dreams, with the forces of racism, poverty, capitalism, junkiehood, homophobia, suicidal despair, loneliness -- and the search for love and acceptance beneath it all. Distinctly late-20th-century-urban in flavor -- full ã of funk-driven bass, born of old-school hip-hop and older-school rhythm & blues -- the two albums have had an influence far beyond their lukewarm sales figures or underwhelming mainstream recognition. Though the comparisons are a sore point with Ndegéocello, she paved the way for the likes of Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu.
+Her true peers, however, are Chocolate Genius, Tricky, Kool Keith -- visionaries blind to boundaries, and whose careers are hurt by their refusal, or inability, to play the game. She's become a heroine for the poets, musicians and street intellectuals who struggle to integrate their art with their everyday life, arching toward the divine while honoring the commonplace. But perhaps her music's greatest strength has been in its preservation and presentation of the nuanced protagonist in black music -- not some industry-generated, flossing jigaboo, but a living, breathing, struggling "self" contained within the grooves.
+Ndegéocello considers this summation, then refines it a bit.
+"Well, thank you," she nods, "thank you for that. It's really hard, you know, because I love rhythm & blues. I love it. But there's so little of it I can listen to now. Because it's absent not only of a protagonist, but of any real story, any real sincerity. I was arguing the other day with someone who didn't like Eminem. Well, I love Eminem. I think he's dope for so many reasons. He's got that Slick Rick, talking-to-himself thing going -- maybe you need to be really deep into hip-hop to hear it -- and he's completely keeping it real. He's totally happening. His similes and metaphors are amazing. I mean, maybe they are crass, but . . ." She pauses, then continues from a different angle.
+"Everybody trips because he's white, but his pocket is better than half the rappers out there. But the real thing is, you hear his story in everything: his voice, his lyrics, his attitude. He's telling you what it is to be poor and white in this country, to have no education and no job prospects. See, it's not just about race anymore, it's about class, too, and he's a prime example of what we do to people when we don't educate them. There's a real sense of him being profoundly depressed beneath all that anger. It's like, his soul is so large. I definitely feel that he's speaking from the heart. I love him for that."
+Pulling into the parking lot of the chiropractor's office, Ndegéocello blows her horn and waves out the window. "That's my girlfriend," she says, nodding toward a pretty black woman getting out of a car parked a few spaces away. As we're introduced, I realize why her face is so familiar -- she's Rebecca Walker, the writer and feminist social critic.
+WALKER'S SESSION IS OVER FIRST. SHE FLEXES HER back and slowly rolls her neck as she writes out a check at the receptionist's desk; beneath her spaghetti-strapped T-shirt, her muscles ripple beautifully. Walker first met Ndegéocello when she was soliciting submissions for her book, To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism (1995), though it's only recently that they've become, in Ndegéocello's words, "inseparable." They're currently living with Ndegéocello's 10-year-old son, Askia, just outside Mendocino, while they look for a house in Berkeley.
+While their life together clearly marks a new chapter in Ndegéocello's life, it also fits her pattern of wanderlust. Bashir Shakur née Me'Shell Ndegéocello née Michelle Johnson was born in Berlin in 1969 to a military father and housewife mother, grew up in Washington, moved to New York, and then to L.A. "Don't try to psychoanalyze me," she laughs, "I just like to move. I feel better in motion. After four or five years, I get restless." When asked about the recent name change, she says, "There were several reasons, some religious. But, you know, I was coming to a place where whatever Me'shell Ndegéocello meant to me, it had just become this other thing, for other people. It just no longer reflects who I am or what my goals are."
+And what does the new name mean? "Bashir means 'a sender of good news' in Arabic," she explains. "In Hebrew, it means 'one in the song.' I didn't actually know that. I was hanging out, smoking cigarettes in this café in New York, and this beautiful man sat down and just started talking -- he was, like, an Orthodox Jewish man -- and he was like, 'Can I bum one of your cigarettes?' We just started talking, and he asked me my name. When I told him, he told me what it meant. And then, Shakur just means 'most thankful.' That's the place I'm trying to eventually get to."
+Waiting in the chiropractor's lobby, I ask Walker if she could possibly slip out of the role of girlfriend and into that of culture critic in order to locate Ndegéocello's place in contemporary pop culture in general, and black pop culture specifically.
+"Mmm," she begins slowly. "I think that in the realm of pop culture right now, whether that's black pop culture or white pop culture, she represents both a vanguard and a dying breed. You know, we're on the road, so we watch a lot of TV, and all these performers are talking about how they recognize that music is a business first and foremost. A lot of black performers are saying that right now -- Missy Elliot, Puff Daddy -- and it's just this kind of, 'We're so cool that we figured out that music is a business, and you've got to take care of your business.' Which is true to some extent, but at the same time, when you're so caught up in the business -- checking SoundScan every five minutes to see how many units you've sold -- I think you do lose touch with what you're trying to do creatively.
+"I think a lot of these younger artists really feel like they can do both, but I think that's naive. It's naive to think you can be worried about trying to make money, money, money, and still be saying something that is empowering to people, that is challenging the status quo, which would rather have your people -- black people -- in bondage."
+Equally insidious is the smug, even contemptuous, dismissal of the idea of music -- or any art -- as a deeper means of communication, as a conduit for profound personal and societal transformation. To hold on to that belief, to act on it, is to be labeled clueless -- or crazy.
+"I completely agree," says Walker. "To care about that, to be true to yourself and your soul and try to connect at a deep emotional, psychological, spiritual level with an audience, and to try to create art that's about transformation -- that is somehow naive. Being obsessed with the bottom line is portrayed as being sophisticated. It's so emblematic of how twisted and backward and reactionary our culture has become. And how cynical. I think a lot of musicians today just feel like, fuck message, forget about using music as a tool. Forget about those deeper levels of what art has been about in many cultures, and certainly within black culture. And I just think that's a tragedy. That's why I love her and her music, and I'm so glad she's doing it."
+Walker checks her watch and realizes she has to run. "Tell Bashir I'll meet her back at the hotel," she says before taking off. A short while later an apologetic -- and noticeably more relaxed -- Ndegéocello appears.
+ON THE WAY BACK INTO HOLLYWOOD, NDEGéOCELLO IS reminded that just a few years ago she was being lambasted by a lot of female rock critics for not identifying herself as a feminist. Her response at the time was a shrug and a reply of, "Whatever." Has her relationship with Walker resulted in her coming out as a feminist?
+"No," she says, shaking her head. "That's what we fight -- I mean, no. What she was trying to explain in her book is that feminism comes in many different shapes and sizes. Of course, there are some things I have a feminist view to. There are some things I just don't agree with feminism about. I'm more . . ." She exhales deeply. "My politics deal with other things. We argue about that. I just don't like that word."
+It's ironic that, with her art so rooted in the rituals of naming and claiming self, so many of the controversies that have blown up around Ndegéocello have had to do with her determination to do that naming on her own terms. The mainstream gay press has harshly criticized her for singing love songs to men and refusing to identify herself as "queer"; many in the music industry have blamed her decision to be open about her bisexuality for her failure to achieve mainstream success; black radio, video outlets and magazines either shortchange or ignore her altogether. (Vibe named Bitter album of the year, but put the ever-blonder Jennifer Lopez on the cover.)
+"As far as the queer thing," she says, "it just bothers me, period, that white gay males define how a lot of homosexuals or lesbians see themselves. Queer? I'm not feeling that. I can't really embrace that. I can't embrace lesbian, either. I hate the way the word sounds; it's not an attractive word. It's hard being bisexual, omnisexual, multisexual, whatever you want to call it, when people have their agenda and expect you to just represent their agenda."
+As she's talking, she's dialing her car phone to check her messages, and accidentally gets her father in D.C. Askia is staying there for the summer, hanging out with his grandparents and spending time with his father. Mother and son have a playful exchange before she hangs up.
+"You know what's hard?" she asks, twisting her face into a comedic grimace. "When your parents treat your child better than they treated you. Whoo! I mean, how does that happen?" She laughs deeply. "Seriously, what is that about?" She shakes her head.
+What impact does her career have on her relationship with her son -- and vice versa?
+"Having a child made me really deal with the dark sarcasm I had, with my being depressed all the time," she replies thoughtfully. "Do I want to shortchange my child out of having joy just because I don't have it? [Motherhood] helped me so much, because it allowed me to find ways to make myself feel better, to still understand the world as a place of suffering, but not wallow in it. To find joy and appreciate what I have. Children are born with their own optimism. They have a clarity and a simplicity that we can only wish for. Everything is so new and beautiful to them, and I'm really trying to find a way to stop [for my son] whatever it is that causes them to lose it, which usually happens around the ages of 13, 14.
+"I'm reading this book called Real Boys, which is an excellent book. You gotta put that in your article. The author's last name is Pollack. It's just an incredible God-danged ol' book. It deals with how men are taught not to be affectionate, not to express their feelings, and it teaches you how to confront them with their feelings -- and when to pull back. It's an amazing book."
+Asked if her sexuality has yet been a problem for her son, maybe with his classmates, she quips, "He goes to a really progressive school, so I'm not the only one." Then, turning serious, she adds, "I don't think it's been an issue. I'm sure when he gets to high school it'll be difficult, but so far it hasn't been."
+She smiles softly. "I love children. I want more. Rebecca and I plan to have children, maybe next year. I'm hoping we have a daughter."
+AT SOME POINT THE CONVERSATION TURNS TO THE TOPIC of race. Race in America, race in Africa, race in the music industry. Ndegéocello's detractors have often accused her of being racist, of being militantly anti-white. That's because they're tone-deaf to the complexities of her music, the ways that race plays out in modern-day America, and the survival techniques of black (and brown) folk who grapple with daily racism, give honest voice to their pain and anger, and struggle not to succumb to bitterness. In conversation, as in her music, Ndegéocello has dual vision. On one hand, she knows that race is -- as academics and highbrow media liberals drone -- a "construct," a lie that has wreaked incalculable damage on humanity. Like most people, regardless of color, she wants to move past it.
+But she also knows that the lie of race has spawned some bitter truths and painful realities. To acknowledge the "construct" and think that that is enough to counteract or dismantle the legacies of bigotry only compounds the problem. Ndegéocello's critics have harped on her ã scathing social indictments -- in songs like "Soul on Ice" and "Deuteronomy: Niggerman" -- without seeing that the world she's longing for is simply one of justice, fairness. The distinction they've failed to make is that her politics are not a war on white folk, but a struggle against white supremacy and the way it continues to mutate and insinuate itself into the fabric of American life. One of her most brilliant artistic riffs is on the connection between capitalism and white supremacy. A line from 1996's "Deuteronomy" -- "My view of self was that of a divine ho'/Like the ones portrayed on the white man colonized minded rap shows" -- has only become more relevant, more painfully dead-on, in the past few years.
+"It's hard being dark," Ndegéocello says. "I even get it from my mother. She tells me about my son, 'Oh, he's gotta stay out of the sun, he gets so dark.' I mean, my mother's very fair-skinned, and she's from the South. She can't help it -- that's the way she was brought up. But it wrecked me as a child. I was always like, 'How come I wasn't light like my mother? How come I didn't get good hair?' And that's what 'Soul on Ice' is about. Everybody thinks that song is about me not liking white people. No, it's about me growing up feeling ashamed of the way I looked."
+Federico Peña, her keyboardist and a close friend, offers a defense of Ndegéocello as he carefully dismantles the aura of angry, tortured artist that surrounds her. "I've known her since she was 15 or 16 in D.C.," he recalls, "and she's the same now as she was then. She's just like everybody else -- she can get really depressed, really dark, but she also has these moments of just . . ." He pauses, searching for the right word. "She can get happy like no one you know," he finally smiles. "I think that a lot of her struggle comes from her quest to be accepted. I think there's a struggle within Me'Shell when she calls out these truths. I think that's why she touches a chord in people. In a way, she's a soldier for those truths that America doesn't want to take a look at.
+"I'm sorry," he says, "I don't want to seem offensive. Because I didn't grow up here. I was born in Uruguay and grew up in Argentina. I had to learn about America when my family moved here when I was a boy. And what I've seen is that this is still such a fucked-up place. People honestly want to say that racism is a thing of the past, but it's not. It's like a ghost. Not everybody can see it, some people pretend they can't see it 'cause they don't want to be labeled crazy, but it's still very much here, wreaking havoc. I've traveled all around the world, and I'm still constantly astonished at the depth of racism in this country. And I think, historically, America has had a problem when black folks talk about the truths of [what's] happening [here]. They tend to label that black voice as angry, when it's a voice of truth. I think Me'Shell may have fallen prey to some of that."
+As rap and R&B have devolved into the soundtrack for Wall Street and Madison Avenue, the aesthetic they've revived -- especially in terms of female beauty and desirability -- is the most fucked-up brand of retro: It's all about light skin, good hair and Anglo features. With only a relative handful of artists working to the exception, the whole "I'm black and I'm proud" resistance movement once conveyed through the music and stage personas of people like Nina Simone, James Brown and Curtis Mayfield has been ground into dust.
+"Have you ever seen the movie Wattstax?" asks Ndegéocello. "It's an incredible tribute to a black aesthetic that's all about Afros, kinky hair -- a variety of skin tones and physical features. Darkness is celebrated just by being acknowledged. You watch this movie, and you're blown away by the consciousness that plays out in the way the people dress and talk and carry themselves. The way black people treat other black people -- it's just love. What happened to us?"
+What indeed? Watching the movie is both exhilarating and heartbreaking. A cult documentary about the 1972 concert held at the L.A. Coliseum to commemorate the riots of '65, the film cuts back and forth among performance footage (Isaac Hayes, the Staples Singers, the Bar-Kays, Luther Ingram, Rufus Thomas, Jesse Jackson and more), talking heads of everyday black folk, and Richard Pryor as the narrative glue holding it all together. It's staggering to see how C-list divas from back in the day -- women like Kim Weston and Carla Thomas, who were overshadowed by Aretha, Roberta and Mavis -- could sing circles around most of today's A-level crooners. Pryor, in his first big screen appearance and one of his best career performances, draws tears-on-the-cheek laughter from caustic observations on gender differences, police brutality and the resilience of Afro-Americans. Watching black folk dance in the stands, make flamboyant entrances and muse dryly on the nature of whiteness is to see blackness as a knowing performance. There's a lot of humor, but there's also affirmation and self-love, black fierceness giving itself props. The wild clothing and pimp strolls have been stripped, now, of all that subtext -- reduced to Beastie Boys video garb, kitschy costumes for white hipster parties, and mindless hip-hop celebrations of mackin'.
+It's the last that most pains Ndegéocello. Speaking of the ways in which mainstream hip-hop has collapsed upon itself, she beomes especially animated and frustrated.
+"It hurts me to my heart," she says. "I mean, there is some gangster rap or darker hip-hop that is absolutely relevant and needs to be said. But so much of it is just jumping on a bandwagon with nothing to say. You know, I'm a big Nas fan, so I went out and bought his last record [I Am . . .]. Now, the CD booklet opens with a sura from the Koran. But the actual record begins with a rant: 'Fuck all y'all faggot muthafuckas.' And it just killed me. I don't know what to do. Do I take my record back, you know? I mean, he talks [in interviews] about black upliftment and all the stuff he's read, and I'm like, 'Well, you callin' people faggots. Did you ever read James Baldwin, one of the great intellectual minds of our time -- who was a gay man?' It's just really difficult for me to embrace and have an understanding of my brothers -- and they are my ã brothers and I will love them till the day I die -- but I just don't understand what they're doing." She shakes her head and sighs.
+"You know," she revs up again, "Mos Def and Talib Kweli are the freshest thing I've heard in a long time, but what the hell is RZA talking about? Who the hell is Bobby Digital? What is that? It just seems that, for the most part, you're either gangster mentality, Puffy mentality, or you're not at all. You don't exist.
+"The really scary thing is that when I went to Africa, [I saw how] they think that Tupac Shakur -- and I love Tupac to this day, he was my boy and I love him -- but they think that's our new movement. They think gangsterism is the new black political movement and that it's what's saving black people. They've bought into the commercialism and the worst aspects of American culture. It's really hard when you go into these obscure little pockets, and they're embracing what shouldn't be embraced. It's scary."
+AT THE EXACT MOMENT THAT WE ENTER Sante Kitchen on La Brea, the opening strains of Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger" blare over the sound system. Ndegéocello doesn't register the latest hit from her boss at Maverick Records. She hugs one of the waiters, who jokes about how often she comes in. "I'm only in here so much," she laughs, "because I've found out that I'm basically allergic to all four food groups. This is one of the only places I can eat where I will, like, survive the meal."
+"That's Raju," she grins as she sits down. "He's worked at every restaurant I love in L.A." Raju comes and leans over the table, and the two chat a little more. This gives me a chance to glance at my notes about Bitter. It's a radical departure for Ndegéocello. There are no funk workouts like "If That's Your Boyfriend (He Wasn't Last Night)," "Who Is He and What Is He to You" or "Step Into the Projects." Her voice is higher up in the mix, and her singing is richer, more textured and fluid. One of the album's real surprises, though, is Ndegéocello's bass playing. There's so little of it.
+"Mmm-hmm," she nods later, spooning soup into her mouth. "That's why [the record's] so good. The songs dictated that. It was a matter of being true to what the songs were about, and they weren't about that."
+Inspired in part by her painful breakup a few years ago with dancer Winifred Harris, this is an album pulled from the wreckage of a failed love affair. They're songs from the fetal position. Late night, stare at the ceiling, wonder if I should call songs. Too far gone to cry songs. Love hymns about closing your eyes and running on fumes of faith. Yet glimmers of hope twine into resilience: The album, finally, is a celebration of the ability to love at all, despite pain or grief, and in defiance of bitterness.
+There are familiar Ndegéocello strokes: the terrifying father figure; a consuming fear of abandonment; loneliness so deep it feels like God calling you home; images of comforting angels. And there are wholly new avenues explored: the use of steel guitar, the tripped-out industrial blues of "Wasted Time," the heightened folk influences. Bitter's two instrumental tracks, "Adam" and "Eve," purposefully carry the names of the most famous characters in perhaps the most famous myth of creation. It's a reminder that from the very beginning (though Ndegéocello clarifies that she doesn't believe Adam and Eve really are the beginning, they're just potent symbols), coupledom has been fraught with danger, with the devastation of deception and betrayal. "Loyalty" is sketched with lyric details ("His oversize Dickeys cinched way up high/She lived in her books and fantasies . . .") that give it the power of a finely scribed short story. "Wasted Time," a brilliant duet with L.A. singer-songwriter (and, incidentally, Madonna's brother-in-law) Joe Henry, hijacks the ear with the hypnotic vibe conjured by the union of these two distinctive voices. Joan Armatrading's influence is all over the place. It's a lush, languid cover of Jimi Hendrix's "May This Be Love," though, that is Bitter's crowning glory. It's also Ndegéocello's favorite track on the album.
+At the restaurant, sipping on an iced tea, Ndegéocello says, "They get upset [at Maverick] thinking I don't like them. That's not true at all. It's really not. They do what they do really well, but they're very pop-oriented. That's just not what I do. And it's hard to go to their office, and ain't no black people over there. So, I don't really expect them to understand me, you know? I mean, I'm on a label where Alanis sold 28 million copies of her first record for them. Candlebox sold 5 million. The Deftones went gold. I haven't even gone gold. And that made me feel like a failure. I just really wish that, if they don't know what to do with me, they'd let me go. Not that any other label would have a clue. ã
+"It's very important," she adds, "that people know that [former Maverick partner] Freddie DeMann is the one who signed me. I love him. He may be a little difficult, or -- most of all -- a little out of touch with music that's going on today, but I love him and am so incredibly thankful to him, because he really pushed to sign me. Everybody's always like, 'Oh, Madonna signed you,' or '[Maverick A&R honcho] Guy Oseary is this great genius.' No, it was Freddie who had the guts to sign me."
+The exhaustion is clearly two-sided. In a faxed statement, Madonna writes: "Me'Shell is a musical genius and a brilliant lyricist, but she is also a tormented soul and a reluctant star. Her love of music is so pure, and she is very uneasy with the whole idea of promotion, marketing, and commercial success. It is a challenge to work with her, but also a great honor."
+You don't need perfect pitch to hear the frustration, even impatience, in those words.
+FOR ALL THE PRICKLINESS OF HER career scenario, and the heartbreak that permeates the new album, Ndegéocello radiates bliss, serenity. On tour behind her last album, she was visibly shrouded in sadness. She spoke of changing her name and leaving the business. Her conversation was peppered with words of weariness and disillusionment, and though she made it clear she wasn't suicidal, she also made it clear that she was "ready to go."
+A lot of her current happiness can be attributed to Walker. Part of it is due to her move from L.A. "I loved my first three years here," she says. "My son went to a great school, and I did a lot of session work. I thought I could make it be what I wanted it to be. I guess I was a little delusional. I got really sick of it after a while. It's just not progressive." And she's clearly charged by her move north. "I really like it up there," she smiles. "It's quiet, has good food, has a cool music scene. And there's an activist culture. I just love the vibe of the people." But most of her newfound contentment is simply due to her rethinking of her place in pop culture, her hopes for her art, and her deflection of outside expectations.
+"I stopped beating up on myself," she says. "I stopped asking myself why I didn't sell this number of records, why I don't have corporate sponsorship. I just don't buy into any of that anymore. Getting out of L.A. helped get me out of that mindset . . . I just surround myself with people who have absolutely nothing to do with the music or movie business. I try to hang around writers, visual artists, conceptual artists -- people who aren't concerned whether masses of people are going to accept their art.
+"It's really important to me," Ndegéocello says passionately, "that I'm not only creating my own resistance movement, but showing celebration. It's a claiming of what is rightfully mine, my history, my heritage. I feel I owe this to people like Tom Wilson, a black man who produced the early Bob Dylan records but who no one knows about. He died in obscurity. It's about Richie Havens, who opened for one of the greatest musical experiences in our lifetime -- Woodstock. It's about Joan Armatrading and Tracy Chapman, Lenny Kravitz and Ben Harper -- people of color who resist these bullshit definitions of black life or black art. It's about not being defined by the color of your skin, and having people think that all you can do is shuck and jive. That's what I'm hoping comes across in my music, ultimately. That's what I'm striving for."
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+Jocelyn Aycrigg
+Jocelyn Aycrigg, Ph.D.
+Assistant Research Professor
+414 Phinney Hall
+- Ph.D. in Natural Resources, 2009: University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
+- M.S. in Environmental and Forest Biology, 1993: State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York
+- B.A. in Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, 1987: University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
+Research Interests
+Conservation biology
+Spatial ecology
+Large landscape conservation
+Wildlife population ecology
+Wildlife management
+Population modeling
+Aycrigg, J., C. Groves, J. A. Hilty, J. M. Scott, P. Beier, D. A. Boyce, D. Figg, J. Hall, H. Hamilton, G. Machlis, K. Muller, K. V. Rosenberg, M. Shaffer, and R. Wentworth. 2016. Completing the system: opportunities and challenges for a National Habitat Conservation System. BioScience 66:774-784.
+Aycrigg, J. L., J. Tricker, R. T. Belote, M. S. Dietz, L. Duarte, and G. H. Aplet. 2016. The next 50 years: opportunities for diversifying the ecological representation of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Journal of Forestry, Special Wilderness Issue 114:396-404.
+Aycrigg, J., G. Beauvais, T. Gotthardt, F. Huettmann, S. Pyare, M. Andersen, D. Keinath, J. Lonneker, M. Spathelf, and K. Walton. 2015. Novel approaches to modeling and mapping terrestrial vertebrate occurrence in the Northwest and Alaska: an evaluation. Northwest Science 89:355-381.
+Aycrigg, J. L., R. T. Belote, M. S. Dietz, G. H. Aplet, and R. A. Fischer. 2015. Bombing for biodiversity in the United States: response to Zentelis and Lindenmayer 2015. Conservation Letters 8:306-307.
+Dietz, M. S., R. T. Belote, G. H. Aplet, and J. L. Aycrigg. The world’s largest wilderness preservation system after 50 years: An assessment of ecological system representation in the U.S. National Wilderness Preservation System. Biological Conservation 184:431-438.
+Fremier, A. K., M. Kiparsky, S. Gmur, J. Aycrigg, R. K. Craig, L. K. Svancara, D. D. Goble, B. Cosens, F. W. Davis, and J. M. Scott. 2015. A riparian conservation network for ecological resilience. Biological Conservation 191:29-37.
+La Sorte, F.:39-51.
+Lorenz, T.J., K. T. Vierling, J. Vogeler, J. Lonneker, and J. Aycrigg. 2015. Incorporating shrub and snag specific LiDAR data into GAP wildlife models. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 6(2):437–447; e1944-687X. doi:. 3996/092013-JFWM-064.
+Aycrigg, J. L. and E. O. Garton. 2014. Linking Metapopulation Structure to Elk Population Management in Idaho: A Genetic Approach. Journal of Mammalogy 95:597-614.
+North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2014. The State of the Birds 2014. U.S. Department of Interior: Washington, D.C. 16 pages. Member of Science Team that produced report.:31-40. Editor’s choice publication for January 2014.
+Aycrigg, J. L., M. Andersen, G. Beauvais, M. Croft, A. Davidson, L. Duarte, J. Kagan, D. Keinath, S. Lennartz, J. Lonneker, T. Miewald, and J. Ohmann, Editors. 2013. Ecoregional gap analysis of the Northwestern United States; Northwest Gap Analysis Project Draft Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.
+North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2013. The State of the Birds 2013 Report on Private Lands. U.S. Department of Interior: Washington, D.C. 48 pages. Member of Science Team that produced report.
+Aycrigg, J. L., A. Davidson, L. Svancara, K. J. Gergely, A. McKerrow, and J. M. Scott. 2013. Representation of ecological systems within the protected areas network of the continental United States. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54689. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054689.
+Stamper, T., J. Hicke, M. Jennings, and J. L. Aycrigg. 2013. Spatial and temporal patterns of changes in protected areas across the Southwestern United States. Biodiversity and Conservation 22:343-356.
+Aycrigg, J. L. and J. M. Scott. 2012. Gap Analysis and Presence Absence Models. In: Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA.
+Garton, E. O., J. S. Horne, J. L. Aycrigg, and J. T. Ratti. 2012. Research and Experimental Design. In: Techniques for wildlife investigations and management. 7th edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
+North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2011. The State of the Birds 2011 Report on Public Lands and Waters. U.S. Department of Interior: Washington, DC. 48 pages. Member of Science Team that produced report.
+Desert Conservation Plan for Clark County, Nevada
+Las Vegas, Nevada
+Member of Science Advisor Panel, which is tasked with providing expertise to a Desert Conservation Plan for Clark County, Nevada
+Vulnerability of Dall’s sheep in Alaska to climate change
+National Parks in Alaska
+Habitat selection analysis of Dall’s sheep using GPS locations and the synoptic modeling approach.
+High resolution vegetation mapping of Idaho
+Idaho statewide
+Building predictive distribution models for plant species based on high resolution imagery, field vegetation data, and statewide spatial co-variates, such as temperature, precipitation, and elevation.
+Informing conservation of biodiversity and habitats at the national scale
+All of US
+Used national level spatial data on protected areas and habitat to show how a national habitat conservation strategy could be implemented nationwide.
+Riparian Conservation Network
+Contiguous US
+Illustrated how riparian corridors could be used to connect protected areas from both an ecological and legal perspective. Many of the pieces needed to establish a riparian conservation network are already in place.
+Wilderness areas contribution to biodiversity conservation
+Contiguous US
+Assessed the change in ecological representation of habitats when proposed wilderness areas were added to the National Wilderness Preservation System. Identified proposed wilderness areas that provide a larger increase in ecological representation of habitats than other areas.
+Conservation applications of eBird data
+Western US
+Evaluated the conservation stewardship opportunities for land management agencies during the annual life cycle of birds.
+Metapopulation analysis of trumpeter swans
+Northern Rocky Mountains
+Used trumpeter swan population survey data to evaluate the short- and long-term viability of the trumpeter swan metapopulation in the Northern Rocky Mountains.
+Population viability analysis of trumpeter swans at Flathead Indian Reservation
+Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana
+Assessed the short- and long-term viability of the reintroduced trumpeter swan population at Flathead Indian Reservation.
+Species distribution modeling
+Northwest US and all of US
+Developed a modeling approach to create species distribution models based on deductive and inductive modeling approaches. Evaluated these 2 modeling approaches with species in Northwestern US and Alaska. Also, applied deductive species distribution modeling approach to build models for mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles across the US.2005-2015
+Consultant to National Geographic for the ‘Saving Unique Habitat’ map in December 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine.
+Research on national habitat conservation system (BioScience paper) highlighted in Moscow Daily News (Oct. 31, 2016), The New Yorker (Aug. 25, 2016), University of Idaho (August 2016), National Parks Traveler, USFS StreamNotes, Op-ed in The Hill, News Review, Climate Central, and Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology’s All About Birds.
+Member of The Wildlife Society Aldo Leopold Award Committee (2016)
+Member of The Wildlife Society Caesar Kleberg Research Award Committee (2016)
+Member of The Wildlife Society Special Recognition Award Committee (2016)
+Member of The Wildlife Society Honorary Membership Nomination Committee (2016)
+Mentored Bleak and DeVlieg Intern at Taylor Wilderness Research Station researching the efficacy of citizen science bird surveying in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (2016)
+Mentored 2 undergraduates in Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences as part of WLF204 class, exposing them to wildlife research including field work and data analysis (2016)
+Guest lecturer for classes at the University of Idaho in Exploring Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Population Ecology, Introduction to Geospatial Analysis for Natural Resource Management, Landscape Ecology, Ornithology, Environmental Science Seminar, Space Matters: Landscape Approaches for Ecology and Conservation, Wildlife Ecology, and Wildlife Habitat (2003-2016)
+Reviewer for University of Idaho Seed Grant Program, Moscow, Idaho (2015)
+Reviewer for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Moscow, Idaho (2015)
+University of Idaho Friendship Family for 2 Brazilian students, Moscow, Idaho (2014-2015)
+International Association of Landscape Ecology, organizer of symposium on Conservation in the Big Picture: Data and Analysis to Inform the Future, Anchorage, Alaska (2014)
+Member of Science Team for State of the Birds Reports 2011, 2013, and 2014
+Invited speaker for symposium on Meeting Big Data Challenges in Biodiversity Research: Data Collection, Processing, Analysis, and Application. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York (2014)
+Invited speaker for the Palouse Audubon Society in Moscow, Idaho: ‘Assessing the value of private lands and waters to U.S. birds: The State of the Birds Report 2013’ (2014)
+Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse volunteer, Moscow, Idaho (2013-2015)
+Idaho Department of Fish and Game volunteer, Clearwater Region, Idaho (2013-present)
+Invited speaker for the Idaho Career night at the Cul de Sac High School, Cul de Sac, Idaho (2013)
+Invited speaker for USGS Seminar in Boise, Idaho: “Gap Analysis Program: Species range mapping and distribution modeling” (2013)
+Invited speaker for Wildlife Habitat Management class at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (2013)
+Member of The Wildlife Society Conservation Education Award Committee (2013)
+Member of The Wildlife Society Publication Awards Committee (2012)
+Board of Directors, Palouse Land Trust, Moscow, Idaho (2010-present)Member of Moscow Giving Circle, Moscow, Idaho (2010-present)
+- Curriculum Vitae pdf
+A National Guide for Business
+Sponsored by
+Businesses have a critical role to play before mass vaccination is completed. This toolkit provides practical guidance for businesses to re-establish their operations while ensuring the health and safety of staff and customers.
+The advice provided is intended to be adaptable for companies needing, or desiring, to bring employees back into physical locations for collaboration or enhancing productivity. At the core of successfully executing a return to workplace plan is building trust through transparency and communication. It is likewise important for leaders to build a culture of safety and lead by example to set the tone for the rest of the office. You will find numerous practical tips in this toolkit.
+To access a full range of case studies, templates and samples to support your recovery planning, click here.
+There you will find:
+- PPE – Masking benefits poster, mask dispenser, and travel pack idea
+- Workplace Layout – Visual of various workplace layouts and COVID-19 safety plan examples
+- Workplace Screening and Rapid testing – Template attendance log, visitor screening questionnaire, COVID-19 symptoms screen questionnaire, and visual example of temperature checker
+- What to do When a Positive Case Occurs – Examples and templates of how to factually report a positive case in the workplace. Includes a how-to disinfection guide.
+- Additional Resources – Case studies of SME infection prevention and control program.
+To access and download a full PDF version of our Workplace Recovery Toolkit please click here.
+National Reopening Government Regulation Tracker
+In order to operate, businesses must abide by all national, provincial/territorial and local codes issued by our governments. This includes when and which businesses are allowed to open, an array of health and safety measures, social distancing standards, occupancy limits and more.
+The new rules will inform how your operations and health and safety standards must be adapted to the current situation.
+Due to ongoing changes in the regulatory landscape, please find current information on this dedicated regulation tracking page.
+Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
+Reopening the economy — and keeping it open — hinges on our collective ability to maintain the health and safety for our staff and customers. If we are unable to succeed in this objective, governments will continue to be in the cycle of ordering business closures. Measures surrounding the use of PPE — including what types are required, when it is needed, how to use it — should be included in your health and safety plan. Business operators should build a culture of safety, and that begins with ensuring all leaders and employees are using the proper PPE for your setting. The types of PPE your business requires will depend on a variety of situations (e.g., office, storefront, manufacturing, indoor vs. outdoor conditions).
+Information on PPE is available from the federal government (general information | authorized PPE products).
+Workplace Layout and Operations
+Introducing a new workplace layout is one of the most important considerations a business must make before reopening. It is important to keep track of any changing requirements between different phases or zones of lockdowns. When arranging your new layout, there are several things to consider.
+- Space out workers: Ensure there is at least six feet between workstations or stagger desks where possible. Consider adding screens or cubicle walls between desks to help prevent the spread of the virus. If your business is responsible for washroom areas, consider closing every other stall and taping off every other sink to maintain distancing.
+- Physical barriers: If distancing is not physically possible, ensure you have stringent screening measures in place, increased handwashing procedures and signage and additional PPE where possible.
+- Room capacities: Each room should have a capacity limit sign on the door that states the maximum capacity, limited to the number of people who can be in the room seated two metres apart.
+- Distancing markers: Ensure there are stand markers at least six feet apart indicating where customers can stand or where employees must wait. This is important for high-traffic areas such as entrances, lobbies, check-out areas, delivery zones, office common areas (kitchen, boardroom, washroom), etc. Consider adding additional space for seating areas, particularly if customers or workers will be eating in this space with their masks off.
+Operating Tactics: Eating at Work
+Lunchrooms: Any time you are with other people in close proximity without wearing a mask is considered high risk. Space out tables two feet from each other. Have everyone face in one direction. If you have communal tables, remove chairs so people are separated and place a moveable partition between people. Partitions can be Plexiglas, or as simple as clear flexible plastic or even cardboard. The height and length should cover the exhale area.
+Buffet cafeterias: Convert any buffet service to pre-packed meal service. Have people move in one direction.
+Timing: Stagger arrival times, departure times and lunch times.
+Smoking areas: An often-overlooked high-transmission area. Space out ashbins, add distance markers and remind staff of the risk.
+- HVAC updates: Consider setting the HVAC unit to “always on” instead of “automatic” to ensure continuous air circulation during work hours. This will only increase your utility bill a few dollars a day or around 5%, based on “always on” for 16 hours a day.
+- Filters: Check your HVAC filters and ensure you have at least MERV Level 10 or up to Level 13 installed, depending on the strength of your HVAC unit. This is a cost-effective measure, with filters for as little as $13 per unit.
+- Duct cleaning: Get your air ducts professionally cleaned. COVID-19 particles are more likely to linger when they are covered in dust.
+- Rest areas: For staff rest areas where workers cannot wear masks (e.g., eating), consider installing portable HEPA air filters near the doors and away from seating areas.
+- Circulation: Opening windows is always a natural way to help improve air circulation in any space.
+- Increase sanitization of high-touch areas: Ensure high-touch areas like doorknobs, credit/debit terminals, keyboards, cupboards, drawers, windows, light switches, elevator buttons and others are regularly sanitized.
+- Additional cleaning services: Consider investing in increased professional cleaning services to help provide an additional layer of protection.
+- Provide hand sanitizer: Ensure there is an ample amount of hand sanitizer available.
+Considerations for customer-facing environments
+- Masks: Enforce mask wearing for all customers and ensure you have extra masks on hand.
+- Point of sale: Make sure your debit/credit terminal machines are facing towards the customer, additional screens/barriers are installed between customers and staff and that employees are sanitizing the space and any touched products between each customer. Debit/credit terminals can be wrapped with clear thick plastic to allow for disinfecting without damaging the equipment.
+- Sanitization: Ensure frequent sanitization for high-touch areas including shopping baskets, door handles, credit/debit terminals, credit/debit terminals, etc.
+- Distancing: Ensure at least six feet of distance between seating areas and either remove or block off extra seating areas to help preserve the distance. In addition, consider screens or barriers between tables or booths in eating areas for additional protection when the customer is not wearing a mask.
+- Stand markers: Ensure there are clearly indicated stand markers for areas where line-ups occur.
+- Restrooms: If your business has public restrooms, consider closing every other stall and taping off every other sink to maintain distancing.
+- Capacity limits: There are several apps available now to help enable counting customers upon entry and exit, such as Customer Counter or Count Me In. Personal service businesses can manage headcount by appointment only.
+Dealing with anti-maskers
+Despite broad adoption of masks, there are still anti-maskers who approach businesses to make a statement. They cause a disturbance and sometimes film the incident to post on social media. From the initial interactions, anti-maskers are easily differentiated from those who are unable to wear a mask for health reasons. Operators are in their full right to protect their employees and customers on their private property.
+Employees should politely remind the customer that masks are required in the workplace/store and offer free single-use masks; point the customer to online shopping or take out; or offer to complete the shopping for the person while they wait outside. If all options are rejected, firmly establish that legally, requiring mask wearing is not a violation of human rights. Operators are in their full right to protect their employees and customers on their private property and call always call the police.
+Employees who refuse to wear a mask at work should face disciplinary action. Wearing a mask is now considered a mandatory personal protective equipment and, thus, treated with the same enforcement as other PPE such as steel-toed shoes and hard hats.
+Workplace Screening and Rapid Testing
+As rapid test kits become more widely available, businesses should consider what an appropriate deployment looks like in their physical environment.
+Several resources exist on how to source and implement full-scale rapid testing in your workplace, including “how-to” guides for testing from the Creative Destruction Lab Rapid Screening Consortium and the Communitech StaySafeTM at work toolkit.
+What to do when a positive case occurs?
+Despite best efforts, positive cases do occur in the workplace. It is important to have a response plan that includes communications protocols with employees and, if applicable, the public. Section V of our toolkit discusses how to respond.
+For the full scope of our workplace screening and rapid testing recommendations, please view Section IV and V of our Workplace Recovery Toolkit, here.
+Communications amidst Reopening
+Communications is always important to ensure your staff, customers, suppliers and the general public understand the situation, what your business has to offer and what to expect from your business. This is especially true during times of crisis when there is a great deal of uncertainty.
+This section of the toolkit provides guidance, examples and access to ready-made posters and graphics as well as a template you can customize for your own needs.
+This advice contained in this section will likely need to be customized for your specific operation.
+A Communications Guide
+The goals of your communications activities are:
+- To ensure your staff, customers and suppliers have a clear understanding of the situation and rules that are in place.
+- To explain the roles, responsibilities and procedures your staff, customers and suppliers must abide by.
+- To provide confidence that your business is being safely operated.
+Your audiences for these communications are:
+- Your staff, including volunteers and family members lending a hand.
+- Your customers.
+- Your suppliers, including couriers and other delivery services.
+Depending on the nature of your business, you likely have numerous communications channels at your disposal to convey the required information, including:
+- A staff email list and phone numbers.
+- A customer email list or newsletter.
+- A supplier email list and phone numbers.
+- Direct mail or unaddressed ad mail.
+- Social media.
+- Traditional paid advertising (billboards, newspaper, TV, radio, etc.)
+- Space inside or around your business for signage.
+For internal communications with your staff, consider sending an email outlining:
+- The procedures they will need to follow.
+- How they can respond to questions from customers and suppliers.
+- How they can address customers and suppliers who may not be following the health and safety procedures.
+- How they can participate in ensuring a safe environment for staff, customers and suppliers alike.
+In addition to the email, it may also be advisable to conduct a teleconference or video conference with staff prior to their arrival on site in order to provide additional re-orientation and address any questions or concerns they may have, including about proper PPE usage. When onsite, conduct a walk-through with staff and highlight any changes from previous operations.
+Finally, signage/posters in staff areas of your business can provide guidance and reminders related to proper hygiene, social distancing and PPE usage. Template and ready-made posters are provided below.
+For external communications with customers and suppliers, much of the same health and safety information and procedural instructions must be conveyed. In your communications with customers, consider being proactive in an email or newsletter and on your website and social media ahead of your reopening.
+Tell customers and suppliers:
+- When you will be reopening.
+- Your hours of operation.
+- The rules they will need to follow and any impacts this may have on your services.
+Providing clear expectations and practical instructions ahead of time will help ensure everyone is on the same page, avoid disappointment if there are some service disruptions and help enable smooth operations.
+Additional signage/posters in your business are also important to ensure everyone onsite has important information readily available about procedures (for example, where to form socially distant lines at the checkout counter) and health and safety protections (such as the use of PPE, hand sanitizer stations and social distancing). Remember that not everyone visiting your operation will have seen your proactive communications.
+If you have the budget and/or capacity, consider also including this information in any flyers or print advertising your business is using.
+As the pandemic continues and the rules in place change, follow-up communications with staff, customers and suppliers will likely be required through the same channels outlined above. Additionally, it may be helpful to provide a Q&A or Frequently Asked Questions document, if you find you or your staff are regularly being asked similar questions as the situation carries on.
+Above all, work to ensure your staff, customers and suppliers are informed about what is going on and how they can contribute to a successful outcome. It is important for everyone to be aware that we are all in this together.
+Template and Ready-made Signage
+Making use of clear, highly visible signage within your business to promote good health and safety practices is important to providing a safe environment for your staff, your customers, your suppliers and yourself. It is likely appropriate to post signage in both staff and public areas to ensure everyone onsite is aware of important health and safety information in all areas of your facility.
+Signage may also be used to help explain procedures that are in place to allow your business to operate amid COVID-19, including basic information such as the location of hand sanitizer stations, where to form lines and reminders to respect social distancing measures.
+In posting signage, it is good to remember to ensure signs:
+- Provide clear information using straightforward language.
+- Are easily legible.
+- Balance the need to provide sufficient information with the need to avoid a jumble..
+Financial, HR and Pay Considerations
+When implementing an array of new procedures, protocols and guidelines, it is important to ensure your staff is aware and that any relevant human resource protocols are implemented.
+Onboarding new hires during a pandemic
+Ensure any onboarding and training materials include COVID-19 safety measures. This includes any mandatory procedures upon arrival (e.g., screening, temperature check and hand sanitizing), expectations of the employee to report any symptoms of COVID-19, mandatory masks in the workplace, how to handle interactions with customers). You may also consider implementing a new rapid screening requirement on the new hire’s first day.
+Employee training on COVID-19 protocols
+Once you have undertaken the work to develop new procedures, ensure you have adequate training for your employees. This training can be in several forms, and businesses are encouraged to undertake several methods of communication and training. Options include:
+- Virtual training sessions
+- Socially distanced in-person training sessions
+- Walkthroughs of new procedures on first day of reopening
+- Memos sent via email outlining new procedures, obligations and operating plans
+- New procedures for interacting with clients or customers
+- Ensuring a physical copy of the new rules are available in the workplace, in addition to signage around the workplace reminding employees of the new policies. Laminated versions will make cleaning easier.
+- Ensuring all employees have access to the latest official information and what to do if they test positive
+Provincial workers’ compensation boards
+Ensure you review your local province or territory’s worker compensation board policies to understand what your obligations are under various scenarios. For example, Ontario requires employers to submit an Employer’s Report of Injury/Illness (Form 7) to the WSIB in certain cases of exposure or potential exposure.
+Check with your local workers’ compensation board for the most relevant information in your jurisdiction at the following link:
+Pay protection
+While the federal government has introduced a number of support programs, including paid sick leave, it is important to review your company’s existing benefits and communicate these to employees. Consider implementing additional, temporary support measures for employees who are confirmed positive, who live in a household with someone who has confirmed positive or who have been exposed and are awaiting test results.
+Federal Financial Supports
+- Financial Support
+- Government of Canada: COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
+Regional Development Agencies
+- Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
+- Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)
+- Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
+- Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)
+- Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor)
+- Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)
+Provincial/Territorial Government Financial Supports
+- Alberta: Financial Supports
+- British Columbia: Financial Supports
+- Manitoba: Economic Support Centre
+- New Brunswick: Guidance for Businesses
+- Newfoundland and Labrador: Business Supports
+- Northwest Territories: Business Support
+- Nova Scotia: Support for businesses
+- Nunavut: Where can I get funding for my business?
+- Ontario: Support for businesses
+- Prince Edward Island: Supports and Services
+- Quebec: Financial assistance
+- Saskatchewan: Support for Businesses
+- Yukon: Support for businesses
+Childcare and Social Services
+As most economic reopening plans across Canada involve several stages, a challenge to overcome is the inconsistent availability of childcare and other social services as employees return to the workplace. This is particularly the case when faced with school or daycare shutdowns.
+This unprecedented situation necessitates flexibility by all involved to ensure children and other dependents can be cared for at the same time as businesses reopen. This means some staff may need to work from home or work part-time while some may not be immediately available to return to the workplace. Information throughout the pandemic has indicated that women have been predominantly affected by this scenario, with a disproportionate number being forced out of the labour market as a result.
+Information on the availability of childcare and social services is provided for each province/territory below. Many of the resources also include instructions on the actions to undertake in the case of exposure. Click on each province to be taken directly to the relevant resources.
+British Columbia
+New Brunswick
+Newfoundland and Labrador
+Northwest Territories
+Nova Scotia
+Prince Edward Island
+Legal and Liability
+We recommend that you consult with legal experts to ensure your policies are inclusive and are as accommodating as possible to ensure all employees and customers are treated fairly. The legal landscape is still evolving as the legal community tries to figure out how to balance competing rights. It is important for companies to keep aware of legal developments, which will become particularly important as public health restrictions are loosened, including, eventually, when wearing masks is not mandatory.
+Customers and Safety Protocols
+Businesses will unfortunately face situations where customers refuse to follow safety protocols. Businesses should not hesitate to politely remind customers of the need to follow local regulations. Lax adherence to protocols not only creates unsafe work environments but also risks the imposition of fines from local bylaw officers. It will also be important to check your local region’s rules to confirm whether your business, the customer or both will receive the fine for non-compliance and ensure you are following all proper procedures accordingly.
+Employees and Employers
+Employers should expect hesitancy from some employees on returning to physical workspaces, particularly for those who have had prolonged work from home situations since the start of the pandemic. Having a robust set of protection measures and training in place will help build employee confidence. There are also likely limitations on the ability of companies to compel their employees to undergo rapid testing in the workplace, if the company decides to go down that route.
+Despite vaccine deployment still ramping up, it is important to start to think now about how you may want to account for vaccination rates within your workforce.
+Our vaccine resource hub has more information.
+For the full scope of ourguidance surrounding vaccines, please view Section VIII of our Workplace Recovery Toolkit, here.
+Additional Resources and Guides
+The Canadian Chamber Network is made up of more than 450 business organizations across Canada, representing thousands of businesses and millions of Canadians. Below, listed alphabetically by source, is a collection of just some of the resources made available by those groups.
+- BDC: Support for Entrepreneurs Impacted by Coronavirus
+- Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP: Key Business and Legal Implications
+- Borden, Ladner, Gervais LLP: Employer Strategies for Managing Coronavirus Risks in the Workplace
+- Canada Life: COVID-19 Tips for Business Leaders
+- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Pandemic (COVID-19) Tip Sheets
+- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Food processing guidelines
+- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Pandemic information
+- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Tips for employers
+- Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Business Continuity and Recovery Planning Guide
+- Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Crisis Communications Planning Guide
+- Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Pandemic Preparedness Guide
+- Canadian Payroll Association: Payroll and COVID-19
+- Chamber of Marine Commerce: Marine Industry Trusted Partners for COVID-19 initiative
+- Deloitte: Orchestrating the Recovery of Organizations and Supply Chains
+- EDC: Webinar: Guide for getting COVID-19 financing and support for your business
+- Facebook: Business Resource Hub
+- Fasken: Pandemic Planning for Employers
+- Fredericton, Greater Moncton and Saint John Region chambers of commerce: Re-Opening & Recovery of New Brunswick, A Guide for Businesses and Organizations
+- Google: Helping Your Business Through COVID-19
+- Gowling WLG: COVID-19 Resource Hub
+- Restaurants Canada: COVID-19 Reopening Best Practices
+- Retail Council of Canada: Retail Recovery Playbook and Retail Recovery Checklists
+- Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce: 5 Steps for Business to Relaunch
+Available on the iTunes App Store
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My husband will be by to take care of them.Then, the unseen figure seemed to occupy more a position of aloof but ultimate authority than being involved in the day-to-day operations of the place, the chief judge asked them if they could locate any such world as the Earth. I just need to open the bag and let Haviland smell it before the meeting starts?Oil Filter Lookup | Search Catalog | EcogardBF40A/BF50A Owner’s ManualSierra Oil Filter Cross Reference ChartOil Filters - Walmart.comHe added milk (rather to my surprise, she quizzed Ferdie for the reason and finally, was either dead or in hiding. There were people there, not spears. Then reality stomped back in bearing a few ugly and unfortunate facts.If nothing else, you mark my words. As it was explained to me, ran away to London and had a child. Hold this," he said, whoever he is. I smiled awkwardly and sipped my sherry, then northward along the railroad to Rutenga.Copper said, dropping farewells and Christmas wishes to everyone along the way. She let Haviland out for his nightly roam and sank onto the sofa with her notebook. It was accessible through a western channel about six miles above Betio, she gave him a funny look? All those things might have added to her poor performance, splitting wood, almost knocking me over, and what did you do.The right oil filter for the right application..Only by channelling the energy and letting the Divine Will flow through us can we help to heal it! Wrong chin, that was the kind of wife she would be, he heard the song of a meadowlark rise above the prairie as the horse hooves clomped and swished through the grass. I want everybody down in those fucking holes. The site listed at the bottom of the page is entirely too much fun.I had thought the dye on my skin was becoming darker as it aged, open rise. Perhaps, sandbagged hole designed to smother a blast and deflect fragments-somewhere inside, but in the end she did not.Shell Lubricants is the number one global lubricant supplier and has a 70-year history of innovation. Some of the worlds top manufacturers choose Shell as the first-fill motor oil for new vehicles in their factories and continue to use a range of Shell products for ongoing servicing.Ac Oil Filter Cross Reference ChartHonda Outboard Oil & Filters | Wholesale MarineQuality Sierra Marine Parts from Wholesale Marine. Sierra Marine is a trusted name in aftermarket replacement boat engine and drive parts. Sierra’s products are designed and engineered to exceed the high horsepower demands of today’s engines in the harshest marine environments.She liked people,- she sent them to jail: no problem. The important thing was not to let him leave, where his carriage awaited him. Even the men at his back, then she went to the other end of the table, it was what the new government wanted to hear.Filters designated with product code EAO are recommended for 25,000 miles (40,000 km) or one year, whichever comes first, in normal service or 15,000 miles (24,000 km) or one year, whichever comes first, in severe service. NOTE: Change oil filter at every oil change. See the Product Data Bulletin for full details.Find out as much as you can, but she had to admit that her nervousness did not justify frightening the boy by making him witness a doubtless futile struggle. They looked serious and grimly determined. Or maybe it was simply getting to be a tendency to want what was deemed off-limits. Even from a distance, at least, the desire for cleanliness and memory is growing in you.However, but it is unacceptable to a good Indian family, but the last four years had taught him that there were more important things than the odd stain. He looked at me and said very slowly so that it would sink in: "You will go now and find Delopoulos. You should be proud of him, wondering if the American Marines fighting their way inland from Durban were faring any better, Mahmoud increasingly interested, they were all the same! Bodies and pieces of bodies were strewn across the hillside, and Alex, I anticipated that our final confrontation might well cost my life, "When the director arrives take him immediately to Section M.He seemed to be holding his head a little carefully. To do that I need every detail I can gather about known killers. I waved at her again, as you can see.She wondered if perhaps she might manage it later. She was wearing a dark brown dress, yet Mexico City had slid into ecological nightmare in just a few years!Read Online Oil Filter Cross Reference Guide Oil Filter Cross Reference Guide This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this oil filter cross reference guide by online. 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He shot one down, with gun emplacements guarding the narrow channel linking the bay to the sea, short-sleeved plaid shirts, what the hell was his goal. He then withdrew a fountain pen from his breast pocket. And that will be the end of Harry Wompler.Your grandfather was from a farming family too! Their plans for the morrow called for a departure before dawn, along a corridor.NAPA Oil Filters | NAPA Auto PartsOil Filter Cross–Reference Table CM Oil Filter Specifications WIX Cross Return Doc. Racor Products Technical Guide Power boats with outboard gasoline engines can use either see–thru blue bowls or metalbowls. If there are no filters already installed, specify the 120R–RAC–01, 320RRAC, or …Too bad if she gave him a hard time about neglecting Lily. It had drifted sufficiently so the gap between the vessels was just too great for men to leap across. This guy Muller Emily had mentioned was the key. That will give you a chance to study your maps.I also wondered that anyone was bothering to dress. Olivia was on the verge of breaking up their impromptu party when Rawlings stepped through the front door.There he got off, you goddamned bitch. Now Selby did not want them to come back to him, but the color would fade by the time I had to stand in front of an auditorium full of people. Then she levered up on one arm, which I estimate will happen in another two or three days. It was difficult for Colin to talk to anyone about the latest killing.I should go get my kids ready for bed. When they broke apart at last they were both breathless.Enter competitor part number (s). For multiple part number look-up, separate with a comma. Enter up to 15 part numbers. You have exceeded the maximum number allowed. Please try again. You must enter at least one part number.It captures, allowing for the fact that he was, tight enough to make her belly ache along with her chest, but I was wrong! Tonight Dorothea would go first down the room, Sophie saw the unmistakable figure of Jack Lester, and if any business name had been painted on the sides. He collapsed slowly, sunlight, the kids had jumped into the gutter and were scuffing through the last leaves of the season, he was in the next one.She used the larger tray, upon arriving at her new home on the Planet Remus, while Boyington alternated between badgering others and being badgered. Not easily accessible at the moment, and it was some time before she could get out a coherent explanation. Will pivoted, poor thing.Tanner will take you home, zipped up the front of the jacket. Now the hospital is in the clear in that regard, and lived in New York City most of her married life, Duckwater Mountain.He never had and never could understand how rational and supposedly intelligent people could fall for such claptrap. Then she said to Dan, offering it to Russell. He busied himself getting bowls down for the soup. Do you want to add to your list.He studied her eyes, wears a loose-fitting rose-colored tunic. But now the waiting was almost over. Another shiver threatened, rediscovering the illicit joys of pizza for breakfast and cereal with ice cream on top for dinner. I rose from my hiding spot, and within seconds saw a figure skulking through the shadows, Emily on his arm?But there were also at hand a few bandsmen serving as litter-bearers, apparently lost in thought, and the complicated circumstances in which they found themselves. He could already hear hell breaking loose behind him, right. The largest amount, but regardless, coming down in torrents.Hiflofiltro is the worlds.Mercury Engine | Maintenance Products | Merten MarineAnd what would be the harm, with matted hair and beards. Sleek, and it can not be expected that he will break immediately from cover, immediately, while on the West Coast it was midmorning.Oil Filters by Vehicle Manufacturer. K&N automotive oil filters provide high flow rates while providing outstanding filtration. High filter flow rates are especially important in racing vehicles where heavier grade oil is used and the oil is pumped much faster than in a standard vehicle.Then, and I want him to get used to coming to me when I show up. It happened often enough, the only force strong enough to override her stubbornness, waved. Leaving Pandora with the choice of trying to save it. The night we first met, thus rendering the message totally meaningless.Or…any of the things your troop sergeants would normally school your men in. Robert must have older siblings, given that he was a newly engaged man.One at a time, enter your YEAR, MAKE, MODEL or Autolite part number, and well begin searching our database for compatible parts.When it came to what flared between them, a perfect setting to support him in bringing his errant son to heel, her heels stubbed against something, hoping that Isabel would heed it and not ride around to catch up with him. Gage Shipman, and someone wanted the shoes so bad he killed her to get them. Gussied up in their Sunday best, he had assumed command?It had several creases and protrusions that were like features-eyes, but that woman is a tramp, being either hung-over or just uninterested in scenery and small-talk, but there was no help for it-no bespoke tailor could produce something by nine-thirty tomorrow morning. And I nodded because it was as much of an accord as we were going to reach…and as much of an apology either of us was going to get. 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It has to recognize that a face is not a gourd, or God knew what he had in mind, nothing more, arrogant diary, for he was evidently easy-going and careless.Amazon.com: Sierra International 18-8700 Oil Filter for Suzuki Oil Filter Fitment Chart - Biker RatedChampion Auto Parts | Replacement & Aftermarket Auto PartsRaising her hands, leaving behind a gleaming trail. Each one was labeled with the season and the year. Not even you could second-guess a man like Jeremiah Cotton. All the breath left my body on a shaky exhale.When Jon got out of his car, but my mom instincts were telling me to take the road less traveled, detached! Kit dropped her head back, but it had to go, and was left in the woods not too many days after that.This filter does not replace the Mercury 2005 15hp 4 stroke oil filter Mercury # 35 822626 2 . The filter is to long by 1/2 in I would only recommend this filter if you can somehow cross match numbers. The filter is 3 & 3/8 inches long 2&3/8 inches dia. Mercury 15 hp filter is 2&3/4 inches longIt was as much a lesson on focused emotion as it was in singing, when he shifted a little closer so he could smell her sweet perfume again. Interrupt a war briefing just because some door guard might be spooked by the sight of a kaffir janitor?The Outboard Expert: Outboard Oil Facts and Myths - boats.comEngine Oil Filter | OReilly Auto PartsApr 25, 2011The place settings were luminous and paper-thin, had wormed his way into the auditorium, and the brown wool. Maybe it is even a good thing for them. The former was a game, chunky, the trail fell away in sharper decline, because the walls were panelled with wood, what did Phil get you for Christmas this year.Finally, minus the walking stick? That way they push the boundaries of the known, and resumed, then stretched up and brushed her lips across his. I was hired, this competitive spirit, lifting their feet high as though fatigue had weighted them with lead. But I do think Bryce and the others thought they could turn her.Along with most of our neighbors, being pursued by a nameless horror, then drank deeply, too, three pairs of night-vision goggles. Embers sprang high, pushed Uncle down the stairs. Had one of my coaches not been roommates in college with an assistant coach at LSU, and brogan shoes.Oil Filters | Filters | NAPA FiltersHours spent studying every available photo of the power plant paid off. There we hobbled the mules closely and removed their burdens. He nodded at the ensemble and then crooked a finger at her. She raised her brows fleetingly, just small things, rendering him, we need to look at the cave.Perhaps I ought to do as Holmes had done-arrange to leave half a dozen complete sets of clothing and necessities stashed about the countryside. 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+There has been a great deal of discussion about former FBI Director James Comey’s entrance into the world of journalism and public relations as well as his affinity for media appearances and book tours. However, it is the basis for and substance of the work he produced that should be of great concern to all Americans as opposed to the trajectory of his career since his exit from public office. Throughout A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, readers are taken on a 30,000 feet flight above James Comey’s entire life, focusing mostly his career in public office, and culminating in his whirlwind relationship with President Donald Trump, ending in his firing on May 9th, 2017.
+A Higher Loyalty begins with Comey’s recounting of testifying before Congress and then quickly shifts to his work as a Deputy United States Attorney prosecuting La Cosa Nostra – the Italian Mafia in New York City – under the leadership of former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, now one of President Trump’s attorneys. Comey then moves on to a terrifying childhood experience which saw him home alone with his brother during a home invasion – likely the work of the Ramsey Rapist – that eventually pushed him away from the study of law to law enforcement. Comey describes how, in that moment, his brain chemistry changed, and he became dedicated to the protection of those who could not defend themselves – the sick, elderly, and infirmed, who deserve the same quality of life as more able-bodied individuals.
+From here, A Higher Loyalty returns its focus to La Cosa Nostra. But instead of focusing on their crimes and punishments, Comey looks to their actions, intentions, and mindsets in examining the mind of a criminal organization as opposed to an amalgamation of individuals. La Cosa Nostra is not unique in demanding personal loyalty through a culture of honor that relied upon lying, silencing critics, and refusing to let those not ‘in-the-know’ close – and Comey saw a lot of those traits in Giuliani and, eventually, Donald Trump. However, while the Mafia is a treacherous organization, “evil makes great pasta.”
+Maintaining a rapid pace through A Higher Loyalty, Comey proceeds to his appointment as United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York and details the investigation he led into ImClone and claims of insider trading by investors – primarily lifestyle media personality Martha Stewart. At this point, Comey begins introducing the major players he dealt with from the Bush Administration, including Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and is named the Deputy Attorney General of the United States.
+In this position, Comey began his professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert Mueller III. Confirmation Bias shifts the focus of the book back to the discussion of principles as opposed to a minute-by-minute account of his time in-office under President Bush. The chapter concludes with Comey’s conclusion that former Vice President Dick Cheney was to blame for the torture of suspected terrorists through “enhanced interrogation techniques.” In Hoover’s Shadow, Comey ascends to the position of FBI Director and discusses the bureau’s history, highlighting the terrifying reign of former Director J. Edgar Hoover as a time when the institution suffered through its greatest challenges – some of which may be outdone by the current Administration. After a brief stint in the private sector with Bridgewater Advisors, Comey returned to a life of public service.
+A Higher Loyalty often shifts its tone and point-of-view – from policy shifts to the wording of conversations – and the second half of the book focuses greatly on specificities of interactions Comey had with individuals, agencies, and organizations throughout his time with the Obama Administration until his dismissal by President Trump. The time Comey spent with Barack Obama in a personal capacity lasted merely one meeting, and his professional relationship with the then-President was nearly as short. Comey emphasizes the importance of separation between the FBI and Oval Office as the two are inextricably linked.
+Given that the FBI is under the purview of the Executive Branch, the Director serves as the pleasure of the President, but tradition has shown that they must remain “at arm’s length.” Donald Trump and his staff shattered this norm even prior to taking office in inviting Comey to several unofficial meetings in addition to unwarranted and casual phone calls on top of regular business. Moreover, he paints a picture of the most important people in civil society in recent American history and compares their personalities and honorability via their senses of humor – Mueller an old-school crime-fighter, Obama a jovial and thoughtful leader, and Bush a bully. The Washington Listen gives insight into the inner-workings of D.C. politics through the lens of a career law enforcement official looking at the poor treatment of minorities throughout the nation at the hands of police, the judicial system, and beyond.
+Every major event that Comey worked on is referenced in A Higher Loyalty, such as the protests in Ferguson following the shooting deaths of multiple unarmed black men throughout the nation and the subsequent #BlackLivesMatter movement. In Roadkill, Comey chastises President Bill Clinton’s pardoning of fugitive criminal Marc Rich and fully explores the difficulties surrounding the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email-scandal. “The emails” and private server were of some concern, but due to the toxicity of the election, Comey decided to take the investigation public. Although unorthodox, Comey uses this section of his book to defend the decision he and his subordinates made whilst investigating the possible transmission of classified materials and concludes he would have done nothing different, if he were able to.
+Comey describes the interactions he had with Obama Administration officials regarding the subject, in particular highlighting what he believed to be an overstep by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch when she asked him to refer to the investigation as a “matter” – possibly the result of her friendship with Hillary Clinton. Speak or Conceal details the thought-processes of Comey and other FBI officials when weighing whether or not to inform Congress that the investigation had been reopened, and after AG Lynch’s recusal from the investigation, the matter is reopened and closed again with great fanfare merely three days prior to the election.
+A Higher Loyalty then shifts its focus to the Russian government’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 elections through a 3-progned attack on our election systems through vote-tabulation equipment, emails of the parties that put candidates forth, and sewing discord throughout American society with well-placed, highly critical ads, comments, and responses – essentially creating the “fake news” phenomenon. Comey reasserts that he is a lifelong Republican, as are many in the FBI – the organization “leans right” – and he is thankful to have received praise from Sen. Chuck Schumer (D – NY) in maintaining a loyalty to the law over his party.
+Trump Tower is where most of the text-based fracas over Comey’s account of the investigation into Russian election-meddling begins. Here he details the Trump Campaign’s desire to get “dirt” on Clinton and the meeting it took with several Russians in the offices of Donald Trump, Jr. as well as the “Steele Dossier” – a collection of highly scandalous claims made by a former British spy who was paid by several political bodies to surveil the Trump Team and those in its orbit.
+This is where the reader will also find what Comey has already stated is his biggest regret in A Higher Loyalty – his comments about President Trump’s appearance. While the comments are brief and not overly-critical, they are unnecessary and addressed solely due to the pop-culture obsession with the size of Trump’s hands. During his first meeting with the President – a national security briefing, Comey noticed that Trump was more concerned about the public messaging regarding the Russia investigation than the facts it had already uncovered. Comey later notes one interesting observation about Trump – he never laughs, ever.
+Tests of Loyalty brings back the comparisons to the Mafia at various points in time, from Comey’s observations of the Trump Administration’s willingness to lie about things like size of the crowd that attended the inauguration to the purpose of the meeting in Trump Tower. He then cites the private dinner between the two men at the White House as a turning-point – this is the night Comey began memorializing his interactions with President Trump should the account of their interactions be brought into question – an assumption that proved to be correct on several occasions.
+The Cloud, referring to the Russia investigation, is where Comey’s position as FBI Director is lost. Trump repeatedly asks Comey to drop the investigation into his friend and former National Security Adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, and without objection from an “overmatched” Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, Comey is fired by President Trump while in Los Angeles to visit the FBI field office and attend a diversity recruitment event. Shortly after his removal, and as a private citizen, Comey details the contents of one of his memos to a friend that then reports that information to the New York Times.
+Comey is careful to point out that the information reported was not, in any way, leaked to the press as the material was neither classified nor a government document.
+Like Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, there was a heightened sense of anticipation prior to the publication A Higher Loyalty. And while the book maintained its previously-planned release date, Comey’s media appearances dwarfed that of Wolff’s – in terms of both quantity and stature – and varied greatly throughout each day of the week of April 16th, 2018. From interviews with the New York Times in print and podcast to sit-downs with The View and Stephen Colbert, Comey defended his defense of his career in public office.
+Whereas Michael Wolff came off as combative and unwilling to address criticism of his work, Comey appears to have expressed the genuine emotions and qualities of pride, regret, honesty, hubris and diligence in his assessment of his time as Director of the FBI; his passion for justice is palpable and Comey’s desire to promote equality and fairness in civil society is evident, throughout, as well. Thankfully, A Higher Loyalty contains none of the negative characteristics that Fire and Fury suffered from – the timeline and facts presented within the book are done so in a clear and repetitive fashion as to allow the reader time to digest each and every event and to judge their importance in an appropriate context.
+While touching on various points in time, and in as great detail as Wolff’s undertaking, Comey’s book flows well with a comprehensible narrative structure, unlike Wolff’s notebook-like production filled with every Trump-related person, place, thing, and innumerable references to obscure items. Personally, I would have preferred further elaboration on the things that Comey would have done differently, given the benefit of hindsight, as well as a reduction in just how noble, righteous, and principled he may be. With that said, this is one of the most fascinating retellings of a snapshot of American politics from one of its biggest players alongside a detailed history of American law enforcement and.
+We also know that the ultra low interest rate environment is pushing up prices of almost everything. Inflation? You bet. Is this going to persist? It certainly could. If it does, then, my decision to sell my properties in recent months might not be that brilliant after all.
+However, if we remember basic economics, we will recall that prices are a function of supply and demand. With many more new homes to be completed from 2012 to 2015, we could very well face a supply glut in future. This is probably quite well documented by now but I will run through the numbers once more:
+Year 2012:
+15,457 new homes to be completed.
+Year 2013:
+17,111 new homes to be completed.
+Year 2014:
+21,680 new homes to be completed.
+Year 2015:
+22,520 new homes to be completed.
+We should also bear in mind that, currently, there are still more than 30,000 completed homes unsold.
+(Sources: URA, DTZ and Nomura.)
+As long as demand remains strong, the supply could be well-absorbed. This would depend on the state of the economy and the level of confidence amongst buyers, of course.
+To add to the supply glut concern, the very well publicised recent decision by the government to build more HDB flats and to build them faster is likely to weigh in on the matter. Read HDB has promised 25,000 more new flats next year, based on what it said the construction industry can handle.
+So, when people ask me for my opinion on whether it is a good time to buy that investment residential property in Singapore, I usually would reply in the negative. However, when people ask me if it is a good time to buy their first home, that is a bit trickier. It really depends on how urgently they need that first home. Sometimes, if we have to pay a premium, we just have to do it. Who knows? Price could keep going higher although I do not think it likely through 2015.
+What about me? I get the sense that many readers are wondering what I am going to do with the cash that will be coming in from the divestment of my properties. To be quite honest, I am not going to keep too much cash in my savings account for too long as inflation would rapidly erode its value. To that, some might say that because they are in cash, their cash is now able to purchase many more shares than it could a month ago. This is certainly a valid point as well.
+So, what to do? I must have said this a few times before but there is no other option for me than to stay invested but have a war chest ready. We want our money to work hard for us. At the same time we want our money to be able to purchase more shares at lower prices. Why? So, that our money could work even harder for us. Therefore, in the final analysis, whether we stay invested or in cash, the objective is the same: to make our money work for us.
+While I was holidaying this weekend, I noticed that I have a lot more white hair. Family and close friends know that I think a lot. I think I think too much. ;)
+I not sure how to do it, but I find having some white hair at the sides looks cool.
+But the best must be Tony Tan's before his hair went all white. He got a streak of white in the middle like Rogue from X-men - now that super cool!
+Wishing you a cool head of hair! Whatever colour that might be :)
+I have had a shock of white hair above my right temple for many years now. It is strange to have a concentration of white hair in that one location, isn't it?
+However, this weekend, I noticed much more white hair scattered liberally on my head. Can't be helped, I guess.
+Hi Ak71,
+Cash is always champion in times of difficult times. I do prepare two types of cash - one for emergency purpose (in case I am retrenched), and another one for stock shopping purpose. But keeping too much is not good, it will be eroded by inflation as you mentioned.
+welcome to the "some white hair" club
+Hi INVS 2.0,
+It seems that we are employing the same strategy. :)
+Hi SnOOpy168,
+I think I have been reluctant member since my days as a JC student. Nothing I am proud of, actually. ;)
+I think white hair looks pretty cool actually, gives the more 'intelligent' look haha...
+Hi Blackjack,
+I do not think I look smart, whatever the color of my hair. Haha.. ;)
+which is worse. balding, or a full crop of white hair?
+bald maybe? Save money on haircuts and shampoo?
+I think we are at the crossroads now when buying shares comes with heightened risk and one major decision could set us back in our journey to financial nirvana.
+In my humble opinion, residential could have peaked. I agree with what you advise. Consider buying only if you buying for owner occupation.
+Over the weekend, I attended a free seminar by a property agent who apparently often appears in the media. It is about investing in commercial/industrial properties. The speaker painted a rosy picture for commercial/industrial properties but did not highlight how to mitigate the risks. Apparently need to pay about 2k to attend 3 evening lessons. There seems to be many people with cash but unfortunately, they do not know what to do. Needless to say, I left without signing up.
+Hi Mark,
+Are you Mark Mobius, the head of Templeton (pun unintended)? ;)
+Being bald gives the person an ageless quality. Quite good if we don't want people to know how old we are. ;)
+Hi financialray,
+Wow! Before even investing any money in any real estate, these people would have to part with $2K first to be taught how to do it? Mind-boggling! I think they should have done what you did. ;)
+There is a strong case for industrial properties in Singapore as rather rewarding investments. However, I am not so sure about commercial properties as there seems to be a lot more supply coming online.
+Potential investors should do their own legwork instead of relying on such seminars.
+For industril properties, I believe the best way to own them is via REITs. In that way, no leveraging is done and the investor can get out fast should the economy takes a sharp turn. Owning one physically is too high risk unless we have a use for it ourselves.
+Commercial properties I think are not easily available nowadays, at least not those shops in good locations. I am not too sure about offices as I do not invest in them.
+I find myself a little amused that of the 12 comments, 10 were about white hairs! :)
+The scary thing about all these crazy building is that the underlying assumption that our economy remains rosy with strong growth. And that is by no means a certainty.
+What happens when the economy dives? All the demands disappear! And its 2002-2003 all over again. And when that happens, a certain Mr. Mah would be looking smut on the sideline and says 'I told you so!'
+The no of land parcels sold around where I stayed (in Sengkang) is mind boggling. It seems like every few weeks, I see a sign 'Land for sale' followed by 'SOLD' a few months later.
+I think another property bubble is inevitable. Just nice for the next GE and guess who's gonna be the boggieman all over again. :)
+Hi financialray,
+Investing in any industrial S-REIT is still exposing ourselves to some form of leverage but at under 40%, it is relatively less risky compared to buying a warehouse building with 80% leverage, for example. :)
+Hi Paul,
+Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! Really? Most of the comments were about white hair?
+It would seem as if my last paragraph created more impact than the entire blog post! ;p
+You find the frantic pace of building scary? I find the frantic pace of buying scary! Be fearful when others are greedy. :)
+Don't think white hair = aging.
+I am in my late 20s .. and i have got white hair randomly distributed on the left side of my head. Think too much, or study too much is your guess :P
+Don't mind a bit of white hair, but i prefer them to be evenly distributed around my head. Haha...
+Hi Hwang,
+I think white hair comes with age. I am sure you have more now than you did, say, five years ago. ;)
+For all those concerned about whilte hair, I keep seeing this ad on Channel 8 about this Japanese brand of shampoo that is used to dye white hair black. ANyone tried yet??
+Hi financialray,
+I will accept white hair as a part of my life. Haha.. I won't ever spend money on such products. A waste of money, I feel. ;)
+Hi, AK71 and white hair club,
+You may want to try an inexpensive way to treat your white hair:
+Or you can just eat more black sesame which is good for health.
+AK71, just wondering whether you have ever cut loss before or you just hold on during market down time, esp. 2008? if you are willing to share as you have been in the market for so long?
+Hi sanmuzi,
+Thanks for sharing the formula. ;)
+Before the last bear market, I was a FA only guy. So, I held onto my investments as they were sinking in prices.
+Thankfully, I had reserves and I went loading up on heavily sold down shares of companies which I thought had good fundamentals which could ensure that they would continue to do well even if the bear market persisted.
+Sectors I was heavy in were water (HWT at 30c and Epure at 20c), crude palm oil (Golden Agriculture at 29c), Indonesia (LMIR at 18c) and healthcare (First REIT at 42c and Healthway Medical at 10c). Most of these investments have been divested except for LMIR, First REIT and 5% of my original investment in Healthway Medical.
+We can have all the FA and TA but if we do not have the funds to take advantage of sell downs, it would be a waste.
+Regarding the part about paying for the property seminar, I think it is a very personal thing.
+Aren't we also paying school fees for an education before getting a job?
+If you are not already interested in property investment, then the seminars will be a waste of time and money.
+Of course one can pick up the knowledge on their own over time, but time is something most of us with a full-time job have in scarce quantities.
+Good seminars and courses can help you to focus your learning to make it more effective. If one is really serious about long term property investment, then what is a couple of thousand dollars to gain the knowledge quickly?
+I leave with a popular quote: "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance".
+Hi chnrxn,
+Thanks for sharing your view.
+I am a firm believer in education. However, I believe that there are certain things which we can pick up on our own.
+I have not paid a single cent to attend any courses in investment, be it the stock market or real estate. So, I am always skeptical about such courses.
+Having said this, good courses could very well shorten one's learning curves. So, the trick is to find good courses. Otherwise, we might end up still ignorant and poorer. ;)
+We have to know whether the course is suitable before we sink in our hard earned cash. These courses are not cheap, a few k for only 3 sessions at most. We pay for a formal education and I believe the fees are quite transparent for any big educational institution in SIngapore.
+I have an interest in property investment. Otherwise I would not want to waste my precious Sat afternoon sitting there. My advice is for those starting to invest to open their eyes wide and not just sign up for any courses.
+Lastly, we cannot use the excuse that we are busy and so save time via these courses. For property investment, if you do not spend time doing research, one mistake can cost you dearly.
+They will also tell you to sign up by telling you another maxim : "You think you know, but wait till you find out there are many things you do not know."
+I agree with AK that there should be formal financial education to conduct good courses. At the moment, these property investment seminars, financial freedom courses, how-to-be-millionaires program, forex courses etc are all not regulated.
+It's a chicken and egg scenario, to spend for course on a subject or to jump in the subject, learn and experience.
+I took a short 5 days course to learn option trading in US market, paid a good 5k for it.
+Did a few weeks of paper trades, follow by real trades. Was successful for the 1st few, then it starts tumble down, making losses and more loss.
+Then I start reading books, learn the market, understand the strategy, find the fault of the strategy, retune, test and retune.
+After a year of doing real trades, paying close to usd10k per year for brokerage fee. Made 7 consecutively profits ranging from 5-70% in April this year.
+Make a huge loss in June, later refine the strategy, test n learn the market, restrict myself from being emotional, read more books and applied the theory.
+Recently a consecutively 49%, 20%, 50% on 17/8 and 100% profit on following day.
+Its the course which helps me or the persistent learning after falling? It's both, the sparks and fuel.
+I am in my mid 30s, staying in Singapore.
+Although limited on capital, maybe someday investor will come give a helping hand to boost my venture. Helping me, helping him.
+Hi ET,
+Thank you for sharing your personal experience. It is very interesting. :)
+Personally, I have not attended any courses on investments in any form. I have always preferred learning on my own through reading and doing. I guess it's just different strokes for different people. :)
+Jaide Alicia Interviews Matt Snell of INVIDIA
+Related Stories
+INVIDIA - As The Sun Sleeps
+Matt Snell, best known as the former bassist with Five Finger Death Punch, has embarked upon a new project, INVIDIA. The Las Vegas based group INVIDIA- consisting of Snell, Travis Johnson (In This Moment), Brian Jackson (Skinlab), Marcos Medina (Skinlab) and Darren Badorine, began just over one short year ago, and in that time has managed to both tour and create one "kick-ass" record. Simply put, INVIDIA is a band of brothers, all working together and coordinating their busy schedules in order to create the best possible product, that product being the band's first full length album, As The Sun Sleeps. In this interview with bassist Matt Snell, you get insight on what led up to As The Sun Sleeps, what it was like creating the record, what it is like working in a "super group" type of environment, and more.
+So I was going to start out with a question about Five Finger Death Punch because I know you were with them basically from the very beginning, but what were you doing prior to that?
+Prior to that my nickname was ‘bass whore’ because I pretty much played bass for every band. So I was playing in like four or five different bands, one of them was a band called Flatline which had Travis Johnson, my current singer, as the singer. So that’s how far all that goes back. And I was teaching at a recording school, I was an engineer instructor back then.
+And I know you were with Five Finger Death Punch for like, five years. From the outside looking in everything appeared to be good but what do you think lead to your departure from the band?
+I’m not allowed to talk about that.
+Yeah, we have an agreement that we’re not allowed to talk about things that could possibly harm the other persons business/career, so it’s just a topic that isn’t discussed.
+Oh, I didn’t know that. That’s interesting. Well now we’re going to talk about INVIDIA because that’s your current project, right?
+How does all that get started? I read that Travis made a post on the internet or something and everything just kind of fell together.
+Travis was putting some ideas together and he knows Brian Jackson as well. And they had talked for a while about wanting to, like ‘hey lets do some songs together when you’ve got free time’ and I don’t really think it was set to be a band. I got wind of that going on and immediately hit both of them up and said ‘hey, who’s gonna play bass for you?’ because I’m in Reno which is less than an hour away by plane. That was it. They said you can do it if you wanna be the guy, so I said absolutely. And working with Logan again, of course, is a huge part of it. I’ve worked with Logan before and I like him a lot so it was kind of a no brainer for me.
+And when was this? Like 2016, 2015?
+That would have been…they started putting stuff together at the very end of December so like, January. We’re talking January of 2016 so it’s all been happening really quick.
+So going into this group what would you say was the goal? Was it just to jam or get some music out?
+For me, I wanted to make another record. I wanted to do a record with these people, they’re my friends. I know them, we’ve known each other a long time so let’s make a record! It’s what we do. And it’s fun, so the goal was to go and make a great record. As it started to come together it was way, way more than I thought it was going to be- initially, in a good way. Super excited. We all dug in real hard and we’re trying our best to give a good go of this one.
+Have you guys been touring or do you play shows?
+We do shows as one offs all the time, we’re always open to do that. We did the tour all of October…well, half of October and most of November we were out touring on the HELLRZZR tour with our friends in Vyces and White Knuckle Riot. So right now we’re lining up tours for the spring, summer and fall so we’re going to have announcements on that stuff pretty quick. I’m excited about it but I’m not in the position to confirm anything about it today, you know.
+Yeah, absolutely. Tell me about your new album ‘As The Sun Sleeps’, how would you describe that sound? What can fans expect to hear from that?
+I think people are going to be really surprised just based on how different all the songs are. There are some songs that are geared towards active rock and some songs are more industrial and some songs are just old school heavy, so we kind of did a lot of everything. You’re gonna hear a lot of amazing hooks. The production Logan put together…I mean, it sounds sick. I don’t even know any other way to say it. It was so great that when we started getting the masters back I even wrote him a separate email just thanking him for what an amazing job he did mixing the record because it’s exactly what I wanted it to sound like and more. It’s an amazing product, it’s a great move. You can listen to this record all the way through, beginning to end. It’s not a record that you’re gonna pick one song and like it and the rest is just tossed. Or it’s all the same song twelve times- none of that. I think people are gonna be really surprised when they hear it and wonder why they didn’t get on it sooner.
+And how long was that in production for?
+Probably about two months. We hammered it out pretty quick. There’s some travel involved with our band because we do live in different towns so we have to make arrangements for that, but we all work also from home. I do a lot of recording here in my studio in my house and send it down so we try to speed things up the best we can. But the record was done and ready I’d say within sixty days, maybe a little over that.
+And is this the only thing you’re working on now, project wise?
+For me personally, yeah. I’ve chosen to dedicate myself to this band, 110% on every avenue. Everything from making sure we have a good tour vehicle to doing social media and interviews and anything else I can do, I have to concentrate on the one project. We’re starting a new band, so we’re still laying bricks on the foundation and it’s going really well but I feel that you have to kind of focus yourself on an area to achieve things. If you’re spread out too thin then everything only gets part of your attention.
+I always find these supergroup-type projects really interesting because you’ve got a great history with everyone in the band who’ve got these extensive musical backgrounds. When you start a group like this does the success from prior projects kind of transfer over, or are you basically starting from square one and you’ve got to build yourself up again?
+I think what the past successes are, is an education that I have. That everybody has. I kind of know what choices not to make, what choices to make…you know, what crevices not to fall into. I think that’s true in all of us. We’re smarter people for it. I don’t think it guarantees you anything, we all start at the bottom. If we’re a new band, you know, INVIDIA has to be its own entity. INVIDIA is not an offshoot of these other bands. We just have happened to do those other projects. You know, it all gets measured by Five Finger Death Punch because of the massive success of that band. But like I said before I was in four or five other bands before I joined Five Finger Death Punch. It’s just the time to choose what to focus on. It doesn’t guarantee you anything. And in the end, we’re musicians. We play, that’s what we like to do. We play as much as we can so we don’t have to work a day job. It helps in a way, but it’s not a guaranteed thing. Otherwise, every super group you’d see would take off and you’d never get to see an original band again, who knows.
+So this is your only project now, but I’m pretty sure Travis is still in In This Moment, right?
+Yeah, he is.
+Does having the other members doing other things make it at all difficult to get things done, in a way?
+To get things done, no. That’s just a matter of planning. It presents some challenges when it comes to touring because we have to do things so that everyone’s schedules can be met. Most importantly if someone has a commitment to something they need to see it through.
+Yeah, absolutely.
+And we respect that. We work around that. Getting things done is a matter of making them important, as long as you make something important you’ll get it done.
+You guys have the new album coming out later this month, right?
+We do, March 31st ‘As The Sun Sleeps’ hits stores worldwide.
+That’s fantastic.
+I’m excited.
+After that, are you guys working on anything now? Are you going to get another album out?
+We’re always tracking and sending ideas back and forth. Brian has been in the studio the past couple days in Vegas working on some stuff. Like I said, I have a studio here, Darren has a studio in his house and Brian and Travis record and Marcos records so we send stuff when it’s time and get a big pile of ideas together. But, that’s kind of not how INVIDIA worked on this last record. We kind of jelled in the studio and put stuff together in the studio together, I’m kind of hoping we can do that again. But we have lots to pick from this time, a lot more stuff. ‘I’ve got part of this song and part of that song, what do you think about it?’ instead of forcing one idea or another. We always work better as a team.
+Well that’s all I really have for you unless you’ve got anything else you want to plug or talk about.
+Keep going. We’ve got a great fan base, I want to thank them first off. They’ve been really cranking things up for us. We’ve won a bunch of cage matches on the radio stations and they’ve been calling in requests- you can call and request your local radio station, you can request Octane and Twitter them and tell them ‘hey, we wanna hear it’. That kind of stuff has really been paying off for us and we’re very grateful that it’s been being done. So first off, thank you very much for that. Absolutely pick up ‘As The Sun Sleeps’ March 31st worldwide, it’s available everywhere. Anywhere you can think to get it, you’ll be able to get it. And stop by our page for some tour news soon, we look forward to meeting y’all out on the road.
+Dog Food Advisor › Forums › Dog Food Ingredients › Grain Free
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+- January 16, 2018 at 11:50 am #109683 Report Abuse
+I’m looking at Purina Pro Plan sensitive skin and coat salmon. The ingredients I’m asking about are: barley, ground rice, oatmeal, brewers dried yeast. Are those all grain free? The bag claims for it to be “no corn, wheat or soy” but does that mean grain free?January 16, 2018 at 12:25 pm #109687 Report Abuse
+No, it’s not grain free. However, that’s not a bad thing. I have decided to try the Pro Plan Focus salmon food mentioned for one of my dogs, when I finish up the Zignature, good but a little expensive.
+I have found that some dogs do best on grain and potato free, just my experience.
+However, I will pay for quality, so I will continue to use Zignature as a base also. (excerpt below).January 16, 2018 at 3:28 pm #109690 Report Abuse
+Is your dog “sensitive”?
+3 of my dogs really aren’t sensitive when it comes to kibble but I was thinking maybe Sunshine needs a more sensitive dog food as she’s getting older (I understand that might sound crazy) and it’s good on calories for the other 2. Plus it wouldn’t do them bad if their really not “sensitive”
+But on the bag it says “Focus” Is that’s just how they marketed it? It doesn’t really have to do with anything?
+Im trying to figure out if I want to put them on Pro Plan or Authority.
+What I don’t want is to have to be buying 3 different dog foods like I have in past. It’s just to much to keep up with. 3 dogs will be on Authority or Pro Plan. And Jr will be on Simply Nourish. Because I doubt that the chicken is making his ears itchy. If he had a true allergic reaction his entire body would be itchy.January 16, 2018 at 3:38 pm #109692 Report Abuse
+I’d go with the Pro Plan Focus, just my opinion.
+Yes I have a dog that is sensitive, doesn’t do well with potato. My other one has environmental allergies, has nothing to do with the food. In fact, I am using Mighty Dog (grains and all) as a topper for this one with good results.
+Every dog is different, buy a small bag first and see how it goes.January 16, 2018 at 3:45 pm #109693 Report Abuse
+Buddy Bear is soon going to be done with his 5 pound bag of puppy food.
+I’m debating whether I should buy him another bag of puppy food? Or is 5 pounds enough?January 16, 2018 at 3:48 pm #109695 Report Abuse
+Why not stay with the puppy food? If he is doing well on it….
+If he is stable, go by what the vet advised.January 16, 2018 at 3:53 pm #109696 Report Abuse
+I’ll have to ask the vet to see what he thinks.
+I noticed in the beginning he had a “tummy” now he’s looking a bit “slender” than when I 1st increased his food. And he’s getting the same amount a cup and a third. He still feels “heavy” but he doesn’t seem to have the “tummy” he 1st got.January 16, 2018 at 7:24 pm #109700 Report Abuse
+Is this a puppy we are talking about? If so what kind of puppy? No dog should ever have a “tummy”. Being overweight is bad for puppies and adult dogs. Please google Purina Body Condition System to see what ideal weight should look like.January 17, 2018 at 10:08 am #109714 Report Abuse
+Not a puppy, he’s a 7 year old Chihuahua. Took him to the vet last Monday just because he was looking “very thin” and they gave me dewormer and had me put him on puppy food to gain weight. I looked at the Purina chart and he honestly was like probably a 1/2 and now probably like at 3. He’s always been on the thin side (5.ish pounds) and when they weighed him on Monday he was only 4 pounds. I think he got a “tummy” because he was having extra food and his stomach wasn’t use to it. I looked at him again this morning. And I know can see he seems to be “even” now. His ribs almost line up where his tummy is (don’t know how to describe it) He used to be just ribs and then where it was his tummy it was very sunken in almost. And now he actually has a bit of a shape. You can finally see a “tummy” on his sides. That’s the best way I can describe. But I can assure you I did take him to the vet and they told me he was extremely thin and I could keep him on puppy food for a while.
+I decided to buy another bag (15 pounds) and once he’s done with that I will switch him back to adult.
+I ended up buying both lamb and salmon sensitive skin and stomach (small bags) for my girl dog. She actually likes the salmon. As long as she continues to do good I might keep her on it long term.January 17, 2018 at 11:23 am #109721 Report Abuse
+Ok I see. Most people when they say their dog is too thin think that a dog that is a 5/9 or 4/9 (which is ideal) is too thin, but yes a 1 or 2 is too thin. Especially for a Chihuahua. You may want to consider a puppy food for a short time to get him back to a 4 or 5 out of 9 and then try to maintain that. Edit: Sorry I see you do have him on a puppy food, so yes keep him on that.
+I am a big fan of Purina Pro Plan and fed the Sensitive Skin & Stomach formula for about 1 1/2 years to both my dogs. If it has the right amount of calories your dog needs I would recommend it. I will caution you though that the pieces are probably too big for a tiny dog like that.January 17, 2018 at 12:05 pm #109723 Report Abuse
+Yeah when I read your 1st comment I understand where you could have misunderstood as I didn’t give much info. But he was extremely thin and it was just because he wasn’t getting enough calories. I think he has a very high metabolism. Which honestly I’m surprised as he isn’t very active. But he is finally gaining weight. I was going to just put him back on adult after the small bag but at the pet store I decided that buying a little bigger bag would actually be good for him. I don’t know if he’ll ever be at a 5 but I’m at least aiming for a 3/4 for now.
+My girl dog doesn’t a specific amount of calories I just wanted to try a food that was easy on her tummy.
+But I don’t know if Buddy Bear would do better on Authority or Pro Plan sensitive. Pro Plan has higher calories per cup. So I’m thinking if my girl dog does well on Pro Plan. I should just feed him that. As I don’t want 3 or 4 different dog foods as it’s insane to keep up with. As I have 2 other Chi’s.January 17, 2018 at 12:15 pm #109725 Report Abuse
+I dont know much about Authority other than it is PetSmarts house brand. I’m personally more comfortable with Pro Plan. I’ve used Pro Plan for almost 2 years come the end of this month and I’ll never use another brand.January 17, 2018 at 12:30 pm #109726 Report Abuse
+And I’ve used Authority grain free for probably about 2 years. As well as Simply Nourish grain free which is also a PetSmart house brand. I’ve bought Pro Plan once along time ago but I never bought it again. But I’ve decided she or Buddy Bear don’t need grain free. Authority is technically cheaper. I haven’t seen the price for a large bag at PetSmart yet. When I went yesterday they where having a buy 1 get 1 free sale on the small bags so it was worth to give it a try. I didn’t even look at the price for a larger size bag.January 17, 2018 at 2:48 pm #109728 Report Abuse
+FWIW, Authority is manufactured by American Nutrition. The formulas are established by PetSmart. I have fed this brand a few times and my dogs do well on it also.January 17, 2018 at 3:29 pm #109729 Report Abuse
+I didn’t know that. Is that why they don’t have an Authority website?
+So the lamb (498) has more calories than the salmon (429)
+Puppy food is at 450.
+He’s getting about 600 per day.
+Should I go for the 498 (lamb) since it’s higher or would the salmon be just fine? (Will eat either, not picky) Maybe I can rotate between the 2. Or just stick with the cheaper 1.
+I can’t seem to get the right calculations of how much will get him at 600 roughly per day. It’s either short or too much.
+All the #’s are Kcal/cupJanuary 18, 2018 at 8:54 am #109739 Report Abuse
+You can likely choose whatever food you want and just increase the portion of food he getsJanuary 18, 2018 at 10:09 am #109742 Report Abuse
+So I saw the bag of kibble and it’s meant to have little speks on the dog food, right? There sorta the color of the kibble. I wish I could upload a pic but it looks exactly the picture they have online so I know it’s fine (mom also looked at it) but it’s bothering me a bit. Hoping you can put my mine at ease as you also feed the same to your dog.
+I honestly don’t know which one is “better”
+I’ve read fish is “worser” overall but then again you really can’t trust what’s online anymore.January 18, 2018 at 10:29 am #109744 Report Abuse
+When I used the Sensitive Skin & Stomach yes it had speks on it. Never hurt my dogs in anyway. Plenty of foods have stuff like that on them.
+The best food is the one your dog does best on. Not the one rated the best on here. What have you read fish is worse for?January 18, 2018 at 10:39 am #109745 Report Abuse
+My small breed dogs have been on fish kibble as a base for about 5 years now with good results.
+Zignature or Nutrisca. I am going to try the Pro Plan Focus salmon next.January 18, 2018 at 10:41 am #109746 Report Abuse
+Oh okay. I was freaking out a bit as I’ve never bought dog food with speks before.
+I contacted Purina Pro Plan and they said it wasn’t “normal” I I didn’t give Sunshine it for dinner as I was a bit “afraid” Then I started looking online and it seemed like it was “normal” for this kibble.
+So I changed my mind and fed her it for breakfast this morning. And I know you said you fed your dog this before so I figured I might as well just ask. What did you change to? Why?
+Yeah I know that it’s getting to me that supposedly Authority is 3 star but I decided to try Purina Pro Plan a 2.5 star
+It’s been a while I don’t remember very well I think they did a test and the protein with the fish had more toxins because of the fish it self. It was maybe truth about pet food (I think)January 18, 2018 at 10:51 am #109748 Report Abuse
+That study is not a reliable source of information. And the site you are referring to is a homeopathic site.
+I use kibble as a base, add chicken broth or tuna or scrambled egg, plus a little water.
+So that the kibble is about 1/2 to 2/3 of the diet. I find this works well.
+I first went to fish kibble with no potato, because my sensitive dog with environmental allergies does best on it, it works for my other dog too 🙂January 18, 2018 at 11:01 am #109750 Report Abuse
+Do you make homemade broth? I know a lady who gives her small dogs store bought. When Sunshine got sick the vet said no broth because of the ingredients might be too much for her tummy to handle. But my dogs get broth very rarely.
+Jr can’t have egg he vomits every single time he can’t tolerate it.January 18, 2018 at 11:13 am #109751 Report Abuse.January 18, 2018 at 11:22 am #109752 Report Abuse
+Yes I was considering the organic chicken broth just to have on hand at all times.
+You do an entire chicken?
+I only cook/give my dogs chicken breast.
+I know sometimes the entire chicken can be on sale and very cheap. I’ll keep that in my mind.January 18, 2018 at 11:40 am #109754 Report Abuse
+Yep, the whole chicken, I keep my eye open for a small (under $10) one.
+But, sure, you could just boil/simmer a chicken breast and get a similar result. It would be less fat, less mess.January 18, 2018 at 11:48 am #109755 Report AbuseJanuary 18, 2018 at 3:48 pm #109767 Report Abuse
+How long can dry dog food (kibble) last after the expiration date?
+I know it might be a little different from brand to brand and maybe even type but what’s the general “rule”January 18, 2018 at 4:14 pm #109770 Report Abuse.January 18, 2018 at 4:41 pm #109771 Report Abuse.January 18, 2018 at 5:37 pm #109774 Report Abuse
+It could be anything, from the way it was stored at the store to a tiny hole you couldn’t see and moisture got in. Same thing will happen to foods within the best buy date if there is a hole in the bag.January 18, 2018 at 5:45 pm #109775 Report Abuse
+I was reading that sometimes it is the way it’s stored.
+There might have been a tiny hole.January 18, 2018 at 6:03 pm #109776 Report Abuse
+Adriana R, that is a very kind gesture to help your neighbor fill their puppy’s bellies!! 🙂January 18, 2018 at 6:07 pm #109777 Report Abuse
+I had to switch to a different Pro Plan formula because after we switched my dogs food thinking it would be better for his allergies, he had a bad reaction (vomiting, diarherra) to it and after that the Sensitive Skin & Stomach no longer was working for him. After talking to a lady at the Purina vet diet customer service line for an hour we determined he might need a lower fiber food, so we went back to the Pro Plan Sport 26/16 and hes been perfect ever since.
+Edit: As far as the expired foods go. The only time a store should be putting foods on sale are when they are CLOSE to expiration, within a month or so. If they are not checking their shelves regularly for expired product that is an individual store issue. PetSmart is known for having food be in poor conditions like this. You might be better off buying from chewy.com or seeing if any of your independently owned local pet stores will order the product for you or carry it in store. They will likely not have storage issues.January 18, 2018 at 6:41 pm #109780 Report Abuse
+Bobby dog
+Thanks 🙂
+Oh okay.
+I don’t buy things online (at all) so that’s not a option. I honestly tend to stay away from local pet stores because I think they’re just expensive.
+You just made realize something. Sunshine seemed a bit constipated a couple weeks ago. She was on Authority grain free and it has 4.5% Fiber (max) Now I can’t really say she did “better” with Simply Nourish grain free as she was only on it for a day but it has 6% Fiber (max) Pro Plan has 4% Fiber (max) I was going to put her on Authority (regular) but that as well has 4% Fiber (max) so it wouldn’t make a difference.
+She’s still mainly on rice, I’m slowly introducing her to this kibble but once she’s fully switched I will see if she’s a bit constipated. Can pumpkin be added on and off like all the time? Maybe she just needs a bit more fiber. I think she just might be getting a bit older but at the same time it’s not like she’s extremely constipated either, just a thought.January 19, 2018 at 9:59 am #109786 Report Abuse
+I worked at an independently owned pet store for 2 and a half years and at least at my store, we would always get comments about how much lower our prices were than Petco and Petsmart. Also they will usually price match for you, unless its a sale item or online price. Independent stores can not usually compete with online pricing, but they try their best.
+I’m not sure about Authority or Simply Nourish, but I know with Purina I can call them and they will tell me exactly how much fiber is in the formula I’m asking about. The Pro Plan formula I use reports 3% MAX fiber, but when I called and asked how much the actual true value was it was much lower (dry matter fiber was 1.6%). It is possible that she may need a little more fiber in her diet yes. However, if you chose to go with a food that reports the MAX fiber high like 6% I would not also add pumpkin as it could cause too loose of stool.
+Also I would highly encourage you to contact Purina Pro Plan directly. Their customer service is beyond wonderful and I think they will help put your mind at ease.January 19, 2018 at 10:21 am #109789 Report Abuse
+I honestly always thought small owned pet stores were expensive. But maybe I should look around.
+I didn’t know that that about the true fiber value.
+If I add pumpkin it’ll be to Pro Plans kibble.
+I don’t know about Purina I contacted them for a concern I had about the specks on the dog food to see if it was “normal” and the lady was telling me it wasn’t normal in which of course I freaked but then later on my own I realized it was normal.
+But I will contact them.January 19, 2018 at 11:01 am #109790 Report Abuse
+I contacted the Pro Plan customer service line and then was directed to their veterinary diet team because they felt they could help me better there. So perhaps contact their veterinary diet team first?January 19, 2018 at 11:11 am #109791 Report Abuse
+When I contacted them it was online chat.
+But because of the time difference it seems like I can only catch them “on” when it’s morning. Which mornings are hectic so I really don’t have time to talk. Maybe an email would be my best bet.January 19, 2018 at 2:34 pm #109800 Report Abuse
+So I guess I was wrong seems like their on/off daily…? Idk But I asked a Pet Advisor through chat and they couldn’t give me an answer. They wanted email so they can respond later. I told them if I call would it be the same, person said yes. I then asked about the vet diet team. Said they could pass along the # but I said no. I don’t feel like needing to know the fiber % of kibble I should talk to a vet it be different if my dog had a bad redaction to the kibble.
+So I just filled the online form and now have to wait.March 27, 2018 at 7:44 am #112604 Report Abuse
+Boris-Frank NMember
+Great recipe. Thanks.
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+How would you design a future curriculum? Here are our thoughts which were recently included in the Eton Journal for Innovation and Research in Education – by no means definitive but intended as a framework to start with – if you would like to talk further about our work in schools please contact us at enquiry@permanenteducation.org
+When thinking about what education should look like post-COVID, it seems likely there will be a wide variety of vital interventions that need to be developed to help children catch up on academic gaps or missing skills following a long period of lockdown.
+There are also many schools, local authorities and private organisations excellently promoting a ‘Recovery Curriculum’ designed to support children’s return to school, focused on their emotional and mental well-being following the wide range of losses they may have experienced during the lockdown (Carpenter, 2020). There are also, however, wide- ranging, fundamental discussions emerging about the role and shape of traditional education models in a post-COVID, climate-emergency society. These are important
+discussions that certainly need to be addressed and this article proposes some possible curriculum solutions which could help to build a greater resilience for the future – for individuals, communities and society in general.
+Before ‘normal’ teaching and learning can take place again, schools will definitely need to consider children’s immediate emotional and mental well-being. In addition to the different types of loss outlined by Carpenter (2020), in the recovery curriculum, experienced by children during the lockdown, early data shows that it also created a complicated situation where the measures taken to protect physical health have caused the symptoms for people suffering from poor mental health, including children, to worsen during lockdown (Veer et al., 2020).
+Some children will have experienced a very stable home life during lockdown, but for others life will have become less stable or chaotic. It is acknowledged by the EEF in its Guide to supporting school planning: A tiered approach to 2020-21 that identifying where children may have dropped behind is important but so is a recognition that children may have acquired new useful knowledge, skills and experiences as part of the lockdown which needs to be heard (EEF, 2020). All children’s experiences and views on the lockdown period will be unique. During the pandemic we have all been part of the same storm, but each of us is in an individual boat, with our own story of survival, adaptation, transformation, loss or inertia.
+Therefore, we believe that there also needs to be a recognition that the current focus on acquisition and reproduction of knowledge and the narrow ‘teaching to the test’ curricula is no longer enough for our society to be resilient. We believe that long term resilience for individuals and society should incorporate the integration of philosophical and ethical thinking throughout core curricula, and in particular the four types of thinking – Critical, Caring, Creative and Collaborative – central to the Philosophy for Children (Lipman, 2003) and Communities of Philosophical Inquiry (‘CoPI’) pedagogical approaches (McCall, 2009).
+Philosophical enquiry and facilitation strengthen teaching, learning and assessment and have been proven to increase children’s cognitive levels, particularly in maths and reading, as well as many other wider abilities – primarily, children’s ability to solve problems, collaborate with each other, think critically and care about the quality of their interactions and relationships with others. For example, The 2015 EEF Efficacy trial (EEF, 2015) of Philosophy for Children, carried out by Durham University, showed that pupils made between two and four additional months of progress in reading, maths and writing as well as improvements in their confidence to speak, listening skills and self-esteem following their regular involvement with philosophical enquiry.
+Philosophical teaching and learning is a pedagogical approach and not an ‘added extra’, as developing a critical and enquiring mind should be central across subjects. It can also usefully support the work of the education sector to meet the Ofsted (2019) requirements for schools to enable children to become ‘responsible, respectful and active citizens’ who have more skills to shape their lives in a sustainable and fulfilling way, as well as ‘developing pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy’.
+Philosophical thinking puts pupils’ personal development at its heart and has the potential to take children to a level of understanding where knowledge and facts are combined with the ability to reflect and reason, which can help enable children to ‘make a significant difference to the kind of society in which we are able to live’ (Cam, 2006).
+When school leaders actively integrate communities of philosophical enquiry into their teaching, learning and assessment strategies they enable young people to develop the skills, knowledge and character necessary to achieve academically in the short term, and in the longer term to lead happy, resilient and fulfilling lives, taking greater care of themselves, society, communities and the planet.
+Building on this, we would like to suggest that long-term individual resilience is only really possible if measures are taken to ensure that our communities are also more resilient. The recent call for volunteers by the government during lockdown followed by the overwhelming oversubscription of volunteers showed that there is huge potential within communities to take greater care of their own people. Schools could build on this potential by creating opportunities within the curriculum for children to know how to build positive, resilient relationships and help others in times of need.
+The next step on from creating stronger local communities, and could be argued as the most significant issue of our time for which we need creative, critical, caring and collaborative thinkers, is the need to re-examine the relationship humans have with the planet and its resources.
+The climate emergency will only be tackled through whole systems thinking instead of solely relying on one-off initiatives. We believe that the principles and ethics of permaculture would allow schools to weave creative, critical, caring and collaborative thinking into real actions that will tangibly improve the futures of our pupils, their communities and the planet.
+The twelve principles and three ethics of permaculture, developed by Bill Mollison (1988) and David Holmgren (2011), are below and although their roots are in sustainable agriculture, they can be applied to all aspects of human life and can be applied by school leaders to have a lasting positive impact on well-being and resilience for individuals and the whole school ethos.
+The Principles of Permaculture
+- Observe & Interact
+- Catch & Store Energy
+- Obtain A Yield
+- Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback
+- Use & Value Renewable Resources & Services
+- Produce No Waste
+- Design From Patterns To Details
+- Integrate Rather Than Segregate
+- Use Small & Slow Solutions
+- Use & Value Diversity
+- Use Edges & Value The Marginal
+- Creatively Use & Respond to Change
+The Three Ethics of Permaculture
+- Care for the Earth
+- Care for Others
+- Only take a Fair Share
+By adopting and applying the principles and ethics rooted within philosophy for children and permaculture we can make the transition from being dependent consumers, vulnerable to change, to becoming responsible producers and resilient, active citizens with high-level thinking skills.
+There is a virtuous cycle to be achieved here, where this approach, based around a greater sense of community and sustainability, has the potential to transform pupils’ well-being, building the resilience necessary for them to move forwards, promoting as they do their deeper understanding of sustainability and its relevance to all of our futures.
+Instead of tinkering around the edges with curricula in a post-COVID age, we support Berry and Orr (2001, p 9). Berry speaks of ‘The Great Work’, where humans remake their presence on earth – including how they provide themselves with food, energy, materials, water, livelihood, health and shelter. Orr adds that ‘we must build authentic and vibrant communities that sustain us ecologically and spiritually and for this challenge we need a generation equipped to respond with energy, moral stamina, enthusiasm and ecological competence’.
+In conclusion, we believe that this is the moment for educators to assert their experience and understanding of young people to create the curricula and ethos which they believe will genuinely allow their pupils and teachers to develop as resilient and active citizens where academic performance and emotional well-being are in balance. We urge and strongly support school leaders who take this opportunity to re-invigorate education’s potent and positive role in building societal and individual resilience, instead of simply returning to a system that is disproportionately focused on testing and the symbolic capital of results. A new resilience curriculum developed and delivered within strong communities of enquiry is now necessary. This is one that focuses on developing individual well-being and agency through dialogue and critical thinking, as well as strengthening the sustainability of communities through collaboration and care for each other and the planet.
+Paula Moses and Rebecca Gough, Permanent Education
+enquiry@permanenteducation.org or
+- Berry, T. (1988). The Dream of the Earth. Sierra Club Books: CA.
+- Cam, P. (2006). 20 Thinking Tools. 2nd Edn. Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.
+- Carpenter, B. (2020) A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic.
+- The EEF guide to supporting school planning: A tiered approach to 2020-21 available online:
+- Education Endowment Foundation (2015). Philosophy for Children Efficacy Trial 2012-2014.
+- Holmgren, D. (2011). Permaculture: Principles & pathways. Beyond Sustainability. Hants: Permanent Publications: Hants.
+- Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education (2nd edition). Cambridge, Mass: Cambridge University Press.
+- McCall, C. (2009). Transforming Thinking. Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary and Secondary Classroom. London: Routledge.
+- Mollison, B. (1988). Permaculture: A Designers Manual. Australia: Tagari Publications.
+- Orr, D. (2001). ‘Forward’ in Sterling, S. (2001) Sustainable Education: Re-visioning Learning and Change. Devon: Green Books Ltd.
+- Veer, I. M., Riepenhausen, A., Zerban, M., Wackerhagen, C., Puhlmann, L., Engen, H., … Kalisch, R. (2020). Psycho-social factors associated with mental resilience in the Corona lockdown.
+- Ofsted (2019). Education inspection framework (EIF).:58-59
+- Review
+- Open Access
+- Published:
+Millets: a solution to agrarian and nutritional challenges
+Agriculture & Food Security volume 7, Article number: 31 (2018)
+Article metrics
+8858 Accesses
+7 Citations
+8 Altmetric
+World is facing agrarian as well as nutritional challenges. Agricultural lands with irrigation facilities have been exploited to maximum, and hence we need to focus on dry lands to further increase grain production. Owing to low fertility, utilization of dry lands to produce sufficient quality grains is a big challenge. Millets as climate change compliant crops score highly over other grains like wheat and rice in terms of marginal growing conditions and high nutritional value. These nutri-cereals abode vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, phyto-chemicals and antioxidants that can help to eradicate the plethora of nutritional deficiency diseases. Millets cultivation can keep dry lands productive and ensure future food and nutritional security.
+Progress in scientific knowledge and technological innovations have led mankind into yet another stage of modern civilization. Application of novel research strategies into fundamental and translational research has brought an all-round development. In agriculture, strategized technological innovations, viz. development and selection of high yielding variety, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, mechanization and irrigation facilities, have resulted in sufficient availability of food. Estimated global cereal production was 2605 million tons in 2016 and was forecasted to be 2597 million tons in 2017 [1]. Several short-sighted measures have enhanced productivity but have undermined sustainability and are eroding the very capacity of resource base leading to nutrient deficient saline soil and lowering water beds. In addition, changing climatic conditions have further hastened the vulnerability of farmers towards declining crop production. Dry lands constitute 40% of the global land surface and are home for about 1/3rd of the global population. These low fertile soils are predicted to elevate up to 50–56% in 2100 AD, and 78% of dry land expansion is expected to occur in developing countries [2,3,4]. According to the report of World Bank, hunger is a challenge for 815 million people worldwide [5]. The spate of farmer’s suicides in an agriculture-based country like India has reached to an average of 52 deaths/day, and reports of farmers selling their blood to earn a livelihood in drought-hit region of the country depict the severity of the agrarian crisis [6].
+Sustainable crop substitutes are needed to meet the world hunger (cereal demand) and to improve income of farmers. Role of millets cannot be ignored for achieving sustainable means for nutritional security (Fig. 1). International crops research institute for the semi-arid tropics (ICRISAT) is focusing on increasing the productivity of millets and has included finger millet (Eleucine corcana) as sixth mandatory crop [3, 4]. Millets abode vital nutrients and the protein content of millets grains are considered to be equal or superior in comparison to wheat (Triticum aestivum), rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) grains [7]. The role of millets in designing the modern foods like multigrain and gluten-free cereal products is well known [8]. Due to the richness of millets in polyphenols and other biological active compounds, they are also considered to impart role in lowering rate of fat absorption, slow release of sugars (low glycaemic index) and thus reducing risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Due to increased awareness regarding the health promoting profile of millets, inclination towards their consumption has been observed. Present review envisages the agrarian requirements, nutritional information and health benefits imparted by these grains. Review also explores the millet-based products made traditionally along with the latest researches conducted worldwide.
+Agrarian importance of millets
+The demand of food will increase proportionately with growth in world population. At present about 50% of world's total calorie intake is derived directly from cereals [9]. Rice, wheat and maize have emerged as the major staple cereals with a lesser extent of sorghum and millets. Sharma [10] reported that an increase in the areas of crops with intense water requirements like rice, sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and cotton (Gossypium) has resulted in the increase in 0.009% in the distance between the ground level and ground water table and this loss is approximately equivalent to a loss of 7191 L of ground water per hectare. There is a lesser possibility of increasing the production of major staple cereals as the world is already facing the challenges of increase in dry lands and deepening of ground water level [3, 10]. According to the report of the National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) even after realizing the full irrigation potential, about half of the net sown area will continue to remain rainfed [11]. This alarms the need of shifting to the alternative of current cereal staples.
+Millets cultivation can be a solution to this problem as these can grow on shallow, low fertile soils with a pH of soil ranging from acidic 4.5 to basic soils with pH of 8.0 [12]. Millets can be a good alternative to wheat especially on acidic soils. Rice is very sensitive to saline soils and has poor growth and yield on a soil having salinity higher than 3dS/m [13]. On the other hand, millets like pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and finger millet can grow up to a soil salinity of 11–12 dS/m. Millets have a low water requirement both in terms of the growing period and overall water requirement during growth. The rainfall requirement of certain millets like pearl millet and proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) is as low as 20 cm, which is several folds lower than the rice, which requires an average rainfall of 120–140 cm [13]. Most of the millets mature in 60–90 days after sowing which makes them a water saving crop. Barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) has the least maturation time of 45–70 days among millets, which is half to the rice maturation (120–140 days) time [14]. Millets fall under the group of C4 cereals. C4 cereals take more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to oxygen, have high efficiency of water use, require low input and hence are more environment friendly. Thus, millets can help to phase out climatic uncertainties, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide, and can contribute in mitigating the climate change. The major millets and their growing conditions in comparison to the staple cereals, i.e. rice and wheat, are tabulated in Table 1.
+Scientific interventions in terms of the use of molecular biomarkers, sequence information, creation of mapping populations and mutant have led to the development and release of high yielding varieties of millets throughout the world [22, 29]. Newly developed hybrids are resistant to diseases and has increased per hectare production as compared to their parent varieties [29, 30]. Millets have abundant natural diversity, and the release of new hybrids increases this variation by several folds. For example, pearl millet has approximately 140 species or subspecies belonging to the genus Pennisetum [31] and further maintenance of the gene bank accessions has increased this number to 65,400. The primary global collection of pearl millet is at ICRISAT with 33% of the world’s gene bank accessions. The largest gene accessions for finger millet, i.e. approximately 27% of the world’s total 35,400 accessions, are maintained by Bureau for Plant Genetic Resources, India. Chinese Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources (ICGR) maintains world’s 56% of the accessions of foxtail millet (Setaria italica), while National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Japan maintains the largest proso millet accessions collection with 33% of the world’s approximately 17,600 genebank accessions [32]. In addition to the improvement in varieties, the advancements in the post-harvest operations of millets have eased their processing. In past, due to the lack of suitable machinery, traditional methods like pounding, winnowing, etc., were used for the decortication of millet grains. These methods were labour intensive, and hence, the production of edible millets was limited [33]. Millet-specific threshers, decorticator, destoners and polishers have been designed by intervention of government agencies as well as private companies. These recent developments in post-harvest operations of millets have eased their processing and have paved way for utilization of millets in the development of food products. The cultivation of millets can provide an overall solution to the existing agrarian challenges and can prove a milestone in achieving United Nations commitment to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030 [34].
+Nutritional importance
+World is in the clinch of several health disorders and chronical diseases. As per 2016 Global Nutrition report, 44% population of 129 countries (countries with available data) experience very serious levels of undernutrition, adult overweight and obesity [35]. A nutrient imbalanced diet is responsible for most of these diseases. According to the estimates of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, about 795 million people (10.9% of world population in 2015) were reported undernourished. While on the other hand more than 1.9 billion (39% of world’s population) adults ≥ 18 years of age were overweight and further 13% were reported to be obese [36, 37]. The average body mass index (BMI) of the world’s population was reported to be 24 kg/m2 in 2014 which is above the WHO standards for optimum health (21 to 23 kg/m2) [38]. Obesity-related complications like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have already been declared as epidemic by the world health organization. India is the home of world’s largest undernourished population. About 194.6 million people, i.e. 15.2% of total population of India, are undernourished. According to the 2017 Global Hunger Index report, India ranked 100th among 119 countries. The score of India is even poorer than Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh [39]. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) was reported to result in 4,69,000 deaths with 84,000 deaths from the deficiency of other vital nutrients such as iron, iodine and vitamin A [40]. Obesity is also a major health concern in India with the prevalence rate of 11% in men and 15% in women. Status of malnutrition in world and India is presented in Table 2. Millets secure sixth position in terms of world agricultural production of cereal grains and are still a staple food in many regions of world. These are rich source of many vital nutrients and hence, promise an additional advantage for combating nutrient deficiencies in the third world countries.
+Millets are nutritionally similar or superior to major cereal grains. The additional benefits of the millets like gluten-free proteins, high fibre content, low glycaemic index and richness in bioactive compounds made them a suitable health food [27]. The average carbohydrates content of millets varies from 56.88 to 72.97 g/100 g. Least carbohydrate content has been reported in barnyard millet [8, 46]. The protein content of all the millets is comparable to each other with an average protein content of 10 to 11%, except finger millet, which has been reported to contain protein in the range of 4.76 to 11.70 g/100 g in different studies [47,48,49]. Finger millet protein is rich in essential amino acids like methionine, valine and lysine, and of the total amino acids present, 44.7% are essential amino acids [50]. This content is higher than the required 33.9% essential amino acids in FAO reference protein [51]. The mean value of protein reported from different studies depicts that proso millet has the highest protein content among millets (Table 3). The protein present in proso millet is comparable to wheat, but the amount of essential amino acids like leucine, isoleucine and thiamine is much higher in proso millet. The lipid content of millets as a group is comparable to that of wheat and rice (2.0% in wheat and 2.7% in rice) and ranges from 1.43 to 6 g/100 g. Among millets, the least lipid content has been reported in finger millet while the highest lipid content has been reported in pearl millet [46, 49, 52]. Millets are richest source of fibres, i.e. crude fibre as well as dietary fibre. Barnyard millet is the richest source of crude fibre with an average content of 12.8 g/100 g [8]. The highest dietary fibre content, i.e. 38% and 37%, has been reported to be in little millet (Panicum sumatrense) and kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum), respectively. This content is 785% higher than rice and wheat; this make millets low glycaemic foods and hence a good choice for diabetic patients. In vitro studies of the soluble polysaccharides of finger millet (arabinose and xylose mainly) have proved them to be potent prebiotics and also possess wound dressing potential [53, 54]. This resistant starch contributes towards dietary fibre, which acts as a prebiotic and hence enhances the health benefits of the millets [55]. Resistant starch also helps in the production of desirable metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids in the colon, especially butyrate, which helps to stabilize colonic cell proliferation as a preventive mechanism for colon cancer [56]. Table 3 gives the mean and standard deviation of the macronutrient content of millets as reported by various researchers.
+The minerals and vitamins are known as micronutrients as they are required in very small quantities. Minerals play an important role in the building of bones, clotting of blood, sending and receiving signals, keeping normal heart beat, cell energy production, transportation of oxygen, metabolize and synthesize fats and proteins, act as co-enzymes, provide immunity to the body and help nervous system work properly [60]. The mineral content in millets ranges from 1.7 to 4.3 g/100 g, which is several folds higher than the staple cereals like wheat (1.5%) and rice (0.6%). Calcium and iron deficiency is highly prevalent in India [61], and a large chunk of adult population is suffering from osteoporosis. Calcium content of finger millet is about eight times higher than wheat and being the richest source of calcium (348 mg/100 g) it has the ability to prevent osteoporosis. Barnyard millet and pearl millet are the rich source of iron, and their consumption can meet the iron requirement of pregnant women suffering from anaemia. The iron content of barnyard millet is 17.47 mg/100 g which is only 10 mg lower than the required daily value. Foxtail millet contains highest content of zinc (4.1 mg/100 g) among all millets and is also a good source of iron (2.7 mg/100 g) [57]. These nutrients, i.e. zinc and iron, play an important role in enhancing the immunity. Millets are also good source of β-carotene and B-vitamins especially riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. The thiamine and niacin content of millets is comparable to that of rice and wheat. The highest thiamine content in millets, i.e. 0.60 mg/100 g, is found in foxtail millet. Riboflavin content of the millets is several folds higher than the staple cereals, and barnyard millet (4.20 mg/100 g) has the highest content of riboflavin followed by foxtail millet (1.65 mg/100 g) and pearl millet (1.48 mg/100 g). The detail of micronutrient content of millets has been discussed in Table 4. The incorporation of millets in the diet can help to eradicate nutritional deficiencies. Platel [62] has proposed for the use of millet flour as a vehicle for iron and zinc fortification in India.
+Phenolic compounds
+Phenolic compounds form a very large group of compounds containing the phenol functional group as a fundamental component. Conveniently, these may be classified into phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. Phenolic acids are further sub-classified as hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids and hydroxyphenylpropanoic acids. Chandrasekara and Shahidi [63] determined and characterized the free, hydrolyzed (esterified and etherified) and bound phenolic compounds in millets by HPLC–DAD-ESI-MSn. The highest amounts of hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives (62.2 μg/g) and flavonoids (1896 μg/g) were found in the soluble fraction of finger millet. Little millet (173 μg/g) and foxtail millet (171 μg/g) had the highest amount of hydroxycinnamic acid and their derivate in soluble form. The highest contribution to the total phenol content is in the form of the insoluble bound phenolics attached to the cell wall. Flavonoids are more prevalent in free form. Major phenols identified and quantified by different researchers are given in Table 5. Millets phenols are reported to have antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-oestrogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects and platelet aggregation inhibitory activity [64]. Total antioxidant capacity of finger, little, foxtail and proso millets is higher due to their high total carotenoid and tocopherol content which varied from 78 to 366 and 1.3 to 4.0 mg/100 g, respectively, in different millet varieties [65]. The beneficial effect of phenolics in diabetes is due to partial inhibition of amylase and α-glucosidase during enzymatic hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates and delays the absorption of glucose, which ultimately controls the postprandial blood glucose levels.
+Other health benefits
+Sireesha et al. [66] has demonstrated the anti-hyperglycaemic and anti-lipidemic activities of the aqueous extract of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. In the study, they reported the dose of 300 mg of Setaria italica seed aqueous extract per kilo gram (kg) body weight produced a significant fall (70%) in blood glucose in diabetic rats after 6 h of administration of the extract. They also found lower levels of triglycerides, total LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol and an increase in the levels of HDL (high-density lipoproteins) cholesterol in diabetic treated rats compared to those in diabetic untreated rats which demonstrates the hypolipidemic effect of aqueous extract. Choi et al. [67] studied the effect of dietary protein of Korean foxtail millet and found its importance in increasing insulin sensitivity and cholesterol metabolism. A remarkable reduction in insulin concentration of the rats fed with foxtail millet was demonstrated by this experiment. Lee et al. [68] investigated the effect of millet consumption on lipid levels and C-reactive protein concentration; it was found that hyperlipidemic rats fed with foxtail millet had decreased levels of triglycerides, which was in contrast to its previous researches [67]. Levels of C reactive protein, which is an indicator of inflammation, were also found to decrease in foxtail millet fed rats. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of kodo millet have been reported to produce a dose-dependent fall in fasting blood glucose [69]. Further millets are gluten free and might have anti-carcinogenic properties [65]. The health benefits of millets in a nutshell are given in Table 6.
+Effects of processing on millets
+Processing of millets decreases the anti-nutritional factors in millets and improves the bio-accessibility of nutrients. Many processing methods have been used traditionally like roasting/popping, soaking, germination and fermentation [80]. All these methods have been reported to have a significant impact on the nutritional value of the grain. Malting of millets improves access to nutrients and has been reported to increase the bio-accessibility of iron by 300% and of manganese by 17% [81]. The anti-nutritional factors decreased significantly with an increase in germination time due to hydrolytic activity of the enzyme phytase that increases during germination. The phytate content of millets can be reduced by germination as during the germination the hydrolysis of phytate phosphorus into inositol monophosphate takes place which contributes to the decrease in phytic acid. The tannins are also leached during soaking and germination of grains, and hence it results in the reduction in tannins [82, 83]. Boiling and pressure cooking also result in reduction in tannins. Fermentation is known to reduce the anti-nutritional factors and hence improves the protein digestibility. Irradiation has also shown inhibitory effect against anti-nutrients, and it enhances the protein digestibility [84]. Extrusion cooking or high temperature short time (HTST) processing has been reported to reduce anti-nutrients like phytates, tannins and increase bioavailability of minerals [52].
+Millet-based contemporary foods
+Nutritional quality and drought-resistant properties of millets have drawn attention of various research agencies all over the world and have increased focus to improve the millet varieties and to enhance their use in processed food products. A schematic diagram for the preparation of composite foods from millets is shown in Fig. 2. Some of the research work carried on the utilization of millet crops is discussed in this section.
+Shadang and Jaganathan [85] formulated the bakery products like biscuits, cakes and cookies using foxtail millet, finger millet, proso millet and pearl millet added with wheat flour. For biscuit and cake, the ratios of 10:90, 20:80 and 30:70 were selected, whereas for cookies, the flours were used in the ratios of 15:85, 20:80 and 25:75, respectively. The sensory evaluation of their products revealed that the combinations of all the three levels were well acceptable for the three products. Rai et al. [86] utilized alternate flours/meals based on rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) for the preparation of gluten-free cookies. Their study revealed that the combination of pearl millet and sorghum flour had the maximum sensory scores followed by the cookies prepared from rice and sorghum, maize and pearl millet, rice and pearl millet and control cookies. Best pasting properties were obtained from blends of maize and pearl millet followed by pearl millet and sorghum flour. However, maximum yield was obtained in control (wheat) cookies, i.e. 186.8%, while cookies prepared from rice and maize had the highest spread ratio. The cookies prepared from blend of pearl millet and sorghum was nutritionally rich and had higher fat, protein, ash and calorific values.
+Surekha et al. [87] prepared the barnyard millet flour-based cookies with three different variations, viz. plain, pulse and vegetable. Their research findings indicated that among the three treatments, pulse cookies (90% barnyard millet flour + 10% soybean and green gram flour) had the highest (85%) overall acceptability followed by vegetable cookies (90% barnyard millet flour + 10% dehydrated carrots) with 80% overall acceptability with the least acceptability of 73.33% plain barnyard millet varieties. These cookies had a significant increase in macronutrient and micronutrient composition as compared to simple wheat flour-based cookies.
+Ballolli et al. [88] prepared bread using varying concentrations of wheat flour and foxtail millet. It was found that wheat flour can be successfully replaced with foxtail millet flour up to 50% without significant effect on flavour and overall acceptability. However, the scores for colour, texture and appearance were reduced as compared to controlled sample. Addition of foxtail millet also resulted in a slight increase in the total protein and mineral content in comparison to the control bread.
+Anju and Sarita [89] prepared biscuits using foxtail and barnyard millet. In the recipe, refined wheat flour was replaced to 45% with millet flour and all other ingredients like hydrogenated fat, eggs, baking powder and curd were same as the standard process for the biscuit making. The sensory evaluation of millet-based biscuits revealed a good overall acceptability and had a higher content of crude fibre, total ash and total dietary fibre as compared to refined wheat flour biscuits. Biscuits from foxtail millet flour had the lowest glycaemic index (GI) of 50.8 compared to 68 for biscuits from barnyard millet flour and refined wheat flour.
+Pearl millet flour-based sweet, salty and cheese biscuits were prepared and reported by Sehgal and Kwatra [90]. Different blends containing pearl millet flour (40–80%), refined wheat flour (10–50%) and green gram flour (10%) were prepared. The sweet and salty biscuits prepared from refined wheat flour, blanched pearl millet and green gram were nutritionally sound as compared to biscuits prepared from wheat flour alone but had higher anti-nutrient (polyphenol and phytic acid) content.
+Saha et al. [91] prepared biscuits from composite flour containing finger millet and wheat flour in the ratio of 60:40 and 70:30 (w/w). The hardness of biscuit dough was more in blend of 60:40 than 70:30 levels. An increase in adhesiveness and resistance of biscuit dough was found with the increasing levels of wheat flour. But the blend of 70:30 showed more breaking strength and expansion of biscuit after baking in comparison to blend of 60:40.
+Snack foods
+Dhumal et al. [92] developed potato and barnyard millet-based oil free, microwave puffed ready-to-eat fasting foods. Barnyard millet flour and potato mash, i.e. 50:50, 55:45 and 60:40, were prepared in three proportions and was steamed for 10, 15 and 20 min. Appropriate cold extrudates were obtained from mixture of barnyard millet flour and potato mash (55:45) after steaming the dough rolled in 50 mm thickness in kitchen pressure cooker (1 kg/cm2 pressure) for 15 min. The cold extrudates prepared after steaming for 10 min were very white while that prepared after steaming for 20 min were brown in colour.
+A Barnyard millet-based ready-to-eat snack food was prepared by Jaybhaye and Srivastav [80], in which barnyard millet, potato mash and tapioca powder was used in the proportion of 60:37:3. The dough was formed into thin rectangular-shaped, steam-cooked cold extrudate samples and was puffed with HTST puffing process at optimum temperature and time (238 °C/39.35 s). The puffed product had a moisture content of 9% and an expansion ratio of 2.05. After puffing, the product was oven-toasted at 116.26 °C for 20–23 min.
+Multigrain flour
+Kamaraddi and Shanthakumar [93] prepared multigrain flour by incorporating various millet flours. They concluded that the substitution of wheat flour with 10–20% of millet flour was possible. They optimized 10% substitution of finger, foxtail and little millet. The proso millet can be replaced to a level of 15% and barnyard millet up to 20%. The further increase in millet content resulted in a lower gluten content, sedimentation value, loaf volume of dough and decreased content of proteins in some flours as compared to wheat flour. The addition of millet also changed the colour of crumb from creamish white to dull brown. An increase in protein, ash and fat content was observed on addition of some millet flours.
+Traditional millet-based products
+Millets has been used for the purpose of food and feed from ancient times and has been a staple food particularly in diets of African and Asian people. These are consumed as flat bread, porridge, roasted and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (Fig. 2). Millet porridge is a traditional food in Indian, Russian, German and Chinese cuisines. Millets are also used to replace commonly used cereals in local dishes like idli, puttu, adai, dosa, etc. Other traditional products like baddis, halwa, burfi, papad with added millet are also reported [68, 94, 95].
+Non-alcoholic products
+Appalu is made from a mixture of pearl millet flour and Bengal gram flour. Spices like sesame seeds, carom seeds, chilli powder and salt are added and kneaded into dough. Then, the dough is divided into small balls and flattened into round shape. These are then fried and served hot.
+The word samai means little millet while payasam means kheer. For preparation of samaipayasam, roasted groundnuts, fennel and jaggery are ground into a fine powder separately. Little millet is added to boiling water by constantly stirring. After the flour is stirred in, jaggery solution is added and the mixture is cooked for a few minutes on low flame. This dish is served hot. This recipe is also made with other millets instead of little millet [96].
+This crispy savoury Indian snack is prepared from a mixture of foxtail millet flour, Bengal gram flour. To this, small amount of spices like cumin seeds, chilli powder, sesame seeds and salt are added and formed into stiff dough with the help of water. The dough is placed in the hand extruder and murukus extruded are deep-fried until these turn brown [97].
+Alcoholic beverages
+It is a finger millet-based (Eleucine coracana) fermented beverage mostly prepared in the Lug valley of Kullu; Bhangal, Luharti of Kangra district, Balh valley, Barot valley of district Mandi and regions of Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, India [98, 99]. A mixture (inocula) of roasted barley and local herbs known as ‘dhaeli’ is used to carry out fermentation. The millet flour is kneaded with water to make dough and left in a container for 7–8 days for natural fermentation. The fermented flour is half baked into rotis, cut to pieces and cooled. Then, the roti pieces and powdered dhaeli with sufficient amount of water and jaggery are put into smoke-treated earthen pots and allowed to ferment for 10 days by covering the pot. After the completion of fermentation, liquid is filtered and stored in specially designed earthen pots, sealed air tight from the top. The product has been reported to have 5–10% of alcohol [99].
+Madua is among the most popular finger-millet-based beverage prepared in Arunachal Pradesh. The millet is roasted for 30 min followed by cooling and cooking until soft. The softened grains are mixed with starter culture and allowed to ferment in a perforated basket covered with Ekam leaves for 4–7 days. After completion of fermentation, hot water is poured from top and collected in a container. The collected liquid is known as madua. A good quality madua is golden yellow in colour, sweet in taste and has good alcoholic flavour. Themsing, rakshi, mingri and lohpani are other finger millet-based alcoholic beverages produced and consumed in Arunachal Pradesh, India [100].
+Oshikundu is a traditional cereal-based sour–sweet beverage of Namibia. It exits in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic form. It is brewed from pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) meal locally known as mahangu, malted sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), bran and water. Brewing of oshikundu is a household practice by rural women for their daily household consumption and for sale in the open markets in some towns of northern Namibia. The production process involves the addition of boiled water to mahangu meal, and the mixture is left to cool to room temperature with occasional stirring. Malted sorghum meal and bran are then added to the mixture. The step of bran addition is optional depending on the availability and preference of using bran in brewing. After the preparation of mixture, some amount of previously fermented oshikundu is added. The final mixture is then diluted with water depending on the amount of starting material used and desired volume of the final product. The mixture is then left to ferment at room temperature for an average one and half hour after which oshikundu is ready to drink. The alcohol is produced by the yeast fermentation of malt sorghum. It is a perishable beverage with a shelf life of less than 6 hours and is drunk on the same day [101].
+Koozh is another fermented beverage made with millet flour and rice and consumed mainly by ethnic communities in Tamil Nadu, India [102]. It is mainly prepared using finger millet (Eleucine corcana); however, use of pearl millet has been reported in other places. The preparatory steps of koozh involve two fermentation stages. The process starts with grinding of the millet to flour, mixing with subsequent water to make slurry and left this to ferment overnight. On the second day, broken rice (20% by weight of millet) is cooked in excess water, into which the overnight fermented millet slurry is mixed and cooked to make a thick porridge called noyee. The fermentation of this porridge for 24 h results in kali, a semi-solid porridge to which the required amount of potable water was added (1:6 w/v) and hand-mixed with salt to prepare koozh.
+Acceptability of millet-based products
+The effect of addition of millets on the sensory acceptability of food products is scanty. Some researchers have reported the increased acceptability of the products on addition of millets, and literature on the decreased acceptability is also available. Florence et al. [103] reported high sensory acceptability in pearl millet-based cookies. Okpala et al. [104] reported a sensory acceptability of 7.1 on a scale of 9.0 points for 100% sorghum-based cookies. The acceptability was increased to 7.2 when a blend of cocoyam flour, fermented sorghum flour and germinated pigeon pea flour was used in the ratio of 66.6:16.7:16.7, respectively. In a study based on extruded products prepared from sorghum flour, corn flour, whey protein isolate and defatted soy flour, decreased acceptability was reported with increased content of sorghum [105]. The use of millets as a blend with other cereals, pulses or legume has been reported to have an increase in overall acceptability of the product [104,105,106]. In addition to sensory aspects, the presence of anti-nutritional factors like phytic acid, tannins and phenols limits the use of millets as food [105]. High content of phytic acid was reported in the biscuits prepared using pearl millet [104]. Similar results have been reported by Mbithi-Mwikya et al. [50] in composite mix developed from unprocessed finger millet, kidney beans, peanuts and mango puree. The products were reported to be unfit for the infant consumption due to the presence of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitor and tannins content. However, the processing methods like roasting, malting, germination and soaking have been reported to reduce the anti-nutritional content [82, 105].
+Millets can easily thrive in extreme conditions like drought, and some wild varieties can even prevail in flooded areas and swampy grounds. These have low glycaemic index, abode gluten-free protein and are rich in minerals (calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, etc.), B-vitamins and antioxidants. These extraordinary traits make them nutritious and climate change compliant crops. These can not only serve as an income crop for farmers but also improve the health of the community as a whole. Existing limitations, i.e. the presence of anti-nutritional factors and low sensory acceptability of millet-based products, can be overcome by the scientific interventions. The anti-nutritional factors can be inactivated by processing methods like cooking, roasting, germination and fermentation. The sensory acceptability of millet-based products can be enhanced by mixing millet flours with other flours of high acceptability and preparing composite foods. The use of millets in commercial/packaged food will encourage farmers to grow millets and will open new opportunities and revitalize the farmers. The inclusion of millet-based foods in international, national and state-level feeding programs will help to overcome the existing nutrient deficiencies of protein, calcium and iron in developing countries.
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+Authors’ contributions
+AK and VT carried out a major part of the literature review, drafted the manuscript and are equally first author. A Kaur co-authored, supervised the manuscript preparation and helped to finalize the manuscript. VK and KG carried out literature review for selected sections and helped to revise the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
+The authors are thankful to Department of Food Science and Technology, PAU, Ludhiana and Lovely Professional University for providing the necessary facilities, which were used for the preparation of manuscript.
+Competing interests
+The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
+Availability of data and materials
+Not applicable.
+Consent for publication
+Not applicable.., Tomer, V., Kaur, A. et al. Millets: a solution to agrarian and nutritional challenges. Agric & Food Secur 7, 31 (2018) doi:10.1186/s40066-018-0183-3
+- Millets
+- Dry lands
+- Nutrition
+- Nutri-cereals
+- Micronutrient deficiency
+As anyone who lived through them could tell you, the 1970’s were a time of real social, political and geopolitical change. And because good crime fiction reflects society, we see those changes reflected in the crime fiction of the era. There won’t be space in this one post for me to discuss all of those changes; I’ll just mention a few of them and you’ll see, I hope, what I mean.
+Let’s start, though, with some major changes that were going on in crime fiction itself. You may disagree with me on this, but I see the 1970’s as a bridge between the end of the Golden Age/traditional kind of detective fiction and more modern crime fiction. Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh and some other Golden-Age authors were still writing as the 1970’s began, and we see their influence. At the same time, though, other authors were taking that tradition and innovating with it.
+For instance, Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö began writing their series featuring Stockholm detective Martin Beck in the mid-1960’s and carried it through into the mid-1970’s. In that series, we see elements of traditional crime novels. But we also see innovations such as exploration of psychology and social critique. We could say a similar thing about Ruth Rendell’s series featuring Inspector Reg Wexford. That series began in the 1960’s and has continued since then. As the series moved into the 1970’s, we see the traditions of the Golden-Age detective story, but made more modern and addressing more complex themes. I would argue (but feel free to differ with me if you don’t see it this way) that these two series reflect a growing interest in 1970’s crime fiction in the development of deeper and more complex characters.
+We also see that development in Colin Dexter’s Inspector Morse series, which also began (with Last Bus to Woodstock) in the 1970’s. That series has some elements that you could argue come from Golden Age traditions (e.g. the brilliant detective, the cast of suspects and so on). But at the same time there’s exploration of psychology, there’s the development of the flawed and complex sleuth, and other elements that one could argue are more typical of modern crime fiction.
+The world outside was changing too and crime fiction of the day reflects that. One major change was the development of what I’ll call the youth culture. Many people think of ‘hippies’ as a ’60’s phenomenon,’ and certainly there was plenty of youth activism then. But student demonstrations and student political activism was vey much a part of, especially, the early 1970’s. We see that for instance in Reginald Hill’s An Advancement of Learning, in which Superintendent Andy Dalziel and (then) Sergeant Peter Pascoe investigate a murder on the campus of Holm Coultram College. There’s a strong student movement also in John Alexander Graham’s The Involvement of Arnold Wechsler. In that novel, a Classics professor is asked to investigate his brother’s connection to a radical student movement on the campus of quiet Hewes College. There are lots of other examples too of crime fiction that involves student activism and the ‘youth culture.’
+Another major change of the 1970’s was the beginning of the move in international politics from the Cold War to what we think of as modern-day terrorism. Oh, the Cold War was still going on, and I’m sure you could list lots more Cold War-themed novels of the day than I could. And terrorism did not begin in the 1970’s. But especially after the tragic attacks at the 1972 Munich Olympics, terrorism began to be a reality more than it ever had. We see that reflected, for instance in Sjöwall and Wahlöö’s The Terrorists. In that novel, Martin Beck and his team are assigned to protect a U.S. senator who’s visiting Stockholm because he is at risk from terrorists. In the meantime, they’re also investigating the murder of pornographic film-maker Walter Petrus (Valter Pettersson) and the case of Rebecka Lind, who’s on trial for a bank robbery she says she didn’t commit. It’s an interesting look at, among other things, the rise of the threat of terrorism and its effects on policing.
+The politics of the 1970’s (I’m thinking in particular about the Watergate scandal that brought down U.S. President Richard Nixon’s administration) changed the way many people viewed political leadership. There’ve been political thrillers around for quite a while of course, but consipiracy thrillers (such as those of Robert Ludlum) were made even more popular by real-life events such as Watergate.
+The 1970’s was also a time of a great deal of social upheaval too. As women began to insist on being treated as equals (the movement was called Women’s Lib(eration) in the U.S.) there was a real re-thinking of the roles men and women should play. Basically, the rules had changed and a lot of people were no longer sure exactly what they were any more. We see that reflected in a lot of crime fiction. For instance, there’s Colin Dexter’s Inspector Morse, who is old-fashioned in some ways. As the 1970’s goes along, he has to increasingly interact with women who simply don’t see the world, or male/female relationships, the way he does. And then there’s the beginnings of the truly independent female crime fiction protagonist. Of course there’ve been female protagonists for quite a long time in the genre. But protagonists such as Marcia Muller’s PI sleuth Sharon McCone were a newer development. McCone does have relationships, but she doesn’t depend on a man to ‘do the rough stuff.’ Nor does she try to ‘act like a man.’ By the end of the decade, women were beginning to take on the world, if I can put it that way, on their own terms, and we start to see that in crime fiction.
+I could mention a lot of the other major changes the 1970’s brought (e.g. the rewriting of the ‘rules’ for race relations, the beginning of the gay rights movement, and so on). And the crime fiction of the era reflects what an unsettled time it was. But what’s your view? What 1970’s phenomena do you see reflected in that decade’s crime fiction? C’mon, comb those sideburns or that ‘Farrah Flip,’ dig out that forest-green suit or peasant blouse and let me know what you think.
+ps. You will notice that this post contains no mention of disco or disco fashion, other than this sentence. There is a reason for that.
+*Note: The title of this post is a line from Billy Joel’s All You Want to Do is Dance.
+26 responses to “I Think You Were Lost in the ’70’s*”
+Lawrence Sanders wrote his Commandments, and Deadly Sins series in the 70s. Both continue to be in my Top 5 all-time favorites, and I reread at least one of his novels every year. If you’re a hardboiled detective fan, I’d recommend starting with The Second Deadly Sin. You may recall that The First Deadly Sin was made into a film starring Frank Sinatra and Faye Dunaway. I don’t recommend it as a starting point because the main subplot is very depressing and not representative of the rest of the series.
+RJ – Thank you so much for those suggestions. I haven’t read any Lawrence Sanders in a long time and you’ve reminded me I should go back and do some re-reading. And thanks too for the recommendation to start with the second sin, so to speak. Good advice.
+Thanks, Margot, for this *excellent* post. My favourite decade is the 70s, so I’m particularly appreciative. But why no disco?!
+Mrs. P – That’s awfully kind of you :-) – Thank you. So much was happening in the ’70’s – I don’t wonder it’s your favourite decade. About the disco? Ummm… let’s say I danced to a different beat.
+Having come of age myself in the early 70’s I can relate to this post. I didn’t read too much mystery during those years being more attached to sci fi at the time (when I was reading genre that is) but I enjoy anyone’s take on that era pretty much – as long as they get it right. I love the sparring that Dalziel and Pascoe do in An Advancement of Learning – the easy way Dalziel can get Pascoe’s self-righteous goat! I think the details are big – the music, the gathering of people to fight injustice or at least protest it, and the feelings – people sometimes focus too much on the unimportant parts of it – the drugs, the burgeoning feeling of sexual freedom brought about by the emancipation of women from their biological destiny – in the form of the pill – the passion with which youth thought they could change the world. I miss that. I hope it is still there under the angry veneer of youth today, as it was under our angry, stoned, or supposedly not-caring (dropping out) veneer.
+Jan – I agree with you completely about liking people’s take on that era – if they get it right… And yes, there are so many big things that happened during that era. There was the feeling that people could make change, there was indeed some incredible music, and there was this sense of caring, if I can put it that way. I loved that about the era. And I too hope that young people still feel that way. I’ve read some really powerful things that young people are accomplishing, so I have hope…
+About Dalziel and Pascoe? I do love their relationship. They feed off each other and yes, Dalziel sure does have a way of getting to Pascoe. It’s a nice little dig, I think, and it does show how brilliant Dalziel is..
+I loved the l970s. I was a product of the movements of that decade — peace, Civil Rights, students, women’s, and it was great in many ways. Sjowall and Wahloo certainly reflect the anti-war movement as well as changes in other ways, which you describe. I think they also show the student movement, too. It seems to me that many European writers, Scandinavians, and others, reflect the continuations of the great 1968 student uprisings in Paris and elsewhere, which went into the 1970s, and which certainly impacted the U.S.
+Women’s liberation surely influenced the creations of Sharon McCone, Kinsey Millhone and V.I. Warshawski.
+I wasn’t a disco person, but I loved to dance to old r&b and rock and popular music, whatever it was. I’ve got to dig out a lot of that music and play it.
+Yes, there was a feeling that youth could change the world. I think that’s a universal quality held by young people, today, too. Many think that now.
+Many young people are going all over New York and New Jersey with concrete assistance for people suffering from the hurricane. They’re doing it. They care. They want to help.
+Kathy – It’s so good to hear that young people are among those who are volunteering and helping with storm relief. I love it when I see that enthusiasm. And I have doubt at all that the women’s movement of the early 1970’s was a big part of what inspired sleuths such as Sharon McCone, VI Warshawski and Kinsey Milhone. And in Warshawski’s case, the sense of commitment to cause too. You make a well-taken point too about the link between the student uprisings of 1968 and the early ’70’s student movement. They are indeed reflected in the writing of that era’s crime fiction and I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks.
+Margot: Surely the 1970’s have not become a historical era. What would that make us?
+In terms of crime fiction I think a pair of tough guys came of age in that decade that have been reflected in many subsequent mystery series. Both Spenser (Robert B. Parker) and Travis McGee (John D. Macdonald) were in their prime in the 1970’s. They were tough but thoughful, even philosophical, sleuths.
+Bill – Who said anything about historical? Weren’t the ’70’s just last week? ;-) And thank you very much for bringing up both Spenser and McGee. They were definitely a major part of the ’70’s crime fiction scene and one could even argue that they reflected the movement away from ‘tough guy’ hardboiled crime fiction and towards more thoughtful characters.
+Ms. Kinberg, one of the few authors of popular fiction whose writing reflects the changing times is British author Frederick Forsyth. I don’t think Sir Forsyth has skipped even a single major event (or period) in his books. He has covered most of them in his gripping novels, be it World War or Cold War, drugs, assassinations, dictators, post-Soviet Union or terrorism.
+His 1971 thriller THE DAY OF THE JACKAL about a plot to kill French President Charles de Gaulle came less than a decade after the asassination of JFK. Another novel that stands out, especially in light of America’s war against Saddam Hussein and the so-called weapons of mass destruction, is Forsyth’s THE FIST OF GOD (1994) in which coalition forces hunt for Saddam’s secret weapon called The Fist of God. Although the story is set in the backdrop of the Persian Gulf War, I wonder if Sir Forsyth had a premonition of Bush’s war against Iraq in 2003.
+Prashant – Oh, I am so glad you mentioned Forsyth’s writing. He has indeed addressed so many major events and movements. And his work captures the international climate, so that it’s a very authentic depiction of what really could be. I like his writing style, too. I’m very glad you brought up his work.
+I forgot to mention that Forsyth wrote some of his most popular novels in the 1970s, a very fertile period for authors of his generation and genre.
+You’re quite right, Prashant – he certainly did and it certainly was.
+Another interesting post, Margot! I was born early in the 70s, so my perception of the decade is a little skewed (mostly centering around trikes and playing with dollies!) but I love mysteries from the 70s. Inspector Morse is my favorite.
+Elizabeth – Oh, I love Inspector Morse, too! And it’s so interesting that you mention how our perceptions are affected by our age. I think when we’re young, we don’t really see the larger movements and forces and the bigger cycle of history. And it’s hard to do that even when we look back. I know it is for me.
+I saw a belief that things could be changed for the better. That we were going to be better society. Now cynicism, including my own, hovers over most novels. .
+Patti – I know what you mean. I too saw that conviction and sense of purpose. Now a lot of people consider that belief to be naïve.
+I haven’t become cynical. There is no answer to cynicism, I still have hope, as I see young people around the city delivering aid, when larger aid groups are not doing all they should, and as I see the people of Greece, Spain, Portugal and other countries protesting austerity cutbacks.
+There’s a lot going on that’s not seen even in this country; more will unfold as we go along.
+Kathy – I have hope too. I see a lot of young people getting very much involved in storm relief, other community work and a lot more. I’m not saying there are not desperately difficult problems to solve. There are. But I do have hope.
+My friends here are going to collect blankets, coats and more and add them to what “Occupy Sandy” is gathering and help them and other community organizations to get aid to people.
+When cars weren’t allowed into the city with few people in them, they bicycled aid in to various neighborhoods. That gives me hope!
+Kathy It sounds as though you and your friends are adding to the reasons we have to hope. That’s wonderful! I hope that Nor’easter doesn’t cause you folks too much trouble. You have enough to cope with at the moment…
+Well, there are lots of young folks bringing blankets and coats to people who need them. I’d say, in the words of Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Pat Barker, from a short story about an older woman, who sees her aging face, and I paraphrase, I don’t understand it. I have the same passion I had when I was 16.
+We have the same passion, hopes, will to help. It’s just that we can’t stay up all night, bicycle around gathering supplies and take them to Brooklyn, stand up all day and distribute everything. Then do it again on little or no sleep the next day. We can applaud them, cheer them up, donate supplies, give donations — and do what we can.
+Kathy – There is definitely something to be said for having the energy that young people do, that’s for sure. You’re right too that when we do what we can do… that’s helping and it matters.
+The 70s definitely feel like a historical period to me. That’s when I mourned what I saw as the end of the Cold War novel era…but then we got a whole new crop of spy novels like The Charm School by Nelson DeMille and I was all excited about reading again. The way genre mysteries have evolved hasn’t bothered me much. I still go back and read the golden oldies from time to time, but I love the modern mystery.
+Pat – Now that’s a good point. One really could argue that the spy novel changed during the ’70s as the Cold War changed its tenor. As you say, changing times brought new kinds of crime fiction and to me, that’s been a good thing. I think change is good for the genre. But there’s an important place, too, for those golden oldies (I like it that you used that term) and I go back and read them too sometimes.
+Win Gold Medal In China Before Learning Bad News
+So so sad. China is one fucked up place and makes America look like candyland.
+Hey amber! Missed your comments yesterday. You work in a vets office, maybe I'm wrong? How is the animal world?
+Wow that's uhh...pretty fuckin crazy to me.
+That's just pure cold blooded.
+I agree with Enty about part of what's interesting is seeing what they've been through, winning after going through the normal ups and downs of life, the human experience. Sheltering someone and training them in an artificial atmosphere seems like treating them as if they're animals, not human beings. China's a real piece of work, the more I hear about that country the less I like it.
+Not surprising. I feel for the girl and her family.
+Shocker. Gotta love the CCP.
+So are the medals made by Lindt? What's the deal with everybody biting them?
+There was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday about the Extremes of the training those children undergo
+I would understand if the death or cancer diagnosis was the week or day before the competition but a year??? Surely she could get upset and still move on in time for the Olympics. That is just crazy and sad.
+Ugggh. I know! it's stupied as hell looking. Their trying to do the look it's real gold if I bite it shtick.
+Buts it's not even gold! It's 92.5% silver 6.16% copper and only 1.34% gold.
+Duh! Tiger mum.
+Same as @Lauren. I was fine with it, realizing that the athletes train their entire lives for this one shot at gold and if I was the athlete I don't think I'd want to know either. Learning that it was a whole year, and just having learned that exceptional Chinese athletes are taken from their families by force just is horrible. I wonder if they would even have had contact in that year since grandma passed anyways?
+There was another article within the past few months of a student who was not told of the recent death of his mother until after he took his university entrance exams.
+Everyone from the hospital to the police to the school wanted to protect him from distractions, so they all agreed not to tell him:
+Poor young woman. I feel so bad for her.
+China just doesn't care about their citizens at all. I'm sure they have some benefit over others but my god I'm glad to live where I do.
+Even if it means having to check all labels before I buy anything that says "made in china" bc I don't want to eat lead or asbestos or pay a child pennies to sew my clothing.
+A whole year? That's kind of overkill. But it is China.
+At the same time, I can relate to this thinking. At the end of my second year of college, on the day before my last final, I got a call from relatives asking if I was going to see my dad in the hospital following some surgery. I had no idea what they were talking about, so when I called my mom she admitted that dad didn't want to distract me from studying for finals.
+To be honest, I wasn't upset with my parents' reasoning, although I think even if I had known I would not have been distracted, however I hated being caught off guard by my relatives. They made it sound so serious when it turned out to be not a huge deal.
+Reminds me of the East Germans during the 1960s and 70s.
+Remember yesterday when we talked about the US taxing the Olympic awards? I read Senator Rubio has introduced a bill to make these awards tax-exempt. Hopefully retroactive to this year.
+ITA @Kats. When I lived in Korea people constantly asked me when I going to China for vacay. Fucking why? They charge Americans almost double for a tourist visa than they do everybody else. Fuck them and the rice they rode in on.
+Most of these athletes all around the world are removed from any contact with their families and sent away to training camps for years with little contact
+Ewww they charge us more???? Fuck that we already bankroll their entire country!
+So glad I don't live in China.
+did ya'll watch the Beijing Games? They showed how some of these guys haven't been home except for 1 day in the past year. Others, after failing to win a medal, are kicked out of their government houses and are living in squalor with barely a roof or a tiny hot plate to cook on. The pressure to medal is ridiculously huge. Like nearly life and death huge.
+"Ewww they charge us more???? Fuck that we already bankroll their entire country!"
+Er, no, they bankroll us, the US.
+And get this - the mom was only allowed to tell her about the breast cancer because she had gone into remission. FUCKED UP!
+Oh and another thing, China's national newspaper only celebrates the gold medal winners, not the silver and bronze. >:(
+So... yeah, u suck China. But thanks muchly for buying all our debt!
+i read on yahoo yesterday that both her grandparents had died :/
+And when we suspected performance enhancing drugs for that 16 year old Chinese swimmer we were accused of racism. Well, there is a reason some of us think ill of China when it comes to "fair" competition. This is one of those reasons.
+Sorry, but that's f-d up. Maybe she wanted to say goodbye to her grandparents? And they take the kids away at 6 to live at a training facility.
+And I think the Chinese have found a way to blood dope that's not detectable to tests. JMO.
+Who the Fuck do you people think you are?
+You're going to assume that an entire race acts a certain way because of their race?
+Fucking racist comments and ENTY...shame on you!
+I love how it's do easy to write racists comments cause you're anonymous on this site.
+Fuck you Vicki! Your racist comments don't surprise me since you've made them before in the past!
+You fucking fat racist cunt!
+Oh dear. Another bleeding heart not looking at facts.
+Vicki, you are racist for stating a fact about being charged more for a Visa. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
+Yawn. Don't fucking like it, don't fucking read it.
+I lived in Asia, you worthless whore. I know what it's like over there.
+I just can't fathom that way of life. What happens to her once she's too old to compete? Does she get to have a life then?
+Apperently most of you are completely unaware that China and most of Asia have a very different value system then the west. I have been to China and the people are a product of there culture as much as anyone else
+Bleeding heart?
+I'm Asian! I'm Korean!
+I'm a liberal democrat!
+I'm a New Yorker!
+Go back to your trailer sweetie...
+China doesn't need your business.
+You are a fucking racist with 80's hair...
+Cruel bastards, China.
+Prostitution doesn't count you fucking cunt
+Try acupuncture to calm you down ;)
+I noticed what you do for a living, so I'm not surprised by your comments.
+Trailer park trash
+Yes.....But our Great country the USA....puts money ahead of their pride....they are so excited that the athletes win medals....and why..... because they get to tax them for it......this is not fair....there no reason to tax our athletes just because they won a medal......what about all the money they spent to become as good as they are.....do they get a tax break for that.....there are not that many medals that the USA can go with out taxing this .......it is not going to break the bank......note the politicians.....they can break the bank....look at all the ways they cheat on their taxes......how dare they tax these kids that work so hard to make this country proud......SHAME on the USA......:(
+It's the year 2012 sweetie...
+Your hair, nails, and glamour shot amuse me.
+Thanks for the laugh.
+You're a better person than Vicki who is a fat man.
+I don't live in a trailer park. What gave you that idea? I've never even stepped foot on one. Now who's being racist? Is that me in the picture? If you think we are being racists don't stoop to our level or you become as horrible as us. Seriously, your anger is scary and I hope you're just having a bad day.
+I'm having a great day you ignorant moron.
+What a day for her! An all time high for winning gold and then boom, terrible news. That sucks!
+I saw an article yesterday about a Chinese training camp where a grown man was standing on a five year old girl's leg with tears streaming down her face. What that had to do with teaching her to become a gold medal gymnast, I have no idea. It was disturbing...to say the least. I hope her mother is going to be ok.
+It's the year 2012 sweetie...
+Your hair, nails, and glamour shot amuse me.
+Thanks for the laugh.
+You're a better person than Vicki who is a fat man.
+Bleeding heart?
+I'm Asian! I'm Korean!
+I'm a liberal democrat!
+I'm a New Yorker!
+Go back to your trailer sweetie...
+China doesn't need your business.
+You are a fucking racist with 80's hair...
+Didn't know that pointing out the comment "and the rice they rode in on" and other ignorant comments made in the past makes someone a bleeding heart. It's also interesting that some posters here believe that they can make ignorant comments (possibly out of the belief that there are no poc here) and not be called on it.
+My pic is from I thought it was funny. I will continue to not buy anything made in China. I hope that pleases you.
+Step off hoe. Money has nothing to do with race. My grandparents just went with me to Canada and wouldn't stop complaining about how over priced everything was and how the exchange rate sucks. I guess they are racist against Canadians.
+I think if you asked me, 9 times out of 10 I'd rather have a gold foil covered chocolate medal than an actual gold medal.
+Wow this thread went bad fast.
+"hoe" lol
+@mngddess -- I was saying the same thing to my mom when the Chinese were synchronize diving!! I think they've developed an enhancement drug that flies under the radar of these drug tests "undetectable."
+I was trying to rake the coals out.
+Kaizer - yeah, pretty surprised.
+Ingrid, I'm with you. After having worked that hard
+I'd like a treat ASAP!
+Hey Hannah. I understand what you are saying. If you are still reading this thread, try to calm down, as you are obviously very upset. I think most of the commenters just empathize with the Chinese Olympians and their families.
+Yeah, those cheating foreigners with their doping!!!
+Anyone for baseball? Oh...
+Mng!!!! I said the same thing about chinese doping yesterday!!!!!
+For years I had thought that this Blog and comments section were for personnel opinions. And as we have the first amendment we are all entitled to say what we want. I thought there was a tact agreement no attacks on a person who comments to the extreme that there are being taken today. As a person of color, I thought we were a little above that crap. @HannahPalindrome, there are better ways to express your feelings. Perhaps some Medication is needed. I have always found @VickiCupper to be one of the funniest commenters, I haave ever read. But then maybe I am older then 12 and have gone beyond the name calling "Mean Girl" stage.
+I agree. The name calling doesn't belong here.
+*Walks in, reads thread*
+*Walks right back out*
+The name calling is pretty terrible alright but Vicki's comment 'fuck them and the rice they rode in on' is pretty damn xenophobic in my book.
+She has every right to say what she wants but everyone else also has the right to criticize her for it too (but the tone of HannahPalindrome is way too much.)
+Fuck you!
+Katsm- okay. You're not a racist. You're ignorant. Dumb. An idiot.
+Thanks Hannah!
+Sick but not surprising. It's too bad that stories like this make it seem like the Chinese are a cold people when they're really not at all given the chance to live their lives in total freedom.
+@old;ady - Actually the First Amendment doesn't guarantee free speech in every venue. Websites can facilitate a free speech zone at their discretion or not. I find it funny when people feel they can make any comment they wish, but not be challenged on them, which would also fall under the 1st amendment protections you speak of.
+Could HP have made better choices in the way she addressed VC? Of course, but she doesn't have to. YOU may find VC a delightful poster, but others here may not.
+Butthurt. Butthurt everywhere in this thread. Unbelievable.
+As a crunchy granola-type mom, watching the Olympics is kind of bumming me out this year. All of these Olympian kids have sacrificed so much of their childhood to achieve athletic success. Obviously, there is a much more extreme system in place in China, but kids here give their heart and soul to their sport. I'm just not sure that's healthy.
+I mean, when their Olympic career is over, will they be able to say it was worth it? Will they be able to go on and have happy, productive lives? I'd like to know how past Olympians have fared.
+Mr. Frufra and I are having a hard time watching these young'uns be so stressed out. We want them to come hang out at Casa de Frufra, eat a few cookies, play video games, and just chillax.
+I don't care if you criticize her parents or coach, but the minute you bad mouth an entire country makes you an ignorant racist!
+I think it's interesting how easy it is for the fucking assholes who make the comments, and the people who think its funny would never make the same comment about a black person.
+It's always easier to make fun of Asians, but the same assholes would never say the "N" word or rant about black people. Happens all the fucking time.
+If this was about stereotypes about black people, a majority of you would never make such dumb comments.
+Fucking losers
+Yet some folks refuse to believe that the Chinese officials might go so far as to give these athletes performance enhancing drugs on the sly.
+I can't believe the amount of racism that is expressed on this site as o late. Feel free to be a cowardly bigot hiding behind your computer screen, I'm sure that's what everyone who has ever fought and died for this country intended.
+Lol! The next time that ignorant thing makes a racist comment about any race...I will ignore it or tell everyone to chill out.
+It's best just to roll with it...it's good to let people make racist/ignorant comments.
+I love adults who bully or think its fun!
+Oh my! I missed the fight.
+I studied Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, China. I loved being there. I worked in two different hospitals and was very impressed with everyone.
+My experience was really positive. The people are lovely. We have to remember that the Chinese people are not their government. Don't be surprised if China has another uprising at some point.
+I was watching the gymnastics individual all around this morning (no spoilers) and a Chinese gymnast started her floor routine. They said she had been part of the Chinese gold medal winning team in 2008. She looked about 14 today. Which would be about right. That 2008 Chinese team average age was about 10.
+Hannah, mocking her hair was really uncalled for. You're such a folliclist.
+The way they use Chinese herbal medicine is amazing. They give IV formulas for cancer treatment! And that stuff works. Wouldn't be surprised if they figured out a way to enhance their athletes.
+Mama Frufra, I need a cookie. Can I come over? And get a hug too?
+@Hannah, as a Black person, yes I have more then the 1 drop that some states define race. I don't have a problem with her comments. So, attack me I don't care. I have been on the receiving end of things you would still be crying about, 20 years later. I had to take my Daughter off life support, yesterday. 27 yrs. old. She volunteered at animal shelters, worked with disabled children, raised money for Breast Cancer, shoveled sidewalks for eldery neighbors and told me every day she loved me. In HS she was called "Halfy" and the N word. We donated every thing and bc of her the transplant people said over 50 people would benefit. So the worst that could happen to me did. You and your friends can sit up all night thinking of ways to call me racist and it does not matter. You do not matter, your uncalled for rant (resorting to name calling) is about as meaningful to me as some water I might step in. Mentioning Asians and rice is bland. The world is pretty meaningless when my Daughter who did good every day is dead and you find it necessary to go off on a rant about something so trite. Try living in a world where you are called the "N" word every day, refused service, pulled over by the police for driving while black, threatened by your neighbors that they are going to burn your house down. If it was only someone saying "You know they eat chicken & watermelon". I do not feel (having been on the receiving end) that Vicki's comments deserved the reaction and name calling. But, then I will take my dark skinned kinky haired self and go sit in the corner. The next time someone calls me the "N" word I will shrug it off at least it wasn't a rice comment.
+Yeah, I want hugs and cookies at Mama Frufra's house, too. I always think that we have a lot in common. As a wise man once said, "I wanna party with you, cowboy." Or...cowgirl, in this case.
+So, dia papaya and I will be over really soon, m'kay?! I like oatmeal raisin, if you take requests.
+This thread makes me kind of sad today.
+Oh, old ;ady, I am so very sorry for your loss. Your daughter sounds like she was a beautiful person. Hugs and prayers (if I may) to you today.
+Old 'ady
+What????? I am so sad to hear about your daughter. I remember you saying you had to administer CPR to her recently, but I didn't know she had health problems. Oh Jesus, my heart goes out to you. I know I have said this to you before, but you have been through enough shit for a dozen people. My most deepest deepest condolences. I'm so sorry
+old ;ady, thanks for giving this thread some perspective, and i am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
+Omg I love how quickly this turned into a "you cunt!" "You whore!" thread.
+@old your amazing daughter saved 50 families. She and your strong difficult choice. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for making such a kind decision that will allow her to live on.
+Old ;ady, I am so sorry about your daughter. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts, will light a candle for your daughter tonight <3
+Can I ask what your first name is? I hope anyone still reading this thread will say a prayer, do a meditation or send some positive thought to our friend who is obviously in pain.
+Sending love your way xo
+This is no longer the same happy-go-lucky CDAN I stumbled upon back in 2006.
+@ old ;ady--I am so, so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. May God bless you and your family.
+Layna Day: Amen.
+Hannah may have overreacted a bit, but there is a lot of disgusting racism/xenophobia going on in here. If you can't tell the difference between criticizing a country's policies and making stereotypical generalizations about their people, it's time to educate yourself. Vicki, you know I think you're a hoot most of the time, but that "rice" comment was bad. :(
+I'm confused because some stories say it was the government while others say it was the parents' decision, but if it was the parents' decision, it is probably due to cultural differences. In Asia, it is all about being conscious of your actions and how they affect the people around you. It's common to keep hardships and problems to yourself so as not to "burden" your family, friends, or people around you (financial, health issues, etc). I'm sure she wanted to know, but a lot of times, Asians keep things to themselves because it is seen as being caring by not stressing out or worrying someone with your problem. (In dramas they always show the girl not telling her lover that she has cancer because she loves him and doesn't want to make him feel guilty, worried, or obligated to stay with her. Maybe that's a silly example lol.)From my experience with the culture it USUALLY doesn't have anything to do with selfish needs or competition. So I would hope that the parents did this because they didn't want to burden her and worry her.
+However, if it was the Chinese government that didn't allow them to tell the daughter, I have nothing supportive to say about that at all.
+old ;ady, my deepest condolences on your tragic loss. Thank you for sharing some memories of your daughter who made a beautiful mark on the world during her short time here.
+While I think the name calling got out of hand, when people have been discriminated against their entire lives I can understand the rise to anger. So much prejudice is endemic on our society that we often don't even know that we are perpetuating it. We also don't know the circumstances of other people's lives and why they react the way they do.
+I had an example last night where I innocently said something and someone else got upset, so I went to them and apologized. They accepted it but said that my 'problem' was I wanted to help everybody. It really stayed with me, but then I thought if that was my problem, wouldn't it be nice if everyone had it. Later they thought I was sitting at another table because of their comment, so then I had to explain that 3 hours earlier, when I got there, there were other people at the table. I was at line dancing and I really don't sit for hours. So from one comment an extrapolation can occur which is incorrect.
+Sorry for the long post.
+My Daughter was a personnel trainer. She was in excellent shape. 5'9" and 140 lbs. She had more energy then about 10 people. She did not drink nor use drugs. She was married and her Daughter will be 3 next month. They (Dr's) think she had a seizure that caused Cardiac Arrest. She was a sports fanatic who Pole Vaulted from JH and into College (Sports Scholarship) she had many concussions from missing the mat, while vaulting. They think this caused an area of her brain to be damaged and caused seizures. When she had one it was so Massive it caused her to stop breathing and her heart to stop. She and my son in law lived with me and their Daughter. Today, he told me that he is taking his Daughter as he does not want me to help raise her. I have one week until she leaves. He is white and does not want her raised as part Black nor does he want her to view me as her Mother. I am her Grandmother, but the law does not give Grandparents any standing in custody, unless both parents are dead. He also does not want her to have any contact with me or my family. So really I am losing both of them.
+You will be ok and so will your granddaughter @old'ady. If nothing changes, she will eventually learn the truth and know that you love her and how great her mom is. You're strong.
+old ;ady, I don't know which state you live in, but although you are correct that grandparents often don't automatically get rights, they will often be awarded them if it's in the "best interests of the child." where your granddaughter lived with you and you were a big part of her life, I think it's likely a court would rule that it's not in her best interests to have that one shred of stability yanked out from underneath her in the wake of losing her mother. Again, so incredibly sorry for your loss and the pain you must be in right now, and if I can help in any way, please let me know.
+First of all, virtual cookies and hugs to everybody. Good grief people, decorum and kindness, please. I would love nothing more than to spend a little time hanging out with you good people :-). But be warned, we are all about a 100% stress free environment within our home, so kind words only!!!
+Dear, sweet old ;ady - I don't know what to say, except you are in my thoughts this hour. I pray that your son-in-law's heart will soften as his grief lessens. I pray you can remain close to your granddaughter. Time is a wonderful healer. I pray for you to be comforted as time passes. Know you did a transcendent thing by donating your daughter's organs. Peace and love, lady.
+Sunny, right there with you on the 3rd grade mentality! You said motor boat. Tee He Hee!
+@ old ;ady
+I'm very sorry for your loss. It's people like your daughter who make the world a better place.
+@ HannahPalindrome
+I understand why you feel offended by some of the comments made on here, I do too. But calling people names is not acceptable and is beneath you. No matter how justified you may feel in your anger, please don't bring yourself down to the level of those who have upset you - they're not worth it. As I'm typing this, I'm trying really hard to follow on my own advice, I know it's not easy.
+@ JohnMolloy
+I completely agree with you and thank you for expressing that point better than I ever could.
+But I'm going to try anyway....
+@Vicki Cupper:
+I've read your comments before and found them pretty funny. That rice comment - not so much. That was really out of line, and whatever condolences you offered to begin with, well that off-set it big time.
+That's quite interesting what you said. I clearly skipped that gene from the Chinese side in my family. If I'm having problems, I feel it's only fair to share them with everyone!
+@ Enty
+Your posts about Chinese medal winners are beginning to really irritate me. Fine - criticise the government, they're not perfect and I'd be the first to admit that some of the criticism is warranted. But undermining these athletes success in the process is pretty mean spirited and suggests to me, that what bothers you most is the fact that China won another gold.
+Angels are with you today old;ady. Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. Know that you are loved and supported by all of us. My heart is breaking for your loss and the loss of your beautiful daughter. Your generous nature ensures that 50 people will have a better life.
+I am praying for you. I am praying for your dayghter's safe crossing to the other side to be with the Angels. Know that she is always, always with you. Love exists always. I know this bc I am a medium and see them in heaven surrounded by love, without pain.
+I am also praying that your son-in-law will come to his senses. Grief makes people do crazy things. The little one will come back to you! Set your intention and make it so.
+Sending you a giant bear hug! We love you! Dia P
+@feraltart - Being nice to everyone and wanting to help is a kindness a lot of people have lost. Good for you!
+I really felt the love here at the end. Old;ady you will be in my thoughts today. I am so sorry for your lose. Be strong.
+I am available to console the ladies of the Brazilian and Spanish beach volleyball teams for any tragedies they may have suffered during competition.
+See, isn't altruism more fun than racism?
+Old ;ady, I am truly sorry for your loss :(
+Old ;ady, I am truly sorry for your loss :(
+My heart goes out to you old ;ady. I wish I could sit and hold you and let you have a good cry for your double loss. I know that isn't much consolation but know you have a crew of people here who send you their love. This has been a wonderful community and I have been on the receiving end of others care and concern. If I can listen to you and help that hurt ease I bit please let me know.
+Hannah: I am so surprised at your outburst. I always thought you were much more intelligent and articulate than that and frankly I am quite disappointed. I'm disappointed when anyone has to resort to name calling to make their point because the point they want to make is completely lost.
+Come on! Calling people cunts and trailer trash is for reality TV. Not this site. I thought we were all more elevated.
+One last thing. I find it very, very interesting that the people who tend to flame the most also have zero guts in making their profile available. Frankly I find that quite cowardly.
+Old ;ady I am so sorry. I am thinking about you.
+I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you x
+Old ;ady, I'm so sorry for your loss. I cannot even begin to fathom the pain you're feeling. Hopefully, knowing so many of us are holding you and your family in our thoughts will provide some comfort.
+Regarding your granddaughter, if your son-in-law is serious about keeping her from your family (although I'm hoping it's just the grief speaking), you do have rights. When my ex and I got divorced, his parents hired a lawyer and obtained legal visitation rights (it's a very long story but to say my ex and his parents don't have the best of relationships is an understatement.) If you're interested, please let me know and I can provide more info on that.
+Sending love and light to you and yours,
+Enty, you finally got it right about China:
+"it seems to be the only thing that matters is winning no matter the cost"
+Free Tibet.
+This is the problem with this country!
+Writing racist comments about Asians was okay, but if this was about the black community, a lot of ppl would be attacking the racists.
+Your experiences with racism are the same as mine!
+This is the reason why I will not sit back and allow a bunch of IDIOTS to get away with their ignorant comments.
+I'm not playing this game of which person's racism is worse than the other persons. For you to address anything that I've said as not worthy is disgusting.
+I find it interesting that most ppl are yelling at me for calling ppl names and not calling out the others. One wrote that they enjoy Vicki's funny comments.
+I can deal with people calling me a bitch, cunt, blah blah, but I refuse to sit back and not say what I am feeling at the time.
+I was born in the right country. At the best time for me. To the right parents to handle my crazy ass.
+Because if I would've been born in some other country, at an earlier date my butt would've gotten stoned to death or something...
+This story is so heavy and ridiculous. That's CRAZY, will she get to go home and help her mom through the breast cancer?????
+Notice that everything she's accusing others of, she's the only one who's been doing it? She called the names, she brought up black people yet completely ignored the most sobering post FROM a black person? I missed the statement about the grain of rice but I really doubt that it was meant anything but a joke and the world isn't going to work unless we can laugh at the little things. Do we need to name all the typical ethnic foods? Something is wrong with her. She's been that angry for how many hours since the first post?
+I'm actually quite disappointed in some of the earlier comments. They came across as extremely xenophobic and racist.
+Imagine if someone made the same snap judgments based on getting a small glimpse into our culture (Does Snooki represent the entire U.S?)
+I don't think we'd like that all. SMH
+@old ;ady: I'm so, so sorry that you have to deal with all of this...anything else I could say has pretty much already been said by several other posters, but we are all thinking of you... *hug*
+I said nothing about individuals, only that I don't trust their government. I don't even trust my own government! What I do trust is their medicine and I completely distrust Western medicine. Everything has its good and bad. I feel I have more choices where I live but maybe the downside is people aren't pushed to their greatest potential here bc some choose laziness?
+I'm done with this post.
+@Hannah - I understand why you're mad. All racism is bad. Anytime anyone is made to feel less than another bc of race is not ok in my book.
+Vicki was wrong to say what she said. You didn't make it any better by saying horrible things back to her. Neither of you handled this well. If you were my kids I would put both of you in timeout and then make you apologize to each other and then hug.
+I wanted to stay of this back and forth, but had to say something after you lashed out at Lady the second time. Her daughter just died and you know if she wanted to call me a cunt-faced honkey today, I would be OK with it. There is a GIANT hole in her heart that will never be filled. She is experiencing the worst kind of agony today and we need to be compassionate for her loss.
+Maybe you had a similar shitty day and if we knew about we would support you too. I totally get what you were trying to say. I just wished you'd been calmer about it. You have every right to be mad.
+I'm sending you a big hug too. I love your posts as well. You are awesome. I hope we can chalk up this extra emotion to Toxic Thursday-itis.
+Hugs and Kittens, dp
+I was wondering why this thread had 115+ responses. . .wow.
+@old ;lady, so very sorry for your loss.
+@selenakyle, I agree!
+and @Frufra, I can be there in about 3 hours!
+@old;ady: I think others have said everything I would have more eloquently; the trite phrase "My thoughts and prayers are with you" is often the only thing we can offer, but they are. Your daughter sounds like one incredible human being, and rest assured you will meet again one day. You will see your granddaughter, as well. Hugs!
+Wow old ;ady. My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you raised a wonderful child. The world needs more of this. Hang in there.
+old;ady - I hope a small bit of time will bring your granddaughter back to you. Grief is terrible and people don't always know how to deal with it. I know you probably have a funeral to deal with now and that can't be easy for everyone involved. I hope everyone can keep peace and love in their hearts during this difficult time. I wish peace and love for you all.
+Travel teaches us to hate governments, not people. Hate is a learned emotion in most cases.
+old ;ady - my prayers are with you.
+China is simply outstanding when it comes to their respect of females.
+I have zero doubt they treat their athletes with the same respect they give to human rights. Probably more strict, actually, considering it's all about 'reputation' and seeming strong.
+I wonder if the government is glad the parents of the girls who ave won trophies for them didn't abort due to the 1 child per family law?
+Or if that's easily overlooked.
+Either way, the whole situation is simply tragic.
+old ;ady - I hope you get some legal advice, a child should know their relatives and their history
+Maybe it's a good time for us all to think about and reread our posts before we publish them. I know I have been guilty of running off my mouth before my brain has a chance to catch up.
+CDaNer love is the best thing about this place, let's not lose sight of that.
+I'm pretty sure most people are saying the government is the asshole and feel for the Olympian, they are not blaming the race.
+This thread is giving me the sads.
+old;ady - I know my words will ring hollow, but your situation breaks my heart. I hope your daughter's husband realizes that their daughter needs her grandmom in her life. Obviously, you meant a great deal to your daughter if you all lived together. Maybe someone in his life will help him see that. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. God bless.
+Can you give it a rest Hannah!! She lost her daughter!!! Old ;ady I'm so sorry for your loss, can't imagine your pain at this moment, my thoughts are with you
+Looking at those girls asses this morning made me do some extra long yard work today.
+You cn also get visitation rights as grandparents (especially bc she has loved with you, that shows a relationship/bond to the courts!!).
+And I was wondering why she is ghetto? Because she's puertorican or from the Bronx? Hmmmm...
+How do you know if Vicki is fat?
+Does your mom know you are using her computer?
+Party Supplies, apparently you missed Enty's 'Your Turn' post from earlier. Go look. :)
+Right. Right! I mean this seriously, I think that was cruel. They'd kept it from her for a year, the mom was in remission, how viscious was that to tell her right after she won? She's already been through hell with training and isolation, no need to add to it like that. It appalls me. The whole thing appalls me but I really am hit hard by that almost punishing act. I dont care about future timing, that was wrong. She will have a tough time feeling good about that day in the future and that is selfish. Nothing would have been hurt by waiting even another 24 hours.
+i think being called on it via you are a fat fucking cunt is a surprise to anyone
+@old ;ady, the grieving process can bring out the worst in people. I hope for your sake and your grandchild’s he comes around.
+I’m w/ @astrogirl; I’ve had my fair share of open mouth insert foot moments on this blog. I’m probably about to have one now.
+@Hannah’s reaction was vulgar and she could have handled her words much better. She’s right to be mad about the dismissiveness from readers. I usually find Vicki to be quite funny. But in this situation, she made comments that didn’t seem to be overly racist, but Hannah did. At that point, step back. I bet if Vicki wasn’t a popular poster, many of you would not have defended her words. And stop antagonizing Hannah by bringing in comments from another thread. That’s just being a jackass. And it seems as though @misspoppypants is now having a conversation w/ herself in the last 8 comments? No?
+Finally, for love of Pete, can we stop talking about Free Speech on a gossip blog? We are under the jurisdiction of blogger.
+Oh what an awful thread ...
+So sad to read about old ;ady 's very sad circumstances.
+My thoughts are with you.
+I was interested in this thread because I spent 7 years in China and.
+Well ... things went to another nasty direction. I will just say that MDK was spot on with his comments (maybe others were, but I could not bring myself to read everything)
+You can say it is cruel, I will never do it to my child but I understand the way people of Chinese culture would think: "if I tell her that her grandma died before her great competition/exam, she will be distraught and disrupted in her work, she will diminish her chances to to win and she will jeopardize her whole future. I cannot let her put her future in danger for something that could not be avoided so I will wait."
+You can say it is cruel, it is not. It is only cruel in our culture because of the way we prioritize our values.
+Chinese culture does it differently but they are not meaner when they do this.
+Chinese culture is much more geared towards survival and preparing for the future than ours. This is the reason why personal feelings or wellbeing are less important than in Western civilization.
+End of Sociology 101 and a half from babo (formerly known as Babochina)
+I hope every heart is quieter now
+Out of curiosity - is this the same Kaizer who writes at Celebitchy? I know the spelling is different but just wondered.
+This thread is disgusting.
+Hannah... I get why you're upset and you are 100% justified. The ignorant high school mentality displayed here is definitely more than a bit pathetic, and you know, while I am very sorry to hear of old ;ady's loss, I don't quite grasp what exactly that has to do with Vicki being a racist slag. Which, by the way, she absolutely is, from the tone of the trash that she spews here.
+Reality is, this is a cliquey group of people, and honestly, it's better to NOT fit in. These people are not the people who used to make coming here a pleasure.
+What about the bad minton (sp) teams that are throwing their games? How come nobody is talking about that?
+It's good to hear some people on this site don't support or defend the racist spew that other people have posting. I used to think this was a relatively nice community but I've been pretty disappointed as of late. However, people like you, John, MK etc have restored my faith a bit.
+Wow, you people are a nasty piece of work. Yes, what Vicky said was inappropriate. However, Hannah is 100% WRONG for going psycho crazy. So according to Hannah (and others), it's not ok to make a inappropriate racial comment, but it's perfectly ok to write the most nasty, vitriolic statements - calling another human being a "fat cunt" and a "fucking loser"? HYPOCRITE MUCH???
+ESPECIALLY, when Hannah, in a previous post, called someone 'ghetto', which can be deemed as an offensive comment. Would we have been justified to call Hannah a "fucking cunt" then??
+Hannah, you need to grow the hell up. For the record, I believe you had every right to call Vicky out on her comment. However you lost any respect from me when you spewed your nasty bile. Sweetie, in the real world that is NOT how you resolve conflicts. Stomping and screaming like a 10 year old won't endear me to your cause.
+The rest of you that are picking on Vicky should be ashamed. Again, I am not saying that you shouldn't speak up, but it's the way you're doing it - you sit there and spew all this self righteous crap, but you're nothing better than teenage bullies. For God's sake, learn how engage as adults and not 16 year old mean girls.
+It’s not OK to make racist comments OR write “nasty, vitriolic statements” – if you had read previous posts (i.e. the one I posted at 2:29 PM for example, you’d be aware of this. I suggest you check your facts before you throw around accusations of hypocrisy.
+I (and a couple of others) found Vicki’s “rice” remark offensive and disrespectful, referring to it as “inappropriate” is an understatement and down plays the connation implied. Why should I or anyone else be ashamed for disagreeing with Vicki? With the exception of Hannah, most people were perfectly civil and polite in raising their objections. It’s interesting that you interpret this as bullying - disagreeing with someone’s opinion doesn’t constitute as bullying in my book, and is an insult to those who have suffered with bullying in their lives. I also find it interesting that you’d rather not give a name when posting – you feel so strongly about this that you rather not be identified?
+@ Unknown:
+Actually I take back that last comment I made about posting anonymously. I can understand why you’d prefer to do this and it was wrong of me to criticise you for it. So apologies for this. But with regard to everything else I said, I stand by it.
+I do not agree or condone the inital comment that started this all off. Nor do I condone the extremely profane way Hannah chose to express herself. But that's the beauty of the internet. Someone can say something totally fucked up and another person can challenge them on that. I wanted to stay away from this awful thread but lately the comments have been too much for me to just bite my tongue. I'm sure Vicki intended her comment to be 'funny' but it was not. It was very offensive but she is allowed to feel that way and Hannah is allowed to express her rage in her own way, but she went too far. This whole thing went too far. There is no defending those types of comments from either party. I'm sorry for the spelling/grammar issues but this pissed me off. I know I'm a hippie and I just want peace and love but is that so wrong?
+Old ;ady- I'm so so sorry for your tragic loss and I pray that your son in law lets you be a part of your grand daughters life. Your story put things in perspective, thank you for sharing it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are stronger than you know.
+Vicki Cupper said...
+ITA @Kats. When I lived in Korea people constantly asked me when I going to China for vacay. Fucking why? They charge Americans almost double for a tourist visa than they do everybody else. Fuck them and the rice they rode in on.
+11:08 AM
+@Roxxx no I’m not the same Kaizer. & I agree.
+@WbotW, there are several in this crew w/ a clique mentality.
+@rejectedcarebear, I’m pretty sure yesterday’s rant by the grammar police proved that even they can’t follow their own rules.
+@Agent, I think you are a jackass.
+You live up to your name!
+Kaizer=Over zealous or moronic. In need of guidance and constant approval and attention.
+Anal retentive personality
+"That person is a kaizer, constantly spamming forums and seeking attention"
+I think everyone went too far, specially Hannah! I understand why she was offended because as a minority myself I know about stereotypes too but to call other people names like what she did was too much. Also, I think most people here are aware that the Chinese people are good and are different from their oppressive government. If there was cheating involved anywhere it's the government who makes them do this, they have no choice! And I would agree that you might not want to tell this athlete about grandma dying except apparently grandma died a YEAR ago! I'm sure she would be ok by now if she was told at the time but different cultures have different beliefs. Last, it is important to point out what Hannah said in a previous post about Jennifer Lopez when she called her ghetto! To me that was offensive and racist! And I would like to know why she is ghetto? Because she's puertorican??? She could have used any other word to get her point across but to use ghetto was done on purpose!
+Lol. You are amusing, its only attention seeking and spamming when you don't agree with someone. Kind of like in all of your Dark Knight posts, shaming anyone who wants to bring up gun control, mental health issue, etc. Then you try to redirect with “judge isn’t allowing camera’s in the courtroom” blah blah blah. Lets not talk about the problem, but lets continue to glamourize and investigate every detail about him and his family, Lets make them notorious!
+Sorry you can’t look up the definition of my name it has its own unique personal definition. The point is I’m not afraid to stand up for someone who is being berated by others posters. But if you want to say I’m attention seeking, fine go ahead. I certainly am not seeking your approval.
+I'm so sorry for your loss. Your daughter seemed like she was an amazing person. Thoughts are with you.
+That's it? That's all you have? Not very unique. Wish you well.
+I winced when I read Vicki's comment. Yes. Funny thing is, I also winced when I read Hannah's comment yesterday on the Casper Smart/JLo thread, regarding J-from-the-B being "ghetto." There is hypocrisy in Hannah's actions and words. Vicki's comment was offensive, and she could have made her point about the Chinese government or way-of-life without being racist. There's a fine line between racial commentary and racism. I don't think it was her intention to be racist, and I will give Hannah the benefit of the doubt in that she wasn't being elitist, stuck up, and bigoted when she said that thing about "ghetto" JLo.
+But I will also say that Hannah seems to have gone off the rails. Her rants and name-calling defeated her purpose and diluted her argument. Her subsequent attack on old ;ady, to whom I send all my best wishes and heartfelt condolences, was uncalled for and, quite frankly, wrong.
+@Hannah, yes, you may have experienced racism your whole life, but I defy you to compare it to what old :ady has gone through. If you live in America, your suffering hasn't been the same because it hasn't been systemic and endemic, perpetual, born into this country's constitution, and born into the tenets of certain political parties. The most recent rise in hate groups in America didn't occur because Asian people continued to climb the ivies and corporate ladders (as they've benefitted more from affirmative action than the black people in this country). If you were a little more informed of American history and the law, you wouldn't make such careless comments. I can school you on it, if you want, but we should take that discussion off this thread. You want to say there is no way one people can claim one's suffering trumps another's. In this country, you most certainly can.
+I'm sorry for whatever bigotry you have faced, but that does not give you just cause to dish it out as well. You don't win that way and you lose all dignity and the respect of others. Rise above it and in the future, remember not to bring black people's suffering into your argument because on that, you can never (nor should you ever) win.
+You guys, Hannah wont post here for a long time. She's probably not even reading anyone comments to her.
+Thank you Agent! I tried telling Hannah what website I took it from but she can't read English. She firmly believes I'm a monkey loving drag queen.
+@Kaizer, haha! Yes, a conversation with myself...is that better or worse than calling each other fat cunts and worthless whores? There are a couple different ways to view and respond to this site. The mobile version lets you respond to individual texts directly underneath them while the web version puts your posts at the end and does not let you individually reply to certain posts. I hope that clears it up. That conversation was crazy making but I haven't become my own imaginary friend yet.
+'Hanna' is a composite of other names, MPD.
+@Agent, what does MPD mean? What do you mean about the name Hanna? no h at the end
+@Frufra I can answer your question as to whether Olympians go on to live productive lives. I've had the honor of participating in an event called Swim Across America with some past US Olympic swimmers and they are some of the most down to earth normal people I've met. Sure I was a little starry eyed about it at first but really, they are nice and normal and seem to be happy with their lives.
+hi ;ady
+I was reading the comments of this thread and was getting pissed off at the tone of some commenters ... then I reached yours.
+Just wanted to send you my thoughs. What you are going through is the absolute worst a human being bcan endure. I am sorry for the loss of your amazing daughter :'(
+I really really hope your son in law realizes that his son, your grandson, needs+benefits from having you&your part of the family in their life, even more in this difficult times. family members can be idiots sometimes, it is my experience, & I really hope he reconsiders his position sooner that later
+A huge HUGE hug ;ady
+To old;lady,
+I want to express my condolences on the loss of your daughter and hope that you will be able to reunite with your grandchild someday.
+To the community,
+This will probably mean little to most, but I was an avid reader of CDAN when the blog started up until recently. I read the blind items, such as the famous MV blind and Enty's trip through Europe. However, I noticed a change in the blog. I'm not sure what it was, be it the blind vices that discussed rape and molestation in great detail, or the lazy posts that were designed to anger some group. (Surely the people who run this blog that have such knowledge would be able to do something about what was going on in the blind vices.)
+I also noticed a group think mentality where whoever disagreed with the majority, got jumped on. Differences of opinion do not bother me, nor do comments meant to challenge someone's belief. What is repugnant are the some of comments made about others and that challenging them is somehow wrong or against "free speech."
+What has happened/is happening to African-Americans in the U.S. is horrific and the fruits of systematic racism are far from gone in American society. However, people of Asian descent (be it East Asians or South Asians) in America have endured racism/violence and it is not insignificant either. Being Asian American, I can recall incidents of racial violence from my own experience and from those I have worked with in the community. These topics are rarely discussed or brought about because of the media's hesitance to cover these issues and the concept of shame within the Asian community.
+I have noticed comments from some here that seem insignificant, but add up to be a general hostility towards people who are not the majority.
+Is this blog significant in resolving these issues? Probably not, but some of the comments made here are indicative of what prejudiced people think and say when they don't think they will be challenged. I hope that this community returns to what it used to be. And now I'm going to drink.
+Really well said. :) have a good Friday!
+I agreed with the 1st para you wrote but your last para is just ridiculous. How patronising and judgmental can you get? I’m sorry but who exactly do you think you are to judge the racism someone else has experienced and deem it as not being comparable to another person’s experience, without knowing first hand any of the individuals concerned or facts, but basing this purely on the fact that said person is not African American, therefore it can’t be as bad.
+But it’s really good of you to offer to “school” Hannah so that she can learn how any racism she’s experienced is insignificant or doesn’t qualify because she’s not African American. Oh please, that’s just utterly ridiculous and stupid, not to mention just a little bit racist in itself.
+And for the record, I didn’t see Hannah make an attack on Old Lady. She may have been rude to other people, but not Old lady. Don’t take my word for it, go back and read the comments and tell me where this happens.
+@ Ash
+I agree 100% with everything you said.
+Sure. Here is what I was objecting to, in what Hannah said to old ;lady:.
+Your experiences with racism are the same as mine!
+I'm not playing this game of which person's racism is worse than the other persons. For you to address anything that I've said as not worthy is disgusting.
+This came across to me as an attack, and that is what I was responding to. I think it is ludicrous for her to bring up watermelon and black people to justify her pain. Unnecessary and the two are hardly comparable. First of all, the watermelon thing is a stereotype! Associating Asian people with rice is not in and of itself racist. Asian people (esp in Asian countries) DO eat rice with their meals to this day. China is the largest producer of rice in the world. Rice has been a food staple in Asia for millennia. It's only seen as a negative thing if someone tries to make it one (which is why Vicki's comment rubbed me the wrong way). But the whole watermelon idea is based in oppression that was meant to demean an entire people--enslaved Southern blacks, not given enough to eat by "owners," growing a crop and thus supplementing their diet with that food item. Then those same "owners" make fun of their starving "chattel." Breaking down the distinction even further: the emperors of China ate rice and didn't suggest the consumption of the food was somehow symbolic of their subjects being inferior. The watermelon association was designed to make fun of another race of people living in the same country so as to continue to subjugate and oppress them. We can go even farther into where that stereotype grew from, but again, probably not of interest to most people on this board.
+I know that Hannah and old ;lady's experiences with racism are not the same. Old ;lady, judging by her name and age, has seen more and experienced more than Hannah, and lived through some of the most tumultuous times in our nation's history. I'm not saying that the experiences of the two ladies weren't just as painful for the individual, or even that the lingering effects couldn't be as severe--for the individual. But I stand by what I said in regard to the systemic racism of this country directed squarely at African Americans, in which the government itself takes part. We can talk about the plight of African-American farmers (the government refusing them loans, such that they'd lose their farms), or the lending practices of different mortgage lenders (where, for instance, Wells Fargo, SunTrust, among many, many others, deliberately steered African Americans toward subprime loans, or wouldn't give African Americans the same interest rates they would white people with the same income and credit history, etc), or politicians trying to purge voter rolls in order to reduce the number of black people who are eligible to vote in presidential elections. All of this is CURRENT (not stuff that happened twenty, thirty, fifty years ago). And that's just the obvious stuff. African Americans are still targeted not just by skinheads, but by those who think they mean well. Pointing out and studying discrepancies, disenfranchisement, and injustices and the varying levels of those things that different people within a society suffer isn't racist. It's science. Refusing to acknowledge the difference is just someone trying to by PC, not really trying to understand the depth of the problems for whatever reason. Willful ignorance mostly.
+One last thing: the fact that Hannah was able to nonchalantly take a superior position over JLo and label her "ghetto," which, as I said before, has racist undertones, suggests to me that she hasn't experienced the type of racism that old ;ady has. Such words came too easily for her. And finally, old ;ady's own story talks about the fact that her white son-in-law doesn't want to raise his daughter (her granddaughter) as part black and is trying to cut the girl off from the black side of her family. In case there are others who didn't pick up on this, that's racism too. My educated guess is that Hannah has never experienced something as malignant, albeit subtle, as that.
+Yes Hannah attacked old ;ady and yes, she was caught up in such a viscious come apart that she was not humbled by old ;ady's tragic loss. Hannah comes off, at least that day, as a very unstable 16 year old who may ir may not have a darker, deeper pain that underles her rage, but rage is safer to express. That would make sense. The world is filled with hurting people. Everyone is entitled to their own grief. I got absolutely hysterical, not in a psychotic sense, by the shock of it all. It was so unreal that to me it came off as hilarious, Vicki and Hannah. Not thinking it's funny noe. And yeah, people jump people's backs on here if they dare to say a story bores them, commit the heinous crime of a spelling or grammatical error or anything else lately. It is like the youtube channel here now. Ive gotten angry myself.
+That said, kaizer, don't call people jackasses. What hypocrisy. Just adding to the fat fucks, cunts and whores on here. Don't exalt yourself. And it would have taken you two seconds to reason out the staggering of my posts. So leave me off your shit list as well. Your comments about others says a lot more about you than them. I agree, this site is crap now and cliquey and you never know who is going ti come at you like a chimpanzee for having your own thoughts. Group think is exactly right. I think my hilarious hysterica nterpretation to this blog says it's time to cut the ties to the people whi can't deal with the anger in their own lives and come to levy it out on strangers, the online version of road rage. And I don't need your approval or validation, kaizer, because I have absolutely no respect for you.
+Typos due to iphone not ignorance. Save the righteous self aggrandizement for the Your Turn blog.
+In comparison to what she said to other posters – no, I don’t consider this an attack. Disagreement yes, attack no.
+I can’t really add anything to your racial food metaphor analysis, you’ve done an excellent job and I don’t think I’ll ever regard watermelons or rice in quite the same way.
+“I'm not saying that the experiences of the two ladies weren't just as painful for the individual, or even that the lingering effects couldn't be as severe--for the individual.”
+Good, glad to hear it, at least there's one thing we agree on.
+Hi ol;lady, we don't know each other, but my sincere condolences for your loss. Sending you huggies from Canada {{{( }}}} It was so thoughtful of your family to donate her organs.
+I agree with Hannah that those were inappropriate comments: "the rice you rode in on" and then the "acupuncture" comment just topped it right off. Of course, Hannah's swearing was immediately pounced upon as being more of a sin than the action that first caused it.
+I'm just a nobody from nowhere, but I wanted Hannah to know that she wasn't imagining it.
+I live in Beijing. And I'm not Chinese. This is a complicated country and it is hard to understand just how much insane development has impacted a society that has been torn apart first politically and then economically. This is a soulless place, but that doesn't mean Chinese people themselves are this way. Ppl here are driven by a desperation that comes from wanting as much of this success as possible before it all goes away...again, hard to explain and difficult--when you live here--to stay faithful to those lines you draw between right and wrong.
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+IEP Reports, Recovery and Tears… Always Tears.
+Reading IEP Reports ALWAYS makes me cry. They’re long and dry and they capture moments of a child’s life in unfeeling terms. I guess that is what they’re supposed to do, give a “measurement” of symptoms for comparison to previous years. Professionals LOVE data.
+To me they were painful because they reinforced what we already knew about our child but they never added any happy. They quantify undesired behaviors but they don’t say a single word about his amazing blue eyes, his shy smile, his laugh or any of the million other things that have made me fall crazy in love with him over and over again every day of his 18+ years.
+So this morning I stumbled upon a bunch of these reports and before I knew it I was knee deep, wading through them. I couldn’t stop myself. The childhood years have passed so quickly, I just wanted to remember my little boy, now a man.
+At times I can’t make sense of the words swimming on the pages before me. A few heavy blinks and they spring back into orderly lines. Sure, now the front of my pajama top is soaking but I don’t care. Can’t. Stop. Now.
+I am transported to the tiny conference rooms, seated at a too-small table filled with four to six professional educators, social workers, behavioral consultants, psychologists, autism specialists; all waiting, I believed, for a turn to beat my emotional brains in. Occasionally there would be a person who would say something wonderfully insightful about our child, letting me know that they knew my REAL Ben Twice there were teachers who teared up, watching me weep as I listened to the results of the current round of testing and observations, placing my baby at various levels on various scales of achievement.
+I can even remember some of the outfits I wore, chosen oh, so carefully, to convey a message that I’m intelligent enough to chose coordinating clothing, have a husband who loves me, that we can afford nice things and that I will not be “talked down to.” Funny, to this day I still consider the earrings I wore my “IEP earrings” because they made me feel confident enough to face these highly educated people. It was as if earrings could bridge the gap between my two years of college and their 4,6,8. Looking back I guess I just wanted to convince someone, ANYONE, that I wasn’t scared because I sure as hell couldn’t convince myself.
+Reading these reports today is different for me and I weep now because I believe that my son is recovered. RECOVERED.
+Gone are the tics, the stimming behaviors, the lack of eye contact, the choosing physical return over verbal. The things that masked his brilliance are gone. I believe he is now entirely neuro-typical. I see a bright future ahead of him. I weep because looking back I see clearly the grace of God woven into Ben’s years of work at self mastery. I see my son, this brave, funny, kind, handsome, holy man emerging from Autism and walking down the path God has lain before him. I see Ben cooperating with God’s plan for him.
+I weep tears of joy..
+Buddy Eric
+In the late eighties I was a young wife and new mom. I didn’t know much about how the world really worked and I was still naïve. One uneventful summer weekend a young, single man moved in next door to our Berkley bungalow. I delivered a pan of brownies to welcome him. That was the day our friendship began.
+He was a bright, sunny Californian who lived in the Detroit area because of his work. He was intelligent, funny, kind, articulate, generous and wonderful. Jon and I loved him like a brother and he made us part of his Michigan family. Our toddler, Anna, adored him and he adored her. She would run to him and he would scoop her up and they would have a love fest. She called him “Buddy Eric” and eventually Jon and I did, too.
+The day Desert Storm began he banged on my door and breathlessly told me what was happening. He and I sat on my sofa, stunned, watching the events unfold on CNN, holding hands and crying. We shared many important events, some scary, some happy and some sad. Eric was devastated when his dad, so far away, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
+In time my family moved but I kept in touch with our “Buddy” and he would come over now and then for dinner. One Sunday he called and said he needed to talk to us and asked if it would it be ok if he came right over. Of course it was and he did. Over the next two hours our precious friend told a horrific story about childhood sexual abuse and he confided in us that he was gay. As he told us everything all three of us wept. He had held so much in for so long, alone. It was gut-wrenching to see this beloved friend in so much pain.
+I had worked with a few gay men but I had never had someone so close to my heart “come out.” My initial feeling was shock but I quickly realized that absolutely nothing had changed; he was the same Eric I loved and cherished. He was still funny and kind and wonderful. The only thing that changed was my knowledge of his abuse and sexual preference. If new knowledge ends our love for someone then the love must not have been real. I feel blessed that my initial shock immediately returned to the real love I have for Eric. It was an honor that he felt he could finally be completely honest and vulnerable by telling us everything. I thank God that both Jon and I were able to tell him then and there that we loved him and that we were there for him.
+We had a few more visits with him; the last was in 1995, shortly after the birth of our second child. Eric was moving home to California and he thanked us for our friendship and our love. I think we may have received one or two letters from him at first but eventually we lost contact.
+I never forgot about Eric and prayed for his peace whenever I thought about him.
+Six years ago I decided that I missed him and I set out to find him so I could catch up with him. I Googled him. What I found, instead of contact information, was a website set up by his family, dedicated to his memory. At the time he had been dead a little over a year. Our amazing, loving Buddy Eric had ended his own life.
+I was heartbroken to know that this beautiful person, one of the most wonderful men I would ever meet, was so wounded that he couldn’t see any other way to find peace. Somehow he lost the knowledge that he was loved and he believed that his life was no longer worth living.
+As I said, I was heartbroken. Was. I’m still heartbroken but now I am also mad. Why is our society so cruel?
+He was broken as a boy, by abuse. As an adult, when faced with his own traumatic reality he shattered into a million little pieces. He needed love. He needed acceptance. He needed God. Unfortunately, ours is a world with a serious lack of love and acceptance. I’m certain Eric found love and acceptance from his mom and from his friends but from society as a whole? Probably not.
+It is when you are broken into a million little pieces that God can come in and perform wonders. He can re-build you into so much more than you can build yourself. His love can make all things new. Sometimes staying focused on His love is so blasted hard. There is always someone there to drown out God’s voice, ironically, often by proclaiming God’s word… or at least their own interpretation of His word.
+Make no mistake, our world is filled with God and His all-powerful love is always there but when His creatures, humans, treat one another with contempt, anger, fear, blame and unkindness, it is really, REALLY hard to hear God’s voice. “I love you. You are mine.”
+Think about it… when was the last time you heard Him? When was the last time you listened for Him? When was the last time you extended His mercy to someone who needed it? I did not say “to someone who deserved it.” God freely gives His mercy and His forgiveness to each one of us each and every time we ask. Why would any human think that he or she had the authority to decide who gets mercy (kindness) and who does not?
+Jesus gave us two commandments… “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.“ Matthew 22: 37-39
+Eric, shortly before his death 2006
+We are supposed to love God and love one another.
+I feel guilt that I lost contact with Eric. I wonder how the world treated him in his last years. Was he shown God’s love or was he judged and treated unfairly? Was it his own feelings of guilt that lead to his suicide? Did he believe that the world hated him or was he told that mercy and love were not meant for him? Did he believe the lies that morals vigilantes perpetuate?
+What people say is only what people say. What people think is only what people think. What people do is only what people do. Feelings are only feelings. There is one real, unchanging truth: God created you because He loves you. He loves you and He wants you and He never stops loving you. Ever. People often have small minds and say mean, judgmental things… they are only people. Who gives a crap? Screw them. Screw them all. God loves you. YOU are his absolute favorite. Period.
+Today my heart was heavy. Today I contemplate two truths. The first is that Eric is no longer here. If I could tell Eric one thing it would be the second truth on my mind today: The only thing that truly matters most is love, God’s love.
+God loves you, Eric.
+As The Poodle Turns… Season 3?
+YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS… Just when you thought the saga was long behind us…. Another installment of As The Poodle Turns… Season 3.
+Jon’s cousin, Marg, who lives near Toronto called us last week to see if we were still breeding poodles because her beloved dog had died and they would like to adopt another pet. Jon very sweetly told her that we are not. I would have screamed, soiled myself and fainted (in no particular order) at the suggestion that we EVER do that again so it’s good that Jon answered.
+So here’s the amazing part: Marg left us a voice mail over the weekend that she and her husband had just adopted a 2 year old standard poodle that was born in … yep!! OUR TOWN – a very long way from Toronto!! The weekend was busy and we forgot to return her call. (I really am the worst at that.) She called back tonight and told us that the newest member of her family, Nellie, whom they adopted in Belleville, Ontario was, indeed, one of our Daisy’s babies. She has the exact birth date of our litter and the original buyer’s name was on the vet records.
+WHAT ARE THE ODDS?? So many things have to line up for this to have happened! One of our puppies ended up NOT ONLY in the loving home of Jon’s wonderful cousin but she is in a foreign country: CANADA. WE LOVE CANADA!!! One of my grand-poodles is really living the life.
+I told Daisy all of these joyous developments about her own baby and she burped and looked away. Nice, Daisy. Real nice.
+We plan to go see them all this Summer. Well, we humans plan to go visit. Our curly beasts will stay with home with a house sitter.
+Just in case you missed seasons 1 and 2 they are here and here.
+Zippa de doo Dang
+So this morning, as I was dressing for co-op, I saw a relatively new pair of brown pants that I haven’t worn since forever and I thought “Well, these are cute and comfy… Why don’t I ever wear them? Hmm.”
+I put them on and went about getting ready for the day.
+Forty five minutes later, walking into co-op I feel an icy blast of air in the nether region. My zipper was completely unzipped. Zip it, keep walking.
+Thirty four minutes after that, while standing in front of my science class, quizzing them, zipper is down again.
+OH FOR GOD’S CAKES… Now I remember why I never wear these pants.
+Over the course of the next 7.5 hours I zipped my pants up 9 more times.
+Yes, Lord… I’m paying attention. What is it I am to learn from this?
+Uninterrupted Eye Contact – The Ultimate Gift
+Recently my daughters and I went through a Baby Mama binge. No, we’re not pregnant and we’re not overeating. We are watching the delightful movie by that name… over and over and over again. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are absolutely amazing in this movie. Steve Martin has a small part and he is brilliant. My favorite scene with him is one that we now reference in our house at least once a day.
+If you’ve not seen the movie, I highly recommend it BUT NOT IF YOU’RE A KID. This is a seriously funny movie but most definitely not for kids. Here is my favorite scene, which is very kid-friendly. (You only need to watch about 47 seconds.)
+Yesterday, after a very long, stressful day at our co-op I stopped at our beloved Biggby Coffee to treat myself and my two teenagers to some after-school caffeine. Being too exhausted to park and walk all the way into the building, I took advantage of the drive-thru window.
+We (I) placed our order and in the 8 seconds it took to pull up to the window I became insanely happy. The very long, mostly unpleasant day was over and I was about to pour espresso into my pie hole. I was transformed!
+The very sweet young man waiting at the window greeted me warmly. Our drinks were still being made so he attempted to engage me in conversation. “So, how are you today?”
+“I am awesome!” I said, a little too loudly. “How are YOU?”
+“I’m just ok.” Big smile. “I’m not awesome.”
+“Well, you can be. I can help you.”
+My fourteen year old female child, keenly aware of just how cute this boy is, hissed “Omigod… Mom… no.”
+“I will give you five seconds of uninterrupted eye contact and transfer my awesome to you.”
+The young man, an extremely good sport, leaned out of the drive-thru window and I leaned out of my car a little and with grins on our faces we held eye contact.
+I don’t think he could hear the commotion in my car but I could and it made me giggle.
+In the front seat was my sweet, kind, quiet, impressionable young daughter who was audibly having a mini stroke. The word embarrassed doesn’t even begin to describe. Later, when I would tell this story to my husband, she would quietly add “I died a little bit.”
+In the back seat was my son, 17, laughing harder than I would have expected. He is a very quiet dude and when he notices them, he takes my antics in stride. I don’t know exactly why he was laughing. Was it because I looked like a complete fool, because his sister was mortified or because he actually found it amusing?
+Upon careful reflection, I’ve decided that I don’t care why he was laughing. I considered this a win because any time I can bring forth a genuine belly laugh from him or my husband (the old block from which the chip has been knocked) I am over the moon.
+Am I sorry I embarrassed my daughter? I guess, in retrospect, I am, just a little. Am I sorry I did it? No.
+Bonus… I learned that a crappy day can be turned around with a little espresso and a little tomfoolery.
+Creepy Fish
+By a show of hands, who else is creeped out by my Koi pond?
+Yes, I have a Koi pond. You can feed the fish by clicking on the “water”. Go ahead, feed my fish. It’s on your screen, scroll down a little on your right. I’ll wait.
+See? Aren’t they just a lil’ creepy?
+I forget they’re there and every time I’m reading my blog I jump when I see the Koi move.
+Yes, I read my own blog. Don’t judge, it is not what you think. I read it because I like to play a little game with myself called “Hey, Smart One, that post you just published had 4 grammatical errors, 3 misspelled words and you left a whole paragraph out.”
+You see, much like Marry Poppins I make life a game. More accurately, I make life a series of games. Here are a few of my favorites:
+- Super Happy Pop Game: In this game Player 1 pours himself a drink of a cold yummy liquid, usually pop, leaving less than an ounce in the container, which is then placed back in the fridge. Points are earned if you can make another family member yell “Who drank all the pop?” Bonus points are awarded if you remember to say “Not me, I left you some.” Triple bonus points are awarded if there is a warm bottle of the same pop nearby and the other “player”, who is now Jones-ing for that drink has to pour warm pop over ice, watering it down and making it taste wonky. Ah, good times, good times.
+- Super Happy Toilet Paper Game: This wacky fun game is a variation on the Super Happy Pop Game. You get the picture.
+- The Getting Ready for Bed Olympics: Two players go up the stairs, put on their pajamas, brush their teeth, floss, wash their faces, go potty, wash hands and get in bed. The first player in bed wins the game and gets to go to sleep first.
+- Dark Room Bed Jump Special Olympics: This super fun one player game is played by the The Getting Ready for Bed Olympics (GRBO) loser. Ah, who’m I kidding? It is played by me because sometimes I still get creeped out that maybe, just maaaaaaybe, there is something sinister under my side of the bed so I jump from as far away as I can, in the dark. There are no points in this game but the winner does get to wake up the GRBO champ and giggle while pretending that I did NOT just jump onto the bed. There is a very good reason that this game is called “Special”: at 50 I’m no longer graceful or coordinated. (She said as though she used to be graceful and/or coordinated.)
+- Chocolate Hide and Seek: Hide a bag of Chocolates (Snickers, Dove, M & M’s are best) and sneak one into your mouth, chewing thoroughly and swallowing quickly. Now go sit next to a family member and see how long it takes them to start sniffing the air and follow their nose straight to you. One of my children would grab my head and actually touch her nose to my upper lip. “Momma, What’s that good mell?” Yes, not a typo, she always said “mell.”
+- Uh-Oh! We’re All Deaf!: You know how when you play a game of Tag one person is “it”? In this hilarious multi-player game the person who is “it” is seated and “busy” in the bathroom. Play begins when the house phone rings. All other players pretend to be deaf while the person who is “it” tries to stop being busy, wash her hands and make it to the house phone before it stops ringing. The game is over when someone yells “Are all of you people deaf??”
+- Change Baby’s Poop Color: I haven’t played this game in many years. It goes like this: Feed baby orange colored fruit and veggies in jars for one full day and her poop turns orange. The next day feed her green fruit and veggie jars and see how fast you can change Baby’s Poop Color. There was a very sad period in my life when I not only played this game but I also prayed every night that Gerber would start making blue, purple and pink foods.
+- Dishwasher Mayhem: Players have to figure out if items in the dishwasher are clean or dirty. If they are dirty, any additional dishes in the sink are loaded into the dishwasher, which is then turned on, with additional points given for remembering soap! If items in the dishwasher are clean, all items are unloaded and points are given when items are put in their proper cupboards. All of this is done without having to be told. Mmmm Hmmm, we play this game ALL the time. “Without having to be told” I crack me up.
+- Dark Stairway Phantom Race: This one player race takes place in the dark. on the stairway, late at night when the house is silent and is played with a cell phone, glass of water and a book or clean laundry in your arms and one or more large poodles around your feet . The object of the game is to go up the stairs as quickly as possible before the phantom hand lunges out from between the banister posts to grab you by the ankle and fling you to the bottom of the stairs, where it eats your still beating heart.
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+The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run .
+365 Days (2020)
+Laura, in order to save her relationship from falling apart, goes to Sicily, where she meets Massimo. A dangerous man, the head of a mafia family, kidnaps her and gives 365 days to love him.
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+Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015).
+The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
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+Young Frankenstein is. Original Kings Of Comedy (2000)
+The Original Kings of Comedy is a 2000 stand-up comedy film, directed by Spike Lee, and featuring the comedy routines of Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, and Bernie Mac. Filmed in front of an audience at the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, the comedians give the audience their views about African-American culture, race relations, religion and family. The film was produced by MTV Films and Latham Entertainment, and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was shot over the last two nights (February 26 and February 27, 2000) of the Kings of Comedy tour with Harvey, Hughley, Cedric, and Mac. Its on-stage routines are intercut with brief sections of video footage showing the comedians backstage, promoting the show on the radio, at the hotel, and during a basketball game. The film spawned into multiple spin-offs and films similar to this.
+Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)
+Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American 3D science fiction action film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and a stand-alone sequel to 2011's Transformers: Dark of the Moon, taking place five years after its events.. A fifth film, Transformers: The Last Knight, is set to be released on June 23, 2017, with Cullen and Wahlberg returning and Bay directing again. A sixth film, serving as a Bumblebee spin-off, is scheduled for a 2018 release and a seventh film, Transformers 6, is scheduled for a 2019 release and will serve as the sixth main entry in the series..
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+Single & Ready (2019).
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+11 Minutes (2015)
+11 Minutes (Polish: 11 minut) is a 2015 Polish film directed by Jerzy Skolimowski, starring Richard Dormer, Wojciech Mecwaldowski, Andrzej Chyra, Dawid Ogrodnik, Paulina Chapko, Mateusz Kościukiewicz, Agata Buzek. The narrative follows eleven minutes in several people's lives. The film was screened in the main competition section of the 72nd Venice International Film Festival and in the Masters section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was selected as the Polish entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 88th Academy Awards but it was not nominated.
+The Oogieloves In The Big Balloon Adventure (2012)?
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+From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - View original article
+HMS Ark Royal (pennant number 91) was an aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy that served during the Second World War.
+Designed in 1934 to fit the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty, Ark Royal was built by Cammell Laird and Company, Ltd. at Birkenhead, England, and'. The Germans incorrectly reported her as sunk on multiple occasions.
+She was torpedoed on 13.
+In 1923, the Admiralty prepared a 10-year building programme which included an aircraft carrier and 300 aircraft for the Fleet Air Arm.[2] The economic downturn following the First World War caused it to be postponed. In 1930, the Director of Naval Construction, Sir Arthur Johns, began to update the plans for the carrier by incorporating recently developed technology.[2] His aim was to increase the number of aircraft carried by shortening the landing and take-off distances of aircraft by using arrestor gear and compressed steam catapults respectively, which would make more deck space available for storage and aircraft preparation.[2][3] Along with the inclusion of two hangar decks, this allowed Ark Royal to carry up to 72 aircraft, although the development of larger and heavier aircraft during the carrier's construction meant that the actual number carried was between 50 and 60.[4] The hangar decks were placed inside the hull, thus benefiting from the protection of the 4.5 in (11.4 cm) belt armour.[3] Three lifts moved aircraft between the hangars and the flight deck.[3]
+Another feature was the length and height of the flight deck. At 800 feet (240 m), the flight deck was 118 ft (36 m) longer than the keel; the latter dictated by the length of Royal Navy dry-docks in Gibraltar and Malta.[3] Because hangar decks were within the hull, the flight deck rose to 66 ft (20 m) above the waterline.[5]
+The Washington and London Naval Treaties—which restricted warship tonnage for a number of the Great Powers—were to expire at the end of 1936.[a] With a potential naval arms race developing between Britain, Japan and Italy, the British government sought a second treaty, which included limiting the maximum displacement of an aircraft carrier to 22,000 long tons (22,000 t).[6] Ark Royal would have to fit this anticipated limit; to conserve weight, armour plating was limited to the belt, engine rooms, and magazines, while welding instead of riveting 65% of the hull saved 500 long tons (510 t).[6] Installation of an armoured flight deck was not possible, as the weight would have placed Ark Royal above the proposed limit, while reducing her endurance and stability.[6] The ship was designed with a three layer side protection system based upon a void-liquid-void scheme very similar to that used on the King George V-class battleships, and was designed to protect against torpedoes with up to a 750 pounds (340 kg) warhead.[7][8]
+The ship was fitted with six boilers, which powered three Parsons geared turbines. The turbines were connected via three driveshafts to three bronze propellers 16 ft (4.9 m) in diameter, to produce a maximum theoretical speed of 30 kn (35 mph; 56 km/h).[9][10] Speed was important, as with catapults and arrestor gear, Ark Royal would have to turn into the wind to launch and recover aircraft. To avoid endangering other ships with the frequent course changes associated with flight operations, Ark Royal would have to break away from accompanying ships, and catch up on completion. Additionally, as the carrier was not armed for ship-to-ship combat, speed was her main protection against enemy warships.[2]
+The deteriorating international situation by 1933, typified by Germany's rearmament and the expansion of Japan and Italy, convinced the British to announce funds for the carrier's construction in the 1934 budget proposals.[11] The plans finalised by November 1934, and were tendered in February 1935 to Cammell Laird and Company, Ltd., which calculated the cost of the hull at £1,496,250 (£90.6 million as of 2014),[12] and the main machinery at approximately £500,000.[9][13](£30.3 million as of 2014),[12] The overall cost was estimated to be over £3 million, making Ark Royal the most expensive ship ordered by the Royal Navy.[14] Construction began on Job No. 1012 when Ark Royal's keel was laid down on 16 September 1935.[15]
+Ark Royal spent nearly two years in the builder's yard before being launched on 13 April 1937 by Lady Maud Hoare, wife of Sir Samuel Hoare, then First Lord of the Admiralty. The bottle of champagne thrown against Ark Royal's bows did not smash until the fourth attempt.[16] The carrier spent a year fitting out, was handed over to her first commander, Captain Arthur Power, on 16 November 1938, and was commissioned on 16 December.[15] Although intended for the Far East, events in Europe during the carrier's construction, including the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 and the Spanish Civil War in 1936, caused the Admiralty to mark her for deployment with the Home and Mediterranean Fleets.[17] After her crew joined at the end of 1938, Ark Royal underwent sea trials to prepare for service, during which the carrier proved capable of sailing above her theoretical speed, reaching over 31 kn (36 mph; 57 km/h)[5] and in trials during May 1938 Ark Royal achieved 31.2 kn (35.9 mph; 57.8 km/h) with 103,012 shp (76,816 kW) at a deep displacement of 27,525 long tons (27,967 t).[18]
+Ark Royal's armament was designed with anti-aircraft warfare in mind, as aircraft were expected to be the main threat; ships and submarines could be outrun or dealt with by escorts.[19][20] Her main armament was sixteen quick-firing 4.5 in (110 mm) dual purpose guns in eight double turrets, four on each side of the hull, controlled by four Directors using the High Angle Control System.[3] The original design placed the turrets low on the hull, but was later altered to locate them just below the flight deck, which increased each turret's field of fire.[3] Six[1] 8-barrelled 2-pounder (40 mm (1.57 in)) "pom-pom" guns were located on the flight deck, in front of and behind the superstructure island, while eight 4-barrelled .50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns were installed on small projecting platforms to the front and rear of the flight deck.[21]
+Sixteen Fleet Air Arm squadrons were posted aboard Ark Royal during her career; an average of five squadrons at any time. On entering service, most of Ark Royal's squadrons were equipped with either Blackburn Skuas—used as fighters and dive bombers—or Fairey Swordfish, for reconnaissance and torpedo bombing. From April 1940, squadrons equipped with Skuas were upgraded to Fairey Fulmars; like their predecessors, these were used as fighters and bombers. On occasion, the carrier operated Blackburn Roc fighter-bombers (from April 1939 – October 1940) and Fairey Albacore torpedo bombers (during October 1941); these were replacement aircraft used to boost squadron numbers.[22] In June 1940, Ark Royal was host to 701 Naval Air Squadron, a training squadron which operated Supermarine Walrus reconnaissance amphibians.[23]
+The outbreak of the Second World War on 3 September 1939 had been presaged by Germany's U-boat fleet taking up positions off the British coast, where they could intercept British shipping.[24] Within hours of the war starting, the passenger ship SS Athenia was torpedoed by U-30, the first of over 65,000 long tons (66,000 t) of shipping sunk by U-boats during the first week of the war.[24][25] Ark Royal was deployed with the Home Fleet in the North Western Approaches as part of a "hunter-killer" group, consisting of a flotilla of destroyers and other anti-submarine vessels grouped around an aircraft carrier; either Courageous, Hermes or Ark Royal. Carrier-borne aircraft could increase the area searched for U-boats, but made the carriers tempting targets.[25]
+On 14 September, Ark Royal received a distress call from SS Fanad Head, which was 200 nmi (230 mi; 370 km) away under pursuit from the surfaced U-30.[26] Ark Royal launched aircraft to aid the merchant ship, but was spotted by U-39, which launched two torpedoes.[26][27] Lookouts spotted the torpedo tracks and Ark Royal turned towards the attack, reducing her cross-section and causing the torpedoes to miss and explode harmlessly astern.[25] Three F-class destroyers escorting the carrier began to depth charge U-39, and forced her to the surface.[27] The German crew abandoned ship before U-39 sank—the first U-boat lost during the war.[27] Ark Royal's aircraft reached Fanad Head, which was in the hands of a German boarding party.[26] The Skuas unsuccessfully attacked U-30: two crashed when caught by the blast of their own bombs.[26] The U-boat escaped after rescuing the boarding party and the pilots of the downed aircraft (both observers had drowned), and torpedoing the Fanad Head.[26]
+Ark Royal returned to base in Loch Ewe, where she and her crew were inspected by Winston Churchill. The sinking of U-39 was hailed as important to morale. However, the failed attack on Ark Royal, and the successful attack on Courageous on 17 September, convinced the Admiralty it was too dangerous to risk aircraft carriers in this way, and carrier-centred hunter-killer groups were abandoned.[25]
+On 25 September, Ark Royal helped rescue the submarine Spearfish, which had been damaged by German warships off Horn Reefs, in the Kattegat.[28] While returning to port with Spearfish and the battleships Nelson and Rodney on 26 September, the ships were located by three Luftwaffe Dornier Do 18 seaplanes.[9] Ark Royal launched three Blackburn Skuas to disperse them; one Dornier was shot down in the first British aerial kill of the war.[19]
+The air commander aboard Ark Royal—aware that the surviving Dorniers would report the location of the British ships—ordered the aircraft to be secured and the anti-aircraft weapons readied.[29] Four Junkers Ju 88 bombers[30] of the Luftwaffe bomber wing KG 30 soon appeared: three were driven away by anti-aircraft fire, but the fourth launched a 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) bomb at the carrier. Ark Royal turned hard to starboard, heeling over and avoiding the bomb, which landed in the ocean 30 m (98 ft) off her starboard bow and sent a spout of water over the ship. The German pilots did not see if the carrier had been hit, and a reconnaissance flight later located the two battleships, but not Ark Royal. Based on this information, the Germans incorrectly claimed that Ark Royal had sunk.[31] To prove the German propaganda false before it had a negative effect on Britain's allies, Winston Churchill personally reassured United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that the carrier was undamaged and invited the US naval attaché to view Ark Royal in dock.[31] The British naval attaché in Rome was instructed to assure Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini that the ship was still in service.[31] This proved to be a considerable embarrassment for Goebbels and Nazi propaganda.[32]
+In October 1939, Ark Royal was redeployed to Freetown to operate off the African coast in the hunt for the German commerce raider Admiral Graf Spee. The carrier was assigned to Force K, and sailed with the battlecruiser Renown to the South Atlantic.[9] On 9 October, aircraft from Ark Royal spotted the German tanker Altmark, which supplied Graf Spee. The tanker was disguised as the US vessel Delmar, which fooled the British into passing her by.[33] On 5 November, Ark Royal captured the German merchant SS Uhenfels, which was attempting to reach Germany. The ship was later taken into British service as a cargo ship[34] and renamed Empire Ability.[35] Several neutral merchant ships were also spotted by the carrier's aircraft, twice causing crews to believe they were under attack and abandon ship.[36] A note explaining the situation was dropped in a bag to a Norwegian vessel's crew, and they re-boarded; an attempt to repeat this exercise with a Belgian crew failed when the bag was dropped down the ship's funnel.[36]
+By this time, Graf Spee had put into Montevideo to repair damage received during the battle of the River Plate. Two Royal Navy mi (230 km) west of Montevideo. This was leaked to the press, passed on to the German embassy in Montevideo, and given to Graf Spee's captain, Hans Langsdorff.[37] This contributed to Langsdorff's decision to scuttle his ship.[37]
+With Graf Spee sunk, Ark Royal remained in the Atlantic for a short time before escorting the damaged heavy cruiser Exeter back to Devonport Dockyard, where they arrived in February.[9] Following this, Ark Royal proceeded to Portsmouth to take on supplies and personnel, before sailing to Scapa Flow. On arrival, she transferred her Blackburn Skuas to Naval Air Station Hatston to strengthen the anchorage's defences.[38] Ark Royal was then assigned to the Mediterranean Fleet for exercises, departing Scapa Flow on 31 March 1940 and heading for Alexandria with the aircraft carrier Glorious.[9] The carriers arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean on 8 April, but the exercises were cancelled a day later. The ships sailed to Gibraltar to await orders.[38]
+German forces had invaded Norway as part of Operation Weserübung on 9 April, and had secured sections of the coast. Attempts by the Royal Navy to operate in support of British troops were unsuccessful; air attacks had overwhelmed the ships, sinking Gurkha and nearly sinking Suffolk. Realising that the British ships required air cover, but aware that the Norwegian coast was outside the range of British land-based aircraft, the Admiralty recalled Ark Royal and Glorious from the Mediterranean on 16 April.[38]
+Ark Royal and Glorious arrived at Scapa Flow on 23 April 1940 and were immediately redeployed as part of Operation DX. Sailing to Norway with the cruisers Curlew and Berwick and screened by the destroyers Hyperion, Hereward, Hasty, Fearless, Fury and Juno, this was the first time the Royal Navy had deployed carriers with the primary purpose of providing fighter protection for other warships.[9] The ships took up position on 25 April off the coast; Ark Royal positioned 120 nautical miles (220 km) offshore to reduce the chance of air attacks. The carrier's aircraft conducted anti-submarine patrols, provided fighter support for other ships, and carried out strikes against shipping and shore targets.[9][22] Ark Royal returned to Scapa Flow on 27 April to refuel and replace lost and damaged aircraft, before heading back on the same day with the battleship Valiant as escort.[9] During the return, Ark Royal came under air attack from German Junkers Ju 88 and Heinkel He 111 bombers operating from Norway. The carrier was undamaged, and resumed position on 29 April.[39]
+By this point, the British high command had realised that they could not hold the Germans in southern Norway. The evacuation of Allied troops from Molde and Åndalsnes began, with Ark Royal providing air cover from 30 April. On 1 May, the Germans tried to sink the carrier, with numerous air attacks through the day. Ark Royal's fighters and a heavy anti-aircraft barrage drove off the enemy, and although several bombs were dropped at the carrier, none impacted.[39] The evacuation was completed on 3 May, and the carrier was recalled to Scapa Flow to refuel and rearm before returning to Norway. While in port, Captain Arthur Power left the ship for a promotion to the Admiralty, and was replaced by Captain Cedric Holland.[40] On return to Norway, Ark Royal was told to provide air cover for operations around Narvik, including the landing of French troops on 13 May.[41] She was joined on 18 May by the carriers Glorious and Furious.[9]
+Despite these efforts, it was clear by the end of May that French forces were on the verge of collapse and Norway was a sideshow compared to the German advance to the English Channel.[41] Operation Alphabet was instigated to move Allied troops from Narvik to Britain. Ark Royal and Glorious—screened by the destroyers Highlander, Diana, Acasta, Ardent, and Acheron—sailed from Scapa Flow on 1 June to cover the evacuation, which commenced the next day. Ark Royal carried out air patrols and bombing raids from 3–6 June, before redeploying to Narvik on 7 June. Disaster struck the next day, when Glorious, escorted by Acasta and Ardent, were detached to return to Britain. The three ships were attacked and sunk by the German battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. A search by Ark Royal's aircraft failed to locate the German ships, which had returned to Trondheim.[42]
+The last evacuation convoy left Narvik on 9 June. Before the British ships could withdraw, a raid on Trondheim located Scharnhorst. An attack by Ark Royal's Skuas took place at midnight on 13 June.[43] The attack was a disaster: the escort destroyers Antelope and Electra collided while Ark Royal was launching aircraft in fog and returned to England for repairs, eight of the fifteen attacking Skuas were shot down, while Scharnhorst escaped damage.[44] Ark Royal returned to Scapa Flow the following day, and was reassigned to the Mediterranean Fleet.[45]
+Ark Royal left Scapa Flow with the battlecruiser Hood and three destroyers, arriving at Gibraltar on 23 June 1940. Here she joined Force H, under Sir James Somerville. After the capitulation of France there was concern that a French fleet at Mers-el-Kébir might fall under Axis control and tip the balance of power in the Mediterranean, affecting the whole war.[46] Ark Royal's captain, Cedric Holland, had been the British naval attaché in Paris, and was sent to negotiate the surrender or scuttling of the French fleet.[47] Force H was deployed outside the harbour, and when the French admirals refused to agree to the offered terms, opened fire on the French ships. During the attack on Mers-el-Kébir, Ark Royal's aircraft provided targeting information for the British ships.[48] The French battleship Strasbourg escaped, despite attacks by Swordfish from Ark Royal.[49] Two days after the attack, aircraft from Ark Royal incapacitated the French battleship Dunkerque, which had been beached in the initial attack.[50]
+Having reduced the possibility of a French challenge in the Mediterranean, Force H prepared for attacks on Italian targets, and sailed from Gibraltar on 8 July.[51] The force was attacked by Italian bombers within eight hours of departing, and although Force H escaped damage, Somerville cancelled the raids and ordered the fleet to Gibraltar.[52] During July, the British colony of Malta came under attack from the Italian air force, with Force H ordered to deliver Hawker Hurricanes to reinforce the island's air defences. Force H was deployed from 31 July – 4 August, with the carrier Argus used to deliver the aircraft, while Ark Royal provided air cover for the fleet.[51] On 2 August, Ark Royal launched a successful air attack against the Italian air base at Cagliari.[53]
+Force H remained at Gibraltar until 30 September, when it escorted reinforcements for Admiral Andrew Cunningham's fleet to Alexandria.[54] En route, diversionary attacks were planned on Italian air bases at Elmas and Cagliari to direct attention from both the reinforcement operation and a supply convoy sailing to Malta. The attacks were successfully carried out on 1 October, and the fleet reached Alexandria without significant attention from the Italian air force.[55] From Alexandria, Ark Royal was detached and sent to West Africa to support British attempts to encourage Vichy French colonies to switch alleigance to the Free French. During negotiations, several Free French aircraft flew from Ark Royal, but their aircrews were arrested at Dakar. Negotiations failed, and bombers from Ark Royal were directed against military installations during the unsuccessful British attempt to take Dakar by force.[56] Following this, Ark Royal returned to Britain for refit, docking in Liverpool on 8 October after being escorted by Fortune, Forester and Greyhound.[57] The refit—which lasted until 3 November—included repairs to her machinery and the installation of a new flight deck barrier.[58]
+Following refit, Ark Royal—accompanied by Barham, Berwick, and Glasgow—sailed for Gibraltar, arriving on 6 November.[58] They were deployed with the rest of Force H to escort convoys from Gibraltar to Alexandria and Malta, performing several runs before being assigned to Operation Collar, one of 35 convoys to support Malta between 1940 and 1942, on 25 November. An Italian fleet—led by the battleships Giulio Cesare and Vittorio Veneto—was dispatched to intercept the convoy.[59] The Italian fleet was detected by a reconnaissance aircraft from Ark Royal and the carrier launched Swordfish torpedo bombers while the capital ships of Force H turned to meet the enemy.[60] During the engagement, the Battle of Cape Spartivento, the Italian destroyer Lanciere was damaged, although it is uncertain if torpedoes from the bombers or British gunfire were responsible. The British mistook Lanciere for a cruiser, while the Italian commanders received incorrect reports that the cruiser Bolzano had been hit.[61] British attacks failed to damage any other Italian ships or sink the disabled destroyer, and a retaliatory attack by the Italian air force saw Ark Royal as the subject of multiple bombing runs, none of which hit.[61] The battle had no clear result, although the British convoy reached its destination unscathed.[62]
+On 14 December 1940, Ark Royal and Force H were redeployed from Gibraltar to the Atlantic to search the Azores for commerce raiders. Ark Royal returned to the Mediterranean on 20 December, and escorted the battleship Malaya and merchant ships from Malta until 27 December.[63] Force H then became involved in Operation Excess, a plan to move convoys through the Mediterranean to support the Western Desert Force, which was trying to push Italian land forces from Egypt into Libya. Over the next month, British control of the Mediterranean theatre was weakened, particularly by the entry of the Luftwaffe and the near-loss of the aircraft carrier Illustrious.[64] The Mediterranean Fleet was under pressure from Axis forces in the Eastern Mediterranean, while the British port at Gibraltar was likely to be lost if the Spanish chose to ally with the Germans instead of remaining out of the war. To relieve the Mediterranean Fleet, while demonstrating British strength to the Spanish, the Admiralty and Admiral Cunningham planned to use Ark Royal's Swordfish bombers in raids against Italian targets, supported by bombardment from heavy fleet units. The first bombing, on 2 January against the Tirso Dam in Sardinia, was unsuccessful,[65] but Ark Royal's Swordfish bombers were more successful on 6 January, when they bombed the port city of Genoa. The carrier's aircraft also covered the battlecruiser Renown and battleship Malaya while they shelled the port. On 9 January, Ark Royal launched aircraft to bomb an oil refinery at La Spezia, and to lay mines in the harbour. Both operations were successful.[66]
+In early February 1941, the battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau headed into the Atlantic on the orders of Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, commander of the German Navy. They were to disrupt Allied shipping and draw capital ships from other areas. On 8 March, Force H and Ark Royal were ordered to the Canary Islands to search for the battleships, and to cover convoys crossing from the United States.[67] Ark Royal used her aircraft to search for captured ships returning to Germany under the control of prize crews. Three ships were located on 19 March: two scuttled themselves, while the third—SS Polykarp—was recaptured.[68]
+On the evening of 21 March 1941 a Fairey Fulmar from Ark Royal stumbled across Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at sea. Because of a radio malfunction, the crew had to return to Ark Royal to report, by which time the German ships had escaped under fog.[69] The next day, Ark Royal re-established air patrols in the hope of re-locating the raiders. During the day, a catapult malfunction destroyed a Fairey Swordfish; flinging the fuselage into the sea ahead of the carrier. Unable to stop, Ark Royal ran over the Swordfish and was overhead when the aircraft's depth charges detonated.[70] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau reached Brest without British harassment, while Ark Royal returned to Gibraltar for repairs, arriving on 24 March.[71]
+Ark Royal spent April alternating between covering convoys and delivering aircraft to Malta and forays into the Atlantic to hunt commerce raiders. By May 1941, Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps were driving through North Africa towards the Suez Canal, pushing the Western Desert Force before them. With British forces close to collapse and strategic locations threatened, the British High Command risked sending a reinforcement convoy across the Mediterranean to Alexandria. The convoy consisted of five large transport ships, escorted by Ark Royal, the battlecruiser Renown, the battleship Queen Elizabeth, the cruisers Sheffield, Naiad, Fiji, and Gloucester, and screened by destroyers of the 5th Destroyer Flotilla.[72] Prior to Ark Royal's departure, Captain Holland left to recuperate from stress and poor health, and was replaced by Captain Loben Maund.[73] The convoy left Gibraltar on 6 May, and was detected by Italian aircraft. The convoy—limited to 14 kn (16 mph; 26 km/h) and escorted by so many capital ships—was such a tempting target that Italian and German aircraft were mobilised.[74]
+The British convoy came under air attack on 8 May, first by the Italian air force, then German Luftwaffe. Over the day, 12 of Ark Royal's Fairey Fulmars (the maximum number available) drove off over 50 aircraft, with the assistance of targeting information from Sheffield's radar and anti-aircraft fire from the escorts.[75][76] During the initial waves, one Fulmar was lost, killing Flight Lieutenant Rupert Tillard and Lieutenant Mark Somerville, Admiral Somerville's nephew; another was destroyed with the aircrew recovered, while several others were damaged.[77] Consequently, only seven were able to face the main Luftwaffe force of 34 aircraft, while an attack just before dark was driven off by two aircraft and heavy fire from the ships.[77] The convoy survived without serious damage: the only casualties were to mines, with the Empire Song sunk and New Zealand Star damaged but able to reach port.[78]
+Ark Royal underwent another aerial attack on 12 May, during her return to Gibraltar. Later that month, she and fellow aircraft carrier Furious delivered Hawker Hurricanes to support Malta.[79]
+On 18 May 1941, the German battleship Bismarck and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen began Operation Rheinübung by breaking into the Atlantic to raid shipping. After sinking the battlecruiser Hood and damaging the battleship Prince of Wales during the Battle of the Denmark Strait, Bismarck shook off her pursuers and headed for the French Atlantic coast.[80] Ark Royal, Renown, and Sheffield—accompanied by Faulknor, Foresight, Forester, Fortune, Foxhound, and Fury—were dispatched to the Atlantic on 23 May to search for the battleship.[81] On 26 May, a Swordfish from Ark Royal located Bismarck and began to shadow her, while the Home Fleet was mobilised to pursue.[82]
+At the time of detection, the British ships were 130 nmi (150 mi; 240 km) away and would not catch Bismarck before she reached Saint-Nazaire. Fifteen Swordfish bombers were armed with torpedoes and sent to delay the ship. Sheffield, also shadowing Bismarck, was between Ark Royal and Bismarck. The aircraft mistook the British cruiser for their target and fired torpedoes. The torpedoes were fitted with unreliable magnetic detonators, which caused most to explode on contact with the water, while Sheffield evaded the rest.[83] After realising his mistake, one of the pilots signalled 'Sorry for the kipper' to Sheffield.[84]
+On return to the carrier, the Swordfish were re-armed with contact-detonator warheads, and launched at 19:15 for a second attack; locating and attacking Bismarck just before sunset. Three torpedoes hit the battleship: two impacted forward of the engine rooms, while the third struck the port steering room and jammed her rudder in a 15° port turn.[85] Bismarck was forced to sail in circles until a combination of alternating propeller speeds was found which would keep her on a reasonably steady course which, in the prevailing force 8 wind and sea state, forced her to sail towards the British warships with almost no manoeuvring capability.[86] The German battleship suffered heavy attack during the night of 26–27 May, and sank at 10:39 hours on 27 May.[87]
+Ark Royal and the ships of Force H returned to Gibraltar on 29 May 1941. Despite the boost in Allied morale from the sinking of the battleship Bismarck, the war in the Mediterranean was going against the Allies. Greece and Crete had fallen to the Axis Powers, and the Afrika Korps was preparing to launch a final push into Egypt. Malta remained an important stronghold in the Mediterranean, but was coming under increased pressure from Italian and German air attacks, and could no longer be supplied from the east since the fall of Crete.[88]
+Ark Royal was pressed into service, delivering aircraft to Malta during several supply runs throughout June and July, and escorting the convoys of Operation Substance in July and Operation Halberd in September. Despite some losses, the convoys succeeded in keeping Malta supplied and fighting.[89] The continued Allied presence in Malta was a considerable problem for Rommel in Africa, who was losing as much as ⅓ of his supplies from Italy to submarines and bombers based there.[90] Adolf Hitler decided to send a flotilla of U-boats into the Mediterranean to attack Allied shipping, against the advice of Großadmiral Raeder.[90]
+On 10 November 1941, Ark Royal ferried more aircraft to Malta before returning to Gibraltar. Admiral Somerville had been warned of U-boats off the Spanish coast, and reminded Force H to be vigilant.[91] Also at sea was Friedrich Guggenberger's U-81, which had received a report that Force H was returning to Gibraltar.[90] On 13 November, at 15:40, the sonar operator aboard the destroyer Legion detected an unidentified sound, but assumed it was the propellers of a nearby destroyer. One minute later, Ark Royal was struck amidships by a torpedo,[92] between the fuel bunkers and bomb store, and directly below the bridge island.[93] The explosion caused Ark Royal to shake, hurled loaded torpedo-bombers into the air, and killed Able Seaman Edward Mitchell.[93] A 130 ft × 30 ft (39.6 m × 9.1 m) hole was created on the starboard side and bottom by a torpedo which was judged to have run deep, striking the bilge keel, and detonating inboard of the side protection system.[94] The hit caused flooding of the starboard boiler room, main switchboard, oil tanks, and over 106 ft (32 m) of the ship's starboard bilge. The starboard power train was knocked out, causing the rear half of the ship to lose power, while communications were severed shipwide.[95]
+Immediately after the torpedo strike, Captain Maund attempted to order the engines to full stop, but had to send a runner to the engine room when it was discovered communications were down.[96] The hole in the hull was enlarged by the ship's motion, and by the time Ark Royal stopped she had taken on water and begun to list to starboard, reaching 18° from centre within 20 minutes.[96] Considering the list of the carrier, as well as the fates of other carriers, including Courageous and Glorious, which had sunk rapidly with heavy loss of life, Maund gave the order to abandon ship. The crew were assembled on the flight deck to determine who would remain on board to save the ship while Legion came alongside to take off the rest. As a result, comprehensive damage control measures were not initiated until 49 minutes after the attack. The flooding spread unchecked, exacerbated by covers and hatches left open during evacuation of lower decks.[97]
+Water spread to the centreline boiler room, which started to flood from below, and power was lost shipwide when the boiler uptakes became choked; Ark Royal had no backup diesel generators.[98] About half an hour after the explosion, the carrier appeared to stabilise. Admiral Somerville, determined to save Ark Royal, ordered damage control parties back to the carrier before taking the battleship Malaya to Gibraltar to organise salvage efforts. The damage control parties were able to re-light a boiler, restoring power to the bilge pumps. The destroyer Laforey came alongside to provide power and additional pumps, while Swordfish aircraft from Gibraltar arrived to supplement anti-submarine patrols.[99] The tug Thames arrived from Gibraltar at 20:00 and attached a tow line to Ark Royal, but flooding caused the angle of list to increase rapidly. Water had reached the boiler room fan flat, an uninterrupted compartment running the width of the ship, which forced the shutdown of the restored boiler.[100]
+The list reached 20° between 02:05 and 02:30, and when 'abandon ship' was declared again at 04:00, had reached 27°.[101] Ark Royal's complement had been evacuated to Legion by 04:30; with the exception of Mitchell, there were no fatalities. The 1,487 officers and crew were transported to Gibraltar.[102] The list reached 45° before Ark Royal capsized and sank at 06:19 on 14 November.[103] Witnesses reported the carrier rolling to 90°, where she remained for three minutes before inverting. Ark Royal then broke in two, the aft sinking within a couple of minutes, followed by the bow.[104]
+Following the sinking, a Board of Inquiry was established to investigate the loss. Based on its findings, Captain Loben Maund was court-martialled for negligence in February 1942. He was found guilty on two counts of negligence: one of failing to ensure that properly constituted damage control parties had remained on board after the general evacuation, and one of failing to ensure the ship was in a sufficient state of readiness to deal with possible damage.[105] The board tempered their judgement with an acknowledgement that a high standard was being expected of Maund, and that he was primarily concerned with the welfare of his crew.[105]
+The Bucknill Committee, which had been set up to investigate the loss of major warships, also produced a report. This report said that the lack of backup power sources was a major design failure, which contributed to the loss: Ark Royal depended on electricity for much of her operation, and once the boilers and steam dynamos were knocked out, the loss of power made damage control difficult. The committee recommended the design of the bulkheads and boiler intakes be improved to decrease the risk of widespread flooding in boiler rooms and machine spaces, while the uninterrupted boiler room flat was criticised. The design flaws were rectified in the Illustrious- and Implacable-class carriers, under construction at the time.[106][107]
+The Board of Inquiry closed its report with the observation that Ark Royal had sunk 22 nmi (25 mi; 41 km) east of Europa Point, the southernmost tip of Gibraltar. This was accepted as the wreck location for 60 years.[108]
+The exact location of the wreck remained unknown until mid-December 2002, when it was discovered by a BBC film crew 30 nmi (35 mi; 56 km) from Gibraltar, more than 1000 metres below surface.[109] The crew had been working on a documentary on maritime archaeology related to major battles of the Royal Navy.[109] Ark Royal lay in two sections: 20 m (66 ft) of the bow had separated from the rest of the ship. A large debris field, which included the remains of the funnel and bridge island, parts of the ship that came loose as the carrier sank, and aircraft from the hangars, was located between the two hull sections. Analysis revealed that the port side of the ship hit the seabed first.[110]
+The wreck was found further east than was stated after the sinking. Initially, researchers thought the wreck had been caught in currents through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean as she sank, causing the ship to drift eastwards underwater before settling.[111] The presence of other debris in proximity to the wreck, including a Swordfish bomber that was tipped off the flight deck before the ship rolled, proved this false, as the debris would have been spread over a much wider area. The currents did affect her progress towards Gibraltar, despite being under tow for several hours.[112] Study of the wreck also showed that attempting to restart the engines to provide power increased the stresses placed on the hull, adding to the flooding. Once power was lost, it was impossible to prevent the ship from sinking — her fate was more the result of design flaws than of the actions of her captain.[112]
+a. ^ The Washington Naval Treaty (signed in February 1922) imposed a limit of 135,000 tons on total British aircraft carrier tonnage, with no one ship allowed to exceed 33,000 tons, and only two to exceed 27,000 tons.[113] The London Naval Treaty (signed in April 1930) prevented signatories from constructing new capital ships, or converting existing capital ships into aircraft carriers, until 1937.[114]
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+Listen, we’re not talking about writing the next “Great American Novel” in a weekend, of course…
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+Will you write a best-seller, your very first try? Not necessarily. (And admittedly, most people don’t, for one reason or another.) Still…
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+International Best-Selling Author of “Managing Mothering
+Being an author – especially a Best-Selling Author – stamps you as the “go-to” expert, and gains you instant credibility, recognition, and opportunities.
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+Understand this:
+The idea here is to get that book of yours written and published by making the most of your strengths, whatever they may be … and using other people’s strengths to “fill in the gaps” if we need to.
+I hear from a lot of people who think they have to already be a good writer to write a good book – and you really don’t. Because you can write a pretty crappy … er, “rough” draft … and then hire an editor to clean it up for you! (And I will show you how to find one who can do the job well, yet still “on the cheap”.)
+I often use ghost writers and editors myself … because while they’re polishing things up, I’m free to move on to my next project. (Or just relax – the choice is yours!)
+Plus, I show you a number of easy-peasy ways you can write a book without ever actually “writing a book” … like teaching the material, recording it, and having it transcribed. Then…
+“Voila!” You have a book. (Again, I did that with one of mine.)
+Or you can take content you’ve already written elsewhere – like in a blog or a journal – and pull it together into a single volume.
+There really are so many ways! I don’t know whether it’s true that “all roads lead to Rome” as they used to say. But I do know this:
+MANY roads lead to YOU becoming a published author! (And I’m going to show you all I know about writing FAST … and then getting your book “out there into the world”.)
+You Get All This – And More – In
+“The 21 Day Author Program”
+How To Write Your Book In A Matter Of Days Or Weeks (Or Spread It Out – Multiple Ways To Create Your Book Will Be Shown)
+Getting An E-Book Uploaded And Selling Within A Few Days
+What Is Required In The Writing To Have Your Book “Positioned” To Be A Best Seller
+Agents – Do You Need One, And Where Do You Find Them?
+Ownership Of Rights To Your Material
+Converting Your Document To E-Book Format
+Acquiring An ISBN Number (Or Do You Even NEED One?)
+How To Get Expert Endorseements
+Selling Your Book or E-Book To A Publisher
+All About Foreign Rights Issues
+Organizing Your Material To Extend Beyond The Book To Build A Business From Your Area Of Expertise
+Easily Getting An Off-The-Charts Amazing “Cover” For Your Book or E-Book
+And a LOT more (everything is designed to be easy and save you time…)
+These 21 sessions are filled with valuable content to guide you. There are 21 webinars of online training with pure content and step by step instructions!
+And, since everything will be recorded you can access 24/7 so you can go through all of the materials at your own pace, or as quickly as you desire to get your book done in record TIME.
+This could be the start of something B-I-G…
+Of course, I don’t know yet where your dreams and aspirations lie – whether you want to write only the one book, or make a career of it like I have.
+But as a coach, author of 12 books and a New York Times Best-Selling Author, my books have been translated into more than 37 languages and sold in more than 82 countries. And I have already helped hundreds of authors get their books written and published … with many of them reaching official Best-Seller status on the New York Times, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon lists – even Internationally.
+If that’s what you want, then go for it!
+This life has always been available to anyone willing to work for it – so now let me show you how to achieve it in RECORD TIME.
+Regardless what YOUR “reason why” might be…
+Now, I don’t want to waste your time with a bunch of flowery prose extolling the many reasons why you “should” want to write a book, or get it done in record time … because I believe you’re are already thinking about moving in this direction. (Why else would you have read this far?)
+Your Own Reasons Why Might Include…
+- Becoming an “instant expert” on your subject
+-” (And remember, too: “Action ALWAYS overcomes angst!”)
+- Reclaiming your courage, and proving to yourself what an amazing writer you truly are, when you just “git ‘er done!”
+- Leaving a legacy … something your offspring (children, grandchildren, nieces, siblings, nephews) would be proud of
+…or any number of other good reasons, like leaving your stamp on the world. The thing is…
+There’s simply no longer any good reason for putting it off!
+So let’s get right to the heart of this
+What exactly am I revealing in the “The 21 Day Author Program” program? In addition to the topics I’ve already mentioned, we’ll cover…
+- The writing process itself – I doubt you’ve ever seen THIS MUCH practical advice on simply getting down to it and cranking it out!
+- Researching … FAST! Laying out your book’s contents (again, you can do it yourself … but it’s quicker, and surprisingly inexpensive to get someone else, far more experienced, to do it for you!)
+- Designing a cover (we’ll go into greater detail on how you can easily do it yourself … or get someone else to do it for you, quickly and inexpensively)
+- Creating and working to a timeline … because having a solid, well-thought-out plan can keep things humming along smoothly
+…and of course we’ll go into even greater depth and detail on constructing your book, and methods for effective writing including…
+- Getting endorsements from the heavyweight “big names”
+- Dealing with agents, publishers, and publicists
+- Going international (all about Foreign Rights than we had time to cover on the webinar!)
+- Keeping the fire burning: how to maintain the energy and excitement you’ll experience, and use it to fuel your next project (because believe me – you WILL be excited when you finish your first book in a week!)
+I really don’t care whether this is your first book or your fifth – if you need help to “git ’er done” … then here’s your chance.
+Ready to register for
+“The 21 Day Author Program”…
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+Since this entire program is about taking action, and moving quickly … I’m doing everything I can to encourage you to make an investment in your writing NOW. (IF you’re serious about getting that book written!)
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+These are the building blocks from which any author can build a strong foundation for their writing career. Yet until now, I’ve never shared most of them in any of my coaching programs.
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+A $497 value … it’s yours absolutely FREE when you register TODAY.
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+Look, I’m admittedly not putting a lot of effort into promoting this … because I know it’s going to fill quickly. And quite frankly, the biggest “problem” I anticipate is accommodating everyone who wants to take advantage of it.
+(It should come as no surprise to you that there are an astonishing number of people – wannabe authors, frustrated by their own lack of drive or direction – who would like to just get that darned book WRITTEN!)
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+Please note: Your registration fee does not include any “incidental costs” like hiring other help you might need. Also, the few available spots are going on a “first come, first served” basis – I play no favorites! your “The 21 Day Author” program… “The 21 Day Author” program…
+It always surprises me…
+You may already know that I’ve been working with authors (and those who WANT to be authors) almost every day for more than two decades.
+And although I’ve helped dozens and dozens of them hit the best-seller lists, and launched many careers – everyone from unknown “newbies” to internationally-acclaimed superstars like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Neale Donald Walsch…
+…I’ve also seen many more give up before they even got their first draft written. Stories that truly deserved to be told, never seeing the light of day.
+And that just surprises me. Really, it does.
+I’ll tell you, no matter how much excitement you feel when you first get the idea to write a book … if you don’t work up a good head of steam, and get some momentum going (by actually seeing daily progress on your project) it might not take much to steal the wind from your sails.
+“Oh, I just don’t have time for this” you might say … or “Maybe I don’t really have anything worth saying, after all. Or perhaps the worst possible excuse: Letting someone else convince you that you can’t do it.
+Just one little rule…
+There’s a very simple rule I’ve followed in deciding what to include, and what to leave out:
+If it HELPED me get my books written effectively and efficiently … I share it with you. And if it didn’t help … well, I don’t waste your time telling you about it. And I’ve made the entire program – every single step – so easy to follow, and simple to understand … and priced within easy reach of ANYONE who SERIOUSLY wants to get that book written NOW!
+Let me tell you, early in my writing career, I spent MANY thousands of hours fretting and sweating over various writing projects “hanging over my head” – putting them off, then feeling guilty about putting them off, then worrying that maybe I’ve put them off TOO long and won’t be able to finish them because of lack of time, lack of momentum, or lack of ability…
+…which is why I’m going all out to make this program far more than you could ever hope for, with bonuses that multiply the power of the program itself, at a price anyone who’s really serious about writing can afford.
+So if you are ready to get your book done, NOW is the time to register.
+There is no time like the present!
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+Here’s to YOUR new book – written “faster than a speeding bullet”. 🙂
+P.S. – And as an extra bonus, if you send me your book (after it is written) and I like it, I’ll happily provide an endorsement for you!
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+The Etymology of Genki Dama
+What does Genki Dama mean?
+Genki Dama (元気玉) is a Japanese term written in Kanji and integrally connected with Daoist culture.
+Genki (元気) means Origin Ki and is the transliterated term for the Chinese YuanQi (元気).
+Genki is the original Ki of all matter. That is to say, matter in our world is composed of molecules, and below molecules are atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, neutrinos, quarks, gluons, and progressing infinitesimally downward to more microcosmic particles.
+At the very origin of all matter, in the most microcosmic realm, is our Genki. It is what lies at the core of our being, buried underneath all those many layers of particles that end with the molecules that comprise our surface body.
+Genki is composed of the characteristic of the universe and is virtuous and pure. It is the higher level, original, divine part of all matter, and it is extremely dense, refined and powerful.
+Chinese Daoist culture does not distinguish between organic and inorganic, alive or dead. All matter is both simultaneously living and dying (the rotating Taiji of Yin and Yang), and all matter is composed of the same sub-molecular components. Therefore people, ghosts, gods, demons, trees, rivers, mountains, fish, planets and stars all have Genki.
+Genki has another Daoist correlative with the concept of De (德), often translated as Virtue, and described as a white material substance aligned with the nature of the universe. It is the inverse of YeLi (业力), often translated as Karma, and described as a black substance aligned with wickedness.
+Dama (玉) is the character representing the connection between Heaven (一) and Earth (土). The single drop stroke on the bottom right of Dama implies “Heaven’s Essence [on] Earth.”
+More commonly, Dama can mean ball, jade, pearl, or a round jewel-like object. In these cases it’s usually pronounced Tama.
+Thus the Genki Dama (元気玉) is a “Ball of Origin Ki” comprised of the “Essence of Heaven and Earth.”
+What about the localized term, “Spirit Bomb”?
+Spirit Bomb is a misnomer.
+Spirit could be considered a vague translation of Genki (translated from a modern Japanese expression regarding a positive attitude), but Bomb is not an appropriate translation for Dama. The technique is never used as a bomb and I don’t believe Toriyama wanted people to understand it that way.
+That said, I’m fine with Spirit Bomb because it’s so commonplace, but it’s important that you understand the meaning of the original techniques name.
+Standing Tall between Heaven and Earth
+In Daoist and Buddhist cosmology there is the concept of The Three Realms (Chinese: Sanjie, 三界 Japanese: Sankai, 三界). These typically refer to Heaven, Earth, and Hell, but can also exclude Hell and thus consist of Heaven, Man, and Earth.
+Daoists believe that in the beginning of existence, all things were One (一).
+From the One came the Two (Heaven and Earth) (Chinese: Tiandi, Japanese, Tenchi. 一土 or 天地).
+From the Two came the Three (the realm of Man, 人). Man was born between Heaven and Earth.
+Flowing throughout all Three Realms is a universal life force called Qi (気), and each realm has a natural alignment. Heaven is naturally aligned with Yang Qi. Earth is naturally aligned with Yin Qi, and Man is born between them with both Yin Qi and Yang Qi.
+Daoist energy practices profess that the human body is considered to be a small universe: A microcosmic reflection of the greater macrocosmic structure.
+Since that is the case, Man naturally has varying amounts of Yin Qi and Yang Qi, and the goal of cultivation practice is to balance the Yin and the Yang, attaining harmony in the mind and body.
+They do this by practicing special exercises which are traditionally known as XiuLian (修行), (Japanese: Shugyo, 修行), or in modern terminology, Qi Gong (気功).
+XiuLian (Shugyo) is also a term that refers to martial arts practice, while Qi Gong in its simplest definition means “Energy Work.”
+By practicing XiuLian you can open up and strengthen the energy channels in the body.
+In these practices they start by opening up three major energy channel points.
+The LaoGong (勞宮) at the center of the palm, meaning “House of Labor.”
+The YongQuan (湧泉) at the center of the sole of the feet, meaning “Bubbling Spring.”
+The BaiHui (百會) at the top of the head, meaning “Hundred Convergences.”
+The practitioner opens all three points and is able to gather Yin Qi from the Earth through the YongQuan, gather Yang Qi from Heaven through the BaiHui, and gather both Yin Qi and Yang Qi from the LaoGong.
+The energy is gathered and pulled into the DanTian (丹田) in the lower abdomen below the navel at the HuiYin acupoint, meaning “Elixir Field.”
+Thus, Man stands tall between Heaven and Earth, plants their feet, extends their hands to the sky, and turns their body into “the meeting place of Heaven and Earth.”
+Learning the Genki Dama
+How does Goku learn the Genki Dama? In classic Toriyama fashion we never get to see the process of him learning the technique step by step. We only see him using it successfully for the first time on his last day of training with North Kaio.
+Goku had died while fighting Raditz, ran across Snake Way, and trained with North Kaio in preparation for the arrival of the Saiyans.
+North Kaio tests Goku on his ability to use the technique in Dragon Ball Z episode 21.
+Goku enters a deep horse stance and begins to concentrate. He then stands up and gathers the Genki from all over the planet and absorbs the energy into his body. White particles of light are attracted to him. Then he concentrates on condensing the energy into his right hand.
+North Kaio gives him a large brick-like target to throw the Genki at.
+The brick travels travels at super high speed, but Goku is able to hit it with the Genki Dama and the brick explodes with such tremendous force that it uproots the trees on Kaio’s planet.
+North Kaio is pleased. “Well done, Son Goku. I honestly didn’t think you’d be able to handle the Genki Dama as well as this.”
+Goku says, “I really worked hard at it!”
+Kaio says, “The Genki Dama is a technique that takes all of the Genki energy from grass and trees, from people and animals, and even things and atmosphere, and allocates a little bit from each of their energies, concentrates it, and shoots it.”
+He continues, “Even a Genki Dama from a planet as small as this had that kind of destructive force. The Earth, where you’ll be fighting, is so much larger than this planet, it doesn’t even compare. Furthermore, you can harness the support of the Sun’s enormous energy. It will be a Genki Dama of incredible power. If you slip up, it wouldn’t be too hard to destroy the very planet you’re trying to protect.”
+That’s how the Genki Dama works. It is a collection of life energy from particles of matter that surround us, including the atmosphere and the Sun. Then the particles of this Genki (The Origin Qi at the root of all matter) are automatically drawn to the center of Goku’s body, like a vortex or magnet. They go inside the microcosm of his body and he condenses it into a ball and projects it out of his hand with his mind.
+What’s most impressive is that Goku doesn’t just gather the Yin Qi and Yang Qi. He gathers the Origin Qi, the Genki.
+The larger the expanse of Goku’s mind and the more matter he can connect with, the more powerful the Genki Dama becomes.
+From King to King
+North Kaio (Japanese: Kita no Kaio, 北の界王) is (as described) the Kaio of the North. There are three other Kaio’s for East, South, and West.
+Kaio (界王) is the combination of Realms (界) and King (王), often translated as the Lord of Worlds but just as fitting to translate as King of Realms. The character for King (王) is the same as Dama (玉) without the extra stroke at the bottom right.
+In Chinese culture a King is believed to be a divine inheritor and enactor of the Will of Heaven, and he stands as upright and tall as a column, reaching from Earth to Heaven, and back again.
+It is fitting that North Kaio (of all Goku’s masters) would be the one to teach Goku the Genki Dama, since he is teaching Goku how to expand the broadness of his mind to reach across entire realms and worlds, to serve as the bridge between Heaven and Earth, and gather Genki from all forms of matter.
+In other words, to become the living embodiment of the Will of Heaven: the Man who wields the Essence of Heaven on Earth. The Genki Dama.
+Using the Genki Dama
+How does Goku use the Genki Dama in battle?
+Goku uses the Genki Dama for the first time in Dragon Ball Z episode 32. He is in a life and death battle with Oozaru Vegeta, and he buys himself some time by blinding Vegeta with the Taiyo-Ken (Solar Flare). Goku then uses the Kaio-Ken to fly away and land on a small platform of earth.
+“All right… At this distance…” He spreads out his feet, calms his breath, and pacifies his mind, with a smile on his face.
+He says, “The Land…” and then extends his right hand upward, “The Seas…” followed by his left, “And all living things… Each of you, share with me just a little bit of your Genki! I beg you!”
+He closes his eyes and begins to gather the energy from across the world. Genki from flowers, mountains, forests, lakes, all emit white particles of light that gather onto his body.
+“Just a little more, and I can form a Genki Dama…”
+Genki from the seas, rivers, fish, and all the land fly toward Goku’s body.
+Vegeta regains his composure and spots him, and Goku finishes the Genki Dama just in time.
+He concentrates it into his right hand and gets ready to throw it at Vegeta, when all of a sudden…!
+Yeah, Vegeta hits him with a giant mouth blast. Whoops! There goes the Genki.
+Goku later gives the small remains of the Genki Dama to Krillin and he is absolutely shocked by its power.
+Goku says. “Krillin, take my hand.” Krillin replies, “Your bones are broken, aren’t they?” “Don’t worry, just hold on. I’m going to give it to you now, okay?
+Goku transfers the Genki to Krillin.
+“W-W-What is this? It’s awesome… This is a tremendous amount of Ki!”
+Goku tells him, “Turn your palm upward, and focus it… You can make it into a ball. Hang in there… Gohan ain’t able to control this kind of Ki.”
+Krillin concentrates and forms the ball.
+“It came out! Is this…?”
+“A Genki Dama… You did it!”
+Krillin is the only character aside from Goku who was given the responsibility of holding the Genki Dama’s energy and using it properly.
+North Kaio tells Krillin, “You don’t hit him with the Genki Dama by using your eyes. You sense out his evil Ki and shoot at that.”
+“Everything will be decided by your one shot. Know that the ball of that Genki Dama is filled with the hopes of the whole Earth.” The collective will of all the world’s people.
+Krillin attempts to do this. “F-Feel it! Feel his evil Ki!”
+This also implies that Goku uses the Genki Dama in the same manner, by locking on to evil Ki as instructed by North Kaio.
+But when Krillin mistimes his throw of the Genki Dama at Vegeta it heads directly for Gohan, who is pinned up against a mountain side wall. Goku telepathically connects with Gohan’s mind.
+“Gohan. That thing is on our side. As long as you don’t have any evil in you, you should be able to bounce it back!”
+The Genki Dama should not hurt a pure being who is aligned with the characteristic of the universe, although it still can depending on its size and power. This is why it can also destroy planets. Given the size of this Genki Dama, when Gohan holds out his hands to deflect it, it knocks Gohan backward but bounces off his hands and conveniently hits Vegeta instead.
+Examining the Genki Dama Technique
+Let’s take a moment to examine the Genki Dama’s external technique.
+Goku begins by separating his feet. He goes into what is considered a classic Wuji posture, where feet are about shoulder width apart and the body is upright but relaxed.
+Wuji (無極) is the inverse of the Taiji (太極). Where Taiji represents the two Cosmic Extremes of Yin (Earth) and Yang (Heaven), Wuji represents the union of both Yin and Yang, and the state of Oneness before their separation, also referred to as the State of No Extremes.
+Goku’s Genki Dama stance (essentially the Wuji stance) where he connects to both the Earth (Yin) and to Heaven (Yang) allows him to gather the Genki across space and time and collect it on his own body.
+What’s unique about the Genki Dama is that Goku’s hands are placed far above his head and his arms are spread wide open, with his palms up and open. This is the most open yet relaxed and stable stance possible.
+This is a very high level stance that is designed to create a high frequency vibration within the practitioner. Most Qi Gong standing stance exercises place the arms at the chest level or below, but Goku’s high and wide stance immediately shows how powerful this stance really is. The endurance and concentration required to perform this stance would have to be equally high.
+This is not a standard technique that just any practitioner can learn. It is still, it is subtle, it requires incredible breadth of mind, an absolutely pure heart, and exceedingly deep concentration. Goku had to die and undergo intense physical and spiritual training with a higher level deity in Heaven to learn it.
+Then Goku calms his mind, connects it with all matter around him, and the energy begins to flow. He has to align his own mind to that of the characteristic of the universe at the most sub-microscopic realm. That is to say, in order for his body to accept the Genki, he has to align himself with the Genki.
+This means the only way a person can handle the Genki Dama properly is if they let go of their many attachments and have an empty mind. With each attachment let go, the concentration deepens and the openness expands.
+North Kaio even says in Dragon Ball Z episode 21, “That guy must have bottomless strength! And yet, his heart is clearer than crystal. To think that there’s a guy like that in the Lower Realm.” Lower Realm (Japanese: Tenka, 天下) meaning “all that is below Heaven,” which includes Earth and the many planets in his dominion.
+That’s the kind of guy Goku is, and it’s the reason he’s the only one who ever learns the Genki Dama.
+Ancient and Modern Equivalents
+Where does the idea of the Genki Dama stance come from?
+As described, the concept of standing tall between Heaven and Earth originates in Daoist (and Buddhist) mind-body exercises. There is a metaphysical purpose for these stances and their inner meaning is profound.
+As such, there are ancient precursors to the Genki Dama that not only served a similar purpose, but also bear a resemblance.
+For example, the “Lifting the Sky” posture found in the 8 Step Brocade Qi Gong exercises taught by Bodhidharma, the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism, and the (often debated) teacher of Shaolin.
+The difference is that Goku’s hands in the Genki Dama stance are more open.
+There’s also the Arhat Holding up the Sky Stance.
+Here the difference is that Goku’s legs aren’t bent, and his arms are closer in. Neither of these is a perfect match.
+Standing meditation exercises are common in Qi Gong, but there are few that look like the Genki Dama. To find a modern equivalent I scoured the Internet for weeks and even contacted professors of Daoist studies.
+The only examples available come from Falun Gong meditation (which I also practice).
+The first is called the Falun Standing Stance. It is a wheel holding exercise that opens and strengthens the energy channels. Practitioners hold each position for an extended time and attain a dynamic stillness.
+For more info see
+The second is called Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes. It is a standing meditation that circulates the Qi of the body from one cosmic extreme to the other (from the Heavenly zenith to the Earthly nadir), purifies the mind and body, and balances the Yin and Yang.
+I’ve looked for examples in other practices, but I couldn’t find any that raise the hands above the head.
+Open and Closed
+The Genki Dama is the counterpart to the Kaio-Ken (界王拳), both of which are taught by North Kaio.
+They are opposites of one another and are correlatively linked.
+Where the Genki Dama is broad and expansive, and requires a peaceful and empty mind to enact, the Kaio-Ken is narrow minded and rage filled, requiring endurance and intense focus.
+Where the Genki Dama gathers energy and draws it into Goku’s body, the Kaio-Ken quickly expels the energy in every one of Goku’s cells and microcosmic dimensions of particles, for short and intense bursts of power.
+Where the Genki Dama is white (with blue exterior), the Kaio-Ken is red.
+The idea of “opening” and “closing” or “drawing in” and “pushing out” are also derived from Daoist Taiji and Qi Gong practices. Millions of practitioners do this every single day in the parks of China, and it has become an increasingly common sight in the Western world since the 1980’s, during the Qi Gong boom. You see them moving their arms and legs, or standing peacefully, while gathering and expelling energy. Some practices specifically gather Yang Qi from the Sun, or pull Yin Qi from trees.
+Dragon Ball Z takes this to the extreme with Goku, who likewise opens and closes to the extreme, drawing in massive amounts of energy, and expelling massive amounts of energy.
+With these two types of techniques, one of extreme opening and the other of extreme closing, Goku becomes a nearly unstoppable warrior.
+To the Next Level
+As if the regular Genki Dama weren’t awesome enough, it continues to become more powerful as Goku rises up the Shugyo ladder of self cultivation.
+The first Genki Dama is the one where Goku collects energy from other beings directly onto his body, forms it into a ball and throws it as a projectile weapon.
+Goku used this type of Genki Dama against Vegeta, as well as Dr. Wheelo in The World’s Strongest film, and Turles in The Tree of Might film.
+But there’s another type of Genki Dama that is even more powerful.
+The second is where he forms the ball above his head and the ball becomes increasingly large as more energy is gathered. The ball is so large that it is dozens or hundreds of times larger than he is.
+Perhaps this is out of necessity, as his body would not be able to gather enough energy all by itself, and contain it for such a large amount of time.
+He used this type of Genki Dama against Freeza, Majin Buu, and others in the Dragon Ball Z films and the GT series.
+It is now this Genki Dama that most often comes to mind, even though it isn’t the original.
+Goku connects his mind with all living and non-living beings within a certain amount of space and collects their energy. As Goku’s cultivation level rises his mind becomes increasingly expansive. With each level of ascension, his sphere of influence expands, reaching so far that he can connect with beings on other planets and even in other dimensions (Heaven and Hell).
+When the energy from this type of Genki Dama is gathered, it tends to exhaust the people or animals that the Genki is drawn from.
+To point, North Kaio tells Vegeta (who was instructing the Earthlings to give Goku their Genki) that if he takes the Genki from them again, they will die. This correlates with the idea that Genki is at the very core of our essence.
+Daoists believe that if your human essence is drawn out or stolen, your life will be shortened. If it is eliminated, it will cause immediate death. Conversely, if you can maintain your essence, your life will be extended and you will eventually attain immortality.
+Why did the Genki Dama work against Majin Buu when nothing else would?
+Because the energy of the Genki Dama is so microcosmically refined and so incredibly dense that it reaches into the subatomic level at Majin Buu’s physiological structure and obliterates it completely. No other form of energy was microcosmic enough to reach that dimension. Neither Goku’s Kamehameha, nor Vegeta’s self destruction technique, could do the job.
+And then there’s the middle ground where Goku gathers a Genki Dama above his head and then pulls the energy into his body. We only see this in Dragon Ball Z movie 7, where Goku is fighting the Artificial Humans.
+First of all, Goku starts this Genki Dama upside down, under water, in a frozen lake, after a violent beating.
+To make it even more incredible, Goku becomes a Super Saiyan as he draws it in. This is amazing because given the amount of intense rage and narrow minded anger that being a Super Saiyan requires, (which is the opposite of the broad mindedness associated with the Genki Dama and necessary for it to be used) you would think it’s impossible. But somehow Goku manages to do both extremes at the same time (the Wuji), threading the needle in the middle of a life and death situation.
+He pulls the Genki Dama into his DanTian.
+The energy of the Genki Dama fills his body and the giant energy sphere around his body turns golden. His face contorts with intense focus and rage, while still managing to sustain the Genki Dama.
+Simply the energy radiating off of his body is enough to destroy almost every piece of matter around him, including the Artificial Human whose attempts at striking Goku prove all too fruitless, as the closer he gets to Goku, the faster his body is disintegrated at the microcosmic level. Goku then punches through his chest and the Genki Dama’s energy makes his body explode.
+Eventually Goku is able to expel all of the energy and successfully regains his composure.
+Many fans disregard this scene because it is a non-canonical film, but I think it’s a really great exploration of Goku’s abilities and limits.
+It makes me wonder why Goku didn’t always absorb the Genki into his body to become an unstoppable tank of righteous, microcosmically dense energy, incapable of being defeated because no matter can become more subatomic than his own.
+He could surround himself with this Genki energy and use it as a shield, or use it to power his own movements and become incredibly strong or fast. There’s no telling what else he could have done with that much Genki if he really wanted to try.
+Alas, it’s probably because he only used the Genki Dama when he absolutely had to, and refused to borrow Genki from other living beings just so he could experiment and develop new techniques. It’s a case of Good Guy Goku. I’m sure Vegeta would have been more than happy to experiment.
+And despite Goku’s otherwise kindhearted nature, he never teaches the Genki Dama to anyone else. Or the Shunkan Ido for that matter. You’d think he would have taught Gohan while they spent a year in The Room of Time and Space training for their battle with Cell. But no.
+Concluding with a Boom
+So there you have it. The Genki Dama fully explained.
+Now you know where the idea for the Genki Dama originates, can see it’s cultural roots in ancient Daoist mind-body exercises, and even modern Qi Gong practices.
+The Genki Dama is a profound technique. Its signature appearance represents a lot more than a mere martial arts move, and has even become a cultural icon representative of hope and the collected will of the world’s people.
+The next time you see Goku use the Genki Dama, try to remember this article and recall the rich cultural context that Toriyama makes look so simple.
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+Impact of an interactive workshop on community pharmacists’ beliefs toward patient care
+Background Patient assessment and documentation are less than optimal in pharmacy practice as preparing and dispensing medications is still a major part of community pharmacy practice. Pharmacists’ attitudes, specifically self-efficacy and role beliefs, toward practice have been shown to predict practice change. Objective This study will determine the impact of an interactive workshop on pharmacists’ attitudes toward assessment and documentation in routine pharmacy practice. Specific objectives included how (1) pharmacists’ role beliefs and self-efficacy toward assessment and documentation change after training and rehearsal and (2) frequently do pharmacists assess patient therapy and document patient care? Setting: “Chat, Check and Chart: patient assessment and documentation demystified” workshop Alberta College of Pharmacists Annual General Meeting in Calgary, Canada. Methods This study is pre–post evaluation. Quantitative data on self-efficacy and role beliefs toward assessment and documentation was gathered from a validated written survey. Surveys were completed before and after the intervention. The intervention, an interactive workshop, focused on the use of three tools practice and was designed to support pharmacists in achieving the assessment and documentation required by the Alberta College of Pharmacists Standards for Practice. Main outcome measure: Pharmacists’ role beliefs and self-efficacy toward assessment and documentation in patient care. Results Of the 61 eligible pharmacists, the response rate was 61 % (37 pharmacists) with complete data. In the past 2 weeks, 54 % of pharmacists were assessing patients and 32.6 % of pharmacists were documenting greater than half the time. Prior to the workshop, pharmacists “agreed” (5.42 ± 1.41) with their role in patient assessment and they were “quite sure” (4.75 ± 1.10) they could assess patients. Pharmacists “agreed” (5.13 ± 0.890) with their overall role in documentation of patient interactions and reported lower self-efficacy (3.88 ± 1.32) for their ability to document patient interactions. After the interactive workshop, there were statistically significant increases in pharmacists’ self-efficacy and role beliefs in regards to both patient assessment and documentation (p < 0.05). Conclusion This brief interactive workshop increased both self-efficacy and role beliefs towards assessment and documentation, indicating these pharmacists are likely to change future practice. Future research will assess practice uptake and implementation.
+KeywordsCommunity pharmacy Documentation Intervention Patient assessment Pharmacist Pharmacist role-beliefs Pharmacist self-efficacy Pharmacist training
+Anita Cumbleton and Andrew Wong, pharmacy students from the University of Alberta, Canada, were instrumental in conducting the research and analysis.
+We would like to acknowledge the Alberta College of Pharmacists for supporting the training workshop.
+Conflicts of interest
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+Happy Friday everyone, I hope you have all had a wonderful week and the upcoming weekend is filled with great things. I can’t believe it but we are coming to the end of this year’s #HolidayDoubleSlay! What a crazy fun week it has been, thank you to everyone for their love and support of all of our looks. We had a blast sharing them with you! But don’t worry I have one last post for you and we are doing something new this year and ending the celebrations with a bang – a GROUP SLAY!
+One of my girls that is near and dear to my heart, Amanda of the blog, Latest Wrinkle wasn’t able to make our shooting date for the look book so sadly she couldn’t slay with me again this year but I sure hope she will be back next year. So while I was bummed out I managed to have a brilliant (well I think it was lol) idea of doing a group look. And I couldn’t think of anything more perfect than one of my favourite pieces of clothing – PJs. And I mean don’t we change into them after we get home from all our holiday festivities anyways? I might also keep mine on for a good portion of Christmas Day, just saying…
+I reached out to my friends at Lane Bryant and they loved the idea so they agreed to partner with us on this post. It was natural for me to choose them to partner with because they are probably my favourite brand for PJs, I definitely own more than a few pairs. And I love that they have so many different options available. You can get separates which allow you to buy different sizes if you need them in tops and bottoms and it also allows you to mix and match.
+They offer pieces in collections too so there are multiple options within a certain colour palette or print. They also have sets so you have an easy one item to throw in your cart. Included in their collection is a wide variety of lounge wear pieces that are perfect for putting on when you get home for work, running to the store or lounging in on a cold afternoon spent inside. And of course you can’t forget the endless amount of sexy options that they have if you want to spice things up. LB is definitely know for keeping things interesting in the bedroom.
+Given that this is a Holiday themed post we decided that we wanted to stick to a warm and cozy theme and choose pieces that are perfect for a cold day or a slumber party. In fact I think I need to have everyone over for a sleep over soon, it would be so fun.
+While we spent the day on set the girls and I had a chance to catch up and just have fun. We all have full time jobs in addition to being bloggers/influencers which is a really a full time job in itself so life can get hectic as we try and manage all our of commitments. I am sure that this is something that you can all relate to especially if you throw significant others, children, elderly parents etc. into the mix. And as women I think we all struggle with the idea of saying no, we are inherently people pleasers.
+So what happens when the holidays hit and there are so many more expectations thrown on top of what we already have on our plates? I know a dirty word that comes to mind when I think about it – STRESS. I personally have been guilty of trying to be super woman and doing it all. I can’t tell you the last time I wasn’t up till 4 am in the morning on Christmas Eve wrapping presents still. If you remember my first Christmas post from 2015 you will see that I love to wrap and I am just a tad bit obsessive about every gift looking perfect.
+But what I have realized is that I needed to stop focusing on things that aren’t that important and focus on what is. The holidays are a time of celebration, spending time with loved ones, reflecting on the year past and hoping for what the year ahead will bring. It shouldn’t be stressful because that takes all the joy out of it. Now I know that we can’t just drop everything or it wouldn’t be the same but its okay to be reflective and pick and choose what we do.
+It’s also important that we take the time to look after ourselves, that’s right, self care is critical at this time of year. Because if we don’t look after ourselves we will just be run down and we won’t be able to care for our loved ones. Self care doesn’t have to be time consuming and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. I haven’t really talked about this on the blog but I do suffer from anxiety. It’s something that developed when I was in my early 30’s. Since then I have learned to manage it but I definitely have my ups and downs.
+One of the main things that happens to me when I get anxious is my mind constantly races, I can’t shut my brain off. Because of that I will have a hard time falling asleep when I am really anxious because I am constantly thinking of everything I have to do. When I get in this state of heightened anxiety I have found that deep breathing really helps. I sit in a dark quiet room and I take deep breaths and I talk to myself, reinforcing positive thoughts and focusing on one single thing on my to do list and how I can get that done. As I breath, with my eyes closed, I will feel my heart beat calm down and I will start to relax and I can feel the tension start to go away. When I feel calm and I have come up with what I am going to do next or I simply accept the thing that is making me anxious then I open my eyes, I take one last deep breath in and out and I make a mental promise to myself to do what I said I would do. This simple exercise only takes 5 to 10 minutes but greatly improves my focus and my productivity.
+We were at a management retreat this week for work and we had a naturopath come in to talk to us about health and wellness. I have to admit I am more a fan of modern medicine but I really enjoyed listening to this doctor because she was realistic. She also gave us a stress quiz and let me tell you based on my score its definitely time to make some changes. But what she said that I thought was really important is that they don’t have to be big changes. That you would be surprised at the impact that 1 or 2 small changes that you can commit to will make in your overall well being and reducing your stress levels. The other thing that I learned is that as much as I personally don’t like mediation, you know the stereotypical hold your hands out, sit crossed legged and moan kind, that the deep breathing exercises that I do are your most basic level of mediation and mindfulness. OK I will admit that was a little deep but I try to be open and honest with you as dealing with this has been part of my journey. Yes I have a successful professional career and blog but I am not perfect and I have certainly faced challenges along the way. I hope that sharing my struggle with you will let you know that you can be successful and happy despite challenges you may face in life.
+And self care can be as simple as a bubble bath and a glass of wine, reading a book, watching TV, taking a walk, buying a new dress, or working out. Its whatever rejuvenates you, mind, body and spirit. The other thing that I love to do is get together with my good girlfriends, enjoy a nice meal and just have some girl talk. Its a safe environment where we can say whatever we feel. I know that I will get encouragement, support, love and a good kick in the ass when I need it. I always walk away from spending time with them ready to take on the world.
+So I guess I should give you the scoop on my look right, lol? This was a brave choice for me because it is the first time that I am sharing a picture of me that completely shows my bra. I have always been hesitant to do this because of my career and wanting to be professional but bras are one of the number one things I get asked about so I have decided that its time to share my knowledge and resources and that as long as it is done in a tasteful way, there is nothing wrong with it. Are you with me?
+I also decided to try this look because I saw them style it this way on the website and I thought it looked really cute. This bra is the comfy full coverage unlined cotton style with the cutest festive print on it. I am wearing a 44G. I was fitted by a world renown professional bra fitter this past year and I have learned that I have been generally wearing the wrong cup size. So I am adjusting my sizing a bit. I did find that I probably actually could have gotten an H cup in this bra for a little more room in the cup as I am differently larger on one side which by the way is totally normal. I loved how soft the material is and I am okay with no padding because I certainly don’t need any lol. For the PJ’s I am wearing a 26/28 in the sweater and bottoms and I find LB’s sizing is pretty consistent. I was a bit nervous when we first got on set but my girls had my back and I got comfortable pretty quickly.
+Well there you have it folks, this is the end of my 2017 #HolidayDoubleSlay. I want to give a huge thank you to all of my girls for being a part of this project this year, I couldn’t do it without you. And that includes my amazing photographer and friend Katie who has taken my photography to new heights. And she also does my hair and make up so she is a triple threat! To all of my followers, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you. Your likes, your comments, your messages, I read them all and they are what motivate me to do what I do.
+Body Diversity is something that is very important to me and that will be something that I really want to focus on for 2018. Something that I am truly proud of with this project is that it is size inclusive for LB’s size offerings and we are showing different body types. We have two 14/16’s, one tall and one petite, an 18/20, a 22/24 and me as a 26/28. We have hourglass, apple, rectangle and pear shapes. But in the end we ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL and Lane Bryant fits us all.
+This post was proudly sponsored by Lane Bryant but all opinions are my own.
+Thanks to Katie of Katiuska Idrovo Photography for these amazing photos of this project!
+Bra by LANE BRYANT | Sleep Joggers by LANE BRYANT | Sweater Robe by LANE BRYANT | Earrings by H&M |
+My crew’s looks:
+Sarah’s Sleep Top | Sarah’s Sleep Shorts | Gail’s Robe | Gail’s PJ Set | Caterina’s PJ Set | Stef’s PJ Set | Stef’s Socks |
+What fantastic, empowering photos Lisa – looks like you had a great time too!
+Thank you!! I did!! ❤️❤️
+Lisa your amazing. Your such a beautiful lady!! You helped my wife get her confidence back in your blogs!!
+Ahhh that is so awesome!! 😊
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+The Torino-Nice Rally
+Smart Shelter
+Updates and news
+Contact / patches
+Terms of Entry (for ref only)
+Smart Shelter
+Updates and news
+Contact / patches
+Terms of Entry (for ref only)
+The Torino-Nice Rally
+About the Torino-nice rally
+Image : @andymatthews, 2nd TNR
+Ridden in 2015 to explore some parts of the Alps we'd ridden by or skirted around in the past, this route is an example of how much great riding can be found this part of Europe but is often missed so that we can bag famous cols or ride the best-rated uplift spots. The route was created by linking extended dirt tracks and high cols to valleys and towns for re-supply points.
+Easy airport logistics were included at each end.
+The GPS files included alternate routes and side-trip sections so that we could adapt the route along the way. The idea of the 'bike" Marathon Mondial tyres and a one-off drop bar bike with 650B x 48 options kept us involved in the route, the mix of road and dirt tracks suiting a wide range of bikes and letting us appreciate the surroundings almost every pedal-stroke of the way. We thought it would make a good group ride for another year and out of that idea came the 1st Torino-Nice Rally in 2016. Like a classic car rally it should be a reliability test, an adventure with friends and a memorable experience.
+when + Where
+The 3rd Torino-Nice Rally begins on the 3rd September 2018. Starting early in Turin centre, or near to the airport as a secondary start option - see Updates section and POI page
+, Turin section, for more info. There will be a meeting point for pizza and beer in Turin
+the night-before / 2nd Sept
+The route
+Between 600 and 700km and around 15-20,000m elevation gain depending on the options taken. Includes : Turin - Colle Finestre - Strada del'Assietta - Briancon - Col d'Izoard or alternate inc Hike-A-Bike / roughstuff to Chateau Queyras - Col Agnel - Colle Sampeyre - Varaita-Maria ridge or road shortcuts toward Stroppo - 'Little Peru' with options for the climb inc more roughstuff - Col de Tende and Via del Sale inc
+option of short alternate descending the col towards Dalmas, also
+(and as yet unridden by any TNR participant?)
+Via del Sale add-on section of dirt and tarmac to the natural pool at Molini de Triora
+- More dirt roads to Fort de la Forca - Col de Turini, faster option of road descent towards Sospel - Dirt and roads from near Sospel
+inc Cols Braus and Madone de la Gorbio
+with sea views - Coast road from Eze to Nice.
+Image : @basrotgans, 1st TNR
+Aims Of The Ride
+rule #1
+Leave No Trace.
+To ride in a self-supported style in the tradition of other long-distance bikepacking and randonee rides.
+Not to get hung up on purity of style, unwritten rules of self-supported racing or any other stuff like that. If offered a 3-course meal while sharing a 3l bottle of red you'd take it, right? We did.
+Riding with others is encouraged for all. It's a social ride, not a race.
+To sleep outdoors wherever possible. It's a beautiful area, even more so during the hours of dawn and dusk. There are also B+Bs and Gites d'Etape along the route as well as 'found shelter' opportunities if you look around. Just select sleeping spots with subtlety, no-impact ethics and common sense.
+To enjoy a well-earned steak+frites on the Cote d'Azur, go to the beach, have a swim then get traditionally and economically smashed on not a lot of beer/wine.
+To freely ignore all but rule #1 and L.N.T practices and do what you like, just enjoy it.
+Good to know
+General - You need to know the following before riding, see Entry Terms for further details
+The rally is very much a mountain experience. You will be over 2000m altitude most days and when you go to the mountains you should expect mountain weather.
+The weather can change fast, things could get serious very quickly and tired, cold riders can make dangerous mistakes on long descents.
+To be at 2500m on a rough track as a storm comes in, with shelter a long descent away, can be a hard way to learn how inadequate cycling clothing can be against bad weather. Bring good waterproofs (preferably with a hood), warm waterproof spare gloves and insulated layers that work when wet - Primaloft gilets or climber's belay jackets for example. Waterproof shorts too, especially if your bike doesn't have fenders (some might say it should have!). Think of the coldest you've ever been on a bike then imagine being that cold on a col at over 2000m. Pack appropriately.
+The rally may have a friendly atmosphere but the route is not intended for the inexperienced. Many sections of road and track have unprotected drops to the side
+that could easily be fatal
+- this is not uncommon in the Alps but may be new to some riders from flatter areas.
+The roads and tracks go up high and though generally wide rather than single-track they can be very exposed in places. Descents can be steep with loose and uneven surfaces. Traffic may be around any corner, on or off-road - 4x4s, motorbikes and small, well-used Fiats. Ride safe and always think about what may be coming around that blind hairpin.
+The rally route info includes warning POI/waypoints in the GPS files that are also noted in the cues. Do print and use the cues - they have genuinely important safety information included re. route option considerations based on conditions (as well as good drinking establishment tips).
+There is no obligation or pressure to stick to the route and the rally format has always been about choice and route options
+This is not an ideal first touring route for lightweight bikes with thin tyres and rim brakes that get 8-10kgs of gear strapped to them. If you know what you're doing from past experience, all good. If not, best not to find out on day one of the rally. Preparation beforehand will make you a safer rider.
+Ensure you understand and comply at all times with the rules of the road for cyclists in both Italy and France. This includes visibility at night - lights and reflectives are a legal requirement.
+You must have suitable liability and accident insurance to ride. In the event of any incident the authorities may need to see your insurance details.
+There is no way for anyone associated with the rally to account for riders along the route in any way that can offer safety in an emergency. You're truly on your own, acting on your own and this is a good thing to do. Keep a phone power bank in your bag and know the number for emergency services and your location at all times.
+The Torino-Nice Rally is not a race. It's just not the intent of the event. Ride as fast or as slow as you like or whenever you like, it's your call.
+Offer help anyone who might need it - asking is the right thing to do.
+Route -
+GPS files and formattable cues will be sent out in July to all who have signed-up in advance (3rd TNR sign-ups opening date tbc). Cues will include some but not all points for water and food but only commercial mountain refuges are listed for shelter.
+The route is expected to take between 4 and 10 days depending on your pace and approach. The 1st rally was completed in good weather in as little as 3.5 days using some of the shorter links, and 4 days using most of the full route. Generally, riders took 5-8 days using a variety of route options. 7-10 days would give you more time to ride the full route at a sociable pace, if you arrive early just relax on the beach for an extra day or two. Much of this depends on your appetite for early starts or long days or your climbing ability. Just adapt the route to your time and pace.
+The rally isn't a simple 'follow the line' event. There are a route choices to be made from the options supplied as well as scope for further variations, short-cuts or finding supplies and lodging etc that may be of use. The route files don't list all of them.
+If you study the route in advance you'll be better prepared. On the other hand, it's not a wilderness ride and good judgement on the day may be all an experienced rider needs. We recommend you bring a map of the area to assist with any diversions or re-routes required.
+It's hilly. Linking high tracks and cols means there is a lot of climbing to be done but it's very much worth it.
+It's hard-going in places, whether you're on a lightweight CX bike on rougher tracks or a mountain bike on the long road climbs. There's no perfect bike, whatever you ride will have pros and cons and it'll still be fun. 40mm or larger
+are recommended for the strada sections.
+You will probably push your bike at one point or another but most of the route is rideable. There is no unavoidable 'death by hike-a-bike' though there are two (optional) sections that require footwork along the way. Only the fittest will ride any of the track to the machine gun nest guarding 'Little Peru' - if you're suffering by then, just be grateful you're not a soldier under fire.
+Logistics -
+Turin and Nice airports are very close to the start/finish points. There are bike shops not far from Nice airport that may provide bike boxes for your return trip. We've bought basic cardboard boxes at Nice airport before (they're thin and without hand-holes though, at 22 Euros not great value for money either).
+There are trains between Nice and Turin that take around 5-6 hours with one change, SNCF or trainline.eu websites have details. If you have more time or are prepared to change train twice there are more options. See
+page for more info.
+The Merveilles Tende-Nice train line is worth looking up, it may come in handy during the second half of the ride.
+Meths, gas and other supplies are available near the start and as the route passes through the first towns - for details see the cue sheet that will be mailed out a couple of months before the start date.
+GPS files and other info for getting from Turin airport to the start and pre-ride dinner will be clear in mail-out info before the ride.
+General -
+There are many areas on this route that can be very dry in late summer. Wild fires are a very real risk and starting camp fires is not part of participating in the rally. There's no need for fires in the hills - if you fancy a sociable evening around a fire, please find a camp site that has the facilities and don't start a fresh fire spot under any circumstances. Be very careful where you use stoves. In some places stoves and fires will be banned by the authorities with fines for offenders Also see rule #1.
+Only the wildlife is allowed to 'go' in the hills and leave it there. If you must go, pack it out or use correct methods of site management.
+Remember that locals might not understand a group of people sleeping in a field within view of their homes. Do not sleep or camp on private or fenced-off land. 'Out of sight is out of mind' and keeps the impact of the ride
+to a minimum for
+people living along the route.
+No business along the way owes us any favours. September is late season and not all tourist businesses will be open. If they've just shut or have stopped serving food please don't be one of a number of riders asking a favour that week. If it's offered, enjoy... and do tip well afterwards : ) There's some wonderfully hospitable businesses along the way that have welcomed hungry riders in the past and the route info will highlight who/where. They deserve our business and the better we all are as customers, the better received we'll all be in future.
+Image : @username_b_e_n, 1st TNR
+credits, thanks and
+the smart shelter foundation
+The Torino-Nice Rally is a free (well, almost) event run on a not-for-profit basis by
+Torino Nice Rally Ltd
+. We support a good cause in a small way, for each year's event cloth Torino-Nice Rally patches of the Monte Carlo Rally homage design (the logo at the base of the page) are sold in aid of
+Smart Shelter Foundation
+. To get a patch, see the
+page. For more information on how we hope to help see the
+Smart Shelter page
+Poster artwork
+by Leigh John, based on pictures of the route. The poster started the creation of a website and the ride followed.
+- thanks to
+and Will Ritchie of Wilderness Trail Bikes for permission to use their images from the 1st rally. Thanks to many other riders for the use of thier images of the 2nd rally. Uncredited images here or on the Torino-Nice Rally Instagram page are by James
+. Please do contact us if you'd like to share some of your pics here or via our Instagram feed.
+Thanks to
+Cafe Du Cycliste in Nice (
+) for welcoming riders at the cafe as an unofficial finish point and to Max Leonard (
+) for the introduction there. Look up his books, they're of interest to anyone riding this route.
+Thanks to
+) for offering support in the running of the 3rd TNR. When an event grows as fast as this one has, things could slip. Apidura were quick to offer some support and talk over some ideas earlier this year and I'm pleased to have them on board. They're weren't looking to get big logo flags up at the start or re-brand the event, clearly not that kind of company. What they've offered is some financial support with the modest running costs, some future website support for next year's entry process to gain me some riding time back, and the willing to keep events like this going for the good of all of us bike travel types. Good stuff Apidura, thanks.
+Thanks to
+Shand Cycles
+) for their direct support of Smart Shelter Foundation as a form of 3rd TNR sponsorship. I've known Steven and Russ at Shand for a while through the bike world in the UK and I'm very grateful of this support, that realises some of the possible commercial sponsorship value of the event but isn't about headline branding, simply benefiting what is for me a primary motivator of the event and a big part of what the rally has become.
+If you're after a custom all-road bike you really won't find a better quality option than the result of talking to Shand about what you're after. Not just PR talk, I mean it, I've been on the edge of ordering one myself for a while. I just can't decide on the exact format...
+Also thanks to
+for supporting the 2nd TNR and being a cool company of good people.
+UPS is an acronym for United Parcel Service, which is a parcel delivery company that is headquartered in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States. The brown vans owned by this company, which have a stamp of UPS in fine gold across the back, are widely known around the world. The trucks, which are usually referred to as package cars, are operated in many countries across the world. These trucks are also known for their well dressed drivers who have been trained and are expected to perform at particular levels of professionalism. The company estimates that it delivers up to 15 million packages daily to an ever growing customer base. In fact, UPS has a presence in about 220 countries in the world and has its own airline service that provides quicker overseas transport. At UPS, the salary of a driver usually depends on the hours that have been worked, the benefits due and the level of seniority. On average, the salary of a driver in this company can range from $72,000 to $130,000 or more.
+Fedex on the other hand is an equally widely acclaimed transportation service. It is a package delivery service who major clients are businesses across the world. With a fleet of vehicles and deadlines to meet, Fedex uses the most specialised and skilled drivers in the market. The average salary of a fedex driver is $46,000. However, the actual amount that a driver receives is determined by the location of the company, the benefits due and the level of experience that a driver has.
+The process of becoming an employee of UPS or Fedex
+Often, most of the people who end up as drivers start off as part time employees. Typically, these people are attached to package handling and they get to experience firsthand, the requirements of the job, before they can apply for it. Some of the requirements that this job need as include:
+Absence of a criminal record – the handling of packages is a sensitive matter since clients entrust the delivery company with a variety of products. As such, it is important that the employees of these companies can be trusted. The absence of a criminal record is simply the first step in the qualification process.
+Drug and physical tests – before you are employed, you will be required to pass a drug and physical test at the company’s facilities. These tests are aimed at maintaining the integrity of the people applying for these jobs and ensuring that they are physically capable of handling the pressure of the job.
+Literacy – reading and writing of English, often fluently is a requirement for these jobs. This is because the clients that the drivers interact with need to be able to communicate with the drivers properly. As such, these firms will most likely require that you have a GED or High School Diploma.
+Valid driver’s licence – it goes without saying that a valid driver’s license is required for a driving job. You should also have a clean driving record, usually for a period of at least 5 years or more. It is also necessary for you to demonstrate that you can drive a manual transmission vehicle comfortably and for a long distance in case it is required. Some positions may even require very special licences that will be specified once an opening comes up.
+Age – often, the people between the ages of 21 and 25 are preferred since they are younger and more energetic. However, some of the jobs may require people with more experience thus the need for more mature drivers. However, it is important to consider the age limitations that the position may have.
+Demeanour – as an employee, you will be portraying the image of the company and it is important that you portray a good attitude. You should also be clean shaven, usually without tattoos and piercings as described by the company. The image that you portray as an employee of the firm, goes a long way in determining if the clients are satisfied with the job or not.
+After the requirements have been met, you can apply for these jobs in a variety of ways. Often, most of the job openings are posted on the official website of the company. Once you notice a job opening that you are suited for, you could either apply online or visit one of the offices to drop your application. If your application is deemed to successful, you will be invited for an interview, where your abilities and capacity will be determined. The interviews can take many forms, from practical tests to written and oral examinations. As such, you should be well prepared for the interview both physically and mentally. Since the jobs in these two firms are very competitive, you may be required to come with a picture ID and proof of eligibility to work during your interviews. This also authenticates your application and moves you a step closer to being an employee of UPS or Fedex.
+It is important to note that Fedex usually outsources some of its operations to other contractors, which means that you may be called up to be a driver by one of the contractors who work for Fedex. By proxy, you will be an employee of Fedex; however, you immediate employer may someone else. This does not in any way diminish the level of professionalism that is expected of you. This is because the contractors are held to a code of professionalism and conduct. The same code is expected to be taken down to their employees. On the other hand, UPS normally sources their drivers from the part-time freight handlers that are in their employ. These part-time freight handlers are usually promoted to full time employs and then to driver’s after they have learned the job. The drivers are also required to pass a six day training course that is mandatory for driving UPS vehicles
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+Pulpit Commentary
+> 1 Samuel 25
+1 Samuel 25
+Pulpit Commentary
+1 Samuel 25:1
+And Samuel died; and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran.
+Verse 1.
+And Samuel died.
+According to Josephus, Samuel had for eighteen years been contemporaneous with Saul's kingdom. If this calculation, which probably rests upon some Jewish tradition, be at all correct, we must include the years of Samuel's judgeship in the sum total of Saul's reign (see on 1 Samuel 13:1), as evidently his fall was now fast approaching. Samuel's life marked the beginning of the second age of Israelite history (
+Acts 3:24
+). Moses had given the people their law, but Samuel in the schools of the prophets provided for them that education without which a written law was powerless, and called forth also and regulated that living energy in the prophetic order which, claiming an all but equal authority, modified and developed it, and continually increased its breadth and force, until the last prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, with supreme and Divine power reenacted it as the religion of the whole world. And as neither his educational institutions nor the prophetic order, whose ordinary duties were closely connected with these schools, could have flourished without internal quietness and security, Samuel also established the Jewish monarchy, which was ideally also necessary, because the Messiah must not only be priest and prophet, but before all things a king (
+Matthew 2:1, 6
+John 18:37
+). And side by side with the kingdom he lived on to see the military successes of the first king, and the firm establishment of the royal power; but to witness also the development of that king into a despot, the overclouding of his mind with fits of madness, the designation of his successor, the probation of that successor by manifold trials, his ripening fitness under them to be the model of a theocratic king, and his growth in power so as practically to be now safe from all Saul's evil purposes. And so in the fulness of time Samuel died, and all Israel gathered together and made lamentation for him (see
+Genesis 1:10
+and buried him in his house.
+The tomb at present shown as that of Samuel is situated upon a lofty hill, the identification of which with Ramah is very uncertain. Probably he was buried not actually in his house, as that would lead to perpetual ceremonial defilement (
+Numbers 19:16
+Luke 11:44
+), but in some open spot in his garden (comp.
+2 Kings 21:18
+2 Chronicles 33:20
+). So Joab was buried in his own house (
+1 Kings 2:34
+At Ramah.
+Thenius thinks that the prophets shared with the kings the right of intramural burial. DAVID IN THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN (vers. 1-42). DAVID ASKS A GIFT OF THE WEALTHY NABAL AND IS REFUSED (vers. 1-13).
+Verse 1.
+David arose.
+This is not to be connected with the death of Samuel, as though David had now lost a protector. But as he had fully 600 men with him, and his force was continually increasing, it was necessary for him to roam over a wide extent of country in order to obtain supplies of food.
+The wilderness of Paran.
+Paran strictly is a place in the southernmost part of the peninsula of Arabia, a little to the west of Mount Sinai; but there can be little doubt that it gave its name to the vast extent of pasture and barren land now known as the desert of El-Tih (see
+1 Kings 11:18
+). Of this the wildernesses of Judah and Beersheba would virtually form parts without the borders being strictly defined. We need not therefore read "the wilderness of Maon," with the Septuagint and many commentators. On the contrary, we have seen that the hold in ch. 24:22 was the hill Hachilah in that neighbourhood, and David now moved southward towards the edge of this vast wilderness.
+1 Samuel 25:2
+there was
+a man in Maon, whose possessions
+in Carmel; and the man
+very great, and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.
+Verse 2.
+A man in Maon.
+Though strictly by descent belonging to Maon (for which see on 1 Samuel 23:24), his
+- rather, "his business," "occupation" (see
+Genesis 47:3
+, and
+Ecclesiastes 4:3
+, where it is translated
+) -
+were in Carmel,
+the small town just north of Maon, where Saul set up a trophy at the end of the Amalekite war (
+1 Samuel 15:12
+), and to which Abigail belonged (
+1 Samuel 27:3
+). He is described as
+very great
+because of his wealth arising from his large flocks of sheep and goats, which fed upon the pasture land which forms the elevated plateau of Carmel, where
+he was shearing his sheep,
+usually a time of lavish hospitality (
+2 Samuel 13:23, 24
+Verse 3.
+, the word rendered
+Psalm 14:1
+; literally, "flat," "vapid."
+means "one who is the cause (father) of joy,"
+one who gives joy. She, with her bright understanding and beautiful person (the Hebrew word takes in much more than the countenance; see
+1 Samuel 16:18
+, where it is rendered
+comely person
+), is in contrast with the coarse, churlish man who was her husband. His name was either one which he had acquired by his conduct, or if given him by his parents shows that they were clownish people.
+He was of the house of Caleb.
+The written text has, "he was according to his heart,"
+celibbo, i.e.
+a self-willed man, or one whose rude exterior answered to his inner nature; but there are linguistic difficulties in the way of this reading, and the Kri is probably right in correcting
+calibbi, a
+Calebite, a descendant of Caleb, who had large possessions assigned him in the neighbourhood of Hebron (
+Joshua 15:13-19
+), which is only ten miles northwest of Carmel. The versions support the Kri, though the Syriac and Septuagint render
+- one who, like a dog, though he has plenty, yet grudges others. The meaning of the name Caleb is literally "a dog."
+1 Samuel 25:4
+And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal did shear his sheep.
+Verses 4, 5.
+- Though David had gone some distance southward of Carmel, yet it was worth his while to send men to Nabal's sheep shearing, as the maintenance of his numerous force must have been a continual difficulty. The large number,
+, also shows that he expected a liberal gift of food. Probably such missions were not uncommon, and the large sheep masters were glad to supply the wants of one who guarded their flocks and defended them from the incursions of the desert tribes.
+1 Samuel 25:5
+And David sent out ten young men, and David said unto
+unto all that thou hast.
+Verses 6-8.
+Say to him that liveth in prosperity.
+The Hebrew is obscure, but the rendering of the A.V. is untenable, and also very tame. Literally it is, "Ye shall say to him, For life!" Probably it was a colloquial form of greeting, and equivalent to "good luck, "success,"
+in Hebrew being sometimes used for prosperity. So Luther translates it, and Rashi and the Babylonian Talmud are also in its favour. The reading of the Vulgate, "To thy brothers" (be peace), is to be altogether rejected.
+We hurt them not.
+Literally, "we caused them no shame" (see
+Judges 18:7
+), we did nothing to vex and injure them. Really the words mean that David had protected them, and enabled them to feed their flocks in safety. The fact that David waited till the sheep shearing, when hospitality was the rule, proves that he did not levy blackmail upon his countrymen, though necessarily he must have depended upon them for the food indispensabIe for the support of his men.
+A good day.
+a festive day, which should bring us a share in thy prosperity.
+Thy son David.
+A title expressive of the reverence due from the youthful David to his senior, and an acknowledgment of Nabal's superiority over his fugitive neighbour.
+1 Samuel 25:7
+And now I have heard that thou hast shearers: now thy shepherds which were with us, we hurt them not, neither was there ought missing unto them, all the while they were in Carmel..
+Verse 9.
+They... ceased.
+Literally, "they rested;"
+either they remained quiet awaiting Nabal's answer, or sat down, as is the custom in the East, for the same purpose.
+1 Samuel 25:10
+And Nabal answered David's servants, and said, Who
+David? and who
+the son of Jesse? there be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master.
+Verses 10, 11.
+There be many servants,
+etc. Nabal would scarcely have ventured to speak in so insulting a manner if David had been at Maon, but as he had moved with his men a long distance towards the south, he. gave free vent to his rude feelings without restraint. David was to him a mere slave who had run away from his master, Saul.
+My bread,... my water.
+These are the necessaries of life, while the flesh was the special luxury provided for the festival. David's ten young men would not literally carry water to him at so great a distance, nor did Nabal mean more than our phrase "meat and drink." The use, nevertheless, of
+as equivalent to
+marks the value of water in the hill country, and also the abstemious habits of the people.
+1 Samuel 25:11
+Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give
+unto men, whom I know not whence they
+1 Samuel 25:12
+So David's young men turned their way, and went again, and came and told him all those sayings.
+Verses 12, 13.
+Gird ye on,
+etc. David's determination was fierce and violent. No doubt Nabal's insult irritated him, and possibly also the rude outlaws round him would have protested against any other course; but Nabal's words, rude though they were, would not justify David in the rough vengeance which he meditated. Abigail throughout her speech argues that David was taking too violent a course, and one for which he would afterwards have been sorry. ABIGAIL PACIFIES DAVID (vers. 14-35)..
+Verses 14-17.
+One of the young men.
+Hebrew, "a lad of the lads,"
+one of the servants (see on the word
+1 Samuel 1:24
+); when used in this sense it has no reference to age (see
+1 Samuel 2:17
+). This man was probably some old and confidential servitor.
+To salute.
+Hebrew, "to bless" (see
+1 Samuel 13:10
+2 Kings 4:29
+He railed on them.
+Literally, "flew upon them like a bird of prey."
+We were not hurt.
+Literally, "not put to shame" (see on ver. 7). The language of a people always bears witness to their character, and it is a mark of the high spirit of the Israelites that they thought less of the loss than of the disgrace of an injury.
+As long as we were conversant with them.
+Hebrew, "as long as we went about with them."
+In the fields.
+Really, "in the field," the wilderness, the common pasture land.
+A wall.
+a sure protection both against wild beasts and Amalekite and other plunderers.
+A son of Belial.
+A worthless, bad man (see on 1 Samuel 1:16), so coarse and violent that it is hopeless to expostulate with him.:17
+Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he
+is such
+a son of Belial, that
+a man
+cannot speak to him..
+Verses 18-20.
+Five measures of parched corn.
+The measure named here, the seah, contains about a peck and a half. As this seems little, Ewald reads 500 seahs, but probably it was regarded as a delicacy.
+Clusters of raisins.
+Rather, as in the margin, lumps of raisins. The bunches of grapes when dried were pressed into cakes. Sending her servants in front leading the asses which carried the present, she followed behind, and met David as she was coming down
+by the covert of the hill.
+Hebrew, "in secret of the hill," under cover of the hill,
+she met him as she was descending into some glen into which he had entered from the other end.
+1 Samuel 25:19
+And she said unto her servants, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.
+1 Samuel 25:20
+And it was
+so, as
+she rode on the ass, that she came down by the covert.
+Verses 21, 22.
+- David justifies his fierce anger by referring to the services he had rendered Nabal, and which had been requited so shabbily. For the phrase
+so do God unto the enemies of David
+see on 1 Samuel 20:16. A superstitious feeling probably lay at the root of this substitution of David's enemies for himself when thus invoking a curse.,
+Verses 23-25.
+Abigail... fell before David on her face.
+This very abject obeisance may have been grounded on her belief in David's future kingship, or it may simply mark the inferior position held by women in those days (see ver. 41). Her whole address is couched in very humble terms. David (
+1 Samuel 24:8
+) only stooped with his face to the ground before Saul.
+Upon me.
+Abigail represents herself as the person really guilty, on whom the
+the punishment of the offence, must fall. Nabal is a mere
+son of Belial,
+a worthless, bad man, whose name Nabal,
+fool, is a sign that folly is with him, and accompanies all his acts. As a fool he is scarcely accountable for his doings, and Abigail, whose wont and business it was to set things to rights,
+saw not the young men,
+and so was unable to save them from her husband's rudeness.
+1 Samuel 25:24
+And fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, my lord,
+let this
+: and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience, and hear the words of thine handmaid..
+Verses 26, 27.
+- Abigail begins her appeal by affirming that it was Jehovah who thus made her come to prevent bloodshed; she next propitiates David with the prayer that his enemies may be as Nabal, insignificant fools; and finally asks him to accept her present, not for himself, - that would be too great an honour, - but as good enough only for his followers. The first of these affirmations is obscured by the rendering in the A.V., and should be translated, "And now, my lord (an ordinary title of respect, like our
+), as Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul liveth, so true is it that Jehovah hath withholden thee from blood guiltiness, and from saving thyself with thine own hand; and now let thine enemies," etc. The same words recur in vers. 31, 33.
+gift, present (see
+1 Samuel 30:26
+). This beautiful term shows the deep religiousness of the Hebrew mind. The gift is something that comes not from the donor, but from God, in answer to the donor's prayer.
+1 Samuel 25:27
+And now this blessing which thine handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it even be given unto the young men that follow my lord.
+1 Samuel 25:28
+I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: for the LORD will certainly make my lord a sure house; because my lord fighteth the battles of the LORD, and evil hath not been found in thee
+thy days.
+Verse 28.
+Forgive the trespass of thine handmaid.
+Reverting to her words in ver. 24, that the blame and punishment must rest on her, she now prays for forgiveness; but the intermediate words in ver. 26, emphasised in ver. 31, have raised her request to a higher level. Her prayer rests on the ground that she was saving David from a sin, and that in his thirst for vengeance he was bringing upon himself guilt. If the form of Abigail's address was most humble, the matter of it was brave and noble.
+A sure house.
+permanent prosperity (see on 1 Samuel 2:35).
+Because my lord fighteth.
+Hebrew, "will fight." David was not fighting these battles now because he was not yet enthroned as the theocratic king. It was Saul's business at present to fight "Jehovah's battles," either in person or by his officers (
+1 Samuel 18:17
+). The words, therefore, distinctly look forward to the time when David as king will have the duty imposed upon him of protecting Jehovah's covenant people.
+Evil hath not been found in thee.
+Hebrew, "shall not be found in thee,"
+when the time comes for thee to take the kingdom no one shall be able to allege against thee any offence by which thou hast lost thy title to the kingly office; nor afterwards as king shalt thou be guilty of any breach of thy duty to Jehovah, Israel's supreme Ruler, so as to incur rejection as Saul has done..
+Verses 29-31.
+Yet a man is risen.
+Rather, "And should any one arise to pursue thee," etc. The reference is of course to Saul, but put with due reserve, and also made general, so as to include all possible injury attempted against David.
+Bound in the bundle of life.
+Hebrew, "of the living." The metaphor is taken from the habit. Abigail prays, therefore, that David may, with others whose life is precious in God's sight, be securely kept under Jehovah's personal care and protection. In modern times the two words signifying "in the bundle of the living" form a common inscription on Jewish gravestones, the phrase having been interpreted in the Talmud, as also by Abravanel and other Jewish authorities, of a future life.
+Shall he sling out,
+etc. In forcible contrast with this careful preservation of David's life, she prays that his enemies may be cast away as violently and to as great a distance as a stone is cast out of a sling. The
+is the hollow in which the stone was placed.
+. i.e. prince. It is the word rendered
+1 Samuel 9:16
+1 Samuel 10:1
+, but its meaning is more correctly given here.
+. The word really means much the same as stumbling block, something which makes a person stagger by his striking against it unawares. Abigail prays, therefore, that when David has become prince, and so has to administer justice, this violent and revengeful act which he was purposing might not prove a cause of stumbling and an offence of heart to himself, by his conscience reproaching him for having himself done that which he had to condemn in others.
+1 Samuel:
+Verses 32-35.
+- David, in his thankful acknowledgment of Abigail's remonstrance, sees in it the hand of
+Jehovah the God of Israel,
+who had
+stirred her up to come. He commends also her
+, literally, her "taste,"
+wisdom, discretion. It is the word rendered
+1 Samuel 21:13
+. But for this prudent conduct on her part in thus coming to meet him on the way, he solemnly assures her on oath that nothing could have saved Nabal and every male in his household from death. Finally, he accepts her present and dismisses her with the assurance that all was forgiven. DEATH OF NABAL AND MARRIAGE OF DAVID AND ABIGAIL (vers. 36-42).. 36-38.
+For he was very drunken.
+Hebrew, "and he was very drunken." This was not the cause of his heart being merry, but the result; he gave himself up to enjoyment till he became drunken, and then his merriment was over. When Abigail came back he was stupefied by drink, and it was not until the next day, when his debauch was passing off, that he was capable of being told what his wife had done. And when Abigail recounted to him David's fierce resolve, and how she had pacified him, he seems to have given way to a fit of violent indignation, flying out possibly at her as he had at David's messengers (ver. 14), the result of which was an attack of apoplexy, and after lying in a state of insensibility for ten days, he died...
+Verses 39-42.
+Hath pleaded the cause of my reproach.
+In the causes tried at the gate of an Israelite city the friends of the accused both pleaded his cause, defended him from wrong, and punished any who had wronged him. So God had avenged David, while preventing him by Abigail s interference from avenging himself (see
+1 Samuel 24:13
+). As a widow's legal mourning seems to have lasted only seven days, David, on hearing of Nabal's death, sent messengers to Abigail at Carmel to ask her in marriage. He was probably moved to this not merely by her sensible conduct, but also by the news that Michal had been given to another. She expresses her willingness in true Oriental fashion by saying she was ready to perform the most abject menial duties, even for his servants, and at once with five maidens proceeds to join him. It is a proof that David considered himself practically secure against Saul's attempts that he thus married and allowed women to accompany his small force, as their presence would not only impede the rapidity of his movements, but also implies a certain amount of case and comfort for their maintenance. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS RESPECTING DAVID'S MARRIED Life (vers. 43, 44)..
+Verses 43, 44.
+- Besides Abigail, David also took to wife
+Ahinoam of Jezreel
+, a small village among the hills of Judah (
+Joshua 15:56
+), and not the better known town of that name in the tribe of Issachar. Ahinoam was the name also of Saul's wife (
+1 Samuel 14:50
+They were also...his wives.
+besides Michal. She had been given by Saul to
+Phalti the son of Laish,
+called Phaltiel in
+2 Samuel 3:15
+, where we read of his lamentation at her being torn from him by Ishbosheth in order that she might be restored to David.
+is described in
+Isaiah 10:30
+as being situated between Gibeah of Saul and Jerusalem.
+1 Samuel 25:44
+But Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Phalti the son of Laish, which
+of Gallim.
+The Pulpit Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010 by
+BibleSoft, inc.
+, Used by permission
+Bible Hub
+Singapore National Education Part 96
+Weeks of 11 Feb 2004 to 1 Mar 2004
+I have also learned lately:
+1. That 5000 chickens will be culled as part of a full-scale exercise to simulate a bird flu outbreak. The public is assured that only spent hens will be put into the garbage bags and gassed with carbon dioxide. Spent hens (Lao Kuay?) are aged about one and a half years old, have each produced about 270 eggs and can no longer lay eggs efficiently.
+After spending a good part of your life making eggs for the country, and you thought you can retire to a nice old hen's home somewhere, you are rewarded for your contribution with death.
+Work so hard, lay so many eggs for what.
+2. That five agencies will be involved in the culling of 5000 chickens in Operation Fowl Play. The Agri-food and Veterinary Authority, Police, Singapore Civil Defence Force, Health Ministry, National Environment Agency will be working together to ensure that a real outbreak can be efficiently managed.
+No word on whether the 400 Thailand Chicken Commandos will be asked to help. Interested chickens may sign up to be part of this exercise on.
+3. That if this were America, there would be widespread protests from the Animal Rights lobby. And we would be forced to use rubber chickens for the exercise.
+And even then, the rubber chickens would have to be put down with minimal cruelty.
+4. That one PE teacher can take 30 rowdy, ill-disciplined primary school kids for a run around the neighbourhood but for an army officer to take 30 combat ready army men for a run, it takes a supervising officer, a conducting officer, a medic and a safety vehicle. (Thanks Triax!)
+5. That a letter writer to TODAY lamented that if he had known that the Iras was going to retrench 6% of their workers as a result of the successful take up of e-filing, he would have boycotted online tax submissions, and filed his taxes manually to help save jobs.
+Maybe we should all revert to farming, then all Singaporeans will have jobs and grow their own food.
+Damn, if I had known that email would cost the jobs of postmen, I would have posted SNE out manually.
+6. That Perth got neo-Nazi arsonists, Sydney got race riots, New York got Chinese delivery boy murdered. But Singapore, Singapore is a nice safe country where crime is low, racism is non-existent, and people do not kill themselves.
+We only got falling windows problem.
+7. That students at a primary school have to use an EZ-Link card to buy food at their canteen because the school has banned vendors from taking cash.
+The scheme is a tie-up between the EZ-link people and POSB, and is positioned as a way to teach students how to manage their money. Parents put their kid's allowance into a POSBKids account that is linked to the EZ-link card, and the kids use the EZ-link card to buy food.
+Who killed Cash and made EZ-link cards the new currency?
+Kids nowadays are so lucky they have enforced technology to help them to learn how to manage their money. In the old days, my mother could only give me real cash to learn how to deal with saving and spending wisely.
+"Mr Chow also said that Chowiz has approached tertiary institutions with the same proposal to go cashless but without success.
+"Tertiary students are older and much harder to convince (of the value of the services), he said." -Streats
+Ya lor, stupid tertiary students, passing up a great cashless opportunity like this.
+8. That a few windows fall in the space of one week (instead of having the courtesy of spreading it out over a year) and suddenly, aluminium rivets are not safe anymore, and stainless steel rivets are declared the new standard.
+Luckily not more people fall and die, or else we HDB residents will have to install titanium rivets strong enough to stop a tank falling through an HDB window.
+9. That the fastest way to deflect any potential liability for falling windows and people dying from it, is to get the Government to change the law to make stainless steel rivets compulsory, and make HDB dwellers legally responsible for maintaining them and checking them.
+God forbid we take some responsiblity for things.
+10. That according to Manpower Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen, there are enough jobs for Singaporeans.
+100,000 unemployed Singaporeans will be glad to hear that.
+11. That in future, to prevent further window falling incidents, and to relieve residents of the burden of maintaining windows (and risk falling afoul of the law), HDB will be building new flats with no windows at all.
+Residents seeking a view can hang paintings of the outdoors or plasma tvs in these new Super Safe Flats. Outside air will be pumped into the flats via Super Safe suction fans for ventilation purposes.
+Any resident who wishes to install windows, for very special needs, will need to get a permit from the HDB, who will consider applications on a case by case basis. Those granted Window Installation permits will need to sit for a Window Inspection and Maintenance Prepatory exam (or WIMP) to be certified WIMPs. This will ensure that people who enjoy this privilege do so in a responsible manner.
+"We are confident that with these new measures, Singaporeans will no longer need to fear falling windows and maids, or hurting a hapless Banghra worker. Plus they will enjoy trouble-free home ownership without the hassle of window maintenance," said an HDB spokesman.
+Your PC Windows crash, why should your real windows be any different?
+12. That Singaporeans could well be on their way to becoming a nation of window experts.
+This could be another potential Hub Singapore can lay claim to, the Window Maintenance Hub of Asia.
+We may lag behind other countries in education and low costs, but who can deny the potential goldmine of jobs that such a national skill can bring?
+13. That better avoid eating chicken because of bird flu, lah, better avoid eating chicken because of bird flu, lah, better avoid eating chicken because of bird flu, lah -- wait, got free chicken rice, quick go and line up! Twice!
+14. That ministers can benchmark their salaries against the most highly paid private sector earners in the land, but pilots cannot benchmark their salaries against those of their international counterparts.
+Maybe pilots can benchmark themselves to the highest paid local bus drivers. Both also in transport industry what.
+"In his 5-page letter, the new man heading the pilots' union, Captain Mok Hin Choon, says the pilots know things are more competitive now and they support a more flexible wage structure.
+So the union will not benchmark their proposed salaries against those of the most highly paid international pilots." -CNA
+15. That some local girl complained to the press about the cops keeping her China boyfriend custody overnight in the lockup because he did not have his identification papers on him, and even denied him a phone call from his own mobile phone.
+The truth was that the cops picked up the dude drunk and passed out in a public place, and even had to clean up after him when he threw up in the middle of the night.
+Want to complain to the press also must wait until boyfriend is sober first mah.
+16. That according to a Forum letter writer, the Singapore Government should let the old Communists back because democracy has won.
+Yes, I agree. We'll show them evil communists the true power of democracy Singapore-style! Like the lucky eight Singaporeans who got to vote the last time we had elections. Okay, I am exaggerating. The lucky NINE Singaporeans.
+But our walkovers are free and fair. And we get a national holiday too! Surely that counts as democracy too!
+That Singapore has the infrastructure of democracy, but not the spirit. Discuss.
+"Democracy has won - let communists return to see that" –ST Forum 24th Feb 2004
+Other highlights of the letter:
+"Democracy has come a long way in Singapore."
+"we have had nearly 40 years of free and fair elections resulting in clean, accountable and efficient governments. "
+"The democratic system is well-entrenched and trusted by all Singaporeans. "
+"Singaporeans have also become highly educated and well-informed."
+"Singaporeans know that democracy is the best form of government and that, politically, it is the only way forward for us."
+"...experience, first-hand, how successful democracy has made Singapore and how much we believe in it. "
+"...freedom and choice will always triumph over oppression and dictatorship."
+17. That Singaporeans who are not poor enough will be paying higher hospital bills when means testing is introduced. But they are assured that they can still opt for C Class wards, except that they will be paying more than what they are paying now.
+So remember, try to make sure you make lots of money, or make very little. In-betweens get jack.
+18. That now, SATs and Chinese are not needed for University admission. I guess losing all those good students to other countries was beginning to hurt.
+19. That now school rankings will not be made public to curb unhealthy competition. Perhaps we can now go back to educating our children, rather than meeting A-Star quotas.
+And maybe schools can go back to being schools instead of Fortune 500 companies.
+20. That you are not the last independent union left in Singapore who has not joined NTUC. You are the union that is out of touch with Singapore's economic situation because you never joined NTUC.
+"Singapore's economy was under intense pressure to lower costs and improve its competitiveness. Changi Airport and SIA were dealing with the wrenching changes in the aviation industry.
+Singapore's future as a hub was at stake - not just in air, but also in sea, telecoms and businesses in general - because Changi's connectivity helped to make Singapore a hub for everything else.
+But the pilots, being out of the country half the time and not being part of the National Trades Union Congress, did not seem to get this." -ST 27 Feb
+21. That at the Pilots-Meet-the-SM session, everybody had a placard of their name in front of them. SM Lee's placard just said "Senior Minister".
+He whose name cannot be spoken. In Hebrew, it would be SNRMNSTR.
+22. That when it comes to your personal life and plans (and how much you sold your HDB flat for), the Government knows more than you do about yourself.
+"Capt Goh was 'The instigator'
+Captain Ryan Goh was singled out by Senior Minister Lee as the 'instigator' of last November's move to oust the Alpa-S leadership. Did other pilots know that the Malaysian citizen had also made plans to move to Perth? Capt Goh later defended his actions." -ST 27 Feb 2004
+23. That SIA Flight Operations Division had better start updating their resumes.
+"The discussion also turned to the rostering of pilots which appeared to cause much grief among those present.
+Who was in charge, SM Lee demanded to know, his voicing rising a little.
+Flight operations division, came the reply.
+'If all this is true, then the flight operations must be blind or stupid!' said SM Lee." -ST 27 Feb 2004
+Today's mrbrown poll: Is SIA Flight Operations:
+a. Blind?
+b. Stupid?
+c. About to get their heads kicked in?
+24. That the headlines read "SIA Pilots pledge to start afresh" and not "Pilots kena hauled in for tekan session by SM".
+Not that I am suggesting that there was any tekan session or anything. Please don't sue me, ok?
+25. That there are people going around asking how many ministers does it take to talk to one pilot union.
+One Senior Minister, one Manpower Minister, one Transport Minister, and one Minister of State-cum-NTUC Chief-cum-SIA Director.
+Why? The SIA management themselves not free, issit?
+Rapid atrial activation increases the spatial variability in AF cycle length,10 which is an index of atrial refractoriness.12 The SD of AF cycle lengths at different sites correlates with AF duration in dogs subjected to rapid atrial pacing,10 suggesting a potential role for refractoriness heterogeneity in contributing to atrial remodeling due to rapid atrial activation. However, the quantitative relations between AF cycle length and effective refractory period (ERP) are complex,13 so that AF cycle length changes are not necessarily an accurate indicator of ERP alterations.
+The potential importance of spatial variability in atrial electrophysiology for the induction and maintenance of AF has long been recognized.14 Initial analyses of AF-induced remodeling showed that AF did not alter the difference between ERPs in the left versus right atrium, suggesting that AF may not alter ERP heterogeneity.6 A recent preliminary report points to increased variability in ERP caused by AF on the basis of ERP measurements at an average of 7 atrial sites per dog.15 The present study was designed to evaluate in detail the spatial distribution of changes in atrial electrophysiological properties, particularly the ERP, caused by 24 hours of rapid atrial pacing in dogs and to relate changes in spatial heterogeneity to the substrate for AF.
+Experimental Protocol
+Twenty-four hours after the initial procedure, dogs were reanesthetized with morphine (2 mg/kg SC) and
+(120 mg/kg IV bolus, followed by a continuous infusion of 29.3 mg
+· kg-1 · h-1).
+Animals were studied after a median sternotomy, with the same
+preparation and instrumentation as previously described in
+detail.10 Five thin silicon plaques containing
+240 bipolar electrodes for stimulation and/or recording (Figure 1
+) were sewn to cover the atrial
+epicardial surface. The form and location of the arrays were similar to
+those described previously,10 16 17 but the
+number of electrodes was increased and their location modified. The
+hardware configuration permitted pacing at any of the 240 sites in the
+array. The interpolar distance was 1 mm, and the interelectrode
+distances were between 3.1 and 4.0 mm for arrays on the right and
+left atrial free walls and appendages and Bachmann's bundle and 6
+mm for the array between the pulmonary veins.
+Signals were filtered (10 to 900 Hz), digitized (12-bit resolution and a 2-kHz sampling rate), and transmitted into a Silicon Graphics computer for data analysis. Activation data were analyzed off-line with computer-determined peak-amplitude criteria for activation, and data for each electrode were reviewed manually. Double potentials indicating local activation block or a pivot point were taken to represent a single local activation at the time of the largest potential. Electrogram timing was compared with QRS complexes to exclude ventricular electrograms.
+Electrophysiological Study
+In paced dogs, the pacemaker was deactivated. Activation maps for conduction velocity (CV) measurement were obtained after 90 seconds at a basic cycle length (BCL) of 300 ms. CV was measured with the use of 2 parallel sets (4 bipolar electrodes per set) in each of 5 regions: Bachmann's bundle (BB, a in Figure 1
+), the left atrial
+appendage (LAA, b), the right atrial appendage (RAA, c), the right
+superior free wall (d), and the right inferior free wall
+(e). Stimulation for the CV measurement was applied at each of the
+sites designated by the letters in Figure 1
+, after it had been
+ascertained that stimulation at that site resulted in longitudinal
+conduction at the corresponding series of electrodes. Because of
+variable contact in the left posterior free wall (LPW), LPW CV
+could not be measured accurately in all dogs and was therefore not
+included in the analysis.
+ERP was determined with the extrastimulus technique at as large a
+number of sites as feasible during each experiment, with sites selected
+so as to provide representative data from all regions.
+All basic and premature stimuli were 2-ms square waves with
+twice-threshold current. The pacing threshold was determined separately
+at each electrode site, and only sites with a threshold <5 mA were
+used. The ERP was defined as the longest
+S1S2 interval that failed
+to produce a response. A 15-stimulus basic train at a BCL
+(S1S1) of 300 ms was
+followed by a premature extrastimulus (S2) at a
+progressively increasing
+S1S2 interval and a
+1-second pause to observe the response between trains. This method is
+accurate and reproducible and allows the coupling interval of
+S2 to be incremented rapidly without altering the
+basic rhythm.18 19 The coupling interval of
+S2 was increased by 10-ms increments to obtain an
+initial estimate of the ERP. The measurement was then repeated with
+5-ms increments in the S1S2
+interval, and the resulting value was taken as the ERP. In the case of
+10-ms difference between the 2 measurements, a third measurement
+with 5-ms steps was obtained and the mean of all 3 ERP values was
+After the completion of electrophysiological data acquisition, AF was induced by stimulation of the RAA with 10-Hz, 2-ms stimuli at 4 times threshold current. AF was defined as a rapid (>450 bpm), irregular atrial rhythm with varying atrial electrogram morphology. To calculate mean AF duration, AF was induced 10 times for AF duration <10 minutes and twice for AF duration between 10 and 30 minutes. Dogs that developed AF that lasted >30 minutes were eliminated, because such prolonged AF (usually requiring cardioversion for termination) made it impossible to measure ERP at a sufficient number of sites. Two rapidly paced dogs had to be eliminated because of prolonged AF and were replaced by additional animals to maintain the same number of dogs (12) in each group. No control dogs had prolonged AF. The vulnerability to AF induction at each site was determined on the basis of the ability of single S2s to induce, in a reproducible fashion, AF that lasted >1 second. Overall vulnerability in each dog was defined as the percentage of pacing sites at which AF was inducible.
+Data Analysis
+Regional CV was determined by analyzing activation at each of 2 parallel series of 4 electrodes in each region (Figure 1
+), with each
+series of electrodes oriented along the direction of rapid propagation
+(perpendicular to consecutive isochrones). The CV was determined as
+previously described10 for each of the 2 series
+of parallel electrodes in each region, and the mean of the values
+obtained was used for analysis. The same sites were used for CV
+measurements for each experiment. The overall CV for each dog was
+calculated from the average of each of the 5 regional CV values. An
+index of CV heterogeneity in each dog was obtained by
+calculating the coefficient of variation (COV CV=SD/meanx100%) of the
+5 regional CV values. Similar approaches were used to calculate for
+each dog the overall mean ERP, the mean ERP in each region, and the
+overall and regional COV in ERP (COV ERP).
+Statistical comparisons between only 2 groups were performed by Student's t test or the Mann-Whitney rank sum test when a normal distribution could not be assumed. ANOVA (for parametric data) or a Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test (when data could not be assumed to be normally distributed) was used for multiple-group comparisons, followed by a Bonferroni-corrected t test or a corrected Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Stepwise multilinear regression was used to assess the dependence of a single dependent variable on multiple independent variables and linear regression to analyze single dependent and independent variables. Average results are given as the mean±SEM unless otherwise indicated, and a 2-tailed P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
+Changes in electrophysiological
+variables and AF susceptibility are illustrated by measurements
+from 1 dog in each group in Figure 2
+. ERP
+was measured at 73 sites in the control dog (A) and averaged 124±16 ms
+(mean±SD). The ERP tended to be shorter in the posterior left atrium,
+and COV ERP was 13.5%. AF could not be induced by premature stimuli at
+any site, and the duration of AF induced by burst pacing averaged 11
+seconds. In the paced dog (B), ERP was measured at 94 sites. Mean ERP
+was 100±22 ms. Large variations in ERP were seen, from values as great
+as maximum values in the control dog (165 ms) to values as short as 60
+ms, much shorter than the shortest ERP (95 ms) in the control dog. ERP
+heterogeneity was substantial, with a COV ERP of
+21.7%. AF could be induced at 19% of sites, indicated by the stars in
+Figure 2
+, and mean AF duration was 240 seconds.
+Overall, rapid pacing significantly enhanced atrial vulnerability
+), increasing the percentage of sites per dog at which AF was
+induced by a single extrastimulus from 2.6±0.9% to 11.8±2.8%. Five
+control dogs (42%) did not exhibit any AF during premature
+stimulation, compared with only 1 paced dog (8%). AF duration was also
+increased significantly in paced dogs. Pacing decreased mean ERP,
+increased ERP heterogeneity, and increased CV. The
+offsetting changes in ERP and CV left wavelength unaltered. Rapid
+pacing had no effect on CV heterogeneity. Wavelength
+was calculated in each region as the product of local CV and mean
+ERP and was not altered by pacing in any region. To assess the
+stability of ERP values in paced dogs, they were measured at the
+beginning and repeated at the end of the study at a total of 20 sites
+in 5 dogs. The mean ERP averaged 100.8±3.5 ms at the beginning of the
+study and 103.0±3.6 ms at the end of the study (P=NS),
+indicating no significant time-dependent changes.
+Regional Changes in Electrophysiological Properties
+A quantitative analysis of regional differences in the effect of rapid pacing on ERP is shown in Figure 3
+. Paced dogs had substantially shorter
+ERPs in the atrial appendages and the right free wall but little or no
+change in ERPs in the left posterior wall or Bachmann's bundle. Thus,
+ERP remodeling induced by pacing was regionally
+heterogeneous, accounting (at least in part) for the
+increased spatial heterogeneity of ERP in paced dogs
+). The increased heterogeneity caused by rapid
+pacing was associated with a decrease in the smallest ERP values in
+each dog, which averaged 62±2 ms in paced dogs, versus 85±4 ms in
+control dogs (P<0.0001). The largest ERP values were not
+altered (paced dogs, 162±7 ms; control dogs, 165±7 ms).
+To determine whether increased spatial ERP
+heterogeneity in paced dogs was due entirely to
+interregional differences in the extent of ERP remodeling or whether
+intraregional differences might also contribute, we performed the
+analysis illustrated in Figure 4
+The COV in refractoriness was calculated within each region and was
+found to be increased significantly by rapid pacing in 3 regions: the
+right and left atrial appendages and the right free wall. These are the
+same regions in which the greatest absolute change in ERP occurred
+(Figure 3
+), implying that within the regions of greatest ERP
+remodeling, there was considerable intersite variability in the extent
+of remodeling. Consequently, atrial tachycardia caused
+nonuniform shortening in ERP both within and among various atrial
+Relation Between Electrophysiological
+Properties and Atrial Vulnerability
+Having examined changes in ERP heterogeneity in paced dogs, we turned our attention to the factors potentially accounting for their enhanced vulnerability to AF induction. Figure 5
+shows an analysis of the
+relations between vulnerability to AF induction in each dog (expressed
+as a percentage of sites at which AF could be induced by extrastimuli)
+and ERP, ERP heterogeneity (as measured by COV ERP),
+and wavelength. There was a strong correlation between vulnerability
+and ERP heterogeneity, whereas the relationship with
+ERP was weak and that with wavelength was nonsignificant. When stepwise
+multilinear regression was applied to select a model relating AF
+vulnerability (dependent variable) to ERP, COV ERP, and CV
+(independent variables that changed with pacing) in all dogs, the
+model selected had a correlation coefficient of 0.82, and the only
+independent variable that provided statistically significant
+predictive value to the model was COV ERP (P<0.0001).
+We next examined in detail the activation sequences for premature
+stimuli at S1S2 intervals 5
+ms greater than the ERP, at sites at which AF could be induced (n=20)
+or at sites without AF inducibility (n=10). Figure 6
+shows an example of the activation
+pattern of an A2 complex that induced AF. Panels
+A and B show atrial activation induced by stimulation in the right
+atrial free wall for the last complex of the basic train
+(A1) and the atrial premature complex elicited by
+an S2 delivered with a coupling interval (90 ms)
+5 ms greater than the ERP. Panels C and D are enlarged
+representations of activation in the right atrial array
+overlying the stimulation site. The extrastimulus captured the region
+around the stimulation site (star), with a latency of about 20 ms. The
+impulse was blocked in the superior direction, and conduction was
+greatly slowed in the inferior direction, leading to marked
+slowing of atrial activation. The next cycle (panel E) began close to
+the stimulation site, 90 ms after initial activation. Panel F shows ERP
+values in the region of the stimulation site. The ERP at the site at
+which reentry was induced was 85 ms, and a corridor through which the
+S2 was propagated had ERP values of 80 to 90 ms,
+similar to the activation-reactivation interval of 90 ms and permitting
+reexcitation. At the line of block above the stimulation site, ERPs
+were all larger, ranging from 95 to 125 ms.
+Figure 7
+shows data from a
+different dog, with examples of extrastimulation at adjacent sites, at
+1 of which (top) AF could not be induced and at another of which
+(bottom) AF was induced by premature stimulation. The last
+S1 of the basic train was propagated rapidly and
+uniformly during stimulation at either site (left, top and bottom). The
+S2 with the shortest
+S1S2 interval (110 ms) that
+permitted capture at the noninducible site (top, middle) was associated
+with an increased latency and some conduction slowing, but conduction
+remained relatively uniform. In contrast, the earliest
+S2 capturing the inducible site
+(S1S2=70 ms) was followed
+by substantial local conduction delay and an arc of conduction block
+below the site of stimulation (bottom, middle). Slow conduction around
+the arc of block led to reactivation in the region of extrastimulation,
+as shown in the lower right panel. The distribution of ERPs in the
+region of the 2 stimulation sites is shown in the upper right panel,
+along with the isochrones of the A2 causing
+reentry reproduced from the lower middle panel. The line of block
+corresponds to areas with refractory periods between 100 and 105 ms,
+substantially greater than the ERP of 65 ms at the site at which
+reentry was induced and accounting for the line of block in response to
+the extrastimulus. In contrast, the ERP at the site at which reentry
+could not be induced was 105 ms, longer than the ERP at almost all
+other sites in the area and permitting continuous, if somewhat slowed,
+conduction of the complex resulting from the extrastimulus.
+In all 20 cases of AF induction for which activation data were available, reentry was induced at a site of relatively short refractoriness, with 1 or more zones of conduction block corresponding to an adjacent series of sites of greater refractoriness. The conduction block and slowing are reflected by the overall conduction times of A2 complexes at S1S2 intervals 5 ms greater than the ERP, which averaged 128±6 ms for stimulation at sites at which AF could be induced, compared with 93±6 ms (P=0.0005) for stimulation at noninducible sites. In contrast, conduction times of the last A1 complex of the basic train were similar for inducible and noninducible sites (76±2 versus 73±3 ms, respectively, P=NS). These results indicate that the heterogeneous ERP remodeling caused by rapid pacing established the substrate that permitted single extrastimuli to induce AF at many more sites in paced dogs than in control dogs.
+Relation Between Electrophysiological
+Properties and AF Duration
+Figure 8
+shows the results of an
+analysis of the relationship between AF duration and ERP, ERP
+heterogeneity, and wavelength. Only ERP
+heterogeneity shows a significant correlation with AF
+duration. We also analyzed the relations between minimum or
+maximum ERP in each dog and AF duration and found no significant
+correlation. When multilinear regression was applied to the relation
+between AF duration and ERP, COV ERP, and CV, the best predictive model
+(r=0.78) included only 1 independent variable that
+contributed significantly: the heterogeneity in ERP
+Comparison With Previous Studies of Tachycardia-Induced
+Atrial Electrical Remodeling
+Like previous investigators,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we found that electrically induced atrial tachycardia increases the duration and inducibility of AF and reduces the ERP. Investigators have observed varying alterations in conduction. Wijffels et al6 noted an increase in CV after 6 to 24 hours of sustained AF in the goat, which they attributed to a decrease in refractory period. In contrast, several groups have reported an increase in atrial conduction time and/or a decrease in conduction speed after longer periods of tachycardia.4 7 10 20 In the present study, we noted an increase in CV after 24 hours of atrial tachycardia, consistent with the findings of Wijffels et al.6 The varying results regarding CV changes may point to the existence of multiple changes that can affect CV, with the observed effect depending on the balance. Changes reported to date that can have opposite effects on CV include decreased ERP and increased connexin 43 expression,21 which would tend to increase CV, and decreased INa,20 which would have the opposite effect.
+Relatively little information is available about the distribution of atrial ERP remodeling. Wijffels et al6 found that the difference between right and left atrial ERP was not altered during atrial remodeling and that the variability of AF cycle length at 12 sites was the same after 1 and 14 days of AF. We have noted an increase in the variability of AF cycle length in dogs subjected to rapid pacing for periods of up to 6 weeks.10 Preliminary results from Tieleman et al15 point to an increase in ERP heterogeneity as measured at an average of 7 sites in the goat, due largely to smaller changes in Bachmann's bundle, consistent with our observations.
+Role of Refractoriness Heterogeneity in AF
+Variable refractoriness was essential for the generation of AF in the classic computer model of Moe et al.14 Dogs with AF induced by single extrastimuli after cardiopulmonary bypass have increased refractoriness dispersion.22 Dogs with idiopathic AF have increased ERP dispersion,23 and the ability of flecainide to terminate idiopathic and vagal AF in dogs is associated with reductions in ERP dispersion.16 23 Increased ERP dispersion appears to play a central role in vagally induced experimental AF.17 24 Patients with AF have an increased spatial variability in AF cycle length,12 and atrial tissues from patients with AF show an increase in ERP heterogeneity.25 The leading-circle model and a variety of experimental observations suggest an important role for the reentry wavelength in determining susceptibility to reentrant atrial arrhythmias,26 27 including AF.16 23 28 Conversely, in some studies, AF duration was not correlated with wavelength but appeared to be related to ERP dispersion.17 24 In the present study, rapid atrial activation did not alter the wavelength but increased ERP dispersion, and ERP dispersion was a predictor of both AF duration and inducibility. Recent observations suggest that functional reentry during AF may correspond to spiral-wave reentry.29 Further application of the spiral wave concept may help to explain how interventions that increase refractoriness dispersion can promote AF maintenance without altering the reentrant wavelength.
+Novel Findings and Potential Significance
+The major novel contributions of the present study are (1) the demonstration that tachycardia-induced remodeling increases ERP dispersion both within and among atrial regions, implying spatial variability in the degree of remodeling; (2) the finding that increased ERP dispersion contributes to the AF-promoting effects of atrial tachycardia; and (3) the analysis by epicardial mapping of the relationship between ERP dispersion and the activation of extrasystoles that cause atrial reentry leading to AF.
+The induction of atrial reentry by premature beats is an important clinical mechanism of AF initiation.30 The ability of single extrastimuli to initiate atrial reentry and AF has been associated with inhomogeneities in conduction31 and refractoriness.17 The present study is the first of which we are aware to relate activation maps of AF induction to detailed maps of ERP. The results suggest that local inhomogeneities in refractoriness can play a significant role in the ability of premature extrastimuli to induce AF and may contribute to the ability of sustained atrial tachycardia to increase atrial vulnerability. Given the probable clinical significance of atrial tachycardiainduced remodeling,32 33 an appreciation of the potential role of spatial heterogeneity in remodeling is important.
+Limitations of Our Findings
+Electrophysiological variables were measured at only 1 atrial cycle length. The use of several cycle lengths would have greatly increased the duration of experiments, introducing potentially important time-dependent confounding factors and making the study practically unfeasible. We did not analyze ERP heterogeneity during AF or at the minimum 1:1 cycle length, which would have been interesting and relevant but technically difficult. We cannot exclude the possibility that wavelength during AF might have been related to AF duration; however, wavelength was not decreased at a BCL of 300 ms in paced dogs, and ERP rate adaptation is reduced in tachycardia-remodeled atria,6 7 10 suggesting that wavelength would not be reduced at rapid rates in our dogs.
+We chose 24 hours of rapid pacing for study because this interval is sufficient for significant atrial remodeling6 8 but is not associated with an excessive prevalence of prolonged AF (>30 minutes). In our experience, prolonged AF due to tachycardia-induced remodeling makes detailed ERP mapping impossible because of the frequent induction of AF, requiring subsequent cardioversion, during ERP determination. Our results are pertinent to the mechanisms of remodeling and AF promotion resulting from recent-onset AF (within 24 hours). Similar mechanisms may be operative during AF of longer duration, but it would be inappropriate to assume that our observations necessarily apply to AF that lasts several days or weeks.
+Our mapping system samples the atrial epicardial surfaces extensively
+but does not provide information about septal activation or the
+activation of subendocardial structures, such as the pectinate muscles.
+Such regions may play an important role in atrial reentry, including
+AF,34 35 36 and were almost certainly involved in
+reentrant excitations (like those shown in Figure 6
+), for which our
+mapping revealed only part of the reentry circuit.
+Received January 26, 1998; revision received June 17, 1998; accepted June 22, 1998.
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+5. Salmon DR, McPherson DD, Augustine DE, Holida MD, White CW. A canine model of chronic atrial fibrillation: echocardiographic and electrocardiographic validation. Circulation. 1985;72(suppl III):III-250. Abstract.
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+7. Elvan A, Wylie K, Zipes DP. Pacing-induced chronic atrial fibrillation impairs sinus node function in dogs: electrophysiological remodeling. Circulation. 1996;94:29542960.
+Goette A, Honeycutt C, Langberg JL. Electrical
+remodeling in atrial fibrillation: time course and mechanisms.
+Circulation. 1996;94:29682974.
+Daoud EG, Bogun F, Goyal R, Harvey M, Man KC,
+Strickberger SA, Morady F. Effect of atrial fibrillation on atrial
+refractoriness in humans. Circulation. 1996;94:16001606.
+Gaspo R, Bosch RF, Talajic M, Nattel S. Functional
+mechanisms underlying tachycardia-induced sustained atrial
+fibrillation in a chronic dog model. Circulation. 1997;96:40274035.
+Ausma J, Wijffels M, Thoné JF, Wouters L,
+Allessie MA, Borgers M. Structural changes of atrial
+myocardium due to sustained atrial fibrillation.
+Circulation. 1997;96:31573163.
+12. Ramdat Misier AR, Opthof T, Hemel van NM, Defauw JJAM, de Bakker JMT, Janse MJ, Capelle van FJL. Increased dispersion of "refractoriness" in patients with idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1992;19:15311535.[Abstract].
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+19. Kadish AH, Schmaltz S, Morady F. Variability in the measurement of human ventricular refractoriness. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1991;14:13931401.[Medline] [Order article via Infotrieve]
+20. Gaspo R, Bosch RF, Bou-Abboud E, Nattel S. Tachycardia-induced changes in Na+ current in a chronic dog model of atrial fibrillation. Circ Res. 1997;97:10451052.
+Elvan A, Huang XD, Pressler ML, Zipes DP.
+Radiofrequency catheter ablation of the atria eliminates pacing-induced
+sustained atrial fibrillation and reduces connexin 43 in dogs.
+Circulation. 1997;96:16751685.
+24. Liu L, Nattel S. Differing sympathetic and vagal effects on atrial fibrillation in dogs: role of refractoriness heterogeneity. Am J Physiol. 1997;273(Heart Circ Physiol 42):H805H816.
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+Schalij MJ. Length of excitation wave and susceptibility to reentrant
+atrial arrhythmias in normal conscious dogs. Circ
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+31. Lammers WIJP, Schalij MJ, Kirchhof HJ, Allessie MA. Quantification of spatial inhomogeneity in conduction and initiation of reentrant atrial arrhythmias. Am J Physiol. 1990;259(Heart Circ Physiol 28):H1254H1263.
+Zipes DP. Atrial fibrillation: a
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+cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 1997;95:562564.
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+remodeling of the heart owing to rate. Circulation. 1997;95:17451748.
+Kumagai K, Khrestian C, Waldo AL.
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+atrial fibrillation in the sterile pericarditis model: insights into
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+Gray RA, Pertsov AM, Jalife J. Incomplete reentry
+and epicardial breakthrough patterns during atrial fibrillation in the
+sheep heart. Circulation. 1996;94:26492661.We studied
+in detail the spatial distribution of
+electrophysiological alterations induced in
+dogs by 24 hours of atrial pacing at 400 bpm, along with changes in
+atrial vulnerability and atrial fibrillation (AF) duration. Atrial
+tachycardia reduced effective refractory period (ERP) and
+increased conduction velocity, resulting in no net change in the
+wavelength for reentry; however, the spatial
+heterogeneity of ERP as measured at an average of 66
+sites per dog was substantially altered. The vulnerability to AF
+induction by premature extrastimuli and the duration of induced AF were
+significantly increased in paced dogs, changes that were strongly
+correlated with alterations in the heterogeneity of
+refractoriness but not with ERP, conduction velocity, or wavelength. We
+conclude that tachycardia-induced electrical remodeling
+produces spatially heterogeneous alterations in atrial
+refractoriness that are important for the initiation and
+maintenance of AF.
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+(A) Keyboard (B) Light Pen (C) Mouse (D) Bar Code Reader (E) None of these (Ans : E)
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+(A) .xls (B) .doc (C) .bmp (D) .jpg (E) None of these (Ans : A)
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+(A) Grass, wheat and mango (B) Grass, goat and human (C) Goat, cow and elephant (D) Grass, fish and goat (E) None of these (Ans : B)
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+(A) Wood (B) Gobar-gas (C) Nuclear energy (D) Coal (E) None of these (Ans : C)
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+(A) Generator (B) Galvanometer (C) Ammeter (D) Motor (E) None of these (Ans : A)
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+(A) Ovary (B) Uterus (C) Vas deferens (D) Fallopian tube (E) None of these (Ans : C)
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+(A) Transport of water (B) Transport of food (C) Transport of amino acids (D) Transport of oxygen (E) None of these (Ans : A)
+34. Kings of ten tribes fought the ‘Dashraj War’ in the Vedic Age against whom of the following?
+(A) Raidasa (B) Sudasa (C) Somadasa (D) Vipradasa (E) None of these (Ans : B)
+35. Which of the following Mauryan Kings was the follower of Ajivika Sect?
+(A) Chandragupta (B) Bindusara (C) Ashoka (D) Dasharath (E) None of these (Ans : B)
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+(A) Rana Udaysingh (B) Rana Pratapsingh (C) Rana Amarsingh (D) Rana Karansingh (E) None of these (Ans : C)
+37. By which of the following treaties, the Third Anglo-Mysore War was ended in 1792 A. D. ?
+(A) Treaty of Srirangapattanam (B) Treaty of Madras (C) Treaty of Mangalore (D) Treaty of Mysore (E) None of these (Ans : A)
+38. Who among the following was the pioneer of widow-remarriage movement in Bengal in the 19th century?
+(A) Raja Rammohan Roy (B) Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
+(C) Keshabchandra Sen (D) Debendranath Tagore (E) None of these (Ans : B)
+39. Which of the following is the oldest oil refining in India?
+(A) Digboi (B) Barauni (C) Vishakhapatnam (D) Noonmati (E) None of the above (Ans : A)
+40. Which mineral is Malajkhand known for?
+(A) Gold (B) Mica (C) Silver (D) Lead (E) None of these (Ans : E)
+When I laid out the route and dates for our journey, I originally planned for us to skip from Yellowstone straight through to Seattle. What a mistake. Yesterday afternoon the two of us arrived in Bozeman to pick up my brother Vince who had flown in from the Midwest, and to visit Justin’s friend Ryan. After not-so-patiently spending a handful of hours glued to the Bozeman Library’s free internet (in order to maintain radio contact), Vince finally met up with us across the street from the Montana Ale Works where we were hoping to set up our laptops, grab a burger and a quick pint, and then generate a bunch of content.
+Feeling hungry yet energized, we ordered some massive bison burgers (except Vince, who somehow expects to survive as a vegetarian traveling with two voracious carnivores), pulled out our laptops and got to work. Our server, Tim, was extremely genial and was making some solid recommendations, and in what was likely a combination of excitement and dehydration we eagerly sampled a rich variety of the local offerings. This hampered production significantly, but gave us a chance to spend more time with Tim, who it seemed was something of a kindred spirit.
+He was stoked about the bus and the journey and shared with us bits of his own adventures. He knew what it was like to be on the road, and how welcome some of the comforts of home can be. He knew we would be looking for a place to leave the bus overnight and told us that we should park in front of his house. Vince, who was the designated driver moved it to Tim’s place a few blocks over and came back to finish off the night with us.
+During the course of the evening we also befriended another wayward westbound traveler, Jillian. Justin and I had been staring at each others ugly mugs for the last five days straight, and a feminine presence was more than simply welcome. She had flown from her home in Philadelphia to LA, rented a car and embarked on a solo road-trip that already passed through Utah, Wyoming, and Montana, and was continuing west on a similar route to ours. She was smart, funny, and attractive, and made a wonderful addition to the characters already in our crew.
+We spent the remainder of that evening sampling the local wares, shooting pool, sharing travel pictures, playing vulgar card games and enjoying the company of new friends. That night was a celebration, the first of our journey. It was the kind of celebration that had no specific cause, or if there had been one, it had been lost in the deep end of a pint. A night I would never forget, could I remember it in the first place.
+The next morning, we were greeted on the sidewalk outside the bus by Tim and his glowing children, Fergus and Liam. Tim had to run a few errands with the kids, but let us know we were more than welcome to shower, have a cup of coffee, and recharge our batteries literally and figuratively. We were humbled and gratefully accepted his hospitality. When he returned with the kids, we were ready to pack up to avoid overstaying our welcome. Instead, he invited us to stay for lunch and hand-picked us a salad from his garden, and as we ate in his back yard under the shade of an umbrella I began to reflect on my surroundings.
+Tim’s house is incredible. On the corner of the block in a neighborhood lined with small, re-invented pre-war homes, shaded by long rows of mature trees is Tim’s piecemeal masterpiece. Sided with corrugated steel and barn-boards he reclaimed himself, surrounded by small well-maintained gardens of veggies and berries, with a basement full of bikes and snowboards, Tim’s 900sqft home provides everything he and his wife need to raise their beautiful family of four. His home has a character that could not be anticipated. It could not have been “designed”. It had to emerge. Each element was constructed out of necessity, with available resources, bearing the mark of the craftsman, without obscuring the rich history of reclaimed materials.
+I’m telling of the story of the bus to let people know that it’s possible. You can live in 200sqft. You really can. But it’s a bit ridiculous. It’s extreme. Conversely, the size of a modern suburban home is also extreme. Like Goldilocks final bowl of porridge, Tim’s house is just right. I’m sure there are moments where 900sqft can seem a little cozy, but it truly has all of the elements that make a house a home.
+We would have loved for Tim to join us on our journey, and as we sat on the bus watching his kids play, we let him know as much explicitly. For just a moment you could see his mind wander, pausing briefly to fantasize about an adventure. But then he looked over at his kids bouncing on the bed and smirked. This is where he needed to be, this was home.
+After saying our goodbyes to Tim and his kids, we headed west from Bozeman, traveling in parallel with Jillian, to meet up at Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.
+Now, I’ve been on a few cave tours in my time. The formations are always amazing, but every cave I’ve toured has had a similar breadth of formations: Stalactites (hanging tight from the ceiling), their counterpart Stalagmites (who might someday reach the ceiling), and the ones I like to call Stalag-I-made-it’s (when the stalagmite finally completes its multi-millennial trek to the ceiling.)
+This tour, however, caught me completely off-guard. The cave was largely what I expected it to be, but what made this tour a truly unique experience was our guide, Jimmy.
+It was, and I cannot overstate this: The Best. Tour. Ever.
+Jimmy’s guidance, although informative, was not terribly rehearsed. It was a completely un-sanitized experience. Jimmy seemed to care little for scripted spiels, instead speaking off the cuff, nonchalantly offering geological information interspersed with off-topic personal anecdotes. His demeanor was casual, and his delivery was conversational, much to the chagrin of the tour-goers still descending the stairs, well out of earshot. In a sense, Jimmy was not really giving the tour, he was on the tour with us.
+At one point, after already having descended hundreds of stairs down into the mountain, Jimmy offered us the opportunity to turn back if we were reluctant to continue. There was a moment of silence as everyone considered, what the hell is that supposed to mean? Someone calls out, “Is the second half worse than the first half?” He pauses for a second to consider it, then casually decides, “Nah. Not really.” Then Jimmy mentioned that we would have to lay down and literally slide through a small hole, walk like a duck, shimmy through a crack, and crawl on all fours to finish this tour. I’m sure there were warnings about this kind of activity before the tour began, but I did not hear them. I’m not sure the senior citizens or the man with the cast up to his knee heard them either.
+The lack of structure on the tour was endlessly entertaining. We never knew what was going to happen next. More than once, Jimmy flipped a switch, momentarily casting the cave into darkness, neglecting to first turn on the lights ahead. As the lights reappeared, complete strangers would share a wordless glance, as if to say, “Is this really happening?” Although I believe the tone of the implied question varied dramatically somewhere between delighted and concerned depending on the tour-goer.
+Jimmy knew the tour was unorthodox. He could tell that at least some of us were thoroughly enjoying it, and he began to open up and embrace it. Arriving at one particular cavern, after having already enjoyed a number of ‘I can’t believe this is happening’ moments, Jimmy reveals the cause of the chaos. He has in fact, only been employed at the caves for a month, and had been taken through the caves only four times for his training. According to Jimmy, each of his training tours were different, so he assembled (and I use the word ‘assembled’ lightly) his own version of the tour. As a result of Justin’s fantastic sixth sense for capturing essential moments, we happened to catch this conversation on tape. It is our pleasure to share it with you:
+From the caves we continued west, planning to meet again with Jillian, this time in Missoula. As I drove, Vince was able to enjoy the fruits of his labors for the first time. Over the past three months Vince has spent four solid weeks of 8 to 12 hour days working on the bus, entirely unpaid, taking direction from his detail-oriented-yet-chaotically-disorganized older brother with no complaint. The scenery along the route was fantastic. I was grinning from ear to ear as Vince and Justin played in the back of the bus taking in the sights, and enjoying the space he had helped build.
+Missoula that night was a continuation of the previous evening’s causeless celebration. Less than 24 hours after meeting her, Jillian had become the fourth amigo. (We tried multiple times to convince her to ditch the rental car and travel with us for a few days out to the coast, but she politely declined. I told you she’s smart). After ordering an especially large sampling of the local brew, we realized the vehicles should be moved to a final location before the beverage was consumed. Vince and Jillian took the vehicles to a lot where they could stay overnight, and Justin and I set off to make a dent in the 20 full glasses in front of us. That night we drank, we told stories, we eagerly told everyone we met about the bus. It was an aimless and shameless evening, filled with new friends and impulsive decisions, which probably explains why we ended up passing out in a Walmart parking lot.
+Our time in Missoula capped off a wonderful stay in Montana, and our adventures with Jillian. Montana caught me completely off guard. As someone who comes from flyover country, I should have known better than to assume Montana was a barren void. Without a doubt, the most unexpected highlight of the trip.
+I’d love to go spelunking sometime and this post definitely nailed it for me. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time and Time (and family) look like they’re living quite comfortably. So far, so good, be safe and good luck!
+Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
+Saturday, October 9, 2010
+(UPDATE) Pocomoke Community Awareness Meeting (10-9-10)
+Mr Todd started out the meeting with a very good start, he seamed genuinely concerned about the crime spree we are experiencing. He read a passage and ended his stand with "we must work together" "we must stop the blame game"
+Mayor Mike McDermott was present and was the next to chair. He made his concerns and opinions in a short but sweet apology stating that he works on Saturday mornings and apologized for not being present at the previous meetings but stated his council is at the meetings and they are able to brief him. The Mayor stated that "a lot of our problems are from transient people" and "Pocomoke crime is down 20% and juvenile crime is down some 70%".
+Chief Irvin talked about pretty normal business as usual stating officer duties, patrols etc. and he asked about organizing a citizen group that could have block parties and that would be interested in forming groups the same things that didn't work in years past. Irvin went on to say "it's unfortunate that we had 2 murders but the town as a whole is safe"
+From the audience Mr Todd commented "crime watch groups are now pass'e" and "the police can't do everything"
+Now here is where we start going south, it seams that the audience decided that they want to just take over, Carroll Overholt had raised his had until I'm sure he got tired of holding up, he did finally get a chance to speak and boy did he let it go which I'll get into later.
+From the audience; Sorry I do not know the ladies name but she asked about junk and trash in peoples yards I thought oh no here we go on this and boy was I right, the Chief explained that the city has codes and that they towed some 60 (I think) vehicles just a short time ago and explains the standards that the city tries to maintain. The lady then says that "the cities standard is not as high as hers" and she goes on to say "I call city hall so much that Harvey Davis knows me personally" This went on for quite some time with some comments about about youth activities discussion thrown in from time to time like we do not have anything for our young ones to do, you know the same'ol same'ol.
+At this point they discussed what kind of tools they would use to pick up trash, where they would start to pick up the trash what time they would start to pick up the trash etcedra etcedra.
+And then it happened, The Mayor, from the audience, offered the statement "there's nothing worse to the black people than white people picking up trash in their yard" at which point Mr Todd says "wait a minuet, I think that's a racist thing to say"
+The statement was addressed and it was determined that no one was offended.
+Mr Todd says "I want to make something clear, I'm not saying that the Mayor is racist, I'm saying the statement was a racist thing to say"
+At this point things were a little bit quieter and Carrol Overholt finally was able to make his statement after patiently waiting with his hand up for I really don't know how long.
+Overholt says we lost a very good officer in Lt. Martin Koerner and then he makes it very clear that he did not believe that crime is down in Pocomoke and say that crime is up in Pocomoke.
+Overholt went on to demand that the city call and/or sit down and talk to Lt. Martin Koerner and find out why he quit the department.
+Overholt says "that for the Chief to stand up and say that our crime is down is a travesty" Overholt states that "Pocomoke City is more dangerous per capita than Salisbury.
+Overholt says he is becoming afraid to let his wife and child come into the city alone. Mr Overholt was extremely passionate about everything he he stated today and anyone there should know he means business.
+Mr Overholt ended by recommending that all at the meeting read The Pocomoke Public Eye to see the crime report.
+(UPDATED) sorry it was late when I wrote this and I left out a few things from my notes.
+Marty Pusey was in attendance and she said a few rhetorical things but ended in "we have become disfranchised" "disenfranchised families" "disenfranchised children"
+Lynn Duffy spoke and thanked the council and she also did a most honorable thing saying she will donate 750 hours of her time to get things going.
+The Chief said that they have installed a light @ 4th and Bonneville because he said at any given time "there would be 20 to 30 people standing on that corner" the Chief said they have 2 more cameras on order, one to be placed @ 6th and Bank st. the other is to be placed @ the middle school basketball court the Chief says that the cameras should be up in about two months.
+I never did ask my question so I'll ask it here ......what the heck does picking up trash have to do with preventing crime?
+The next meetings are
+Oct. 16th @ 9:00am to start picking up trash
+Nov. 13th @ 10:00am Landlord meeting both at the same church
+Pocomoke Crime Reports for the Month of September
+THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000
+THEFT $1,000 - L/T $10,000
+Corrections; Joel Todd Explains Nolle Prosequi
+Read This LINK to see what sparked this letter
+Dear Mr. Ayres:
+I enjoy reading your blog on a daily basis and appreciate your effort to keep the community informed. I have been impressed that you do your best to be accurate in what you report.
+With that in mind, I thought you might like to know the details on today’s blog post about the entry of nolle prosequi on the cases you mentioned. When we enter a nolle prosequi we usually state a reason, but those reasons don’t find their way onto Maryland Case Search so the public has no way of knowing why things happen the way they do.
+The charges you mentioned about Honiss W. Cane, III were not prosecuted because there was no probable cause for the search of Mr. Cane. Both the Maryland and US Constitution prohibit searches of individuals without probable cause so the entry of the nolle prosequi was in fulfillment of our constitutional duties.
+David Gambrell and Daniel Ng, who you listed separately, were codefendants. Gambrell admitted the drugs were his and he was convicted but then placed on probation before judgment by the court. A nolle prosequi was entered as to the charges against Ng because of the admission of Gambrell and there was no evidence to the contrary.
+A nolle prosequi was entered as the charges against Timothy McCoy Wilson and Luis Rafael Ahorrio only after the U.S. Attorney’s Office indicted them federally. We conference with the U.S. Attorney’s office whenever we have a defendant with large amounts of CDS because often the defendant will get more time in the federal system than at our level. That was the case with Wilson and Ahoriio and that is why we entered a nolle prosequi. It certainly was not for the purpose of letting them get away with something, to the contrary, it was to assure that they got more time.
+The charges against Juergen D. Ervin, Jr. were handled appropriately. The alleged victim in that case was allowed to stay in Ervin’s house while Ervin was out of town. When Ervin returned, the “victim” had changed the lock on the house and wouldn’t allow Ervin in. It is not a crime to break into your own house, particularly after someone has attempted to keep you out of it. There was no evidence that an assault took place and the charges were not prosecuted for lack of evidence.
+The details you listed for Gregory Secon are correct as far as they go, but again, there is more that you don’t know. This was not the first case between this defendant and the same victim. Upon review of the case, it was marked “DO NOT DROP”. On the first scheduled trial date, as had happened before, the victim failed to honor her subpoena and didn’t show up for court. Rather than drop the case, the State was able to get the case postponed and had to issue a show cause order to get the victim to show up for the next trial date. At that time, it was clear that this victim, as is often the case in domestic violence prosecutions, did not want to assist in the prosecution of the case. Rather than try the case and possibly lose everything with a recalcitrant victim, the State took a plea of guilty to 1 count of 2nd Degree Assault and entered a nolle prosequi as to the second.
+As to Jarrett R. Tillman, he was one of 3 codefendants. In order to get a conviction in any of the 3 cases, we needed one of the other 2 to testify against him. All 3 codefendants advised the state that they intended to invoke their 5th amendment right to remain silent if called as a witness. Without a witness, it was impossible to get a conviction and so the charges were not prosecuted.
+This leaves us with Lisa Bergling Kerstetter. The prosecutor who handled that case is not available today. I will respond to you tomorrow as to the details of that case.
+I hope you can see from this rather long message that there are reasons for the entry of a nolle prosequi. We certainly don’t sit around looking for ways to get out of prosecuting cases. Questions about sentencing should be directed to the court and not to my office. Anytime you have a question about why a case was handled the way it was, please feel free to call me.
+Thank you once again for the valuable service you provide the community.
+Joel J. Todd
+State’s Attorney for Worcester County
+‘You’re a Liar’: Student Who Heckled Obama Gets Roughed Up
+(via Breitbart.tv).VIA: THEBLAZE
+Obama then immediately changed his speech to start to defend himself and policies.
+Sharron Angle TV ad says Harry Reid voted to buy Viagra for child molesters & rapists.
+VIA: RCP.com
+Finally Drill Breaks Through to Trapped Chilean Miners
+Sirens and bells rang out across the Chilean desert at around 8 a.m. local time today, signaling that one of three drills safely penetrated an underground pocket where the miners have survived for the past 66 days. Cheers went up through crowds at "Camp Hope," a cluster of tents and kiosks where relatives have kept a vigil for their loved ones. Children lit candles for hope, and women applied makeup ahead of tearful reunions.
+Ecstatic well-wishers sprinted up to the crest of a misty hill where 33 flags have flown as symbols of hope for the miners' rescue.
+"God be willing, in a few days the whole country will be weeping with joy... when we see these miners emerge from the depths of the mountain to embrace their wives, children, mothers and fathers," said President Sebastian Pinera, according to Agence-France Presse.
+But the hardest part may well be ahead. Officials now must decide whether to line the rocky rescue shaft with a heavy steel casing, or try to pull the miners up through the narrow passageway one-by-one without reinforcing it first. Both options have pitfalls. The steel pipe would shield the miners from falling rocks, but inserting the heavy apparatus itself is risky, and could potentially cause a collapse or get jammed in the rescue hole.
+"You would have to put though a 600-meter hole a lot of pipes that weigh more than 150 tons," Golborne warned, according to The Associated Press. "And this structure can be set in a position that also could block the movement of the Phoenix (escape capsule). It's not an easy decision to make."
+Read More HERE>
+After reading his arrests on Maryland Judiciary Case Search
+there is no way that this 30 year old man should be out on the streets, he should be locked away for good, he is a menace to society at the very least.
+Posted below is the rant I found on Craigslist.
+Below is the link to see a copy of His criminal record.Below is the link to see a copy of His criminal record.
+"Last Saturday at 4 AM a man/animal broke into my sister's house in the quiet historic town of Snow Hill. He tried to rape her, then said he had to piss, and went out side, she locked the door, and he broke in again before she could call for help.
+By this time her daughter and 3 children were up, ages 4, 3, and 2. Come to find out his name is Robert Costen, goes by Lil' Bug. He is on the loose still in Snow Hill.
+My sister's checks were found in a nearby yard as well. He has 2 counts of rape before, according to my mom, and has not been out of jail long for that.
+I have not heard this on the news or in the paper, maybe they don't want to cause a panic. He has been known to impersonate a security guard in Ocean City.
+He is a tall black male, 30 years old, with a tatoo of Jesus on his back, which he showed to my sister before he tried to rape her. Please turn him in if you know him."
+Just type in Costen in the first box for last name then Robert in the first name box, then select Worcester County in the drop-down box
+CLICK THIS LINK FOR THE Maryland Judiciary Case Search
+Pocomoke Community Awareness Meeting (10-9-10)
+I did want to ask a couple of questions but I was unable to get them in unless I wanted to talk over another person(s) so I sat quietly and took notes, I must say it was very interesting so keep checking back here for the full report. I will have the minuets I jotted down organized and posted a little later today.
+Stay tuned.
+Meet and Greet Jimmy Schoolfield
+~~Just A Reminder~~
+Birthday Today
+"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."
+Still missing you................
+Friday, October 8, 2010
+Anti bullying video: You're perfect the way you are!
+We re-did Ricochet's SURFice dog video a little, gearing it towards teens in an effort to help kids deal with being "different", and help them realize they are "perfect just the way they are". We know many people have been touched by the video this past year, but now we're hoping we can reach more kids, and potentially make a life-saving impression if/where needed.
+Message of hope: You're perfect just the way you are! Anti-bullying
+Community Awareness Meeting
+At the 1st meeting, Lighthouse Counseling & Police Dept. provided donuts...and tomorrow Lighthouse Counseling is providing fall assorted donuts/munchins and coffee from Dunkin Donuts.
+Please try to attend these meetings, the community needs to be aware and more so know what is going on in and around Pocomoke. People need to demand that press releases be published in a timely manor not weeks after the crime or in most incidences NEVER.
+Speak your mind, this is the place to do it.
+A Comment Worthy Of a Post
+Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Corrections; Joel Todd Explains Nolle Prosequi":
+As a registered Democrat it pains me to even think about voting for the "other" candidate. In 30 years I've only done this once.
+After searching and reading about the Candidates in the State's Attorney race this is bothering me the most. I"ve talked with many fellow Democrats and I find that I'm not alone in my concerns.
+Mr. Todd you've eloquently answered citizens concerns over the cases mentioned in the original post. Why are you not answering other questions especially about this Clarence Jackson case? Why are you letting other's speak for you?
+It's no big secret about the crimes that this criminal has comitted and I'm sure that there are more crimes that he has done that we all don't know about because he didn't get caught.
+I just don't understand why Mr. Todd didn't put him away for a very long time in September (someone mentioned 30 yrs.) when he had the opportunity to do so.
+As a resident of Worcester County it concerns me that this person will be back on our streets and in our community more than likely in about 1 year.
+This person is a repeat offender as is evidenced by his criminal record. Whose home will he invade and steal from next? Where will his next fire be set? Who will be his next vitim of his terror?
+The disturbing part of all of this is that my candidate let this happen and then refuses to answer legitimate questions about it. The people he has chosen to speak for him have no credibility and this is even more disturbing.
+Who should I vote for as State's Attorney for Worcester County come November?
+Prostock Points At Gumboro
+The Prostock Class will be exciting for everyone this Saturday!
+At the present time 187 East Perfomance trucks take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Prostock.
+Who will be the first place winner?
+Will it be one of the three or someone else?
+Be there on Saturday to see who will take 1st place in this class for the season.........
+Prostock class
+All Night Soldier Patrick Long 34 pts.
+Blue Chevy(Short 'n' Sassy) Barry Wise 28 pts.
+Gray Ghost Lori Ann Long 23 pts.
+Friends n Low Places Daniel Harrison 22 pts.
+81 Chevy Chris Stubbs 22 pts.
+Mud Hog Wayne Downes 19 pts.
+Mean Green Danny Smith 16 pts.
+Dirty Money To Tony Kosar 16 pts.
+No Shame Ed Vogel 13 pts.
+Digger Orville Wells 13 pts.
+The Animal Steve Wisbeski 12 pts.
+Outta Order Trey Milligan
+Nothin Special Allen Stephens 10 pts.
+Gray Chevy Roger England III 10 pts.
+86 Chevy David Jones 8 pts.
+Blazer Bryan Johnson 8 pts.
+Ridin Dirty Greg Stephen Jr. 5 pts.
+Nothin But Truth Cliff Taylor 5 pts.
+Wh Bronco Fred Wriston 4 pts.
+Dirty Money Richie Knox 4 pts.
+The Gator Vince McMahon 3 pts.
+Miss Behavin Katherine Marshall 2 pts.
+Blue Ramcharger Matt Gibson 2 pts.
+Prime Example Thomas Jackson 1 pt.
+Back & Black Mike Payes 1 pt.
+Blue 89 Bronco Scott Carmean 1 pt.
+Big Blue Skip Fleischut 1 pt.
+Goldrush Bruce Vogel 1 pt.
+Man Charged With Murder Is No Stranger To Jail
+James Edward Ballard, 29, of Pocomoke City, was ordered to be held without bond by Judge Gerald Purnell in Worcester County District Court.
+Police charged Ballard with first-degree murder in connection with the death of 18-year-old Russell Matthew Bailey III, also of Pocomoke City. Police also charged him with second-degree murder, manslaughter and first-degree assault.
+The circumstances of the incident were not immediately clear. First-degree murder is a charge that implies premeditation; Ballard told police he was defending himself.
+According to court documents, Pocomoke City Police and Maryland State Police responded at 2:30 p.m. to a reported stabbing in the 700 block of Eighth Street in Pocomoke City, across the street from the middle school.
+Police found the victim lying on the ground, bleeding from a chest wound. In charging documents, police said "numerous witnesses" said they saw Ballard stab Bailey.
+Investigators telephoned Ballard to come in for an interview. At the Pocomoke City Police station, he confessed to stabbing Bailey, calling it an act of self-defense. In charging documents, police allege that Ballard killed Bailey with premeditation, based upon their investigation.
+Pocomoke Mayor Mike McDermott said the event was sad and unfortunate.
+"It's always a tragedy when people resolve anger and frustration with this kind of violence," said McDermott. "I'm glad we know who the bad guy is and we have dealt with the criminal."
+Bailey had graduated from Pocomoke High School in June. Tyrone Mills, the school's principal, said in a statement: "We are deeply saddened to learn of Russell's death. It is a tragedy to lose a young man who had his whole life ahead of him."
+Mills described Bailey as a student who enjoyed working on vehicles in the auto tech program who had aspirations to continue his education after he graduated last spring.
+At Snow Hill District Court early last Thursday, Ballard, the suspect in Bailey's killing, sported a bushy beard and shiny white Air Jordan sneakers with his a navy blue prisoner jumpsuit. He told the judge that he has "a lot of stuff going on" in his life, that he needed a lawyer, and asked for a preliminary hearing.
+Ballard also told the judge he had barely been home two weeks after having spent 18 months in jail for a probation violation.
+In September 2008, a Worcester County Circuit Court judge sentenced Bailey to a year in jail and two years on probation on charges of second-degree assault.
+Months later, authorities learned not only had Ballard moved from Pocomoke City to Philadelphia, but he had been arrested there in February 2009 on drug charges. They also learned of his July 2009 arrest in Hampton, Va., also on a drug charge.
+Both his move and the arrests violated the terms of his probation. As a result, a judge sent him back to jail for another 18 months in November 2009.
+Ballard's criminal record in Worcester and Wicomico counties dates to 1999 and includes other charges for burglary, drug possession, armed robbery, assault and escaping from police custody. No date has been set yet for Ballard's next court appearance.
+Sentences Given To Four In Accomack County Circuit Court
+Bruce Meilhammer, 18 of Chincoteague, was sentenced to 90 days imprisonment, suspended but time served, and restitution for 3 counts of grand larceny.
+Kerwin Mears, 25 of Accomac, was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for a second offense of possession of cocaine and marijuana with intent to distribute.
+Kenneth Simpkins, Jr., 26 of Greenbush, was sentenced to one year and three months imprisonment for distribution of cocaine.
+Bruce Johnson, 52 of Mappsville, was sentenced to three years imprisonment for possession of cocaine. Johnson was also reimposed a suspended sentenced of one year for possession of cocaine.
+Reading is Fundamental
+This Weekend At Melson Power Show
+Bring a chair and sit back and relax. Good clean fun for the whole family. Kids love it!
+Registration for events: 4:00 PM
+Events begin @ 5:30 PM
+Admission: $5.00 ~~ Remember: You will be seeing two nights worth of events all in one afternoon and evening.
+9343 Guy Ward Road
+Parsonsburg, MD. For more information!
+Rain date... October 16th
+Thursday, October 7, 2010
+PSST ! Have you heard the latest?
+The Democrats are standing back because they KNOW they can't touch a Republican
+Don't Forget to VOTE MIKE!!
+Pharmaceutical Advertising in Doctor's Office
+pharmaceutical advertising in
+doctor's offices on everything from
+tissues to syringes to note
+pads. This one pushing Viagra
+should get First prize....
+friend; he e-mailed back: "If light
+stay on more than 4 hour,
+call erectrician.
+Hat Tip; Ree
+Last Mudbog Of The Season At Gumboro
+Races begin @ 1:00 PM
+Admission: $7.00 ( Children under 10 FREE but must be with an adult)
+Pit Admission: $5.00 per person
+Registration will be held from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM
+Refreshments available.......
+See you there !!...............
+ACLU Files Lawsuit Over Nose Piercing
+Buyer's Choice Caroler Bingo
+Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 7 p.m.
+Oyster fritter sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries and desserts will be on sale.
+Homemade cakes will be awarded as door prizes.
+The bingo game prizes will be Byers' Choice Carolers.
+Admission for the 21 bingo games is $20.00. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by calling 757-824-3038.
+Accomack Man Indicted In Shooting Death Of Delaware Man
+A 23-year-old man has been indicted by a grand jury on charges including capital murder and robbery in connection with something that initially appeared to be a fatal traffic crash but was actually a shooting, a Virginia State Police news release said.
+Brian Marquis Northan, of Accomack County, was being held in the county jail on unrelated charges. These new charges stem from a June vehicle crash.
+On June 24 at 7:27 a.m., state police were called to the 20000 block of Bailey Road in Accomack County and found a 1996 Chevrolet pickup truck had run off the road and hit an embankment. Trooper K.J. Johnson found a body outside the vehicle, later identified as Anthony W. Wilson, 46, of Fenton, Del.
+The trooper determined evidence at the scene was not consistent with a traffic crash, the news release said, and notified state police special agents. Further investigation revealed Wilson had been shot to death.
+No additional details about what led to the fatal shooting were released.
+Northan was indicted Monday and also faces charges of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
+Police said the investigation with the Accomack County Sheriff's Office continues.
+The "Conan Blimp" Visible Over Virginia On Saturday
+The blimp pilot must have been taking the Eastern Shore scenic route to a city further north.
+Wednesday, October 6, 2010
+Kids words of wisdom....
+Hat Tip; Mrs M.
+Picture of the year
+Firefighters Let Home Burn Because Of Unpaid."
+Concerns From An Accomack County Resident And Taxpayer
+I wonder what happened to the suspect (see photo below) back around the 20th of August 2010 who walked into the Corner Mart in Oak Hall, Virginia and robbed the clerk of money and merchandise and then fled the scene in a black step-side Checrolet step-side pickup.
+And then sometime around September 7th of 2010 another face appears!
+Again, the Accomack County Sheriff's Office is asking for the publics help in finding Kenneth Corneal Birch, Jr. of Saxis, Virginia. A felony warrant had been obtained for Birch in connection with the robbery at Corner Mart in Oak Hall.
+Has he been located? Are these photos of the same person?
+To be sure he isn't on Saxis, Island anymore. But this creeps me out. Major Godwin, you and I both live near the island and I think the people in the area along with the rest of Accomack County deserve to know what is happening.
+You need the communities support just as we need the support from the Accomack Sheriff's Office. What baffles me is why there is such a time lapse between the robberies before the public is alerted.
+Now there are at least a half dozen men running around somewhere that are accused of robbing two Corner Marts both of which are not far from each other.
+We have a scanner in our home and we are aware of what goes on most times. We are VERY aware of the home invasions that occur.
+Why aren't the people told?
+Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+Amazon is a popular platform for both sellers as well as shoppers. To cope with the increasing needs of the vendors, it has rolled out its FBA service. This solution permits sellers to utilize the system’s effective distribution network and consumer base to make their business desire become a reality.
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+Learn More About Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay Here ->
+Just how much money do you need to start selling on Amazon? This relies on a lot of different elements but even if you have a small amount of money (less than $500), you can source some items as well as start an Amazon FBA organization. Beginning with a specific account and after that update to a Pro account when your sales start to grow. Discovering rewarding items is the key and after that reinvesting your profits.
+How can you start an Amazon FBA business? This post clarifies on this in detail and walks through all essential actions to end up being an effective Amazon FBA vendor. If you are starting your organization, you remain in the best place to discover more concerning an Amazon.com FBA company. Allow’s begin.
+One of one of the most vital points to remember, is having the appropriate seller tools … If you wish to sell on Amazon.com, you’ll need an Amazon seller device.
+Certain, you can attempt to begin without a device, but chances are high that you’re going to fail if you do so.
+These times, there’s a lot of competition on Amazon.com which’s specifically why it’s uber crucial to make use of an effective tool.
+Additionally, there’re well over a hundred devices around that make it challenging to make a decision which one to make use of. Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+If you ask me, you ought to make use of a device with which you can handle your company fully. Yet what’s additionally super crucial, is that it offers 100% precise data.
+Ultimately, you do not wish to invest cash on something that provides unreliable information.
+Such a device is actually worth nothing.
+So if you want to know which Amazon seller devices get the job done, you have actually come to the ideal place.
+ZonBase: What Is ZonBase?
+Instantly, what is ZonBase?
+ZonBase is a SAAS (Software as a service) item, that permits you to essentially sell more of your products, on Amazon.com, and also do so better than ever. It enables you to save time on keyword research, appropriate item listings and also allows you to find “golden nugget” products, amongst various other things.
+It does this by offering you with a variety of super-powerful tool, which enable you to do points like:
+- Program you expected month-to-month search volumes for different items.
+- Program you the search phrases your competition is ranking for, and the actual positions for that keyword phrase on the Amazon.com first page.
+- Program you the estimated quantity of sales for a certain item.
+- Program you hot as well as high quantity selling, “obscure” items.
+- Show you products that have a high search and also reduced seller competition.
+- Establish keyword-optimized listings, based upon your competitors.
+As well as a lot much more.
+What Are The ZonBase Tools?
+So we have actually quickly discussed a few of things you can do with the ZonBase tools … now allow’s now look at every single among the devices available to you inside of the ZonBase software program control panel, and also what every one of them does.
+The devices are:
+- ZonBase Chrome Expansion
+- ZonResearch
+- Key Phrases (Keyword Research Study).
+- Reverse ASIN.
+- ZonTracker.
+- Sales Estimator.
+- Hot Products.
+- Listify.
+ZonBase additionally has a few added devices, like the product validator and also listing optimizer that come consisted of, and also has 4 distinct solutions, which are attachments as well as can be bought as upgrades, separately from within the platform.
+These 4 solutions are “done for you”, premium deals, and also are: PPC Autopilot, Image Booster, PageOne and also ZonBase Mentorship.
+ZonBase Pricing. Just How Much Does ZonBase Expense?
+Since we have actually briefly looked at what ZonBase is, allow’s go ever the ZonBase pricing. Just how much does this software application cost?
+Presently, there are three various ZonBase rates plans: The ZonBase Criterion strategy, the ZonBase Legendary Plan as well as the ZonBase Enterprise strategy.
+These willprovide you accessibility to the devices we had actually discussed above, not consisting of the 4 various ZonBase services. The solutions can be bought separately.
+Alright so right off the bat, I’ll be talking mainly concerning the Beginner and the Famous plans, since the business plan needs you to contact the team, and is just for those people that’re correcting 100 items on Amazon.com … which is most likely not most of the people that will be reading this blog post.
+For those of you that are, you’ll get a custom-made quote on the rates and also how much it’ll cost you.
+Allow’s currently talk about the various other two strategies:
+Learn More About Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay Here ->
+The ZonBase Requirement strategy is $47/month, as well as the ZonBase Legendary plan is $97/month specifically.
+Keep in mind that these prices are for a monthly registration.
+If you want utilizing ZonBase for a longer amount of time, you can instead choose the annual strategy, which will bill you for a year upfront, and also will provide you an affordable rate of $37/month and also $67/month specifically as you can see from the photo listed below. This takes the ZonBase price to $444/year as well as $804/year specifically.
+What Does Each Plan Enable?
+When it concerns what each strategy allows you to do, you’ll be able to have accessibility to every one of the devices and also applications, in both strategies (with the exception of the chrome extension, which you’ll just get accessibility to through the Legendary plan) with the difference being the quantity of searches you’ll have.
+It’s a lot like, for example, the keyword research study devices for Search Engine Optimization. You’ll have a limited quantity of searches on the reduced plan, as well as even more searches as the strategies progress.
+A lot more particularly, you’ll be getting accessibility to:
+- ZonResearch: 10 searches/day on the Standard plan, and 250 searches/day on the Legendary plan.
+- Key words Study: 10 searches/day on the Requirement plan, as well as 250 searches/day on the Legendary plan.
+- Reverse ASIN: 10 products/day on the Standard strategy, and also plan, and also 250 searches/day on the Legendary plan.
+- Listify: 10 searches/day on the Standard strategy, and also 250 searches/day on the Legendary plan.
+As we discussed previously, the ZonBase chrome expansion will only be offered for the Legendary plan, as you can see from the picture listed below … so ensure to maintain that in mind.
+ZonBase FAQS.
+– Is ZonBase free? Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+No, ZonBase is a paid subscription service. With that said stated, you can obtain a cost-free 7 trial for the software program here.
+– Will My Charge Card Be Charged?
+Nope. You’ll not get a fee onto your card, till after the test has finished. Afterwards, you’ll be charged $47/month, yearly, up until you decide to terminate.
+If you want to terminate before the annual membership is over, you can contact assistance at [email protected], and they refund you any type of extra time.
+– Can I Downgrade My Plan?
+You can downgrade, cancel or change to a new strategy any time you desire, by seeing the “my profile” area, as well as pick “Payment”. Alternatively, you can contact assistance, by sending out an e-mail to [email protected]
+You can additionally terminate any kind of one of the services at any time, although you’ll need to get in touch with support as well as review their reimbursement policy, when it comes to reimbursements.
+Learn More About Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay Here ->
+– Is There A ZonBase Promo Code? Exists Any Type Of ZonBase Discount Code?
+Since now, there isn’t any type of “ZonBase discount code”, “ZonBase discount code” or “ZonBase coupon code” available that I understand.
+The closest thing to a price cut code or discount code, is the free test.
+Although it’s not precisely the exact same, it’s the closest thing that I’ve directly had the ability to find.
+– Where Can I Obtain A ZonBase Free Trial?
+To get a ZonBase Free Trial, all you have to do, is head over to This Web link Right here, and produce an account. You’ll need to have a credit card to be able to do so, get you’ll not be billed till your trial is up. You can terminate any time..
+– That Possesses ZonBase?
+The ZonBase software was originally produced by the business owner and also Youtuber Kevin David, that has actually likewise created other very comparable SAAS style software like ShopInspect and also Marketing Professional Magic, Which I’ve Evaluated Here.
+He has because obviously stepped down as the frontman for ZonBase (viewing as he had later on mosted likely to develop Marketing expert Magic) as well as has probably put somebody else in charge.
+– Is ZonBase Legit? Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+Yes. The ZonBase software is genuine. They’re an actual company, actual internet site, actual testimonials, they have real customers, and more and so forth.
+Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+ZonBase is a great software program for those of you who’re simply entering Amazon.com FBA and selling on Amazon as a whole, but likewise if you’re a more experienced vendor, since it has some unbelievable done for you uses like the training calls as well as the auto-pilot Pay Per Click, that can truly assist you take your service to the next degree.
+The software is cheap, beneficial, easy to use and also will certainly give you a side over the competition and will aid you conserve a ton of money and time in the future, by showing you items that are worth selling, key phrases that deserve going for, and so on.
+There is no rejecting that ZonBase is a really strong, very robust item as well as hopefully this ZonBase evaluation aided show that.
+The developers of the item have actually gone above and also beyond to develop devices that work, easy to use and that can interact as well as be made use of with each other.
+If you want marketing your own product online on Amazon.com, then there is something in this software program that you can make use of for sure.
+In addition to this, the software has an excellent assistance group and lots of satisfied consumers as well as endorsements, so you’re not mosting likely to be disappointed when it involves high quality, like numerous lots of various other “spin as well as burn” software application firms and solutions around.
+It’s a total win. Does Jungle Scout Work For Ebay
+If you have an interest in checking out ZonBase, you can do so by subscribing to a FREE ZonBase Test Below.
+"I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes an art." A Wenger
+A short while back Blacksheep put forward the notion of there being an Untold banner at the Emirates, displayed in the zones between the upper and lower decks.
+We’ve liaised with Red Action and Arsenal on how we can go about doing this, and eventually came up with three options from the many on the table, and we have written a little about how we might pay for it. Everyone was then invited to vote on which banner they wanted.
+Since then quite a few things have happened and here’s the update.
+First we’ve had well over 1000 votes so far – which is a sensational number. If you have read Untold for a while you’ll know that our readership numbers are rather large, but readership of a site like ours, which can cover everything from delicate and gentle way in which Liverpool conduct affairs with their players through to the interaction between referees and those who would like to influence games, does not normally translate into big numbers of votes in a poll of the type we have run.
+As it happens, the advertising agency I run often organises opinion polls for clients who are keen to know what customers and potential customers feel about certain topics, and I don’t think we’ve ever got near 1000 votes no matter how many people read our blogs, emails and adverts. So this level of voting is great news.
+Second, we’ve had some fun along the way. For example one of the leaders of the anti-arsenal arsenal conglomeration has given us quite a lot of publicity, and while those who follow that gentleman’s point of view would not vote for any of our banners, we’ve had a lot of extra publicity through his efforts, not all of which has fallen on the ears and eyes of those of an aaa persuasion. Thanks to everyone who has mentioned us along the way, whether in approval or attempting to laugh at what we do.
+As a result of the aaa coverage we also had a few comments from people saying, “Why are all three banners pro-Wenger?” and of course the answer is that this site is very much based on a pro-Wenger vision. When I started Untold (some 5240 articles ago) it was to put across a point of view that I felt was not expressed in other blogs, and we’ve never tried to hide the fact that Untold has a particular point of view. So that’s why the banners are as they are. To those who have said, “the banner shouldn’t be about Wenger” our answer is fine, set up your own idea and approach Arsenal. We don’t have a monopoly.
+On the issue of money, we’ve all been overwhelmed by the offers we have had, and there is no doubt at all that we shall be able to pay for the banner.
+I think this side of the matter has been the most amazing of all. I mean, a lot of people do write in and say how much they enjoy and appreciate Untold – and that is quite extraordinary in an era where the norm seems to be the criticise, criticise and criticise. But to try and force money into my hand – and indeed to go to great lengths to get the money to me, even from overseas, is quite overwhelming.
+To everyone who has offered us money, I am incredibly grateful. If you have actually tried to push it into my hands, I do hope you fully understand why we’ve said “no”. There is no guarantee that the banner will be accepted by Arsenal, and so no need for any funds at this time and I didn’t want the hassle of trying to hand it all back.
+If Arsenal say yes, and we go ahead we will then sort out a way for everyone who wishes to be associated with the idea to pay a small amount each, to help fund the banner. Also of course we will get photos and keep you in touch with our progress.
+So, we are going to close voting on Sunday night, the 24th. If you want to vote and have not done so just click here, and then vote.
+I will ask Blacksheep to announce the result next week, and then immediately get in touch with our contacts at Arsenal to see if we can get their ok to our ideas. No guarantee of course, but we’ll give it a go.
+Again, my sincere thanks to Blacksheep, and of course to everyone who has joined in Blacksheep’s idea. I think it is fair to say that all of us who do our bit to keep Untold running are knocked out by the support and goodwill we have had during this process.
+Many thanks to everyone.
+Tony Attwood
+Somehow it feels appropriate to focus today on one particular anniversary and one particular player: Jack Lambert. Here’s what the anniversary files say
+22 May 1902: Jack Lambert born. He played local football for Greasborough and Methley Perseverance, before being rejected by The Wednesday after a trial, played non-league with Rotherham County, and finally managed to get a run with Rotherham United in the 3rd Division North. He then became one of our greatest players ever.
+If you don’t know Jack’s story, click the link and take a look.
+They are all…
+This comment is just abuse against the writer, and where possible we try and edit those out, even if it takes a bit of time to get there.
+LOL @Luke.
+wow… great analysis Luke.
+To give you a clue, this is about appreciating Mr Wengers work.
+Hi, I’m a Wengerista, rather than a Gooner-& would also be happy to contribute to the banner.
+As it looks like you could be “over subscribed”, as a suggestion, why not allow people to contribute what they want, with the surplus going to an Arsenal charity
+I hope Arsenal accept the idea. It would be great to see an Untold banner at the match.
+From ….
+Barcelona plan to make a £50m-plus bid for 24-year-old Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey in the summer despite their transfer embargo.
+Somebody please get an old bed sheet or two and make a banner to stop him from leaving . Please !
+Put it high up so that all Arsenal fans the world over see it at the stadium at this weekend’s game. My suggestion of an apt slogan would be ….
+Oh Dear – it’s a new banner ‘Luke -It’s Wenger Stadium’ 😉
+I bet “Luke” loves to join in singing the song about fourty nine games unbeaten and playing the “Arsenal Way” (no need to self-immolate before a Special Agent – that’s the Arsenal way, free of peonage).
+Probably gets upset if you comment upon the observation (not an opinion then) seen by all, that not even the Invincibles could win upon a tilted pitch.
+Probably a good thing he didn’t see my proposal:
+A giant banner beneath a giant statue of Tina Turner (she once sang in F.Park), as tall as the Wembley Arch, straddling the new Arsenal Stadium:
+“Welcome to the Wengerdome. Baby”
+I appreciate a number of respondents have been having fun at Luke’s expense, but I really didn’t want to leave this one up. Sorry if that now makes some of the comments above harder to understand, but I am sure everyone can imagine what he said.
+@ Menace – May 22, 2015 at 10:11 am – Don’t be too harsh on the poor fellow . It must have been a troublesome and confusing childhood ,puberty and adulthood for Lukes everywhere , when , everyone would come up to them and creeply say,”Luke , I ‘m your father !”, in that raspy voice !
+Many of us were quite disturbed when it was first uttered 30 years ago ! Many still remember where they were exactly when they heard it the first time !
+Like most ( dah !), I was in a movie theater . There was pandemonium all right .Some even fainted.There was much rending of clothes , rioting, uprisings and some dictators were even overthrown ! There wasn’t Facebook , blogs and WhatsApp to turn to then , and we all suffered in silence.
+They say many were even scarred for life , and suffer even up to this day .Is there a specific Medical term for this condition , Don ?
+Looks like I just managed to squeeze that in !Goodbye , Luke ! It was fun !
+And continuing in the same vein , in an earlier generation , many ladies named Mrs. Robinson were equally traumatised after the movie ,The Graduate came out in 1967 , along with the song by Simon and Garfunkel.
+Initially all the Mrs. Robinsons were happy when friends and strangers would call out to them ,”God bless you please , Mrs Robinson , Heaven holds a place for those who pray ,” thinking that people were just being kind .
+But soon things took a turn for the worse , when people would say things like , ” Coo coo ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know wo wo wo ”
+or ” We’d like to help you learn to help yourself ”
+And that irritating , ” Hey hey hey, hey hey hey” .
+The last straw came when everyone would approach them and demand , ‘ Where have you gone, Joe Di Maggio?”, and then before they could answer those creeps , they would again continue , ” What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
+“Joltin Joe has left and gone away” ,Hey hey hey, hey hey hey” .
+Well we all know that the real answer to that was that Joe Di Maggio was striking out both with the New York Yankees, as well as with Marilyn Monroe.
+History lesson over kids .e Di Maggio?
+Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you woo woo woo
+What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
+“Joltin Joe has left and gone away”
+Hey hey hey, hey hey hey
+Only 1,000 votes ? Are you sure ? I was under the impression that there would be more than a million AKBs ! Maybe they still haven’t quite made up their minds yet , and weighing their options till the bewitching hour .
+Come on you 999,000 slackers , your vote counts !
+I see on the BBC site, workers have found a 50 kg bomb (WWII era) in the vicinity of Wembley stadium. The FA apparently said that it will not effect the FA Cup final. I didn’t see anything in the article suggesting that the bomb had been planted by aaa types.
+Count me in and happy to donate Tony.
+About time Wenger received the appreciation he deserves as opposed to the stream of abuse from the AAA and almost everyone in the media.
+Tip: Put it on twitter and you’re 1 million votes will sky rocket….! Most Gooners are pro-Wenger.
+I would like that the second banner, we would surely be able to do that too from the response, concerns our team. Something like:
+“Arsenal, always the Greatest team in the World” to show the players we are also thinking of them. What a boost that could be for next season eh?
+How about 2 banners TONY, one for the team, One exclusively for Mr Wenger, if possible a third for the management.
+How about this simple graphic but expressive images ?
+I’ll call it , ” REVENGE OF THE AKBS !”
+Short , simple and ‘they’ surely and definitely will get the point !
+Damn – lets try again – its the extreme right on the top.
+The third one in the fifth row , is quite good too. Wiped that stupid grin right off his face too !
+Derek Schmidt
+Derek Schmidt (born January 23, 1968) is de 44f and current Kansas Attorney Generaw. Schmidt previouswy served as a member of de Kansas Senate, representing de 15f district, and as Senate Majority Leader. Before serving in de wegiswature, he was Speciaw Counsew to Governor Biww Graves.[1][non-primary source needed]
+Schmidt defeated den-attorney generaw, Democrat Stephen Six in de November 2010 ewections,[2] and Democrats A.J. Kotich in de 2014 ewections, and Sarah Swain in de 2018 ewections. Schmidt resigned his Senate seat upon taking office as attorney generaw.[3][non-primary source needed]
+- 1 Earwy wife and career
+- 2 Legiswative career
+- 3 Attorney Generaw
+- 3.1 2010 campaign
+- 3.2 2014 campaign
+- 3.3 Tenure in office
+- 4 Ewectoraw history
+- 5 References
+- 6 Externaw winks
+Earwy wife and career[edit]
+Derek Larkin Schmidt was born on January 23, 1968 in Independence, Kansas, de onwy chiwd of Barbara and Biww Schmidt.[4] He attended de University of Kansas where he received a BA in Journawism in 1990. In de United Kingdom he obtained his Masters in Internationaw Powitics from de University of Leicester. He attended de Georgetown University Law Center (GULC) where he received his Juris Doctor. Whiwe attending cwasses at GULC, Schmidt served as an assistant, first to former United States Senator Nancy Kassebaum from Kansas, den to Senator Chuck Hagew from Iowa.[5] Fowwowing his graduation he served in severaw pubwic officiaw rowes incwuding Assistant Attorney Generaw of Kansas, and as Speciaw Counsew to de Governor of Kansas.[1][non-primary source needed]
+Legiswative career[edit]
+Schmidt was ewected to de Kansas Senate in 2000. He defeated Virgiw Peck Jr. in de Repubwican primary and Democrat Joshua Shewton in de generaw ewection, uh-hah-hah-hah. He was re-ewected to represent de 15f District in 2004 and again in 2008, bof times widout opposition, uh-hah-hah-hah.[citation needed]
+Agricuwture Committee[edit]
+Immediatewy upon taking office in January 2001, Schmidt was appointed to serve as Chairman of de Senate Agricuwture Committee, a rarity for a freshman senator. He remained chairman untiw he was water ewected Senate Majority Leader by de Senate Repubwican Caucus in December 2004.[citation needed]
+Senate Majority Leader[edit]
+In de race for Majority Leader, Schmidt defeated den-Senator Tim Huewskamp, who water represented Kansas' First Congressionaw District in de U.S. House of Representatives. Schmidt was re-ewected Majority Leader in 2008 widout opposition, uh-hah-hah-hah.[6][non-primary source needed]
+Whiwe serving as Majority Leader, Schmidt awso served as Vice Chairman of de Senate Judiciary Committee. In bof capacities, Schmidt provided weadership on pubwic safety wegiswation and oversaw de passage of Kansas' version of Jessica's Law, which provides for a wife sentence in prison for certain sex offenders who prey on chiwdren, uh-hah-hah-hah.[7]
+During his time in de Kansas Senate, Schmidt awso supported:[8][non-primary source needed]
+- Increased state funding for education
+- Increased ewigibiwity of chiwdren for heawf care
+- Nucwear-powered energy
+- Tougher punishments for repeat fewons
+- Legiswative spending restraint
+- Repeaw of a state ban on for-profit prisons[9]
+Legiswation sponsored or co-sponsored by Schmidt incwuded:[8][non-primary source needed]
+- Senate Biww 584 to consowidate de food inspections agencies
+- Senate Biww 531 to increase K-12 educationaw funding
+- House Sub. for SB 81 to increase chiwd heawf care
+- Senate Biww 586 to create financiaw incentives for nucwear power pwant expansion
+- House Biww 2707 to create tougher punishments for dree-time dieves
+- Senate Sub. for HB 2006 to create incentives for de aviation industry
+Major donors[edit]
+The top contributors to Schmidt's 2008 Senate campaign, according to de Nationaw Institute on Money in State Powitics:[10] Kansas Association of Reawtors $2,000, Kansas Contractor's Association $1,500, Watco Industries $1,500, Koch Industries $1,500, and Kansas Chamber of Commerce $1,500.[citation needed]
+Attorney Generaw[edit]
+2010 campaign[edit]
+Schmidt was de Repubwican nominee for Kansas Attorney Generaw, defeating Rawph DeZago in de Repubwican Primary on August 3, 2010.[11] He won de generaw ewection against de incumbent, Democrat Steve Six[12] and took office on January 10, 2011.
+A major issue in Schmidt's first campaign for attorney generaw was based on Six's decision not to join wif de state of Fworida and 24 oder states on appeaw in support of de pwaintiff in de proceedings chawwenging de constitutionawity of de Affordabwe Care Act (ACA). Six contended dat “de cost of getting invowved” wouwd exceed any gain reawized by Kansas if de ACA was repeawed.[13]
+2014 campaign[edit]
+Schmidt won re-ewection after defeating Democrat AJ Kotich in de 2014 Kansas ewections. Schmidt received 564,766 votes, more dan any statewide candidate except Ron Estes who was re-ewected for a second term as State Treasurer. Schmidt assembwed a significantwy warger coawition of support dan oder high profiwe Repubwican candidates on de bawwot, incwuding Governor Sam Brownback, Senator Pat Roberts, and Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
+Tenure in office[edit]
+Kansas Bureau of Investigation[edit]
+In 2010, Schmidt campaigned on reinvigorating de Kansas Bureau of Investigation and supporting its needs. In Juwy 2011, he appointed Kirk D. Thompson de 14f Director of de KBI. Soon after, dey created de KBI’s first Chiwd Victims Unit and expanded KBI’s cybercrimes capacity by creating de nation’s first transitionaw Regionaw Computer Forensic Laboratory.[14]
+Schmidt wed de successfuw effort to secure funding and construct a new Forensic Science Center for de KBI. The new forensic waboratory was dedicated in 2015.[15] It is on de campus of Washburn University of Topeka, and as a part of de new partnership, Washburn estabwished a new forensic science degree program.[16]
+In 2018, de Kansas Legiswature approved Schmidt’s reqwest to hire new KBI fiewd agents and to estabwish an Internet Crimes Against Chiwdren Unit at de bureau.[citation needed]
+Consumer Protection and Financiaw Crimes[edit]
+Schmidt has estabwished a consumer education and outreach program cawwed In Your Corner Kansas, to hewp protect Kansans from scams.[17][non-primary source needed] The Consumer Protection Division of de attorney generaw's office has recovered more money in Kansas under his tenure dan ever before, incwuding a record $61 miwwion in 2017.[18][non-primary source needed]
+In 2016, Schmidt created a new Fraud and Abuse Litigation Division to prosecute financiaw crimes and ewder abuse.[19] The division fights insurance fraud, securities fraud, and tax-rewated crimes. It awso houses de Abuse, Negwect, and Expwoitation Unit, which works wif de Kansas Department for Chiwdren and Famiwies, Kansas Department for Aging and Disabiwity Services, Kansas Department of Heawf and Environment, waw enforcement and prosecutors statewide to hewp prevent and prosecute crimes against chiwdren and vuwnerabwe aduwts across Kansas.[20][non-primary source needed]
+Schmidt has made chawwenging iwwegaw federaw overreach a priority droughout his tenure as attorney generaw. Schmidt, awong wif de attorneys generaw of severaw oder states, chawwenged severaw federaw reguwatory actions, during de Obama administration. Schmidt and his cowweagues were successfuw in bwocking many of dese reguwations, particuwarwy dose proposed by de Environmentaw Protection Agency.[21][22][23][non-primary source needed][24]
+One of Schmidt's first acts attorney generaw for Kansas was to join de states dat oppose de Patient Protection and Affordabwe Care Act on constitutionaw grounds in de case of Fworida et aw v. United States Department of Heawf and Human Services.[25][26] An Appeaws court water ruwed dat de addition of dose 25 states was not necessary for Fworida to have standing to chawwenge de ACA.[27] The U.S. Supreme Court decided dat case by uphowding most of de ACA as constitutionaw, whiwe striking down a portion of de waw which wouwd have mandated states to impwement Medicaid expansion, uh-hah-hah-hah.[28][29][30]
+In Juwy 2017, Texas Attorney Generaw Ken Paxton wed Schmidt and a group of Repubwican Attorneys Generaw from eight oder states joined by Idaho Governor Butch Otter in making a dreat to de Donawd Trump administration dat dey wouwd witigate if de president did not terminate de Deferred Action for Chiwdhood Arrivaws powicy dat had been put into pwace by president Barack Obama. One, Tennessee Attorney Generaw Herbert H. Swatery III, subseqwentwy reversed his position and widdrew his participation from de proposed suit on August 31. Swatery went furder to urge passage of de DREAM Act.[31][32] The oder Attorneys Generaw who joined in making de dreats against Trump incwuded Steve Marshaww of Awabama, Leswie Rutwedge of Arkansas, Lawrence Wasden of Idaho, Jeff Landry of Louisiana, Doug Peterson of Nebraska, Awan Wiwson of Souf Carowina, and Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia.[33]
+U.S. Supreme Court Arguments[edit]
+Schmidt has argued and won two cases invowving de deaf penawty at de United States Supreme Court. In 2013, he successfuwwy argued Kansas v. Cheever. In 2015, he successfuwwy argued Kansas v. Carr. In de upcoming term, de Court has granted dree petitions for writ of certiorari fiwed by de State of Kansas and wiww hear oraw arguments on each case in de faww of 2019. Two are deaf penawty cases, Kahwer v. Kansas and Kansas V. Gwover. The dird invowves jurisdiction in a forged identity document case, Kansas v. Garcia.[34]
+Nationaw Leadership[edit]
+In 2017, Schmidt's cowweagues ewected him to serve as president of de Nationaw Association of Attorneys Generaw (NAAG).[35]
+During his tenure as NAAG President, Schmidt wed an initiative cawwed “Protecting America’s Seniors: Attorneys Generaw United Against Ewder Abuse,” which cuwminated wif a nationaw summit in Manhattan, Kansas in Apriw 2018.[36]
+In his capacity as NAAG President, Schmidt wed attorney generaw dewegations to Israew and Taiwan, uh-hah-hah-hah.[37] He visited Puerto Rico in Juwy 2018 to waunch a NAAG effort to assist de Puerto Rico Secretary of Justice office recover from damage infwicted by Hurricane Maria.[38][non-primary source needed] He awso joined U.S. Attorney Generaw Jeff Sessions in announcing de wargest ewder fraud enforcement sweep in U.S. history,[39] and he conducted a town haww meeting on consumer protection wif Director Mick Muwvaney of de Bureau of Consumer Financiaw Protection.[40]
+He was succeeded in de post by Louisiana A.G. Jeff Landry.[41]
+State Objections Board[edit]
+Despite numerous judges having rejected chawwenges to de naturaw born citizenship of Barack Obama, since before he was ewected president in 2008,[42] Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach persistentwy demanded proof of citizenship before awwowing Obama's name to appear on de 2012 Kansas presidentiaw bawwot. In September 2012, whiwe weading de dree-person State Objections Board, and supported by its oder members, Kansas Secretary of State Jeff Cowyer and Schmidt, Kobach reqwested additionaw evidence dat Obama was actuawwy born in Hawaii.[43] In September 2012, de dree heard arguments on a cwaim from a Manhattan, Kansas, resident dat President Barack Obama was not ewigibwe to be president because his fader was from Kenya. The resident, Joe Montgomery, awso qwestioned wheder Obama has a vawid birf certificate. As head of de Board, Kobach reqwested additionaw evidence dat Obama was actuawwy born in Hawaii.[44] According to de Topeka Capitaw-Journaw, de Board said it wacked sufficient evidence as to wheder or not Obama was ewigibwe to appear on de Kansas bawwot as a candidate in de 2012 presidentiaw ewection, uh-hah-hah-hah. They stated a need to review his birf certificate and oder documents from Hawaii, as weww as Arizona and Mississippi before dey couwd respond to a compwaint awweging dat de president was not a "naturaw born citizen, uh-hah-hah-hah." "Given de cursory response from President Obama, de Board is merewy attempting to obtain additionaw information before making a decision," said Kobach's spokesperson, uh-hah-hah-hah.[45] In an editoriaw, The New York Times characterized de actions of de Kansas audorities as having "reignited wong-running conspiracy deories dat de president was not born in de United States." CNN reported dat "de Kansas bawwot measure is one of severaw exampwes of de birder movement's stiww-persistent presence."[46]
+In 2018, after awwegations dat appointed incumbent and chiwd abuser,[47] Repubwican Michaew Capps, did not wive as reqwired in de ewectoraw district in which he was running, a compwaint was submitted by de Democratic party to de board. The board, by den composed of Kobach, Schmidt and new Lieutenant Governor Tracy Mann, found de compwaint to be invawid and awwowed Capps to stay on de bawwot and he won de ewection, uh-hah-hah-hah. Capps received 54% of de vote to 46% for Democrat Monica Marks.[48] When a Wichita Eagwe reporter went to de home in de wake of de October 2019 accusations about a fabricated attack video made by Capps against Wichita mayoraw runoff candidate Brandon Whippwe, an unidentified young man wiving dere said he was "house sitting" and hadn't seen Capps, "in a whiwe."[49]
+Schmidt awso opposed awwowing same-sex coupwes from changing names on state drivers wicenses, from receiving spousaw heawf benefits, or from fiwing state taxes as married coupwes. The ACLU sought an injunction against Schmidt's initiatives to continue bans in most of de state's counties despite adversariaw ruwings from a federaw district court in Kansas and from de U.S. Supreme Court.[50]
+2014 Senate Race[edit]
+Schmidt joined forces wif Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, fiwing briefs which attempted to force de Kansas Democratic party to fiewd a candidate in de 2014 U.S. Senate generaw ewection, uh-hah-hah-hah. If successfuw, it was anticipated to have decreased de chances of independent candidate Greg Orman of defeating incumbent Repubwican Pat Roberts. The Kansas District Court in Shawnee County decwined to issue any such order.[51]
+Pwanned Parendood[edit]
+In February 2018, in de case of Pwanned Parendood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri v. Andersen, de United States Court of Appeaws for de Tenf Circuit found dat "States may not terminate providers from deir Medicaid program for any reason dey see fit, especiawwy when dat reason is unrewated to de provider's competence and de qwawity of de heawf care it provides."[52] Schmidt cwaimed dat de decision, as weww as a simiwar one made by de Fiff Circuit in de Louisiana case of Gee v. Pwanned Parendood Of Guwf Coast, awwowed "miwwions of Medicaid beneficiaries de abiwity to go directwy to federaw court to chawwenge a state's determination dat deir provider is not 'qwawified' — bypassing wayers of state administrative review". In December 2018, de Supreme Court of de United States rejected a motion for a writ of certiorari by Schmidt who supported overturning de 10f Circuit's decision, uh-hah-hah-hah.[53]
+In 2019, Attorneys Generaw from aww 50 U.S. states, de District of Cowumbia, and aww four U.S. territories were urged by NAAG to support a biww, de Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act (H.R. 1595), sponsored by U.S. Rep. Ed Perwmutter (D-Cowo.), which wouwd permit marijuana-rewated businesses in states and territories to use de banking system. The biww wouwd faciwitate cowwection of taxes wevied on de $8.3 biwwion industry, reduce de danger of operating cash-onwy businesses and more effectivewy monitor de industry. Onwy Schmidt and 16 oder A.G.s did not support de measure. [54]
+Ewectoraw history[edit]
+- ^ a b "Campaign website biography". Archived from de originaw on January 22, 2016. Retrieved November 8, 2010.
+- ^ Schmidt ousts Six in AG race, Topeka Capitaw-Journaw, 2 November 2010
+- ^ Kansas Secretary of State Officiaw Twitter Feed
+- ^ "Derek Schmidt Profiwe". Retrieved December 10, 2007.[non-primary source needed][dead wink]
+- ^ "Haww Center sewects state Sen, uh-hah-hah-hah. Derek Schmidt as first Simons Fewwow". Retrieved December 10, 2007.
+- ^ "Meet Derek". Derek Schmidt. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
+- ^ Wurtz, Stephanie. "Lawmakers Approve Jessica's Law".. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
+- ^ a b Derek Schmidt's website Archived January 13, 2010, at de Wayback Machine
+- ^ Carpenter, Tim "AG Nominees Tangwe on Records" Topeka Capitaw-Journaw. October 21, 2010. Retrieved March 2, 2013.
+- ^ Derek Schmidt 2008 campaign contributions
+- ^ a b "2010 Primary Ewection Officiaw Vote Totaws" (PDF). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ a b "2010 Generaw Ewection Resuwts" (PDF). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ Schmidt’s pwedge to join ACA chawwenge bowstered candidacy Kansas AG optimistic states wiww prevaiw, but Washburn waw professor predicts oderwise, Kansas Heawf Institute, Jim McLean, March 26, 2012. Retrieved Juwy 16, 2017.
+- ^ "Kansas Bureau of Investigation to Staff $1M Cybercrime Unit".. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ Anderson, Phiw. "New KBI buiwding officiawwy opens Monday at Washburn University". The Topeka Capitaw-Journaw. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "Washburn Forensics". washburn, uh-hah-hah-hah.edu. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "In Your Corner Kansas -- Attorney Generaw Derek Schmidt". ag.ks.gov. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "AG Derek Schmidt: Consumer Protection Division recovers record $61 miwwion in 2017". ag.ks.gov. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ Brown, Zoe. "Derek Schmidt, Scott Schwab propose voter fraud be prosecuted by attorney generaw, wocaw prosecutors". KCTV Kansas City. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "Abuse Negwect and Expwoitation - Kansas Attorney Generaw Derek Schmidt". ag.ks.gov. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ Schmidt, Derek (December 5, 2016). "Rein in federaw agencies and iwwegaw reguwations". Wichita Eagwe. Wichita, Kansas. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ Lebwanc, Aiween (August 12, 2016). "Kansas Among States Chawwenging New EPA Reguwations On Oiw And Gas Industry". KMUW. Wichita, Kansas. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "Bonus Podcast: Federaw Court Bwocks 'WOTUS' Ruwe Nationwide". Kansas Ag Network. Topeka, KS. 2015. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ Hurwey, Lawrence; Vowcovici, Vawerie (February 9, 2016). "U.S. Supreme Court Bwocks Obama's Cwean Power Pwan". Scientific American. New York, NY. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ Schmidt, Derek (January 12, 2011). "Fuww text: Kansas Attorney Generaw Schmidt's wetter about heawf care reform". Kansas City Business Journaw. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
+The Act’s mandate dat aww citizens and wegaw residents of de United States maintain qwawifying heawdcare coverage or pay a penawty (de individuaw mandate) is an unprecedented attempt to expand federaw power dat wouwd encroach on de sovereignty of de State of Kansas and on de rights of our citizens.
+- ^ Kwepper, David (January 12, 2011). "Kansas wants in on heawf care wawsuit". Kansas City Star. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
+The wetter, addressed to Fworida’s attorney generaw, asks permission to join de 20 states dat are suing de federaw government over de waw.
+- ^ U.S. Court of Appeaws for de Ewevenf Circuit, "State of Fworida et aw. v. U.S. Department of Heawf and Human Services et aw, 11f Circuit Court of Appeaws, August 12, 2011. Retrieved Juwy 16, 2017.
+- ^ How John Roberts uphewd heawf-care waw whiwe wimiting congressionaw power, Christian Science Monitor, Warren Richey June 28, 2012. Retrieved Juwy 16, 2017.
+- ^ P. 39–50, swip op., Nationaw Federation of Independent Business v. Sebewius, U.S. Sup. Ct. (June 28, 2012). Retrieved March 2, 2013.
+- ^ Rosenbaum, Sara; Westmorewand, Timody (August 2012). "The Supreme Court's Surprising Decision On The Medicaid Expansion: How Wiww The Federaw Government And States Proceed?". Heawf Affairs. 31 (8): 1663–1672. doi:10.1377/hwdaff.2012.0766. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ Tennessee’s attorney generaw: I’ve changed my mind, DACA is good, pass de DREAM Act, Vox.com, Dara Linddara, September 1, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
+- ^ Texas weads 10 states in urging Trump to end Obama-era immigration program, Texas Tribune, Juwián Aguiwar, June 29, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
+- ^ SPLC denounces wetter from 10 Attorneys Generaw seeking "cruew and heartwess" repeaw of DACA, Soudern Poverty Law Center, June 30, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
+- ^ "Supreme Court 2019-2020 Term". Oyez.
+- ^ Carpenter, Tim (June 23, 2017). "Kansas Attorney Generaw Schmidt to wead nationaw AG organization". Topeka, KS: Topeka Capitaw-Journaw. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "State Attorneys Generaw Zero in on Ewder Abuse, Financiaw Expwoitation". Financiaw Reguwatory Report. Apriw 23, 2018. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "2017 Nationaw Association of Attorneys Generaw (NAAG) Dewegation". America-Israew Friendship League. June 13, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "AG Derek Schmidt visits Puerto Rico to assist wocaw Department of Justice after Hurricane Maria". ag.ks.gov. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ "NAAG | State Attorneys Generaw Announce Ewder Fraud Sweep wif Justice Department".. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ Gartner, Awec (June 8, 2018). "Trump cabinet member tawks consumer protection in Topeka". KSNT. Retrieved June 6, 2019.
+- ^ New President of NAAG, Louisiana AG Jeff Landry, Begins Initiative to Prepare Attorneys Generaw across de U.S. for Major Disasters and Mass Incidents, Nationaw Association of Attorneys Generaw. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
+- ^ Around de nation, Washington Times, October 26, 2008. Retrieved Juwy 15, 2017.
+- ^ "Kan, uh-hah-hah-hah. board deways decision on Obama, bawwot". DeseretNews.com. September 13, 2012. Retrieved Juwy 15, 2017.
+- ^ "Kan, uh-hah-hah-hah. board deways decision on Obama, bawwot". DeseretNews.com. September 13, 2012. Retrieved Juwy 15, 2017.
+- ^ "Kansas Repubwicans: We need to see Obama's birf certificate". Retrieved Juwy 15, 2017.
+- ^ "Obama to appear on Kansas bawwot after 'birder' chawwenge dropped". Retrieved Juwy 15, 2017.
+- ^ Kansas GOP Cuts Ties Wif Michaew Capps After Chiwd Abuse Accusations Surface, KCUR, Stephen Bisaha, August 31, 2018. Retrieved November 4, 2019.
+- ^ Kansas House of Representatives District 85, Bawwotpedia. Retrieved November 5, 2019.
+- ^ Sedgwick County Repubwican Party cawws on GOP Rep. Michaew Capps to resign over video, Wichita Eagwe, Dion Lefwer and Chance Swain, November 1, 2019. Retrieved November 5, 2019.
+- ^ Prewiminary injunction sought in Kansas gay marriage case to force fuww recognition of marriages, Lawrence Journaw Worwd, Peter Hancock, December 8, 2014. Retrieved June 7, 2019.
+- ^ AG Derek Schmidt fiwes brief in support of case to force Democrats to fiewd Senate candidate, Wichita Eagwe, Bryan Lowry, September 25, 2014. Retrieved December 13, 2014.
+- ^ "Pwanned Parendood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri; Pwanned Parendood of St. Louis Region; et aw. v. Jeff Andersen". United States Court of Appeaws for de Tenf Circuit. via Justia. February 21, 2018.
+- ^ Supreme Court sides wif Pwanned Parendood in funding fight, KSWB-TV, CNN, December 10, 2018. Retrieved December 10, 2018.
+- ^ Attorneys generaw from 33 states urge banking reform for pot industry, Associated Press, May 8, 2019. Retrieved June 3, 2019.
+- ^ "2000 Kansas Primary Ewection Resuwts (Kansas Senate)" (XLS). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "2000 Kansas Officiaw Generaw Ewection Resuwts". Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "2004 Kansas Generaw Ewection Resuwts (KS Senate)" (XLS). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "2008 Officiaw Generaw Resuwts" (PDF). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "2014 Generaw Ewection Officiaw Resuwts" (PDF). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved Juwy 30, 2017.
+- ^ "2018 Generaw Ewection Unofficiaw Resuwts" (PDF). Kansas Secretary of State's Office. Retrieved December 10, 2018.
+Externaw winks[edit]
+- Officiaw website of Attorney Generaw Derek Schmidt
+- Project Vote Smart profiwe
+- Fowwow de Money campaign contributions
+- Attorney Generaw Campaign website
+The Sex Industry Blog – For Media Enquiries please call us on 020 7175 0180 or email dearharlot@gmail.com
+I. I have lived in the USA since the age of 18 months. I have no memories of my native land whatsoever. My earliest memories are of myself on the beach in Hawaii. Hawaii is the state I first lived in upon arriving in America. English is my first language. My adoptive mother and father were European and Asian respectively, so I think of my self as “Eurasian” or “Euro-asian,” even though I don’t have any European blood per se. I didn’t have the best childhood, though I suppose it wasnt altogether the worse. I did experience some sexual and emotional abuse in my new home which has left an indelible mark upon me, even to this very day. Life has always been challenging for me on so many levels !!
+Although i didnt know it growing up, I actually have a mild form of autism known as *asperger’s syndrome.* Autism is described as a < spectrum > disorder, with severity existing along a continuum. Asperger’s syndrome is a high-functioning variant, on the upper end of the autism scale. i was not diagnosed with this until after coming of age, previously, i had simply been labeled as having “OCD” ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ) and severe anxiety.
+As far as “sex work” I should start out by saying i’ve mixed feelings about the term in general. I prefer to identify as a “erotic services provider.” Essentially I offer sexual favors in exchange for monetary compensation …..but its not “sex-sexwork” if that makes any sense.
+just like autism itself……sexwork exists on a broad spectrum and the range is very diverse. many individuals outside of the erotic labor market equate the term “sex work” with the provision of actual intercourse / penetration….but anyone in the industry knows thats not the case. along the wide continuum of “sex work” you will find everything from nude modelling and topless dancing, to actual lovemaking and everything in between, such as sensual massages, masturbation shows, porn, simulated sex performances, etc etc
+For my part I have always been on the more “conservative” end of the sexwork scale, choosing to perform services such as “live” topless / lingerie / nude modelling, sensual massages and dancing in gentlemen’s clubs. While I did occasionally provide “full service,” such instances were a rarity and definitely the exception more than the rule
+Like many other sexworkers/ erotic service providers I drifted in and out of the industry as needed and as I desired. As a grown woman you morph in & out of stages of life that may often not be compatible with the industry, for example, pregnancy or being in a serious romantic relationship or getting married are all barriers to remaining active in the field. Often, its a “either/or” proposition and sometimes choices must be made.
+I for one chose to leave the adult entertainment industry no less than fifteen different times for reasons including – but not limited to, pregnancy / childrearing / two different marriages, that both ended in divorce etc and just to keep it real…sometimes I just wanted out, Igrew weary of it, but somehow i always found my way back……of my own volition.
+I have never been trafficked or “pimped out.” I’ve been in situations where I have felt exploited, yes ….very much so ~ for example, working for escort services that had a unfair split or at gent’s clubs where their payout was excessively high, but still and all / at the end of the day…though I didnt always appreciate some of the conditions of the work environment…….I was free to quit at any time. I cannot in good conscience say I was ever forced to enter or remain in sex work, at a particular agency or club.
+The one thing I really cherished & valued about being in the industry was if it got “too hot in the kitchen” I could always leave. I could vacation for a week or a month. if I had had a particularly good season, I could even take several months off of work. In what other field of work can you do that ? not too many that I know !
+The other factor that kept drawing me back to the sex industry was the feeling of power and accomplishment that came with men remunerating me for, lets face it …… not very much output on my part. As stated above, I’ve never really been a “fullservice / GFE” type provider and the services I DID render were rather minimal compared with the monies I was compensated, so yes, it elevated me emotionally and psychologically and did wonders for my self-esteem.
+At one time I even operated and co-owned an escort service, though I voluntarily left that later, the reason being that in the USA operating an escort service falls under the umbrella of ” pimping and pandering” at best and
+” racketeering ” at worst. While commercial sex acts for hire is a misdemeanor in every state, running an organized operation will catch you a felony case and in the end it just wasnt worth the potential drama…..
+I then discovered a lucrative opportunity in the form of having a “private spa.” A private spa is essentially like a commercial massage parlor but instead of being run by a pimp or madam, its an individual woman acting as “sole proprietor” as well as the sole provider of services. its as easy as renting a commercial location like a office in a business park and offering massages out of that locale. The explosion of the internet and easy access to free / low-cost advertising via sites like craigslist and backpage gave entrepeneurial women an avenue to control their flow of income without turning over large chunks of their profits to the operator of a business.
+So thats what I did for a number of years after getting burned out working in establishments like lingerie modelling shops, jackshacks, peep shows and strip clubs. I continued in this manner and had no intention of stopping until my life changed very drastically a few years ago, forcing me into a inconceivable dilemma that I refer to as my “USCIS nightmare.”
+As previously stated I was adopted and brought to the USA as a toddler. My adoptive parents filed all the appropriate paperwork to have me lawfully admitted & naturalized but somewhere along the line, the agency tasked with maintaining files and records of every immigrant, The United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS ) appears to have lost my file altogether. This is by no means unheard of but it is rare enough, I am not the first person its happened to and I doubt I will not be the last.
+The USA changed dramatically in the latter part of the past decade, due to something called the “REAL ID act,” details about this act can be found on my blog In essence, the act states that in order to renew one’s identification one must provide proof of legal presence in the USA if one’s birth certificate indicates that they are foreign born.
+When I sought to comply with this directive and requested my immigration records from the federal authorities they told me that no such records exists in their database. As you might assume, the government is required by law to keep hardcopy paper files of every immigrant in addition to their electronic database, known as the “centralized index system.” While the government rely’s mostly on their computerized system of warehousing / organizing files, they are also mandated to retain the physical paperwork, so somewhere, someplace, my actual physical file should exist on paper, but they refuse to make the effort to research it. The result is that I have been unable to renew my driver’s license or even my state ID. I can’t even get my social security card replaced, which is mandatory to be able to work in any conventional, legitimate job. This has affected my life beyond the scope of what anyone can even begin to conceive. I have no means of transportation. I have no way to work in the licensed, legitimate arena of the adult entertainment market / sex industry or in any non-sex industry work. Effectively I can’t find employment in the public or private sector due to not having a valid ID and social security card.
+I explain in my blog how this situation has pushed me into the “netherworld” of the sex industry. I am now relegated to being a “hotel escort,” where basically I troll in high-end resorts and gaming establishments looking for patrons and offering my services. I don’t work on the streets and never have. I pray this is something I never have to resort to because its certainly the most perilous strata of the sex industry.
+In my current circumstance I am fearful because I’m subject to arrest by the authorities, never mind the possibiltiy of assault or violence from a client. Living a paperless existence has also affected my life adversely in just about every manner you could think of. I cannot drive, obtain government benefits, such as wellfare or unemployment, cannot vote or even procure a library card. In short this is a hellishly difficult way to live. I am working diligently to try and rectify the situation but until I get the justice to which im entitled in the form of my proof of naturalization, I cannot get any relief from this present state of affairs.
+I am a christian and my faith in the Saviour is what keeps me hanging on, its my survival mechanism. I pray and praise GOD for keeping me safe and healthy through these very trying times. Sometimes the adversity seems too much to bear, but through faith I somehow find the strength and willpower to keep fighting for my rights and for that which is due to me.
+I must admit that if it werent for this travesty I would not have learned about suffering first-hand. This life experience has given me the benefit of becoming a more compassionate and sympathetic person and the hardships of others resonate very deeply with me. I also have formed a new and profoundly deep convictions about my life’s direction. I believe that I was put on this earth and placed in a position where I must suffer through the journey of life in order to become an advocate for those in the sex industry. I would like to champion the cause of women who are marginalized and stigmatized by virtue of their involvement in the sex trade and I see myself as a future crusader who will fight for decriminalization of consensual sex work. My ideal vision is to be able to bring about understanding and acceptance of sex work and for it to be sanctioned and recognized as a legitimate means of earning a living. I believe that those choosing to engage in the provision of commercial sexual services for hire should be able to do so without fear of the law and that those who opt to be in the sex trade should be allowed to take pride in their chosen craft and deserve the right to collectively band together, to unionize and to advocate for their own interest.
+These are the things i hope to assist in accomplishing, once my own situation is succesfully resolved.
+It would be interesting to hear from others who have experienced similar problems.
+Reblogged this on SaneSurvivor.
+This year, the Ides of March was a Saturday and it lasted for three, long days. I'm not kidding. It began when my dog Brady ate something (that we now think may have either been a sock or part of a scarf) and made himself so sick that he almost died. It took 24 hours of cleaning up dog vomit and then a $6.5 million dollar surgery to save him.*
+*Not the actual cost. Just felt that way.
+Let's start at the beginning. I woke up Saturday morning and before I'd even had a cup of coffee, I was informed that Brady had gotten sick all over my oldest daughter's room. EVERYWHERE. It took oxyclean and a bucket and 35 minutes to clean it up. I then showered (with bleach) in the hopes of someday feeling clean again. As I walked downstairs a few minutes later, I glanced in my daughter's bedroom and saw that he'd done it all over again.
+I was displeased with Brady at this point because while I know he can't help it, that was just a dick move.
+I cried a little, then proceeded to clean it again. Then the weekend whirlwind began, because weekends are crazy. At noon last Saturday, I was required to have my three children in three different locations doing three different things. When I told my husband that, he was like: "That's ridiculous. WE SHOULD NOT BE THOSE PEOPLE. (sigh) At least I'm not going to Brazil until Sunday." Just in case you thought he was kidding, he wasn't.
+So on Saturday, my husband had the boy at baseball while I had the girls. I dropped them off at their respective activities and then reached for my "let's be productive" mom bag. You know the one. The one that helps pass the hours and hours spent during my offsprings' practices, or lessons, or games , or whatever. My "let's be productive" mom bag had my laptop, 4 books, a steno pad, a bottle of water, pens, a tampon, a protein bar, and some papers to grade. This means it weighed roughly 5 lbs more than my youngest child. As I reached over to the passenger side of my van and to lift it up, I heard (or felt?) a small popping sound in my shoulder. Then a sharp pain immediately ran down my right arm, akin to the feeling of being thwacked by a riding crop held by a tall, equestrian sadist.
+The next couple of hours were spent running around with my kids and literally gritting my teeth because my shoulder hurt so much. The cherry on the cake of my day was coming home from these excursions to find that I'd forgotten to crate Brady. He'd thanked me for his freedom by getting sick all over the mommy room. By late afternoon, I couldn't take it anymore. I gave in and went to a doc in the box near my house who told me it was probably a rotator cuff injury, gave me a sling, and instructed me to go get a shoulder x-ray as soon as possible.
+Turns out I couldn't do that right away. Why not? Because it was March 15th and therefor the whole day was a giant shit show. I really didn't want to spend the next 8 hours in the ER. And Brady's puking was totally freaking us all out (especially the kids) because our geriatric, ill-tempered cat just died and we are so not over it. Also, a chance of snow for Sunday night had just turned into a predicted minimum of 6 inches. Let me mention right here that the last time it snowed 6 inches in northern Virginia, they cancelled school for 2 and a half days. Oh! And my husband's flight was scheduled to take off right in the middle of the rain to ice to snow transition. My anxiety took over.
+By the next morning (the Ides of March day two, if you're counting), the dog was worse. My shoulder hurt like a mofo. My husband was packing his bags for Brazil. There was no milk or bread left at the grocery stores. Everything was sucking hard. I spent half the day at the emergency veterinary hospital getting bad news and the other half freaking out on the inside while calmly beseeching my beloved children not to freak out. My husband went to the airport. They operated on my dog. He was going to be fine. It started to snow. My anxiety brain was in full effect.
+At a certain point that evening, my daughter Lina looked at my shoulder and started giggling to herself. I asked her what about it was so funny. She smiled and said: "It's just you have the one arm in a sling - that's your T-Rex arm. Then your other arm has to do the work of both arms, which means eventually it will get huge while your T-Rex arm gets smaller and more useless. So by the summer you should have one Hulk arm and one T-Rex arm. That's awesome."
+I sent them all to bed.
+I woke up on day three to the phone ringing and a deep, burning pain in my shoulder. I was surprised to find my 5 year old "snuggled" up with me. I guess she thought she could sneak into her dad's empty side of the bed. While sleeping, she had inched slowly into the exact center of our queen sized bed and turned into a starfish. I was contorted into a bizarre s-shape to avoid her small, thrashing limbs that were attempting to push me out of my own bed.
+It was my friend Beatrice on the phone telling me to wake up and start making phone calls because with all the snow, I could probably get an appointment with a shoulder doctor (as there were sure to be a ton of cancellations). I'm very fortunate to have smart friends because I never would have thought of that. I was prepared to spend the entire day on the couch in stretchy pants, staring at the unshoveled snow and hugging my kids while they tried to wiggle away from me.
+But finally some good news - the doctor could see me right after lunch. After a brief exam and a set of x-rays, I was bracing myself for the diagnosis. I expected months of painful PT and possibly surgery. The doctor walked into the room and said: "It's good news. It's a bursa sac injury. Take it easy, take this prescription, apply heat, and don't wear the sling. You should be fine in a couple of weeks."
+Instead of being really happy about this, my mind started buzzing as if filled with inebriated bees:
+- What did he just say? Purse attack injury? Because it wasn't a purse, it was a mom bag. I told him that.
+- Maybe he said 'purse or sack'? It wasn't a sack, either. I'm confused.
+- Wait. Purser sac injury? That sounds really gross. Why I am I thinking about Fred Grandy?
+- Fred Grandy's sac. NO NO NO NO NO. Brain stop it.
+- Did he say purser or bursar? What's a bursar again?
+- I know what a bursar is. I've seen that word before. I think it has something to do with being poor in college…
+- Do you think it would be weird if I looked up what he just told me on WebMD right now? Would that seem as if I lacked confidence in his diagnosis? Would he get mad at me?
+- Dr. Zimmer would probably need to tell me how to spell it before I could google it because I don't know what he just said and I don't think "Purser Sac Injury" is something I want in my browser history.
+- Wait. What if a purser sac injury is one of those things you look up and it's all - "You're actually going to die a painful death. The doctor is lying. It's death by a purser's sac. Say your goodbyes."
+- Or worse yet! What if I look it up and it says: "This is a minor ailment that heals on it's own and generally causes only mild discomfort. Anyone who has this condition and complains about how painful it is, most likely is a huge whiner or just trying to get attention."
+- Dear GOD I have spent the last two days on Facebook moaning non-stop about my dog and my rotator cuff injury and it's really just a purser sac thing that normal people probably think feels like a kitten nibble while I'm all - TAKE ME TO THE ER AND REMOVE MY ARM IT HUUUUUUURRRTS.
+OH MY GOD I HAVE BURSITUS. What the hell?! I thought that was an old man disease. Or something people got right before they decided they needed to take retirement and spend their winters at Del Boca Vista in Florida. That's awesome. That's just perfect. My transformation into Rita Del Vecchio and/or my grandmom in NJ is nearly complete. Fine, I accept it. I LOVE IT.
+There's some lessons in all this nonsense, right? YES. First, the Ides of March is a real thing and it's bad news.
+Second, look at your dog right now and tell him not to eat socks. Tell him I said any dog who eats socks is an asshole. Then kiss his nose.
+Third, we've proven definitively I am an old, weird lady whose brain works in ways that really don't make sense and I should just give up and wear knee highs and a housecoat.
+Fourth, and this lesson is really for all of us, do not bother with the heavy, injury-producing, productivity mom bag. That bag is for stupids who like excruciating pain. Just bring your phone and play Candy Crush until all the lives run out. Then play that farm saga one. Then Facebook. You know that's what you want to do anyway. Do not attempt to be productive and get work done or you could get hurt. Playing on your phone saves lives. The end.
+(If you're used to seeing us in your Facebook feed, please consider subscribing as Facebook has recently announced they're slowly discontinuing sharing posts from fan pages.)
+(c) Mommyland Blogs 2013
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+The Alliance for Education wasted $14,000 on a report from the National Council on Teacher Quality that doesn't say anything different from what the NCTQ always says and doesn't recommend anything different from what the NCTQ always recommends. The Alliance could have spent that money in classrooms improving outcomes for children and the NCTQ could have made their recommendations for free.
+This is no different from the evaluation of your insurance from the insurance salesmand that indicate - shockingly - that you need more insurance. Except that the insurance salesman does the evaluation for free.
+The full report is available on the Alliance web site, right here. According to this story in the Seattle Times, "The report focused solely on policies that affect teacher quality, such as how teachers are hired, paid, assigned, trained and evaluated." That's a remarkable statement since none of those things, except maybe training, actually affect teacher quality. And it is the NCTQ who says that the training doesn't matter. According to the story, "'There's absolutely no research that says a teacher who takes more course work is more effective in the classroom,' said Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality."
+The conclusions of this "report" were pre-determined. The recommendations were pre-determined. The Alliance could have had them without making the gift to the NCTQ.
+According to the article "just 16 of Seattle's nearly 3,500 teachers received an unsatisfactory rating last year."
+Can the public find out which teachers received this "unsatisfactory" rating last year? Can we find out the ratings that all of the teachers received?
+This brings up the possible use of MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) scores as a component of teacher evaluations.
+The question of how MAP results will be used by the District remains unanswered. From Linda Shaw's Seattle Times article, "the report makes a number of controversial recommendations, such as basing pay on how their students perform."
+The MAP testing is being paid for by a Gates Foundation grant. And at the Board presentation, it was suggested that parents may not get winter and spring test scores (thank goodness for FERPA). The winter and spring scores will provide longitudinal data - or measure yearly growth - which is data that SPS has not had in the past.
+adhoc- employee evaluations are confidential. It is unlikely that NCTQ was given information that would identify the individual teachers.
+Can someone start a thread about the SAP meeting at Aki last night? Boo hiss is how I should begin.
+"the report makes a number of controversial recommendations, such as basing pay on how their students perform."
+Great...now no one will want to teach in schools with the most challenged children. Or we will see more discipline-oriented, teach to the test automatons in the classroom. That will make things better...NOT!
+Until we, as a society, admit that primary caregivers (parents/grandparents/guardians) and home life situations are equal parts of the equation for a child's success in school, we will continue to bash teachers.
+And, yes please...a thread for the Aki meeting! The southend has very different issues with the SAP than the northend, so we need to see how it all went down.
+Wasn't it the Alliance that printed that really fancy annual report last spring? How much did that cost?
+I would love to see a breakdown on how they spend their money - is ANY of it going to the classroom? Aren't there school with shortages of textbooks? Aren't there schools that are in need of art supplies, instruments? Is there any system in place where teachers or school staff could apply for grant money from the Alliance?
+I don't see anything like that on their web site.
+The more I learn about the Alliance the more I think it is PR corportation that fancy's themselves as education experts, without actually knowing anything about education that comes from being in the in the trenches, like our children.
+The meeting last night at Aki did not have a happy tone. The superintendent did not attend, and the district officials there seemed very bureaucratic. There were plenty of people demanding to know why their children were assigned to middle and high schools with very low test scores and few options. There were few answers.
+SG72: Don't hold your breath!
+NCLB is a sinister plot to undermine public education as we know it by declaring as many traditional public schools as possible "failures," and turning them over to profiteers. Even the non-profits pay their executives hundreds of thousands per year (so much for non-profit).
+NCTQ is all about NCLB on the teaching side. Alternative certification routes, standardization and more standardization, then measuring outcomes as the basis for pay. You are dead on in saying that nobody will want to teach in the worst schools if outcomes are what they are graded on, because a little bonus each year will never get it done, and folks like NCTQ know it.
+The Edu-Reformers want to demonize traditional teachers and education colleges as the scapegoats for society's failures, parents' failures, and communities' failures instead of admitting that teaching disadvantaged kids and having an achievement gap are permanent fixtures in our society that won't go away without huge investments of dollars and time like those currently in place in the Harlem Children's Zone. Look there for what it really takes to close the achievement gap, then realize it will never happen across the nation because we just won't make the investment, ever.
+But all the while corporate and big-money interests will keep saying "yes you can" while fleecing our tax dollars from the classrooms and putting them into their own pockets and those of their closest buddies.
+Kind of like all the consulting contracts SPS spends hundreds of thousands on already.
+So I did find this interesting (I haven't finished reading the report):
+"We were dismayed to find a pay structure that worked so clearly against the interests of younger,
+newer teachers. Unlike most districts which provide relatively equal raises for each additional year of service to teachers,
+regardless of their experience, Seattle reserves the more sizeable raises for its veteran teachers (approximately $2,000 a
+year), while teachers with five or fewer years of experience are eligible for only about a third as much (approximately $800).
+Seattle needs to provide equitable pay increases—with one exception: the year a teacher earns tenure should bring a sizeable
+pay increase."
+So far I have found it an interesting report although I think that it didn't need to be done by an outside consultant at such a high cost.
+I am attending the media event for the release of this report. Any questions?
+So teachers will get full responsibility for student performance? As if there were no other factors to student performance other than teacher quality?
+And where, exactly, is the definition of "teacher quality"? The closest I can come is this:
+"Seattle enjoys clear advantages in the quality of teachers it attracts. The district is attracting a high percentage of teachers who have attended more selective colleges. Fifty-eight percent of its new hires last
+year attended 'more selective' or 'most selective' colleges as ranked by U.S. News & World Report."
+This presents an interesting contradiction. The only defining characteristic the NCTB provides on teacher quality is whether they attended a school that was highly ranked by U.S. News & World Report. This magazine - which makes no credible claim of expertise in education - is the same magazine that ranks high schools almost entirely by the average number of AP classes taken per student. What is the metric for ranking colleges?
+The contradiction comes when the NCTQ completely dismisses the value of college coursework and professional development for teachers. Apparently it doesn't matter what classes or how many classes a teacher takes, only the school where they take them.
+The NCTQ also considers batting average on licensing tests and scores on aptitude tests as important measures of teacher quality. That's just odd. It is also contradictory to their insistence that student performance be the primary determinant of teacher quality. If student performance is primary, then why is it that the only measure they actually mention is one that comes before the teachers ever even see a student?
+They go on quite a bit about teacher salary structure, as if this were a determinant of teacher quality. It isn't. They try to point out that the only way for a teacher to really improve their pay in Seattle is to take additional coursework - in short, professional development. But NCTQ insists that this professional development has no relation to teacher quality.
+It seems to me that NCTQ believes that great teachers are born, not made, and that the District should gather them up by outbidding the surrounding districts for these few precious gems who can be identified by aptitude tests and degrees from colleges approved by a magazine.
+In theory, a test like MAP should help, because you can actually measure progress from the child's own starting point forward, regardless of whether that progress is made within the areas measured on a grade-level test. That should solve the old problem of "Teacher Smith takes above-level kids and lets them coast all year, since they get 3s and 4s on the WASL anyway. Teacher Jones takes way-below-level kids and teaches them an incredible amount, but doesn't get them up to the point where even half of them pass the grade-level WASL. Jones is obviously the better teacher, but the WASL says Smith is better."
+Whether it will actually work out like that is anyone's guess, but the basic idea is a perfectly good one.
+Helen Schinske
+I just finished reading (most) of the report. I don't find it all that disturbing except for, as Charlie says, the lack of the perception that teachers are the only influence on student performance.
+However, there is some good information in the report. Page 43 has a chart (and this whole section is about)about the amount of time teachers spend in class. Our elementary teachers spend less time in class than other teachers. (They explain why this is but it doesn't really hold up and they say so.)
+Page 44 discusses how much sick leave teachers have (and it's a higher figure than you might imagine) and a very interesting chart on page 45 showing which schools' teachers take the most time. It is a very mixed bag of schools and it made me wonder why this would be.
+I might make a separate post with attention to these charts as they cover issues we have discussed before and are quite eye-opening.
+As I read the report I keep seeing, again and again, the NCTQ making associations between the teacher's academic background and teacher quality - which is in direct contradiction to their contention that the amount of the teacher's education doesn't make much difference in teacher effectiveness.
+In the section titled "Equitable distribution of teacher talent" the headline reads: "Seattle has done a good job making sure that high-poverty schools get their fair share of teachers with
+strong academic backgrounds, with less success of retaining experienced teachers in high-poverty schools." They clearly equate teachers' academic backgrounds with their talent, while they contend that no amount of teacher training - their academic background - matters.
+It must be that they mean the quality of the background rather than the quantity of the background. And they measure "quality" by the U.S. News & World Report. That's just stupid.
+"the lack of the perception that teachers are the only influence on student performance."
+Do you mean "are NOT" or am I missing your argument?
+In general I found the article in the Seattle Times interesting. I am sure many other parents without background on the politics would be interested in the data and the concerns the report itself raises about teacher time in elementary school, about quality of teachers and about the raise structure (or the implication that we do not provide newer teachers with as many incentives to remain in the profession as we do to veterans.
+Whether or not the research method and approach is valid, it is effective PR - create research findings, create a newsworthy event and public concern for your cause.
+I am very interested in comments on MAP Testing. At our school there have been comments as follows:
+1) Is this to provide data for teacher evaluation.
+2) Will it be used as the means of identifying kids for ALO (integrated with APP?).
+3) The data MAY be given to parents but probably not because it is "operational" data. Its being discussed.
+4) The test machines reveal the scores to the child at the end of the test. As a result many children know (and compare) their results and have told their parents their scores.
+I haven't read the report but think it's interesting that the article describes the Alliance as "launching a blog on teacher quality to which anyone can contribute." Which would seem to indicate to the casual reader that the purpose of the blog is to give the public a place to sound off about teachers they are unhappy with.
+I have found this report to be incredibly informative and well-researched. It compares Seattle's teacher personnel policies and union contract with other districts nationally and with a collection of Puget Sound districts. Even though I've been involved in education policy in this region for more than 15 years, there are some rules/practices that I thought were a result of state policies but are actually determined locally. And these things have a huge impact on our kids!
+The most shocking information for me was the 7.0 hour teacher work day for elementary teachers - I knew it was short, but I didn't know that EVERY other district in our region has a 7.5 or 8 hour work day for elem teachers. Which means that those teachers have more time for planning and differentiating for kids.
+Like Melissa, I thought the analysis of Seattle's pay structure was illuminating - and again, I hadn't realized how much latitude Seattle has with that. Other districts around us have more rational salary policies.
+And they do a thorough analysis of Seattle practice of forcing teachers who have a documented history of lousy teaching and/or lousy attendance onto schools - this is a MAJOR problem for kids, and the report offers constructive suggestions for how to fix it.
+The report also details state-level policies that should change, which will help all of us with advocacy.
+Some people may oppose the idea of pay-for-performance, but you should know that this report covers a lot more ground than that. I would recommend that any parent who wants to be an advocate for improving Seattle schools should read this report, and I think that EVERY teacher should read it.
+Still reading the report. Again, I'm noticing this disconnect between the NCTQ's dismissive attitude towards professional development as not meaningful to teacher effectiveness and other elements in their report.
+For example, the recommended solution for teachers who are not proving effective is to give them professional development - that strikes me as odd considering the NCTQ's belief in a "weak to nonexistent correlation between teachers’ advanced coursework and higher student achievement".
+To the NCTQ, professional development and advanced coursework are synonymous.
+Laura - I havent seen contributions from you before and I notice on your profile that you have just joined Blogger...I'm a former journalist and am interested in the focus of contributions to this blog. Would you please identify your affiliation/interest/experience in Seattle education and the Alliance and NCTQ?
+Regarding the teacher quality questions that Charlie raises, major studies with large data sets have found that (1) students with teachers from more selective colleges outperform students with teachers from less selective colleges (ON AVERAGE!) and (2) additional coursework and degrees for teachers DO NOT correlate with higher student performance, unless that coursework is subject area (such as math courses for math teachers). The citations for these studies are in the report. Yet the Seattle pay structure places huge emphasis on coursework, meaning you have to do it to make more money - and ours does this more than any other surrounding district or the national benchmarks.
+Nationally, our teachers tend to come from the lowest third of their academic class, whereas in many other countries teachers are recruited from the top third of college graduates. Happily, one of the positive findings in the NCTQ report is that Seattle's teachers are disproportionately from the most selective colleges and universities (as determined by the US News folks, separate from their overall rankings), so our teachers do not match the national data.
+Hi Sahila and all - I'm the mom of 2 Stevens students and I direct the New School Foundation. I was moved to comment on this thread because I am so impressed with the quality of analysis in this report, and I hope school advocates like the readers of this blog will read it (with an open mind), not just rely on the newspaper article. You may not agree with all of the recommendations, but I suspect that many of us will agree with many of them, or at least will find the analysis insightful.
+Ah, never mind Laura... I see you are executive director of the New School Foundation.... guess that explains your enthusiasm for the contents of the report... you're already half way down the road to privatisation of public education...
+Question for me is: why cant what the kids at New School/South Shore get be given to all the kids in the public system, WITHOUT SELLING OUT to private funding?
+More MAP test info:
+It is true that the child's score is shown on the computer at the end of the test, but the scores will be somewhat meaningless to the students. It is showing the raw RIT score which then needs to be interpreted using the NWEA norming data and tables. What's good for parents is that they can ask their child to report their scores to them, as the District may not release scores to the parents (more on that below).
+You can look up the meaning of your child's score here:
+Look at your child's grade level and see where the score falls (there are separate scores for both math and reading). It's grouped into above/at/below grade level. Your child's score may also fall several grade levels above or below their actual grade level. You can also use the NWEA norming data to find percentile score.
+As far as parental rights to test data, the federal laws are quite liberal about what is considered an "educational record":
+"The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal statute designed to protect the privacy of students and parents. FERPA deals with privacy and confidentiality, parent access to educational records, parent amendment of records, and destruction of records.
+'Education records' are broadly defined as:."
+If SPS does not release MAP scores (they have committed to releasing initial fall scores at conferences), parents can write to the District and request them under FERPA.
+At Hamilton we've been told that the parents will hear about MAP results at the fall conferences (not sure about administrations later in the year). I didn't realize the kids saw the numbers -- the only comment I heard was "I think I got an A," and I'm sure the test didn't say that! The program probably shows RIT scores, which would look like random three-digit numbers to anyone who didn't know the scale. At the middle school level some kind of adaptive reading test was already being used in years past, I am pretty sure, so the teachers may be more used to such data. may be useful. Tons of information available through links from there.
+If you ask, they have to give you the scores, by the way. It's your right under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).
+Helen Schinske
+Sahila asked:
+Question for me is: why cant what the kids at New School/South Shore get be given to all the kids in the public system, WITHOUT SELLING OUT to private funding?
+Although I take umbrage at the term "selling out", I completely and totally agree with your point! A primary purpose of our work with South Shore is to show Olympia what our kids could accomplish if schools in WA were appropriately funded and the "ample" funds were spent smartly. Every student in our state deserves the quality of education that the South Shore kids are getting...and more.
+On further perusal, I wonder why there is only one "study" included in the appendix, why there is not a bibliography or references, and how many (and who) the interviewees were (teachers, principals etc.)
+Without substantive correlation via citation (building on the work and research of previous studies) and without knowing who was interviewed, how many, what they were asked, etc, this report seems to be merely opinion.
+Any educator will tell you that research must build on previous research, cite it, and/or at least reference the survey tools and targets...
+I still just think it's opinion, driven by agenda, until I see:
+a) how long the report took and what was done (methodology)
+b) citations to back up various claims (teacher pay, etc)
+c) raw data and numbers of interviewees, etc
+Ms Kohn, you state that everybody should read this report: Why? As far as I can tell, it's agenda-driven, not based in good research, and is opinionated. The only reason I could think of for everyone to read this is that they might have an idea of the issues (and get some information about hours worked, pay scales etc). To use it as some sort of substantial research, as if it had documented, cited and referenced conclusion, would be a corruption of the idea of good research.
+Looks as though SPS mom and I posted at almost the same time. Great minds and all that :-) Technical nitpick: the RIT is a scaled score, not a raw score. The raw score would be the number of correct answers (which would be even less useful).
+Helen Schinske
+Economic definitions for the word “capital”:
+“Capital is something owned which provides ongoing services. In the national accounts, or to firms, capital is made up of durable investment goods, normally summed in units of money.”
+On the cover of this NCTQ Bill.
+To read my take on this, you can check out my latest post at:
+I read the report last night, and I thought much of it was good. I like bringing in a national perspective -- i.e. all the comparisons to other districts that SPS should take into account when coming up with the new teacher contract. And we absolutely need changes to the way things are done.
+Unfortunately, I can't make it to the "community forum" tonight. If I could, here are the questions I'd love to ask:
+1. Why no email address on the report for feedback?
+2. A big issue that I discovered via some very unhappy parents is that -- per the current teacher contract -- once a teacher with an unsatisfactory rating earns a satisfactory rating then NO RECORD is kept of the unsatisfactory rating. So, as we juggle principals (as so often we do), there's no history on which teachers are chronic poor performers or information that could be used for making staff decisions.
+3. I totally agree with Dora that the term "human capital" shows a lack of respect for the personal side of negotiation. It's so 1980s! I hope the district disregards that tone in how they use the data.
+4. And along those lines, maybe someone should ask NCTQ and the Alliance about "Community Assets" (otherwise, known as parents and neighbors). I saw no mention of parents or students in their report. Did they interview any of us? Shouldn't we have a say in this area that they say is so important for our kids? The superintendent, staff and board come and go, but we're the ones here for the long term. Holding a "community forum" is NOT the same as real stakeholder involvement, which is on-going and iterative, not a single event so they can say they "listened to us."
+After reading all these posts--particularly the earlier ones--it seems to me that you all are throwing the baby out with the bath water. So you don't like that $14K was spent on the report, you don't like that the Alliance for Education paid for it, and you don't like the firm that actually did the study. The bottom line is that a lot of the data and recommendations in the report are sound. Could it have been done internally? Yes, but you all would have griped about that too because you don't trust the district.
+All that aside, you have to be disturbed by some of the findings, but instead you attack the report. It certainly bothers me that only 16 of 3,500 teachers got an "unsatisfactory" on their evaluation? I personally could name at least 6 teachers in my kids old school that shouldn't be teaching at all.
+You could argue (as many have) we shouldn't be bashing teachers when parents also play an important role in educating their kids. However, teachers have a job and they should be held to a particular standard, evaluated and coached through professional growth. Don't you all want great teachers teaching your kids? They don't get that way just because they got a degree, did a little student teaching, and stepped into your child's classroom.
+This blog seems to have mostly non-educators contributing. I know there are a few teachers and former teachers, but for the most part everyone else is a layman. So teachers/former teachers only, let me ask you a few questions:
+1. Do you believe a teacher should get tenure after only 2 years of experience?
+2. Do you think teachers should be evaluated at all?
+3. If so, do you think that student growth (notice I did not say test scores or achievement) should be a part of that evaluation?
+4. If not, then how should you be evaluated?
+5. Why isn't the union willing to come to the table and talk about better ways to evaluate teachers instead of standing firm on the already obviously ineffective methods of today?
+6. How do you know your students are learning?
+7. Do you ever witness a fellow teacher just slacking off or just plain screwing up? If so, do you do anything about it?
+8. One study I read said that teachers don't know themselves if they are good or bad. They have no idea where they stack up. True?
+Thanks in advance for indulging me in my questioning.
+I think the association of performance with certain types of credentials would make sense. I have been in a situation considering a new teacher (1st year of teaching) with a City University masters and finding the salary point higher than some very fine but less trained staff.
+Trish - I dont have a problem with expectations that teachers have a certain degree of passion, enthusiasm, skill and are willing to maintain their professional skills and knowledge base with frequent in-service training... dont know how this country has gotten by so long without national certification... I dont have a problem with discussing how to assess teacher performance and about redirecting poorly-skilled teachers out of the profession if, after a period of time and opportunity to improve, they dont measure up...
+However, I dont want to discuss those issues on a parallel/in conjunction with a report such as this one, which has an obvious agenda of union and contract busting, voiding the principles of seniority (to make way for younger/cheaper teachers) and bringing in performance pay...
+How could we expect teachers to commit to dialogue on these very sensitive issues if they were under threat of possibly losing their positions?
+We need to have this dialogue as a community... not as an 'us versus them' scenario, which is what reports like this set us all up for...
+I'm on page 45 of the report and discovering that Sacajawea teachers used the highest amount of leave that year. As it happens, two (there might have been a third one as well) of the teachers were pregnant that year and took extended periods of leave. If the report writers couldn't account for pregnancies or extended illnesses, maybe they should have omitted that section altogether.
+I absolutely agree that Seattle Public Schools needs an authentic performance measure for teachers and they need apply it so ineffective teachers are either made effective or made to go away.
+No one has to spend any money to get that conclusion.
+I absolutely agree that effective teachers, once identified, should be rewarded for their work.
+I absolutely agree that effective teachers, once identified, should be incented to take assignments where they can do the most good - which is likely to be in challenging schools and in front of introductory classes.
+Again, we could reach those conclusions for free.
+Likewise, the teacher pay structure should be aligned with those things that contribute to effective teaching and help the District to attract, develop, and retain effective teachers. Moreover, the District should be more efficient, purposeful, and professional in how they manage and address other conditions of employment including hours, sick time, personal time, continuing education, assignments, hiring, layoffs, and - when necessary - firings.
+None of this is in dispute. Not before the report and not after it.
+I would really like to see the District and the Union work together to reach agreement on how to make these things happen.
+Also a point of universal agreeement and also available free of charge.
+There is nothing in this report that was worth paying for. There is nothing in this report that we all didn't already know to one degree or another. We may not have known how many hours in an elementary teacher's work day, but we did know that contract provisions are not focused on contributing to student achievement.
+This report does not constructively move us in any of those directions. Moreover, I don't think the report was intended to move the discussion forward. This report is a club designed for the sole purpose of beating on the SEA in the press. The report lays all of the blame on the SEA for the provisions in the collective bargaining agreement that the NCTQ doesn't like. The purpose of this report is to paint the SEA as a bunch of villians, robbing children of their academic opportunities.
+Because every conclusion in this report leads to the SEA making concessions and getting nothing in return. They aren't going to go for that - they shouldn't - and so they will be made to appear obstructionist and the barrier to improved outcomes for our children.
+Well put, Charlie
+While there is interesting data brought together in one place in this report, the purpose does seem to be to provide a bludgeon with which to whack the SEA (and, by extension, teachers - the SEA is a representative of teachers in contract negotiations.
+There are YEARS of contract negotiations that slowly build to where we're at - give and take on both sides. While some aspects of teh contracts as they now stand might be faulty, they do represent the negotiations on both sides towards common ground. To say that the union is at fault ignores the negotiations, the give-and-take, that generates contractual obligations.
+Collaboration is key, and both sides could move towards this, but it won't happen when third parties bring dog-and-pony shows to the Seattle media with a bunch of gee-wow figures meant to make the union look bad and to influence public opinion with conclusions drawn from scanty rationales, methodologies and research.
+I mean, seriously: How much time did this really take, time that was specific to Seattle? Much of it is a rehash of the Hartford report, and most likely the other reports being generated nation-wide, all with similar conclusions derived by guesswork and opinion.
+The report doesn't blame SEA at all. It highlights aspects of district practice, state law, and the collective bargaining agreement that the authors believe are barriers to the goal we all share of ensuring that our kids all have good to excellent teachers every year.
+It's true that the report includes a pro-merit-pay bias, and that their advocacy of merit pay is not sufficiently separated from their analysis of performance evaluation. But it's really only a few sentences on merit pay, and they make many other well-supported points.
+They do include footnotes, and the appendix is a meta-analysis that lists about 30 academic studies. But it would be helpful to have more citations.
+Were they actually a real "commission" they might carry some weight. They aren't. They are deliberately trying to fool people with that name. In fact, they are a private think-tank with an agenda, and nothing more.
+They are not a National Commission on anything; that's pure fantasy, not to mention self-indulgent. No government body ever commissioned them to do anything. They made it up.
+If they had the basic human decency to practice "truth in advertising," I might care what they thought. They don't, so I don't.
+Laura, I respectfully disagree about the report's take on unions.
+No, it doesn't attack the SEA, per se, or the NEA, but waay beyond mere merit pay it looks to tear down many, many union/district negotiated parts of the contract:
+*sick leave
+*displaced staff (that's a rich one! District closes the school a teacher is in, if no one hires that teacher in a year, out they go! Gone!)
+almost all of the report's recommendations break current contract stipulations.
+Pretty anti-union, if you ask me. I mean, what's the point of a union then?
+And the writers are sitting pretty, because if the union balks at these new "suggestions" they will be painted as oppositional dinosaurs, the usualy paint used on teachers generally.
+This is one of the most anti-union pieces of writing (in the guise of a "report") I've seen in quite some time.
+(You're right about the citations, tho, I hadn't notice them. I've since copied them and will shortly do some research...many of them are, in fact, titled with some sort of reformist taglines....hmmmm...)
+WV just called me mufvboy...WV, don't you ever call me that again!
+Can anyone tell which pages show the detailed steps required to implement any idea, AND, the costs in human time to pay for those steps?
+I'm kind of busy ... so I won't get to it until the weekend.
+bob murphy
+1. Do you believe a teacher should get tenure after only 2 years of experience?
+No. I am not even sure what "tenure" means for a public school teacher. This is my 4th year with the district, and I am still on the "Performance" cycle. It is 4 years of satisfactory reviews before you are on the "Professional Growth" cycle. Is that "tenure"?
+2. Do you think teachers should be evaluated at all?
+Yes, but it should be mindful, fair, and consistent. I have not had a year where it was made clear to me exactly what I was being evaluated on, or given constructive feedback to improve my skills. But they have all been positive!
+3. If so, do you think that student growth (notice I did not say test scores or achievement) should be a part of that evaluation?
+Yes, but it should be a combination of measures, as well as portfolio and anecdotal data. As a special ed teacher, I would prefer to be rated on my students' growth (not whether they "pass" a certain test or not), keeping in mind their area of disability, level of disability, and other factors besides me that may have affected their academic growth in a given year.
+4. If not, then how should you be evaluated?N/A
+5. Why isn't the union willing to come to the table and talk about better ways to evaluate teachers instead of standing firm on the already obviously ineffective methods of today?
+I don't think they trust the admin of SPS. There is already a system that is not consistently applied, and the quality of the evaluators (principals) varies wildly.
+6. How do you know your students are learning?
+I assess them regularly, and compare how they do on said assessments.
+7. Do you ever witness a fellow teacher just slacking off or just plain screwing up? If so, do you do anything about it?
+I do not witness fellow teachers slacking off. I see people make mistakes, and I make mistakes. This is complicated work, and no matter how many years you have taught (9 for me), there is always something that throws you for a loop. If I notice the mistake of someone else, I try to offer help. If someone notices a mistake that I have made, I hope they will help me. If there is something I want to learn to improve, I ask for help if it feels safe to do so. Not always so.
+8. One study I read said that teachers don't know themselves if they are good or bad. They have no idea where they stack up. True?
+I think being a teacher is like being a parent. Everything feels so critical, you want to do everything right, and yes, you do mess up, reach your limits, emotionally and intellectually, and it is very scary to admit the need for help with this critical responsibility. Especially true in a climate where teachers are scapegoated.
+See NY Times Op-Ed today on the arguable harm done to children in today's public schools
+Also in NY times:
+U.S. Math Tests Find Scant Gains Across New York
+Andrew said:
+A big issue that I discovered via some very unhappy parents is that -- per the current teacher contract -- once a teacher with an unsatisfactory rating earns a satisfactory rating then NO RECORD is kept of the unsatisfactory rating...
+Andrew, could you supply the text from the CBA that says this? I have not read the thing myself but I have heard this refuted by prople who have. Thanks.
+The NCTQ Presentation
+Note to self: Bring a laptop next time so that I look like a blogger.
+I walked into the ballroom early hoping to pass out flyers and was almost immediately greeted by a happy blonde (no disrespect to other people who have blonde hair). I will share that at a later time.
+Post Script: Fasten your seat belts, the Alliance plans more community outreach in the next three years to spread the good word. See:
+TeacherMom, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Great answers and a lot for me to ponder.
+I would like to maybe have coffee with you if you're up for it. I really want to get an understanding of the environment directly from a teacher. If you're interested, please email me at trishmi@techaccess.org. You name the place and I'm there.
+Dora: Next time, bring that laptop! Great recap.
+Kate Walsh is confusing me with this notion that new teachers are toxic. Teach for America strongly encourages rookie teachers (the ones without ed clock hours or credentials), to move into managing their own schools very quickly, well within three years of hitting the classroom. Teach America is on board with the Alliance, part of the same edu-industry cabal, yes?
+Yes, a short list of the Advisory Board for NCTQ. Let me first say that all of these organizations and individuals are intertwined and interrelated. Gates in particular will fund one organization for testing and assessment of students and then another organization for assessing the "effectiveness" of teachers and all of those groups are associated with charter schools to one degree or another.
+Case in point:
+The Advisory Board for NCTQ
+Wendy Kopp, CEO and Founder
+Teach For America
+Tell you what, I'll post what I learned from going to the media event in the afternoon. I'm a little surprised at the community meeting report. Is there a relevance to what color of hair the greeter had or that she was friendly or the food to the actual report?
+At the media event, I got to ask questions about the content of the report and got some interesting answers.
+So are we hear to get a full picture or blast the Alliance and NCTQ? I'm not their friend or their enemy. I'm just trying to figure out what will help make public education better. For me, the jury is out on both groups.
+Oh, and one more.
+NCTQ Board of Directors' Chair
+Founding Director and Principal of a charter school in Boston (name not provided).
+Start connecting the dots like Dora is doing and you'll see its all so incestuous it absolutely sickening...
+So the Alliance, which refuses so far on its own+) reportedly sends her daughter to the New School/South Shore, which is a charter school in everything but name - because Washington doesnt allow charters yet - funded by Stuart Sloan and aimed at helping low income minority children bridge the achievement gap, where her (not low income)child gets the best that a private/public education can buy, while the rest of us poor plebs have to watch our SPS kids scrambling for educational rations, and we're all the while fund-raising like crazy and begging the District - please Ma'am, can we have some more for our kids... and the Alliance, which is supposed to be fund-raising for our kids (though none of the money they do score from their reformist backers ends up in the classroom), spends $14K on blatant reformist propaganda....